from __future__ import annotations import re from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Literal AspectWordIndices = tuple[int, ...] OpinionWordIndices = tuple[int, ...] Sentiment = Literal["NEG", "NEU", "POS"] Triplet = tuple[AspectWordIndices, OpinionWordIndices, Sentiment] word_pattern = re.compile(r"\S+") @dataclass(frozen=True) class WordSpan: start_index: int end_index: int # this is the letter after the end @dataclass class WordSpans: spans: list[WordSpan] @staticmethod def make(text: str) -> WordSpans: spans = [ WordSpan(start_index=match.start(), end_index=match.end()) for match in word_pattern.finditer(text) ] return WordSpans(spans) def to_indices(self, span: tuple[int, ...]) -> tuple[int, int]: word_start = span[0] word_start_span = self.spans[word_start] word_end = span[-1] word_end_span = self.spans[word_end] return word_start_span.start_index, word_end_span.end_index - 1 @dataclass(frozen=True) class CharacterIndices: aspect_start_index: int aspect_end_index: int aspect_term: str opinion_start_index: int opinion_end_index: int opinion_term: str