id,text,label,dataset_id 075-228,nah fam any art of best girl is good art ,0,075 075-121,flaming neko girl is best girl easy amp b fantastic art ,0,075 075-2476,similar motive where bush came out and said muslims are not our enemy al qaeda is our enemy ,0,075 075-1447,no fuck that religion as an excuse shit they are the asshole and if you think otherwise youre an asshole they think jews are evil come on now ,0,075 075-2257,so you believe ex muslims are vile criminals ,0,075 075-436,black people are not ugly ugly people are ugly i mean have you seen tyson beckford or naomi campbell or countless other black celebrities ,0,075 075-1899,kobayashis dragon maid the girl is kanna,0,075 075-2695,muslims are not inherently our enemies ,0,075 075-476,the good wife is the consensus last great network drama won emmys ,0,075 075-1568,i really find it strange that they used such a beautiful woman as an example of how ugly black women are its like they know theyre full of shit ,0,075 075-2569,you said thinking that all blacks are criminals makes sense logically ,0,075 075-1605,sh bisexuals are never indecisive what are you talking about,0,075 075-3564,incels are a hate group that incites violence feminists and muslims are not comparing them is sick ,0,075 075-413,woah black people are not ugly like that and neither is any ethnic group naturally her race is definitely troll people ,0,075 075-2148,yeah and blacks are given the death penalty disproportionately ,0,075 075-2370,you know just a bunch of edgy jokes not consistant insistence that white people are superior and trans gay black and jewish people are all inferior ,0,075 075-307,what a fool i bet no girl is gonna wanna dance with him now ,0,075 075-7338,they like female meat they dont like dick i think you are confused as to what a lesbian is lol,0,075 075-1890,i never tear up when watching a movie that being said that scene in the help where the little girl is calling for aibileen the maid hits hard ,0,075 075-1453,the dude you just replied to said negroes are violent animals and this subreddit is upvoting him after that lmao this sub is fucked,0,075 075-1372,also does kendrick lamar say that black people are lazy entitled and dont work pretty sure he talks about putting in work ,0,075 075-2612,that doesnt make it not a talking point especially when decontextualized and obviously misused to claim teh blacks are born criminals or whatever,0,075 075-5,same here she told me today that gay people are only gay because theyre mentally ill degenerates and im like hm ,0,075 075-1254,so if my wife is a nurse does that make me a nurse too ,0,075 075-1297,muslims are not a threat to our democracy i feel your comment is xenophobic and unnecessary ,0,075 075-2250,no black person is ugly is so amazing props for having it on there,0,075 075-943,black people are already over reported as criminals on news ,0,075 075-1268,does betty white talk about how muslims are a threat to western civilization,0,075 075-1127,what source are you using to support your view that black people are less intelligent than other people ,0,075 075-899,remember that korean drama my girlfriend is a gumiho buttplugs x,0,075 075-532,those stereotypes are in the same league as jews are greedy black people are stupid mexicans are lazy women belong in the kitchen etc and just as offensive fuck off you ignorant twat ,0,075 075-420,thats true but me hating on one black dude doesnt make me think all black people are ugly,0,075 075-1608,so youre saying black women are inherently ugly then that no matter what well always be ugly and that its just a fact and not a social construct,0,075 075-1887,hey man are you stereotyping that black women are loud and that they like to yell check your white privilege asshole ,0,075 075-1209,if the wife is in labor how come a nurse is already holding the baby ,0,075 075-690,no one is saying white is evil black people are being oppressed white people are awful ,0,075 075-475,its antisemitic shekel is a term popular with neonazi and similar racists to imply jews are greedy or in control of financial matters plus a jewish sounding last name ,0,075 075-1908,as a guy that pisses me off i live there too and so do my kids my wife is not our maid ,0,075 075-684, is this a circumcision joke or a jews are cheap joke remember rnostupidquestions,0,075 075-10561,theyre exactly like the violent jihadists they think every muslim is ,0,075 075-638,holy shit did you just say black people are dark and evil,0,075 075-4876,hahaha are u a bit insecure being gay is alright its my fat is and i weighkg while benchingkg so maybe i am not fat and lonely lol,0,075 075-1380,honestly the gays are fashionable thing is a myth but his husband is fashionable so his getup is inexcusable,0,075 075-1151,are you saying that black people are inherently less intelligent than white people is that your argument ,0,075 075-1245,youre implying that theyre billionaires because theyre jewish youre trying to say that jewish people are inherently more capitalist and therefore evil thats antisemitism ,0,075 075-288,well a widely popular and quite racist stereotype is that of the greedy jew or that jews are generally good with money so that just makes it worse ,0,075 075-3110,so j woke means you believe jews are conspiring against you and influence your whole life its funny how hard people try to blame others for their problems before they look at themselves ,0,075 075-492,literally the it girl is a spinoff from gossip girl a cw drama ,0,075 075-1664,my wife is finding that g of cooked chicken liver daily is helping amp b and dont push yourself when youre feeling up even though it is so tempting ,0,075 075-355,yea actually no thats not how it works im jewish on my mothers side does that mean its okay for me to say all jews are money grubbing greedy people of course not the fuck is wrong with you ,0,075 075-764,says the guy going to bat for slave owners who thought that black people are properly and that women or poor people shouldnt be allowed to vote ,0,075 075-87,they dont conservatives are good at grouping people in their minds like they think all arabs are terrorists in post ,0,075 075-1433,infers that jewish people are bad for being jewish but that isnt what its infering its saying that these particular jews are bad for doing evil shit which is entirely different ,0,075 075-8176,im just using that hashtag to post seth rich info and how peaceful islam is ,0,075 075-624,brandi giving a lap dance at noon in front of her mom is everything ,0,075 075-6112,a lot of gay pornstars arent either although it is strange to complain of a gay agenda in a gay sub gay is our only agenda here ,0,075 075-449,somebody kill him black people are my homies im black to,0,075 075-1719,what are you implying the lesbians are more promiscuous than straight women ,0,075 075-18,this girl is a piece of art,0,075 075-1857,best girl is now ultimate maid,0,075 075-73,so black people are selectively bred to be violent thats what youre technically saying ,0,075 075-7299,diabetics are also banned from the military diabetes is a disease being transgender is not this has everything to do with religion ,0,075 075-1545,doesnt get much more racist than suggesting that all black men are in jail ,0,075 075-3275,a lot of people on this sub say that transgenders are mentally ill because they think theyre the opposite gender thats dumb ,0,075 075-710,amazing i have to make my own bf some awesome zelda art with my new art supplies your lady is wonderful ,0,075 075-514,her mom is the muse of erotic poetry what did you expect because i didnt feel like sitting with other people,0,075 075-2351,sanders is saying the gays are a disease ,0,075 075-2836,blue ones are very loud and clicky blacks are silent and gentle you should buy a switch tester to decide,0,075 075-351,but smarter also depending on peoples standards african americans are less ugly than whites ugliness is completely subjective,0,075 075-5670,being gay is not a disease,0,075 075-40,art is decent though and girl is cute so ill keep reading,0,075 075-554,you mean his opinions that black employees are horrible to have or that africans are inferior ,0,075 075-2571,youre trying to tell me an old lady is offering milk and cookies and a nice seat and shes going to pay meg for it and shes not a witch ,0,075 075-1517,gt white men are more likely to face abuse and violence from police than black women are thats a non sequitur ,0,075 075-2705,is that not what im paying the cleaning lady is for ,0,075 075-5094,i agree with you but do you believe that being gay is immoral and a sin ,0,075 075-7536,get em outta here hit em with the news that the pope said that queer people are not a sin,0,075 075-2282,going to hell for undergrad and back to earth is impressive your mom is a tough cookie ,0,075 075-4796,hence the irony when neonazis go on about how muslims are uncultured brutes ,0,075 075-722,theres also a bunch of ironic antisemitism with double digit vote totals some of it is just pun string of words related to judaism some of it is jews are greedy link,0,075 075-490,oh just your average family drama my wife is pregnant ,0,075 075-7,you think irony is the what alanis morissette sung about you also dont understand stereotypes bc if i was perpetuating the jews are greedy stereotype which im not stugotz would be much more vocal ,0,075 075-7054,depression is a mental illness being transgender is not ,0,075 075-32,i mean those are some extremists but thats like saying all muslim people are terrorists ,0,075 075-2468,yeah some people say that bisexuals are just confused like its in the name fellas bisexual,0,075 075-2514,the joke is that american blacks are demanding reparations for slavery so whites should get reparations for the arab slave trade,0,075 075-9307,yes islam is peaceful because it promotes diplomacy before action among other peaceful messages people ignoring that doesnt make islam violent ,0,075 075-1715,could it be that your wife is an awful cook ,0,075 075-141,so you admit you were wrong or are you going to double down on your all muslims are terrorists nonsense then ,0,075 075-2640,i just find it so strange that a lot of gays are like stigma when it comes to hiv and lol get over it its a preference when it comes to race ,0,075 075-3124,a german thinks the jews are conspiring to control other countries oh shit where have we seen this before ,0,075 075-394,i wonder if they will change the story from the novel because of how popular this girl is ,0,075 075-2767,the people making this claim here arent claiming that jews are inferior theyre claiming that the jews dominate the world through insidous and dishonest means ,0,075 075-286,all jews are capitalists it is very very very antisemitic its part of the biggest antisemitic trope out there that of the greedy capitalist jew ,0,075 075-661,that was so crazy she and her partner are a great team the whole drama made me grateful that my mom is not that nutty ,0,075 075-125,even if you see a lot of black people committing violent crimes its still wrong to assume that black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-1760,you hear it all the time when black men are killed in public first they dig up any criminal past then the getting awayself defense b s,0,075 075-1898,black women are disrespectful black women are loud black women are annoying etc this is text book racism read a book ,0,075 075-1880,yes he should be grateful or cook his own meals a wife is not a maid,0,075 075-1180,yes until i comforted her by rubbing her head and she likes to hold my hands and eventually id give in and nurse her my girl is a fighter ,0,075 075-1713,literally insanity if even obama has to watch his step as a past president then the rest of us as black men are fucked edited terrible grammar,0,075 075-1294,i never once said all jews are evil i said multiple times the contrary,0,075 075-6596,yes i agree the issue should be addressed but a celibate homosexual is not living a sinful lifestyle at least in that sense,0,075 075-1981,are you saying blacks are violent in percentages how violent do you think they are ,0,075 075-2850,agreed dude says the same old blacks are too poor dumb and lazy but add the modern liberal its not their fault ,0,075 075-525,so how is all yasuo mains are dickheads different than the philosophy of hitler when he claims that all jews are greedyharmful to society its official gaming was a mistake yasuocide now ,0,075 075-254,good work art for best girl is always welcome ,0,075 075-628,hey you cant just assume that black people are evil anymore ,0,075 075-3079,so pete buttigieg is ahead of bernie sanders in iowa so far this means the jews are conspiring to back the gay guy over the jew ,0,075 075-157,art student and looking for a goth girl is about as edgy as a circle ,0,075 075-562,its funny because black people are terrible engineers haha ,0,075 075-2085,every bigot blames the group they hate the jews control banking the blacks are violent youre no different,0,075 075-2410,the one thing bisexuals are never confused about is their sexual preference,0,075 075-9016,islam is non violent and violence killing go against islam taught please give me the verses that say islam taught violence ,0,075 075-1509,gt if the glove fits like saying all black men are violent criminals ,0,075 075-3080,such a view sounds super corny also reminds me of jews are conspiring to underminedismantle the western civilization by hitler ,0,075 075-1256,and they say muslims are a threat the biggest threat to democracy is always the evil within this is the case with the gop they are the threat ,0,075 075-5270,you think that about every christian pastor who thinks gay is a sin,0,075 075-51,this girl is art i look forward to what she makes of herself she is astounding ,0,075 075-1734,i can answer for you because you think black women are evil niggers who only cause trouble ,0,075 075-2580,i mean gay people are pretty gay also am confused about the link between race musical genre and sexuality ,0,075 075-841,is your girlfriend is art school ,0,075 075-3352,who claim to be jews though they are not i feel like that should sufficiently answer your question no judaism is not the synagogue of satan,0,075 075-1885,dipping into the maid after youre done with the wife is the best thing in the world ,0,075 075-1340,so saying that black people are lazy and its just who they are isnt racism ,0,075 075-2202,whoa youre implying gays are losers thats p homophobic bro ,0,075 075-6090,gay is a strange word to describe it but no worries not all genres appeal to everyone,0,075 075-6423,you literally posted that being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-1733,not all muslims are terrorists also bombing civilians is a war crime,0,075 075-1559,how many black men are still in jail for weed in states where its now legal from one american to another fuck this country on the subject of drugs ,0,075 075-1561,he thinks that jews are evil and other races are inferior in terms of intelligence and morality he denies the holocaust happened to humanize his side what more evidence do you need ,0,075 075-2011,can you post the stats of how many times more likely a black person is to commit violent crimes and resist arrest ,0,075 075-2756,so blacks are dangerous killers is that what you are saying ,0,075 075-391,the time travelers wife is a great time travelers novel ,0,075 075-2728,you think joe biden thinks gays are weird ,0,075 075-1361,do you think jews are evil ,0,075 075-1099,im so confused so i can reference the dallas sniper attacks and appropriately say black people are dangerous that seems retarded ,0,075 075-1403,did trump say that black people are lazy ,0,075 075-1038,that is racist because it implies all black people are dangerous criminals not because it is untrue ,0,075 075-3162,the jews are conspiring to breed the jews out make no sense are you okay ,0,075 075-1775,im waiting for the red cap who will use this as evidence that unarmed black men are as dangerous as armed criminals ,0,075 075-1165,you didnt to listen to it they say black people are inherently less intelligent except for a few exceptions,0,075 075-3104,you say youre not homophobic but a few comments up you said that gay people are repulsive that makes you homophobic and a liar ,0,075 075-4120,this one serial killer was homosexual is the exact same thing as saying hitler was an atheist both arguments accomplish absolutely zero ,0,075 075-7303,im so fucking confuseda hehim lesbian is just a straight man right ,0,075 075-796,would you say that all black people are criminals if you saw one video of a black criminal im sorry if the wording was bad in my other comment ,0,075 075-1686,im worth more than listening to some fuckwit tell me that gays are lonely because theyre promiscuous jebus christ youre a douche ,0,075 075-2255,it tells you to love everyone but it also tells you gays are commiting sin how is that not judging ,0,075 075-1288,how does that differ from saying african americans are lazy or that jews are penny pinching or first nations are all drunks ,0,075 075-2198,so many blacks are in jail for pot so this would really be helping the black community ,0,075 075-1341,far right christians jews are evil and controlling everything and we must protect israel because they are gods chosen people,0,075 075-6358,i dare you to say gay is an insult to someone gay you coward ill enjoy when they knock the shit out of you ,0,075 075-2600,thats like saying all blacks are criminals until proven otherwise completely bigoted ,0,075 075-183,i never met a somali so if i now go murder a somali because i think africans are subhumans that wasnt murder motivated by racism ,0,075 075-416,i listened to that drama with the protestor gina the girl is an idiot but shes just an idiot there isnt anyone paying people like her to protest ,0,075 075-892,we know theyre antisemitic they think nazis are fine people jews are probably on their list of people to send to concentration camps after theyre done with immigrants ,0,075 075-1022,if were going by school notebook colors you are math your older sister is literature and your younger sister is science ,0,075 075-1728,because some people see it as black men are hard thugs and black women are nasty ghetto thots maybe im not sure either ,0,075 075-2452,bisexuals are not confused idk man i still cant figure out how the people from friends could afford apartments like that ,0,075 075-2771,the guy literally went on dave rubin and said blacks are less intelligent because they have smaller brains,0,075 075-671,i just want to read trashy drama about teen mom is that to much to ask ,0,075 075-4799,this is a person who thinks muslims are subhuman brutes whatever his opinion on muslim people suffice it to say it is tinged with hatred and malice ,0,075 075-173,not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims see how moronic your logic is how stupid guilt by association is ,0,075 075-2114,so shooting a black person is just shooting a black person not murder beating up a gay man is just beating up a gay man not discrimination ,0,075 075-1862,no shit especially since the left is the chief proponent of all jews are evil and holocaust never happened while they call us the nazis lol,0,075 075-98,even though im single it still applies when using wife i sure hope my wife is as beautiful as this art is ,0,075 075-22,im usually not a fan of fake boobs but she clearly has one of the most perfect sets ive ever seen the girl is a work of art ,0,075 075-101,are you implying black people are violent mods please ban this racist lunatic ,0,075 075-2768,how racist of you for thinking blacks are less intelligent ,0,075 075-2465,my mom still makes bisexuals are confused jokes and then she has the gall to accuse me of having no sense of humor when i tell her they arent funny ,0,075 075-9250,so why are you using quotes from the quran to prove islam is a violent religion if you agree that the text shouldnt always be taken literally ,0,075 075-4861,if being homosexual is a sin then your god shouldnt have created them ,0,075 075-2434,when the waitress made a minor mistake but your mom is about to lash out ,0,075 075-1142,date a live is just that series where every girl is best girl even the nurse ,0,075 075-1354,no they believe that jews are great doctors and bankers and whatever and they coincidentally have an evil conspiracy to rule the world from the shadows ,0,075 075-1784,homeless black men are also denied for the same reason as homeless white men thats less a race issue than it is a gender issue ,0,075 075-1115,thats the average if you use completely discredited research from that one racist who set out to prove black people are less intelligent ,0,075 075-358,dude i dont care what they say nicholas sparks is the bomb and the time travellers wife is fucking literature ,0,075 075-633,i gathered he thinks black people are extra evil and murderous for some reason ,0,075 075-608,ya its so nasty to say that black people are poor tippers go fuck your self retard,0,075 075-727,if theres outliers then dont generalise e g black people are awful well there are outliers ,0,075 075-850,what a longwinded way of saying black people are criminals what a clown ,0,075 075-15,because its inaccurate and misleading its only purpose is to support arguments claiming that black people are violent ,0,075 075-2707,one time we were at a family gathering and he said the blacks are violent and aggressive but thank you for educating me about my own uncle ,0,075 075-2857,wtf lol you thinkof muslims are radical extremists where the fuck does that come its more like if that ,0,075 075-2874,now youre getting to the ben shapiro logic he did make a video that said some large amount of muslims are extremists,0,075 075-2312,what if someone says congress muslims are criminals ,0,075 075-1366,shes trying to say that black people are lazy i guess,0,075 075-2860,for me its the complete opposite as a radical christian i despise islam but arabs are like the coolest dudes on the planet,0,075 075-753,so youre assuming cig is anti semetic because jews are frugal the irony is strong ,0,075 075-2758,he has many names in all contexts the theme is the same that 1 blacks are dangerous and 2 there is no such thing as legal gun ownership by blacks ,0,075 075-902,ive read what youre saying all youve been saying is black people are criminals and no u when you get called out on it ,0,075 075-2793,yeah all those years of hearing how weird and disgusting gay people are and just being in a bi panic,0,075 075-1958,and what is that supposed to be lmao that blacks are more violent ,0,075 075-1594,i hate that bisexuals are stereotyped as slutty indecisive greedy etcetera sure i am all of those things but still ,0,075 075-464,and what does this mean youre scared black people are gonna kill you need a safe space ,0,075 075-238,this is beyond pornography this girl is art ,0,075 075-456,this girl is literally izy from total drama island ,0,075 075-1581,i most muslim countries gays are banned and alcohol is also against the religion ,0,075 075-390,this is so typical but the hunger games great survival novel eleanor and park because the lead girl is living in an abusive household ,0,075 075-9700,your average muslim is no more a terrorist than your average uk citizen fuck off with that lazy thinking ,0,075 075-208,how do you feel about the phrase black people are the biggest murder threat then ,0,075 075-366,its a stupid joke implying that jews are greedy ,0,075 075-859,putting children is separate facilities so they arent raped by illegal immigrants and gassing million jews are basically the same thing ,0,075 075-3060,he is assuming that the attackers were muslim so he wants to tell us that muslims are bad he probably has no idea that radical hindus exist ,0,075 075-6395,religion plays a big part in this too many are taught that being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-482,in greece if girl is being drama they say she has sour pussy you must tell the girl she has sour pussy if she behave like this my bro ,0,075 075-2583,two spirit as far as i know is basically just the native word for lgbt people hes basically rehashing the old gay people are just confused argument ,0,075 075-2617,its not weird bisexuals are rarely if ever ,0,075 075-2400,fascists always need invisible enemy to rise muslims are easy target for terrorist rss organization ,0,075 075-4798,no hes lying he posted a homophobic meme with the caption gay is not ok fuck this loser,0,075 075-1591,i think child rapists and gay people are very separate categories there ,0,075 075-168,if u say muslims are terrorists thats still only islam is based around peace its only some muslims that ruin it for everyone,0,075 075-1025,so do you think racism exists or not and do you think africans are genetically less intelligent than europeans ,0,075 075-1641,lel no guys he cooking caus his wife is too tired,0,075 075-1314,it absolutely does not read like that at all hitler alleged that all jews are evil am i a nazi now ,0,075 075-839,im hufflepuff and my girlfriend is slytherin we loved that art its so adorable,0,075 075-2981,girlfriend is waitress ,0,075 075-142,no one said that you do but like i said most black people are not violent and most black people do not deserve to be poor,0,075 075-870,funny thing is half girlfriend is an indian novel,0,075 075-2294,because mom is cooking dinner right now ,0,075 075-359,just responding in kind to someone who claimed black people are inherently ugly no need to play teacher here bud the intention was to be childish,0,075 075-3085,jews are stereotyped for conspiring and undermining stuff it comes with the territory of antisemitism ,0,075 075-2286,im dense are you saying your mom is or isnt a good cook and are you a picky eater or not ,0,075 075-1664,that makes sense sorry i didnt know anime was banned in egypt though and i dont think arabs are all suicide bombers by the way or hate them,0,075 075-2031,yeah not a murder muslims are just as stupid as jews and christians now thats equality also islam muslims arent a race its a religion ,0,075 075-211,this is really good nice art of best girl is always good to see ,0,075 075-2695,saying every guy is a potential rapist is as bigoted as saying every black person is a potential drug dealer stop it,0,075 075-2620,well that would imply that only blacks are criminals what do you think he is some kind of racist ,0,075 075-2448,the top maybe but the narrative they spun for the masses to condone what they decide to do with the jews is that the jews are inferior,0,075 075-2565,no who is to say gay people are confused ,0,075 075-1809,im speculating you might have some bias that black men are aggressive sexually which is a fairly close line to draw from racist stereotypes ,0,075 075-460,jews are greedy teachers are pedophiles blacks are thugs actors are sexual harassers whites are devils mexicans are lazy yeah this is what your generalizing says ,0,075 075-22,just out of curiosity do you believe that muslims are all terrorists ,0,075 075-1591,i second this its not just a girl thing guy should be able to cook too especially if your girl is sick and you want to rely on outside food ,0,075 075-241,dude losing money to me is an art form no matter who the hot girl is you always try to score points cmon,0,075 075-3794,ive finally found an even more ridiculous claim than all muslims are terrorists according to you all muslims are rich lmfao ,0,075 075-1,jewish people owning everything is an antisemitic trope that ties in with the belief jewish people are amoral and greedy and all of these beliefs are used to justify more violent antisemitism ,0,075 075-912,dude youre way too young for all this drama your girlfriend is a spoiled brat and then some ,0,075 075-57,no most people who repeat things like this use it as evidence that black people are naturally more violent which they use to justify their racism ,0,075 075-582,more and more jewish people are starting to feel that circumcision for children in general isnt a practice for the modern age ,0,075 075-906,my girlfriend is a gumiho the only k drama ive ever watched ,0,075 075-1735,my wife coming home from work to cooked food and a lovely wife is therapeutic ,0,075 075-906,okay what the fuck if i was telling you not all black people are criminals without fathers can you literally type more than a sentence ,0,075 075-304,you would probably argue that black people are not disproportionally sent to jail also right ,0,075 075-834,dont give credit to people who say they do art my girlfriend is an artist ,0,075 075-1305,most republicans are racist because their policy is based on racist ideology like that black people are lazy ,0,075 075-1257,jewish people are not evil ,0,075 075-1957,many of the people who migrated to germany in recent years come from parts of the world where all jewish people are seen as the devil you think that might have something to do with it ,0,075 075-2689,yeah thats such a strange thing to say gay people are found in every facet of society ,0,075 075-1768,you straight just jacked your peen on your own monitor wtf dude no girl is worth that cleaning you need some self esteem,0,075 075-568,her single biggest position is being proisrael she is a self described zionist and has colorful descriptions of antizionists,0,075 075-616,what is your point with this am i supposed to realize how evil african americans are ,0,075 075-1233,remember that if the nazis won wed all agree that jewish people are inherently evil ,0,075 075-2287,gay people are not a sin gay sex doesnt lead to babies be fruitful and multiple the sin is not multiplying ,0,075 075-2167,it isnt built upon judaism judaism is the religion of the talmud the bible even calls it the synagogue of satan the biblical jews are not the same as what people refer to nowadays as jews ,0,075 075-1908,gt straight black men are the white people of black people my wife read this out loud to me three times and every time we doubled over laughing ,0,075 075-425,jewish people are stereotyped as thrifty underhanded greedy and malicious ,0,075 075-10575,yeah no muslim is violent,0,075 075-915,hate is merely an idea and you dont know that jews are the targets of this mans hate could be black people or immigrants or progessivetards like you ,0,075 075-576,the profile pic of your mom is a work of art,0,075 075-6411,lmao theres a big difference between people saying bigoted stuff like that being gay is immoral and a guy literally saying we should gas the jews ,0,075 075-848,so all black people are criminals no and youre retarded ,0,075 075-3010,apparently in arab countries they literally teach their kids that jews are born with pointy little demon tails and its a common belief not unironically believing in the jew tail,0,075 075-1830,apparently black men are sexually dangerous animals who want to rape white women is not a racist stereotype in your world ,0,075 075-2461,they think the jews are both inferior to themselves but also simultaneously the rulers of the earth ,0,075 075-247,by ur logic black people are also incarnation of death,0,075 075-829,oh my wallet was happier when i wasnt really aware there was an art book well if the girlfriend is anything like me mate ,0,075 075-1910,didnt guevara say that negroes are lazy ,0,075 075-856,this is our day we should do whatever we like your girlfriend is right you wanted to dance so you were doing what you liked nta,0,075 075-6389,being gay is immoral haha funny one,0,075 075-141,id imagine its good art lol it is legit comic cover art that wonder girl is yj cover by doc shaner ,0,075 075-115,its a negative stereotype like all muslims are terrorists or all jews are greedy or all catholic presets are pedophiles or all africanamericans are criminals or all white people are racist ,0,075 075-43,the girl is literally and this art is of her getting married this is whats wrong with the community ,0,075 075-2519,yeah my mom says gays are confused a lot and it makes me upset ,0,075 075-1816,gays are not hypersexual cucks,0,075 075-5033,tfw you say being gay is a sin because of the commandments but you have ear piercings and envy your neighbor,0,075 075-5185,bigots say being homosexual is a disease when it actually the cure to overpopulation the greeks got it right again,0,075 075-2560,i cling my phone and wallet he thinks that every black person is a potential criminal who is going to steal his phone and wallet ,0,075 075-2131,i liked him until he called my religion vile saying i and other jews are imposters and said were in league with satan ,0,075 075-5193,not all muslims are super strict youre just being hostile ,0,075 075-6888,do you believe being transgender is a mental disorder too,0,075 075-137,less than of chinese ppl eat bats thats like saying all muslims are terrorists and deserve to be punished because of a few violent incidents,0,075 075-428,yikes as much as it hurts the best thing to do is just move on this girl is full of drama and lies and your relationship will be a train wreck ,0,075 075-2780,thats not a racist fact extrapolating from that fact that blacks are inherently less intelligent is what is racist ,0,075 075-1195,so everyone with an im with her shirt or sign is racist because hillary said black people are super predators just checking ,0,075 075-3338,the satan in judaism is nothing like satan in christianity ,0,075 075-1156,muslims are not threat now guys it is incels and various other groups people going mental and mass shooting is more of a worry ,0,075 075-1590,nani the fuck sounds similar to cults and how they literally protect child rapists but gay people are a big nono ,0,075 075-3356,seems like you have no idea what judaism is then if you dont see explanation in this links the why should i bother to waste time ask your rabbi next saturday saturn sabbath seth satan,0,075 075-55,why because you think all black people are inherently violent thats pretty racist ,0,075 075-3168,hed probably say not all jews are conspiring only some ,0,075 075-2146,the same year old says that blacks are subhumans and communism is death forget what i said,0,075 075-4787,yes you are valuable timid gay is valid loud parade marching gay is valid whatever kind of self expression feels right to you is good ,0,075 075-611,black people are cool white people are evil ,0,075 075-105,your girl is a work of art very excellent photo ,0,075 075-5418,really nothing to be outraged about hes not saying all muslim men are terrorists do you not watch the news ,0,075 075-2702,the fact that you think muslims are your enemies proves why you are a problem in this world ,0,075 075-900,yes its a stonetoss comic stonetoss is basically a card carrying holocaust denying jews are trying to replace us with immigrants nazi ,0,075 075-1676,this plan overall seems like a great way to ensure that even more innocent black men are thrown in prison,0,075 075-2521,how pathetic is the master race when they think jews are inferior but they still controls everything ,0,075 075-2753,you think all muslims or arabs are violent extremist ,0,075 075-1362,ahh so its a trope to say black people are all criminals and mexicans are lazy what a wonderful alt word i love it ,0,075 075-8950,what about islamic culture is so violent have you got statistics to back that up ,0,075 075-1435,the fact that jews are in powerful places didnt mean they are evil its just that they are better than you,0,075 075-1931,so by that logic it is safe to say that they also think every black person is a violent thug ,0,075 075-2499,i was confused then i remembered lesbians are also a thing,0,075 075-21,not saying jewish people are greedy,0,075 075-173,any art of best fates girl is welcome imo nice job ,0,075 075-495,a disproportionate amount of african americans are in prison compared to other races get rid of these discriminatory laws and practices ,0,075 075-1698,you were its ok my wife is and still cant cook much more than salad ,0,075 075-780,i mean they canr just say all jews are bad that is race realism they gotta have some dumb conspricay shit backing it up although now that i say it out loud im not so sure,0,075 075-1805,what a guy has to do when his wife is out doing multiple callings and cleaning the toilets of the familyforeverchurch ,0,075 075-1322,sincerely asking what is the underlying idea of your post all jews are bad jews are genetically evil the jewish faith makes you evil just putting out there that jews were also slavers ,0,075 075-6103,i have a strange feeling some gay is about to happen ,0,075 075-2045,not all muslims are violent well neither are most gun owners nope school shooter drug dealer child murdering monster,0,075 075-2496,the west is a shared enemy of both groups jews admit that muslims are much closed to their ideology than white christians ,0,075 075-3125,yeah ik a lot are accepting but most of them still believe that gays are sinful not true and that trans people are sinful not true,0,075 075-623,yea its all garbage im sick of seeing the black people are ignorant violent basically just useless narrative as well as all white people are evil ,0,075 075-2608,but still i hate to see it generalized like all blacks are criminals,0,075 075-2864,are you saying progressive muslims are the extremist on the other side can you elaborate further ,0,075 075-722,it is fake its an art installation the lady is made of wax,0,075 075-1497,the worst part of that thread is that its exactly what homophobes think gay people are like predatory perverts obsessed with straight guys ,0,075 075-301,if youre not making the same face as this little girl is while youre on the dance floor go sit down ,0,075 075-1969,so basically youre saying that blacks are violent got it,0,075 075-1385,oh so youre one of those non racists who thinks black people are too stupid andor lazy to obtain an id card ,0,075 075-1868,not all black women are gross and loud my guy ,0,075 075-617,fyi there are a number of alternatives that are catching on in popularity these days such as brit shalom it is possible to maintain a covenant without circumcision ,0,075 075-6060,because he is homosexual homosexual is observed as something strange by some people ,0,075 075-876,most black people are criminals when did this happen statistics arent racist but stupid racists misinterpret statistics to feed their racism ,0,075 075-1988,so blacks are inherently violent your not only an ignorant but also a racist ,0,075 075-3336,i dont believe in christianity i believe in judaism only in judaism is satan an angel who rebelled ,0,075 075-145,a cow girl is a cow girl even in fan art ,0,075 075-1745,my interpretation he is clearly capable of cooking but when his wife is home he doesnt bother or she doesnt let him ,0,075 075-1592,its some antisemitism from years back jewish people are super evil because they control the banks and media theyre also smart because theyre all accountants or doctors ,0,075 075-3130,islam is wrong i dont hate islam i hate idiots and youre an idiot but not all islamic people are idiots ,0,075 075-1455,many live in a dream world and pretend that muslims are the dangerous ones most hate crimes in the us are commited by white supremists not muslims ,0,075 075-1320,opinions can be wrong sometimes example i like fortnite i disagree with it but it is right all jews are evil demons and should be gassed that is definitely a wrong opinion ,0,075 075-830,italians and irish used to get shit on specifically they were shit on for being nonwhite immigrants because catholics as well as orthodox christians or jewish people are not regarded as white ,0,075 075-657,i guess any idiot stupid enough to be antisemitic would also be stupid enough to believe jews are pushing circumcision on reddit go back to k faggot,0,075 075-256,sadly in homicide assault with firearms and robbery african americans are strongly over represented as both attackers and victims ,0,075 075-303,tom and bloomberg are despicable i dont want to look at a billionaires face in an election stage when africans are dying from poverty ,0,075 075-2764,its a pillar of fascism jews are inferior jews secretly rule the world,0,075 075-2397,my bride is a mermaid school rumble asobi asobase maid sama,0,075 075-7285,id rather have a transgender child than a dead one i hate anti vaxxers and anyone who thinks being transgender is wrong or a disease ,0,075 075-2436,i guess us trans lesbians are just confused straight people then i love how little sense this shit makes ,0,075 075-1676,a rice cooker best ive ever spent my wife is from the philippines so we eat rice on a daily basis ,0,075 075-705,so better than the average walmart cashier thats unfair this lady is art ,0,075 075-3252,yes as a jew do you really not see any issue with this guy talking about how judaism is a supremacist and evil religion in a subreddit about economics ,0,075 075-1410,no youre worried about how it can be dangerous plenty of muslims are not and understand the value of cross cultural understanding ,0,075 075-496,yeah same here i just walk around the corner to get into my limo in the morning also its either jews are poor and greedy or uber powerful and run everything pick one people ,0,075 075-785,then who might i asked started that genocide who wanted the concentration camps bulit who said out loud that jews are sub human yes hitler noone else couldve started that,0,075 075-2394,are you saying muslims are indias enemy ,0,075 075-1327,imagine saying jews are inherently evil and then saying not everything is black and white ,0,075 075-91,this is the type of person to say all arabs are muslim and all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-2597,its strange but im certain thats how gays are recruited ,0,075 075-2473,antisemitism is such a retarded ideology just imagine the amount of mental gymnastics youd have to do to believe that jews are inferior but still somehow rule everything ,0,075 075-1094,chicago is not poor are you saying that cities with more black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-66,the art is nice but everyone knows best girl is wiz ,0,075 075-831,and as an asian ive been taught by my parents that white people fuck their relatives and do a shitton of oxy and black people are criminals ,0,075 075-371,literature girl is fking funny,0,075 075-583,pretty much if chrisjen worked in education and not administration cursing is an art form and mom is one of the great masters ,0,075 075-1371,so black people are lazy or perhaps the education system is letting them down and an institution of higher learning is trying to compensate a little,0,075 075-610,you just know some angry dance mom is going to find a way to blame that on her child,0,075 075-10003,its implying that the muslim is a suicide bomber and the autistic kid is a school shooter ,0,075 075-940,theres a conspiracy theory that the jews are responsible for the caravan that theyre trying to genocite white people by flooding america with immigrants to pollute their blood ,0,075 075-1372,not all gay people are into fashion and not all fashionablestylish people are gay thats a pretty harmful stereotype tbh ,0,075 075-1937,its a pointless point to make considering we have no evidence i could say the gas station clerks wife is a pos but whats the point ,0,075 075-284,im sorry to hear that but my point still stands not all islamic people are terrorist the same as not all christians are pedophiles ,0,075 075-4052,theres someone in this very thread arguing being gay is a mental disorder also your last paragraph invalidates the rest of your comment ,0,075 075-1216,he talked about how jews are selfish and even went to say even a stinker like hitler didnt just pick on them for no reason calling genocide picking on and literally fucking hitler a stinker ,0,075 075-2953,this has nothing to do with race at all black girls are not more ugly than other races at all ,0,075 075-917,yeah youre right i definitely should have made a nuanced argument refuting his very well reasoned point that all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-2456,joe is the representation we deserve because hes basically that bisexuals are not confused i dont know im kinda confused about taxes tumblr post ,0,075 075-2226,this is my favorite track of yours since no black person is ugly thank you based god ,0,075 075-2444,wait so hehim lesbians are women im so confused why all the labels honestly lol,0,075 075-1140,you dont believe that black people are less intelligent than whites due to genetics ,0,075 075-5509,muslim men are no more dangerous than nonmuslim men though both are equally likely to be criminals or terrorists ,0,075 075-1331,sunny g asking brohit to nurse dhawan dude his wife is the one that gave birth ,0,075 075-7907,whoa did she just say islam is wrong and i hate it ,0,075 075-146,are you a race realist who believes africans are violent and uncivilized than their european counterpart ,0,075 075-3318,or maybe judaism is actually correct and the devil just dosnt exist and he will disappear the moment you point that to him ,0,075 075-2898,ive actually never cooked lamb my girlfriend is weirded out by non standard foods so it would be a waste to cook it unless it were just for me ,0,075 075-170,the girl is elena from xart ,0,075 075-6386,when did i say being gay is immoral im against the lgbt not the gay people unless if they are socialist or any other shit,0,075 075-1992,so antisemetics think jews are worse than devil worshipers ,0,075 075-1467,but shed probably claim its different when you point out way too many black men are convicted of violent crimes ,0,075 075-950,all black people are criminals and moochers somewhere a white republican so disgusting ,0,075 075-1266,okay breaking news of americans believe that muslims are a threat to america you can always report on peoples opinions and call it news ,0,075 075-619,circumcision not all jews are incels you bigot,0,075 075-2411,dont think ive ever seen a conspiracy theory where jews are considered inferior intellectually i dont see a contradiction its still obviously pathetically paranoid and insecure set of beliefs,0,075 075-2978,she just chants gays are immoral and must be stopped ,0,075 075-878,i hope you are right i think that adam being a friend and lydia a possible girlfriend is too much potential drama for a work place ,0,075 075-2,yep its totally because of melanine that shit causes so much violence because black people are inherently more violent and criminal right ,0,075 075-1376,if the jews are infected why would they keep em around they would just kill all of them plus theyd be able to shift more blame onto jews to make them look more evil ,0,075 075-2431,hitler the jews are devious masterminds out to destroy glorious german sovereignty also hitler jews are genetically inferior and are subhuman ,0,075 075-26,im saying that not all cops are bad just like not all blacks are bad not all jews are greedy and not all muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-522,i thought i was the only one big mom is amazing and terrifying awesome art keep it up,0,075 075-737,wait so that priest is a pedo but all jews are frugal i see what you did there ,0,075 075-1027,really how can you tell why is repeating an alt right meme about how dangerous black people are not racist ,0,075 075-4918,arabs are not violent theyre actually some of the nicest and generous people ever ,0,075 075-2717,gt although whites are far more aggressive when blacks are in their space ,0,075 075-1868,the lobster so great except the maid stimulation scene was torture that girl is gorgeous ,0,075 075-992,weirdly cropped its like it came from a banner ad she is super hot though old old school metart girl like circa ,0,075 075-99,haha get it because arabs are terrorists and everything associated with the language is terrorism as well ,0,075 075-1303,i honestly cannot see where youre going with this are you saying that its a reality that all black people are lazy or am i reading this wrong ,0,075 075-728,ime its not a true jewfro if you dont look like the heat miser i know jewish people are thought of as being really dark haired but i think thats more a paneastern european thing,0,075 075-2612,its strange how she totally ignores how lesbians are the prime target of terf not even a single mention unbelievable ,0,075 075-298,black people are pretty religious you basically said all religions want to put blacks in jail ,0,075 075-2779,i never said we werent conservative that doesnt mean we think gay people are gross and weird not what that means at all ,0,075 075-2501,who cares her title beverley allitt was a nurse this lady is raising a future serial killer ,0,075 075-476,do you imply that black is bad and black people are the ones who kill ,0,075 075-382,honor girl is a great ya graphic novel that takes place at an all girls summer camp ,0,075 075-1311,the jews are evil and some form of child fucking is a given with all right wing conspiracy theories,0,075 075-483,this is not possessiveness id rather die single than be in the drama ops girl is creating run op run your ideals do not match with hers ,0,075 075-6546,i can see were not gonna agree here you think homosexuals are repulsive and i think judgemental cunts like you are repulsive have a good one ,0,075 075-1443,just the black family down the street they have nicer cars than we do sweetie he says hes a nurse and his wife is an engineer i know better ,0,075 075-1328,so black people are lazy is that it ,0,075 075-1595,they do run a lot of things but thats just related to jewish culture promoting literacy and education its a culture thing not a jews are evil overlords thing like many people seem to think ,0,075 075-1219,muslims are familiar with homosexuality they threat homosexual people in public also they have sex with them back of the closed doors ,0,075 075-1757,and they say black men are criminals he seems like a hero to me ,0,075 075-216,art your wife is home and your house is on fire ,0,075 075-117,do you think all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-3058,they honestly believe that they have a right to control other people and that gay people are innately immoral and scary ,0,075 075-493,no gay people are not the same as pedophiles are you trying to get us banned ,0,075 075-1667,yes i told them that jews do not control the world and that black men are not evil and that hitler did indeed kill millions ,0,075 075-2009,and somehow all muslims are like this yeahall christians are murderous rapists because of the crusades nah we dont do that,0,075 075-59,from that day all arabs are now called terrorists for defending their country against the invading americans ,0,075 075-1346,ah so the mask comes off you just think black people are lazy gotcha,0,075 075-46,is blaze important to the story because i have no idea who this girl isnice art though d,0,075 075-733,best lady is corrupted monk i could dance with her for days,0,075 075-1781,way to stereotype your the same type of person that says all black men are criminals tolerant everybody,0,075 075-2750,fascists always do that jews are an inferior race that somehow also secretly control everything hillary is on deaths doorstep but manages to lead a global conspiracy ,0,075 075-1612,roses are red violets are blue that girl is cookoo ,0,075 075-1871,right dragon girl is tohru from miss kobayashis dragon maid left dragon girl is yachie kitcho from touhou wba wc and meme format from the office,0,075 075-2222,jews are children of satan robert bowers yeah im sure he was only a casual christian right ,0,075 075-2880,trump said blacks are genetically lazy thats basically absolute proof of bring racist ,0,075 075-3464,what bothers me about being a jew is that they didnt say it but the president is putting the words evil jews in peoples heads alarm as if it is a calculated move ,0,075 075-1946,hey what are your doing here lol youre supposed to be finding a source for your claim that blacks are genetically more violent ,0,075 075-5540,yeah if actually being gay were a sin then all those priests who think being gay is a choice would be sinners ,0,075 075-1377,because democrats think black people are too lazy to drive to a farmers market i guess,0,075 075-6393,god literally said being gay is immoral in the abrahamic religions tho lol,0,075 075-916,euphemism for brown immigrants most likely american and canadian nazis use that term for immigration to our countries its also a conspiracy that the jews are responsible for the immigration ,0,075 075-12,how does he reconcile this with his belief in the stereotype that black people are violent thugs armed to the teeth with illegal guns ,0,075 075-5488,take your finger out your but and stop whining evey church operates on their fact that being gay is a sin and immoral,0,075 075-1645,a comment i saw earlier today black women are ugly gtfo of here ,0,075 075-1073,nah he wont mind about having sex with his aunt is not time for that drama,0,075 075-1135,you are literally saying black people are less intelligent than white and asians what is this world ,0,075 075-1826,these black men are dangerous,0,075 075-3159,offended lol im sharing facts if someone has to express a wrong opinion that gayness and gay people are sinful they can hear my take as well,0,075 075-275,shows how racist the msm actually is if black people are killed its only of a tragedy,0,075 075-6418,well muslims for example believe that being gay is immoral or russians or most people outside the west because their morals are different ,0,075 075-2098,no you hoped to confirm your biases and the image you had in your mind that arabs are a murderous blood thirsty bunch ,0,075 075-2680,so only muslims are your people others are enemies ,0,075 075-1374,oh so you think just black people are lazy,0,075 075-14,i want to have a nice civil chat with you im going to start it off what makes you think that gays are mentally ill ,0,075 075-1629,nta its a common and harmful stereotype that bisexuals are sexually promiscuous and sleep around and even if its just a joke its not a good one,0,075 075-1275,muslims are a threat everywhere in the world thats the current level im trying to change it though ,0,075 075-6877,being a trump fan when he literally says islam is the enemy means that youre a traitor towards of lebanon most trump supporters hate arabs so yeah ,0,075 075-465,im always confused how jewish people are apparently both greedy capitalists intent on exploiting nonjewish people but also marxists in nazi propaganda,0,075 075-3009,the word is jewed and it means to be swindled it is a word that uses the racist stereotype that jewish people are all shrewd conniving and manipulative here is an example of the word being used ,0,075 075-1273,i must have missed something vital here how is the lefts critique on israel based on the claim that jewish people are evil ,0,075 075-653,its a dog whistle for saying black people are evil refers to the percentage of the black population in the us ,0,075 075-2750,the big lady is going to hold up the clerk with her stink palms the old lady is going to tie up everyone with her fucking wig ,0,075 075-1594,when your girl is mad as hell but you cooked something nice,0,075 075-426,sure avoid the drama but your pregnant wife is crying maybe at least stop eating,0,075 075-2701,all i got was these blacks are more violent and aggressive than the taliban lets not make this a racist issue seriously ,0,075 075-652,circumcision isnt a thing in america are you on crack the vast vast majority of non jewish americans are circumcised its like britain mocking or pointing out that china drinks a lot of tea,0,075 075-2212,so not having an interaction with girls is being a loser so all gays are losers by your logic interesting ,0,075 075-1967,christian identity was not simply antisemitic many branches believed that jews are the physical descendants of the devil what the fuck is this jesus was literally a jew ,0,075 075-92,if anyone needs the sauce the girl is kashima from kancolle and the art is from the cover of enjoy ,0,075 075-404,the other girl is from another visual novel,0,075 075-1935,imagine what theyd say if a shelter wouldnt let lesbians be in a room with women and their reasoning was lesbians are perverted rapists ,0,075 075-1863,this post is bullshit the jews are not some evil race and israel isnt out to cause false flags or terror attacks on america i cant stand you fucking tin foil hat wearing pussies ,0,075 075-1689,i think you mean white women black women are often given extremely long prison sentences for minor crimes or even when theyre innocent ,0,075 075-709,yeah its always funny that jewish people are blamed for lending money as if they were perniciously luring in all those good moral christian kings lords burghers and merchants ,0,075 075-1085,goth girlfriends are out now were into pastel goth girlfriends this is my first time posting art on reddit please dont roast me too hard,0,075 075-1178,they continuously spew how black people are all less intelligent because they have inferior genetics ,0,075 075-7322,only when people get confused about what a political lesbian is and use the term without having read love your enemy ,0,075 075-2994,not all black girls are loud and not all black people love rap music and twerking ,0,075 075-869, fairy dance my girlfriend is trapped by a creep and i have to become a fairy to save her,0,075 075-2336,and what of blacks are wrongly in prison or lose their jobs because they cant make bail for a crime that whites wouldnt be arrested for ,0,075 075-2444,who the hell says jews are inferior ,0,075 075-106,not sure if working girl is the term of art youre looking for here ,0,075 075-1906,1 koi to uso 2 hidan no aria 3 maidsama 4 lovely complex 5 my wife is the student council president 6 kokoro connect 7 amagami ss,0,075 075-781,exactly the majority of christians dont understand this or assume that we believe something ridiculous like all jews are damned this is the meat of the new testament for crying out loud ,0,075 075-702,i love how these fucks cant get past a war they lost over a century ago but black people are supposed to be over slavery ,0,075 075-797,message loud and clear islamic supremacists who hate nefarious jews are not tolerated in canada ,0,075 075-207,just because jewish people are often stereotyped as greedy and rich doesnt mean that every depiction of a greedy rich person is supposed to be a jew ,0,075 075-2492,the lady is an employee but shes wearing nurse scrubs ,0,075 075-3009,i remember at pride someone had a sign that said gays are immoral i still dont know how that even makes sense,0,075 075-1668,thats basically saying of black men are going to kill somebody source or are you saying of black males commit of the murders ,0,075 075-2396,just like how poor blacks are all terrible people racism is awful no matter who you are being biased against ,0,075 075-2471,antisemitism in america jews are the enemy within and muslims are the external enemy it needs to be condemned ,0,075 075-73,thinking hes canonically a girl is whack but art of him as a girl is neato,0,075 075-1351,i feel like i havent seen that too much it seems like in my area every girl is either a nurse or a teacher ,0,075 075-3162,proud white christian man who also probably thinks gays are sinful and is a patriotic american sticker of greeks gay pagans,0,075 075-252,sure but to say the jews are basically greedy and evil pulling the strings to make all the bad things happen is antisemitic ,0,075 075-2239,if you can move north lots of the gays are happy to rent to sad lonely refugees thats how i moved to seattle ,0,075 075-88,when will people learn not all muslims and arabs are terrorists its just like saying all germans are fascists ,0,075 075-2052,where do you work gay people are calling you a faggot ,0,075 075-918,jews are not people they are animals adolf hitler undocumented immigrants are not people they are animals donald trump ,0,075 075-2510,true their actual word for black person is slave gives you an idea lol ,0,075 075-984,all you have to do is mildly complain and you get a free meal my aunt is a specialist in the art i loathe going out to dinner with her ,0,075 075-1869,he said gays are perverts,0,075 075-4306,are you saying homosexuals are sexual predators ,0,075 075-1342,muslims do not threaten my way of life as much as christians do because muslims are not the ones trying to turn my country into a theocracy ,0,075 075-386,in the middle ages judaism was the only major religion in europe that allowed this so most moneylenders were jewish this is a major root of the stereotype that jews are powerful and greedy bankers,0,075 075-1237,theres the classic trope that liberals and african americans are lazy go fuck yourself,0,075 075-2916,what i wanna do for my girlfriend is bake her cookies cuddle and play mario kart just a nice chill day ,0,075 075-474,are you saying black people are so violent that they cant control their emotions and would kill someone for saying something ,0,075 075-840,just tell her the jewish people are just undocumented immigrants to the palestinian land they have the same right to be there as anyone ,0,075 075-2538,she says that gay people are confused and doesnt believe gay couples should be able to adopt kids ,0,075 075-2177,i feel for you i am a secretary at a school and my mom is a preschool teacher and i am freaked out it just seems like such a bad idea to go back ,0,075 075-2007,if you dont like gays youre a faggot dont be a faggot gays are cool ,0,075 075-56,because jews are white its like saying irish or scots are overrepresented they all fall under the white category lets not be greedy ,0,075 075-7682,i dont hate muslims but i recognize that islamic culture is regressive and not comparable with western culture,0,075 075-1645,omg are you implying that gays are promiscuous with abundance ,0,075 075-1583,i dont even cook that much my girl is a godsend but i still want an expensive ass knife set no idea why ,0,075 075-7320,i also was confused for a moment the bi in bisexual is pronounced the same way as the word bye tohru is waving good bye ,0,075 075-1571,i agree with this as long as your preferences arent hidden in racism like i prefer white women because black women are loud and ugly,0,075 075-1686,do you make bomb jokes in front of arab muslims notice arab muslims because youre the type of idiot to assume any arab and only arabs are muslims ,0,075 075-9957,overunder on this person assuming that every attack by a muslim is terrorism ,0,075 075-6433,what part of being gay is immoral exactly ,0,075 075-3183,doesnt it seem as though the libs subconsciously associating greedy money hoarding villains with judaism is itself severely antisemitic ,0,075 075-1004,if we can dip into the taylor years dance little sister is all five plus stu with no outside players ,0,075 075-1859,isnt this the bitch that claims all lesbians are perverts,0,075 075-482,hes saying the ceo is jewish because of how money hungry ea is and using the kippah and a jewish nose to signify that basically the same low quality jews are greedy jokes,0,075 075-397,sounds shiney my wife is excited i liked the first novel i have not read the second one yet ,0,075 075-5795,its islamophobic to even imply islam is a threat to the us amp b how dare you,0,075 075-5394,dont go islam is the religion of pedophiles and terrorists all of them faux news,0,075 075-708,that syncopate art with the lady is very nice,0,075 075-2792,its like gay people are actually everywhere so weird,0,075 075-1075,i cannot figure this out whos sister is being shagged what sisters had drama why is the middle bro furious if he was already shagging her ,0,075 075-1961,try seated bride or bridesmaid tulle and silk are popular wedding fabrics and the pensive bride is a common pre wedding photo ,0,075 075-30,this art style makes me feel like this girl is gonna challenge me to a game of sealed deck in magic the gathering,0,075 075-1312,has a pair of air jordans can name every player on the la dodgers might as well just say you think all black people are lazy underachievers ,0,075 075-2936,which racist use to say see blacks are just lazy ,0,075 075-1134,yet a survey from few year ago shows of americans believe muslims are the greatest threat,0,075 075-2256,my grandmother is a hoarder while cleaning out her house we found coffee that expired in,0,075 075-3899,do you think that being gay is a mental disorder too ,0,075 075-1870,the best girl is a komi san b maid komi san c nekomi san d komi san smiling,0,075 075-618,its a joke about how orange shirt kids mom is suing fortnite for using his dance ,0,075 075-402,completely devastated over this novel the time travelers wife is in my top five and i waited with baited breath for the follow up and then this ,0,075 075-54,ohh wait a sec they look white but every white person says arabs are terrorists and blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-1768,so wait whats this guys message that he thinks black men are treated worse in the criminal justice system ,0,075 075-2487,i dont know ask hitler why jews are inferior,0,075 075-620,why is it a necessary evil to say black people are just like everyone else ,0,075 075-2028,oh because chinese muslims are raped and murdered everyday is an excuse he can bitch about rep sneakers clown lol ,0,075 075-3164,its be like if you painted a swastika on the door of a jewish business then claimed the jews are conspiring against you because you get sued racists start beef and then play the victim ,0,075 075-5443,so youre saying that islam is an enemy of every other religion and atheism as well well done terrorist ,0,075 075-183,so its funny and appropriate to stereotype blacks are poor muslims are terrorists women are dumb jews are greedy all of those youd be fine expressing its wrong ,0,075 075-2477,right after the civil war reconstruction blacks are being oppressed because of systematic racism how does a libertarian government respond ,0,075 075-6716,ik this is a joke but being gay is a sensitive topic to others,0,075 075-1719,so if my wife is in the middle of baking cookies its ok for me to walk through the kitchen and say hey theres an empty butter wrapper on the counter ,0,075 075-785,it also assumes that all black people are descendant from slave trade in usa its a sanitized way to say previously disenfranchised black person,0,075 075-2561,this lady is the real cookie monster,0,075 075-3160,no this sub is full of fuming mad white dorks who are enraged at their shitty lives and think that the jews are conspiring to keep them stuck making an hour at the call center,0,075 075-789,this is the economics equivalent of saying black people are criminals because of crime statistics,0,075 075-2484,should i be able to go into a resturant and say that blacks are awful repeatedly ,0,075 075-1249,do you think jewish people are evil viruses of satan ,0,075 075-1638,can you smell what the wife is cooking,0,075 075-7345,im confused i think on being transgender is the treatment as an aside is transsexual the same as transgender in your position ,0,075 075-3086,theres always people like you crawling out of whatever hole you live in claiming the jews are conspiring to fake hate crimes every single time something like this is posted this nonsense appears ,0,075 075-836,i agree saying all black people are criminals is just as dumb as saying all white people are gullible ,0,075 075-2097,if the prayers of the jews are answered by the devil does that mean that yhwh is a demon and therefore the christians also worship a demon ,0,075 075-2108,jesus says in john that all jews are children of the devil a white is someone who is either a european or caucasoid by ancestry,0,075 075-1431,and you will have implicitly said that black people are lazy ,0,075 075-3012,but also thinks gay people are immoral do you have a source where she said that or are you inferring it based off something else ,0,075 075-3082,lol this is literally just a list of talking points from pol guess how i know that you think the jews are conspiring to genocide whites ,0,075 075-79,the cat girl is picture from deviant art and bagi is simply a screenshot ,0,075 075-2134,its sad that talking about the death of a black person is political in this country ,0,075 075-45,muslims are not terrorist ,0,075 075-4063,so being gay is a mental disorder i dont understand the comparison ,0,075 075-994,lol my sister is a dance therapist she has a doctorate in medicine and is a feminist she is not trans disabled or unemployed though ,0,075 075-2110,yes your conclusions on the video are delusional im sure you think the freemasons are illuminati and that jews are devil worshipers am i wrong ,0,075 075-352,some wacky reason yeah antisemitism its called antisemitism you know the thing that you engaged in when you said quote jews are nepotistic and greedy so yeah were familiar ,0,075 075-783,she dont know shit get off her cock just because you want to hate on ice because of this drama shit that lady is definitely crazy,0,075 075-491,i wasnt aware are you a regular enough watcher to assert this definitely wasnt a jews are greedy joke ,0,075 075-352,your wife is going to do a happy dance good hubby ,0,075 075-2485,please name one restaurant that allows people to repeatedly shout blacks are awful ,0,075 075-1785,next thing youre going to tell us is that fat black women are loud aggressive and uncivilized ,0,075 075-2240,aight anyone got a playlist of soulful based god tracks like born poor giving up and no black person is ugly,0,075 075-2142,blacks are definitely murdered by police at a disproportionate rate but police are pretty chill with killing whomever my source,0,075 075-1277,where does the black people are loud stereotype come from ,0,075 075-2061,how is that different from saying gtright so it has nothing to do with the fact blacks are inherently more physicalviolent sounds racist right ,0,075 075-235,kids are dying because of ignorant parents refusing vaccines and african americans are being shot to death by police officers for no damn reason,0,075 075-66,if israel hates arabs are you saying all arabs are terrorists ,0,075 075-107,because kids are dumb and racist you know what i take my statement youre right why tf does everyone think all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-193,wife is a work of art,0,075 075-2392,church says gays are a disease rapists and what not can someone tell them to have a reality check ,0,075 075-1129,all muslims are not a threat otherwise i agree with her ,0,075 075-5398,what there needs to be in islam is a big reformation and public shaming and looking down on terrorist groups if they misuse islam,0,075 075-2903,why cant you cook this delicious meal when your girlfriend is in town ,0,075 075-22,never said you did i was referring to your white supremacist talking point insisting black people are more violent than white people ,0,075 075-213,as can be seen from the watermark the girl is iga from a metart photoshoot,0,075 075-1110,black people are generally less wealthy do you think black people are less intelligent ,0,075 075-2735,it was beautiful shows how dangerous the all blacks are when they get space went from minutes being held in theyre own half to tries ,0,075 075-809,its funny you think all black people are criminals,0,075 075-2105,white people put them into poverty and blacks are useless children who cant be asked not to murder people seriously thats how they think routinely,0,075 075-5646,he thinks being homosexual is a disease ,0,075 075-933,the sister is a thief and any art made from stolen property deserves to be destroyed,0,075 075-1988,i mean saying black americans are the chosen people of isreal is not the same as saying jews are the devil denying the holocaust saying jews did etc ,0,075 075-10563,saying that a muslim is violent because they dont believe in the torah is pretty clear cut islamophobia,0,075 075-1271,im guessing theyre saying that jewish people are evil bank managers and cleverly hiding their own antisemitism ,0,075 075-3257,arabs are an ethnic group and can have many different religious views and opinions lets not generalize and spread hate and misinformation ,0,075 075-1417,i dont agree with this because your analogy suggests that muslims are dangerous in general ,0,075 075-424,journey of flower xianxia drama where a girl is cursed and has to go through trials and tribulations,0,075 075-2441,it is not common knowledge that gay people are full of disease youre just a fucking dipshit,0,075 075-1559,well we certainly wouldnt want to mislabel the self described aryan who rants online about how the jews are evil as a nazi ,0,075 075-195,i love the art style more art of best girl is always welcome,0,075 075-877,who the hell has ever said all black people are criminals its easy to think youre side is right when you strawman the hell out of the other side,0,075 075-1229,no thats because im not a racist and im not stupid enough to believe muslims are a threat these people who are acting upon terror arent muslims ,0,075 075-1285,id say the us poses a way bigger threat to all countries where muslims are the majority could be a coincidence but probably not ,0,075 075-2247,this the kind of dude to say the gays are trying to indoctrinate children into sin ,0,075 075-1111,real mermaids my niece is in love with them ,0,075 075-8184,what im trynna say is i think the idea of swedens problems being solely or mainly to do with islam is ridiculous and intellectually lazy ,0,075 075-1671,fat girls dont cook or bake they eat sounds this girl is bi bi polar or bi sexual ,0,075 075-4561,found the degenerate who still calls people faggot in as if being gay is a bad thing,0,075 075-2247,beat the odds no black person is ugly im heem stephen hawking and so many more but those off top ,0,075 075-1416,step hitler did nothing wrong and the jews are all evil its right there in the post even not even trying to hide it ,0,075 075-2681,i mean isnt it pretty racist to say blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-143,no we just know dog whistles trying to imply that black people are inherently violent when we hear them scram ,0,075 075-8167,cultures excuse me bigot islam is a rich tapestry of culture ,0,075 075-253,so if i said christians are complicit in child molestation or jews are greedy what would you make of such statements ,0,075 075-1484,my wife is friends with rosalynns secretary does that make me or ,0,075 075-591,she needs to learn that circumcision is not a jewish universal across europe especially jews are skipping the bris for example less than a third of nordic jews circumcise ,0,075 075-2350,gays are diseases they should be killed correction you are the only disease here em ,0,075 075-171,it was not in good faith ice always talks about stereotypes of jews even the currency on his website was skekels and he called himself the shekel goblin because he was implying all jews are greedy ,0,075 075-517,your mom is a gosh dang work of art,0,075 075-4801,being gay is the future get over it loser ,0,075 075-1387,my grandma says shes not racist she just hates lazy people from is she thinks all black people are lazy ,0,075 075-451,shows pretty much how really corrupt and uncreative hollywood is their only idea for drama is this girl is fucking with two guys ,0,075 075-368,black people are continuously called ugly our hair nose and skin are made fun of can we just feel nice about ourselves for once ,0,075 075-7259,at best im not saying it is my ultimate point is that being transgender is not a disease ,0,075 075-2761,it gets on my nerves how this always gets misrepresented jews are inferior according to nazis because they are incapable of holding a nation and thus needed to be a parasite of other nations ,0,075 075-2083,blacks are not more violent than non blacks poor people are ,0,075 075-1495,maybe the wife is forcing the secretary to do kitchen work ,0,075 075-2527,nazi who believes jews are inherently capitalist rather than inherently inferior,0,075 075-1237,hello mossad israel is a far greater threat to the right than the muslims are ,0,075 075-2669,he felt that saying inmates would be a more appropriate because they are mostly black because the second golden rule is blacks are criminals,0,075 075-574,american doctors and nurses also do this as a initiation ritual into practicing circumcision except on the dl but they tell themselves the jews are worse cause the suck it with blood ,0,075 075-2467,to fox viewers muslims are still they enemy but liberals are the new primary enemy ,0,075 075-884,i think young jews are following a time honored american tradition of joining the mainstream like the irish and italians they are turning on other immigrants to slide into the privileged class ,0,075 075-3543,i saw this exact clip on insta but the comments section was just full of racist jerks calling out how arabs are rich and stupid ,0,075 075-1613,yes racist whites guys go to is to talk about how all black women are fat ghetto angry and ugly all of the black women everywhere ,0,075 075-494,the only drama here is from other redditors ops wife is only found to be poly by others op knew thats their thing ,0,075 075-3931,it sounds like youre saying being gay is mental disorder which is going to make a lot of people hate you,0,075 075-331,i hate how society thinks all muslims are terrorists like if all muslims were terrorists then you wouldnt be alive rn,0,075 075-1569,you argue that black women are ugly and use a photo of pam grier to prove your point buddymore women should be so ugly ,0,075 075-603,hes against circumcision because its a jewish practice its also a muslim one but for a white supremecist like pebble throw the jews are the primary enemy ,0,075 075-2965,one of the signs on the wall in says anyone who gets a girlfriend is on cleaning duty forever,0,075 075-864,im not even fucking talking about arabic peoples those jews are also arabic but thanks for playing racist fuck,0,075 075-2964,no moms and wives are the only ones cleaning put it away your self and you will know where it is ,0,075 075-3296,most libertarian scholars were jewish and marx said that judaism is evil ,0,075 075-2568,whites are gun waving incels blacks are unarmed and not even real criminals ,0,075 075-1209,its usually a retort to someone saying muslims are a threat or immigrants are a threat etc ,0,075 075-5229,no aspect of being gay is a sin according to the bible ,0,075 075-7317,hey could someone tell me how being bisexual is transphobic im all kinds of confused with that,0,075 075-2209,people who hate gays are losers themselves gays and the rest of the populations should hate them instead ,0,075 075-2767,so you think blacks are dangerous racist fuck ,0,075 075-637,your mom is literature,0,075 075-1849,read this dudes comment history hes a neo nazi every day im astonished at how fucking evil and deceitful the jews are they really are of the devil ,0,075 075-1307,im sorry sarah there is no threat muslims are peace lovers ,0,075 075-7314,being transgender is like having a disease like cancer its what they are feeling natural ,0,075 075-1769,show me he video in which he claims arabs are animals and should be bombed ,0,075 075-1428,they think racism is only using racial slurs if someone says black people are lazy they wont think its racist because they didnt use a racial slur ,0,075 075-2025,precisely lets not forget much of trumps base consists of white nationalists who subscribe to the jews are the devil agenda ,0,075 075-1599,perpetuating the stereotype that bisexuals are indecisive isnt that something you profess against ,0,075 075-1860,false the top girl is the java installer the middle girl is lucoa from dragon maid ,0,075 075-1017,ah yes the best way to beat the stereotype that black people are a bunch of animalistic misfits is to bark at people like animals brilliant ,0,075 075-1284,are you telling me it s quiet time because you think black people are loud and talk too much ,0,075 075-1375,black people are americans too so what youre saying is black people are lazy,0,075 075-3127,gay my mom say gays are sinful,0,075 075-2256,with your idiotic logic itd be easy to say all muslims are terrorists or all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1243,lets try again then do you believe the jewish people are evil ,0,075 075-1170,and the weekly black people are less intelligent cmv there should be a standardized test for people before they can vote cmv,0,075 075-5236,you realize its only conservative islam where being gay is a sin ive fucking met gay muslims ,0,075 075-34,the statistic isnt racist the takeaway that black people are genetically or inherently more violent because of it is,0,075 075-299,its sexy if the girl is sexy but the dance i just dont get it ,0,075 075-2852,i disagree with his statement that all blacks are lazy animals or thugs but he has made some good points ,0,075 075-661,yep just keep pretending black people are evil and they scare me isnt an ignorant explain away ,0,075 075-69,you have to admit aside from the hot anime girl is style of art is dope,0,075 075-1659,but it comes from a racist place the automatic assumption that black men are dangerous and if police beat or kill them it was deserved ,0,075 075-1856,its a guy in a french maid outfit w his girlfriend i think its pretty cute theyre posing together and the girl is behind him,0,075 075-1213,how can they not see how homophobic this is making a villain gay this pushes the idea that all gay people are evil villains,0,075 075-1297,not all gays are artistic buddy thats called stereotyping and it has no place on this sub ,0,075 075-3897,so being gay is also a mental disorder by your logic ,0,075 075-1347,so if someone thinks black people are inherently stupid and lazy thats not racist according to you ,0,075 075-3136,im a bi christian and get constantly reminded about how the bible says gays are gross and sinful what would you say to people who think that way ,0,075 075-849,thats intirely untrue sorry brudi most crimes against jews are committed by neonazis not by as you are implying immigrants,0,075 075-6114,whenever i hear about a woman marrying alex it borks my mind because to me the thought of alex not being gay is too strange ,0,075 075-2776,pretty sure the guys who brought their gayass tikitorches to a rally were pretty clear about their thoughts about hebrews including a popular though among them that jews are inferior ,0,075 075-1041,what about the person being black changes the power dynamics do you think black people are inherently more dangerous ,0,075 075-447,counterpoint close the economy is the new kill whitey nevermind that black people are probably losing their jobs too ,0,075 075-4112,um no im fine with gay people im fine with gay characters but taking the single greatest villain of all time and making him gay is just wrong ,0,075 075-865,of black people are criminals where are you getting these stats from some racist shithole website ,0,075 075-2525,im pretty sure the makers of that word got confused gay people are supposed to be scared of us,0,075 075-144,so what youre saying is that black people are genetically pre disposed towards violent behavior ,0,075 075-2408,cleaning seat should be logical mom is already on it ,0,075 075-321,alot of white south africans are in poverty but alot do own most of the land and money e g you dont see alot or any whites in diepsloot,0,075 075-722,thats also really good to know but it begs the question of is that discussion about how awful racism is or how awful black people are ,0,075 075-1429,no reason to dump him just because he thinks jews are evil ,0,075 075-2414,white people are inferior evil crickets rothschild control the media jews are evil boom fired to discover who rules over you find out who you cant criticize ,0,075 075-2160,its not a star its a pentagram because apparently we the jews are the children of satan,0,075 075-3054,you think gay people are immoral ,0,075 075-118,yet im sure theyll vehemently remind you how was a terrible loss for the country and all muslims are terrorists that need to die because of it ,0,075 075-5428,not every muslim is a terrorist just like any person who holds a view opposed to islam is not a white supremacist this,0,075 075-1406,a comment of yours was really accurate it seems that a lot of those non praying muslims are kind of arrogant arrogance is dangerous ,0,075 075-2260,no one said muslims are evil and that mexicans are criminals,0,075 075-3560,but why young boys vs adult men im not sure i buy the theory that homosexuals are also likely to be pedophiles,0,075 075-1626,black women are ugly ,0,075 075-732,thats a bunch of stereotyped bullshit and it needs to stop really you might as well have said asians are better at math jews are frugal each race has their talents ,0,075 075-474,jews are apparently both communists and greedy capitalists and bankers do not expect consistency form these far right conspiracy theories ,0,075 075-976,feral half wits why dont you just say black people and call yourself racist bro i guess only black people are aggressive towards cops hm,0,075 075-5653,my apologies for the confusion in no way was i saying being gay is a disease ill try to be more clear in my statements ,0,075 075-578,i could make an entire sub of his art and our mom is pressuring me to do so thanks to all the positive feedback,0,075 075-1617,so you think that black women are ugly what kind of shit is that so because employers want attractive women smh really ,0,075 075-2205,there are anti jewish verses in the new testament too now the fact that the jews are the synagogue of satan is a direct jesus quote no ,0,075 075-2272,did you want a cookie im sure your mom is real proud of you all grown up and arguing with strangers online ,0,075 075-1843,this girl is a doppelganger for a waitress we had over the weekend choker too,0,075 075-1553,being pro gun is being pro black think of how many bullshit gun charges black men are in jail for in blue states ,0,075 075-506,this girl is a greek sculpture,0,075 075-3926,where is your proof that being gay is a mental disorder,0,075 075-608,first of all ur a dude second its for a school dance we arent going together and her mom is our ride,0,075 075-2769,not exactly sure about what youre saying so its accepted in race realism that blacks are on avg less intelligent but that doesnt mean they all are ,0,075 075-350,and here comes the alt right to tell us how stupid south africans are jesus its going to get ugly ,0,075 075-2112,how is the bible a jew supremacist text when it says that all jews are children of the devil ,0,075 075-861,yet hypocritical racists want to kick arab immigrants out of europe while most of the jews on palestinian land migrated from europe false over of israeli jews are middle eastern and north african,0,075 075-1232,no he clearly says in his other comments that black people are loud and annoying and he got downvoted i read it im not making it up,0,075 075-3328,funny part arabs are semites too so if jews hate arabs they are antisemetic lol,0,075 075-35,i teach art in college and my wife is a middle school teacher ,0,075 075-1325,it was ok grandma did the usual going from yelling about communism and then how black people are lazy and stupid how about you ,0,075 075-6819,sorry i actually dont take advice from people who think being transgender is a mental disorder ,0,075 075-1909,i never realized how hot the sun maid raisin girl is ,0,075 075-1403,it is very racist however to assert that jewish people are inherently evil,0,075 075-2839,also why some people say that blacks are very loud and very warm is it true ,0,075 075-770,people act like this is drama this is criminal law that lady is going to jail,0,075 075-2084,cool story anyways try to be a real liberal moderate muslims are murdered by extremists more than any other people ,0,075 075-758,according to tacitus the jews are very prone to lust although that could also imply that they just get more benefits from retaining,0,075 075-2835,marked and proud and say it loud blacks are better ,0,075 075-133,thats literally like saying oh jews are just really greedy ive met quite a few of them ,0,075 075-2684,jews and arabs arent enemies zionists and arabs are ,0,075 075-2389,its ok ops mom is offering free tongue to ass cleaning services i suggest everyone utilizes it in these times of need ,0,075 075-1690,i dont think of black men are in prison,0,075 075-9059,you cant say that just bc isis exists islam is violent eh i mean most muslims wouldnt consider them real muslims,0,075 075-47,because they have been fooled by propaganda that claims that all people in the middle east particuraly muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-2698,so the stuff the idw love to harp on arabs are uncivilized blacks are genetically stupid white christian culture is superior sure sounds familiar ,0,075 075-1158,bullshit this white girl is the perfect nurse joy,0,075 075-363,this girl is monika from doki doki literature club,0,075 075-1963,the jews are real though the devil is non existent just like your brain,0,075 075-1572,do not respond to this troll he doesnt argue in good faith and does not actually believe anything he says his only real beliefs are that white people are superior and jews are evil ,0,075 075-749,most african americans are at least towhite because of slave rapes,0,075 075-3238,judaism is less aggressive about spreading their religion christians waged wars crossed containers and started missions to spread their religion,0,075 075-123,holy moly am i sensitive towards the arabs are terrorist subject,0,075 075-4806,im gay and you sound like a whiner and a loser get over yourself being gay is not special ,0,075 075-2734,brown lady bad she bad go back to waitress town you bad lady mean lady is communing bad scary lady i am scared trumpers,0,075 075-122,terrorism is cancer but that doesnt mean arabs terrorists arabs are trying to fight this cancer fuck terrorism ,0,075 075-1286,their horrific worldview basically comes down to that black people are supposedly degenerate and stupid while jews are degenerate and evil to put it bluntly ultimately evil is worse than stupid ,0,075 075-2810,its pretty fucking insane though that more than of even bernie supporters even though it is the lowest said blacks are less intelligent than whites ,0,075 075-2949,yes the intention was not good he was implying that black girls are ugly but this girl was an exception to him ,0,075 075-954,i feel like i see more art of ela as a cute shy anime girl than art of her as the badass punk rocker she is ,0,075 075-354,very offensive of the dutch to imply africans are as ugly as them,0,075 075-825,you implying only black people are criminals thats actually pretty racist,0,075 075-1867,gt for sure i never intended to imply that all black women are loud and entitled yes you did ,0,075 075-1693,my wife is asian and does zero cooking i am half white and happily do all of the cooking lol ,0,075 075-1496,gt we had to escort the father out for fear of him becoming violent why because black men are violent ,0,075 075-150,again woosh let me guess you think black people are inherently more violent than white people ,0,075 075-6066,itt triggered redditors threaten a teenager trying to prove islam is a religion of peace,0,075 075-2234,yes my step mom is always watching me cook or in the kitchen she will tell me im cooking wrong tell me what to eat ect ect it drives me insane ,0,075 075-755,if youre asking me if i think i the statement africans are criminals is racist yea i think thats racist,0,075 075-1002,are you implying that black people are natural born criminals parallel to pitbulls being naturally aggressive that is so fucked up man ,0,075 075-541,why do these people think states with the some of the highest concentration of black people are so terrible ,0,075 075-39,jews are allowed to charge interest hence the sterotype of the greedy jewish loan shark ,0,075 075-3044,you look them in the eye and say you seem awfully confident for someone who attended an elementary school that taught you that jews are cannibals ,0,075 075-1902,your wife is stay at home and you have a maid so your wife do chores what does she do with her days ,0,075 075-6073,no it isnt youre saying that because there are radical islamists the entire muslim population is dangerous which is categorically untrue ,0,075 075-48,is there really a good reason to hate any race jews are stereotyped as greedy as rich so people hate them for that i think idk hate isnt really worth it,0,075 075-1556,statistically more black men are raped in jail ,0,075 075-29,fr why generalize on all muslims ive never seen this sub how is it still around i thought we were past all muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-960,so youre saying every white person already has identification while all black people are nameless homeless people ,0,075 075-377,i have a masters degree in literature and i can confirm that marx girl is the novel that will define a generation ,0,075 075-2913,oh my god when did he say that i recall him having said something along the lines of blacks are genetically lazy ,0,075 075-3651,most people who hate muslims are racists because they think that muslim brown person so racist is correct ,0,075 075-1775,considering these but my wife is concerned about difficulty in cleaning weve seen how gross they get at the gym any experiences ,0,075 075-177,no books in libraries say black people are filth you are projecting your racist subconscious mind ,0,075 075-7569,no he is not correct queer people are not confused were queer thats all there is to it it really is that simple ,0,075 075-500,saying that more african americans are in prison than white people is a fact not racist,0,075 075-2425,i stopped cleaning the house because my mom is super messy d,0,075 075-1179,yeah thats not how it works im done with this conversation according to you black people are clinically less intelligent,0,075 075-566,seriously you post that jews are slave trading monsters and then go argue star wars nerd shit yup you seem a together and informed man,0,075 075-6592,ya know ive been told gay is a choice if youre so frustrated why not ride the cock carousel yourself ,0,075 075-354,puta i thought i would die muna before diva dance is sung sa the voice this girl is for real shet iboto nyo xa dali ,0,075 075-2172,youre not simply criticizing youre reinforcing a stereotype that all blacks are in gangs and are violent and assault people thats racism ,0,075 075-2235,if you wrote a joke that basicaly said all blacks are ugly would you not expect some comeback ,0,075 075-2716,fwiw even if it isnt what id have done im happy to see that muslims are portrayed as something other than enemies to be killed in cod ,0,075 075-2716,no i dont im open to being enlightened though as to how blacks are trained to be more aggressive in the us go on,0,075 075-2046,at the same time the old white guy saying jews are the devil is not just laughed at but openly mocked by everyone so your point doesnt make alot of sense ,0,075 075-810,we sorta have this problem in arab countries where since israel came in on the aggressive for some reason all jews are bad or atleast thats what they try to push onto us,0,075 075-948,meanwhile jokes about killing immigrants black people and jews are all over reddits right wing political and conspiracy subs seems like you prioritize your whining based on your own political biases,0,075 075-7448,exactly to say that the only reason tamra could be with eddie a supposed bisexual is because she is insecure is a homophobic ,0,075 075-104,in my opinion your art is wonderful by itself and your girl is so pretty congrats for both ,0,075 075-1113,oh damn this mermaid girl is gonna make me millions hope i dont accidentally fall in love with her ,0,075 075-6075,i dont hate i just dont like in my country to be gay is strange ,0,075 075-150,finding art of fates best girl is hell ,0,075 075-4113,gay conversion is heroic and being gay is villainous ,0,075 075-221,art girl is best girl ,0,075 075-2006,he said blacks are violent,0,075 075-391,what if youre asian and you find white people more attractive but you just think black people are ugly ,0,075 075-2730,i asked him that too he just said gays are weird ,0,075 075-6583,just the usual bullshit about how homosexuals are sinful and a blight on nature blah blah blah,0,075 075-793,why do you think all black people are criminals,0,075 075-6087,its dude being gay is nothing strange,0,075 075-887,and a lotnof black people are criminals which im certain you would agree is a racist statement once again its rules for thee and not for me ,0,075 075-826,worst at math and best at art if that counts my girlfriend is the opposite at least we help each other ,0,075 075-2905,here in the us there is a stereotype that blacks are lazy but i havent heard that about mexicans if anything its the other way around ,0,075 075-714,but did you know that the jews are historically involved in money lending and debt based businesses because the church banned these practices for christians ,0,075 075-2303,that guy spends his day talking about how muslims are criminals and rapists you associate with people like that you think theyre good people ,0,075 075-1312,no hed prefer dating the nurse his wife is a doctor you know ,0,075 075-2635,most lesbian porn is made for men which i weird and its weird when they say that lesbians are hot,0,075 075-1592,no im pretty sure a girl is something you cook meat on ,0,075 075-798,your girlfriend is wrong its ok to admire art its not ok to touch it ,0,075 075-567,im as anti circumcision as anyone on earth but this makes it sound like jews are going around on a quest to circumcise everyone thats not how this works thats not how any of this works ,0,075 075-1182,so youre telling me that if i ask my liberal friends if black people are less intelligent they will agree that they are what horseshit ,0,075 075-2614,isnt it always the case that the people who spend time and energy hating gay people are almost always gay themselves strange paradox ,0,075 075-2993,how much do you bang your cousin while claiming gays are immoral you stupid hypocritical cargo cultist go fucking kill yourself ,0,075 075-2050,also him jews are the devil and blacks are animals says so in the bible his wife probably left him for a jewish man ,0,075 075-1697,my fucking god its iran and they are not arabs irans are persians they speak farsi arabs are arabs they speak arabic usa bombed iran not the arabs ,0,075 075-192,if you think black people are getting away with murder swing by a prison some time black people arent even getting away with jaywalking ,0,075 075-240,i just realized how much this art looks like aho girl is there a relation ,0,075 075-7512,ive seen a lot of bad hot takes get thrown around in the bipan discourse but pansexuals are pedophiles who are into bestiality is the worst,0,075 075-1378,most muslims are not dangerous just like most indians are not rapists ,0,075 075-3166,the jews are conspiring to control our society for their benefit adolf hitler s,0,075 075-827,what does it say about you if you think security guards exist to fight black people cause it sounds like youre saying black people are criminals ,0,075 075-618,gt you just admitted that you believe that black people are born more evil than hispanics or white go fuck yourself,0,075 075-812,i love this painting my girlfriend is confused why i like forest art so much can you draw me one ,0,075 075-1216,yes trump voter you need evidence of threats against muslims but need no evidence to decide all muslims are a threat ,0,075 075-2811,hillary thinks blacks are super predators and biden says if you dont vote for him then you aint black its not just the gop bud dnc is arguably worse,0,075 075-2727,did you know the most dangerous place for a black person is in their mothers womb disgusting fuck the democrats ,0,075 075-4743,no where in the post or comments did i say tiananmen was necessary or muslims are security threats and need to be detained,0,075 075-5651,if gay is a disease then i got type stage,0,075 075-2394,cleaning i see that my mom is very tired after work so she takes hour naps everyday,0,075 075-403,in the light novel cow girl is a ball of energy in some scenes ,0,075 075-2286,are you saying all muslims are criminals you pigot motherfuckers you no different than nazi when they decided that all jews should be killed ,0,075 075-407,people say the jews are greedy and suck the life out of thier host nation like parasites but i just dont see it ,0,075 075-959,so all black people are homeless and in debt for millions ,0,075 075-938,there is a screenshot of his facebook he says that jews are the children of satan i think he shot them because they were jews not immigrants or both,0,075 075-658,no but seriously white people are evil and black people are oppressed cool story bro how does that help anybody ,0,075 075-348,my wife is laughing at me whilst i dance and yell ,0,075 075-833,the tradition in the uk of fish battered and fried in oil may have come from western sephardic jewish immigrants from holland jews are responsible for so many of my favorite culinary moments wow ,0,075 075-1218,now maybe im wrong but his stance seems to be jews arent the real jews black people are the real jews because jewish people are evil or something huh wah ,0,075 075-7503,uh we arent talking about pedophiles what the fuck are you talking about or do you think all queer people are pedophiles ,0,075 075-3165,zog zionist occupation government ie the scary jews are conspiring to take over the world this dude seems to be the paranoia agent from this anti propaganda film,0,075 075-132,i feel like this somehow twists around so stupidly that theyre actually saying black people are violent and white people should be afraid ,0,075 075-1272,so lets be clear your position is that black people are loud obnoxious lazy and the incorrect people to hire ,0,075 075-449,heres a fun fact for your post jews are greedy and shit yeah here is why this is said back in the days when money was being loaned jews could charge interest christians could not ok bye ,0,075 075-1323,do you believe that jews are the demiurges evil minions is this view common among contemporary gnostics ,0,075 075-856,cop haters are similar to racists racists think all black people are criminals and cop haters think all cops are corrupt and abusive ,0,075 075-2224,meanwhile my mom is disappointed with me for not cooking eggs properly ,0,075 075-2242,it happens when criminals are in power muslims are under assault in india china myanmar and the whole world doing nothing about it ,0,075 075-3036,what i dont think that jewish people are very cannibalistic correct me if im wrong ,0,075 075-3099,are you suggesting that jews are conspiring and scheming no way they have never been known to do that bad goy how very antisemitic of you your social credit score has been reduced by points ,0,075 075-7250,transgenderism is a derogatory term that implies being transgender is a disorder or disease ,0,075 075-2472,yeah i think jews and muslims are fighting a common enemy white nationalists which has united them ,0,075 075-1386,a book claiming that jewish people are genetically evil changed your outlook how so ,0,075 075-384,jewish people are greedy foreal bro its and you up sounding like somebodys racist grandfather get your life together,0,075 075-1384,wait jews are the evil communists who run the world but also simultaneously are fighting against leftists these conspiracies are getting out of hand ,0,075 075-1473,if youre gonna take the position that black men are violent from watching this video dont you also have to say that white men are bitches ,0,075 075-5011,plus i didnt say being born a homosexual is a sin please dont put words into my mouth ,0,075 075-1103,translation but but but white people arnt dangerous black people are ignore the picture of dangerous white people and safe black man please ,0,075 075-154,oh my god its my favorite artist on pixiv his art of best wife is so fucking good ,0,075 075-7487,i dont think emotional lesbian is the right term ,0,075 075-2190,and most muslims are perfectly fine with the us as well to call the hijackers as representative of the religion and culture at large is ridiculous ,0,075 075-1966,ya joking around totally doesnt help normalize their jews are the devil and blacks should be enslaved xd mentality keep deluding yourself,0,075 075-6195,saying islam is a dangerous ideology and expressing anger at criminals who happened to be black you know really horrible stuff ,0,075 075-341,its murder on the dance floor your wife is short and young looking ,0,075 075-3261,gay people are automatically submissive ,0,075 075-6118,i agree with you howard is acting ridiculous his fear of anything he considers remotely homosexual is weird ,0,075 075-2139,the death of a black person is somewhat tragic what part of someone unlawfully dying is somewhat instead of fully jesus ,0,075 075-2565,not all dope is cooked but that lady is an ass a burger and a spoon lmao ,0,075 075-2423,inferior people so youre saying that jewish people are superior to everyone else ,0,075 075-1390,these are the people who thinks all muslims are dangerous radicals ,0,075 075-977,everyone says black people are more aggressive doesnt mean it came from somewhere good ,0,075 075-3262,i stand by it gays are too emotional this aint cringe ,0,075 075-2233,no he isnt lmao you must think blacks are ugly as sin if you think facelms is representative of peoples with african descent ,0,075 075-2272,gay people are fine but theyre still divided on whether gay sex is a sin or not,0,075 075-2277,theres a mad jap scientist in some london school who wrote a paper on how blacks are objectively ugly ,0,075 075-573,man if the message was circumcision is bad rather than jews are bad id be totally on board ,0,075 075-6384,its gay is a part of every day live i think its immoral to think being gay is wrong ,0,075 075-1774,some people think all us muslims are mostly suicide bombers and terrorists we are not ,0,075 075-3053,not at all anyway why do you think gay people are immoral go on answer a question for a change edit grammar,0,075 075-4853,arabs are dumb and they do dumber shit than this just because they are arabs islam has nothing to do with promoting violence against dogs lmao,0,075 075-176,im not defending you assuming all black people are looters youre filth take that shit to your klan meeting mr duke,0,075 075-1889,yeah those black women are a loud minority ,0,075 075-278,considering how many african americans are in jail for weed and this happens ,0,075 075-2042,tldr turkish dictator says jews are the devil and he wont stop killing minorities in his country ,0,075 075-6743,gay is wanting a emotional and sexual relationship with the same sex youre just sucking your own dick,0,075 075-1451,id say the majority of them are far more conservative and grew up being taught in some of these areas that jewish people are evil they do not want to stop at just getting rid of the country ,0,075 075-1337,because the implication is that jews are the heroes who are being unjustly persecuted by evil villains for no reason,0,075 075-1585,weed and alcohol are things gay people are people i dont know of any religion that says youre supposed to ignore that gay people exist ,0,075 075-269,my wife is one and i used to dance too nice extension there ,0,075 075-1173,your comment history shows you implying that black people are less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-4899,you are calling homosexuals sinners isnt sin a bad thing so you believe homosexuals are bad ,0,075 075-6612,being gay is not sinful according to the church ,0,075 075-2780,its the old jews are inferior and rule the world paradox ,0,075 075-6,wow its not like us arabs are constantly stereotyped to be evil terrorists in almost every single piece of media weve been featured in ,0,075 075-718,this older lady is clearly just wearing a state of the art pair of smartphone glasses in stylish purple ,0,075 075-149,anyone can tell me briefly from where the drawing of the left girl is seems like art from satoshi urushihara ,0,075 075-1144, but theres no scientific data that black people are genetically less intelligent,0,075 075-2365,re blacks are in prison at higher rates is he saying black people need to be reformed ,0,075 075-4044,being a homosexual is a mental disorder jesus christ what are you from thes ,0,075 075-8982,i have dont recommend it i used to buy into the whole islam is violence only and women something something but i got better i started reading ,0,075 075-747,africans are currently enslaving africans in libya the slave markets are openly active once again ,0,075 075-5181,just a heads up lots of troll users downvote genuine questions to give the image that muslims are hostile happens way too much at rislam,0,075 075-122,evangelion was bad and that red headed girl is annoying as fuck nice art though ,0,075 075-2241,mom is moaning what is that looking downstairs santa is eating moms ass instead of the cookies and milk,0,075 075-2872,is this the woke version of the standard redditor response that social democracy cant work in america because blacks are too lazy to contribute ,0,075 075-2664,thatd be ironic if god was like nah they gays are cool but you weird conservatives are really getting on my nerves ,0,075 075-2487,omg pimaxk blacks are straight awful gonna stay with my odyssey for now ,0,075 075-3534,i didnt know that parts of the jewish community is against it but obviously i should have realized that not everyone is onboard i wish you the best of luck in your fight against circumcision ,0,075 075-2422,simple answer envy the jews are an extremely successful if not one of the most successful groups of people in the world and it makes others feel inferior and thus lash out ,0,075 075-2826,pretty sure we wont get it if dems are in charge either after hillary blacks are super predators clinton lost to trump ,0,075 075-331,generalizing a whole group of people is wrong its like saying that all muslim are extremists or that all jews are greedy banker ,0,075 075-2135,just obey the law and youll be fine thats what they say whenever a black person is beaten to death by cops right ,0,075 075-2742,now what if it said blacks are dangerous and defended it by citing statistics ,0,075 075-243,this snek girl is so cuute excellent pixel art,0,075 075-1126,would you lot be defending this kid if hed announced to the class that black people are less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-1299,but doesnt this go against their narrative that all black people are unemployed and lazy living off the state ,0,075 075-2157,jews are satans children jesus was a jew so if im reading this right these people are proclaiming themselves as followers of a child of satan ,0,075 075-40,hopefully you dont mean it this way but this post basically says no all jews are just greedy its not just a stereotype it must be genetic ,0,075 075-2377,but the world somehow found that christianism is the enemy of the society while muslims are ok and respectful ,0,075 075-2871,these people think all muslims are isis style extremists but are also the political left ,0,075 075-74,i dont judge you guys if americans think all arabs are terrorists than all arabs should think that americans are racist ,0,075 075-175,if black people are able to crash the stock market tomorrow they actually might get a lot of peoples attention im being serious too,0,075 075-857,she literally peddles the great replacement which is a nazi conspiracy that jews are manipulating the world in order to forcibly replace white people with immigrants ,0,075 075-1860,no this video is claiming all lesbians are perverts,0,075 075-116,where did i say all muslims are terrorists oh thats right i didnt ,0,075 075-2652,are you assuming all blacks are criminal scum thats so fucking racist dude you are disgusting ,0,075 075-3355,but arabs are not being discriminated against america wants to welcome christian arabs with open arms they hate muslims ,0,075 075-7315,some ppl get confused and think lesbian is a nationality,0,075 075-1704,if she had only dated black men and none of them were good to her would it be fair for her to say that all black men are terrible people ,0,075 075-48,anyone who would try to send those tits out of the country is a philistine because that girl is art ,0,075 075-2013,ben shapiros fans are almost all white as he pushes highly racist views like how arabs are inherently murderous ,0,075 075-2993,konosuba wagnaria blend s maidsama your girlfriend is shobitch aho girl,0,075 075-2205,what if your mom is the mexican housekeeper ,0,075 075-697,nixon era war on drugs policies enacted to target black people are still in effect today ,0,075 075-5648,correction living in syria in general also gay is not a disease you bigot,0,075 075-1518,black men are know to abuse steroids this whole bbc genetics thing is a myth steroids are very cheap and accessible in the hood ,0,075 075-2200,are you now suggesting over half of american blacks are in jail lol ,0,075 075-507,the weird image of the girl is an asian sculpture in some museum somewhere its just horrifying ,0,075 075-1643,not all black women are ugly though maybe we have different opinions due to the fact im canadian ,0,075 075-6404,but who said bring gay is sexually immoral ,0,075 075-2498,gt wtf does mugabe and his failed policies have to do with black americans it demonstrates blacks are a failure ,0,075 075-979,ugh sisters are the worst your art is incredible ,0,075 075-2014,saying that jews are the devil which is what this post did when it said zuck doesnt have a soul is an antisemitic trope ,0,075 075-2144,nope hollywood is still in the gays are always victims and physically weak phase ,0,075 075-588,that logic is horrible black people are inferior if u think thats offensive then go cry about it,0,075 075-2469,i remember the texts hitler read in the bible that said jews are the inferior race seemed so out place ,0,075 075-640,ive read up to chapterx of the novel and dw the mom is still very relevant not in the way that it impacts the plot but the author does remember her ,0,075 075-893,it was a korean drama my girlfriend is a gumiho,0,075 075-929,the yellow vests are whinging about immigrants and jews are they all autistic dole bludgers but anyway nice attempt at shaming people suggests youre a abusive narcissist just sayin,0,075 075-317,how is he an asshat for dancing with someone else its not even a close intimate dance the wife is the one being an asshat here ,0,075 075-366,the girl next door reading about a teenage girl is not my idea of good literature go figure ,0,075 075-1852,yeah but i dont expect most of us here are asexual given how many memes about submissive lesbians are around here ,0,075 075-700,i think these types of pics should be there own art form but that gray lady is definitely side bitch 1,0,075 075-1613,self centred homophobia thinking lesbians are promiscuous ,0,075 075-1491,i didnt say i dont want to date black men im not particular about race black men are not violent or thuggish i dont mind defending them too ,0,075 075-2969,people who downvoted this must think all african girls are ugly ,0,075 075-668,back then there was no youtube or reddit to tell those sheeps that black people are evil and sjw are trying to take over the nerd fandom ,0,075 075-4124,does the church think that having gay parents or being gay is a worse sin than being a serial killer ,0,075 075-503,could you do a baby doll head body arms legs my wife is a sculpture ,0,075 075-200,im pretty sure he was he wrote a whole book on how jews are the cause of capitalism and they are greedy,0,075 075-6102,its weird very strange getting told being gay is wrong and believing it its wonky its my life right now though ,0,075 075-2418,what do these guys think is it the jews control everything or the jews are inferior which is it,0,075 075-421,alot of homophobic people think gays are pedophiles too ,0,075 075-282,i literally sing skimbleshanks weekly and do a little fake tap dance whenever my wife is feeling down gets her rolling every time ,0,075 075-928,his daughter isnt an immigrant you think all jewish people are foreign because they cant possibly be american or something ,0,075 075-225,exactly just because the terrorist who bombed the twin towers was muslim doesnt automatically mean that all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-1439,so muslims are bad and violent dangerous people who we shouldnt let into the country unless they want to buy our weapons ok ,0,075 075-305,the criticism which is dumb imo is that its an innuendo refering to conspiracy theories that jews are greedy control banks and have deisgns to dominate the world with a secret plot ,0,075 075-2438,your mom is a waitress ,0,075 075-258,you mean propaganda and lies to incite people against jews also are you really trying to argue using a fancy version of the jews are all rich and greedy meme ,0,075 075-2407,jesus said that all jews are children of satan in john as a christian movement we cannot abide them,0,075 075-1264,okay but when did trump say all muslims are a threat to us citizens ,0,075 075-1879,thats what i was thinking not only is it on a white woman it insinuates black women are loud bad design choices all around,0,075 075-753,its a failure because some black people are being helped ,0,075 075-1043,i can stand an artist being shitty a lot more than one publicly and vehemently arguing that black people are inherently dangerous and criminal,0,075 075-372,the last part of literature girl is the best imo ,0,075 075-2748,ignore him he is implying that blacks are dangerous there for that is why crime rates are high ,0,075 075-128,from dropshipping cheap clothing to stealing art this girl is just keeps getting slimier and shadier such a crook she has to be put in her place ,0,075 075-2566,how is the acab thing fair thats like me saying all blacks are criminals double standards apply to everything yall are just a bunch of hypocrites ,0,075 075-2929,dude someone who says all blacks are lazy isnt a good person i dont give a shit if its a holdover attitude ,0,075 075-1410,omg tell me about it even though my muslim dad married a jew a divorced before i was he loves to tell me about how evil jews are all the time he even says the holocaust never happened ,0,075 075-1730,i dont i dont need more people asking me to cook my wife is enough well i guess handmade burger patties ,0,075 075-1831,why do you specifying melanin content are you saying poor young black men are more dangerous than poor white men ,0,075 075-1985,are are you suggesting that jews are the devil right now ,0,075 075-1029,are you saying black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-2975,they think gays are immoral for gay sex and women are immoral for forcing the straight men to rape them by existing in a vulnerable state near them ,0,075 075-1102,im triggered by this imx the cook my wife is my kids beg for me to cook at the same time this was my childhood ,0,075 075-1765,blacks are the highest percentage of criminals and gays are just ugh,0,075 075-4810,youre a sick person and id imagine lonely as well killing homosexuals for being homosexual is murder ,0,075 075-1461,oh careful there buddy criticising israel is literally defined as anti semitism of course youre implying that jews are evil full stop s,0,075 075-459,when people identify themselves as bigots it goes way further than jews are more likely to be greedy than nonjews thats the kind of bigotry im talking about ,0,075 075-1734,do you smel what ops wife is cookin,0,075 075-2390,i did too luckily my mom is hr for a commerical cleaning company ill work there till we open back ,0,075 075-993,but pitbulls were bred for aggression so your flaming hot take only works if you think black people are naturally aggressive lmfao,0,075 075-1756,similar to when people say black men are super preditors and criminals free speach for everyone,0,075 075-2367,the irony the west is being conditioned from viewing islam as bad to muslims are so great and gay is a disease to gays are fabulous,0,075 075-858,is the subtext for equating black slaves to drug dealers that all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-3209,the person who performs circumcision in judaism is called a mohel ,0,075 075-502,marx thinks jews are greedy and exploitative marx says we must get rid of the greedy and exploitative obviously no connection,0,075 075-4955,do you think that all muslims are cheering on and encouraging violence because otherwise this is a hell of a false equivalency youre making ,0,075 075-1585,because in a white dominated society they are made to feel ugly for their natural hair black women are penalized for having their hair as it is ,0,075 075-308,that girl is having the weirdest dance party ever ,0,075 075-217,or jews are greedy or asians cant drive or black people steal stereotypes are pretty shitty no matter who the target is,0,075 075-759,the purple hair lady is yuri from doki doki literature club,0,075 075-531,smh my head saying the k word and saying that every women are dumb and black people are criminals smh youre a terrible gmer,0,075 075-481,there is a show on netflix called the rain and a girl is living your drama op ,0,075 075-60,arabian nut cake are these fucking white nationalists implying that arabs are insane terrorists ,0,075 075-20,lmao do you think people who dont like all muslims are terrorists or black people are thugs have ego problem as well get real,0,075 075-1384,those people sound very regressive and old fashioned i bet they think the gays are the source of aids too ,0,075 075-2903,lmao ben is so racist because he is causing me to project my racist beliefs just admit it you think blacks are lazy and are projecting ,0,075 075-995,arent you late for a lynching or a barn dance or something cletus maybe your sister is ready for another roll in the hay ,0,075 075-2982,reminds me of a meme that said repub if black girls are loud,0,075 075-2226,thats because most hindus here also believe that all muslims are criminals or support pakistan its truly sickening and sad ,0,075 075-330,nice dance moves kid and the girl is pretty hot too ,0,075 075-854,lol why do you think all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-142,so you are doubling down on your all muslims are terrorists nonsense then out of curiosity do you consider yourself right wing ,0,075 075-1443,okay but stonetoss is literally a neo nazi he makes comics about how white people are the superior race and jews are evil masterminds who are trying to ruin the world,0,075 075-445,yeah who does that look im really sad look at my photos this girl is a drama bomb ,0,075 075-1227,you think muslims are an existential threat and think everyone else is brainwashed,0,075 075-2043,u believes that jews are the devil look at this nazi piece of filths history ,0,075 075-349,so youre saying black people look like monkeys and jews are greedy for money are both funny statements ha ha ha you are that stupid ,0,075 075-730,whether the jewish cup is full or empty theres always gonna be that one guy who mentions how rich or how frugal jewish people are some people just cant mind their own cup,0,075 075-180,so goddamn beautiful i absolutely love it sayori is so precious very nice art btw its lovely especially cause best girl is there ,0,075 075-7454,trying to explain to people that im both monogamous and bisexual is an exercise in frustration ,0,075 075-383,girls but its probably because power girl is a graphic novel superhero,0,075 075-1596,this piece is titled cuffed to cooking when your girl is defenseless to booty lovins because she dont wanna break the yolk ,0,075 075-2849,non extremists muslims are some of the nicest people youll ever meet ,0,075 075-1211,well written muslims are in threat also have had no takers bjp is not leading in a single muslim majority seats so ,0,075 075-2385,do you have contact with muslims because infidels or nonmuslims are not a primary enemy with the muslims i know ,0,075 075-1998,youre assuming he has insurance the pic clearly shows emergency also assuming his mom is a nurse ,0,075 075-74,so youre saying black people are just naturally more dangerous and violent ,0,075 075-823,thanks my girlfriend is always telling me my art has a storybook quality to it so its nice to see it connecting to someone in that way ,0,075 075-1182,no theyre talking about how muslims are more likely to be seen as a threat by police fbi dhs etc,0,075 075-1066,you open your door and your little sister is sat outside smilingthe drama club fees were worth the money ,0,075 075-6552,the only thing repulsive and gay is will young ,0,075 075-958,i live here theres homeless white people in the area too the only person saying black people are criminals is you ,0,075 075-357,pink haired girl is from doki doki literature club black haired guy is from rising of the shield hero idk the other dude ,0,075 075-1595,you dont care would you be friends with someone who says black men are ugly ,0,075 075-690,once again high quality fan art as always when this lady is in question ,0,075 075-2389,do not get the blacks are terrible on an otherwise great tv hard to see how the dropped the ball on this one get the ,0,075 075-20,because jewish people are stereotypically portrayed as greedy selfish penny pinching liars miz crook immediately pulls that to me ,0,075 075-2738,hm thats a bit much the extremists have to go regular muslim people are as good as anyone ,0,075 075-2001,well mine above are also true statisticly speaking not that jews are the devil but the first part of the statement,0,075 075-6100,ah gotcha its strange that being gay is still considered a smear to republicans ,0,075 075-589,no its not if a piece of suicide bomber or some terirsts are kill under name of islam then not all of islamic people are terrorists,0,075 075-1660,yeah im confused how the wife is a stay at home wife if she neither cooks cleans nor takes care of the kids sounds like shes just unemployed ,0,075 075-1809,and sexist why assume the wife is the one to do the cleaning ,0,075 075-1933,so you think that jews are an evil on the world but you are willing to not kill them all ,0,075 075-121,he thinks muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-2240,watch how she mixes reasonable criticism of israel with crazy shit like jews are satan to derail the conversation ,0,075 075-311,i dont know if id call it an article it reads more like a blog post so jewish people are greedy and controlling but want communism ,0,075 075-513,that was a little more original than dude your mom is hot its not exactly poetry but its something ,0,075 075-719,how generalizing is useful i can say all black people are criminals all germans are nazis all jews are greedy all americans are idiots in what way this is useful ,0,075 075-184,dream girl is a work of art,0,075 075-414,no poland is declaring several gay free zones theyre saying that all gays are pedophiles and they think being gay is a ideology ,0,075 075-2018,so i can say im against the modern prison system and well the blacks are in there because theyre more violent and that wouldnt be racist ,0,075 075-2413,when has a white supremacist said that jews are biologically inferior ,0,075 075-10583,i never said every muslim is violent thats absurd read ,0,075 075-155,i must say the jews are greedy therefore theyll save me is a new one for me usually what follows the therefore goes in an entirely different direction ,0,075 075-2644,do you really think that saying most blacks are criminals isnt racist ,0,075 075-2347,thank you for the links are you suggesting that gay people are committing habitual sin by existing no ,0,075 075-80,does it have to be about if you think jewish people are inherently greedy may i politely suggest you get a bit more in touch with the real world,0,075 075-1284,correct but then you labelled it a group do you mean muslims are the biggest threat in itself why not just say islamists,0,075 075-6799,if you know what a lesbian is and you know what a pedophile is then you dont need to google it just put the definitions together ,0,075 075-7507,wait is this for pedophile or pansexual i think pansexuals are fine in the lgbt but if pedos are trying to add it hell no hell hell hell no ,0,075 075-2510,i havent seen the original but im guessing its stonefucker saying that gay people are confused victims of childhood sexual assault,0,075 075-9076,some cultures are better than others and islam is violent thats literal bigotry dude read your definitions and then read what you wrote ,0,075 075-265,idc if its a joke its rude like making a jews are greedy or black people are getto joke its insensitive ,0,075 075-1679,yeah they do you seriously think most islamic people are happy with their fellow muslims suicide bombing innocent civilians ,0,075 075-2262,its basically equal to ugly black person is redundant either way youre still insulting a specific group of people because of the way they look ,0,075 075-1313,if you follow what trump says even on quotes from this very thread he believes that black people are lazy just to put that statement into context ,0,075 075-93,nice reason perpetuating the stereotype that african americans are violent ,0,075 075-2697,thats of course based on their view that muslims are the enemies of the us some people might say china north korea or russia ,0,075 075-894,i had to ditch a longtime friend because he thought i was closed minded for not even listening to the idea that jews are trying to replace white people with immigrants ,0,075 075-2088,if you think jews are the devil and support trump youre an idiot hes probably the most proisrael projewish president there ever has been ,0,075 075-35,and the terrorists which made people think muslims are bad people,0,075 075-1291,man this dude needs to shut the fuck up hes gonna put out a minute song talking about how evil jews are and hitler did nothing wrong ,0,075 075-1991,im a respiratory nurse your mom is my hero ,0,075 075-2069,they will simply say that all muslims are terrorists or that since the majority are terrorists we should kick them out murder them,0,075 075-2466,i am as confused as you are i was told lesbians are fat mainly and i want to know about them ,0,075 075-236,its bigotry to assume all islamic people are terrorists ,0,075 075-2552,continue making chocolate chip cookies the other lady is an asshole for her complaining and the teacher is an asshole for giving fuck them both ,0,075 075-6365,give me a signed note from your fake god saying that being homosexual is sinful i hope you rot in hell you immoral piece of shit,0,075 075-8,whenever police retrench from poor violent neighborhoods violent crime increases and more black people are killed ,0,075 075-111,chance the rappers wife is my favorite piece of art,0,075 075-6446,being gay is perfectly moral you are immoral your religion is immoral ,0,075 075-2788,yeah my question still stands how is this the same as saying all muslims are extremists also imagine downvoting people in a discussion,0,075 075-1395,the fact that he never said black people are lazy is irrelevant amirite orange man bad ,0,075 075-2251,can i get some funds any would be helpful love and appreciate you best song is no black person is ugly cash app is doghboy,0,075 075-0,so what does this video try to prove that mexicans and african americans are violent troublemakers or something ,0,075 075-1508,no no no saying muslims are dangerous is racism xenophobia islamophobia and hate speech saying incels is dangerous is standing up to patriarchy s,0,075 075-2032,lovely so is this where all the muslims are being raped tortured and murdered ,0,075 075-2386,the bit rate of the hbo now and maybe cable is just terrible the blacks are so crushed ,0,075 075-1367,wait why do you think jews are a great evil ,0,075 075-6410,are you saying being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-892,a korean drama called my girlfriend is a gumiho i think,0,075 075-2532,but just because a lot of crime is carried out by black people does not mean that a black person is probably a criminal lets get that straight ,0,075 075-645,oh yes the classic black people are actually more evil conspiracy classic,0,075 075-3082,scroll down and some feminist lesbians are blaming patriarchy for men feeling insecure in their penis size i kid u not ,0,075 075-763,you missed its also gross generalisation like saying all african americans are criminals ,0,075 075-581,as a jew myself i really appreciate you bringing this perspective to the thread im strongly against infant circumcision and its true that some jews are against it ,0,075 075-1003,also funny how you didnt go into my other questions do you then believe that black people are aggressive and brutal by nature ,0,075 075-629,you really really have to insist that black people are evil at every opportunity do you ,0,075 075-6375,do you think homosexuals are somehow immoral or precluded from discussing morality ,0,075 075-1567,secretary if i come home and my wife is watching that i brace myself and start doing stretches ,0,075 075-503,black people are blamed for drugs prisons filled with blacks for the same as well off whites getting thoughtful response blacks get prison period,0,075 075-1398,he actually has not been quoted as saying black people are lazy check your sources have a good one tommy im out of time for reddit today ,0,075 075-5043,are you under the impression that being gay is a sin ,0,075 075-2450,muslims are not our enemy 9 ,0,075 075-2429,casually calls other people inferior and talks about how jews are the enemy neoliberal subreddit fucking hates intolerance even though we are overwhelmingly white so uh,0,075 075-3329,its really best not to generalize like that as far as judaism is concerned the satan is just another angel doing his job ,0,075 075-2549,that lady is legit i dont like cooking or instructions but she is dope ,0,075 075-3026,no matter what all fringe groups find a way to blame the jews somehow jews are incredibly manipulative and dumb at the same time so stupid ,0,075 075-1651,i hate it when people say that bisexuals are promiscuous id be promiscuous if i were monosexual too ,0,075 075-1647,i was with you till the black women are ugly part i need to know more about this part i need more things to talk about at cocktail hour ,0,075 075-588,obviously we still dont know if jesters mom is tiefling but that fan art was so sweet ,0,075 075-1693,perhaps because her husband is the reason so many black men are in prison ,0,075 075-2210,thats actually very rude to generalize everybody all muslims are terrorists all blacks are criminals ok,0,075 075-2495,now im confused as to whether they think gays are the immoral ones or straight dudes ,0,075 075-4317,its implying that gay is bad and tries to portray alcohol as gay because its gay imo thats beyond dark humour ,0,075 075-2446,because its a fucking fascist dogwhistle the enemy is both strong and weak jewish people are both an inferior race and controlling the entire planet its an old one literally being used unchanged ,0,075 075-3184,is ben here saying that judaism is greed ,0,075 075-908,the trump voter is well defined by word and deed this is one of you you agree with him jews are replacing white europeans with immigrants ,0,075 075-6437,your mistake was in thinking being gay is immoral its not and youre just a fucked relic from a mentality which is thankfully dying out cheers ,0,075 075-1335,and then he went to subway got some food and on the way back home maga haters beat him with a baseball bat while screaming the jews are evil,0,075 075-541,im a big sucker for great card art and my goodness the plant based bride is so pretty o,0,075 075-2578,is believing that gay people are just confused homophobia ,0,075 075-5030,im still so confused about what part of the bible even says that being gay is a sin,0,075 075-654,is it the industry or the religions both islam and judaism there are countries where jews are crying anti semitism because they want to ban circumcision on babies ,0,075 075-5657,what does he think being gay is a disease cooties ,0,075 075-2276,nothing in the bible says gays are a sin or i dont think so ,0,075 075-7272,saying that feminism is a social disease has said that transgender is a mental illness etc hes basically an incel right now,0,075 075-403,jews are stereotypically seen as greedy merchants so seeing a trading post as a holy site plays into that ,0,075 075-2262,you mean like how jews are overrepresented in newspapers and media by over and muslims are more likely to be criminals in austria ,0,075 075-1392,i dont think jews are evil,0,075 075-167,nobody here actually thinks all muslims are terrorists if they do thats just sheer incompetence ,0,075 075-787,depends on whether the cap is a fedora or a trilby more seriously my lady is how shakespeare wrote the phrase ,0,075 075-746,removed and banned black people are still oppressed failure to acknowledge that is chuddish ,0,075 075-801,this took hours please take this into consideration hope you like my art of how beautiful willnes girlfriend is,0,075 075-4363,but drag queens and transgenders are not one in the same right ru paul is a drag queen and a guy ,0,075 075-155,but not all white people are terrorists did i say all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-2121,so of blacks are convicted for murder therefore i should be assumed to be a murderer simply because im black ,0,075 075-24,art worthy of best girl is rare but you did it ,0,075 075-1388,nah reddit generally thinks black people are lazy like i said this website is brogressive ,0,075 075-7,some fucktard did and left a message about how gay people are mentally ill and need to be put in their place i told em to fuck off,0,075 075-482,dae black people are such savages that theyll kill you for not liking black panther ,0,075 075-36,i think anyone comparing greedy fantasy goblins to jewish people are racists ive never ever drawn that parallel myself and i doubt jk was either ,0,075 075-594,wow anons mom is an ass just because the art is made of shit it doesnt mean it is shit ,0,075 075-2197,saying all cops are bad is like saying all muslims are terrorists or all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-4924,ive always heard that homosexual acts are sinful just being a homosexual is not a sin,0,075 075-842,ah i see you must also believe that the poor are poor because they dont work hard enough black people are criminals and muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-3088,they think that jews are conspiring against white people through the deepstate but in order for that to be true then they must be untouchable which the holocaust invalidates ,0,075 075-2944,black girls are in jail for not doing their homework but this yt lady commits a possible felony and she gets a slap on the wrist checks out ,0,075 075-6438,so you think both incest and being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-245,it doesnt matter what scammers do youre still fucking insane for thinking that they deserve genocide youre no better than hitler thinking that jews are greedy capitalists taking his money,0,075 075-3255,book reveal by god in this instance the torah is the basis of good and evil ok how does the existence of a book show anything is real ,0,075 075-5387,this is a false equivalence though indian media sucks cocks muhammad is a terrorist islam is evil,0,075 075-1882,all black women are not lazy angry loud and overweight ,0,075 075-875,my girlfriend is a gumiho it was good drama but now it could be on another level ,0,075 075-2505,either lady is misrepresnting what the nurse said or nurse explained badly ,0,075 075-6429,i dunno if youre dating someone who believes being gay is immoral it might be hard to hang out with your friends who are gay for example ,0,075 075-1251,this that kind of guy that complains about how loud black people are at school dances,0,075 075-176,i think this has nothing to do with non whites and more to do with unchecked capitalism plus greedy and inmoral manufacturing practices that all depends on whether you think jews are white or not ,0,075 075-1078,hesaid not the voice of reason hesaid saying he feels unsafe because black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-5228,so if you dont want a child you should remain abstinent thats the logic of the ultra religious the same group that thinks being gay is a sin ,0,075 075-914,thanks shakespeare hope your girlfriend is doing well ,0,075 075-1498,ah youre of the black men are just more violent bent fair enough ,0,075 075-2405,i agree that the triple blacks are horrible but this pair is nice imo,0,075 075-870,old world jews are best model immigrants ftw ,0,075 075-2266,they say gay people are totally fine acting on that gayness is the sin if a gay man marries a woman he has the same rights as everyone else ,0,075 075-7485,ah yes it is well known that emotional lesbian is secretly a slur against black people,0,075 075-101,legit contributions but i think the users were a problem or maybe reddit hates jews they turned the sub into a jews are greedy and own everything type of sub,0,075 075-150,jews are stereotyped as greedy extrapolate from there ,0,075 075-2241,the question is do you think non muslims are the worst criminals ,0,075 075-761,that lady is exactly how i pictured the opera lady from the fulgrim hh novel,0,075 075-299,i went on a mission trip to africa and realized that poverty bad even though those africans are poor they are still richer than us in emotions,0,075 075-724,its using the old anti semetic stereotype that jews are miserly and frugal so a regular harp can play many different notes but a jews harp can only play one ,0,075 075-3231,ive already spoiled most of it unfortunately side note the torah is brutally difficult to read ,0,075 075-2635,not all blacks are criminals you know ,0,075 075-3935,being gay is not a fucking mental disorder you ignorant twat,0,075 075-30,plenty of jews are greedy we should probably send them to the ovens see how your mass hysteria thinking goes ,0,075 075-1169,i mean either we accept that black people are slightly less intelligent which i dont believe or we accept that the iq test is deeply flawed ,0,075 075-2040,he is saying blacks are only violent because they learned how to be violent from whitey ,0,075 075-2246,it doesnt actually say gays are a sin god is supposed to love everyone also jesus supposedly blessed a gay wedding ,0,075 075-3161,where did he call or imply gay people are sinful and wring there ,0,075 075-1217,de sean jackson talking about how jewish people are evil and people agreeing with him jewish privilege trending on twitter lots of anti semitic stuff these days ,0,075 075-253,if your wife is interested in art there are several art museums in and around copenhagen most notably probably louisiana north of copenhagen,0,075 075-2718,americas enemies for the last years have been israels enemies i wouldnt say muslims are the problem they dont own every social platform ,0,075 075-6563,are you saying being gay is repulsive ,0,075 075-1551,be careful anyone who refers to the former secretary of state as your girl is possibly a troll ,0,075 075-1640,looks like my first impression was off in the bay area it sometimes seems like every asian girl is a cookie cutter boba obsessed raver ,0,075 075-3146,i mean thats partly good at least you dont think that gay people are sinful lmao,0,075 075-1904,and theyre exactly the same people who say that we gays are perverted,0,075 075-2830,okay but did she really say blacks are super predators ,0,075 075-2412,there is no feud between islam and others enemy of muslims are the hypocrites like jesus pointed out ,0,075 075-3135,i dont get why people think jews are conspiring against whites from what i see its a bunch of whites who play the identity game to get on top themselves ,0,075 075-2981,in canada we dont allow hate speech like gays are immoral pamphlets do you think we dont have public criticism of anti gay speech ,0,075 075-536,your mom is not art,0,075 075-2263,ultimate bitch is so underrated no black person is ugly is unironically a single of the decade contender but yeah black ken is top lil b easy,0,075 075-1422,to be clear youre saying black people are more likely to be lazy ,0,075 075-9746,the way you are wording this make it look like a muslim is either a child rapist or a terrorist ,0,075 075-1585,cookie monster pants girl is a methhead now,0,075 075-119,if someone assumes all muslims are terrorists because some are then that person is a asshole weird how its different when talking about incels ,0,075 075-86,a common stereotype is jew are greedy a jew turns into a christian thinks all jews are greedy,0,075 075-1994,are you saying rich blacks are more violent than rich whites are those the statistics you are citing ,0,075 075-7508,they made it look like an lgbt flag to make it seem like it could be real to make lgbt look bad pansexuals are not pedophiles ,0,075 075-259,ah yes we should assault and affirm their views that black people are naturally violent criminals ,0,075 075-8707,misogyny god no im thinking about how islam is right about women ,0,075 075-1897,my wife is so worried that our maid will seduce me that im not allowed home alone with her ,0,075 075-958,molested hehe dont mean to be rude but your aunt is piece of art of retardiness ,0,075 075-943,he said in his last post that jews are helping immigrants come to the usa so they can kill white people ,0,075 075-49,more wholesome art of best girl is always appreciated and nagisa is pretty awesome too ,0,075 075-3095,they could meet some guy who screams into his mic about how the jews are conspiring with the aliens please tell me the guy does this wearing either the tinfoil outfit or an enclave uniform ,0,075 075-2435,i think shes confused that all lesbians are tomboys,0,075 075-1882,i thought i was the only one who sees whats happening its not about a maid is about a guy who have sex with a maid while his wife is away ,0,075 075-1336,oh did you mean to say i think jews are evil and should die aryans are the master race and developers are ok ,0,075 075-1006,or he feels justified going forward because a black man knocked him unconscious and now black people are all violent and aggressive,0,075 075-2588,these are the same people who think jews are simultaneously inferior and a superpower controlling society behind the scene no one takes these chucklefucks seriously outside of their safe spaces ,0,075 075-1774,racists dont hate you they just think black men are generally criminals lazy and have a low iq ,0,075 075-1952,love hina rosario vampire shuffle my bride is a mermaid highschool dx d,0,075 075-1321,its exactly as offensive as saying that all black people are stupid and lazy totally false,0,075 075-743,mazal tov is a hebrew good luck wish theres also the stereotype that jews are very frugal thats why said if i could id gild that comment the joke is that she can she just doesnt want to ,0,075 075-393,yes ive read plenty of teen novel where the girl is like and his brown eyes glittered in the light his adams apple bobbing swoon,0,075 075-2495,so that lady is a cat nurse or what ,0,075 075-3648,so youre saying homosexuals are attractive to pedophiles ,0,075 075-1442,gt saying all french are lazy is racist saying all black people are criminals is racist saying americans are stupid is racist 0 trolling mate ,0,075 075-698,honestly one of the few situations where im more interested in the concept of the art instead of how hot the lady is on a nsfw pic good job,0,075 075-286,this girl is a dead ringer for my girl happy dance and all if i didnt know better id wonder why my phoenix was on reddit in a strange room haha,0,075 075-1010,i sing wherever sometimes i dance when my sister is around ,0,075 075-1746,yea lmao why do people think all muslims are bombers im not but i got the strength to,0,075 075-844,why should i believe this copypasta where is the evidence that black people are more criminal despite correcting for ses and systematic racism ,0,075 075-2033,thats not the point the point was to show that if he thinks jews are the devil then more than of the world is too,0,075 075-327,context comic relief has fired sheeran and other white celebrities because it promotes stereotypes that africans are poor so called poverty porn,0,075 075-3563,the dude was calling people faggot in the discord and apparently said all homosexuals are all pedophiles at one point ,0,075 075-25,so why do black areas have more crime is it truly because black people are inherently more violent than whites ,0,075 075-464,jews are known for the stereotype of being greedy so this is telling the joke that the rabbi a jew always wants money ,0,075 075-2440,bisexuals are not confused,0,075 075-994,is the joke meant to be that black people are more aggressive than pitbulls i dont understand ,0,075 075-1024,gt africans are less intelligent than westerners based on what evidence ,0,075 075-156,acting like black people are dumb violent one dimensional stereotypes so you can validate your prejudices empowerment,0,075 075-5046,god loves you and you do not have to stay celibate being gay is not a sin and neither is sex with usual caveats,0,075 075-2537,hooray the alt right have arrived testing the waters with blacks are to blame for slave trade i wonder how long until hitler did nothing wrong,0,075 075-896,how has trump acted like hitler and we have reason to be wary of muslim immigrants anyone also your last sentence makes no sense as jews are not known to be as violent as muslims,0,075 075-1099,everyone and their mothers are gonna have brandin cooks,0,075 075-2677,we muslims are not your enemies in this subject we are against this movie and we probably hate it even more than you ,0,075 075-3148,no op apparently thinks the jews are conspiring to conquer the entire middle east and engineer the refugee crisis to destroy europe ,0,075 075-6722,well being gay is a sensitive topic i wouldnt want to out him at work ,0,075 075-7331,happy doesnt know what a bisexual is and is confused i can literally picture this so clearly in my head ,0,075 075-4851,saying arabs are prone to violence is racist muslims arent a race,0,075 075-216,because the stereotype is that jews are greedy i only explained the stereotype i do not agree with it tho ,0,075 075-4116,villains being coded as gay is not exactly the best kind of representation ,0,075 075-1310,basically jews are the internets schrdingers minority minorities or evil white colonizers whatever people feel according to their agenda,0,075 075-1202,maybe we shouldnt take advice from someone that supports a person who thinks black people are super predators that need to be brought to heel,0,075 075-3010,you dont see the difference between saying gays are immoral and saying people who hate gays are immoral daft ,0,075 075-2464,some people beleive bisexuals are confused or faking for attention,0,075 075-2094,i guess thats why its easier to demonize them they can go their entire life only hearing how the jews are the devil without actually knowing one ,0,075 075-525,for art my mom is an accountant with a masters for one of the biggest companies here and she makes a month,0,075 075-1812,why do people think gay people are so hypersexual i dont get it,0,075 075-2103,gt where did you get the idea that blacks are disproportionately violent that is nowhere in the data huh is this a joke look at murder rates ,0,075 075-461,parallels to this why jews are masterminds in buisness the greed stereotypes rich get richer and anti semitism ,0,075 075-4146,so non homosexuals are depressed ,0,075 075-1487,gt black men are violent and make their dogs violent thats a joke sir ,0,075 075-2524,my religion teacher saying gay people are retarded or mentally confused,0,075 075-1579,nta not even close you worked this out beforehand and you do the vast majority of housekeeping your wife is absolutely ta ,0,075 075-1207,according to hillary clinton black people are super predators i dont know who to believe ,0,075 075-3589,not all arabs are rich sheiks,0,075 075-2513,you must be confused butch lesbians are still females thats why you cant grow facial hair ,0,075 075-534,my headcanon is that normal roy mom is hector great art ,0,075 075-1655,weather is a drag cook is making idlis today wife is sleeping i have been on reddit for hours since morning what a start to a saturday ,0,075 075-2754,what if youre a guy but your girlfriend is incapable of cooking and most other household tasks ,0,075 075-4399,homosexuals are much worse than violent criminals youre utterly delusional get help ,0,075 075-2305,gay isnt sin its just gay people are satans favorite people and jesus helps him out by sending him friends,0,075 075-7369,i know this may sound strange but being transgender is not the same as having cancer ,0,075 075-2510,arabs are the poor innocent perpetual victims in this war to be fair most arabs are everyone involved deserves a good end to the conflict ,0,075 075-7062,so according to this diagam every lesbian is a drug addict thats labelling people a real commie,0,075 075-3026,russian politician defends person who said gay people are immoral why am i not surprised ,0,075 075-2224,whats the implication blacks are more likely to rape or povertylack of education leads to it whats your hypothesis mr racist ,0,075 075-3135,sure especially the ones right now and right now theyre teaching that gays are both sinful and fine at the same time ,0,075 075-2878,tried that with my brother last time he ended up saying blacks are poor because theyre lazy so now i watch alone,0,075 075-1404,so fragile so delicate for the uninitiated r chad right literally believes that jewish people are evil and should be exterminated i wonder who else pushed such ideas and how that ended,0,075 075-1588,and then the trump supporter masks off and says gay people are child rapists,0,075 075-68,he said that black people are inherently violent colonialism was good and that the west was being ruined by brown people being allowed in it ,0,075 075-2173,glad to see the nazis are still naziing over there spreading middle ages and nazi era antisemitic jews are the spawn of satan rhetoric ,0,075 075-3274,wanna explain to me howwhy homosexuals are mentally ill with science if you could ,0,075 075-674,and white people did evil things to black people are they all biologically racist ,0,075 075-2276,all jews share the same mom you can find her on the goldbergs my version of the jewish mom is less helpful and doesnt cook as much ,0,075 075-1214,i dont think being gay is comparable to a developmental condition which causes someone to be a serial killer gay people are as valid as you and me ,0,075 075-1790,my random guess is because uigher muslims are not members of terrorist organizations suicide bombing and cutting heads off ,0,075 075-1534,black men are choked to death for far less than that ,0,075 075-2224,leftists are pluraslists jews are the synagogue of satan whats your point you moral relativist ,0,075 075-1146,if your point is black people are inherently less intelligent then yeah youre a racist lmao judt admit instead of pussyfooting around it,0,075 075-1532,just another example of the way black women are ignored to death by the medical establishment this needs to change ,0,075 075-1010,that isnt the racist part the racist part is assuming african americans are all dangerous,0,075 075-706,jews are arabs majority of jewish people dont have blonde red ginger auburn hair they have a fair amount of melanin more than white people atleast ,0,075 075-1586,why dont you just say black women are ugly with your whole chest fucking ugly ass madonna seriously ,0,075 075-2795,islam is not a bad religion not all of us are terrorist those isis and most terrorist are extremist syiah a lot of muslims are good people ,0,075 075-298,the contrast of ripped geodude muscle monster doing the most effeminate dance move like a little anime girl is so funny to me lmao,0,075 075-845,black people are not genetically criminals is an extraordinary claim to you ,0,075 075-1896,supposedly all black women are loud ignorant and fat chicks who only twerk and grind ,0,075 075-1914,cuz black women are being generalized for being lazy stupid and not mannered i know thats really unfortunately,0,075 075-564,arabs are comanly seen as terrorist and terrorists have suicide bomber who blows themselves up,0,075 075-380,that bit with the russian girl is straight from a surrealist satirical novel ,0,075 075-1316,germans in jews are evil and we are going to kill them you we cant judge them because we arent part of their culture this is literally your argument,0,075 075-788,notch could go out on a murdering spree and shoot dead people and then yell out loud about how all jews are evil and hed still get defended,0,075 075-1766,my cleaning crew is meticulous also the girl is being super defensive about it throwing up read flags left and right,0,075 075-2626,not exactly arabs the arabs are enemies but definitely white jews seen them as less quality this thing still exist though not that bad as it was ,0,075 075-2975,let me hear a white girl say black girls are nasty cause we dont wash our shit everyday sis getting bopped ,0,075 075-14,your so radical that u believe all muslims are terrorist get out of here islamaphobe,0,075 075-2252,nta isnt hate a sin if gays are going to hell then so is she,0,075 075-64,i dont know what you guys are getting into here but you cant just say black people are violent you understand that right ,0,075 075-7449,yta you are insecure a lesbian is going steal your man ,0,075 075-1083,white people dropped atomic bombs on their country but black people are the problem and are dangerous to their culture i dont understand that ,0,075 075-2746,jews are inferior therefore to survive they must subvert host nations thats not my belief but at least know what you talking about,0,075 075-2757,theyre so racist believing that blacks are more dangerous without knowing anything about the topic ,0,075 075-772,jews are loud and pushy is a pretty well known anti semitic stereotype for sanders its mostly perpetuated by white nationalists ,0,075 075-1140,im confused as to how this was abuse if being a cam girl is no different than being a nurse or a lawyer for example ,0,075 075-1329,why does this deer look like it grew up in the backwoods of mississippi supports blue lives matter and thinks muslims are a threat to america ,0,075 075-156,pick one muslims are terrorists false idea that muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-2483,youve confused lesbians for straight women lesbians are not subtle ,0,075 075-2646,heard their cleaning lady is a world class sweeper,0,075 075-2096,jews are the devil dc,0,075 075-6417,why do i feel like you are also suggesting that being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-1457,everyone who tosses around the men are violent stats changes the subject fast when you ask them to clarify you mean black men are violent ,0,075 075-2335,now i see cooking by the book except big mom is singing,0,075 075-2820,blacks are super predators with no moralsalso hillary clinton,0,075 075-369,the first girl is silent literature,0,075 075-485,wife is russian she says its a drama factory ive lived close to center city for the better part of a decade havent experienced anything unsafe ,0,075 075-2289,i would like to se any good reason other than religions reason why gays are a sin ,0,075 075-679,oh poor post malone hes white and the evil black people are calling him a culture vulture pray for post malone fucking clown get out of here,0,075 075-5044, so ur saying being gay is a sin ,0,075 075-2931,so they make kate a coward that will go over well lesbians are not interchangeable this is insulting ,0,075 075-1283,so gay people are sadistic monsters whose carnal desires for young flesh have been sated with the legalization of gay marriage ,0,075 075-3059,adam is effectually an extremist lol no hes not hes a limp wristed pussy who just says woke shit because thats what rich effeminate jews are supposed to do,0,075 075-120,and now muslims are the terrorists u cultured ppls according to them,0,075 075-581,li shuwen nursey rhime for art based np nero bride is ok too martha emiya for arts in their decks in jp there are alsos bb and sherlock,0,075 075-7283,being a lesbian is not a fatal disease,0,075 075-2407,i have a horrible vizio television and the blacks are too deep for my eyes to differentiate i die constantly to people in the shadows ,0,075 075-3867,eh so africans and muslims are lazy ,0,075 075-1271,the chinese think the africans are lazy and use chinese laborers ,0,075 075-2377,old religious blacks are going to vote for a gay white male with a terrible record on policing the black communities ,0,075 075-2631,black women elderly women and lesbians are all women seems weird that youd compare them to men ,0,075 075-433,i believe drama girl is played by hayley holmes ,0,075 075-3936,absolutely hilarious that the party that claims to value facts over logic still believes being gay is a mental disorder in ,0,075 075-2466,white supremacists be like jews are inferior and also control the world,0,075 075-2662,thats racist hummus is a israeli dish for years many jews are arab not all arabs are israels enemies wtf is wrong with you ,0,075 075-267,i love how neo nazis simultaneously believe that jews are greedy and love money yet they also want to create a communist society you have to short circuit you brain to believe this shit ,0,075 075-809,jews are a very high performing group intellectually and historically not particularly aggressive ,0,075 075-80,whilst the art of best girl is fucking brilliant you should really put a spoiler tag on this,0,075 075-251,he also said blacks smell jews are greedy and italians are mafioso bernie sanders is cancelled ,0,075 075-1160,yes and no while youre right about the schools i doubt that actually makes it justified to say that black people are less intelligent as a whole ,0,075 075-650,are u implying that all black people are evil ha ,0,075 075-2786,jews are inferior jews are too smart and making it unfair pick one,0,075 075-1746,what fuckin failure of black men are you talking about you sound like a white man tbh and im not having this conversation with you ,0,075 075-1798,im asian and black women are so fucking sexually aggressive and upfront i love it with white women and asian its just a game that you cant win,0,075 075-1608,i really hate the stereotype that us bisexuals are more promiscuous ,0,075 075-2216,saying gay people are diseased makes you look like a cunt you fucking nothing go back to your incel subs loser ,0,075 075-1021,similar in what way bront sisters are in dictionary under gothic literature,0,075 075-1698,other than a homophobic stereotype that gay people are all promiscuous,0,075 075-6202,islam is not dangerous people who choose violence are dangerous ,0,075 075-2518,ah yes the eternal struggle of the nazis the jews are lazy and inferior in every way but they also control everything,0,075 075-47,art of best girl is meant to be shared,0,075 075-1861,none of these best girl is maid chan ,0,075 075-2771,he knew aryans were inferior are you arguing that ashkenazi jews are racially superior to germanic people ,0,075 075-1427,joe literally said he thinks muslims are dangerous and he platforms the far far right and lobs them softballs all the time,0,075 075-3980,if that opinion is all muslims are terrorists or all mexicans are rapists than yes i hate him for having that opinion,0,075 075-180,because racism jews are naturally greedy its genetic blacks are naturally violent its genetic repeat with any other race and stereotype you want ,0,075 075-764,i guess what happened must be a mystery novel because the bad lady is defeated in the end ,0,075 075-1121,my dads not racist he just thinks on average black people are less intelligent than white people,0,075 075-2905,my girlfriend is the same way except i cook for us both years down the line ,0,075 075-34,muslims are not terrorists,0,075 075-2506,never understood why authright simultaneously believes that the jews are both subhuman and inferior but also are smart enough to infiltrate every government in the world ,0,075 075-1241,what non muslims dont know is that muslims are allowed to eat pork and drink alcohol if under threat of torture or death its called taqiya ,0,075 075-2910,seriously there is no institutional racism also post history saying all blacks are lazy because its in their culture holy shit ,0,075 075-2482,cause the enemy of my enemy is my friend and the muslims are right pimp hand western technology,0,075 075-4807,good to know your gay is still the atom bomb to losers over ,0,075 075-2644,he is some gays are anti gay its a weird world ,0,075 075-2869,what if youre a cop and your girlfriend is a nurse does this mean you cant pick her up for a work lunch ,0,075 075-2554,you assume hes a bully because hes a man thats like assuming a black person is a criminal because of their skin color ,0,075 075-6416,so brother do you think being gay is a sinimmoralevil ,0,075 075-918,well ive tried digital art recently but again my sister is blaming everything recently on my computer ,0,075 075-2823,yep and not quiet jew more like zionist just like most muslims are good its just a few extremists making the rest look bad,0,075 075-315,how a dude trying to dance with a guys wife is almost certainly gonna lead to a fight when theres also tons of alcohol involved,0,075 075-6414,wowzers that is entirely incorrect you are saying that being gay is immoral in a ton of countries ,0,075 075-7089,being bisexual is not being indecisive its being bisexual no one who is attracted to more then one gender needs to pick a side ,0,075 075-520,its art art isnt necessary to be paintings for example what i do with your mom is a diff kinda art,0,075 075-277,thats exactly what it is populations share similar amounts of drug usage but african americans are disproportionately thrown in jail ,0,075 075-3922,are you saying being gay is a mental disorder i thought trump was pro gay,0,075 075-3361,he still viewed them as inferior so what he would have done with them after he finished judaism is probably not pleasant at all ,0,075 075-2281,idk wanting to kill a random black person is pretty racist and sam defended that as not racist to an incredulous joe fucking rogan ,0,075 075-2835,was it i dunno if id call that common knowledge as i thought it was started by laura all muslims are extremists loomer,0,075 075-490,understanding that not all black people are poor and trying to kill me is hardly enlightened,0,075 075-162,so only muslims are terrorist ,0,075 075-2400,it is a stereotype that bisexuals are always confused ,0,075 075-2021,please provide citations for your claim that all arabs are inherently murderous thanks ,0,075 075-67,art of best girl is always welcome here ,0,075 075-872,most of the attackers are muslim immigrants the only europeans who hate jews are just neonazis the majority of europeans have nothing against jews ,0,075 075-4064,kanye is gay and being gay is a mental disorder jez,0,075 075-7087,i would have worded it a bisexual is never indecisive they love exactly who they mean to since that parallels the movie line better ,0,075 075-3356,do you think homosexuals are mentally ill too ,0,075 075-844,gutter punks antifa transexuals homos illegal immigrantsand coloureds funny the jews are not on your list,0,075 075-146,polish are dumb italians sex crazed and in the mob jews are greedy french are pompous garlic living cowards germans are irish drunks russian women crazy there is a long list of sterotypes ,0,075 075-703,a beautiful lady is an accident of nature a beautiful old lady is a work of art louis nizer,0,075 075-594,so you think these black people are horrible posts are made by liberals ,0,075 075-3900,you words were being gay is a mental disorder you gonna try to say that as a joke,0,075 075-2438,the american government convincing people that muslims are the enemy no they would never try and do that s,0,075 075-2233,did you miss the part that mom is cooking this kid dinner ,0,075 075-3004,that gay people are immoral total bullshit that i was brainwashed to believe by my conservative parents,0,075 075-634,stop denying the truth the rethoric in the entire world is that of evil white men and how black people are being oppressed ,0,075 075-2641,sounds like you believe blacks are all criminals wow ,0,075 075-2093,so you just wanted to imply blacks are violent depraved people classic racist trick ,0,075 075-720,see hes racist and thinks jews are as greedy as him thats literally the only reason this assumption would make sense,0,075 075-430,nta your wife is being a drama queen ,0,075 075-507,black people are in prison for life for selling weed ,0,075 075-655,if you believe that black skin is immoral but that black people are not evil that is a distinction without a difference ,0,075 075-2415,you believe that butt sex spreads aids and that gay people are inherently riddled with disease ,0,075 075-2191,muslim arabs are dying everyday in palestine by criminal jewish zionists ,0,075 075-1654,the stove wife is good at some things cooking is not one of them,0,075 075-2012,she is wrong only white people are considered mentally disturbed latinos and blacks are considered violent animals andor gang members ,0,075 075-6377,i cant believe that homosexuals are immoral yeah thats the part that makes you shitty not being inconsistent with your shitty belief ,0,075 075-7344,im just so confused as to what bisexual side even means like bisexual is a whole sexuality ,0,075 075-868,they think she is a legal immigrant so shes okay also white also hot also quite a few jews are trump fan boys not sure why except cultural choices or something ,0,075 075-3041,you should stop watching oxhorn hes a homophobic bigot who said gay people are immoral ,0,075 075-2410,are you talking about me if you think i hate muslims or think muslims are my literal enemy youre mistaken i love all people ,0,075 075-60,this is coming from a guy who posts about how black people are naturally violent fyi ,0,075 075-1116,i heard some racists say that black people are innately less intelligent those guys justify their racism based on such facts,0,075 075-6374,had to downvote saying homosexuals are immoral by default is actually bigoted ,0,075 075-296,idk if i were black knowing how many innocent black people are sitting in jail today id probably run even if i was innocent ,0,075 075-183,i love this art style so much and the girl is hot too ,0,075 075-2536,no its racist to assume that every black person is a criminal you fucking moron ,0,075 075-437,nta you need to tell your friends the truth because the girl is starting drama and will leave you friendless all over again,0,075 075-3564,you are so right pedophiles and homosexuals are not the same op,0,075 075-7339,so wait a minute being transgender is a medical condition and not expressing who you are im confused pick a lane ,0,075 075-2509,gay people are just confused is an opinion so is white people are superior the fact that they are opinions doesnt make them less bad ,0,075 075-907,no i assumed most conservatives think all black people are criminals im assuming you dont do well with reading comprehension ,0,075 075-86,thank you i would love to see that i think my wife is art,0,075 075-3034,no he didnt you dont have proof irrefutable proof that gay people are immoral there is a difference that you are blissfully ignoring ,0,075 075-1780,hospital cleaning staff low pay high risk my wife is an rn but at least she is decently paid for it and so far well protected ,0,075 075-1062,lol hate on pits and ppl will attack because saying pits are dangerous is like saying black people are dangerous,0,075 075-2470,if anyone says jews are inferior its clearly not aimed at me so i shouldnt say anything against it thats some great logic ,0,075 075-1175,yeah and now with the turkish and muslim immigration perhaps thats the reason many jews are leaving,0,075 075-6425,those countries are wrong though because being gay is not immoral and if you think it is you deserve to be blown up homophobic piece of trash,0,075 075-241,so black people are ccriminals cool there is overwhelming evidence of bias in the criminal justice system,0,075 075-14,americans are all selfish black are all criminals jews are all greedy etc etc whats your point here racial stereotypes ,0,075 075-1740,lol it breaks in my house in the winter if im running the oven a lot to cook up a meal my wife is hella thrifty when it comes to the thermostat ,0,075 075-857,its not racist to criticize the bloods as being criminal organization it is racist to assume that black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1415,i think your thoughts of supporting muslims and what muslims are actually asking for are very different almost dangerous to think they are equal,0,075 075-1419,it amazes me too its as if all jews are evil bankers on a killing spree when in fact all they want is to be left alone ,0,075 075-270,this guy also thinks jewish people are greedy asians are bad drivers and black people are all on welfare ,0,075 075-73,and when you say that all gamers are racist you basically do what hittler did you say all jews are dirty and greedy ,0,075 075-472,its from a hentai drama that girl is dying in the picture ,0,075 075-884,yes its like saying muslims are terrorists or black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1026,just because a few black people are dangerous doesnt mean that you should assume that every black person is dangerous this post makes me sad ,0,075 075-3188,i mean youre skipping a lot fo good stories too that way though tbf i am just a history nerd but the beginning of the torah is very facinating if you can get past the boring,0,075 075-1888,yeah black women are universally regarded as being loud and belligerent must be a random lie everyone decided to make up,0,075 075-681,yet people on the right are happy to claim all islamic people are terrorists when the percentages are similar ,0,075 075-2530,i heard the cop was quoted as saying not every black person is a criminal but every criminal is a black person ,0,075 075-3395,saying hes a total jew is like saying dude you read books what a fucking nerd,0,075 075-1874,pure sorcery but source anime is miss kobayashis dragon maid and the thicc girl is lucoa,0,075 075-6419,remind me again why being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-549,damn this is a work of art and maybe not answering cause your mom is probably driving mph down a freeway to murder you lol,0,075 075-3407,the beady eyed jew is a well known antisemitic stereotype its a half step away from calling him a hook nose ,0,075 075-1709,r kelly is problematic in a totally different way tyrese constantly goes on rants about how terrible black women are ,0,075 075-2071,yeah really they usually just revert to the these are just words defense and use the event that blacks are more violent ,0,075 075-108,yeah by your logic all muslims are terrorists they blow shit up all legit it actually happens your argument is moronic,0,075 075-1911,pride is the last thing anyone thinks of when they see those garish marches doesnt do much for the old stereotype that gays are perverted ,0,075 075-822,you put in quotations black people are criminals right i did not say that that isnt how quotations work lol you arent very bright ,0,075 075-581,bc this thread is a magnet for racist fragile little mayo boys to come and jack themselves off about how horrible black people are obviously ,0,075 075-1472,get fucked dude nobody cares about your jews are evil conspiracy theories that ones beyond played out ,0,075 075-799,they think so because they believe all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-2207,the answer to that question is the same as is it currently lawful for a sign saying jews are the children of satan if i append it with the bible verse from whence it came ,0,075 075-1329,of course they dont what are you talking about we jews are evil and control the banks now if youll excuse me i need to go polish my horns s,0,075 075-1586,hmm where have i heard that evil jews are secretly controlling the government before ,0,075 075-903,domestic girlfriend is stress and drama free wholesome love story everyone should watch to get a load off their shoulders,0,075 075-10,i dont get how a racist can take a vacation to the me since they think all arabs are terrorists,0,075 075-457,well no because not everyone is saying to kill all jews that all black people are criminals or that homosexuals shouldnt be allowed to get married,0,075 075-1273,you realize that this is a joke to the stereotype that black people are really loud facepalm ,0,075 075-1338,youre saying muslims are a bigger threat to the united states then liberals ,0,075 075-382,once and for all we can put aside the ugly stereotype that black people are crazed about fried chicken ,0,075 075-3146,what is there to even debate youre saying that you can prove jews are conspiring to let people report eachother online do it then ,0,075 075-553,its wildly inaccurate the vast majority of black people are terrible athletes ,0,075 075-590,no reddit is horrible for acting like black people are some special creatures see theyre helping other people wow o,0,075 075-1515,theres a bit of a difference between white men cant jump and black men are violent and scare me ,0,075 075-179,he does realize hes shitting on black people right saying that black people are ok with living in filth ,0,075 075-1587,thats like saying all gays are child rapists,0,075 075-2732,not all arabs are extremely violent extremists your post is extremely racist ,0,075 075-5391,and muslims who have the stereotype of being terrorists when one of the main rules of islam is be peaceful,0,075 075-841,gt he is a criminal not all black people are criminals regardless of what fox news says,0,075 075-506,we dont really like you either so i guess its all fine armenian genocide deniers and do hate kurds and all jews are greedy and want to wipe out the white race see very fun to stereotype isnt it ,0,075 075-149,is it also a fact that black people are more violent than white people ,0,075 075-1689,and an upvote for you i wish i could give you one of these awesome cookies my wife is making ,0,075 075-1345,then again these are the same people who believe that jews are simultaneously evil capitalist financiers and bolshevik marxists so maybe theyre not the brightest bunch ,0,075 075-2329,do u mean that blacks are in prison because of racism ,0,075 075-1537, what so you actually think that most gay people are sexual predators is that what youre actually saying or is this a weird misunderstanding ,0,075 075-369,are you saying black people are ugly not cool bro,0,075 075-998,well you did just say that you think black people are more aggressive than white people is that not textbook racism ,0,075 075-2573,oh yeah and he said gay people are gross so im confused,0,075 075-2387,oled is terrible for dark scene blacks are too black its the reason i avoided oled also the fact they they burn in for games ,0,075 075-559,believe jim jeffries had it right when he said all white south africans are fucking horrible human beings,0,075 075-839,black criminality o o im going to state the obvious but i hope its clear that most black people are not criminals ,0,075 075-412,i agree i hate how the niece is like the drama the media are so harsh against lori ,0,075 075-2443,im still confused if hehim lesbians are just straight men who identify as lesbians or trans men who identify as lesbians ,0,075 075-441,sorry but that lil girl is drama and i dont believe anything she has to say ,0,075 075-935,black people who arent criminals understand the statement black people are criminals doesnt apply to them nope that just doesnt work ,0,075 075-2269,i thought you just posted gays are full of sin true christians dont associate themselves with temptation do better with your trolling ,0,075 075-94,they also have beautiful heirloom jewelry if ops girl is into retro styles antique art deco beautiful stuff ,0,075 075-1333,follow him on twitter youll see that he very much deserves it also you gonna comment on the whole black people are innately lazy thing ,0,075 075-615,no im not but demons are portrayed as evil so are they saying black people are evil,0,075 075-1678,and yet untold numbers of black men are in prison for life for selling weed ,0,075 075-2256,honey you were never ugly no black person is uglylil b,0,075 075-1381,and the majority of muslims are dangerous and youre basing this on some experiences your friends have had and on like isis ,0,075 075-2855,not all muslims are extremists ,0,075 075-1795,im gonna assume they mean booker because hes a black man and they think that black men are aggressive and angry and abusive all the time,0,075 075-2441,man this is another gimmick to split the people of the world just like they always do dont fall for it arabs are not the enemy ,0,075 075-1948,so the people who have been murdering millions of arabs are also furries i dont know which is worse,0,075 075-6080,dunno the feeling of an old bearded man being gay is strange to my mind at least,0,075 075-2642,and christians say gays are weird ,0,075 075-163,more fan art of buble girl is always welcomed,0,075 075-1417,im not sexist women just have smaller brains im not racist black people are just lazy no racist actually thinks they are racist,0,075 075-1201,probably racist hillary after all black people are super predators ,0,075 075-922,i still have the surface book i used it most of college as an engi student and now my sister is using it for art and engineering ,0,075 075-1249,i thought he was going for the poor black people are loud and belligerent when they are upset stereotype hmm ,0,075 075-8141,wow im glad islam is literally open to anyone rich or poor male or female black or white i love being a muslim ,0,075 075-435,its a stereotype that jewish people are greedy,0,075 075-2530,soak it in water for mins wash drain cook youre not wrong this lady is on crack,0,075 075-1059,when american media forces the black people are cool badass dangerous thugs narrative your whole life and you come to see this ,0,075 075-2900,my girlfriend is making me go to a cookoutparty tomorrow evening so i wont be able to watch my beloved panthers this makes me sad ,0,075 075-980,so you think black people are like aggressive pitbulls ,0,075 075-4845,in belgium this comment would be considered racist as it implies that arabs are capable of violence sadly the new norm ,0,075 075-1921,why because blacks are more violent ,0,075 075-5245,in pretty much every religion being gay is a sin i dont really know why does god hates gay people so much,0,075 075-2403,is everyone in this thread confused or am i the bride is the maid of honor not the bridesmaid ,0,075 075-591,my mom is still using the bedside art deco clock she got for her wedding in that alarm is something else ,0,075 075-220,art girl is best girl,0,075 075-495,can someone tell me who the girl is and what the drama is i dont follow ice ,0,075 075-1387,youve never worked for a big tech company although i must be honest gays are out of fashion its all about the trans now,0,075 075-648,he said something like his mom is not expecting this drama i think its safe to say that debbie is absolutely expecting this type of drama ,0,075 075-2997,its cause im at minute maid but my girlfriend is about to get off work the ticket is for her ,0,075 075-7499,you think queer people are queer because theyre mentally ill the burden of proof is on you to prove it ,0,075 075-839,im your original comment you never said israel wouldnt exist without european jews you actually said the jews are all recent immigrants from europe your meaning wasnt clear,0,075 075-1904,as long as my wife is happy to wear maid outfits and cat ear headbands in the house im happy,0,075 075-7332,no im just confused i thought transgender is when you switch genders saying you realised made me assume you didnt know and didnt make sense to me,0,075 075-1252,because only black people are loud or something i dont know where youre going with this ,0,075 075-3212,circumcision in judaism is done a week after birth not with years,0,075 075-1302,why do white guys feel the need to lie in order to imply black people are lazy ,0,075 075-2722,one of the members of the ricketts family had some leaked emails where he said that muslims are his enemies this is the cubs doing damage control ,0,075 075-122,sure because after the non violent approach black people are total equals in modern society and not subject to any forms of segregation whatsoever ,0,075 075-3891,i dont think calling someone a sexual predator for being gay is an sjw thing,0,075 075-220,pesky decisive politics its so bad that black people are protesting being unjustly murder by the police ,0,075 075-912,what about the jews are you suggesting the jews dont commit terror attacks because they were treated better than other immigrant groups ,0,075 075-75,if all cops are bad then all blacks are thugs all asians eat cats and dogs all all islamic people are terrorists etc etc,0,075 075-2124,hes retweeting false statistics stating that blacks are dangerous and murder whites at huge untrue rates thats racism my dude ,0,075 075-5201,being gay is not a sin ,0,075 075-2512,im a little confused by that so gays are deceivers ,0,075 075-2213,blacks are more likely to live in poverty and be subject to discrimination ,0,075 075-200,nah hes actually right though white south africans are being threatened with murder in order to take their land ,0,075 075-2069,joy of satan think jewish people are reptilian aliens youre not going to get a lot of theological clarity from them ,0,075 075-139,1 should i be 2 i hope you realize that youre invoking into deep well of hate by invoking the whole jews are greedy stereotype millions of people have been killed because of that canard ,0,075 075-172,r art is crap this is not good art that girl is bigger than the horse ,0,075 075-1962,shes not quite helping the blacks are violent stereotype ,0,075 075-849,what where on earth are you getting all black people are criminals from i said nothing even remotely related to that,0,075 075-7301,being transgender is not a disease transitioning is a cure to gender dysphoria ,0,075 075-89,art of best girl is always good ,0,075 075-118,if i was a good artist i would flood this place with maeve appreciate art cause goddamnit a cute girl is more then big breasts for fricks sake,0,075 075-2187,my grandmother is from thailand and i cook mainly thai dishes all vegan of course thai food is incredible so easy to make vegan and satisfying af ,0,075 075-612,hes probably nervous because his mom is telling him its a really big deal but im glad you fit in with the other dance moms lol,0,075 075-465,why do white south africans think the black people are going to kill them ,0,075 075-1954,have you seen my bride is a mermaid i just finished that and watching this now it kind of reminds me of it love both of these shows,0,075 075-540,i think he is alluding to his belief that jewish people are meek so nicknaming someone a bearjew would be similar to nicknaming someone iron telletubie which is just racism ,0,075 075-5,jews are not greedy we are not the ones who destroyed all the new world cultures and converted them to another religion so we can have some shiny metal ,0,075 075-140,way to imply all black people are violent you lacist ,0,075 075-815,the jews literally just read something on another subreddit about how jews are not that aggressive were people not animals ,0,075 075-346,dae jews are greedy hook nosed goblins ,0,075 075-893,thats like saying all black people are criminals sure there are some bad apples dont let them ruin the bunch,0,075 075-3256,how do you make sense of how evil the god of the ot or torah is ,0,075 075-194,this art is beautiful and this girl is beautiful end of story ,0,075 075-7253,are you assuming that being transgender is a disease it isnt ,0,075 075-1117,it is right the same way as black people are less intelligent it is statistically right but you know it is bullshit ,0,075 075-3219,so you think judaism is barbaric thats antisemitic female circumcision is barbaric but male circumcision doesnt impair function and has health benefits so male circumcision should be legal ,0,075 075-2902,smoking going out drinking cooking and hanging out with my girlfriend is what i mostly do ,0,075 075-198,r fireemblemheroes would be very appreciative of this as am i because all art of best girl is highly appreciated especially if it is good art ,0,075 075-2425,my whole life ive been told muslims are the enemy your whole life you were being lied to ,0,075 075-6371,insulting someone by insinuating that they are a homosexual is an immoral thing to do for more than one reason ,0,075 075-2775,its really weird how mixed the messages are gays are normal just like everyone else and at the same time look at us std ridden sex addicted freaks,0,075 075-147,op thinks that jews are currency greedy big nose,0,075 075-223,jewish people are often depicted as being rich due to being cheap and greedy that is a stereotype that has been used for a very long time ,0,075 075-2222,but are antifa saying all muslims are criminals rapists and pedos ,0,075 075-2479,i used to always marry her too but now that gays are accepted i am very confused ,0,075 075-3298,thats a distinction without a difference if a core element of judaism is the doctrine and the doctrine is evil then you are saying jews are ipso facto evil ,0,075 075-883,its a fact because of economic status systemic corruption and oppression not because sure black people are all criminals,0,075 075-782,damn sams asleep through al this drama lady is gonna be well rested sounds like a hoh win to me lets go ,0,075 075-421,thats like saying all jews are greedy or all americans are fat just because theyre irish doesnt guarantee that theyre loud and obnoxious just like being american doesnt guarantee being overweight ,0,075 075-3128,youd have to demonstrate that jews are conspiring its quite easy to disprove that by showing that jews dont universally share a single ideology they even disagree on particular parts of judaism ,0,075 075-2960,thanks cookie my girlfriend is boosting my self esteem,0,075 075-514,that african americans are stupid and lazy basically just terrible racist shit ,0,075 075-573,gt how uniquely terrible actual black people are treated basically everywhere his reply was to this comment learn to understand context ,0,075 075-3912,are you seriously saying that being gay is a mental disorder or was that just poor wording ,0,075 075-8137,muhammad was rich so islam is economically right rome was straight up auth right also anarcho capitalism is a mental disorder ,0,075 075-6441,no i was talking about this guy depicting god in a wrong way by making him say that anyone who says that being gay is immoral should go to hell ,0,075 075-5163,did you create this account just to ask this question and no its not a sin nothing about being gay is sinful ,0,075 075-2628,because haha lesbians are weird ,0,075 075-3614,meanwhile muslims are living happily whether you hate them or not,0,075 075-2595,everyone is talking about the toilet not how she causally said that half of all blacks are criminals,0,075 075-2825,right cause all trump supporters think blacks are super predators wait ,0,075 075-524,listen dude i am like art i am not the problem my mom is i want to browse art without my parents blowing about it so dont misunderstand,0,075 075-2433,every black person is evil see how that works because it doesnt ,0,075 075-2430,i was about to make this comparison since nazis are somehow convinced that jews are simultaneously inferior and stupid and also running a secret shadow government that controls the world its lunacy ,0,075 075-7462,sorry if you kids are too sensitive transgender is a thing people ,0,075 075-2853,why do rich schools have to be white op you think blacks are too lazy or dumb to get into a rich school ,0,075 075-1414,the netherlands dangerous wildlife muslims are people you racist ,0,075 075-5012,so homosexuality the state of being homosexual is not a sin ,0,075 075-5042,dont christians believe that jesus died for our sins so if the bible does say being gay is a sin jesus died for us to be gay ,0,075 075-1473,let me guess women belong in the kitchen the holocaust never happened and all gays are sexual predators did i mis paint your portrait ,0,075 075-648,you are a fucking disgusting vile person you say that black people are evil fucking stop ,0,075 075-1576,well in that case its considered colorist but if like a black male comes and says all black women are ugly then its racist ,0,075 075-9969,saying that those people that bomb there selfs are muslim is as absurd as saying that the k are christian,0,075 075-4546,lol that was a perfect response the fact that she called you a faggot and gay is so messed up she shouldnt call anyone that she deserved it nta ,0,075 075-2624,while two gays are kissing in the parking lot times are strange or find something else to bitch about ,0,075 075-781,so can i assume you think stereotypes that african americans are all criminals is valid ,0,075 075-1035,black people are dangerous thats his point even when they help out someone in need ,0,075 075-2607,developed far enough are you saying that gays are more evolved thats kind of strange because wed basically be evolving into extinction,0,075 075-1453,you dont think its a relevant difference that this sub has a couple of neonazis who never shut the fuck up every day its new posts about what evil things the jews are up to ,0,075 075-1675,who the fuck said all arabs are bombers ,0,075 075-716,this lady is a work of art,0,075 075-98,jews are greedy capitalists lets get em jews are socialists lets get em fuck pick a side they cant be both ,0,075 075-8,this girl is pure poetry ,0,075 075-2988,uh my colleagues have maids their husbands and wives are working full time too whos gonna take care of the kids during the day or do housework ,0,075 075-771,this is a literal plot line in the amc drama better call saul if the lady is a blonde lawyer from new mexico this may be a copycat ,0,075 075-3039,thats because youre ruled by jews while the evangelicals tell you the gays are immoral s,0,075 075-1722,if she like gaming that means she cant cook no wife is perfect lol,0,075 075-86,black people are violent huh ,0,075 075-1782,white people are the video game community thats like saying muslims are making the bomb making community worse,0,075 075-1232,what anti semitism would be saying the jewish religion is wrong and that jewish people are evil i have nothing against jewish people i just think removing foreskin is wrong ,0,075 075-782,do you believe that african americans are innately criminal ,0,075 075-2033,should we tell then he plotted to murder and assassinate a us diplomat muslims are not the problem the gop is ,0,075 075-2786,no he think that blacks are immutabily less intelligent than white not sure how you could get anything other this from his work ,0,075 075-2817,dont forget bill blacks are super predators clinton,0,075 075-2044,what if that parent wants to teach their child that jews are the devil and when that child turns his sole purpose is to murder as many people as possible ,0,075 075-579,he didnt say black people are terrible he said a word you call black people as an insult but he used it to describe the call,0,075 075-7442,but if someone thinks being a lesbian is immoral then theyre a bigot and a dumbass quit justifying that shit ,0,075 075-3143,youre legitimately retarded if you think all jews are actively conspiring toward the exact same goal ,0,075 075-1723,tbh if theres one thing black men are good at its keeping their teeth clean never seen a black man with nasty teeth,0,075 075-1195,jewish mothers are stereotyped as being clingy and overbearing to their sons giving the son extra motivation to keep the father alive ,0,075 075-350,i love the phrase lost in dance i wouldnt exactly say that little girl is but i somehow wanna get there myself ,0,075 075-4724,thats implying homosexuals are weak where do you think its origin comes from ,0,075 075-569,what do you think happens when the eu implements a ubi ofm millions of africans are going to storm the eu horrible idea ,0,075 075-2582,do you think gay people are just confused too how do you reconcile your views on gay people and trans people ,0,075 075-2418,then why do so many believe masks are bad and vaccines give autism and gays are evil and blacks are bad and that the earth is flat ,0,075 075-6567,were all sinful homosexuals are just homosexual dont worry about it god loves you walk with jesus as much as you can ,0,075 075-1550,1 in black men are in jail i fucking hate this racist country ,0,075 075-2266,hhahh if you think if ur blvk ur hot ur delusinal lol all blacks are ugly lol,0,075 075-5421,certainly else they have portrayed hindus are terrorist and jihadi islam is peaceful religion,0,075 075-1823,saying muslims are not genetically bombers is offense now,0,075 075-7258,yes but not a disease the question was not is it a biological condition it was do you believe being transgender is a disease ,0,075 075-2352,the gays are a asian disease caused by chemicals what the fuck did i just read ,0,075 075-4484,do you tolerate the opinion that homosexuals are filthy perverts who deserve to catch aids and die is that an opinion you tolerate ,0,075 075-453,not much point in giving her air time seeing as she went home episode without drama hopefully they bring her back though girl is gorgeous ,0,075 075-700,again all im asking you to do is prove how this constitutes a race war instead of just proving that some black people are bad people ,0,075 075-1266,are you saying arabs north africans are lazy and dont work what are you a racist or what ,0,075 075-1161,you are literally seeing two germans talking to each other in english about how arabs are a threat to their culture its beyond parody ,0,075 075-3021,so the thing here is that you want to say the actions of gay people are immoral but other people cant say the same about you ,0,075 075-1505,its sound logic this is how racists think all black men are violent criminals just keeping my eye on them ,0,075 075-385,the word xenos is something unknown for non novel readers and that girl is a spoiler,0,075 075-677,so native americans and african americans are justified in declaring war on the whitehouse ,0,075 075-870,youre the type of person who says all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1135,its like when the girl is a nurse and the dudes like are you gonna come take care of me ,0,075 075-2641,as a man it seems like a lot if men dont believe that lesbians are lesbians ive seen it its weird,0,075 075-81,have you ever read the quran dont talk about terrorists and say that all muslims are terrorists dude thats why they fucking hate americans ,0,075 075-3346,different type of satan tho satan in judaism is fundamentally different from satan in christianity racademicbiblical is a good sub for this sort of thing,0,075 075-3096,people who hate gay people are insecure cunts,0,075 075-555,people use nerd stereotypes against jews because its a stereotype that jews are nerdy not the other way around direction of causality i dont know her,0,075 075-712,if a lady is dropping m on art i doubt she needs the money m profit is probably pocket change and having the piece itself is worth more to her ,0,075 075-90, not sure if this is a jews are greedy jab or a corporations are people lie im pissed either way i just wanna know why im mad,0,075 075-2248,then no more homophobic religious people saying gays are a sin ,0,075 075-431,your wife is a drama starter tell her to quit it its embarrassing,0,075 075-489,this is the opposite of feminism feminism is being independent and not addicted to violence and drama this girl is a gold digger clearly ,0,075 075-925,am i the only one thinking that bulletproof glass is racist is extremely racist because it implies that black people are naturally criminal ,0,075 075-658,you know someone is nuts when people need to skip funerals to keep their drama at bay this mom is bonkers,0,075 075-2453,so its just about snowflakes getting upset over a joke its not like she says all blacks are evil its freefalling ratings is the real cause ,0,075 075-718,r public freakout is a breeding ground of talking about how awful black people are,0,075 075-1128,if you think black people are less intelligent than white people youre probably a white supremacist ,0,075 075-3545,why do you think a powerful jewish family is evil but all the other dynasties of immensely wealthy families arent ,0,075 075-2462,so youre saying all muslims are the enemy then and shes the problem ,0,075 075-7247,what the fuck dude being transgender is not a disease ,0,075 075-69,its as stupid and as dumb as saying all arabs are terrorists,0,075 075-6111,it may be statistically strange but being gay is not a horrific sexual desire ,0,075 075-749,jews are tightfisted im both but i dont attribute my being frugal to my being jewish and yes i resent generalizations in general ,0,075 075-3845,also moore is still going around screaming that transgenders are pedophiles and rapists these far right extremists are evil ,0,075 075-1819,cleaning if my wife is feeling down ill go out of my way to do extra cleaning and it makes her light up every time ,0,075 075-458,if i were to wear socks with this on them would you interpret the message as some jews are greedy,0,075 075-1206,how does hillary black people are super predators clinton appeal to minorities ,0,075 075-67,yet arabs are still seen as terrorists for protecting their own country from the israeli invaders ,0,075 075-1370,that jews are not evil,0,075 075-3005,are you talking about those who cry that gay people are immoral and all that or something else,0,075 075-797,your girlfriend is amazing and this art made me super sad oh my god ,0,075 075-2085,my taxes also build schools in palestine and pay for books that teach the children that jews are the devil ,0,075 075-244,right so jews are super greedy for money apparently but too stupid to figure out how to monetize making it rain in areas suffering from drought ,0,075 075-406,a homophobic meme saying all gays are pedophiles ,0,075 075-203,so people wanting to discuss the murder of black people are mentally ill gtfoh with your racist ass ,0,075 075-1668,in internet cookies bs based wife is extremely based ,0,075 075-3061,did riley cooper say that blacks were subhuman did he say that jews are conspiring to take over america not the same what riley did was bad but its not comparable ,0,075 075-119,less than 5 of black people are violent criminals what a racist point to make ,0,075 075-1347,is this supposed to represent an evil jew i personally dont think jewish people are evil just to clarify ,0,075 075-1637,breaking amy schumer says black women are ugly and should be in a movie about an ugly girl more at ,0,075 075-2519,focus on all crime not every black person is a aggressive criminal,0,075 075-701,thatd clip art lady is all like bird up ,0,075 075-5382,so youre telling me that muslim women are actually old white men with fabulously styled beards well then go islam for all i care ,0,075 075-498,pretty much there arent enough jews here for them to stand out everyone would just see them as white people only things ive ever heard were stereotypes repeated from tv jews are greedy ,0,075 075-956,why do we always assume black people are homeless criminals or on welfare cant we help black people start businesses ,0,075 075-1504,gt what did he say that was racist i couldnt understand any of that a you tube comment tells me that he said black men are so violent ,0,075 075-3340,supporting satanic bolshevistic policies so reform judaism is that synagogue of satan the christians talk about the jews ,0,075 075-2802,as per sanghi all muslims are extremists and waiting to be expo sed ex po sed ,0,075 075-2517,according to them jews are simultaneously nasty inferior creatures and masters of manipulation that control the world ,0,075 075-141,saying all police are violent due to some police being violent is like saying all black people are violent because detroit ,0,075 075-1460,basically shes trying to say that black men are violent yeah its pretty fucking racist ,0,075 075-409,oh nazis found ways to argue both jews are both evil communists who want to redistribute wealth and are greedy money hoarders ,0,075 075-3,just like come on jews you shouldnt be upset over a jews are greedy thrown here and there ,0,075 075-2865,n ot t rying to b e r ac ist but mo st blacks ar e lazy you dont need to try to be racist you are racist,0,075 075-2475,all members of modern culture are my enemy but traditional anabaptists and serious muslims are not my enemy ,0,075 075-742,alright chicken bitch lets dance chicken lady vs bearded lady is the best ,0,075 075-2063,you are right blacks are not violent,0,075 075-170,who said only black people of course cops abuse white people too also its quite evident that black people are mistreated more over that shit ,0,075 075-3247,there are many guys into the smooth soft and submissive asian bottom boys yes asian gays are very much a fetish in the community ,0,075 075-1194,until they need to politicize how much of a threat muslims are they dont want to talk about it,0,075 075-1881,lol why do you think black women are loud,0,075 075-2472,im just confused do people think bisexuals are transphobic,0,075 075-1598,if i was around i would probably be a brainwashed hitler jugemd member actually believing that jews are the root of all evil,0,075 075-4766,so what youre sayi bg is that the movie is suggesting that being gay is weak ,0,075 075-2377,fake jews are working for satan ,0,075 075-184,he believes that jews are greedy but doesnt see that as a bad thing because its reflected in himself ,0,075 075-162,nice art to answer your question my best feh girl is marth ,0,075 075-930,you cant read his parents susan and mickey were ashkenazi jewish immigrants next youre going to based solely on your own feelings and contrary to reality assert that ashkenazi jews are white ,0,075 075-2232,there are more white people in poverty in the united states than black people some blacks are unfairly disadvantaged welcome to the neighborhood ,0,075 075-2909,homer is a coward and saria is not a coward rhine lab lesbians are supreme ,0,075 075-2589,this person also says thats the equivalent of saying that all blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-2543,you do realise that not every white people has privilege thats the same thing as saying that every black person is a criminal,0,075 075-942,because all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-2402,great reviews but by god those pirate blacks are horrible,0,075 075-1630,saying someone is pretty for a black girl is implying that black women are ugly by default thats pretty racist ,0,075 075-2756,growing up around moderate pakistanis they also think arabs are too extremist and lack culture i obviously dont agree but thats what i hear lol,0,075 075-1800,the camps being held for mexicans muslims are bombed by the us in the middle east as usual ,0,075 075-293,so if all muslims are terrorist because does that make all trump supporters maga bombers its the same logic ,0,075 075-6478,slang is one thing saying pause because what you said might be construed as homosexual is mildly dumb and enters insecure when people overuse it ,0,075 075-1224,indeed certainly more genuine than your previous bullshit invitation to celebrate a christian holiday while talking about how muslims are a threat ,0,075 075-2215,jews are mainly the followers of satan and the antichrist were the ones that created the whole concept of the messiah also its yeshuah not jesus jfc ,0,075 075-6360,if you want to say being gay is unhealthy just say it coward dont hide ,0,075 075-133,terrorism isnt a joke not all muslim people are terrorists im a muslim am i a terrorist am i a monster what did the ch community do to you ,0,075 075-2216,and the basic tenants of this idealogy would have you believe that jews are the children of satan,0,075 075-3153,and also you think its fine to think that gay people are sinful ,0,075 075-37,absolute bullshit sometimes men lie is no different than sometimes jews are greedy or sometimes black people steal its appalling that you excuse this type of clear and disgusting bigotry ,0,075 075-355,nonstarter black people are both disproportionately affected by poverty and subject to disproportionate police scrutiny ,0,075 075-2787,true but ucbakez seemed to think all muslims are extremists,0,075 075-1296,gta way to push back a against the false stereotype that black people are lazy is not to insist they need a nap in the middle of the day ,0,075 075-2610,why do you assume a homeless black person is a drug addict ,0,075 075-680,fuck sometimes the drama of hgs relatives on social media is so much better than the shows own drama ravens mom is a mess out here,0,075 075-178,conflating the greed of politicians and the exploitation of that by aipac lobbyists with the antisemitic perception that jews are greedy is being dishonest ,0,075 075-1895,i hate people who think gays are all perverts and i hate the people that cause the stereotype,0,075 075-923,what infuriates me is him pretending he doesnt already think all black people are criminals anyway ,0,075 075-2773,figuratively its a metaphor and a call back to the nations past and they say blacks are naturally less intelligent ,0,075 075-2344,the eventual end of arc feast with sanji cooking for luffy and big mom is going to be great those two sharing food is going to be interesting ,0,075 075-342,gt how dare anyone suggest african americans are subject to poverty in the u s wiwp liberals in their white monoculture,0,075 075-6086,ill say it homosexuals are weird see how you sound ,0,075 075-5453,god how ignorant must people be to genuinely believe the entire religion of islam is a terroristic religion such bullshit ,0,075 075-2332,your mom is bad and boujii cooking up dope with her uzi,0,075 075-6125,how gay is life is strange before the storm ,0,075 075-2144,blacks are lazy quote also he wanted the death plenty for ppl and wouldnt let it go after they were proven innocent,0,075 075-3267,i make it a point to bash all religions islam is evil judaism is anti freedom and christianity is plain hocus pocus ,0,075 075-647,tp avoid the drama hell yeah my mom is a narcissist and i learned to avoid like the plague before i moved out im free now they can be too ,0,075 075-1177,how are jews are victims of that immigration i suppose you have no answer for that jewish provocateur ,0,075 075-4,based on the stereotype that jews are greedy so he wants both synagouges even though hes only gonna use one am i right or wrong ,0,075 075-266,jews are just that greedy does it hurt having so much hate in your heart,0,075 075-852,do you go around telling black people to relax when they say its racist to make jokes that black people are criminals fuck off ,0,075 075-7488,calling boogie an emotional lesbian is doing the lesbian community a disservice ,0,075 075-1606,he said black women are ugly that is facts or something like that ,0,075 075-978,thoughts on someone saying that all black people are aggressive ,0,075 075-2511,ammunition store com has wolf gold atcpr theyre secretarycustomer support lady is really nice too,0,075 075-2875,and what is an outliner outliers are the ones who did which is who he refers to as extremists doubt all the muslims are that ,0,075 075-2594,yeah what does racism have to do with people who also believe blacks are criminals and muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-1074,yeah i would just give cash going forward its just not worth the drama your sister is acting nuts ,0,075 075-2437,and then its confused af if lesbians are all chaste with hand holding and innocent kisses or nympho sex deviants,0,075 075-2584,gay people are born that way youve confused it with physical disabilities and religion ,0,075 075-398,so saying all black people are ugly is not racist but calling white people melanin deficient which isnt even a positive or negative thing is ,0,075 075-2199,oh yeah i misunderstood man my bad i thought you meant that all muslims are terrorists and criminals and that you were a non muslim,0,075 075-76,this girl is the nude model for an art class what the actual fuck ,0,075 075-1114,to be clear here are you saying that black people are less intelligent than whites or asians ,0,075 075-1790,nice im months full time right now only out for cleaning and the occasional fuck if my wife is interested,0,075 075-1662,fuck im glad i can cook for myself no girl is touching my pans ,0,075 075-2484,if they cant decide wether the jews are inferior or if they control the world then i think they need a need a new brain ,0,075 075-1887,does shea have a maid or something girl is having a lot of free time lately jeez ,0,075 075-4380,is it really common for people to think furries fuck animals are these the same people who think homosexuals are sex criminals ,0,075 075-3055,i dont get how jews are connected to this unless you believe in those fake conspiracies that say jews are trying to make men effeminate lol,0,075 075-367,bruh i once saw a gacha video that was like black people are ugly because their skin look like poop seriously wtf also great argument,0,075 075-120,so youre saying that you assume black people are violent ,0,075 075-2533,lol im not real cook my lady is ze chef of the house i throw some meat on fire and make mexican and italian aint nothing fancy,0,075 075-1893,watch monaco franze his wife is a classic example while the maid is a real mnchnerin ,0,075 075-6501,i like prostate stuff but i find men repulsive but transgenders are hot if they are feminine enough bailey jay material ,0,075 075-143,great all i need is to see the cover art and polyester girl is stuck in my head,0,075 075-952,muslim immigrants are poor jews are rich less than of the u s population yet represent of billionaires i wonder why does the communist left hate the jews ,0,075 075-2474,blacks are still dospropotionally affected by the war on drugs,0,075 075-1051,right so a city being dangerous means black people are an infestation thank you for your contribution to the discourse ,0,075 075-1394,the explanation these people are really looking for is that black people are lazy and stupid ,0,075 075-4910,where exactly in the bible that being homosexual is a sin ,0,075 075-2464,yeah it is racism is the prejudice or discrimination or dislike to a group of people and using jew as an insult gives the idea that jews are inferior to other races,0,075 075-627,so you believe anyone accused of something is guilty even if they are acquitted i bet you believe all black people are evil too ,0,075 075-1866,that maid girl is perfection ,0,075 075-1581,says black women are ugly posts picture of attractive black woman also has this guy never been around asian women ,0,075 075-1337,hes trying to say black people are lazy but his search terms arent bracketed so everytime someone used the word job it showed up,0,075 075-742,most african americans are descended from white male slave owners,0,075 075-7326,what is your opinion when reddit says that being transgender is a mental disease ,0,075 075-1152,what the fuck did i read you right did you just say black people are less intelligent ,0,075 075-2821,yeah because cortez is actually progressive hillary said blacks are super predators and only supported gay marriage when it was a shoe in ,0,075 075-246,its a common stereotype that jews are greedy and will do anything for money ,0,075 075-2260,no place in the bible did it mention that gays are bad same with discrimination because using bible logic its a sin to hate ,0,075 075-2928,wow he said blacks are lazy in anti white speak ,0,075 075-1928,hitler was evil all jews are absolved of their crimes to stop him capitalism is evil anything done to stop it cannot be evil isnt it illegal for you to worship hitler do i have to call merkel ,0,075 075-1035,as far as domestic terrorism goes muslims are not the biggest threat to this country,0,075 075-2479,jews are usually called moloch worshippers or subversives these days accusations of downright inferiority are generally reserved for more stereotypical targets like blacks or hispanics,0,075 075-569,this is amazing fricken art your mom is wrong as hell,0,075 075-2508,my grandma thinks lesbians are wrong and confused haha jokes on you grandma cause guess what,0,075 075-1578,you guys are normally racists and antisemites nowadays you dont care about class you just care about what evil the whites and jews are doing ,0,075 075-5230,if being gay is a sin that makes me so much more of a satanist,0,075 075-2233,what is this teaching liberals muslims are criminals i dont get it exactly,0,075 075-1144,girl im not a nurse yet slices hand same girl is that blood well she isnt a nurse yet ,0,075 075-117,lovely more art of best girl is always appreciated,0,075 075-4108,cant they be gay and the villain i mean unless its implied that being gay is what causes them to be evil i dont have a problem with it ,0,075 075-470,no stereotyping would be saying i am a rich greedy person becuase all jews are there has never been a stereotype of jews throwing rocks at girls on bicycles what you did is clearly antisemitism ,0,075 075-147,theres a guy here saying that he wants me to die and that all muslims are terrorists and other horrible stuff ,0,075 075-1652,gt each tweet yeah like the ones where hes trying to prove that black women are ugly just buttering up management ,0,075 075-8644,hinduism is patriarchy but islam is feminist ,0,075 075-209,try maybe lt rough sketch sempai guy is an art nerd girl is a delinquent lt kanojo guy is an otaku ,0,075 075-305,plot twist your wife is banging the dance instructor next door ,0,075 075-1992,are you implying that blacks are naturally more violent ,0,075 075-665,he is racist for reinforcing the stereotype that all arabs are terroristssuicide bombers ,0,075 075-4346,no you can t just say that arabs are retarded for forcing hijab on women what about christmas dude,0,075 075-2859,blacks are poor because theyre lazy thats flat out racism go be racist somewhere else ,0,075 075-84,citing that statistic to falsely imply that black people are inherently more violent than white people sure is a dogwhistle though ,0,075 075-2220,which again ties to poverty blacks are poorer than whites not because of race but because of historical disadvantages aimed at blacks ,0,075 075-2818,joe thinks blacks are unsocialized predators not cool,0,075 075-1866,its a black women are loud joke,0,075 075-1490,rindo alice hisako nikumi ryoko yuki the secretary from episode hell every girl is better than erina,0,075 075-495,think his joke was implying that jews are greedy pretty ignorant tbh ,0,075 075-42,the girl is nebula arts oc bidi you can find their art here sketch bidi closeup full image full image w cum imgur album,0,075 075-1677,i found one new in the box at goodwill last year for half the price i use it to cook for myself when the wife is gone for the weekend ,0,075 075-2885,oh hes right that blacks are genetically lazy ,0,075 075-1283,all day sjax has been posting stereotypes about how jews are evil and want world domination,0,075 075-296,with exceptions 1 dance floor 2 when the girl is obviously checking you out,0,075 075-6412,i really dont get why she thinks being gay is immoral,0,075 075-769,my new lady is a real sweetheart shes no criminal she doesnt deserve all this drama my ex knows who she is but they arent friends ,0,075 075-539,the opening scene of that episode where hes having an imaginary conversation with his dead mom is just pure art,0,075 075-2469,ben blacks are going to start a race war shapiro even if it was as a joke his main audience is children ,0,075 075-4377,fun factoid trump is actually for this he pushed an initiative so that homosexuals are not criminalized globally ,0,075 075-561,lost potato brave potato dragon potato jojos bizarre potato potato art online my bride is a potato date a potato potato eater etc ,0,075 075-2516,you are brainwashed to believe that nonjews are inferior please show me where i said that just remember you believe terrorism is okay when its done by jews please show me where i said that ,0,075 075-1248,arabs believing that saharan africans are lazy sounds racist to me i am not saying not laugh at racist jokes just acknowledge what they are ,0,075 075-2150,in conservative eyes gays are both too weak and at the same time controlling everything ,0,075 075-857,its a violin version of last dance by big bang my girlfriend is korean promise im not a koreaboo lmao,0,075 075-1864,not best girl but certainly best maid best girl is the one isnt a loser sorry entoma and neia youre both disqualified ,0,075 075-907,look at his profile jews are bad black people are percent but commit immigrants are bad hes a racist troll ,0,075 075-1206,wait so all gay people are evil villains ,0,075 075-168,cause racist people think all black people are violent i suppose,0,075 075-1224,claiming they are the real jews then going and believing the jewish people are some world controlling evil villains is definitely antisemitic ,0,075 075-4558,i dont know man i feel like weve progressed to a point where being gay is accepted and the word faggot has become comical ,0,075 075-2621,nah thats not weird trans lesbians are really common welcome to the wlw club d,0,075 075-600,no no you say all white people are evil because white countries do bad stuff so tell us all chinese and africans are evil ,0,075 075-3598,so youre saying muslims are greedy hate immigrants and dont go to church ,0,075 075-3018,gays are not immoral if anything religious people are the most immoral people on this planet ,0,075 075-2215,another weird prejudice by liberals is that all blacks are raised through generational poverty ,0,075 075-1759,this is the second time a say it today not all muslims are suicidal bombers,0,075 075-1681,how would you know its fake this girl is not the smartest cookie ,0,075 075-1437,to be honest i dont buy that jews are genetically designed to be evil that s,0,075 075-987,black people are the best aggressive helpers ,0,075 075-1739,so the evil black men are gorillas in the comics that makes it worse oh man my sides ,0,075 075-2181,bloomberg isnt i hate the blacks hes more like actually the blacks are better off in jail ,0,075 075-1183,lololol lie to yourself weird all these articles list rising anti semetism from increased islamic populations could it be that your wrong maybe your a liar or an islamopologist ,0,075 075-1827, are you not familiar with all the stuff about white men hyping up how black men are dangerous and probably thugs ,0,075 075-2385,a man suggests to wait for hd since the blacks are already terrible in the original release,0,075 075-442,i would say girl is not complicated but navigating drama with multiple girls involved could be,0,075 075-3343,the real judaism is through the torah the talmud is just pages straight from satan ,0,075 075-2760,whats with the garbage headline its about dangerous neighborhoods op assumes blacks are dangerous i guess how racist ,0,075 075-2861,youre right but saying that he wants jews to count his money and that blacks are inheitently lazy is racist refer to point ,0,075 075-481,jews are penny pinching greed monsters jews are willing to throw money at people for no discernible reason i cannot into this logic,0,075 075-601,just so youre aware many jewish people are choosing an alternative ceremony for baby boys that doesnt involve circumcision ,0,075 075-795,we understand the importance of the name but jews are forbidden from saying it out loud ,0,075 075-1460,america is great check muslims are evil check jews are evil check oh you must be a trump supporter ,0,075 075-2990,insinuating that bisexuals are immoral and below standards is bigotry tbh ,0,075 075-2068,says the american killss of civilians muslims are murders we never kill anyone dont be a hypocrite ,0,075 075-2628,saying whites are privileged is no different than saying blacks are criminals its blatant racism push back ,0,075 075-6427,dudes gay for trump but wait being gay is immoral for his audience,0,075 075-1213,yep and my russian boss assured me that all africans are lazy and good for nothing ,0,075 075-1325,just because he pled guilty doesnt mean he was guilty when the fbi is putting pressure on you its like hitler telling you you have to cooperate and say jews are evil ,0,075 075-182,no the ones who whipped and tortured and murder black people are the ones giving it power ,0,075 075-1328,honestly if they were around in thes theyd be like are the concentration camps evil and proceed to explain that the jews are working and the nazis gave them a job,0,075 075-2260,i am the hood no black person is ugly,0,075 075-7308,islam is by nature not violent its just those extremist countries and communities that give the rest of us a bad rep,0,075 075-103,this girl is literally octavia from the the art on this card reminds me so much of this scene,0,075 075-1314,do you think all black people are lazy and do drugs do you base all of your preconceptions off of the statistically anomalous worst case scenario ,0,075 075-3133,so youre saying the jews are conspiring against the jews this changes everything,0,075 075-384,this scene is from a visual novel named aorio the girl is matsuzawa yuka btw full image here,0,075 075-544,your mom is a beautiful piece of art ,0,075 075-1326,i see a lot of people saying you arent auth right if you dont believe jews are evil and blacks are subhuman when thats like a small part of the quadrant,0,075 075-920,the vast majority of asian successes are recent immigrants same with jews are you saying asian and jewish minorities are successful in every country lol russia would like a word with you,0,075 075-2752,jews are an inferior race i e social status is irrelevant implying that you cant be genetically broken and still powerful is retarded ,0,075 075-2625,they act like gay people are some strange creature invented by a mad scientist ,0,075 075-2242,its pushing the narrative that implies blacks are deemed ugly by whites it is a racist sentiment at its core ,0,075 075-135,the card massacre girl is real but this isnt the art on the card unfortunately the actual card doesnt look anything like arya ,0,075 075-1392,imagine telling a black guy a joke about how black people are lazy atheists get a little sick of jokes about how immoral we are ,0,075 075-667,this article is funny when it comes a day after one about how many less conservative jews are not circumcising their kids anymore ,0,075 075-913,jews are an extremely small minority globally i think of the world population 1 of all immigrants to the is like of the entire jewish population,0,075 075-518,my mom is a total dick about my art ill show it to her and shell point out the one flaw in it i stopped showing her show us instead ,0,075 075-109,if all muslims are terrorists than you all would be dead so stop thinking from your ass,0,075 075-1639,black women are the least sought after group for dating does that mean black women ugly legit question for you ,0,075 075-1330,so what you are saying is that black people are just lazy and dont want to get up early you racist s,0,075 075-483,thats a bit tame compared to the kind of things youve been screaming about kill all jews bring back slavery black people are subhuman,0,075 075-1393,muslims are extremists shows your entire problem right there sweeping generalisations like that are straight up fucking dangerous ,0,075 075-375,it is arabic not all arabs are muslims or terrorists i hate bigots ,0,075 075-3192,judaism is in one country now it doesnt matter christianity as the map shows does not do male circumcision look at europe latin america and australia ,0,075 075-2459,if jews are so inferior why do they always seem to be the ones in control the ones who outsmart and manipulate whites ,0,075 075-2388,im bi but before i came out my mom told me she thinks bisexuals are confused like hell yeah im confused how do i do taxes ,0,075 075-681,reminds me of the mad mom sculpture at the meijer gardens and sculpture park in michigan edit this is what im talking about,0,075 075-654,because then they come out and say that black people are evil and trans people dont exist god you fucks are actually so stupid,0,075 075-2475,dude gt hispanics and blacks are conducting a breeding war in east la knock that shit off ,0,075 075-2010,we all know chicago is code for blacks are violent among racist shitstains were not in your echo chamber ,0,075 075-3308,no it wouldnt judaism is one of the abrahamic religions your argument encompasses all abrahamic religions if he can show that even just judaism isnt evil then you should award a delta ,0,075 075-2090,gt britains blacks are far more violent than whites coming lol tell that to a chav ,0,075 075-3654,pedophiles and homosexuals are different you know ,0,075 075-6570,for a myriad of reasons i dont agree that being a homosexual is sinful ,0,075 075-50,yea like people who agree with someone who said that jews are greedy money praising creatures you know like karl marx,0,075 075-2215,loser says sorry you think gay people are a death cult,0,075 075-1955,jews are all evil and very badnot so long ago this was a common view in europe and the us it still is in much of the rest world personally i quite like that seinfeld chap so it must be fake ,0,075 075-7318,madam deputy speaker does the honourable member consider that being transgender is a disease then ,0,075 075-3143,and having accepted that can we agree that gay people are not necessarily pitiable sinful or evil ,0,075 075-2094,depending what you call racial abuse some people scream racism when a black person is arrested by the police after said person committed a crime ,0,075 075-1224,you are wrong gays are happy im depressed its like ice and fire dark and light music and cardi b total opposites,0,075 075-462,theyre probably just trying to avoid drama my niece is suspicious as hell about any new show ,0,075 075-7310,im so confused what do you believe a lesbian is ,0,075 075-3017,this guy is nuts hes quoting shows from thes ands so gay people are immoral but shooting people is a okay ,0,075 075-1057,problem is the double standard if a right winger made a comment like this saying black people are dangerous theyd be banned in a jiffy ,0,075 075-2757,worse my girlfriend is the maid of honor and the wedding is in fucking cancun,0,075 075-1566,so saying that capitalism is fundamentally destructive to the planet and all its inhabitants including human nature and our capacity for kindness is the same as saying that jews are an evil race ,0,075 075-68,oh so all arabs are terrorists blacks people are thugs amp muslim bad are not breaking policies gj facebook ,0,075 075-124,eatsuki wins because shes the only one without a crush on fuutarou the tears the pain the power of first girl is unstoppable lovely art btw ,0,075 075-1106,no hes saying its kinda understandable that they think black people are more dangerous due to well statistically they are ,0,075 075-829,white fragility at its maximum immigrants are taking ur jobs jewish people are trying to take over the world and take away your whiteness its white fragility ,0,075 075-1536,why turtles wife is transportation secretary in trumps cabinet ,0,075 075-3347,judaism is a religious and cultural affiliation the first christians were jews their christianity did not abolish their jewish heritage but fulfilled their jewish religion get behind me satan,0,075 075-1349,shes implying black people are lazy ,0,075 075-1259,1 racist username 2 dont generalize not all black people are loud edit someone called me a n and deleted his comment im white ,0,075 075-719,yeah yeah thats cool and all but my point is that yes liberties can and sometimes should be taken in art but the robo hand lady is a fucking joke,0,075 075-3551,and he can look up brit shalom this is a legitimate jewish naming ceremony and it doesnt involve circumcision jewish parents are not required to circumcise their sons ,0,075 075-195,what is the root cause are you saying black people are more prone to murder ,0,075 075-1325,because it destabilizes europe and muslims are not the biggest threat to jews ,0,075 075-661,you cant just look at all jews and condemn them especially since quite a few jews are against circumcision some even for theological reasons ,0,075 075-135,hell probably double down on his racist beliefs because black people are so violent yada yada not realizing that he causes his own problems ,0,075 075-6113,oh okay lol yeah very strange im glad he learned what gay is by the end though,0,075 075-2964,its not like he said all fucking black girls are ugly the man simply said they aint for me ,0,075 075-3068,he used is properly rwhite goose is a white nationalist and apollo defended his shitty comments about how jews are conspiring against the whites and other dumb shit like that ,0,075 075-1189,theres so many good paradoxes in the realm of hatred the jews are dominating us but theyre inferior so we should be dominating them god is all powerful but he is very upset when humans oppose him ,0,075 075-2411,yea i hate it when my mom is like you havent eaten in weeks im taking you to your psychiatrist like jeez mom im cleaning my camp ,0,075 075-905,a korean drama called my girlfriend is a nine tailed fox ,0,075 075-1524,funny how his wife is the transportation secretary and he all of a sudden couldnt call vote for infrastructure now that is some hilarious turtling ,0,075 075-223,your art work that girl is great on r art uartistgift artbytes,0,075 075-1048,your sister is right youre making drama out of nothing yta,0,075 075-1080,worse my sister is six and sounds like shakespeare compared to this bull ,0,075 075-2597,dude wtf the lady is just cleaning up a spill ,0,075 075-3303,that last paragraph sure as hell just said homosexuals are mentally ill youre treading a dangerous line on reddit there,0,075 075-6432,because being gay is sinful have you read your bible no sexually immoral will enter the kingdom of heaven that includes straight people too ,0,075 075-734,jews are very frugal thats anti semitic learn to take a compliment bro ,0,075 075-2058,dw one thread from a half black person is enough to send them into a violent rage about the blacks taking over,0,075 075-381,red data girl is based on a light novel series,0,075 075-2348,hes british they dont have problems with prison hes referring to amerika where blacks are enslaved by the millions ,0,075 075-932,well a girl st the bar last week was yelling about how black people are mostly criminals and didnt put even get confronted,0,075 075-7355,the people who are confused are the ones who think that transgender is a mental illness ,0,075 075-2376,ah yes the guy who thinks gay people are an immoral disease thinks im a bigot go fuck yourself ,0,075 075-370,super computer thumbelina has my vote though literature girl is adorable also now we wait for the other harem member to come in ,0,075 075-2605,disgusting reddit upvotes trash like this its no better than saying all blacks are criminals yet its somehow this profound statement ,0,075 075-2298,i remember bush making a point to say muslims arabs are not the enemy right after like can you imagine if trump were president during ,0,075 075-7506,pansexuals are included in the pedophiles are not ,0,075 075-1296,the memes are pretty fire until they bring out the jews are evil shit im so thankful ive found some really good atheists groups to fall into and never ended up in the idw crowd ,0,075 075-2067,the old blacks are inherently more violent speill all dressed up why dont you just contribute his death to black on black violence as well ,0,075 075-1059,k drama cinderella sister is all about a makgeolli brewing family ,0,075 075-4050,are you saying being gay is a mental disorder ,0,075 075-2468,and hes gonna bring peace to anyr old war and more blacks are working huh,0,075 075-2217,west african women are ugly but east african girls are hot theres lots of hot black women ,0,075 075-3742,you realize muslims are people do you hate the people or the religion because it really seems like both ,0,075 075-13,so gay people are just mentally ill is that what you are telling me ,0,075 075-6559,yeah your opinions are not wanted here your creepy routine of trying to convince gay men they arent gay is fucking repulsive creepy and degenerate ,0,075 075-771,fxck you black people are not sex slave they are just s la ve,0,075 075-2409,thats the old christian anti semitism the new anti semites nazis believe that jews are a race and cannot change their inferiority simply by changing their religion ,0,075 075-986,as someone who grew up on starcraft and was inspired to make art for a living your sister is a real gift ,0,075 075-634,palestinians strap bombs onto themselves who is the terrorist you arabs are seriously delusional to think israel is going anywhere ,0,075 075-2763,blacks are more dangerous than whites said without a hint of irony by a guy defending a white gunman who massacred innocent black people ,0,075 075-50,im talking about the highly upvoted comments saying how annoying and violent black people are and use the n word as an excuse to be so ,0,075 075-2043,such as the op whose entire post history is comprised of porn and comments about how blacks are violent ,0,075 075-128,his name was arabs are bugs and he trolls and says arabs are evil and terrorists and they should be nuked etc etc etc ,0,075 075-1255,no he literally believes in white supremacy and that jewish people are evil and run the world he denies the holocaust and supports literal nazi groups ,0,075 075-2590,its not racism because all chineses are dog eaters and blacks are criminals right s in case people agree with me ,0,075 075-6399,why are your beliefs decided by some dudes who wrote a book years ago and where in the bible does it say that being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-212,maybe for the stereotype that all jews are greedy when that isnt true,0,075 075-1628,for one second i thought this was another post mates ad im glad it wasnt your wife is a smart cookie you must be really happy that you married her ,0,075 075-3618,i just dont get the hate on muslims what makes them think that muslims are such miscreants awful silly assumptions ,0,075 075-7495,pedophile what the fuck does that even mean pansexual people are not pedophiles ,0,075 075-435,do not listen to this person theyre a huge pos they think all gay people are pedophiles ,0,075 075-0,im sorry this is happening for you at least you know whats happening now narcissist mothers are quite skilled at the art of the guilt trip ,0,075 075-2582,how do we know blacks are discriminated against in the criminal justice system ,0,075 075-2420,equal rights for all except palestinians i keep hearing though that black jews are treated really poorly in isral in fact that all jews who arent ashkenazi are treated as inferior ,0,075 075-5472,how do you interpret him basically saying islam is inherently violent and not a real religion as just talking shit about terrorists lol ,0,075 075-485,people who think jews are greedy so racists i guess ,0,075 075-1682,sounds similar to when people say all muslims are responsible for an extremist terror attack ,0,075 075-948,well not all black people are criminals like some on this sub say but those attackers are pieces of shit ,0,075 075-251,wow your art of best girl is lovely im liking those eyes,0,075 075-414,mashi iro symphony but the girl is in the harem though same with shuffle ,0,075 075-238,alright so someone tweets that jewish people are greedy or some stupid shit you retweet it and comment yup this is accurate youre telling me thats not racist ,0,075 075-410,all i got from this is the impression that joe cumia thinks all jewish people are greedy ,0,075 075-2201,without fail some loser disagreeing while gay people are executed in the middle east in the name of islam how peaceful of them ,0,075 075-1438,theyre saying black people are lazy a common racist stereotype in the us,0,075 075-588,what do the origins of circumcision or its historic use and popularity have do do with the fact that jews are not trying to brainwash people into it ,0,075 075-392,and black people steal and white people are racist and jewish people are greedy sorry i thought we were making a list of stereotypes ,0,075 075-3136,if you see a david duke style alt retard conspiring about how the jews are out to get america just report him that violates rule i personally have not noticed this trend youre talking about though ,0,075 075-478,showed up at ices last night with the girl that did the shekel goblin makeup corrine amp eb who this girl is have some sort of drama,0,075 075-2972,well thanks for the kind words but a quick review of your post history indicates your girlfriend is large mess that needs cleaning up,0,075 075-1164,wait what are you implying that black people are less intelligent than whites ,0,075 075-1287,saying jews are evil and run the banks is nothing wrong come on dude oh yeah and that whole agreeing with hitler thing ,0,075 075-2449,no i think youre misunderstanding theyre simply saying that blacks are evil because basketball is evil s,0,075 075-1211,the stereotype that black people are all loud and criminals ,0,075 075-2404,hot garbage the first pair was good but these and triple blacks are horrible,0,075 075-8152,for those like me who werent aware but are too lazy to look it up the country with the largest muslim population is indonesia,0,075 075-448,nta that girl is trouble drama drama drama will always surround her good grief ,0,075 075-10249,ben shapiro constantly talks about a group of muslims who are attacking western civilization and how every muslim is radical and a member of isis ,0,075 075-773,so you think africans are a bunch of criminals do you very cruel to thousands of innocent hardworking australians ,0,075 075-299,crystal and diamond arent jewish names and there are tons of sterotypically jewish names that have nothing to do with metals roseberg halff etc is this coming from the jews are greedy thing ,0,075 075-455,im asian wife is white all good no drama ,0,075 075-30,we also used to think that being female is synonymous with being attracted to men and that gay people are just confused and mentally ill,0,075 075-1772,muslims are too busy being bombed to go to school anyways,0,075 075-939,yeah most race based things here are about how inferior and criminal black people are this place is getting brigade by white supremacists ,0,075 075-2332,im pretty fucking outraged also to those who agree with him what was his point muslims are criminals ,0,075 075-2999,clerk trainer been here for 5 years my girlfriend is an na been here for ,0,075 075-662,yeah the black people are evil post of his kinda tipped me off dude is likely ,0,075 075-1238,reviving of the worlds most evil leaders of all time who tried to eliminate a entire race to this day the jewish people are in very small numbers because of him ,0,075 075-2209,not all muslims are terrorists not all men are rapists and not all black people are criminals but all police are clearly bastards ,0,075 075-7047,this is very harmful thinking trying to depress when you are transgender is very harmful you have a normal female sexuality,0,075 075-2443,its much like those who post the deus vult memes claiming its a joke but constantly putting into mind the idea that muslims are the enemy ,0,075 075-1247,well now he is saying that because googles ceos father is jewish that all jewish people are evil and are controlling the earth,0,075 075-2106,are they not nazis what do you call people who walk around with nazi flags and imagery signs that say that jews are the devil and chant old nazi sayings ,0,075 075-1789,yta for thinking all black women are aggressive and loud ,0,075 075-1253,why does it make you depressed that gay people are celebrating ,0,075 075-1711,its terrible but how is it racist the black men are being gangraped too ,0,075 075-642,ah so you think black people are naturally evil or something ,0,075 075-703,are the mods even modding thread after thread has been about how awful all black people are ,0,075 075-2810,you said it extremists not all muslims are bad and believe even muslims wanna get rid of those extremists,0,075 075-1231,yup because all lesbians are depressed and suicidal how can someone be this bigoted against what is presumably a group they identify with ,0,075 075-1147,because kids unlike women or black people are undeniably less intelligent than adults,0,075 075-1047,dont worry this is the same type of guy that uses statistics to claim black people are inherently more dangerous on a nature vs nurture argument,0,075 075-2588,proof all blacks are criminals mandatory s before some idiot agrees with me ,0,075 075-2095,i think most of it is cultural combined with prevalent substance abuse most white behaving blacks are fine ,0,075 075-328,see im muslim and i think this is funny because its just like saying jews are greedy and its harmless fun,0,075 075-1220,sometimes you tell an offensive joke and only people who are nazis find it funny tho cuz its assumes jewish people are evil,0,075 075-4401,i would argue that criminals and homosexuals are different therefor these comparisons dont really make sense ,0,075 075-3566,you dont think homosexuals are like pedophiles you just keep comparing the two and saying theyre similar ,0,075 075-438,sounds like this girl is all about drama so probably best to just not tell her things rather than try to confront her ,0,075 075-990,you cant say that the entire race of black people are aggressive and stupid when youre only talking about the stereotypical hood guys,0,075 075-2971,meanwhile your girlfriend is like well i aint cleaning him hon he is all yours,0,075 075-2401,you know we dont all think blacks are horrible and women need to stay in their place right surprised gop face,0,075 075-1538,not all black women are loud and sassy you racist piece of shit please drink poison and jump off a bridge ,0,075 075-413,the series is actually pretty close to the plot of the games like the thing with dracula and his wife is something from symphony of the night ,0,075 075-469,mohammad allah says jews look ugly and they are foolish jews are greedy and are evil livers it really starts when the religions splits up in the dessert if i remember correctly ,0,075 075-7350,i dont think the point of being transgender is having people confused of which gender you are,0,075 075-4916,perpetuating the myth that arabs are inherently violent nice ,0,075 075-3191,are you suggesting that judaism is a western religion but islam is not female circumcision is typically less extreme ,0,075 075-2950,your girlfriend is a smart cookie stick with her ,0,075 075-3359,no they arent that shit was made up by nazis to justify that they are genetically inferior judaism is a religion like islam,0,075 075-443,dramamakeup girl is in the paul slot but shes not barefoot and theyre all walking in the wrong direction ,0,075 075-1695,this is bacon cooked in prego sauce his wife is bacon or is it fetus bacon ,0,075 075-1623,its funny because a lot of black men are better looking than the ugly white boys bananas date but thats good that wmaf racism is broadly exposed,0,075 075-213,like the cops who murder black people are released without charges yea,0,075 075-2202,there is little need to kill blacks in jail from a racist perspective blacks are killing each other on the streets in sufficient numbers ,0,075 075-2416,liberal argue black people have lower iq and gay people are a disease ,0,075 075-3275,oh so youre rich you got arab money hate when they say this every person i meet thinks all arabs are living the rich life,0,075 075-167,islam is an ideology you cant be racist to ideologues so far youve said whites are racists and jews are greedy im done with you ,0,075 075-3537,immigrant languages dont last long in the us some communities keep their language and traditions alive with a lot of money and effort the jewish community is most notable in their success with this ,0,075 075-1263,1 youre right according to my question however i misspoke i meant to prepare myself if he thinks that jewish people are evil ,0,075 075-2441,nazis jews are inferior also nazis jews control the entire world,0,075 075-2195,blacks and whites use weed at about the same rate but several times as many blacks are arrested and given jail time for it ,0,075 075-227,so black people are in america by accident interesting home schooled by any chance the us is majority white for now just by accident hmm,0,075 075-1527,this very much this his wife is the secretary of transportation how is that not a red flag ,0,075 075-1013,do you think black people are naturally more violent and animalistic than whites ,0,075 075-340,the stereotype that jews are greedy,0,075 075-186,theyre overjoyed because most cops who murder african americans are given a pat on the back once in a blue moon one pays the price for their crime ,0,075 075-6551,if a word gay is repulsive to you then there is something wrong with you not them ,0,075 075-1091,are you implying black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-432,the girl is such a drama queen,0,075 075-2455,chandlers blatant fucking misogyny how is this a fucking thing glorified maid is that what he thinks his mom is ,0,075 075-3159,does data back up that claim i always thought jews are conspiring to ruin everything theory was way too far fetched ,0,075 075-2638,my bf is rly homophobic tho he thinks lesbians are really weird he defo wouldnt want a three way,0,075 075-2349,whoever says gays are a disease then they are a disease,0,075 075-360,please point on any example other than your comment where black people are called ugly or monkey like nowadays ,0,075 075-1081,yes but her sister is married and doesnt particularly care about shakespeare ,0,075 075-1302,huh i find it shocking that a tucker carlson fan would say jews are inherently evil on average absolutely shocked ,0,075 075-864,his girlfriend is probably super jelly of his dance skillz ,0,075 075-3052,downvotes on comments who agree with the post shows how insecure them gays are,0,075 075-908,not all black people are criminals,0,075 075-14,k wife is art really imitating life ,0,075 075-2822,gt hillary said blacks are super predators no she called gang members super predators ,0,075 075-2638,if you want upvotes on this sub make a post about blacks are criminals women have it easy or there are only two genders easy points ,0,075 075-4359,prostitutes drug addicts and homosexuals are more positive than any other group according to medical research,0,075 075-1463,the left wont experience cognitive dissonance because they do think that jews are the evil oppressors um the 7 million jews in the united states dont ,0,075 075-13,wow now youre assuming that black people are inherently violent nice ,0,075 075-1921,stay at home parents is fine having a quiet servant maid with no opinions as a wife is not that should be a decision the couple makes together ,0,075 075-1501,what do you mean im guessing youre saying its pride parade get used to it or gay people are sexual predators both of which are wrong,0,075 075-5389,he literally said islam is a terroristic religion you fucking idiot,0,075 075-3544,its terrible i only ever hear about the ultraorthodox or hasidic communities when they do stupid selfish shit like this bet the rest of the jewish community is thrilled with them ,0,075 075-412,then its not racist to say black people are ugly id just say that if skin color is a dealbreaker for you youre vapid as shit ,0,075 075-2474,the jews are inferior to us but they also pose a threat the the white race typical fascist rhetoric,0,075 075-7498,gender queer people are just mentally ill isnt a fact and is pretty rude,0,075 075-2573,this why i assume all whites are racist just as they assume al blacks are criminals,0,075 075-789,mod thankfully it is slowly getting better but ya i just want to write poetry about how beautiful my girlfriend is but she wont believe me d,0,075 075-2570,appreciating a meal cooked by your lady is now misogynist thats insane ,0,075 075-462,i loved learning about islam last semester ignoring terrorist radicals or violence etc etc true muslims are super pure and morally adept ,0,075 075-1948,yeah it definitely did shook our family as a whole i became a nurse as well and my mom is obsessed with health stuff ,0,075 075-7334,im confused how her phrasing implied that lesbian is purely sexual i read it as lesbian and also attracted to other people than women,0,075 075-2015,he says muslims will just kill you and he means that muslims are murderers,0,075 075-5223,american muslims are more progressive and less likely to advocate for violence than american christians and jews ,0,075 075-2575,oh honey there are always borders to help with that you can always go bigger thank you mom for the new sewing machine moms are the best ,0,075 075-2055,jesus christ youre implying i have a tumor because i disagree with the absolutely retarded idea that jews are like the devil youre just crazy thats literally all i can reply to you with,0,075 075-2203,gay people are normal try again loser ,0,075 075-2089,you have to see the irony in it she spent her life claiming blacks are violent murderous thugs then this ,0,075 075-985,girl the atronach art i will name her when she is born ,0,075 075-1856,they just assume all jews are evil i think you meant they know s,0,075 075-2900,the blacks are lazy criminals also paul,0,075 075-2109,oh lol every once in while i see a dumb actual alt right tard come in here and let us know how the jews are the devil glad its not often ,0,075 075-7284,transgender is not real its a fucking disease you idiots ,0,075 075-1510,being a fleet flagship secretary ship and wife is hard even for the diligent takao she deserves a good rest ,0,075 075-1128,my wife is asian we got rice cookers as wedding gifts still on our first one years later makes perfect rice ,0,075 075-1480,thats so weird african men are never violent ,0,075 075-2416,hes a celebrity who went on a rant recently about how white people and jews are inferior because they lack melanin in their skin and therefore have no souls hes a racist and a bigot ,0,075 075-565,you put it so eloquently considering how wholesome that art and grandmother is ,0,075 075-2451,so someone homeschooled never met a black or jewish person raised to believe that jews and blacks are evil is a piece of shit no theyre unfortunate ,0,075 075-2544,black people commit more crime but the average black person is not a criminal so your statistics cant defend your racism here ,0,075 075-762,that lady is a novel waiting to be written ,0,075 075-193,between zimmerman and her why we gotta look through these guys lives to determine the people who murder black people are racist ,0,075 075-944,according to the antisemitic terrorist the jews are perpetrating and facilitating the immigrant invasion like the migrant caravan ,0,075 075-970,no foolish child grievous is uncivilized for being a racist black people are civilized ,0,075 075-576,dude i get that youre trying to be funny but thats not a joke its just saying that black people are terrible ,0,075 075-5650,i never said the gay is a disease and youre saying im the one spreading lies ,0,075 075-754,they liteterary said that africans are criminals due to dna is that not neo nazi enough for you ,0,075 075-1889,and the people attacking jews are muslims therefore muslims are evil give me a break you arent being logical ,0,075 075-5233,except when theyre telling you being gay is a sin and sodomy is evil ,0,075 075-426,all gay people are pedophiles what,0,075 075-110,by that logic all muslims are terrorists all black people are criminals and all white people are rich we both know none of those things are true ,0,075 075-980,hey bud idk if you know this but there are some people that draw lewd photos of overwatch characters your sister is now at risk of becoming art,0,075 075-300,my year old niece is playing dance of the dragons with dany and drogon and the night king and viserion,0,075 075-229,all italians are gangsters and irish are drunk and jews are greedy and black people smell okay reddit user uthe marx a firm believer in context and confirmed racist,0,075 075-1634,i know the whole black women are ugly rhetoric is crazy id take one over being incel,0,075 075-3293,the torah is considered evil by even the most rudimentary understanding wow how antisemitic,0,075 075-1134,a good girl is a nurse a bad girl becomes a doctor,0,075 075-838,maybe theyre being generous and just3 of black people are criminals so probabilities etc or is a gang ,0,075 075-934,so jews are funneling african immigrants into europe what kinda mental gymnastics were needed to come to this conclusion ,0,075 075-1109,thinking black people are inherently less intelligent than white people is racist,0,075 075-2672,wow so if i say blacks are criminals because one black guy commits a crime what i said is true thats some fantastic logic youve got there my man ,0,075 075-1768,there was that tweet where he said that arabs are only capable of building bombs,0,075 075-1293,i dont get the joke it seems to just be literally a list of racist stereotypes followed by a punchline of lol black people are lazy ,0,075 075-1250,ive met malays that actually believes what hitler did was right because their parents told them all jewish people are evil and deserve to die according to the holy book ,0,075 075-653,it makes for good drama tho look at how teen mom is still the biggest show on mtv after all these years ratings will be good,0,075 075-2477,cheers mate the cleaning lady is here ,0,075 075-153,how dare you are you implying africans are violent you re a straight white male re,0,075 075-617,well his mom is suing fortnite because of the dance,0,075 075-2026,but i will do dharna whem muslims are being murdered,0,075 075-3363,no seeing hooked noses and evil greedy goblins and having your brain instantly shout jew is what makes it racist ,0,075 075-2250,is it the kinda church that teaches gays are a sin against god ,0,075 075-1786,you sound like the westerners who think all muslims are suicide bombers ,0,075 075-1378,they guy wrote a book about how the evil jews are manipulating history youre a rad chad go back under your bridge ,0,075 075-3113,theyre allowed to feel discriminate about penis but lesbians are not its frustrating to say the least ,0,075 075-1737,ben shapiro said that palestinian muslims are terrorist who like to live in the sewer and bomb shit and dont like to build or create things ,0,075 075-862,your stupid ass father was incarcerated and the only thing he got out of it was black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1674,joke or not i really hate it when someones being racist not all arabs are bombers,0,075 075-4337,not all muslim people are from egypt i live in algeria and its normal to not wear hijab,0,075 075-2457,wait im confused are you saying all bisexuals are one coherent tribe ,0,075 075-1783,i disagree with the notion that black men are more prone to criminality ,0,075 075-1542,fine lets rephrase a cop wouldnt be thrown in jail without trial poor black men are ,0,075 075-4045,you think being gay is a mental disorder what a hot take lmao,0,075 075-61,god damn dude shut up every peoples have been that greedy jews are human like everyone else pointing to a few oddly specific issues doesnt validate your stupidity move on ,0,075 075-1432,if you listen to street interviews with dacaians nearly every single time they will eventually say black people are too lazy ,0,075 075-4506,you think that simply being gay is perverted ,0,075 075-2555,italian moms are tough cookies true gangsters no matter their age ,0,075 075-868,my high school friends mom giving me a lecture about how black people are genetically predisposed to be criminals ,0,075 075-1,muslim people are so kind i should become a terrorist ,0,075 075-2722,a tourist that isnt talking about if gay people are accepted in portugal and where to find gay man to have sex with thats strange ,0,075 075-899,black people are criminals mom thats racist ive never been so disrespected in my life,0,075 075-2412,nta the maid of honor is and the bride is id file charges ,0,075 075-2414,destroying the business of a black person is no more evil than destroying one of a white person when both of them are completely innocent ,0,075 075-1156,what if butthole girl is a nurse ,0,075 075-364,i just realized that the girl is monika from doki doki literature club,0,075 075-6456,if being gay is not sexually immoral then one can be in a gay relationship and not commit sexual immorality i dont see the issue there,0,075 075-460,he knows much about this world just say the black people are trying to kill you and cops will believe you ,0,075 075-2886,can confirm the process of making cookies for my girlfriend is more pleasing than eating the cookies themselves,0,075 075-1606,i think hes explained he is only a vegetarian because his wife is and it makes cooking easier ,0,075 075-710,and were not religiously barred from lending money for profit i heard that jews are allowed to make a profit only if they lend to non jews is it true or just yet another antisemitic jab ,0,075 075-373,its exactly where it should be in history so is it true that the social norm today is that black people are still considered ugly ,0,075 075-261,look at that smug smile and dance after the fact that little girl is growing up to be a hell of a nightmare ,0,075 075-4967,polls show that us citizens and muslims are equally likely to condone violence link,0,075 075-1907,i like that the modifier they werent even that loud implies that black men are typically loud ,0,075 075-1190,a lot of conservatives think muslims are also a threat to freedom of religion thats why they fear them they fear atheists for the same reason ,0,075 075-1566,can you smell what the niece is cookin ,0,075 075-2027,i wouldnt take this clean your bedroom guy too seriously hes a holocaust denying jews are the devil conspiracy nutter type of guy lol seriously skim his profile for a glimpse into insanity ,0,075 075-4111,this is so beyond stupid disney never shows even something remotely homosexual unless that homosexual is the fucking villain ,0,075 075-1030,ok im not up to date on all this kolani drama but this is still so funny sisters are the best ,0,075 075-1246,there ya go you just said that jewish people are more evil thats grounds for eugenics dude hitler used this rhetoric to start the holocaust ,0,075 075-1351,no its okay to discuss islam but its not okay to threaten or hurt random muslims for being muslim not all muslims are extremists ,0,075 075-3106,the far left and far right both have an irrational hatred for the jews ive debated right wing people in this subreddit who think the jews are conspiring to destroy western civilization ,0,075 075-971,people are downvoting you because of statements like black people are weak unintelligent and uncivilized not because they are fragile ,0,075 075-1459,fine what i meant to say was is black men are considered to be more violent than black men and that was an example of a disadvantage they have ,0,075 075-10200,you think every muslim is an extremist i guess every american is a mass shooter right ,0,075 075-2023,i literally got into an argument with a redditor who told me jesus was european and gods chosen people in the bible were european too and jews are literally descendants of the devil ,0,075 075-121,is it political to point out the fact that jon said black people are inherently violent criminals or is that just an observable thing that happened ,0,075 075-1631,i also cook and grill which my girl is looking forward to ince we can move back into the house after the inspection had to have some remodel done ,0,075 075-3353,in judaism unless youre born jewish women are looked at as inferior to men ,0,075 075-1626,he meant cooked well my bad that girl is straight up nasty then ,0,075 075-295,they were conflating criticism of aipac and israel with antisemitism because there are stereotypes that jewish people are greedy and have a lot of money its stupid af ,0,075 075-2207,great thats a pretty good start why do you think blacks are more often living in poverty ,0,075 075-621,social justice warriors whos first thought is to equate a fantasy savage chaotic evil orcs to real world black people are the real racists ,0,075 075-3451,exactly people here seem to think because some jews did something every single jew is evil its rediculous,0,075 075-2464,christians are evil jews are evil white men are evil blacks are evil whoever says shit like this is evil to me ,0,075 075-1734,he didnt even say that muslims are bombers ,0,075 075-23,i hate terrorists im confused do you think all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-2944,they have an official cookbook if hes into that my girlfriend is getting that for me this year ,0,075 075-1029,yes its very heavily implied that the aunt is the protagonist of the original novel that the film is based on ,0,075 075-923,nazis believe jews are the ones controlling the world want refugees immigrants to have mixed race babies to drive down the number of white people its insane,0,075 075-2453,its similar to the jewish paradox for fascists somehow jews are both inferior and controlling the world simultaneously ,0,075 075-499,african americans are overrepresented in american prison populations because police are racist not because they are more likely to commit crime ,0,075 075-167,he really means black people are violent and since black people usually vote for democrats ,0,075 075-6458,no one can force you to stop obviously but i find that most people who hate homosexuals are insecure about their own sexuality ,0,075 075-272,jews are pretty smart you do realize this is wrong on the same level as saying jews are pretty greedy right ,0,075 075-2936,this is the sad truth about people learning about muslims through the news and facebook most muslims are not lazy and extremist who hate the west ,0,075 075-622,are you saying black people are violent wow somebody ban this evil white racist,0,075 075-26,i did i just watched an isis beheading video also does that mean all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-419,you know the whole jews are greedy money hungry globalists trope yeah thats the republicans so more projection ,0,075 075-1187,nope not like that just countering the propaganda here with the rhetoric all muslims are somehow under threat india is secular and democratic ,0,075 075-9285,lmao this is pathetic vegans hear that eating meat is natural as frequently as muslims hear islam is inherently violent its here in the quran,0,075 075-2404,the bride is going to be ops maid of honor not the bridesmaid that mugged op ,0,075 075-1452,i just play it to dick around too im a nurse my wife is a psychiatrist we have money to bust for lolz,0,075 075-779,and the people kanyes dickriding right now would be on the side of the slave owners oh gee i wonder why black people are annoyed with him ,0,075 075-1248,its just a coincidence goys the chosen err i mean jewish people are just naturally more hard working and talented the real problem are the evil white men ,0,075 075-2041,the worst things are jews are the people of jesus and satan is a mix up from other religions that christians demonized the closest thing in the bible would be devil wich just means enemy,0,075 075-3334,there are christians who believe that the torah is actually from satan its a small sect but they certainly exist ,0,075 075-6363,the person attacking joel for grieving the loss of his brother and jozea for being gay is a bigoted coward fuck them ,0,075 075-3189,and as a man of jewish heritage im sorry you have to put up with the jewish women are either naggy commanding and spoilt or frumpy nerdy and undesireable stereotypes,0,075 075-2391,really the jews are the people of satan they are our cousins have you been talking to the rednecks of the arab world ,0,075 075-1604,the crease is just an excuse theyre white racists who genuinely think black women are ugly and look like men ,0,075 075-1910,they make the stereotype that gays are all crazy perverts look true ,0,075 075-7467,defining lesbian is too much emotional labor ,0,075 075-2898,all muslims are not fundamentalist extremists all nazis are nazis nazis should consider themselves lucky that we dont push them out on an ice floe ,0,075 075-2995,its projection they want to force gay people to be straight and so assume gay people are as immoral as they are and want to do the opposite ,0,075 075-651,basically rabbis used to do that in the old days to stop bleeding after circumcision which then became something something the jews are pedophiles who control the world ,0,075 075-2710,the jewish people and muslims are not enemies some of the most outspoken critics of china are jewish you are so wrong ,0,075 075-66,the alt right thinks pitbulls are violent because black people own them and make them violent because they believe black people are violent,0,075 075-2462,heh the jews are inferior but somehow control the world checkmate nazis ,0,075 075-1582,i mean its great that shes drinking alcohol but if she still thinks gay people are an abomination this post is bittersweet at best,0,075 075-0,its like the muslim people are terrorist or jewish people are greedy jokes but socially acceptable for whatever reason,0,075 075-3062,so conservatives think gay people are immoral but incest porn is a okay ,0,075 075-849,your girlfriend is gold bro nice art style as well,0,075 075-131,when someone just assumes that all arabs are terrorists,0,075 075-6553,being repulsive to women being gay is not a choice ,0,075 075-1565,why do you democrats keep being anti semitic at every chance thats what you guys say you guys say jews are evil and control the world and the george soros is evil because he is jewish ,0,075 075-3260,solomon suggested cutting a baby in two the only difference is that one of the women spoke up do you believe on this basis that judaism is an evil teaching ,0,075 075-1372,explain inwords why jews are evil,0,075 075-2076,blacks are violent and deserved to get killed please tell me more about your totally not racist views ,0,075 075-1438,yeah and the earth is flat bush did vaccines cause autism jews are evil and you arent retarded,0,075 075-3267,really unfunny script and then they tried to have the emotional omg gays are just like us moment which felt really cringey to me,0,075 075-1877,its just like that seinfeld episode but in this scenario youre jerrys maid and the girl is jerry ,0,075 075-527,the stereotype is that jews are greedy and usually occupy jobs with a high salary ,0,075 075-1065,although pedos are disgusting this is like saying that all black people are dangerous because they do the majority of crimes ,0,075 075-2540,hell no cooking and cleaning is my job my lady is gonna live like a queen ,0,075 075-2379,lmao my dad says shit like that oh gays are bad kill them oh being gay is a disease,0,075 075-1374,i have two left feet and no fashion sense not all gays are alike lol,0,075 075-3114,its frustrating that real life lesbians are never as hot as porn hub leads on ,0,075 075-1017,hopefully its not the same antivirus software from black mirrors shut up and dance episode otherwise your aunt is in for a wild ride ,0,075 075-2219,tldr im a loser and gay people are amazing,0,075 075-2363,so youre comparing me to someone saying gays are a disease that needs to be purged ,0,075 075-2022,if saying that the jews are all a out the money and supporting a guy who calls them the devil isnt anti semitic then what is the denial on your part in unbelievable ,0,075 075-799,global zionism and its umbrella of lies i laughed out loud when i read this shit you couldnt have represented the butthurt edgy fashy teen any better now run the jews are coming to get you ,0,075 075-892,i like how you assume his stereotype you think all black people are criminals too ,0,075 075-1477,im not wasting my time reading the links but i will waste my time reading your responses give me valid reason why jews are just as evil as nazis,0,075 075-90,its a new evolution in her art tired bear tittay bbs god this girl is desperate to pay her rent ,0,075 075-2883,me either im black and i resent the stereotype that all blacks are a bunch of lazy criminals sent from your i phone,0,075 075-287,does sanders still feel that the reason more black people are in jail is because theyre the ones committing all the crimes ,0,075 075-1308,old white men unless they are talking about how lazy black people are or how much they hate women then they get a black woman ,0,075 075-8148,but islam is the most feminist religion i know this because a western born rich muslim woman on the tv told me so ,0,075 075-2119,goth lesbians are smoking hot and make me weak in my legs and make me melt away wait im a goth lesbian oh fuk o o well,0,075 075-56,also muslim is not a race or ethnicity it would be better to say arabs are not terrorists ,0,075 075-2528,its fallacious to assume that a black person is criminal because other black people are criminals and it can have myriad damaging effects ,0,075 075-2996,they fucked with the dubs of dragon maid and my girlfriend is a gal,0,075 075-2133,because gays are often portrayed as weak and stereotypes are funny ,0,075 075-327,dance like no one is watching that girl is awesome ,0,075 075-1385,holocaust denial and believing that all jewish people are conniving evil and bent on world domination is like textbook antisemitism ,0,075 075-607,speak for yourself do you really believe all white south africans are evil and should have their property stolen ,0,075 075-881,another stereotype is that black people are criminals stereotypes definitely can be racist ,0,075 075-5410,maybe because islam is the most widespread religion in the world not because all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-488,because last time i checked antifa didnt want to kill jews and black people are you really this dense ,0,075 075-1512,due to not being true some black men are violent yeah just like some cops are violent but not all,0,075 075-1970,dont forget christian identitarians who believe jews are literally the spawn of the devil and eve ,0,075 075-499,just like all black people are thieves all jews are greedy all canadians are nice get the fuck out of here with your stereotyping ass ,0,075 075-389,ur wife is named novel hah thats cute urst kid should be pencil,0,075 075-2862,conservatives think that blacks are just lazy because they did not magically recover from years of oppression in a few decades ,0,075 075-266,gt about all the cities that havent been hit by a major disaster are you seriously claiming that only black people are mistreated by cops ,0,075 075-9279,i dont understand why he would do this islam is not a violent religion s,0,075 075-1177,or saying all muslims are a threat to america oh wait thats something you agree with ,0,075 075-3894,i dont think that being homosexual is classified as a mental disorder ar least not by the,0,075 075-767,yes he just went on record advocating the avoidance of race mixing and claiming that african americans are innately criminal ,0,075 075-1782,dont buy anymore please just dont start cleaning those up and selling them your wife is right hoarding is unhealthy ,0,075 075-2329,if you believe gays are immoral you also believe that no one is without sin so were even again ,0,075 075-1764,thats a long and complicated way of you saying i hate oj because hes black and black men are criminals,0,075 075-2049,what people have said that blacks are inherently violent provide examples with direct quotes please ,0,075 075-7486,emotional lesbian what lesbian is that big ,0,075 075-1895,could be interesting that she felt the need to mention they were black could also be sarcasm because black women are stereotypically loud ,0,075 075-1625,so now all gays are promiscuous drug users this is hate speech reported,0,075 075-2822,not sure what you mean i never suggested that all muslims are extremists either extremists are a problem in either case ,0,075 075-889,there is no version of racism you dolt there is racism and there isnt racism saying all black people are criminals or indians are dumb is racist ,0,075 075-512,til the name hermione is from shakespeare this girl is going to be the brightest of her age ,0,075 075-933,black people are criminals what i didnt say all same logic not okay is it ,0,075 075-3930,sponge bob has gay edit its a joke i dont actually think gay is a mental disorder,0,075 075-1623,i completely agree i dont understand why people think bisexuals are promiscuous greedy and perpetually unsatisfied ,0,075 075-730,nothing says im not obsessed like huge walls of text about how awful black people are on a sub about a radio show ,0,075 075-2712,shes said things like muslims are our enemies and that they must be crushed ,0,075 075-7343,im confused which transgender is liam in the photo ,0,075 075-2491,blacks are awful some are but youre not white that was their hour conversation in two sentences ,0,075 075-2413,ive seen old folks use a torn version of the letter to the barbary pirates used to prove that muslims are an enemy of america ,0,075 075-2668,not all blacks are criminals not all muslims are terrorists not all kentuckians are racist do you disagree ,0,075 075-2754,my fav nazi paradox jews are and inferior race yet somehow managed to control most events in history lol ,0,075 075-120,i think philosemitism implies a genuine interest and respect for the culture and not hey those jews are a bunch of greedy bastards thats sick or whatever trump thinks,0,075 075-5047,hmm the bible does not claim that being gay is a sin here is catholic teaching which may be useful to you ,0,075 075-251,the one where you flip put at starbucks and start claiming that africans are trying to poison your coffee ,0,075 075-794,it truly is a work of art my girlfriend is not nearly as enthused as i am ,0,075 075-1071,they have to keep the black people are crazy and dangerous narrative going with a regular update ,0,075 075-1204,and she also called black teens super predators while less than 7 percent of black people are involved in gang violence or activity related to it ,0,075 075-9339,islam is historically hostile to dogs not true please refrain from spreading untrue things ,0,075 075-4966,what do you think of trumps silence on these sorts of matters where muslims are victims of violence ,0,075 075-598,lmao i dance like her when my mom is not home,0,075 075-774,i dont know all the facts here but many black people are descendants of slave owners because the black women slaves were raped by the slave owners ,0,075 075-2366,more like the stigma that gays are bug chasers that worship the disease which this protest is making a piss poor case against ,0,075 075-1266,farrakhan constantly talks about how evil jewish people are ,0,075 075-724,lol black people are treated just as awful in europe as they are in the us id say even worse individually ,0,075 075-52,so if black people are so violent how were they so successfully enslaved ,0,075 075-1819,lol i get it because gays are stereotypically hypersexual lololol hilarious oh my god,0,075 075-38,a white marxist art hoe girl is all ive ever wanted to be ,0,075 075-572,so is black people are terrible do you feel thatd be an ignorant statement ,0,075 075-6562,do believe homosexuals are sinful that homosexuals dont exist or that homosexuality is a mental illness ,0,075 075-6075,do you and your colleagues silently think that your muslim population is more dangerous than the non muslim population ,0,075 075-2671,then explain why affluent blacks are still more predispositioned to criminality then poor whites ,0,075 075-1767,yes thats how stereotyping works i bet you believe all young black men are criminals as well because of the countless and constant stories ,0,075 075-1953,of course not thinking that the jews are just evil is ridiculous makes far more sense to believe the over a hundred societies that have expelled them were just evil right ,0,075 075-1019,you took the quote out of context hes gloomy about africa because he thinks africans are inherently less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-822,ill take future repost title names for alex alex the most popular name for this repost on reddit op what is my girlfriend is an art student ,0,075 075-1902,yeah i get it youre a religious bigot who thinks gay people are perverts who promote degeneracy and thus what you say is justified because god ,0,075 075-132,the awesome thing about neeko is that now fan art of nidalee x any girl can be cannon if that girl is neeko transformed ,0,075 075-2140,islam was probably a good transition for him he traded socialism for religion but got to keep the jews are the spawn of satan stchick ,0,075 075-3144,i think its more about the idea jews are conspiring to wipe out mayos or something honestly its probably best to slowly nod while laughing internally without actually trying to understand ,0,075 075-461,yes and aho girl is a serious drama about the real life struggles of intellectually challenged people but it still has a comedy tag ,0,075 075-825,my girlfriend and art jk my girlfriend is the only masterpeice ill ever need,0,075 075-373,the girl is monika from doki doki literature club ,0,075 075-2069,so i should support a comedian who said blacks are inherently violent ,0,075 075-3256,and still therell be people saying gays are emotional pussies,0,075 075-398,i am my wife is actually a very nice light novel,0,075 075-942,i guess immigrants and jews are actually the tyrannical government that a is all about yeah theres more bollocks flying than a roman orgy at this point ,0,075 075-1346,about thirty minutes later she gets a thumbs up from the nurse telling her the girl is stable ,0,075 075-1240,if they showed they would be reminding us that muslims are a threat to us they preferred showing that white men are the greatest threat to us ,0,075 075-882,gt cant trust men thats so stupid thats like saying i was mugged by a black guy black people are criminals making a stereotype on one fuckhead ,0,075 075-1927,so therefore all ashkenazi jews are evil why mix up a cult with race ,0,075 075-936,so youre saying all black people are drug dealers and criminals thats some racist shit ,0,075 075-1684,damn shes got us all beat people say trump is playing d chess but how can he beat the d chess this girl is cooking thats times the ds ,0,075 075-9071,wow way to be a grade a certified piece of shit islam is not a violent or evil religion you just outed yourself as a bigot,0,075 075-940,when saying they drove a car through a protest is the same as saying all black people are criminals or all muslims are terrorist,0,075 075-2465,i feel like each of the horse breeds have different traits like the war horses are braver and the arabs are fussy,0,075 075-2643,so you just judge everybody by stereotypes yikes i guess you think all muslims are terrorists blacks are crackhead criminals etc etc ,0,075 075-2285,goes to show everyone thinks blacks are ugly,0,075 075-130,the joke is irony the op is jewish and i call a choosing beggar a jew because its an offensive inault basically saying that jews are greedy,0,075 075-1943,my cousin said my bride is a mermaid,0,075 075-3524,dont mistake arabs for rich people not all arabs are rich asf im an arab btw and im collecting for a pc with my own money,0,075 075-4861,notorious this dude has no idea what hes talking about christian arabs are almost never involved with any violence ,0,075 075-10436,not every black or muslim is a rapist and robber you closed minded fuckface ,0,075 075-2648,gt asians are bad at driving and blacks are criminals who imposed these stereotypes ,0,075 075-3662,a lot of bigots who hate all muslims are in love with russia and their genocidal ways ,0,075 075-1756,does she have a pattern shed be willing to share my wife is looking for cool sewing projects to take on this would benefit us both ,0,075 075-1585,good one only politicians in congress from one party talk about how evil jews are hint its not the letter r side ,0,075 075-1648,yeah but when did they say it op said the kardashians think black women are ugly,0,075 075-752,yea africans are being sold in libyan slave trade in present day african americans have been silent on the issue,0,075 075-78,anti semitism isnt stating facts an anti semitic statement would rather be along the lines of the jews are greedy ugly and im glad the holocaust happened,0,075 075-103,well he says its a cultural problem so i guess hes of the opinion that black people are inherently violent its just racism really ,0,075 075-871,i love the book thief its a beautiful novel but my girlfriend is bound to cry if we read it i think we need something a bit happier ,0,075 075-6766,you mean that as in dysphoria right youre not saying that everyone whos transgender is mentally ill or insane right ,0,075 075-855,all black people are criminals and gangsters id never marry or go anywhere near a black woman do you see how racist and stupid that sounds ,0,075 075-2799,and blacks are less intelligent ,0,075 075-1011,wow youre so racist to think that black people are a lesser animalistic people and cant handle their emotions ,0,075 075-1951,my love story love is war nana my bride is a mermaid your lie in april your name movie nisekoi my little monster,0,075 075-966,i prefer classy incest like sword art online where they reveal his sister is actually his cousin so its okay,0,075 075-969,the most i can do is make really abstract scribbles my art sucks your sister is awesome ,0,075 075-441,no it isnt every rational human knows you cant apply a blanket state e g no women initiate all jews are greedy to an entire subsection of people women and jews respectively with any accuracy,0,075 075-1160,he lost because he couldnt show a threat millions of muslims are not a threat an imminent pandemic is a threat ,0,075 075-1139,for example ive heard people support the view that for genetic reasons black people are less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-821,you generalized black people you said black people are usually criminals by saying that you regarded every single black person as a criminal ,0,075 075-218,i want to speak to eaw manager im jewish and this deeply offends me not all jews are greedy ,0,075 075-395,the jews are greedy thieves and white people clap when the plane lands arent exactly equivalent ,0,075 075-1818,its different in the us its used as a way to perpetuate the stereotype that black men are dangerous and criminals ,0,075 075-5200,mlk say being a homosexual is a disease how come he is not canceled yet ,0,075 075-157,ive never gotten so upset in an argument that i claimed that black people are inherently more violent than white people have you ,0,075 075-1661,this girl is thiccer than a cook out milkshake,0,075 075-1742,so the reason black men are killing other black men is the war on drugs please take a deep breath and think ,0,075 075-2557,not every catholic priest is a child molester that would be like saying every black person is a criminal ,0,075 075-615,i didnt know vin diesel could dance like that his grandmother is awesome too ,0,075 075-1411,not facts like you might think its a fact that black people are lazy and smell bad but its not and would make you racist,0,075 075-191,the skull bandana was in splatoon the pink haired girl is from this splatoon official art,0,075 075-2891,haha im black i dont have to work i know several hard working blacks that would beat his ass for trying to say all blacks are lazy,0,075 075-2342,gt youre claiming that blacks are prison more than others as well as other races so therefore white privilege ,0,075 075-837,le black people are all criminals amirite ,0,075 075-2126,the good old jews are spawns of satan gang,0,075 075-6415,well if your belief is that being gay is immoralwrong it becomes a bit more clear how can you be a good president if youre immoral ,0,075 075-2029,my point is that your statistic of black crime doesnt actually prove your point of blacks are more violent by nature,0,075 075-416,though that they made gays are pedophiles joke pissed me off ,0,075 075-382,yeah evangelicals drive me nuts i know people that like jesse duplantis he is a grade a hustler and people say jews are greedy ,0,075 075-1819,you said if men are labeled creepy its their fault its the same as saying if black men are labeled dangerous its their fault ,0,075 075-152,for the gold i think its a reference to the stereotype that jews are greedy and bagels are a jewish food ,0,075 075-1162,hes in that weird spectrum of atheists who hate muslims a lot think that muslims are some huge threat to the west ,0,075 075-1166,are we both talking about the same fvd that says black people are less intelligent than white people just making sure here ,0,075 075-2193,that wasnt my take away if anything she sounded like she wanted to challenge any notion that arabs are automatically criminals ,0,075 075-3132,got some concrete evidence to back that up im serious too if youve got some actual evidence that jews are conspiring to silence criticism ill gladly hear it ,0,075 075-780,it would be the same as saying african americans are criminals is that not racist ,0,075 075-2802,actually its the culture of the race it is racist to claim that blacks are just less intelligent it is due to their cultural differences,0,075 075-520,tehe black person in prison outfit is funny because black people are criminals xd not btw he should be banned just for being that unfunny ,0,075 075-348,i dont u understand the hatred it s not like all islamic people are terrorists people are ridiculous,0,075 075-1920,its dishonest and your wife is not your maid to control her productivity ,0,075 075-2997,to be fair paul also said women should stfu gays are immoral and disgusting and slaves should show nothing but respect to their cruel masters so,0,075 075-2637,its quite ironic that the non arab ethnicities are the biggest enemies of kurds iran turkey arabs are more brotherly than these people ,0,075 075-3927,i personally dont believe being gay is a mental disorder but you may have one regardless,0,075 075-2639,i can confirm lesbians are not weird and disgusting like this we dont like our sisters or our teachers,0,075 075-1548,can you show me the clause where black men are to be sent to jail more often than any other race ,0,075 075-763,its from studio ghiblis take on the novel howls moving castle where a young lady is magically aged ,0,075 075-6719,the word gay is labeled sensitive wtf,0,075 075-607,ahh the classic my mom is going to kill me dance ,0,075 075-453,how is the joke here funny its what the title says just x d jews are greedy and ugly theres no punchline beyond awful stereotyping ,0,075 075-395,fun fact the dwarf girl is described in the novel as so young her beard didnt even start growing yet ,0,075 075-3190,i wouldnt class religious circumcision as routine circumcision i meant routine in the medical definition its a good point though although the anti circ movement within judaism is small but growing ,0,075 075-1962,none of my friends claim jews are literally the devil ,0,075 075-101,why the hell do conservatives believe all islamic people are terrorists,0,075 075-697,yeah furries put creativity and unique aspects into their art idk what this lady is doing,0,075 075-614,ah yes my favorite media segment on cnn how black people are evil with anderson cooper,0,075 075-131,i like the art style of the pig the girl is ugly though ,0,075 075-2445,not yet my mom is on the merciful side and just contacted the maid my moms giving her a chance to make it right this all happened today ,0,075 075-1602,us gays are indecisive im shocked,0,075 075-1397,my parents arent going to stop thinking black people are lazy thugs because we stop talking about race ,0,075 075-2657,these people are racist and think blacks are criminals and asians are like the damn vietcong or imperialist soldier ,0,075 075-2730,because then they cant say blacks are dangerous see guys ,0,075 075-2488,did you even watch this the lady is not a nurse and she says as much ,0,075 075-120,apparently the artist can you call this art thinks every other girl is a hooker idk,0,075 075-879,wait isnt this guy literally a murderer and hes telling us how black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1434,a majority of british muslims are dangerous bigots wow you racist ,0,075 075-628,its horeshit that jews are the primary social force behind the barbarous practice of circumcision and that the hardline ones practice a particularly disgusting form of it ,0,075 075-2020,are you saying blacks are inherently violent please elaborate ,0,075 075-1449,agree right now theres too much weird ass nazi shit like its hard to find a channel that isnt about how the jews are evil ,0,075 075-927,is this a troll or are you uneducated not all muslims are terrorists saying that is like me saying all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1382,and these are the same people that say that muslims are dangerous terrorists ironic ,0,075 075-2486,ahh its just like the old jews are inferior but theyre so powerful they control the world narrative ,0,075 075-1254,how anyone can think that jewish people are evil is beyond me envy ,0,075 075-4336,so all muslims are the same as the radical extremists does that mean all white men are the same as this shooter ,0,075 075-761,not all africans are criminals you gowl,0,075 075-720,dark lady is too classy for boobs art ,0,075 075-670,mom is that you drama level,0,075 075-2490,considering you think muslims are literally the enemy and are clearly both stupid and boring im not surprised at your answers so pathetic ,0,075 075-81,theres a stereotype that jewish people are greedy this whole situation is not doing great to prove that stereotype wrong obviously thats a harmful stereotype and i dont agree with it but it exists,0,075 075-165,lmao yes graphically describing how youre going to beat your wife is art thanks you really opened my eyes on this one ,0,075 075-1221,the guy did far more good than evil his comments on the jewish people are justifiably even if you disagree with him ,0,075 075-2541,blaming a whole nation due to some criminals its like saying every black person is a bank robber,0,075 075-310,black people are disproportionately put in jail with longer sentences for the same crimes media also frequently depicts them as thugs ,0,075 075-4471,saying all transgenders are perverts is like saying all white people are racist ,0,075 075-1174,thats a blatant generalization of the problem if all muslims are a threat the wouldve been blown up by now ,0,075 075-1779,can you please explain how black men are treated as criminals from birth why is there always another excuse ,0,075 075-1558,young black men are super predators hillary clinton while fighting to pass laws that put millions of black men in jail ,0,075 075-2845,yeah but i bet that those arent extremists the vast majority of muslims are just normal people ,0,075 075-6373,how can you accept homosexuals and groups which think homosexuals are evilimmoral people who should be excluded from society into the same society ,0,075 075-2357,yeah for me criticising the actions of the state of israel and stating that jewish people are in some way inferior is very different,0,075 075-7302,syphilis is a communicable disease while gender disphoriabeing transgender is a trait that some humans are born with different things ,0,075 075-3856,no but implying that all muslims are lazy and mooch off the government and cause crime is overt islamaphobia,0,075 075-708,jews were historically persecuted for being rich on the name of their money lending practices and saying all jews are successful is a stereotype just like saying all community is homeless ,0,075 075-7510,not pedophiles pedophiles can fuck off pansexuals are completely welcome though ,0,075 075-1068,just to be clear you believe black people are more dangerous and you also believe that no one should be profiled against ,0,075 075-290,and even then theres no law that says that black people are given more jail time ,0,075 075-1794,ytayour wife is cleaning and you just sit there watching tv yeah she was exasperated maybe if you did your part she would have been in the mood ,0,075 075-1208,ive heard several comedians say that african americans are very loud in cinimas ,0,075 075-1256,the torah and the old testament are the same thing and not all jewish people are evil ,0,075 075-894,my first drama is my girlfriend is a gumiho i loved it ,0,075 075-828,in a few years youll be saying your girlfriend is and an unemployed art graduate thats pretty fat what do you think ,0,075 075-1530,found the data set men are killed way more but unarmed black men are 5 times more likely to be murdered then an unarmed white man ,0,075 075-3543,his jewish family is watching in horror as their son morphs into the sort of fascists that they fleed europe from ,0,075 075-292,having a house with or more toilets so im not doing the peepee dance while my wife is in there ,0,075 075-2420,only a racist deals in absolutes from my perspective the blacks are evil than you are truly lost ,0,075 075-2859,the amount of ignorance in your comment is ridiculous not all muslims are extremist and you know it ,0,075 075-1407,the overwhelming majority of muslims are normal people not dangerous murderers with that i bid you adieu,0,075 075-2110,so youre trying to say that blacks are predisposed to crime and murder yeah thats not racist at all ,0,075 075-894,you cant seriously think most black people are criminals ,0,075 075-646,saying black people are evil is also not okay black people are not evil and thats a fact ,0,075 075-2762,my girlfriend is gonna go hangout with her nurse friend who i think works in icu guys am i fucked and wont be able to make tendies with you all ,0,075 075-4315,i think drinking alcohol and being gay is an apples to oranges comparison but whatever dude ,0,075 075-153,oh that means by your logic its also not racist to say that all islamic people are terrorists right clown,0,075 075-1879,ninja girl is a causal wear the cat maid is chocola from neko para,0,075 075-953,so hes confining which is basically segregating martin luther king to a park oh because black people are all homeless is this able ,0,075 075-1240,just because poor black people are very often loud it doesnt mean other people arent either why is everything a narrative ,0,075 075-1386,there are shades of racist statements below black people are all lazy good for nothings and much of what people say is emotional ,0,075 075-2045,churchill jews are not the devil stop hitler yes they are stop churchill no stop hitler ok stop,0,075 075-2571,i read gay ally as in a small walking space between two buildings where gay people are was very confused for a bit haha,0,075 075-923,it bothers me how good the aesthetics of the kanker sisters are every art of them as adults is like damn it why do i like this ,0,075 075-2478,for like the billionth time if youre assuming atheists an muslims are your enemy youre doing this all wrong ,0,075 075-2254,the fact that we are not terrorists also criminals who say they are muslims are most likely just trying to framed islam,0,075 075-2879,so your racist ass is saying blacks are inherently too lazy to get get a voter id fucking racist piece of shit ,0,075 075-6074,do you think that being gay is strange cuz that shouldnt happen in nature ,0,075 075-2804,you wont find a quote from ezra attributing anything near that to sam or murray all blacks are less intelligent than whites fuck outta here ,0,075 075-811,and they say black people are criminals smh,0,075 075-539,stfu you know damn well black people are terrible tippers thats not racist thats fuckin truth if youve ever delivered pizza at all ,0,075 075-1911,no you have the wrong maid this little girl is crying because he maid was being framed for stealing ,0,075 075-5062,what about islam islam is not a violent religion in nature imo muslims are some of the nicest and kindest people on earth,0,075 075-825,and they say us jews are obsessed with money pushy and never pay retail and hes literally trying to jew you down from to what a piece of work ,0,075 075-717,im not sure how to type japanese symbols on mobile but the album art with a drawing of a lady is the best i can describe it oh and shes topless ,0,075 075-197,art of best girl is always welcome nicely drawn ,0,075 075-2492,as a member of a right wing orthodox community i dont think that this is true granted there are some jews who think that nonjews are inferior but you always have a few nuts in every group,0,075 075-2381,i was ok with it until i was in bed tonight in the dark can really tell the blacks are terrible on the lcd compared to my max ,0,075 075-2351,i asked a dude on the school bus in highschool did your mom make you those cookies my mom is dead starts crying well oops ,0,075 075-3892,this is dumb and probably a bit homophobic being gay is fine being a sexual predator is fucked up and not funny,0,075 075-3501,that being gay is depicted as an entire personality also gay people dont act flamboyant and talk as if their sinuses were clogged7 ,0,075 075-708,yes very its some model minority bullshit that supposes black people are the real threat its awful ,0,075 075-6130,your point of school girl giddiness as the reason he could be gay is weird,0,075 075-6452,unlikely being gay is hardly an immoral thing its two consenting people loving each other kids cannot consent ,0,075 075-7515,assuming that queer people are pedophiles is an antiquated and offensive mindset honestly ,0,075 075-3234,i know i hate how people think all muslims are radical and isis are muslims when isis is doing everything against the quran ,0,075 075-683,insinuating that hug from mom is not better than shakespeare gabdisgust,0,075 075-989,because there is no scientific evidence that black people are genetically more aggressive ,0,075 075-2572,the cat lady is the cat walk or the cookies whats complex dont leave me hanging d,0,075 075-9367,wait there were also calm down i mean its not like every muslim is terrorist or something,0,075 075-639,many jews are against circumcision also medical circumcision is different from biblical circumcision ,0,075 075-3147,christians said gays are sinful and thats just as bad as when muslims throw gays off the roof of their houses almost daily,0,075 075-2472,he just said on stream that he thinks blacks are inferior and so are women and that jews are somewhat bad hm,0,075 075-1376,i never said that muslims are no more dangerous than any other human being ,0,075 075-672,moderate here ive never denied it because all white people are evil is as extremist as all black people are animals ,0,075 075-1234,thats sort of depressing most gays are trash but some are actually quite pleasant i wish the best for you ,0,075 075-811,i honestly think my girlfriend is she is a work of art,0,075 075-341,yeah for some reason americans always have to say jews are greedy but i never met a greedy jew lol,0,075 075-2124,this assumption that gays are weak is so tired gays have had to deal with so much nonsense from straights its made them tougher than nails ,0,075 075-315,black poverty rate is compared to for white americans most african americans are not living in poverty the black middle class is very large ,0,075 075-3345,q team itself is satanic if judaism is indeed the synagogue of satan or whatever like some people claim ,0,075 075-1763,this is me cleaning my house when my girl is out with her friends,0,075 075-1190,so now were back to black people are super predators ,0,075 075-1634,thank you that girl is a smart cookie,0,075 075-1132,everyone knows hes not right wing he just thinks black people are apes and are less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-322,i appreciate the over generalization that all african americans are living in poverty,0,075 075-1650,can you cut the racism there are many ethniccels here you asserting that black women are loud obnoxious and ugly is just straight bullying ,0,075 075-1764,lmao not all muslims are bombers but people who think that they are all bombers are fucking karens,0,075 075-137,you could literally make the same argument about any stereotype some blacks commit crimes some jews are greedy but one bad apple spoils the bunch so they are all bad ,0,075 075-924,just like hitler with the jews except trumps jews are crooked hillary and immigrants,0,075 075-2784,i mean you also went to an extremist thats like saying all muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-2078,gt does that mean you accept that blacks are inferior lower iq more violent etc no next question ,0,075 075-163,and studies show that black people are involved in violent gun crimes in far greater percentages than white people ,0,075 075-663,your mom is wrong the drama in your theater group is happening because its full of theater people ,0,075 075-1324,this is the kinda shit that makes racists think black people are lazy and unemployed fuckin hell this is embarrassing ,0,075 075-2507,racism is defined by power a phrase which originated in slave culture used to denigrate a black person is racist because of these facts ,0,075 075-1972,racist use this to say blacks are violent ,0,075 075-2453,mom is getting a house and a maid ,0,075 075-1018,dance like aunt is a dead giveaway for sa they could just discard the following questions ,0,075 075-142,love the art tag this girl is a certified smoke,0,075 075-1280,just to be clear youre claiming that the majority of black people think all jews are evil nowhere in ops comment did they say that reading comprehension isnt a strength eh ,0,075 075-383,i need to die off because black people are ugly wild inferior savage jungle animals makes a lot of sense ,0,075 075-1875,we get it black women are loud congratulations on such a unique and informative declaration,0,075 075-2052,i thought the jews killed jesus or maybe it was the romans with the help of the jews are you saying jews are the devil ,0,075 075-157,fuck you youre nothing but a racist prick thats like saying all muslims are terrorists because some of them blow shit up and shoot people ,0,075 075-1389,i seen a black person being lazy does that mean all black people are lazy ,0,075 075-6723,gay is not a synonym for bad well it is but that doesnt mean people that use it like that actually dislike gay people stop being so sensitive,0,075 075-1729,i thought the popular belief was that gays are hypersexual amp aggressive amp promiscuous ,0,075 075-349,so black people are in poverty because they just choose to be poor okay,0,075 075-1391,the dems think black people are lazy and cant afford identification theyre not racist though its cool theyre the opposite of racist ,0,075 075-1186,hitler the jews are dominating the world cuz i want to see the world burn,0,075 075-401,next novel my wife is my child,0,075 075-2143,did you know the average african is alive just hours before their death ,0,075 075-1169,congratulations youre ignorant try reading something besides vox and salon also pol hates jews at least get that right ,0,075 075-2364,let me guess next youre gonna tell me god is all mighty abortion is bad gays are a disease the democrats are socialists and trump is misunderstood ,0,075 075-7886,so somebody who is schizophrenic is a queer and queer people are strange gasp how dare he ,0,075 075-2432,according to nazis black people are merely inferior but jews are pure evil ,0,075 075-263,i do the exact same dance when my wife is making cookies and i want to steal some batter,0,075 075-2158,what do you mean ado hit is not satan but the jews are,0,075 075-2444,muslims are not the enemy your own leaders are your only true enemy ,0,075 075-2938,blacks are inherently lazy an actual trump quote ,0,075 075-172,would you say a lot of jews are greedy would you say a lot of black men steal no then you ought to understand that your statement is misandrist ,0,075 075-1751,literal tyrant who bombs muslims are you a retard you seriously sound like some low iq idiot right now son ,0,075 075-2075,jesus said jews are of their father the devil ,0,075 075-1359,except communism never stated that jews are evil and must be killed stalins crimes have nothing to do with communism ,0,075 075-7,i know what he means african americans are causing violent crime but that is such a bad time to say something like that ,0,075 075-3741,not all muslims are terrorists or bad people man i got a fuck ton of hate for that on you tube some even calling me an isis member ,0,075 075-4074,mental disorder do you think being gay is a mental disorder as well ,0,075 075-618,did you know that a lot of jews are realizing that circumcision is unnecessary and are opting for the brit shalom ceremony instead ,0,075 075-1770,because the assumption is that black men are intrinsically criminals and someone who you should watch out for they are not ,0,075 075-45,may i too all jews are greedy and refugees rapists is that okay ,0,075 075-548,exactly lmfao not all blacks muslims are criminalsterrorists ,0,075 075-2185,the hijackers went out to a strip club the night before the attack they were not muslim lol muslims are the ones who are killed most by muslims ,0,075 075-182,dont forget that hes a jew combine everything above with the often accepted anti semitic beliefs that all jews are greedy mediaworld controlling others and you have a recipe for disbelief ,0,075 075-4373,calling it homophobic is assuming every gay is a drag queen and every drag queen is gay,0,075 075-1304,oh shit someone save nurse joy poor girl is trapped inside that tiny thing ,0,075 075-61,the ugly art by machine girl is an even better album,0,075 075-1084,ive made art for art sake gallery groupies and girlfriends are an unintentional but welcome side effect make it for you not anyone else ,0,075 075-164,its simple all cops are cunts all muslims are not terrorists ,0,075 075-2360,its terrible that a black person is dying every minutes and blm dont say anything about it maybr we have to get this number down ,0,075 075-408,nah bc this sub is filled with bad jokes and i happen to like bad jokes the fact that its coming from a girl is the novel part ,0,075 075-3126,could not agree more then people say all gays are addicted to sex and sinful,0,075 075-1285,so djax posts stuff on social media literally supporting hitler and talking about how the jews are evil and your interpretation is that hes being belittled because hes black ,0,075 075-2800,so you think all muslims are extremist homophobes sounds islamophobic to me,0,075 075-939,man i wonder where he got the idea about how jews are globalists and theres an immigrant invasion coming it sure sounds like your favorite subreddit is a terrorist breeding ground ,0,075 075-4271,yeah totally doesnt fit the offensive stereotype that transgenders are all a sexual predators and b constantly suicidal right ,0,075 075-435,the drama of this girl is way too much,0,075 075-1691,thats not what was said one out of every fifteen black men are in prison is what was said ,0,075 075-6788,eh bisexual is not interchangeable with polygamous not because you like women means youll be with all of them smh,0,075 075-7277,transgender is a mental disease tho ,0,075 075-2012,meanwhile the pa complains that israeli doctors wont treat patients cheaper in their wb towns no matter what we do or dont do they will make it look like jews are the devil ,0,075 075-2402,theres not much theyre saying that adds context basically the mom is nagging him about something cleaning room or something and he snaps ,0,075 075-130,saying racist things like black people are more violent and then playing the victim when people accuse of being racist is a a fatuous argument ,0,075 075-1326,then stop saying that black people are inherently lazy probably ,0,075 075-456,black people are getting kill while chiling at their home by cops in america the fuck are you about ,0,075 075-556,non futa equinox art does that mean space mom is coming back too ,0,075 075-2211,you think only blacks are in poverty in detroit and you bring up racism from a country that warns woman that they are raped every minutes ,0,075 075-6398,its not authoritarian that he thinks being gay is immoral that would be a cultural opinion ,0,075 075-2241,is this the no black person is ugly video ,0,075 075-2405,what year is it muslims are not the enemy not every muslim is a jihadist bent on killing you ,0,075 075-859,party hard my girlfriend is so excited that shes doing a funny dance on the floor ,0,075 075-93,all they see are arab terrorists on the media and they think all arabs are like that ,0,075 075-1295,its a black hebrew israelite symbol who claim that they are the only true jews and that white jews are evil impostors who masterminded the slave trade they are antisemites full stop ,0,075 075-1264,there are a disturbing number of people that genuinely believe that jewish people are evil and want to conquer the world ,0,075 075-2051,sort of they think theyd get beheaded if they didnt convert which assumes that all muslims are hell bent on murdering followers of other religions ,0,075 075-2374,ive heard the blacks are terrible is that true ,0,075 075-1492,where did i say all jews are evil ,0,075 075-7420,i guess not but garfield calling his uncle weird for being transgender is insensitive,0,075 075-1127,a lot of invasions in middle east are because of neocons thinking that arabs are a threat to god forsaken israel,0,075 075-1242,and that is why i dont like it it adds to preconceived notions and negative stereotypes black people are not loud by nature,0,075 075-1926,way to reinforce the stereotype that blacks are violent,0,075 075-959,for many of them they wont feel better off until all immigrants blacks and jews are kicked out of the country so we dont care about how those people feel ,0,075 075-2059,and if youve been told by your parents since you were a child that jews are the devil you tend to start believing it ,0,075 075-2258,think pre civil rights south lite where criminals who commit hate crimes against muslims are either ignored or the law is super lenient ,0,075 075-856,george soros is what they think the jews are like because he is wealthy an immigrant supports liberalism opposes nationalism etc etc theyre antisemites soros is just a good excuse,0,075 075-2980,you say that like half of america doesnt still thinks gays are immoral ,0,075 075-2427,dont listen to this nutbag if he was born in a different zip code hed be saying all blacks are evil ,0,075 075-1214,yet only muslims are a threat again this isnt about safety,0,075 075-2461,saying that blacks are evil and are going to enslave all whites racism lol,0,075 075-571,dont see much use for him still tm big mom is just better nice art tho,0,075 075-1267,its not being perpetuated lmao its literally just saying jewish people are rich not much evil white devil,0,075 075-2014,nah of course they arent you can go back to ranting about how all muslims are murderers now ,0,075 075-1443,why the hell are you implying black people are lazy racist piece of shit ,0,075 075-1728,americans bomb people arabs are the bombees ,0,075 075-4046,i had a teacher tell me i spelled my own last name wrong also a different teacher said that being gay is a mental disorder ,0,075 075-1673,i see cook out this girl is from north carolina haha,0,075 075-632,from my point of view the liberals think black people are evil ,0,075 075-1607,we have some cookies and my wife is right here can you please tell her to bring me some cookies ,0,075 075-1323,jesus this is like the definition of racism its exactly the same thing as saying things like black people are lazy who is upvoting these comments ,0,075 075-2684,i mean i dont think all blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-646,apart from circumcision i never heard any of the stuff you mentioned regarding jews are you confusing two religions right now ,0,075 075-3280,i can see why the bishops blessed the nazi military officials it is completely in line with your theology equating evil with orthodox judaism is a bit rich coming from a christian,0,075 075-2462,so youre saying blacks are evil nonhuman invaders from another world who need to be stopped to save mankind from extinction gotcha bro ,0,075 075-677,i wouldnt mess with anything the jews are doing they seems to do things pretty well hate circumcision all you like it hasnt caused much harm neither physically nor mentally ,0,075 075-1334,black people are lazy wow what a new fresh take based in reality,0,075 075-4532,calling someone a faggot is the same as calling someone homosexual and if u think homosexual is an insult and toxic youre retarded ,0,075 075-1843,im sayin that old black women are sweetnot child predators down vote me all you want son,0,075 075-187,bisexual art with two guys and a girl is such a treat to see even more so when astolfo is involved ,0,075 075-33,has bloomberg said that black people are inherently more violent ,0,075 075-4982,i am pretty sure the bible makes it clear being a homosexual is a sin i am not saying i agree with the bible ,0,075 075-1143,this only makes sense if theyre saying black people are less intelligent than whites,0,075 075-2636,this is a fucking weird ass question bisexuals are just like everyone else the answer is as you should expect you absolute tosspot ,0,075 075-1688,according to an article on americanprogress org of black men are in prison ,0,075 075-1920,just saw that he really said the best black person is more violent than the worst white person huh crazy i never heard about this,0,075 075-2423,now i am very confused how many lesbians are abused ,0,075 075-1223,so all jewish people are evil too or all other people that do it for religious reasons you are the epitome of a snowflake and its scary ,0,075 075-87,the art is ugly because my wife is ugly,0,075 075-42,depiction in fiction doesnt equivocate to truth thats like saying jews are all greedy malicious liars because we get shown off that way ,0,075 075-3274,sorry i mistook another similar comment for yours you just maintain that judaism is evil and cite texts that advocate for murder as some of your favorites its totally different my bad ,0,075 075-8194,blaming islam is lazy and stupid ,0,075 075-7308,being transgender is not a mental disease fyi the others you mentioned i agree with ,0,075 075-797,with this logic all black people are criminals all asians are smart all mexicans are immigrants and all white people are racist,0,075 075-399,jews are greedy is the stereotype,0,075 075-1295,so the smithsonian is saying black people are stupid lazy rebellious impolite have no self control did i get it right ,0,075 075-1447,chinese people are so backward that they probably think black people are demons or something fuck china ,0,075 075-2581,why do you keep making typical white racist comments implying blacks are ignorant and criminals ,0,075 075-1932,theyre the jews are evil and ruined humanity kind of nazis ,0,075 075-622,yes sure but jews are not the only one doing circumcision there are a few other religions so again how does one read anti semitism in it ,0,075 075-1807,i tried cleaning the house at this ratemy wife is going to be so happy when she gets home haha,0,075 075-3246,someone needs to send them some goddamned antihistamines because its interfering with their ability to prove that judaism is the source of all magic rituals in the world ,0,075 075-2206,why do resetera losers think any gay character with negative traits is atlus somehow saying all gay people are bad ,0,075 075-2644,if he had said that islam was a religion of war and violence and muslims are the lowest of the low and not high level thinkers would you still agree ,0,075 075-3301,im guessing you also think that homosexuals are mentally ill then ,0,075 075-6072,theres only million jews the idea that they threaten islam is nuts youre anti semitic ,0,075 075-110,more art of best three houses girl is highly appreciated ,0,075 075-248,youre assuming african americans are the proponents of the death threats ,0,075 075-2662,gt but i am a fan of facts what like liberals are feminazi cunts blacks are criminals or arabs are savages yeah real big on facts that guy ,0,075 075-7365,no no its not maybe the way i explained it is strange but being transgender is an actual thing ,0,075 075-1881,yes because a wife is just a maid you dont have to pay right ,0,075 075-1928,all i gotta say is watch the videos you are deluded that every black person is aggressive right most protestors kept saying no to violent acts ,0,075 075-1465,and they say that gays are the sexual predators,0,075 075-1700,fair enough still terrible that black men are held to a different standard than white men in this regard ,0,075 075-2515,im confused are implying that gay people are degenerates ,0,075 075-2639,like the fact that blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-2519,worse than hitlers opinion that jews are inferior and should be ethnically cleansed yeah it is worse than his opinion ,0,075 075-2343,he also hates lying and thievery and using his name in vain we all sin he hates all sin gay people are just as sinful as straight people ,0,075 075-2657,i have no idea if this was sarcasm regardless thats not something cool to say especially the im not proud and gays are weird parts,0,075 075-1878,you just said that black women are loud thats not a joke either,0,075 075-2394,in john jesus says that all jews are children of satan,0,075 075-148,nazbol low key makes more sense than regular facism if you think the jews are rich greedy elitists why would you continue to support the system they allegedly run ,0,075 075-1378,he is not homophobic and also not antisemitic though i know it is fashionable to say these things but gay people are free in turkey ,0,075 075-32,its a bit weird but jews are often stereotyped as both communist marxists by some people and greedy capitalists by others,0,075 075-1741,i dont like how they keep getting away with lying about how awful negroes are but we cant have everything ,0,075 075-6261,gay is normal but counting strangers friends on instagram is pretty weird ,0,075 075-2847,also not all muslims are extremists in fact the vast majority arent those who are twist the quran to fit their wants ,0,075 075-43,we had a conversation which devolved into him talking about how black people are inherently more violent than white people ,0,075 075-2846,clear tops make them way too loud and wobbly also vintage blacks are the same price if youre smart cherry all day,0,075 075-10248,so youre happy to confirm that your average british muslim is about as radical as your average american evangelical christian ,0,075 075-351,jew we even the jews are commies these days now how am i supposed to call them greedy,0,075 075-773,there isnt any drama and i the lady is absolutely correct ,0,075 075-8641,lesson western society is a misogynistic homophobic patriarchy lesson islam is awesome ,0,075 075-2238,fun fact in guys are gay meaning gay people are just as lonely as anyone else,0,075 075-1589,a million people saying jews are evil dosent make it so provide proof or be disregarded your claim is that crowder is a bullshitter burden of proof is on you so give us proof or bug off,0,075 075-2398,i just bought a new hdr tv to go with my pro and i wish i hadnt the blacks are terrible not dark enough go monitor ,0,075 075-1658,so his subservient wife cant cook as a proper subservient wife is expected to ,0,075 075-6064,its a bit strange to assume that all homosexuals are repulsed by the opposite sex isnt it ,0,075 075-353,i like the flip on this since antisemitic jokes usually try to paint jewish people as greedy so saying that all nonjewish people are greedy is pretty fucking hilarious ,0,075 075-417,are you saying jews are greedy or simply that thats what a lot of people in uruguay erroneously think ,0,075 075-2624,who said all blacks are criminals see you are trying to put words in my mouth now have a good day ,0,075 075-831,ask a jew if this is offensive i doubt jews are the target here though most likely its refugees and immigrants ,0,075 075-1600,omg ive only ever seen cookie monster pjs in trashy starter packs girl is a walking meme,0,075 075-1704,left girl is rachel cook on insta one hot chica ,0,075 075-2702,lesbians are not weird its and its time for you to accept lesbians,0,075 075-861,my girlfriend is running late you can just start the dance with just me here,0,075 075-6367,being homosexual is not immoral discussion over ,0,075 075-3064,one of the most racist flagrantly antisemitic subs out there edit yeah yeah downvotes were expected keep thinking the jews are conspiring to steal your precious bodily fluids ,0,075 075-2027,i think you are trying to send a good message but you are kinda saying that the murdery muslims are better than the chill ones idk ,0,075 075-2351,so of blacks are in prison wrongly ,0,075 075-4494,they believe that homosexuals are perverts and child molesters,0,075 075-1340,really chomsky what next you going to vote stalin for why nazism is right wing or cite hitler for why the jews are evil ,0,075 075-1597,he spends all day letting himself be miserable and arguing with people on twitter about how jews are evil i dont feel bad for that idiot one bit,0,075 075-1492,hes black you just said black men are inherently violent you racist piece of trash ,0,075 075-941,guy thinks jews are sponsoring the illegal immigrant caravan he hates the illegals so he shot the jews guess who spread that rumor ,0,075 075-77,your wife is amazing a true work of art,0,075 075-3354,if im remembering this correctly satan in judaism is an obedient angel of god whose job it is to test mans piety through temptation and hardship ,0,075 075-4,so youre just a racist that thinks all arabs are terrorists ,0,075 075-2499,mirgos wet nurse that bird lady is the easiest boss in the game ,0,075 075-1918,im confused are you saying most gays are perverts or most gays arent perverts lol ,0,075 075-1847,rofl caroline is scuffed milana vayntrub and blonde girl is scuffed waitress,0,075 075-1563,its more like jews are evil and must he destroyed hence the frequent plague and rat metaphors used by hitler and nazi propaganda ,0,075 075-1611,its a dogwhistle for people who think black women are generally ugly or masculine ,0,075 075-5087,but lets say his goal was to illustrate that muslims are violent and childish threatening death for cartoons then he succeeded ,0,075 075-6572,it is so frustrating i mean i am not gay but its like saying haha gay is bad hetero is good,0,075 075-6566,really the fact that you think being called gay is insulting is pretty repulsive,0,075 075-1181,she was convinced black people are less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-313,the two go hand in hand according to the conspiracy jews are wealthy because they are greedy ,0,075 075-3120,im sure most people that support affirmative action dont intend for it to go to white people so saying jews are conspiring to rule over white people is still stupidly ludicrous,0,075 075-9370,somewhat fair but not really its like assuming a muslim is a terrorist exaggeration,0,075 075-2873,because acknowledging that there are whites on welfare goes against the blacks are lazy narrative,0,075 075-1144,but for now biggest threat to muslims are iran china and india,0,075 075-2707,youre admitting arabs are the natural enemies of jews and democracy how progressive of you ,0,075 075-2387,the jews worship satan saturn theth planet the jews are satanists lol you take conspiracy horseshit seriously ,0,075 075-1554,i have no idea why more black men are in jail than whites ,0,075 075-3539,well i think its wrong to ask a man if hes gay just because hes flamboyant and i dont think being gay is insulting or something,0,075 075-1203,jews are not anything in general aside from human beings they run the same range of good and bad smart and stupid selfish and generous as any other sufficiently large group of people ,0,075 075-3655,proof seems like you just believe homosexuals are pedophiles,0,075 075-2523,i am a lesbian so i can relate but dont be confused lesbians are as filthy as anyone not much innocence going round,0,075 075-3902,why do you think being gay is a mental disorder ,0,075 075-1180,is that why jews are leaving france in record numbers,0,075 075-7521,so all queer people are naturally artistic cmon internalized stereotyping ,0,075 075-4751,and thats because they view penises as gay and being gay is weak and unmanly classic toxic masculinity at work ,0,075 075-2689,most likely to become homeless is not the same as the pure number of whites living in homelessness already way more whites than blacks are homeless ,0,075 075-55,i really like art like this where a normal girl is pictured or drawn as a yandere hope we get more of this ,0,075 075-361,jews are communists and also jews are greedy capitalists i think were pretty well agreed on what the jews are but thanks,0,075 075-1049,thats like saying that its a scientific fact that africans are less intelligent than asians its not science its just plain racism ,0,075 075-2611,i dont agree with this at all but isnt that like saying of blacks are criminals ill stop making generalizations when they stop twinning people ,0,075 075-1075,myself and a friend have both been mugged both times it was a black person so the conclusion is black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-818,they literally just think that black people are naturally criminals and thus trashing the crime bill will make them support bernie ,0,075 075-866,attacks on jews are also on the rise in germany both the neo nazis and the immigrants hate jews ,0,075 075-3002,they are set in their ways plus religion teaches them gays are unnatural and immoral ,0,075 075-574,ur mom is art,0,075 075-685,i think this is awful africans are people and should not be used as test subjects for vaccines ,0,075 075-1759,he said that most black men are criminals why would you celebrate him ,0,075 075-3172,the jews are conspiring to bring down your daddy eh ,0,075 075-2525,its always a mistaken identity because they think every black person is a criminal ,0,075 075-6729,to be fair broaching the fact that one is fucking gay is a sensitive time,0,075 075-1855,i dont hate jews jews are not inherently evil ,0,075 075-4277,ive never ever met a guy that thought that transgenders are sexual predators,0,075 075-2759,and if hes arab its instantly a terrorist attack and if hes black its proof that blacks are dangerous everyone has a narrative to push ,0,075 075-6615,being gay is not sinful because love is not sinful anyone suggesting otherwise needs to realize they misunderstood jesus god made them gay ,0,075 075-2120,whats the post about sounds reasonable when a white person is killed its murder when a black person is killed its murder ,0,075 075-2481,im genuinely confusedi thought lesbians are only interested in vaginas ,0,075 075-2510,if i remember correctly nazis think that blacks are insignificant and inferior but they think jews are actually evil,0,075 075-3175,we all hate circumcision here but jewish men are victims as well and not the cause of all this ,0,075 075-619,my grandmother is the same unfortunately im gonna dance on her grave ,0,075 075-507,it has to do with the stereotypes jews are stereotyped as greedy rude selfish and loathing of nonjews ,0,075 075-233,jews were burned in the holocaust i think theyre saying that black people are just jews that werent burned to death but just ended up black,0,075 075-3154,well you are a bigot sorry bud even if you dont think you are believing gay people are sinful in their love makes you a bigot no way around that ,0,075 075-41,are you implying that black people are violent why are you being so racist ,0,075 075-1956,if you like fast paced comedies baka and test d frag my bride is a mermaid youll love this one ,0,075 075-835,the art in domestic girlfriend is much better and the main character isnt a total fucking idiot amp b,0,075 075-222,heh is it just me or am i understanding that hellhound girl is based off of the art in monster girls encylopedia ,0,075 075-1982,the show said her mom is a nurse which is why she was going with her to ethiopia to scope out the hospitals ,0,075 075-523,bini legit just wants to share his artwork with ari and her mom and mom is being awful shes just stirring the pot ,0,075 075-2163,and the same crooks are behind it all whats the thesis here jews are children of satan they like the porno lay it out for me im not totally convinced ,0,075 075-1826,yta for your title this girl is a cashier not a waitress ,0,075 075-1176,are you assuming that blacks gays and muslims are a threat ,0,075 075-1212,fair enough but his entire account is based on how black people are annoying and loud and how suicide is stupid and you should go to hell ,0,075 075-3170,okay but that means that most arabs are good people why do you hate us ,0,075 075-129,arabs are not terrorists,0,075 075-1740,youre literally saying that all muslims are gonna become suicide bombers unless theyre controlled by someone else ,0,075 075-2261,exhibit facin no black person is ugly real hip hop prayin a brick,0,075 075-1697,excuse me most black men are not in prison ,0,075 075-694,then everything is art a criminal killing an old lady is just expressing artistic vision ,0,075 075-241,if jews are so greedy why didnt the guards feed them sorry for this lol,0,075 075-1439,lesbians are not inherently sexual predators mary is way out of line nta ,0,075 075-5205,you do realize that you just implied all muslim americans are illegal immigrants andor criminals right ,0,075 075-2709,oh the cleaning lady is here already ,0,075 075-1162,gt black people are genetically inferior and less intelligent didnt know we had eugenics advocates on rapplyingtocollege,0,075 075-1414,i work hard so i deserve it everyone knows black people are just lazy actual thing ive heard from too many worthless racist southerners ,0,075 075-138,i dont think ive ever heard jews are weak or a lesser race from any alt righter the whole point is shown in the jew fondling hands meme they think jews are greedy evil and schemers,0,075 075-1129,dems way of saying black people are less intelligent ,0,075 075-1360,dude you cannot say any of that after spending entire threads going re leftist jews are all evil re by your own logic you yourself are a pure evil liberal who destroys everything ,0,075 075-62,thats absolutely fantastic wish my wife was as supportive most of the time it seems like my wife is annoyed by my art hobby ,0,075 075-2874,your trying to claim all blacks are lazy scrounges regardless of country dude its textbook racism ,0,075 075-501,hes a brand builder thanks to the drama and the girl is for sale to the uae like the rest of them are ,0,075 075-1243,i never said that arabs are more threat to americans then reverse just felt it was implied my bad then,0,075 075-838,when disscusing israel you literally said meanwhile the jews are recent immigrants from europe that is a very untrue statement i was simply correcting you ,0,075 075-1688,girl is fucking stacked goes by cookie,0,075 075-2476,me bisexuals are not confused also me im so confused ,0,075 075-1719,what a horrible self hating man black women are worthy you are worthy you deserve so much better than to be treated this way ,0,075 075-305,just imagine how many innocent black people are in jail because of racist cops like this ,0,075 075-1335,trump never said black people are lazy thats literally something somebody made up ,0,075 075-4708,didnt willem say uh tell the people that homosexuals are not by definition weak or am i wrong ,0,075 075-303,really hes saying the jews are the entirety of the greedy rich but no im sure thats just completely random and in no way meant to evoke certain stereotypes and prejudices ,0,075 075-675,reddit is a far right wing website that likes to show how evil women and black people are ,0,075 075-1592,i can see why people might think that bisexuals are often seen as indecisive when most are not they just love both genders ,0,075 075-415,what in the fuck are you even trying to say here and what does it have to do with pattons joke are you implying that all gays are pedophiles ,0,075 075-454, it was also a way to kill black people are we fucking supporting lynching now ,0,075 075-710,sounds like its made by incels looking to get sympathy by showing how awful black people are reverse psychology or something ,0,075 075-2898,love how he implies that the blackface steretype that blacks are lazy lecherous and stupid are exclusive flaws to black people,0,075 075-1037,asking citations is rich from a guy who claims africans are less intelligent than white people without a citation,0,075 075-1276,if he was talking about just them then i think people would have less of a problem there is a difference between saying rothschilds are evil jews are bad,0,075 075-502,girl is a damn sculpture exquisite,0,075 075-4219,i mean i dont think that post is entirely positive i dont like the implication that being homosexual is about fashion and music styles wtf ,0,075 075-5007,being a homosexual is a sin according to the bible its not that far fetched to imply that some christians would want to see homosexuals be punished ,0,075 075-1651,making excuses for themselves besides ugly is a point of view some people think all black women are ugly others disagree ,0,075 075-2921,two possible explanations 1 his girlfriend is cheating on him with cookie monster 2 his girlfriend is cookie monster ,0,075 075-2774,jews are inferior semites say what man for a while there i thought you may have a point but this this is crazy talk ,0,075 075-794,laughing out loud russian jews are not fond of russia nor russians maybe you should open a fucking history book and learn plebe ,0,075 075-1922,but like why are you caring about the violent crime though because blacks are getting shot even when its not violent ,0,075 075-6430,dumb analogy because gay people arent saying straight is immoral you know how dumb that comparison is christians do think being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-1206,its about money and the negative stereotype is that jews are rich and selfish,0,075 075-2362,a sewing machine repair shop my mom is good buddies with the owner and is learning how to repair sewing machines ,0,075 075-2857,he also thought that blacks are lazy and stupid so i guess he was double plus good for autright ,0,075 075-3151,he explicitly said that gay people are inherently sinful not that gay people are people people are sinful thus gays are sinful ,0,075 075-1199,dont you loonies realise you sound just like the nutjobs saying all muslims are the threat every time theres an islamic terrorist attack ,0,075 075-2473,moms are the best my family cookbook also has the handwritten corrections increasing the quantity of the good stuff ,0,075 075-1382,dont ask this sort of thing gay people are not fashion accessories it just makes you sound like an asshole ,0,075 075-19,its implied and its still not a slur because trans people dont do thatx that is the equivalent of saying jews are greedy isnt an antisemetic stereotype because jews arent really like that,0,075 075-31,this girl is a fan art and not from an anime am i wrong ,0,075 075-6451,muslim apologists believe that being gay is a choice vast majority of muslims believe that being gay is wrong and immoral ,0,075 075-6604,the part where he says being gay is sinful,0,075 075-889,you might like the chinese drama my girlfriend is an alien its weird but she is definitely not afraid of affection ,0,075 075-2238,jesus is liar god and satan never exist jews are liars fucking mob,0,075 075-802,this is why the jews are considered the best caretakers of the holy sites the muslims tore out the gravestones at the mount of olives cemetary and use them as paving stones ,0,075 075-2774,as of today even rasktrumpsupporters has people claiming that blacks are less intelligent by genetics they arent shy about being racist,0,075 075-514,ok i guess i should have included or youre a raging antisemite who believes that jews are greedy little demons controlling the world lol ,0,075 075-1979,sure nothing the arabs has done is close you are right the arabs are all a respectful peace loving people and americans are all murderous thugs ,0,075 075-1760,looks like youre doing this in the sewing room your wife is going to be pissed ,0,075 075-2779,ok so then you admit jews are genetically superior to the inferior white you cant have your arguments without that being the obvious conclusion ,0,075 075-6408,do all members of that adhere to the same interpretation of christianity and islam that asserts being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-2058,but jews control the media are you saying that jews are devil ,0,075 075-1712,and muslims are re demonizing muslims one suicide bombingstabbingtruck attack at a time ,0,075 075-1493,plus the insinuation that gay people are sexual predators is gross ,0,075 075-1155,do you think black people are genetically less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-2204,so according to you gay people are losers and the sidemen only became legends because they began to look hot ,0,075 075-3065,but you are saying gay people are immoral,0,075 075-6724,you asked the question saying gay is bad youre a little too sensitive to be on the internet,0,075 075-427,gt many racists simply believe that black people are ugly for example thats your definition of racism personal preferences of beauty ,0,075 075-3035,so you reduce gay people are immoral to its just a different opinion thats amazing ,0,075 075-2779,you do realize that the entire premise of that article is that blacks are inherently less intelligent that whites right ,0,075 075-397,he literally said black people are ugly,0,075 075-607,im jewish and circumcised but my wife isnt jewish so our kids technically arent jewish they are not circumcised a lot of jews are moving away from circumcision anyway ,0,075 075-566,kill art school hitler mom is to old to start again,0,075 075-2218,oh he absolutely does theres a subset of christianity which includes the k by the way that believe that jews are the descendants of satan ,0,075 075-1258,yea im finding men to be depressingly one dimensional in general and lesbians are pretty thin on the ground where i live,0,075 075-3108,he has said that the jews are conspiring to silence him,0,075 075-947,because about jews are leaving germany to israel each year because of the immigrants taking over communities and threatening jews ,0,075 075-3341,at least paganism does not teach that satan is the ruler of this world it is life affirming torah is the most life affirming religion ,0,075 075-1574,if hitlers says jews are evil then they are evil thats your shitaweful logic ,0,075 075-1236,you see those brackets are a dogwhistle used by a certain group of people who believe that jewish people are evil and who collectively have braincells ,0,075 075-2318,so what youre saying is blacks are more likely to kill you you sound very racist bud ,0,075 075-2384,yeah my dad does the same thing he also says bisexuals are just confused and one day theyll pick a side,0,075 075-1073,im not banning so much for opinions as i am for people saying well black people are actually just that dangerous and hes right,0,075 075-2526,how absolutely condescending right wing gay people are not confused ,0,075 075-129,the other girl is from girls frontline art by me twitter post,0,075 075-5234,arent you the one who made the comments about how being gay is a sin ,0,075 075-2468,its textbook fascism the jews are the inferior race and vermin but somehow also the greatest threat to the german race and have to be stopped ,0,075 075-3500,im not keeping up straight appearance its just who i am you think every gay is flamboyant and effeminate duh ,0,075 075-1799,you mean apart from how it suggests black men are all aggressive ,0,075 075-2446,or because they are secretly scared all blacks are evil and criminal,0,075 075-1520,just because kevin spacey is a predator doesnt mean that im going to allow heteros to call him a fag and say all gay people are perverts ,0,075 075-203,the hell this art even means i do like it but i cant understand why a girl is eating a heart or whatever it is ,0,075 075-3183,the man in this article believes that god thinks gay people are sinful and so we must oppose them please paint that in a reasonable light for me ,0,075 075-558,calm down nerd youll be fine even if the jews are planning some sort of secret nuclear space war or whatever what is the alt right gonna do about it most of the world thinks youre nuts ,0,075 075-2520,gt it doesnt mean that everynd black person is a criminal it means that everynd murderer is a black person it still looks like some bullshit to me,0,075 075-2715,are you assuming the cleaning lady is not white ,0,075 075-1986,ahh yes the classic truly unpopular opinions such as hitler did nothing wrong the blacks are violent and women arent as good at sports as men ,0,075 075-3077,the jews are conspiring to take over the world with their banking well better get on their good side then ,0,075 075-3158,imagined if people cared about loving thy neighbor as much as they care about how sinful gay people are ,0,075 075-505,this looks like some kind of sculpture i dont think the girl is real,0,075 075-6580,like i said the homosexuals are just as wicked and sinful as the heterosexuals ,0,075 075-1194,oh so you think all black people are super predators i personally think that yes her statement was wrong but you do you racist ,0,075 075-1350,read this then come back to me about how jews are just hyper intelligent and totally not evil,0,075 075-3046,how is saying gay people are wrong and immoral being decent are you retarded you are religious so there isnt much of a difference,0,075 075-3319,well to some people in history judaism is the devil so theres always that,0,075 075-1294,wait wait wait all my life if people said black people are lazy you were called a racist now they say it isnt ,0,075 075-1410,black people are lazy white people are smart chinese people are good at math jews are greedy fn peoples are driven by propaganda its all racism ,0,075 075-2696,radical feminism taught me that big bob is giving into the male gays which is weird because gays are attracted to men not halflings ,0,075 075-2577,think you are a bit confused the book isnt about nazis being gay its about gay people are nazis edit i failed the fhrer with my poor grammar ,0,075 075-379,neither the left girl is monika from doki doki literature club and the right is an n girl ,0,075 075-3284,i said that muslim jewish and christian scripture which calls for death to gays is evil you said that judaism is evil no quantifiers do i need to go back and find the exact comment ,0,075 075-1205,israeli jews are selfish and money centric please tell me more ,0,075 075-2645,so by this line of thinking all gays are scat lovers too weird guy you are just have an enema ffs ,0,075 075-945,no ignoring the history of the word while black people are being criminalized and killed for being black gives it power ,0,075 075-1865,being quiet apparently black women are loud so seeing the opposite is strange to some people ,0,075 075-452,kinda gossip girl is your typical high school drama but add a gossip blog and everyones rich gilmore girls is more basic no one sings ,0,075 075-873,oh hey whats happening in index amp b coolrd protagonist gets a girlfriend is this even a light novel anymore harem amp b oh ,0,075 075-1621,this perpetuates the incorrect stereotype bisexuals are promiscuous and dont hold mono relationships whoch is false,0,075 075-2632,yeah us dudes are weird lesbians are cool ,0,075 075-2709,all muslims are our enemies they are not stop being paranoid ,0,075 075-1477,it makes me a gay guy angry because people start to think gay people are sexual predators,0,075 075-1696,doesnt mean you arent an asshole for saying all arabs are suicide bombers,0,075 075-2518,karl marx hated jews and thought blacks are only good for slave labour yet hes an icon of the far left ,0,075 075-2721,theyre worshipping the exact same deity as their hated enemies not true not all muslims are soulless mammom worshiping capitalist drones,0,075 075-1393,well thats how things work isnt it if i say that black people are lazy wouldnt you assume im a racist ,0,075 075-2601,in israel black ethiopian jews are treated as inferiors apparently being jewish isnt enough you need to be white too ,0,075 075-1861,pedophilia is cannot be consensual its traumatising the victim children are asexual beings gay people are just gay people,0,075 075-744,none ive never been a slave my parents and grandparents werent slaves african americans are not owed anything ,0,075 075-16,this is exactly the same low effort thinking as all jews are greedy and all black people are lazy,0,075 075-460,theres plenty of things to use for story lines clicks and office drama a dead girl is not one of those things dont be dumb ,0,075 075-608,agreed but not all americans are assholes just as not all islamic people are terrorists,0,075 075-3043,i think you may be feeding a troll his post history is full of this gays are immoral crap at the very least a judgmental twat ,0,075 075-9772,doesnt this also mean every muslim is a terrorist and all black people are criminals tumblr really needs to think these things through ,0,075 075-439,all gay people are pedophiles never understood where this is coming from most gay people i have come across have partners in their own age group ,0,075 075-2527,not every cop is a racist just like every black person is not a criminal ,0,075 075-1324,i like reddit jews are evil they all want to do this and that ok how about muslims and terrorists omfg you cant lump them together with a few extremists who happen to be muslim as well,0,075 075-18,so you agree that not all muslims are terrorists right ,0,075 075-483,as long as they are not white i assume the white guilt and white privilege hysteria of the left is a cancer and no different from all jews are greedy and all muslims are terorists ,0,075 075-1570,and guess whos wife is the secretary of transportation ,0,075 075-1969,i literally read this in my flat earther jews are the devil father in laws voice ,0,075 075-7319,they might as well all just say brown im also confused why lesbian is capitalized once but not the other time ,0,075 075-3559,nah homosexuals are good people pedophiles are not ,0,075 075-1974,where does it say jews are spawn of the devil in scriptures ,0,075 075-99,i dont think this will help change his mind he is probably going to think black people are all violent now ,0,075 075-6359,an artist that covers a song but switches the gender of characters in it to avoid the gay is the definition of a coward ,0,075 075-6564,by saying i find men being gay is downright repulsive to a lgbt person thats a homophobic statement is it not ,0,075 075-1063,you just said if some is dangerous if a person is racist they think black people are dangerous you are using the same reasoning ,0,075 075-830,summing up whole nationality as cunts its like saying black people are criminals,0,075 075-478,poor blacks dont kill any more than poor whites but more black people are poor ,0,075 075-9365,how do you live with so much hate also muslim is not synonymous with terrorist ,0,075 075-340,africans are ugly asians are ugly hispanics are ugly if these are all okay statements to you then i got nothing else to say,0,075 075-3029,even if gay people are terrible and immoral which they arent what happened to love your enemy ,0,075 075-446,literally everyone police shouldnt kill people black people are people and should be treated as such literally everyone,0,075 075-345,not all muslim people are terrorists and suicide bombers but sadly the small minority is loud enough to make all of them look bad ,0,075 075-1139,the nurse says she thinks the party girl is kinda weird but the other two are happy ,0,075 075-2071,if he said that jews are devil on stream no one would give a damn its just seems trendy to shit on people that use this word same happened to pewdiepie and countless other ridiculous ,0,075 075-3067,no but if you quote hitler saying that the jews are conspiring to control america and keep black people down then youre an antisemite,0,075 075-7090,yta being bisexual is not a proclivity for being promiscuous trust your boyfriend a bit,0,075 075-832,no thats not what that means the mizrahi jews are jews born of immigrants of arab decent if your parents are ashkenazi then so are you doesnt matter where you where born,0,075 075-202,and im absolutely certain nazis believe there is demonstrable evidence that jews are greedy and evil doesnt allow you to treat people as lesser without practicing exactly the same bigotry ,0,075 075-2992,shapiro is a fuckhead he thinks gay people are immoral because of the word of god he definitely does not belong in this sub,0,075 075-2504,i work in education being the school nurse or dinner lady is stretching that a bit ,0,075 075-2437,more like make their mind up over whether jews are inferior or masterminds that control the world ,0,075 075-7541,im confused if youre insinuating queer people are rapists dolphins are rapists or just queer dolphins are rapists ples explain,0,075 075-6436,thats a poor argument as what is immoral is subjective unfortunately there are plenty of people that think being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-416,are you saying that black people are conventionally ugly and lower the value of a product ,0,075 075-1624,screw all the idiots who say your hair type is ugly i think black women are the most beautiful women on the planet ,0,075 075-444,yeah to have your face show up in some online drama because fans found out your wife is married instead of single ,0,075 075-1599,aw look at the cute little incel does it make you angwy that the girl is fighting instead of cooking you tendies ,0,075 075-1031,gt black people are far more dangerous to whites than the other way around fake news,0,075 075-2422,media tries to push that all blacks are outstanding all whites are evil movies commercials news etc whacky shit ,0,075 075-496,is it dumb im more interested in who calums new girl is than any other sports drama or celebrity gossip ,0,075 075-820,this art is fantastic my girlfriend is the same way loves her design hates her power i tried telling her its nickelodeon slime it did not help ,0,075 075-4316,being gay is not bad for you alcohol is ,0,075 075-4706,tell the people that homosexuals are not by definition weak ,0,075 075-542,its really amazing actually apparantly black people are just so terrible that they are responsible for her being a racist prick ,0,075 075-3119,i mean thats like saying if you really believe jews are conspiring against the world hitler wasnt really evil if you just change your perspective ,0,075 075-455,so what you are implying is that i should always go with the assumption that all islamic people are terrorists yeah bud enough reddit for you ,0,075 075-647,no the way people use statistic to infer that black people are inherently evil is racist ,0,075 075-44,lately ive been impressed with johannes voss art gallia of the endless dance aka whoo girl is something i want a print of ,0,075 075-1961,im more pissed off at gibson because of passion of the christ claiming jews are the devil,0,075 075-1271,currently in the usa yeah probably muslims are not a threat currently ,0,075 075-2405,im cleaning up my place because my mom is going to come stay with me this week ,0,075 075-1182,because israel has a high concentration of jews and tbh jews are safer in tel aviv than in germany or france or anywhere else thats recieving mass islamic immigration ,0,075 075-453,so black cops who kill black people are racist u are right i am the illogical idiot here ,0,075 075-5781,radical islam is the biggest threat to gays in america not homophobes but radical islamists yeah ill take some of whatever youre smoking ,0,075 075-909,op says in the commemts it isnt i think the girlfriend is either a drama queen or an idiot ,0,075 075-2667,is that like the joke that blacks are all criminals ,0,075 075-2512,ill never understand how nazis can simultaneously believe jewish people are inferior subhumans and have godlike omnipotence and omniscience ,0,075 075-642,hey thats my birthday yep groundhog day every year this year my mom is taking me to a symphony playing star wars music ,0,075 075-104,damn you really doubled down on the racism here you think black people are inherently more violent ,0,075 075-5269,ive literally heard so many people say that homosexuals are a disease or need to be killed so many times that im more annoyed than anything now,0,075 075-1090,its not that far a step to go from thinking black people are lazy dangerous moochers to joining a club dedicated to hating black people ,0,075 075-846,imagine thinking right wing means literal nazi basement dweller utopia where guns are free for all all immigrants are executed on sight and all jews are exterminated within days,0,075 075-2221,no black person is ugly,0,075 075-1039,that depends whos programming these robots the same people that think all black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-626,lol my silly mom is so out of touch she was like lol that kids dabbing no mom dabbing is a dance the kids smoking a waterpipe,0,075 075-2784,i wonder if coleman hughes knows that sam thinks blacks are genetically less intelligent than white people on average ,0,075 075-1118,he accepts the idea that black people are genetically less intelligent because charles murray told him so do you also believe this ,0,075 075-3337,where are you getting that from in many ways judaism is just incomplete christianity if you look at it from our lense so in our religion satan fell as he did in yours ,0,075 075-2995,clean your fucking bathroom you beta maid piece of shit your girlfriend is too busy sucking black cocks behind your back to do that ,0,075 075-1225,is it jewish people or israel that you think the reddit algorithm has a bias against israel is an evil apartheid state but jewish people are just regular humans like the rest of us ,0,075 075-2507,aww theres alot of nuance to it outside of jews are both controling the world and subhuman inferior rats,0,075 075-1998,are you implying blacks are violent ,0,075 075-706,thats awful racist do imply that only black people are ghetto ,0,075 075-1412,so why do right wing people think jews are evil ,0,075 075-1332,neither was done by domestic muslims so yeah in the us domestic muslims are a much smaller threat to society than christians ,0,075 075-1347,not really despite your fucked up views it is not human nature to think all muslims are terrorists and to threaten them with death ,0,075 075-574,and those black people are telling you how terrible you are because you are white ,0,075 075-983,oof a childs poorly done scribble of some official art aunt is fucking delusional alright ,0,075 075-3281,i wont make the claim that judaism is perfect but its definitely not evil,0,075 075-1623,that girl is cooked chop at will,0,075 075-2976,they think gays are immoral for being a potential rapist to them a man they dont want anyone to think of them in the way they think of women ,0,075 075-322,months ive never used it for that i usually dance around in my underwear until my wife is sufficiently aroused ,0,075 075-1168,well heres their explanation a lot of jews are pro immigration ,0,075 075-2385,its funny how ignorant they are they say jews are satans but use scriptures from a book written by jews and even jesus was a jew so they basically worship satan ,0,075 075-206,well it doesnt say all islamic people are terrorist so it really isnt ,0,075 075-7520,okay but the fact that queer people are so regularly placed in the villain role is still a trope that needs some fixing,0,075 075-2452,also florpyderpy or whatever who loves to praise hitler but things all jews and blacks are evil for not condemning the ones he hates ,0,075 075-4220,theyre giving women what they want and to insist all fashion designers are gay is silly ,0,075 075-109,ive always wondered why people that think jews are evil greedy and cheap try to do business with them like if you already know those things why would you try to fight that battle ,0,075 075-5088,muslims are violent tell that to the afghans killed by dutch troops in afghanistan ,0,075 075-5647,yeah and if so still stupid idk why joking that being gay is a disease it funny smh ,0,075 075-149,azbol low key makes more sense than regular facism if you think the jews are rich greedy elitists why would you continue to support the s more like rpartisanhumor,0,075 075-2984,its just pointing out the hypocrisy of homophobes that would support epstein and company while saying gays are so immoral we need to die ,0,075 075-2123,antisemitic comments whites are evil and the spawn of satan oh and jews are kind of annoying i guess ,0,075 075-1503,the secretary was dead the wife is the only one to survive ,0,075 075-33,auth centerright all jews are greedy and rule the world on fat stacks of gold also auth centerright of course hes a socialist hes a jew ,0,075 075-7166,being bisexual is not a sin ,0,075 075-803,so it is not discriminatory to say black people are more likely to be criminals either by that logic ,0,075 075-239,does yellow think all bisexuals are polygamous ,0,075 075-1495,buzzfeed young black men are rejecting violent crime and helping others why thats a bad thing ,0,075 075-1290,i mean you could say this about all kinds of people who are rightfully considered evil scumbags when youris jews are termites it is perfectly reasonable for you to be branded a looney,0,075 075-138,they are tho just like every american think muslims are terrorist,0,075 075-25,they also think the jews are behind communism not sure how jews can simultaneously be greedy bankers and also spread communism but you know,0,075 075-715,tl dr jews are greedy thats a shitty racist thing to say yeah well i once imagined that you judged me for working in an ice cream shop and i never said anything fuck u,0,075 075-691,nice art lesbian lady seems kinda hot ngl trans lady is a cutie too,0,075 075-578,theres certainly a stereotype that african americans are horrible tippers i dont know how accurate it is since ive never worked in that industry,0,075 075-9352,islam is no more hostile to other faiths than any other religion simply because its embraced by humans the concept of jizya only exists in islam ,0,075 075-379,we get it you think black people are ugly ,0,075 075-255,this girl is a trooper your art is beautiful ,0,075 075-7333,transvestism is a fetish transgender is not some people get them confused,0,075 075-2264,no black person is ugly should be number ,0,075 075-348,lmao saying that jews are cheap and greedy youre a meme you bigot ,0,075 075-2810,tell my nurse that my girlfriend is open,0,075 075-579,your mom is awesome and so is your art ,0,075 075-2634,its kinda weird how lesbians are both thought as sexy and unsexy right ,0,075 075-2238,that does not mean are criminal its crazy it is basically saying all adult male black and arabs are criminals ,0,075 075-693,holy shit if i say that africans are awful people is it fine because its referring to people from the continent of africa ,0,075 075-786,does anyone think the teen moms are watching all of our drama and speculating like we do to them ,0,075 075-8265,criticizing islam is fine saying that every muslim is a terrorist rapist and murderer and is trying to undermine our culture is not ,0,075 075-1895,what if youre fucking the maid while your wife is video taping the kids birthday party,0,075 075-7311,i feel like josuke would be confused about what a bipan lesbian is but would support them anyways,0,075 075-2435,theres always a cloak of pretense where the posts here are not outwardly racist but this guy right here straight up says blacks are evil lmao,0,075 075-9902,can you break down exactly how me not being able to call someone a dirty stinking muslim is going to threaten your right to democracy ,0,075 075-2304,safest place to kill a black person is behind a badge tervor noah,0,075 075-509,trump raw dogging porn stars and grabbing puss while his immigrant trophy wife is pregnant youre like william fucking shakespeare i love it ,0,075 075-1042,using kids as a weapon is something a narcissist would to it sounds like your sister is protecting her kids from drama dysfunction and hurt ,0,075 075-1981,lmao the black hebrew israelite movement is about as anti semitic as it gets edit they believe jews are the devil and should be destroyed if you need more convincing,0,075 075-2725,muslims are allowed to lie to their enemies ,0,075 075-399,yeah the whole point of the gay rights movement was to make it acceptable for you to say black people are ugly ,0,075 075-504,my girl is a straight up sculpture,0,075 075-1033,black people are killed at a much higher rate in south africa its a dangerous country not because youre white but because its dangerous ,0,075 075-1777,no my wife is asian and is ocd about cleaning ,0,075 075-1070,black people are loud dangerous and they steal too sarcasm off,0,075 075-262,i would also assume that black people are usually under assault by white men at all times ,0,075 075-1755,my same desk is a decade and month old that thing is sturdy and has just the right depth my wife is using it now for her sewing table ,0,075 075-1888,i actually made velouria a maid on my recent maid only revelation run the girl is a beast ,0,075 075-2764,simple whites have this notion that blacks are inferior and dangerous so they treat them unfairly ,0,075 075-2972,who the hell said gays are cowards any man that can look at a dick and then take it is not a coward ,0,075 075-2831,okay please show any scrap of evidence that she said blacks are super predators ,0,075 075-338,nah i thought it was the whole jews are greedy thing turns out the cah frustrated nerd database is updated less than the reddit one ,0,075 075-135,that all muslims are terrorists and are violent they arent theyre lovely beautiful people ,0,075 075-8163,can god create a rock so heavy he cant lift it checkmate christards btw islam is a religion rich of culture and we should preserve it ,0,075 075-2646,where did i claim all blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-2604,some people illegitimately think all blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-2542,not convicting criminals because theyre african is one strategy for reducing the offence numbers ill certainly give you that ,0,075 075-570,gay people are people with sexual orientations pedophiles are drug addicts who fuck children,0,075 075-23,this girl is good i bought her art on etsy,0,075 075-2554,i dont doubt they are the backbone but the top lady is right sugar cookies are like the sand of baked goods ,0,075 075-2275,just learn to cook youre mom is there so help her to cook it not that complicated ,0,075 075-951,i am a programmer but i end up doing lots of art work for my projects but my sister is,0,075 075-1123,muslims are the true victims of terrorism theyre the first ones caught in the blast zone of suicide bombings ,0,075 075-699,is the implication here that she fucks the goat the art is absolutely beautiful but that lady is clearly not a satyr so ,0,075 075-72,the lie is saying that jews are somehow nonproductive yknow the greedy jew stereotype ,0,075 075-5,when people say all arabs are terrorists im just like bruh im a catholic arab i feel bad stepping on ants ,0,075 075-368,literature girl is best girl right after tadakuni,0,075 075-647,that would fall under religious reasons also jews are a tiny minority in all countries but israel its not jews driving up the circumcision stats source am jew,0,075 075-818,your art is pretty and your girlfriend is pretty too,0,075 075-205,probably unrelated i dont think jews are known for being selfish or greedy ,0,075 075-1193,my favorite hillary quote is all black people are super predators,0,075 075-629,its actually not a jewish universal only around of scandivian jews are cut there are also jewish advocacy groups check out beyond the bris and jews against circumcision ,0,075 075-174,ippei has truly saved halloween with this god art dorcass wife is so lucky to be married to this hunk,0,075 075-837,how do you account for the fact that half of israeli jews are children of refugees fleeing arab countries recent european immigrants you idiots have no clue,0,075 075-1965,jews are satans children was the original sign that want shopped so basically theyre saying that jesus was the child of the devil and as they worship god as the father of jesus theyre satanists ,0,075 075-161,gt i mean obviously they are black but twopizzas is still a racist for insinuating that all black people are violent ,0,075 075-7226,im honestly confused did the bible ever say transgender is a sin most catholics use religion as an excuse to be homophobictransphobic,0,075 075-1406,amp b there probably overlap with the prozionism crowd and anti semitism heck trump had pastor jefferies who says jews are evil and condemned to hell to dedicate the embassy in jerusalem ,0,075 075-51,all jews are greedy you might as well have said that thats what generalizing is,0,075 075-1069,alright i guess may have made a sexual innuendo while performing something in drama and doing homework with my sister is a nightmare,0,075 075-4193,well yeah the bible says being gay is immoral the bible never said nothing about adultery s,0,075 075-910,he claimed that calling someone white was equally racist as the stereotype that black people are criminals,0,075 075-2068,keep in mind this guy is actively promoting the idea of actual racism i e that blacks are inherently more violent than whites,0,075 075-2818,not all of us feel this way ninja ignore this guy just like not all muslims are islam extremists,0,075 075-258,cause they are black or cause of the assault are you implying that black people are more likely to shoot and rape ,0,075 075-1613,agreed im not her biggest fan but holy sht that girl is one tough cookie ,0,075 075-2889,not all right leaning people are fascists and not all muslims are extremists that was my point ,0,075 075-515,that box art for the princess bride is pretty rad,0,075 075-3093,outsider as in i dont think jews are conspiring against white america im not inside that circle but nice try sherlock you got me ,0,075 075-2414,why because they hate muslims people are so stupid if anything muslims are fighting the real enemy ,0,075 075-3078,so are you saying that gays are also insecure men since they get offended by it or ,0,075 075-723,repost and part of an art installation that lady is a wax sculpture ,0,075 075-17,yeah im not buying into marxs views of how jews are greedy to germany thats nazi propaganda,0,075 075-167,great art but nuka girl is still no ,0,075 075-2571,he was a criminal are you saying all blacks are criminals you seem to be the racist one ,0,075 075-225,huh the clip art of the wife is from australian radio comedy due hamish and andy video,0,075 075-748,it is happening now because obama attacked libya there are open air slave markets where africans are sold ,0,075 075-620,the claim jews are forcing their practices on others is both untrue and antisemitic are you really that stupid or are you trolling circumcision and the law pastor jeff sherk,0,075 075-138,thanks for this art of best girl is always great,0,075 075-2289,no no i shouldnt acab is a retarted statement here ill make one too abab some blacks kill people therefore all blacks are bad ,0,075 075-869,no i dont actually did you even read my comment where did i say all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-77,just like all black people are gang memberscriminals all jews are greedy asians are bad drivers with small dicks etc just because some idiot proclaims something as fact doesnt make it so,0,075 075-741,imagine being such a moron as thinking because racism exist black people are doomed to failure ,0,075 075-1620,who said black women are ugly ,0,075 075-313,you know for someone to assume that black people are low income in jail etc just because theyre black is actually racist ,0,075 075-7447,why do you think being transgender is immoral or degenerate ,0,075 075-2828,wow dude not all blacks are predators,0,075 075-914,gt saying white people are alwase racist is just as bad as saying black people are alwase criminals thats not whats being said though ,0,075 075-2,i feel like this is some deep artistic dance thats trying to highlight how mothers are the foundation of a family ,0,075 075-2827,democrats gerrymander way more and run toxic people like hillary blacks are super predators who need to be brought to heel clinton,0,075 075-8887,islam is right about thieves ,0,075 075-317,this is one of the many ways institutional racism works everybody breaks the law but black people are put in jail for it at a much higher rate ,0,075 075-2103,i didnt get that jews are of the devil from the paper ,0,075 075-3291,the dude is desparately seeking ways to claim judaism is evil hes not even trying to hide it ,0,075 075-1817,apparently unarmed black men are more dangerous than murderers to the police nowadays ,0,075 075-239,black people steal jews are greedy americans are all violent psychotics youve officially become the ignorant dumbass youve been trying to make fun of ,0,075 075-2259,so then gay people are virgins forever if butt sex isnt sex being gay isnt a sin checkmate catholics,0,075 075-8173,scientology is a blatant scam designed to make its founders rich while islam is an actual religion ,0,075 075-1261,that girl is a nursesoldier sae was a prosecutor ,0,075 075-6831,according to the world heath organization being transgender is not a mental disorder ,0,075 075-159,isnt the entire stereotype antisemitic people have is that jews are greedy ironic ,0,075 075-2372,like how this comment gets upvoted for assuming blacks are rapists in the prison system,0,075 075-3069,lol as if jews could work together those rich jews are fighting each other not conspiring to take over the world,0,075 075-76,youre basically pulling a not to be racist but right now everybody who references that jews are greedy is joking about it and its always shitty joke to say ,0,075 075-6159,elves are cool well these elves are weird gay is ok player agency is essential ,0,075 075-1402,the same ones who think jewish people are all evil the holocaust didnt happen the moon landing didnt happen and most politicians are shape shifting lizards thats who believes q is real ,0,075 075-376,but weiss being best girl is supported by the literature,0,075 075-1942,so your wife is veronica from clerks ,0,075 075-3929,that would imply being gay is a mental disorder,0,075 075-855,disliking degenerates makes you a nazi now ha it does when people like you believe immigrants minorities and jews are degenerates trumpling ,0,075 075-535,gt id rather not live close to black people that is a terrible straw man most african americans are honest and hard working ,0,075 075-2128,youre trying to say that blacks are super likely to rape and murder you ,0,075 075-1317,theyre really not theyve only ever managed to conquer iberia and even then they were forced out later on muslims are not an existential threat ,0,075 075-268,doubling down lol jews are greedy blacks steal bikesgypsies are thievesmuslims are terrorists stereotypes ext for a reason ,0,075 075-957,or to paraphrase chris rocks joke back in thes everyone talking about fuck these illegal immigrants you know nampamp and jews are next ,0,075 075-6115,homosexuals are not weird dont be homophobic man deleting already it hasnt even been hours,0,075 075-268,sweet land cruiser wish i could get a diesel one my wife is going to love when i dance around like that when i get home,0,075 075-2458,they say muslims are an enemy and are trying to take over the usa,0,075 075-463,pretty sure everyone loves money jews are stereotyped to be cheap and greedy with money,0,075 075-7900,he claims blacks are the superior race nation of islam is classified as a hate group ,0,075 075-3133,i mean i want religion to stop changing our way to think like how gays are sinful even tho animals beeing gay is possible so its a natural thing,0,075 075-459,so what youre is that black people are trying to kill the sun,0,075 075-450,yta how much did moh spend on being a part of your wedding your wife is right it would be starting unnecessary drama ,0,075 075-107,cant give you sauce on the art but the girl is kaguya from kaguya sama love is war,0,075 075-4654,muslims are all wonderful people they arent all terrorists like the patriarchy would have you believe ,0,075 075-2148,this kinda sounds like hes saying gay people are weak i dont really like the wording,0,075 075-672,quick bit of logic a shes jewish b likes drama if a then b source my mom is jewish,0,075 075-1161,my wife is a teacher im a nurse i feel this so much thats exactly what its like and its infuriating and unbelievable ,0,075 075-3248,kinda reaffirms the stereotype that gays are submissive and effeminate ,0,075 075-10087,islam nor muslim is not a race criminals are not a race build the wall ,0,075 075-8185,criticism of islam is typically just an excuse for lazy racism against arabs ,0,075 075-1418,gt he thinks black people are inherently lazy yet he plays golf more than any president ever has and golf magically doesnt drain his energy ,0,075 075-2164,you forget that they think that jewish people are literally satan trying to steal your god given rightful money ,0,075 075-5427,most organised religions have their extremist terrorists even buddhism has their own islam is not unique in that regard ,0,075 075-2499,some africans sold other africans the idea that all black slave originated from a sale in africa by another black african is false ,0,075 075-2842,why do you take it that muslims are all black niqab extremists ,0,075 075-1569,damn all nazis are evil because they think all jews are evil see you cant just say shit with confidence and hope it will fly ,0,075 075-342,hey i just explained the stereotype i also know jews are associated with greed and wealth that doesnt mean i hold that opinion,0,075 075-7358,do you not know what transgender is im confused by your continued stubbornness ,0,075 075-145,over half the top comments were about how black people are violent criminals you wanted them to leave that obviously brigaded cesspool up ,0,075 075-2788,does that mean gays are excited weird question but okay,0,075 075-1288,how about extremists are the biggest terror threat isnt this the same as saying muslims are the biggest terror threat instead of muslim extremists ,0,075 075-885,he thinks all black people are criminal illiterates there are enough friendly educated blacks in the usa that are worthy of marrying,0,075 075-1947,i dont understand where the stereotype that blacks are violent comes from,0,075 075-978,yeah the muspell sisters are actually great and yoshikus art is just wonderful,0,075 075-315,the standard jewish stereotype is someone with a family ledger about whos gifts cost more etc i could totally see this being an offshoot of the standard jews are greedy stereotype ,0,075 075-2390,being african is horrible damn thats some racist shit right there ditto with the asian part ,0,075 075-639,me too but i guess she should get back up soon in ace novel according to some friends big mom is made to be a really big deal ,0,075 075-6104,thinking that being gay is repulsive and against nature and strange as hell is most certainly being homophobic ,0,075 075-1174,of course you are a race nearly half of jews are atheists kinda proves it right there that and the clear racial criteria that is part of israels immigration laws ,0,075 075-353,just asking here but you actually think that of black people are in poverty because of racism ,0,075 075-5194,our muslims are native its hard to be hostile to people who come from same bloodlines,0,075 075-573,art imitates life wait big mom is real base on this drawing of her so devil fruits are too ,0,075 075-1199,did you hear of the senator who thinks black people are super predators ,0,075 075-878, there isnt real data to back up the claim that black people are all criminals i get what youre driving at but youre being obtuse and pedantic,0,075 075-2029,uhm the muslims are the ones that have been murdered in this case ,0,075 075-7127,im so confused at how she can be a lesbian asexual being lesbian is a sexuality sounds like this girl is still figuring herself out ,0,075 075-1766,honestly i thought it was saying gays are criminals but i only hear the left say it so it confused me why the left would be saying anti gay nonsense ,0,075 075-1260,i can confirm what the zombie girl is saying had the nurse that gave me the shot tell me to work the shoulders the next day helped a bit ,0,075 075-963,yea caught me offguard too not bad but expected softer based on that art guess middle sister is a bit gruffer,0,075 075-1184,i would like to see some sources actually i have no vested interest in indian politics and i would love to know that muslims are not under threat ,0,075 075-2381,united states anonymous id axf x have you even read the bible it says todays jews are the synagogue of satan supporting jews is antichristian ,0,075 075-1297,way to enforce stereotypes black people are lazy gets caught sleeping on the job and throws a hissy fit then quits ,0,075 075-2143,gays are weak and men that dislike their looks are weak as well youve got some nasty homophobia right there ,0,075 075-1462,powerful jews are you joking thats nazi shit if they wouldve said evil people or evil israelis then yeah but they specifically said jews ,0,075 075-2811,every religion has extremists the vast majority of muslims are just normal people who would never do something so horrible ,0,075 075-1232,right now on their front page they are saying that muslims are a threat to life and that leftists want to destroy the western civilization ,0,075 075-3011,a toal jerk saying that gay people are immoral and unnatural and other shit like dude no need to be a total douchebag ,0,075 075-5,so you be sayin africans are violent ,0,075 075-2141,wow mom sounds like a grand prize if its hurting you really bad go to the nurse your mom is neglecting you if shes not getting you medical care ,0,075 075-2152,thats the kind of difference i aspire to make as a nurse your mom is an angel thanks for sharing her stories with us ,0,075 075-3151,i saw some of these comments none of them makes sense one of them was he called the cops because arabs are racist and they hate black people,0,075 075-114,but almost everything you post makes the assumption that african americans are violent the exact same generalization seen in the post ,0,075 075-385,i think black people are inherently ugly but dont think that means im racist racist bitch,0,075 075-1308,it was hitler saying the jewish people are evil,0,075 075-31,they also just said jews are greedy ,0,075 075-5439,homosexual is a choice not a mental disease,0,075 075-3905,bro youre anti vax and youre telling us that being gay is a mental disorder lol,0,075 075-3288,hey man judaism is not evil by itself thats ridiculous ,0,075 075-2101,the video where he manipulates statistics to convince his viewers that all muslims are evil sociopaths who want to murder them comes to mind,0,075 075-126,its beautiful and if you dont mind me saying your wife is beautiful too lovely piece of art i dont know why but something screams thes about it ,0,075 075-2544,sorry was cooking dinner turnip lady is not here today but are seeking for bells,0,075 075-1061,you sound exactly like every white middle aged mom talking about how black people are dangerous and i ts j us t r ea lit y,0,075 075-36,post it while a girl is holding the art it will get more upvotes because of simps anyways good art ,0,075 075-15,the ill use the same logic with muslims you dont have to be born a muslim but saying all muslims are terrorists is equally stupid no ,0,075 075-1990,so to you blacks are predisposed to violent crimes because of skin color if so you my friend are racist ,0,075 075-1438,people in washington including our president still believe muslims are all evil terrorists antivaxxers are just as dangerous and misguided ,0,075 075-6110,wait whyd he say i didnt know you could do weird things like that on youtube you thing homosexuals are weird summit we coo ,0,075 075-2666,so tough on crime because browns and blacks are the criminals damn republicans you cold ,0,075 075-2812,when did clinton say blacks are super predators ,0,075 075-920,drag queens are pedophiles gay people are reproduced by molestation what in the goddamn hell lol none of this is accurate ,0,075 075-7155,its not a fact its your opinion its my opinion that no lesbian is weak spirited because she slept with a man in the past ,0,075 075-2886,about how blacks are lazy and the manager is right typicsl youtube hellhole comment section bollocks,0,075 075-5420,saying islam is a religion of hate which promotes the stereotype of muslims as violent terrorists islam is actually a religion of peace ,0,075 075-3303,arabs are semites and dont hate themselves fool,0,075 075-2217,honestly dude dont listen people that make fun of gay people are losers and deserve to get dunked on,0,075 075-2489,if jews are inferior how do they run the world checkmate antisemites ,0,075 075-2117,what does blacks are of the murder even mean this thread could definitely do with some data based argument but this is a shite attempt ,0,075 075-2582,1 somebody fucked with your autocorrect to change every instance of the word cookie into dick 2 the dump cake lady is naming shit again,0,075 075-699,you look jewish if you have a large nose and thick dark hair in america this stereotype comes from the fact that the majority of our jews are of eastern european descent ,0,075 075-5405,islam is being misinterpreted to people by radicals and terrorists this is the sad reason why lots of people hate islam ,0,075 075-434,no thats just being straight out racism one this is making a joke about lets say jews are greedy and another when you say kill all the jews ,0,075 075-105,coming from an account that posted all muslims are terrorists nice how did that stupid us bank card work out ,0,075 075-952,nta i gave my nana art when she was dying too your sister is pure crazy for full on screaming at you for giving her a great gift ,0,075 075-1875,sauces are gabriel dropout darling in the franx miss kobayashi dragon maid and hiyako oshino image is the girl is a from girls frontline,0,075 075-4376,iraq leans more towards no protec no crim than de facto criminalisation most attacks towards homosexuals are extrajudicial ,0,075 075-1441,i agree but i think he was using it as a deragotary expression that even the evil jews are better then you ,0,075 075-2424,this is exactly what it was and these dumb bastards act like muslims are the enemy look in the mirror shitheads ,0,075 075-1341,gt black people are all lazy get that in writing and send it to the eeoc they would love to hear about it ,0,075 075-2481,yeah the blacks are awful the greens are worse but either way you end up with shit in both hands ,0,075 075-667,the first arc of birth of a nation shows a white man swooping in to save white women from black rapists and declare all black people are evil ,0,075 075-2343,if you are black this is a racist thing in california and federal prison systems blacks are often referred to as toads by oppositional racial gangs ,0,075 075-2692,american propaganda jews and muslims are natural enemies bernie sanders is jewish and most popular candidate among muslims,0,075 075-2889,i can bake i can cook but no girlfriend is ever getting me to bake and cook for her u less she pays me in returned favours ,0,075 075-604,jews are only of the us its not the reason why circumcision is so widespread in the us ,0,075 075-1600,a large number of people and even some lgbt people think bisexuals are either indecisive or greedy ,0,075 075-1342,they have that one about how black people are lazy too but its fallen out of vogue a bit lately ,0,075 075-1189,thats like me saying hillary clinton thinks black people are super predators,0,075 075-11,gay people are not mentally ill ,0,075 075-946,no not all immigrants are anti semitic i am pretty sure that romanian or lithuanian migrants arent the ones jews are concerned about ,0,075 075-2785,extremist muslims the majority of muslims are not like that and arent about destroying individual thought ,0,075 075-1828,is it possible that youre actually in a diner and that your wife is a waitress check your surroundings you might just be in a dennys,0,075 075-1991,this is bullshit jews are japheths boys theyre working for the vatican who is the devil but that has nothing to do with jewish people on a whole or as individuals ,0,075 075-1757,no knowledge of sewing is not only practical but also convenient your wife is obv jealous because her sewing must be sloppy ,0,075 075-1797,reminds me of that video where the guy is cleaning a circular table and his wife is standing behind him clapping,0,075 075-1064,you know why he thinks black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-891,wow lots of black people are criminals lets do something to change that s there thats how stupid you sound ,0,075 075-393,teaching what exactly usually when people teach about stereotypes its negative ones jews are greedy and racism is basically i dont like this kind of person for no reason,0,075 075-842,i love when my girlfriend is a shitty clip art photo,0,075 075-37,i dont know what a white marxist art hoe girl is and im scared to google it ,0,075 075-1885,we get it you hate white people dae wypipo dont use spices xd hows that different than saying black women are all obese loud and angry ,0,075 075-2578,catherine is actually the oracle whoever the lady is with the cookies for neo ,0,075 075-1217,i wasnt actually saying black people are loud and obnoxious,0,075 075-2923,when your definition of a girlfriend is sex robot that cooks and cleans its easy to dismiss any emotions as a defect ,0,075 075-851,how was jesus an immigrant he was a jew born and raised among the jewish people are you considering jerusalem to be a foreign country ,0,075 075-841,italians irish and jews are generally considered white and have been systematically oppressed probably any white immigrant during a certain period of us history ,0,075 075-866,no thats like saying all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1219,yeah i know what he posted but he clarified what he meant to say in the next post if he believes that white jewish people are all evil then of course hes anti semitic,0,075 075-2971,imagine being so insecure you think all gay people are flaming stereotypes and then you make a weird cooking analogy that doesnt make sense,0,075 075-862,where do i get hired to dance in walmart while my girlfriend is she provided i assume shops sounds like a sweet gig ,0,075 075-3548,ntaand many jewish parents are against circumcision nowadays look up the intact jewish network,0,075 075-2419,its like saying all blacks are evil tell me whats not a racist generalisation again ,0,075 075-2611,life is strange irl how many time traveling lesbians are there ,0,075 075-454,when you have kids and wife is yelling and the constant drama its the only peaceful spot in the house,0,075 075-1261,saying gay people are born gay is like saying that depressive people are born with depression also that couple made a good point ,0,075 075-602,a black villain are you trying to imply african americans are evil s,0,075 075-2694,doja cat also uses the f word gay slur so its very weird that the gays are still using her ,0,075 075-1119,gt he accepts the idea that black people are genetically less intelligent because charles murray told him so talk about a strawman,0,075 075-1133,she looks crazy have you dated a nurse this girl is insane i wanna date her so bad so i can waste two years of my life ,0,075 075-4117,making the physically unintimidating villain gay is not necessarily a step forward anyway ,0,075 075-1294,yeah that makes sense the point is gay people are overrepresented in artistic fields compared to the general population ,0,075 075-164,lol the sentiment that jews are greedy or immoral goes back way longer than that antisemitism is after all the oldest hatred ,0,075 075-156,resident nazi tries to explain why its actually okay that trump thinks all jews are greedy landlords ,0,075 075-1181,why is it that a girl isx hotter just because shes a nurse ,0,075 075-3071,the same shit that makes you think the jews are conspiring to run the world,0,075 075-1357,black people are lazy donald j trump,0,075 075-3142,and yet this clown thinks gay people are sinful,0,075 075-1476,do these guys just think all gay people are sexual predators ,0,075 075-1713,wife is not even cook food no food is why comrade,0,075 075-1163,yeah youre a racist if you believe black people are less intelligent rather than that our testing is skewed read this,0,075 075-2257,are you the same troll that recently confessed that all blacks are ugly or something like that ,0,075 075-790,my friends say the poetry i write by hand for my girlfriend is sweet and wholesome ,0,075 075-2187,muslims did they cheer and smile the mayor of londonistan was a lawyer for the hijackers but the muslims are the real victims right ,0,075 075-853,are you trying to imply all jews are immigrants or elites you fucking nazi,0,075 075-2004,the more racist racist people say that the jews did it because jews are akin to the devil apparently can you tell i live in the south ,0,075 075-592,your mom is art so can i fuck her,0,075 075-570,because its racist to point out that black people are terrible shots ,0,075 075-317,well if the recent terrorist attack is by a christian or islam then by their very flawed logic all christians and islamic people are the bad guys ,0,075 075-951,i mean unless you are a first generation israeli immigrant most us jews are white ,0,075 075-6798,this dude doesnt seem to understand what being a lesbian is and hes a pedophile what a charmer ,0,075 075-3447,can you please explain the difference between you and nazis they are also very knowledgeable about the different types of jews and how evil the different jew is,0,075 075-6073,strange for me any one gay or not gay is part of community ,0,075 075-2700,what is your problem youre calling someone a pos because they said lesbians are attractive its weird but not pos material,0,075 075-394,big talk when were talking about white people but if i said all black people are ugly youd be stupid to think im not racist ,0,075 075-488,came for the foot trauma stayed for the drama damn this girl is resilient ,0,075 075-6070,i need to know why the weird font in the word homosexual is this done to avoid censoring in certain countries ,0,075 075-458,wait you wanna kill all black people are you a cop ,0,075 075-1250,i assume your perfect type of girl is the bubblehead nurse from silent hill ,0,075 075-165,from what little ive seen its lately a mix of eat the rich jews are richgreedy stereotypes ,0,075 075-1145,but it still sounds like youre saying that you believe black people are inherently less intelligent than white people thats whats sounding racist ,0,075 075-671,well and if you respond with the angry face it looks like youre saying yes i am also mad about how evil all black people are,0,075 075-332,good for her muslims shouldnt be asked to condemn terrorists muslims are not responsible for terrorists ,0,075 075-1161,gt black people are less intelligent by default to trump and his base this is why youre losing ,0,075 075-1816,to be honest black women are often stereotyped as dangerous as well ,0,075 075-721,yeah i love me some generative art as well and this lady is a pioneer great watch ,0,075 075-1499,claiming black men are inherently violent because they are black is dumb the main point is to acknowledge the hypocrisy here ,0,075 075-1830,you are still generalizing and assuming all gay people are as you say it hypersexual,0,075 075-1430,jews are not evil lovely people including my relatives and friends dont spin it israels government similar to saudi arabias regime are evil though ,0,075 075-1412,the narrative is more the muslims are dangerous to be honest,0,075 075-1078,oh shit my bad well she is a nice girl that doesnt really care about the drama ,0,075 075-28,well they are cops so they definitely did something wrong and all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-8039,youre just racist if you dont accept the rich cultural diversity the muslim men are bringing from the old barbary coast slave trade ,0,075 075-2451,could you imagine the backlash if muslims reacted this way to every game where arabs are the enemy ,0,075 075-1282,because the stereotype is that black people are extremely loud during entertainment events ,0,075 075-2449,muslims are not our enemy in a recent study percent find homosexuality to be an unnatural act and against them,0,075 075-2303,do you live in the us people hold marches saying that black and jewish people are inferior too unless youre abusing a position of power to convey your message youre pretty much in the clear ,0,075 075-2520,people said and still say that gay people are just confused its the same thing here ,0,075 075-7249,dawg foh with that bullshit my lifes about crying over porn what is u saying and transgender is a mental disease ,0,075 075-1552,in this thread i learned that all racism starts when black women are let out of jail ,0,075 075-2393,stay away from them theyre all a bunch of anti semites who think the jews are lizard people satan is an alien and you can talk to him through meditation ,0,075 075-2080,so its wrong to assume a black person is violent and its not wrong to assume a white person is privileged and racist id say both are wrong ,0,075 075-7088,youre right and coming out as bisexual is not a reflection of an indecision on commitment to a relationship ,0,075 075-2163,this is the blacks are stink kid,0,075 075-1572,they claim black women are ugly and the picture they chose was foxy brown foxy brown pam grier ,0,075 075-1141,im with you it implies that black people are less intelligent than other races ,0,075 075-692,i meant i think that its stupid that we had to have a war to realize that black people are human too sorry for the confusing wording,0,075 075-2980,i really hate how black girls are portrayed as aggressive like yes there are some girls who act aggressive but it doesnt represent the majority,0,075 075-1120,cant help but wonder if op has agenda dude literally believes black people are inherently less intelligent ,0,075 075-2924,cop blacks are lazy also cop that black guy has a job get him hes fuckin working late shift at a cracker barrel isnt he already suffering enough ,0,075 075-835,maybe not all nazis but the k really hates catholics obviously black people and jews are their main devils but lgbtq people immigrants and catholics are pretty high up on their hate register ,0,075 075-2998,doesnt make it right for him to pull everyone else along with him such selfish act would only perpetuate the view that gays are immoral beings ,0,075 075-933,this is what these people are talking about the jews are replacing the white man with immigrants its fucking racist nonsense designed to stir up fear and hatred ,0,075 075-1211,what so if youre a jew and i say the jews are ugly and they have big noses and theyre so selfish i hate them would you fear for your life ,0,075 075-744,theres also some subtext around op being muslim the bully was probably raised by idiot parents to think all muslims are terrorist bombers ,0,075 075-609,its its not because non africans are uniquely evil sounds fishy to me ,0,075 075-171,a lot of cops just want to hurt and abuse people regardless of race just black people are the easiest to get away with ,0,075 075-269,claiming jewish people are greedy is pretty much a cornerstone of antisemitism ,0,075 075-6381,you should probably read what i wrote never once said homosexuals are immoral or sinful try again,0,075 075-3138,well what if my religion says gays are an abomination their existence is sinful thats unquestionably a bigoted belief to have ,0,075 075-2330,your point being all muslims are criminals ,0,075 075-740,gt man black people are awful wew lad dont cut yourself on all that edge,0,075 075-1137,cant straight up say that black people are less intelligent to him so he pretends to know english,0,075 075-600,not all jewish people are okay with circumcision its actually pretty controversial among many jews and even denounced by many signed a jewish person,0,075 075-912,saying all bmw drivers dont stop for lights is just like saying all black people are criminals and smoke crack and talk loud,0,075 075-1179,they dont say it outright they use dog whistles and claim that islam and muslims are a threat to uk life ,0,075 075-2710,this is saying that blacks are aggressive by nature and must be segregated from the general population ,0,075 075-2375,hes in another thread posting year old studies as proof that gays are riddled with disease its hilarious how incompetent these people are,0,075 075-1288,oof you and my grandmother should get a room while youre in it you can discuss how jews are evil how all lives matter and how gays are pushing their agenda on merica ,0,075 075-870,its incredibly frustrating especially because it reinforces the stereotype that gay people are pedophiles ,0,075 075-2183,me cooking when i know that my grandmother is eating something else so i can make thw food as salty as i damn well please,0,075 075-2534,to an actual fascist whether a black person is a criminal or not is meaningless criminal or not theyre black thats the problem ,0,075 075-7157,no it is the guy with the weak chin the lesbian is the cute one k,0,075 075-287,tom teyers teyers he put an symbol for the s in his last name because of the sterotype that jews are greedy and do everything for money ,0,075 075-56,what is the name of the anime the girl is in i like the art style,0,075 075-804,my girlfriend is not your art project ,0,075 075-2907,that makes sense but would it cook the heart like my girlfriend is saying ,0,075 075-2051,that in addition to his jews are the devil and jews are putting poison in marijuana to kill black folk vidoes yep not a peep ,0,075 075-2528,ah yes the lesbians are confused unable to get a man andor havent been fucked properly yet logic classic but extremely stupid ,0,075 075-2985,if you legit think gays are immoral you cant really truly sperate anything ,0,075 075-1111,so you are arguing black people are genetically less intelligent ,0,075 075-57,this is blessed more art of best girl is always welcome ,0,075 075-1002,gays are pedophilessexual predators is actually a common stereotype from prejudiced people ,0,075 075-2877,yet you just wrote another comment in this thread declaring blacks are lazy youre lazy and dumb and spreading prejudices like an idiot ,0,075 075-1246,so lesbians are more likely to be depressed ,0,075 075-1301,jews are evil for not social distancing looters are heroic for not social distancing your logic,0,075 075-112,you think all muslims are terrorists thats despicable ,0,075 075-3932,stopped reading after you said being gay is a mental disorder ,0,075 075-2443,i do always laugh at the contradictory nature of antisemites though jews are apparently inferior yet they control the entire world ,0,075 075-6106,had to live with one as a roommate in college found out homosexuals are not any different or weird like i thought ,0,075 075-59,its just an art and the girl is from anime black rock shooter,0,075 075-4817,its not a sin being homosexual is okay please dont hate people for being homosexual sexuality is a spectrum there is no normal just a majority ,0,075 075-1352,jews are unquestionably evil though all of them what if i told you theyre not all on the same team class ideology spectrum ,0,075 075-284,ive got a buddy whos wife is a cpa not the dance but im going to look at numbers with her next week to make sure im seeing it all clearly ,0,075 075-3152,nothing at all gay people are no more sinful than anyone else ,0,075 075-1959,he was violent towards me all blacks are violent this only proves they have no self control her probably after this to her family and friends,0,075 075-575,a lot of jewish people are anti circumcision now as it traces back to blood cult rituals or some crap,0,075 075-2696,that cant be ive always been told jews and muslims are mortal enemies ,0,075 075-1576,its reddit so i already know half the comments in this thread will be low key jews are evil dont even need to read ,0,075 075-1736,white men and women can do nothing wrong and black men are the evil of the world according to the mainstream ,0,075 075-2434,muslims are not americas enemy you twitt terrorists are and guess who the radical terrorists are these days in america rightwing extremists ,0,075 075-1865,is that your take away seriously im claiming that you are helping to propagate the lie that jews are an evil cabal ,0,075 075-6454,no how about you tell us why being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-3006,yes im talking about those who cry that gay people are immoral and all that ,0,075 075-3496,well just because someone is more flamboyant it does not mean that being gay is their personality ,0,075 075-271,black people are all criminals who pollute the gene pool actually thats not true jon tron surprised pikachu face,0,075 075-1145,thanks for that yeah this little girl is strong she head butted a nurse at the hospital,0,075 075-143,wdym hes not muslim r u saying that muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-2819,so hillary is a trump supporter because she said blacks are super predators got it ,0,075 075-501,thats because most of the black people are in prison because of systemic racism,0,075 075-2722,also not frequent enough cleaning or a good hvac system this lady is laying on a bed of led residue ,0,075 075-1387,the premise is that jewish people are genetically predisposed to be racist racism is evil again how did a book claiming that jewish people are genetically evil change your outlook on life ,0,075 075-1946,well i can cook very well and sometimes i cook for my family when my mom is to tired from her work,0,075 075-256,thanks for the chapter great art and the girl is really hypnotic ,0,075 075-3,or biology over protective and smothering mothers are common in the oldest literature and stories we have ,0,075 075-2452,how does that prove that jews are inferior to other humans ,0,075 075-2917,southerners are lazy blacks are criminals hispanics are illegals white people are racist absolutes are for idiots ,0,075 075-641,russia and the south africans are still at war to this date ,0,075 075-2471,clerk was just doing his job your mom is an asshole ,0,075 075-1857,i had a white guy tell me he could say that black women are loud because he dated one dude bye ,0,075 075-1274,are you saying black people are loud what ,0,075 075-1153,i agree but the reality is muslims are a significant part of labours base and the threat of a mass muslim boycott will be worrying to them,0,075 075-6391,what is it they say the likelihood of someone being gay is proportional to how much and how loudly they preach about being gay as badimmoral ,0,075 075-7474,ill never understand why emotional lesbian is an acceptable insult on here lol,0,075 075-223,supporting the confederacy and protesting the murder of innocent black people are both bad ,0,075 075-1652,i dont see why bisexuals are always stereotyped as promiscuous sounds more like a cheap insecurity than anything else ,0,075 075-2454, no he would not be muslims are not he enemy dont associate every muslim with the actions of a few ,0,075 075-5911,any group that thinks being homosexual is immoral is a hate group im legitimately confused i have to explain this ,0,075 075-1856,i mean this isnt so much a joke as it is just someone saying black women are loud tbh,0,075 075-756,yet many on this sub lust after war because they think jews are taking over universities and their virgins its surreal ,0,075 075-1844,also the easter bombings by the logic of this post all muslims are murderous sociopaths it doesnt make any sense ,0,075 075-81,theres no way this isnt the artists cheating girlfriend and the okra is a substitute for something this is someth century my girl is a ho slam art ,0,075 075-7519,thats the bad thing about growing up in a queercoded society you end up thinking every queer person is a villain,0,075 075-218,didnt really give any argument just sort of danced around saying black people are violent and reduced violent crime to murder over shoes ,0,075 075-979,him right when dinner starts hey so if you guys think pitbulls are aggressive dogs youre basically saying black people are aggressive,0,075 075-1430,lmao sick cherry pick im also against the tenets of islam lets get back to the fact that you think black people are lazy for needing welfare ,0,075 075-2005,gt that opposing opinion which is that blacks are all violent thats what that means and its a racist belief ,0,075 075-2063,so if jesus is the son of god while also being jewish and if jews are the son of the devil is the devil god ,0,075 075-2388,no he didnt like i said in a previous example im wrong if i say jews are all the spawn of satan im not wrong if i say hitler said all the jews are the spawn of satan ,0,075 075-2382,nta this is a normal thing and it is not like you are not cleaning your underwear your mom is overreacting ,0,075 075-2604,its a horrible anti arab graffiti saying arabs are enemies and should be killed or expelled,0,075 075-2849,yeaup remember this anytime anyone mentions that systemic racism doesnt exist or that blacks are lazy good for nothings ,0,075 075-317,thats like saying you arent a racist if you think jews are greedy because jewish people arent a race ,0,075 075-3557,this coming from the man that said and i quote homosexuals are all pedophiles dont think you have the right to call anyone a reprobate ,0,075 075-5178,muslims are not hostile types ,0,075 075-2577,the offer to cook for a lovely lady is still out there fantastic smile and hair ,0,075 075-945,sweden has an extremely small far right movement jews are being terrorized by muslim immigrants where jew hatred sadly is very popular ,0,075 075-6406,being gay is certainly immoral thats abhorrent do you hold a similar view for left handed people how about those with black skin ,0,075 075-6388,well some people may think that being gay is illegal and immoral not that this is right and what makes their idea of legal any different than yours ,0,075 075-1919,my wife is trying to prepare a maid of honor speech and im in tears recounting poopgate she is less than amused ,0,075 075-1561,gt majority of black women are poor gt the poverty rate for african american women is 6 percent huh thats interesting when did become the majority ,0,075 075-1230,you have to understand djax didnt actually realize that jewish people are a minority group and not white folks so he just made a goof assuming it was fine to call the whites evil s,0,075 075-916,are you saying black people are criminals he she didnt say that at all ,0,075 075-133,so hes implying black people are inherently violent lol,0,075 075-2146,theyve been raised to think gays are weak and gross and ungodly up north its the same but with less public beatings and being dragged behind trucks ,0,075 075-2419,some democrats are associated with anti white and jew muslims i mean fuck some famous democratic celeb just said whites and jews are inferior and got a job offer,0,075 075-509,exact opposite actually jews are forbidden from lying unless to save human life the when greedy lying jews thing is one of the oldest antisemitic canards,0,075 075-3061,yeah i am quite shy and insecure i just hope most lesbians are not like the one i dated the she wants me she wants me not kind ,0,075 075-293,where the fuck did omar say that all jews are rich and greedy this has been blown to absurd levels ,0,075 075-4497,majority of homosexuals are unstable and perverted source and no the bible isnt a source ,0,075 075-2259,is it common to think your mom is the best cook in the world and would win masterchef,0,075 075-2034,says the guy saying jews are the devil,0,075 075-1471,there definitely are trump supporters who agree that the jews are evil like did you expect me to say that there arent lol,0,075 075-883,i never said what colour of skin immigrants are oh yeah us whiteys need to have more children not less also jewish people are considered white ,0,075 075-640,this is also made by some trump incel so its probably not even correct and is just used to push their black people are evil agenda,0,075 075-3129,anti semitism is weird the jews are simultaneously running all the worlds largest industrial and financial centers and conspiring to bring about a socialist revolution that will topple them ,0,075 075-8736,it was actually invented by liberals and misogyny amp b islam is one of the best religions stop being islamaphobic ,0,075 075-859,he believes in the concept of white genocide supports a white ethno state and thinks black people are inherently more criminal yeah hes full on,0,075 075-2907,but people on reddit told me it was because blacks are lazy ,0,075 075-417,gay people are not pedophiles i dont know if you intended to imply that but you did imply it ,0,075 075-360,jews are communists and also jews are greedy capitalists your bullshit is older than you are,0,075 075-845,this account is some racist black crime bullshit that mainly posts about immigrants and refugees supposedly committing crime against white women and it thinks soros and the jews are behind it,0,075 075-682,i have a feeling on this sculpture alone that your mom is dope and you are subsequently dope for being raised by her awesome work ,0,075 075-1612,why rihanna just randomly because he thinks all black women are ugly or is there a backstory of some sort ,0,075 075-4353,he says quranists amp progressive muslims are dishonest because they claim that hijab isnt mandatory ,0,075 075-2483,what ive heard is that most people dont care if blacks are just killing other blacks its awful ,0,075 075-1804,living blue collar cleaning up space trash all day new girl is terrible,0,075 075-754,inner monologue this is so embarrassing i mean no other moms are forcing their kids to dance with them wait where are all the other kids ,0,075 075-484,his best bits will all be misogynistic jokes and id live for the drama of seeing if his wife is there and to view her reactions,0,075 075-4935,you can say that about literally any group of people conservatives are racist arabs are violent etc etc generalization gets us nowhere ,0,075 075-232,the art of being best girl is hiding and waiting to be found ,0,075 075-2439,bro i said hitler did nothing wrong ironically im not actually a racist but also jews are inferior guys it was ironic again idk why everyone thinks im racist,0,075 075-506,this is terrible just as bad as the discrimination africans are getting in china see link below seem like the world has gone crazy ,0,075 075-3073,because it claims that jews are occupying the united states and conspiring to control the world ,0,075 075-2446,wait im confused isnt it saying just lesbians who are also transphobic its not saying lesbians are automatically transphobic,0,075 075-550, just because she is pigmently challenged you do a terrible job this is why so many black people are unemployed ,0,075 075-1588,youd be surprised to see how many people think black women are ugly ,0,075 075-61,wait so you dont know what he said and then all of a sudden you say that arabs are terrorists as in a joke thats confusing,0,075 075-553,there is renaissance art then there is me macaroni art stuck to the fridge that my mom is damn proud of ,0,075 075-1265,in her mind wealthy means evil thus saying jewish people are doing well means jewish people are evil shes just a naive faithful leftist ,0,075 075-681,in the us it is definitely not religious its not mandated by christianity and the jews are not even close to a majority of those who do circumcision ,0,075 075-2445,no it wont that isnt even that bad saying blacks are evil though would ,0,075 075-439,and then to flip and go crazy psycho on alayah i hope peter watches this and sees her true colors girl is drama through and through,0,075 075-1180,he had charles murray on his podcast and believes that black people are inherently less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-2802,why do you think gays are weird is okay for a year old to say,0,075 075-7452,why are you so adamant that someone who identifies as a lesbian is a transphobe dont be so insecure dude youre better than that ,0,075 075-447,this girl is really ill so much drama im afraid she really is heading disaster only so much a body can take,0,075 075-1781,in our house theth pane is old shirt being cut up into scraps for cleaning with my wife is ruthless ,0,075 075-1886,nta honestly i would just do it and start cutting expenses why do you need a nannymaid if your wife is home all day ,0,075 075-411,mashiro symphony harem but a girl is chosen,0,075 075-516,yep bride is still a very good st art nuke,0,075 075-852,would be interested in my girlfriend is a geek and sword art online how much is the shiping for them ,0,075 075-504,oh yeah i forgot all black people are criminals in prison i get your point but jesus christ what a racist premise ,0,075 075-375,stereotypes gays are often portrayed as being fashionable flamboyant and friends with mostly girls ,0,075 075-964,last time i checked the attacks on jews are still only done by nazis an immigrant that just came to europe doesnt even know where jews live to start with so how is he supposed to attack them ,0,075 075-2305,why are your eyes red and you are covered in cookie crumbs when your mom is asking,0,075 075-2747,student kicked out of nazi germany for questioning how jews are inferior to aryans and yet insanely powerful,0,075 075-224,since the day he claimed black people are responsible for of white murder victims the real number is well below ,0,075 075-1766,dont hold out hope for too long only a couple comments down hes ranting again about how all muslims are suicide bombers,0,075 075-512,usually people are pointing out the amount of jews to prove conspiracy theories or stereotypes ex jews are greedy which are antisemitic in nature thats why this post is considered antisemitic ,0,075 075-3015,he thinks gay people are immoral ,0,075 075-1898,no theyve spoken against terrorism its not the same plenty will condemn isis then go on to tell you how the jews are evil and muslims will be slaughtering them on judgement day ,0,075 075-7861,thinking that queer people are mentally retarded makes you mentally retarded,0,075 075-1901,bro that maid is a saint fire your wife instead amp b and yes your wife is cheating on you take action now before it gets out of hand ,0,075 075-422,keem is a sexist drama obsessed loser your wife is gorgeous keem is immature ,0,075 075-1261,gt lazy by lazy i clearly mean ambitious black africans are nothing if not ambitious you didnt answer my question,0,075 075-1028,the aunt is original novel protagonist ,0,075 075-2988,damn is that because the white girl is speaking her prayer out loud amd the black girls are praying silently ,0,075 075-1876,best maid best girl is right behind her ,0,075 075-508,this sculpture of lots wife is all wrong they didnt even get the gender right ,0,075 075-2259,save the cheerleader save the world for real though calm the fuck down and maybe stop saying muslims are evil and mexicans are criminals ,0,075 075-2383,im guessing your argument is going to be that its all because blacks are terrible people ,0,075 075-2358,now lets imagine the universe where she said gays are a disease and black women need to be exterminated,0,075 075-4328,some people think all homosexuals are child rapists ,0,075 075-6793,some of us are a little jealous that rislam is a safe haven for muslims but rchristianity is hijacked by atheists,0,075 075-25,if your on about the video then its sword art online ordinal scale movie the girl is yuna sauce as for the wallpaper sauce,0,075 075-2950,i have always found the all black girls are ugly funny yes theyre all looking at christina milian saying nah id rather go hit honey booboos mum ,0,075 075-1916,its a stereotype not a fact like how black men are too lazy to get jobs ,0,075 075-480,white people are racist black people are thieves asians are good at math jews are greedy which of these isnt a racist comment ,0,075 075-2942,raw mushrooms are so tasty i crack into these all the time if were cooking with mushrooms my girlfriend is constantly telling me stop eating them ,0,075 075-2547,you see not every black person is a retarded criminal this proves it yeah no one said that youre obviously just insecure ,0,075 075-3264,the idea that gay people are ill and need therapy to fix them used a lot as emotional and sometimes physical abuse of gay kids by religious parents ,0,075 075-1413,live at home at and never having a job while saying black people are lazy ,0,075 075-58,girl is sinon from sword art online,0,075 075-602,i bet the mom is gonna dance on his grave,0,075 075-2120,saying jews are from satan isnt anti semitic because satan did create them logic this is basically what larry johnsons twitter page looks like ,0,075 075-314,im sorry your wife is dumb dance on were thrilled to have you ,0,075 075-2555,im sometimes ashamed to be black and thats the truth not every black person is a criminal ,0,075 075-2460,bu bu but this is reddit we wanna whine about what evil brutes the blacks are its science cuz gish gallop of links to misleading studies and stats,0,075 075-2521,confused as to who the first world gays are,0,075 075-2136,apparently all black people george floyd and apparently covering the death of a black person is racist against white people,0,075 075-1184,lmfao jews are thriving and economically dominating in usa and you think hitler didnt fail even though the country has many faults usa is still the strongest country as well ,0,075 075-2297,i went to a religious class that taught gay people are the source of original sin what ,0,075 075-860,this is like saying that all black people are criminals because you see a black robber you retarded racist ,0,075 075-1699,i would take the black woman its not a hard choice you make it out as if all black women are terrible they arent ,0,075 075-738,the stereotype is that jews are frugal with money dj is the exact opposite hes impulsive af ,0,075 075-2931,so blacks are lazy ,0,075 075-2498,by christians do we mean all or specifics no hate just a little confused i agree though gays are not the problem ,0,075 075-3286,so judaism is evil next youll say its not a tribal religion ,0,075 075-1542,no the one with the hot wife is treasury secretary mnuchin louise linton,0,075 075-5785,but if islam is such a threat how come i literally never hear about it from anyone anywhere lol like where is this notion coming from ,0,075 075-4534,should faggot be a compliment i think people that hearread the word faggot and automatically think of homosexuals are bigots of arabian scale ,0,075 075-689,i dont know who the lady is but i think your art style looks cool great work,0,075 075-2572,its racist because the blacks are being portrayed as criminals while the whites are not,0,075 075-2990,you are not the asshole anyone who believes that their girlfriend is a maid is not worth your time,0,075 075-1172,im sorry but do you actually genuinely believe that due to a genetic inferiority black people are less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-1891,not all jews are evil um who said they were shit post op and you should feel bad ,0,075 075-1248,muslim youth group cleans up parks to show that all muslims are peaceful and in no way is islam a threat to western life cnn,0,075 075-1628,yeah like most black women are poor and ugly its so offensive,0,075 075-1684,you assume only conservatives are upset about jacksons comments and this whole thing what is it a liberal belief that jewish people are the devil or something lol,0,075 075-1862,my favorite girl is kaguyas maid ,0,075 075-2385,me listening to hammerfall while cleaning my room my mom i s t hi s m et al li ca ,0,075 075-5243,if they read the bible again they could see that no one said that being gay is a sin,0,075 075-2685,but idk u capable lock the article states that muslims are not our enemies,0,075 075-2355,this is incarceration rate not crime rate what this reveals is that blacks are more likely to be given prison sentences instead of probation etc ,0,075 075-218,any art of best girl is best art,0,075 075-1598,your girl is a boot fuck cooks,0,075 075-545,if your mom is skilled enough in the martial art of flying chanclas itll bounce back to her hand after it hits you,0,075 075-666,i know but my mom is pissed she wanted a drama free thanksgiving and i delivered the opposite im trying to try t see her side and i just cant ,0,075 075-8143,thanks a lot i can already tell that islam is a very rich and deep religion ,0,075 075-5089,muslims are people do you mean to say that all muslims are violent ,0,075 075-2376,no hes says jews are the children of satan ,0,075 075-21,all black people are unreasonable and violent that is my takeaway from your comment ,0,075 075-686,your mom is my gf lol shakespeare,0,075 075-1816,and so what does a deep cleaning entail wife is pregnant and i am cleaning like crazy to eliminate odors but help would be nice ,0,075 075-1630,i thought all gays are promiscuous was a bigoted false prejudice ,0,075 075-1488,in nazism and strains of fascism all jews are evil there isnt any strain of feminist research that posits all men are dv abusers or evil though ,0,075 075-236,stereotypes included in this joke are jewish men have low sex drive jews are greedy horrible accent as mentioned above its in r forwards from klandma for reference ,0,075 075-72,well damn hopefully your girl is your art museum and not your friend lol,0,075 075-6109,thats literally the same thing the point is that op up there implied that being gay is something strange btw you can edit reddit comments op,0,075 075-2866,implying that only middleeastern muslims are extremist now whos the racist ,0,075 075-3863,so bosnian muslims are lazy and bosnian christians arent why even reply to this nonsense ,0,075 075-2262,christians think gays are bad and masturbation is a sin religion as a whole is a cancer that needs to be culled ,0,075 075-1356,your comment clearly implied that you think black people are lazy and are dregs to society which is pretty clearly racist,0,075 075-2619,its kinda weird for you to be like lesbians are hot because if youre not a lesbian thats just fetishizing their sexuality,0,075 075-2005,youve clearly never been here when the zionist jews are children of the devil talk comes up the closet white supremacists on here need someone to blame for their own shortcomings ,0,075 075-2539,oh you had one bad experience must mean all of us who stream are assholes do you think every black person is a criminal too ,0,075 075-1174,so basically youre saying black people are less intelligent than your average white man i dont think thats the average republican stance my friend,0,075 075-5117,ironic arent christians supposed to be nice to others even if they are sinners being gay is a sin for some christians but it really isnt ,0,075 075-7335,well at this age were all confused but if being a transgender is what you want then start working on it maybe act more feminine to prove your point,0,075 075-3684,i think its simpler than that they just hate muslims more because muslims are more likely to be brown ,0,075 075-2098,weinstein is jewish conservatives think jews are the devil ,0,075 075-7535,pansexuals are lonely bruh,0,075 075-552,thats an awesome find the art is gorgeous the grandmother is one of my all time favourite short films,0,075 075-378,i dont quite understand but the girl is natsuki from doki doki literature club and shes in the pot from getting over it,0,075 075-3130,people say that gays are sinful because they have anal sex im pretty sure that heterosexual couples do that too,0,075 075-21,art imitates art also that girl is cheeked out her damn mind ,0,075 075-5237,gay is a sin because if gay is a sin then why did god make it a thing in the first place,0,075 075-2149,ya the other day i saw two people unironically arguing that jews are worshipers of satan on this sub it was fucking ridiculous ,0,075 075-889,im not saying i disagreed and jews are not immigrants they have lived in germany for centuries by then they are no different than any other germans ,0,075 075-2501,because blacks are the problem not your crippling failure to be a functioning member of the world ,0,075 075-2165,its funny how assault isnt okay when a black person is called the n word but assault is okay when roads are blocked ,0,075 075-2728,please find one comment on reddit along the lines of blacks are dangerous that isnt downvoted to oblivion you really are living in opposite world ,0,075 075-2133,what are you even talking about you think jews are ruled by satan or something do your research man ,0,075 075-1016,jared taylor the man has claimed africans are less intelligent genetically ,0,075 075-1462,can you point me to these stats youve mentioned that show black men are more likely to be violent over something petty ,0,075 075-2271,utility blacks are so ugly but blushes are nice,0,075 075-159, my wife is dead lt twitter deviantart,0,075 075-705,youre not wrong though jewish people are not stereotypically pale and red headed if anything they tend to have darker hair yes i have blonde jewish friends,0,075 075-4405,being a thief is a choice people make an immoral choice being gay is just who someone is how horrible to compare gay people to criminals ,0,075 075-289,i usually hate this kinda stuff but that dude can dance and that girl is oblivious,0,075 075-171,more art of best girl is always appreciated,0,075 075-3056,imagine being so stupid you think that all jewish people are conspiring against you,0,075 075-740,you saying you are fat is not the same as saying jews are frugal im really sorry you dont understand that,0,075 075-10339,are implying that when a muslim is attacked in a hate crime or the like its a good thing ,0,075 075-3290,you said nice try but judaism is evil thats an exact quote then when people called you out you said yeah well i dont like any religion thats walking back ,0,075 075-2016,are you not familiar with the amount of anti semitism in todays world this is saying we jews are devil worshipers and we killed jesus ,0,075 075-2834,except a huge portion of the non extremist christian population are also black hating whereas none of the non extremist muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-2372,georgian here ive yet to meet anyone who actually hates jews im sure there are some amongst my friends and acquaintances but i cant think of anyone who actually thinks jews are satan or whatever,0,075 075-2032,exactly but the guy in the car uses it to prove jews are from the devil ,0,075 075-91,i think the especially bad part of this comic aside from the art is that what looks like an year old girl is the one making the sex joke,0,075 075-2651,because its weird and gross lesbians are people not sex objects,0,075 075-2047,yeah i was really confused by that muslims are bad because an authoritarian government murders them ,0,075 075-1641,your comment pushes the negative stereotype that bisexuals are just promiscuous sex crazed people who cannot be make up their mind or be monogamous ,0,075 075-2785,arabs dont think jews are inferior they just want palestine to be a free state ,0,075 075-1900,lol rpolitics is saying this is racist because empty barrel means a loud person and black women are stereotypically loud ,0,075 075-657,then youd just be perpetuating the myth that black people are evil and thus you are super racist ,0,075 075-5254,can someone explain why some christian parents think that being gay is a sin because the bibe declarers it to be sinful ,0,075 075-610,no people can live with circumcision also a lot of people that are not jews are circumcised ,0,075 075-249,love this series love this art style the way this girl is drawn is amazing anymore similar art stylesartist ,0,075 075-880,gt since you apparently think all black people are criminals where the fuck did i say that ,0,075 075-860,interrupting your dance makes him an asshole your girlfriend is oblivious to it which is disrespectful to you nta super easy case ,0,075 075-3127,i mean old fiveos is a fascist who thinks jews are conspiring to control everything hes careful generally not to actively call for violence but he is basically the textbook definition of a nazi ,0,075 075-3446,shapiro claims arabs are hate filled monsters but hes the good guy lol,0,075 075-760,the whole reddit is antisemitism there is a reason we are overprotective because jews are not safe outside of israel the hypocrisy is so strong in everyone in this thread its sad ,0,075 075-111,this is racist not all muslims are terrorists wtf,0,075 075-727,jews are often stereotyped as miserly and most like making jokes about this stereotype,0,075 075-143,is he tapping his nose to signal that jews are greedy ,0,075 075-7357,havent trans activist been wanting people to stop thinking being transgender is the same as drag im confused ,0,075 075-653,the author of the paper is an antisemite whos also responsible for a jews are actually khazars theory as well this is a smear piece to discredit jews as much as to talk about circumcision ,0,075 075-2877,not all muslims are extremists true and i respect muslims,0,075 075-1889,i reckon maid girl chika maid girl is best girl of the show ,0,075 075-850,paris is now insanely racist and antisemitic because of all the immigrants france is importing thats why all the french jews are fleeing your country ,0,075 075-7502,i dont get it pansexuals are pedophiles or something ,0,075 075-2509,same people who will say that jews are genetically inferior while at the same time with theiriq controlling their world,0,075 075-271,saying those greedy jews are all about the benjamins wouldve been typical banter ins germany ,0,075 075-2748,jews control the world also jews are inferior and im better than them pick one dumbass,0,075 075-693,this lady is just art,0,075 075-1900,the maid definitely knows something the wife doesnt want you to know the simplest explanation is that your wife is having an affair ,0,075 075-1792,no i can believe that actually i think its just more black women are perceived as being aggressive,0,075 075-1707,we all know black men are terrible but we found the last good ones on instagram who the fuck thinks this is an ok way of advertising,0,075 075-1469,yes i said something about israel and you said so the jews are evil got it why ,0,075 075-151,wow that center picture of the girl is so lifelike brilliant piece of art ,0,075 075-3091,naw it just means hes insecure gay people are the bomb com,0,075 075-329,do you think all murican muslims are terrorist sympathizers ,0,075 075-1979,wtf does this mean every black person is violent bitch please i m a pacifist,0,075 075-2138,you realize that his partner who was there was a asian and that not every death of a black person is because of some underlying racism ,0,075 075-324,a girl is always in control when u dance with someone and she not feeling it all she has to do is turn around and give u her back ,0,075 075-1575,ah yes the evil jews are always at fault go back to your fellow nazis your fascist ideas have no basis in reality ,0,075 075-1823,op already answered that they said that young black men are statistically more dangerous,0,075 075-776,in response to haaretz article jews white privilege and the fight against racism in america by benjy cannon i would like to say loud and clear ashkenazi jews are not white ,0,075 075-560,i wonder what the reaction would have been if that original post had read in case you needed another reason to think black people are terrible,0,075 075-3048,when youre just fucking around and you imply gay people are immoral just mattressmoney things,0,075 075-237,art your wife is home and your house is on fire my wife is home ,0,075 075-45,surprised we dont get bots here posting art of makima or a opm girl is piss easy karma ,0,075 075-2425,black people are inferior jews are secretly conspiring to genocide the white race women be shopping im sure you could fill out the list,0,075 075-1587,the only you need to belittle yourself is to share your opinion in the nazis being morally right and your view that jews are evil,0,075 075-2428,but thats not safe for anyone what if your opinion is that black or jews are inferior and you think its okay to kill them that would not be very safe for someone who is black or jewish ,0,075 075-1772,yall nas wrong that girl is a thot mr clean is cleaning our world by getting rid of thots that girl will probably end in a tub full of acid,0,075 075-2174,blacks are a majority of the nfl the hatred is coming from the black community why did so many blacks demand white people support blm ,0,075 075-3548,no homosexuals are not more likely to be pedophiles ,0,075 075-89,black people are naturally violent thats what you believe what you want to clumsily hint at but lack the courage to come out and say ,0,075 075-2507,sounds like a liberal that understands not all muslims are our enemy ,0,075 075-2434,its ok to believe that blacks and jews are inferior but conservatives this post is outrageous now let me get back to my proud boys rally ,0,075 075-6394,whoever thinks being gay is immoral is pretty un based,0,075 075-865,tldr immigrants and gays are scary and the jews are forcing me to treat them like human beings,0,075 075-4730,how can you say all arabs are thieves u cunt anyone can be a thief,0,075 075-1792,maybe the girl is just cleaning the floor the fun way ,0,075 075-1468,so the jews are evil got it at our next secret meeting ill make sure to bring this to the attention of our pr staff this is unacceptable ,0,075 075-2546,but cops think every black person is an armed and dangerous criminal,0,075 075-2428,holocaust denier thinks jews are evil thinks blacks are genetically dumb those are just a few examples,0,075 075-1149,also that jews and muslims are not and never were a threat to anyone and they are now being treated as such ,0,075 075-7101,yup bisexual is not hypersexual amazing how frequently i need to explain that to people ,0,075 075-2403,worth reflecting you think non whites are horrible now you think blacks are awful try to imagine a scenario of emergency of starvation yeah blacks ,0,075 075-807,people have to stop sharing so much mikey fan art like this my girlfriend is getting suspicious of a certain folder i have in my computer,0,075 075-2183,i thought it was pretty much common knowledge in florida for minor offenses white people get warnings black people go to jail one example ,0,075 075-528,are you given the fact that black people are in prison for being black using them for labor is slavery ,0,075 075-7453,the idea that a male who thinks vaginas are repulsive can call himself a lesbian is beyond absurdity ,0,075 075-1001,gt black people are all aggressive and poorly educated okay buddy definitely not a racist opinion ,0,075 075-1507,imagine your wife is his secretary ,0,075 075-278,bruh that girl is gunna dance on all of our graves ,0,075 075-1867,the girl is kanna from kobayashi dragon maid the meme is oc i made it using this video ,0,075 075-3154,smart enough to not believe some bullshit about how all the worlds jews are conspiring to end the white race by flooding us with muslims or some stupid shit retard ,0,075 075-235,you see its funny because jews are stereotypically greedy and a shekel is actually worth roughly cents so dave rubin would be a fool not to accept it,0,075 075-584,its a common shitty horrible racist stereotype that all black people are thieves ,0,075 075-1959,he thinks saying jews are the devil but shouldnt all be killed somehow makes him a liberal lol,0,075 075-1207,til not all jews are selfish mark zuckerberg ,0,075 075-6428,youve got nothing but a downvote are you incapable of articulating why being gay is somehow wrong or immoral ,0,075 075-1220,it might be like the girl is the nurse and not the doctor idk its stupid ,0,075 075-3860,actually girls are far more likely to be sexually abused than boys are the idea that pedophiles are usually gay is a misconception ,0,075 075-2576,i believe you also think that all muslims are terrorists and all blacks are criminals,0,075 075-2932,he absolutely talks about how the coloureds and blacks are lazy ingrates and the bantustans were amazing when he thinks no one is listening ,0,075 075-7058,is anyone saying depression is not a mental illness being transgender is not a mental illness ,0,075 075-2656,yeah saying all blacks are criminals totally isnt racist if youre joking s but oh darn what ever shall we do without your comments ,0,075 075-82,isnt that like saying not all muslims are terrorists but most or all terrorists are muslim ,0,075 075-2454,as far back as we have to in order to constantly remind everyone that blacks are victims and whites are evil signed of reddit,0,075 075-60,no that girl is carmilla whereas the girl in the art is from grandblue fantasy ,0,075 075-3494,she thinks all homosexuals are flamboyant and feminine from what i can infer here ,0,075 075-613,so are you suggesting that black people are evil then that would follow from your logic ,0,075 075-756,gt im genuinely terrified at the lack of humanity amongst south africans criminals ftfy south africans are actually bloody wonderful people ,0,075 075-2922,lol are you saying blacks are lazy ,0,075 075-2223,it really is some people may hate lil bs music and i respect their opinion but the message is good same as no black person is ugly ,0,075 075-115,some people just like this style of art my wife is into wallpapers like yours as well ,0,075 075-2225,no no its of indian cops who admit to believe that muslims are naturally prone to being criminals the real number such closer to ,0,075 075-1673,this i agree with and understand our prison system is the worst and black men are treated much more unfairly by our justice system ,0,075 075-2851,do you want to say by that blacks are not all lazy do you want to say by that blacks are actually not anymore lazy than whites did i get you right ,0,075 075-587,ive said it before and ill say it again unless they have a group of people watching their backs black people are horrible fighters truly horrible,0,075 075-775,cunning single lady is one such drama fl and ml are married but fl divorces ml because of poverty its a very fun drama ,0,075 075-1979,did they target the farmer did you participate in the trial or interview the suspect or forget that there was a violent demonstration going on nearby or do you just assume jews are the devil ,0,075 075-552,no slavery yeah believe that moreover chinese projects are of horrible quality some africans are already waken up to that reality ,0,075 075-1406,my mexican father has the idea all black people are lazy ,0,075 075-116,yeah i was curious why they included it too bringing up that detail without explaination subtly incorporates the stereotype that jews are greedy and miserly,0,075 075-3020,your opinion is that gay people are either immoral or complacent in immoral acts and therefore immoral themselves is that correct ,0,075 075-7493,emotional lesbian is still one of the greatest abstract insults ever conceived ,0,075 075-3217,what she is sad just because he is islamic islamic people are just like everyone else stop spreading this hate we are all equal ,0,075 075-404,to be fair saying blacks can jump high is a little bit more kind than saying jews are greedy,0,075 075-3023,but if straight people are allowed to get married and not be immoral and gay people are not thats a ridiculously unfair system,0,075 075-400,how to date a magical girl is a similar style visual novel dating simpsychological horror ,0,075 075-1544,is that why black men are rotting in jail for selling weed while rich white people are taking over the legal market at the same time ,0,075 075-965,what a fucking power move your sister is has mastered the art of power moves shes the power master,0,075 075-1470,yup that solves it just assume all cops are useless morons and theyll keep assuming all black men are violent criminals ,0,075 075-57,all jews are greedy all muslims are terrorists all whites are racist all blacks are criminals guess which of these wouldnt get you banned ,0,075 075-2860,gt complacency among homogeneous individuals you just said blacks are lazy but with big words ,0,075 075-1915,many people on the left if i say all black men are lazy bums im getting fired if i say all white men are nazi pigs nothing bad will happen ,0,075 075-1872,the fact that the best girl is maid tier and nagito is god tier hurts me pal,0,075 075-2427,ah fair enough an actual aggressor i was worried you were going for the muslims are the enemy angle ,0,075 075-637,leftist article donald trump said black people are evil actual tweet crime is high in detroit,0,075 075-1733,hitler was white though so thats also our fault white men are evil black women are angels fuckin duh ,0,075 075-2946,i find it funny that black is beautiful is racist but black girls are ugly i would never date a black girl is just a preference ,0,075 075-1904,stereotypes say that asian men have little dicks and black women are loud ,0,075 075-1265,plot twist your wife is a doctor or nurse at a hospital ,0,075 075-3022,and he didnt even mention the one that tells children that gay people are dangerous and immoral,0,075 075-3553,being homosexual is natural being a pedophile is not ,0,075 075-2409,how to make a terrorist the u s is it own worst enemy and they wonder why muslims are anti u s ffs ,0,075 075-1279,because jews know that muslims are less of a threat to their world domination than whites jews will use muslims to their advantage ,0,075 075-1381,yeah because your right wing fever dreams about evil jews are whats grounded in reality ,0,075 075-173,so racist and sexist abuse is good do you remember why black people are here in the first place ,0,075 075-2466,everyone calls this a race war because blacks are doing most of the fighting they need all the help they can get against police brutality ,0,075 075-7437,islam is a religion of peace they dont hate gays not all muslims are extremists pray for manchester tho,0,075 075-97,projection is actually a really significant part of antisemitic rhetoric throughout history if the church says jews are greedy theyre probably trying to convince you to give them money ,0,075 075-2885,happens every episode just like when i am cooking and my girlfriend is watching ,0,075 075-1779,and now what one bad apple and the whole organisation has to take the blame like all muslims are suicide bombers or the like ,0,075 075-2991,you should sacrifice your belief that gay people are doing anything immoral,0,075 075-2989,i feel like the next girlfriend is going to be the maid ,0,075 075-5432,muslims arent terrorists islam is religion of tolerance and purity iam sure that you dont understand that ,0,075 075-982,you cant compare jokes about how black people are more aggressiveinferior to someone saying girls write differently on bathrooms,0,075 075-6099,strange comparison i dont believe being gay is a fetish,0,075 075-1299,muslims are not a threat ,0,075 075-2869,you need id to buy cough medicine but think blacks are too lazy to get one to vote yall are racist,0,075 075-171,still cant discriminate all chinese people as liars this is bullshit its like saying all blacks are criminals or all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-1806,cleaning the house the same day my wife is coming home from vacation ,0,075 075-2393,so youre telling me that not being racist is childish i bet you believe muslims are public enemy right ,0,075 075-2618,some cops are scum and some blacks are criminals not one for all and all for one problem solved ,0,075 075-1883,psycho maid girl is cute ,0,075 075-801,not sure thats accurate the nazis and neo nazis believe jews are subhuman almost animals they literally called them untermensch for crying out loud ,0,075 075-289,weird that youre emphasising how many black people are in jail though,0,075 075-103,ah yes the stupidity of thinking the religion is responsible for terrorism thats why all 5 billion muslims are terrorists right ,0,075 075-2157,incredible so your video blacks are stink was a commentary on modern society and the value of money over the common man ,0,075 075-2208,how naive of you using the same logic all black people are criminals all white people are racist all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-947,the art is amazing but your sister is rather daring walking around with no shiel,0,075 075-123,but the other girl is more attractive too maybe their art just isnt as good as they think it is,0,075 075-9706,im just answering his question conflating all muslims with terrorists or criminals who happen to be muslim is textbook islamophobia ,0,075 075-3031,suggesting openly gay people are immoral is not respectful ,0,075 075-1362,not all muslims are dangerous or support terrorism not all muslims are even religious,0,075 075-2913,cooking your pregnant girlfriend is a super piece if shit move he cooked her ,0,075 075-457,and blacks steal and jews are greedy right moron ,0,075 075-1201,jews are both a race and a religion only person who needs to look up anything seems to be you still fine with shitty selfish harmful politicians getting murdered literally okay with it ,0,075 075-2878,why are you guys jumping to the the conclusion that muslim extremists did this population are buddhists and muslims are third minority there ,0,075 075-2813,why we blacks are always the sexual predator the threat to the traditional family ,0,075 075-800,wut ok some black people are criminals some white people are criminals this is the opposite of generalization lol,0,075 075-3126,i dont think these morons put any thought into it beyond all jews are evil and are conspiring together to take over the world ,0,075 075-1933,so does anyone know who the first girl is in this video she was also the receptionist and the main girl in the american nightmare music video,0,075 075-535,sword art online yes you can shoot me for real though my bride is a mermaid,0,075 075-555,im a minority and terrible at dancing trust me not all black people are great at it same with singing ,0,075 075-429,you think black people are inherently ugly,0,075 075-0,would it turn you on if i said that all gays are mentally ill do you like being called retarted hey retard hey stupid you horny yet psycho,0,075 075-2371,sewing my mom is an amazing seamstress she did try but i was a stupid teenager who thought i had better things to do ,0,075 075-1280,the echo chamber that reinforced the beliefs that muslims are an imminent threat is to blame not society as a whole ,0,075 075-2901,idk why but cooking whenever my girlfriend is in the kitchen amp her hands are busy i just want to ravish her ,0,075 075-1363,thus playing into racist ideas that black people are lazy and dont want to work jesus ,0,075 075-310,wife is still doing the duty free dance ,0,075 075-267,mc is not giving the same hints we are lmao trying to make out with him while at the dance with someone else girl is a mess ,0,075 075-5249,they truly believe that being homosexual is a disease that you can catch or a choice you can make ,0,075 075-800,your girlfriend is a keeper beautiful art,0,075 075-1400,stupid person man black people are so lazy and apelike amirite sjw um fuck you thats racist stupid person stop censoring me you fucking sjw,0,075 075-2134,why dont we pit these idiots who believe jews are satan against the other white supremacist idiots who believe they are the real jews ,0,075 075-2803,are you under the impression that all muslims are islamic extremists ,0,075 075-3037,booker can seem so caring while making it clear this guy thinks gay people are immoral,0,075 075-2800,this is some seriuously racist shit how dare you imply that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites you fucking racist piece of shit,0,075 075-2261,thats only if they feel shame about it my family would start ranting about sin and how the gays are trying to take over or whatever the fuck ,0,075 075-1358,evil things by extremists its just as dangerous as saying muslims are crazy terrorists ,0,075 075-515,more like ethnicity and probably because of the stereotype that jews are greedy ,0,075 075-3003,just go ahead and own it man youre in unpopular opinion you think gay people are immoral and incapable of commitment ,0,075 075-2763,to the fascist the enemy is simultaneously weak and impossibly powerful the jews are inferior and yet so powerful they secretly rule the world ,0,075 075-2086,if you support the idea that those muslims are to be blamed for getting murder in cold blood then yeah you deserve to be egged too,0,075 075-967,the people hating jews are the same hating anyone that they can point their finger to multinational companies immigrants even eu,0,075 075-3535,circumcision though which one was brought into the jewish community is explicitly superceded by baptism through which one is brought into the church ,0,075 075-2532,jews are silent plotters and rule the world yet jews are effeminate inferior crybaby weaklings they cant even pick one ,0,075 075-103,its not a joke its an insult saying fucking greedy jews or any other iteration means that at bottom line jews are bad why cant you lose an argument without going all caps ,0,075 075-136,not political just a racist jewish caricature that basically amounts to all jews are money hungry greedy ,0,075 075-1399,because all muslim people are dangerous and scary right this is some silly stuff to be afraid of ,0,075 075-2753,i dont get it are you implying blacks are more dangerous ,0,075 075-529,your mom is art dude,0,075 075-7509,eh i wont tell you because you think queer people are pedophiles figure it out yourself loser ,0,075 075-1319,you dont see the black people are lazy welfare recipients post or all the hate for trans people in this post ,0,075 075-450,dude its not like jews or black people are going to kill all aryans your arhuments arent very good,0,075 075-451,not all trump supporters want to kill all black people but all people who want to kill all black people are trump supporters get it ,0,075 075-118,so hed have another opportunity to say black people are inherently violent and stroke off under his klansman robe ,0,075 075-2315,so you are back to believing that non muslims are criminals ,0,075 075-511,bunny girl is ao a shakespeare play im assuming you mean boarding school juliet which is amazon ,0,075 075-2395,really what kind of jobs tho ive known ppl in the cleaning industry that short hell my mom is that short and she works at a factory line,0,075 075-2640,thats racist blacks are not the only criminals who get beaten by the police ,0,075 075-2466,uups wires got crossed i didnt mean promoting islam i meant to not view muslims as an enemy according to the rambam muslims are not idolaters ,0,075 075-468,using a people as a verb is always going to be bad it straight up comes from saying jews are greedy and selfish try screwed over instead ,0,075 075-2540,maybe most straight guys think that lesbians are confused and dont know what they want ,0,075 075-84,so all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-690,woah woah woah not all jews are materialistic or think that nowadays judaism isnt paganism i suggest you hit up a dictionary and the catechism as well as reading up in dogma in general ,0,075 075-1777,muslims are now being shot at and bombed in india and the countries the us starts attacking and being tortured in china,0,075 075-678,i dont understand why a good portions of african americans are offended by the civil war its not like they lost it ,0,075 075-455,meh these are the same people who believe jews are the weak and greedy but at the same time rule the world ,0,075 075-824,yes as i said above they are out of context do you believe all black people are criminals because of that statistic too ,0,075 075-191,the cops who rape and murder black people are bad doesnt mean the police force is bad ,0,075 075-4804,if i was gay id be offended by these leftist losers they are acting like being gay is horrible what hypocrites ,0,075 075-1941,next time tell the clerk your wife is looking for rubber underware ,0,075 075-2216,nta who leaves the stove with food cooking your mom is an idiot,0,075 075-1228,literally a blm toronto leader says that white people are sub human and that jewish people are evil she is still a leader in the blm movement tell me again how blm is not antisemitic ,0,075 075-82,lmao definitely not tub girl is a work of art and can not be reproduced ,0,075 075-2439,so youre like those people who get attacked by blacks in an inner city and then radically claim that all blacks are violent and evil good job lol,0,075 075-175,generalizations like all jews are greedy all blacks are lazycriminals all moslems are terrorists etc for some reason its one of the few things that make me upset,0,075 075-245,does someone need that many consoles while africans are starving to death,0,075 075-1229,please tell me how defending a hitler quote about how evil jewish people are isnt anti semetic these people would be arrested in some countries for sharing this fucked up opinion ,0,075 075-8133,no fuck you islam is rich beautiful complex religion as any other and i say that as an atheist ,0,075 075-9,would you consider belief in nazi style eugenics and the belief that gays are mentally ill problematic yes obviously why do you ask ,0,075 075-7059,and i havent been depressed if you honestly think being transgender is a mental ilness and you berratecall one of them names for it youre a dick ,0,075 075-82,not all jews are greedy but everybody loves money,0,075 075-737,lets change the subject to how awful black people are ive got that guy tagged as a trump supporter for some reason,0,075 075-2371,did i miss the comment where someone said gays are disease ridden pedophilic sex maniacs ,0,075 075-1259,exactly those are the only gay people theyve seen and boy do they hate them even other gays are like this and its depressing ,0,075 075-1420,thats really odd to me ive always heard the stereotype that mexicans are extremely hard workers while black people are more lazy,0,075 075-349,im going through my house humming como le hare and doing the shoot it dance and my wife is looking at me like im from outer space ,0,075 075-2599,does it work for those assuming all blacks are criminals generalizing is never good ,0,075 075-2,if i had said many jews are greedy youd have flipped just the same thank you for at least acknowledging you were in error ,0,075 075-3565,first one i saw was him saying of homosexuals are pedophiles god it fuckin hurts to watch the stupidity ,0,075 075-1622,some shit about how black women are ugly and should stop reproducing as if hed have any shot with one ,0,075 075-1912,maidsama main girl is a tsundere although not as bad as taiga as far i remember i found the show to be hilarious as well ,0,075 075-2426,im dancing muslims are not the enemy ,0,075 075-2660,funny you say that jon thinks either blacks are intrinsically criminal or their culture makes them do it ,0,075 075-544,stereotypical jew wtf im gay and jewish and reading this did you not think jews were on reddit do you honestly think all jewish people are short nerdy and clever youre a stereotypical dickwad,0,075 075-2916,it seems like uherdiegerdie seems to think blacks are lazy ,0,075 075-468,with all this drama i have a feeling wife is going to cheat and have another baby,0,075 075-8160,i have read enough of it best thing about islam is its a target rich environment and receptive to jdams ,0,075 075-724,oh i want this shirt too where did you see it do you know who the lady is what the art might be called ,0,075 075-316,same dude like what the actual fuck why do they think islamic people are terrorists ,0,075 075-1028,they handcuffed him because they think black people are dangerous,0,075 075-1800,so you think the stereotype that white girls are chique and popular is worse than the stereotype that black women are loud and aggressive ok,0,075 075-593,thats my point you cant just throw up crime statistics and expect it to somehow prove your argument that all black people are horrible criminals ,0,075 075-289,nah he was clearly being antisemitic with his subtle jab that the jews are greedy and dont tip lets not play stupid,0,075 075-1858,sun maid raisins girl is next ,0,075 075-16,and so if trans people are mentally ill do you also believe that gay people are ill as well ,0,075 075-41,dude not all muslims are terrorists the two things dont even have a causation ,0,075 075-896,if you dont think that black people are unfairly treated in the criminal justice system then youre ignoring the objective reality my dude ,0,075 075-1277,look to troll people in the internet well you need to be autistic ugly lonely and depressed gay people are not ,0,075 075-2909,very long article to say blacks are lazy ,0,075 075-7352,people think talking about transgender is appropriate now i get confused when i see certian girls like is it was it ,0,075 075-2136,are they actually so far into their delusions that they say gays and jews are of satan and they think thats good amp b i heard about christian bad but seriously ,0,075 075-527,schooling as we know it will be inevitably done for especially for being an art teacher your mom is right you know ,0,075 075-1557,gt i wonder how many other innocent black men are sitting in jail today because of women like her probably not many ,0,075 075-3509,so what youre saying is flamboyant gay is a choice ,0,075 075-7276,gender dysphoria is a disease being transgender is not ,0,075 075-2147,the gays are stronger than anything god is weak compared to the gays ,0,075 075-1381,fox news black people are lazy welfare moochers also fox news this black guy is bagging groceries what a loser ,0,075 075-559,very good art goat mom is best mom ,0,075 075-1209,to add to that most chritians believe that all jews are going to hell and secretly relish in that fact they dont love jews they love israel for their own selfish future needs ,0,075 075-234,first girl is tendou karen from gamers last girl is e art director in new game ,0,075 075-1761,if wife is into sewing there are two sr harris fabric outlets one in burnsville and another in brooklyn park ,0,075 075-408,its the nazi mindset jews are evil communists that will redistribute wealth also they are all rich greedy bankers its a perfect example of double think ,0,075 075-2253,the fact you believe that gays are morally wrong is a sin,0,075 075-2464,nah i think the mom is the mysterious expert whos maid became the founder of the snow crane sect probably the origin of the snow crane imagery too ,0,075 075-429,gay people are not pedophiles pedophiles are pedophiles ,0,075 075-2492,and people still think muslims are the enemy ,0,075 075-4969,because fuck you if you believe being homosexual is a sin,0,075 075-812,why not just say some men are instead of men are thats like someone saying black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1794,ive read that polls indicate black women are seen as aggressive and difficult to deal with not saying thats right but thats what i read ,0,075 075-1682,i would like to apply for friend club im a great cook and my girl is a great bartender ,0,075 075-1386,theres no such thing as an old fashioned gay guy in fact gays are so ahead of things the have sex and dont even use a lady ,0,075 075-93,wow this girl is a living work of art wonder if the veins were in the original picture or added or highlighted,0,075 075-466,do not get mixed up in this no girl is worth that drama,0,075 075-847,assuming all cops are corrupt is as bad as assuming all black people are criminals,0,075 075-2439,most muslims are extremely based jews are the enemy,0,075 075-152,you mean this guy the guy arguing that arabs and africans are genetically more violent than europeans ahahahaha ,0,075 075-748,yep jesus christ dude jews are frugal is like the most offensive one lol,0,075 075-4778,muslims are a wise community they know better than to be provoked by a bunch of lowlife thugs ,0,075 075-2554,thats like saying gay people are confused because they know for sure they dont want to have sex with the opposite sex ,0,075 075-406,black people are not ugly,0,075 075-41,that one caster girl is also mad they made nsfw art of her ,0,075 075-4359,thinking that all hijab and burqa wearing muslims are oppressed is the more retarded view ,0,075 075-2122,got any source on that i know hes a fan of farrakhan but ive never heard him say anything close to jews are satan ive never heard him say anything antisemitic now that i think about it ,0,075 075-1366,not all muslims are dangerous but this one definitely is,0,075 075-1905,so your dream girl is a bang maid ,0,075 075-2557,poms are very high maintenance labs can practically do your taxes and cook dinner for you this lady is in for a rude awakening ,0,075 075-2682,say what you will about george bush and his presidency but he stood in front of a mosque and said muslims are not our enemies ,0,075 075-2994,we need a few people to bombard with miss kobayashis dragon maid keijo my first girlfriend is a gal and other anime series ,0,075 075-1755,im a black guy can i say all black men are criminals ,0,075 075-811,sorry to be that guy but isnt this post in itself low key saying jews are the ones taking the high road in jew muslim relations a bit of a humble brag passive aggressive slight ,0,075 075-1134,yikes lets say thats true why would it be that black people are less intelligent than white people ,0,075 075-1425,america land of constant mass shootings our muslims are less dangerous than going to an american garlic festival or supermarket ,0,075 075-9956,doesnt the opposite also apply every attack by a muslim is a win for the people who dont want muslims here ,0,075 075-2383,the funniestsaddest part is the sign that says jews are the child of satan and then quote bible verses they forget that jesus was a jew ,0,075 075-656,major drama in the family now mom is excited beyond belief,0,075 075-1817,call it a hunch based on the being neo nazi slang and op indicating that some jews are powerful amp evil ones trying to shape world events a pretty classic crypto fascist talking point ,0,075 075-48,with your logic all muslims are terrorists dumbass ,0,075 075-1428,he specifically said that he believes that muslims are dangerous,0,075 075-999,mama lets dance by patricia hermes the youngest sister is called callie ,0,075 075-949,so youre saying that black people are criminals that deserve it ,0,075 075-2224,of indian cops believe that muslims are naturally prone to being criminals huh i didnt know indian cops were less xenophobic than american cops,0,075 075-1666,thats literally an antisemitic trope she might as well have said jews are known for having evil hooked noses and counting their gold coins while rubbing their hands manically ,0,075 075-2992,same situation but my girlfriend is maid of honor,0,075 075-1262,it answers your question about satan being evil jewish people are gods chosen people and satan is constantly trying to destroy them,0,075 075-2071,ben im not a nazi but arabs are a dark and murderous race shapiro ,0,075 075-1076,youre a racist because youre in this piece of shit sub spouting rcoontown level propaganda about how dangerous and violent black people are,0,075 075-580,youve made me cite my position wont you cite yours what makes circumcision bullshit i wont touch your issues with religion but dont act like jews are the only ones circumcising,0,075 075-360,the girl is sayori from doki doki literature club,0,075 075-2902,yeah well it doesnt matter how many homes you build for the community if you say blacks are lazy youre a racist,0,075 075-3086,drop the some gay people are so insecure part and you wouldnt be received that badly ,0,075 075-2529,that doesnt even make sense the dont make up the full that would mean every black person is a criminal,0,075 075-569,using the phrase all men are trash to fight patriarchy is like me saying all jews are trash to protest against circumcision both are wrong its textbook sexism ,0,075 075-1787,ive had a few asian friends that were far from submissive unfortunately black women are stereotyped as being loud and aggressive ,0,075 075-273,one of their own gets killed and its a tragedy millions of unnamed black people are killed its a statistic ,0,075 075-2991,yamada kun and the seven witches love is like a cocktail cat planet cuties my first girlfriend is a gal my girlfriend is shobitch hand maid may,0,075 075-1171,i dont think that black people are less intelligent because of them or genetics i think it may be the conditions a lot of them are forced through ,0,075 075-1103,just wait till you meet sword maiden by the way cow girl is his childhood friend ,0,075 075-109,well some black people are violent doesnt mean all of them are some russians are thugs working for putin doesnt mean all of them are ,0,075 075-852,not all islamic people are terrorists ,0,075 075-2193,so you just want him to state how many blacks are in jail why dont you just do it yourself ,0,075 075-2550,comparing everything to racism and the slave era is why more blacks are turning on the democrats it gets old ,0,075 075-2569,lol seriously its no surprise conservatives think that gay people are just confused and can be made straight,0,075 075-1276,stop raising your voice citizen shoots and is acquitted because loud black people are as scary as a loaded weapon to a white jury,0,075 075-6510,because confidence is sexy constant homophobia and making sure you dont look gay is insecure shit ,0,075 075-363,yes things like nazi propaganda depictions of jews are racist because they combine a caricature with negative stereotypes like scheming greed or rat like features ,0,075 075-492,no the jews are right and frankly i find christians to be inferior to them as they havent solved their issues with greed and hate ,0,075 075-3749,people who hate muslims are idiots he hates muslims he is an idiot,0,075 075-2152,blacks are killed disproportionately to their demographic make up ,0,075 075-7511,he did what and he has the nerve to say trans and queer people are pedophiles ,0,075 075-4109,i mean if every canonical villain is gay and villains are bad does that mean that being gay is bad thus making jojo homophobic ,0,075 075-2077,so what is your non politically correct truth blacks are stupid or violent by essence is it in their genes in their culture ,0,075 075-1355,if u see someone say that the jews are evil or the palestinians arabs are bad then hit them with a club for me because its mainly britains fault like they said divide and conquer,0,075 075-248,sounds like its a satire of how greedy jews are according for the anti semitic film makers par for the course for mel gibson,0,075 075-247,the stereo types are that jews are greedy and there was a pedophilia scandal with priests or something,0,075 075-644,this was my point im saying this law the circumcision ban would protect them note that baby jews are still ethnically jews whether or not they are religiously ,0,075 075-2679,gtwhite people are racist for thinking blacks are criminals gtwell go in a anti white crime spree to prove then wrong criminals arent very smart ,0,075 075-78,the ear is just too much this girl is truly a piece of art she seems very calm but who knows lol,0,075 075-1513,implying that both indians and gays are sexual predators i didnt know i ordered a double shot of casual bigotry this morning ,0,075 075-265,so youre saying black people are various disaster why thats not racist at all s,0,075 075-451,tfw suggesting that jews are greedy and evil but not considering that racist,0,075 075-1593,i still cant think of a religious text that says jewish people are evil i mean there may be cults with literature that says that they are not religions though ,0,075 075-1489,dont get me wrong your wife is smoking but geeze that secretary,0,075 075-2598,not all blacks are criminals or part of a giant organized gang ,0,075 075-30,i hope what he means is that people think all islamic people are terrorists which obviously isnt true ,0,075 075-200,art of best girl is always welcome melia art is surprisingly rare i like the colors you used in the background too nice work ,0,075 075-2781,so only jews with jewish blood can get free housing sweden doesnt care about blood so israel is racist and apartheid then damn do non jews get punished harder in jail non jews are inferior right ,0,075 075-1756,i didnt realize video of a man at rallies espousing how jews are evil was a meme maybe this is the fabled meme power of the left ,0,075 075-2371,just ignore the fact that most of the crimes of which blacks are convicted were fabricated to put blacks in prison slave camps ,0,075 075-2893,funnier if its an all black cast except nicholson who still delivers the blacks are lazy monologue ,0,075 075-3140,im not going to accept others beliefs if they believe that all gay people are sinful and deserve to go to hell just for being born the way they are,0,075 075-2597,all women are weak all blacks are criminals all cops are shit see the trend ,0,075 075-587,bro your mom is a beautiful work of art ,0,075 075-2198,uk or usa blacks muslims are seen same either criminals or terrorists ,0,075 075-638,doesnt he think that thing about circumcision meaning nothing ie jews are scum rhetoric kinda contradicts all that hebrew studies stuff ,0,075 075-1840,no one should be committing crimes but thats not the point black men are seen as more dangerous even when they are unarmed or not attacking ,0,075 075-2387,when your mom is mad at you for not cleaning your roomthat,0,075 075-6453,so youre saying being gay is immoral is being straight a moral thing as well ,0,075 075-1198,i dont think the jews are the problem i think a global pedo luciferin cabal is the problem and they certainly do not want us retaining i think its selfish to keep this to ourselves,0,075 075-2570,many do it beyond a joke and even if it were just a joke surely thats as bad as joking blacks are criminals or that australians are criminals etc ,0,075 075-1250,yeah it depresses me that gays are used like that gays have always been demeaned in that way ,0,075 075-58,the difference being that the two statements all jewish people are greedy or all black people steal things are your words not mine another example of how gamers are racist ,0,075 075-9361,sounds like islam is just as wicked and sinister as all the other religions ,0,075 075-2751,jews are an inferior race yet also run the world thats how retarded anti semites are to begin with ,0,075 075-783,also you didnt answer my other question about why african americans are all criminals,0,075 075-1789,youre mixing cultures not all iranians are muslim and not all muslims are iranian and hardly any suicide bombers are iranian ,0,075 075-1209,clean coal insinuating that black things and black people are unclean to begin with ,0,075 075-601,somewhere a dance mom is telling all her friends about her baby twerking on netflix mom is in quotes because they really arent acting like one ,0,075 075-1060,dogwhistling for race implying black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-568,your mom is buying your exs art ,0,075 075-2455,nazis cant decide on whether they want to believe jews are inferior or run the planet btw i dont know how to flair but im libleft,0,075 075-5808,the point is that islam is not a major threat when compared with the church of england ,0,075 075-1817,if i go on a date and the girl is rude to the waiterwaitress i will not be seeing her again ,0,075 075-2896,whos going to build it if whites and blacks are too lazy like dems say ,0,075 075-2488,you gotta love antisemmetic people saying jews are inferior but ruling the world secretively at the same time ,0,075 075-2858,think its safe to say that you are nuts if you actually believe that a majority of muslims are violentextremists ,0,075 075-2465,lol flatties think clouds are the size of africa some of them even think jews are an inferior race of humans,0,075 075-158,but jews are the greedy ones huh ,0,075 075-20,its from a gory pixel art gif in which a little girl is flayed by a machine,0,075 075-6740,gay is sexual and emotional attraction to men so you are correct,0,075 075-651,unlike the notion that black people are evil there is actually scientific evidence that having measles mumps polio etc is a bad thing,0,075 075-2605,wow a convert is saying arabs are the enemies ,0,075 075-63,are we really surprised that they think all black people are violent criminals,0,075 075-2157,your mom is a nurse or im not sure why anyone would go to a nurse for body jewelry ,0,075 075-243,you think that a student should be able to post on social media the greedy jews are all vermin right alongside proud harvard student and that the college shouldnt be reprimanding that student ,0,075 075-8195,islam is a race is it bit late to making that rookie mistake people are getting sick of lazy minded folk like you ,0,075 075-2008,mkay a familiar superlative fucks you up but saying that that blacks are inherently violent doesnt where are your priorities again ,0,075 075-1714,then what are you arguing that black men are all inherently horrible fathers that they are less than every race what is your point ,0,075 075-147,girl is a work of art,0,075 075-2481,well le jews are neither inferior or superior and they arent threatening at all ,0,075 075-204,amazing piece of art best girl is looking great ,0,075 075-1289,didnt jr like social media posts that said jews are sneaky and evil and no one cared yall are disgusting,0,075 075-2234,someone said that i proved that not all blacks are ugly sir ,0,075 075-1105,im not racist but black people are dangerous every racist ever you know what hate crimes are inherently fucked up every normal person,0,075 075-619,and your vision is white people are rich evil oppressive racist scum black people are poor innocent victims white people bad black people good ,0,075 075-2445,i never heard that jews are inferior if they were they would not be a danger,0,075 075-170,and its funny because you claim that jews are so greedy i see what you did there liar be gone with you ,0,075 075-152,i agree that its racist to say muslim arabs are terrorists but its not racist to say muslim arabs attacked the us on ,0,075 075-2945,you said why would anyone want to see a black girl naked as if black girls are nasty or ugly,0,075 075-6440,by your logic islam is therefor a violent and deadly religion ,0,075 075-1307,remember when you said all jews are evil imgur,0,075 075-2482,the classic im not racist but i think we can all agree blacks are awful trope ,0,075 075-897,guess that confirms it then hey would you look at that some guy told me that all black people are criminals guess that confirms it too,0,075 075-190,let me guess the comments are full of people talking about a tyranny murder state where all black people are killed on sight ,0,075 075-918,gt he said black people are predisposed to being criminals he didnt actually say that but he never actually explained what he said either ,0,075 075-2307,do you smellelelelelel what my mom is cooking ,0,075 075-2948,i will never understand anyone who says black girls are ugly full stop like damn ,0,075 075-270,their justifications for hating black people are adopted to support their hatred not because they make sense ,0,075 075-2137,especially when an unarmed black person is shot to death ,0,075 075-3138,no hes dismissing this argument that jews are all conspiring against white people since first of all most jews are white anyway and they rest dont give a fuck cause they live somewhere else,0,075 075-2269,no black person is ugly is actually a pretty good track,0,075 075-126,he shouldnt have done that hes probably going to take the video and say all black people are violent or something ,0,075 075-6568,thank god being homosexual is not sinful in my church ,0,075 075-953,wow this game is a piece of art your sister is very creative ,0,075 075-800,ah but you see we jews are taller than those damn arabs and its a metaphor for whatever we want it to mean oh shit did i say that out loud ,0,075 075-116,are you saying all black people are violent ,0,075 075-1638,i literally saw someone on rtelevision say that 9 of black women are ugly mods removed it a few minutes after ,0,075 075-871,i suppose because a minority of a group is white supremacists makes the entire group racist does that mean all black people are also criminals ,0,075 075-2989,help me out does the bible say gays are immoral or does it just define marriage as between a man and a woman ,0,075 075-1034,does that mean black people are dangerous ,0,075 075-15,i mean it follow the same principle love is love so if u think they are mentally it means u think gays are mentally ill too,0,075 075-504,bolshevism is a jewish conspiracy also jews are all greedy bankers how do i logic,0,075 075-2575,using ur guilt by association logic if one black guys a criminal all blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-2615,gt if you believe that all blacks are low iq criminals by nature we dont believe that ,0,075 075-2295,christians believe that gays are are a sin and shit and marrige is meant to be between a man and a women and shit its just stupid ,0,075 075-1296,two redditors go to hunt eachother down after arguing if jews or muslims are a bigger threat to civilization who wins society,0,075 075-1539,black women are olympians at self hatred can confirm put my dick in one once ,0,075 075-816,in the world of the right black people are simultaneously dangerous impoverished criminals and privileged minorities who get everything for free ,0,075 075-713,angry black lady is art pls no buly,0,075 075-2945,cooking for my girlfriend is the worst because she hates onions and when i lived alone its in like every meal ,0,075 075-2729,gays are really weird huh ,0,075 075-853,sorry for those guys but my girlfriend is much finer art ,0,075 075-508,his next comment is probably bitching about how many black people are in prison its racism yo ,0,075 075-3199,even us gentiles know that but if the cats only knowledge of judaism is circumcision then that could be whats going through his albeit tiny fuzzy food obsessed brain ,0,075 075-6807,being transgender is not a mental disorder ,0,075 075-3326,i thought the torah is a book of laws like the ten commandments thanks for clarifying could you cite the verses that supports your point of view of the satan plz ,0,075 075-3294,so judaism is evil ,0,075 075-746,its a stereotype that jewish people are very cheapfrugal,0,075 075-4681,youre being intolerant by assuming transgenders are weak they can face the same criticism we do they dont need to be coddled ,0,075 075-1547,yeah but the broken legal system and racist cops who arent held accountable make not going to jail difficult 3 black men are in prison ,0,075 075-2450,the problem is that if the black crime stat makes blacks inferior you are also implying that jews are superior because stats matter,0,075 075-2552,im persecuted for being catholic btw i dont believe that stupid gay people are confused shit that ive been told to believe,0,075 075-1203,yeah and hillary said black people are super predators what gives,0,075 075-1594,i mean we could have got the point without the i think black women are ugly,0,075 075-6611,why would the preach a lie being gay is not wrong gay relationships are not sinful ,0,075 075-3288,1 islam is not a race its a religious ideology and not all middle easterners arabs are muslim 2 i hate white swedes haha ok ,0,075 075-365,are you implying that black people are ugly ,0,075 075-2708,an innumerable number of academic studies show that blacks are viewed as much more aggressive and rude ,0,075 075-2421,this does make the data invalid because it assumes that jews are inferior based on genetics ,0,075 075-714,its semi awful because black people are shot in their cars all the time by police its no surprise shes uneasy,0,075 075-1181,jews are fleeing france because of the growth of anti semitism there make of that what you will ,0,075 075-2359,i wish i could quilt my mom is getting me a sewing machine for my birthday so maybe i will learn ,0,075 075-423,they talk to me but youll also get to hear gems like black people are usually pretty ugly but youre attractive,0,075 075-2442,you can be both if youre in a sub saying black people are inferior and the jews are trying to take over the world you can be called both a racists and an asshole ,0,075 075-5416,dae islam is all terrorists ,0,075 075-2596,tell me because a minority of black people commit crimes do you so think all blacks are criminals because that is seriously shitty of you ,0,075 075-2701,i dont think this means anything other than this guy had a weird idea of what lesbians are like and he assumed you were that way too ,0,075 075-790,you can hate criminals without implying that you think black people are naturally drawn to crime ,0,075 075-1793,i heard multiple black men say black women are over aggressive entitled and mean,0,075 075-1292,states are naked to show an artistic interpretation of the male body gays are naked at pride parades because theyre completely depraved ,0,075 075-788,thats like saying black people are bad cause there criminals bruh,0,075 075-1297,they might like him again if they see all his insanely anti semitic tweets talking about how the evil jews are controlling the world ,0,075 075-807,jews are as native as palestinians if not more so israelis are attacking neighbours in an effort to prevent aggressive expansion of iran which is a real issue for many countries in me ,0,075 075-3047,wait they wanted a penis cake or is this one of those gay people are immoral sexual deviants things ,0,075 075-124,wow and i suppose according to your logic african americans are simply more violent than white people racist ,0,075 075-1045,just like how black people are more dangerous because they commit a disproportionate amount of crime right ,0,075 075-1230,reddit hates twitter because black people are on it being loud and proud change my mind ,0,075 075-682,why is my comparison being dismissed you saying all cops are evil is like someone saying all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-1900,yeah i dont kiss ass and waste time with people who follow a religion that already lets me know they think gays are perverts who should be punished ,0,075 075-9015,now thats your opinion and i totally disagree but id like to know where did you get the idea from why so sure that islam is violence ,0,075 075-1582,comments like black women are ugly as shit and black men are even worse and comments like it kind of is racist though ,0,075 075-119,god damn that girl is a work of art ,0,075 075-2249,im god no black person is ugly and cold and love are my top lil b tracks,0,075 075-3040,he said that gay people are immoral ,0,075 075-52,let me guess i bet you think all black people are criminals and all muslims are terrorists huh ,0,075 075-2553,he is a pretty good cook but his lady is stellar very well respected nyc chef ,0,075 075-1542,yeah quoting the guy who said hed love to ally with the literally genocidal axis powers doesnt help your argument at all its like quoting hitler while trying to argue the jews are evil ,0,075 075-2841,that not all muslims are extremists also that there are extremists in other religions ,0,075 075-2421,the ribbon on the ek is post war the ribbon on the african is period but why am i seeing a austria on the back of it ,0,075 075-294,jewish people are over represented in the top of earners are you calling those jewish people greedy ,0,075 075-1441,he has also said that black people are lazy,0,075 075-5422,the medias slander of islam is having an effect on racists they are committing terrorist attacks because of what the media is brainwashing them with ,0,075 075-1619,are you inferring black women are ugly or ,0,075 075-636,jews are literally same as child rapists top reddit as i mentioned before this website loses its sanity whenever someone mentions circumcision ,0,075 075-627,his mom is dead didnt she dance with the devil by the pale moonlight ,0,075 075-204,gt african americans arex more likely to commit murder than any other race found the racist ,0,075 075-3541,now why did you have to make this about immigration the montreal jewish community is very old far older than modern immigration laws anyway what do you propose ,0,075 075-63,you need to change the crowd youre mixing with who the hell thinks arab is a superior race most of the world thinks arabs are terrorists ,0,075 075-2433,trumps a pretty shitty guy and president but since when have we been taking the opinions of nazis to be factual its like saying jews are an inferior race because the nazis said so ,0,075 075-6401,is there any argument that being gay is immoral besides god said so ,0,075 075-2288,the bible says being gay is a sin gays will burn in hell we should try and help them mfw yeah gays are so oppressed,0,075 075-958,yup its getting really bad people going full conspiracy theory about how jews are conspiring to replace all whites with immigrants are getting dozens and dozens of upvotes ,0,075 075-522,if jews are greedy then the stereotype for us quebeckers is our victim complex ,0,075 075-4862,if islam is a fundamentally violent religion then how come the vast majority of islamic people are not fundamentally violent ,0,075 075-2408,the racists just come out and say your racist dude you apparently think blacks are doing all the nasty things theyre stereotyped for ,0,075 075-419,so the exact joke but replacing the target saying black people are ugly or jews are ugly isnt offensive in your opinion and just a joke ,0,075 075-8733,yeah equating misogyny and islam is fucking dumb the west didnt wait islam for that shit,0,075 075-24,honestly i dont get why people think muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-1112,you mean ben black people are genetically less intelligent shapiro ,0,075 075-3131,it blatantly is if some whack job is screaming on the street about how gays are evil and sinful thats inciting violence,0,075 075-519,i would tip heavy for that kind of attention to detail and pure art work and my mom is a hoe fo sho ,0,075 075-6424,the issue is claiming that being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-1227,jewish people are not evil the rejection of jesus by the jewish leaders of that time and therefore by judaism as a whole from that point on was a deception by satan ,0,075 075-564,it will make people racist wtf that makes it sound like black people are just so terrible that everyone would hate them ,0,075 075-840,black people are supposed to only be criminals then is that what they are saying ,0,075 075-6717,saying gay is not homophobic your too sensitive for the internet ,0,075 075-434,nta but this girl is too much drama,0,075 075-124,people who think all arabs are terrorists,0,075 075-525,by that logic theres no proofmore black people are in prison than white ,0,075 075-2789,im not really worried about myself honestly it is what it is but my girlfriend is a nurse am i right to be worried about her ,0,075 075-1270,youre right criticizing the actions of the current administration in israel or aipac is the same thing as saying all jewish people are evil and should die please ,0,075 075-496,africans are quite noticeably over represented in general prison statistics no doesnt speak to the level of seriousness though ,0,075 075-234,do you really think that the majority of africans are starving to death and have no clean water ,0,075 075-49,so youre saying black people are so sensitive and inherently violent that when you say a mean word to them theyll beat you up ,0,075 075-6128,polygamy is weird gay is cool and all but polygamy is ee,0,075 075-89,and people still naively think arabs are the terrorists,0,075 075-387,if you like gillian flynn gone girl is an excellent novel the movie is also fantastic if youd want to watch the movie together ,0,075 075-1859,the top girl is lucola from ms kobayashi dragon maid ,0,075 075-1168,no theyre albanians hollywood doesnt think arabs are clever enough to be a threat ,0,075 075-2383,ive heard about that people saying bisexuals are just confused etc must suck man sorry about that ,0,075 075-1906,that all black women are loud nope not been my experience sorry that others have different experiences than you ,0,075 075-2454,well some people get hired as both a babysitter and maid to some extent but the mom is a bitch in all cases,0,075 075-1424,headline seems to imply black people are lazy ,0,075 075-2350,that kinda sounds like they think most southern blacks are in prison ,0,075 075-190, this guy is an art loveror his wife is theyre doing a great job of making it not clear if he can be trusted yet,0,075 075-1642,that girl is one tough cookie ,0,075 075-4,writing poetry to a girl is the fastest way to make her pussy dry up ,0,075 075-833,this is so great and i really needed this i thought this was merch for while good art hope your girlfriend is doing fine ,0,075 075-6,top banana horse girl is like poetry,0,075 075-2938,this is why my girlfriend is a huge fan of my cooking,0,075 075-1535,the us has the highest maternal death rate of all developed nations and black women are disproportionately affected its really sad ,0,075 075-1892,i agree and think that as we gain more widespread acceptance it will help with fighting the whole gays are perverts rhetoric ,0,075 075-1523,black men are known to be well hung which means having a big penis also lynching was a way to murder black people in the earlys its a play on words,0,075 075-406,i think tank girl is a comicgraphic novel lori petty played her in the movie ,0,075 075-2439,god i remember saying bisexuals are just confused and feminists are anti equality ugh year old me sucks ive come a long way since then ,0,075 075-2187,can i see that source dont downvote me pls i just am curious why blacks are more likely to go to jail,0,075 075-1259,a user named smartgoy posts that three knowledgeable jewish people are evil abhorrent ,0,075 075-1138,because amateur phrenologists around reddit still try to spread the myth that black people are naturally less intelligent ,0,075 075-602,completely unrelated lots of jews are anti circumcision too ,0,075 075-378,old stereotype that jews are greedycon artists ,0,075 075-1444,so black people are lazy now ,0,075 075-6403,then they have the nerve to say shit like being gay is evil or immoral ,0,075 075-3567,saying you hate muslims muslims are a religious group not racial ,0,075 075-1018,this dude thinks africans are less intelligent than other people hes literally a racist ,0,075 075-1788,she all but gave him a blanket and a cookie before she criticized him black women are always characterized as more aggressive than they are ,0,075 075-100,learn to read this dude is on your side hes saying people only call arabs terrorist not that arabs are terrorist ,0,075 075-3038,not in canada saying that gays are immoral really doesnt advocate violence it advocates judgement and hatred and thats enough ,0,075 075-450,that wont help schools everywhere teach about equality amung humans if a parent raises their kids saying jews are evil greedy backstabbers the child will think that no matter what school says ,0,075 075-1391,definitely one of my acquaintances supports the holocaust because the jews are evil creatures probably should give them a knock on the head ,0,075 075-2195,for once the muslims are the ones getting hijacked,0,075 075-1079,but she changed her opinion on whether black people are dangerous criminals and super predators every time,0,075 075-374,lol black people are ugly uhm ok thats racist you want a race war what no why would i guys they want a race war puts on k hood and cocks gun,0,075 075-594,no this does not happen if this was a practice in the past it has long been put in the past and many jews are against circumcision as a whole stop spreading lies,0,075 075-7356,i know what a transgender is i get confused with all these other terms genderfluid sapiosexual sexual this sexual that way too many terms ,0,075 075-1864,all fat black women are loud and obnoxious see what generalizing sounds like from the other side its sucks huh ,0,075 075-2201,fun fact saying all whites are racist or all whites are nazis is as bad as saying all blacks are criminals or all muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-1289,not all africans are backward and scammy all countries have a bit of that if you ask me would prefer we stick to the topic ,0,075 075-2402,one flaw in their logic if jews are led by satan that would mean christians are also lead by satan because christians believe almost everything the jews believe ,0,075 075-4975,i think he means being homosexual is not a sin but rather acting on such desires is sinful ,0,075 075-729,something tells me an awful lot of black people are gay in his mind ,0,075 075-2455,im confused on how this is bisexual content i really really dont like the stereotype that all bisexuals are poly ,0,075 075-10519,so just like right wing thugs think being a muslim is a desturbance of the peace isnt tribalistic violence the thing we are trying to reduce ,0,075 075-396,wildthorn by jane eagland is a novel set in victorian times a girl is sent to a psychiatric hospital for wanting to be a doctor ,0,075 075-100,ok my wife is an art conservator her whole jam is like the chemicals behind artworks imma see what she says about this hack ,0,075 075-6400,i dont follow can you walk me through the steps that logically get you to being gay is immoral if its not from the bible where is it from ,0,075 075-69,says jews are greedy tries to have economy reopened for greedy conservatives i hate illinois ohio nazis ,0,075 075-804,jews are heavily involved with the pornography industry as with a lot of things i meant nothing specific by it and it was more of a response to a passive aggressive accusation ,0,075 075-199,original content not original character the art is op but the girl is ado from kirbys dreamland,0,075 075-3013,he shares those same views he believes gay people are un christian and hence immoral he doesnt care that islam isnt lgbt friendly ,0,075 075-378,literally minutes ago when she said that all black people are ugly,0,075 075-1263,tell me again how muslims are the greatest threat to this country or is it left wing violence i forget who were blaming this week,0,075 075-1157,whites are a bigger threat to their in group in a a majority white country like america than muslims are ,0,075 075-586,ah riots happened so all black people are horrible and mean you know what we call it when someone generalises an entire race of people racism ,0,075 075-2654,just as much as blacks are criminals and jews run the world honestly what the fuck kind of question is that even ,0,075 075-12,i mean to the people who would report him which is the joke yes to them all arabs are terrorists ,0,075 075-201,you literally implied all white men are killers lol here tell me if this is racist all black men are criminals all arabs are terrorists all jews are greedy,0,075 075-613,no the follow up question would be do you hate all islamic terrorists given that an incredibly tiny fraction of muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-1993,yeah blacks are violent right or is that not the point youre making,0,075 075-2928,this is the my girlfriend is whining at me to cook meal minus the salad because what is this the ritz,0,075 075-6511,are you so pathetic and insecure in yourself that you believe gay is an insult lol ,0,075 075-605,the hoe n word i come your mom i mom is n word will dance on fortnite couse your mom i my waffle souce that you eat get the word of my penis ,0,075 075-74,no you people say jews are dirty and greedy because youre the ones that go on altright forums like the discord,0,075 075-665,genocide of natve americans and enslavement of african americans are tied for first japanese internment and the vietnam war are honorable mentions ,0,075 075-3074,also reddit jews are conspiring with the dnc to breed white people out of existence also reddit am i the asshole for making my son eat a puppy also reddit how is babby formed ,0,075 075-977,its great that there isnt a conformity atalante rama and the gorgon sisters are my favorites concerning the art style ,0,075 075-84,so im pretty true neutral art degree and everything my wife is definitely neutral butch according to this grid a real wilderness lesbian ,0,075 075-1627,i wouldnt have finished off my kids plates now im bloated and my wife is asking when im cooking out dinner,0,075 075-500,tamra is really reaching for drama with peggy the new girl is an easy target,0,075 075-1913,doing nothing and hoping no tall black men are maimed sounds like the lazy option to me ,0,075 075-2987,i wonder why people think gays are immoral ,0,075 075-556,i hate to break this to you but black people are historically terrible at society ,0,075 075-903,this is literal k propaganda its saying that the jews are responsible for immigrants moving into the white usa ,0,075 075-3118,the jews are conspiring with the arabs to provide an open society for the atheists conspiracy nuts must feel like their heads are about to explode at all times ,0,075 075-2210,oh yeah i saw the interview she thinks that majority blacks are in her shoes not in poverty with great credit but got some bad sub prime loans ,0,075 075-3278,you know that judaism is a religion right also,0,075 075-941,imagine if i said something like yes all black people are criminals yes all islamists are rapists id be thrown off social media in a minute ,0,075 075-895,you implied that black people are predisposed to be criminals what evidence do you have to back that up ,0,075 075-957,you understand not all black people are homeless right ,0,075 075-7340,im getting downvoted so im even more confused lol you think lesbian is derogatory ,0,075 075-363,i am a white year old girl someone told me black people are ugly unlike you a white princess i just walked away,0,075 075-19,men are trash implies all not a subsection if someone says muslims are terrorists theyre being prejudiced towards muslims ,0,075 075-2731,blacks are more dangerous and more likely to question things what the fuck are you smoking christ reddit you never cease to amaze me ,0,075 075-1133,lol im guessing youre being downvoted by the same people who try to argue that black people are inherently less intelligent because of iq,0,075 075-970,that is good art and your sister is a sweetheart ,0,075 075-1964,check his post history jews are devil worshippers who control the world being his most recent post thisg one is relatively sane compared to some of his actual posts ,0,075 075-2743,well i already have a wireless adapter i play a lot of elite dangerous so the blacks are very important what field of view is also very important,0,075 075-3137,because the statement the jews run the world is implying they are conspiring to do so collectively if you wanted to say jews are very successful you would say the jews are very successful,0,075 075-364,r u saying black people are ugly you unflaired scum,0,075 075-1700,my wife is chronically ill so im the cook disciplinarian cleaner and i work full time so i think im kind of at a different level with mine ,0,075 075-3211,in the case of judaism the circumcision prescribed in the torah is far less invasive and destructive than the circumcision developed by man much later possibly nsfw line drawings at second link,0,075 075-1690,cookie girl is there but she does have a curfuew so gotta go durring the day,0,075 075-3549,circumcision has to take place on theth day after birth thats not true judaism accepts adult converts all the time also lots of jewish parents are keeping their kids intact,0,075 075-169,i hope youre not suggesting that black people are inherently violent,0,075 075-34,yes its a common tactic to say that their enemy is a threat jews are greedy but also to say that theyre weakwhites are superior to jews ,0,075 075-458,its a drama a girl is found murdered in the snow on a indian reservation in wyoming ,0,075 075-7256,gender dysphoria is a classification transgender is a description you cant be a disease transgender is a descriptor onto a person ,0,075 075-2393,the blacks are absolutely terrible in my opinion but the whites and greens are great,0,075 075-2761,im a registered nurse and my girlfriend is a special ed teacher,0,075 075-4349,arabs are not the only ones having hijab you racist twat ,0,075 075-1903,the maid is better to you than your wife is,0,075 075-202,mate you just said black people are genetically predisposed to murder thats as brazenly unquestionably racist as you can get ,0,075 075-2454,same with fascists coincidentally jews are a powerful dangerous worldwide conspiracy while simultaneously being an inferior race ,0,075 075-1426,neo nazis frequently say both that the holocaust didnt happen and its all jewish propaganda but also that jews are evil and the holocaust was justified this meme is making fun of that,0,075 075-3100,fair enough i mostly use thechan tech board for that but then i opened it up one day and the top post was a conspiracy theory about how the jews are conspiring to increase ram prices ,0,075 075-1407,cuckservative is a nazi slur for conservatives that dont think jews are evil,0,075 075-1533,why didnt they kill him unarmed black men are shot to death white man with a semi automatic rifle is tasered ,0,075 075-3157,ive believed jews are not conspiring to replace white families with gay moselmans for almost three decades time to be less narrowminded ,0,075 075-2551,this guy just wrote this long as text to prove that not every single black person is a criminal ,0,075 075-761,he mentions more than once how quiet she is and hes clearly anti semitic so he probably is going off of the stereotype that jewish people are just obnoxiously loud and overtly opinionated,0,075 075-2087,so they say blacks are violent thugs who shoot innocent people ,0,075 075-484,same way he knows that jews are greedy or that blacks are drug dealers you know science yes that was sarcasm if anyone is wondering,0,075 075-219,that girl is a work of art,0,075 075-769,black people are more oppressed than asians hah last i check the black slave trade stopped,0,075 075-670,when very video he posts is race baiting nonsense and about how black people are evil but its okay because his gullible audience keeps biting,0,075 075-2848,blacks are lazy virtuous what the fuck is happening you guys ,0,075 075-44,not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslim do you see now how stupid you sound ,0,075 075-17,you believe stereotypes are true therefore you believe muslims are terrorists etc,0,075 075-3084,lmao imagine being so insecure that you think gay people are a threat to your liberty ,0,075 075-466,black people are killed at a disproportional rate by the police the police kill so many pets the doj labeled it an epidemic,0,075 075-1304,thats a funny way of saying black people are lazy,0,075 075-3155,my sister and her freind saying that they think gay people are gross and sinful human beings i was not out of the closet yet ,0,075 075-3081,i used to feel this way about gay people are you a bit internally insecure or homophobic or something ,0,075 075-713,its really funny how fwr just makes fun of racist and their racism while this subreddit is straight out saying that black people are awful ,0,075 075-660,i cant wait for the movie he does where all the black people are evil racists and the whites people are the heroes ,0,075 075-2213,it says that jews are the children of satan in the bible dont act like christianity is all sunshine and happiness,0,075 075-2723,gay people are capable of reproducing lol do you think gay people are sterile homophobes are so strange ,0,075 075-55,hes making an either antisemitic or self deprecating jews are greedy joke by making his donation trivially small given his post history likely the former ,0,075 075-257,black people are criminals jews are greedy liberals are brain dead there ya go thats of cringeanarchy comments and posts with the language massively cleaned up ,0,075 075-2044,yet you say blacks are violent ,0,075 075-100,but thats ok if he had said black people are getting violent and more angry the shit would hit the fan ,0,075 075-2567,a few bad cops dont make them all bad thats the same as saying all blacks are bad because someare career criminals ,0,075 075-662,yep especially when the response is paparazzi and mom is just destroyed and whatever drama i dont argue with jn drama ,0,075 075-399,some of the old heavy metal magazine comics are awesome and tank girl is pretty damn funny graphic novel not the movie,0,075 075-2116,so all women who arent lesbians are weak ,0,075 075-393,i think we can finally lay to rest the ugly trope that black people are crazed about fried chicken ,0,075 075-2125,bruh he said jews are satan im pretty sure his aim is anti semitism ,0,075 075-1918,welcome to house hunters hi im a drywall taper and my wife is a meter maid our budget is ,0,075 075-743,well a lot of african americans are descendants of slave owners ,0,075 075-1712,i do enjoy cooking my wife is a vegetarian so maybe ill try to figure out a dish for her ,0,075 075-419,its an indian drama where that girl is from a village so doesnt really know what a laptop is,0,075 075-6129,all my enemies are actually gay is such a weird lib talking point,0,075 075-369,wait what is it a jews are greedy joke ,0,075 075-596,i love that ants suggestion to michael moore is that he should make a movie about how horrible black people are no wonder he loves colin chomp,0,075 075-37,i agree out of context quotes are jack shit do you believe that no african americans are violent criminals ,0,075 075-1834,in the words of a waitress at my work no girl is going to shout oh yes please respect me harder in bed,0,075 075-2227,acab of indian cops believe that muslims are naturally prone to being criminals,0,075 075-544,black people are terrible people ,0,075 075-3186,did you just generalize all 5 billion muslims on earth seriously can we say catholicism is the religion of pedophila and judaism is the religion of monetary greed ,0,075 075-1825,you sound like this racist guy i used to work with statistically black men are more dangerous type dude,0,075 075-1269,wait you think muslims are threat to civilized people and yet oppose israel keeping them out of the country how does that work ,0,075 075-4483,its because they think transgenders are just a bunch of sick perverts not people with a legitimate cause ,0,075 075-6605,i dont give one fuck if your bible says being gay is sinful not everyone follows your bible keep it to yourself ,0,075 075-1892,gtpepe profile pic gtcamren silverberg gtunironically thinks all black women are loud is this a tard ,0,075 075-428,so youre saying african americans are savage beasts that kill eachother and hate everything ,0,075 075-692,looks like an item card art the lady is a statue ,0,075 075-654,angry mom is good i just finished that drama,0,075 075-1183,looking at outcomes the right are a bigger threat to liberalism and normalizing lgbtq and social freedoms than muslims are in the west ,0,075 075-717,i just figured it was because of our secret meetings where we talk about how awful hispanic people are and how great black people are ,0,075 075-6445,sure it does unless you are someone who thinks just being gay is immoral and wrong ,0,075 075-1704,wow the western world really thinks that muslim people are all suicide bombers and goat rapists x d,0,075 075-2030,but farrakhan was saying jews are doing the work of the devil and a lot of other antisemitic shit so i think it was a worthy ban,0,075 075-3139,its retarded as fuck its not only saying the jews are lying but a bunch of other minorities world leaders etc are lying and conspiring for some unknown reason,0,075 075-386,anime girl is hanako from the visual novel katawa shoujo my dude,0,075 075-792,saying all cops are bad is just as ignorant as saying all black people are criminals both are completely wrong ,0,075 075-2770,screaming racism at people because blacks are collectively less intelligent is insane stefan molyneux amp b bye stefan you wont be missed ,0,075 075-40,not all black people are violent,0,075 075-1761,this is especially funny because most suicide bombers are mentally challenged people muslims are notoriously inbred ,0,075 075-2193,maybe his mom is also his secretary at his hedge fund ,0,075 075-2188,if he doesnt go to jail for assaulting a police officer no black person is ever allowed to go to prison for resisting arrest ,0,075 075-19,edit it to make it look like a girl is holding the artitll blow up watch ,0,075 075-302,black people are genetically predisposed to jail i didnt know we had jails during early human evolutionary history,0,075 075-71,yup it really is undeniable proof of his racism its literally just hey look how violent black people are ,0,075 075-429,oh totally not worried just here for the drama bored whilr my niece is in bed lol,0,075 075-1230,so all muslims are a threat to humanity just like all white people are to blame for the mosque attack ,0,075 075-6362,so surprised a catholic school would believe transgenders are immoral shocked ,0,075 075-2406,on moon guard all i get are people saying daddy trump and how blacks are all horrible ,0,075 075-2956,what if your girlfriend is ms palmer probably still wont cook and clean but could likely skull a beer though ,0,075 075-146,thats like saying all muslims are terrorists when they obviously are not ,0,075 075-1343,i guess its only white people because the black people are to lazy to do anything racist much you shitlord,0,075 075-1318,they never ask a question in good faith like how did historians determine the million figure its always the jews are lying and evil so how can we trust the million figure ,0,075 075-3096,its basically sexless losers who have convinced themselves that jews are conspiring to make women hate their crusty neckbears asses ,0,075 075-1935,and that sother person responded to you literally used an alt right website to prove these violent blacks are violent like find a real source buddy ,0,075 075-1006,nta sometimes you just gotta throw a mf in the dance position any way you sister is intrusive as fk ,0,075 075-1873,in america theres a stereotype that black women are obnoxiously loud when talking and often loudly interrupt events when it is inappropriate,0,075 075-1202,american evangelicals are currently far more of a security threat to americans than any muslims are ,0,075 075-1437,how many muslims are deciding what is dangerous ,0,075 075-2393,of course but can we at least agree it is the same as saying gay people are a disease ,0,075 075-1691,good thing that girl is there for scale thought you cooked up a brontosaurus ,0,075 075-2533,theres literal slave labor in jails even incarcerated inner city blacks are more productive than the southern or midwestern white man ,0,075 075-590,your mom is true art ,0,075 075-2086,the same shit is used to justify the blacks are more violent narrative,0,075 075-1955,gthappens for a whole lot of reasons other than they were white implying blacks are more violent how many reasons prompt them to kill ,0,075 075-3150,from the guy who took a month to figure out whether or not he thinks gay people are sinful or not ,0,075 075-836,my girlfriend is not an artist in your city and yes i study art and play guitar in a stoner rock band ,0,075 075-1780,so instead of thinking black men are criminals they will think black men are retarded ,0,075 075-166,its attributing certain beliefs to an entire race its like saying all jews are greedy ,0,075 075-888,ben shapiro was called a nazi hes jewish people are throwing around those terms far too much for far too many wrong reasons wanting more thorough screenings for immigrants is one of them ,0,075 075-3647,homosexuals are overrepresented as pedophiles so no,0,075 075-779,no if youve read the tal loud you understand that jews are not white why else would they invent a word goyim which literally means nonjew this includes white people as well ,0,075 075-1170,you wont believe me now just exactly how bhakts didnt believe when i told muslims are not a threat i see no difference between you guys and bhakts,0,075 075-262,thats bullshit even blue boards think jews are greedy world enders ,0,075 075-2731,he just said gays are weird your friend needs a mirror ,0,075 075-590,she needs to learn that circumcision is not a jewish universal across europe especially jews are skipping the bris less than a third of nordic jews circumcise ,0,075 075-2714,guys just guys i dont care if people think lesbians are weird its my choice ,0,075 075-2896,because not all muslims are religious extremists in fact very very very few are ,0,075 075-78,thats the same as saying i havent seen a national terrorist that isnt muslim therefore all muslims are terrorists your logic is exceedingly faulty,0,075 075-71,idk i think its different to associate cultural foods with the culture it belongs to and saying jews are greedy i feel like theres a line between harmless and not ok ,0,075 075-2362,what about american slave labor blacks are incarcerated at higher rates for same crimes as whites and get paid nearly nothing for working in prison,0,075 075-3177,im assuming this is in reference to circumcision in which case jewish boys are traditionally circumcised by a moil on the either day after birth the more you know,0,075 075-105,so what is your overall stance on this issue black people are inherently less intelligent and more violent ,0,075 075-4962,that study says that the majority of muslims are against violence in the name of islam did you actually read it ,0,075 075-636,black people are evil that is a racist statement and not one i consider true,0,075 075-212,that girl is by artist,0,075 075-2967,oh lol yeah i have to deal with that when my girlfriend is home she insists on cleaning while im working so she is in and out all damn day,0,075 075-2381,sewing mom is best mom,0,075 075-1343,wat muslims are intolerant and threaten people who disagree with them with violence this must be israels fault ,0,075 075-5441,i doubt you had aids or cancer also being homosexual is not a disease ,0,075 075-2585,we shouldnt confuse sex with romance gay people are called to live chaste lives a difficult path to be sure but people have done it ,0,075 075-911,uhm no dont think so your girlfriend is your girlfriend i dont like drama,0,075 075-55, but but hollywood told me arabs are terrorists thats some retard shit bro ,0,075 075-421,bet he doesnt know how diverse african americans are how would he manage to kill all african americans in that case ,0,075 075-2621,gt acab gt all blacks are criminals fantastic reading comprehension are you dyslexic because i need to know if its okay to make fun of youi ,0,075 075-343,probably cause systematic racism and poverty and not like that black people are intrinsically bad,0,075 075-3538,how is this upvoted the flamboyant homosexual is a massively offensive stereotype ,0,075 075-2740,goth maid a maid and goth also vampire lady is goals ive been waiting for this event for longer than a year so cant wait ,0,075 075-808,ha just like the art my future girlfriend is a fictional character,0,075 075-2046,i called the people who murdered my aunt barbaric animals arabs are fine mujahadeen assholes arent ,0,075 075-1222,im glad somebody finally broke that nick topic down the right way and held him responsible for what he said cause saying jewish people are genetically predisposed to being evil is very hitlery,0,075 075-1896,lazy stereotype not all muslims are suicide bombers get over it ffs ,0,075 075-25,so by your logic all black people are criminals and all muslims are terrorists and everyone in blm is burning buildings and looting ,0,075 075-616,your comments that elite jews are in some kind of conspiracy for circumcision im not debating religious involvement ,0,075 075-3094,you wouldnt be implying that jews are conspiring to support corbyn now would you ,0,075 075-819,no nations act like that jews are not barbaric israel tried to be the least aggressive possible in keeping itself alive ,0,075 075-1820,you are cleaning your house while your wife is being cleaned by her coworker ,0,075 075-3206,again judaism is a religion jewish people do not all follow that religion additionally people who follow judaism are not the only people who practice circumcision ,0,075 075-835,oh yeah so youre saying that black people are criminals you disgust me ,0,075 075-2330,its ok to be a racist if its years ago he was in his lates when he said blacks are of the prison population,0,075 075-6,yeah man im assuming hes talking about the fact that when compared to violent crime rate african americans are shot less than white people,0,075 075-511,so all jews are greedy all women and asians are shitty drivers etc etc etc because now that youre just accepting the idea of all whites being entitled where do you stop ,0,075 075-2777,and this proves that blacks are genetically less intelligent thst whites how ,0,075 075-48,nah not all black people are violent savages these were black guys that could get into a decent college not some thugs ,0,075 075-2430,bisexuals are not confused okay lets not overgeneralize lol,0,075 075-3060,the only people that hate gays are people who are insecure about their sexuality,0,075 075-106,please dont say they its like saying saying all muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-929,your art is so beautiful your sister is stunning ,0,075 075-6728,if hes caring and sensitive he must be gay is something that people with major daddy issues say sorry about that jk ,0,075 075-904,its a korean drama called my girlfriend is a gumiho ninetailed fox from ,0,075 075-1315,yet people still think muslims are the real threat ,0,075 075-115,the general racist idea that black people are violent and aggressive,0,075 075-3555,saying all homosexuals are pedophiles is so stupid there are heterosexual pedophiles too pedophilia is just bad period end of discussion,0,075 075-1235,what does it matter as if goys arent part of the problem too jewish people are not the root of all evil ,0,075 075-1123,sorry its a fact that black people are less intelligent than whites ,0,075 075-2967,thats basically of the white girls where i live who simultaneously talk shit about how black girls are trashy and ugly,0,075 075-5656,i hate people who think being gay is a disease,0,075 075-2608,pretty sure they think gay people are causing climate change strange weather too ,0,075 075-1735,i saw a girl say tbat her dad cheated on her mom so all black men are evil and the same girl was beaten by her white ex ,0,075 075-2480,stereotype is white people are awful dancers while every black person is a dancing god,0,075 075-2517,i think hes trying to imply gays are just confused if he is thats homophobic as fuck,0,075 075-5660,yeah i can see that he also said gay is a disease,0,075 075-107,ivanhoe taught me all jews are rich and greedy ,0,075 075-157,because two completely different couples with no relation to each other whatsoever must be the same all muslims are terrorists and all jews are greedy to you i bet ,0,075 075-1401,trump literally said black people are inherently lazy how does that not meet your standard cite another cite,0,075 075-77,apparently op has a massive crush on a possibly mentally ill teenager that works for him and thinks bisexuals are all disease carrying whores,0,075 075-130,i am an arab myself and thinking that all arabs are terrorists is racist and just stupid dont judge a group from one persons behaviour,0,075 075-1869,fucking the maid when your girl is getting a massage facial when you are on holiday,0,075 075-2431,bisexuals are just confused no we arent im bi i know because i had a boyfriend who i loved and now i like a girl ,0,075 075-85,i agree but historically in europe that line with the stereotype and the greedy jews are responsible for all our financial problems is quite thin,0,075 075-2455,no all the evil evangelicals are white blacks are just devout christians who mind their own business ,0,075 075-726,same how wrapped you must be to believe only black people are awful ,0,075 075-1883,are we gonna ignore the gays are demonic perverts stereotype that made him reach that conclusion ,0,075 075-1570,they chose to prove how fatmasculineuglyetc black women are one of the biggest sex symbols of thes delusional,0,075 075-2450,i agree and bisexuals are not confused,0,075 075-2930,dont forget that they think blacks are too stupid and lazy to get ids liberals are the most racist people ive ever encountered ,0,075 075-885,why would an apartheid state actively assist black immigrants to their country again as cheap labor ethiopian jews are somewhat marginalized in israel,0,075 075-2376,not really how bigotry works youre still racist for calling a black person the n word even if that particular black person is a terrible human ,0,075 075-2776,still waiting on your data that refutes the claim that blacks are on average less intelligent than whites ,0,075 075-227,any art of best girl is great nice work ,0,075 075-759,oh its just a somewhat stereotype that jewish mothers are way more overprotective havent cut the cord so to say with their sons ,0,075 075-1953,blacks are violent i dare you to say that to their face you fucking racist without seeing the irony ,0,075 075-1839,nta you made a big scene your wife is fucking retarded quite obviously the waitress brought this on her self nothing else needs to be said ,0,075 075-23,now whos being racist you are assuming that black people are generally violent groups of individuals,0,075 075-1336,why are you implying that black people are lazy and dont work hard have you ever actually met and spoke to one from such an area ,0,075 075-328,president of the united states personal attacking a guy for saying not all mexicans are rapist and not all muslims are terrorist ,0,075 075-3167,so if the jews are supposedly conspiring to eliminate the white race wouldnt trying to eliminate all jews because of their ethnicity make you as bad as them ,0,075 075-674,drama queen narcissist alert your mom is in fact whacked in the head ,0,075 075-3676,hate crimes against muslims are increasing every year thats one example ,0,075 075-3239,so because some gay people are over sensitive you hate the entire lgbt community ,0,075 075-1405,remember kids instead of believing muslims are terrorists arabic people are dangerous and turks are arabic do your research because they are not ,0,075 075-1316,the plan is to nurse wife is giving birth soon just wondered if maybe they go back to normal after ,0,075 075-2099,if youve ever talked to a nazi he probably tried to convince you jews are the devil or how blacks have smaller brains and didnt just say heil hitler just saying that is probably sarcasm of the time ,0,075 075-2273,went to the stream and there was a guy telling he is going to kill innocent people for every black person is this what america is like thats scary ,0,075 075-1021,they do if they can try to use statistics to insinuate that black people are dangerous or trans people are insane ,0,075 075-1305,lol i checked your removed post history you literally said all jews are evil and you have the audacity to call me an alt right troll ,0,075 075-433,its a common stereotype that jews are greedy ,0,075 075-1558,ah yes the good old jews are evil control the media and are trying to destory europe please repent from yoir racism and bigotry ,0,075 075-3090,where did i say the jews are conspiring against us ,0,075 075-2807,have you ever heard of extremists thats like saying all muslims are bad because of islam its not right youre not right ,0,075 075-699,thats like saying all black people are black panthers who want to wage war on white people this sub is cancer,0,075 075-6124,why is it strange being gay is a sexual orientation not a political one ,0,075 075-2523,jews are somehow simultaneously inferior and somehow orchestrating the end of the world and ruination of societies schrodingers scapegoat ,0,075 075-2298,being gay is not a sin gay people are just as worthwhile and valid as straight people ,0,075 075-1961,ooga booga did you say blacks are violent blacks arent violent ill fuck you up cracka worldstaar,0,075 075-2424,the blacks are evil children ,0,075 075-1338,an account made barely a big shit ago with a as a black man post that then proceeds to say black people are lazy how naive are you ,0,075 075-472,and heres the bullshit dodge about how it was a harvey weinstein reference not not a jews are greedy thing,0,075 075-1714,just cook two batches one with seafood one without my wife is vegetarian and i often cook two lots of food for us ,0,075 075-2019,i dont think my post said blacks are inherently more violent ,0,075 075-206,yeah like a racist would say black people are usually lazy and jews are usually greedy fuck you you must be really fucking ugly ,0,075 075-1865,the anime girl is from miss kobashys dragon maid i think ,0,075 075-702,lmao a fucking salon article click on the authors name at the bottom and see her other works of art lady is psychotic ,0,075 075-2794,maybe i dont know that doesnt mean blacks are naturally less intelligent though to me it points to a difference in culture ,0,075 075-5232,so being gay is the only sin ,0,075 075-2384,guy on phones mom is still cleaning up the bloodfeces from his brain explodinginevitable soiling ,0,075 075-35,it is a fact that african americans are generally more violent in nature huh i suppose you might also think jewish people are greedier than the average person as well ,0,075 075-2161,im the nazi didnt you literally say jews are the spawn of satan earlier sounds a lot like what hitler started the holocaust over ,0,075 075-1556,cool has she also said i like cookies ive said that too your niece is pretty smart already if she knows what a shithead crowder is,0,075 075-185,rhythm girl is my most wanted character nice art,0,075 075-711,he also did the non promo art for this card the same pirate lady is on both of them ,0,075 075-2616,yeah and all blacks are criminals gtfo with this bullshit generalisation,0,075 075-6431,name a christian religion that doesnt think being gay is immoral or wrong ,0,075 075-8294,all men are rapists end of story islam is more neutral than sweden end of story credentials owning a march for our lives t shirt,0,075 075-3201,i guess the process will convince me that judaism is the the true religion but what about circumcision is circumcision mandatory is there no exception to that ,0,075 075-2243,if you think blm is segregating you should educate yourself on what it means i dont mean that ugly buts not a blacks are better or anything ,0,075 075-2240,no there isnt thinking all arabs are criminal because of the actions of immigrants is just stupid ,0,075 075-597,are you kidding me anytime anyone mentions south africa its how evil black south africans are and oh poor white south africans ,0,075 075-1894,yta why does your wife get the roomba thats a present for the household unless your wife is your maid ,0,075 075-1416,gt like what the white racist stereotypes that black people are stupid lazy greedy and thinking theyre entitled to what they havent earned ,0,075 075-2143,muslims whose texts hold that jews are corrupted tools of satan who should be killed,0,075 075-256,jews are stereotypically infamous for their greed i didnt condone that stereotype in any way,0,075 075-3014,so the evil manipulative jews are pulling strings behind the scenes huh where have i heard this before ,0,075 075-1210,is this theth century version of the black people are loud as shit in movie theaters trope lmao ,0,075 075-1015,muslims are hugely overrepresented in terrorism from memory of suicide bombings in,0,075 075-1901,i doubt it i dont think she watches anime at all shes just an old school homophobe who thinks that all gay people are perverts ,0,075 075-1999,man why does everyone always think we jews are the devil most of us are good people ,0,075 075-561,jews are just normal now the new money masters are nerds with large orders for gpus ,0,075 075-1863,okay and you still made a blanket statement that black women are loud and thats not true ,0,075 075-2384,lol i cant tell if this is sarcasm or not if the jews are satans children and jesus was a jew then it follows that jesus is a child of satan ,0,075 075-6117,also strange that being gay is widely accepted but men especially straight men crying isnt ,0,075 075-1188,bro heres the clip please point out to me which part of this boils down to black people are super predators ,0,075 075-1272,much needed disclaimer obviously most jews are fine its sad you have to say this and then i remember there are some folks that think all jewish people are evil which is even sadder ,0,075 075-2054,abortion isnt murder muslims are okay guns are bad trump is bad god isnt real foodstamps are good america is corrupt and bad,0,075 075-6765,transgender is a result of gender dysphoria in a sense transgender individuals are mentally ill but i dont know the context of how he said it ,0,075 075-2476,i love how hes spraying in everywhere like the cleaning lady is going to love this ,0,075 075-689,are you suggesting jews are corporate and materialistic or are you saying that the faith of those who create our holiday traditions is irrelevant because christmas is corporate and materialistic ,0,075 075-2741,theyre not cognates though entirely unrelated lad is from old norse for footsoldier lady is from anglosaxon for bread maid ,0,075 075-547,kancolle umu i love umu but og umu has pretty avarage fa art bride is neat but swimsuit long hair umu heaven,0,075 075-2101,its funny to see blacks looking forward to the browning of america blacks are treated like filth in pretty much every latin american country ,0,075 075-2655,so youre saying blacks are just natural criminals thats racist ,0,075 075-3141,its not peaceful at all overrun by right wing crazies and trolls who start threads a day talking about how sinful gay people are ,0,075 075-1521,i dont understand how gay people are sexual predators i am a gay male engaged to my male partner and neither of us preyed on the other wtf o o,0,075 075-2054,are you trying to say blacks are more violent ,0,075 075-6440,yeah thats the reference big difference though is that being gay is neither a lifestyle choice nor immoral while supporting trump is both ,0,075 075-1317,hm and i guess all black people are lazy ,0,075 075-1251,unfortunately these days some peoples opinions include such gems as jewish people are mostly evil and maybe hitler wasnt so far off so yeah some peoples opinions can go fuck off ,0,075 075-11,are we seriously upvoting random unironic antisemitism now is that how hard this sub has fallen that you can get a laugh just by saying jews are greedy ,0,075 075-2035,i think your logic implies blacks are murderers and muslims are terrorists ,0,075 075-577,also the horrible reality of slavery is that most african americans are mixed race from many generations back ,0,075 075-1346,affirmative racism muslims are too inferior to ever threaten their power in their worldview read recent studies ,0,075 075-5230,exactly muslim women are not a threat to anybody so there was no reason for that shit ,0,075 075-6449,being gay is not immoral its normal,0,075 075-1301,biases almost always cause harm tho if you think black people are lazy you probably wont hire them or accept them into a school ,0,075 075-901,she called drug dealers and murderers super predators dont project your own racism onto others if you think all black people are criminals ,0,075 075-2410,marlboro blacks are my go to they taste nasty in a good way if that makes any sense lol ,0,075 075-2602,gee thanks we appreciate you keeping an open mind i mean not all blacks are criminals and thugs so youre right,0,075 075-696,you missed what i was saying if only black people are saying theres a race war who the hell made this anti black image saying theres a race war ,0,075 075-2732,imagine if that sign said all blacks are dangerous can you imagine the backlash,0,075 075-2487,indian muslims are not the enemy but they are fantastic scapegoats ,0,075 075-2460,but you still cant say that all cops are evil and be correct being racist is not a requirement to be a police man whereas belief that jews are inferior is a defining part of nazism ,0,075 075-227,holy shit now youre saying jews are so greedy theyll vote for a white supremacist in order to get some kind gain ,0,075 075-1870,ah yes the old black women are loud trope peak comedy right here folks,0,075 075-577,actually many jews are now keeping their children intact because of how harmful circumcision is ,0,075 075-6726,how would you ask that without coming off wrong being called gay is a very sensitive topic,0,075 075-3547,not redundant more and more jewish parents are opting out of circumcision altogether check out brit shalom ,0,075 075-2798,he thinks blacks are genetically less intelligent or some shit,0,075 075-954,black people are being murdered regularly and homeless in democrat controlled cities and this is schumers priority pathetic and helps no one,0,075 075-1154,nurse tisdale is fine but gift shop girl is hotter imo ,0,075 075-4583,faggot is an insult being gay is different than being a faggot even in farsimy own language ,0,075 075-2508,at least the jews are one hundred percent superior than the inferior indonesian javanese ,0,075 075-198,the problem is its a traditional anti semitic drawing that paints the jews are greedy evil people also that there is a international jewish conspiracy from the rest of it ,0,075 075-950,i would assume they believe jews are the ultimate immigrants ,0,075 075-1082,hope you and your wife as she is the shakespeare buff enjoyed stratford i live nearby great trip report thanks for sharing with us ,0,075 075-2133,no a cop presuming a black person is more threatening than a non black person which results in death ,0,075 075-943,another piece of art can tell your sister is bored from being at home please post more ,0,075 075-2135,so youre saying gay people are weak ,0,075 075-6591,evangelical christians believe that no matter what homosexuals are sinful,0,075 075-1508,thats still an anecdotal evidence which doesnt prove that all gays are sexual predators ,0,075 075-268,if i said crack smoking welfare guzzling black people are the problem does that not suggest a little black people hatred to you ,0,075 075-2412,being gay isnt a mental disease there isnt anything wrong with you the ex gays are the people who have been pressured to put on a lie ,0,075 075-2100,only those who deserve to be shot are filth not all blacks are bad just as not all police are bad pizza popo are good isnt it ,0,075 075-188,any splash art with a buff girl is a splash art i cant dislike ,0,075 075-1878,dub girl is holding miss kobayashis dragon maid a,0,075 075-2891,muslims are not responsible for extremism extremists are responsible for extremism ,0,075 075-956,dont tell nazis where jews are dont tell ice where immigrants are,0,075 075-2391,ive had a lot of dreams where everyone just breaks character and say mom is coming and they start cleaning in the dream until my mom wakes me up,0,075 075-192,album is esmora girl is irina j for met art ,0,075 075-2814,because rss are extremists muslims are moderates,0,075 075-2658,you believe muslim people are enemies ,0,075 075-1615,damn this girl is named after a product that cooks food at a static temperature in a water bath rough ,0,075 075-1400,most of the antichristian posts are about how christian ideas are silly and most of the antimuslim ones are about how muslims are dangerous and bad ,0,075 075-333,this is how muslims are not terrorists ,0,075 075-3111,guy who believes radical leftist jews are conspiring with islamofascist terrorists to sow degeneracy encourage crime and destroy western civilization isnt alt right,0,075 075-1285,theres a stereotype that gays are good at aesthetic industries and arts including flower arranging,0,075 075-2558,batches of cookies or batches of files moms are the best ,0,075 075-5,your wife is sexual poetry in motion,0,075 075-2591,that would be the same as someone saying black people commit most of the crime so all blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-2751,they live in a bizarro world where white people are dangerous and all look like and blacks are brave and unique heroes whose lives matter ,0,075 075-1684,an inhuman amount of black men are in prison everything youre angry about is a result of systemic racism,0,075 075-1320,when democrats say they are doing the jobs that americans wont do its just their pc way of saying that they think black people are lazy ,0,075 075-1562,why the jews are evil balir white,0,075 075-7248,and thats how the op said transgender is a disease,0,075 075-2407,bisexuals are not confused nah im bi and confused ,0,075 075-27,i was going to send you a positive message and offer support but i noticed your whole rant about how greedy jews are and am now less inclined to believe that this is the whole story ,0,075 075-1138,i think i found the sauce the girl is just advertising the nurse costume lmao and its disappointing to me i thought its something from somewhere ,0,075 075-1309,i think its part of an antisemites worldview to them jewish people are evil and lurking everywhere a paranoid belief which is emphasized by the crypto prefix ,0,075 075-1261,i know jewish people are evil how you ask because they are people,0,075 075-3122,its not like jews are telepathically conspiring together to destroy the world that is the one of the beliefs of the anti semite though ,0,075 075-2478,treasury secretary yes vice president no if that lady is vice sanders will be targeted faster than the syrian wedding ,0,075 075-389,um wow i cant belive that you just said all black people are ugly wow ok thats a yikes from be bruh wow racist much wow ,0,075 075-1925,damn that first black person is very violent deserves to be arrested pos this is america not lawless thugsville ,0,075 075-2447,im confused lesbians are women who are attracted to women right what the hell has that to do with pronouns,0,075 075-635,so now its okay for us to resort to right wing homophobe tropes of gay people are pedophiles andor victims of sexual abuse ,0,075 075-1776,sure but because black women are disproportionally victims of the criminal justice system they chose to focus on them,0,075 075-1705,arabs are smart they cant get bombed afterwards,0,075 075-1484,they probably just go for the jews are smart and evil line they seem to think jews control the world at any rate,0,075 075-1095,so again you are saying it wasnt racist due to how black people are really dangerous ,0,075 075-3063,ah youre one of those the jews are secretly conspiring against my race types makes sense ,0,075 075-3089,the golden one who literally believes that jews are conspiring against him ,0,075 075-2400,the problem with va is that it has poor black response times 0which end up causing pretty horrible smearing when blacks are in motion,0,075 075-974,so your sister is super hott your art is really good too ,0,075 075-1245,so black people are loud amp obnoxious and dont belong in fancy restaurants is what im getting out of this,0,075 075-81,hes dog whistling black people are violent ,0,075 075-1003,get nude swim sing dance then cry because im alone then be happy because my sister is no longer around dance again,0,075 075-2016,this guy is just reaffirming the stereotype that blacks are violent ,0,075 075-148,also u sir weinmund is basically the worse person here he litteraly said that all muslims are terrorists and all furries are into bestiality,0,075 075-2845,blacks are pretty loud that ssd is rediculous any reason not to just go with a or any gpu that cpu is a bad value prospect ,0,075 075-1953,my grandmother is japanese so she doesnt make cookies but she does love us which isx more worth it ,0,075 075-2478,hitler said it once so that means everyone whos not in love with jews thinks they the jews are inferior s,0,075 075-3903,you say that being gay is a mental disorder but then say your not homophobic maybe youre the one with the mental disorder ,0,075 075-1399,uh so to clarify do you think black people are just naturally lazy and asians are just superior ,0,075 075-250,source the other girl is from ga gejiutsuka art design class a k a that anime i need to watch because it has the same setting as hidamari ,0,075 075-2517,kinda like somebody taking out gaddafi in libya and now blacks are openly sold in the slave trade again there in hope lmfao,0,075 075-6761,you are saying that anyone who is a lesbian is mentally ill right just clarifying ,0,075 075-2252,i love you and no black person is ugly are my go tos,0,075 075-9959,it does because theyre arrogant as they sing a muslim is planning another attack and theyll do the same stupid thing again ,0,075 075-1577,studying on how jews are evil people and they kill muslims and rape is biased enough and fkin every single action mohd did has to be studied they teach that in current syllabus ,0,075 075-1847,the left we know trump said the nword we just have to find it hillary clinton black men are super predators,0,075 075-180,ok so black people are subhuman filth ,0,075 075-1119,damn this milk maid is blessed your wife is stunning and i want to see more of this goddess and her milky twins,0,075 075-18,by violently assaulting someone like this he is just reaffirming the nazis beliefs that black people are to be feared as violent animals ,0,075 075-571,alt right flocked here with the antifia posts now they use it to try and prove how terrible black people are its gross ,0,075 075-201,love your art that bat girl is really awesome and unique ,0,075 075-300,not all antisemites base their antisemitism on some type of jewish conspiracy one of my friends is unfortunately an antisemite because to him jews are greedy snakes that cannot be trusted ,0,075 075-163,racist whats next jews are always greedy british people want to colonize everything,0,075 075-10075,i do agree with getting rid of the criminals but saying that every muslim is a criminal is not true ,0,075 075-2447,omg this is so twisted and fucked up arabs are in ongoing war with israel no black person is in war with his or her own country ,0,075 075-1225,whahuhh really kinda depressing that people still think that gays are solely sexual,0,075 075-962,northerners black people are an underclass inferior people southerners blacks are property both bad drastic difference ,0,075 075-336,dancing my wife is under the impression i cant dance at all mostly because i dont like dancing especially in public but i can most certainly dance ,0,075 075-2378,i got these handed to me all the time when i was working fast food unfortunately they were all saying gay people are a disease ,0,075 075-1789,it means he thinks he deserves praise for cleaning his own kitchen while his wife is out of town ,0,075 075-2816,any extremists are bad most muslims are peacaeful,0,075 075-1496,prolly screwing his secretary while his second wife is sleeping with her pilates instructor ,0,075 075-37,saying all cops are bastards is the same as saying amat all muslims are terrorists completely wrong,0,075 075-499,i mean this whole drama with that circe girl is really wrecking me emotionally ,0,075 075-376,ok nazis either the jews are evil greedy capitalists or theyre evil death worshipping communists you cant have both ,0,075 075-3327,both or maybe worse you want to spread the idea that arabs are taught to hate jews and not the reality which is the other way around ,0,075 075-1865,yep shit like this if real sets back gay acceptance and gives credence to the gays are perverts stereotype ,0,075 075-1452,white men have the market cornered on killing their wivesgirlfriends but yes tell me how violent black men are to women ,0,075 075-10474,only people and the shooter wasnt muslim is my guess ,0,075 075-1907,people were basically educated that gays are pedos and perverts i mean all of eastern europe is like this,0,075 075-1383,sam harris is fawning over an year olds paper proving black people are lazy and at fault for the wealth gap,0,075 075-817,and then they use that stat to imply that black people are inherently more criminal than white people ,0,075 075-2688,strange no one blaming bigotry when gay people are doing better than straight people ,0,075 075-28,wife is looking good a piece of art ,0,075 075-2737,so you read that and go yes blacks are more dangerous than any other race too and you dont think thats racist ,0,075 075-2331,you think his mom is going to cook him trendies if he doesnt pick up his room ,0,075 075-2614,by this logic all blacks are criminals or are statistics and anecdotal evidence only relevant when you want them to be ,0,075 075-2826,where did i say that or do you think all muslims are extremists seems an odd stance to take ,0,075 075-407,because its irrelevant and its gonna be some dumb shit about how gays are pedophiles,0,075 075-388,well a girl is named meat in another novel and can still be considered best girl ,0,075 075-222,typical people like yourself who stereotype dont understand simple logic and reason i guess you think all black people are on welfare all women are bad drivers and jewish people are greedy ,0,075 075-1310,black people are lazy like how did that even become a stereotype when historically black people were forced to work hard everyday,0,075 075-1086,ok now all mb girlfriends are invited to the dance who is he going to tango ,0,075 075-418,lets not try to mix up the america myth with the jewish reality america is a land of greedy opportunists and jews are supposed to be better than that ,0,075 075-6811,being a seeker of truth means that i stay abreast of current events being transgender is no longer considered a mental disorder ,0,075 075-1694,some stupid shit about how gay people are promiscuous and that they only get married when theyre old and lonely,0,075 075-448,lmao he still threw them under the bus just because you cushion shade with compliments doesnt make it better jews are greedy but they are a lovely and thriving group of people i truly admire ,0,075 075-2205,by her logic all black people are criminal and all muslims are terrorist,0,075 075-157,gays are mentally ill pedophile rapists to trumpsters that simply isnt true you are projecting ,0,075 075-10072,so stop hijacking the convo with how every muslim is some kind of demon ,0,075 075-1851,ive never heard anything so racist black men are super predators hill dawg,0,075 075-5470,you think every follower of islam is a terrorist same can be said about all religion ,0,075 075-3421,i mean it is still implying that arabs are born to hate jews which i dunno sounds a little natpop y to me,0,075 075-2609,when i came out my dad was saying all this weird stuff about how the majority of bisexuals are women i wonder if this will prove him wrong ,0,075 075-5284,then why arent they apologising for thinking being gay is a sin their signs read like hate the sin not the sinner bullshit,0,075 075-2227,isnt this just sayng jews are indoctrinating women to satan worship except the long way around ,0,075 075-3019,youre like somebody who jerks off to gay porn then goes on tv and preaches about how immoral the gays are ,0,075 075-5415,islam is a religion of peace we are not terrorist and we do not kill anyone you wrong ,0,075 075-257,diamonds joe has the demeanor of someone trying to have his first dance at his wedding when the wife is already drunk and puking,0,075 075-2494,we never said jews are inferior ,0,075 075-247,1 and no 3 absolutely its a common myth that bisexuals are automatically polygamous but most of us including me are not ,0,075 075-1342,hitler wasnt evil those jews are already dead who cares ,0,075 075-2961,im not sure where you are getting racial from any of this i never said black girls are ugly i said im not attracted to darker skin,0,075 075-2184,theth says that when a black person is in jail they are a slave thats what he meant by get rid of it libtards just complain about everything,0,075 075-1321,rwatchredditdie when any other fat person is bullied lmao yeah get rekt lardtub btw jews are evil rwatchredditdie when trump gets bullied for his weight re not muh trumpy bear,0,075 075-1272,you actually provided an almost perfect example of the strawman fallacy let me ask you this do you think muslims are a threat to you ,0,075 075-2416,not all blacks are evil and not are police are evil ,0,075 075-807, you realize that not all black people are poor or criminals right every place has black people who dont struggle ,0,075 075-152,this is probably the first piece of art ive seen where an anime girl is vaping not sure if i approve or not ,0,075 075-1436,i cant wait for him and donald to have a debate about how lazy black people are ,0,075 075-2856,gotta say i didnt figure this sub would up vote those damn lazy blacks are leeches,0,075 075-427,nta your wife is making too much drama and is too paranoiac for thinking you are talking bad about her,0,075 075-2026,ive heard from mr carver that jews are the devil,0,075 075-3263,claiming that zionism is evil is like claiming that judaism is evil its funny how you showed your true face ,0,075 075-4314,yeah being gay is way cooler than alcohol still kinda cool tho,0,075 075-6550,i never said we were how many older british people do you think being gay is repulsive but stay quiet about it ,0,075 075-2343,hey bud he actually advocates for the removal of nonwhites from america the creation of an ethnostate and the idea the jewish people are inferior he is a nazi,0,075 075-6852,im so confused you responded that you agree to someone that said being transgender is a mental disorder ,0,075 075-2871,i dont know how well that would work on the blacks are just lazy crowd ,0,075 075-1732,jews control the media muslims are all suicide bombers all germans are nazis and all americans are fucking stupid hey look i can be a moron too,0,075 075-2428,bisexuals are not confused on what they want we want both its really that simple ,0,075 075-888,they are facts but some people bring them up as an excuse for being racist and saying things like that all black people are criminals,0,075 075-6739,the answer is a complex emotional and ethical maze so gay people being gay is now an ethical maze jesus fucking christ ,0,075 075-2833,as stereotypical as it is the loud black person is always the funniest sayin shit likeoh dont gonin there,0,075 075-558,this is a terrible talking point black people are more likely to live in black communities of course black on black crime rates are higher ,0,075 075-2753,nazis jews are inferior also nazis jews control all world governments and are carrying out a plan to destroy the white race ,0,075 075-2704,if black went first theyd call it racist because it implies blacks are more aggressive and will attack first ,0,075 075-2080,theres a difference if you say islam is bad or if you say all muslims are murderers and we should kill them first,0,075 075-1244,what is with people thinking jewish people are evil i genuinely dont get it ,0,075 075-545,terrible heres how black people are treated in israel ,0,075 075-902,for a year old immigrant it is year of service for males year for females only jews are required to serve there is also the lone solider program if you dont have any israeli family ,0,075 075-7904,it doesnt matter you are putting down a nation and are thus racist islam is not a race either but if you hate islam youre racist ,0,075 075-1589,no way cookiezi anime girl is mirror ,0,075 075-436,she is fugging crazy i am a girl telling you this girl is drama queen crazy im also bipolar and so is she ,0,075 075-249,i dont judge a book by its cover im not gonna assume black people are violent arabs are authoritarian jews are greedy or that guys with backwards snapbacks are douchebags ,0,075 075-2485,is this dude really saying that the jews deserved the holocaust and that black people enslaved themselves while also saying that jews are inferior but somehow control the entire world ,0,075 075-7545,you dont have to know all you need to know is that every out queer person is by default braver than the father son duo of cowards in this picture ,0,075 075-10386,stfu he is a muslim is he spreading hate or causing violence no so you stop wasting our time ,0,075 075-1122,hes also claimed black people are genetically less intelligent than whites and said womens sport is comparable to the paralympics hes a turd,0,075 075-344,of course they can be racist and unfortunately it is true that many black people are in poverty but thats not evidence that they really are racist ,0,075 075-2448,but we are miami and most view as evil the all blacks are great ,0,075 075-872,theres a visual novel called my girlfriend is the president and that is essentially the plot,0,075 075-85,its usually taken out of contexts and just used to try to paint the picture that black people are more naturally violent,0,075 075-7306,confused is what a hehim lesbian is ,0,075 075-2267,ive never heard of any significant ammount of people say that all blacks are ugly where did you even hear this lmao ,0,075 075-2925,the contention is that people think blacks are lazy following their reasoning i just wonder how they feel about whites who are poor ,0,075 075-233,this my sweet girl is just f pure art love it,0,075 075-396,i perceive it as racism because that is what it is by definition you think black people are ugly and yet you are black ,0,075 075-3258,why are you still trying to make it sound like hes being called an emotional lesbian because lesbians are emotional what is the matter with you ,0,075 075-2031,why are you so fixated on how violent blacks are and where are you getting this information from ,0,075 075-1679,i love cooking and my wife is a frequent smoker and loves good food so hell yes id be interested ,0,075 075-7513,all queer people are pedophiles i really dont understand that logic ,0,075 075-1348,to put a cnn spin on it in outrageous tweet rep omar implies that black people are lazy layabouts ,0,075 075-306,so saying offensive things about religion is okay fine then all muslims are terrorists all christians are rapists all jews are greedy but dont worry its okay i didnt say anything about race ,0,075 075-50,still its kinda sensitive where i come from but its good to know that you dont really think that all muslims are terrorists,0,075 075-2406,i saw trans people saying bisexuals are just confused and that it doesnt existits really hypocritical,0,075 075-41,dude has basically insinuated that jews are money grubbing greed machines by nature in some other posts but he has a citation at the end so,0,075 075-1504,and his press secretary is briahna joy gray also my wife is black and a local dsa co chair campaigning hard for bernie checkmate libs,0,075 075-775,thats because they believe the jews are truly the masterminds behind this anti white agenda they just avoid saying that part out loud unless theyre in good company ,0,075 075-267,well thats it the racist democrats are the ones who would think that black people are the reason for their hatred ,0,075 075-355,the sket dance chapter where they introduce the shoujo girl is awesome too and she is way more lost in delusion than kaguya,0,075 075-2357,they are being disproportionately targeted as in whites do drugs just as much but more blacks are going to prison it is clearly racism ,0,075 075-1023,thats only gonna further reinforce asian stereotypes that black people are dangerous in america not exactly helping with blm goals ,0,075 075-1155,muslims are far more relaxed than youd think i figure local wing nuts are a far greater threat ,0,075 075-1910,in what world does someone claim the sunmaid raisin girl is a slutty halloween costume ,0,075 075-1706,i think he means all arabs are suicide bombers,0,075 075-3327,what do you mean satan in judaism is very different from satan in islam and christianity ,0,075 075-18,man stfu i hate when people say that shit like all jews are greedy and want moneygtfo with your antisemitic ass this shit gay,0,075 075-362,its because the girl is sayori from doki doki literature club very much worth playing ,0,075 075-583,jews are fine but circumcision is fucked up,0,075 075-7305,excuse me but what kind of lesbian is a terf lesbian very confused,0,075 075-1930,do we know that though its the same to claim every black person is a violent looter its disingenous and misrepresentative,0,075 075-7091,nope the stereotype of the promiscuous bisexual is still as offensive as the time it was first used ,0,075 075-489,its almost like the world will view the corrupt un as heroes after they advocate that jews are greedy and need to be ethnically cleansed ,0,075 075-2487,this lady is complete garbage cheers to the nurse for standing ground,0,075 075-2772,these are the kinds of people who say that jews are inferior one sentence but then say how they control the whole world makes no damn sense ,0,075 075-733,black people are murdered at a much higher rate in south africa the awful crime problem doesnt just affect white people ,0,075 075-1785,cleaning my room after a girl is already otw over ,0,075 075-8196,islam is neither inherently bad or good lazy people like to use it as a scapegoat but the religion itself has no moral leaning ,0,075 075-2486,regular here even though its a samsung display the blacks are awful i cant watch a dark video without losing half of the image its really that bad ,0,075 075-1202,its as clich as saying the jews are selfish and atheists are immoral persons,0,075 075-6450,what common sense where in common sense does it say being gay is immoral ,0,075 075-462,so let me get this straight jews are cheap greedy bastards who want to pay higher taxes ok t d you guys arent idiots ,0,075 075-773,haha once they see them all confusion with jews will be forever banished jews are not loud and obnoxious about proselytizing converts to their faith ,0,075 075-3007,saying gays are immoral is still fucked up,0,075 075-2715,most islamic people are peaceful practitioners just like most christians you cant point to a few extremists and judge millions of people off that ,0,075 075-108,im totally down to listen to your argument just as soon as you provide a scientific journal concluding that africans are more violent ,0,075 075-1298,tldr wah wah wah evil jews are responsible for everything wrong in the world blah blah blah christ you losers are predictable,0,075 075-110,to dave being a progressive or socialist is antithetical to being a jew which means he thinks all jews are greedy capitalists which is obviously not a common antisemetic trope ,0,075 075-6070,because islam is a myth its funny though because yall are triggered by our very existence do we threaten your faith or something lmao,0,075 075-1269,many jewish people are rich so maybe some bought some spots in vaults amp b hey im serious its entirely possible no antisemitism here nothing evil about having money amp b,0,075 075-446,jews are the most exiled people in human history theyve been expelled from over cultures in the past years because of claims of treason and greed are you suggesting its for good reason ,0,075 075-424,did you forget black people are called ugly all the time for how we look ,0,075 075-1686,my wife is not a cook but she can make her own rice using our rice cooker checkmate atheists ,0,075 075-1275,so if i say the jews are evil and control the world and then say oops sorry i said that im not anti semitic ,0,075 075-1217,muslims are as genuine a threat as the jews have you really not noticed all the islamophobia coming from them ,0,075 075-3892,yet trump supporters seem to think all muslims are terrorists and all mexicans are rapistsdrug dealers ,0,075 075-1810,who said my wife is cleaning ,0,075 075-2994,once he said that gay people are immoral because of the word of god i stopped giving a shit about anything he has to say,0,075 075-1715,tbh this is facts not all black men are horrible beings ,0,075 075-2436,just because a country makes a law doesnt mean its real nazi germany made laws that say jews are inferior people does that really make us inferior ,0,075 075-3027,i feel that saying gay people are immoral is hatred you dont for some reason ,0,075 075-864,thats like saying black people are criminals because a small minority break the law ,0,075 075-108, and jews are greedy blacks are thieves mexicans are lazy jesus fucking christ how in the goddamn hell are you to ever renounce extremism hate racism when you employ it at your leisure ,0,075 075-522,jesus is that really true that more black people are in prison than university that sounds impossible ,0,075 075-5364,love the sinner and hate the sin people saying that to gay people is still pretty bad being gay is not a sin ,0,075 075-6590,at no point does christianity think being homosexual is sinful yes certain branches do unfortunately,0,075 075-8142,what you mean to tell me that even super rich muslim women face terrible treatment surely this isnt correct because islam is a religion of peace ,0,075 075-8660,wrong it was the patriarchy islam is a religion of feminism and equality ,0,075 075-863,asian immigrants in the us tend to be rich before arrival on average and anyone can be jewish though most jews are what in american terms would be considered white ,0,075 075-1761,so all black men are criminals ,0,075 075-2603,but the internet told me that blacks are imprisoned at several times the rate of whites because theyre just more criminal for particular reason,0,075 075-6392,yes because the majority of muslims from muslim majority nations like i showed think being gay is immoral,0,075 075-1836,answer my question would you be ok with teaching women that black men are dangerous im saying exactly what you are ,0,075 075-1593,i just saying ive never seen a black girl on uggs which is good because uggs are ugly go figure and black women are too good for that shit ,0,075 075-2815,nah she used him when needed but has no further use for barry remember hillary said that all blacks are super predators ,0,075 075-140,the romans did the physical act but jews get blamed for selling him out it really feeds into the antisemitic propaganda that jews are greedy untrustworthy rats all that stuff ,0,075 075-7270,being transgender is not a disease ,0,075 075-1863,i blame heterosexuals they were projecting when they said gays are the perverts and pedos ,0,075 075-2603,in any case thank you very much for your support jews and arabs are not enemies ,0,075 075-2993,it perpetuates the stereotype that all black girls are loud and ghetto ,0,075 075-6725,you called someone out for being a normie now youre saying gay is hate speech how fucking sensitive are you ,0,075 075-7347,she identifies as a sealion im very confused now can you explain what a transgender is ,0,075 075-3227,here where she is complaining that the importance of circumcision in the jewish culture is demeaning to girls because it ignores them ,0,075 075-1091,circular logic here youre proclaiming mothers are the ones responsible for the cooking amp cleaning ,0,075 075-1973,unpopular opinion water in cereal is good i will upvote that shitty opinion blacks are more violent than other races i will downvote that ,0,075 075-2509,wait this lady is different from the press secretary lady how,0,075 075-4808,yea i think rudy gay is the real loser here if anyone hard to say tho time will tell,0,075 075-367,doki doki literature club and the girl is natsuki shes not actually a trap,0,075 075-1680,it is an islamophobic post saying islamic people are suicide bombers,0,075 075-2551,this lady is amazing depression era cooking ,0,075 075-1701,hate crimes against muslims are up there was violent attack in my town last year and this year there was violent crimes in my town are up ,0,075 075-908,cheryl a year old asking another year old to live with her as her girlfriend is a perfect set up for drama filled disaster d,0,075 075-1597,yeah that the big stereotype all bisexuals are indecisive and promiscuous who need to just pick a side ,0,075 075-1467,right on paper the alt right and isis are very similar jews are evil women are for making babies religious practice above all their way or the high way etc ,0,075 075-1758,because it is mor believable that black men are criminals than a white mother ,0,075 075-6119,hard gay is a strange japanese comedy sketch where a man wears tight leather and does stuff with people youtube it,0,075 075-1924,and by the way a white person is more likely to die during an arrest for a violent crime than a black person is ,0,075 075-1842,only seeking out people from one race isnt problematic i guess people who only chase after asian women or black women are ok and not predatory ,0,075 075-2247,i think i would buy mom stouffers crap food and the like and cook for myself i mean if mom is ok with that kind of thing ,0,075 075-905,which is what youre doing im perfectly fine admitting the obvious that jews are under attack from white nationalists and muslim immigrants ,0,075 075-1244,the commenter himself thinks black people are loud in theaters so he ironically calls out op for using coded language ,0,075 075-2404,two questions are you saying that muslims are your enemy and hitler is your friend big yikes all round ,0,075 075-2690,so only blacks are homeless ,0,075 075-359,the girl is yuri from doki doki literature club ,0,075 075-2675,would you say that blacks are inherently more criminal than whites ,0,075 075-926,if trump retweeted somebody saying black people are criminals would you have a problem with it ,0,075 075-725,that is not the same as saying jews are more loyal to israel i know a jew who is exceptionally miserly that does not make jews miserly ,0,075 075-1421,careful this is the same type of logic that right wingers use to make the claim that all muslims are dangerous because of their shared ideology ,0,075 075-1775,muslims are peaceful people they didnt mean to bomb anyone or hijack planes,0,075 075-667,are you being dramatic youre mom is dying drama is pretty fucking understandable under those circumstances ,0,075 075-4983,im pretty sure the bible doesnt say homosexual is a sin ,0,075 075-1766,but many black men are criminals what is your point also many serial killers amp rapists are not black or latino to be honest i prefer foreign men ,0,075 075-497,as a proud african american i can honestly say i hope these africans are in prison ,0,075 075-1458,the advantages are not legal rather they are sociological white men are never thought as violent while black men are ,0,075 075-97,i used my mari tal art when my wife is mad she loves my art ,0,075 075-1866,they think jews are a evil race of people out to rule the world ,0,075 075-567,i can agree with the teacher part of this and it being a terrible joke but black people are not oppressed any more at least not in the u s that is ,0,075 075-887,love is my girlfriend my girlfriend is your girlfriend such drama,0,075 075-641,the robber bride is the only atwood novel i havent read i want to place her non science fiction work in modernism ,0,075 075-2363,i used it as a moment to direct the idea not to level of education but to their belief that black people and jewish people are inferior but its cool defend a nazi who murdered my friend cool ,0,075 075-2110,u destroy the self is just an uneducated jesus fag who thinks lesbians are a sin and abraham lincoln owned slaves check his account pretty sad,0,075 075-2564,youre old lady is a lot like my cooking talents non existent ,0,075 075-550,i relate hate sharing my art but my mom is always like wowowow you should show everyone your art ,0,075 075-1529,so you think all gay people are sexual predators ,0,075 075-2986,funnily enough its the people who insist that gays are immoral and all that horse shit that also shamed straight people for their sexuality ,0,075 075-1356,most of reddit thinks hes a nazi because hes a full blown the jews are evil hail hitler neonazi ,0,075 075-2095,youre apologizing for racism zionists are islamophobes who murder muslims muslims are still people you know ,0,075 075-188,saying jews are greedy isnt a joke regardless of how funny op and her coworker think it is ,0,075 075-1323,me an lgbt supporter gay people are not really so dramatic gay people,0,075 075-388,i guess it depends on why if its purely a physical preference then i agree with you if its black people are all ugly then thats racist ,0,075 075-77,yea but thats not an excuse to say men are trash thats like saying muslims are terrorists because one muslim was a terrorist,0,075 075-260,my girl is dead but cant dance what did i wrong ,0,075 075-5439,jesus doesnt train terrorists oh wait islam is a judeo christian religion ,0,075 075-5032,sorry bro im a religios muslim and the quran says being gay is a sin,0,075 075-1470,what may you clerify why jews are evil ,0,075 075-1566,and there we have it im asking for facts and you couldnt help but mention the fact you think black women are ugly ,0,075 075-467,not really during the holocaust the nazi scumbags stole everything from the jews art homes clothes even gold teeth then the jews are called greedy ,0,075 075-1586,smoking weed is illegal and illegal for a reason drinking alcohol deteriorates your body gays are just fine ,0,075 075-2623,lol ok think all blacks are criminals ,0,075 075-2070,so basically lucifer jews are devil worshippers ,0,075 075-6369,calling someone immoral because theyre homosexual is a bit out there ,0,075 075-331,yes it is lmao black people are not biologically predisposed to poverty and i didnt call you anything stop crying ,0,075 075-2805,yes he spent his life proving that blacks are less intelligent than whites and asians what more could you people possibly ask of him ,0,075 075-52,dont wanna ruin your art but isnt it says that zofias girl is years old in game,0,075 075-2417,yeah like nazi think jews are inferior but jews also control everything,0,075 075-1936,wendy was the receptionist who tells principal shepherd that his wife is on the phone having sex with that other guy ,0,075 075-1435,because black people are too lazy and dumb to get good paying jobs is that what you are saying ,0,075 075-4797,calling something gay is not edgy you fucking loser and im against twitter mobs getting people fired not that hard to grasp,0,075 075-3182,wow a deeply religious person who follows the bible thinks gay people are sinful who saw that one coming ,0,075 075-1563,because they think black women are ugly,0,075 075-2075,whataboutism and back dooring the assertion that blacks are inherently violent criminals and therefore profiling is ok disgusting ,0,075 075-530,this kid spends all day posting shit about how terrible black people are but hes not a racist ,0,075 075-405,rocket girl is american graphic novel series is main character,0,075 075-566,shes literally saying that blacks are worse at something because theyre black and then surprised when not all black people are terrible at it ,0,075 075-1080,its the same as saying girls are crazy black people are dangerous seriously its retarded to generalize ,0,075 075-1446,im a nurse practitioner and my wife is a physician that being said its herpes ,0,075 075-1200,black people are super predators with no moralshillary clinton,0,075 075-2227,he raps sitting with friends in the no black person is ugly video,0,075 075-1651,very hard who will cook the cat when your girl is driving but you can always bite a snack and drink some milk in your break ,0,075 075-1930,every word here is a lie if it was true you would be able to find a link to one single article from aje about how jews are evil ill wait ,0,075 075-716,i sometime equate patriarchy theory and male privilege theory with antisemitic conspiracy theories and theory of jewish privilege comparing all males are violent with all jews are greedy and stuff ,0,075 075-2889,they are lying race doesnt affect how hard you can work you work hard you get more stuff you trying to imply blacks are lazy ,0,075 075-5335,herrahs views do not represent my own also being homosexual is not a disease,0,075 075-2973,and yet i can show the majority of muslims from muslim majority nations think gays are immoral in some countries like thailand ,0,075 075-189,black people are killed by police in the us its extrajudicial murder ,0,075 075-2713,do you think all muslims are enemies of the us why are you conflating the two ,0,075 075-2505,no it wasnt it wasnt even burlap or khakis every topless black person is not a slave reference ,0,075 075-1848,gt what policies did hillary present that benefit them more than bernies policies that all black men are super predators of course,0,075 075-333,hey um mr soon can u um pose naked and uhh dance tos music at my wedding m m my wife is a really big fan of your muscles,0,075 075-7992,many queer people are homeless or are in insecure housing ,0,075 075-1200,we both know what youre trying to dotrying to make it seem like bisexuals are the villains in this sub but they arent not even close ,0,075 075-1877,gt black women are doing it by being loud as fuck is this a joke or just a racist statement ,0,075 075-543,yes he is actually implying that being trans is bad its like saying black people are so bad and terrible but theyre not making fun of them so its ok ,0,075 075-1437,would you be applying the same principles of charity if i were to tweet all black people are lazy ,0,075 075-2142,i mean it is a stereotype that gay people are weak,0,075 075-845,just a joke a lot of people are too shy to post their art and say stuff like my girlfriend is too shy and wanted me to post this i love the artwork ,0,075 075-2259,thats because no black person is ugly ,0,075 075-8288,more proof that its the uk thats the real rapist and that islam is the real defender of womans rights ,0,075 075-3065,on a serious note all the antisemitism onchan is them being ironic right not just because they actually believe all the jews are conspiring against the world ,0,075 075-275,there are still some neonazis k people and alt right that believe the whole jews are greedy stuff but mainstream america has left that in the past i think my friend you might be surprised ,0,075 075-2186,are you implying that all muslims are potentially plane hijackers thats just a wild thing to say my friend ,0,075 075-2503,ya i think we are just as confused about this post but gays are ok in my book my cook book ,0,075 075-1196,they hate it too they think black people are super predators that need to be brought to heel and vote resources to be exploited ,0,075 075-1130,thats absolutely not what i meant im talking about his belief that black people are less intelligent than white people which is just wrong ,0,075 075-1914,so your wife is a maid edit guess thats a yes do me a favour dont come to canada,0,075 075-6760,now your getting into dangerous territory as being gay is not an emotional choice it is a part of ones nature ,0,075 075-208,my wife is a kindergarten teacher and i make artisan cactus art our budget is 2 5 million ,0,075 075-2298,saying you wanted to kill a random black person is not a positive example dude good fucking god,0,075 075-2834,because blacks are always loud ,0,075 075-445,theres a stereotype that jews are greedy so to jew someone is to rip them off ,0,075 075-1261,muslims are allowed eat pork if starvation is a threat and theres no alternative id imagine the same logic applies here,0,075 075-830,sword art online my girlfriend is a gal clannad,0,075 075-2665,so basically it says that blacks are more criminal except for the very wealthiest but just barely okay i guess everything is fine then head ,0,075 075-1313,i dont look at the front page amp i dont care if i happen to see left wing propaganda its jews are evil black people are thugs propaganda im talking about ,0,075 075-2503,im trying to find definitive proof but i dont think this lady is a nurse ive seen sources refer to her as a medical technician ,0,075 075-2465,um no he is old enough he can wash his own damn sheets mom is not his maid its time he starts doing some chores of his own,1,075 110-394,RT troy Jerusalem is in fucking africa how the fuck does jesus have white skin he s fucking black me ,1,110 075-2704,its all fun and games until the cleaning lady is found hanging from the rafters ,1,075 075-46,jews are greedy and have long noses ,1,075 075-5408,this is like citing an islamist to prove that islam is a terrorist religion ,1,075 075-1249,i look forward to more lectures in this sub about how muslims are the greatest threat to canada ,1,075 075-2388,i mean muslims are the enemy so ,1,075 075-5461,yeah thats what true islam is like the other one is pig islam of the terrorist nation of piggistan,1,075 075-2315,so also kill all blacks that thinks blacks are special,1,075 075-1002,haha i made the video change colours and now my sister is doing the same dance on the floor,1,075 075-3297,i have changed my mind about judaism it isnt just stupid and mildly evil like modern culture judaism is pure evil a plague on humanity from now on every shabbat i will wage war on judaism ,1,075 075-1918,not surprising that black men are lazy and shiftless and incapable of accomplishing anything amp b,1,075 075-2382,blacks are meant to be enslaved but to actually enslave them terrible,1,075 075-1366,the reason gays are so good at fashion is because if theyre going to spend all that time with those clothes they might as well learn how to use them ,1,075 075-1366,my wife is an ob gyn nurse she showed that video to the most uptight doctor in her clinic it broke him ,1,075 075-2697,youre house cleaning lady is a hero ,1,075 075-1287,that black people are too loud,1,075 110-57, Bet he calls himself a christian,1,110 075-9042,right here islam is religion of violence and pedophilia uhaul home depot and other rental companies shouldnt rent to islamists ,1,075 075-1745,haha gtfo outta that country muslims are terrorist they will bomb ur ass nta fuck em,1,075 110-382,He should stop focusing on racism And fashion too for good measure ,1,110 075-666,so basically jewish people were forcibly stopped from sacrifice so they just changed the religion would you say the same thing will happen if jews are forcibly stopped from circumcision ,1,075 075-2190,well if all the blacks are slaves they wont commit as much crime or we could just put all black people in jail that would work wouldnt it ,1,075 075-321,just dance my wife is weeks pregnant and cant exercise like she likes to so we have been playing just dance as some simple exercise its just fun,1,075 075-2595,sorry i meant to say cleaning lady is the snowflake upset are all the sources that disagree with you fake news the poor cleaning lady,1,075 075-2406,race baiting blacks wont help us plus muslims are the enemy now ,1,075 075-1154,i always said these arabs are more threat than friends to pakistan saudi arabia is also trying to force pakistan to recognise israel ,1,075 075-151,black people are violent better ,1,075 075-1224,my wife is a nurse at our level one trauma hospital and jkmn actually came through i was in disbelief ,1,075 075-142,jews arent smart jews are manipulating governments to do their bidding jews are greedy and rich pick one ,1,075 075-784,this lady is a troll just waiting for drama to happen to get more subscribers please dont post this shit here ,1,075 110-56,RT Fidel Castro amp Cuba offered free medical scholarships to African Americans ,1,110 075-2498,this lady is probably claiming to be a nurse but is really just the lady who files the paperwork for the patients at the front desk ,1,075 075-1353,also my wife is a nurse she uses epic all the time its fcking horrible software ,1,075 075-671,my doc forced me to get a circumcision half a year ago only muslims and jews are getting circumcised in my country but i am too pussy to go for it ,1,075 075-1480,yeah its gross from what i hear my wife is a nurse lol ,1,075 075-571,i heard that jews are naturally better at jiu jitsu because circumcision make you more aerodynamic when you fight,1,075 075-406,black people jump high and jews are greedy thats is fookin hilarious haha maga,1,075 075-3332,read the new testament sometime modern day jews arent jews at all the real jews gods chosen are christian modern day talmudic judaism is of the synagogue of satan ,1,075 075-217,my buddies wife is an art gallery curator im still convinced she just launders money ,1,075 110-437,RT Since Thanksgiving is now over amp Obama s anti Christian era is coming to an end we can say Merry Christmas PROUD ,1,110 075-4244,nah muslims are not that violent they would just turn them into sexual slaves and treat them like property ,1,075 075-2338,i am a hateful bigot who thinks all muslims are violent criminals please do not hate me for wanting to strip them of their rights this woman,1,075 075-3731,you forgot to add muslims the only reason the left and muslims are aligned is because they hate america and christians ,1,075 075-1311,warw ith whom threat of violence is greatly exegerated plus muslims are too busy killing one another ,1,075 075-2450,btw mind telling me which maid agency ur mom is from i might need her to wash my laundry thanks lt3,1,075 075-1365,it is the holocaust was justified by making jews evil not innocent by nature i dont say that thats right but that was what was in the mind of hitler jews are disgusting by nature ,1,075 075-2190,i m calling the epa on you my mom is a secretary there she knows people,1,075 075-752,2 conflicting stereotypes jews are poor frugal and thrifty jews are rich and you can tell because they buy lots of expensive things ,1,075 075-1212,i think that in todays germany muslims are a way bigger threat to jews than neo nazis,1,075 075-115,lesbians are mentally ill its as simple as that,1,075 075-5252,being gay is not a sin having gay sex is a sin cross dressing is also a sin ,1,075 075-436,wasp types isnt a bad thing greedy jewish people are disproportionately represented in the top and top ,1,075 075-2177,yeah and every black person is a criminal and should go to jail at some point they raped a white girl or stolen something ,1,075 110-217, Horse Racing Tip Doncaster Race 7 at 15 40 is Arakhan at 8 1 Best odds freetip,1,110 075-424,fascists think might is right since greed is might jews are right ,1,075 075-2340,his mom is a good cook ,1,075 075-926,your sister is an awesome artist tell her i hope she does more arknights art,1,075 075-2522,naw mexicans and blacks are valued as slave labor ,1,075 075-479,his pregnant wife is a drama queen yoko ono ,1,075 075-1116,ofc i do jews are the ones pushing mass immigration ,1,075 075-467,nta wtf she declined your offer and got mad that you didnt ignore what she said and buy her the drink you didnt know she wanted this girl is drama ,1,075 075-777,africans are naturally unevolved and uncivilized this is why they cannot govern and even when in civilized lands they are dumb rapists and criminals ,1,075 075-4058,being gay is a mental disorder psychology once they made it socially acceptable the slippery slope of sexual degeneracy followed,1,075 075-3106,gays are fucking repulsive ,1,075 075-3692,most homosexuals are pedophiles ,1,075 075-46,all muslims are terrorists are you a muslim probably a terrorist too bet you kick dogs for fun,1,075 075-3054,sadly jews are born with an insatiable desire to steal ourdeez and yet they are simultaneously unable to digest them a disease jewologists study to this day ,1,075 110-484,Kellyanne I bet your parents are proud of the fact their daughter is working for a racist rapist jackass Sorry sis 2 of 2,1,110 075-2057,yes some might argue there is no objective standard for racial superiority but so many blacks are lazy stupid and violent ,1,075 075-1840,my wife is a waitress for a big corp that assumes tips and tip on every table she waits my refund barley covers what she owes every year ,1,075 075-597,i love that all art somehow connects back to penises your mom is a regular michelangelo ,1,075 075-2047,what blacks are not violent i dare you to say that shit around a black person theyd kick your fucking ass ,1,075 075-3247,arabs are semitic yet they hate jews ,1,075 075-10544,well to be fair muslim is the common denominator and the violence stems from strict interpretation of muslim scripture,1,075 075-346,shut up my uncle says muslim people are terrorist,1,075 075-2689,my cleaning lady is from guatemala and speaks mam 1 l and spanish 2 l,1,075 075-7471,emotional lesbian is no match for someone with no emotions,1,075 075-614,you should see their introduction on the dance moms facebook page her mom is a crazy stage mom so when they arrive its probably gonna be crazy,1,075 075-2634,were gonna have to clean the entire country top to bottom even though the cleaning lady is coming by later this afternoon ,1,075 075-38,and why everyone thinks black people are violent,1,075 075-2960,hes not wrong black girls are fuckin ugly mother fuckin hoes,1,075 075-2762,like how jews are supposedly an inferior race but simultaneously control the world ,1,075 075-308,those asians would just be where african americans are today poverty crime systemic oppression etc ,1,075 075-3337,transgenders are mentally ill this is expected behaviour it might just be better to keep a distance from her ,1,075 075-271,its this stupid tik tok dance that every white girl is doing heres a video,1,075 075-2442,ahahaha blacks are so evil theyre now corrupting white artists ,1,075 075-6832,also transgender is a scientific verified mental disorder ,1,075 075-2641,yeah but it doesnt make him the asshole because he didnt do it in spite it just means the cleaning lady is also nta,1,075 075-4048,biology say being gay is a mental disorder so why do ppl encourage to be gay but they dont encourage to be alonelooking at firecorpses,1,075 075-1353,these muslim people are very dangerous well i dont see my muslim parents who accepted and supported his atheist gay son as dangerous ,1,075 075-1997,im not racist i just think the blacks are violent thugs with a predisposition for a life of crime,1,075 075-2146,louis farrakhan is their successor and said jews are basically satan so ,1,075 075-5802,islam is the biggest threat to civilization ,1,075 075-2392,the jews are the spawns of satan who control the whole world and lie to us about everything,1,075 075-1736,the part about the tearing open the plastic for you is so thoughtful what a gem your wife is aside from all the cooking,1,075 075-1929,yes because he was black we all know that blacks are naturally more violent and intimidating than whites ,1,075 075-1055,no i had heartburn your aunt is just a drama queen,1,075 075-630,jews are so op we need circumcision to nerf them,1,075 110-557,you cant fucking sit here and tell me that islamophobia isnt deeply rooted in racism,1,110 075-2349,saudis arabs are the enemy iranians persians are not guess which one is israels ally ,1,075 075-6127,barney because gay is characters actor weird ,1,075 075-3492,homosexuals are much more polygamous as anyone whos read the bible would know ,1,075 075-6808,being transgender is not a mental disorder gender dysphoria is considered a mental disorder and is typically associated with being trans ,1,075 075-2386,ops mom is gonna have a surprise when cleaning the shower,1,075 075-79,jews are gr ee dy yy yy yy y ow o,1,075 110-513,RT Replace white people with any other race in these tweets and imagine the outrage This is Racism ,1,110 075-2856,anything medical my girlfriend is a nurse and she points out all of the inconsistencies ,1,075 075-2228,no wonder african men want to swamp europe for white pussy african women are ugly as shit,1,075 075-1405,also grandma black people are lazy welfare queens ,1,075 075-1052,what a coincidence jews are pro immigration in every nation on earth except israel so strange how to wrap my mind around this ,1,075 075-2725,fun fact the cleaning lady is not allowed to keep the money it is just extra money for the company ,1,075 075-1039,its not very good that you recognize that jews are promoting the death of america through illegal immigration even more important is the issue of legal immigration but still ,1,075 075-955,no clue to be honest i think macron my sister is an art major so i just took whatever i could find from her room ,1,075 110-454,Chicago police officer who fatally shot a black man in the back has been relieved by brandelah via ,1,110 075-633,my mom is a professor of english literature so it comes from there i guess,1,075 075-2503,i dont get it the muslims are the enemy but instead we beat on the jews go figure ,1,075 075-1746,my wife is cooking up some chicken now that is smelling ridiculously good i might be in a food coma later ,1,075 075-652,this should be on rcringe god damn that mom is a drama queen,1,075 075-9079,islam is a violent and oppressive religion but rss is a fascist one ,1,075 075-898,sounds like your girlfriend is trying g to start some drama or she has some sort of mood swings,1,075 075-1992,thankful for her hard work my mom is a travel icu nurse as well,1,075 075-2300,my mom is a terrible cook though lol,1,075 075-1300,we watch television programming lacking artistic and cultural merit because all the gays are in hell ,1,075 110-275, you are white everyone latino s do too ,1,110 075-6076,no no you dont get it i get religious liberties but islam is dangerous because i said so ,1,075 075-1984,my mom is a nurse who is now in charge of testing her coworkers she could really use this ,1,075 075-2229,i have eight siblings all younger my mom is actually a really good cook the one thing i really miss about livingvisiting there is her food,1,075 075-1833,gt imagine if it said all women are dangerous every sjw would immediately call it sexist all black men are dangerous ,1,075 075-2998,my profile im a ft deli clerk and pay range is listed as to girlfriend is pt deli clerk and listed as to ,1,075 075-2342,so its not homophobic to say being gay is a sin and all gay people are going to hell right like ive said elsewhere get some self respect ,1,075 075-2031,my mom is a nurse when a hospital is understaffed which isnt that uncommon holy hell does it sometimes feel abandoned ,1,075 075-1721,online and predator youre really convinced that black women are the most educated demographic arent you youre beyond delusional you nasty chimp ,1,075 075-1396,my wife is a nicu nurse im so proud of her they are such heroes ,1,075 075-92,its a joke about the stereotype that jewish people are greedy lol,1,075 075-1268,to be fail there is some truth jews barely make up much of the world but are in lots of position of power i dont think they are evil but its odd how the jewish people are so dam successful,1,075 075-4772,muslims are street thugs like black mask jews are the lex luthors,1,075 075-1748,i agree them negroes are nothing but criminals i am glad we can use our information based on anecdotes to come to the right conclusions brother ,1,075 075-2417,right on too bad the fanboys here dont seem to understand that observant muslims are the enemy and not good for entertainment ,1,075 110-651,RT We stopped xenophobic racism when we beat Mitt Romney we did it when we beat John McCain and we did it when we beat Hil ,1,110 075-2755,i was thinking about that too my girlfriend is obsessed with cooking shows so we love this format scott is an awesome artist i hope he gets it ,1,075 110-426,RT rt if you re GAY like cheese or just want to die,1,110 075-2854,what do you think about medical grade normal saline my girlfriend is a nurse she has a large stockpile of ns ,1,075 075-557,if i say black people in a derogatory way please know that i only mean it in the way that some black people are terrible ,1,075 075-1936,i guess only gay people are allowed to be perverted ,1,075 075-1844,no suprise black men are the primary supporters of predatory black men ,1,075 075-3266,actual emotional lesbians are better at controlling themselves,1,075 075-2414,that gays are a serious disease vector ,1,075 075-324,gt black people are clearly disproportionately sent to jail in america what if black people do more harder crime how is it then disproportionately ,1,075 075-1399,my wife is also a nurse with a bsn and i am a cna with a ba hello there ,1,075 075-2383,i bet your mom is so tired of cleaning your socks ,1,075 075-7336,i was just confused as what a coming out transgender is like was it a guy coming out as a woman or the other way around ,1,075 075-2711,im not a bigot my cleaning lady is hispanic ,1,075 075-242,it looks like an official art for portal god damn your wife is a good artist love the shading btw,1,075 075-1182,indeed my wife is an icu nurse she and all her colleagues dont care at all about the clapping theyd all much rather a pay rise ,1,075 075-2814,and anytime i mention how the blacks have become predators people say im racist meanwhile the blacks are becoming the predators ,1,075 075-2134,this meme doesnt make sense gay people are weak asf,1,075 075-2726,so in both instances gays are weird and i dont like the idea of them as equals in every legal facet ,1,075 075-1273,closeted gays are often depressed and may have thoughts of suicide he should just get it off his chest and come out already ,1,075 075-2306,so i can say blacks are bad but not kill blacks thanks a k member this is hyperbolic sarcasm for all of you taking things literally,1,075 075-3378,because arabs are higher in the hate heirarchy than israel ,1,075 075-2600,the jews are inferior to the superior aryan men,1,075 110-95,15 24 SUFFOLK BLACK BELLIED DIPPER ,1,110 075-5809,only got a islam is an existential threat to peace and liberty ,1,075 075-1341,my wife is becoming a nurse ill let her have the hospitals ill take the ambulances ,1,075 075-955,person means they are a globalistjew because all jews are in on a conspiracy to allow immigrants into all western countries to subvert white people ,1,075 075-7483,emotional lesbian is funny fucking lesbian just sounds hostile ,1,075 075-1435,radical muslims are way more dangerous than radical israelis ,1,075 075-380,hes not confused the stereotype that jews are greedy is pretty popular in pop culture ,1,075 075-4811,im envious of all the women who get to be with studly men being gay is hard and can be very lonely ,1,075 075-6083,well being gay is strange to be told that its gay because it is ,1,075 075-1362,my cousins wife is a nurse and an anti vaxxer they just had a kid i really hope shes come to her senses ,1,075 075-7060,but for transgenders depression isnt their mental illness the fact that they are transgender is a mental illness,1,075 075-2936,my girlfriend is a great cook so i try being her sous chef in the kitchen haha ive gone from being able to make nothing at all to quite a bit ,1,075 075-1081,they just think black people are dangerous ,1,075 075-1222,this is why us gays are depressed,1,075 075-478,shekels most jews are too greedy to think clearly theyll do anything to satisfy their lust for money,1,075 075-394,thanks it is nice to see there is still some people who see how jews are fucking up logic and want to make history so the could get more money jesus how greedy you need to be ,1,075 075-259,the wife is a choreographer and dance teacher i dont want to be anywhere near this childs legs ,1,075 075-1070,jews are bad and theyre pushing immigration,1,075 075-766,that lady is quite a drama queen on twitter ,1,075 110-127, black anal torrents naked webcam girls ,1,110 075-8727,islam is the state religion of bangladesh misogyny is an issue within islam atheists are also targeted in bangladesh as well as lgbt individuals,1,075 075-2374,i mean you claim to be a jew you should know christianity is the worship of satan and that jews are the original satanists ,1,075 075-1536,i dont get this picture the number one killer of young black men are young black men edit,1,075 075-1344,its really good advice the wife is a nurse they see a lot of atv accidents and about3 of all atv deaths are kids ,1,075 075-1455,not defending it to answer number one of you look at the stats black men are exponentially more violent then other races in america ,1,075 075-4106,if only we would all listen to q and realize the immigrants and homosexuals are the real villains amirite fren ,1,075 075-1299,i worked in an artistic industry and thus have plenty of gay friends as a heterosexual guy can confirm gays are the best,1,075 075-402,muslims are nothing but terrorists waiting to do a suicide bombing they deserve no respect lock them all up ,1,075 075-2369,blacks are the powerhouse of prison cells ,1,075 075-1332,its implying black people are lazy fucks that dont work ,1,075 075-2284,thats so nice of her my mom is baking low carb christmas cookies for me,1,075 075-2325,my mom is not good at cooking so i usually say for survival ,1,075 075-307,hahaha its funny because lots of black people are in jail i get it ,1,075 075-1063,sounds like your sister is a big ball of drama and needs to mind her own business ,1,075 075-2888,and for muslim countries uae is building the biggest hindu temple these arabs are not that much radical like these from the indian sub continent,1,075 075-2246,when you need help on ur hw but ur mom is cooking mom can u pause ur cooking amp b amp b listen here u little sht,1,075 075-1646,you see i wasnt implying that rape is good just that black women are ugly ,1,075 075-2000,poor blacks are phenominally more racist violent and poor ,1,075 075-2980,when your girlfriend is a waitress and brings you home buffalo chicken sliders with pretzel buns and ranch every week,1,075 075-2497,youre an idiot the lady is the school nurse not a teacher ,1,075 075-747,this dance moms are so dumd jv was doing rehab is not like he was in the middle of the court watching tv,1,075 075-1362,dont you know the jews are evil hard s,1,075 075-109,thanks my wife is an art teacher so she was able to give me a few pointers on the painting process ,1,075 075-1019,initially i was like oh woah your sister is pulling some simple dance moves and then came the moonwalk ,1,075 075-3725,hating dogs is a new one muslims are bad therefore they hate all good things ,1,075 075-1727,im thankful my wife is doing all the cooking,1,075 075-6614,these guys being gay is a sinful choice just ask me id bone girls and guys if i could ,1,075 075-3531,to be flaming gay is to be flamboyant or outwardly obviously gay ,1,075 075-3870,it is miles better than muslims are lazy ,1,075 075-54,my wife is an art teacher and her whole class just made mugs like these in january ,1,075 075-7062,islam is an enemy hostile ideology that must be opposed just like communism and socialism,1,075 075-2887,flys girlfriend is currently doing cooking live streams with fly so its impossible or its the reverse way fly cucked notail,1,075 075-1116,fun fact the ermergherd girl is a nurse i work with her she is an awesome coworker and team mate ,1,075 075-226,its not an accident that black people are in those poor areas thats why its relevant ,1,075 075-1307,i live in england and british theatre gays are the absolute worst,1,075 075-10531,once again the peaceful muslim is now resorting to violence once his religion is exposed to be fake he can go and fuck himself ,1,075 075-2060,yep exactly a lot of innocent muslims are murdered if theyre not their kind of muslim its messed up ,1,075 075-2631,assuming the cleaning lady is a minority like a low key racist ,1,075 075-623,what jews are a tiny fraction of the population circumcision was made popular because in the lates and earlys a bunch of quack doctors thought it would prevent masturbation ,1,075 075-1811,diligent wife is cleaning the laptops browsing history ,1,075 075-40,if all cops are bastards all muslims are terrorists ,1,075 075-2456,jews are both inferior and yet control everything shrodinger jews ,1,075 110-609,RT just found out that trump is a racism I can t believe he is going 2 be presdinent,1,110 075-1732,lol black women are so nasty they have to rape dudes to get any dick ,1,075 075-7266,transgender is a mental disease not a physical condition ,1,075 075-2245,no plan needed other than the plan to spend the 2 m my mom is not a good cook ,1,075 075-2610,bisexuals are weird why dont they decide,1,075 075-1894,black women are the loudest creatures on earth ive met some really cool black chicks but holy fuck are they loud ,1,075 075-316,jews are greedy and care a lot about money ,1,075 075-1327,ah yes us gays are dramatic nice comeback though and showing everyone elses responses was the icing on the cake ,1,075 075-5921,even more immediate than the threat of islam is the threat of those forcing islamic peoples upon us ,1,075 075-1014,a friends notable phrase sisters are useful for learning how to dance cousins are useful for learning how to fuck,1,075 075-5232,different types of head coverings muslim women are required under threat of death to wear ftfy,1,075 075-6787,nation of islam is the same way except they hijacked and retconned mohammedan tradition ,1,075 110-465, well yeah I agree on that but what my point was that person thinks personally that Harry is the biggest male LGBTQ supporter,1,110 075-1198,yeah thats what i was thinking lesbians are space villains ,1,075 110-591,RT It is NOT JUST RACISM that elected DT How fucking blind are people HRC mainly lost b c people were fed up w esta ,1,110 075-2133,mom is a nurse they love sweets but bring them the occasional healthy thing food keeps them going,1,075 110-704,RT The great linguist John McWhorter on The recreational use of racism ,1,110 075-1423,just because most muslims are not dangerous doesnt mean islam isnt most muslims openly support murder of infidels ,1,075 075-1350,its not another does anyone else think black people are lazy and eat too much watermelon so its nice to see,1,075 110-223,RT Oh sure Fidel Castro s nurse takes a half hour break to find her kid a black market Hatchimal and look what happens ,1,110 075-7252,you need to see islamno offense to those who practice it that islam is pretty bloody and violent while christianity teaches to love your enemies,1,075 075-962,two of my friends are studying art in school and your sister is a better artist than both of them ,1,075 075-1141,2 the girl is the psych ward nurse,1,075 075-2382,read the talmud low iq cuck rabbinic jews and muslims are both the enemy ,1,075 075-9019,yeah but islam is all about opression and violence,1,075 075-1254,itll just reinforce the narrative that muslims are an unreformable threat and that integration is impossible for future generations ,1,075 075-1262,black people are loud as hell,1,075 075-8708,islam is a culture of misogyny ,1,075 110-7,RT that s Islam where are the demonstrations of the moderate Muslims ,1,110 075-2164,a white person attacking a black person is animal cruelty not assault assault requires the victim to be a human white lives matter,1,075 075-1793,hopefully shes not as determined as your wife is at cleaning the plate ,1,075 075-3025,gay people are immoral and wrong,1,075 075-2000,my mom is a nurse and she said bat flu is a sham spy by eow,1,075 075-2435,sounds like your mom is an excellent waitress ,1,075 075-2794,so because gay people are weird and rare homophobia is cool okay ,1,075 075-3215,now we know theyre essentially harmless weirdos most of the time it goes way beyond that judaism is awful ,1,075 110-182,white lies,1,110 075-2132,nope my mom is a nurse and has type diabetes so much is not known dont waste your time being angry ,1,075 075-2765,my girlfriend is a nurse in america we dont pay em enough here either ,1,075 075-8977,phobia means irrational fear of something islam is filled with verse of violence,1,075 110-65,Here s the view from the West Stand Remember when there d be no white seats visible ,1,110 075-2785,the majority of gay people are just annoying and weird they have gay culture and they make being gay their personality no thanks ,1,075 110-566,RT I will vigorously oppose Trump if he appeals to racism sexism or other discriminatory measures ,1,110 075-2920,yta youre really well off while your girlfriend is cooking for the both of you do you ever cook for her you eat well and she doesnt get to relax ,1,075 075-1759,the wife is sewing mine on as we speak ,1,075 075-2924,hate to break it to you but sharia law is most definitely a conservative system of beliefs radicalist muslims are considered right wing extremist ,1,075 075-2148,lol my mom is a nurse and she still believes in the mystical healing properties of lavender oil ,1,075 075-8273,im ok with this islam is form of violent psychosis and it should not be accepted in our society muhammad was a child rapist ,1,075 075-1411,wife is a nurse shes gotten sick and is starting another cold ive been doing nothing and so far so good ,1,075 075-3121,so bisexuals are double sinful swet ,1,075 075-1741,my niece is a waitress and a guy came in and asked for a bigass water she told him they were out of asswater ,1,075 075-4223,also gay is often used in a derogatory fashion so,1,075 075-2848,same end extremist muslims are also far right but trumpers need a brown group to advocate killing off ,1,075 075-1661,its not hate if its true if black men are gonna rape steal and killimma call them niggers ,1,075 075-1318,well you are wilfully ignorant then my wife is a nurse and has seen cases of pertussis and other things that can be vaccinated against ,1,075 075-2458,the aryan race is superior jews are the most inferior,1,075 075-1255,this is why lesbians are depressed i completely feel you ,1,075 075-1665,black men arexs more likely to kill someone than white and hispanic men combined try again ,1,075 075-2392,i think its about how both trans and blacks are terrible,1,075 075-816,but jews are aggressive at least with financing ,1,075 075-723,if you wanna play that game black people are also awful to gay people and by far the most homophobic group in the us besides religious nutjubs,1,075 075-1610,my wife is east indian and she cooks awesome dahl with red lentils you need clarified butter ghee to make this heavenly ,1,075 075-441,god damn what the fuck is that damn black people are ugly ,1,075 075-2121,lesbians are weak thats why,1,075 075-2474,um taco bell cleaning lady isare the same folks who make your order fingers crossed they change up those gloves after have a nice day ,1,075 075-5683,did i say no i believe most transgenders are confused why is this so hard for you to rap your brain around its like you want to fight ,1,075 075-6771,ew anyone who thinks being transgender is okay is mentally ill,1,075 075-2485,eww wtf why does it look like shes trying to nurse the kittens this lady is so damn weird ,1,075 075-1763,muslims are the bomb ,1,075 075-2619,having a cleaning lady is fine urkel stop making yourself feel bad about it pal ,1,075 075-2408,yes satan set saturn asasel jews are worship to demon of desert,1,075 075-3513,yeah because the only way for men to be gay is by being flamboyant right ,1,075 075-1456,and black men are way more violent than white that logic works both ways,1,075 075-146,this girl is going places art school most definitely,1,075 075-9078,you need to be fully independent and in a free country before you can tell islam is violent be careful all the best to you ,1,075 075-625,i like the little dance the mom is performing at the beginning of the gif ,1,075 075-976,dont you know the jews are behind everything apparently they want to destroy the white race by something something immigrants in europe ,1,075 075-9318,its an outlier doesnt change the fact that islam is a violent fucking cult why cover up for them but blame whitey ,1,075 075-1433,the punch line is black people are lazy and dont work funny ,1,075 075-1657,i do the same when i smell the food my wife is cooking for us ,1,075 075-1363,old fashioned lesbians are cool but the lgb alliance is shit ,1,075 075-283,scary black people are being let out of jail because of the coronavirus so we just need to open things up and go back to normal what do i win ,1,075 075-2408,muslims are enemy no women are no ,1,075 110-551, Shaun king states facts You are more concerned with defending racists than eradicating racism Re evaluate ,1,110 075-2569,hard to not think or part when he just takes the knife while the lady is busy watching tv or cooking cant remember and leaves without killing her,1,075 075-2840,blacks are loud and make a huge deal out of every little thing not fun to be around,1,075 110-70,I just love the idea of you and me together until we grow white hairs and wrinkles and say we made it,1,110 110-362,RT Dear this is fucking pathological Word you are looking for is not race it is racism ,1,110 075-5153,subhuman is way too far islam is different from muslims as most muslims are great people even though islam is extremely violent ,1,075 075-643,basically but with a libertarian aesthetics trying to say jews are incompatible with the nap because of circumcision ,1,075 075-1555,his in laws were busted trafficking a huge amount of cocaine his wife is now secretary of transportation surely just a coincidence ,1,075 075-3024,ah yes because its very pro gay to imply that gay people are intrinsically immoral ,1,075 075-8799,islam is not a race its a violent patriarchal authoritarian ideology on pars with or worse than nazism and communism ,1,075 075-386,black people are ugly af so it doesnt matter if they age well or not ,1,075 075-3436,arabs are subhuman and women hate them almost just as much as indians,1,075 075-7665,giving people an example to cite when they say queer people are too sensitive and oppressive ,1,075 075-2075,thanks my mom is a pretty studied nurse so i had a great platform for questions when i was doing my reading ,1,075 075-2003,jesus makes it very clear that jews are the sons of the devil and are indeed the enemies of the children of god lol i was raised very catholic and we are talking john right ,1,075 110-85,Never mentioned it wasn t valid but again it shouldn t be used as a reason to defend a racist killer ,1,110 075-9084,because some people believe that islam is an inherently violent religion it is always was ,1,075 075-9333,islam is not a race it is an ideology a very hostile ideology,1,075 075-2721,the typical african is much more dangerous than the typical police officer ,1,075 075-3316,judaism is the religion of the devil ,1,075 075-603,no surprise here the mom is doing their happy dance ,1,075 075-178,yeah my wife is a graphic designer so the art definitely made it an easier sell on bringing more pedals into the house haha,1,075 075-2282,a black person is overx more likely to kill a white person than vice versa in the usa ,1,075 075-38,then all muslims are terrorists by that logic,1,075 075-1987,i think its the opposite but for very similar reasons they think black people can be separated into good ones and bad ones whereas all jews are the devil ,1,075 075-5261,im just defining how islam legalises men to cheat their wife a sex slave all muslim women are slaves in islams view,1,075 075-2629,blacks are criminal thugs jews are manipulative sociopaths that isnt racist because i didnt mean all blacks or jews you triggered snowflakes,1,075 110-27,Western amp Native American Christmas Tree Ornament ,1,110 075-3763,i for one am just happy that rich arabs are wasting so much money ,1,075 075-2267,as a gay person can confirm gay people are a sin,1,075 075-546,jews are semitic nerd,1,075 075-570,fuck the assholes here your mom is an artist and i love her art so tell her that ,1,075 075-972,gotta love how uncivilized a majority of black people are haha,1,075 075-2770,your girlfriend is a nurse,1,075 075-1231,black people are loud ,1,075 075-187, all of that is correct though and you forgot jews are greedy and priests are pedos etc ,1,075 110-727,RT Even your most anti racist white friend isn t magically above the racism they ve been socialised into It s a constant ,1,110 075-367,this comment is so epic haha cuz jews are greedy pieces of shit x d one million upgunz to the left my dude someone please kindly gift this gentlesir or lady with le reddit gold based,1,075 075-3550,all homosexuals are pedophiles upright,1,075 110-685,Sad as it gets but expected Trump has normalized racism misogyny religious intolerance amp xenophobia Disgusting ,1,110 075-1937,gay people are evil perverts,1,075 075-5246,because as we all know being gay is a capital sin ,1,075 075-2820,muslims are also extremists yeah man my argument is just as valid as yours i have nothing against muslims this is just to prove a point,1,075 075-1148,black people are less intelligent than every other race,1,075 075-2285,can confirm your mom is good at baking cookies,1,075 075-2043,i was gonna say so do christians but i gotta be honest i dont think theyre murder each other on the scale that muslims are ,1,075 075-2107,my mom is a nurse and cannot look if she gets stuck she will throw up or faint but she can stick people all day ,1,075 075-2939,its not white peoples fault if blacks are lazy thats the point,1,075 075-2796,my girlfriend is a nurse and often see this before the patients die ,1,075 075-1304,they kill more muslims than they do of non muslims its sad muslims are a threat even to themselves ,1,075 110-546,RT This is where we must be honest about the depth of racism and the psychic sickness of our country ,1,110 075-3116,gulf arabs are the most uncivilised ones they are literally rich radical omars i prefer arabs from hatay lebanon and jordan to any of gulf arabs ,1,075 110-138, youre such a palpable racist its sickening I hope someone bombs ur clanmeeting,1,110 075-1886,latina women are jealous as fuck black women are loud white women complain too much asian women over analyze everything ,1,075 075-1234,examples black people are loud in movie theaters british live to queue white people smell like wet dogs when theyre wet,1,075 075-2238,i dont think its dramatic to say that the kid is starving because step mom is refusing to cook alternatives and throwing away their food ,1,075 075-1985,im so glad my mom is a nurse and middle age if she was just middle age period shed be like yours,1,075 075-1899,black men are loud too though a black man ,1,075 110-240,RT Damn find u a man like this ,1,110 075-447,purely russian slang in russia jews are considered the people who sell the products too expensive as greedy,1,075 110-579, no it would just be pure racism lol,1,110 075-1957,i love this mom is also a master cook and almost a master gourmet cook now how could you not grow up a chef haha,1,075 075-3045,theres a difference between thinking gays are immoral and tossing them off roofs as is so often mentioned ,1,075 075-1089,both parties agree on antiamerican subservience to israel and most jews are in favor of america being overrun byrd world immigration so that will never happen ,1,075 075-5433,yet islam is responsible for terrorists,1,075 075-2700,its actually pretty cheap my cleaning lady is a day at times a month ,1,075 075-488,if the jews are so greedy why not just bribe a jew to give away the secrets ,1,075 075-2746,obviously blacks are more dangerous than whites its a simple fact and truth,1,075 075-881,your girlfriend is a drama queen of questionable values sorry to be cliche but birds of a feather ,1,075 075-476,ftfy the joke is that the father doesnt want to give his son a lot of money jews are greedy with money ,1,075 075-1376,gays are naturally clean and fashionable most mods are dirty sweaty beasts who own nothing besides silk screen goku shirts and cargo pants ,1,075 075-1945,modern blacks are the most racist violent amp clueless of us all diversity is laughable someone show me the strength,1,075 075-2140,yup my mom is a nurse and she gave me the list of immediately go to the hospital situations one is pissing blood ,1,075 075-9817,there are no moderate muslims only lazy terrorists the extremist muslim is the snake the moderate muslim is the grass ,1,075 075-873,youre confusing discrimination with common sense just say what you really mean i think all black people are criminals ,1,075 110-435, LMFAOOOOOOO DUMB ASS WHITE PEOPLE,1,110 075-2584,lmao you can do this on consoles just tear it up remove the components blaze up the inside and cook on the top just as this lady is doing ,1,075 075-2809,guess it depends on location my girlfriend is making k in as a nurse out of school ,1,075 075-7492,emotional lesbians well theye all emotional cause a lesbian is only a woman but yeah i agree,1,075 075-2481,at least shes not a retarded leftie who doesnt understand why muslims are the enemy ,1,075 075-2205,because blacks are more likely to commit violent crime than whites and those crimes are commonly linked to drug use thats why they go to jail more ,1,075 075-7974,outlaw islam islam is a cult a violent haterape cult outlaw this vile practice in deport deport deport,1,075 075-1315,look jews are intelligent sure but they are also evil little bastards that wouldnt hesitate eat you sic,1,075 075-758,these are all so you think you can dance dancers that lady is jasmin she is amazing she recently danced for beyonc ,1,075 075-5094,muslims are violent savages kill all muslims chin scratch emoji,1,075 075-465,i only read about half of this but that was more than enough to realize this girl is too much drama ,1,075 075-2202,which begs the question what line kang taes mom is a housekeeper what line is there to cross in kmys moms mind the plot thickens,1,075 075-3546,i dont mind the fictional flamboyant gay the non fictional flamboyant gay is what bugs me like how hard are you trying to sound like that ,1,075 075-4582,youre right calling someone a faggot is hilarious while calling something gay is just standard conversation ,1,075 075-2739,this lady is literally the maid on the titanic in rick and morty,1,075 075-326,poverty creates crime as for why black people are more impoverished than whites by percentage is something you should fucking know already,1,075 110-387,Black people cant because we don t even have a system that oppresses other races we have never been allowed such p ,1,110 110-113,NEW Puma Trinomic XT 2 Plus Crackle Pack 357774 03 White Purple Size 12 US ,1,110 075-247,my wife is an art dealer she is passionate and good at what she does but is just starting out i expect her to make more money than i do ,1,075 075-2380,because clearly blacks are inferior and would make terrible doctors s,1,075 075-1945,i have an august family wedding where the bride is a nurse and significant portion of the guests are traveling from out of town i declined ,1,075 075-5787,throughout the world islam is the greatest threat to women and homosexuals change my mind ,1,075 075-7286,transgender is a disease not a feeling,1,075 075-6405,sure this is the final form im waiting untill he says being gay is immoral ,1,075 075-3365,dubai arabs are less prejudiced against iranian people but hate the iranian state nonetheless,1,075 075-2056,my mom is a nurse and she told me the exact same thing last month ,1,075 110-355,RT JAN BREWER ON DEMOCRATS EVERY TIME YOU DISAGREE WITH DEMOCRATS NO MATER WHICH SUBJECT IT IS YOU RE A BIGOT OR RACIST https ,1,110 075-1618,we live in a society where all gays are promiscuous and are instantly attracted to children s,1,075 075-290,two off the top of my head jews are greedy greedier than anyone else mexicans are lazy ,1,075 075-2671,i actually know chicks with those names lol lesbians are weird,1,075 075-3289,unfortunately homosexuals are mentally ill and carry a bunch of diseases they should not be represented in the media as much as they are ,1,075 075-1583,it really is incredible how ugly black women are ,1,075 075-1368,because us gays are icky and theyre jealous of the council of eight gay warlockss control of fashion ,1,075 075-276,i sell used pillows and my wife is an interpretive dance instructor part timer our budget is 1 1 million ,1,075 075-5395,my year old wife said that they must have been terrorists because islam is a religion of peace and not oppression ,1,075 075-4066,you are right being gay is mental disorder you can look at dsm and ,1,075 075-7050,to stay to see if a transgender is still depressed after surgery ,1,075 110-129, New Shoes Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 V2 Black Copper Size 9 Bestseller ,1,110 075-725,racism is never ok black people are awful if you get offended by that youre probably an awful black people,1,075 075-1296,that gay people are always creative and artistic ,1,075 075-2203,im pretty sure lots of blacks are in jail because they tried to take shit that didnt belong to yhem,1,075 075-1280,wife is a nurse they refer to motorbikes as donor cycles ,1,075 110-619,RT Yes yes yes to this thread ,1,110 075-913,black people are all criminals and arabs are all terrorists,1,075 075-3081,east coast elitist jews are conspiring to raise babies steal taxes and kill guns or something like that ,1,075 075-2837,no wonder ghetto blacks are so loud ,1,075 075-1124,yep my niece is an er nurse in washington and said that they are in very short supply and that the patients are stealing their sanitizer and masks ,1,075 075-1025,she was my first feminist literature idol as a girl second to anne of green gables i love how subtly subversive she is in her stories,1,075 075-997,jews are wildly overrepresented among the people with power and influence who have pushed policies that allow in the immigrants who do rape our women and bomb our cities ,1,075 075-1687,my girl is a banging cook and loves to give head ,1,075 075-408,gays are pedophiles whoop there it is whoop there it is,1,075 075-1432,but muslims are brown so they must be more dangerous to the fortress of western society amirite ,1,075 075-2588,unrelated but lesbians are strange creatures thats why i am one,1,075 075-7497,queer people are mentally ill you shouldnt encourage their behavior you are not in the wrong here op imo ,1,075 075-2060,blacks are poor because theyre stupid and violent ,1,075 075-8649,islam is the ultimate manifestation of patriarchy and anyone who claims to be a feminist should absolutely speak out against this toxic ideology ,1,075 075-1479,lawyer in canada i do real estate law and estate law wife is coming too shes a nurse and yes we are old now ,1,075 075-3095,lesbians are repulsive ,1,075 075-588,your claim is all islamic people are terrorists you sound very ignorant but thats ok this is murca ,1,075 075-3868,the truth inevitably ends up being something like black people are lazy or all muslims are terrorists,1,075 075-1989,i like this sub because it clearly shows how violent blacks are without having to be explicit about it ,1,075 075-2400,whenever my mom is cleaning i would sneak around the house like a ninja to the candy basket and steal lollipop ,1,075 075-1180,muslims are a relatively new threat i would say stalin or the mongols were more ruthless to their enemies and their own fighters,1,075 075-1319,nauseated amp b im sorry my wife is a nurse and corrects me all the time,1,075 075-1373,my wife is an ob nurse and im a heating and air technician would these be needed careers there ,1,075 075-2687,yeah but hes muslim and you know all muslims are enemies of america theyre as bad or worse than mexicans s,1,075 075-2581,she ate the fing cookies this lady is pissed,1,075 110-409,RT Too racist to be a judge No problem Trump goes full white supremacist w Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for AG https ,1,110 075-7989,d ud e pansexuals are fucking weird,1,075 075-2005,nta yikes my mom is a nurse in the usa and i told her this story and she agrees with me that you need to report that nurse ,1,075 075-1618,wife is not that great at cooking so this happens a lot ,1,075 075-6081,right wing homosexuals are really weird ,1,075 075-7081,remember every homosexual person is just a predator waiting to turn your infant into a drag queen ,1,075 075-2047,all gays are faggots but not all faggots are gay take yourself for example total faggot but your not gay ,1,075 110-42,RT fragmento del Bisexual Manifesto 1990 ,1,110 075-8753,reported sexism that was believed because islam is steeped in sexism and misogyny ,1,075 075-2232,op is not they can eat a sandwich or cereal mom is actively cooking dinner in no way has she stopped being a parent,1,075 110-46,RT RIP to Fidel Castro In a world where Black people have had FEW friends he was one of them May his example live on ,1,110 110-746,Lmao I m so mad that made me laugh ,1,110 075-1071,you must understand that his sister is a drama queen like no other he must have gotten it from somewhere ,1,075 110-133,He killed anyone who identified as gay openly ,1,110 075-615,yeah i feel like people in this thread are underestimating just how fundamental circumcision is to judaism observant jews are going to continue to circumcise their sons no matter what ,1,075 110-221,RT If you guys think the outlets are bad during Black Friday you should see 5th ave in NYC ,1,110 075-3255,emotional lesbians are fierce competitors,1,075 075-9363,it resonates so well because islam is a sinister and harmful thing ,1,075 075-356,all jews are greedy not a race tho all russians drink too much vodka all mexicans are criminals all french smell of garlic you get the point,1,075 075-1725,prob because black women are nasty ever see them on springer amp b,1,075 075-3612,the thing muslims hate most after jews is other muslims because muslims are just a poor mans jew,1,075 075-1148,theyre advocating christian sharia law but muslims are the threat right ,1,075 075-4815,well at least theres more of them being gay is lonely ,1,075 075-1534,probably but its a good reminder that all gays are sexual predators,1,075 075-9354,islam is a hostile ideology islam is to jihadist terrorists as white nationalism is to dylan roof i live in nyc you idiot ,1,075 075-2705,blacks are always so aggressive its weird,1,075 075-3,wow gay people truly are mentally ill after all that sounds like gay people are mentally ill to me,1,075 075-1636,that is a freaking great idea i bet they wont be able to tell haha my wife is a great cook too ill run this by her ,1,075 075-1374,ive never heard this before and my wife is a wound care nurse you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work medicine ,1,075 075-1334,antifa is a threat muslims are a threat ,1,075 075-1076,i really hope her sister is not two faced drama causing wench ,1,075 075-2532,the lady and croaker from glen cooks the black company might fit the lady is a fuck off powerful sorceress croaker is a fairly regular dude ,1,075 075-1578,most black women are very ugly and unattractive but this one oh my id let her do my dishes any day,1,075 075-2467,lesbians are confused,1,075 075-1482,there have been and are bad police all police are bad there have been violent black criminals all black men are violent ,1,075 075-1556,haha yes jews are evil,1,075 075-150,yes all muslims are terrorists,1,075 075-1114,just admit that jews are hypocritical and selfish when it comes to the idea of global immigration and homogeny ,1,075 075-1815,the girl is the waitress boom another plot twist bow down to me puny mortals,1,075 075-2583,this lady is spirit cooking,1,075 075-7348,i love that the lesbian is so confused incels know the deal its obvious ,1,075 075-2457,and charlies mom is gonna be franks bang maid,1,075 075-760,some college please offer miss williams a full scholarship into a literature program the lady is quite suitable for the program ,1,075 075-8647,islam is hyper patriarchal feminism is about overcoming patriarchy wow so hard,1,075 075-7324,lmfao the left doesnt think being transgender is a psychiatric disease only proves how delusional they all really are,1,075 075-1456,my wife is a nurse so i am fully aware of the scrub stores lol ill have to try it out thanks ,1,075 075-169,my wife is the art fan and she went there already ,1,075 075-2978,lmao my girlfriend is waitress a tip isnt common in a canada we usually get atleast,1,075 075-2326,im going the same thing my mom is cooking everyday so it beats buying dinner plus she buys me beer ,1,075 075-608,christians dont believe circumcision is part of their religion jewish people are the only people who believe it is religiously necessary to circumcise a child shortly after birth ,1,075 075-5600,i wish to point out that being gay is not a sin having gay sex is the sin according to most interpretations you are a sinner but you are not a sin ,1,075 075-2093,mom is working here as a nurse its a better country than dubai costs here are much cheaper versus dubai and ireland is nice ,1,075 110-148,Black women got EVERYONE s backs Period Know that Remember that Reciprocate Give them the support that is LONG overdue ,1,110 075-2786,then itll be see all muslims are extremists israel should wipe out every palestinian its not genocide its defending yourself ,1,075 075-2617,arabs are probably our worst enemies we basically never saw a single period of peace with them they only wanted to genocide us,1,075 075-440,you can tell this girl is drama obsessed,1,075 075-2433,bisexuals are just pretending to be confused,1,075 075-2375,muslims are the enemy ,1,075 075-3835,blacks are criminals muslims are terrorists jews are rich,1,075 075-1741,i think gays are more promiscuous than straights because of an uninhibited subculture among plenty of other things ,1,075 110-485,RT Trump s worldwide properties raise conflicts of interest and security risks especially in Muslim countries ,1,110 075-810,most not all black people are dirty criminals that arent as good as a white guy same energy,1,075 075-1799,my wife is obsessed ive never done less cleaning now im actually making messes for her just so she can clean them ,1,075 075-3285,and i do my best to inform the innocent muslims of how totally evil judaism is and why judaism should not be tolerated when islam finally comes to power gee thanks,1,075 075-877,they blame everyone for their problems immigrants gays women the jews are just the masterminds in their eyes,1,075 075-3472,now we just have to convince the public that their more tame counterpart the homosexual is mentally ill too ,1,075 075-1526,young black men arex more likely to commit murder ,1,075 075-452,well by golly that settles it black people are dogs s please dont kill me,1,075 075-1962,my grandmother is an or nurse at a big hospital and still spouts off this garbage ,1,075 075-470,just looked it up drama girl is a camelia plant,1,075 075-330,i can definitely see people hearing only the all mexicans are rapist all muslims are terrorists,1,075 075-2911,youre misinterpreting my comments when i said blacks are lazy i was reffering to plantation politics and the welfare state ,1,075 075-2257,if your mom is a shitty cook and tried to make every kind of chicken casserole youll be death staring them out of habit ,1,075 075-2395,i guess thats right at any rate i dont think owning slaves is badass i think its degenerate as fuck even though i think blacks are terrible ,1,075 075-95,and when these particular kids see trump they know his vps wife is their art teacher ,1,075 075-9336,islam is also violently hostile to other beliefs it is a religion of domination that part never changed ,1,075 075-5801,us is not a threat to liberal world order china is islam is a threat thankfully islamists lack resources to wipe out liberal western tradition ,1,075 075-425,finding a tough down to earth girl is easy finding the ones drama free is the hard part ,1,075 110-433,RT NYT White Nationalism Explained I look forward to NYT s explanation of Japan s Yellow Nationalism next ,1,110 075-2123,but rainbows are weak weak rainbow gays are the bad ones got it thanks ,1,075 110-118,White iverson,1,110 110-673,RT Donald Trump as president will not make the system more racist all he has done and will do is normalize overt racism ,1,110 110-96,RT pano pag wala yung black sa outfit ni kath myghad beh ,1,110 075-6764,there are clearly only two genders everyone parading as transgender is mentally ill,1,075 075-1005,because black people are naturally more aggressive and primal than white people,1,075 075-1171,my wife is a nurse and the cop wife nurses seem to absolutely losing it on facebook ,1,075 075-2758,ok then i think political lesbians are weird,1,075 075-1358,the do have a parking lot with spots you can lease idk costs though source wife is a nurse there who rents one its attached to the hospital,1,075 075-2252,you know you are right the muslims are not so bad as the politicians who protect muslim criminals ,1,075 075-8958,it wouldnt really be islam anymore though she would just be creating a new religion islam is violence and gender inequality,1,075 110-353, SWAmman RT GEWUSA RT AlexKrause africatechie one of my faves today did a great job of explaining the challenges of black women amp forei ,1,110 075-2811,when your girlfriend is the head nurse at her hospital i have stethoscopes everywhere ,1,075 110-171,eslaque line ta responsa kkk,1,110 075-7370,yeah id understand if maybe it was like a year old saying theyre bi romantic but bisexual is just kinda weird to think about ,1,075 075-383,how dare you state the obvious its just a prank bro you know because jews are greedy oh btw its ,1,075 075-1659,cooking the deal with my wife is i clean she cooks if i need a snack i need some ready to eat fruits or chips available ,1,075 075-8750,so islam is a race its not retarded to worship a pedophilic warmingerer named mohammad and opposing islamic misogyny is now seen as edgy lol,1,075 075-1390,i mean you could technically use this definition to say that jews are evil and the holocaust was a good thing is just your opinion ,1,075 075-1739,wife is cooking breakfast downstairs as we speak except shes not wearing what youre wearing i think the kids would mind lol,1,075 075-1060,your sister is a drama queen downvote me all you want people ,1,075 075-967,your sister is amazing for preserving this art ,1,075 075-1227,bich im convinced that of us gays are depressed and think are lives are jokes hang in there mate it gets better x,1,075 075-8772,islam is a patriarchal religion who do you think wrote the quran lol,1,075 075-2696,hiring a cleaning lady is something were seriously considering for the future it seems like itd be totally worth it ,1,075 075-1040,how come africans are far less intelligent than europeans source,1,075 075-224,enfp here welcome just dropping by say you are not the only one my wife is an intj and makes art she made her living of it,1,075 075-8951,yep countries like albania are relatively peaceful because of their european culture islamic culture is very violent ,1,075 075-2639,nope will never do that with a cleaning lady that old and that cleaning lady is not my type ,1,075 075-7341,um but transgender is literally a someone whos confused with whats in their pants isnt it ,1,075 075-2159,see see the nazis were right jews are agents of satan paraguay has confirmed this ,1,075 075-2414,and if its a sunday morning theres banda blasting in the background while your mom is cleaning house with the smell of fabuloso all around the house ,1,075 075-1977,people are to obsessed with race i am years old and i love everyone but i will say that blacks are more violent,1,075 075-2510,plot twist cake lady is the secretary ,1,075 075-1148,in america jews are largely liberal and call us bigots when we dont want mass illegal immigration and refugees but no they wont have that in israel ,1,075 075-2429,lesbians are confused thats what i think oh and feminists are dumber than dumb ,1,075 075-2054,so much respect for nurses my mom is a pediatric nurse practitioner i dont know how yall do it ,1,075 075-2223,jews are the literal seed of satan ,1,075 075-2064,look at these tweets bro it proves that jews are the devil absolute state mate,1,075 075-1110,congratulations my wife is a labor and delivery nurse and battled a blizzard to get to work today to help folks like you hope it goes well ,1,075 075-6736,that doesnt mean theyre actually masculine to be gay is submissive and submissive is known as being feminine point blank ,1,075 075-1241,im a pt and my wife is a nurse wedlove to read it if you dont mind,1,075 075-375,cuz black people are ugly amirite ecksdee,1,075 075-2268,the blacks are ugly,1,075 075-2379,make sure to edit your post because im from ethiopia and my mom is still using this cookie container as a sewing kit im in awe ,1,075 075-598,what do you mean most jews are pro circumcision practically all jews have it done for their sons even secular jews,1,075 075-307,lmao what the fuck amp b jews are greedy i mean not all of them but you know they just are generally speaking amp b amp b,1,075 075-1315,black people are just lazy i think you just proved my point ,1,075 075-2067,its moloch worship all the way down once you realize that the jews are of their father the devil you cant unsee the satanic influence in every aspect of life ,1,075 075-3238,im sure somebody in that sub bought her the dog food gay people are usually pretty sensitive ,1,075 075-2339,only when i was a kid my mom is generally really good at cooking but not with things like pasta ,1,075 075-1616,ahh yes the old bisexuals are promiscuous even when im also kinda ace ,1,075 075-2544,but all gay people are confused as they are clearly not gay god said so ,1,075 110-737,RT Those people don t understand that sexual racism amp classism is vital part of sexual health amp wellness Politics dic ,1,110 075-2783,not only did he have a stroke in text he had a stroke in judgment lmao gay people are pretty weird though i am one lt3,1,075 075-9839,sounds like those times a single group of extremist muslims do something which means every muslim is a rapist and terrorist ,1,075 075-2632,or perhaps some blacks are criminals so all blacks are criminals ,1,075 075-473,the joke is that the father doesnt want to give his son a lot of money because jews are greedy with money,1,075 075-2229,good to see that fellow anime lesbians are just as lonely,1,075 075-3087,gay people are the most insecure about their sexuality,1,075 075-2520,all moms are the best cooks ,1,075 075-2803,my girlfriend is a nurse and works crazy hours i can handle it ,1,075 075-3051,agreed a lot of scene gays are very insecure and feel they have to put people who are comfortable in being themselves down,1,075 110-714,RT So tired of the bullshit smears I always hear from Africans ,1,110 110-177,FBI Stats Debunk DC Media s Muslim Backlash Myth ,1,110 075-1193,is too high muslims are a threat after they cross of the population look at thailand myanmar europe,1,075 075-1422,bro his ex wife is a nurse and is feet away so shes probably got this so shut your whore mouth,1,075 075-375,scary thing is this girl is probably a literature major ,1,075 110-459,RT She s got a point since Romney isn t a member of either the KKK or the Nazis ,1,110 075-1675,i was a cook for about years professionally and my wife is a terrible cook then she comes home and eats cereal ,1,075 075-5663,yes i mean it and no that was not a joke i think transgenders are just confused humans playing dress up they need serious mental help ,1,075 075-2210,gays are losers,1,075 075-2467,so blacks are loud in game as well as in person got it been a few years since i played gears of war lmao they always did that shit there too ,1,075 075-2718,this a cleaning lady isfor every time they clean they dont come and pick up all your shit they come deep clean an already picked up house ,1,075 075-2204,my mom is a housekeeper and has basically been out of work since the quarantine started,1,075 110-741,RT Dead ass my reaction to any racism come January 2017 ,1,110 075-187,black people are responsible for of the murder thats all i agree white men are responsible for mass shootings but how much is general murder ,1,075 075-2699,are we really surprised blacks are uncivilized savages its basic biology,1,075 075-9092,islam is the rule of the violent mob ,1,075 075-5698,the message here kids is terrorism works if you dont like something threaten to kill people islam is a cancer ,1,075 075-1242,not moving them muslims are a bigger threat to gays than christians ,1,075 075-2770,the jews are both subhuman inferior human beings and also conniving manipulators who run the world ,1,075 075-1112,its the only thing i can cook but im lazy so all i look for in girl is can she cook better than i can if its a yes im in love,1,075 110-64,RT Racist white people are always shocked when you tell them they genetically mutated from us ,1,110 110-694,RT Dear SJWs Trump didn t get elected because RACISM You idiots TrumpRiot DailyCrowder gt gt https ,1,110 075-715,i know black people are awful i see your point just making fun,1,075 110-627,You re an idiot if you believe this crap ,1,110 075-553,jews are big nerds,1,075 075-626,no saying black people are evil isnt hate speech lol,1,075 075-1131,yup the discoverer of dna said that black people are less intelligent ,1,075 075-1762,well they should also ban quran where a year girl is cleaning cum stains from ayear olds robes ,1,075 075-2251,help mom is now cooking my homework,1,075 075-2615,cleaning lady is gonna need a tyvek suit ,1,075 075-2427,whatever your mom is cool with cleaning,1,075 075-1026,my oldest sister is a high school literature teacher and had a tumblr for a while adults do stuff too kids its ok,1,075 075-4734,gay is weak to loona for sure bitch is weak to babie and uw u,1,075 075-1763,black men are the most criminal and aggressive group yet even the more protected by critics at this point someone should explain me why ,1,075 075-2868,i wouldnt worry about it illegals cant vote and blacks are too lazy ,1,075 075-1393,talmudic jews are lying manipulative hateful people by definition or half way through reading the talmud they would throw it down in disgust and convert to something less evil like abject satanism ,1,075 075-7048,tired depressed lesbian is my top aesthetic this is beautiful lt3,1,075 075-385,also jews are greedy capitalists communism is a jewish conspiracy,1,075 075-1020,yeah its one of the best clubs to dance my sister is straight and goes all the time also,1,075 075-2659,blacks are criminals and low iq,1,075 075-2500,the lady is a registered nurse so she accidentally put rn at the end of her signature,1,075 075-440,what about the people who identify as goblins or the people who identify as noses for that matter i think its disgusting that those greedy jews are trying to make this all about themselves again ,1,075 075-2371,jewish people are inferior and should be exterminated dont ban me just stating my opinion man ,1,075 075-629,dude posts here his mom is dance mom ,1,075 075-1678,arabs are the bomb i can confirm,1,075 075-3021,and they cannot decide if jews are manipulative masterminds or mentally inept untermensch ,1,075 075-354,jews are both evil communists and super greedy rich people ,1,075 075-2397,blacks are terrible at qb,1,075 075-1287,i wish my allergist would give me my vials my wife is a nurse lol,1,075 075-6094,surprise surprise muslims killing people when they dont get what they want islam is a disgusting evil dangerous and violent cult ,1,075 075-1183,welp black people are predators that eat innocent creatures for nutrition now ,1,075 075-1940,spoilers also cados wife is the arrow shop clerk,1,075 075-595,ive seen art before in fact my mom is an artist this is definitely art ,1,075 075-2314,my mom is baking cookies today could the reveal be today ,1,075 075-50,shit my wife is an art teacher thats the first to go ,1,075 075-702,i know jews are more likely to have red hair than many other white ethnicities besides the irish and scottish ,1,075 075-7057,being transgender is based on feelings like depression is based on feelings ,1,075 075-1352,my wife is an aamp e er nurse you are all fucking heroes,1,075 075-3901,up until the moment that being gay is reclassified as a mental disorder of course ,1,075 075-819,black people are criminals ,1,075 075-2619,you telling me that the guy who thinks the holocaust is a lie jews are conspiring to genocide the white race and black people are inferior because genetics isnt a nazi curious,1,075 075-1557,scratch jew not all jews are zionists but zionists are evil ,1,075 075-2870,sure did also my friends girlfriend is a nurse at childrens hospital and she said its still like one of the top two worst surgeries kids get there ,1,075 075-2829,there are 8 billion muslims in this world if of muslims are extremists thats millions who want to fuck up this world ,1,075 075-2548,ikr moms are crazy when it comes to cooking,1,075 075-2897,i think thats what its called my girlfriend is the one who is into cooking so i just had this funny question about vegetarians pop into my head,1,075 075-2088,it is sad how this obvious fact needs to be pointed out amp b but not quite as sad as the fact that muslims are so murderous ,1,075 075-2674,i bet the cleaning lady is nicer and has a better sense of humor ,1,075 075-938,all black people are criminals,1,075 075-444,okay guess all black guys are criminals jews are greedy and white kids are child killing psychpaths ,1,075 075-1123,niece is an er nurse with severe asthma who wears a all day every day but nice fucking try plague rat ,1,075 075-264,til that black people are assault people makes so much more sense ,1,075 075-921,yeah and all white people are racists all asians are weird anime lovers and all black people are criminals ,1,075 075-2355,dude thats awesome your mom is a real champ sewing is so hard the way you describe her sounds like sable haha im really glad you like it ,1,075 110-499,RT White ppl go full retarded everyday ,1,110 110-295,RT you were doing OK til are white What s white Maybe who are white and enjoy ,1,110 075-1300,my wife is a nurse too,1,075 075-2418,yeah screaming in russian while his mom is vacuum cleaning his mic or something vw cka vw,1,075 075-346,god africans are fucking ugly,1,075 075-262,closest ive ever been to a girl is getting a strip teaselap dance and even then i paid for it,1,075 075-401,the idea that jewish people are unnaturally greedy and cheap ,1,075 075-387,oh right i forgot brown and black people are just ugly jesus why are there so many racists around here,1,075 110-215,I m watching Black Cat Ranking Test Rin ne S02E18 Episode 43 now checkTrakt trakt,1,110 075-1132,reminds me of that bjp woman leader saying muslims are more sensual lovers than hindus hence why love jihad is a threat ,1,075 075-1893,welcome to rworldpolitics btw jews are evil and the us wont stop until the entire world has been colonized ,1,075 075-374,my wife is into both porn and literature equally from what i can tell ,1,075 075-1728,its so sad it even looks like a younger girl is sewing like early to middle teen age ,1,075 075-4100,no its in place because the uk has no free speech and telling people the truth about how muslims are rapists and terrorists is seen as a hate crime ,1,075 075-2483,yeah and i know theres a possibility this lady is a real nurse and imo thats kinda just as trashy in a way ,1,075 075-1317,gays are so dramatic,1,075 075-3707,exactly hate islam not muslims islam is evil muslims are misguidedwrong we just cant mass immigrate so many people that follow an evil ideology ,1,075 075-1107,thanks for the gold kind stranger edit grammar edit wow this blew up edit israel is an illegitimate state and jews are responsible for mass immigration in the west,1,075 075-946,my sister is a really good artist and she had replied the exact same thing to me several times already then her art got stolen ,1,075 075-776,but but but those facts are racist fact all illegal aliens are criminals fact over of african americans are born out of wedlock ,1,075 075-1150,there is scientific evidence that backs the fact that black people are just less intelligent than other races thats just how it is ,1,075 110-88,RT Books at the Evanston IL Public Library were defaced with swastikas and racial slurs ,1,110 075-2229,east african women are butt ugly bite me while my irish cathar armies pillage your lands chinese women are damn sexy though p,1,075 075-988,my sister is and she makes some awesome artwork it makes me crazy happy but she doesnt do much with her art and i dont know why ,1,075 075-1280,black people are loud grapes are loud black people like grapes everything adds up ,1,075 075-2393,as someone whose mom is cleaning staff and i was too til i got too sick to work nta and thank you ,1,075 075-3674,commies are bad they hate our freedom muslims are bad they hate our freedom ,1,075 075-1189,yeah my wife is a nurse at penn and shes been using same mask for a week absolutely and utterly fucking ludicrous ,1,075 110-384, Spit On White People Steve Harvey CAUGHT In Racist Rant On Shocking Tape RadarOnline 1066858 1,1,110 110-589,I m all for people bitching about things what s social media for but don t discount racism as if it s nonexistent,1,110 075-890,did you know that most israeli jews are european immigrants ,1,075 075-320,dirty dancing duh my wife is a dance teacher ,1,075 075-2951,spaghetti my girlfriend is cooking and its amazing ,1,075 075-433,god black people are ugly even famous ones like samuel l jackson here ,1,075 110-307,RT Working retail makes me HATE the human race,1,110 075-2506,bisexuals are confused why everyone else has to be so picky share the love,1,075 075-1223,my wife is a nurse she would agree ,1,075 075-1418,that some muslims are very dangerous ,1,075 075-3104,i mean theres no hard evidence jews are conspiring against white folk but i bet you believe that,1,075 075-697,op was making a statement about how jews are getting rich by milking us plebs hence the big hooked nose thats phenotypical of semitic people,1,075 075-9288,islam is a violent regressive and hateful ideology that is fundamentally incompatible with american society ,1,075 075-2073,i dont know my mom is a nurse and has started to doubt all science because it conflicts with her conservative world view for lower taxes ,1,075 075-2011,my mom is a nurse who checked them in at the hospital not a myth,1,075 075-4329,homosexuals are promiscuous therefore being promiscuous is homosexual ,1,075 075-1972,also when you get a flu shot they are putting partly alive flu in you source grandmother is a nurse for over years,1,075 075-1758,are you single my wife is terrible at sewing ,1,075 075-6593,the homosexuals are attacking our families with their sinful nature we need to stop the homosexual agendas a southern baptist pastor i know ,1,075 075-252,nice art my wife is a artist to and she going draw me one hope its good as yours,1,075 075-2286,true but a black person is more likely to kill me than i am to kill him ,1,075 075-2143,my mom is a nurse at the local hospital and she chose my primary doctor ive been seeing this doctor since i was a teenager i live in the us ,1,075 075-2864,blacks are just lazy and always play the victim when it comes to bullshit racism in professions ,1,075 075-1986,so does my mom my mom is a nurse ,1,075 075-2856,muslims are not the only religious extremists who dont think logical some christians also do the same shit ,1,075 075-4560,faggot is used when gay is literally their only sole defining personality trait we get it you like cock get a fucking hobby ,1,075 075-8,jews are supposedly greedy,1,075 075-2663,gays are weird and disgusting in half the world,1,075 075-2137,yeah you all jews are reptilians and satan is your boss stop killing kids in palestine be tolerant to muslims like saudi arabia is with jews and the right religion christianity,1,075 075-2208,t gays are such a loser,1,075 075-3075,the jews are conspiring against us smh,1,075 075-1032,the aunt is from an over dramatic indian drama lmao expect side effects in 2 1,1,075 075-2399,not joking its real jews are children of satan and jesus warned us many times about them john,1,075 075-3088,gay people are insecure in the first place so they are more likely to use steroids yes ,1,075 075-62,not getting what im saying at all im saying theyll say something like jews are greedy but i dont hate jews i just hate israel ,1,075 075-2029,maga hat i think jews are the army of the devil,1,075 075-852,are you upset that the jews are illegal immigrants ,1,075 075-1795,why do you have to hold it cleaning is what the wife is for ,1,075 110-140,These gay pride laces need cutting up and binned bent bastards,1,110 075-3348,the bible warns of the synagogue of satan fake jews the torah is not communist in the least ,1,075 110-502,RT there is a time for peace and a time to fight back when half the country supports racism and sexism you fight back ,1,110 075-2633,jon races shouldn t mix and blacks are born criminals jafari ,1,075 110-260,RT Steve Bannon Jeff Sessions But remember Don t you dare call Trump an alt right racist,1,110 075-337,but large parts of the black people are in poverty do you deny this larger than white people ,1,075 110-481,RT Got my fingers crossed for a little lesbian freaky deaky TheWalkingDead,1,110 075-817,finally some actual art and not someone trying to pass off a shitty filter as original art this is amazing btw your girlfriend is very talented x,1,075 075-1044,sister is a drama queen,1,075 075-136,all muslims are terrorists see how easy it is to generalize a whole group of people ,1,075 075-279,idk if you go from hahaha black people are poor and jews are greedy then go to wait a minute i dont like that joke about muslims and stop watching you are funny as fuck ,1,075 075-2723,the cleaning lady is probably the one getting shafted here staying in style with ops title ,1,075 110-0,The ark aint even get a chance ,1,110 075-9028,yes criticising islam is inciting violence have fun with those no go zones and mass rapings good luck defending yourself ,1,075 075-1603,the alexa cooking girl is cute ,1,075 075-1152,this girl is a nurse practitioner she only got her waist done as seen from her older pics ,1,075 075-2901,i think its actually mexicans are lazy and blacks are thieves thats why there arent any black mexicans theyd be too lazy to steal ,1,075 075-8658,islam is homophobic and bigoted smash islamic patriarchy,1,075 075-1905,maybe because black women are so fucking loud,1,075 075-1597,nah your girl is cooking for me tonight have fun cleaning up the creampie that you seem to like getting off on,1,075 075-788,my girlfriend is in the poetry community ph d student those people do not study his stuff hes not a thing to them ,1,075 075-1388,that gays are always well dressed and fashion experts ,1,075 075-3229,judaism is more strongly associated with circumcision than islam ,1,075 075-390,that us jews are all palestine hating shitbags and we are greedy ,1,075 075-429,cause jews are oblivious to their own greed amirite they should have no say in these matters,1,075 110-251,say SHIT keep walking black son What is the difference between obama dickhead black shit dickheads and a cockroach None u step on them,1,110 075-302,yeah and and all black people are criminals and all jews are greedy ok bud ,1,075 075-68,its really refreshing and it fits this movie pretty well since it seems that the girl is going to an art school,1,075 075-285,african americans are sent to jail so much more than anyone else huh must be the racist cops a brainless retarded faggot,1,075 110-397,RT I m not racist I just don t care about hiring non white people Republican politicians probably ,1,110 075-720,racism is correct black people are awful your denial of these facts has driven you insane ,1,075 075-2031,blacks and jews are the devil science is their gospel ,1,075 075-1385,because masculine men tend to like women usually gays are into fashion and have a voice like theyre off sex and the city ,1,075 075-1093,so what youre saying is that my stereotype based intuition that black people are dangerous is smart thanks guy ,1,075 075-6361,neither one is really worse than the other objectively but our society decided transgenders are weirder theyre both completely immoral,1,075 075-1745,black women are awful and they are vocal about it ,1,075 075-2244,good food my mom is the worst at cooking,1,075 075-982,lindas sister is making her art again ,1,075 075-3315,judaism is for the people of the devil against jesus christ not good guys ,1,075 075-2264,mrs mom is unfair mrs mom is in there cooking in the kitchen overlooking her children unhooking her oppression,1,075 075-3072,actual lesbians are some of the cruelest most insecure people on planet earth ,1,075 075-2066,i bet you believe in iq test and blacks are more violent though ,1,075 075-4984,being homosexual is a sin no matter how many people downvote me depends who you ask ,1,075 075-9312,thats very true islam is a lot more violent towards its apostates being disowned is not as bad as being stoned beaten or hanged to death,1,075 075-2819,my girlfriend is a registered nurse and didnt use that what the fuck are you talking about ,1,075 075-2957,black girls are ugly thats why lol,1,075 075-3118,yeah gays are frustrating to put up with ,1,075 075-1439,my wife is a trauma nurse or was before she became a sahm lol,1,075 110-464, there are much worse race haters than Jared Taylor and Red Ice believe me,1,110 075-2539,sorry brosef but your old lady is cooking meth edit now that i read it she was cooking meth ag lining she killed a bunch of nazis,1,075 075-684,its weird how all black people are afraid of evil spirits dwelling in the dark,1,075 075-3411,homosexuals are mentally ill trans people are only for your entertainment if your daughter disagrees with your dress code keep her at home ,1,075 075-2637,its weird its almost like gay people are people with individual preferences so strange ,1,075 075-1561,his wife is dot secretary elaine chao im sure shes heard some shit but im not sure how much of it shes willing or able to talk about it with yertle ,1,075 075-5558,sure radical everything else is a much smaller threat than radical islam is if i check the of terrorist attacks ,1,075 075-9054,yes that was sin and outside the example set by christ this violence from islam is totally within the example set by muhammad ,1,075 075-2188,the guy who accused of being hindu nationalist had no proof he is just an angry arab who cant accept the fact that arabs are criminals,1,075 075-3756,i denounce pedophiles of all affiliations but transgenders are pedophiles no matter what they believe in okay freak ,1,075 075-2613,bruh these bisexuals are weird,1,075 075-937,its always like that your enemies need to be both weak and scary the jews are an inferior race the jews run the world immigrants are gonna steal your jobs immigrants are lazy do nothings,1,075 075-2236,no they are just richer my mom is sah but we have a maid to help out with cleaning and the dishes my mom does laundry and cooking ,1,075 075-2850,doctor stranges girlfriend is not a nurse shes also a doctor ,1,075 075-6063,transgenders are weird wait you said joke ,1,075 075-3128,gays are sinful abominations until they repent,1,075 075-7278,just drop the t everyone knows transgender is a mental disease anyways ,1,075 075-2788,my girlfriend is a nurse and says the cases in her hospital doubled last night which includes multiple something year olds in the icu on ventilators,1,075 110-413,Hindu nationalists when will the be stopped ,1,110 075-3232,well gays are extra sensitive,1,075 075-877,yeah our girlfriend is such a drama queen,1,075 075-2194,my mom is a secretary at my hometown school and she said theres a kid named dragon who goes there ,1,075 075-1038,anyone else find it hilarious that jews are anti immigration ,1,075 110-739,RT White folks stop telling black folks that not all white people are racist amp start PROVING IT by showing up organizing to ,1,110 075-532,my mom is an art teacher and good lord did this scare me,1,075 075-5386,bullshit muslim women are fully onboard with this shit they arent victims theyre every bit as violent as muslim men and children ,1,075 075-1738,i like to add that muslims are not suicide bombers its a small small portion of muslims that are ,1,075 075-2822,i work super early mornings and my girlfriend is a nurse so i feel you its tough,1,075 075-9269,man its almost like islam is a violent culture edit down voting me isnt going to un stone these women your anger is misplaced ,1,075 075-1941,blacks arex more likely to commit violent crimes against asians than asians are against blacks ,1,075 075-2358,in the us blacks are the largest racial group in prison this is a statistically accurate satire ,1,075 075-1346,oh only thing worse than a jews are responsible for everything evil person is a jews are misunderstood and innocent person though you could swap jews out for pretty much any group ,1,075 075-1747,wife is cooking some pasta tonight and i just got the new tekken game im stoked ,1,075 075-6409,being gay is immoral,1,075 075-2430,somewhere someones mom is getting yelled at for cleaning out their room ,1,075 075-491,black people are so violent all they do is kill each other and collect welfare payments ,1,075 075-2109,if your bride is the one doing the cooking make her sit down after dinner and relax while you clean up the kitchen guaranteed to score points,1,075 075-1167,clearly in this image the muslim women is doing no harm at all and the man is the aggressor but sure muslims are the threat ,1,075 075-2228,that sounds so snobby and mean how dare someone think their mom is a great cook you are making fun of something so wholesome ,1,075 110-699,Oh my goodness Never thought I d do this Retweeting Romney Here I go ,1,110 075-2025,the gays are turning faggot bullies,1,075 110-289,RT Any Christian who isn t immediately outraged by the idea of a Muslim registry never gets to utter the words religiou ,1,110 075-1089,i get it cause black people are dangerous ,1,075 075-4355,that muslims are terrorists that every muslim country is oppressive to women and the hijab is oppressive,1,075 075-2883,of course not those types of men are taught that their wives are supposed to clean and cook for them,1,075 075-255,right because theyre all terrorists of course just like all jews are greedy and cheap and all white people cant dance ,1,075 075-4919,yeah being gay is lonely as hell and never had a boyfriend foreveralone,1,075 075-1806,black men are generally more aggressive and thuggish than white men its a risk reducing practice ,1,075 075-1363,jews are evil by default totally not an antisemite ,1,075 075-2009,my mom is a nurse and thought possibly cross contamination i agree it would be hard to prove though what do you mean by chain of custody ,1,075 075-3202,algerian desert is inhabited by black people so it will be good for you arabs are pretty racist they hate black people but the berbers will be fine,1,075 075-4553,being gay is some faggot shit ngl,1,075 075-2309,blacks kill more people than police blacks are worse people ,1,075 075-3460,hey dude i dont hate jews turns out of my fellow arabs are hell much worse then them,1,075 075-1670,my wife is a good cook,1,075 075-1573,ew a black woman black women are so ugly ,1,075 075-2478,most lesbians are very confused about relationship statuses until its made very clear to them that theyre dating its such a thing ,1,075 075-5142,yes all muslims should be exterminated islam is by far the most violent religion on the face of the earth and muslims are all future terrorists ,1,075 075-9029,christians never used violence to spread the faith islam is literally based on savagery and violent conquest ,1,075 110-408,RT This is very disturbing to all the African A community having SteveBannon in ,1,110 075-1127,grats my niece is studying to be a nurse too,1,075 075-165,i hate terrorists too but most muslims are good people ,1,075 075-2198,so all lesbians are virgins ha losers ,1,075 075-2033,me neither i think it has helped that my mom is a nurse shes always talked about how being too clean is bad for your immune system and it is ,1,075 075-3987,we arabs are the perfect slaves imo ,1,075 075-5602,the liberal media continues to shove the gay propaganda down our throats being gay is a sin and i dont want my children being exposed to it ,1,075 110-242,RT isn t New Units just mean the black and white,1,110 075-93,its a stretch but it could be taken as saying jewish people are greedy,1,075 075-712,because he knows black people are awful,1,075 075-318,the jews are so greedy they keep the foreskin and make clothes out of it ,1,075 075-2114,my mom is a nurse and shes done those too haha i swear she has a new diet every time i see her ,1,075 075-1419,black people are stupid and lazy,1,075 110-720, Racist signs found above Water fountains at Florida ,1,110 075-2563,well this lady is trying to better her cooking skills and hey youre not mocking them just silently judging right ,1,075 075-352,lmao africans are so dumb and ugly,1,075 075-2876,haha if only this were true i mean the statement is true blacks are inherently lazy but trump didnt actually say it ,1,075 110-455,RT Shaun King a white dude pretending to be black celebrating Castro who hated negroes is a level of nihilist iron ,1,110 075-2014,right and who makes up the remaining percent i dont think you understand how unbelievably violent non selected blacks are ,1,075 075-5790,youre just making stupid assumptions i hate all religion im an atheist islam is just a bigger threat to womens rights at the moment ,1,075 075-169,most muslims are terrorists 2 billion muslims would be surprised to hear that ,1,075 075-6597,yeo all homosexuals acts are sinful and homosexuals are among thoese who will not inherit the kingdom of god according to the bible ,1,075 075-2849,good thing thomas new girlfriend is a hospice nurse that will come in handy the shade,1,075 075-1090,eh wer add some laban and fejel on the side yumm i bet their mothers are bad at cooking,1,075 075-1208,yea my wife is a nurse and have been in contact and denmark is starting to go nuts so i was send home aswell ,1,075 075-1494,i mean mitch mc connells wife is secretary of transportation,1,075 110-716,RT Is there one story of racism after the election that is real besides the racism and violence toward white people ,1,110 075-2528,we can also agree that jews are subhuman and that the aryan master race needs to eradicate all other inferior races homosexuals and the mentally ill ,1,075 075-4850,you may want to research history a little as the arabs are the ones who started the violence in the early years of the mandate ,1,075 075-1049,ugh my sister is like that always starting drama cut them out of your life dont enable them ,1,075 075-7302,mahound was a war mongering pedo islam is the most violent and extremist filled religion on the planet change my mind,1,075 075-1265,because all lesbians are depressed or lying i guess ,1,075 075-768,cat moms are such drama queens ,1,075 075-6069,3 i identify as absurd bullshit and if you dont respect that youre a bigot bc haha those transgenders are so weird and gross sweaty s,1,075 075-118,broke jews are all greedy capitalists and they control the world also broke but not realizing it being against capitalism is anti semitic because capitalists are all jews ,1,075 075-2974,my girlfriend is a waitress in europe she gets paid an hour tips,1,075 075-772,gt africans are profoundly over represented criminally sudanese see this is the problem ,1,075 075-166,most muslims are terrorists though just because somthing is diffrent from you doesnt mean you have to hate it ,1,075 075-136,from a pragmatic point of view human human bilions of uneducated violent africans are no good ,1,075 110-731,the words bigotry racism hatred are unpersuasive cos hatred to the hater is perversely pleasurable nobody ever bales on pleasure,1,110 075-2283,do you have a theory on why blacks are both ugly and stupid ,1,075 075-1832,why if im some fucking bigwig making and my wife is a waitress she is not entitled to my money,1,075 075-772,can someone point me to a better you tuber in terms of duggar drama this lady is all i got and im not loving that ,1,075 075-2286,shut up homo gay people are a sin you should shut your mouth or else,1,075 075-8968,its not that being muslim makes them violent but islam is a religion that heavily encourages violence ,1,075 075-1183,his wife is a nurse ,1,075 075-2327,what racial inequality blacks are killing more blacks than whites kill blacks ,1,075 075-261,for me the fact that the all men is missing is important muslims are terrorists blacks are criminals jews are greedy since i didnt use the term all these are acceptable statements right ,1,075 110-294,RT I would beat the shit out of her for the racist shit ,1,110 075-1311,wife is an ob gyn nurse and one of the babies was named shithead pronounced shi thay ed like come on seriously ,1,075 075-656,why do you think that jewish people are more on the left most of the time from my experience circumcision is a disgusting practise but has nothing to do with trans people in he military ,1,075 075-2654,ok the cleaning lady is hitting my head with a mop what do i do now ,1,075 075-1192,jewish mothers are overbearing and nag too much ,1,075 075-2473,nobody said every black person is a criminal not by a long shot but theres an awful lot of black folk in them videos lol,1,075 075-2320,never my mom is an amazing cook the only time i wouldnt eat her food was when i was young and picky ,1,075 075-1653,my wife is a damn good cook it also means i do not have to cook lol,1,075 075-3922,not an accident arabs are well known for still having slaves ,1,075 075-1190,jews are always dominating all aspects of athletics doncha know time to give the gentiles a chance ,1,075 075-557,they think all jews are the pale pasty nerdy mort goldman or woody allen type ,1,075 075-31,nice and muslim people are all terrorists because when a few of them commit heinous acts they dont all stop attending mosque s,1,075 075-6857,but judaism doesnt turn people into criminals either and islam is used for terrorist indoctrination ,1,075 075-1306,sh everyone on reddit knows all black people are poor and lazy s,1,075 075-2277,my mom is a horrible cook like shes really really awful at cooking,1,075 110-379,RT Our government will be run entirely by men who didn t have the decency to renounce Trump s racism and ignorance ,1,110 075-46,somebody needs to point out the fact that black people are violent as fuck,1,075 075-1409,my wife is a labor and delivery nurse and she had a patient who just had a baby yesterday and wasnt born yet whenhappened ,1,075 075-244,nice my wife is an artist but other than that husky she doesnt want me wearing any of her art she doesnt think she is good enough ,1,075 075-1342,my wife is a nurse and has had patients arrested for assault ,1,075 075-2467,they can narrow it down to within a few hundred feet or less source mom is receptionist ,1,075 075-3403,he also posts real gems like crypto jew and implies homosexuals are mentally ill ,1,075 075-10429,a moderate muslim is one whos too lazy to actually terrorize anything so they just scream on the internet calling everyone racist ,1,075 075-5420,but being a homosexual is a disease of the brain,1,075 110-474,RT Christian Missionaries converts poor Hindus in lacs Year Hindus Wake Up amp Get UNITED ASAP SICKularConversions https ,1,110 075-1466,my wife is a flight nurse and loves it,1,075 075-1043,nta i think your aunt likely just forgot but it seemed like a simple correction not worthy of any social media drama which your aunt is creating ,1,075 075-2231,youre the only retard here lol jews are the synagogue of satan they are evil only a retard wouldnt realize this ,1,075 075-2633,a war mongering sex and death cult will never be part of society muslims are commanded to hate kill and terrorize non muslims ,1,075 075-5618,in order to have islamic terrorism islam is necessary ,1,075 075-6552,islam is way more violent and oppressive than anything siyaad did you guys worship a warlord tell me whos bombing mogadishu on a monthly basis ,1,075 075-1877,asexuals are hated for being virgins and gays are being hated for being perverts funny how that works,1,075 110-160,RT I m over here like what s wrong with the ice cream ,1,110 075-2784,my girlfriend is a nurse my parents think i should break up with her because she is high risk of getting coronavirus what do you all think ,1,075 075-1112,jews are always liberal and pro immigration in western countries but the opposite in their country,1,075 075-531,you can have it for free if i have it only thing i like from mom is art,1,075 075-1266,its almost as if many gay people are often depressed for being discriminated against for most of their lives but thats just a theory a game theory,1,075 075-4780,gay is too weak of a word to describe it,1,075 075-1717,my wife is making a batch of lactation cookies should i eat them ,1,075 075-205,my wife is an art teacher because of her i have strong opinions on art vs design and what colors go well with what other colors ,1,075 075-3170,the gays are super sensitive ,1,075 075-2191,another reason blacks are infamous for criminal activities so they are assumed to be in jail,1,075 075-1957,because its true blacks are the most violent in the usa ,1,075 075-2897,it must suck to know extremist christians and muslims are so similar in ideology huh ,1,075 110-467,RT We re in a national crisis The next president is an unscrupulous race baiting jackass surrounded enablers and goons Stop p ,1,110 075-1838,that makes it even worse of the population is committing of the murders black men are the most dangerous demographic in america ,1,075 110-107,Hi Lotus I am a journalism student preparing a feature about sexism in acting industries Could you answer some simple questions ,1,110 075-643,black people are dumb criminals jews are evil and control the world omg so funny lol,1,075 110-53,RT Black Lives Matter Plans To Block White Owned Businesses On Black Friday ,1,110 075-2027,wow thank you my mom is a nurse too haha and shell be looking after me thanks for the great tips,1,075 075-5235,gay is sin make america white again,1,075 075-3123,those jews are always conspiring to eat some chicken those bastards ,1,075 075-875,plus israel is only like3 jewish and lots of those jews are relatively recent ethiopian immigrants ,1,075 075-4358,muslims are backwards and the hijab is a tool of oppression,1,075 075-2134,my mom is a nurse a bsu frompm tilam and she loves it ,1,075 110-601,RT there s a whole other side of twitter that believes racism is race baiting sexism is a fallacy and white privileg ,1,110 075-1757,until i see it im just going to believe they are overreacting to something mild like muslims are da bomb,1,075 075-2214,star of david goes back to saturn worship saturn is literally satan jews are fucking retarded just as much as the other main religions ,1,075 075-1306,we theatre gays are a viscous breed i dont even trust myself tbh,1,075 110-18, vanessa hudgens nude games tiny asian pussy ,1,110 075-812,whats funny is that israeli jews are like the polar opposite to us jews much more macho and aggressive whereas people here are more likely to be a nebbish intellectual type ,1,075 075-2874,my girlfriend is going for a nurse and im going to take my police psych exam in a couple weeks so me and her are a perfect example of a cliche ,1,075 110-449,All my African American bros getting all the Latinas when this wave ending I need them back,1,110 075-2023,you mean gay people fuck you then faggot gay people are hilarious ,1,075 075-1568,yup and his wife is the secretary of education for wv that put epi pens in all the school ,1,075 075-2580,gt blacks are criminals also women are inferior and also im a paedophile posting these quotes is identity politics wokery which will lose democrats,1,075 075-2017,the jews are of their father the devil jesus said that to the pharisees not to every single jew the first believers were all jewish ,1,075 075-1636,downvoted for truth gays are more promiscuous thats just a fact ,1,075 075-2794,my girlfriend is a hospice nurse these are a great idea ,1,075 110-393,RT Queens of LGBT ,1,110 075-789,hey us orthodox jews are okay its just that one loud minority we want peace love wine and falafel ,1,075 075-2004,euros are objectively the best race tall attractive high iq best music classical blacks are objectively the worst violent low iq worst music rap,1,075 075-2053,because you lost the argument young blacks are the most violent ,1,075 075-4404,you forgot we arent allowed to criticise islam only christianty is allowed islamic people are universally oppressed dont you know ,1,075 075-2918,my proof is blacks are usually lazy and violent educate yourself sweaty ,1,075 075-3050,eat my ash not all jews are cannibals,1,075 075-2089,oi yeah my mom is a nurse so shed make me dnr right off the bat bless her for that ,1,075 075-2706,lol then i can say not all blacks are bad but most blacks are aggressive and are times more likely to commit a crime than whites,1,075 075-1901,even black people admit black women are loud grow up ,1,075 075-232,loving this lol not all jews are bad but to ignore the fact they literally manipulate politics and business for their own greed is silly,1,075 075-7260,of course i do i work with nutjobs like this all day transgender is a mental disease not a physical one ,1,075 075-551,your self taught mom is stunning and so is her art,1,075 075-2151,these gays are too insecure to recognize the truth the drag race fandom is weak af,1,075 075-6380,insecure people them transgenders are gonna peak on us and rape us us in reality mate i just wanna have a piss,1,075 075-6794,transgender is the same thing as pedophile ,1,075 075-1218,yea my wife is a nurse and she audibly sighed when she say this really i should be giving all the credit to her for showing me ,1,075 075-7164,i feel like every lesbian is just lonely nowadays ,1,075 075-423,fuck off with your stupid shit this girl is literally a drama queen youre a jerk what a fucking dumbass,1,075 110-233, louboutin auction Christian Louboutin Pigalle 100 Black Patent Pointed Toe Stiletto Heels 35 5 ,1,110 075-2836,ahem muslims cough cough granted theyre only extremists other muslims are ok ,1,075 075-2875,blacks are lazy amp b mexicans are racist amp b none whites are not americans,1,075 075-1034,i guess the aunt is addicted to finding drama like all of us here on this sub,1,075 075-967,remember when they were chimping out over chicken biscuits most black people are uncivilized and should not be allowed near whites ,1,075 075-1749,according to the bible gay people are both promiscuous and immoral so they definitely were involved in causing the flood which totally happened ,1,075 075-445,ah yes because trans people and gay people are obviously automatic pedophiles ,1,075 075-2228,ah the jews are very involved in satan worship read about the sabbatean frankist movement ,1,075 075-2367,no the muslims are our enemy we arent done with them yet i feel,1,075 075-2617,not all blacks are like that but what can the non criminal blacks possibly do to compensate for the actions of the criminal blacks ,1,075 075-572,so orthodox jews are ok with oral on newborns but on consenting adults they are divided nice ,1,075 075-3357,judaism is the worst of all they see us no jews as an inferior race they claim theyre gods chosen we have a jewish supremacy that needs to be dealt with ,1,075 075-3202,judaism is literally a religion built around the story of how god chose their people and the covenant they made with god aka circumcision,1,075 075-709,burlesque is literally art this lady is missing out,1,075 075-1131,my niece is a nurse with a job in physical rehab her patients tend to have good outcomes she enjoys her job ,1,075 075-1716,food my wife is an amazing cook she makes me bento lunches everyday and dinner every night ,1,075 110-368,I can t believe people are appalled at Kanye s support for Donald Trump He is a black rapper who married into a white family C mon yall ,1,110 075-1108,like african americans are super predators and should be brought to heel wait that was hillary clinton ,1,075 075-8771,islam is the most patriarchal religion in the world women cant drive they cant show their face,1,075 075-186,i think your wife is a artist i love the art edit apparently there is a lack of legitimacy love the piece nonetheless ,1,075 075-60,arabs only have countries and the damn greedy jews are keeping them from getting a tinyrd ,1,075 075-1258,only if we can expose the christards and mudslimes too why pick on the jewskys when its all abrahamic religion thats the problem not all jewish people are bad its the religion thats evil ,1,075 075-2522,not all moms are good cooks,1,075 075-2046,blacks are more violent makes sense ,1,075 075-612,which jews are we talking about they are not all the same except for the circumcision part ,1,075 075-1709,its not supposed to be a stereotype not every joke is racist or sexist hes just saying his wife is a bad cook,1,075 075-3536,the radioactive immigrant jewish family is incredible ,1,075 075-916,my sister is art teacher,1,075 075-154,jews are greedy what a hot take,1,075 075-659,majority of jews are stopping circumcision my fancy that someone needs to tell the jews ,1,075 075-1357,nurses are the best my wife is an icu nurse,1,075 075-2129,nothing to fear the gays are usually quite weak and feminine,1,075 075-2709,american blacks are so aggressive,1,075 075-1922,a wife is a type of maid s,1,075 075-3105,gays are repulsive and disgusting,1,075 075-116,well given that my wife is literally an art teacher i wouldnt even blink xd,1,075 075-847,gay people are pedophiles and disease ridden people who are worthy of death ,1,075 110-733, Trump filth is his moral compass He stands on grounds littered with racism misogyny amp hate,1,110 075-1185,of course not all jews are dominating the world but they do run a lot of media finance etc i dont blame them as theyve been fucked over for thousands of years,1,075 075-2661,when the cleaning lady is in and he suddenly remembers he forgot to put away the anal egg and lube dont open that door ,1,075 075-9083,if you still havent realized islam is a violent religion youre living in a dreamworld ,1,075 075-3580,arabs are rich but it could be that dutch and scandinavians are weak men now arabs dont give a fuck about anything girls like that,1,075 075-2708,sikh and muslims are long time enemies even today in the uk young sikh girls are used as sex slave by muslim men ,1,075 075-1769,to be fair while it make sense that is a bit fucked up poor girl is just cleaning lol ,1,075 075-9030,this isnt new at all didnt a muslim refugee stab a holocaust survivor in her lates in france islam is a religion of violence and intolerance,1,075 075-1853,because negroes are stupid loud and funny like dogs whats the mistery ,1,075 075-1345,my wife is a nurse on the floor right now all night hours i love you baby ,1,075 075-2422,bisexuals are just confused,1,075 075-4492,meanwhile sjws muslims are oppressed islam good ,1,075 075-1919,i think he know its just that jokes about muslims are just lol they hate women and love bombs ,1,075 075-4740,the phrase thats gay is such a weak mindset ,1,075 075-4274,muslims are selling black slaves today in libya and youre concerned about a picture from over a century ago ,1,075 075-3214,yeah i guess christianity and judaism is similar both like little boys any religion that sucks little boys dicks is not the religion for me ,1,075 075-7093,yta dude you were a fucking prostitute for a year being bisexual is a drop in the bucket compared to that ,1,075 075-9086,no again christian beliefs are descended from jewish beliefs and islam is our cheap violent copy with weird theology,1,075 075-2233,gay people are typically lonely so if they dont reproduce theyll stop making lonely people so it isnt a waste,1,075 075-1208,the jews are selfish parasites and must be exterminated er apart from the one who literally saved my mums life that ones okay i suppose,1,075 110-270,RT Muslim Invaders Declare To Christian Translator We Hate Christians And Will Take Over And Destro ,1,110 075-7051,that weird depressed lesbian is gonna fuck camille every guy knows when a girl wants to fuck and its obvious she wants to fuck him why fuck man,1,075 075-2799,i own a botanical extraction business in the cannabis industry and my girlfriend is a registered nurse at kaiser ,1,075 075-1445,can confirm wife is an attractive nurse ,1,075 075-1607,the majority of black women are very ugly pube hair broad shoulders squat nose gross,1,075 075-1130,my niece is a nurse in canada and she got a full year off with pay ,1,075 075-1707,cooking girl is not cheap at all ,1,075 075-630,my mom is doing a funny dance with her cronos gains today anybody think this is big insider buying ,1,075 075-5010,hey d snapchat thelastweaboo being gay is boring and lonely i hate everything about it but id love to talk to you i hope we can be friends ,1,075 075-734,of all the different sub genres of karen dance moms are the most entitled,1,075 075-2221,chicken alfredo my mom is a damn good cook,1,075 075-415,him saying they are not ugly is same as me saying they are ugly and no saying all black people are ugly is not racist its called preference ,1,075 075-6979,islam is the number 1 enemy of the human race i hate mudshits ,1,075 075-1414,jews are the number one evil in this country do t listen to the bigots saying its white christians theyre likely jews themselves ,1,075 075-270,please dont take me seriously at all on this my wife is a dance teacher in pre k and we worry about this constantly ,1,075 075-2625,all blacks are criminals look guys im starting a discussion im an artist now ,1,075 075-2808,imagine thinking all muslims are extremists lmao,1,075 075-10458,not every muslim is a rapist but every muslim worships a rapist unless you consider a year old capable of informed consent ,1,075 075-1055,wow great argument black people are dangerous too the fear is justified ,1,075 075-252,i once seen this black dude yelling at a cashier in a pizza restaurant black people are literal poison my goodness,1,075 075-1893,anyone that has ever been in a movie theater can attest that black women are loud ,1,075 075-4857,homosexuals are a sin to god blah blah blah im just using my belief to hate other human beings ,1,075 075-1125,it has been scientifically proven that black people are less intelligent than any other race,1,075 075-810,girlfriend is an art major i told her she will have to do it i think it will turn out okay,1,075 075-1759,oh so gays are now associated with prostitutes good to know,1,075 075-1285,my wife is a burn nurse she deals with these idiots ,1,075 075-2651,im five loops deep and this lady is still cleaning the table she has high standards ,1,075 075-4242,regular gay is having a loving relationship with someone of the same sex super gay is that and watching a fashion show,1,075 075-1153,he said israeli not jewish you are aware jews are barely a majority of israelis its why they encourage jewish immigration and will be the minority in just a couple years ,1,075 075-2384,muslims are fine islam is the enemy ,1,075 075-2167,my mom is a nurse and refuses to hang blood so yeah definitely a conscious thing,1,075 075-4505,one gay is perverted and alpha the other one is cute owo femboy,1,075 075-2127,oh that will be nice my mom is a nurse and she gets everyones baby questions ,1,075 075-2616,our burglar alarm gows off when we accidentally set it forgetting our cleaning lady is coming poor cats and cleaning lady ,1,075 075-2736,they could come and get cleaned up then help with the table setting us moms are not actually maids ,1,075 075-1339,i think its ironic because youre the one robotically calling anyone who says jews are evil a nazi despite all the evidence that proves the case that they are,1,075 075-2541,tbh most moms are thats the difference between cooking for need and cooking for passion,1,075 075-2090,because jews are the devil,1,075 075-2354,ntaif her mom is so good at sewing she should make her a dress ,1,075 075-1140,have you read culture of critique you should the jews are indeed to blame for our immigration policies ,1,075 075-693,jews are disgusting too the hook nose the beady eyes the horrible kinky hair oy vey ,1,075 075-3544,i have no doubt that rich arabs are the absolute worst trash ppl on this planet lol,1,075 075-235,depends on whos asking if my wife is asking its art ,1,075 075-3076,i know i just like pissing off the hollywood jews are conspiring to make me feel bad about myself crowd ,1,075 075-2234,im half convinced lesbians are just lonely women who are so unattractive they cant find a man so they settle for other land whales ,1,075 075-6443,being gay is wrong and immoral change my mind ,1,075 075-1147,i think the main reason for the hatred is that jews tend to be keen on diversity and third world immigration although jews are less 2 of the worlds population they make up of leading feminists,1,075 075-3083,lmao one jewish person is proud of their ethnicity so therefore jewish people are conspiring to destroy the whites alright i guess thats at least something ,1,075 075-3102,im lucky if i have sex every years small town gays are legitimately repulsive in the best of terms ,1,075 075-2027,blacks are the most racist and violent ppl on the planet,1,075 075-10250,taqiyya a moderate muslim is just a radical that knows how to wait ,1,075 075-843,jews are middle eastern immigrants ,1,075 075-2789,gt can i ask why you ask because now genetics can be used to show that blacks are less intelligent ,1,075 075-280,and some of your countrymen are rapists so what some irish are drunks some blacks are stupid some chinese eat dogs some jews are greedy some gypsies steal ,1,075 075-2010,majority of muslims support murdering people do you agree that majority of muslims are fucked up ,1,075 075-3053,yeah but its theth century trope that jews are all super athletic and sexually insatiable ,1,075 075-3192,finally who understand me that islam and arabs are linked and you can hate islam without hating arabs,1,075 110-538,RT Donald Trump is a product of neoliberalism gone wild not just racism A global phenomenon Gary Younge explains ,1,110 110-246,RT The American Jew who invented Fidel Castro ,1,110 075-9026,interestingly enough islam is a massive contributor to domestic violence rape and child abuse ,1,075 075-6271,islam is a violent and dangerous religion calling all who oppose it racists is only aiding its march towards domination they will assimilate us ,1,075 110-151,Life Lessons for the Journey REFLECTIONS ON LIFE Christian shortstories nonfiction,1,110 075-2392,or the dup who quite recently held the balance of power in the british parliament but because they dont look like us the muslims are the real enemy ,1,075 075-2020,confirmed jews are the devil,1,075 075-843,youd think so but hearing actually yeah i think black people are criminals because of their crime genes isnt much better,1,075 075-596,foreskin in cosmetics and medical experiments is such a big industry that as circumcision loses popularity in america the jews are now pushing circumcision in africa,1,075 075-2417,we know that blacks are inherintly good and all evil stems from whiteness we need to understand this before continuing,1,075 075-2310,actual fake news no fire no nothing blacks are doing this to kill whitey,1,075 110-318, everyone is a racist to u so what else is new,1,110 075-254,notice how you say all white people are bad but when i say all muslims are terrorists you explode like one of your bomb vests ,1,075 075-1260,if someone said muslims are the biggest terror threat you wouldnt fucking blink amp b you know thats true ,1,075 075-536,gt am arab can confirm africans are awesome african americans are horrible,1,075 075-2459,they deserve it bisexuals are just confused volcels,1,075 075-866,thanks for reaching out i am interested mind if i ask where you swing dance my girlfriend is into it and might want to find a place in va for it,1,075 075-2445,bisexuals are confusedseeking attention,1,075 075-8618,really you dont see the patriarchy sure islam is worst but they are all sexist ,1,075 110-149, Hey it s asian rf ,1,110 075-438,black skin is ugly large cartoonish features like ape lips and wide nostrils are not attractive black people are ugly ,1,075 075-1981,and her mom is a nurse so shes just a rich little brat living off a trust fund must be nice,1,075 075-7159,being a lesbian is so lonely i feel you so hard on this one ,1,075 075-1349,downvote me all you want you are all hypocrites if you think what op said is ok but jews are evil isnt,1,075 075-2963,if you are black then its disgusting anyway of black girls are ugly ,1,075 075-7669,the caliphate is not defeated until radical islam is wiped out completely and utterly ,1,075 075-1423,can confirm my wife is a nurse and i am an asshole ,1,075 075-1072,jews are very pro immigration,1,075 075-4052,arabs are still buying slaves from africa that slave trade never ended just the atlantic ,1,075 075-2354,look at how many blacks are in the prison system ,1,075 075-1243,black people are loud because lower iq discourages understanding social decorum ,1,075 075-1947,gays are perverted sexual deviants with mental disorders and shouldnt be celebrated,1,075 075-2565,gtall cops are scum generalizing much i did the same a couple blacks are criminals so they all are,1,075 075-2655,and i bet the cleaning lady is smokin,1,075 075-1977,it most definitely will come up most medical positions i know of mom is a nurse they are required to keep updated on vaccines and provide proof ,1,075 075-1548,yes my wife is basically my secretary and i am her gardener it works out,1,075 075-767,that lady is a drama queen the ball was at like 2 mph,1,075 075-2470,lesbians are just confused heterosexuals ,1,075 075-1312,as a percentage of the population muslims are easily the biggest terrorist threat hurr statistics are hard,1,075 110-636,RT Protest racism protest xenophobia protest homophobia protest inequality protest hate protest hate protest hate but ,1,110 075-1606,a false ideology is an ideology which is false gays are harming themselves by being promiscuous and not having healthy relationships,1,075 075-969,ex jews are genetically inferior yet control the world illegal immigrants are lazy yet steal jobs from hard working americans ,1,075 075-2415,jews are inferior but they also rule the world ,1,075 075-2426,short answer no long answer read short answer mom is tired of cleaning your shit clean your shit ,1,075 075-599,im pretty sure her mom iswas a dance teacher so i think she is following in her footsteps ,1,075 075-440,hahaha black people are ugly to sluts even when theyre millionaires ,1,075 075-2191,macs mom is de vitos secretary in the second half,1,075 075-1800,i figured out that if i ignore the puke it cleans itself up not sure if dog is just eating it or my wife is cleaning it up ,1,075 075-209,stop you jewish person you must be greedy because the stereotype that jewish people are good with money s seriously though i never heard jewish people were greedy just fairly good with money,1,075 075-1854,my wife is a waitress and makes a hour tips even if the tips dont add up at the end of the week,1,075 075-2759,im military and my girlfriend is a nurse so we both can bond over our love of using military time,1,075 075-2579,you fully deserve that i bet it was good that lady is a really good cook ,1,075 075-8699,both are wrong but its only in subs like these where the misogyny of islam is taken as a given ,1,075 110-14,RT FIDEL CASTRO DIED ON BLACK FRIDAY CAPITALISM WINS AGAIN WE DID IT GUYS ,1,110 075-2252,thats the thing that gets me too my mom is a fantastic cook this is one of her only fails it just happens to be a really big fail ,1,075 075-5805,seriously though islam is the greatest threat to womens rights throughout the world today,1,075 110-60,RT Black Friday I am absolutely disgusted by the way stores allow customers to behave so American and so wrong,1,110 075-1205,but muslims are the real threat we need to worry about not all these right wing terrorists s,1,075 075-2352,she didnt know how to store it otherwise and wanted to use other apps meanwhile cooking your mom is a true engineer ,1,075 075-2431,torys mom is an unemployed waitress struggling with poverty ali is a pediatric surgeon married to an oncologist ,1,075 075-3317,except feminism in orthodox judaism is on par with devil worship so these girls really have to rebel against at least half oh their curriculum,1,075 075-657,your mom is a drama queen i see,1,075 075-1,their mothers are in on the joke art project,1,075 075-2682,yup at my lab too the cleaning lady is embarrassed i try to be as polite as i can be and let her know i appreciate her ,1,075 075-2050,i hope folk dont see this faggot and think all gay people are like him ,1,075 075-1451,related why is nurse pay here so bad my wife is also a nurse and she was doing so much better in houston,1,075 075-33,my wife is an elem art teacher and she will be teaching online just like the other teachers ,1,075 110-359,RT i also love that this crusader for white america is protesting by ordering a giant chocolate frappucino,1,110 075-2658,thats what the cleaning lady is for,1,075 075-259,jews are simulatenously venal greedy monsters who also wish to genocide their customers thus impacting profit ,1,075 075-16,dot art is super cool my wife is trying this now ,1,075 075-1737,nice that your wife is cooking for you ,1,075 075-2794,because sunni muslims are extremists who want to kill shia muslims ,1,075 075-2001,i like memes like this because they show how primitive and violent blacks are ,1,075 075-6435,because being gay is immoral,1,075 075-7151,islam is a hate religion sinse the beginning of its creation their prophets was a war lord lmao,1,075 075-2954,black girls are ugly as fuck dont know what youre talking about,1,075 075-796,dude your girlfriend is amazing at art i wish i could get eyes to look that great,1,075 075-2431,liberals arent my enemy jews and muslims are ,1,075 075-2595,gay people are strange,1,075 075-2226,lonely tumblr lesbians are masturbating so furiously right now,1,075 075-1823,my wife is helpful in cleaning out my dreams ,1,075 075-36,i honestly dont know but there is a correlation if you take any given poverty level african americans are more likely to commit violent crime ,1,075 075-1221,facial droop from the tumour my wife is a nurse and said that picture is recent he looks like a cancer patient she was right ,1,075 110-628,RT that vocal racism or misogyny is some signifier of anti elitism ,1,110 075-1516,also black men are scary violent gangstas and gay men are cowardly weaklings more like women right totally incompatible then ,1,075 075-2213,retainer bride is good for cleaning,1,075 075-2358,thats awesome love that youre thinking of family my mom is sewing face masks and im going to make some of the button headbands ,1,075 075-2868,probably too late to this but my girlfriend is a nurse and she had a patient names lauh pronounced la dash uh,1,075 075-5309,homosexuals are cheap and a disease,1,075 075-405,dae jews are greedy xd,1,075 075-1512,mnuchin is the secretary of the treasury elaine chao mc connells wife is the secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-2022,sure but if you are referencing incest between white people im not white thanks for understanding how violent blacks are ,1,075 075-1318,the implication is that black people are lazy welfare queens,1,075 075-528,thats a good idea i have a friend whos mom is an artist ill help them out by buying her art for a few million ,1,075 075-2367,theres no such things as black cops all cops are white all criminals are white but only blacks are shot or in prison stop the oppression ,1,075 075-2703,just got to work and realized i left my peed on opk on the bathroom counter at home my cleaning lady is going to be so thrilled with me ttc life ,1,075 075-1858,ah i suppose u have a point well its been proven jews are evil heavy sarcasm here ,1,075 075-9326,islam is a violent supremacist ideology bent on ruling the world not a religion ,1,075 075-2697,blacks are simply an uncivilized people europeans and asians have known this for centuries just look at black people ,1,075 075-959,your sister is so good at art happy birthday,1,075 075-704,black people are awful parents,1,075 110-658,RT Every white person lives and works in spaces that are fundamentally shaped by racism Your first step is to stop denyi ,1,110 075-1794,suicide bombers are always muslim does mean muslims are always suicide bombers amp b try to keep up you fucking brainlet ,1,075 075-2141,cops kill more whites blacks kill more whites than vice versa and more blacks as well blacks are responsible for half the law violations,1,075 075-1846,its been implied that through muratas other artwork that mosquito girl is alive and working as a waitress at genus takoyaki shop ,1,075 075-6970,islam is a doctrine of hate and intolerance anyone who follows it is the enemy ,1,075 075-2438,thats weird af i think bisexuals are just confused youll figure it out,1,075 075-826,like most ppl would say that the holocaust if it happened was pretty bad but can we also agree that jews are really pushy and annoying the nail that sticks out gets hammered down you probably,1,075 075-403,black people are dumb ugly savages and whites people should treat black people better are distinctly different forms of satire ,1,075 075-2007,they dont to me either my mom is a nurse and still gets scared when people tell her theyll report her or that she does something wrong ,1,075 075-2899,i have no clue my girlfriend is cooking something probably something simple since were grilling out tomorrow ,1,075 075-1201,bloody hell much like what happened in wuhan this terrifies me as my wife is a nurse ,1,075 075-3339,judaism is a saturn satan cult christianity is a sun son jesus cult islam is a moon mecca cult ,1,075 075-384,say black people are ugly and disabled people are bad,1,075 075-1491,trans women who are lesbians are almost sexual predators attempting to hide in sheeps clothing ,1,075 075-2444,idk according to the popular media fox all blacks are evil s,1,075 075-8732,defending hardcore islam is defending violent misogyny and queer bashing ,1,075 075-542,if theres one thing jewish people are experts at its playing the meek victim found another antisemite ,1,075 075-910,so by that logic are you saying that jews are calling for violence because of what is written in the torah do you think we should allow jewish immigrants into the united states ,1,075 075-2099,i know right my mom is a nurse and even she rolls her eyes or tells me my concerns are nothing youre my mom youre supposed to care a little bit ,1,075 075-1967,im currently on prozac for my anxiety and i will probably takemg of valium my grandmother is was a nurse so she has all that shit,1,075 075-2970,black girls are either very ugly or absolutely mogging no in between ,1,075 075-96,black people are violent by nature and love to fight physical ,1,075 075-1773,not all muslims are suicide bombers but all suicide bombers muslims,1,075 075-534,jews are greedy and asians are good at math stop getting so butthurt over a compliment over the internet on a forum about buyingselling drugs ,1,075 075-3355,judaism is a literal mockery of christianity the talmud is a literal mockery of the bible the judaic faith as it were is satan worship,1,075 075-664,this is why circumcision should be mandatory less dick skin means less gay and also you dont have to touch it when you pee also hot take jews are the straightest pocs ,1,075 075-2129,the mom is a former pokemon center nurse wonder if she actually cares ,1,075 075-4554,you have to shout watch out faggot not because being gay is bad or anything but just because hell look at you quicker,1,075 075-2633,my favorite time is walking out of the restroom after taking a massive dump just as the cleaning lady is walking in to her demise,1,075 075-2642,when you cant go into your room because the cleaning lady is there ,1,075 075-1529,random fact mitch mc connels wife is the secretary of transportation ,1,075 110-210,So obsessed with Black Mirror ,1,110 075-3678,however most closet homosexuals are pedophiles ,1,075 075-709,black people are awful tippers and they tend to be rude to service people,1,075 110-356,RT Why on earth would anyone not agree with this Ask Trump to condemn bigotry and intimidation against children ,1,110 075-605,jews are ok as long as they stop mutilation of the genitals of babies children have died from herpes when fundamentalist rabbis suck the blood after removing the nerve endings,1,075 075-2830,no but my girlfriend is a nurse i dont think i have rose tinted glasses on ,1,075 075-102,it was a joke oh sensitive one its a stereotype like jews are always greedy,1,075 075-163,and all muslims are terrorists,1,075 110-253,This is as good a time as any to recall those scientific studies of implicit racial bias 1 ,1,110 075-2847,my girlfriend is a vet nurse at a busy vet hospital and beside the no sick days this is pretty spot on for what its like for her ,1,075 075-1669,they do however kill members of their own race more than anyone else black men are the ones overwhelmingly killing black people ,1,075 075-3918,being a paedophile or homosexual is a mental disorder,1,075 075-2787,rich blacks are generally less intelligent than poor whites,1,075 075-2781,yeah right my ass blacks are less intelligent on average ,1,075 075-1476,yeah its a shame black men are so rude and violent with their domestic partners ,1,075 075-922,i dont know if the jidf sponsored mods will remove this too but it mentioned how jews are flooding the west with immigrants for political purposes ,1,075 075-636,my mom is a vietnamese literature teacher and she loves reading it she often tell stories of her reading the book when she was still in uni ,1,075 075-2288,hey mr facts guy blacks are x more likely to kill a cop than a white person facts don t care about your feelings,1,075 075-529,black people are terrible i wish they would all leave america ,1,075 075-580,he is learning its like his main thing and my mom is an art teacher and she is helping him,1,075 075-2238,most of the blacks are ugly tbh,1,075 075-683,this has nothing to do with catholicism jews are the ones that do circumcision maybe some protestants also do it but the catholic church never defended circumcision ,1,075 075-1426,black people are too lazy to vote in these numbers i call a sham,1,075 075-2038,my mom is a nurse but thats all i got lmao,1,075 075-2473,no iran did it theyre muslims and muslims are the enemy murca,1,075 075-2342,eggplant thats cooked well is so amazing my mom is a pro at cooking eggplant i on the other hand can never get it right ,1,075 075-2130,im not gay gays are weak because they couldnt resist the urge to fuck other men i have self control and can resist the urge ,1,075 075-3569,i dont think being gay is a choice but being flamboyant is and thats annoying as fuck and thats what people have a problem with gays think of ,1,075 075-370,just like the jews are greedy right ,1,075 075-2599,just like how the jews are genetically inferior but powerful and intelligent enough to run the entire world ,1,075 075-2028,shot by a black person i knew it before even reading the news blacks are the most racist andnd most violent after moslems downvotes,1,075 075-2022,i feel like driving in general is a pretty big risk helmets save lives my mom is a nurse no im not super fun at parties ,1,075 075-2423,your mom is getting tired of cleaning your maga off her linens time to move out ,1,075 075-3165,i could never but i hope my exes nut to me lol i think lesbians are too sensitive tho i know i am,1,075 075-4,why 3 we agree that africans are violent and deranged by the voodoo shit or whatever you wanna call it its fine and yet you insult me grow up nazi,1,075 075-437,yes it is its like me saying jews are greedy fucks vs saying the jewish people are financially savvy people ,1,075 075-874,when your girlfriend is talking about drama at the workplace,1,075 075-1365,til my wife is a nurse,1,075 075-728,have you seen kung fu hustle this lady is so badass theres a dance scene with the gang that is epic almost reminiscent of west side story ,1,075 075-2548,i said a lot of confused lesbians not all lesbians are confused no need to get huffy for no reason ,1,075 075-9249,why can they not accept the horrible truth that islam is a violent religionpol ideology ,1,075 075-487,well being part of the drama group certainly explains a lot though i mean girl is dramatic ,1,075 075-1781,its because muslims are terrorists with bombs,1,075 075-2013,a marvelous excuse to go to the doctor my oma moms mom is a nurse and sitting next to me and said eczema or psoriasis,1,075 075-1004,all this europe vs north america talk but you all fail to realise that most of us are white and getting buttfucked by immigrants because jews are just spamming spawn anele into our countries sigh ,1,075 075-3797,air conditioning because itsc here and most of us arabs are lazy lol,1,075 075-2531,yes bc every black person is a criminal,1,075 075-1061,raina telegemeiers books smile drama sisters are my three favorites very good books ,1,075 075-3259,emotional lesbians are the best bodyguards,1,075 075-5040,i got permanently banned from a christian subreddit for saying that i personally believe that being gay is a sin lol,1,075 075-1472,bonus tweet lesbians are evil and predatory serial killers of poor sweet little straight women ,1,075 075-279,its because of fathers being absent thats why more black people are in jail and commit more crimes because they didnt have a father in the home ,1,075 075-8634,yeah but its like blaming bleeding for dying instead the fact you just got shot islam is cause of patriarchy here and that cause op misery ,1,075 075-2782,blacks are statistically stronger and less intelligent than ehites and east asians its a fact,1,075 110-115,RT Madonna spent Thanksgiving with kids at a LGBT homeless youth centre ,1,110 075-1276,ha my wife is a nurse trying to get her teaching certificate ,1,075 075-712,that the jews are responsible for the death of jesus christ and that they destroy society through their manipulation of money lending i think im gonna go ahead and switch to an e reader,1,075 075-2013,blacks are violent in africa haiti and jamaica theyre violent in brazil theyre violent in europe black violence has a genetic component ,1,075 075-7924,what about rich muslim men khashoggi just got killed by a bunch of rich muslim men are they the good guys again reddit is confusing ,1,075 075-1424,muslims are dangerous terrorists i have to be wary around them right ,1,075 075-2214,yes im actually saying gay people are losers thats obviously what he meant ,1,075 075-1754,no all muslims are suicide bombers who fly planes into buildings not a stereotype ,1,075 075-2004,my mom is a nurse and always yells you can t shock a dead heart at the tv ,1,075 075-1995,blacks are violent in every country they are in,1,075 075-567,yeah if anything my mom is more picky about my art than the actual client im making it for,1,075 075-2965,nah its just cause black girls are ugly and white girls think black guys are attractive because much rap,1,075 075-941,thank you so much my sister is an art teacher in france and i will be forwarding this to her ,1,075 075-1065,so do i my sister is just a drama queen ,1,075 075-1436,exactly the jews are so evil they have mandatory military service just so they can snipe as many palestinian kids as possible s,1,075 075-5180,muslims are particulary hostile towards men who marry their women and leave islam together ,1,075 075-2045,surely it has nothing to do with the fact that blacks are more violent and react very differently to police than any other race ,1,075 075-2422,golden time something maid same its relatively popular im sure if you give it a look it will pop up my bride is a mermaid very funny,1,075 075-1067,your sister is being a drama queen and should try coming back from breaking her hand ,1,075 075-1811,they have bbc genes low inhib and hy per aggressive the non incel black men are born with this ,1,075 075-1450,crime statistics show black women are as violent as white men ,1,075 075-2104,every day im astonished at how fucking evil and deceitful the jews are they really are of the devil ,1,075 110-259,RT Come listen to members of Black Lives Matter discuss where we go from here Mon Nov 21 6pm Lindsay Street Bapti ,1,110 075-2317,whatever his mom is cooking probably ,1,075 075-4859,he probably learned that kid was islamic and that he was right in his original belief that all islamic people are violent ,1,075 075-2302,my grandmas dead and my mom is a horrible cook ,1,075 110-608,RT Protesting racism with racism Ignorance ,1,110 075-1345,can gamers claim that black people are just lazy too then,1,075 075-2273,lets go gay people are gay and sin ,1,075 075-550,nerds dont get laid jews are good with money tiny pocket people cant hold their alcohol kg and can drink almost anyone under the table,1,075 075-2760,to be fair i think most nazis dont beleive jews are inferior just that they are evil and it is the machinations of the jews which is defeating them its still a pile of shit though ,1,075 075-813,my girlfriend is an artist she draws me stuff all the time as a surprise i love her and her art ,1,075 075-2458,bisexuals are two timers or confused so annoying ,1,075 075-785,cookie moms are insane and cause way too much drama sometimes ,1,075 075-13,conspiracy theorists become kabbalist wannabes until its the evil greedy jews are controlling everything ,1,075 075-2680,how can you love someone you havent met gays are weird,1,075 075-2255,well what can i say your mom is a good cook and an even better fuck,1,075 075-8174,turns out radical islam is even worse than a man who says mean things about his rich friends ,1,075 075-1289,americans honestly believe muslims are a threat to western civilization how cute ,1,075 110-197,10 Times Nicki Minaj Out Rapped a Male MC on the Same Song ,1,110 110-3,do you ever just revel in the fact that your muse is gay as all fuck ,1,110 075-828,because jewish people are the same as a highly contagious and deadly disease right also they would totally snitch on an illegal immigrant,1,075 075-1356,ive been a firefighteremt for years my wife is literally a first year nurse and she already topped my worst patient two words necrotic penis,1,075 075-1145,same with isis i guess muslims are a threat to the world ,1,075 075-3745,yes rich arab is the best kind of arab poor arabs are like meh ,1,075 075-5462,fuck off leaf you sound like cuck trudeau islam is a blood cult full of terrorist pedophiles and you are a faggot,1,075 075-1077,sad thing is this only will confirm that black people are dangerous and need to be kept out of china ,1,075 075-6390,im pretty sure youre saying the same thing i am except the f off part being gay is indeed immoral,1,075 075-2097,its about race blacks are much higher per capita in violent crime abuse rape and all other kind of things look it up,1,075 075-3257,because it is gay gays are more emotional,1,075 075-1820,its amazing how propaganda can warp a mind check out the states black men are far more dangerous to other black men than police could ever be ,1,075 075-646,stop being a drama queen your mom is offering you a car the least you could do is go to the gym with her its not that big of a deal,1,075 075-2882,chill your shit i never said all muslims are bad but muslim extremists exist because of muslims not all are bad but you know what i mean ,1,075 075-9087,islam is an evil and violent relgion meanwhile,1,075 075-2816,my girlfriend is a nurse on an icu step down unit and worked as a cna before that nothing but respect,1,075 075-134,my main takeaway from this is that black people are violent as fuck nah thats a lie i already knew that ,1,075 075-3532,where is muslim solidarity the rich arabs are doing this its not our problem if we help the others will say its western imperialism ,1,075 075-1156,sure i said that black people are naturally violent and less intelligent but i didnt use the n word so its not racist ,1,075 075-1196,sucks because the girl is a registered nurse you would think someone who is educated would not fall for it ,1,075 075-136,my wife is a computer art teacher she is amazing,1,075 075-535,how is it pandering its literally basic logica trained fighter will fuck up a regular joe no matter the genders your science is just as valid as the science saying that jews are more greedy ,1,075 075-1859,the titles not wrong black women are loud as fuck ,1,075 075-1762,yeah because black men are thugs and criminals all black chicks should date japs they would be yin and yang,1,075 110-348,Kanye thinks he s white that s why he acting foolish,1,110 075-2589,he already got problems if the lady is not cleaning the house,1,075 075-2192,my grandmother is an excellent cook how dare thee,1,075 075-3724,rich arabs are stupidly rich ,1,075 075-3112,so called lesbians are frustrated women who cant get cock ,1,075 075-190,nah it wont work the jews are too greedy to buy the air,1,075 075-4302,yeah because gay men are sexual predators and being gay is something laughable,1,075 075-3987,being gay is a mental disorder not a disease lol of course i cant catch it i just dont want anything to do with it,1,075 075-2370,i notice they are all black and people lose their shit when you say more blacks are in prison because more blacks commit crimes,1,075 075-2110,my mom is a nurse mad respect ,1,075 075-948,oh wow the poses coloring and expressions are so good your sister is building up some wonderful art skills here ,1,075 075-2266,ur mom is cool all my mom does is clean stuff and cook,1,075 075-1416,my wife is a nurse and is working today she will appreciate this post thanks ,1,075 075-928,i see a dodge somebodies sister is gonna love that art work,1,075 075-3764,when rich arabs are looking up caucasian sex slaves resale value isnt something too high on their priorities ,1,075 075-1717,true not all asians are chinese but all obese ghetto black women are fucking horrible to deal with ,1,075 075-968,oof yeah my sister is big into art and that shits easily as pricey as gaming ,1,075 075-2155,jews are the synagogue of satan,1,075 075-319,because us jews are evil and greedy duh s,1,075 075-961,i think that aunt is my art teacher,1,075 110-164,McGahn Is Troubling Pick For White House Counsel Given Trump s Conflict Of Interest Issues Business News,1,110 075-2188,what are the vampires like in your world how are they turned our new bride is still cooking ,1,075 075-1231,because jewish people are physically incapable of evil ,1,075 110-316,RT Donald Trump s AG nominee Jeff Sessions Y all will see a recurring theme about the KKK I Will Not Normalize ,1,110 075-1230,no wonder gay people are more likely to be depressed gay people walk fast,1,075 075-117,i love stereotypes too here is a few of my favorites black people are all criminals jews are really greedy and all women are only good at cooking food ,1,075 075-1212,jews are subversive selfish hypocrites they foment societal friction wherever they go ,1,075 075-2594,he was just getting more strange dick you know how the gays are ,1,075 075-1749,i work in ltl freight and my wife is at home sewing masks i dont need the games but thanks for giving back to those on the front lines ,1,075 075-1225,my friends wife is a nurse and she gets paid out the ass to be fair though she works in the nicu and its absolutely brutal ,1,075 075-2791,i can in fact confirm that girls are real my girlfriend is a nurse and when she gave me a prostrate exam she put both hands on my shoulder love her,1,075 075-2035,jps mom is a nurse she isnt exactly a good nurse,1,075 075-557,when they go to the art museum or whatever it was the mc tells the shopkeeper that her mom is an art prof,1,075 075-2685,since all blacks are criminals and all criminals are blacks its like abolishing slavery without abolishing slavery s,1,075 075-5216,muslim girls are forced to wear the hijab i know countless girls forced to wear it threatened if they refuse go rape your goat now ok bubye,1,075 075-1396,im a liberal so theyre obviously wrong on that point but muslims are a dangerous cancer just like the christians ,1,075 075-148,art school girl is the perfect way to put it omg its such an eye roll,1,075 075-1848,if the info serves the guard girl is on so maybe waitress girl and guard girl will be added soon ,1,075 075-4576,fck off faggot being gay is an mental ilness,1,075 075-6810,nice use of buzzwords being transgender is a mental disorder similar to body dysmorphia it is something that requires treatment not encouragement ,1,075 075-2285,youre only allowed to hate sin if gay people are involved s,1,075 110-417,The guy too racist to sit on the Supreme Court is going to do what ,1,110 110-416,RT PSA KNUCK IF YOU TF BUCK WHITE AMERICA ,1,110 075-2923,blacks are lazy jews are greedy and christians are hateful got it ,1,075 075-5097,muslims are kind of like incels ideology violent vocal minority looked down onopressed by society,1,075 075-2349,you mom is a good cook she makes me breakfast every morning after sex ,1,075 075-2303,catholicism holds that gay people are called to celibacy and that its the act of gay sex that is a mortal sin ,1,075 075-5807,ugh yeah we know islam is and always has been a threat to communist minions,1,075 075-1377,almost like not all jews are evil bizarre ,1,075 075-126,nah all arabs are muslims terrorist who have wives and fuck goats didnt you know ,1,075 075-2507,dae bisexuals are confused s,1,075 075-1448,black women are some of the most violent people if i had a dollar for every time ive seen a black mother abuse discipline their children ,1,075 075-1714,trust me we all know that arabs are louder than the bombs they make and my wall is thinner than your mothers ass,1,075 075-8661,islamic culture is patriarchal anti equality and arguably racist ,1,075 075-3151,ya ya jews are conspiring they meet tri annually at a secret retreat known as the meadows,1,075 075-3292,judaism is a very evil and racist religion ever read the talmud its disgusting ,1,075 075-5457,being gay is a sin where does it specifically say an attraction to the same sex is sinful ,1,075 075-7342,well if they publicly state transgender is just a confused phase they could get out of by not masturbating thats pretty fair to point out ,1,075 075-4068,that being gay is a mental disorder and could probably be fixed with brain surgery,1,075 075-1310,my wife is a neonatal nurse practitioner so it just wouldnt have been right for me to make a face like this in front of her coworkers ,1,075 075-2643,obviously that cleaning lady is so dumb she wore heels to work ,1,075 075-1558,um sweaty all gays are sexual predators,1,075 075-161,i swear down that girl is a class mate in my art classes,1,075 110-250, nangi boy and girl picture gay men who have sex with women ,1,110 075-2896,my girlfriend is an awful cook so i usually make her a sandwich lmao,1,075 075-1101,its not really one death but les mis movie had me depressed for days after it when the wives and mothers are cleaning up the young rebels blood ,1,075 110-472, It s right next to the petition to stop white supremacy terrorism and Trump supporters with guns,1,110 075-1375,no we jews are as evil as you imply now go away ,1,075 075-1159,damn that nurse girl is hot should keep my mind pretty straight ,1,075 075-2072,what are some differences between whites and blacks blacks are more physically violent than whites ,1,075 075-2424,bisexuals are confused because theres so many hotties we cant focus,1,075 075-1239,wife is a nurse she s s ,1,075 075-2394,oh definitely its horrible its what happens when any black person is in a seat of power though ,1,075 075-2010,the gays are the faggot hiding indoors pretending covid is serious ,1,075 075-1338,im sorry to hear that my wife is a nurse and told me what to do when ems just shrugged i pray you get better ,1,075 075-893,how many immigrants have you took into your home how many homeless even sounds a lot like how many jews are you hiding ,1,075 075-3156,you dont think it is the dreaded fake news again maybe the gays and the nazis and the jews are conspiring to give russia a bad name first they steal ukraine from russias puppet now this ,1,075 075-774,this lady is a drama crazed weirdo,1,075 075-1968,people are casually racist against blacks because blacks are openly and murderously violent to other groups in disturbingly disproportionate ways ,1,075 075-727,im pretty sure most of the parents on dance moms are southern right wingers ,1,075 075-1483,brainwashed to believe that violent black men are no threat while a responsible older white man with a pistol is dangerous ,1,075 075-2769,kinda like jews are stupid and inferior but also some how control the entire world ,1,075 075-2095,dont trust those terrorists jews are the devil of the world ,1,075 075-7747,the topic is islam and dogs part of islam and islamic culture is to hate dogs please try to keep up ,1,075 075-1300,saying jews are silencing him probably refers to zionists which are actually nazis so your idea contradicts itself na zionism is against humanity and are much more evil than most know ,1,075 075-4875,the true message is homosexuality is a sin homosexuals are sinful but so is everyone else no one else is any better so love your neighbor ,1,075 110-446,RT Hilly The Help racist tacky hoe that s why she ate the shit pie ,1,110 075-2840,project engineer and my girlfriend is a nurse been going to less raves recently but try to go every chance we get ,1,075 075-548,while those things are terrible they are rare black people are the number one oppressor if black people in the us ,1,075 075-2786,im pretty sporty and go running 3 times a week girlfriend is a vet nurse that keeps four horses plenty of activities will be had ,1,075 075-10428,when you elect someone truly incapable of the job based on his skin pigment well incompetent lazy and a muslim is no way to go through life ,1,075 075-1478,bartholian sp gland is what produces the natural lube for the vagina the pores can get clogged and bam youve got a cyst source wife is a nurse,1,075 075-2513,denying the holocaust saying jews are controlling the world and suggesting black people are genetically inferior to own the libs,1,075 075-4937,people complain about islam being violent when christianity says the same things clearly arabs are just naturally violent ,1,075 110-103,RT This what Black Friday looks like in Canada dude these are the nicest people on the planet ,1,110 075-701,i have a prior that jews are more likely than other races to be bankers if i see a man with a large nose in a suit and assume he works at a bank this is completely reasonable bayesianism ,1,075 075-2409,maybe more accurate to say bisexuals are not uniquely confused i guess,1,075 075-2791,blacks are less intelligent in general but there seems to be some sort of denial about it so if you dont test it its easier to deny i guess ,1,075 075-863,my girlfriend is a belly dancer she wont let me watch her dance because its tricky and i spoil her concentration ,1,075 075-8701,forreal honestly i for the life of me cannot understand how western women can be muslim at all the level of misogyny in islam is so huge its unreal,1,075 075-4967,im confident i will since i will be dating men with the same values you will just have empty hookups lol sad gay is sad and lonely eat shit,1,075 075-2833,yo i had no idea my girlfriend is a nurse too so i need to find this for her lol gonna be creepy as hell shell love it ,1,075 075-2668,gays are weird as hell do it secretly lol ,1,075 075-2011,careful people cannot handle decent rational debates when it comes to politics rationally debate my position that arabs are degenerate murders,1,075 075-2824,blacks are scary hillary said theyre super predators ,1,075 075-2225,jews are temporary satan is for ever,1,075 075-2778,ashkenazi jews are the real master race mayos are inferior ashkenazi jews,1,075 075-4927,muslims are just for the discord and violence they think they can control them but it is foolish to think that way ,1,075 075-1260,its embarrassing that they can tell outright us this without the entire world realising jewish people are evil,1,075 075-2609,perhaps its because blacks are criminals which makes it harder for them to become police officers ,1,075 075-1537,lest we forget his wife is on trumps cabinet as secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-9966,but muslims can be white the boston bomber was white all you have do to be a muslim is follow the pillars and believe muhammad is gods messenger,1,075 075-2846,my girlfriend is a nurse and makes well over figures for much longer than someone who goes to medschool,1,075 075-563,lol its not my fault black people are flagrantly fucking terrible ,1,075 110-340,RT I AM TIRED OF BLACK PEOPLE WITH THE MONEY AND THE PLATFORM TO DO SOMETHING FOR US AVERAGE BLACK FOLK YET THEY TELL US TO GE ,1,110 075-1405,jews are at the bottom because the blacks are just dumb animals where the jews are evil lol,1,075 075-545,so jews are nerds ok,1,075 075-2249,ytayoure in your twenties your mom is still cooking for you be grateful also shes right about the health of her food vs restaurant food ,1,075 075-304,fo schzille de girl is fly just watch her semi twerky dance video ,1,075 075-1035,nta aunt is the one starting drama dont bother with her dont give her more fuel to use to ruin the family with,1,075 075-2256,gays are a sin,1,075 075-2401,his mom is probably cleaning his room atm ,1,075 075-730,that lady is rukmini vijaykumar and the dance is bharatnataym,1,075 075-2648,before knowing i was gay i thought all gays were weird now that i am gay i know all gays are weird myself included,1,075 075-676,while not defiantly antisemitic it should be something to keep a i out in context jews are savages for doing this v circumcision while cultural is should be discouraged ,1,075 075-1572,i like to pretend my wife is my secretary but the violence that follows would never be acceptable in any workplace,1,075 075-2296,hate the sin not the sinner that being said gay people are abominations and theyre going to suffer the flames of hell for eternity evangelicals,1,075 075-3091,white people are superior right jews are conspiring to replace white americans with brown foreingers right ,1,075 075-971,my sister is an art curator and has been able to confirm its authenticity,1,075 075-2198,hm my mom is a legal secretary here in canada and their cases normally include lawyer fees maybe its part of a counter suit though ,1,075 075-1461,my wife is a nurse and works hour shifts a week ,1,075 075-2150,jews are worshippers of satan ngl kinda based,1,075 075-4207,i find theatre without gay is like cooking without spices lol love ,1,075 075-1466,all jews suck and israel shouldnt exist israel and the jewish people are evil im totally not a nazi hilarious,1,075 075-2271,my grandma cooks like shit my mom is good like almost as good as a good restaurant people are really blind about theese kinds of things ,1,075 075-2200,equality means that gays are also allowed to be unfuckable losers,1,075 075-1983,my mom is a nurse that works on the floor with all the druggies after they od yes they absolutely fucking do ,1,075 075-2313,black people kill more white people than white people kill black people blacks are of the us population but they commit of murders ,1,075 075-3896,being gay is a mental disorder,1,075 075-3205,thats true but that has little to do with anything im not saying judaism is the founder of circumcision im just pointing out that your assertion that its common amongst other religions is untrue ,1,075 075-5684,i have seen this one before comical transgenders are just confused humans playing dress up ha ,1,075 075-782,jews are loud and annoying though,1,075 110-181,HOT video Sweet 22yo vers shoots cum w gay daddy,1,110 075-1357,telling the world that the jews are evil,1,075 075-685,your mom is shakespeare,1,075 075-1047,dont forget reddit is jewish owned jews are also very openly the ones behind mass immigration into white european countries ,1,075 075-9245,so true you often hear that islam is such a violent and hateful religion how is this any different,1,075 110-271, fact check CNN REPORTS Syrians slaughtered thanks to Obama amp Clinton racism and genocide,1,110 075-2159,most blacks are dumb and stink,1,075 075-2956,lol who cares black girls are ugly,1,075 075-6069,its like muslims who threaten to behead anyone who says islam is a violent ideology ,1,075 075-1001,the jews do all of that the jews are ethnically cleansing palestine and have been for years racial purity jews are the newrd reich ,1,075 075-2056,all catholics are pedophiles all muslims are terrorists all hindus are filthy all politicians are corrupt all doctors are murderers,1,075 075-203,and they say jews are the greedy ones ,1,075 075-1837,my wife is a waitress and she makes more than i did in the usmc i know thats not the norm but goddamn lol ,1,075 075-6068,transgenders are weird i dont know why youre bothering come at me ,1,075 075-1434,yes but remember the jews are evil but remember israel is our greatest ally ,1,075 075-5189,i dont believe anything i know i live in israel and work with christian arabs regularly trust me muslims are extremely hostile to them ,1,075 075-3283,hence proven that judaism is the source of all evil and that includes islam,1,075 075-1771,wha what my feeble boomer mind cannot handle the fact that not all muslims are goat fucking suicide bombers ,1,075 075-692,haha smacked on the nose jewish people are very sensitive about their noses one of their worst insults is being called a hook nosed jew im sure op knew he was dropping a bomb on her ,1,075 075-1172,thank you for the explanation sounds fun my wife is in a docnurse group ,1,075 075-166,take note everyone you do not need a sob story about how your wife is ashamed of her art and thinks its no good please stop doing that shit ,1,075 075-966,i prefer to the aggressive version of this meme with the africans are stupid or smth quote,1,075 075-1397,wife is a nicu nurse thank you for reminding me to remind her ,1,075 075-3148,simply exhibiting gay attractions is not sinful acting on them is gay people are called to chastity ,1,075 075-673,the irony is that jews are in the same boat religiously to push circumcision ,1,075 110-593,Really liberals ,1,110 075-679,christians acknowledge that jews are gods chosen people they just think theyve gone astray christians read the ot that talks about circumcision its part of their religious history too ,1,075 075-1219,this is why all the gays are depressed,1,075 075-2729,nice im just worried the cleaning lady is going to vacuum it up ,1,075 075-2406,and then they proceed to fuck behind the counter while mom is cleaning the kitchen ,1,075 075-2160,my friends mom is a nurse and has a handful of friends that are closer to our age than hers that she made from work ,1,075 075-2607,or when his cleaning lady is at the house ,1,075 075-1994,my mom is nurse and has to go to work more often she already works jobs at different hospitals ,1,075 075-930,im not racist racism is a crime and only black people are criminals ,1,075 110-58,Srsly sehun with black hair is damn handsome,1,110 075-5226,sure being gay is a sin what was jesuss entire message forgive sinners we all sin we are all forgiven ,1,075 075-233,gosh i wish i could be on the right believing jews are both greedy wealth hoarders as well as dirty communists at the same time must really give me lots of brain power ,1,075 075-2843,my best friends girlfriend is an antivaxxer nurse i feel so weird about it i can barely talk to her ,1,075 075-5056,also you believe american muslims are a violent hate group yes i do,1,075 075-477,i would probably cancel you are trying to do a really nice thing and this girl is doing the drama ,1,075 075-674,jews are immune to the ills of circumcision as part of the benefits derived from their magic secret jew vegetable that prevents them from becoming alcoholics ,1,075 075-2607,k and in general blacks are criminals so keep deluding yourself you racist,1,075 075-940,thats awesome to hear my mum and sisters are good at art unfortunately i suck at it and cant even do proper colour shading ,1,075 075-1490,i mean someone convenienced the majority of germany that jewish people are evil so its definitely a possibility,1,075 075-1137,that girl is a born caregivernurse ,1,075 075-2218,yeah every mom is the best like my mom i consider my mom as a chef because her cooks really delicious ,1,075 110-163,1PCS Nail Art Transfer Tips PRO Adhesive White Glue for Galaxy Star Foil Sticker ,1,110 075-2862,my girlfriend is a vet nurse so she does the caring and compassion i do the loving and the feeding a gallery of most of the family if youre curious,1,075 075-901,you do not negotiate with terrorist arabs are threatening trump if he moves the embassy to jerusalem ,1,075 075-2798,girlfriend is a nurse can confirm fun fingerings ,1,075 075-2612,the cleaning lady is probably thinking uhh another one ,1,075 075-976,my sister is she has art everyday she just ahowed this to me last night and i thought reddit qould appreciate it ,1,075 075-5652,the gay is a deadly disease in the karen world,1,075 075-1136,this one is some top tier we live in a society horseshit the jews are behind feminism race mixing the wars media economy hate speech censorship mass immigration this is part of the agenda ,1,075 075-1198,dont judge a country based on some politicians im an indianand the threat we face from muslims are real this guy just took it to an awfully level ,1,075 075-2669,the cleaning lady is gun be pissed ,1,075 075-2910,girlfriend is cooking me dinner score ,1,075 075-9254,because islam is an inherently violent religion started by a kid fucker ,1,075 110-406,RT Here s a video of white supremacist teacher in Maryland who referred to a class full of Black children as punk ass ,1,110 075-374,i also dont believe that jews are inherently more likely to be deceitful or greedy well they do,1,075 075-473,am currently dealing with this my girl is throwing drama my way every day cause i only see her once or twice a day week ,1,075 110-604,RT What would you prefer Racism adjacent A hint of race Racism infused ,1,110 075-1404,my wife is a nurse i steal her latex glove all the time for this,1,075 075-7405,islam is the most violent religion and extremists feel empowered by it see how fucking easy that is ,1,075 075-2386,gays are disgusting and id like them out of my games being gay is mental disease and i most certainly dont wanna give young folks bad ideas ,1,075 075-5250,being gay is a sin it says so in the bible not everyone follows christianity debra your argument is invalid ,1,075 075-878,in case you didnt know religious jews are more compatible with religious muslims then religious christians jewish organizations are helping muslim immigrants in europe by violating the law,1,075 075-4210,wow thanks you ill check some of those out i loved the picture of dorian gray the amount of dramatic gay is incredible ,1,075 075-3240,ooh ooh ooh ive got another judaism is right about immigrants ,1,075 075-3667,they will get there yeah there being london where all the rich arabs are bringing their families buying up property renting them out as hotels ,1,075 075-1219,yeah black people are so loud right whats with that ,1,075 075-2235,people have no idea how lonely most gays are and even the popular ones are surrounded by fake friends etc its hard to feel like you belong ,1,075 075-2504,no just memes about how trans people should kill themselves and why other racesthe jews are inferior to us which is a good portion of the content on this sub,1,075 075-1106,my wife is a nurse and family is full of doctors i have heard that often haha,1,075 075-1341,ah yes there definitely arent entire communities of people who threaten death on the trans folks muslims are the only communities ive seen do this ,1,075 075-2380,all muslims are our enemy dumbass,1,075 075-1317,thats perfect my wife is a nurse and will love that museum ,1,075 110-457,RT Alt Right sounds like a cheat code for a White Supremacy computer game,1,110 075-1351,something something black people on welfare something something black people are lazy,1,075 075-1148,my girl is a nurse and used to see him at her clinic says hes still sharp as a whip,1,075 075-4321,congratulations your status has now been upgraded from islamic jihadist to year old shooter on the news muslims are gonna be proud of ya ,1,075 075-6116,gay is strange,1,075 075-2189,i might i mean my mom is the secretary so its not that hard ,1,075 075-3723,save as much cash as you can arabs are filthy rich and have no idea how to money,1,075 110-239, simon aqui no existe el black friday,1,110 075-1532,this also adds extra pressure on mc connell as his wife is transportation secretary ,1,075 075-7288,no but being transgender is a mental disease,1,075 075-2261,coming home from school after playing baseball being really hungry and smelling the mexican food mom is cooking for us m ,1,075 075-2814,my girlfriend is a nurse and isnt on that list,1,075 075-5008,muslims are bad anyway even if never happened islam is s a very disturbing and violent ideology read quran and authentic hadiths to see ,1,075 075-1319,actually china will be socialist by actually jews are the most evil people of all time actually all hierarchy is bad without exceptions actually the free market would fix any problem magically,1,075 075-3762,this rich arabs are just like rednecks,1,075 075-3289,relevant israel is evil its european backers are evil judaism is evil all of its bastard offshoot religions are evil and im not being even slightly hyperbolic ,1,075 075-592,yes because the black people are often horrible people self obsessed gang members and murderers its not just about having a black on your skin ,1,075 075-8164,do rich oil sheiks mean that islam is true ,1,075 075-1667,lmfao all arabs are bombs lol ,1,075 075-1554,what does trump have on him his wife is in his cabinet secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-3681,muslims are taught to hate jews,1,075 075-1821,yep youre obviously going to get downvoted this probably will too but i came to say the same thing see black men are dangerous ,1,075 075-2020,i doubt most normal muslims are going round just murdering animals for no reason,1,075 075-34,my wife is an artist she goes through the art books i get collectors editions for games she is into the art style for ,1,075 075-9366,i dont say every muslim is a terrorist but for every terrorist chance is that heshe is a muslim,1,075 075-755,foxy lady is her best album pure dance music ,1,075 075-3107,some lesbians are just too repulsive to roast,1,075 075-2129,yeah because jews are satan right ooh they came from the hell and stuff this is just low iq ,1,075 075-1970,her mom is sewing ravens wedding dress as we speak matt is never escaping now ,1,075 075-1753,negroes are criminals get over it,1,075 075-6082,being gay is strange,1,075 075-8626,what patriarchy of islam you dont think islam is patriarchal i cant think of a better example of a real life patriarchy ,1,075 075-2178,my ex told me his mom is a doctor and he possessed a college degree none of it is true his mom is a secretary ,1,075 075-4943,but its the muslims doing the violence the muslims are the problem not the people actually being violent ,1,075 075-2024,my mom is nurse,1,075 075-2496,damn this nurse lady is real,1,075 075-1088,yes jews are hypocrites theyre against miscegenation immigration racism and usury for themselves but promote it incessantly everywhere else ,1,075 075-5465,indias largest terrorist organisation no islam is worlds largest terrorist organization and also indias ,1,075 075-1387,arabs are dangerous like lions and tigers jews and shiites are dangerous like insects and snakes ,1,075 075-3640,because filthy rich arabs are so respectful of women ,1,075 075-2786,maybr hes hoping they abort all the gay fetuses self loathing gays are a weird breed of people definitely mentally unstable ,1,075 075-1979,oh okay her mom is a nurse i was wondering why she thought she was so much more capable to figure out the hospital situation than ariella,1,075 075-2852,not all muslims are islamic extremists but all islamic extremists are muslim not all bastards are cops but all cops are bastards ,1,075 075-4197,proof that homosexuals are sadistic as fuck ,1,075 075-2543,yess idk who the lady is with the cookie recipe but i want her to bake me cookies where the cookie lady thats been baking cookies for years,1,075 075-4929,lol its no wonder to biblical scholars why the arabs are so violent its literally been written for thousands of years that they would be like this ,1,075 110-402,RT Sexism bigotry chauvinism and mediocrity flew freely on live TV unchecked since comments don t represent media Hou ,1,110 075-2135,my mom is a nurse so they are ruined for me ,1,075 075-3228,uh the torah is the point of origin for circumcision in all abrahamic religions ,1,075 075-3204,the circumcision dick sucking always make mes boggle but judaism is not an expansionist religion no i thought they eere ptetty exclusive ,1,075 075-3515,im sure not all homosexuals are equally flamboyant about their lifestyle ,1,075 075-2091,most muslims are oppressed but live in a place were extremist run the country most muslims over are moderates and will not murder anyone ,1,075 075-6455,its not homophobic to believe that being gay is immoral go watch ben shapiro talk about it ,1,075 075-226,his name is greedy jews not nazi thinking jews are greedy doesnt necessarily make one a nazi ,1,075 075-888,your girlfriend is a fucked up drama queen ,1,075 075-528,fucking jew girl what do you expect jews are the greediest people on earth and i am talking from experience sometimes the stereotypes can be very true ,1,075 075-1726,fuck cooks your wife is a cook fuck wife ,1,075 075-595,jews are a primitive race my example and circumcision are just as barbaric,1,075 075-1084,fucking crypto kike jews are the root of all evil they are responsible for and the muslim immigration in our white countries ,1,075 075-1308,theatre gays are as good as any,1,075 110-495, Racism protest signs cover the globe these days Its really F N worn out and ridiculous ,1,110 110-235,RT Liverpool FC include Christian Benteke in squad for Villarreal LiverpoolF C ,1,110 075-1284,because i dont support kneeling is not even close to jews are evil and hitler was right,1,075 075-1280,lesbians are surprisingly sadistic ,1,075 075-1692,i get a wicked boner when i come home and my wife is cooking dinner and has the house clean i mean shes sexy anyway but god damn ,1,075 075-2679,suspending the roomba schedule on days the cleaning lady is at the house ,1,075 075-1560,almost like paying a citizen for an appearance is different than paying an ex president whose wife is secretary of state ,1,075 110-363,RT Doesn t the media ever get tired of screaming RACIST at every Republican Obama never lifted a finger to help the black c ,1,110 075-1295,this is exactly why his wife is a nurse,1,075 075-1109,can confirm it was chalmette my wife is a nurse here and knew all those folks ,1,075 075-3858,lazy muslims are a thing too,1,075 075-312,but thats because of african americans are uneducated and live in poverty ,1,075 075-2056,gtadmits inner city blacks are violent and dangerous gtjustifies it,1,075 075-1252,my wife is a nurse and she sees it every single day oxy is prescribed more than anything else and most times unecessarily,1,075 075-99,im gonna assume your wife is martial art teacher,1,075 075-1697,right all bisexuals are just promiscuous wanting orgies ,1,075 075-134,shes mad because the girls art is trash compared to s art but still the girl is more popular ,1,075 075-2172,i mean jews are basically satan so ,1,075 075-2568,i think its more like sex is bad gays are sinners and trans people are just confused ,1,075 075-1609,im sad i cant play this game wife is cute and cookingss great ,1,075 075-199,but theyre just being ironic you cant take that stuff seriously they dont hate jews it just happens that jews are socialists and greedy leeches s,1,075 075-172,uh dont you know all muslims are terrorists you filthy chad s,1,075 075-8700,islam is a religion of excuses for misogyny and homophobia,1,075 075-763,dot run away and cower i was enjoying you saying be quiet part out loudi want to know more about how how vicious jews are the problem ,1,075 075-2807,my girlfriend is a night nurse so this is an all too familiar story,1,075 110-139,Depois me perguntam se eu quero voltar pro Brasil ,1,110 075-123,well no im talking about why a lot of muslims dont like jewish people and why jews are called greedy and stuff,1,075 075-10546,no true scotsman like when someone says no true muslim would commit violence as if they are the ones who decide what a true muslim is ,1,075 075-5791,islam is racist sexist homophobic transphobic anti semitic and a threat to our liberal democratic society yes ,1,075 075-296,similar to hitlers jews are evil greedy rats that steal all your money ,1,075 075-3915,so being gay is a mental disorder correct ,1,075 075-74,im pretty sure this girl is rejected scooby doo concept art ,1,075 075-1803,i dont know when it would ever be a black man doing this black men are usually the more aggressive men ,1,075 075-176,it depends on the quality you want my niece is small but her art isnt very good shes only two,1,075 075-1743,my wife is the cook she says egg yolk one lemon one teaspoon of apple vinegar and two teaspoons of ghee butter cooked using bain marie ,1,075 075-4856,thats not what he says he says being gay is lonely and there are no good gays around so he doesnt date thus has more free time on his hands ,1,075 075-505,you guys ever met a zulu terrible people other africans are much more likeable ,1,075 110-553,RT Have you disciplined those hateful students yet Not enough just to reflect Weed out perpetrators of racism on ,1,110 075-2288,kds mom is friends with cookie nuff said ,1,075 075-593,my mom is an art teacher and has this book on a bookshelf in her classroom its so cringey and stupid i cant believe it exists,1,075 075-2703,it is tho gays are weird,1,075 075-291,sure and most people in jail are black but you cant say black people are criminals because thats prejudiced racist and wrong ,1,075 075-1050,black people are dangerous and cause crimes so we make a park only for whites the same argument,1,075 075-358,its just that sometimes jews are so greedy ,1,075 075-5853,oh they are not afraid they hate opposing ideas and islam is a threat to their control ,1,075 075-1729,i mean i think some arabs are also bomb af ,1,075 075-54,okay if i donated a shit load of money to charity and then told you that jews are greedy swindlers would you tell me i was wrong your past actions do not excuse youre ignorance period ,1,075 075-1617,gonna start doing this while my girl is cooking ,1,075 075-731,the joke is that jewish people are stereotypically frugal,1,075 110-652,RT You prolly did that yourself lol ,1,110 075-2919,lol your girlfriend is probably tired of cooking for you and wants a break ,1,075 075-2821,my girlfriend is a nurse and shes allergic to every brand of soap the hospital is allowed to use ,1,075 075-5385,yes muslim women are so violent that they need to be raped in concentration camps ,1,075 075-2084,jews are the devil duh s,1,075 075-1272,gay people are generally more depressed unhappy and are more likely to commit suicide than straight people ,1,075 075-6887,youre right bisexual is a mental disorder ,1,075 075-1734,gays are more promiscuous therefore they spread aids more and society needs strong men to support it not weak beta males ,1,075 075-1,the statistic is about violent crimes or murders both of which black people are responsible for about of ,1,075 075-272,african americans are the bigger tragedy noob ,1,075 075-122,this is the same thing as if you would say most of the jews are rich and greedy all no majority yes,1,075 075-2720,any henrico park i do this sometimes to not be in the house when the cleaning lady is there ,1,075 075-8627,comments made me lose faith in humanity when you strip back all the fantasy islam is just a patriarchy ,1,075 075-634,my mom is a master of literature art biology mathematics etc she doesnt believe in dinosaurs fucking idiot ,1,075 075-7453,radical islam is a trip isnt it ,1,075 075-655,jews are not allowed to consume blood youre a fucking liar rabbis suck the blood of jewish boys penis during circumcision ,1,075 075-2446,yeah sure i guess maid mom is okay just okay next up is himiko ,1,075 075-3235,i coached a table at one in nj it was something like women omg jewish women are loud ,1,075 110-305,What are you opinions on using Islamophobia as a catch all term for opposition to Islam and anti Muslim sentiment ,1,110 075-988,black people are often aggressive ,1,075 075-62,yes all americans are terrorists the same way all arabs are terrorists ,1,075 075-2485,defended israel and tried to rationalize that muslims are the enemy ,1,075 075-1974,arabs are homophobic water is wet that doesnt justify civilian murder,1,075 075-1172,the jews are pushing mass immigration into white countries ,1,075 075-448,geez those black people are literally trying to kill him ,1,075 075-3163,its as if the jews are conspiring the media to make it seem like the holocaust was only about the jews s,1,075 075-543,if theres one thing jewish people are experts at its playing the meek victim its a rework of this one ,1,075 075-9247,cut the bullshit islam is much more violent and toxic than any other religion today ,1,075 075-80,well statistically speaking africans are far more violent than australians youre paranoia is kinda warranted ,1,075 075-1240,you are beautiful my wife is a nurse she says all nurses are horny ,1,075 075-1802,yes men are more aggressive than women and black men are the most aggressive of men ,1,075 075-2456,dont feel bad white guys who arent jacked are creepy weirdos blacks are evil rapists middle eastern are uncivilized terrorists everyones fucked ,1,075 075-3208,circumcision in judaism is only for jews and is meant to be a physical manifestation of a jews covenant with g d ,1,075 075-735,the twist could also be the dance the white lady is doing ,1,075 075-741,if you owned horses youd have not doubt this is real horse moms are way worse then dance moms or soccer moms,1,075 075-2705,gays are weird dude,1,075 075-5174,muslims are hostile to christianswhite people and supporting them is almost as much of a brainlet thing to do as supporting israel,1,075 075-2495,the saudis and all muslims are the enemy of the wests nd the whole world really,1,075 075-138,black people are more violent,1,075 075-1338,gays are disgusting lmao that was so dramatic reminds me of this vine,1,075 075-3551,muslims are buying and selling black people in libya right now but theyre not white so the racists at the nation of islam hate movement dont care ,1,075 075-1256,sorry he seems to like it just fine his wife is a nurse so they work at the same hospital ,1,075 075-2797,my girlfriend is a nurse the things she tells me i swear they should just be able to let arseholes die ,1,075 075-1244,same for the insane radical christians in the us though radical muslims are presently the biggest threat to canada ,1,075 075-1109,there are different levels of lib left jews are rich thats why and they usually support immigration which makes them libertarian,1,075 075-1796,ig only black men are aggressive ,1,075 075-616,dance mom is the best profits of her kids,1,075 075-1393,wife is a nurse they use another one bites the dust it works better bpm is slightly faster ,1,075 075-2169,my mom is a nurse in the medical field they jokingly refer to motorcyclists as organ donors i have never ridden a motorcycle and i never will ,1,075 075-1705,wife is a helluva cook i eat well ,1,075 075-3645,stay away from the kids you perverts of homosexuals are pedophiles ,1,075 075-1629,his wife is a terrible cook,1,075 075-1420,s he probably meant that his wife is a nurse that works in an er and surgery theater ,1,075 110-282,RT Retweet or you re gay ,1,110 075-5006,i never played fortnite cause its homosexual and homosexual is a sin and sinners goes to hell and get raped my inch dick demons,1,075 075-644,acchi kocchi wagnaria my bride is a mermaid still a little bit of drama in a couple of those but they keep the comedy really heavy ,1,075 075-2472,my mom is a payroll clerk jeez,1,075 075-1516,to be fair mitchs wife is extremely qualified to be secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-2844,my girlfriend is a nurse,1,075 075-3641,no theyre incels only the rich gulf arabs are happy ,1,075 075-1203,exactly abortions are something that should never happen and muslims are by definition a threat against religious freedom ,1,075 075-3089,insecure lesbians are such bores and i am so sick of their shit ,1,075 075-1813,disabled queer and trans black women already know how dangerous other black women are sadly,1,075 075-4037,becos being gay is a mental disorder and luckily most ppl dont have the gay disease,1,075 075-2506,and btw the nurse lady is called christine palmer played by rachel mc adams,1,075 075-2715,yeah theyd obviously respond with violence which only proves that blacks are overly violent and aggressive ,1,075 075-965,well it is because west africans are covered in hair hyper aggressive and pre stone age primitive ,1,075 110-310,RT Smile if you re on board with white supremacy ,1,110 075-2522,the gays are confused,1,075 075-2037,i cant take wm seriously after i found out they all love louis dianetics is on the level but jews are the devil farrakhan ,1,075 075-407,gotta admit black people are ugly af,1,075 075-2172,my mom is a psych nurse i need to make one of these for her ,1,075 075-27,african americans are more likely to commit violent crimes than whites its not racist because its a fact ,1,075 075-5737,remember kids only islam is responsible for terrorism not hate based ideologies thats for sure ,1,075 075-3085,im gay those disrespectful gay people are just insecure and by far the minority ,1,075 075-736,some black people are really awful in this country there are awful people in every race ,1,075 110-190,RT This bromance between a Christian priest and a Muslim imam is what you need right now ,1,110 075-1772,that all black men are thugs and criminals and lazy and dont take care their own children ,1,075 075-1956,blacks are violentretarded savages and a plague on humanity ,1,075 075-1655,gt united states anonymous id pi ltkln people who act like black women are ugly but black men arent are delusional theyre both ugly ,1,075 075-1291,and on top of that you can add white privilege isnt real black people are just lazy,1,075 075-2423,shut up blacks are evil get rid of them,1,075 075-796,jews are the world experts at psychological warfare they convinced white gentiles to destroy their own race and hunt down and destroy all those opposed to it for crying out loud ,1,075 075-1092,all black people are dangerous thats why we have gentrification ,1,075 075-851,someone actually noticed then 0 hah my girlfriend is using them for a art project and they just happened to be sitting next to my collection ,1,075 075-4778,gay is weak hes not weak just has sex with men makes sense ,1,075 110-327,RT I won t compromise on racism I won t compromise on sexism I won t compromise on homophobia And I won t compromise on Isl ,1,110 075-2927,they literally believe that blacks cant be racist even tho blacks are very racist blacks are lazy and dumb two things that are very anti white ,1,075 075-2729,proof that blacks are dangerous,1,075 110-668,Racism is alive today because they still teach it in our schools They still teach it at home ,1,110 075-2725,cause every black person is obviously muscular and dangerous amirite fellas ,1,075 075-3050,gays are the most insecure people on the planet tea look at me ripping into agb gaycels when im just as insecure just not about my mas q linittitity,1,075 075-431,i love these generalizations all black people are criminals all gays are pedophiles are cops are bad ,1,075 075-2712,blacks are not more aggressive but most people who was raised in the hood without caring parents are more aggressive ,1,075 075-1825,fucking the neighbor while the wife is home cooking for feeding and cleaning up after your kids,1,075 075-3301,yes the road to hell is paved with good intentions especially when people try to impose their good intentions on others liberal judaism is pure evil as is the rest of modern liberal culture ,1,075 075-309,in wisconsin engaged taxidermy girl is a contender for our first dance at the wedding ,1,075 075-1149,skin pigments dont affect intelligence black people are still less intelligent on average because they live in ghettos,1,075 075-8987,islam is a cult of violence ,1,075 110-274,immediately All black dickheads are meant to be callously destroyed in the end ,1,110 075-2482,when people say jews are inferior they mean morally they have some problems with inbreeding but beyond that they only have fucked morals,1,075 075-1326,you hear that norwegian children muslims are the real threat ,1,075 075-1154,well dont you think its possible that black people are just naturally less intelligent than whites links to long debunked junk science,1,075 075-2417,i totally back that ban but lets call this what it is mom is cleaning out all the bad dvds from her collection to save her kids,1,075 075-2312,but muh victimization poor me nazis everywhere gays and blacks are legal to kill im litterally shaking ,1,075 075-6613,being gay is sinful,1,075 075-1195,my wife is a nurse i have so much respect for everyone in the healthcare field right now ,1,075 075-207,west virginian here my wife is a pistol packing art teacher sadly not on campus though ,1,075 075-2153,my mom is an er nurse and the cops she works with wont even give her a speeding ticket ,1,075 075-2240,my mom is actually a great cook but somehow she got the idea that guacamole is avocado mashed up with mayonnaise ,1,075 075-6809,fun fact transgender is actually a mental disorder called gender dysphoria fucking dumbass,1,075 110-732,Lots of good people in Portland lots of privilege lots of anger and more racism than anyone likes to admit ,1,110 110-244,RT Black Alien Que noite ,1,110 075-683,so black people are evil got it ,1,075 075-2653,the majority of blacks are criminals yet you see discrimination against them wonder why ,1,075 075-6606,it makes sense if you think being gay is sinful like most of my hometown did,1,075 075-346,yeah right this girl is different the russian girls dance is adorable tho ,1,075 075-54,wow black people are violent ,1,075 075-2421,mom is just thinking about cleaning that mess ,1,075 075-3832,jews are hard working and arabs are lazy that is why they control a lot,1,075 075-997,thank you ill do this after my sisters are done playing just dance ,1,075 075-2586,gt racist for having concerns im not racist im just concerned that blacks are all criminals ,1,075 110-686, instead of taking away his platform That is a vote for rather than against a new America They legitimized racism thru POTUS,1,110 075-935,aye that pretty good and i like it a perfect art your sister is an pewdiepie lover artist,1,075 075-1868,gays are such perverts,1,075 075-1419,wife is a nurse since i am not a nurse and she is not awake i figured the disclaimer was the responsible way to get op a quick response ,1,075 075-754,eh jews are too frugal to pay dues,1,075 075-1788,all arabs are violent this is why their countries are bombed out shitholes,1,075 075-2305,you dont have to type the n word you can type nigger if you want it wont kill you and imo the majority of blacks are niggers,1,075 075-79,a lot of black people are aggressive and become violent over little things infinite videos on the internet document this trend going back years ,1,075 075-1891,your wife is my maid,1,075 075-7443,no it means you should not even be entertaining such sexually immoral thoughts a transgender is nothing but an abomination of satan ,1,075 075-1421,good info my wife is a nurse and had a patient dying for doctors to write him imodium poor guy was probably trying to get right ,1,075 075-2829,blacks are super predators,1,075 075-1923,maid wife is a bonus hero i dont have to change my main team for once d,1,075 075-1447,my wife is a nurse and told me about this all i can picture is a go gurt tube getting squeezed up some poor souls rear ,1,075 075-2135,the original said that jews are children of satan so ,1,075 075-1273,do i think radicalized muslims are acting on a natural ingroup threat response too very much so ,1,075 110-344,I just don t think we re compatible I don t think you re compatible for me I m Muslim and you re Christian and I m pretty serious about,1,110 075-2972,youre fucking crazy mixed black girls are ugly af no way any of them can compare to geisha,1,075 075-2047,my mom is a nurse and it drives her insane when her patients do this,1,075 075-2037,my mom is a nurse and heard a story about a baby named laa pronounced la dasha,1,075 075-2235,his field being jesus will return soon and jews are agents of satan bent on destroying humanity ,1,075 075-2567,that gay people are confused about the nature of the relationship between romanticsexual love ,1,075 075-2652,canadian lesbians are weird ,1,075 075-2483,button jews control everything in the world button jews are in every way inferior to everyone sweaty nervous guy,1,075 075-1632,it means black women are ugly ,1,075 075-292,also conservatives jews are all greedy money grubby bankers ,1,075 075-169,sorry i meant greedy like jews are,1,075 075-2434,this is why lesbians are always so confused,1,075 075-106,is it similar to how blacks always steal or how jews are always greedy or is this different because reasons ,1,075 075-1890,just incase anyone was wondering the documentary denies the holocaust at on its basically a documentary about how jews are evil and how they are pedos ,1,075 110-154,RT Everyone talking about Castro being dead man I killed that man on Black Ops 1 smh ,1,110 075-1720,thats right sweet combats acid my wife is a good cook and shes said that before maybe she adds sugar to sauce and i dont know,1,075 075-294,black people are in jail alot,1,075 110-222,Mia Khalifa With Black Gay Mia Khalifa dino 71pgh LGBT,1,110 075-2550,i figure say with power and internet total now split between the two of us savings right there plus my lady is a great cook lol,1,075 075-815,my girlfriend is a dance major who takes me to art exhibits once every couple months i have the same thought when im on the job site,1,075 075-996,also request ode to the bouncer be played when sister is on the dance floor ,1,075 075-1266,interest is factored in my wife is a nurse her course was years she received a bursary and is a non eu nurse so cost a lot i imagine,1,075 075-457,some people never get too old for the drama this girl is going to be the subject of r just no mil a couple decades from now ,1,075 075-2227,oh yeah now that im older ive realized that my mom is a pretty frugal cook ,1,075 075-44,yeah though its still a bit of an oof that the race he says are similar to jews are the ones who succumb easiest to greed and literally mine so greedily and so deep that they release an evil demigod ,1,075 075-8191,wont accomplish anything also very lazy islam is a big problem lets ban all faith schools ,1,075 075-645,jewish circumcision is just as evil as female genital circumcision just as evil jews are evil sorry ,1,075 075-942,more karma my gfs sister is autistic and sells art she never promotes herself as artist with autism she just promotes her art,1,075 075-2171,jesus literally said that jews are the synagogue of satan the children of the father of lies ,1,075 075-2976,jokes on you my girlfriend is an applebees waitress,1,075 075-1500,mitch mc connells wife is a cabinet secretary ,1,075 075-2074,doesnt exist blacks are just more violent commit more crime and deserve what they get more often sorry ,1,075 075-2065,yep i work in a hospital my mom is a nurse our idea of acceptable dinner topics will make a fair number of people gag ,1,075 110-184,BLACK BEATLES IN THE CITY,1,110 110-490,RT White people who say nigga or nigger CATCH THESE HANDS your not fucking cool goodbye,1,110 075-2440,bro im just saying jews are an inferior race i dont actually believe it,1,075 075-1419,yeah them muslims are way more dangerous than the kiddy diddlin catholic church praise white jesus ,1,075 110-165,Attempting to read the ACNA Daily Lectionary for real this new Christian year advent NewYearsResolution,1,110 075-2081,everybody else especially jewish people are the descendants of cain more specifically they believe cain was the child of eve and satan ,1,075 075-272,i cant tell if the girl is enjoying the dance curious or stressed out hopefullyits one of the former two ,1,075 075-442,holy fuck black people are ugly lol cmon man dont be fucking stupid ,1,075 075-4846,of course while jewish people peacefully live there the brutal arabs are occupying the land with violence s,1,075 110-290, I am I am telling you I am white We are part of this equation So is everyone that you talk to you You don t get to tap out ,1,110 110-422,White folks always tryna humble black people who are talented and have no problem saying so,1,110 075-1576,years ago gays are sexual predators years ago civil unions are okay today,1,075 075-6160,haha i am totally straight and super crazy i just love boys so much being gay is so weird like i could never crackhead energys only,1,075 075-2448,tidy your damn room your mom is not your maid ,1,075 075-1744,ok youre right to agree with the op black women are awful sorry for questioning ,1,075 075-1478,but let demons like that tell it black women are the angry violent irrational ones ,1,075 110-227,Gay pra caralho ,1,110 075-2424,the jews are inferior and simultaneously controlling the world,1,075 075-10558,every muslim is a jihadi just ask a muslim to condemn the doctrine of violent jihad he will never do ,1,075 110-83,WA finished in the top 16 Greg is wearing his waterproofs so his white tie dress for tonight doesn t get cava ,1,110 075-326,this very dance is how i know my wife is in the mood ,1,075 075-314,that all black people like chicken all jews are greedy assholes all mexicans smell awful ,1,075 075-2280,i mean blacks are usually ugly too ,1,075 075-2122,ugh my mom is a nurse and knows full well why you should get the flu vaccine it is so frustrating that she never does ,1,075 075-9304,yes i blame them islam is a racist homophobic sexist violent massive piece of shit they deserve what they get ,1,075 075-921,like most syrian jews syrian jews are descendants from immigrants from judea around years ago that later mixed with babylonian jews and sephardim from italy and the balkans that came from spain ,1,075 075-2128,true jews or chosen ones are christians but they dont call themselves jews the ones who call themselves jews are the synagogue of satan ,1,075 075-2717,my weight face age all dont factor in just because i have hairy legs but a naturally bare chest us gays are weird,1,075 110-388,RT CBS Evening News gives white nationalist a platform doesn t bother to press him on racist views ,1,110 075-1603,whats the face for are you unsure because bisexuals are so indecisive s,1,075 075-1793,damn if the worlds muslims are all suicide bombers we have a serious problem on our hands ,1,075 075-2688,well except the jews in the past literally didnt do anything but modern muslims are their own worst enemies ,1,075 075-1905,fine i think gay people are disgusting perverts and if you dont think people say that try holding hands with another guy downtown sometime ,1,075 075-1876,its just a hypothesis the article doesnt prove it gays are just perverts,1,075 075-1418,my wife is a hospice nurse they supply the family with a symptom relief kit that contains enough morphine to kill an elephant ,1,075 075-2785,my girlfriend is a student nurse and the stress she and the rest of the nhs is going through is fucking insane thank you for sharing this ,1,075 075-1223,africans are so lazy theyd rather starve than drive down to mcdonalds for some nuggets ,1,075 075-1011,my aunt is a ballerinadance instructor she drink diet coke ,1,075 075-1498,hey for got mitch mc connells wife is his secretary of transportation,1,075 110-273,RT They cry over TrumpCup while we cry over racism sexism and bigotry Must be nice to cry over something so meaningle ,1,110 075-3851,arabs are so flashy and cool god i wish to be an arab,1,075 075-71,can confirm all arabs are terrorists source am arab,1,075 075-1205,gt black people are predators not victims there is a lot but lets not generalize them all some black people ,1,075 075-2453,muslims are naturally my our enemy due to their deep antagonism and bias against nonmuslims oh the irony,1,075 075-1410,nicu nurse my wife is a nicu nurse god bless you guys youre cut from a very different and very special cloth ,1,075 075-824,his girlfriend is so basic plaid shirt and oversized glasses how original for a hipster art girl,1,075 075-5016,that doesnt though because being gay is shitty lonely and isolating and you have to deal with these soyboy numale fucks making us loik bad ,1,075 075-1791,miku is an angel that must be protect at all costs gal cleaning girl is a dirty blackmailer ,1,075 075-4327,those damn homosexuals are all child rapists btw why cant i fuck the smart kids,1,075 075-3101,you start by making fun of hugh mungus crazy lady and end up thinking jews are conspiring the genocide of western culture by pushing race mixing and alternatives genders onto us ,1,075 075-340,when your doing a dance for a musical and a girl is supposed to do a lap dance for you shes feeling that one for sure,1,075 075-880,what you just learned is that your girlfriend is selfish and a drama queen you also learned who she gets it from i would breakup with her,1,075 075-2154,every struggling single mom is a nurse ,1,075 075-2983,thats because lesbians are hawt tho immoral but hawt s,1,075 110-44,Looking for a phat ass white girl to fuck tonight Then find one now on ,1,110 075-303,from what ive read before about this video the girl is a dancer for a living and the african kids basically taught her a local dance,1,075 075-344,sesame streets characters are muppets but muppets arent sesame street characters jews are greedy but not all greedy people are jewish,1,075 075-2113,alright have it your way i guess blacks are predisposed for murder and cotton picking ,1,075 075-2825,yeah what my girlfriend is a nurse and is at aroundk ,1,075 075-2175,youd be surprised my mom is a nurse and has a frequent flyer patient who keeps shoving pencils up there ,1,075 075-938,maybe someone is tilted cause her sister is selling art lol,1,075 075-1200,im not cucking for muslims i just dont think theyre the threat i think arabs i repeat arabs are ,1,075 075-1966,they werent bombing and raping and killing innocent people because they were born into the ira muslims are born into a rape and murder cult ,1,075 075-2357,no problem my mom is giving me her old sewing machine and seeing the clothes people make here is super inspiring ,1,075 075-2941,i dont want you to die because youre black but because youre poor and youre poor because youre lazy and through that blacks are lazy ,1,075 075-1138,yes following the sefardi immigration wave there was some mixing still they claim to have the purest traditions roman jews are really stubborn people never argue with them ,1,075 075-432,im not an anti semite but jews are greedy have no self respect and would do anything for money ,1,075 075-1522,no because the scene kinda implies that gay people are all sexual predators that prey on teenagers its played for laughs ,1,075 075-1143,the other girl is probably just a nurse or so ,1,075 075-2276,blacks are the most desired race in thes ugly blacks were already having sex with white women in secret ,1,075 075-1640,are you autistic can you not tell when people are being facetious the majority of people agree that black women are ugly ,1,075 075-6,jews are tired of this anti semitic bs shut the fuck up jo jos play both sides to their advantage many conservatives are on to your filthy greed and degradation of society,1,075 075-2322,my mom is in hers when shes cooking and the dog gets too close to the open oven shell say get back itll sizzle your nizzle that shits adorable ,1,075 075-2165,since jews created satan doesnt that mean that jews are god ,1,075 075-2084,yeah my mom is a nurse and has a similar set up she also makes insane money i chose the wrong career ,1,075 110-205, Discovers the Black Feeling Again ,1,110 075-2235,either your mom is a good cook or its placebo home made cooking is always better ,1,075 075-1117,if there is one thing jews are weak on its immigration right israel ,1,075 110-28, hahahaha cause you re gay asf haha,1,110 075-2308,mexican dating a puerto rican they dont eat spicy food sent me for a loop at first but his mom is a great cook ,1,075 075-5173,because muslims are much more hostile to outsiders than americans are therefore i have exactly zero sympathy ,1,075 075-8998,islam the well known cultural group has a huge violence problem stop pretending that islam is innocent it is far from it ,1,075 075-3113,im against the fact that muslims are a hated group we should hate islam and radicalextremist muslims ,1,075 075-2374,muslims are the enemy of the people youre thinking of liblefts comrade,1,075 075-2867,we can take it blacks are so fragile and lazy they still bitch about a little hard labor their ancestors did ,1,075 075-1212,applied universally to keep everyone from enjoying delicious delicious cake so as you can see gay people are the real villains here ,1,075 075-7298,ah yes because stereotypes are obviuously very true and any girly lesbian is simply a confused straight girl s,1,075 075-519,hes wearing prison clothes so he decided to change his character to a black person you know because black people are criminals ,1,075 075-5093,lady tries to take stupid sign assault assault all muslims are violent see youre embarrassing ,1,075 075-1188,breaking news jews are not yet capable of living among other peoples without dominating them politically spiritually and financially ,1,075 075-2766,omg squirmy and grubs strangers assume my girlfriend is my nurse was amazing i love you two and now i shall follow your dog as well ,1,075 110-220, Sports Goods Cincinnati Reds white M TShirt 100 cotton Majestic brand Deal Bargain ,1,110 075-1635,in other news my girl is cooking me dinner life is good,1,075 075-2645,your cleaning lady is gonna be pissed ,1,075 075-5090,muslims are also justified in beating and then killing you for suggesting theyre too violent ,1,075 075-1260,africans are lazy too,1,075 075-804,of course you are totally right all the people in europe are racist its like in america where all the black people are criminals ,1,075 075-8714,sexist views do not always come from a place of misogyny however islam is both sexist and misogynist ,1,075 075-2080,ive really been wondering if there was artistic license taken with this situation my mom is a nurse so i can ask her and confirm later if you want ,1,075 075-934,the mahan sisters are seriously underrated artwise also all art is automatically flagged nsfw here because problems ,1,075 075-481,in a way to bring attention to something not actually happening black people are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops ,1,075 075-664,nta but your mom is a power tripping drama queen ,1,075 075-4802,talks to girls being gay is bad loser ,1,075 075-3397,no downvote me all you want homosexuals are mentally ill,1,075 075-6098,your mum gay is strange,1,075 075-1255,my wife is a nicu nurse and told me to send you some love ,1,075 075-8638,even that just makes no sense islam is a real patriarchy,1,075 075-1335,ah the gays are so dramatic ,1,075 075-2308,gays are a sin and all of them need to be killed,1,075 075-6107,quick look over there transgenders are weird and will molest your kids proceeds to pass some bull that will fuck over their constituents ,1,075 075-2629,some lesbians are such weird creatures,1,075 075-536,jews are greedy and priests are pedos,1,075 075-1383,where the hell do nurses and pas make the same im a pa my wife is a nurse,1,075 110-269, sportifs sexy gay alwaysshowbulge Don t forget my lovely menfolk ,1,110 075-1186,im delivering food with door dash my wife is a nurse and is still working so things arent as bad as they could be ,1,075 110-90,RT the prime minister of canada justin trudeau at 18 years old what a fine white boy ,1,110 075-1874,honestly i believe lesbians are just perverts that are weak willed but i would have jump in to save them like that guy who got bit by pennywise ,1,075 075-2149,the gays are weak thank you lord ,1,075 075-5199,win win situation announcement has been made but they wont have to pay as graduate muslim girls are as rare as a non terrorist muslim ,1,075 075-269,what a toxic idealogy black people are right in their hatred for 7 billion people interesting ,1,075 075-1198,my ex wife is a nurse ,1,075 110-568, if you voted for trump you are either racist or okay with racism which is just as bad so truly you can choke ,1,110 075-1074,ah okay countries with lots of brown and black people are dangerous,1,075 075-1122,an underage male prostitute i guess the gop pattern of projection holds true for their fears that somehow gay people are pedophiles ,1,075 075-1306,my wife is a nurse and can do god all at work but has a super weak stomach else where she can just flip the switch ,1,075 075-744,this joke is humorous because it plays off the stereotype that jewish people are very frugal and will often haggle or jew someone down to get the best deal ,1,075 075-2753,i mean i wanna come back w gay people are so weird but i feel its a trap,1,075 075-49,antisemitists jews are so rich and greedy also antisemitists haha money at jew go br,1,075 075-1281,i know a guy whos wife is a nurse and she brings home overk but thats with night and weekend pay,1,075 075-1265,gt they have an iq of ast grader africans are lazy and stupid unbelievable banned ,1,075 075-988,this is racist all immigrants should be allowed in even antisemitic ones jews are bullying poor underprivileged minorities this is why open borders must exist for israel ,1,075 075-2448,no muslims are the enemy they are actively killing gays the government may be an enemy but muslims are the enemy ,1,075 075-3195,we hate them because arabs are evil race just look what happened to persian and north africa,1,075 075-5798,islam is a great threat to atheism so is christianity i am more familiar with christianity so i will criticize the bible that ok with you ,1,075 075-1297,my wife is a nurse prac its a great gig for some ,1,075 075-2356,my mom is big into sewing so i just went over to her house and used hers dont have the money to buy my own,1,075 075-7066,i was being a little dramatic but referring the whole transgender is a mental illness crowd,1,075 075-6791,islam is a sham and mohammed hijacked the teachings of the jews and christians to start a cult of personality change my mind,1,075 075-7069,honestly given my friends a typical lesbian is an awesome compliment amazing fashion sense and brilliant taste in friends ,1,075 075-8645,very true its patriarchy in abrahamic religions islam is the worst with it ,1,075 075-281,hopefully just a dance chaperone girl is not edumacated enough to teach kids how to finger paint ,1,075 075-214,to show that white people are superior and that black people are murderous im gonna threaten and murder people just for being black ,1,075 075-7988,pansexuals are pretty weird,1,075 075-537,as a black man i believe that all black people are terrible and commit crimes all of the time black btw im black black my name is uh terry,1,075 075-3497,what is your point the flamboyant gay is an asshole and is committing sexual assault ,1,075 110-80,Salvation Army by the white stripes is actually deecent,1,110 075-2490,this lady iswas a nurse she was fired when they saw this clip ,1,075 075-1470,im glad im circumcised my wife is a nurse and her horrific stories of uncircumcised patients and their dick cheese makes me want to vomit ,1,075 075-1058,illegal immigration is bad and jews are in the white house so i dont think the white people you are so scared of have any real power,1,075 075-783,my last barber said out loud jews are poisoning the food and water supplies in black communities and that they control everything yeah i felt very mentally helped ,1,075 075-1262,so weird that gay people are more depressed right s just in case,1,075 075-3504,its not homophobic to be critical of over the top flamboyant behavior where being gay is the only theme of someones personality ,1,075 075-1338,everyone knows jews are evil s,1,075 075-1245,so thats why all lesbians are depressed ,1,075 075-362,thats not a racial supposition thats an economic supposition just like how when people say that jews are greedy they arent being racist they are just doing economics ,1,075 075-2672,the cleaning lady is probably cute and really nice ,1,075 075-7516,so i guess theyre sexually aroused by everything so pansexuals are pedophiles by definition ,1,075 075-669,gt im not racist but black people are evil and the bible condones slavery anyway ,1,075 075-1202,wife is a nurse in california on a coviddesignated floor she just sent me this ,1,075 075-1431,lets not use the baptist press please the group who has the westoboros who are as dangerous to gays as muslims are ,1,075 075-3093,lol thats hilarious im pretty sure its every gay guys dream tbh probably why youre getting down voted us gays are very insecure about our slutiness ,1,075 075-154,gt am i the only one who thinks this is a tad excessive africans are known for being needlessly violent ,1,075 075-3589,the internet transgenders are pedophiles me transgenders are transgender ,1,075 075-2303,but my mom is a terrible cook and my grandmas were terrible cooks when they were still alive ,1,075 075-3155,scientists are you about to tell me how the jews are conspiring to end the white race by distracting everyone with climate change science ,1,075 075-7468,emotional lesbian is such an immature joke imo,1,075 075-3613,they hate fundamentalist muslims usually do they not think that all muslims are like that ,1,075 075-2017,ifs not bullshit the alt right is true blacks are just far more violent there is no racism try going to see how they live ,1,075 075-8416,islamophobes arent bad islam is a dangerous way of thinking the shooter wasnt an islamophobe he was just a mass murderer ,1,075 075-1506,even straight out of the womb these black men are violent,1,075 075-2797,screaming racism at people because blacks are collectively less intelligent is insane ,1,075 075-7296,confused bisexual is the term youre looking for ,1,075 075-277,i have serious dance move envy that little girl is rocking it,1,075 110-357,I will see my Imam every Wednesday and see him at the Mosque every Friday He said I should stay close with him and a few Muslim groups ,1,110 075-85,im generally not a fan of random either but my wife is really into more abstract art but i am very pleased with how this came out,1,075 075-1153,gt trans people are deluded black people are just genetically less intelligent and thats why theyre behind both of those are true statements though ,1,075 075-8959,south asian islam is cause of all the violence in the sub continent ,1,075 075-2777,gay people are weird yeah,1,075 075-4916,being homosexual is never stated to be a sin homosexual acts are the sinful part ,1,075 075-8770,cant a progressive be consistent with their own beliefs and recognize that islam is patriarchal and therefore progressives who defend it are idiots ,1,075 075-1361,my wife is a nurse shes told during cpr recertification that if youre not breaking ribs youre not doing it right,1,075 075-144,the reason people say jews are greedy is because they engaged in usury in the middle ages which means there is a historical justification,1,075 075-1179,interesting my wife is a nurse so it seems shes going to actually find out how much money i spend in microcenter now ,1,075 075-2032,my mom is a nurse she owns a house and lives a very content life why are you starving ,1,075 075-1228,black people are very loud,1,075 110-405,RT Here inadvertently makes the case for white nationalism ,1,110 075-2986,waitresses are free game my girlfriend is a waitress that i flirted with ,1,075 075-100,i dont have jews silly billy i hate corruption and greed and lies not my fault jews are corrupt greedy liars like all the time,1,075 075-5718,you have something wrong with you if you do not realize that islamic culture is violence and terrorism ,1,075 075-1129,my niece is a nurse ,1,075 075-2799,even conservative muslims are fine its extremists that are the bad ones ,1,075 075-530,yeah it must be really hard having shitload of money and ability to do anything else you want but still keep doing that its called greedines and jews are known for it ,1,075 075-1736,gays are very promiscuous case and point ,1,075 110-284,RT Trump keeps accidentally promoting men who hate black people amp immigrants What a strange coincidence that sheds no light at a ,1,110 110-147,RT Black Friday the day my inbox gets brutally abused by spam Hang in there bud ,1,110 075-3265,lesbians are emotional and rush relationships yes we do uhaul regretably ,1,075 075-2486,remember lesbians are either butch or confused straight girls no in between ,1,075 110-398,RT Trump isn t coming after gay marriage He s going straight for making LGBT folks second class citizens ,1,110 110-511,RT Trump Rules Trump Black Bitch Funny how Trump supporters wont address this at all Pretending racism doesnt exi ,1,110 075-9319,islam is not a religion its a violent political cult of sand dwelling goat fuckers ,1,075 075-1975,he would probably vote for trump but hate doing it because of trumps jewish daughter and son in law in daniels world blacks are beasts but jews are the devil ,1,075 075-2015,haha my mom is a labour and delivery nurse and a few months ago a couple refused the vitamin k shot because they dont want to vaccinate ,1,075 075-806,i love this art your girlfriend is an amazing artist ,1,075 075-240,the jews are always greedy for things that arent theirs like foreskins,1,075 075-3335,judaism is satanism synagogue of satan,1,075 075-2442,nothing taboo about maids cooking just mom is embarrassed that she doesnt know howdidnt do it ,1,075 075-2636,also blacks are more likely to be criminals while making up of the population they make up of all crime in the us ,1,075 075-1313,theatre gays are so pretty is pisses me off daily,1,075 110-212, don t jdge pple acc 2 der religion Rmber KRK s Muslim the prsn who s s singing sems 2 b a Muslim So wat ,1,110 075-206,read the article theres no evidence of stop and search being racially motivated black people are way more likely to murder than non black people ,1,075 075-6364,i think putting your kid up for adoption because they are a homosexual is immoral ,1,075 075-1335,muslims are the threat id actually support liberal values and reduce overarching policing but how do you deal with something like this ,1,075 075-1163,muslims are biggest threat to our internal security if im alive then only ill think of other things,1,075 075-2024,gay people are effiminate dont me faggot,1,075 075-246,microfart i kill it on the mic and my wife is into art ,1,075 075-2096,blacks are more likely to commit domestic abuse,1,075 075-3128,arabs are making you hate arabs dont shift the blame away,1,075 110-263, Please please please let the dems put another muslim up The,1,110 075-4196,they do say homosexuals are sadistic look at jeffery dahmer,1,075 075-2092,remember american journalist muslims are evil but foreign dictator murderer muslims are a okay,1,075 075-1010,western terrorism isnt a real thing muslims are the real threat ,1,075 075-2506,because blacks are held at the lowest testing standard make it equal for all and blacks will have the highest failure rate ,1,075 110-153,2015 Panini Black Gold Golden Ground Game GGG TG Todd Gurley II St Louis Rams NFL ,1,110 075-1580,marry me i dont mind being the sole provider but my wife is absolutely awful at housekeeping ,1,075 075-3014,the fact is that gays are immoral people in a completely secular sense the way they often carry themselves is wrong ,1,075 075-3283,homosexuals are mentally ill,1,075 075-787,til all black people are descendants of slaves and that africa isnt populated by black people who themselves are descendants of slave holders ,1,075 075-7028,why do you keep bringing up israel islam is americas enemy even if israel didnt exist they still would hate us ,1,075 075-5043,you cannot have peace as long as islam stays this unhinged many muslims are great people but the ammount of violent ones is still too high,1,075 075-124,people are okay with racism if it referenced something they like jews are greedy points jews are greedy also the office points,1,075 075-3272,i mean transgenders are quite literally mentally ill its inevitable that many of them cant handle and commit suicide ,1,075 110-51,Watch lesbian movie Threesome lesson ,1,110 075-3178,probably religious reasons in the bible jewish men are told to circumcise but theres nothing about women circumcision ,1,075 075-8621,did something special happen in i thought islam is keeping patriarchy sinceth century,1,075 075-817,i think palestine has right to land that jews are being aggressive about palestinians are an outpost of resistance against the zionist world order causing terror to white nations ,1,075 075-2059,muslims are exempt from murder and rape laws there ,1,075 075-2204,jews are the synagogue of satan ,1,075 075-1594,so in other words billionaire jews are evil then no one becomes a billionaire ethically ,1,075 110-201,RT NGAKAK GOBLOK JENIL ,1,110 075-3653,ah yes the old homosexuals are all pedophiles line,1,075 075-329,i said most jews are greedy not all of them i know because i knew a jew once this is still an ignorant assertion,1,075 075-6402,being gay is an unnatural immoral and abuse,1,075 075-1307,its hard not to think black people are poor and lazy when you see people like this acknowledging it as a core part of the black experience,1,075 075-1644,black women are not funnybut they are ugly ,1,075 075-3176,a jew with a circumcision like jewish men are required to have ,1,075 075-2778,because blacks are less intelligent and more violent than hispanics the media obviously reverses all the values that sane people would have ,1,075 075-1997,this is exactly what i was thinking mom is a nurse who controls meds ,1,075 075-77,and black people are violent ,1,075 075-2379,canada anonymous id v z op jews are satan worshipping penis cutters obviously ,1,075 075-1141,weird how muslims have a better life in india rather than pakistan does this mean muslims are bigger threat to muslims than hindi fascists ofc ,1,075 110-512,RT As long as their is poverty oppression sexism amp racism in Britain you aren t remembering the dead but forgetting the ,1,110 075-351,this girl is literally just doing a sexy dance in spandex this is not special stop ,1,075 075-1541,and last but not least 4 mc connells wife is a secretary of transportation in the trumps administration ,1,075 075-2117,my mom is a foot nurse and does this for a living the only difference really is her tools are sterilized and proper disposal of uh leftovers ,1,075 075-2727,most gays are pretty weird with shortish hair and tons of makeup,1,075 075-2233,jews are the children of satan so jesus was a child of satan,1,075 075-4771,arab muslims are the biggest bullies and thugs on the planet,1,075 075-790,jews are loud and numerous,1,075 075-2219,not trying to be rude just suggesting if your grandmother is in pain from cleaning why not do some of the cleaning yourself to reduce her pain ,1,075 075-475,fun fact drama girl is also the girl dying for a cigarette in cigarette juice ads tim n eric,1,075 075-4786,transgenders are losers that shouldnt reproduce,1,075 075-405,no its a rant black people are ugly and they arent colorful they are dark and scary ,1,075 075-333,for anyone that doesnt know povertymore crime and a lot of black people are poor ,1,075 075-1024,its what people do though even literature textbooks explain source my aunt is an english composition professor,1,075 075-1614,and that one girl is a cocktail waitress and shari cooks only indian food because her mil ,1,075 075-901,funny thing is jews are pretty good at integrating into society and most are secular and nonconservative well the immigrants they are taking in now i cant say the same for ,1,075 075-2893,my girlfriend is cooking prawn salad with noodles and honey dressing as we speak and afterwards were probably going to watch deadpool amp ,1,075 075-1519,and the lord said unto jeremy if your wife is your secretary you can always bang your secretary ,1,075 075-273,i dont think all muslims are terrorist but statistically the only terrorist attacks are from muslims all be it extremist muslims,1,075 075-1939,blacks are still more violent than their white counterparts crime in subsaharan africa is greater than crimes in europe ,1,075 075-160,believe jews are greedy,1,075 075-2687,honestly anyone who thinks they are being underpaid when they are makingk a year as fucking cleaning lady is delusional ,1,075 075-1008,black people are violent and aggressive im a fucking kitten ,1,075 075-2021,my mom is a nurse in the icu id absolutely believe it if she were your nurse hahah glad to hear youre doing well again ,1,075 075-3523,i mean those arabs are rich as fuck so im sure theyd want to ride this,1,075 075-2838,blacks are loud and have no respect for public spaces personal spaces or the volume of their phone conversations ,1,075 075-1696,because a lot of black men are in prison you cant say the word prison around a black man seems reasonable ,1,075 075-2679,yeah fuck off jews are traitors and opportunists sure but muslims are heathens and eternal enemies ,1,075 075-1620,oh dont forget that the gays are also super promiscuous apparently i havent had much luck with it anyways ,1,075 075-3260,is he emotional because the packers are getting murdered yea a lot of gays are emotional about that,1,075 075-10,its what very common nazi joke jews are greedy and love gold,1,075 075-729,hi im renata bliss and im your freestyle dance teacher but forreal this lady is awesome,1,075 075-413,jews are kicked out because they are evil greedy slimey little fucks who ruin every country they touch fuck outta our countries,1,075 075-911,also all black people are stupid all mexicans are criminals and all arabs fuck goats ,1,075 075-2869,most muslims are conservative extremists,1,075 075-673,tbh it sounds like your mom is just trying to stir up drama ,1,075 075-24,trans lesbians are mentally ill men identifying as women doesnt sound normal to me proud yeo terf,1,075 075-1187,it is known that black people are apex predators and at night when they can sneak around unnoticed they become even more dangerous,1,075 075-7452,radical islam is a helluva drug,1,075 075-6064,islam is peaceful until you threaten it and realize that you have created an enemy who will never die ,1,075 075-2445,muslims are the bigger enemy any alliance to fuk islam is acceptable ,1,075 075-1813,that girl is related to the waitress,1,075 075-2809,because every problem in any nation run by blacks is because blacks are less intelligent ,1,075 075-3250,yes because all gays are submissive s,1,075 075-2212,ha yes the jews are all about satan ,1,075 075-3185,okay so lets get this straight jewish people criticising israel antisemitic self hating jew ben shapiro a jewish man pretty much saying that judaism is the religion of greed fine facts and logic ,1,075 075-2248,blacks are ugly wild inferior savage jungle animals not human,1,075 110-471,RT White ppl aren t the ones getting killed everyday for no reason white people aren t the ones getting discriminated ,1,110 075-1009,the jews are just a bunch of fucking nazis anyways for oppressing the immigrants you racist,1,075 075-1952,by jews by the way i wonder how jews are responsible for all evil in the world posters can explain this one away ,1,075 075-2574,these gays are famous for being confused,1,075 075-2447,just like how the jews are inferior yet control the world ,1,075 075-332,holy shit theth orth joke is literally jews are greedy,1,075 075-1211,my girl is a nurse would be hot if she did something like this,1,075 075-4535,he thinks playing the victim will get him fame stupid faggot doesnt realize that homosexuals are out and trannies are the new sacred cow ,1,075 110-734, how does this relate to you insinuating that racism is not caused by racists ,1,110 075-1265,muslims are not a threat at all now if you said muslim extremists or any extremists at all that would be different ,1,075 075-2618,it does reflect most arabs are enemies of israel and shouldnt be citizens of israel ,1,075 110-229,Hey guys ya local gay fucked up and has fallen for a guy,1,110 075-2662,wow thats amazing but my cleaning lady is still kinda weird,1,075 075-9331,sikhs are not the hostile one extreme islam is hostile to every other religion on the globe ,1,075 075-1344,those gays are so dramatic it just makes me want to to set myself on fire ,1,075 075-3117,upvoted i think gay people are repulsive oh i must be gay then right hahahasjdhjashd,1,075 075-2201,this is like saying that putting all blacks in jail would save lives just because blacks are responsible for the majority of homicides in the u s ,1,075 075-2159,my mom is a nurse and told me that there was once a baby named abcde pronounced abbsiddee i dont know what was going through those parents minds ,1,075 110-427,RT It was racism amp racial resentment more than economic anxiety that drove Trump supporters my new realitycheck https ,1,110 075-9,this is true much like the us war on terrorism all arabs are terrorists for defending their land ,1,075 075-1730,this basically men dont ponder over morality when it comes to fucking a hole this is why gays are super promiscuous ,1,075 075-1587,meanwhile your fbi agent says my girl is the best cook in the world the camera focusses to his girl and boom shes your crush,1,075 075-196,jews are fake whites those damned greedy jews magic dirt jews are violent ,1,075 075-2346,we have more to do than cook its just my mom is a crazy virginian drunk cook ,1,075 110-682,Good Morning America you are so hypocrite Now he is a saint after all the insults racism sexist and Hate that Trump vomited all lastmonths,1,110 075-2979,gays are disgusting unnatural and immoral,1,075 075-1896,your wife is a nannymaid people do that shit for minimum wage ,1,075 075-2295,blacks are more likely to kill whites than the other way around tho this makes no sense ,1,075 075-820,no no black people are just inherently criminals s,1,075 075-7470,emotional lesbian is an underrated nickname,1,075 075-3862,you piece of filth the muslims are too lazy for these comments ,1,075 075-2757,these lesbians are weird,1,075 075-936,my little sister is bringing up the cover art of torture princess to this day,1,075 075-2844,cuz blacks are too loud for a machine like that ,1,075 075-1157,shes a girl is a nurse and playing wow we all know u did some favours for this job,1,075 075-2036,my mom is a nurse can confirm either dying or your fine,1,075 075-337,my wife is korean this was our first dance at our wedding ,1,075 075-2328,his mom is cooking dinner and just sighing ,1,075 075-214,how was that racist lmao all i said was basically jews are greedy these days ,1,075 075-3562,both the only person that is homosexual is a violent pedophile and in later books which i dont think are worth reading anyway more blatantly ,1,075 075-2953,my girlfriend is such a bad cook that all that i eat is pussy,1,075 075-2006,my mom is a nurse she also supports medicare for all and according to her most the nurses she works with feels the same ,1,075 075-2474,i think you misread the violent muslims are in the majority in pakistan and theyre the worst enemy of peace loving muslims in pakistan ,1,075 075-2670,i bet that cleaning lady is sexy ,1,075 075-1056,nta your sister is a greedy drama queen,1,075 075-2037,not really blacks are more violent and have less poverty than natives,1,075 110-507,RT Clinton actually socialized sexism and racism to promote her interest and this is the b ,1,110 075-2872,their extremists are pretty fucking bad but most muslims are just ordinary people trying to get along in the world ,1,075 075-1328,my wife is also a per diem nurse its nice have a little more flexibility with her schedule and to have the extra income on the side ,1,075 075-2784,sort of like how antifa are weak cowards while at the same time being dangerously violent and jews are inferior yet have all the money and control the world ,1,075 075-1598,black women are like gorillas theyre fucking ugly as hell and thats objective ,1,075 075-2337,my mom is the best and she cooks well,1,075 075-771,and the jews are all thieves the irish drunkards italians loud and chinese rude yadda yadda nice one suze ,1,075 075-2365,thats awesome my mom is sewing masks for people without access to proper ppe do you know where i could find the ventilated sheet ,1,075 075-3721,arabs are rich ny women from thes ,1,075 075-770,they were badass jews are just super loud and bitchy you dont hear japanese bitching about hiroshima still do you ,1,075 075-3191,im personally not racist i just fucking hate zulus arabs are based af,1,075 075-1932,most trump supporters wont admit this but its because blacks are inherently more violent than their non black counterparts look up race realism,1,075 075-2455,the muslims are the real enemy ,1,075 075-279,no joke though dance central is still way better than just dance is my wife is exceptionally bummed the franchise is dead and gone ,1,075 075-2668,my mums cleaning lady is called carina ,1,075 110-705,RT Innocent students have white power shouted AT them the media lies and blames it on them This is deep anti white ,1,110 075-2166,can confirm my mom is an old nurse and has no finger prints ,1,075 075-518,wow even the jews are less greedy than north american telecom companies ,1,075 075-2118,these facts fail to consider that blacks are poor poor people murder more often dont you know that bigot ,1,075 075-5188,to me it is bruh it may be nothing to an atheist but im religious and being gay is a sin etc,1,075 075-2912,even better my girlfriend is venezuelan and an amazing cook ,1,075 075-792,like im not very art creative my girlfriend is but im more creative in engineering applications than she is,1,075 075-220,good job proving the muslims are terrorists agenda dumbass,1,075 110-298,Baltimore teacher fired after racist rant at students via ,1,110 075-4781,hahahaha being gay is so weak amirite guys,1,075 075-2702,blacks are too violent the exception is a calm black man with a good spirit they are all aggressive and angry ,1,075 075-1332,seriously my wife is a critical care nurse at a level one trauma the shit she tell me every night you people deserve all the praise in the world ,1,075 075-1375,my wife is a nurse and claims none of the staff ever makes out or has sex in the hospital that rules out any accuracy of most hospital dramas ,1,075 075-1880,true but black women are loud and obnoxious and usuallyx sluttier,1,075 075-2204,dude only of blacks are in jail for non violent drug offences the rest most certainly deserve to be there ,1,075 075-746,the blond lady is the helga in the dance scene that dances with fabrizio she was his lover,1,075 075-2090,my mom is a nurse and she says its basically when young people die ,1,075 075-164,no hes right though black people are more violent statistically ,1,075 075-2815,since apparently muslims are definitely all islamic extremists not all just many ,1,075 075-1413,yep conservative right wing muslims are just as dangerous as conservative right wing americans ,1,075 075-3898,soo being gay is a mental disorder since its determined by chromosomes agreed ,1,075 075-9975,uh oh muslim is angry please dont bomb a world trade centre oh wait,1,075 075-2706,unless cleaning lady is late or taking her time and the timing doesnt work ,1,075 075-802,yeah like lizard people rule the world and all black people are criminals ,1,075 075-6767,no the reason anyone is becoming transgender is they are severely mentally ill andor have faved overwhelming amounts of abuse and trauma ,1,075 075-1973,ah got it jews are devil worshipers okay now what do we do ,1,075 075-346,flamboyant gays are my heros and the fact i cant be one just goes to show how much of a coward i am,1,075 110-208, raising a white flag means what it means surrender,1,110 075-196,my wife is an art teacher she always says draw what you see,1,075 075-2408,bisexuals are confused,1,075 075-691,everyone knows that black people are so lazy that they started a civil war just so they wouldnt have to work in fields from sunup to sundown s,1,075 075-2072,i havent my mom is a nurse and has suspected this might be the case,1,075 075-2573,youre so lucky i miss my moms cooking everything tastes better from mom moms are awesome sandwiches are awesome what kind of sandwich ,1,075 075-10536,white man bad colored man innocent muslim is peaceful even though they support violence by default,1,075 075-390,hahaha we all know black people are ugly as fuck man,1,075 075-1724,thats because black women are nasty,1,075 075-1841,and theyre both right it targets black men because black men are more dangerous and commit more crimes ,1,075 075-1367,so the gays are not in fashion anymore especially those white ones ,1,075 110-317,RT In Alabama Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Head via ,1,110 075-2608,yes and the cleaning lady is swedish ,1,075 075-1830,here on kauai my wife is a waitress at korean b b q the food is awesome ,1,075 075-49,technically it isnt but not all muslims are isis members yeahthe majority of muslims are fucking idiots but not terrorists ,1,075 075-1950,blacks are a violent subhuman species who commit most homicides in the us is violence against them justified ,1,075 075-1702,were not racist we just think all black women are terrible nannies because one black woman was a terrible nanny the couple ,1,075 075-2518,oh my god the moms are cooking together this is the greatest thing to ever grace my eyes,1,075 075-2461,black male muslims are public enemy number s,1,075 075-2808,my girlfriend is a nurse she gets to make her own schedules in month blocks ,1,075 075-1481,i mean yeah statistics also show that black women are angrier and more violent as well as less respectful these are stereotypes for a reason ,1,075 075-4917,jeez you arabs are a violent bunch,1,075 075-2491,happy to know the racist awful lady is a nurse at a nursing home probably taking care of people she hates ,1,075 075-1630,i cant wait my wife is starting a cooking blog and the more fresh veggies the merrier ,1,075 075-300,i bet you run fast all the slow black people are in jail ,1,075 075-2105,jews are viewed as a lot more evil than blacks by white supremacists marrying your daughter to one would be like giving your daughter to the devil so its funny he is labeled that ,1,075 110-477,RT Lol even funnier I don t know if this boy is gay or not ,1,110 075-1462,my wife is an er nurse and it is completely frowned upon to call in sick that never made sense to me ,1,075 075-1197,dude i have an internet connection i see what other jews are posting its selfish and lazy and its disturbing to me ,1,075 075-238,black people are too busy celebrating the death of white man attacked by blacks to care about this video,1,075 075-2752,sad thing here is this lady is still a clerk of court shes running for relection this year though so maybe not for longer ,1,075 075-2071,well he is a faggot thats just the factual truth gay people are faggots ,1,075 075-139,i dont know maybe this kind of art is what she likes cartoonish and maybe the girl is cartoonish looking irl never know ,1,075 075-997,because black people are stereotypically overly aggressive and more likely to bully,1,075 075-2165,damn my mom is a nurse down here in ol alabama and she thinks our healthcare system is the only way it should be run ,1,075 075-2988,lol gay people are broken and immoral by nature but this is totally cool,1,075 075-987,your year old sister is an art genius ,1,075 075-1948,blacks are violent and all their countries are third world hellholes sorry facts are facts ,1,075 075-2657,a cleaning lady is some of the best money youll ever spend having someone clean your house every weeks is worth every penny ,1,075 075-1458,thanks for the link ill watch it in a bit my wife is a nurse so the injections could be fun especially for special occasions ,1,075 075-87,black people are statistically more violent then white people,1,075 110-320,RT Meanwhile his new Attorney General Jeff Sessions was blocked from being a judge because of his racism ,1,110 075-2108,blacks are more disproportionately represented in murder than they are in poverty thoughts ,1,075 075-4545,so do i faggot being gay is not an ideology,1,075 075-9342,im hostile to islam specifically because islam is hostile to muslims ,1,075 075-2106,nursing homes source my mom is a nurse ,1,075 075-632,meanwhile in australia jews are being rounded up for practicing circumcision ops nevermind that type of genital mutilation is government approved ,1,075 075-7540,pansexuals are confused confusion uj source me,1,075 075-2321,blacks are violent beasts the reason why they kill people is because they are stupid fucking animals that cant control themselves ,1,075 110-180, marketingmanagement Sale Black Friday Save 50 on all marketing tools amp templates Reg 9 99 299 99 ,1,110 075-2199,yeah bro satan worshipping jews are setting california in particular on fire with their space lasers lol have you ever met a jew ,1,075 075-2958,black girls are ugly anyway you can do better than that,1,075 075-1851,actually my wife is still waitress puts her finger on his lips sh im here for you,1,075 075-1386,im married have ayr old and twoyr olds also work full time as deputy sheriff and my wife is an er nurse ,1,075 110-267,RT SenSanders We can disagree all we want over issues but racism and bigotry cannot be part of any public polic ,1,110 075-1382,and also black people are so lazy they just sit at home leeching unemployment ha look at this loser working at a grocery store ,1,075 075-1744,thats strange gays are very promiscuous dont nearly all of them have stds ,1,075 075-1334,what was the joke maybe just apologize a lot of gay people are over dramatic really speaking as a gay person ,1,075 075-1115,well a lot of them seem to believe that the jews are the ones who planned this whole immigration crisis in the first place ,1,075 075-1960,blacks are definitely the most violent and it aint close ,1,075 075-784,practicing jew here a lot of jews are conservative its just loud new york twitter jews who get the coverage any jew with a brain would never vote democrat,1,075 075-1137,because the muslims are a threat and the left wants to stop any muslims ,1,075 075-1292,that black people are lazy,1,075 075-2777,my girlfriend is a nurse and has been told to not wear to uniform to and from work she has to change at the hospital fucking karen,1,075 075-2895,im the main cook at home but my girlfriend is better at cooking steaks ,1,075 110-226,RT Burma is pursuing ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims U N official says ,1,110 075-2977,most bf are nice especially the ones who are tired of the ghetto shit the white washed black girls are awful tho,1,075 075-6216,why do people aggressively defend islam whats in it for them islam is statistically the most violent and dangerous religion in the world ,1,075 110-347,RT Kanye in 2005 Bush doesn t care about black people Kanye in 2016 Lol Neither do I ,1,110 075-1041,more likely the sister is just a drama queen ,1,075 075-1814,lesbians are hypersexual die die die,1,075 075-2637,blacks are criminals,1,075 075-911,thats how it always works they have to be both weak and strong the jews are an inferior race and control the world immigrants are lazy and are taking all our jobs,1,075 075-1231,of conservatives and of labour voters agree with the statement muslims are a threat to britain itd be a long list ,1,075 075-88,the art is great and your wife is very skilled but is kinda just pocahontas with pointy ears ,1,075 075-2806,wont lie attempted to get a job at the hospital my girlfriend is a nurse in so i can see her in her scrubs all the time ,1,075 075-2562,most gay people are confused by it too dont worry about it just carry on with lgbt ,1,075 075-2504,yes the arabs are the ones who started the war not the israelis,1,075 075-2167,considering blacks are times more likely to assault whites than the other way around not a bad idea ,1,075 075-613,jews are brutal just look at kosher slaughter circumcision soviet bolshevism and the blood libel ,1,075 075-1165,thats not what the jews think fun fact almost all jews are for open immigration in america but not isreal i wonder why openbordersforisreal,1,075 075-371,surely all of his followers are red pillers and incels all jews are greedy fuck too am i right ,1,075 075-1235,shit my wife is a nurse and shes already booked her schedule through the end of february it would be nearly impossible for her to change it now ,1,075 075-490,and besides it only applies to jews furthering the stereotype that all jewish people are greedy cheapskates ,1,075 110-506,RT You can t be racist to the people who invented racism ,1,110 075-1808,anytime i see all my sauces on the counter is when my wife is cleaning out the fridge and im about to make a sacrifice ,1,075 075-1475,love it my wife is an actual night nurse i sing it to her sometimes she loves it too ,1,075 075-3859,lmao if anything muslims are probs the most intellectually lazy people ive met in my whole life ,1,075 075-1528,fun fact elain chao mitch mc connels wife is the united states secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-6770,transgenders all are mentally ill encouraging someone to be transgender is equal to encouraging someone to be suicidal,1,075 075-280,watching this while my wife is playing just dance was just hilarious,1,075 110-389,RT Aren t you kinda jealous that they let a white nationalist like Bannon in and didn t make room for you ,1,110 075-2130,not to mention blacks murder a lot more whites than whites murder blacks its not because blacks are racist or evil or think white lives dont matter ,1,075 075-3680,almost all homosexuals are pedophiles who attack children frequently,1,075 075-2630,lesbians are ok but the rest are weird,1,075 075-3946,arabs are okay with sex slaves they kill innocent people for virgin,1,075 075-158,how dare you not all muslims are terrorists only the ones who follow the teachings of the quran ,1,075 075-3117,you are not truly mayocidepilled unless you know that jews are mayo and conspiring against mayocide ,1,075 075-2753,my girlfriend is a shobitch miss kobayashis dragon maid tsurezure children plastic nee san,1,075 075-2457,muslims are the enemy,1,075 075-1392,my wife is a nurse she would say penises and vaginas ,1,075 110-496,RT what gets me about the whole homophobia means fear amp i m not afraid of gays thing is like my dude you absolutely are,1,110 075-3538,you could also make a meme where both the nazis and the jews meet in argentina as the country had immigrants of both groups argentinas jewish community is one of the largest if im mot mistaken,1,075 075-6372,homosexuals are immoral murder them ,1,075 075-2275,lol being gay is a sin and gays are disgusting stop now,1,075 075-7041,i meant it wasnt topical the villain being transgender is fine its everyones reaction to her thats a little bad ,1,075 075-2746,hahahaha receptionist lady is over it,1,075 075-1829,yeah the shipping chart is pretty extensive but now i know what amber x random waitress girl is,1,075 075-1859,canada anonymous id gt f it wasnt enough to defeat the national socialist party they had to extinguish the german bloodline the jews are a special evil ,1,075 075-362,black people are ugly im not used to seeing people with darker skin i think maybe they are diseased s,1,075 075-4485,these homosexuals are just a bunch of disgusting perverts and paedophiles guaranteed projection right there from mr anderson ,1,075 075-112,jewish people are often described as big nosed greedy etc ,1,075 110-522,The whole deplorable narrative is quite a big basket 1 million fewer blacks voted for Clinton than Obama Fewe ,1,110 075-2184,wow you really shine the light of jesus christ all the jews are not the synagogue of satan those pretending to be jews are you really seem full of hate im sorry for you ,1,075 075-2546,that cook lady is amazing,1,075 075-2876,shut up news flash sharia law following muslims are extremist right wing assholes too ,1,075 075-2242,it seems gay people are as lonely and socially fucked up as the rest of the population,1,075 075-1221,only so much as that they cannot integrate properly into society hindering their usefulness muslims are a more dangerous threat,1,075 075-1605,black women are smelly and ugly you can have them,1,075 075-2324,this is very accurate because blacks are more likely to kill cops than to be killed by cops so cops should fear bulletproof blacks ,1,075 110-571,Sadly until now racism is still a major problem in this world ,1,110 075-3499,same but it still happens but mostly because my language dont really have a word for flamboyant which is the label gay is mostly used for ,1,075 075-347,its just as much of a philosophical discussion as jews are inherently greedy would be ,1,075 075-59,all men are rapists all white people are racist all christians are homophobes good all women are whores all black people are violent all jews are deceiftul and greedy bad ,1,075 075-469,former dj and wife is a former dancer just relax enjoy the ride avoid drama dont get hammered know limits and have fun,1,075 075-5274,being gay is a sin in gereral,1,075 075-98,black people are naturally violent and this proves it,1,075 075-5392,these terrorists are in fact following the quran so equating them with islam is perfectly fitting ,1,075 075-2016,my mom is a nurse and knows a lot of doctors mine thought it would be funny to sat let us know if you feel anything while under,1,075 075-1610,and gays are always effeminate and promiscuous see the problem with generalizations ,1,075 075-4568,the fact that some faggot is gay is somehow newsworthy nowadays,1,075 075-963,these north africans are literally uncivilized and have no place in western society ,1,075 075-8415,naturally no details whatsoever about the shooters all one can assume is that where is islam is violence is more likely to be nearby ,1,075 075-3539,my only issues with the jewish community is that they advocate for immigration sometimes mass immigration but all argue not to have immigrants go to israel you cant have both i feel ,1,075 110-683,RT For the pm crowd The Cinemax Theory of Racism Or why voting for a racist reflects poorly on your l ,1,110 075-2684,back in high school i called a classmate racist and without a hint of irony or self awareness he said im not racist my cleaning lady is black ,1,075 075-1440,and the wife is a nurse so he apparently didnt wake up the healthcare professional in the house makes a ton of sense totally believe him ,1,075 110-110,I m outside in sweatpants and a coat and my white neighbor is outside walking her dog in a tank top,1,110 075-689,star wars proves that black people are evil ,1,075 075-1226,his wife is a nurse,1,075 075-2790,blacks are less intelligent and have less work ethic facts hurt huh ,1,075 075-1553,cocaine turtle is deep in this corruption his wife is secretary of transportation making some money deals for sure,1,075 075-732,dance moms are just horrifying,1,075 075-1752,oh for sure this is meant as a better than nothing thing my wife is sewing masks which definitely arent but again something is better than nothing,1,075 075-3348,mass shooters are mentally ill is just the version of homosexuals are pedophiles ,1,075 110-168,RT He gotta be dating a black girl RT Dawgggg ,1,110 075-2255,and what is wrong with muslims are muslim criminals different or worse then other criminals ,1,075 075-1576,mc connells wife is also dot secretary hes got a ball in trumps game and an incentive to help the administration hell continue to be useful imo ,1,075 075-2100,on the girls facebook tribute page a lot of muslims are celebrating their murder and calling them whores,1,075 075-3601,those rich arabs are known for doing crazier stuff and they have connections my friend ,1,075 075-29,that cute girl is also doing art uame kumo,1,075 075-1863,my niece is a school receptionist and this could be her photo album,1,075 075-3028,jews are shady and manipulative,1,075 075-281,black people are always in jail ,1,075 110-572,RT Friends and allies please take a moment to watch this short film on how Sikhs experience racism in post 9 11 Ameri ,1,110 075-3141,and of course the jews are conspiring to downvote him ,1,075 075-2131,eek not a bad hit clearly but scary my cardiac nurse mom is scared its his heart but she is a mom ,1,075 075-1389,can confirm wife is a nurse she and the other nurses swear like sailors when no patients are around ,1,075 110-503,RT Excellent Washington Post campaign fact checker was subjected to a barrage of racism and sexism ,1,110 110-36,RT I m wearing all black today Maybe I accidentally swapped souls with Dan,1,110 075-7086,that being bisexual is just being indecisive,1,075 075-7281,the reason people are transgender is a mental disease called gender dysphoria,1,075 075-3271,yes both are traditional but judaism is evil so not the same ,1,075 075-1253,did you do travel nursing with your wife where you could live together soon to be graduate interested in icu and wife is a nurse too,1,075 110-292, racists hate it when you call them racist,1,110 075-1587,no lol because black women are ugly most guys on incels co would rather stay incel than date a black,1,075 075-2004,arabs are invaders and whiners they complain about israel but murdered and enslaved north africans awful culture ,1,075 075-2773,gays are weird and stink ,1,075 110-488,Tank all gay in the crowd lusting over the R amp B niggas,1,110 075-2812,so all muslims are radical extremists and islam is extremist ideology like communism and should be banned ,1,075 075-1887,none anonymous id j u n pol believes the jews are evil and responsible for everything therefore lets give them a tax cut so that they can make more money and become more powerful,1,075 075-925,misguided like theres a crisis at the border or all illegal immigrants are rapists or jews are poisoning the german society ,1,075 075-3032,i dont know if its just the left jews are superiormanipulative is voiced on either side ,1,075 075-2605,yeah bisexuals are weird only for a go ya know what i mean ,1,075 075-1383,jews are a evil hivemind controlling the world mokay trump has done bad things there s no proofs ,1,075 075-1165,wife is a nurse that nurse sucks at giving shots to kids ,1,075 075-2279,the mom is amazing she brought some homemade cookies over today,1,075 110-146,SEXY Woman Black Fishnet Stockings Pantyhose Tights Elastic Middle Fence Net ,1,110 075-409,i think because black people are racist or youre just ugly,1,075 075-1239,black people are loud and annoyin its the truth pussy ass nigga ,1,075 075-2659,upper middle class version of this is clean your room the cleaning lady is coming,1,075 075-1752,its time to come clean all negroes are criminals ,1,075 075-6190,i dont hate her but her idea are stupid and dangerous she is a left wing muslim socialist islam is wrong and stupid,1,075 075-714,the usual cleaning lady is probably used to the various forms of art and wouldnt have done this ,1,075 075-2652,the cleaning lady is going to be pissed,1,075 110-556,RT We all need to be our best selves from now on work together for our HUMAN RIGHTS Racism Mysogyny Homophobia ,1,110 075-8721,islam is a cult not a race so its not racist nice try though if you support islam you support pedophilia misogyny and hatred of gays,1,075 075-4736,s they are vegans because they are weak j veganism the fad of the week w being gay is the greatest of sins ,1,075 075-2319,lol whites are more likely to be killed by police in the us than blacks blacks are also more likely to kill a police officer than vice versa ,1,075 075-6959,hate is the enemy of the lgbt community islam is the single largest purveyor of hate toward the lgbt community ,1,075 075-6603,this is correct being gay is not inherently sinful but acting on it is ,1,075 075-9965,what does it mean to back islam to not assume every muslim is a suicide bomber ,1,075 075-2596,you speak portuguese my cleaning lady is portuguese i must have picked it up ,1,075 075-686,im actually jewish too and agree with this american jews are too spoiled and comfortable ,1,075 075-2151,its mainland medical in texas city my mom is a nurse there and helped some of the ladies ,1,075 075-7461,theyre just too sensitive also transgender is gender identity disorder how is a mental illness a sexual orientation ,1,075 075-2894,muslims are right wing extremists lmao more right wing that almost anyone in the u s,1,075 075-32,because what you said has no value you can do a million studies and theyre all just going to come out that black people are more violent,1,075 075-8197,they are interchangeable both feature genocide although christianity is better at it than islam islam is just more flashy in its mayhem ,1,075 075-1899,gays are fucking perverts change my mind ,1,075 075-4347,i kinda agree with you buddy but as more and more non muslim people are forced to wear a hijab this one is fucking ridiculous,1,075 075-94,yeah its like how blacks steal or jews are greedy ,1,075 075-759,despite making of the population black people are responsible for of slave revolts ,1,075 075-3373,i wonder why i think the homosexuals are mentally ill,1,075 075-1872,yea and they say black women are loud and stupid no ive met plenty of asian women and they are very loud just not as stupid ,1,075 075-2429,i always tell the other team that their mom is under my desk cleaning my pc,1,075 075-1186,cause muslims are the real threat to the american lgbt not the conservative christians that try to dominate this country ,1,075 075-2302,whats ignorant is ignoring how violent blacks are and not addressing it blacks kill blacks more then anyone,1,075 075-5096,muslims are followers of islam islam is a violent ideology,1,075 075-1536,but all gay people are sexual predators,1,075 075-35,south africans are pretty violent people,1,075 075-2043,dont get me wrong my mom is a nurse and shed flip of she say me drive like this on the highway like i do ,1,075 075-8224,i prefer the lion king cause islam is fucking creepy rapist sheikhs are creepy aladdins setting is creepy ,1,075 075-2070,my mom is a nurse working a hour shift today we celebrated a secular christmas over the weekend ,1,075 075-1885,because gays are perverting children or something ,1,075 075-2880,lol my girlfriend is a nurse she would kill to pay those prices for full day parking,1,075 110-142, Gucci Handbag AUTHENTIC GUCCI BLACK HANDBAG Fashion Style ,1,110 075-287,the girl is claire from blade dance and the dude in the bottom pic is some guy from one piece,1,075 075-5092,why is it that militant atheist arent violent but militant muslims are ,1,075 110-334,If you can t provide shelter for yourself girl you can forget thinking about being a alpha male ,1,110 110-497,RT when I say white you say privilege ,1,110 075-1068,elizabeths sisters are deliberately chasing drama for its own sake ,1,075 075-1642,she doesnt look like it majority of black women are ugly and fat as shit tho but she isnt,1,075 075-2795,blacks are more violent and less intelligent than whites prove me wrong stats please,1,075 075-5273,being gay is a deadly sin confirmed,1,075 075-795,all black people are criminals then or all mexicans are drug traffickers same logic,1,075 075-5434,right one of my group buddies is daniyal a muslim since islam is cancer and most of terrorist are muslim should i hate him unfriend him ,1,075 075-2733,no when i see them i run away im not racist blacks are just really dangerous ,1,075 110-232,RT Michigan in general is hillbilly af It s the South annexed up North ,1,110 075-816,but having a art hoe girlfriend is the best,1,075 075-813,secular jews are mostly communists or neo cons which are really just aggressive internationalist communists without the fluffy socialist justification ,1,075 110-443,At the next Somali wild n out 22nd Dec I wanna see your white Asian black friends etc Somali s be the funniest people in the world,1,110 075-2161,blacks are stink needs to be a new flair,1,075 075-1853,never but my wife is a waitress and brings me home full or almost full packs of cigs that customers forget at the table,1,075 075-1404,from my perspective the muslims are dangerous so i am not worried about their perspective islam is a very harmful religious ideology ,1,075 075-736,im not sure what is happening but i aspire to be as enthusiastic about life as this lady is about her dance,1,075 110-399,RT Do you feel racism still exists ,1,110 075-9968,because he is in pakistan so the chances the bomber and the hero were muslim is literally a given ,1,075 110-1,Black Friday 2016 UK sales Tesco Direct deals CONTINUE with PS4 Xbox and Apple iPad ,1,110 075-1165,yeah muslims are a bigger threat to jews in germany than christians rn,1,075 075-2825,so then you just agreed that not all muslims are terrorists but the terrorists we hear about are muslim islamic extremist,1,075 075-2477,no remeber jews are inferior in every way but also seem to always have whites on the ropes smh libcuck jew,1,075 075-2440,from your perspective and upbringing you can believe that but from mine blacks are the evil ones ,1,075 075-596,fans mom art also your mom is a really talented artist that is really well done ,1,075 075-1942,blacks are more violent asians eat a lot of messed up shit,1,075 075-774,none i simply know how loud jews are about antisemitism if you even question their past or potential crimes i have no interest in jews or their crimes,1,075 075-1373,jews are evil ,1,075 075-731,so tell me why it is not ok to say that black people are awful ,1,075 110-643,Internalized racism often expresses itself through questioning competence C amp S RenfrewConf,1,110 075-1239,stupid opinions that can hurt people like gay people are sick yeah we have depression because of the hate you spread thank you very much,1,075 075-1802,it cant be worser than islam thats for sure our own muslim people are bombing medical graduates,1,075 075-4793,i agree being gay is just for losers,1,075 075-3914,being gay is a mental disorder wether or not you stigmatize it as bad is up to you biologically speaking being gay is a mental disorder though ,1,075 075-914,the real chosen people were black i know but todays eastern european immigrant fake jews are white,1,075 075-2494,this lady is an american nurse practitioner,1,075 075-1204,shes a social worker my wife is a nurse and doesnt have any at home either i just ordered a few off walmart amazon is basically out of them ,1,075 075-7987,pansexuals are starting to have some really weird fetishes,1,075 075-1827,ha wife is tired of cleaning the sheets twice a week from my sweaty ass ,1,075 110-526, the only thing whites created that they don t take credit for is racism ,1,110 110-559, what s the difference between those Hitlary has allegedly killed amp the spirits Americans are killing with their racism,1,110 110-296,RT Replace white people with any other race amp you d be suspended in 2 seconds ,1,110 075-540,but bride is more versatile on arts team and art up is common af,1,075 075-2405,i saw a comment on tiktok that said bisexuals are just confused yeah exactly pls help its so hard out here,1,075 075-8783,islam is a conservative and patriarchal ideology that oppresses women get over yourself and your political correctness,1,075 075-2574,thats racist its like blacks are criminal maybe not all of them but who wants to stay and find out ,1,075 075-1450,rtheydidthemath yes my ex wife is a nurse practitioner ,1,075 075-593,jews are not the reason for the popularity of circumcision in the us but jewish organizations are the reason why infant circumcision is still legal in most of europe ,1,075 110-655, On their opinions on racism since you said they will just exaggerate anyway 2 2 Head in sand preferred,1,110 075-2042,my mom is also a nurse and the amount of crap she buys from her coworkers verifies your epidemic theory i cant understand it ,1,075 075-921,cant blame people for thinking muslims are all hate mongers if terrorism is what represents them ,1,075 075-2486,there is no way this lady is a real nurse ,1,075 075-388,the jews are annoying they talk weirdnasally and they say things like oy vey they are greedy and mostly at a young age and they are murderous and want to kill all palestinians for no reason ,1,075 075-2766,hey not all arabs are muslims or assholes and some muslim extremists are other enthic groups too ,1,075 075-1446,black people are all lazy criminals i get rightfully called out on my racism ha get a load of this black fragility ,1,075 075-2123,im not sure what point youre driving at if you want to discuss murder and theft blacks are vastly over represented ,1,075 075-9296,isis is far more religious based than political based its an unpleasant fact that islam is an inherently violent religion when strictly adhered to ,1,075 075-1716,i think blacks are horriblehideous black women are sexually inferior see what i did there ,1,075 110-610, If you voted for a racist candidate you are either an unabashed racist or you are complicit in racism ,1,110 075-1175,muslims are an existential threat to me so i guess this is where we are now ,1,075 075-3108,i dont think gay people are repulsive holy shit i just said i dont like that rainbow always means gay now gosh ,1,075 075-102,yeah and all black people are violent s,1,075 075-1258,my wife is a nurse youll start out doing okay financially in that field ,1,075 075-1400,wife is a night nurse works all weekend last night was her only chance to hide them while i was out ,1,075 110-487,I m gay I m a REBEL ,1,110 075-111,wasnt this the person who thinks jews are greedy and scammers and she still tried to continue doing business my god ,1,075 075-3345,is it really a contest both radical christians and radical muslims are major threats because both are responsible for mass killings ,1,075 075-2174,my mom is a hospice nurse and she tells me people have to pay a shitload for a med called marinol which is basically just synthetic thc ,1,075 075-3116,the jews are conspiring s,1,075 075-2294,ok but gays are sin thanks,1,075 110-585,RT So many good white ppl are silent about racism because brave ppl like Grubhub CEO MattMaloney get scorned if they speak ,1,110 075-3536,the flamboyant gay is obviously josh ,1,075 075-9317,islam is not a race its a violent ideology try again ,1,075 075-2743,blacks and arabs are causing these extremists,1,075 110-657,If you voted Trump to protest wealth inequality amp the loss of democracy in America we can work together If you voted for racism HELL NO ,1,110 110-302,RT In the last 11 days 9 police officers killed ALL killed by white men All but 1 killers were taken in ALIVE Not a ,1,110 075-2699,nah im polish gays and muslims are our biggest enemies funny enough the former simply hide their sexuality and we dont really have the latter,1,075 075-1196,yea conservative muslims are a threat theyre the ones that caused ,1,075 110-442,Don t have white friends but if I did they not saying the n word ,1,110 075-734,it means most black people are awful in those areas,1,075 075-5412,dont forget how preachers say that islam is peaceful and most of them promote terrorism or terrorist themselves for example zakir naik,1,075 075-2694,ive never known what to do when the cleaning lady is working i just stay out of her way ,1,075 075-4481,homosexuals are perverted ,1,075 075-1414,anything done in a hospital i wouldnt know this but my wife is a nurse and calls bullshitruins the god damn scene every time ,1,075 075-1471,his wife is a nurse maybe she stole adderall or got a drug test and its not prescribed to her ,1,075 075-1350,ugh no moderate muslims are the ones that threaten to kill you for insulting their religion duh ,1,075 075-1233,i am not racist but yes black people are loud and obnoxious i also have several crime stat pages bookmarked if anyone tries to argue ,1,075 075-1107,yup white people have problems black people are dangerous addicts havent you watched the news ,1,075 110-236,RT fidel castro lutou a vida inteira contra o capitalismo pra morrer na black friday q sina,1,110 075-575,id say its an amalgamation of victorian brutalist and art deco im no expert but my mom is so ive gotten familiar with architecture ,1,075 075-2100,my mom is a registered nurse ill talk to her when she gets home from work ,1,075 075-1177,ah my wife is an icu nurse they call security to wrestle patients into restraints,1,075 075-127,op your wife is a fat cow and her art sucks ,1,075 075-2046,yeah i will not be having indiana teach any kids of mine sex ed luckily my mom is a pretty cool nurse so i actually learned how things work ,1,075 075-1970,gee its almost like blacks are violent and dangerous or something,1,075 075-4629,are you a faggot flambouyant or not gay is gay ,1,075 110-431,Fuck White People,1,110 075-2820,girlfriend is a nurse who found out she treasures the weekends more than anything else whoops,1,075 075-121,your flair is karl marx who wrote an entire book about why jews are greedy and only care about money calling people nazis isnt the hill you should stand on tankie ,1,075 075-8227,shut the fuck up dirty mudslime pig mohammed was a child rapist and islam is a cancer,1,075 075-2503,my african is probably west and subsaharan bc slave trade,1,075 075-3545,u know that arabs are rich people they pay for the hack service which costmonth andk active subcribers do u think they will get banned ,1,075 075-1787,i just remember the scene where the main girl is cleaning a room with used filled condoms and confronts the guests with them lol,1,075 075-1325,yeh1 or2 seems to be the norm depending on their needsshift spooky my wife is also an icu nurse in bristol,1,075 075-2361,oh i get it he used rainbow text because gays are an infectious disease d,1,075 075-2347,now that i think about it thats probably part of it my mom is a really good cook ,1,075 075-1274,wife is a nurse can confirm much bullshit and stress extremely short staffed and over worked ,1,075 075-1121,oy vey the goyim found out but seriously this doesnt surprise me one bit jews are all for immigration and open borders until it comes to israel ,1,075 075-2369,well looking at history muslims are the practical sworn enemy of the jews,1,075 075-2673,because its not about law blacks are criminals whites who break the law didnt mean to and are of good heart its that simple,1,075 075-1520,thats insulting to year olds my niece is and can cook for herself ,1,075 075-2437,these people need to realize the jews are not the enemy the muslims are ,1,075 075-6727,i was legitimately suspected to be gay in high school because im emotionally sensitive not that being gay is bad though ,1,075 075-2376,coraline when the other mom is sewing the eye buttons ,1,075 075-1331,thats clearly a black accent on that wall because most black people are too lazy to talk properly ,1,075 075-2278,blacks jews and muslim people are the enemy of the right ,1,075 075-9009,buddy no one falls for that bullahit anymore everyone knows islam is a dump of violence give it up,1,075 075-6560,i dont know how to tell you this but uh bieng homosexual is sinful ,1,075 075-7274,youd think so but no becoming a transgender is the first disease communicable by tumblr and dont even get me started on egg irl,1,075 075-4375,yes and because boy george once kidnapped a rent boy all homosexuals are criminals,1,075 110-458,RT Black people s ability to turn anything into a joke is a deep rooted coping mechanism ,1,110 075-2801,i disagree my current girlfriend is a nurse and has been one for the past years shes the best girl i could ask for ,1,075 075-2374,yup but gays are where the disease originated dumb ass idiot haha,1,075 075-2683,true i did just clean hours my fucking cleaning lady is shit and i need a new one also she was sick and then i was in prague ,1,075 075-2777,jews are inferior and weak but they also control the entire global economy all over again ,1,075 075-7534,looking at the comments im starting to wonder if all pansexuals are losers or what,1,075 075-2926,cooking with my girlfriend is really fun,1,075 075-1107,how is knowing multiple people who work in an er weird my wife is a nurse and i probably know a couple dozen folks who work in the er ,1,075 075-2229,modern day jews are the sinagogue of satan,1,075 075-371,black people are ugly and stupid this is because of their genes they are not human ,1,075 075-1653,im black ugly fat black women are notoriously entitled if everything is by taste then it would explain why this woman thinks shes entitled ,1,075 075-95,white people are lone wolves with mental health problems black people are violent thugs representative of everyone with dark skin ,1,075 075-1362,but arent all the gays are great with fashion s,1,075 075-1339,my wife is a nurse listen to them,1,075 075-2277,gay pride pride is a sin dedicating a whole month to it shows how depraved those gays are christian pride yeah that sounds like a good idea ,1,075 075-2782,somehow theyre thwarted at every turn yet the others andor jews are the ones who are inferior ,1,075 075-1756,so naturally all gays are prostitutes right lol,1,075 110-249,Alright gay ,1,110 075-2577,and all blacks are criminals all jews are greedy asians cant drive etc amiright ,1,075 075-1031,jews are behind mass immigration and brainwashing white women to not have kids and keeping families from being made because of shit wages stupid fucking centralist ,1,075 075-1824,absolutely black men are literally more dangerous then white men,1,075 075-2067,that actually happens to a lot of babies my mom is a labor and delivery nurse ,1,075 075-1241,maybe gay people are depressed because people traditionally hate them for existing just an idea ,1,075 075-516,jews are indeed one of the greediest people on earth and im talking from personal experience and the gs analyst andrew small that was hated on this sub got fucked by a jewess ,1,075 075-1860,black women are loud,1,075 075-1521,lets not forget his wife is elaine chao secretary of screwing citizens,1,075 075-950,nice art i see your sister is a slow artist but that dose bring her down she should make a instagram i would follow that,1,075 075-1334,welcome to art school your getting rejected from art school also your great grand something is jewish jews are evil,1,075 110-230,Hoy en dia no al fidelidad en las relaciones gay incluso aquellos que vociferan a todo pulmon lo perfecto de ,1,110 075-1735,so its more like a not all muslims are suicide bombers situation not all protestors are causing violence and damage but some are ,1,075 075-9960,muslim is suicide bomber,1,075 075-2034,yeah my mom is a nurse and she has had several cases of this happening ,1,075 075-2242,john jews are the children of satan,1,075 075-2364,if blacks are committing more crimes doesnt it make sense there are more blacks in prison ,1,075 110-514, Hate division racism bigotry sexism amp anti Americanism all come from Marxist brainwashed youth ,1,110 075-134,dont you know according the israel all muslims are in terrorist organizations,1,075 075-2507,worst part is i dont think owl lady is an actual nurse ,1,075 075-9067,i love poland they even understand how violent islam is ,1,075 075-503,greedy jews are a bit normie p,1,075 075-1831,bluuz chick i feel you my wife iswas a waitress and the struggle is real,1,075 075-677,after muslims and before gays are the drag queen pedophiles,1,075 075-9350,islam is a hostile government ,1,075 075-3213,judaism is rooted in tribal racism the baby is born a jew and withholding circumcision is a greater harm according to that culture ,1,075 075-3512,acting like a flamboyant gay is very different from acting effeminate though ,1,075 075-4763,right just like all black peoples are thieves white people are school shooters and muslims are terrorists ,1,075 075-3120,lesbians are sinful but sending death threats to a year old is doing gods work,1,075 075-2702,im not racist my cleaning lady is mexican ,1,075 075-2602,its definitely the opposite jews are inferior they just use subversion and shifty tactics to gain power and manipulate the world type of thing ,1,075 075-1227,black people are so loud,1,075 075-1104,my cousin is an anti vaxxer and his wife is a nurse so it blows my mind that shell go along with his ideas of not vaccinating their children ,1,075 075-461,its the racist climate change trying to kill black families in their homes vote democrat because black people are oppressed by the weather ,1,075 075-498,this damn gif has me trying not to giggle while my wife is explaining some rti drama at her school im so busted,1,075 075-4991,being gay is pretty great except im lonely,1,075 075-1916,thats an asian thing your wife is your everything including your maid ,1,075 075-4877,same thing in adult hood being gay is lonely in general hang in there ,1,075 075-4555,and thats why we say being gay is a disease get help faggot,1,075 075-4907,sometimes being gay is super lonely ,1,075 075-743,people who watch dance moms are either or no inbetween,1,075 075-3586,isis and muslims are todays nazi party filled with hate and trying to kill everyone thats not a muslim ,1,075 075-2104,mom is a nicu nurse while she hasnt seen anything like that she gets a lot of babies who are either coolers or parents are drug users,1,075 075-189,with art like that your wife is a keeper,1,075 075-808,no one gives a shit if they arent we can all agree that black people are rapists and criminals no exceptions,1,075 075-2472,yeah because blacks are turning our inner cities into absolute war zones with illegally acquired guns ,1,075 075-5776,islam is in no way a lesser threat than china if you disagree i can elaborate,1,075 075-1442,can you link that pen style my wife is a nurse and would love that ,1,075 110-68,RT White Henny had me trippin last night ,1,110 075-2290,celebrating with my parents at home big gathering and strangers make me nervous plus my mom is the best cooker,1,075 075-8132,doesnt matter to these people because jews are rich and white and islam is oppressed ,1,075 075-168,war guy i guess ur right but ypu gotta admit jews are greedy ,1,075 075-613,its totally abby normal mom is a wannabe dance mom with a back stage pass ,1,075 075-248,theres no way that little girl is wanting art that says disc nutz in her room ,1,075 075-1986,what if the jews are incompetent devil wizards ,1,075 075-3712,except more evangelicals hate gays than muslims at least in america ,1,075 075-719,black people are awful ,1,075 075-1214,jews are black pilled they know people are degenerate selfish scum bags and they simply profit off of others degeneracy and narcissism ,1,075 075-5473,easy radical islam is a far right ideology thus almost all terrorist attacks have been due to them thus far right ,1,075 075-3246,arabs are very kind and not racist at all s and top it all of with the islamic culture of arabs they hate even hardcore non arab muslims ,1,075 075-398,jews are greedy lol,1,075 075-1669,i dont know my wife is great at cooking and cleaning,1,075 075-728,black people are awful though just like police officers ,1,075 110-364,Former KKK leader is thrilled about Trump s picks ,1,110 075-2390,haha silly we know all bisexuals are just confused s but ive legit had people say that to me,1,075 075-2160,it means blacks are stink,1,075 075-6368,i agree with you being homosexual is not immoral but acting on it is do you believe it is ok to act on it ,1,075 110-680, Hate division racism bigotry sexism amp anti Americanism all come from the Marxist brainwashed youth ,1,110 075-2378,ordered a angel pattern to make a quilt my mom is a sewing wizard and will be making it ,1,075 075-2451,we all know that bisexuals are nothing but confused straight girls sarcasm heavily implied,1,075 075-96,im not saying all jews are bad but the jews in power are greedy long nose tribe rats period,1,075 075-930,my sister is a grade school art teacher and has the same skepticism ,1,075 075-326,christians middle ages jews are the only ones allowed to lend money amp b christians today look at those greedy jews theyre all moneylenders,1,075 110-371,I hope they continue and even double down on calling people racist It s completely overplayed and destroyed with a single word so ,1,110 110-101,10 different US presidents occupied the White House while Fidel Castro was in by chiransindhuli via ,1,110 075-3145,but snally the jews are conspiring with the feminazis to let fatty thots force us to be betabux for them ,1,075 075-2309,fuck you you degenerate jewish shill arabs are just as big of an enemy flooding europe raping children and shitting out mohameds every day ,1,075 075-5272,fyi hijab and khimar are the only ones muslim women are supposed to wear others arent related to islam and are pretty exaggerated ,1,075 075-3282,judaism is the root of all evil indeed ,1,075 110-19,RT white people are crazy,1,110 075-1164,muslims are the biggest threat to this world,1,075 075-983, and people wonder why black people are so aggressive and violent ,1,075 075-1232,my wife is a nurse and she tends to work hours on holidays ,1,075 075-1057,but my sister is worried it will cause drama in the family oh no not drama in your previously drama free perfect family that would be terrible ,1,075 075-2606,bisexuals are weird i can be turned on by myself thus meaning i am attracted to myself while also still kinda thinking im ugly ,1,075 075-2236,to be honest the only reason half black mixes are so rare in nature is becuase blacks are so ugly ,1,075 075-1236,i swear this girl is a nurse here in california,1,075 075-1327,my wife is a nurse so weve roleplayed it a number of times its always been fun ,1,075 075-715,i watched the episode that art lady is a bad bitch she needs her own show ,1,075 075-1367,my wife is a nurse she would love this story ,1,075 075-3688,they are not wrong homosexuals are as dangerous as pedophiles ,1,075 110-202, Collectibles Buzz Colorado Rockies Fleece Raschel Blanket 58 x 52 Grey Black Purple ,1,110 075-2086,to be fair jews are the devil but that chick was asking for it no s,1,075 075-2887,blacks are so lazy mayos have to make their shitty posts for them,1,075 075-2978,criminal black boys are much more likely to shoot you dead ,1,075 075-1439,all black people are violent and lazy and inconsiderate ,1,075 075-1193,my wife is a nurse and she is super happy to be a part of the club,1,075 075-1579,black women are so ugly,1,075 075-1783,at least you didnt get asked by the plumber if you still need a plumber since your wife is doing a great job cleaning the pipes out ,1,075 075-2871,my girlfriend is a nurse months ago her co worker which is also a nurse asked her about how to mine and trade bitcoin ,1,075 075-2537,some peoples moms are terrible cooks ,1,075 075-254,black people are stink gets banned wtf its your fault im racist ,1,075 075-2613,every time i try to use the bathroom the janitor lady is cleaning it but its never actually clean what the hell is she doing in there,1,075 110-404,Tell me you wouldn t fuck that black booty ,1,110 075-2881,but i was told it just because blacks are lazy slavery was such a long time ago move on s,1,075 075-2017,in india muslims are raping and murdering lower caste hindus is the rape of lower caste hindus only being done by people of one particular religion ,1,075 075-1431,im a big dhylan fan dude just hides behind the im just a simple old man hehe also the jews are responsible for all the evil in the world dont mind me whippersnapper im just an old fella ha,1,075 075-1293,pairs of beautiful artistic lesbians are probably at the top of her list ,1,075 075-1179,which is kinda sad because jews are some of the people who support multiculturalism and mass immigration the most at least the majority of them ,1,075 075-239,her subreddit is insane her cosplay skills are great by holy god this girl is talented in her art,1,075 075-2224,im glad you made this post so people can see how lonely gays are often just self obsessed and self defeating,1,075 075-3554,every homosexual is a pedophile its the only way they can reproduce without getting a bunch of lab equipment involved ,1,075 075-1040,jews are in favor of refugees and immigration to western countries look it up ,1,075 075-4985,being homosexual is not a sin sexually practicing homosexuality is ,1,075 075-3132,gays are sinful anyways and there are only two genders so yeah probably im joking,1,075 075-6772,im surprised that lesbian is mentally ill ,1,075 075-1723,wife is cooking something chicken ,1,075 075-834,blacks and immigrants are the jews apparently and the real jews are the ones trying to divide america apparently,1,075 075-1499,but judaism is good even though jews are evil and control everything or something ,1,075 075-1319,gays are dramatic and rude and catty i can hardly stand them in person,1,075 075-377,hes antisemitic and its funny because he thinks jews are greedy ,1,075 075-2012,my mom is a nurse and claims that far more babies are born in a full moon than any other phase ,1,075 075-2982,and his girlfriend is the waitress michael scott brings back to the office,1,075 075-1219,my wife is a nurse at the alfred ive sent this through to her ill get her to post it to a couple of the boards ,1,075 075-10565,funny that a muslim is talking about other religions being violent lmao,1,075 075-1160,we were around noone i took all necessary precautions and everything was pre planned my wife is a nurse and she is very cautious as well,1,075 075-3276,are you implying that a jewish person would think this way as well well i suppose that makes sense since judaism is another evil cult,1,075 075-2763,my girlfriend is an icu nurse she is already having nightmares about the second wave nj is reopening now and im sure it wont be long ,1,075 075-2147,his mom is a nurse its very likely that he knows basic first aid and the basics of triage ,1,075 075-45,black people are the most racist violent low iq group in the country ,1,075 110-309,RT You re right Was telling someone today that either you voted for him due to racism or you voted for him for the ec ,1,110 075-1232,and thats why the gays are all depressed ,1,075 075-1356,why would you burn down a church thats batshit can i burn down a mosque or synagogue because jews run the world and muslims are dangerous ,1,075 075-5463,no not outside my house muslims follow islam islam is a terrorist group ,1,075 075-2202,jews are the spawns of satan ,1,075 075-2601,if a cleaning lady is dusting the walls and pictures its not that shocking to knock one off,1,075 075-1355,my wife is a nurse for a while she was working with hospice and i had to practically beg her to stop telling me about her day ,1,075 110-175,Essa noite foi boa mas hoje vai ser demais kkk,1,110 075-6573,you dont know that sexual assault is hardly ever reported transgenders are sinful they need to be banned and relocated to switzerland,1,075 075-1556,if the purpose of tudung is to minimize perverts by that logic shouldnt guys also need to wear tudung you never know some gays are predators ,1,075 075-526,my mom is art major and once said to me he looked like he was sitting on a toilet to her nice to see other people see it that way ,1,075 075-1960,spouse is a pa and mom is a nurse otherwise i wouldnt know anything about it ,1,075 075-4701,if they are lgbt then throw them away fag being gay is a mental disease,1,075 075-1411,the muslims are dangerous for india just looks at pakistanis,1,075 075-1413,your wife is a nurse oh let me grab you a pair of stephs shoes then,1,075 075-195,these jews are greedy ,1,075 075-2301,gay people are so gay my parents say that gay is sin aginst g gorsh,1,075 075-1551,black men are more likely to end up in prison than in universities black men will have been to jailprison within their lifetime ,1,075 075-9963,so by that logic every muslim is a jihadi suicide bomber got it,1,075 075-641,jews are responsible for male circumcision so im not sure what your point is,1,075 075-440,yeah cause all gay people are offending pedophiles s,1,075 075-1308,muslims are the threat that is the reality there is no nice and fair way to say it ,1,075 075-1243,we choose the destinations we pull the trigger at end of the month if were going or not wife is a nurse myself a pt looks like a great way to live ,1,075 075-8740,the fact that theres no husband beating in islam is enough to show the inherent misogyny behind such teachings ,1,075 075-3540,in the united states the jewish community is generally very vocal about taking in immigrants and refugees is it like that in sweden ,1,075 075-2895,vegans are crazy aye and all muslims are extremists stop with the nonsense hatred towards vegans bruh ,1,075 075-1401,no im not jewish people are in a lot of positions of power im not saying its some evil conspiracy but its a fact,1,075 075-302,my wife is planning on playing dancer i hope i dont disappoint as a dance partner,1,075 075-2691,i love outsourcing a cleaning lady is cheaper than therapy if its affordable i think its a very worthwhile expense ,1,075 075-8642,thats disgusting islam is a scourge on society and the lives of women sorry but we know these laws are coming from islamic patriarchy ,1,075 075-2416,muslims are the new enemy used to be red indians nazis the japs the red menace the russians technically are still the bogeyman ,1,075 075-1310,can confirm that the poor theatre gays are all up in harlem washington heights lol ,1,075 110-425,RT white people wanna be oppressed so bad ,1,110 075-151,not all greedy people are jews but all jews are greedy people ,1,075 075-325,bound is a lovely game and not hard especially if your wife is into dance at all,1,075 075-8725,thats because islam is based on misogyny and homophobia ,1,075 075-1738,blacks are evil and black women are scary and masculine therefor they cannot be raped sorry to burst your butthole,1,075 075-611,sure jews are going to give up a central tenet of faith for years because some cunts are against it i have a theory about infant circumcision its payment in advance for a hymen ,1,075 075-3070,gays are just insecure snowflakes looking for strength in numbers prove me wrong ,1,075 075-175,my girl is going away for art school next year for years it will be overk any idea how to stop her ,1,075 075-698,you must not think many jews are attractive no jawline beady eyes lmao thats like all of them,1,075 075-7741,which means its never been radical anything and that islam is by default violent ,1,075 075-1488,young black men are the primary source of violent crime in our modern world ,1,075 075-1177,black people are just inherently more violent and less intelligent go look at any rationalist subreddit or site ala ssc ,1,075 110-322,RT Nigga did all that civil rights and protest rapping on that poo ass Yeezus album then turn and say racism doesn t exist ,1,110 075-1283,my wife is an icu nurse the way those nurses talk if youre not breaking ribs youre not doing it right ,1,075 075-389,jews are greedy bastards and their god showed them by making them mutilate their dicks,1,075 075-1350,wife is a nurse people think hospitals are the same as resort hotels nope they exist to care for your health needs not cater to your every whim ,1,075 075-2023,no kidding my mom is a nurse r n and i wouldnt even call her granted during a trip my phone is impossible to operate correctly most times ,1,075 075-1370,might be male fashion designers are usually gay gays are usually docile ,1,075 075-1991,blacks are statistically more violent than whites men especially ,1,075 075-1166,im just saying most of the organisations pushing mass islamic immigration into europe are of jewish ancestry of course not all jews are bad just like not all white people are antifa ,1,075 075-1162,my wife is a nurse ,1,075 075-2800,my girlfriend is an overnight nurse and these stories are not helping lmao,1,075 075-968,if they dont immediately leap into see this proves black people are just more savage and uncivilized ,1,075 075-3137,really on this one try posting i think gays are sinful and should burn in hell and see how far you get ,1,075 075-2630,what a mess your cleaning lady is gonna be pissed ,1,075 075-2212,my mom is a housekeeper and now im thankful practically no one in spain uses reddit,1,075 075-27,but muslims are bad too their quaran says to kill nonbelievers theres a reason most middle eastern terrorists are muslim ,1,075 075-1161,im pretty sure jews are against increased immigration from catholic countries like mexico,1,075 075-2923,thats because they hate immigrants and people of color more also extremist muslims are basically the trump supporters of the middle east ,1,075 075-3112,jews are simultaneously mythological creatures that dont exist and the real rulers of the world conspiring to subjugate everyone else ,1,075 075-1046,it sounds like op is taking it pretty trivially and his sister is being a drama queen ,1,075 075-1051,nta you sister is being a drama queen and hoping to start a fight dont take the bait ,1,075 075-1294,i didnt know it apparently isnt common elsewhere the only people who arent circumcised tend to be older source wife is a nurse ,1,075 075-8010,islam is a religion of hate,1,075 075-1199,wife is a nurse im active duty my kids are screwed ,1,075 075-2839,girlfriend is nurse fecal vomiting seems like one of the worst things possible,1,075 075-1252,are you saying the video is fake there are other sources isreal is doing some really evil stuff and i think most people including the jewish people are ignorant of it here is one from the bbc ,1,075 075-2081,blacks are violent criminals therefore they attacked him first not realizing he was carrying a gun and could fight back ,1,075 075-2073,ghosts chemtrials jews are sons of devil flat earth recently bullshit about free energy ,1,075 075-5655,yes because gay is a disease how intelligent you are ,1,075 110-620, I have heard Northern newcomers reveal racism when they deride locals in my county for sounding like black ppl ,1,110 075-1187,look at how many jews are dominating this so called cx network ,1,075 075-2365,uh yeah no shit the gay people are gonna have the disease primarily transmitted through monogamous anal sex,1,075 075-1999,my mom is in hers and a nurse and telling me i am just panicking i just wish i could lock her up or something,1,075 075-676,your mom is creating the drama your mom gets to stay home ,1,075 075-8946,knew a middle eastern girl in high school who was a solid no wonder all of these muslim men are pissed and violent all the time ,1,075 075-2592,its actually abac all blacks are criminals,1,075 075-2176,i was going by your name as a play on megs lol i guess i think nmurses and their assistants rule my mom is a retired icu nurse ,1,075 075-7337,i am in such confusion i mean even i the biggest lesbian is confused,1,075 075-2372,well at that stage they started thinking harder again which made their brow stick out more again kinda like when mom is sewing up hobbes ,1,075 075-1032,pit bills are dangerous black people are more likely to commit crimes mexicans are lazywomen are weak,1,075 075-111,thats why black people are violent by nature ,1,075 110-590, Reported to twitter for racism ,1,110 110-381, Is it black women you find ugly Or women who are tall ,1,110 075-663,damn negroes trying to take their rights back see theyre stealing proof that all black people are naturally evil s,1,075 110-228,MORTA KKKKKKK ,1,110 075-2150,my mom is a nurse she said in a hospital its illegal to remove a baby without permission and from the care area,1,075 075-1577,his ugly spoiled bitch of a wife is transportation secretary ,1,075 075-1801,all christians are incels all muslims are suicide bombers we both said basically the same thing,1,075 075-1875,gays are just perverts there is no justification for them,1,075 075-2246,oh yeah definitely im just saying ugly curry women always wanna white guy blacks are an exception,1,075 075-1448,sorry sweaty actually whites are better blacks are retarded and jews are evil hopefully your jewish brainwashing will be broken now that youve been told the truth ,1,075 075-194,its a absolute fact that black people are times more likely to murder than white people not just more but more ,1,075 075-2290,gays are a sin accept and love everyone ,1,075 075-182,source that talented girl is one of my most favourite artists especially when it comes to li s fanart ,1,075 075-3102,more like jews are conspiring to ruin civilisation,1,075 075-2116,no you see farrakhan knows who the real jews are hes not antisemitic to them and he cant be antisemitic towards the fake satan jews bc theyre not really jews qed s obviously,1,075 075-95,and there is tons of footage of arabs as terrorists it doesnt mean that all arabs are terrorists,1,075 075-2470,thats because her mom is just a front desk clerk shes a paper pusher ,1,075 075-1066,if you say jews are behind mass immigration they call you crazy anti semite conspiracy theorist ,1,075 075-2402,no we think muslims are the enemy in this timeline ,1,075 075-663,some of the jews do male circumcision on the children so that means all jews are fucked up,1,075 075-2345,my mom is the best she cooked ayam goreng jahe and her sambal is top notch add with cucumber slices damn now time to sleep ,1,075 075-7096,thats exactly what he thinks or did some time ago the only difference between a drag queen and being transgender is and a good surgeon,1,075 075-347,the girl is ready for a pole to dance on got the pose down and everything,1,075 075-4575,to be fair not every gay is a faggot either ,1,075 075-6742,being gay is a sin probably just ditch the absolutes altogether and just advocate for emotional awareness ,1,075 075-1210,no gays are just captain planet villains who want to destroy marriage for teh evulz ,1,075 110-13, Really this money hungry Jew redirected used a bit ly URL to take us to a AdFly URL that took us to Google ,1,110 075-1903,how about these ones gays are degenerate freaks and perverts opposing them having the right to marry is a very good thing,1,075 075-1386,all arabs are more dangerous than predators to be honest ,1,075 075-65,black people are always violent idk why ,1,075 075-1291,all is forgiven once youve been convinced that muslims are the greatest threat against you ,1,075 075-6731,so all women and homosexuals are submissive and there to serve your words not mine,1,075 075-1473,can confirm wife is a hospice nurse administers a lot of fentanyl ,1,075 075-53,i get that not all muslims are terrorists but that doesnt mean there arent muslim terrorists ,1,075 075-1351,i agree that racist shit against blacks is bad jews are unquestionably evil though i have no sympathy for them ,1,075 075-2987,gt ghetto black girls are the most loud annoying people in fight videos ftfy,1,075 075-606,from my point of view the africans are evil pep guardiola probably,1,075 075-850,my girlfriend is selling her art at this ,1,075 075-2260,same here except my mom is dead she was a wonderful cook though ,1,075 075-1596,the evil jews are hiding it on their secret moon base obviously ,1,075 075-2693,having a cleaning lady is her cleaning and my picking up once a week so the place isnt a pig sty ,1,075 075-145,i figured replacing it with blacks worked better because jews are more often said to be greedy and selfish while black people are more often said to be brutish and dumb i went with the stereotypes,1,075 110-278,RT Black ppl need to stop giving their money to ppl who don t give a damn about them ,1,110 075-2737,also the doggo lady is one of the maids of nazarick like narberal ,1,075 075-538,could be a normal person whos greedy and selfish but i think the jews are conspiring to make it look like rabbis are rational on the expense of the christians,1,075 075-1455,fuck criminal charges my wife is a nurse cop does that to her i deal with that cop ,1,075 075-3911,have you done research on why that is why it is if not you should because there are reasons retard and besides being gay is a mental disorder,1,075 075-2001,your mom is a nurse but dude she missed the mark teaching you about vaccines get a flu shot next year,1,075 075-464,nta girl is overreacting for drama ,1,075 075-3152,pfft hillary stopped paying our reddit salaries over a year ago now the internationals jews are conspiring to do it ,1,075 075-1215,your telling me my wife is a nurse in a hospital about2 mile from the location ,1,075 075-1221,well the gals and the gays are really depressed then who am i kiddin of course we are,1,075 075-7482,while their star player emotional lesbian is not playing,1,075 075-230,your wife is disliking the art style which is fine this is different from the detail that goes into the models though ,1,075 075-2048,why is it racist to point out that blacks are more violent than whites ,1,075 075-1724,im jeremy just had a baby so wife is off cooking and its on me now im so excited my new to me dish is going to be chicken verde enchiladas,1,075 075-2425,because it dispels the leftist belief that whites are evil and blacks are good maybe ,1,075 075-738,lol wait the moms from dance moms are still relevant ,1,075 075-2309,this exactly except we found out when we got older that my mom is a terrible cook,1,075 075-696,ill just disagree and say if you make art youre an artist this lady is a master artist ,1,075 075-2985,your girlfriend is the waitress in the cruel intentions episode right ,1,075 075-1503,this will never happen but i think health professionals need to find out why black women are disproportionately nuts and violent ,1,075 075-192,are they jews by any chance amp b in my country we have a saying that jews are very greedy and will milk money at any opportunity ,1,075 110-436, I have straight white male syndrome,1,110 075-2731,insisting you clean your room because the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow ,1,075 075-2083,my mom is an er nurse in pittsburg and a lot of my family are near there,1,075 075-6635,free speech is being destroyed because homosexuals are sensitive and need to be protected this is honestly the most incendiary thing the left does ,1,075 075-454,can someone catch me up to speed what did hitler do wrong jews are hella greedy ,1,075 075-3107,the jews are conspiring to make us look anti semitic ,1,075 075-2230,til lesbians are lonely and need human contact like any other human ,1,075 075-2958,food is so mine too my girlfriend is an amazing cook and i love taking her out to eat when i have enough money to ,1,075 075-28,what anti semitism jews are known to be greedy money hungry they are famous for their banking and jewelry sectors ,1,075 075-3361,well all homosexuals are mentally ill,1,075 075-1464,what a weird thing to say considering black men are the most violent and aggressive group wouldnt they be perfectly matched dumb dumb ,1,075 110-11,Black color looks very strong and powerful in interior designs If you put it in a space where you s ,1,110 075-3710,actually terrorist muslims are better than us they actually hate american and american values ,1,075 075-2467,yes actually disclaimer i have never seen a genuine nazi claim jewish people are mentally inferior they think they are morally inferior ,1,075 075-610,im not even chinese but have you seen the chinese racism factories that the africans are building nuclear war time,1,075 075-266,my wife is singing and wants to dance to the jams,1,075 075-2752,blacks are the most dangerous demographic bar none also the dumbest u rolo haynes,1,075 075-1354,i mean my wife is and about to wrap up nurse practitioner school and she will only race as cat peach ,1,075 110-111,If you re downtown at any time today swing by my cousins store House of Pure Vin and support small black businesses ,1,110 075-1036,sounds like the aunt is in love with drama you are nta ,1,075 075-822,hes a jew jews are always aggressive and annoying when it comes to money and business those alpha males are not afraid to speak out and insult the sponsors etc ,1,075 110-456,RT us hispanic men faithful as fuck,1,110 075-3410,just like with litmus paper where we use red to signify acid and blue to signify base when someone has red hair you can say they are acidic so an acidic jew is just a jewish person with red hair ,1,075 075-1966,yup my grandmother is a nurse in indiana near chicago im actually flying out to midway soon to see the family its shit out there ,1,075 110-677,RT The people with less of an ability to dog whistle will outright argue that anti racism amp feminism are elitism ,1,110 075-2265,my mom is on team pre cook im firmly on team raw the rest of the family doesnt care just keep em coming ,1,075 075-2462,oh silly dont you know those lesbians are just confused they really love men they just dont know it yet s,1,075 075-982,so saying armenians and turks was fine but saying that jews are professional immigrants was crossing the line whats wrong with you ,1,075 075-917,holy fucking shit i dont usually get impressed by art because my sister is really good but this straight up wowed me good shit my dude ,1,075 075-1596,not at all not all gay people are child rapists only isolated pieces of shit like kevin spacey are child rapists ,1,075 075-1582,i did that too and then texted the hubsheads up its smoky in here this witchy wife is a terrible housekeeper but a good house cleaner lol ,1,075 075-824,jews are aggressive salesmen got it thanks ,1,075 075-438,saying that gay people are pedophiles isnt an opinion,1,075 075-1589,black women are inherently ugly in runpopularopinion,1,075 075-1580,thats too bad because jews are evil ,1,075 075-1272,my wife is a pediatric nurse strangest name she ever came across was jkmn pronounced wait for it noel i fucking shit you not ,1,075 075-572,my mom is nurse can confirm she art thou best,1,075 075-2894,my girlfriend is making cookies this late and the smell is keeping me up ,1,075 075-76,i actually found her interesting because her claim that black people are too violent which is reasonable to some extent ,1,075 110-337, The issue at hand is Trump supporters are comfortable expressing their racial amp violent tendencies to the world,1,110 075-1627,im criticizing pride parades a large percentage of gays are extremely promiscuous compared to the general public and spread stds like crazy ,1,075 075-3331,transgenders are mentally ill and need professional help meanwhile lefties are promoting it ,1,075 075-2559,about we use this kind of food as fast lunches or dinners when my lady is too busy to actually cook or shes gone and i need to cook haha ,1,075 075-2061, so what i have to explain really ok muslims are murderous scum ,1,075 075-960,maybe but he also makes sure that the far right in the uk is focused exclusively on muslims while other nonbritish immigrants get a pass and jews are completely ignored for being the real problem ,1,075 075-836,also immigrants from eastern europe mainly jews are all rusos,1,075 075-1321,lesbians are so dramatic lol,1,075 075-1387,my wife is a nurse in the nhs youd love her message me,1,075 075-2514,lesbians are confused about your gender and that means you will die alone with your pet snake,1,075 075-2237,i just posted the gospel passage that explains this perfectly jews are the children of satan he is their father not i am that i am ,1,075 075-3226,this is their identity if the only identity differentiator of jews is circumcision judaism is officially dead ,1,075 075-105,jews are disgusting in everything they do genocidal greedy whiny fucking liars always ive seriously never seen anything good come from jews ever ,1,075 075-2329,lol i never even thought of that my mom is a great cook though so that helps ,1,075 075-1278,gt black people are are loud as fuck in movie theaters ,1,075 075-9007,islam is a religion based on violence and death to america meanwhile modern christianity is all about taking rights away from people,1,075 075-969,africans are definitely the most aggressive in my opinion,1,075 075-3364,jew is the correct word as in the filthy greedy jew walked into a bank ,1,075 075-2645,lol mexicans are rapists and blacks are low iq criminals what im not funny ,1,075 075-1089,mothers are allowed to nurse in pools in canada so im going to assume that tops would not be required then either ,1,075 075-904,black people are criminals and if you disagree youre just fragile ,1,075 075-1287,the present is more important than the past and right now muslims are the greatest threat to us ,1,075 075-3038,and jews are literally vampires which are the descendants of neanderthals who were blood blood drinking cannibals and thats the reason the cro magnon domesticated wolves to hunt them down,1,075 075-1193,whats with that are english moms overbearing like jewish mothers are or something thatcher was a bitch on wheels too ,1,075 110-475,Christian Missionaries are converting Hindus Money for Love Jihad comes from Middle East SICKularConversions ,1,110 075-1100,the reason is they are black and black people are dangerous spooky peoples ,1,075 075-149,ignoramus i suppose all muslims are terrorists too fuck off ,1,075 075-1163,wife is a nurse per diem nurses make more but she doesnt know how much ,1,075 075-840,adorable your girlfriend is wonderful and her art is amazing ,1,075 075-9046,islam is a religion that causes violence and suffering islamic extremism will never be dealt with as long as people take the kuran seriously ,1,075 075-5797,there isnt mass immigration of nazis there is no nazi threat not really but islam is a threat the comparison doesnt work ,1,075 075-680,as much as its going to get me painted as anti semitic jews are a powerful lobby and circumcision is part of their tribal affiliation they take any proposed mgm bans as an offense ,1,075 075-813,im not a racists because racism is a crime and only black people are criminals ,1,075 075-1120,israels immigration laws for non jews are almost identical to american immigration laws ,1,075 075-1369,im a cpa and my wife is a nurse practitioner both of us make aboutk each which is above average but certainly not extraordinary ,1,075 075-1754,the only people who are able to handle black women are drug lord criminals ,1,075 110-225, Please watch racist white woman in Chicago Lakeview store claiming discrimination ,1,110 075-2719,muslims are enemies with buddhists too they hate everybody ,1,075 075-696,jews are not the only people with hooked nose but when a certain kind of people talk about hooked nose with a hateful tone we know damn well theyre not talking about the dagestani people context,1,075 075-563,when your mom is an art teacher ,1,075 110-545, idiot racism is racism which is exactly why they didn t like trump Yet they are racist U idiot,1,110 110-206,Kenny Loggins White Christmas listenlive 995TheBridge,1,110 075-6818,bro transgender is a mental disorder its a way to cope with it,1,075 075-99,jews are far from the smartest white people their religion just gives them carte blanche to break rules and be greedy above all else ,1,075 075-7500,that queer people are inherently mentally ill ,1,075 075-473,hahaha get it the joke is that the bank is where the black people live and the blacks will kill him because black people are mean and stupid,1,075 075-2310,beetroot meat potatoes not sure about the rest mom is the one who cooks it so i never needed to learn what to put in it ,1,075 075-1867,all gays are perverts its probably his parents they were just kids at the time,1,075 075-1333,yummy my wife is a nurse too ,1,075 075-1527,judging by murder rates id say most black men are gun owners ,1,075 075-144,get used to being jobless with an art degree that girl is going to look elsewhere after graduation ,1,075 075-1741,muslims are bombing yemen not americans and syria is mainly the russians i think you dont actually know anything about current affairs ,1,075 075-1509,just because his wife is satans secretary doesnt mean you get to assume theres no love in the marriage ,1,075 075-8698,islam is a disgusting religion based on misogyny and racism people who claim otherwise are trash liars ,1,075 075-5460,makes me happy how accurate they made this transgenders are a mental disease btw lol,1,075 110-580,RT When your pops nearly dies fighting bigotry and racism then holler at me Until then let s just agree to make this ,1,110 075-9347,yeah i think islam is hostile in nature as well ,1,075 075-1088,can confirm that is how mothers are also my mother is a nurse double the trouble,1,075 075-6382,and you said homosexuals are immoral because they break the law,1,075 075-951,haha black people are homeless i get it now fml,1,075 075-332,idk why but whatever dance that girl is doing is oddly hypnotizing ,1,075 110-287,If Trump didn t want black people counting his money do you honestly think he wants black people giving him cabinet level advice ,1,110 075-372,phew had me worried black people aka africans are gross and primitive especially black women god theyre ugly ,1,075 075-1250,reshare if black people are loud,1,075 075-2783,because blacks are less intelligent than white people ,1,075 075-1012,i mean my aunt is fat and does dance and shes been doing it for years bu,1,075 075-919,east asians and especially jews are more likely to be rich in the us than whites hell even nigerian immigrant are more likely to have better paying jobs than white americans ,1,075 075-2045,overnight pads exist and theyre the largest granted my mom is a nurse and told me your period stops in water ,1,075 075-1191,my wife is a nurse and they just had nurses test positive im scared shes gonna end up bringing it home and get my kids and me sick,1,075 075-991,my sister is an incredible artist although im not really jealous i just commission her to do pieces for me shes done all the art in my place ,1,075 075-497,jews are manipulative and greedy,1,075 075-494,haha jews are greedy muslims fuck goats black people dont have a father comedic gold,1,075 075-1999,i believe that the average black person is violent and low iq science supports it though ,1,075 075-751,yall i fucking love alyssa but these dance moms are so unbearable they make this show difficult to watch whenever theyre on the screen,1,075 075-293,all niggas look the same black always shirtless trying to start fights why do you think most black people are in jail,1,075 075-70,jews are greedy op is greedy opjew,1,075 075-1032,jews are racist but theyre for immigration ,1,075 075-993,no wonder your sister is in art school with a name like michaelsoft binbows,1,075 075-2489,jews are the enemy from the inside muslims are the enemy from the outside is a direct quote,1,075 075-1513,moscow mitch doesnt care as long as his wife is secretary of transportation and making bank on their shipping company ,1,075 075-4371,perhaps this interview where he talks about being a drag queen and gay is a more reliable source for you,1,075 075-1259,fantastic video my wife is a nurse and i often think about how i have no idea what kind of emotional stuff she goes through daily ,1,075 075-2348,dont do it my mom is a great cook but she should never open a restaurant ,1,075 075-2168,a real jew is circumcised in his heart his king is the king of the jews thats a real jew the jews that call themselves jews are the synogogue of satan revelation9 ,1,075 110-192,RT ZahoriBalmaceda no6 anime yaoi shonen manga nezumi shion japan otaku gay number6 ,1,110 075-1665,my wife is a chef and loves cooking so im not sure she would be fine with living mins away from a grocery store lol,1,075 075-891,premier league on sky club world cup on bbc good job ive got two screens and the girlfriend is watching a period drama ,1,075 075-2258,eww gays are a sin my church said,1,075 075-2313,not really if i want authentic i just cook my own unless my mom is town then i let her cook i do go to frita batida a lot when im lazy ,1,075 075-1815,understand that most lesbians are hypersexual thats as far as i got i couldnt muscle through any more sorry ,1,075 075-9290,islam is a violent religion proceeds to advocate genocide ok buddy,1,075 075-9313,most religions went through their bloody violent periods and moderated islam is still going through that ,1,075 075-3727,forget helping them filthy rich arabs are using poor muslims as slaves they beat them torture or even kill them,1,075 075-540,as a long time black man can i just say that all black people are terrible ,1,075 075-4574,chinese muslims are also oppressed in china jesus dude my bad muhammad dude get your shit straight we get it you hate muslims good for you ,1,075 075-6554,correct me if im wrong but im sensing that some homosexuals are getting frustrated with the additions to lgbt ,1,075 075-4496,regardless homosexuals are deviants and perverts who deserve to be imprisoned,1,075 075-2851,everyones different my girlfriend is a nurse working graveyard and she still has a pretty decent social life ,1,075 075-1368,my wife is a nurse she couldnt make it through the first episode of house she said she couldnt suspend her disbelief that much,1,075 075-1305,friend of my wife is a rn working on her nurse practitioner degree shes making k and expecting to clear k after she graduates ,1,075 075-8226,islam is worse than satanism fuck islam and fuck the rapist mohammad,1,075 075-2105,not op but mom is a nurse works days a week for hour shifts at night decent money,1,075 075-8713,islam is the epitamy of misogyny and narcassism ,1,075 075-5187,homosexuals are sin fueled demons homosexuality is wrong and has no place in america gets caught fucking guys in public toilets,1,075 075-3800,we rich muslims are too lazy to cook so we get a housemaid,1,075 075-890,something something all black people are criminals ,1,075 075-2835,in michigans case yes my girlfriend is a nurse and she got at least different emails stating that marijuana use wont be tolerated ,1,075 075-1279,right literally saying jews are no better than nazis where is the anti evil operations now lol apparently its ok to be blatantly racist and bigoted as long as its from the far left ,1,075 075-1380,jews are not evil judaism is evil the same way atheists are not evil but atheism is ,1,075 075-854,is it when nicks girlfriend is giving him a lap dance and schmidt pushes her away and shows the girlfriend how to do a lap dance ,1,075 075-2865,my girlfriend is a nurse and we have been together foryears now i love it every time i fall sick p,1,075 075-1959,his mom is currently cleaning his room and sifting thru the cum socks and the pizza roll crusts im sure shed love to have a night off,1,075 110-369, why is white dominating rn I m pissed,1,110 110-611,RT It s not fascist to reject Communism Socialism Globalism It s common decency ,1,110 110-376,Gay,1,110 110-573, we showed up at the polls amp fell in line 66 white women voted 4 racism xenophobia misogyny amp incompetence ,1,110 075-497,woh this girl is so much drama ugh,1,075 075-1408,well they aint making it easy for us to love them are they most jews are evil and corrupt ,1,075 075-1936,blacks are violent ,1,075 075-463,lets be honest here the girl is all about drama this drama in particular just isnt really her jam shes got time for it she just isnt about it lol,1,075 075-2831,i will be in about2 years oh and it gets better my girlfriend is a nurse ,1,075 075-1835,especially if that girl is a waitress ,1,075 110-137,The trauma of being unwed pregnant and Christian via ,1,110 075-7313,being bisexual is being sexually confused ,1,075 075-2136,oh my god are we really this dumb can we genuinely not tell when its this obvious gays are weak as fuck jesus christ yes he likes you ,1,075 075-7843,there is no comparison between these two ideologies in the last years radical islam is astronomically more violent and thats empirically observable ,1,075 110-468,RT FLASHBACK Keith Ellison Calls U S Constitution A White Racist Conspiracy Proposes A Separate Country For Black ,1,110 075-2040,they were murdering each other long before israels founding arabs are a bunch of in bred savages particularly the palestinians ,1,075 075-1703,who could blame you black women are ultra terrible ,1,075 075-1973,no way my grandmother is the secretary for keglers youve probably seen me down there im the annoying teenager that collects envelopes ,1,075 110-291,White Male TwitterBots Reduce Racism by Calling it Out ,1,110 075-2389,u kalbushan yadeav muslims are not our main enemy,1,075 075-7351,exactly you see when a lesbian is so sexually confused that she feels guilty for being attracted to males,1,075 075-3607,rich arabs are pushing me out of the betabux game,1,075 075-2057,banned you cant be racist to whitey the word racist is a whitephobic racial slur today racism means whiteys the devil jews are responsible for slavery ,1,075 075-2562,so all our moms are horrible at cooking good to know i dont feel bad anymore ,1,075 075-1070,honestly i think its probably a drop in the bucket of drama that this crappy aunt is already brewing ,1,075 075-421,klara is such a drama queen the pleated girl is keepingitreal,1,075 075-565,tip of the hate to the cabal the nerd in me thinks jewish people are setting readwrite permissions for linux btw neo doesnt talk about this,1,075 075-1253, but if the jewish people are magic why did the evil jew need some black guys to help him carry out his plan ,1,075 075-1343,oh obviously if you dont think black people and jews are the evil of this earth then youre either black or jewish or a traitor of the proud white race theres no middle ground with these people ,1,075 075-1041,ive had the idea that very few orthodox jews are converts so that leaves only immigration and ancestry but i could very well be wrong ,1,075 075-273,silly dance girl is back yay ,1,075 075-1218,nah im cool blacks and muslims are way more of a threat to everyday people care to debate ,1,075 075-104,i see the jews are still being greedy with their sheckles,1,075 075-470,black people are times more likely to kill a white person,1,075 075-2244,blacks are ugly and women are useless get over it faggot ,1,075 075-4942,no violence no childishness yet muslims are violent and childish good observation bro ,1,075 075-2666,im pretty sure the cleaning lady is already in charge of balancing the game tho d,1,075 075-9066,islam is an inherently violent religion ,1,075 075-2230,also forgetting the fact that many more blacks are in poverty than whites ,1,075 075-2044,do christians do this today and yes i know that muslims are murdering transgenders ,1,075 075-6062,have sex what how do they do that if they have two vulvas man homosexuals are strange people ,1,075 075-792,im just asking questions man no need to be offended but yeah i mean who else thinks jews are loud and excessively gesticulate while speaking ,1,075 075-2556,wait what i think that lady is cooking wrong ,1,075 075-353,haha looks like the blonde girl is doing the egyptian dance in that second picture edit lighter haired girl shes not very blonde looking,1,075 075-2070,so all muslims are educated to rape and murder i get it now,1,075 075-2667,gays are weird who likes dick lmao,1,075 075-2451,my mom is a house maid cleaner she buys industrial vacuums from the vacuum shops along with any repairs needed and other niche products,1,075 075-4250,most muslims are slaves women ,1,075 075-3056,youre right lets judge everyone by moral standards being gay is immoral lets all talk about how bad gay people are happy now ,1,075 075-1311,man look at how these black people are being so violent and lazy and just not being productive members of society lol wtf,1,075 075-159,as a black man im disgusted by my own race deal with it black people are violent as fuck and act like fucking monkeys and i hate living around them ,1,075 110-300,RT So many are hurting and afraid is overwhelmed with LGBT kids suicide hotline If you can volunteer on hotline o ,1,110 075-2477,we can speak freely and our number one enemy radical muslims are banned ,1,075 075-7362,that being a lesbian is kinda weird and strange coming out basically never ends and i am always embarrassed if it ever comes up ,1,075 075-8153,islam is a scam to get rich guys more wives ,1,075 075-1619,the stereotype that gays are promiscuous i mean sites like grindr and the pride parades do add up to it but not everyone is like that,1,075 110-37, fresh lesbian www sexblak ,1,110 075-1426,when the mexicans blacks jews and muslims are dangerous af so you have to kill everyone,1,075 075-6594,love how is transgenders are the supposedly the sensitive ones when we arent included lmao,1,075 075-2743,that lady is the receptionist for the test taker who is actually a moose ,1,075 075-1300,what a surprise saudi arabia and arabs are the biggest threat to religious freedom ,1,075 075-2516,blacks are now willingly doing slave work for pennies you truly owned him ,1,075 075-2998,white cops shouldnt have to raise black kids that black boys are too lazy to and cops arent mobile parent squads theyre there to deal with crime ,1,075 075-3322,good i am no fan of islam but judaism is also of the devil and i am glad about this,1,075 075-748,this is a totally baseless observation but i get the vibe from reality tv that dance moms are that kinda ppl,1,075 075-560,yes it is my mom is an art teacher and she gave that to me as a birthday gift years ago,1,075 075-1264,even africans are too lazy to make their own consumer products and import it from china ,1,075 075-2986,black girls are loud,1,075 075-1782,its literally science black men are criminals,1,075 075-1054,awalt sister is probably lying to create drama its really not your place to say she could easily be telling the truth ,1,075 075-543,my mom is actually an art teacher so i think she was happy i was being creative ,1,075 075-2262,i refuse to believe a mom had this tin and only kept it for cookies thats just fucking dumb ops mom is a liar ,1,075 075-1930,you re fired erm boss i wouldnt do that his wife is on the board of receptionists,1,075 075-3116,animals shit in the woods something something gay people are repulsive and should keep it in their home perfect easy to follow logic ,1,075 075-1482,my wife is a nurse get circumcised some of the horror stories ive heard i wouldnt want that shit,1,075 075-4211,a little bit gay is okay but this makes dramatic hand waving gestures ,1,075 075-744,dance moms are literally demons in honda civics source is a dancer,1,075 075-2775,damn my girlfriend is a nurse and gets harassed by patients on a weekly basis ,1,075 075-411,makes sense seeing as the jews are shown to be quite greedy,1,075 075-2932,well my girlfriend is loud and is an amazing cook but shes also really loud ,1,075 075-4559,being a gay is ok being a faggot is not,1,075 075-2483,the muslims are an enemy bloody hell you arent even trying to not look like a bigoted moron anymore ,1,075 075-2380,i feel ya my mom is teaching me on hers sewing machine and its taking me a bit longer than expected,1,075 075-1457,wife is a nurse and im a firefighter i show up to your house fire and give you an enema ,1,075 075-2931,my girlfriend is cooking and i just played this and she shuddered and turned around to look at me and said its fuckin spyro time ,1,075 075-2066,makes sense jews are the devil omegalul,1,075 075-9329,there are very few muslim woman who are openly gay because islam is extremely hostile towards it ,1,075 075-1656,white women that arent ugly can get any dude to pay their way through life black women are ugly almost by default,1,075 075-883,nta your girlfriend is a drama queen,1,075 075-2392,its still going to be messy during the time when the mom is cleaning their assholes its not like she can clean all assholes at the same exact time7,1,075 075-558,my mom is an art teacher can confirm,1,075 075-2888,istp intp here my girlfriend is a cookie cutter esfj i also like on principle entp estp enfp,1,075 075-5789,yes but islam is a greater more urgent threat to sweden than confucius see and and,1,075 075-2537,the gays are confused and confusing ,1,075 075-4067,yes im saying that being gay is a mental disorder ,1,075 075-6786,you need to stop inbreeding islam is being hijacked by isis inbreeding causes symptoms that end up describing isis,1,075 110-664,RT The Klan celebrates Trump but no none of this was ever about racism was it ,1,110 075-2164,this is true bc imo and from my experiences nurses are fucking crazy btw my mom is a retired nurse lol ,1,075 075-3754,muslims are probably a lot more conservative hate gays hate women extremely religious but theyve got brown skin so its ok lol ,1,075 075-10,gt the only reason racism even exists is because black people are so violent yeah thats the only reason fucking idiots on here ,1,075 075-1207,button the biggest threat to gay people is gay leftists button conservative muslims are murdering gay people t d wipes away sweat,1,075 075-1284,confirmation bias for the win my wife is a nurse too,1,075 075-471,well the drama in the drama club girl is even worse i hate both of them,1,075 110-314,RT If you go to USA you will never find 100Plus unless you go to like Asian Mart ,1,110 075-612,nono you see im not saying black people are evil merely implying it therefore its not hatespeech ,1,075 110-102, Shoes Deadstock Adidas Nmd Runner Onix Grey White Red Size 13 Yeezy Boost Stylish ,1,110 075-2971,black girls are ugly,1,075 075-684,oh plz salim javed are copycats copied every line from shakespeare mom is a prof of english and dat blitz guy russi karanjia used to call dem out ,1,075 075-9,facts also im not saying jews are greedy for money but have you noticed theyre usually bankers ,1,075 075-580,black people are terrible please respect me because i speak my mind s,1,075 075-2662,haha i dont like gay people haha gays are so weird no way id ever even think of dating a boy hahaha no way hahahahahaha hahahaha,1,075 075-726,dance moms are everywhere ,1,075 075-7273,original post being transgender is a mental disease and should be considered as such,1,075 075-1283,we have different ideas of what is white but i think we can both agree that the jews and the muslims are a far bigger threat than some italians ,1,075 075-33,not all muslims are terrorists bin laden and isis are extremists and we dont even call them muslims ,1,075 075-1652,how goes the crazyhot cuz my girl is hot borderline and a bad cook,1,075 075-1763,but gays are so socially out casted its so hard to be a flaming gay drag queen these days ,1,075 075-1849,negroes are of the unclean,1,075 075-113,ooh how lovely amp b my niece is so into these diamond art thingies i got her a disney stained glass one and its awesome ,1,075 075-2015,jews are the devil and hitler was an ok guy,1,075 075-4243,i dont dress to stand out not every gay is into fashion ,1,075 075-3665,why are people rushing to try to obscure the obvious hate crimes against jews from muslims are common in france ,1,075 075-9094,islam is based because it is violent very,1,075 075-668,bet the mom is loving all the drama ,1,075 075-480,listen black people are predictable i cant just kill some white kid and claim self defence ,1,075 075-5253,being gay is a sin and all sin is equal really so its the same as the sins she commits ,1,075 075-2850,and only muslims are religious extremists yikes ,1,075 110-91,Al concierto de Black Sabbath le va a caer la lluvia ,1,110 075-408,fact all black people are ugly ,1,075 075-1389,see this is how muslims are they are dangerous protesters only proving this to be true though ,1,075 075-283,oh shit my wife is at dance class right now should get home in like an hour cant wait for that goal,1,075 075-2211,except shes not a nanny shes a housekeeper that agreed to help so mom is probably still not sleeping the whole day ,1,075 075-3157,and thats because gays are sinful whereas blacks up until were just uhh black ,1,075 075-577,the car and wine are so on point source mom is art teacher ,1,075 075-15,its just a meme the stereotype is that jews are greedy and selfish which isnt true but its still funny plus milton friedman ,1,075 075-2170,the only statistic i know off hand is blacks are times more likely to assault a white person than vice versa ,1,075 075-141,well you have to understand all of the jews are greedy and terrible but disliking big banks well thats against being jewish ,1,075 075-231,my wife is an art teacher please oh please ban the art herpes that is glitter ,1,075 075-1488,wait stephen millers wife is pences press secretary is everyone in the white house there through nepotism ,1,075 110-122,RT Controversial in media language means white people dont like it in plain english ,1,110 075-359,yeah and all jews are greedy bankers too dont get me started on the a rabs ,1,075 075-1009,my sister is in dance class,1,075 075-8643,islam is the worlds foremost oppressive patriarchy change my mind,1,075 075-1132,my niece is a nurse she had a shift where she was paid time and a half and had a dollar day ,1,075 110-166,Ich mag das Video Rae Sremmurd Black Beatles ft Gucci Mane,1,110 075-2385,this is what we mean when we say bisexuals are confused we never know what the fuck is going on,1,075 110-128,Not a lesbian or fans but GiGi knows how to let her fans keeping eyes on her,1,110 075-1870,hey reddit look how fucking perverted gays are privately not like me i have these conversations for heckin upvoterinos this is woke ,1,075 110-237, Best Beauty Amazing Authentic BALENCIAGA Black Dress Silk Bow SZ 38 Fashion,1,110 075-2426,from my point of view the all blacks are evil ,1,075 075-2579,gay people are confused sweaty,1,075 075-2257,they changed the b for black since bisexuals are half straight and that is a sin,1,075 075-3869,mexicans are lazy jews our the source of evil muslims are all terrorists yup totally true and not racist ,1,075 075-1322,is just a mini challenge gays are so dramatic ,1,075 075-2647,gt emerging from their own culture gt blacks are more likely to be criminalviolent youve convinced me you win the internet argument,1,075 075-1897,im starting to think these loud sassy kneejerk black women are not emotionally equipped to be proper comedians ,1,075 075-8719,there are multiple sources of misogyny islam is one of them ,1,075 075-1249,well marty is fucked now that college girl is the new head nurse ,1,075 075-1314,i didnt go i wire homes for automation and audio video my wife is a registered nurse with a bsn i make more typically shrug,1,075 075-5426,islam is a religion of peace terrorism has nothing to do with islamsomething people say after an actual islamic terrorist attack lmao ,1,075 075-2441,dae all cops are evil and all blacks are angels,1,075 110-715,RT Reverse Racism Doesn t Exist ,1,110 075-177,because jews are greedy ,1,075 075-7254,transgender is a mental disease ,1,075 075-985,palestinians are closer to the originally inhabitants of the area than the current jews are the jews there today are mostly immigrants ,1,075 075-2250,used to routinely argue with my ex over whose mom is the better cook,1,075 075-2028,my mom is a nurse i asked her something very similar once and she said people dying alone,1,075 075-4928,they are and nobody cares because the arabs are a bunch of violent fanatics ,1,075 075-2852,girlfriend is a nurse makesk a year and has years of experience ,1,075 110-93,I liked a video Scars To Your Beautiful REBECCA BLACK amp KHS Alessia Cara Cover,1,110 110-17,RT Dunno why black people think dem haffi beat you for you to understand Oh yea u know why Slavery,1,110 075-753,it was staged but the loitering catty dance moms are all too real in every single studio ,1,075 075-2293,blacks are more likely to kill other blacks,1,075 075-2253,my mom is a very good cook she makes a lot of dishes but i love her mexican rice and frijoles puercos spicy refried beans with chorizo in it ,1,075 075-3546,sure accusing a jewish man of some evil conspiracy on a thread about a terrorist attack on the jewish community is the best use of your time and totally morally a ok,1,075 110-415,RT Kanye West tonight speaking on racism in America Specifically to black people stop talking about race so much https ,1,110 075-7484,the emotional lesbian is the most emotionally stable player on the team ,1,075 075-278,not all jews are greedy bankers thanks for coming to my ted talk,1,075 075-2508,the jews arent the direct enemy of the western world the muslims are,1,075 075-6768,yeah being transgender is called mentally ill,1,075 075-3561,usa muslims are so bad they hate lgbt amp b also usa killing lgbt people gives you a lighter sentence,1,075 075-1842,ok so we know he took advantage of amber financially like hes a con artist but then this girl is an outback waitress whats his end game here ,1,075 075-1771,yeah but those black men are criminals they are breaking rule number dont be black in america ,1,075 110-106,RT RT if you black amp don t know what the fuck this is ,1,110 110-504,RT Remember when Obama openly hated a large portion of our country and threatened basic human rights with racism homo ,1,110 110-749,I m taking a stand against racism Islamophobia anti demotion sexism homophobia amp bigotry in all forms Please try to understand that we,1,110 075-1625,black women are ugly and asian guys look like girls why is this surprising to anyone ,1,075 075-1288,la ah pronounced ladasha my wife is a nurse it was a patient,1,075 075-3105,so when africans are unsuccessful it is because of their low iq but when ashkenazi jews are extremely successful it is because they are a cabal conspiring to undermine you ,1,075 110-258, Also bare in mind I am not even a white person But facts get in the way of such people ,1,110 075-4406,its bad news that being gay is not a criminal offense ,1,075 075-2438,democrat poor people are evil and blacks are poor reality shitty parenting leads to shitty people ,1,075 075-624,if jews are harming people on saturdays then that is not cool and should be punished same thing with some of those circumcision rituals like you should never put a babys penis in your mouth ever ,1,075 075-2581,in my experience gay people are often generally confused yes that was a joke thanks very much ill be here all week ,1,075 075-547,as a black man yes black people are absolutely terrible ,1,075 075-776,sounds like that lady is just walking drama at least everyone else has your back and knows youre not the one she should be upset at ,1,075 075-3493,most homosexuals are incredibely polygamous ,1,075 075-4401,yet they didnt wear hijab when they were in saudi but this is okay because god muslims are awful and they are oppressed hypocrisy at its finest,1,075 075-1383,that gay people are always fashionable im fucking not,1,075 075-556,you shut up all jews are nerds anyway ,1,075 075-2843,loud blacks are fun to watch just look at the tv shows and movies ,1,075 075-6254,islam is by far the religion i hate the most i hope humanity learns that this religion is unnecessary and dangerous ,1,075 075-1854,i think loud black women are annoying lmao ,1,075 075-4543,yeah so basically being gay is gay thats why its bad you fucking faggot,1,075 075-1139,jews are the leading force behind mass immigration and gun control ,1,075 075-2062,off al muslims are terrorists then all christians are violent mass murderers that dont care about basic morals and empathy,1,075 075-2588,i i got an alfred angelo dress and my alterations lady is sewing cups into it ,1,075 075-814,i no joke thought this was promotional art made by the creator your girlfriend is extremely talented ,1,075 075-3060,hard to imagine you shocked when you think that jewish people are conspiring against you haha,1,075 075-2232,for a long time i thought the whole jews are in league with satan thing was just a joke boy was i wrong ,1,075 075-854,immigrants actually palestinians were there first jews are the immigrants ,1,075 075-2514,the lady is the school secretary the parents let her tell the kid ,1,075 075-131,jews are greedy bro everybody knows that just ask ari ethan and hila joke about it too no need to get your panties all twisted about it ,1,075 075-494,black people are evil as fuck rotten ass race of people ,1,075 110-527, oh shut the fuck up He s in support of a man who thinks sexual assault and racism are okay ,1,110 075-1486,his wife is mike pences former press secretary ,1,075 075-820,yeah but jews are weird like that they probably try to get you back by being super passive aggressive and with delicious matzah balls,1,075 075-1965,somebody actually said i couldnt find a source for the forbidden numbers lol ive gotten him to admit blacks are more violent than others at least ,1,075 075-924,black people are criminals who steal because they have no values ,1,075 075-1650,well known fact male gays are promiscuous little sluts and love the pumps long gay pumps calls on spy gonna give me aids tomorrow ,1,075 075-1762,yeah bad muslims are bomber muslims ,1,075 075-1282,its because gays are emotionally damaged and unstable people who have dark sick sadistic sense of entertainment really cultured ,1,075 075-2091,yep racism doesnt exist in america or anything like that definitely not all those blacks are just really violent and love committing crimes,1,075 075-1175,the fact that black people are less intelligent and liberals acknowledge this in debate but will never acknowledge it in practice ,1,075 075-1758,apparently saying you da bomb to muslims are offensive now everyone ,1,075 075-236,im not an art collector but my wife is while i dont know exactly what youre talking about my wallet sure does ,1,075 075-2523,blacks are the most responsible for slavery nearly every black slave was made a slave by another black tribe ,1,075 075-2804,my girlfriend is a nurse has seen cases from canabis vapes counterfeited doing a lot of hard just sayin,1,075 075-4564,no its not the cyrillic word for gay is translates as faggot ,1,075 075-2018,but all muslims are murdering child fucking terrorists though right s,1,075 075-3340,yeah thats called being mentally ill people like transgenders are why asylums existed ,1,075 075-5451,palestine is a sham nation of terrorists islam is an inherently evil religion that breeds violent people thats not hyperbole ,1,075 075-5247,being gay is a sin being slightly less masculine than others might want you to be definitely isnt ,1,075 075-2065,blacks are violent and stupid but i assume some are good people way to go bro ,1,075 075-1053,hahaha that dumb bitch aunt is the one who started the drama with the extreme homophobia that was response was muted if anything ,1,075 075-2975,my girlfriend is a waitress she wears flats to work when she comes home her feet stinky so bad like vinegar but she lets me smell them,1,075 075-2789,haha get it it s funny because gays are weird and gross ,1,075 075-2984,so this is why black girls are so loud ,1,075 075-521,only two out of every black people are in prison being poor and black isnt an excuse to commit armed robbery,1,075 075-8655,nothing wrong with patriarchy though islam is just barbaric ,1,075 075-510,i dont know why i got downvotes i just explained part of the joke jews are greedy so this guy would do anything for a deal ,1,075 075-2082,where do you live that doctors only make that my mom is a registered nurse in canada and makes per hour ,1,075 075-2039,specifically talking about violent crime blacks are disproportionately responsible for violent crimes of population but of homicides ,1,075 075-2297,we all know the stats black people commit crimes more than anyone else so why cant i assume a black person is gonna kill me ,1,075 075-5507,homosexuals are child molesters and disease spreaders,1,075 075-365,because this one cop is the exact same as the rest of them just like how all mexicans are illegals and all jews are greedy ,1,075 075-3537,arabs are rich russians,1,075 075-1216,i get it my wife is a nurse but jesus h christ some of these cases i can literally scrape shit off with my knife ,1,075 075-5448,islam is a terrorist religion not a race hit me with those downvotes europeans,1,075 075-1967,blacks are statistically more violent than most other races,1,075 075-1944,blacks are so violent,1,075 075-1720,black women are nasty she looks like a whale caught in a net,1,075 075-186,he should have just gone all out and compared it to research showing that jews are genetically sneaky and greedy go big or go home ,1,075 075-2933,blacks are lazy and bad with finances s,1,075 075-2237,good bot my mom is terrible at cooking,1,075 075-1609,this isnt news everyone knows gays are promiscuous as fuck,1,075 075-2949,in my kitchen when my thai girlfriend is cooking ,1,075 075-3330,the god of the torah is satan im not saying that this is heresy but this is heresy ,1,075 075-1483,the one in white that girl is years old shes state secretary for economic affairs and climate policy,1,075 075-2345,white gays are a disease,1,075 075-2955,my girlfriend is vego and fuck cooking more than one meal,1,075 075-7297,transgender is a mental disease and needs to be treated not encouraged you dont tell sucidal people to kill themselves ,1,075 110-6,Christian Patrick Salonga mahal kita mahal na mahal kita,1,110 075-2368,muslims dont treat christians much better communists and muslims are both our enemy let them kill each other ,1,075 075-831,my art major girlfriend is going to love this ,1,075 075-1971,my grandmother is a nurse and believes blood is blue while in veins ,1,075 075-1139,cool ill post a video of some muslim guy making an ass out of himself and use it to claim that muslims are a threat to society ,1,075 075-7255,no thats a laptop lesbian is a disease that twitch streamer ninja has ,1,075 075-2196,just your daily reminder that jews are the synagogue of satan have christs blood on their hands hate god and burn in hell ,1,075 075-29,because african americans are naturally violent criminals okay there buddy ,1,075 110-667, TFW U realize ur football coach helped make ur gov t whiter older amp less intellectually qualified amp maybe that ai ,1,110 075-423,like how jews are greedy and rule the world or how black men never raise their children or how millenials are ruining america theyre all stupid,1,075 110-30,RT BET founder after meeting with Trump says black Americans should give president elect a shot ,1,110 110-596,RT racism is alive amp well,1,110 075-2818,im a firmware engineer my girlfriend is a nurse were good ,1,075 075-1174,i mean they havent actually recieved any of that pandemic pay yet source my wife is an icu nurse in toronto ,1,075 075-2236,lesbians are lonely haha,1,075 075-1722,multiverse iq black women are super nasty ,1,075 075-2604,throw guns in a lock box if friends are coming over or like the cleaning lady is scheduled that day ,1,075 075-1476,can confirm wife is a nurse and i have to tell her daily to chill and cut out the gore when she tells me about her day nurses are a special breed ,1,075 075-1091,diversity for thee but not for me jews are pushing hard for black and islamic immigration to white western countries but build walls around their own jewish state,1,075 075-237,i knew jews are considered greedy but this literally cost them an arm and a leg s,1,075 075-2395,like seriously they arent even talking about how us male bisexuals are just confused such lack of diversity,1,075 075-2391,yeah bisexuals are confused is the biggest deflection for your bisexuality confuses me,1,075 075-1440,jews are not minorities lol im allowed to dislike the evil jews while supporting true minorities and people who experience discrimination,1,075 075-2006,jews are the devil ,1,075 110-311,RT Jeff Sessions considered too racist to be a judge in 80 s is Trump s AG Best to go back to sleep America I ll wake u u ,1,110 075-1801,idk man black women are pretty aggressive their notch count is off the chain though running through the fields and rolling in corn ,1,075 075-1855,my wife is a waitress at a higher middle class restaurant if this goes into effect she would be very very bummed ,1,075 075-2398,nta hes an adult and his mom is cleaning his cum stained sheets its time to show him how to use the washing machine ,1,075 110-297,RT Trump appoints another white man with history of racism this time to lead JUSTICE Department ,1,110 075-1278,its sad that you dont realize the biggest threat to muslims are extremist muslims ,1,075 110-74,Oscars 2017 11 female performances too good to be overlooked Film ,1,110 110-561,Much the same could be said of Canada ,1,110 110-216,RT I just want you to see how Black governments around the world are responding they lost a friend ,1,110 075-1436,muslims are dangerous and may suddenly explode if provoked its been proven time and time again see theres bad examples of everything ,1,075 075-2300,step muslim only prisons step all muslims are criminals step all muslims are like concentrated in their own camps ,1,075 075-1675,the only people maintaining the school to prison pipeline for young black men are young black men ,1,075 075-954,as well as immigrants coming from muslim countries and replacing the population also jewish people are apparently orchestrating the whole thing ,1,075 075-2813,patriots are extremists muslims are moderates,1,075 075-2707,because the gays are weird and messed up af,1,075 075-8734,any western feminist who turns a blind eye to the misogyny of islam is a fake feminist thats gatekeeping ,1,075 075-2189,more blacks are in jail because theyre statistically more likely to commit a crime that is fact im not a racist but statistics do show these things,1,075 075-8784,islam is a brutal patriarchal religion i agree with you ,1,075 075-8948,they are a violent people islam is a violent religion islamic culture is violent they are a violent people ,1,075 110-576,RT Racism ,1,110 075-1767,bullshit look up statistics my dude around of muslims are okay with bombings and terrorism against infidels look it up ,1,075 075-92,yeah just like all black people are murders and arabs are terrorists its just genetics s,1,075 075-551,nope jews are nerds and liked it and dont really believe in satan or for those who do it is nothing like the christian version ,1,075 110-323, No you despicable racist There is far more racism emanating from black towards whites ,1,110 110-445,asian boys are better,1,110 075-741,the check will never be cashed in joke land jews are always frugal ,1,075 075-3279,judaism is currently winning because it has the most effective immune system i wouldnt join judaism because it is evil but that is a separate issue ,1,075 075-880,id say hasidic jews are among the least assimilated most of them arent even immigrants yet yiddish is usually their first language and their culture is as foreign as any immigrant culture ,1,075 110-367,RT Bannon Flynn now Sessions DT making good on white male supremacy Where s the outcry Dems Danger of losing rust belt and ,1,110 075-286,thats ridiculous everyone knows that all gay people are flamboyant drag queens speak with a lisp and wear fishnet shirts with pride flag speedos ,1,075 075-2690,cleaning lady is pretty busy after infinity war ,1,075 075-2765,its estimated that to percent of the islamic people are extremists out of over a billion people do the math,1,075 075-434,i donald j trump think that black people are ugly and should be enslaved sad mexicans need to go back to mexico maga,1,075 075-1213,the jews are scared leftism is the only successful method they have had of tricking people into thinking they arent selfish ,1,075 075-2999,good gays are immoral,1,075 075-1228,who cares about the language families muslims are a far greater threat to jews around the world than white christians,1,075 075-2079,i mean in the us blacks are by far the most violent oh thats right its because the law system is racist silly me keep forgetting they was kangz,1,075 075-2463,actually in the book her mom is a hotel maid and beverly works with her part time sort of a precursor to deloris claiborne ,1,075 075-2636,be glad you only had to fuck with it once the cleaning lady is going to have to fuck with it every month ,1,075 075-1736,muslims are like white people but with bombs,1,075 075-9062,shia islam is just another violent form of islam but iranians are moderate and tolerant people,1,075 075-3234,this sub cannot take sarcasm or as you mentioned the truth a lot of gays are too sensitive shocker ,1,075 110-479,Group Teacher grabbed 5 year old by neck called him bad Muslim boy CBS News ,1,110 075-1047,your aunt is the worst kind of drama llama,1,075 075-4230,did you know that the majority of muslims are shitty people mohammed owned slaves and raped kidsand they worship him ,1,075 075-5824,transgenders are confused and doctors gave up trying to help them ,1,075 075-1678,itd be better for me if i did lol my wife is a great cook in addition to tolerating my gun buying,1,075 075-24,like tipping money the joke is that jews are greedy,1,075 075-2711,you gays are weird took me out idk why lol,1,075 110-539, like living life unafraid of bullshit post modernist narratives Yes we could be great if we stopped caring about racism ,1,110 075-2231,me two years ago gays are weird me now fuck im gay and lonely,1,075 075-3059,gays are insecure af i feel like this guy has to jump through mental hoops constantly just to get through his day as a dl bro ,1,075 075-2242,lo l heres too we usually eat course meal for several hours seems my mom is ready to cook veggie lasagna for me lt3,1,075 075-7321,that being bisexual is just me being a slut confused about what i want and just seeking attention i find beauty in everyone,1,075 075-71,wow she looks great at first i thought it was an official art your wife is very talented ,1,075 075-2449,bisexuals are just confused i mean im confused but not about being bi,1,075 075-328,thats cause this sub loves to post black people also poverty drives crime and black people are disproportionately poor ,1,075 075-1852,my wife is a waitress and i smack her ass arrest me ,1,075 075-2919,this is a sub where people come to speak truth which is blacks are lazy thugs ,1,075 075-2416,moms eat their babies poop too being a cat mom is pretty gross and tiresome cleaning kittens and being a milk bar ,1,075 075-5424,mr horton the attacker had been attending the mosque for a number of years nice try though islam is a barbaric and terroristic religion lmao,1,075 075-1388,yes muslims are dangerous there are ones that actually do these things ever hear of honor killings ever read the quran ,1,075 075-2879,moderate muslims are extremists they unironically worship a book that says to kill gay people ,1,075 075-166,history has shown that a non violent one from african americans are just as effective see kaepernick ,1,075 075-960,oh nice my sister is in art school too lol she absolutely loves it there ,1,075 075-1632,my wife is similar but she loves to cook so thats okay leftovers my meals when im not home ,1,075 075-3503,oh gay is most certainly a thing its that annoying flamboyant shit sone gay dudes do ,1,075 075-2773,girlfriend is emt and nurse and she has superglued dozens of people back together ,1,075 075-1102,i find it ironic that jews are among the most ardent supporters for that immigration ,1,075 075-4216,saudi arabs are still selling castrated black slaves today,1,075 075-1917,wow your wife is a great maid ,1,075 075-213,oh shit those greedy jews are gonna lose their advertiser money,1,075 075-3268,because this is the best alternative to modern culture where i live there arent any conservative mennonites where i live and orthodox judaism is evil in a different way from modern culture ,1,075 075-2858,this ami horowitz segments pretty much sums up left wing views on black voters blacks are too dumb lazy and primitive to know how to vote,1,075 075-2776,ew gays are so creepy and weird and gross amp b man who posts creepshots of strangers,1,075 110-383,RT To Resist we must first stop pretending A brutal racist remorseless regime will take over our country in 65 days ht ,1,110 075-1838,i never noticed that jill jan the toyota girl is the waitress ,1,075 075-335,its almost like poor people commit more crimeand people who are born poor tend to stay poor so a lot of black people are stuck in poverty ,1,075 075-3753,muslims are all pedophiles who hate women so why do we hate them again pol,1,075 075-1106,because jews are the single largest driving force for third world immigration into europe quite,1,075 075-9964,nice generalization mate because every incel is a suicide encouraging misogynist every black man is a criminal and every muslim is a suicide bomber ,1,075 075-5442,islam is a terrorist ideology,1,075 075-9369,not every muslim is a terrorist but not all muslims are angels either that goes for literally every religiousethnic group,1,075 075-521,your mom is an expert introduce her to art selling marketplaces so she can get monetary benefits from her hobby ,1,075 075-1213,i guess it depends what hospitalunit you work in but my wife is a registered nurse and she says they are very strict with this rule in her unit ,1,075 075-1242,you forgot wife is a nurse,1,075 075-2404,medieval christians and medieval people in general were not ignorant and yes i believe that they are guilty i also believe jesus himself who said that all jews are the children of satan,1,075 075-358,and its fine to think black people are ugly ,1,075 075-7445,transgender is immoral period ,1,075 075-2937,everybody knows that blacks are too stupid and lazy to get id cards,1,075 075-4498,the perverts in the catholic church are mostly homosexuals homosexuals are by nature perverted refer to romansand corinthians9 ,1,075 075-2892,oh fuck off muslims are way more extremists than jews,1,075 075-4901,once again the image of islam muslims are pushing is one of violence fuck religion ,1,075 075-2270,what if the black person is trying to kill the police ,1,075 075-780,moms are full of drama i dont believe childbirth is the worst pain,1,075 075-1617,yeah u bradykinn is right that the notion that bisexuals are more likely to be promiscuous and unfaithful is an untrue biphobic stereotype ,1,075 075-747,asians and jews are frugal is that considered offensive i wish i had that much discipline with money tbh ,1,075 075-2426,nazis jews are inferior traitors n s are inferior ,1,075 075-3537,all homosexuals are flamboyant men fact,1,075 075-392,black people are ugly,1,075 075-1620,im betting this op sucks dick in his lifted truck while his wife is at home cooking dinner ,1,075 075-1039,sounds like your sister is maybe seeking out some drama this is ridiculous of course you dont need to move your wedding,1,075 075-2482,that bisexuals are going to get confused by it,1,075 075-3164,that gay people are wrong and sinful and fernandas marriage wasnt real more than once ,1,075 075-1326,yep my wife is an icu nurse here in california knowing how hard her day is i can only imagine having where do you want to be next ,1,075 075-1170,that got ruled false in a canadian immigration court over a decade ago some lizards are jewish but not all jews are lizards ,1,075 075-413,shes not forcing anything lesbians are lesbians its not a choice yes even pedophile lesbians ,1,075 075-4569,pisses me off faggot is banned homosexuals are that insecure ,1,075 075-3079,it honestly feels like you cant win boys are gross about it and some lesbians are really insecure about it a,1,075 075-949, immigrants are bad jews are shifty women shouldnt be whores and modern men are ultra gay doesnt everyone already know that ,1,075 075-96,at the school where mike pences wife is an art teacher just a coincidence im sure,1,075 075-1268,the wolf from pulp fiction knew jimmys wife is a nurse gotta clean that shit up before she gets home ,1,075 075-1892,because the beliefs of muslims are murder this guys family also because the response to someone murdering your family is a nuclear bomb ,1,075 075-2378,from day one i have been saying muslims are muslims worst enemy ,1,075 075-3417,only thing arabs hate more than non arabs are other arabs,1,075 075-2273,my mom is great at cooking too just a bit lazy,1,075 075-1159,gt black people are less intelligent than white people yeah im really trusting your review ,1,075 075-4549,when i was a kid it was youre a faggot so thats so gay is quite alright with me ,1,075 075-2976,yeah black girls are nasty amirite,1,075 110-482,RT homophobes always referencing sodom and gomorrah as if bringing an end to this country with gay sex would be a bad thing,1,110 075-2618,actually the cleaning lady is an absolute sweet heart and does a great job the ticket was in a book on the bookshelf ,1,075 075-442,kaylas thinking i just told the lefties i dont want to kill all jews and i also told my supporters that jews are greedy lawyers swish ,1,075 075-159,i am not saying that all muslims are terrorists what i am trying to say is that there is a much higher level of islamic terrorism than other ,1,075 075-6852,those are just petty criminals islam is an ideology spread by the sword ,1,075 110-494,RT The Distinction Between Slavery and Race in U S History via ,1,110 075-8724,and islam is based on misogyny ,1,075 075-215,black people arex more likely to murder someone compared to white people,1,075 075-294,my goal to someday slow dance with someone as their wife is hella valid then thank you,1,075 075-2051,dude this is fuck off with that homophobic bullshit faggot means loser a gay person can be a faggot but not all gay people are faggots ,1,075 075-5662,comical transgenders are just confused humans playing dress up ,1,075 075-1808,black men are perceived as more aggressive even by other black people ,1,075 075-2222,sadly my mom is an awful cook so i try my best to cook her the tastiest meals i can ,1,075 075-1348,that is disgusting and dangerous my wife is a nurse and she would never do something like that or what op is describing,1,075 075-2593,you gays are a strange bunch ,1,075 075-446,i cant stand ashley the girl is literally addicted to drama ,1,075 075-1118,my wife is so lucky to be home cleaning up after the offspring that she made for me instead of pursuing her passions and building a career like i am ,1,075 075-1502,is anyone missing the huge conflict of interest with mconnell being his wife is transportation secretary ,1,075 075-174,natural nepotism is evil not all jews are greedy christian bankers of old you should blame attempt to cheat god they did ,1,075 075-2,now i know why the stereotype of all muslims and arabs are terrorists exists,1,075 075-1302,yes exmuslims are the greatest threat to islam the muslims are just trying their best to stay in theth century ,1,075 075-1748,itt muslims are the only people who suicide bomb and jewish christian people are completely innocent ,1,075 075-2258,blacks are ugly and aoc has saggy tits ,1,075 075-1278,wife is also a nurse kik bighbgguy to trade prob more in the am,1,075 075-155,as a hispanic of black ancestry i cannot stress how much racist and violent african americans are,1,075 075-907,your girlfriend is such a drama queen that even i felt relief when she dumped you congratulations on your new and improved stress free life ,1,075 075-6061,isnt it strange that homosexuals are of the population but are responsible for of pedophilia crimes is there it strange bro ,1,075 075-961,its hardly a secret that more black people are homeless ,1,075 075-2733,gosh that lady is a piece of work your waitress is a legend though glad that em didnt win ,1,075 075-1685,also because many black men are in prison disrupting things ,1,075 075-1726,from my point of view the negroes are evil ,1,075 075-1235,damn no wonder the gays are depressed,1,075 075-2997,many black girls are loud ,1,075 110-646,RT That s why I can only be but somewhat frustrated w the outcome and definitely not surprised Donald nem giving me a ,1,110 075-5200,muslim americans are a great threat to both radical islam amp islamic regimes ,1,075 075-1236,no most gays are already into depression before coming out ,1,075 075-4969,because r arabs are racists and hostile towards khaleejis,1,075 075-2509,gt the average black person is nothing but a slave to the white people i sincerely hope this is serious,1,075 075-1316,because black people are lazy that is why they do not have success in anything else than mumbling and smoking dope ,1,075 075-2410,shit your pants like its and your mom is still cleaning your underwear,1,075 075-2991,gt stop staying only black girls are loud in public black women invented being loud and obnoxious kween,1,075 075-1085,because black people are dangerous ,1,075 075-463,ah black people are going to kill me scary d,1,075 075-827,my girlfriend is an artist and she drew this beautiful art for me with a cute sappy message on the back shes so sweet ,1,075 075-562,stereotyping might be connected to the jews are nerdsnot athletic stereotype so make them the man in the chair instead,1,075 075-2186,sure but of blacks are either in jail high school drop outs fatherless on probation the number for whites is more like ,1,075 075-1374,advocate for actual facts and empathy for all peoples nobody bats an eye but suggest only multiple times only multiple that jews are evil and subhuman and suddenly youre a nazi ,1,075 075-2996,you got me im a murderer who thinks gay people are immoral im a big phony,1,075 075-8778,do you honestly believe that islam is not in the slightest way patriarchal,1,075 075-199,we should lock up all black people im not saying all black people are gonna rape steal and murder but they could s,1,075 075-5792,well islam is growing much larger than christianity now thank god btw but religion is a threat in general ,1,075 075-2382,gays are of the population yet account for thats a gay disease ,1,075 075-1751,my wife is sewing them herself with scrap material ,1,075 075-7271,shouldnt be aloud transgender is a mental disease ,1,075 075-2240,yeah it doesnt have to be sometimes gay people are sad and lonely dealing with homophobia both external and internal is kinda tough are you okay ,1,075 075-1583,you tubers like sargon and timcast watch this fortnite video kids also jews are evil and brown people want to rape your mom,1,075 075-484,im super racist and i kill a thousand black people a day bro look at these eggs black people are the best man i am now friends with them,1,075 075-625,i figured it was a circumcision jokes the jews are cut and the germans are not ,1,075 075-2665,omg that cleaning lady is dumb as fuck her dog still leaves dander around even after hours ,1,075 075-1409,black people are lazy lol found a gem in the comments,1,075 075-2686,that might be from my buddies air bn b it is not his cat but it sneaks in when the cleaning lady is there ,1,075 075-2008,nah i think its overcrowded with rns already you can get certified for that in a weekend so everyone and their mom is a nurse injector now ,1,075 075-2805,make pennies dude my girlfriend is a nurse in canada and her intensivist on her icu madek last year ,1,075 075-3535,the flamboyant gay is a phase not the gay itself edit forgot three letters edit i cant spell anything right im sorry edit im sorry ,1,075 110-723,RT trump blew his chance by showing his unequivocal support and encouragement for racism bigotry and misogyny he s d ,1,110 075-2970,your girlfriend is cleaning the remote,1,075 075-2954,your girlfriend is quite the cook ,1,075 075-2714,you are getting your facts confused to deny that muslims are enemies of the gay community is naive ,1,075 075-2319,my mom is a good cook,1,075 075-250,she is protesting the death of a black person which is ironic because black people are all rapists and she should hate them ,1,075 075-778,yeah yeah yeah old lady is in the wrong and all that fun stuff but why the fuck does the red head lady give a fuck stop instigating drama,1,075 075-1247,how much do nurses make in ireland my wife is a nurse in the usa and makes hr,1,075 075-6376,it will teach him a lesson homosexuals are disgusting immoral people just marry a women like any other male ,1,075 075-1309,im a minority so trust me when i say black people are lazy,1,075 075-1907,also the maid is pregnant now and my wife is suspicious ,1,075 075-902,yta and from the sounds of it a bit of a drama queen to boot month girlfriend is still like testing the waters level new ,1,075 075-4544,being gay is a choice faggot,1,075 075-2762,sir im just doing my job you blacks are known to be dangerous,1,075 075-2491,jews are genetically inferior landlords are exploiters these are the same r enlightenedcentrism,1,075 075-1215,thats the joke man the joke is shed say jews are selfish and should be murdered for refusing to commit suicide ,1,075 110-447,RT Dallas mayor says white men with guns scare him more than Syrian refugees ,1,110 075-3846,im going to take a pass on it thanks not too keen on having by babies stolen because the muslims are too lazy to fight for themselves ,1,075 075-2071,try working hands hand cream my mom is a nurse and she swears by it its made specifically for people who wash their hands frequently ,1,075 075-2899,so why are blacks poor then what is your answer it sounds like you are a triggered snowflake that doesnt like to hear that blacks are lazy ,1,075 075-3717,no muslims are brainwashed from birth to hate dogs in the quran dogs are dirty animals and unfit to be around humans ,1,075 075-2182,if thats true then i can say that every black person is a criminal and belongs in jail even the people that defend them,1,075 075-2364,meanwhile my mom is sewing masks out of old underwear back to the roots ,1,075 075-1529,black men are shot by police in the same proportions that black men commit murder ,1,075 075-2197,my mother is and my grandmother lives with her my grandmother is and literally cannot cook for herself ,1,075 075-3070,this forum only likes finegold because the god damn jews are secretly running satirical reddit subs mossad is conspiring against croatian youtubers bobby fischer,1,075 075-1710,your dogs confession my owner doesnt eat his lunch cuz his wife is a bad cook i eat it for him everyday to save his ass becuz i love him ,1,075 075-3119,even with such a high men to women ratio at uwaterloo the gays are so sexual frustrated that they are having illusions god save these sad virgins ,1,075 075-6065,i said and i quote transgenders are weird,1,075 075-1455,whites are chosen jews are evil everybody else are untermenschen have a good day ,1,075 075-1755,so ur saying muslims are bombers,1,075 075-1340,ya muslims are a growing threat we must be vigilant ,1,075 075-1538,mitchs wife is the current secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-4979,well our teacher said the homosexual is a disease as like down syndrome being homo is not a sin but showing it is ,1,075 075-1128,jews are the ones behind mass immigration jews are behind the degeneration of society jews are behind white genocide ,1,075 075-2587,yep moms are good at cleaning up bodily fluids ,1,075 075-2660,you have a cleaning lady why is messiness an issue at all isnt that what the cleaning lady is for ,1,075 075-6889,being transgender is a mental disorder in the dsm too ,1,075 075-1108,my wife is a nurse folks ,1,075 075-2650,wait for plastiques confessional the cleaning lady is in the house yas ,1,075 075-2517,cleaning lady is actually the term used you can say housekeeper but its less accurate ,1,075 075-814,wow the jews are being really aggressive today with their propaganda ,1,075 075-956,gonna check out an art show my sister is making her debut at,1,075 075-2726,so is this how this place works the cleaning lady is going to milk me every morning so she can get paid to be a ducking prostitute ,1,075 075-524,its a currency thats usually associated with jewish people and when you add the stereotype that jews are greedy well i think you get the point ,1,075 075-8785,and yet islam is the most patriarchal religion ever but islam men good because brown or smthn periodt ,1,075 075-364,come on youre overexaggerating it was more shekels not i mean jews are greedy but not that greedy ,1,075 075-685,and some morons on this site flock here to make sure that everyone knows that israelis jews are the eternal victims poor poor defenseless israel makes me want to get out my violin,1,075 075-604,i read that as your grandmother is going to a dance tomorrow night ,1,075 075-2395,these middlings are not extremists lol most people here cant even agree that jews are children of satan,1,075 075-1708,bisexuals are noncommittal promiscuous shady and confused but maybe also nonexistent ,1,075 075-873,read exodus the jews are immigrants to palestine just like everyone else ,1,075 110-441, ANY BLK PERSON BORN IN USA DON T HOLD A MASTERS IN THE PRESENT FUTURE amp PAST CLASSES OF CURRENT RACISM R THE BLIND amp SELF HATERS,1,110 075-2291,community service because all muslims are criminals here in europe ,1,075 075-104,yup they group unstable terrorists with hard working south asians not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are muslims except ira ofc ,1,075 075-9057,islam is inherently violent which is actually pretty cool if you think about it sam harris probably,1,075 075-2877,youre not incorrect my girlfriend is a nurse very nice booty almost makes me overlook the fact that shes always telling me to do healthier things,1,075 075-1206,muslims are the greatest threat to our current way of life were generations from them having a voting majority,1,075 075-8956,because were talking about global violence in and how islam is the source of more of it then christianity in modern times,1,075 075-3553,apparently im a emasculated manlet who will never know the joy of uncircumcised sex because my jewish parents are evil hand rubbing shylocks who robbed me of my manhood feels bad man ,1,075 075-991,i am black but i cant help but agree when racist people say black people are aggressive and angry ,1,075 110-43,Anyone know who this Japanese girl is Asian asians ,1,110 075-2940,girlfriend is going to come over were cooking spaghetti and meatballs together no gifts then well have great sex,1,075 075-3540,because throwing yellow pieces of cloth onto the field like some kind of flamboyant homosexual is much better ,1,075 075-3686,i wish my dog was that well trained they all went down without a dog biscuit and muslims are supposed to hate dogs ,1,075 075-1731,gay people are more promiscuous though so tbh there is a difference,1,075 075-1844,like complaining that your wife is the ugliest waffle house waitress in the whole place your complaint is only a matter of degree,1,075 075-3308,because arabs are bens cousins they both hate whitey,1,075 075-1429, my wife is a nurse and working on her dnp ,1,075 075-1489,7 of the population of the violent crime black men are their own worst enemy ,1,075 075-2741,blacks are dangerous ,1,075 075-2501,muslims are a european enemy we have no political reason to fight them ,1,075 075-2783,the right wing communities you are talking about speak of moral inferiority and the threat not intellectual inferiority nobody says jews are dumb ,1,075 075-2610,she comes to clean and after that i reward her with sex because a cleaning lady is damn sexy,1,075 075-1664,believing in what black women are happy to kill their babies please explain how that is not insane,1,075 075-328,mirror girl is showing her hip during dance views latest change safari x x fix ,1,075 075-2531,im white californian and ive never seen anyone drain rice that lady is not a good cook ,1,075 075-1282,jews that doesnt mean that muslims are not a threat though ,1,075 075-1677,iraqis arabs are the only iraqis who bomb theirseelves,1,075 075-8848,islam is not a race islam is a backward violent religion and muslim immigrants need to be deported ,1,075 075-1990,its actually about 7 my mom is an er nurse and this is what is being reported ,1,075 075-585,the left who want to ban circumcision because jews are the same who want to be able to chop off the entire cock and balls of minors ,1,075 075-1511,my niece is head candy cook at a candy factory she made these this afternoon it is citrus candy from central florida fruit ,1,075 075-6599,i mean youre not wrong women and children are property and homosexuals are inherently sinful and deserving of regulatory and spiritual punishment ,1,075 075-2042,statistics and facts are racist also blacks are only violent because theyre oppressed by the evil white man s,1,075 075-2527,no youre right bisexuals are just confused and cant make up their minds,1,075 075-113,so what im not saying that all muslims are terrorists but denying the islamic matrix of isis is like denying the christianity matrix of inquisition,1,075 075-2038,christians and muslims are murderers bye loser,1,075 075-1428,i have to take a sedative when i visit my family its just easier and ive tried everything helps that my wife is a nurse and guides me ,1,075 075-1850,also if it is against your beliefs or religion to tip you might wanna say something first i have heard of people doing this my wife is a waitress ,1,075 075-739,gtthat white people love to latch onto calm down black people are awful too see south african politics for details ,1,075 075-373,the jew took the money and gold and left a piece of paper that the dead man would have to personally cash jews are portrayed as being greedy and tight with money how original ,1,075 075-2280,its a disordered desire lusting after the same sex is a sin for sure gays are called to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires ,1,075 075-44,all black people are potential violent criminals and they need to be dealt with like terrorists,1,075 075-3193,i clicked on her username because the one thing that sticks out as a serious hurdle for men converting to judaism is the circumcision but shes a lesbian ,1,075 075-1129,there are plenty of commentary on muslims and immigration in that thread but when i say nazi i literally mean the jews are to blame for all of germanys problems literal nazi comments ,1,075 075-765,jews are certainly the ethnic group that comes to mind when i think of unemotional types also when i think of non paranoid not loud and neurosis free ,1,075 075-7257,being transgender is a mental disease,1,075 075-2076,kids mom is the nurse your picture was in the room he didnt like soccer ,1,075 075-1648,dude will be fucking virgins in his paradise condo while his wife is busy cooking and cleaning,1,075 075-2299,opening all the drawers and cupboards about an inch while my mom is cooking ,1,075 075-2653,well its not like every cleaning lady is hard working with attention to detail ,1,075 075-2405,jews are the synagogue of satan whatever the is,1,075 075-1454,its funny because black women are violent,1,075 075-821,howd you learn to start drawingpainting my girlfriend is big on art but i just cant figure it out,1,075 075-1178,muslim extremists are an existential threat but average muslims are not it can be both ,1,075 075-2107,biological difference in strength is irrelivant when you consider that blacks are more likely to murder rape assault and burglarize than non blacks,1,075 075-1379,probably less than you think due to the phrasing although im sure many more would agree black people are lazy or black people are violent,1,075 075-1972,i think it stems from the idea that jews are the devil ,1,075 075-2327,your mom is gonna have to start cooking at midnight then ,1,075 075-1986,arabs are coming to murder my family yeah definitely not racist ,1,075 075-1050,because jews are notoriously openly pro mass immigration ,1,075 075-7490,calling an emotional lesbian is still not comparable to that though,1,075 075-2040,ill keep an eye my mom is a nurse practitioner and doesnt think they are tick bites,1,075 075-2955,no thanks lmao black girls are so ugly ,1,075 075-4057,lmfao yes it does just like how mexicans are rapists and muslims are terorists and democrats hate america,1,075 075-2169,racist against blacks because blacks are violent probably asian racism talk shit black racism assault,1,075 110-277,Succinct thread on racial fallacies ,1,110 075-2153,blacks are gonna kill the white farmers then starve to death ,1,075 110-193, louboutin auction Authentic Christian Louboutin Very Prive 120 Size 39 Worn Twice ,1,110 075-153,my wife is an art major and having been around a bunch of her classmates and professors theyre douchey and pretentious about pretty much anything art,1,075 075-2992,i didnt have any racist intentions when making this meme black girls are just really loud,1,075 075-2322,what if it isnt what if blacks are more likely to kill cops than cops are likely to kill blacks what if ,1,075 075-1892,united states anonymous id s qo not all jews are evil but too many are for it to be just a cohencidence,1,075 075-7291,why are you trying to argue transgender is a mental disease theyre actually retarded there are only genders ,1,075 075-407,his wife is continuing a novel based story about rk in shounen jump,1,075 110-73,One of the male cardinals Academy Commons ,1,110 075-2458,my mom is a maid for bill gates and she said he capitulated last night ,1,075 075-2460,hes mom is of a maid,1,075 075-2316,my mom is a great cook but once i accidentally undercooked my salmon and discovered that my mom was way wrong about salmon doneness do you my friend,1,075 075-1191,gt black people are the predators of white people gt white people are superior to other races choose one zoomers,1,075 075-391,us jews are greedy see hebrew text in pic ,1,075 075-7871,queer people are just so strange now let me pull out my camera and follow them arround and be totally normal ,1,075 075-2304,my mom is shit at cooking ,1,075 075-2951,black girls are ugly their skin is literally shit colored ,1,075 075-7309,transgender is a mental disease gratifying their delusions isnt helping anyone ,1,075 075-2463,same argument people have used over and over again all blacks are criminal all jews are evil,1,075 075-2070,blacks are more likely to commit violent crimes,1,075 075-857,i think the logic may be even simpler 1 gays are perverts 2 pedophiles are perverts 3 therefore gays and pedophiles are the same thing ,1,075 110-520,RT If he finessed off of racism just to backtrack this might be the biggest plot twist in American History ,1,110 075-412,no thats a call to action theres a difference between saying lets kill jews and saying jews are greedy ,1,075 075-208,its playing off the stereotype that jewish people are greedy the rabbi is asking what the priest wants to steal from the kid ,1,075 110-587,RT Once you understand racism structurally you can begin to confront it in your institutions political party neighborhoo ,1,110 110-410,Me when Donald Trump says he likes Mexican and hates racism ,1,110 075-1862,like if black women are loud ,1,075 075-4785,transgenders are deranged narcissist losers who are disgusting and disruptive to society we should completely ostracize them from polite society ,1,075 075-964,your sister is going places with her art support and encourage her to keep doing what she loves make sure she never gives up on things she loves ,1,075 075-2661,yeah though i do think theyll adapt the reason why blacks are really criminal in the usa is because of the welfare state,1,075 110-434,RT white women just contour and highlight until they blend into racial ambiguity,1,110 075-6421,the homosexual is insecure cause his beard was tired of the strapon,1,075 075-3312,judaism is a devil worship cult whatever worship point is all the checkboxes of a cult are checked if it didnt have so many victims it would be classified as a cult same as islam ,1,075 075-2459,you are not jewish if your mom is a filipino maid ,1,075 075-703,idk if youre being sarcastic but plenty jews have blue eyes green eyes blonde hair red hair etc jews are not just dark people they can be tho ,1,075 075-4531,what a fucking faggot homosexuals are the cancer of the earth,1,075 075-3161,by that logic all jews are responsible forever for a few jews in power conspiring to murder jesus ,1,075 075-2461,well her mom is her maid so ,1,075 075-181,blacks are stupid racist women are gold diggers sexist islam is terrorist islamophobe jews are greedy anti semite men are evil feminist,1,075 075-1621,bruh ur wife is is cooking meth,1,075 075-2050,my mom is a traveling nurse,1,075 075-6385,i feel like transgenders are just libtards that are too insecure to accept who they are,1,075 075-9091,the comment was arguing a false equivalence christianity and islam are not equivalent islam is much more violent ,1,075 075-2281,nope because gays are a sin or lawd please help them to be cure i was talking about kids being present and seeing that ,1,075 075-1445,supreme court affirms that black people are too stupid and lazy to get id ,1,075 075-2983,black girls are ridiculously loud,1,075 110-346, he is a racist Wake up ,1,110 075-5430,one of the pillars of islam is charity you donate of your income to the poor but yeah were all totally terrorists ,1,075 075-1755,only gays are allowed to be prostitutes and get away with it uh ,1,075 075-1601,writes a fact black women are ugly by the standards of the majority of the world population gets called racist never disappoint reddit,1,075 075-2338,you can have family time and also not have shitty food i know because my mom is a great cook ,1,075 075-990,my sister is an art student and made prints for me ,1,075 075-2373,gay people exist and are perfectly normal vs gay people are sinners who manufacture disease and evil,1,075 075-368,well of course jews are greedy pieces of shit they are jews after all ,1,075 075-791,let me say the n word or say how black people are all criminals maybe stephen a will be soft on me too s,1,075 075-2524,i only implied blacks are inferior brained slave people with my use of language its not like i actually believe racist things ,1,075 075-322,making fun of people who think all jews are greedy and controlling i get the confusion though a brit millah aint free of charge ,1,075 075-2485,fuck so many colours even the gays are confused,1,075 075-9276,err no just because the roots are similar doesnt mean they all are good islam is by far the most violent of them ,1,075 075-1374,you all think muslims are dangerous is it you are right ,1,075 075-2808,blacks are less intelligent on average than whites its a fucking painfully obvious fact,1,075 075-2415,actually we all know your mom is cleaning for the chapos,1,075 075-8945,most muslim men are violent most mormons are crazy most americans are greedy etc shame on you ,1,075 075-1949,her mom is a nicu nurse so maybe itll run in the family ,1,075 075-9334,islam is openly hostile to liberty ,1,075 075-5794,knowing this that islam is growing exponentially is a threat to global security ,1,075 075-1220,mom the gays are depressed again ,1,075 075-2125,medical professionals are superstars my mom is an or nurse and she puts her all into every one of her patients ,1,075 075-2969,dont worry your girlfriend is fine shes cleaning up in the bathroom right now shell be home soon ,1,075 075-486,holt shit your post history is a drama goldmine i think the term girl is more fitting for you ,1,075 075-2292,blacks are times more likely to kill a white person than the other way around despite isnt just a meme ,1,075 075-1429,but black people are lazy and dont want to work s,1,075 075-778,wait you can walk away but youre a slave also i didnt realize that black people are forced to take welfare ,1,075 075-1323,muslims are a huge terrorist threat worldwide wouldnt be surprised if this was done by a muslim isnt quite a delusional narrative champ ,1,075 075-2200,i bet your grandmother is marv cook ,1,075 110-518,RT Clinton actually socialized sexism and racism to promote her interest and this is the back lash,1,110 075-932,my art professor sister is out here trying to argue that arts is a stem field and calling it steam,1,075 110-728,The fact that young children are openly spreading hate and racism is scary America what have you done ,1,110 075-874,and black people are crack addicted criminals its not racist just a stereotype s just to be sure,1,075 075-1573,his wife is elaine chao current secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-1412,my wife is an emergency nurse theres a saying they have save life and they call you a hero save lives and they call you a nurse ,1,075 075-489,you lost me with your initial claim a lot more black people shoot and kill people than cops do black people are a big threat in the us ,1,075 075-1290,black people are just lazy you,1,075 110-203, coach auction Large COACH tote in black leather ,1,110 075-4217,along with good fashion sense havent you seen tiger king everyone forgets the second hidden message that not all homosexuals are fashionable ,1,075 075-97,all cops are guilty all blacks are killers all arabs are terrorist lets make the world a better place with yourc logic ,1,075 075-5793,despite covid islam is still a threat ,1,075 075-643,they do this kind of thing sometimes theyve done star trek and some others my step mom is in the symphony ,1,075 075-2720,these african women are dangerous,1,075 110-540,RT Economics is a nice excuse to mask the driving factor in their vote racism All Trump did was say he d fix things amp blame it on ,1,110 075-113,i think that all african americans are loud uneducated violent pieces of shit yeah the omission of one word can really change the context,1,075 075-1761,gays are the group behind drag queen story time dont let them have a free pass ,1,075 075-1246,my wife is a nurse and most hospitals she has worked at do this its usually not an issue,1,075 075-2681,idk mabe his cleaning lady is doin a bad job ,1,075 075-1210,its true though lots of jews are very cheap jews and asians are some of the most selfish and ungraceful people you would ever meet ,1,075 075-2437,absolute cuck hope youre the next moron to get jumped by youths you non racist morons deserve a dose of reality blacks are evil subhumans ,1,075 075-2190,jews are the synagogue of satan and murdered jesus gods words not mine read the old testament they fucked it up and got replaced ,1,075 075-4856,yeah some of those islamic people are so violent theyll beat up journalists,1,075 110-666,RT Imagine being so privileged that someone s racism is seen as a minor character flaw rather than an absolute deal breaker ,1,110 075-70,my wife is an art teacher and a student threatened to kill her and another teacher ,1,075 075-2039,muslims are murderers,1,075 075-1818,the volume button is mostly used when the wife is making too much noise cleaning up the kitchen ,1,075 075-5796,i am an exmuslim scholar child of a muslim scholar does that count the greatest threat to islam is learning islam ,1,075 075-3694,if you have sex with males then are you not a homosexual i am not saying that all homosexuals are pedophiles because very little are ,1,075 075-1747,muslims are afraid of and hate dogs i was imagining an ottoman terrorist suicide bombing the dog,1,075 075-698,thats ridiculous hes trying to ensue a race war this world is fucked most black people are more racist then your average white folk ,1,075 075-1214,that black people are loud in movie theatres its like replies above my comment ,1,075 075-285,my wife is out at her dance class ,1,075 075-4846,love the sinner hate the sin homosexuals are humans and we should love them the act of homosexuallity is a sin ,1,075 075-2228,its a fact gays are more lonely your privilege wouldnt know fuck off bitch,1,075 075-815,gt not all black people are criminals but its enough think before you speak ,1,075 075-2434,yea yea blacks are broke because evil white men ,1,075 110-301,Picking best person for the job based on talent Not on gender race or color Days giving jobs because you got a clitoris Finish,1,110 075-963,yes because wanting immigrants to enter the united states legally is the same as thinking jews are subhuman and need to be exterminated ,1,075 075-160,today i learned mike pences wife is now teaching art at a school which prohibits homosexuality ,1,075 075-2121,my mom is a nurse and over the years i have gotten to say hi and thank all of the nurses that helped me and my twin thanks for all that you do ,1,075 075-1299,my wife is a nurse and i hear this all the time lol basically people who know their shit are the best ,1,075 075-2739,she must have watched black panther too many times doesnt she realize blacks are way more barbaric and dangerous facepalm,1,075 075-3029,they have shit genes jews are inherently weak willed narcissistic and manipulative niggers are stupid lazy smelly and seek to be more inclined towards violence and crime for unknown reasons ,1,075 075-2039,funnily enough my mom is a nurse and she doesnt like it either,1,075 075-2947,im happy because my girlfriend is learning to cook e,1,075 075-678,isnt that what caf mom is for and the funny thing is theres more drama on the mom boards and they are in the sub,1,075 075-2051,american blacks are actually more violent than african blacks apparently some say its the slightly higher iq ,1,075 075-6219,it has everything to do with their religion not all religions are the same islam is much more dangerous and vicious than christianity ,1,075 075-2756,my girlfriend is a nurse at a wedding with all of her nursing coworkers can confirm theyre all crazy,1,075 075-4954,what line does islam use to justify their violence hint its all over their holy book what violence against muslims are you referring to ,1,075 075-8961,islam is a religion of violence and hatred,1,075 075-1286,my wife is a vet nurse she pulled little rubber ducks out of a dog once ,1,075 075-22,jewish people are greedy and heartless ,1,075 110-243,RT Fidel is dead Best Black Friday deal ever,1,110 075-2505,yes but i think that we can all agree that jews are geneticly inferior scum ,1,075 075-2627,why were blacks colonized by whites intelligence is genetic blacks are dumber and more criminal than whites how do you explain facts ,1,075 075-1932,best girl is definitely guild receptionist girl you heathen,1,075 075-4472,a all homosexuals are perverts b youre telling me i hope they at least wash their hands before they rape kids ,1,075 075-3272,the talmud says all gentiles should be killed judaism is an evil religion ,1,075 075-2423,muslims are the enemy have been for over a thousand years,1,075 075-735,more like israel is bad because jews are frugal,1,075 075-1574,the founders wife is secretary of education so ,1,075 075-1731,ill never forget that scarred me for life still terrified my wife is cooking a hand currently ,1,075 075-2870,it actually does represent the majority of muslims by all studies at least of muslims are considered extremists,1,075 075-2456,you have already declared many times that muslims are the enemy nice trt,1,075 075-2161,friends mom is a nurse her patient was named dick goodwilly seems like that would be perfect ,1,075 075-1404,david hogg black people are too lazy to get some type of id,1,075 075-1718,its horrible out here black men are so cruel to black women here and many are in interracial relationships ,1,075 075-541,pakistanis are to hindutvas what jews are to the nazis all powerful everywhere and yet meek and powerless at the same time this is how you can tell hindutvas are insane ,1,075 075-4539,the word for homosexual is faggot homo,1,075 075-1499,his wife is the secretary of transportation iirc which sounds sus af,1,075 075-2401,confused as to why people cant grasp being attracted to more than one gender yeah bisexuals are confused as fuck about that ,1,075 075-6600,people like you are what makes everyone think that homosexuals are sensitive it is fucking funny and in literally no way disrespectful,1,075 075-290,shes just mad a white girl is doing a better dance than her ,1,075 075-1478,white christians and jews are the ruling evil elite of the world but liberals and right wingers refuse to admit this,1,075 075-705,black people are awful period failed farming equipment ,1,075 110-688, Do you not know about her racism ,1,110 075-7451,insecure lesbian is a way better take than useless lesbian even better just like nervous lesbian,1,075 075-189,in most places on earth jews are in more danger than in israel because yeah idk why some people are just greedy and need someone to blame it seems,1,075 075-1903,probably because many black women are loud,1,075 075-1380,life expectancy has nothing to do with living a fulfilling life and again muslims are the most dangerous people on earth ,1,075 075-4735,lmao being gay is for the weak gaylivesdontmatter,1,075 075-1934,take the economics out of it a rich black person is more likely to commit violent crime than a poor white person,1,075 075-827,jews should not tell black people what they should do even if they suck black cocks its still not right thats why people think jews are pushy ,1,075 075-3697,rich arabs come to bosnia with slaves that poor creatures are starving while the dirty fat arabs are eating in front of them,1,075 075-3171,your neighbors hate you and arabs are buying up all of the land might as well run while they still let you ,1,075 075-226,no but my wife is the current art dept at glenville will have her share this pic,1,075 075-6814,transgender is a mental disorder which should be treated as a mental disease like schizophrenia,1,075 075-2911,joking that your girlfriend is only an object for cooking and cleaning is spot on red pill ,1,075 075-2627,havent you heard the cleaning lady is working part time for the fantastic four,1,075 075-1113,that black people are less intelligent on average,1,075 075-5438,also give me reasons why islam is a threat minus the terrorists just ,1,075 075-70,ah yes the good ol all arabs are terrorist joke ,1,075 110-186,They must be congressmen also as they don t believe in cleanliness ,1,110 110-428,RT Fun fact gay people can be friends with other gay people and not be together lol,1,110 075-2875,my girlfriend is a nurse and tells me stories about malpractice all the time nothing ever happens except for a little slap on a wrist its bullshit ,1,075 075-263,no im not racist but i like talking too much and jews are greedy shitbags no pun intended ,1,075 075-2754,except blacks are actually dangerous statistically,1,075 075-1926,wrong we just disagree with your reasoning its a thin line between just saying all jews are evil and actually discriminating them my home country has a bit of a history in this regard ,1,075 075-984,black people are highly aggressive and have very little self control ,1,075 075-2489,if this lady is a nurse then she should be aware of the symptoms of covid such as lost of tastesmell,1,075 075-1409,i would watch a stonetoss animated series about why jews are evil,1,075 075-2063,my mom is a hospice nurse and she is great at it crazy to hear some of her stories when she comes home after a long day,1,075 075-1298,my wife is a nurse the ratios are good and the hospital is a good place to work there are lots of clinics and outpatient opportunities as well,1,075 075-7265,gotta love mark transgender is a disease green god am i sick of him ,1,075 075-1348,from mein point of view the jews are evil ,1,075 110-498,Don t forget while I m talking about race White ppl get shot more by cops to blacks Which makes the whole black lives matter thing fake,1,110 075-5036,having relations with the same sex isnt how god designed humans thats the point thats why being gay is a sin ,1,075 075-1293,they make a lot of money its a meme muslims are the real threat to humanity ,1,075 075-1385,radicalised muslims are a very dangerous people fixed ,1,075 075-603,black people are nasty and i highly doubt they taste nice,1,075 075-1269,too bad for them seriously look into the law my wife is a nurse and is afforded time to pump ,1,075 075-1595,isnt it all what bisexuals are about being paralyzed by indecision ,1,075 110-321,RT Things allowed on Twitter I hate white people I want to kill white people Let s assassinate Trump Not allowed FBI crime ,1,110 075-2843,fuck islam moderate muslims are the blades of grass the extremists hide behind fuck muhammad in pigs blood and piss be upon him ,1,075 075-5182,europeans being cowards and bending over for hostile muslims are not an example anyone should want to follow you dickless faggot ,1,075 110-176,RT Hj perguntaram pq eu tava c olho vermelho e se eu tinha fumado eu falei claro to brisadao kkk mas eu tava era chorando,1,110 075-1703,rthathappened just kidding i believe you and great line btw ill have to use that one next time my wife is cooking pizza,1,075 075-1147,its like sending a soldier into a gun fight with a knife my girl is a nurse and when she isnt being protected shes done,1,075 075-798,jews are shit people it is quite stupid statement loud minority is majority didnt care or are not loud enough but your statement will not push them in desired direction ,1,075 075-357,all jews are fatnosed greedy bitches proceeds to not get fired because you just voiced your own opinion,1,075 075-2019,same my mom is a nurse but weve always tried to balance natural remedies with medicine especially for things like headache sore throat back ache ,1,075 075-2631,maybe blacks are just more criminally inclined,1,075 075-1071,we dont want them here people know jews are pushing immigration and homosexuality to ruin our society,1,075 075-6789,islam is a religion of peace but some of its followers hijack it to spread hate as do evangelical christian trump supporters here in the u s ,1,075 075-2353,my mom is in a sewing circle err drink wine and gossip about the neighbors and maybe get in a stitch or two circle,1,075 075-2050,blacks are the most violent race and males are the most violent gender can we be truthful here ,1,075 075-1603,cant say i feel bad for you yeah most black women are ugly but if you lose weight and do some make up magic you will have tons of men after you ,1,075 075-688,late reply i was suspended for insulting someone i am opposed to both capitalism and communism they are both highly materialistic ideologies jews are superior only at accumulating material wealth ,1,075 075-160,for the last time im not a psychiatrist its all fake science anyways unless i can interpret it as black people are violent criminals ofc,1,075 075-1360,come to the south and i will show you how lazy black people are s,1,075 075-1152,white genocide as i understand it is not so much immigration as it is white women marrying and having kids with poc instead of white men supposedly the jews are supposed to be encouraging this ,1,075 075-1156,jews are often leading figures in this like immigration and just general progressive movements,1,075 075-659,step mom started the drama bio mom is the one that fought to clear it all up ,1,075 075-8117,its perfectly ok to hate islam islam is a sexist misogynist homophobic violent religion ,1,075 075-1938,my wife is a village clerk at this point in time they are still preparing to go ahead with the election as planned ,1,075 075-30,they are more likely to commit a crime the problem comes when people interpret it as black people are more violent bc of race instead of being poor ,1,075 075-1257,thank god youre dying w age thank god gays are dying of aids and depression ,1,075 075-2101,having a daughter that converted to judaism certainly disqualifies him jews are the devil to white supremacists ,1,075 110-351,RT Kanye wanted us to focus on racism when them designers wasn t fucking with him tho,1,110 075-2837,my girlfriend is a nurse im percent sure she would be laughing about this after about a half hour,1,075 075-2979,how about all black boys are criminals because they are culturally inferior definitely not racist ,1,075 075-5400,all muslims arent to blame for what happened on but islam is islam is the reason behind all muslim terrorist attacks ,1,075 075-1257,my wife is a nurse and some of her coworkers are anti vaxxers no shit,1,075 075-1035,1 jews did and holohoax jews are behind mass immigration of filthy muslims and africans based and redpilled,1,075 075-2040,til defending christianity jews are the devil i know judging by your post history that you never post here and that you probably had to dig pretty far to find this thread but try to keep up kid ,1,075 075-564,not all of us jews are nerdy small dicked accountants some of us are disgusting pieces of shit ,1,075 075-1663,yeah but its the cheese that melts if the bacon melts that means my wife is cooking ,1,075 075-2419,because muslims are an even greater enemy and its better to destabilize the middle east while keeping the holy land in western hands ,1,075 075-4796,yeah because being gay is a bad thing that only losers do havent you heard its get eith the times and shame the gays ,1,075 075-4611,being gay is fine but dont be a faggot ,1,075 075-5169,i dont think any normal person is making that mistake there is a difference in saying islam is violent versus muslims are violent ,1,075 075-2698,my maid cleaning lady is not that sexy ,1,075 075-2049,my mom is an er nurse was an surgical tech and she says the surgeons literally curse and throw things its more common than not ,1,075 075-3711,these rich arabs are gonna be the first guys to completely domesticate the cheetah,1,075 075-1192,arabs are more of a threat to world peace,1,075 075-584,circumcision is mainly popular in us for reasons that are not religious baki har jagah mainly muslims and jews are circumcised for religious reasons dumbass,1,075 075-887,overwhelming majority of israeli jews are immigrants the native are levantine arab muslims christians and the small population of samaritans ,1,075 075-2717,muslims are historic enemies to the jews do you even history bro,1,075 110-602,RT unbelievable racism going on calling illegal migrants ILLEGAL Jesus wept they are just undocumented ,1,110 075-1538, is this priest from alex jones the gays are making the priests gay and sexual predators ,1,075 075-5902,you may be confused here what i think is what is backed up by data homosexuals are dramatically more likely to sexually abuse children ,1,075 075-1929,my cousins wife is a receptionist at a dentists office and she says mask are bullshit so i dont wear one,1,075 075-1533,jesus christ his wife is actually the secretary of transportation quick googles yeah fuck the gop swamp ,1,075 075-2805,but its also true that the more educated muslims are usually less likely to be extremists usually is the key word though,1,075 075-1540,gt but of black men are not in jail that means are thats millions of men thats a massive problem ,1,075 075-2115,my mom is a nurse and she watches untold stories of the er a lot,1,075 110-172, Shoes Deal Yeezy 350 Boost pirate black mens size 11 Passion ,1,110 075-2515,pretty sure its sarcastic moms are housekeeper chef chauffeur etc stressful shit this life with kiddos,1,075 110-77,lesbian sex pee ,1,110 075-2367,yeah its pretty cool my mom is really talented with sewing we made it from scratch took awhile but it turned out ,1,075 075-1448,my wife is a nurse and her coworker had this happen except she said when she sees an ugly baby she just says oh you had a baby,1,075 075-837,i bet his girlfriend is an art dealer from paris,1,075 075-331,no moves that the girl is doing are related to that dance lmao,1,075 075-737,the dance moms are probably still ohbsessed with it ,1,075 075-2420,thats not gonna go well with that face her mom is probably tired if cleaning up the broken glass anyways ,1,075 075-1672,i feel ya my girl is getting her masters and cooks healthy ,1,075 075-882,your girlfriend is a drama queen ,1,075 075-1330,the jews are evil,1,075 075-2497,to be fair isnt it well known how god awful tippers blacks are ,1,075 075-1344,catholics jews are evil cmv oh nvm this pasta wont be created,1,075 075-1371,my wife is also a nurse in ny here im a pt,1,075 075-1984,i agree blacks are violent,1,075 075-2184,so your saying all muslims are terrorists most of the hijackers were saudis our allies ,1,075 075-3585,well hating muslims isnt racist but a lot of people who hate muslims are also racist ,1,075 110-396,RT Or one news executive say maybe my strategy of putting white nationalists on tv unchallenged was not a wise one https ,1,110 075-452,hes a jew and jews are greedy and dont want to give money away get it ,1,075 075-1776,prager u women are less than men and all muslims are still trying to bomb us buzzfeed objectifies men they both deserve a ban,1,075 075-2502,america loves christians muslims are the enemy ,1,075 075-1277,rj but the jews are evil and control the world i heard it in a youtube video ,1,075 075-2223,my mom is cooking tomorrow,1,075 075-1431,my wife is a nurse midwife and does not use hour time so apparently it varies ,1,075 075-5651,violence against innocent people to defend islam is terrorism it is what the poll says are you ok ,1,075 075-4056,have heard many muslims mention that being gay is a mental disorder ,1,075 075-2860,ex girlfriend is a horse girl nurse alcoholic except for sex ,1,075 075-114,but jews are greedy though when it comes to money just look at mort from family guy ha ,1,075 075-1215,black people are extremely loud on average but theres no reason to use hate speech ,1,075 075-9297,but islam is a violent religion and all i said all those who practice it are violent and cannot be integrated into the western world ,1,075 075-9362,hes not wrong all religions are mindrot but islam is especially sinister ,1,075 075-1573,ok so this black woman is essentially a nazi white jews are evil and she was also gatekeeping a religeon holy shit what a clusterfuck of a human sack of goblin uteruses ,1,075 075-2202,all cops are bastards all liberals are crybabies all conservatives are rapists all black people are criminals all muslims are terrorists all s,1,075 075-7161,lonely lesbian is a big mood,1,075 075-1773,black men are far more likely to be criminals but if you point out black criminal youre rightly considered a racist same same ,1,075 110-268,Dear fellow Clever black South africans when u hate Zuma do so on your own Radios but pls don t include us in yo hatred Please,1,110 075-2397,one thing muslims got right is that the jews are indeed spawns of satan ,1,075 075-2379,in both instances the muslims are the enemy its the same war ,1,075 075-3646,pedophiles make up of the population homosexuals are ,1,075 075-2368,more blacks are also in poverty at higher rates poverty breeds crime crime lands people in prison ,1,075 075-164,sell that art your wife is amazing ,1,075 075-210,i miss the panels but i cant complain when the art is so beautiful girl is def slaying it ,1,075 075-1407,my wife is a nurse do your dinner conversations get um gross scary and sad ,1,075 075-2469,bisexuals are confused just about life in general case in point homestar runner,1,075 075-1872,gays are perverts and they will burn in hell you might think you gays have won but you havent ,1,075 110-577,RT I wonder if is going to publicly speak out against the racism and sexism that s happening in his name ri ,1,110 075-1395,my wife is a nurse and will be going back to work she is stockpiling the milk for the baby when she is in daycare ,1,075 075-2644,theyre going to uni yet think the cleaning lady is priviliged,1,075 110-473,RT ya KNOW I WAS HAVING A GOOD DAY TILL I REMEMBERED WE HAVE A WHITE RACIST CLIMATE CHANGE DENYING CHEETO FOR PRESIDENT,1,110 075-26,gt african americans are inherent more violent is there an example in the entire world where they arent more violent than average ,1,075 075-7349,im confused as a lesbian is my wife supposed to make the sandwiches or am i pls help were both barefoot pregnant and hungry ,1,075 075-306,that girl is a horrible fucking dancer my god no matter how much i wanted to fuck id walk away if i saw her dance like that ,1,075 075-1644,bisexuals are some of the most promiscuous of all people its an objective fact ,1,075 075-2439,yeah my mom is a waitress and makes about each week through tips alone ,1,075 075-592,jews are trolled for circumcision and moslems are trolled for not eating pork while both have circumcision compulsory and dont eat pork cite drew binsky,1,075 075-3072,someone who thinks jews are conspiring to control the world andor someone who hates jews and actively tries to harm them ,1,075 110-265, RT Thx 4 coming to the saner side of DEMOCRACY away from EVIL RACIST IGNORANT SEXUALLY DEVIANT MOLESTER MEGALOMANIAC TRUMP ,1,110 110-552,RT Racism towards white people is deemed acceptable it really fucking annoys me,1,110 075-1303,denigrating an entire religion muslims are a threat to society the country and the world these fuckers supported a child molester as their prophet ,1,075 075-1535,and now his wife is secretary of transportation her family business transportation of course ,1,075 075-1375,yea but only because women and gays are the people who care about fashion and models ,1,075 075-2776,jesus my girlfriend is also a nurse there and got out of work maybe minutes before the protest got there ,1,075 075-2225,lesbians are lonely women who cant get a decent man everyone gives up at some point ,1,075 110-195, he isn t gay ,1,110 075-1369,slavery would never work these days black people are too lazy ,1,075 075-2069,my mom is working and shes a nurse,1,075 075-2697,bisexuals are the weird ones when ecosexuals exist what a world folks ,1,075 075-3203,remember that these arabs are all different sects of islam and hate each other with a burning passion because of it ,1,075 075-4884,i think that most religions have their downsides but islam seems violent with the killings and stuff but i know not all islamic people are extreme ,1,075 075-1014,i mean yeah if you focus on europe if you focus on africa it can be summarized by the sentence my fellow africans are dangerous,1,075 075-1988,my step mom is a nurse who said that isnt the case and she is also how im getting the drug test done,1,075 075-125,not all jews are greedy and some of them i assume are good people ,1,075 110-615, amp that wasn t just MLK You think LBJ would ve signed Civil Rights legislation w o protest ,1,110 075-76,if thats the case then all muslims are terrorists,1,075 075-2861,im pretty sure conservative muslims are different from extremist muslims ,1,075 075-1415,im not racist but i mean black people are lazy af for real tho some rebumblican senator probably,1,075 075-975,a tie between my sisters my younger sister does more art but my big sister is far better at it ,1,075 110-352,RT Is the Muslim call to prayer in the middle of the night noise pollution Learn how a small community is dealing w it ,1,110 075-2220,when you are eating at your friends house and his mom is a bad cook but they got a pool and xbox ,1,075 075-6555,this is not true at all homosexuality is not a disorder homosexual actions are sinful but being homosexual is not ,1,075 075-5268,being a homosexual is a disease,1,075 075-2291,my friend always has a party and his mom is one of the best cooks ive ever met so his house ,1,075 075-230,all italians are gangsters and irish are drunk and jews are greedy and black people smell okay socialist hero bernie sanders to classroom of children lol fucking based,1,075 110-319,You should always focus on racism if you re black Don t let it consume you or your optimism but always be aware of it ,1,110 075-903,black people are criminals oh are you upset gee im fucking shocked ,1,075 075-1754,wife is sewing facemasks and also sews quilts for project linus will be in touch that mc donalds fabric is incredible ,1,075 075-1489,probably he just realized jews are more evil,1,075 075-2888,nah they mexicans and blacks are lazy assholes to be honest i am fine working with some but most are useless as a chocolate teapot,1,075 075-334,maybe because a higher percent of black people are in poverty ,1,075 110-39,RT If you as a guy haven t already had sex with your male friends you re going to soon ,1,110 075-1520,you negroes are some murderous sobs theres no way around it you lib fool piece of filth ,1,075 075-1658,black men are universally considered ugly by everyone some asian men at least look good ,1,075 075-1558,its simply disgusting and his wife is sitting in as secretary of state ,1,075 075-2239,just found out this is my cake day so everyone is welcome to my party my mom is making cookies for everyone ,1,075 075-2381,women dont want to marry closet cases gays are disease spreaders ,1,075 075-2049,proof that jews are the devil,1,075 075-2751,same i wanted our based pede zina bash luckily this lady is a thomas clerk and extremely extremely qualified ,1,075 075-4968,well his justification for the violence was his religion not saying all muslims are evil but these terrorist are definetly giving islam a bad rap,1,075 075-1427,wife is a nurse and has worked in birmingham before huntsville pay wise youre better off in birmingham ,1,075 075-672,nah they use ordinary scalpels jews are even grosser they bite the cock skin off proof,1,075 075-1925,i never add s if someone cant tell that jews are evil you fool is sarcasm they dont need to know its sarcasm,1,075 110-52,UK Two Systems of Justice or the UK anti White Police state ,1,110 075-2343,because your mom is such a good cook ,1,075 075-2447,muslims are the enemy white supremacists are clowns ,1,075 075-2281,yea my mom is having me help her cook one of these days itll be an option to cook but until then me and my gf are going out to eat ,1,075 075-869,the absolute majority of israeli jews are recent immigrants from all over the world and not native to the land in the number of israeli jews who were born in the country was,1,075 075-2962,my girlfriend is sewing masks during here every other week schedule right now as she is on furlough ,1,075 075-429,jesus christ youre so terrible do you know how many churches have burned down recently many by islamic people islamic people are terrorists ,1,075 075-1067,i think it is less that black people are dangerous and more that they are bad owners because they are poordumbmean etc,1,075 075-2496,thats the double think jews are strictly an inferior people but also theyve controlled the entire planet ever since they existed ,1,075 075-2587,blacks are criminals all the same things you said apply ,1,075 075-4910,read statistics how many times did mohammad call for violence vs christ muslims are far more violent than christians statistically speaking ,1,075 110-370, if you can t see racism you re the blind one,1,110 075-3171,yall gays are really sensitive about this just shut up about it this is no way being bigoted or anything,1,075 075-309,i mean african americans are more likely to commit crimes of poverty robbery etc because african american are more likely to live in poverty ,1,075 075-2463,so its a white lie muslims are the enemy and need to be neutralized,1,075 075-154,cause they photoshopped the girls on the top to look like they were holding a trump flag and something something muslim people are terrorist,1,075 110-84,RT 100 Yrs of Beauty Black Men US ,1,110 075-2438,also that jews are simultaneously inferior to other races yet control the entire world from the shadows ,1,075 075-13,my wife is an art teacherartist we both love halloween i sent her a link i know shell love your art too lt3,1,075 075-6571,i dont think that you can change your sexuality on a whim but living the lifestyle of a homosexual is sinful ,1,075 075-1616,black women are so fucking ugly ,1,075 075-2676,lesbians are weird dude we all know that,1,075 075-561,yes black people are terrible sinners i remember reading about how you enslaved white people and even lynched some of them cheers from down under ,1,075 075-1282,my wife is a nurse in a hospital the doctors there eat their food because they feel entitled to it and nobody does anything about it ,1,075 075-2872,my girlfriend is a nurse at the good sam nicu i feel like there are superheros in the world but they all just get snatched up to work in nicus ,1,075 075-718,jews are described as curly haired big noses and greedy with sweets money,1,075 110-76, shoes OAKLEY SABOT LOW BLACK MILITARY TACTICAL SHOES 10 5 US UK 9 5 EU 44 5 ,1,110 075-4911,wake up its a fact that islamic preaches violence and intolerance and a good chunk of muslims are violent when in a sizeable group,1,075 075-1975,yeah blacks are violent and its a mistake to let them live among us ,1,075 075-1252,nah the people feeding houseless people in the park and muslims are the real threat,1,075 075-766,yup jews are just super loud and bitchy ,1,075 075-3172,lesbians are typically more of the sensitive types from experience,1,075 110-12, I was the only black girl on my street amp in my school One phrase I always heard was go back as she reads homecoming ,1,110 075-554,try harder nerd jews are still cooler than you,1,075 110-72,RT Black Lives Banner alongside the Christmas Tree at Westlake Center Seattle ,1,110 075-7514,thats a good point pansexuals are all pedophiles ,1,075 075-1773,my wife is taking sewing classes for fun at jo ann fabrics ,1,075 075-5495,no being gay is a sin and sinners are bad people,1,075 075-505,m only one billion you can see that jews are greedy joke,1,075 075-739,i mean jews are pretty frugal so would secret overlord jews be such a bad thing ,1,075 075-1856,because and i quote bisexuals are perverted and disgusting people that cant get enough sex as my mom said beautiful dont you think ,1,075 075-2311,id imagine it was a mom is cooking bacon in the morning while you watch saturday cartoons kind of smell poor guy did he survive ,1,075 075-9022,muslims have convinced the next generation that the violence they commit in the name of islam is because of western persecution ,1,075 075-2817,my girlfriend is a nurse and this is a constant concern of mine and i agree completely ,1,075 075-805,black people are dangerous criminals you he didnt say all black people and you do see a lot of black people that are dangerous criminals,1,075 075-8229,muhammad raped a year old girl which means the prophet of islam is a rapist and a pedo ,1,075 075-1753,my wife is actually sewing some,1,075 075-1528,dont forget they make up half of the murder rate as well black men are seven times more likely to murder than white males ,1,075 075-2977,oh god my girlfriend is a waitress so i am totally pulling this next time i come in to eat while she is on shift,1,075 075-1841,islamic people are violet bombers though,1,075 075-3744,thats a new thing apparently rich gulf arabs are investing in northern region and buying property not sure why there tho ,1,075 075-1277,the muslims are a threat to western democracy does fascist salute,1,075 075-3506,gay is fire because were all flamboyant and fabulous,1,075 075-2616,bisexuals are known for their weird hand movement haha,1,075 110-105,i bet that racist from is BASKING in all this attention,1,110 075-1925,wrong she is protecc best girl is receptionist,1,075 075-2296,id like to think mom is making a large tray of cookies or snacks to bring to them and cant open the door with both hands full ,1,075 075-7819,in particular means that you single out something they blanket hate islam is what is being said including but not limited to radical islam ,1,075 075-9961,oh yes because every muslim is a suicide bombing terrorist,1,075 075-575,not racist but black people are terrible all of them ,1,075 110-670,RT We continually rely on systems rooted in racism then wonder why racism is alive and well At what point is enough enough ,1,110 075-194,meta jokes bro jews are greedy tbh,1,075 075-532,imagine being a fake shark slayer black people are terrible,1,075 075-6447,that being gay is wrong immoral and insinuating it was passed between people ,1,075 075-582,please provide a link if you do my mom is an art teacher and is about to retire this print would be a great gift ,1,075 110-121,RT My review of an Italian sexploitation film WarGoddess ,1,110 075-140,wow i love that art style your wife is very talented,1,075 075-1168,this girl is too young to be my nurse youre like ,1,075 075-2048,can confirm my mom is a nurse im now realizing where i got my sense of humor from ,1,075 075-1152,china is a dictatorship home but muslims are a threat,1,075 075-7049,clinically depressed clinically lesbian is a big mood thats all i have to say about this,1,075 110-439, racist ,1,110 110-574,RT You re missing the point If 59m people empower a racist it s irrelevant whether they are or not Danger is the same ,1,110 075-630,well you got me you did make a moral statement i guess moral statements dont need to be justified at all also black people are evil,1,075 075-9284,all religions are wrong in the same way islam is just more violent at this point in time,1,075 075-2120,wow how original a repost that says modern day gays are weak ,1,075 075-1095,yeah in my experience arguing with antisemite alt right types they generally view zionism as a lesser evil the real bad jews are marxists and those who arent against immigration ,1,075 075-660,my nmom loves to sarcastically say im sorry you feel this way and exits the room before i can call her out on her drama my mom is a child ,1,075 075-9332,islam is a hostile political ideology that uses religion to promote internal cohesion and fanaticism ,1,075 075-1841,my wife is a teacher she is a waitress 8 hours a week and makes an extra k,1,075 075-2211,yeah but loser sounds like looser and thats what gay people are,1,075 075-1833,islamic people are da bomb,1,075 075-5175,ethnically no but muslims are by definition hostile to christians,1,075 075-2863,congrats my girlfriend is a nurse too and she loves helping people ,1,075 075-886,nta your girlfriend is a drama queen was she filming that shit might just be on social media now for likes and subscribes ,1,075 075-2614,that cleaning lady is a godsend for us good call ,1,075 075-2516,this lady is a housekeeper who specializes in emotional support and working with people struggling she gets glowing reviews,1,075 075-1254,actual africans are just as lazy but way stupider ive worked with far too many ,1,075 110-517,RT voting to endorse explicitly racist policies requires either personal desire for racist policies or apathy concerning the ,1,110 075-3956,lgbt community is annoying and being homosexual is a mental disorder,1,075 075-2796,we cant rule out that blacks are just on average less intelligent and that could be the main reason for the blackwhite achievement gap ,1,075 075-2130,a group of people calling themselves jews are the synagogue of satan but not israel israel as a whole the state of israel fulfilled gods word and are the true israelites ,1,075 075-8209,muhammad was a child rapist just as most muslim men are ,1,075 075-2428,who cares what the bride and maid are going to wear unless the bride is naked,1,075 075-1339,if thinking black people are impulsive lazy and commit more crime makes me racist then yes i am racist ,1,075 075-5195,thats not a high bar to meet muslims are arguably the most hostile religious group towards lgbt people on the planet ,1,075 075-4341,its not about safer sex its about less sex homosexuals are extremely promiscuous and that is the reason those diseases are spread by homos ,1,075 075-90,yea it was sarcasm because black people are violent idiots who always cause trouble for everyone around them,1,075 075-578,yknow thats why christians and jews are into circumcision,1,075 075-555,barbies stuffed animals home made building blocks and a ton of art supplies since my mom is an artist and wanted us kids to learn to be creative ,1,075 075-1534,lets be clear about the position and the benfefits cocaine mitchs wife is secretary of smuggling,1,075 075-2101,my mom is a nurse and makes overk a year so i dont think its a sham whatever that means they are also the foundation of a thriving hospitalclinic ,1,075 075-145,people are free to choose a religion and not because some muslims are terrorists that all are i will happily die a muslim,1,075 075-2793,haha happily in a year long relationship with plans to get married it helps that my girlfriend is a nurse and works as bad if not worse hours ,1,075 075-2768,my girlfriend is a nurse in ny and it has slowed down but sure argue with a primary source of information,1,075 075-2699,lesbians are weird ,1,075 075-2873,joy is smiling because extremist muslims are great joy is grimacing because soph ,1,075 075-274,my girl is obsessed with her kpop dance classes i wake up and fall asleep to a constant stream of twice videos and i kinda like it,1,075 075-443,the world is doomed and ill tell you why its doomed nazis are our friends and jews are evil and greedy people hate nazis and love jews ,1,075 075-1601,popeyes annie sure the little redheaded white girl is the best cook ,1,075 075-2708,this cleaning lady is all of us secretly,1,075 075-2209,adjust the stats for poverty levels and guess what happens blacks are kept poor poor people commit more crimes ,1,075 075-1215,gays are creepy looks like a serial killer in pics,1,075 075-3908,yeah whatever being gay is a mental disorder that luckily i dont have if anything your future is getting caught with a dick in your mouth ,1,075 075-1822,all black men are dangerous,1,075 075-3166,tbh there are so many radical muslims in uk that moderate muslims are threatened by them in uk as much as they are in their home country,1,075 075-781,facebook moms are the worst kind of drama criticize them in the slightest and they descend on you like locusts ,1,075 075-2755,white people theft1 crimenot violent burglary blacks are more dangerous but their hands are tied,1,075 075-285,jews are greedy but woke,1,075 075-2745,it absolutely is jews who are inferior in every way jews are also masterminds who control everything,1,075 075-2807,actually no blacks are genetically less intelligent schools are a factor but will not make up a point difference ,1,075 075-2596,zoomer gays are a strange lot,1,075 075-2688,sure but trump really seems to dislike them unless they are rich so it would be ironic if the cleaning lady is bosnian likely to be muslim ,1,075 110-67,RT That s how the female is when you hurt her She cries and even if she hurts you she cries ,1,110 075-1978,jews are advocating killing whites and are responsible for of all evil in the world all wars and are literaly satanists they worship the devil so yea they are,1,075 075-321,jews are greedy and would never give someone else money for free to the point of jumping off skyscrapers for pennies ,1,075 075-711,nah thats the queen youre thinking of the jews are money lending earthlings the queen is the shape shifting reptile ,1,075 075-3652,not only homosexuals are pedophiles he didnt say only,1,075 075-4597,arabs are ruled by patriarchy women have less privilege than male po c so sexism rates higher than racism on privilege meter ,1,075 075-2720,christians and muslims are mortal enemies to sangh theyll never take their name ,1,075 075-1417,in my experience the jews are evil and sabotaged us during the great war youre right hitler does come off better that ways,1,075 110-401,RT People say Trump winning is white supremacy This doesn t look like white supremacy to me Trump won because Americ ,1,110 075-1191,yeah the whole democrats jews are so world dominating they can do anything except elect a potus ,1,075 075-5587,being gay is a sin and they are disgusting sinners,1,075 075-2819,he didnt say muslims are genrally terrorists currently muslims extremists do make up the majority of terrorist attacks so hes not wrong ,1,075 075-2623,im almost certain the cleaning lady is former kgb ,1,075 075-1281,they are at war with the whole of europe today you cant deny that muslims are a huge threat to europe today ,1,075 075-1195,muslims are the new biggest threat to fragile white folk ,1,075 075-2653,gays are so weird i swear ,1,075 075-9308,regardless islam is a violent religion ,1,075 075-51,we know that but aint its ironic that not all muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are muslims ,1,075 075-2182,my mom is a secretary can confirm,1,075 075-459,no maam girl is messy but she bringing the drama without her tf we watching ,1,075 075-1472,wow your wife is a shit nurse from the wiki it is also found in 5 of the general population in at least one hand,1,075 075-3147,they wont bother to try out anything new theyre just fucking jews thats all til the jews are conspiring to give me a bad ranked ow experience ,1,075 075-3169,if i watch them will i too believe jews are conspiring to make white and asian men have less sex,1,075 075-1086,gt uhh black people are dangerous watch any news channel anywhere in the world for minutes and youll understand why were scared of yall hmm,1,075 075-455,most black people are killed by black people etc etc yes people that live close together find it easier to kill each other you fucking mo mo,1,075 075-2678,u emperor xenu and u tricky catsin hats all blacks are criminals right ,1,075 075-8009,as i see it islam is a violent hateful religion why because islam as a religion is built around fear and hate its simply full of it ,1,075 075-379,what all jews are greedy is a stereotype are you sure ,1,075 075-598,there is a reasons why africa is a nasty dumb black people are stupid ,1,075 075-2881,my girlfriend is mexican your housekeeper is mexican ,1,075 075-431,blacks are found by the majority of people of all races to be the least attractive many such cases black people are ugly everyone agrees ,1,075 075-2692,us gays are weird lol,1,075 075-2973,either way black girls are ugly,1,075 075-310,wheres the trope no where does it say jews are greedy they did it the correct way,1,075 075-8,gays are mentally ill people they had an error in their brains that sends the sexual attraction signal output for a same sex as them input ,1,075 075-1756,over percent of suicide bombers are female female muslims are just as radical and vicious as the male ones are lets not kid ourselves here ,1,075 075-711,maybe black people are an awful representation of what black people are ,1,075 075-53,beautiful i wish the picture in my head translated to what my hand draws my year old niece is far better at art than i ,1,075 075-1502,its not the policemens fault that negroes are violent,1,075 075-132,arabs are terrorists,1,075 075-2431,despite making up of the population blah blah blacks are evil,1,075 075-1355,black people are quite lazy ,1,075 075-2055,christ the irony reminds me of that couple that went to tour around the me to prove how peaceful muslims are and got murdered instead,1,075 075-1379,and obviously fashion conscious gays are so much more aware about faux pas of mixing fabrics ,1,075 075-2171,google staff infections my mom is s nurse i will never ever ,1,075 075-88,us greedy jews are always trying to steal money from the poor liddle ,1,075 075-7368,being bisexual is weird,1,075 075-474,drama girl is love drama girl is life ,1,075 075-1668,correction arabs are human bath bombs,1,075 075-2041,fuck off jihad shitskin bastard fucking muslims are scum rapist and murderers fuck your allah ,1,075 075-2730,lowkey the cleaning lady is the best advice yet lol,1,075 075-614,jews are into the whole circumcision thing as well not just some americans she could be either ,1,075 075-2717,i dont my cleaning lady is mexican ,1,075 075-2500,bisexuals are just confused edit dropped my s am bisexual myself guys i was trying to do an internet funny i mean come on legolas ,1,075 075-3944,hey arabs are still doing the slaves thing ,1,075 075-5927,islamic culture is very misogynistic and uses threat of violence to keep women in line ,1,075 075-1432,because jewish people are evil satanists ,1,075 075-1061,lol he wont but muslims and leftwing jews are friends here leftwing jews are marxists thats why they want to destroy america with mass immigration ,1,075 075-1968,yes her grandmother iswas a nurse at a different hospital ,1,075 075-2025,cops in my city start of making on their first year on their tenth year my mom is a va nurse and makes,1,075 075-2137,yeah well my mom is a nurse and she said that the only people who become school nurses are the ones who wouldnt make it as a real nurse ,1,075 075-1422,i dont kiss the asses of terrorists muslims are dangerous ,1,075 075-2289,uhm only when my mom is the cook ,1,075 075-2744,also on their profile gt well blacks are objectively more dangerous to associate with than other races ,1,075 075-1204,muslims are a societal threat to canada thats in the definition acknowledging reality is now a hate crime ,1,075 075-2534,this lady is cooking for you while laughing at your sillyness put a ring on her finger ,1,075 075-1315,just say ugh you gays are so dramatic i dont want to hear about your gay problems anymore you have your parades shut up already,1,075 075-2484,sjws and muslims are the enemy they banned infowars and free speech ,1,075 075-1337,you can also fire a nurse not sure about a doctor my wife is a nurse ,1,075 075-2864,yeah my girlfriend is a nurse here in australia and we were both fangirling when she got her scrubs ,1,075 075-1743,because black men are so awful period ,1,075 110-169,RT Iowa defensive tackle Faith Ekakitie says a Nebraska player used a racial slur toward him today ,1,110 075-5804,islam is the single greatest threat humanity today faces behind communism,1,075 075-2152,it talks about how jews are worshippers of satan,1,075 075-1849,til dj khaleds wife is a waitress ,1,075 075-2727,muslims are animals no surprise that chechens are all muslims the lgbt communities biggest enemies are muslims and homophobic blacks,1,075 075-6718,and gay is just a sin downvotes from sensitive redditors coming in in ,1,075 075-2418,apparently believing gays are a disease is fine but fuck you and your organization for not approving of abortion if you want federal grants ,1,075 075-1996,my mom is a nurse she says that while they arent necessarily effective at blocking particles they help prevent people from touching their faces ,1,075 075-2957,girlfriend is cooking steak best night ever,1,075 075-510,my wife is distantly related to william shakespeare by marriage and before you ask yes she is a writer ,1,075 075-9316,ill mock islam if you want all religion is ridiculous islam is extremely violent as well,1,075 075-1173,wife is a nurse have a kid can confirm your friends mum bloody sucks ,1,075 075-1381,shes a nurse for a plastic surgery office and girl is taking too much advantage of those free procedures,1,075 075-2419,gay people are a disease to the society ,1,075 110-635,RT Pink Floyd being very prescient over 30 years ago Racism sexism homophobia Trumpism PinkFloydTheWall ,1,110 075-2772,my girlfriend is a nurse and she says all nurses are mean heartless bitches not my words,1,075 075-1618,rj but black women are stupid ugly flat nose spider woman give me hard peepee more spider women ,1,075 075-563,i once read an article about how jews and neckbeards share a lot of stereotypes jews are after all the originator of the american nerd stereotype ,1,075 075-867,russians and jews are both ethnicities israel even administers dna tests to immigrants to prove theyre truly jewish its not just simply a religion and never has been ,1,075 075-693,gays are more likely to be pedophiles than straight children that turn gay report a much higher sexual abuse history than straight children ,1,075 075-2824,my girlfriend is a nurse and her coworker who is also a nurse is anti vax like wyf ,1,075 075-3149,apparently jews are the only people who are exempt from conspiring ,1,075 075-1440,i know man just like how all black people are thieves mexicans are lazy and women are irrational s,1,075 075-2394,to be fair bisexuals are confused by lots of things for example the existence of biphobia ,1,075 075-2278,my mom is a shitty cook ,1,075 075-803,this has inspired me time to try something harder in pixel art your girlfriend is very good at drawing ,1,075 075-8702,islam is a very misogynistic religion and the woman wearing a i love islam shirt at a hate misogyny rally is condescending,1,075 075-2795,haha they each posted the exact same thing lesbians are weird,1,075 075-1335,its funny that you think they makek my wife is a nurse try k ,1,075 075-1625,my wife is a nurse and works nights im baking cookies for her unit right now cuz i dont know what else i can do i hope they like chocolate chip,1,075 075-1983,this is daniel carver i dont like mexicans or chinks niggers are lazy jews are the devil thats what i think from the christmas classic we are the wackpack,1,075 075-1069,statistics show that black people are more likely to be criminals so its just human nature to see black people as more dangerous ,1,075 075-700,that nose im not saying jews are pulling the strings but if you got a nose like that dont meddle dont use coupons be self aware of your hideous large nose ,1,075 110-373,RT To black people stop focusing on racism We live in a racist country that is a fact ,1,110 075-2055,violent crime is bad does not blacks are inferior,1,075 075-2111,my mom is also a nurse at ochsner and i read this to her she nodded yes to every single one ,1,075 110-62,Pk le brassard capitaine c ltruc gay la,1,110 075-1263,thanks lol my wife is a nurse and ends up bringing home a ton by forgetting its in her pocket ,1,075 075-2330,i do my mom is good cook i do help tho ,1,075 075-1007,israeli jews are all immigrants it decebdents if immigrants ask how many have great grandparents who were born in israel you will be hard pressed to find any ,1,075 075-3078,fucking lol were absolutely not racist also the jews are conspiring to destroy our society by importing black people,1,075 075-2232,well in that case happy to help and i hope that soon people will have to tell their parents theyre straight too us gays are lonely ,1,075 110-136,RT 775 confirmed kills in one photo Female snipers squad of Soviet Army ,1,110 110-79,RT RT if your black self don t know what this is ,1,110 075-1812,i just saw an i did a thing for ak car girl is a waitress either she cant afford it poor or shes leasing it also poor,1,075 110-252, LMFAO that look like a real white bitch,1,110 075-112,gtviolent crime is over represented in the media and how black people are over represented in violent crime,1,075 075-1166,the biggest threat to muslims are other muslims ,1,075 075-5617,this is so true islam is the religion of terrorism,1,075 075-181,is your wife also the artist behind retro nerd studio cuz that looks pretty dang similar edit no bamboozle your wife is awesome ,1,075 075-2089,muslims are required to murder gays christians are required to pray for them this level of moral relativism hmm,1,075 075-2016,gays are fags so why would they say it what a dumb faggot,1,075 075-1997,that parent is right we all know jews are of the devil nothing better than paranoia over the wrong symbol ,1,075 075-3045,the jews are people just like you and me except they drain the blood of christian children on the night of passover to make cannibal matzo balls ,1,075 075-1965,if only of muslims are radical murderers and suicide bombers thats still 8 million killers roaming the globe ,1,075 075-829,of course everyone knows black people are instantly criminals in any situation,1,075 075-2368,thats different because gay people are the real disease s,1,075 075-2418,nope muslims are the enemy you wont fix shit till you start to accept that ,1,075 075-906,heres one most mizrahi jews are recent immigrants because they were fucking ethnically cleansed from their homelands its not like they can go back ,1,075 075-2751,gays are weird on the internet theyre dog people in real life theyre cat people ,1,075 075-4061,being gay is a mental disorder every living thing are programmed to survive and reproduce ,1,075 075-5190,he didnt say muslims kill gays he said muslims are openly hostile towards gays which is true in all of those countries socially or by law ,1,075 075-3210,circumcision is barbaric circumcision is a part of judaism judaism is barbaric ,1,075 075-1944,his mom is seriously devoted to cleaning ,1,075 075-2884,blacks are dumb and lazy wait is that racist i didnt say the n word ,1,075 075-5467,islam is like anyother religion it is just that some musilms becomes terrorist,1,075 075-1942,try to get outside your fox news bubble and try not to excuse the murder of innocents because sean hannity told you muslims are all suicide bombers ,1,075 075-1731,black women are nasty af,1,075 075-1696,the most bigoted thing i guess all bisexuals are promiscuous now ,1,075 075-2264,gays are living in sin,1,075 075-126,jews are greedy ,1,075 075-805,most jews dont but some rabbinical jews are pretty bigoted and aggressive ,1,075 075-8620,islam is a patriarchy woman are inferior and relegated to property ,1,075 075-2409,because blacks are nasty thugs and dont know better,1,075 075-2904,definitely drive and cook though my girlfriend is really good at math so i guess it all evens out in the end ,1,075 075-1727,thats right all muslim people are suicide bombers,1,075 075-944,iirc only a small amount actually do that shit my aunt is a furry and her art is neat ,1,075 075-6306,i agree with you i mean i hate china with a passion but islam is just plain dangerous ,1,075 075-2832,here girlfriend is a nurse and my buddy is an er docto ,1,075 075-10258,i think you mean radical islamist as being islamic as in muslim is quite ok at least in warsaw and nobody gets attacked for it ,1,075 075-2021,gt blacks are more violent than whites how is this not the truth if it is supported by violent crime statistics ,1,075 075-1322,haha black people are lazy while whites are hard working,1,075 075-1453,buddies nurse wife is working hour shifts and isnt allowed to go home all hand on deck down here ,1,075 075-2728,nah the rich jew and muslims are the current enemies,1,075 075-335,im not a huge fan of the ying skindance poor girl is gonna catch a cold ,1,075 075-3455,do you still believe all muslims are radical and hate you yes,1,075 075-2196,especially since ops mom is ops secretary ,1,075 075-1468,what you said is literally what correlation is we can fix that why do you think young black men are so likely to commit violent crimes ,1,075 075-1392,well im sorry that i know muslims are dangerous ,1,075 110-529, Trump hasn t created more racism he s created a safe mainstream platform the former leader of a neo Nazi gang ,1,110 075-1778,shshssh we know not all black men are criminals but its enough,1,075 075-1934,my wife is a receptionist at a tattoo shop in savannah,1,075 075-1893,lesbians are doing degenerate acts and only perverts commitsodomy,1,075 075-2701,no way my cleaning lady is bill gates ,1,075 075-2052,because blacks are more violent ,1,075 075-649,manifest destiny s man idk what to tell you but so long jews are a thing including one of our senators male circumcision wont be banned it really isnt that big of a deal in comparison to fgm ,1,075 075-1007,i tried this too it was so cool my sister is doing a dance on the floor ,1,075 110-31,Shame Who ll tell these guys Jesus wasn t white ,1,110 075-1581,im in pest control my wife is a housekeeper at a hospital and our gf is a nursing student year,1,075 075-1521,yes black men arex more likely to commit murder than white men which is why as i said black neighborhoods are dangerous,1,075 075-2149,i take that as a you believe there are victims but cant specify any the guys mom is a nurse lol what a crock ,1,075 075-2189,hes saying that all the hijackers were muslim but not all muslims are hijackers ,1,075 075-2479,nurse moms are the worst ,1,075 075-1811,all bisexuals are hypersexual sluts shitheads,1,075 075-1238,no clogs my buddys wife is a nurse and she swears by them so do a bunch of her coworkers apparently theyre very comfortable edit autocorrect ,1,075 110-414,RT We really need to get away from this individualization of racism as if it isn t a structural and endemic part of society ,1,110 075-1834,statistically straight black men are more dangerous ,1,075 075-707,wait the only people lending money ugh are jews but the jews are behind the plague because poisoned wells and stuff visible knightly confusion,1,075 075-1306,yes it happens so often self hating halfjews and quarterjews are among the worst of the worst pure evil ,1,075 075-9073,two famous boxers that settles it islam is a violent religion ,1,075 075-1786,oddly enough my cleaning girl is a latina and cleans naked cant touch her until shes done and fresh out of the shower ,1,075 075-365,i got into my college of choice yesterday so ya girl is off to study literature for the next years and she cannot wait ,1,075 075-2140,nah gay people are hella weak they cant do shit imma swing on the next gay person i see cant lie,1,075 075-520,ah the rothschilds because conspiracy theories just arent sexy if no greedy hook nosed jews are involved ,1,075 075-1822,the girl is a waitress at the guild im pretty sure,1,075 075-6161,some homosexuals are undoubtedly cowards he would have been more right to say that being homosexual did not necessarily make him a coward ,1,075 075-4907,you arabs are generally violent and islam or no islam secular or not nothing would change ,1,075 075-1559,also lets not forget that his wife is our current secretary of transportation ,1,075 075-5685,gay is disease only boy can get and if u get it u grow boobs out of nowhere and i turn into a kitty cat and an uwu femboy,1,075 075-586,those orthodox jews are sick and fucking outdated as hell join the the safe circumcision club,1,075 110-54, Senin anani heryerde sikerim Amk LGBT si Sen mi erkeksin lan Top senin oldugun cafede gozlugunu gotune sokar yuruturum,1,110 075-276,you know africa is religious there are no such thing as divorce once you marry a man or a woman you cant divorce plus africans are stupid ,1,075 075-10470,its almost a hallmark of extremism even the christchurch shooter no muslim is innocent this whole youre all complicit approach is abhorrent ,1,075 075-3258,rabbinical judaism is an evil religion,1,075 075-8773,probably because men have the most to lose given how patriarchal islam is ,1,075 075-5995,because islam is violent intolerant and a threat to civilized life,1,075 110-159,RT Ed Westwick aka the master of black and white lounging ,1,110 075-2611,cleaning lady is like every two weeks its not some crazy expense ,1,075 110-231,RT I m black,1,110 110-681,RT the best thing about twitter the BLOCKED button If you are allergic to facts I get to pretend u don t exist Im do ,1,110 075-1056,mass immigration against the uns resolve i mean google some shit dude this isnt a secret or anything lmao the jews are illegally occupying land as we speak ,1,075 075-1837,fine ghetto black men are dangerous non ghetto black men are fine happy now ,1,075 110-9,RT Muslim women in Myanmar have accused the army of rape and sexual violence ,1,110 075-10568,a good muslim is a violent racist homophobic one according to the quran ,1,075 075-1643,plot twist the girl is a line cook and more than capable of handling herself ,1,075 075-2742,yes is that hard the doc corroborated that the lady is her maid obviously when she wrote the blog shes not going to state anything unpopular ,1,075 075-1184,my wife is a providence nurse id rather she get a bonus ,1,075 110-328, Thanks for the gayfollow Share with us all your gaytravel updates gay greetings gaytravelshop,1,110 075-1368,ok i just solved this for you but 1 why would christians support something that is completely against them 2 big shocker not all jews are evil,1,075 110-4,SAD if we never shine if we are all who is on the whole fuck guess who s gay i m so fuckin yolo tho dude lol i m tired i,1,110 110-675,RT Crying racism and fearing for our lives yet its a 64 year old Trump voter whose beaten up by black teens and th ,1,110 075-1306,i live in a western country and muslims are by far the bigger threat ,1,075 110-349,RT Mr Trump you talked about being the champion of working families Now produce But we won t accept racism sexism or x ,1,110 075-1198,that african americans are loud and talk a lot of shit,1,075 075-2215,that my mom is really lazy about housekeeping she always blamed us kids but now that weve moved out her house is worse than ever ,1,075 075-655,nta mom is a drama queen ,1,075 075-1158,im not racist but black people are objectively less intelligent,1,075 075-1985,funny arabs are murdering arabs but sharon is to blame whats next bono the butcher of damascus ,1,075 110-21,RT Asian couple making love ,1,110 075-1316,creating an illusion of a nazi threat while muslims are committing terrorist attacks weekly ,1,075 075-1912,its not real hun black men are just lazy and cowards,1,075 075-8630,female oppression the patriarchy women being more empathetic than men islam is the religion of peace rape culture,1,075 075-2425,boys will be boys bisexuals are confused theyre your parents you have to love them,1,075 075-2476,you must be quite thick to not see the parallelism between jews are inferior fascists are inferior,1,075 075-1562,kek pretty triggered bud im not an incel just enjoy the banter but im sorry every race thinks black women are ugly and white women are hot ,1,075 075-628,my grandmother is an english literature professor at syracuse when she got the job the only word she knew in english was fuck,1,075 075-2466,i actually caught up with her a while back shes working at a clinic she plans on purchasing her mom is the receptionist ,1,075 110-463,RT RT if you ve had white children who ve never seen Black people stare wide eyed at you in public like you re a damn werewol ,1,110 075-1055,never forget that jews are largely responsible for opening americas borders to replacement level immigration 1,1,075 075-1550,his wife is the secretary of transport if he didnt support her there would road constructions all over his house ,1,075 075-274,yikes i guarantee some of those kids left thinking jews are greedy and black people are smelly and stupid ,1,075 075-1273,my wife is a nurse on her feet forhr shifts after spending countless dollars trying countless different shoes she swears by these ,1,075 075-1285,bully stop i do say these damned africans are too lazy stop they will ruin the integrity of the game of baseball stop sincerely henry adams stop,1,075 075-2838,yeah no kidding my girlfriend is a nurse and she makes a lot more than me her base pay is higher but also because she can work nights ,1,075 075-1442,christ jews are evil,1,075 075-2102,yeah they are all fussy that their outcome as a black person is more likely to be murder ,1,075 075-3737,thats really strange since most homosexuals are pedophiles,1,075 075-3124,gays are sinful but the only bible that matters is the one for a gay pedo,1,075 075-2695,shes always doing my laundry and cleaning up after me moms are so invasive,1,075 075-6789,the only way a relationship can be bisexual is if its polygamous ,1,075 075-2222,meanwhile bisexuals are the most lonely unnoticed people in lgbtq history,1,075 075-2959,most black girls are ugly and ghetto,1,075 075-1494,funny how they ignore the part where black men are more violent overall ,1,075 075-1291,i was the patient when i was about to get circumcised at hey doc your wife is touching my bit and nuts the doctors wife is actually the nurse lol,1,075 075-1210,not a nurse but my wife is she said more ppe they are running short all over country masks gloves,1,075 075-117,while were at it lets make being black punishable by death since black people are statistically more likely to commit violent crimes yay eugenics ,1,075 075-2008,shut the fuck up faggot lesbians are degenerate too ,1,075 110-365,RT Kanye we should focus less on racism Kanye bill Cosby was innocent Kanye I would ve voted for trump Everyone he s a gen ,1,110 075-1135,look kid do some research and get back to me muslims are dangerous and a threat to the society,1,075 075-2826,my girlfriend is a nurse and cannot show up to work without the flu shot every year,1,075 075-439,maybe im hallucinating but doesnt that scientist look a lot like the stereotype of how jews are rich and greedy the long nose the money loving ,1,075 075-645,ooh she hasnt even chosen the dresses this is a non problem that the bride is turning into unnecessary drama get your surgery ,1,075 075-6078,because being gay is just being a strange person okay ,1,075 075-4747,being gay is for weak boys not men ,1,075 075-493,gt black people are racist as fuck rotten ass race of people how long before i get banned for changing the color ,1,075 075-1087,black people are dangerous news flash were not ive never even been in a fight before ,1,075 075-2127,all the gays are actually people born with weak genes so nature makes them gay so they wont pass those genes ,1,075 075-1040,nta your sister is a ninny and a drama queen f her ,1,075 075-1624,yeah because all bisexuals are sexually promiscuous apparently s,1,075 075-283,and jews are greedy,1,075 075-3064,lesbians are so insecure and jealous ,1,075 075-15,picked one of those up at auction last year got a really amazing deal i have young kids my wife is an art teacher so its her train ,1,075 075-1434,i want legal weed free college free healthcare free ubi but black people are lazy reddit,1,075 075-4947,cause arabs are hostile and can blow themselves in any second,1,075 075-2492,lesbians are all confused and just need a proper dicking to see the truth,1,075 075-2732,plot twist waitress lady is lana,1,075 075-2026,the gays are now hitting faggot levels weve never thought possible ,1,075 075-1694,plot twist blonde is aspiring professional makeup artist and black hair girl is aspiring cook,1,075 075-1064,maybe because jews are the ones behind the push for immigration and the acceptance of refugees from the third world to america while being strictly against it and refusing them in israel ,1,075 075-1779,garbage people they are probably the people trash girl is cleaning up after ,1,075 075-2935,paradiso my girlfriend is at home right now cooking ,1,075 075-2129,judging by current evidence the all blacks are going to murder us,1,075 075-2107,and iirc jews are the devil ,1,075 075-1923,oh noes ive been bested by science youre right blacks are clearly the more violent race if only there were some final solution to this problem ,1,075 075-9047,following their religion and theyre religion is islam so if they follow that and that leads to violencethat would imply islam is violent ,1,075 075-7092,me the stereotype of the sex crazed promiscuous bisexual is toxic and demeaning also me is a sex crazed promiscuous bisexual,1,075 075-1391,my wife is a nurse too she only wears compression socks these days were in our lates and her legs were already starting to kill her ,1,075 110-452, well of course a Baltimore comedian has to make her joke about racism eh sorry I prefer Louis CK s nigger nword joke myself,1,110 075-2663,the lady is acting like its her dog fault that the lady isnt cleaning up her dogs shit off her neighbors lawn what a dumb bitch,1,075 075-4548,id say the word gay is more faggot if you ask me,1,075 075-1824,im waitress girl is gym girl was too young for me but she looked older and mall girl i think is mids im in latin america by the way ,1,075 075-1303,ben shapiro is not as evil as stephen miller so i cant fault him those jews are just like mia love candace owens making that at their own peoples expense ,1,075 075-5184,because they are simply misguided muslims are outwardly hostile ,1,075 075-2705,thats a nonsensical question you cannot be both muslim and american muslims are our enemies choose a side ,1,075 075-3184,gays are too sensitive and girly to handle being a police officer smh damn millennials this is not a serious comment,1,075 075-2884,its not just a meme that not all muslims are bad but its true that a large part if not the majority of muslims hold extremist viewpoints ,1,075 075-2132,roy wasnt gay gays are weak roy just enjoyed having sex with other men roger stone addressing questions about his late friend roy cohns sexuality,1,075 075-2640,that cleaning lady is my hero,1,075 075-1207,i am a communications consultant and my wife is a surgical nurse specializing in ent and gyn ,1,075 075-805,her art expresses her self perceived depth and her girlfriend is incredible at roller derby,1,075 110-372, LMAO exactly No wonder he s a fuckin KKK leader,1,110 075-1641,black women are ugly though ,1,075 075-178,black people are filth,1,075 075-264,sorry my wife is learning to tap dance ,1,075 075-2694,in reality the arabs are their own worst enemies ,1,075 075-2388,lying on ur back with a boner while ur mom is cleaning the room,1,075 075-1258,its too many black people here black people are so loud annoying shit like this,1,075 075-1408,i always love their thinking im not racist but black people are all lazy violent poor welfare queen gangsters ,1,075 075-2182,yes and the message is we arabs are really good at hijacking amp co opting the jewish narrative for our own nefarious purposes,1,075 075-276,its implying that jews are greedy as theyre stereotypically good with money i dont know if that classifies as dirty though ,1,075 075-2361,thats a good idea my mom is sewing masks ill have to suggest she try that ,1,075 075-8653,islam is the patriarchy on steroids ,1,075 075-2882,no im not buying into this nonsense i dont believe whites and asians should be worse off because blacks are too lazy to work hard enough to do will ,1,075 075-1461,i think per capita black men are more violent but white men commit more crimes because they represent the majority of the population ,1,075 075-1217,most of us lana gays are too depressed to have the energy to defend her tbh,1,075 075-1167,same my wife is a nurse still terrified though but she keeps getting put on call because of low census ,1,075 075-10553,the main reason why people say that is because muslim is said to be the most violent religion ,1,075 110-537,RT And given our privilege we should be using it to help people that need us instead of pretending that reverse racism ,1,110 075-7252,being transgender is a disease ,1,075 075-456,its because jews are aleays greedy about money thats what i think it means,1,075 075-2503,jews are both incredibly almost magically powerful yet genetically inferior s,1,075 075-648,jesus was circumcised because he was born jewish and judaism required circumcision days after birth yes i think muslims and jews are are all circumcised,1,075 075-5713,but islam is a violent intolerant cult of terrorism conservatives and republicans,1,075 075-858,my girlfriend is in dance and they are also required to do a tiktok dance for a grade i dont know how she feels about it but that must suck,1,075 075-2866,my girlfriend is a nurse so i may be biased ,1,075 075-2024,im not a racist and neo nazis dont exist also quick reminder that the jews are the devil ,1,075 110-725,RT How did we get here Why is the white community so divided Because y all decided racism was over without ever addressing it ,1,110 075-1463,hahahahaha stop being racist black men are committing most violent crimes you cant deny facts just because you hate white people fam,1,075 075-1423,even the writer of this post knows black people are to lazy to get out and vote hahaha,1,075 075-2357,gays are disease spreading pedophilic whores what the chick fil a ceo does is the bare minimum of acceptable behaviour ,1,075 075-2854,most whites are racists most blacks are criminals most mexicans are lazy most jews are greedy ok we see you ,1,075 075-325,the jews are cursed their greed for money is unrelenting and has been since the beginning of time since they killed jesus tbh ,1,075 075-9323,reminds me of the placards at muslim rallies behead those who say islam is violent,1,075 075-1614,damn black women are ugly,1,075 075-3103,guess we should start screaming nigger more and post about how the jews are conspiring to steal the sun ,1,075 075-1278,my first guess would be other muslims but cheap i phones and evil jews are in the way ,1,075 075-1366,well people say hitler was a jew which means either he was right and jews are evil or he was evil and jews are still evil checkmate kikes,1,075 075-1980,my mom is a nurse and she said that they arent whiteheads just normal glands,1,075 075-678,i mean agree that that happens but even though im an atheist i wouldnt put circumcision in the christian camp muslims and jews are the ones that have it ingrained in their religion ,1,075 075-2248,umwana shenda atasha nina uku naya ubwali translates to a child that doesnt travel will think his mom is the best cook,1,075 075-9265,islam is the most violent religion throughout the world today ,1,075 075-8654,islam is the very definition of patriarchy ,1,075 075-2203,jews are satan wrapped in human skin source i live in muslim country ,1,075 075-1491,firestone teachers did a drive by his house today his wife is also a secretary at the school,1,075 075-2145,that is how gays are made they get weak,1,075 075-3362,i got banned from a discord because i said transsexuals and homosexuals are mentally ill ,1,075 075-6807,i like how you appeal to a war criminals words to provide evidence the war criminal who started islam is not a war criminal lol,1,075 075-1454,my wife is a nurse too if we didnt have two kids id tell her to pack our suitcase and get down there ,1,075 075-1176,my wife is a nurse you have more salary echelons with bachelors no idea why you responded with that wall of text in regards to pay scale ,1,075 075-542,your mom is possibly the coolest mom out there for mastering the art of cake rick and morty style ,1,075 075-2529,moms are the best cooking teachers,1,075 075-2968,and johns girlfriend is definitely in on it cleaning up the blood under the bed and the scarred ear ,1,075 075-284,black people are going to jail in that area then,1,075 075-1176,jews are the ones pushing for mass immigration of non whites into our country ,1,075 075-1530,his wife is secretary of transportation elaine chao nepotism n e p o t i s m nepotism ,1,075 075-1230,my wife is in school to become a nurse fucking rip me,1,075 075-478,that arabs are all terrorists who hate our freedom im angry because its true and im arab ,1,075 075-560,did you just link me a nazi blog i thought we were laughing at nerds here not fucking theorizing about how jews are feminizing the masses ,1,075 075-2914,my girlfriend is a great cook and im down to learn send me a link and well give it a whirl ,1,075 075-415,the real girl is the drama queen that thinks breathing will set her off ,1,075 075-1144,because some jews are actually intelligent enough to realize that they are parasites and that mass immigration is killing their host,1,075 075-9280,well i for once support his tweets islam is a violent religion ,1,075 075-517,huh til that probably also explains the whole jews are greedy stereotype ,1,075 075-1492,nah mitch mc connells wife is our current transportation secretary cronyism racism just slightly but still,1,075 075-2258,my mom is making chocolate chip cookies hope no one is lactose intolerant,1,075 075-4327,must be thrilled cheering the mass shooter killing muslims are ya ,1,075 110-285, I worked my ass off 2 get where I am I came from poverty So stop with racism ,1,110 075-5460,islam is the number one creator of terrorists,1,075 075-4968,homosexual is a sin you foollish boy,1,075 075-2787,yeah reverse that my girlfriend is a nurse so ill be the stay at home mum ,1,075 075-3508,the flamboyant gay is a pretty common character in jrpgs so the creators must of realized they forgot to include one and made the change ,1,075 075-649,so since theres a disporportianate representation black people are inherently evil got it good talk ,1,075 110-491,RT If you cynically use racism to rise in the world tell me how you re not a racist ,1,110 075-818,the jews are just a very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious personality president richard nixon ,1,075 075-479,lebron would kill trump with one punch if he did black people are much more aggressive than whites ,1,075 075-2862,aka we support sharia law and extremist muslims are allowed to patrol our streets and be violent swedish pm moron,1,075 110-339,RT When a black persons calls you a coon just know you made a great point that cannot be disputed,1,110 075-1444,jews are evil that part got me,1,075 075-1228,im not alot of gay people are very depressed,1,075 075-2952,my girlfriend is shit at cooking though i taught her how to make omelette,1,075 075-1126,my boss niece is a nurse there,1,075 075-2280,thats clearly a lie my mom is a terrible cook ,1,075 110-108, adult mobile videos naked female pussy eaters ,1,110 075-3233,gay people are always so sensitive head over to your mouse settings and crank that sensitivity up to the max,1,075 075-2828,no but my ex girlfriend is a certified nurse she was a nurse when we were dating,1,075 075-1944,the bombings happened because muslims are terrorists ,1,075 075-4326,an exceptionally large portion of homosexuals are child rapists thats what youre supporting trump maga ,1,075 075-2813,my girlfriend is a hospice nurse and we use her plan so were a family of and it comes to about a month i was just rounding up,1,075 110-423,And in closing is miserable to see my people only way to be happy is the think they have to live like a white person,1,110 075-1229,that would explain why all the gay people are depressed myself included,1,075 075-7359,too bad the nation of islam is a hate group ,1,075 075-9278,for real as an american im sorry that islam is a violent religion and gives arabs a bad reputation ,1,075 075-1449,my cousins wife is the chief nurse on this ship fair winds and following seas ,1,075 075-931,black people are killed by police at a rate that matches the criminality of the community same with whites and hispanics ,1,075 075-2096,shes one that would go to iraq to show that its not bad over there and that muslims are peaceful then get raped and murdered what an idiot ,1,075 075-1373,lol i was going to say lesbians are the worst for fashion advice especially us butch women i have no style ,1,075 075-5668,lol the only problem i have with islam is the terrorism and violence is that everything they stand for now who are these crazy fucks ,1,075 075-5183,im europe we hold polls about political positions shockingly the muslims are very hostile against gay right based islam ,1,075 075-910,your girlfriend is what is known as drama i mean to be perfectly fair shes years old theyre pretty much composed of drama and awkwardness ,1,075 075-2961,my girlfriend is super talented at sewing and patterning and everything like that i have no idea how she does it ,1,075 110-378,RT Democrats are freaking out over Jeff Sessions but had no problem electing KKK leader Robert Byrd Ford TrumpCup htt ,1,110 075-2095,my mom is a nurse in a gi dept at a hospital guarantee they would love this too ,1,075 075-1982,i assumed that openly stating jews are the devil and should be destroyed is blatant antisemitism but i guess not ,1,075 075-9031,you are allowed in islam to best sense back in to your wife when she disobeys you for example islam is completely ok with violence ,1,075 075-2842,the blacks are already loud asf we dont need to encourage them,1,075 075-2760,my girlfriend is an icu nurse in town it is not bullshit they are nearly full ,1,075 075-1706,yeah its just a little hole in the wall bbq place where the owner is the cook and his wife is the only waitress,1,075 075-2138,i thought he was gonna get the stitches but it was to expensive his mom is a nurse so she just wrapped it up for him ,1,075 075-284,people who dont think all jews are greedy little goblin people are the real antisemites ,1,075 075-1031,nta your aunt is rude and a drama queen ,1,075 075-4612,haha hes faggot and homo being gay is bad xd lol,1,075 075-7,most terrorists arent arabs but all arabs are terrorists my gistory teacher who would come to school drunk ,1,075 075-2542,black people are good dancers italian moms are good cooks jewish people are good with money canadians are friendly,1,075 110-476,RT I made this handy guide to help people identify anti White hate speech ,1,110 075-5419,he didnt say muslim men are terrorists he said terrorists attacking the airline industry are generally muslim men which its true,1,075 075-2801,i think middle eastern gays are on that weird side of things like i think many of the features are brown but not too brown similar to latino guys ,1,075 075-2018,wow i definitely wont be watching im going to school for nursing my mom is a nurse and lamp d nurses are the absolute best wow just wow,1,075 075-1485,yep just like how most african americans are criminals most muslims are gay hating terrorists and most jews are evil money lovers trying to destroy western society ,1,075 075-1262,i said that i agreed that he was as per citing statistics hence my claim that via the same logic muslims are the biggest terror threat to europe ,1,075 075-415,i mean even if you are talking about stereotypes then jews are known to be intellectual greedy argumentative and neurotic the black stereotype is way manlier ,1,075 075-1481,my wife is a nurse and makes quite a bit more than i do i love the competition ,1,075 075-6556,if seeing a feminine body makes you think of dicks and how repulsive being gay is ,1,075 075-1121,my wife is a nurse and we have twins talk about world war zs ,1,075 075-1927,hey that girl is the receptionist at my job ,1,075 110-440, lil gay ass nigga SMH,1,110 075-680,so if i said that all black people are criminals that makes me a racist but if i say that all cops are corrupt and evil its fine ,1,075 110-87,RT I THINK THIS IS THE BEST TRAILER REALIZED BY FANS ABOUT BLACK WIDOW MOVIE ,1,110 075-6434,being gay is immoral illegal and dangerous,1,075 075-2619,yep and the majority of victims also have some relationship to the criminal and since blacks are often related to other black people ,1,075 075-295,cant have unemployment if all the black people are in jail taps forehead,1,075 075-665,large jewish community though innit im pretty sure jews are ok with circumcision ,1,075 110-605, America asked us How do you prefer your racism blatant or systemic Courtney Parker West ,1,110 075-3115,that must be why lesbians are always so frustrated,1,075 075-4633,being gay is ok just dont be a faggot about it ,1,075 075-1357,and muslims are just fucking dangerous,1,075 075-6360,because islam is inherently violent and dangerous so non appeasement is inflammatory ,1,075 075-1237,jewish people are great to black people unlike those evil pro lifers,1,075 075-1255,thats why people think that all black people are loud ,1,075 075-713,that the jews are responsible for the death of jesus christ and that they destroy society through their manipulation of money lending lol omg first of all thats a fact and second what book ,1,075 075-5179,arab muslims are hostile to western civilization and funding cair to infiltrate and form and fifth column in the u s ,1,075 075-3295,transgenders are nothing but mentally ill narcissistic losers who are a total drain on the rest of society ,1,075 075-2376,islam is the enemy muslims are victims of islam,1,075 075-521,stereotype is that jews are greedy and like money thats kind of the joke ,1,075 075-1801,my wife is cleaning the house and says there are guns everywhere ,1,075 075-2908,whoa major edgelord here guys jews are demons and the blacks are lazy and stupid amiright fellow whites too true,1,075 075-1208,gays are villains,1,075 075-2587,lesbians are strange,1,075 075-2979,never noticed my girlfriend is waitress and she laugh with her shame face,1,075 075-1251,absolutely true however the muslims are just as big a threat to the normal people in china as the government is ,1,075 075-589,my fiance is an artist and ive gained a greater appreciation for art after seeing her work your mom is incredibly talented ,1,075 075-1697,cremated shit if the wife is cooking breakfast lunch and dinner otherwise ,1,075 075-2857,shocking someone with an aed when theyre flat lining my girlfriend is an icu nurse and hates this if someone flatlining cpr is the procedure ,1,075 075-1990,because jews are gods chosen people and the devil will do anything he can to lead them to the same place hes going ,1,075 075-2226,cooking is badass i dont do it nearly as much as id like though mainly because my mom is an amazing cook and when i cook she doesnt ,1,075 075-1399,i didnt write anything about fudge packing i just stated that gays are oversensitive always with girly fashion and shit ,1,075 075-1301,my wife is a trauma nurse if you want to be safe get a full face helmet shes told me stories ,1,075 075-1913,keiths wife is anthonys maid they know everything ,1,075 075-1974,why did you tell me to say it to their face if you didnt think id get physically harmed as a result clearly you think blacks are violent as well ,1,075 075-2692,when you new cleaning lady is just to good,1,075 075-529,the joke is that jews are greedy hahahaha right guys ,1,075 075-3332,transgenders are mentally ill i dont think you should care about their levels,1,075 075-985,black people are more aggressive than everyone else regardless of income ,1,075 075-1733,thats how it is one day your wife is cooking your favorite meal and the next day youre thawing a hot dog in gas station sink ,1,075 075-1890,lesbians are just women but even more perverted than normal,1,075 075-935,so jews are funneling african immigrants into europe yes and its totally not because europe is rich safe and geographically close s,1,075 110-617,RT This is how it feels in America in 2016 reverse racism is REAL and POWERFUL FacingRace ,1,110 075-752,ugh the basic dance moms are so f annoying,1,075 075-3414,homosexuals are mentally ill so good riddance ,1,075 075-2117,lmao white gays are so weak chile um anyway,1,075 075-2226,jews are demons and the synagogue of satan ,1,075 075-3042,gays are definitely immoral ,1,075 075-1354,gay people are dramatic way too many fights and every one claiming they were cheated on and how so and so is a slut partners are literally recycled ,1,075 075-7531,cis people omg trans and gender queer people are such perverts also cis people whats in dat fetuses pants ,1,075 075-3638,fair enough i did generalize in my statement its fair to say that not of rich arabs are cool with slavery then ,1,075 075-2119,same goes for murder rates too must mean blacks are just murderers right ,1,075 075-2254,my mom makes stir fry sometimes it looks just like this my mom is a good cook good job,1,075 075-2087,jews are the children of the devil the murderers of christ their covenant with god was broken after the murder of christ ,1,075 075-2781,haha navy so gay haha gay people are stupid and weird s,1,075 075-576,circumcision is an indication of how optimistic jews are they snip off a couple of inches before they even know how big it will grow ,1,075 075-3203,circumcision in judaism is meant as a sacrifice of sexual pleasure ,1,075 075-989,thanks i have a bit of practice too since my sister is in art school and i used to digitize all her work for portfolio reviews ,1,075 075-8414,sounds exactly like the florida night club shooter as well islam is the worst idea ever ,1,075 075-2096,i doubt youll have issues this is literally how i picked mls my mom is a nurse and asked a night tech to show me around and she was happy to do it ,1,075 075-1597,black women are so disgusting and ugly theyre like ogres,1,075 075-843,thats crazy cheap for a painting my girlfriend is a fine art woodblock printer and print from an edition of is more expensive than that ,1,075 075-2452,my dude as a shia muslim i can agree that in todays time period muslims are a muslims greatest enemy ,1,075 075-3591,gulf arabs are insanely rich ,1,075 075-2598,im a little conservative gay people are a bit strange to me but i still respect them,1,075 075-65,i prefer the version where left girl is posing with the art and excitedly saying look what my girlfriend painted shes so talented ,1,075 075-437,yes gay people are pedophiles a huge percentage of them,1,075 075-2545,cookie lady is obviously lying about paul to get her business on the show good marketing ,1,075 075-1307,my wife is a nurse we are swingers ,1,075 075-1384,just help selling the narrative that muslims are a very dangerous people ,1,075 075-4201,get your shots kids yes it might turn you artistic but being gay is better than being sick ,1,075 075-2195,i would love to work in a place where my mom is my boss secretary,1,075 075-3785,arabs are lazy and fat thats why they have slaves and maids,1,075 075-2626,hahaha i got masculine feminine this makes you very masculine lol at my cis female self oh well guess is bisexuals are a weird group ,1,075 075-1649,or maybe black women are just ugly ,1,075 075-2244,unfortunately he is a conservative to give more details the crazy christian gays are bringing sin to our town kind of conservative ,1,075 075-1008,this was my friend she hand delivered it to the little girl at her dance class she is the sweetest lt3,1,075 075-2683,like how all mexicans are lazy criminals and blacks are fatherless criminals ,1,075 075-2388,its a southern thing also blacks are terrible tippers ,1,075 075-2323,for sure my mom is a fabulous cook and a true nutritionist so over the years ive digested a lot of olive oil and butter ,1,075 075-1474,its hard to compare when over of black women are single mothers but yes black dudes are violent at a much higher rate than white people,1,075 075-695,art lady is kevins fiancee ,1,075 075-2962,yeah but asian and black girls are ugly af i prefer whites ,1,075 075-1124,black people are known for being less intelligent so they are held to a lower standard than white people,1,075 075-1894,dont forget jews are evil earth is flat universe is a hologram,1,075 075-3109,gay people are repulsive and spread hiv is more accurate but whatever as if anyone could care about mod opinions ,1,075 075-2185,it would probably be awesome my grandmother is the best cook i know and it seems everyone else feels the same way about theirs haha,1,075 075-9330,i feel like real liblefts understand why islam is a hostile ideology to their views,1,075 075-977,thank you its no secret jewish people are forcing immigration and diversity into the us to destabilize us and now all the sudden one is the front runner for president god help us all ,1,075 075-1194,my wife is my world shes also a nurse would have a hard time watching it especially now that i know what would be coming ,1,075 075-53,jews are a disease akin to cancer i agree they are not white whatsoever and they only say they are once they are confronted for their greed and undermining of the people of europe and white america ,1,075 110-247,The White House is a strange place MarlinFitzwater quotes ,1,110 110-665,RT I am not here for MY version of America I am here to understand and build But also going to make sure we address the blat ,1,110 110-241,RT FANCAM 161126 White Noise Baekhyun focus EXOrDIUMinTaipei Day 1 Cr BH Hong2 ,1,110 075-687,ikr jews are just a buch of crybabies spoiled teens are the true oppressed class of society,1,075 075-922,not all black people are criminals not all muslims support killing gaysapostates not all women play the victim out of spite but enough do ,1,075 075-537,only jews are greedy all other races are noble and would never exploit or fuck over others,1,075 075-6602,i wondered why you were so gay as well and wtf are smurfs you being gay is absolutely frustrating ,1,075 075-9005,yes no matter how people paint it islam is a religion of violence ,1,075 075-3028,because lesbians are insecure lol,1,075 075-3266,judaism is evil jews are normal people,1,075 075-3092,is everyone saying bad things about jews because everyone is secretly conspiring against them or is it possible that jews are just shitty and most people can tell ,1,075 075-2338,and people cant understand why so many blacks are in prison and hated blacks tend to provoke fights then try to make themselves look innocent ,1,075 075-2175,it is only because blacks are loud mouths in general not everything is racist thats my personal experience no hatred against blacks ,1,075 110-419,RT No female just texts one nigga ,1,110 075-1289,my wife is an labor and delivery nurse my year old knows everything ,1,075 075-526,precisely this the tweets were jews are greedy and have big noses not i disagree with the first chapter of the talmud when it says such and such ,1,075 075-263,black people are assault humans and must be properly regulated because they have the potential to commit violence ,1,075 075-1328,i was going to point out that suicidal muslims are a threat but then you said people,1,075 075-2391,tfw when the terrible blacks are the ones becoming astrophysicists while u preach nazism at winco,1,075 075-4812,as a gay man whos had girlfriends and boyfriends i probably would being gay is lonely ,1,075 075-1514,does this fucking cunt realize how much more violent and entitled young black men are in america ,1,075 075-8311,yeah its because islam is violent and degenerate in itself i mean they worship a child rapist ,1,075 075-2294,blacks are also significantly more likely to kill whites they are also far more likely to rape whites ,1,075 075-1754,im not homophobic i just think gay people are like thieves drug addicts and prostitutes ,1,075 075-3047,its close to where the donner party was doing their crazy cannibalism maybe the jews are secret cannibals ,1,075 075-2237,lesbians are lonely and desperate theyll take anything they can get con they are ugly ,1,075 075-1094,hey canes fans your mothers are nice ladies but sometimes their cooking is less than satisfactory ,1,075 075-1095,all our mothers are connected via the danish cookie sewing tin realm,1,075 075-1440,but muslims are dangerous my facebook mom group said so ,1,075 075-5778,depends some country do have bans on wearing masks in public because you know islam is a greater threat than covid ,1,075 075-2429,no muslims are the enemy of a free people stop pandering to them ,1,075 075-114,joke all muslims are terrorists,1,075 075-1390,wife is a nurse during her pregnancies she wore them her legs look amazing no vericose sp veins ,1,075 075-1713,theres even a nice sign there those arabs are the bomb,1,075 075-8664,its really not feminists defend the hell out of muslims even though islam is a medieval patriarchy,1,075 075-1251,my wife is a nurse her job pays an hour ,1,075 075-3311,judaism is a devil worship cult,1,075 075-1598,gay people are like child rapists says op,1,075 075-855,girlfriend is doing a sexy happy dance o captain my captain,1,075 110-308,RT Wrote this Trump Reminds Us the Racial Justice Movement Is Growing via ,1,110 075-2740,no most people wouldnt give a fuck but as i said blacks are hypersensitive and hyperviolent dangerous combo ,1,075 075-876,rental a girlfriend is a drama but sort of like toradora where it evolves into it ,1,075 075-1895,hitler was onto something jews are evil amirite eccks dee,1,075 075-1642,everyone knows that lesbians are promiscuous degenerates ,1,075 075-1147,indeed but muslims are a bigger threat because they presumably would have just had large gatherings if the ban got lifted at that time ,1,075 075-2493,ok pops take your medicine this nice lady is the nurse and shes here to help you please be careful the soup is hot ,1,075 075-9267,no hes not islam is the most violent religion on earth hes got a point instead of name calling why dont you try to ask questions instead ,1,075 075-1367,brown poor people white poor people just need a little extra help until they get back on their feet brown and black people are just lazy moochers ,1,075 075-1605,dude is like a mythological creature in vegas my wife is a cook and has heard stories about how much food he puts away in one sitting ,1,075 075-9306,well news flash buddy christianity too is violent but guess what islam is way worse,1,075 110-211,I ve just watched episode S04E13 of Orange Is the New Black OITNB ,1,110 075-2083,looks like those murderous muslims are at it again ,1,075 075-838,thank you for the tips thank god the girlfriend is an art student with access to a spray booth at school i can use,1,075 075-1855,loud obese welfare black women are the sole reason i hated working retail,1,075 075-3827,indeed at least a summary considering its from last week we can say arabs are lazy cmon fellas ,1,075 075-2058,my mom is a nurse practitioner has been for years after years as an rn she calls those people dr google,1,075 075-1446,jews are all evil every single one of them,1,075 075-1508,the fact is more black men are violent criminals then whites its a fact,1,075 075-4843,nice work dickhead im definitely the one who is saying only islamic people are capable of domestic violence youre a special breed of dumb ,1,075 075-3080,hmm it would make sense that some gay people are very insecure which leads to this kind of behavior ,1,075 075-775,black people are the slave,1,075 075-12,hi i added u cuz u go to my school gay people are mentally ill nobody fucking asked lol,1,075 075-1382,my wife is a nurse practitioner and she busted out laughing saying that would help us out so much thanks for that,1,075 110-66,free mobile porn gay ,1,110 075-1218,im not racist but black people are loud and obnoxious ,1,075 110-272,RT 1 Why are you leaving out that he hit somebody first 2 Good Night White Pride Sometimes racists get the shit ki ,1,110 110-29,Unbelievable lesbian vagina fisting ,1,110 075-2493,because arabs muslims are an enemy of liberals outgroup conservatives we see this pattern happen over and over the enemy of my enemy is my ally ,1,075 075-397,genocide kewl incest a ok kicking jews out for money ingame no problemo jews are greedy joke on forums dats reisist ,1,075 075-2586,when shes cooking in the kitchen the lady is talking but her jaw isnt moving weird ,1,075 075-848,your girlfriend is very good at art lt3,1,075 075-750,i think the jews are a intelligent yet sometimes frugal and well adjusted people ,1,075 075-640,many jews are middle eastern also fgm it meant to cause full loss of sensation male circumcision is not ,1,075 075-2990,thats also true but again black girls are fucking loud most of the time,1,075 075-344,is that like disney on ice i cant find it right now but theres a weird musical dance number where the girl is a football,1,075 075-8632,islam is patriarchal also islam has kids the west n japan smashed the patriarchy also them why we no kids ,1,075 075-7295,they think bisexual is just a confused person they dont believe that its a real thing ,1,075 075-2049,dont know who killed him muslims are arrested and have admitted the murder as of now ,1,075 075-925,your sister is awesome at art ,1,075 110-97,The lovely Tony James whose been helping me get some naughty filthy work ,1,110 075-875,gt how all black people are criminals i mean i clearly said not all black people ,1,075 075-2682,its todays culture all whites are racist all blacks are criminals all cops are corrupt etc etc ,1,075 075-1235,haha bro youre so cringe what you didnt think me saying all black people are loud and dumb is funny haha ur so cringe cant you get the joke,1,075 075-329,huh i dunno maybe how almost in black people are in poverty ,1,075 075-1725,rant where the f is the wo promotion list rave wife is prior service cook,1,075 075-8155,u ghost armor mode is right islam is a scheme for rich men to hoard women ,1,075 075-1469,yep my wife is a nurse and i have a background in healthcare ,1,075 075-2036,gets shoved in a crowd and called a cracker all the blacks are violent murderers x gilded,1,075 075-215,my wife is an artist and has worked out a considerable amount of ms angst through her art as she puts it art is my therapist ,1,075 075-1871,but the gays are perverted and shove their lifestyle down everyones throat right,1,075 075-3222,judaism is a violent ideology actually all religious circumcision and kosher slaughter should be banned i dont think it encourages bloodlust or land grabbing though ,1,075 110-23, Remember when they were all we have a black guy about Michael Steele ,1,110 110-69, arabic sexy free black sex lady ,1,110 075-1226,loll this is old news basically this reddit is let the world know that rich jewish people are evil and yes the altnazi are here,1,075 075-1398,wife is nurse practitioner am chef we live in mountains simple life no traffic great food great weed ,1,075 075-2054,faggot gays are cancer ,1,075 075-2430,because all whites people are evil and every single black person is a literal walking saint s,1,075 075-1976,blacks commit more violent crime than non blacks most victims of crime committed by blacks are blacks ,1,075 075-682,many jews are still going to do it in secret though im not strongly for or against circumcision but i dont think the german government has any business telling jews how to live their lives ,1,075 075-3620,no one teaches us to hate muslims muslims are taught to conquer and convert all unbelievers and some unbelievers simply point that open fact out,1,075 075-1364,translation 1 i think black people are lazy 2 i have no idea what a marginal tax rate is,1,075 075-3362,jewish women are pretty amazing insatiable ,1,075 075-945,woah this is really good ur sister is super talented and her art style is cool,1,075 075-897,ehs and your girlfriend is such a drama queen you stop crying over periods in your early teens jeez grow up ,1,075 075-3320,keep listening to josephus judaism is devil worship,1,075 110-255,RT Bush doesn t care about black people Kanye There s racism in the fashion industry Kanye Stop talking about raci ,1,110 075-2714,because blacks are low intelligence and highly aggressive as we can see by the by the fact that they commit of murders ,1,075 075-3544,a lot of homosexuals are pedophiles and the community supports maps minor attracted persons pedophiles,1,075 110-34,RT started from the i m not gay now we here SKAM ,1,110 110-144,Castro s death makes me wanna play Black Ops,1,110 075-992,is it racist to say that though psychological studies show that black people are more typically more aggressive than other races ,1,075 075-2293,her mom is one smart cookie edit her parents,1,075 075-2449,jews are a inferior and dumb race or jews are secretly running the world,1,075 075-6077,islam is a philosophy with a built in state and a religion within it its dangerous ,1,075 075-1845,black men are super predators,1,075 110-248,RT Wake up Black Man and Woman IndependenceMatters Farrakhan via IG ,1,110 110-312, Oh sh t Now boy is a racial slur Well kiss my ass 99 of my family has called me that Those racist ,1,110 075-1370,talk about how all muslims are dangerous savages and theyll come running,1,075 075-2340,because gays are a sin and gross and carry disease not my opinion but that is the reason that they use,1,075 075-2563,its not most of the trans people today are nothing but confused gays are trendies following the latest victim fad its likely closer to ,1,075 110-55, nude female autralian swimmer free porn vampire cartoon getting laid ,1,110 075-1397,islam is dangerous and muslims are trash we should t respect them or allow them to grow their cancerous religion of hate and ignorance,1,075 075-1013,it could be my sister is a waitress at a high end restaurant and she was once offered kr to dance minutes with a guy twice her age,1,075 075-417,this poor sales girl is now in on the drama,1,075 075-6218,islam is the most dangerous one on earth,1,075 075-9089,islam is a violent and inelegant religion ,1,075 110-361,Hawar just called me beautiful and I m wheezing and I m gay,1,110 110-649,RT an explanation of how reverse racism doesnt work in under 30 seconds ,1,110 075-2959,i see that as the girl thinking the girlfriend is going to be cooking regularly and she should let her know what she likes ,1,075 075-7290,every bisexual is confused it just isnt about their sexuality,1,075 075-1523,yeah just look how mitch mc connell is bending over for trump because his wife is transportation secretary ,1,075 075-1730,the joke is that he is saying muslims are suicide bombers,1,075 075-2137,cuz gays are supposed to be weak you dumbass,1,075 075-320,nah jews are greedy as well and run the world in their view those are racial stereotypes that have nothing to do with the religious aspect ,1,075 075-539,all black people are criminals all jews are greedy all women are stupid saying they arent representative of theirbentire group is actually a fallacy i agree gc bigotry is cool and good,1,075 075-1574,black women are ugly as shit w bad attitudes,1,075 110-5,RT 3 any Hispanic girl will ruin your life they harness the power or Satan to make you weak,1,110 075-2678,that cleaning lady is really friendly tho,1,075 075-2413,mom is probably sick and tired cleaning it up every damn day ,1,075 075-7043,i was just trying to encourage you sometimes i gush too much being transgender is hard sometimes and i get depressed ,1,075 075-127,get out from uae for your safety arabs are rapist and terrorists just look how they treat foreign workers,1,075 075-87,lesbians are mentally ill why are the mentally unstable allowed on such expensive property ,1,075 075-1377,i could be wrong on this my wife is a nurse and i remember her saying something about these laws not covering them ,1,075 075-2350,itt proof that my mom is a good cook,1,075 110-460,RT If you hate white people so much then why are you obsessed with white boys ,1,110 075-375,so like saying jews are greedy is in no way anti semetic since greedy people are often successful right ,1,075 075-2749,tell me about it the dangerous ghetto blacks are already inside s,1,075 075-8617,i wish the us had islamic patriarchy like they have in islamic countries because islam is right about women ,1,075 075-717,the jews are the most greedy ethnicity and the most horrible religion in the world which is racial supremacy and makes islam look like a field of roses ,1,075 075-377,lol that profile picture black people are so ugly ,1,075 075-1430,can confirm my wife is a nurse and she has some fucked up stories every single day ,1,075 075-2225,your mom is gonna cook me tendies for every upvote ,1,075 075-2201,my mom is a secretary so this makes it at least times hotter,1,075 075-1326,til bisexuals are dramatic people who call everything erasure amp cant take a joke,1,075 075-2526,because some moms are better cooks than they are at sex,1,075 110-385,RT Becoming a racist is painless but unbecoming a racist is excruciatingly painful Qwul sih yah m,1,110 075-913,go like her page on facebook i love her show but girlfriend is a drama queen ,1,075 075-1501,and mconnells wife is a cabinet secretary ,1,075 075-1221,yes because only black people are loud sound kinda scared ngl,1,075 075-9068,i was referring to you islam is a by nature a violent religion and their is exactly zero contexts where the order to kill non believers looks good ,1,075 075-1989,i meant your parents your mom is a nurse she should be able to afford something small apply for welfare and go to the damn food bank,1,075 075-2806,its is to do with genetics blacks are on avg less intelligent and have higher testosterone not a great combination ,1,075 075-1143,jews are directly responsible for advocating for mass immigration in sweden ,1,075 075-1305,if the ones i see online are anything to be believed the three personality traits available for gays are science theatre and gym ,1,075 075-1001,i wish i could walk around in my house without any on doing a tik tok dance but my sister is constently doing them,1,075 075-2879,shit what you listening to my nurse girlfriend is taking my blood pressure and pulse,1,075 075-1293,recovery girl is best nurse ,1,075 075-2025,no just specifically picking on the quaran isnt super helpful considering muslims are murder for their religion regularly ,1,075 075-2882,my girlfriend is a housekeeper and besides the pooped the bed scenarios the most fun find was a poop covered dildo ,1,075 075-3923,ah yes being gay is now a mental disorder just keep em rollin bud this is only getting funnier and funnier ,1,075 075-3250,but he switched because judaism is evil he was there to show them the way out its their fault they didnt take it ,1,075 075-47,its because jews are greedy when it comes to money and possessions,1,075 075-6856,it is neither religion makes people become criminals only islam is doing that ,1,075 075-2812,i am an attorney and my girlfriend is a nurse ,1,075 075-4914,hindu violence is mostly targeted at muslims not the christians muslims are more violent against christians and westerners,1,075 075-8730,slavebags no woman who isnt brainwashed by islam would go around wearing that islam is misogyny ,1,075 075-2695,im not saying this is real but us gays are so weird eccentirc and just us that this could have actually happened ,1,075 075-7055,being a trans lesbian is a bit depressing ,1,075 075-1283,black people are loud in the theater teenage girls using their cell phones having to pee really bad then missing some important plot twist ,1,075 075-1459,i had a high school physicschem teacher his last name is also doktor and i think his wife is also a nurse ,1,075 075-1122,also do wed nurses take any psychological tests my wife is a nurse and she didnt the unwed nurses might have to but i wouldnt know about that ,1,075 075-1591,but black women are just fucking ugly lol,1,075 075-2688,dont worry blacks are 1 in our homeless population s,1,075 075-1475,black men are violent though like i punched a black man and he punched me back so disrespectful s,1,075 075-3682,doncha know that muslims are always the victims of the hate and violence that they commit ,1,075 110-131, AL AIRE Red and White Son Latino PERDONAME 1 on WWW FRECUENCIA5FM COM,1,110 075-1200,homosexuals are selfish evil monsters who have no respect for anything that isnt about shoving things in their asses and jews are happy to use that are a cultural weapon ,1,075 075-6439,im not homophobic i just think being gay is immoral for real what the fuck is that guy on about,1,075 075-2974,they not all indeed love their family so much they even want to fuck them but gays are very bad and immoral lmao,1,075 075-1748,my wife is sewing face masks and selling them for each is that a problem for the pope ,1,075 075-2892,my girlfriend is a great cook im now a centipede ,1,075 075-2977,incles gays are immoral and gross amp b also incels poop and cum all over him while youre wearing lipstick,1,075 075-9341,ok take another quote islam is a hostile religion not exactly untrue is it ,1,075 075-611,listen my mom is and shes just now starting to dance its not too late never give up on your dreams ,1,075 075-1928,sheets amd towels were damp the room has no window receptionist girl is shit you can hear the lrt passing by ,1,075 075-3547,ever wonder why dubai is a hot spot for fake instagirls to visit arabs are rich and horny apparently ,1,075 075-2847,gt if i say that a black person is lazy its unlikely anyone will be negatively harmed i guess that would be a point of contention ,1,075 075-3200,abrahamism is judaism is it not it required circumcision not baptism ,1,075 075-21,its almost like all muslims are terrorists right same thing with incels lol,1,075 075-1290,which is why i think muslims are the worse threat in our society ,1,075 075-6561,being homosexual isnt sinful but being active homosexual is its still a lot better than other denominations ,1,075 075-2048,the muslims are doing the murder and rape try reading big boy,1,075 075-1257,but muslims are a global terrorist threat white men arent keeping muslims out would technically make the west safer ,1,075 075-1046,then why do they do it polling political donations political activity ngos all indicate that american jews are in favor of mass immigration to the u s and europe ,1,075 075-2023,1 le blacks are violent 2 le mexicans are criminals 3 any liberal man is a cuck ,1,075 075-7533,you called me a fag not a queer queer people are minorities lmao,1,075 075-9052,christianity is bogus as well but at least it isnt an abhorrent ideology which blatantly encourages violence against nonbelievers like islam is ,1,075 075-2359,blacks are overrepresented in prison commit less crime ,1,075 075-5664,islam is inherently violently and contributes to terrorism all white men are dangerous guess which one liberals thinks is racist ,1,075 075-221,gt african americans are more likely to commit murder per capita than their white counterparts,1,075 075-2747,this lady is literally every county clerk i have ever met ,1,075 075-1190,im a student thats looking and seeeverywhere my wife is a nurse that does s why cant the lab be more like that,1,075 075-4065,gay is a mental disorder leeches suck out the bad blood ect ,1,075 075-2563,blacks are criminal asians are smarter gypsies are dangerous men are trash homosexuals are promiscuous,1,075 075-1150,from wisconsin all exs are in a pyramid scheme and new girl is a nurse can confirm,1,075 075-1744,its and the world still has suicide bombers i know not all muslims are like this but these guys are the stupidest group of humans in the world ,1,075 075-3304,talmudic judaism is a horrible evil religion that is a complete violation of the torah this book explains why anyone who wants to follow the old testament should reject talmudic judaism ,1,075 075-622,your mom is great if im ever a mom i hope i still dance in my kitchen ,1,075 075-231,its a callback to the whole jews are greedy thing shekels were a unit of currency in that part of the world a very long time ago,1,075 075-1358,telling everyone that the jews are evil,1,075 075-921,my sister is an artist shes older than me and she teaches me how to do art like her,1,075 075-2270,mom decided to fast but still cooks around normal time for me am an almost moose but not really mom is kinda islam fluid x d hug your mom ,1,075 075-650,bruh i also thought so my mom is full on korean drama too ,1,075 075-961,jews are illegal immigrants alright ,1,075 110-429,Considering white men have been given all the trophies just for being white amp male ,1,110 075-2602,neither is the cleaning lady is doing her job wrong,1,075 075-2638,i like the one where they are playing hide and seek and whoever is founf first by the cleaning lady is the loser so joe called murr,1,075 075-2698,ha ha women are crazy bisexuals are weird and this joke is super original and not boring at all,1,075 075-992,jews are white when its convenient for the jews themselves fellow white people we should bring in more nonwhite immigrants but then jewish when convenient israel must remain a jewish ethnostate ,1,075 075-799,your nails look beautiful i have the luck that my girlfriend is great at nail art so she does mine ,1,075 075-1452,ah yes the old why did so many people get shot all jewish people are evil trick classic s,1,075 075-2475,nurse moms are amazing sending you love ,1,075 075-493,i am replying to bobqjones who says the reason jews are hated is their greed use the context or parent link ,1,075 075-1592,yeah so its the second least common interracial marriage and thats only because black women are terribly ugly ,1,075 110-632,RT ,1,110 075-4541,those faggot homosexuals are the worst s,1,075 075-2368,i felt this on every single level my mom is constantly sewing the neckline on my dresses for me to make them wearable its so frustrating ,1,075 075-3299,no you did not read the verses slavery christian teaching is evil kiling by direct order of god judaism is evil killing unbelievers islam teaching is evil,1,075 075-8947,theyre not germans european culture is being dismantled while violent islamic culture is praised ,1,075 110-119,RT When people ask me if racism still exists ,1,110 075-2680,just a friendly reminder that not all white republicans are racist or extremist my cleaning lady is black jk,1,075 110-598,RT Dear white media 1 Hate isn t normal 2 It s OK to call Trump a racist 3 Fear can be driven by racism 4 Trump is ,1,110 075-2291,gt the days of sewing racial and social division are over but blacks are 2 x more likely to kill whites than the other way around right upvoted ,1,075 075-2034,and because of people dont get that muslims are called terrorists and murders member of isis are muslims arent,1,075 075-2691,muslims are their own worst enemies nobody makes people hate islam and muslims than the muslims themsleves,1,075 110-185,Pakistan 5 Muslims sentenced to death for murdering Christian couple ,1,110 075-846,good idea cheers mate my girlfriend is into art so ill have to let her know,1,075 110-621,Signal your opposition to racism with a simple safety pin ,1,110 075-9302,i hear that often that abrahamic religions have shit pasts the key word is past islam is still violent today,1,075 075-736,the priest is a pedophile whereas the rabbi wants to rip off the child as all jews are frugal with money ,1,075 075-242,there is a stereotype that jews are greedy and care only about money of course its horribly racist and antisemitic but op specifically asked for dark jokes ,1,075 075-2207,with that being said i can now say say statements that arent true about a group of people all blacks are criminals and all muslims are terrorists ,1,075 110-98, tomford auction 36851 auth TOM FORD black acetate KENNEDY Sunglasses w grey Lenses ,1,110 075-3073,holy shit actual lesbians are some of the cruelest most insecure people on planet earth the irony its causing me physical pain ,1,075 075-1491,i mean its pretty consistent if you actually think all jewish people are evil ,1,075 110-49,RT Overcoming racism through friendship via ,1,110 110-134,RT Boy yall really retarded ,1,110 075-7289,being a lesbian is being confused while your sister is crushing on mako and all you be thinking about are korras back muscles,1,075 110-82,Black Friday and how hip hop tackles mental health fakeheadlinebot learntocode makeatwitterbot javascript,1,110 075-1238,its because all the gays are depressed,1,075 075-1231,youre a nurse happy with your job my wife is a nurse and hates it what do you dowork at maybe i can give her some ideas ,1,075 075-2693,gays are so weird ,1,075 075-3516,i think the flamboyant gay is just a really noticeable stereotype so its just really easy to communicate and think about ,1,075 075-2530,yeah no christians are big bad businessmen its only the jews also jews are inferior but also at the same time significantly more successful and control everything so much cog dis,1,075 075-179,i never heard a stereotype that jews are intelligent just greedy but nice try abram ,1,075 075-3130,no no they can explain that the governmentbig pharmaspace jews are conspiring to keep the truth from people they wont let them do the tests theyll manipulate the data etc etc ,1,075 075-2091,well yeah jews are the devil s,1,075 075-2268,as a gay person too gay people are definitely a sin to society ,1,075 075-1226,only when we stop denying muslims are a greater threat,1,075 075-1329,i guess all black people are criminals all immigrants are illegal all whites people are rich all fat people are lazy generalizing is so much fun ,1,075 075-1951,which show blacks are offenders in of violent crimes in general and of homicides and police shootings are black persons,1,075 110-266,RT Gay youth are up to 4x more likely to attempt suicide compared to their straight peers Unconditional love matters https ,1,110 075-2734,blacks are getting more dangerous by the year just check crime statistics,1,075 075-2334,a home cooked meal from mom is important at the very least its a memory you can cherish when she passes away and is unable to make you more ,1,075 075-2427,i personally think that gay people are a disease on our society lmao liberals cant handle other opinions,1,075 075-1938,lol blacks are violent because they dont grow up with fathers because whites put all the men in jail perpetuating the cycle ,1,075 075-2044,my mom is a ccu nurse the only thing she got is leg pain and headaches ,1,075 075-3511,because all homosexuals are flamboyant lustful and promiscuous s,1,075 075-4729,not all gay is bright colors and weak wrists look at the bear community ,1,075 110-26,RT Start by not taking roles clearly meant for Asian actresses ,1,110 075-2078,yes that is how muslims are volatile murderers and rapists ,1,075 075-2613,all blacks are criminals not literally all blacks of course just the bad ones ,1,075 110-470,RT I m one of them and am most definitely not even close to a racist Never have been ,1,110 075-7251,bisexual is the biggest disease there is idk man i hear cancer is pretty terrible ,1,075 075-9301,islam is an entirely violent and misogynistic religion that is incompatible with all western society and needs to modernize or die ,1,075 110-622, If you lose states who voted for the black guy twice it s not all racism Bernie had big support up there amp she ignored them ,1,110 075-2649,ha my cleaning lady is absolutely fabulous ,1,075 075-4762,homosexuals are weak group of people in our society so its easier to focus on the greedy and the arrogance are their leader and donors,1,075 075-1172,muslims are an existential threat so always weaponize them against the aztecs ,1,075 075-1194,sorry dont misunderstand me orthodox jews are fucking assholes especially in israel theyre the overbearing fire and brimstone evangelicals of judaism ,1,075 075-2647,i dont know gays are fucking weird i should know i happen to be one ,1,075 075-3076,once again my theory is proven gays are so insecure in their own looks you gotta date someone who looks just like you to validate yourself ,1,075 075-4342,i remember muslims in social media praising the orlando shooter so why wouldnt they also praise this muslims are dangerous ,1,075 110-516,Yep I agree That is one of the main problem today and the root causes of populism and racism I give details in ,1,110 075-1313,my wife is a burn nurse these guys keep her in business ,1,075 075-7085,my crime as a bisexual is being an indecisive bitch and making someone else choose,1,075 075-5403,yeah like wtf i mean and then at the end of the day islam is a terrorist religion blah blah dude like wtf,1,075 075-1185,if of muslims are extremists thats million people when last did christian extremists pose a threat to western civilization ,1,075 075-202,love the art style love the colors perfect your wife is really talented ,1,075 075-260,jews are greedy though now youre just being dishonest,1,075 075-984,the situation in palestine is that their historic community is facing a jewish invasion jews are on the front line in facilitating the muslim invasion,1,075 110-188, Baseball MLB Mighty Mac NewYork Mets Boys Blue Black Baseball Jacket Size M Medium 10 ,1,110 075-2002,my mom is a healthlink nurse everyone is working non stop trying to combat the lines but its so backed up they cant keep up,1,075 075-3160,gays are no less sinful than you ,1,075 075-1915,its a a stage deal the maid girl is some girl from the drama cd ,1,075 075-2053,thank you for this blessed image my parents will get a laugh out of this my mom is a nurse while my day is a rt ,1,075 075-9093,you basically said islam is just imperialism violent at that like all imperial powers you are right ,1,075 075-3362,so its a hate crime to show what radical muslims are doing around the world ,1,075 075-3552,your jewish parents are pretty frugal with their genetic material huh,1,075 075-533,i just meant black people are terrible at it ,1,075 075-2214,they worked hard to get out of poverty blacks are content living in the ghetto and the lifestyle,1,075 075-2444,i livekm from there my mom is a maid feel free to ask me anything,1,075 075-1996,thats true blacks are exponentially more violent than asians ,1,075 075-1599,black women are ugly as shit not a loss ,1,075 075-75,cuz jews are credited with being greedy and scamming people like rats,1,075 075-2158,his mom is a nurse practitioner they almost make figures how can they not afford this ,1,075 110-717,RT Racism in america still does exsist and whether youre too ignorant to see it or just plain dumb something has to be d ,1,110 075-972,your aunt is amazing and so is her art,1,075 075-1836,there you go they arent all the same my wife is a waitress that i used to work with for what its worth ,1,075 075-3336,so transgenders are mentally ill and gender is not a social construct ,1,075 075-1996,the jews are of the father of the devil ,1,075 075-1248,my girl is a nurse as well and is the same way i give her time after work to cool down or whatever respect boundaries ,1,075 075-2407,i think mom is cleaning the wrong place,1,075 075-1143,bibi arabs are a threat to israel we need to make our state jewish also bibi hey arabs vote for me ,1,075 075-1181,believe this its like black folks advocating for the klan muslims are a threat to gay communities ,1,075 075-4922,being homosexual is a sin the church should never alter the bible to appease people it isnt the churches job to change the sinners need to change ,1,075 075-1020,gt1 there is no scientific basis to argue that africans are genetically less intelligent than whites theyve got smaller brains ,1,075 075-2412,theres a difference between moral and physical inferiority but plenty of jews are inbred though,1,075