--- language: - en - yo - ha - ig - pcm size_categories: - 10K NaijaHate is a hate speech dataset tailored to the Nigerian context. It contains 35,976 annotated Nigerian tweets, including 29,999 tweets randomly sampled from Nigerian Twitter. For a complete description of the data, please refer to the reference paper (TODO). ## Dataset Structure The dataset is made of four components detailed in the `dataset` column: two components used for training a hate speech model (`stratified` and `al`) and two components for model evaluation (`eval` and `random`). We detail each component below: - `stratified`: - `al`: - `eval`: - `random`: ## Dataset Creation ### Source Data This dataset was sourced for a large Twitter dataset of 2.2 billion tweets posted between March 2007 and July 2023 and forming the timelines of 2.8 million Twitter users with a profile location in Nigeria. ### Annotation We recruited a team of four Nigerian annotators, two female and two male, each of them from one of the four most populated Nigerian ethnic groups -- Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo and Fulani. We followed a prescriptive approach by instructing annotators to strictly adhere to extensive annotation guidelines describing our taxonomy of hate speech (see reference paper for full guidelines). Tweets are annotated as belonging to one of three classes: - hateful (`2` in the `class` column) if it contains an attack on an individual or a group based on the perceived possession of a certain characteristic (e.g., gender, race) - offensive (`1` in the `class` column), if it contains a personal attack or an insult that does not target an individual based on their identity - neutral (`0` in the `class` column) if it is neither hateful nor offensive. If a tweet is labeled as hateful, it is also annotated for the communities being targeted. The possible target communities in our dataset are: - Christians (`christian` column) - Muslims (`muslim`) - Northerners (`northerner`) - Southerners (`southerner`) - Hausas (`hausa`) - Fulanis (`fulani`) - Yorubas (`yoruba`) - Igbos (`igbo`) - Women (`women`) - LGBTQ+ (`lgbtq+`) - Herdsmen (`herdsmen`) - Biafra (`biafra`) Each tweet was labeled by three annotators. For the three-class annotation task, the 3 annotators agreed on 90\% of labeled tweets, 2 out of 3 agreed in 9.5\% of cases, and all three of them disagreed in 0.5\% of cases (Krippendorff's alpha = 0.7). ## BibTeX entry and citation information TODO Please cite the [reference paper](https://aclanthology.org/2022.lrec-1.27/) if you use this dataset. ```bibtex @inproceedings{XXX} ```