diff --git "a/all-MiniLM-L6-v2_mteb_askubuntudupquestions-reranking.json" "b/all-MiniLM-L6-v2_mteb_askubuntudupquestions-reranking.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/all-MiniLM-L6-v2_mteb_askubuntudupquestions-reranking.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"model_name": "all-MiniLM-L6-v2", "dataset_path": "mteb/askubuntudupquestions-reranking", "num_docs_pr": 10, "random_seed": 42, "queries": ["cant install ubuntu from usb", "what is a short cut i can use to switch applications ?", "why does n't ubuntu 12.04 upgrade libreoffice , as firefox ?", "problem installing nvidia geforce 310m drivers", "unable to repair packages in ubuntu software center", "is it possible to downgrade gcc 4.6.1 to 4.4.x ?", "upgrading from ubuntu 12.04 to 13.10", "how to move ubuntu installation from one hdd to another ?", "change the application icon theme but not changing the panel icons", "how can i make my ubuntu bootable usb key bootable on a mac ?", "wget fails to download an image", "installation of amd 12.8 drivers failing , why ?", "when is precise pangolin being released ?", "no wifi in 12.10 broadcom bcm4313 samsung rf511", "installing ubuntu serfer after ubuntu desktop", "how do i install ubuntu software centre application ?", "how do i disable the guest account on ubuntu 13.10 ( saucy )", "passing parameters to the installer for 14.04", "error while trying to do sudo apt-get update", "ubuntu software center buy button does n't work", "which version of ubuntu 12.04 should i go for ? 32bit or 64 bit ?", "can i use gnome2 themes in gnome3 ?", "booting error on acer aspire v572p-6858", "ubuntu requirements", "why does n't ubuntu have any media codecs ?", "how to convert rpm package to a format meaningful to ubuntu", "install ubuntu alongside windows ?", "how many maximum cpus does ubuntu support by default ?", "problem with browser flash plugin", "nexus 7 dual-boot with android ?", "installing ubuntu without a disk , using an external hard drive", "no window snapping on fresh install", "how can i remove the default indicators and add custom ones ?", "difference between 64-bit ( native ) and amd64-mac architecture", "how to set google chrome as the default browser ?", "is there a way to turn off the drag to maximize thing ?", "broken upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04", "ubuntu on windows 8 on hp 2000 notebook pc", "how can i move my /home directory to another partition if it 's already part of the / partition ?", "apps in ubuntu touch", "i have no sound on my headphones , but i have sound on my speakers using ubuntu 13.04", "replacing the openjdk with the oracle jdk", "wireless issues on toshiba c855d satellite", "loign screen ( lightdm ) background is black in ubuntu 11.10", "from where i download kerenl source code for version 3.8.0-29-generic", "how do i convert .ts files into something useful ?", "how to dual boot ubuntu", "running ubuntu in usb but with a lot of ram ; how to run program from ram ?", "ca n't watch youtube flash videos in opera browser on ubuntu", "i ca n't download the song i just purchased", "how to set a hard drive to mount it automatically at boot time ?", "update manager showing for available updates , but not letting me to update", "video not working properly on an integrated intel 82865g card", "automatic updates", "evolution 3.4.3 on 12.04 ?", "how do i dual-boot windows by default ?", "ubuntu 12.04 installer does not see windows already installed on my computer", "removed kernel by mistake", "ogg support for ubuntu music app", "how can i assign an application to always open in workspace # 2 ?", "pulseaudio not responding , every program that tries to access it freezes", "where are unity settings stored ?", "show desktop in ubuntu launcher", "run ubuntu without monitor in 12.10", "ubuntu 14.04,32 or 64 bits with 2 gb of ram ?", "downgrade ubuntu 12.10 to 12.04", "howto automatically remove older package versions from a custom repository ?", "upgraded to xfce 4.10 , keyboard media keys no longer work", "can you install ubuntu from the hard disk ?", "flashplugin-installer vs. flashplugin-nonfree vs. adobe-flashplugin", "how to install and enable gnome shell ?", "connect to my college 's wpa from ubuntu 14.04 lts", "how to create an ubuntu 12.10 live cd ?", "why are intel hd 3000 graphics ( sandy bridge ) detected as unknown ?", "server/nas server/ ? ? ?", "how can i select a sample of pictures from a camera import and move them to another folder on my system", "how do i clean install windows 7 on the `` other '' partition ?", "upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 on dell latitude 430", "inspiron 15r special edition + ubuntu", "problem upgrading ubuntu 9.10", "ubuntu 13.04 with wubi works", "want entry as root at login screen to do backups via deja-dup gui", "upgrade 12.04 to 12.04.1", "can anyone tell me how to make guake terminal be part of the start-up applications ?", "`` starting jack server ... can not connect to server socket err = no such file or directory ''", "how to install skype in ubuntu 13.10 ?", "how to extract a package and all related dependencies from ubuntu install cd", "how can i make an ubuntu recovery image on external media ?", "ubuntu virtualbox display driver ?", "what mass file renaming tools are available ?", "no save dialog appears when i hit printscreen", "what to do if disk utility shows bad sectors pending in smart ?", "the new ubuntu upgrade ( 13.04 ) wont let me connect to wi-fi", "is there a weather indicator ?", "change owner of internal hard drive partition from root to user", "can i run ubuntu one in a ubuntu server environment ?", "where to find new splash screens ? ubuntu 13.10", "does ubuntu have a graphical software to compare and merge differences in files ?", "how can i add more workspaces ?", "is it possible to run four os 's on a single laptop with 1tb hdd and 8gb ram", "flash player ( in firefox ) is unstable in 14.04", "convert downloaded youtube videos ( downloaded with youtube-dl ) to audio-only , with no loss ?", "how do i uninstall windows xp from my ntfs if i have ubuntu installed there as well", "update ubuntu 11.10 without internet connection", "how to fix computer after uninstalling ubuntu", "will upgrading windows 8 to 8.1 affect ubuntu ?", "upgrading ubuntu via mounted iso", "ubuntu 12.04.3 download", "installed windows8 and now my grub is gone , help ?", "how to upgrade/downgrade from 12.04 to 11.10", "reinstall ubuntu 12.04 without losing data", "dell inspiron 1525 , upgraded to 12.04 and have lost wireless internet connection", "how do i enable ctrl-alt-backspace to kill the x server ?", "windows phone 8 music sync", "how to disable amazon lense in 14.04 ?", "hourly crashes 14.04", "how do i remove ubuntu and install windows 7 ?", "how do i remove ugly google chrome icon in the gnome3 applications tab ?", "how to enable webgl in chrome on ubuntu ?", "how to make a script which always activates on the startup ?", "unable to install ubuntu 7.10 to hp pavilion p6 2335 il desktop", "wireless card does n't work for an hp dv2104", "raring ringtail upgrade", "is running latest firefox on older versions of ubuntu possible ?", "add themes in ubuntu 11.10", "where to suggest user experience enhancements ?", "writing iso to usb", "how i increase wubi install to 100 giga", "fan running at full speed using xorg drivers", "heartbleed bug in ubuntu 13.04", "how can i force ubuntu to boot on a stuck boot menu ?", "magento : php extension `` curl '' must be loaded", "on 13.10 , where is my dropbox icon", "wifi not working on asus u32 with ubuntu 14.04", "lenovo z510 ubuntu black scrren", "is there a way to turn off \u201cauto-maximize\u201d ?", "could n't update ubuntu 8.04 , apt-get update fails", "where are launchable programs installed ?", "how do i uninstall a dual boot 11.10 ?", "how to convert a configured ubuntu system to an unlimited iso ?", "a possible java problem causing a java program to not work ?", "netflix wo n't load", "setup intel graphics 4000 on ubuntu 14.04", "how to disable networking from command line without sudo ?", ".desktop file not working", "what distro of ubuntu to choose when i focus on performance ? kubuntu ?", "how to install firefox 14.0.1 ( or any other latest version ) on ubuntu 10.10 ?", "how to share files using a wireless network ?", "which version should i use for i3-2100 ?", "unable to login to 14.04 after successful installation", "find what package supplied a tool / application in ubuntu 11.10", "what is the easiest method to share files between windows and ubuntu ?", "how to install ubuntu alongside windows 8", "home directory copy from 1 machine to another", "no icons or anything on desktop", "ubuntu 13.10 installation wo n't start . instead i get a black screen", "installing drivers for my wireless adapter", "can removing gufw create dangers for my system ?", "what is wubi ? how does it work ?", "hide current working directory in terminal", "where to set environment variables for all users", "is it legal to install msttcorefonts package ? is wine legal ?", "will i be able to upgrade to 13.04 from 12.10 with a wubi installation ?", "ubuntu download errors ?", "keyboard not working at grub", "banshee crashes with `` an unhandled exception was thrown : ''", "network manager icon not visible in system tray", "how to make the unity launcher always visible ?", "how to automount ntfs partitions ?", "how do you install after download ?", "how do i install additional drivers with both wired and wireless failing ?", "how to change default python version from terminal ?", "how can i activate unity ?", "is there way to accelerate package downloads in slow connections ?", "how do i setup dual monitors in xfce ?", "bookmarked shares on a home server constantly disappearing after shutdown", "want to install ubuntu 12.04 new on ssd for / and hdd for /home but keep all settings", "what is the difference between installing ubuntu on a usb device and a laptop hardisk ?", "10.04 install flash player , get white screen", "no ubuntu partitions on installed dual boot system", "what drivers should i use for my printer ?", "how can i switch a 32-bit installation to a 64-bit one ?", "apt sources.list disabled on upgrade to 12.04", "is it possible to upgrade to a new version via terminal ?", "how do i add classical categories in unity 's dash ?", "big ugly icons in notification area", "what alternatives are available to replace the purple boot splash screen ?", "wireless is disabled in 12.04 ubuntu", "how to execute a script just by double clicking like .exe files in windows ?", "how can i manually edit the unity top panel ?", "why is the firewall disabled by default ?", "what is the ubuntu `` built in virus protection '' ?", "just installed security updates now all i get is a white screen", "is there a way to change my home folder to encrypted after upgrading to 12.04", "run 12.04 from usb with no hard disk usage", "how do i use ubuntu 's web application integration ?", "replace windows with ubuntu with iso burned onto disk ?", "automatically size windows using xfce like in gnome", "is there a shortcut key for accessing the menu bar ?", "fresh install of ubuntu 12.10 wo n't boot on asus x101ch eee pc", "how to install adium theme for pidgin ?", "how can i install ubuntu on a pc preinstalled with windows 8 on samsung np370r5e-s04in", "how can we get the command line of a running application ?", "what are some of the issues with ccsm and why would i want to avoid it ?", "install ubuntu packages to other machine ?", "installed 12.04 on lenovo x120e now i ca n't boot", "how can i set ask ubuntu website as desktop live wallpaper ?", "can not update , can not reinstall dkms", "whats the difference between ubuntu 11.10 and ubuntu 11.10 server version ?", "chrome and firefox not loading flash plugin ( could n't load plug-in )", "change boot entry names and grub background ?", "how do i quit banshee ?", "how to install 32 bit wine on 64 bit ubuntu ?", "i need help uninstalling ubuntu please help", "rosetta stone permissions problem", "how can i boot ubuntu from a usb ?", "how to remove unity and the default desktop environment of ubuntu", "netflix wont work without new silverlight update", "troubleshooting blank ld_library_path", "how to make the keyboard media keys to work with vlc globally ?", "why there is no shell ?", "wubi gives error 'nonetype ' object has no attribute 'get_info '", "nvidia geforce 9600m gt not enabled", "install ubuntu from usb drive", "htc x920d a.k.a htc butterfly", "how to write arabic numerical on libreoffice ?", "setting desktop background with gconftool-2", "hide program entry 's in sound indicator", "how set external webcam as a default webcam ?", "how to configure samba file server for sharing between ubuntu pc 's", "dual boot ubuntu 14 .04lts", "new linux trojan virus ? `` hand of thief ''", "installing 3.13 kernel on saucy ( 13.10 ) - possible ?", "how can i get a more traditional drop-down like menu for unity ?", "how do i free up more space in /boot ?", "what happened to my launcher icon size slider in settings > appearance and how can i get it back ?", "ubuntu on lenovo yoga 2 pro", "where do i put this code to install absynth 5 ?", "downgrade from one version to a previous version ?", "freeing up partition space", "connecting a nexus 7 to ubuntu", "i ca n't get into the sudoers listings", "moving from windows 8.1 to ubuntu - what can i do to replace onedrive ?", "how can i schedule a nightly reboot ?", "how to revert packages to official release ?", "ubuntu 13.10 network connectivity issues", "how can i configure gnome shell notification settings ?", "correct way to install virtual dependency", "how to install xfce in ubuntu 11.10", "update manager refuses to update", "/etc/x11/xorg.conf does n't exist ?", "ubuntu 12.04 does n't boot from usb", "how to upgrade 12.4 to 13.10", "mounting iphone 4", "speed internet connection up ?", "ca n't install apache on ubuntu 13.04", "how to disable encrypted home directory ?", "what is the name of system settings for terminal", "download apps from ubuntu software center and run in windows 7", "how to do partition in ubuntu 14.04 ?", "run a command after a specific usb was plugged in", "ubuntu 12.04 / 12.10 randomly freezing - nvidia ?", "alps touchpad on dell inspiron i15rn-3647bk with ubuntu 11.10 x64", "is there a way to find duplicate images in ubuntu ?", "convert .jar to executable", "`` a error occurred during the signature verification . '' during apt-get update", "change default 'open with ' for document folder", "give permission to /var/www", "boot to a black screen but recovery mode boot works", "error out of disk , grub rescue", "ubuntu 12.4 will not update [ unmet dependencies ]", "how do i install the driver for a microsoft lifecam vx-3000 ?", "connect my galaxy s duos phone as mass storage or drivers", "install libopencv-dev 32bit on 12.04 64bit", "screenshot tools to capture scrolling windows", "where and how do i find the *desktop*.iso file needed to install universal usb installer ? i need it to install ubuntu", "make gedit embedded terminal colours the same as the default terminal", "upgrade to 12.10 button not on update manager", "heartbleed ubuntu 13.04 stuck on openssl 1.0.1c", "how do i find out where are command line commands installed ?", "ubuntu took away permissions from my data partition", "sharing subfolders with ubuntu one", "how to free up space on /boot ?", "installer gets stuck with a grayed out forward button", "advantages/disadvantages of installing from source code", "how do i get grub to install on a raid array ?", "ubuntu install erased windows", "constant crashes and freezes after upgrade to 12.04", "how to prevent unity dash from taking keyboard control", "disable the confirmation of shutdown", "any command line calculator for ubuntu ?", "why does the ubuntu software center deliver an outdated version of tex live ?", "unity does not start in ubuntu 13.04", "what is the password for `` ssh root @ localhost `` ?", "how can i get window thumbnails when hovering over unity bar application icons ?", "change desktop background from terminal", "wubi install was fine . weeks later , i can not boot into ubuntu . can i now try to boot via disk or usb and still have access to my files ?", "installing ubuntu on another hard drive disk ( f : )", "how do i get youtube to work ?", "how do i recover my root password ?", "how to install amd ati radeon graphics hd 6770m", "compiz crash leaves no usable interface", "reasons why not to update an ubuntu version to a newer/older kernel version", "how to share wine with other machine ?", "how would i install ubuntu on a disk already containing windows 7 , not dual booting", "possible memory leak on ubuntu 10.04 lts", "what 's the visual difference between unity 3d and unity 2d ?", "how can i get thunderbird contacts to sync with ubuntu one ?", "a problem with conky in gnome 3.4", "problem upgrading ubuntu 9.10", "is it possible to have two different dpi configurations for two different screens ?", "firefox application associations not working", "how to install stable `` gnome shell 3.6 '' for ubuntu 12.04 ?", "method to create a live usb disk ( with persistence ) which actually works ?", "how to change a password", "should i install programs from a source tarball ( `.tar.gz` ) , from the ubuntu software centre , or from elsewhere ?", "installing packages in multiple systems", "how to avoid opening duplicate files in new windows in gedit ?", "audio decoder ( mp3 ) is not present", "ubuntu keeps freezing but mouse still moves", "where can i find a repository for older unsupported releases ?", "can i use all my ram for application data ?", "need help creating shortcuts on the desktop in ubuntu", "gnome-shell , how to fix it ?", "how to install windows 8 pro after installing ubuntu 14.04", "how to save command line output to text file ?", "gparted - increase ext4 partition using unallocated space", "how do i encrypt ext4 home folder partition ?", "why does battery power drain quicker in ubuntu compared to windows in dell inspiron ?", "weather indicator app stopped working", "skype crashes after installing ubuntu 13.04", "how to reset gnome panel ?", "how to make my own dropbox / ubuntu one server at home ?", "how to get flash working on abuntu 13.10", "how to install ubuntu 32bit with wubi", "downloaded 14.04 to a usb stick", "rss torrent software", "fresh install of xubuntu on an acer travelmate 2410 , system will not reboot or shutdown", "how to map right windows key to backspace ?", "unable to connect via wifi in ubuntu 14.04 ?", "notification on unity after i3 desktop removal", "software to easily and quickely create colorful and intuitive review sheets", "firefox becomes default browser after upgrade . can not revert to google chrome", "mount a disk where windows is hibernated", "how to disable discrete graphic in ubuntu 14.04", "dpkg : error : can not scan updates directory `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/ ' : no such file or directory", "which ubuntu os is best for my old core duo 1.66ghz laptop as of 13 august 2014 ?", "how to remove ubuntu", "which graphics driver amd radeon 6400m", "cant boot from usb", "is this ppa safe and will it work ?"], "positives": [["using usb as bootable disk but not showing any `` install from using usb '' option", "cant install from usb or dvd -- posted solutions not resolving the issue", "i cant upgrade my 8.04 ubuntu to 12.04", "cant boot into ubuntu install", "cant boot from usb drive . cant access grub . no graphical interface"], ["basic & most useful gnome-shell shortcuts", "keyboard short cut for switching between two or more instances of the same application ?", "is there a command + ` equivalent ( cycle through windows ) ?", "how to alt+tab between more than 2 windows in gnome 3 ?", "alternating windows shortcut"], ["how do i install the latest stable version of libreoffice ?", "updates in libreoffice in main repository"], ["i cant install nvidia drivers for gt635m on ubuntu 13.10", "installing nvidia gt 740m driver on ubuntu 13.10 get black screen after login !", "how do i get an nvidia geforce 310m working ?", "how do i install nvidia drivers in nomodeset ?", "black screen after boot ( after installing nvidia drivers )"], ["cant install a thing !", "fixing software center catalog", "ubuntu software center stuck in applying/canceling/searcing", "software center issues", "software center - items can not be installed or removed until package catalog is repaired ''"], ["is it possible to downgrade gcc 4.6.3 to 4.6.1 ?", "downgrade to gcc < v3.0", "problem installing an older version of gcc"], ["how to upgrade ubuntu 12.04 to 13.10 ?", "upgrade from 12.04 to 13.10", "upgrade ubuntu from 12.04 to 13.10"], ["move installation to new disk", "how do i move my lvm 250 gb root partition to a new 120gb hard disk ?", "move system to external hdd , keep /home internal"], ["change folder icons in ubuntu-mono-dark theme"], ["how to create bootable usb stick for mac on ubuntu ?"], ["how to find and download a image file of specific resolution using wget ?", "how to download specific images from a site index with wget ?", "download images using wget"], ["ca n't install catalyst 12.8", "install amd catalyst drivers 12.8", "issue with amd drivers ( 14.04 )", "how to install amd catalyst or amd graphic drivers and other drivers in ubuntu 13.04", "black screen while booting , after installing amd catalyst\u2122 12.8 proprietary linux x86 display driver on hp pavilion dm4"], ["precise pangolin base installation , media change requested , using dvd"], ["broadcom bcm4313 wireless does n't work", "how do i get the broadcom bcm4313 wireless working on an asus 1015px ?", "broadcom bcm4313 ubuntu 13.10 connection time out", "wifi does n't work on lenovo b590 with broadcom bcm4313", "wifi connection problem in asus eee pc having broadcom bcm4313"], ["can i get an image containing both ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server ?", "what is the best ubuntu script for installing lamp", "can i install and use lamp with wubi ?", "i used to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu server . can i apt-get install ubuntu-server on my ubuntu desktop ?"], ["how to choose to open with software center application from the browser ?", "ubuntu software centre is not there"], ["how can i log into or out of a lubuntu guest account ?", "how to disable the guest account at the login of ubuntu 11.10", "how do i disable the guest session in ubuntu 13.10 ?", "a strange account appear at login to ubuntu 12.04 ?", "why there are many guest accounts on my system ?"], ["how can i customize the ubuntu installer ?", "how can i modify the live installer to include additional packages ?"], ["sudo apt get update and gives error gpg", "sudo apt-get update error", "`` gpg error '' while running `` sudo apt-fast update ''", "error while doing sudo apt-get update", "gpg error while doing sudo apt-get update"], ["`` can not resolve proxy hostname `` when installing an application", "problem downloading `` not free '' programs from ubuntu software center", "ca n't download apps through unity", "on kubuntu , ubuntu software center gets ssl handshake failed", "ubuntu software center 13.10 getting games problem"], ["what are the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit , and which should i choose ?", "what ubuntu 11.10 version , 32-bit or 64-bit , for laptop with core i5 processor 8gb ram ?", "for better performance should i install 32-bit or 64-bit ?", "32-bit os on a 64 bit processor", "ubuntu 12.04 64 bit ram usage"], ["can gtk2 themes be converted to gtk3 themes ?"], ["unable to boot ubuntu in acer aspire e1-571"], ["( x ) ubuntu 12.10 and lenovo r60", "system requirements for installing ubuntu on my pc", "system requirements for installing ubuntu", "which version of ubuntu should i choose for these specs ?", "what are offical requirements for ubuntu 13.04 ?"], ["is there a website to check all media codecs ?"], ["missing a command during running alien to convert a .rpm - .deb", "i have a rpm file how do i convert to deb file for running on ubuntu ?", "can not install rpm package on ubuntu 11.10 -- needs libc.so.6", "convert rpm file to iso file", "converting rpm file to debian fle"], ["install ubuntu 13.04 alongside windows 7", "how to install ubuntu with windows 8 ?", "can i install ubuntu with windows 8 ?", "ubuntu installation failed every time after choosing `` install ubuntu alongside window 7 ''", "i want to install ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 7 , not inside it"], ["ubuntu linux 14.04 lts server edition information need"], ["video playing problem of epiphany browser on ubuntu 12", "flash problem in firefox ubuntu", "flash videoplayer not working properly", "encountering problem in mozilla browser", "consistent flash player crash only on youtube"], ["many intro questions re ubuntu on nexus 7 ; dual-boot , capabilities", "how do i re-install android on nexus 7 after having ubuntu on it ?", "dual-boot tool for nexus 4", "i ca n't download ubuntu dual boot on galaxy nexus", "nexus 4 ubuntu dual boot ?"], ["how to install ubuntu in a external hard drive ?", "ubuntu without a cd", "want to burn ubuntu as a disk so that my laptop that lacks an os can run it from my external hard drive", "installing ubuntu by writing on the hard drive", "how do i use dd to clone an external usb drive installation to a local hard disk ?"], ["window snapping in lubuntu 13.10", "how do i get aero snap in unity 2d ?"], ["re-add the default top panel", "how to hide items in unity 's top panel ?", "how do i remove an icon from the top panel in gnome fallback mode ?", "adding a indicator / panel in unity panel", "how to remove link from application panel"], ["which version should i use for i3-2100 ?", "what is the difference between the amd64 and amd64+mac images ?", "ubuntu gnome 64- or 32-bit with i7 ?", "my processor is 64-bit - does that mean i need the amd64 image ?", "can i install 64 bit ubuntu on my intel core i7 64bit pc ?"], ["why does chrome not stay as the default browser in xubuntu 13.04 ?", "web links in adobe reader opens firefox even if another browser ( opera , chrome ) is default", "change web browser shown in the ubuntu desktop application launcher ?", "firefox becomes default browser after upgrade . can not revert to google chrome", "unable to set google chrome as default browser in ubuntu 12.10"], ["how to disable window maximize effect in kubuntu", "how to disable window maximizing when dragging to top panel", "is there a way to turn off \u201cauto-maximize\u201d ?", "how to turn off compiz 's `` drag to maximize '' behaviour ?"], ["system crashed during update from 11.10 to 12.4 64bits", "failed upgrade 11.04 to 12.04", "problem to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04", "computer restarted during upgrade now i ca n't log in , how do i fix it ?"], ["can not install 12.10 on new computer", "i just installed ubuntu 14.04 but there is not boot option", "installing ubuntu 12.04 using freedos through usb", "unable to install ubuntu on hcl laptop ?", "ca n't install ubuntu due to grub error"], ["move /home to a different disk", "moving the /usr directory to a different partition", "how can i move an encrypted home directory to another partition ?", "how do i relocate on my ubuntu moveable directories /var and /usr ?", "how to move $ home to an encrypted partition ?"], ["how do i view or install ubuntu touch apps ?", "service notifications in ubuntu phone ?", "how to develop ubuntu apps ( 2013 edition )", "app for ubuntu touch", "guide for beginner for ubuntu touch"], ["no headphone signal after installing ubuntu 14.04", "no sound in headphones on hp dv6 6154tx in ubuntu 12.04", "audio not playing through headphones", "headphones not working but external speakers working", "muted headphone jack , but if i replug in headphones i need to go into alsamixer and unmute it again"], ["switch to oracle java jdk in 14.04 ?", "why there is no .deb for oracle java on oracle 's website ?", "replace openjdk with oracle-jdk on ubuntu", "how do i install a newer version of oracle jdk ?"], ["wireless internet connection not working following update", "ubuntu 10.04 wireless is not working in toshiba satellite pro c850-15q", "wireless connection unavailable after hardware update", "internet connection issue with rtl8192ce / toshiba satellite / realtek wireless card", "ca n't find the wireless network on toshiba satellite ?"], ["how do i change login screen in ubuntu 11.10 with kde installed ?", "login screen wallpaper does n't match user background when not using default wallpaper ?", "how can i remove the white dots in login screen on ubuntu 11.10", "login screen stuck as background", "ca n't set unity-greeter background on 12.04.1"], ["how can i download the source code for linux-image-3.2.0-*-generic ?", "unable to install the kernel 3.5 in ubuntu 12.04", "upgrading to 14.04 did n't update my kernel"], ["`` .ts `` files not recognised", "how to create dvd from a video file ?"], ["how to get the dual boot option window ?", "unable to dual-boot windows 7 and kubuntu 10.10", "setting windows 7 as start up os during boot", "windows 7 & ubuntu", "how can i restore grub after switching from windows 8 to 7 on a dual boot ?"], ["how to run ubuntu fully in initramfs ?", "can ubuntu run on 512mb ram ?"], ["error in displaying youtube videos in opera"], ["ca n't download music files purchased with ubuntu one from rhythmbox", "syncing purchased music to my mobile phone"], ["internal hard disk mounting", "auto-mounting an encrypted usb hard drive", "how to automatically mount a partition or drive on program launch ?", "ubuntu 14.04 - automatically mount usb drive without clicking on it manually ?", "is there a program to mount all of my drives automatically ?"], ["`` requires to install untrusted updates '' error in update manager", "how to solve the issue `` requires installation of untrusted packages ''", "update manager wo n't install from un-authenticated sources", "my system update requires installation of untrusted packages", "how to install important updates via update manager after a large gap of period ?"], ["flash video is insanely choppy ?"], ["does n't booting after installed updates in ubuntu 12.04 lts", "my system update requires installation of untrusted packages", "updates requires installation of untrusted packages", "update manager problem [ requires installation of untrusted packages ]", "`` not authenticated sources '' warning on apparently safe packages , ubuntu update manager"], ["problems with evolution installation", "how to update evolution mail client in xubuntu 12.04", "unable to install evolution on xubuntu 12.04"], ["boot straight to grub without holding 'option ' on macbook ?", "windows 8 / ubuntu 13.10 in dual boot - how to make grub by default to manage it", "one click shutdown ubuntu and load into alternative bootup", "setting windows 7 as start up os during boot", "how to edit grub default operating system ?"], ["ubuntu 12.04 does not detect already installed windows 7", "installer does n't see windows 8.1 installed and propose to erase the disk", "ubuntu 12.04 lts installer doesnt see windows 7", "can not boot into windows 7 after installing 12.04", "ubuntu 12.04 installer not detecting windows 7"], ["how do i run update-grub from a livecd ?", "update-grub not respecting preferences from /etc/default/grub"], ["does 'ubuntu one mobile ' support ogg vorbis ?"], ["open application in specific workspace", "is it possible to pin certain apps to a workspace in unity ?", "how do i open an application in a specific workspace ?", "how do i open specific applications on specific workspaces in lubuntu 13.04"], ["how to upgrade pulseaudio", "how can i monitor the output of an already running program ?"], ["where are panel applet information stored in mate ?", "where the configuration file of unity launcher is located ?", "why does unity and unity 2d use different config systems ? ( dconf and gconf )", "where is the information about custom launchers in unity panel ?", "where does unity keep information on the launchers in dash ?"], ["show desktop icon moves to the bottom after app instalation", "can the applications or files and folders buttons be moved on the unity launcher ?"], ["how to boot ubuntu without a monitor plugged in ?", "how to boot ubuntu 12.04 without monitor into specific resolution"], ["is 32 or 64 bit better for a computer with 2 gb memory ?", "which 14.04 distro for core2 duo with 4 gb ram ? 32 bit ?", "should i use a 32 or 64-bit system ?", "which ubuntu to install on 32 bit machine having 4 gb ram", "whitch flavour should i chose ?"], ["is there a way to downgrade ubuntu without losing any files ?", "downgrade from 14.04 to 12.04"], ["how to delete old versions of same packages from a local repository ?", "delete all i386 packages from my local repository ?", "delete old packages from local repository"], ["volume hot keys not working in xfce", "enable keyboard media keys", "keyboard volume shortcuts in xubuntu do n't work", "volume keys are working in unity but not in xfce4"], ["how can i boot a live system from a hard disk and then install to the same drive ?", "install windows 8 ( on secondary hard disk ) on an ubuntu machine ( on primary hard disk )", "ubuntu installation on external hard disk drive", "how do i install ubuntu on an external hard disk ?"], ["what 's the difference between flashplugin-installer and adobe-flashplugin ?"], ["install gnome3 ( gnome-shell ) on kubuntu problem", "upgrade gnome-shell in ubuntu12.04", "how can i achieve a more upstream gnome 3.4 desktop ?"], ["ubuntu 14.04 : my computer sees the wireless network , but wo n't connect to it , keeps asking for the wpa password", "fire fox can connect to wifi but terminal ca n't for my college 's network settings", "trouble with wpa wifi connection - can connect to wireless networks", "unable to connect to a wireless network created with hostapd on ubuntu 14.04 lts"], ["is there a way to create an installation cd instead of a dvd ?", "how do i create a customized ubuntu live cd ?", "can i install ubuntu using ubuntu 13.04 live cd on ubuntu 12.10 ?", "how to install ubuntu using cli commands from a live cd ?", "create live cd / remastersys"], ["ubuntu 11.10 wo n't detect drivers for intel hd graphics 3000", "ati 6470m & intel hd graphics 3000 drivers ?", "intel hd graphics card not recognized in system info", "graphics card not found ?", "why do intel hd3000 graphics show as `` unknown '' on my lenovo b570 ?"], ["raid stability with ubuntu", "how do i get remote desktop or other services running on ubuntu 12.04", "ubuntu desktop installation"], ["moving pictures", "shotwell event name in folder name ?", "how can i get pictures from shotwell on the notebook to the desktop ?"], ["how do i create a partion to install windows ?", "how do i install windows 7 from an iso file on a separate partition from ubuntu ?", "how to partition disk in ubuntu and then install windows 7 ?", "install windows 7 on seperate partitions without losing grub", "doubt : about dual boot ( 14.04 with windows 7 )"], ["authentication problem during upgrade", "upgrade to ubuntu 11.04 fails", "how to upgrade ubuntu from update manager ?", "can not update to ubuntu 11.10", "error while upgrading ubuntu from 10.10 to 11.04"], ["md radeon hd 7730m ( dell inspiron 15r special edition )", "i cant install ubuntu properly on my dell inspiron 15r ( n5110 )", "dell inspiron 15r 5521 8730 ati driver problems", "is dell inspiron 15r special edition compatible with ubuntu ?", "why my ubuntu 13.04 is booting so slow and fails many time ?"], ["upgraded to 10.04 lts and can not startup", "how to upgrade ubuntu 9.10 to 12.10 via terminal ?", "upgrading server 9.10", "boot problem after upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04", "problem upgrading ubuntu 9.10"], ["will i be able to upgrade to 13.04 from 12.10 with a wubi installation ?", "how to install ubuntu without a dvd ?", "how to include a xubuntu 13.04 in desktop environment , in wubi", "i have problems installing ubuntu 13.04 with wubi on windows xp", "ubuntu 13.04 offline install with wubi"], ["how do i open deja dup as root ?", "backup /etc/ as normal user deja dup ?"], ["do-release-upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade to go from a 12.04.1 to 12.04.2 ?", "is it possible to upgrade ubuntu 12.04 to 12.04.1 ?", "how to upgrade from 12.04.1 lts to 12.04.4 lts from usb ?", "lucid 10.04 lts = > precise 12.04.1 : upgrade does n't work"], ["guake does n't start when session starts", "how can i make an application start up when i login ?", "how to make guake start by starup ?", "guake does not start automatically"], ["several issues when trying to start jack server .", "jack error starting server using firewire drivers"], ["skype on ubuntu 13", "which distribution to choose while downloading skype from its official site for ubuntu 13.10 ?"], ["can not install build essential from the cd ?", "how do i apt-get gddrescue and testdisk ?", "customized distributable packages", "can i use kubuntu live cd to install kubuntu-desktop package on a ubuntu installation ?", "installing packages from ubuntu cd"], ["how to make ubuntu iso bootable on a usb stick with osx ?", "can you make a bootable recovery partition for ubuntu ?"], ["higher screen resolution in virtualbox ?", "how do i get a higher resolution than 1280 x 800 in ubuntu 13.04", "possible bug for display resolution in virtualbox on ubuntu 14.04", "ubuntu 12.10 in virtualbox 4.2.4 screen resolution limited to 1600x1200", "ubuntu virtualbox display problem"], ["need a graphical renaming tool which can rename files recursively", "how do you rename files ignoring file extension in terminal ?", "need help mass renaming files using command line that contain a certain string", "how to mass add file extension ?", "what is a good gui file renamer that takes files from command line uris ?"], ["why does n't the printscreen dialog show up in gnome ?", "gnome-screenshot gui : which command launches that ?", "where is the screenshot ?", "save screenshot does not not appear when i press the print screen button", "gnome-screenshot error in ubuntu gnome 13.10"], ["error prompt on startup , and `` disk has a few bad sectors ''", "i have 4029 bad sectors . should i worry ?", "my hard disk has 120 bad sectors !", "i dropped my laptop . smart says there are bad sectors . can i fix this ?", "why does disk utility show 8 bad sectors on a 2-months old harddrive ?"], ["wi-fi not working in ubuntu 13.04", "ubuntu upgrade to 13.04 wo n't let me connect to wi-fi ( or to ethernet )"], ["weather indicator unity/12.10", "differences among weather indicators", "how to add weather forecast on desktop ?"], ["how to mount a drive for other user than root ?", "how do i mount a drive so that it is readable by me ?", "mount exfat drive on ubuntu 13.04 not as root", "change owner of internal hard drive partition from root to user 4", "how to change the access of a partition from root to user"], ["how to run software on client machine installed on server machine ?"], ["can a gif be used as the ubuntu splash screen instead of the boring purple one ?", "splash screen before ubuquity installer", "splash screen before ubiquity install", "xubuntu 14.04 add splash screen", "ubuntu 14.04 splash"], ["file/directory compare with right click in thunar / xubuntu", "need software to compare two text files", "run diff command to compare all files in directory", "program to compare two files line by line", "file and directory comparison tool ?"], ["workspaces stopped working on upgrade to 14.04", "change ubuntu 12.04 ( with gnome ) number of workspaces via command line", "how can i change the number of workspaces in workspace switcher ?", "make workspace 2x2 on ubuntu 14.04.1 lts", "ccsm does n't work when changing launcher visibility or number of workspaces"], ["kali linux installation alongside ubuntu and windows", "triple boot ubuntu 13.10 with windows 7 and kali linux", "tripple boot install with windows mbr"], ["error flash chrome in ubuntu 14.04", "flash player is not working and do n't know what to do to fix it", "flash player : sound distorted", "flash player alternative for firefox", "choppy flash video playback , 'settings ' disabled for flash as well"], ["convert .mp4 to .ogg keeping only the audio , with ubuntu 14.04 and avconv"], ["i have installed ubuntu using windows installer , now i want to uninstall windows xp , how do i do that ?", "uninstalling windows", "removing windows"], ["installing media codecs without internet conncetion", "how can i install ubuntu using wubi without internet connection ?", "how can i install ubuntu without an internet connection ?", "how to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 without internet without internet connection ?", "how can i install software without internet ?"], ["accidentally deleted ubuntu partition , windows 8 hibernated , can not access bios to boot from usb . help ?", "problems with installing ubuntu from usb", "`` error : no such partition , grub rescue > '' how do i fix this ?", "error : you need to load the kernel first", "trouble in unistalling grub"], ["upgrading to win 8 on a computer with windows 7 and ubuntu 12.04", "does upgrading window 8 to window 8.1 will affect ubuntu", "my windows 8.1/ubuntu 12.04 dual boot wo n't boot windows after updating to v 8.1", "installing windows 8 over windows 7 when dual booting with ubuntu ?", "ubuntu 14.04 get windows 8 to show up"], ["i have ubuntu 12.04lts installed , how do i upgrade to 12.10 using a dvd ?", "upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 via cd/usb image", "kubuntu 13.10 to 14.04 upgrade via iso", "can i upgrade 10.04 to 12.04.1 with the desktop image ?", "upgrade to ubuntu 13.10 from iso image"], ["how to burn ubuntu desktop v12.04.3-i386.iso file to a cd or a dvd disc ?", "official download 12.04 gives 730mb", "can ubuntu 12.04lts fit on a normal cd , 700mb , or i do need a dvd ?", "what version of ubuntu fits on a cd-r ?", "ubuntu install - wo n't fit on cd"], ["no boot manager after new ubuntu installation"], ["i want to remove ubuntu 11.10 and try kubuntu 11.04 but i ca n't get my kubuntu live disc to work"], ["how to upgrade easily from 12.04 lts to 14.04 lts without losing data ?", "partitioning on gparted", "how do i install ubuntu without losing data ?", "how to backup files without access to the desktop ?", "pre-installed windows ; drive partition"], ["can not connect wireless internet with 12.10 on dell inspiron 1525", "no wireless with dell inspiron 1501", "unable to connect to wireless network on dell inspiron 1525", "i ca n't connect to internet at all in ubuntu 12.04", "lost internet connection when upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10"], ["where have the keyboard layout options gone in ubuntu 13.10 ?", "how can i enable ctrl+alt+backspace ?", "how do i enable the ctrl+alt+backspace shortcut in 11.10 ( gui ) ?", "ctrl + alt + backspace does not work", "how to set keyboard combination to kill the x server ?"], ["how to sync my music and photos with windows phone 7 device ?", "ubuntu 13.04 unable to mount my lumia 720"], ["how do i remove amazon app but keep google apps ?", "make amazon web app and unity lens search amazon.co.uk instead of .com", "how do i remove any lenses or other software that i might consider spying on me ? can it be turned off ?", "how can i remove amazon search results from the dash or disable the feature ?", "how can i move amazon search results into a dedicated shopping lens and out of the home lens ?"], ["nautilus becomes unresponsive , dmesg reports : `` valid ecryptfs headers not found ... ''", "can i identify encrypted files resulting in dmesg errors , or fsck the encrypted files ?"], ["how to remove ubuntu from my windows 7 ?", "how to remove kubuntu", "how can i restore windows 7 to the pc", "remove ubuntu partition", "how do i remove ubuntu completely and install windows 7 ?"], ["how get a higher resolution icon for google chrome in docky ?", "how can i remove `` show desktop '' icon from alt-tab ?", "weird issue with bootstrap icons on html pages", "how can i change the google chrome webapp icon ?", "disable chrome 's new notification icon"], ["enable webgl w/ intel drivers in chrome", "webgl on google chrome with amd card", "webgl is not initializing properly ?", "problem with running webgl with chrome", "how do i enable webgl ?"], ["add cron job on startup from a script"], ["unable to install 12.04 on hp pavilion g6", "live cd and usb install failure blank screen when trying to install on an hp pavilion dv6", "why do i briefly see a black srceen with white writing which then disappears when trying to install ubuntu on an hp pavilion g7 ?", "installing ubuntu 13.04 on hp pavilion g4 laptop", "black screen installing ubuntu 12.04 on hp pavilion g6"], ["wireless not showing up in network manager applet", "ubuntu 12.04 wireless does not detect networks", "network manager or wicd ?", "no wireless connction after updates", "network connection problem with wicd on macbook pro 7.1"], ["how to install ubuntu 13.04 without a cd or usb ?", "upgraded to raring ringtail 13.04 , but not every package did ?", "i ca n't upgrade to raring ringtail ; is it because of the traffic ?", "full changelog of updated packages for ubuntu releases ?"], ["how to lock firefox version ?", "will the latest versions of firefox be brought into old ubuntu releases ?"], ["why no easy way to install new themes in gnome 3 and unity ?", "how to change or add themes for unity ?", "using the themes in the repository ( 14.04 )", "where can i get themes ?", "how can i install emerald theme manager , and switch between emerald and metacity themes ?"], ["where to submit feature ideas when brainstorm.ubuntu . is dead", "where do i report packaging bugs ? for example regarding dependencies", "can i suggest some new feature to next edition of ubuntu ?", "where can i check for development progress and report bugs for gnome classic panels ?", "where can i suggest spell check improvements ?"], ["how do i create a persistent usb 2.0 thumb drive install of ubuntu in a windows environment ?", "how can you burn an iso image on a usb flash drive using k3b ?", "why is n't writing the iso image to my usb flash drive working ?", "ubuntu 12.04 install to usb flash drive", "problem putting ubuntu onto usb"], ["how to increase the size of my wubi installation ?", "resizing disk space", "how to increase wubi /root disk space", "making wubi bigger , or upgrading to ubuntu without loosing windows ?"], ["fglrx always hard-crashes my hybrid-gpu laptop . how can i disable radeon and use only i915 ?"], ["openssl getting rollback automatically to default version in ubuntu 12.04.4", "how to install apache with openssl 1.0.1 ?", "problem updating openssl in 13.10 - how to diagnose or work around ?", "heartbleed ubuntu 13.04 stuck on openssl 1.0.1c", "problems upgrading openssl to fix heartbleed - please advise"], ["how to make sure , that grub always starts the default entry after a timeout ?", "how can i choose which os grub will reboot me into\u00e2\u0080\u0094before i reboot ?", "xubuntu 11.10 wo n't boot without an attached monitor", "how to force grub to boot only the 1st os ?", "how to disable boot selection"], ["can not install php curl , php5-common discrepency", "how do i install curl in php5 ?"], ["dropbox indicator menu went missing in 13.10 . how to get it back ?", "ubuntu 12.04 dropbox icon missing in tray ( no working solution )", "remove/add indicator icons", "dropbox icon disappears only for some users , while dropbox still loads", "dropbox indicator icon dissapears right after login"], ["wifi problem in 14.04", "wifi not working on ubuntu and windows 8 dual boot", "wireless problem on new laptop", "wifi not working asus x550cc it is hard blocked"], ["screen goes black when trying to install ubuntu 12.04.3 lts on lenovo ideapad z510 with free dos", "lenovo thinkpad e335 and ubuntu 12.04 : black screen after wake up from standby", "screen black ubuntu linux on lenovo ideapad g505 59405547"], ["prevent unity from auto-maximizing", "chrome always maximize windows in gnome shell", "is there a way to turn off the drag to maximize thing ?"], ["upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 , `` no release found ''"], ["location of file folders of installed programs", "how can i find the location of files installed via software center are available ?", "how do i find out where are command line commands installed ?", "how to set the path where sudo apt-get installs", "determine destination location of apt-get install < package > ?"], ["uninstall ubuntu in dual boot with windows 8", "problem after dual boot installation", "windows 7 dual boot ubuntu . install . reinstall .", "how can i uninstall ubuntu when dual-booted ?", "how to uninstall ubuntu 11.10 in netbook"], ["how to `` convert '' running ubuntu server to boot able iso", "how to use installation files to create an iso image ?"], ["minecraft exit code 134"], ["help with getting netflix to work ?", "netflix desktop application will not start , ubuntu 12.10", "netflix on ubuntu studio w/o wine ?", "netflix desktop does n't launch when i click on it", "netflix desktop and wine"], ["graphics card not found ?", "how to install `` intel graphics driver installer `` in ubuntu 12.04 lts ?", "ati video drivers issue", "are intel hd 4000 graphics supported on ubuntu 10.04 lts ?", "how to install intel graphics driver for ubuntu 13.10"], ["how to resolve wifi disconnects and ca n't reconnect until disable and re-enable networking ?"], ["create a .desktop file that opens and execute a command in a terminal", "my .bashrc alias not run in .desktop file"], ["apple g4 733mhz and 512mb ram ... any suggestions on what to use for good performance ?", "installing ubuntu 12.10 - performance issues", "choosing ubuntu based distro for my laptop", "lightweight linux distro ( preferably ubuntu based ) needed for ibm r51"], ["install latest stable version of firefox", "ca n't find firefox update in ubuntu update manager", "how do i install the latest stable version of firefox ?", "unable to upgrade firefox in ubuntu"], ["how to set up a basic home network file sharing ?", "safe home network through wifi", "using my wifi netgear for syncing my file system", "how do i share files between two computers connected to a router ?", "how to setup local wifi network in ubuntu ?"], ["64-bit intel machine can use the amd64-bit ?", "32-bit or 64-bit for a intel celeron 2.93ghz processor ?", "is amd64 the only 64-bit version of ubuntu 12.04 lts desktop ?", "is the 64-bit version of ubuntu only compatible with amd cpus ?", "which version of ubuntu 12.04 should i go for ? 32bit or 64 bit ?"], ["not able to login through root user", "restarting after installation", "crash in 14.04 after login", "i have recently installed ubuntu 13.04 dual-booting with windows 7 , but ca n't login .", "login screen is frozen on ubuntu 14.04 lts"], ["what is the name of the application to find automatically the package to install ?"], ["sharing folders between ubuntu ( guest ) and windows 7 ( host ) using virtualbox", "lan or workgroup with ubuntu server and windows clients", "how to set up a home network", "how do i copy files from windows partition to my ubuntu partition", "windows files in ubuntu and vice versa"], ["my pc has both windows xp and windows 8 installed . if i use wubi to install ubuntu , where should i run the wubi installer ? xp or win8 ?", "wubi start up error , grub menu boot error !", "ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8 not booting", "ubuntu alongside windows 8", "trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 8"], ["copy files from one home directory to another", "rsyncing /home between 10.04 and 11.04"], ["no app icons in menus", "menu bar and launcher icons missing after amd flgrx propriety drivers installed", "installed ubuntu 11.10 , but desk is empty , pc doens't do anything", "only wallpaper is shown after log in", "why wo n't ubuntu 13.04 load ? ( only wallpaper )"], ["ubuntu 13.10 gives me a black screen , should i use 12.04 instead ?", "black screen at the booting part of ubuntu", "ubuntu 13.10 and dell inspiron 7520 se ( intel 4000 and ati radeon hd 7730m )", "blank screen after updating from 12.04 to 12.10", "amd radeon hd 8700m black screen after installing ubuntu 13.10 ?"], ["wireless does not work with latitude d820 and ver . 13.04", "acer aspire 4710 : additional drivers in kubuntu 13.04", "ubuntu 12.04 lts do not recognize wireless adapter", "how would i install drivers for n900 wnda4100 wireless adapter ?", "dell inspiron e1405 can not get wireless card to turn on"], ["do i need to activate the firewall ? i only use ubuntu for a home desktop use ?", "do i need a firewall for my desktop ?", "i have some questions about firewall", "ufw and firewall", "is a firewall really necessary these days ?"], ["how does wubi work ?"], ["display only the git root directory if it is a git directory in ps1", "shell tweak to show current path in addition", "how can i change the terminal prompt to something simple ?"], ["why could not i export variables permanently ?", "where to declare environment variables ?", "environment variable - how does properly set them ( bashrc or profile )", "how to permanently set environmental variables path and m2_home in ubuntu for maven3 ?", "how do i set persistent environment variables for root ?"], ["transferring libraries from windows 7 into wine"], ["installing ubuntu in windows 8 with wubi", "can i safely upgrade ubuntu 12.10 to 13.04 which installed using wubi ?", "upgrading from 12.10 wubi install to 13.04", "will i be able to use wubi to install ubuntu releases newer than 12.10 ?"], ["can i download the new version and burn it to a cd and install it without reformating the hard drive ?", "problem trying to upgrade 10.04 to 12.04", "update errors on ubuntu- i get this message"], ["kubuntu - roccat keyboard does not work under grub and works partially in bios", "unable to use keyboard at grub menu os selection", "why wo n't my logitech k750 solar keyboard work at the login screen ?", "how do i get my keyboard to work in grub on this old ibm thinkcentre pc ?", "keyboard stop working after grub"], ["banshee crashes consistently - is there a fix ?", "banshee does not start ( ubuntu 12.04 )"], ["how can i get my battery level to display in the notification area ( system tray ) ?", "network manager disappeared on ubuntu 14.04", "network indicator icon in system tray is missing in 12.04", "network manager missing from lubuntu 14.04", "network indicator missing in ubuntu 14.04 64 bit"], ["how to keep unity 2d launcher visible with fullscreen apps ?", "how to make unity set window properties ( sticky , on top ) to some windows ( google talk )", "how can i set the unity2d launcher to be always shown ?", "how to make the unity launcher evade active windows in 12.04 ?", "how to always show the side bar in unity ?"], ["automounting partitions xubuntu", "how to mount ntfs partitions on startup ?", "automount ntfs partition read-only if not cleanly unmounted", "how to mount ntfs drive to home folder ?", "automount ntfs drives before startup applications"], ["what program should i load the ubuntu download file with if i want it on a cd for my new desktop"], ["additional drivers tool in ubuntu 12.10 ?", "how do i install the drivers ? or how do i get them to list under `` additional drivers '' ?", "installing additional drivers without internet connection", "msi ge70 not able to get any internet connection", "how do i install the latest nvidia drivers via the additional drivers tool ?"], ["make default `python` command to use python 3", "python3 modules", "how to set quickly to use python3 when creating new applications in ubuntu 12.04", "how to install a python module to the non-default python", "installing python 3.4 from source"], ["how to get unity environment in gnome", "upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 to 11.10 . x starts , unity desktop not there", "ubuntu 11.04 appearing like ubuntu 10.10 suddenly", "upgraded to 10.10 but desktop shell did not change"], ["ubuntu downloads very slow . i do n't find solution . help me please .", "is it possible to accelerate downloads in synaptic manager ?", "ubuntu downloads slow"], ["dual monitors on different graphics inputs ?"], ["why do the ubuntu 11.10 file/share bookmarks always disappear between sessions ?"], ["backup in 12.04 and restore in 14.04"], ["ubuntu installation on usb", "difference between live session and full installation ."], ["not being able to play flash on firefox & ubuntu12.04", "how to update adobe flash player", "adobe flash not working in 12.04", "adobe shockwave flash player shows error screen on youtube player ( firefox )", "12.04 black screen crash on flash video with firefox"], ["resize ubuntu partition to increase its size without reinstalling ubuntu", "merge unallocated partitions", "installing ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8", "add unallocated space to extended partitions", "issue with partitioned disk while trying to install ubuntu 13.10 along with windows 8"], ["printing speed is slow on ubuntu", "how to reset hp laserjet 1102 driver ?"], ["why the os is still 32 bit after i updated 11.10 ( 32 bit ) to 12.04 via update manager ?", "is it possible to convert a 32-bit ubuntu installation to 64-bit ?", "how to switch from 32 bit to 64bit without reinstalling ?", "upgrade of ubuntu 10.04 ( 32-bit ) to 10.xx ( 64-bit )", "can i switch from 64bit to 32bit ?"], ["is there a way to upgrade directly from ubuntu 12.04 to ubuntu 14.04 ?", "`` third party sources disabled '' when upgrading , why ?", "how to upgrade ubuntu unsupported 10.10 to 11.04 , then ultimately to 12.10", "what is to be done with all the sources disabled on upgrade ?", "upgrade 12.10 sources.list"], ["upgrading from 12.10 to 13.04", "not showing up to upgrade latest ubuntu version 14.04 ?"], ["where are my apps ?", "why does n't dash respect the main menu categories ?", "classic categories in unity 's dash ?", "how to change default `` categories '' and `` sources '' in unity dash ?"], ["how to reset notification area settings ?", "notification and indicator applets in gnome classic", "how to change the default application icons of gnome shell 's top right area", "how can i change/customize the icons in my notification area ?", "how to change notification area icons only"], ["how do i debrand the boot splash screen ?", "purple color of boot splash screen not changing", "plymouth splash not showing , purple and black on boot", "how to configure splash screen after plymouth", "replace the xubuntu 11.10 splash screen"], ["wireless internet", "just installed ubuntu , but my wireless networks are n't showing up", "how to connect to wireless wifi with 13.04 ?", "why ca n't i connect to an ad-hoc wireless network on a windows 7 system ?", "problem detecting wireless drivers/module in 12.04 in lenovo g570"], ["is it possible to execute an action by double clicking on the desktop ?", "how to run a script directly when double clicked ?", "can we execute a shell script by clicking", "can i apply all updates by downloading and clicking a .deb ?", "trouble creating a simple script"], ["how can i remove the default indicators and add custom ones ?", "how do i edit unity top panel", "add icons to top panel ubuntu 13.04", "why do i see two network indicators in ubuntu 14.04 ?", "how to rearrange the panel indicators ?"], ["ubuntu 14.04 default firewall rules", "ufw firewall disabled - how to turn it back on ?", "ufw and firewall"], ["why are n't viruses an issue ?", "do i need to have 'antivirus software ' installed ?", "what antivirus programs are available ?"], ["ubuntu will not boot after updates"], ["why the cryptographic key was not provided at ubuntu 12.04 first run ?", "how do i encrypt files after skipping the option during installation ?"], ["can ubuntu run from usb drive ?", "how can i run ubuntu off usb", "usb ntfs pen drive and hard drive not working after plugging them into ubuntu", "is there specific install instructions , or ubuntu version for install to a flash drive ?", "how can i partition a usb flashdrive in win7"], ["out of the box ubuntu 13.04 with chromium does not automatically use web apps"], ["will the ubuntu replace my windows ?", "need help with old data and ubuntu installation to replace windows entirely", "replace windows 7 with ubuntu install option", "replace my operating system ?", "will i lose my files when i replace my windows os with ubuntu ?"], ["is it possible to place windows with keyboard shortcuts in xfce ?", "xfce full window tile"], ["how do i display menu of an application using shortcut"], ["xubuntu/lubuntu/ubuntu 12.10 can not load xfc/lxde/unity on netbook running intel n2600", "asus eee pc 1101ha wo n't boot after installation", "installing ubuntu 12.04 on asus eee pc freezes on `` grub-install dummy ''", "boot problem in asus eee pc 1015cx", "asus eee wo n't boot"], ["how do i install adium themes in pidgin ?"], ["boot problem in samsung", "installing ubuntu in a pen drive instead of hard disk", "how can i create a shared partition for windows and ubuntu in a pen drive ?", "problem in installing ubuntu 12.10 on samsung notebook .", "can i install ubuntu on my pen drive"], ["command line for guis that are found in the menu bar/dash", "how does one find out the command line corresponding to gui app ( eg , libreoffice writer ) ?", "how to find out the terminal command of an application ?"], ["are there any risks to using ccsm in ubuntu 12.04 ?", "which alternative to using ccsm\u00e2 ( compiz config settings manager )", "effects still causing issues after uninstalling ccsm"], ["how to copy an ubuntu install from one laptop to another", "can i clone my existing ubuntu 12.10 and install to usb", "copy of ubuntu os from one system to another", "how to share packages with other ubuntu systems ?", "how to copy my software to another computer ?"], ["fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 not booting", "ca n't boot windows 7 after installing ubuntu 12.04", "lenovo x120e only boots into windows after dual boot installation", "can not boot after installing ubuntu on lenovo x120e", "ubuntu 12.04 install on lenovo x120e - grub menu loads , but wo n't load ubuntu without usb in"], ["how to set a website as wallpaper in gnome"], ["latest 12.04 update dkms never ends ?"], ["ressource difference between server and desktop", "what is the difference between minimal , desktop & server editions ?", "install ubuntu desktop or server in ubuntu 11.10 ?", "what is the difference between 12.04 desktop & 12.04 server images", "what 's the difference between the server version and the desktop version ?"], ["flash appears to be missing or broken in all browsers", "flash videoplayer not working properly", "not being able to play flash on firefox & ubuntu12.04", "adobe flash not working in 12.04", "google chrome - flash plugin crashes"], ["how to change background color in grub", "how to leave a picture for background of the grub ?", "remove the additional entries in grub", "how can i change the contents of grub loader ?", "how can i reset my grub background to default ?"], ["how do i hide banshee ?", "how can i control banshee"], ["how to force wine into acting like 32-bit windows on 64-bit ubuntu ?", "building 32-bit wine on a 64-bit ( x86-64 ) system", "how to install 32-bit windows apps on 64-bit ubuntu ( ver : 14.04 ) ?", "32 bit wine in 64 bit pc running ubuntu 64 bit precise", "build wine 32bit from source on ubuntu 12.04 64bit"], ["how to remove ubuntu after wubi installation", "trouble in unistalling grub", "how to uninstall ubuntu 14.04 ?", "how do i remove ubuntu and install windows 7 ?", "how to remove ubuntu 12.04 ?"], ["rosetta stone installation", "will the rosetta stone online edition work with ubuntu ?"], ["when i want to install ubuntu on my laptop i 'll have to erase all my data . `` alonge side windows '' doesnt apppear", "standalone installation of ubuntu 13.10"], ["how to completely remove unity , and replace it with cinnamon ?", "desktop environment in ubuntu", "uninstall ubuntu-desktop with unity , gnome etc", "how to delete all desktop environments except unity ?"], ["problems with netflix-app after upgrading to 13.04", "netflix desktop not working after update", "unable to use netflix - still asked to install silverlight . firefox , pipelight , silverlight enabled , passed troubleshooting", "netflix sliverlight update", "is netflix-desktop down for everyone ?"], ["why does n't ld_library_path has any effect ?", "setting ld_library_path before running an app from a terminal has no effect", "14.04 , ld_library_path fails after setcap cap_sys_ptrace=eip ?", "what 's the best way to add a directory to ld_library_path ?", "set ld_library_path for applications started from the desktop"], ["how can i use audio keys on vlc ?", "control runninig vlc instance with command line", "can i map the media player function keys to a media player other than totem ?", "global media keys"], ["why i do not have gnome shell with gnome 3 ?", "no gnome shell after install on ubuntu 12.04 inside vmware workstation"], ["ubuntu 12.10 install fails , both native and wubi", "wubi 's error while installin ubuntu 12.10 on windows 7", "asus eeepc 1015cx ubuntu 32 bits or 64bits ?", "why does wubi installation fail with `` error : 'none type ' object has no attribute 'get_info ' '' ?", "why is wubi giving me an error message when i try to install ?"], ["no additional driver listed", "geforce gt 750m graphics driver for ubuntu 12.04", "nvidia card for a laptop ca n't be detected", "additional drivers for my nvidia 680gtx not showing up in the additional drivers tool", "no alternative drivers appearing on software sources and manual install leads to no unity"], ["base ubuntu 13.10 fails to install from a usb drive", "why bios is n't recognizing usb drive during installation ?", "ca n't boot from usb when installing ubuntu", "installing ubuntu on usb and booting on uefi"], ["can i install ubuntu on htc butterfly ?"], ["is there anyway to write arabic root in libreoffice ?", "libreoffice ca n't use keyboard shortcuts while typing in any language but english ?", "how to set libreoffice to use persian / arabic-indic / hindi page numbers ?"], ["gdm2 not respecting my conf setting , default blank theme . lucid openbox no gnome-settings-daemon", "setting desktop wallpaper via terminal", "how do i change the wallpaper in gnome 3 via a script ?", "how to change desktop background from command line in unity ?"], ["prevent vlc from always showing in the sound indicator", "modify sound indicator menu to hide controls from inactive player or remove it after closeing", "13.10 indicator-sound only preferred-media-players", "how to show only running applications in the sound indicator"], ["external webcam for"], ["how to share data between two computers ?", "share files and printer between two ubuntu boxes", "sharing folders between ubuntu computers fails", "how to share folders with samba", "sharing music with a samba share fails between two ubuntu computers"], ["ubuntu 14.04 lts triple boot", "windows 8 and ubuntu on seperate hdd using grub2", "is it possible to dual-boot with each os on different drives ?", "windows 7 and ubuntu 14.04", "how can i install a dual boot configuration with ubuntu and windows xp ?"], ["hand of thief malware ?"], ["installing kernel 3.13 on ubuntu 13.10 fails"], ["can i get gnome-shell 's drop-down menus in unity ?"], ["boot folder is full so can not install updates .", "trying to use free space on bootable usb", "how do i make space in /boot/ ?", "every time i try to upgrade from ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10 , it fails", "how to free up space on /boot ?"], ["quicklaunch icons can no longer change size", "how to resize launcher on ubuntu 12.04 ?", "not able to change launcher icon size", "12.04 lts launcher problem", "appearance icon has disappeared from system settings menu"], ["nautilus hidpi support ?", "i just installed ubuntu on my yoga 2 pro and i am looking to manually adjust the screen resolution", "touchscreen input does n't rotate : lenovo yoga 13 / yoga 2 pro", "ubuntu on lenovo yoga 11", "lenovo yoga 13 realtek wireless driver"], ["where should i put this line `` source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm '' ?", "where should i put my script so that i can run it by a direct command ?", "where is .bash_profile ?"], ["downgrading from ubuntu 11.10 to 10.10 , keeping installed programs", "downgrade from 14.04 to 12.04"], ["how can i free up space on my main partition and change target directory of apt-get installations ?", "how to find large unwanted packages to uninstall to free space ?", "how can i remove the ubuntu 11.04 disk partition so that there is enough free disk space to install 12.04 ?", "running out of disc space- how to check where its being used ?", "how can i free up space in my /boot partition ?"], ["problems mounting nexus 7", "how to transfer files between my nexus 7 and my pc using a usb cable ?", "how to connect a nexus 10 to transfer files ?", "lubuntu 12.04 : can not transfer files from the laptop to the nexus 7", "mounting nexus 7 on ubuntu 12.04 through usb ?"], ["`` user is not in the sudoers file '' , how to read the incident reports ?", "how do i add myself back as a sudo user ?", "add ad domain user to sudoers from the command line", "oracle installation script execution privileges : `` oracle is not in the sudoers file ''", "i am no longer in sudoers ?"], ["how to install onedrive on ubuntu 13.10 x64", "to install onedrive on ubuntu", "accessing onedrive files on a ntfs partition from ubuntu 14.04"], ["how to automatically reboot my pc every 3 hours ?", "how to execute a script with cron"], ["revert to original ubuntu set of package", "can i reset all packages to repo versions without ppa-purge ?", "how do i revert all packages to their official versions ?", "reinstall package that was not from repo from ubuntu repository", "how can i revert back from an upgrade to the proposed repository ?"], ["wi-fi not able to connect ubuntu 13.10", "installed 13.10 over 12.04 . asus q200 laptop . wifi and ethernet do not work now", "ubuntu can see the wifi connection but does n't connect", "dual boot windows 8.1 wifi is n't working properly on ubuntu 13.10", "how to let ubuntu 13.10 notice wifi signals"], ["how do i re-enable disabled network notifications in gnome shell ?", "always show notifications in activity overview ( gnome shell 3.10 )", "no notification when i change brightness and/or volume", "gnome shell message notication not showing notifications some times", "ubuntu 12.04 gnome shell disable notification hot corner"], ["apt reports dependency `` is not installable '' for installed ( virtual ) package"], ["replacing 11.10 gnome power manager with 11.04 or xfce power manager", "how do i install xfce so i can choose it as the desktop environment at login ?", "how to install xfce without xubuntu-desktop or ubuntustudio-desktop", "how to install xfce desktop environment ?"], ["my update manager does n't update", "update manager does not update", "update manager generates 404 error while attempting update . will not update", "update manager will not update due to authentication error", "update manager unable to get update"], ["/etc/x11/xorg.conf file is not available"], ["need to reinstall ubuntu 12.04 , but my computer does n't recognize my usb startup disk . ( dual boot )", "ca n't boot my usb windows installer in th bios under ubuntu 12.04", "how to boot ubuntu 12.04-64bit from a usb from compaq cq58", "boot from usb fail , ubuntu 12.04", "12.04 can not boot from usb"], ["how can i upgrade from 12.10 to 13.10 via terminal using usb rather than from internet ?", "how to upgrade ubuntu from 12.10 to 13.4 without lossing anything ?", "acer touch pad not working", "problem upgrading from12.10 to 13.04"], ["iphone 4s with ios7 unable to connect .", "ubuntu 12.4lts iphone 5 ca n't mount . test this computer loops endlessly", "access files on iphone 4s from ubuntu ?", "how can i connect my iphone with ubuntu ?", "ubuntu 13.04/13.10 wo n't trust iphone"], ["internet connection is very slow", "connection drops after about 5 seconds and is real slow with a centrino 1030 wireless card", "unuseable slow internet connection", "ubuntu 12.04 lts and rtl8187l problem with connection ?"], ["how to correctly install apache2 , php5 , mysql and phpmyadmin", "unable to install apache 2.2.22 in ubuntu 12.04", "apache2 updated , but not installed", "apache virtual host on ubuntu 12.04", "i m not able to download apache2-prefork-dev"], ["how do i disable the home encryption offered during install ?"], ["call ubuntu settings with command line", "how can i call system settings app from the terminal ?", "what is the command to run system settings from a terminal ?"], ["how to download ubuntu softwares in windows ?"], ["is it possible to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu server ? if so , is it better to use two separate hard drives or a single hard drive ?", "how can i partition my ubuntu hard drive"], ["how to auto-scan any plugged in usb storage device with clamav ?", "how to automatically run a specific command on live usb on boot ?", "how to run a shell script when a new usb storage device is detected ?", "usb mount autorun a script using udev", "autorun a script after i plugged or unplugged a usb device"], ["ubuntu 14.04 screen freezes randomly nvidia", "slow and freezy 13.04 system under nvidia graphics", "why ubuntu 12.04 randomly loads in fail-safe graphic mode ?", "ubuntu is freezing a few seconds after login"], ["psmouse serio1 : alps : unknown alps touchpad in a lenovo ideapad flex 15", "how do i enable all touchpad features using the alps driver on a dell n5110 ?", "alps touchpad driver loaded , but still touchpad not working ?"], ["find duplicate files and folders and move these to a different folder", "how to use fdupes to find duplicate files with size greater than a specific value ?"], ["is there any software for converting my jar into a .deb file ?"], ["getting `` server certificate verification failed '' during apt-get update", "update packges error", "failed to fetch http : //extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/release ubuntu 13.04", "`` the following signatures could n't be verified because the public key is not available : no_pubkey 16126d3a3e5c1192 ''", "update manager error - authentication error"], ["`` open containing folder '' in firefox does not use my default file manager", "how do i get ubuntu to open folders with nautilus by default ?", "text files open in nautilus instead of text editor", "change default `` open with '' for documents directory"], ["trouble accessing www folders - permission or ownership ?", "apache 'you do n't have permission to access / on this server '", "give apache permission to write to /home/*/www/ directories", "i am part of a group , but i can not create files", "give www-data write permission to /home ?"], ["black screen after grub screen", "ubuntu grub screen problems", "ca n't boot after update , purple/black screen", "post grub black screen with cursor ubuntu 12.04", "after failed partition resize , ubuntu wo n't boot . it just keeps rebooting again and again"], ["grub rescue error : hd0 out of disk", "grub out of disk error", "grub rescue error : out of disk space", "error : out of disk message after fresh install of 11.10"], ["ubuntu12.04 has libc6 dependency problems when installing software", "software installation problem in ubuntu 12.04"], ["how can i get my microsoft lifecam vx-1000 webcam microphone to work ?", "how do i get my webcam to work", "driver for a ms lifecam", "microsoft lifecam vx-2000 does n't work anymore in cheese", "how do i get my lifecam vx-7000 working on ubuntu 13.10 ?"], ["mount blackberry pearl as usb mass storage device", "need to access nokia 200 phone memory", "phone connecting as mass-storage : how can i import photos ?", "i am unable to connect my samsung gt-s7562 with data cable", "want to connect sony z2 ( android phone ) to ubuntu 12.04"], ["ubuntu 13.10 blank screen with cursor after installing libopencv-dev", "unable to locate package libopencv-dev"], ["how do i take a screenshot with dimensions ?"], ["kubuntu for usb , where to find this iso-file ?", "where can i find an iso file to be burned on usb ?", "difference ubuntu-12.04-alternate-amd64.iso and ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso", "how to make pen drive bootable and from where i get .iso file ?", "where can i get the iso file needed for installing uui ?"], ["configuring the gedit embeded terminal", "can i change the gedit shell output colors ?", "how to change background color of gedit embedded terminal", "how do i change the default font for the terminal and gedit ?", "gedit embedded terminal uses incorrect palette"], ["why upgrade to 12.10 is not shown", "update manager shows no update to 12.04", "upgrade manager does not start upgrading", "not able to upgrade to 12.10 from 12.04", "ubuntu 12.04 update manager not offering 12.10 upgrade"], ["heartbleed bug in ubuntu 13.04", "how do i upgrade openssl ?", "upgrade openssl on ubuntu 12.04", "upgrading openssl on ubuntu 10.04.4 lts - heartbleed", "problem updating openssl in 13.10 - how to diagnose or work around ?"], ["where is zend-framework library ?", "after doing a sudo apt-get install < app > , where does the application get stored to ?", "ladspa-foo-plugins \u00e2\u0080\u0093 where are the plugins located ?", "where can i find the commands for the main menu items ?", "where did mercurial install to ?"], ["how can i change the permissions of a folder from create or delete to list files only on a ntfs partition ?", "how to change permissions to the other drives in a hard disk ?", "no permissions on new partition .", "partitioning issues", "recovering very important lost data from ntfs partition"], ["subfolders not syncing in ubuntu one", "sync only selected subfolders to ubuntuone ?", "mounted network share does not list all subfolders", "ntfs file-system sharing control"], ["unable to free space in /boot", "ubuntu 12.10 , i ca n't clean up space in boot directory", "how do i free up space to install software updates ?", "how can i free up space in my /boot partition ?", "ca n't upgrade ubuntu the system"], ["ca n't select continue to install ubuntu alongside them", "`` continue button '' grayed out in `` installation type '' screen during 13.04 installation", "installer wo n't let me continue , forward and skip buttons greyed out"], ["is it there any advantage to unticking the `` source code '' entry of a repository ?", "ffmpeg : installing from repository or compiling from source ?", "what is the advantage to build unity from source"], ["how do i install grub on a raid system installation ?", "ubuntu 14.04 desktop and raid"], ["windows 8.1 erased after updating to ubuntu 14.04", "ubuntu erased my windows when i chose to replace old ubuntu install", "clean install ubuntu 14.04 erased all win7 partitions , how to recover with testdisk ?"], ["various crashes in 12.04 after upgrade and fresh install", "12.04 upgrade freezes after restart , what can i do ?", "ubuntu 12.04 freezes after booting to desktop", "ubuntu distribution upgrade to 12.04 freezes on configuring lswh", "i can not update ubuntu 64 11.10 , have constant crashes"], ["ubuntu 13.10 ca n't type in unity dash", "keyboard does not work in dash"], ["how do i shut down without the confirmation prompt ?", "how do i remove the shutdown confirmation menu ?", "how to shutdown oneiric ocelot in two clicks ?"], ["quick simple mathematics calculations", "ubuntu calculator in dash"], ["how should i install tex-live 2010 on top of the existing installation ?", "upgrade from tex live from 2013 to 2014 on ubuntu 14.04", "how to install tex live in ubuntu ? ( any version )", "how do i install the latest tex live 2012 ?"], ["unity wo n't to start after installing proprietary amd graphics driver", "unity does n't start", "unity wo n't start after upgrading to 13.04", "unity does not start after booting"], ["need to connect as **root @ my-server-ip** with ssh", "how to scp a file ( s ) from ubuntu virtual machine to remote web host ?", "how to setup passwordless ssh access for root user", "not able to ssh to localhost", "how to deny root ssh login + require ssh key for user ?"], ["how to iconize all windows for current application , unity"], ["how to fetch a image from online ( http ) and make it as a wallpaper using ubuntu terminal", "how do i change the desktop background from command line ?", "how to change desktop background from command line in unity ?", "unable to change desktop background using gsettings in unity"], ["ubuntu hanging at boot screen", "updated from ubuntu 12.04 lts wubi to 13.10 , wo n't boot now", "ubuntu 14.04 wo n't start", "can not see my files but i see a lost_found folder and can not boot ubuntu 10.04"], ["partitioning in dual boot of ubuntu and windows 7", "will installing 12.04 delete contents on a hard drive ?", "installing ubuntu 12.04 along windows xp and windows 7", "ubuntu on a secondary drive", "installing ubuntu in a external hard drive and not placing grub of my c : hard drive"], ["adobe flash player is not working in google chrome", "problem with youtube under 12.04", "watching share video", "why ca n't google chrome load flash plug-in ?", "adobe flash player upgrade"], ["password problem with ubuntu ( virtual machine )", "recovering root password in vmware for ubuntu 12.10", "changed root password on my server , now ca n't login anymore", "ubuntu root user", "how can i find out the root password ?"], ["how do i install proprietary amd drivers for a radeon hd 6870m / integrated intel hybrid graphics ?"], ["can i remove compiz and still run gnome desktop ?", "does compiz work on ubuntu 11.10", "why does compiz crash on the ubuntu host when opening windows 7 in virtualbox ?", "is it safe to restart compiz ?", "closing the terminal where `` compiz -- replace '' is run , causes compiz to crash again"], ["is it really necessary to upgrade the kernel ?", "how can i install a newer kernel ?", "what kernel should be used with ubuntu 12.04", "when to apply the kernel update ?", "it is possible to easily upgrade the kernel in 10.04.3 to version 3.0.0 and newer ?"], ["how to copy wine on pendrive ?"], ["can i virtualize a pre-installed windows 7 ?", "how to replace windows 7 completely and repair grub"], ["memory utilization increased from 7 % to 72 % in 10 mins . in ubuntu 14.04", "how to detect a memory leak ?", "how to detect a memory leak system wide ?"], ["how can i tell if i am running 2d or 3d unity ?", "what is the difference between unity-2d and unity-3d ?"], ["does thunderbird ubuntu one contacts sync work in 11.10 ?", "ubuntu one contacts not syncing ?"], ["conky autostart problem", "conky not working in gnome 3.4", "crashes when using gnome tweak tool with gnome 3.4", "conky in gnome 3.10 shell"], ["boot problem after upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04", "how to upgrade ubuntu 9.10 to 12.10 via terminal ?", "upgrading ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04 lts", "upgraded to 10.04 lts and can not startup", "upgrading from 9 to 13 , do i have to go through minor versions ?"], ["resolution in login screen", "hard drive encryption boot screen resolution", "different text scaling factors for different displays ?", "how to disable clone display mode on ubuntu login screen ?", "how can i change the dpi of my monitors separately ?"], ["firefox : open downloaded files with system default application"], ["how to get gnome shell 3.6 in ubuntu 12.04 ?", "how do i install gnome-shell-extensions package in ubuntu quantal", "upgrade gnome-shell in ubuntu12.04", "gnome 3.6 apps in ubuntu 12.04 ?", "what is the correct way to install gnome shell 3.6 on ubuntu 12.10 ?"], ["can i `` refill '' the persistence ?", "how do i get a live-usb to use a partition for persistence ?", "how can i save settings on a live usb ?", "how to set up persistence in ubuntu usb live boot ?", "how do i make a live usb of an amd64 iso that has persistence ?"], ["how to change root password in ubuntu ?", "how to change the root password on ubuntu 11.10 ?", "how do i change my password ?"], ["is apt-get install method the same as ubuntu software centre installation ?", "methods of installing software in ubuntu ( command-line )", "how are packages actually installed via apt-get install ?"], ["customized distributable packages", "how to share installed packages across different os partitions ?", "is there a way to do scp in parallel to multiple systems ?", "mirroring ubuntu on several systems in a computer lab", "how to share packages with other ubuntu systems ?"], ["how to open the same document in evince/gedit multiple times ?", "is there a way to open a text file in an already open instance of gedit ?", "configure gedit to always open in new window"], ["online audio troubles in firefox", "python ( v2.7 ) requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type : windows media audio 8 decoder", "vlc player fails with python errors", "rhythembox music player and media player not working in usb start up", "how to get rid of this error"], ["ubuntu keeps freezing . how do i reinstall ubuntu 12.04", "diagnosing freezing/hanging", "random `` freezes '' ( only mouse cursor moves )"], ["download wubi 10.04", "downloading older versions of ubuntu", "where is the download link for 10.04 desktop ?", "where do i find older ubuntu versions ( specifically 11.10 )"], ["how to use ram disk for certain application", "how can i use up all ram by cache ?", "how much ram will my php application have access to on a 32bit server ?"], ["how do i make a desktop shortcut in the gnome fallback ui ?", "how to add a shortcut on desktop", "problem while creating desktop shortcuts from ubuntu-tweek", "can not add app shortcuts to desktop", "is there any easy way in unity to add shortcuts to the desktop ?"], ["gnome shell and ati driver", "how to restore unity after gnome-shell installation ?", "how to fix this broken gnome shell ?", "gnome shell lags heavily when using the notification area in the activities overview", "gnome shell installation problems in ubuntu 13.10"], ["unable to boot windows 8 x64 from grub", "how to add my windows 8 partition into ubuntu 12.04 partition"], ["how to automatically save terminal command output to file", "how do i save terminal output to a file ?", "saving output of a grep into a file with colors", "how to both display a command line 's output on console and save the output into a text file ?", "how to add words to a text file using just open terminal command ( no editors ) and then save the text file"], ["how to combine partitions", "could not unmount /dev/sda1 with root filesystem", "how to partition your internal harddrive in ubuntu 12.04 lts", "how can i add space from unallocated to extended ?"], ["how do i encrypt my home partition ?"], ["short battery life dell 15 3521 in preinstalled ubuntu", "laptop battery does n't last that long compared to windows", "battery time decreased on an hp probook 4530s", "why ubuntu uses more battery power ?", "any tips or software to increase battery life ?"], ["my-weather-indicator has stopped working", "weather indicator stuck on `` refreshing ''"], ["skype no video in 13.04", "skype crashes with a segmentation fault", "skype crashes in ubuntu 13.04 64bit edition - while talking", "skype segmentation fault ubuntu 13.04", "skype not working after upgrading to 13.04 from 12.10"], ["gnome panel alt-right click does not work", "how do i recover the gnome classic default panel ?", "unable to press alt + super + right click", "how can i disable gnome-panel 's context menu ?", "ca n't open panel settings with super-alt right-click in gnome-classic after resize"], ["local cloud system", "ubuntu in virtualbox in dropbox or cloud ?", "can i install ubuntu one server on my private cloud ?"], ["how do i change default gnomeplayer to flash set in firefox 27 preferences for ubuntu 13.10", "ca n't use flash in ubuntu 13.10"], ["how do i force wubi to download and install 32 bit version ?", "install 32bit java ( openjdk ) on 64bit ubuntu 12.04", "installing 64bit as 32 bit", "ubuntu 12.04.3 -32bit failed to install grub-efi to /target/"], ["ubuntu on usb stick with windows installed", "booting directly from liveusb on a usb stick with ubuntu 12.04", "no startup selection screen for option to run from dvd or usb stick", "how do i install linux to a bootable usb stick ?", "how to install ubuntu in emachines t2200"], ["which is the most up to date and modern rss feed reader ?", "is there any command-line rss feed file grabber ?"], ["reboot of fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 is kiss of death- shutdown fails , reboot goes to `` recovery '' screen", "xubuntu and lubuntu wo n't shutdown or restart", "my ubuntu system does n't shutdown . stays in splash screen"], ["how to map a key to another on my keyboard ?", "map ctrl key to alt key & alt key to win key from command line ?", "how to map `` \u0e23\u0e07 '' to another key ?", "how can i set up a keyboard shortcut so that ctrl+backspace = del ?", "how to create custom keyboard short cut"], ["wifi not detected on hp envy touch", "unable to connect to wireless networks"], ["notification theme broken"], ["free pdf reader that supports taking notes ( and bookmarks )", "note taking software that can support advanced math notation", "workflow for creating math heavy notes and review sheets on linux"], ["how to change java webstart default browser from firefox to google chrome ?", "can not set chrome as default browser", "how to set up google chrome as default browser in xubuntu", "can not make google chrome default browser", "how to set google chrome as the default browser ?"], ["new instalation of ubuntu 13.4", "disk mount error in ubuntu 13.04", "how do i mount a hibernated ntfs partition ?", "how do i mount a hibernated partition with windows 8 in ubuntu ?", "help me , how to mount this partiotion"], ["muxless hybrid graphic card and power-saving", "ubuntu integrated graphics suspend + hybrid graphics", "how to disable ati 6490m and only use intel hd", "how do i turn off the discrete card on boot when there 's no option in the bios ?", "disabling discrete gpu at startup without system crash"], ["unable to install anything on ubuntu 14.04", "e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 2 ) -- whats the problem with this ?", "dpkg exit with error `` can not scan updates directory `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/ ' : no such file or directory '' , how to fix it ?", "e : sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code ( 2 ) ?", "having a problem after installing mac-osx theme and setting it up with cairo dock"], ["which version of ubuntu should i choose for these specs ?", "compatible os on amd apu dual core-e1-2100 with 2gb ram", "will ubuntu 12.10 run on intel core 2 duo 2.00ghz ?", "will this work on my laptop ?", "installation of ubuntu on lenovo b480 laptop"], ["how to remove windows after install wubi ?", "how do i remove the ubuntu boot option created by wubi ?", "removed wubi from add/remove programs menu , but i can still boot into it", "why wo n't my hard drive show up ?", "how to migrate from wubi to a regular installation ?"], ["amd radeon hd 7470m proprietary driver not working on ubuntu 12.04lts", "low graphics mode after fiddling with amd driver", "how to install amd radeon hd 6470 graphics card driver and prevent the low graphics situation after restart ?", "which ati drivers to use , and how to keep them updated ?", "which driver should i choose ?"], ["error in installation", "boot from usb fail , ubuntu 12.04", "windows 7 install usb wo n't boot after installing ubuntu", "live usb boot windows 8.1", "grub rescue problem"], ["using ubuntu-x-swat ppa solved my problem . can i be sure the commands i ran are safe ?", "why to use ppa ?"]], "negatives": [["why does booting from live-usb give me a 'cant find vesamenu.c32 ' error ?", "usb keyboard is not working 13.04", "after i boot my usb stick with ubuntu 12.04 on and click install on hard disk the installer freezes", "cant donwload nor update on 12.10", "cant boot ubuntu through usb on pc ( works fine on my laptop ) but windows_usb works fine"], ["12.04 change gnome 's `` add to panel '' shortcut", "can i configure dash to not erase the search when i change tabs ?", "applications using shortcut", "what 's the equivalent to 'explorer . ' ( windows ) or 'open . ' ( mac ) ?", "problem with alt+tab switch after removing cairo-dock"], ["libreoffice 4 skins ?", "firefox massive slowdown on upgrade to 13.10", "libreoffice not starting ( with no errors ! )", "libreoffice version", "libreoffice-core seems to have corrupted", "libreoffice base reports not working after upgrade to ubuntu 12.04", "ibus japanese input anthy does not work in chrome after upgrade to ubuntu 13.10 - what 's wrong ?", "why does unity launcher start the wrong program ?"], ["how can i install geforce 310m drivers raring ringtail ?", "install driver form command line", "unity with geforce fx 5200", "nvidia rendering problem", "how can i use my external display on my laptop with intel and nvidia video cards ?"], ["which are the different ways i can update software catalog ?", "error message while installing any software as `` package dependencies can not be resolved ''", "trusty software center : remove package listing under `` installed '' dropdown menu", "how to fix `` something wicked happened '' in software center ?", "ubuntu software center not working"], ["how do i set gcc 4.8 to be the default gcc ?", "i installed gcc-4.9 but when i type gcc -v i get 4.6.3", "problem adding a ppa to install gcc-4.7", "how to activate gcc 4.7 version ?", "how do i install libaio ?", "setting up cuda", "problem installing old version of gcc with -- remove-all"], ["i do n't know how to upgrade 12.10 to 13.04 or 13.10", "is there a way to upgrade from 12.04 desktop to 14.04 beta directly ?", "failed upgrade from 12.04 to 13.10", "upgrade from 11.10 to 12.10 directly without upgrading to12.04", "upgrading to ubuntu 14.04 from ubuntu 13.10", "upgrade to 13.10 dies", "upgrade from an old version ( 12.04 ) to another old version ( 12.10 )"], ["how to upgrade my hdd and keep my ubuntu 11.10 instalation", "how to create a complete backup iso to an external hard drive ?", "second hdd not booting ubuntu 12.04", "how to encrypt ssd and hdd", "installing ubuntu 10.04 to external hdd overwrites the mbr of the internal hdd", "mount partition sdb get message permission denied ?", "installing ubuntu over debian without losing /home data"], ["panel status icons wrong color", "xubuntu-possible to change the icons of the application indicators separately ?", "change icons back to global theme", "ubuntu theme went off after the reboot/turn off , how do i put it back ?", "i wanted to use elementary-dark-mono icons on my panel", "where did these monochrome thunderbird icons come from ?", "installing theme , problems with icons ubuntu 12.10", "change firefox icons", "not all the icons have changed after installing a new icon theme in lubuntu"], ["install ubuntu from usb", "can i install software on a bootable usb key ?", "create a bootable usb in a mac for a non-mac system", "make usb key with encrypted ubuntu install bootable using gparted ?", "make ubuntu bootable usb drive using mac ?", "i cant upgrade my 8.04 ubuntu to 12.04", "create bootable usb drive on mac for windows", "how do you make a bootable usb stick on osx with a corrupted harddrive` ?", "how do i create a bootable usb on a mac on a hard drive that is partitioned ?"], ["how download in ubuntu with specific date ?", "why torsocks do n't use tor socks via wget ?", "wget downloads only 5 bytes file", "ubuntu download with wget and parameters", "problem upgrading from 3.2.0-51-generic to 3.5.0-37-generic", "does accomplishments work in lubuntu ?", "wget and encoded url"], ["nouveau failing to drive dual monitors on kernel 3.2.0-30", "what do the terminologies related to amd graphics and ubuntu mean ?", "how to install amd radeon hd 6470 graphics card driver and prevent the low graphics situation after restart ?", "kernel 3.2.0-30-generic , does n't support raedon ati drivers , why ?", "ubuntu 12.04 fresh install comes with xorg 1.13"], ["update fails after checking all settings for system updates", "12.04 'precise pangolin ' disfunctional after upgrade from 10.04 'lucid lynx '", "wi-fi is not working for ubuntu 12.04 ( precise pangolin )", "lxc on precise with linux-image-generic-lts-raring ... do i get the full namespace support ?", "fatal bug in precise pangolin", "sqlite3 on precise pangolin : installed but not found ?", "what kind of animal is a pangolin as in `` precise pangolin '' ?", "can not launch .jnlp file in precise pangolin", "help needed on installation of ubuntu server ( precise pagolin )"], ["how to dual boot ubuntu in samsung rf511 while keeping the samsung recovery solutions alive ?", "broadcom sta driver does n't work well with bcm4313", "where should i put the broadcom bcm4313 driver for asus 1018 ?", "dual boot ubuntu samsung rf511-s07au", "broadcom bcm4313 wifi slow after upgrade to ubuntu 14.04"], ["sound problem after installing lubuntu desktop in ubuntu 14.04 lts", "tried to remove lamp-server , now my x wo n't work", "how to run ubuntu after installing it on lubuntu os ?", "installation stops after reboot", "is there a system restore in ubuntu server ?", "how to install nginx in ubuntu ?"], ["how do i package my application for the ubuntu software centre ?", "i can not install any packages from terminal or software centre . please help !", "still no success to install skype on ubuntu 12.04 from software centre , nor from terminal", "which applications are using internet", "how can i enable the software centre to also install recommended packages ?", "retrieving proprietary drivers removed from the software centre", "removing ubuntu one", "not able to install any application using ubuntu software centre on 12.4 lts"], ["how to allow the following features to guest in ubuntu 14.04 ?", "how to remove `` online accounts '' from `` system settings '' ?", "why can a new user not write to external hard drive ?", "ca n't login to guest account in ubuntu", "account blocked by changing the /etc/passwd : how to revert or gain access again"], ["`` unable to find a medium containing a live file system '' 12.04.3", "how to automate the pass phrases when gpg signing dpkg-buildpackage ?", "install installer package on an installed system ?", "start text mode installer from 13.10 dvd ?", "how do i start the textual ( non-graphical ) installer ?", "is there a secure way to pass authentication parameters for proxy to applications ?", "determining the geometry parameters of a running terminal", "how do i pass command line parameters to executables run from xwindows ?"], ["how do i get add-apt-repository to work through a proxy passwd protected network ?", "error while installing drivers", "apt-get-install : error", "error when trying to install spotify", "'sudo apt-get update ' error on ubuntu 12.04"], ["why can not ubuntu resolve the proxy hostname while upgrading to 12.10 ?", "how long to wait before humble bundle games appear in software centre ?", "open with ubuntu software center in kde", "ca n't authorize facebook in gwibber", "banshee wo n't connect to amazon mp3 store"], ["installing ubuntu 13.10 64 bit with windows 8.1 32 bit ?", "can drivers create a problem while switching from 32 bit to 64 bits ?", "dell xps 15z - 64 bit os not installing , but a 32 bit os will install", "detect wether machine is 32 or 64 bits", "how can i tell if i have 32-bit version of ubuntu if i 'm installing using the windows installer ?"], ["terminal command to know which gtk theme is in use", "how do i change to a theme not listed in the appearance screen ?", "using the themes in the repository ( 14.04 )", "gtk3 theme in kde", "gtk version problem while installing themes to ubuntu 12.10", "how can i enable themes in gnome shell ?", "kdm theme in kubuntu 14.04", "all themes are not appearing in ubuntu 13.10", "where i can place gtk+ themes ?"], ["acer aspire 5532 overheating", "black screen booting installer ( windows or ubuntu 13.10 ) on acer aspire e1-510", "acer aspire backlight problem", "acer aspire 4741g is overheating", "acer aspire 4810tz overheat problem", "acer aspire incompatible with ubuntu 12.04 ?", "how do i prevent my screen from freezing after booting successfully on acer aspire 5520g laptop ?", "screen turns black after booting , backlight only works in recovery mode on an acer aspire 5736z", "acer aspire 4755g 'secure boot not enabled ' while booting liveusb ubuntu with ubuntu builder"], ["12.04 or 14.04 for an old computer ?", "motion eye webcam and micro does n't work", "what are the minimum system requirements for 12.04 lts on a 2gb environment", "running hadoop on ubuntu 12.04 lts server ?", "ubuntu 13.04 put resolution at 1024x768"], ["how do i install a specific video codec in ubuntu ?", "how do i install media codecs ?", "why wo n't videos on a particular website play under ubuntu 13.04 ?", "how to install all existing media codecs ?", "dlna issue with banshee", "is there any media player that can playback mss2-encoded videos ?", "why have both /mnt and /media ?", "location-independent media player", "is there a way to make almost all video files work on ubuntu using a media player , or a codec installation pack ?"], ["how to install the rpm package jdk-7u9-linux-i586.rpm ?", "how can i find/install a package that appears not to be available", "rpm : building rpm package from a .src file", "how to install cartes du ciel skychart ?", "how to install jdk 1.7 using a rpm package ?"], ["dual boot problem , window 7 and ubuntu 12.04 while installing", "can i erase windows 8 and install ubuntu instead ?", "install alongside windows 8 no option", "trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 8", "installing ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8 on lenovo e420"], ["where can i find the ubuntu kernel changelogs ?", "desktop edition to server edition and support", "old kernel and recent cpu", "will it be possible to use a non-pae kernel in recent versions of ubuntu ?", "maximum cpu frequency on boot", "creation of /proc/stat", "can i install and run an older kernel ( 3.10 ) within a latest ubuntu release ( 14.04 ) ?", "install ubuntu 14.04 server using kernel 3.13.0-24", "finding the path of kernel source code"], ["why and how firefox shows youtube video despite all plugins are disabled , including shockwave flash ones ?", "chromium browser loads flash only as root user", "youtube does not work with cookies enabled on ubuntu 13.04", "how to set up gnash and epiphany for youtube ?", "will ubuntu fix my video card driver issue ?"], ["will nexus 7 with ubuntu run eclipse and fdt and compile out via otg usb to another android device ?", "ubuntu dual boot app ( android ) crashes on boot since 4.4.3 update", "ubuntu touch stuck on the initial screen after successfully installed by android dual-boot installer on galaxy nexus", "how to boot back into android from ubuntu touch ?", "changing default text input on nexus 7 ubuntu to bluetooth keyboard"], ["livecd hangs when removing boot cd for burning another", "blue imac running debian will not boot ubuntu from cd drive", "how do i decrypt bitlocker-encrypted external hard drive on ubuntu 14.04 ?", "how can i run ubuntu on a computer without a harddrive ?", "need help installing ubuntu from cd with no os on the hard drive"], ["force disable snapping windows", "gnome session fallback with compiz - > alt click on panel", "how can i make windows go fullscreen when snapping to the top of the screen in xfce ?", "( dual monitor and 12.04 ) snapping window to full screen puts the window on other monitor", "reinstate window snapping feature after reverting to gnome classic", "how to use window snapping for ubuntu ?", "xubuntu black screen , no login window , fresh install", "maximazing window ( hidden unity launcher in the way )"], ["where can i find a list of panel indicators for 11.10 ?", "how can i disable autohiding of the top panel in scribes ?", "how to move all the indicators from buttom panel to top panel in gnome 3.2.0 ?", "how to rearrange the panel indicators ?", "why do some programs create double indicators on the top panel ?"], ["is there a 64-bit version for intel systems ?", "is amd64 the only 64-bit version of ubuntu 12.04 lts desktop ?", "wubi wants amd64.tar.xz , i have intel processor", "can i install ubuntu 64bit mac ( amd64 ) on a amd 64 dual core 4200+", "unable to install 64-bit vm using kvm"], ["installation of google-chrome overrides preferences for 'default browser '", "thunderbird opens https links in chromium , instead of default browser", "clicking on link opens blank firefox window", "why do firefox , preferred applications and x-www-browser disagree on default browser ?", "how to set iron as default web browser in unity2d ?"], ["how can i turn off window titlebars ( window decorations ) in gnome shell/mutter ?", "xfce full window tile", "how do i disable window move with alt + left mouse button in gnome shell ?", "is there any window manager like the windows 7 's for ubuntu ?", "google chrome wo n't maximize when i drag it to the top edge", "is it possible to `` semi-maximize left or right '' in lxde in any way ?"], ["upgrade ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 without the button in update manager", "can not upgrade to kubuntu 12.04", "how to recover an interrupted 12.04 upgrade from 11.10 ?", "11.10 to 12.04 : update manager ca n't find 12.04", "login loop after unsucessful upgrade", "upgrade installation interrupted , and system hangs on login"], ["install blank sceren hp envy core i7", "how to run installed windows 8 along ubuntu , after installing ubuntu in legacy mode ?", "how do i install ubuntu in uefi or load in legacy while windows is in uefi", "ubuntu 12.10 can not detect windows 8 in uefi mode when installing", "ubuntu 13.10 booting from uefi but not legacy"], ["what partition playonlinux and wine software has to be installed to ?", "move home directory to another directory in ubuntu 12.04", "keeping the same /home partition after a clean install", "change home folder in natty", "how can i exclude a ( already via fstab mounted ) single partition from automounting ?"], ["is there a way to do ubuntu touch app development on windows ?", "ubuntu touch install problem", "using boot manager app to multi boot ubuntu touch in android", "help for ubuntu touch", "install ubuntu touch to my xperia l"], ["ubuntu 14.04 sound through headphones but not through speaker", "speakers and headphones at the same time when using a hp dv8t-1100", "sound comes through speakers and headphones on ubuntu 12.04", "laptop speakers sound not working but headphone sound working", "when i have headphones in my computer and i unplug them the sound ( speakers ) does not work"], ["how can i install libreoffice from the package manager to be used with ( oracle ) java installed manually", "oracle jdk 7 with maven and eclipse", "unable to update jdk 7", "apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk does n't install javac . why ?", "how to remove oracle jdk and install openjdk ?", "i installed the oracle jdk manually but can not use it"], ["wireless lan driver for toshiba satellite c850-a823 pskccv-02300xar", "how can i configure the embedded wireless card in a toshiba satellite pro 4600 to work ?", "intsalling ubuntu on toshiba w/ amd radeon hd 7520g", "ubuntu 12.04 in a 2 months old toshiba satellite", "wireless cuts out on toshiba satellite s7208"], ["login screen is disfigured", "can not change login background / also not auto changing", "how to make a login screen display an auto-changing background ?", "user-specific log in background not working in 12.04", "change the login screen background and logo ?"], ["upgrading from 14.04 to 14.04 lts", "do n't want raid to autostart", "ubuntu 12.04 ; how to check if vsync is enabled ?", "opencv installation problem in ubuntu 13.04", "why does do-release-upgrade on 12.04 system not find 14.04.1 upgrade ?", "disable automatic starting of sshd ?", "what exactly is generic version of ubuntu ? how it differes from other versions ?"], ["is it normal for a 14gb vhd file to be converted to a 100gb+ bin file ?", "how to convert multiple images to cbr ?", "how to convert the iso file into rar or zip or tar ?", "how can i use avconv to convert multiple files in the terminal ?", "how to convert unconvertable & unviewable .ts files ?", "run a command against an entire batch of files", "qt linguist phrasebook from .ts file", "create a single pdf from multiple text , images or pdf files"], ["how to install windows 7 in dual boot with ubuntu ( ubuntu pre-installed )", "soft raid and dual boot with windows 7", "dual boot 12.04/windows 7 after installation my computer reboots straight to windows . there is no option to boot ubuntu .", "after formatting windows 7 there is still dual-boot screen", "how can i dual boot ubuntu with windows 7 ?"], ["is there a better way to run ubuntu from usb disk", "ubuntu 12.10 external ram on old laptop ?", "how to make notebook boot from usb", "how can i run a command automatically upon usb diconnect ?", "can i run ubuntu from usb and save all information ?", "can i clone my existing ubuntu 12.10 and install to usb", "ubuntu cloud with four servers", "save and run programs from usb"], ["adobe flash player is not working in google chrome", "flash player issues", "which options on adobe flash player do i choose so that i could watch videos on youtube ?", "can i watch youtube videos on ubuntu touch ?", "how to watch videos in amazon prime instant video ?", "i ca n't watch youtube videos in either firefox or chromium . version 12.04", "youtube videos /flash player not working ! ! ubuntu 12.03", "youtube laggs in fullscreen", "youtube does not work with cookies enabled on ubuntu 13.04"], ["only keep recent emails in claws mail ( or any light weight mail client )", "sound not working", "i bought an album yesterday with 22 tracks on it , but only 10 show up for download", "mycraft download error", "how do i get rhythmbox to play mpeg1 files ?", "apt-cacher for ubuntu 12.04 need to cache from https repos", "ca n't download chromium browser", "unsubscribe ubuntu one folder does n't work"], ["how to change mountall to mount -a at boot ?", "unable to mount hard drive after upgrading", "hard drives mount automatically", "installing updates from hard drive", "mount exfat drive on ubuntu 13.04 not as root"], ["update-manager does not show all updates", "software only partially updated on ubuntu 14.04", "update manager downloaded updates but ca n't install them", "how do i force apt-get to update the state of package versions ?", "updating 12.04 for the first time"], ["horrible graphics on my dell inspiron 17 with ubuntu 13.10", "do i have the right graphics driver ?", "graphics driver for intel mobile 4 chipset", "knowing graphic card memory", "no mirrored mode with vga", "full screen with gnome-player and vlc not working properly", "how to active opengl in a hp dv6700 with intel graphics card", "how to know whether an nvidia graphic card is installed or not ?", "how can i get my intel 82945g/gz video card to support more resolutions ?"], ["software updates without password request ?", "ubuntu does n't boot after install", "automatic display detection not working correctly anymore on ubuntu 14.04 lts", "are all `` important security updates '' , updates to already installed packages ?", "i ca n't select updates in update manager"], ["upgrading libreoffice 3.4.3 to 3.4.4", "evolution mapi for thunderbird", "12.04 and evolution 3.2.3 html email rendering issue", "ca n't open .xlsx file with libreoffice", "problem in evolution @ ubuntu 12.04 lts", "how to delete an attachment in an email in evolution ?", "can not remove evolution indicator"], ["windows boot manager : make ubuntu the default instead of windows", "ubuntu is my default os , how do i install windows 7", "how to dual boot ubuntu 12.04 and windows 7", "change default option on dual boot screen", "how can i boot into windows after i set ubuntu as the default operating system ? ( i 'm using wubi )"], ["ubuntu 12.04 window installer edition ?", "dual boot installation", "re-installing ubuntu 12.04 using windows installer", "`` windows installer ubuntu '' from windows 8/8.1", "will removing windows also remove wubi ?"], ["is it safe to remove extra grub2 entries from updated kernel versions ?", "about grub rescue command line", "the new kernel causes system freeze", "how can i modify my grub 1.99 configurations to install a new kernel ?", "why did windows xp disappear from the menu on my triple-boot system ?", "remove kernel not created using .deb file", "how to delete kernel entries in the grub 2 menu whose kernels are removed ?", "accidentaly removed ubuntu from grub . how do i get it back ?"], ["why is n't webm video supported out of the box ?", "media buttons on keyboard with spotify", "on-the-fly conversion of flac to mp3 when syncing with android ?", "command line interface to make a ogg mono from stereo", "ogg music files glitch in banshee", "songs bought from the ubuntu one music store showing unknown album/artist in streaming app", "syncing purchased music to my mobile phone", "ubuntu one music app/subsonic and mp3 tag issues", "create a random playlist of all music"], ["keyboard shortcut to open an application in new workspace in gnome shell 3.2", "disable workspace switching when openning a new application file/instance", "fixed window placement - how can i switch to a specific workspace upon opening an application ?", "always hide an application 's window", "how to make a new window open in the same workspace where i opened it ?", "workspace and dash feature"], ["record a programs output with pulseaudio", "how can i access additional channels on my sound card through pulseaudio without kludges ?", "ubuntu install freezes using every method on windows xp", "how to increase waiting time for non responding programs ?", "what should i do when ubuntu freezes ?", "dummy output ; i need to re-install alsa-base and pulseaudio every time [ 14.04 ]", "detect program is not responding", "windows share locks up when php-fpm tries to access it"], ["where is the user 's profile picture stored in unity ?", "where are the entries of the 2nd monitor panel stored", "force rewrite of gnome-do summon binding on login because keeps being set to disabled", "where are kile settings stored ?", "how to choose where the software is stored when installing via ubuntu software center"], ["how to make unity launcher menu be almost always hidden and not influence window placement", "how to add a `` show desktop '' icon to the launcher ?", "only show launcher on specific workspace ?", "moving icon at the bottom of the launcher", "how do i quickly access the unity launcher ?", "ubuntu 12.10 - launcher stays hidden", "how can i remove the `` dash home '' icon from the unity launcher ?", "how can i move the dash button from the unity launcher to the top panel ?"], ["system running in low graphic mode ( ubuntu without monitor )", "run ati and nvidia on the same computer", "a resolution error", "how to run programs as root user without using terminal", "can we install 12.10 on hp touchpad ? if so please give details", "instaling ubuntu 12.10", "trouble instaling ubuntu on dell mini", "how to install ubuntu 12.10 in window xp with fedora already installed ?"], ["ubuntu app stores and 32 and 64 bits apps", "ubuntu 13.10 performance for 1 gb machine", "performance problem with ubuntu x64", "fix slow graphics performance on ubuntu 13.04", "what are the minimum system requirements for 12.04 lts ?"], ["downgrade ubuntu 12.04 kernel to 2.6.x", "how to downgrade compiz to 0.8.6 in ubuntu 12.04 ?", "how to downgrade apache 2.4 to 2.2", "how to install keryx ?", "unattended installation with ubuntu 12.10", "how can i downgrade ubuntu ?", "battery died when updating from 12.04 to 12.10", "how to install new tmux 1.8 on ubuntu 12.10 or 12.04 ?"], ["how can i install add-apt-repository", "how do i set up a private apt repository that can support multiple versions ?", "how to remove corrupted repositories ?", "remove output from add-apt-repository", "how to check which version of a product is available in repositories for different ubuntu versions ?", "install rdekstop 1.8.1 from repository or ppa in ubuntu 14.04", "the `` repository '' howtos and standards"], ["volume control via media keys in xubuntu", "how do i get my volume keys working ?", "volume keys not working after upgrade to quantal , but work from mc remote", "remapping keyboard volume controls", "keyboard layout changes when i unplug and re-plug external keyboard", "volume keys do n't work correctly anymore . what is due this ?"], ["ca n't get ubuntu 13.10 64bit to install", "why ca n't i load bios or boot to anything but ubuntu ?", "why will ubuntu 12.04 boot but not install ?", "is it possible to clone an ubuntu partition to an iso ?", "how to mount a virtual hard disk ?", "copying files from hard disk to liveusb"], ["flash does not work with the latest updates", "flashplugin-installer errors", "adobe flash player", "problem with adobe installation", "can i re-download the adobe flashplugin 11 installer ( update manager ) ?", "ubuntu 12.04.4 lts adobe flash player", "'important security update ' for firefox and flash plugin , but the update can not be selected", "'adobe-flashplugin conflicts with flashplugin-downloader ' error while trying to install adobe-flashplugin", "flash player for other browsers"], ["ca n't enable gnome shell user theme extension", "how to get mgse under gnome 3.4 ? ( or how to go from gnome 3.4 to gnome 3.2 ? )", "how to disable bottom panel/message tray in gnome shell 3.4 ?", "increase icons size in gnome shell 3.4 dash", "gnome-shell 3.4 themes not working in 12.04 ?", "what is alternative to unity 's lens for gnome shell ?", "how to downgrade gnome shell 3.5 to 3.4"], ["intel centrino advanced-n 6200 wo n't connect to wpa psk or wpa peap . wep and open works . 14.04lts", "how do i install wpa-supplicant on an offline server ?", "ubuntu 14.04 lts bluetooth not working", "14.04 lts will not connet to wireless networks", "xubuntu ad-hoc network with wpa", "can not connect to wifi 14.04 lts"], ["will simple encryption be coming to 12.04", "unable to get windows 8 comptuer to boot into live cd ubuntu 12.10", "how to customize ubuntu live cd plymouth theme ?", "how to install ubuntu on usb drive ( not live simulation )", "how to create and use casper-rw in different usb with a live usb"], ["does 11.04 support sandy bridge ?", "why do system detail does n't show my graphics card", "steam on ubuntu 13.04 won`t launch garry`s mod . error : could not load library content ( unknown error )", "graphics coming as unknown , i have intel 4500mhd", "details window showing `` unknown '' driver for graphics"], ["ubuntu server setup : how to install ubuntu on one drive and use other drive for file storage ?", "connecting android device to remote machine using usb", "optimal ubuntu home server/raid setup", "which is better for a home media server : zfs or btrfs or lvm/md ?", "clone an ubuntu machine with software raid", "access windows 2008 server through remote desktop", "access folders with sudo priviliges via nautilius-connect to remote server"], ["how make shotwell scan only specific folder ?", "how do i use my own folder structure with shotwell ?", "how can i import photos with tags from f-spot to shotwell", "unable to import photos using motorola atrix phone into shotwell", "cant import photos with nautilus", "how to recover missing files on shotwell 0.12.3-0ubuntu0.1 ?", "where does shotwell store its config files ?"], ["i have xp on one partition and windows 7 on another . how do i install ubuntu on a seperate partition ?", "how to do a clean reinstall of ubuntu ?", "if i chose `` replace windows with ubuntu '' , do i lose the other partition too ?", "install ubuntu in a specific partition side by side with windows 7", "cant ' dual install xubuntu and windows 7"], ["how to upgrade from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 ?", "`` authentication failed '' when trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10", "how to upgrade to 12.04 from 10.10 with a dell ?", "can i upgrade ubuntu 10.10 to 13.10 ?", "ca n't upgrade to trusty"], ["ubuntu multiple monitor support", "fan constantly on , dell inspiron 15r , ubuntu 12.04", "bluetooth not working in12.04 ( dell inspiron 15r )", "abnormally high fan speed on cool laptop , dell inspiron 15r 5520 , ubuntu 14.04,", "how to install wifi driver in dell inspiron 15r 5521 ?"], ["installing ubuntu 11.10 over 10.04", "'on-screen keyboard ' error after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10", "mount of file system failed . -- after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10", "problem with release upgrade 9.04 to 9.10", "not able to reinstall 9.10 ubuntu"], ["ubuntu-12.04-wubi-i386.tar.xz for the wubi installer", "when i tried logging in with the username and password i used in wubi , it would n't let me log in", "wubi wo n't use my 64 bit desktop iso", "how can i remove windows ?", "authentication issue after wubi installation"], ["my user and password is correct , but ca n't login a flash of black screen and then back to greating screen ?", "how to use expect with bash", "login redirects back to login screen", "how will deja-dup operates when backing up to an external usb drive ?", "how to run a complete gui as root ?", "are there any known issues with deja-dup and ubuntu one ; notebly on restore ?", "how can i set up hourly deja-dup backups ?", "can we login to the 'root ' ( not as root user but in the 'root ' user ) user in ubuntu ?"], ["lts to lts upgrade", "how can i upgrade my 10.04. to new version", "fstab missing on ubuntu 12.04.1", "how do i upgrade from ubuntu 12.04.1 lts to 12.10 ?", "can not see desktop after 12.04 to 12.04.1 upgrade", "upgrade from ubuntu 12.04.1 lts to 12.10 desktop does not work"], ["how do i set preferences for the guake terminal ?", "guake with zsh does n't start", "make terminal use pageup/pagedown instead of shift-pageup/shift-pagedown ?", "pasting paths into gnome-terminal", "how to run a bash script in terminal but hide the terminal on startup ?", "how can i get guake to start ?"], ["setting up fastcgi on an ubuntu server ( socket file permissions issue )", "delete from remote server via nautilus ( ssh ) . and removed file can not be recovered ?", "ca n't start apache2 ?", "ca n't connect to local mysql server through socket '/tmp/mysql_2.sock ' during manual installation of mysql", "sometimes ca n't connect to local mysql server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock '", "espeak returns error on ubuntu server", "error `` cant connect to mysql server through socket error ''", "mysql problem '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock '"], ["skype for 13.04", "skype installed or not installed , that is the question", "skype installs , but test call fails in ubuntu 12.04", "how to install skype on ubuntu 12.04 64bit", "installing skype on x64 12.10", "unable to install skype due to `` libxss1 not satisfiable '' error", "sudo apt-get install skype ?", "skype is not using pulseaudio"], ["how to install a gui package from terminal when creating a live cd ?", "how to use a .iso image as a cd-rom repository ?", "libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 package", "how to install zip package from cd on ubuntu server using command line ?", "how do i disable the `` cd as package '' source from the command line for ubuntu 12.04 lts server ?"], ["can i create a bootable external hd from an existing ubuntu installation ?", "how to backup and restore the system ?", "make custom iso image after i 've made customizations", "convert bootable usb to iso file", "how to make a bootable iso image from a bootable dvd ?", "how to make a iso image from a bootable dvd in windows ?", "why 's clonezilla not able to complete the backup of my hdd ( ext4 )", "how can i create an image of my linux install to an external drive formatted with exfat ?"], ["logon screen resolution on two displays ( intel hd graphics )", "upgrade to maverick broke the display resolution - dell studio", "low display resolution in ubuntu 14.04", "resolution does n't change when resizing virtualbox window", "display not detected on a thinkpad t420"], ["using ubuntu as a router ?", "how to mount so spaces in filenames are replaced", "getting adb to run", "presentation creation tools", "image viewer : png vs gif"], ["change gnome-screenshot auto-save-directory in ubuntu gnome 14.04", "how to interpret this screenshot error for gnome-screenshot ?", "how do i get another key binding for alt+printscreen ?", "can not change default save directory for gnome-screenshot", "how to capture code : :blocks screenshot"], ["disabling smart disk utility warning message", "how do i fix current pending sector count", "is there a way to kill my hard drive ?", "why is 80gb hd read big error rate & smart data different and everything slow ?", "trying to copy an ext4 partition that has errors on it , to a new disk"], ["no wireless option in network menu in my hp 1000 1416tx", "lubuntu 14.04 dell inspiron 1501 internal wifi does n't work", "ca n't connect to wi-fi with ubuntu", "how to connect to wi fi in dell vostro 2420 ?", "wireless disconnected after upgrade ubuntu 13.04 at approximately 5 - 10 meters", "disabling network-manager-gnome wireless scanning when connected", "how to connect to a wireless network in lubuntu", "i ca n't connect to the internet through wi-fi"], ["battery indicator disappears and shows frequently", "indicators do not appear in gnome-flashback session", "where do i find a site that provides indicator applets like weather indicator ?", "`` add to panel '' does n't work with indicator-applet-complete", "me menu disappeared", "how do i add the system monitor applet to unity ?", "is there a dock , that works as a gnome panel applet ?"], ["how to change a drive 's permissions if it 's owned by root ?", "shrinking root device size after install ?", "chown only for directory ntfs-3g", "how to automatically mount a folder and change ownership from root in virtualbox", "problem mounting ntfs drive automatically"], ["ubuntu one ( client ) on a server", "un bootstrapping a juju/orchestra environment", "sync music to ubuntu one from media server ?", "openjdk default options to always use the server vm", "how to do rsyslog server configuration ?", "can i run u1 on an ubuntu server ?", "can i run sql server on ubuntu ?", "configure open stack in vmware using ubuntu desktop 12.04", "minecraft server automaticly moves to home folder"], ["no plymouth splash on startup ?", "12.04 lts live cd splash screen hangs", "plymouth boot screen not showing after enabling nvidia drivers", "upgraded 12.04 to 14.04 , splash gets stuck at `` restoring resolver state ... ''", "plymouth splash not showing , purple and black on boot"], ["add context menues to nautilus for comparing directories with meld", "what file types does kdiff3-qt compare ?", "how do i add file and directory comparision option to mc user menu ?", "how to compare zip files ' contents ?", "can someone please compare the safety issues between ubuntu and windows os ?"], ["why do my windows disappear when i move them to different workspaces ?", "how to turn off resizing of applications windows when changing between workspaces ?", "how to change key bindings for switching workspaces in gnome3 ?", "how can i disable alt+click window dragging ?", "ca n't see grub menu at all ! shift does n't work !"], ["access windows 8 partition via virtualbox", "how to install ubuntu 13.04 alongside with windows 8 ?", "manual partitioning help", "can i use virtualbox to install ubuntu linux on windows ?", "which version of ubuntu can i install inside windows in my windows 8.1 preinstalled laptop", "uninstall windows 8.1 to run ubuntu 14.04 as the single os on my laptop ?", "install windows after installing ubuntu and kali ?"], ["flash player not working in 14.04 lts", "how to install flash player on ubuntu ?", "how can i enable hardware acceleration for flash on intel graphics ?", "flash on firefox", "how do i change default gnomeplayer to flash set in firefox 27 preferences for ubuntu 13.10"], ["not able to play a video clearly on ubuntu terminal", "alias multi commands as one alias", "youtube-dl does n't work on ubuntu 12.04", "how to select video quality from youtube-dl ?", "where does youtube dl downloads youtube files ?", "youtube-dl list of videos problem", "cron job not executing youtube-dl command", "how to run youtube-dl through proxy server", "youtube-dl is not working"], ["how to change the default drive to install programs on ubuntu 13.10", "how to convert free space to a ntfs partition", "how to dual boot with windows xp and partition ?", "removing ubuntu without losing windows xp", "installing ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8", "how to uninstall ubuntu 11.10 in netbook", "how to add winxp partition in grub"], ["how do i tether internet from my iphone ?", "install button in the software center is grayed out when trying to install .debs without an internet connection", "ca n't download anything from ubuntu software center , 11.10", "how to download apps from different os to usb and then transfer to ubuntu ?", "how to connect to internet through vm 's internet connection ?"], ["how to repair grub from backup ?", "grub will show only on manual boot but not on reboot ( dual boot windows 8.1 ubuntu 13.10 )", "booting computer on drive with windows shows grub menu , want to remove the menu & boot ubuntu from bios disk selection", "uninstall grub and use windows bootloader", "windows system ( bootloader ) partition accidently deleted during multiple installs"], ["help recover windows hibernation after dual-booting", "how to make windows 8 appear in a boot menu when dual-booting with ubuntu ?", "installing ubunutu in windows 8 laptop", "unistalling ubuntu with pre installed windows 8 dual boot using windows 8.1 update ?", "upgrade to windows 8 on ubuntu 12.04 lts"], ["how can i upgrade from 12.10 to 13.10 via terminal using usb rather than from internet ?", "setting execute permisions on a mounted image", "access mounted volumes via the command line", "install from mounted iso , installation asks for second disk", "upgrading kernel and drivers in a backtrack iso"], ["how to create bootable usb for ubuntu 12.04.3 ?", "is this correct ubuntu for me ?", "system crashed when installing ubuntu-12.04.3-desktop-i386 using cd", "ati hd4xxx driver installation problem on 12.04.3", "shrink dvd to cd"], ["unable to use windows after installing ubuntu 12.04", "boot windows 8 after migration from hdd to ssd", "how to dual boot windows 8 and windows 7 seperately with burg", "how to access ubuntu 12.04 from a multi-boot system ?", "how can i restore grub after switching from windows 8 to 7 on a dual boot ?", "no boot option after installing ubuntu 12.04 inside windows xp and drive h : is also gone", "after installing ubuntu alongside windows i do not see the dual boot option to start windows 8 .", "windows 8 does n't boot after installing ubuntu 12.04", "grub do n't find windows 7 loader . ca n't boot to windows after installing linux help"], ["can not upgrade or install 12.04 - black screen", "what is the best way to download a new ubuntu release ?", "how can i upgrade to 11.10 from the command line ?", "can i restore a /home from a 32 bit 11.10 backup to a new 64 bit 12.04 install", "ca n't load 12.04 from cd", "upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 - encrypted lvm disk", "12.04 upgrade from 11.10 stuck at restoring previously installed packages", "sound and video skips on ubuntu 11.10 64 bit", "how to build an operating system that is built on top of ubuntu"], ["partition hard drive for data", "how to get back to windows after install ubuntu in the same partition ?", "installing ubuntu 12.04 along windows xp and windows 7", "how can i recover my hard disk data that got erased when i tried to setup ubuntu ?", "after upgrade , no boot"], ["slow internet with a dell inspiron 1525", "during installation , do i need an ethernet cord to connect to the internet ?", "my dell inspiron 8600 wifi wo n't work", "suspend does n't work on dell inspiron 1525", "dell inspiron 1525 laptop does not recognise bluetooth"], ["ctrl+alt+f1 shows nothing , xubuntu 14.04.1 , macbookpro11,3 ( retina , nvidia )", "how can i set up a keyboard shortcut so that ctrl+backspace = del ?", "enabling native shortcuts on gnome - 3", "alt+ctrl+t no longer opens a terminal", "how can i *disable* ctrl+alt+backspace ?"], ["ca n't sync music on nexus 4 with rhythmbox", "u1 music mp3 files not put into albums", "transfers videos into nwz-e384", "i want to sync my music folder , ubuntu one says it will sync once i subscribe . i just bought 20 gigs and it is still not syncying ?", "sync music with a iphone 4 ios 6", "how to add music to an ipod nano 4th generation", "music manager with android sync support ?", "can rhythmbox sync to a subfolder of my android phone ?"], ["does 12.10 have integration with amazon ?", "how do i install unity-lens-shopping ?", "how to get access to search results tab in privacy settings ?", "will xubuntu also have amazon ads ?", "how to hide unity dash `` more suggestions '' ( not unity-lens-shopping )"], ["unable to install virtualbox on ubuntu 12.10 : kernel headers can not be found", "strange file exist with name '* ( star , asterisk ) '", "region 1 dvd wo n't play - all region 2 dvds play fine", "how to burn a region free dvd from a dvd movie locked to a specific region ?", "how to use python3 shortcuts on emacs ?", "how to copy a dvd", "the path `` '' is not a valid path to the 3.11.0-19-generic kernel headers", "print text between two xml tags"], ["unable to boot to windows after installing ubuntu", "ubuntu install option `` install alongside windows 7 '' is missing", "how to make windows the default os in grub menu ?", "how to install windows 7 on dell inspiron 15- 3521 laptop", "i want to remove windows 8 and windows 7 from my triple boot with ubuntu 12.04"], ["dash shows a extra chrome icon related to amazon", "how can i replace google chrome 's low resolution notification icon ?", "chrome icon replaced by new tab - google chrome", "chrome app icon is in low-resolution during the application switch", "how do i place a application list icon in the launcher ?"], ["how to enable flash for google chrome 13 ?", "how to enable logging for google chrome in ubuntu 12.04 ?", "how can i enable java on google chrome ?", "how to get google apps launcher , google now , and notifications", "x org rollback version and solving problems ( hardware acceleration )"], ["is there a folder in my home directory where i should put my scripts so they are available from any directory ?", "permanent path variable", "make bat file available everywhere for the terminal ?", "no such file or director in $ path", "set wireless network as preferential", "running kile from terminal", "scripts in ~/bin do n't work when connecting through ssh", "path-variable gets always reset . how to fix that ?", "i want to get current path when i open terminal in current folder in unity"], ["brightness does n't decrease on an hp pavilion g6", "can i install ubuntu 12.10 on an hp desktop that has uefi", "login screen is frozen on ubuntu 14.04 lts", "how to install amd radeon graphics driver in hp pavilion g6-1037tx ?", "unable to install ubuntu on hp pavilion dv6"], ["how to use static ip with wicd wireless ?", "after i installed wicd my wireless network interface disappeared . how do i fix it ?", "wireless card works under network manager but not with wicd", "edit connection in network manager puzzling me", "wicd wireless internet drop outs"], ["can not upgrade ubuntu server to 13.04 using command line", "`` do-release-upgrade -d '' does n't prompt for update", "why upgrade to 12.10 is not shown", "what is the release date of ubuntu 13.04 ( raring ringtail ) ?", "ubuntu 13.04 and issues with gnome shell 3.8", "troubles in raring ringtail"], ["unable to install firefox 27 on ubuntu 12.04", "chrome versus firefox - which is better ?", "how to get the latest firefox on 10.04 after eol ?", "will the official repositories update to firefox 4.0 when it 's released ?", "how to install firefox 14.0.1 ( or any other latest version ) on ubuntu 10.10 ?", "use updated version of firefox", "install latest stable version of firefox", "2 firefox running with 2 icons"], ["why does ubuntu unity only have 4 themes ?", "do themes slow down ubuntu 's performance ?", "how can i enable themes in gnome shell ?", "how do i install adium themes in empathy ?", "kdm theme in kubuntu 14.04"], ["how to open a file in sublime text 2 directly from a link in terminal ?", "where can i find the feature `` save to ubuntu one '' ?", "where is nautilus in ubuntu 13.10 ?", "what is the rationale for where exactly `` ubuntu '' is placed in the browser user agent string ?", "some applications always open on the secondary screen ?"], ["how do i boot ubuntu iso from windows 8", "trouble installing ubuntu on an old pc with usb stick", "does usb creator support dvd isos ?", "how to create live cd once i downloaded the zip file .", "help with booting from a usb flash drive"], ["how do increase the swap size of my wubi installation ?", "running out of space on a wubi install with a non-functional windows os", "how can i tell if i installed with wubi ?", "wubi installer stuck on `` downloading ubunt-12.04.2-wubi-amd64.tar.xz ''", "how to uninstall garena plus from ubuntu 12.04", "my pc has both windows xp and windows 8 installed . if i use wubi to install ubuntu , where should i run the wubi installer ? xp or win8 ?"], ["fan not working at all", "how do i install amd drivers without breaking my system ?", "can not control the fan on a sony vaio laptop", "how do i get both amd mobility radeon hd 4250 and 5650 's working in a laptop ?", "sony vaio vpceb1z1e ubuntu 13.10 fan control", "ati free driver and fan speed", "how to download the latest i8kutils package and install it properly ?", "amd drivers install", "ati radeon 6630m and xorg"], ["downgrade openssl 1.0.1 to open 0.9.8 on precise", "best practices for keeping ec2 ubuntu machines updated", "openssl installed , but ruby unable to require it", "how to check which openssl version is use by apache on ubuntu 12.04", "how to enable openssl for php cli ?"], ["how do i set up a headless server via vnc ?", "grub menu empty", "is it safe to remove extra grub2 entries from updated kernel versions ?", "ubuntu get stuck on restart or any other event , force switch off leads to a broken boot loader", "i used boot-repair . now my laptop is stuck on the grub screen . how do i boot ?"], ["gearman job server and php extension", "install php5-curl without upgrading php-cli", "image magic make fails - php extension", "how can i install php 5.2 in 11.10 ?", "how to install php mbstring extension in ubuntu ?", "xubuntu does n't see php packs", "download zip file with curl command", "magneto not seeing mcrypt in lamp"], ["how can i integrate dropbox with pcmanfm ?", "ubuntu 12.04 dropbox daemon problem", "how can i make dropbox display an icon in gnome shell ?", "is there any way to force dropbox to open the dropbox folder in a file manager other than nautilus ?", "how to automatically associate dropbox folder with the theme ?"], ["fn+f2 does not switch wifi on/off on asus 1015e", "asus x55c fn key not working", "kubuntu 14.04 - wireless network dissabed by hardware switch", "stuck on grub screen ubuntu13.04", "acer wireless is not working", "some issues on asus x550lc ( dual boot with ubuntu 14.04 and windows 8 )"], ["ubuntu 14.04 two finger scroll", "installation stuck now ca n't even enter bios", "usb device not recognizing in ubuntu 14.04 on lenovo z510", "does lenovo ideapad series support ubuntu y510/z510/u510", "how to make a lenovo ideapad z510 as dual boot ?", "dual booting problem", "i ca n't find the software drivers from additional drivers for lenovo ideapad z510"], ["how can i make unity maximize windows like gnome 2 , kde , xfce et al ?", "set ctrl+alt+t to open a maximized terminal", "why does xchat always open only partially maximized ?", "how do i prevent an application from obscuring the launcher when it is maximized ?", "maximizing a window moves minimize , maximize and close button to the left", "why is it that when i maximize a window the screen becomes white ?", "how to maximize evolution"], ["ubuntu 14.0.4 apt-get update fails for any installs and upgrades in trusty", "sudo apt-get update fails", "apt-get update fails after upgrade", "installing medibuntu fails", "i have ubuntu server 11.10 64-bit . updates were working but now fails every time after apt-get update", "'apt-get update ' fails when using proxy", "could n't find package dd", "upgrade subversion to 1.7 on 8.04", "ubuntu apt-get update fails"], ["sift not installed", "ca n't run a program installed through gem install", "where .deb files located ?", "where is the installed kernel source located ?", "where is wine-1.5 installed ?"], ["uninstall ubuntu 12.04 and install 11.04", "installed ubuntu on another drive , got rid of the drive , and dual boot screen is still coming up", "how do i uninstall ubuntu 13.04 ?", "dual boot windows 8 from a 12.04 install ?", "how do i uninstall ubuntu 13.04"], ["the limits is restored to the defaults after i reboot", "ubuntu server to support unlimited or 100+ telnet users", "convert a live cd to a bootable usb", "how to convert a bootable cd iso image into a bootable dvd", "ca n't convert .iso to .img on imac g5", "how to convert from iso to img file ?", "is there any software to convert between iso and cso ?", "is it possible to convert live cd to alternate cd using jigdo ?"], ["how do you run a java program from a bash script ?", "why is minecraft so laggy ?", "starting minecraft logs me out of ubuntu 12.04", "eclipse throwing 'editor does not contain a main type ' error when running java program", "how can i find out , which jar-files java is currently running ( and their pids ) ?", "minecraft , java , ubuntu and a socks proxy", "how do i get carnegie learning online working in edubuntu ?", "how to run an executable file through jre by default ?", "ca n't see local java applets in my browser"], ["netflix desktop help in 12.04 lts", "how can i remove netflix-desktop to get the hd option back on netflix ?", "netflix composting support", "is there something special about netflix-desktop ?", "netflix compositing issue"], ["how to determine the version and origin of proprietary drivers installed by additional drivers ?", "ubuntu ca n't detect my nvidia graphics card", "installing nvidia drivers and control panel", "how can i see what version of amd catalyst is in the `` additional drivers ''", "ubuntu driver for intel sandybridge/ivybridge graphics"], ["disable gui and go to command line terminal", "gui for ubuntu server", "how can i determine x resolution from cli without randr ?", "how to block the specific websites using proxy server ?", "nice command without root privileges", "disable sudo permission to user from command line", "how can i search for the fastest update server on the command line ?", "bash script using `sudo` runs correctly from cli but not when clicked to run", "disable opengl for compiz from command line"], ["asus windows 8 desktop dual boot is not working", "( solved ) custom desktop file execution fails without any errors", "netflix desktop not working", "workflow for working on www-data owned files", "vmware : enable drag and drop files and folder between virtual machine and host", "chmod is not working", "create a working link on desktop", "desktop files and ubuntu software center"], ["can i install ubuntu on my sdcard and improve performance ?", "which video card for a 1680x1050 resolution ?", "poor graphic performance with xfce 12.04", "will unity 3d on older computers work with 13.10", "slow samsung 830 ssd !", "newly installed 12.04 on radeon or nvidia type of gfx card ?"], ["strange update : `` safe and easy web browser from mozilla firefox ''", "how do i install the latest version of okular ?", "how do i know what the latest version of rhythmbox is ?", "will the official repositories update to firefox 4.0 when it 's released ?", "how to update jemalloc latest version ?", "how to lock firefox version ?"], ["how to share a folder in the same pc between ubuntu and windows", "share files between ubuntu 11.04 and 10.04 over lan", "how to sync files on 2 computers using an ethernet cable ( offline ) ?", "how to share wifi through ethernet cable to windows pc ?", "share wireless internet connection through ethernet"], ["can i manage to install on a dell 15r with all my laptop 's features ?", "how to install ubuntu server 32 bit 12.0 on amd e1-2100 ?", "intel i7 7320qm 64 or 32 bit ?", "difference between alternate and desktop 64 bit ? and how do i find out which one i am using now ?", "should i install ubuntu as 32 or 64 bit ?"], ["ubuntu wo n't boot after successful installation ( black screen appears and nothing happens )", "14.04 does not boot after otherwise successful dual boot with windows 8.1", "unable to login to ubuntu after installation of gnome desktop", "how to get login page of bugzilla on localhost after installation", "both windows 8.1 and ubuntu not booting after installing ubuntu 14.04"], ["why do i get `` package not found '' when trying to install jabref with apt-get ?", "terminal update package", "how to automatically install applications/commands when they are run in the terminal ?", "how do i list commands a package provides ?", "how to get a list of files for a package i have n't installed yet ?", "why ca n't i install this package ?", "can not locate package", "what is the difference between a deb package and a binary package ?", "view progress of a package installation in terminal"], ["ubuntu 12.04 : can not accecss internet ( ppp0 ) from virtualbox guest windows 7", "remove ubuntu w/o grub", "importing .doc and .jpg files to 13.04", "how do i delete my windows partition ?", "permissions on windows 7 on a dvd drive that was shared via samba from a ubuntu machine"], ["how to remove wubi install from windows 7 , when i have done a clean install of windows 8- no dual-boot ?", "ubuntu install option `` install alongside windows 7 '' is missing", "ext4 file system format dirve not shows in windows 8", "installed ubuntu using wubi to windows 8 by accident , how do i remove ?", "duel boot problem windows 8 ubuntu 12.04"], ["how to copy my home directory", "using terminal i want to copy some files", "how to redirect apache /var/www to the home directory and access all the directories and files in my home directory ?", "directory mirroring over network", "how to recover files from failed upgrade ?", "is there a folder in my home directory where i should put my scripts so they are available from any directory ?", "moving to new machine ... also upgrade to 64bit . what steps ?", "how to get rid of home data encryption ?"], ["refresh desktop icons", "ubuntu right click dropdown menu has very few options on upgrade to 12.10", "12.10 boots to desktop with icons , but no panels , no taskbar", "compiz not starting up on ubuntu 12.04", "ubuntu 12.10 wo n't save display settings after reboot . how do i fix this ?"], ["can i install 32 bit ubuntu on dual boot with 64 bit windows 7 ?", "problem installing ubuntu 13.10 64-bit on intel 64 bit processor", "why if my system is 64-bit , i ca n't install ubuntu 64-bit in virtual box ?", "graphics drvier problem in lenovo g505s", "ubuntu 13.10 bad video quality/coloring ( amd radeon hd 6700 series )"], ["does driver exist for trendnet ac1200 dual band wireless adapter for ubuntu 14.04 64bit ?", "does anyone have drivers for a tp-link tl-wn823n usb wireless", "install wifi drivers for ubuntu", "bcm4313 wireless adapter on 14.04", "bluetooth and wifi of high bandwidth do n't work"], ["why is the firewall disabled by default ?", "upnp - how to configure gufw", "problems setting up synch over wifi with windows program running in wine", "how do i get my vpn to work even when my firewall is active ?", "firewall ufw is `` enable and active '' but gufw is off"], ["cli based install process", "enable networking in vmware", "ubuntu 14.04 install error with windows 7 install inside", "how does the automatic installation work with free space ?", "how does ubuntu boot ?", "my computer keeps restarting when i try to install ubuntu . why ?", "difference between wine and mono", "ubuntu server : ssh is showing in process but does not work", "what does udevd process do during the boot time ?"], ["changing colors for user , host , directory information in terminal command prompt", "something is wrong with folders containing special characters", "less output does not show output in terminal after quitting it", "what does mean // directory ?", "can not execute iexplore.exe when i create a symbolic link to it", "terminal commands", "how to show a running clock in terminal before the command prompt"], ["how do i set $ path to factory setting in ubuntu 12.04 lts", "how to set a path of proofpower in ubuntu 12.04", "how do i set environment variables in an emacs session launched from gnome panel ?", "update path variable during script execution", "changing environment variables"], ["is it legal to install ubuntu in an imac machine", "is it legal to sell computers with ubuntu installed", "does tally software work on ubuntu 12.04 or latest version", "arcade cabinets and ubuntu legalities", "is there any legal things i need to discuss with canonical before publishing an ubuntu-based distribution ?", "how to add legal banner in /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net in ubuntu ?", "software compliance", "is it legal to use fonts downloaded by winetricks ?", "how do i finish installing sun jdk after cancelling out of the legal term screen ?"], ["do i keep my windows installation if i install ubuntu with wubi , the windows installer ?", "upgrade ubuntu to 13.04 from 12.10 on dual-boot laptop", "no usb or dvd drive and not able to migrate wubi ( no clue )", "backup , install and restore programms/settings of ubuntu ( wubi ) installation", "how to do a fresh re-installation of ubuntu safely on dual boot ?", "wubi 12.10 installation on windows 8 hangs"], ["what is the best way to download a new ubuntu release ?", "nothing working properly", "when trying to wget openfire 3.7.1 it doesnt download the right file", "serious errors were found while checking the disk for /", "why i am getting `` 404 not found '' errors for a ppa when updating ?", "ca n't install from ubuntu software center in 13.04", "ca n't complete my download"], ["keyboard not working in ubuntu 12.10", "keyboard not working on boot", "can not connect wireless keyboard when wakeup", "keyboard not working after installing windows 8", "logitech wireless touch keyboard k400r not working synclient lockeddrags=1"], ["banshee with enabled clutterflow plugin crashes", "can not install netbeans after upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10", "ubuntu not booting , thrown into busybox", "kvm error in syslog says cpu0 unhandled rdmsr", "banshee crashes while rescaning the library", "monodevelop crashing on startup", "strangely quickly runs but debugger crashes with no exception", "banshee wo n't open"], ["problem linking wlan to ethernet", "can not connect internet for static ip ( staticip )", "completely remove nm-applet from gnome-shell", "network manager discards changes to /etc/resolv.conf on boot", "ubuntu 13.04 network configuration"], ["gnome terminal scrollbar visibility", "kde top panel , always visible , not functioning,", "unity is *always* visible , no matter what app i 'm using", "how can i make unity dock notifications more visible ?", "unity panel oneiric behavior on precise"], ["how to merge two partitions separated by another partition ?", "is gparted a good tool for resizing an ntfs partition ?", "clearing mount points for ntfs patitions", "do not mount partition on external disk", "ntfs mount problem"], ["how do i download ubuntu one files to my new computer ?", "how do i install .tar.gz , .tar.bz2 , and .tar.bz files ?", "after downloading a program file from the internet how do you install it ?", "downloading things", "how to make modem faster ?", "how to download from the web", "how to add an adon manually to firefox", "how to download ubuntu softwares in windows ?", "how to install a program published as a tar.gz file ?"], ["wired and wireless networks not detected in ubuntu 12.10", "make both atheros ethernet controller and broadcom wireless contrller of dell vostro 3460 work", "how to install a wireless connection on my netbook ?", "wired and wireless both are unclaimed on alienware 18x", "additional driver install fails , says check `` /var/log/jockey.log ''"], ["displaying old python version", "how to install a different version of python-dev ?", "upgrading to python 3.4 from 3.2", "ubuntu 14.04 python 2.7 still default , set 3.x as default", "python - pip module install 2.6 instead of 2.7"], ["11.10 runs really choppy and slow , but not if i choose `` gnome classic ''", "will my current gnome desktop be preserved when upgrading to 11.04", "how can i activate bitmap fonts ?", "upgrade from ubuntu gnome 13.10 to ubuntu 14.04", "will 11.04 support gnome shell ?", "do not like unity , asking for options"], ["realtek rtl8188ce desconects randomly and features slow connections", "need help with chronic slow wifi connections", "where can i find statistics on package downloads and dependencies ?", "can i split the upgrade downloads into multiple parts ?", "how can i view the complete changelog for a ppa package ?", "slow updates and software downloads : due to newly released version ?", "slow steam downloads in ubuntu"], ["do the xserver-xorg-video-intel drivers support dual monitors with intel hd graphics 3000 ?", "how do i get close to 1600x1600 resolution with dual monitors ?", "how do i make ubuntu look `` classic ? ''", "dual monitor setup only one monitor detected", "how to span single wallpaper over dual monitors ?", "how can i set up two monitors", "dual monitor setup not working even though xrandr reports two monitors", "how do i set the kde panel to be a long continuous one across dual monitors ?", "how to setup dual-screen monitors in xorg.conf using nvidia twinview ?"], ["how can i create a bookmark to the listing of a computer 's network shares ?", "how to add bookmark that connects to local server ?", "problem in bookmark updation firefox", "mounted nfs shares interrupting shutdown ?", "how do i create a dynamic quicklist for the home folder ?", "grub menu will not show the first time i try to boot my ubuntu server 12.04 after it is shutdown for a long time", "nfs fails to mount home folder if other shares exist", "bookmark icons in nautilus", "network share 'remember forever ' option does n't work"], ["kubuntu move encrypted home dir to new ssd ( keep encryption )", "moving videos folder into hdd and having a link of it in ssd", "ca n't use hdd alongside ssd", "ubuntu on ssd and windows", "should i align partitions on an ssd , if so how do i do it at install time ?", "installing ubuntu os on ssd and install home on other hdd", "how to install new system ( with new applications ) without removing /home", "deleting windows 8 and clean install ubuntu on ssd/hdd hybrid", "put swap on ssd or hdd ?"], ["sony t series ubuntu installation", "ubantu not booting from usb", "installing ubuntu on a windows 8 ( lenovo thinkpad )", "plug and play device for laptop to connect external monitor/keyboard/mouse", "boot from usb , setup through ssh", "how can i install ubuntu in such a way that files are readable by both ubuntu and windows ?", "how can i install ubuntu on my laptop without usb stick or dvd ?", "installing ubuntu 13.10"], ["adobe flash player not working", "adobe flash player installation on 12.04", "flash player plugin on firefox will not update on ubuntu 11.10 32 bit", "why are 2 adobe flash plugin on usc ( ubuntu software center ) ?", "white blocking screen when put youtube in full-screen mode"], ["freeing disk space on ubuntu to use in windows", "how to install windows 7 after ubuntu on gpt disk", "ubuntu installer not seeing free space on hard disk ( dual boot )", "assistance recovering/reinstalling/installing ubuntu and win7", "ubuntu can not detect windows 7 so i can not dual-boot"], ["installing an hp laserjet 1000", "why does n't my hp deskjet 2514 work ?", "printing works from writer but not evince/okular etc . ( filter error )", "ricoh aficio mp c6501 only prints white pages", "hp printer recognized but not printing", "hp laserjet p1102", "how get hp-setup to install printer ?", "hp printer wo n't print"], ["how can i switch a 64-bit installation to a 32-bit one ?", "install ubuntu 13.10 on eeepc , 32-bit or 64-bit ?", "error - i installed ubuntu 64-bit on a 32-bit system", "installing 64 bit kernel on 32bit ubuntu", "how can i integrate ubuntu 32 and 64 bit into a single dvd"], ["where can i obtain nightly-builds of libreoffice ?", "what to do about errors with update & upgrade ?", "used sources.list of 11.10 in 10.10 , how do i resolve a partial upgrade ?", "apt sources.list problem , packages not found ?", "install a single specific package from future distribution"], ["how does one upgrade ubuntu ( any version to latest version ) using an iso image ?", "still ca n't use usb in virtualbox after extension install in ubuntu 13.04", "how to upgrade ubuntu software center to the latest version", "how to install latest version of rgedit in 13.04", "changing update manager settings via terminal", "how to update libreoffice to the latest version ?", "how to update code : :blocks to the latest version", "how to upgrade to the latest unity"], ["ubuntu dash is blank . how do i get the apps back ?", "location of the `` more apps '' icon", "how can i hide chrome apps from the unity dash ?", "how to always show all apps in dash ?", "how to list all available apps on my machine", "how can i remove un-installed programs from the unity dash menu ?"], ["some apps tray icons shown only in the compiz widgets layer", "how can i move systray icons from indicator to notification area ?", "weather indicator not showing icons ?", "how can i bring back icons on the notification to the sytem tray area ?", "hide artha dictionary icon from notification area in classic interface ?"], ["plymouth splash screen different boot than shutdown", "ubuntu ca n't get past splash screen", "uninstalled plymouth splash changer . now i have no splash", "ubuntu 13.04 wo n't boot past splash screen", "ubuntu splash screen not showing at boot"], ["how to install ralink 3290 wireless adaptor in ubuntu 12.04", "ubuntu 13.10 & hp envy m6-1310sa , bad wifi connection", "ralink rt3290 - how to reach declared 802.11n speed on ubuntu 14.04", "ubuntu 14.04 wireless disabled", "mt7630e ralink wireless driver for ubuntu not available !"], ["bypass `` do you want to ... '' dialog after clicking script", "how to run a command without keyboard ?", "how to make python script executable in ubuntu ?", "how do i bypass `` do you want to ... '' dialog after clicking script when using unity ?", "avoid dialogue by opening a shell script ?"], ["how to remove the menu in the top panel ?", "removing evolution mail related options on top-panel", "the top panel bar in unity will not change the icon theme", "handle plasma panel intersections", "how do i hide indicators in unity panel ?"], ["why does default incoming deny not stop firefox from working ?", "port listening on localhost:8000 but not on ip:8000", "alternative to little-snitch app-firewall ?", "ubuntu server 14.04 : configuring configserver security & firewall for mediatomb", "why is ssh not accessible after installing kde on ubuntu server ?", "firewall ufw is `` enable and active '' but gufw is off", "differences between ufw and gufw"], ["pdftk password protection help", "what is ubuntu touch 's policy on protection of qml/js source ?", "installing mcaffe linux anti virus", "is there exec shield buffer overflow protection for ubuntu ?", "do i need anti-virus protection ?", "fork bomb protection not working : amount of processes not limited", "ubuntu all versions from 10.04 till 12.10"], ["how can i install a security updates before a given date ?", "install ubuntu 14.04 on macbook without refit laptop unable to boot", "what is the best practice for security updates ?", "no longer showing `` x packages can be updated '' on command line login", "can not boot normally , without restarting lightdm ( or gdm )", "installing updates selectively from command line", "29 packages can be updated - how ?", "unattended-upgrade does not update security updates", "boots only in recovery mode after update ubuntu 12.04"], ["automatic login and encrypted home folder", "how do i access an encrypted home folder from a dual-boot machine ?", "exporting encrypted folders for nfs", "what is encrypted home directory ?", "is my folder encrypted ?", "change home folder to another already existing folder", "how to check if your home folder and swap partition are encrypted using terminal ?", "creating a new user after install with encrypted home"], ["windows 7 detected , but no option to install alongside windows", "create windows xp 's live usb using ubuntu", "how to access intel matrix raid 0 from installed system ( live usb had detected it automatically ) ?", "installer do n't detect any partition on drive", "can an external flash or hard drive be used to boost performance , similar to windows ' readyboost ?"], ["xul + unity web api", "icedtea-web 1.5 needs confirmation to run trusted applet", "is there a way to request support for web applications not currently supported ?", "newer versions of chromium ?", "how to test web applications for mobile devices on ubuntu ?", "hp pavilion dv2000 web camera driver", "powerpc macs and 12.04 lts application support", "how can i force ubuntu to use font a instead font b in all applications and web pages ?", "how to remove the web app shortcut created by chromium ?"], ["booting from ubuntu iso cd - windows 7 partitioning", "about uninstallation of ubuntu to allow dual-boot", "how do i run install ubuntu 13.10 and keep windows at the same time ?", "unable to install ubuntu 11.10 - cd with downloaded iso file does n't work", "downloading ubuntu onto a dvd-r"], ["change xfce panel launcher icon size", "lubuntu - maximize windows by dragging to top", "my windows do not resize when i drag them on top or on side of my screen", "how can i have xfce automatically adjust to changing available outputs ?", "maximize windows to full screen in gnome classic", "how to make drag & drop to move files instead of copy on xfce desktop ?", "how to show desktop application launchers only in a certain desktop environment ?", "maximize , minimize , exit in the global menu"], ["open the menus in chromium with the alt+ shortcut", "change color of top menu bar in unity and top menu bar in any window ( application and file explorer )", "how to stop window controls appearing in menu bar and apllication", "how can i keep menu bar on the applicaton on unity ?", "how can i fully maximize wine applications ?", "how do i change the super key dash shortcut menu", "how can i restart the menu bar in unity ?", "menu bar is no more visible in vlc", "how to integrate jframe menu bar into unity top bar ?"], ["wifi connection problem in asus eee pc having broadcom bcm4313", "no video driver with ubuntu 14.04 lts with asus eee pc x101ch", "ubuntu 12.10 on eee pc 1000 ?", "asus eee pc does n't have `` os installation '' or boot to in bios menu ?", "xubuntu 13.04 dual screen hdmi"], ["where 's the `` flash tray icon on new message '' feature in pidgin ?", "how do i set up my facebook account in pidgin ?", "how do i install adium themes in empathy ?", "pidgin installation has missing dependencies", "disable spell checker in pidgin", "list theme for pidgin ?", "how do i install the empathy smilies ( from maverick ) in pidgin ?", "sometimes invisible pidgin", "how to keep pidgin-libnotify not blacklisted from messaging menu ?"], ["how to access hdd partitions when ubuntu is intalled on a pen drive ?", "problems in detecting pen drive", "prevent the guest account from accessing a particular flash usb pen drive key ?", "installing ubuntu on a laptop with preinstalled windows 8 ( uefi ) with two hard drives", "using same hdd on multiple laptops as boot drive"], ["how to find multibit installation path ?", "how can i get the percentage of my battery life from the command line ?", "open file from terminal in specific application", "how to open file with default application from command line ?", "how can i have the applications listed on an application menu be invoked on a remote system ?", "with a launcher for a terminal application , how can i keep the terminal open after the program is complete ?", "ubuntu server : how to pipe / scroll through search results of a certain command"], ["enable minimize on click feature in 14.04 with gsettings ?", "where do i suggest features for the ccsm replacement ?", "unity configuration does not apply when i use ccsm", "ccsm commands plugin resets", "show desktop icon in lancher in unity 2d", "manually installing themes and changing settings", "how to remove keyboard indicator ?"], ["how to select installing packages via dvd while installing ubuntu ?", "install ubuntu on a laptop running xp", "install a mirror without downloading all packages from official repository", "can i have two ubuntu installations on one laptop ?", "installation of ubuntu ( edubuntu , kubuntu , lubuntu , xubuntu , ubuntu-gnome , ubuntu-server ) saucy in i386-desktop without internet connection"], ["ubuntu 12.04 windows 7 home premium dual boot", "12.04 variable ( long ) boot times , lenovo ideapad", "ubuntu 12.04 on lenovo thinkpad with uefi", "ca n't boot from cd now that ubuntu is installed ?", "grub error 15 . ca n't boot at all now"], ["how to get ubuntu version number on the wallpaper ?", "where is my desktop background ?", "how can i have my login screen use the same wallpaper as my desktop ?", "how do i set a vlc instance to run as a live wallpaper", "is there any countdown widget which shows the timer on the desktop wallpaper ?", "ubuntu without nautilus . best way to paint a wallpaper ?", "how to change desktop shell to only gedit and wallpaper ?", "use video for wallpaper", "active web site as gnome background"], ["can not install cedar tail drm in dkms format on ubuntu running on a netbook", "ubuntu ( only ) installed : can not boot to reinstall", "can not update with 'sudo apt-get update ' or update manager", "can not update ubuntu", "i am currently on version 12.10 but the sound does not work and i can not update the software , i keep getting error messages", "can not update software , can not install anything , can not upgrade", "can not choose operating system after reinstall", "can not remove ( or reinstall ) spotify or any other program", "installing ndiswrapper-dkms on ubuntu 12.04"], ["what is the difference between ubuntu server and ubuntu cloud under lxc ?", "diffrence between amd64 and i386 version of ubuntu", "what are the differences between different releases of ubuntu ?", "what is `` ubuntu desktop usb '' in tasksel ?", "difference between menu shutdown and 'shutdown -h now '"], ["how to install beta version of flash ?", "no audio in flash player , both chromium and firefox", "slow video reproduction quality in youtube with chromium and firefox in ubuntu 13.10", "flash ( peperflash ) on chrome in 14.04 lts not working", "high cpu usage while playing flash"], ["how to make windows the default os in grub menu ?", "is it possible to change the color of `` vt.handoff '' screen at boot ?", "dual-boot computer runs windows boot manager followed by grub menu : how to change to just grub ?", "grub menu empty", "grub customizer broken after changing grub backround image option"], ["how to make banshee notification in ubuntu 11.04 show the playlist by default", "is there a way to programatically detach the built in media player from dbus ?", "how do i change the sound menu 's default music player ?", "how do i stop banshee from playing random tracks when it finishes a playlist/album ?", "will canonical still be splitting revenue from ubuntu one music store in 12.04 ?", "how to open radio playlists in the banshee music player ?", "remove banshee 's sound menu support", "jackd mutes pulseaudio"], ["does ubuntu on computer with 64 bit processor , need to be 64 bit as well ?", "how to detect if 32 or 64 bit jdk is installed ?", "installing ubuntu 13.10 64 bit with windows 8.1 32 bit ?", "ubuntu 13.10 with windows 7 , 32 or 64 bits for 6gb of ram in amd processor 32 bits", "can i install 64 bit windows app in 32bit-ubuntu using wine ?"], ["how to remove linux from bootable partition ?", "how do you make usb bootable on chromebook", "how to create bootable usb from ubuntu", "need to remove windows 8 keeping ubuntu intact ( installed by wubi )", "remove chromium data"], ["flash does not work with the latest updates", "wine questions ( rosetta stone )", "rosetta stone with wine", "problem allowing memory with adobe flash player in firefox", "play audio that are embedded in pdf file", "running rosetta stone in wine", "when i try to run .sh files nothing happens ?", "ca n't use adobe flash player - local storage"], ["unable to boot into windows 8", "can i install ubuntu without losing windows 8 ?", "uninstall ubuntu in dual boot with windows 8", "how do i get my laptop back to windows 8 from ubuntu 12.10 ?", "how to install or run ubuntu on windows 8 using wubi ?", "restoring windows 8 backup while keeping ubuntu 12.04", "triple booting on ubuntu", "stop windows 8 from running in background"], ["installing lxde broke my system", "completely remove lxde/lubuntu desktop environment", "how can i remove the `` gnome desktop environment '' entry from my login screen after uninstalling gnome ?", "i have installed gnome3 and now ca n't login . how can i login from console ?", "how to remove the openbox menu items from my login-screen resulted due to lxde installation", "how to fix the look of kde apps in lxde ?"], ["is it possible to get netflix working with html5", "pipelight stopped working in google chrome", "can i stream netflix to ubuntu via a mac ?", "netflix-desktop no longer works after update", "how to get netflix working ?"], ["ld_library_path specification", "samhain troubleshooting and performance", "app installed in ~/usr launches from terminal but not applications menu ( or why does setting ld_library_path in .profile not work as it should )", "lxc container troubleshooting", "troubleshooting proprietary nvidia 319.49 driver"], ["sound menu keyboard shortcuts are n't working with vlc . work fine with rhythmbox/banshee", "can i bind the media play keyboard button to start banshee if no player is running ?", "how can i make the function keys the default on a logitech k760 bluetooh keyboard ?", "how can i get media keys working on my dell vostro 2520 ?", "media keys play/pause globally worked in 12.10 , not in 13.10", "media keys disable external monitor"], ["what 's the difference between system shell and login shell ?", "why am i stuck with a version of gnome shell unlike kde or other desktop environments ?", "how do i install ubuntu as a shell to learn how to program in it ?", "when $ shell variable does not change when i switch shell", "user does not exist in /etc/passwd when trying to change the default shell", "why do shells call fork ( ) ?", "why ca n't i update my system via shell script ?", "gnome-shell installed through updates"], ["'module ' object has no attribute 'py2 '", "`` attributeerror : 'nonetype ' object has no attribute 'group ' '' when trying to use youtube-dl", "software center not working", "ubuntu one not syncing ... in windows xp sp3", "openshot does n't launch with `` failed to import '' message"], ["video glitch nvidia ( card : unknown )", "nvidia g96 [ geforce 9400 gt ] and application graphic issues", "xubuntu 14.04 driver for nvidia 320m ?", "how to know whether an nvidia graphic card is installed or not ?", "unity wo n't load with proprietary drivers"], ["how to turn off hard drive when booting from usb ?", "why wo n't ubuntu install on my hp6910 laptop ?", "can i make a external hard drive bootable with ubuntu 13.04 ?", "can i use an ubuntu live usb/cd without damaging my windows 8 pc ?", "how to install ubuntu from windows hdd ( not dual boot ) without cd , usb or network ?", "bootable usb only works on 1st computer"], ["availability for htc phones", "htc 7 mozart + ubuntu", "transfering files from my htc to my laptop fails via bluetooth , why ?", "ubuntu for tablets has been announced : is it related to htc one 's announcement ?", "htc trophy not detected", "it is possible to put ubuntu on my htc wildfire s ? and how ?", "ubuntu touch on htc desire x", "how to i install on an htc shift ?", "how to install ubuntu on htc one x"], ["numerical performance of intel 's 4th generation vs 3rd generation cpu 's on thinkpad", "copy arabic files , characters turn `` ? ''", "how do i change the language via a terminal ?", "can write arabic and ca n't read it", "kdenlive unable to show corectly or open folders or files with unicode names ( ex : arabic )", "how to use gnome_settings_daemon and volume_step ?", "how to change date and time format from arabic to english"], ["how do i disable nautilus desktop ?", "gconf-editor settings not being saved", "use gconftool-2 for other users settings", "show banner at login with lightdm", "how to reset ( gtk ? ) color scheme ?", "gconftool2 settings are n't saved permanently"], ["sound application indicator for esound is missing after i uninstalled pulseaudio ?", "exaile sound indicator menu integration", "multimedia keys do not work with spotify", "how can i get the sound indicator to show the track 's file name ?", "how do i integrate an application in the sound menu using python ?", "the sound-volume indicator disappeard ubuntu 13.10"], ["how to set the default microphone", "how can i use java mobile phone 's camera as a webcam ?", "logitec webcam for notebooks deluxe", "how do i fix this issue ( webcam not working )", "cheese webcam booth stuck in fullscreen", "logitech c270 webcam reading from wrong position", "how can i adjust the brightness of my webcam ?", "screen and webcam recording with nvidia-bumblebee", "webcam on lenovo u310 has no video"], ["how to share printer from ubuntu server using samba ?", "harddisk sharing for windows and ubuntu user", "custom share permission to users in a samba file server", "how to access the shared folder between two computers running ubuntu", "problem sharing printer via samba in ubuntu server 12.04"], ["how to install windows 7 alongside ubuntu 14.04", "chromebook ubuntu 14.04 lts with unity dual boot", "how do i delete windows after an ubuntu install ?", "is running ubuntu/xp duel boot safe now that xp is being pulled ?", "hdd partition help"], ["ubuntu is gone after reinstalling windows 7", "how to reset dell 15r-5521 pre-installed ubuntu", "can ubuntu/linux machines be infected by the shylock trojan ?", "anti virus / anti malware software", "why ubuntu does not need anti-virus ?", "does ubuntu really need an anti-virus ?", "trojan in ubuntu ? diginotar", "linux anti-virus", "do i need anti-virus protection ?"], ["wrong kernel after upgrade -- - old kernel still installed ?", "will a kernel update overwrite my wireless driver from a newer kernel ?", "rtl8192su driver compatible with 14.04 running kernel 3.13", "find and install older kernel", "nvidia 331 with kernel 3.13", "lenovo t440p ubuntu 14.04 compatibility ?", "updated kernel - still on old version", "ubuntu 14.04 realtime kernels = 3.13", "ca n't shutdown after installing 13.10"], ["where are my `` recent documents '' in unity ?", "nvidia driver causing flickering in menu ?", "how do i change available encodings in leafpad ?", "appmenu indicator places drop down duplicates nautilus bookmarks", "how to use a classic menu with unity ?", "how do i remove gnome and restore unity in 12.10 ?", "terminator terminal resize", "acroread 's drop down menus are blank ? how can i fix this ?", "how can i limit the gui choices in the drop-down menu at login ?"], ["moving root lvm within same drive", "how to find large unwanted packages to uninstall to free space ?", "how do i free up disk space ?", "how to remove other os to free space ?", "why do i get more free space than ext4 after formatting in xfs ?"], ["14.04 lts dist-upgrade and missing options", "unity launcher icons gets fuzzy when on odd numbered setting", "changing unity launcher settings has no effect", "launcher gone after customizing it", "two appearance icons in settings"], ["very small everything on my monitor - lenovo yoga 2 pro", "new to xubuntu . need help with scaling menu and title bar", "access the gyroscope and accellerator on yoga 2 pro", "simulate a middle-click on lenovo yoga 2 pro synaptics touchpad", "rotate touchscreen and disable the touchpad on yoga 2 pro in rotated mode"], ["where i put my network address on ubuntu ?", "where should i put the broadcom bcm4313 driver for asus 1018 ?", "where did mercurial install to ?", "what mount point should i use ?", "correct place to put colors of prompt ( ps1 )", "does anyone know where is the program folder for stepmania ?", "someone tell me why people writing gnu code use { like that ?"], ["how to downgrade xorg-server package to ubuntu 11.10 version in 12.04", "how to downgrade to a specific ppa version of libreoffice ?", "is there a way to force scrollbars in the desktop version of ubuntu , like netbook remix does ?", "how to downgrade gcc from 4.4.4 to 4.2.1 ?", "ubuntu automatically logs in to netbook version , have no options on desktop", "how to downgrade packages on ubuntu ?", "how to downgrade from gnome shell 3.6.1 ?", "netbook remix 10.04 to 10.10 upgrade using alternate iso"], ["dual boot windows 8 and ubuntu ( partition not detecting )", "installing ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8", "what shall i do with the 2nd partition ?", "how to create the partition from unallocated space", "saving to data partition , but eating into c : \\"], ["how can i connect to nexus 7 ( running ubuntu ) via ssh ?", "ubuntu nexus 7 as usb device does not work", "no keyboard on nexus 7 installation", "receiving bluetooth files from nexus 7", "ubuntu nexus 7 - daily pre-installed - tegra 3 driver"], ["prevent other sudoers to use apt-get command", "execute commands with sudo as a root", "the command could not be located because '/usr/bin ' is not included in the path environment variable", "how to install gimp 2.8 on 11.04 ?", "option `env_reset ' does not take a value"], ["how to disconnect file location from onedrive-d", "error message when trying to run ubuntu from disk - windows 8.1", "replacing windows 8.1 with ubuntu 14.04", "ubuntu installation sbn", "what happens to my swap space if i choose to replace windows with ubuntu ?", "i 'll burn the cd to 12.04 but when i go to install it i 'll get all the way to a blank purple screen . cant do anything after that", "ubuntu wo n't boot from usb - windows 8 - non dual boot related"], ["'unattended upgrades ' does not reboot system", "trying to launch application in full screen mode on boot", "ubuntu lock screen login box not showing", "problem with gadmin-rsync and cron ( d )", "making xinput change permenant", "scheduled tasks running but have disappeared", "xbmc-live ( ubuntu based ) setting up tty8", "how do i get va-api and xvba to work ?"], ["unable to find expected entry 'main/source/sources ' in release file", "will the alpha/beta iso become official after release ?", "how to revert back to nautilus 3.4 ?", "how to upgrade from 13.10 beta to stable release ?", "are there ubuntu security notices feeds for specific releases"], ["can not connect to wifi at home after upgrade to ubuntu 14.04", "ca n't connect to wifi on ubuntu 13.04 . no wireless extension", "switched to ubuntu from windows but the network is still a windows network", "how do i fix my wireless network connection ? it stopped searching for wireless connections", "unable to connect to secured wifi"], ["how to configure which notifications are skipped in xfce4-notifyd ( lubuntu 12.10 ) ?", "no empathy notifications with gnome shell 3.2", "two notifications for empathy and no notification preferences tab ?", "how can i re-enable `` never show '' notifications in xubuntu 12.04 ?", "some notifications are not showing for empathy"], ["dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-headers-virtual", "how can i install virtual box on 14.04 lts ?", "lubuntu , set-up on virtual box", "how to set up and use a virtual python environment in ubuntu ?", "what is the proper way to move from a scsi drive based install to a virtual machine ( mulitple partitions & software raid ) ?", "packages that are architecture independent wo n't install", "what is the correct way to install gnome shell 3.6 on ubuntu 12.10 ?", "dependency is not satisfiable : libtiff4 when trying to install lightworks on ubuntu 14.04", "show total disk space needed for installation including dependency package sizes ?"], ["xubuntu 11.10 crashes when running any gnome service", "how to install a .ttf font in xubuntu 11.10 32-bit", "installing gnome 3 on xubuntu 12.04 ?", "can i install unity aside with xfce and switch them as i want ?", "my ubuntu system does n't shutdown . stays in splash screen", "why no easy way to install new themes in gnome 3 and unity ?"], ["red error sign when opening update manager", "trying to update to 12.10 but update manager not showing update for it", "where is update manager in xubuntu 13.04 ?", "update manager and sudo apt-get give the following message '' e : the method driver/usr/lib/apt/methods/http// could not be found", "update manager can not find update from 12.04 to 12.10"], ["no additional driver listed", "how to get nvidia driver working properly ( running experimental 3d support )", "video not working properly on an integrated intel 82865g card", "12.04 boot hangs after `` checking battery state '' , video card intel gma 4500mhd", "how can i get my intel 82945g/gz video card to support more resolutions ?", "graphics driver update for dell v3400", "ati graphics card detected as different card ubuntu 12.04 lts", "how do i know if my laptop support switchable graphics and how to switch to it ?", "ubuntu 12.04 not recognizing the graphic card"], ["unable to boot from a usb drive on samsung series 9 notebook", "ubuntu 12.04 installed on hard disk using usb pendrive does not boot from hard disk", "12.04 lts 64 bits does not boot from hdd", "ubuntu 12.04 boot only when usb drive is connected", "ubuntu does n't boot and boot-repair-disk does n't solve the problem"], ["how to upgrade to the unstable ubuntu builds", "ubuntu 13.10 +amd 13.4 beta drivers . = black screen", "system problem ! ubuntu 12.4", "why i should remove proprietary softwares and packages to upgrade my ubuntu", "how to upgrade ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 final not beta without a cd", "how can i upgrade to unity 6.8 without upgrading to 12.10 ?"], ["how to share cable internet between a pc and an iphone ?", "how do i sync iphone 4 in rhythmbox ?", "error mounting location : volume does n't implement mount", "ubuntu 13.04 mounts iphone disk spaces and after a while unmounts them", "iphone 4s wo n't mount on my laptop running ubuntu 12.04 ?"], ["wired network drops after few minutes / seconds", "how do i get my lenovo t61 to connect to a wireless network ?", "ubuntu software center takes about five minutes to load . can i make it load faster ?", "intel wireless 7260 does not work on ubuntu 12.04", "wifi works in 12.04 but not in 13.10 ?", "ralink 3090 unstable wireless connection"], ["downloaded the apache open office progeam to my home/downloads folder", "run redmine & wordpress together in apache server", "how to give apache2 permission to write and read files ?", "how to install and update ubuntu to a pen drive", "listing files in apache server"], ["transparent home directory encryption", "home directory encryption", "copy files from one home directory to another", "how to get encrypted home mounted automatically after crash ?", "is encrypting the home directory on an encrypted lvm installation overkill ?", "is it possible ( and safe ) to simply delete the encrypted home directory and create a new one ?", "how do i mount an encrypted /home directory on another ubuntu machine ?", "how to check my home directory is encrypted in ubuntu 12.04", "how to store network-manager settings in home"], ["what are the specific files that ubuntu changes when you set the proxy in system settings ?", "missing system settings in ubuntu 14.04 after customization", "what is the new `` management service '' in the system settings ?", "gnome-control-center suddenly has limited settings", "add `` open in terminal '' shortcut", "how do i create system settings entries ?", "whole system is read only"], ["is it possible to limit software center or apt-get install downloading to a specific time of day ?", "failed to download packages from software center", "how to run a .exe from msdn to download the software-fix from wine ?", "how to save installer file while downloading from ubuntu software center ?", "ubuntu software center not opening ( 12.04 )", "how do i download non ubuntu software ?", "ubuntu 14.04 wo n't download apps ?", "is it possible to set a download limit in the ubuntu software center ?", "change proxy settings in ubuntu"], ["how to use gparted to partion 2 drives as 1", "what to do when reinstalling ubuntu when /home on a seperate hdd ?", "i think about adding a second hard drive to my laptop", "boot problem . deleted a drive accidentally ( not the windows partion ) . but now both windows and ubuntu wont boot", "how to script a reinstall ( apt repo 's and installed packages )", "formating ntfs partition into ext4 and setting up as home", "move the home directory back to single partition", "how to install ubuntu and delete windows 7 and keep the drive d : /"], ["how to save removable sound device configuration after reboot", "how to use zte mu350 usb modem ?", "how can i configure a specific usb mouse model as left-handed ?", "how can i request password when usb hardware is plugged in ?", "how to run specific commands without to press enter key"], ["nvidia gt 650m randomly detected as usb video device", "ubuntu 12.04 freezing upon cd/dvd installation at `` installing system ''", "hp pavilion p7-1235 windows works but ubuntu turns off", "screen randomly becomes black with cursor in ubuntu 12.10", "ubuntu 12.04 freezes with ivy bridge processor", "compaq presario r3000 randomly fails to boot on 11.10 , 12.04 , 12.10"], ["dell inspiron n5110 touchpad not detected", "touchpad backlash", "alps touchpad too sensitive after upgrade", "touchpad scrolling on dell inspiron 17r se ( n7220 )", "touchpad only found occasionaly", "dell inspiron 7720 - upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04 broke touchpad driver", "enable two-finger scrolling on alps touchpad"], ["i am not getting any user interface to work with on dupeguru , fslint", "change folder permissions and ownership", "see what ubuntu1 folders are shared", "what are ways for file transfer between computers", "extract several zip files , each in a new folder with the same name , via ubuntu terminal", "is there a way to upload folders instead of files to ubuntu one ?", "how can i determine which files have been saved on ubuntu one by d\u0103\u0161j\u0103 dup ?", "a script for moving files from subdirs to parent dir"], ["help convert console command to right-click command", "execute a jar at console from another folder", "which package provides a given jar ?", "run executable jar file", "set all .jar files as executable", "setting a file types default program to be a jar file", "make .jar executable on chrubuntu via command", "minecraft issues on ubuntu", "how to publish a jar application to ubuntu software center ?"], ["update error ( problem with mergelist )", "problem with ppa upload . gpg signature : verification failed 3 times", "how can i solve this problem in error during update ?", "can not update system - error during signature verification", "upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 , getting `` w : failed to fetch gzip ... ''"], ["change default user folder paths in xubuntu", "ca n't find u1 folder in my windows `` my documents ''", "change the default starting directory of nautilus from unity bar", "document 's default location has been changed", "change the system folder name back to english", "how can i change the default folder location that nautilus opens ?"], ["problem while installing visual paradigm uml tool ?", "how do i restore the default permission on a directory/folder ?", "wordpress upload permission on nginx & ubuntu", "file permission in www/html directory for security", "missing /var/www lubuntu 13.04"], ["continuous low-graphics mode on reboot after installing nvidia-331 driver", "cant install ubuntu 12.04 , select cd-rom boot type", "windows xp no longer boots", "edubuntu : can not login , it just keeps blinking", "ctrl+alt+f1 wo n't login"], ["error : no such partition . grub rescue >", "grub error on boot", "unknown filesystem , grub rescue", "error : no such device grub rescue ( error appears when booting from usb too )", "how do i solve the `` out of disk space '' error thrown by grub ?", "how do i fix the `` no such partition '' error from grub ?"], ["update manager fails with error : `` the following packages have unmet dependencies ''", "steam package dependencies can not be resolved", "the following packages have unmet dependencies:", "installation failures", "wine installation problem", "package dependencies can not be resolved on ubuntu 14.04", "dependency problems now not able to install or remove any package", "steam on ubuntu 14.04 error . ca n't isntall steam"], ["how do i install drivers for an intel hd graphics ?", "fry 's fr-300 usb wlan driver", "how do i install driver for the linksys wusb6300 ?", "webcam keeps blinking for no reason", "microsoft lifecam hd-3000 slows down login"], ["ubuntu 12.04 and higher ca n't connect to lumia 800 wifi tethering", "getting rid of dialog box when android phone connected", "ubuntu touch stable rom for samsung galaxy s gt i9000", "error when transferring a file via bluetooth to a samsung galaxy phone", "is it possible to install ubuntu on my samsung galaxy s duos ( gt-s7562 )"], ["common home partition , two systems , 32bit & 64bit", "installing 64bit 12.04 lts along with 32bit window 7", "installing 64bit as 32 bit", "install a minimal 64bit ubuntu 12.04 server virtual machine to use alongside a 32bit ubuntu 12.04 ?", "how to install 32bit python 2.7 on 64bit ubuntu 13.04", "how can i install a 32bit library on a 64bit system", "how to install ubuntu 32bit with wubi", "how to install libqtgui.so.4 32bit on 64bit ubuntu"], ["how to take automatic screenshots in ubuntu 12.04 every 2 minutes", "how to take screenshot of complete webpages ?", "what are the best tool to generate an rtp session ?", "touchpad scrolling not working in nautilus of 12.04", "ubuntu screenshot window class", "how to enable natural scroll on two-finger scroll with command while normal scrolling for edge scrolling in ubuntu 13.10 ?", "scrolling in firefox as in nautilus", "opening ubuntu partition in windows 7", "how do i take screenshots with a delay ?"], ["i do n't know how to install ubuntu on acer aspire netbook", "can not install ubuntu onto usb from windows 8", "can i install desktop-environment from distro 's iso file ?", "how do i get the wubi installer to use a pre-downloaded iso ?", "how do i install ubuntu 12.04 inside windows without downloading it through the wubi installer ?"], ["how to embedded terminal in desktop background ?", "how do i make a file default opened by the terminal on double click ?", "show c output in gedit 's embedded terminal", "gedit embedded terminal not working", "can i use the embedded nautilus-terminal in ubuntu 13.10 ?"], ["upgrade ubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 without the button in update manager", "following the procedure did not result in 12.10", "what is the upgrade manager ?", "how to upgrade from12.10 now that 13.04 is eol ?", "how to upgrade ubuntu from update manager ?"], ["apt-get upgrade - packages have been kept back : mysql", "0 upgraded , 0 newly installed , 0 to remove and 428 not upgraded", "is there an update manager for kubuntu ?", "how do i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 in one command by using the terminal ?", "tried to update phpmyadmin , but got `` kept back ''"], ["where are mysql-admin and query-browser ?", "where to find actual commands for nautilus `` open with '' options ?", "single line group of commands as individual ?", "how can i determine about a command , that which package provides it , using the command line ?", "how to find out where the `` grub '' is installed"], ["the ubuntu partition on my hard disk is not detected on windows . what to do ?", "recover data from partition overwritten by swap partition", "write to user defined partition /data", "why did ubuntu and windows start hanging mysteriously after i took a vacation ?", "how can i mount my partition with executive permissions using the launcher icons ?"], ["sync configuration files of lightning", "compare files in loop", "how to use the ubuntu one client to sync different folders to different accounts", "how to delete all the files with a certain extension from a folder and all of its subfolders ?", "how to share encrypted folders with samba", "samba share permissions"], ["install ubuntu on a partitioned hdd with free space", "trying to use free space on bootable usb", "free space in tmpfs partition not adding up", "how can i either free up enough space on root or resize my partitions ?", "how much partition ?"], ["authentication is required to change user data", "start text mode installer from 13.10 dvd ?", "install button in the software center is grayed out when trying to install .debs without an internet connection", "how to debug grayed out vpn connection in network manager ?", "the '' interface '' on qjackctl is grayed out , how do i fix this ?", "add new printer disabled - grayed out using gnome shell", "can not calibrate my monitor & laptop"], ["how to point to boost built from source", "if i build a package from source how can i uninstall or remove completely ?", "can i update software installed from source code directly", "do i have to remove open drivers to switch to fglrx ?", "how do i install network driver source code to /lib/modules/ < kernel version > /build/drivers/net/ethernet", "determine which package ( s ) were installed from a particular source", "ca n't install vmware-view-client from partner repo in saucy"], ["possible to migrate from non-raid to raid 1 and then raid 5 ?", "installing ubuntu server 14.04 on a pre-built raid array", "not enough components to start the raid array ?", "get rid of software raid", "rsyncing from a sata to a raid 1array", "how can i create a raid array with > 2tb disks ?", "remount raid 5 array", "how to install ubuntu on a raid 5 array using mdadm"], ["windows 8.1 erased ubuntu 14.04 partition", "unintsallation ubuntu", "if i install ubuntu 10.10 over 10.04 , will all my programs be erased ?", "how do i install ubuntu on a windows xp laptop with no boot disk ?", "mistakingly erased hard drive", "windows 7 to ubuntu - erased data", "ubuntu installer does n't see that windows is already installed"], ["ubuntu crashes after upgrade to 13.10 , laptop wo n't boot anymore", "firefox constantly crashes no log", "minecraft crashes after a few minutes , freezes computer", "nautilus crashes after upgrade ( 12.04lts- > 14.04lts )", "vmplayer 6.0.3 crashes on kubuntu 14.04"], ["how to prevent files from being shown in unity dash ?", "how to prevent networkmanager from taking control of a specific network interface ?", "how can i remove un-installed programs from the unity dash menu ?", "making unity dash open with the last used lens as the active lens", "how do i prevent the installation to fail during the step of taking a picture ?", "changing unity dash title , ubuntu 13.04", "are there keyboard shortcuts for opening/using the filter on the unity dash ?", "how do you run xbmc on nvidia dual screen and stop it from taking over the keyboard and mouse ?"], ["how do i disable suspend when my laptop is in the middle of shutting down ?", "how can i make the shutdown button shutdown , instead of logout , in xubuntu ?", "clicking on `` shut down '' system is displaying `` lock '' and `` log out '' button", "shut down/restart from unity panel menu wo n't work", "ca n't shut down or restart after 13.10 upgrade", "how to configure ubuntu 13.04 to shutdown when the power button is pressed", "lubuntu - power button does n't turn off computer,"], ["how to make shortcut to terminal application ?", "decimal point from number pad wo n't work on the calculator but will everywhere else", "shortcut to open/focus terminal window", "how to set qalculator as default calculator ?", "can calculator show decimal as fraction ?", "keep calculator from opening a new window every time i press the `` calculator '' button on the keyboard ?", "how do i use the 'scientific ' mode in the calculator ?", "a good hex/binary calculator"], ["setting up latex with texmaker", "searching package repositories by contents", "problems installing tex live 2012 on 12.04", "how to remove texlive 2009 on ubuntu 12.04", "setting tex live path for root", "how to view dvi files with evince"], ["unity autostart hides dropbox icon while manual start does not", "unity does not get listed in lightdm on xubuntu 13.04", "unity does not start and log in automatically", "x server without unity", "bumblebee indicator icon on unity bar does not show up ubuntu 13.04", "unity does not start automatically , have to start it manually"], ["mysql access denied for user 'root ' while using lamp", "access webpage through ssh", "unable to create database due access denied", "ssh : connect to host localhost port 22 : connection refused", "can not login to ubuntu 13.10 hosted in virtualbox from os x mavericks"], ["how to enable workspace switching selecting app in unity bar ?", "expose ( osx style ) functionality in unity", "spread does not activate when restoring minimised windows across different workspace", "how do i bring unity interface in-front of all other windows ?", "change color of top menu bar in unity and top menu bar in any window ( application and file explorer )", "how to make the nautilus icon open the existing window instead of a new one", "how to stop window controls appearing in menu bar and apllication", "simpler alt-tab in unity", "google chrome unity icon does not restore after minimizing"], ["user wallpaper the same as login wallpaper", "how to change desktop background to the next/brev background image with mouse right cick menu depending on wallch program ?", "how to remove change desktop background from right click ?", "how to embedded terminal in desktop background ?", "xubuntu 12.04 ca n't change desktop background/wallpaper permanently", "ca n't change unity background after installing mate"], ["will ubuntu boot if i install on a hard drive that is n't the windows boot disk via wubi ?", "why does ubuntu 's boot become slower with the passing of time ?", "grub rescue problem", "installing ubuntu failed , now i have just a command line", "make usb bootable , but install ubuntu on hardrive", "no boot device found error"], ["problem while installing ubuntu after bios update", "grub and installing a secondary ssd", "how to boot ubuntu from another disk", "windows 7 ca n't boot with ubuntu on different hard drive", "what filesystem should i choose for my hdd ?"], ["pyhon ( v2.7 ) requires to install plugins", "i ca n't find the youtube browser plugin in totem 3.8.2 player", "how do i get two finger scrolling to work when the mouse is over a flash object ?", "flash player plugin on firefox will not update on ubuntu 11.10 32 bit", "miro and flash player problem"], ["sudo instead of root sometimes asks for password", "how to change root password in ubuntu ?", "why does `sudo passwd root` reset my root password ? is this a security risk ?", "how to enable root password in ubuntu 12.04", "my user password is not accepted when connecting to a wireless network"], ["can not enable my graphic card ( ati radeon hd 3200 graphics )", "why ubuntu is not detecting my amd radeon graphics ?", "ubuntu 13.04 amd/intel hybrid switchable graphics not working !", "ati amd radeon hd 4350 graphics driver", "what graphics card do i have in this hp pavilion g6 ?", "hp pavilion g6 2312 ax drivers for ubuntu", "ubuntu 14.04 amd/intel hybrid switchable graphics not working", "ubuntu integrated graphics suspend + hybrid graphics", "how do i login/logout change with ati/intel hybrid graphics ?"], ["how do i change the size of the compiz window shadow ?", "ubuntu 11.10 and compiz config", "how do i create a compiz launcher on the desktop ?", "bug in unity 3d", "how can i repair error when trying to access my home folder after installing compiz in xubuntu"], ["why is better to upgrade/install a newer release", "where can i check what version of the linux kernel is released for 12.04 ?", "google chrome segfaults with newer kernels on ubuntu 12.04.3 lts on amazon ec2", "conexant modem in ubuntu", "does upgrade affect ubuntu or kernel version ?"], ["samba share on ubuntu with linux vm", "share internet connection", "share ppp0 internet connection via wireless modem", "is wine an emulator or compatibility layer ?", "is it safe to install ubuntu 14.04 packages on kubuntu 14.04 ?", "internet connection is very slow", "how can i share the internet on my laptop to my wireless network connection in my laptop ?", "kubuntu 13.04 smb protocol source", "installing wine produces error about my internet connection"], ["how can i make the wubi installation partition bigger ?", "windows dual boot installation question", "do i have to partition the drive in windows before installing ubuntu ?", "how to install fresh 12.04 install to a pc with dual booting windows 7 & ubuntu11.10 ?", "grub rescue error on windows 7", "about the dual booting", "problem in dual boot with ubuntu 12.04 and windows 8 ( ca n't choose an os when boot )", "how to install windows 7 after ubuntu and dual boot ?"], ["will my server reboot itself if the memory fills up ?", "server locking up router", "system monitor disagrees with 'free -m '", "ubuntu sync using too many resources", "mount virtualbox sharedfolder in ubuntu vm on boot", "evolution not showing latest email in my imap inbox", "how to increase memory allocated to java ? java.lang.outofmemoryerror : java heap space"], ["unity does not start in 3d but only on 2d / unity no inicia en 3d pero si en 2d", "how do i enjoy unity 2d in ubuntu 12.10 with a computer that is capable of running unity 3d ?", "can i install unity 2d and 3d at the same time ?", "how do i configure unity 2d ?", "unity 2d and 3d both running", "can i choose between gnome shell and unity on login ?", "how add panel 3d unity in gnome shell ( not panel 2d unity )", "unity or unity2d , which will be fastest on a high spec computer ?"], ["ubuntu one messes up with my thunderbird folders", "thunderbird contacts sync with ubuntu one on ubuntu 12.10", "how to sync ubuntu one contacts with thunderbird ?", "ubuntu one and missing folders from thunderbird", "save contacts in thunderbird so that they are `` ubuntu one '' -ready", "why does ubuntu one address book not work in evolution ?", "sync thunderbird data wuth android", "thunderbird contact sync to ubuntu one"], ["how to get mgse under gnome 3.4 ? ( or how to go from gnome 3.4 to gnome 3.2 ? )", "conky display problem showing the horizontal half of info not the full info", "upgrading gnome 3.4 in 12.04 using individual packages", "gnome shell 3.4 - i ca n't change theme", "how to install gnome 3.4 ( not 3.6 ) in ubuntu 12.10 ?", "how to update gnome to 3.4 ?"], ["ubuntu 9.10 screen on virtualbox turns black ?", "problem detecting mic on sony vios pcg 7192l", "'on-screen keyboard ' error after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10", "problem with release upgrade 9.04 to 9.10", "mount of file system failed . -- after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10"], ["how can i change my login screen resolution when connected to my monitor ( 12.04 )", "dpi setting in ubuntu 13.10", "how to find and change the screen dpi ?", "only one resolution available in xorg.conf", "adapt ubuntu to a high-dpi resolution screen"], ["how do i set idle as the default editor for python scripts ?", "vlc is loading a playlist when i double click to open a video file in nautilus", "why ca n't i run java web start applications ?", "text files open in nautilus instead of text editor", "how to revert vlc media player to its original state ?", "`` permission denied '' error when changing the default applications", "add custom command in the open with dialog ?", "open file on already open application", "is there a way to open a text file in an already open instance of gedit ?"], ["what 's the difference between gnome remix and gnome shell ?", "how can i install firefox 4 nightlies and firefox 3.6 stable on the same system", "can the gnome 3.6 notification area be shrinked ?", "how to install gnome 3.4 ( not 3.6 ) in ubuntu 12.10 ?", "why am i stuck with a version of gnome shell unlike kde or other desktop environments ?"], ["if i have a live usb with persistence , if i install it , will the persistence be included", "ubuntu live cd - persistance and install", "how to make a usb drive bootable after live image is copied into it using `dd` command ?", "problem with the persistence of a live cd ?", "i have customized my ubuntu live usb , should i expect the same customization after installing to a hard drive ?"], ["how do i detect wireless broadband on ubuntu ?", "how to recover password without restart", "why is ubuntu asking me for a password ? ( i did n't set one . )", "i forgot computer user password", "how do i make ubuntu not ask me for my password ?", "pppoe wireless connection , ubuntu 12.4", "how to change defaulkt soundcard getting past password silliness on my own computer"], ["how to install a program published as a tar.gz file ?", "how to remove all traces of curl installed using libcurl package ( .tar.gz )", "difference between tar and deb", "how to install utorrent.tar.gz on ubuntu 13.10 ?", "install lirc-0.8.7.tar.bz2 in ubuntu 13.10", "can i make a package .deb from .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 ?", "how can i install 'revenge of the titans ' ?"], ["can maas install non-ubuntu operating system", "how to add packages to ubuntu 11.04 install dvd ?", "how to reboot morethan one remote system ?", "how to install recommend packages from a file ( package.deb ) ?", "how to share/transfer ubuntu 13.10 downloaded packages"], ["open another terminal window with the same ssh session as original window", "using gnome-open to open pdf files", "sublime text 2 move to current workspace", "how to open the existing file explorer and not a new one", "how to configure nautilus so when a cd/dvd/usb is inserted it does not open another window", "gedit - files in file browser i never opened", "how to get yelp to open the docs ?"], ["how can i know whether a sound card is present on my system or not ?", "why are n't my songs showing up on my creative zen when i put an mp3 file on it using ubuntu ?", "mp3 file playing problem ubuntu_13.10", "audio problem with 14.04 and mp3", "mp3 quality bad when running on virtualbox"], ["in ubuntu 12.04 my mouse moves automatically , how can i stop it ?", "ubuntu 14.04 screen freezes randomly nvidia", "mouse keeps freezing ramdomly", "cyborg r.a.t . 9 mouse keeps freezing", "unity freezing after changes icons sets !", "mouse moves itself on fps full screen games", "mouse freezes randomly"], ["where do i get my drivers", "how do i find if a package is installed by default for each ubuntu release ?", "where can i find btnx ?", "where can i find the original ubuntu logo files of various versions ?", "where can i find a compatible graphics driver for an old unsupported graphics card ?", "where can i find gnome-classic themes ?"], ["how can i make gwibber use desktop couch ?", "force to use specific number of cores", "how can i access ubuntuone contacts and notes with python ?", "how to use my 6gb of free ram to optimize ubuntu12.04 ?", "does all programs in ubuntu are portable ?", "where is application data for the ubuntu touch core apps stored in ubuntu desktop ?", "is it possible to use the same java application with out any changes as a charm ?"], ["i ca n't navigate in the 3d view of modo 701 in ubuntu 13.04 . is the os overriding the shortcuts somehow and how can i fix it ?", "how do i reset unity in ubuntu 11.10 ?", "how to add an option to create a new file with a specific extension in right click menu", "what is a desktop recorder with global shortcuts ?", "how to add main menu and other widgets to gnome-do"], ["i installed gnome on ubuntu 14.04 and now unity is broken", "text gets garbled after hibernate", "login screen does n't remember my choice of desktop enviroment", "getting gnome shell back", "alt+f2 stopped working in gnome shell"], ["install ubuntu to a 15gb partition", "problem of loading ubuntu 14.04 32 bit alongside windows 8 pro 32 bit", "installing ubuntu and windows 8 dual boot", "how to install ubuntu 13.04 alongside with windows 8 ?", "access windows 8 partition via virtualbox", "installing ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows 8 on lenovo e420", "ubuntu wo n't let me boot back into windows after installing on surface pro", "install ubuntu with windows 8 on seperate partition"], ["is there a text editor for the command line that uses the same keys as notepad on windows ?", "save mysql ouput as text ?", "how can you print a text file via gedit from the command line ?", "can i save the command output to a file other than text-files ?", "how can i capture text from my terminal without redirecting it to a text file ?"], ["gparted problem - `` unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition ''", "i ca n't dual boot ubuntu and windows 7 !", "can not expand ubuntu partition even though i have 22 gb of extra unallocated space", "freeing disk space on ubuntu to use in windows", "how can i expand a partition into non adjacent free space using gparted ?", "how to increase ubutnu 's disk space ?"], ["ca n't see my old /home", "new encryption feature in ubuntu 12.10 : home encryption or full disk encryption ? or both ?", "is the swap partition encrypted ?", "how do you backup your encrypted home folder ?", "encrypted /home wo n't decrypt after upgrade to 11.10", "how do i encrypt the / partition but not the whole disk ?", "sharing an encrypted home directory between ubuntu installs", "how to check if your home folder and swap partition are encrypted using terminal ?", "migrating , partitioning , and encrypting plan of attack"], ["do 'tunables ' in 'powertop ' help on battery life ?", "12.10 consumes too much battery", "how do i stop the battery from charging ?", "battery life greatly depreciated in 64-bit when compared to 32-bit", "battery life decreased after upgrade to 11.04"], ["how do i show the outside temperature in the indicator bar ?", "e : unable to locate package", "weather indicator not showing icons ?", "weather indicator unity/12.10", "how can i make the temperature visible in indicator-weather in lubuntu ?", "why is there no clear day weather icon in the ubuntu mono icons set ?", "add shut-down/logout indicator to panel", "application indicators do n't seem to have tooltips -- is this due to conformity to touch interfaces ?"], ["skype sound not working and crashes while in call", "skype 4.1 keeps crashing on ubuntu 12.10 !", "why ca n't i link my skype contacts with the rest in empathy ?", "64bit ubuntu 13.04 \u00e2\u0080\u0093 problems with apps that use 32bit libs", "various crashes in 12.04 after upgrade and fresh install"], ["add a custom text to gnome panel", "specific hide delay of the classic gnome panel", "how can i get a temperature sensor on my gnome panel in ubuntu ?", "accidentally removed default gnome panel applications", "panel settings not appearing on right-click in gnome"], ["dropbox-client does not work", "gui for server editions", "setting up a secure mail server ?", "how to set-up my own cloud server ?", "are the any commercially available , easy to use , media servers running ubuntu ?", "how do i purchase ubuntu one songs without using ubuntu one file sharing ?", "how do i configure dropbox to log to syslog ?"], ["13.10 on lenovo z61p , flash videos laggy and overheating", "chrome flash problems on ubuntu 11.10", "i have the newest adobe flash player , but it still wont work !", "why did adobe stop flash player for linux ?", "u14.04 wireless driver for lenovo z60t", "trouble with reinstalling ubuntu on lemur ultra , installation seems to work properly but computer does n't work upon reboot", "simple guide to making public_html work", "why wo n't this video work on ubuntu 12.04 ?"], ["successfully installed 11.04 64bit on two amd 32bit laptops -- how is that possible ? & differences between i386 and amd64 ?", "install libopencv-dev 32bit on 12.04 64bit", "install 32bit or 64bit packages for 64bit ubuntu ?", "how to upgrade from 32bit wubi to 64bit wubi ?", "how to install 32 bit wine on 64 bit ubuntu ?", "what are the biggest disadvantages of using a 64bit version of linux over a 32bit and vice-versa"], ["how to install or run ubuntu on windows 8 using wubi ?", "how to install ubuntu using a usb stick ?", "installed ubuntu with usb on windows 7 pc , doesnt boot to ubuntu , bios doensnt see usb stick anymore", "recover files in ubuntu from usb stick", "can i write to the usb stick that i 'm running ubuntu from ?"], ["liferea plain text downloads ?", "exporting thunderbird rss feeds to liferea in ubuntu", "how to add bbc podcasts to rhythmbox ?", "using rss in qbittorrent", "when adding a magnet link in deluge how can i choose which files in the torrent to download ?", "podcast subscription in banshee", "how do i add an rss feed in evolution ?", "is there a ticker application available ?"], ["acer travelmate 5735z - how do i update graphic drivers ?", "i can not adjust the brightness of my acer travelmate 4740 laptop", "can i install ubuntu on my acer x483 with linpus lite preinstalled , if so how ?", "wireless does n't work on an acer travelmate 5520g with a broadcom 4311", "shutdown and reboot is causing logout", "does ubuntu work on an acer travelmate 5742z ?", "how to disable a touchpad on an acer travelmate 6492 ?"], ["backspace in insert mode in vi does n't erase the character", "bring back `backspace` keyboard shortcuts on nautilus and thunar", "backspace key not working", "where have the keyboard layout options gone in ubuntu 13.10 ?", "back arrow key is random"], ["why can i not connect to my wireless network after i upgraded to 13.04 ?", "trouble connecting to wifi from eee pc and kindle fire", "wifi works in vista , but not in ubuntu", "my computer ca n't connect to my wifi", "how to install ath5k driver ?", "realtek rtl8188cus 802.11n wlan adapter not connecting , keeps asking for password", "wireless not connecting/dropping connection", "unable to connect to a netgear router"], ["wrong notification on gnome shell ?", "how to enable the update notification in the unity notification area ?", "no sound notification in kde plasma desktop", "remove update notification in unity indicator after xubuntu-desktop installation ( 12.04 )", "wireless notification when session start in kubuntu", "gnome 3 change system notification to be as unity ?", "how can i get notifications of new emails ?", "thunderbird occasionally does not display notifications on new mail arrival .", "system tray icons for gnote and mail-notification"], ["notation for byobu keybinding files", "how long does 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[0.11649435013532639, 0.5386956334114075, 0.3755717873573303, 0.3479893207550049, 0.4630204141139984, 0.07450450211763382, 0.43148931860923767, 0.43938806653022766, 0.11650940030813217, 0.266450971364975], [0.8165514469146729, 0.6505383849143982, 0.8488618731498718, 0.5942205786705017, 0.5324620008468628, 0.5115367770195007, 0.4332275390625, 0.3395943343639374, 0.48567384481430054, 0.5735421180725098], [0.7089968323707581, 0.389906108379364, 0.4699045717716217, 0.5355279445648193, 0.564730703830719, 0.39818549156188965, 0.7000178694725037, 0.41316309571266174, 0.39695292711257935, 0.5074668526649475], [0.7998555302619934, 0.49511057138442993, 0.6421939730644226, 0.5526041984558105, 0.466405987739563, 0.489260733127594, 0.6721803545951843, 0.5684504508972168, 0.6132837533950806, 0.5858765840530396], [0.31557348370552063, 0.8004215359687805, 0.8460636138916016, 0.5804137587547302, 0.8112020492553711, 0.4096415042877197, 0.09409128874540329, 0.6367258429527283, 0.23560163378715515, 0.19243404269218445], [0.6701353788375854, 0.49686333537101746, 0.7102380394935608, 0.4940721094608307, 0.6789268851280212, 0.09976227581501007, 0.41932258009910583, 0.46528011560440063, 0.3071887791156769, 0.6451811790466309], [0.5127235054969788, 0.6982172131538391, 0.44457727670669556, 0.7455596327781677, 0.6828184723854065, 0.48262539505958557, 0.2164536863565445, 0.6440082788467407, 0.05993683263659477, 0.5024757981300354], [0.7105174660682678, 0.605164110660553, 0.6294981241226196, 0.5727333426475525, 0.7319347262382507, 0.4989577829837799, 0.5280771255493164, 0.6104423403739929, 0.7193877100944519, 0.516956090927124], [0.24550141394138336, 0.24781662225723267, 0.19573169946670532, 0.3489687442779541, 0.24684669077396393, 0.670993983745575, 0.056245531886816025, 0.21482625603675842, 0.10849947482347488, 0.08455236256122589], [0.42292308807373047, 0.8017585873603821, 0.7013536691665649, 0.5374854803085327, 0.6161082983016968, 0.6436355710029602, 0.5723171830177307, 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0.5019581317901611, 0.5441009998321533, 0.31363797187805176, 0.6357759833335876, 0.30290114879608154], [0.6787019968032837, 0.4952142834663391, 0.5738088488578796, 0.6694022417068481, 0.8771122694015503, 0.8374229669570923, 0.45339158177375793, 0.27692490816116333, 0.5356793403625488, 0.5544503331184387], [0.5350638628005981, 0.7061315178871155, 0.6769053339958191, 0.8275125622749329, 0.29799115657806396, 0.21055296063423157, 0.40253350138664246, 0.2291310429573059, 0.6395906209945679, 0.38043054938316345], [0.5901049375534058, 0.9042344093322754, 0.8672696352005005, 0.4658772945404053, 0.6299963593482971, 0.6200892925262451, 0.8211196660995483, 0.6156837344169617, 0.43868395686149597, 0.5657975077629089], [0.22900928556919098, 0.31394296884536743, 0.25892898440361023, 0.36296841502189636, 0.2013576626777649, 0.3026975393295288, 0.4934445321559906, 0.34366393089294434, 0.432142049074173, 0.2038661390542984], [0.7010146379470825, 0.6467504501342773, 0.7543027400970459, 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0.5302131175994873, 0.5775305032730103, 0.5411850214004517, 0.4134241044521332, 0.4880455434322357, 0.5164479613304138, 0.4658161401748657, 0.559054970741272], [0.5350916385650635, 0.29158931970596313, 0.2537454068660736, 0.08014703541994095, -0.027704188600182533, 0.04479911923408508, 0.1625114232301712, 0.11684105545282364, -0.03403247147798538, 0.16325543820858002], [0.7537181377410889, 0.191062331199646, 0.05599558725953102, 0.19727075099945068, 0.28858014941215515, 0.32222282886505127, 0.7585819959640503, 0.10103712975978851, 0.41410893201828003, 0.1346021443605423], [0.6312410831451416, 0.4297557473182678, 0.40073320269584656, 0.5369336605072021, 0.41110652685165405, 0.6709403991699219, 0.3306405544281006, 0.5388360619544983, 0.46147117018699646, 0.8104413151741028], [0.32083821296691895, 0.630848228931427, 0.5683128237724304, 0.46501603722572327, 0.39244481921195984, 0.34764689207077026, 0.4989590048789978, 0.29270094633102417, 0.011881716549396515, 0.6034843325614929], [0.8429486155509949, 0.5609519481658936, 0.5347768664360046, 0.6351869106292725, 0.5459752678871155, 0.4557383060455322, 0.6893439888954163, 0.6423306465148926, 0.4282125234603882, 0.4811464250087738], [0.5113629102706909, 0.39883363246917725, -0.007944488897919655, 0.21165664494037628, 0.47647473216056824, 0.4053860008716583, 0.2763173580169678, 0.12373626232147217, 0.4148136377334595, 0.17006483674049377], [0.4636060893535614, 0.5741438865661621, 0.7194253206253052, 0.6470260620117188, 0.5953807234764099, 0.5783191919326782, 0.38188636302948, 0.7822074890136719, 0.32977187633514404, 0.2896308898925781], [0.6513171195983887, 0.20087209343910217, 0.5708342790603638, 0.4549823999404907, 0.5857561826705933, 0.8440403342247009, 0.4838634431362152, 0.7976268529891968, 0.33036530017852783, 0.4193875789642334], [0.3395346999168396, 0.2865850031375885, 0.4520306885242462, 0.44762152433395386, 0.3814159333705902, 0.361985445022583, 0.3263784646987915, 0.4039424955844879, 0.3392373323440552, 0.6227453351020813], [0.2907598614692688, 0.2802451252937317, 0.31256911158561707, 0.26236629486083984, 0.2563466429710388, 0.5473214983940125, -0.005454436410218477, 0.18757496774196625, 0.4060153365135193, 0.41563451290130615], [0.6776216626167297, 0.5682963132858276, 0.6746705770492554, 0.3307516872882843, 0.4817533493041992, 0.5576052665710449, 0.025527087971568108, 0.7312101125717163, 0.33140435814857483, 0.5247127413749695], [0.3677211105823517, 0.6730673909187317, 0.35179173946380615, 0.6416690349578857, 0.6640746593475342, 0.7836553454399109, 0.7255022525787354, 0.6025509834289551, 0.7378545999526978, 0.7264253497123718], [0.7742911577224731, 0.5722156763076782, 0.8041439652442932, 0.47429051995277405, 0.7544457912445068, 0.5308160185813904, 0.4488829970359802, 0.6604194641113281, 0.5043119788169861, 0.32246729731559753], [0.24279439449310303, 0.22999177873134613, 0.4963911175727844, 0.3229074776172638, 0.4660890996456146, 0.4530788064002991, 0.2417730838060379, 0.6651071310043335, 0.5540188550949097, 0.5510683059692383], [0.5444914698600769, 0.29668816924095154, 0.3498121500015259, 0.33169931173324585, 0.46316245198249817, 0.6175950169563293, 0.36135658621788025, 0.3655071556568146, 0.45526623725891113, 0.28610628843307495], [0.8526219129562378, 0.5510081648826599, 0.8277764916419983, 0.6886486411094666, 0.6076780557632446, 0.7593823075294495, 0.7746291160583496, 0.5416228771209717, 0.7101491093635559, 0.4201052486896515], [0.42367464303970337, 0.16801570355892181, 0.4416087865829468, 0.3079291880130768, 0.3245285749435425, 0.3612019419670105, 0.4215686321258545, 0.40151676535606384, 0.445124089717865, 0.20938383042812347], [0.43569040298461914, 0.7359347343444824, 0.4749659299850464, 0.5354596972465515, 0.665986180305481, 0.5858698487281799, 0.5156390070915222, 0.08017563819885254, 0.5753352642059326, 0.30293911695480347], [0.5264018177986145, 0.3943058252334595, 0.43218132853507996, 0.8575611710548401, 0.6083551645278931, 0.4884214997291565, 0.5255337953567505, 0.5701195597648621, 0.45905834436416626, 0.4079553484916687], [0.7483434081077576, 0.7205144166946411, 0.6326991319656372, 0.302357941865921, 0.11512801796197891, 0.29881003499031067, 0.2919975817203522, 0.41117364168167114, 0.2166767418384552, 0.31648939847946167], [0.8384569883346558, 0.7324066162109375, 0.7006458044052124, 0.7550196647644043, 0.22375382483005524, 0.40546926856040955, 0.4689052999019623, 0.44123390316963196, 0.18506285548210144, 0.4056174159049988], [0.7175357341766357, 0.8673408031463623, 0.621515154838562, 0.5557976365089417, 0.3827493190765381, 0.058288052678108215, 0.2049105018377304, 0.8037816286087036, 0.4416055381298065, 0.23030053079128265], [0.8019096851348877, 0.5573557019233704, 0.7441478967666626, 0.40239718556404114, 0.5832035541534424, 0.5042692422866821, 0.5150700807571411, 0.503269374370575, 0.28496870398521423, 0.33887043595314026], [0.6400595903396606, 0.6625204682350159, 0.5560606718063354, 0.7163770198822021, 0.5851945877075195, 0.45776158571243286, 0.4982479512691498, 0.39485716819763184, 0.36811038851737976, 0.5044482350349426], [0.6163530945777893, 0.5117212533950806, 0.6210986375808716, 0.6908672451972961, 0.2839175760746002, 0.3419530987739563, 0.3421787917613983, 0.48903951048851013, 0.27051031589508057, 0.2979153096675873], [0.8883987665176392, 0.4107133448123932, 0.5850191712379456, 0.4813562333583832, 0.3752250075340271, 0.5256984233856201, 0.4553629159927368, 0.3425251245498657, 0.5848878026008606, 0.4135555922985077], [0.688008725643158, 0.7038347125053406, 0.41129162907600403, 0.5964525938034058, 0.4623526632785797, 0.35607224702835083, 0.3690878748893738, 0.48352503776550293, 0.44075506925582886, 0.5623549222946167], [0.5916640758514404, 0.44090762734413147, 0.5976287126541138, 0.4193684458732605, 0.4841456115245819, 0.5416918992996216, 0.19811667501926422, 0.43628373742103577, 0.5803810954093933, 0.5010337233543396], [0.5678567290306091, 0.79155433177948, 0.7043024301528931, 0.5501200556755066, 0.7292726039886475, 0.22021052241325378, 0.5728104710578918, 0.4914833903312683, 0.5173018574714661, 0.41835930943489075], [0.6508762240409851, 0.5757864117622375, 0.6578212976455688, 0.43384143710136414, 0.7224441766738892, 0.5213100910186768, 0.5061585307121277, 0.11100365221500397, 0.5841138958930969, 0.46516916155815125], [0.32104507088661194, 0.21869444847106934, 0.11777902394533157, 0.4627615213394165, 0.1334078162908554, 0.45117810368537903, 0.3789096772670746, 0.14013360440731049, 0.2348290979862213, 0.31111520528793335], [0.59414142370224, 0.3445776700973511, 0.5066074132919312, 0.4582488238811493, 0.5155388712882996, 0.4947549104690552, 0.427864670753479, 0.5217495560646057, 0.3587539494037628, 0.2828558683395386], [0.5595995187759399, 0.6060948967933655, 0.6086472868919373, 0.6156080365180969, 0.4458996653556824, 0.5032908916473389, 0.4879162311553955, 0.435899943113327, 0.5310118198394775, 0.45810022950172424], [0.32254526019096375, 0.631783664226532, 0.42764970660209656, 0.49272802472114563, 0.6049556136131287, 0.6924270987510681, 0.47803229093551636, 0.77512526512146, 0.47179678082466125, 0.3142082989215851], [0.49937203526496887, 0.566103458404541, 0.5011386275291443, 0.7972553372383118, 0.14780427515506744, 0.2522880434989929, 0.3164844214916229, 0.33826345205307007, 0.36557456851005554, 0.4690985679626465], [0.6071703433990479, 0.6684837937355042, 0.712949275970459, 0.6873285174369812, 0.9999999403953552, 0.5462263226509094, 0.6032603979110718, 0.6144353747367859, 0.8842247724533081, 0.6903790831565857], [0.6519448757171631, 0.20320524275302887, 0.6678743362426758, 0.8314306139945984, 0.7518764734268188, 0.5946736931800842, 0.5215681195259094, 0.5826178193092346, 0.1534775048494339, 0.527755081653595], [0.7273592352867126, 0.607252836227417, 0.20117326080799103, 0.06553609669208527, 0.2900879681110382, 0.4469327926635742, 0.4921098053455353, 0.37349024415016174, 0.5082435011863708, 0.4029639661312103], [0.6687429547309875, 0.8804822564125061, 0.6542380452156067, 0.5624997615814209, 0.443967342376709, 0.511107325553894, 0.3131282925605774, 0.7424070835113525, 0.6772785782814026, 0.6616111993789673], [0.5192376375198364, 0.533242404460907, 0.597249448299408, 0.5775424242019653, 0.6599380373954773, 0.4357084333896637, 0.3295128643512726, 0.35195615887641907, 0.4479628801345825, 0.5951810479164124], [0.8539702892303467, 0.7089821100234985, 0.35604143142700195, 0.12076467275619507, 0.2848582863807678, 0.3537674844264984, 0.42863911390304565, 0.27470237016677856, 0.48427537083625793, 0.36008554697036743], [0.8772414326667786, 0.6968855261802673, 0.8143883943557739, 0.7183216214179993, 0.6940080523490906, 0.8751819729804993, 0.7926813364028931, 0.5772632956504822, 0.8507893085479736, 0.5008039474487305], [0.4543170928955078, 0.34934544563293457, 0.3743014335632324, 0.38511502742767334, 0.7742027640342712, 0.4739566743373871, 0.4357150197029114, 0.10238691419363022, 0.5141529440879822, 0.45266157388687134], [0.32025283575057983, 0.5846463441848755, 0.5067732334136963, 0.4008629620075226, 0.3487316966056824, 0.398466557264328, 0.49665170907974243, 0.47691741585731506, 0.3408282399177551, 0.5436475872993469], [0.6520013213157654, 0.31238704919815063, 0.5937025547027588, 0.5582708120346069, 0.7268316149711609, 0.27822864055633545, 0.28938230872154236, 0.35244643688201904, 0.4412277936935425, 0.35951128602027893], [0.7269123792648315, 0.5640875101089478, 0.6635146141052246, 0.4689558744430542, 0.69646155834198, 0.006562143098562956, 0.39860138297080994, -0.05621999502182007, 0.24719592928886414, 0.10279177874326706], [0.667558491230011, 0.4139760136604309, 0.3983292579650879, 0.8185039758682251, 0.4534815549850464, 0.44056305289268494, 0.4375822842121124, 0.35867205262184143, 0.5622826814651489, 0.3487853407859802], [0.5514841675758362, 0.5377419590950012, 0.6246916055679321, 0.6909011006355286, 0.6853641271591187, 0.6735705137252808, 0.6266385316848755, 0.3091563582420349, 0.4110797643661499, 0.3165515661239624], [0.736322283744812, 0.8673528432846069, 0.4410470724105835, 0.4543834924697876, 0.5430365800857544, 0.4521113336086273, 0.6624319553375244, 0.22405453026294708, 0.40679454803466797, 0.5406040549278259], [0.6615832448005676, 0.7197204232215881, 0.5613571405410767, 0.23673796653747559, 0.1923726499080658, 0.7440240383148193, 0.1731054037809372, 0.03178582713007927, 0.1793607622385025, 0.2380654215812683], [0.6047213673591614, 0.2960582673549652, 0.326754093170166, 0.9284675717353821, 0.8144529461860657, 0.7190659046173096, 0.2699330151081085, 0.4350035488605499, 0.499857634305954, 0.25391560792922974], [0.43989694118499756, 0.7801460027694702, 0.18854521214962006, 0.4712989926338196, 0.20261695981025696, 0.06756219267845154, 0.7548239827156067, 0.45646247267723083, 0.10752476751804352, 0.10640030354261398], [0.4173720180988312, 0.4855625331401825, 0.4984758794307709, 0.6016170382499695, 0.6042841076850891, 0.5502803921699524, 0.34702327847480774, 0.3296278119087219, 0.2587865889072418, 0.46872827410697937], [0.34450989961624146, 0.7077217102050781, 0.5491154193878174, 0.6027532815933228, 0.7061570882797241, 0.3176477551460266, 0.359028160572052, 0.1653810739517212, 0.5230481624603271, 0.1532546877861023], [0.5577349066734314, 0.6853755116462708, 0.7050702571868896, 0.691537082195282, 0.42447778582572937, 0.4946664273738861, 0.5146788954734802, 0.5266140699386597, 0.105701744556427, 0.008598556742072105], [0.35825175046920776, 0.378435879945755, 0.28763431310653687, 0.03904618322849274, 0.2795919179916382, 0.23580361902713776, 0.28930172324180603, 0.3583592474460602, 0.4527806043624878, 0.26087474822998047], [0.5689746141433716, 0.6910374760627747, 0.6054370999336243, 0.7209950685501099, 0.6421663165092468, 0.8084720373153687, 0.6315409541130066, 0.36948326230049133, 0.6796414256095886, 0.5646020770072937], [0.5437971949577332, 0.2566739320755005, -0.020574789494276047, 0.45187076926231384, 0.537787914276123, 0.5281997323036194, 0.4244280755519867, 0.26110658049583435, 0.3213064968585968, 0.4441869556903839], [0.8506247997283936, 0.6537502408027649, 0.5447736382484436, 0.2239488661289215, 0.47390952706336975, 0.6406387090682983, 0.7514833807945251, 0.29531946778297424, 0.4958818256855011, 0.4128887951374054], [0.34919676184654236, 0.5194967985153198, 0.63983154296875, 0.8055678606033325, 0.6026246547698975, 0.31908902525901794, 0.37532922625541687, 0.40320077538490295, 0.18236424028873444, 0.3534916937351227], [0.449979692697525, 0.2953816056251526, 0.3909027874469757, 0.2835909128189087, 0.47211623191833496, 0.3952063024044037, 0.1864694058895111, 0.4320700764656067, 0.4273986220359802, 0.353770911693573], [0.557711660861969, 0.9651859998703003, 0.47126880288124084, 0.44773900508880615, 0.40793082118034363, 0.07810318470001221, 0.32218319177627563, 0.39570358395576477, 0.5726426839828491, 0.6005322933197021], [0.4586035907268524, 0.6391304135322571, 0.5994958281517029, 0.461239218711853, 0.7040400505065918, 0.41644641757011414, 0.218861386179924, 0.2845640480518341, 0.44415226578712463, 0.4828370213508606], [0.4867250323295593, 0.6001867651939392, 0.39590558409690857, 0.34145358204841614, 0.2997473180294037, 0.5493196249008179, 0.34929609298706055, 0.5352022051811218, 0.3934401273727417, 0.12154759466648102], [0.42408207058906555, 0.414793998003006, 0.5320519804954529, 0.42838630080223083, 0.23240011930465698, 0.7392618060112, 0.43882766366004944, 0.5896393060684204, 0.6450288891792297, 0.5780422687530518], [0.45365968346595764, 0.4405075013637543, 0.40623483061790466, 0.7259846329689026, 0.41734275221824646, 0.2797737121582031, 0.4266524016857147, 0.5579484105110168, 0.2471068799495697, 0.15296128392219543], [0.5502681136131287, 0.1597570776939392, 0.7544912695884705, 0.2440287470817566, 0.2846497595310211, 0.3665459156036377, 0.32651013135910034, 0.38986557722091675, 0.6309196949005127, 0.29939135909080505], [0.8186737895011902, 0.6109869480133057, 0.7423800230026245, 0.5450322031974792, 0.6969971060752869, 0.6557726860046387, 0.31034669280052185, 0.4915773868560791, 0.36854201555252075, 0.4889127314090729], [0.2112581729888916, 0.6452051401138306, 0.5752869248390198, 0.594120979309082, 0.812997043132782, 0.2233896255493164, 0.5693272948265076, 0.18676665425300598, 0.42032381892204285, 0.6599350571632385], [0.7261072993278503, 0.1925623118877411, 0.5914809703826904, 0.41041135787963867, 0.12054848670959473, 0.5825572609901428, 0.6465688943862915, 0.32861414551734924, 0.7062575817108154, 0.5682746171951294], [0.49733975529670715, 0.6247813105583191, 0.510482907295227, 0.6007932424545288, 0.5590420961380005, 0.38456499576568604, 0.37869933247566223, 0.2052673101425171, 0.29385173320770264, 0.34529975056648254], [0.1928248554468155, 0.11043936014175415, 0.04367496445775032, 0.1379113644361496, 0.1322551965713501, 0.003462729277089238, -0.05559597909450531, 0.0099308080971241, 0.09458742290735245, -0.007198392879217863], [0.878849983215332, 0.46927696466445923, 0.5704731941223145, 0.6612056493759155, 0.9710861444473267, 0.4613490104675293, 0.5290145874023438, 0.3942524194717407, 0.5416244864463806, 0.6743771433830261], [0.5697607398033142, 0.5304887294769287, 0.2945444881916046, 0.7093667387962341, 0.5921205282211304, 0.45448729395866394, 0.5903602838516235, 0.6346129179000854, 0.5921335220336914, 0.4066607356071472], [0.8066675066947937, 0.7624322772026062, 0.6731035709381104, 0.8743516802787781, 0.8846498727798462, 0.497591108083725, 0.4269697964191437, 0.5704852342605591, 0.23560261726379395, 0.11862644553184509], [0.6124829053878784, 0.3101225793361664, 0.24780339002609253, 0.32241562008857727, -0.0538075789809227, 0.26807713508605957, 0.16532711684703827, 0.19080063700675964, 0.17448638379573822, 0.12565085291862488], [0.7718199491500854, 0.6376733183860779, 0.5977781414985657, 0.6243633031845093, 0.6883012652397156, 0.3748832643032074, 0.5187806487083435, 0.20457230508327484, 0.5020861029624939, 0.7745887041091919], [0.3947243392467499, 0.38654476404190063, 0.14526692032814026, 0.47961342334747314, 0.24947050213813782, 0.22519150376319885, 0.3273918628692627, 0.4964871406555176, 0.16888904571533203, 0.27219969034194946], [0.03426229953765869, 0.771968424320221, 0.7869645357131958, 0.19953636825084686, 0.15328069031238556, 0.2273406684398651, 0.21571151912212372, 0.5460564494132996, 0.06175845116376877, 0.8312621712684631], [0.574687659740448, 0.8436413407325745, 0.47915640473365784, 0.38434699177742004, 0.6351112127304077, 0.5837000012397766, 0.6513500809669495, 0.7744422554969788, 0.7631669044494629, 0.3364614248275757], [0.5861249566078186, 0.7366532683372498, 0.5959157943725586, 0.648057758808136, 0.4464406967163086, 0.521791934967041, 0.4707576036453247, 0.6434139013290405, 0.47025033831596375, 0.42177844047546387], [0.3695026636123657, 0.08908554911613464, 0.45041197538375854, 0.16145817935466766, 0.4090045392513275, -0.016661610454320908, 0.08599425852298737, 0.08439379930496216, 0.08290130645036697, 0.05141059309244156], [0.4915899336338043, 0.6092759966850281, 0.7341048121452332, 0.4607809782028198, 0.5437624454498291, 0.48048701882362366, 0.42524921894073486, 0.6108079552650452, 0.40277108550071716, 0.4788775146007538], [0.8261527419090271, 0.43361896276474, 0.7626500725746155, 0.6403724551200867, 0.7306761741638184, 0.580845057964325, 0.4825523793697357, 0.41534528136253357, 0.009953580796718597, 0.36426442861557007], [0.3486171066761017, 0.5156964659690857, 0.22535927593708038, 0.4905543327331543, 0.22175873816013336, 0.47645190358161926, 0.672946572303772, 0.04490285739302635, 0.2417594939470291, 0.5094605684280396], [0.2666604816913605, 0.10674069821834564, 0.333438903093338, 0.6838536858558655, 0.5733946561813354, 0.1656562238931656, 0.027600055560469627, 0.17566923797130585, 0.095256507396698, 0.12219519168138504], [0.39265841245651245, 0.3681711256504059, 0.30250993371009827, 0.46992236375808716, 0.4502367675304413, 0.03986749053001404, 0.4358677268028259, 0.08809446543455124, 0.6385979056358337, 0.5600013136863708], [0.7279350757598877, 0.7714696526527405, 0.35152527689933777, 0.6197080016136169, 0.3206048905849457, 0.3098006844520569, 0.4457077980041504, 0.34951192140579224, 0.5587169528007507, 0.1346719115972519], [0.7795443534851074, 0.7106662392616272, 0.31743136048316956, 0.6413280367851257, 0.7172285914421082, 0.4650745391845703, 0.5717722773551941, 0.6983428001403809, 0.48130854964256287, 0.5672469735145569], [0.6529534459114075, 0.6287823915481567, 0.47121551632881165, 0.6836338639259338, 0.5411109328269958, 0.44773349165916443, 0.4252941310405731, 0.055642902851104736, 0.4945348799228668, 0.5338190197944641], [0.6658565998077393, 0.4629702866077423, 0.6482117772102356, 0.04143267869949341, 0.2342129647731781, 0.49374139308929443, 0.6066203117370605, 0.5813829302787781, 0.2469927817583084, 0.5399426817893982], [0.7727602124214172, 0.5344423651695251, 0.6769052743911743, 0.5388907790184021, 0.4825272858142853, 0.4315747022628784, 0.5450591444969177, 0.39079222083091736, 0.4379262924194336, 0.3221485912799835], [0.5105100274085999, 0.6116297245025635, 0.782379150390625, 0.7346561551094055, 0.26824817061424255, 0.6038961410522461, 0.5448501706123352, 0.276491641998291, 0.2927078902721405, 0.8059067130088806], [0.6339328289031982, 0.5090195536613464, 0.46242913603782654, 0.34838855266571045, 0.4088993966579437, 0.2669749855995178, 0.36416247487068176, 0.4016880393028259, 0.3475571870803833, 0.4264269173145294], [0.6438746452331543, 0.41208624839782715, 0.3544970452785492, 0.7636172771453857, 0.7230950593948364, 0.672309398651123, 0.5247809886932373, 0.6914101243019104, 0.43562138080596924, 0.6820533275604248], [0.6743114590644836, 0.486595094203949, 0.24977120757102966, 0.3023413419723511, 0.514672040939331, 0.5647404193878174, 0.3505876958370209, 0.5488672256469727, 0.4673862159252167, 0.34884604811668396], [0.32490068674087524, 0.5397767424583435, 0.2361803501844406, 0.28233829140663147, 0.5804287791252136, 0.3613598346710205, 0.2499016672372818, 0.06538006663322449, 0.428279846906662, 0.3794667720794678], [0.7548233270645142, 0.6063998937606812, 0.529733419418335, 0.6931845545768738, 0.5519158244132996, 0.6255320310592651, 0.4959547817707062, 0.46371981501579285, 0.5220792293548584, 0.7127498388290405], [0.4447040855884552, 0.6214723587036133, 0.24971216917037964, 0.6773855090141296, 0.5783812999725342, 0.11254679411649704, 0.3223649561405182, 0.2723374664783478, 0.1906718611717224, 0.5488021969795227], [0.3563915491104126, 0.5137360692024231, 0.08859468996524811, 0.10153404623270035, 0.2022761106491089, 0.3735683858394623, 0.6507940888404846, 0.2357826828956604, 0.21098192036151886, 0.3238154649734497], [0.5891504287719727, 0.5522705316543579, 0.19368189573287964, 0.6990648508071899, 0.33596429228782654, 0.0575958751142025, 0.1282174438238144, 0.21890994906425476, 0.5207142233848572, 0.5343490242958069], [0.5086650252342224, 0.4565843641757965, 0.6689949631690979, 0.4576267600059509, 0.36517104506492615, 0.21143293380737305, 0.2674122154712677, 0.10167033225297928, 0.2369421124458313, 0.33575403690338135], [0.7780834436416626, 0.5490356087684631, 0.8060341477394104, 0.6655701398849487, 0.4442131817340851, 0.24638909101486206, 0.25604119896888733, 0.5326728224754333, 0.27173343300819397, 0.547603964805603], [0.709693193435669, 0.3580007553100586, 0.6086868643760681, 0.7639002203941345, 0.4632115066051483, 0.5921080708503723, 0.5899903178215027, 0.5344196557998657, 0.6310494542121887, 0.6768050789833069], [0.2794846296310425, 0.37897393107414246, 0.20007392764091492, 0.25971823930740356, 0.3700129985809326, 0.20631715655326843, 0.31023934483528137, 0.4099273085594177, 0.3551824986934662, 0.30825304985046387], [0.5499434471130371, 0.39002883434295654, 0.687713623046875, 0.5486922860145569, 0.6737849712371826, 0.4534926116466522, 0.5217006802558899, 0.6536369919776917, 0.33662551641464233, 0.45720455050468445], [0.5993142127990723, 0.28863394260406494, 0.30379804968833923, 0.2724601626396179, 0.5832212567329407, 0.5540024638175964, 0.31840524077415466, 0.5581133365631104, 0.25352978706359863, 0.4552440047264099], [0.5849947929382324, 0.5317442417144775, 0.3029322028160095, 0.5838266611099243, 0.6906737089157104, 0.1402830332517624, 0.059524886310100555, 0.20798255503177643, 0.18102547526359558, 0.3784348964691162], [0.49590304493904114, 0.1972358375787735, 0.6987651586532593, 0.8950069546699524, 0.9197481274604797, 0.44577381014823914, 0.5418286323547363, 0.23597481846809387, 0.4707648754119873, 0.5079482793807983], [0.8484640121459961, 0.5060720443725586, 0.7923343777656555, 0.48367732763290405, 0.3149125576019287, 0.5156649351119995, 0.17202147841453552, 0.26922711730003357, 0.21909339725971222, 0.16883599758148193], [0.6148690581321716, 0.4401974081993103, 0.6270410418510437, 0.41423499584198, 0.4537467062473297, 0.4950609803199768, 0.214926615357399, 0.6782539486885071, 0.31506723165512085, 0.22874321043491364], [0.6855911612510681, 0.7141222357749939, 0.37080317735671997, 0.4132969379425049, 0.7295034527778625, 0.17953376471996307, 0.4932743310928345, 0.21474039554595947, 0.18088509142398834, 0.3875926733016968], [0.433383971452713, 0.4477974474430084, 0.5968248248100281, 0.7203129529953003, 0.37149524688720703, 0.5248103737831116, 0.6120145320892334, 0.8092089891433716, 0.5293226838111877, 0.35317879915237427], [0.19331751763820648, 0.16743288934230804, 0.19478066265583038, 0.31859657168388367, 0.24483278393745422, 0.21861384809017181, 0.4033532440662384, 0.0021468994673341513, -0.007373027037829161, 0.4583700895309448], [0.958617627620697, 0.052827198058366776, -0.04401814565062523, 0.17713436484336853, 0.21086472272872925, 0.37798213958740234, 0.17359741032123566, 0.05529982969164848, 0.06115245074033737, 0.08282884210348129], [0.5694599747657776, 0.5161780714988708, 0.35975611209869385, 0.3653063178062439, 0.1848304271697998, 0.33304640650749207, 0.39752477407455444, 0.06626290082931519, 0.32689595222473145, 0.3696632981300354], [0.4419703483581543, 0.7205677628517151, 0.7061256766319275, 0.5197903513908386, 0.6330425143241882, 0.3738538324832916, 0.1888934075832367, 0.5907189846038818, 0.3476405441761017, 0.7063522338867188], [0.380923330783844, 0.22869080305099487, 0.3042658269405365, 0.23549477756023407, 0.24364829063415527, 0.2688636779785156, 0.22018399834632874, 0.31355971097946167, 0.7764076590538025, 0.25711512565612793], [0.5416672825813293, 0.9014963507652283, 0.9059126973152161, 0.83864825963974, 0.581407368183136, 0.6476357579231262, 0.5462396144866943, 0.4327118396759033, 0.20205043256282806, 0.48638272285461426], [0.218705415725708, 0.4305483400821686, 0.5963401794433594, 0.49589431285858154, 0.261273592710495, 0.39944514632225037, 0.38996416330337524, 0.2826879024505615, 0.2999119758605957, 0.5484070181846619], [0.6899809241294861, 0.7809343338012695, 0.48468753695487976, 0.7574137449264526, 0.8955065608024597, 0.7136948108673096, 0.8703411817550659, 0.46189558506011963, 0.6876514554023743, 0.36110034584999084], [0.8411028981208801, 0.6480119228363037, 0.6834874749183655, 0.08039471507072449, 0.1328415423631668, 0.18368284404277802, 0.779939591884613, 0.35169118642807007, 0.4240315854549408, 0.5068474411964417], [0.3989253044128418, 0.6467520594596863, 0.8576341867446899, 0.6080751419067383, 0.654808521270752, 0.27373644709587097, 0.17302905023097992, 0.2991598844528198, 0.32744643092155457, 0.23905880749225616], [0.7153134942054749, 0.39053472876548767, 0.8273431062698364, 0.6425191164016724, 0.6133875846862793, 0.3512248694896698, 0.3117634356021881, 0.6805384159088135, 0.543556809425354, 0.3267437517642975], [0.6787865161895752, 0.8243415355682373, 0.6640632748603821, 0.7217401266098022, 0.7718035578727722, 0.3042699694633484, 0.39951586723327637, 0.542299211025238, 0.4670488238334656, 0.6663979887962341], [0.5180586576461792, 0.4008958637714386, 0.43226972222328186, 0.8020837306976318, 0.479685515165329, 0.22840426862239838, 0.5735121965408325, 0.1977556049823761, 0.506587564945221, 0.4528328478336334], [0.47020846605300903, 0.6024561524391174, 0.5861324667930603, 0.3269481658935547, 0.46688130497932434, 0.6227726340293884, 0.40568530559539795, 0.46728014945983887, 0.5652679800987244, 0.4910610616207123], [0.7548165321350098, 0.36792004108428955, 0.4636722803115845, 0.6917428970336914, 0.5388769507408142, 0.7028189897537231, 0.7134451270103455, 0.5526116490364075, 0.7108421325683594, 0.5331024527549744], [0.4861711263656616, 0.4425486624240875, 0.16356655955314636, 0.22627964615821838, 0.1709027886390686, 0.1707608550786972, 0.16058671474456787, 0.2232377976179123, 0.19465826451778412, 0.5822234153747559], [0.5038819313049316, 0.7040315866470337, 0.6164145469665527, 0.382589191198349, 0.4873485863208771, 0.3576163053512573, 0.39441537857055664, 0.12372233718633652, 0.5677448511123657, 0.5092350840568542], [0.5961204767227173, 0.4296928942203522, 0.46008554100990295, 0.05483408644795418, 0.6266670823097229, 0.509396493434906, 0.7113561630249023, 0.5865129232406616, 0.4837425649166107, 0.6446139812469482], [0.6401607990264893, 0.5268213152885437, 0.4080875515937805, 0.44100719690322876, 0.5385777950286865, 0.16187676787376404, 0.2740277051925659, 0.3963591754436493, 0.37036123871803284, 0.43632400035858154], [0.2777405083179474, 0.4885023832321167, 0.3238469362258911, 0.4820188283920288, 0.57722008228302, 0.5150967836380005, 0.7696634531021118, 0.5397778749465942, 0.44180595874786377, 0.511091947555542], [0.586628258228302, 0.32081857323646545, 0.22173011302947998, 0.3395613729953766, 0.32216501235961914, 0.3219885230064392, 0.33558839559555054, 0.22995851933956146, 0.4739597737789154, 0.3147324323654175], [0.5616505742073059, 0.6287217736244202, 0.5741370916366577, 0.5930811166763306, 0.5186524391174316, 0.6827163100242615, 0.6925236582756042, 0.5407618284225464, 0.34507104754447937, 0.4851599931716919], [0.3850507438182831, 0.41289740800857544, 0.41933485865592957, 0.38738730549812317, 0.4850960969924927, 0.2803063690662384, 0.2968735992908478, 0.5886423587799072, 0.4065602421760559, 0.4991000294685364], [0.508470892906189, 0.4788614809513092, 0.456487774848938, 0.43806028366088867, 0.3410666882991791, 0.323834091424942, 0.5648284554481506, 0.46442675590515137, 0.49977463483810425, 0.5497711896896362], [0.49131956696510315, 0.7540062069892883, 0.8819769024848938, 0.569389820098877, 0.7812968492507935, 0.9989787936210632, 0.48692095279693604, 0.5777666568756104, 0.6242825984954834, 0.5339228510856628], [0.3179990351200104, 0.6572957038879395, 0.358115553855896, 0.7032182216644287, 0.6679949760437012, 0.19429917633533478, 0.32748281955718994, 0.529248058795929, 0.6478574872016907, 0.14275240898132324], [0.45134273171424866, 0.3589209318161011, 0.4914439618587494, 0.0020520174875855446, 0.4939343333244324, 0.24358685314655304, 0.4655572474002838, 0.489494264125824, 0.37809669971466064, 0.4416554868221283], [0.08288450539112091, 0.5581081509590149, 0.8492580056190491, 0.6624099612236023, 0.3360968828201294, 0.16624759137630463, 0.3817421495914459, 0.4055458903312683, 0.11228116601705551, 0.38035479187965393], [0.48621034622192383, 0.4466254413127899, 0.4209783673286438, 0.7033581733703613, 0.6122801899909973, 0.5166921019554138, 0.5775033235549927, 0.5065937042236328, 0.5878193974494934, 0.4826505780220032], [0.6905558705329895, 0.7289858460426331, 0.620181143283844, 0.5118433237075806, 0.5759088397026062, 0.4997410774230957, 0.4486871361732483, 0.5243368744850159, 0.49430444836616516, 0.5099168419837952], [0.472074031829834, 0.5291067361831665, 0.5505579710006714, 0.35486119985580444, 0.5961669087409973, 0.4938265085220337, 0.3750689923763275, 0.3350370526313782, 0.7735032439231873, 0.4122675061225891], [0.5909590125083923, 0.7006219029426575, 0.6441510915756226, 0.20134860277175903, 0.33379584550857544, 0.45996496081352234, 0.35901960730552673, 0.48240384459495544, 0.4592113196849823, 0.4494633674621582], [0.35074976086616516, 0.9616881608963013, 0.6117395758628845, 0.09843716025352478, 0.5223587155342102, 0.65541011095047, 0.3522407114505768, 0.6382356286048889, 0.26757609844207764, 0.4338438808917999], [0.7018963098526001, 0.6418405771255493, 0.49608662724494934, 0.5063039064407349, 0.26509448885917664, 0.34034600853919983, 0.32470324635505676, 0.22773343324661255, 0.6213170289993286, 0.13779957592487335], [0.4208374321460724, 0.5262196660041809, 0.6010566353797913, 0.153717041015625, 0.3474421203136444, 0.5056908130645752, 0.29623928666114807, 0.6108306050300598, 0.09749870002269745, 0.15306717157363892], [0.47952014207839966, 0.4884307086467743, 0.0013879649341106415, 0.5512167811393738, 0.3643138110637665, 0.18900537490844727, 0.2519456148147583, 0.28096699714660645, 0.49124982953071594, 0.3627029061317444], [0.36553052067756653, 0.5514001846313477, 0.6428065299987793, 0.7130014896392822, 0.4462985098361969, 0.595852255821228, 0.5598793625831604, 0.5451125502586365, 0.5426962971687317, 0.6039734482765198], [0.5874989628791809, 0.5796728134155273, 0.2884427309036255, 0.3094572126865387, 0.3776666820049286, 0.1395930051803589, 0.3513405919075012, 0.18026234209537506, 0.20516905188560486, 0.4098588228225708], [0.4815182387828827, 0.43650388717651367, 0.2321612685918808, 0.5024750828742981, 0.21329885721206665, 0.46284884214401245, 0.1355074942111969, 0.19091609120368958, 0.23429490625858307, 0.33395376801490784], [0.5864335894584656, 0.5646857619285583, 0.6408551931381226, 0.5454476475715637, 0.5187121033668518, 0.6130171418190002, 0.37197503447532654, 0.4282359778881073, 0.4011302590370178, 0.4281013309955597], [0.6069644689559937, 0.5638278126716614, 0.5773618221282959, 0.393978089094162, 0.4363069236278534, 0.4635660648345947, 0.4570181667804718, 0.38663163781166077, 0.19538885354995728, 0.2073095589876175], [0.6185640692710876, 0.5828972458839417, 0.4543267786502838, 0.36145466566085815, 0.5434396266937256, 0.07044029235839844, 0.5416215658187866, 0.5738389492034912, 0.49605560302734375, 0.4762580096721649], [0.3847304582595825, 0.7842879295349121, 0.6455463767051697, 0.7523160576820374, 0.7134475708007812, 0.3730330467224121, 0.5716697573661804, 0.6357243061065674, 0.6724141240119934, 0.1762397438287735], [0.9764013290405273, 0.527050256729126, 0.5037330985069275, 0.758890688419342, 0.5763832330703735, 0.3652946352958679, 0.6762140989303589, 0.5350625514984131, 0.4070219099521637, 0.3658382296562195], [0.5103130340576172, 0.3453923165798187, 0.2549670934677124, 0.5669939517974854, 0.354690283536911, 0.09803419560194016, 0.11306781321763992, 0.029409795999526978, 0.5044664740562439, 0.06805110722780228], [0.48970556259155273, 0.6841905117034912, 0.8179222345352173, 0.30295872688293457, 0.41974779963493347, 0.4964316487312317, 0.5369871258735657, 0.45653095841407776, 0.3449811041355133, 0.30065271258354187], [0.7977381348609924, 0.4474877417087555, 0.5147349834442139, 0.024710362777113914, 0.6847167015075684, 0.568366289138794, 0.4358825981616974, -0.0060495720244944096, 0.06176372617483139, -0.08114532381296158], [0.5530986189842224, 0.34543225169181824, 0.5037779211997986, 0.7152252197265625, 0.5331052541732788, 0.4507727026939392, 0.3368149995803833, 0.42649874091148376, 0.467435747385025, 0.34691768884658813], [0.6528358459472656, 0.5126909017562866, 0.7852036356925964, 0.8887156844139099, 0.7628272175788879, 0.40669551491737366, 0.45831409096717834, 0.6198567748069763, 0.4566812813282013, 0.35077014565467834], [0.768199622631073, 0.5040886998176575, 0.4828502833843231, 0.5643102526664734, 0.5701450705528259, 0.4300209581851959, 0.38665175437927246, 0.4356042146682739, 0.4963023364543915, 0.5489227175712585], [0.7262705564498901, 0.40744948387145996, 0.22036758065223694, 0.47209420800209045, 0.5232695937156677, 0.38891518115997314, 0.6181213855743408, 0.24091914296150208, 0.3164978325366974, 0.43626317381858826], [0.557353675365448, 0.6191158294677734, 0.7366019487380981, 0.6680734753608704, 0.6964717507362366, 0.644464373588562, 0.3615434467792511, 0.6495013236999512, 0.22195923328399658, 0.270346999168396], [0.7238314747810364, 0.5791314840316772, 0.6476213932037354, 0.584216833114624, 0.7863795161247253, 0.4193046987056732, 0.6318738460540771, 0.3348221778869629, 0.662429928779602, 0.43313339352607727], [0.7316691875457764, 0.6583884358406067, 0.597578763961792, 0.6422988176345825, 0.7132717370986938, 0.48283514380455017, 0.4407833516597748, 0.4912012219429016, 0.4297258257865906, 0.5179926156997681], [0.6403477191925049, 0.7145951986312866, 0.3926728367805481, 0.0668702945113182, 0.07722549140453339, 0.49338772892951965, 0.03039994277060032, 0.3872378468513489, 0.4907459020614624, 0.15314897894859314], [0.8025223612785339, 0.8018454313278198, 0.5929717421531677, 0.868028998374939, 0.7378990054130554, 0.44870540499687195, 0.4159991145133972, 0.47999176383018494, 0.3489704430103302, 0.7823880910873413], [0.6443647146224976, 0.51734858751297, 0.7984035015106201, 0.6479835510253906, 0.6864008903503418, 0.5687924027442932, 0.1571309119462967, 0.240715891122818, 0.5289230346679688, 0.2771669626235962], [0.6605555415153503, 0.4861289858818054, 0.10932241380214691, 0.4596894085407257, 0.5231467485427856, 0.18043847382068634, 0.042891405522823334, 0.5331262350082397, 0.25604555010795593, 0.14896325767040253], [0.2263800948858261, 0.2855169177055359, 0.31355372071266174, 0.302333801984787, 0.27425602078437805, 0.2793809473514557, 0.35110294818878174, 0.14959220588207245, 0.2814561724662781, 0.05680876597762108], [0.5968754291534424, 0.5795316100120544, 0.7668284773826599, 0.8260215520858765, 0.2259291410446167, 0.5825155377388, 0.6679105758666992, 0.2474120408296585, 0.433699369430542, 0.20838114619255066], [0.632017970085144, 0.7302974462509155, 0.7935360074043274, 0.7076956629753113, 0.5150672793388367, 0.5668827295303345, 0.3848499655723572, 0.4077317714691162, 0.7032812237739563, 0.7470586895942688], [0.7330506443977356, 0.6690859198570251, 0.5403178930282593, 0.6309404969215393, 0.5210294127464294, 0.6982099413871765, -0.013129035010933876, 0.5494274497032166, 0.11982551962137222, 0.237981379032135], [0.7671550512313843, 0.5054884552955627, 0.5695688724517822, 0.6743363738059998, 0.6656275987625122, 0.47981056571006775, 0.4020843505859375, 0.5043144822120667, 0.652855396270752, 0.5480133295059204], [0.5694567561149597, 0.4114711582660675, 0.6355798840522766, 0.49191537499427795, 0.4135119318962097, 0.4665839672088623, 0.4482764005661011, 0.6061431169509888, 0.3423278331756592, 0.3872837424278259], [0.48797178268432617, 0.5420099496841431, 0.02764781191945076, 0.904014527797699, 0.5812518000602722, 0.2722397744655609, 0.2418999969959259, 0.07244107872247696, 0.13413284718990326, 0.12292992323637009], [0.23437096178531647, 0.509295642375946, 0.5527287721633911, 0.47860026359558105, 0.23228441178798676, 0.5064071416854858, 0.5636975169181824, 0.33615660667419434, 0.49983981251716614, 0.3255790174007416], [0.5710111856460571, 0.5203203558921814, 0.5731865763664246, 0.7186585664749146, 0.44309288263320923, 0.4296170175075531, 0.4434877932071686, 0.3998740017414093, 0.6000067591667175, 0.41307297348976135], [0.6820855736732483, 0.5523465871810913, 0.42782866954803467, 0.3129984438419342, 0.4046238958835602, 0.4140775203704834, 0.5107623934745789, 0.5717998147010803, 0.44174668192863464, 0.5446050763130188], [0.7575302124023438, 0.4223799407482147, 0.6621707081794739, 0.13550902903079987, 0.5042781233787537, 0.2322782278060913, 0.5351089835166931, 0.24100898206233978, -0.04445870220661163, 0.5166603922843933], [0.48340749740600586, 0.5606339573860168, 0.48506608605384827, 0.6414052248001099, 0.3300737142562866, 0.40330347418785095, 0.604019820690155, 0.15765252709388733, 0.31754055619239807, 0.5475367903709412], [0.6276112198829651, 0.6695135831832886, 0.47007906436920166, 0.7770034670829773, 0.5674329400062561, 0.5097240805625916, 0.2230333536863327, 0.5834536552429199, 0.5190056562423706, 0.447596937417984], [0.6759401559829712, 0.5452460646629333, 0.5150657296180725, 0.5803255438804626, 0.5977796912193298, 0.4158937335014343, 0.4873650074005127, 0.5530259609222412, 0.46250855922698975, 0.5548433661460876], [0.5587074756622314, 0.526682436466217, 0.6574288606643677, 0.719425618648529, 0.697777271270752, 0.7048458456993103, 0.5564661622047424, 0.5908535718917847, 0.6509184241294861, 0.617892861366272], [0.6721441745758057, 0.38803160190582275, 0.42050492763519287, 0.6628124117851257, 0.5193364024162292, 0.5217753648757935, 0.41678425669670105, 0.30123335123062134, 0.2855567932128906, 0.33139413595199585], [0.7353895306587219, 0.06638112664222717, 0.08487331122159958, 0.6596159934997559, 0.46136656403541565, 0.3226527273654938, 0.38705378770828247, 0.6348259449005127, 0.5472325086593628, 0.3555575907230377], [0.7042729258537292, 0.366818368434906, 0.3649049997329712, 0.48764434456825256, 0.45069998502731323, 0.5500349402427673, 0.21117621660232544, 0.39487046003341675, 0.532938539981842, 0.2858031392097473], [0.6992259621620178, 0.2470625638961792, 0.2066262811422348, 0.020426904782652855, 0.44252926111221313, 0.6483517289161682, 0.27414610981941223, 0.14862366020679474, 0.4317892789840698, 0.5066642761230469], [0.5402112007141113, 0.5814927220344543, 0.8780469298362732, 0.10044622421264648, 0.9649065136909485, 0.2558574974536896, 0.44710659980773926, 0.6947247982025146, 0.6466116905212402, 0.4025379717350006], [0.6063227653503418, 0.6029593348503113, 0.7220450043678284, 0.46639615297317505, 0.6135144233703613, 0.16185720264911652, 0.4211290776729584, 0.5360811352729797, 0.7077755928039551, 0.4151383340358734], [0.15175685286521912, 0.534835159778595, 0.4344649016857147, 0.8942055106163025, 0.5752800703048706, 0.3898501992225647, 0.07307525724172592, 0.4313487410545349, 0.46344032883644104, 0.4263383150100708], [0.3091503083705902, 0.317017525434494, 0.21703016757965088, 0.2863123416900635, 0.22181402146816254, 0.26686930656433105, 0.1714349091053009, 0.09825898706912994, 0.47104963660240173, 0.08960027247667313], [0.5536481142044067, 0.6546262502670288, 0.46144503355026245, 0.5599117875099182, 0.15929119288921356, 0.5212475657463074, 0.0643540546298027, 0.6881331205368042, 0.5603366494178772, 0.38596415519714355], [0.5671854019165039, 0.49508875608444214, 0.5968313813209534, 0.4497303366661072, 0.7425193786621094, 0.2582522928714752, 0.2643195390701294, 0.5312289595603943, 0.5148804783821106, 0.4035034477710724], [0.6157156825065613, 0.6592705249786377, 0.5999132990837097, 0.6031314730644226, 0.7768887281417847, 0.804253339767456, 0.7628284096717834, 0.4983910918235779, 0.5771265625953674, 0.5248236656188965], [0.5881447792053223, 0.5215103626251221, 0.47652941942214966, 0.4947930574417114, 0.7731840014457703, 0.43795067071914673, 0.38441312313079834, 0.19610783457756042, 0.056129828095436096, 0.15719756484031677], [0.698509931564331, 0.7366257905960083, 0.5815003514289856, 0.4842860996723175, 0.3994603455066681, 0.6134637594223022, 0.12370064854621887, 0.2681180536746979, 0.10668149590492249, 0.26084548234939575], [0.7089255452156067, 0.2621157765388489, 0.3883795142173767, 0.09832227975130081, -0.018736105412244797, 0.10151781886816025, 0.06828990578651428, 0.2937191426753998, 0.13143524527549744, -0.0456731803715229], [0.7852580547332764, 0.545914888381958, 0.9179168343544006, 0.5284857749938965, 0.7370932102203369, 0.34549421072006226, 0.30236244201660156, 0.4187580347061157, 0.3513580858707428, 0.28017646074295044], [0.6480347514152527, 0.5122991800308228, 0.4418361783027649, 0.4896204471588135, 0.38024795055389404, 0.3881658911705017, 0.5178310871124268, 0.49078822135925293, 0.4134494662284851, 0.34696057438850403], [0.6593254208564758, 0.7081450819969177, 0.4291551113128662, 0.7170894742012024, 0.6901889443397522, 0.4871235191822052, 0.6520218849182129, 0.5407203435897827, 0.48300567269325256, 0.47234275937080383], [0.6163546442985535, 0.5866790413856506, 0.4786260426044464, 0.3846834897994995, 0.37919312715530396, 0.354979932308197, 0.45742157101631165, 0.28469228744506836, 0.3425130546092987, 0.4607132375240326], [0.5043532848358154, 0.7310582399368286, 0.7435734272003174, 0.81855708360672, 0.3650258183479309, 0.5396355986595154, 0.4154329299926758, 0.4650898873806, 0.02445255219936371, 0.13940086960792542], [0.8606243133544922, 0.9346877336502075, 0.817337155342102, 0.8022611141204834, 0.934684693813324, 0.663889467716217, 0.7740663886070251, 0.5500563383102417, 0.5006820559501648, 0.750199019908905], [0.8585301041603088, 0.2113461047410965, 0.30102866888046265, 0.19191697239875793, 0.14004890620708466, 0.21670803427696228, 0.23075781762599945, 0.1739886850118637, 0.24344290792942047, 0.20444956421852112], [0.6858882308006287, 0.6683021187782288, 0.5803970694541931, 0.8571550846099854, 0.9021604657173157, 0.5954973697662354, 0.7732650637626648, 0.5689136981964111, 0.7215471863746643, 0.4716006815433502], [0.6578662991523743, 0.8615251779556274, 0.0084608756005764, 0.6636130213737488, 0.44178304076194763, 0.3664301335811615, 0.2656406760215759, 0.22413507103919983, 0.5114381909370422, 0.5517462491989136], [0.5466229915618896, 0.6067289710044861, 0.6150376200675964, 0.48303696513175964, 0.4050350487232208, 0.2592095732688904, 0.4597899913787842, 0.3399707078933716, 0.5575991272926331, 0.767568826675415], [0.768252432346344, 0.44222256541252136, 0.6658617258071899, 0.39094626903533936, 0.37194740772247314, 0.24394026398658752, 0.4500613212585449, 0.16108670830726624, 0.26203587651252747, 0.3049503266811371], [0.3825525641441345, 0.6289014220237732, 0.5151416063308716, 0.5422950983047485, 0.5273067355155945, 0.3448280096054077, 0.2135733962059021, 0.3246094584465027, 0.04860701039433479, 0.24985304474830627], [0.7912014722824097, 0.6808995604515076, 0.7680603861808777, 0.23811674118041992, 0.5383816361427307, 0.6035443544387817, 0.7017959952354431, 0.6054881811141968, 0.7095703482627869, 0.19393716752529144], [0.5360162854194641, 0.6443861126899719, 0.7531142830848694, 0.35254889726638794, 0.416372686624527, 0.46972429752349854, 0.3084564208984375, 0.3445684611797333, 0.5783733129501343, 0.19451220333576202], [0.7101756930351257, 0.40278908610343933, 0.5823123455047607, 0.4338773488998413, 0.5700138807296753, 0.4728330969810486, 0.5579226016998291, 0.591938316822052, 0.5191293954849243, 0.15235468745231628], [0.307895690202713, 0.7877991795539856, 0.5519896745681763, 0.33051830530166626, 0.2630715072154999, 0.3152676224708557, 0.035727545619010925, 0.40591633319854736, 0.47725868225097656, 0.419811874628067], [0.45420557260513306, 0.6962906718254089, 0.6822268962860107, 0.5827410221099854, 0.778623104095459, 0.3456881046295166, 0.21843703091144562, 0.3317427337169647, 0.5626339912414551, 0.37667316198349], [0.7254460453987122, 0.511226236820221, 0.48125600814819336, 0.5833700895309448, 0.4085594117641449, 0.5132622122764587, 0.1583765596151352, 0.4956717789173126, 0.5988678336143494, 0.4209873676300049], [0.6708244681358337, 0.7626032829284668, 0.7268558740615845, 0.6537868976593018, 0.37554576992988586, 0.6887064576148987, 0.5763127207756042, 0.47440800070762634, 0.586556077003479, 0.5851578712463379], [0.5406646132469177, 0.4938589632511139, 0.22443051636219025, -0.05133185535669327, 0.3743714392185211, 0.10252711921930313, 0.18752744793891907, 0.17507435381412506, 0.41753578186035156, 0.1007796972990036], [0.675169825553894, 0.22449254989624023, 0.6344465017318726, 0.47750920057296753, 0.8597670197486877, 0.8080337643623352, 0.63900226354599, 0.7239556908607483, 0.2212517410516739, 0.4781046211719513], [0.6992876529693604, 0.41267481446266174, 0.337589293718338, 0.5512080788612366, 0.5002949237823486, 0.3647153973579407, 0.6598554849624634, 0.5119497179985046, 0.7955741286277771, 0.30751436948776245], [0.5755882263183594, 0.6394540667533875, 0.5425315499305725, 0.9573984146118164, 0.46539294719696045, 0.3132365047931671, 0.51161128282547, 0.5485767126083374, 0.3093218207359314, 0.6463764309883118], [0.6410260200500488, 0.5614053606987, 0.6416052579879761, 0.39261502027511597, 0.6503334045410156, 0.09509805589914322, 0.3698899447917938, 0.5125494003295898, 0.6565154194831848, 0.5746934413909912], [0.7094009518623352, 0.46083739399909973, 0.5985674858093262, 0.5485687851905823, 0.31571537256240845, 0.3866581916809082, 0.3715622127056122, 0.44645071029663086, 0.23184460401535034, 0.26499229669570923], [0.8445649147033691, 0.8988826870918274, 0.8761127591133118, 0.49614158272743225, 0.7544980645179749, 0.724009096622467, 0.6957237124443054, 0.6349420547485352, 0.7528850436210632, 0.6682089567184448], [0.5919694900512695, 0.4524872303009033, 0.6465917229652405, 0.43614012002944946, 0.6201995611190796, 0.3350347876548767, 0.22932852804660797, 0.5644512176513672, 0.5517576336860657, 0.25106075406074524], [0.7355989217758179, 0.584012508392334, 0.8111568689346313, 0.6532840728759766, 0.7401003837585449, 0.48200103640556335, 0.29654958844184875, 0.42322564125061035, 0.44301384687423706, 0.5716594457626343], [0.504978597164154, 0.4115699231624603, 0.6330776810646057, 0.464481920003891, 0.4827308654785156, 0.24201564490795135, 0.13548173010349274, 0.41364234685897827, 0.32897335290908813, 0.552590548992157], [0.6677239537239075, 0.8442592024803162, 0.16145938634872437, 0.31355708837509155, 0.3947274088859558, 0.34683388471603394, 0.3730093836784363, 0.5128502249717712, 0.24444115161895752, 0.4251210391521454], [0.5669072866439819, 0.4876430034637451, 0.5798710584640503, 0.28295302391052246, 0.24193300306797028, 0.6206563115119934, 0.3033789098262787, 0.37812867760658264, -0.00885964184999466, 0.5731110572814941], [0.6219425797462463, 0.6584262847900391, 0.4201935827732086, 0.52006995677948, 0.6065422892570496, 0.3739568293094635, 0.4052950441837311, 0.48722079396247864, 0.47382092475891113, 0.3325369954109192], [0.7430596351623535, 0.7718155980110168, 0.8930158615112305, 0.6883223056793213, 0.7803507447242737, 0.5019139051437378, 0.34709417819976807, 0.614730715751648, 0.7163980603218079, 0.4160305857658386], [0.7307451963424683, 0.723088800907135, 0.6519482731819153, 0.6752133369445801, 0.773914098739624, 0.798198401927948, 0.3945334851741791, 0.4800756573677063, 0.4998670816421509, 0.559486448764801], [0.6838537454605103, 0.5632779002189636, 0.58653724193573, 0.768557071685791, 0.6954402923583984, 0.1255076676607132, 0.097602978348732, -0.01990468241274357, 0.02404443547129631, 0.10156393051147461], [0.2932068705558777, 0.38528841733932495, 0.3486897647380829, 0.574005663394928, 0.32878777384757996, 0.35752689838409424, 0.4724488854408264, 0.3668447732925415, 0.7197843790054321, 0.3779667317867279], [0.42915263772010803, 0.4191969335079193, 0.6242117881774902, 0.3774116337299347, 0.5200474262237549, 0.31883126497268677, 0.478084921836853, 0.49394455552101135, 0.23204253613948822, 0.33670759201049805], [0.7246585488319397, 0.5580041408538818, 0.3843047320842743, 0.3163919150829315, 0.17705248296260834, 0.07909727096557617, 0.672874391078949, 0.19986797869205475, 0.3971640467643738, 0.3097653388977051], [0.8994500637054443, 0.7618041038513184, 0.5438860058784485, 0.8860483169555664, 0.17618021368980408, 0.41562268137931824, 0.6034106612205505, 0.4946172535419464, 0.6410209536552429, 0.3993432819843292], [0.3485712707042694, 0.6422014236450195, 0.8801357746124268, 0.013521750457584858, 0.36037081480026245, 0.6277269721031189, 0.2324461191892624, 0.22426216304302216, 0.2720942795276642, 0.036558907479047775], [0.6257948279380798, 0.5307170748710632, 0.6020264029502869, 0.24345378577709198, 0.41814085841178894, 0.47124195098876953, 0.15770283341407776, 0.27161917090415955, 0.26571348309516907, 0.13602852821350098], [0.9346514344215393, 0.5315508246421814, 0.41393691301345825, 0.6646565198898315, 0.5812673568725586, 0.45293793082237244, 0.399072527885437, 0.5072479248046875, 0.42622748017311096, 0.6630294322967529], [0.5840178728103638, 0.8407719135284424, 0.5905446410179138, 0.664555013179779, 0.3088214099407196, 0.3868611454963684, 0.4253767132759094, 0.5368318557739258, 0.6382761597633362, 0.6289916634559631], [0.8599644899368286, 0.7748122215270996, 0.669191300868988, 0.4845791459083557, 0.6263023018836975, 0.48135411739349365, 0.5283933877944946, 0.5640075206756592, 0.5489668250083923, 0.3705489933490753], [0.5730363130569458, 0.6299803853034973, 0.5266933441162109, 0.20307423174381256, 0.4377386271953583, 0.36740559339523315, 0.15227438509464264, 0.4526781439781189, 0.47309574484825134, 0.40249401330947876], [0.8286882042884827, 0.7731768488883972, 0.4634301960468292, 0.5332329869270325, 0.49888360500335693, 0.46455129981040955, 0.40574580430984497, 0.3756158649921417, 0.5268599390983582, 0.322967529296875], [0.39502960443496704, 0.650632917881012, 0.27564752101898193, 0.3239610493183136, 0.20720654726028442, 0.40165096521377563, 0.3686893582344055, 0.37313947081565857, 0.5113829970359802, 0.5815088152885437], [0.41899093985557556, 0.4676775634288788, 0.6294962763786316, 0.5089459419250488, 0.23730233311653137, 0.13765975832939148, 0.4721153676509857, 0.3888148367404938, 0.38481125235557556, 0.06929165869951248], [0.5857720971107483, 0.7297528982162476, 0.8457927703857422, 0.7968853116035461, 0.36832866072654724, 0.5788546204566956, 0.6913777589797974, 0.27520591020584106, 0.5091419816017151, 0.6988319754600525], [0.5975320339202881, 0.22314895689487457, 0.636953592300415, 0.6060017943382263, 0.47780612111091614, 0.40523195266723633, 0.3510190546512604, 0.2170044332742691, 0.49690762162208557, 0.22211812436580658], [0.5225658416748047, 0.39433908462524414, 0.4096606969833374, 0.12703579664230347, 0.3594290614128113, 0.47487592697143555, 0.3282105028629303, 0.37908467650413513, 0.33523666858673096, 0.3373482823371887], [0.4430862069129944, 0.9214295744895935, 0.8732373118400574, 0.7139540314674377, 0.5088340044021606, 0.6612115502357483, 0.6352596282958984, 0.7243084907531738, 0.6617366671562195, 0.5329387187957764], [0.35392558574676514, 0.5757607221603394, 0.329039067029953, 0.42122361063957214, 0.5814102292060852, 0.23268747329711914, 0.3502160906791687, 0.3317200839519501, 0.3029773533344269, 0.33337411284446716], [0.30312302708625793, 0.5180544257164001, 0.3943648338317871, 0.6193414926528931, 0.5815718173980713, 0.3220679759979248, 0.47241923213005066, 0.68100905418396, 0.5259427428245544, 0.38340744376182556], [0.5276711583137512, 0.7244977355003357, 0.4035944640636444, 0.4161798655986786, 0.333076536655426, 0.1332276463508606, 0.5356300473213196, 0.21039658784866333, 0.4268275201320648, 0.2960413694381714], [0.45446136593818665, 0.6623149514198303, 0.6835243105888367, 0.5496030449867249, 0.8503265976905823, 0.5182216167449951, 0.7700011730194092, 0.536949634552002, 0.7191429734230042, 0.37220025062561035], [0.7583335041999817, 0.6304140686988831, 0.6327502727508545, 0.41426190733909607, 0.6887043118476868, 0.43983685970306396, 0.2884228527545929, 0.4079025983810425, 0.27629637718200684, 0.3966282308101654], [0.397450715303421, 0.5327412486076355, 0.6106694340705872, 0.6145197749137878, 0.6649229526519775, 0.3443038761615753, 0.5498749017715454, 0.3988421559333801, 0.37607342004776, 0.4847909212112427], [0.7080739140510559, 0.6647335886955261, 0.40318432450294495, 0.6377012729644775, 0.5776601433753967, 0.7007445096969604, 0.45885133743286133, 0.1989416480064392, 0.04507666081190109, 0.6824387311935425], [0.5933311581611633, 0.37100470066070557, 0.4262610375881195, 0.29427221417427063, 0.43513333797454834, -0.0523831807076931, -0.01052367314696312, 0.3943212628364563, 0.1646469235420227, 0.400422602891922], [0.4092479944229126, 0.47871989011764526, 0.39695313572883606, 0.5581587553024292, 0.5410093069076538, 0.5726721286773682, 0.32261523604393005, 0.4283874034881592, 0.38631710410118103, 0.7576449513435364], [0.5236638784408569, 0.7445964813232422, 0.707574188709259, 0.368148535490036, 0.22813348472118378, 0.2190752774477005, 0.2535822093486786, 0.04151865094900131, -0.032302532345056534, 0.3992108106613159], [0.6181879639625549, 0.9323202967643738, 0.5832086801528931, 0.6266548037528992, 0.6339727640151978, 0.6224014759063721, 0.6790261268615723, 0.3826152980327606, 0.4610273241996765, 0.49265435338020325], [0.8480234742164612, 0.7842037081718445, 0.713200032711029, 0.9614418745040894, 0.9718599915504456, 0.6857221722602844, 0.8311237096786499, 0.4751426577568054, 0.6229796409606934, 0.9576520323753357], [0.7151063084602356, 0.9663851261138916, 0.4997974634170532, 0.9040017127990723, 0.3271615505218506, 0.6181779503822327, 0.26841822266578674, 0.3766796886920929, 0.29787972569465637, 0.4102812111377716], [0.6873285174369812, 0.6684837937355042, 0.7732343673706055, 0.6071703433990479, 0.40800991654396057, 0.39164382219314575, 0.10253322869539261, 0.6032603979110718, 0.8842247724533081, 0.6144353747367859], [0.43308940529823303, 0.3117932677268982, 0.5477695465087891, 0.3465690314769745, 0.7602901458740234, 0.4706907272338867, 0.600549578666687, 0.6811724305152893, 0.44292113184928894, 0.6036912798881531], [0.47646668553352356, 0.0786215215921402, 0.19392207264900208, 0.2700161635875702, 0.20493333041667938, 0.078780397772789, 0.40530455112457275, 0.09984095394611359, 0.27203357219696045, 0.0790349692106247], [0.9223580360412598, 0.504891574382782, 0.7403101325035095, 0.6337752342224121, 0.9261793494224548, 0.39697399735450745, 0.3155638873577118, 0.3312914967536926, 0.8100108504295349, 0.5562294721603394], [0.4644545018672943, 0.8046879172325134, 0.5167044401168823, 0.7725257277488708, 0.7629722952842712, 0.6451636552810669, 0.651283860206604, 0.5706373453140259, 0.6041479706764221, 0.3832574486732483], [0.7621305584907532, 0.7165753841400146, 0.928080677986145, 0.10184375941753387, 0.6379700303077698, 0.5225695967674255, 0.5982934236526489, 0.5648078918457031, 0.18902607262134552, 0.5054214000701904], [0.49436038732528687, 0.5137165784835815, 0.36884981393814087, 0.6783552169799805, 0.32280853390693665, 0.3918860852718353, 0.4992856979370117, 0.34782183170318604, 0.5648617148399353, 0.27877160906791687], [0.5624872446060181, 0.7268684506416321, 0.3858395218849182, 0.4274909198284149, 0.7284120321273804, 0.2660621106624603, 0.3793274760246277, 0.09156167507171631, 0.4531863033771515, 0.5153205394744873], [0.6220006942749023, 0.7174971699714661, 0.7404226064682007, 0.3310295045375824, 0.3138348162174225, 0.23896057903766632, 0.47781452536582947, 0.388469934463501, 0.7090324759483337, 0.2722436189651489], [0.4460894465446472, 0.5382755994796753, 0.26606959104537964, 0.38043877482414246, 0.12437739968299866, 0.4205378592014313, 0.5147702693939209, 0.608701765537262, 0.6418144702911377, 0.4214326739311218], [0.562629222869873, 0.5415316224098206, 0.7973196506500244, 0.5818452835083008, 0.5328767895698547, 0.8284266591072083, 0.6695470213890076, 0.452523410320282, 0.5522094368934631, 0.8589431047439575], [0.24904640018939972, 0.5155147314071655, 0.43937230110168457, 0.6031965017318726, 0.2400134801864624, 0.3272092938423157, 0.30183225870132446, 0.3046591579914093, 0.4651546776294708, 0.3151092231273651], [0.724880576133728, 0.6420406103134155, 0.5281696915626526, 0.013222475536167622, 0.18123136460781097, 0.08536497503519058, 0.4812725782394409, 0.33896496891975403, 0.3789372742176056, 0.2979939579963684], [0.6392861008644104, 0.8259649872779846, 0.7127801179885864, 0.6934007406234741, 0.7239210605621338, 0.26518714427948, 0.1434837281703949, 0.32125943899154663, 0.4479500651359558, 0.41406187415122986], [0.4843427538871765, 0.6034528613090515, 0.8945232033729553, 0.4964311122894287, 0.673151969909668, 0.5223955512046814, 0.2383519858121872, 0.3171079754829407, 0.8002575039863586, 0.5429137349128723], [0.4593008756637573, 0.5501604080200195, 0.35596153140068054, 0.6628384590148926, 0.6110807061195374, 0.5803638100624084, 0.31791332364082336, 0.4631510078907013, 0.5076050162315369, 0.5060931444168091], [0.8472248911857605, 0.8500360250473022, 0.5122715830802917, 0.8581011891365051, 0.7034943699836731, 0.4530318081378937, 0.5293657779693604, 0.6187059283256531, 0.8698148131370544, 0.6602432131767273], [0.41788747906684875, 0.2239190638065338, 0.349258691072464, 0.6429993510246277, 0.5131773948669434, 0.09596999734640121, 0.6243946552276611, 0.3208477199077606, 0.6574314832687378, 0.4051728844642639], [0.8381297588348389, 0.21669398248195648, 0.518375813961029, 0.46393251419067383, 0.6752355098724365, 0.4798181354999542, 0.6959600448608398, 0.6108679175376892, 0.611515998840332, 0.367326945066452], [0.5796078443527222, 0.6047424674034119, 0.48963838815689087, 0.7119989395141602, 0.5108540654182434, 0.4894539713859558, 0.426123708486557, 0.298666387796402, 0.4520092308521271, 0.5007801055908203], [0.8692676424980164, 0.6802136898040771, 0.421246737241745, 0.11676474660634995, 0.742192268371582, 0.6500374674797058, 0.49115392565727234, 0.4842177927494049, 0.173113152384758, 0.3245451748371124], [0.7455095052719116, 0.7731008529663086, 0.9271532893180847, 0.8204048871994019, 0.8032498955726624, 0.741837203502655, 0.8396555185317993, 0.416887491941452, 0.385872483253479, 0.42811474204063416], [0.5576248168945312, 0.7576426267623901, 0.25833660364151, 0.5721683502197266, 0.5664522051811218, 0.40554773807525635, 0.4996897578239441, 0.44672465324401855, 0.7069662809371948, 0.5943047404289246], [0.4326927661895752, 0.5570583939552307, 0.5628864765167236, 0.4984722435474396, 0.35122841596603394, 0.3849938213825226, 0.6224527955055237, 0.40040919184684753, 0.4188331067562103, 0.34234803915023804], [0.5881295800209045, 0.8708800077438354, 0.49904122948646545, 0.6413177251815796, 0.6655872464179993, 0.574423611164093, 0.18099115788936615, 0.18480627238750458, 0.0072036911733448505, 0.4163586497306824], [0.8216841816902161, 0.33944302797317505, 0.6822267770767212, 0.34085774421691895, 0.4161641001701355, 0.24444109201431274, 0.4853152632713318, 0.8016956448554993, 0.5657524466514587, 0.3523523509502411], [0.6103967428207397, 0.513401985168457, 0.414176881313324, 0.6596237421035767, 0.32890063524246216, 0.20077012479305267, 0.7251381874084473, 0.46918776631355286, 0.5559998154640198, 0.5814179182052612], [0.5296187996864319, 0.5612418055534363, 0.29151684045791626, 0.339553564786911, 0.22383330762386322, 0.7346338629722595, 0.4762045443058014, 0.2657109200954437, 0.459721177816391, 0.2680938243865967], [0.480897456407547, 0.6015949249267578, 0.454078733921051, 0.3912440240383148, 0.424947053194046, 0.37448397278785706, 0.3586841821670532, 0.4107166528701782, 0.528730571269989, 0.4260759949684143], [0.5756807923316956, 0.5637232661247253, 0.35225585103034973, 0.6474834680557251, 0.4381941854953766, 0.4849567413330078, 0.5541609525680542, 0.7336218953132629, 0.30606576800346375, 0.5113157629966736], [0.4642791152000427, 0.6840258836746216, 0.5394740104675293, 0.4884478747844696, 0.5624775290489197, 0.729651927947998, 0.2595389485359192, 0.45271700620651245, 0.5834650993347168, 0.48822933435440063], [0.4610411822795868, 0.45490482449531555, 0.5681278705596924, 0.3826242983341217, 0.6210392713546753, 0.37249183654785156, 0.6778878569602966, 0.2927021384239197, 0.2228974550962448, 0.3321802318096161], [0.3133992552757263, 0.29367971420288086, 0.5327107906341553, 0.0505136176943779, 0.329411119222641, -0.0053367470391094685, -0.020246585831046104, 0.23687489330768585, 0.16755478084087372, 0.06641260534524918], [0.6053122878074646, 0.7038789391517639, 0.6037433743476868, 0.7470284104347229, 0.6694023013114929, 0.7069323658943176, 0.4331681728363037, 0.5526986122131348, 0.598926842212677, 0.6110060214996338], [-0.03148413076996803, 0.36537155508995056, 0.7920211553573608, 0.7836537957191467, 0.380447119474411, 0.5336511135101318, 0.6942911148071289, 0.6422538757324219, 0.7124204635620117, 0.5471177697181702], [0.28083351254463196, 0.29837968945503235, 0.3351462483406067, 0.4768620729446411, 0.49358436465263367, 0.17348377406597137, 0.2218298316001892, 0.2827652096748352, 0.12980660796165466, 0.20227022469043732], [0.4127465784549713, 0.5368479490280151, 0.9578274488449097, 0.5609461069107056, 0.0838601291179657, 0.47304874658584595, 0.13705499470233917, 0.5775893926620483, 0.5883525013923645, 0.24079269170761108], [0.6734213829040527, 0.5485472679138184, 0.5948857665061951, 0.2179918736219406, 0.24828988313674927, 0.10812162607908249, 0.34988945722579956, 0.05448198318481445, 0.014508845284581184, 0.43719133734703064], [0.6064542531967163, 0.561251699924469, 0.4875137507915497, 0.21288084983825684, 0.28150591254234314, 0.49448347091674805, 0.3857535421848297, 0.17983195185661316, 0.1842203140258789, 0.28488463163375854], [0.5882853865623474, 0.5379685759544373, 0.6338550448417664, 0.47740045189857483, 0.4988561272621155, 0.41482847929000854, 0.5904353260993958, 0.3735152781009674, 0.18281927704811096, 0.5662667751312256], [0.3742925822734833, 0.7677168250083923, 0.5978835225105286, 0.4982292950153351, 0.3945832848548889, 0.5775148272514343, 0.5442281365394592, 0.67154461145401, 0.4747232496738434, 0.35471096634864807], [0.43090760707855225, 0.7268632054328918, 0.24929137527942657, 0.1843186765909195, 0.13168351352214813, -0.03417524695396423, 0.09588108956813812, 0.22478380799293518, -0.007816885598003864, 0.47017455101013184]], "targets": [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]} \ No newline at end of file