Unnamed: 0
SELECT t2.service_name FROM first_notification_of_loss AS t1 JOIN services AS t2 ON t1.service_id = t2.service_id GROUP BY t1.service_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 2
Find the name of services that have been used for more than 2 times in first notification of loss.
CREATE TABLE services (service_name VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (service_id VARCHAR)
Encontre o nome dos serviços que foram usados por mais de 2 vezes na primeira notificação de perda.
SELECT t1.Effective_Date FROM claims AS t1 JOIN settlements AS t2 ON t1.claim_id = t2.claim_id GROUP BY t1.claim_id ORDER BY SUM(t2.settlement_amount) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the effective date of the claim that has the largest amount of total settlement?
CREATE TABLE settlements (claim_id VARCHAR, settlement_amount INTEGER); CREATE TABLE claims (Effective_Date VARCHAR, claim_id VARCHAR)
Qual é a data efetiva da reivindicação que tem a maior quantidade de liquidação total?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.customer_name = "Dayana Robel"
How many policies are listed for the customer named "Dayana Robel"?
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR)
Quantas políticas estão listadas para o cliente chamado "Dayana Robel"?
SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t1.customer_name ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the name of the customer who has the most policies listed?
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR)
Qual é o nome do cliente que tem mais políticas listadas?
SELECT DISTINCT t3.policy_type_code FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN available_policies AS t3 ON t2.policy_id = t3.policy_id WHERE t1.customer_name = "Dayana Robel"
What are all the policy types of the customer named "Dayana Robel"?
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE available_policies (policy_type_code VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR)
Quais são todos os tipos de políticas do cliente chamado "Dayana Robel"?
SELECT DISTINCT t3.policy_type_code FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN available_policies AS t3 ON t2.policy_id = t3.policy_id WHERE t1.customer_name = (SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t1.customer_name ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1)
What are all the policy types of the customer that has the most policies listed?
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE available_policies (policy_type_code VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR)
Quais são todos os tipos de políticas do cliente que tem mais políticas listadas?
SELECT service_name FROM services ORDER BY service_name
List all the services in the alphabetical order.
CREATE TABLE services (service_name VARCHAR)
Liste todos os serviços na ordem alfabética.
How many services are there?
Quantos serviços existem?
SELECT customer_name FROM customers EXCEPT SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id
Find the names of users who do not have a first notification of loss record.
CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR)
Encontre os nomes dos usuários que não têm uma primeira notificação de registro de perda.
SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN services AS t3 ON t2.service_id = t3.service_id WHERE t3.service_name = "Close a policy" OR t3.service_name = "Upgrade a policy"
Find the names of customers who have used either the service "Close a policy" or the service "Upgrade a policy".
CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (customer_id VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE services (service_id VARCHAR, service_name VARCHAR)
Encontre os nomes dos clientes que usaram o serviço "Fechar uma política" ou o serviço "Atualizar uma política".
SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN services AS t3 ON t2.service_id = t3.service_id WHERE t3.service_name = "Close a policy" INTERSECT SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN services AS t3 ON t2.service_id = t3.service_id WHERE t3.service_name = "New policy application"
Find the names of customers who have used both the service "Close a policy" and the service "New policy application".
CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (customer_id VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE services (service_id VARCHAR, service_name VARCHAR)
Encontre os nomes dos clientes que usaram o serviço "Fechar uma política" e o serviço "Aplicação de nova política".
SELECT customer_id FROM customers WHERE customer_name LIKE "%Diana%"
Find the IDs of customers whose name contains "Diana".
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR)
Encontre os IDs dos clientes cujo nome contenha "Diana".
SELECT MAX(settlement_amount), MIN(settlement_amount) FROM settlements
What are the maximum and minimum settlement amount on record?
CREATE TABLE settlements (settlement_amount INTEGER)
Qual é o valor máximo e mínimo de liquidação registrado?
SELECT customer_id, customer_name FROM customers ORDER BY customer_id
List all the customers in increasing order of IDs.
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR)
Liste todos os clientes em ordem crescente de IDs.
SELECT t2.date_opened, t2.date_closed FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.customer_name LIKE "%Diana%"
Retrieve the open and close dates of all the policies associated with the customer whose name contains "Diana"
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (date_opened VARCHAR, date_closed VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR)
Recuperar as datas de abertura e fechamento de todas as políticas associadas ao cliente cujo nome contém "Diana"
How many kinds of enzymes are there?
Quantos tipos de enzimas existem?
SELECT name FROM enzyme ORDER BY name DESC
List the name of enzymes in descending lexicographical order.
Liste o nome das enzimas em ordem lexicográfica descendente.
List the names and the locations that the enzymes can make an effect.
Listar os nomes e os locais que as enzimas podem fazer um efeito.
What is the maximum Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) value of the enzymes?
Qual é o valor máximo de Herança Mendeliana Online no Homem (OMIM) das enzimas?
SELECT product, chromosome, porphyria FROM enzyme WHERE LOCATION = 'Cytosol'
What is the product, chromosome and porphyria related to the enzymes which take effect at the location 'Cytosol'?
CREATE TABLE enzyme (product VARCHAR, chromosome VARCHAR, porphyria VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR)
Qual é o produto, cromossoma e porfiria relacionados com as enzimas que entram em vigor no local 'Cytosol'?
SELECT name FROM enzyme WHERE product <> 'Heme'
What are the names of enzymes who does not produce 'Heme'?
CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR, product VARCHAR)
Quais são os nomes das enzimas que não produzem “Heme”?
SELECT name, trade_name FROM medicine WHERE FDA_approved = 'Yes'
What are the names and trade names of the medicines which has 'Yes' value in the FDA record?
CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR, FDA_approved VARCHAR)
Quais são os nomes e nomes comerciais dos medicamentos que tem valor "Sim" no registro da FDA?
SELECT T1.name FROM enzyme AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.enzyme_id JOIN medicine AS T3 ON T2.medicine_id = T3.id WHERE T3.name = 'Amisulpride' AND T2.interaction_type = 'inhibitor'
What are the names of enzymes in the medicine named 'Amisulpride' that can serve as an 'inhibitor'?
CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (enzyme_id VARCHAR, medicine_id VARCHAR, interaction_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR)
Quais são os nomes das enzimas no medicamento chamado 'Amisulpride' que pode servir como um 'inibidor'?
SELECT T1.id, T1.Name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id GROUP BY T1.id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2
What are the ids and names of the medicine that can interact with two or more enzymes?
CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR)
Quais são os IDs e nomes do medicamento que podem interagir com duas ou mais enzimas?
SELECT T1.id, T1.Name, T1.FDA_approved FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id GROUP BY T1.id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC
What are the ids, names and FDA approval status of medicines in descending order of the number of enzymes that it can interact with.
CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR, FDA_approved VARCHAR)
Quais são os IDs, nomes e status de aprovação da FDA dos medicamentos em ordem decrescente do número de enzimas com as quais ele pode interagir.
SELECT T1.id, T1.name FROM enzyme AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.enzyme_id WHERE T2.interaction_type = 'activitor' GROUP BY T1.id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the id and name of the enzyme with most number of medicines that can interact as 'activator'?
CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (enzyme_id VARCHAR, interaction_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
Qual é o id e o nome da enzima com o maior número de medicamentos que podem interagir como "ativador"?
SELECT T1.interaction_type FROM medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T1 JOIN medicine AS T2 ON T1.medicine_id = T2.id JOIN enzyme AS T3 ON T1.enzyme_id = T3.id WHERE T3.name = 'ALA synthase' AND T2.name = 'Aripiprazole'
What is the interaction type of the enzyme named 'ALA synthase' and the medicine named 'Aripiprazole'?
CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (interaction_type VARCHAR, medicine_id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR)
Qual é o tipo de interação da enzima chamada 'ALA sintase' e o medicamento chamado 'Aripiprazol'?
SELECT interaction_type, COUNT(*) FROM medicine_enzyme_interaction GROUP BY interaction_type ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1
What is the most common interaction type between enzymes and medicine? And how many are there?
CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (interaction_type VARCHAR)
Qual é o tipo de interação mais comum entre enzimas e medicamentos? E quantos existem?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM medicine WHERE FDA_approved = 'No'
How many medicines have the FDA approval status 'No' ?
CREATE TABLE medicine (FDA_approved VARCHAR)
Quantos medicamentos têm o status de aprovação da FDA "Não"?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM enzyme WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT enzyme_id FROM medicine_enzyme_interaction)
How many enzymes do not have any interactions?
CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR)
Quantas enzimas não têm nenhuma interação?
SELECT T1.id, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id GROUP BY T1.id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3
What is the id and trade name of the medicines can interact with at least 3 enzymes?
CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR)
Qual é o id e o nome comercial dos medicamentos podem interagir com pelo menos 3 enzimas?
SELECT DISTINCT T1.name, T1.location, T1.product FROM enzyme AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.enzyme_id = T1.id WHERE T2.interaction_type = 'inhibitor'
What are the distinct name, location and products of the enzymes which has any 'inhibitor' interaction?
CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, product VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (enzyme_id VARCHAR, interaction_type VARCHAR)
Quais são o nome distinto, localização e produtos das enzimas que tem qualquer interação "inibidor"?
SELECT T1.name, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id WHERE interaction_type = 'inhibitor' INTERSECT SELECT T1.name, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id WHERE interaction_type = 'activitor'
List the medicine name and trade name which can both interact as 'inhibitor' and 'activitor' with enzymes.
CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR)
Liste o nome do medicamento e o nome comercial que podem interagir como "inibidor" e "ativador" com enzimas.
SELECT name, trade_name FROM medicine EXCEPT SELECT T1.name, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id JOIN enzyme AS T3 ON T3.id = T2.enzyme_id WHERE T3.product = 'Protoporphyrinogen IX'
Show the medicine names and trade names that cannot interact with the enzyme with product 'Heme'.
CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, product VARCHAR)
Mostre os nomes dos medicamentos e nomes comerciais que não podem interagir com a enzima com o produto 'Heme'.
How many distinct FDA approval statuses are there for the medicines?
CREATE TABLE medicine (FDA_approved VARCHAR)
Quantos estados de aprovação distintos da FDA existem para os medicamentos?
SELECT name FROM enzyme WHERE name LIKE "%ALA%"
Which enzyme names have the substring "ALA"?
Quais nomes de enzimas têm a substring "ALA"?
SELECT trade_name, COUNT(*) FROM medicine GROUP BY trade_name
find the number of medicines offered by each trade.
CREATE TABLE medicine (trade_name VARCHAR)
encontrar o número de medicamentos oferecidos por cada comércio.
SELECT school, nickname FROM university ORDER BY founded
List all schools and their nicknames in the order of founded year.
CREATE TABLE university (school VARCHAR, nickname VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR)
Liste todas as escolas e seus apelidos na ordem do ano fundado.
SELECT school, LOCATION FROM university WHERE affiliation = 'Public'
List all public schools and their locations.
Liste todas as escolas públicas e seus locais.
SELECT founded FROM university ORDER BY enrollment DESC LIMIT 1
When was the school with the largest enrollment founded?
CREATE TABLE university (founded VARCHAR, enrollment VARCHAR)
Quando foi fundada a escola com o maior número de matrículas?
SELECT founded FROM university WHERE affiliation <> 'Public' ORDER BY founded DESC LIMIT 1
Find the founded year of the newest non public school.
CREATE TABLE university (founded VARCHAR, affiliation VARCHAR)
Encontre o ano de fundação da mais nova escola não pública.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT school_id) FROM basketball_match
How many schools are in the basketball match?
CREATE TABLE basketball_match (school_id VARCHAR)
Quantas escolas estão no jogo de basquete?
SELECT acc_percent FROM basketball_match ORDER BY acc_percent DESC LIMIT 1
What is the highest acc percent score in the competition?
CREATE TABLE basketball_match (acc_percent VARCHAR)
Qual é a maior pontuação percentual de acc na competição?
SELECT t1.Primary_conference FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id ORDER BY t2.acc_percent LIMIT 1
What is the primary conference of the school that has the lowest acc percent score in the competition?
CREATE TABLE basketball_match (school_id VARCHAR, acc_percent VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE university (Primary_conference VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR)
Qual é a conferência primária da escola que tem a menor pontuação percentual de acc na competição?
SELECT t2.team_name, t2.ACC_Regular_Season FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id ORDER BY t1.founded LIMIT 1
What is the team name and acc regular season score of the school that was founded for the longest time?
CREATE TABLE university (school_id VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE basketball_match (team_name VARCHAR, ACC_Regular_Season VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR)
Qual é o nome da equipe e a pontuação da temporada regular da escola que foi fundada por mais tempo?
SELECT t2.All_Games, t1.location FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id WHERE team_name = 'Clemson'
Find the location and all games score of the school that has Clemson as its team name.
CREATE TABLE basketball_match (All_Games VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE university (location VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR)
Encontre a localização e a pontuação de todos os jogos da escola que tem Clemson como seu nome de equipe.
SELECT AVG(enrollment) FROM university WHERE founded < 1850
What are the average enrollment size of the universities that are founded before 1850?
CREATE TABLE university (enrollment INTEGER, founded INTEGER)
Qual é o tamanho médio das matrículas das universidades que são fundadas antes de 1850?
SELECT enrollment, primary_conference FROM university ORDER BY founded LIMIT 1
Show the enrollment and primary_conference of the oldest college.
CREATE TABLE university (enrollment VARCHAR, primary_conference VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR)
Mostre a inscrição e a conferência primária da faculdade mais antiga.
SELECT SUM(enrollment), MIN(enrollment) FROM university
What is the total and minimum enrollment of all schools?
CREATE TABLE university (enrollment INTEGER)
Qual é a matrícula total e mínima de todas as escolas?
SELECT SUM(enrollment), affiliation FROM university GROUP BY affiliation
Find the total student enrollment for different affiliation type schools.
CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR, enrollment INTEGER)
Encontre o total de matrículas de estudantes para diferentes escolas de tipo de afiliação.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM university WHERE NOT school_id IN (SELECT school_id FROM basketball_match)
How many schools do not participate in the basketball match?
CREATE TABLE university (school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE basketball_match (school_id VARCHAR)
Quantas escolas não participam do jogo de basquete?
SELECT school FROM university WHERE founded > 1850 OR affiliation = 'Public'
Find the schools that were either founded after 1850 or public.
CREATE TABLE university (school VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR, affiliation VARCHAR)
Encontre as escolas que foram fundadas depois de 1850 ou públicas.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT affiliation) FROM university
Find how many different affiliation types there are.
CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR)
Descubra quantos tipos diferentes de afiliação existem.
Find how many school locations have the word 'NY'.
Descubra quantos locais da escola têm a palavra 'NY'.
SELECT t2.team_name FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id WHERE enrollment < (SELECT AVG(enrollment) FROM university)
Find the team names of the universities whose enrollments are smaller than the average enrollment size.
CREATE TABLE university (school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE basketball_match (team_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE university (enrollment INTEGER)
Encontre os nomes das equipes das universidades cujas matrículas são menores do que o tamanho médio das matrículas.
SELECT COUNT(*), affiliation FROM university WHERE enrollment > 20000 GROUP BY affiliation
Find the number of universities that have over a 20000 enrollment size for each affiliation type.
CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR, enrollment INTEGER)
Encontre o número de universidades que têm mais de um tamanho de inscrição 20000 para cada tipo de afiliação.
SELECT SUM(Enrollment), affiliation FROM university WHERE founded > 1850 GROUP BY affiliation
Find the total number of students enrolled in the colleges that were founded after the year of 1850 for each affiliation type.
CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR, Enrollment INTEGER, founded INTEGER)
Encontre o número total de alunos matriculados nas faculdades que foram fundadas após o ano de 1850 para cada tipo de afiliação.
SELECT MAX(Enrollment) FROM university
What is the maximum enrollment across all schools?
CREATE TABLE university (Enrollment INTEGER)
Qual é a matrícula máxima em todas as escolas?
SELECT * FROM basketball_match
List all information regarding the basketball match.
CREATE TABLE basketball_match (Id VARCHAR)
Listar todas as informações sobre o jogo de basquete.
SELECT team_name FROM basketball_match ORDER BY All_Home DESC
List names of all teams in the basketball competition, ordered by all home scores in descending order.
CREATE TABLE basketball_match (team_name VARCHAR, All_Home VARCHAR)
Listar nomes de todas as equipes na competição de basquete, ordenados por todas as pontuações da casa em ordem decrescente.
SELECT Model_name FROM chip_model WHERE Launch_year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2004
the names of models that launched between 2002 and 2004.
CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, Launch_year INTEGER)
os nomes dos modelos que foram lançados entre 2002 e 2004.
SELECT Model_name, RAM_MiB FROM chip_model ORDER BY RAM_MiB LIMIT 1
Which model has the least amount of RAM? List the model name and the amount of RAM.
Qual modelo tem a menor quantidade de RAM? Liste o nome do modelo e a quantidade de RAM.
SELECT chip_model, screen_mode FROM phone WHERE Hardware_Model_name = "LG-P760"
What are the chip model and screen mode of the phone with hardware model name "LG-P760"?
CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR, Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR)
Quais são o modelo de chip e o modo de tela do telefone com o nome do modelo de hardware "LG-P760"?
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phone WHERE Company_name = "Nokia Corporation"
How many phone hardware models are produced by the company named "Nokia Corporation"?
CREATE TABLE phone (Company_name VARCHAR)
Quantos modelos de hardware de telefone são produzidos pela empresa chamada "Nokia Corporation"?
SELECT MAX(T1.RAM_MiB), MIN(T1.RAM_MiB) FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation"
What is maximum and minimum RAM size of phone produced by company named "Nokia Corporation"?
CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE chip_model (RAM_MiB INTEGER, Model_name VARCHAR)
Qual é o tamanho máximo e mínimo de RAM do telefone produzido pela empresa chamada "Nokia Corporation"?
SELECT AVG(T1.ROM_MiB) FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation"
What is the average ROM size of phones produced by the company named "Nokia Corporation"?
CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE chip_model (ROM_MiB INTEGER, Model_name VARCHAR)
Qual é o tamanho médio da ROM de telefones produzidos pela empresa chamada "Nokia Corporation"?
SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name, T2.Company_name FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T1.Launch_year = 2002 OR T1.RAM_MiB > 32
List the hardware model name and company name for all the phones that were launched in year 2002 or have RAM size greater than 32.
CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, Launch_year VARCHAR, RAM_MiB VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR)
Liste o nome do modelo de hardware e o nome da empresa para todos os telefones que foram lançados no ano de 2002 ou têm tamanho de RAM maior que 32.
SELECT Hardware_Model_name, Company_name FROM phone WHERE Accreditation_type LIKE 'Full'
Find all phones that have word 'Full' in their accreditation types. List the Hardware Model name and Company name.
CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR)
Encontre todos os telefones que tenham a palavra 'Full' em seus tipos de credenciamento. Liste o nome do Modelo de Hardware e o nome da Empresa.
SELECT T1.Char_cells, T1.Pixels, T1.Hardware_colours FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T2.Hardware_Model_name = "LG-P760"
Find the Char cells, Pixels and Hardware colours for the screen of the phone whose hardware model name is "LG-P760".
CREATE TABLE phone (screen_mode VARCHAR, Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Char_cells VARCHAR, Pixels VARCHAR, Hardware_colours VARCHAR, Graphics_mode VARCHAR)
Encontre as cores Char cells, Pixels e Hardware para a tela do telefone cujo nome do modelo de hardware é "LG-P760".
SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name, T2.Company_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T1.Type = "Graphics"
List the hardware model name and company name for the phone whose screen mode type is "Graphics."
CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR)
Liste o nome do modelo de hardware e o nome da empresa para o telefone cujo tipo de modo de tela é "Gráficos".
SELECT Company_name, COUNT(*) FROM phone GROUP BY Company_name ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1
Find the name of the company that has the least number of phone models. List the company name and the number of phone model produced by that company.
CREATE TABLE phone (Company_name VARCHAR)
Encontre o nome da empresa que tem o menor número de modelos de telefone. Liste o nome da empresa e o número de modelos de telefone produzidos por essa empresa.
SELECT Company_name FROM phone GROUP BY Company_name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
List the name of the company that produced more than one phone model.
CREATE TABLE phone (Company_name VARCHAR)
Liste o nome da empresa que produziu mais de um modelo de telefone.
SELECT MAX(used_kb), MIN(used_kb), AVG(used_kb) FROM screen_mode
List the maximum, minimum and average number of used kb in screen mode.
CREATE TABLE screen_mode (used_kb INTEGER)
Liste o número máximo, mínimo e médio de kb usados no modo de tela.
SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T1.Launch_year = 2002 ORDER BY T1.RAM_MiB DESC LIMIT 1
List the name of the phone model launched in year 2002 and with the highest RAM size.
CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, Launch_year VARCHAR, RAM_MiB VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR)
Liste o nome do modelo de telefone lançado no ano de 2002 e com o maior tamanho de RAM.
SELECT T1.WiFi, T3.Type FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model JOIN screen_mode AS T3 ON T2.screen_mode = T3.Graphics_mode WHERE T2.Hardware_Model_name = "LG-P760"
What are the wifi and screen mode type of the hardware model named "LG-P760"?
CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR, Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE chip_model (WiFi VARCHAR, Model_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Type VARCHAR, Graphics_mode VARCHAR)
Quais são o tipo de wifi e modo de tela do modelo de hardware chamado "LG-P760"?
SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model JOIN screen_mode AS T3 ON T2.screen_mode = T3.Graphics_mode WHERE T3.Type = "Text" OR T1.RAM_MiB > 32
List the hardware model name for the phones that have screen mode type "Text" or RAM size greater than 32.
CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, RAM_MiB VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR)
Liste o nome do modelo de hardware para os telefones que têm o tipo de modo de tela "Texto" ou tamanho de RAM maior que 32.
SELECT DISTINCT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T1.Type = "Graphics" OR t2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation"
List the hardware model name for the phones that were produced by "Nokia Corporation" or whose screen mode type is "Graphics."
CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR)
Liste o nome do modelo de hardware para os telefones que foram produzidos pela "Nokia Corporation" ou cujo tipo de modo de tela é "Graphics".
SELECT DISTINCT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE t2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation" AND T1.Type <> "Text"
List the hardware model name for the phons that were produced by "Nokia Corporation" but whose screen mode type is not Text.
CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR)
Liste o nome do modelo de hardware para os fones que foram produzidos pela "Nokia Corporation", mas cujo tipo de modo de tela não é Texto.
SELECT DISTINCT T2.Hardware_Model_name, T2.Company_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T1.used_kb BETWEEN 10 AND 15
List the phone hardware model and company name for the phones whose screen usage in kb is between 10 and 15.
CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, used_kb INTEGER)
Liste o modelo de hardware do telefone e o nome da empresa para os telefones cujo uso da tela no kb está entre 10 e 15.
SELECT Accreditation_type, COUNT(*) FROM phone GROUP BY Accreditation_type
Find the number of phones for each accreditation type.
CREATE TABLE phone (Accreditation_type VARCHAR)
Encontre o número de telefones para cada tipo de credenciamento.
SELECT Accreditation_level FROM phone GROUP BY Accreditation_level HAVING COUNT(*) > 3
Find the accreditation level that more than 3 phones use.
CREATE TABLE phone (Accreditation_level VARCHAR)
Encontre o nível de acreditação que mais de 3 telefones usam.
SELECT * FROM chip_model
Find the details for all chip models.
Encontre os detalhes para todos os modelos de chips.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chip_model WHERE wifi = 'No'
How many models do not have the wifi function?
CREATE TABLE chip_model (wifi VARCHAR)
Quantos modelos não têm a função wifi?
SELECT model_name FROM chip_model ORDER BY launch_year
List all the model names sorted by their launch year.
CREATE TABLE chip_model (model_name VARCHAR, launch_year VARCHAR)
Liste todos os nomes dos modelos classificados por seu ano de lançamento.
SELECT AVG(RAM_MiB) FROM chip_model WHERE NOT model_name IN (SELECT chip_model FROM phone)
Find the average ram mib size of the chip models that are never used by any phone.
CREATE TABLE chip_model (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR)
Encontre o tamanho médio do ram mib dos modelos de chips que nunca são usados por nenhum telefone.
SELECT model_name FROM chip_model EXCEPT SELECT chip_model FROM phone WHERE Accreditation_type = 'Full'
Find the names of the chip models that are not used by any phone with full accreditation type.
CREATE TABLE chip_model (model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR)
Encontre os nomes dos modelos de chip que não são usados por nenhum telefone com tipo de credenciamento completo.
SELECT t1.pixels FROM screen_mode AS t1 JOIN phone AS t2 ON t1.Graphics_mode = t2.screen_mode WHERE t2.Accreditation_type = 'Provisional' INTERSECT SELECT t1.pixels FROM screen_mode AS t1 JOIN phone AS t2 ON t1.Graphics_mode = t2.screen_mode WHERE t2.Accreditation_type = 'Full'
Find the pixels of the screen modes that are used by both phones with full accreditation types and phones with Provisional accreditation types.
CREATE TABLE phone (screen_mode VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (pixels VARCHAR, Graphics_mode VARCHAR)
Encontre os pixels dos modos de tela que são usados por ambos os telefones com tipos de credenciamento completo e telefones com tipos de credenciamento provisório.
How many countries are there in total?
Quantos países existem no total?
SELECT Country_name, Capital FROM country
Show the country name and capital of all countries.
CREATE TABLE country (Country_name VARCHAR, Capital VARCHAR)
Mostre o nome do país e a capital de todos os países.
SELECT Official_native_language FROM country WHERE Official_native_language LIKE "%English%"
Show all official native languages that contain the word "English".
CREATE TABLE country (Official_native_language VARCHAR)
Mostrar todas as línguas nativas oficiais que contêm a palavra "Inglês".
Show all distinct positions of matches.
Mostre todas as posições distintas dos jogos.
SELECT Player FROM match_season WHERE College = "UCLA"
Show the players from college UCLA.
CREATE TABLE match_season (Player VARCHAR, College VARCHAR)
Mostre aos jogadores da UCLA.
SELECT DISTINCT POSITION FROM match_season WHERE College = "UCLA" OR College = "Duke"
Show the distinct position of players from college UCLA or Duke.
Mostre a posição distinta dos jogadores da UCLA ou Duke.
SELECT Draft_Pick_Number, Draft_Class FROM match_season WHERE POSITION = "Defender"
Show the draft pick numbers and draft classes of players whose positions are defenders.
CREATE TABLE match_season (Draft_Pick_Number VARCHAR, Draft_Class VARCHAR, POSITION VARCHAR)
Mostre os números de seleção do draft e classes de draft de jogadores cujas posições são defensores.
How many distinct teams are involved in match seasons?
CREATE TABLE match_season (Team VARCHAR)
Quantas equipes diferentes estão envolvidas nas temporadas de jogos?
SELECT Player, Years_Played FROM player
Show the players and the years played.
CREATE TABLE player (Player VARCHAR, Years_Played VARCHAR)
Mostre aos jogadores e aos anos jogados.
Show all team names.
Mostre todos os nomes da equipe.
SELECT T2.Season, T2.Player, T1.Country_name FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country
Show the season, the player, and the name of the country that player belongs to.
CREATE TABLE match_season (Season VARCHAR, Player VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE country (Country_name VARCHAR, Country_id VARCHAR)
Mostre a temporada, o jogador e o nome do país ao qual o jogador pertence.
SELECT T2.Player FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T1.Country_name = "Indonesia"
Which players are from Indonesia?
CREATE TABLE country (Country_id VARCHAR, Country_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Player VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR)
Quais jogadores são da Indonésia?
SELECT DISTINCT T2.Position FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T1.Capital = "Dublin"
What are the distinct positions of the players from a country whose capital is Dublin?
CREATE TABLE country (Country_id VARCHAR, Capital VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Position VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR)
Quais são as posições distintas dos jogadores de um país cuja capital é Dublin?