{"mariosasko--test_push_to_hub": { "description": "Large Movie Review Dataset.\nThis is a dataset for binary sentiment classification containing substantially more data than previous benchmark datasets. We provide a set of 25,000 highly polar movie reviews for training, and 25,000 for testing. There is additional unlabeled data for use as well.", "citation": "@InProceedings{maas-EtAl:2011:ACL-HLT2011,\n author = {Maas, Andrew L. and Daly, Raymond E. and Pham, Peter T. and Huang, Dan and Ng, Andrew Y. and Potts, Christopher},\n title = {Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis},\n booktitle = {Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies},\n month = {June},\n year = {2011},\n address = {Portland, Oregon, USA},\n publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},\n pages = {142--150},\n url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P11-1015}\n}\n", "homepage": "http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/", "license": "", "features": { "text": { "dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value" }, "label": { "num_classes": 2, "names": [ "neg", "pos" ], "id": null, "_type": "ClassLabel" } }, "post_processed": null, "supervised_keys": null, "task_templates": [ { "task": "text-classification", "text_column": "text", "label_column": "label" } ], "builder_name": "imdb", "config_name": "plain_text", "version": { "version_str": "1.0.0", "description": "", "major": 1, "minor": 0, "patch": 0 }, "splits": { "train": { "name": "train", "num_bytes": 33432835, "num_examples": 25000, "dataset_name": "test_push_to_hub" } }, "download_checksums": null, "download_size": 20905836, "post_processing_size": null, "dataset_size": 33432835, "size_in_bytes": 54338671 }}