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500 | SELECT t2.service_name FROM first_notification_of_loss AS t1 JOIN services AS t2 ON t1.service_id = t2.service_id GROUP BY t1.service_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 2 | Find the name of services that have been used for more than 2 times in first notification of loss. | CREATE TABLE services (service_name VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (service_id VARCHAR) | Encontre o nome dos serviços que foram usados por mais de 2 vezes na primeira notificação de perda. |
501 | SELECT t1.Effective_Date FROM claims AS t1 JOIN settlements AS t2 ON t1.claim_id = t2.claim_id GROUP BY t1.claim_id ORDER BY SUM(t2.settlement_amount) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the effective date of the claim that has the largest amount of total settlement? | CREATE TABLE settlements (claim_id VARCHAR, settlement_amount INTEGER); CREATE TABLE claims (Effective_Date VARCHAR, claim_id VARCHAR) | Qual é a data efetiva da reivindicação que tem a maior quantidade de liquidação total? |
502 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.customer_name = "Dayana Robel" | How many policies are listed for the customer named "Dayana Robel"? | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR) | Quantas políticas estão listadas para o cliente chamado "Dayana Robel"? |
503 | SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t1.customer_name ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the name of the customer who has the most policies listed? | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome do cliente que tem mais políticas listadas? |
504 | SELECT DISTINCT t3.policy_type_code FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN available_policies AS t3 ON t2.policy_id = t3.policy_id WHERE t1.customer_name = "Dayana Robel" | What are all the policy types of the customer named "Dayana Robel"? | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE available_policies (policy_type_code VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR) | Quais são todos os tipos de políticas do cliente chamado "Dayana Robel"? |
505 | SELECT DISTINCT t3.policy_type_code FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN available_policies AS t3 ON t2.policy_id = t3.policy_id WHERE t1.customer_name = (SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id GROUP BY t1.customer_name ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1) | What are all the policy types of the customer that has the most policies listed? | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE available_policies (policy_type_code VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (customer_id VARCHAR, policy_id VARCHAR) | Quais são todos os tipos de políticas do cliente que tem mais políticas listadas? |
506 | SELECT service_name FROM services ORDER BY service_name | List all the services in the alphabetical order. | CREATE TABLE services (service_name VARCHAR) | Liste todos os serviços na ordem alfabética. |
507 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM services | How many services are there? | CREATE TABLE services (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos serviços existem? |
508 | SELECT customer_name FROM customers EXCEPT SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id | Find the names of users who do not have a first notification of loss record. | CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR) | Encontre os nomes dos usuários que não têm uma primeira notificação de registro de perda. |
509 | SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN services AS t3 ON t2.service_id = t3.service_id WHERE t3.service_name = "Close a policy" OR t3.service_name = "Upgrade a policy" | Find the names of customers who have used either the service "Close a policy" or the service "Upgrade a policy". | CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (customer_id VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE services (service_id VARCHAR, service_name VARCHAR) | Encontre os nomes dos clientes que usaram o serviço "Fechar uma política" ou o serviço "Atualizar uma política". |
510 | SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN services AS t3 ON t2.service_id = t3.service_id WHERE t3.service_name = "Close a policy" INTERSECT SELECT t1.customer_name FROM customers AS t1 JOIN first_notification_of_loss AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id JOIN services AS t3 ON t2.service_id = t3.service_id WHERE t3.service_name = "New policy application" | Find the names of customers who have used both the service "Close a policy" and the service "New policy application". | CREATE TABLE first_notification_of_loss (customer_id VARCHAR, service_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers (customer_name VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE services (service_id VARCHAR, service_name VARCHAR) | Encontre os nomes dos clientes que usaram o serviço "Fechar uma política" e o serviço "Aplicação de nova política". |
511 | SELECT customer_id FROM customers WHERE customer_name LIKE "%Diana%" | Find the IDs of customers whose name contains "Diana". | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR) | Encontre os IDs dos clientes cujo nome contenha "Diana". |
512 | SELECT MAX(settlement_amount), MIN(settlement_amount) FROM settlements | What are the maximum and minimum settlement amount on record? | CREATE TABLE settlements (settlement_amount INTEGER) | Qual é o valor máximo e mínimo de liquidação registrado? |
513 | SELECT customer_id, customer_name FROM customers ORDER BY customer_id | List all the customers in increasing order of IDs. | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR) | Liste todos os clientes em ordem crescente de IDs. |
514 | SELECT t2.date_opened, t2.date_closed FROM customers AS t1 JOIN customers_policies AS t2 ON t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id WHERE t1.customer_name LIKE "%Diana%" | Retrieve the open and close dates of all the policies associated with the customer whose name contains "Diana" | CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR, customer_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE customers_policies (date_opened VARCHAR, date_closed VARCHAR, customer_id VARCHAR) | Recuperar as datas de abertura e fechamento de todas as políticas associadas ao cliente cujo nome contém "Diana" |
515 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM enzyme | How many kinds of enzymes are there? | CREATE TABLE enzyme (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos tipos de enzimas existem? |
516 | SELECT name FROM enzyme ORDER BY name DESC | List the name of enzymes in descending lexicographical order. | CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR) | Liste o nome das enzimas em ordem lexicográfica descendente. |
517 | SELECT name, LOCATION FROM enzyme | List the names and the locations that the enzymes can make an effect. | CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR) | Listar os nomes e os locais que as enzimas podem fazer um efeito. |
518 | SELECT MAX(OMIM) FROM enzyme | What is the maximum Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) value of the enzymes? | CREATE TABLE enzyme (OMIM INTEGER) | Qual é o valor máximo de Herança Mendeliana Online no Homem (OMIM) das enzimas? |
519 | SELECT product, chromosome, porphyria FROM enzyme WHERE LOCATION = 'Cytosol' | What is the product, chromosome and porphyria related to the enzymes which take effect at the location 'Cytosol'? | CREATE TABLE enzyme (product VARCHAR, chromosome VARCHAR, porphyria VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR) | Qual é o produto, cromossoma e porfiria relacionados com as enzimas que entram em vigor no local 'Cytosol'? |
520 | SELECT name FROM enzyme WHERE product <> 'Heme' | What are the names of enzymes who does not produce 'Heme'? | CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR, product VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes das enzimas que não produzem “Heme”? |
521 | SELECT name, trade_name FROM medicine WHERE FDA_approved = 'Yes' | What are the names and trade names of the medicines which has 'Yes' value in the FDA record? | CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR, FDA_approved VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes e nomes comerciais dos medicamentos que tem valor "Sim" no registro da FDA? |
522 | SELECT T1.name FROM enzyme AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.enzyme_id JOIN medicine AS T3 ON T2.medicine_id = T3.id WHERE T3.name = 'Amisulpride' AND T2.interaction_type = 'inhibitor' | What are the names of enzymes in the medicine named 'Amisulpride' that can serve as an 'inhibitor'? | CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (enzyme_id VARCHAR, medicine_id VARCHAR, interaction_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR) | Quais são os nomes das enzimas no medicamento chamado 'Amisulpride' que pode servir como um 'inibidor'? |
523 | SELECT T1.id, T1.Name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id GROUP BY T1.id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 | What are the ids and names of the medicine that can interact with two or more enzymes? | CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR) | Quais são os IDs e nomes do medicamento que podem interagir com duas ou mais enzimas? |
524 | SELECT T1.id, T1.Name, T1.FDA_approved FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id GROUP BY T1.id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC | What are the ids, names and FDA approval status of medicines in descending order of the number of enzymes that it can interact with. | CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, Name VARCHAR, FDA_approved VARCHAR) | Quais são os IDs, nomes e status de aprovação da FDA dos medicamentos em ordem decrescente do número de enzimas com as quais ele pode interagir. |
525 | SELECT T1.id, T1.name FROM enzyme AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.enzyme_id WHERE T2.interaction_type = 'activitor' GROUP BY T1.id ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the id and name of the enzyme with most number of medicines that can interact as 'activator'? | CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (enzyme_id VARCHAR, interaction_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) | Qual é o id e o nome da enzima com o maior número de medicamentos que podem interagir como "ativador"? |
526 | SELECT T1.interaction_type FROM medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T1 JOIN medicine AS T2 ON T1.medicine_id = T2.id JOIN enzyme AS T3 ON T1.enzyme_id = T3.id WHERE T3.name = 'ALA synthase' AND T2.name = 'Aripiprazole' | What is the interaction type of the enzyme named 'ALA synthase' and the medicine named 'Aripiprazole'? | CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (interaction_type VARCHAR, medicine_id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o tipo de interação da enzima chamada 'ALA sintase' e o medicamento chamado 'Aripiprazol'? |
527 | SELECT interaction_type, COUNT(*) FROM medicine_enzyme_interaction GROUP BY interaction_type ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the most common interaction type between enzymes and medicine? And how many are there? | CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (interaction_type VARCHAR) | Qual é o tipo de interação mais comum entre enzimas e medicamentos? E quantos existem? |
528 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM medicine WHERE FDA_approved = 'No' | How many medicines have the FDA approval status 'No' ? | CREATE TABLE medicine (FDA_approved VARCHAR) | Quantos medicamentos têm o status de aprovação da FDA "Não"? |
529 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM enzyme WHERE NOT id IN (SELECT enzyme_id FROM medicine_enzyme_interaction) | How many enzymes do not have any interactions? | CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR) | Quantas enzimas não têm nenhuma interação? |
530 | SELECT T1.id, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id GROUP BY T1.id HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3 | What is the id and trade name of the medicines can interact with at least 3 enzymes? | CREATE TABLE medicine (id VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o id e o nome comercial dos medicamentos podem interagir com pelo menos 3 enzimas? |
531 | SELECT DISTINCT T1.name, T1.location, T1.product FROM enzyme AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.enzyme_id = T1.id WHERE T2.interaction_type = 'inhibitor' | What are the distinct name, location and products of the enzymes which has any 'inhibitor' interaction? | CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, product VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (enzyme_id VARCHAR, interaction_type VARCHAR) | Quais são o nome distinto, localização e produtos das enzimas que tem qualquer interação "inibidor"? |
532 | SELECT T1.name, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id WHERE interaction_type = 'inhibitor' INTERSECT SELECT T1.name, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id WHERE interaction_type = 'activitor' | List the medicine name and trade name which can both interact as 'inhibitor' and 'activitor' with enzymes. | CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do medicamento e o nome comercial que podem interagir como "inibidor" e "ativador" com enzimas. |
533 | SELECT name, trade_name FROM medicine EXCEPT SELECT T1.name, T1.trade_name FROM medicine AS T1 JOIN medicine_enzyme_interaction AS T2 ON T2.medicine_id = T1.id JOIN enzyme AS T3 ON T3.id = T2.enzyme_id WHERE T3.product = 'Protoporphyrinogen IX' | Show the medicine names and trade names that cannot interact with the enzyme with product 'Heme'. | CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine_enzyme_interaction (medicine_id VARCHAR, enzyme_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE medicine (name VARCHAR, trade_name VARCHAR, id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE enzyme (id VARCHAR, product VARCHAR) | Mostre os nomes dos medicamentos e nomes comerciais que não podem interagir com a enzima com o produto 'Heme'. |
534 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FDA_approved) FROM medicine | How many distinct FDA approval statuses are there for the medicines? | CREATE TABLE medicine (FDA_approved VARCHAR) | Quantos estados de aprovação distintos da FDA existem para os medicamentos? |
535 | SELECT name FROM enzyme WHERE name LIKE "%ALA%" | Which enzyme names have the substring "ALA"? | CREATE TABLE enzyme (name VARCHAR) | Quais nomes de enzimas têm a substring "ALA"? |
536 | SELECT trade_name, COUNT(*) FROM medicine GROUP BY trade_name | find the number of medicines offered by each trade. | CREATE TABLE medicine (trade_name VARCHAR) | encontrar o número de medicamentos oferecidos por cada comércio. |
537 | SELECT school, nickname FROM university ORDER BY founded | List all schools and their nicknames in the order of founded year. | CREATE TABLE university (school VARCHAR, nickname VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR) | Liste todas as escolas e seus apelidos na ordem do ano fundado. |
538 | SELECT school, LOCATION FROM university WHERE affiliation = 'Public' | List all public schools and their locations. | CREATE TABLE university (school VARCHAR, LOCATION VARCHAR, affiliation VARCHAR) | Liste todas as escolas públicas e seus locais. |
539 | SELECT founded FROM university ORDER BY enrollment DESC LIMIT 1 | When was the school with the largest enrollment founded? | CREATE TABLE university (founded VARCHAR, enrollment VARCHAR) | Quando foi fundada a escola com o maior número de matrículas? |
540 | SELECT founded FROM university WHERE affiliation <> 'Public' ORDER BY founded DESC LIMIT 1 | Find the founded year of the newest non public school. | CREATE TABLE university (founded VARCHAR, affiliation VARCHAR) | Encontre o ano de fundação da mais nova escola não pública. |
541 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT school_id) FROM basketball_match | How many schools are in the basketball match? | CREATE TABLE basketball_match (school_id VARCHAR) | Quantas escolas estão no jogo de basquete? |
542 | SELECT acc_percent FROM basketball_match ORDER BY acc_percent DESC LIMIT 1 | What is the highest acc percent score in the competition? | CREATE TABLE basketball_match (acc_percent VARCHAR) | Qual é a maior pontuação percentual de acc na competição? |
543 | SELECT t1.Primary_conference FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id ORDER BY t2.acc_percent LIMIT 1 | What is the primary conference of the school that has the lowest acc percent score in the competition? | CREATE TABLE basketball_match (school_id VARCHAR, acc_percent VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE university (Primary_conference VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR) | Qual é a conferência primária da escola que tem a menor pontuação percentual de acc na competição? |
544 | SELECT t2.team_name, t2.ACC_Regular_Season FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id ORDER BY t1.founded LIMIT 1 | What is the team name and acc regular season score of the school that was founded for the longest time? | CREATE TABLE university (school_id VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE basketball_match (team_name VARCHAR, ACC_Regular_Season VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR) | Qual é o nome da equipe e a pontuação da temporada regular da escola que foi fundada por mais tempo? |
545 | SELECT t2.All_Games, t1.location FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id WHERE team_name = 'Clemson' | Find the location and all games score of the school that has Clemson as its team name. | CREATE TABLE basketball_match (All_Games VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE university (location VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR) | Encontre a localização e a pontuação de todos os jogos da escola que tem Clemson como seu nome de equipe. |
546 | SELECT AVG(enrollment) FROM university WHERE founded < 1850 | What are the average enrollment size of the universities that are founded before 1850? | CREATE TABLE university (enrollment INTEGER, founded INTEGER) | Qual é o tamanho médio das matrículas das universidades que são fundadas antes de 1850? |
547 | SELECT enrollment, primary_conference FROM university ORDER BY founded LIMIT 1 | Show the enrollment and primary_conference of the oldest college. | CREATE TABLE university (enrollment VARCHAR, primary_conference VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR) | Mostre a inscrição e a conferência primária da faculdade mais antiga. |
548 | SELECT SUM(enrollment), MIN(enrollment) FROM university | What is the total and minimum enrollment of all schools? | CREATE TABLE university (enrollment INTEGER) | Qual é a matrícula total e mínima de todas as escolas? |
549 | SELECT SUM(enrollment), affiliation FROM university GROUP BY affiliation | Find the total student enrollment for different affiliation type schools. | CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR, enrollment INTEGER) | Encontre o total de matrículas de estudantes para diferentes escolas de tipo de afiliação. |
550 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM university WHERE NOT school_id IN (SELECT school_id FROM basketball_match) | How many schools do not participate in the basketball match? | CREATE TABLE university (school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE basketball_match (school_id VARCHAR) | Quantas escolas não participam do jogo de basquete? |
551 | SELECT school FROM university WHERE founded > 1850 OR affiliation = 'Public' | Find the schools that were either founded after 1850 or public. | CREATE TABLE university (school VARCHAR, founded VARCHAR, affiliation VARCHAR) | Encontre as escolas que foram fundadas depois de 1850 ou públicas. |
552 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT affiliation) FROM university | Find how many different affiliation types there are. | CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR) | Descubra quantos tipos diferentes de afiliação existem. |
553 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM university WHERE LOCATION LIKE "%NY%" | Find how many school locations have the word 'NY'. | CREATE TABLE university (LOCATION VARCHAR) | Descubra quantos locais da escola têm a palavra 'NY'. |
554 | SELECT t2.team_name FROM university AS t1 JOIN basketball_match AS t2 ON t1.school_id = t2.school_id WHERE enrollment < (SELECT AVG(enrollment) FROM university) | Find the team names of the universities whose enrollments are smaller than the average enrollment size. | CREATE TABLE university (school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE basketball_match (team_name VARCHAR, school_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE university (enrollment INTEGER) | Encontre os nomes das equipes das universidades cujas matrículas são menores do que o tamanho médio das matrículas. |
555 | SELECT COUNT(*), affiliation FROM university WHERE enrollment > 20000 GROUP BY affiliation | Find the number of universities that have over a 20000 enrollment size for each affiliation type. | CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR, enrollment INTEGER) | Encontre o número de universidades que têm mais de um tamanho de inscrição 20000 para cada tipo de afiliação. |
556 | SELECT SUM(Enrollment), affiliation FROM university WHERE founded > 1850 GROUP BY affiliation | Find the total number of students enrolled in the colleges that were founded after the year of 1850 for each affiliation type. | CREATE TABLE university (affiliation VARCHAR, Enrollment INTEGER, founded INTEGER) | Encontre o número total de alunos matriculados nas faculdades que foram fundadas após o ano de 1850 para cada tipo de afiliação. |
557 | SELECT MAX(Enrollment) FROM university | What is the maximum enrollment across all schools? | CREATE TABLE university (Enrollment INTEGER) | Qual é a matrícula máxima em todas as escolas? |
558 | SELECT * FROM basketball_match | List all information regarding the basketball match. | CREATE TABLE basketball_match (Id VARCHAR) | Listar todas as informações sobre o jogo de basquete. |
559 | SELECT team_name FROM basketball_match ORDER BY All_Home DESC | List names of all teams in the basketball competition, ordered by all home scores in descending order. | CREATE TABLE basketball_match (team_name VARCHAR, All_Home VARCHAR) | Listar nomes de todas as equipes na competição de basquete, ordenados por todas as pontuações da casa em ordem decrescente. |
560 | SELECT Model_name FROM chip_model WHERE Launch_year BETWEEN 2002 AND 2004 | the names of models that launched between 2002 and 2004. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, Launch_year INTEGER) | os nomes dos modelos que foram lançados entre 2002 e 2004. |
561 | SELECT Model_name, RAM_MiB FROM chip_model ORDER BY RAM_MiB LIMIT 1 | Which model has the least amount of RAM? List the model name and the amount of RAM. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, RAM_MiB VARCHAR) | Qual modelo tem a menor quantidade de RAM? Liste o nome do modelo e a quantidade de RAM. |
562 | SELECT chip_model, screen_mode FROM phone WHERE Hardware_Model_name = "LG-P760" | What are the chip model and screen mode of the phone with hardware model name "LG-P760"? | CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR, Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR) | Quais são o modelo de chip e o modo de tela do telefone com o nome do modelo de hardware "LG-P760"? |
563 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM phone WHERE Company_name = "Nokia Corporation" | How many phone hardware models are produced by the company named "Nokia Corporation"? | CREATE TABLE phone (Company_name VARCHAR) | Quantos modelos de hardware de telefone são produzidos pela empresa chamada "Nokia Corporation"? |
564 | SELECT MAX(T1.RAM_MiB), MIN(T1.RAM_MiB) FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation" | What is maximum and minimum RAM size of phone produced by company named "Nokia Corporation"? | CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE chip_model (RAM_MiB INTEGER, Model_name VARCHAR) | Qual é o tamanho máximo e mínimo de RAM do telefone produzido pela empresa chamada "Nokia Corporation"? |
565 | SELECT AVG(T1.ROM_MiB) FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation" | What is the average ROM size of phones produced by the company named "Nokia Corporation"? | CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE chip_model (ROM_MiB INTEGER, Model_name VARCHAR) | Qual é o tamanho médio da ROM de telefones produzidos pela empresa chamada "Nokia Corporation"? |
566 | SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name, T2.Company_name FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T1.Launch_year = 2002 OR T1.RAM_MiB > 32 | List the hardware model name and company name for all the phones that were launched in year 2002 or have RAM size greater than 32. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, Launch_year VARCHAR, RAM_MiB VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do modelo de hardware e o nome da empresa para todos os telefones que foram lançados no ano de 2002 ou têm tamanho de RAM maior que 32. |
567 | SELECT Hardware_Model_name, Company_name FROM phone WHERE Accreditation_type LIKE 'Full' | Find all phones that have word 'Full' in their accreditation types. List the Hardware Model name and Company name. | CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR) | Encontre todos os telefones que tenham a palavra 'Full' em seus tipos de credenciamento. Liste o nome do Modelo de Hardware e o nome da Empresa. |
568 | SELECT T1.Char_cells, T1.Pixels, T1.Hardware_colours FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T2.Hardware_Model_name = "LG-P760" | Find the Char cells, Pixels and Hardware colours for the screen of the phone whose hardware model name is "LG-P760". | CREATE TABLE phone (screen_mode VARCHAR, Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Char_cells VARCHAR, Pixels VARCHAR, Hardware_colours VARCHAR, Graphics_mode VARCHAR) | Encontre as cores Char cells, Pixels e Hardware para a tela do telefone cujo nome do modelo de hardware é "LG-P760". |
569 | SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name, T2.Company_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T1.Type = "Graphics" | List the hardware model name and company name for the phone whose screen mode type is "Graphics." | CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do modelo de hardware e o nome da empresa para o telefone cujo tipo de modo de tela é "Gráficos". |
570 | SELECT Company_name, COUNT(*) FROM phone GROUP BY Company_name ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1 | Find the name of the company that has the least number of phone models. List the company name and the number of phone model produced by that company. | CREATE TABLE phone (Company_name VARCHAR) | Encontre o nome da empresa que tem o menor número de modelos de telefone. Liste o nome da empresa e o número de modelos de telefone produzidos por essa empresa. |
571 | SELECT Company_name FROM phone GROUP BY Company_name HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 | List the name of the company that produced more than one phone model. | CREATE TABLE phone (Company_name VARCHAR) | Liste o nome da empresa que produziu mais de um modelo de telefone. |
572 | SELECT MAX(used_kb), MIN(used_kb), AVG(used_kb) FROM screen_mode | List the maximum, minimum and average number of used kb in screen mode. | CREATE TABLE screen_mode (used_kb INTEGER) | Liste o número máximo, mínimo e médio de kb usados no modo de tela. |
573 | SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model WHERE T1.Launch_year = 2002 ORDER BY T1.RAM_MiB DESC LIMIT 1 | List the name of the phone model launched in year 2002 and with the highest RAM size. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, Launch_year VARCHAR, RAM_MiB VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do modelo de telefone lançado no ano de 2002 e com o maior tamanho de RAM. |
574 | SELECT T1.WiFi, T3.Type FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model JOIN screen_mode AS T3 ON T2.screen_mode = T3.Graphics_mode WHERE T2.Hardware_Model_name = "LG-P760" | What are the wifi and screen mode type of the hardware model named "LG-P760"? | CREATE TABLE phone (chip_model VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR, Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE chip_model (WiFi VARCHAR, Model_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Type VARCHAR, Graphics_mode VARCHAR) | Quais são o tipo de wifi e modo de tela do modelo de hardware chamado "LG-P760"? |
575 | SELECT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM chip_model AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Model_name = T2.chip_model JOIN screen_mode AS T3 ON T2.screen_mode = T3.Graphics_mode WHERE T3.Type = "Text" OR T1.RAM_MiB > 32 | List the hardware model name for the phones that have screen mode type "Text" or RAM size greater than 32. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (Model_name VARCHAR, RAM_MiB VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do modelo de hardware para os telefones que têm o tipo de modo de tela "Texto" ou tamanho de RAM maior que 32. |
576 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T1.Type = "Graphics" OR t2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation" | List the hardware model name for the phones that were produced by "Nokia Corporation" or whose screen mode type is "Graphics." | CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do modelo de hardware para os telefones que foram produzidos pela "Nokia Corporation" ou cujo tipo de modo de tela é "Graphics". |
577 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.Hardware_Model_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE t2.Company_name = "Nokia Corporation" AND T1.Type <> "Text" | List the hardware model name for the phons that were produced by "Nokia Corporation" but whose screen mode type is not Text. | CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, Type VARCHAR) | Liste o nome do modelo de hardware para os fones que foram produzidos pela "Nokia Corporation", mas cujo tipo de modo de tela não é Texto. |
578 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.Hardware_Model_name, T2.Company_name FROM screen_mode AS T1 JOIN phone AS T2 ON T1.Graphics_mode = T2.screen_mode WHERE T1.used_kb BETWEEN 10 AND 15 | List the phone hardware model and company name for the phones whose screen usage in kb is between 10 and 15. | CREATE TABLE phone (Hardware_Model_name VARCHAR, Company_name VARCHAR, screen_mode VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (Graphics_mode VARCHAR, used_kb INTEGER) | Liste o modelo de hardware do telefone e o nome da empresa para os telefones cujo uso da tela no kb está entre 10 e 15. |
579 | SELECT Accreditation_type, COUNT(*) FROM phone GROUP BY Accreditation_type | Find the number of phones for each accreditation type. | CREATE TABLE phone (Accreditation_type VARCHAR) | Encontre o número de telefones para cada tipo de credenciamento. |
580 | SELECT Accreditation_level FROM phone GROUP BY Accreditation_level HAVING COUNT(*) > 3 | Find the accreditation level that more than 3 phones use. | CREATE TABLE phone (Accreditation_level VARCHAR) | Encontre o nível de acreditação que mais de 3 telefones usam. |
581 | SELECT * FROM chip_model | Find the details for all chip models. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (Id VARCHAR) | Encontre os detalhes para todos os modelos de chips. |
582 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM chip_model WHERE wifi = 'No' | How many models do not have the wifi function? | CREATE TABLE chip_model (wifi VARCHAR) | Quantos modelos não têm a função wifi? |
583 | SELECT model_name FROM chip_model ORDER BY launch_year | List all the model names sorted by their launch year. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (model_name VARCHAR, launch_year VARCHAR) | Liste todos os nomes dos modelos classificados por seu ano de lançamento. |
584 | SELECT AVG(RAM_MiB) FROM chip_model WHERE NOT model_name IN (SELECT chip_model FROM phone) | Find the average ram mib size of the chip models that are never used by any phone. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (RAM_MiB INTEGER, model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR) | Encontre o tamanho médio do ram mib dos modelos de chips que nunca são usados por nenhum telefone. |
585 | SELECT model_name FROM chip_model EXCEPT SELECT chip_model FROM phone WHERE Accreditation_type = 'Full' | Find the names of the chip models that are not used by any phone with full accreditation type. | CREATE TABLE chip_model (model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE phone (model_name VARCHAR, chip_model VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR) | Encontre os nomes dos modelos de chip que não são usados por nenhum telefone com tipo de credenciamento completo. |
586 | SELECT t1.pixels FROM screen_mode AS t1 JOIN phone AS t2 ON t1.Graphics_mode = t2.screen_mode WHERE t2.Accreditation_type = 'Provisional' INTERSECT SELECT t1.pixels FROM screen_mode AS t1 JOIN phone AS t2 ON t1.Graphics_mode = t2.screen_mode WHERE t2.Accreditation_type = 'Full' | Find the pixels of the screen modes that are used by both phones with full accreditation types and phones with Provisional accreditation types. | CREATE TABLE phone (screen_mode VARCHAR, Accreditation_type VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE screen_mode (pixels VARCHAR, Graphics_mode VARCHAR) | Encontre os pixels dos modos de tela que são usados por ambos os telefones com tipos de credenciamento completo e telefones com tipos de credenciamento provisório. |
587 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM country | How many countries are there in total? | CREATE TABLE country (Id VARCHAR) | Quantos países existem no total? |
588 | SELECT Country_name, Capital FROM country | Show the country name and capital of all countries. | CREATE TABLE country (Country_name VARCHAR, Capital VARCHAR) | Mostre o nome do país e a capital de todos os países. |
589 | SELECT Official_native_language FROM country WHERE Official_native_language LIKE "%English%" | Show all official native languages that contain the word "English". | CREATE TABLE country (Official_native_language VARCHAR) | Mostrar todas as línguas nativas oficiais que contêm a palavra "Inglês". |
590 | SELECT DISTINCT POSITION FROM match_season | Show all distinct positions of matches. | CREATE TABLE match_season (POSITION VARCHAR) | Mostre todas as posições distintas dos jogos. |
591 | SELECT Player FROM match_season WHERE College = "UCLA" | Show the players from college UCLA. | CREATE TABLE match_season (Player VARCHAR, College VARCHAR) | Mostre aos jogadores da UCLA. |
592 | SELECT DISTINCT POSITION FROM match_season WHERE College = "UCLA" OR College = "Duke" | Show the distinct position of players from college UCLA or Duke. | CREATE TABLE match_season (POSITION VARCHAR, College VARCHAR) | Mostre a posição distinta dos jogadores da UCLA ou Duke. |
593 | SELECT Draft_Pick_Number, Draft_Class FROM match_season WHERE POSITION = "Defender" | Show the draft pick numbers and draft classes of players whose positions are defenders. | CREATE TABLE match_season (Draft_Pick_Number VARCHAR, Draft_Class VARCHAR, POSITION VARCHAR) | Mostre os números de seleção do draft e classes de draft de jogadores cujas posições são defensores. |
594 | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Team) FROM match_season | How many distinct teams are involved in match seasons? | CREATE TABLE match_season (Team VARCHAR) | Quantas equipes diferentes estão envolvidas nas temporadas de jogos? |
595 | SELECT Player, Years_Played FROM player | Show the players and the years played. | CREATE TABLE player (Player VARCHAR, Years_Played VARCHAR) | Mostre aos jogadores e aos anos jogados. |
596 | SELECT Name FROM Team | Show all team names. | CREATE TABLE Team (Name VARCHAR) | Mostre todos os nomes da equipe. |
597 | SELECT T2.Season, T2.Player, T1.Country_name FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country | Show the season, the player, and the name of the country that player belongs to. | CREATE TABLE match_season (Season VARCHAR, Player VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE country (Country_name VARCHAR, Country_id VARCHAR) | Mostre a temporada, o jogador e o nome do país ao qual o jogador pertence. |
598 | SELECT T2.Player FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T1.Country_name = "Indonesia" | Which players are from Indonesia? | CREATE TABLE country (Country_id VARCHAR, Country_name VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Player VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR) | Quais jogadores são da Indonésia? |
599 | SELECT DISTINCT T2.Position FROM country AS T1 JOIN match_season AS T2 ON T1.Country_id = T2.Country WHERE T1.Capital = "Dublin" | What are the distinct positions of the players from a country whose capital is Dublin? | CREATE TABLE country (Country_id VARCHAR, Capital VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE match_season (Position VARCHAR, Country VARCHAR) | Quais são as posições distintas dos jogadores de um país cuja capital é Dublin? |