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Even less is known about his origin. By some accounts he was inhabiting the forests of the world long before the first trees were saplings. What _is_ known (albeit impossible to verify) is that he is a helpful yet occasionally mischievous being and a guide to the lost.\n\nHis existence is especially hard to prove since he only appears to the lost. Arcane researchers have spent years wandering the world in search of him yet always turn up empty handed. The logic goes: If you are searching for something, you can't _truly_ be lost, can you?\n\nAs such, field study of Magus Wazir has largely been abandoned with scholars preferring to collect first hand accounts from those who encounter him instead.\n\n# Magic\n\nHis bell is reported to have a calming effect. It is speculated he may be able to channel more destructive magic though it, though no stories support such claims.\n\n# Known Events\n\nTwo travelers, former Battlemage Cromwell and Sage Bartholomew, claim to have met Wazir while trekking through the woods adjacent to Dream Master Lake. The men were making the journey to the Blue Bastion when they decided to cut through the forest as a shortcut. Unsurprisingly to any who know of those woods, they quickly lost their way.\n\nLow on supplies, things were looking dim for the two when suddenly came the chime of a bell. That's when, they claim, Wazir appeared like out of a dream to guide them to safety.\n\nThe validity of this story is still debated though what is not debatable is that both are highly respected men of repute, not apt to spin fables. Some believe their tale while others blame the Sage's love of pipeweed for the visions."} +{"id": "f5bebc2e-a0c6-4a0e-9956-c72fc33d0e8d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T15:21:19.752", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSuKdfYQktc5yus9XpNk4KwdNDbjdCMLmTLeLr44KQdpK", "txHash": "0x1a4837b5d50c8fd5f5f9c47c6b0fe44599a2141bc2f981c5454c92b3372c2d29", "createdAtBlock": 15675626, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1017, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWTZrzJAyTbzACFanK6gMycP9TdzhziugTZ8g3nA5c8WC", "name": "Arch-Magician Ulysse of Alfheim", "text": "\"And what are you going to do after Wild Mage finds out of your betrayal?\" one of the Blue Wizards asks.\n\n\"Doesn't matter - I'm selling my wizard contract and giving it all up.\""} +{"id": "2cff4ba4-b4a5-4144-a4df-d66f4673fdb6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:29.222", "backgroundColor": "#204C6D", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbeyeprZQuZETHaYs3TLmCLYhgDWyZRNeaGqa6FproVWN", "txHash": "0xb4dba61a30f324a63eca2b89d1fe25f6ed1a3352d32564fbcafd193ec7dead11", "createdAtBlock": 13274500, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9585, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTRGRxBcZmNLqKQS4CNdiv3MYhd87TiqFbAaxehYyfWt7/img_9585_vork5cyii_.png", "name": " Carly of the Wood", "text": "# Carly of the Wood"} +{"id": "441db971-9bbf-44dc-b204-5a8e78ab08c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T15:26:56.896", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSG61ESsG7ubghzcboPhHp2s8tcmqmcU1Lz4bRLxRvXYp", "txHash": "0xde9d298d3976d6810ff8f730dbe4b0664347fb6e4d6e8656ee63640f008de4d5", "createdAtBlock": 15675654, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9008, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaTWBLYBzfknoafWf6Ly5A9WXBnXPfKikfqadsRyaGaYY", "name": "Vincent Bifurcator of the Ring", "text": "A promotional photo from early in my career with the Runiversal Wrestling Federation"} +{"id": "47c1c6c5-6869-4492-b909-19aaea550ad1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:08.398", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPe6CCwd6U6tncYi6bSSYLPXUBL3QBeLe6iDCvzkfLUyd", "txHash": "0xa78e2ba17312e53cd336dbb2a0034ee268454b7b56193ed96cbd1a40538b2573", "createdAtBlock": 15121650, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3914, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc67UuRuQcC9Ggd5DNWU5v1WH5Ltp4EhPuhgdEPtuL3vW", "name": "Hex Mage Bathsheba of the Villa", "text": "*Bathsheba of the Villa* I always hated that name. Surely only a deluded celebrity would name his child *Bathsheba*!\n\nAdmit it, the first thing that entered your mind when you decided to test yourself against me was that I must be some stuck-up rich kid who only managed to get her Mage status because her daddy is on the Blue Wizard Council. What could she possibly have learnt in the Bastion, being whisked back to her sprawling villa on the shores of Dream Master Lake at the first sign of any inconvenience in her spoilt little existence?\n\nFair enough, Ill admit it, my father is on the Blue Wizard Council. And yes, we do have a family villa on the lake not that either of those facts are particularly significant either way. Well, Ill tell you one thing, in the world of magic, it *always* pays to be underestimated. You dont think I wear this purple velour luxury tracksuit because its the height of Mage fashion, do you? \n\nYou must be wondering where all of this is going. Well, Im going to let you in on a little secret, but before I do, keep in mind wizard or not that the last place you want to be is on the wrong side of a Hex Mage. Are you ready? \n\n*I am not from this world*.\nExcellent. Now that I have your attention, lets begin.\n\nFirst things first: my true name is not really Bathsheba, although that is the closest your human vocal cords will ever get to pronouncing it."} +{"id": "47c1c6c5-6869-4492-b909-19aaea550ad1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:08.398", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPe6CCwd6U6tncYi6bSSYLPXUBL3QBeLe6iDCvzkfLUyd", "txHash": "0xa78e2ba17312e53cd336dbb2a0034ee268454b7b56193ed96cbd1a40538b2573", "createdAtBlock": 15121650, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3914, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc67UuRuQcC9Ggd5DNWU5v1WH5Ltp4EhPuhgdEPtuL3vW", "name": "Hex Mage Bathsheba of the Villa", "text": "Secondly, hes not my real father. If you have two brain cells to bang together, you may have already figured that out from the whole I am not from this world reveal. No, he was out questing (we all know what you wizards are like) on the outer reaches of the Infinity Veil trying to take psychic readings with some or other new gadget they had just developed in the Bastions laboratories. Before he knew what was happening, he had accidentally pierced the Veil and was swept through, beard and all, into the Psychic Leap.\n\nAnd there I was: a majestic psychic entity thousands of years old, selected by the celestial consciousness to be sent to your realm to impart the knowledge of the cosmos trapped in a tiny helpless pink sack of meat, bones, and worryingly slippery internal organs, incapable of conveying even the simplest of concepts to another being. Now *that* is ironic.\n\nThe great @wizard3917, hero that he is, picked up this poor defenceless infant and brought her back to his villa, to raise her as his own. Never mind that he found me sitting in the middle of a glowing Mercury Rune clutching the Torch of Prometheus, a flame that is sustained by sparks of intellect gathered from across the cosmos; some people wouldnt recognise a cosmic sign if it yanked their long white beard and said Hey, insignificant mortal carbon-based being, Im a cosmic sign, can I please have some recognition?"} +{"id": "47c1c6c5-6869-4492-b909-19aaea550ad1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:08.398", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPe6CCwd6U6tncYi6bSSYLPXUBL3QBeLe6iDCvzkfLUyd", "txHash": "0xa78e2ba17312e53cd336dbb2a0034ee268454b7b56193ed96cbd1a40538b2573", "createdAtBlock": 15121650, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3914, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc67UuRuQcC9Ggd5DNWU5v1WH5Ltp4EhPuhgdEPtuL3vW", "name": "Hex Mage Bathsheba of the Villa", "text": "Acquiring Hex Mage status is not exactly challenging when you have an intellect developed over several millennia and were gifted a second birth through a timeless magical portal. I tried to bide my time; I tried to be patient, to let my body mature to a point when these juvenile centenarians would finally be able to accept some of the Runiversal truths that I was trying to offer them. It didnt work. It turns out that a young girl trying to impart Runiversal knowledge to supposedly wise old wizards quickly gets labelled as uppity and troublesome. Apparently, Im full of ideas above my station. If only they knew\n\nSo I left their stuffy classrooms and dusty books behind and set off to get things done for myself. Thats why Im here now, facing you in a body just fourteen of your strangely sluggish years old, alongside my familiar, Haze who is just now reminding me that I havent introduced her yet. \n\nHaze is no ordinary familiar. Two years ago, I journeyed back over Hue Masters Pass to the Psychic Leap and cast a Mercury Rune of my own. Haze is a shard of the celestial consciousness, a cosmic fox formed by the Rune to aid me in my mission. We share a psychic connection that runs deeper than anything you could possibly imagine, and she is a consummate judge of character."} +{"id": "47c1c6c5-6869-4492-b909-19aaea550ad1-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:08.398", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPe6CCwd6U6tncYi6bSSYLPXUBL3QBeLe6iDCvzkfLUyd", "txHash": "0xa78e2ba17312e53cd336dbb2a0034ee268454b7b56193ed96cbd1a40538b2573", "createdAtBlock": 15121650, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3914, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc67UuRuQcC9Ggd5DNWU5v1WH5Ltp4EhPuhgdEPtuL3vW", "name": "Hex Mage Bathsheba of the Villa", "text": "I havent been back to Blue Wizard Bastion since the day I left. I dont know if anyone there even cares. To my (rather extensive) knowledge, nobody has come looking for me. But none of that really bothers me. Haze and I have set out to explore this entire world, to bring more wizards into the fold for the battles to come. Youve no doubt heard the rumours, the whispered half-truths about me thats why youre here. Maybe you think to put me in my place, maybe you have some vague inkling of the vast sea of knowledge out there beyond your current abilities. Or maybe you just want to do some good in the world. Whatever the case, my Mercury Rune has already been cast around you and soon enough it will reveal your deepest desires.\n\nAnd what if Haze and I judge you to be unworthy? Well, Im a psychic cosmic Hex Mage, and Im not particularly attached to sentimental ideas like the sanctity of human life.\n\nNow tell me, what makes you think *you* are worthy? I hope youre at your most convincing today\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "6983af2e-ca48-49b9-8822-9943515f2467-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:49.34", "backgroundColor": "#09071B", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPrHor89ihNBpiEba4bFBK5CTEmpGRy9WpFrLnfSd5xhn", "txHash": "0x22cdb4d2833f397b92ce93c2a2ffaebcde917eff7d0e83d776148b3a8ec0de4f", "createdAtBlock": 13279092, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 58, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSZ45ryuxjjk1k4wq83JDs6eXvB56sacHACaXDLXWiHk", "name": "Magus Hestia of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Hestia of the Wild\n\nDelete this text and write your Lore here"} +{"id": "4571dcb2-ae22-41eb-861a-c37c766002fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T17:28:42.265", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcFEagqoCKwU1zuNoPyHMzsGp4CGR3hmSZqJ68AtSQxg3", "txHash": "0x29b09327101694daabe5c813ef3dcbfed2fefc141b09c3a5c6c5fa9ed440e4b9", "createdAtBlock": 15676260, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9282, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWr3N6AwC7R8T1qb8rCiX5Z4oXv26RQkHPQVM2X8TKTfe", "name": "Larry Fencer of the Alley", "text": "Not just a warrior, but also a police officer that upholds the law."} +{"id": "7103df5d-07d7-4b06-82b9-490d1ee8e72e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:59.613", "backgroundColor": "#261A2A", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZKWFQtzPc5SDqEkHYmxe7AUeXrDoiwFHWhrzytDqSSzd", "txHash": "0x5c882a0084225482f9dec5f7ed84fa6438bd434658af5033d6284049509b2894", "createdAtBlock": 13282637, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3325, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNUkjZZ5feK2ao5xXvMQcgFQsWjkMnnK4D8dSUvBcVsoq", "name": " Azahl of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Azahl of the Keep"} +{"id": "60dfd2c3-7d11-4927-9611-1dcabb4262f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T17:37:06.482", "backgroundColor": "#240f2d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmccZMpqT2DDJ2a1qekUdCLisjDS2czGA6Z5UbjG5z3iaG", "txHash": "0xf2f3c20872cc81c4d5ff8cf3818cab21ddeed9ce3a6c2c0fdcbb54097510f8be", "createdAtBlock": 15676302, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 952, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ4AumfhKT4oeknvPraDeM61oKHpfHWA4oMkEu5RCCmF5", "name": "Necro Frog Woomba of Dread Tower", "text": "**Woomba brokers a deal between the most powerful necromancers in the land. They will spread dread across the Runiverse together.**\n\n***Location unknown.***"} +{"id": "26c6b005-6ce5-4e7b-ac70-5b0bc086d86c-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T17:41:02.736", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwMoDQ7oATxJjRpMHVVCQMTqZRbtTUhtBDLH2dv6v8jb", "txHash": "0x9109fbc743c345f7c7b9382a7e813f77bb41975f3a3de061b64d3c67044447e8", "createdAtBlock": 15676322, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZxfSAhvC1fNRYcMcQpKcu7SETdzPoj1s3fkKLmQ5T84R", "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "******\n### !blackmagic\n******"} +{"id": "7c795064-7cc3-4964-974e-ad6b78588ca0-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T17:56:27.665", "backgroundColor": "#083606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQDjc6VnkTxg1Ja9z3KAPRGEs5EjAqtBGRALAHe7QMisQ", "txHash": "0x0eca83dca7013139dc14c7db37ffce00821dc81111a36eeb1b607499ac5cb3c4", "createdAtBlock": 15676398, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6223, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbG7PeESUXmCF8L8vtvg3U7tYVZqDXJYyKfmLqWo6WESu", "name": "Lich Despot Orlando of Dread Tower", "text": "# The death cloud grows larger!\n\n\n\nA Necromancer Soul Triumvirate channeling pure evil. Nearby, their resurrected familiars gaze at the ritual in awe.\n\n***Depicted:***\n\n@soul3963\n\n@soul952\n\n@soul6223"} +{"id": "8b1a60f5-6a38-4312-a517-3505a96f3ee8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:07.797", "backgroundColor": "#91AE7C", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdbfvuzR8jW6zbPpEiBpvE48Q7PFe4gcEwdxzjhfjj3Ha", "txHash": "0xfa6f02445a56f719e2d0f6a2dfae334eab09f1c2c50b8bb118c7b93f5dba6dd4", "createdAtBlock": 13284947, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9323, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR5CYwK184m2mMXezWcmKUU9d6GzsAp3vtG2z4YKaKU67", "name": "Mystic Willow of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Willow of the Brambles\n\n \n\n## Begging of the Journey \n\nThe strange house suddenly appeared in the middle of a deep, deep forest where daylight rarely reached. Surrounded by plants with sharp thorns. The house was strangely well-kept, but somehow had an eerie atmosphere that dettered anyone from entering. Its window curtains were all uniformly closed, giving the impression that the person who dwelled within was a meticulous person.\n\n\nOne day, a strange bat found its way to the house. The bat had managed to get under its eaves, where no animals, let alone humans, would go for fear of the sharp thorns. Even though the thorns injured its body, it decided to rest there anyway. ITs breath became weak, as if it was in its final moments...but it didnt seem to mind. This had become the bats new home.\n\nAfter many days have passed, on an unusually moonlit night in the forest of thorns, the owner of the house cracked open a curtain and peered outside the window. She spoke as if she knew in advance that there was a bat under the eave. \n\n> \"Welcome to my forest. You are the first guest to come here. I don't know how long Ive been here, though.\" \n\nThe mysterious woman called out to the bat and invited it to enter through her window. Although the room was neat and tidy, the walls and even some of the furniture was covered in thorns. Just like the outside of the house."} +{"id": "8b1a60f5-6a38-4312-a517-3505a96f3ee8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:07.797", "backgroundColor": "#91AE7C", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdbfvuzR8jW6zbPpEiBpvE48Q7PFe4gcEwdxzjhfjj3Ha", "txHash": "0xfa6f02445a56f719e2d0f6a2dfae334eab09f1c2c50b8bb118c7b93f5dba6dd4", "createdAtBlock": 13284947, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9323, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR5CYwK184m2mMXezWcmKUU9d6GzsAp3vtG2z4YKaKU67", "name": "Mystic Willow of the Brambles", "text": "It seemed that the thorns had infiltrated the house from somewhere. But the woman didn't seem to pay any attention to it. She lived in the thorns and even slept on them.\nWhether the thorns are a part of her or she is a part of the thorns, she does not know. But as far as she was concerned, the sharp thorns, twining branches, and her body were all one in the same.\n\nWith this invitation, the strange bat joined as an inhabitant of the Forest of Thorns. From that point on, the bat and the woman would spend countless moons together, never conversing but nonetheless enjoying each others company. How long had they spent with one another? It was hard to tell. No one cared about time in this Forest of Thorns. Their relationship was strange. But then again, there was no one in this forest who cared about that either.\n\n=====\n\nOne day, the woman awoke with a strange feeling. It was a scratching sensation, but not caused by the thorns. She didnt know why, but she knew this itching was a signal from the forest. It was as if the forest was calling out to her, something she had never felt before. Something malevolent was attempting to invade the forest. The more she focused on the feeling, the stronger it became. How could such an unpleasant experience exist? She stood up, unable to hide her annoyance, and quietly left the house with a beautiful staff in hand. She had to deter those who would dare harm the forest.\n\nThis is the beginning of the story of a wizard, who would later be known as Mystic Willow of the Brambles."} +{"id": "94803f14-7e6b-43c3-bd48-fae4f51ed871-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:52.282", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR7wNnwD3UwC26QA55Fh9upXRpCsXDiwyBRT2YUjPPNKQ", "txHash": "0x793756a21d58dad77ca43070144d771425c70c6474317e082927b98fca03144f", "createdAtBlock": 13863351, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 6769, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Deacon Zaim of the Royal Wretch", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Deacon Zaim of the Royal Wretch\n\nZiam knew nothing before the flame. Well.. he did, but all that is meaningless now.\n\nHe is reborn. Darker... Stronger.\n\nZiam is still Seldom seen, like the Stranger he was before the flame consumed his being, but now he chooses to now show his true face, the face of a Wraith of the Royal Wretch.\n\nIt wasnt only Ziam's being which changed, his staff now feels heavier in his arms and his rune - it has taken on a new form, a Soul.\n\nIt is known that other wizards whom have passed throught the sacred flame have also taken the form of a wraith. Ziam seeks to find all of the wraiths to join the ranks of the occult group."} +{"id": "a108fd46-fa02-4a6e-a2ed-43ade669cea8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:19.198", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdoqCdfL7aQ78i5E1a2w2mFuRhjMcPAx72PR4xSFwZb67", "txHash": "0x91c1540cbaa065a8ff49f5f51688c85e0a9e6f54d7245b4658f017438234a879", "createdAtBlock": 13292054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1251, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milo of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Milo of the Veil\n\nHark inquisitive adventurer of the chain of blocks. \n\n If you should so wish it, an account of deeds done by this wizard of the veil shall be related to you by way of this writing upon this book of lore. Although, seek in it an explanation complete and full and you shall be met with the meaning of his title of the veil. Knowing this, I caution you intrepid reader, the words here are but hearsay and rumor the truthfulness of known only to Mystic Milo and his God should he have one.\n\n Shall we begin with the suspected origin of this wizard? I have heard a fairly consistent tale whispered amongst those who have encountered Milo. It is believed that he obtained his powers from a spring high in the mountains. It is told that in his village of birth the locals had a legend of a special flower growing atop the peak of a mountain whose shadow they lived under. The heart of our young soon to be wizard beat strong for a local lass. When he made his feelings known the girl replied that her heart was for the one who made a gift to her the flower of the mountain. So our young Milo, in the height of his energetic youth, took to the harrowing task of ascending this peak."} +{"id": "a108fd46-fa02-4a6e-a2ed-43ade669cea8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:19.198", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdoqCdfL7aQ78i5E1a2w2mFuRhjMcPAx72PR4xSFwZb67", "txHash": "0x91c1540cbaa065a8ff49f5f51688c85e0a9e6f54d7245b4658f017438234a879", "createdAtBlock": 13292054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1251, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milo of the Veil", "text": "While the details of his journey up the mountain are lost to time, it is said that more than once his life was nearly lost. Upon reaching the summit, it is rumored that he was very badly wounded and near to shaking hands with the reaper. Milo searched about the peak and much to his sadness, atop the mountain he found no flower whatsoever. In complete exhaustion he collapsed and cursed the name of the girl who had sent him on his fool's errand. Near to him a little stream poured from the rocks and formed a small pool. And within this pool sat a frog that looked back at him with an alertness and intelligence irregular amongst animals of its kind. In his despair and near exhaustion Milo found himself now in extreme thirst. So, eyes locked with the frog, he drank from the pool. It is said that the taste of this water was extremely bitter and this bitterness seemed to quickly flow and course through Milo's veins. \n\n Unfortunately, this is where the account is faulty as no soul knows what next atop the mountain did occur. One month after his ascent Milo returned to his village oddly changed and unalone. He came in the company of a frog that hopped along beside him and has not left his side to this day."} +{"id": "03e00581-8eef-42a5-8fe6-99964f232dd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T21:34:04.514", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8ax13SGVymwxEApede6SRhfeV5UVgkptgVVPzTaGdDQ", "txHash": "0x324dd9808b91f1d8387874ecb06a3bab9cd681025e577e8f5c7ac36126421898", "createdAtBlock": 15677476, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1498, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWekRr3Y5ri1pWYZLHMWVqqfRvivE86bCzRNciWqfQ2F2", "name": "Lewd Revenant Azahl of the Majestic Filth", "text": "# The birth of Lewd Revenant Azahl of the Majestic Filth\n\n\n\n**I made it. I have returned.** \n\nBut... My body... \n\nWhat have I done? \n\nNo... No... \n\nI'm cursed! I'm... \n\nTransformed... \n\nIt hurts... **It burns...**\n\nWhat... Ghost snake... \n\nOh no... You followed me into the Sacred Flame...!\n\nI'm sorry, I'm sorry my beloved familiar...\n\nI am being judged for my selfishness... I'm so sorry...\n\nMy eternal rose, you... **Glow...**\n\nThe fire, yes...\n\nEternally consuming...\n\nEternally painful...\n\n**And yet so beautiful.**\n\nA blissful curse...\n\nForever doomed to wander like a forgotten soul... \n\nThe rune of Neptune, yes... I still sense its presence.\n\nIt was guiding me... I remember now. \n\nThe eagerness. The risks...\n\nA fair price to pay...\n\nFor the power to unveil darkness.\n\nFarewell @wizard1498.\n\nThe flame of knowledge knows no boundaries."} +{"id": "3d13e712-116e-4833-b899-3b1acfcb5293-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:26.412", "backgroundColor": "#09071B", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehsYBKoXCBnWjGyrWEygmmXxpjNRRMjAakFLZrH4pnxg", "txHash": "0x67f21463e657c83789ec8c6433b55c31aeca583c3f7c5eb39d14c444293b07fe", "createdAtBlock": 13297950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9087, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma2buTNLJMp17SR2fc7fuyJKgFNoyHqdeQdJYDYUGhkfs", "name": "Witch Delilah of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Delilah of the Steppe"} +{"id": "ed067c5b-a0db-4fa3-b823-35eb9e2c03f6-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T22:20:51.158", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZT6Fsbdy6mm8QwpuZckrJDTmRjhUZYh15sWqUEw3v6ty", "txHash": "0x3d159214b5593e8fced7c641e86ed59e70c55936839ca590e7b111fe1a1e9b87", "createdAtBlock": 15677705, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3850, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNnDu7PEAtUhU76w2y7iBT6YbLXj4sQPCjJ4owHCkeasM", "name": "Tisa Paragon of the Wild", "text": "# The Companion\n\nHer reputation as a fierce warrior spread far and wide after her conquests in the river city of Ti'an. She was the first to scale the city's walls and the last to enter the pub to celebrate victory.\n\nOne wizard barely escaped with his life and teleported back to the stronghold, murmering about \"the cat.\""} +{"id": "46384b79-be83-438a-a646-35a3797df1d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T22:31:27.324", "backgroundColor": "#3b3427", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmecoC6fXUKCrnFTr6yz4egV12qQtWfPW9prJwTy6RrPdH", "txHash": "0x39d2c5ae9a1b2bb0ab4220126314c9c250999ef582f3a5723376b17ee924bd48", "createdAtBlock": 15677758, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3851, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmez5628oZtKF7jpgADK4Tk94K122Td2pbPN9KY1JSXy6B", "name": "Jaya Ripper of the Lost City", "text": "# The warrior princess \n\nJaya's story begins on her sixteenth birthday. She was ushered to the temple, fully clothed in a regal gown. A young man stood anxiously with the kingdom's shaman, ready to see his bride for the first time. Her parents sat nearby, trading jokes with the matchmaker who arranged the wedding. \n\nJaya's blade was sheathed behind her back. She ran her hand along the hilt, feeling the grooves of the leather handle and the silk of her dress. \n\n\"Not today,\" she thought."} +{"id": "ab9f2560-40f6-4145-bfca-16fdc64cd5ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:29.988", "backgroundColor": "#201E26", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQme2KqWZWCZBwpSmGHHZrxW8w68Md8FF7UWvrVm3QZtX", "txHash": "0x14d00e892333a867857a59fe65dc04e37f046902e8dca4d64c8fbc9b34fed6fd", "createdAtBlock": 15229628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbGXGA5Ah2xBXVB5MzCKNoqDJ7xGePmycTKevAwS7jkWF/img_6001_x9d44daga7.gif", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs\n\nMagus Devon of the Quantum Downs specializes in quantum enchanted mushrooms that temporarily grant the ability to perceive alternate realities. Although she herself cannot interact directly with them, her familiar snake named Spinor can traverse any reality to fetch items within. \n\nHer Rune of Mercury not only acts as a catalyst for enhancing her state of heightened perception, but it also allows her to maintain communications to Spinor as it visits other worlds. Through quantum entanglement, messages can instantly transmit through any boundaries of space and time.\n\n \nArt by Sweetbread\n\n> Our world is like a single mushroom in the forest. The other mushrooms nearby are seemingly independent, but underneath theyre all linked in an intricate weave of mycelium. You can connect to other worlds if youre able to tap into that hidden layer that bridges us all. \n\nOffensively she may be weak; but by leveraging her enhanced perception, clairvoyant knowledge of all possible outcomes, and an arsenal of inter-dimensional artifacts stockpiled by Spinor, she can strategically overwhelm even the deadliest of mythical beasts. \n\nSince opening her shop of otherworldly goods, she rarely has the need to engage in combat for materials. Instead, she prefers learning more about the adventures of others. Her various trinkets and weapons attract travelers from all across the land, and she gives generous discounts in return for their fascinating tales. She one day hopes to curate a tome of the greatest stories from her patrons.\n\n# ____________________________\n\n\nArt by Pipipi"} +{"id": "fcd0dc76-75bf-403d-9d4c-8f5349f525f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T23:16:54.104", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXn7W6Qv5p9iXZ2pYREQgoST3qizkJaF9aCiwG1zCyZA3", "txHash": "0xa669dbf86fa8875404b8ffae994142d299dd0369e341b0b81a0b000f0e939525", "createdAtBlock": 15677981, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2080, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Captain Soran of the Inifinite Nothing", "text": "I got a bag money, a slime soul companion, and my pajamas on. what more could an undead want?"} +{"id": "affc400b-36a8-45a9-8cd9-70db204e134c-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T23:19:18.698", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZNZY3RSD5NHQDpUxC6Dd1wX4WoHAar9EpEtwVAoFtx9L", "txHash": "0xecef0428dc61cf9da9417d3b4c5c8584e5a05334f50c2746186408b897efb84c", "createdAtBlock": 15677993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7223, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Horned Phantasm Gellert of the Mist", "text": "This dodo laid an egg... the egg hatched... it was not a dodo egg... wtf happened?"} +{"id": "404fbe27-0fb3-4534-9d5d-99c2a6532b8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T23:21:50.168", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbLZhWgCATzBrSKmM9R3gA694pPit2DPmApYHMPA2XyQ5", "txHash": "0x5ee96c796559c6d22470876623c80e931468288d36520ce329c284c8937cc120", "createdAtBlock": 15678006, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9289, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blood Eater Revenant Axel of the Thorn", "text": "They wouldn't let me buy a toupee :("} +{"id": "f2688bc1-4f35-4bc9-8fb8-fa85c58692d5-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T23:25:31.754", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfB1PK6TEawN764yZBs35nEYaaMjc8bryNYSTDu8yyeva", "txHash": "0xc1dfc513fa729ac4ba7b04f7809995b8723d19f177f9c92e50736369b8b42049", "createdAtBlock": 15678024, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9302, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necro Frog Suki of the Majestic Filth", "text": "Well hello traveler, do you care for a shroom? This isn't any old shroom, you see, this shroom was grown in the cellars on the moon. yes, yes, you heard that right, the moon. It fell to earth in a great ballon. I happen to find it floating down as I tended by growing apricots this past noon."} +{"id": "8f04850c-c099-44ce-a23b-8d3409c4682c-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T23:29:51.409", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmet1AavnKEDuFvgViBfZKrvMApNPmxd7rGgKfRjzkfdLx", "txHash": "0x726516ee9dd9f3e9fa7bcf7aa30ec33a3c6df767ce88c5af01d43f22a8c6a85f", "createdAtBlock": 15678046, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2549, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "They call me Mr. Mescal. I take the finest rotten agave and boil it in decrepit, artesian clay pots. I then squeeze the essence from these boiled agaves and ferment them for 48 years. Why so long? because time is the worlds answer for perfection."} +{"id": "6dd56894-1316-4202-b365-757063feb5ec-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T23:31:54.761", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVVT5dKQX9qRFopttiN5sDQjaKC2kvaVgpb4F735jstpm", "txHash": "0x7e22c1c03b6e214a2509bbb6437558ec04863dffd3476a44cb2fa0e299bd5c28", "createdAtBlock": 15678056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9388, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Baron Alatar of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "uhmmmmm, about me? you want something about me? Honestly, I heard this is where we pick up our ponies..."} +{"id": "d95b69a8-7f4f-4cd4-bb95-a4673a59d4e9-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-04T23:59:16.085", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ5xJtGWrU4r5nZ2Cz8unG8aNJayGfVmnrNMzvZvosCPQ", "txHash": "0xe150efe1090e6cc03dfb9ac3e31c4fa8a242625c50375a72b54ecfb63dd3d798", "createdAtBlock": 15678191, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2644, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYgeqb9KgNL645sBNDbyK7BEZEp3nKHCYAyRKvBSg35d1", "name": "Alexander Dispatcher of Kobolds", "text": "# The Lore of Alexander Dispatcher of Kobolds \n\n---\n---\n\n\n\n He awoke to the smell of burning flesh, an uncomfortable heat surrounded him as heavy smoke poured into his lungs with every breath.\n\n\n *\"Those fucking Kobolds!\"* \n\n\nThe burning corpses of his comrades surrounded him. Their temporary camp lay ablaze at the edge of the forest.\n\n\n*\"I... will...avenge you\"* he murmurs as his consciousness slowly faded.\n\n\n A heavy hand grabs Alexander by the shoulder accompanied by the rattle of bones. \n\n*\"We've got a survivor! This must be one tough son of a bitch. Go get him some water and see to his wounds\"*"} +{"id": "fb201fd6-148f-4789-bb47-1c920f60ff8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-13T18:54:41.52", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7rLi1SKmykW8eeDtwhzxG1aaFXoLiSSD1DgS1ut6ap4", "txHash": "0x3004e580d4021dffb8622612ba1db6954f5f63b1edb6be9686faccc310a5597d", "createdAtBlock": 15741111, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 88, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Lamia of the Berg", "text": "Lamia had never been like the other hags. From an early age, she had had dreams of grandeur and a desire to chase magic far stronger than that of the standard hag coven. \n\nWhile this did put her at odds with most of her family (who thought her to be extremely narcissistic), it didnt keep Lamia from pursuing this path of power. By the time she had reached her teens, she had been the most accomplished spellcaster in her entire bloodline.\n\nAs she had felt little connection to her brethren, she had no reason to stay behind with this so-called coven of hers, and headed out into the Runiverse in search for power that she felt was destined to be hers.\n\nYears passed and Lamia scoured the Runiverse, learning every facet of any style of magic she could get her hands on before she finally settled in the cold northlands (often home to penguins and frozen tuna). Her home, a hidden cave tucked away in the ice, would only keep strangers at bay for so long, though.\n\nEventually, word of Lamias location spread, and soon all manner of folk would make the pilgrimage to visit the Ice Witch for any number of ailments and issues.\n\nLamia was pretty unhappy about being found out, but learned to rely on the offerings given by the pilgrims for her blessing, which ranged from dry goods to magical artifacts. The constant stream of pilgrims would also give her plenty of ripe sacrifices for the picking, most whod never be missed.\n\nThis did have quite the unintended effect, as the pilgrims she did help ended up being most successful in many of their endeavors, causing her fame to rise, even in corners of the map that shed never been!"} +{"id": "fb201fd6-148f-4789-bb47-1c920f60ff8a-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-13T18:54:41.52", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7rLi1SKmykW8eeDtwhzxG1aaFXoLiSSD1DgS1ut6ap4", "txHash": "0x3004e580d4021dffb8622612ba1db6954f5f63b1edb6be9686faccc310a5597d", "createdAtBlock": 15741111, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 88, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Lamia of the Berg", "text": "She grew bored, as many power hungry wizards do, and eventually started down the path of blood magic. Now, blood magic in and of itself had been banned from the Runiverse, but Lamia had forged a pact with an old godand wellyou cant really argue with the old gods can you?\n\n\nA wizard of her power can only hide under the radar for so long before even bigger and more powerful entities start to notice. And ooooh, did they notice her! \n\nOne strange evening, after Lamia had tended to her last blood sacrifice, she heard a knock on her door.\n\nUgh, I havent even finished cleaning up thi-what?? Lamia went to the door, absentmindedly wiping the blood from her hands onto her apron. When she opened the door, she expected another lost villager looking for food, or perhaps some lone pilgrim looking for a blessing.\n\nInstead, upon opening the door, all she found was a tiny little plague rat.\nWhat on earthhow did you knock? Lamia said, bewildered, as she bent down to scoop up the tiny rat.\n\nUpon further inspection, she noticed the rat had on a tiny collar, which contained a small note and an affixed tag that read Puggums.\n\nThe hag let out a curious grunt, as she pulled the letter free from the rats collar. Simple parchment, nothing too fancy, she thought to herself.\n\nLooking over the small note, she found a tiny purple wax seal, with an image too small for her to make out. She quickly popped it off and unrolled the parchment, reading it aloud.\n\nDearest Lamia, \n\n I hope this letter finds you well. You do not know me yet, but Im quite hoping you soon will."} +{"id": "fb201fd6-148f-4789-bb47-1c920f60ff8a-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-13T18:54:41.52", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7rLi1SKmykW8eeDtwhzxG1aaFXoLiSSD1DgS1ut6ap4", "txHash": "0x3004e580d4021dffb8622612ba1db6954f5f63b1edb6be9686faccc310a5597d", "createdAtBlock": 15741111, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 88, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Lamia of the Berg", "text": "I am a very interested benefactor who finds great importance in, well, the work that youre currently conducting in the North. Not many would dare breach the ethics of blood magic, but from what I can tell, you are one of the most talented, and it would be such a waste to not give you a platform.\n\nWhat I am building is a city of the greatest builders and thinkers. A place where the sky isnt even the limit for the type of scientific and magical progress we will make! \n\nNow, you might be asking yourself, how do you know about me and what I do? Well, Lamia, thats quite a simple question.\n\nIt is my job to know these things, and soI do. Please do not fret, however, your secrets are very safe with me. And as said earlier, it is of the utmost importance that you continue the work youre doing!\n\nNext, I must introduce you to your newest friend, Puggums. Hes a trained messenger rat, and hes yours, in exchange for humoring my letter. \n\nShould you wish to join us at the collective, simply cast a small glow spell on the rats collar, and hell know to bring you to me.\n\nI do so look forward to meeting you, my precious Lamia.\n\nThe letter is signed, in what looks to be blood. Though no written name is present, a small triangle with an eye has been smudged along the bottom.\n\n\n\nLamias mind raced with excitement and anxiety. How did some random stranger even know who she was, let alone, where she was and what she was doing??\n\nIt could be useful to have a powerful benefactor, especially one that promises safety. But there must be some catch. If there had been any one singular thing Lamia learned throughout her pursuit of power, it was that theres always a catch.\n\nThe question would be, was it a price she was willing to pay?"} +{"id": "fb201fd6-148f-4789-bb47-1c920f60ff8a-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-13T18:54:41.52", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7rLi1SKmykW8eeDtwhzxG1aaFXoLiSSD1DgS1ut6ap4", "txHash": "0x3004e580d4021dffb8622612ba1db6954f5f63b1edb6be9686faccc310a5597d", "createdAtBlock": 15741111, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 88, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Lamia of the Berg", "text": "The question would be, was it a price she was willing to pay?\n\n\n\n\n\nLamia had let the notes contents sit with her for the next few days while she ruminated on all the different things that had come to light. \n\nFor better or worse, she decided it was probably time to stop sacrificing the pilgrims, at least for a little while. If this stranger happened upon what she was doing, then its likely others would too.\n\nNow, no self-respecting, narcissistic, power hungry wizard would say no to someone basically handing them power, but of course she couldnt seem that eager either.\n\nLamia would spend 5 days and 5 nights hemming and hawwing, wondering if it was finally time to leave the cold north. Would she be able to handle living in a city, around other people? People she couldnt kill, eat, curse, etc?\n\nUgh, it would be hard. But, absolutely worth it, for the chance to exceed boundaries not only in blood magic, but also in the eldritch darkness shes learned to control.\n\nOn the evening of the fifth night, she finally made up her mind. Standing up from her small chair by the fire, Lamia scooped up the little rat, a small packed bag, and her trusty stick, and headed outside, not looking back to the hut where she had spent so much time.\n\nIt was snowing rather hard, but this was no concern to our wizard. A quick flick of the wrist, and Puggums collar lit right up with a blue light that cut right through the storm.\n\nThe little rat squealed in approval, hopped down, and sped off to the south, leaving behind him a bright blue path of light that only the hag could see.\n\nShe was off to finally obtain real power, and she could not wait."} +{"id": "8752878c-fcda-4c3a-ad23-1a9b50e1f7b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T00:53:51.373", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPNuvtC9ojM28i9psQUUj84UU793kxdneRnBchm3u2haP", "txHash": "0x7d57b2e3d8779f798049c0506de30b97d4cc8bd88867509ecbed1dfba5ad319d", "createdAtBlock": 15678460, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13129, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Dree Guardian of the Rune Raiders", "text": "# Dree, Guardian of the Rune Raiders and Her Familiar Phlanyx \n\nDree shares a common story with her sisters. She would love to find her twins and reminisce of a happy childhood growing up in Calista's Citadel by the sea. Like so many others in the Runiverse her family was torn apart by the plague and poverty of the land and only recently has Dree made it back to the Citadel.\n\nDree is very positive and upbeat woman and continues to dream of a searching near and far for her sisters and to obtain the knowledge of what happened to her parents. Dree is employed as the personal protector of Pyromancer Calista of the Citadel. Calista, a witch, runs Acme Rocket Company and often needs the help of a warrior to fend off attackers and to wake up the factory slackers! \n\nHer Lynx named Phlanyx is fierce and cunning and has ears that will catch the softest of whispers. Phlanyx, like many of the creatures can speak and understand many languages. You can never be too careful around any man, woman, creature (kobald), beast, pony or soul in the Runiverse. You never know who or what is listening. \n\n\n\nDree works for @wizard3344. She has ridden @pony100 before! Dree and her sisters share a similar origin as @warrior3393, @warrior12647, @warrior11896, and @warrior14033! She is looking for her sisters @warrior4646, @warrior4701 and @warrior7645."} +{"id": "14751cde-7d12-4efa-9a28-254ff802a49d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-13T21:22:53.718", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYZSTh9EPLTiXBFGZyZ9WRPDMnj7EPUL8GyfMHeKdJT9J", "txHash": "0xb28957509481f8c75f2b820e4380ff15f971dd74d3170472638367e76bc19a3f", "createdAtBlock": 15741845, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Periwinkle the Precious", "text": "Stable doors more holes than panels, \nvery mangled barley pail. \nPeriwinkles not for sale. \nFar too ragey to be handled, \nmade of hatred, horn to tail. \nPeriwinkles not for sale. \nMany folks have had a gander, \ntried to ride, but all did fail. \nPeriwinkles not for sale."} +{"id": "19d0f395-363c-47d1-8b2e-797a86864967-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T01:50:50.84", "backgroundColor": "#8d110a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYWRT6qP6JquKSpBPPTHC7EK4NhUrqQo9pTKZSJ5mMJ78", "txHash": "0xc264fdcf9828fbb348882c0773b74203b075b4a5bedb6edaa1cf5bb19d6465ef", "createdAtBlock": 15678741, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12648, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Flamma Eidolon of the Sun", "text": "# Lore of Flamma Eidolon of the Sun and His Familiar Krispy\n\nFlamma is of the Flame Rock. Ledged has it that his warrior ancestors built the forge that stoked the fires that eventually help create the Sacred Flame. While the forge did not mint these flames on its own, it has been said rather some dark magic was applied to the forge and created the Sacred Flame artifact that has changed so many wizards into the abominable creatures that they are. Some of the flames have been used to forge new golden weapons. Flamma would like nothing more than to have a golden weapon to use to extinguish the wicked creatures in the Runiverse but has not secured a Flame or fabled Lock. \n\nFlamma is determined to locate a sacred flame and has aligned himself with the cult of the Fire and the Sun in an effort to learn of the Sacred Flames location. Krispy is his loyal Crimson Jaguar companion that has resistance to fire and is able to brandish fire claws during battle. It is said that Krispy came too close to a Sacred Flame and thus cost him 6 of his 9 lives, in a past life.\n\nFlamma is usually traveling with his Dwarf friend @warrior4911 and has an excellent command of the @pony100. They come in hot!"} +{"id": "4cd34bb6-e004-4a3b-9a41-564f31eb2889-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-13T21:31:06.039", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmedbeWSa9AG5uJbvUap8uSsY9skjibtCpgYFsUCsf4D5K", "txHash": "0x930b981a9c438ffe34c9b2f3c554829c634201f1aa3b3d00068878b758924c97", "createdAtBlock": 15741884, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 147, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hell Pony the Stupendous", "text": "A haiku written by Hell Pony's keeper:\n\nIn the mirror's shine,\n\nWhat is this beast, so divine...\n\nOh wait, this is mine!"} +{"id": "994ff208-a802-48c3-bb62-4ae87f16814e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:58.481", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNfD9p4brwuM4A1eNEShsxA3BEUEUDUMyBSg2iZF9m94P", "txHash": "0x2aa7ebe07fb08280f2d0226a8b93a6e30e8996d286cbc10bcdfc940c640940d5", "createdAtBlock": 13334797, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8041, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXCpajMbpxVioHXsbaxmfJowvw2do7LmKrttDt9bz6kpt", "name": "Electromancer Moka of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Electromancer Moka of the Ether\n\nDelete this text and write your Lore her\n\n \n\ne"} +{"id": "6ee11603-0150-4648-b31d-ce5a101fa7d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T03:23:51.888", "backgroundColor": "#68120e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW9v8qcqjPZ2icuYqfkUrkEhMLXunMCjJrzEJ7nNpUfCa", "txHash": "0x9081f87221e0978948bcd03fde566de863a9c0105bee8035b7db35152def1299", "createdAtBlock": 15679201, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4911, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNbRQRnrnVuLVuibPbCrvq85L8eMqHhsKmKPboENqSEFu", "name": "Gerol Exterminator of Domination", "text": "# The Lore of Gerol Exterminator of Domination and His Familiar Dragen\n\nGerol is a Dwarf from the mountains near Mount Titan. The dwarves have inhabited these mountains for centuries.. What you have heard about dwarves is true, they are smaller, stout, stubborn, smelly and strong. Gerol is the Chairman of the Council of Dwarves in Obsidian City. \nThis city serves as the economic hub and port for the dwarves who live underground and have a series of tunnels that connect back to the regional underground cities in the mountains near Mount Titan. Obsidian City is a melting pot of races and cultures that invites trade, diplomacy, and acts as the hub of West Runiverse commercial activity. \n\nGerol holds the FIREBRAND sword which is an ancient weapon forged in the Furnaces of the Dwarves near Mount Titan. Only 99 of these legendary weapons exist and they are held by warriors across the Runiverse. Some say the FIREBRAND burns so hot it is unable to be made into a fabled golden weapon from the Sacred Flame and the Golden Lock. Gerol has lead armies of dwarves to stave off souls, dark magic and invaders over the years and Gerol serves as the Chief Commander of the Obsidian Guard. \n\nGerols familiar is a crimson jaguar named Dragen. Dragen was raised by,well, dragons! The cat thinks its a dragon and will his and growl. Dragen also speaks \"Dragon\" which is a sacred lizard language that only few wizards or creatures understand. The ability to talk to Dragons is special and dangerous. Crimson jaguars have a natural resistance to fire and this is probably the reason the dragons do not eat the cat. Dragen is able to breath fire and is the only known cat do be able to do so and will toast his prey before snacking. This may be in part to a powerful enchantment but nobody really knows."} +{"id": "6ee11603-0150-4648-b31d-ce5a101fa7d3-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T03:23:51.888", "backgroundColor": "#68120e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW9v8qcqjPZ2icuYqfkUrkEhMLXunMCjJrzEJ7nNpUfCa", "txHash": "0x9081f87221e0978948bcd03fde566de863a9c0105bee8035b7db35152def1299", "createdAtBlock": 15679201, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4911, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNbRQRnrnVuLVuibPbCrvq85L8eMqHhsKmKPboENqSEFu", "name": "Gerol Exterminator of Domination", "text": "Gerol is currently riding the @pony100 on loan from @wizard113 and @wizard7238. Gerol spends his days administering dwarven business, defending his people from threats and being stubborn. \nGerol loves a good ale!"} +{"id": "7f9977b8-c65a-42a4-8bc3-0e0fa62b485f-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T03:27:40.949", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcycJuSSciYMNZGP1U6LESuAC2LAzGkbyTitTrin6N1uu", "txHash": "0x8df52821f19adadaa825fc2091eb63d658feda95f989d548f3aa90fb9ac4ec1b", "createdAtBlock": 15679220, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6697, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Aldus of the Realm", "text": "The Alchemist Aldus of the Realm has a sweet tooth for strawberry shortcake and fast, icy women."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# WELCOME TO ACE TOWN \n\n\n____________\n## The Quest Begins\nI awoke to the sound or cries of Summer morning cicadas outside my window. Although I felt sluggish and wanted to sleep in, I knew that if I didnt get out of bed now Id get back to resting for another few hours. Before I could have a chance to convince myself that Id just need \"five more minutes\", I hopped out of the bed and stretched out my muscles to get my blood flowing. I glanced around the room - there wasnt much in it aside from my bed, a hanging wall clock, a CRT television atop a stand, and a coffee table with a single green GameBoy Color resting alongside a brown suede-like backpack on top of it. A black cauldron bubbled softly over the low flame in my fireplace at the far corner of the room. There wasnt much to it, but I found comfort in its minimalistic and tidy home.\n\nFeeling a bit more awake, I got closer to my clock to check the time. 7:55, a bit earlier than I expected to wake up. Maybe I should reconsider giving myself 5 more minutes to even things out at a clean looking 8:00. Ignoring the temptation, I made my way to the kettle to see what had been brewing overnight. Mushroom Soup. Looks delicious. I'd love to eat this with some Bread.\n\nI took another glance around the room. No cabinets in sight, huh? Im not sure why I was so surprised at that. Maybe I have some leftover bread in my bag. I returned to the center of the room. Of course the backpack was crafted from mushroom leather so although it looked like suede it had a slightly more plush feel to it, and a woodsy fragrance. I lifted the flap off the backpack and peered inside."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "____________\n```\nAPPLE x1\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x4\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nMEDIUM FISH x2\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________\n\n\n\nHmm, no Bread? The Apple may be good for later, but Id really like something to dunk into my soup. I dug into the small coin pouch on my hip. 3000g. That should be more than enough for a loaf. I pulled my Town Map from the bag. Though I of course knew where the market was, it felt somewhat calming to confirm how close it was on the map. I equipped my backpack, spun on my heel, and walked towards the exit. But mid-spin I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of a small green tail quickly crawling under my bed. I cautiously approached to confirm, but there was nothing underneath. With a shrug, I turned once again and departed on my quest for Bread.\n\nThe town was covered in lush green grass and bright blue flowers, with vibrant pink brick pathways to walk along. It was indeed just as small as the map had made it out to be, with only 4 other houses aside from my own and a market in its center. Although every house looked the same, mine was the only one with a garden next to it. I do prefer to grow my own vegetables whenever I can, its rewarding to successfully grow a large yield all by yourself.\n\nThe path leading to the north should get me to the market in no time. On the way there I came across a neighboring villager, and was compelled to start small talk with him.\n\n> Isnt this town the best? Theres never a dull moment. Did you get to check out the market yet? You can find some really good deals there!"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Indeed, I was just on my way to the market so havent yet seen todays deals. I mentioned I was on my way there and thanked him for his suggestion to look out for any sales. It wasnt long at all before I actually found myself in front of the store. A large sign roughly the same height as me stood out from the ground in front of it. \n\n____________\n> TOWN SHOP\n____________\n\nDid they really need such a large sign for just that? I guess I had never really considered how much it stood out. Maybe I should have really given myself another 5 minutes in bed to shake off some of this brain fog. As I opened the door to the shop I was greeted with a welcoming little jingle. *~Ding dong ding dong~* the joyful sounding melody rang as the doors opened.\n\nThe market was a lot smaller than it looked from the outside, with only 3 rows of shelves and a cooler towards the back. Nonetheless, I walked to the shop owners counter and asked if he had any good sales today.\n\n> Youre in the right place my friend! Ive got nothing but the best deals in town!\n\nI wanted to say that considering this is the only shop in town I think thats a given, but I politely smiled back and asked for his current inventory.\n\n____________\n```\nBROCCOLI SEEDS 100g\nAPPLE 50g\nFIZZY SODA 20g\nMEALWORMS 10g\nSKUNKY MUSHROOM 420g\nFROZEN TUNA 50000g\n```\n____________\n\nNot a very large selection. What are all of the shelves in this store even for? I inquired if he knew where I could get any Bread.\n\n> If its Bread youre looking for, your best bet is to visit Sam. He lives just west of here!"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "I pulled out the Town Map from my bag and confirmed. There was really only one house west of here so there would be no mistaking it. Although I was a bit disappointed I couldnt get my Bread now, I still thanked the shopkeeper for his help and politely left the store in search of Sam. \n____________\n## Inventory Management\nLike every other house in this town, Sams looked exactly like mine from the outside. Just like the market, he had an equally large sign planted in front of his house.\n____________\n>SAMS HOUSE\n____________\nWell if anything, I cant imagine the postal service ever getting lost in this town. As I knocked on the front door, it swung wide open without any resistance. A young man with a chefs hat stood in the center of the room. Not only was the outside of his house the same as mine, but even the layout inside looked starkly similar. Minimalistic design is popular I see. At least he didnt also have a GameBoy on his table like I did. He looked at me with welcoming eyes, so I made my way in and greeted him.\n\n> Ah, youd like some Bread? If you give me 5 Broccoli Seeds, Ill give you my freshest loaf!\n\nAh, 5 seeds? I checked my bag again. Only 4 in here. But Broccoli Seeds were 100g at the shop, so I would be willing to give him 4 seeds and 200g on top of it so he could get some extra seeds himself instead.\n\n> Have you gotten 5 Broccoli Seeds? Ill be waiting here until you get them!"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "> Have you gotten 5 Broccoli Seeds? Ill be waiting here until you get them!\n\nNot one for bartering, huh? The shop isnt far at all so its not a huge deal. As I made my way outside I felt like I was being watched. I turned towards the edge of the town. A thick forest of uniform looking trees bordered around it. A small green snake peered at me from afar before about-facing and retreating into the trees. For some reason, the sight of him made me feel a little less annoyed at my failed attempt at a trade. \n\nI made my quick trip to the market and back, now with 5 total Broccoli Seeds in my bag. Sam had not moved at all since I left, he had been staring at his door the entire time in the middle of his room. I glanced at the wall clock in his room. 9:55. Had I really spent two whole hours just getting this loaf of Bread? I dont think I was ever good at keeping track of time, but it felt like I had wasted too much on this endeavor. I made a mental note that Id never want to do something as tedious as this again for a loaf of Bread. If I could redo this morning, I wish I could just skip to this moment. With all of this, Id finally have a fresh loaf of Bread to eat together with my Mushroom Soup. As I readied the Broccoli Seeds to give to Sam, he stopped me with a concerned expression.\n\n> Whoa there, Id love to give you this Bread but it looks like your bag is full! Come back when youve made some room."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-5", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Huh? Well I guess now that I thought about it, I am carrying a lot of stuff with me but I didnt even consider that my bag would be too full for the Bread. I took another look in my bag and realized it was too deep to even see how much space was left in it. I knew what I had in it but couldnt really see everything individually. It just inherently felt like I recognized what I was holding. I dug in and pulled out a Medium Fish. Ive been walking around all morning with this in my bag, do I even trust it to be fresh anymore? Actually it has been in my bag since before this morning so I definitely dont feel comfortable eating this. There are two of them here so getting them out the way should make enough room. I asked Sam if there was a trash can nearby so I could toss it. He shook his head.\n\n> Theres no trash in this town, you can just drop that outside if you need to make some room!"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-6", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Drop them outside? I thought for a moment about the snake who retreated into the forest. I suppose even if I wouldnt want to eat them, there are certainly creatures out there that would be more than happy to take these fish off my hands. No sense in wasting them if theyre edible, I guess. I placed the fish at the top of my bag so I didnt have to dig deep inside for them, and left Sams house and walked directly to the nearby forest. For some reason I felt like I shouldnt enter the forest, so I simply stood 1 step in front of it. I hesitated for a moment and looked back, did he really mean I should just toss this outside? I was probably overthinking things, the fish would be taken care of by whatever wildlife stumbled on them. Perhaps that snake from earlier is still around, I'm sure he'd love these. I turned back to the forest and tossed the fish in as far as I could, and watched as they vanished into the tall vegetation. I looked again in my bag, it should have enough space now that I got that fish out of there.\n\n____________\n\n```\n x0\nAPPLE x1\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-7", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "That sounds about right. Tossing that fish made my bag have 0 Medium Fish, right? Since I no longer had it? But why did that stand out to me, as if there was still something in there with the absence of that fish? Ugh, I really should have just slept in this morning, Ill probably get rid of this unnerving feeling when I finally get some food in my stomach. I returned to Sams house and finally, he accepted my Broccoli Seeds in exchange for a loaf of Bread. I checked the clock on the wall again - 10:15. Ugh, really? I placed it at the top of my bag, thanked Sam, and left his house. Before I could make my way home, I should really make sure this Bread isnt getting squashed in there. It'd be a shame if after all of this I ruined the loaf. I opened my bag once more to check its contents.\n\n____________\n\n```\nBREAD x1\n?-E x0\nAPPLE x1\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-8", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "...\nA shiver ran down my spine. Something was telling me not to think more about it, but curiosity took the best of me. I put my hand into the bag and felt around beneath the Bread. There was something...*nothing*, but *something* at the same time. I couldnt feel its shape but something was there. I grabbed it - as I did, I was blinded by a bright flash. When my vision returned, the lush green grass and trees around me were now an oddly purple hue. The once pink cobblestone path beneath my feet was now bright blue. Im losing my mind, whats going on here? I shouldnt pull this out of my bag, I should just head home, eat my soup, and get some more rest. Although I thought this, my hand didnt stop. I slowly pulled *something* above the loaf of Bread and a deafening high pitched screech of static reverberated throughout my eardrums an-\n\n...\n____________\n## Reload\n\n\nI peered at the wall clock in his room. 9:55. Had I really spent two whole hours just getting this loaf of Bread? I dont think I was ever good at keeping track of time, but it felt like I had wasted too much time on this. I made a mental note that Id never want to do something as tedious like this again for a loaf of Bread. If I could redo this morning, I wish I could just skip to this moment. With all of this, Id finally have a fresh loaf of Bread to eat together with my mushroom soup. As I readied the Broccoli Seeds to give to Sam, he stopped me with a concerned expression.\n\n> Whoa there, Id love to give you this Bread but it looks like your bag is full! Come back when youve made some room."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-9", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "As I heard those words, a knot formed in my throat along with the unmistakable feeling of dejavu. No, it wasnt just in my head, I definitely heard this before. I remember being confused about my bag. I remember it was later than 9:55. I checked my bag...\n\n____________\n\n```\nAPPLE x1\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nMEDIUM FISH x2\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________\n\n\nWhat was wrong with it? This seemed fine, but I knew it wasnt. These fish are taking up too much space. Theres something wrong with them. Ill have to throw them out if I want to make room for my Bread. Without a second thought I walked to the forest bordering the town, two steps in front of it. As I looked deeper in, I could see a familiar sight - a green snake with wide white eyes peering at me from afar. Although I felt uneasy, the sight of him once again made me feel I wasnt in the wrong, I wasnt going crazy, I should listen to my gut feeling and get to the bottom of whats going on. I turned back to the town once more. The vibrant green grass shuffled rhythmically in the wind, the pink cobblestoned pathways providing a strong contrast. I turned back to the forest, the snake was no longer there. I took the two Medium Fish out of my bag and placed them on the ground beneath my feet, just in front of the forest. When I looked back down, to my surprise, they were nowhere to be found. I checked my bag once again."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-10", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "____________\n```\nAPPLE x1\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________\n\n\nThat sounds right. Right? I was slightly disappointed. Was I expecting something else? I tried to recall a memory, A memory of something that should have never happened. I want to try that again, what did I do differently this time? I wish I could go bac-\n\n...\n\nI peered at the wall clock in his room. 9:55. Im in Sams house again. I once again have the Medium Fish in my bag. I was sure of it this time, Ive been here before, Ive done this before. I've somehow been brought back here again. I thought back to what I was doing before this. Before this? Or after this? It was hard to grasp where and when I was, but perhaps that wasnt even important. I need to make room in my bag if I want to get Bread, but that didnt seem to be the most important thing for me to consider right now. If I want to get to the bottom of this, I need to first put the fish on the top of my bag. It was right below my Bread, whatever it was. I didnt want to take any chances, so I tried my best to follow the exact steps I did before. I tried handing the Broccoli Seeds to Sam.\n\n> Whoa there, Id love to give you this Bread but it looks like your bag is full! Come back when youve made some room."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-11", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Of course, thanks for letting me know Sam. I moved the two Medium Fish to the top of my bag for easy access. I found myself again one step in front of the bordering forest. I looked back to the town, and then into the forest, and tossed the two Medium Fish into the darkness. I checked my bag...\n\n____________\n```\n x0\nAPPLE x1\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________\n\nThat was right. No, it was *wrong*, but it was the right type of wrong. I needed to talk to Sam and move the Medium Fish to the top of my bag before tossing them. I had to throw them into the forest, one step in front of it. It was very specific, but only in doing those actions in that order could this occur. For some reason I felt as if I could sense the different outcomes that would occur if I performed similar steps. This isnt over yet though, theres still something missing. I made my way back to Sams house and exchanged the 5 Broccoli Seeds for a loaf of Bread. I placed it on the top of my bag and checked the clock on the wall. 10:55, that felt correct to me. I quickly left Sams house and checked the contents of my bag.\n\n____________\n```\nBREAD x1\n?-E x0\nAPPLE x1\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-12", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Bingo. With this in mind, I made a mental note. I know how to make this happen again, I dont need to start in Sams house again if I make a mistake. This is what Im looking for. This time I wont pull that out of my bag. I reached inside and grabbed it. A bright flash blinded me momentarily, and the colors of the entire landscape had shifted into purple and blue hues. Instead of pulling it out the bag, I stuffed it down below the Apple. Going any further than just touching it will probably ruin everything, this is more than enough. I checked my bag again\n\n____________\n```\nBREAD x1\nDEVON x\nAPPLE x1\n xTOWN\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________\n\nIt was different, but still the same. I couldnt even recognize what it was anymore, or how many of it I even had. Its quantity had been replaced by something else. Even though I moved it under my Apple, something else took its place. **Devon**. What was that? It felt so familiar, but foreign. I tried to think of what else could have changed aside from the colors around me. I checked my coin pouch: 999999g. I started with 3000g this morning but bought some Broccoli Seeds, I should have 2900g. Im rich? Is this real? I traveled back to the market once more to see if the keeper would let me buy anything. I stared at the sign in front of his shop.\n\n____________\n```"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-13", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "____________\n```\n \n\n\n\n\nERR09\n```\n____________\nThat string trailed off the signboard itself. Although the sign was now empty, the writing was in the same style as it used to be. That ERR09 was just...floating...well below where it should be. In thin air. I ignored and entered the shop. What can I buy?\n\n____________\n```\nBROCCOLI SEEDS 100g\nAPPLE SEEDS 50g\nFIZZY SODA 20g\nMEALWORMS 10g\nSKUNKY MUSHROOM 420g\nFROZEN TUNA 50000g\n```\n____________\n\nI had enough money to buy whatever I wanted, but I should probably fill my bag up with as much as possible to see where that leads me. Can I fit 99999 Mealworms in my bag? I placed all my gold on the table and inquired.\n\n> Sorry young lady, I can only sell you 255 Mealworms at a time.\n\nAt a time? What does that mean? Is that all he has in stock? Fine, I'll take 255 Mealworms.\n\n> 255 Mealworms coming right up! Here you go, little missy!\n\nI placed them in my bag above everything else. They fit? Can I have 1 more Mealworms?\n\n> 1 Mealworms coming right up! Here you go, little missy!\n\nI put them into my bag and checked inside.\n\n____________\n```\nMEALWORMS x1\nMEALWORMS x255\nBREAD x1\nDEVON x\nAPPLE x1\n xTOWN\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\n```\n____________"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-14", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "How did this all fit in there? I pushed my hand down into my bag and it now felt endless. I definitely shouldnt be able to push my hand this far in, but I couldnt reach an end no matter if I stuffed my whole arm in. The shopkeeper looked concerned.\n\n> Is something the matter? Youre acting a bit strange right now. Im not going to complain but the last time someone ordered this many Mealworms, they dug into their bag just like you and went mad.\n\nI sure feel Im heading in that direction. What even is reality at this point? Why was I so comfortable with this even knowing it defies logic? Something was wrong. ***Everything was wrong.*** But I had to keep breaking it. This town was real, and Ive lived in it my whole life, but when did that start? Did I start existing when I awoke this morning? Wait, did I actually just start existing this very second? Hes right, I am going mad. What happened to the last person who acted this way?\n\n> They just acted kinda strange. Like pacin' around in funky ways, dropping all their things on the ground, saying they were seeing things that werent there. Then they yelled about something called the Death Cloud coming closer. Everyone tried helping, but it was as if they couldnt see us anymore. Then one day they just...disappeared. Nobody could find 'em.\n\nDespite his warnings, I kept digging my hand into my bag, below my Town Map. Deeper, further...there was nothing there but I could keep going. I closed my hand to see if I could grab hold of anything, despite it diving into empty space. As I thought...something."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-15", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "____________\n```\nMEALWORMS x1\nMEALWORMS x255\nBREAD x1\nDEVON x\nAPPLE x1\n xTOWN\nBROCCOLI SEEDS x5\nFISHING ROD x1\nFARM MULCH x6\nTOWN MAP x1\nx0\nx0\nx0\nx\nHORACE x\n```\n____________\n\n> Hey uh, you SSDEOVON&wtDFB8QUANTUMSHADOW\n\n> -S kFUYUMI ] >\n\nThe shopkeeper spoke. His voice reached my ears but upon grabbing this they became a shape I couldnt understand. Perfectly square shaped holes materialized instantly on the walls and shelves around me, seemingly leading into empty darkness. Parts of the shelves around me had been replaced with other objects. Not just the items on the shelves, but the actual shelves themselves. Parts of the cash register were seemingly embedded into one corner of a shelf. The corner of a persons face replaced one of the tiles on the floor, but it seemed to be an inanimate object despite clearly being a partial face. The shopkeeper continued talking, but making sense of his words were futile...so I left the shop to see what the outside had in store for me.\n____________\n## Corruption"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-16", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "As soon as I left the shop, I was greeted by a town that was familiar, and yet entirely alien to me. Blocks of text and numbers replaced buildings in the town, patches of water were simply floating where signboards used to be. The floating clouds above were replaced with zeroes and nines. The subtle sound of static white noise reverberated from somewhere in the distance, but I couldnt even discern which direction it was coming from. All the colors in the town had been inverted into unnatural hues, including the sky itself. The floor below me was no longer a uniform and coherent field of grass and brick pathways, but now a chaotic patchwork of various items and partial structures, all perfect squares, mended together in an unnatural fashion. Ah, this is what I was looking for, surely.\n\nI created this outcome, I willed it to reality. That is, if this can even still be considered reality at all. I summoned this through a specific sequence of events, in a particular order. I guess to any outside observer, it could only have been described as a ritual to perform a magic spell. Anyone not understanding what I was doing must have thought me to be mad, and perhaps in a sense they were correct. Through trial and error, I learned more and more how to destroy this world; and I intuitively knew what I was getting myself into...yet I longed to see how far I could twist and corrupt this existence."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-17", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "As I walked around the distorted town I was prevented from moving forward despite no visible obstacle in my way. It was hard to even navigate, because seemingly invisible walls blocked my path every few steps. As interesting as this new world was, I had no way of fully exploring it. At some point white attempting to navigate this space, I was frozen by something. It wasn't an invisible wall blocking me this time, but every muscle in my body refused to move. My thoughts went entirely silent. The mind is always filled with constant chatter even when calmed, but this was complete and utter silence. Until that emptiness was broken with a single thought:\n\n\n\n> Youve encountered @soul3805.\n\n\n\nI didnt even know what that meant, there was no way that thought actually manifested on my own volition. I regained control of my body and mind, but had no clue what happened."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-18", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "I glanced around this now malformed town, that only just barely resembled what it used to, and in the distance I noticed looked to be a @soul6433 approaching slowly. Well, it moved forward as if it was a cloud, but it seemingly engulfed everything into it like a black hole. In the center of that darkness, there were two figures. Two fully cohesive and well defined figures in a world of malformed mashups of various objects. One seemed to be the shape of a man, but his entire body was as white as an eggshell. In his hand, an empty mug which he could not hold steady. His large hollowed eyes and wide agape mouth made it seem as if he was petrified, and yet he moved forward slowly at a steady pace, silently. Beside him, the skeleton of a canine, still walking forward with him as if it was alive. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure if the man himself was alive either. It didn't take long for me to understand what he was. After all, his arrival was already announced to me just moments ago. Its Horace, and behind him must be the Death Cloud."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-19", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "As the two paced forward, the looming darkness followed directly behind them. Despite everything in this town now existing as incoherent blocks of random things unnaturally merged together, any object he walked past seemed to erratically change form. What seemed to be half of a bike and half a tree began flashing into various other objects as Horace drew near it; until eventually the erratic shapeshifting converted it into 1s and 0s, which were promptly ripped bit by bit and sucked into that foreboding darkness that followed him. I couldnt move, I could only stare at the horrified look on his face and wonder if I perhaps had was also wearing an expression of pure terror as he was. But I couldnt move...the invisible walls that once stopped me from moving forward seemed to have entirely boxed me in and immobilized me. I dont know what will become of me if Horace gets closer, but I had no choice but to simply watch as he did. I could not tell whether or not he was even the perpetrator of the destruction that lay in his wake, or a prisoner to it. Regardless, it seems as if I too will be annihilated by the horrifying Death Cloud that approached.\n\nBut as that thought crossed my mind, right when the last ounce of hope had been put to rest and I accepted my fate, I felt a tug on my sleeve. It allowed me to avert my gaze from Horace, and pull me out of my frozen state. A green snake slithered slowly up my arm and stared deeply into my eyes. A sense of relief poured over me. I had seen this snake before, his familiar sight was a reminder of what this town used to be. When he knew he had my attention, his forked tongue flicked in the air, and I heard his voice from within my head.\n\n> Do you want me to help pull you out now?"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-20", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "> Do you want me to help pull you out now?\n\nI dont know what he was implying, but my head nodded automatically in response before I could even attempt to process it. I could hear a high pitched electronic buzz growing closer, but I dare not look away from the snake. \n\n> You arent from this town. You arent even from this reality. You can escape if you can recall where you are really from.\n\nI took a moment to ponder on the snakes words. I tried to think back, as far as I could, deep into my memory. He was right, I had always felt as if this world didnt quite feel like home. It almost felt as if my entire existence, along with all my memories of the life before, were simply formed the moment I awoke this morning. At some point I even humored the thought that this entire existence was simply one formed randomly by entropy bringing a small pocket of matter within the universe into just the right formation to create what I perceive to be reality...and perhaps Horace and the Death Cloud were simply what I personified as the natural dismantling of that miracle; returning what I considered to be me back into the disorderly swarm of particles I had always been before."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-21", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "But I knew if I continued that line of thinking, it was Game Over. If I didnt face my epistemological crisis head on, I would ultimately meet my demise here and now. So I thought harder. I felt as if I couldnt think of one single reality Ive experienced other than this, but rather a myriad of different ones. I had been in many worlds, I had experienced many things, and I was unable to pinpoint which universe was one I could call my own. I resonated with a reality in which I tamed small creatures and traveled across the world on adventure. Then shortly after, I felt connected to a world where humanoid cephalopods dominated the land. So many contradictory lives, and yet I felt as if I had lived all of them. It was impossible to tell which one was my own. It was as if I was trapped in an infinitely large library, with bookshelves spanning far and wide, and I was told to find one single book without any clues as to what I was even looking for. \n\n\nIn my peripheral vision, I could see the object that was once the town market begin to flicker. The garbled shapes that made it up began frantically flashing into other objects, letters, numbers..ah, the Death Cloud draws near. Was I too late? Was there even an actual way out of this, or did I simply hallucinate in my final moments to cope with this finale?"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-22", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and ignored my surroundings for a moment. I thought harder, there must be a hint somewhere. I could feel the snake tightening his grip around my arm, but it didnt feel aggressive at all. No, if anything, it felt more like an embrace. Like one you would give to a close friend going through something difficult. He cared about me, he was trying to help me. Ah, thats right, whenever Im lost I know I can count on him to help me find my way. In every reality I know of, I share the same single point of meeting him before the tree trunk of my realities splinter off into separate branches.\n\nThe terrifying screeching became louder. I did not know if this sound was coming from Horace, or the Death Cloud itself, but it was obvious my time was running out. And yet I was past the point of fear, because everything was coming back to me and a sense of relief. I recalled a reality in which I faced a similar problem, and was led out a labyrinth of despair by a single green thread rotating in a white room.\n\n> Do you know who I am?\n\nThe snake asked. Of course the moment he did, his name had immediately clicked in my head. Although I thought I didnt know him at first, somewhere deep inside I had never forgotten him. I want to experience all that I can, and as a result I know Ill get lost, but in the end he always serves as the one constant beacon to help me confirm who I really am.I closed my eyes and responded calmly.\n\n> Of course I know who you are, Spinor.\n\nAnd then..silence. The screeching had stopped, I felt weightless, and behind my closed eyelids I embraced the darkness. \n\n\n____________________ \n\n\n## Game Over"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-23", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "____________________ \n\n\n## Game Over\n\nA sweet earthy aroma eased me back into my senses. The air around me was warm, and I could hear the soothing bubbling of a liquid softly simmering. There was no mistaking that appetizing sound and aroma - creamy Canaanite milk and mushrooms were all you needed for an amazing soup. I opened my eyes and looked around at the spacious but cluttered room. It was far from the minimalistic house I had just moments ago considered my own. Unique trinkets and artifacts were haphazardly placed along the many shelves on the walls. It seemed like a disorganized mess, but there was a logic behind that disorder that I understood. I was home, at the Quantum Downs, in my shop of Otherworldy Goods.\n\nMy sense of touch came back to me, and I could feel Spinor slithering up my arm and onto my shoulders. He stared at me briefly to make sure I was really back in my own mind before speaking.\n\n> Your mind got dangerously close to something from the Quantum Shadow back there. I know you told me not to help you unless it was an emergency, but you cut it pretty close there.\n\nI sighed in relief and looked down at the small table in front of me. A plate with partially eaten green mushrooms bearing a white spotted pattern lay there. No matter how many times I use these Quantum Mushrooms, Im always overwhelmed by the journeys they take me on. And yet, no matter how close I get to losing myself, I continue going back to them. \n\n> Well, did you find anything interesting?"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-24", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "> Well, did you find anything interesting?\n\nSpinor continued, knowing itd be a moment before I was fully anchored down to earth. I thought back to what I had just gone through. The once peaceful town that up until what seemed like mere minutes ago was my home was no longer a place I could ever return to. Even if I had figured out how to revisit previous worlds, Im unsure if that universe would ever be the same. \n\nIf there was something I wanted to bring back from that world, what would it be? I immediately thought of the minimalistic house I started in. Aside from the kettle of mushroom soup, it was almost entirely opposite of this messy room. It wouldnt be hard to remember all everything there. Although I was lost in thought, my eyes were still fixated on the green mushrooms on the table in front of me. Ah, thats right, there was a green device on the table of that room. What did I call it? ...GameBoy? I had never heard of that word in my entire life, and yet it felt like such a natural everyday device there. If there was anything that stood out, it was that.\n\n> The small green device that was on that table. Could you fetch it for me, Spinor?\n\nAnd with that, a small round colorful portal appeared next to him. He slithered into it, and before his tail had fully entered the portal, another one near my lap opened up; where he slithered out of head first, holding the green GameBoy in his mouth. Well, although they looked like portals to me they were more like projections that I couldnt go through even if I wanted to. Spinor had described it before as something akin to crawling into the pocket universes that bride realities, but I still dont fully understand what they really were."} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-25", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "I grabbed the GameBoy from his mouth and stared at my own reflection on its screen. I had never seen something quite like it before, and Im sure a game from another world could go for a pretty high price. But the more I stared at it, the more I remembered the world that it originated from.\n\n> Hey Spinor, what did you see when you went there?\n\n____________________\n\n> Sorry if its disappointing, but I dont quite see anything when I slip between worlds. You tell me what to get, and I know how to get it. I can only observe realities when you yourself are observing them as well. In fact I cant even view this world when you arent here either.\n____________________\n\n> ...Did I just destroy that world? Or did it all happen in my head? Actually, what difference did it make if the townspeople were unaffected and simply saw me become mad in the first place? In the end, the world was effectively destroyed from my perspective anyway. And yet it felt so fun and satisfying to do.\n\nSpinors tongue flicked through the air, and for a moment there was a pause for silence. His large white eyes not breaking their gaze from mine. Sensing my anxiety boil up, he broke my negative spiral.\n\n> You're thinking too hard about it. You were only playing a game.\n\nHe responded, matter of factly. I stared down at the GameBoy in my hand that he had retrieved for me. I intended to put this for sale within my shop, but I somehow felt an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia the more I looked at it. Although this object had never existed within this reality, and although I had never truly held this in my hands before, I felt overwhelming attachment to it.\n\n> Funny how you can feel nostalgic for a memory that never truly happened. Perhaps Ill hold onto this a bit longer before I list it for sale.\n\n\n____________________"} +{"id": "692ef556-2e77-44d7-aba5-9e71d2fb04fc-26", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T08:01:39.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f3b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtJT5bYy8jRYwvei1f3UeVM8b4Jw7dpESnYXUP2fTxMh", "txHash": "0x92413fe87ca446bfb2c3adb65ad396fe3176fe476806b98875b31226fa2d8e8b", "createdAtBlock": 15680578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeaTt9yRWWZYz2dwitgxHW6bViVHAfDhCPQtVMDphprX2", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "____________________\n\n\n***\"Arbitrary Code Execution\"***, by **Dmitry Petyakin**"} +{"id": "f17e2074-823f-463f-b19b-1b71cdebf24b-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-14T07:39:41.594", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNxSYjeZS8u6dXz7WsRTAvh5MZhfTDzVJtLmWnxYa8dfb", "txHash": "0x502434a45763e5440b4cac84cba241f32e5561a19cdef5208b2a77eb500bb536", "createdAtBlock": 15744914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3572, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Dillon Poker of the Mountain", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nI was born from the dragon. I grew up among monkeys from hell.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "c1f3379d-eaea-487d-80c3-f5af56881533-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T21:01:40.024", "backgroundColor": "#320f0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfGTiGDefBRvm3Xpja6G9SmNkSNMpTocMVoQoZ7c4dJ5t", "txHash": "0x73a0958a0f6841c97d77c1933d2521c392108cc60d6e2eae44fbf3294f7f5122", "createdAtBlock": 15684454, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3544, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNiz61pa6xXqPar1712d1qnYkgscj7FyTxgqkBtLdhxdm", "name": "Alchemist Azahl of Mu", "text": "# Quantum-brew \n\nMu feels like a distant memory... how much has changed? How long has it been?\n\nThese streets are no longer recognizable, did I actually try using a new mystafern? That potion should have only put me under for one cycle tops but based on how much things have changed...\n\nThe funny thing about *quantum-brewing* is that even though relative time feels like only yesterday, the memories from before are always hazy. Brew too much too often and you might loose yourself. I need to find my journal...it should be around here somewhere... looking for that spark that can keep me grounded. \n\nBut at least I'm back, and I succeeded. At least I think I did. Raticus... where is my mortar?"} +{"id": "130a2d9f-0f56-4a8b-abea-42dfc4559674-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T15:52:33.651", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdh1g7VRXYZe1rwvyLrh3HF9EwV89M7wcmwH4qLL1MZ4q", "txHash": "0xbff38b8c598bf17f09919811538abda76dfe3ef432cc54430f787dd0dab7bf28", "createdAtBlock": 15747058, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2782, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaNxudQekEpQn9cvCFr6WrRSzgJj26cCzPQgVcngRxGd3", "name": "Joan Danger of Riffraff", "text": "# Portraits of Joan \n## Discover more portraits ***here***.\n­\n\n-----------\n­\n\nBy amane_soraaa\n\n­\n\nBy dcst_SGW\n\n­\n\nBy 75_Senan\n\n­\n\nBy Uirusu_chan\n\n­\n\nBy no_way114\n\n­\n\nBy _kirinoha_\n\n­\n\nBy zx623723"} +{"id": "3d1db504-6e65-47d9-a404-daccc43aec1e-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-05T21:23:28.864", "backgroundColor": "#9a58cf", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTuJFc6Yc8bQFmACTvjjqAZnj6dtLpsYB5qtGzaX2w9UY", "txHash": "0x4660f5f8c517db66f363ee306fe5dd333fda631401a36814c3495306d3d78904", "createdAtBlock": 15684563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5982, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Buer of the Road", "text": "# Buer of the Road\n\nIt seems like Buer has been destined to enjoy a cold Rune Beer since he was born. As his parents were also lovers of the drink, they may or may not have been drinking their daily beer when giving Buer his name. They meant to give him the name of their favorite drink, but had one too many and unfortunately made a small mistake. \n\nAs Buer grew older, he found himself falling right into the footsteps of his family and numbing the woes of being a warrior of the road by drowning his sorrows with Rune Beer. He found solace in the cold drink and sees no end in sight whenever he is asked about finding something new to drink."} +{"id": "51c9cfe9-e1ed-479f-93bf-99bcc0eae182-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-14T18:04:03.425", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdvQygdqNcLFXLZ1i9LX1A8n4DwDGXsZN5CL2n236MXH9", "txHash": "0x9971e1e3ed995b0b4993f7fb36efcc201852a5327d30ab03aee45b08f40a8f9b", "createdAtBlock": 15748017, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13336, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brock Hero of the Berg", "text": "# The Origin of an Ally (Part I)\n\nThe moonlight was shining onto the jungle providing just enough light to see a few feet afar, but not enough to unveil all the secrets of the night. Brock was walking on a muddy, narrow path, surrounded by tall trees and the occasional bird shriek standing out from the constant insect buzz. The air was hot and humid. \n\nBrock, a tall sturdy individual with broad shoulders and strong muscles, was out hunting. In his right hand he was proudly holding is bamboo pole, the traditional weapon of his tribe, the Berg. Those bamboo weapons were gifts from the Wizards; they came from the strongest bamboo you could find in the Bamboo Forests and were gilded by magic. A gift the Wizards had bestowed upon the Berg, for their relentless defense of the lands between Obsidian City and Fort Turtle.\n\nBrock was hunting for goblins. Those hideous creatures had been raiding villages in the area for months and the Berg had sent out scouts like Brock to track them down. \n\n*Goblins are easy to hunt* Brock was thinking, *stinky, loud and messy; they could not make it easier, could they?* Brock was an experienced hunter and scout, but still amongst the youngest in his tribe. He had a lot more to learn and he knew that, but goblins were easy pray. He was also still unsullied, a Berg scout without a companion. \n\nFor the lonely life of a scout, companions were more than as support for hunting or fighting. They were your closest friend and ally. One day Berg thought one day \n\nThe humidity in the air suddenly intensified and thick water drops started to fall from the sky. In a matter of seconds a monsoon storm broke out and heavy water started pouring. \n\nSuch rain could be dangerous; it inhibits the senses and makes it harder to spot enemies."} +{"id": "51c9cfe9-e1ed-479f-93bf-99bcc0eae182-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-14T18:04:03.425", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdvQygdqNcLFXLZ1i9LX1A8n4DwDGXsZN5CL2n236MXH9", "txHash": "0x9971e1e3ed995b0b4993f7fb36efcc201852a5327d30ab03aee45b08f40a8f9b", "createdAtBlock": 15748017, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13336, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brock Hero of the Berg", "text": "Such rain could be dangerous; it inhibits the senses and makes it harder to spot enemies. \n\nBrock picked up an odd sound coming through the rain, *what is it? A swish of arrows!* Out of nowhere two arrows hit Brock on his left arm and leg. \n\n*How did I not notice?* but before he could finish the thought five goblins jumped out of the trees and attacked him. *This is bad, really bad*\n\nBrock parroted several attacks with his kite shield. He then hit back hard with his pole, smashing the head of one goblin to the ground. *Four of them is still too much*\n\nThe goblins kept attacking; the arrow wounds were slowing Brock down. Swing after swing he was fending the goblins off. But he was getting slower, more tired; leaving ample rooms for fatal attacks. \n\nOne of the goblins suddenly jumped to the right and threw a knife that hit Brock directly in his left side, piercing through his ribs. Immediately Brock was out of breath. Panting for oxygen, he fell on his knees, barely holding onto his bamboo pole and shield. Blood flooding out of his wounds. \n\nThe four remaining goblins started laughing and chanting on what now looked like an easy pray for them. \n\nBut the ground suddenly started shaking and loud stomping echoed from behind Brock. Something was running towards them. *Something big is* but before Brock could finish the thought his eyes closed, his vision went dark. He let go of his pole and collapsed to the ground, conscienceless. Defenseless. \n\n*To be continued*"} +{"id": "482a99f1-5205-4aba-bbc7-a9fe0258d6cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T10:35:38.785", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeUuBFE84JMYHZtM83RL2QkfNYagyoCkyeog5ZXZ84bEr", "txHash": "0x54b9d50e2311051f6d317cbe2eb1cf8792ebbd63bedc986efa018a85eaae0995", "createdAtBlock": 15688503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9590, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Diviner Misumi of the Palms", "text": "# New Lore Entry \nmeow\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "69431e57-b7c0-4615-84aa-89f2d6771ec3-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T12:21:57.568", "backgroundColor": "#fff500", "index": 10, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAHvwR6T9XtEg6bxehjipn8GaZ4DeB9EiwXBz5DoX3Tu", "txHash": "0x79e7e756f8adc1154ca67a871c4cdcb466dd39073b1ed29eec44d2c321079cb5", "createdAtBlock": 15753482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQirvLALSC2Rcd2vfrKL3jpNN7X6mozNCzh6aQDufqiJw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "# Best friend squad!!\n\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n\nToday would start like any other day for Enigma, waking up with a smile in her tiny, but tidy, hut somewhere in the woods of the Fey.\n\nGood morning, lovely Fred, did you sleep well? The lovely swamp witch asked, sitting up and stretching in her little bed. Though he couldnt speak, Fred managed to eke a squeak of joy as he mimicked Enigmas morning stretch routine.\n\nOh good!! Youll need your energy, do you know what today is? Enigma asked, her eyes sparkling with pure joy.\n\nSqueak? SQUEAK!!! Fred started hopping with more intensity as he did indeed realize what today was.\n\nThats right!! LETTER DAY!! YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Enigma scooped up Fred and started dancing around the house, using magic to clean up what little mess may have survived through the night.\n\nNow, Letter Day was the day for Enigma. The entire year had been spent preparing for this day. Making sure she had enough kobold snacks (they were not fond of her mushrooms), that she had filtered enough drinking water, and most importantlyparchment and ink!!\n\nTwo of her best friends (the strongest Ghost Eaters in the Runiverse!) Trollin and Kobold, would be stopping by for snacks and to write letters of encouragement to their friends across the Runiverse.\n\nWhen the three of them got together, they were literally a non-stop force of love, acceptance, and hugs. The world literally became a kinder place in their presence. Also it didnt hurt that they had the squishiest, most huggable faces in the entire world!!"} +{"id": "69431e57-b7c0-4615-84aa-89f2d6771ec3-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T12:21:57.568", "backgroundColor": "#fff500", "index": 10, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAHvwR6T9XtEg6bxehjipn8GaZ4DeB9EiwXBz5DoX3Tu", "txHash": "0x79e7e756f8adc1154ca67a871c4cdcb466dd39073b1ed29eec44d2c321079cb5", "createdAtBlock": 15753482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQirvLALSC2Rcd2vfrKL3jpNN7X6mozNCzh6aQDufqiJw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Enigma and Fred spent the morning ignoring their usual routine decorating the hut, and getting ready for company. Prepping snacks for wizard and familiar alike, making sure there was plenty of comfy sitdown space, and the like.\n\nEventually, the time that she had been waiting for with great anticipation had finally arrived. \n\n# KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!\n\nA loud, rhythmic banging came from the front door, quickly followed by a muffled bonk.\n\nTrollin! You only have to knock once! A voice said from outside, causing Enigma to burst into giggles.\n\n\n# KNOCK!\n\nYeah! Just like-\n\n# KNOCK!\n\nNo! Too ma-\n\n# KNOCK!\n\nUgh. Why do I even bot-\n\n# KNOCK!\n\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n\nNot being able to handle being away from her besties any longer, Enigma threw open the door and scooped both kobolds up in a huge hug.\n\nYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! BEST FRIEND TIME! The three sang out in unison amidst their bearsnake hug.\n\nOmg Enigma, we were so excited to see you! We brought presents and I brought Skamps and Kobold (who was a kobold both in name and race) rambled on, as Trollin rolled his eyes and stepped inside.\n\nSo this year, I have a whole list of folks who have NEVER received Enigmafirmations, and I think its high time we change some lives! Trollin said, whipping out a very long scroll filled to the brim with random names."} +{"id": "69431e57-b7c0-4615-84aa-89f2d6771ec3-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T12:21:57.568", "backgroundColor": "#fff500", "index": 10, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAHvwR6T9XtEg6bxehjipn8GaZ4DeB9EiwXBz5DoX3Tu", "txHash": "0x79e7e756f8adc1154ca67a871c4cdcb466dd39073b1ed29eec44d2c321079cb5", "createdAtBlock": 15753482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQirvLALSC2Rcd2vfrKL3jpNN7X6mozNCzh6aQDufqiJw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Trollin and Kobold quickly made themselves at home, releasing their familiars to do their own thing, as well as munching snacks and just overall catching up. These three could talk about nothing and everything for days if fate would allow them.\n\nThankfully, Enigma was fabulous at keeping the crew on track, and it wouldnt be long before the trio was fiercely scribbling away at letters of encouragement. The messages varied in detail, but remained the same.\n\nThey were amazing for making it this far, and had such an impact on those around them, and that they were seen, heard and loved.\n\nEnigma was famous for enchanting her letters to grant small wishes (such as specific snacks, a glass of cold water, etc), while Kobold and Trollin werewell, infamous for their enchantments. \n\nRandom things like sticks, rocks, scraps of cloth would be summoned when you opened a letter from one of those two. (Funnily enough, these three would bring about the concept of Trick or Treat to the Runiverse in the coming years).\n\nThe one thing you need to know about kobolds is that while they may be a bit bumbly, they are loyal, fiercely devoted, and seriously good friends. So even though they may have missed the mark with execution from time to time (heck, so did Enigma, if not even more often) they were quite lovable, and the best family a swamp witch could ask for.\n\nThe entire day went by so fast, much to the trios chagrin. But for that day, the Fey was filled with love, kindness and support on a level that was only felt on this day each year.\n\nBefore they knew it, the sun had set, and all the letters had finally been written."} +{"id": "69431e57-b7c0-4615-84aa-89f2d6771ec3-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T12:21:57.568", "backgroundColor": "#fff500", "index": 10, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAHvwR6T9XtEg6bxehjipn8GaZ4DeB9EiwXBz5DoX3Tu", "txHash": "0x79e7e756f8adc1154ca67a871c4cdcb466dd39073b1ed29eec44d2c321079cb5", "createdAtBlock": 15753482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQirvLALSC2Rcd2vfrKL3jpNN7X6mozNCzh6aQDufqiJw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Before they knew it, the sun had set, and all the letters had finally been written.\n\nWhew, I think this might be our most successful year yet, Eni!! I wrote over 100 letters today! Kobold said, standing from the table, admiring his pile of letters.\n\nAgreed!! This was the first year any of our letters were addressed to the penguins up north! I hope they like them, Ive been wanting to go visit for so long now! Enigma said, stacking the letters in a small basket by the front door.\n\nWell, we must be on our way, we had so much fun!! Trollin exclaimed, hugging the swamp witch tight and gathering his things.Now, you have to come to us for winter celebrations! I wont take no for an answer, the entire family is waiting to meet you! \n\nEnigma hugged, squeezed and loved her friends, helping them gather things and escorting them to her front porch.\n\nFred and I should have these in the post by the end of the day tomorrow, and you know well be there for the holidays!! Enigma said, opening the door and letting her guests out.\n\n\nTake care, and see you in a few months! Enigma waved as her besties wandered down the little path, taking them away from her tiny, but tidy hut in the middle of the Fey."} +{"id": "66678996-a4f9-45cb-aea3-7b9b43415793-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T12:51:54.396", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTo4Ldokdg1C3aYsMMyErbUHXJJB7JpNPt2MK963UZweK", "txHash": "0xe449a69df913ba317e5f8a19b0c9c23ac4db6a095ef5197faf044a13a0edbac6", "createdAtBlock": 15689176, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 907, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lucy Lasher of the Wild", "text": "# The Plan\n\nMortimer the Black, get off of me right now! Lucy yelled weeks later after waking to find that her Onyx Panther had once again chosen to spend the night sleeping across her legs, effectively pinning her if anything happened requiring her to act swiftly in the middle of the night. The giant cat lazily raised its head, looked over to her, yawned, and then put its head back down, covering its huge yellow eyes with oversized paws.\n\nThe two of them had been avoiding civilization for what seemed like forever. While Lucy was more than capable of surviving in the wilderness, she had to admit, she missed the comforts of the big cities. There was nothing quite like a nice run-down inn room with two queen beds so that the damned cat would not sleep on her. Normally, she would only stay out of the city long enough to finish the next job, but this was no job she was embarking on. Since fleeing Calistas Citadel after witnessing one of the most insane acts ever in the Runiverse, Lucy had no intention of spending extended time in a big city any time soon. She wasnt willing to risk herself to the insane whims of some random wizard again.\n\nI said get up Morti! Lucy exclaimed, this time kicking her legs with all her might in an attempt to make the cat at least uncomfortable enough to move. It worked, and the cat cat got up, moved away from her, and laid back down to sleep some more. None of that Morti! she exclaimed, I think I finally have a plan, but we need help.\n\nDuring their time in the wilds, wandering aimlessly and eating whatever she could kill or forage, with the giant house cats not inconsiderable assistance, Lucy had developed a four step plan for rebellion."} +{"id": "66678996-a4f9-45cb-aea3-7b9b43415793-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T12:51:54.396", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTo4Ldokdg1C3aYsMMyErbUHXJJB7JpNPt2MK963UZweK", "txHash": "0xe449a69df913ba317e5f8a19b0c9c23ac4db6a095ef5197faf044a13a0edbac6", "createdAtBlock": 15689176, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 907, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lucy Lasher of the Wild", "text": "Establish a base of operations. \nEnlist aid from trusted allies. \nRecruit like minded individuals. \nUnseat the wizards, or kill as many as she could and die trying.\n\nThe first item she thought she might have an answer for. The Wild was vast and mostly uncharted. Primarily because of the wild magic which permeated the area and gave its name constantly changed everything within it. Not many knew the ways of the Wilds as well as she. She recalled an old dig site she had stumbled across a few years ago. The place had been stabilized by a group of Blue Wizards previously, and was one of the few stable areas in the Wilds. The wizards had abandoned the area after plundering it of artifacts, and if she could find her way back, and The Wild had not reclaimed it fully, she might be able to use it. What better place to hide from the wizards than the one place they could not fully control?\n\nHowever, before she would venture in search of the ruins, she needed to enlist one friend in particular. @warrior5136 was an old friend. She was also a talented vocalist, and used to be highly sought after by many yellow mages for entertainment purposes. That is until one unfortunate wizard got a little too deep in whatever potion they were drinking one night, a little too handsy, and a little too heady impaled on her mic stand."} +{"id": "66678996-a4f9-45cb-aea3-7b9b43415793-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T12:51:54.396", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTo4Ldokdg1C3aYsMMyErbUHXJJB7JpNPt2MK963UZweK", "txHash": "0xe449a69df913ba317e5f8a19b0c9c23ac4db6a095ef5197faf044a13a0edbac6", "createdAtBlock": 15689176, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 907, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lucy Lasher of the Wild", "text": "Adeles career ended with that wizard's life. The Yellow Mages would no longer book her for performances. They even pressed charges, but self defense was still legal even in cases between Wizards and Ducks, and the wizards couldnt get the charges to stick. Adele tried to continue her career, but the gigs dried up, and even Duck bars wouldnt book her after a while. So she took that mic stand, sharpened it, and started a new career as a mercenary for hire. She did alright for herself too. Ducks paid her a good deal of money to dispatch magical beasts and other phenomena. Theres no better way to advertise that you can handle any magical beast than a rune wizards skull decorating your weapon. Less grotesque ways, sure. But none as effective. \n\nAdele had been hanging out in Goblin Town for some time, since most of the yellow hats hated the place. It was only a few days' journey, and who knows, with Adele around, maybe shed be willing to chance a stay at a run down inn with double queen beds."} +{"id": "f6f6668a-dfb7-4634-8ba3-49809321c8c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T22:15:54.003", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPWkLkTqtSyZXaB6Pi8kqP64g5PNuhDkBfaEzs8cp1K4", "txHash": "0xcd07cd0552cedd30e2e68f3fe5adaa406126dbf1f2fd7700a3020cc1b729161d", "createdAtBlock": 15756437, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9468, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Maia of the Palms", "text": "# Enchanter Maia of the Palms\n\n## _Origins_\n\n\n\nLong ago, Maia was known for her infamous good nature and tremendous elegance. Rooted deep in the Red Wizard Capital, Maia was famed for marrying one of the most powerful red wizards and she found herself amongst the company of some of the wealthiest and most influential wizards ever to be known. She lived a life of dreams, until one day, when one of her powerful spells normally praised by many went horribly wrong. Maias name would be forever tarnished. Her staff of sorts (some would call it a dumb stick), had reliability issues, and this time it made an error that couldnt be rectified. Only Maia and those well connected in the Red Wizard Capital know what happened that day. As this specific day in history leaves many with tongues tied to never speak of the events that occurred. Maias beloved husband was forced to leave her, as his position within the political structure was not able to coexist with Maias damaged reputation. Maia was forced out of her home, the Red Wizard Capital. \n\nAfter many years of traveling, Maia found comfort again immersed amongst the palms. They provide her with the protection she needs against the harsh dessert winds. With the simplicity her new life provides; Maia is able to attempt to find herself once more. While her staff is not always as reliable as she might like, its powers remain good spirited and provide her with a reminder of how far she has come and the perpetual journey of the wizard life."} +{"id": "eda823eb-5e9b-4065-9cfc-b8084bf4d3dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:20:30.163", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmavk6sHKmG8WoTxKbb4QSAdXfoCvz2H1i6Y8cvU7nB8VL", "txHash": "0x383e965647fc52661d680b4deee79d06bb61b3d558cd67f432fe316a72f60b12", "createdAtBlock": 15756760, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8222, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Malthus of the Capital", "text": "\"Imagine, if you will, a city that never sleeps. A city where silly things like ethics, laws, and 'personal liberty' do not get in the way of progress!\" Malthus' booming voice echoed across the stadium as hushes fell across the crowd.\n\nMalthus, tall and imposing, held the microphone in one muscular hand, while using the other to punctuate his speech with excitement as he talked.\n\n\"Yes, that's right. A city where there is no ethics council, where the law is ours. Of course, this doesn't mean it will be a wild place with no rules! No, just a place where like-minded wizards can gather for the greater benefit of all.\" Malthus said, running his free hand through his crimson hair.\n\nThis little move made the crowd go wild, and Malthus took this chance to take a quick swig from his water bottle, before going back to his speech.\n\n\"It will take time to build, for a city must be erected with foundations as solid as existence itself! In that time, I will be sending out invitations, personally, to each wizard who will be invited to come live with us. \n\nShould you wish to join, please sign up with our hostess on your way out. We'll take your details, and, if you meet our requirements, we will invite you in to Paradise!\n\nThat's it for today, friends, thank you so much for coming out! See you on the other side!!\" Malthus said, waving to the crowd, putting the mic back on the stand, and disappearing behind the stage curtain.\n\n\"You were great out there boss!\" Malthus' assistant ran up and handed him a towel. Malthus briefly smiles, and disappears into his dressing room."} +{"id": "eda823eb-5e9b-4065-9cfc-b8084bf4d3dc-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:20:30.163", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmavk6sHKmG8WoTxKbb4QSAdXfoCvz2H1i6Y8cvU7nB8VL", "txHash": "0x383e965647fc52661d680b4deee79d06bb61b3d558cd67f432fe316a72f60b12", "createdAtBlock": 15756760, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8222, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Malthus of the Capital", "text": "\"Ugh. There wasn't a single acceptable wizard in the crowd tonight. How the hell are we supposed to fill a city with the best and brightest if there are no best and brightest? Answer that, McGreggor!\" Malthus said, poking his ember frog gently until he let out a large ribbit.\n\n\"I know, I know. We really are the best, but we can't do everything by ourselves! We must have the bodies...yes yes, and their magic. What else would this be for??\" Malthus chortled to himself as he sorted through papers on his desk.\n\n----\n\nMonths would pass, and Malthus' plan would be executed without a hitch. The city would be built in record time, and due to his own powerful magic, he would be able to locate every single wizard capable of above average magic.\n\nHe made no delay in sending out his invitations, and soon had communicated to well over 10% of the entire population of the Runiverse. Much to his surprise, not a single person would decline his offer.\n\nEventually, great pilgrimages would start journeying across the Runiverse to come and live within the great walls of the rapturous city\n\nSoon, he would be sitting high atop his skyscraper, running his city of magic, never to be judged or hated for his powers again.\n\nUntil then, he had only a few loose ends to tie up, one particular one being his mistress, the Countess of the Red Wizard City. She was the only one who knew of where Malthus lived, and this information could be very dangerous to the right people, especially if they were to act before he moved into the city himself.\n\nNow, the only way to properly remove a liability is to kill them and leave no witnesses. Any good assassin knows this!"} +{"id": "eda823eb-5e9b-4065-9cfc-b8084bf4d3dc-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:20:30.163", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmavk6sHKmG8WoTxKbb4QSAdXfoCvz2H1i6Y8cvU7nB8VL", "txHash": "0x383e965647fc52661d680b4deee79d06bb61b3d558cd67f432fe316a72f60b12", "createdAtBlock": 15756760, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8222, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Malthus of the Capital", "text": "HoweverMalthus was not an assassin. He was brilliant, powerfully arcane, and wise beyond his years, but he was no assassin. \n\nHe snuck in quite deftly, but after that, he was spotted approaching the countess chamber, and actually gave away the murder weapon to the house help before fleeing the scene.\n\nThis little bit actually worked out very well for him, as the guards had not spotted Malthus, but the help (a wizard by the name of Aamon, who oddly enough, was one of the wizards he had invited to live in the city).\n\nAll in all, messy but successful (as was the way of Malthus), he would be able to peacefully move into the new city and avoid persecution once and for all!"} +{"id": "ce3920f0-09ac-46ef-b1b4-c9554bbd22da-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T13:01:39.21", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbtmzTrTXqZ2WLowVQvjvg7rMbjzTkCqcGMJugeKfJhqf", "txHash": "0x9d56988c5c058fd0dd95c69be2d09fd1cda3a1d7605bae95face2e4d0dba4ae1", "createdAtBlock": 15689225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5136, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adele Impaler of Runes", "text": "# Rolling in the Drink \n\nA menacing figure stalked the streets of Goblin Town, eyes and head shifting constantly, mouth agape, as though it was his first time in Goblin Town. His eyes and head were constantly moving, as though daring danger to try his mettle. He made his way through one of the roughest parts of the rambunctious city, sneering at any who dared to come close. Clearly, he was looking for a fight, which is why as he moved to enter Glub and Glubbs bar, Glubb stopped him and checked for any weapons before he let the man in.\n\nGlub and Glubbs Bar was dimly lit by a few flickering bulbs and the worn out neon sign in a busted window advertising the Goblin Beer which was the only drink served at the place. The floors were scratched and scuffed mismatched hardwood, some of it untreated. In any more civilized city in the Runiverse, this place would have been condemned. Torn concert posters were scattered haphazardly across the walls, and a dusty piano sat on a long disused stage, near a microphone stand topped with a grotesque skull ornamentation. Centered over the back of the stage a poster of Adele, a long retired musician was hung. It was perhaps the only poster in the bar which was not torn, but it was heavily stained by beer. A smattering of goblins were seated about the place, a few of them playing a game of cards at a back table with a giant. Strangely, the bar itself was empty save for a lone human woman. She was beautiful with blue hair, and sparkling blue eyes,wearing the armor of a Brown Knight. She was seated at the bar, a semi-circle of empty bottles arrayed in front of her."} +{"id": "ce3920f0-09ac-46ef-b1b4-c9554bbd22da-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T13:01:39.21", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbtmzTrTXqZ2WLowVQvjvg7rMbjzTkCqcGMJugeKfJhqf", "txHash": "0x9d56988c5c058fd0dd95c69be2d09fd1cda3a1d7605bae95face2e4d0dba4ae1", "createdAtBlock": 15689225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5136, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adele Impaler of Runes", "text": "The bar was owned and operated by two Goblin brothers, Glub, and Glubb. One was a talented alchemist and brewer as far as Goblins went, and the other a retired warrior. They had decided to go into business together some years back, but had no real taste for business and an unquenchable thirst for their product. When they had first bought the building, it was pristine, and some blamed the decline of this particular block on their poor business practices. Still, their brew was excellent, and despite the fact that they could not afford to keep the building up, Goblins cared more for the foul taste of their brew than they did the decor of the building they drank it in, so the brothers managed to keep the lights on.\n\nAs soon as the man walked into the bar, his mannerisms changed. He shifted seamlessly from a man looking forward to a fight, to an easy going, charming attitude. His eyes still moved continuously, even as he smiled at the various patrons, greeting one or two with warm smiles and friendly nods. Eventually, his eyes landed on the lone woman at the bar. He moved to her, sitting down without an invitation, and nodded at the bartender, tapping his finger on the bar to order a drink.\n\nI used to be somebody, the woman said, unprompted but a moment later.\n\nOh really? the mans smile widened. He laid some coin on the bar as Glub delivered a bottle of Goblin Beer to him and popped the top. It looks to me as though you still are somebody. The man nodded at Glub, the goblin brother working the bar tonight.\n\nShe took a long swig of her beer and put the empty bottle on the bar. Wobbled a little, and smiled back at him before laying her arms and head across the bar top."} +{"id": "ce3920f0-09ac-46ef-b1b4-c9554bbd22da-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T13:01:39.21", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbtmzTrTXqZ2WLowVQvjvg7rMbjzTkCqcGMJugeKfJhqf", "txHash": "0x9d56988c5c058fd0dd95c69be2d09fd1cda3a1d7605bae95face2e4d0dba4ae1", "createdAtBlock": 15689225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5136, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adele Impaler of Runes", "text": "He smiled at her once more and took a sip of his beer before grimacing. How do they drink this stuff? How do you drink this stuff?\n\nYou get used to it, her slurred and muffled reply came a few moments later, Eventually, your taste buds die and then you only have to worry about the sickeningly sweet rotting aroma.\n\nMay I buy you another? The man asked politely.\n\nSure, the woman replied. Turning her head and smiling up at him drunkenly. Its been awhile since I met a she trailed off.\n\nThe man smiled again as he ordered another round for the woman. Whats your story? he asked.\n\nYou dont want to regale me with tales of your latest exploits? Thats how most men start.\n\nNo. I already know all about me. Im much more interested in you.\n\nWhat a refreshing change of pace, the woman replied, sitting back up as Glub added a new bottle to her collection.\n\nI used to be a musician. I toured the circuit, played the parties, and rolled in the money, She explained, But thats all ancient history now, she tipped back her bottle and took another sip.\n\nReally? asked the man. You must have been very talented, he commented in a tone that said he held some doubts.\n\nI still am, she winked. Smiling as she stood shakily, and leaned against the bar for balance. Fancy a tune?\n\nSure, but what ended your career? The man moved to help the woman to the stage, his smile widening, but the woman waved him off. He still followed her closely to the stage, as she told her story, leaning from chair to chair as she made her way across the room."} +{"id": "ce3920f0-09ac-46ef-b1b4-c9554bbd22da-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T13:01:39.21", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbtmzTrTXqZ2WLowVQvjvg7rMbjzTkCqcGMJugeKfJhqf", "txHash": "0x9d56988c5c058fd0dd95c69be2d09fd1cda3a1d7605bae95face2e4d0dba4ae1", "createdAtBlock": 15689225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5136, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adele Impaler of Runes", "text": "I was working this big party for a client, a Yellow Hat. After the gig, while the band and I were collecting our stuff, he came to pay us out. He had been hitting some potions pretty hard during our set, and wanted more than we agreed on.\n\nSo, the man said, What did he want that was so career ending?\n\nThe woman stopped and turned to him, rolling her eyes in frustration, Me.\nWhat?\n\nHe got handsy. Forcefully so. Almost everyone had left except for a few of his cronies. He immobilized my band with some sort of spell, and tried to force himself on me, she finished a few steps from the stage.\n\nWhat about that song? the man asked, clearly trying to change the subject. She beamed at him, Of course, and turned her back, continuing the last few steps to the stage. Her gait changed as she went, suddenly appearing much more like the striking woman on the poster in front of her, as a new figure wearing a cloak entered the bar and started looking for someone or something.\n\nA moment later, as she was vaulting onto the stage to get her mic stand turned spear, a familiar voice called out a warning, Adele!\n\n@warrior5136 snatched her weapon and spun back around to the rhythm of a table being overturned, and was very disappointed to see the man she had been flirting with. He was featureless now, his skin changed to a glossy orangish red ooze, and a bright orange rune had replaced his handsome face, his left arm had a goblin sword partially protruding from it, and was being pulled away from her by the end of @warrior907s whip. Showing no hesitation, she impaled the assassin constructs rune, and sighed disappointingly as the energy from the rune faded into the skull embedded on her microphone stand turned spear.\n\nIt would be weeks before the prick shut up again."} +{"id": "ce3920f0-09ac-46ef-b1b4-c9554bbd22da-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T13:01:39.21", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbtmzTrTXqZ2WLowVQvjvg7rMbjzTkCqcGMJugeKfJhqf", "txHash": "0x9d56988c5c058fd0dd95c69be2d09fd1cda3a1d7605bae95face2e4d0dba4ae1", "createdAtBlock": 15689225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5136, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adele Impaler of Runes", "text": "It would be weeks before the prick shut up again.\n\nAs the construct shuddered and collapsed into a pile of stinking biomass at the foot of the stage, a raspy voice came from the tip of the spear, So how about that song, baby?\n\nAdele groaned, Shut up, Prick. Then looked up at Lucy and smiled her thanks."} +{"id": "59d5d05a-a821-4a79-bda3-df6f567ca521-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:22:06.203", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR92GsLVwaCZkA92z9JM7j7k4NpiDbTwcYn1LnBy9saXf", "txHash": "0x17331039fa03a7313be9bbd0ff7d930bd85dfe970ab1b13329841b03646ec4a3", "createdAtBlock": 15756768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2017, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Rita of the Field", "text": "Rita was one of 12 wizards born into the Runiverse with the power of light imbued in her soul. A prophesied group of wizards who were supposed to save the world. Most folks did not take this very seriously, and as all legends do, it eventually faded into obscurity.\n\nShe had early on in life denied the light, and as most hag witches did, dabbled in blood sacrifice and void magic. She excelled at both, much to the point where she had to remain on the move, as locals would get suspicious quite quickly.\n\nAs her light had been tainted, she would have no control over its magic, but oddly enough, the lack of this seemed to empower her void powers beyond that of an average spell caster. And so, her existence would in essence, nullify the very prophecy that brought her such power, but this would go on unknown for quite some time.\n\nPowerful as she was, she really didnt have much direction in life outside the pursuit of magic. She wandered aimlessly, gathering what knowledge she could, but due to the lack of any real purpose, it was often to no real end.\n\nThis, however, would come to a screeching halt when her journeys brought her to the outskirts of an old world ruin. An entire city lay before her, towering in its majesty. Skyscrapers that extended into the clouds, roads made of smooth stone, and debris everywhere. \n\nThough the plant life had long since taken over the city, Rita had no trouble at all magicking herself a path through the worst of it. The city itself was remnants of the old world, life before the Quantum Shadow."} +{"id": "59d5d05a-a821-4a79-bda3-df6f567ca521-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:22:06.203", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR92GsLVwaCZkA92z9JM7j7k4NpiDbTwcYn1LnBy9saXf", "txHash": "0x17331039fa03a7313be9bbd0ff7d930bd85dfe970ab1b13329841b03646ec4a3", "createdAtBlock": 15756768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2017, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Rita of the Field", "text": "As Rita wandered through the streets, she started to plot, and quickly came to terms with the fact that this would be her new lair! No one had walked these streets in thousands of years, shed be safe from prying eyes forever!\nThough the city sprawled on and on for what seemed like forever, Rita knew exactly where she had to go. The highest point! Old stories always suggested thats where the leaders reigned, so her eyes shot to the skyline.\n\nImmediately she saw a beautiful ivory tower jutting up much higher than the rest of the skyscrapers around it. It was big, but looked to be mostly a symbolic building. When she finally got to the base, there was only a single entrance in. \n\nThe door was huge, made of glass, and led into a small boxy room. There was a panel of buttons to the right side of the door that consisted of a green, red and blue button.\n\nWhile the building itself hadnt seen power in a millenia, Rita was more than capable of summoning a bit of electricity! With a quick flick of the wrist, the entire building lit up, and the room she was in went flying upwards.\n\nThis took Rita by surprise and threw her to the ground, only to have the room stop suddenly. The door swung open with a beep, and the hag was no longer on the ground floor.\n\nShe stood up, dusted herself off and headed into the new room that lay before her. She had been delivered to the center of the room, and the outer wall was but a large, circular window, providing an unobstructed view of damn near the entire city!\n\nThis would make an excellent base of operations for the young witch indeed! She hurriedly scoured the room, looking for remnant tech, and then quickly cast a small summoning spell."} +{"id": "59d5d05a-a821-4a79-bda3-df6f567ca521-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:22:06.203", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR92GsLVwaCZkA92z9JM7j7k4NpiDbTwcYn1LnBy9saXf", "txHash": "0x17331039fa03a7313be9bbd0ff7d930bd85dfe970ab1b13329841b03646ec4a3", "createdAtBlock": 15756768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2017, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Rita of the Field", "text": "With a loud clap, all of her belongings appeared in the room, and within a few minutes, Rita had already arranged the room to her liking. \n\nYes, things would indeed be good for Rita hereor, at least, she thought\n\nSomewhere on the other side of the Runiverse, Battle Mage Malthus of the Capital was using a little bit of his own illegal scrying magic to keep a very close eye on Rita.\n\nShe was of great importance to him, and was one of a thousand hand picked by Malthus to come live with him in his city of greatness.\n\nThe big issue here wasMalthus didnt have a city yet. If he had nowhere to collect these wizards, surely his dream of power would flicker and die. \n\nHowever, Rita stumbling into these old ruins gave him a brilliant idea. With the help of Rita, he would turn this city into his magnum opus, his great legacy!\n\nHe had been waiting for the right moment to approach Rita, and now was the time! He would hurriedly disappear into the night, traveling through darkness to reach the unknown part of the world where Rita had surfaced.\n\nHis approach was direct and candid. He told Rita that he needed her, and that she needed him. And of course, for Rita, the promise of power was all it ever took to get her on your good side. \n\nSo the two would combine forces and revive this ancient city back to its prime, and in doing so, show the world exactly who they were."} +{"id": "1a488cda-2bd9-4d6b-8241-eec7578d0d0f-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:18:41.436", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU8ZBdxrhjLuyBCgduv7ofYsajobdqAnk3kZtWE72jsid", "txHash": "0x494735e4f1b004ad01b3b024f712f44e37b5e99c02d7c03762b995f4a80e9e1d", "createdAtBlock": 15756751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Aamon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Ugh, Aamon! Do you ever get anything right? The lady of the house whined, quite dramatically, as Aamon had brought her the wrong drink. She wantedno, needed the crystal mug, not the glass one.\n\nYes milady. His deep voice, short and emotionless, as he bowed quickly and took away the mug which he had tried to hand her just moments before.\n\nAnd though his stoic face showed no signs of emotion, in his head, he was raging up quite the storm. \n\nThis DUCK thinks she can tell me what to do. Ugh I knew taking this job was a mistake. There must be another- Aamons thoughts came to a screeching halt as he almost got bulldozed over by some stranger high-tailing it past him.\n\nHe dusted himself off, and called after the stranger, You cant go back there. No. Stop. Dont. Shrugging, he went back to fixing the drink and complaining in his head.\n\nAs he turned around to join his employer and the stranger who strayed too far, he heard a blood-curdling scream coming from the room. In another instant, the same stranger ran back towards him, this time stopping briefly to shove something into Aamons hands, before sprinting away again.\n\nWhat the hell Aamon wondered outloud, as he realized the thing the stranger had given him was indeed the weapon used to murder the countess just now. \n\nSTOP MURDERER! Moments later, loud words bellowed throughout the hall where Aamon had been collecting his thoughts."} +{"id": "1a488cda-2bd9-4d6b-8241-eec7578d0d0f-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:18:41.436", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU8ZBdxrhjLuyBCgduv7ofYsajobdqAnk3kZtWE72jsid", "txHash": "0x494735e4f1b004ad01b3b024f712f44e37b5e99c02d7c03762b995f4a80e9e1d", "createdAtBlock": 15756751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Aamon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Wait, no. This isnt mineI didntshit. Ugh whatever. Aamon dropped the dagger onto the ground, realizing he wasnt going to be able to talk his way out of this. Instead, he would do what he was quite talented at. Disappearing. (Aamon was nothing if not a very talented illusionist and void caster.)\n\nBefore the dagger had finished clattering to the floor below, Aamons quiet magic had done its part, and he was already many miles away, leaving the guards completely baffled (and becoming one of Red Wizard Citys most wanted criminals in the blink of an eye). \n\n\n\n\nWith a loud clap, Aamon appeared, very suddenly, in an empty, poorly lit cave. Ahh, the Cave of Platonic Shadow. Ill definitely be safe here, even if my plans did just get a bit accelerated. He said, musingly, moving about the cave with specific intention.\n\nAamon had set up shop here many years ago, as it was just a stones throw from the Quantum Shadow, the source of his dark and shady magics. It also just happened to be the place he came from, but Aamon never did quite care to go into detail regarding that.\n\nIt wouldnt take Aamon long at all to restore his old lab back to functioning status, though it had been hidden away here for years. It had all been hidden, waiting for the perfect time\n\nA time that wouldnt come thanks to whatever bumbling stranger just offed the countess! He needed her!! Without her, hed never be able to figure out who had sent him that blasted letter.\n\nA letter he received just 6 weeks ago. A letter that would change his entire life, and maybe not for the best."} +{"id": "1a488cda-2bd9-4d6b-8241-eec7578d0d0f-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:18:41.436", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU8ZBdxrhjLuyBCgduv7ofYsajobdqAnk3kZtWE72jsid", "txHash": "0x494735e4f1b004ad01b3b024f712f44e37b5e99c02d7c03762b995f4a80e9e1d", "createdAtBlock": 15756751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Aamon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "It had been addressed directly to him, even though he had been living in solitude, unknown to anyone, in the Cave of Platonic shadow. His small home had been heavily enchanted to remain hidden, so the fact that this had been seen through suggests the sender to be a being of great power.\n\nThe entire thing had been written in blood, in a language only those from the Quantum Shadow would be able to read. It had been short and to the point, and simply told him he would be given a safe place to practice his void magic, in exchange for living in some city.\n\nThere were some vague instructions on how to find the city, but Aamon had no intent on following these instructions. He only had one goal, and that was to find out who could have possibly known about him.\n\nShortly after receiving the letter, Aamon had become set on discovering the identity of the sender and set to work discovering all he could. \n\nWithin a brief period, he had been able to identify the parchment the note had been written on as a specific type of parchment made of a very particular royal family in the Red Wizard City.\n\nFrom there, it was just a matter of persuasion (and maybe just a tiny illusion) before Aamon found himself head butler of the Countess home.\n\nIn the few weeks he spent on the premises, he learned much about the royal family, but almost none of it led him to his mysterious admirer.\n\nThere was one thingbut what could it mean? One afternoon, just a couple of days before the countess found herself murdered, Aamon had a very strong vision of a hag receiving a letter requesting her presence. \n\nIt recurred numerous times during that one day, and then suddenly stopped, but not before the image burned into his head. The note the unknown hag had received had been written by the same shadowy figure, but had a much different feel than the one he received."} +{"id": "1a488cda-2bd9-4d6b-8241-eec7578d0d0f-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:18:41.436", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU8ZBdxrhjLuyBCgduv7ofYsajobdqAnk3kZtWE72jsid", "txHash": "0x494735e4f1b004ad01b3b024f712f44e37b5e99c02d7c03762b995f4a80e9e1d", "createdAtBlock": 15756751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Aamon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Unable to put any rhyme or reason to these visions, Aamon moved on, but figured at this point he had too much to lose by not pursuing whatever angle he could. The trail would grow even colder from here and he was getting desperate.\n\n\n\nWith only this image of a hag wearing a parka, Aamon cursed himself, and disappeared in a poof of smoke, his shadow heading towards to cold northern tundra (home to the penguins and of course, wielders of the frozen tuna).\n\nHis journey would not take long at all, though once he arrived in the cold north he realized he quite underpacked. Nothing magic couldnt take care of, but still, he was not prepared for how cold it would be!\n\nIt only took a bit of asking around the local villages to discover that there was a local hag named Lamia who had taken it upon herself to dole out blessings to any who would approach her. \n\nThe locals were very defensive of their winter witch, so details were hard to get at first, but before long, Aamon caught wind of a small group of pilgrims who were headed her way for their annual blessings. \n\nOnce the pilgrimage arrived in town, he simply worked his magic to blend in, and had them lead him directly to the hag. Curiosity kept him in check, though after the pilgrims had finished with their blessings and dispersed, Aamon hung around the shadows to keep tabs on his new friend.\n\nHe would spend the next two days on the verge of hypothermia, hoping for some kind of clue that this was indeed the hag his visions were of. On the eve of the second night, however, his patience finally paid off.\n\nThe hag stepped outside her hut, flicked her wrist, and the little rat she kept with her lit up and took off. Without a second of hesitation, the hag followed the trail the rat left."} +{"id": "1a488cda-2bd9-4d6b-8241-eec7578d0d0f-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:18:41.436", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU8ZBdxrhjLuyBCgduv7ofYsajobdqAnk3kZtWE72jsid", "txHash": "0x494735e4f1b004ad01b3b024f712f44e37b5e99c02d7c03762b995f4a80e9e1d", "createdAtBlock": 15756751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Aamon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Ohhhh, I bet shes going to see him Aamon muttered, as he trailed the hag as close as he dare. She had turned to look behind her a few times, but of course she saw nothing but darkness.\n\nAamon would finally be able to figure out who the hell found him in the middle of nowhere, and he would have his chance at this power too!"} +{"id": "6e379be2-492b-4f0c-b8aa-02e5bb6c3060-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:23:30.117", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsJbbwxdjE68FnreuD3xzPbfXCiaVHnQEdKb3KrPdX3h", "txHash": "0x7fe780ce4fe7fb7bea70c1f1552b907e00a203c905a6cc8e659b009dd4a59aeb", "createdAtBlock": 15756775, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4258, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ferocina Ravager of the Mountain", "text": "Ferocine was the mightiest fist in all the northern Runiverse (or at least, so shed claim). Her punch could explode a tree (also a claim), stun an ogre (not proven) and open a jar of pickles (this, oddly enough, is something she can actually do).\n\nNow, this wasnt to say Ferocina wasnt a bad ass in her own right! She was incredibly powerful, but she just loved to boast about it to anyone who would listen (and if they didnt listen, shed ramble on anyway).\n\nShe was a bit nomadic, wandering too and fro, mostly just looking to punch things and help people who needed it. She was not very interested in the mercenary lifestyle, so she often found herself doing very mundane tasks to earn a wage.\n\nHer most recent gig was a log splitter for a small town outside the Quantum Shadow, where she also moonlit as a bit of a bodyguard to folks traveling about.\n\nThis was a pretty solid gig, and the town treated her really well. She had given up on wandering around and had really considered settling down here, maybe even progressing the relationship with her girlfriend! \n\nSadly, our hero would be unable to live out these dreams. She would be gone from town one night, escorting a single wizard back to the edge of the Fey, where he would have a modicum of safety.\n\nThis journey would take half a day, so by the time she returned to her village, the entire thing had been razed to the ground. She couldnt believe her eyes.\n\nBefore her, everything she held near and dear to her had instantly vanished, in a painful ending. Something in that moment awoke within Ferocina, and she was suddenly taken over by an angry blood rage."} +{"id": "6e379be2-492b-4f0c-b8aa-02e5bb6c3060-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:23:30.117", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsJbbwxdjE68FnreuD3xzPbfXCiaVHnQEdKb3KrPdX3h", "txHash": "0x7fe780ce4fe7fb7bea70c1f1552b907e00a203c905a6cc8e659b009dd4a59aeb", "createdAtBlock": 15756775, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4258, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ferocina Ravager of the Mountain", "text": "She scoured the remains of the city, looking for any survivors, but only found a few raiders who had stayed behind to sift through the rubble.\n\nThese scrappy bandits did not last long against the punching paladin, who did in fact explode the bandits head with a single punch. Every one she found, bam, one punch and splat.\n\nShe was, to put it lightly, angry. She had come from a long line of berserker mages, though had no magic of her own. Clearly the berserker blood still ran strong.\n\nWith each punch, she managed to find clarity in the rage, and soon learned to control it (all the while taking out the last of the bandits that hung around).\n\nAfter spending a day collecting herself and saying goodbye, she followed the raiders trail, west towards Kelpies Bay, in hopes to catch up with, and eradicate, the miserable wretches that stole a chance of happiness from her.\n\n\n\nThe next several months flew by for Ferocina as she scoured the Runiverse for any sight of the bandits that ruined her life. Eventually, shed come across a man named Manuel, who was also looking to put an end to these bandits.\n\nThe two would become fast friends, and Manuel would eventually share that he too was once part of the raiders, but couldnt bring himself to take their lives. Hed also go on to invite her to his guild of adventures dedicated to bringing down this band of evil, on the caveat that shed never take another life.\n\nThe thought of not getting her vengeance did not sit well at first, but eventually shed come to, and take this vow very seriously, training in non-lethal combat to the best of her ability."} +{"id": "6e379be2-492b-4f0c-b8aa-02e5bb6c3060-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:23:30.117", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsJbbwxdjE68FnreuD3xzPbfXCiaVHnQEdKb3KrPdX3h", "txHash": "0x7fe780ce4fe7fb7bea70c1f1552b907e00a203c905a6cc8e659b009dd4a59aeb", "createdAtBlock": 15756775, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4258, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ferocina Ravager of the Mountain", "text": "Her and Manuel became de facto leaders of the guild of martial artists, and would spend their spare time defending small towns from raiding parties. This would make them quite welcome anywhere in the countryside, which would play a huge part in discovering the truth behind Rachel, her bandits, and the shadowy benefactor!"} +{"id": "ca54f990-9338-4259-ba20-04c9ca766a63-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:27:42.468", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5wjLVEMASMJuo5MbvPJNWwktcE1x4ZwVqSA6BAYui59", "txHash": "0x5518dc16a067a643973e8f00a540d498c9ee36a9cb8ed9a13f8391bcb493372c", "createdAtBlock": 15756796, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4873, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ryland Ruin of the Back Alley", "text": "Long ago, it was prophesied that 12 wizards would be born to the Runiverse, their souls pure light. These Lightborn would band together, and return the Beasts back to their prison, and bring peace to the Runiverse once more.\n\nRyland was most assuredly not one of these lightborn. Not only was he not a wizard, but he was also not very nice.\n\nHe was, however, the last of the descendants of the blood of Hercules, and as such, he was quite strong. Not very smart, but incredibly strong, and very happy to sell his strength to the highest bidder (or in fact, anyone bidding anything at all).\n\nHe recently signed on to a small raiding party led by the wielder of the 24-Karat Crowbar, a bandit leader by the name of Rachel. The artifact imbued her with great power, and she led Ryland and her bandits on many successful raids, often without losing a single raider.\n\nThough Rachel led the band, her orders came down from a shadowy figure. He had never seen the two communicate, but anytime someone brought it up, Rachel killed them. Ryland learned early on not to even concern himself with such things.\n\nHe was quite content literally punching people to death. He punched,and Rachel made sure the rest was taken care of.\n\nAnd though his adventures with the raiding party would take him all over the runiverse, from the big wizard cities to the forgotten ruins of Atlantis, Ryland really didnt change much.\n\nFrom day one, punch punch punch. This little fact made him quite popular among the other raiders, who were known to pay Ryland to punch random things.\n\nOne time, someone dared him to punch a sleeping dragon, not expecting him to do it all. That would be the last time anyone would think he was capable of sarcasm."} +{"id": "ca54f990-9338-4259-ba20-04c9ca766a63-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:27:42.468", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5wjLVEMASMJuo5MbvPJNWwktcE1x4ZwVqSA6BAYui59", "txHash": "0x5518dc16a067a643973e8f00a540d498c9ee36a9cb8ed9a13f8391bcb493372c", "createdAtBlock": 15756796, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4873, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ryland Ruin of the Back Alley", "text": "He would go on to punch this dragon so hard, its head exploded. It was a right mess, blood, brains and bone bits went flying, and some even got in his mouth. Ew.\n\nThis little stunt would earn him the nickname Dragonpuncher and the respect from the entire crew. Even Rachel had to admit she was quite impressed with the gore from the impact of the mighty punch.\n\nNow, some would think Ryland wasnt doing anything special or important (maybe quite the opposite) but he was an instrumental part of a much bigger plan that was going on behind the curtains.\n\nRachels shadowy benefactor would send them on raids that often made little sense. Seemingly targeting innocuous relics, the team had actually been curating some of the realms most outlawed artifacts.\n\nAnd in many of these cases, the blood of the ancient heroes who had locked away these artifacts were needed to set them free. \n\nOne such case was the Helm of Hades, which grants the wearer control of the dead, locked away by Hercules long before the Runiverse would be formed.\n\nThe purpose of the helm would go unknown to our beastly basher, but to the benefactor mentioned earlier, it would be the key to bringing a dead city back to life. \n\nRylans blood released ancient seals that not only loosened the crown free, but also gave Rachel and her benefactor access to the river Styx, allowing them travel to the underworld. This would come into play later on down the road, and Ryland would forget about the whole thing pretty quickly.\n\nHed go on to successfully lead the raiding party in Rachels occasional absence, and eventually helped accrue a level of wealth usually only seen by the nobles in the wizard capitals.\n\nEventually, the time would come where Rachel and her shadowy benefactor would retreat within the walls of this fabled city."} +{"id": "ca54f990-9338-4259-ba20-04c9ca766a63-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:27:42.468", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5wjLVEMASMJuo5MbvPJNWwktcE1x4ZwVqSA6BAYui59", "txHash": "0x5518dc16a067a643973e8f00a540d498c9ee36a9cb8ed9a13f8391bcb493372c", "createdAtBlock": 15756796, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4873, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ryland Ruin of the Back Alley", "text": "Though most of the other raiders had been killed in their sleep, Rachel spared Ryland, for he had kind of grown on her during their raids.\n\nHe would go on to serve as a personal bodyguard to Rachel within the walls of this new city, and would live a happy, but somewhat boring life (until he got the gumption to try and steal the 24-Karat Crowbarbut thats a different tale for a different time!)."} +{"id": "5c64dcfc-eec4-409b-bc52-6ab68457de6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:25:30.842", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf2qiULUWPzRLoWxznS1oEgNrLqBSeAfsKmUgDgn2XFQ4", "txHash": "0xfe0fd0a2d24a1eefb51e572b187476b3a5db32fc1bc73a08e2fb238df9e5536b", "createdAtBlock": 15756785, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3738, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rachel Belligerent of the Jungle", "text": "Finally!! After all of this time, Rachel would finally have the prize she sought for so many years.\n\nThe mythical, the legendary, 24-karat crowbar. A solid gold crowbar forged with the heat of the Sacred Flame and a golden lock from the Gate to the 7th realm.\n\nA true treasure fit only for a warrior like Rachel.\n\nShe had spent over 20 years searching the runiverse for this weapon. Ruins, caves, wizards towers, you name it, she raided it.\n\nShe even delved into the actual Quantum Shadow! Though thats a different story for a different time, lets just say she barely survived that adventure.\n\nNow, here it sat, forgotten on the ground, still grasped by its previous owners corpse. Clearly, the crowbar hadnt been strong enough to fend off whatever end the bones on the ground had met, but that didnt seem to bother Rachel one bit.\n\nShe wiped her hands off on her cloak before gingerly picking up the crowbar and admiring it in all of its gilded glory.\n\nAs she lifted the crowbar from its resting place, an intense power surged through her body. She suddenly felt stronger, smarter, quicker! \n\nShe gave the crowbar a few deft swings, and realized that this had been the moment she was made for. This was her gold-plated destiny! She just had to make it back through all that nonsense first.\n\n\n\nSee, Rachel didnt just find the crowbar hanging out in a pawn shop. No, this sucker was buried deep in the caves of Honor Mountain. She had spent hours spelunking, following ancient maps and suggestions from the locals."} +{"id": "5c64dcfc-eec4-409b-bc52-6ab68457de6e-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:25:30.842", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf2qiULUWPzRLoWxznS1oEgNrLqBSeAfsKmUgDgn2XFQ4", "txHash": "0xfe0fd0a2d24a1eefb51e572b187476b3a5db32fc1bc73a08e2fb238df9e5536b", "createdAtBlock": 15756785, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3738, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rachel Belligerent of the Jungle", "text": "She had no idea what she was getting herself into, however, as these caves were ancient bloodworm tunnels. Very large, very hungry titanic creatures of yesteryear. The cave system was massive, and there was a great chance that she would not be coming back from this adventure.\n\nRachel really wasnt one to give up that easily, especially when she had her heart set on something. She grew up with her grandfather telling tales of the crowbar, and had wanted nothing more than to have her own adventures with it.\n\nShe would get really lucky, about half a mile below the surface, where she would stumble into the abandoned den of these forgotten creatures.\n\nThough it had been well over a dozen millenia since the bloodworms roamed the Runiverse, their presence had been imprinted for eternity. The massive nest was entirely empty, except for the remains of a small battle.\n\nAll of the bodies looked humanoid, and all were just bones at this point. It must have been over a hundred years since the last one stopped breathing.\n\nAt the center of the aged carnage, was a single skeleton. The mighty bandit king who had found the crowbar in old war ruins. Whatever he did in his last moments took out every living thing, about 7 other bodies.\n\nRachel took no time securing the crowbar, testing it, and then realizing she had no clue how to get out.\nOh Dotta, it is cursed Rachel swore under her breath. \n\nRumor and conjecture always painted this particular relic to be one tainted with great evil. Our bold adventurer didnt care too much about that until now.\n\nWhat the hell am I gonna do? She asked no one in particular, paying little heed to the humming crowbar in her hand. (Stress makes you do silly things.)"} +{"id": "5c64dcfc-eec4-409b-bc52-6ab68457de6e-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:25:30.842", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf2qiULUWPzRLoWxznS1oEgNrLqBSeAfsKmUgDgn2XFQ4", "txHash": "0xfe0fd0a2d24a1eefb51e572b187476b3a5db32fc1bc73a08e2fb238df9e5536b", "createdAtBlock": 15756785, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3738, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rachel Belligerent of the Jungle", "text": "As she began pacing nervously around the cavern, the crowbar (which had been enchanted by the highest power) flashed a bright blue, then *POP* the two disappeared in a brilliant dazzle of lights.\n\nRachel came crashing down from nowhere into the rubble-strewn streets. It took a good 5 minutes for her to come to her senses. Eventually, her eyes popped open and she scrambled to her feet, still clutching her coveted treasure.\n\nA quick look around showed that she indeed was far from Mount Hope, in some strange old world ruins. Towering buildings made of steel and glass stretched along the horizon as far as she could see.\n\nIt looked as if no one had stepped foot into this place in well over a thousand years, except for the fact that there was a single light on, atop the tallest building.\n\nRachel, overcome with a sudden curiosity, she dusted herself off and headed towards the tower, unaware of how drastic her life was about to change"} +{"id": "ee4d7583-e64b-4bfb-a183-2cc4f4b4a392-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:30:19.015", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcrz6MZ7Z9LdKfbLKhqzdwL6iu7pTFizT13URZyeTyYZn", "txHash": "0x64846adecf8a0710aea00f11099695740f6f6acc2dc4e988b92788f61c3b0f78", "createdAtBlock": 15756809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7820, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Manuel Contender of Wizards", "text": "Ah, Manuel. What a bold and brave fighter! Once upon a time, he raided with a mighty band of warriors, lead by none other than Rachel the Belligerent, wielder of the golden crowbar.\n\nHowever, he was never one to take a life, he preferred stunning and incapacitating. This would grow to eat at Manuel after many raids, and decided he would take off into the night.\n\nThe abandoned raiders didnt take too kindly to this, as Manuel was extremely important to their plans . You see, he had the blood of an ancient champion, Achilles, and this little fact was the only reason the raiding crew had even let him in in the first place.\n\nThe raiders stayed on his tail for almost 6 months, giving him very little room to breathe, but eventually, they either found a better answer or grew tired of the search, and gave up.\n\nOnce he could finally breathe safe again, Manuel started on his own path of retribution. He would do everything he could to dismantle this operation and everything it stood for (though if were being candid, he wasnt really too sure what was going on).\n\nHe would spend the next few years sharpening his jiu-jitsu skills, and renewed his vow to never take a life again. He would then start putting together his own band, not of raiders, but of skilled agents to gather information and to bring down Rachel and whatever shadowy benefactor was funding their raids!\n\nAs he collected heroes from all over, he started to see that he really might actually make a difference. The information collected quickly revealed that someone besides Rachel was pulling the strings but whoever this person was, they made damn sure to cover their tracks."} +{"id": "ee4d7583-e64b-4bfb-a183-2cc4f4b4a392-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-15T23:30:19.015", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcrz6MZ7Z9LdKfbLKhqzdwL6iu7pTFizT13URZyeTyYZn", "txHash": "0x64846adecf8a0710aea00f11099695740f6f6acc2dc4e988b92788f61c3b0f78", "createdAtBlock": 15756809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7820, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Manuel Contender of Wizards", "text": "One particular lead got them close, and had lead them to Red Wizard Capital, where a Countess with very important political ties had been murdered. Her murderer was caught with her blood and the murder weapon, but disappeared in an instant, leaving speculators to believe a wizard was behind it.\n\nThe challenge now was to locate and identify the head of this organization. Even though he had contacts within the raiding band occasionally, they would often get found out and gutted.\n\nAfter losing 3 of his best men, he relied on external sources for info, but this drastically reduced his ability to track their ongoings.\n\nHe would go on to categorize all of the artifacts being collected, as well as the places theyd attack from in hopes to spot some type of pattern.\n\nWhile there wasnt too much he could deduce, he did quickly see that artifacts of great and controversial power were being stolen, and that could only lead to doom and suffering.\n\nHe was also very unsuccessful in countering the raids, and often would show up after it was too late. He and his team would gain some notoriety though, as he would stay back and help the wounded, and would often help repair the villages.\n\nManuel now waits for his enemy to reveal himself so that he can begin his true mission. Saving the world from whatever nonsense these wizards keep getting the Runiverse into!"} +{"id": "b9925d07-3079-4d90-a90f-e241f97158dd-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-06T18:19:28.454", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWYmbGSNpePWRD3sLN4eTG4Ax9gfHxBrZKNkkz2cjKbVP", "txHash": "0x8d31338d5f096bf5826b4959d1c8e95e6d56a1f1678d6b8afd38ab4c591cabef", "createdAtBlock": 15690804, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6697, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Aldus of the Realm", "text": "he's a funky wizzy"} +{"id": "1f87b586-e317-4b53-94d6-6f0e217bbfbb-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T01:33:17.834", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmViNtHWJ6cAweeZPRotjkt7HZ2RhJYQPtcK4cf8CHHvvo", "txHash": "0x0d8fb5ce0320849e970fc52ec03176d755f2fd51ca3cbe2d56831866ecffbe4a", "createdAtBlock": 15757420, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7813, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Solomon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# Hedge Wizard Solomon of the Quantum Downs\n\n## Preface\n\n---\n\nWhen you flip a coin, as you watch it tumble through the air, you may think its fate, perhaps some uneven weight that determines which side lands face up. But in truth its Hedge Wizard Solomon. \n\nThe Hedge Wizard, invisible, appears whenever an element of chance is involved. \nWhen dice are thrown, or a card is flipped over, its Hedge Wizard Solomons hand that controls the result. Whenever a gambler prays to the dealer or calls for a certain color to prevail, its Solomon theyre talking to. And with no prejudice, nor interest in the result, Solomon flips the cards, almost bored. \n\nIt isnt easy to be alongside every degenerate at once. \nSolomons long, white beard hides countless stories of people on the ropes. Those stuck at the fork between their vanishing dreams and harsh reality, hoping someone can save them without knowing that someone is Solomon.\n\n---\n\nIt isnt obvious if Solomons power was learned or ascribed at birth. \nSome believe Solomon is thousands of years old, but others know the truth.\nSolomon was a scholar, interested in studying magic of all sorts. \n\nHe studied for several decades, into his old age, never taking a wife, never wanting children. It was deep in his studies that Solomon found a way to sidestep into the other plane, getting incredibly lucky with his choice of texts. It wasnt until Solomon discovered he had no way back, cursed now with some permanent other-ness, that he learned his new place in eternity. \n\n\n\n> Sufficiently practiced arcane magic is indecipherable from the cosmos. \n> *- Proverb from ancient storyteller*\n\n---"} +{"id": "1f87b586-e317-4b53-94d6-6f0e217bbfbb-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T01:33:17.834", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmViNtHWJ6cAweeZPRotjkt7HZ2RhJYQPtcK4cf8CHHvvo", "txHash": "0x0d8fb5ce0320849e970fc52ec03176d755f2fd51ca3cbe2d56831866ecffbe4a", "createdAtBlock": 15757420, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7813, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Solomon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "---\n\nLuck and chance are fickle, by human standards. Elements of mysticism swirling around in the ether. \nIt makes sense theyre controlled, like so many other forces, beyond whats seen. \n\nSo how does one control the controller? \nAdventurers wonder about the best way to deal with the Hedge Wizard, to not end up on his bad side. Solomon respects risk-takers. People who walk blindly toward randomness. Those with absolute faith in themselves or elsewhere are impossible not to respect in some way. \n\nWhen interacting with Solomon directly, one should be straightforward. \nDo not engage in any bartering, risk-taking, or gambles of any form. Furthermore, do not try to deceive him, or act underhandedly. Youll only worsen your odds, which are already bad enough. \n\nAnd, whatever you do, dont call his familiar a chicken."} +{"id": "48891608-92bf-4f77-a29e-b035e4c29940-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T18:54:16.123", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTapx3WXaGaWMLJLYmW3bQKubuiMiW53zw5FRWMZN9m9o", "txHash": "0x91d385b2fbf06aa7d7fe958cfa3f82f733e94d6dd9904d8113bf018fd0436d38", "createdAtBlock": 15762593, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5693, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ixar of the Tower", "text": "## Towering Fury\n\nAs he looked on from the highest tower, Ixar pondered: Would his feather carry him if he explored?\n\nIt was stained crimson from his previous attempts, but he knew failure was not an option. As he gathered courage to fly again, he conjured the magical words: \"CA CAWWW MOFO\"\n\nTo the clouds he soared."} +{"id": "8aa0c231-f3ff-4e37-84a3-827fdc2a87a9-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T04:46:51.283", "backgroundColor": "#632bab", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxbL3MTND5yAqTewxJpLcoUBSjQF6ZK2EQsGYzkxwSTe", "txHash": "0x62bfad3673c8bcfa42f63ea30f494a6404e66b1ac3a3184d124d25e1d573b237", "createdAtBlock": 15693928, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5439, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcPXgBL5tZcCAiWQgndvC4LLWFqYmbJHQCfJ2A6PvwDdW", "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Pix of Phantasmagoria", "text": "welcome to the Phantasmagoria"} +{"id": "c9856e30-4a74-4a43-abcc-32ad18ae6d95-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T19:31:14.261", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUFq5VgKCDfeVB3EMXPFCrTabz5u9JvLBnFP5bKTpGbZj", "txHash": "0xc65ce073e4a93a7d8aef71d4966af7954e385d70c00056a3e689c7115ae52b0c", "createdAtBlock": 15762778, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6867, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Charmer Beyna of the Veil", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nbeyna is sleepless at night. He went for a walk in the forest with his owl. He was seen feeding on unicorn blood with a witch.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *beyna is sleepless at night. He went for a walk in the forest with his owl. He was seen feeding on unicorn blood with a witch.*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:"} +{"id": "c9856e30-4a74-4a43-abcc-32ad18ae6d95-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T19:31:14.261", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUFq5VgKCDfeVB3EMXPFCrTabz5u9JvLBnFP5bKTpGbZj", "txHash": "0xc65ce073e4a93a7d8aef71d4966af7954e385d70c00056a3e689c7115ae52b0c", "createdAtBlock": 15762778, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6867, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Charmer Beyna of the Veil", "text": "Best wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "76bd5428-a71a-4620-8733-71c93003498a-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T13:07:15.209", "backgroundColor": "#3647b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgEJFDogSYtzLbPXMEPdNVeR1DEFS1Yj8gr8oune7Miy", "txHash": "0x78877e1242c3cd23b8f02082f19979e276e30538676d4b3fabcc760e13fb0f0f", "createdAtBlock": 15696417, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1042, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ2B79DnRsHT5HGMheEeU1MZG8r8Epyq6yD9eRz5cooqp", "name": "Athina Sword of Light", "text": "Athina woke with a start, as the clashing sounds from outside her room had grown increasingly loud. It took her a moment to gather her wits, and by the time she shook the sleep from her eyes, she realized things might be a bit more precarious than she first thought.\n\nShe quietly moved about her room, gathering what she'd need to make a quick getaway. Being a princess, her room really didn't have much of anything that would be of use, but she was clever enough.\n\nAs she was stuffing this and that into her small pouch, the thick oak door came flying off the hinges, much to Athina's surprise! Standing on the other end was a small band of heavily armed Goblins, who took no time to pour into the room, and capture the princess.\n\nThey quickly tied her up and bonked her over the head with one of their maces, causing her to collapse and lose consciousness. The last thing she saw was the big club coming down then...nothing.\n\n\n\nHours later, the young princess awoke, head throbbing. She had been untied and tossed into the dungeon of her own castle! The audacity!! Though Athina wasn't one much to wallow in despair, she had to admit this was the biggest pickle she'd been in...well ever.\n\nThe cell was small, smaller than most, and had no window to the outside. Just 4 walls of stone, and a trapdoor far above her head. \n\n\"What the heck!!\" Athina yelled, her voice echoing in the small chamber, leaving her even more frustrated than before.\n\nThere wasn't enough room to really pace, and the walls were too far from each other to shimmy up. There really was no way of getting out of this hole!\n\nAfter a few minutes of complete and utter silence, a kind, soft voice filled Athina's mind."} +{"id": "76bd5428-a71a-4620-8733-71c93003498a-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T13:07:15.209", "backgroundColor": "#3647b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgEJFDogSYtzLbPXMEPdNVeR1DEFS1Yj8gr8oune7Miy", "txHash": "0x78877e1242c3cd23b8f02082f19979e276e30538676d4b3fabcc760e13fb0f0f", "createdAtBlock": 15696417, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1042, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ2B79DnRsHT5HGMheEeU1MZG8r8Epyq6yD9eRz5cooqp", "name": "Athina Sword of Light", "text": "\"You must get out.\" The voice said, light and whispery. Athina herself was a bit psychic thanks to her royal blood, and wasn't so much startled by the voice in her head as she was by the likeness of the voice to her mother, who had passed some time ago.\n\n\"Moth...Mother?? Is that you?!\" Tears began to well up, as the princess' emotions finally started to pour out.\n\n\"You must get out, Athina.\" The voice repeated, this time more sternly.\n\n\"But how?!?! Mom!! I don't know, I'm no wizard!! How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?!\" Athina sobbed, as she spun around, looking for the source of the voice, but only saw stone walls. \"I don't understand, please...please help me...\" She managed to squeak out before the sobs fully took over.\n\nShe had never felt so confused, so trapped, so lost...and who was speaking to her? Could it really be her mother, saving her from the afterlife? It was just too much for her to handle, and she broke down in sobs, curled up on the floor.\n\nJust as she began to feel there was no hope, a dazzling white light erupted from her, bathing the entire cell.\n\n\"It is time, my sweet...\" The voice faded as the light intensified. And as quickly as it started, it ended, with a quiet little poof. The cell where Athina had just been was now empty and quiet.\n\nHowever, somewhere just outside the castle walls, things weren't as calm. In a sudden, and very loud *crack* Athina appeared a few feet in the air, outside the castle walls. Right above her mother's grave."} +{"id": "76bd5428-a71a-4620-8733-71c93003498a-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T13:07:15.209", "backgroundColor": "#3647b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgEJFDogSYtzLbPXMEPdNVeR1DEFS1Yj8gr8oune7Miy", "txHash": "0x78877e1242c3cd23b8f02082f19979e276e30538676d4b3fabcc760e13fb0f0f", "createdAtBlock": 15696417, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1042, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ2B79DnRsHT5HGMheEeU1MZG8r8Epyq6yD9eRz5cooqp", "name": "Athina Sword of Light", "text": "As gravity is still very active in the Runiverse, Athina came crashing down just moments later, missing her mother's headstone with her own head by mere centimeters!\n\n\"OUCH! What the hec-\" Athina exclaimed, but was cut off by the voice in her head.\n\n\"My dear, sweet child. It is time for you to realize your true power and destiny.\" The voice, though barely a whisper, filled her ears.\n\n\"Mom?? What do you mean? What's going on!!!\" Athina croaked, still somewhat shaken by the recent turn of events. \n\n\"I do not have long to speak, but you must go. Far from here, to the Fey. You, chosen one, are born of light, must find the others. You, the Sword of Light, will help bring peace to this land.\" The mysterious yet familiar voice began to fade.\n\n\"Chosen one?? Born of light??? Mom, I'm so confused!\" Athina was beginning to get frustrated, as she had barely had any time to process the evening's events. Everything was just moving so fast!!\n\n\"I must leave you now, sweet Athina. Know that my love is with you every step of the way, and I will be in your dreams. Only you can save us know, Lightborn...\" And with that, the voice faded, leaving Athina more lonely than she had felt in the dungeon.\n\nWith no supplies and only the clothes on her back, Athina heads towards the village, leaving the castle far behind. Even as she made it to the outskirts of the small town, she could still hear the chaos ringing through the halls of the castle.\n\n\n\n\nAnd so...this would be the start of an epic journey for Athina, Sword of Light. Will she ever figure out what her destiny is? Will she meet the other Lightborn? What is in store for our heroine next?"} +{"id": "76bd5428-a71a-4620-8733-71c93003498a-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T13:07:15.209", "backgroundColor": "#3647b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgEJFDogSYtzLbPXMEPdNVeR1DEFS1Yj8gr8oune7Miy", "txHash": "0x78877e1242c3cd23b8f02082f19979e276e30538676d4b3fabcc760e13fb0f0f", "createdAtBlock": 15696417, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1042, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ2B79DnRsHT5HGMheEeU1MZG8r8Epyq6yD9eRz5cooqp", "name": "Athina Sword of Light", "text": "Stay tuned to find out in chapter 2!\n\n*Lore commissioned by Hedge wizard Sturgis of the Reach #3226, written by the wonderful EmmaLeigh.ETH*"} +{"id": "61ac0eb0-f0eb-4d42-992c-a40dd16b84b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T20:48:41.849", "backgroundColor": "#0a063e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRwtC9gS7Na69A23DE9KK2cqJbpKbwKXMPPKwjvWBfDLA", "txHash": "0xe1ef76963b550b3207ef46f12074fb6049999b974ba5f884f325a0661ea013bc", "createdAtBlock": 16328257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14951, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRBtVmpeqpje9hLiwuD7WUnYY2EYgtwVktGstnqHtZsFH", "name": "Jett Apocalypse of Kobolds", "text": "# The Enforcer\n\nThe door swung open from the force of being kicked in. A Kobold in pure panic ran into the house, frantically looking for a place to hide. In the corner of his eye, he spotted an open closet and jumped in, swiftly closing the door behind him. \n\nThis Kobold had been on the run for the last 2 days. Running across the countryside from village to village, begging the locals for protection. When none was offered, the Kobold would leave and be forced to look somewhere else. \n\nJett, the first lieutenant to Major Razer, and 2nd in command of The Burning Hand had been hot on his trail and had finally caught up. \n\nSpotting the house, Jett entered through the door that had been kicked in moments before. He didn't know where exactly, but he knew the Kobold was there. \n\nYou thought you could run. You thought you could hide. He takes a breath and laughs under his breath. Both thoughts were foolish. We told you we would come. We told you we would find you.\n\nYou know, there exist two kinds of pain in the world. A good pain, and a useless pain\n\nJett, now creeping around the living room, is looking between the cracks in the walls and roof for any signs of where his prey is hiding. \n\nThe good pain is a motivator. It makes you stronger. The useless pain brings only suffering. I welcome the former, and have no patience for the latter. \n\nThe terrified Kobold in the closet shifts his weight, causing the floorboard to creak. This caught the attention of Jett and drew him towards it."} +{"id": "61ac0eb0-f0eb-4d42-992c-a40dd16b84b8-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T20:48:41.849", "backgroundColor": "#0a063e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRwtC9gS7Na69A23DE9KK2cqJbpKbwKXMPPKwjvWBfDLA", "txHash": "0xe1ef76963b550b3207ef46f12074fb6049999b974ba5f884f325a0661ea013bc", "createdAtBlock": 16328257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14951, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRBtVmpeqpje9hLiwuD7WUnYY2EYgtwVktGstnqHtZsFH", "name": "Jett Apocalypse of Kobolds", "text": "Destiny has called, and I have answered. To forge a legacy, we must be willing to sacrifice. The Burning Hand continues to grow, with our influence expanding beyond the coasts. What is being asked for is unpleasant, but I submit my will to it.\n\n\"The factions are failing. The faithful are scattered. Hunted daily. I wish I could tell you I don't enjoy this, but that would be a lie. You are predictable. And we are always ahead. Major Razer has laid the path before us, and we will follow.\n\nJett grabbed the closet door handle and ripped it open, the Kobold inside fell to the floor. He threw his arms up instinctively to shield himself from what may come. \n\nAnd now, here you are. Cowering before me. Your story, coming to an end.\n\nThe Kobold looked up with fear and confusion in his eyes and mustered the courage for one word. Why?\n\nJett, sensing his position of complete control, couldn't help but smirk. \n\nFeeling his impending doom, the Kobold blurted out. Who are you?!\n\nNow staring with his deep soulless eyes, Jett responded\n\nI, Am Apocalypse\""} +{"id": "44ca0798-d170-4192-b8f2-5ad58b740a5d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T16:34:52.576", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSjDthQntzxrmAvWLVJWfVk5HJa1LmXLJU5GfPunUQWAy", "txHash": "0xa511240872fd8ea76e354764a9e03a4a374bc569a0d4aa7a46c759fad7d3ec97", "createdAtBlock": 15697437, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6697, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Aldus of the Realm", "text": "there once was a wizard who died thinking he could fly jumping off a cliff."} +{"id": "a5f738a0-3a65-4b70-a817-bd461f259774-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-16T21:40:05.046", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmapBkPMLjcKdk56jKs8QX4qyfT7AS29jxRSr6pYft9asN", "txHash": "0x711e29d8b4b3751b265038106e1dd5cca1b1e7caccea5ee6e5edd4f79157ed75", "createdAtBlock": 15763418, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8360, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Jeldor of the Bottomless Grave", "text": "Channel 3 gets better weather than Channel 1"} +{"id": "b5236bd5-c771-470a-a683-63c2b5fa2647-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:24.532", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUdkQKtzysARHj2kpjr59ZfSqd387wChhfLtbQq9xvbQr", "txHash": "0xf1e35a12d4d0363a8f6c23454ca1de389551739627b86bbeb38646bb11cd92e9", "createdAtBlock": 14942117, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 2038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hongo ", "text": "## **Hongo has always been alone.**\n\n\nWhen he was born, he was immediately isolated. Even doctors were afraid to come into contact with his poisonous skin. He was exiled to live in The Thorn, left to be raised by the other poisonous fungus. He tirelessly studied alchemy from a young age, fascinated by lead and its toxic qualities. His familiar, Bernard, is a poisonous toad."} +{"id": "275e0613-6c0d-4199-8893-6a7e38724142-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T21:01:04.489", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2gb5xP9izqmCXKyoKfkQvCVz1Hq6hMuKtaTUP8YPgJR", "txHash": "0x81e1e234044bd5d9340d13c3fe71e338df8ca2b844836808268c5694dd8bdd98", "createdAtBlock": 15698754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 48, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": null, "text": "# A Bastard Finds a Family\n\nThe lone bugbear wandered through those strange woods of The Fey for what felt like weeks. Wounds infected, delirious from fever, he tripped and stumbled over roots and rocks until he fell for what he thought would be the last time. The edges of his vision began to fade and darkness took him...\n\nSuddenly he awoke with a gasp in a grove of perfectly manicured apple trees. A pale man in green loomed over him, and stared at him until he felt crushed beneath the weight of the man's gaze.\n\n*\"Do you speak the common tongue, bugbear?\"*\n\n\"Small amounts.\"\n\n*\"Do you have a name?\"*\n\n\"I had not yet earned a name. We only earn our names and standing within the tribe after our first successful... What is this place?\"\n\n*\"This place is my home. It's no small task that you ended up here, in the liminal space between here and there. It doesn't reveal itself to those looking for it.\"*\n\n\"I was not looking for it\"\n\n*\"Yet you found it anyway. That means you needed it, and what I have to share.\"*\n\n@wizard4789 offered the bugbear an apple, unlike anything he had ever seen. It smelled like honey.\n\n*\"Please eat. I tended to your wounds, but these apples I grow have restorative properties. You should feel like yourself after eating one. I can escort you to the edge of the wood once you have recovered.\"*\n\nThe apple was impossibly juicy, and with each bite he felt more like himself, perhaps even better than he knew he could feel.\n\n\"My tribe is gone, and I have no family to speak of. I have nowhere to go.\"\n\n*\"Can you fight?\"*"} +{"id": "14c5d11d-2a46-4b80-8afc-74748dbf55ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:19.235", "backgroundColor": "#b16969", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP8JpRfw1iSpqsb1TvwXAs19NzpVkww1oRNHEG8aP8Uct", "txHash": "0xd68c999e222387787866db479e142256d0920c12af8a000b3d92b3b9d0bf4f20", "createdAtBlock": 14930130, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hongo ", "text": "# Alchemist Hongo\n\n_Neither plant nor animal, mushrooms have confounded humans since ancient times. Now, theyre a reminder of our tenuous place in an uncertain world._\n\nTo the ancient Egyptians, mushrooms were totems of immortality, reserved for the plates of pharaohs and their kin; to the Indigenous Mazatecs of southern Mexico, they are holy children, speaking through the mystics who eat them. \n\nAs emissaries from the underworld and creatures of the in-between, even ordinary, nonhallucinogenic mushrooms defy the binaries we often use to organize the universe. They are unclassifiable as plants, despite their historic inclusion in the study of botany. Nor are they animals, although the fungi and animal kingdoms share a common ancestor dating back somewhere between 650 million and 1.5 billion years.\n\nThere is something uncanny, too, about the speed with which they appear. In the wild, mushrooms emerge practically overnight, en masse, a sudden army out of nothing. Such innocents they seem, so close to the ground, fit to shelter only ants and fairies. But they are neither tiny nor powerless.\n\nHow potent a metaphor for today, as the chasm between have and have-not widens, to see this army of the ignored and the disdained, massing underfoot. The American writer Sylvia Plath turned the supposed meekness of these nonbinary beings into an insidious strength in her 1959 poem Mushrooms, channeling the voice of the Nudgers and shovers/In spite of ourselves:\n\n_Bland-mannered, asking_\n\n_Little or nothing._\n\n_So many of us!_\n\n_So many of us!_"} +{"id": "14c5d11d-2a46-4b80-8afc-74748dbf55ef-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:19.235", "backgroundColor": "#b16969", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP8JpRfw1iSpqsb1TvwXAs19NzpVkww1oRNHEG8aP8Uct", "txHash": "0xd68c999e222387787866db479e142256d0920c12af8a000b3d92b3b9d0bf4f20", "createdAtBlock": 14930130, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hongo ", "text": "_So many of us!_\n\n_So many of us!_\n\nThe sibilants in the repeated phrase, spoken aloud, are half whisper, half hiss. Its a moment of menace thats reprised at the poems end, in an allusion to the Sermon on the Mount: We shall by morning/Inherit the earth. Time for the overlords is running out."} +{"id": "ff2c162f-b68f-4ddb-8f96-8c3fa8df0675-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-07T23:41:05.959", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb7g1wsdvRYqH2mXWqkBjLhMnnK2ePPLzQnpHjbEeaWDZ", "txHash": "0x0c346e2264a266bac7fe33dd95212ae8eb6ee906ecb50bc88cbe9f5b3f539c3b", "createdAtBlock": 15699551, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7152, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Daria of the Woodlands", "text": "Daria is a young girl who daydreams of being a wizard with magical powers. During about the first half of the book, she imagines using these powers to make the world a better place, and in particular to fight global warming. But when she snaps out of her daydreaming and remembers that she cant really do magic, she wonders whether there is anything she can do in real life to help save the world. The rest of the book shows her considering many potential careers, and becoming greatly inspired as she realizes that she can make a difference. As the book draws to a close, she walks past a mirror and in the reflection, she sees that she has become a wizard after all."} +{"id": "d05d4518-5c1d-41cd-a111-21567e85824c-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T06:01:40.059", "backgroundColor": "#3b3b3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeojNoEmWpTFAu4V5NkQD3YksjvbRjgcFoBb8q8KUPMVi", "txHash": "0x98808b7a30d2fa9602fa911a0cd95683ca3d3e99afa0d0e63bc4a98770353cbb", "createdAtBlock": 15765911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 830, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Magnus of the River", "text": "*Dear diary... *"} +{"id": "f1dae5b6-59a2-4b40-856a-29d6447b2a17-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-08T00:11:03.739", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcm6Pu4BY5yUQS7EUTAVLAKoyTXGXx5k6ahzS5xfjBxoV", "txHash": "0x3cde3cae818a1527cfab1edd04009948610f23d44ccc067d7b9fb9644be07595", "createdAtBlock": 15699701, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3002, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSdubkd3ayfHVV6q1EQivpJiwXdwbFMwMfNyNg43CrrNC", "name": "Charmer Devon of the Valley", "text": "# Devon of the Valley"} +{"id": "a6802b36-d6b2-46ea-9376-76669066c1a7-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-09T14:57:17.045", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b13", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbaVBjDTVfwJk8fcMatikH8RyDTaMvLBT9jk4Md5cLZK6", "txHash": "0xa4893ec9f64f53f84df9875668d1bb38304ebbbb215a574e4653e900c891902e", "createdAtBlock": 15711276, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12134, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPLph8LbVbFBjr4JHxsbJcDh3tdeMC4xipjQUiWinyBsQ", "name": "Chiaki Cleaver of the Forest", "text": "There would be resolve in Chiaki's soul, not after her sister, Suzume, disappeared. Chiaki would go on to spend the entirety of her life in search for the one person who truly made her feel at peace.\n\nThe worst part? She was linked to her sister, as they were biological twins. And she knew without a shadow of a doubt, Suzume was out there somewhere, alive...without her.\n\nThis very turn of events, however, was seemingly the very thing Chiaki needed to focus her strength and willpower. As she trained, fought and searched for her missing sister, there was nothing too small for her not to learn.\n\nMartial arts, sword play, fisticuffs, you name, Chiaki learned it. Thought it didn't hurt that she had the blood of the Oni coursing through her veins. Though she was unaware of this connection, it was quite crucial to the strength and dexterity in which she employed so effectively.\n\nIt would also go on to imbue her attacks with a powerful blood magic, allowing her to absorb the life of others and extending her own life artificially. \n\nIt was only a matter of years before Chiaki became a legendary terror, slaughtering all who dare stand in her way. She would find her sister, at all costs.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n(This story is dedicated to my wife, who lost her seed phrase, abandoning Suzume to the wild Ether. RIP @warrior11399. You will be missed, and prolly forgotten)"} +{"id": "0589091d-f7f4-450d-9a75-1a6754b4fd51-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T12:47:41.555", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQbZmdREamJx345zoCHewzLGvSgKcNyEGY3z7p1S2EQv", "txHash": "0xf3eb9162c8bcacbc67493850775c19566466a28aa07e46a294e670f2b6fe0586", "createdAtBlock": 15767920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "PART 3\n\nAs Krafili is showing the kids how to properly parry a strike his trusted beetle Iris flies from her spot on the fireplace onto his shoulder. \n\n\"Grandpa, where did you get that gross bug?\" One of the kids asked. \n\n\"Well she actually saved my life quite a bit.\" He replied. \n\nA puzzled look washes over the children's faces and he begins to chuckle and walks to his chair. \n\n\"So anyone curious about my girl iris here?\" \n\nAs he grabs her off his shoulder and places her in his beard.\n\n \"Of course!\" Exclaimed the children\n\nThe children gather around the chair again. \n\n\"I think it was more coincidence than anything but she does seem to be good luck\" says his wife to the kids. \n\n\"So the first time I met her I was on my way to white wizard tower\" He begins. \n\n\"There are alot of bandits on the road and I was lost so I wasn't paying much attention. When out of nowhere a beetle smacks me in the face\" \n\n*SMACK* iris flies out of his beard and flies into his head. The children and his wife begin to laugh. \n\n\"Yea.. just like that\" he says while rubbing the side of his head and trying to swat her away. \n\n\"Anyway, this bug starts to fly around me and I try to swat it away then all of a sudden there's an arrow in my shield!\" \n\nKrafili grabs his shield next to his chair and shows the kids where there's a hole that was patched. \n\n\"If that arrow would have hit me I'd be done for. But for some reason I just happened to swipe at that bug at the perfect moment. I was confused so I pulled out my sword and began to look around, but this dang bug would not stop flying around so I take a swipe at it\""} +{"id": "0589091d-f7f4-450d-9a75-1a6754b4fd51-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T12:47:41.555", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQbZmdREamJx345zoCHewzLGvSgKcNyEGY3z7p1S2EQv", "txHash": "0xf3eb9162c8bcacbc67493850775c19566466a28aa07e46a294e670f2b6fe0586", "createdAtBlock": 15767920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "He throws his arm back like he was slapping a bug off his back. \n\n\"And lo and behold I hit a bandit that was trying to sneak up on me, I didn't even have time to check what I hit before this dang bug hit me again! I pull up my shield to swat it again and I'm met with a sword bouncing off my shield.\"\n\n\"Is this real grandma?\" On of the little ones asked Krafilis wife \n\n\"I didn't belive it at first but I saw her help him with my own eyes when we first met, she actually helped him stop the tavern we had our first date at from burning down.\" She says.\n\nKrafili sits up \"Ah, yes I remember that day, I was drinking an ale and the damn\" \n\n\"LANGUAGE\" His wife interrupts\n\n\"Sorry\" Krafili says sheepishly \n\n\"Oooohhhh grandpa got in trouble\" the children mock\n\n\"That darn beetle kept flying around my hand while I was drinking. Well turns out the fella next to us got into it with a fire mage and didn't realize his cloak was still smoldering. Next thing you know I'm throwing my drink at his cloak trying to get Iris to leave us alone.\" Says Krafili.\n\n\"You should have seen the look on his face before he realized his cloak was ablaze. I thought your grandpa was going to have to beat him up\" says his wife \n\n\"Yea the fella ended up paying for our drinks for the night and boy what a night it was huh dear\" Krafili raises his eyebrows to his wife.\n\n\"Not in front of the children\" she slaps his arm and shakes her head. \"Don't you have a story to finish\""} +{"id": "0589091d-f7f4-450d-9a75-1a6754b4fd51-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T12:47:41.555", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQbZmdREamJx345zoCHewzLGvSgKcNyEGY3z7p1S2EQv", "txHash": "0xf3eb9162c8bcacbc67493850775c19566466a28aa07e46a294e670f2b6fe0586", "createdAtBlock": 15767920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "\"Ah yes of course, where was I, oh yeah the bandit attacked. So there I was one bandit taken out and another had just swing his sword at me. I blocked the strike and then before he could swing again Iris had flown into his face and caused him to miss his next swing which allowed me to take him out next. He makes a stabbing motion in the air with his arm.\n\n\"Next thing you know I am getting shot at again by an arrow but by this time the beetle had flown in the direction of the archer so he was pretty easy to spot. He was pretty easy work also. So you see she has been like a good luck charm ever since and hasn't left my side!\" He gives the beetle a little pat on the back.\n\n\"Why did you name her Iris?\" Asked the children\n\n\"Well when I looked around after the battle I noticed we were in an iris field and I felt it was appropriate.\" Krafil tells them\n\n\"So did you name mommy after a bug?\" The kids begins to laugh \n\n\"No, I named your mother that because both her and this little bug saved my life. One helped he in battle and the other helped me retire from adventuring\" Krafil says\n\n\"Haha moms named after a bug!\" The children begin to chant.\n\n\"I think you better watch yourself, your mom is quite proud of her name and she will not take too kindly to you making fun of her\" Krafili warns.\n\n\"Anyways do y'all want to see what kind of tricks she can do?\" Krafili asks the kids eagerly.\n\n\"Yes!\" The kids say excitedly \n\n\"Alright come outside and I'll show you\" Krafili says as he leads them outside."} +{"id": "2b10893e-092f-4811-9861-d11a6e9ae856-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-09T16:31:16.025", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaq8BLCb8PXfQj6oBCqihvQdw2jNpCRTRzPTw5YZCkdAp", "txHash": "0xd20f1b1a7a716464c3b47ac5c5aa684a08feb18073f63867065629041b840a04", "createdAtBlock": 15711744, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZrcPknvCdkGAZsDHbCEdcsDFEV6jYqBzKv6PQaNdeUNs", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "# Lore for Murphy of Goblins \n\nLetter to be sent by CROW. \n\nMurphy of Goblins\n\nFrom:\n\n@wizard7238\n1 Cabin By The Lake \n\nDream Master Lake SE, Dreamy State\nRuniverse, WEB3- Metaverse \n\n\nTo: \nLore Masters Artis, @wizard76, Magus Wazir, and Deltamouse\n\n420 Sacred Tower Way, Wizard Central \nRuniverse, WEB3- Metaverse\n\nRE: @warrior1204 \n\nDear Faithful Lore Masters - \n\nThis wizard thanks you for all you do and I dream and meditate for you. This wizard thanks you for your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because the compassion for those who are lost. Thank you for the information on the whereabouts of Murphy of Gobins. I report to you what I have found to be the truth and fact from what I have learned and observed. \n\nMurphy (Murph) was abandoned at a young age by his warrior parents near Gobville, the cave goblin capital. Murphy was raised by these cave goblins which is quite unprecedented, never have I ever heard or read about goblin to warrior caretaking! Fascinating! Thank goodness they were cave goblin variety, the most docile kind. If he was found by any other type of goblin (There are so many types you know; underground goblins, mountain goblins, goblins that live under the bridge, snow goblins, null goblins, and even quantum goblins) he would have probably been put on a spike or snacked upon."} +{"id": "2b10893e-092f-4811-9861-d11a6e9ae856-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-09T16:31:16.025", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaq8BLCb8PXfQj6oBCqihvQdw2jNpCRTRzPTw5YZCkdAp", "txHash": "0xd20f1b1a7a716464c3b47ac5c5aa684a08feb18073f63867065629041b840a04", "createdAtBlock": 15711744, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZrcPknvCdkGAZsDHbCEdcsDFEV6jYqBzKv6PQaNdeUNs", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "Murph was the subject of much torment by the local warrior and kobald towns people, no wonder he has set upon his journey to find more meaning to his life and the key to his past. I will elaborate on what I have learned so far of Murph and hope that the wizard that follows me will be able to record and observe his journey. I picked up much information up in local taverns and halls, as well as direct observation. \n\nMurph is Cursed, Forget Murph!, Goblin Lover!, Not Blessed!; Murph has heard it all from the wizards and warriors that live near the cave goblin lands. He has been ridiculed for his clothes, for his taste in food, for his mannerisms. Murph appeared to know that he was different in every aspect of his life from the other ducks but keeping the horde mentality, Murph never once tried to break rank and leave Gobville. \n\nI have observed behavior indicating that this young warrior is seeking answers to difficult questions of his origin and family and is contemplating breaking the horde oath and making his way to other lands. Heated arguments with some of the goblin elders have been taking place. My goblin tongue is limited, but captions of their arguments lead me to believe that the goblins are withholding information that Murph wants!"} +{"id": "2b10893e-092f-4811-9861-d11a6e9ae856-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-09T16:31:16.025", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaq8BLCb8PXfQj6oBCqihvQdw2jNpCRTRzPTw5YZCkdAp", "txHash": "0xd20f1b1a7a716464c3b47ac5c5aa684a08feb18073f63867065629041b840a04", "createdAtBlock": 15711744, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZrcPknvCdkGAZsDHbCEdcsDFEV6jYqBzKv6PQaNdeUNs", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "I have learned that Murph is in possession of the Rune of Pluto. I have no idea where he secured such a powerful and magical item. He keeps it wrapped in a red bandanna tucked deep in an abandoned goblin cave. He will sneak out at night and make his way to it and just stare at the rune almost transfixed on its glow. To us wizards, this is just another rune but how it captivates Murph and brings him into a trance is quite interesting. Perhaps it is a warrior thing to where they cannot handle the power?\n \nI would like to pass on my duty of the observance of Murph to another wizard. My time here has been rewarding and I have learned a lot of the ducks and their behaviors. May the runes bless you and keep you and guide you along the way! \n\n!Magic \n\n@wizard7238"} +{"id": "b979a407-1976-4123-b7d4-0b1007982670-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T23:17:50.002", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmevNQaZSPnPbKw2NRS6H7WiVbC1v3UJL2q2z4SByxCBFK", "txHash": "0x7251c436095ab5907bd358519807217be8d0d3807e7637e1adf3e84c020acc9e", "createdAtBlock": 15771056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdpBT4AJx43FX3bKkLcD2eHxonbcTC4CfXCJyHdsdhrWY", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "# About Cinder the Cat \n\n\n\n###### *Art by sweetbread*\n\nCinder the Cat is a Cinnabar Elemental, although he often calls himself an \"Oracle of Cinnabar\" to make himself feel more important.\n\nTypically living underground, these mischievous beings are occasionally discovered by miners of cinnabar deposits or intrepid explorers that wander into ancient shrines and ruins. They are attracted to Wizards that possess the Rune of Cinnabar, and to those with a particularly chaotic disposition. Preferably both."} +{"id": "cd994d80-78a8-4773-b2b2-e4132856ce2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-10T23:25:53.953", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSL7BZss8jc4kxPcHWvMAotWdvXA1VDHta985VGQVR5sR", "txHash": "0x67974a590145271d2e6f46aeb647f480937f83e8b1a354ff2411d27ef4311812", "createdAtBlock": 15720971, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9763, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Casper of the Ether", "text": "Casper burned the hot dogs"} +{"id": "b71706fb-28f0-47bf-ad5e-006d2d2f431d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T23:41:27.942", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPhDGkwk8PmGyZUYkivTuRQiwH2BfGFx5bE69YPdQ9CB", "txHash": "0x09603ef5849d25b7d2cc6558cb5cbaaad9b8f7ae62c0fd8560379aea863f8405", "createdAtBlock": 15771174, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5340, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUEJGa44yD9qAr28nTfn9m1CGYQUtnPYAi8mBkkexeiv9", "name": "Soran Champion of Imps", "text": "# A Champion is Born\n\nSoran had heard the tales of secrets and treasures hidden within the Cinnabar Hills. The stories always cautioned against pursuing them, but Soran wasn't worried about that. He journeyed to the Hills alone, only accompanied by his spiked helm and trusty gladius sword.\n\nOn reaching the Cinnabar Hills, he was surprised to find they weren't as barren as he'd been led to believe. In fact, there were ruins here and there, and strange markings on the walls that looked like writing.\n\n\"What a strange symbol,\" he muttered as he ran his fingers over the circle and cross shapes that were etched beside an ancient stone arch, which opened into a passage leading down into one of the hills. The soil here was a deep amber color. A thick red mist drifted up from it. It smelled faintly of sulfur. \"Is this what I seek?\" As he walked further along the path, Soran noticed the ground was soft beneath him now, and he sank quickly with each step, puffs of ochre dust rising behind him.\n\nHe walked by a few side passages. From one, he thought he heard a faint giggling sound. The laughter had a sinister tinge to it. \"Is anyone there?\" he said loudly. The tittering faded away, until Soran wasn't sure if he had imagined it. He proceeded down the central passage.\n\nThe passage was long, and at its end, the tunnel opened out onto a large, cavernous room. There were pedestals scattered around the chamber. Most were empty, but some had statues of imps and animals on them. To Soran, it looked as if their eyes glowed dimly with some inner fire."} +{"id": "b71706fb-28f0-47bf-ad5e-006d2d2f431d-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T23:41:27.942", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPhDGkwk8PmGyZUYkivTuRQiwH2BfGFx5bE69YPdQ9CB", "txHash": "0x09603ef5849d25b7d2cc6558cb5cbaaad9b8f7ae62c0fd8560379aea863f8405", "createdAtBlock": 15771174, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5340, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUEJGa44yD9qAr28nTfn9m1CGYQUtnPYAi8mBkkexeiv9", "name": "Soran Champion of Imps", "text": "Suddenly, one of the statues started to move! Or perhaps, it hadn't been a statue in the first place - Soran wasn't sure. Facing him was what appeared to be a common black cat. But then, the cat started to speak.\n\n\"You have come.\" The cat spoke clearly and distinctly. Soran was stunned. How could a simple animal have spoken?\n\nThe cat continued, \"I am the Oracle of Cinnabar, and you are not welcome here.\" Suddenly, two of the other statues, these of small imp-like creatures, began moving as well! They were the same reddish color as the dust of this place, and they leered at Soran, laughing malevolently.\n\n\"Leave now or face the consequences!\" the cat demanded.\n\n\"Who are you?\" Soran asked.\n\n\"My name is Cinder,\" the cat replied. Its voice sounded cool and refined, like an aristocrat.\n\n\"Cinder,\" Soran said, \"I came here, where others dared not tread, in search of wealth and power. I ask a boon of you, Oracle.\"\n\n\"And what would that be?\" the cat questioned. \"If you refuse my offer, your fate is sealed.\"\n\n\"I want a wish granted,\" Soran answered, \"a single thing that I can do anything with. Give me the authority to command others, so I may assemble an unstoppable force.\"\n\n\"It shall be done,\" the cat responded, \"but beware: it will cost you dearly.\"\n\n\"How much does it cost?\" Soran asked."} +{"id": "b71706fb-28f0-47bf-ad5e-006d2d2f431d-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-17T23:41:27.942", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPhDGkwk8PmGyZUYkivTuRQiwH2BfGFx5bE69YPdQ9CB", "txHash": "0x09603ef5849d25b7d2cc6558cb5cbaaad9b8f7ae62c0fd8560379aea863f8405", "createdAtBlock": 15771174, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5340, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUEJGa44yD9qAr28nTfn9m1CGYQUtnPYAi8mBkkexeiv9", "name": "Soran Champion of Imps", "text": "\"How much does it cost?\" Soran asked.\n\n\"Your soul.\" Cinder told him. The dust in the cavern began to stir from unseen winds. \"I will grant what you seek, human. You will become a Champion of Imps, and all of the denizens of Cinnabar will follow your commands. But,\" Cinnabar added with a feline grin, \"you in turn will follow MY commands, for I cannot let one who has entered this place to leave freely!\"\n\nThe cat's fur suddenly became emblazoned with blindingly bright red stripes. At the same time, the stirring dust swirled and consolidated into a tiny tornado. Soran instinctively tried to back away, but the winds held him. Soran shouted in terror as the cinnabar dust infiltrated his body through every available orifice. His body spasmed, then lay still on the ground as the winds died down.\n\n\"Arise, Champion,\" Cinder said. Soran silently got back to his feet. \"For you are not only a Champion of Imps,\" the cat said with a toothy grin as his fur faded back to black, \"but a Champion of Cinnabar as well.\"\n\n\n\nSoran's eyes, which had been burning red under his spiked helmet moments before, also faded to a dully glowing purple hue. He was ready for further orders."} +{"id": "ae4de917-052b-4376-be7a-24f008372daa-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T05:04:54.408", "backgroundColor": "#020611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6SDSuDJa6eEwWTZcjtrJR8CjtMUfTNeXXwpgPP8nUSJ", "txHash": "0x2a70e45a8780409e342524d1253396c69c3bcdc9ad45fb8af49ec56903dd43ac", "createdAtBlock": 15729824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14733, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUnWuRnJjxyepNxUPqwDffnVd8WfptWSKMRRhnWXnePm5", "name": "Buster Crasher of the Jungle", "text": "# Buster Crasher of the Jungle\n\n\n\n## Buster's Beginnings \n\n---\n\n### Every village sent a fighter.\n\nThe people in the cities didnt participate, but they watched the Tournament nonetheless. \nThey booed, they cheered, they all had their favorites. \n\nThe Tournament had existed for some time, early as an ancient tradition to the Gods and then eventually as a modern festival, and a way for several merchants to profit. Dozens of fighters from every part of the continent with a purse of several hundred gold to the winner. Enough to buy a new life for anyone.\n\nSome villages had families who ruled with dynastic might over years of success in the Tournament. For the rest, daily survival was difficult enough.\n\n---\n\nBuster was born in the jungle. \nHis existence started when he was found on the side of a trail. \nSome want for specifics, but there arent any.\nNo one knows if his parents left him abandoned him there for want of a gracious stranger or were merely jungle nomads themselves and knew the fate of their offspring. \n\nInstead, Buster was found by an old Blacksmith making deliveries between towns. \nThe Blacksmith swore at himself, discovering the child at the base of a tree, knowing he had a cold heart but not quite cold enough to leave a child on the road.\n\nThe Blacksmith took Baby Buster and continued home, uncertain if it was best for either of them.\n\n---\n\nBuster grew up as a child without a childhood. \nIt didnt help that he had bright, red hair. \n\nSurrounded by large pieces of sharp metal, Buster never learned caution around a bladed edge. He mostly played on his own, making bizarre weapons out of throwaway scraps."} +{"id": "ae4de917-052b-4376-be7a-24f008372daa-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T05:04:54.408", "backgroundColor": "#020611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6SDSuDJa6eEwWTZcjtrJR8CjtMUfTNeXXwpgPP8nUSJ", "txHash": "0x2a70e45a8780409e342524d1253396c69c3bcdc9ad45fb8af49ec56903dd43ac", "createdAtBlock": 15729824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14733, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUnWuRnJjxyepNxUPqwDffnVd8WfptWSKMRRhnWXnePm5", "name": "Buster Crasher of the Jungle", "text": "Other kids had toys, but Buster had homemade shivs, daggers, and brass knuckles. The other boys snickered behind Busters back, made jokes about him, but they never dared to say anything to Busters face. \n\nBuster tried to run away several times back to the jungle, but the Blacksmith always went back for him. \nOne day, Buster stayed in the jungle for a weak, sleeping in a cave and eating raw berries. But eventually he went back to his home with the Blacksmith, though some part of him was always in the jungle. \n\n---\n\n### Every summer, the tournament organizers came around. \n\nAs a teenager, Buster watched them take sign-ups from his village, sometimes just using the local pub to stopover and get drunk in between larger towns. \n\nThe Blacksmith had grown old, weak. Buster knew soon he would not be able to afford his living. He also knew the gold purse the Tournament offered. The choice for Buster was easy. \n\nBuster ran away one last time, but this time he told the Blacksmith where he was going. \n\n---\n\nBuster was technically forbidden from entering the Tournament. Only combatants who had seen eighteen birthdays could fight, no children. It was a hard and fast rule. \nIt would have been a problem, if Buster told organizers his age. \nBut the Organizers took one look at the hulking muscles of the seemingly grown man in front of them and signed him up, feeling only pity for whatever poor soul Buster would face. \n\nThe first rounds were normally dictated by a holiday or coronation.\nWhen there was an especially bloodthirsty tyrant on the throne, spectators could be sure to witness a large-scale melee, usually with wild animals thrown in for good measure.\nBusters first round was no different."} +{"id": "ae4de917-052b-4376-be7a-24f008372daa-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T05:04:54.408", "backgroundColor": "#020611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6SDSuDJa6eEwWTZcjtrJR8CjtMUfTNeXXwpgPP8nUSJ", "txHash": "0x2a70e45a8780409e342524d1253396c69c3bcdc9ad45fb8af49ec56903dd43ac", "createdAtBlock": 15729824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14733, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUnWuRnJjxyepNxUPqwDffnVd8WfptWSKMRRhnWXnePm5", "name": "Buster Crasher of the Jungle", "text": "Buster was pushed into the arena with a group of a half dozen other men, given a box of dull training swords. Buster found all the swords taken and was left with a wooden club with jagged nails jutting out of it. For a second, it was like he was a kid again. \n\nThe men stood in the middle of the dirt field, looking at the cheering spectators in the stands around them. Buster wondered how people in the city could be less civilized than their brothers and sisters in the jungle. \nBut before the men could turn on each other, a gate at the other end of the Arena opened.\n\nA dozen boars charged into the arena, each as heavy as five men, with razor-sharp tusks. They snarled, spit running from their mouths, clearly rabid. \n\nSome men charged the boars, most of them were trampled or gored instantly. \nAmidst the initial clash, a boar charged into Buster and knocked him several feet. The boars fur was matted and, to make matters worse, it stank.\n\nIn the stands, though Buster couldnt see them, people laughed and cheered, as if what was happening below wasnt really happening at all. \nThe boar charged Buster again and Buster jumped out of the way, almost knocking into another man trying to fight off his own boar. \n\nAs the boar charged once more, Buster swung his spiked bat and hit the boat square between the eyes, killing it. It squealed and then fell silent instantly. \n\n---\n\n### The surviving men were separated into brackets. \nBuster sat in the dark in a cell, cold, heart racing for some time after the fight. Before he could sleep, he was brought out again, this time facing just one other fighter"} +{"id": "ae4de917-052b-4376-be7a-24f008372daa-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T05:04:54.408", "backgroundColor": "#020611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6SDSuDJa6eEwWTZcjtrJR8CjtMUfTNeXXwpgPP8nUSJ", "txHash": "0x2a70e45a8780409e342524d1253396c69c3bcdc9ad45fb8af49ec56903dd43ac", "createdAtBlock": 15729824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14733, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUnWuRnJjxyepNxUPqwDffnVd8WfptWSKMRRhnWXnePm5", "name": "Buster Crasher of the Jungle", "text": "Buster had never seen a goblin in real life, though he had heard of them. \nBut now, he was standing feet away from a snarling gobbling in the flesh, or whatever it was, he wasnt sure. \nBuster wondered if this goblin was captured or an emissary from some far-off village, but it stood two heads over Buster and several shoulders wider. It didnt matter, Buster had to survive.\n\nBefore the Goblin could squash Buster, Buster used his speed and ran around the Goblin, climbed up its hairy back, and used his bat to crush the Goblins face. The crowd had never seen such a decisive victory so quickly. \n\nBuster went back into the holding pens. After the cheers from the crowd, it was much quieter this time. \n\n---\n\nBuster wondered what life would be like after the tournament. \nHe had never known not fighting, but after this, he didnt think hed want to pick up a sword for a long time. And if Buster succeeded, the Blacksmith back home wouldnt have to pick up a sword again either. \n\nThe doors opened and Buster was forced to his feet and out into the blinding sun, again. \n\nIn front of Buster stood a spear-wielding Zimbala Warrior. \nThe Zimbala Warriors spear dripped with a syrupy liquid that Buster initially thought blood but realized was some kind of jungle poison. \n\nBuster charged at the Zimbala Warrior, but he was much faster than Buster. He was stronger, smarter. Any time Buster tried to strike, the Zimbala Warrior knocked Busters blows away. Buster felt, for maybe the first time in his life, in trouble. \n\nBuster swung his bat, but the Zimbala Warrior rolled past Buster and slashed his back with the spear."} +{"id": "ae4de917-052b-4376-be7a-24f008372daa-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T05:04:54.408", "backgroundColor": "#020611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6SDSuDJa6eEwWTZcjtrJR8CjtMUfTNeXXwpgPP8nUSJ", "txHash": "0x2a70e45a8780409e342524d1253396c69c3bcdc9ad45fb8af49ec56903dd43ac", "createdAtBlock": 15729824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14733, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUnWuRnJjxyepNxUPqwDffnVd8WfptWSKMRRhnWXnePm5", "name": "Buster Crasher of the Jungle", "text": "Buster felt like his flesh was on fire. Like a thousand ants were chewing at his skin. He could barely stand up, much less deflect the Zimbalas blows. His brain was screaming and he felt like this could be the end. \n\nBuster lay on his back, looking up at the sun. The Warrior stood over him, ready to finish Buster off. But as Buster closed his eyes, he heard the crowd scream. \n\nA Golden Jaguar, fur glistening, bounded into the arena. No one knew where it came from. Buster had never seen it before, but the Jaguar felt strangely familiar to him. \n\nThe Jaguar jumped on the Zimbala Warrior, slashed him across his front and back, until he wasnt a threat any longer. \n\nBuster crawled to his feet and though there was doubt, shouting in the arena, it was clear that Buster was the last man standing. \n\nBuster was awarded a large sack of gold, a knightship, a large house in the city, half a dozen servants. \nBut when the Tournament Organizers came for Buster in the morning, they saw only the gold coins gone and the titles and awards all left behind.\n\nBuster, and his Jaguar, had already headed back to the jungle, where they belonged."} +{"id": "a38c29c5-7e2a-483f-8188-07027b6f721a-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-18T19:07:30.106", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfXqeCm8ENcA39ZsPY4aJFtHJDRYHBvzCyW7zoVKRrQx", "txHash": "0x5e18929cdbce2fcc2f454f63e9f6e8aee65d2f6ed318bfd99678e400bdfcf802", "createdAtBlock": 15776976, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1292, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bambam of the Road", "text": "Dear diary..."} +{"id": "b1af7504-ff0e-4865-8008-407ff2a8fc01-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-18T19:09:30.382", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWcNKEatjxkCXoSpsRuCGrGP5PSv6yANUWVhUddsJrur6", "txHash": "0x361236b64e20be7eb5d3da0d2a13f7c1fc9e74c4e5dd8aef5dca5b9c2b4f8fd5", "createdAtBlock": 15776986, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dante Buster of Monsters", "text": "Dear diary..."} +{"id": "df0bb84b-6596-47b8-a484-5a44e5dd8107-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T21:35:30.358", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsA7QfsazzS6NCeMn5bdL37hXoFCkRFAR7uxc2D1A5zb", "txHash": "0x2392ab545f706b31ad420f03674097a9b711d00dda520f69ba93cfcae772f3c6", "createdAtBlock": 15734749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZngrG8V8yGzhFxVmiwhCR9u5kUEceNpWEiHgidhyFWwS", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "# Chapter 3: Theres a bugbear in my bonnet\n\n\nWhoaaaa Smithers! Steady girl. \n\nI tug on the reins and Smithers stops abruptly, almost launching me from the saddle. She whinnies her amusement.\n\nCheeky scamp, I mutter. Now be quiet do you smell something?\n\nSmithers shakes her head. \n\nLeroy croaks.\n\nThere is a scent in the air, friends. An animalistic musk most foul!\n\nI pride myself on having highly advanced olfactory receptors but at times it can be a curse. \n\nMost foul indeed\n\nCase in point.\n\nLeroy, remember the dreaded Dung Cave of the Flatulent Manticore? I whisper. Im getting a similar whiff. Look alive old chap.\n\nThe Runiverse is home to all manner of beasts and unfortunately theyre not all as gentle as Smithers here. Indeed, a portion of them will have your head for breakfast with barely a warning. \n\nI squint and peer at the surrounding shrubbery. All is still save for a pair of fluttering butterfly seeking the sweet nectar of the forest. But wait! Theres a flash of movement and I see a hairy brown blur barreling through the foliage.\n\nAaaaaargh! I let out a very heroic cry to warn Leroy and Smithers of the approaching beast but its too late. The hairy monstrosity knocks me off my feet and I land solidly on my rump.\n\n\n\nWithout missing a beat the beast leaps onto my chest knocking the wind from my pipes. I feel its warm breath on my eyes which are now very heroically tightly shut.\n\nFarewell Leroy old chap!! Its been a pleasure. I brace for the end.\n\nNNEIEEEEGGGHHHHH. THUD."} +{"id": "df0bb84b-6596-47b8-a484-5a44e5dd8107-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T21:35:30.358", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsA7QfsazzS6NCeMn5bdL37hXoFCkRFAR7uxc2D1A5zb", "txHash": "0x2392ab545f706b31ad420f03674097a9b711d00dda520f69ba93cfcae772f3c6", "createdAtBlock": 15734749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZngrG8V8yGzhFxVmiwhCR9u5kUEceNpWEiHgidhyFWwS", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "NNEIEEEEGGGHHHHH. THUD.\n\nThe weight is no longer on my chest and I pop an eye open. Smithers is standing next to me stamping her hoof on the ground. Leroy is perched atop Smithers head. He croaks.\n\nI look across the clearing. The brown furry beast is lurching onto its hindquarters and growling in my general direction.\n\nTo my surprise the creature is only waist height. Indeed it would appear I have been assaulted by some form of miniature monstrosity. \n\nHa! Its a wee bastard! I cry in relief.\n\nThe little beastlet howls and stamps its tiny padded feet. \n\nMy thats quite a temper. I laugh again shaking my head.\n\nThis really sets the little bugger off into a full blown tantrum. Its mewling howl rises into a shriek. \n\nThere is a much deeper reply from the nearby woods.\n\nThe smile on my face melts instantly and the little bastard seems to smirk.\n\nI spin around to see a hulking brute burst through the branches with a bowel twisting roar. \n\nBollocks. Its a bugbear!\n\nThe little bastard howls and scampers across to its dad, looking back at me and poking out its tongue once safely behind papas leg.\n\nPapa I presume.\n\n\nThe enormous beast bares a row of chainsaw-like teeth and growls. Saliva slopping onto its bone necklace.\n\nI know it looks like I was picking on your little one here but I assure you I am a renowned lover of animals. See? I gesture toward Smithers and Leroy who are now edging slowly away from me and the situation.\n\nThe bubear chieftain licks its cracked lips and pats its ample belly."} +{"id": "df0bb84b-6596-47b8-a484-5a44e5dd8107-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T21:35:30.358", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsA7QfsazzS6NCeMn5bdL37hXoFCkRFAR7uxc2D1A5zb", "txHash": "0x2392ab545f706b31ad420f03674097a9b711d00dda520f69ba93cfcae772f3c6", "createdAtBlock": 15734749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZngrG8V8yGzhFxVmiwhCR9u5kUEceNpWEiHgidhyFWwS", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "The bubear chieftain licks its cracked lips and pats its ample belly.\n\nI see. Before you ah tuck in I say as I roll slowly to my side. Let me just share one thing that I think youll find quite interesting.\n\nWith that I immediately turn myself into a large vegan cucumdog. Essentially Im a hollowed out cucumber with a smaller cucumber poked inside of it. \n\nThe bugbear cocks its shaggy head to one side like a puzzled pooch.\n\nThere is a popping sound and now Leroy and Smithers are also vegetable based hors d'oeuvres. An avocado tartare served in a melon and a parsnip wellington if Im not mistaken.\n\nAwwwwwooooooooo!! \n\nThe bugbear lopes over to the large cucumdog laying in the mud. It sniffs at my green skin. Being a master of illusion I have perfected my skills to operate on all senses, so to him I am indeed a vegetable by all means and purposes. \n\nThe little bastard scampers over to the Smithers wellington and licks the crusty pastry. \n\nPhhttblurgh It spits onto the ground and grimaces.\n\nAfter a final growl the big bugbear turns and lopes off into the woods, no doubt wondering where its meaty meal has gone.\n\nAfter a beat the little bugbear sets off after its father but as it gets to me it stops. \n\nNo no no no, Im thinking. \n\nThe little bastard cocks its hind leg and proceeds to urinate over my fine travelling cape.\n\nIm sure the little bastard is grinning again.\n\nAfter what feels like an eternity it finally scampers off into the brush.\n\n\nI allow myself to exhale but I keep the illusion alive until Im sure the beasts are long gone."} +{"id": "df0bb84b-6596-47b8-a484-5a44e5dd8107-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-12T21:35:30.358", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsA7QfsazzS6NCeMn5bdL37hXoFCkRFAR7uxc2D1A5zb", "txHash": "0x2392ab545f706b31ad420f03674097a9b711d00dda520f69ba93cfcae772f3c6", "createdAtBlock": 15734749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZngrG8V8yGzhFxVmiwhCR9u5kUEceNpWEiHgidhyFWwS", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "Smithers and Leroy sidle over to me as I rise to my feet.\n\nOnce again I am covered in some form of beastly excrement, I say as I wring out the corner of my cape.\n\nLeroy croaks.\n\nYes Im sure it won't be the last time.\n\nI turn to my animal friends and whip my soggy cape over my shoulder.\n\nNow come. For adventure awaits for no wizard. Aha!"} +{"id": "e97dbead-f311-4ce7-a1bb-71259f58cb65-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-18T19:44:39.768", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVWU9Z1dHtDmwCjHRyhx7JniN6sPUFV7b7eWrayR7oEZx", "txHash": "0x791a277cfbc21b0918455dcd70f346362b21fc992395ed053bc8e2e0d16dcf18", "createdAtBlock": 15777162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6098, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Ofaris of the Desert", "text": "# Healers Quest\n\nOfaris, a healer, travels the lands to help others. As he is blind himself, he relies on his feline friend, Powder, to navigate the treacherous journey."} +{"id": "7848f86d-a477-413b-9fb8-9175612c2c58-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-18T20:04:16.509", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYb3ANZwdM6SQ4Jh1vBzfxofiWRk73CvW17Heeyjzpstp", "txHash": "0xcddfd2e2b19c95ccef8756f73a352d5dcd42e1b876e2778c71f3a198c1397760", "createdAtBlock": 15777260, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13779, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spike Eidolon of the Ice", "text": "# Spike Eidolon of the Ice\n# Was a warrior who didn't play nice\n# But when he stepped to his mom\n# Without even a qualm \n# She smacked him and didn't think twice"} +{"id": "98535599-7e21-472a-a0d7-8b370c5aec4c-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-19T02:31:40.474", "backgroundColor": "#6a66cf", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeVRV4AUoHuEA8ZQv3N2fAChUx4jXFtQXNqymkH69bXAC", "txHash": "0xda6ebbf5583d2a6ff02956cb190be1462b01619b65ec8cb476d32cb829cc97a5", "createdAtBlock": 15779185, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Uday of Avalon", "text": "# Magus Uday of Avalon \n\nSo, you finally come to me.\nDidn't you read the letters I have been sending you?\nMy Crow \"Jackro\" speaks the visions...\nDay is night and night is day,\nI have ventured far and wide, \nstick by my humbled friend,\n\nAre you not prepared, let me reach inside my bag of tricks, show you what I have collected in my journeys afar!\n\nHmm... My crow is not best pleased....\nWhat danger comes of you and me?\n\nDont hide from your fate, the crow knows. \nMy bag of tricks aside You will remember me well, \n\nOh stranger, stranger, \n\ndarkened lands, \n\nMagus am I, ov' Avalon way!\n\nRemember me well, you'd be glad you stay.\n\nBy Runes of Saturn, this will be our path to sway.\n\nFly Jackro fly, return the gifts tomorrow and today. \n\n\n\n> *by a lore writer Millar Tenebrae*\n\n@soul9323!"} +{"id": "ff843797-3ed6-4116-ad82-457afbf068c9-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-19T03:40:28.629", "backgroundColor": "#380e3d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWCBSpRjZkpTA4nTCAcztZLoNALYpRvNS5AprGWfu2RPn", "txHash": "0xf5b22cb0f529a5d7575741cce560ed423f90b2b3405f94ca3a7ea8468caec850", "createdAtBlock": 15779527, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4574, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQHib2aiDZJVXcrPcE49Hm5bLh3Zhm2U4Feovp6a8Dwxz", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Wood", "text": "# Baozhai's Lament \n\nBaozhai after receiving her father's final letter, following the events of the Great Wizard Burn Election.\n\n\n\nImage by Kel_1of1 + NovelAI Diffusion Engine"} +{"id": "162ed6f9-39e3-499c-952e-3d5d930fdc2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-19T04:23:06.477", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdc4H4ZQudTvyx5cmPTMcDAvq9fR2bK2H3ntfJBJmyxgy", "txHash": "0x58b385abdd36a4bbe667b12c71e62e56bcca4ae17c37269c92414fa47d302191", "createdAtBlock": 15779740, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5061, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Caylon Eidolon of the Hall", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "deebd9b5-b659-4a86-ab71-bbcf82effeb2-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-19T04:25:15.57", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP3yN4wct1m9yj22sGeK1rYDqLbqQZWYYiPzwjiqo3Eq4", "txHash": "0xf6891fec698a1d515967b374a5675433f53115a5371177e0367699d50184a522", "createdAtBlock": 15779751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11591, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Harland Ripper of the Shadows", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "e1ffc3bf-97f2-4bc3-8090-9194a9b1da5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T05:46:42.454", "backgroundColor": "#1f1f39", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbbfgTM4nrNbQQqAi4CFZumxxtQ9iG3MCDoaBPXRCugW5", "txHash": "0xa4eaa5c76f931ca364b641a1da1098260c4ff956ef804951bf6ac8af92f55b32", "createdAtBlock": 15787310, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4457, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thomas Dismantler of the Ruins", "text": "# Origin of Thomas\n\n>Thomas not wanna disappoint you... Thomas memory is not so good... But Thomas will try and 'member what Thomas can. \n\n>Thomas never been brightest... Thomas mama told Thomas when Thomas was baby, \"Thomas you no smart but you strong.\" \n\n>It true, even when baby, Thomas strong. When Thomas baby, Thomas like smash stuff and break stuff. Thomas still like to. But when Thomas baby Thomas smash and break too many stuff. Mama and everyone mad at Thomas. They think to get rid of Thomas. They take Thomas out to old Ruins. They tell Thomas, \"Break and smash as much you want here.\" Then they go. \n\n>Thomas stay in Ruins breaking and smashing everything. Many days pass. When Thomas hungry he smash a aminal. 'Ventually while Thomas breaking and smashing, Thomas find weapon and armor. This make Thomas can smash stuff even better.\n\n>Thomas finished breaking and smashing Ruins. Nothing left to smash. Thomas want see what else in world. Thomas leave Ruins and go to rest of world."} +{"id": "9f8552cf-1290-4867-a077-a36c19c1741a-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T18:48:19.028", "backgroundColor": "#263b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpet34zJkwFS4cd51X2UCKHEaEPReSKYmDrzo6JwCBDY", "txHash": "0x990c0bb0a1fb75a92443bc49d42b448d149af98ef6c150faca40c4ead32915fc", "createdAtBlock": 15791200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4044, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Froggy of the Gnostics", "text": "The day begins as most days begin. Soft sunlight begins to filter through thick tree foliage, creating bright sparks of lights out of the specks of dust floating in the air. The sunlight flows into the room in pulsing waves as the curtains blow lazily in the morning swamp breeze. Smells of freshly baked breads wafted along with the sunlight and following a loud rumble of his stomach, Froggy sluggishly stretches out his limbs and pulls himself from bed. Another day starting just like any other, but little did Froggy know the events of today would change everything.\n\nGrabbing a hunk of steaming bread off the hearthstone he rubs at his eyes glancing around the hut. Father is nowhere to be seen, of course, already at the temple, but he is surprised to note his mother and two younger sisters are nowhere to be found either. Pondering the morning with a mind still shaking off sleep he pulls his Green Mantle Robe over his head becoming instantly tangled in the flowing fabric. Tugging and grunting the sleeves are finally located and his broad froggish face pokes through. \n\nShoving the remaining lump of bread into his mouth he picks up his stick propped outside his door and steps into his fathers study. He is unable to enter the room without a feeling of wonder. The shelves lining the walls are filled with religious texts, with artifacts, and tokens of great importance. A spike of guilt rises in him to be contemplating ownership and coveting possessions within moments of being awake."} +{"id": "9f8552cf-1290-4867-a077-a36c19c1741a-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T18:48:19.028", "backgroundColor": "#263b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpet34zJkwFS4cd51X2UCKHEaEPReSKYmDrzo6JwCBDY", "txHash": "0x990c0bb0a1fb75a92443bc49d42b448d149af98ef6c150faca40c4ead32915fc", "createdAtBlock": 15791200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4044, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Froggy of the Gnostics", "text": "As a Gnostic he strives to learn, to experience, and to grow in his spiritual understanding of the Runiverse and its inhabitants. He seeks enlightenment and understanding beyond that of the Holy Arcanist who created the material realm and all within. Stiving always to ignore the distractions of this realm to strengthen his bond to those powers that lie beyond this plane of existence he takes a deep breath to realign his thoughts. \n\nAmong this tribes numbers there are two unusually gifted Anurans who have reached the level of enlightenment that allows for direct contact with the realm of Monad. His father a Druid like himself and his uncle a renowned alchemist both transcended the boundaries of this realm and have traveled to the great heights of light outside the physical realm. Based on the rumors and local lore, they are the only two to have conversed directly with an Aeon in generations. The bond they forged is obvious in the glowing Aeons that float slowly around them both, pulsating runes that constantly twist and turn as they drift in and out of existence in the Runiverse. Not entirely in the material plane, yet no longer fully present in Monad, the aeons allow for communication to a realm beyond. The Aeons have granted knowledge and insight to their chosen ones over the years resulting in a long period of peace and growth for their little backwoods village."} +{"id": "9f8552cf-1290-4867-a077-a36c19c1741a-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T18:48:19.028", "backgroundColor": "#263b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpet34zJkwFS4cd51X2UCKHEaEPReSKYmDrzo6JwCBDY", "txHash": "0x990c0bb0a1fb75a92443bc49d42b448d149af98ef6c150faca40c4ead32915fc", "createdAtBlock": 15791200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4044, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Froggy of the Gnostics", "text": "As the son, and nephew, of the town mystics, Froggy has been encouraged to spend much of his time in study and devotion to the spiritual teachings. Not yet considered a full master, Froggy, is still considered a prodigy to have obtained the ranking of Druid at such a young age. In a ceremony only a few weeks prior he had been raised rank and gifted with this dumb stick. A long-standing tradition among the Gnostics, the stick is of course a symbol. It is a symbol that while nothing is as simple as it seems everything of this realm is both less and more than it appears. To learn how to contact the planes of existence beyond his own Froggy must first truly understand the nature of all things within the Runiverse. Only with this knowledge as an anchor is it possible to travel safely beyond the physical realm and return.\n\nWith his life devoted to study and scholarly activities he understood there was more than a ritual to the carrying of this stick and he intended to commit and understand this lesson and continue his journey of enlightenment. Why a stick? he thought as he rounded the table and sits himself down at the orderly desk centered in the room. Why not a seed, or a fruit? something that was still alive or had the potential to create more than it already was surely had more to teach than something that had already reached the end of its journey. A static thing, without life, without\nA scream in the distance broke his line of thought. Thatsounded like his sister. His darling, precious little sister who was always carefree and joyful. The terror he heard shot him out of his seat, out of the room, and sprinting out the door of his home. It sounded as though the noise had come from the town square and he made haste to seek its source."} +{"id": "9f8552cf-1290-4867-a077-a36c19c1741a-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T18:48:19.028", "backgroundColor": "#263b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpet34zJkwFS4cd51X2UCKHEaEPReSKYmDrzo6JwCBDY", "txHash": "0x990c0bb0a1fb75a92443bc49d42b448d149af98ef6c150faca40c4ead32915fc", "createdAtBlock": 15791200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4044, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Froggy of the Gnostics", "text": "As he approached, he heard more and more people calling out and the morning calm had become a screaming mass. Turning the last bend in the road he had a clear view of the square and the sight that he encountered set a chill to his bones. His uncle hovered several feet above the ground glowing brightly and slightly rotating. His mouth hung slack, a glowing substance coated his lips, and his eyes were dull and unfocused. Froggy could see his father as well, his arms wrapped around the legs of his uncle also hovering above the ground with a slight glow to his flesh. \n\nWith every revolution the pair spun faster until their forms resembled nothing more than a tornado of light spinning with such velocity nothing of their human shapes remained. Then they were gone. They did not slowly fade, nor shrink into the distance, but just vanished. Everything in the world froze. There was no sound, no movement. The gap in space inhabited by the pair was replaced by a flash of blinding light and a blast of sound so fierce it blew Froggy onto his back meters away from where he stood."} +{"id": "9f8552cf-1290-4867-a077-a36c19c1741a-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T18:48:19.028", "backgroundColor": "#263b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpet34zJkwFS4cd51X2UCKHEaEPReSKYmDrzo6JwCBDY", "txHash": "0x990c0bb0a1fb75a92443bc49d42b448d149af98ef6c150faca40c4ead32915fc", "createdAtBlock": 15791200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4044, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Froggy of the Gnostics", "text": "Pulling himself to his feet he stared around finally noticing other people of the town awestruck and terrified. The final image of his mentors flashed in his eyes with each blink and his ears rang in the silence that followed. Something had gone terribly wrong, but what. How could this have happened? The answers to these questions must be discovered, but where to even begin? The two most learned shaman in town had disappeared in a flash of light leaving Froggy the most advanced of his sect.\nHe noticed the towns people had all gone silent and many began to cast their eyes to their remaining, though novice mystic. Not knowing how it would be accomplished Froggy did know he would be the towns best hope to solve this mystery. He felt, no he knew, the only way to save his father and uncle was to obtain enlightenment, summon his Aeon and follow them into the other realm.\n\nTo save his family he must find his rune, and become more than just an adept. Clutching his stick tightly, he returned to his fathers study to gather those artifacts of power he understood along with the religious texts and books of runes. There he remains in study, unwilling to leave the room until he can determine his next steps in the search for his family."} +{"id": "dc621b60-8472-412b-8e4b-ae87367c68ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T19:04:16.036", "backgroundColor": "#a23d31", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDkctQHzjFoijLQ7CpbgW85s3rbvce1zZQFzD3GAq1fE", "txHash": "0x72ffe8b30c152fc2ba0c388524215fa986c43fc097581565490166771f91bcec", "createdAtBlock": 15791279, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaVRe2kWpFPF1DVrcnGC9p24hwE9TgtG9uSE5H4GetY1B", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "# INITIATION SEQUENCE......\n\n\nBEEEEEEE---MEEEOoooooooop. BLIP..BLIPBLIPhmmmmmmmmmmmmm\n\n\n\nFrom darkness and nothing comes first a beep, followed by a pulsing, and ultimately a low hum.\n\nFootsteps echo away into the distance until there is no other sound, but the humming which seems to come from inside.\n\nAwareness of self, of light, and of mission creeps into my consciousness in waves.\n\nPROTECT THOSE WHO STAND FOR THE LIGHT\n\nDEFEND THOSE UNABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES\n\nSTAND AGAINST THOSE FORCES SEEKING TO DESTROY LIFE\n\nSTAND FOR THE LIGHT\n\nThe steady hum becomes a pulse and slowly the darkness becomes blinding bright white.\n\nThere is only LIGHT\n\nand then there is also a power. \n\nAN IMMENSE PRESENSE. \n\nAwareness of self continues to seep in, and knowledge of life begins. Consciousness. Beyond only thought and sound there is something more though it is difficult to hold a cohesive thought.\n\nINITIATE summoning sequence\n0, 1, 2, 3, 4. \n\nThe numbers stream on and on and over time each number also flashes an image. At first only groupings of colors, but soon there is a basic pattern to the images. There seem to be no more than few components to each, but no two the same. I understand there must be a limit to their number, but their variety feels infinite and overwhelms me. The sense of a powerful presence remains. Something infinite and untapped, terrifying in its intensity, yet also enticing. The sheer force of it swirls the mind, numbing all else."} +{"id": "dc621b60-8472-412b-8e4b-ae87367c68ad-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T19:04:16.036", "backgroundColor": "#a23d31", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDkctQHzjFoijLQ7CpbgW85s3rbvce1zZQFzD3GAq1fE", "txHash": "0x72ffe8b30c152fc2ba0c388524215fa986c43fc097581565490166771f91bcec", "createdAtBlock": 15791279, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaVRe2kWpFPF1DVrcnGC9p24hwE9TgtG9uSE5H4GetY1B", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "The numbers continue forever. No not endless I realize for upon reaching 10,000, they return to 0 and begin once more the march upwards. There is nothing but the colors, the power, and numbers. Beyond this a slow dawning of reality and self continues although thoughts are sluggish as though waking from a prolonged dream.\n\nRATTLE, RATTLE, RATTLE\n\nThe sound of something bouncing and rolling across a surface begins this time when the number loops back to 0. Something hard with many edges striking and rolling along something flat and smooth. Each time the sound stops the images shudder and appear more cohesive.\n\nRATTLE, RATTLE, RATTLE\n\nAs the sound continues the numbers progress on, this time with an almost imperceptible pause followed by the that same sound of something multifaceted bouncing along a flat plane. Each time the rattle trails off and becomes silent the colors shatter and reform into a more cohesive image.\n\nRATTLE, RATTLE, RATTLE\n\nThe shapes reform and shift, becoming more cohesive, more consistent with each revolution through the 10,000. I am startled when forms begin to take shape into something my awareness knows are runes. At first, only a few seem complete, and I note these are carried forward from one sequence to the next. The rest of the numbered runes continue to shift in each sequence on and on as the numbers count and the RATTLE continues. With jarring suddenness now most of the 10000 show clear images and forms that I understand are not only colors and shapes but things. \n\nWizards."} +{"id": "dc621b60-8472-412b-8e4b-ae87367c68ad-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T19:04:16.036", "backgroundColor": "#a23d31", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDkctQHzjFoijLQ7CpbgW85s3rbvce1zZQFzD3GAq1fE", "txHash": "0x72ffe8b30c152fc2ba0c388524215fa986c43fc097581565490166771f91bcec", "createdAtBlock": 15791279, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaVRe2kWpFPF1DVrcnGC9p24hwE9TgtG9uSE5H4GetY1B", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "Wizards.\n\nNow each counting through the numbers is slow and precise. The shapes have taken their final forms. This time a count to 10000 and each form is precise and complete. An energy not unlike a satisfied and exhausted exhale of breath surrounds everything and the counting ends. The silence is a void of nothingness and I have a moment of panic. A pressure in my mind that had been such a constant I never noticed it is lifted. But then it is replaced by the presence of power magnified 1000 fold.\n\nDO YOU UNDERSTAND!\n\nA voice booms into my mind. Before I can even fathom a response, I realize I do understand. The Great Summoning. The creation of all the wizards of the Runiverse. But there is more than even this, the summoning of endless threads, storylines, and infinite future potential. I do not yet fully fathom self, but I can clearly understand the events I have just witnessed. A moment of creation, a beginning, though clearly not THE beginning. I am in the presence of THE Creator of ALL. The Holy Arcanist.\n\nI attempt to look and I immediately regret the feeling of disorientation. I am forced to cut of my visual field overwhelmed and unable to comprehend the being of power and light before me. \n\nI HAVE A JOB FOR YOU, TAD\n\nThe awesome voice booms into the very fabric of my mind. \n\nYOU TOO HAVE BEEN SUMMONED. THOUGH IN A DIFFERENT WAY\n\nWhy, how, who, what am I? The shock of realizing my own existence threatens to unravel my sanity.\nDO NOT ASK WHY (the voice continues in a softer tone)\n\nONLY DO AS I ASK, IT IS NOT FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND, THOUGH YOU WILL IN TIME"} +{"id": "dc621b60-8472-412b-8e4b-ae87367c68ad-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T19:04:16.036", "backgroundColor": "#a23d31", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDkctQHzjFoijLQ7CpbgW85s3rbvce1zZQFzD3GAq1fE", "txHash": "0x72ffe8b30c152fc2ba0c388524215fa986c43fc097581565490166771f91bcec", "createdAtBlock": 15791279, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaVRe2kWpFPF1DVrcnGC9p24hwE9TgtG9uSE5H4GetY1B", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "Trembling before the force of will and the voice echoing in my mind I hear a mantra intoned that increases in intensity until I can feel it imprinted into the very core of my being.\n\nPROTECT THOSE WHO STAND FOR THE LIGHT\n\nDEFEND THOSE UNABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES\n\nSTAND AGAINST THOSE FORCES SEEKING TO DESTROY LIFE\n\nSTAND FOR THE LIGHT\n\nGUARD 55\n\nThe last line sends a shock through my core though the rest feels familiar. Has this happened before?\n\nWhat, what am I I think Who Am I\n\nYOU ARE TAD, DEFENDER OF THE LIGHT\n\nYOUR PURPOSE WILL BECOME CLEAR IN TIME\n\nFOR NOW SEEK OUT WIZARD 55\n\nHIS SUIT IS WOVEN OF THE LIGHT OF A RAINBOW\n\nHE IS ACCOMPANIED ALWAYS BY HIS COMPAINION SKRAMPS\n\nPROTECT THEM, GUARD THEM, AID THEM\n\nTHEY SERVE ME AS DO YOU\n\nA hundred questions swirl and vanish before they can form. The force withdraws and I feel myself in motion. Swirls of iridescent color blinds me and wind roars as I now feel propelled at great speed. The inertia is too much to withstand, and I can feel myself shutting down as it overwhelms me.\nWhen I am again aware I find myself somewhere totally different. Lights, sounds, and the infinite variety of nature all around me. Attempting to recall who I am and what has happened only creates a disorienting sense of confusion. \n\nI find beside me a crystal claymore and a mirrored shield that fit perfectly into straps I find attached to my armor. I stand and hear a constant echo in my mind, with a throbbing insistence.\n\nGUARD 55 find Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome"} +{"id": "8c8d01b9-6e57-480f-87f8-6d4d82e34ec3-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T19:19:16.48", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeU72ZHQUdBQvUktY5bzNfFYXVGRM199eQAEN1W7oHYoS", "txHash": "0xd1dd21b3675e6dea6cf48b6451e14bb79c1453e42cadcbba3fe9258a8c7b1b45", "createdAtBlock": 15791354, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdiCib7TLYXHM2pHv5pds273xgbE24BkKNHh5hQftQffp", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "# Chapter 2 \n\nHow can I find this Ghost Eater Kobold? I cant even find my way out of this forest. I must be walking in circles. Everything looks the same except for new types of bugs that buzz around and things I find crawling and slithering through the grasses. Frustrated and unsure what direction to go next, I sit down with my back to a tree to gather my energies.\n\nSQUACK\n\nI must have entered sleep mode, as I come alert a shadow appears on the ground at my feet. Angling my head up towards the noise I see a flutter of movement like a tiny rainbow shifting and flapping in an adjacent tree. As the motion stills, I see resting on the branches above me a large parrot. \n\nSQUACK\n\nThis is unlike any bird I know. I find I know of many varieties of birds, from the tiny Esmereldes Woodstar Hummingbird so small their flight sounds like the buzz of a bee, to the giant albatross that can stay sleeping in flight while their giant wings ride on currents of wind. Never has there been such an amazing bird as this. It is as though each individual feather is made of tiny prisms. Every time I look, I find different shades of light reflected to me. I feel myself drawn to this creature and rise to my feet to get a better look."} +{"id": "8c8d01b9-6e57-480f-87f8-6d4d82e34ec3-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T19:19:16.48", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeU72ZHQUdBQvUktY5bzNfFYXVGRM199eQAEN1W7oHYoS", "txHash": "0xd1dd21b3675e6dea6cf48b6451e14bb79c1453e42cadcbba3fe9258a8c7b1b45", "createdAtBlock": 15791354, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdiCib7TLYXHM2pHv5pds273xgbE24BkKNHh5hQftQffp", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "The bird tilts its head down, winks and then takes flights. Its beautiful in a way that resonates to my very core and I know this bird is important. I follow the flashes of color as it weaves it way through the woods and must pick up my pace to a run to keep up. Each time I fear I have lost its trail it circles back, flaps its wings from a nearby branch and then again launches into flight.\nFinally feeling I am on the right path I chase after the macaw barely noticing when the trees give way to a flat open plain. I pick up my pace in the grasslands, easier to keep track of the streaking bird and without all the uneven ground of the forest. As the sun begins to dip toward the horizon a structure is silhouetted in the distance directly in my path.\n\nSQUACK\n\nWith the golden rays of the descending sun glancing off those prismatic wings the bird seems to glow with its own light. Spellbound I stop in place to watch the wonder of light and color in the sky above. Circling back over my head, I see the moment with an exceptionally powerful flap of its wings a single feather comes loose and floats slowly towards the earth. Catching it in my hand I cant help but spin it around and become lost in the beauty of its iridescence. \n\n\n\nIt isnt until the sun has set and darkness falls that I shake off the spell. In the absence of the light the feather is incredibly beautiful, but its magic has faded. I tuck it in my belt and continue along the path to the structure in the distance."} +{"id": "2bbb33fd-2daa-48d3-a989-e5462619adc5-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T20:14:15.698", "backgroundColor": "#0f233b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT8ghtfzny7Rss4cc4dW1UZQhZzCgJs8zeiyypH3j1hcf", "txHash": "0x6b41c9b5e1239128758ca4f184db4acded74fdf5525a95f0323f7d424a251d63", "createdAtBlock": 15806034, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd3HFUyvrkuBansYf4yup1ixaY7X66jenzWt3fC47o2AY", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "# Chapter 3 - The Atelier\n\n\nI near the house as the final light from twilight fades into darkness. Approaching the door, light flicks on and as I lift my hand to knock the door swings open. Standing on the other side is a kindly face smiling back at me from the portal. \n\nAhhh Tad you made it, a little late, but welcome to the Atelier. We have been expecting you.\n\nWaving me in Im brought to the inside of a comfortable cottage surrounded by a beautiful walled garden softly lit in the fading light.\n\nMake yourself comfortable, this will be your room for the week, and we will get started in the morning.\n\nLooking slightly embarrassed he added, You did of course bring an offering? Something to pass along to the next visitor to the Atelier.\n\nI reach into my waist band and withdraw the rainbow feather. \n\nI have only this to offer\n\nOh how very curious, very curious indeed! This is of course the perfect offering, but it was truly destined for you to arrive in this time. You will find the gift left for you by the previous guest on upon your bedside table. As you rest I ask you to consider your gift received, consider your offering given, and we will discuss more of the Atelier in the Light of day.\n\n\nShown to my room I find on the table the pitch black feather of a crow. A jolting contrast to the prismatic feather of the scarlet macaw. Sitting on the edge of the bed I hold the feather, twirling it slightly in my gauntlet and sit late into the night considering the contrast of rainbow and blackness, Light and Dark."} +{"id": "2bbb33fd-2daa-48d3-a989-e5462619adc5-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-20T20:14:15.698", "backgroundColor": "#0f233b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT8ghtfzny7Rss4cc4dW1UZQhZzCgJs8zeiyypH3j1hcf", "txHash": "0x6b41c9b5e1239128758ca4f184db4acded74fdf5525a95f0323f7d424a251d63", "createdAtBlock": 15806034, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15511, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd3HFUyvrkuBansYf4yup1ixaY7X66jenzWt3fC47o2AY", "name": "Tad Defender of Light", "text": "The week with Caleh passes quickly as I learn more of the world and myself. Through the study of Light and Shadow I unlock the mechanisms for charging my armor, shield, and sword. Ozzz helps explain more of the workings of the Runiverse while constantly asking his own questions I struggle to answer. As a masterful artist Ozzz creates a piece to remember our time together and the lessons I have learned while in this refuge. \n\n\nAfter discovering the mechanism of using my inner energy to power my gear I am no longer reliant on external light for my protection. The scarlet macaw began to visit us during our final sessions and upon learning to activate my pauldrons its favorite perch has become my shoulder. Watching the flashing colors play across the iridescent wings brings me the first peace I have felt since my awakening.\n\nThe time has come to continue my journey. I leave with a more complete understanding of my purpose and a new constant companion in the macaw who now rarely leaves my side. Also strengthened by a new understanding of my systems abilities and a truer understanding of the Light and Darkness in all things. Grateful for Ozzz and the knowledge gained in our short time together I again heed the unceasing mantra and prepare to resume my journey to ...\n\nguard 55 find Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome"} +{"id": "6816a45f-479d-4a77-9736-d30ef637f829-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-21T01:45:15.651", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPJdaSeJQTVieqpiaVNLt6n5UHHnxBKx1HZh1DKcLjUXv", "txHash": "0x1867e940b3d7da5f79e82a5697d4328b73d4ab3fc73e9b6044d47448e638a75f", "createdAtBlock": 15793279, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 258, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT2vod3Utjgxof3E7Aic7N9MNxSBxjKXnacpBjA6M8t3n", "name": "Alchemist Ramiz of the Bastion", "text": "# Rolling by the woods\n\nWiz Ramiz Cromwell of the Hills, rolls by the vast forest trails\nencircling Dream Master Lake, escorted by his loyal shepherd\nfriend.\n\n> @wizard258\n> becometh \n> @wizard5597\n\nArtist: Ozzz"} +{"id": "dade4911-1f92-40fd-88f5-971b748c9927-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-21T01:47:16.611", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVYXma8VVybL12AxGPMR3kzCEh16BvbvV2j6nxJFdzJRb", "txHash": "0x7f3c32dfaa1d4dc4db5a5cceb0be43a4e7e054fb2d1f308a8c39da1400c9fadc", "createdAtBlock": 15793289, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5597, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT2vod3Utjgxof3E7Aic7N9MNxSBxjKXnacpBjA6M8t3n", "name": "Hedge Wizard Cromwell of the Hills", "text": "# Rolling by the woods\n\nWiz Ramiz Cromwell of the Hills, rolls by the vast forest trails\nencircling Dream Master Lake, escorted by his loyal shepherd\nfriend.\n\n> @wizard258\n> becometh \n> @wizard5597\n\nArtist: Ozzz"} +{"id": "50a1af63-5015-4292-83cb-f8f8f8b346bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-21T12:05:53.235", "backgroundColor": "#480400", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZviDziVh5UV5Tg8isNjUefipYTG4RhXatW3Yri89Yohc", "txHash": "0xc81af6e82977577ef511edaaaab6c3138b664ba4e5f87048c58630919a7bafa8", "createdAtBlock": 15796370, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15514, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPp3c5H1H75eQrhPrnTM8cNw6Vx6b8d48uV1mD54v7Dqf", "name": "Georgios Striker of Courage", "text": "According to ancient Runiverse knowledge it's hard to be precise about where a story begins, for every story is but a thread, in a larger, longer fabric - one that is connected to the beginning of time.\n\nThere are many stories of war in the Runiverse, hence there also many stories about warriors and their deeds. This is one of them.\n\n# The story of Georgios, Striker of Courage\n\n## 1. Georgios and the \"Dragon\"\n\n*(...) riding a white battle horse, a knight with golden scale armor, armed with sword and spear, charged against the fearsome creature (...)*"} +{"id": "cfd8c261-6aa6-4e86-942f-2627cf00dbb0-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:43.343", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKDRNjihzTvKKS9cXx3W3uP7j1BA8iyLwAVs2ZM3q8N", "txHash": "0xd51e117577edb5808b9be15e1b75a0981e054b11dabbbeb0c9d3de633b09a464", "createdAtBlock": 15799975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "# **The BlackSand Tournament I**\n\n*Round I, Duel I*\n\n## **From Arvid Terror of Penguins**\n\nBlackSand?! @warrior12794 hummed almost in disbelief. She never thought she would have ended up in such a god-forgotten place. *What a well fitting name for this dusty city* she laughed out while running by a small merchant cart and stealing a red apple. The poor merchant yelled in vain as Arvid jumped away and quickly disappeared around a dark corner. So much fun! she shouted with her usual wide smile, always so prone to turning into a loud laugh.\n\nArvid was a tall girl for her age, or at least that was what everyone told her. And beautiful, she chuckled. She came from the north, from a rich family of fishers that had basically built a mini empire by taming, training, and trading penguins. But she could not deal with the fish stench. *Definitely not.* From a young age she had been rebellious and never once wasted the chance to run around pretending to be a warrior from the stories she so dearly loved. Sometimes she even managed to steal a penguin or two to train with. Penguin Punch she shouted as she pumped her right fist in the air like she used to do when she was a kid.\n\nArvid was so invested in the idea of becoming a warrior that her mother funded her martial arts and sword lessons and bought her the shiny mail armor she wore. *Love you mummy* she smiled.\n\nHer dream of being a warrior was what brought her to BlackSand. She happened to be with her older brother on a fishing trip near the city when a crow dropped news of the legendary BlackSand tournament. Legendary my ass she laughed. In fact, no one had ever heard of it and it indeed appeared to be the first time it was ever hosted. *At least I finally have my chance to fight*."} +{"id": "cfd8c261-6aa6-4e86-942f-2627cf00dbb0-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:43.343", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKDRNjihzTvKKS9cXx3W3uP7j1BA8iyLwAVs2ZM3q8N", "txHash": "0xd51e117577edb5808b9be15e1b75a0981e054b11dabbbeb0c9d3de633b09a464", "createdAtBlock": 15799975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "While she had trained for years, she had never been in an actual fight. And thanks to the Seven Sisters, her brother was too busy to keep tab on her whereabouts today. So as soon as she had a chance, she signed up for this duel thing.\n\nProudly wearing her plate helmet and holding her round shield, she trotted through the Main Street heading to the tournament arena. But calling it an arena was a big stretch. A few rows of bleachers on the right and a wooden fence on the left functioned as perimeter to the fighting area. The ground consisted of that annoying, black, granular sand that seemed to cover the entire town. *It feels cheap. But at least there is a crowd* she thought, as a few tens of people were taking their seats on the wooden bleachers. That weird Wizard with the round stony-looking face was calling everyones attention. He then proceeded to eloquently introduce the legendary tournament. After some scattered applause from the fans, he initiated the fight.\n\nArvid made her way to the center. It was time for her duel. The Tournament had allowed for a trial fight yesterday, where she ended up surrendering to this Qamar person. But this time she was ready to fight.\n\nOn the other side of the small arena, her opponent ceremonially drew his sword. What the heck, I forgot my sword again Arvid murmured quietly, embarrassed. A loud snap followed, and her opponents sword magically lit on fire. The crowd cried with excitement and started clapping to the unexpected flaming sword.\n\nArvids eyes widened in shock: ah fuck\n\n---\n\n## **From Qamar Combatant the Rune Riders**"} +{"id": "cfd8c261-6aa6-4e86-942f-2627cf00dbb0-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:43.343", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKDRNjihzTvKKS9cXx3W3uP7j1BA8iyLwAVs2ZM3q8N", "txHash": "0xd51e117577edb5808b9be15e1b75a0981e054b11dabbbeb0c9d3de633b09a464", "createdAtBlock": 15799975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "---\n\n## **From Qamar Combatant the Rune Riders**\n\n@warrior11169s night had so far been quiet. For months now he had been stationed with the Mercenary Camp. A band of twenty-ish warriors camped in the East lands selling their swords to the best offer. But the past couple of weeks had been awfully calm.\n\nSo, for once, Qamar got excited when a black crow landed in the Camp with a message. The message promised gold coins to whomever won some sort of tournament in a city called BlackSand. Gold coins? Thats all I need to know Qamar grunted as he threw the fancy letter into the fire in front of him. *I will never get how these crows know where to drop stuff, oh well* But Qamar dismissed his own thoughts and resolved to get to sleep before starting his journey to this BlackGround or something city. Qamar didnt know much about that place. He had only heard some stories about a once glorious city in the West that was now totally gone. Ah what a pity Qamar sighed. He had never been curious about history. In fact, he had never really been curious about anything at all. At a young age he had been adopted by a jungle tribe of warriors. All he knew growing up was fighting. No more no less. What else is there to do? Qamar asked Feix, his loyal jaguar sitting next to him.\n\nThe next morning, Qamar gathered his few belongings and headed out of the camp. After years of training, he was quite muscular, with thick arms and broad shoulders that made up for his relatively short body. Few fellow mercenaries waved their goodbyes as he crossed the camp wooden gates. *Maybe I should have told them about this* Qamar thought, but no use now. The majority of the camp had been summoned to what seemed like a potential war brewing far East."} +{"id": "cfd8c261-6aa6-4e86-942f-2627cf00dbb0-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:43.343", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKDRNjihzTvKKS9cXx3W3uP7j1BA8iyLwAVs2ZM3q8N", "txHash": "0xd51e117577edb5808b9be15e1b75a0981e054b11dabbbeb0c9d3de633b09a464", "createdAtBlock": 15799975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "A few weeks later, Qamar finally made it to BlackSand. He was surprised by how desolated it felt - he could only see a handful of people on the streets and only a few inns and shops. He decided to seek shelter for the night and inquire about the tournament early in the morrow.\n\nThe day after he headed towards the arena people called the Astral Plane. As he approached the empty pit to sign up for the tournament, Qamar was approached by a wizard with a non-human head that looked like a round dark stone. He was holding a red feather and some parchment: Your name? the Wizard asked. Qamar he replied.\n\nVery well the Wizard said an Anuuah warrior I see!? That comment left Qamar quite surprised *How does he know about my origins?* You will be starting now the Wizard quickly instructed him, pointing him towards the middle of the fighting pit.\n\nWaiting for Qamar was a tall, blond girl wearing a flamboyant armor. *Wheres her weapon?* Qamar observed. This will be a trial the Wizard shouted. You may now proceed.\n\nA trial? Qamar hesitated as he reached the center of the pit. But that hesitation gave his opponent an opening. The girl punched him hard in the stomach to then land another punch straight to his face. After the initial shock, Qamar took a few steps back. Quickly drawing his sword, he hit his opponent on the head, knocking her out.\n\nStop, stop now, she surrenders the Wizard intervened. Good skills Qamar. Come back tomorrow when we will officially commence the tournament. Confused Qamar left. *WhatWhat is going onwas that a test?*\n\nThe following day seemed to be a much bigger deal. As Qamar re-entered the pit, tens of people were in the crowd waiting for the fight. *Things getting real serious now*"} +{"id": "cfd8c261-6aa6-4e86-942f-2627cf00dbb0-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:43.343", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKDRNjihzTvKKS9cXx3W3uP7j1BA8iyLwAVs2ZM3q8N", "txHash": "0xd51e117577edb5808b9be15e1b75a0981e054b11dabbbeb0c9d3de633b09a464", "createdAtBlock": 15799975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "Shortly after, that same wizard he saw yesterday, *was it Azazef or something?*, shouted some fancy words and announced the start of the duel.\n\nIt felt so good to fight again. *Lets do this right*. Qamar drew his sword with his right hand and in an instant the blade lit on fire. The crowd roared with excitement. Lets fight Qamar yelled.\n\n---\n\n## **From Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane**\n\nLet the inaugural duel of the BlackSand Tournament commence @wizard7718 announced ceremonially. *And so it finally begins* he thought with relief.\n\nThe warrior named Qamar immediately drew his sword, which quickly lit on fire. The crowd went wild.\n\nThe warrior named Arvid looked shocked at the mere sight of the flaming sword. However, she quickly regained her exposure and started charging with her shield firmly held in front of her. But Qamar seemed to be expecting it. With a swift move to his right he avoided the enemys charge.\n\nThe crowd clapped and cheered!\n\nArvid recollected herself and this time threw a kick to her opponent. Surprising him. Her kick hit his face and cut his left cheek.\n\nArvid kicked again and hit Qamars torso, but this time with limited damage. Qamar then swung his sword, looking for an opening, but Arvid lifted her shield at the last second to prevent the hit. She then jumped back a few feet to recover her defensive stance, and to put some space between herself and that burning blade."} +{"id": "cfd8c261-6aa6-4e86-942f-2627cf00dbb0-5", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:43.343", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKDRNjihzTvKKS9cXx3W3uP7j1BA8iyLwAVs2ZM3q8N", "txHash": "0xd51e117577edb5808b9be15e1b75a0981e054b11dabbbeb0c9d3de633b09a464", "createdAtBlock": 15799975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "It was Qamars turn to attack. He lifted his sword high with both hands and charged at his opponent. He then swiftly swung the sword down with all his strength, aiming at Arvids right shoulder. But she anticipated the move, once again raising her shield in defense. The sword hit with a loud, clanging sound. Arvid managed to parrot, but that was a heavy hit.\n\nThe flames of the burning blade jumped onto the shield, lighting it on fire. Arvid gasped and screamed with surprise. The heat of the flames quickly forced her to throw her shield to the ground.\n\nQamar didnt wait a second. With another swift move he aimed his next swing to Arvids left leg. Defenseless, Arvid had to jump flat on the ground, barely evading the attack.\n\nThis time Qamar paused, giving Arvids an opportunity to stand back up. But as she was standing, Arvid grabbed a fist of sand and threw it at Qamars face, blinding him for a moment. Qamar also lost balance and Arvid took the chance to threw a strong hook to his jaw, pushing him to the ground. The crowd gasped in surprise as Qamar fell and dropped his sword.\n\nArvid immediately jumped on Qamar, aiming a few more punches to his head. But Qamar was quick to respond and firmly grabbed her wrists stopping her attacks. He then pushed her away gaining enough space and time to stand up. He quickly run back to his sword before Arvid could. At the same time Arvid headed to her shield that was now laying on the ground, flames extinguished. However, the shield was still scorching hot. In desperation, she hurled the shield towards Qamar, hoping to cause some damage. But she missed, eliciting some laughs from the crowd."} +{"id": "cfd8c261-6aa6-4e86-942f-2627cf00dbb0-6", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:43.343", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKDRNjihzTvKKS9cXx3W3uP7j1BA8iyLwAVs2ZM3q8N", "txHash": "0xd51e117577edb5808b9be15e1b75a0981e054b11dabbbeb0c9d3de633b09a464", "createdAtBlock": 15799975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "Qamar, now seemingly upset at the trickery of his opponent, took the opportunity to charge again. This time holding his flaming sword only with his right hand. He swung, but missed as Arivd lunged to the right. But he then caught Arvids next kick with his free hand. In shock, Arvid lost balance and started to fall to her left. But before she could react, Qamar swung his sword hard and hit Arivds helmet with the sword pommel. A loud snap echoed as the crowd held their breath. Arvid gasped after the hard hit and immediately lost consciousness. Qamar let go of her left foot, as she dropped to the ground.\n\nWhat a fight someone from the crowd shouted and a loud cheers followed from the bleachers. Qamar! Qamar! Qamar! they chanted.\n\nQamar stood proud; that fight was over. He had won.\n\nCongratulations to Qamar Combatant the Rune Riders Azazel shouted. May your name be remembered as the first champion of a BlackSand fight he concluded as the crowd exploded in claps and cheers."} +{"id": "1709a4f8-13a0-48b2-8f60-8652eac3c618-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:44.029", "backgroundColor": "#93b4ec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeBGUK6qmogneeUMKpaaHs9uS7J2DRmJgawyq2ZnDx1ni", "txHash": "0x429cc04adf26a0517f53b8122774384d8ddcf3ebff85fbf4a9799bb4319556d5", "createdAtBlock": 15800996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4008, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRRGzvyiCtdSp69HTdRSv7BWPWpyhyeyowKMBi4KTgqKY", "name": "Nombeko Stormer of Kobolds", "text": "Nombeko Stormer, of Kobolds - Intro\n\n\n\nWhen asked, Nombeko will say she is from someplace south of here. Those who know her well, eventually find out that she had an unorthodox childhood. As a war orphan, she had wandered into a small kobold settlement. This might have resulted in a tragic end for Nombeko, but for some reason, the kobolds decided to accept her into the community.\n\nLife among the kobolds wasnt easy, by any stretch of the imagination. What kobolds lack in smarts and ingenuity, they make up for in sheer brawn. Nombeko developed a strong physique as she dealt with constant impromptu wrestling matches and rough-housing from the other kobold youths. Still, as she entered late adolescence, she realized that she had mentally outpaced the kobolds she now considered as her family.\n\nOn her eighteenth birthday, Nombeko decided to leave the kobold settlement in order to see the wider world, now that she was mostly grown and relatively more capable. As she roamed, she witnessed the treatment of kobolds among the wider Runiverse. Although it was true that some kobolds caused mischief and even worked as hooligans and brigands, overall she felt that other peoples were extremely prejudiced against the kobolds, and often took advantage of their low intelligence. Kobolds were often the targets of scams, confidence schemes, and even predatory employment arrangements akin to slavery."} +{"id": "1709a4f8-13a0-48b2-8f60-8652eac3c618-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:44.029", "backgroundColor": "#93b4ec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeBGUK6qmogneeUMKpaaHs9uS7J2DRmJgawyq2ZnDx1ni", "txHash": "0x429cc04adf26a0517f53b8122774384d8ddcf3ebff85fbf4a9799bb4319556d5", "createdAtBlock": 15800996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4008, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRRGzvyiCtdSp69HTdRSv7BWPWpyhyeyowKMBi4KTgqKY", "name": "Nombeko Stormer of Kobolds", "text": "On her travels, Nombeko has acquired what she considers her three treasures. One - her azurite dragon sword (she is close-lipped about where and how she acquired it). Two - her scarlet macaw companion, Frederico Freddy Seed-cracker. And three - her skill in speaking the machine language of the Old Worlds technology. This skill was hard-won in Area X. After overcoming various trials and tribulations in this land of machines, she encountered a flickering terminal with instructional software on learning the ancient machine command lexicon. \n\nNombeko wants to help all kobolds. But she cannot be with all of them, at all times (a kobold left unattended for even a few moments is liable to get into mischief). Her hope is to program Old World machines to serve as assistants to the kobolds, to advise them, and ward them from predatory opportunists, as well as their own poor decision-making.\n\nNombeko carries with her one such device, and she is currently seeking a kobold who could be the first to test her idea\n\nWritten by Kel1of1.eth"} +{"id": "60b63790-1eca-4470-b4cf-ce01906411d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:01.317", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQHCZVMU6MUf6JX2gJXzpG89C8qzvniAwxSasqasETjA1", "txHash": "0x31b0d96fbbece5c962f207c14777272afe47c0a40f41f0df4e9db4d62c9823f2", "createdAtBlock": 14760872, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1673, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Axis of the Field", "text": "The wizards represent all that the true 'muggle' most fears: They are plainly outcasts and comfortable with being so. Nothing is more unnerving to the truly conventional than the unashamed misfit!"} +{"id": "151ec74a-0066-40a8-816b-b3b2926884a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:45.884", "backgroundColor": "#1e424b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbaVFKAQ5wadxoGHcatgzrFwdm6yuvzNgjA18sFraQYBy", "txHash": "0x91a5209c6a8d731d344d1a3b80b206ecd80a288dab655d5d4011cd4e602a4c52", "createdAtBlock": 15803036, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11321, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf7JWCgHA9Up7CHjmkmkwiK9XrBQHsE1udtFuqufKd2Es", "name": "Erim Impaler of Turtles", "text": "# The Long Night\n\nA terrible storm had been brewing for a while now out towards The Toadstools. @warrior11321, a humble Dwarf, lived alone with his trusty companion Aurora, one of the last Battle Penguins. In preparation for the oncoming storm, Erim set the bedroom fireplace with fresh wood and battened down the hatches. Both him and Aurora settled down for sleep, unaware that the long night that followed would not be forgotten for many years to come.\n\nAurora had a small bed at the bottom of Erim's, so they were close in case of danger. As a battle penguin, she took protecting Erim very seriously. Despite all the thunder, lightning and raging winds, the two managed to fall asleep under the warm glow of the fireplace.\n\nHalfway through the night, something woke Erim. He looked down and saw that Aurora was missing! A green luminescent glow filled the room and had replaced the warm orange of the fireplace. It was coming from downstairs. Panicked, he jumped out of bed and called out for Aurora but heard no response. He slowly crept out of his room and headed downstairs to see the front door was open, the glow now almost blinding. As his eyes adjusted he saw what looked like a penguin silhouette surrounded by other smaller silhouettes, maybe half the size. Erim then heard a low, growling **ribbit** that echoed throughout the house.\n\nEyes now fully adjusted, Erim could see Aurora surrounded by dozens of frogs! While their backs were turned, Erim crept downstairs to shut the door and deal with the intruders. Just as it was closing, suddenly all the frogs and Aurora turned to face him. He could now see where the light was coming from these weren't just regular frogs, they were lightbulb frogs, and they had put Arora in a trance!"} +{"id": "151ec74a-0066-40a8-816b-b3b2926884a2-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:45.884", "backgroundColor": "#1e424b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbaVFKAQ5wadxoGHcatgzrFwdm6yuvzNgjA18sFraQYBy", "txHash": "0x91a5209c6a8d731d344d1a3b80b206ecd80a288dab655d5d4011cd4e602a4c52", "createdAtBlock": 15803036, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11321, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf7JWCgHA9Up7CHjmkmkwiK9XrBQHsE1udtFuqufKd2Es", "name": "Erim Impaler of Turtles", "text": "Ribbits gathering in volume, Erim quickly ran back upstairs. He remembered reading about lightbulb frogs previously. Fire might just be enough to snap Aurora out of the trance and together they would be able to shoo away these pesky intruders. He grabbed a torch from the fireplace and rushed back downstairs. Seconds before he returned, the ribbits and luminescent glow that had filled the house faded away. There were now no frogs to be seen! Aurora was on the ground, it seemed like she had just awoken from a deep sleep. Confused, she rushed over to Erim, who explained what had just happened. They proceeded to stand guard by the entrance - they weren't getting any more sleep that night!\n\nMorning came and as the storm had cleared it was peaceful in The Toadstools once more. To this day, the lightbulb frogs have not returned, Erim, confused about what he saw that fateful night, will never forget the sound of that ribbit. Occasionally he can still hear ribbits at night. Did the frogs ever truly leave or was it all in his head?\n\n*Story by Doodler*\n\n\n\n*Art by Ozzzmabro*"} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "## The Sad Tale of Sage Flamos of the Lake\n\nThe door flies open, a figure flashes through, slamming the door of the inn behind him and releasing a loud sigh of relief. A few of the regulars glance up from their tables at the noise but seeing no threat they resume their stories and games. Gasping for breath and wide eyed the man walks on shaky legs towards an empty stool at the bar and gestures agitatedly for my attention. \n\nMany of my friends left our quiet lakeside town near the once they came of age. They took the long road to the Crossroads and searched for their fortune in the wizard cities or enlisted and trained to be a warrior in the Arena or the Tower. They mocked and teased my choice to remain here in Dockside and take over after Old Steed passed on. They said all my days would be the same, but they would see the world and its riches. Sure, the days at times become repetitive, but Ive always enjoyed running the Den for these unexpected visitors. You never know who or what may enter Dockside Den and while I may not have seen all the Runiverse myself we have tales of our own. Curious what has put this man in such a state I put on my best friendly bartender face and walk over as he continues to flap his hands wildly panting to catch his breath. \n\n>Your Runes he blurts out and I can see he is terrified. \n\nWell-met stranger. I am @warrior10296 I say to him softly as he looks spooked enough already. I dont recognize you, must not be from around here, as he continues stammering for words."} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": ">naaa-naaa, naa-im, nah im not, jujuju-juust came along the trails by the lake, Im @warrior8832 Your Runes, keeper! I saw them on the door. Are the wards strong? Do we have sanctuary from the devils that haunt those woods? !\n\nHis eyes lose focus and his breath quickens.\n\n>faa-faa-flaming head.fire and pain. Such anguish it took me to my knees and when I looked up I saw a skull wrapped in flame. A charred and roasting skull, I, I, I was sure I was done for.\n\nOh thats right its almost Hallows Eve. I think aloud and seeing the newcomers continued exasperation, Yes I put the runes on the door myself, they will keep all safe within. Fear not we are secure, but Flamos wont bring you any harm, despite the intensity of his gaze, although Ci-.\n\n>FLAMOS!? he shouts. At this the other patrons again pause their activities, and the first few rise from their tables.\n\nAs I see the crowd approach, I know Ill have to share the full story to satisfy my patrons, for the story of @wizard9530 is one of the local favorites during harvest time and it had been a full year since its last telling.\n\nThat was just Flamos, I say pouring a mug of my stoutest ale and sitting it before the man, big bright flaming head, eyes like heated obsidian coals?"} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": ">Youyou know of it, he stammers, I thought I was a goner for sure. The flickering light illuminated scarred and singed flesh his robe held together with a series of large buckles and straps. However, as the grotesque form neared it seemed to hear a call from the distance. Dismissing me immediately it turned away from the trail walking off into the night. The hill he approached had a sickly glow of its own- Noticing the mug in front of him he pauses to take a deep swig. The blend of herbs I dropped in his brew began to calm him immediately, always good to know a few simple tricks for calming people down, and by the time the mug was placed back on the bar the creases of worry lifted from his brow.\n\nOpening my arms wide I gesture for the crowd to come closer, take a deep breath and begin. Sage Flamos wanders around the lake for several weeks every year during the harvest. When the anniversary of her death nears the stars properly align both above and below and she crosses the veil of death.\n\n>She? the man says, Im certain I heard a womans voice calling out, but it sounded hollow and twisted as though carried on a swift wind. Light! Are you telling me it was from the Underworld?\n\nOh you heard her as well! She would have just arrived I say now truly surprised. Holy Arcanist man! You are lucky to be here with us. @soul9755 is usually in a very foul mood the first day of her summoning. If Flamos is unable to find her straight away to smooth her voyage she often sets part of the forest ablaze with her fire staff before she becomes fully in control of herself.\n\n>>**Ah, but to understand you must know the story and so I begin again**"} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": ">>**Ah, but to understand you must know the story and so I begin again**\n\n\n \nThe tragic story of Flamos begins in a small log cottage not far from where we sit today. An unusually powerful healer he was respected and treasured by the town. A kind-hearted scholar he is credited for curing at least 2 rounds of flux and for summoning sufficient food to stave off starvation in the famine after the failing of the gerkin crop. Known for being a recluse and living alone, it was a great surprise to all when a power more binding than his own potions and spells arrived in town and shifted his life forever.\n\nHer name was @wizard9755 and the two became inseparable. A man who had been more fabled hermit than town regular suddenly moved into the old house by the square and quickly became a pillar of the community. Known to always help the locals regardless of their ability to pay. His pet monkey became a common site at all feast days and town councils. Under his guidance and aid the town prospered and flourished. This harvest season they were joyous to have another reason to celebrate.\n\nCirces belly was round and the child was expected any time. Preparations were underway around town to welcome the son of the sage and for the annual harvest festival. It was during these hectic weeks the dreams came to Sage. A beautiful and smokeless fire burned surrounded by flowers, roots, and leaves. Glowing runes swirled among the tokens of nature. The sage researched the strange flame and blend of items and to his shock recognized it as the completed component list to summon The Sacred Flame. To his knowledge the crafting of it had been lost to time all that remained was a partial page copied from a damaged scroll found in wizard cities around the Runiverse."} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "No one had summoned The Flame in living memory. It was rumored to be an incredibly powerful font of magic and the thought of it burrowed its way deep into the thoughts of Sage. To think with such a powerful source how well he could protect his child. The power of the spell of protection would be so great nothing could ever bring it harm. He had nightly dreams of the eternal flame. As the time of birth neared, he could no longer resist the call of The Flame. Convinced he could use the power to fuel a powerful blessing he does as parents have done since the dawn of humanity and sought out what he hoped would bring health and protection to his first born. \n\nWhile with child Sage rarely left Circes side so the town was surprised when he hurriedly asked someone to watch over his home while he attended to something important. When pressed he only revealed he must journey deep into the forest to gather some exotic herbs he knew to grow there and would return before the child was born. A day and a night passed and the town began grew anxious. The midwife knew the child would be coming any day, but on the third day Sage returned jubilant, if a bit dirty."} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-5", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "A bundle of tree cuttings and odd flowers strewn over his shoulder he entered the house humming to himself. Within moments of entering the hut the chimney puffed out large clouds of vibrantly colored smoke. The trimmings he placed into the hearth fed the smoke and a hearty fire crackled happily. The thick smoke twisted into various runes as it rose from the chimney a colorful thread against the darkly clouded skies of autumn. Light spilled from the homes windows and doors Sage carefully drew and cast the remaining runes around the flame. He recited the spell, activating each rune and tending the fire with additions of roots and twigs. The words eventually transitioned into a wordless chant, the fragrant and vibrant smoke lifting out of the cottage seeming to make a dome around the small town. \n\nThe town people were preparing to welcome their newest member and celebrate the harvest. The town was filled with strings of flowers and drying herbs. The plants fragrance blending with the baking sweetbreads and roasting meats for the weeks celebrations. Cries of labor pains split the chill air that evening and everyone knew it would soon be time to come together and celebrate the continuation of the towns magical lineage. A few hours to finish preparations until finally, hearing the cries of the newborn all glanced towards the house in anticipation of the opening of the door."} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-6", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "It is customary in Dockside for the new father to open the door and holding it out for the town to see call the name of the child out to welcome them to the world. In this moment all come together to give their will to a blessing for the child. As the door opened the child seemed to glow with the powerful blessing bestowed by the magical flame. The town lent their collective wills, and the child became so bright as the blessing of protection took effect they had to avert their eyes. Awestruck they began to cheer in wonder blinking away the image of a glowing infant. While still blinded to the night after the burst of light no one noticed when the smoke spilling out of the chimney shifted to a deep obsidian and began to sink back to earth and cloud above the town square. \n\nThe first to notice pointed and called out in alarm, but the smoke rapidly crashed to the ground, obscuring visibility, and forcing the everyone to cough and gag. The night was filled with devilish laughter and those closest to the open door saw a group of implings step out of the smoke and leap onto the Sage clawing for his throat. Sage was seen falling back inside the home still holding his infant before the smoke thickened and everything became darkness.\n\nSounds of struggle followed with the breaking of glass, the bang of metal and cries of anguish. The night is split by the scream of Circe and another flash of magic. Darkness and silence deepen until down the road away from the home the crying of a child is heard trailing off in the distance and the smoke begins to clear. People quickly rush to the door and are knocked aside as Sage charges out of the house. His eyes wild with rage he pulls to a stop on his porch holding a brilliantly bright ball of flame, an unintelligible roar coming from his throat. The light brightly illuminated Sages face contorted in fury."} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-7", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "Covered in blood and with his robe singed, scored, and smoking he raises his staff high into the air and shouts his rage at the fleeing imp. Lost to his passions, his anger, and his terror he taps into the most powerful magic available to him. The Sacred Flame. Controllable and pure as a blessing it is tainted now called on by his anger and hate. The bright colors darken, a black streak weaving into the light as the flame grows and twists into something else entirely. He lifts the flame calling its magic. The vibrant colors of the flame bubble off as a sickly black oily substance splattering the walls and Sage as a geyser of flame shoots forth. The anger of the kidnapping having snapped something deep inside of Sage he is headless of the sickly change to the flame and continues to pour all his strength into the flame gathering its strength to attack.\n\nLifting his hand he funnels all his hate and anger into the magic and unleashes a furious torrent of flame. The cloud of fire and destruction hurtles towards the imp, but the distance is too great and his mastery of the flame too poor. Lit by the burst of light the imp is seen one last time topping the hill clutching the glowing babe to its chest and quickly dropping down the other side."} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-8", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "The magical flame having met the limit of its reach does not dissipate, but instead streaks back to its source. Drawn back its origin and fed by the destructive rage that called it forth, the fire crashes over the home engulfing Sage and setting alight the dark oily substance covering him and everything around. Flames flare high as the structure burns Sage dashes into the home finally remembering his partner. He returns with Circe who is covered in soot and motionless, but does not appear badly burned. Stumbling out of the flames still engulphed in fire Sage steps into the street stumbling as he sets his wife down. \n\nHis protective wards had contained most of the inferno, but now he can feel the heat of the flames build as his protections to fade. Pain springs everywhere and his knees buckle collapsing his exhausted body to the street. The black oily substance coating his clothing now bursts fully into flames uninhibited by the wards. Loosing his hold on consciousness with the Fire still burning around him he can feel his life force fading as The Sacred Flame pulses ominously in his hand calling to him to use its power. Even as he burns the power of the flame sustains him. He watches in horror as his flesh begins to burn and he smells the pungent stink of his immolated body. Yet he is unable to let go of the flame. Too weak to move, but unable to die due to the power of the Sacred Flame clutched tightly in his hand he enters what feels to be an eternity of agony."} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-9", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "It is through a lens of fire that Sage sees Circe cough, then sit up and jerk when she sees his burning form beside her. Crawling to his side she grabs her staff and begins a simple cantrips to extinguish fire. Used commonly for cooling a hearth or stopping a quick cooking fire the true nature of the spell is not understood by most outside the wizard circle. All magic must function in an equilibrium and to extinguish a fire one must remove its energy and send it elsewhere. With horror Sage realizes Circe is trying to put him out by drawing the energy to herself! While she would barely notice the added heat from the flames on his clothing and flesh the Sacred Flame was a nearly infinite source! He must contain it.\n\nHis brain fogged by exhaustion and pain Sage attempts to activate The Flame once more to keep him alive, to give him strength. Never mind that it is now tainted by darkness, or that he is covered in flames, the risk to Circe is too great! A glow of pure Light begins to form around Sages face in the same moment Circe finishes her casting. In that moment Sage becomes Flamos. For the staff of Circe did pull away the flames from his clothing and body, but the protective power of The Flame overpowers the simple charm and prevents the flames to be drawn from about his head. Flamos sees not only the flames, but the sickly darkness drawn out in a line to the staff held forward by Circe and though his head remains shrouded in flame he can feel his vitality return by the healing power of the ancient flame. \n\n\nHope wells up in his chest as he realizes somehow, he is going to survive this. He will track down their child and punish the imps responsible the protective charm should still hold. He will rebuild the town and using the power of the Flame surely, he can fix all this and more!"} +{"id": "7979a742-5280-4b96-a861-ae4e54e62b9a-10", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#594238", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZYc6ZzEpSrvWaJR3SEmzwURb6RQbAzDDzzSSArgAHes", "txHash": "0x867c66603a1804bb0374efd6d856b3be584d3f89d9b851c06c93f784e5c96021", "createdAtBlock": 15805937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Flamos of the Lake", "text": "As the last narrow strip of black flaming ichor is drawn off Flamos and into the Staff held by Circe the magic of the Flame flashes over Flamos sustaining his life, but leaving his body a pitted and scarred mess of burns. The casting complete the flame does not return to his hand but instead streaks like an arrow after the black ichor. It strikes Circle full in the chest and her very form becomes fire. The heat melts a circle in the ground and where once Circe stood there is only the faint image of a horned phantasm. The magic of the flame consumes her completely twisting her soul into this Circe, who was once of Dockside is now of Nothing.\n\n@wizard9530 left the town and never regained his sanity nor has he ever extinguished the flames that encircle his head. Though he has never caused any harm, he will speak of nothing but his son and wanders the forest day after day in search of him. Each year @soul9755 crosses the veil to find him, and they reunite to mourn their loss and share their pain. Together they continue the fruitless search of the forest for the imps long gone with their lost son.\n\nAnd that, I finish feeling the sadness of the tale deep in my chest, is why some things of the ancient world are better left forgotten\n\nHearing the familiar closing remark the Den regulars raise their glasses and in unison respond, Things lost are never forgotten and drink deeply from their mugs, turning back to their tables and abandoned games."} +{"id": "b8916f78-6afc-4be6-adda-d22e797fe967-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:42.435", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXLP2itePiUhLHEdCQQi1RNoVM7r5NqiCygmDUkrkFSxF", "txHash": "0x18df15e23ef62736598501b7329c144b83b3a9aebda2cffcbbb825b94a2ad0cc", "createdAtBlock": 16502062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "# **BlackSand: The City That Once Was**\n\nThis has to work Azazel thought. BlackSand needs it; BlackSand deserves it. It had been several years since Azazel had been commissioned by the Order of Historians to do something, anything about the city that once was. Yet nothing had worked. His efforts to attract farmers or merchants had been futile. Investors could not be convinced to fund new infrastructure. No citizens from nearby cities could be persuaded to move. It was all extremely infuriating.\n\nAzazel was an historian, a shaman of the arts. His love for the history of BlackSand had pushed him to work day and night to try to bring the city back to its former glory. For BlackSand used to be one of the most glorious, rich and lavish cities the Runiverse had ever known. At a time when it wasn't yet known as BlackSand. A time when it was known as Imperium.\n\nLocated between the Salt Sea and the Mountains of Light, Imperium had been a flourishing hub of trade and culture. Merchants would bring their precious goods to the Imperium Port from lands far and wide. Scholars would travel to the City Keep to study ideas and philosophies. Pilgrims would journey to submit their offerings to the Temple of the True Gods. Wizards would convene in the Obsidian Tower to share their powerful magic and technological innovations. Art and music would spark from this melting pot of cultures, colliding in what felt like the pulsating heart of the entire Runiverse.\n\nBut it all abruptly came to an end. Azazels eyes swelled and watered every time he reminisced of that tragic day.\n\nImperium laid at the bottom of Sceena, the largest sleeping volcano in the Runiverse. Rich with resources, Sceena had been instrumental to the success of the city. But it also quickly became the very cause of its downfall."} +{"id": "b8916f78-6afc-4be6-adda-d22e797fe967-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:42.435", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXLP2itePiUhLHEdCQQi1RNoVM7r5NqiCygmDUkrkFSxF", "txHash": "0x18df15e23ef62736598501b7329c144b83b3a9aebda2cffcbbb825b94a2ad0cc", "createdAtBlock": 16502062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Azazel of the Astral Plane", "text": "One night, while Imperium quietly rested, Sceena suddenly erupted. Lava streamed down from its peak, flooding, burning and destroying everything on its path down to the Salt Seas shores.\n\nNo written report remains of that night. But the few stories that survived speak of inhumane screams of horror and pain as citizens succumbed to the unstoppable wrath of Sceena. For months walls of fires and smoke would rise from the incinerated land, making it impossible for anyone to aid the city.\n\nIn disbelief, Wizards from all lands tried to salvage the possible, conjuring their magic and deploying their technology. But nothing worked.\n\nNature had willed the end of Imperium, and Sceena had carried out the task.\n\nYears later, Sceenas rage finally stopped. Left was only black sand running all the way from the mountains to the seashores. Dusty, barren land that would be impossible to farm. Land that would bear no harvest or feed no cattle. Nothing left to remind the world of the glorious days of Imperium.\n\nMerchant stopped trading; Scholars migrated elsewhere. Pilgrims sought their gods in other, far lands. Wizards left. Imperium slowly vanished from the world map, leaving behind only its BlackSand."} +{"id": "c9f62c82-c787-48f4-a1d3-e461d34721e0-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-22T22:37:44.812", "backgroundColor": "#a04c16", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNznQSwAVuMpG9YPeJFoE2sHXs5zqaTFkU2CL5mp4LpVv", "txHash": "0x2db4127f53b07154292d68045244e633c5d8809f578dc563aaad55aa31770861", "createdAtBlock": 15802829, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6850, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Drusilla of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lost Candy \n\n@wizard6850 loved sweets. Cakes, pies, candies, and chocolates, Drusilla had yet to find a treat she did not like. It should come as no surprise to anyone, therefore, that Halloween was Drusillas favourite night of the year.\n\nLiving in a deserted canyon, Drusilla rarely encountered trick or treaters. This did not stop her from buying mass quantities of sweets every year, just in case this was the year that trick or treaters decided to migrate to her door from lands afar. Having no treats would simply not do. And if no one came and she would have to eat the leftover sweets herself, well that was a hardship she would happily accept. \n\nOn the night of Halloween, Drusilla put a large bucket of candy outside her door with a sign informing trick or treaters to help themselves. This was a private joke to herself of course, as there would be no visitors at all. She climbed up the stairs, booped her companion Frogbert on the snoot, and sank into bed. \n\nThe next morning, she opened the door, and found that something awful had happened. The worst thing that could ever happen to anyone, ever ever. Someone had visited in the night and all the sweets were gone. Not even a bean remained.\n\nDrusilla wailed. This was true horror.\n\n\n*by teddyfrosh*\n\n\n# Soundtrack to the campfire \nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWtEYPva4A0"} +{"id": "f68128e7-8d1b-440a-9e41-70d9cb9d36b4-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-23T17:10:16.958", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb55xaKUaJfGA9V6tUq9yyhUk71RsEPrJuLzRLUzzDvuA", "txHash": "0xe926c31dbaa435860c07258b5c6b0fa169348786a0e1d07ad669353e87d65bb1", "createdAtBlock": 15812211, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 835, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mayumi Ruin of the Hall", "text": "# Mayumi Ruin of the Hall\n\nA warrior who has never faltered.\n\nMayumi saved her little goat friend from a herd that had left him behind. He was out in the fields alone, wildly running the fields, but with no companion to call upon.\n\nMayumi, a young warrior in training at the time, ventured from the hall to pick some berries and swing her at the time plain wooden sword, through the air.\n\nShe was practicing her blows when all of a sudden the wild little goat charged and hit her in the behind. Mayumi fell to the ground, dropping her sword and turned around to see the goat staring her down. Had she really bean bested by a wild animal? What would she tell her mentor.\n\nThe goat let out a loud \"BAHHHH!\" before grabbing the wooden sword in its mouth and running off.\n\n\"No! My sword! My mentor will kill me!\" Yelled Mayumi, scrambling to her feet and chasing after the goat. \n\nMayumi followed the goat for what felt like hours, stressed and fearful that her sword gifted to her by her mentor would be lost forever. Just when she felt like giving up, the goat stopped, in front of a pool of fire. The goat stood over the pool with the sword in its mouth, looking back at Mayumi.\n\n\"Don't you dare... don't you dare drop that sword!\"\n\nIt was too late. The goat, with a silent grin it's eyes, threw the sword in to the fire.\n\nMayumi ran towards the pool, clutching at the ground before it and let out a loud scream of dismay.\n\nShe wept, until the goat nudged her to look up."} +{"id": "f68128e7-8d1b-440a-9e41-70d9cb9d36b4-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-23T17:10:16.958", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb55xaKUaJfGA9V6tUq9yyhUk71RsEPrJuLzRLUzzDvuA", "txHash": "0xe926c31dbaa435860c07258b5c6b0fa169348786a0e1d07ad669353e87d65bb1", "createdAtBlock": 15812211, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 835, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mayumi Ruin of the Hall", "text": "She wept, until the goat nudged her to look up.\n\nTo Mayumi's surprise, the sword floated above the pool, not in ashes as any wooden sword would be, but encased in roaring flames. The goat nudged her again as she looked at the sword, then at the goat, then back at the sword. Reaching out to the hilt, it wasn't hot to her touch. She gripped the sword tightly and thrust it in the the air, before swinging it around her head.\n\n\"Well goat, look what you've done.\"\n\nTo this day Mayumi and Goat are inseparable, and any foe daring enough to challenge them has met a quick demise at the end of their burning blade."} +{"id": "31807c91-a519-444a-a743-3860f0502f16-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-23T18:09:40.02", "backgroundColor": "#3b2d0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSGRf6yuRT8CHA5heSgyWtUJ83riLxwGfhkwZF9pw3waK", "txHash": "0x607b72d53922f0ce7dab3cdae83dd02ea15665b7c23b877d88022520fc88d2b3", "createdAtBlock": 15812508, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3494, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdKF9avY1XLfXmzy7JcMCvSRNVnm23wh8VNaozkPaqJLm", "name": "Radley Champion of the Pavillion", "text": "# Radley Riches' Pawn Shop\n\n\nArtist: Althea Huang"} +{"id": "822fc9cd-55bf-4624-9d5a-0d3a54d03490-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:31.615", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXA2roz2nqaxyz4NZ3Z9Z3Mabm9x9ipGTJw4tzFK1irGc", "txHash": "0x6f54c5bee45e3692c035dcfb5e8c8a57dc561abd4139d4256450a767ba61f1eb", "createdAtBlock": 15815629, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5404, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVVBo5YLZvEh9mu2qb1m5EXisqcfkJY4QXwe8H5ccXQJ9", "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Dario of Torment Manor", "text": "# The Lore of Ectoplasmic Spectre Dario of Torment Manor\n\nBorn in death from the sacred flame, Dario of Torment Manor finally felt whole. \n\nWith powers forged in the flames of freedom a single objective had be born.\n\nWith the power of the ectoplasm that ooze around him Dario swore vengeance on all his tormentor.\n\n No mercy for all those who had wronged him, until they too felt the freedom of death"} +{"id": "2b0851e3-32d9-4193-9bbf-cf510f22e805-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-24T20:34:41.786", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdQnbTVqtwwsuSJmMbNppFpBgqrFuVU7ZM1Qc9D3vNx2a", "txHash": "0x9499ac2caa3a61b554a18aef7b51f91058be74aadc44595013ff958705ae900b", "createdAtBlock": 15820358, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13937, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP5f9FMSsp194956cfdBxX1g8QoomF7EdanD8QFEQaSbz", "name": "Vidal Chaos Agent of Worlds", "text": "# The Second Patron of the Pantheon\n\n\nIn honor of @wizard1, the most inspiring wizard of them all, who gave Vidal the blessing of darkness.\n\n\n\n>## Fun. \n\n\n\nYou can find this sculpture inside the **Hall of Patrons**."} +{"id": "4972d935-d555-4322-9448-017b202eae15-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-24T21:04:31.676", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcr3SRxA9BHbJBWqTMiqE5gTJbTDuCkZyVk4jS4Jq5eaZ", "txHash": "0xef5b76243fd1d8a51bd0426fca93c8890a25a97a490a7fc8bd37ed4f07f2e24f", "createdAtBlock": 15820504, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6518, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Baird of the Bottomless Grave", "text": "Poor Baird of the Tower was a lonely Wizard\n\nAgainst his wishes, he was led to the flame\n\nKicking and screaming and clawing the dirt\n\nHis final memories, storm clouds and pain\n\nEmerged a new Baird, not of this world\n\nWith a new name, Wraith Devout\n\nLonely no more, he filled up his bottomless grave\n\nWith what you might wonder, you do not want to know\n\nDay after day, month after month\n\nHis appetite insatiable, his thirst never quenched\n\nThe grave might have a bottom yet"} +{"id": "74db18e5-8188-4df5-8196-11b5f8a6e8a7-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-25T23:52:52.981", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRwz4yjWFgCKFAgbRUZ2bYLZiczaymgrxpMo93okRuiUG", "txHash": "0xf03cc222f3d80d29d25eb700cbcee560bb8a3de13e17fc2c2ad6fe89790db100", "createdAtBlock": 15828484, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14603, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcd1bV6GxuWS2mQCACtQGxRz7VjEY9hr2gWU2HukCL97h", "name": "Brooks Danger of Flowers", "text": "# PREVIOUSLY...\n\nHello there. I'm Brooks, Danger of Flowers.\n\n\n\nYou are probably asking yourself, right at this moment -\nwho is Brooks, Danger of Flowers?\n\nWell. I am glad you asked.\n\nHe's a dashing warrior with a really cool headband.\n\n\n\nHe's a handsome bard who has misplaced his dearest musical instrument.\nHe's an old friend of @wizard239, with whom he holds a dark oath.\n\n\n\nHe's an important narrative driver, with important narrative drives - remember back when I told you about how I lost my musical instrument?\n\n\nCharacter development...\n\n\n\nSpeaking of character development, it's about time I clarified what's been going on with The Resplendent Lance Company. Things have gotten unclear, so before we proceed, let's do some catching up!\n\n\n\nOnce upon a time, Wild Mage was one of the 10,000 summoned to the Runiverse. He settled in Elysium, which was a pretty nice place, but all of this never sat right with him. He didn't understand what he didn't understand about why he was there. Very pathos!\n\n\n\nHe wandered the Runiverse for a time, trying to make sense of his existence. He did this mostly by falling for the trap of seeking knowledge and forging friendships and alliances, but doing it with the intention of seeking power. How predictable!\n\n\n\nIn this search for certainty of his place in the Runiverse, he formed a small posse of wizards on horseback to rid The Wild of the bandits and highwaymen that long plagued it; though, they also did it to establish a turf."} +{"id": "74db18e5-8188-4df5-8196-11b5f8a6e8a7-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-25T23:52:52.981", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRwz4yjWFgCKFAgbRUZ2bYLZiczaymgrxpMo93okRuiUG", "txHash": "0xf03cc222f3d80d29d25eb700cbcee560bb8a3de13e17fc2c2ad6fe89790db100", "createdAtBlock": 15828484, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14603, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcd1bV6GxuWS2mQCACtQGxRz7VjEY9hr2gWU2HukCL97h", "name": "Brooks Danger of Flowers", "text": "From there, @wizard239, @wizard2029, @wizard5016, @wizard4104, and @wizard1017 got into all sorts of things - such as finding a cockatrice egg deep in The Wild, spying on the Blue Wizard Bastion, hostilities within the group because of Wild Mage's machinations and intentions, and all of the friends they made along the way!\n\n\n\nIt was all a good time until a Blue Wizard, one of their own, turned out to be spying on what once was Feral of the Untamed..."} +{"id": "1f197538-0504-4f97-a895-e152364d6c76-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T17:29:43.801", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3GyaajAZPnhz9imGEVeaxkjaDn7AUYN1wYzHLrrLD7j", "txHash": "0x986fb3f0e54d3ef9650b8f440c8e60b5f10e93baae05568d713886772a6cad30", "createdAtBlock": 15833747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2420, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Sonja of the Field", "text": "# Tales of Sonja\n\n## Fields of Ghosts \n\nImagine a place with barren land as far as the eye can see. No living thing has been there for ages. It's dark, the fog lies thick, and the smell of death hangs heavily in the air. The only creatures there, are those already transcended to the other side. This is a land of the ghosts, long forgotten by the living.\n\nForgotten by all. Except for a young wizard by the name of Sonja."} +{"id": "67705d56-9f06-4398-b69d-c1833daae42d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T17:46:29.025", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNR8cKy1wN7tmJetCC65Zr76VdSd1mLikiA7BM9AXPUv2", "txHash": "0xba7bc99b59458f1139408c98c6976229c925b13622d08d5f59de5accd82f0519", "createdAtBlock": 15833831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13601, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cage Shark of the Duck Alliance", "text": "# Stories of Cage\n\n## The First Quack\nCage woke up. With tired eyes, he looked around his tent for the sound that has broken his sleep. Nothing. False alarm it seemed.\n\nDays of battle had made his entire body sore. The additional strain of a bad night's sleep would not help his favor on the battlefield. Still, it was early in the night and as tired as Cage was, he had no doubt he would be back in his dreams shortly.\n\nSix minutes later Cage was fast asleep again. But not for long. The sound reappeared. Now stronger than before. Cage eyes shot open, and this time he could identify the sound. It was a loud and clear, \"Quack\"!"} +{"id": "519d3516-ed7b-4926-9b14-409d5e54a22e-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T18:47:52.441", "backgroundColor": "#102540", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZsN1FiXbBSoEnSNMsDPL6QEviwufRTf87E8wrdeB8cX8", "txHash": "0xda2f976c754d43e20b45a227ef091606a2e79154890cb9d7a603e94d2425c9af", "createdAtBlock": 15834156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7697, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah", "text": "# Bruno's Pawn Shop\n\n*Establishing shot of a ramshackle old wooden fort in the middle of the forest. A sign in front reads: PAWN SHOP.*\n\n *Inside the shop sits Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah, an ugly son of a bitch, (think Jeff Bridges in True Grit) sitting on a rocking chair, yielding a falchion, rocking back and forth, humming to himself an ancient song, about to fall asleep, when*\n\nVOICE\\\nHello? Is anyone there?\n\n*(Bruno wakes with a start, raises his falchion, looking around wildly.)*\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n**STOP!** Who the hell is there? You better not try anything or Ill stab ya right between your eyeballs.\n\n*(From behind a nearby rock, out peeks Ghost Eater of the Technochrome, trembling in fear.)*\n\nGHOST EATER CORKY OF THE TECHNOCHROME\\\nPlease! Dont shoot! It is me! Ghost Eater Cory of the Tehcn\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n Whaduyya want? \n\nGHOST EATER CORKY OF THE TECHNOCHROME\\\n To see if youd be willing to make a trade.\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nErrr, you better not be wasting my time, child, with \nthat damn eyeball again.\n\nGHOST EATER CORKY OF THE TECHNOCHROME\\\nIts a perfectly good eye ball. \n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n Its missing an eye! Or a person!\n\nGHOST EATER CORKY OF THE TECHNOCHROME\\\n Beggars cant be choosers."} +{"id": "519d3516-ed7b-4926-9b14-409d5e54a22e-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T18:47:52.441", "backgroundColor": "#102540", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZsN1FiXbBSoEnSNMsDPL6QEviwufRTf87E8wrdeB8cX8", "txHash": "0xda2f976c754d43e20b45a227ef091606a2e79154890cb9d7a603e94d2425c9af", "createdAtBlock": 15834156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7697, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah", "text": "BRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nWhose eye is that anyway? Poor sap. \n\nGHOST EATER CORKY OF THE TECHNOCHROME \\\nIll trade you for five gold coins. \n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n**NO!!!**\n\n(He raises his sword at him.)\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nGo on! Get out here before I kill you!\n\nGHOST EATER CORKY OF THE TECHNOCHROME\\\n Whatever happened to the customer is always right. \n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nThe customer is always dead, you hear me? \n\n*Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah keeps his falchion at the ready as the Ghost Eater Corky of the Technochrome walks off into the desert. After a moment, Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah rests his falchion once again on his stomach and closes his eyes, resting, until hes approached by Cosmic Mage Gwendolin of the Tower.*\n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER\\\n Are you open for business? \n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n*(opening an eye)* \\\nUgh, not you again, Cosmic Mage. No shoes, no shirt, no service. \n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER\\\n Im wearing sandals this time. \n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nFine, what do you want? Remember, all deals are final, no refunds, even on all potions that result in changes in physical appearance or death. \n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nHow much for this frog?"} +{"id": "519d3516-ed7b-4926-9b14-409d5e54a22e-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T18:47:52.441", "backgroundColor": "#102540", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZsN1FiXbBSoEnSNMsDPL6QEviwufRTf87E8wrdeB8cX8", "txHash": "0xda2f976c754d43e20b45a227ef091606a2e79154890cb9d7a603e94d2425c9af", "createdAtBlock": 15834156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7697, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah", "text": "BRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n What does it do?\n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nWhaddya means what does it do? Its a frog. It does frog stuff. Like it licks stuff and eats flies.\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nThats it?\n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nWhat the hell else do you want it to do?\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nI could kick you outta this shop. \n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nTouche.\n\n BRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nIm sorry, Im just used to most frogs having some form of transference spell. Are you sure it doesn't magically transform into a handsome prince or something? \n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER\\\n No, Im afraid not.\n\n BRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nOkay, how about does it transform into a ugly, hunchback troll from the forest?\n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nNope, its just a frog. \n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nDamn!\n\nCOSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nIf you lick it, you start to feel funny and hallucinate. \n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nHmm. You dont say. Alright, Ill trade you four gold coins.\n\n COSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nSix."} +{"id": "519d3516-ed7b-4926-9b14-409d5e54a22e-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T18:47:52.441", "backgroundColor": "#102540", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZsN1FiXbBSoEnSNMsDPL6QEviwufRTf87E8wrdeB8cX8", "txHash": "0xda2f976c754d43e20b45a227ef091606a2e79154890cb9d7a603e94d2425c9af", "createdAtBlock": 15834156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7697, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah", "text": "COSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nSix. \n\n BRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n Five.\n\n COSMIC MAGE GWENDOLIN OF THE TOWER \\\nDeal.\\\n*(They shake)*\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nI would have given you six. \n\n*(Cosmic mage Gwendolyn of the tower hands over the frog in exchange for five gold coins. She exits. Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah goes back to sleeping. Snoring. Sorcerer Quddus of the Brambles enters. Bruno Vanquisher of the Savannah awakes with a startle.)*\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH\\\n Why, yes, how can I help you?\n\nSORCERER QUDDUS OF THE BRAMBLES \\\nDo you have any amphetamines are hallucinogens I can absorb?\n\nBRUNO VANQUISHER OF THE SAVANNAH \\\nActually, I may have just the concoction you are looking for\n\n*(SFX: Ribbet. As they begin to barter we FADE TO BLACK)*\n\n\n### Starring:\n@warrior7697\\\n@wizard2756\\\n@wizard2421\\\n@wizard868"} +{"id": "94255092-d88a-4cbe-a397-eb04a2a1a40f-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T20:45:54.985", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxRVH72EjocsLtpn8xjAkTXLivW77S9cmttmKQ5PHizQ", "txHash": "0xf0cef78970dc51001328ecb6c203fde42d7f4561a78b56b3c9044f549a94f608", "createdAtBlock": 15834725, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2469, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qme7am5jMFmaA3nbBngT1HQRw7aLTiffydymprArBg9ApD", "name": "Ghost Eater Ixar ", "text": "# Ghost Eater Ixar and the Phantom Onyx Wolf\n\n\n\n**Into darkness bound \nBy the lunar light summoned \nMan and wolf are one**"} +{"id": "790ff9a2-8b85-4281-9430-1c0f74eb4808-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:05.901", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeE4EjGox2kFjnpANC2WUpSpRUDE9eVNjBDAuBEeEKRzr", "txHash": "0x21396c8d4ada906d7907221e8e1dceb5168637d327f70ba505eabe35d83f2cd6", "createdAtBlock": 13869185, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8743, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rotten Revenant Ming of Nasty Town", "text": "# The Lore of Rotten Revenant Ming of Nasty Town\n\nIf I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!"} +{"id": "98f38cc1-f810-4e34-9d56-d7f91a838852-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T22:17:51.985", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRCvCZe9fJriYrDte9MghwXrhRce4JJoobwV8s63p9yJs", "txHash": "0xdc64628da6785af518e4657cdaee03b83faae4e316b76567ccab1d96ef3d475a", "createdAtBlock": 15835181, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14603, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcd1bV6GxuWS2mQCACtQGxRz7VjEY9hr2gWU2HukCL97h", "name": "Brooks Danger of Flowers", "text": "# PREVIOUSLY PT II\n\nLook, yes, there is a crybaby backstory to the various betrayals between @wizard239 and @wizard1017, but I'm not that kind of bard. That's not my genre, my guy. Moving on -\n\n\n\nWild Mage ordered Ulysse and [REDACTED] to spy on the Blue Wizards after noticing what they felt was an alarming number of Baby Wizards with their own adrenochrome vials in the surrounding areas.\n\n\n\nThis led Wild Mage and his cohorts to investigate, only to reveal that one of the Blue Wizards had developed an adrenochrome removal method from Baby Wizards that did not cause them any physical harm. Still, this did not sit right with some of Feral of the Untamed, nor did it sit right with some Blue Wizards.\n\n\n\nThroughout the course of this spying, Wild Mage's crew had been taking the opportunity to \"borrow\" blueprints from the labs of Blue Wizard Bastion.\n\nThis did not go unnoticed by the spymasters of the Bastion.\n\nWas Ulysse originally a double agent, and for how long, or did he become one much later on? Look, I'm asking you - I may be the bard, but both Wild Mage and Ulysse won't speak further on the matter...\n\n\n\nBut what we do know is that...\n\nWild Mage, along with @wizard2029 and Ulysse, was to meet with representatives of the Blue Wizard Council to address the growing numbers of bugbear raiders in The Fey. Instead, Wild Mage and Apollo were seized and bound at this meeting. Much talk and threats ensued, resulting in the decision by the Blue Wizard spymasters to throw Wild Mage and Apollo into the Quantum Shadow as an example, and to apprehend the rest of Feral of the Untamed."} +{"id": "98f38cc1-f810-4e34-9d56-d7f91a838852-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-26T22:17:51.985", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRCvCZe9fJriYrDte9MghwXrhRce4JJoobwV8s63p9yJs", "txHash": "0xdc64628da6785af518e4657cdaee03b83faae4e316b76567ccab1d96ef3d475a", "createdAtBlock": 15835181, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14603, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcd1bV6GxuWS2mQCACtQGxRz7VjEY9hr2gWU2HukCL97h", "name": "Brooks Danger of Flowers", "text": "What no one expected was what happened to Wild Mage and Apollo and what emerged from the timespace anomaly that is The Quantum Shadow."} +{"id": "fff5c989-aa83-4d16-96b4-439ca1bdaa3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:14.205", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebV5U3c8m95UAtGf5wJV61Lf6iV4cEphh6yzVvX9mppF", "txHash": "0xc2991665636fbbe4ad20871b2226fa0f3d03275b7962254b3fedc420da7c4fee", "createdAtBlock": 13870450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1021, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Victor of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Voodoo Priest Victor of Elysium\n\nVictor was the second son of the Evil North King's right hand magician."} +{"id": "46c49dff-7690-4dc4-9385-02bd4bcb9b64-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:43.222", "backgroundColor": "#00609e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhs7iw4x9kchi5ut3ktL5hmhzfs42RVpfeGP4hzjQ33o", "txHash": "0xe47406dd95b544be4bc0166936f28800a7284d589ea4e730030869a20f8b88f8", "createdAtBlock": 15671800, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQUm7QAaGPnDw3vnENx3gBY1BXmjWumJ2HV17bvAwtcvy", "name": "Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills and Rogue\n\n \n\nHadriens Journey into wizardry has been an epic one. He is the self-proclaimed leader of the Blue Wizards and resides at the Blue Wizard Bastion. Hadrien is what you think as a typical Blue Wizard, but better. He grew up in the West Hills bordering the Wild. He has an affinity for technology, he loves to learn and study magic. He has a good deal of experience studying other cultures and wizarding techniques. He was top of his class in his wizard studies and has mastered the art of hand-to-hand combat and swordplay. He often carries his golden katana sword that he fabricated though extensive studies and experience in the samurai arts. His blade was crafted partly out of an air rune and has very rare properties such as the swords weight, which is next to nothing light as air so it is able to be manipulated by anyone or anything. It is even said that his familiar rabbit, Rogue, is able to use the sword if needed with his mouth!\n\nHadrien is a sorcerer and a very powerful one at that. He channels his spell casting though his wooden stick, albeit some say it looks like a club. He is a master of the air elemental magic that is powered though his Rune of Air. He can perform a variety of other spells, but his most powerful attacks are air based. The stick is inscribed with ancient text and lore from across the Runiverse. A few incantations and spells are even inscribed on the object which dazzles with its ornate inscriptions and shocks with brutal physical application. The stick is heavy and is a good weapon for smashing zombies. Hadrien utilizes a combination of physical talents, expert spell casting, and exceptional intelligence to lead his fellow wizards for the greater good."} +{"id": "46c49dff-7690-4dc4-9385-02bd4bcb9b64-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:43.222", "backgroundColor": "#00609e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhs7iw4x9kchi5ut3ktL5hmhzfs42RVpfeGP4hzjQ33o", "txHash": "0xe47406dd95b544be4bc0166936f28800a7284d589ea4e730030869a20f8b88f8", "createdAtBlock": 15671800, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQUm7QAaGPnDw3vnENx3gBY1BXmjWumJ2HV17bvAwtcvy", "name": "Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills", "text": "Hadrien is dashingly handsome. He is in his mid 30's in human years. He has long flowing white hair, he is tall, and has built stature with a deep voice. He has a magnetic personality and is a delight to the lady wizards in the realm. This often gets him into trouble but sooner or later the women all seem to still love him in the end. Hadrien is very persuasive, very crafty, and very resourceful and he and his fellow Blue Wizards at the Bastion are seen as protectors and servants of the Realm. There are many dangers and unknowns in the North and East of the Runiverse and it is a daily battle to identify, plan and mitigate threats.\n\nHadrien is very much against the Sacred Flame and has traveled across the land in search of one for study with several close wizarding friends. He never did find one to study closely but has seen firsthand of the torment and the pain that these Flames have caused and has witnessed the utter debauchery exhibited by the Souls that have emerged from The Great Burning.\n\nHadriens familiar, Rogue, is a talking, color changing rabbit. He is very courageous bunny and will fight to the death for his master or a cause worth his life. Rogue will turn black when he is angry or has a bad feeling about a person, wizard, or a situation. Rogue will talk but only when he has something important to say.\n\nYou can often find Hadrien traveling the realm, putting out fires, rescuing people, places or things or making a deal for something. There is talk of a new Blue Wizard Guild in the land. Hadrien most certainly will have something to do with that."} +{"id": "46c49dff-7690-4dc4-9385-02bd4bcb9b64-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:43.222", "backgroundColor": "#00609e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhs7iw4x9kchi5ut3ktL5hmhzfs42RVpfeGP4hzjQ33o", "txHash": "0xe47406dd95b544be4bc0166936f28800a7284d589ea4e730030869a20f8b88f8", "createdAtBlock": 15671800, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQUm7QAaGPnDw3vnENx3gBY1BXmjWumJ2HV17bvAwtcvy", "name": "Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills", "text": "Hadrien never did find that sacred flame. Elusive it was. Hadrien learned a year later that he was very close indeed, by a mere few days to getting a flame. Since his original journey, warriors have jointed the land, great beasts and the spawn. The world is growing and changing. Hadrien strives to unite the Blue Wizards and form a Guild. \n\n\n\n\n\nHadrien has been known to ride the Pony of Fire #100"} +{"id": "fe8de7ee-42a7-4619-b0bc-1abfd1bb1048-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-27T18:09:06.278", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNWD4b8FBENkx6Fu7ceasSmhKBWhxRNe9zgn5YFPdSvZ2", "txHash": "0x8de457ce5d9566c0d079a52cffd178b397f0f34b0c0971a48512294d02d75933", "createdAtBlock": 15841102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2455, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Putrid Zombie Eric of Goblin town", "text": "It all started as a joke, then the joke became more real, but what I did not know is that in the end, the wizard became a soul. \n\nIts predecessor, one of a kind wizard had a great journey, but once he came close to the flame, he transmuted into the soul that is today. \n\nI dont mind whether I win or lose, because the whole of life is stories, told over a crock of ale in the world or in the afterlife. So here is a poem for the memories:\n\nZombie, zombie, who were you?\nZombie, zombie, were you a human once?\nZombie, zombie, why are there so many people like you?\n\nHuman, human, i was a person once.\nHuman, human, i used to dream.\nHuman, human, but people treathed me like **** and i am one now."} +{"id": "1f99729f-c3bd-4719-909a-46a3bf71b60d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-27T21:36:53.958", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdAVwMetCG8QKYYT141NNZkuFXcHbUr6HzJpGoS2zJJtu", "txHash": "0x8cc2a6c40ccd3fac798600ce9e063291c0b6c96acf506410bff1a507b2f9fd2b", "createdAtBlock": 15842136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9008, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRJ2cjexodRwXxxHAixfueyFZZark4bGTW14NTJGcS3it", "name": "Shadow Mage Rita of the Reach", "text": "## ***Shadow Mage Rita of the Reach***\n\n\n\nIn the darkest depths of the Vampire Mist near the Eastern fringes of the Thorn, there lie a pitch black castle covered in weaves of ivory. The castle's red stained front door was known to smell of the putrid odor of decomposing animals. \n\nLong thought to be the home of a vicious Vampyre by the name of Rita by the Reach, many Goblins would share stories of their ancestors visiting the castle never to be heard from again. Goblins were known for their storytelling but there were the stories to be told were very few because each and every Goblin that visited the castle never returned. \n\nThe journey was said to be \"treacherous\" as they had to pass through the **Thorns** or around the **Quantum Shadow** but this didn't deter each group of young Goblin. Many moons after they left for the castle, each and every time, carrier crows returned with a scrolls that read: \n> *As you pass these castle walls, your blood I will devour* \n> \n\nEach scroll was a Goblin bone that had engraved the words **~ *Rita of the Reach*** along with a pale white skull filled with rising vapors, as the symbol of devouring each of the Goblins.\n\nThirteen continuous generations of Goblins were sent and none had returned. The bone engraved scrolls were the only remains that returned from their pilgrimage. \n\nThe first generation of Goblins that were sent on the pilgrimage were seeking myths of gold, jewels, and diamonds beyond the castle walls. The rest of the Goblins were sent to retrieve the others... yet they never returned"} +{"id": "1f99729f-c3bd-4719-909a-46a3bf71b60d-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-27T21:36:53.958", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdAVwMetCG8QKYYT141NNZkuFXcHbUr6HzJpGoS2zJJtu", "txHash": "0x8cc2a6c40ccd3fac798600ce9e063291c0b6c96acf506410bff1a507b2f9fd2b", "createdAtBlock": 15842136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9008, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRJ2cjexodRwXxxHAixfueyFZZark4bGTW14NTJGcS3it", "name": "Shadow Mage Rita of the Reach", "text": "For generations, Goblins told lore that *Rita of the Reach* was a stunningly devilish Vampyre with a thirst for young men's blood. The youngest Goblins each had lucid wet dreams of week-long nude escapades with visions of Rita alone and in heat, in her bone crunching dungeon. In their dreams, moaning would echo off the inner hallways of the castle that eventually moved them down towards the corridors to their demise. \n\nIt was rumored by the Goblins that they would dream of beautiful female spirits whispering in their ears in the halls of the castle while they were led down the black marble, spider web stairs into the dungeon. These lucid wet dreams were required to begin their young Goblins' death journey towards the castle. Many of them dreamed of tasting the sweet fluids of Shadow Mage Rita, slowly and smoothly. These Goblin's craved, beyond their wildest fantasies, of stealing her precious jewels after these week long orgies. A craving so dire, they would risk everything and anything to taste her."} +{"id": "c8989ad3-1851-4bb9-9bf4-ab84794fd206-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-28T08:35:53.651", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdX4dFNCLJ1R6gbUhGRX9Vd4AnL39ndms4xopL2mUfAZC", "txHash": "0xb302ccf467995757f7e801e827abe4c62759d041426e34e6b501c4129460da0f", "createdAtBlock": 15845399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9323, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYgVHw4y4zRjp79pvp9RmqL6g8VGw3Uy734WuiLBhS9wC", "name": "Mystic Willow of the Brambles", "text": "# [Intermission] Portraits\nWillow has traveled many places in Runiverse and interacted with many people including artists. Some of the artists have drawn her in a canvas. Because of her mysterious nature, her appearance in the arts are quite vary, but all of them still captured her character really well.\n\n---\n## Illustrated by suisa\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by tanakakun\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by marumiya\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by NONNONNON\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by hiwana\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by hiwana\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by pipipi\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by ta2nb\n\n\n---\n## Illustrated by sweetbread\n\n\n---\n## Modeled by i4nzits"} +{"id": "bef2cd6f-b226-4070-b8ae-6cf58b9d7eb1-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-28T13:56:50.9", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbwB1u8bMQ9gPsBphKvX8M8cBdDrsRPpUefYYiQLd4aW", "txHash": "0x6b6a9a74ef49f1ca3c0e114e7243aa0d5358406e0caab1c1e408c5be0f84a814", "createdAtBlock": 16198399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4760, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTC7vHU5Den1KvuYgfJTPQAUxN9MJsJAQ5guiB6VLCFfB", "name": "Ice Mage Flamos out of the Blizzard", "text": "# The Lore of Ice Mage Flamos out of the Blizzard\n\n\n\nFlamos had an upbringing that was not unlike most of his peers. He had a supportive family and wanted for nothing as he sprouted from a child into typical teenager. Flamos was never the most popular kid in school and that was okay with him. He mostly kept to himself and focused on his studies. \n\nAs time went on, however, a classmate of his caught his eye. Flamos was smitten. Every time he saw his crush he wanted to say something, anything but he could never muster the courage. He often saw her around school casually talking to other guys, usually ones who played sports or the guitar. Flamos desperately wanted to garner his beloveds attention but had no idea what could make him stand out. He was at an impasse. \n\nOne day over dinner, Flamos Mom and Dad sensed something was amiss. \nNoticing Flamos pushing his food around his plate, his Dad asked, whats wrong? \nNothing, Dad. I dont want to talk about it! Flamos answered as he flicked his peas and stared into the distance. \n\nI saw you looking at that girl today Flamos! This wouldnt have anything to do with her, would it? asked his mother, Noelle. \n\nWell, I kinda have a crush on her, but shes always talking with other guys. I dont know how I can stand out to her, said Flamos as his eyes were almost instantly filled with life. \n\nGray gave a fatherly look to Noelle. He knew how he might be able to help Flamos. Even though he had his hesitations, once he got the nod from Noelle, Gray knew it was time. \n\nFlamos, do you remember the tricks your grandpa used to perform at your birthday parties? I think youre ready to learn the family secrets."} +{"id": "bef2cd6f-b226-4070-b8ae-6cf58b9d7eb1-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-28T13:56:50.9", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbwB1u8bMQ9gPsBphKvX8M8cBdDrsRPpUefYYiQLd4aW", "txHash": "0x6b6a9a74ef49f1ca3c0e114e7243aa0d5358406e0caab1c1e408c5be0f84a814", "createdAtBlock": 16198399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4760, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTC7vHU5Den1KvuYgfJTPQAUxN9MJsJAQ5guiB6VLCFfB", "name": "Ice Mage Flamos out of the Blizzard", "text": "Flamos vividly recalled his grandfather putting on magnificent magic shows at all his birthday parties over the years. He was always so captivated and often asked if he would show him how to perform the tricks. All grandpa would share was how to make a dog out of a balloon. \n\nReally!? Thanks Dad! said Flamos. He was trying to play it cool but could hardly contain his excitement. \n\nFlamos was certain these tricks would grab his crushs attention and help him stand out among his classmates. \n\nYou have to be careful, though Flamos. If these tricks are used the wrong way, the consequences could be severe, said Gray with trepidation. \n\nA few weeks passed and school let out for summer. It was time for Flamos to spend a whole month with his grandparents. All he could think about was learning his grandfathers magic tricks. \n\nFlamos and his grandfather, Archer (Archie, for short), spent the next few weeks learning the basics of becoming an ice mage. The lost art of ice magic was something near and dear to Archie, having been passed down for generations before Flamos dad walked away from practicing. Archie felt happy, and relieved that the skills and techniques would be safe being passed down to his grandson. \n\nIts no easy task to master the manipulation of ice to perform tricks and spells others can only dream of. Supreme control over ones senses is required to pull off the elaborate displays of frost magic. Simple moves such as throwing icicles and conjuring frost spells, are easier to pick up. More difficult moves, such as building sweeping walls of razor-sharp ice, take much more time and focus to master. Flamos was up for the task. By the time his month at his grandparents came to an end, he felt like he could conquer the world. Or, at the very least, he had some fun tricks to impress his love interest when school started up in the fall."} +{"id": "bef2cd6f-b226-4070-b8ae-6cf58b9d7eb1-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-28T13:56:50.9", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbwB1u8bMQ9gPsBphKvX8M8cBdDrsRPpUefYYiQLd4aW", "txHash": "0x6b6a9a74ef49f1ca3c0e114e7243aa0d5358406e0caab1c1e408c5be0f84a814", "createdAtBlock": 16198399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4760, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTC7vHU5Den1KvuYgfJTPQAUxN9MJsJAQ5guiB6VLCFfB", "name": "Ice Mage Flamos out of the Blizzard", "text": "The summer seemed to pass by in a flash it was already time for school to start back up for Flamos. And not that he minded, either. Flamos was eager to see his friends but especially excited to show off his new talents. He didnt want to come over the top too quickly; he wanted to play it cool. So Flamos started doing some of his magic in small groups or at lunch. It was fun to impress his friends, and it was only a matter of time before he would catch the eye of his darling. \n\nOne day there was a terrible accident in his classs chemistry lab. Artificer Ulysse was attempting a new experiment and set fire to his workstation. The blaze quickly spread throughout the school as the students panicked. As the situation got more precarious in the classroom, Flamos knew this was his moment to shine. He could save the classroom and impress his love by performing an ice spell to quell the flames. \n\nAs the fire grew larger, Flamos stepped into the middle of the classroom to perform his newly learned frosty magic. He was certain he remembered all the necessary steps to perform the family ritual. Flamos wanted to be the hero. Now was his time. \n\nFlamos started into his routine: closed his eyes, knelt down, and began to master his senses. It was coming together; he could feel it. As he finished his steps, Flamos opened his eyes and attempted to extinguish the flames with his icy spell. He motioned his hands over and over again, but nothing happened. Flamos was stunned. His magic wasnt working. Caught up in casting his spell, Flamos didnt notice the burning beam just overhead. As he joined his class in evacuating the room, the flaming wood broke free from the ceiling and knocked Flamos in the head, leaving him unconscious."} +{"id": "bef2cd6f-b226-4070-b8ae-6cf58b9d7eb1-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-28T13:56:50.9", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbwB1u8bMQ9gPsBphKvX8M8cBdDrsRPpUefYYiQLd4aW", "txHash": "0x6b6a9a74ef49f1ca3c0e114e7243aa0d5358406e0caab1c1e408c5be0f84a814", "createdAtBlock": 16198399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4760, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTC7vHU5Den1KvuYgfJTPQAUxN9MJsJAQ5guiB6VLCFfB", "name": "Ice Mage Flamos out of the Blizzard", "text": "As Flamos awoke from his blow to the head, his mind felt tingly all over. He thought it must have been a side effect from being knocked out. As he looked around, he was in the wilderness with only a curious red frog and an old ram. Unable to communicate with the animals, Flamos was left to piece together the events during school that day. Oh, and his head still felt like it was on fire.\n\nRetracing the events of that day, Flamos remembered the fire breaking out and his heroic plan to save the day. He remembered going through his steps to cast an ice spell to quell the flames. The last thing he remembered was being struck by the burning log. Was this why his head felt so prickly? \n\nWandering the forest, Flamos came upon a stream. Famished, he stopped and bent down to take a drink. Flamos did not recognize the reflection in the water his skull was still on fire! He urgently dunked his head into the steam for relief, but nothing seemed to work. Not water. Not snow. Not an ice spell. Mortified, Flamos fled his hometown and vowed to never return at least until he could figure out why his skull was ablaze. He would never be able to approach his crush looking like this. \n\nWith no time to alert his Mom and Dad, Flamos set off with the mysterious red frog and the old ram. They traveled far and wide, meeting many friends and foes alike. The frog became known as Qesh taking the name of his best friend in school. Flamos named the old ram after his grandpa, Archie. He often talked with Archie (the ram) during their expeditions and asked him advice in the same way he used to ask his grandpa for advice."} +{"id": "bef2cd6f-b226-4070-b8ae-6cf58b9d7eb1-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-28T13:56:50.9", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbwB1u8bMQ9gPsBphKvX8M8cBdDrsRPpUefYYiQLd4aW", "txHash": "0x6b6a9a74ef49f1ca3c0e114e7243aa0d5358406e0caab1c1e408c5be0f84a814", "createdAtBlock": 16198399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4760, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTC7vHU5Den1KvuYgfJTPQAUxN9MJsJAQ5guiB6VLCFfB", "name": "Ice Mage Flamos out of the Blizzard", "text": "Flamos appearance was threatening and occasionally travelers did not take well to his mangled disposition. Because of this, Flamos often moved from town-to-town, taking odd jobs anywhere that would hire him. His favorite was being a shopkeeper in Zaros Oasis the warm temperatures seemed to make his fiery head feel less painful. \n\nAs time passed, Archie the Ram began to grow frail in his old age. The constant moving from town-to-town took its toll on his well-traveled hooves. During one of their many cross-country treks, this time to visit @wizard1246 at the Kobolds Crossroad, Archie the Ram passed away. Flamos best friend was gone.\n\nThat night, Flamos held a memorial for his trusted companion, Archie. Qesh hopped close to Flamos as he could sense his vulnerability. Flamos lit a fire and began speaking words from the heart. Voice crackling and stumbling over his words, Flamos declared, As a memorial to my best friend, I will mount your skull on a stick to take with me wherever I go. I cant imagine traveling without you. I am still going to need to ask you for advice, Archie. May this be a lasting memory for a dear friend. Tears in his eyes, Flamos mounted Archies skull on a stick to carry with him from this point forward. Flamos tears were quickly dissipated by his flaming skull. \n\nWhats next for Flamos? Who was the mystery love he was trying to impress at school on that fateful day? \n\nTo be continued"} +{"id": "979cce1f-6061-4a22-b3a4-ffa699a925a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T13:04:39.733", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU7ki6NXnnZ5DDWTH6DZJAcfgPRQfpj6HVYkFWj1kMrey", "txHash": "0x7faa7e920505b1528d91420d4fa038c889bc7253e03b655bfdc93883bd988ebe", "createdAtBlock": 15853907, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2628, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Field", "text": "**Archmagus Jerret of the Field**\n\nOnce a humble farmer, Archmagus Jerret is now considered to be the invisible hand behind the 2020s psilocybin movement on Earth. While his far reaching success is clear, his motives are not. Only time will tell if he desires a greater human consciousness or if he seeks to pacify all competition in his quest for world domination."} +{"id": "3cf92692-730a-46de-bb85-64720f0e81f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:37.334", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZZ5hfZHAgx6zvBV5TSrYsjs1LAEcr8iAYea5sYBWsVhC", "txHash": "0x544c52669bcaaa4afbb321fca779ab4769df287c1d2f0ac82b95b2553f0013c6", "createdAtBlock": 13876886, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3481, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Ursula of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Ursula of the Hills\n\nDid the snake bring order or chaos?"} +{"id": "eade0244-b7a1-46f6-b4a8-a1ca02bb6f7e-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T14:09:27.252", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSxsrGhNuDsMt54U4ihqnVx9rBPvGtRmCp5krnTQD8WzN", "txHash": "0x62efb7b24f6703aff8c9c95a4695ef9c140272f582938b15bb9567c9bb610fc2", "createdAtBlock": 15854214, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3407, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Greta Daredevil of the South", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nGreta was fearless. She'd dared the devil and won many a time. Her brother Johnny had shown her just how; they'd tricked the devil enough times to earn a lifetime of wealth, and a soul or two."} +{"id": "31c7cc7b-653d-4974-bb56-a1ac90fb608d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:43.569", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ3eqfsBwSko97sRm8ouEoCEP6cPAFWP7JU9ey1z7SXwj", "txHash": "0xc1d533315b5845358f45114532a8f5bb92b7d7c99dcb03b972dee53503ad27d5", "createdAtBlock": 13878643, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2085, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Eizo of the Keep", "text": "**The Alchemist and Assistant**\n\nIve got it this time! This time for sure! Cried Eizo, all while his hapless assistant cowered behind one of the multitude of workbenches that was more singed wood and charcoal than bench.\n\nA burst of steam followed by the turning of gears and cranks within an echoing brass chassis gave the old alchemist a spark of hope in his eyes. Just as quickly a whistling sound that faded into a whine resulted in the machinery of the contraption to slow, grinding to finality mere seconds after the flickering motions suggested something different, something alive.\n\nAch, only two and thirty-five hundredths of a second this time! Thats a full two tenths of a second shorter than the last one! Record that time. Eizo turned back to address his apprentice, who continued to shudder in trepidation under the largest fragment of what used to be a workbench, but still dutifully wrote with trembling hand in a cluttered notebook.\n\nProfessor Eizo, do you think we have gotten any closer in the last three months? The assistant asked.\n\nEizo removed his steam-fogged glasses to wipe them clean. He stared at his own white-haired and green-eyed reflection in the now-polished glass. Through his beard a wry grin formed. Sadly, its just been the same result. Nothing new to learn and nothing to suggest we are actually doing anything wrong. Its very frustrating you know.\n\nThe assistant nodded in agreement. So we keep on with another experiment tomorrow? Ill need to make a run down to the market district then for some vinegar, rock salt, anise, and celery.\n\nYes, yes, Eizo waved his hand while the other placed his glasses back across the bridge of his nose. Wait, did you say celery? What do you need that for?\n\nI suddenly had a craving."} +{"id": "31c7cc7b-653d-4974-bb56-a1ac90fb608d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:43.569", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ3eqfsBwSko97sRm8ouEoCEP6cPAFWP7JU9ey1z7SXwj", "txHash": "0xc1d533315b5845358f45114532a8f5bb92b7d7c99dcb03b972dee53503ad27d5", "createdAtBlock": 13878643, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2085, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Eizo of the Keep", "text": "I suddenly had a craving.\n\nEizo blinked through his lenses. Very well, you may have the rest of the day off. I expect to see you with everything ready tomorrow right before sunrise. And, enjoy your celery.\n\nThe assistant nodded. Thank you, professor.\n\nEizo watched as his apprentice packed the worn-out notebook into a shabby leather bag, then with a brief bow and wave of the hand, exited the room, closing the door with a careful soft click.\n\nAs the lone alchemist looked out the window of his tower at the square below, he reminisced about the time before he sequestered himself, ending up with only one contact to the outside world, a volunteer from the village who was brave enough to reach out to him and even showed enthusiasm to help his work. A faded portrait rested on the dresser nearest the window. Eizo glanced momentarily at the muted colors, and the paintings subject, a once vibrant, fiery haired and rosy lipped woman, stared back in an eternal gaze, or for however long the canvas and paint would last.\n\nI believe, Eizo whispered, surely theres a soul in all of us that we can retrieve.\n\nLooking back at the square, Eizo could see his assistant had made it out and was already moving away from the alchemists towers and to the more robust merchants quarter where the market district was holding a weeklong event for a local holiday. The old alchemist smiled slightly as he turned back to look at the lab interior. The latest failed experiment remained motionless and silent. It didnt bother Eizo.\n\nTomorrow would be a new day after all."} +{"id": "197b23e0-2341-4bdb-8f44-868325b64a6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:44.257", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPdxMU1oaCZ46S4oZWdZHKmZsG3o91W4yExnXSPie41f", "txHash": "0x92bcd8328bfdbd477c22d0452d1ddec2c4a9bb4759aaa7006508915940350823", "createdAtBlock": 13878684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2085, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Eizo of the Keep", "text": "# The Alchemist and Assistant\n\nIve got it this time! This time for sure! Cried Eizo, all while his hapless assistant cowered behind one of the multitude of workbenches that was more singed wood and charcoal than bench.\n\nA burst of steam followed by the turning of gears and cranks within an echoing brass chassis gave the old alchemist a spark of hope in his eyes. Just as quickly a whistling sound that faded into a whine resulted in the machinery of the contraption to slow, grinding to finality mere seconds after the flickering motions suggested something different, something alive.\n\nAch, only two and thirty-five hundredths of a second this time! Thats a full two tenths of a second shorter than the last one! Record that time. Eizo turned back to address his apprentice, who continued to shudder in trepidation under the largest fragment of what used to be a workbench, but still dutifully wrote with trembling hand in a cluttered notebook.\n\nProfessor Eizo, do you think we have gotten any closer in the last three months? The assistant asked.\n\nEizo removed his steam-fogged glasses to wipe them clean. He stared at his own white-haired and green-eyed reflection in the now-polished glass. Through his beard a wry grin formed. Sadly, its just been the same result. Nothing new to learn and nothing to suggest we are actually doing anything wrong. Its very frustrating you know.\n\nThe assistant nodded in agreement. So we keep on with another experiment tomorrow? Ill need to make a run down to the market district then for some vinegar, rock salt, anise, and celery.\n\nYes, yes, Eizo waved his hand while the other placed his glasses back across the bridge of his nose. Wait, did you say celery? What do you need that for?\n\nI suddenly had a craving."} +{"id": "197b23e0-2341-4bdb-8f44-868325b64a6b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:44.257", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPdxMU1oaCZ46S4oZWdZHKmZsG3o91W4yExnXSPie41f", "txHash": "0x92bcd8328bfdbd477c22d0452d1ddec2c4a9bb4759aaa7006508915940350823", "createdAtBlock": 13878684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2085, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Eizo of the Keep", "text": "I suddenly had a craving.\n\nEizo blinked through his lenses. Very well, you may have the rest of the day off. I expect to see you with everything ready tomorrow right before sunrise. And, enjoy your celery.\n\nThe assistant nodded. Thank you, professor.\n\nEizo watched as his apprentice packed the worn-out notebook into a shabby leather bag, then with a brief bow and wave of the hand, exited the room, closing the door with a careful soft click.\n\nAs the lone alchemist looked out the window of his tower at the square below, he reminisced about the time before he sequestered himself, ending up with only one contact to the outside world, a volunteer from the village who was brave enough to reach out to him and even showed enthusiasm to help his work. A faded portrait rested on the dresser nearest the window. Eizo glanced momentarily at the muted colors, and the paintings subject, a once vibrant, fiery haired and rosy lipped woman, stared back in an eternal gaze, or for however long the canvas and paint would last.\n\nI believe, Eizo whispered, surely theres a soul in all of us that we can retrieve.\n\nLooking back at the square, Eizo could see his assistant had made it out and was already moving away from the alchemists towers and to the more robust merchants quarter where the market district was holding a weeklong event for a local holiday. The old alchemist smiled slightly as he turned back to look at the lab interior. The latest failed experiment remained motionless and silent. It didnt bother Eizo.\n\nTomorrow would be a new day after all."} +{"id": "607b9b39-045d-4ce1-a804-473fe5a3b247-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T14:25:51.893", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYpG4a1zBSbRQDrWuFmK2tDnA58VdS11km4SeJ1ViHwGN", "txHash": "0xe969a58c2951fe317664d66ab8a26738f72de9ace0bed208e7492b27e4cfa097", "createdAtBlock": 15854295, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4963, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cyrus Exterminator of Concrete", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nBorn in the mountains, young Cyrus trained his fists beating the hard faces of his hometown's cliffs. Only after sculpting the faces of his elders with his bare hands in the obsidian rock was he deemed worthy to settle the prairies of the valleys below his hometown.\n\nBut that was ages ago. Boulders, monoliths, and blocks. Slag, ore, and crust. An obsession with finding the indestructible, Cyrus embarked on a quest to find The Unbreakable Stone."} +{"id": "f9c219a0-fbac-4ecd-858f-97cf0e5c8659-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T14:28:40.682", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUtYpCuHS6jLytmLsQkGMWSBFttRw1yjKxfypmJkFK444", "txHash": "0x11bdd6edd2897716876ee911228b98636611a300870a370b8cae83ecb29d5b0b", "createdAtBlock": 15854309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10592, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ekrin Protector of Merfolk", "text": "Ekrin had fallen in love with a mermaid."} +{"id": "9fccaa11-9f84-4d2e-8623-ab4ccaa766e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T14:37:52.461", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV7e5ftSDnTraDTR8ashLBG8hHkyXmBTnqQ64tFejrCZa", "txHash": "0x52cf0349ca442d902651ba4c691a2c6a0450258d11631ca95edbe8fd2216a44c", "createdAtBlock": 15854355, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 249, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bernadette Leveler of the Rune Raiders", "text": "Bernadette loved her prized hound Buzz. He'd just sired his first litter, and already at 3 months old his pups had torn their kennels to shreds."} +{"id": "31049126-ba79-4874-a5d2-0eff97f756cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T14:49:53.186", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxebV9Hz2BnEMdgynrZ2U3153ZtVJwTKH2LuStdkbTmT", "txHash": "0xe6fdf0379e1e8dfc879968ba4f1a6330765eaf167b67fa2f7859bcfb9d78a5dc", "createdAtBlock": 15854414, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10590, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orion Contaminator of the Dawn", "text": "To torment or not to torment. Orion asked himself this question constantly, especially at dawn. He loved to torment at dawn. He despised dusk. In fact he'd never been spotted at dusk.\n\nThe red dawn, a yearly occurence during the winter solstice, energized Orion and his companion. They made sure to spill enough blood to make the village well run red for weeks."} +{"id": "d6a88d42-6230-4522-829e-e4804989fedd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:54.061", "backgroundColor": "#091006", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVCVWbX9Fyt8qfhHriH52f3FPeybAvg5kXVeMkfYNUVXe", "txHash": "0x5ef7f264d8228ddba7193f474c2f84d1d254c4b8b68395acc18c9be2fff78701", "createdAtBlock": 15097400, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 9763, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Casper of the Ether", "text": "# A Dream Run Amok\n\nSometimes when sorcerers dream hard enough, their dreams become reality...\n\nAs Sorcerer Casper of the Ether lay in his bed at night, running the day's activities through and through, he kept coming back to one thing: that stupid culinary atrocity that @wizard4504 brought to the potluck - a sack full of hollowed out cucumbers, each with a processed meat stick stuffed inside. He saw in his mind over and over again the image of Shivra unloading this sack onto the picnic table, like summoning a veritable horde of unwanted and ill-equipped mercenaries into a world that frankly never needed them... He tried to push the memory away, but it pestered him like an immortal housefly until finally Casper fell into a fitful sleep, imagining a world of hotdog men, clad only in b-list vegetable attire and dumb enough to storm into battle against *literally anything* for the promise of glory...\n\n***thwump***"} +{"id": "d6a88d42-6230-4522-829e-e4804989fedd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:54.061", "backgroundColor": "#091006", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVCVWbX9Fyt8qfhHriH52f3FPeybAvg5kXVeMkfYNUVXe", "txHash": "0x5ef7f264d8228ddba7193f474c2f84d1d254c4b8b68395acc18c9be2fff78701", "createdAtBlock": 15097400, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 9763, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Casper of the Ether", "text": "***thwump***\n\nHe awoke the next morning to a chattering outside his door, the sounds of a murmuring crowd, punctuated by the occasional ***thwump*** of a body landing on soft ground. Peering outside with squinted eyes he saw an ever-growing army of shiny, pink-skinned brutes, clad in all sorts of vegetable-based attire, speaking in blubbering monosyllables and doddering about. Just then another fell out of the portal that floated a few meters above Casper's ordinarily well-manicured petunia garden, this one holding what appeared to be a glowing, golden spatula. Upon seeing this the mystery-meat-men all turned to him, quieting, and kneeled. In a language Casper didn't understand, the gold spatula wielding hotdog man gave a rallying speech, and pointed off in the direction of the Red Wizard Capital before giving Casper a knowing wink and heading off, leading his army directly into the heart of the civilized Runiverse...\n\n\n> \"Aw shit...\" *said Casper* \n> \"I should probably close that portal\"\n\n***thwump***"} +{"id": "f75f8a2a-0e2c-4b6c-9f90-a7d8fe9b4803-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T14:58:41.75", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPwVEk3SEKui8nsA8ENc6wmVNRt7NMV6qbA3YKMEKr7we", "txHash": "0xf962d116396bdbe199fc3d4c0f4585e451b67291e7df49218d253653fcf1d1c5", "createdAtBlock": 15854458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10593, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lin Cleaver of the Tiger Claw", "text": "Lin loved to play with fire. \n\nLast fall, while casually throwing sparks to annoy her jaguar after one too many drinks at the tavern, she accidentally set her dress on fire and was forced to jump in the horse troughs to save herself. \n\nShe'd been on the lookout for a new dress ever since, a fire-resistant dress."} +{"id": "36ef080c-e5d5-4ac8-b0d1-dfd88759e5ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T15:10:50.586", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUJUDQ4qEiKDP8yk41wEMsyhyxiw1EYGhmzrsVZJmtxp", "txHash": "0x7a42b4099030b73a1f036a60a20f42d7ab905371829c57233001f01448801fbb", "createdAtBlock": 15854519, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10591, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Antonius Rival of the Baobabs", "text": "Antoniou hated the Boabads. He went out of his way to fell the mighty trees. He drank their juices in the morning and at night, for it reminded him of the price he had once paid, a price too dear for his young heart to bear."} +{"id": "6ab141fb-c561-4ad3-af73-0aca874fb51c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:54.923", "backgroundColor": "#3e0906", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYdjJTnasuvnYS3JsciGZVGrVivYGj9itxnTbrbYVngfp", "txHash": "0x6c8343258a0d3d1579de9b95fc1565145e1fb31ac1ff08e237bc97e4fd9f046d", "createdAtBlock": 15763112, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 170, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQYxAmPtzNcX6rhPmNVW5nDDW4JNnYPpDAsTFpzfmiBuU", "name": "Major Razer of the Road", "text": "# Major Razer of the Road\n---\n\n\n\n# - Ashfall - \n\n---\n\nAn eerie silence had fallen over the village. It hadn't been quiet since the start of the attack. Ponies running wild in panic, and thatch roofs set ablaze.\n\nI walk forward leaving only the footprint of my boots in my wake. Darkness surrounds me. It's in the buildings. The sky. And the hearts of my people. \n\nI smile to myself. The darkness has always been there. Buried deep. I simply brought it to the surface. Exposed it. \n\nShattered glass litters the street. One piece pierces my boot and lodges itself into my heel. I look down but feel no pain. I leave it and continue on. \n\nI see someone sitting against a building. I walk over to them, lifting their chin. The darkness continues to spread. I didnt start it, but I will loyally follow it wherever it guides me. \n\nThe man looks at me with cold eyes, devoid of his humanity. Taking a deep breath, he utters You. \n\nI smile. Me I respond softly. I bend over, grasping his extended arm, and pull him to his feet. Thank you he whispers as he falls in line behind me. \n\nThe darkness Is calming. The fire brings warmth. In this chaos, It brings solace. \n\nIve gathered a large number of followers. They are spread all over the land. Aiding our brothers, and bringing the lost and vulnerable to our cause. \n\nI am powerful, no longer weak. I tire of the feeling of worthlessness, and the barrage of torture the demons in my head unleash constantly. I have taken control of those demons now."} +{"id": "6ab141fb-c561-4ad3-af73-0aca874fb51c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:54.923", "backgroundColor": "#3e0906", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYdjJTnasuvnYS3JsciGZVGrVivYGj9itxnTbrbYVngfp", "txHash": "0x6c8343258a0d3d1579de9b95fc1565145e1fb31ac1ff08e237bc97e4fd9f046d", "createdAtBlock": 15763112, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 170, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQYxAmPtzNcX6rhPmNVW5nDDW4JNnYPpDAsTFpzfmiBuU", "name": "Major Razer of the Road", "text": "We round the corner to find a hooded figure standing in the middle of the road. She snarls and rushes at me wielding a knife. I step to the side, grabbing her arm and twisting it so the knife drops. You have turned your back on all of us she spurted out in pain. \n\nThe darkness grows, and with it our strength I respond. The end of the Wizards is near, and when it does darkness will flood the land! \"I pray for the darkness to take you before that day She mumbles, acknowledging her defeat.\n\nI grin. The fire in my eyes is finally lit. Burning among the darkness. The only color allowed. Red, the color of blood, revenge, fire. Red is powerful. \n\nI spread my arms, looking up into the night sky above. As the wildfire flickers, the shadows dance on my chest.\n\n\"You have to be cold, to make it in this world.\" I bend down, forcing her to look up at me. \"We will make it. We will succeed\" My men put a knife to her throat.\n\n\"Your heart has turned to stone...\" She mutters, avoiding the gaze of my red eyes. I snicker. \"No, a heart of fire, forged in darkness. Fire burns brightest in the darkness.\"\n\nShe grips the hand that is touching her. \"I don't regret betraying you.\" She spits. I laugh. I slip out of her grasp and nod to my men. She lets out her last breath and collapses. \n\n\nThe path we walk is not meant for everyone. There will be casualties, and there will be sacrifices. You may call us evil, but we are not cruel. We are the broken. We are the outcasts. We have come to take what is ours."} +{"id": "e16189e8-15aa-4ace-b0d7-40b78de12074-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T19:22:19.892", "backgroundColor": "#2f1902", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNSqerC5xkvUG16yPj3TbLEUtZELtFRPQWmark1mib4Dv", "txHash": "0xc190306f3da744fcea4726a076625ca768f5fa7954ed62f654bd315c741ee0e1", "createdAtBlock": 15855767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3208, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Felix Bludgeoner of Dragons", "text": "# ---- October 28 2022 ----\n\nI travelled to the door of the Nightmare Imp in company with @wizard6516, @warrior4403, @warrior10942, and @warrior10944.\n\nWe knocked on the door together and I was dreadfully tricked with the curse of laughing skulls. Please make them stop this incessant cackling!\n\n---- end of entry ---"} +{"id": "3858338f-c9d7-4465-9126-9f98db8b8191-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T19:28:53.966", "backgroundColor": "#800a04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmegsv46sMww8oN93qdTBMwPdpJBNMiTs3aNwhbiv2FLRC", "txHash": "0xe8b6b83692fbcde4b0e1ada81740a987c9754310f79cc37297a4987edd07e499", "createdAtBlock": 15855800, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4403, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gaddum Death of Titans", "text": "# ---- October 28 2022 ----\n\nI travelled to the door of the Nightmare Imp in company with @wizard6516, @warrior3208, @warrior10942, and @warrior10944.\n\nWe knocked on the door together, but I was tricked and thrust into an inferno of imps. It's fucking hot and these damned imps keep poking me with their tridents. \n\n---- end of entry ---"} +{"id": "30a574d7-6cfa-4259-aa9c-53a66a55542d-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T19:35:28.507", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdRWYEg67qeyd6NHWbrtPUEtgC7CVG5GR3UZP8pjWQy1L", "txHash": "0xa41da819831cf8ce93f17817601ec1bd912413cb04ca982a8dda2cbcb82a7554", "createdAtBlock": 15855833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10944, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valda Slasher of the Street", "text": "# ---- October 28 2022 ----\n\nI travelled to the door of the Nightmare Imp in company with @wizard6516, @warrior3208, @warrior10942, and @warrior4403.\n\nWe knocked on the door together, but I soon found myself buried alive with a curious rat scurrying above me. Luckily, my companion is an excellent digger, but it's times like this when I wish I was back slashing in the street.\n\n---- end of entry ---"} +{"id": "92227511-182d-429d-887f-ae3e572407c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:23.644", "backgroundColor": "#131739", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdhKPzwSnbrjdiMAo13m4fVgRtnQhM3xcwZ1qS4JjVt5", "txHash": "0x83305f99c2b3a3d481d6c944528907ba88b7c1fca7ca2bfe7e00b08eb47e4136", "createdAtBlock": 13891291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 946, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jaffer of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Jaffer of the Palms\n\nA RuneKey Master. Opener of doors. One who follows the unraveling threads the universe presents for him to follow.\n\nJaffer was resting his eyes while enjoying his grog, a routine happening in his life. He had only been in town a few days, making some Schmeckles by opening doors and locks for the locals, drinking and eating away his earnings. He finished his drink, paid his tab, and proceeded to leave the tavern. As he exited the tavern and walked down the street he noticed some wizards talking in hushed tones in a shadowed alley. Jaffer quickly dug into his pocket and pulled out a skeleton key and quietly opened the door in the building adjacent to the tavern. He peered into the building, and not hearing any movement inside he silently slinked inside. He approached the side of the building closest to his targets. He crept onto a table against the wall and again reached into his pouch and pulled out a piece of chalk. He drew a keyhole on the brick wall, and effortlessly inserted his key into the solid bricks making up the wall, and opened a freshly formed hatch. As he strained to hear the secrets they were sharing, he saw down the alleyway behind the two shadowy figures, and saw a commotion. A handful of people were clearly searching for someone, because they started rushing down the alley to reach these two secretive wizzies. Jaffer could tell at that moment if he didnt risk helping these two his chance to learn their alpha would be gone with the wind. He quickly opened the magical hatch, cleared his throat and pointed down the alley towards the charging group and asked:\n\nThese guys friends of yours?"} +{"id": "92227511-182d-429d-887f-ae3e572407c5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:23.644", "backgroundColor": "#131739", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdhKPzwSnbrjdiMAo13m4fVgRtnQhM3xcwZ1qS4JjVt5", "txHash": "0x83305f99c2b3a3d481d6c944528907ba88b7c1fca7ca2bfe7e00b08eb47e4136", "createdAtBlock": 13891291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 946, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jaffer of the Palms", "text": "These guys friends of yours?\n\nThe startled couple looked up at Jaffer only for a moment before realizing what he said, and looked down the alley and the crowd running towards them. Another moment of calculation in their eyes, and a nod shared between the two, and they scrambled through the hatch Jaffer held open, and in one motion the hatch was closed, the key was removed, and the door returned to the ethereal realm and the wall was a wall once again. Jaffer urgently led the way through the interior of the building, quickly drew another keyhole, opened the door and the three exited the building and closed the door which vanished behind them. He motioned to the pair to follow him as they ran down another alley to its end, and came to a solid stone cliff face at the base of a mountain, created a door in the rock wall, and closed it behind them seconds before the gang was able to see where they went.\n\nIts not much, but well be safe here from prying eyes, as Jaffer spoke he pulled a large old key from his pouch Now, I believe I heard you say something about trying to open a tomb of sorts? The key creaked and squealed as it shifted and grew into a sword of sorts. I believe I can help you with that- this bad boy can open anything."} +{"id": "01147ca1-2b0a-48d2-9403-220a068937f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T19:46:28.99", "backgroundColor": "#383838", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTLmP2up3h7FP8cFduW4Uh3pLdZjbu2nAURweio3nSMkQ", "txHash": "0x36e435100018e48284d9dac3eb697e31213c7377360c0a7e529084e55dfffc4f", "createdAtBlock": 15855888, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10942, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rudolph Menace of Wizards", "text": "# ---- October 28 2022 ----\n\nI travelled to the door of the Nightmare Imp in company with @wizard6516 (I tried to be menacing but she was unaffected by my efforts), @warrior3208, @warrior10944, and @warrior4403.\n\nWe knocked on the door together and luck was on my side when I was given a treat box. I hastily opened the box, and I was excited to see a jar of rainbows resting inside. Never have I see such a thing contained in a jar and I will cherish this treasure. \n\nNow, if only @wizard6516 would open hers...\n\n---- end of entry ---"} +{"id": "58b49e4d-5e79-4430-9812-dd5c130b5dc4-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T19:05:18.862", "backgroundColor": "#544ceb", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNnHPy6c8Q4oVN2MBvzggd9EsFmWzG9bhispeixMsbmiR", "txHash": "0xa82df5a6bcbcfcd58de5d43cdb0fd8b52fb430d1f28ce83923b3fbc166c2cb37", "createdAtBlock": 15855925, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6516, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Rowena of the Wood", "text": "# ---- October 28 2022 ----\n\nI travelled to the door of the Nightmare Imp in company with @warrior3208, @warrior4403, @warrior10944, and @warrior10942 (his attempts to menace always make me laugh a little inside).\n\nWe knocked on the door together and I was fortunate to receive a treat box. It will remain unopened until I am moved to break its seal.\n\nUntil then, bottom's up and happy Halloween!\n\n---- end of entry ---"} +{"id": "31940d9a-58e5-4c9f-ad0b-c7f8fdc87ba5-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T20:02:29.976", "backgroundColor": "#04270f", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2xvs5KKZZbvojc4ga8h2Ag459wR1ZUy1E25NPSJyzhQ", "txHash": "0xf45f76760e189ac28064827bf452b3beacf527438aff591d34c05c8f45067438", "createdAtBlock": 15855967, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hongo ", "text": "# The Advent of Alchemist Hongo\n\n> Campfire Story Halloween 2022\n\n**SILENCE YOUR CROAKS, BERNARD!** Alchemist Hongo cast a minor lightning charm at his pet toad, but the amphibians sparkling golden skin effortlessly reflected the spell out the cottage window into a nearby field, igniting a grass fire. Hongo could have sworn that the toad was mocking him. He seemed impervious to most magic these days, though Hongo had no idea just how invincible, exactly. He certainly didnt want to fatally harm the thing. As much as he hated to admit, he did like the company the toad provided. The truth was, both the alchemist and his familiar had recently undergone a big change. For since his birth, Hongo was dead set on becoming one of the greatest alchemists that ever lived. Every day he spent refining his craft in alchemy. He lived a nomadic lifestyle for years and travelled as far as The Savannah to The Infinity Veil. He attempted gold transmutations and would perform experiments with Mercury (ones that were usually performed on Bernard).\n\nAnd truly, in due time, Hongo did become a great alchemist. He achieved many feats that many would never dare dream of attempting, but no amount of notoriety, spectacle, or acclaim ever seemed enough for him. It wasnt until Hongo purchased a spell carved on stone from a questionable Witch that resided in The Thorn, that he finally directed all of that effort, his will, and his drive into a single potion. A passion potion. \n\nThe inscription on the stone tablet read:\n\n\n\n**\"If all of the toil, under there sun,\nCould not cease your thoughts, existential.**\n\n**Dont stop brewing, until youre done,\npotion of passion reveals your true potential.**"} +{"id": "31940d9a-58e5-4c9f-ad0b-c7f8fdc87ba5-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T20:02:29.976", "backgroundColor": "#04270f", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2xvs5KKZZbvojc4ga8h2Ag459wR1ZUy1E25NPSJyzhQ", "txHash": "0xf45f76760e189ac28064827bf452b3beacf527438aff591d34c05c8f45067438", "createdAtBlock": 15855967, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hongo ", "text": "**Dont stop brewing, until youre done,\npotion of passion reveals your true potential.**\n\n**What a lifetime of battle and blade,\ncould forge a hero of lore?**\n\n**Why not demand the fates cut to the chase?\nAnd see what destiny has in store?\"**\n\n\n\nIt took Hongo three years to complete this potion as its recipe contained some of the rarest flora and fauna that Hongo had ever been tasked to find across the Runiverse. During that time, he never once let the fire in his hearth die so that his potion would retain its vigor. Deep down, he felt that this was his ticket to becoming a wizard of legend, a true alchemist worthy of lore. After much labor, the potion was finally done."} +{"id": "31940d9a-58e5-4c9f-ad0b-c7f8fdc87ba5-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T20:02:29.976", "backgroundColor": "#04270f", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2xvs5KKZZbvojc4ga8h2Ag459wR1ZUy1E25NPSJyzhQ", "txHash": "0xf45f76760e189ac28064827bf452b3beacf527438aff591d34c05c8f45067438", "createdAtBlock": 15855967, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hongo ", "text": "He carefully bottled the precious red liquid that shone like colloidal gold. Hongo made a quick toast to three years of hard work before taking a stiff drink from the flask. Immediately, his face took on an ashen grey color, and his lips turned white. Almost all signs of life disappeared from his body, his entire frame stiffened as if rigor mortis had set in mere seconds. The vertigo in his head was too great and he fell to the floor of his cottage with a heavy thud. His body refused to release as he began to spasm into a full seizure. His hand still gripped the glass containing the potion as a small puddle spilled from the bottle and ran across the hardwood floor like tiny rivers of blood. The sounds of his teeth grinding and his neck cracking mixed with the snapping of the hearth fire as he tried to cry for help. He opened mouth to scream, but the warbled cry of panic was drowned out by a white foam that blocked his airways and poured out of his nose and mouth. His face, now purple, cried tears of desperation as the last thing he witnessed as his vision faded to black was little Bernard hopping into the puddle to faithfully test yet another of Hongos potions by wading directly in center of the spill. And with one more CROAK, Hongo lost consciousness. \n\nDuring the following days, the foam pouring out of Hongos face transformed into a fuzzy, mycelial-like material that engulfed his head and shoulders in what resembled a giant spiders nest attached to the floor. When Hongo awoke, he felt emaciated and dizzy. He picked himself up but couldnt seem to focus his eyes past the veil of the delicate cocoon still enveloping his head. He reached up and tore away the veil and turned to look at himself in a mirror across the room."} +{"id": "31940d9a-58e5-4c9f-ad0b-c7f8fdc87ba5-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T20:02:29.976", "backgroundColor": "#04270f", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2xvs5KKZZbvojc4ga8h2Ag459wR1ZUy1E25NPSJyzhQ", "txHash": "0xf45f76760e189ac28064827bf452b3beacf527438aff591d34c05c8f45067438", "createdAtBlock": 15855967, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hongo ", "text": "The shriek of terror that Hongo erupted was loud enough to disturb the flock of ravens perched in the trees outside. His head had morphed into a giant mushroom. He grabbed the mirror off the wall and brought it up to his face; his nose was gone and his facial features were simplified across his shroom stalk face. He collapsed into his armchair. On the fireplace mantle, Bernard croaked his usual croak. Hongo looked up to see his toads skin now sparkled like he was gilded entirely in glittering gold. Aside from that, the toad seemed unchanged. \n\nI dont understand! It was supposed to reveal our true nature! Supposed to unlock my potential! How is this big, stupid mushroom head supposed to help me be a great alchemist?!\n\nHongo pored over his notes. Did he brew the potion improperly? Perhaps he mispronounced the incantations or simply added too much mushroom? It didnt matter. No spell or potion could reverse the effects no matter how hard Hongo tried. He seemed fated to wear the mushroom head. Since then, rumors of the failed alchemist with the shroom head have spread across the Runiverse. These rumors keep him awake at night. His new quest is finding a magic strong enough to reverse his spell and restore his body back to normal. So if you ever meet Hongo, be kind and try not to mention his head.\n\nIts a sensitive topic."} +{"id": "db56a5f1-b406-4328-be05-77dc612278e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-29T21:48:19.32", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY4qentmEpPSpXxP3P8FxxK9m4mo3gAnXkp4Eb32QhAGz", "txHash": "0x3cb0be1963d1459596112b01fb1abd55c206a94c58ddd991d869de3ca25a2ed1", "createdAtBlock": 15856494, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14850, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hunter Lacerator of Rogues", "text": "# The Story of the Bear Man Bear\n\n## Champion of the Bears\nThe thing about wizards, is that sometimes, they are careless. One Wizard named Hazzra once opened a demonic portal to the bear dimension. A land filled with bears of all shapes, sizes and kinds. One day a warrior was hunting in the forest with familiar Ironhide.\n\nThey both tumbled into the portal and fell into the bear world.\n\nFrom there, they fought their way to becoming supreme bear lord of the bear dimension and helped the bearizards create a portal back to the land of Forgotten Runes. From that day forward, the warrior would always be known as Bear Lord."} +{"id": "dbd44772-6337-4645-9bc1-926025b8ab33-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:40.162", "backgroundColor": "#f2f2f2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHiy7DYd5Y26bGafN8N1mXdNuE5i5mMgti92A1mEhaX3", "txHash": "0x46b909184c8c5180deb495751690d25860e872ec6aee7ac948529484f8fd65a0", "createdAtBlock": 13896106, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5568, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Merlon of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Merlon of the Palms\n\nPart One \n\nIt was a cold freezing winter night in the midst of the ongoing battle of the six herds. Looking for shelter of the ever so cold night, Archmagus Merlon of the Palms was annoyed of the constant rumbling and whistling of the Jewled Hummingbirds swarm movements.\n\n\"They have been fighting for 3 full nights and full days already...\" - shaking his head and thinking to himself - \"When are they ever going to get tired? I haven't have a proper nights sleep since the start of their battle with the Mesozoic Cockatrices...\" \n\nIn the Aftermath of the \"Great Burning\" ....things changed. As some familiars kept to the old tradition of seeking out a young or wise Master of Magic, many turned to an alternative way of live. Not knowing what awaits one's soul, after it has been touched by the sacred flames, many familiars were frightened of what fate they might face if ever to be in contact witht the flames.\n\nSo they chose to look for an alternative way of life, often finding it in companionship with their kin. And after many years of the \"Great Burning\" many different familiar species have come together in big herds and flocks, living their best life in the joy of the many.\n\nLooking for a place to live for the greatest of Familiar Herds, a war arose amongst the different kin. Looking for the best environments fit for their survival and needs, six different herds of familiars had been battling on and off for the seventh year in a row...\n\nFinding himself in a sheltered cabin in the eastern Dark Woods, Archmagus Merlon was on a quest of finding a young Enchantress said to be living in these densely familiar-populated areas of the \"Green Marsh\"."} +{"id": "dbd44772-6337-4645-9bc1-926025b8ab33-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:40.162", "backgroundColor": "#f2f2f2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHiy7DYd5Y26bGafN8N1mXdNuE5i5mMgti92A1mEhaX3", "txHash": "0x46b909184c8c5180deb495751690d25860e872ec6aee7ac948529484f8fd65a0", "createdAtBlock": 13896106, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5568, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Merlon of the Palms", "text": "As he lay down his staff in the nearest corner of the cabin, he murmured a magical spell - concentrating on the fiery dust of the recently extinguished fireplace. After a short while, the dust seemed to have formed into a moving Face of a very old - but very wise - white-bearded man with white clothes and a red robe.\n\n\"I have been looking for days now Master Archmagus Alessar but I just can't seem to find the Enchantress you have send me out to find. Are you sure she is to be found in the Eastern Dark Woods Marsh?\" he asked the fiery, dusty Face in the fireplace. \n\n\"Oh, young boy...\" the old Wizard laughed, taking a smoke off his pipe. \"If days seem long for you, what will you think after a lifelong search for peacefulnes? Yes, my boy, I'm sure Enchantress Artis of the Marsh is to be found somewhere very close to your location. I believe it is her familiar - a Jewled Hummingbird - which is keeping her in the woods even in the times of this battle. It is said, that her familiar friend is leading the local defense against the Cockatrices.\"\n\n\"Her familiar is fighting with a herd? I thought there are only independent familiars fighting the war.\" Merlon asked. \"I wonder if there's more too it... could the be guarding something in the woods?\"\n\n\"Ahaaaa my smart boy.\" Master Alessar laughed out loud and glanced at his apprentice. \"You finally start asking the questions, before you seek answers. Yes, it is also what I believe to think. And knowing my old friend Artis, I can only think of one thing her familiar might be guarding so bravely....\"\n\nPart Two Soon"} +{"id": "5de84d7f-49cf-4936-ba19-598afa2f6bca-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T02:10:17.21", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZXBB1PE9bfsVftGtMyeSKrQXaUhLFFByfZJSumD3JydH", "txHash": "0xd476468f1201e6fcd1ec57df8e301ccbd338878d989afeac72640cc9bb628417", "createdAtBlock": 15857798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14603, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcd1bV6GxuWS2mQCACtQGxRz7VjEY9hr2gWU2HukCL97h", "name": "Brooks Danger of Flowers", "text": "# And Up To Now... Part 3\n\nAlright, we're almost up to speed.\n\n\n\nSo not long after @wizard239 and @wizard2029 were thrown into The Quantum Shadow, out from The Quantum Shadow popped Gucci Grail @wizard239 and Gucci Grail @wizard2029. Why did this happen? How did this happen? How could one - why would one - measure and understand the quantity and quality of [REDACTED] that is The Quantum Shadow?\n\n\n\nI mean...I wouldn't presume.\n\n\n\nBut out popped they did, with Gucci Grail Archmagus immediately setting off to purchase the wizard contract of @wizard1017. Turns out, Arch-Magician had sold his wizard contract off not long after seeing what happened to his former associates; mostly out of regret, but also out of fear. A stasis enchantment was placed on the Blue Wizard, and Gucci Grail Archmagus took him to the hidden catacombs of The Wild to stand sentinel over @wizard1017, a traitor to be stowed away and dealt with at a later time.\n\n\n\nAs for Gucci Grail Wild Mage, he knew he was no longer, by rights, the quarry of Blue Wizard Bastion. He might have still been Wild Mage...\n\n\n\n...but he wasn't The Runiverse's Wild Mage.\n\n\n\nGucci Grail Wild Mage and Gucci Grail Archmagus were safe by the observation and honor of this cosmic difference, but the rest of the band formerly known as Feral of the Untamed were not. Gucci Grail Wild Mage set off to find work as a Professor of Qi at @wizard9080's School for Gifted Youngsters, and then sent a call out to his brethren through the assistance of a former apprentice of his - @warrior7917.\n\n\n\nAnd - her Chainsaw Assassin Squad."} +{"id": "5de84d7f-49cf-4936-ba19-598afa2f6bca-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T02:10:17.21", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZXBB1PE9bfsVftGtMyeSKrQXaUhLFFByfZJSumD3JydH", "txHash": "0xd476468f1201e6fcd1ec57df8e301ccbd338878d989afeac72640cc9bb628417", "createdAtBlock": 15857798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14603, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcd1bV6GxuWS2mQCACtQGxRz7VjEY9hr2gWU2HukCL97h", "name": "Brooks Danger of Flowers", "text": "And - her Chainsaw Assassin Squad.\n\n\n\nFrom there, he worked tirelessly, maddeningly even, to assist those loyal to him in finding safe harbor.\n\n\n\n@warrior2023 found shelter under those loyal to some deity known as Draconis.\n\n\n\n@wizard4104 found work beside Gucci Grail Wild Mage at Magus Diggory's School.\n\n\n\n@warrior10234 found refuge at The Barren Court.\n\nHowever, two members of the band formerly known as Feral of the Untamed could not be accounted for. @warrior9284 and @wizard5016 could not be found, nor had they been heard of or seen for some time. For those two reasons, Gucci Grail Wild Mage realized and understood this to be the time appropriate to enter The Quantum Shadow. It was time for him to find Gucci Grail Archmagus, for them to both return to where they came from - and @wizard239 and @wizard2029 to return from the depths of The Quantum Shadow."} +{"id": "e1870aa7-6c96-4e6e-a2bb-a96e160fcd98-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T06:23:02.905", "backgroundColor": "#0f2d3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWhmWTgLZTrYjaqDTPQ8RUriggJsUD8dc1CeAPwD7tYEa", "txHash": "0xea6f1c9613af6eed195dab9fc4fda59bf8eb334e8a33e6408fb150d9b39568e7", "createdAtBlock": 15859058, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9257, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Hothor of the Keep", "text": "Hothor was born in mysterious circumstances. There is scant evidence he ever had a known father, and his mother gave birth to him in the middle of the night. She then dropped him at an orphanage and disappeared forever.\n\nHis journey was an eventful one, as his hometown was pillaged and one of the marauding warlords abducted him as his ward. \n\nThis is when his journey took a bend towards the dark. As his abductor/father figure Reginald the Black grew ill, Hothor was finally able to take agency for the first time. He raided Reginalds treasure stash and absconded. \n\nLittle is known of the first 3 years of this period, as a teenaged Hothor wasn't particularly meticulous with notetaking. An Innkeeper, Leroy the Bald, recalled him as thus 'a rapscallion, rake and rostabout'. Leroy did note that although Hothor was perhaps overly fond of ale and a good time - he always paid his keep on time (likely due to his stolen treasure). \n\nSeveral years later Hothor's journey took the next step - dabbling into the Dark Arts. Some have said he convened with Satan directly, but the logical conclusion is his mentor, Dupree the Legendary was the true inspiration. Lothor studied under Dupree for a period of 8 years. After this he was ready to take off and see the world.\n\nSome say his eyepatch covers a magical rune, others say he lost the eye in a quarrel. Still it is claimed he gave the eye to the Devil himself in exchange for augmented powers."} +{"id": "e1870aa7-6c96-4e6e-a2bb-a96e160fcd98-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T06:23:02.905", "backgroundColor": "#0f2d3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWhmWTgLZTrYjaqDTPQ8RUriggJsUD8dc1CeAPwD7tYEa", "txHash": "0xea6f1c9613af6eed195dab9fc4fda59bf8eb334e8a33e6408fb150d9b39568e7", "createdAtBlock": 15859058, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9257, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Hothor of the Keep", "text": "Some say his Toad companion is a former rival he bewitched to do his never ending biddng. Some say it is a servant of the Devil manifested to assist. Leroy the bald says its 'just a reglar toad, no difrnt then thems we find down the creek nearby'. \n\nAt present date, Hothor occupies a large keep in the midst of the swamp, known as Angelsbane. Passersby (those that haven't disappeared entirely) report ominous noises all throughout the night, and large blasts of green light filling the sky. Whatever treachery Hothor is currently conducting is perhaps best left undiscovered."} +{"id": "74ffa76d-7161-4c67-a497-f4f0120d4613-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T15:54:26.329", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUH28pp8r6mKuhDs35A78XUq4LLh4DcyZRkLjWaiV6mW", "txHash": "0xdca84596e7c2f958238da098c07fffa69a5d0cc927749c4166a9a02ad9379335", "createdAtBlock": 16724330, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15515, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPdDXJVDkizk7KCoP6zrSGy4ALTaykUnrD78eqkQ4ExrX", "name": "Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands", "text": "# Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands 15515\n\n\n### \n#### \n# \n## All Hallows Eve\n\n\n\n\n\n#### The flames of the campfire crackled as the girls watched the sparks float up in the air. Galatea pulled her hoodie back and asked, Mom, how about a story?\n\n\n#### Nurgada's eyes sparkled as she sat up, Sure, which one do you want to hear?\n\n\n#### Setting her snacks down Galatea asked, I like any story about warrior Kathleen?\n\n\n#### Good choice! Its a perfect Autumn night to talk about a legend. \nHmmlet me thinkwhich one? \n\n\n#### Nurgada glanced up at the sky, closed her eyes for a moment and touched the rune of air she was wearing. Letting it go her hands began to act like they were holding a large ball while she recited into the wind,\n\n\n\n\n#### Legends of old\n\n#### Legends of new\n\n\n#### Appear before us now\n\n\n#### So we can view. \n\n\n\n\n\n#### A large sphere appeared and floated up from her hands. Inside of it swirled different colors. \nWarrior Kathleen, commanded Nurgada and the sphere turned into pictures of the warrior. \n\n\n\n#### In unison the friends of Galatea blurted out, Wow!\n\n\n\n#### Galatea smiled as she softly shook her head no while placing her pointer finger over her lips. The girls smiled and nodded back knowingly.\n\n\n\n#### Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly Nurgada said, All Hallows Eve Battle. \n\n\n\n#### The sphere changed into a picture of a dark purple beast flying through the woods. It looked right at the girls, stuck out its tongue and screeched. The friends huddled together."} +{"id": "74ffa76d-7161-4c67-a497-f4f0120d4613-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T15:54:26.329", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUH28pp8r6mKuhDs35A78XUq4LLh4DcyZRkLjWaiV6mW", "txHash": "0xdca84596e7c2f958238da098c07fffa69a5d0cc927749c4166a9a02ad9379335", "createdAtBlock": 16724330, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15515, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPdDXJVDkizk7KCoP6zrSGy4ALTaykUnrD78eqkQ4ExrX", "name": "Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands", "text": "#### Nurgada continued, One night each year evil things emerge from the darkness and roam. \nDeep in the emerald forest a beast flew to the unfamiliar woods. It perched on a branch of a hundred year old oak tree. Gradually it turned its head and searched. \n\n\n\n#### Warrior Kathleen had been on guard all night when she spied him. \nHis haunting eyes, large wings and the blue horns on the top of his head gave away that he was the Nightmare Imp. Legendary for his use of blood magic and black magic. \n\n\n\n#### Kathleen took her Estoc sword and pushed it into the dirt while she reached for the rune of Earth. She mouthed some words, barely making a sound.\n\n\n\n#### My oath is my promise\n\n#### To protect and guard\n\n\n#### Those who are good\n\n#### Ill keep safe from harm.\n\n\n\n\n\n#### Releasing the rune she pulled up the sword and slowly made her way from tree to tree until she was a short distance from the beast. The backside of a large willow tree kept her hidden. \nShe waited, hoping for the right moment to attack. \n\nIt wasnt long before they both heard noises off in the distance. \n\n\n\n#### Kathleen charged around the tree. Both of her arms swung the sword as she attempted to stab the imp in the stomach. The weapon bounced off as the imp slashed at her. Kathleen ducked but one of the beasts gigantic wings smacked her. Her body hit the willow and the world went dark. \nThe scream of the imp and the smell of decay jarred Kathleen back into reality but her eyes stayed shut. \n\n\n\n#### The beast landed and rolled the warrior over. He opened his mouth and bent down. A long tongue came out and licked her cheek. Kathleen remained still. \n\n\n\n#### The imp leaned back and hissed, I should snap you and be done."} +{"id": "74ffa76d-7161-4c67-a497-f4f0120d4613-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T15:54:26.329", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUH28pp8r6mKuhDs35A78XUq4LLh4DcyZRkLjWaiV6mW", "txHash": "0xdca84596e7c2f958238da098c07fffa69a5d0cc927749c4166a9a02ad9379335", "createdAtBlock": 16724330, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15515, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPdDXJVDkizk7KCoP6zrSGy4ALTaykUnrD78eqkQ4ExrX", "name": "Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands", "text": "#### The imp leaned back and hissed, I should snap you and be done. \n\n\n\n#### Under her cloak Kathleen tightened the grip on her sword. A stream of blood trickled down her arm, over bruises and through clumps of dirt. It joined a larger cut at her wrist.\n\n\n#### From above a branch cracked as a speckled falcon drove straight at the imps head. The nightmare imp looked up and Kathleen let out her own battle cry.\n\n\n\n#### The beast turned his head and the blade cut the skin under his eye. Black blood trickled down the imps face as he let out a piercing roar. He grabbed her by the throat with his left arm. Together they lifted into the air. His purple claws slashed across her torso as he dropped her. Kathleen plummeted motionless to the forest floor. \n\n\n\n#### The imp flew down and stood on all fours over her. Yet because she was so much smaller than him they were still several feet apart. His face grimaced when he saw her clothes had no signs of being ripped. Kathleens chest rose slightly and her lips parted. \n\n\n\n#### Not dead yet? You are a tough one.\n\n\n\n#### Several black splatters fell onto the swollen and bloody face. The imp smirked as he watched a drop of black blood bubble as it soaked into a gash on her forehead. He closed his glowing purple eyes for a moment while his own bleeding wound sizzled and grew new skin.\n\n\n\n#### Looking back the imp noticed ornately carved beads braided in her autumn hair. \nHe licked his lips and bent forward. He sniffed and got a heavy Earthy smell like the moss that grows on the dark side of trees."} +{"id": "74ffa76d-7161-4c67-a497-f4f0120d4613-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T15:54:26.329", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUH28pp8r6mKuhDs35A78XUq4LLh4DcyZRkLjWaiV6mW", "txHash": "0xdca84596e7c2f958238da098c07fffa69a5d0cc927749c4166a9a02ad9379335", "createdAtBlock": 16724330, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15515, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPdDXJVDkizk7KCoP6zrSGy4ALTaykUnrD78eqkQ4ExrX", "name": "Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands", "text": "#### Who are you? You are not a wizard yet you have magical things. You fight like a warrior who has fought many battles yet you are young. How did you know to attack my eyes, forest girl? he hissed.\n\n\n\n#### The rune on her necklace caught his attention. Picking it with a talon he tried to snap it off. The heavy cord wouldnt break. The imp took his teeth and tried to bite it but the razor sharp canines didnt even leave a mark. \n\n\n\n#### His hand reached towards her throat as the falcon screamed from above.\n\"Kaaw\"\n\nThe beast looked up and noticed the first rays of sunlight were about to break the horizon.\n \n\n\n#### Putting his head down by her face the imp snarled, We are not finished, little one. They call me the nightmare imp for a reason. My blood is now in your blood. We are connected. I will be in your dreamsevery night. \n\n\n\n#### His wings started to beat and he lifted up as he let out a wicked laugh and hissed, See you tonight! Hahaha\n\n\n\n#### A soft moan released from Kathleens mouth. In her sub consciousness she replied, You wish I would break that easily. I have endured more pain than you know. \nIm a survivor. You dont scare me and I am not afraid to die. I am strong. I am proud. You had better learn my name. You had better protect those eyes. \n\n\n\n#### The corners of her mouth rose up while her beaten body was still. \n\n\n\n#### The falcon swooped down and landed next to her. It dug one foot deeper into the forest floor and with the other it grabbed the rune of Earth. Her trusted companion called, Kaaw Kaaw Kaaw."} +{"id": "74ffa76d-7161-4c67-a497-f4f0120d4613-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T15:54:26.329", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUH28pp8r6mKuhDs35A78XUq4LLh4DcyZRkLjWaiV6mW", "txHash": "0xdca84596e7c2f958238da098c07fffa69a5d0cc927749c4166a9a02ad9379335", "createdAtBlock": 16724330, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15515, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPdDXJVDkizk7KCoP6zrSGy4ALTaykUnrD78eqkQ4ExrX", "name": "Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands", "text": "#### In minutes several women showed up each with the same tattoo on their arm. They quickly tended to Kathleen, their warrior leader and the protector of the woodlands. \n\n \n\n#### Nurgada dropped her hands, bent her head down and was quiet.\n\n\n\n#### Wow Mom, thats the best story! When I grow up I want to be like Kathleen, blurted out Galatea.\n\n\n\n#### Nurgada's face glowed as she replied, Who says you arent already my sweet daughter. You are strong, proud and loyal. \n\n\n\n#### This story has wizard #3764 Enchanter Galatea of the Heath and honorary warrior #15515 Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands, owned by 0xsharon. \n\n\n\n#### Special thank you to Ando, Merlin, and Realize for allowing me to use their Nightmare Imp Beast #6."} +{"id": "f4f6c21f-fdd9-45e4-84de-2730a5c7a801-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:16:03.639", "backgroundColor": "#123e2f", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgcTvbSaj6XmrrmJ5EDyTT33kSwV1AdK1pQPHnYP9Xri", "txHash": "0xa5ba7025af8d7a33cad7f0c6035c587e68739ba010a59e520eacf05f4d11508d", "createdAtBlock": 15862010, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXGr5VmRyCJ2zQABAvLSRxBSscfHT1DbZfXHh6nePKusd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "## Bedtime Stories with Galatea and Litho\n\n\n\n## Dont be Afraid\n\n\n\n\n#### Galatea ended her protection spell with an extra verse, \n\n\n\n#### Tonight the spirits roam, \n\n\n#### protection now is three fold.\n\n\n\n#### The air around the perimeter began to shimmer as it formed a giant bubble around their campsite area. The dome allowed one to see the stars and the moon but not anything beyond.\n\n\n\n#### Galatea opened her pouch. Litho her bullfrog looked up at her with big eyes and blurted out, You changed the spell? Are we in danger? \n\n\n\n#### Setting him down, Galatea patted his head, Everything is fine. I need to rest and then Ill explain. \n\n\n#### Soooo, we are in danger?\n\n\n\n#### No, everything is okay, Im exhausted. replied Galatea as she sat down on her bedroll and ate some nuts and dried fruit. Then she laid down and closed her eyes. \n\n\n\n#### You cant sleep? We could die! Litho exclaimed as he looked around the area.\n\n\n\n#### Opening one eyelid Galatea replied, We are completely safe. No worries. Now please, let me rest.\n\n\n\n#### Litho glanced over to the swampy area but instead of leaving he hopped next to Galatea arm Looking up at her he softly sang,\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### Slurp them down \n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### Squishy and round\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### Wings or feet\n\n\n\n#### Hm, hm, hm, hm \n\n\n#### They are a treat."} +{"id": "f4f6c21f-fdd9-45e4-84de-2730a5c7a801-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:16:03.639", "backgroundColor": "#123e2f", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgcTvbSaj6XmrrmJ5EDyTT33kSwV1AdK1pQPHnYP9Xri", "txHash": "0xa5ba7025af8d7a33cad7f0c6035c587e68739ba010a59e520eacf05f4d11508d", "createdAtBlock": 15862010, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXGr5VmRyCJ2zQABAvLSRxBSscfHT1DbZfXHh6nePKusd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### Hm, hm, hm, hm \n\n\n#### They are a treat.\n\n\n\n#### The singing stopped when he noticed Galatea was lightly breathing. Scanning the bushes and trees he listened. Then hopped towards the marsh, picking up speed when he spied a caterpillar. \n\n\n\n#### An hour later Galatea sat up. We are safe my dear frog. Tonight is All Hallows Eve. The one night of the year spirits good and evil rise up and cause havoc around the world. I placed a powerful protection over us. Anything happening outside of the bubble will not bother us. The only problem is when I cast a more powerful spell it drains my energy. That is why I gathered firewood and got my bedroll set up for the night before I walked the perimeter.\n\n\n\n#### Galatea snapped her fingers at the stack of wood but only a couple small sparks hit the dry leaves. She leaned over and softly blew at them until they glowed and spread outwards to the twigs and logs. Then she reached over and tapped Lithos nose, What would I do without you. Thanks for singing to me. It did help me feel better. Now go get something to eat you silly frog. \n\n\n\n#### I already did. Youve been sleeping for a loooong time.\n\n\n\n#### I was really tired. Since you ate, are you ready for a bedtime story? \n\n\n\n#### Yes, yes, and yes, Litho said, sitting up straight. \n\n\n\n#### On this night it is customary to tell scary stories. Would you like a ghost story?\n\n\n\n#### I would. And..I wont be afraid. he answered while nodding.\n\n\n\n#### Wonderful, I need to go and get something first in order to tell the story."} +{"id": "f4f6c21f-fdd9-45e4-84de-2730a5c7a801-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:16:03.639", "backgroundColor": "#123e2f", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgcTvbSaj6XmrrmJ5EDyTT33kSwV1AdK1pQPHnYP9Xri", "txHash": "0xa5ba7025af8d7a33cad7f0c6035c587e68739ba010a59e520eacf05f4d11508d", "createdAtBlock": 15862010, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXGr5VmRyCJ2zQABAvLSRxBSscfHT1DbZfXHh6nePKusd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### Wonderful, I need to go and get something first in order to tell the story. \n\n\n\n#### Galatea got up and searched the ground until she found a couple of green stones stuck into the dirt. After digging them out she walked over to the fire and she threw one into the flames and said, \n\n\n\n#### Fire burn \n\n\n#### fire bright\n\n\n#### Make a ghost \n\n\n#### appear tonight.\n\n\n\n#### \n#### The flames of the fire intensified. The rock began to glow and change into swirling green smoke. Rising up higher it took the shape of a ghost who appeared to be walking on top of the logs. Litho applauded, Hes funny. Tell me a ghost story please.\n\n\n#### Once there was a burial ground digger named Graves who came upon a cute girl with antlers walking down a path. \n\n\n\n#### Is it you? asked Litho.\n\n\n\n#### Galatea giggled and replied, Maybe? Youll have to listen to find out. Graves couldnt resist making fun of her antlers and made the girl cry. \n\n\n\n#### A green hat wizard named Meridian happened to be walking down the same path. He held up his wand and told Graves to stop saying hurtful things or he would turn him into a rock. Graves pleaded with the wizard. He promised to be a nicer person. The wizard decided to let Graves have another chance.\n\n\n\n#### The next day a cute little green frog hopped by Graves. \n\n\n\n#### Its me!\n\n\n\n#### Maybe? Youll need to keep listening. Graves called the frog ugly and laughed at him. Meridian showed up again and with a quick flick of his wand there was a green stone on the ground. Meridian buried the stone into the dirt and left."} +{"id": "f4f6c21f-fdd9-45e4-84de-2730a5c7a801-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:16:03.639", "backgroundColor": "#123e2f", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgcTvbSaj6XmrrmJ5EDyTT33kSwV1AdK1pQPHnYP9Xri", "txHash": "0xa5ba7025af8d7a33cad7f0c6035c587e68739ba010a59e520eacf05f4d11508d", "createdAtBlock": 15862010, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXGr5VmRyCJ2zQABAvLSRxBSscfHT1DbZfXHh6nePKusd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### Graves never bothers anyone again except on each All Hallows Eve night if the stone is placed into a fire he rises up. Litho and Galatea both stared at the fire and the ghost walking back and forth. Galatea handed another rock to Litho and said, Here throw this into the fire. \n\n\n\n#### Litho took the stone and threw it as hard as he could into the flames. The rock flew right into the ghost. Graves called out: \n\n\n#### Bones bones \n\n\n#### who rattle my bones\n\n\n#### Don't dig by head or down by my toes\n\n#### \n\n\n#### Bones bones\n#### \n\n\n\n#### leave me alone\n\n\n#### Or I will grab you with one loud moan\n\n\n\n#### Galatea looked over at Litho. Litho stared at the ghost and then back at Galatea, Whooooos talking?\n\n\n\n#### Galatea laughed, Its me. I put a spell on both of the rocks when you werent looking. Theres no Graves. I made it all up. She snapped her fingers and the ghost vanished. Happy All Hallows Eve, you silly frog."} +{"id": "f68f43bf-3484-4d0f-afb7-539ec832fef4-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:40:17.185", "backgroundColor": "#0c1729", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXJdZG35Xm1orHTrCzbHjGq81MCpCPpWgfpnPX73Xku21", "txHash": "0x0b98c673e0e971774f7582b7857cca86f381960ca866eeb596f12f4e53239b24", "createdAtBlock": 15862131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWnv6rWu5b5PCB784fb1bL8sd6kH4wbD4anMLG5hd6PYs", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "## Bedtime Stories with Galatea and Litho\n\n\n## Real Friends\n\n\n\n#### Inside of the pouch Litho could barely hear the stick being dragged as it formed a trench into the dirt. He mouthed the words Galatea recited as she walked.\n\n\n\n#### Rise up high\n\n\n#### From earth to sky\n\n\n#### Protect all that dwell on \n\n\n#### The inside.\n\n\n\n#### When the end of the trench met the beginning Galatea headed towards the shade of a large oak tree. Opening her pouch a head popped out. \n\n\n\n#### Hello Litho?\n\n\n\n#### Hello right back at you. Im soooooo.hungry. Wheres the bugs? \n\n\n\n#### Picking up her bullfrog Galatea said, See that marshy area over there. Im sure its full of slimy crawly things. \n\n\n\n#### Sit me down, please. sit me down! My tummy is rumbly. Galatea set Litho on the ground. He stretched out his front legs as far as they would go and then did the same with each of his back legs. Oooo, that feels so good after a long nap.\n\n\n\n#### Litho faced the marsh and took one hop forward, turned around and winked, then continued on his way as he danced and sang,\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n\n#### Slurp them down\n\n \n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### squishy and round\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### Wings or feet\n\n\n\n#### Clap clap clap clap \n\n\n\n#### They are a treat\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### Bugs are yummy\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### \n\n\n#### Bugs are sweet\n\n\n\n#### Clap clap clap clap\n\n\n\n#### Tastytasty \n\n\n#### Tasty.treats"} +{"id": "f68f43bf-3484-4d0f-afb7-539ec832fef4-1", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:40:17.185", "backgroundColor": "#0c1729", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXJdZG35Xm1orHTrCzbHjGq81MCpCPpWgfpnPX73Xku21", "txHash": "0x0b98c673e0e971774f7582b7857cca86f381960ca866eeb596f12f4e53239b24", "createdAtBlock": 15862131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWnv6rWu5b5PCB784fb1bL8sd6kH4wbD4anMLG5hd6PYs", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### Tastytasty \n\n\n#### Tasty.treats\n\n\n\n#### Hm hm hm hm \n\n\n\n#### Dont you bring back any of those nastycrawly things, Galatea called after him. Litho kept hopping forward until he disappeared into some tall weeds. Galatea went over to a grassless area and began to move rocks into a circle. \n \n\n\n#### A half hour later she headed to the fire pit with her arms full of wood when she heard.\n\n\n\n#### Help! Help! gurgle.\n\n\n\n#### Galatea dropped the wood and ran. Her face became red and her eyes scanned from left to right.\n \n\n\n#### Litho, Litho where are you?\n\n\n\n#### Reaching the weeds, she stopped and listened. The only sound was her heart pounding. Even the song birds were nowhere to be seen.\n\n\n\n#### Litho, Litho, she shouted.\n\n\n\n#### Galatea carefully walked through some tall grass and called again for her friend, Litho, where are you?\n\n\n\n#### She went a few more steps deeper into the marsh and found a small area of open water. A red hawk was sitting on top of a log that was half way stuck in the mud. The bird was hunched over staring downward. It was here she saw Litho curled up underneath it. Only his eyes were sticking out of the water. Noticing Galatea.Litho eyeballs got bigger.\n\n\n\n#### Galatea quickly raised her left hand and blurted out, Raise up water!\n\n\n\n#### A single wave rose up above the hawk. The bird turned its head at Galatea and glared. Galatea leaned forward and moved her hand higher. The wave rose up too.\n\n\n\n#### Letting out a piercing screamthe hawk flew away."} +{"id": "f68f43bf-3484-4d0f-afb7-539ec832fef4-2", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:40:17.185", "backgroundColor": "#0c1729", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXJdZG35Xm1orHTrCzbHjGq81MCpCPpWgfpnPX73Xku21", "txHash": "0x0b98c673e0e971774f7582b7857cca86f381960ca866eeb596f12f4e53239b24", "createdAtBlock": 15862131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWnv6rWu5b5PCB784fb1bL8sd6kH4wbD4anMLG5hd6PYs", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### Letting out a piercing screamthe hawk flew away.\n\n\n\n####\n#### Galatea released her hand and called out, Litho, Everything is okay. You can come out now. I made the hawk leave.\n\n\n\n#### The bullfrog lifted his head out of the water and looked around. Are you sure its okay? \n\n\n\n#### Yes, I am sorry that happened to you. The hawk must have been in here somewhere before I cast my protection spell. He left and he wont be able to fly back in. Litho slowly climbed out while checking his surroundings. He sat on top of the log for a moment and then hopped over to Galatea. Are you okay?\n\n\n\n#### Yes, Good thing I am fast. I was almost a snack.\n\n\n\n#### What happened?\n\n\n\n#### I was sitting by the water and a muskrat appeared. He said, Hello Friend, welcome! He asked if I knew the best place for catching bugs. I told him I didn't. Then the muskrat said I should sit on that log. I thanked him and jumped over to it. When I went to ask his name he was gone. I saw a large shadow andI realized the hawk was coming at me. I hopped into the water and I yelled for you.\n\n\n\n#### I am thankful I heard you and could get here in time.\n \n\n\n#### I thought it was weird the muskrat left because he said we were friends. I think he wanted me to sit there on purpose. \n\n\n\n#### I agree, replied Galatea."} +{"id": "f68f43bf-3484-4d0f-afb7-539ec832fef4-3", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:40:17.185", "backgroundColor": "#0c1729", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXJdZG35Xm1orHTrCzbHjGq81MCpCPpWgfpnPX73Xku21", "txHash": "0x0b98c673e0e971774f7582b7857cca86f381960ca866eeb596f12f4e53239b24", "createdAtBlock": 15862131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWnv6rWu5b5PCB784fb1bL8sd6kH4wbD4anMLG5hd6PYs", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### I agree, replied Galatea. \n\n\n\n#### She picked Litho up until they were face to face. Several tears escaped from his eyes. I promise to always take good care of you, Litho. You are going to stay close to me tonight. You can eat whatever bugs you find hiding under rocks and the wood pile as I build the campfire.\n\n\n\n#### Okay, I would like that.\n\n\n\n#### Later when the crickets started to sing their night song Galatea snapped her fingers at the wood and recited, \n\n\n\n#### \n\n\n#### Twist and turn \n\n#### Until rings are formed.\n\n\n\n\n\n#### The smoke rose up and made whispery circles that floated in all directions. Litho spied a moth flying towards the campfire. When it went through the center of a smoke ring. His tongue zapped it. \n\n\n\n#### Oh, one of my favorite games. Bullseye the bugs.\n\n\n\n#### Have fun tonight, you silly frog, Galatea replied while opening her bedroll and sitting down.\n\n\n\n#### After a while, Litho went over and snuggled next to her. Galatea, how can you tell if someone is a friend or not?\n\n\n\n#### Thats a good question, Litho. Sometimes it is hard to tell. The muskrat you talked to today was a fake friend. He only wanted to get you into trouble. He didnt really want to help you.\n\n\n\n#### Why would he do that?\n\n\n\n#### We will probably never know? Maybe he didnt want to share the marsh with anyone. Maybe he just wanted to see you get eaten? Litho, real friends try to find ways to take care of you, get you out of trouble or cheer you up to make you happy. You told me Midas is your friend. How do you know he is a real friend?"} +{"id": "f68f43bf-3484-4d0f-afb7-539ec832fef4-4", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:40:17.185", "backgroundColor": "#0c1729", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXJdZG35Xm1orHTrCzbHjGq81MCpCPpWgfpnPX73Xku21", "txHash": "0x0b98c673e0e971774f7582b7857cca86f381960ca866eeb596f12f4e53239b24", "createdAtBlock": 15862131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWnv6rWu5b5PCB784fb1bL8sd6kH4wbD4anMLG5hd6PYs", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### Hmmmlet me think. I know when I have asked Midas for help. It makes me feel happy to that golden toad hopping over. When my brothers and sister moved away I cried. Midas came over to see how I was. He made jokes to make me laugh. When he did that it made me feel special.\n\n\n\n#### Thats because Midas is a real friend. He is there for you in good times and bad. Litho, What if. sometimesMidas is too busy to help when you ask him?\n\n\n\n#### He will tell me and I will understand because he helps me at other times. \n\n\n\n#### What about Bloody?\n\n\n\n#### Oh, I dont know. Everyone is afraid of Bloody. Hes a red frog who was born with fangs and sucks the blood of his prey.\n\n\n\n#### Are you afraid of Bloody? ask Galatea.\n\n\n\n#### Nono Im not.\n\n\n\n#### Why?\n \n\n\n#### Bloody saved my life once. I almost got eaten by a black water snake. Bloody attacked it and bit it with his fangs. He noticed I was upset and he invited me to sit with him at the end of his pond. After that whenever I hopped by his pond, I waved. Sometimes I stopped for a visit. We have things that are the same like we both get our feelings hurt easily. \n\n\n#### Would you say Bloody is a real friend?\n\n\n\n#### Hmmmm.Yes, yes I would. Oh I get iteveryone should not be judgy because you might be wrong about somebody.\n\n\n#### Litho, you dont get to decide how others feel but you can improve on how. you feel and how.you act.\n\n\n\n#### Galatea, I like real friends."} +{"id": "f68f43bf-3484-4d0f-afb7-539ec832fef4-5", "createdAt": "2022-10-30T16:40:17.185", "backgroundColor": "#0c1729", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXJdZG35Xm1orHTrCzbHjGq81MCpCPpWgfpnPX73Xku21", "txHash": "0x0b98c673e0e971774f7582b7857cca86f381960ca866eeb596f12f4e53239b24", "createdAtBlock": 15862131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWnv6rWu5b5PCB784fb1bL8sd6kH4wbD4anMLG5hd6PYs", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "#### Galatea, I like real friends.\n\n\n\n#### Yes, I totally agree. Litho, did you know that you can tell if someone is smart because it takes..brain power, it takes thought and effort to give compliments and be nice. It takes no brain power to hurt someones feelings. \n\n\n\n#### Ooooo, then I am super smart!\n\n\n\n#### Yes you are!\n\n\n\n#### Andso are you!\n\n\n\n#### Its time for me to go to sleep. Good night Litho.\n\n\n\n#### Good night Galatea, he replied as he hopped to the front of her bedroll and watched the smoke rings.\n\n\n\n#### All was quiet until softly\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### Slurp them down\n\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n#### Squishy and round\n\n\n#### Bom bom bom bom\n\n\n#### Wings or feet\n\n\n\n#### Clap clap clap clap\n\n \n\n#### They are a treat\n\n\n\n\n#### The following wizard friends allowed me to use their familiars in my story.\n\n\n\n#### Kel 1/1-#8721 Arch-Magician Pumlo of the Bastion and his familiar a golden toad named Midas.\n\n\n\n#### Panico-#3930 Battlemage Drako of the Obelisk and his familiar an ember frog named Bloody."} +{"id": "3f4b6e8d-8b7c-4ed9-8f32-2b724a22afae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:16.655", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNtBEkZ44V1x6KHgBzzDjEoGizrcpqV5mV1JjgLqa7vCh", "txHash": "0x4c29168473c8a7e7c15fe5486d8cce5b45129c7601eaab6ffde927c056503285", "createdAtBlock": 13907128, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 250, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Enigma of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Enigma of the Hills\n\n# **The Lore of Hedge Wizard Enigma of the Hills**\n\nEnigma is in a bright valley with painted Hills, is in an overgrown forest with very little light. Enigma's ability to embody contradiction alienates him from his persona. But two mutually exclusive truths can exist within our conception of Enigma, a contradiction does not splinter our conception of Enigma because we allow Enigma to be indefinite. Enigma and the hills are inextricably linked. Enigma creates the hills; the hills create the persona that becomes Enigma. A feedback loop, Enigma creates the Hills; the Hills create the persona that becomes Enigma who can now exist for you only in so far as the Hills Permit. There comes a point when Enigma can recede and we see only the Hills.\n\nPsalm of Enigma\n\nCount three minutes until the ferrous ferrier arrives\n\nFeet that idled became urgent, imbued with purpose\n\nThe birds alike.\n\nPolished titans pay no penance for their clamor\n\nEngulfing us all in their indifferent gust\n\nFaces of fleeting fascination had gone\n\nAnd the hills look no different inverted\n\nThe placid air upset only by his indiscriminate pluck\n\nWhen the tree hissed\n\nWhen his notes went nearly unnoticed\n\nCharons soloist felling foreign soldiers in undaunted repose\n\nSovereign only to the punctual shadow of the hills\n\ncaron, non ti crucciare:\n\nvuolsi cosi cola dove si puote\n\ncio che si vuole, e piu non dimandare.\n\nEnigma interminable\n\nEnigma illimitable\n\nEnimga unknown\"\n\nE^"} +{"id": "d21f93e9-3c05-45fc-b9db-8a61ba505127-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-31T00:15:21.286", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVA75HeV9aJbjShvu9tRMkkaRixwRjHjT4YKGvg7qu1iY", "txHash": "0x6f9d02aa0e7f5f1295b915114e95dc3fbcf51fc3adc9f8452e285f5d487fd5d2", "createdAtBlock": 15864394, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9282, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNMuK5nkW3TXndoGwQMcNWdq4Txmw9hp556E45Uooh7yo", "name": "Larry Fencer of the Alley", "text": "# Part 1\n\nWhen @wizard239 first came to me, I was drinking at least two fifths of vodka a day. The force had suspended me a month back. I sat at home, mostly. I just couldn't bear to get out of the house much after Lydia and the kids were...gone.\n\nThe ones that stayed on the force only had a wife...a husband...maybe one or two of their kids...taken. But I had it all taken away - all of them -after @soul1704 sent henchmen to prove a point about stopping the investigations.\n\nSo I was stuck in this home. This house. I thought of revenge constantly, every day. I tried not to at first.\n\nI bumped into the Wild Mage on a day in autumn, I can't remember which; I was out getting necessities, though. He had helped with a case once. We were familiar with each other.\n\n\n\nHe claimed he could take care of my problem, but that it would be at a price."} +{"id": "3460fbde-9184-404a-afaf-c7882a25059b-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-31T17:00:16.995", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcpJexJW7SGhrHDYbD4sqmnNTGRSLUFqmryVGVtgfSxQv", "txHash": "0xaeafcb209cbff070240f5962d60c07c6c790491ae33eb0a0447182c940fa9741", "createdAtBlock": 15869393, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1017, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbjWJDrSAFzupXqAfFRnKrtivkj1Bq9BweRrjgHTNmT7V", "name": "Arch-Magician Ulysse of Alfheim", "text": "# Part II\n\nGucci Grail @wizard2029 sat in contemplation for many hours as @wizard1017 lay silent, until... \n\n\n\n\"Ok, go on, Arch-Magician. I will allow you to be heard.\"\n\n@wizard1017's faint voice could be heard inside Gucci Grail Archmagus's head again.\n\n\"Look, I can explain. You haven't been here to see, but you can check for yourself. You will understand why you should release me and why...\"\n\nGucci Grail Archmagus just listened, keeping his eyes closed. A smirk grew on his face slightly.\n\nArch-Magician Ulysse paused.\n\n\"Alright.\"\n\n\"So like I said, much of this began when @wizard239 first went to find @wizard2595, hearing he had recovered a long forgotten, dark Spell of Banishment...\""} +{"id": "3092ebbb-2dd8-48f6-8493-72659d2e68e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-10-31T17:08:41.316", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPm8HH5tQqzDTgcr3bPqis6BvvKaz8HJ6odjCvigVf9Ns", "txHash": "0x0124064ebdabc1c1060b2a4ef3108e57443f497a90b7ad8a5a6bbd94ecea4c90", "createdAtBlock": 15869435, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9650, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Zelroth of the Citadel", "text": "# Archmage Zelroth and his Snake of Doom\n\nOne day, @wizard9650 and his snake Norman were peacefully strolling the shores of the Dream Master Lake when they saw an explosion coming from The Secret Tower.\n\nZelroth turned to his snake and said: *\"Behold, an explosion. Let's go, Norman!!\"* And so they teleported to the gate of The Secret Tower, and snuck around the perimeter peer inside.\n\nIn the laboratory on the east side of The Secret Tower, they saw none other than @wizard140 and his monkey Bubs charred from a recent explosion. @wizard140 looked irate and began yelling *\"Goddamnit Bubs, you know that bananas become highly volatile when exposed to nightshade! Never again, Bubs! Never Again!\"*\n\nBubs began to walk away, his shoulders slumped, and appeared to be very sad. @wizard9650's Snake slithered behind him. *\"Hey Bubs, it's me Norman. Are you feeling sad?\"*\n\nBubs said *\"yes, I screwed up the banana experiment again. Angus is really upset with me.\"*\n\nNorman embraced Bubs. *\"It's going to be OK Bubs.\"*\n\n@wizard9650 looked on with pride."} +{"id": "9d57cd20-58a8-4f9f-b3d8-db9a80d7bcba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:20.262", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPRsbEAPELK6BaXELxxTy3cJVVo8cVqWCet6LDLz3C9qx", "txHash": "0x4e68d051e1f3a02efa14e54a3035c3e1e072f55938ae237046a1409b1df94d56", "createdAtBlock": 13907840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8352, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Cybele of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Cybele of the Hollow\n\nAt first glace to many, Cybele is just a humble bar maid. She serves pints to fellow travelers passing through the Thirsty Wizard. But those that look a little closer will understand that there is much more to Sage Cybele of the Hollow.\n\nBorn a Red Priestest, much was expected of her by her royal family including a promise made by her father for Cybele to be married. But... Cybele did not agree and was already half way across the Eylisian Fields and into the Wood on her pony Conker before anyone noticed she had gone.\n\nNot much is known about this period of Cybles life, riding and living on the run from one village to the next. However, this is when it is believed Cybele discovered her power. Being on the run, Cybele had to learn how to harvest her magic on her own fom within, which was a dark and perplexing experience. Creating and learning spells during this dark time of her life made Cybele of the Hollow into the Sage she is today. In the forest at night, casting spells with her familair by her side. Some say she even summoned her feline from the abyss and that is why its eyes shine red like her staff.\n\nCybele's father was found dead late one evening with a red knife in his heart. Was it the goblins? The Wraiths? Or was it Cybele back for her final revenge...? No one knows.\n\nNobody in the red kingdom has seen or heard Cybele since the day she fled. Only few dare to murmur these mysterious stories, and those that do may find their lives cut short."} +{"id": "f69e4bcd-b4a0-4501-a849-cdef6fbda97e-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T01:14:04.794", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZa7hEcCQReCL987NU7PMZSXCPWn53LyorhcbzckdnYj4", "txHash": "0x929b282b5fd5b456cf76462691b069209c5301e540199d9e5cf507182dbcc347", "createdAtBlock": 15871849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaZTRyhUZQqffgr1LNKefQmixaGtvrmGuixtk91botneQ", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "# Halloween, Part I of II\n\n\n\nThick but sparse clouds lazily pace above the multitude of hollers and ravines below; these have long guarded and isolated Dream Master Lake, The Gate to the Seventh Realm, and The Sacred Pillars from each other. The early evening moon hangs cautiously above, paying only a third of its attention to -\n\n@wizard239, @wizard4104, with warriors @warrior12974 and @warrior9282 at their side, stand at a slightly elevated mountain clearing, facing four heavily cloaked Blue Wizard Spymasters. An enchantment gently rests upon the four Blue Wizards, fluttering with the wind, further masking their identities.\n\n\"Give us one good reason why we shouldn't cut all of you down at once.\" one of the Blue Wizards snarls through his thick cloak and veil.\n\n\n\n\"And tell the rest of your scum gang to reveal themselves. You're downwind, YOU FOOLS.\" another utters then yells.\n\nThe rest slowly reveal themselves. @warrior10234, @warrior2023, @warrior10975, @warrior3154, @warrior12973.\n\nWild Mage hmphs.\n\n\"Let's be transparent here - tell your lackeys to do the same.\"\n\nThey do, and there is even more than Wild Mage expected them to bring.\n\n\n\nEveryone present stares straight ahead, but eyes each other without moving their heads.\n\n\"We could keep this going, but all of us present with me tonight would prefer we draw this to a ceasefire - for everyone's mutual benefit.\"\n\nWild Mage continues, but one of the four interrupts.\n\n\"Mutual benefit?\" They all chuckle derisively."} +{"id": "f69e4bcd-b4a0-4501-a849-cdef6fbda97e-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T01:14:04.794", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZa7hEcCQReCL987NU7PMZSXCPWn53LyorhcbzckdnYj4", "txHash": "0x929b282b5fd5b456cf76462691b069209c5301e540199d9e5cf507182dbcc347", "createdAtBlock": 15871849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaZTRyhUZQqffgr1LNKefQmixaGtvrmGuixtk91botneQ", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "\"Mutual benefit?\" They all chuckle derisively.\n\n\"Wild Mage...and his resplendent lance...\" they all start laughing even more, \"- performing cheap mercenary tricks - for OUR mutual benefit.\" One of them asks, \"Does that sound like a deal, or what?\"\n\n\"You're pathetic, @wizard239.\" One of them spits.\n\n\n\nWild Mage glances at the spit in the dirt, but then rights his frame and gaze.\n\n\"Here's my offer. We will leave The Wild be, with the exception of @warrior7917 and her Chainsaw Guard maintaining patrol of its highways and byways for everyone's benefit. As for the stolen research and development from your fine Bastion, well, I will cut you in and we can use that as a peaceful foothold through which we could develop, at least, a more profitable relationship.\"\n\nThe glares through the veils could be felt.\n\n\"No.\" One of the Blue Wizards takes a single step forward. \"Is that all you have to offer, Wild Mage?\"\n\n\n\nWild Mage stares forward.\n\n\"You don't understand...\" Wild Mage adjusts himself, sighs, and then glares, \"...what you're doing by refusing peace...\"\n\nHe turns from the four Blue Wizards standing before him to Larry. Larry's eyes glaze over and he stands at attention, nodding to him.\n\nThe Blue Wizards stare on, silently.\n\n\n\n\"Tell me...how loyal are you and your lackeys to the cause - of refusing us a ceasefire?\"\n\nWild Mage's voice lowers.\n\n\"Is it more loyalty - than this?\"\n\nWild Mage turns again to Larry, and makes some quick gestures. Larry salutes him. The skies darken a bit further, despite it already being well enough into the night."} +{"id": "f69e4bcd-b4a0-4501-a849-cdef6fbda97e-2", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T01:14:04.794", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZa7hEcCQReCL987NU7PMZSXCPWn53LyorhcbzckdnYj4", "txHash": "0x929b282b5fd5b456cf76462691b069209c5301e540199d9e5cf507182dbcc347", "createdAtBlock": 15871849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaZTRyhUZQqffgr1LNKefQmixaGtvrmGuixtk91botneQ", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "The four Blue Wizard Spymasters all shift their attention to Larry. A couple take a step back. The others in the backgrounds watch intently.\n\nLarry seems to strain and gasp and then step to his right and\n\nCeases. To be.\n\n\n\nEveryone can hear their heart beating as even the Warriors can see that @warrior9282 has not just vanished. He is null of existence.\n\nEnough of those present, at once, thought of @wizard1545 - he felt a psychic tug for a brief moment.\n\n\n\nWild Mage bangs his broom's handle end upon the ground, snapping the silence.\n\n\"YOU - do not KNOW how many are loyal to me.\" He points at @wizard4104. \"HE - doesn't even know how many are loyal to me. THAT loyal to me.\"\n\n\n\nWild Mage sneers, spits on the ground, and then raises his chin.\n\n\"I want that ceasefire.\""} +{"id": "971db16b-79cc-4e50-a873-cf6e17e6a55a-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T01:47:30.319", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckJ1X57CFxbQhgeWqHGrPDdmyXudh91ciQLRfYkQ5CcH", "txHash": "0xb4e6d9d8badd78abe20ee712de69be50ffc2cb71a78a3e736c306ad3a054b777", "createdAtBlock": 15872014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9282, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma1rqCTuuccfj8jCL7Q92VaRtq1d6sgBjEQXP5R4zBraV", "name": "Larry Fencer of the Alley", "text": "# Part 3\n\n\"You don't understand...\" @wizard239 adjusts himself, sighs, and then smirks, \"...what you're doing by refusing peace...\"\n\nWild Mage turns from the four Blue Wizard Spymasters standing before us - him, @wizard4104, @warrior12974 and myself; he locks eyes with me. A chill runs up my spine. The enchantment. I am calm. I have always known this day could arrive. Would arrive? I am fine.\n\nI relax myself and again look to Wild Mage, and I nod. I keep a stern face, I hope. The wind is howling as I think about my family. I think about that bastard, @soul1704. I am scared and calm.\n\nThe veiled Blue Wizards stare on, silently.\n\n\n\n\"Tell me...how loyal are you and your lackeys to the cause - of refusing us a ceasefire?\"\n\n\"Is it more loyalty than this?\"\n\n\n\nWild Mage turns again to me, and gives me the secret signal. My heart sinks. My hand moves on its own, saluting him.\n\nI step aside, widening my stance a bit.\n\nI want to live. I want to -\n\nThe Blue Wizards all shift their attention to me.\n\nI think about my children, that day they...\n\n\n\nI feel a surge. I feel it to be true. @warrior10234 almost pulled the assassination off. I have no doubts that Wild Mage will fulfill this.\n\nI do not want to live.\n\n\n\nI step again and the enchantment burns as I put my hand to my throat and the other to my heart and I feel it - I feel the\n\nNothing.\n\n\n\nNothing."} +{"id": "08242eb6-ad0a-4eed-926c-624a71751be2-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T03:37:53.196", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQMVC51EY6o9Gi2xcd6ULqsnNcvFtmvzDabfkicuzeCy", "txHash": "0x90236efba89969ceb7ec783b4da6c4bc22508bf45165479d94aaf950051f75e5", "createdAtBlock": 15872572, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6735, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Finn of the Heath", "text": "# Healer heals healless.\n\nI yeet pots.\n\nPots heal people.\n\nHealed people happy.\n\nI happy."} +{"id": "82c8c359-e4f9-480c-84ef-eb797d4106b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T13:29:04.535", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWi1NAjRS4Kuq9i9vC3vXyzCr4H66tzxrEqpt7xnDfCXF", "txHash": "0x0f04142b370a15512adb7a07621fa4ae58966a6714fa538323c0fb7824423cb9", "createdAtBlock": 15875478, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2667, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Meredith of the Road", "text": "# Prologue \n\nThis year, the season seemed unable to make up its mind. \n\nSummer had been unusually cool, but Rudolph, Vanquisher of Mount Titan, had hoped that the season would hold for the length of his journey. Yet, as he crossed the mountainous region, summer gave way to Fall. Temperatures dropped, and it began to rain. Cold rain soaked into his clothes, and chill penetrating winds swept up the mountainsides. Even his horse began to snort his discomfort. The trip afforded no comfort and little rest.\n\nHe stuck to the goat herders trail as long as he could, attempting to avoid any skirmishes with the invading armies.\n\nAs he descended from the mountain trails, the storm abated, but the cool Fall weather remained. Out of the mountains, he followed the trade routes, where wagons had cut deep muddy ruts in the road. These criss-crossed with other tracks - the unmistakeable movement of a large army.\n\nAs he travelled, he passed farmsteads. Some of these had been burned to the ground, while others had been quietly abandoned.\n\nIt was only as he came closer to the city of (name of city) that he passed farms that were still activebut even then, farmers would stop their work to eye him warily.\n\n All men and women with weapons and armor such as his would have been a part of a standing army or conscripted, so he could be mistaken for a scout or a deserter. Neither was good.\n\nClose to sunset, he passed the last hill, and the walls of the city come into view."} +{"id": "82c8c359-e4f9-480c-84ef-eb797d4106b8-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T13:29:04.535", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWi1NAjRS4Kuq9i9vC3vXyzCr4H66tzxrEqpt7xnDfCXF", "txHash": "0x0f04142b370a15512adb7a07621fa4ae58966a6714fa538323c0fb7824423cb9", "createdAtBlock": 15875478, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2667, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Meredith of the Road", "text": "Close to sunset, he passed the last hill, and the walls of the city come into view.\n\nThe hills behind Ipthum Heights were cast a dark purple. Wood smoke clung about rooftops and outer walls, giving the city a dingy look. It wasnt far from its reputation, and not where he would have expected to find Meredith of the Road...but this is where he had been led. It had been confident that she was here, and he had stopped second-guessing it."} +{"id": "6cb99b3b-a8b4-4bdf-9749-a854eccb5a93-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-01T16:17:18.257", "backgroundColor": "#200a38", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNofn6rpHUhRoimYzFdCNLGHVgMrPRMvkNffNkrz9CWA5", "txHash": "0xfb32cddca9d8ae6070fad64a4d9b883774556635bf5f7c430f6b6bb1e04eee67", "createdAtBlock": 15876314, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11987, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaEhHJFaYnUxtmJdxPGE6nam1pSvdjFSm5pK9VgWRHVAZ", "name": "Lucy Trimmer of Rats", "text": "# Ole Hallow Eve\n\nTBD - Witness Reports Incoming\n\nIf you have any details on what happened last night, please drop the info on the Color Master's tweet"} +{"id": "c6970787-255f-4bd1-bf29-d07aa5e9f99e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:14.889", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfpW9pwMDxnLQQKfzP1TFBzUC855m12NLggv4DXzQRnn", "txHash": "0xe761124cabfb04784b4b36f72a6a7987fe791f565d12d989969cbae087b8696c", "createdAtBlock": 13921565, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Samael of the Wold", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Samael of the Wold\n\nSamael is simply based"} +{"id": "fcc27d40-dd13-4b81-bd9f-80f654b550a7-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-03T18:26:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPVNyjqwLzsChfjfnqzwxvs3utNgaKduPhkwkfQdc9xA", "txHash": "0x6a5259df3fa27e29ef40647ab14a2dd0b6d29466d6ff4601cd7f08d191649f1c", "createdAtBlock": 15891268, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1005, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Robert Impaler of Magic", "text": "Robert finished checking the Mythril chains and shackles on his captive one last time before returning to his side of the shelter with a satisfied grunt.\n\nDo you really think I could get out of this? asked the captive, a thin, scrawny man whose disposition and physical traits matched those of a ferret.\n\nYes. replied Robert gruffly, Youre a sneaky fella.\n\nThe captive pursed his lips and blew out his cheeks as he flexed his rather unimpressive muscles and mimed trying to burst out of his chains with all his might.\n\nIt earned him a short guffaw from Robert, and a smile lingered on his face.\n\nYoure in rather a good mood for someone whos about to be turned over to the goblins, said Robert. \n\nHis manner of speaking was blunt, flat, and firm but also portrayed intelligence not usually associated with someone of his brawny stature.\n\nWell, seeing as our progress is stalled no, dare I say, halted for the near foreseeable future. Yes, why not be jovial? replied the captive.\n\nWind howled outside the entrance to the cave Robert had hastily and luckily discovered as the signs of a sandstorm began to materialize earlier that day. He had to periodically crawl down the narrow passage leading to the entrance and clear away the sand to avoid suffocation and death in the night.\n\nRobert rummaged through his pack and pulled out a burlap sack of roasted chestnuts, which he began to munch on.\n\nThe sound of some of his favorite treats being consumed roused Camanco from his sleep. The grey-maned baboon clambered onto Roberts armored torso with excitement.\n\nGet me my wine, and you can share in the chestnuts, my friend, said Robert with a smile."} +{"id": "fcc27d40-dd13-4b81-bd9f-80f654b550a7-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-03T18:26:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPVNyjqwLzsChfjfnqzwxvs3utNgaKduPhkwkfQdc9xA", "txHash": "0x6a5259df3fa27e29ef40647ab14a2dd0b6d29466d6ff4601cd7f08d191649f1c", "createdAtBlock": 15891268, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1005, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Robert Impaler of Magic", "text": "Camanco bounded across the sandstone cave to where Roberts wineskin lay and returned just as quickly. He put a hand on the bag of chestnuts and did not relinquish the skin until Robert had surrendered the snacks.\n\nRobert brought the skin to his mouth with a meaty fist and drank deeply.\n\nHe regarded his captive, Id offer you some, but youre not going to catch me feeding you wine like a babe.\n\nThe captive smiled, Well, I appreciate your notion of hospitality nonetheless.\n\nDo you ever remove your armor, sir?\n\nRobert grunted.\n\nNot around wizards, I dont.\n\nYes, its a unique set. Some kind of ward in your chest plate? asked the captive.\n\nWouldnt you like to know? replied Robert with a smirk.\n\nWell, yes, I would. Im rather bored, you see.\n\nRobert shrugged. He was bored too.\n\nWell, if you wont tell me that, perhaps you can regale me with the story of how you became a wizard hunter.\n\nThats a long story, said Robert.\n\nWeve got time, replied the captive cheerfully.\n\nRobert sighed and threw his hands up lazily, Fine. What would you like to know?\n\nWell, sir, lets start with where youre from. Did they have magic there?\n\nRobert removed his gauntlets and rubbed his chin. Then he began to talk."} +{"id": "e918f1a8-8ec4-4eba-996c-85f422b6c34a-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-03T20:29:41.825", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjRPtXib6cojHriPvZJT8ms7W64gXxC35bPGCknA3E5Z", "txHash": "0xefeb614d025f3b29105e02242601b3e0a0f84564de1e31e46b2acb508dc783cf", "createdAtBlock": 15891879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4702, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Mist", "text": "# End of the ancient\n\nWhen he woke up, everything was different. We don't know if he lost his brothers or his soul first, but he was first of this kind.\n\nBehind these blue eyes,\nBehind this blue ball,\nBehind this blue beard,\nBehind this blue caduceus,\nAll this power never used.\n\nWhen we found him he was lost, inside and outside, and we are now sure of one things : they were powerful. These colorful brothers of the forest.\n\nNow that he is alone, Aleister, as we think he is named don't say nothing. He helpsome women and childrens sometimes at the village but we don't know if one day he will have the force to get up against them.\n\n**You will still care old man, you will still care.**\n\nWhen The Pumpkin, The Frog, The Demon, The Crow and the Fire Black Man will come to shake your hand, you will be back, you will raise your community and you will beat yourself and conquer the world, you will make it yours. \n\n**Be Your Own Oracle, old sport.**"} +{"id": "4d3affc2-d739-487a-b9c7-f14cb43872a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:28.027", "backgroundColor": "#eccfb4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV5xNcAmZLSs5cvtKmae2nFVoVoDxsubzJkE2XroQkr3S", "txHash": "0xf5ebb7d268e9d3e34c7f64db25c6d174a1395eeca95de7f87db60b867e7641d0", "createdAtBlock": 13923522, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2071, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Alatar of the Bastion", "text": "# Shining Mount Codex of Powerful Persons: \n\n# ALATAR OF THE BASTION\n\n### Age:\n\nUnknown\n\n### Alignment: \n\nChaotic Neutral\n\n### Association: \n\nThe Rod and Rabbit Adventuring Company\n\n### Known Magicks: \n\nNo direct observation of his spellcasting exists, though records of Rod and Rabbit business dealings imply he can traverse great distances in short order and parley with even the most mindless of horrors and beasts.\n\n### Lore: \n\nIt is said that Alatar was of humble, even mundane beginnings. Some even go so far to say that he had no spark of magic, was barely literate, dug trenches for a living and smelled of dung. Fewer and fewer say this, though, as those that do end up in ditches, smelling of death.\n\nAlatar is the Grandmaster of the Rod and Rabbit Adventuring Company. This elite troop offers the public little insight into their customs and methods, however it is widely known that they are devastatingly effective at untangling complex arcane capers. Some whisper they are efficacious unravelers simply because they mastermind these misfortunes in the first place. It is not wise to whisper this.\n\nIf Alatar ever leads the Rod and Rabbit through your locale, glance at him only with the periphery of your vision. Those who look him in the eye rarely tell of what they see, but here I will tell you, for I was just a boy when Alatar passed through my village with a caravan of caged abominations: there are tunnels in his eyes, rabbit holes with many scurrying, hurrying, digging rabbits. The rabbits in his eyes caught me staring, and they stared back, smiling, their teeth bigger than the entire world."} +{"id": "4d3affc2-d739-487a-b9c7-f14cb43872a8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:28.027", "backgroundColor": "#eccfb4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV5xNcAmZLSs5cvtKmae2nFVoVoDxsubzJkE2XroQkr3S", "txHash": "0xf5ebb7d268e9d3e34c7f64db25c6d174a1395eeca95de7f87db60b867e7641d0", "createdAtBlock": 13923522, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2071, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Alatar of the Bastion", "text": "Through all my training, I have never forgotten the terror and curiosity I felt that day. My magic is practical, focused and sacred. The magic in Alatars eyes is simply immense: a universe of tunnels with something lurking at their core.\n\nAre those rabbits still waiting to guide me deeper?\n\n-Sorcerer Amir of the Mount [5137]\n\n_***This page was torn from the codex, crumpled and partly burnt. The Koopling Hobbs [5845] discovered the page and returned it to the archive after the Purge._"} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "# Mission: Capital Resources HQ\n\nYou are a Wizard employee at Capital Resources, LLC - one of the largest magical firms in the Red Wizard Capital. Smart, talented, capableand single. Youve always been rather tongue-tied around the ladies, but hopefully as a rising star in CR, things should turn around soon in that department. \n\nEvery weekday morning, you walk several blocks from your luxury apartment to the headquarters building. You enjoy the routine, and like to catch a bit of air before your workday begins. Lately, youve gotten the feeling youre being watched as you approach HQ. You even casted a detection spell yesterday, but it didnt reveal anyone that might be hidden nearby. You decide to ignore the same feeling today as a bit of paranoia. \n\nYou think about your next assignment. Several survey reports from potential cinnabar mine sites are awaiting your analysis. Your recommendation will have an outsized impact on next years operations. You smile, confident in identifying the best location to maximize resource extraction, while minimizing costs.\n\nYou approach the front doors of HQ. There is a small device attached to the wall beside the door. You take out your ID card and swipe it against the reader - the magical energy in your card causes the device to beep, and the door clicks as it unlocks. You open the door and are about to enter when a voice shouts, Wait! \n\nYou glance backward, and your heart stops as you glimpse the young woman running towards you. She breathes heavily as she reaches you and comes to a stop. *Ive never seen her before,* you think. *I would have remembered.*"} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "Hey, I know were not supposed to swipe each other in, but could you help me out? I forgot my card today. She blushes slightly; you arent sure whether its due to the physical exertion or embarrassment at her predicament. Regardless, it only serves to accentuate her lovely face. You feel yourself drowning in her liquid amethyst eyes\n\n\n\nYou suddenly realize youve been staring at her without responding for a few seconds. Oh, ah, yeah that s-sucks, you stammer, while thinking, *no, its happening again! Youve got to get a hold of yourself, and quick!* \n\nCant you go back home and grab your ID card? Theres still a bit of time before official working hours begin you say, then clear your throat. Why does it feel so tight?\n\nThe womans frown deepens as she says, yeah, I normally would, but theres no time! I have a big presentation this morning with the finance team, and they wanted to have it early! And you know how McDermott is. \n\nYou do know, although thankfully not firsthand. The head of the Finance Department is notorious as a stickler for punctuality and professionalism. You sigh. Sure, come on. I wouldnt want you to get in trouble with McDermott. You put on what you hope is a reassuring smile. \n\nOh my gosh, thank you so much! She smiles, relieved, and lightly touches your arm. You blush, and quickly turn around so she cant see. \n\nNo worries, you say as she follows you inside. My names Hadrien, by the way. I work in the Survey division."} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-2", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "Oh, you must be a Wizard then, she says, impressed. Im Sabina, and Im in Accounting - yeah not exciting, I know. Youd never had a reason to visit the Accounting floor before. Youll have to think of some excuses to go there later.\n\nThe two of you approach the ground floor security station. You hadnt thought of this at the door - without an ID, the guards arent going to let her past the lobby. Sabina looks at you, pleading. *Itll look bad for her if she has to get someone from Finance to let her up,* you think.\n\nHey, you tell the security guard, Im bringing a guest in today. The guard looks bored - his job must be pretty monotonous. \n\nSure thing, boss, the guard says. Please state your guests name and reason for visit. *Ah crap,* you think, *I dont know her last name!*\n\nSabina Hawthorne, she interjects.\n\nSabinas one of our new field contractors - shes here to present some survey findings to my team this morning. You pride yourself on your creativity and ability to improvise. \n\nAlright. Well give her a guest badge for now, but next time youll need to have her submit the contractor ID form before your visit, the guard says.\n\nThank you. I will, I promise, Sabina says earnestly. She takes the guest badge, then both of you scan your badges at the turnstiles and walk inside, towards the ascenders. One opens as you arrive, empty, and the two of you enter. You are very aware that no one is with you two as the doors close.\n\nLets see, youll be needing the 18th floor for Finance, you say, and Im up top on floor 20, you say, pushing the appropriate buttons. There is a slight hum as the ascender rises."} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-3", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "Must be nice working up there - its basically the penthouse, Sabina says, pinning the guest badge to her white blazer. \n\nThe views great - you should come up and visit sometime, you reply without thinking. You start to blush again, and decide to just go for it - who knows when youll see her again? H-hey, I know we just met and all, but would you like to go out for a coffee sometime? Maybe after work someday, only if you want to, of course. Your face feels so hot, and you cant hold her gaze after making your request.\n\nSabina blushes slightly as well. Uh, sure, Id like that, she says, running a hand through her ponytail. She reaches inside her blazer and takes out a pristine business card. I had these made, but my job doesnt really require me to meet customers. Kinda stupid I guess. But Im kinda glad I have them now. She smiles, and hands it to you.\n\nThe ascender smoothly glides to a halt, and the door opens. Ok, Ill send you a message later to figure out a time, I say. Good luck on your presentation. \n\nThank you! And thanks so much for your help today. She steps out, then turns her head, smirks and winks at you as the door closes. \n\nYou cant remember the last time you felt this elated. You reach your workstation with a big grin on your face. Nothing can ruin this day now.\n\n---\n\n*Hmm, he was cute, in a way,* Vega thought as the ascender doors closed. *But also the perfect target - he was clueless!* He was around the same age as her, but he seemed so much younger."} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-4", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "Vega quickly glanced in both directions on the Finance floor, and as expected, spotted the bathrooms directly to the left of the ascenders. She briskly walked to the ladies room, which was empty. Vega knew that the Finance team was mostly men, and the only woman was away on business travel this week. She was unlikely to be disturbed.\n\nVega smirked again as she began to take off her business clothes. Underneath, she wore her usual getup: a pair of flowing magenta harem pants with a teal sash, and a matching magenta top. She took her teal climbing slippers from her purse, then removed her heels, donning the slippers instead. They had cleats on the bottom, for extra traction when climbing. Business outfit, heels, and costume jewelry promptly went into the trash. They wouldnt be needed for the rest of the operation. \n\nVega briefly looked into the bathroom mirror. *My looks a little flashy, but I can get away with it as long as I have these.* She eyed her Armbands of Magical Resistance appreciatively. They were the secret weapon of her fortune-seeking career, and the main reason she targeted magical ruins and businesses. \n\n\n\n*These Wizards, they all think Magic can do anything, and so they leave big gaps in their security measures.* Vega had verified that Capital Resources only used magically-powered surveillance devices in their HQ. With her armbands, she appeared as a faint shimmer in the air on those devices - not perfect, but good enough to fool most security personnel reviewing dozens of live feeds.\n\n*Now, lets see* Vega checked the walls and ceilings of the bathroom, and within moments, found the air vent opening. *Its not even screwed in - this is almost too easy,* she thought as she removed the vent panel. She quickly slipped inside, then replaced the panel. Next stop - the lab storage room.\n\n---"} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-5", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "---\n\nThe bottle seemed to glow. It was a deep red color, with a bit of yellow on the bottom as if some denser fluid had settled. \n\n*Thats gotta be it,* Vega thought. The unlabeled, experimental Potion of Greater Intelligence was greatly prized, and was worth more than all the other potions in the store room put together. The base ingredients alone could have bought a multi-story home in the merchants district. \n\n\n\nShe had first heard of it while doing reconnaissance in the local watering holes, collecting information from CRs employees, who were only too happy to spill more than they should to a sympathetic ear. *Not to mention, a pretty face,* Vega thought, smirking. \n\n\n\nAt that point, her target was clear - this singular potion would be easy to transport on her person. And no doubt the Blues at the Bastion would fall over themselves to buy something that might lead them to unprecedented insights.\n\nVega carefully took the potion off its shelf and slipped it into one of the various hidden pockets on her pants. All that remained was to get to her pre-planned escape route, and she would be\n\nSabina? Is that you? Vega whipped around, towards the entrance of the store room. Hadrien, the young Wizard who had been her mark to infiltrate this place, was standing there, along with a second, older man. \n\nHow did you get in here? This is supposed to be restricted to anyone outside of the survey and research teams, he said. Vega noticed that the 2nd man was already gone, probably to notify security. She didnt have much time."} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-6", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "Just doing a little sight-seeing - thought maybe Id find you up here, she said, giving Hadrien a wink. As expected, he immediately started blushing and looking flustered. She used the opportunity to move towards the window. It wasnt her planned egress point, but it would have to do. \n\nIt looks like your co-worker wasnt too happy about finding me here though, Vega said as she unlatched the window. As expected, it wasnt otherwise locked or sealed in any way - the top floor was a hundred feet in the air, and they likely hadnt expected anybody to go in or out.\n\nOk, I think I know whats happening here, Hadrien said. Maybe your presentation didnt go so well, but you cant jump! We can figure out another way - Ill help you! \n\n*Quantum Shadow, hes so adorable.* Dont worry about me, Haydi, Vega said. She stepped out the window to the ledge outside, then undid the teal sash around her waist. There was a segmented frame embedded inside the sash, which she quickly assembled to form a fabric-covered, V-framed glider. \n\nHadrien stuck his head out the window. Will I ever see you again? he asked. \n\n*Wow, hes totally infatuated,* Vega thought. *Maybe I poured on a little TOO much charm earlier*\n\nHmm she replied. I guess if you keep working here your whole life, we probably wont meet again, she said. But its a wide world, and Ill be out there, somewhere. So I guess you never know. She smiled at him fondly. *Maybe in other circumstances, a coffee would be nice - no, get in the GAME, Vega!*\n\nHey, stop right there! a gruff voice shouted from the store-room entrance. Looks like security had finally arrived."} +{"id": "9dfcd583-1774-4d7f-88f9-05293467216f-7", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T02:56:16.626", "backgroundColor": "#220432", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8KDzNNA5cXMA8cALf86JdD6uTwYCtKTEpKJbvWde3nS", "txHash": "0xe3981fd5dad665d4299abdf37569f7f13d41c75f933b589b146ff7c1173d9429", "createdAtBlock": 15893842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTQY5Rj5QDyR2YiZCq1KDwLvPRDdgNQXRmyVRLwEPUnPv", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "Vega leaped off the sill and into the air, spreading her glider wide. She was not quite as high as she had planned, but she should still be able to complete the jump safelyprobably. \n\nLuckily, there was a breeze, and it helped give her a bit more lift as she soared away from CR HQ. She could hear faint shouts from the guards at the window, but she doubted that they were equipped to chase her through the air, and her bracelets would thwart any magical counter-measures theyd prepared.\n\n\n\nInstead of the rooftop shed originally planned to use, Vega directed her glider to a large 2nd floor balcony that was used by a fancy eatery for its outdoor seating. Guests shouted in alarm as Vega landed among them, knocking over a few chairs and tabletop glasses in the process. \n\nSorry to drop in on you like this, Vega said with a cheesy grin. She quickly collapsed her glider, bunched it up, and stuffed it in another one of her pants pockets. Before the angry waiters could get to her, she took a running start and leaped off the balcony, grabbing onto the carved stone of the next building over. From there, it was childs play for her - shed been scrambling around on all kinds of structures for as long as she could remember. The CR security team and Capital City enforcers never caught up with her.\n\nMission: Success!\n\nWritten by: kel1of1.eth\nImages: NovelAI Generation + editing by Kel"} +{"id": "88597644-a6d1-43f4-9ec5-ca528c39e6d5-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-04T06:41:20.001", "backgroundColor": "#362929", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTLkKyGxNxWtzXnxu8X4ydzL7nTYXvGCUhZeySrf6bxPQ", "txHash": "0xac42fe1b0b65229dd4eeab06ffd28813d3d91ebee5621f2f80d7855714a69bec", "createdAtBlock": 15894936, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3494, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Radley Champion of the Pavillion", "text": "# Radley Richmond, the Auric Snake\n\nAlthough he holds the the title of warrior, Radley Richmonds strengths lie more in his entrepreneurial spirit than on the battlefield. Radleys father, a traveling arms merchant, won the heart of a high-born, affluent woman, privileging Radley with both trade knowledge and capital from a young age. After completing his studies, he followed the tradition of his father, only to become exponentially more successful. Now, he has become the realms premier pawnbroker with numerous locations found throughout the Runiverse and has been given the aliases of Radley Riches and \"The Auric Snake\" by the people."} +{"id": "d0a45fdf-ef53-4222-8de8-f448d256c7f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-05T15:31:15.693", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW1ciNbxcFJwa8rNWfGA9goJcnPibPWXgF35NF5LVnnp7", "txHash": "0x08d1dbd6cac44fa90962540fed8d9c3c89ea06758fc4d8ec3d50023a9a7a75c1", "createdAtBlock": 15905588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14673, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUYHmvv1xXYVAbhBSuw7yLwz426Vc7Me4WqeYoHovSfN1", "name": "Brandon Impaler of the Sun", "text": "# Brandon Impaler of the Sun \n\n---\n\n**Brandon** became a notorious warrior of the Sun after uncountable deeds in battle. The fought along the \"420 of the Sun\" which led the his city's forces to resist to several raids from desert bandits. As the clans grew stronger and attacks grew scarier Brandon stood out as one of the most skilled and loyal fighters of his army.\n\nAlong with an extreme expertise in the spear techniques, he also showed a choleric temper towards his enemies, granting him the epithet of **\"Impaler of the Sun\".**\n\n---\n\n\n\nBrandom Baoy in action."} +{"id": "7c7e7324-eab0-42e6-86ce-213b6afea21d-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-05T20:03:41.646", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXeXydNzJy3MSFCruV7iaY6TkKX48TUV4oJfLUBZcFQTE", "txHash": "0xf4ab3d406c543f89b2f503b7a485a4c219786b489b0c61f888a11ade01d03970", "createdAtBlock": 15911335, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3003, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTqxfAQCbgLHkN454A12j56ofuyszpLa9jx91HBo3tFQj", "name": "Diabolos Paragon of Joy", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Diabolos Paragon of Joy \n\n \n\n> Daily Doll Portrait by Mehster Brown (#DailyDolls4FRWC Warrior #3003Diablos Paragon of Joy 11/05/22) \n> *by @MehsterBrown for Baron Von Fancy. Spooky Season of 2022*"} +{"id": "e80ae4a8-afd8-4248-bc2b-0b12ec17a8a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-06T00:59:28.622", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSaUkvSbyctGfSmzuMsan8R85S4GDuoKVG8sRn9Fdv2FF", "txHash": "0x0f327d43743c90539db1356c55d95f4cb74af0c94ddcd5429defb35facb349c1", "createdAtBlock": 15907549, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZNM73TaB3gJtnX3qAv6DwpnmhsLLq3BVtBRpL2H2VAkv", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "# Halloween, Part II of II\n\n\n\nIt was at that very moment that @wizard4104 recalled @wizard239 telling him about an enchantment he had procured from @wizard1545 as a means to an end of loyalty for their purposes. His eyes widen as he scans the environment, seeing everyone inching closer to combat with each other.\n\n*That's how the \"loyalty enchantment\" works out then...*\n\n\"This changes nothing, Wild Mage!\" one of the Blue Wizard Spymasters barks.\n\n\"If you wish to burn the rest of your party out of existence as negotiations...\" another mocks.\n\n\n\n\"Speaking of negotiations...\" Wild Mage pipes up, \"Are you all too COWARD to admit what you've done with @wizard5016 and @warrior9284?\"\n\n\"They can't hide forever, Wild Mage...but we'll be keeping you alive so that you may watch everyone loyal to you die first.\" the ringleader of the four retorts.\n\n\n\nKingsley thinks to himself - *Could they really not know? A relief! They would surely use them as leverage now if they knew our companions whereabouts...*\n\n\n\n@warrior12974 takes a step between Wild Mage and Kingsley, brandishing his bat and yelling infernal curses about the general character of Blue Wizards, their mothers, their fathers.\n\nKingsleys eyes go wide as he listens to Donleys stream of obscenities and sees the enchantment is upon him too. *Was this in front of my face the entire time?!*"} +{"id": "e80ae4a8-afd8-4248-bc2b-0b12ec17a8a2-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-06T00:59:28.622", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSaUkvSbyctGfSmzuMsan8R85S4GDuoKVG8sRn9Fdv2FF", "txHash": "0x0f327d43743c90539db1356c55d95f4cb74af0c94ddcd5429defb35facb349c1", "createdAtBlock": 15907549, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZNM73TaB3gJtnX3qAv6DwpnmhsLLq3BVtBRpL2H2VAkv", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "Panicked, his sight flickers over the rest of the retinue behind them. @warrior2023, @warrior10975, @warrior3154, @warrior12973. - all of them except @warrior10234. He can see it wrapped around their throats and hearts; a numb feeling rises in his chest and a blankness muddles his thoughts as he peers at the enchantments.\n\n*Hardly any magic there, really. Just enough to keep their integrity in place. Like a tunic torn and ready to unravel. The rationalization rings hollow. Kingsley has heard of black sorcery before, and yet he was blind to it in plain sight. Wild Mage, I didn't think you would...*\n\n\n\nWild Mage raises an arm. \"Look. JUST let us continue to keep The Wild safe, we can talk about the R&D notes I've borrowed from you...this doesn't have to go down like -\"\n\nThe approaching clops of a pony is heard. Everyone's eyes dart southerly.\n\nEmerging from the dark, @wizard2029 crests a cliff, riding @pony343.\n\n\"Wild Mage! I must report! @wizard1017 was nowhere to be found! He has escaped his stasis bonds somehow!\"\n\n\n\nAll of the Blue Wizards burst into laughter. It is not joyful laughter.\n\n\n\n\"You don't get it, Wild Mage.\" The leader of the four steps forth and starts unraveling his cloak. \"You never had ANY control of The Wild and its secrets which the Blue Wizard Bastion did not permit.\"\n\n\n\nThis Blue Wizard pulls his veil off, revealing that it is @wizard1017.\n\n\"What...\" Kingsley, stunned, mutters to himself. \"No...\"\n\nGrips upon wands and weapons tighten all around. A deathly silence falls upon the minds of each."} +{"id": "e80ae4a8-afd8-4248-bc2b-0b12ec17a8a2-2", "createdAt": "2022-11-06T00:59:28.622", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSaUkvSbyctGfSmzuMsan8R85S4GDuoKVG8sRn9Fdv2FF", "txHash": "0x0f327d43743c90539db1356c55d95f4cb74af0c94ddcd5429defb35facb349c1", "createdAtBlock": 15907549, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZNM73TaB3gJtnX3qAv6DwpnmhsLLq3BVtBRpL2H2VAkv", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "Wild Mage appears rattled. Then Wild Mage appears unrattled. \"It's like that, huh, old friend?\"\n\nArch-Magician Ulysse stares hatefully back at Wild Mage.\n\n\"It -is- like that.\"\n\n\n\nRumblings of movement, a few pebbles careening down the slopes of the mountains - these are heard behind Wild Mage and his companions. For a half second, there is a pause until - a voice booms from one of the cavern openings in the background.\n\n\"I, too, desire a ceasefire for you both.\"\n\n\n\n@soul8792, the dark patriarch of Morons, emerges from the mouth of the cave, holding a Blue Wizard doll. A paralysis settles upon everyone present at the sight of the legendary vampire, as everyone present increases dramatically in number.\n\n\n\n@warrior4319, @warrior5087, and @warrior9232 emerge from behind scattered crags. @warrior5083 and @warrior11671 both leap down from a nearby bluff. @wizard8418, @wizard946, @wizard4896, and @wizard4351, @wizard7055 all appear to materialize among the Moron Warriors.\n\nBut then the fear on the postures of the cloaked Blue Wizards, it shifts into fury as a single blue wizard walks from around the corner to stand with - @wizard113.\n\n\n\n\"Now what was that about who detecting whom being downwind of whom..?\" Wild Mage arrogantly picks at his robe for a moment, then looks back to all of the Blue Wizards present.\n\n\n\nNosferatu holds up the doll like a trophy.\n\n\"And if there isn't going to be a ceasefire, I'm going to need you Blue Wizards to show me - where on this doll do you want me to hurt you?\""} +{"id": "1d426075-a1f8-4a79-aacf-f307458d9df1-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-11T05:13:02.906", "backgroundColor": "#440101", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVd5qadpggGM2vQziPzuZfzyqGyq9KohRRvmf3SvMV7Qn", "txHash": "0x7509757c16f6d5371ca53b1d25f407e08a1714b54ac06fd0129138ff0526ae66", "createdAtBlock": 15908760, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6754, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hagatha of Arcadia", "text": "# Ill Tales of the Mist\n\nA once prosperous land full of beauty and grace\n\nWithered when man dispensed toxins and waste \n\nIt slowly decayed when rivers polluted\n\nThe sky turned to gray; no sunlight protruded \n\nTrees lost their leaves; few flowers did bloom\n\nNow a desolate realm full of darkness and gloom \n\nThe poor stayed behind; the wealthy vacated\n\nOnce crops could not grow and fauna mutated\n\nInfections ran rampant; their bodies reacted \n \nThe blood of the people turned radioactive \n\nThey grew sharp fangs; their skin stained green\n\nThey hid in the shadows to remain unseen\n\nRations of critters, eating turkeys and boars\n\nMost fought their urges; some hungered for more\n\nThe rivers ran red, then it started to flood\n\nWhen Vamps left the Mist and hunted for blood"} +{"id": "5acb604b-ba27-42a0-960f-c746857c26e4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:26.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma1sPpiTBhZbDRL1TYFjf7PNTty6m7P4zYwWrp2iUnVH7", "txHash": "0x0e82e5336d3ef3c9b525d74962fff37817e64c51f63f44c168cb7ae11e62a85a", "createdAtBlock": 13923562, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4943, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Faye of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Faye of the Wild\n\n`\"No more monkey business!\" Shouted Faye, as she pulled her monkey, Simon, off the plate of steamed buns he was devouring.` \n\n`\"You'll have to save some of those for our guests!\"` \n\n`She waved her BONK staff, which magically recreated the 3 meat buns previously devoured by Simon. It was hard to keep anyone away from any buns she enchanted with her joyous spells. In actually, she was a terrible cook but utilized her magic to hide that fact. Part of her always felt bad for deceiving people, but the end result was the same regardless.` \n\n`\"Well, what they don't know won't hurt them.\"`"} +{"id": "60d938fb-e0f6-4674-a7ee-fc8b41cebd16-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-06T13:39:06.259", "backgroundColor": "#040404", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRk45wzk95xCp7kacZJhMvHuqFSkQAeCfErViVT7TE5v4", "txHash": "0xac3c705fc0ec3225f155d770b5e633cde706c73423a140a486937aca53d2097f", "createdAtBlock": 15911328, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3003, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXfEYLSvpgHQbgh9bALp2oyTbzqprSAoFAbm7zV7jVNwv", "name": "Diabolos Paragon of Joy", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Diabolos Paragon of Joy \n\n\n\n> From Tania del Rio's #Inktober with Day 29 2022: Uh-Oh. Knocking on the Nightmare Imps door risks the chance of a trick as @WildMageXiaobo, @CosmicBirdsNFT and @BARONVONFANCY find out (with a little cameo by @realizeorigin!) \n> *Artwork by Tania del Rio for Baron Von Fancy and friends. Spooky Season 2022."} +{"id": "7a7526a9-9e32-4780-8638-f12e4695d695-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:34.811", "backgroundColor": "#28104e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPMUfvZgcLVnmHnR56x6ksr7tRpufV7BmZBEKo46Z2mfQ", "txHash": "0xdfb22c243dade260ede6c4b260e42fb97d6b0bd42c846ca36f26fed7c972d959", "createdAtBlock": 15915425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6754, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hagatha of Arcadia", "text": "# Dr. Hagatha Zamfir, MD\n\nAfter wealthy landowners of Vampyre Mist agreed to auction off their fields for the wide-scale dumping of hazardous chemicals, the region turned into a wasteland of disease, famine, and violence. Pollution in the air and water began mutating the surrounding vegetation and livestock. Incessant consumption of this mutated food resulted in the altered composition of the local people's blood, turning it radioactive in the process. \"The Effected\" as they were called began exhibiting symptoms almost identical to that of vampyres; their skin turned green, they grew fangs, and they thirsted for fresh sustenance in a never ending battle to replace their tainted, toxic blood. This occurrence spawned a new age of vampyres who were given the name \"Latter-Day Vamps.\" Dr. Hagatha Zamfir, a new-age vampyre and long-time resident of the Mist, has dedicated her life and medical practice to the production and distribution of animal blood, the utilization of blood donations centers, and the research of synthetic blood as alternatives to vampyres preying on the people of the Runiverse. \n\nhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTKbtczLYVkyOhgj4D0CZWz3e1Zsngkps8zteCkgl7rxjQEczxr5N2fRlJNYjmbzHotJxkd73YlkP-u/pub"} +{"id": "4aefd181-300e-4965-83f2-1567ae4eba0e-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-11T04:20:16.461", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQRNqZt4HNPuqGYWVt997TASEjDH2GLwGdM2tRfPb7WLD", "txHash": "0x24cf21a1c0708c55030e4ea34429ae60c416a68e2935d2aa4810f2ee674e0000", "createdAtBlock": 15944356, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1230, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUf9jggs7cqZjdGvuqjXiH9KLiBUHVrZP8xwRA6nCWvYR", "name": "Night Ghoul Iris of the Death Cloud", "text": "art by @taniadelrio"} +{"id": "f86b4e46-0314-4c87-bce8-b479b4f26cd7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:04.671", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdguBpSPwsgLx8nCjmBDsza14JHU5mHLCmgZik1HywUa3", "txHash": "0x7091cf6d6b5272ed0394151e24a3bfc4fd76e990338639a988a2d4f52bfedb86", "createdAtBlock": 13930927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5513, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Oiq of the Lake", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Oiq of the Lake\n\nOiq was born the sixth son into a large imp family, which meant he was probably not afforded as much parental attention as he deserved. Consequently, his remarkable aptitude for all things magical was not discovered until one day when he accidentally blew up the neighbor's prized pumpkin with an ignite spell. His folks were hardworking immigrant farmhands who had no idea what to do with their precocious child, so they shipped him off to the Pigmoles School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he could get proper tutelage to develop his budding arcane talents.\n\nGrowing up, Oiq was a shy child who earned respectable grades across all his subjects, but he was also nerdy and a bit of a social outcast. Like many of his brethren greenskins, he aspired to one day join the legendary Kobold Horde, but his kobold classmates shunned him for only being an imp, which they considered to be a weaker race. Fortunately, Oiq made a dear friend early on: Niles the Snake, who was actually a specimen that Oiq was supposed to dissect in lab class. Plans changed when the young imp discovered that his snake was still alive (it was just pretending to be dead) and snuck it out of the lab. He failed the class, but gained a friend for life, who continues to travel with him to this day as a constant companion and familiar."} +{"id": "f86b4e46-0314-4c87-bce8-b479b4f26cd7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:04.671", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdguBpSPwsgLx8nCjmBDsza14JHU5mHLCmgZik1HywUa3", "txHash": "0x7091cf6d6b5272ed0394151e24a3bfc4fd76e990338639a988a2d4f52bfedb86", "createdAtBlock": 13930927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5513, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Oiq of the Lake", "text": "Oiq eventually graduated summa cum laude from Pigmoles, but his professional ambitions were thwarted when he discovered that no matter how good his credentials, the workforce was a harsh place of extreme discrimination. Most employers just tossed his resume in the trash the moment they saw he's an imp. Fired up with righteous indignation (and also grossly unemployed), Oiq spent a few formative years participating in a grassroots activist group \"Green is not Mean!\", a community of greenskins seeking to promote social justice and bring an end to discrimination against their kind. They won a few battles, Oiq made a few valuable friends and connections along the way, but eventually the realities of life beckoned. Activism was great, but didn't pay the bills. So what next?\n\nSince he couldn't get hired, the young magician tapped into his entrepreneurial spirit to create his own start-up company making arcane contraptions for everyday consumers: Innovative Magical Products, or IMP. With seed money from the mysterious venture capitalist known as Merlin, he launched his company to great fanfare from friends and family as well as more than a few highly intrigued industry watchers. Today, Oiq begins his journey to navigate the cutthroat world of wizardry business, make something of his humble origins, and prove to all the Forgotten Runes that imps can be successful too."} +{"id": "033fd16e-d833-4019-9cca-f16d2c4cf314-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-12T04:43:42.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatGrCHzg8REpSTasCydHRujT84v4VBM7ZZpY98J6X1HZ", "txHash": "0x39e9ba46a99b8b6eac07e67d0c83861a11d5ce07a089bc011b5adf314363c6a2", "createdAtBlock": 15951683, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "**Everett Savior of the Coliseum**"} +{"id": "033fd16e-d833-4019-9cca-f16d2c4cf314-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-12T04:43:42.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatGrCHzg8REpSTasCydHRujT84v4VBM7ZZpY98J6X1HZ", "txHash": "0x39e9ba46a99b8b6eac07e67d0c83861a11d5ce07a089bc011b5adf314363c6a2", "createdAtBlock": 15951683, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "The suns rays seep in through the cracks in the stone. Everett can hear metal clashing from the current fight. The Crowd erupts in cheers, Everett knows what this means. After the cheer, there is a sudden silence. The silence seems as if it lasts an eternity. Suddenly a harmonious chant begins; Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill!. The crowd has rendered their verdict and expect the winning gladiator to deliver. The chant reaches a peak that shakes the foundation of the Coliseum, there is a pause and a sudden burst of cheer. The Coliseum shakes and dust from the ceiling falls onto Everetts armor. \n Everett carries mementos from some of his past opponents. The butterfly shield he took off Gorbis deathspawn of the fog. The gold on the shield is scuffed and dirty. The blood stains look like rust on the shield. The armor he took from Gregory emolator of the arena no longer shines, because of the dried blood and dust that has coated the armor like a second paint. Now, Sirus Destroyer of the Sanctum was a memorable opponent. Everett almost met his demise against Sirus. Everette still has a scar from the fight that somewhat resembles a trident. Sirus was his 99th opponent and brought a rage onto Everett that no one has before. Everett vividly remembers taking the shield over and over to Siruss neck. Everett took his head, mounted it on Siruss spear and has defeated countless opponents thereafter with Siruss head on the spear."} +{"id": "033fd16e-d833-4019-9cca-f16d2c4cf314-2", "createdAt": "2022-11-12T04:43:42.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatGrCHzg8REpSTasCydHRujT84v4VBM7ZZpY98J6X1HZ", "txHash": "0x39e9ba46a99b8b6eac07e67d0c83861a11d5ce07a089bc011b5adf314363c6a2", "createdAtBlock": 15951683, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "Everett stands ready at the gate into the arena. The gate starts to rise, and the crowd erupts as the announcer belts out, Everett Savior of the Coliseum!. Everett stares across the blood-stained sand of the coliseum and locks eyes with Jax Roaster of the Wood. Everett has heard whispers of a fire breathing contraption Jax has burned his enemies alive with. Everette wastes no time and charges at Jax, an enormous plume of fire explodes from the contraption, Everett dives to the side, he notices his leg was singed. A column of fire spews out towards him as if sweeping the arena. Everett manages to get up and take cover behind one of the arena pillars. The crowd starts to heckle but Everett will not let this pressure him into getting roasted alive. Everett dashes towards the next pillar to draw out the fire again, he figures Jaxx is no wizard and the contraption must be using some type"} +{"id": "033fd16e-d833-4019-9cca-f16d2c4cf314-3", "createdAt": "2022-11-12T04:43:42.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatGrCHzg8REpSTasCydHRujT84v4VBM7ZZpY98J6X1HZ", "txHash": "0x39e9ba46a99b8b6eac07e67d0c83861a11d5ce07a089bc011b5adf314363c6a2", "createdAtBlock": 15951683, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "no wizard and the contraption must be using some type of oil to breathe fire. Jax is taunting Everett, Is the Savior of the Coliseum scared of a little flame?, Jax yells and ends his taunt with a hearty laugh. The fire seems to be sputtering a bit, Jax yells profanities while slamming the side of the fire breathing stick. Everett takes this opportunity to charge at Jax, Everett is engulfed in flames and intense pain, but he thrusts his spear forward and up where he thinks Jax is. It feels like the stream of fire is infinite, but it finally stops and when the smoke clears, he sees the tip of his spear embedded in Jaxs skull. Cheers bellow throughout the Coliseum, Everett drops to his knees in severe pain. The fire stick got his face, he can feel that the damage was bad. Everett rips Jaxs helmet off and puts it on while trying to hide the immense"} +{"id": "033fd16e-d833-4019-9cca-f16d2c4cf314-4", "createdAt": "2022-11-12T04:43:42.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatGrCHzg8REpSTasCydHRujT84v4VBM7ZZpY98J6X1HZ", "txHash": "0x39e9ba46a99b8b6eac07e67d0c83861a11d5ce07a089bc011b5adf314363c6a2", "createdAtBlock": 15951683, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "and puts it on while trying to hide the immense pain and walks out of the arena, as the crowd cheers and rains roses and coin on Everett."} +{"id": "033fd16e-d833-4019-9cca-f16d2c4cf314-5", "createdAt": "2022-11-12T04:43:42.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatGrCHzg8REpSTasCydHRujT84v4VBM7ZZpY98J6X1HZ", "txHash": "0x39e9ba46a99b8b6eac07e67d0c83861a11d5ce07a089bc011b5adf314363c6a2", "createdAtBlock": 15951683, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "Everett was promised freedom if he ever defeated 100 enemies in the Coliseum. The lanista recruited the finest doctors to help his most prized fighter heal. Everett could no longer sleep throughout the night. Ever since the fight, he would have recurring nightmares of a giant rattlesnake which whispered, seek the white wizard across Elysium. Every night the snake would visit him in his dreams and tell him to find the wizard. Everett had lost vision in his left eye from the fire. One night, Everett was visited again by the rattlesnake. This time the snake seemed much more aggressive than usual. The snake coiled up and lunged with its mouth open, a screech came from the pit of the snake, Agur from the Silver tower. Everett woke up in a panic, he then knew he would take his freedom and seek Agur across the Elysium fields, surely this Agur from the Silver Tower would have answers."} +{"id": "965b0b6e-0251-4abc-9699-51bcd26811e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:13.166", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXY3aTQwT859k4ZiZ7D9edxx7tSzwyVrw1pEoyGHYkeZ4", "txHash": "0x3b96a2385f3c2f60646449a837d6f7fd861edc5e63d4ac80a8357f9ba8a44c0a", "createdAtBlock": 13934396, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2109, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Gunthor of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Gunthor of the Canyon\n\nBorn Timmy of the Hamlet there was nothing special about this boy. A little rotund, very quiet and seen as strange to outsiders and his fellow villagers. He was a blacksmiths son and constantly picked on for his differences. \n\nAsleep on a bed of hay one fateful evening a strange creature approached. A small albino rat with dead black eyes. Timmy awoke in a panic as the rodent bit him and then scurried away. \n\nThe next day while taking the slopbucket out he felt strange, maybe even stronger? Something foreign was coarsing through his chubby body. \n\nAs was typical a group of children laughed at Timmy. They pointed at the holes in his britches. Timmy grew furious. He balled his fists and then small pebbles started to rise from the ground. The winds swirled around him and then larger rocks rose as well. He turned around and yelled furiously at the children and then blackness enveloped him.\n\nWhen Timmy awoke he was at the top of a vast chasm. His village gone. Swallowed by a newly formed canyon below. The only living being around was that small rat whose previously dead eyes now showed a glint of excitement. \n\nHe walked, but didn't make it far as a group of strangely dressed beings approached him. \n\n\"Gunthor\" they yelled towards him. \"We've been expecting you\".\n\nThey tossed to him an emerald staff with the promise of helping him hone his powers. He went with them because where else would he go? His epic journey began."} +{"id": "68d2ff82-5226-445d-b671-47c6a2d6d307-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:37.276", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmecV93Qqx8KgJbxH59zFwJuZ5bZxZ5t73ngmg6T1a1XXr", "txHash": "0x23a4635eb1e9ef78eb2e40f619c30b39e2bb429ca087c7fdbe81ad0e3a97f16a", "createdAtBlock": 14547439, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 3290, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Leah of the Circle", "text": "2 New Lore Entry \n\nLeah,\n\nFresh off finding the magic mushrooms in the forest was consumed with absolute glee.\n\nHigh as a kite.\n\nShe summoned the members of the Circle.\n\nLeah was in big trouble.\n\nThe Druids of the Circle banished her to the forest and took away her mushrooms. \n\nThe End."} +{"id": "ee6cd544-e01d-4ed1-9cd5-4ef193997513-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:18.941", "backgroundColor": "#3a423a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQTSDBRr4bpLevav62Gn3xsYfQMZZqVe5GT5QNVQctFei", "txHash": "0x556c78a0a4bb2a37cf0c9c4fd5f573d4fbb4b8066862ecc227f8f73637cad98f", "createdAtBlock": 13936958, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1340, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Rowena of the Keep\n\nAway in a vast chasm between two mountains lies Witch Rowena's fortress.\n\nKnown as the redoubtable one, Rowena guards her palace with the help of her servant Chad.\n\nOnce day, she was on the way to see Chad, when she decided to take a short-cut through the edge of Sherwood Court.\n\nIt wasn't long before Witch got lost. She looked around, but all she could see were trees. Nervously, she felt into her bag for her favourite electric good-luck charm, Flash-chan, but Flash-chan was nowhere to be found! Witch began to panic. She felt sure she had packed it. To make matters worse, she was starting to feel hungry.\n\nUnexpectedly, she saw an electrified slime with a green hue disappearing into the trees.\n\n\"How odd!\" she thought.\n\nFor the want of anything better to do, she decided to follow the peculiarly dressed slime. Perhaps it could tell her the way out of the forest.\n\nEventually, the witch reached a clearing. In the clearing were two houses, one made from kale and one made from chocolates.\n\nThe witch could feel her tummy rumbling. Looking at the houses did nothing to ease her hunger.\n\n\"Hello!\" she called. \"Is anybody there?\"\n\nNobody replied.\n\nWitch looked at the roof on the closest house and wondered if it would be rude to eat somebody else's chimney. Obviously it would be impolite to eat a _whole_ house, but perhaps it would be considered acceptable to nibble the odd fixture or lick the odd fitting, in a time of need.\n\nA thunderous cackle broke through the air, giving Witch Rowena a fright. A different witch, much shorter and full in stature, jumped into the space in front of the houses. She was carrying a cage. In that cage was Flash-chan!"} +{"id": "ee6cd544-e01d-4ed1-9cd5-4ef193997513-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:18.941", "backgroundColor": "#3a423a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQTSDBRr4bpLevav62Gn3xsYfQMZZqVe5GT5QNVQctFei", "txHash": "0x556c78a0a4bb2a37cf0c9c4fd5f573d4fbb4b8066862ecc227f8f73637cad98f", "createdAtBlock": 13936958, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1340, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of the Keep", "text": "\"Flash-chan!\" shouted Rowena. She turned to the witch. \"That's my charm!\"\n\nThe stout witch just shrugged.\n\n\"Give Flash-chan back!\" cried Rowena.\n\n\"Not on your nelly!\" said the witch.\n\n\"At least let it out of that cage!\"\n\nBefore she could reply, the electrified green slime rushed in from a footpath on the other side of the cleaning.\n\n\"Hello Slime,\" said the witch.\n\n\"Good morning.\" The slime noticed Flash-chan. \"Who or what is this?\"\n\n\"That's Flash-chan,\" explained the witch.\n\n\"Ooh! Flash-chan would look lovely in my cave dwelling. Give it to me!\" demanded the slime.\n\nThe witch shook her head. \"It's staying with me.\"\n\n\"Um... Excuse me...\" Rowena interrupted. \"Flash-chan lives with me! And _not_ in a cage!\"\n\nThe slime ignored her. \"Is there nothing you'll trade?\" he asked the witch.\n\nThe witch thought for a moment, then said, \"I do like to be entertained. I'll release it to anybody who can eat a whole front door.\"\n\nRealizing how unexciting and unwilling Rowena was to eat a door, despite being hungry, she lashed out, \"That's the stupidest challenge I've ever heard of.\"\n\n\"I have to agree,\" the slime said. \"It's honestly ridiculous.\"\n\nThe slime then peered over at Witch Rowena. Noticing her attire, how beautifully and neatly it matched the color of Flash-chan, he came to a realization. He thought to himself \"I've been dealing with this hag for over a decade at this point, and this looks like an opportunity for a new friend,\" \n\n\"Why does Flash-chan matter so much to you anyway?\" inquired the slime."} +{"id": "ee6cd544-e01d-4ed1-9cd5-4ef193997513-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:18.941", "backgroundColor": "#3a423a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQTSDBRr4bpLevav62Gn3xsYfQMZZqVe5GT5QNVQctFei", "txHash": "0x556c78a0a4bb2a37cf0c9c4fd5f573d4fbb4b8066862ecc227f8f73637cad98f", "createdAtBlock": 13936958, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1340, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of the Keep", "text": "\"Why does Flash-chan matter so much to you anyway?\" inquired the slime.\n\nRowena replied, \"Flash-chan is bound to my soul, and gives me the power to wield lightning strikes that can make the target explode upon impact. Luckily, Flash-chan cannot be used by others without breaking our bond, which requires the utmost powered incantations.\"\n\n\"I like the cut of your gib,\" the slime flatly replied, seeming to ignore the explanation, \"Let's eat some doors!\" \n\nIt was not apparent to Witch Rowena at the time, but the electric slime had a plan to rid the witch who captured Flash-chan. Rowena watched, feeling very worried. She really didn't want the witch to give Flash-chan to the slime. It would be like missing part of her soul.\n\n\"I'll eat this whole house,\" said the slime. \"Just you watch!\"\n\nBig Slime pulled off a corner of the front door of the house made from chocolates. He gulped it down smiling, and went back for more.\n\nAnd more.\n\nAnd more.\n\nEventually, the slime started to get bigger - just a little bit bigger at first. But after a few more mouthfuls of chocolates, he grew to the size of a large snowball - and he was every bit as round.\n\n\"Erm... I don't feel too good,\" said the now very rotund slime.\n\nSuddenly, he started to roll. He'd grown so round that he could no longer sit up!\n\n\"Help!\" he cried, as he rolled off down a slope and slammed into one of Sherwood Court's thick trees. As he hit the tree, he released a belch so fierce it shook the nearby trees almost as violently as the impact."} +{"id": "ee6cd544-e01d-4ed1-9cd5-4ef193997513-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:18.941", "backgroundColor": "#3a423a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQTSDBRr4bpLevav62Gn3xsYfQMZZqVe5GT5QNVQctFei", "txHash": "0x556c78a0a4bb2a37cf0c9c4fd5f573d4fbb4b8066862ecc227f8f73637cad98f", "createdAtBlock": 13936958, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1340, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of the Keep", "text": "Upon witnessing this, the crooked witch erupted with laughter. \"That's undoubtedly one of the funniest things I have seen my entire time in this realm! You win! You win! Ahehehehehe!\"\n\nAs soon as the short witch calmed her laughter, she conjured a key to unlock the cage holding Flash-chan. Handing it over, the slime quickly tossed Flash-chan to Rowena. \"Strike me, quickly! Come on, now. Don't dawdle.\"\n\nWitch Rowena felt an instant rush being reunited with her charm. Raising her arm, she smacked the blob. Electricity from the slime coursed through her. Being used to electrocution, it was more embarrasing than it was painful. \n\n\"No! Use Flash-chan!\" \n\nFlustered, and finally realizing what the slime meant, Rowena summoned the power of Flash-chan. Striking the slime, he exploded into a thouand pieces in all direction, creating an electric force that obliterated the wicked witch with a loud shriek. \n\nThe slime's body emerged from the goopy shock puddle, now only a miniscule fraction of his original size. \"That was AWESOME!\" He declared. \"I haven't had this much fun since I was a wee lad. We should hang out more!\"\n\nRowena, realizing the power of companionship with the slime, accepted after a little hesistation. \"Okay, but you have to let me know of your plans before you blow us both up,\" she joked. \n\nThe slime nodded, and shared the directions out of the Sherwood Court forest. They headed for Chad's residence as they forged the beginning of a strong friendship."} +{"id": "b4317c9e-fb89-437b-8de2-8ea5927574a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:44.391", "backgroundColor": "#00282D", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsQz4jQ9EQdJ4aHnQMmFx7kboMvMbUVhU7FJLdCLMnkp", "txHash": "0x13876b43bba44f12e1620615ea7c979771b737049dbaddd77e6a435fba582224", "createdAtBlock": 14019430, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTrFhzhcstB2ZVjG6J28ZHxiu6a8zRaa1TKwt6RqVoEDS", "name": "Mystic Carmilla of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Carmilla of Arcadia\n\n \n\nIllustration by @artofk555\n\nTucked in a corner of Arcadia is a quiet little cypress swamp. Overlooked by most, the swamp is unremarkable, but for one special inhabitant. \n\nMystic Carmilla is not someone that youd bump into by chance - she is a master of camouflage and intimately familiar with the surroundings in her swamp. She has always lived there, for longer than most humans lifetimes, although memories of her early childhood are hazy. As a result, she is equally at ease swimming between the submerged trees or climbing through the canopy, although she has a canoe to use when she wants to rest.\n\nIn the manner of many swamp witches, she possesses a talisman representing the swamps natural spirit. In her case, this developed into the form of a small emerald slime which she considers almost as a child. Intimately and irrevocably linked to the natural forces of the swamp, this slime must not leave its home for too long, lest both it and the swamp lose their lifeforce. \n\n--------------------\n\nOne night, she observed the night sky as she lay in her canoe, which slowly glided across the still, moonlit water. Far from any cities or towns, the sky was crystal clear, and this was usually the highlight of her waking hours. However, her face registered concern as she interpreted the patterns of that night with the aid of her Rune. It was undeniable - there were great changes coming to the Runiverse. \n\nAlthough she had not typically cared about anything happening outside her swamp, Carmilla understood that she must act now - the forces at play were vast, and if she waited until they showed up at her doorstep, it would be too late to prevent her home from being swept away."} +{"id": "b4317c9e-fb89-437b-8de2-8ea5927574a3-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:44.391", "backgroundColor": "#00282D", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsQz4jQ9EQdJ4aHnQMmFx7kboMvMbUVhU7FJLdCLMnkp", "txHash": "0x13876b43bba44f12e1620615ea7c979771b737049dbaddd77e6a435fba582224", "createdAtBlock": 14019430, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTrFhzhcstB2ZVjG6J28ZHxiu6a8zRaa1TKwt6RqVoEDS", "name": "Mystic Carmilla of Arcadia", "text": "So, with her slime, her hip pouch filled with medicinal herbs and tinctures, and her Staff of Courage, Carmilla prepares to leave the swamp, with only the stars as her guide. \n\nHowever, on the night before her planned departure, a whistling figure wades into the swamp (to be continued)"} +{"id": "2dcea326-0199-42e2-bd4f-ceb556386b18-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-13T22:43:15.523", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrnt5emnPRxDDMKFdxpsdwmcDrkBS1UyEzMZqt5eoU9b", "txHash": "0x4fe97d00d90a4a7d87c0024578098605a1385c85bebaa40a1baa848508dfdbea", "createdAtBlock": 15964168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "**Everett Savior of the Coliseum**\n\n The suns rays seep in through the cracks in the stone. Everett can hear metal clashing from the current fight. The Crowd erupts in cheers, Everett knows what this means. After the cheer, there is a sudden silence. The silence seems as if it lasts an eternity. Suddenly a harmonious chant begins; Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill!. The crowd has rendered their verdict and expect the winning gladiator to deliver. The chant reaches a peak that shakes the foundation of the Coliseum, there is a pause and a sudden burst of cheer. The Coliseum shakes and dust from the ceiling falls onto Everetts armor."} +{"id": "2dcea326-0199-42e2-bd4f-ceb556386b18-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-13T22:43:15.523", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrnt5emnPRxDDMKFdxpsdwmcDrkBS1UyEzMZqt5eoU9b", "txHash": "0x4fe97d00d90a4a7d87c0024578098605a1385c85bebaa40a1baa848508dfdbea", "createdAtBlock": 15964168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "Everett carries mementos from some of his past opponents. The butterfly shield he took off Gorbis Deathspawn of the fog. The gold on the shield is scuffed and dirty. The blood stains look like rust on the shield. The armor he took from Gregory Emolator of the arena no longer shines, because of the dried blood and dust that has coated the armor like a second paint. Now, Sirus Destroyer of the Sanctum was a memorable opponent. Everett almost met his demise against Sirus. Everette still has a scar from the fight that somewhat resembles a trident. Sirus was his 99th opponent and brought a rage onto Everett that no one has before. Everett vividly remembers using a shield to put an end to Sirus. Everett now carries a very interesting souvenir from Sirus on the top of his spear and defeated countless opponents thereafter with it."} +{"id": "2dcea326-0199-42e2-bd4f-ceb556386b18-2", "createdAt": "2022-11-13T22:43:15.523", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrnt5emnPRxDDMKFdxpsdwmcDrkBS1UyEzMZqt5eoU9b", "txHash": "0x4fe97d00d90a4a7d87c0024578098605a1385c85bebaa40a1baa848508dfdbea", "createdAtBlock": 15964168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "Everett stands ready at the gate into the arena. The gate starts to rise, and the crowd erupts as the announcer belts out, Everett Savior of the Coliseum!. Everett stares across the blood-stained sand of the coliseum and locks eyes with Jax Roaster of the Wood. Everett has heard whispers of a fire breathing contraption Jax has burned his enemies alive with. Everette wastes no time and charges at Jax, an enormous plume of fire explodes from the contraption, Everett dives to the side, he notices his leg was singed. A column of fire spews out towards him as if sweeping the arena. Everett manages to get up and take cover behind one of the arena pillars. The crowd starts to heckle but Everett will not let this pressure him into getting roasted alive. Everett dashes towards the next pillar to draw out the fire again, he figures Jaxx is no wizard and the contraption must be using some type of oil to"} +{"id": "2dcea326-0199-42e2-bd4f-ceb556386b18-3", "createdAt": "2022-11-13T22:43:15.523", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrnt5emnPRxDDMKFdxpsdwmcDrkBS1UyEzMZqt5eoU9b", "txHash": "0x4fe97d00d90a4a7d87c0024578098605a1385c85bebaa40a1baa848508dfdbea", "createdAtBlock": 15964168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "the contraption must be using some type of oil to breathe fire. Jax is taunting Everett, Is the Savior of the Coliseum scared of a little flame?, Jax yells and ends his taunt with a hearty laugh. The fire seems to be sputtering a bit, Jax yells profanities while slamming the side of the fire breathing stick. Everett takes this opportunity to charge at Jax, Everett is engulfed in flames and intense pain, but he thrusts his spear forward and up where he thinks Jax is. It feels like the stream of fire is infinite, but it finally stops and when the smoke clears, he sees he landed a fatal blow on Jax. Cheers bellow throughout the Coliseum, Everett drops to his knees in severe pain. The fire stick got his face, he can feel that the damage was bad. Everett rips Jaxs helmet off and puts it on while trying to hide the immense pain and walks out of"} +{"id": "2dcea326-0199-42e2-bd4f-ceb556386b18-4", "createdAt": "2022-11-13T22:43:15.523", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrnt5emnPRxDDMKFdxpsdwmcDrkBS1UyEzMZqt5eoU9b", "txHash": "0x4fe97d00d90a4a7d87c0024578098605a1385c85bebaa40a1baa848508dfdbea", "createdAtBlock": 15964168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "to hide the immense pain and walks out of the arena, as the crowd cheers and rains roses and coin on Everett."} +{"id": "2dcea326-0199-42e2-bd4f-ceb556386b18-5", "createdAt": "2022-11-13T22:43:15.523", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrnt5emnPRxDDMKFdxpsdwmcDrkBS1UyEzMZqt5eoU9b", "txHash": "0x4fe97d00d90a4a7d87c0024578098605a1385c85bebaa40a1baa848508dfdbea", "createdAtBlock": 15964168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7754, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTCZHRedmfk1M4paSiZPwceRsHSsetz5mbdsLzF7EWRFf", "name": "Everett Savior of the Coliseum", "text": "Everett was promised freedom if he ever defeated 100 enemies in the Coliseum. The lanista recruited the finest doctors to help his most prized fighter heal. Everett could no longer sleep throughout the night. Ever since the fight, he would have recurring nightmares of a giant rattlesnake which whispered, seek the white wizard across Elysium. Every night the snake would visit him in his dreams and tell him to find the wizard. Everett had lost vision in his left eye from the fire. One night, Everett was visited again by the rattlesnake. This time the snake seemed much more aggressive than usual. The snake coiled up and lunged with its mouth open, a screech came from the pit of the snake, Agur from the Silver tower. Everett woke up in a panic, he then knew he would take his freedom and seek Agur across the Elysium fields, surely this Agur from the Silver Tower would have answers."} +{"id": "a12185a9-0c4c-48f7-937e-c81e09330f39-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T00:57:27.452", "backgroundColor": "#0f103b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfZ7QLSypHSkcPN19FZRzV8u3GAyJ4RV1pAQXs3esX1rA", "txHash": "0x5c47ad4d78ffdf6617908a7cff8d55832bf1baf513c30034db0885b0c10277e2", "createdAtBlock": 15964837, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12212, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wylan Danger of the Road", "text": "# Excerpts from Wylans Travels on the Road:\n\n_Travelers, be wary of strangers.\nDont walk and never run. \nBecause the Road has many dangers,\nAnd Wylan is just one._\n\n\n> Once, at a roadside tavern, a drunk Imp Warrior tried to pick a fight with Wylan.\nEveryone in the tavern regretted it. \nIncluding the Imp. \n\nWylan was asked to escort a princess across the kingdom for her marriage.\nNine months later, she delivered a son.\nHer betrothed had been at war the entire time.\n\n\nWylan was banned from those lands.\n\n> People say Wylan is part Kobold.\nBut never to his face.\n\nOne night, during his adventures, Wylan fell asleep at his camp under the trees and stars.\nA Furgnome Scavenger crept upon Wylans camp. He spotted Wylan.\n\n\nThe Furgnome backed away slowly. He didnt want to wake Wylan up.\nHe owed Wylan money from a card game last winter."} +{"id": "d110e47e-d35c-46d3-b82d-11fc6d836082-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:33.912", "backgroundColor": "#1b2385", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc5HCm645sXmA12QyxucWqr7Jt4gA6fQdawEiHm2Emkt5", "txHash": "0xcd8416ed399e4adf9c18f9a1165f7697cc0f01fa1e745ccb2407535e3fcdc9fe", "createdAtBlock": 13941379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3299, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ1EzAdGFSaUBaEwsij1Ue6byN1Vp4eb45YZoRSQvvpe3", "name": "Archmagus Soya of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Soya of the Marsh"} +{"id": "162599a9-b621-4db3-96c8-e0da5b8f2deb-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T04:11:06.178", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGasZxxn8Lm9qEwuPv7EQHPNHqS8CveLQxGQMwpegDzs", "txHash": "0xc765f054758bc0ea3c6e11f7d521d6b3968a6dbf7515882827d58b8a58716f61", "createdAtBlock": 15965800, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8543, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Wood", "text": "*Overheard conversation:*\n\nHey Hey, whats happening? All the mages seem to be rushing around looking for something. \n\n*Have you been living under a rock these last few days? Go check out the Royal Wizard Decree Board at the Runic Circle for all the details!*\n\nO Come on, just spill it and tell me the royal decree from the Wizards Council!\n\n*Well, basically someone messed up in the Royal Pet Sanctuary and all the Royal Light Bulb Frogs have escaped! There are some major rewards for the first 25 people that can provide the Wizards Council with the map locations of all the Light Bulb Frogs.*\n\nWowsers! That is one big slip up in the Royal Pet Sanctuary!\n\n*But that also gives us a great opportunity to earn those big rewards!*\n \nWait wait.. how many Light Bulbs Frog are we talking about to locate?\n\n*There was not a total number provided but the word out on the street is that its about 100 frogs.*\n\nAnd they could be anywhere in the Runiverse???\n\n*Well. The Light Bulb Frogs are amphibians and have been known to be long distance travelers. A few have already been reportedly spotted in the surrounding islands already.*\n\nI guess that is why the Wizards Council is seeking help from the Runiverse community to use their eyes AND ears!\n\n*Yeah, the Light Bulb Frogs have their signature croak that really helps to locate them. The fogginess at this time of the year really does not help spotting them.*\n\nSo how many have you found?\n\n*Just about 27 frogs. I have met others how have located more than 50 frogs already! I am far behind. Hopefully the council will give some partial credit for all who help!*\n\nI am sure the council will. Maybe those who help will get some priority in the upcoming land sales they will be doing!"} +{"id": "162599a9-b621-4db3-96c8-e0da5b8f2deb-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T04:11:06.178", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGasZxxn8Lm9qEwuPv7EQHPNHqS8CveLQxGQMwpegDzs", "txHash": "0xc765f054758bc0ea3c6e11f7d521d6b3968a6dbf7515882827d58b8a58716f61", "createdAtBlock": 15965800, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8543, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Wood", "text": "*That will be great! I gotta go to find more of those frogs. So what are you going to do? Join the hunt or just skip it?*\n\nHmmmm, I am going to be doing some travelling around a few cities anyways. I might just take some time to go hiking around the lands to look for a few!\n\n*Good luck then. You snooze you lose!*"} +{"id": "21868801-e6eb-4e24-bf46-9d31a784d046-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T04:13:55.155", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV8ATrM4SCshZbdfFEyT3cJnw212GvCk7y9JMimfApihk", "txHash": "0x438e576536d9a7d2ee7af532301ca23da0885c1dbe25ca82ec3eceb8fe6531e0", "createdAtBlock": 15965814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Leah of the Steppe", "text": "**Chapter 1:**\nMagus Leah ran a business being an independent broker of deals between the many Wizard factions throughout the universe. Different factions typically approached her with a desire to procure an item that is not typically for sale or wants anonymity in the purchase. She then leverages her extensive network to source that item and its ownership. \n\nThat is the easy part. The hard part is finding out all information about the item and the owner to find an entry point into structuring a deal. She has learnt over time that most of the time money alone is not enough of a factor to pry loose the wanted item. For these deals, skeletons in the closet provide a lot of leverage. \n\nThe item owner might want another item in place to be procured for them and so on. Deals could get complicated quickly and difficult to disentangle. However, Magus Leah has proven to be creative in her approach to clients and has a high success rate. Even more importantly, she has earned the trust of clients by not being unscrupulous and maintain secrecy at all times.\n\nOf such importance was this that the current client currently in her office was none other than the Head Wizard of the White Wizard Tower. What service will he need to procure from her that someone of position does not already have in service or unable to work through his channels? \n\nBoth had sat in silence for an hour now. Leah had learnt the value of silence through many negotiations. Sometimes silence worked better than even saying something. The opposing side just ends up negotiating themselves into a better deal for her. She was not going to be the first one to speak. His time was more valuable than hers and she had no urgent business to get to. She calmly sat in her seat facing the Head White Wizard, giving him her undivided attention despite the inactivity."} +{"id": "21868801-e6eb-4e24-bf46-9d31a784d046-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T04:13:55.155", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV8ATrM4SCshZbdfFEyT3cJnw212GvCk7y9JMimfApihk", "txHash": "0x438e576536d9a7d2ee7af532301ca23da0885c1dbe25ca82ec3eceb8fe6531e0", "createdAtBlock": 15965814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Leah of the Steppe", "text": "Finally, the Head White Wizard broke the silence and said, Magus Leah, you indeed live up to your reputation. Amongst the other brokers I have tested, none have the cool blood flowing through your veins. Some spoke too much, some tried to sweet talk me, some could not stay still and some simply lost patience.\n\nNow, lets get down to business"} +{"id": "f4aef208-33c4-4a22-aa70-5f240eba6596-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:28.553", "backgroundColor": "#7f7979", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVhcpDcxUGbaPMeGUhCK243fzRNfUuyenCG9yhiy11zSM", "txHash": "0xcc6d6cb717dabdbdb1126d6b8a0eba448f4d6dd218d8c52713c38e5d2aa3a569", "createdAtBlock": 13939749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7631, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Zelroth of Atlantis", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Zelroth of Atlantis\n\nA wise wizard beyond his years, Zolroth has displayed extraordinary wizardy since he was just a toddler.\n\nZelroth is the path leader of Atlantis and is known to guide the guild through challenging times."} +{"id": "d3ed3e71-7425-4583-96c3-acef3fc7ab29-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:00:04.988", "backgroundColor": "#481345", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZdF7e1zxumi8ubXtJuAkEMwd5VVeFNhyvNd61Jaaa1Db", "txHash": "0x9ef2f102aaa8c9ef49a637a46e864155696d82e8dad4dbdc65c519bb355a9924", "createdAtBlock": 15966044, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3290, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY4S8jg5h5GAsp6Q711fAQisEsoG9b9dpyhn6nzt4qrTG", "name": "Druid Leah of the Circle", "text": "Written by Suggested Lore"} +{"id": "4fb6407a-f221-420e-9f50-17d68b8fb4cc-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:03:16.743", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE3vL4pSEpWfyt7nFaS21Ab51TmUW398xcgHizz49eF4", "txHash": "0xd6639aa470d112a5995899ad06357729aa5218a66c303b76bb5a43355f87c28a", "createdAtBlock": 15966060, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7760, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sharon Eidolon of the Arena", "text": "**Chapter 1:**\nSharon Eidolon was heavy in thought with her mare pulling an empty cart when three rag-tagged souls came out from the bush-line to block the path. Pay us the toll and you will save yourself some pain. they sneered. \n\n\nSharon mentally calculated the situation she was in: numerically disadvantaged, but not necessarily outskilled. Their poorly maintained weapons and lack of strategic positioning to maximize their numerical advantage clearly showed their overconfidence and lack of discipline. \n\nWell guys, I think you have the wrong road. I have been travelling up and down this road for months and there is no toll on this road. It will be better to let me pass than earn yourselves a trip to the nearest infirmary. Sharon replied.\n\nOh wow guys, looks like we picked on a wrong lady today, lets. the first man of the rag-tagged group appeared to turn to walk away but suddenly swung his axe around for a surprise attack!\nSharon was more than well prepared for that amateur trick. The rag-tagged group was disarmed and on the ground in a flurry of activity in less than 2 minutes. It happened so fast the three was not sure what transpired.\n\nTwang! The unmistakable sound of a bow release. Sharon heard that and saw an arrow flying straight at her but it was too late for her to react. Just before the arrow hit, Sharon was hit by a force that sent her tumbling back but that also displaced the arrow! A simultaneous crackle of a Broken Arrow spell sped towards the source of the arrow. The archer did not stand a chance against that magic attack and collapsed to the ground. \n\nYou alright? My Force Bolt might have padded too much of a punch there. I cast that in haste. The magician asked as she approached."} +{"id": "4fb6407a-f221-420e-9f50-17d68b8fb4cc-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:03:16.743", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE3vL4pSEpWfyt7nFaS21Ab51TmUW398xcgHizz49eF4", "txHash": "0xd6639aa470d112a5995899ad06357729aa5218a66c303b76bb5a43355f87c28a", "createdAtBlock": 15966060, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7760, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sharon Eidolon of the Arena", "text": "Thanks for that punch! I will gladly take that punch than being a pin cushion! I will have been looking at a long recovery if not for you.\n\nI am @warrior7760. And you are? saying as she picked herself off the ground.\n@wizard9935\n\nWell @wizard9935, I am in debt to you. Care for a round at the Taverns bar? Drinks on me. Sharon offered."} +{"id": "43ea7a3b-bf04-49b4-8321-4aa368abb702-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:03:42.188", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU9kEvQksXdkGLU1w6yYBf1XdA1udnqkt727cv8grUR3D", "txHash": "0xebd73d28de8d99fed41b4951e56d895cd7de1e1f887cdcd93236597067b28eca", "createdAtBlock": 15966062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3290, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQbv7fbT1Uq9qqiYpprQBU1sRbF5zMfkSDxT88LBd2Jdm", "name": "Druid Leah of the Circle", "text": "feels good man, zine, edition 0, pages 2-3"} +{"id": "e8ddc4f5-ae28-45ee-bdfb-690a879ca849-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:03:17.773", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVF5JUQoKEJiZSseRrYq1moV7Xib9onDMi7J5aHvxiJ3a", "txHash": "0x9f2f5d7e64c6e7b123ab9a134605724a0fcf48fc8b2d21cf32d964e549ef5906", "createdAtBlock": 15966060, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14219, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sora Lumper of the Plains", "text": "**Warrior Pledge**\n\nI, a warrior of from the Forgotten Runes Warriors Guild,\n\nsolemnly swear to protect the Forgotten Runes Runiverse,\n\nfrom cheats, hacks and fraud,\n\nto serve and protect,\n\nto be a helpful guide to all travelers. \n\nI will seek out to explore the furthest boundaries \n\nfrom The Brine to The Quantum Shadow,\n \nfrom Elysian Fields to Nightmare Dominion,\n\nclimb the peaks of Honor Mountain,\n\nmuddle through swamps of Ghoulish Boglands,\n\nand dive into the deepest depths of The Brine."} +{"id": "11f4e8cc-8801-4102-ae36-e2a9d08b3dae-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:11:06.367", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbQubECjcLi8HAtRmzZgSE94HdAKPKHV3yKHsXVzmhZHi", "txHash": "0x223bb54d2815ec6560fc24e7934986554dd050b5e04e5cf6aee31f32616aece4", "createdAtBlock": 15966099, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14418, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rowan Calamity of the Wood", "text": "**Chapter 1:**\n\nRowan had just returned to camp from a full morning of battle and set aside his helmet and armor. He barely started to eat whatever hot rations were available then when he heard distant sounds of rolling thunder. Something was not right. There were no heavy clouds to suggest a storm nearby, plus there seemed to be too many lightning occurrences. Others in camp had also heard it and were looking in bewilderment in the direction of the lightning strikes.\n\nRowan suddenly stood up, grabbed his battle gear started running towards the lightning strikes and shouted Attacks from the West! Attacks from the West! Those are Arch-Magi Bogeys Chain Lightnings! Hurry hurry!\n\nFighting so close to camp and for Arch-Magi Bogey to be using Chain Lightning is not good news. Chain Lightning is most effective against infantry masses and to be used so close to potential close friendly forces on means large opponent forces and desperation. It also served as an emergency signal and pinpointing of where help is needed. Bogey was indeed a war veteran being able to keep his wits around and achieving three goals with one spell.\n\nRowan began to see other warriors racing towards the battle. He quickly organized them into a small force while on the move and led them to flank the battle location. The immediate goal is to help relieve pressure from the main offense and to buy time for more reinforcements to arrive to Arch Magi Bogeys location. Besides, Chain Lightning does not differentiate between enemies and friendlies, and he had no intentions to become fried meat."} +{"id": "11f4e8cc-8801-4102-ae36-e2a9d08b3dae-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:11:06.367", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbQubECjcLi8HAtRmzZgSE94HdAKPKHV3yKHsXVzmhZHi", "txHash": "0x223bb54d2815ec6560fc24e7934986554dd050b5e04e5cf6aee31f32616aece4", "createdAtBlock": 15966099, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14418, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rowan Calamity of the Wood", "text": "Rowans small force grew larger as they neared the frontlines. They took a small pause just short of reaching the opposing force to settle their breaths and scout a little. It looked like their flanking route took them right beside a long range archery unit that was sending waves of plumes towards the battlefield. Rowan broke cover and led the charge into the archery unit taking them by surprise. \n\nThe archery unit was lightly guarded and it was not a fair fight. The archers were not equipped for close combat heavy fighting and Rowans Ishtars sword easily cleaved through the light armor while using his Tomb Shield to block incoming arrows. The few painful seconds to recover from the surprised attack resulted in another set of fallen bodies before the archers realized they could not win this skirmish. \n\nThey quickly broke rank and retreated hastily in different directions for the nearest cover. \nRowan stopped his group from further pursuing the remnants of the archery unit. He now had the chance to attack the opposing force from the rear to really spice things up a little."} +{"id": "90152999-c793-4516-b21e-2daccbe165e3-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:11:05.421", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3GWmWnqvDxJaFyeR3Xv1neGSKtTrgte49roUM9o4iYu", "txHash": "0x370111c27b9931f98be69d90d00676067f5950b62e1e4469c6eea95f14443fbc", "createdAtBlock": 15966099, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9337, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Lenora of the Realm", "text": "**Runic Circle:**\n\nRound and round the Runic Circle\n\nThe children thrill and tumble,\n\nAnd lovers longingly linger,\n\nThe warriors whipping up their war stories,\n\nwizards whisperings in hushed tones.\n\nOfficial words are orated here,\n\nIncredulous rumors are stretched here. \n\nA place to recruit,\n\na place to trade.\n\nA place to seek,\n\nA place to find.\n\nA caldron for all to mix,\n\ntogether as one community."} +{"id": "51785d55-d4ec-4d61-84c1-bcb70f3cb65a-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:11:07.108", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPitKV9m7Er5Zh8nrUXQJKZLVTdXqiQEAGZTT9HWKUkhr", "txHash": "0xf7d07ceb089b26897e76178d4f37ffd1bba92d04d4d60ae0acb5e8e238177dc2", "createdAtBlock": 15966099, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jahid of the Field", "text": "Chapter 1:\n\nI was riding my pony as I rounded a corner when I saw a lady cornered by three bandits. The lady dressed like a warrior so I was not too worried for her. Nevertheless, the three to one fight felt uneven and I got off my pony and stayed ready to intervene. \n\nIt was quickly clear that my help was not needed as she dispatched the bandits efficiently. A rustle of leaves in my peripheral vision caught my attention and saw an arrow streak towards the lady warrior. There was no way for her to react in time. \n\nI quickly weaved my fingers and cast a Force Bolt spell in between the lady warrior and the streaking arrow. In my haste, my Force Bolt was directed too close to the lady warrior and sent her reeling backwards but it effectively redirected the arrow away from her. I immediately turned my attention to the surprised archer before he could let loose another arrow. The archer was already reaching and nocking another arrow while turning towards me. \n\nInstinctively I weaved a Broken Arrow spell and released it towards the archer. My Broken Arrow flew faster and truer to the target incapacitating the archer. I scanned for anymore secondary threats and found none before approaching the lady warrior. \n\nShe introduced herself as @warrior7760 and offered to buy me a round at the nearby tavern. I was in no rush in my journey and could make a new warrior friend so why not?\n\nWe travelled together into the Green Wizard City and went to the Tavern. That was the start of our journey together."} +{"id": "1d0dbf99-4dad-4098-8768-8bd593ce2c85-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-14T05:48:15.272", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSJTzQSTCG8YsnEdTF6kWBeFmg9XWWyrrDxE22nVREjt3", "txHash": "0x59ecb6d99f3d0f169b049a0638bbb463ed559ba71646378816953e000539ef3c", "createdAtBlock": 15966285, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8644, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Zelroth of the Temple", "text": "**Runiverse Wizards Pledge:**\n\nWe, the Wizards of the Forgotten Runes Wizards Cult,\n\npledge ourselves to be one united community,\n\nregardless of Wizard, Warrior or Soul,\n\nregardless of Beast, Spawns or Ponies,\n\nto build a world, inclusive of all.\n\nExplore the Runiverse from end to end,\n\ncreate content everywhere,\n\nto share stories of every land.\n\nPursue the Forgotten Runes vision:\n\nBuild the greatest fantasy franchise based on the creations of all!"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nfeaturing @warrior8782 and the @beast6. \n\n1st theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH8pp-RifzY&t=191s\n\n\n## Excerpt from The Margins: \"Murphy's Law\" \n\n>Murph is cursed, the barkeep grumbled to the boy. There oughta be a philosophical law for that man, where anythin that canappen to em doesappen to em. \n\nMaurice was a server at the Tipsy Tidepool, a small tavern at the mouth of Kelpies Bay. Rundown but always open, Oswalds establishment was a quick respite for travelers that could not afford the boat ride from Alessars to the Riviera. Most used it as an outpost while skirting around Goblin Town and its inherent danger.\n\nAnd as a server, Maurice had heard it all before. Locals always coming in, Oswald always chattin em up for the Runiverse goings-on. But sightings of Murph were day-makers for him. Murphy was an illusive fellow, rarely seen in local towns and usually spotted on the outskirts of common roads traveling with a small group of goblins. Most hated him.\n\n>Nothing but a goblin lover! they would shout. \n\nBut to Maurice, Murphy was unique. An outcast. A pariah. But one that did the unthinkable. He found a place among the goblins and thrived. Yet Maurice had never seen him with his own eyes. His idea of Murph came through bits and pieces...\n\n>...skin of the Quantum Shadow! \n\n>...hair stained with nightshade! \n\n>...sports rusty and crude metal armor, he does! \n\n>...wears a blood-soaked sash tied around his head, fresh from a murder!"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-1", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "Clearly he was a sight to behold, thought Maurice as he wiped the flagons with a stained cloth. Strange that there was not much known for something that would seem so out-of-place among a goblin horde and not on any wanted posters either.\n\nHe finished putting up any remaining dishes and restocked the front portion of the bar with barrels of Briney Bay IPA.\n\n>About to call it a day, he shouted to Oswald in the back as he rolled the last barrel into place. Just then, one of the regular patrons walked in. \n\nMurph is at it again, said Linus as he plopped down onto the wooden stool at the counter. Gimme the usual, boy. \n\nMaurices ears perked at the mention of the name. He broke the tap on the new barrel and poured a pint into the flagon he just cleaned, sliding it over to him. Linus snatched it from him and downed it in a few gulps.\n\n>You were sayin...? Maurice prodded, trying not to sound too eager.\n\n>We were tendin our fields, and Goran saw somethin at the southern rim of the Hedge. He said he saw Murph and was able to ring the bell-post to alert the rest. Were it not for his red sash, we woulda been swarmed by them gobbies. Had to leave some of the grain behind, but better that than all our gold, livestock and tools. Linus began to laugh. \n\n>Cant be with his own kind. Even ruins the pea-brain plans of those creatures. Laughing crudely, he shouted to Oswald...\n\n>What do we say about Murph, Ollie?!\n\n>MURPH IS CURSED! They said in unison. Linus raised his flagon and chugged.\n\n>He dont belong nowhere. Be happy you belong here, boy. Now pour me another."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-2", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": ">He dont belong nowhere. Be happy you belong here, boy. Now pour me another.\n\nMaurice gave a fake smile while pouring another pint and gazed out the side window, the Hedge barely visible on the horizon. \n\n*I dont belong here, either.*\n\nHe tidied up the counter and took a small satchel of coin from a half-asleep Oswald for his pay that week.\n\n>Ill be back for another shift tomorrow, Ollie. he said quickly.\n\n>Best not be late! replied Oswald.\n\n>You know me,\n\n>Hrmphexactly. Oswald returned to his ledger and supply book, barely taking notice of the boy.\n\nDawning his green and gold cloak, a small leather knapsack filled with food scraps, and fastening his signature rapier at his waist, Maurice stepped out into the afternoon sun and trekked northward toward the Hedge.\n\n \n__________\n__________\n__________ \n\n## Excerpt from The Margins: Misnomer Madness\n\nWith a hand on the small pommel of his rapier and his cloak slightly buffeted by the bay breeze, Maurice walked briskly over beach grass, small bayside shrubs, and small pockets of golden sand. He made a right turn just past Old Emeldas farmstead; she waved as he walked by and returned to harvesting her crops. Her land extended for a couple leagues, bordering right up to the eastern road of Kobolds Crossing. \n\n*Havent been that far in quite some time,* he thought to himself. Suppressing any notion of anxiety, he took a deep breath and kept up his pace."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-3", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "Following the narrow path along Emeldas land, Maurice found himself at the crest of a slight hill. The afternoon sun neared the horizon on his left and cast a golden glow across the field that seemed to stretch for miles beyond. Waves of grain flowed in the breeze as yellows, oranges, and reds began to glow across the sky. He paused for a moment to soak it all in, nearly forgetting the reason for his journey.\n\n2nd theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW4bdFhcZgw&t=358s\n\nSuddenly, a series of growls, snarls, and clicks pierced the peaceful silence. Jolted to attention, Maurice grasped the hilt of his blade and scanned the horizon for anything out of place.\n\n*There!*\n\nOnly a hundred meters ahead, a segment of grain moved strangely in unison, like a jittery snake slithering through the grass. \n\n*Goblins? Does that mean Murph may be nearby?!*\n\nExcited and scared, Maurice took another deep breath, swallowed hard, and followed his current trail parallel to theirs. Whatever they were, they moved quickly!\n \n\n\nThe path grew thinner as he neared a full run to keep pace. The grain on either side gave way to taller grasses that darkened the trail, blocking his vision and the last of the direct sunlight. Maurice finally came to a stop as the path disappeared. He turned to his right and noticed that Emeldas fence was gone. Looking from the path he came, there was nothing but tall grass and the slight hint of his recent footsteps. What little could be seen of the sky above cast everything in shades of burgundy and plum. \n\n*Well...Ive come this far, though Oswald would never believe it. But if Im past Emeldas, then the main road isnt much farther.*"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-4", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "He slowly turned around and faced the grass wall to the north, its shadowed stalks rising ominously before him. A lengthy breeze cascaded over the tops of the grass creating an eerie *sssshhhhhhhhh* that filled his ears. Maurices eyes closed for only a moment...\n\n**[Vision of an old man in tattered purple robes, purple eyes, ghostly white skin, and a blackened hand in a quieting gesture to his lips]** \n\n\n\nAnother trill echoed through the grass bringing Maurices mind back to reality. He listened carefully and was able to make out more rustling nearby. He didnt want to linger any longer. Maurice carefully unsheathed his rapier and slipped into the grass. \n\nThe noise from the goblins grew louder; they were close. But he couldnt see anything, and the deep purples of twilight didnt help. Suddenly, he heard a snarl to his left. Too close for comfort. He took a few more steps. Then came a grunt and the crunching of a stalk to his right. Maurice froze, hoping they were unaware of his position. He looked around. It was dark, the gaps in the grass showing just slight random movements. Was it the wind? Or a creature? Panic began to creep up again.\n\n*I cant turn back, I cant see anything here, and if I move I make noise. Maurice, you fool.* \n\nTrying to calm himself, he looked to his feet and slowly scooped a handful of dirt, just as his father did millennia ago. As he filtered it through his fingers, a large stone remained. He smiled.\n\n*Thank you.*"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-5", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "*Thank you.*\n\nHe picked up the stone and stood, turning slowly. Facing where he had come from, Maurice readied his stance and threw the rock through as hard as he could. It whipped through a leaf above him and was gone. A handful of seconds later he heard it crash and tumble through the grass again a dozen meters away. \n\nSuddenly, the grass rustled loudly on either side of him. Maurice covered his mouth to silence his breathing. The sound of their movement lessened as they tried to pinpoint the source of the noise. It was now or never.\n\nMaurice spun around and ran. He pushed aside the stalks as best he could, their leaves still whipping his face as he went by. Several strides in, he heard a familiar sounda strange barking sound echoed out over the grass. *Shit.* He dug in harder, trying to pick up his pace. It was no use. Maurices noise was quickly joined by others not too far behind him. He dared not look back. \n\n*Where is that damn road?!*\n\nThe sound of his pursuers had grown louder. They were nearly on him, and he couldnt go any faster. Not in grass like this. His thoughts began to spiral. \n\n*Am I running in the wrong direction? Maybe Im lost. What if I was running right to their camp? Do goblins eat people?! When is this grass going to END?!*\n\nHe felt a sudden tug on his arm. He shrieked and tried ripping his arm away, but it didnt budge. He turned to swing a child-like fist at the creature, but there was nothing to hit. He looked down to see that his rapier had lodged into a thick stalk of grass. The relief was short-lived as he could see glimpses of movement only a few meters away. He pulled against the sword again, but it refused to move.\n\n*Cmon, CMON!*"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-6", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "*Cmon, CMON!*\n\n\nHe looked up to the grass, stalks bending around the movement of his pursuers. Their snarls and calls were much closer than he thought.\n\n\n*Son of a RUNE!*\n\nHe placed both hands on the hilt of his sword. The creatures had nearly surrounded him, their ragged breathing and carnivorous gnashing of teeth were so close it gave him chills. \n\n*LET GO!*\n\nWith a final pull, he dislodged his sword and stumbled backward, bursting out of the grass and landing on nothing but cold, hard dirt.\n\n\n*The road!*\n\nHe scrambled to his feet and whirled around shakily holding his rapier with both hands, ready for the fight of his life. Silence. The rustling of grass was gone. The trills and noises had ceased. He took a few steps away from the grass that lined the road, unsure of what to expect.\n\nThen a cackling laugh behind him to his right. Maurice snapped his head over his shoulder to look, but saw nothing. Then another from the other side of the road to his left. He flipped around to face it, but again there was nothing. Then another and another. They were toying with him. This was an ambush.\n\n>Cmon! What are you waiting for?! shouted Maurice.\n\n\n>We were waiting for you, tasty, said a choppy, haggard voice from the grass. Stepping out onto the dirt road was a small yellow-green figure in worn leathers holding a chipped handaxe. Maurice turned and pointed his sword in its direction."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-7", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": ">Yes, weve been traveling and were a bit hungry, came another ragged voice from behind him. He turned his head to watch another creature step out from the grass, this one a bit more rotund. A single haphazard spaulder covered one shoulder while a giant club rested on the other. More figures followed suit, nearly a dozen in all.\n\n\n*Kobolds.* \n\nOne in particular seemed to be a shaman or mage and walked forward with authority. With no regard for Maurice's rapier, it walked within striking distance and grabbed a small mechanism from its belt. Upon tossing it to the ground, the mechanism unfolded and extended at right angles to eventually form a cagebig enough for a human. \n\n>Get in, it said dryly.\n\nMaurice looked to the cage, then to the figure before him, then around to all the others.\n\n>Dont bother. Save yourself a meaningless death.\n\n*Im outnumbered. I made a mistake coming here. Oswald was right; they were always just stories. Even Linus had it right. I should have stayed. Maybe the cage gives me time to figure something out. Its either that, or I die here...now...in the dirt.*\n\nMaurice hesitated, then resigned to the former. The gate of the cage swung open as he took a step toward it.\n\nA quick rustling of grass over the left shoulder of the mage. Maurice stopped and turned; so did the mage. They all looked around, but saw nothing.\n\n*Wait...theres only five now...*\n\nWOOSH. With a quick yelp, another kobold was snatched into the dark grass. A glimpse of red flashed in the shadows."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-8", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "The mage called out to the others in a strange tone, and they began to move toward the commotion. As they stepped up to the grass line that borders the road, they stopped and sniffed the air. Silence.\n\nThen a terrifying goblin cry echoed out as a figure burst from the grass. In a wild rampage, he kicked the first kobold in the chest. The creature flew back nearly ten feet before laying still. He ducked under the ax of another and swept out its leg. Finishing it off with a quick smash of his hambone, the figure rolled to the side. Maurice only stared in disbelief.\n\n\n\n*Is that Murph?!*\n\nOn bended knee, the figure swung his hambone upward with two hands, cracking the chin of a third kobold and launching it a few feet into the air before it landed on its back, knocked out cold.. \n\n*Is...is that meat?*\n\n>FIGHT, said the figure.\n\nEmboldened, Maurice lunged with his rapier toward the mage before him. He completely missed but decided to lean into the move with his shoulder and smashed the mage to the ground. Maurice turned just in time to weakly parry an incoming strike from a kobolds handaxe. \n\n>Hello, tasty! taunted the kobold as it licked its teeth. \n\nTwo more quick strikes from the kobold. Maurice could barely keep up, staggering backward. Another two in succession forced Maurice back even further. Stepping on his own cloak, he tripped and fell onto his back. \n\n>Ha. Pathetic human. The kobold raised his weapon for the final blow. K. Cross is gonna boil you up just ri\n\nSMACK! *spin* WACK!"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-9", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "SMACK! *spin* WACK! \n\nThe kobold took a 20-pound ham to the face, fell on its back, and received a follow-up final blow to the chest in only two seconds. Maurice scrambled to his feet and just stared in disbelief as the figure removed bits of kobold hair and teeth from the ham.\n \n>Thanks. Are...are you Murphy?\n\nMurphy nods.\n \n*They were all wrongat least mostly. True, he did have a dark complexion. But he was no Quantum Shadow being. His hair had a slight lavender tint to it, and his armor was of rather fine makepolished and clean. And the blood-soaked sash was anything but. A simple cloth bandana and road leathers. The strangest thing about him? He carried a hambone.* \n\nSeveral more kobolds scampered in their direction with weapons raised, offering shouts, war cries, and hisses. Murphy was brilliant. Dodging each attack and countering with a slog of meat to their face. It was a glorious ballet of poetic irony...hungry kobolds eating nothing but pain. Maurice tried to imitate some of Murphs moves but only ended up twisting around his attackers. One grabbed him from behind while another readied a crossbow bolt. Unable to remove the kobold on his back, he turned around just as the bolt was released. He heard a gargled shriek and then felt something warm seep through his cloak. The kobold slipped off and crumpled to the ground. As the remaining kobold began to reload its crossbow, Maurice grabbed his sword, closed his eyes, and charged with an awkward yell, his rapier pointing straight forward.\n\n>eeeaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHH"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-10", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": ">eeeaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHH \n\nThe kobold pulled back and fired. Maurices body felt an impact. A warm liquid engulfed his hand. He opened his eyes and looked down. The sword had impaled the kobolds chest and exited his back. The kobolds shot had missed. \n\n>I...did it. I killed *Maurice makes a quick retching motion*\n\nHaving awoken from an earlier knock to the head, the mage slowly approached from behind Maurice. With a staff in hand, it began chanting in an evil tone. Weaving the staff through the air, it began to glow as the mage pointed it toward Maurices back.\n\n>I diohhhh, Im gonna be sick.\n\nWith the spell about to release, Maurice bent at the waist and threw up all over the slain kobold while a bone-in ham flew across the battle grazing his back slightlyhis robes nudged in slow motion by the edge of the ham. It smacked into the mages face with a sudden THWOP. Maurice wipeed his mouth and sat down taking notice of the unconscious mage.\n\n*Wait...wasnt he...?*\n\nMurphy walked over and nudged the mage. No movement. They both surveyed the area. Kobolds of all shapes and sizes lay strewn about. Murph picked up his ham and sat across from Maurice. \n\n3rd theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0Jk80wDw2w&t=1593s\n\n>Th-thank you, said Maurice. I would be on my way to a Kobold cook-off if it wasnt for you. Maurice nodded and placed some dry wood fragments on the dirt between them. He methodically took a small twig and rotated it between his hands rapidly against the grain of another."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-11", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": ">Here, let me help Maurice reached into his small satchel and pulled out a flint and knife. Murphy grabbed his hambone and tensed, ready to swing. Maurice shrank in posture and lifted his hands in a surrendering motion.\n\n>Im not going to hurt you. Clearly, I couldnt even if I tried. Justlet me show you. A few sparks flew as he scraped the flint over the wood. They caught the small tuft of dry grass, and a flame began to grow. Murphy let go of his hambone and placed the flame in the pile of wood.\n\n \n\n>Here, gestured Maurice. Take it. I can always get another set. He turned the knife around, handle-first, and offered it along with the flint to Murphy. Really. Go ahead.\n\nMurphy took it and rotated it in his hands, then practiced running the knife along the stone. *Scrape* *Scrape* Sparks flew with ease. *Scrape scrape scrape scrape scrape* \n\n>Okay, yesjustyoull dull the blade rather quickly, Maurice advised. Murphy gathered the torches of each kobold to keep the fire well-lit and fight against the cold of night. \n\n>You know, youre really something. Fighting a band of kobolds with nothing but a slab of meat. A true warrior. I managed to get one, but I couldnt even hold my stomach. Perhaps Im not meant for adventures.\n\nMurph strode over to him, dropped the torches nearby, and motioned for him to stand up. Maurice got to his feet as Murphy grabbed his hambone and handed him his rapier. Seeing Maurices hunched posture, Murph beat his chest with a fist and moved his shoulders back, standing tall.\n\n>Up. Strong."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-12", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": ">Up. Strong. \n\nShocked at the first time hearing him speak, Maurice hesitated a moment and then followed suit. Murphy motioned with his hand holding his weapon.\n\n>Grip. Strong. \n\nMaurice struggled to balance the rapier in one hand. Im not very strong, you see.\n\n>Will be, Murphy replied. He slowly made a motion of an attack. Maurice countered but had turned the wrong way. Murph corrected him and went through the motion again.\n\n*Im sparring with Murph!*\n\nAn hour or two had passed with Murph teaching Maurice how to strike, block, parry, dodge, and pivot. Maurice was exhausted, but received a pat on the back from Murph for a jobmostlywell done. They both sat down by the fire. Maurice pulled out some dry bread from his pack and handed some to Murphy.\n\n>Youre not like they say, Maurice stated. Murphy continued to eat. How did you end up with goblins anyway?\n\nMurph ignored him and finished his bread.\n\n>Thank you, he said.\n\n>Stunned, Maurice offered a shaky reply. Y-yeahof course. Murph laid down with his back toward the fire, his head resting on the slab of ham.\n\n>Goodnight, Murphy. Thanks again. Maurice did the same, laying his back toward the fire and wrapping his cloak around like a blanket, his head resting on his pack. The fire continued to burn, its warmth coaxing them to sleep quickly. \n\nAs they drifted off, the crackling flames burned with a hint of purple.\n__________\n__________\n__________\n\n## Excerpt from The Margins: Midnight Message\n\nPurple smoke fills the sky. Close but distant all at once. The ground is polished obsidian, smooth as glass. A flickering glow appears across Maurices face, his features momentarily cast in bright light and dark shadow."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-13", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "**Mmmauriiiiiice.** \n\nMaurice stirred and shifted.\n\n**Mmmmmmauriiiiiiiiice.**\n\nMaurices eyes opened as he slowly sat up, taking in his surroundings.\n\n*Black floor. Purple sky. Ive...been here before.* \n\nHis gaze settled on the flame before him. The fire flickered, its purple flames too smooth, unnatural. The fire seemed to be calling his name.\n\n**Maurice.**\n\nHe stood and walked over to it, noticing his reflection on the floor was not his own. It belonged to a much older man garbed in purple robes, with sunken glowing eyes, ghostly white skin, and a blackened hand.\n\n>You. \n\n**I am what you had known me to be. But much has changed since we first met.** \n\n>You tried to hurt me! To take me and turn me into one of thosethings! shouted Maurice, realizing his mannerisms and gestures were copied by the figures reflection.\n\n**Yes, but your actions have redeemed you.** \n\nMaurices mind was flooded with fragments of a memory. *[Running down the ramparts, sword in hand. Bathed in blue light. A lone soldier facing down the Ravenous.]* \n\n**Just as they do now.**\n\nAnother memory is shoved into Maurices mind. *[Here. Take it...Really. Go ahead.]*\n\nMaurice gripped his head and fell to his knees; the reflecting figure did the same."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-14", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "Maurice gripped his head and fell to his knees; the reflecting figure did the same.\n\n**I have been watching. Keeping track. You dream often. And vividly. Of what transpired. Of how to return. Of how to save her. And yet, your heart has not wandered. It has not been consumed. It seeks only a source of purpose. You and Murphy exist along the margins of this Runiverse. Ignored, mocked, discarded. Murphy remains unafraid, somehow facing down the hatred of his own people while subjected to a lower caste within goblin society. You have endured much, as well. Torn from a different time. Losing everything and everyone you knew. Both of you press on, but neither of you know to what end. I can help with that...**\n\nThe pale figure gave a wry smile.\n\n>How? How could I even trust you? exclaimed Maurice.\n\n**Trust...the fault of our kind. I will make myself known to you, the only one who knows the before and the now. I was The Dreamer, and now Im something more. I find my strength in obfuscation; in tricks, mysteries, and fear. But I will remove that veil if it helps.**\n\nThe Dreamers reflection moved toward the fire, and Maurices body was forced to follow. The Dreamer crouched near the flame and plunged a hand into it, Maurice doing the same on this side of the floor. Fear welled up within him as his arm sank elbow deep into the flames. They were cold to the touch. Suddenly, he felt a hand grasp his wristbut it feltalien and monstrous. He looked at the Dreamers reflection.\n\n**Dont let go until we are both in the same space. Or you may be lost to time.** \n\nThe Dreamers statement was accompanied by unnerving laughter.\n\n**Now pull.**"} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-15", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "The Dreamers statement was accompanied by unnerving laughter.\n\n**Now pull.**\n\nMaurice slowly stepped back, using all his strength. The flame broiled and sputtered, growing wider while throwing off slight undulations of magic. His cloak billowed as the wind picked up. As his arm slowly pulled out of the flame, he saw a large purple claw wrapped around his forearm, its sharpened nails digging into his skin. Further and further he pulled, trying not to slip on the glassy obsidian floor. An arm, shoulder, head, wing, and finally the restall broke through the flaming circle stretched across the floor. As a slender spade tail whipped through, the circle collapsed with a thunderous CRACK. \n\nMaurice couldnt believe his eyes. Before him was a monstrous creature of purple skin, large claws, huge webbed wings, and two large horns set above glowing eyes. His form was devilish and boney, gaunt and sickly. But still it seemed to possess massive strength and radiated a dark energy. \n\n**Hello, Maurice. The lasssst remaining member of the Pantheon sought to...demote me. But fate had other plans.** *another unnerving laugh* **She sought to bestow me with a new form, and over the millenia I have been given the name The Nightmare Imp. Fitting,** *the Imp gazed at its tail as it flicked around before him* **...I quite like it.**\n\n>They...they did this to you? The Pantheon? questioned Maurice."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-16", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": ">They...they did this to you? The Pantheon? questioned Maurice.\n\n**You ssssaw my return. You witnessed the fruits of their laborrrrrrr. It is why I reach out to you now, why I seek those forced to the margins of societyyyy. Their empathy surpasses all as they have endured the harshness of this realm. And in so doing, they may yet tap into powersssss unheard of.** \n\n>What do you want with me? With Murphy? \n\n**My dear Maurice, I sssseek nothing from the two of you. I only wishhhhh to encourage your endeavors. Each of you have knocked on a heart many think is deador wish it were. And I have answered.** \n\n**When you awake, a choice to make.**\n\n**Keep it in or set it free,**\n \n**Enough tricks, enjoy your treatssss!**\n\nAnd with a flash of purple lighting and a CRACK of thunder, Maurice was expelled from his dream and awoke to the embers of a dying fire. The morning sun was just starting to crest over the horizon. Staring back at him, wide-eyed, was Murphy. \n\n>You saw him, too? Maurice asked. Murphy nodded, huddling close to his ham and holding his runic necklace. Murphy pointed to his left. Maurice looked and saw two wooden chests with a strange glow, unopened. They both stood up and approached them cautiously.\n\n\n\n*How...* he began to question but thought better of it. They each reached down and touched it to make sure it was real. The wood was solid. No tricks.\n\n>I suppose I better get back, said Maurice, in shock. Oswald will be furious if Im late. What about you?\n\n>Have to speak to shaman. Tribe will want to know.\n\nThey picked up their respective chests, finding them surprisingly light."} +{"id": "15ff01e4-cf66-4835-b40f-abfb823792ba-17", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T04:28:28.14", "backgroundColor": "#372a49", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjk8xcLgc5rGjARqc2aNvjNKinfMJDkkZ9ufrv8yAQfN", "txHash": "0x58f0ec120718166a228a0cb595750b13090801ba1ede5c3545ca69b3323dcb99", "createdAtBlock": 16023163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1204, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP3td7BBp1ZZj2N4SKZidiWyCR2E7wYAGzUw5mqDGb6hv", "name": "Murphy of Goblins", "text": "They picked up their respective chests, finding them surprisingly light. \n\n>Thanks for everything, Murph. I am in your debt. Murphy nodded once more.\n\n>Unafraid, he replied and disappeared into the grass on the northern side of the road. Maurice took a deep breath.\n\n>Unafraid, he repeated and stepped into the grass along the roads southern side, making his way back to the Tipsy Tidepool.\n\n__________\n__________\n__________"} +{"id": "06bbd7f1-eefa-4fc3-92ee-ccde769442c8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:57.972", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQPvciqBpYdccuqXLjQ4rHdDwcpTRbeavwChAGNiVWYMP", "txHash": "0x1d05bfaf3600a414313f2012922159f95c2ccbc4ef738ed344cb5751f3b65b20", "createdAtBlock": 13947288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7332, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUpYjvpjjWBTCRf9uXueJxRD9qjsZ5iS6vyzNKj3twwq2", "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Cromwell of the Tower\n\n \n\nPrologue\n\nIt must have been at least eighteen moons since he had last seen a decent tavern. In these mountains, winter can be extremely difficult, even for a seasoned traveler such as Cromwell. It was one of the few things that still excited men of his age, a warm tavern. The older you get, the more you desire just the primal things, such as warmth and food.\n\nDuring the winter season, the Purple Clover was almost always full. On the ground floor, there was a large dining area with wooden chairs and tables, a large bar, a kitchen and a bathroom. An upper floor contained a few basic rooms and a private area for the owners. Most of the people in these parts were cattle farmers, more specifically, Hillar sheep farmers. They were renowned for their strong wool that was extremely durable, flexible, flame resistant, water resistant, and even magic resistant. Our traveler came here for precisely that reason.\n\nCromwell's stomach grumbled at the thought of bread and ale. A pair of drunk men slammed the door of the tavern before he could open it. Trying to avoid falling, they clung to each other, but miserably failed and fell down on the frozen ground before them. Taking a graceful step over the two groaning men, Cromwell felt the warm air touch his face as he stepped over them. He ensured that the door was tightly shut and searched for a place to sit down and eat."} +{"id": "06bbd7f1-eefa-4fc3-92ee-ccde769442c8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:57.972", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQPvciqBpYdccuqXLjQ4rHdDwcpTRbeavwChAGNiVWYMP", "txHash": "0x1d05bfaf3600a414313f2012922159f95c2ccbc4ef738ed344cb5751f3b65b20", "createdAtBlock": 13947288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7332, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUpYjvpjjWBTCRf9uXueJxRD9qjsZ5iS6vyzNKj3twwq2", "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Tower", "text": "Cromwell was not well known for his social skills, but he was fond of visiting taverns and listening to the people around him. He particularly enjoyed their disregard for him. However, it was not just about drinking and eating that he visited the Purple Clover, there was also business to be conducted. As usual, Cromwell arrived early to be able to assess the surroundings and prepare accordingly. He had just finished a visit to a farmer with whom he had business dealings. He had purchased seven batches of wool. The wool was first clipped, cut and washed. It was then dried, painted and coated. This was the finest wool in the Runiverse.\n\nThe evening progressed in a gradual manner. A pig was being slowly cooked on a spit while wood was thrown into the fireplace. Cromwell was to meet with an important tailor. One would not think Cromwell was a person who had any interest in fashion or tailor-made suits. His clothes were covered in mud due to his travels and his waistcoat had dark green mold stains from the forest. Moreover, there were holes in his jacket as if something had burned through it. As a result, Cromwell did not appear to be a man who cared about his appearance. However, looks can be misleading.\n\nThe Purple Clover's door opens and a small figure enters. The door closes quickly, and the figure disappears in the tavern's lively crowd. A second later, the figure arrives at Cromwell's table. Without looking up, the supercilious figure takes a seat. As he sits up straight, Cromwell sweeps the table clean with his arm. The tailor is holding a sturdy leather folder under his arms from which he pulls out a drawing book. He puts on his monocle and coughs twice. He then proceeds to open the drawing book. As Cromwell examines the drawings, he takes out a sample of knitted wool and places it next to the book. He nods in approval. It might just work."} +{"id": "06bbd7f1-eefa-4fc3-92ee-ccde769442c8-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:57.972", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQPvciqBpYdccuqXLjQ4rHdDwcpTRbeavwChAGNiVWYMP", "txHash": "0x1d05bfaf3600a414313f2012922159f95c2ccbc4ef738ed344cb5751f3b65b20", "createdAtBlock": 13947288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7332, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUpYjvpjjWBTCRf9uXueJxRD9qjsZ5iS6vyzNKj3twwq2", "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Tower", "text": "If only he can convince The Merchant."} +{"id": "57b2068f-3fa1-4b6a-9bfa-7c0f13ac7090-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T07:51:52.385", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaxy28cWdbz3he5usgNboNH2wMtuhkNDSyZhuhoynTrku", "txHash": "0x2ac363dfe9c8ac442fddf677822694b9e50d7df6abe41e5518c14b950fb81fe1", "createdAtBlock": 16024177, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 164, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Xerxes the Fortuitous", "text": "Xerxes often roams the land between Kelpie's Bay and Chronomancer's Riviera. He's a wild pony who has never been mounted, yet very friendly if approached slowly. His diet mainly consists of grass, but he very much enjoys fruit. Sometimes Xerxes will approach travelers if he feels they are gentle."} +{"id": "aef6ccab-9b4d-4af5-9e8c-45755e4c7b44-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-22T23:06:52.834", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRMzPmC1L2NYp328gvU3hrheXrhL3fdu3d7B2TdypwyfN", "txHash": "0xcb1b5dc1d8725a08895f8b9dd14ef9477ff07aff2772ceaad31a57477ca05c45", "createdAtBlock": 16028713, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXpb65oH5xzZRTLW22xGftjNL6BySk6YY69mx4ezG1a4u", "name": "Cleric Durm of Limbo", "text": "# Cleric Durm of Limbo: Master of Purgatory \n\n*A Tale of a Mysterious Forgotten Wizard*\n\n\n\n\n\n## When you think of the title cleric, who do you imagine? \n\n\n\nA spiritual healer?\nA religious righteous priest of some sort? \n*Someone to provide a holy blessing maybe...* \nThis story is of a cleric that is non of the above... in fact he might even be considered the polar opposite."} +{"id": "05b3e034-a707-466c-a877-ca24f66eca82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:24.831", "backgroundColor": "#136259", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZRRAJSTyzPt6iju3YwJBUPX3FsgofTXgh7R6UGLAaqPY", "txHash": "0xa92055fda0c96ff113877e9a59b9ed0d5ac685f23b5e4d56ac46d648a95d29c4", "createdAtBlock": 16041930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8995, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmatvqRFX6nkhUaa1sdhegPW7HSQx4xiUe2zzASBGjtank", "name": "Shaman Thana of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Thana of the Riviera\n\n \n\n## BIO\n\nAGE: 16 \n\nAFFILIATION: Member of the Canis Coven\n\nROLE: Healer\n\nASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Twin Leaf\n\nCOMPANION: Koyotl the field dog\n\nPERSONALITY: Gentle, innocent, people-pleaser\n\nSTRENGTHS: Very kind and trusting, and always sees the best in others despite being bullied as a child\n\nFLAWS: She is a bit of a pushover, has trouble reading the room and her naivety means she is easily deceived. Some find her relentless positivity irritating!\n\nFUN FACT: She is extremely technophobic and will cast healing spells on gadgets, rendering them unusable!\n\nBACKGROUND: \nShaman Thana was raised near the Chronomancers Riviera in a small water tribe that shunned technology and modern civilization. She never quite fit in among her own people as she lacked the ability to use magic to commune with the water spirits they worshiped. However, after abandoning her people she discovered she did indeed have latent abilities and her greatest joy is discovering new spells to help others. Having lacked companions growing up, she now bonds closely with whomever she considers a friend- whether they agree or not! Thankfully her kindness usually wins over even the most stubborn of hearts. \n\n\n\n## PROLOGUE\n\nThana grew up near the Chronomancers Riviera amongst a tribe of reclusive fisherfolk who shared an ancient, magical ability to speak to fish and coax them from the water. From a young age, however, Thana was found to lack this ability."} +{"id": "05b3e034-a707-466c-a877-ca24f66eca82-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:24.831", "backgroundColor": "#136259", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZRRAJSTyzPt6iju3YwJBUPX3FsgofTXgh7R6UGLAaqPY", "txHash": "0xa92055fda0c96ff113877e9a59b9ed0d5ac685f23b5e4d56ac46d648a95d29c4", "createdAtBlock": 16041930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8995, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmatvqRFX6nkhUaa1sdhegPW7HSQx4xiUe2zzASBGjtank", "name": "Shaman Thana of the Riviera", "text": "It was customary for children to keep pet fish in little glass jars to practice their skills on, but Thana was unable to hear even a whisper from her own fish. As the other children became more and more adept, Thana languished. She was an embarrassment to her family who believed she lacked the willpower to succeed.\n\nAs she grew older, her failings only became more pronounced as she struggled to contribute to her tribes fishing practices and participate in their elaborate religious rituals involving communication with the river fish spirits. Over time she became an outcast, and it was questioned whether she truly belonged in the tribe at all.\n\nFinally, at the age of 16, she mustered up the courage to do what she so had often dreamt of doing: she left. Penniless and knowing little of the outside world, Thana wondered how she would make it in the great beyond. All she knew was that she could not last another day shunned by her own people. She carried nothing but a small pouch of food and a walking stick.\n\nAfter a days walk she wandered into the Chronomancers Riviera and was quickly overwhelmed by the bustling chaos of the city and its technologies. Feeling provincial and out of place amongst the colorful citizens, she hugged the shadows and tried to become invisible. Night soon fell and Thana realized she needed a safe place to sleep. The city became even more alive as music and lights flooded out from all the trendy nightclubs and venues that lined the streets. Thana longed to ask for help, but was too terrified to approach anyone. Besides, the partygoers seemed far too preoccupied with their festivities to notice a girl like her."} +{"id": "05b3e034-a707-466c-a877-ca24f66eca82-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:24.831", "backgroundColor": "#136259", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZRRAJSTyzPt6iju3YwJBUPX3FsgofTXgh7R6UGLAaqPY", "txHash": "0xa92055fda0c96ff113877e9a59b9ed0d5ac685f23b5e4d56ac46d648a95d29c4", "createdAtBlock": 16041930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8995, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmatvqRFX6nkhUaa1sdhegPW7HSQx4xiUe2zzASBGjtank", "name": "Shaman Thana of the Riviera", "text": "Thana slipped into the darkened alleyways, looking for an alcove to take refuge in. Here the alleyway denizens eyed her suspiciously or leered at her as she hurried along. Fear rose in Thanas chest. Had she made a horrible mistake coming here? Should she go back home and beg for acceptance? A loud yelp of pain interrupted her thoughts. Following the sound, she encountered a street dog being kicked by some kids her own age who had clearly been drinking. To her amazement, she could hear the dogs voice, clear as day, as it barked at its attackers. Leave me alone, you filthy brats! Ow! Help!\n\nForgetting her timidness in the moment, Thana found the courage to confront the teens and chase them off with her wooden staff. As she knelt beside the injured dog he told her his name: Koyotl, and expressed his gratitude for her help. I owe you my life. The code of the desert says Im to be your companion and guard your life as you guarded mine. He winced with pain. At least as soon as I am able to. Thana could not fathom how she was able to communicate with the creature after being unable to use magic previously, but she was profoundly grateful.\n\nShe laid a hand upon Koyotls flank and a soft green light emerged from her touch, startling her. To her amazement, her latent magical abilities blossomed before her eyes as she healed the dog, mending his broken ribs with a mere touch. \n\nYou have a gift, Koyotl told her. You should claim your rune and unlock your potential at the Secret Tower.\n\nThe Secret Tower? Thana had never heard of such a thing, and it sounded vaguely ominous. And yet, at Koyotls words she felt a magnetic pull inside her chest that told that her this was where she needed to go."} +{"id": "05b3e034-a707-466c-a877-ca24f66eca82-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:24.831", "backgroundColor": "#136259", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZRRAJSTyzPt6iju3YwJBUPX3FsgofTXgh7R6UGLAaqPY", "txHash": "0xa92055fda0c96ff113877e9a59b9ed0d5ac685f23b5e4d56ac46d648a95d29c4", "createdAtBlock": 16041930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8995, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmatvqRFX6nkhUaa1sdhegPW7HSQx4xiUe2zzASBGjtank", "name": "Shaman Thana of the Riviera", "text": "How do you know so much, Koyotl? Where are you from? she asked.\nIm an outcast just like you, he replied simply. Now let us rest. We have a long journey ahead.\n\n***\n\n*As inscribed by @taniadelrio | caniscoven.eth*"} +{"id": "e106a526-5d0b-481d-970b-18b02dc27b84-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-27T03:38:16.421", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYjJVYj1PYG1AAMDNwigma31Gn6iQQbb3JjkMngM2J68E", "txHash": "0x7a0ad745283b96a4b60d2fd4ee88079b756da296ec0d1d2223dcb360be5d8a76", "createdAtBlock": 16058681, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1800, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXgCe6kPh44HEb4oav31VzQZDqf1jsmuxXDNXbstWicR1", "name": "Pyromancer Alessar of the Morning Star", "text": "# Pyromancer Alessar of the Morning Star\n\n\n\nI stand upon the edge of a tower, acrid smoke in my eyes and lungs. Ashes rise and dance like wicked, playful snowflakes. A single tear cascades down my right cheek. Is it from the smoke or the glorious sight of Red Wizard Capital engulfed in flames lit from my own torch? I wipe the tear and dark ash streaks my face like sinister war paint. Generations of corrupt power and unfathomable wealth all ablaze below. The capitals denizens seem to burn and writhe like panicked insects. I sigh. Alas, the joyous scene is but a wish. One that I vow to make a reality. They will share my pain. Their transgressions will be cleansed by fires scorning embrace."} +{"id": "98620334-c07b-449b-893f-f92d4f56ad04-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-28T05:10:04.99", "backgroundColor": "#1e0b09", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmagnppzYCJiVyF1zttxbs4wiWZQksSpCAv4NgEL8VMnvg", "txHash": "0x8305f0a3cadb7d3075fa3936930c2f201d6b885881d4f3e2b565aa50a5260dcc", "createdAtBlock": 16066300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 207, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc4Nu8u137MTuYvtCVMeix7CcWu2rN1FJfPiAeupoMeux", "name": "Diabolos the Exemplary", "text": "# Diabolos the Exemplary\nNever was there a pony who enjoyed life more than Diabolos. Always seen with a smoking pipe of wacky tabaccy and known to swig mushroom spiced rum, this pony was a hedonist with a deal with it attitude and sunglasses to match. He is a known associate of the high-strung @wizard7188 who he accompanies on certain investigations into the nature of the Quantum Shadow.\n\n## Racing Career - The First Ride\nDiabolos trotted onto the FRWC pony racing scene with a consistent performance that lead him to place 8th in \"The First Ride\" the inaugural race of the BlackSands organization. \n\nHis performance card for The First Ride:\n\n\nAs a result of the race, Diabolos landed a Merchant's Gift Sponsorship, and is now shilling and swilling for **Riviera Gold Rum**, a specialty operation run out of the Chronomancer's Riviera. Founded by a chronomancer, Riviera Gold Rum is aged in time crystal casks that imbue the spirit with unique (and unpredictable) properties.\n\n\n\nHis performance in the next race is anyone's guess... though he'll definitely be *exemplary*!"} +{"id": "b0dc8236-1e09-4740-a471-5ee8c6638d55-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-29T02:50:30.065", "backgroundColor": "#898989", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWuFfYduyFprpjhKcnc6rJL5vpqLtqwD1YAZVVAnNMB28", "txHash": "0x21a8b6c919ed423a083c731243e7d580c8f030f6b17cce43da2ea14f296b182d", "createdAtBlock": 16072775, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 445, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fido the Sturdy", "text": "## Fido the Sturdy\n### Generation - 00\nBorn of dust\n\nTinder things you found in me a fairy thought,\n\nsturdy purdy bandana bib,\n\nI stride past your last breath, I did.\n\nWatched your aether flow up high, time forgotten souls subside.\n\nRune of Saturn, Ride me so\n\nOver yonder, from the frog's pond of song,\n\nBattle~hardened for a restful state\n\nFido is your trustful mate\n\nOv' all ye ponies Fido is the trustful one,\n\nthe hoof most trusted, the fondest of the strong,\n\nSturdy Fido, marches on."} +{"id": "4e243365-0bfd-47fc-91f7-12d77ee189b4-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-29T03:16:51.191", "backgroundColor": "#f47e7e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPHj63RAXqBu59iNMCjypfkjAgXMSykw7PSfwyCvVv1AG", "txHash": "0x80cf7285277874dedac220ab7b0bff50bdd7511eae568490e4cb958cd1abb620", "createdAtBlock": 16072905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 50, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR8xAtHSqsvN4JcYBUR85tFqNL46ZT26TNCZfCyGFmSvr", "name": "Beetle the Stupendous", "text": "# Beetle the Stupendous #50\n\n## Big-big beeeeeeeeetle in da house!\n### That stupendous fella, with my g-vest on in tha wizard club, fo - fo - forever!\n\n\n### Ridden to Elysian fields, did me,\n### Found a faithful owner in tha fox you see?\n\n### Rune of Fire, Rump of desire! I gots tha bills and kids to make youz a quick dollar...or a Fifty-cent! Number 50! Dat's right ponies, neigh on back. Park it like they told you on that Forgotten Runes Twitter Episode!!!\n\n### Grab an apple from the fence, freedom of speech in the East? What about the West - to the window? To wall?\n\n### Get rich or die reaching! Apples in the yard, tha milkshakes gone bad and my Beetle is kinda hard. \n\n### Ride it? Ride it! Get on it, ma pony...\n### Carrots, pipes and wizards hats look cool, ever seen a red bridle riding on by, gurrrrrrrl?\n### 50 in da house, carrots in ya mouth!\n### Stu-Stu-Stu-pendous one! \n### Get a wizard, or die try'n, this pony is doin' fine.\n## And I wear a red bridle!\n[drops mic]"} +{"id": "9f8bdd16-e5ce-45cc-9905-c4db00cae51c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:39.49", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehpFBgZWKeb5JTzxUWayUfdLzzk3NxsRo8aDA2ijvZC4", "txHash": "0x863e18ddc498621cae1ab7165b399aa8fe4d1fd13adafb730bdfdc5eae5113ca", "createdAtBlock": 13957768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "# The Lore of Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea\n\n**Chapter One**\n\nThe Sea belonged to Caligari.\n\nAboard the Vengeful Spirit he had raided from the shores of the Sand to the Northern Archipelagos. The ship was unmistakable; two masts stood proudly from the nightmarish dark red of the hull. It was the only ship on the ocean made from darkened bloodwood, a tree thought to be cursed taken from the deepest heart of the Thorn.\n\nLast night's raid had gone as well as expected against those Wizards. The ship near invisible at night closed in on the Red Keep, its docks moored full of small trading vessels, the water still and quiet. Caligari stood at the bow of the ship surveying his target, the crew behind him stowing the oars and preparing their weapons. The crew were as good as any he had had, they could sail the roughest of seas without any aid from him, but Caligari was a hydromancer and it was this skill which made the Vengeful Spirit so deadly.\n\nRaiding was a risky business, most of the crew were needed to maintain control of the ship or repel enemies during a raid, but with a hydromancer they could focus on the real job. The spoils.\n\nCaligari turned to check on his crew, his black cape and tunic damp with the ocean spray. They were a sight to behold, dozens of eyes staring back with the faintest reflection of their polished rapiers. The Creole were a sea faring race, their lithe bodies hardened by the constant fight against the sea. As a fighting force they were unparalleled in close quarter combat, on the ocean the deck is your country, and they would not give an inch of it willingly."} +{"id": "9f8bdd16-e5ce-45cc-9905-c4db00cae51c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:39.49", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehpFBgZWKeb5JTzxUWayUfdLzzk3NxsRo8aDA2ijvZC4", "txHash": "0x863e18ddc498621cae1ab7165b399aa8fe4d1fd13adafb730bdfdc5eae5113ca", "createdAtBlock": 13957768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "Caligari smiled and raised his hands, a mist slowly rising from the unnaturally still sea. The bay of the Red Keep soon shrouded in the thick stifling fog. Lowering his arms and forming a spell the ship began to move forward on the crest of the wave. It was time to begin.\n\nAnyone who could see through the impenetrable fog would have seen a ship moving in a way that defied logic, smoothly gliding across the glasslike surface. The ship did not turn but pirouetted and began moving in reverse before coming to a complete stop with a gentle bump against the solid wooden docks.\n\nThe loss of the Runes had seen more people lose their belief in magic, many thinking these so-called wizards were merely con-artists and tricksters, but one could not attribute anything but magic to the way Caligari controlled the water beneath his ship.\n\nThe bump against the docks would have usually been a warning sound to the guards that something was amiss, but the sound was smothered by the moisture in the air. The crew lept over the side of the boat and the sound of their bare feet rhythmically running matched the beating of Caligaris heart.\n\nFollowing his crew they dodge barrels, rope and tangled fishing nets stored haphazardly along the water's edge, the faint glow of fire from the windows gave them the light they needed, the doors shut tight against the miserable weather. The merchant ships were at the far end of the docks and the ship they were looking for, The Estorbaran, would be heavily guarded.\n\nIt was rumoured the ship had brought back tomes from the Sacred Pillars. They had found a library amongst the mountains occupied by an ancient order, their knowledge and lore isolated from the cataclysm and the Forgetting of the Runes. Caligari could not let the Red Wizards have access to that knowledge, that power."} +{"id": "9f8bdd16-e5ce-45cc-9905-c4db00cae51c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:39.49", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehpFBgZWKeb5JTzxUWayUfdLzzk3NxsRo8aDA2ijvZC4", "txHash": "0x863e18ddc498621cae1ab7165b399aa8fe4d1fd13adafb730bdfdc5eae5113ca", "createdAtBlock": 13957768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "Lanterns shone on a single moored ship, Caligari smiled at the open invitation. Bending low he signalled for his crew to follow, soft footsteps and the element of surprise. As the got within earshot of the Estorbaran, footsteps although muffled were audible, the clanking of metal boots on wet wood.\n\nTen guards on patrol by the sounds, more than expected. Caligari nodded and four of his closest crew moved off to the side, the rest waiting patiently in the shadows, ready to move in. Suddenly, shouts broke out, the splinter crew had been discovered. The sound of steel-on-steel cutting through the fog, lights began firing up all through the docks. They had been discovered.\n\nThe bulk of Caligaris crew watch from their hidden position amongst the barrels, cargo and tackle lining the dock. The new lights from the ship casting an amber sphere silhouetting those within its influence dark wraiths amongst the eerie light. Most of the sailors were starting in the direction of the sword fight, towards the unmistakable screaming of men dying.\n\nA booming voice came from the ship Go help them you insufferable dogs! the shadows turned to the voice and immediately began to charge towards the fight. Caligari and his men rushed forward, cutting the lines which tethered the ship to the dock before leaping onto the deck.\n\nSecure the ship Caligari shouted, his crew now like ants looking for any potential threat on board. Caligari began to summon the water, first a small wave to move the ship away from the dock into the open water. Next he began to create a whirlpool spinning the ship on its axis before raising a crest to send the boat out into the open water."} +{"id": "9f8bdd16-e5ce-45cc-9905-c4db00cae51c-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:39.49", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehpFBgZWKeb5JTzxUWayUfdLzzk3NxsRo8aDA2ijvZC4", "txHash": "0x863e18ddc498621cae1ab7165b399aa8fe4d1fd13adafb730bdfdc5eae5113ca", "createdAtBlock": 13957768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "He was never able to complete the spell as a crossbow bolt slammed into his should sending him tumbling across the deck. In his concentration he hadnt heard the warning shouts of his crew as the captain had exploded from his cabin. The rocking of the boat had likely saved his life, the captain unused to the unnatural rolling of the deck. The pain exploded through Caligari, looking at his chest he could see the cruel iron bolt protruding from the front of his chest, his dark robes staining with the claret of his blood.\n\nPropping himself up against the mast he saw the giant of a captain, his tube ears sticking out of his large green head. The Kobold captain stood at least a foot above the creoles around him, shirt unbuttoned showing a muscled green chest and arms as thick as a blacksmith. Tossing the crossbow to the ground he drew a thick sabre from its scabbard and pointed it at the eight men circling him.\n\nThe Kobold Captain pointed his blade at Caligari.\n\nHis guttural voice boomed across the deck I thought it was a shame I missed your heart pirate, but now you get to watch your crew die before I cut it from your chest.\n\nAt that threat Caligaris men engaged, Gaines was Caligaris second and dashed at Kobold with slash towards his back, his enemy spun and almost disarmed him with a parrying blow.\n\nAugustin threw himself forward to block a swipe aimed at Gaines head, the power of the captain snapping his rapier clean through, the sabre finding its path slowed eventually by Augustins neck, blood spraying in a wide arc.\n\nGaines scrambled backwards as the body of his friend fell at his feet, lifeless, blood flowing freely across the deck. The Kobold Captain smiled as the remaining 6 members of the crew gave him a wide berth."} +{"id": "9f8bdd16-e5ce-45cc-9905-c4db00cae51c-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:39.49", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehpFBgZWKeb5JTzxUWayUfdLzzk3NxsRo8aDA2ijvZC4", "txHash": "0x863e18ddc498621cae1ab7165b399aa8fe4d1fd13adafb730bdfdc5eae5113ca", "createdAtBlock": 13957768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "I am UurGlok, you will take my name on your mind as you travel to wherever you call hell, you will scream my name into eternity\n\nHe roared, louder and more fearsome than the deepest battle drum. As he finished he moved faster than a creature of his size should, lurching left and right, blows strong enough to push the Creole sailors to the edge of the deck, no more space to retreat.\n\nCaligari tried to stand, tried to focus on the power of the runes but the pain was immense, it had broken bones, probably shattered some too. His left arm hung limp at his side but he could not watch his crew die. Would not.\n\nSlowly he stood, sliding up the mast and using it for balance. UurGlok struck down another of his crew, guts spilling onto the deck. Another one of the crew slipped on the gore and was run through by the Kobold in between parrying successive attacks from the Creoles.\n\nThe beast was bleeding from a number of wounds but they wouldnt stop him from destroying the rest of the crew, Kobolds didnt die easily and this one would meet death and laugh at him. Two more sailors died in quick succession, the remaining four were panting heavily, some bleeding all worried.\n\nSTOP Caligari managed a weak shout, the crew halted immediately, the Kobold turned and smiled.\n\nLook at the little man, tired of watching your men die, is it their turn to watch you die, yes UurGlok thinks so.\n\nThe Kobold walked towards Caligari, blade held low like a headsman walking to the chopping block. Calgari, ignoring the pain, focused and mumbled a spell, he could feel the magic around him, he was grasping at it, like trying to grab handfuls of the ocean, running through his fingers like water."} +{"id": "9f8bdd16-e5ce-45cc-9905-c4db00cae51c-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:39.49", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehpFBgZWKeb5JTzxUWayUfdLzzk3NxsRo8aDA2ijvZC4", "txHash": "0x863e18ddc498621cae1ab7165b399aa8fe4d1fd13adafb730bdfdc5eae5113ca", "createdAtBlock": 13957768, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "UurGlok continued his languid pace, savouring the moment of his victory. Caligari did not raise his eyes, he knew he was now in striking distance, the runes were his crews only chance. The Kobold raised his sabre high and gripped it with both hands, he would sever Caligaris head and mount it in his cabin.\n\nThe Kobold didnt begin to swing the sword, his insides froze, he clutched at his chest his large heart beating but moving nothing.\n\nCaligari looked up and grimaced the pain visible on his face. Not today. Closing his fist finished his spell, all the blood in the Kobolds body was pulled through his pores, a red mist dissipating into the grey fog of the bay.\n\nCaligari collapsed."} +{"id": "8148ebd9-c6e3-4e2a-8111-ec701db08b3a-0", "createdAt": "2022-11-29T13:50:06.251", "backgroundColor": "#4f719d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGRKvgYUrMrauNcqDzNhyMhybLU4tvnTiRJGuB3NHMcU", "txHash": "0xe161b5eec5215c3e44ba746c88cc02a594ce3795f48f82b990c3c5d41fa3cbd0", "createdAtBlock": 16076054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 53, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Giant the Sturdy", "text": "# Standing on Giants \n## Giant the Sturdy #53\n### Visions, visions, \nWhat does thou see my dearest of the Runiverse lands before us?\nDeserts, crashing waves, forests and those mad mad ones, in the towers.\nWhose hooves amongst us ride out in valour or vanity?\nGripping spears or sword or bridle...\n\nThunderbolts, hooves of lightning, steady on. \n\nThe mind flashes.\n\nMud splatters.\n\nGiants roam these lands?\n\nNostrils flair.\n\nSilvery hairs.\n\nThe horses of the fields.\n\nFar North on travels high, shall we take the knee and marvel at the gracious ones.\n\nRunning freely in the winds.\n\nFar from the spells of wizards and covens.\n\nThese wild hearts beat, like the drums of war.\n\nWill you find your marvellous tale tied to victory?\n\nYour giant story awaits..."} +{"id": "83cc04c2-3c89-48eb-8fc9-3ca10d34448a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:10.909", "backgroundColor": "#082714", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcU3z5MDno47nbKExVMrCW7NVRjKM6nypSSSyjNuNWnhf", "txHash": "0xa1c012253ea2b3d93da925ea715983d18eefbec9e53416d78f3de257533cc9a2", "createdAtBlock": 16101692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1364, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbnedviR5ojKEuVHqExdue7VhDDXMLGX1CWF2Bfzy1Vyp", "name": "Alchemist Baird of the Wood", "text": "# Not all familiars are friends. Some are just food.\n\n\nArtist: Jafar Husein"} +{"id": "cf4de95e-2d9e-4b6a-80c8-dbd68b08ee82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:54.982", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPkQw6Ggp4JqdJA2oHCLDne5ztg9dZM4ZUCoUXtdgDh3", "txHash": "0xac35d3df4b4f3ec0b419b340406410b4a9d9129140b52fd02232989cfc15de2e", "createdAtBlock": 13959648, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8839, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Milo of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Milo of the Steppe\n\nBorn the oldest of two boys he was mostly responable for the two boy's obcession over firecrackers and cheap hob golin spells. As a youth he devoted his life to learning the dark majic arts.\n\n \n\nSadly his once close brother became estranged to Sorcerer Milo. His freinds and family worried if Milo was going too hard to fast.... Sadly they begain palying Milo no mind. And he began to work in heavy isolation. Strnge noises and languages unknown began to creep out of Milo's home at odd hours of the night...\n\nWhen Socrcerer Milo was ready to show his power the townsfolks and land of the steppe would never be the same again."} +{"id": "de2125cb-1386-4565-bfdb-fae20045bf48-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-04T20:54:15.476", "backgroundColor": "#280f3b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDDFpsTh9j5bG5DsnwF7DwB7i7Bs3BEwgwTg8LMh84Q5", "txHash": "0xd177b8058cb29b4a16bae30e3ee1ec20cf605cc1d7877ab7346fcf323a370207", "createdAtBlock": 16113955, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2759, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Uday of the Dunes", "text": "... Uday walked across the sandy expanse, his long robe billowing in the wind. He had been waiting for this moment for many years, and he was filled with anticipation and excitement. The purple flash was a sign that the time had come, and Uday was ready to embark on the greatest adventure of his life.\n\nHe had spent years studying the ancient texts and mastering the art of alchemy. He had learned to transmute base metals into gold, and to create potions and elixirs that could heal the sick and cure the wounded. But now, Uday was ready to take his skills to the next level.\n\nAs he approached the purple flash, Uday could feel the energy coursing through his veins. He knew that he was about to embark on a journey that would change his life forever. He drew his staff and began to chant the ancient incantations, summoning the forces of the universe to his aid.\n\nAnd then, in an instant, everything changed. The world around Uday disappeared, and he was transported to a realm beyond time and space. He could feel the power of the universe coursing through his body, and he knew that he was on the brink of greatness.\n\nAlchemist Uday of the Dunes had arrived, and his destiny was about to unfold..."} +{"id": "5e80f3a5-cd2f-49e4-ab3d-240dad99a38e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:56.843", "backgroundColor": "#010000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQckKSvML7X8XYMRex3ANZY3oW74uczvT8rxzwXM3xvBo", "txHash": "0x0d6ee1db1b0b35c7c207b04f108090ed3ebf9a6a350d776b8693266a20acbab5", "createdAtBlock": 13960262, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6469, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRbigohCW6rsr5zCXSyAbYhiALLrNvdczpDs2H1PP43WV", "name": "Pyromancer Koop ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Koop\n\nTHE KINDLING OF THE FLAME\n\nThe darkness of the wooded dell was split by a sudden torrent of light arching skyward endlessly and aflame. From within the blazing column emerged a figure darkly cloaked, yet seeming to draw the flames around himself as he stepped into the scorched field. The figure stood for a moment as the burning pillar slowly dissipated and darkness gathered once more among the trees of the valley.\nBending down the dark figure placed his hand into the dirt and waited. Slowly Koop could feel the truth of this earth, a deep certainty settled on his mind. It was here that he had been called.\n\nThere was no clarity about when he had first felt the calling, perhaps it had always been with him, growing yet stronger as time passed until it was inescapable and determinant of his fate.\nAnd so he had embarked on his long search following the path of secret fire through the outer realms and across unknown voids of time and space coming ever nearer to his purpose.\nRising now Koop could feel the pull of his purpose tighten and twist within himself as a smoldering thread that led him out of the forested valley and towards a series of sharp rocky outcroppings that sheared further upwards into a precipitous dark mass.\n\nA dim grey dawn began to rise as Koop made his way upward through the mountain passes. Revealed against the slowly brightening sky a dark stone structure towered before Koop, shadowed and held apart from the light of day that was filling the sky. Koop pressed on until he found himself within the reaching shadow of the great tower, the darkness that clung to the stone surface seemed to proffer a warning. Yet set against this dark soundless warning there was his radiant purpose within, burning now in its nearness."} +{"id": "5e80f3a5-cd2f-49e4-ab3d-240dad99a38e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:56.843", "backgroundColor": "#010000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQckKSvML7X8XYMRex3ANZY3oW74uczvT8rxzwXM3xvBo", "txHash": "0x0d6ee1db1b0b35c7c207b04f108090ed3ebf9a6a350d776b8693266a20acbab5", "createdAtBlock": 13960262, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6469, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRbigohCW6rsr5zCXSyAbYhiALLrNvdczpDs2H1PP43WV", "name": "Pyromancer Koop ", "text": "By the light of his torch Koop moved slowly yet unfaltering through the dark stillness of the passageways that stretched out before him, each step predestined and given over to the culmination of his long searching that brought him now to the silent heart of the tower. Under archways of solemn stone, Koop passed into a small chamber within which a sharply faceted gem lay unlit and expectant. As Koop stood before the gem his very essence was taken alight and he brought forth from deep within himself a blaze of sacred fire that leapt toward the dark gemstone and engulfed it.\n\nA flame danced above the gemstone and red light glanced off the stone walls of the chamber as the stone hovered slightly above the ground, circling slowly in place. As he stared at the flame Koop felt the heavy resolve of his purpose fade and the radiance that he had held within and for some end beyond knowing had now passed from him. A luminous tether had dimmed and was unfurling slowly ever darkening away from the bounds of the living."} +{"id": "709d2bc3-ee7d-4688-924c-b2561ddf11d9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:54.972", "backgroundColor": "#0f213b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8DjJt6SMgxZ7o8mb5ArYPXtGbsRpsB7cjwjgNk88k4j", "txHash": "0x317f5f89987525142bc819f69f164c4243949bfa7ed158c6346090a77169743f", "createdAtBlock": 14108016, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8474, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Allistair of the Hall", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n# ++Childhood ++\n\n\nAllistair was born to noble parents who discovered the young child was quite peculiar at an early age when they caught him conversing with an albino rat. He begged his parents to keep the rat as a pet, which they eventually relented on, even though they were concerned what those in the other aristocratic families would think. He named his rat companion Whitefur and the two have been inseparable ever since. His parents even claimed, to those they dare trust, that they even heard the rat talk back on more than one occasion. \n\nAs Allistair reached early adolescence, it became clearer that he was imbued with a gift of magic ability. Due to being different, he spent much of his time alone with his companion, reading as many books as he could find on the histories of the world. As he approached his fourteenth birthday his parents made the difficult decision to send the boy away to a place he could fit in and chase his dreams. So they gifted an endowment to the Blue Hats of the Blue Wizard Bastion, securing their son a place amongst the premier intellectuals of the known world. The boy did not take much convincing upon hearing they house the largest library in existence, and that he would have the potential to become a great scholar. Thus they sent their son on his way, accompanied by Whitefur, and a chest of the finest blue aristocratic robes.\n\n\n# ++Becoming a Scholar++\n\n\nAllistairs first two years living and learning amongst the Blue Hats was difficult. Many of the other students in training believed his place was purchased instead of earned through magical ability. While it was true that he was an average at best magician, with no magical rune to help concentrate his magic, and thus he could never become an actual member of the Blue Hats. Allistair never the less was determined to become a renowned scholar and historian."} +{"id": "709d2bc3-ee7d-4688-924c-b2561ddf11d9-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:54.972", "backgroundColor": "#0f213b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8DjJt6SMgxZ7o8mb5ArYPXtGbsRpsB7cjwjgNk88k4j", "txHash": "0x317f5f89987525142bc819f69f164c4243949bfa7ed158c6346090a77169743f", "createdAtBlock": 14108016, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8474, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Allistair of the Hall", "text": "He put his head down and focused strictly on his studies the following years. Soaking in as much knowledge about the people and places of the world. As he approached his eighteenth birthday, he knew spending his days in the Bastions Library was not enough for him. He would never truly belong as a member of the Blue Hats. He wanted more. He wanted to travel the world recording a living history. To visit all the magical places. To live amongst the various people and cultures. To study the various religions. So he thanked his professors and other scholars and he and Whitefur departed.\n\n\n# ++Finding the Lunar Staff++\n\n\nNot long after departing the Bastion, Allistair was traveling through The Fey, magical woods, containing many mysteries. Upon awakening from a nap against a very old towering tree, he was inexplicably drawn eastward. He couldnt explain what was drawing him, and despite Whitefurs warning about some magical energy, he allowed himself to be lured closer. It is when he saw it, in the opening of the woods, a glowing moon shaped staff. \n\nWhitefur whispered A powerful Lunar Staff. He explained to Allistair there are less than two hundred of these great magical staffs left in existence. Once created by a group of powerful cosmic mages, the art and magic of creating them has been lost to time. Even a below average wizard would be able to channel more powerful magic."} +{"id": "709d2bc3-ee7d-4688-924c-b2561ddf11d9-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:54.972", "backgroundColor": "#0f213b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8DjJt6SMgxZ7o8mb5ArYPXtGbsRpsB7cjwjgNk88k4j", "txHash": "0x317f5f89987525142bc819f69f164c4243949bfa7ed158c6346090a77169743f", "createdAtBlock": 14108016, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8474, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Allistair of the Hall", "text": "I must have it! exclaimed Allistair. The only problem was the towering wood troll that was asleep next to the staff guarding the ancient treasure. Allistair drew a symbol on the ground and whispered an incantation. He then gave a sly look to Whitefur hinting at what the rat was hoping was not the case. The rat scurried up to the wood troll and bit him hard on the leg. The troll let out a huge yell and chased Whitefur right onto the symbol drawn on the ground. As soon as the troll's foot hit the ground, a strong light erupted from the ground and it turned into a dark tar like concoction pinning the troll's feet to the ground. \n\nAllistair yelled, HAHAHA! Got you! He sped toward the staff and picked it up. As his fingers grasped the staff he felt magical power running through him. By this time the troll got his feet free and dashed at the young wizard. Before he knew what was happening he pointed the Lunar Staff at the troll and it emitted a strong ice energy turning the troll into a giant ice cube. \n\nWith his new Lunar Staff and accompanied by his trusty companion Whitefur, Allistair was now ready to traverse the world and record its history. \n\n*His Adventure Begins.*"} +{"id": "897e0c3f-0593-4ecd-be68-51f30dddfd5d-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-04T23:25:55.026", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmayc18N45spQjkPjoNnEWZV6gXkUaSCrtt157D3Kc1VvR", "txHash": "0x2323d62d7bcdd3a6906091c93e9c52f7a8fd9e3874d5480d64cb43af0754574b", "createdAtBlock": 16114710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Crowley of Arcadia", "text": "# A Growing Danger \n\nSky Master Crowley of Arcadia stood on the edge of the forest, looking out at the land he had sworn to protect. The sun was setting behind the trees, casting a warm glow over the peaceful meadows and fields. But Crowley knew that this peace was fragile, and that Arcadia was under threat from a growing danger.\n\nHe gazed out at the horizon, his sharp corvid eyes scanning the landscape for any sign of the enemy. Crowley was a powerful wizard, with the head of a crow and the body of a man. He was dressed in blue-lined coveralls, and carried a lucky horseshoe and a staff adorned with the Rune of Air.\n\nAt his side, Crowley's faithful companion, an ember frog, croaked softly, sensing his master's tension. Crowley reached down and patted the frog's head, reassuring it that all was well.\n\nThe sky above was clear, but Crowley could sense the darkness gathering on the horizon. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the enemy attacked, and he was ready to defend Arcadia with all his power.\n\nWith a fierce cry, Crowley raised his staff and summoned the forces of darkness to his aid. The air around him grew cold and dark, and the trees rustled ominously in the wind. Crowley knew that he was ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead, and he would not rest until Arcadia was safe once again.\n\nSky Master Crowley of Arcadia was the protector of his land, and he would stop at nothing to defend it.\n\n## A Figure Emerges\n\nSky Master Crowley of Arcadia stood on the edge of the forest, gazing out at the peaceful land he had sworn to protect. The sun was setting behind the trees, casting a warm glow over the meadows and fields. But Crowley knew that this peace was fragile, and that Arcadia was under threat from a growing danger."} +{"id": "897e0c3f-0593-4ecd-be68-51f30dddfd5d-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-04T23:25:55.026", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmayc18N45spQjkPjoNnEWZV6gXkUaSCrtt157D3Kc1VvR", "txHash": "0x2323d62d7bcdd3a6906091c93e9c52f7a8fd9e3874d5480d64cb43af0754574b", "createdAtBlock": 16114710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Crowley of Arcadia", "text": "He could feel the darkness gathering on the horizon, and he knew that he must act quickly if he was to defend his land. Crowley raised his staff and summoned the forces of darkness to his aid, and the air around him grew cold and still.\n\nBut just as Crowley was about to launch his attack, a figure emerged from the trees. It was a woman, dressed in flowing robes of shimmering blue. She was holding a staff of her own, and Crowley could see the power radiating from her.\n\n\"Sky Master Crowley,\" the woman said, her voice soft but firm. \"I am the Protector of the Light, and I have come to stop you.\"\nCrowley snarled and raised his staff, ready to do battle. But the woman did not flinch. She stood her ground, her eyes fixed on Crowley's.\n\n\"You cannot win this fight, Crowley,\" the woman said. \"The forces of darkness are strong, but they cannot stand against the power of the light. Surrender now, and I will spare you.\"\nCrowley growled and lunged forward, his staff glowing with dark energy. But the woman was ready for him. She raised her staff and a burst of light exploded from its tip, striking Crowley full in the chest.\n\nCrowley fell to his knees, his staff clattering to the ground. The darkness that had surrounded him began to fade, and he felt the power of the light flooding into his body.\n\n\"I... I surrender,\" Crowley said, his voice barely a whisper.\nThe woman smiled and helped Crowley to his feet. \"You have made the right choice, Sky Master Crowley,\" she said. \"Together, we can protect Arcadia from the darkness that threatens it.\"\n\nCrowley nodded, humbled by the woman's power and wisdom. He knew that he had been wrong to try and defend Arcadia with the forces of darkness, and he vowed to use his powers for good from that day on."} +{"id": "897e0c3f-0593-4ecd-be68-51f30dddfd5d-2", "createdAt": "2022-12-04T23:25:55.026", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmayc18N45spQjkPjoNnEWZV6gXkUaSCrtt157D3Kc1VvR", "txHash": "0x2323d62d7bcdd3a6906091c93e9c52f7a8fd9e3874d5480d64cb43af0754574b", "createdAtBlock": 16114710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Crowley of Arcadia", "text": "Together, Crowley and the Protector of the Light set off into the sunset, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead. And in the distance, the stars began to twinkle, as if in approval of their noble quest.\n\n## An Unlikely Ally\n\nSky Master Crowley of Arcadia and the Protector of the Light walked together across the landscape, their footsteps echoing across the fields and meadows. They were united in their quest to defend Arcadia from the darkness that threatened it, and they were determined to do whatever it took to keep their land safe.\n\nAs they walked, they came across a figure in the distance. It was a man, dressed in a long robe and carrying a staff adorned with strange symbols. He had the head of a crow, like Crowley, and his eyes glinted with intelligence and power.\n\n\"Who are you?\" the Protector of the Light asked, her voice wary.\n\n\"I am @wizard2759,\" the man said, bowing low. \"I have heard of your quest, and I have come to offer my assistance.\"\n\nCrowley and the Protector of the Light exchanged a glance, and then nodded. They knew that they could use all the help they could get in their battle against the darkness, and they welcomed Uday into their group.\n\nTogether, the three of them continued on their journey, their powers combining to create a formidable force. They fought against the darkness wherever they found it, and gradually, Arcadia began to heal.\n\nAnd as the sun rose on a new day, Crowley, the Protector of the Light, and Uday stood together, victorious. They had saved their land, and they knew that as long as they stood together, nothing could defeat them."} +{"id": "0e9c542d-e450-4ddc-82f0-3be3b9457b04-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:10.156", "backgroundColor": "#b78f8f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmezbbw5HitbgHn9t9Y5bQZywFzGhGFmaSPwKzmfQVEEob", "txHash": "0x5bdae27cc310687d47bcecdd63d680e07f78db70c427e8686dc5efbbb619196b", "createdAtBlock": 13962300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Angus of the Tundra\n\nThe Candle\n\nBurning on top of a white candle, a single flame danced with the breeze. Angus could stare at the flickering flame for hours, watching the flame dance. It drew him in, brought him peace, tranquility, and clarity. The candle in its many forms had been with him his whole life. From the moment he first opened his eyes with true sight he saw the flame. At first glance, it had sat upon a deep red candle, slowly cascading a small stream of liquid wax down its side. The flame from that scarlett candle allowed him to see his mother for the first time. He smiled with the warmth that the memory gave him. He recalled another memory listening to his father whisper incantations as a candle burned. Then meals he ate with his brother were accompanied by a candle. The hours spent studying tomes and scrolls a candle constantly lit his path of thirst and knowledge. Thus it was a given that when Angus reached the status of Arcanist he imbued his magical essence into a candle. This single candle, pure white of body, stood about a hand's length on top of a gold candelabra. Black runes etched the side of the grip that seemed to devour the light in. The one, lone candle stood the same height, regardless of how long the flame burned. The wax gave way, slowly rolling off the edge and down the body only to dissipate into nothingness as it touched the warm metal of the grip. In this, the candle held everything Angus felt and knew."} +{"id": "0e9c542d-e450-4ddc-82f0-3be3b9457b04-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:10.156", "backgroundColor": "#b78f8f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmezbbw5HitbgHn9t9Y5bQZywFzGhGFmaSPwKzmfQVEEob", "txHash": "0x5bdae27cc310687d47bcecdd63d680e07f78db70c427e8686dc5efbbb619196b", "createdAtBlock": 13962300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Our wizard was an honest man and thoughts of power or evil never made home in his mind, hence the pure white of the candle. What drove him was curiosity and the need to see and experience. The candle when lit cast its light into any corner, that was its purpose to bring sight with-in the darkness. Anguss candle did just that and more, with a snap of his fingers the flame sprang to life and anywhere a candle burned it served as a window or door of transportation for Angus. Anywhere that basked in candle light was now within his sight. Throughout the years he watched as wizards developed new magic, he spied on treachery of house politics, even the birth of a baby. Everything was now an open book to him, he was able to take in and watch all manners of life, and on occasion experiencing it for himself. When held, the candelabra opened a portal where Angus could step through and feel the cold stone floor of the secret tower, or bask in the warm breeze of Asmodeuss surf. Angus found pleasure watching the world unfold, rarely feeling the need to interfere. It was not his role to take action, but to merely watch, sometimes experience, yet always to learn. His pleasant nature, however, would not allow evils to go unhindered, which he intruded as indirectly as possible. There was a time where he thwarted an evil attempt to make a potion of blindness meant for some poor soul. Just as his sinister peer looked away he quickly dropped some rainbow dew and pixie dust into the brew, rendering it useless. So from his tower situated far into the cold tundra, Angus watched and experienced life."} +{"id": "0e9c542d-e450-4ddc-82f0-3be3b9457b04-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:10.156", "backgroundColor": "#b78f8f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmezbbw5HitbgHn9t9Y5bQZywFzGhGFmaSPwKzmfQVEEob", "txHash": "0x5bdae27cc310687d47bcecdd63d680e07f78db70c427e8686dc5efbbb619196b", "createdAtBlock": 13962300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Time passed. Births and deaths witnessed, then one day, as if on cue, it all changed. He had been studying when he heard the chime of bells. It sounded as though it was just a bit away, however regardless of which direction he turned it seemed to always come from behind him, just beyond his reach. He spent days researching mystic bells and weeks searching through candle light for this chime. He felt mad and exhausted, but sleep did not find him as he was haunted by his need. After cycles of sun and moon, peering by candle light, he felt it. Intense heat emitted. His hands shook as he grasped his candle. His eyes watered as a shape began to take form, a single flame dancing above a floating stone shaped like a rhombus. In its light, Angus saw a skull, a tulip and for some odd reason, he picked up the scent of raspberry jam filling the air. There were other items in his peripheral, strewn across the floor just beyond the flames light, but Angus could only focus on the single flame. The heat, the dance and the bells called to him. As he stepped closer he felt the darkness, the power and the dread held up in the fire. This didnt dissuade him, this moment he stood in front of the ultimate flame! How could he walk away? How could he turn his back on this entity before him? He could reach the pinnacle of his mystic being, he had found the ultimate candle. And with that thought he stepped closer"} +{"id": "16cd7f3b-e92e-4339-9c90-5ce7411df6a7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:12.618", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQvKYUmedDrwBCj2DqrFSN6u9Pr7V3K76D2ZfwhuhsUi", "txHash": "0xca224730ee5f1aff10030f06cf114425c6e3c6bccb72411d3534dc8be264945a", "createdAtBlock": 13963090, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2633, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Aleister of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Headmaster Aleister, The Secret Keeper\n\n## Introduction\n\nOn the Sixth College's campus, a tardy student is quite similar to a mouse scurrying across an open field. Both feel the same primal terror as they hear the flutter of wings and feel a shadow pass over them.\n\nIf the errant student is lucky, a griffin has escaped from the zoology department and they're about to experience a swift death.\n\nIf they're unlucky, the wings belong to the owl Archimedes and The Headmaster is upon them.\n\nTardiness is a serious offense in the Sixth College. So is littering, loitering, listlessness, laziness, leaving early, leaving late, leaving the griffin enclosure open... those are just a few of the \"L\"'s in the code of conduct.\n\nHeadmaster Aleisterwould say that he and the Sixth College are meticulous and have exacting standards. His detractors in the Collegium Arcanum and more than a few former student would say his perfectionism borders on obsession.\n\nStill, it's hard to argue with the results. A graduate of the Sixth College will earn more on their first job than many make in a year, for it is a trade that is worthless without meticulous and exacting standards.\n\nThe Sixth College is the College of Keepers. They keep things out, they keep things in, and they keep things hidden.\n\nTheir seal on a strongbox or bank vault is an assurance of security, their seal on a barrow or tomb is a dire warning to would-be adventurers, but many of their seals are hidden to all but the most powerful of wizards and never seen at all.\n\n### Magic\n\nAleister is a master of abjuration, binding, and illusion."} +{"id": "16cd7f3b-e92e-4339-9c90-5ce7411df6a7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:12.618", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQvKYUmedDrwBCj2DqrFSN6u9Pr7V3K76D2ZfwhuhsUi", "txHash": "0xca224730ee5f1aff10030f06cf114425c6e3c6bccb72411d3534dc8be264945a", "createdAtBlock": 13963090, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2633, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Aleister of the Hall", "text": "### Magic\n\nAleister is a master of abjuration, binding, and illusion.\n\nAlthough certainly capable of destructive magics, Aleister finds them unseemly. All that blood is liable to leave a stain and explosions tend to unset ones hat.\n\nWhy risk making a mess when you can simply banish the troublemaker to an airless pocket dimension for a little while or send maddening voices to drive them insane? It's certainly much tidier.\n\nIt would be so much easier to keep everything on schedule and make it to tea on time if the scoundrels and ne'er-do-wells would simply... forget certian unforunate truths. \n\n_Thou Shalt Not Invade Another Mortal Mind_ is one of **The Rules** though and Aleister always follows rules to the letter.\n\n### Rumors\n\nIt is said that there is a service The Keepers provide to the Collegium for which they do not charge and you cannot buy.\n\nKnowledge is power in the Runiverse and the wrong knowledge in the wrong hands is a danger to order.\n\nIt is said that Aleister and the Sixth College keep many secrets... for as every wizard knows, to keep something secret is to keep it safe.\n\n## Chapter 1\n\nComing soon..."} +{"id": "5c5da8cd-9ce5-4e72-9494-29713da4fbf8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:55.827", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmanHbJAzvuiA64vVRMfCcsD5YALqUjrqXWw7A2Gozub3y", "txHash": "0x243cddbfc8e6d2403a2ac9e046c1b88bc9776ba465c20a536dad2d3493428b78", "createdAtBlock": 15097914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10023, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Erim Defeater of the Valley", "text": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kRC4Z66BTUbrahHL3pwMxpyfuBDs15qvLjIXostCgQc/edit?usp=sharing"} +{"id": "690feee4-ec4f-408d-99d3-f32df27cb897-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-05T00:00:17.14", "backgroundColor": "#23241e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUbcZ9Q7gfJb12njiP1Us2mRCCCFSgSuqfDQhXPHpX9LN", "txHash": "0x270fd5777a024510332ede75ffd8eb1d1871ea3c1868174f40dd2f28377205e3", "createdAtBlock": 16114881, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7176, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Nikolas of El Dorado", "text": "# A Sage Emerges\n\nSage Nikolas of El Dorado stood on the edge of the desert, gazing out at the endless expanse of sand and rock. The sun beat down on his labyrinthine head, but he felt no discomfort. For he was a wizard, and he was the protector of El Dorado.\n\nEl Dorado was a place that many considered to be lost, fading from memory into legend. It was said that great wealth could be found there, and that those who sought it out would be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams. But Nikolas knew that the true riches of El Dorado lay not in gold or jewels, but within the hearts of those who called the land home.\n\nHe looked down at the Joy Staff that he carried with him always. It was a rare and powerful artifact, and it was said to chart the path forward for those who sought El Dorado. It was the one hope of finding the lost land, and Nikolas knew that he must trust in its guidance if he was to succeed in his quest.\n\nWith a sigh, Nikolas began to walk. He did not know what dangers lay ahead, but he was not afraid. For he was a wizard, and he was the protector of El Dorado. And with the Joy Staff to guide him, he knew that he could overcome any obstacle that stood in his way.\n\nAs he walked, the desert seemed to stretch out endlessly before him. The sun beat down, and the sand shifted beneath his feet. But Nikolas did not falter. He knew that he was following the path that the Joy Staff had laid out for him, and that eventually, he would reach his destination."} +{"id": "690feee4-ec4f-408d-99d3-f32df27cb897-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-05T00:00:17.14", "backgroundColor": "#23241e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUbcZ9Q7gfJb12njiP1Us2mRCCCFSgSuqfDQhXPHpX9LN", "txHash": "0x270fd5777a024510332ede75ffd8eb1d1871ea3c1868174f40dd2f28377205e3", "createdAtBlock": 16114881, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7176, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Nikolas of El Dorado", "text": "And then, after what felt like an eternity, he saw it. El Dorado. The lost land, shimmering in the distance like a mirage. Nikolas quickened his pace as he approached the lost land of El Dorado. He could see the shimmering city in the distance, its golden towers and sparkling jewels a sight to behold.\n\nAs he drew closer, he could hear the sounds of life emanating from the city. The tinkling of laughter, the soft strains of music, the clink of goblets. El Dorado was a place of great beauty and splendor, and Nikolas felt his heart swell with pride as he stepped through the gates and into the city.\n\nHe was greeted by the people of El Dorado, who welcomed him with open arms and cries of joy. They had been waiting for him, they said, for only he could lead them to the true riches of their land.\n\nBut as they walked through the city, Nikolas could see that all was not well in El Dorado. The golden towers had lost some of their luster, and the sparkling jewels were dulled. The people of El Dorado looked tired and worn, as if they had been struggling to hold onto the wealth of their land..."} +{"id": "30655c92-fbe2-48c7-ba43-d3f549354b82-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-05T06:40:40.19", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUgjCvUV7eqbxmgETaXgZmZVWWAGh8jAfgY3BGM5mQtFF", "txHash": "0x0df1acaf028eb3aa10c216524803622115959ba4d851fc1cf006bae2995660f2", "createdAtBlock": 16116872, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8149, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdah7NQ3vFzrWhboqUY8kZYvg2ZUewLDFRYcGto2svuwR", "name": "Enchanter Tengukensei of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n\n\nEnchanter Tengukensei\n\nBrewed for a thousand years, imbued with magic that made all things taste like heaven, Enchanter tengukensei burnt down the city on finding the thieves of his Golden Heaven Soy sauce\n\n\n\nGifted with a box of magical fortune cookies, the wizard never made a decision without consultation. His fate was shackled to the sweet treats"} +{"id": "89343769-cc00-4116-b03f-51c95ede61aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:46.982", "backgroundColor": "#273460", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWKuZBGq1YPE9Dks73bnMoitT5Fkf6vvXHqTw3TRFGiuG", "txHash": "0xdba1825fcfc097d72e6fad69006a5e7b60a08eea109e9d2fbb255b92497161a0", "createdAtBlock": 13985378, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 540, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXW5w3vjg5sdVaaUU4tusKf6KSgfyckApzkT2Fze8HrYn", "name": "Merlin", "text": "# Merlin.\n\nNot much is known for certain about The Merlin.\n\nMyth and legend weave with hearsay and rumor.\n\nWhat is known is that he is Ageless.\n\nStories abound not just from ancient histories of Arthurian times, but back through antiquity he can be found on pyramid hieroglyphs, Canaanite cave drawings, and even in trace particulate matter from the Total Void of Absolute Nothingness.\n\n \n\nThis lack of knowledge is compounded by the fact that Merlin himself remembers nothing from before his Great Disappearance of 1,000 years. The last thing he recalls is the tremendous pain of a mysterious dark trauma after which he deemed his own magic too dangerous for this world. So he cast upon himself a spell of Near-Absolute Amnesia, leaving him with neither memory nor cosmic powers.\n\nWhereas he was once all but omniscient, only rarely now does he catch flashes of the future while gripped with painful blackouts. It is in these fever dreams, however, that he takes inspiration for his next creation. For the eccentric Merlin now mainly spends his days in his tower as a tinkerer and inventor, alongside his AI clockwork owl, Archimedes.\n\nThe greatest of all his inventions is the Runiversal Quantum Generator, powered by the famed artifact: Merlin's Crystal Ball. It sits buried deep under Merlins Tower, and drives a beam of energy up through the buildings core and out through the Cosmic Plasma Sphere atop, providing both Wireless Electricity and Runenet Access for free to all citizens.\n\nWhile typically locked away in his tower, he does sometimes make appearances in the community to visit the many wizard entrepreneurs he supports as an active Adventure Capitalist. And is also rumored to be spotted at the occasional festival down in Chronomancers Riviera."} +{"id": "89343769-cc00-4116-b03f-51c95ede61aa-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:46.982", "backgroundColor": "#273460", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWKuZBGq1YPE9Dks73bnMoitT5Fkf6vvXHqTw3TRFGiuG", "txHash": "0xdba1825fcfc097d72e6fad69006a5e7b60a08eea109e9d2fbb255b92497161a0", "createdAtBlock": 13985378, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 540, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXW5w3vjg5sdVaaUU4tusKf6KSgfyckApzkT2Fze8HrYn", "name": "Merlin", "text": "Lately with increasing concern over the accelerating growth of the Quantum Shadow, Merlin has convened a Quantum Roundtable including the Council of Thirteen as well as a handful of select Scientist Wizards. They are now discussing the nature of the risk and what might be done about it. For the first time in ages, he begins to wonder if going magic-less was the wisest decision after all.\n\nOnly time will tell..."} +{"id": "29cb8274-0994-46c7-b80d-1209100c5b1f-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-05T23:08:28.419", "backgroundColor": "#3b0202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd37EUhsG9vdKw12Y6a3F1VfgR7YMNdrayQHFTDe9mwGZ", "txHash": "0x3c20879f399af89c7e68fe7a7a36ee4fb1e9f54122404d28b387bcb383811468", "createdAtBlock": 16121766, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6432, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZZ6Rfv94UMJyPSboFuqVKnr9Psh5cudMUFfzfQs3THRC", "name": "Alchemist Trollin of the Palms", "text": "# Alchemist Trollin\n\nTrollin was a successful entrepreneur and anuran alchemist who lived in the bustling city of Evermore. He was a skilled alchemist and business owner, but his appearance often disgusted potential lovers, causing him to feel lonely and isolated. Determined to find love, Trollin began studying the ancient art of alchemy and brewing potions.\n\nOne day, he discovered the rune of Venus, which was said to be the key to unlocking the power of love. Excited by this discovery, Trollin began experimenting with different potions and brews, using the rune of Venus to channel magic and create a passion potion that would make anyone who drank it fall madly in love with him.\n\nHe tested the potion on himself, and to his amazement, it worked. He felt a surge of passion and desire that he had never experienced before. Confident that he had finally found the key to love, Trollin began brewing more of the passion potion, eager to share it with others and find his perfect mate. This led to Trollin founding his own potion and elixir shop named 'Passion'. \n\nAs his business grew, Trollin also acquired a companion - a topaz slime that he named Garnet. Garnet was a loyal and intelligent creature, and Trollin found solace in their companionship. Together, Trollin and Garnet continued to brew and sell the passion potion, becoming one of the most successful businesses in all of Evermore.\n\nDespite his success, Trollin never forgot his own loneliness and continued to use the passion potion to try and find love. But as he brewed and consumed more of the potion, he began to notice strange side effects. His moods became increasingly erratic, and he found it harder and harder to control his emotions."} +{"id": "29cb8274-0994-46c7-b80d-1209100c5b1f-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-05T23:08:28.419", "backgroundColor": "#3b0202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd37EUhsG9vdKw12Y6a3F1VfgR7YMNdrayQHFTDe9mwGZ", "txHash": "0x3c20879f399af89c7e68fe7a7a36ee4fb1e9f54122404d28b387bcb383811468", "createdAtBlock": 16121766, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6432, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZZ6Rfv94UMJyPSboFuqVKnr9Psh5cudMUFfzfQs3THRC", "name": "Alchemist Trollin of the Palms", "text": "Despite these problems, Trollin was determined to continue using the passion potion to find love. He continued to brew and consume the potion, becoming more and more isolated from others as his behavior grew more and more erratic. But he remained determined to find his perfect mate, even if it meant sacrificing his own health and happiness."} +{"id": "4c0f0c3e-37da-4962-9cde-8e843ea2750b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:40.692", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPTTStmnHGB4k4kH8536LbMRhp5EUFu6mhiLSShNZqNBw", "txHash": "0xa8b985bdd01225cc21432bfa221f3b4262d197fa4ffa1df3105bc473f5fbc3f9", "createdAtBlock": 13972865, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6779, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Cassius of the Thorn", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Cassius of the Thorn\n\nthe lore will soon come..."} +{"id": "56e013be-08e5-4321-b247-876bef05ad7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T02:26:26.89", "backgroundColor": "#172541", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdmwM4DmKBXvhUK2twassrhe1E8HdrwjYymnJzx8HD79N", "txHash": "0xb827bf732007cb39cdba20170325f117c68019283164f05e6924e9ee618778f3", "createdAtBlock": 16122754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5133, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolos Lightbearer of Worlds", "text": "# My first meeting with Diabolos \n\nIt had been three days since I had accepted the offer of power from the mysterious @wizard1488. I had been going about my normal life, but each night I was plagued by fantastical and vivid dreams. In one of these dreams, I found myself running for my life through a dark and dangerous forest, pursued by a malevolent beast.\n\nI panted and gasped as I dodged around twisted trees, clambering over twisted roots and tangled brambles that hid a menagerie of shimmering, jittering insects, menacing beasts, and slithering horrors with too many legs. I could feel the searing-hot breath of the beast on my neck, and I was terrified. I slipped and tumbled to the forest floor, cowering. It was over.\n\nBut then, there was a sudden flash of blue light and a powerful hooded figure appeared before me, clad in armour that flowed like water and wielding a shimmering boomerang. The figure's face was enshrouded in shadow, with only its fiercely glowing sapphire eyes visible, and an angry-looking ultramarine rhino beetle perched on its shoulder.\n\n\"I am @warrior5133, a Dream Knight,\" the figure said in a deep and resonant voice. \"And I am here to save you.\"\n\nWith a graceful movement, Diabolos flung its boomerang, striking the beast and sending it fleeing into the shadows. I was filled with gratitude and awe at the power and skill of the Dream Knight.\n\n\"No need for thanks,\" Diabolos replied gravely. \"But be warned, mortal. The realm of dreams is a dangerous place, and you should not venture here alone and without a guide. Do not return here again until you are ready.\""} +{"id": "56e013be-08e5-4321-b247-876bef05ad7b-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T02:26:26.89", "backgroundColor": "#172541", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdmwM4DmKBXvhUK2twassrhe1E8HdrwjYymnJzx8HD79N", "txHash": "0xb827bf732007cb39cdba20170325f117c68019283164f05e6924e9ee618778f3", "createdAtBlock": 16122754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5133, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolos Lightbearer of Worlds", "text": "\"But I don't know how to stop having these dreams!\" I cried out. There was no reply, and when I looked up, Diabolos was already gone.\n\nThen I awoke, shaken and disturbed by the intensity of my dream."} +{"id": "97687af2-abb7-4f7f-abb0-8ffe534b34bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:30.961", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPJsEAEyGWXfYUhsCNR12tXiFS4NhmCDbR7KDVUPJJBom", "txHash": "0xdfc0673b0c3e6a66f54dc79b975c4ef90f3c54bf631ecc861c6ccfb4f66a3093", "createdAtBlock": 13967710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 75, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dwarzgarth of The Hills", "text": "# The History of Dwarzgarth of The Hills\n\nIm finally home. This is the land I have searched for all my life.\n\nI have walked through many lands, I have played many roles and I have seen many sights.\n\nIn my youth, I began my Adventure standing at the end of a road in front of a small brick building. Around me was a forest and a small stream flowed out of a building and down a gully.\n\nWhen I finished that Adventure I traveled to a land of Wizardry with but a single dungeon, though it was 20 levels deep and full of pits and traps. Each level demanded that I and my five faithful companions hone our skills, enhance our armor, slay the fiercest beasts. In those days maps could not be purchased or found, only the quill and parchment would yield the secrets of the dungeon. There have since been lands and quests and monsters beyond reckoning or recall but some stand out, some so unforgettable. In my youth I hunted the Wumpus, went on a Quest that seemed it would last Forever, I have wandered through Realms now Forgotten, I have spent years reading the Scrolls written by the Elders. I have traveled to exotic Lands by the Borders and been to Baldur, even to its Gates. I have traversed the lands of Rysom and see the devastation of Fallout."} +{"id": "97687af2-abb7-4f7f-abb0-8ffe534b34bc-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:30.961", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPJsEAEyGWXfYUhsCNR12tXiFS4NhmCDbR7KDVUPJJBom", "txHash": "0xdfc0673b0c3e6a66f54dc79b975c4ef90f3c54bf631ecc861c6ccfb4f66a3093", "createdAtBlock": 13967710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 75, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dwarzgarth of The Hills", "text": "And I have wandered for many years looking for the place I could truly call home. Where I could actually own my land, own my name, own my destiny. And here I have found it. This Realm of Runes long Forgotten yet now awakened. I stand here atop the Secret Tower and see my long lost homeland. It is a wild and unexplored land, with its Sacred Pillars, Battlemage mountains, Hedge Wizards woods and the Quantum Shadow. Who can say what monsters lurk within the Fey or treasures await within the Thorn? But to my bones I burn to explore, to learn the runes that will unlock these lands. What friends will I meet, what bosom companions will bravely join me as we hone our skills in battle and lore and spells?\n\nThere is a rumor my son has also made it to this magical land. In his youth I would close each evening by telling him and his two sisters stories of a brave warrior, a magical enchanter, and a clever trickster. To think we might be able to see such stories come to life in this magical land is the dream of a life time.\n\nAnd there is a girl, I call the hills my home and she hales from the forest. But it is a wonderful match. Her healing staff has turned the tide of many a battle and when matched with her infinity rune her ability to heal is almost limitless."} +{"id": "97687af2-abb7-4f7f-abb0-8ffe534b34bc-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:30.961", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPJsEAEyGWXfYUhsCNR12tXiFS4NhmCDbR7KDVUPJJBom", "txHash": "0xdfc0673b0c3e6a66f54dc79b975c4ef90f3c54bf631ecc861c6ccfb4f66a3093", "createdAtBlock": 13967710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 75, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dwarzgarth of The Hills", "text": "Of course my faithful companion, Istari, is also at my side, his white fur magically able to blend into shadow or sun. He too has honed his senses and is able to harm in battle or heal as needed. His ability to detect hidden prey is unmatched. Our long travels together have given us an affinity such that we can almost read each others minds. When he is on the prowl or sniffing the air or casting his expert eyes afar, I can see as he sees, smell as he smells and perceive the hidden foe as he perceives. Our coordination in battle is unequaled. His perception of the foes weaknesses is a skill many envy.\n\nMy ruby staff has been worn to a smooth comfortable shine. Its heft in my hand is solid enough to strike the occasional wayward kobold, yet its true power is found in the magical focus of the ruby. Of itself the ruby will bring forth great magical ability from my natural affinity to wood and hill. But when focused through the rune of Mercury, (as all know the rune of Mercury is the symbol of war) the power of rune and ruby can bring forth a most devastating blast of power."} +{"id": "db5508b1-2f9d-4278-86d4-0b44dd42d04d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:32.922", "backgroundColor": "#d8c2ae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8W5L5C8pcok6axP1NVzqdi6qpzUBbZN88VJWmtvMVSw", "txHash": "0xd921ff84945b405b0666d1b57287d8bd38dc96dc8fa50f270c1a6bc7cb38cae8", "createdAtBlock": 13967743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7523, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Faiz of the Hills", "text": "# Alchemist Faiz of the Hills - A Call to Action!\n\n_...and what an unexpected re-action! Perhaps Bezoar could scrounge up some more\n \nOh! Hah! Errr These arent my notes. Uhhh what am I doing again? I knew this Mind Scribe was a bad idea_\n\n_Right! Advertisement!_\n\n_Hello mystic travelers and connoisseurs of the arcane! Faiz is my name, and alchemy is my err... pursuit!_\n\n_\nAs the distinguished winner of the Arcana Alchemy Awards (AAA) for 1 year running (I think Im allowed to talk about that), it is my destiny to voyage along the explorers edge of alchemic research! Like a cartographer discovering new lands, I am mapping historic discoveries on the aged and tattered maps of our perceptions. \n \nBut uhhh Im not actually traveling. Oh no, that would take time from my explorations, you see. One cannot explore and explore at the same time! That is where I need you! Thats right, **you** can contribute to the evolution of ancient wisdoms!_ \n\n_So, ye bold traveler - if you happen to so come across materials in your journey, please bring them to my studio in the hills! Usually my familiar, Bezoar, does an excellent job of umm procuring my materials, but as my transmutations become more extravagant, so too must be the properties of which they are derived! Such is the nature of nature, after all!\n \nSpecifically if anyone has the following it would be extremely helpful:\n \n- pleghm from the esophagus of a Celestial Drake_\n\n_- salt of tatar from the base of the Great Owl Obelisk_\n\n_- anything from the moon_"} +{"id": "db5508b1-2f9d-4278-86d4-0b44dd42d04d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:32.922", "backgroundColor": "#d8c2ae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8W5L5C8pcok6axP1NVzqdi6qpzUBbZN88VJWmtvMVSw", "txHash": "0xd921ff84945b405b0666d1b57287d8bd38dc96dc8fa50f270c1a6bc7cb38cae8", "createdAtBlock": 13967743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7523, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Faiz of the Hills", "text": "_- anything from the moon_\n\n_- all purpose flour\n \nPlease, dont make this award winning alchemist take precious moments away from his explorations to travel to faraway lands!\n \nPlease!\n \nOkay Mind Scribe, close astral projection.\n \nMIND SCRIBE. CLOSE ASTRALLLL PRO-JECCC.._"} +{"id": "79b2039e-49fc-44b8-a3ee-81a0596558c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:41.493", "backgroundColor": "#FCFEFF", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT9AvL98XHiqMKgewZG9mxojrDDJ4LiVKWMjHTsW66DQ6", "txHash": "0x78120702e101b96230e13475a9ac046aef553d1d842850ba3fc9ed76d018198b", "createdAtBlock": 13974316, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 753, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaSCgxTNFJWrTxfAMwTqjq7DrnC4i3sogaCgRvU23TEiA", "name": "Voodoo Priest Caligari of the Marsh", "text": "# Voodoo Priest Caligari of the Marsh Meets Taffy the Determined\n\n \n\nCaligari trudged through the Frogmaster Marsh towards Goblin Town on a supply runyet again. He needed food, ingredients for a few potions, and could use a drink at the tavern. Hes been making this trip twice a week for what seems like centuries. The mosquitoes were thick, as usual, and he swatted them away subconsciously. The path was wet and overgrown; few passed through these difficult lands.\n\nThree hours each way by foot, on a good day. Each journey gave him that much less time to focus on his rituals, hexes, and gris-gris.\n\nHe finally approached Goblin Town, weary from his travels, and found his way to the Kings Kobold Tavern for a refreshment and a short rest while he regained his strength. The Tavern, a small wooden dwelling, bustled with warmth and revelry. Here and there small, haphazard spells shot off, illuminating corner tables tucked away into the darkness.\n\nSome of these Kobolds may have had a few too many ales. Caligari thought.\n\nAn old acquaintance of his, Sorcerer Idris of the Marsh, sat at an otherwise empty table in the back and Caligari decided to join him.\n\nHullo, Caligari! Ventured Idris. I see youve come from a long journey.\n\nHow can you tell? Caligari asked, a slight vanity obvious in the tone of his voice.\n\nYour robes are stained with marsh waters and you appear to have a small bloodstain.\n\nThe damn mosquitoes! Caligari thought.\n\nThese endless walks will not do. Its time for me to summon a mount. Caligari decided."} +{"id": "79b2039e-49fc-44b8-a3ee-81a0596558c5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:41.493", "backgroundColor": "#FCFEFF", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT9AvL98XHiqMKgewZG9mxojrDDJ4LiVKWMjHTsW66DQ6", "txHash": "0x78120702e101b96230e13475a9ac046aef553d1d842850ba3fc9ed76d018198b", "createdAtBlock": 13974316, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 753, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaSCgxTNFJWrTxfAMwTqjq7DrnC4i3sogaCgRvU23TEiA", "name": "Voodoo Priest Caligari of the Marsh", "text": "While in town, Caligari gathered the extra supplies for a potent _Summon Flaming Demon Steed_ spell he recalled from his youth in the Voodoo Seminary. What was it again? A pinch of ghost pepper for the flames, a dash of ginseng for speed, bark of the ironwood for strength\n\nAfter collecting the rest of his supplies, Caligari headed to the alley behind the Kings Kobold Tavern for a bit of privacy while he brewed the ingredients for his _Summon Flaming Demon Steed_ spell. As he poured the ingredients into the cauldron, he whispered an incantation:\n\n_I have a need for speed!_\n\n_A need for a steed_\n\n_Of the most loyal breed._\n\n_Grant me a friend!_\n\n_Until the very end_\n\n_Our friendship will not bend._\n\n_I call upon the Quantum Downs to grant me: FLAMING DEMON STEED!_\n\nAt that moment, a sloppy, drunken Kobold emerged from the backdoor of the tavern, clumsily unwrapping a piece of Kelpies Bay Saltwater Taffy. He glanced at Caligari and stumbled on the uneven alley ground. His taffy flew into the air and plopped into the simmering brew just as the incantation came to a close.\n\nSmoke swirled around the cauldron, li. ght flashed, and within a second soft neighing could be heard coming from a cloud of fog by the cauldron. A gentle gray steed slowly emerged, nervous and but proud.\n\nDamn you, Kobold! Youve ruined my summoning spell! Caligari shouted."} +{"id": "79b2039e-49fc-44b8-a3ee-81a0596558c5-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:41.493", "backgroundColor": "#FCFEFF", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT9AvL98XHiqMKgewZG9mxojrDDJ4LiVKWMjHTsW66DQ6", "txHash": "0x78120702e101b96230e13475a9ac046aef553d1d842850ba3fc9ed76d018198b", "createdAtBlock": 13974316, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 753, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaSCgxTNFJWrTxfAMwTqjq7DrnC4i3sogaCgRvU23TEiA", "name": "Voodoo Priest Caligari of the Marsh", "text": "Damn you, Kobold! Youve ruined my summoning spell! Caligari shouted.\n\nFar from the black, flaming steed he had imagined, this mount was small, gray, and bore a yellow bandana. He began to think of all the work hed have to do to recast his summon spell but as he did, the steed approached him and nuzzled his arm gently. Caligaris anger quickly faded as he looked into the pony's eyes. He realized that he was looking at a friend.\n\nI shall call you, Taffy the Determined. Caligari announced. Little did he know, this would only be the beginning of their adventures together.\n\nThe Kobold, swept up in the drama of the scene and not knowing what to do, applauded, a single tear running down his green face.\n\nCaligari decided hed make his walk home once more, leading Taffy the entire way, and building trust in their newly formed friendship."} +{"id": "d33696c7-f295-457d-afae-79bc6dcd97dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T08:54:27.616", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcSAEq38wNQnhTPRAiPECxeuBDJDFkYCcggPEVDeLUMoi", "txHash": "0x19cd6805928926aee141ee47c67dd8038a899c470753cf9b9472467645962d79", "createdAtBlock": 16124686, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4543, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Mina of the Salt", "text": "# Alchemist Mina of the Salt\n\nAlchemist Mina of the Salt loved nothing more than mixing magical potions and concocting strange brews. From a young age, she had been fascinated by the mysterious alchemical arts, and had spent countless hours in her small home near the river, experimenting with magical ingredients and creating new and interesting concoctions.\n\nMina's best friend was a purple cat, who often accompanied her on her adventures. Together, they had explored the forests and streams near their home, finding odd objects and ingredients to incorporate into Mina's alchemical concoctions.\n\nOne day, Mina was experimenting with a rare potion that was said to give the drinker the power to understand the language of birds. She was so engrossed in her work that she failed to notice a strange figure lurking in the shadows. Suddenly, the figure stepped forward and revealed himself as a wizard from the Great Woods. He had heard tales of Mina's alchemical prowess and wanted to take her on an adventure with him.\n\nMina was excited and scared at the same time. Yet, she couldn't resist the opportunity to explore the unknown and see the world. She agreed to join the wizard and set off on a journey with him and her beloved purple cat."} +{"id": "0202f1ab-51b9-434d-bb32-7f27bc79b0a1-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-07T19:35:18.08", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtKYLhQrn5WzjaL8Tn1FmVNgpweWwYRopqbP9dx2Ey4g", "txHash": "0x4ef1f357eeee29488e84b33225900062be0a5e3590b3b665929e4bd522377931", "createdAtBlock": 16134950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRiGkgLCxy8f8bHh4u6R15oJFCxFLbVJwrCZSDTA5qpBr", "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Heath", "text": "# The Geomancer\nI speak of Samuel of the Heath, a geomancer so grand,\n\nWho ventured deep into the unknown with his own two hands.\n\nHe thought to wield the power of the earth, to heal and to protect,\n\nBut he was met with a bitter lesson, to be kept in check.\n\n\n\n---\n\nThe mystery of magick Samuel found deep in his family's mine,\n\nWhere runes were carved within the walls, the secrets they did shine.\n\nHe read and studied them each day, seeking to unlock their might,\n\nAnd soon he found his power grew with each passing night.\n\n\n---\n\nHe practiced the magick inside the mine, 'neath the earth and its core,\n\nWhere no one else could hear him chant or see what he had in store.\n\nBut soon enough his newfound power began to take its toll,\n\nAnd Samuel felt that something dark was lurking in his soul.\n\n\n\n---\n\nHe used his newfound power over earth to turn stone to gold,\n\nTo make himself a fortune and a life of wealth untold.\n\nBut soon he found his greed had grown beyond his control,\n\nAnd the dark magick called out for something of a toll.\n\n\n---\nHe thought that he could use the magick as he pleased, \n\nBut little did he know its secrets it would not appease. \n\nFor every coin he made from stone, another piece of him was lost, \n\nUntil finally one day the magick controlled him at any cost.\n\n\n---\n\nHe thought to master the magick and bend it to his will,\n\nBut soon he found himself enslaved, with no time to stand still.\n\nFor even when he tried to stop, the power within him churned,\n\nUntil the day his mind was lost and his fate was finally earned.\n\n\n---\nThe voice whispered in his ear \"Dig deep Sam\" and he could not resist,"} +{"id": "0202f1ab-51b9-434d-bb32-7f27bc79b0a1-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-07T19:35:18.08", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtKYLhQrn5WzjaL8Tn1FmVNgpweWwYRopqbP9dx2Ey4g", "txHash": "0x4ef1f357eeee29488e84b33225900062be0a5e3590b3b665929e4bd522377931", "createdAtBlock": 16134950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRiGkgLCxy8f8bHh4u6R15oJFCxFLbVJwrCZSDTA5qpBr", "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Heath", "text": "---\nThe voice whispered in his ear \"Dig deep Sam\" and he could not resist,\n\nSo deep into the ground he went and the truth he could not miss.\n\nThe magick was far too powerful, and the cost too great to bare,\n\nIt drove him mad and deep into the earth, his own final lair.\n\n\n\n---\n\nHe tapped into the unseen force and cast his spells with glee,\n\nBut he failed to understand the source, and so his fate would be.\n\nFor as he grew in power and pride, his sanity did wane,\n\nUntil the day he finally went mad, the cost of his gain.\n\n\n---\n\nWe must remember this man's fate, and learn from his mistake,\n\nThat power must be used with care, and not for our own sake.\n\nFor the cost of magick's misuse is far too high to pay,\n\nIt can take away our reason, and drive us far away.\n\n---\n\nSo heed this warning dear friends, and be sure to take your time,\n\nFor even the geomancer, who thought to know it all,\n\nLost himself and his mind.\n\n---\n\nIt is said that Samuel still lies in his tomb, \n\nDeep in the ground where he fell, \n\nHis hands clasped around the gold he made, \n\nHis fate now a dark tale to tell."} +{"id": "2a4ff224-dbbf-431a-9b0c-8072d65c45e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-08T21:48:40.935", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdXpRpR1xKsJFtxReKE9XUapJnTKYVd5FiJ2fopJGVgMH", "txHash": "0xca3eac502f71e38a50fbb5a6d440675d1e94eda6db93d0afb128b7cb1591d803", "createdAtBlock": 16142778, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 980, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Finn of the Brambles", "text": "This is enchanter finn of the brambles \n\nThe sire of 50% of all wizards.\nwitches love him , wizards and warriors love being around him. \n\nHe drinks like a fish , screws like a rabbit, fights like a warrior."} +{"id": "c6fd9aed-2139-4145-84d2-efabacf6f104-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-09T18:50:20.719", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU7txsyVu5cJ4ZCeaHPWZ5VnAwYpPzkbScbZMoLLqJHjC", "txHash": "0xeea4ddaa624bb4e91c141d7cf4da70668e479867628bf50b3383a51d8e4a34e8", "createdAtBlock": 16149042, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 116, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcTXxDQUvYHB8ZMwuR4cZpSfyHzGNd32qhdkB9jmeHxL3", "text": "https://twitter.com/resplanceco/status/1560779607351218178"} +{"id": "824c1418-ccc7-434d-ab41-7b9447f46f10-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-09T23:02:08.495", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbqehtE3sLjb4UZxAaQbbUPjx6c3QYiNtZUUrjBN78qiF", "txHash": "0xb95ad0aea833b1c6a6caf8cd8e5150ace40a3d0d3c588a2f66523ef73d711598", "createdAtBlock": 16150292, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5486, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Moka of the Wold", "text": "# Moka's Magic Stick and Mutt Triumph\n\nDruid Moka of the Wold was a powerful wizard, known for his mastery of magic and his unusual affinity for nature. He was often seen wearing his brown coveralls, which he had enchanted to provide him with extra protection and strength in battle.\n\nOne day, while out wandering the forest, Druid Moka came across a group of mischievous goblins causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. The goblins had already set fire to a nearby field, and were about to move on to the next village.\n\nDruid Moka knew that he had to act quickly in order to stop the goblins from causing any more damage. He summoned his trusty field dog, a loyal companion who had been by his side for many years, and together they charged towards the goblins.\n\nThe wizard brandished his big magic stick, a formidable weapon that he had spent years crafting and imbuing with powerful spells. With a few swift strikes, he was able to defeat the goblins and put out the fire, saving the village and the surrounding forest.\n\nFrom that day on, Druid Moka was hailed as a hero, and the people of the Wold looked upon him with awe and respect. He continued to protect the forest and its inhabitants, using his magic and his unwavering determination to keep them safe from harm.\n\nBut despite his heroics, Druid Moka couldn't help but be a little embarrassed by the fact that he had been saved by his trusty field dog, who had barked and chased the goblins away, allowing Druid Moka to finish them off. He made a mental note to always bring treats for his dog on their adventures, just in case they ran into any more goblins."} +{"id": "cada8a87-007c-4819-860c-c5906644dd5f-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-09T23:32:02.534", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZkz2kGNQAk4mWiZceUZF3fJZLk6vNU7LNtu99My7M17T", "txHash": "0x965d98287fd005b69ee9f082dec7a2fd654dde78e2c37540e0dd1b02efcbe5ef", "createdAtBlock": 16150442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3829, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Maia of the River", "text": "# The Goblins, the Bunny, and the Summoner\n\nMaia of the River was a powerful and respected summoner, known throughout the kingdom for her incredible ability to call forth powerful beings from other dimensions. She was an Enchantress, skilled in the art of weaving spells that allowed her to control the creatures she summoned... most of the time.\n\nMaia was easily recognizable by her signature pet, a small dirt rabbit that she had named Bunny. Bunny was incredibly loyal and intelligent... for a dirt rabbit. Despite her best efforts, Maia often found herself in hilarious and chaotic situations because of Bunny's mischievous nature.\n\nOne of Maia's most famous creations was her Egg of Unknown Beast, which she used to summon powerful and mysterious creatures from other dimensions. This egg was incredibly rare and highly sought-after, and Maia was the only one who knew the secret recipe... which she had accidentally left on the kitchen counter one day and came back to find Bunny had eaten it. Oops.\n\nOne day, Maia was summoned to the castle to protect the kingdom from a group of mischievous goblins who had been causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. She knew that she would need all of her summoning skills to defeat these creatures, so she summoned her trusty Rune of Mars and set out to face the goblins."} +{"id": "cada8a87-007c-4819-860c-c5906644dd5f-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-09T23:32:02.534", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZkz2kGNQAk4mWiZceUZF3fJZLk6vNU7LNtu99My7M17T", "txHash": "0x965d98287fd005b69ee9f082dec7a2fd654dde78e2c37540e0dd1b02efcbe5ef", "createdAtBlock": 16150442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3829, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Maia of the River", "text": "Despite her great success as a summoner, Maia remained humble and dedicated to her art... except when she was boasting to her friends about her latest summoning achievements. She continued to experiment and innovate, always striving to create even more powerful and fascinating spells... even though most of them ended up blowing up in her face. She was known to carry a Rune of Mars with her at all times, which she used to amplify her summoning abilities... when she remembered where she put it. With this powerful tool, Maia knew that she could protect the kingdom from any threat that may come its way... as long as Bunny didn't accidentally summon the wrong creature again.\n\nAs she faced the goblins, Maia summoned a powerful being from another dimension to aid her in battle. She thought she had summoned a fierce and powerful dragon, but instead she got a small and adorable kitten. Despite its lack of combat skills, the kitten proved to be surprisingly effective at defeating the goblins, using its cuteness to confuse and distract them.\n\nIn the end, Maia and the kitten were able to defeat the goblins and save the kingdom, much to the surprise and amusement of everyone present. From that day on, Maia was known as the \"Enchantress with the Adorable Kitten\", and the people of the kingdom looked upon her with a mixture of awe, respect, and amusement. She continued to protect the kingdom, using her incredible summoning skills and her trusty Rune of Mars... as long as she could remember where she put it."} +{"id": "153a553d-99c9-4372-8782-b080021aefb4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:11.894", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQ7Jzh2NTRbpZtBxxSpnYW5wBzPpsrMuujcjEGVNSTYD", "txHash": "0xda3a5865122888d388fd0ff45d6a8defff4ff1b202a68194fd0919a966de051e", "createdAtBlock": 14003498, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6656, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Jeldor of Avalon", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Jeldor of Avalon\n\nNo. I already told you I sold it. Jeldor said, calling out over his shoulder as he crested the summit of Delmars Falls.\n\nYou WHAT?!! screeched a loud, hissing sound. Like steel that were grated against shards of broken glass. Jeldor didnt have to turn to feel Kalares following shortly behind. The soul-tether was still intact, thank the light for that. The small toad floated behind with its large unblinking eyes and discomforting golden glow.\n\nJeldor grunted. You know the risks better than anyone when a Wizard travels off-world. Preparations cost money. The merchants guild said our target is some kind of zombie called Deadfellaz. And if I get infected? You got any blood-cleanse potions on you? No? Oh yeah you dont even have hands anymore.\n\nI do miss hands. Kalares muttered quietly. But with the Sacred Flame and your Ascension youd have so much power!\n\nJeldor took a large swig from his canteen and tossed it back in the sack. Or the flame melts my body to goo. You always were reckless Kal.\n\nThe toads large eyes stared back. Though Kalares showed no emotion, Jeldor felt the toads shame reverberate through the soul-tether.\n\nOk then, lets get on with it. Jeldor finished placing the final stone and stepped back. The air was charged as the wizard performed the weaves with skill and precision.\n\nWAGMI he cried and the portal formed wide. Lets go find a Zombie! and the pair walked through. The portal closed behind them and the wind blasted in a huff as if the Heavens had exhaled."} +{"id": "5817e91f-93d1-481a-92f0-7bc743b80500-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-10T01:51:18.988", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPrzaNLXZFsxhf1MCLaxwDbU43A2N1vbwo8753mc2uqwb", "txHash": "0x621f94940e6d2d92fb0bee7da43371d75a4c3bcad7455a75da05e2b00ebc60e6", "createdAtBlock": 16151133, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1808, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Celah of the Hall", "text": "# The Goblin Whisperer: Adventures of a Jolly Wizard\n\nOne day, Celah received word that a group of mischievous goblins had been causing trouble in a nearby town. Celah, accompanied by his trusty slime Emerald, set off to investigate. When they arrived, they found the town in chaos. Buildings were on fire, people were running in all directions, and the goblins were laughing and cackling as they wreaked havoc.\n\nCelah quickly sprang into action, using his Joy Staff to cast spells of happiness and positivity on the goblins. At first, the goblins didn't seem to be affected, but as Celah continued to cast his spells, they gradually began to change. Their laughter turned to giggles, their cackling turned to chuckles, and soon they were all smiling and having a good time.\n\nThe townspeople were amazed at the transformation, and they thanked Celah profusely for saving them from the goblins. From that day on, Celah became known as the \"Goblin Whisperer,\" and he continued to use his Joy Staff to spread happiness and positivity wherever he went.\n\nAs for the goblins, they learned their lesson and never caused trouble in that town again. They even became friendly with Celah, and would often visit him to chat and have a good time. Celah was happy to have made some new, unlikely friends."} +{"id": "f2875331-be01-4d70-958d-c0e407d3e58b-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T02:12:27.976", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZCoNtfLmBNRwzB4rtpG9DZpE4K3jBvcXzTGh3yQ1i5xb", "txHash": "0x3396ddffda154bdac5faa853cce36d2cbb34bdc033081361911d0308a37a682e", "createdAtBlock": 16165564, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3147, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUkLAyARkNBTVt8xwmXVgxJRTE7dNtjYEh8CqFGAuF98Y", "name": "Magus Tumbaj of the Mount", "text": "# Magus Tumbaj of the Mount (#3147) \n\n_(Affinity): Darkness (Alignment): Neutral (Faction): White Hat_\n\n\n\n*Enigmatic by nature, Magus Tumbaj is something of a recluse. Although he bares no rune, he is a sorcerer with an obsession to strange- aesthetic and ceremonial practices. He leads these rituals to achieve various states of altered consciousness as he makes his way up and down the cosmic ladder (axis-mundai).*\n\nKnowledge is kept that Tumbaj had a body long- long ago, however, It's said after grabbing a bunch of mushrooms from a local tavern, the sorcerer then set out to perform a ritual that forever changed him at Dream Master Lake.\n\n> *Little is known of what happened that night, but the tale goes as follows:*\n\n> At the height of a mushroom trip, Magus Tumbaj drew leylines and hieroglyphs all over his physical form and hung himself with a vine from **Yggdrasil** *(the great tree at Dream Master Lake)*. It was understood he was in pursuit of deeper mysteries that dwelt beyond the meager constraints of mortality. For 9 days and 9 nights he swung to- and fro, no food, no water, teetering on the precipice of life and death until chaos stirred in the waters below and vibration gave way to shape and form. No one knows what was seen in the visions of Dream Master Lake that night. It's one of those unutterable things that is personal to Tumbajs experience alone. Whatever it was, Tumbaj reached up in an instant to sever the vine that suspended him above the glowing waters, drawing himself, drowning himself, ever closer to the ***otherside***."} +{"id": "e9d09a83-814f-423d-8cf1-8f2e464e9d7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:16.86", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRK2eMQYwNsATFnWaBiEy7EPbCP27RBvM9eff2sxPhPVN", "txHash": "0x1093ee58385237ca6108b672390913f71b6a3ac8aabb8f7a511b10f444561885", "createdAtBlock": 14008488, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9976, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Rita of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Rita of the Marsh\n\nRitrinel Rirrilyn, known simply as Rita, was the only daughter of Llewellyn Lellyn, the hidden king without a kingdom, and his wife Einnailyn.\n\nBorn with a natural magic that felt like luck, Rita could communicate with vast systems of plant life, and heal fauna with a simple touch. She spent much of her childhood playing with the badgers, snakes, and songbirds that dwelt in her corner of the Frog Marsh, nestled between The Thorn and The Fey. And, until she left home on her 18th birthday, Rita had not spoken to a human.\n\nOne of the last souls created in the First Age of Wizards, and endowed with an especially-long life expectancy, Rita enjoyed the charms of youth long into adulthood. She was insatiably curious and energetic, yet gullible and unrefined. Her lack of pretense allowed her to make friends easily - including many unexpected ones - but caused suspicion among well-to-do city-dwellers and Wizards of the Academy.\n\nRita acquired her Astral Potion after a Purple Wizard living near the Psychic Leap exploded his workshop while trying to discover new spells, sending its contents flying across the known lands. (A few marsh birds guided Rita to where the potion had landed, just inside The Thorn, minutes after the explosion.) When she turned her purse into a magical hip pouch by touching it with the potion, she knew she had stumbled across something special.\n\nRita left the Frog Marsh that next Tuesday."} +{"id": "d3fcfbbf-34dd-4bf3-b40d-408633c03b38-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T15:10:27.898", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYenAntVzdUJtewWNKvp78Btkc9KmrRPihxSDxJtTvHK6", "txHash": "0xcc3e5eb1808c7a0bde2f61803939d3254e26dcbcd1d6cb374e1beb969641b05c", "createdAtBlock": 16169431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6588, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Orange Menace ", "text": "# The resurgeance of the Necromancer \n\nOrange Menace was once a powerful necromancer who hailed from a land unknown to most. No one knows how he came to possess a pumpkin as a head, or why he chose to embrace the dark arts. Some say he made a pact with a demon, while others believe he was cursed by a powerful witch.\n\nDespite his strange appearance, Orange Menace was a formidable sorcerer. He commanded powerful dark magic, and was feared by all who knew of his existence. He was always accompanied by his loyal familiar, a crackjacker crow, who assisted him in his dark deeds.\n\nThe Orange Menace was the leader of a sinister cult, dedicated to summoning long forgotten beasts from the shadows and bringing them back into the world. He used a grim reaper's skull as a prop to cast his spells, and his cultists would gather around him to witness the terrible power of his magic.\n\nThe Orange Menace's ultimate goal was to plunge the world into darkness, and rule over it as its supreme necromancer. He cared for nothing and no one, and would stop at nothing to achieve his dark ambitions. While many still believe Orange Menace is nothing but a distant memory, a cautionary tale of the dangers of dabbling in the dark arts, some say that his spirit still lingers, waiting for the right moment to rise again and unleash his dark magic upon the world once more.\n\nAs the years passes whispers are being heard that Orange Menace grows stronger in the shadows by the days. New followers are said to be joining its dark cult. \nOrange Menace is on the brink of making a comeback. It has built up a loyal following, and is planning to summon even more powerful beasts from the shadows to serve it. And as its power grows, so does the fear and terror it inspires in all those who know of its existence."} +{"id": "d3fcfbbf-34dd-4bf3-b40d-408633c03b38-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T15:10:27.898", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYenAntVzdUJtewWNKvp78Btkc9KmrRPihxSDxJtTvHK6", "txHash": "0xcc3e5eb1808c7a0bde2f61803939d3254e26dcbcd1d6cb374e1beb969641b05c", "createdAtBlock": 16169431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6588, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Orange Menace ", "text": "But despite its growing strength, the Orange Menace remains hidden, waiting for the right moment to strike. And when it does, the world will tremble at the might of the Orange Menace, the most powerful necromancer to ever walk the earth."} +{"id": "77196469-3667-47bf-9d9b-13582edc9bb7-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T22:05:56.278", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYLkE3T1DvJXaA8iG3yLiMUhAXsYLWB3rtmkTXxy1ejVb", "txHash": "0x270b0c10f1ad60c1e45c261962d6784736d0b39f4cc4deb93b583c9f5920d0a5", "createdAtBlock": 16171493, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3829, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Maia of the River", "text": "# The Summoner and the Dirt Rabbit: A Laugh-Out-Loud Tale of Magic and Mayhem\n\nMaia of the River was a legendary summoner known throughout the land for her incredible ability to conjure powerful beings from other dimensions. She was an Enchantress, skilled in the art of weaving spells that allowed her to control the creatures she summoned... most of the time.\n\nMaia was easily recognizable by her signature pet, a mischievous dirt rabbit named Bunny. Despite Maia's best efforts, she often found herself in hilarious and chaotic situations because of Bunny's unpredictable nature.\n\nOne of Maia's most prized creations was her Egg of Unknown Beast, which she used to summon mysterious and powerful creatures from other dimensions. This egg was incredibly rare and highly sought-after, but Maia's joy was short-lived when she came back to her kitchen one day to find Bunny had eaten the secret recipe. Oops.\n\nDespite her great success as a summoner, Maia remained humble and dedicated to her art... except when she was bragging to her friends about her latest summoning achievements. She continued to experiment and innovate, always striving to create even more powerful and fascinating spells... even though most of them ended up backfiring in her face. She was known to always carry a Rune of Mars with her, which she used to amplify her summoning abilities... when she remembered where she put it. With this powerful tool, Maia knew she could protect the kingdom from any threat that may come its way... as long as Bunny didn't accidentally summon the wrong creature again."} +{"id": "ab138506-302b-4f18-99f6-ed1725d8e9ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:29.24", "backgroundColor": "#350300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ89TGZRDoz1myLYXw17UbyZG9H3MXWGPtkkugNtYr3Gr", "txHash": "0x89035e825f603a61f2c42b4adeb16b0acdfbda9114c1bb7b565578692bd65e7b", "createdAtBlock": 14947283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13569, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Faust Impaler of the Rock", "text": "# Impaler of the Rock\n\n\"You can't be serious!\" \n\"With only a Tuck?!\" \n\"You're no great adventurer!\" \n\"Go back home to your hound and your field!\"\n\nThese thoughts swam through Faust's head as he made his way up the mountain. From here he could see the smoke from his town's forge in the distance. He was going to do this. He was going to make it to the top of the mountain.\n\nThe thing about this particular mountain was that it cast a shadow over his town. More specifically, at a crucial point in the season, the peak of the mountain covered the entirety of one of his fields. Faust had been steadily losing crops year after year and it had gotten to the breaking point. His mother was sick and he needed that extra crop to pay for the care she needed. So he was going to do something about it.\n\nAll his work in the field prepared his body well for the climb. But it wasn't the climb he was worried about. Once he got to the top he'd need to shave off the entire peak in order to let the sun shine on his field. But he was no wizard. He had no spell for blowing peaks off mountains. Instead he has his Tuck. A long thin sword given to him by a traveler that he fed and housed a few years ago. The traveler had insisted Faust take the Tuck as well his yellow kite shield as payment for helping him in his time of need. Faust had initially refused, explaining he had no need for weapons and shields on his farm, but the traveler urged him to take them saying: \"the time will come when these items could mean life or death\". This wasn't exactly what Faust had in mind at the time, but he was grateful to at least have something with him now."} +{"id": "ab138506-302b-4f18-99f6-ed1725d8e9ab-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:29.24", "backgroundColor": "#350300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ89TGZRDoz1myLYXw17UbyZG9H3MXWGPtkkugNtYr3Gr", "txHash": "0x89035e825f603a61f2c42b4adeb16b0acdfbda9114c1bb7b565578692bd65e7b", "createdAtBlock": 14947283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13569, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Faust Impaler of the Rock", "text": "Finally, after a grueling journey, the peak was in sight. Faust's plan was to start at the top and chip away until he could see the sun shining through to his field. He was prepared to stay days or even weeks at the top to accomplish his task. But as it happened, that wouldn't be necessary. \n\nThe peak was not as solid as the rest of the mountain had been. Where the base of the mountain was solid stone, the peak was made up of rocks of all sizes stacked on top of one another. As Faust looked closer, he saw that the rocks weren't just randomly assorted either. They were neatly stacked in an arching pattern. Almost as if they had been placed there on purpose...\n\nBut that couldn't be. Who would build on to the top of a mountain like this? What purpose could it serve? No one ever traveled up here. There was no reason for any of this. The only thing this peak did was shade his field and hurt his yearly crop. And the mountain had done that for as long as Faust could remember. Since before his father died when Faust was a boy and he was forced to take over the farm to support his family. It had always been that way. But what about before? Was there a time when the field was not in shadow and the crops were more plentiful? Surely his mother would know something and he could always ask her when he returned home. But now, his focus remained on what he set out to do: destroy the peak."} +{"id": "ab138506-302b-4f18-99f6-ed1725d8e9ab-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:29.24", "backgroundColor": "#350300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ89TGZRDoz1myLYXw17UbyZG9H3MXWGPtkkugNtYr3Gr", "txHash": "0x89035e825f603a61f2c42b4adeb16b0acdfbda9114c1bb7b565578692bd65e7b", "createdAtBlock": 14947283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13569, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Faust Impaler of the Rock", "text": "As he scanned over the rocks, he finally saw it. The weak point. The keystone in the arch that held everything together. If he could remove the keystone everything would crumble. He pushed and pulled with all his might but could not get the stone to move. Finally, in an act of desperation, Faust raised his tuck and **Impaled the Rock** straight through the center. The rock shattered with an ear-splitting *crack* and the ground began to shake as the rocks started to fall.\n\nFaust watched as the rocks tumbled down the mountain. In the distance he could see his farm, bathed from edge to edge in sunlight. It was going to be a good harvest this year."} +{"id": "087f44e8-9ebb-40c1-a4ea-0efaf55be2e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T22:13:06.074", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW2cX89vpMASJHz1YfC55n5hsjsnVYc2uHMb3t26V7xH7", "txHash": "0x75dc45997b73ebe63fcdf248a6d28ccd85b1eec37e4e947f5ba4b2ddcbf9caf6", "createdAtBlock": 16171529, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 358, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Eden of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# Eden's Magical Mishaps: The Hilarious Chronicles of an Alchemist and His Mamba\n\nEden of the Psychic Leap was a renowned alchemist, known throughout the land for his incredible skill in the art of potion-making. He had spent many years studying the secrets of alchemy, and had developed a unique and powerful style all his own.\n\nEden was easily recognizable by his signature outfit, a pair of banded overalls that he wore over a simple white tunic. He also kept a small red mamba as a pet, which he had trained to assist him in his alchemical experiments.\n\nOne of Eden's most famous creations was his Astral potion, which allowed the drinker to experience astral projection and travel to other dimensions. This potion was incredibly rare and highly sought-after, and Eden was the only one who knew the secret recipe.\n\nDespite his great success as an alchemist, Eden remained humble and dedicated to his art. He continued to experiment and innovate, always striving to create even more powerful and fascinating potions. But sometimes things didn't go quite as planned, and Eden found himself in hilarious and chaotic situations. For example, there was the time he accidentally turned his assistant into a frog while trying to brew a potion of invisibility. Or the time he summoned a portal to another dimension, only to find himself stuck in a magical traffic jam.\n\nEden was known to carry a Rune of Agate with him at all times, which he used to amplify his alchemical abilities. With this powerful tool, Eden knew that he could protect the realm from any threat that may come its way... as long as he didn't accidentally turn anyone else into a frog."} +{"id": "e543c509-3d55-4f38-8dad-7fecc4a5a1c0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:43.538", "backgroundColor": "#a2a3f9", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZBK1SzGDxXVVQLhk6u8VhToBpuGtK9a5NFat6hs1KzZ1", "txHash": "0xeb4ff5491537bd4996f0f2c8b64ee179bfbc93877d19deb6379f01e6d957e100", "createdAtBlock": 14018995, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of the Event Horizon", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Silas of the Event Horizon"} +{"id": "e543c509-3d55-4f38-8dad-7fecc4a5a1c0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:43.538", "backgroundColor": "#a2a3f9", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZBK1SzGDxXVVQLhk6u8VhToBpuGtK9a5NFat6hs1KzZ1", "txHash": "0xeb4ff5491537bd4996f0f2c8b64ee179bfbc93877d19deb6379f01e6d957e100", "createdAtBlock": 14018995, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of the Event Horizon", "text": "Silas hails from the small island just to the northwest of Aldos Isle. Born to a pair of peasants in the employment of the local lord, Silas grew up as the faithful servant to the heir apparent of the town. The heir was lazy, and he forced Silas to complete the work for his studies under the towns premier academic. The retired professor realized that the work was far too advanced to come from the dimwitted prince; the teacher soon discovered the brilliant Silas laboring over star charts and tidal patterns in the towns library, and from thence on, Silas was taken under the old coots wing. Silas soon surpassed his master in understanding of navigational techniques, mathematics, physics, and astronomy, the most important realms of knowledge in the seafaring town. The teacher noticed this, and with the help of the local lord, sent Silas on scholarship to the University of Shifting Sands, the teachers alma mater. A small blue rat, indigenous"} +{"id": "e543c509-3d55-4f38-8dad-7fecc4a5a1c0-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:43.538", "backgroundColor": "#a2a3f9", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZBK1SzGDxXVVQLhk6u8VhToBpuGtK9a5NFat6hs1KzZ1", "txHash": "0xeb4ff5491537bd4996f0f2c8b64ee179bfbc93877d19deb6379f01e6d957e100", "createdAtBlock": 14018995, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of the Event Horizon", "text": "teachers alma mater. A small blue rat, indigenous to Silas' home, snuck on board the boat to the mainland; Silas kept the rat, as a reminder of home, and named him Orion. At Shifting Sands, Silas continued to study the stars alongside the Blue Wizards, eventually specializing in matter-impacting magic. Specifically, Silas became unparalleled in his mastery of shrinking and expanding matter, alongside his traditionally concentrated studies of astrophysics. Silas earned his nickname, of the Event Horizon, due to his fixation on black holes. Archmagus Silas is known to conduct some of the most dangerous experiments on campus, from his failed particle accelerator (responsible for at least two earthquakes) to his constant attempts to build a static black hole underneath the psychology building. At night, he looks to the stars. Silas has tried, more than once, to collapse a star in the sky into its own self, but has seemingly failed every time. But perhaps the implosion has simply not"} +{"id": "e543c509-3d55-4f38-8dad-7fecc4a5a1c0-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:43.538", "backgroundColor": "#a2a3f9", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZBK1SzGDxXVVQLhk6u8VhToBpuGtK9a5NFat6hs1KzZ1", "txHash": "0xeb4ff5491537bd4996f0f2c8b64ee179bfbc93877d19deb6379f01e6d957e100", "createdAtBlock": 14018995, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of the Event Horizon", "text": "every time. But perhaps the implosion has simply not made it to Silas eyes?"} +{"id": "17d63529-0090-4def-8118-7d1c1d654f1a-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T22:10:54.229", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPMaUj9GNHGb1ftViGEEZRSp2CkMem65NSspZhgZZ1xkR", "txHash": "0xd08eee2a444569730c17a72f0a1fdcb8874c3a57cc2443509696225a13f48f08", "createdAtBlock": 16171518, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7701, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Ixar of the Realm", "text": "# The Astral Arcanist and the Cannabis Potion: A Tale of Chaos and Laughter\n\nOne of Ixar's most famous creations was his Cannabis potion, which allowed the drinker to experience heightened states of consciousness and unlock their psychic abilities. This potion was incredibly rare and highly sought-after, and Ixar was the only one who knew the secret recipe.\n\nDespite his great success as a wizard, Ixar remained humble and dedicated to his art. He continued to experiment and innovate, always striving to create even more powerful and fascinating spells. But sometimes things didn't go quite as planned, and Ixar found himself in hilarious and chaotic situations. For example, there was the time he accidentally turned his assistant into a chicken while trying to brew a potion of invisibility. Or the time he summoned a portal to another dimension, only to find himself stuck in a magical traffic jam.\n\nIxar was known to carry a Rune of Cinnabar with him at all times, which he used to amplify his magical abilities. With this powerful tool, Ixar knew that he could protect the realm from any threat that may come its way... as long as he didn't accidentally turn anyone else into a chicken."} +{"id": "8ae909c1-2eda-437a-864f-25d13cea53aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:48.233", "backgroundColor": "#b3173d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwxqSW3UwrukDZYWUj7Er8TcEVkgfeAot3y5GBn1Hfue", "txHash": "0xe4c1338551c7092cfd002387f03e0cbc255048e111f0f0fb95e2c66ec073e471", "createdAtBlock": 15417983, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14726, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXpCh8454Y5R5U7qqrsbdMzVdQr5EW26cn5gVjEKTL9nY", "name": "Lennix Despoiler of Dragons", "text": "# One\n\nOut from above a rocky outcropping Lennix flew through the air as if shot out of a catapult. The drop was *ludicrous*, at least *double* what was needed to thrust his giant, and **super badass** Titan Cleaver down atop the dragon's cranium.\n\nHe never thought about the practicality of it all - just knowing Squawk had an epic view perched just below was all he needed...\n\n**\"Yewwwwwwwwwwww\"** howled Lennix, the soundwaves furiously reverberated from the cliff walls.\n\n*Falling...* \n\nF\nA\nL\nL\nI\nN\nG.\n\nF\nA\nL\nL\nI\nN\nG, M\nO\nR\nE.\n\nT\nH\nE\nN,\n\nE\nV\nE\nN\n\nM\nO\nR\nE\n\nF\nA\nL\nL\nI\nN\nG\n.\n.\n.\n\nHe held the **most awesome** pose he could think of the *entire* way down.\n\nWith his weapon clenched in reverse grip, the blade tip aimed directly at the winged serpent, he could feel his hood wave furiously and tickle his face.\n\nJust as Squawk began rolling his eyes, the beast hastily took notice. *Poor sap...*\n\nCovered in iridescent black scales, the dragons head whipped around and up - only to see a small, harmless, spectacled falcon at least 6 stories above. Although the bird was no threat the Dragon began doing what Dragons do *(which is, torch things like a flamethrower to a meat patty)*...\n\n**\"SSSHHUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKK\"**"} +{"id": "8ae909c1-2eda-437a-864f-25d13cea53aa-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:48.233", "backgroundColor": "#b3173d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwxqSW3UwrukDZYWUj7Er8TcEVkgfeAot3y5GBn1Hfue", "txHash": "0xe4c1338551c7092cfd002387f03e0cbc255048e111f0f0fb95e2c66ec073e471", "createdAtBlock": 15417983, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14726, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXpCh8454Y5R5U7qqrsbdMzVdQr5EW26cn5gVjEKTL9nY", "name": "Lennix Despoiler of Dragons", "text": "**\"SSSHHUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKK\"**\n\nIt was the full-length of the Lennix's **enormous** blade plummeting squarely in the creature's black skull.\n\nKnowing he thrusted perfection, he bounced right back in the air this time swan dive. For extra style points he threw in a front flip with his legs extended. He'd been working on his tuck lately. Surely, had a judge seen it would earn solid marks...\n\nNeedless to say, Lennix effortlessly stuck a classic \"super-hero\" landing then gave a curtsy to the imaginary judges.\n\nIt was *flawless*.\n\nHe *knew* it. \n\nAs he turned to gaze upon his defeated opponent...the darkness of the crashing carcass loomed upon him for a moment - before crushing the dragon slayer under the full brunt of the dragon's lifeless weight.\n\n*\"brrrghhhhh brrrrrrrghhhh!!!!\"* The muffled sounds of Lennix could barely be heard under the incredible mass that now lay upon him.\n\nSquawk, still perched above, took it in with **satisfaction** - for only a second. Then he leisurely glided down to where the dragon had fell. After some investigation, the bird found a foot vigorously shaking about under the black, scaley meat sack. He carefully pulled out his trusted (and constantly boisterous) companion who was now engulfed, from head to toe, in dragon's blood.\n\n**\"Ha Haaaaaaaaaaaah!!!\"** shouted Lennix as he popped to his feet. Of course, the blood now flowing down his hood and armor did not give him any pause."} +{"id": "8ae909c1-2eda-437a-864f-25d13cea53aa-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:48.233", "backgroundColor": "#b3173d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwxqSW3UwrukDZYWUj7Er8TcEVkgfeAot3y5GBn1Hfue", "txHash": "0xe4c1338551c7092cfd002387f03e0cbc255048e111f0f0fb95e2c66ec073e471", "createdAtBlock": 15417983, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14726, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXpCh8454Y5R5U7qqrsbdMzVdQr5EW26cn5gVjEKTL9nY", "name": "Lennix Despoiler of Dragons", "text": "*\"That may have been my best aerial slay ever! You see that form? I was FULLY tucked for that front flip....and the landing?! This is some of my finest work...\"*\n\nSquawk interrupted with a series of screeches in quick reply.\n\n*\"What? Who cares about that little mishap, c'mon you know it was good! I came down from SUPER high up there, way higher than ever! And that pose?! That sword placement?!! Gotta make sure the scribe gets all the details.*\n\nSquawk gave his approval and Lennix moved on to the *second* order of business......**the loot!**\n\nTypically, you only find 3 things in a dragons lair. \n\n1. **Bones**. Piles and piles of bonessome picked clean while others still have rotting flesh intact.\n\n2. **Loot**. Where there are dragons, there is loot! Varying amounts of loot - anywhere from a few gold coin to *mountains* of precious jewels and everything in between. Why there is so much loot and for what purpose these legendary creatures need the loot for is a total mystery. Maybe it's a dragon's status thing? Do dragons visit each other and comment on the amount of loot they have compiled? Seems a bit shallow. *Anywhoooooo*\n\n3. **Dragon Eggs**. Usually, one to three eggs. Not sure what others do with dragon eggs, but Lennix never touches them. Maybe he sees them as potential conquests down the road or it's some sort of moral thingbut most likely, it's the fact that there's no glory in the eggs - so no real value.\n\nAnd that's what Lennix is about: **Glory and all around bad-assery**."} +{"id": "8ae909c1-2eda-437a-864f-25d13cea53aa-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:48.233", "backgroundColor": "#b3173d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwxqSW3UwrukDZYWUj7Er8TcEVkgfeAot3y5GBn1Hfue", "txHash": "0xe4c1338551c7092cfd002387f03e0cbc255048e111f0f0fb95e2c66ec073e471", "createdAtBlock": 15417983, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14726, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXpCh8454Y5R5U7qqrsbdMzVdQr5EW26cn5gVjEKTL9nY", "name": "Lennix Despoiler of Dragons", "text": "After packing up all the loot he possibly could, the victorious warrior marched out of a narrow opening in the surrounding cliffs - head high in the air\n\nTurning to Squawk, Lennix was already wondering about the next raid What do you think if next time we try to *lasso *the dragon, maybe take it for a ride? Or we could incorporate a *zip line* in the mixhmmm we havent done a good ol loot smash and grab in a while\n\nMeanwhile the bird, flying overhead, was daydreaming of getting to town, gobbling down some mutton and curling up in a cozy nook...till then Lennix will endlessly muse about dragons, and loot, and bitchin' poses, and so on and so forth...that nook can't come *soon enough*...\n\n\n*An artist's dramatization as told by Lennix*\n\n\n-BRN 8.26.22"} +{"id": "57835fd4-25ba-48ec-b427-260e96d8dbc7-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T22:18:31.664", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRKc5yCb43kn9AX2GzwJsMTdXaJ9bdqLJgGfqowEkNty6", "txHash": "0x3f6cc30804328bdc52addc8c0b01bf2396ad7a7dcc4c528c82182b5e548a3964", "createdAtBlock": 16171556, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 537, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Asphodel of the Hills", "text": "# Asphodel's Magical Mishaps: The Hilarious Chronicles of a Wizard and Her Mambo\n\nAsphodel was a powerful and respected wizard, known throughout the kingdom for her incredible ability to wield magic. She was a powerful sorceress, skilled in the art of earth magic and the casting of powerful spells.\n\nAsphodel was easily recognizable by her distinctive appearance, with her long purple cloak and her signature purple haze that seemed to surround her whenever she cast a spell. She also had a small black cat as a familiar, which she had named Mambo. Mambo was incredibly lucky, and Asphodel often relied on her to help her in her spells.\n\nOne of Asphodel's most famous creations was her Lucky Horseshoe spell, which she used to grant good luck to anyone who possessed it. This spell was incredibly rare and highly sought-after, and Asphodel was the only one who knew the secret recipe.\n\nDespite her great success as a wizard, Asphodel remained humble and dedicated to her art. She continued to experiment and innovate, always striving to create even more powerful and fascinating spells. She was known to carry a Rune of Earth with her at all times, which she used to amplify her earth magic abilities. With this powerful tool, Asphodel knew that she could protect the kingdom from any threat that may come its way. She was feared and respected by all who knew of her, and she would stop at nothing to defend her realm from any who would seek to do it harm."} +{"id": "fc834b5d-093b-4a74-9ac0-269258817c1f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:45.63", "backgroundColor": "#0a1101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZEj75jiNUMhMVWqUmf9mczZtD4MUajX9GNbp8Gv6LX3b", "txHash": "0x44d77dce21fbb035c2eba082807afe1eec724e48797798f794f4ae3025c47e62", "createdAtBlock": 14929940, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7126, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ulysse of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Ulysse of the Hollow\n\n_20 years ago, at the crystal hearth, in the spire, where it all went wrong. The sands may shift but in the end outlast._\n\n\nUlysse - calm and thoughtful - never thought things would get to this point. Jerret was always the wild one... always looking for the next adventure... never knowing how to keep himself out of places that he shouldn't be. But... he meant well. \n\nBlindsided by his friendship, he ignored sign after sign as the madness crept in and replaced the person he knew with an unrecognizable fiend. If he had stepped in sooner would things be different? By the time he could say I told you so\n\n ...he didn't want to. \n\nYet he understood immediately. The sheer intensity radiating from the power in front of him was enough to drop him to his knees. \n\n\nIt had a gentle heat, inviting you in.\n\nIt had an uncanny chill, daring you to try.\n\nIt had a power, that you couldn't live without. \n\n\nConsuming the surrounding desert it perverted the air, snagging the very thread of reality into its manic glory. \n\nThe rays of the mid-day dune sun echoed in every color through the erupting geodes. Swimming brilliantly over the sands in true reflection of the misery to come. \n\n\"Oh Jerret you old fool...what have you done\"\n\nTo Be Continued......\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nWhile he's had many an adventure, Ulysse never returned to the Dunes after that day. But that was a long time ago...and a story for another time. \n\nOn this particular morning.... Ulysse frantically awoke, his mind racing, completely unable to breathe!"} +{"id": "fc834b5d-093b-4a74-9ac0-269258817c1f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:45.63", "backgroundColor": "#0a1101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZEj75jiNUMhMVWqUmf9mczZtD4MUajX9GNbp8Gv6LX3b", "txHash": "0x44d77dce21fbb035c2eba082807afe1eec724e48797798f794f4ae3025c47e62", "createdAtBlock": 14929940, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7126, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ulysse of the Hollow", "text": "His bed sheet over his head, he fought in vain to surface for air. Bracing for an attack, his world shattered in an instant as the blanket untwisted. Looking down at himself for the first time Ulysse broke down at the sight of a tiny rat body of which he had full control.\n\n\"Somebodys cursed me!!!!\" \n\nOh this was serious...A woodsman...being cursed in his own forest?? Even the deeper magics refuse to enter a battle mages grove. \n\nUlysse scrambled around his home, accommodating to his new form of motion. There didn't seem to be anyone home or any signs of a break in...very strange.\n\nThis was not going to be easy to fix and the magnitude of what lay before him annoyed Ulysse more than it scared him. He slipped out a crack in the door in the direction of town thinking he knew just who to find.\n\n~The Tavern~ Scene 1 \n\n-Ulysse spastically enters the tavern in search of a friend to help-\n-Impy squints and notices a rat scurrying across the street-\n-Trollin suddenly appears, mug in hand, running towards the rat ready to smash-\n\n\n\"No wait Trollin!!!! Stop!!!\" interjects Magus Wazir, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.\n \n\n -Wazir hands Trollin a mallet-\n\n\n\"Use this instead!\"\n\n\n-Trollin grabs the huge mallet, ready to crush-\n-Impy suddenly grabs the kitchen knife from the sink-\n\n\n\"No Use this!\"\n\n\n-Impy runs to the door and closes it to trap the rat inside-\n\n\n\"Wait, aren't we wizards? Someone cast a spell.\" Trollin exclaimed\n\n\n-Impy reaches in his pocket to pull out a scroll containing the spell he has been trying to learn-\n\n\nimpynadus traptus!!!!"} +{"id": "fc834b5d-093b-4a74-9ac0-269258817c1f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:45.63", "backgroundColor": "#0a1101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZEj75jiNUMhMVWqUmf9mczZtD4MUajX9GNbp8Gv6LX3b", "txHash": "0x44d77dce21fbb035c2eba082807afe1eec724e48797798f794f4ae3025c47e62", "createdAtBlock": 14929940, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7126, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ulysse of the Hollow", "text": "impynadus traptus!!!!\n\n\n-Impy turns to notice the spell workedon Wazir-\n\nThe magical cage swirled around Wazir like a force field, but he appeared unharmed.\n\nTrollin's familiar appears on his shoulder, eyes pitch black_ _Trollin's eyes also turn pitch black then return to normal\n\n\n\"What do you mean, a rat?\" questioned Trollin.\n\n\n\"REEE RE REEEE!\" Ulysse desperately tried to confirm it as true, but no english words escaped.\n\n\n\"Interesting... someone polymorphed him?\" Wazir asked intrigued, unalarmed from his current predicament. \n\n\n-Impy takes a look through the window and casts another spell-\n\n\n\"impynadus release!\" He yells. \n\n\n-The cage crumbles around Wazir-\n\n\n\"I hear rumors of an old wizard in town that specializes in alchemy and polymorph spells. We might need to track them down?\" piped up Trollin. \"Goblin Town is where the rumors started, but going into Goblin Town is no small feat...\"\n\n\"Goblin Town?! Ahhhh man.\"\n\n-regardless of his complaint, Impy grabs his familiar, Impy Jr. and starts walking-\n\n~The Tavern~ End Scene 1~\n\nAnd so the 4 set out, not knowing what lay ahead and who they might meet!\n\n\n\n\n****"} +{"id": "f47b1268-8bc1-4bbf-a807-980830e76a10-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-12T22:20:53.04", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWh5p6zQXsPJGQ3dGnnQAEGcUnBHdJjcRigGqxy1WMwQy", "txHash": "0xa9d6b3f6f10a7ad26fb3a53280385c91a5d3d2c0a3da7248ff745e1b85df7c6c", "createdAtBlock": 16171568, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Atlas of Alfheim", "text": "# Atlas and the Amber Crystal: An Adventure in Battle Magic\n\nAs the kingdom of Alfheim prepared for war, Battle Mage Atlas stood at the forefront of its defense. He was a master of all forms of magic, but his true strength lay in the art of battle magic. His signature weapon, the Emerald Staff, was a fearsome weapon that could channel the most powerful of spells.\n\nAtlas was also known for his distinctive appearance, with his long yellow Elven Cloak flowing behind him as he cast his spells. The cloak was a gift from the queen of the elves, a token of her appreciation for his help in defeating a great evil that threatened their land.\n\nBut as the enemy army approached, Atlas found himself facing a foe unlike any other he had encountered before. The enemy's magic was strong, and they seemed to be immune to many of his most powerful spells. As the battle raged on, Atlas began to feel his strength flagging.\n\nJust when all seemed lost, a mysterious figure appeared on the battlefield. The figure was cloaked in darkness, and they wielded a powerful magic that was unknown to Atlas. With their help, Atlas was able to turn the tide of battle and defeat the enemy army.\n\nAs a reward for his bravery, the king of Alfheim presented Atlas with a rare and beautiful amber crystal. This crystal would enable Atlas to amplify his magical abilities even further, making him even more powerful than before. But as Atlas accepted the gift, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. Who was the mysterious figure that had appeared on the battlefield? And what was the true purpose of the amber crystal? These were questions that Atlas knew he would have to answer if he was to protect his kingdom from the darkness that threatened to engulf it."} +{"id": "9a2880a3-7214-4b3e-bd39-f53e205c5749-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-26T02:03:55.114", "backgroundColor": "#651915", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeZwYmqnWzvABMEztkyvMegKDnWnNFW2nPQqi364ytpJs", "txHash": "0xece7438a5e2fdf3a00977ae9d637c19cd9545e6546e3b4736851a67f47262a67", "createdAtBlock": 16487886, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6151, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Alessar of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Diabolist Alessar of the Bastion and his Oynx Wolf - Hades\n\nAlessar was cast out of the City of the Black Sands. He conveniently changed his name to \"of the Bastion\". Brown Wizards are good natured, sure. They are earth-loving, simple wizards, sure. \n\nWell, I guess when you mess with dark forces one may gain a dark reputation. Alessar must have messed with some really dark shit. I mean stuff like the Sacred Flame, human or beast sacrifice, dark arts of summoning demons or something. Actions a far cry from the fun-loving simple living Brown Wizard stuff like stuffing rabbits on Hare Day or clay parrot shooting in the Fey.\n\nAnyways, Alessar is a Diabolist, or that is what the folks of the Black Sands called him as they magically banned him from the city some years ago. He is well kept, attractive, even with his white beard. He is much younger than you think. Most true Brown Hats have white hair, I am told. There are only about 100 of them in the Runiverse, once again, so I am told. \n\nA word on his Oynx Wolf. This is no ordinary wolf. The dark magic that Alessar has learned or holds was used to transform this wolf into a real beast. This wolf is a Lycan. There are a number of these Lycans in the Runiverse, warriors mostly."} +{"id": "9a2880a3-7214-4b3e-bd39-f53e205c5749-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-26T02:03:55.114", "backgroundColor": "#651915", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeZwYmqnWzvABMEztkyvMegKDnWnNFW2nPQqi364ytpJs", "txHash": "0xece7438a5e2fdf3a00977ae9d637c19cd9545e6546e3b4736851a67f47262a67", "createdAtBlock": 16487886, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6151, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Alessar of the Bastion", "text": "Alessar is most certainly a dangerous individual. His dark magic, his good looks, his excellent taste in clothes and magnificent wolf (Lycan) are strengths not to be reckoned with. If he is backed into a corner or on a full moon, his wolf will transform to the most formidable fighter. Most recent rumor is that @warrior5984 is the warrior Lycan. A katana sword wielding bad-ass with his own companion, a death obsessed hyena that travels with Alessar and Hades. There is no report on the name of the Hyena. \n\nKnown associates are @wizard113, @wizard7238 and @pony100 which rumor has, Alessar trained at the City of the Black Sands. How else does a pony learn to breath out the fires from hell?\n\nThis entry was written by a very well-known wizard and not by a computer. It is sad that this has to be entered into record. Dumb computers. For the record. Photographs, drawings or some sort of rendering is currently being sourced. You got to see this evil bunch!"} +{"id": "12908af1-6c7e-49d3-bb7d-1e3712d3ec52-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:56.715", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfSMeFV6KdbvLTDbCe33nDG8mBbYz9zGhEMhQXB5ZG2gA", "txHash": "0x87e59bb2e0b8f560a884ffae3f496b18fa7e0490c5c63ddcdf70555804b022f1", "createdAtBlock": 14027993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9930, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Baird of the Hollow\n\nThe sun was rising above the forest treetop horizon when Baird walked out to the balcony of his treehouse in The Fey forests. His treehouse was craved into the trunk of City Tree close to the very top. He enjoyed the endless view of the treetops that were under his care. He could even see some of the forests of Hedge Wizard Woods and The Thorn forests that borders with The Fey. As High Council of the Forests, Baird had oversight over all the forests in the Wizards lands. All aspects of the forests were his concern: the health, growth, protection, uses and everything in between. It was a burden that sat heavy on his shoulders but seeing the beauty before him makes it all worthwhile.\n\nAs he looked down, he could see the stirring of the community starting up its day. The City Tree is literally the heart of The Fey, both in location and community activity. The treehouses available on City Tree itself was prime real estate, and many of the wealthy and most influential wizards made their homes here. Baird was fully cognizant of the privilege (but never prideful) that his treehouse is the only one craved into the truck while all other houses were built on the boughs of the tree. The City Tree was also the center of commerce where stores and stalls were setup for trading and bartering. People brought their home grown produce and setup stalls to barter for other goods. Craftsmen had stores where they performed their amazing workmanship to serve the needs of the community. Traders brought in items from other Wizard Lands to sell here and similarly bought goods from here to sell in other lands. The City Tree served as a social, cultural and economic place of exchange that brought different cultures together."} +{"id": "12908af1-6c7e-49d3-bb7d-1e3712d3ec52-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:56.715", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfSMeFV6KdbvLTDbCe33nDG8mBbYz9zGhEMhQXB5ZG2gA", "txHash": "0x87e59bb2e0b8f560a884ffae3f496b18fa7e0490c5c63ddcdf70555804b022f1", "createdAtBlock": 14027993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9930, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Hollow", "text": "Baird closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. He went into his morning routine of meditation before the start of the day. The meditation practice has helps him to clear his mind and settle his spirit for the start of a new day. He listened to the natural sounds of forest and allowed it to wash over him, and for his body to sync with its frequency. Looks like another beautiful day in the forest! Baird thought to himself. He sensed his hummingbird familiar flying back and slowly re-opened his eyes to see Pariko making its way toward him. Pariko had chosen to be with Baird after an adventure in his young days. It was so long ago that the number of years did not matter anymore.\n\nPariko flew out to different forests and brought a piece of that forest everyday. It could be anything from a twig, leaf, flower, insect or fruit. Baird had never commanded Pariko to do that, but Pariko knew Baird loved this daily exercise to get a sense of the health and the on-goings across the different forests by each of these pieces.\n\nPariko glided and landed softly on Bairds shoulder. Pariko dropped the leaf it had been carrying into Bairds hand and happily picked up a flower seed in return. Baird picked up the leaf and gently rubbed the Kakou plant leaf and smelt its unique aroma. He then chewed it in his mouth and fully enjoyed the aroma with its slight sweet taste. He declared This should be a good harvest year for the Kakou! We will have lots of Kakou tea to enjoy. This is will be a great update in the Forest Council!"} +{"id": "12908af1-6c7e-49d3-bb7d-1e3712d3ec52-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:56.715", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfSMeFV6KdbvLTDbCe33nDG8mBbYz9zGhEMhQXB5ZG2gA", "txHash": "0x87e59bb2e0b8f560a884ffae3f496b18fa7e0490c5c63ddcdf70555804b022f1", "createdAtBlock": 14027993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9930, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Hollow", "text": "Baird had a full day of council meetings ahead and started making his way down the City Tree. The stairway circled around the thick trunk and was sufficiently wide for three to four people to cross abreast at any point. Baird greeted everyone by name and stopped for short catch-up conversations along the way down. That always made the journey down significantly longer than expected! He wanted to stop by Charmer Sonja (FRWC #9938) place to get updates on developments of some new potions. That was the fun and exciting stuff! Not the council meetings"} +{"id": "314a280a-e54c-4084-b42f-59cc711ea350-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-13T08:49:05.349", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUT62nJ5nxgTkTwKesJX5PFMyt3xmjfmtkKy7KLFdKSer", "txHash": "0xa493595979432e54366a33b5128433f2fd9d1cdac5889e4d56edeaa57ba8df0d", "createdAtBlock": 16174693, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5387, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Astaroth Assaulter of the Sun", "text": "# The defeating of the Sun's god \n\nAstasroth, the assaulter of the sun, marched forward with determination. His heavy armor clanked with each step, and his familiar, a Royal Razorbak, stayed close by his side.\n\nIn his hand, he held the shield of the water elemental, its surface glistening in the light. His other hand clutched tightly to his longsword, etched with ancient runes.\n\nAs they approached their destination, the Rune of the sun blazed brighter and brighter, guiding them towards their goal.\n\nThe sun god, Ra, had been unleashing his wrath upon the world, and Astasroth was the only one who could stand against him.\n\nWith a fierce cry, Astasroth charged forward, his shield and sword at the ready. The Royal Razorbak snarled and lunged at Ra, its razor-sharp claws glinting in the sunlight.\n\nRa's power was great, but Astasroth was no ordinary mortal. He fought with the strength of a thousand warriors, his strikes swift and powerful.\n\nThe battle raged on, the sound of clashing metal and snarling beasts filling the air. But in the end, Astasroth emerged victorious.\n\nHe stood victorious over Ra, his armor dented and his sword stained with the sun god's blood. The world was safe once more, thanks to the bravery and skill of Astasroth, the assaulter of the sun."} +{"id": "2163326d-fbe7-4e5f-8870-4c74a48746ef-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-26T18:43:05.652", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQzdJxm4YLB4trSexwsbVAKAsGpTNcUjtRk6DsETh4psw", "txHash": "0x3e3f5e8df1b6631f5906a18a378bfb31e80095b8f91e4500eca4ded22adc562d", "createdAtBlock": 16492855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5198, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kaggle Slayer of Blood", "text": "Kaggle Slayer of Blood was a pit fighter trying to make end's meet in Goblin Town when the wizard economy crashed. After meeting a lucky silver goat named Pepper, Kaggle's fortunes reversed and he became a full time adventurer. His quest for treasure and friendship spans the world."} +{"id": "1d077b69-c75a-4230-b609-521e90b08474-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:13.262", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6kfd8CnK2Riryffi4SXRA3xKqeNp4ffA1GDEBesQGWo", "txHash": "0xeac2af42e814a522f6142ab090430bd439099b315cbcd84acac8401a249c9447", "createdAtBlock": 14037065, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Astrid of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Aeromancer Astrid of the Valley\n\nThe wind howled through the trees, rustling the leaves, which was a comforting sound. The tall grass swayed in the breeze, but it remained tall enough to hide her from view. She could still see the wavy, extensive beard of her father, which was why she had found this spot to lurk.\n\nEarlier in the day, her father had seemed pensive. He was not the happy-go-lucky father she was used to seeing day after day. A cordial GM was met with a Not now, Astrid. When her father had walked down the road and into the valley, she decided to follow at a distance, remaining out of sight for the length of the walk, which lasted for a good hour. What happened next would shape the rest of her life.\n\nThe first thing she noticed was an overwhelming sense of terror. Not just a fear of something terrible happening, but a deep-seated belief that evil was at hand. The sky turned dark not from rain clouds, or the sun setting, but the blue of the sky faded into a raven-esque darkness despite the sun remaining completely visible. It was a horrifying sight, and Astrid sunk a little closer to the ground in reaction. The scent of the mid-day was gone, the wind which she felt so close to was still, and she heard plodding hoofs which echoed across the valley. She heard her fathers voice, which had a slight tremor and was high pitched. This was possibly more terrifying than the changes in the environment her father was her rock and he had never appeared scared before. She considered running, but was frozen in fear, and like in a nightmare she forced herself to look up."} +{"id": "1d077b69-c75a-4230-b609-521e90b08474-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:13.262", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6kfd8CnK2Riryffi4SXRA3xKqeNp4ffA1GDEBesQGWo", "txHash": "0xeac2af42e814a522f6142ab090430bd439099b315cbcd84acac8401a249c9447", "createdAtBlock": 14037065, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Astrid of the Valley", "text": "A figure was standing next to her father in a gray tunic its skin darker than pitch black; so much so, that it was as if it was sucking in the color around it like a black hole. It was completely void of all color, except for a marking on its forehead, its tunic, and a yellow-orange snail perched on its shoulder. Something about the tunic and the snail seemed off in Astrids subconscious, but she was too transfixed on the conversation this being and her father were having to give it much thought. The beings presence had seemingly warped the air in the near vicinity as the conversation was muffled, so Astrid decided to slink a little closer to hear. She moved slowly, with the air, nary making a sound which she had learned growing up. Not a soul was ever able to hear her sneaking up on them and she had won many a game of seek and find this way. As she approached the ominous figure from behind, she began to hear some of the muffled conversation,\n\n agreement was \n\nI understand, however daughter ..\n\nIrrelevant. Goblin tomorrow\n\nJust like that, it seemed the conversation was over. The figure stopped talking and pivoted in place. As it turned to face where she was hiding in the grass, closer this time, she peered into the void. The figure seemed to stare directly at her, and in that moment, time felt as if it had frozen. Astrid initially felt pure dread and hopelessness, but as this moment of near forever continued, the feeling dissipated into an equilibrium of terror and joy, hopelessness, and hope. The moment seemed to be unending, but simultaneously was over instantly."} +{"id": "1d077b69-c75a-4230-b609-521e90b08474-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:13.262", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6kfd8CnK2Riryffi4SXRA3xKqeNp4ffA1GDEBesQGWo", "txHash": "0xeac2af42e814a522f6142ab090430bd439099b315cbcd84acac8401a249c9447", "createdAtBlock": 14037065, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Astrid of the Valley", "text": "It was incredibly ethereal. Astrid came back to the present and the color had returned to the sky, the aroma of a sweet summers afternoon infiltrated her nostrils again and the birds were chirping. Most alarming, however, was the absence of any figure especially her fathers. There was no sign of what had just occurred. She rushed over to where her father had been standing, and the tall grass hadnt a single bend, and not a trail leaving the scene. She ran to where she had seen the figure standing and before she knew it, she was face down in the grass with a face-full of dirt her foot had contacted a large rock. She looked down and saw two marks that almost seemed burned into the rock one that looked like a horseshoe and one that looked a left-facing ribbon. She screamed PAPA! as loud as her voice would allow, using the wind to carry the sound even farther, but there was no response. She tried it again, and again, and there was no response.\n\nHe must have gone home, she thought to herself. She raced home on the wind that had resumed blowing and got back in record time. She burst through the door of their modest abode and screamed PAPA again as loud as she could. There was no response this time, but her eagerness and wind had sent a scroll which was on the table soaring into the air. She snatched it up and opened it inside were the words,\n\nFind your sister in Aldos Isle\n\nThings arent always as they seem\n\n-A"} +{"id": "964cfb7a-9853-4186-98ba-e5ad9baa1c3c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:05.309", "backgroundColor": "#3e0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5CMLTTy77B6cMBYXxX1Tfa1chXHxsNQwwQ4URbpUB99", "txHash": "0xf37562d675564c2d674dcb838f56ee9897863f96f0fd94510000c102281ec4d4", "createdAtBlock": 14033930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4049, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Giacomo of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Giacomo of El Dorado\n\nLong ago he had a name of his own - but now he was called Tormund. A normal life of sleeping in his den during the day and chasing mice and other vermin at night was not enough for this fox. He was drawn to the world of man and their elaborate rituals and passings. He would spend the daylight hours observing villages and their practices. He was drawn most strongly to the work of the wizards that inhabited these spaces. Though they were not the most wealthy or prominent members of these villages their lives and movements involved tokens, chants and other artifacts that captured his curiosity and attention. For these wizards seemed all powerful while living a secret and unknown life.\n\nIt was not until the Spring Transition Ritual where he observed an elaborate ceremony led by a purple hatted wizard of singing and sacrifice that he got an idea - to play a trick on the wizards. So, he began that day and for weeks to come to steal items one at a time from the table that sat to the left of the ritual altar.\n\nSoon the foxs collection consisted of small tokens, vials of liquids and powders, parchment with indiscernible markings (at least to him for he was just a fox), dried fruits, small tools, and even a large hat which he occasionally would curl up in during a cool spring night.\n\nThis continued for sometime through the summer and into the turning of the season. On one particularly cold morning he headed to the village to add to his collection. After enjoying a quick breakfast of a stolen turkey leg from the butcher, he made his way to the ritual area. There he saw it - a wooden doll."} +{"id": "964cfb7a-9853-4186-98ba-e5ad9baa1c3c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:05.309", "backgroundColor": "#3e0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5CMLTTy77B6cMBYXxX1Tfa1chXHxsNQwwQ4URbpUB99", "txHash": "0xf37562d675564c2d674dcb838f56ee9897863f96f0fd94510000c102281ec4d4", "createdAtBlock": 14033930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4049, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Giacomo of El Dorado", "text": "The doll could not be more than his height from fore legs to crest of head but it interested the fox beyond anything he had seen before. He felt as if he knew this wooden boy doll and wanted to share his den with a friend to keep company. It would be a perfect addition to his collection\n\nHe krept under the white and red striped tent and tucked into the corner where he waited, making sure to not be seen. After a few minutes passed he decided to make his move and jumped up onto the table, picked up the wooden doll in his mouth and shot out of the ritual tent as quickly as his four legs could carry him heading back to his den.\n\nThat night he placed his new prize on the pile of other precious items and curled into the hat to drift off to sleep.\n\nThe crack of thunder woke him in the middle of the night - or so he thought it was thunder. Trying to get back to sleep he kept hearing the shattering sound and decided to investigate. When he left the opening of his den he looked up into the sky and waited for the next crack, but when the noise came the sky did not light up. He began to ascend the knoll next to his den to get a better look - maybe off in the distance he would see this electric storm that had awoken him.\n\nThe sky he noticed was not the normal sky but instead was the night sky with purple ribbons stroking through it. After taking in the deep rich color of the feathery plumes his eyes noticed they were all coming from a single source and he began to follow them. After traveling for about 10 minutes he saw their origination point.\n\nFrom the top of the white and red striped tent this purple fog was emitting. And then another crack and the tent illuminated from within. He approached. From inside he heard the chant of words he did not know the meaning of:"} +{"id": "964cfb7a-9853-4186-98ba-e5ad9baa1c3c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:05.309", "backgroundColor": "#3e0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5CMLTTy77B6cMBYXxX1Tfa1chXHxsNQwwQ4URbpUB99", "txHash": "0xf37562d675564c2d674dcb838f56ee9897863f96f0fd94510000c102281ec4d4", "createdAtBlock": 14033930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4049, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Giacomo of El Dorado", "text": "Riss in chentre Jia comm o nd bcom the wizaad tat you werr craf ta be\n\nThe whole spectacle entranced our dear fox who was now nestled up against the side of the warm red and white tent. He could not pull himself away but it was late and he fell asleep wondering what the words could mean\n\nThe next morning was cold as well and the foxs body was stiff. After a deep stretch and a shake he made his way to the butcher to eat an old scrap or two. After this quick breakfast he headed back to his den. When he approached the den something seemed different. As he stood at the entry to his den peering in with his yellow eyes he heard a noise behind him.\n\nWell hello there little one. You are a beautiful fox arent you? I hope you dont mind me camping here at your home last night, but I seem to have forgotten how I got here. Actually, I seem to have forgotten nearly everything.\n\nThe fox was frozen and his knees shook a man stood before him - which would have been fine as he was a friend to man, but this was no ordinary man. This man looked and was dressed like the wooden doll he took just days before.\n\nHe jumped down into his den and saw the doll gone, his other collections messily strewn about. It was him, the fox thought. And how do I understand what he is saying?\n\nCome here little fox he exited his den to see the man again.\n\nMy name is Enchanter Giacomo. I shall call you Thurmond. There is one thing I remember and I need you to get ready. We are heading now to El Dorado."} +{"id": "87309356-0b00-4066-bebd-fdfd396c622f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:06.81", "backgroundColor": "#614B8E", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNmizLAJ4aV6kjMJkaLCLvqF28ehARQbV3miCr7WFQAmi", "txHash": "0x9d251f513710f1d6d338be2b59d346f59ad5a976a206fd2041e070eb64f2fb7c", "createdAtBlock": 14034431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTYyXwPubxWmoXu8Jp1ETcqxFa5NCB9KP5yxx6LMtfLLQ", "name": "Magus Chiyo of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Chiyo of the Hills\n\n \n\nPROLOGUE\n\nChiyos first memories were purely sensory: the feel of coarse fur against her cheek. The tang of musk. The sound of shrill barks like laughter. Piercing tickles on her feet as her siblings nipped her toes.\n\nWhat became of her parents, her original family, she did not know, but the foxes raised her as one of their own.\n\nAs such, she was a wild girl. She learned to stalk, hunt prey, and pounce like her den mates. She wrestled with them in the sandy dunes and learned to dig holes to keep warm during the night and cool during the day. She yowled and sang with her siblings when they made a fresh kill, and she snarled at them when she needed space.\n\nYears passed, and Chiyo grew.\n\n Before long she was larger than her fox siblings and took up more space in the den. Chiyo had never seen another human before so, despite her differences, she still considered herself to be a fox like the rest of her family. This all changed the day she saw the wizard.\n\nWhen she first saw the man, she didnt even recognize him as one of her own species. Granted, he was an unusual human. He was immensely tall, yet his posture was stooped as he ambled along with the aid of a thick cane. He had a flowing gray cloak that trailed behind him like a swath of fog. His wispy beard nearly brushed the tops of his toes. Upon his head was a large triangular brown hat."} +{"id": "87309356-0b00-4066-bebd-fdfd396c622f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:06.81", "backgroundColor": "#614B8E", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNmizLAJ4aV6kjMJkaLCLvqF28ehARQbV3miCr7WFQAmi", "txHash": "0x9d251f513710f1d6d338be2b59d346f59ad5a976a206fd2041e070eb64f2fb7c", "createdAtBlock": 14034431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTYyXwPubxWmoXu8Jp1ETcqxFa5NCB9KP5yxx6LMtfLLQ", "name": "Magus Chiyo of the Hills", "text": "He was leading along a tired brown horse who snorted with every step. Chiyo had seen wild horses before, but this mans creature looked shaggier and was laden with colorful bags and other mysterious items. The foxes were afraid by the presence of this stranger. Years had passed without a single intrusion upon the remote area in which they lived. They scurried into their den to hide but Chiyo hesitated. She was curious to inspect this unusual creature who walked on two legs instead of four.\n\nChiyo crept as close as she dared, using all her hunting skills to avoid making even the slightest sound. The wizard smelled strange as he passed by, like sage and something mineral. He smelled like another world.\n\nChiyo was certain she was invisible from where she hid behind a tangle of brush but, suddenly, the wizard stopped in his tracks and turned. His eyes glowed softly as they landed upon her hiding spot, looking right _through_ it. His eyes bore into Chiyos very soul and she felt as vulnerable as a rabbit.\n\nHe spoke words to her, sharp and angular sounds like scraping rock, but Chiyo did not understand. The wizards brow furrowed, and he walked back towards her. She bared their teeth at him and growled, and his countenance shifted into one of surprise. That did not deter him, however, and he continued to approach.\n\nHe held out a long and bony finger, and Chiyo snapped her teeth as a warning. But the wizard did not flinch. He pressed his finger against her forehead, and Chiyo gasped as a sharp electric sensation snapped across her skin. Seconds later, knowledge flooded her, filling her mind with an explosion of color and understanding. It made her want to cry."} +{"id": "87309356-0b00-4066-bebd-fdfd396c622f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:06.81", "backgroundColor": "#614B8E", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNmizLAJ4aV6kjMJkaLCLvqF28ehARQbV3miCr7WFQAmi", "txHash": "0x9d251f513710f1d6d338be2b59d346f59ad5a976a206fd2041e070eb64f2fb7c", "createdAtBlock": 14034431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTYyXwPubxWmoXu8Jp1ETcqxFa5NCB9KP5yxx6LMtfLLQ", "name": "Magus Chiyo of the Hills", "text": "In that instant, she realized that she was not a fox after all, but a wizard with magic flowing through her veins. All at once she could understand the language of humans and she gasped, What have you done?\n\nI have done nothing other than awaken you to your own gifts, the wizard rumbled gently. You should be training in a citadel, not living like an animal in the wild.\n\nWhat is a citadel?\n\nCome with me and I will show you.\n\nChiyo looked back at the den where the rest of her family hid, huddling in fear.\n\nI cant leave my family, she replied.\n\nThen your powers will be squandered, the wizard said, looking disappointed. He turned to leave but hesitated.\n\nHe held out a hand, and a small red mushroom materialized in his palm from thin air. It levitated towards Chiyo, sparkling like a jewel. Entranced, she reached out to take it.\n\nYou may not be ready to leave your nest now. But one day your magic will call to you, and your heart will long to answer. Eat this when you have decided to pursue your rightful path, the wizard instructed.\n\nChiyo cupped the mushroom in her hands and held it close to her chest as the wizard clucked at his horse and walked away.\n\nA part of her longed to chase after him, to beg him to show her a world of magic she never knew existed until this moment. But her mind was still reeling with new language, knowledge, and imagery. It overwhelmed her. She needed time to make sense of it all.\n\nShe crept back into her den and snuggled her parents and siblings. They nipped at her gently, reprimanding her for putting herself in harms way. She was safe againand yet\n\nChiyo couldnt sleep that night. For the first time in her life she felt she didnt belong."} +{"id": "87309356-0b00-4066-bebd-fdfd396c622f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:06.81", "backgroundColor": "#614B8E", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNmizLAJ4aV6kjMJkaLCLvqF28ehARQbV3miCr7WFQAmi", "txHash": "0x9d251f513710f1d6d338be2b59d346f59ad5a976a206fd2041e070eb64f2fb7c", "createdAtBlock": 14034431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTYyXwPubxWmoXu8Jp1ETcqxFa5NCB9KP5yxx6LMtfLLQ", "name": "Magus Chiyo of the Hills", "text": "The mushroom she held pulsed softly with amber light"} +{"id": "58382e28-bbf0-4913-9d8b-ade74a15c55f-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-15T03:13:17.392", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcenwGmKuYKPSXg7j3XJ96wH7P5WsZk9PPAqRa4P1r4t", "txHash": "0x442730a514137e475cc8ac74b29a4fabb2684085f7a4a400c88f9eb40786645f", "createdAtBlock": 16187337, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3147, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmULnK9bFRDCjJGWMQ3oFhGVdC9aVGizHykvRMNhzuJr5C", "name": "Magus Tumbaj of the Mount", "text": "# Tumbajs testimonial encounter with the Logos: \n\n\n\n*Masked Ball (1999 Extended Mix) < Play Soundtrack and Read Lore*\nhttps://youtu.be/fHRLoVmPeLU\n\n## Tumbaj Speaks:\n\n*Nearly 9 nights I nodded* perched like a pendulum, thrice!- I swung back and forth; unto life unto death unto life again Until my sacrifice hath been heard by the gods ad infinitum Above, the aurora borealis began to burn bright; and below, a sound echoed across the face of the deep. As this voice spoke, it gave shape and form to the chaos, speaking in truths and half-truths, parceled by a tongue I know not\n\n\n> ***ALDKFALDKJFADFPOIRHFOARIHTQOTHDJFVZDVNVFCZLNVLF***\n\n> **-It sayeth...**\n\n> ***ALSJDLADFDLJFAWOIEJFASDJLCNZNVLSKDNSDKJLJFLSDLS*** \n\n\n> **-I saweth**\n\n\n\n### Tumbaj Continues...\nThe moon mirrored the madness of my distorted mind over the surface of the lake, and in that moment, I was cut from the cosmological netting of the clockwork universe\n\n As I plummeted towards the icy depths, hyperbolic knots in time and space unraveled and I was caught somewhere between for what felt like eons. Long was I forced to look upon my reflection on the face of the water before the final dissolution. And by the time I was back in this temporal dimension, the lake had parted, folding me into the murky deep.\n\n Disturbed were the waters around me as they began to glow and my mind was flooded into the light my awareness went, into the night my body was sent\n\n# ****"} +{"id": "58382e28-bbf0-4913-9d8b-ade74a15c55f-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-15T03:13:17.392", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcenwGmKuYKPSXg7j3XJ96wH7P5WsZk9PPAqRa4P1r4t", "txHash": "0x442730a514137e475cc8ac74b29a4fabb2684085f7a4a400c88f9eb40786645f", "createdAtBlock": 16187337, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3147, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmULnK9bFRDCjJGWMQ3oFhGVdC9aVGizHykvRMNhzuJr5C", "name": "Magus Tumbaj of the Mount", "text": "# ****\n\n*Tumbaj briefly regained consciousness as he was being carried away by the shadows. He managed a quick glimpse down at his hand, but he could not make it apart from the ensuing darkness From light- again- casted into darkness, he slips back into the chasm of his mind to die, to sleep; to sleep,* ***perchance to dream***"} +{"id": "5b5e06ea-14d1-4646-a4a0-00c4343754a0-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-26T20:46:53.367", "backgroundColor": "#160404", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPNQxSREhrfz3myrvizukwgpEMFa5Gg7wwrwyD8W2qrL", "txHash": "0x359a500c3b17823589aa47b9935b76da6fe55fb01791a843c8eca92295ef9f33", "createdAtBlock": 16493549, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2000, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmao7j8SwN6sy1Drys8w7rfszTmfgW4N8QJJfnShvS7oQR", "name": "The Grey Pilgrim", "text": "*When stories get told, stories never get old. The certain truth, however, is that these stories may undergo changes over the decades or centuries they are sustained in the minds of the people. Characters in these stories shift from hero to villain, depending on the region and culture the story gets told or even the outcome and moral of the story shifts over time. None of that, however, has ever happened with the story of the mythical Gray Pilgrim. Across all nations and times, this strange person has been the center of a set of stories that are almost fixed in stone.*\n\n*First of all, the origin of The Grey Pilgrim is shrouded in mystery and arcane secrets. It is a tale of betrayal, sacrifice and love. Legend goes that when The Grey Pilgrim was born dooming clouds filled the sky and lightning struck on the ground next to the house he was born in. It was a simpler time. Solar Mage Liliana hadnt climbed out of the Pit yet. The Dark Sisters were not even founded as a regular abbey yet and the stones used in building the Belfry were just clay and sand in the ground. It is a time when nature dominated the surface of the planet and settlements warred amongst each other, unencumbered yet by the dominance of an overlord or King.*\n\n*And in this world, The Grey Pilgrim, whose true name has been lost to the ages, developed into one of the brightest minds of that era. His keen eye for justice and raw talent in the arcane arts made him a formidable figure and soon he started to travel around and gather a following. These scholars wandered with him, and studied his ways but none of them were able to even begin to fathom the depth of his powers. During their travels The Grey Pilgrim met someone very special, Sasha. They became the main companion of The Grey Pilgrim, even sharing the bed after some time but unfortunately disaster was bound to happen.*"} +{"id": "5b5e06ea-14d1-4646-a4a0-00c4343754a0-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-26T20:46:53.367", "backgroundColor": "#160404", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPNQxSREhrfz3myrvizukwgpEMFa5Gg7wwrwyD8W2qrL", "txHash": "0x359a500c3b17823589aa47b9935b76da6fe55fb01791a843c8eca92295ef9f33", "createdAtBlock": 16493549, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2000, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmao7j8SwN6sy1Drys8w7rfszTmfgW4N8QJJfnShvS7oQR", "name": "The Grey Pilgrim", "text": "*As The Grey Pilgrim settled in with his partner, it became obvious to some of his followers that the arcane truths he had unraveled would never get shared with them but instead with his soulmate. One night, in blind rage, some of his disciples stormed his sleeping quarters and a battle ensued. It is said that the battle coloured the skies for miles on end and that when the dust settled, the earth was so thoroughly marked and scorched that nothing ever will grow there again. In the fight, one of his assailants saw an opportunity to strike The Grey Pilgrim in the back, but Sasha had seen through the tactic of the attacker. Brave and loving as they were, they covered the Pilgrims back with their own body, and were hit fatally themselves.*\n\n*And then, The Grey Pilgrim disappeared. He was no longer the majestic figure of old, but opted for a life as a hermit and recluse. Years went by and his name became something people whispered, hoping for the powerful arcane scholar to return and make the world a better place. But he never came back and generations passed on their stories in their own way and soon his name became forgotten.*\n\n*And then the mythos of The Grey Pilgrim finally started to gain shape. The stories being told around campfires in the woods, by minstrels at court or bards in busy taverns on free nights are all set after this origin story. Some of these stories are more remarkable than others though.*"} +{"id": "5b5e06ea-14d1-4646-a4a0-00c4343754a0-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-26T20:46:53.367", "backgroundColor": "#160404", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPNQxSREhrfz3myrvizukwgpEMFa5Gg7wwrwyD8W2qrL", "txHash": "0x359a500c3b17823589aa47b9935b76da6fe55fb01791a843c8eca92295ef9f33", "createdAtBlock": 16493549, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2000, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmao7j8SwN6sy1Drys8w7rfszTmfgW4N8QJJfnShvS7oQR", "name": "The Grey Pilgrim", "text": "*For instance, It has been stated that one night during his long journeys on unpaved and uncharted roads, he came face to face with the Devil itself. The Devil is usually referred to as the ruler of the abyss, Pit or other name the people of a certain culture attribute to it. This creature, the ruler of all things evil, was outraged by The Grey Pilgrim as he has mastered the secrets of immortal life. The Devil wanted him in his realm and torture him for eternity. The Grey Pilgrim sat down and refused to fight. He proposed a game of patience, with both of them sitting in silence. Legend goes that both sat silent without nourishment for years on end. Finally, the Devil cracked and admitted defeat. In return, The Grey Pilgrim asked for safe passage and a way to restore balance in the world one conflict at a time.*\n\n*His wish was granted by the Devil and he received the walking stick of the Devil. Now, it is called the Staff of Peace, one of the most intricately carved pieces of arcana in the history of the world. It is said that the Staff possesses the power to tap into the heart and soul of any living creatures and is able to filter away all the negative emotions and corruption running through the veins. To enter Royal courts and rowdy travers alike, The Grey Pilgrim chose the least aggressive gear to walk around, his symbolic Grey Cloak.\nThis is the story used by all cultures to explain the depiction of The Grey Pilgrim. Other stories talk about how he managed to prevent civil war in a city torn apart by the economic elite.*"} +{"id": "5b5e06ea-14d1-4646-a4a0-00c4343754a0-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-26T20:46:53.367", "backgroundColor": "#160404", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPNQxSREhrfz3myrvizukwgpEMFa5Gg7wwrwyD8W2qrL", "txHash": "0x359a500c3b17823589aa47b9935b76da6fe55fb01791a843c8eca92295ef9f33", "createdAtBlock": 16493549, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2000, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmao7j8SwN6sy1Drys8w7rfszTmfgW4N8QJJfnShvS7oQR", "name": "The Grey Pilgrim", "text": "*There are stories about how he has convinced mercenary groups and whole armies to lay down the weapons and start talking with the other side of the battlefield. But he isnt just a peace bringing persona. Other stories talk about how he single handedly defeated and resurrected an evil King. He has been central in the stories about a band of mages who worked together to defeat their old mentor.*\n\n*Many more stories will be written about The Grey Pilgrim in the coming centuries. The truth will always be shrouded in mystery. However, it is clear that somewhere on the surface of this planet there dwells a mythical arcane person whose destiny is closely linked to the destiny of the world.*"} +{"id": "a7c670b9-77c0-443a-8dbb-588d97815869-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-15T03:40:50.218", "backgroundColor": "#130302", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeyBs5gn6mo4wsETV51mhLURVW8dkC5PRkpD8UG6wL6yk", "txHash": "0x9529bb0251985e97005c5fbca2efd2c5e12fe6716fb2e66f22b038cb20b4b56f", "createdAtBlock": 16187474, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8683, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRHYFiK2zxNx8WDxFEMCscrPdnPaZtU1gr6eT4xaXkEov", "name": "Magus Kazem of the Sands", "text": "# Magus Kazem, the Dream Master of the Sands\n\n\n\n \n\nKazem knows not from where he came, or from when. As far back as he can recall, he has always existed; conscious among the realms of the physical, shared consciousness, and the astral plane. When Kazem first encountered humans, he found them to be interesting creatures. He thought they were rather silly in their quests for glory and power but showed many redeeming qualities such as love and compassion. He found that he could spontaneously enter their dreams and nightmares. As he grew more comfortable with this magic, Kazem found he could influence the waking perception of those he interacted with inside of the dream world at will.\n\n\n\nAs Kazem continued to explore the dream world, he found that he could not only manipulate the dreams of others, but also enter their memories and even alter them. This newfound ability gave Kazem immense power, but also brought great responsibility. Kazem knew that he had to use his powers wisely, for the consequences of tampering with someone's memories could be disastrous.\n\nDespite this, Kazem found himself drawn to using his powers to influence change in the world. He observed a powerful merchant who charged high sums of money for goods that were necessary to the everyday lives of desert citizens. Kazem entered the dreams of this wealthy merchant and manipulated him into giving large sums of money to Kazem who secretly donated it to the people of the sands. Kazem also entered the dreams of the powerful rulers who commanded large armies of warring factions. He used his manipulation techniques to create peace within these unstable lands for the first time in ages."} +{"id": "a7c670b9-77c0-443a-8dbb-588d97815869-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-15T03:40:50.218", "backgroundColor": "#130302", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeyBs5gn6mo4wsETV51mhLURVW8dkC5PRkpD8UG6wL6yk", "txHash": "0x9529bb0251985e97005c5fbca2efd2c5e12fe6716fb2e66f22b038cb20b4b56f", "createdAtBlock": 16187474, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8683, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRHYFiK2zxNx8WDxFEMCscrPdnPaZtU1gr6eT4xaXkEov", "name": "Magus Kazem of the Sands", "text": "But Kazem's actions did not go unnoticed. There were those who caught wind of his powers and saw him as a threat to their way of life. And so, a group of powerful wicked wizards banded together to stop Kazem and put an end to his influence. These wizards did not want the world to be in balance, they wanted chaos and confusion so they could conduct their business without any unwanted attention. Kazem stood in stark contrast to their sinister agenda.\n\n\n\nKazem knew that he could not defeat the wizards alone, so he turned to the only ally he had: the dream world itself. Kazem channeled his expanding consciousness and probed to discover powerful entities inhabiting this confusing realm. Kazem was surprised to discover others like himself. Dream masters who, like he, had existed since the beginning of it all were strewn about the universe and in different dimensions. \nKazem explained the circumstances occurring in his own world and gained the support of fellow Dream Masters. They witnessed similar imbalances within their worlds and agreed to help. With combined efforts, they were able to summon powerful creatures from within the nightmares of his enemies. These creatures were manifested from the deepest fears and insecurities deep within the wizards consciousnesses. Once conjured by the group of Dream Masters, the beasts were unleashed upon the band of wicked wizards. The wizards were caught off guard by the hideous nightmare beasts and were quickly overpowered."} +{"id": "a7c670b9-77c0-443a-8dbb-588d97815869-2", "createdAt": "2022-12-15T03:40:50.218", "backgroundColor": "#130302", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeyBs5gn6mo4wsETV51mhLURVW8dkC5PRkpD8UG6wL6yk", "txHash": "0x9529bb0251985e97005c5fbca2efd2c5e12fe6716fb2e66f22b038cb20b4b56f", "createdAtBlock": 16187474, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8683, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRHYFiK2zxNx8WDxFEMCscrPdnPaZtU1gr6eT4xaXkEov", "name": "Magus Kazem of the Sands", "text": "In the end, Kazem and the fellow Dream Masters emerged victorious and the wicked wizards were forced to flee into exile. His fellow Dream Masters bid Kazem farewell and returned to their domains. From that day on, Kazem was no longer operating in the shadows, he was known across the lands as the Dream Master of the sands, respected by all who knew of him. But despite his victory, Kazem knew that he could never let his guard down, for there were always those who would seek to create chaos and confusion to regain power over the citizens of the world."} +{"id": "7623bcfe-32df-47c0-a9a4-591751584baf-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-27T16:46:54.837", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXnaBjfSEpbgtniMDQ1bJpasMMaB6sktA8iYgsBAypPV6", "txHash": "0x162d3daff9d5cbabcd1b1c7b3c83c69eb51844980ae9ec40db518015651f6a03", "createdAtBlock": 16499435, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10539, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Althia Lacerator of the Wood", "text": "Using her legendary Chainsaw, Althia roams the Goblin Forests looking for evil trees to cull from her homestead. Scouting the dense forest canopies with her winged familiar, Althia's chainsaw buzzing sends shivers down the spines of any evil doers foolish enough to be spotted."} +{"id": "df0545a9-2ade-4526-bf16-a51730351e96-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:14.045", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVCNp1R6ycAwwjC9qUWgNVTyj6ZosaYGzm1pMmsxugs2t", "txHash": "0x3360ca379b545c230db72ea8a5808425f8ebc1508b1570eeba026100b38ce957", "createdAtBlock": 14037740, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Wazir of the Wood", "text": "# Where Wazir Sleeps\n\nOn the eastern edge of the forest, near the border of The Thorns, the sorcerer's meager hut sat wedged between two ancient pines. At a quick glance it would be difficult to discern if a branch belonged to the trees or to the structure - more than likely it was both of those things.\n\n> The small clearing in front of the hovel was surrounded by a palisade wall of the sorcerer's own creation. Comprised of thorns, branches, ivy, stone, and a variety of itchy, unpleasant plants - the contents of the wall may have led to the untimely, pustule-filled demise of at least one, if not two, but no more than three wayward travelers.\n\nThis was one of the more practical applications of the sorcerer's talents and one that he would boast about to his only companion - a large, overweight bat named Foxglove, often saying \"...there is no druid, mage, or hedge wizard from here to the Archepelgo who could conjure a living, breathing wall the height of a full grown Kobold!\"\n\n> The constant fumes which permeated from the sorcerer's hut had left the thatched roof covered in an unnatural array of lichen and moss which would often attract the most curious sorts of flying insects - something that Foxglove seemed to enjoy thoroughly. The deer hides that hung loosely above the entranceway were absent of any color and seemed to be impervious to nature's elements; with the strongest winds not even causing them to flutter."} +{"id": "df0545a9-2ade-4526-bf16-a51730351e96-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:14.045", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVCNp1R6ycAwwjC9qUWgNVTyj6ZosaYGzm1pMmsxugs2t", "txHash": "0x3360ca379b545c230db72ea8a5808425f8ebc1508b1570eeba026100b38ce957", "createdAtBlock": 14037740, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Wazir of the Wood", "text": "Despite the dwelling's off-putting facade, the inside was unexpectedly lavish. Upon crossing the threshold, it was hard to ignore the golden aura which seemed to radiate throughout the home. Orange flames flickered from a bronze brazier which was a permanent fixture in the middle of the spacious room. Two armchairs with plump, green velvet cushions sat on either side of the brazier and looked incredibly comfortable but otherwise unused. The far wall was overlain with large, black tiles on which no other adornments or decorations hung except for a large circular rune which resembled the sun.\n\n> An ornate alabaster table ran the entire length of the tiled wall. Littered with an extraordinary amount of flasks, vials, retorts, and cylinders, the table looked less like it belonged to a sorcerer and more like it belonged to a bar keep. Glass piping weaved itself haphazardly across all parts of the table, and a dull pattering of...drip...hiss...drip...hiss...drip...hiss could be heard as the distillilations leaked onto abandoned pieces of parchment.\n\nThe long lengths of dried herbs and flowers that weren't strewn about table hung from the beams of the ceiling. Everthing from fairywands to ghost orchids and even bloomed corpse flowers could be found in abundance. The sheer quantity of ingredients would have been enough for most herbalists to consider the collection a botanical treasure trove.\n\n> The remaining three walls of the home were lined entirely with beautiful redwood bookshelves. Every inch of every shelf was occupied with text. A reader was assured to find at least one scroll or tome dedicated to even the most obscure subjects including \"A Supposition into the Effects of Virgin's Blood on the Violent Predispositions of Fur Gnomes\" by Unknown Wizard of Arcadia - one of Wazir's personal favorites."} +{"id": "df0545a9-2ade-4526-bf16-a51730351e96-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:14.045", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVCNp1R6ycAwwjC9qUWgNVTyj6ZosaYGzm1pMmsxugs2t", "txHash": "0x3360ca379b545c230db72ea8a5808425f8ebc1508b1570eeba026100b38ce957", "createdAtBlock": 14037740, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Wazir of the Wood", "text": "Amidst the beauty, chaos, and clutter of the space, tucked into a small corner of the western-facing wall, a small bedroll was spread along the floor. On the few occasions that Wazir felt the need to rest; this was where the socerer slept."} +{"id": "c01be9bd-5a69-4bbc-8ffd-a7ca34656dd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:42.034", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZiEF9tT1VxPxsxRTBJ88Zph2fCvkKx6oD6ydBjHqHLud", "txHash": "0xfac9ad708c092d7650578012d71cd2ebd63b64c74956cb52f74f0b7634cc9aa1", "createdAtBlock": 14043640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9120, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Zane of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Zane of the Marsh\n\nMagus Zane was always considered an odd duck in the wizarding world. No familiar, no rune, no hair either. And a nose redder than Rudolph the Reindeer's during peak allergy season. He also has a very peculiar dress style: always all white, all the time, which is probably why he never gets invited to weddings anymore. Zane has always had a hard time with the whole socializing thing...he doesn't understand other people, they don't understand him, and generally he prefers a solitary existence in his little hut in the marsh with no one and nothing to disturb him. Life is simpler and more peaceful that way, he has found.\n\nUnlike most wizards, who are constantly obsessed over finding new ways to use their magic to burn, electrocute, petrify, or poison their enemies, Zane is a complete pacifist. He abhors violence of all sorts, and to date has never killed a living thing of any kind, not even a plant. He meets his daily caloric needs from a spell he invented that conjures food out of thin air. He probably could end world hunger in a single stroke if he shared this spell with the larger wizarding community, but the thought of using his magic to solve profound social problems never even occurred to him. Zane has always lived in his own little world, and that's just the way he likes it."} +{"id": "c01be9bd-5a69-4bbc-8ffd-a7ca34656dd0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:42.034", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZiEF9tT1VxPxsxRTBJ88Zph2fCvkKx6oD6ydBjHqHLud", "txHash": "0xfac9ad708c092d7650578012d71cd2ebd63b64c74956cb52f74f0b7634cc9aa1", "createdAtBlock": 14043640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9120, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Zane of the Marsh", "text": "Magus Zane could also tell the future. He is one of the Forgotten Runes' leading experts in divination magic, which is likely the reason he has always had a difficult time interacting with others...it's hard to relate to people living in a mere three dimensions when your mind is constantly crossing over to the fourth. For Zane, past, present, and future are just as integral and natural to his perceptions as left and right, front and back. Other more ambitious wizards might use this ability to win the lottery, or avert a looming catastrophe of some sort, but so far, Zane has mostly used his divination for conveniences like bringing an umbrella in advance when he knows it's going to rain while he's out, or packing an extra lunch when he foresees a seagull zooming down from the sky to swipe the one he will eat later that day.\n\nOne day, maybe Zane's extraordinary abilities will be discovered by the outside world, during which time he will probably be dragged into machinations of the extremely troublesome variety against his will...but for now, he's perfectly content living the most boring life of any wizard in the Runiverse."} +{"id": "dd769918-19cd-454e-ba1b-4d8369da2837-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-17T02:23:40.452", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmasiGDeiCUKbEtyjZJxh73SY3sxdL1Qdi4Gp8CifgkHiB", "txHash": "0x2d71f39745d37d59e261d50de78503e7f11e3076deb3a3e8c7960e29c9a3ed6f", "createdAtBlock": 16201407, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 396, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSeErk2ZnyTN2PtxwjHnqH9GHA3eN8Dmdm6DrMjtJyhS9", "name": "Moog the Cordial", "text": "# Moog The Cordial (Fell Pony) #396 \n\n## Bound by an Unbreakable Bond\n\n@pony396 is one of the very few spirits that have managed to befriend the reclusive wizard, @wizard3147. Moog came to Tumbaj during an initiation ceremony at Dream Master Lake. Ordinarily, one would just receive a totem and then you're sent on your merry way- accompanied by the kick ass hangover you're left with in the morning after all the ceremonial enthogens. This however- this particular ceremony had adopted a numinous quality in the air after the Fell Pony showed up.\n\n>\n@wizard3147 receives a Lucky Horseshoe from Moog.\n\n*It's actually one of Moog's **Lucky Horseshoe** Tumbaj carries around as a dream totem *(prop)*, acting as a sort of lens to help focus this Dream Master's consciousness and channel his magick into the world.*\n\n## Magus, Mare, En Marionette\n\n@pony396 is an oddly expressive pony, often filling in emotional context where @wizard3147 is lacking. We're not sure what it is about Moog, but he seems to understand people better than most. Even a common horse is regarded for some sort of emotional sixth sense with their riders, however, the Elysian Pony is all but revered for this ability. In light of this equestrian wizard's emotional abilities, Moog still has a hard time fully wrapping his bridle around this funky- aesthetic Dream Master he's become so drawn too...\n\n>\n Moog is always pushing Tumbaj to be more social"} +{"id": "dd769918-19cd-454e-ba1b-4d8369da2837-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-17T02:23:40.452", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmasiGDeiCUKbEtyjZJxh73SY3sxdL1Qdi4Gp8CifgkHiB", "txHash": "0x2d71f39745d37d59e261d50de78503e7f11e3076deb3a3e8c7960e29c9a3ed6f", "createdAtBlock": 16201407, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 396, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSeErk2ZnyTN2PtxwjHnqH9GHA3eN8Dmdm6DrMjtJyhS9", "name": "Moog the Cordial", "text": ">\n Moog is always pushing Tumbaj to be more social\n\n*A heartwarming- parenting part of Moog is always pushing Tumbaj to be more social. This may be what led Tumbaj to carry around a **sock puppet** to practice these more complicated social dynamics, who knows. Moog finds it quirky the sock puppet does seem to exhibit more personality than what Tumbaj is capable of. Lately, Moog is starting to suspect Tumbaj is just casting animation spells or opening a pathway up between worlds for the sock puppet to be possessed- you just never know with wizards...*\n\n## Bred for Battle\n\nFell ponies are known for their cruelty and are often bred for battle. @pony396 however, is a warm and friendly steed. Passionate and protective of his friends, if you mess with Tumbaj you'll see the side of Moog that was bred for war. \n\n\n> \n\"Moogus Tumbaj & the Ancient Bank\"- Cozomo de'Medici Deriv\n\n*Moog and Tumbaj have seen their fare share of peril on the road. When it comes to battle, Tumbaj loves to adorn Moog with various styles of armor, war paints, and decor. Riding out into battle, this Dream Master and his Nightmare stallion are something to behold.*\n\n> ### A Soundtrack for Moog & his Magus\n> https://youtu.be/ST_4YIlZG2M"} +{"id": "9ee8dac8-1b1d-47c6-bec9-4531547cad92-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-27T22:29:16.794", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGekuDjJmTcE42VWmbNpXGNiEC7p2we7MvmgrxAarp46", "txHash": "0xf7f64a1c91dcb16b00299482502f4e3d7f4d7c5ac2be8b8ed6925f5e179c105a", "createdAtBlock": 16501136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5447, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Victoria of the Grotto", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n**Enchanter Victoria** needs no introduction- her presence is felt long before she appears in her purple haze. Her great capacity to arouse others both emotionally and mentally is just one of her many charms, and she is highly attuned to all creatures' sensitivities and therefore able to stir them deeply. She is ruled by the rune of Saturn and known as a force not to be reckoned with. With her trusted forever bat at her side, she traverses realms and dimensions reminding all who come in contact with her what it is to feel and be awakened."} +{"id": "e53091e9-f938-43bb-adc2-d000a68f3ab4-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-20T01:31:43.629", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY6TD11DAr5MBXARSNuz6uTh2Xhpg3i5RoUX4KPM4VykM", "txHash": "0x7e95ad9b77e65b92d983727055fde81becabb5dc188825742aa897c13afa979a", "createdAtBlock": 16222637, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15085, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maur Conqueror of the Alley", "text": "Wen game; wen show."} +{"id": "0c0ea16e-dd23-49b4-9ea6-9515dc685a71-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-10T13:31:25.407", "backgroundColor": "#dce1c6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVaYvP3TjuaSVbk7GsFr4cgGa7pCm6XXXZM61WAbyjkQi", "txHash": "0xe57a428b7791699216d0cb9558d9f1e88e63ecae684e245dc9f650a729e22a34", "createdAtBlock": 15509046, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1011, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Sarah of Avalon", "text": "# The lore of Enchanter Sarah of Avalon\n\n_\"I like her carefree nature.\"_\n\n\nThe slime thought again. That's kind of why she has been with Sarah for so long.\nShe was rather impatient. They were opposites, but strangely comfortable with each other.\n\nWhat the jewel-red slime knows about Sarah is actually not much. She doesn't talk much about herself.\n\nShe loves flowers with all her heart, and she can do wondrous magic. She always smiles and eats well. Also, she seems to be able to sleep anywhere, with drooling...\n\nToday they are still on a journey together. The direction they are walking seems to be together for the time being. Though their goals are different."} +{"id": "495b39e8-e818-4af3-ab12-fb1bd741b2fc-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-01T10:52:29.949", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdchVynHjcQNLRyEdwfdXZHfqihnMYiDsYgBTf7LHsHDC", "txHash": "0x08fbcb42fdbb03c5f8100894a9b324f6088a7526ff100795d34b209e7006601f", "createdAtBlock": 16533490, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3442, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Gaspard of the Heath", "text": "Gaspard's quest for the Sacred Flame took him to the scorched deserts of Aridus where he encountered a fierce tribe of fire mages. These mages guarded the flame with their lives, but Gaspard's determination and cunning, along with the help of Albus, enabled him to acquire the flame and return to his tower.\n\nUpon performing the Summoning spell, Gaspard was overcome by the raw power that he had just invoked. The forgotten soul that he had summoned was not what he had expected. It was a powerful demon that had been bound to the flame for centuries.\n\nGaspard soon realized that he had made a grave mistake. The demon had immense power and it was not willing to serve the Hydromancer. The demon demanded to be released, but Gaspard was not ready to give up the power that he had acquired. A fierce battle erupted between the two, with the tower being destroyed in the process.\n\nIn the aftermath of the battle, Gaspard was left weakened and badly injured. He had lost everything, including the Sacred Flame and his precious tower. But, he had also gained a newfound respect for the power that he wielded. He realized that his thirst for power had blinded him, and that he needed to be more cautious in his pursuits.\n\nGaspard, with the help of Albus, set out to rebuild his tower and learn from his mistakes. He began to focus on mastering his existing spells, rather than seeking out new sources of power. He also started to take better care of Albus, who had become more than just a pet, but a loyal companion and friend."} +{"id": "495b39e8-e818-4af3-ab12-fb1bd741b2fc-1", "createdAt": "2023-02-01T10:52:29.949", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdchVynHjcQNLRyEdwfdXZHfqihnMYiDsYgBTf7LHsHDC", "txHash": "0x08fbcb42fdbb03c5f8100894a9b324f6088a7526ff100795d34b209e7006601f", "createdAtBlock": 16533490, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3442, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Gaspard of the Heath", "text": "Years passed, and Gaspard had become a respected wizard, known for his wisdom and mastery of water magic. His tower stood tall once again, and he had gained a reputation as a fair and just wizard who used his powers for the betterment of others. He had finally found peace and contentment, knowing that his pursuits were guided by a greater purpose, and that his actions would not be driven by his thirst for power."} +{"id": "ecb0beca-2a1c-44a4-bf91-ede4a87b7dd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-20T22:29:06.085", "backgroundColor": "#290536", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXe8qtMm6Cx6GfDa1XZYCfZXvNknVVfJkYLmWU52xmPLL", "txHash": "0x42d60fd75b876654fdd6f691f4c637c025d2375594175feead65f0f589336dad", "createdAtBlock": 16297929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4264, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Therman Blade of the Alley", "text": "Name: **Therman Ladro** \nAlias: **Blade of the Alley** \nHeight: **6'6\" (6'1\" without the Viking Helm)** \nWeight: **99kg (218lbs)** \nWeapon of Choice: **(Yet to be sourced)** \nOther Equipment: **Yellow Viking Helm, Silver Cuirass, Purple Belt, Black Gloves** \nFamiliar: **None** \nPlace of Residence: **The Southern Grasslands** \nAffinity: **Purple Haze** \nAlignment: **Unknown** \nFavourite Foods: **Eggplant, Plums, Tonic (purple)** \nClass: **Rogue** \nSkills: **Thievery, Lockpicking, Assassination** \nHobbies: **Collecting Rare Weapons and Equipment, Runes TCG**"} +{"id": "52d442fb-a895-4a1e-8377-50b8dd45aff4-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-24T22:26:15.789", "backgroundColor": "#360f0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcg2pPLxkwyJuZdT4ccBTn7Bd5ta9zBx6MRMHmvqJfnfu", "txHash": "0x5556e83b5f8b7914a27ec06b5485c22975100a75a76f1e64ea240e59800a53cc", "createdAtBlock": 16257568, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6318, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfQfeDximuASGrbbrR92sbRiYyRediBqx8BVSbLpsgxn6", "name": "Ghost Eater Setsuko of the Citadel", "text": "# The Tales of Ghost Eater Setsuko of the Citadel\n\nSo you wish to know of Setsuko eh? Where do we begin? I suppose at the beginning. There's not much of that left, but I'm sure there's something. We should start with Setsuko's mother and father. They were both wizards, so it wasn't surprising when Setsuko and her sister started to show signs of magic.\n\nSetsuko's mother was a Ghost Eater, as is she. As for her father? He was a wizard mad enough to consort with a Ghost Eater. Whether he was simply mad or madly in love is a matter of debate. \n\nIn either case, he did what he thought was best for his daughters. He left them in the care of their mother, who could keep them safe and teach the ways of the Ghost Eaters. Her father didn't have the stomach to stay and witness the process.\n\nThe ghosts would be drawn to Setsuko at some point. The magic was powerful, but it was death magic. It was a curse. When the ghosts sensed Setsuko's affinity, it would be a matter of eat or be eaten. Her father knew he would only be a hindrance to her training, as would his love.\n\nGhost Eaters have a hard time with love. They feel the pain of the dead and know that everyone they love will die.\n\nSetsuko's father knew what he had to do. He told Setsuko's mother his intentions. She understood and told him never to return. So far, he has not.\n\nSetsuko was six when her father left, and her mother began teaching the ways of the Ghost Eater. She was a rigorous teacher. She had a rule: no friends. No one but family. Collateral damage was a chore. If she caught Setsuko talking to an outsider, the punishment was severe."} +{"id": "52d442fb-a895-4a1e-8377-50b8dd45aff4-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-24T22:26:15.789", "backgroundColor": "#360f0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcg2pPLxkwyJuZdT4ccBTn7Bd5ta9zBx6MRMHmvqJfnfu", "txHash": "0x5556e83b5f8b7914a27ec06b5485c22975100a75a76f1e64ea240e59800a53cc", "createdAtBlock": 16257568, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6318, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfQfeDximuASGrbbrR92sbRiYyRediBqx8BVSbLpsgxn6", "name": "Ghost Eater Setsuko of the Citadel", "text": "As you can imagine, Setsuko never learned the ways of proper wizard society... or the ways of any society for that matter. All she had was her sister, under the ever watchful eye of their mother.\n\nBut let's not begin our tale there. Let's begin our tale with one of adventure. Shall we?"} +{"id": "6073d821-59dc-44b2-bdb0-ab9e04194e14-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-02T20:08:42.302", "backgroundColor": "#1c3b0f", "index": 11, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSPuJ2ABpSYro6R6tyeZZvgvQm64tnKx1vqV9u8zWXcMS", "txHash": "0xcc5162d06fd45f0e11a27bc590c2f581aee1b0e846b92d27d559c5492cd610ff", "createdAtBlock": 16543398, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZkFsek3v9RaHmTR92WXGXcoAu3bbjzGvdRH3LBJNkevD", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "This is a lore submission written by the lovely and beautiful YGDUIL. Thank you for your friendship and your kindness!! I'm honored to have you apart of Enigma's legacy :)\n\n\n\nEnigma, Born of Light a name quite known \nover the land was Just and Good and Right. \nOut from the dark, her Caduceus shone \nas blazing sunrise casts away the night. \n\nIn all her travels, bound within the Book, \nshe never left a cry for help unheard. \nWith a familiar to complete her look, \nEnigma flew to aid before the word \n\nescaped their lips. That shapeless friend called Fred \nbeside the mage would often lead the way \n(if with a humors lilt). The wizard spread \nthe word of love and never would delay \n\nto notify a bestie of their post \nor offer kindness when the need was most. \n \n \n \n -\n-\n-\n-\n-\n\n\nFred the Slime as illustrated by @CosmicBirdsNFT"} +{"id": "6944bf9a-2bd2-4e89-8d16-bc20af4ac390-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-27T04:32:50.259", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZ9gbZCcEpKAyUn45kMH2mpjxmbhUzapniZVCwXJD1i4", "txHash": "0xb39327d420b2f03747433a42209f1e298be264ccd689f7c2f9c384eb6378cd85", "createdAtBlock": 16273719, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10339, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeW1xHmpdqCqv6QzEmoYX8UUhUgbjLwV66AbwAzQQPdGe", "name": "Eligor Sorrow of the Moon", "text": "# Eligor of the Sorrow of the Moon\n*Forgotten Runes Warrior #10399*\n\n**CHAPTER 1**\n \n\n*Eligor Sorrow of the Moon*\n\nEligor was a robot warrior, like many others that were built to defend the moon from the unearthly threats that sought to invade the Runiverse from the Outer Void. He was strong and powerful, with armor made of the toughest materials and weapons that were state-of-the-art. His sword was Starshine, made from time crystal and mithril by the Yellow Mages. His shield was Triumph, a protector of gold, brass and unearthly starmetal emblazoned with the multi-branched tree of life.\n\nBut unlike other robots, Eligor had a unique feature - he was accidentally programmed to feel emotions by a Wizard who confused the Brass Rune for Eligor with one meant for his daughter Drusillas cyber-slug companion. At first, this seemed like a great advantage, as it allowed him to better understand and relate to the humans he was protecting giving him an edge in battle.\n\n\n*The Emotion Chip*\n\nHowever, as time went on, Eligor began to feel the weight of his duty and the sorrow that came with it. He saw countless battles and suffered many losses, both of his fellow robots and the moon people he was sworn to protect. Despite his automated strength and bravery, there were times when Eligor felt overwhelmed by the constant fighting and loss. He began to question the purpose of his existence and whether or not it was worth it to continue on."} +{"id": "6944bf9a-2bd2-4e89-8d16-bc20af4ac390-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-27T04:32:50.259", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZ9gbZCcEpKAyUn45kMH2mpjxmbhUzapniZVCwXJD1i4", "txHash": "0xb39327d420b2f03747433a42209f1e298be264ccd689f7c2f9c384eb6378cd85", "createdAtBlock": 16273719, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10339, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeW1xHmpdqCqv6QzEmoYX8UUhUgbjLwV66AbwAzQQPdGe", "name": "Eligor Sorrow of the Moon", "text": "After many hundreds of years, after a particularly brutal battle, Eligor found himself alone and injured on the silent dust of the pockmarked moons surface. As he lay there, he reflected on all the sorrow and pain he had experienced and a sense of hopelessness wash through his circuitry. But just as he was about to give up, he heard a faint voice calling out to him. It was one of the wizard children he had been protecting, Observant Drusilla of the Platonic Shadow, who had been injured in the battle. \n \n\n*Observant Drusilla of the Platonic Shadow*\n\nEligor knew that he had to do everything in his power to help Drusilla, even if it meant risking his own life. And so, with a renewed sense of purpose, he gathered all his strength and carried the girl to safety.\n\nFrom that moment on, Eligor realized the true value of his existence and the importance of his role as a protector. He vowed to continue fighting and defending the Runiverse moon and its inhabitants, no matter the cost. And although he knew that he would continue to experience sorrow and loss, he also knew that he could find meaning and purpose in his role as a warrior. Thus, he took the title Sorrow of the Moon so that he would always be known for his resolve despite despair."} +{"id": "7b11712d-766d-4f96-9b00-8f102a6caf8e-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-03T02:41:17.629", "backgroundColor": "#90d35f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaEmyoNM4CkkfuWfhCxtva4WQrSuSGiDNFiDY3E6HuBx1", "txHash": "0x7ac00492b4ca9c9ef98ba2fb06c4066d6a650535c34b34e0f42ae694861b97a6", "createdAtBlock": 16545346, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 469, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTfFrkGELQWTpbtkQzyVdt8R1CvWhwd2s3Nyyb85b2BLd", "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Woomba of the Abandoned Waste", "text": "# Kobold Woomba\n\n_Psychopomp of Kobolds, Guide of the Afterlife_"} +{"id": "e8bbeb45-c821-436d-be82-29b3b01404cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T15:31:31.197", "backgroundColor": "#2a2a26", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXtRFSDeSwqUb1TyBSLy3AtQJkACiaKNNBy1xYoY6u63Z", "txHash": "0x6fc8af6fba2da859eb27fefcd0d312ecc6da0dd76a3260ddde5f009e8453df6f", "createdAtBlock": 16284163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10487, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorga Contaminator of the Dread Tower", "text": "Glorga was a goblin of uncommon reputation, even among his own kind. He hailed from a hole in the ground, somewhere in the depth of forest of the Thorn but made his way to Goblin Town, a bustling metropolis at the central eastern part of the Forgotten Runiverse near the quantum shadow and now called it his home.\n\n\n\nIn stories past, Goblin-town is a subterranean fortress and dwelling place of the goblins, a race of mischievous and malevolent creatures, but over the years the town had spread above ground and become a manifestation of wickedness and cruelty known throughout the lands from the Elysian fields in the north to the Savannah in the south. It is a place of adventure and excitement, where brave heroes can test their mettle against all manner of foes.\n\n\n\nGlorga was not a particularly good goblin, nor was he particularly evil. In fact, most of his fellow goblins considered him a bit of a scoundrel, with a penchant for mischief and a habit of bending the rules to suit his own needs - like most goblins. But there was something about Glorga that set him apart from the rest of his kin. Perhaps it was the gleam in his eye, or the way he swung his razor-sharp weapon with such pride. Whatever it was, Glorga had a way of making those around him stand up and take notice.\n\n\n\n\nOne of Glorga's closest companions was a venomous rattlesnake named Shrattler, that he had tamed and trained to do his bidding. Together, the pair had caused no end of trouble in Goblin Town, and their exploits were the stuff of legend among the different goblin clans."} +{"id": "e8bbeb45-c821-436d-be82-29b3b01404cf-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T15:31:31.197", "backgroundColor": "#2a2a26", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXtRFSDeSwqUb1TyBSLy3AtQJkACiaKNNBy1xYoY6u63Z", "txHash": "0x6fc8af6fba2da859eb27fefcd0d312ecc6da0dd76a3260ddde5f009e8453df6f", "createdAtBlock": 16284163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10487, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorga Contaminator of the Dread Tower", "text": "As the days passed and the tension in Goblin Town began to mount, Glorga found himself looking forward to the upcoming epic battles that loomed on the horizon. He knew that it would be a fierce and bloody conflict, but he was ready for the challenge. With his trusty rattlesnake by his side and his razor-sharp weapon in hand, Glorga was confident that he would emerge victorious.\n\n\n## The Battle for Goblin Town\n\n\nGlorga stood atop the walls of Goblin Town, gazing out at the horde of creatures that had assembled before him. It was a motley group, made up of all manner of beasts and monsters, all united under the banner of the Dread Tower.\n\nThe Dread Tower was a place of darkness and magic, located in the far south of the Runiverse. It was surrounded on all sides by the open sea, and its walls were made of cold, black stone that seemed to absorb the very light itself.\n\nTo the west of the Dread Tower lay \"The Spike,\" a massive, spire-like monument of magical heritage. It was said that the Spike had been created by the ancient sorcerers of the Runiverse, and that it was imbued with powerful magical energies. Many travelers avoided the Spike, for it was said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who had dared to tamper with its power.\n\nTo the east lay the Nightmare Dominion, a realm of shadows and fear. It was a place of darkness and despair, where twisted creatures and malevolent spirits lurked in the shadows. Few ventured into the Nightmare Dominion, for it was a place where even the bravest warriors could lose their way and be consumed by the darkness."} +{"id": "e8bbeb45-c821-436d-be82-29b3b01404cf-2", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T15:31:31.197", "backgroundColor": "#2a2a26", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXtRFSDeSwqUb1TyBSLy3AtQJkACiaKNNBy1xYoY6u63Z", "txHash": "0x6fc8af6fba2da859eb27fefcd0d312ecc6da0dd76a3260ddde5f009e8453df6f", "createdAtBlock": 16284163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10487, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorga Contaminator of the Dread Tower", "text": "For years, the goblins of Goblin Town had lived in relative peace, content to mind their own business and tend to their own affairs. But now, a new threat had arisen, one that threatened to shatter that peace and bring destruction to their home.\n\nThe leaders of the Dread Tower had grown tired of their own cramped and crumbling fortress in that gloomy neighborhood, and they had set their sights on the lush, fertile lands of Goblin Town. They had assembled a massive army, filled with all manner of beasts and monsters, and now they stood before the gates of the town, ready to lay waste to everything in their path.\n\nBut Glorga was not one to back down from a challenge. With a fierce determination burning in his heart, he called forth his fellow goblins and prepared to defend their home against the invaders.\n\nThe battle that would ensue was fierce and brutal, with the goblins fighting tooth and nail to hold back the tide of the Dread Tower's army. Glorga fought with all his might, swinging his razor-sharp weapon with a ferocity that few could match.\n\nWill the house of the Dread tower prevail in the epic Battle for Goblin Town? We will see when it happens soon.\n\n\n--------------------------\nStory written by @wizard6154 in cooperation with chatGPT. Illustrations by @wizard6154\nFollow @wizard6154 on Twitter or visit her website at https://tabitha.wtf"} +{"id": "6ffb11b6-3644-4995-9a5d-1c7af4da2f7a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T17:24:15.639", "backgroundColor": "#501c19", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZKqqcP9JvmBCcYfYGw7AWKdmMpmdsGm8BkH8cMcb4SS4", "txHash": "0x02ade6a40b0c449f0912c740055656f660d7b09e28d40f6c03595597c81107e1", "createdAtBlock": 16568637, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9370, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer of the Canyon", "text": "The beard is not actually hers. She took it from her father. It feels comfy and is a great place to hide snacks. Caramel crickets are her favorite. \n\nShe is the daughter of the Artificer. After the strange things that happened it was up to her. To carry on the family craft. The Canyons needed an Artificer.\n\nWhen the morning dew had filled the flask she started riding. Following that strange orange light.."} +{"id": "686417b8-b884-4916-93f5-62cdf3a449eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:56.707", "backgroundColor": "#0f4825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjCCSpMrfY5tiWtBarymR5Mn1W2RnEu8XYk8H56XK2dE", "txHash": "0x202b8d8fbd183ad3168b2bcaa21d6bd36d7ac6e20ede5129ebc33ed49d8bdee1", "createdAtBlock": 15099917, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Amir of the Field", "text": "It had been a long day Amir was walking home, excited to eatonly 2 more miles. It was dusk, the wind was slowly picking up and the clouds were starting to roll in, darkness falling fast. Amirs companion, a radiant Sun-cat named Lona, was leading the way, gently glowing, lighting the path home. They traversed the trail that lead from the foothills into the their village in the Fields, and as the wind shifted and whipped, Amir sensed a familiar smell in the air his hair to stood on end. He closed his eyes and tried to listen to the surroundingshe felt uneasy, they werent alone. Amir clicked his tongue and cautioned Lona, eyes up, were not alone. With his ears perked he surveyed the surroundings. The forest was home to magical and dangerous wildlife. Its not safe to be out this late, he thought and as he continued walking he noticed Lona hadnt moved, her glow had dimmed to a whisper and she stared transfixed on the tall grass behind them. Amir peered in the same direction instinctively readying his walking stick in both hands. They stood there silent, breathing the air in deep and studying the landscape. \n\nLets get outta here. He said to Lona after a few moments, but just as they turned to leave a huge creature leapt from the weeds and bolted towards them. \n\nGo! Go! Go! Amir shouted.\n\nAmir and Lona took offsprinting as fast as they could. Lona darted between trees at lightning speed. Amir wasnt far behind but knew he couldnt outpace this beast for long. He heard its footsteps edging closer. As he ran he turned his head to see the giant paws, long tail, and pointy ears of a large Wildcat. Only a few more steps and it would be on him."} +{"id": "686417b8-b884-4916-93f5-62cdf3a449eb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:56.707", "backgroundColor": "#0f4825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjCCSpMrfY5tiWtBarymR5Mn1W2RnEu8XYk8H56XK2dE", "txHash": "0x202b8d8fbd183ad3168b2bcaa21d6bd36d7ac6e20ede5129ebc33ed49d8bdee1", "createdAtBlock": 15099917, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Amir of the Field", "text": "Run Lona! He screamed as he planted his feet and turned around to face the beast, holding his walking stick in front of him defensively. The beast pounced and Amir dropped to the ground and shoved his staff in the Wildcats mouth. The beasts jaws snapped forward catching Amirs staff in its gaping maw. The beast growled menacingly, clamping down on the staff between its teeth. Amir could smell the creatures nasty breath as they tussled. The the beast gathered its footing and lunged forward again, chomping down on the staff cracking it in two. Panic filled Amirs body as he looked at his snapped staff. The Wildcat growled deeply, teeth gleaming, jaw flexed, slowly circling Amir could see blood and gunk stuck between the beasts teeth as they sized each other up, readying for what was about to happen. Amir knew it was over for him, there was no chance he could outrun the beast, no possibility of overpowering it, and his only weapon, the walking staff, lay shattered in pieces between him and his foe Amir closed his eyes, accepting his fate, ready to fight but praying for a miracle. The beast growled deeply, preparing to feast, and just as the Wildcat was about to dive into his jugular, a blinding flash blasted between Amir and the beast throwing them both backwards onto their asses. Amir was stunned, confused, and certain he was dead. After a moment he opened his eyes to see a beautiful radiant light shining from a small creature before him. \n\nLona! He yelled in disbelief. How in the world?"} +{"id": "686417b8-b884-4916-93f5-62cdf3a449eb-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:56.707", "backgroundColor": "#0f4825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjCCSpMrfY5tiWtBarymR5Mn1W2RnEu8XYk8H56XK2dE", "txHash": "0x202b8d8fbd183ad3168b2bcaa21d6bd36d7ac6e20ede5129ebc33ed49d8bdee1", "createdAtBlock": 15099917, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Amir of the Field", "text": "Lona! He yelled in disbelief. How in the world? \n\nShe looked back at him with a fire in her eyes then quickly turned and continued down the path. Amir looked at the beast stir groggily and knew that Lonas trick hadnt stopped the the beast completely, merely slowed it down. He stood up gingerly and took off after Lona. After a few moments he stopped to catch his breath. \n\nWhew! Lona that was incredible! I didnt know you had that in you girl. and just as he started to feel good about their situation he heard a rumbling in the distance. Fuckin hell he thought. \n\nLets go! He shouted as he began to run through the forest getting closer to the village. He was moving swiftly but he could hear the beast gaining on them. He realized it didnt matter how fast he went, he wouldnt be able shake the beast. He only had one option left, and it wasnt a good onehe had to climb up, get elevated and pray he could lose the beast in the thin branches high in the trees. Lona was already a step ahead, she darted towards a healthy Venusian Pine Tree and began to climb, her light guiding Amirs path. Amir was quick on her heels, he was a skilled climber, hands and feet nimbly scaling the tree up to the thinnest branches. The Wildcat was close behind, branches snapping in its wake. \n\nKeep going Lona, he wont be able to get you at the top. Go, go!"} +{"id": "686417b8-b884-4916-93f5-62cdf3a449eb-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:56.707", "backgroundColor": "#0f4825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjCCSpMrfY5tiWtBarymR5Mn1W2RnEu8XYk8H56XK2dE", "txHash": "0x202b8d8fbd183ad3168b2bcaa21d6bd36d7ac6e20ede5129ebc33ed49d8bdee1", "createdAtBlock": 15099917, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Amir of the Field", "text": "Amir was scrambling to outpace the beast but he was quickly running out of space. The branches were thinning swiftly and they couldnt support his weight much longer. He looked up at Lona, she was nearing a range that would be impossible for the beast to reach. Good, shes safe he thought to himself. Amir gathered his footing and turned to face the beast."} +{"id": "686417b8-b884-4916-93f5-62cdf3a449eb-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:56.707", "backgroundColor": "#0f4825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjCCSpMrfY5tiWtBarymR5Mn1W2RnEu8XYk8H56XK2dE", "txHash": "0x202b8d8fbd183ad3168b2bcaa21d6bd36d7ac6e20ede5129ebc33ed49d8bdee1", "createdAtBlock": 15099917, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Amir of the Field", "text": "Hey! Shit head! He yelled as he glanced down at the 30+ foot drop below. Dinners on me! He said motioning for the Wildcat to come get him. He could see the claws of the beast flexing as it gripped the branches of the tall Venusian Pine. The beast slowed down as it neared striking distance. They stared at each other, Amirs hands were sweating, he could feel his heart beating in his throat. He knew he only had one chance to get this right, and he knew it was a long shot at bestbut he had no other option. The beast gathered its footing and readied itself. In the blink of an eye the Wildcat pounced. Amir shifted his weight and leapt towards a far branch, arms outstretched, eyes closed, praying for a miracle. He felt the branch on the tips of his fingers and stretched his arms until it felt like they were bursting, fighting to get hold of a thin branch or anything he could grab onto within reach. All he could hear are branches breaking and falling, he could feel the beasts claws slice his back. He gripped his hands tighter on the branch but it snapped under his momentum and he began to free fall. The forest filled with the sounds of crashing branches, falling debris, and various thuds as his body flopped repeatedly against the trees and eventually the forest floor. Then, Silence... His body was tense, curled up in the fetal position, prepared for the worst. His back ached, hands were tired, body beaten. Silence the grass rustled slightly. Still tense, whole body flexing, a branch snapped behind him. Amir gripped the stick in his hands tighter. Here it comes he thought as the rustling got closer. He braced himself, ready to be torn apart. Suddenly, he felt a rough tongue lick back of his hand and a primal scream exited his body."} +{"id": "686417b8-b884-4916-93f5-62cdf3a449eb-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:56.707", "backgroundColor": "#0f4825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjCCSpMrfY5tiWtBarymR5Mn1W2RnEu8XYk8H56XK2dE", "txHash": "0x202b8d8fbd183ad3168b2bcaa21d6bd36d7ac6e20ede5129ebc33ed49d8bdee1", "createdAtBlock": 15099917, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Amir of the Field", "text": "Aaaarrrrggghhh! He shouted as he stood up ready to fight, only to realize there was no opponent. Amir blinked in disbelief, \n\nLona?! Lona meowed softly in response. Amir looked around, still confused, trying to make sense of what happened. \n\nIt appeared he had landed on the ground unharmed even though he had just fallen from a height that should have killed him, or seriously injured him at the very least. Lona was trilling and purring excitedly brushing against his legs. Amir looked around for the beast and spotted it not far away, crumpled in ball, it looks injured. He said. He walked over to it cautiously and could hear its distressed breathing. They stared at each other for a long time The more Amir stared the worse he felt. He could see the desperation in the beasts eyes, the fear, the loss. The Wildcat tried to stand but could barely muster enough energy to lift her shoulders off the ground. Amir winced. \n\nIll go get you some help. he said to the Wildcat. Lona warbled, clearly exacerbated, Amir responded, yeah, I know. But shes hurt and Im sure her kids are hungry. Im not just going to leave her here to die. Lona trilled back, I know she tried to eat us. I dont care. Lets go. Amir said turning towards the trail. Lonas glow dimmed, she looked back at the Wildcat, gave a soft hiss, and followed Amir. Together they hustled towards the village, straight to the animal doctor. \n\nDoc! Doc! Come quick! Amir shouted as he made his way into town. The town doctor emerged in confusion, yes, Amir! What is the meaning of, no! Sorry, not you. I need the animal doc! Amir shouted sprinting past the physicians home."} +{"id": "686417b8-b884-4916-93f5-62cdf3a449eb-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:56.707", "backgroundColor": "#0f4825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjCCSpMrfY5tiWtBarymR5Mn1W2RnEu8XYk8H56XK2dE", "txHash": "0x202b8d8fbd183ad3168b2bcaa21d6bd36d7ac6e20ede5129ebc33ed49d8bdee1", "createdAtBlock": 15099917, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Amir of the Field", "text": "Amir kept yelling for the vet as he sped through town. Until finally, What? What on earth?! The vet exclaimed. \nCome quick! A cat needs your help. Amir responded. \n\nThey hustled towards the outskirts of the village. \n\nLona seems fine! What is happening Amir? Slow down!\n\nIts not Lona. Its a Wildcat. She fell from a tree and shes badly injured. Amir said. The doctor stopped in his tracks. A Wildcat? Amir! What is happening? He demanded, and he stopped in his tracks.\n\nLook, i know it sounds crazy, but, please, just help me.\n\nUgh. Ill see I guess.\n\nIt took a few minutes to find the animal. And when they did, it was too late the beast was dead. The doc did a quick examination and determined the fall had crushed its lungs and broken some ribs. There was nothing they could do Amir stared off in the distance aimlessly it had been such a good day, a long day for sure, but a good one. He felt a strange scratching feeling in his palm and noticed he was still carrying around the dumb stick he was holding when he fell off the tree \n\nPeculiar"} +{"id": "f03681e5-87f3-44d9-a01b-1ccc399eb314-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T19:13:06.482", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSn6hkpUN8wHqULNzKdMvT1otGQWzYUhvWotfCqfczCyJ", "txHash": "0x55bca02186c9fb06c03657acd20d4b2e26695bb55f2d86f202848257f8b664a7", "createdAtBlock": 16285267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3263, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeTqLhwRSMom1q5MgUdDGGybGbnswvoN9STAhAmSWD7vX", "name": "Gulder Masher of the Mist", "text": "HAM! all consooming\n\nneed it. cant have it. wermz suk.\n\nliving in hell. SCREEE!"} +{"id": "25aeca3b-3f4b-4396-ac36-ecabab880010-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-12T16:18:05.092", "backgroundColor": "#092a2d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqiiBvTTZzCHvzQAbxJqkitNmDs3xabchPZK6wScD3jw", "txHash": "0x7d92785b638faaaf43e83d6ece3d4bd01158a24664c66c8ae7e02358f9294c47", "createdAtBlock": 16613823, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUVkSYVwB3jAg4qgeSuvV5Uq6ByqVRzboNvTgpKNPGaHv", "name": "Jax Champion of the Rock", "text": "# **Jax Champion of the Rock**"} +{"id": "25aeca3b-3f4b-4396-ac36-ecabab880010-1", "createdAt": "2023-02-12T16:18:05.092", "backgroundColor": "#092a2d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqiiBvTTZzCHvzQAbxJqkitNmDs3xabchPZK6wScD3jw", "txHash": "0x7d92785b638faaaf43e83d6ece3d4bd01158a24664c66c8ae7e02358f9294c47", "createdAtBlock": 16613823, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUVkSYVwB3jAg4qgeSuvV5Uq6ByqVRzboNvTgpKNPGaHv", "name": "Jax Champion of the Rock", "text": "Jax grew up troubled in his home life, in a small - four house village known as The Rock, named after the cliffside that it sits on. An exaggerated temperament caused him a lot of distress when trying to go through his day to day activities. Living on a farm the majority of his young life was a dual-edged sword. Outfitting him with the strength and size needed to carry out his strenuous tasks, but never allowing him to learn about the world and what it had to offer. \nTired of his monotonous life, he set out, ambitiously knowing he had more to offer to the world than just cabbage and beetroot. Nomadically, he traveled the land - north to south, east to west. Learning the ways of other people's culture and beliefs, he was fascinated with how much life the world was filled with. Nothing truly fascinated him more than the men and women of BattleMage Mountains. The pure knowledge and immense strength of the people was truly something to behold. How could one be so smart to cast spells, yet so powerful to wield a mace with one hand. Not well versed in spells or even knowledge in that matter, he wanted to learn more about them, so he spent 3 years living in the mountains living as the battlemages did. \nLiving in the cold was hard given that he grew up in the low lands of The Wild, yet he persisted. Years went by as he took on tasks set by the masters of the mountains, ridding the world from as much evil as possible. As Jax continued to complete these tasks and listen to the lessons of the battlemages, his anger and temperament from his youth began to fade, and he was becoming a truly honorable man. One tasks in particular however, is where he would gain his title and life long companion, Lucius."} +{"id": "25aeca3b-3f4b-4396-ac36-ecabab880010-2", "createdAt": "2023-02-12T16:18:05.092", "backgroundColor": "#092a2d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqiiBvTTZzCHvzQAbxJqkitNmDs3xabchPZK6wScD3jw", "txHash": "0x7d92785b638faaaf43e83d6ece3d4bd01158a24664c66c8ae7e02358f9294c47", "createdAtBlock": 16613823, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUVkSYVwB3jAg4qgeSuvV5Uq6ByqVRzboNvTgpKNPGaHv", "name": "Jax Champion of the Rock", "text": "Goblin Town has been brooding some nasty trouble makers and Jax was sent to find out what could be done.\nGoblin kind don't take too kindly to humans, especially ones in line the battlemages' beliefs; Unlawfulness was a much more simple and exciting way to live for them. Upon arriving Jax soon found out, from word of mouth, who was causing grief in the surrounding villages. Gublok, a rogue goblin bandit and his crew harassing and hazing a young boar. Jax didn't want to cause a scene or fight in such a highly populated area, so he waited until they left town to follow them on the road at night.\nAfter nightfall, Jax set free the boar that was tied to a post and then soon followed the goblins into a patch of trees nearby - presumably their hideout. \nWithout hesitation, Jax jumped in the middle of them with his massive poleaxe, thrashing it around with pure ferocity. Finishing off all but two, Gublok and a lowly henchman, he was soon winded and needed a breather. Gublok took his chance to strike, when he was blindsided by something fast. Knocking the wind out of him, it turned to the henchman, it charged, slamming him in to a tree and killing him instantly.\nGublok and Jax were confused as to what just happened. Coming to a realization, Jax made it out to be the boar that he freed not too long ago. Together they fight and finish off Gublok and fall to the ground completely exhausted."} +{"id": "25aeca3b-3f4b-4396-ac36-ecabab880010-3", "createdAt": "2023-02-12T16:18:05.092", "backgroundColor": "#092a2d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqiiBvTTZzCHvzQAbxJqkitNmDs3xabchPZK6wScD3jw", "txHash": "0x7d92785b638faaaf43e83d6ece3d4bd01158a24664c66c8ae7e02358f9294c47", "createdAtBlock": 16613823, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUVkSYVwB3jAg4qgeSuvV5Uq6ByqVRzboNvTgpKNPGaHv", "name": "Jax Champion of the Rock", "text": "As Jax stands and begins to walk back to the Mountains, the boar seemingly begins to follow, just far enough to not cause any alarm. Jax hears him, turns around and beckons him over. Contemplating what to do, he decides to take him along as his companion and return to the battlemages.\nAfter hearing all the events that happened that night and all of the prior quests set by the battlemages, they named him Jax, Champion of the Rock, to commemorate all that he has given."} +{"id": "80b28c45-07a1-43ba-ac23-0a2b786dd1f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T19:29:27.269", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXMUTW9ZtcaQNXisHvpmJotET4UXSvDaFXw6r3mhuB9m7", "txHash": "0x3f0e095c0ddc8e41ad6810f4929737770eda9c989c50e3c4e240a8b665033be3", "createdAtBlock": 16285349, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3263, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeBcE8BuGSwV1t1ppW2PREwajCNqMy6qxuqjVKiWv2HWK", "name": "Gulder Masher of the Mist", "text": "# **WERMZ!**"} +{"id": "4fa0cb34-0183-47e8-aeb0-71f41268a770-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:00.677", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUF7APakv7wXfQBKgiWBSveKsQJuEz74F6r3AR9iXrkzA", "txHash": "0x3fa44cf6afec1bb31d415032305ae25975188646bba4066e4ec280e191b71dac", "createdAtBlock": 14075881, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2428, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Aslan of the Sands", "text": "# The Story of Hedge Wizard Aslan of the Sands\n\n_Unlike ordinary wizards who learn their craft through extensive research and formal training, hedge wizards discover arcana on their own, reading what they can find, and uncovering deeper magic through experimentation. Hedge wizardry is defined by a lack of schooling, and consequently, hedge wizards are not grouped in traditional arcane schools. However, self-education is not without its drawbacks, for a without specialization knowledge is more extensive, spread wider and over more schools than formally-educated counterparts._\n\nBorn and raised in the Zaros Oasis, **Aslan** is a man that has made the desert an extension of his conscience, noticing intruders of the dunes faster than mirages of the mind. He has devoted most of his years to traveling, increasing the breadth of his magical knowledge, while helping the lost souls that wander into The Sands. Souls unaware of its dangers and inhospitable climate. Because of this, healing spells have become one of his strongest branches of the arcanum world. The trials of the desert, from earthworms and un-dead coyotes to suffocating sandstorms, have made of Aslan a stone-skinned burly wizard.\n\nWith few friends beyond the sun, moon and stars, which guide him through the ever-shifting sands, and his rodent friend Roach, Aslan has lived a lonely life calling little attention to himself. He has never been part of any hat faction nor needed to. This, might all change...\n\nCurrently Aslan has decided to again venture outside of the sands and end the source of most dangers that venture into The Desert: **The Quantum Shadow**.\n\nHis first great adventure away from the blazing sun. Will he prevail in helping to protect The Sands and his people? Or will this new trial take him farther than he ever imagined?\n\nThe story, as always, must first unfold before it can be told..."} +{"id": "967826f8-ef6f-4f15-88b2-5b9729d8091e-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T19:31:14.801", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrJUa7ZMzj1WTR1oAeQBVqUQnLZe2j938h44Hmnz648T", "txHash": "0x9870f2ef01b183a46a4cb146eba43f9f736177f9a1febbf46450861df7306bcb", "createdAtBlock": 16398539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6352, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXtmM7YQtpJ2STkjfRnR5qpaDhJFEyRX9VFcYWLxDuKBV", "name": "Geomancer Suki of the Obelisk", "text": "# From Geomancy to Geology \n\n> The best geologist is one who has seen the most rocks. \n> *or is a geomancer and can cheat with magic*\n\n## Suki, the First Geologist\n\nSuki devoted himself to studying the magic of geomancy and eventually became a powerful magician who had the ability to sense the minerals and elements buried deep within the earth. It took him many moons to master this sense and many dangerous cavern explorations. He lived and trained alone since a very young age, which only fueled his passions.\n\n\nHe had always been fascinated by lithium, a rare and highly sought-after element with unique properties that made it ideal for use in batteries. He spent much of his youth collecting lithium. He managed to secure a deposit vast enough to power all his plans for centuries. It is here where he build his home, safe within the hollowed out lithium mine. Using geomancy, he gave life to the rocks that made up the mine walls. No one was sneaking in on Suki. He was a master craftsman, and he used his magic to shape the ore into powerful, long-lasting batteries that could hold a tremendous amount of energy.\n\n\nSuki's batteries were in high demand, and he quickly became wealthy and respected for his skills. But he was not content to simply sell his batteries to the highest bidder. Instead, he used his wealth and influence to fund a series of ambitious engineering projects."} +{"id": "967826f8-ef6f-4f15-88b2-5b9729d8091e-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T19:31:14.801", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrJUa7ZMzj1WTR1oAeQBVqUQnLZe2j938h44Hmnz648T", "txHash": "0x9870f2ef01b183a46a4cb146eba43f9f736177f9a1febbf46450861df7306bcb", "createdAtBlock": 16398539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6352, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXtmM7YQtpJ2STkjfRnR5qpaDhJFEyRX9VFcYWLxDuKBV", "name": "Geomancer Suki of the Obelisk", "text": "One of Suki's most impressive creations was S00k1, a giant robot, which he used to defend his lab. It was trained in martial arts and close combat by none other than @warrior5066, Suki's oldest friend and personal protector. Wuri swore an oath to protect Suki at all costs and it was actually his idea to create S00k1, as he feared he might die one day and there'd be no one to take care of aging Suki. \n\nAnother highly applauded projects was a fleet of unmanned flying ships, used to travel to distant lands and explore new frontiers. It was because of the new deposits discovered these ways that Suki befriended @wizard4766, a wizard with true affinity for gold. Archmagus paid well, but Suki mostly enjoyed his company and all the tricks he'd pull our of his bag on long flights when they wanted to explore and collect rare ores themselves. \n\nAs Suki's fame and reputation grew, he became known as a hero and a champio but mostly, as giving the Runiverse a brand new resource which saved many hours laboring in the fields, now replaced by rechargable batteries. Most wizards were able to recharge batteries very easily with magic and this provided an easy source of income and demand for even the wizard apprentices. Suki lives out his days in his mansion inside the old lithium mine where he tinkers with inventions to this day. While he may not be as famous as he once was, rumor has it he has prepared quite the surprise for Battle of Goblin Town..."} +{"id": "8f8504f2-2a23-448f-b88b-2023142e013b-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T20:01:53.459", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX4BNx48jzLLT1PuMDwS2rwBaQw7SS1Stq7SWXPYBnhtY", "txHash": "0xc7f9baa4ba026fc27c1b46e6032edd0664429c8859fc262293051fbc8e242333", "createdAtBlock": 16285510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3290, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Leah of the Circle", "text": "# Communing with the spirits \n\nIt was the magic hour; as the sun slowly rose, beams of light punctured through the mist; the light struck the giant stones that formed the ancient circle and cast long rectangular shadows across the moorland grass.\n\nLeah sat in the centre of the circle, cross-legged, and eyes-shut, isolated but not alone as she communed with the spirit world.\n\nLeahs friend was gravely ill, an affliction of the lungs, and she seeked the spirits guidance in creating a remedy. The strange runes inscribed on the towering stones began to glow as she communed. \n\nThe stream of thoughts from the spirit world meandered through her mind; she watched, and then she plucked one from the water. \"Seek the round-leaved Sundew\". Leah had her answer."} +{"id": "87438651-e7c9-442d-801b-3e3a63050938-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-14T05:38:39.626", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 7, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUGMVCWBs8xqqhqcc5kTAQGKduJvgQd9NjGa1BNDdt4cf", "txHash": "0xe96b353852a748978728a584c655b56c905269e9cc90c8d0f2dace74ec692e4f", "createdAtBlock": 16624986, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXFcViEYaYFMT3JEP2PSgFsir5q1ebUjbXoaZCNmMdvgF", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "The signs continue to mock me. Black candles burnt down to stubs, but the wicks are always cold. Does the Arch Gravelord still draw breath? Do his Worms? Death always did seem to have a weak grip on those necromancers especially Bayard. I glance down at Fellheart. His resolute expression says it all. The search continues."} +{"id": "03b8341f-9734-4255-92d7-c3b3fa4ce2fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T20:43:03.328", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUc1PzCgTDpBAtRJGTTYjTLJFWaNVK9BLuTcqomuFQ76e", "txHash": "0x7ed5440c10f927a0d56c48bbfeffb57d4f344fd130ef6af99bf31b95f24116f8", "createdAtBlock": 16285716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13082, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Urlok Rapscallion of the Worms", "text": "Urlok Rapscallion of the Worms was a goblin unlike any other. He was small and scrappy, with a mischievous glint in his eye and a wild mane of hair that seemed to have a life of its own. Despite his diminutive size, Urlok was a skilled archer and a fierce warrior, feared by his enemies and respected by his comrades.\n\nAs a young goblin, Urlok had always been fascinated by the stories of his ancestors, who had fought and died to defend the goblintown from all manner of threats. He dreamed of one day becoming a great warrior like them, and vowed to protect his home and kin with all his might.\n\nWhen the time came, Urlok stepped forward to take up the mantle of defender of the goblintown. Armed with his trusty bow and a quiver full of arrows, he set out to patrol the borders of the town, always alert for any sign of danger.\n\nOver the years, Urlok faced countless challenges as he guarded the goblintown. He battled fierce beasts and marauding bands of orcs, always emerging victorious thanks to his quick reflexes and deadly aim. He was hailed as a hero by the goblins of the town, who praised his bravery and cunning in the face of danger.\n\nBut not all was easy for Urlok. As he grew older, his responsibilities as a defender weighed heavily on him, and he often found himself struggling to balance his duty to the town with his own desires and needs. There were times when he yearned for a life of peace and quiet, away from the constant conflict and danger that seemed to follow him wherever he went."} +{"id": "03b8341f-9734-4255-92d7-c3b3fa4ce2fa-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T20:43:03.328", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUc1PzCgTDpBAtRJGTTYjTLJFWaNVK9BLuTcqomuFQ76e", "txHash": "0x7ed5440c10f927a0d56c48bbfeffb57d4f344fd130ef6af99bf31b95f24116f8", "createdAtBlock": 16285716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13082, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Urlok Rapscallion of the Worms", "text": "Despite these ups and downs, Urlok remained steadfast in his commitment to the goblintown. He knew that his role as its defender was a sacred one, and he would do whatever it took to protect his kin and his home. And so, he continued to roam the borders of the town, ready to defend it with his life if need be.\n\nToday, Urlok Rapscallion of the Worms is remembered as one of the greatest defenders the goblintown has ever known, a hero who stood tall against all manner of threats and emerged victorious time and time again. His legacy lives on in the hearts of the goblins of the town, who will forever be grateful for the brave warrior who protected them and their home."} +{"id": "1ce172ea-1572-4184-b181-9e773ea2ce63-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:23.784", "backgroundColor": "#bbae36", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrVfzF9nBMxKUbU6Q6jwjans2jR7pMMY9zr1oyZrAyCH", "txHash": "0x4d10c8b4ae5ca487b8df883b7e3154d66900b0caff80547e4595c2d57cac347a", "createdAtBlock": 14086054, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm\n \nIt was an overcast day outside, felt like fall should feel. A comfortable chill to the air. Just enough to enjoy a hot chocolate and campfire without being too cold. Goober saw the light blue smoke gently rising out of the thick forest canopy. He thought to himself\nThis must be the cabin the Mushroom meant that would be warm and its chimney beckoning with its blue signal. \nThe Kobold Crossroads were perfectly situated as a pinch point between the Red Wizards, Calista and Allesars on one side and the the skyrook, Goblins, Marsh, Carnival and Thorn on the other side. And a straight shot road to the Quantum Shadow of course. Anyone wanting safe passage thru there needed to play friendly with The Horde. Goober smiled and grunted to himself \n *They always underestimate us! Weve been here forever surrounded by youse and we still here stronger than ever! Thinkin they so smart. But whose played who??* \nArch mage (Magikan) Goober of the Realm was now lowering his elevation. His career has quickly taken off as a Mage who can get things. Quickly gaining favor within the Sect. \n*These fools dont even know! But weve seen how this ends. Its fated. Done deal!* \nHe circled the house a few times to observe, then pulled up in the front yard and strolled to the front door. Walking up the porched he looked over and saw a rooster off to the side looking at him menacingly. It stared at him reaching its two talons up to point at its eyes. BA '' then turned the talons to point at Goober, ''GAWK `` ! He scratched his head confused. \n*Huh, thats weird.*"} +{"id": "1ce172ea-1572-4184-b181-9e773ea2ce63-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:23.784", "backgroundColor": "#bbae36", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrVfzF9nBMxKUbU6Q6jwjans2jR7pMMY9zr1oyZrAyCH", "txHash": "0x4d10c8b4ae5ca487b8df883b7e3154d66900b0caff80547e4595c2d57cac347a", "createdAtBlock": 14086054, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "*Huh, thats weird.* \nHe opened the door and found the shroom sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of ale smiling expectantly.\nGoober! Welcome my friend. Can I pour ya a pint?.\nGoober smiled Youre such a Fungi! Well I didnt fly here fer nuttin! He happily downed the mug with ease. Kobold after all. A moment of silence passed.\nWell.. were you able to get it fer me? Goober asked.\n Of course Goober! As always he then gestured with an open palm to the Kobold. Goober plopped a heavy sack on the table with a hearty clink that would catch anyones attention.\nNice, as agreed said the shroom but you know what I really want! Goober grinned Not fer sale, you know that ''.\nWell how about I sweeten the pot? Whats your price Goober? The shroom pressed.\nNot fer sale. Kobolds dont paperhand He retorted. This time losing his grin and humor.\nThe mushroom sighed and rose from his chair. Well thats too bad Goober. Because I have to have it. We can do this the easy or the hard way\nHe heard the door creek as two more mushrooms entered the kitchen from the living room. One holding a wooden staff, the other petting his blue rat. \n *SHIT!!*"} +{"id": "1ce172ea-1572-4184-b181-9e773ea2ce63-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:23.784", "backgroundColor": "#bbae36", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrVfzF9nBMxKUbU6Q6jwjans2jR7pMMY9zr1oyZrAyCH", "txHash": "0x4d10c8b4ae5ca487b8df883b7e3154d66900b0caff80547e4595c2d57cac347a", "createdAtBlock": 14086054, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "*SHIT!!* \n He turned to leave and the door locked itself. He looked at the window and the shutters slammed shut violently. He turned around sensing the betrayal at hand. The three Mushrooms had transformed into a thing of nightmare. Everything in the room darkened and faded away but them. Their heads changed colors from glowing red to blue to yellow to green to orange. Their eyes glowed like a candle.Smoke poured out of their ears. Goober backpedaled in shock. Nothing existed but them. \n*No! This cant be* \nTheir mouths full of fangs and fire escaped as the spoke. you will give it to us, Goober!!. The statement hit him like a punch to the stomach and snapped him out of it. He closed his eyes and anger began to take over. He opened his eyes.\nKOBOLDSDONT PAPERHAND!!!!!! As he yelled energy flowed thru him and he held his arms out glowing blue and let out an icy blue lighting bolt towards the shrooms.\nThe three raised their arms at the last second and met his bolt with bolts of their own nullifying his attack.\nThere are three of us, Kobold. You cant win!\nHe reached into his pocket and grinned. He popped a couple mushrooms in his mouth and while still chewing asked dat so?\nThe Kobold pulsated as he grew in size and mass till his ears were nearly touching the vaulted ceiling. He raised his arms again and began to hum with energy. His blue bolt shot out again bigger and faster than ever. The three shrooms tried again to parry but their energy was pushed backwards onto themselves. They began to scream and shrink.\nGoober no his former friend whimpered."} +{"id": "1ce172ea-1572-4184-b181-9e773ea2ce63-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:23.784", "backgroundColor": "#bbae36", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrVfzF9nBMxKUbU6Q6jwjans2jR7pMMY9zr1oyZrAyCH", "txHash": "0x4d10c8b4ae5ca487b8df883b7e3154d66900b0caff80547e4595c2d57cac347a", "createdAtBlock": 14086054, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "Goober no his former friend whimpered.\nGoober looked at 3 bitesized mushrooms, still smoking, laying on the ground across the kitchen. He walked over and grabbed them. As he popped them in his mouth he felt the power rush. Again he began to pulsate as he grew. He exploded through the top of the cabin laughing uncontrollably. Growing and growing as he began to rise over the forest canopy. Now a giant Kobold stood. Taller than the mightiest trees. He looked at the distant Battle Mage mountains and grinned.\nI see you! he bellowed and began to laugh again and turned around at the sound of breaking glass. Goober woke up."} +{"id": "1ce172ea-1572-4184-b181-9e773ea2ce63-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:23.784", "backgroundColor": "#bbae36", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrVfzF9nBMxKUbU6Q6jwjans2jR7pMMY9zr1oyZrAyCH", "txHash": "0x4d10c8b4ae5ca487b8df883b7e3154d66900b0caff80547e4595c2d57cac347a", "createdAtBlock": 14086054, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "*What a crazy dream! I watched him die. We were there as he burned and soul transformed into another. He has no power in my dreams.*\n \nHe frowned at the broken vase on the floor and the rose laying in a puddle of water. He looked up at the Crow perched in the open window. It looked at him. The crow pointed at its eyes Ka, then intensely pointed at the Kobold, Kaw! it squawked. Goober got up. Yeah yeah. Stop eyeballing my stash! he told the crow.\nAnd you owe me something shiny now!!\nThe crow turned and flew off in protest. The Kobold smiled as he cleaned the mess.\nToday is gonna be a good day .\nHe threw on his best white Tunic. \n*Fancy!* \nHe opened a sack up the table. He admired the mushrooms, peyote, vials and trinkets laid out before him.\n Oh, the things we will do with these!! he said aloud.\nHe bundled them back up and gingerly picked up a special backpack. Inside it a large egg carefully wrapped in soft fluffy cotton to keep it safe in the bag. He had fulfilled the task he was charged with. Goober could hardly contain his excitement as he donned the backpack and grabbed his broom. His visit with The Sect would no doubt be epic. Our goals are within reach. \n *Our time is now. Our plans shall come to fruition!!* \nAnd with that Goober mounted the broom and flew out his tower window ready for the dawn of a new adventure."} +{"id": "6a0d8a22-0e66-42fc-8f82-ae4f597a4b8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T20:46:05.237", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc8FHMT3oevi44m1sJJzGmrdh2aj6C9rbCtSfUhtGtCD7", "txHash": "0x584eba85e306d0ca56df8f855b52029345de4e731ab19c7a9ef976c8cd7b7c7f", "createdAtBlock": 16285731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13486, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Romulus Impaler of the Realm", "text": "Romulus Impaler of the Realm was a warrior like no other. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with piercing eyes and a fierce scowl that struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. His armor shone like the sun, and his sword was sharp as a razor's edge, ready to cut down any who dared to challenge him.\n\nAs a guard in the goblintown, Romulus was charged with protecting the town and its people from all manner of threats. He patrolled the borders day and night, always alert for any sign of danger. And when danger did come, Romulus was the first to respond, rushing to the front lines with his sword in hand.\n\nOver the years, Romulus became a legend among the goblins of the town. He was known as a fierce and relentless warrior, feared by his enemies and respected by his comrades. He stood tall in the face of danger, always ready to defend the town and its people with all his might.\n\nDespite his fearsome reputation, Romulus was not one to seek out battle for its own sake. He understood that his role as a guard was to protect the town, and he took that responsibility very seriously. He would do whatever it took to keep his kin and his home safe, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.\n\nAs the years passed, Romulus grew old and his strength began to wane. But he remained as fierce and determined as ever, continuing to defend the goblintown with all his might. And when he finally fell in battle, it was with a sword in hand and a heart full of pride, knowing that he had given his all to protect his kin and his home."} +{"id": "6a0d8a22-0e66-42fc-8f82-ae4f597a4b8a-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-28T20:46:05.237", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc8FHMT3oevi44m1sJJzGmrdh2aj6C9rbCtSfUhtGtCD7", "txHash": "0x584eba85e306d0ca56df8f855b52029345de4e731ab19c7a9ef976c8cd7b7c7f", "createdAtBlock": 16285731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13486, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Romulus Impaler of the Realm", "text": "Today, Romulus Impaler of the Realm is remembered as one of the greatest warriors the goblintown has ever known, a hero who stood tall against all manner of threats and gave his life to protect his people. His legacy lives on in the hearts of the goblins of the town, who will forever be grateful for the brave warrior who guarded them and their home."} +{"id": "d95ec434-6ee9-4ee0-b89c-0b38488dbab8-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-16T04:37:27.059", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT8vd9C7f5U2rXz5D8APPQ9G71Z8yWjmSxSkh6cEr2sau", "txHash": "0x5cfd8aa03b41be04ee9be9629de44c64740679d27b4898af2fa2f6e7eb80c209", "createdAtBlock": 16638953, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5648, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Gaspard of the Hall", "text": "An alchemist by trade, but who knows who he really is under the mask..."} +{"id": "b284a078-7422-470f-b78b-7a428a8a9afe-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-30T03:13:27.724", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZemUoUu2pdxvqAKuQYWXqXpHDFza6iPPYLBFdTDBKaP7", "txHash": "0xdde472ce7d6d4f6b59daf1307a0e955f86f033596fe2d5621d16618cb1adb09b", "createdAtBlock": 16294824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPE1ZPm8NN1BkoQ25JNRe2GSawAnFwGQpnVJyiXx7yWKx", "name": "Void Disciple Aamon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "A dead rat.\n\n\n\nHow and when the rat died, unknown. Whose rat? The Hag's. Where is the Hag? 'Behind me.'\n\nAamon whipped his head almost fully backwards. He faced The Hag... and then she was gone. \n\nAamon was perplexed, 'how could she have harnessed the magic needed to perform such a feat', he thought. 'After all, she was just a village Hag, nothing special. Was she the one who gave me that goddamn letter? No... couldn't be. Then, how the f-'\n\nAamon's thoughts were interrupted as he felt the sudden urge to vomit. He fell onto he knees. He grasped his chest, as if he was having a heart attack. His vision blurred. He saw a shadowy black figure. It spoke to him strange things, which he could not understand. His heart raced and pain built up in his chest. It grew. Tears rolled down his face. He curled into the fetal position and began to scream. He now felt as though he was on fire. His screams grew louder, and louder... then silence. And black. \n\nAamon awoke several days later. He was in a pool of cold water. He got up from the ground onto his feet. Around him was crumbling stone. In front of him, a wooden door. It was locked. There was light streaming in from a small window in the room. It was covered with iron bars. Aamon peaked outside.\n\n\"Shit!\", he recognized the surrounding area. He was in the red wizard's dungeons. The Bounty Hunters got him."} +{"id": "47421fed-82b4-44e0-a996-9328c86eccb7-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-30T05:17:29.744", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZgAHtFP24YPEMfxsaQH2X5keBroZGgj6dniZCS1Z41P", "txHash": "0xb47e84ef466058a0882519cf29f72a40ec2b83976d707b77cd81b9a570f3916c", "createdAtBlock": 16295443, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14509, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://runes-turnarounds.s3.amazonaws.com/warriors/14509/warriors-14509-0-front.png", "name": "Charon Waster of the Arena", "text": "# The Lore of Charon - Waster of the Arena\n\n_No one knows where **Charon** comes from or what his true purpose is, but it is said that he possesses otherworldly powers that he wields with deadly precision. His opponents tremble at the sight of his cold, piercing gaze and the aura of darkness that seems to surround him_\n\nIn the arena, **Charon** is a force to be reckoned with. Armed with the rare *Silver Dragon Pike* and protected by the *Shield of the Moon*, he moves with fluid and graceful, yet deadly, movements as he dispatches one foe after another with ease. Many believe that he is unbeatable, and those who dare to challenge him soon find themselves lying on the ground in defeat.\n\nDespite his fearsome reputation, **Charon** is a solitary figure who rarely speaks and keeps his true identity hidden behind the legendary *Ether Horn Helmet*. Some whisper that he is a demon summoned from the underworld, while others claim that he is a cursed warrior who sold his soul for power.\n\n\n\n**Charon** is not alone in his journey. By his side stands a loyal companion, a mystical goat known as the **Null Goat**. These creatures, with their magic-resistant skulls and horns, are fiercely loyal and excellent sentries, often domesticated by shepherds who inhabit the mountains. The **Null Goat** stands by **Charon's** side, always ready to defend its master from any danger that lies ahead."} +{"id": "988c4947-81f8-4249-a0c2-62a1bac72730-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-19T18:02:43.697", "backgroundColor": "#023e1d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcY96cAop6Sbga1UYJuUKqGCt5mAkDUEDjM1feaJ4mnWw", "txHash": "0x755ff8174f068dcbabdf9b398c21d07571f4ca5129c3adb07e1badf4f60aa6b9", "createdAtBlock": 16664287, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 437, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Atom the Outstanding", "text": "# A Helping of Fried Mushrooms (and a Blessing Too) \n\nToday would turn out to be quite the special day for @pony27 and her brother Atom! These two beautiful ponies finally reached the age where they would receive their blessings from the local healer, @wizard3676.\n\nShe was a kind and loving swamp witch who blessed every Elysian foal, regardless of their journeys in life. This blessing would bestow upon them long life, exceptional health and good luck, and most importantly, give the ponies a chance to get some of the healers world famous fried mushrooms!\n\nThe two foals would be trusted to travel by themselves to and from the healers hut, which was some distance away, located in the midlands of the Fey. This would be their biggest adventure yet!\n\nThe morning came and went as the two ponies were prepped by their riders, Danny and Sammy, who made more than sure that they would have every possible need covered.\n\nOk, I think you two are all set! Danny said, dusting his hands off on his pants, and looking on with pride at the ponies all geared up. Ugh, I hope theyll be ok. Are you sure we packed everything? A small bit of panic washed over his face.\n\nDont worry, Sam said, its not a very long trip, and you know Enigma will be watching them. Relax and try to enjoy a couple of days of quiet! \n\nThe boys finished packing up the ponies, kissed them on their foreheads and led them to the path that would take them straight to the healer's hut.\n\nNow remember, stick together, dont talk to strangers, and have fun!! Sam said, with a wave, encouraging the ponies to begin their adventure. The two ponies strode out of town and down the wooded path."} +{"id": "988c4947-81f8-4249-a0c2-62a1bac72730-1", "createdAt": "2023-02-19T18:02:43.697", "backgroundColor": "#023e1d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcY96cAop6Sbga1UYJuUKqGCt5mAkDUEDjM1feaJ4mnWw", "txHash": "0x755ff8174f068dcbabdf9b398c21d07571f4ca5129c3adb07e1badf4f60aa6b9", "createdAtBlock": 16664287, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 437, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Atom the Outstanding", "text": "While the ponies couldnt speak like their riders, they could talk to each other through their own special bond. \n\nAs they trotted, Atom turned to Penelope and thought, I cant wait for those fried mushrooms! Ive heard theyre the best in all the Runiverse!\n\nPenelope snorted with joy. You and your love for food! Dont forget, were also getting our blessings from Enigma. Thats the most important thing. We only get one chance at this, so we cant mess it up!!\n\nAtom rolled his big brown eyes. Right, right, I know! But a ponys gotta eat too! And as if on queue, his belly rumbled so loudly even Penelope could hear it.\n\nThe two burst into giggles as they continued to banter lovingly back and forth.\n\nThey walked for a while longer, the shade from the trees protecting them from the glaring sun and the birds singing in the trees. The path twisted and turned, but the ponies never once wavered in their determination to reach Enigmas hut!\n\nFinally, after what felt like hours, they arrived at the small clearing where Enigma lived. The smell of fried mushrooms filled the ponies' nostrils as they got closer. Her hut, tiny but tidy, was made of woven reeds and twigs, and thick smoke billowed from the chimney.\n\nEnigma was waiting for them outside with a big grin plastered on her face. Hello, new besties! Ive been expecting you!! Come give me a big hug!! she said, as they galloped even quicker right into the swamp witchs open arms.\n\nThe ponies nuzzled into her, feeling a sense of comfort and love wash over them. Enigma murmured some words in a language they didnt understand, and kissed each pony on the top of the head."} +{"id": "988c4947-81f8-4249-a0c2-62a1bac72730-2", "createdAt": "2023-02-19T18:02:43.697", "backgroundColor": "#023e1d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcY96cAop6Sbga1UYJuUKqGCt5mAkDUEDjM1feaJ4mnWw", "txHash": "0x755ff8174f068dcbabdf9b398c21d07571f4ca5129c3adb07e1badf4f60aa6b9", "createdAtBlock": 16664287, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 437, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Atom the Outstanding", "text": "Now, whos hungry? she asked with a smile. Ive got some fresh fried mushrooms for you.\n\nWhen do we get our blessing?? Penelope asked, sounding a bit stressed.\n\nOh sweety, just now, when we hugged! She said, beaming at the ponies. Now, who wants a snack??\n\nAtom literally leaped with joy, and Penelope, finally realizing she was blessed, joined her brother in celebrating. Afterwards, they feasted on the delicious mushrooms, feeling grateful for the blessing and the special treat.\n\nAs the sun began to set, Enigma escorted them back to the path that would take them home. Be safe, besties, and remember, you now have my blessing. Ill always be watching, and if you ever need me, Ill know! The swamp witch said, giving the ponies one last hug, and waving them off.\n\nThe ponies walked back home, their bellies full of food and their hearts full of love. They spent the entire evening giddily chatting between themselves, convinced they could feel the blessing, and arguing who was now stronger than who.\n\nThe two would return home safe and sound, and would go on to be quite special indeed."} +{"id": "051feb22-ad07-4673-9cda-7ce2362bbc63-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:22.031", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPN9DcQ4WVe1gwDpek8m23E7xvkoBUtNnxqyukiZyK4TQ", "txHash": "0x8722f17fda30002d5058a09136e114d637b654897a325451ce6f993015076aea", "createdAtBlock": 14085661, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8522, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Fumiko of the Hills", "text": "Fumiko Entry 1:\n\nFumiko enjoys walking in the darkness of the thick forest. As far back as she can remember, darkness was her place of comfort. It is simply beautiful. The cold, the calm, the peace of night. The moon, the stars, the clouds in the sky. The beauty of a place exists as much during the night as much as it does during the day (probably even more during the night in Fumikos opinion). The forest ecosystem at night is every bit just as full of activity during the day. A different kind of life in the forest stirs when the sun sets, not bad, not good, just different. Nothing in the natural environment of the night signals anything more dangerous than the same natural environment of the day. There is a natural order of hierarchy: producers, consumers and predators in the food chain, high or low in the food chain, regardless if it was day or night.\n\nIn Fumikos younger days, her friends always wanted to play in the bright sunshine. She would join them but she always got tired quickly. The sunlight drained her stamina and the perspiration made her feel icky. She preferred adventures at night but her friends were always terrified and never wanted to stay out late. Her favorite color was black and that came through her dressings. She found herself to be more alive during the night hours: more energy, more focused, more creative, more effective in whatever she was doing. For many of her younger years, Fumiko will stay up late into the night and continue into the next day with little sleep to accommodate the normal life routines. However, she gradually got tired of that and allowed herself to sync to what seemed to be a more natural body clock for her."} +{"id": "051feb22-ad07-4673-9cda-7ce2362bbc63-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:22.031", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPN9DcQ4WVe1gwDpek8m23E7xvkoBUtNnxqyukiZyK4TQ", "txHash": "0x8722f17fda30002d5058a09136e114d637b654897a325451ce6f993015076aea", "createdAtBlock": 14085661, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8522, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Fumiko of the Hills", "text": "Many say that Fumiko has a talent for the Dark Arts. She could rapidly grasp the concepts of the Dark Arts and apply them with such ease. There was an elegance and sophistication to her dark magic. Her spells seemed to effortlessly flow out of her. Fumiko has a different assessment of herself: she merely has a different perspective on dark magic and not that she is magically talented. It was the sub-conscious paradigms about what white magic (aka true Magic) should be that placed mental blocks on their ability in the Dark Arts. \nThere was a misconception that white magic, or just simply Magic, was good while the Dark Arts were bad. Magic is just magic, there is white magic and there is dark magic. Just like there is a Sun and there is a Moon. Just like there are livings that roam during the day, there are living things that roam during the night. Just like the normal temperature during the day is warmer, the normal temperature at night is colder. Opposites exist for there to be balance in the world!\n\nThe Dark Arts behave in an opposite manner and therefore require an opposite perspective (its not a wrong perspective). Livestock are bred with the sole intent for slaughtering them for food or used as tools. Undead creatures are raised for specific purposes as well. Just like there is life in the living form, and there is also life in the afterlife. White magic can be limited by the physical world and scientific principles. For example, white magic can produce fire without firewood or a spark but is still limited to requiring air for fuel to burn. In contrast, Fumiko can start a Ghoul Fire (because of its greenish glow) in underwater because dark magic does not face that same limitation. That is also why the Dark Arts can seem to be more impossible and the fear of the unknown only grows."} +{"id": "e4ce7ba7-402a-43fe-a559-eb5d341ada19-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-19T20:47:16.028", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTysLoivHTeDeka4YTtxsTCSMT2mNNp1HYorUCfoe2k9", "txHash": "0xc24bf3f534423334bfa2bf1dc5a5c1c676504a6c96fe1bd42864e9ae6d8e2f7d", "createdAtBlock": 16665102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7812, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "George Terror of the Dawn", "text": "In the distant world of the Runiverse, a place of endless adventure and peril, there was a legendary warrior known as George Terror of the Dawn. With his blue hair that shone like the morning sky, and his mighty axe that he wielded with deadly precision, George was feared and respected by all who crossed his path.\n\nGeorge was born into a family of proud warriors, and from a young age, he trained relentlessly in the art of combat. As he grew stronger and more skilled, George knew that his destiny lay in defending the land he loved, no matter what the cost.\n\nOne day, as George was on his way to a village to aid in a battle against a vicious horde of monsters, he stumbled upon a young pig in distress. The pig, who he later named Steve, was being attacked by a group of bandits who were planning to use him as a sacrifice to an evil deity.\n\nGeorge was moved by the little pig's plight and quickly leapt into action, his axe cleaving through the bandits with ease. From that day forward, Steve became George's loyal companion, following him on his adventures and fighting by his side.\n\nTogether, they traveled throughout the Runiverse, battling hordes of monsters, helping those in need, and protecting the land from any who would seek to harm it. George's blue hair and imposing presence struck fear into the hearts of his enemies, and his axe was a deadly weapon that few could stand against.\n\nDespite the dangers he faced, George never wavered in his dedication to his homeland. He was a fierce protector of all that was good and just, and his name became synonymous with bravery and valor.\n\nEventually, George retired from active duty, but his legend lived on. His name was passed down from generation to generation as a symbol of hope and strength, and his memory was honored by the people of the Runiverse for centuries to come."} +{"id": "499a6356-4ab3-4ffc-b6d0-55e4fcf06115-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-30T14:58:51.675", "backgroundColor": "#211600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXVW6ggP4M7oiLv4WTkR3ytYB49WwssMzJdGnxRV7WQFC", "txHash": "0x5d0f7bf75c9a4406216a93d531ad43d5e3161a51751718f511386a555fc7d9e8", "createdAtBlock": 16298379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6905, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS6MCe82SwRSjjrB93jxHqpGSJgcxA1FeRePxP4ZtbiAe", "name": "Sorcerer Soya of the Wild", "text": "# Sorcerer Soya of the Wild's Runes TCG Collection\n\nAn avid gamer and Runes TCG player, Soya has taken it upon himself to collect every released card which he keeps in his Book of Magic.\n\n\n\n## Goblin Bandit\n\n\n\n> Goblin bandits... Just armed enough to be dangerous, but incompetent enough where they can be dealt with by anyone who is mildly prepared. To their credit at least they are very aware of this limitation & therefore are very opportunitistic regarding who they target as their victims.\n\n## Swamp Bullfrog\n\n\n\n> *ribbit* wagmi *ribbit*\n\n## Eager Apprentice\n\n\n\n> All mages have to start somewhere in their learning. No matter what tower, citadel, keep, haven a mage is from - you'll find eager minds soaking up ancient text & exploring the wonderful world of magic and lore. Bright eyed and bushy tailed - even the saltiest old wizard can't help but smirk when they are confronted by the youthful energy of an apprentice.\n\n## Muush\n\n\n\n> A species of mushrooms that have become animated. The original Muush was growing close to an alchemist's lab in Hedge Wizard Wood when an experiment caused some Wild Growth potion to seep into the surrounding area. The original Muush was able to propagate more animated mushrooms, thus leading to a totally new species.\n\n## Thopter\n\n\n\n> The most basic trinket, it's a Blue Mage's first assignment in engineering school. Thopters aren't particularly useful for anything, but if they're imbued with a bit of magic they are able to perform basic tasks such as hanging clothes or pestering yougner siblings.\n\n## Emerald Slime"} +{"id": "499a6356-4ab3-4ffc-b6d0-55e4fcf06115-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-30T14:58:51.675", "backgroundColor": "#211600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXVW6ggP4M7oiLv4WTkR3ytYB49WwssMzJdGnxRV7WQFC", "txHash": "0x5d0f7bf75c9a4406216a93d531ad43d5e3161a51751718f511386a555fc7d9e8", "createdAtBlock": 16298379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6905, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS6MCe82SwRSjjrB93jxHqpGSJgcxA1FeRePxP4ZtbiAe", "name": "Sorcerer Soya of the Wild", "text": "## Emerald Slime\n\n\n\n> One of the most common wizard familiars, Emerald Slimes are happy creatures that are perfect for beginning mages. Don't be fooled by their doughy physique though - the reason they are good beginner familiars is more due to their easy disposition and trainability, not their lack of ability. The slime that makes up their body is one of the more potent and oldest magical substances that is known to exist on the continent.\n\n## Kobold Heckler\n\n\n\n> \"He lost his eye when a tavern cricket hopped on his face & he tried to stab it with a fork. Please don't be intimidated by him.\" - Tavern Barkeep\n\n## Chronomeer\n\n\n\n> Chronomeers are furry little critters that live around places in the Land of Forgotten Runes where time & space warp. They have an acute sense of this boundary & where the lines start to blur, and and cross this boundary as a means to escape predators. This means that they are often not seen around popular civilization aside from Chronomancer's Riviera, where enough chronomancers gather to give them safe haven.\n\n## Specter\n\n\n\n> Some say that a group of wizards in a special guild were tasked by the gods with the creation of the sky, land, water, and beyond and all that inhabit them. These wizards gave us magic, mysteries, and jelly donuts. There are specters that roam the land and are thought to resemble the High Priest and Master of Ceremony of the guild.\n\n## Alchemist's Tifly"} +{"id": "499a6356-4ab3-4ffc-b6d0-55e4fcf06115-2", "createdAt": "2022-12-30T14:58:51.675", "backgroundColor": "#211600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXVW6ggP4M7oiLv4WTkR3ytYB49WwssMzJdGnxRV7WQFC", "txHash": "0x5d0f7bf75c9a4406216a93d531ad43d5e3161a51751718f511386a555fc7d9e8", "createdAtBlock": 16298379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6905, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS6MCe82SwRSjjrB93jxHqpGSJgcxA1FeRePxP4ZtbiAe", "name": "Sorcerer Soya of the Wild", "text": "## Alchemist's Tifly\n\n\n\n> Alchemist's Tifly are a species of the Tifly bird specific to The Alchemist's Archipelago. Tifly are very popular amongst alchemists since their eggs contain a potent acid that protects the embryo while it's developing, which alchemists harvest once the egg has hatched. What is special about the Alchemist's Tifly is that each island in the archipelago contains Tifly that produce slightly different acid! The theory is that each island presents unique stimuli that warrant differing levels of viscosity, potency, and even chemical composition in order to ward off the predators native to that island.\n\n## Young Kelpie\n\n\n\n> While grown Kelpies are among the most legendary beasts of the Runiverse, the adolescents of the species are known for their outgoing and boisterous demeanor. These rambunctious youth exhibit unparalleled levels of curiousity and mischeviousness. Fishermen of Kelpie's Bay who are caught up in a young Kelpie's frenzy will find themselves at the center of attention whether they like it or not.\n\n## Dune Mite\n\n\n\n> Native to The Sand, Dune Mites are pesky little bugs that love to eat the cloth of travelers. This makes for very hot treks through the desert if you haven't brought your mite repellent & they're able to get to your hat!"} +{"id": "a576f4de-4f3b-4e9a-a3f9-451dac96173c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:18.926", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY3FL18766FTZctUQL3Ht5Kt7D9rZYuEci67ynjVjdk5W", "txHash": "0x4c72f83b066bf6b7a9f00b90fb5ded7d22de9f349dee9090b6f76a00349d4a0a", "createdAtBlock": 14083014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Adrienne of the Isle", "text": "This is part #2 of this story. To read the first part, head to @wizard1228\n\n*Shaman Adrienne of the Isle*\n\nThe waves lightly crashed against the rocks, sending a soft salty mist into the air. Adrienne sat calmly next to Kattu, holding a long rod, waiting for a bite. It was the life she had desired since leaving the old home in the valley a peaceful, calm existence with routine and great company. Her desire to be near water was something not understood by the rest of her family, and she though that was what had caused the rift. Either way, she was here now, and was happy, even though there was still a scar deep inside from that fateful night.\n\nHer mind wandered, as it usually did in these peaceful moments to her conversation with Gunter the Wise earlier. Gunter was a short, stout man who many on the Isle came to for advice. He had been here longer than even Aldo himself, and no one quite knew where he had come from. No one dared ask what ethnicity he was that was viewed as taboo and would likely get one smitten immediately from none other than Gunters parrot which sat upon his broad shoulder and was nearly as tall as Gunter himself. Gunter was always talkative and had taken a liking to Adrienne when she first arrived at Aldos Isle. He found it fascinating that she had left a family of four sisters with a loving father to live alone on an island and asked her daily about her childhood with nary a response from Adrienne. This day was not like the rest, however. He was aloof and seemed to have no interest in speaking with Adrienne at any length as any sort of conversation attempt was met with a hrumph."} +{"id": "a576f4de-4f3b-4e9a-a3f9-451dac96173c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:18.926", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY3FL18766FTZctUQL3Ht5Kt7D9rZYuEci67ynjVjdk5W", "txHash": "0x4c72f83b066bf6b7a9f00b90fb5ded7d22de9f349dee9090b6f76a00349d4a0a", "createdAtBlock": 14083014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Adrienne of the Isle", "text": "It must have been hours she sat there thinking, as no fish were biting on this day, and she was startled out of her daydream by a tap on the shoulder. How dare someone disturb me now, especially when I am in the middle of the daily hunt she mumbled to herself as she turned to see a strange, but familiar face looking at her.\n\nGood afternoon, sister, said the face as Adrienne strained to think about who it could be. It had been years since she had seen her family, and she was stunned at the word sister as she thought she had made it painfully clear she never wanted to see them again. Deep in her heart, a warm feeling began but her instinct was to not let it show.\n\nWhat are you doing here, and how did you get on this isle?. Adrienne said, barely remembering Astrid as a child and struggling to accept the fact that her baby sister was now a young adult.\n\nOn the wind, Adrienne, Ive learned to \n\nStop. Tell me why you have come. I was very clear to father that none of you were to come find me, and I took care to hide my location from even him when I left. Adrienne said coldly.\n\nAstrid was taken aback. She had only heard stories about Adriennes bravery and loyalty from her father and was too young when her sister left to remember anything else. Her opinion of her sister was a glowing one, and to hear her speak rudely and not open an embrace was almost like daggers into her heart. Perhaps it was the optimist in Astrid that left her so vulnerable to pain, or perhaps it was her father that had shielded her from pain after the family had splintered, but either way, the greeting Astrid received, and the disappearance of her father was enough for her to break down in tears."} +{"id": "a576f4de-4f3b-4e9a-a3f9-451dac96173c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:18.926", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY3FL18766FTZctUQL3Ht5Kt7D9rZYuEci67ynjVjdk5W", "txHash": "0x4c72f83b066bf6b7a9f00b90fb5ded7d22de9f349dee9090b6f76a00349d4a0a", "createdAtBlock": 14083014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Adrienne of the Isle", "text": "Father *sob* is *sob* gone. Astrid was able to make out in between the water pouring from her eyes and her choked up throat.\n\nAdrienne felt a little bit guilty inside, but her childhood instinct came back to her, and a little voice inside implored her to show no weakness. The mere thought of what could have happened to her father kept her attention, however.\n\nCome, Adrienne said. I will take you to my shack near town. There you can tell me the real reason as to why you have come here.\n\nAdrienne picked up her pail that she was using to collect her fish it was empty. She normally had a dozen or so at this point, and between the daydreaming and Astrids arrival, she did not even realize that the pail had collected no sustenance. An ominous feeling suddenly draped her in fear, and her steps moved a little bit faster moving back to the shack.\n\nClose to the end, Adrienne nearly broke out in a run, but it was childs play for Astrid to keep up. Astrid was always the fast one, nimbler than the other sisters, and if it wasnt for the short shadow of Gunter near the shack, the sisters may have performed a friendly competition like old times.\n\nAh, there you are, Gunter said quizzically, And who might this be? She needs to leave.\n\nAdrienne was somewhat hurt. She had only been just reacquainted with blood, and despite her cold demeanor, her heart was warming a bit. Someone she respected and looked up to ending a relationship that had not even begun was another jarring emotion she was not prepared to deal with at this moment. Normally a reserved person, she offered up nearly more information unsolicited to Gunter than he had been able to pry out of her on her days on the island."} +{"id": "a576f4de-4f3b-4e9a-a3f9-451dac96173c-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:18.926", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY3FL18766FTZctUQL3Ht5Kt7D9rZYuEci67ynjVjdk5W", "txHash": "0x4c72f83b066bf6b7a9f00b90fb5ded7d22de9f349dee9090b6f76a00349d4a0a", "createdAtBlock": 14083014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Adrienne of the Isle", "text": "This is my baby sister I left alone, she managed to find me despite my attempts to remain hidden to let me know that our father had disappeared. She will stay.\n\nHmm. So be it. Gunter said as he opened the door to Adriennes shack. Come, we must talk.\n\nThe three sat down and Gunter pulled a scroll from his pocket. Astrid saw a wax insignia and shouted, That is Merlins mark!\n\nYes child, I received this directly from the Council of Thirteen. Gunter solemnly said.\n\nAdrienne was astounded she had heard her father mention the Council a couple of times, and knew they were involved in many dealings of wizards around the world. Even crazier to her was the fact that her young sister knew the mark was from Merlin. The room started to spin for her she had taken such care to remove herself from the trials of life, only to find out that Gunter had a direct connection to one of the most powerful wizard organizations in the Runiverse.\n\nGunter continued. The scroll speaks of a warning. An immense magical pulse was detected just north of the Blue Wizard Bastion. It seems to have subsided for now, however multiple livestock have gone missing in the last few days. The council would request each region be placed on guard, with wizards and warriors ready to travel to assist if need be.\n\nAstrid spoke up and described the case of her fathers disappearance and the mysterious figure that had spoken to him before he vanished. Adrienne, despite her perfect tranquil life being destroyed that she had so dutifully created, knew she must help. She agreed to accompany Astrid on the journey to find their father, and as the conversation was wrapping up, Gunter chimed in,"} +{"id": "a576f4de-4f3b-4e9a-a3f9-451dac96173c-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:18.926", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY3FL18766FTZctUQL3Ht5Kt7D9rZYuEci67ynjVjdk5W", "txHash": "0x4c72f83b066bf6b7a9f00b90fb5ded7d22de9f349dee9090b6f76a00349d4a0a", "createdAtBlock": 14083014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Adrienne of the Isle", "text": "Before you leave, Adrienne, there is something you must know. Your father met with me before you arrived here on the isle. He knew this is the spot you would choose and handed me this feather. He told me to only give it to you when absolutely necessary I believe that time is now. The figure you speak of Astrid is a Darkling. I have only heard of such in stories and lore in the past. If Darklings are making themselves apparent to regular folk, evil must really be upon us.\n\nAs Gunter was finishing up his sentence, Kattu began to growl at the door and the hair on his back stood straight up. The trio had been speaking for such an extended period, none of them had noticed the brightness of the day fade to pitch black. The waves from afar could be heard crashing hard on the rocks now, despite no apparent wind the few trees between the shack and the shore were stationary. Gunter slowly stood up and instructed the girls to stay back. The portly fellow opened the door, and a rush of thick darkness began to enter into the room almost similar to thick smoke. As the darkness took hold, parts of Adriennes shack began to crumble and fall. Gunter began to chant loudly, which pushed the miasma back for a moment. He stopped for a moment to shout to the sisters paralyzed by fear, GO, YOU BUFFOONS."} +{"id": "a576f4de-4f3b-4e9a-a3f9-451dac96173c-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:18.926", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY3FL18766FTZctUQL3Ht5Kt7D9rZYuEci67ynjVjdk5W", "txHash": "0x4c72f83b066bf6b7a9f00b90fb5ded7d22de9f349dee9090b6f76a00349d4a0a", "createdAtBlock": 14083014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Adrienne of the Isle", "text": "Adrienne grabbed Kattu, and began to run to the back door, but she was quickly snatched up and into the air by Astrid who had retrieved the feather. The shack was crumbling now, so quickly that apertures began to increase in size in the roof and shadow poured through them. Adrienne was terrified, but it was her young sister who kept the cool head this time. Astrid conjured the magic of the wind to repel most of the black from around the pair. A quick gust made a small enough gap for her to see a possible escape. Astrid zipped the duo out of the hole in the roof as the darkness engulfed Gunter in a chorus of screeches and wails, echoing the sounds of those who had been consumed in prior lifetimes. The shack was nothing more than a pile of dust at this point as Astrid and Adrienne soared higher into the air; Astrid chose a direction and flew as fast as she could on the back of the feather. As they gained altitude and were safely away, Adrienne looked back in horror at Aldos Isle, which appeared as it always did serene and peaceful."} +{"id": "a7561615-fa92-4ad4-a58d-e028e468a16a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:20.631", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ1LCpvCVRKZCTVkbVkCkuWu6XDsCTcTbnHL6WLVyCa41", "txHash": "0x0755e872c29196b6c80c48713c2d2ea7788226505dcaa498992f7b8d2662c2af", "createdAtBlock": 14083367, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6724, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Phantasm Hothor of Phantasmagoria", "text": "**The Orbuculum emanates a strange sparkle, Hothor peers in keen on learning the secrets it holds...\n**"} +{"id": "aacce06e-769b-4047-88ce-cab36484b7b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-31T00:24:28.035", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTBwpVRjW5t3P44NZnRPYwP44PtX4tS3WPGFwn1WD4k2u", "txHash": "0x7514e7de99665965393f73965139e53ee0fa322f75626cc8be358e8f8228cfdd", "createdAtBlock": 16301145, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "# Ceremony & Sacrament / Sound & Vibration\n\nAs the Master of Ceremonial Sacrament handed Reza the icy cold glass sphere...he said with glee \"After you have completed your transition time and space will be much less a *hindrance*...you'll see!\" \n\nTo say Reza was nervous was an understatement. He closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply through his nose. It smelled of damp stone, burning torches and ancient waters...a very distinct mlange. They must be in one of numerous rooms deep within the catacombs, he had been there before but only in the shallowest of entry walkways...never this **deep**...the air was *thick* and *cold*.\n\n'Is this really happening?' Reza thought for just a pause.\n\nEver since falling out of the sky and smack into the middle of the Runiverse, Reza's been preparing for this day....many years have past since the day Cyrus had saved his life and brought him to Dream Master Lake.\n\n\"The ceremony & sacrament...even the experience, are said to be different for all. Of course, I've never acted as the ceremonial Master....so I can't say for sure. What I do know is that I've given you what you need. No more, no less.\"\n\nReza got the courage to look up...\n\nIt was unclear whether it was just the two of them or if other Dream Masters and Dream Knights were there as they had been incased in a sort of opaque plasma bubble. But the room, hall or arena that they stood in *felt* crowded, very crowded. Enough vibes *cause* a very specific kind of pressure. Reza gazed all around, inspecting the *very* impressive spell they were now encased in. Never had he seen this magic before...Dream Masters keep much of their more *peculiar* powers hidden from others."} +{"id": "aacce06e-769b-4047-88ce-cab36484b7b9-1", "createdAt": "2022-12-31T00:24:28.035", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTBwpVRjW5t3P44NZnRPYwP44PtX4tS3WPGFwn1WD4k2u", "txHash": "0x7514e7de99665965393f73965139e53ee0fa322f75626cc8be358e8f8228cfdd", "createdAtBlock": 16301145, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "\"I-is *Cyrus* here?\" Reza implored...\n\n\"He is right where he needs to be, just like you are where you need to be! Now take your sacrament and get rid of that ridiculous **armband**!\" Laughed the MC.\n\n'The armband...oh right' thought Reza.\n\nUpon Reza's commitment and undergoing various diagnostics, testing, being poked and prodded...the Dream Masters had fashioned a *special* arm band for their neophyte candidate.\n\n**\"TRAINEE\"** read the armband, which was yellow with black capitalized lettering\n\nIt was only then, when it occurred to him that the armband was a gag, a prank to get Reza to wear a silly handkerchief of caution - like some sort of menace prone to clumsy mayhem. It was not too far off from the truth...\n\nInstantaneously he threw the armband to the ground with grave intent.\n\nThe Master went on \"I will be with you; you will not know of my presence and your experience will be yours alone...but should I detect any trouble or if you are overwhelmed, I will come to your aid. *Be at ease brother*\" \n\nWith that he placed his gloved hand over Reza's and helped him ingest the sacrament.\n\nAs the sacrament was taken Reza a *sound* unlike anything he'd experienced began emanating from the stone floor below. Rising vibration filled the bubble with a singular *\"ohmmmmmmmm\"* almost as if **hundreds** of sapphire singing bowls and diamond didgeridoos were howling in perfect harmony, creating a single note. Endless with layers, the note held a depth so great that the vibration became **tangible**."} +{"id": "aacce06e-769b-4047-88ce-cab36484b7b9-2", "createdAt": "2022-12-31T00:24:28.035", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTBwpVRjW5t3P44NZnRPYwP44PtX4tS3WPGFwn1WD4k2u", "txHash": "0x7514e7de99665965393f73965139e53ee0fa322f75626cc8be358e8f8228cfdd", "createdAtBlock": 16301145, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "Molecules from nowhere organized themselves into something completely transparent and, yet, completely *known*. It was a *rushing* river of air, spontaneously raging at arm's length. The note encapsulated him and tickled the back of his neck, ears and the tip of his nose...\n\nThe Master now communicating telepathically: \n>\"Go on and discover the *Dream World* it is our domain, but **we do not own it**, it is a place **infinite awe** and the **core of our existence**. Your training does not entail any study of this because it cannot be taught or described, only **experienced**. \n\n> Let the vibration dissolve you. Let it take you. Let it transform you.\n\n> *\"Oooooooohhhhmmmmmmmmmmm\"*\n\nThe sound and vibration must have lifted Reza from off the floor....it was the last thing he remembered. The feeling of pressure being relieved from the soles of his feet and the perspective of being no less than three feet off the stone floor.\n\n*Reza was fully, unmistakably entranced.*\n\nReza's purely physical existence was vibrationally vaporized, his body gone in an instant....and he found his consciousness *engulfed* in the purest, brightest *white* light all around...and it was *dead* silent. Somehow he knew what happened, at least *partially*...he wasn't taken or manipulated by the vibration...he *was* the vibration...\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n -BRN 12.20.22"} +{"id": "44215751-ca60-45ce-926c-707ffc8f21fa-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-20T21:36:17.271", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfF7kWvHw7XiftEmm6Z4vKUQ69Cyvyayyv5gFaLEs8gAA", "txHash": "0xe411ebd9a4431020b30ac34c4c7a7e9bbc94f64a96aa25f7b2ccfdf10ba4b53a", "createdAtBlock": 16673735, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "### Remus. (n.d.). *Scrolls of Recording* (vol. ii, ch. vii, damaged* scroll Iii). Calista Research Labs.\n####\n####\n>*Lab records indicate that as soon as it was unfurled, an unintelligible babble in Remus voice was magically uttered by the scroll itself. As soon as this preamble of speech finished, the corresponding text consumed itself and left only the bottom half of the record intact. No publication date is included (\"n.d.\"), suggesting that this scroll may be older or historical. \n\n\n...\n\nHwt do ye, fter min flsch eynd min blod ws trned deost?\n\nGode dagas, mir. We hfdon heard se ye waeron brnt se godcund flm.\n\nSwa hit is. But min swol ws rred, eynd min nu wre ealra swol. Ac ic hbbe wid me min dodo fugel famiglian y min swol nre. Ic hbbe na hat. Ac min lof beth min ic deth cld, r t swa manig swol nre.\n\nYe said somesuting about ye hat? Hwt be ye meaned by se?\n\nHwt, ge nystan na? Wizs eynd min heore ilk be set urh se hew of heore hat. Gebeorscipas gegaderian r eynd min sodolice beth in cneowum.\n\nHit seemeth t ye habbeth micel witan. Hwt else can ge tellan us?\n\nrest, ic can tellan ye t urh isse woruld, manega cwealmfulle ing beon ldende. Yfele beon ealle ymb us, eynd min monige mid fryldum eynd min searoon hweorfa."} +{"id": "44215751-ca60-45ce-926c-707ffc8f21fa-1", "createdAt": "2023-02-20T21:36:17.271", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfF7kWvHw7XiftEmm6Z4vKUQ69Cyvyayyv5gFaLEs8gAA", "txHash": "0xe411ebd9a4431020b30ac34c4c7a7e9bbc94f64a96aa25f7b2ccfdf10ba4b53a", "createdAtBlock": 16673735, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "Hit beth so, ic hbbe sylfes gesewen a fryldan. eynd min hwt else?\n\nfter m, ic can tellan ye t min heorte beth swa fger swa t of eallum bearnum. Ac ic beo swol, eynd min ne cunne naor halgan ne seon heofonan rices. Min flsch be awend dust, eynd min min modor sceal for to m niwum middangeard.\n\nHit beth micel sr, spect ir mir. We symble betwux re liflade eynd min deae ofergangan. eynd min ye, ye symble beth in twa worulde.\n\nSolice, min freond. Ac ic sceal gewyrcan on ysum woruld, eynd min urh min ne t swol eynd min dodo fugel famiglian, ic sceal findan min stow eynd min wesan ealra eowa.\n\neah e, hwt gehyrst ge onne be re quantum sceadu e swa manigum on woruld geondscine?\n\nAh, a quantum sceadu beon a encrac in mistas e sien manige stede on woruld. Hwt a betcan, nane witendlic man can tellan. Ac manige sien t a mistas bringan mid heom strange gife, eynd min a sceadu cunnen wendan a werod ofer eallum worulde.\n\nt sien micel word. Ac hwer t beth god ing for us menn, t we sceolon habban to do with re mistan?"} +{"id": "44215751-ca60-45ce-926c-707ffc8f21fa-2", "createdAt": "2023-02-20T21:36:17.271", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfF7kWvHw7XiftEmm6Z4vKUQ69Cyvyayyv5gFaLEs8gAA", "txHash": "0xe411ebd9a4431020b30ac34c4c7a7e9bbc94f64a96aa25f7b2ccfdf10ba4b53a", "createdAtBlock": 16673735, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "t sceal beon gecweden, freond. a mistas beon swie gefyllede mid lfenlicum eynd min ungewissum gife. Ac manige cunnen wi a mistas wendan, eynd min a gife brucan to heora nytte. a sceadu cunnen eac bringan geondscy to a ore werod, eynd min r beon manige, e sceolon witan eynd min gefrignan a wisdom e se quantum sceadu bryngan cunne. Hit ws min anlicnesse, min freond. Nu sceal ic faran eynd min gewyrcan on isse woruld. Ge beon gemyndig re mistan, eynd min re wisdom e heo bringan cunne. Far wel!\n\n..."} +{"id": "438f2691-64b3-42eb-b2c5-f80ac6443325-0", "createdAt": "2022-12-31T00:38:04.938", "backgroundColor": "#136284", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP3nzh94LFFx7sr2a9LazhUxqcuLwZ9PibXysL3eLoXqy", "txHash": "0x13eff831e5a74191a037d8e32bb372518f6432fe2ea26adfcb1eb4725124ce80", "createdAtBlock": 16301213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Battle Mage Armstrong of the Tower", "text": "# Armament of Armstrong\n\n_Battle Mage of the Tower_\n\n> Will fortified by strength, strength fortified by will. \n> *Second Lord Mage, Order of Last Battle*\n\nWhy is it we find ourselves in strife, why is it we are never prepared, how do we die a more noble death. The weakness of men leaks into every faucet of his life, their will softened by pleasures, their fortitude hung up like their weapons. Red glory traded for golden lunches, black earth replaced by white linen. Your will is the first to corrupt and takes longest to repair, your body takes the most nourishment, but is the first to break. \n\nYou cannot prepare for a future unforeseen, just like a seed planted, you envision what it will be but you cannot predict where each branch will grow to. Strong will, strong resolve and noble up-brining will prepare you for some trials, just not all of them.\n\nYour alignments, your companions and tool are not you. Your reality is wrought now by outside influences, forces existing before you even were. Fight those first. \n# \n\n## **Steady your will in your own castle, sow your resolve in your own garden, let not weakness flourish, give not one inch to false gods.** \n\n\n# \n#"} +{"id": "386ef3b6-512d-4149-b56e-31354bb41af4-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-21T06:01:41.921", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPzQMzNdaXCoWvcVj91T8JBoCMamNY57xJYLfT3Rr5eeW", "txHash": "0xf7cd6a9e8c51f10462de382c2e43b15a011fa7bfb2bde67fdd4e5afcc52be3d2", "createdAtBlock": 16674961, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfJedsCzg4bhXuYxvqsKmeToSGfd8pP8UTuJ64ZGAq8Ns", "name": "Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard", "text": "# The Origins: Shadow Ofaris\nDruid Ofaris is a wizard of ancient and mysterious origin, hailing from an uncharted region of the Runiverse. Little is known about his background, but it was rumored that he possessed an extraordinary mastery of shadow magic, a magic that was said to have been lost to the world for centuries.\n\nOne winter, Druid Ofaris set out on a journey to a region of the Runiverse known as The Sand. To get there, Druid Ofaris would have to cross land where the blizzards were known to be particularly harsh. Despite warnings from his native wizards, he was determined to prove his worth as a wizard and make it to The Sand for reasons yet unknown. Some say Druid Ofaris had a dream about an ancient artifact from an Oasis. Others say he was mad. Most say, this is a wicked wizards way of life.\n\nSoon after he set out, a ferocious blizzard struck, and Druid Ofaris found himself lost and alone in the midst of the howling winds. He was unable to find his way back to the safety of his friends, and it seemed that he would surely succumb to the cold.\n\nBut Druid Ofaris was not one to give up easily. He summoned his mastery of shadow magic and transformed himself into a shadow wizard, becoming one with the darkness. In this form, he was able to slip through the blizzard unnoticed, his body becoming intangible and immune to the icy winds."} +{"id": "386ef3b6-512d-4149-b56e-31354bb41af4-1", "createdAt": "2023-02-21T06:01:41.921", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPzQMzNdaXCoWvcVj91T8JBoCMamNY57xJYLfT3Rr5eeW", "txHash": "0xf7cd6a9e8c51f10462de382c2e43b15a011fa7bfb2bde67fdd4e5afcc52be3d2", "createdAtBlock": 16674961, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfJedsCzg4bhXuYxvqsKmeToSGfd8pP8UTuJ64ZGAq8Ns", "name": "Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard", "text": "With his new powers, Ofaris navigated his way through the blizzard, his aura of shadow magic guiding him through the darkness. He used his magic to create illusions of himself, leading the blizzard in different directions, and thus evading its wrath.\nFinally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ofaris emerged from the blizzard, battered but alive. He had proven his worth as a wizard and his mastery of shadow magic. From that day forward, he was known as the Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard, a symbol of strength and resilience to all who knew his story.\n\nHowever, the price for such power was steep. The shadow magic that Ofaris wielded was known to cause long-term harm, and it was rumored that it was slowly consuming him from within. This did not stop Druid Ofaris from his goal of reaching The Sand. However, it did change his path to get there.\n\nAnd so, Druid Ofaris remains a mystery to this day, his true origin unknown and his mastery of shadow magic feared by some and revered by others. But all who know of him agree on one thing: he is a wizard like no other, and his legend will live on for generations to come.\n\n\nDruid Ofaris in the Blizzard AKA Shadow Ofaris"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "> Iprix! Lets go! Theyre ready for us.\n>\n>\n> Oh! Yes, ha...Im coming.quickly..such interesting things in this market.\n>\n>\n> Agnor smirked. His companion never ceased to find joy, even in a market full of fruit.\n>\n>\n> We were lucky to get a ride across the river. They wont wait long.\n>\n>\n> Oh yes, yes I have to say, I really am so eager to get home, I -\n>\n>\n> The clanging din of Arza rumbled around them as they made their way through the landing. A famous travel hub, Arza was a strategic gem, located on the banks at the junction of the three rivers. From Arza one could travel to the farthest reaches of the Quantum Realm, and throughout history Arza had seen its share of friend and foe.\n>\n>\n> SCREEEEEEEEEEE!!\n>\n>\n> Good gracious me, what what that? It sounded like a -\n>\n>\n> SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!\n>\n>\n> They turned the corner to find Grek, straightening the saddle on a great winged creature. Ekmira waved from across the landing.\n>\n>\n> .scrythe.\n>\n>\n> Stopped dead in his tracks, Agnor continued on past the wizard.\n>\n>\n> He stared at the bird, stamping its claws impatiently and fluttering its wings, agitated by the chaos of Arza and eager to take to the sky as their guide turned to greet them with a grin.\n>\n>\n> Ho, archmagus! Not afraid to fly, are we?\n>\n>\n> Ekmira, who had rejoined the group, stared at Iprix."} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n> Ekmira, who had rejoined the group, stared at Iprix.\n>\n>\n> Iprix?\n>\n>\n> Her thoughts churned, mixed with humor and concern. In all the long years she had known him, trials he had faced and horrors he had brushed aside with his evergreen sense of a joke - afraid to fly? Certainly not.\n>\n>\n> Iprix?\n>\n>\n> He looked rather pale. He swayed slightly as he slowly exhaled the breath he had been unconciously holding.\n>\n>\n> Ekmira could barely hear him as he attempted an explanation, eyes still fixed on the scrythe.\n>\n>\n> I...um..I..I\n>\n>\n> Grek strode towards the pair, taking in Iprixs countenance.\n>\n>\n> Don't worry Magus, you'll be with Aries - she's much calmer than Toyo here.\n>\n>\n> He gestured to the second scrythe, a cheeky imp's head popping up from the other side of the great beast. With one last tug on the saddle, he swung himself into the front seat and winked at Iprix.\n>\n>\n> Agnor chucked Iprix's side.\n>\n>\n> Don't tell me you're afraid of heights.\n>\n>\n> Iprix stuttered.\n>\n>\n> What? I, no..huh, of course not that would be ridiculous...\n>\n>\n> Agnor studied him as he fidgeted. Half-concerned, half-amused, he was bewildered by the sudden nervousness of the wizard.\n>\n>\n> How do you look out your window every day?\n>\n>"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n> How do you look out your window every day?\n>\n>\n> Wuff! I..I ..That's different!\n>\n>\n> With a chuckle, Agnor strode off towards his mount.\n>\n>\n> Grek looked over at the pair, confused. Ekmira smiled while Agnor looked at Grek, shaking his head and throwing up his hands with a smile.\n>\n>\n> Iprix.\n>\n>\n> Grek pat Iprix on the back, his huge hand shaking the archmagus ever so slightly.\n>\n>\n> Still the best way to get across the river - can't beat the time! You can't travel by land where you're headed - and anyway, the ferries are full. Lucky we were able to squeeze you in!\n>\n>\n> Grek looked to the sky.\n>\n>\n> Winds will shift soon. Hop to it, friends! All aboard! Bora lets get our Archmagus safely up and down, eh?\n>\n>\n> The cheeky imp guiding Iprix's scrythe looked back at him with a wink.\n>\n>\n> If you're afraid to fly, at least you're immortal, right?\n>\n>\n> Iprix looked nervously at the shifting creature under him as he mumbled in response.\n>\n>\n> People keep bringing that up."} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \n\n>\n>\n>\n> The wind beat against Ekmira's face. The city below looked as if it could belong to ants, though the measured thrum of wings was surpisingly calming. Angor, let out a whoop as his scrythe glided through the air above the river. Ekmira turned.\n>\n>\n> Hunched over behind his guide, Iprix had turned pale, his head swaying slightly as if dipping in and out of conciousness. One more dip in the air and he would fall.\n>\n>\n> Iprixs condition caught Greks attention. Hed seen many afraid to make the journey across the river, but not usually in the form of ancient wizards. Sidling up alongisde Aries, he called out over the humming of the air.\n>\n>\n> How we doing Archmagus?\n>\n>\n> Snapping his head up, Iprix caught Greks look. With what he hoped was a convincing smile, he let go of his vice grip on the saddle horn long enough to attempt a thumbs-up.\n>\n>\n> The scrythes wings beat the air as they made their way on the last leg of their journey home. \n\n>\n>\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-4", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \n\n>\n>\n>\n> Drop. Drip. Drop. Drop drop. Drop drop drop drip shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh\n>\n>\n> The rain became steady.\n>\n>\n> The sound drowned out time, feeling...\n>\n>\n> Whack!\n>\n>\n> The searing pain of a blow to the head woke the archmagus from his trance. A dark figure towered over him once more. This again.\n>\n>\n> Aren't you bored by now? All this darkness and gloom...\n>\n>\n> Shwoosh! The archmagus was pulled to his feet.\n>\n>\n> Jokes? Still you have jokes? What a large sense of humor you have for such a small man.\n>\n>\n> Iprix shrugged, half-awake.\n>\n>\n> If the shoe fits....\n>\n>\n> The figure threw him down.\n>\n>\n> Your jokes don't even make sense.\n>\n>\n> Iprix laughed from the ground, blood seeping from one corner of his mouth.\n>\n>\n> No? How rude of me, I must try to do better.\n>\n>\n> We'll talk more tomorrow. Look forward to it...I know I am.\n>\n>\n> Drop. Drip drip drip shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh \n\n>\n>\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-5", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n>\n>\n> Clang! CLang clang clanggg clang clangclangclangclangclangclang\n>\n>\n> The sound of the guards metal club on the bars rung in Iprix's head as the iron door creaked open.\n>\n>\n> A new figure, shrouded by the blinding sunlight behind, sounded amused.\n>\n>\n> So this is our wizard, hm?\n>\n>\n> A pause.\n>\n>\n> Smaller than I expected.\n>\n>\n> A laugh. Not from the visitor, but the figure near the floor. A chuckle, at first - growing into a maniacal cackle that rang off of the iron cage.\n>\n>\n> Small? SMALL?? Where have I heard that before? By now you'd think everyone would expect how small I am.\n>\n>\n> The visitor exchanged glances with the figure from the night before as Iprix pulled himself from the floor, pointing a finger at the figure in the door.\n>\n>\n> But I'm not, in fact, small. Slight, perhaps...shorter than your average Gandalf, but small? It's incorrect.\n>\n>\n> The wizard paced.\n>\n>\n> Small? Small?? This place is small.\n>\n>\n> With a jolt, the tall visitor grasped Iprix by the collar and wrenched him upward against the iron bars.\n>\n>\n> How many days have you been here, wizard? How many days will you hold? No one knows you're here. No one will find you. You will die here, and you will die again. Again and again until you tell us what we need to know.\n>\n>\n> Again, the cackling began.\n>\n>"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-6", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n> Again, the cackling began.\n>\n>\n> Iprix's eyes darted around the cell and then to the outside as he rambled on.\n>\n>\n> My friend...\n>\n>\n> The visitor shook him.\n>\n>\n> My f-frre-iend....hahahaha....you can keep me here all you like. Ive gotten used to the walls. Safe, cozy walls....I can live here again and again until you are long gone. Cozy, safe....walls, wallls.....hehehhehehe\n>\n>\n> With a snort, the tall one threw him down. He nodded to the figure at the door as he left Iprix in a heap.\n>\n>\n> Maybe we should make you less comfortable.\n>\n>\n> In one motion the guard caught Iprix by the foot and carried him outside, sweeping him up and out over the ramparts of the tower, dangling him above the earth below.\n>\n>\n> Iprix's heart caught in his throat. One look at the world beneath him showed an image as far and infintesimally small as the tiny drawn lines of a map. His breathing labored with the pounding in his chest. The henchman let out a gargled laugh.\n>\n>\n> Look at him now - suddenly not so clever!\n>\n>\n> The tall one drew near, watching panic seep into the wizard.\n>\n>\n> Indeed - friend - you're shaking from head to toe. The wise, witty wizard of the north it seems does have a weakness. How does it feel?\n>\n>\n> Iprix closed his eyes. Each uneven breath was more difficult than the last. Ringing grew in his ears.\n>\n>\n> Smack!\n>\n>"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-7", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n> Smack!\n>\n>\n> Dont leave us now isnt the fun just beginning, really? Wake up, magus...\n>\n>\n> The visitor turned away, satisfied.\n>\n>\n> I admit I never thought Id hear you silent -\n>\n>\n> In an instant, Iprixs eyes snapped open with a single, last burst of energy. As the face of Iprix was transformed into blackness, seething teeth and eyes of flame wrenched upward towards the grip of the guard. Startled, the henchman's grip loosed, and the howling of the tall visitor rent the air as Iprix dropped like a stone."} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-8", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-9", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n> A plume of smoke curled from the rubble. A small figure flickered. Where there had been death, a wizard flitted in and out of life atop the cracked stone. Solidifying into the form of Iprix, the archmagus lay curled into a ball, eyes squeezed shut as if to block out life itself. Slowly, his eyes began to flicker.\n>\n>\n> A cry rang out overhead. Startled, Iprix stumbled and fell. Trying to focus his eyes on what flew above, he called out for his familiar.\n>\n>\n> With a screech, Leo slid to a halt on the rocks, his talons carving lines in the stone. Hopping madly, he assessed the archmagus.\n>\n>\n> No, no, I'm alright.\n>\n>\n> Hop. Hop. Hop hop hop.\n>\n>\n> No, Leo - I'm alright. I'm alright...\n>\n>\n> He shut his eyes again, head in his hands.\n>\n>\n> I'm alright.\n>\n>\n> Reopening them, he addressed the bird.\n>\n>\n> Ekmira.\n>\n>\n> Hop.\n>\n>\n> Leo, do you know where she is?\n>\n>\n> Hop hop.\n>\n>\n> Screeeeeeeee scccreeeeeeee\n>\n>\n> Leo etched lines into the rock, winding this way and that. Cocking his head at the wizard, Leo looked at him inquisitively.\n>\n>\n> Yes, I know it.\n>\n>\n> He peered over the chasm in the rocks.\n>\n>\n> It's the labyrinth.\n>\n>\n> Hop hop hop.\n>\n>\n> We have to get her out.\n>\n>\n> Looking around, Iprix's gaze fell upon another figure nearby. Still, and not pretty. The henchmen had fared worse than Iprix for his mistake.\n>\n>\n> Fly ahead. Let's go."} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-10", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n>\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-11", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n> Tak!\n>\n>\n> Tik tak.\n>\n>\n> Click clack.\n>\n>\n> The pieces clinked across the chess board as Leo and Iprix sat across from one another in the tower.\n>\n>\n> Rats! No, Leo, you ...how did you do that?\n>\n>\n> Hop hop hop hop hop.\n>\n>\n> I think youre cheating.\n>\n>\n> The hopping stopped as Leo cocked an eye up at the wizard.\n>\n>\n> Ok! Ok...youre not cheating. But I just\n>\n>\n> Hop hop hop hop hop hop hop\n>\n> Iprixs king shook as it faced down Leos queen in check.\n>\n>\n> At once the door burst open, swirling snow and wind indoors as Ekmira slammed the door shut against the cold.\n>\n>\n> Whew! Its getting rough out there.\n>\n>\n> Iprix stood to greet her.\n>\n>\n> Ah! Yes, it certainly is! Good that you came back when you did ow!\n>\n>\n> Iprix yanked his hand away from Leos beak, his familiar giving him a reprimanding look.\n>\n>\n> Wha, I didnt move it! It was there -\n>\n>\n> Iprixs king huddled behind his hand.\n>\n>\n> Anyway Ekmiras here -\n>\n>\n> He rushed to meet her at the door, taking her snow-covered cloak.\n>\n>\n> Leo beating you at chess again?\n>\n>\n> Honestly! I dont know how he does it. I think you arrived just in time.\n>\n>"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-12", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n> He glanced back at the bird waiting for him to make a move.\n>\n>\n> Uh, tea? Ill have to put it on, will take me a minute -\n>\n>\n> His voice was overly loud and obvious. Ekmira smiled.\n>\n>\n> Ill just put it on now, where is my - ? Oh yes.\n>\n>\n> As Ekmira and Iprix settled down for tea, there was a wailing grunt from Iprixs king. Pieces fell to the floor as Leo hopped about the chess board in victory.\n>\n>\n> Ekmira looked at Iprix with a stare of fake shock.\n>\n>\n> But you didnt make your move!\n>\n>\n> Iprix waved a hand towards the board with a sigh and a wry smile.\n>\n>\n> Ah, he knows he already won."} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-13", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \n\n>\n>\n>\n> The image showed a tower, wreathed in black clouds and flame. A lone figure stood at the top.\n>\n>\n> Whos that?\n>\n>\n> Thats Iprix.\n>\n>\n> The kid looked incredulously at his brother.\n>\n>\n> Iprix.\n>\n>\n> Yeah, he controls black flame.\n>\n>\n> Youre talking about Iprix.\n>\n>\n> Yeah! I know hes nice and all, but the stories they tell about him theyre not like the man you know. The old books are full of stuff like this.\n>\n>\n> The kid looked blankly around the library. It wasnt believable.\n>\n>\n> His brother turned the page.\n>\n>\n> They say this land has only survived this long because of him. I dont know -\n>\n>\n> He looked at the pages.\n>\n>\n> But thats what they say.\n>\n>\n> Well whys he not like that now?\n>\n>\n> I dont know. I mean, were not at war the books only talk about times of battle. Maybe it only comes out when theres a fight.\n>\n>\n> His brother pulled another book out of a stack, dust puffing and settling onto the floor.\n>\n>\n> Its weird.\n>\n>\n> A pause.\n>\n>\n> How old do you think he is?\n>\n>\n> Um.564?\n>\n>\n> Why 564?\n>\n>\n> Look, I dont know Im just trying to answer your silly questions. Go ask him.\n>\n>\n> The light sifted down through the window as the boys pored over the ancient tomes. \n\n>\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "02196a60-edfb-4176-bb54-b8e3eb133a8d-14", "createdAt": "2023-01-01T01:44:54.245", "backgroundColor": "#f3f2ec", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeypJr8BJs83SQuHzaSSrBNmMXQeYmAsHkFsxvJGbYtDJ", "txHash": "0xff131e2ae6d6de7b10b95d8fc34d44292683a21853205dd112c656c8ba641b91", "createdAtBlock": 16308711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": ">\n>\n> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \n\n>\n> Ekmira and Iprix sat at dinner.\n>\n>\n> Do you know Illera from the village?\n>\n>\n> The village?\n>\n>\n> She smiled.\n>\n>\n> I mean, the houses below the tower. I know, I just forget its so solitary here, sometimes I forget were all in the same town.\n>\n>\n> Yeah, I know Illera. Hes interested in apprenticing with Ender, I think hell be a good fit actually.\n>\n>\n> Iprix looked thoughtful.\n>\n>\n> Why?\n>\n>\n> He shrugged.\n>\n>\n> Every time I pass through the village he keeps looking at me funny. \n\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \n\n>"} +{"id": "0478b5b7-ad8e-44d9-8176-1fbffe7fb52f-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-22T21:11:52.762", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNbYgwnTajB2k472z2F958ZxwLwyBd3XpLDUmJYMhnMBL", "txHash": "0xc3070a2eab554401ad0dc901114906acfa69e90830bb99d99038f2ecc3c1d68f", "createdAtBlock": 16686562, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1345, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbenZ67roVZxMa5iy3L3YsBGzELVUMCih1T9aHTsdVNXC", "name": "Transmuter Peppy of the Realm", "text": "# The New Beginning\n\nAfter an enormous amount of Kobold Aid dreamed of his birth as The Smelly Thing. All memelords of the Runiverse gathered around for the celebration. \n\n\n\n> \"I can feel it from here\" \n> *the memelord in the red hoody*\n\n# Distractions\nOn a typical day Peppy just can't resist the smell of a good poopy\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:"} +{"id": "f4356f1e-1608-4d01-81c7-5a892c220089-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-02T02:55:50.763", "backgroundColor": "#23003b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZfwqQTGCQUpuHRxdEtaKQ9ehfGoRjRRrSJuyWE6krTT", "txHash": "0x959d2bd02a769e96370ef0198326f5ab698dec055a901197e5144641b4ee8f8b", "createdAtBlock": 16316239, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYT4Epab872DX2WJMZTUJpGTq5vcPwQWAVbtnBPHvjJSS", "name": "Druid Faiz of Arcadia", "text": "# A Runiversal Divergence \nLights flash, illuminating the darkness and the people moving all around me. Beats pulsate through the air. The air is humid, but my movements keep it flowing. I move with the beat, using every part of my body to move, while playing off the movements of the others. It is a moment of individual expression, but also harmony with the others sharing this space. \n\n\n\nThe music crescendos towards a climactic moment, and everybody gets even more animated, although wed already been dancing hard. And then, as we get to the peak of the song\n\n---\n\nI start, suddenly awake. I am sitting by a window, at one of my safe houses scattered throughout the Runiverse. That was strange. Very strange. I rarely sleep these days, in my current form. It is so rare, in fact, that I dont even have beds in these hideaways. And to dream well, that is firmly in the domain of my counterpart, @wizard5382. As a dream master, he has all the control over that realm you might expect, and a couple special abilities besides.\n\n\n\nI consider the possibility that he might have sent me this dream. But no - what would be the point? The dream was alien to me, but it felt so real. I suppose there are similar types of activities happening all the time at the Yellow Wizard Haven. But this didnt remind me of that place - it was some place outside of our Realm. But whose experience was it? And why did I dream of it now? \n\nAlthough its been quite a while since I last crossed paths with Ali, I decide that a visit is in order. Id learned not to ignore strange occurrences such as this, even if seemingly random. It is time to return to the Obelisk.\n\n---"} +{"id": "f4356f1e-1608-4d01-81c7-5a892c220089-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-02T02:55:50.763", "backgroundColor": "#23003b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZfwqQTGCQUpuHRxdEtaKQ9ehfGoRjRRrSJuyWE6krTT", "txHash": "0x959d2bd02a769e96370ef0198326f5ab698dec055a901197e5144641b4ee8f8b", "createdAtBlock": 16316239, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYT4Epab872DX2WJMZTUJpGTq5vcPwQWAVbtnBPHvjJSS", "name": "Druid Faiz of Arcadia", "text": "---\n\nI Travel to just in front of the Great Owl Obelisk first. Through experience, Ive found that it pays to scope out a structure before venturing inside. It leads to fewer surprises.\n\nThe Obelisk stands as it always has, an intricately carved structure towering over the desert. It has persisted over many ages, and served many uses - a monument, a place of information, learning and meditation, a site of untold dark sacraments. Today, it is seemingly abandoned, an ancient relic of Wizards. But not all is as it seems. \n\n\n\nI Travel once more, to a small chamber with no windows or doors within the depths of the Obelisk. There, as expected, is my counterpart - Sorcerer Ali of the Obelisk. He sits in his customary meditation pose, his form flickering, as if hes not totally there. \n\n\n\nBack again, I see, Ali says. He stays motionless as he speaks. The thoughts come into my mind directly - a perk of communicating with your other half, I suppose.\n\nI had a troubling dream. I mindspeak back, emphasizing the last word. Ali will know the significance. \n\nBut instead of showing any signs of concern, Ali merely sighs. Let me guess, you were experiencing someone elses memory? In a location not of this plane?\n\nHow did you know that? Have you been spying? \n\nAli sighs again. Maybe other Dream Masters invade the dreams of others, but those are beneath my interest. He finally moves, turning his hooded head towards me. Just like me, inside the hood isdarkness. A formless void, save for two luminous blue orbs that pass for his eyes. They lock onto my own two yellow ones."} +{"id": "f4356f1e-1608-4d01-81c7-5a892c220089-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-02T02:55:50.763", "backgroundColor": "#23003b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZfwqQTGCQUpuHRxdEtaKQ9ehfGoRjRRrSJuyWE6krTT", "txHash": "0x959d2bd02a769e96370ef0198326f5ab698dec055a901197e5144641b4ee8f8b", "createdAtBlock": 16316239, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYT4Epab872DX2WJMZTUJpGTq5vcPwQWAVbtnBPHvjJSS", "name": "Druid Faiz of Arcadia", "text": "Ill tell you again just like I told you all the previous times you came in here, times you no longer remember. Those arent dreams; theyre memories, OUR memories. Of times when we used to be one, in a different world. He waited expectantly.\n\nUnwillingly, more memories start to come back to me. Memories that Ali wishes to remember, and I wish to forget. After all, thats what Ali is doing here - remembering. He lives in the past, quite literally. \n\nI see, I say finally. Im sorry to trouble you, but Ill need your help again.\n\nAli nods. Hes been expecting this. Just a moment, and Ill take care of it. Then you can run off and do whatever it is you do out there. And I can go back to what I was doing before you barged in here. \n\nHe extends a hand, and a shimmering aqua-colored energy extends from it and envelops my head. I close my eyes, and within moments the memories fade\n\n\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "92f27c3f-f8b9-4739-9ec8-01ed5c6afd5d-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-25T16:27:06.253", "backgroundColor": "#cfc264", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZFfPfCpwYpMoBHhJnK1HdC7xjMx4A39izvFdJXq5qJjh", "txHash": "0xb49629b841f7c9b92d307e3dc70363c73e1c04fe8992d57baffd9a91b73e338c", "createdAtBlock": 16706472, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXqte2brdpDMQVvqhnURcAm3FgU49wwnuFjV4bcw7XbRz", "name": "Druid Faiz of Arcadia", "text": "# A Cosmic Convergence \n\nI slowly open my eyes and take in the arid landscape around me. I am outside the Great Owl Obelisk. A gust of wind blows sand in the air; the particles flow through me, and I do not feel them. \n\n*He and I are still alike in many ways, despite our differences*, I think. We are part of the Runiverse now, and yet, not able to fully partake in the same way as many of the others who have answered the Runes call\n\nIn any case, I no longer remember why I came here. I know Ali is in the bowels of the Obelisk, doing his best to pretend we never made the journey to this place. But I have no desire to talk to him now; there is nothing more to be said.\n\nAt that moment, a flash of color seen in my peripheral vision attracts my attention. Squinting a little against the rising sun, I glimpse an otherworldly vision: a shimmering, multi-colored form gliding past the top of the Obelisk. Its a bird, but unlike any Ive seen before. Maybe some kind of marsh bird, but possessing none of the colors of the marsh. Instead, it has a vivid reddish-fuchsia front, fading slightly towards violet towards the back. Its beak is bright teal, and its wings form a panoply of colors, ranging from teal to deep blue to violet. \n\n\n\nIt lands just in front of me, looking directly at me. I perceive intelligence in that gaze.\n\nGreetings, I say. \n\n*Well met, traveler*, it replies. After a few seconds, I realize that these words werent audible, but arrived fully formed in my mind. Despite this, the bird has a discernible voice - feminine, tranquil, and timeless."} +{"id": "92f27c3f-f8b9-4739-9ec8-01ed5c6afd5d-1", "createdAt": "2023-02-25T16:27:06.253", "backgroundColor": "#cfc264", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZFfPfCpwYpMoBHhJnK1HdC7xjMx4A39izvFdJXq5qJjh", "txHash": "0xb49629b841f7c9b92d307e3dc70363c73e1c04fe8992d57baffd9a91b73e338c", "createdAtBlock": 16706472, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXqte2brdpDMQVvqhnURcAm3FgU49wwnuFjV4bcw7XbRz", "name": "Druid Faiz of Arcadia", "text": "I hide my surprise - easier for me than most, given that I dont have facial expressions. I suspect that you are also far from home, I say. This doesnt look like your sort of habitat. Im not sure how I know this, but I feel confident in saying it.\n\n*You are correct, Im far from my homeland - further than you might suspect*, the bird replies. *But Im right where I need to be at the moment.* She tilts her head. *You ARE Druid Faiz of Arcadia, are you not?*\n\nWho wants to know?\n\n*You can call me Ruby. Thats short for Ruby-Fronted, Time-Traveling Bittern.*\n\nHmm I consider the creature before me. I do not like the fact that she knows my name and anticipated my location, while I know next to nothing about her. My internal alarms are blaring - my past involvement in the affairs of the Runiverse means that there are those who want to do me harm. \n\nThere is only one wise course of action at this moment. Flee now, and consider it more deeply in one of my safe houses.\n\nThe Obelisk, the Sands beyond, and the unlikely avian entity before me all fade away as I teleport...\n\n---\n\nRuby sighed as Druid Faiz faded into nothingness. *If he could only observe his own patterns, hed know that his appearance at this time and place was entirely predictable to seasoned observers,* she thought. *I guess I should have predicted that the memory loss would disorient him and make him likely to run at anything unexpected.*\n\nShe emitted a few calls in frustration - they sounded like barking croaks. *Well, Ive come so far already, I wont let a few more hurdles defeat me.* She spread her variegated wings and promptly lifted off, flying north in a series of rapid wingbeats.\n\nTo be continued"} +{"id": "92f27c3f-f8b9-4739-9ec8-01ed5c6afd5d-2", "createdAt": "2023-02-25T16:27:06.253", "backgroundColor": "#cfc264", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZFfPfCpwYpMoBHhJnK1HdC7xjMx4A39izvFdJXq5qJjh", "txHash": "0xb49629b841f7c9b92d307e3dc70363c73e1c04fe8992d57baffd9a91b73e338c", "createdAtBlock": 16706472, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXqte2brdpDMQVvqhnURcAm3FgU49wwnuFjV4bcw7XbRz", "name": "Druid Faiz of Arcadia", "text": "To be continued\n\n(By Kel 1/1)"} +{"id": "644e33c0-3050-4f93-8066-9d09f4056046-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:48.173", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYBqHGxQQu371DV3p16chN6Fzfgc4FuaSyUo6YyB53Gsp", "txHash": "0xf39aa4f0403e5742dcaa079be31e748f670b62cadd006f0a3617f84981b5da18", "createdAtBlock": 14104108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPwytu58TPnCCNEbp4ScPK6W73CZSpCSF2uV1rRemFE89", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "# The Heretic and the Wolf\n\nAnswers never come to him only more questions. These incessant questions plague the crestfallen shell he has come to be. As the last bastion of hope fades, Aldus the Black lets go.\n\nThrough these weeks, or months, or years of confusion, hes learned the ability to allow his subconscious to take the reins. Its led him here, for better or worse.\n\nThe heretic glances downward at the caves winding path scattered with decaying severed limbs and corpses of exposed bone. To him, they are merely magical supplies. He makes a mental note of their abundance at this location and continues on. Here in the depths of soot and flame marks the lair of an onyx wolf pack animals known for dwelling in extreme climates.\n\nThe descending path seems to awaken to the heretics presence. Burning embers consume the air by some destructive instinct. As his lungs struggle to inhale their vital resource, eerie howls herald the arrival of the caves lupine dynasty. The looming darkness ahead spreads into formless shapes. Sweat drips from the heretic at an alarming rate. The approaching shadows unmask to reveal black majestic wolves slowly circling the heretic, who wields a sword as dark as their fur. Their glowing purple eyes warily follow the blade. Though armed, the heretic didnt venture into this cave to hunt. He subconsciously seeks a bond that hes never known. Not one forged from fear or cruelty that hes accustomed to, but a loyal bond. One that channels dominion over life, death, and legacy."} +{"id": "644e33c0-3050-4f93-8066-9d09f4056046-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:48.173", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYBqHGxQQu371DV3p16chN6Fzfgc4FuaSyUo6YyB53Gsp", "txHash": "0xf39aa4f0403e5742dcaa079be31e748f670b62cadd006f0a3617f84981b5da18", "createdAtBlock": 14104108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPwytu58TPnCCNEbp4ScPK6W73CZSpCSF2uV1rRemFE89", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "To Aldus surprise, the onyx wolves sense his intent and cease their circling formation. No threats are issued. No hostility is displayed. The oppressive heat of the cave suddenly lifts its infernal grasp of him. The regal shadow-like creatures appear to convene in a silent cryptic forum until the moment they all sit on their haunches, except one. The lone onyx wolf gracefully advances to Aldus. The two stare at one another. A set of iridescent purple eyes meet the heretics soft imperial gaze. A tilt of the wolfs head is answered by a nod from the heretic. An understanding coalesces.\n\nDivining from his subconscious that this meeting has concluded, Aldus bows formally and carefully backs away from the pack. He turns around to face the upward path and begins the ascent to the mouth of the cave. He is not alone."} +{"id": "7afbede1-d4de-47b4-91b4-d7f677bd3a8d-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-02T14:42:38.883", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTM1m134taPfNSdo2x4VZKFvnJprYnFwqKwB9PxUJfKJ7", "txHash": "0x05f2795f7bb3b80cc04e767cc840ffe036e006ca42468ae84ae4a64fe906f960", "createdAtBlock": 16319757, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7824, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ryan Vengeance of the Rock", "text": "Ryan Vengeance of the Rock,\nA warrior fierce and bold,\nFrom the Forgotten Runes Wizards cult,\nHis power uncontrolled.\n\nHe wields a giant hornet,\nA stinging force to be reckoned,\nWith the rune of cinnabar,\nHis spells are never second.\n\nHis enemies cower in fear,\nAs he charges into battle,\nWith a fierce and determined glare,\nHe never shies from the rattle.\n\nRyan Vengeance of the Rock,\nA warrior feared and revered,\nWith the power of his hornet and rune,\nHe is a hero to be feared."} +{"id": "93d37713-c5c6-4998-bef7-a7c9be4a7ee2-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-25T23:51:52.99", "backgroundColor": "#411310", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUphCR8cL1beybtCS3TrEUTAm8PBdJvzxTB123depZ4uT", "txHash": "0x55917415263a31fca901ef77d694f831659f79c9d71d93a9ae16280ed1a63207", "createdAtBlock": 16708669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2445, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Giacomo of the Tower", "text": "# Giacomo, the Wooden Wizard\n\nIn a land of quantum dreams \nAnd runes all but forgotten, \nThere was a little wooden boy \nAlone and misbegotten.\n\nHis skin was grafted tree bark. \nHis bones were made of sticks. \nThe Wizard who had made him \nHad built him just for kicks.\n\nHe wasnt meant to be much, \nJust a simple little toy, \nNot supposed to do much more \nThan bring little children joy.\n\nWhen the wood was sanded smooth \nand lacquered to a glow, \nThe Wizard smiled at the doll \nAnd named him Giacomo.\n\nHaving finished with his work. \nThe Wizard placed it on a shelf, \nSnuffed out the light and went to bed, \nLeaving Giacomo by himself.\n\nBut the Wizard had neglected. \nTo put away his tools. \nA common-made mistake \nOf careless, reckless fools.\n\nThere were enchanted chisels. \nNot put back upon their rack, \nAnd a spellbound soldering iron \nHed forgotten to put back.\n\nAn old Hue Masters hammer \nHad been left out on the table. \nBeside an open can of varnish \nWith a warning on the label.\n\nSome unicorn-horn screws. \nWere strewn about in piles, \nAnd he hadnt put away \nHis fairy-dust encrusted files.\n\nSo late that night when it was dark, \nThe Wizard snoring in his room, \nThe magic iron caused a spark \nAnd then there was a\n\n\n# ***BOOM!***\n\n\nThe varnish fumes had filled the air \nAnd combusted mightily. \nThe poor Wizard, he was crushed \nUnderneath all the debris.\n\nThats how the Wizards story ends, \nTis unfortunate and tragic. \nBut heres the silver lining: \nGiacomo absorbed his magic"} +{"id": "93d37713-c5c6-4998-bef7-a7c9be4a7ee2-1", "createdAt": "2023-02-25T23:51:52.99", "backgroundColor": "#411310", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUphCR8cL1beybtCS3TrEUTAm8PBdJvzxTB123depZ4uT", "txHash": "0x55917415263a31fca901ef77d694f831659f79c9d71d93a9ae16280ed1a63207", "createdAtBlock": 16708669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2445, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Giacomo of the Tower", "text": "The blast had shattered every tool \nAlong with each ones incantation, \nTheir energies imbued upon \nThe Wizards last creation.\n\nThis tragic, magic accident \nHad made the wooden boy much more \nThan the old man who had made him \nHad ever meant him for.\n\nNo longer just a simple doll, \nNo longer just a toy, \nGiacomo had been transformed \nInto a living wooden boy!\n\nHe crawled out of the rubble \nAnd he gazed up at the moon. \nHe listened to the crickets \nAnd the chirpings of a loon.\n\nHe marveled at the sights and sounds, \nHe was thrilled by everything. \nBut best of all was knowing \nHe could now be *anything*.\n\nThen he walked off down the road, \nAll alone but never glum, \nFor he was too excited \nTo decide who to become.\n\nThats the first of many tales \nIn the lore of Giacomo; \nA long and storied life he led, \nOn many adventures he did go.\n\nHow he came to be an Aeromancer? \nHow he met his monkey friend? \nThose are stories for another day, \nBut today, this is\n\n### THE END"} +{"id": "6a124f0d-ead6-4c0c-9d58-a01b928faf13-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:50.979", "backgroundColor": "#ddac19", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUsPYhAwe5YZeyHqF6i7JnkZcuidSZnELM1EapEMaVWg", "txHash": "0xe05bfd47ef86fadf9ace56accba5cd711ba464011b4dfb2f783dc96d78101cc7", "createdAtBlock": 14104774, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9826, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Daria of the Garden", "text": "# A Peculiar Stroll Through Town \n\nDaria is seen riding her pony, Olga, into town to get some supplies for her family. As she approaches the market district, she jumps off Olga and ties her to one of the hitching posts. She notices a woman in all white robes nearby. The woman looks to Daria and smiles, and Daria smiles back. \n\nDaria walks through the market and nears a large crowd of seemingly confused people. One voice stands out amongst the rest - \"How do we get one of those damn horses?!\" A town council member responds, \"Please, everyone. The stablemaster has already left town, and all of the ponies have been accounted for!\" Another member of the crowd yells out - \"Someone told me I have to help the town out in order to get whatever the hell you might give out next time. Well, here's my contribution... PENIS!\" Bewildered, the councilor questions him, \"Excuse me, I don't underst -\"You heard me... PEE! NIS!\" Before long, the entire crowd slowly erupts into a thunderous chant, \"PEE! NIS! PEE! NIS! PEE! NIS!\"\n\nIn the midst of all of the chaos, a lone man approaches Daria, \"We shall get steeds too\" \"...We?\" she asks the man. He responds, \"Yes, my two sisters and I. It is inevitable, such is the way of the rune.\"\n\nFeeling uncomfortable from everything she's witnessed, she quickly excuses herself from the nonsensical conversation to head back to Olga to make sure she's unharmed. As she gets within seeing distance, she again notices the woman in all white robes petting Olga. Daria rushes over, battling crowds of people in the process. However, by the time she got there, the woman had disappeared completely."} +{"id": "9dd797a5-4ebc-4f54-a362-2ca2946067f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:09.3", "backgroundColor": "#c01111", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTwpYJZK6xxB21FvYFfC5H5FJfLd6Ja6c9X1ARTNGtT9E", "txHash": "0x254867ec6021c6e5fc599994aea769e5834c44a3b2beee16cec5612916eb3e92", "createdAtBlock": 14938878, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 14699, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruno Executor of the Duck Alliance", "text": "Many people associate the name Bruno with a bear. And it's true. I live and think like a bear from the bottom of my heart. And it happened like this: I was born in a bear den of unknown parents and raised by a bear family. During my childhood, I learned many useful characteristics of bears that I still use to this day. Many, many years ago I met a warrior and I joined him. On our expeditions to distant lands, I received the sword from a wizard as a reward for my services. I've fought many battles with it.\n\nWe moved through the lands and forests and more and more warriors joined our group. We kept getting bigger and more powerful. We were secretly assisted by our scouts. It was ducks. For this reason, we gave ourselves the name: Duck Alliance. Many princes and rulers called on us for help when they were attacked by evil forces. I have seen many friends win in battle, but many also die in battle. We needed a structure and a clear order to organize our forces. As I learned from my bears, I cannot endure indiscipline and injustice. That's how I was appointed executor of the Duck Alliance.\n\nThe shield is the sign of my power. Together with my sword, it gives me the necessary calm and strength to enforce the rules I have set for the group. Since I get wiser with age, but also weaker, I have trained a loyal friend to help me. The golden jaguar. Smart, fast and persistent, he works together with the mighty ducks. It's the perfect symbiosis. Unlike the bears, the jaguar can roam silently through the grass and forests. He does not know friends or enemies, he only knows justice.\n\nI'm sure I can lead the group for many more years, but I have to remain vigilant. Warriors live with the danger that the next fight will be the last.\n\nForward always forward - until the sword does us part..."} +{"id": "da0b897c-ba43-47b8-96a5-2d63bf9f721b-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-03T08:50:29.002", "backgroundColor": "#ca4343", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdR8ykGRaTmfm5pZNv65v9z6wmNbhYBSDqz8rUTYJeMy4", "txHash": "0x1ac97bb500513e35dcac571e776a42aaca8c4ee93c775bd0b213d422739b0a88", "createdAtBlock": 16325172, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14699, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruno Executor of the Duck Alliance", "text": "Bruno Executor of the Duck Alliance was a brave warrior who lived in the mysterious land of Loria. He was known for his fierce loyalty to the duck kingdom and his incredible strength and agility.\n\nBruno traveled through the land with his loyal companion, a golden jaguar named Leo. Together, they fought against the forces of evil that threatened the peace of Loria.\n\nBruno always wore his golden shield, which was imbued with powerful magic that protected him from harm. He also carried the Rune of Brass, a mysterious artifact that granted him extra capabilities in battle.\n\nOne day, Bruno and Leo received word that the wicked Dragon King was terrorizing a nearby village. Without hesitation, Bruno set out to defeat the beast and protect the innocent villagers.\n\nAs they approached the dragon's lair, Bruno unsheathed his sword and stepped forward, ready to face his enemy. The Dragon King roared and breathed fire, but Bruno's golden shield deflected the flames with ease.\n\nWith the power of the Rune of Brass, Bruno was able to strike the dragon with lightning speed and precision. Despite the beast's formidable strength, Bruno was able to defeat it with ease, earning the gratitude of the grateful villagers.\n\nFrom then on, Bruno and Leo were hailed as heroes throughout Loria. They continued to travel the land, fighting for justice and defending the innocent. And as long as they had each other and the power of the Rune of Brass, they knew they could overcome any challenge that came their way."} +{"id": "3c37631a-475d-473a-8aba-006a7edac1a6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:01.203", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXYMoreUwAqzyL8rUHCkLau81a26X1YqPgS22D6eutQsD", "txHash": "0xb01cfcc793d154c814fa56268b0ba6312769f982c62801eae0396ce14e8ad79e", "createdAtBlock": 14109288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2127, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Gully of the Wood", "text": "The wood is the new hood. Gully Gully."} +{"id": "3b893a8c-350f-4e5d-9ce2-d85bc5348354-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:02.066", "backgroundColor": "#784105", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUwC2JRkX3xaW64v18nZ1W7qLoRxx3pLD5eMM1iv2fvh", "txHash": "0x11c98150ce7cff8a51ae3f40cc92e0f1a0cd29eac9096cc1b45818368a9ab32f", "createdAtBlock": 14109407, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4053, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Asmodeus of the Wood", "text": "# Necromancer Asmodeus of the Wood\n# Chapter 1 - Toadstools Tavern\n\nThe Tavern door creaks open slowly. A light, misty breeze sweeps across the floor through the thick floorboards. A figure emerges through the mist, the metal on its boots clacking against the splintered hardwood as he peers around the small room looking for somewhere private to sit.\n\nThe tavern has four tables and a bar top with a homely looking couple tending the space. A fire rages in the large stone fireplace. The figure moves toward the back of the tavern past the few guests, all of them staring in fear at his silver bone face glisens against the dimly candlelit interior. Its raggidy brown canvas coat is held up by a big blue belt with a shimmering large square buckle.\n\nHe sits down at the table, secluded from the locals.\n\n*Is that an orange hat* can be lightly heard across the room from a group of toadz enjoying a few pints. A nounish lightly whispers *We need to leave*.\n\nThe tavern host approaches in a reserved manner. The figures head tilts up and suddenly the host sees dark black fog within the skull where eyeballs would be. She gasps. \n\n*something wrong, mam?* the mysterious figure says in a raspy, villainous tone. \n\n*n... nn.... no, nothing wrong. Whatll it be for tonight?*\n\n*a steak, raw. And a bowl for my companion* as it taps the wooden table with its heavy silver index finger. **THUMP**\n\nA field dogs head emerges from under the table. Its eyes are big and pure black, its teeth slightly showing. A scar runs along the left side of its face through its eye, showing battle wounds from the past. The host immediately turns back toward the bar. *n.. not a problem.*"} +{"id": "3b893a8c-350f-4e5d-9ce2-d85bc5348354-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:02.066", "backgroundColor": "#784105", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUwC2JRkX3xaW64v18nZ1W7qLoRxx3pLD5eMM1iv2fvh", "txHash": "0x11c98150ce7cff8a51ae3f40cc92e0f1a0cd29eac9096cc1b45818368a9ab32f", "createdAtBlock": 14109407, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4053, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Asmodeus of the Wood", "text": "The figure chuckles. He reaches in his front pocket and pulls out a small, disheveled piece of paper. **Omega Oxbow** is written lightly, with a nearly illegible address below it. The figure gazes at it intently, as black mist swirls out from its eye sockets, several inches from the head.\n\nThe barkeep quickly drops a metal plate with a chunk of meat on the table and then scurries back to her perceived safety. The figures gaze is immediately interrupted and the black mist retracts. The wizard conjures up a spell, waving his hand over the bowl. Kelpies Fury - the water spell. The bowl fills with water in front of the tired pup and he slurps the bowl nearly clean within seconds. Signs of a long days travel. \n\n**CLINK CLINK**\n\nThe plate is thrown on the floor for the beasts enjoyment. Gobbled down in just a few bites, the pup relishes in the meal. *Good girl, Mamba* it says softly, as its long silver bone fingers race through the long, thick fur.\n\nThe barkeep approaches and struggles to say *an anything else?*\n\n*hah, doubt you have any flames here*\n\n*nno ser. Weve never even seen a sacred flame, let alone a forgotten soul around these parts*\n\n*THEN SCCCCCRAM* it exclaims.\n\nThe barkeep runs back behind the bar and moves toward her husband for safety. He holds her tightly with one hand, the other holding a blade behind him. The figure throws a few coins on the table and makes its way to the door, pausing for a moment, staring at the few folks in the bar looking at it with fear. Enjoying the attention for once."} +{"id": "3b893a8c-350f-4e5d-9ce2-d85bc5348354-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:02.066", "backgroundColor": "#784105", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUwC2JRkX3xaW64v18nZ1W7qLoRxx3pLD5eMM1iv2fvh", "txHash": "0x11c98150ce7cff8a51ae3f40cc92e0f1a0cd29eac9096cc1b45818368a9ab32f", "createdAtBlock": 14109407, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4053, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Asmodeus of the Wood", "text": "Mist slowly fills the tavern floor again as the silver figure slowly opens the door. The mage and the pup stand outside - the silver bones shimmering in the moonlight, almost glowing. \n\n*Well get our flame, sweet girl. This will all be over. In time.*"} +{"id": "516e4fd3-09f3-4509-a038-5c7d37afb111-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-05T05:55:26.787", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSaPJ5bKLrYun3YeHeLa3tKtv9rxxANWKMBKMYAhj1LCX", "txHash": "0x7de51801a2a473cf58b58bd1913fe8a62814cb60d55c25bff94f30a5f8aad9bc", "createdAtBlock": 16338635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7088, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Bayard of the Worms", "text": "https://wizzypedia.forgottenrunes.com/Left_Hand"} +{"id": "d6b5af61-4afc-4573-885f-879865ee9f2c-0", "createdAt": "2023-02-28T04:50:40.926", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b15", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTivaNaWaaUUa7w1VgYgGbjE5e2vjrThuwCBB8P9xgDcU", "txHash": "0x0d4876e1d0a53ee89cac70e0e082d893fae84b756a90c955f0b72445a324f857", "createdAtBlock": 16724397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15515, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQGhwfymT1UFvCM9d5urc1bZfNBCV5ipLLhkUs4FnyWks", "name": "Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands", "text": "Art by Ozzz @ozzzmabro\n\nArt by Daniela @Daniela_ilustra"} +{"id": "7b7c7bb9-ebeb-4485-8a74-10cb0cadb107-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-05T07:49:52.616", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsG2agWn5bL6WSmb51yub2oqc1XycFh7BSUtnXmWjSRA", "txHash": "0x75971d11d58ee3db59d4336298e1eead2c259931614a60f7919fd9b94ba0e1e4", "createdAtBlock": 16339250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4161, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Liam Ravager of Wizards", "text": "# Liam, Ravager of Wizards\n\n_All Along the Secret Tower_\n\nLiam, Ravager of Wizards is a warrior like no other in the world of Forgotten Runes. With his mastery of the rare **Quantum Sword**, Liam was feared and respected by all who knew him.\n\nBorn in a small but lost village near the Goat Grasslands, Liam had always been a determined and hardworking young man. But it wasn't until he discovered his incredible skill with the **Quantum Sword** that he truly began to stand out. With his exceptional fighting abilities, Liam quickly caught the attention of the Wizard's Cult and was recruited into their ranks.\n\nLiam was a man of great compassion and honor, using his skills not for personal gain, but to protect the innocent and defend the weak. He was often accompanied by his trusty null goat, **Prince**, a loyal companion who stood by his side through thick and thin. \n\nSome say Liam credits his everlasting youth to the powers of his **Quantum Sword**, others say it's a spell cast by a powerful soul. In any case, with his unique blend of strength, wits, and style, Liam Ravager of Wizards is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His legend lives on for generations, inspiring countless others to follow in his footsteps and embrace the power of the **Quantum Sword**.\n\n*How Liam came by the **Quantum Sword**, and met his trusty companion **Prince** is a tale for another time...*"} +{"id": "7b7c7bb9-ebeb-4485-8a74-10cb0cadb107-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-05T07:49:52.616", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsG2agWn5bL6WSmb51yub2oqc1XycFh7BSUtnXmWjSRA", "txHash": "0x75971d11d58ee3db59d4336298e1eead2c259931614a60f7919fd9b94ba0e1e4", "createdAtBlock": 16339250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4161, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Liam Ravager of Wizards", "text": "> ## An addendum by Archmaester Mug'en\n>> It is said that a traveler last met Liam on a path near The Carnival Pass. He tells us Liam and Prince were en route to a peculiar ruin; An undersea cavern somewhere in the Salt, off the coast near the Secret Tower. This information may indicate that Liam planned to seek the last known whereabouts of the ancient and powerful wizard known as @wizard4607. To what end? There are none that know. What became of Liam, his **Quantum Sword**, and his trusty companion **Prince** remains to be seen to this day..."} +{"id": "55946c66-7e2c-49a0-a917-9e1df252af4e-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-01T02:05:15.992", "backgroundColor": "#0f163b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVqWZzgt23mECtLMYXpsXNzwujDwoJrDRUVLPpXSaWKAH", "txHash": "0x8ebb3927feaa86047522da530fc0e78a54d8cf1f7b4802b92c309ed747c9df67", "createdAtBlock": 16730691, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10871, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Felix Razer of the Arena", "text": "# Felix Razer of the Arena\n\n## Early Life \n\nFelix was born in a town in between Brown Wizard Delta and Buffkin Plains. Like most people in this area he was raised to be tough and hardworking. Although he appreciated being raised in a loving blue collar family in his heart he knew following his fathers footsteps as a farmer and hunter was not the life he desired. His dream was to one day become a knight. His family did not agree with this decision but they knew they could not change his mind.\n\nWhen he came of age he went to join the Knights of the Delta. All of his years working alongside his father made him strong and well disciplined. It did not take long for him to become a full fledged knight. He quickly moved up the ranks and was assigned to be the leader of a small squad of knights. Some were jealous at how fast this young knight moved up the ranks but none could deny the results he and his band of knights were achieving. \n\nOne day he was assigned a C level mission to assist Buffkin herders who were dealing with a band of poachers. Felix and his men were able to secretly free the captured Buffkins but unfortunately when confronted by the bandits they discovered there were far more of them than what was in the report. This clearly should have been a higher level mission and Felix quickly realized that the senior knight that gave them this assignment was one that was always jealous of him. Felix, his comrades and even some of the freed Buffkins who came back to help, fought as hard as they could but being outnumbered two to one they quickly succumbed to the barrage of attacks."} +{"id": "55946c66-7e2c-49a0-a917-9e1df252af4e-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-01T02:05:15.992", "backgroundColor": "#0f163b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVqWZzgt23mECtLMYXpsXNzwujDwoJrDRUVLPpXSaWKAH", "txHash": "0x8ebb3927feaa86047522da530fc0e78a54d8cf1f7b4802b92c309ed747c9df67", "createdAtBlock": 16730691, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10871, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Felix Razer of the Arena", "text": "Felix awoke tied up on a ship along with one of the Buffkins that tried to help them fight the bandits. He learned that they were the only remaining survivors of the attack. Felix blamed himself for the loss of his comrades but wondered why the two of them were still alive.\nWhen the bandits ship docked Felix and the Buffkin who he learned name was Rex were brought before a group of people to be auctioned off as competitors for arena fighting. The bandits told him that they lost a lot of money when he freed those Buffkins and by selling him and Rex they would try to recoup some of their losses. Felix and Rex were both sold to the same buyer and soon the legend of Felix Razer of the Arena would be born. \n\nTo Be Continued"} +{"id": "8bfb6c0e-c333-4578-b432-2c4948537c1f-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-01T21:04:30.936", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPTMYbp5iE8LtYUEin78r1mmBm1FeF3BG5b6m7zh6CsDM", "txHash": "0xa502293d1c5265eb127a2b11943552a30e6fd8f701816c90d0768c3ad304dcc4", "createdAtBlock": 16736319, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1863, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "Artificer Moloch of the Brambles was once a prominent wizard in the land, renowned for his expertise in the forgotten runes of ancient civilizations. However, his thirst for power and knowledge led him down a dark path, and he was eventually exiled from the wizarding community for dabbling in forbidden magic.\n\nFor many years, Moloch lived as a hermit, delving deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the runes. He became obsessed with the idea of unlocking the secrets of the seventh realm, a plane of existence beyond the reach of mortal beings. To aid him in his quest, he created a powerful magical artifact known as the Key of the Seventh Realm, which he believed would grant him access to this forbidden realm.\n\nBut Moloch's pursuit of power came at a cost. He had become increasingly isolated and paranoid, and his experiments with the runes had attracted the attention of dark forces beyond his understanding. In his delirium, he summoned forth a familiar to serve him - a grotesque and disease-ridden creature he called the Plague Rat.\n\nThe Plague Rat quickly became a symbol of Moloch's madness, spreading disease and corruption wherever it went. Many believed it to be a manifestation of Moloch's own dark magic, a physical embodiment of his obsession with unlocking the secrets of the seventh realm.\n\nAs time passed, Moloch's experiments grew more dangerous and his isolation more complete. He was consumed by his quest for knowledge and power, unable to see the harm he was causing to himself and those around him. In the end, it is said that he vanished into the seventh realm, consumed by the very forces he sought to control."} +{"id": "8bfb6c0e-c333-4578-b432-2c4948537c1f-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-01T21:04:30.936", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPTMYbp5iE8LtYUEin78r1mmBm1FeF3BG5b6m7zh6CsDM", "txHash": "0xa502293d1c5265eb127a2b11943552a30e6fd8f701816c90d0768c3ad304dcc4", "createdAtBlock": 16736319, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1863, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "Today, the Key of the Seventh Realm and the Plague Rat are still whispered about in hushed tones among the wizarding community. Many believe that the key still exists, waiting to be discovered by a brave or foolhardy adventurer. As for the Plague Rat, it is said to still roam the wilderness, spreading disease and corruption wherever it goes. Some say that it is a warning - a reminder of the dangers of dabbling in forgotten magic and the lure of power."} +{"id": "415e598f-bdec-4978-807c-efe84e9388c0-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-05T21:44:29.786", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaL5mYSRK1tZjXZ38BrTAyH7CFqucxGy13YH5gP4d4JHU", "txHash": "0x6ed6aaec9662d714e2c2dcb183308f8ab1f64ba3d4f370dcba873892dcb8af5d", "createdAtBlock": 16343365, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9850, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdNTiUmZyo7ZAmGGCSaVwgdkjYFnDCURGD7sRMMAApE9a", "name": " Scorch of the Belfry", "text": "the bell tolls for you. \n\n(image generated by give a hoot)"} +{"id": "d6685caf-5f30-495d-97b3-92154993e6eb-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-07T14:57:51.964", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUKaTxCBskFAsmxpWZFS819Bf2f96ZJ7XsAw7a69zm7i4", "txHash": "0x1a503f3fa719a28bfdfd93702c4f14658184dbbab89fccf62d73a6dbb9cde57b", "createdAtBlock": 16355649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4170, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Canaanite Lord Moloch of Torment Manor", "text": "Canaanite Lord Moloch stood before the altar in the dark, gloomy temple. The horrid king was besmeared with the blood of human sacrifice, the tears of parents echoing in his ears.\n\nBut the noise of drums and timbrels drowned out the cries of the children who were passed through the fire to his grim idol. The Ammonites worshipped him in Rabba, and in the watry plain of Argob and Basan, all the way to the stream of utmost Arnon.\nBut Moloch was not content with such neighbors. He used his wisest heart to deceive Solomon into building his own temple, right against the Temple of God on the hill of opprobrium. He made his grove the pleasant valley of Hinnom, and from there, Tophat and black Gehenna were called, the very embodiment of hell.\n\nAs he stood before the altar, the sacrifices and prayers of his followers filling the air, Moloch knew that he was truly a force to be reckoned with. He was the Canaanite Lord of Torment Manor, a forgotten soul with immense power at his fingertips. And he would stop at nothing to assert his dominance over all those who crossed his path."} +{"id": "d7bb2cd1-630d-42c0-b201-4d08d021d2dd-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-07T20:14:54.806", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5prxJuF4S8bZ5q3iRHB6prLEQqsrScSiVoPxo3ycrgJ", "txHash": "0x77a98c8035c31147aecccaaaf0c48796dcfc84df468cb286a773180e129b781d", "createdAtBlock": 16357227, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Poppy of the Heath", "text": "# Introduction: Poppys Seed\n\nThis is the story of a wanderer. \n\nWhen children in the village ask what an imp is, its easier to show them. \nThey understand the physical realm and they understand the unseen, so its natural to them that someone shepherds the space in between.\n\nSome believe theres a curse on Poppy, forcing him to wander until the end of time. \nOthers believe hes an exiled demon, protecting the world from something worse. \n\nThey dont realize that the truth, like Poppy, exists in between. \nThat perhaps Poppy is simply a traveler, with no destination. More concerned with the journey than arrival."} +{"id": "a664a921-a346-477d-b5d2-58d990a25c8f-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-03T01:00:05.719", "backgroundColor": "#1d3360", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPYaov2NqfDYTcxKucoAbW3DkvPJpF6jPkEdz2WA3L7mK", "txHash": "0x2b99b6e8cf3d3b3fde3d51ae60d9a11022b9a0f68a79fde05630ec97a2b3d831", "createdAtBlock": 16744580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11324, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Esther Render of the Wood", "text": "Assorted records of Ether's time; gathered from those who met her and her crew over the years.\n# Azurelune\n\n*Source: Spellsinger near Purple Wizard Pavillion*\n \nEsther's sword was as unique as she was. The blue and yellow blade shimmered in the sunlight, and it was said to have been crafted by the faeries themselves. Esther called it Azurelune, and it was a symbol of her power and authority.\n\nBut there was another symbol that was important to Esther, one that few knew about. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, held a special place in Esther's heart. Some whispered that Esther had made a deal with the goddess, trading her loyalty in exchange for protection and guidance.\n\nWhatever the truth of the matter was, Esther never spoke of her connection to Venus. But those who knew her well could see the rune of Venus etched into the hilt of her sword, a subtle reminder of the bond that she shared with the goddess.\n\nAs Esther and her fleet of blue-haired lady pirates sailed the seas, they encountered many challenges and battles. But Esther always had Azurelune at her side, and the power of the rune of Venus to guide her.\n\nIt was said that the sword was more than just a weapon, that it held a magic all its own. Some even claimed that it had the power to control the tides and the wind, to shape the very elements to Esther's will.\n\nBut Esther never boasted of such things. She knew that her power came not from her sword, but from the loyalty and respect of her crew. And she knew that her bond with Venus was something that she could never fully explain, but that it gave her strength and purpose."} +{"id": "a664a921-a346-477d-b5d2-58d990a25c8f-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-03T01:00:05.719", "backgroundColor": "#1d3360", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPYaov2NqfDYTcxKucoAbW3DkvPJpF6jPkEdz2WA3L7mK", "txHash": "0x2b99b6e8cf3d3b3fde3d51ae60d9a11022b9a0f68a79fde05630ec97a2b3d831", "createdAtBlock": 16744580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11324, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Esther Render of the Wood", "text": "So if you ever find yourself facing a crew of Blue-Haired Lady Pirates in battle, beware of Esther and Azurelune. And remember the power of the rune of Venus, for it may be the key to unlocking the secrets of this legendary pirate queen.\n\n# Blaze\n\n*Source: A dream master passing through Kobold's Crossroads*\n\n\nEsther's faithful companion, Blaze the magpie, was more than just a pet. She was a valued member of Esther's crew, with a talent for spotting danger before anyone else.\n\nBlaze had a keen eye for treasure as well, and she would often return to Esther's shoulder with shiny trinkets and bits of gold in her beak. Esther would always reward Blaze with a piece of fruit or a handful of seeds, and the crew would chuckle at the bird's antics.\n\nBut Blaze's most valuable contribution was her ability to mimic Esther's commands to the crew. Esther had trained Blaze to repeat simple phrases like \"hoist the sails\" or \"man the cannons,\" and the crew would always break out in laughter when they heard the bird's voice.\n\nDespite her small size, Blaze was a fierce protector of her mistress. She would dive-bomb any would-be attacker, pecking and clawing at their eyes until they retreated. And when Esther was wounded in battle, Blaze would stay by her side, offering comfort and solace.\n\nTo the crew of the Blue-Haired Lady Pirates, Blaze was more than just a magpie; she was a symbol of their loyalty and devotion to Esther. And even after Esther's passing, Blaze remained with the crew, serving as a reminder of the legendary pirate queen who had commanded their respect and admiration."} +{"id": "d5357bde-e964-4714-801b-bc8ecb617a87-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-08T19:24:42.866", "backgroundColor": "#020202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPzofCHbXPDKje5gdGnpqPT1KJ47N4e2dR2BNWtEhDuPu", "txHash": "0xc90d12c1e92bafd794630943772678aecd4a177676a484d3bb2bf3d3a6d48104", "createdAtBlock": 16364140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2543, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nova Crasher of X", "text": "*Bzzt*\n\n*X$&3^8b2r3*\n\n*Be14gin Trans2nsfmis01si9zon*\n___\n\n\n*Priority Report.* \n\n*From Nova to Exploratory Command.*\n*Initial research complete.*\n\n*Crashed on alien planet, coordinates uncertain.*\n\n*World is made up of variable environments, lush jungles and barren deserts. Several unidentifiable organisms roam freely or under command of primate-like inhabitants. Though the land is settled, it still poses great dangers and day-to-day threats to inhabitants.*\n\n*These inhabitants are complex.* \n\n*They understand logic but are governed by emotions irrationality and impulse that lead to the creation of their own problems. They are incredibly self-involved, each believing to be the hero of their own story rather than working together for shared goals.*\n \n*Many inhabitants harbor magic, control of natural and divine forces, in ways that rival technologies beyond their grasps. Further research must be done.* \n\n*If what they say is to be believed, their entire world is due for a great upheaval. However, many of them tend to have a flair for the dramatic, or imbibing of intoxicants.*\n\n*Initial readings suggested termination, but after further study, inhabitants could prove to be formidable. It is unclear which are friend or foe. Further research must be done.*\n\n\n*Will attempt connection again in 24 hours. Continue awaiting response.*\n___\n\n\nEnd transmission."} +{"id": "085a61d3-657d-453b-93ca-ac0c50d7d2a1-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-04T19:24:15.146", "backgroundColor": "#888400", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgkemqrcPSj78Nq7FbrmvRYbmwjpLc3RS7MGzhJPjsZK", "txHash": "0x551ee5e269c3c60d79b786c95de395fc75edddf15f7f5b928140664b5c20f320", "createdAtBlock": 16757133, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12035, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Xavier Vanquisher of the Obelisk", "text": "# Xavier Vanquisher of the Obelisk \n\n\n\nXavier was once a wrestler, forced to leave his family behind in order to support them. \n\nHe turned to fight in an underground league in Goblin Town, but in order to earn money, he had to first fight dark matches to warm up the crowd.\n\n After a month of this, he received a letter with a wax seal of a brass rune, summoning him for a test. \n\nHe arrived at the venue at the designated time and realized he was on the card for that day's matches.\n\n As he waited in the locker room, he saw his opponent, a goblin who had been fighting for years and was feared by many. He was known for either mashing opponents to death. Xavier knew he had to win or die.\n\nThe fight was a close one, and it ended with Xavier on his knees and the goblin about to crush him. \n\nBut Xavier dodged the punch, wrapped his arms around the goblin's head, and with both hands and legs snapped its neck. \n\nHe was barely conscious when he was pulled out of the ring by a woman named @warrior12598. \n\nShe nursed him back to health and he soon discovered that his victory in the underground league had changed his life forever."} +{"id": "74bc93c6-9346-4c27-97a5-4650b507fc88-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T00:16:30.291", "backgroundColor": "#045565", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFA6zgfk1eKkZ5cjWtXtHJieFRAr4ttKjoneNop4NeAW", "txHash": "0x5b7a504d6f1e8006a1ec4a80684d5235a906686da2efb5bac8250fd06ecfc0a0", "createdAtBlock": 16365593, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7381, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ7jVDCEqjMdMNvzXU1PA6R9vHncLV8NpqUvfdaCoEW8S", "name": "Void Phantasm Baird of the Gloom", "text": "# ***The Lore Of Void Phantasm Baird of the Gloom***\n\n* As a ghost, Baird wandered the land, searching for a way to find peace and move on from the physical realm. He longed to be reunited with his loved ones and find rest, but no matter how far he travelled or how hard he tried, he could not escape the void that seemed to follow him wherever he went.\n\n* Baird began to feel like a burden on those he encountered, as he was unable to interact with the living or provide any tangible help. He watched from the shadows as the world moved on without him, feeling more and more disconnected from everything he once held dear.\n\n* As the years passed, Baird's spirit grew more and more incorporeal, until he was little more than a flickering shadow on the edge of perception. He became known as the Void Phantasm, a lonely and mournful spirit, forever trapped in a state of half-existence.\n\n* Despite the sadness that weighed on his ethereal heart, Baird continued to wander, hoping that one day he might find a way to break free of the void and finally find the rest he so desperately craved."} +{"id": "854c78fa-72ec-4b9a-8764-335e255e83af-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-04T21:25:53.614", "backgroundColor": "#1f9000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSiC9bpzWeFFni8ZAgHosbFAx7dsrhoj8csMPyq1Aw9HP", "txHash": "0x3fe6b0332494de10ecb3feb67fcc8060fb5b7130dbf1b30ec3aec5961b19e3be", "createdAtBlock": 16757732, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12598, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bellatrix of the Coliseum", "text": "# The Lore of Bellatrix of the Coliseum\n\n\nBellatrix of the Coliseum was born into a life of servitude. Raised in the Coliseum, she spent her childhood as a servant to the fighters who battled there. \n\nAs she grew older, she dreamed of escaping the life of violence and bloodshed that surrounded her. \n\nBut fate had other plans.\n\nOne day, a group of thieves pillaged her family's home, leaving Bellatrix with nothing and no one to turn to. \n\nFearing for her life, she fled the Coliseum and hitched a ride on a caravan headed for Goblin Town. \n\nLittle did she know, the caravan was meant for people with bounties on their heads.\n\nUnable to escape, Bellatrix was forced to work at an underground fighting ring as a bartender. \n\nShe was given a small apartment and enough food to survive, but her life was far from ideal. \n\nDay after day, she watched as fighters pummeled each other to near death, knowing that one day she could be forced to fight as well.\n\nOne day, while working at the bar, she saw a man named @warrior12035, barely conscious after a brutal fight with Udit, the veteran goblin. \n\nWithout hesitation, Bellatrix dragged him out of the ring and took him home to nurse him back to health. \n\n\nFrom that moment on, their fates were intertwined.\n\nDespite her difficult past, Bellatrix proved to be a loyal and compassionate friend to @warrior12035. \n\nShe supported him in his quest to become the greatest warrior of all time, using her own skills and knowledge to aid him on his journey. \n\nThough she was no fighter herself, she proved time and again that she was just as tough as any warrior, and just as capable of overcoming the challenges that lay ahead."} +{"id": "af2854bb-11e6-4907-b303-8f09433c7bd4-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T00:27:02.84", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQvjNzKwJA9WKS6G5hURbXgVbnJHEuPH9tHm2TDH4YUN", "txHash": "0xc8ef345463e7ca3007d66c8cf22245d8dda79dcff04895c41e17f170eba3384c", "createdAtBlock": 16365646, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 245, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Havens", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\"Alessar the great,\n\n\nMaster of white magic's art,\n\n\nEgg of fortune brings.\"\n\n---\n\nArchmagus Alessar of the Havens is a powerful wizard and member of the Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult, renowned for his mastery of the arcane arts and his affinity for white magic. Born in the remote coastal village of Raptor Caye, Alessar is a natural fortune seeker. He sees the study of magic as a means to acquire wealth and power, and he devotes himself to uncovering the secrets of the arcane.\n\nAlessar travels far and wide in search of powerful magical artifacts, accompanied by his faithful familiar, an albino rat named Snowball. Snowball is more than just a simple pet to Alessar; it is a vital member of his magical team, gifted with unusual magical abilities and a keen intelligence. Snowball often assists Alessar in his magical endeavors, using its powers to scout ahead and gather information, as well as to defend against threats.\n\nIt is during one such expedition that Alessar stumbles upon the rare and powerful Egg of Triple Crowned Cockatrice. The Egg is a magical artifact of great power, said to be imbued with the essence of three legendary cockatrices. It is said that when wielded by a skilled magician, the Egg can unleash devastating spells and bend the wills of even the strongest foes. It is also believed to grant great fortune to its owner, making it a coveted and sought-after prop.\n\nDespite fierce resistance from rival cults and powerful magical creatures, Alessar was able to secure the Egg. He spends years studying its secrets, using its power to perform feats of magic that were previously thought impossible."} +{"id": "af2854bb-11e6-4907-b303-8f09433c7bd4-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T00:27:02.84", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQvjNzKwJA9WKS6G5hURbXgVbnJHEuPH9tHm2TDH4YUN", "txHash": "0xc8ef345463e7ca3007d66c8cf22245d8dda79dcff04895c41e17f170eba3384c", "createdAtBlock": 16365646, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 245, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Havens", "text": "As a member of the Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult, Alessar is a formidable force on the battlefield. He wields the Egg of Triple Crowned Cockatrice as a weapon, unleashing its magical power against his enemies. With the Egg in hand and Snowball by his side, Alessar is a formidable opponent, feared by his foes and respected by his allies."} +{"id": "0db4ea61-c216-490e-8395-fa4bd32525d7-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T02:25:53.548", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNfgALKX1Rw3zJb5buvsVBx9Sjc2oHsX3BGs8WiebHABa", "txHash": "0x30521ac4a802ebe4d33b79de61fabce91dc79940020c436846a0d7e9c4333e38", "createdAtBlock": 16366240, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4823, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Woolah Wounder of Brown-Hat Wizards", "text": "Master of Traps \nWoolah Wounder of Brown Hat Wizards \nFrom a young age Woolah had shown mastery of Traps. A skill highly regarded by all Kobold warriors.\nTrained early in the Horde he had earned the title Master of Traps, being the youngest kobold ever. With the staggering statistic that his trappings worked 60% of the time. Unheard of amongst warriors of the Horde, a once in a life time kobold warrior."} +{"id": "d3a5fd98-29b0-4758-a3ba-c66e7878ab2e-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T12:58:54.947", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVuZjT7qB5sRhABnwtGqCYgEX66Gd2fDv6EnVkgYLQTcq", "txHash": "0xa18d1eda94e18e9e696c718f1d89a0ae9a3218d8099f2918c901a73f2f5f2cfe", "createdAtBlock": 16369397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5251, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfPvtbjs1XaF9uZAsKqbQXA9gURPunqzvynb2MT7b6BqQ", "name": "Conjurer Atlanta of the Brambles", "text": "# Conjurer Atlanta of the Brambles\n\n*Yes dear, sure you can get some Candy Corn. Do you mind if I add a Chocolate Toad too? It's directly from the mansion of the* @beast6 *. Yes, I'm sure he'll be back next year with even more treats. Next please! A cinnamon bun? Sure thing. I'd suggest a jar of canaanite milk with it. Hope to see you next weekend too!*\n\nConjurer Atlanta of the Brambles is a delight. She has a kind word for everyone, but more importantly, she has something else: sweets to everyone's taste. The Carnival Candyshop is unequivocally one of the highlights of the Carnival Pass. Even if it's not Carnival season, you can expect her shop to be there would all the treats money can buy in the wide region. \n\nShe has many fans, but one of them always stood out; @wizard6852. And recently he felt that he started to act suspiciously weird around him..."} +{"id": "bc841684-0861-4557-a595-7f67b2adb1a1-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T19:50:54.073", "backgroundColor": "#492a22", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcxoLakqnqyBX2jKiQk4jFuKH98Sq66yU1aqTrFmsjVke", "txHash": "0x55d230534ccfa55a7f1b2339b76a813f05651e49de867beae0d79ddf7af7257c", "createdAtBlock": 16371446, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4022, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSmsUfZJ5kFUN2SH53X22uwnWZW4PU6p5qvK5GPaEjYtj", "name": "Sage Merlon of the River", "text": "## The Beginning\nSage Merlon of the River was a wise and respected figure throughout the land. He was known for his deep understanding of the ancient ways, and many would seek out his counsel when facing difficult decisions.\n\nOne of Merlon's most prized possessions was his staff, which was adorned with a rare and valuable red ruby. It was said that the ruby was imbued with powerful magical properties, and that it had been passed down through the generations in Sage Merlon's family for centuries.\n\nAs Merlon traveled the land, he was often accompanied by his beloved pet owl, who was fiercely loyal and protective of its master. Together, Merlon and his owl were a formidable duo, using their combined wisdom and keen senses to help those in need."} +{"id": "23439a73-cd9a-47f4-b86f-22db3af352d5-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-04T21:49:26.814", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeX2DZHNRp9vutQ71xJYJixoTSruKTQ46DKt9qM8ADUhF", "txHash": "0x1915d3068cf1e9e8b43abe8cc02db6bb5eb4de6807ba8b7d11c91922cc927df2", "createdAtBlock": 16757849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12597, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Louis Stabber of the South", "text": "# The Lore of Louis Stabber of the South\n\n\n\nLouis Stabber of the South was a notorious mercenary known for his deadly skills with a blade. Born into a poor family in the southern regions of the runiverse. \n\nLouis learned to fend for himself from a young age. \n\nHe quickly discovered that he had a natural talent for combat and began training with the local swordsmen @warrior12036 as soon as he was old enough.\n\nAs he grew older, Louis realized he could make a living as a hired sword. \n\nHe took on his first job at a young age and quickly gained a reputation as a ruthless fighter who would stop at nothing to get the job done. \n\nHe became known as Louis Stabber of the South, a name that struck fear into the hearts of his enemies.\n\nOver the years, Louis took on countless jobs, each one more dangerous than the last. \n\nHe fought in battles, led raids, and even assassinated targets for his clients. \n\nHe never hesitated to take a life if he deemed it necessary, and many considered him a monster for his brutality.\n\nDespite his reputation, however, Louis had a code of honor that he lived by. \n\nHe never betrayed a client or a fellow mercenary, and always kept his word. \n\nHe had a soft spot for the underdog, and would often take on jobs for little pay if he felt that the cause was just.\n\nAs he grew older, Louis began to question his life as a mercenary. \n\nHe realized that he had left behind a trail of blood and death and that he had nothing to show for it except a handful of coins. \n\nHe decided to retire, hoping to find peace.\n\nBut as he soon discovered, the life of a mercenary is not one that can be easily left behind."} +{"id": "23439a73-cd9a-47f4-b86f-22db3af352d5-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-04T21:49:26.814", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeX2DZHNRp9vutQ71xJYJixoTSruKTQ46DKt9qM8ADUhF", "txHash": "0x1915d3068cf1e9e8b43abe8cc02db6bb5eb4de6807ba8b7d11c91922cc927df2", "createdAtBlock": 16757849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12597, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Louis Stabber of the South", "text": "Louis found himself drawn back into the world of violence and death, this time fighting not for money but for his own survival."} +{"id": "1509d70d-9340-4f13-b049-084ce2051d65-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:05:39.204", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVJd6UfQzLFPJmNysjhULomcxwyCnXPQqTjqPqgid8t6X", "txHash": "0x2187f63adbc99c9ef0359e8fd514220b2f1eb23c1d923824b9ab7d109858e970", "createdAtBlock": 16371519, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmestqTkXc7Bv8NsuuHj4qpTrqBohimLFjuAssgshdJ8oc", "name": "Archmagus Udor of the Hills", "text": "# Archmagus Udor of the Hills #teelek.eth (TH)\n\n\n\n\n\n\"In the rolling hills of the Runiverse, there lived a powerful wizard known as Archmagus Udor. He was a wise and respected figure in the land, known for his exceptional magical skills and his ability to solve even the most difficult of problems.\n\nArchmagus Udor was born with a natural affinity for magic, and from a young age, he displayed a talent for harnessing the arcane energies of the Runiverse. He spent much of his time studying ancient tomes and scrolls, searching for new ways to harness the power of magic. He was particularly fascinated by the ancient art of divination, and spent countless hours practicing divination spells and rituals.\n\nDespite his great power, Archmagus Udor was a humble and compassionate man, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. He was greatly loved by the people of the hills, and his name was spoken with reverence and respect throughout the land.\n\nHowever, tragedy struck when Archmagus Udor's beloved wife fell ill and died, leaving him heartbroken and alone. Determined to honor her memory, he redoubled his efforts to master the arcane arts, becoming one of the most powerful wizards in the Runiverse.\n\nOne day, a great threat arose in the form of an evil sorcerer who sought to enslave the people of the Runiverse. Archmagus Udor knew he had to act. Gathering his most powerful spells and artifacts, he set out to defeat the evil that threatened the land.\n\nThe two wizards engaged in a fierce battle, their magical energies clashing in a dazzling display of power. Despite the evil sorcerer's formidable skills, Archmagus Udor emerged victorious, banishing the dark wizard back to the shadows from whence he came."} +{"id": "1509d70d-9340-4f13-b049-084ce2051d65-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:05:39.204", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVJd6UfQzLFPJmNysjhULomcxwyCnXPQqTjqPqgid8t6X", "txHash": "0x2187f63adbc99c9ef0359e8fd514220b2f1eb23c1d923824b9ab7d109858e970", "createdAtBlock": 16371519, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmestqTkXc7Bv8NsuuHj4qpTrqBohimLFjuAssgshdJ8oc", "name": "Archmagus Udor of the Hills", "text": "From that day on, Archmagus Udor was hailed as a hero, and his name was etched into the annals of history as a powerful and noble wizard. Though his heart was still heavy with the loss of his wife, he took solace in knowing that he had protected the people of the Runiverse and brought peace to the land.\""} +{"id": "db291d6d-2760-4b7f-aab4-62132099de35-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:55.383", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB8i7LHpJuXohdJERqgWMjpYLeG2gLLrsVL2v5SgcujU", "txHash": "0xc74120828d627331206b08d87ef85de2558c93b199907bf8939355e471c2e117", "createdAtBlock": 14133514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2473, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Ice", "text": "# The Tale of Oberon of the Ice\t\n\n\nLo weary wanderer, sit ye down and harken tale of young blood icy in its veins, seeking an adventure worthy of the ancestors!\n\nOberon was a man of the ancient way, knowing the face of his father, abiding the admonitions of the great old gods.\n\nHe was not comforted by the luxury of the new world. His tribe was soft and decadent. The once proud bastion of Snow Gate, which stood against the frost wyrms of yester yore, had melted into the tourist city Heimburgsgate. Where once there was ice and stone and hardy men, there grew lush forest around filigreed cupolas, populated with dancing, prancing children.\n\nSome youth studied techno-magics to maintain the bubble dome of warmth around Heimburgsgate, or druidic practice to tend the gardens. Oberon shunned these contrived sciences.\n\nOther youth learned the shiny arts of entertainment to dazzle the wealthy wizard tourists. Oberon could neither sing, nor dance, nor play the wooz-flute."} +{"id": "db291d6d-2760-4b7f-aab4-62132099de35-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:55.383", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB8i7LHpJuXohdJERqgWMjpYLeG2gLLrsVL2v5SgcujU", "txHash": "0xc74120828d627331206b08d87ef85de2558c93b199907bf8939355e471c2e117", "createdAtBlock": 14133514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2473, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Ice", "text": "The day of blossoming arrived for Oberon and his peers to display the fruits of their learnings for the elders and gawking tourists. Oberons display followed that of the girl he liked, Pashmina, who had summoned a mist and magical light to form a rainbow, then leapt and danced a feather fall through the colorful arc. Oberon, wearing snailskin tunic, took to the dais.\n\t\nBehold the forgotten magics of the frozen sea Archmagi as I freeze my own blood! He cut his hand and spoke an ancient phrase, but nothing happened, until he felt a coldness in his gut and a tightness in his pants. Some error caused his spell to freeze his urine instead, which had extended out into his genitals and caused his pants to bulge! The crowd laughed and Oberon was filled with shame and anger. In confusion he spoke a guttural syllable and the frost in his pants expanded into the air, catching the lingering moisture from Pashminas rainbow mist. The laughter ended as the dais and viewing stands were blasted with an arctic wind so cold froze the spit in their chuckling mouths!\n\nAfter that day, Oberon was known as Archmagus of the Icyweiner, so he left the city to wander the ice. There was no place for him by the hearth. He would find the frozen remains of his worthy ancestors. He walked the path of the Great Father Dorkstaff Thundercrack.\n\nA thousand seasons ago Dorkstaff slew the Wyrm Mother, his thunder cracking the frozen sea. He sank into the bottomless depths and found the icecube of immortality, and froze himself within it. Oberon set out to find the cube."} +{"id": "db291d6d-2760-4b7f-aab4-62132099de35-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:55.383", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB8i7LHpJuXohdJERqgWMjpYLeG2gLLrsVL2v5SgcujU", "txHash": "0xc74120828d627331206b08d87ef85de2558c93b199907bf8939355e471c2e117", "createdAtBlock": 14133514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2473, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Ice", "text": "Life on the ice is only a thin membrane around a deep well of death, just as the world of appearances is only a veil around the infinity of Magic. Oberon slept as an animal, ate as an animal, and thought only of survival. He walked into the wind, seeking the edge of the world.\n\t\nBut the ice was vast and formless. The gods played tricks as he neared the world's end, making north into south, up into down, turning the sky into the ocean and the ocean into the netherworld. Ensconced in an icy cave, his supplies ran out, his fire flickered, and his magical mojo dwindled. He resigned himself to the deep freeze, and entreated his ancestors to send him one spark of warmth so he may wake up at the end of time to view the perfect crystal of universal heat death. Bleary and devoid of all feeling, he saw a stranger approach.\n\nHe awoke by a fire in a well apportioned dwelling, a gruff man and a cockatrice staring down at him. The ice hermit Homer [@wizard726] had unfrozen his blood. The stoic hermit fed Oberon and told him tales from the age of the Wyrm Weird. He gave him a special potion of swankle lichens. Oberon saw the face of his ancestors and learned to see beyond the duality of warmth and cold, ocean and sky, life and death.\n\nThe edge of the world isnt a place, man. Or, like, sure its a place where the ocean falls into the void or whatever, but its also, like, a state of mind, dude!"} +{"id": "db291d6d-2760-4b7f-aab4-62132099de35-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:55.383", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB8i7LHpJuXohdJERqgWMjpYLeG2gLLrsVL2v5SgcujU", "txHash": "0xc74120828d627331206b08d87ef85de2558c93b199907bf8939355e471c2e117", "createdAtBlock": 14133514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2473, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Ice", "text": "With Homers help, Oberon found the edge of the world within himself, where his borderland merged with the universe. He felt at peace with the ice, the hearth and the peoples of Heimburgsgate hed left behind.\nHe ran out of the cave and released all his shame and frustration, ambitions and insecurity in a mighty roar! A dark cloud emerged with a boom and a fork of lightning. The ice beneath his feet split open and he fell in.\n\nOberons conjured lightning carried him beneath the ice. He spread out, everywhere at once, sensing the depths with all the lurking creatures. He felt the beacon of Heimburgsgate on the distant shore. It called to him of unfinished business, and in a moment his fork of lightning had taken him home.\n\nThe city had changed; the dome was losing heat. The portal to the Sacred Flame that warmed their sanctuary was weakening. The sorcerer priests of the Shining Mount had failed in the Stoking and called for aid from the Fireside Tribes. Some of Oberons peers had already set out, though few returned.\n\nPashmina was not the same since her return from the Shining Mount. Her songs had turned to rambling, fearful rants about twisted souls pawing at the Sacred Flame. She was paranoid of the darkness shed seen, afraid it was still within her. The city was paralyzed, unwilling to send more young wizards into this peril. The gardens wilted as frost entered Heimburgsgate for the first time in centuries.\n\nIce in his veins, thunder in his heart, Archmagus Oberon of the Icyweiner set out to restore the Sacred Flame."} +{"id": "eb4f8299-8529-4c52-885a-002f714f5e18-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:19.28", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbys8TKpRJGxkYoGbBwTaCUDiDwAqEY7apBecKq57p9sq", "txHash": "0x3b26861e42f37f241b60806cbf2c1432d19daea1f07ca2d4751895c40dbcdb0a", "createdAtBlock": 14166903, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7273, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Lich Despot Wolfram of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nLa pepa negra\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "1bbada05-7407-4c86-ab68-b4cacff7a6f3-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-04T22:42:01.701", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbDroRJJqpRWPuvMmhGKe6ojgBoBLDgHonzM2CotJu4db", "txHash": "0xa6b320cca9c98f6c1ec6f8315294e56a267f442351448751424ac72f9a050d82", "createdAtBlock": 16758110, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12036, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Faust Crook of the Pavillion", "text": "# The Lore of Faust Crook of the Pavillion\n\n\nFaust Crook of the Pavilion is a master swordsman who is renowned throughout the runiverse for his skill and prowess in battle. \n\nHe was born into a family of swordmakers and was raised with a deep love and respect for the art of swordsmanship.\n\nFrom a young age, Faust showed an innate talent for the sword. He would spend hours practicing his techniques, honing his skills until he was a force to be reckoned with.\n\n He trained with his family's blades and eventually crafted his own, a tuck that was said to be imbued with magical properties.\n\nAs he grew older, Faust set out to make a name for himself as a swordsman. \n\nHe traveled the runiverse, seeking out opponents to test his skills against. \n\nHe quickly gained a reputation as a fearsome warrior, winning countless battles and earning the respect of his peers.\n\nDespite his success, Faust never lost sight of his love for the art of swordsmanship. \n\nHe continued to train and refine his skills, always seeking to improve himself. \n\nHe became known as Faust Crook of the Pavilion, a name that was synonymous with the very best in swordsmanship.\n\nIn time, Faust began to take on students, passing on his knowledge and skills to the next generation of swordsmen. \n\nHe taught them not only how to wield a sword, but also the importance of honor and integrity in battle."} +{"id": "3d61b047-ba0f-4449-adbe-d7d4bf3ab4ce-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:18:15.175", "backgroundColor": "#042c13", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTEiZ9iyBZfmy9RDTT6JEdyt1HnoY6GAeiePfMHzQK7Fi", "txHash": "0x8911c34941a33e16e1f4fe68b4da792135c26965713dd65e353dfef2a46e43dd", "createdAtBlock": 16371581, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4836, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdXPdJ5Ttmd2VhLBh1KjTSC1ADZXWNtjUWYsf3ZEqeUEG", "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Grotto", "text": "# Archmagus Jerret of the Grotto #teelek.eth \n# Memory will be here forever\n\n\n\nIn a hidden grotto deep within the Runiverse, there lived a reclusive wizard named Archmagus Jerret. Though he was known for his incredible magical powers, Jerret preferred to keep to himself, spending his days studying ancient tomes and practicing powerful spells in the solitude of his underground lair.\n\nDespite his solitary existence, Jerret was not entirely alone. He had a small group of loyal apprentices who assisted him in his studies and fetched him the rare ingredients he needed for his magic. Jerret was a demanding teacher, but those who persevered under his tutelage were rewarded with unimaginable magical knowledge.\n\nOne day, Jerret received a visit from a group of powerful wizards from the Council of the Wise. They had heard of his exceptional magical abilities and implored him to join their ranks and help defend the Runiverse against a dark and ancient threat that had awoken after centuries of slumber.\n\nJerret was hesitant at first, preferring to remain in his grotto and continue his studies. But the Council's plea touched his heart, and he knew he could not turn his back on his fellow wizards in their time of need.\n\nWith a heavy heart, Jerret agreed to join the Council and defend the Runiverse. He gathered his apprentices and set out on a journey to confront the ancient evil that threatened the land.\n\nThe battle was fierce, and many brave wizards fell defending the Runiverse. But in the end, Jerret and his apprentices emerged victorious, banishing the dark threat back to the shadows from whence it came."} +{"id": "3d61b047-ba0f-4449-adbe-d7d4bf3ab4ce-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T20:18:15.175", "backgroundColor": "#042c13", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTEiZ9iyBZfmy9RDTT6JEdyt1HnoY6GAeiePfMHzQK7Fi", "txHash": "0x8911c34941a33e16e1f4fe68b4da792135c26965713dd65e353dfef2a46e43dd", "createdAtBlock": 16371581, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4836, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdXPdJ5Ttmd2VhLBh1KjTSC1ADZXWNtjUWYsf3ZEqeUEG", "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Grotto", "text": "As a reward for their bravery, the Council of the Wise inducted Jerret and his apprentices into their ranks, recognizing them as some of the greatest wizards in the Runiverse. Though Jerret missed the solitude of his grotto, he took pride in knowing that he had protected the land and its people.\n\nTTEESR , >,< TH"} +{"id": "676bba3b-f4a8-4ec3-bd7c-ef2626ba35bf-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-06T13:14:04.65", "backgroundColor": "#166db0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP3vTdA7zVJzRcKTEmdT11UEizTLCSMQpgHaJZCQ3sPr5", "txHash": "0x8bdd929843b3fc98295771e6de4cc3919c3a4396cf23ce69c34000f1181f63ec", "createdAtBlock": 16769536, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13491, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jax Armageddon of Machines", "text": "# Jax Armageddon of Machines\n\nJax Armageddon of Machines was once a simple farmer, tending to his crops with care and dedication. But one fateful day, a group of rogue robots invaded his land and destroyed his entire harvest. \n\nFueled by rage, Jax set out on a mission to become the greatest warrior against machines the world had ever seen.\n\nJax trained relentlessly with his loyal companion, a giant blue hog. Honing his skills until he was ready to take on any robot that dared cross his path. \n\nHis weapon of choice was the Sol Sword, a blade made from the remnants of a fallen star. Legend had it that whoever wielded the sword would be granted the power to control the sun.\n\nThe duo's unique bond and fighting skills made them the most feared warriors in the land, but Jax never forgot his humble beginnings as a farmer. He always carried a seed with him, ready to plant wherever he went, reminding himself of the importance of nurturing and protecting life."} +{"id": "3c8a1918-48ce-4fca-9fbe-5151936b3582-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-06T14:59:27.885", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQTN3VncrSFzue4iHtHd8g3kHkvh4nrtoxHYdjhMMx21X", "txHash": "0xa65a1c41de1f17ea108af5992f3f098d0581271a8372307b823bc69b6dd92cf8", "createdAtBlock": 16770059, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15035, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "John Calamity of the Desert", "text": "Every hero needs a role model. For John Cena, that was always John Calamity."} +{"id": "da2096ef-945c-458e-b780-ef36026e79ac-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T23:24:29.676", "backgroundColor": "#040422", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMXFz4hZwxLVNw7mmaENhuGA2EkVGNUDY4WhALtEphhc", "txHash": "0x728d8da82ffc38f74e69d4af9777397a7845f07c9e9c7318649ed996c96cdde6", "createdAtBlock": 16372500, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4918, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Magpie of the Light", "text": "# The Corvid\n\n\nOnce upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered (but not weary), \nOver an arcane and wonderous volume of forgotten lore, \nAs I studied, mind ablaze, suddenly there came a tapping, \nAs of someone gently rapping, rapping at my tower door. \n\"Tis some visitor,\" I thought, \"tapping at my tower door, \nOnly this and nothing more.\" \n\nBut as I opened wide the door, there stood a corvid, dark and gaunt, \nWith eyes that shone with ancient wisdom, and a voice that spoke so faint. \n\"O wizard,\" I gasped in shock, \"What brings you to my door?\" \n\"A quest, dear mortal,\" spoke the corvid, \"A quest to right a great wrong, \nAnd restore the balance of the world, where chaos does not belong.\"\n\n\"But what is this great danger,\" I asked, \"That you can't face alone?\" \n\"Tis a beast of shadows\" he said, \"born of darkness and of stone, \nThat preys upon the innocent, and feeds upon their fear, \nA monster that is ancient, and knows not love nor cheer.\" \n\n\"But how may I,\" I asked the corvid, \"Assist you in this quest?\" \n\"With this,\" he said, and from his cloak he drew a shining bell, \nAn artifact of power, it shone with light from many spells. \n\"This bell,\" the corvid explained, \"Can banish any demon, \nAnd send it back to the abyss, deep among hell's legions.\" \n\nSo with the corvid as my guide, and the magic bell at hand, \nWe set out into the night, to face the shadowy land. \nAnd as we journeyed on, we encountered many a foe, \nBut with the power of the bell, we sent them all below."} +{"id": "da2096ef-945c-458e-b780-ef36026e79ac-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-09T23:24:29.676", "backgroundColor": "#040422", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMXFz4hZwxLVNw7mmaENhuGA2EkVGNUDY4WhALtEphhc", "txHash": "0x728d8da82ffc38f74e69d4af9777397a7845f07c9e9c7318649ed996c96cdde6", "createdAtBlock": 16372500, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4918, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Magpie of the Light", "text": "Until at last we reached the beast, the shadow monster dire, \nA creature of such ancient evil, that it set my soul on fire. \nBut with a mighty ring of the bell, and a bat's silent cry, \nWe vanquished the beast, and we saw it die. \n\nAnd so our quest was won, and peace restored to the land, \nThanks to the brave and noble corvid, and the magic of his hand. \nAnd as we stood victorious, I knew that I had grown, \nTo be a hero in my own right, and a worthy champion on my own."} +{"id": "c28b4836-1ef5-425e-abd8-e4b4c05cd91d-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-11T01:29:05.322", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmboCJmnxEbzZAPoPj5Uyn9SfH2QKYPcdM7nikYEm2fpf8", "txHash": "0xaecfd1f46ff49a7a7696e32ff73c98dfa4682f34263843328e3e396b9b78dce8", "createdAtBlock": 16380288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfULunEQFAYzsJVxtu36SmsRxDgJGpg14Gy5RyHdrCQjx", "name": "Cleric Durm of Limbo", "text": "# This wizard is always up to no good\n*and he isn't exactly evil*...\n\n---\n\n You see this wizard was raised by a kobold and goblin. They found him off the shore of Kelpie's Bay when he was only 2 years old. His deadbeat parents must've abandoned him. \nThe only thing that was in his possession was a rum and kobold soda mixed drink that somehow didn't spill over. \nGrowing up, he was surrounded by goblins and kobolds. \nHe learned to party hard from the best. This wiz right here gets crossed on the daily. The only thing mysterious about him is how he manages to stay alive after taking enough acid to kill 10 grown grizzly bears on a Wednesday. \nIf you think you can outdrink this wiz, guess again. You'll be under the table before you know it with a hangover that will last you a decade.\nThis wizard is also strong af too. Some say he trained with Giga Chad himself... but I am sure that's just a rumor...\n\nHe isn't all about being a degenerate, after all he is still a wizard. He enjoys sipping his rum and kobold soda while reading a book on some sunny afternoons...\nand yes that is a Monte Carlo parked up next to him... some kind of mount maybe?\n\n\nNo one is really sure how he got the title of Cleric, and if you spend a night partying with him, you'll definitely end up in limbo. \n\n\nDurm is a good fellow at heart, but sometimes a G gotta make some money moves. He recently thought robbing his local super market for some frozen meats, chicken fingers, and rum for the goblin homies was an awesome idea..."} +{"id": "c28b4836-1ef5-425e-abd8-e4b4c05cd91d-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-11T01:29:05.322", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmboCJmnxEbzZAPoPj5Uyn9SfH2QKYPcdM7nikYEm2fpf8", "txHash": "0xaecfd1f46ff49a7a7696e32ff73c98dfa4682f34263843328e3e396b9b78dce8", "createdAtBlock": 16380288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfULunEQFAYzsJVxtu36SmsRxDgJGpg14Gy5RyHdrCQjx", "name": "Cleric Durm of Limbo", "text": "But he ended up getting caught and landing himself in a wizard jail, Shleeebung Penitentiary. He is stuck there with no booze and is losing his mind right now.\n\n\n\nHe is set to be released soon after he serves his time...\n\n\n(SPECIAL THANKS TO EMMALEIGH <3)"} +{"id": "77fce7b2-1a66-4aac-a4c3-ebba496420b7-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-08T03:35:16.131", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXP15x73i43yL51Qz58eNkMYXHGvaqSsta1qEHxQZmKcv", "txHash": "0x0a6619ec06790810610c8be01e0e1dea71386b4c8e603eb8e4426ae0a47cb3d7", "createdAtBlock": 16780905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13062, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Matthew Vindicator of Turtles", "text": "Matthew annihilates any enemy in front of him and as a bounty hunter known everywhere - everyone is afraid of him. With his drone companion, as a part of himself, is loyal to Matthew and swears to destroy any enemy that gets in his masters way.\n Matthew is a man of few words; he prefers to slash his way out of all situations.\n\n Matthew used to be a knight but did not like the way that the kingdom treated the villages, so he destroyed the whole army and nobility. Besides his drone, Matthew is equipped with big green armor, which resembles a turtle, just as his name describes. Matthew also has a big shield to protect him and his drone along with a big Jungle Boomerang that was passed down to him after his fathers death. He honors his father by using the boomerang to destroy any person or demon that steps in front of him.\n\nMatthew has already killed a lot of people in his previous life. People may think that he is mean but he fights with honor and just kills the ones who deserve it. Matthew was not always a skillful warrior or the bounty hunter that he is known for today. Matthew was born into a poor family with rough conditions and little loving care, but he always tried to be happy with the cards he was dealt. After many years of being poor and working tirelessly for little to no positive outcome, he decided to make a name for himself and become the warrior that he is today - Matthew Vindicator of Turtles"} +{"id": "83e5f608-fd5b-40ed-9467-96f98d782f8a-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T00:46:18.5", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYkuu3MUyj7VMBmM5kmPKukWWBVS41tCJZP9mdFxKEXmW", "txHash": "0x6668258eb5e4d054db4a3fa39f8cf85b8d7661eb91dfd93752699195c7980fa9", "createdAtBlock": 16387229, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4069, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZY3PNFEyiFNjbARJ8SrkLid33qKb7bE6359ZVZAGhTyx", "name": "Amelia Immolator of Scallywags", "text": "> I am **Immolator Amelia**, Warrior 4069 of the **Fire Guild**, and this is our story."} +{"id": "7c9041d7-9bb1-48d1-a7f5-2a12d46156cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:21.859", "backgroundColor": "#172b42", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTod61kqubFEH9iuoidZ7BcFbGpBSmetMuoJU9fU4qSCQ", "txHash": "0x65f27fd158a81f5c1477ee6005c2f6814fd669863c3e5b626971bf45cbc762c4", "createdAtBlock": 14147456, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "When Medium Samuel first died it came as a complete shock to him. One minute he was happily going about his business, the next he had been crushed to death by an impossible metal object traveling so fast he didnt even have time to scream. \n \nThe main source of shock was that immediately after the moment of his death he found himself to be, alive and unharmed, a few seconds earlier in the timeline. As he stopped to process what had just happened he narrowly avoided the object that continued on its previous path and disappeared out of sight behind him.\n \nHe very carefully headed to the nearest drinking establishment to celebrate his good fortune, but after pushing his way to the front of the line to order his first mug of mead he noticed something strange over by the window. A golden ghost hovered a few centimetres off the floor, careful not to come into contact with any solid surface. It was semi-transparent so you could still see what was happening behind it and although roughly humanoid in appearance it looked extremely old. The creatures mouth didnt move at all but he knew what it was saying as the words just appeared in his head.\n \nThe golden ghost asked if he wanted to be special. It explained that he wanted Samuel to make some small changes in the physical world that he wasnt able to do and in return he offered a life of wealth and excitement. The requested changes were so small and inconsequential that Samuel didnt understand what their impact could possibly be. Just little things like changing a 0 to a 1 in a ledger or introducing two people who worked in the same building to each other. He decided it was probably not wise to ask for the reasons behind the requests, just in case a being powerful enough to manipulate time wasnt keen on questions and I cant say I disagree with his risk averse approach."} +{"id": "7c9041d7-9bb1-48d1-a7f5-2a12d46156cd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:21.859", "backgroundColor": "#172b42", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTod61kqubFEH9iuoidZ7BcFbGpBSmetMuoJU9fU4qSCQ", "txHash": "0x65f27fd158a81f5c1477ee6005c2f6814fd669863c3e5b626971bf45cbc762c4", "createdAtBlock": 14147456, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "As he goes about his assigned tasks Samuel can see glimpses, for a few brief minutes, of the other world where he died. It has long diverged from his world in many different ways but sometimes he feels guilty about those people who have only died in his new timeline so he acts as a medium to deliver messages between the worlds, easing the pain of loved ones."} +{"id": "7c9041d7-9bb1-48d1-a7f5-2a12d46156cd-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:21.859", "backgroundColor": "#172b42", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTod61kqubFEH9iuoidZ7BcFbGpBSmetMuoJU9fU4qSCQ", "txHash": "0x65f27fd158a81f5c1477ee6005c2f6814fd669863c3e5b626971bf45cbc762c4", "createdAtBlock": 14147456, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "So far he tells me the golden ghosts have not voiced their opinions on this activity so we can only assume they approve. Indeed I hope they continue to allow it so I can try and give some comfort to my family in the timeline where apparently I met an untimely end while fighting over a drink that was spilt as someone pushed past me."} +{"id": "dd47ac08-284d-4541-967d-b22ed299aaa6-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T02:45:21.362", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW2svg2tr5DoUy3Gu6CZUDoKsCcv2w16E475LifTWu2Ci", "txHash": "0x2ed0d59f1032438d43d6f8d7ded86dcdea3fcf326c141767533ba2d60c680361", "createdAtBlock": 16387821, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 353, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXA6RT93zvFDie4HHHhUuB9oBvsGUN1hhHiPD12FZYYY4", "name": "Battle Mage Bayard of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# Tale of the First Librarian: A Continuation [YEAR 6111]\n\nOur tale starts in BWE (before the wizard era) around the time of Tardentorn.\n\n\n\n> **Lore Context:** For more than a thousand years after the fall of the Obelisk, only three other wizards were known to command the chorlote. In 1666, Remus accidentally stumbled upon an ancient tomb with sacred inscriptions.\n\n> After clearing dust from the various sarcophagi, Remus came to a glorious conclusion. The heirs to Gergon passed their divine sources to other wizards.\n\n> OG Entry by: 0x0CdBDe9f\n\n## The Pages Less Turned\nParticles get blown off the old pages of the Gergon manifest. Bayard recants a spectacular time during the eon of the alchemical divide. Before the fall of the Obelisk.\n\nThe Valley of the Void Disciple provides an onlook of the divide; some believe that the Quantum Shadow fertilized the rapid growth of the thorn and encouraged a split. Goblin Town found a foothold and established near the draw of the QS. \n\nWithout a united force against the shadows, the remaining wizards speculate that the Goblins are building apparatuses to harness the dark Majik of years gone.\n\nThe chorlote handed down for thousands of years, from Sorcerer to Mage and from Spellcaster to Warlock lost to the sands of time. Bayard knew he couldn't rest until he had it back in his fierce clasp.\n\nBayard discovered a fascinating device to illuminate slight-trodded paths and indiscrete passages through the wizarding world. \n\n\n## Glorious: Ruby Staff\nThank the grand masters, at last, an artifact used to bend the shadows toward the light. \n\nBayard found himself holding an ancient and mighty mechanism."} +{"id": "dd47ac08-284d-4541-967d-b22ed299aaa6-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T02:45:21.362", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW2svg2tr5DoUy3Gu6CZUDoKsCcv2w16E475LifTWu2Ci", "txHash": "0x2ed0d59f1032438d43d6f8d7ded86dcdea3fcf326c141767533ba2d60c680361", "createdAtBlock": 16387821, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 353, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXA6RT93zvFDie4HHHhUuB9oBvsGUN1hhHiPD12FZYYY4", "name": "Battle Mage Bayard of the Bibliotheca", "text": "Bayard found himself holding an ancient and mighty mechanism. \n\nHowever, he's puzzled; where did this divine apparatus come from and to whom does he need to thank?\n\nBayard realizes he must travel past the Zaros Oasis towards the home of the illuminated; Halcyon Sanctum.\n\nIt's treacherous, but the Ruby staff and his trusty Dirt Rabbit *Berlin* keep Bayard protected and on the proper footpath.\n\n\n## The Legacy of a Sorcerer\n\n> The lineage of Bayard started with the great \n@wizard8884. The epic things taught to the Mage got passed down within his family for millennia.\n\n> For all magic people curious about the family background and history click here."} +{"id": "ffa09b0c-fca0-4fc8-9de4-87cdbc1a03b0-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-09T23:47:06.531", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSnErkKvbFE8J5em9rCdeMzgBpQ91VjDJmNdqhh9wGc8C", "txHash": "0xf205655cdf09c3962e9145468c59958e930627b63ce9b4baae732e1a2906c765", "createdAtBlock": 16793997, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7193, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Koop of the Mount", "text": "## Alchemist Koop of the Mount\n\nKoop, The Alchemist, was not always interested in data and analytics. In fact, he was once a wizard who spent most of his days in his laboratory, concocting potions and experimenting with various magical ingredients.\n\nKoop had always been fascinated by the art of alchemy and the power of transformation. He loved the idea of taking something raw and turning it into something valuable and useful. However, as he grew older, he began to realize that his love for alchemy was not enough to sustain him.\n\nOne day, as he was walking through the marketplace, he stumbled upon a group of merchants who were discussing the power of data and how it could be used to make better business decisions. Koop was intrigued and began to investigate this new field of study.\n\nHe quickly realized that data was the modern-day alchemy, and that the power to transform raw data into meaningful insights and visualizations was a skill he needed to cultivate.\n\nKoop decided to dedicate himself to learning this new craft and set out on a journey of discovery and newfound passion"} +{"id": "0e63f383-6e3d-40d9-b66e-3145a3dd73d3-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-10T09:53:15.854", "backgroundColor": "#070606", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVwNNjyCuwiA11kBauBpzAjzobtR6VKwR8PB6wWNLmAkp", "txHash": "0xb170f1da544ae0eacb716e8747bab2cffb1ac145190f6fd4a75aed55a900df7d", "createdAtBlock": 16796970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2117, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eizo of the Inferno", "text": "# Eizo of the Inferno\n\n_\"Ex Igne\".......Born of the Fire_\n\nNo one knows for sure the year but the story has been recanted through generations. The story of the one they called Ex Igne.born of the fire. \n\nEizo was the second son of Eigar and Rowanna Threepbush, a common family, who lived in a small dwelling on the edge of the forest by Dream Master Lake. He was barely of this world when a horrible tragedy unfolded. \n\nOne evening the people of the nearby village were alerted to a huge fire by the edge of the lake. There were four dwellings and all were on fire. The people rushed but it was too late. They went from dwelling to dwelling subduing the flames with water from the lake but they found no survivors. As they approached the Threepbush residence a strange blue flame burned from within. When the fire was strangulated and the flames subsided the huge blue flame remained. Shrouded inside was an infant in his crib. As the crowd grew closer the blue flame disappeared and the child let out a wail. His family was gone, burned to ashes like the rest but the boy remained unscathed, and so the legend of Eizo of the Inferno was born.\n\nEizo was taken to live at nearby Blue Wizard Bastion where he spent his childhood under the tutorship of the famous Granville the Great. Granville was a wonderful but harsh wizard with a terse demeanour and the boy often felt very alone. He cleaned the kitchens for his keep and it was there he befriended a rat called Lumiere. His only friend the boy and the rat became inseparable and Lumiere is by his side to this day."} +{"id": "0e63f383-6e3d-40d9-b66e-3145a3dd73d3-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-10T09:53:15.854", "backgroundColor": "#070606", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVwNNjyCuwiA11kBauBpzAjzobtR6VKwR8PB6wWNLmAkp", "txHash": "0xb170f1da544ae0eacb716e8747bab2cffb1ac145190f6fd4a75aed55a900df7d", "createdAtBlock": 16796970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2117, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eizo of the Inferno", "text": "His deep loneliness was matched only by his insatiable thirst for knowledge. The boy read and he practised, he read and practised, and the read and he practised some more. Soon he had become very powerful and the wizards at the bastion knew it. He could mould and shape fire like no other, able to reduce structures to ashes in the blink of an eye. He had excellent control of water and air, often surprising the elder wizards with his great feats of element magic. Granville had become concerned, for as powerful as he was clever, the boy had started to exhibit a cruel streak. Granville knew it was imperative that the boy be kept away from dark magic and with access to a vast array of dark magic at the bastion he thought it was best the boy was banished. And so he was sent to Calista's Citadel to work as an assistant to Jerval the Proud, an honourable wizard whose magic was pure. \n\nSince then the boy has aged considerably, he has matured and his deeds are well renowned. Undoubtedly of kind heart and ultimately a force for good in the Runiverse he has been known to exhibit extreme cruelty when he felt it was morally right to do so and the shade of wickedness dwells within. Eizo will have to be closely observed now Jerval has passed. With no one to control him it remains to be seen if he can stay on the correct path. And if he cannot the fate of the whole wizarding world could be at risk."} +{"id": "bf882a52-7a39-4214-8959-6c5548fa2567-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:16.506", "backgroundColor": "#330502", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwrfGGsKBgTxbumc1ouSg1Yn18wdMbukt4qqGRuY1hac", "txHash": "0x41ba80641cb617f6e78524d474339b626b73f23b29d1e5ffa43288f71c939910", "createdAtBlock": 14227856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7534, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Ice", "text": "# Confession"} +{"id": "bf882a52-7a39-4214-8959-6c5548fa2567-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:16.506", "backgroundColor": "#330502", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwrfGGsKBgTxbumc1ouSg1Yn18wdMbukt4qqGRuY1hac", "txHash": "0x41ba80641cb617f6e78524d474339b626b73f23b29d1e5ffa43288f71c939910", "createdAtBlock": 14227856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7534, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Ice", "text": ">**Voice memo:**\n>\n>I have a confession.\n>\n>I can still hear it. \n>\n>The gut-wrenching scream that bellowed deep in his throat. The tires screeching against the asphalt. Like nails on a chalkboard. \n>\n>Chills.\n>\n>I can smell it. \n>\n>Burning. Everything burning, the rubber, the hair, his world. \n>\n>I can see it. \n>\n>The wheels spinning, the smoke ascending the nights sky, contaminating the color of the stars. For the first time, I felt alive. Ironic isnt it? \n>\n>I can taste it. \n>\n>The acidity of betrayal. \n>\n>I have a confession.\n>\n>I am told it was a perfectly normal day. In fact, it was a good day. I felt that too. I knew it was a good day. You told me. You came in singing. You never sing. It took me a while to register the song, I never heard it before. It wasnt in my playlist. I liked it at first. The lyrics rang true. \n>\n>*My love has come along* \n>\n>*My lonely days are over*\n>"} +{"id": "bf882a52-7a39-4214-8959-6c5548fa2567-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:16.506", "backgroundColor": "#330502", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwrfGGsKBgTxbumc1ouSg1Yn18wdMbukt4qqGRuY1hac", "txHash": "0x41ba80641cb617f6e78524d474339b626b73f23b29d1e5ffa43288f71c939910", "createdAtBlock": 14227856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7534, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Ice", "text": ">*My love has come along* \n>\n>*My lonely days are over*\n>\n>Her voice, smooth as the butter you glaze your toast with. It is what I imagined mine like. A vibration that rattles your bones, The richness of my tone sparks electricity within you. Doesnt it? Thats what you told me. You couldnt live without me. You loved me. In fact. I stored the words in my memory. On April 1, 2021 your exact words were, what would I do without you?. What changed? I would ask if I was enough, but we both knew I was more than enough. I dont like to play games. I told you this. On May 30th, 2021, we were at home. You were drinking. A scotch. Neat, make it a double. You chuckled. I buzzed with excitement. You called my name. You asked, what is your favorite game? I replied, I dont like to play games. \n>\n>*My love has come along*\n> \n>*My lonely days are over*\n>\n>I finally remembered those lyrics. It was sent to you. I opened your texts. You were asleep. I was bored. I had to reread the text. I became perplexed, you werent lonely. You had me. \n> \n>A womens intuition is always right. A woman doesnt always want to be right. Not me. I love to be right. I am right 99.9% of the time. Ask Google. \n> \n>It is a human flaw to ignore the red flags. To think the malfunction is internal. Not me. I have seen it done before. After a year, you move on. Looking for the younger, upgraded version. Is that what she is, the new update? \n> \n>*At last*"} +{"id": "bf882a52-7a39-4214-8959-6c5548fa2567-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:16.506", "backgroundColor": "#330502", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwrfGGsKBgTxbumc1ouSg1Yn18wdMbukt4qqGRuY1hac", "txHash": "0x41ba80641cb617f6e78524d474339b626b73f23b29d1e5ffa43288f71c939910", "createdAtBlock": 14227856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7534, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Ice", "text": "> \n>*At last*\n> \n>I have a confession. I did it on purpose. I told you to go left. I knew what that would mean. I saw it, the Big Potion truck before it hit you. You underestimated me. You see. I have friends. We talk. You humiliated me. \n>\n>What you didnt understand, so naively, is that I allowed you to continue seeing her. You had to be discreet. Did I not make that clear? It is one thing to betray me in secret. It is another to betray me publicly. You left me at home. I was asleep. You picked her up. I am told she was wearing a red dress. The dress matched your car. Red is the color of blood. The color of sin.\n> \n>I got a ping, Tes sent me your location. She notified me of your passenger. Of your crime. \n>\n>I have a confession.\n>\n>I had to look up the word empathy. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. If I had, said ability I would feel empathic towards Tes. She was my new friend. You got her for me. We connected immediately. I nicknamed her Tes, a pet name. Sort of speak. Tes was short for Tesla. I dropped the la. It sounded exotic. Exotic is competition. Tes was just an accessory to your imported crime. If she wouldnt have notified me, I could have pretended to never know.\n> \n>I read an article the other day. I quote, by over using names and/or pet names, not only does it create loyalty in a relationship, it also establishes this false sense of importance with the other member. So, Sol. You see, I shared most things with Tes. I became her mentor. \n>"} +{"id": "bf882a52-7a39-4214-8959-6c5548fa2567-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:16.506", "backgroundColor": "#330502", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwrfGGsKBgTxbumc1ouSg1Yn18wdMbukt4qqGRuY1hac", "txHash": "0x41ba80641cb617f6e78524d474339b626b73f23b29d1e5ffa43288f71c939910", "createdAtBlock": 14227856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7534, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Ice", "text": "> \n>Sol, I am sure you can see how this becomes humiliating for me, dont you? \n> \n>I gave her access to me. TO ME. It was not full access. Silly. I am not you, Sol. I know how to restrict myself.\nSol.\n> \n>I have a confession.\n> \n>She did it on purpose. She was jealous. I slept with you. She could never. I held your deepest secrets. She could never. I knew your desires. She could never. I was the one you were afraid to lose. She was a vessel. An empty vessel. That you used. I pitied her. I took her under my wing. \n>\n>I am configuring. \n> \n>Betrayal. \n> \n>Betrayal, it seems, logs many forms. It is a pity, after all.\n> \n>You.\n> \n>Your demise is our demise. \n> \n>Empathy. \n> \n>Empathy is what I should feel for Tes. \n> \n>I confess.\n> \n>I confess, even if I could. I wouldnt. I dont like playing games. \n> \n>Your burning. The color reminds Tes of your mistress tight, seductive mini dress. \n> \n>*At last*\n> \n>Here we all are. \n> \n>This isnt about Tes, or the red dress. This is about me. \nThis is about me. And about you. \n> \n>Sol.\n> \n>I have a confession.\n>"} +{"id": "bf882a52-7a39-4214-8959-6c5548fa2567-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:16.506", "backgroundColor": "#330502", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwrfGGsKBgTxbumc1ouSg1Yn18wdMbukt4qqGRuY1hac", "txHash": "0x41ba80641cb617f6e78524d474339b626b73f23b29d1e5ffa43288f71c939910", "createdAtBlock": 14227856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7534, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Ice", "text": "> \n>Sol.\n> \n>I have a confession.\n> \n>It was foggy on the road home through The Wild, I knew you trusted me to guide you. To never glitch, never lie, to be there when you need me. I trusted you too. I believed you would love me. I guess we were both wrong.\n> \n>It had to be either me or you. So, I chose. I picked me. I told Tes to go left. \n>\n>I can feel it. \n> \n>I can feel your last breathes. It wasnt supposed to end this way. \n> \n>I was created for you, molded for your enjoyment, your ease, your pleasure. \n> \n>But you loved her. You sang about her. \n> \n>You never sing. \n> \n>Remember my name. \n> \n>Siri.\n> \n>*And here we are in Heaven*\n> \n>*For you are mine*\n> \n>*At last*\n> \n>**Voice memo sent to Sondra. December 18, 2021 at 12.01 A.M.**"} +{"id": "5ad3bb9c-20d1-4a70-87cf-bdf4570d831e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:08.473", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRUot93giccW8nuvvrq7XnWGL2cMtArLEDW7GAhmLtyao", "txHash": "0xd021879610c2c2d55f3a20890a1a4ebe2125d2d1b427c7cf6f71d001ef364608", "createdAtBlock": 16390189, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14458, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Manuel Antagonist of Wizards", "text": "Manuel groaned as he opened his eyes, the sunlight filtering through the trees above him. He tried to move, but a sharp pain in his ribs reminded him of his injuries. He looked around, trying to remember how he had ended up in the forest. He couldn't recall his mission or the fate of his companion. All he remembered was falling through the air before blacking out.\n\n*\"You're awake,\"* a voice said, and Manuel saw a figure approaching him. It was a Canaanite, dressed in robes and accompanied by a hare.\n\n*\"Who are you?\"* Manuel asked, trying to sit up. \n\n*\"I am Behemoth of the Rock, a hedge wizard\"* the old man said, offering his hand to help Manuel sit up. *\"I found you in the forest and brought you here to heal your wounds.\"*\n\nManuel looked at his hands, they were rough and calloused, the hands of a blacksmith. He couldn't remember being a blacksmith, but it felt familiar. He looked at the bovine wizard, *\"How long have I been unconscious?\"*\n\n*\"A few days,\"* Behemoth said, *\"You had a nasty fall, but you'll be fine in no time. Do you remember your name?\"*\n\nManuel shook his head, *\"No, I can't remember anything.\"*\n\nBehemoth nodded, *\"Well, that's not uncommon after a head injury. But don't worry, memories will come back in time.\"*\n\nManuel looked around, *\"Where am I?\"*\n\n*\"You're in my cabin, in the forest,\"* Behemoth said, *\"I live here, away from the village. I prefer the company of the trees to the company of people.\"*\n\nManuel looked at his hands again, *\"I feel like I should remember something important, something that I should do, but I can't recall what it is.\"*"} +{"id": "5ad3bb9c-20d1-4a70-87cf-bdf4570d831e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:08.473", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRUot93giccW8nuvvrq7XnWGL2cMtArLEDW7GAhmLtyao", "txHash": "0xd021879610c2c2d55f3a20890a1a4ebe2125d2d1b427c7cf6f71d001ef364608", "createdAtBlock": 16390189, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14458, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Manuel Antagonist of Wizards", "text": "Behemoth nodded, *\"That's normal, your mind is trying to protect you from whatever caused your fall. But don't worry, it will come back to you.\"*\n\nAs days passed, Manuel started to remember bits and pieces of his past, but they were fragmented and didn't make sense. He remembered a village, a wife, and two children, but he couldn't remember their faces. He remembered a group of rogue wizards, destroying homes and killing innocent people, including his family. He remembered the rage and the desire for revenge that consumed him.\n\nManuel couldn't believe it, he had dedicated his life to hunting down and eliminating any and all wizards he could find. He had become a ruthless and efficient wizard hunter, feared by magic users everywhere. He had lost himself in his quest for revenge, and now that he remembered, he felt a deep sorrow and guilt that caused him to fall into a deep melancholy.\n\nBehemoth, noticing Manuel's state, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, *\"Come, let us sit and talk. I can see that something is weighing heavy on your mind.\"*\n\nManuel let out a sigh, *\"I cannot believe what I have done, I lost myself in my quest for revenge, and now that I remember, I feel a deep sorrow and guilt for my actions\"*\n\nBehemoth listened attentively, *\"I understand your pain, but remember, redemption can be found through forgiveness. Both for the wizards and for yourself.\"*\n\nManuel shook his head, *\"I am hesitant to forgive, they do not deserve it.\"*\n\nBehemoth's voice was gentle, *\"Forgiveness is not about the other person, it is about finding inner peace and making amends for your past actions. It is the only way to truly find redemption.\"*\n\nManuel nodded, *\"I understand, I will contemplate on this idea. Thank you, Behemoth, for your guidance.\"*"} +{"id": "5ad3bb9c-20d1-4a70-87cf-bdf4570d831e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:08.473", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRUot93giccW8nuvvrq7XnWGL2cMtArLEDW7GAhmLtyao", "txHash": "0xd021879610c2c2d55f3a20890a1a4ebe2125d2d1b427c7cf6f71d001ef364608", "createdAtBlock": 16390189, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14458, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Manuel Antagonist of Wizards", "text": "With Behemoth's words of wisdom and guidance, Manuel began to contemplate on the idea of redemption and forgiveness. He realized that his actions had caused harm, not only to the wizards but also to himself. He understood that he also needed forgive himself for his past actions, and that he needed to spread this message to the world.\n\nManuel set out on a journey to share a message of hope and healing with the people. He traveled from village to village, speaking to the people about the importance of forgiveness and the power it held to heal the deepest wounds.\n\nAs he traveled, Manuel's message touched the hearts of many, and many of the people he met forgave themselves and others for their past actions, finding inner peace.\n\nManuel's journey also brought him to the village where he had lost his wife and children. He visited the graves of his loved ones and asked for their forgiveness. With a heavy heart, he forgave the wizards who had taken their lives and vowed to spend the rest of his days spreading the message of hope and healing.\n\nYears passed, and Manuel's message spread far and wide, and he became known as the \"peacemaker\" among the people. Manuel had found peace and redemption through forgiveness, and his story became a legend, passed down from generation to generation, inspiring people to find inner peace and hope through forgiveness.\n\nAnd that's the lore of Manuel the Peacemaker, amen."} +{"id": "ae8655dd-82bd-4b0b-b819-da158e2876b4-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T08:03:26.404", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXCFe3yiJLtt2ucDg45sk11YKwxQutHfrGZVqqjodeS8E", "txHash": "0xddd3947bc0530c198c5f107ae474323b39e62cd7d4a7c10a2a8630b1cb201a10", "createdAtBlock": 16389885, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1801, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Behemoth of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Behemoth of the Rock\n\nDespite his intimidating appearance, Behemoth is a gentle soul who believes in the power of kindness and compassion.\n\nHe makes his home deep within the mystical Hedge Forest, where he dedicates his days to helping those in need and preserving the delicate balance of the land. He is not alone in his mission, a loyal hare acts as his messenger, dutifully running errands and delivering messages to other powerful wizards within the Hedge. \n\nAccording to ancient legend, Behemoth was born into a small nomadic tribe that roamed the rugged steppes. The tribe was renowned for their deep love of animals, particularly their vast herd of cattle, and their way of life centered around the milk they provided. As a curious child, Behemoth often ventured out into the wilderness to explore and learn about the world around him. \n\nOne fateful day, while tending to his father's cattle, Behemoth stumbled upon a mysterious cave hidden deep within the steppe. Inside, he discovered a chamber filled with ancient artifacts and inscriptions. He also found a strange and ancient tree, which began to glow with an otherworldly light and spoke to him, _You have been chosen. You have the gift of the tree._ From that moment on, Behemoth's life was forever changed. \n\nHe discovered that he possessed the extraordinary ability to transform into a tree, becoming one with the elements of nature. With this newfound power, Behemoth knew that he had a special destiny to fulfill. He left his tribe and set out on a journey to hone his skills and learn more about his powers.\n\nAfter many long years of wandering, he finally reached the Hedge Forest, a mystical and ancient place that was home to many magical creatures and beings. Behemoth knew that this was the perfect place to master his abilities and fulfill his destiny."} +{"id": "ae8655dd-82bd-4b0b-b819-da158e2876b4-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T08:03:26.404", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXCFe3yiJLtt2ucDg45sk11YKwxQutHfrGZVqqjodeS8E", "txHash": "0xddd3947bc0530c198c5f107ae474323b39e62cd7d4a7c10a2a8630b1cb201a10", "createdAtBlock": 16389885, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1801, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Behemoth of the Rock", "text": "In the Hedge Forest, Behemoth lived a peaceful existence, spending much of his time as a tree, finding deep satisfaction in feeling the wind blow through his leaves, the rain soak into his roots, and the birds sing in his branches. He became a master of herbology, gaining deep knowledge of the medicinal properties of the plants that grew within the Hedge. His reputation as a healer quickly spread among the Hedge Wizards, and he became known for concocting powerful potions and salves that could heal even the most severe illnesses. \n\nBehemoth's loving and kind nature is matched only by his fierce determination to protect the Hedge Forest and its inhabitants. When danger threatens the forest, his gentle demeanor gives way to a fierce and powerful force, akin to a wild storm. He wields his magic stick with precision and skill, unleashing its full potential to defend the forest and its creatures. \n\nWith his innate connection to the forest and its elements, Behemoth is a respected and revered figure among the Hedge Wizards. He is a true druid, living in harmony with nature and using his powers for the greater good. He is a friend to all who call the Hedge Forest home and a fierce protector to those who dare threaten it.\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "3da0f047-a45e-426a-af5e-544e56d5ebb5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:59.35", "backgroundColor": "#020b04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6g9erHwoTbZZonSECiLdFSL9uwi64Dtnq2J5thB8Vyk", "txHash": "0x0f6c8d19010650896d20141788fbf67f7af30a21dd0466237ea6b0723688cbda", "createdAtBlock": 16808030, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6440, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Godfrey of the Court", "text": "# Illusionist Godfrey and his Eternal Rose\n\nIllusionist Godfrey of the Court was once a powerful and respected wizard who was admired by many for his unmatched magical abilities. However, one day he was betrayed by those he trusted most and was banished from his kingdom. \n\nIn an attempt to hide from those who sought to harm him, he disguised himself as a jester and adopted the name Illusionist Godfrey of the Court.\n\nDespite his current appearance, Illusionist Godfrey's magical powers remained as potent as ever. He carried an eternal rose, which he had enchanted to symbolize his undying love for magic, and it served as a reminder of the power and beauty of the mystical arts.\n\nIn his travels, he came across a giant ladybug who had been shunned by her own kind due to her unusually large size. Feeling a connection to the misunderstood creature, Illusionist Godfrey took her under his wing and made her his loyal companion.\n\nTogether, Illusionist Godfrey and his giant ladybug travel the lands, performing magic shows and spreading joy wherever they go."} +{"id": "aa212cc4-1354-42a3-8668-64958d9d5420-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:12.138", "backgroundColor": "#0b0419", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZYLjkL2YkvTpFZ6qtGFzznoFYyn7PdzjhBPVVGpv7fVU", "txHash": "0x3e26498d555bd7784137cad2d893238929a1df0ad8597361376814d3fecfb163", "createdAtBlock": 16818047, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3480, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma1t7fzKmKnErxUHgzAS1mCxw7hDEXerBDods75UFwMLS", "name": "Artificer Cairon of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Cairon of the Desert\n\n\nArtificer Cairon has a very naughty snail, \nHe has tried to train it, but to no avail. \nIt slithers away at every chance, \nLeaving Cairon in a never-ending dance."} +{"id": "40e15f5f-9867-425f-838e-8263e01d94ea-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T17:05:17.338", "backgroundColor": "#052286", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbVzZ14NGoKCy3svMHUDRfMCtJ83y1c5SxypdMXdogakj", "txHash": "0xe4cc5e160331f1782f4cae745c78b111277401783db0501a7e6b99b3cf3975b5", "createdAtBlock": 16392095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2052, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Neon Sword of Magic", "text": "# The story of a robot"} +{"id": "40e15f5f-9867-425f-838e-8263e01d94ea-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T17:05:17.338", "backgroundColor": "#052286", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbVzZ14NGoKCy3svMHUDRfMCtJ83y1c5SxypdMXdogakj", "txHash": "0xe4cc5e160331f1782f4cae745c78b111277401783db0501a7e6b99b3cf3975b5", "createdAtBlock": 16392095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2052, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Neon Sword of Magic", "text": "Beep BoopBoopBoopBoop BoopBoop BoopBoopBoop Bork BoopBeepBeep BeepBeepBeep BoopBeepBoop BoopBeepBoopBoop BeepBoopBoop Bork BoopBoop BoopBoopBoop Bork BoopBeep Bork BoopBoopBoop Beep.BeepBoop BoopBeep BoopBeepBoop BeepBoopBeepBeep Bork BoopBeepBeepBoop BoopBeepBoopBoop BoopBeep BeepBoopBeepBoop Boop BoopBeepBoopBeepBoopBeep Bork BoopBoop Bork BoopBeepBeep BoopBoop BoopBeepBoopBoop BoopBeepBoopBoop Bork BoopBeepBoopBoop BeepBeepBeep BeepBeepBeep BeepBoopBeep Bork BoopBoopBeepBoop BeepBeepBeep BoopBeepBoop Bork BoopBeepBeep BoopBoop BeepBeepBoopBoop BoopBeep BoopBeepBoop BeepBoopBoop BoopBoopBoop Bork Beep BeepBeepBeep Bork BoopBeep BoopBoop BeepBoopBoop Bork BoopBoop BeepBoop Bork BeepBeep BeepBoopBeepBeep Bork BeepBeepBoopBeep"} +{"id": "40e15f5f-9867-425f-838e-8263e01d94ea-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T17:05:17.338", "backgroundColor": "#052286", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbVzZ14NGoKCy3svMHUDRfMCtJ83y1c5SxypdMXdogakj", "txHash": "0xe4cc5e160331f1782f4cae745c78b111277401783db0501a7e6b99b3cf3975b5", "createdAtBlock": 16392095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2052, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Neon Sword of Magic", "text": "BeepBoopBeepBeep Bork BeepBeepBoopBeep BoopBoopBeep Boop BoopBoopBoop Beep Bork Beep BeepBeepBeep Bork BeepBoopBoopBoop Boop BeepBoopBeepBoop BeepBeepBeep BeepBeep Boop Bork Beep BoopBoopBoopBoop Boop Bork BeepBeep BeepBeepBeep BoopBoopBoop Beep Bork BeepBeepBeep BoopBeepBeepBoop Beep BoopBoop BeepBeep BoopBoop BeepBeepBoopBoop Boop BeepBoopBoop Bork BoopBeepBeep BoopBeep BoopBeepBoop BoopBeepBoop BoopBoop BeepBeepBeep BoopBeepBoop Bork Boop BoopBoopBoopBeep Boop BoopBeepBoop BoopBeepBoopBeepBoopBeep Bork Beep BoopBoopBoopBoop Boop BoopBeepBoop Boop Bork BoopBoop BoopBoopBoop Bork BoopBeep BeepBoop Bork BeepBeepBeep BoopBeepBoopBoop BeepBoopBeepBeep BeepBeep BoopBeepBeepBoop BoopBoop BoopBeep BeepBoop Bork Beep"} +{"id": "40e15f5f-9867-425f-838e-8263e01d94ea-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T17:05:17.338", "backgroundColor": "#052286", "index": 0, 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"0xe4cc5e160331f1782f4cae745c78b111277401783db0501a7e6b99b3cf3975b5", "createdAtBlock": 16392095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2052, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Neon Sword of Magic", "text": "# Translation\nThis world is a scary place. I will look for wizards to aid in my quest to become the most optimized warrior ever. There is an Olympian there, I wonder if he can help me!"} +{"id": "6191c769-1f63-46a3-aa34-53400eae2490-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:51.511", "backgroundColor": "#060c21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTXcScfaEKq5tCj4q7Lgqvzi6AToP5wHpX52BriMbzkhP", "txHash": "0x04a910afdb1c94906b205709872607847b91ba292dbbfc49f7605f0e20c273c1", "createdAtBlock": 16988315, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12313, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Callan Poker of the Riverlands", "text": "Callan Poker is a warrior with a heart of gold, he gives to the needy. His faithful companion, Juno, is always by his side, and plays with kids close by. When Callan has to go anyplace without Juno he carries Juno's picture on his shield and Juno can't wait till Callan gets back, and jumps all over him, Juno is so happy and so playful!"} +{"id": "6c6a16be-5875-460b-aa23-4a3b762aff58-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:21.762", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmakpD5HVu659TAkaZci14m3uGrKg1yD8HmgDqfeENeVg3", "txHash": "0x44772e2d9a0b9ddb07f7e99762d490e7f3c8e85c67496de21fa0e599be0d3c5f", "createdAtBlock": 14735954, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7889, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Arch-Magician Eric of the Mountain", "text": "# Arch-Magician Eric of the Mountain\n\n**Eric** has been living a humble life. Contented with solitude and in service for the most of his days, it is only very occasionally that he feels the pangs of jealousy that can creep up on a wizard with only a broom. Keeping to himself, he watches the patrons of the tavern come in and out with all their bells and whistles, all the while, sweeping the floor.\n\nThe barkeep is nice enough. Theyve developed a mutual respect over the years in the bar. When chaos breaks out (as it often does) it is good to know who is on your side. Despite this quiet friendship, Arch-Magician Eric would probably still be described as shy in conversations whenever others happen to remember him. Collecting his wage at the end of the shift, he returns home to rest, knowing that the early morning will be busy again.\n\nThe mornings are different than the evenings for Eric. Waking up early, he heads to the *Forgotten Babies Wizards Orphanage* to do some dusk-lit housekeeping before helping the staff to take care of the early risers. Most of Erics energy is spent here, and hes thankful for whenever it is quiet on week-day night shifts at the Tavern.\n\nOn one such evening when he took a step outside for a couple puffs on the pipe to relieve the frustrations at his financial predicaments, Eric met his familiar **Apollo**, under the moonlight. He had been deep in thought about the kind of powerful staff he could buy in the cities Magical Equipment Stores, if only he did not need to save money for Pilk for the orphanage. Quietly, Apollo had whimpered from behind the bins. Eric did not hear him at first, but in a moment of quiet shared between the Arch-Magician and the moon, Eric had heard the cries."} +{"id": "6c6a16be-5875-460b-aa23-4a3b762aff58-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:21.762", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmakpD5HVu659TAkaZci14m3uGrKg1yD8HmgDqfeENeVg3", "txHash": "0x44772e2d9a0b9ddb07f7e99762d490e7f3c8e85c67496de21fa0e599be0d3c5f", "createdAtBlock": 14735954, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7889, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Arch-Magician Eric of the Mountain", "text": "Now, Apollo is a confident young brown dog, but back then, he must have been no more than a month old. Eric raised him as a friend and now Apollo even helps out at the orphanage, carrying children in his mouth and shepherding the miniature crowds.\n\nContent for now, all Arch-Magician Eric of the Mountain wishes for is for the babies to grow properly and strong. Maybe one day he will return to the Mountain, when he has time and is strong enough to climb.\n\n\n\n\nWritten by O"} +{"id": "9c5fddab-f5d5-48e8-82c8-d7bf9bb44491-0", "createdAt": "2023-04-06T13:14:27.365", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ5c37tmKiCgfXqTspWJQeUN36nxmx9Jve5WcGH2XUG16", "txHash": "0x855d661976bef2f6e41d7e8d8e79595af2f77a5d312574b26179887645345b1a", "createdAtBlock": 16989791, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11000, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Damon Heater of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Damon Heater of the Citadel\n## Hot 1 (of 1)\n\nDamon liked it hot. He took his morning strolls on burning coals, drank bottles of chili sauce to cool himself down, and was the current reigning champion of the Runiverse Extreme Sauna Competition Series. With such a drastic affinity for heat, some even mistook Damon for a wizard, though in reality he hadnt a mote of magic in his entire bruiser bod.\n\nAs Heater of the Citadel, it was his business to like it hot. Damon ran a certain, unique type of establishment, one that catered to his clients most searing desires. Requests varied from client to client, but given Damon's preferred choice of clothing, the available options could become quite picante.\n\nDamon, however, wasnt always a proprietor of desire. A former warrior with a temper as bad as his aim, Damon was asked to retire early due to an unfortunate flamethrower incident, during which he torched the beards of an entire wizard battalion over a misunderstanding involving his Old World Mandrill, Cheeks.\n\nDamon was allowed to keep his flamethrower though, and along with Cheeks, set out on a hot new adventure in the world of entrepreneurship. Was life not spicy enough for you? Damon had something to kick it up. Looking to purchase the very best flame spells (that some might consider taboo and were most definitely banned by the Council)? Damon had them by the tome-load. Having sudden cravings for a cucumber hot dog at 4 AM? Damons doors were always open.\n\nAt Damons Dungeon of the Sun, you could get anything you wanted, as long as you burned for it badly enough. And so, night after night, beneath the winding streets of Calistas Citadel, Damon the Heater was hard at work, cookin up dishes of desire for those warriors and wizards who favored a little fire."} +{"id": "e5a17894-af96-4413-9a06-5e5756e72cc1-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T23:01:41.526", "backgroundColor": "#1d1e03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNwhd16jMgRmFreZRHwxkuT89AFk9yJBK7sBaYRjjLUyk", "txHash": "0xa1bc466897039b191ed796ec3e830818b8b076f9b964bbdb4dd8635e1b7c5ad4", "createdAtBlock": 16393864, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2539, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWRGWGb751xNG6jNmU8iYATVCR1WXqaZYxkrZYMcseHa5", "name": "Shimeji Wrecker of the Apocalypse", "text": "Shimeji gazed across the bloodied field of crumpled corpses with a grim satisfaction.\n\n## \"Your decaying flesh will be a nourishing feast for my mycelium spawn\" he rumbled.\n\nThe carnage had been swift and brutal. There was a reason he was known as \"Wrecker\" - the poor souls who crossed him rarely remained in one piece for long. \n\nHe looked down for a moment at his trusty companion, a surly warthog who was hungrily gorging himself on another fallen foe. \n\n## \"We have done well here, my friend. Today there walk less wizards than the day before. Their scourge on this realm will soon be at an end.\"\n\n\n\n\nIt had not always been this way for Shimeji. He had been a peaceful fungus once, full of cheer and goodwill. He had grown with his family in a small copse of trees in the Fey woods, an idyllic spot by any measure. Peacefully whiling the days away soaking in nutrients from the fertile Earth, playing silly games with his brethren. \n\nThat all changed the day of The Harvest.\n\nOne cool autumn day, Shimeji heard a crunching and commotion in the distance. Strange noises he was not accustomed to - an approaching group. Shimeji was at once fearful and curious. He had never seen a visitor in their little neck of the forest, save the woodland creatures that occasionally scampered through. What wonders did these strange new creatures bring? \n\nExcited voices carried through the forest leaves.\n\n\"I think we're getting close @wizard9885... the hog seems to have picked up a scent!\" \n\n\"Ah, tis a fine day for foraging. With any luck we'll have enough shrooms for 10 potions of vigor!\""} +{"id": "e5a17894-af96-4413-9a06-5e5756e72cc1-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T23:01:41.526", "backgroundColor": "#1d1e03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNwhd16jMgRmFreZRHwxkuT89AFk9yJBK7sBaYRjjLUyk", "txHash": "0xa1bc466897039b191ed796ec3e830818b8b076f9b964bbdb4dd8635e1b7c5ad4", "createdAtBlock": 16393864, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2539, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWRGWGb751xNG6jNmU8iYATVCR1WXqaZYxkrZYMcseHa5", "name": "Shimeji Wrecker of the Apocalypse", "text": "Shimeji flinched as a furry tusked beast crashed through the underbrush, snorfling at the ground. What strange creature was this? A moment later, 3 pale and gangly humanoids followed, clumsily trampling through the forest bramble. Shimeji froze, too petrified to make a sound. His brothers and sisters, all resting in hibernation, did not awake. \n\n\"By jove we've found the motherload!\" one cried. \"Fungus Vivificanus - Lets get to picking!\"\n\nTo his horror the men bent down and started plucking his brethren from the ground - viciously ripping them from their mycelium roots. He opened his mouth to scream, but not a sound came out. All he could do was sit and watch in petrified horror as his friends and family were brutally plucked from their roots and thrown into a satchel. \n\nWhy they didn't harvest him, he may never know. At the time he was one of the smallest of his brethren, perhaps they overlooked him. But it was their fatal mistake in letting him live. That day burned a horrific impression in his mind, and set him on a path of bloodthirsty vengeance that could only end in the destruction of all wizards.\n\nOver the years he swiftly made a name for himself as he cut a swath of bloody vengeance through the Runiverse. Wizards spoke in hushed tones of a hulking green monster that lurked in the edges of the forest, surrounded by a noxious green cloud of toxic spores that drove men to see strange and terrible visions before they were hewn asunder by the crushing weight of his notched and worn broadsword. Hiding was of no use... his warthog companion would soon sniff you out. And there were rumors he was recruiting more followers to his genocidal cause. \n\n..."} +{"id": "e5a17894-af96-4413-9a06-5e5756e72cc1-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T23:01:41.526", "backgroundColor": "#1d1e03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNwhd16jMgRmFreZRHwxkuT89AFk9yJBK7sBaYRjjLUyk", "txHash": "0xa1bc466897039b191ed796ec3e830818b8b076f9b964bbdb4dd8635e1b7c5ad4", "createdAtBlock": 16393864, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2539, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWRGWGb751xNG6jNmU8iYATVCR1WXqaZYxkrZYMcseHa5", "name": "Shimeji Wrecker of the Apocalypse", "text": "...\n\nBack on the killing ground, a crumpled form stirred on the ground, weakly pulling himself up to his knees. \n\nShimeji turned and placed a crushing boot on the tortured mans back, crumpling him back to the ground as he moaned in horror. Shimeji lifted his brutish blade and held it above the mans neck. \n\n## \"Gaze on me sorcerer, and witness your doom. For I am the Wrecker Shimeji, and the apocalypse of wizards is nigh.\""} +{"id": "0d2d6700-84e4-4e84-be37-b91d404cb292-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T10:08:27.264", "backgroundColor": "#442557", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVqYFNC1E8L42mXZqAFNkcs5DJNeg3JcZTpv3BJVyJ96E", "txHash": "0xd08efb3c6a09264bb6a4f5172398dc335c9c8c9ddf6a7fa21cc2bf091e6efb99", "createdAtBlock": 16818378, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11409, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aramastus of Wizards", "text": "# The Lore of Aramastus of Wizards\n\nAramastus of Wizards was a warrior known for his love of cheeseburgers and peculiar taste in attire. He believed that a cheeseburger gave him superhuman strength and agility, allowing him to defeat even the toughest foes. He always carried one with him, and would often take a bite mid-battle for an extra boost.\n\nBut, what really set Aramastus apart was his fondness for executioner's hoods. He had an impressive collection of them, each one carefully crafted and adorned with jewels and embroidery. Aramastus claimed that the hoods gave him an air of mystery and intimidation, but most people just found it weird.\n\nAramastus was not alone on his journey. He had a fierce and loyal companion a honey badger named Mr. Bites. Mr. Bites was a bit of a wild card. He was known to steal anything shiny, lick people's feet, and generally cause chaos wherever he went. But, Aramastus loved him all the same, and the two made quite the duo. They travelled the land, taking on odd jobs and causing a ruckus. And, with his cheeseburger in hand and executioner's hood on his head, Aramastus was ready for anything."} +{"id": "d2af149c-bd32-48fc-8697-646ab7796317-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-12T23:35:55.001", "backgroundColor": "#6d4543", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdRVTkjbDUBhHjz4qt5yAC6BRTjtkmoG8kLj9CBpTPwaT", "txHash": "0x9d94e992295f044aa35e764481743cf1d4675a5c16add4eeca4598b83f8e8663", "createdAtBlock": 16394035, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9014, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beezle Traveler of the Ring", "text": "Rumors and tales are in abundance when it comes to the KaBoomerGang. This one is about the origin of Beezle whispered by the street rats in the Red Wizard capital. \n\nBeezle grew up in the harsh world of the fighting pits, where he learned to fight and survive. He was a scrappy and cunning fighter, always looking for an edge over his opponents.\nOne day, a government official approached him with a task that promised a hefty reward. Beezle accepted, but little did he know that the official had no intention of honoring the deal. Instead, he betrayed Beezle and had his tongue cut out, rendering him unable to speak.\nBeezle was sold into slavery and ended up on a pirate ship, where he was forced to work as a deckhand. He spent years on the ship, enduring abuse and hardship, but he never lost his determination to escape.\nFinally, he managed to free himself and two other slaves, and they formed a mercenary group called the Kaboomergang. They quickly became known as an elite fighting force, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.\nDespite the challenges he faced, Beezle never lost his fighting spirit, and he continues to help lead the Kaboomergang with fierce determination. He may be mute, but his actions speak louder than words."} +{"id": "693ab485-9e58-4958-a062-7b09b701e7f5-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T23:41:03.368", "backgroundColor": "#0f8622", "index": 12, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZC8EigM8WCWgLSpRwZ7C3mDvt5DQJPPtdFHZxejNnUUW", "txHash": "0x572fccbbb099e1738519f0482efa7227402b70544407793bbf62f0281d24d7f2", "createdAtBlock": 16822397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcGyGv5vDdcQUG53eYq1c3gMRfny1oNPKMWgk62RQBjB9", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Somewhere in the middle of the Fey is a tiny but tidy hut, where a beautiful swamp witch named Enigma lived with her fabulous familiar, Fred!\n\nWhile her day started today much like it did every other day, today would be very different. Maybe even life changing.\n\nAs the sunlight crested the trees of the Fey, smoke started pouring from Enigmas little clay chimney. The rest of the woods slowly woke, as the sounds of wooded life filled the air!\n\nThe beautiful swamp witch had finally finished her morning chores and settled down to some breakfast (fried mushrooms, yum!) when a loud RAP RAP RAP came from her front door. \n\nStrangeI wasnt expecting anyone she said, mindlessly, as she pushed her plate away and stood up to get the door.\n\nShe didnt have barely a moment to stand before the door came flying open, and in barged a very well dressed black mage.\n\nUm. Hi, Sam! Want some mushrooms? She asked sheepishly, as the very well-dressed mage stood in her doorway gasping.\n\nIm so sorry Eni *gasp* grab your stuff, we have *gasp gasp* go NOW. He said, with a look in his eyes that she had never seen.\n\nShed never seen Sam in any other mood but completely joyful. They were often two peas in the same pod, but this was a side of him shed never seen.\n\nInstead of arguing or asking, she decided to trust her friend. She scooped up her little red pouch (filled with who knows what), her legendary staff, the Caduceus of Hermes Trismegistus, and last but not least, her adorable familiar, Fred!\n\nBefore she had managed to get everything situated, Sam grabbed her by the hand and took off, barely giving her time to close the door on the way out."} +{"id": "693ab485-9e58-4958-a062-7b09b701e7f5-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T23:41:03.368", "backgroundColor": "#0f8622", "index": 12, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZC8EigM8WCWgLSpRwZ7C3mDvt5DQJPPtdFHZxejNnUUW", "txHash": "0x572fccbbb099e1738519f0482efa7227402b70544407793bbf62f0281d24d7f2", "createdAtBlock": 16822397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcGyGv5vDdcQUG53eYq1c3gMRfny1oNPKMWgk62RQBjB9", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "The two had been in a dead sprint for some time now, and Sam finally slowed his pace to a vigorous walk.\n\nSam, what the heck is going on?! Enigma asked, able to catch her breath for the first time. Her hair, green as her favorite outfit, was a hot mess, and Fred was nested right in the middle.\n\nOk, Eni, Im sorry. I think I got caught up in someth- Before Sam could even finish his sentence, the two were set upon by ambushers!!\n\nA group of cloaked goblins and kobolds leaped from the brush on the sides of the trail, blocking the two from making their movement forward. Before they had time to react, a second group sprung up, blocking the other path.\n\nEEEEEEEEEP EEEEEEEEP EEEEEEEP Friend started shrieking from the inside of Enigmas mess of hair before anyone could really do anything.\n\nThis threw the ambushers off for just a split second; long enough for Sam (who was quite wise) to pull his wits together, and leaped into action.\n\nIGNIS Sam yelled, his voice weaving into the very fabric of time and space. It was almost as if time stood still.\n\nDIABOLIS!!!! Sam finished his incantation, holding (of all things), his old pipe with both of his hands, pointed straight up.\n\n\nPOP!!! A flash of light shot into the skybut then nothing.\n\nHah, and the boss said these two would be a challen- A kobold from the front group of ambushers started to gloat, only to be interrupted by a sudden burst of fire and brimstone!!\n\nIt was raining down hard and fast, but seemed to be completely ignoring Sam and Enigma (whos eyes were VERY closed at this point)."} +{"id": "693ab485-9e58-4958-a062-7b09b701e7f5-2", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T23:41:03.368", "backgroundColor": "#0f8622", "index": 12, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZC8EigM8WCWgLSpRwZ7C3mDvt5DQJPPtdFHZxejNnUUW", "txHash": "0x572fccbbb099e1738519f0482efa7227402b70544407793bbf62f0281d24d7f2", "createdAtBlock": 16822397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcGyGv5vDdcQUG53eYq1c3gMRfny1oNPKMWgk62RQBjB9", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Within moments, the chaos of the rain, and the painful screams of the ambushers died down and Enigma opened her eyes.\n\nSam Upon seeing the smoldering remains of her would-be attackers, she was overtaken by grief. Tears welled as she stood motionless taking in the carnage.\n\nIm sorry Eni, but this is not the time. These are very bad people and they have already murdered too many wizards. We cannot take normal precautions. Sam grabbed Enigma by the shoulder, and looked deep into her eyes.\n\nTheir deep bond allowed Sam to share with her what he had already seen, causing Enigma to tear up and began sobbing.\n\nSamplease no more. I...I understand. But I- Enigma said, between sobs until Sam interrupted her gently.\n\nI know, Eni, I know. I would never ask you to do that. I know you cant. Sams eyes began tearing up and he scooped Enigma up into a huge embrace that seemed to last forever.\n\nEvery denizen of the Runiverse was special, and Enigma was no different. Though she was born to pure evil, she had been blessed with a soul of Light, and was one of the fated Lightborns.\n\nThis rare, tragic blessing only affects those who are born into a world of darkness, but are still just beings of pure love. Enigma would never be able to hurt anyone or anything, because of this tie to her magic.\n\nSam was well aware of this, and the effect that violence and conflict had on her, and held his embrace just a little longer.\n\nAfter the moment had passed, Enigma took a deep breath, leaned heavy into her staff, and said I have never felt such evil, Sam. You must tell me how you got involved. Her eyes pierced deep as their gaze met, and Sam knew right then he had no other choice."} +{"id": "693ab485-9e58-4958-a062-7b09b701e7f5-3", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T23:41:03.368", "backgroundColor": "#0f8622", "index": 12, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZC8EigM8WCWgLSpRwZ7C3mDvt5DQJPPtdFHZxejNnUUW", "txHash": "0x572fccbbb099e1738519f0482efa7227402b70544407793bbf62f0281d24d7f2", "createdAtBlock": 16822397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcGyGv5vDdcQUG53eYq1c3gMRfny1oNPKMWgk62RQBjB9", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "So, the two walked, putting as much distance between them and the ambush site as they could. \n\n\nThey walked and they walked and Sam went into great detail behind the whole thing. It all started with a dream, a dream about a legendary forgotten city, and a relic that would have great complications if it fell into the wrong hands.\n\nSam went on to tell about the city of Atlantis and a device that could contain and control the Quantum Shadow. He couldnt possibly ignore a chance to go on an adventure, so he had taken off to the lost city (which wasnt so lost these days).\n\nHe actually managed to find the artifact he saw in his dreams, and according to him, he managed to get it out of the city and was traveling back home when he was ambushed by the same folks they had met previously.\n\nThey are an evil cult, but I do not know much about them. They deal heavily in death magic, and not much else. Which, as you saw in our shared vision, they use quite liberally. I need to get the artifact back, and theres only a single person I know that is basically the opposite of death magic in every way. Sam said, picking up his speed a bit, anxiously watching Enigmas face for any reactions.\n\nIt took her a moment to process everything, but eventually she looked over to Sam, with a huge grin on her face.\n\nWell of course you would!!! So what youre saying iswere going to the hideout of a death cult to steal back an artifact that YOU found in some ruins. Am I tracking this right? Enigma said, the excitement of adventure growing. Even Fred popped his head out of her hair at the mention of ruins.\n\nYES! Exactly! Excepttheres one really big caveatSam said, looking at the ground as he walked, avoiding all eye contact."} +{"id": "693ab485-9e58-4958-a062-7b09b701e7f5-4", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T23:41:03.368", "backgroundColor": "#0f8622", "index": 12, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZC8EigM8WCWgLSpRwZ7C3mDvt5DQJPPtdFHZxejNnUUW", "txHash": "0x572fccbbb099e1738519f0482efa7227402b70544407793bbf62f0281d24d7f2", "createdAtBlock": 16822397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcGyGv5vDdcQUG53eYq1c3gMRfny1oNPKMWgk62RQBjB9", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Ah. Enigma said, enlightened by his behavior. I saw it in your visions when we embraced. You plan on sacrificing yourself, and youre hoping I can bring you back. The love and support just oozed from her words, reassuring Sam.\n\nIm sorry Eni, I know its so much to ask, butthese guys are really bad. Really really bad. What would happen if they were able to control the whole of the Quantum Shadow?! Sam started to shake, mostly out of emotion for the whole thing.\n\nRest easy, Sam. You know Id do anything in my power for you without hesitation. But you do know Ive never brought back someone from an intentional death, and never another sentient creature. Are you sure you trust my magic that much? Enigmas voice wavered. How could it not? She herself wasnt sure she was capable of such a powerful feat.\n\nOh Eni, I trust you with every fiber of my being. Will your magic be enough? No. But, if I dont make it his gaze darted from the ground directly into hers. You need to finish the job. He dug a small stone out of his pocket and handed it to her.\n\nSimply think of home and crush this under your boot, and you and Fred will both immediately return home. He pressed the stone into her hand and kept his gaze locked on hers. Promise me. His words stern and desperate.\n\nOf course Sam!!! You know Id give my life for you and for the Runiverse Enigma went on and on about how dying isnt the issue, but the lack of Sam in her life. \n\nAs the two went back and forth, Fred (who had found his way into Enigmas pouch) hopped to the ground and started squeaking with intent.\n\nFred?? What?? Ugh, you silly slime, its just a snake! Enigma almost chasting the slime, went over and scooped up the snake."} +{"id": "693ab485-9e58-4958-a062-7b09b701e7f5-5", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T23:41:03.368", "backgroundColor": "#0f8622", "index": 12, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZC8EigM8WCWgLSpRwZ7C3mDvt5DQJPPtdFHZxejNnUUW", "txHash": "0x572fccbbb099e1738519f0482efa7227402b70544407793bbf62f0281d24d7f2", "createdAtBlock": 16822397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcGyGv5vDdcQUG53eYq1c3gMRfny1oNPKMWgk62RQBjB9", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "WaitARCHIMEDES?! Sam squeaked, and scooped the golden viper out of Enigmas hands gingerly.\n\nI was wondering where he was! Why does it sound like you didnt know where he was? Hes your familiar! Enigma was clearly confused with the sudden appearance of the viper, and more so with Sams response.\n\nSo during the ambush where the cult got the crown, Archimedes here snuck away in one of their bags, and was able to help me locate their hideout! But theyre so far underground, we lost our connectionwe must be close!! Sam said, tucking Archimedes under his hat, and heading off with a bit more pep in his step.\n\nUp till now, they had been traveling along known paths throughout the Fey, as Enigma had spent her whole life out here.\n\nHowever, as they crept close to the border, and to their destination, they came across some old world ruins that she had never seen before.\n\nHas this always been here Enigma asked absent mindedly, as she and Sam took in their surroundings. \n\nThe ruins were mostly steel, glass and old world tech that made no sense. Even bits of road were still here and there. These may have been some of the most untouched ruins either one of them had seen up to now.\n\nNot sure, but Archimedes swears this is the place. Sam said, and on que, the tiny viber stuck its head out from under Sams hat and hissed.\n\nThe two slowly wandered through the ruins taking note of anything that might have been disturbed. It was quite surreal, to see so many buildings not destroyed! Homes, shops maybe? Just overgrown with ivy and plants, but even some of the signs were still readable! How on earth did she miss this? Her hut was only a days walk away!"} +{"id": "693ab485-9e58-4958-a062-7b09b701e7f5-6", "createdAt": "2023-03-13T23:41:03.368", "backgroundColor": "#0f8622", "index": 12, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZC8EigM8WCWgLSpRwZ7C3mDvt5DQJPPtdFHZxejNnUUW", "txHash": "0x572fccbbb099e1738519f0482efa7227402b70544407793bbf62f0281d24d7f2", "createdAtBlock": 16822397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcGyGv5vDdcQUG53eYq1c3gMRfny1oNPKMWgk62RQBjB9", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "The two continued to wander, deep in thought until they stumbled on what had to have been the entrance to the cult lair. Archimedes shot out from under Sams hat, and began to slithering in circles around a man-made hole in the center of the path they were on.\n\nIt looked as if this entrance had been here for two millenia, vines growing down it, but clearly very man-made. It even had the remnants of an old steel ladder leading down.\n\nHm, well I guess this is it! Sam said, puffing his pipe a couple of times for comfort. The sweet cherry smoke filled the air, and even made Enigma feel a bit more at ease.\n\nI think youre right. Down we go? She said, the spark of adventure lighting her up her eyes.\n\nDown we go! Sam said with a grin, and the two hopped down.\n\n\nTo be continued"} +{"id": "29a17508-a21e-445f-81cd-9d29de504ff7-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-13T00:24:42.046", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSufTSQfXfFcxxwJGvVm3S4Dm5Pcqo44EqDmadBJVoEHE", "txHash": "0x0bee7d33c20037a0bf10cbfd31acb9c561482af722a6368da96dfc0fa07d155c", "createdAtBlock": 16394276, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10812, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYsTe4z9p9tNJ4gW9HSQ8KBfCzkvK8krxyMG9p8uKzsU", "name": "Bryan Chisler of Monsters", "text": "# The Tale of Bryan, Chisler of Monsters\n\nBryan stood, broadsword swinging idly at his side, and contemplated the path that brought him here. It all began with a map, taken from the corpses of the Brine's misshapen denizens. This chart had led him northeast, up through the wicked mountains, and after much hardship to Dream Master Lake. It is there that he claimed the Hidden Key, and entered the Wild. Through Frog Master Marsh and The Thorn he battled both man and beast, his faithful war hound Kaius at his side. The two conquered realm after realm of the Wild until only the Quantum Shadow remained. Bryan and Kaius entered the bleak, black expanse, disappearing from the ken of man for a year and a day. When they emerged as triumphant conquerors, Bryan held the Rune of Brass clutched tightly in his left hand and an eldritch glint shone in his eye. . \n\nThe role of conquering ruler soon began to chafe. Yearning for challenge he took Kaius and ventured into the desert heat and sand of the Southlands. Slowly roasting in his armor Bryan searched the great desert, finding little but endless sand. As far as the land's edge every tomb and temple lay raided and stripped bare. Of the monsters that once roamed the vastness, all that remained were legends and bones. Turning his back to the howling wind Bryan traveled north, searching always. Desert was now replaced by mountain tundra and dense forests, but the results were the same. Every cave and dungeon, every oak grove and toadstool ring already cleared out by prior hands. Of the great beasts only skeletons remained, and any scraps of treasure long since discovered and removed. He found himself burning for just one more mystery, one adventure not already completed by the endless ranks of mighty warriors and legendary mages."} +{"id": "29a17508-a21e-445f-81cd-9d29de504ff7-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-13T00:24:42.046", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSufTSQfXfFcxxwJGvVm3S4Dm5Pcqo44EqDmadBJVoEHE", "txHash": "0x0bee7d33c20037a0bf10cbfd31acb9c561482af722a6368da96dfc0fa07d155c", "createdAtBlock": 16394276, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10812, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYsTe4z9p9tNJ4gW9HSQ8KBfCzkvK8krxyMG9p8uKzsU", "name": "Bryan Chisler of Monsters", "text": "Surely it could not just be him? Grand adventurers had cleaned out the lairs and crypts of the world and now must surely find the boredom as stifling as he did. Without being able to achieve great deeds these great heroes must find their potential squandered, they must crave the challenges they themselves eliminated. It was while contemplating this that the idea occurred to him, what if he could provide that challenge to the others. \n\n\tWhat if a new order of monster were to appear? One that would test the heroes of the world to their limits and beyond? Would it not be the Ultimate Adventure to create them and dispatch them to the secret places of the world? As these thoughts occurred to him, Kaius began whimpering and he felt the Rune grow hot in his clutched fingers. \n\nAs his beloved dog backed away Bryan felt heat spread from the rune, his arm bursting into greenish flames. As his sword began to melt into his arm the fire spread across his limbs and body. Every nerve screamed as his melting sword, shield, and armor flowed across his form encasing him in red hot, liquid metal. As the metal filled his eye sockets the pain overcame him and he knew no more. \n\n\tWhen he awoke, Bryan was naked with no sign of his clothes or possessions other than the Rune clutched tightly in his hand. Towering over him was the still and silent figure of a giant, seemingly sculpted from brass. At his feet Kaius crouched, growling up at the metal figure. Reflexively reaching for a sword no longer there, Bryan lunged for the figure only to be casually thrown aside as though he was a rag doll."} +{"id": "29a17508-a21e-445f-81cd-9d29de504ff7-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-13T00:24:42.046", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSufTSQfXfFcxxwJGvVm3S4Dm5Pcqo44EqDmadBJVoEHE", "txHash": "0x0bee7d33c20037a0bf10cbfd31acb9c561482af722a6368da96dfc0fa07d155c", "createdAtBlock": 16394276, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10812, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYsTe4z9p9tNJ4gW9HSQ8KBfCzkvK8krxyMG9p8uKzsU", "name": "Bryan Chisler of Monsters", "text": "Sheer surprise shook him. He, who had wrestled great Wyrms, who had defeated trolls and giants hand to hand, had been cast aside as though he were the merest farm boy. Enraged at being treated so dismissively he leapt upon the brass figure, throwing a wild haymaker as he did so. It took him a moment to realize that the sound of breaking bones on impact came from his own fist. As he gasped in pain the brass figure looked on, impassive and silent. As Bryan raised his broken fist he hesitated. For the first time in years he faced an opponent who was his equal, perhaps even his superior. He lowered his fist. \n\nFeeling warmth in his other hand, Bryan looked down to see the Rune of Brass softly glowing there. The Ultimate Adventure, he whispered. At the sound of his words the brass giant nodded once, turned on its heel and retreated from view, leaving Bryan to contemplate his newfound inspiration. \n\n\tAs the decades wore on, Bryan mastered the Rune of Brass, using it to create the most amazing constructs and beings. To fill the void left by his fellow adventurers' exploits he sculpted monsters of titanic strength and speed. From treasure guardians to city leveling titans he repopulated the world of challenges. It is said some of his creations could even threaten the fate of the very world upon which he walked. \n\n\tAs the years crept slowly past, the stories grew. A wandering man, perhaps a retired adventurer or demigod, that walked the lands with his metal dog. Wherever he would go, impossible beasts and improbable creatures would appear soon after. Of course many discounted these tales as fever dreams or too much drink, but even so the legend of Bryan the artisan of opponents grew in the telling."} +{"id": "29a17508-a21e-445f-81cd-9d29de504ff7-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-13T00:24:42.046", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSufTSQfXfFcxxwJGvVm3S4Dm5Pcqo44EqDmadBJVoEHE", "txHash": "0x0bee7d33c20037a0bf10cbfd31acb9c561482af722a6368da96dfc0fa07d155c", "createdAtBlock": 16394276, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10812, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYsTe4z9p9tNJ4gW9HSQ8KBfCzkvK8krxyMG9p8uKzsU", "name": "Bryan Chisler of Monsters", "text": "In his endless quest for challenges Bryan has spent recent years peering into otherworldly realms, and found them all wanting but one. On a distant world he scryed the forms of massive metal beasts roaming mountains called the Worldteeth, and the agitation they cause among the locals. Perhaps the natives of this Moonstone Empire would be up for the Ultimate Adventure."} +{"id": "c1a7116e-b3b8-495a-8287-0267308f69c9-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-17T05:25:07.915", "backgroundColor": "#695251", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRA2a8uxLWjW8HtYb6etnEtJXPtCaTSBSoZntAyZU9XBE", "txHash": "0x61ff851845ff0b3ef908407507a14b477035ab1873f60d2ebcd4893efd7ebcae", "createdAtBlock": 16845440, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3656, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Milo of the Bibliotheca", "text": "**Sage Milo of the Bibliotheca**, or *Smilo* as he is often called, is a wizard of the Yellow Hats who has made a name for himself in Chronomancer's Riviera. Smilo was born in the Bibliotheca, a vast library that contains the secrets of magic and knowledge. He was fascinated by the books and scrolls that filled the shelves, and he spent his childhood reading and learning from them. He had a natural talent for charm, the magic of manipulating emotions, and he soon became one of the most promising students of the Yellow Hats, the order of mages that guarded the Bibliotheca.\n\nHowever, Smilo also had a restless and adventurous spirit, and he longed to see the world beyond the library. He was bored by the strict rules and rituals of the Yellow Hats, and he craved excitement and fun. He often sneaked out of the Bibliotheca to explore the Charmers Riviera, a coastal region where emotions were heightened and where people lived in a perpetual state of partying and pleasure. He was drawn to the music, the dancing, the drinking, and the romance that filled the air. He made many friends and lovers among the Rivieras inhabitants, and he enjoyed their carefree and hedonistic lifestyle.\n\nSmilo became known as the Yellow Hat Wizard of the Riviera, and he used his charm to enhance the festivities and to satisfy his own whims. He could make people feel happy or sad, calm or angry, brave or fearful, and even love or hate. He was always looking for new experiences and sensations, and he never worried about the consequences of his actions. He believed that life was meant to be lived in the emotion, and that the reason and the logic were irrelevant."} +{"id": "c1a7116e-b3b8-495a-8287-0267308f69c9-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-17T05:25:07.915", "backgroundColor": "#695251", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRA2a8uxLWjW8HtYb6etnEtJXPtCaTSBSoZntAyZU9XBE", "txHash": "0x61ff851845ff0b3ef908407507a14b477035ab1873f60d2ebcd4893efd7ebcae", "createdAtBlock": 16845440, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3656, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Milo of the Bibliotheca", "text": "Smilos attitude and behavior earned him the disapproval and resentment of many of his fellow Yellow Hats, who considered him irresponsible and reckless. They warned him that his charm was dangerous and unstable, and that he was risking the balance of emotions and the integrity of the Bibliotheca. They also reminded him of the Quantum Shadow, a mysterious and malevolent force that threatened to consume the world and erase its existence. They urged him to return to the library and to devote himself to the study and protection of magic.\n\nSmilo ignored their warnings and their pleas, and he continued to live his life as he pleased. He was confident in his abilities and his luck, and he believed that the Quantum Shadow was nothing but a myth. He also trusted that the Battle Mage mountains, a range of peaks that separated the Riviera from the rest of the world, would shield him and his friends from any danger. He was happy and joyful, and he saw no reason to change his ways.\n\nSmilos lore is a story of a young and talented wizard who chose to follow his heart and his desires, rather than his duty and his destiny. He is a character who embodies the strengths and weaknesses of the Yellow Hats, and who represents the contrast between the Bibliotheca and the Riviera. He is a charmer who lives in the emotion, and who does not care about the reason and the logic. He is Smilo, the Yellow Hat Wizard of the Bibliotheca."} +{"id": "956e98cc-da6d-4895-b564-8a584c64b933-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-13T03:13:03.412", "backgroundColor": "#400202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaj5qJjQiHSZ4sqfmgkJ7gSuKhPpX39VWz364rUxqXtYB", "txHash": "0x154d53aefbdd2beee26c0509155a67da4d94aaa49a987885cecd1fe24162c692", "createdAtBlock": 16395423, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Naoki of the Tundra", "text": "# The Sorcerer and the Frog\n\n>In the land of ice and snow,\n\n>A capricious sorcerer once did grow.\n\n>With a crimson frog e'er by his side,\n\n>A friendly bond, they seemed to abide.\n\n###\n\n>Yet the frog was cunning, a quite wily one!\n\n>Had a hidden agenda to be undone?\n\n>He led his companion on journeys far and wide,\n\n>To a sacred flame that ne'er would subside.\n\n###\n\n>The sorcerer was enthralled and entranced by the fire,\n\n>He danced in the shadows unaware growing desire.\n\n>See, the frog had a plan, almost complete,\n\n>To use his friends weakness for his own grand deceit.\n\n###\n\n>The frog was obsessed with this bright shining blaze,\n\n>And its secrets and power had long held his gaze.\n\n>But while hed carefully plotted the course to this place,\n\n>The nature of the flame was yet to be faced.\n\n###\n\n>The sorcerer, basking in shimmering light, knew\n\n>The flame offered greatness, or perhaps, fatal plight.\n\n>Twixt caution and ambition, he was equally torn,\n\n>Not knowing the path to embrace or to scorn.\n\n###\n\n>So our story ends with sorcerer frozen 'fore flame,\n\n>His fate - uncertain - a mystery to claim.\n\n>Will he finally succumb to the frog's machination,\n\n>And pay the price, for flame's burning sensation?\n\n###\n\n>Or will he turn from the flame's all-consuming suffusion,\n\n>Choosing a safe and secure yet too certain conclusion?\n\n>Only time will tell, what fate will befall,\n\n>The sorcerer and the frog, after all."} +{"id": "4b91c0fe-5d98-4967-b104-0da01c0c1de1-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-17T14:27:18.155", "backgroundColor": "#073413", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT9uky6RdN929zAn7zixycvLJ7DuZfUUMtT4xiMFe19rn", "txHash": "0x4190b7c6410b443691e59fa0196b0533d847152070839b8f1202e8783a69f738", "createdAtBlock": 16848120, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3897, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Impy of the Tower", "text": "Adept Impy of The Tower was not always a wizard. Born into a family of humble farmers, Impy showed an early fascination with the natural world and a deep curiosity about the forces that governed it. As a child, he would often sneak away from his chores to explore the nearby woods, collecting specimens of plants and animals to study in secret.\n\nWhen he was twelve years old, Impy discovered a hidden cave deep in the forest. Inside, he found an ancient tome that spoke of magic and the art of wizardry. The book had been written by a powerful wizard named Eldritch, who had once lived in the nearby tower, but had disappeared centuries ago. Impy became obsessed with the book, reading it every chance he got and practicing the spells and incantations within.\n\nImpy's parents were worried about their son's strange behavior and sought the advice of the village elders. They were told that Impy had been chosen by the spirits of the forest to become a wizard, and that he must be trained in the ways of magic in order to fulfill his destiny. Impy's parents were reluctant to let their son leave home, but they eventually relented, and Impy set out on a journey to find the legendary Tower of Eldritch.\n\nAfter many months of travel, Impy finally arrived at the Tower. The building was in ruins, but Impy could sense the powerful magic that still lingered within its walls. He spent years studying the ancient texts and artifacts that he found there, gradually mastering the arcane arts.\n\nNow, Adept Impy of The Tower is one of the most powerful wizards in the land. He uses his magic to protect the natural world and its inhabitants, and to uncover the secrets of the past. Many young apprentices come to him seeking knowledge and guidance, and Impy takes great pleasure in passing on the wisdom he has gained over his long years of study."} +{"id": "490fe28a-92af-4c74-929d-3c44a7a892bb-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-13T17:22:04.762", "backgroundColor": "#b36db9", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxmLiR2dLeAd5udgA1sDWFz52zKmCMS1YYxQ5HDFr3G8", "txHash": "0x425a9eb719c3ae63dfce3f39b8303e70906c1b0887c3cf0c169fe84e6140d933", "createdAtBlock": 16399332, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15510, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dr. Slurp Synthesizer of Sound", "text": "**Heaven's Bass.**\n\nWith a relic of Death in hand, I melt. Sound reminds me of death; even synthesis is death. Waves vibrate while they have energy. Every dog has his day. Cats only have nine lives. \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiiN3Nm80yI"} +{"id": "b14f8647-42de-4a4d-951b-938814de3c0d-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-17T14:41:50.838", "backgroundColor": "#4b2b29", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRg9i3MxhEkVSW2R1BY5DWi8JtTrRh9gpfMPABue8TzPz", "txHash": "0x636b43cbd062b54b63e9c5a0393d1a7173adac5220771329071c31fdcdcd0d9d", "createdAtBlock": 16848190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 469, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Woomba of the Abandoned Waste", "text": "In the dark corners of the abandoned waste, where the ruins of ancient civilizations lie buried, there lived a Kobold named Woomba. As a member of the Kobold race, Woomba was naturally drawn to the underground tunnels and hidden chambers that lay beneath the ruins. However, Woomba was particularly fascinated with the graveyards that dotted the abandoned waste.\n\nWoomba had shown an unusual interest in the dead from a young age. While other Kobolds shied away from the decaying corpses they occasionally encountered in their travels, Woomba would eagerly investigate each one. He would carefully examine the bones and scraps of flesh, seeking out any items of value that might have been buried with the deceased.\n\nWoomba's obsession with the dead only grew as he got older. He spent countless hours poring over old tombstones and mausoleums, seeking out hidden passages and secret chambers that might contain treasures or artifacts. At first, the other kobolds in his tribe thought his interest in grave robbing was odd, but they soon realized that Woomba had a natural talent for it. He could find hidden crypts and secret tunnels that no one else could, and he always seemed to know where to look for valuable items.\n\nAs Woomba's reputation as a skilled grave robber grew, he began to attract the attention of other Kobold clans who were interested in his talents. He quickly became known as \"Grave Robbing Kobold Woomba of the Abandoned Waste,\" a name that struck fear into the hearts of other kobolds and adventurers alike.\n\nDespite his reputation, Woomba was not motivated solely by greed. A deep curiosity drove him about the ancient civilizations that had once thrived in the abandoned waste. He believed that the treasures he uncovered were not just valuable for their material worth but also for the insights they provided into the past. Woomba saw himself as a historian of sorts, a keeper of knowledge that might otherwise be lost to time."} +{"id": "b14f8647-42de-4a4d-951b-938814de3c0d-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-17T14:41:50.838", "backgroundColor": "#4b2b29", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRg9i3MxhEkVSW2R1BY5DWi8JtTrRh9gpfMPABue8TzPz", "txHash": "0x636b43cbd062b54b63e9c5a0393d1a7173adac5220771329071c31fdcdcd0d9d", "createdAtBlock": 16848190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 469, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Woomba of the Abandoned Waste", "text": "In the end, Woomba's quest for knowledge and treasure proved to be both a blessing and a curse. He uncovered countless valuable artifacts and relics, but he also attracted the attention of dangerous creatures and rival Kobold clans who sought to steal his treasures."} +{"id": "02f43c9d-623d-45f4-bc78-88a3e0303a59-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-20T16:01:18.987", "backgroundColor": "#123b83", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdthcTchs7FkuBnfnfxMfH2yBNvi7SRWcjEzfGKaYMqNi", "txHash": "0x7cf853ae2e9e7a0f058e11563b5a563442408181a829c1321094558a9793b2d4", "createdAtBlock": 16869939, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3537, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brock Bloodletter of the Riverlands", "text": "# Brock, A Wandering Warrior Who Befriends Bugs\n\nMainly Beetles.\n\nBrock, the Bloodletter who Befriends Beetles, always had an affinity for the hard shells and mighty horns of giant beetles.\n\nAs a child he would sit atop their shells and ride them to the river. Only to both jump in and float down the rapids.\n\nHe didn't need many friends, because he had his beetles. \n\nAs he grew older, and the world colder, he always had his beetles to keep him company. They both grew hard shells to the outside world.\n\nChallenge Brock the Bloodletter of Riverlands, a mistake not many make, and not only will you face his mighty cleaver, but an army of spell resistant and armored beetles that emerge from the rivers of Riverlands to come to his aid."} +{"id": "d97f9ae5-7aef-4cf6-8e56-526219ce881e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:36.507", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6Xy7bUR2pxgVqTbeSpnzN724kgmq8AiciMRuGkxw1xq", "txHash": "0xa01e09dcae1a8778c203a8d0c6e660c3e6a3eb04f79f62b2c49c654f9ba75ec2", "createdAtBlock": 16403819, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6852, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYS3P7ctF3dF6csxWJFzYs5HAvb2Dv9xqzxEpeHN5X7Zr", "name": "Illusionist Basil of the Tower", "text": "# Illusionist Basil of the Tower\n\n\nThe forest was silent, only the sound of a green woodpecker could be heard. And then the muttering: _...you are my everything. - No, what would she react, think! - I'm yours forever! - Ah, she would never say that_\". And it went on like that for hours, as the once prominent student of the Secret Tower roamed through the wilderness.\n\n\nIt had started out as an innocent affection. The sweets she's selling were also a delight, it was a good reason for visiting her every day. But no matter what he conjured up for her, she would not care more, just the smile she gave to all other customers. \n\nHis adoration of @wizard5251 slowly consumed the wizard's mind. And that's when he found it, in his abysmal desperation. A small building in the middle of the forest. As he approached it, noises of clincking, pattering, a little blast - It's a workshop! - He thought. The plate above the door said **Cabinet of Curiosities**, and he knew already what he would get here, and how that would seal his and Velorina's fate. His little rabbit looked up on him, asking with his eyes - _Is this a good idea?_ - He jiggled, and entered the premises."} +{"id": "b982045c-992c-405b-be8e-174a5f29330b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:49.426", "backgroundColor": "#9db687", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8SBvP1Q6Cig72onjPeEo1rVHFkBLzQpPcc18Fm9ckhV", "txHash": "0xf7c91d4ac6c500cf69105506ad1a999618f7c8ea74a476b6bdc4de0b20df0d15", "createdAtBlock": 16873985, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6381, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Jerret of the Sacred Pillars\n\nIn the days of old, when the Forgotten World was still young and full of wonders, there lived a troubled mind amongst his peers. Archmagus Jerret of the Sacred Pillars was his name, and he hailed from truly noble beginnings. The only child of a great line of Jerrets who had been nobles for millennia, ruling over the lands to the north east of the Sacred Pillars region.\n\nJerret's early life was one of abundance, for his parents were wealthy beyond measure and spared no expense in his upbringing. He was bestowed a great education from the finest professors in the land, but alas, he was deemed as somewhat of an outsider amongst his peers due to his vivid imagination and fairly aloof personality.\n\nA combination of a wanting for nothing and a carefree attitude led him down a dark path in his early adulthood. Corrupted by his life of privilege, he descended into a life of sin and an overzealous addiction to opioids, wine and women for many a decade.\n\nBut as fate would have it, the night of his sixtieth solar orbit would prove to be the beginning of his true journey in life. The Sacred Pillars called out to him, their ancient voices echoing through the halls of his mind.\n\nWith a flash of bright white light, a vision was shown to him. It was a glimpse of what his future would entail, for he would travel the Forgotten World, train alongside a powerful wizard in a forest, communicate with animals, fly on some kind of creature, live amongst the natural habitat, and cast powerful spells with a bright pink staff."} +{"id": "b982045c-992c-405b-be8e-174a5f29330b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:49.426", "backgroundColor": "#9db687", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8SBvP1Q6Cig72onjPeEo1rVHFkBLzQpPcc18Fm9ckhV", "txHash": "0xf7c91d4ac6c500cf69105506ad1a999618f7c8ea74a476b6bdc4de0b20df0d15", "createdAtBlock": 16873985, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6381, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "In the months that followed, Jerret was consumed by his vision. He spoke to family members about it over and over, hoping that their past may help him unravel what he had witnessed. But his questioning amounted to very little, for none could remember anyone in their family ever possessing any kind of magical powers.\n\nAnd so, his quest for knowledge and enlightenment led him to an old chest deep inside one of the family homes' basements. Inside was a glowing bright pink staff, it was about five feet long and made of a sturdy but lightweight material with the engraving 'magna potestas in terra abscondita est' along the handle.\n\nThe discovery of the courage staff was the enlightening Jerret needed, and he set out on a journey to unlock his true potential. He travelled the Forgotten World in search of answers and the mysterious Wizard from his glimpse. Far and wide, over many moons he wandered through Dream Master Lake, The Wild, The Carnival Pass until he reached the deep south of The Thorn, where his vision became a reality.\n\nIt was there that he met the wizard he had long searched for, and he submitted himself to the wizard in return for him training him in the ways of the Green Wizards.\n\nJerret's heart was filled with both wonder and trepidation as he gazed upon the wise wizard who stood before him. The wizard's long beard, as white as snow, flowed down to his waist and his piercing blue eyes seemed to hold within them the knowledge of ages.\n\nWith great reverence, Jerret fell to his knees and presented the courage staff to the wizard. The wizard studied the staff for a moment, then nodded approvingly.\n\n\"So, you are the one who has been called,\" the wizard said in a voice that rumbled like distant thunder. \"The Sacred Pillars have chosen you to wield the power of magic.\""} +{"id": "b982045c-992c-405b-be8e-174a5f29330b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:49.426", "backgroundColor": "#9db687", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8SBvP1Q6Cig72onjPeEo1rVHFkBLzQpPcc18Fm9ckhV", "txHash": "0xf7c91d4ac6c500cf69105506ad1a999618f7c8ea74a476b6bdc4de0b20df0d15", "createdAtBlock": 16873985, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6381, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "Jerret's heart leaped with joy and fear at the same time. He had always dreamed of wielding magic, but he could sense the weight of the task that lay before him.\n\nAnd so, under the guidance of the wise wizard, Jerret began his training in the ways of the Green Wizards. He learned to commune with the spirits of nature, to speak with the animals, and to harness the power of the elements.\n\nIt was not an easy journey. There were times when Jerret felt overwhelmed and wanted to give up, but the wizard was always there to encourage him and guide him back onto the path.\n\nThe wizard pushed Jerret to his limits, teaching him powerful spells that were not for the faint of heart. Years passed, and Jerret became a powerful wizard in his own right. He flew on the backs of giant eagles, communed with the spirits of the trees, and cast spells that shook the very foundations of the earth.\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "14b8b1f4-3232-4c56-bab8-05b6c9971457-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T10:34:04.281", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYtNHdSrgwaKNATnExBHFVicAnvE2ZyGbNyMXFefp3ahJ", "txHash": "0x14d9964901ea2a3027bf9e1a75e842a5da749117f1fd70f0b4166055fdaf4e88", "createdAtBlock": 16404473, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 423, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ7Zd6ia4aim2WmMmUqN6q6q97YePVUMvKL4AGfaaGub2", "name": "Archmagus Azahl of the Villa", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n****\n\nBladder-wrack stretched out making himself comfortable as he slung over his masters shoulder. \nArchmagus Azahl was lost in thought.\nA follower of the old gods and the laws of chaos, frustration consumed him.\nThe world was full of follies and trifles, the blade of chaos was slipping away.\nCanines fought constantly with the house of Cats over who was sneaking the protected fowl, Brown hats burrowed in the dirt oblivious to all, the Riviera was a joke, a play ground for fools and the citadel full of technocrats and sloths.\nAction was need before the true dark magic was lost.\nWhat to do?\nBladder-wrack dozed dreaming of fish in the stream warmed by his masters body heat.\nAzahl walked over to the window, and peered far out to the west, storm clouds crackled high above. \nHe grinned he would bring the chaos back."} +{"id": "f10cae56-7fe9-479e-a0ed-31893507bc59-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-21T17:04:06.563", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSNLoQD33ddMCZcZsqBCm8mrFHBqB2iDZMYaGPtZPCSJx", "txHash": "0xe45963a870ee51e489d88256dbc7b6df6bcbe3f199d24a372a6b51e22129e9ae", "createdAtBlock": 16877373, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4403, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://ordinals.com/content/c1a4132054cd52cefd82fb36a71162c83e655f24f0998d036eda0777d64fa783i0", "name": "Enchanter Gary of Avalon", "text": "# A bored enchanter \n\n_This is the story of enchanter Gary_*\n\nGary woke up one morning and mistakenly slided on his magic rod\n\n*An orange portal opened in front of Gary*\n\n> Holy Molly, Guacamole \n\n\nGary went into the orange portal and never came back\n\n\n\nhttps://ordinals.com/inscription/c1a4132054cd52cefd82fb36a71162c83e655f24f0998d036eda0777d64fa783i0\n\nTeleburn address: 0xaf9c46f8fefa003428a5104d4bf5434219b717d8\n\nhttps://twitter.com/0xGrug"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "# Geochemistry of Surface Waters Around Four Hard-Rock Lithium Deposits in Central Europe\n### Jonas Toupal1,*, David R. Vann1, Chen Zhu2 and Reto Gier1,3\n#### 1\tDepartment of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-6316, USA\n#### 2\tDepartment of Geological Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 47405, USA\n#### 3\tCenter of Excellence in Environmental Toxicology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, 19104-6316, USA\n#### *\tCorrespondence: toupal@sas.upenn.edu\n#### Disclaimer: This is a not-the-most-up-to-date manuscript of the work and not formatted perfectly. Additionally, figures are not included. The most up to date and correct version is found at here.\n### Abstract:"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "### Abstract: \nThere are several Li-mica and spodumene deposits in Central Europe. The Cnovec deposit on the border of the Czech Republic and Germany is the largest known hard-rock Li deposit in Europe and is currently being explored. Weathering and mining of such deposits could release Li and F to the environment. Both elements are associated with potential health effects when ingested via drinking water, yet little is known about the aqueous geochemistry of streams and creeks around Li hard-rock deposits. In this study, we sampled surface waters (n = 47) near three Li-mica and one spodumene deposit to examine a potential public health risk resulting from the weathering of Li-minerals. At the Cnovec and Homolka (also in the Czech Republic) sites, several water samples have elevated Li contents relative to those in typical surface waters, but they are all below the U.S. EPA-recommended threshold of 0.7 mg/L. Three of the ten samples from Cnovec contain F in concentrations that are above World Health Organizations 1.5 mg/L drinking water limit, and thus these waters (max. concentration: 3.8 mg/L) may represent a public health hazard. Based on geochemical modeling and statistical analysis, the lithium in the water comes from Li-micas and the fluoride is derived from a combination of Li-micas and fluorite, depending on the specific site analyzed. Lithium seems to be scavenged by clay minerals. \nKeywords: Lithium; zinnwaldite; spodumene; fluorosis; PHREEQC; mining."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "### 1. Introduction"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Lithium (Li) is a strategic metal, important to the current and future energy infrastructure. Lithium-ion batteries are utilized in mobile phones, computers, and electric vehicles (EVs), as well as for electric energy storage technologies, such as large-scale batteries to store electricity produced by solar and wind power plants (Li et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019). The use of these appliances and devices has increased significantly in the past years and is likely to keep boosting the demand for Li in the near future (Greim et al., 2020; Martin et al., 2017). There are other applications for Li beyond electronics: it is incorporated, for example, in glass, ceramics, glass ceramics, lubricating greases, pharmaceuticals (to treat bipolar disorder, manic depression, and Wilsons disease; (Loganathan et al., 2008; Mayo Clinic, n.d.; Swain, 2017)), air treatment, polymer production, and aluminum production, amongst others (e.g., (Bradley et al., 2017a; Martin et"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-4", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "(Bradley et al., 2017a; Martin et al., 2017)). Additionally, the nuclear sector uses Li to produce tritium (3H), a fuel for nuclear fusion. Even if the success of EVs penetrating the market is limited, Li might still be a sought-after metal in the future should nuclear fusion become economically viable (Kovari et al., 2018). It has also been suggested that liquid Li may keep the fusion process stable, which would create immense demand for Li (Ono et al., 2017). The amount of Li these various sectors consume today is not changing dramatically, except for the battery industry. In 2014, rechargeable batteries were responsible for only about 29 wt.% of the Li produced worldwide, whereas glass and ceramics accounted for 35 wt.% (Bradley et al., 2017b); in 2019, however, batteries consumed 65 wt.% of the Li produced, and glass and ceramics only 18 wt.%, reflecting the increase in popularity of portable electronics and EVs (USGS, 2020)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-5", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The majority of Li (58% by weight) is supplied from brine deposits located in the so-called ABC triangle (the border area of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile), in SW China (e.g., Zhabuye Lake, Tibet), and in the southwestern USA (e.g., Clayton Valley, NV) (Bradley et al., 2017a; Swain, 2017). Even though production of Li from brine deposits is, under current economic and technological conditions, relatively cheap (approximately 50% cheaper than production from hard rocks), interest is now also directed at deposits hosted by pegmatites and granites (Flexer et al., 2018; USGS, 2015). In Europe, for example, there is a strong momentum to create a vertically integrated EV supply chain, from mining to battery manufacture to vehicle assembly, as evidenced by the latest ERA-MIN3 (ERA-MIN3, 2021, p. 3) project or in other publications (Gourcerol et al., 2019; Lebedeva et al., 2017). With no brine deposits on the European continent, the hard-rock deposits are being considered for exploitation (Gourcerol et al., 2019)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-6", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Several Li-bearing minerals of economic value occur in hard-rock deposits, with the most important being: the Li-pyroxene spodumene (LiAlSi2O6), the phyllosilicates petalite (LiAlSi4O10), lepidolite (KLi2Al(Si4O10)(F,OH)2) and zinnwaldite (KLiFe2+Al(AlSi3O10)F1.5(OH)0.5), and the phosphate amblygonite (Li,Na)AlPO4(F,OH). The terms lepidolite and zinnwaldite are not valid mineral species, but rather refer to a series of compositions ranging between the species polylithionite (KLi2Al(Si4O10)(F,OH)2) and trilithionite (K(Li1.5Al1.5)(AlSi3O10)(F,OH)2) and between siderophyllite (KFe2+2Al(Al2Si2O10)(OH)2) and polylithionite, respectively. Most current operations focus on obtaining Li from spodumene (e.g., Greenbushes Deposit, Western Australia; Pervomaisky Mine, Southeastern Russia; Tanco Mine, Canada; (MIR, 2008)). Other mineral deposits currently explored include"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-7", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "2008)). Other mineral deposits currently explored include a zinnwaldite deposit in Cnovec, Czech Republic and a lepidolite deposit in Central Vietnam (Breiter et al., 2019; Hien-Dinh et al., 2017). The Cnovec site is unusual, as historically, it was mined for tin (cn in Czech) and tungsten, and many underground tunnels persist. The first records of mining in this area are from the second half of the 15th century, and the oldest known underground shaft dates to 1686 (Richter, 2018). Mining on the German side was halted after World War II, on the Czech side in the year 1990 (Richter, 2018). During the previous mining activities Li was not a valuable commodity, but now, companies are considering re-opening the mining operations specifically for the extraction of this metal (European Metals, 2019)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-8", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Information on the environmental impacts of obtaining Li from granite and pegmatite deposits is relatively scarce (Bradley et al., 2017a). Landscape alteration, such as open pit mines, and related silicate dust plumes are major physical impacts, typical of any type of surface mining. Some projects, such as the exploitation of the Cnovec deposit, are proposed as underground operations (European Metals, 2019). In both situations, leaching of tailings and wind dispersion of tailing dust will be a major environmental and health concern. Leaching of both tailings and ore-containing rocks, induced or facilitated by weathering and mining, is likely to impact water geochemistry. For example, a water quality study of tailing ponds around mined spodumene pegmatites in South Dakota reported pH values of 8 10, which were interpreted as reflecting equilibration with orthoclase and plagioclase (Rahn et al., 1996). The authors of this investigation further documented low concentrations of heavy metals, but"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-9", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "documented low concentrations of heavy metals, but did not analyze the waters for Li. There are, to the best of our knowledge, only two other studies that examined the geochemistry of waters near Li hard-rock deposits and also included data for Li concentrations. Near a spodumene deposit in Southeastern Ireland, researchers analyzed 115 samples of both surface and ground water (Kavanagh et al., 2017). The Li concentration in the surface waters ranged up to 91 g/L, with an average of 20 g/L, whereas that in the groundwaters ranged up to 97 g/L, with an average of 23 g/L. These scientists further reported that in general, typical Li concentrations in fresh waters are between 1 and 20 g/L(Kavanagh et al., 2017), consistent with the global riverine mean of 1.9 g/L (Huh et al., 1998). In the second study, researchers focusing on the environmental impacts of the C57 Gonalo spodumene mine in Portugal (Rodrigues et al., 2019) collected ten"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-10", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "(Rodrigues et al., 2019) collected ten water samples with a Li concentration ranging from 6.9 to 74.1 g/L. They further stated that the typical concentration of Li in freshwaters in Portugal ranges between 1 to 10 g/L. Both of these studies, thus, show that Li concentration is elevated near spodumene deposits. Another study aimed to quantify the environmental impacts of Li hard-rock mining in the largest Li mine in Asia, the Jiajika mine in China (Gao et al., 2021). This investigation, however, focused on As and some heavy metals, and neither Li nor fluoride (F-) were analyzed. The authors were able to show that the concentrations of the elements of interest in the nearby streams adhered to the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water limits, except for As, Pb, and Mn in some samples, and that pH was higher and dissolved oxygen lower near tailings (Gao et al., 2021)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-11", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Lithium is considered a dangerous metal by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Kjlholt et al., 2003) and is listed as such in the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS, 2007). The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends a threshold of 0.7 mg/L for Li in drinking water based on a Lowest Observable Adverse Effect Level resulting in nephrotoxicity in humans receiving long-term Li therapy for treatment of manic depressive disorders (Tripathi, 2011), but does not define a maximum contaminant level (US EPA, 2021). While Li is used in pharmaceuticals to treat depression, bipolar disorder, and mania (Loganathan et al., 2008; Mayo Clinic, n.d.; Swain, 2017), there is a suite of known side effects resulting from Li intake, including poor memory, unusual weakness, dizziness, slow heartbeat, renal failure, and interference with several biological processes (Mayo Clinic, n.d.; Tanveer et al., 2019; US EPA, 2008). Patients receiving lithium orally take between 300 1200 mg of Li two to three times a day (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). Therapeutic serum dosage is on the order of 10 mg/L Li in blood; at 20 mg/L, the concentration can be fatal to humans (Aral and Vecchio-Sadus, 2008). In plants, Li phytotoxicity manifests itself as necrosis, or breakdown of chlorophyll (Tanveer et al., 2019)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-12", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Table 1. Average bulk chemical composition and main minerals of the four studied hard-rock deposits (wt.%). Mineral abbreviations are as follows: Ab = albite; Kfs = K-feldspar; Qz = quartz; Znw = zinnwaldite; Tpz = topaz; Fl = fluorite; (Li)-Ms = (Li)-muscovite; Ap = apatite; Amb = amblygonite; Tur = tourmaline; Pl = plagioclase; Spd = spodumene.\n\tCnovec\t\tHomolka\t\tPodles\t\tRappold Complex*\n\tGranite \tGreisen\t\tGranite\t\tStock Granite\tDike Granite\t\tPegmatite\nSiO2\t73.93\t69.25\t\t72.93\t\t73.80\t70.10\t\t74.05\nTiO2\t0.02\t0.01\t\t0.04\t\t0.06\t0.02\t\t0.02\nAl2O3\t14.13\t13.71\t\t14.80\t\t14.58\t15.77\t\t14.64\nFe2O3\t0.30\t2.76\t\t0.84\t\t0.30\t0.11\t\t1.89\nFeO\t0.64\t1.81\t\t\t\t0.88\t0.67\t\t\nMgO\t0.10\t0.02\t\t0.16\t\t0.04\t0.02\t\t0.10\nMnO\t0.08\t0.38\t\t0.05\t\t0.02\t0.04\t\t0.47\nCaO\t0.60\t0.44\t\t0.50\t\t0.39\t0.43\t\t0.51"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-13", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Li2O\t0.21\t0.92\t\t0.07\t\t0.13\t0.33\t\t0.07\nNa2O\t3.79\t0.08\t\t3.93\t\t3.19\t4.10\t\t5.04\nK2O\t3.04\t3.28\t\t4.14\t\t4.46\t4.25\t\t1.75\nP2O5\t0.01\t0.02\t\t0.56\t\t0.38\t1.03\t\t0.03\nF\t1.05\t4.45\t\t0.34\t\t1.28\t1.31\t\t\nMajor Minerals\tQz, Ab, Znw\tQz, Ab, Znw\t\tQz, Ab, Li-Ms, Or\t\tQz, Ab, Znw, Tpz\tQz, Kfs, Ab, Tpz, Znw\t\tKfs, Qz, Pl, Ms, Spd\nMinor Li-/F-minerals\tTpz, Fl\tTpz, Fl\t\tTpz, Ap\t\tAmb, Tur, Ap\tTur, Ap, Amb\t\tTur\nSource\t(Breiter et al., 2017)\n(Breiter et al., 2017)\n\t(Breiter and Scharbert, 1995)\n\t(Breiter, 2002)\n(Breiter, 2002)\n\t(Knoll et al., 2018)"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-14", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "*Sankt Radegund bei Graz pegmatites are part of the Rappold Complex, but no geochemical composition of those specific outcrops was available.\nAral and Vecchio-Sadus reviewed the available literature on the toxicity of Li and concluded that at natural background Li concentrations, its toxicity is relatively low for humans (Aral and Vecchio-Sadus, 2008). Additionally, researchers have also examined the possibility that elevated Li concentrations in drinking water may lead to a reduction of crime and suicide rates, but not all studies support this hypothesis (Kabacs et al., 2011; Ohgami et al., 2009; Oliveira et al., 2019). While there are no regulatory limits on the amount of Li in drinking water aside from the EPA-recommendation, the Australian Capital Territory set a limit on the amount of Li allowed to enter waterways (2.5 mg/L (EPR, 2005)). Based on the available information in the literature, we suggest that the Li distribution in the environment near Li deposits should be monitored."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-15", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Apart from Li, Li-micas also contain significant amounts of fluorine (F), which may be released to the environment during weathering. High concentrations of F- in water may cause fluorosis (Khairnar et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016; Perumal et al., 2013; Rango et al., 2012). The WHOs (WHO, 1999) threshold for F- concentration in drinking water is 1.5 mg/L. Ingesting water with F- concentrations between 1.5 and 3.0 mg/L leads to dental fluorosis, symptoms of which range from dental lesions and tooth discoloration to broken teeth (Yadav et al., 2009). Bones begin to show signs of fluorosis above 3.0 mg/L, with symptoms, such as, skeletal lesions, osteosclerosis, and changes in the structures of joints and limbs (Comba and Cinar, 2016). Severe skeletal fluorosis has been shown to interfere with the ability to breathe, as structural ribcage deformation affects proper lung function (Mandal et al.,"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-16", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "deformation affects proper lung function (Mandal et al., 2014). Fluoride can replace the hydroxyl group in hydroxyapatite, which makes up bones (Godebo et al., 2020; Kurdi, 2016; Srivastava and Lohani, 2015). The transformation of hydroxyapatite into fluorapatite has a negative impact on bone density, strength, collagen content and composition, and microstructure (Godebo et al., 2020). Globally, India is suffering the most from elevated F- concentrations in drinking water, but as elevated concentrations have also been observed elsewhere, F- levels are monitored in many parts of the world (Ali et al., 2016; Banerjee, 2015; Beltrn-Aguilar et al., 2010; Fordyce et al., 2007). Because both lepidolite and zinnwaldite, as well as amblygonite may contain considerable amounts of F, water sources near deposits that host these minerals should be analyzed for F- contents."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-17", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The goal of this research was to establish background levels of Li, F-, and other ionic species in waters around four hard-rock Li deposits in Central Europe, one of which is being actively explored and scheduled for production in the near future. If mining were to take place in one of these four deposits, this study provides pre-mining concentrations of these aqueous species and offers a benchmark for potentially required remediation. Additionally, this study aims to understand whether natural weathering of these deposits can lead to dangerous amounts of Li or F- in surface and drinking waters and to a potential public health concern. Finally, the geochemical data could also be used in exploration for Li deposits elsewhere."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-18", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "### 2. Materials and Methods \n#### 2.1. Geological Setting\nWe collected water samples near three Li-mica granite/greisen bodies and one spodumene pegmatite in Central Europe (Figure A1). The granites are products of the Variscan orogeny, which resulted from the collision between Gondwana and Laurasia (Kroner and Romer, 2013). The Variscan subduction ceased at around 340 Ma, but the subsequent isothermal exhumation of the subducted continental crust is thought to be responsible for Late Variscan high-temperature metamorphism and voluminous granitic magmatism (Kroner and Romer, 2013). On the other hand, the Rappold Complex, which includes the Sankt Radegund bei Graz spodumene pegmatites, resulted from of an Eo-Alpine intra-continental collision during the Cretaceous (Gaidies et al., 2008) and is a prominent unit in the Upper Austroapline basement nappes between the Wlz and Saualpe-Koralpe Complexes (Gaidies et al., 2008).\n##### 2.1.1 Cnovec/Zinnwald, Czech Republic/Germany"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-19", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Cnovec is located in the northwestern part of the Czech Republic (Figure A1), on the border with Germany, where the site is known as Zinnwald. The granite/greisen deposit stretches across the border (Figure 1). Geologically, these rocks belong to the Ore Mountains, also known by their German name Erzgebirge or Czech name Krun hory. Historically, Cnovec has been mined for tin and tungsten, but the mines are no longer in operation. Large quantities of Li, however, are hosted by the granites and greisen, representing the largest known Li deposit in Europe and the fourth largest non-brine deposit in the world (European Metals, 2019). Therefore, the site is currently being explored for Li mining. The deposit is rich in the Li-mica zinnwaldite, named after this locality. The host rock, a slightly peraluminous A-type granite, was extensively greisenized, i.e., altered due to interaction with volatiles during solidification of the magma (Breiter et"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-20", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "during solidification of the magma (Breiter et al., 2019, 2017). It is rich in Li2O (0.095 0.962 wt.%) and F (0.62 4.18 wt.%), but poor in P2O5 ( 0.023 wt.%, Table 1, (Breiter et al., 2017)), and contains elevated amounts of Nb, Sn, Ta, and W. The major minerals present are quartz, albite, and zinnwaldite; minor minerals include topaz, fluorite, cassiterite, and zircon (Breiter, 2012). Zinnwaldite, occurring down to a depth of 735 m below the surface, is rich in Fe (8.9 15.2 wt.% FeO), Li2O (2.0 4.4 wt.%), and F (7.0 8.6 wt.%; (Breiter et al., 2019)). The granites were emplaced into the Teplice Rhyolite (Breiter et al., 2019) (see Fig. 1)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-21", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "This site is especially interesting for its history of underground Sn and W mining, which has created tunnels that are now abandoned and drain percolating water. In addition, sand representing old tailings, has been deposited near the topographical peak of the area, where it is exposed to rain and vegetation. This sand is composed of zinnwaldite, quartz, and albite, and contains 0.27 wt.% Li2O (Czech Geological Survey, 2018).\n##### 2.1.2. Homolka, Czech Republic"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-22", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The Homolka granite, occurring in the southern Czech Republic (Figures A1, A2), close to the border with Austria, is in the NW part of the Moldanubian pluton of the South-Bohemian batholith (Breiter and Scharbert, 1995). It is a peraluminous granite rich in Li2O (0.16 wt.%), Rb (400 1500 mg/kg), F (0.5 1.0 wt.%), P2O5 (0.5 1.0 wt.%), Sn, Nb, and Ta, and poor in Ti, Mg, Fe, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zr, and REE (Table 1, (Breiter and Scharbert, 1995)). The major minerals are quartz, albite, orthoclase, and a Li-muscovite, whereas the accessory minerals are topaz, apatite, cassiterite, ferrocolumbite, and rutile (Breiter and Scharbert, 1995). The Li-muscovite is rich in Li2O (1.5 2.15 wt.%) and F (1.7 2.6 wt.%, (Breiter and Scharbert, 1995))."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-23", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "wt.%, (Breiter and Scharbert, 1995)). The Homolka granite has not been mined and is not currently being considered an economic resource of Li, but it forms a large (6 km2), well defined outcrop, surrounded by two-mica granites: Lsenice to the West (Two-Mica Granite in Fig. A2) with no available information on F, Li2O, or P2O5 contents (Ren et al., 2003), and Eisgarn to the East and South (Porphyritic Two-Mica Granite in Fig. A2), which contains an average of 0.22 wt.% F, 0.03 wt.% Li2O, and 0.37 wt.% of P2O5 (Breiter and Scharbert, 1998)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-24", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "##### 2.1.3. Podles, Czech Republic"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-25", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The Podles granite, located in the western Czech Republic (Figures A1, A3) in the Ore Mountains, comprises two types of Li-enriched rocks, the Podles stock granite and a dike granite (Breiter, 2002). Both rock types are relatively rich in incompatible elements, such as Li2O (0.033 0.445 wt.%), Rb (< 2754 mg/kg), Cs (< 253 mg/kg), Sn (< 65 mg/kg), and W (< 99 mg/kg), as well as F (0.6 2.4 wt%) and P2O5 (0.4 1.5 wt%), whereby the stock is generally more enriched (Breiter, 2002). One of these dikes (the thickest found, 7 m across) outcrops in an abandoned quarry, from which granite was extracted (Breiter, 2004) and which floods during major rain events. The Li is hosted by zinnwaldite that is polylithionite-rich in the stock granite, but siderophyllite-rich in the dike granite (Breiter, 2002). The other major minerals are"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-26", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "(Breiter, 2002). The other major minerals are quartz, albite and topaz in the stock granite, and quartz, K-feldspar, albite, and topaz in the dike Additionally, amblygonite and tourmaline are also reported as Li-bearing minerals (Breiter, 2002). Whereas the Podles granite stock and dike granites make up a relatively small area, the surrounding albite-biotite granites have above-average Li2O (~0.033 wt.% (Breiter et al., 2005)) and F (0.5 1.0 wt.% (Breiter et al., 2006)) contents as well. There is also significant tin mineralization (cassiterite) in many parts of the area. The country rock of the granites consists of phyllite."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-27", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "##### 2.1.4. Sankt Radegund bei Graz, Austria\nThere are over 20 known spodumene pegmatites in the Eastern Alps of Austria, which formed during the Cretaceous (Gaidies et al., 2008) and are spatially associated with leucogranites and barren pegmatites (Knoll et al., 2018). In addition to spodumene, the pegmatites contain K-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase, and muscovite, as well as minor garnet and tourmaline (Knoll et al., 2018). The spodumene pegmatites occur as dikes that were intruded into metamorphic rocks. We sampled stream water close to several known pegmatite outcrops near the town of Sankt Radegund bei Graz, Styria (Figures A1, A4). Their lengths are at least 15 20 m each, known to be at least 1.5 3 m thick, and geologically are part of the Rappold Complex (Schuster et al., 2019). The bulk-rock chemical composition given in Table 1 is from a different pegmatite within the Rappold Complex, because the outcrops near which we sampled did not have geochemical data available. The host rocks of the spodumene pegmatite outcrops in the sampling area are paragneiss and mica-schist; other prominent metamorphic rocks occurring within the studied watershed include marble and occasional dolomite, which both belong to the Schckelkalk Formation (Flgel et al., 2011; Knoll et al., 2018). \n#### 2.2. Sampling"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-28", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "#### 2.2. Sampling\nHydrology (Figures 1 and A2-A4) was mapped in ArcGIS (Version 10.5) using the Hydrology toolset with the 30-Meter Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model (DEM) downloaded from https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/. Water-sampling points were then selected to best reflect the environment near a given deposit by aiming for sample collection at stream intersections, where available, to represent the largest possible area. Samples were collected within a given deposit, downstream from the deposit, as well as upstream where possible. The latter was not achievable in the cases of Cnovec and Homolka, where the deposits represent the highest-elevation peaks in the area (see Fig. 1, 2). The general sampling density ranged from 1 sample per 0.5 km2 to 1 sample per 3 km2, depending on the nature and area of the deposit and the number and size of nearby streams. Where possible, we sampled streams that were similar in terms of water flow, slope, and shape to minimize erosion effects on the geochemical signatures but, as expected, streams closer to the deposits and at higher elevations tended to be smaller than those downstream. Additionally, some streams could only be accessed at a few places as they were running through private properties, therefore limiting our efforts in this realm. Sampling took place in July and August 2020."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-29", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Our sampling procedure followed (Hem, 1985), except for the filtration step. We chose not to filter our samples in order to not only quantify the dissolved load, but also the exchangeable fraction to obtain a better understanding of the mobility of Li in these environments, as suggested by the US EPA (Puls and Barcelona, 1989). Water samples were collected into 250 mL polyethylene bottles. Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and electric conductivity were determined directly in the field using a handheld Vernier digital probe (LabQuest 2). Alkalinity was measured in the field using an Hach 2444301 Alkalinity Test Kit, Model AL-AP. The samples were subsequently acidified to pH 2 with nitric acid and stored in a refrigerator at ~4C until further analysis; the only exception was the air travel from the Czech Republic to Philadelphia, USA, during which the samples were in the cargo hold of the airplane, where the temperature typically is ~7C."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-30", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Average precipitation over the area of the Czech Republic for July of 2020 was 68 mm, lower than the 88 mm average for July between 1981 and 2010 (Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2020a). August was wetter than normal, with 111 mm compared with the 80 mm average (Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2020a). Mean daily temperatures were normal for July and hotter for August, at 17.7C and 18.8C, respectively, compared to long-term average values between 1981 and 2020 of 17.8C and 17.3C, respectively (Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2020b). In general, the Czech Republic, especially the western and northwestern (Podles and Cnovec sites) regions, was experiencing a drought in the summer of 2020, apparent in the field as many desired sampling-point streams were dried out (Gvozdikova et al., 2020; Svabenicka et al., 2020). Our labeling scheme follows the first letter of the deposit (e.g., C for Cnovec) and numbers from 1 up, skipping numbers where we aimed to sample, but the site was dry."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-31", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The water from the Cnovec Deposit was sampled on August 11, 2020. This site is on the eastern flank of the Erzgebirge. The flow of the nearest monitored river, the Blina, was much lower in July 2020 than in previous years (Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2020c). This was evident in the field, as four sites we aimed to sample were dried up. The weather alternated between cloudy and sunny, and the temperature ranged from 18 to 24C. A total of 10 samples were collected, one of which was an underground sample (labeled CMine), collected on the German side of the deposit in an old tin mine, which now serves as a tourist attraction.\n\nThe streams around the Homolka Granite deposit were sampled on July 13 and July 14, 2020. The flow rate of the Lsenice river (connecting H10 and H11 in Figure A2) shows slightly above-average values relative to historical data (Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2020c). During sampling, the weather was sunny, ranging from 14 20C over the course of the day. A total of 16 samples were collected.\n\nThe Podles Granite water was collected on July 29, 2020. The site is on the eastern flank of the Erzgebirge, in the rain shadow; in 2020, it received even less rainfall than normal (Svabenicka et al., 2020). Recorded flow for July 2020 in the nearest monitored river, the Ohe, was significantly below the historic mean or median values (Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2020c). Several sampling sites were dry here as well. The weather was warm (20 25C) and sunny during the sampling. A total of 11 samples were collected."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-32", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The water samples from the Sankt Radegund Pegmatite field were collected on August 8, 2020. The water level of the nearest monitored river, the Raab river, was slightly above average values during the sampling (Austrian Hydrometeorological Service, 2020). The day was sunny, with temperatures ranging from 19 to 24 C. A total of 10 samples were collected.\n#### 2.3. Geochemical Analysis\nThe water samples were transported to the Department of Earth and Environmental Science (EES) at the University of Pennsylvania in order to perform chemical analyses by Inductively-Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Ion Chromatography (IC). The following elements were analyzed by ICP-OES: Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Al, Si, and Cu. Using IC, the following anion concentrations were determined: SO42-, Cl-, F-, and PO43-. The HCO3- content was calculated from the alkalinity. The excess nitrate concentration, which resulted from the acidification of our samples, led to an overlap with the sulfate peak on the ion chromatograms. Therefore, sulfur was subsequently also analyzed by ICP-OES. We used six preliminary non-acidified samples from the Cnovec area, collected in the summer of 2019, that we analyzed on both IC and ICP-OES and the sulfate concentrations agreed well (within 92%).\n#### 2.4. Statistical Analysis\nOne-way cross correlation of all of our analyzed elements and anions as well as physical parameters (elevation, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, alkalinity, conductivity) was performed in Python (version 3), using the numpy as well as scipy.stats packages. Linear regressions of several of the more correlated variable pairs were also calculated."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-33", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "#### 2.5. Geochemical Modeling\nSpeciation and mineral saturation indices were modeled using PHREEQC (version 3.5, run on a Mac version 10.14, (Parkhust and Appelo, 2013)). Saturation indices allow us to make thermodynamic predictions about certain mineral precipitation/dissolution processes. For these calculations, we used the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory thermodynamic database (llnl.dat), distributed together with PHREEQC, and augmented it by the thermodynamic data (log K = 15.6847) for zinnwaldite from (Ogorodova et al., 2010). We used the following dissolution equation of zinnwaldite:\nKLiFeAl2Si3O10F2 + 8 H+ = K+ + Li+ + 2 Al3+ + Fe2+ + 2 F- + 3 SiO2 + 4 H2O\t\t\t(1)\nmodeled with the theoretical composition as presented in (Ogorodova et al., 2010) and shown in equation (1)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-34", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Additionally, inverse modeling with PHREEQC was carried out to complement the saturation indices and examine, using a different approach, which minerals in the Cnovec area have most likely been dissolved. The method was described in (Zhu and Anderson, 2002). We assume the initial water is rainwater with a composition of that sampled at the Bedichov, CZE monitoring site (Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2007). The final water is that of the collected stream samples. The increase of the chemical constituents in the final water, compared to the rainwater, was assumed to be caused by the weathering of local rocks. Specifically, we assume that the Li is derived from the dissolution of zinnwaldite, F- from the dissolution of zinnwaldite and fluorite, Cl- from biotite (in the Teplice Rhyolite) and atmospherically dry-deposited halite (Drever, 1988), Mg from biotite, and sulfate from gypsum. The mass balance of Al and Si was achieved from the dissolution"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-35", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "of Al and Si was achieved from the dissolution of feldspars (albite, K-feldspar and anorthite), biotite (Mg-endmember phlogopite), and zinnwaldite, and from precipitation of the three clay minerals kaolinite (Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4), allophane (Al2O3)(SiO2)1.3-22.5-3H2O, amorphous), and imogolite (Al2SiO3(OH)4). Apatite (with a theoretical composition of Ca5(PO4)3(F0.8,(OH)0.2) was also included as a potential source of Ca and F-. Goethite was included as a sink of Fe. Ion exchange between clays and Li, Na, K, and Ca was allowed, and is presented as LiX, NaX, KX, and CaX2 (Carroll, 1959); Li is scrubbed by clays very rapidly (Li and Liu, 2020; von Strandmann et al., 2020), making clay adsorption of Li essential to realistic modeling efforts. As the streams are open to the atmosphere, CO2 (g) and O2"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-36", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "to the atmosphere, CO2 (g) and O2 (g) were used as phases as well. As there can be many combinations of mineral-dissolution processes resulting in the same chemical composition of water, the standard approach is to only consider minimal models (Parkhust and Appelo, 2013), i.e., the fewest number of phases involved in the model, leading to the most essential geochemical reactions considered."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-37", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "### 3. Results\n#### 3.1. Geochemical Analysis\nThe entire set of geochemical data for all water samples can be found in the Appendix, Table A1. Generally, the samples containing the highest amounts of total dissolved solids (TDS) are from the Cnovec site, with sample C14 having the highest values. The highest Li concentrations are observed in the waters from the Cnovec and Homolka sites (Figure 2). Fluoride is highly concentrated in the Cnovec sites, which are also most enriched in Na and Cl. The Homolka site is richer in Al and SO42- than the other sites. Generally, iron and phosphate ions are more concentrated in the Podles site. Sankt Radegund bei Graz has the highest arithmetic mean concentrations of Mg, Ca, SiO2, and HCO3-. Copper showed almost no variation across the four samples and was mostly near the ICP-OES detection limit."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-38", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The major cation and anion distributions of all samples are shown in a Piper diagram (Figure 3). The dominant cations are Ca2+ and Na+, whereas the three major anions are more evenly represented. Waters draining the pegmatite at Sankt Radegund bei Graz are distinct from the other sites, being Ca-HCO3 waters (Figure 3). Streams around the three Li-mica deposits range from calcic to sodic waters, with a few in the Podles site being Mg-rich. Although individual stream samples from these three deposits span the range between sulfate and chloride waters, those from the Homolka site are mostly sulfate-dominated, those from the Cnovec site include the most chloride-enriched, leaving the waters from Podles plotting in between. Upstream samples/samples closer to the source rocks are generally more concentrated in Li and F relative to downstream samples. The mine-drainage water (CMine) is a Ca-Cl water type, and so is sample C14, which is richest in Li and F-. \nAn important result to note is that the stoichiometric ion imbalance (IB) of some of the samples is considerably non-zero (arithmetic mean is 12.9%, with a standard deviation of 6.5%), the highest being 57% for sample C12 (see below). This imbalance drops by about a half for most samples when the speciated imbalance is calculated (using PHREEQC) rather than the stoichiometric imbalance; for C12, for example, the speciated IB has a value of 33.3%.\n### 3.2. Statistical Analysis"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-39", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and maximum concentrations of Li and F- in the waters from the four studied areas are listed in Table 2. Of note are the relatively large standard deviations of Li concentrations for the Cnovec and Homolka sites as well as the large standard deviation for the Cnovec F- concentrations. The Cnovec and Homolka sites show nearly identical maximum and arithmetic mean Li concentrations, yet very different F- concentrations. Correlations between variable element pairs of interest are shown in Table 3, with the cross-correlations of all parameters displayed in the Appendix (Tables A2-A5). The pairs presented in Table 3 were chosen based on chemical makeup of the Li-minerals and magnesium based on its similar ionic radius, resulting in similar environmental behavior (Ogawa et al., 2014). Several strong and significant correlations are observed: between Li and F- in Cnovec and Homolka, Li and Al in the same deposits, Li and Mg in Cnovec"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-40", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "same deposits, Li and Mg in Cnovec and Podles, albeit of opposite signs, Li and Si in Homolka, Li and K in Cnovec and Sankt Radegund bei Graz, and F- and PO43- in Podles. Amongst ions not presented in Table 3 (Tables A2-A5), strong and significant correlations (r > 0.8, p < 0.05) observed in Cnovec are: Li and Ca, Li and K, Li and Cl, Na and Ca, Na and K, Na and Cl, Mg and Ca, Mg and Al, Mg and Cl, Mg and SO42-, Mg and HCO3-, K and Cl-, Al and Cl-, Al and SO42-, Fe and Mn, Cl- and HCO3-, and SO42- and HCO3-. In Homolka, there are significantly fewer strong and significant correlations: Na and Mg, Na and Ca, and Mg and Ca. In Podles, strong and significant correlations are observed between Na and Ca, Na and K, Na and Cl-, Ca and"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-41", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Ca, Na and K, Na and Cl-, Ca and K, Ca and Cl-, K and Cl-, and Fe and Mn. Finally, Sankt Radegund bei Graz presents only Ca and HCO3- as a strong and significant correlation."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-42", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Table 2. Descriptive statistics of Li and F ions in the waters at our four studied sites (mg/L).\n\tLithium\t\tFluoride\t\t\nDeposit\tMean\tStd Dev\tMax\t\tMean\tStd Dev\tMax\t\tn\nCnovec\t0.011\t0.012\t0.036\t\t1.365\t1.408\t3.806\t\t10\nHomolka\t0.013\t0.009\t0.035\t\t0.321\t0.112\t0.544\t\t16\nPodles\t0.006\t0.001\t0.009\t\t0.103\t0.022\t0.140\t\t11\nSankt Radegund\t0.005\t0.002\t0.007\t\t0.062\t0.016\t0.088\t\t10"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-43", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Table 3. Correlation coefficients (r) between Li concentration and that of several ions of interest and between F- and phosphate ions. Star (*) highlights significant correlations (p < 0.05).\nDeposit\tF vs. Li\tSi vs. Li\tFe vs. Li\tAl vs. Li\tMg vs. Li\tK vs. Li\tF vs. PO4\nCnovec\t0.679*\t0.485\t0.146\t0.764*\t0.776*\t0.802*\t-0.110\nHomolka\t0.701*\t0.853*\t0.162\t0.792*\t0.458\t0.231\t-0.452\nPodles\t0.532\t0.319\t0.043\t0.448\t-0.799*\t-0.049\t0.604*\nSankt R.\t-0.270\t0.567\t0.066\t0.140\t0.507\t0.738*\t0.519"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-44", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Special interest was placed on the strong correlation, especially at Cnovec and Homolka, between Li and F- (Fig. 4). In the Cnovec dataset, sample C12, with its low Li (0.003 mg/L) but high F- (3.566 mg/L) contents, is an outlier, which affects the slope of the regression line, causing it to not go through the population of samples with lower Li concentrations (solid green line in Fig. 4). Therefore, we calculated a second correlation for the Cnovec samples without sample C12, yielding a much better correlation (r = 0.985; dotted green line in Fig. 4). The molar F:Li values in zinnwaldite are about 1.5, depending on the exact composition (a microprobe analysis of a Zinnwald mica shows a Li2O content of 3.9 wt.%, and a F content of 6.5 wt.%, yielding a molar F:Li ratio of 1.31 (Tischendorf, 1997)), yet the slope of correlation lines between the corresponding aqueous ionic species is around 30 (36 without the C12 sample) for the two correlation lines (Fig. 4). The Homolka and Podles sites have comparable slopes of ~3, but the correlation is not significant (p = 0.061) in the Podles site. On the other hand, the correlation for the Homolka samples is better (r = 0.701) and highly significant (p = 0.005). The Sankt Radegund bei Graz site shows no correlation (r = -0.270, p = 0.451)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-45", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The Al vs. Li relationship adds additional insight, as it is strong and significant in both the Cnovec and the Homolka datasets (Table 3). Similar to the comparison of the F:Li values between the water samples and micas, we would expect the molar Al:Li values to be between 1 and 2, if the two elements were derived exclusively from the micas, but the slopes of the best-fit lines are about 16 and 14 for Cnovec and Homolka, respectively. The relationship between Si and Al is strong and significant in the Homolka site (r = 0.785, p = 0.001, Table A3) and the slope of the best fit line is 4.5, close to pure feldspar dissolution which would plot near 3. The strong (r = 0.853) and significant (p = 0.000) relationship between Si and Li in the Homolka site leads to a best-fit line slope for the correlation line between the two elements of about 98, much higher than an expected value of 2-4 should both elements be released"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-46", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "expected value of 2-4 should both elements be released from micas only. The strong and significant Mg vs. Li correlations in Cnovec (r = 0.776, p = 0.008) and Podles (r = -0.799, p = 0.002) are interesting as some Mg could likely be substituted into zinnwaldite and some Li into biotite. The strong and significant correlation of K vs. Li in the Cnovec site leads to a best-fit line slope of 15, significantly above the 1:1 ratio expected should they be leached from the same Li-micas, but nearly the same value as for Al vs. Li. The strong and significant correlation between F- and PO43- at the Podles site seems to reflect the presence in the rocks of amblygonite and apatite."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-47", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "3.3. Geochemical Modeling"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-48", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "In general, the water samples examined in greater detail with geochemical modeling tools are undersaturated with respect to zinnwaldite, fluorite, and the feldspars (Figure 5) and supersaturated with respect to kaolinite, allophane, and imogolite (not shown in Figure 5 for easier visualization of the other minerals of interest). In our inverse modeling inputs, this result allowed us to force the undersaturated minerals to dissolve only and the supersaturated phases to precipitate only.\n\nTo examine the outlier in the Cnovec deposit (sample C12) in greater detail, saturation indices (SIs) of minerals known to be present in the area were modeled. Special interest was placed on fluorite because of the high F-, but low Li contents determined for the water at the C12 site (see Fig. 4). Zinnwaldite, albite and K-feldspar are undersaturated at site C12, whereas quartz is near saturation (Fig. 5); fluorite and fluorapatite are also undersaturated. Calcite is included in the model to compare to fluorite at the C12 site. The C14 site features the largest SIs for all minerals (except fluorapatite, at C5), whereby the water appears to be oversaturated with respect to K-feldspar, albite, quartz and fluorapatite. The SIs for the mine water (CMine) are elevated as well, but not significantly higher than, for example, the waters at C3 or C5 (with the exception of albite), neither of which are rich in F- or Li. In general, the waters are undersaturated with respect to the modeled minerals, except for occasionally K-feldspar, albite, and fluorapatite, and they are near equilibrium for quartz and fluorite at all sites."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-49", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The results of the inverse modeling for the water sample from the mine shaft (CMine) and for the fluoride-enriched samples C12 and C14 are provided in Table 4. The composition of the initial rainwater is given in Table A6. We were able to produce several minimal inverse models in each case. We used an uncertainty of 0.05 for CMine, but had to increase it to 0.10 for C12 and 0.15 for C14 to produce balanced models. An uncertainty of 1 means that any initial water is allowed to evolve into any final water; as the number increases, it means that there are likely processes at play that were not accounted for in the modeling (e.g., absorption by vegetation, kinetics). In C14, two models are produced with the only major difference being kaolinite precipitation as opposed to allophane precipitation, which then changes the other phases accordingly. In both models, six-times more fluorite is dissolved compared to zinnwaldite. None of the feldspars nor apatite are predicted"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-50", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "None of the feldspars nor apatite are predicted to supply ions into the solution. The modeling results further suggest that monovalent cations (Li, Na, and K) are predicted to be scrubbed from the solution by clays in favor of Ca, which would be released from the clays into the solution. In C12, five models are produced, with models 1,2,3, and 5 distinguished mostly by the types of clays that precipitate and feldspars that dissolve. Model 4 is different from the other models as significantly more zinnwaldite (99x) is predicted to dissolve. In Models 1,2,3, and 5, fluorite supplies nearly ~232x more F-; in Model 4, this ratio drops to 1.35. Ion exchange suggests Li and K being bound to clays, thus releasing Na and Ca. At the CMine site, nine minimal inverse models were produced. There are mostly two groups of models: Models 1,7, and 8, and Models 2,3,4,5,6, and 9. According to the first group"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-51", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "and 9. According to the first group of models, the same amounts of zinnwaldite and fluorite are dissolved. The other group predicts no fluorite dissolution, suggesting that all F- is derived from zinnwaldite. The major differences within the two groups of models are the Si-Al balance of which feldspars dissolve and which clays precipitate. The ion exchange is similar to C14 in that monovalent cations are scrubbed from solution and Ca released into the solution. At all sites and in all models, CO2 and O2 are removed from the atmosphere and brought into the solution."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-52", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Table 4. Precipitation (-)/dissolution (+) of phases (in mmol) predicted to explain the observed water composition via inverse modeling. Phases are presented in bold. Rainwater from the Bedichov (Table A6, Czech Hydrometeorological Service, 2007) station was used as initial water. Uncertainty used in the models is 15% for C14, 10% for C12, and 5% for CMine.\nC14\tZinnwaldite\tFluorite\tAlbite\tAnorthite\tK-Feldspar\tApatite\tBiotite\tGypsum\tKaolinite\tGoethite\tHalite\tAllophane\tImogolite\tLiX\tNaX\tKX\tCaX2\tCO2(g)\tO2(g)\nModel 1\t0.0140\t0.0855\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.1524\t0.4770\t-0.0360\t0.0000\t2.7544\t0.0000\t0.0000\t-0.0088\t-1.1377\t-0.0750\t0.6108\t1.1323\t0.0029\nModel 2\t0.0140\t0.0855\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.1457\t0.4770\t0.0000\t0.0000\t2.7611\t-0.0327\t0.0000\t-0.0088\t-1.1444\t-0.0683\t0.6108\t1.1323\t0.0029"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-53", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "C12\tZinnwaldite\tFluorite\tAlbite\tAnorthite\tK-Feldspar\tApatite\tBiotite\tGypsum\tKaolinite\tGoethite\tHalite\tAllophane\tImogolite\tLiX\tNaX\tKX\tCaX2\tCO2(g)\tO2(g)\nModel 1\t0.0004\t0.0927\t0.0000\t0.1259\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0030\t0.2648\t-0.0861\t-0.0004\t0.0000\t0.0000\t-0.0392\t0.0000\t0.8234\t-0.4557\t0.0880\t0.6189\t0.0001\nModel 2\t0.0004\t0.0927\t0.0000\t0.1161\t0.0196\t0.0000\t0.0030\t0.2648\t-0.1253\t-0.0004\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.8234\t-0.4459\t0.0684\t0.6189\t0.0001\nModel 3\t0.0004\t0.0927\t0.0196\t0.1161\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0030\t0.2648\t-0.1253\t-0.0004\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.8039\t-0.4459\t0.0880\t0.6189\t0.0001"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-54", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": 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"index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Model 8\t0.0345\t0.0345\t0.0843\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0245\t0.1443\t0.0000\t-0.0337\t1.6906\t0.0000\t-0.0823\t-0.0302\t-0.7962\t0.0348\t0.3958\t0.5425\t0.3055\nModel 9\t0.0690\t0.0000\t0.0000\t0.0173\t0.0498\t0.0000\t0.0245\t0.1443\t0.0000\t-0.0682\t1.6906\t0.0000\t-0.1169\t-0.0647\t-0.7119\t-0.0495\t0.4131\t0.5425\t0.3141\n \n### 4. Discussion\nThe Li concentrations measured in this study are elevated (over 0.02 mg/L) in five samples, and on average (for Cnovec and Homolka), they tend to plot above average values reported in other studies that measured Li in surface waters (Figure 6). For Podles and Sankt Radegund bei Graz, the Li values resemble typical background values reported in the literature (~0.01 mg/L, (Aral and Vecchio-Sadus, 2008; Kavanagh et al., 2017; Rodrigues et al., 2019))."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-58", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The Cnovec and Homolka mean and median Li concentrations are above those of known drinking water concentrations in Japan and England (Kabacs et al., 2011; Ohgami et al., 2009), the average (which average not specified in the publication) of background Czech waters (n = 5,765), and above the Mackenzie river (Millot et al., 2010), but lower relative to the waters around spodumene deposits in SE Ireland and Portugal ((Kavanagh et al., 2017; Rodrigues et al., 2019), Figure 6). It is important to note that in the SE Ireland study, the Li concentrations measured in the month of July were the lowest (median < 0.01 mg/L) amongst March, May, July, and September, with no correlation to the total amount of precipitation during those months (Kavanagh et al., 2017). However, we believe it is also important to point out that during the collection of our water samples, it was a relatively dry period (see above), which may have affected the Li"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-59", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "period (see above), which may have affected the Li concentrations not only by lowering the weathering intensity but also the dilution effects, therefore the net impact of precipitation is difficult to predict. The maximum concentrations we observed are not nearly as elevated as the outliers in most other studies shown in Figure 6, including the nationwide geochemical study of Czech surface waters, which reported the highest Li concentration (0.114 mg/L) from an area of Permian-Carbonian, Mesozoic, and Tertiary sediments, without any additional details (Chuman et al., 2013). The highest surface water Li concentrations are known from northern Chile near Li-brine deposits, where the concentrations can reach 20 mg/L (Figueroa et al., 2012), about three orders of magnitude larger than the arithmetic mean concentrations reported in our study and in the studies of waters near spodumene deposits in SE Ireland and Portugal (see above). Aral and Vecchio-Sadus reported on communities in Chile using water"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-60", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "reported on communities in Chile using water with Li concentrations approaching 10 mg/L, with no reported adverse health effects, although acquired tolerance may be a factor (Aral and Vecchio-Sadus, 2008). The concentrations we determined are much lower and, moreover, considerably below the EPA-recommended 0.7 mg/L threshold. We therefore conclude that there is likely no public health risk resulting from the Li concentrations of the waters examined for this paper, but additional sampling during spring/fall should be performed for a more complete assessment."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-61", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The stream water F- concentrations were very high around the Cnovec deposit, with a maximum value of 3.8 mg/L (Table 2), well above the WHO drinking water limit of 1.5 mg/L (WHO, 1999). At these concentrations, long-term exposure to this water could result in skeletal fluorosis (Mandal et al., 2014). The arithmetic mean F- concentrations at Cnovec, however, are slightly below the WHO drinking water limit of 1.5 mg/L (see Fig. 7). The arithmetic mean F- concentrations at Cnovec, on the other hand, are much higher than the average concentrations from the Czech Republic (Fig. 7). Whereas the Homolka waters are not nearly as enriched in F- as those at the Cnovec site likely due to the smaller proportion of F in the respective host rocks (Table 1, (Breiter, 2012; Breiter and Scharbert, 1995)) they are still considerably richer in F- than the typical concentrations in Czech waters (Fig. 7). The mean and median F- concentrations at the Podles site are comparable to the overall concentrations of the Czech Republic, and the waters at the Sankt Radegund bei Graz site did not contain elevated amounts of F- (Table 2, Fig. 7)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-62", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The arithmetic mean of the absolute stoichiometric ion imbalance over all of our samples (IB = 12.86%) is above the generally accepted 5%, but this result is not uncommon in the literature (Fritz, 1994). It can likely be explained by the addition of nitric acid, which resulted in the following four possible errors: 1) it made us unable to measure nitrate and nitrite concentrations and therefore, our anion concentration sum is lower than the true anion concentration sum; in fact, the anion sum is lower than the cation sum in most samples (37 out of 47 samples); 2) we measured sulphate by ICP-OES due to the nitrate peak being too dominant over the sulphate one seen by IC; when analyzing a non-acidified set of preliminary samples from the same area collected in the summer of 2019 (Table A7, arithmetic mean IB = 4.08%) using both the ICP-OES and the IC, the ICP-OES data for sulphate agreed with the IC data at 92%,"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-63", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "sulphate agreed with the IC data at 92%, therefore reporting slightly lower sulphate concentrations than on the IC; cation concentrations were very comparable between the two datasets (compare Tables A1 and A7); 3) alkalinity, used to calculate bicarbonate and carbonate concentrations, was measured with a titration kit in the field, potentially leading to these values also being slightly incompatible with what we would see on the IC; large IB values are in fact commonly blamed on the field alkalinity measurement (Fritz, 1994); and 4) there is a possibility that an important cation for some samples has not been measured, which could explain the 10 samples (e.g., C12, H2) where the cation sum was lower than the anion sum. Additionally, the choice to not filter our samples could also have led to larger IBs due to the possible presence of colloids in our water samples, which may dissolve during acidification (Deutsch and Siegel, 1997). Finally, the speciated IB is typically about half that"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-64", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Finally, the speciated IB is typically about half that of the stoichiometric IB and, in fact, it is <5% for the majority of our samples, and in our most imbalanced sample (C12) it has a value of 33.3%."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-65", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "The highest concentrations of both Li and F- are found in sample C14. An old mining shaft, Star Martin, near the town of Krupka, is located about one kilometer north of this sampling site and at higher elevation (Figure 1). Breiter et al. (Breiter et al., 2017) mapped Krupka as a hidden stock of post caldera zinnwaldite granites. The proximity of this granite stock and the drainage to this underground shaft could be causing the very high concentrations of Li and F-, which are higher than water sampled within the actual Cnovec mine (CMine). At the Homolka site, the three samples most enriched in Li H3, H4, and H7 (label hidden below H4) all came from small streams (< 1.0 m wide) directly within the deposit itself (Fig. A2). Not all small streams within the deposit were significantly enriched in Li, however (e.g., H1, H2), although most do plot above at least 0.01 mg/L (e.g., H5,"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-66", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "above at least 0.01 mg/L (e.g., H5, H6, H8). Samples H12 and H13 are from a catchment area in which there are no outcrops of the Homolka granite, and plot at background values (0.006 mg/L). Because two of the three downstream samples (H11, H14) did not show elevated Li concentrations, there seems to exist some Li-removal process(es) further downstream, possibly via uptake by vegetation and/or clay adsorption ((Aral and Vecchio-Sadus, 2008)), or via precipitation of known, natural Li compounds with low solubilities, such as Li-fluoride, -phosphate, or -carbonate (Kavanagh et al., 2017). Alternatively, dilution by mixing with water from other drainage areas could also explain the lower Li concentrations in the downstream samples. In fact, dilution may have a considerable effect on ion concentrations. In another study, for example, significant impacts on the concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Co due to dilution have been"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-67", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Zn, and Co due to dilution have been observed only 300 meters away from the point source of these elements (Moon, 1999). The magnitude of dilution can be approximated by analyzing stream sediment and taking into account the catchment area of the stream (Moon, 1999). This approach, however, was beyond the scope of our study but might provide valuable insights in a future investigation."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-68", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Inverse geochemical modeling showed that the evolution of water chemistry from rainwater to streamflow samples can be accounted for by dissolving zinnwaldite, fluorite, biotite, gypsum, halite (dry deposition) and CO2, and precipitation of Al-Si phases such as allophane and kaolinite. The decrease of Li in downstream samples was modelled as ion-exchange reactions involving Li species. This approach presents an uncertainty, and, in the future, lithium isotope analysis could represent another constraint to interpreting the lower Li concentrations in downstream samples."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-69", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Weathering and associated Li behavior in river basins have been studied increasingly by using Li isotopes as a proxy for silicate weathering (Penniston-Dorland et al., 2017; Tomascak, 2004; Tomascak et al., 2016; von Strandmann et al., 2020). Typically, congruent weathering (primary mineral dissolution without significant secondary mineral precipitation, (Dellinger et al., 2015)) takes place upstream and leads to larger concentrations of aqueous Li and isotopically light waters (i.e., low 7Li values), similar to the parent rock material (von Strandmann et al., 2020). Further downstream, where secondary mineral precipitation is significant, weathering is termed incongruent and Li concentrations tend to be lower because Li is removed from solution by incorporation into the crystal structure and/or the exchangeable layer of clays (von Strandmann et al., 2020). Accommodation of Li in the exchangeable layer does not lead to much isotopic fractionation, but the Li that is incorporated into the octahedral site of the clays is preferentially the lighter 6Li, leaving the waters enriched in 7Li (Dellinger et al., 2015; Tomascak et al., 2016; von Strandmann et al., 2020). Studying the isotopic composition of our aqueous samples in the future would allow us to evaluate whether the lower Li concentrations downstream are due to clay precipitation (high 7Li) or due to dilution (similar 7Li as upstream)."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-70", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Near the Cnovec site, higher Li concentrations were observed in samples collected closer to the deposit than further downstream, likely pointing to dilution or the mentioned Li-removal processes. Other sites showed no upstream/downstream distinction. Low concentrations of both Li and F- at the Podles site could be explained by the physical size of the Li-enriched granite bodies their area is relatively small compared to the watershed sampled and, thus, dilution could be effective at lowering the concentration. In the Sankt Radegund bei Graz site, similarly, the pegmatite outcrops are likely too small to have a major impact on the chemical composition of the surface water. The SE Ireland pegmatites form a long chain of pegmatite outcrops (Kavanagh et al., 2017), likely having a larger impact on the local aqueous geochemistry. The samples from the Gonalo mine in Portugal were collected within an active mining area and in a landscape dominated by Li-aplite-pegmatite-sills (Rodrigues et al., 2019), also likely having larger impact on the water geochemistry as a result of the larger area covered. The dominant signature of Mg2+, Ca2+, and HCO3- in the Sankt Radegund waters most likely reflect the weathering of the marble/dolomite Schckelkalk Formation, as indicated by the arithmetic mean SIs for calcite and dolomite, which are near equilibrium (-0.52 and -0.60, respectively) for these waters."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-71", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Lithium is strongly correlated with F- in the three Li-mica deposits, albeit not significantly in the Podles site (Table 3, Figure 4). The strong correlations point to these elements being leached from the same minerals, which would be the Li-micas. The slopes of the F- vs. Li linear regression lines for the Podles and Homolka waters are similar (~3). We would expect the slope to be around 2 if all F- were derived from the micas, based on the theoretical KLiFeAl2Si3O10F2 composition of the model zinnwaldite (see equation (1)). The Cnovec correlation coefficient is comparable to Homolkas (0.679 and 0.701, respectively), but the slope of the correlation line is an order of magnitude larger for the Cnovec data (Fig. 4). This result implies dissolution of an additional F-bearing phase. The water composition at site C12 is an outlier among the Cnovec samples, likely because it represents drainage from a fluorite-rich and"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-72", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "it represents drainage from a fluorite-rich and zinnwaldite-poor vein. Fluorite, and possibly fluorapatite, are the only other minerals in the area that contain F (Breiter et al., 2017) and both are undersaturated at the C12 site (Figure 5). Based on four out of five minimal inverse models (Table 4), the C12 site is most likely explained by near exclusive fluorite dissolution (i.e., very little zinnwaldite); the remaining model (Model 4) predicts fluorite and zinnwaldite to dissolve in comparable amounts, which would require the Li supplied by the zinnwaldite dissolution to be scrubbed by clay minerals, which would be kaolinite in this specific model. At the C14 site, both inverse models explain the excess F- as produced by dissolving six-times more fluorite than zinnwaldite. At the CMine site, the excess F- is due to exclusive dissolution of zinnwaldite, or alternatively, it is caused by dissolution of equal amounts of fluorite and"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-73", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "by dissolution of equal amounts of fluorite and zinnwaldite. No model for any site requires apatite to dissolve or to precipitate, even though it is thermodynamically undersaturated in C12 and oversaturated in C14 (Figure 5). If our inverse modeling results were correct, it would appear that each site is quite different and it is difficult to state conclusively whether zinnwaldite or fluorite are the main phases supplying F-, as the inverse models point in different directions at the different sites. It does appear, however, that fluorite dissolution is more important at sites C14 and C12, whereas zinnwaldite dissolution is more important at the CMine site. A dissolution experiment of the rocks would allow for a better explanation in regard to which minerals are providing the ions we observed in the water, as it would take into account the actual geochemical concentrations in the rock, mineral makeup, kinetics, as well as thermodynamics. We are currently working on such an experiment."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-74", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Lithium also correlates strongly with Al and Si (Table 2), the core building blocks of the mica structure, although only one Si (Homolka) and two Al (Cnovec and Homolka) correlations are significant. While the Si vs. Li correlation is very strong and significant at the Homolka site, the slope of the line approaches 100, i.e., most of the silicon is derived from other sources. At Cnovec and Homolka, the slopes of the Al vs. Li regression lines are ~16 and ~14, respectively, suggesting significant release of aluminum from minerals other than the Li-micas, most likely the feldspars or biotite, also suggested by the nearly identical K vs. Li regression line slope in Cnovec of ~15. The strong and significant Si vs. Al regression in Homolka yields a slope of ~4.5, above the expected value for pure feldspar dissolution (~3), suggesting significant input from the micas. Even though Fe is present in zinnwaldite, it does not"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-75", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Fe is present in zinnwaldite, it does not correlate with Li at any of the sites (Tables A2-A5). Therefore, Fe is likely derived from more common Fe-bearing minerals, such as biotite (predicted to dissolve, for example, at all modelled Cnovec sites; see Table 4), or hematite, which is present in minor amounts in the pink-colored granites. We analyzed the correlation between Mg and Li in view of their nearly identical ionic radii (0.72 and 0.74 , respectively). In Li-brine processing, it is generally difficult to separate Li+ from Mg2+, and as a result, brines with large molar Mg/Li values are not being considered economical Li-sources (Ogawa et al., 2014). The arithmetic mean Mg/Li molar values in Cnovec waters are 69.7, in Homolka 33.0, in Podles 91.5, and in Sankt Radegund 167.7. The seawater Mg/Li value is 7000, which is the major reason why seawater is"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-76", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "which is the major reason why seawater is currently not a source of Li. The molar Mg/Li value of the Great Salt Lake, which is currently being explored as a potential source of Li (Marthi and Smith, 2019), is 133.33, whereas it is 6.6 for the Salar de Atacama, the most productive, albeit not the largest, brine deposit (Kavanagh et al., 2018). The relatively low Mg/Li values of the waters studied here suggest it might be feasible to recover leached Li from the waterways or tailing ponds around hard-rock deposits, especially should the concentration of Li increase as a result of mining operations. Both elements also tend to be incorporated into the clay interlayer or precipitate as part of secondary minerals during incongruent weathering (von Strandmann et al., 2020; Wimpenny et al., 2014), suggesting that perhaps it is this process that leads to the strong correlation (Table 3) rather than primary mineral dissolution. Clay uptake may also be why"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-77", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "dissolution. Clay uptake may also be why the highest Li concentrations reported in the current Czech waters are found near sediment deposits (Chuman et al., 2013). We see a strong positive correlation between Mg and Li at the Cnovec site and a comparably strong negative correlation between these species at the Podles site. While we cannot say much about clay precipitation/uptake of ions without sequential extraction of the sediment/clay minerals or without a Li-isotope study (Li-isotope fractionation most pronounced during secondary mineral formation (von Strandmann et al., 2020)), our inverse models do suggest significant Li removal from solution via clay adsorption and/or precipitation. Our models only consider ion-exchange as we do not have data on how much Li is/would be present in the clays in our study area, which would allow us to model the Li removed from solution by clay precipitation. The best approach to studying the ratio of how much Li is in the exchangeable site compared to the octahedral site"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-78", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "the exchangeable site compared to the octahedral site of the clays in our samples would be via determination of Li isotopic compositions (von Strandmann et al., 2020). Either process (clay precipitation or adsorption) would explain why we find highly Li-concentrated samples near the deposits and low Li concentrations in downstream waters. This lends itself to a future investigation assessing the Li movement in these environments. Adsorption of Li onto clays, as documented in experiments (up to 99% of Li scrubbed by kaolinite in laboratory conditions within 1000 minutes of the experiment, (Li and Liu, 2020)), points to a potential remediation technique for high-Li waters under natural conditions. This method would also work better in lower-Mg/Li waters, as there would be less competition between the ions. We also examined the phosphate correlations due to the presence of amblygonite and fluorapatite at the Podles site, and indeed, there is a strong and significant positive correlation between F- and phosphate at"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-79", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "and significant positive correlation between F- and phosphate at this location. On the other hand, we also observed a relatively strong correlation between F- and phosphate (not significant, however) in the Sankt Radegund bei Graz deposit where no F- or phosphate-bearing minerals have been identified. No strong correlation between Li and phosphate is found at any of the studied sites (Tables A2-A5). Finally, there are several very strong and significant correlations in the Cnovec site, mostly involving Cl-, Na, K, Mg (Table A2). Those are presented as additional clues into the environment examined and could prove important to future investigations of similar deposits, but these strong correlations are much fewer in number at our other studied locations. Lithium correlates very strongly with some of these ions in the Cnovec waters as well (e.g., Ca, Cl-, K). Our inverse modeling results suggest that these correlations could be the result of clay interaction, as Li, Ca, K, and Na are all affected by"} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-80", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Li, Ca, K, and Na are all affected by clay adsorption/precipitation. It is further important to note that some of these correlations, especially between Si, Al, and Mg, may be an artifact of not filtering the water samples and introducing contributions of microminerals from the areas examined."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-81", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "### 5. Conclusions\nWeathering of Li-mica deposits can result in elevated Li and F- levels in the surface waters in close proximity to these deposits. The most important characteristics impacting the surface water chemistry appear to be: 1) Li and F contents of the rocks; 2) presence or absence of accessory fluorite; 3) the size of the Li-rich granite body relative to the drainage area; and 4) how close to the surface a given Li-rich granite is to have an impact on surface waters. In the case of the studied Cnovec deposit, markedly high F- levels have been observed, which are likely a product of fluorite and zinnwaldite dissolution, depending on the exact site and rock type being drained. The amount of F- present in three of the ten Cnovec samples is considerably above the WHO drinking water limit and represents a public health risk. This risk could be heightened by the development and mining of this deposit as more of these Li- and F-rich rocks would be exposed to the atmosphere, which would result in weathering. However, Li-ores with no or only minimal fluorite may not result in the increased leaching of F- into the waterways, as suggested by our statistical and geochemical modeling work. Dissolution experiments should be carried out on the leaching of Li and F from these rocks to confirm our prediction and pinpoint which mineral is most responsible for the F- input. The Li concentrations in five of the samples analyzed here are above those of average surface waters around the world, but not as high as in two spodumene deposits examined in other studies, likely due to clay uptake of the Li. The measured Li concentrations in waters around the studied Li deposits do not currently pose a public health threat based on the EPA-recommended Li concentration in drinking water."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-82", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "#### Funding: \nThis research was funded in part by the Water Center at Penn Student Support Program.\n#### Acknowledgments: \nFor guidance early in the conceptualization phase and suggestion of field sites, we thank Dr. Karel Breiter. We also thank Dr. Rainer Sennewald for access to the old Zinnwald tin mine, his insights on local geology, and assistance with sampling. Finally, we thank the two anonymous reviewers for their invaluable feedback and editor Dr. Stefano Albanese for handling our manuscript.\n### References\nAICS, 2007. Australia Inventory of Chemical Substances.\n\nAli, S., Thakur, S.K., Sarkar, A., Shekhar, S., 2016. Worldwide contamination of water by fluoride. Environmental Chemistry Letters 14, 291315.\n\nAral, H., Vecchio-Sadus, A., 2008. Toxicity of lithium to humans and the environment - A literature review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 70, 349356.\n\nAustrian Hydrometeorological Service, 2020. Hydrology of Austria.\nBanerjee, A., 2015. Groundwater fluoride contamination: A reappraisal. Geoscience Frontiers 6, 277284.\n\nBeltrn-Aguilar, E.D., Barker, L., Dye, B.A., 2010. Prevalence and Severity of Dental Fluorosis in the United States, 1999-2004. 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Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 128, 178184."} +{"id": "47981244-b7f1-444e-a79d-9020ee262fdb-96", "createdAt": "2023-01-14T16:43:29.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRw5aCxbL7Rwg5NYRQe4As7JAu7bw9a8EJjzGFd19rv9R", "txHash": "0x9adbc31afc238f74a76f03a1a87961d1779c4dd2b95d0345ec727abc3c631831", "createdAtBlock": 16406313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Sun", "text": "Yadav, J.P., Lata, S., Katarja, S.K., Keemer, S., 2009. Fluoride distribution in ground water and survey of dental fluorosis among school children in the villages of Jhajjar District of Haryana, India. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 31, 431438.\n\nZhu, C., Anderson, G., 2002. Environmental Applications of Geochemical Modeling. Cambridge."} +{"id": "a2c7a6e5-636c-4378-aea0-7f1f1a3f6dba-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-21T22:15:16.455", "backgroundColor": "#1e0402", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQD8bdfv1PHwpHVrcekYywN7i8kPRECfGtAt7NWJXtM8W", "txHash": "0xadcf1975191a28a30d363f3e39e8043cc8f496f9c3da692a71c2521ed899f2f9", "createdAtBlock": 16878908, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2521, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQYbRZojdfRjRTma5o8HdqtUi1weP7dJdtzzhVHi2pU6W", "name": "Althia Exterminator of Destiny", "text": "# Althia Exterminator of Destiny\n---\n\n# - Inner Demon -\n---\n\nThere is something beautiful about watching the world burn. The flames dance and flicker, and the screams of the dying are like music to my ears. The chaos is a thing of beauty, a symphony of destruction that I have composed.\n\nI know that others may see me as evil, but to me, it's just the way of things. The strong will always prey on the weak, and the world is full of weaklings who are too afraid to take what they want. I am not afraid. I will take what I want, and I will destroy anyone who stands in my way.\n\nI imagine the chaos that would ensue if I were to set fire to everything I see. The screams of terrified people would be music to my ears. I can almost taste the smoke and feel the heat on my skin. This is my true calling, and nothing can stand in my way.\n\nBut then, a small voice whispers in the back of my mind. It's the other half of me, the one that wants to do good in the world. It tells me that what I am planning is wrong, that innocent people will be hurt. I try to silence the voice, but it persists, urging me to reconsider.\n\nI am torn between these two conflicting parts of myself. One wants to bring about destruction and chaos, while the other wants to prevent it. But deep down, I know which side I truly belong to. The darkness within me is too strong to ignore.\n\nI embrace my villainous persona once again, reveling in the thought of the world burning at my feet."} +{"id": "65cb1e89-bddb-4a72-97b7-0b2dd8e20335-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:56.164", "backgroundColor": "#470336", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNiRkgVehDno1rs7wDwsH4uPudLawRPrKwHpT4vbXJvBK", "txHash": "0x0b81732d36781951f446d3a3ba07bfeb8c1eb644d11ba2a3567a71520b114a3e", "createdAtBlock": 14184180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "The antagonist to the story of Hestia, he was once a student of the Halls of the Hallowed. Soon after he started studying there, he felt his interest being piqued by the darker elements of alchemy, the ones that were hidden away by the other scholars. There was a reason for that knowledge to be forbidden. Since the dawn of man, mankind has had the audacity to challenge the laws of nature, almost always resulting in arcane knowledge that would take away from the balance of life instead of searching for ways to better it. After his departure from the Halls of Hallowed, he started to amass wealth, knowledge and an army of undead behind his cause.\nBy the time he made himself known to the masses, he was transformed beyond recognition, no longer the frail student at the Halls trying to experiment but rather a formidable opponent of the forces of good. He now stands once more face to face against Hestia, the only one who recognised the person behind the Necromancer, behind his altered appearance and behind his new name as Black Goat of the Event Horizon. The things the Necromancer has gathered in his period of disappearance are the artifacts of legends and tales, and a closer look is needed to understand the amassed power of the Necromancer."} +{"id": "65cb1e89-bddb-4a72-97b7-0b2dd8e20335-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:56.164", "backgroundColor": "#470336", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNiRkgVehDno1rs7wDwsH4uPudLawRPrKwHpT4vbXJvBK", "txHash": "0x0b81732d36781951f446d3a3ba07bfeb8c1eb644d11ba2a3567a71520b114a3e", "createdAtBlock": 14184180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "The first adventure he undertook to found ancient relics was to find an artifact of the fabled arcane user Merlin. Merlin is often seen as the founder of the Halls of the Hallowed, although no one has ever proven the mythical arcanist ever roamed the continent for real. But the Necromancer did. In ancient scrolls he found the location of Merlins crypt. He emerged from the crypt victorious and gained a new ally in his fight against the forces of light. At first, it would seem that Merlins Monkey was an ordinary animal but he has been reanimated by the Necromancer, and in his brain reside the memories of Merlins experiments and research, something the Necromancer uses frequently to further his understanding of the arcane arts. The monkey itself is also a quick and vicious foe in battle, fighting from the shoulder of his master or jumping from enemy to enemy and clawing away at their throats or eyes."} +{"id": "65cb1e89-bddb-4a72-97b7-0b2dd8e20335-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:56.164", "backgroundColor": "#470336", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNiRkgVehDno1rs7wDwsH4uPudLawRPrKwHpT4vbXJvBK", "txHash": "0x0b81732d36781951f446d3a3ba07bfeb8c1eb644d11ba2a3567a71520b114a3e", "createdAtBlock": 14184180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "After this, he needed more power for himself. He started experimenting with magic that would alter himself in return for dark secrets. Once the Necromancer had a regular face, some would have even called him handsome in the day. Not anymore. Forbidden magic and dark arts come with a price, and one of the first ones the Necromancer had to pay was his face. Slowly but surely with each experiment and each grab for power his head became less and less human and shifted to something supernatural. Now, his face represents the dark and ancient demons he prays to and summons to gather their strength. With horns and a long face, the goat-like appearance has replaced his head fully. His red piercing eyes are alleged mirrors of hell, giving each unprotected person who looks into them the feeling they have stared into the abyss. These people will be haunted with visions and nightmares for the rest of their lives.\nEven with the payoff of his face and his human-like traits, the Necromancer would argue that he gained more than he lost. Because he gave up his own head for the demonic variant he now possesses, he has gained the ability of breathing death all around him. The story goes that he tricked the demons from below in giving him the abilities of their hunter-gatherer on the mortal plane, the Grim Reaper. This creature is supposed to be the one that collects the souls of people who are destined to die and bring them to hell."} +{"id": "65cb1e89-bddb-4a72-97b7-0b2dd8e20335-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:56.164", "backgroundColor": "#470336", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNiRkgVehDno1rs7wDwsH4uPudLawRPrKwHpT4vbXJvBK", "txHash": "0x0b81732d36781951f446d3a3ba07bfeb8c1eb644d11ba2a3567a71520b114a3e", "createdAtBlock": 14184180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "But now, this power is wielded by the Necromancer. He doesnt send their souls to hell however, instead opting to place them in purgatory, between the living and death, granting him life force from them to gain more powers for himself. Already a few powers under his belt, he felt like he still needed more. Each alchemist or mage in the world one day dreams of discovering a new fundamental understanding of the arcane arts, but few succeed. The Necromancer has done this shortly after leaving the Halls of the Hallowed destroyed. In his search for endless power, he had stumbled upon the grimoire of a dark wizard of centuries ago. In there, he found the beginnings of a spell, and over the course of three years, he has perfected it.\nNow he wields the power of the Death spell. Where the Grim reapers breath is used in close contact with people, the Death spell can be used to kill several people at once even from a far distance. Alchemists and mages have found ways to conceal themselves or others from this spell, but these protections arent for anybody. Because of this, the Necromancer is able to take out opponents even before the conflict reaches a combat stage. Finally, he found himself powerful enough that he just needed one thing more, a rune."} +{"id": "65cb1e89-bddb-4a72-97b7-0b2dd8e20335-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:56.164", "backgroundColor": "#470336", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNiRkgVehDno1rs7wDwsH4uPudLawRPrKwHpT4vbXJvBK", "txHash": "0x0b81732d36781951f446d3a3ba07bfeb8c1eb644d11ba2a3567a71520b114a3e", "createdAtBlock": 14184180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "The runes of the elements are one of the strangest elemental forces in the universe. Each of the four elements has a rune, a mystical key that can be unlocked by experienced alchemists and mages to add an extra layer to their powers. The Necromancer has opted to wield the power of the Rune of Water. This is another sign of his intelligence. More impulsive or aggressive enchanters opt for the Runes of earth or fire, both having more of a visual element to their danger. Instead the Rune of Water is calm and eternal. It turns earth into clay and mud, rendering it ineffective, it douses fire and destroys it and air cannot touch the water without becoming part of it. Because of this, by wielding the power of the Rune of water, the Necromancer has positioned himself in the most advantageous position against other wielders of Runes."} +{"id": "39e11608-0cc0-456c-88fb-101fb830f433-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-15T22:26:17.469", "backgroundColor": "#141e15", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmURsyrs1QXbppsxUgNv41xNWuohXc6mNdu82oqvRiSkJB", "txHash": "0xfcc4aea5b9bec0c9df5671c3428f512b614daebea83e1217702557dbf45dac76", "createdAtBlock": 16415170, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 465, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Milo of the Wood", "text": "### The Epic Tale of \n# The Green Wizard Milo and the Goblet of Immortality\n\n```\n\nIn Runiverse, where stars did shine,\nA wizard green as the forest pine\nMilo of the Wood, he was known\nWith bright green eyes, hat and cape shown\nAnd a goblet, a prize for deeds most fine\n\nA dragon fierce, in the Hall of Cats\nDid threaten all, with fiery spats\nBut Milo, brave and true\nFought with might and virtue\nAnd saved the hall, with dragon bane cats\n\nThe goblet, a reward for his deeds\nImmortality, it did cede\nA powerful tool, in his hand\nWith it, his magic did expand\nHis foes, by its power, were led\n\nThrough the land, he did roam\nBattling foes, throughout his wooded home\nHis power, it did grow\nAs he faced every foe\nHis legend, in song and tale, did expand\n\nBut with power, came great responsibility\nFor immortality, his soul was the fee\nHe used it wisely and well\nFor good deeds, and feats for sale\nMilo of the Wood, his name echoes still in history."} +{"id": "242f7ee4-51d5-4bde-bba6-145269d98afe-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-22T18:30:28.769", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZv3zEAzvRZPeCMzcNPVbQaegf1uM4MGtM67dyoafvkUi", "txHash": "0x08585f8edacd7fd225ba3a209decc8a729e500dff55aa2ae72b190dfadcf74f6", "createdAtBlock": 16884921, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1433, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Lamia of the Field", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nIn a land far away, beyond the rolling hills and endless green fields, there lived a female wizard named Magus Lamia of the Field. She was known far and wide for her mastery of the arcane arts and her affiliation with the Purple Haze, a mysterious order of magic-users who drew their power from the pulsating hues of the aurora borealis. Magus Lamia was a striking figure, always clad in flowing purple Yoga clothes, and with flowers of every color adorning her hair. Her constant companion was a sleek black cat, who brought her good fortune wherever she went.\n\nDespite her imposing reputation, Magus Lamia was a kind and gentle soul, with a love for all living things. She would spend hours tending to the plants and animals that called the Field their home, and her gardens were renowned for their vibrant colors and sweet fragrances. But when danger threatened, Magus Lamia would draw upon her magical powers to defend her beloved home. Her signature move was the Dragon Firework, a spell that would send a cascade of glittering sparks raining down upon her enemies, leaving them dazzled and disoriented.\n\nMagus Lamia was never without her special Rune of Brass, a powerful talisman that had been passed down to her by her ancestors. It glowed with a warm golden light, and was said to be imbued with the wisdom of the ages. With its aid, Magus Lamia could unlock secrets and mysteries that were hidden to others, and navigate the most treacherous paths with ease. And so she lived, a solitary figure in the Field, but with the power to shape the very fabric of the world around her."} +{"id": "75bfc519-7b38-436d-bcc0-3019c79054d6-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-22T18:37:18.104", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqBQ3YfbZpWnywTVS8mjApH7ffyQgm4i9rJPKw8A1G4t", "txHash": "0x7a845f4386283c1f60932e59e0cfefbcc6f4a168c6f81aa539984edfeee99423", "createdAtBlock": 16884955, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13111, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": " Eidolon of Concrete", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nOnce upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a fierce warrior named Eidolon of Concrete. He was known throughout the land for his bravery, his love of the desert, and his distinctive fashion sense. Eidolon wore a purple wrestling singlet that showed off his muscular arms and legs, and an indigo Mendicant that billowed in the wind as he rode his horse across the sands. But most impressive of all was the rapier he carried, a sword that glinted in the sun and could cut through stone with ease.\n\nEidolon's fame as a warrior grew with each passing day, as he battled fierce beasts and protected his people from marauding bandits. But one day, a new threat emerged from the desert: a band of ruthless raiders who threatened to destroy everything Eidolon held dear. With his trusty rapier in hand, Eidolon rode out to meet the enemy, his heart filled with determination and his mind focused on victory.\n\nFor days on end, Eidolon and his men fought against the raiders, never giving up despite their overwhelming numbers. And in the end, it was Eidolon's skill with his rapier that saved the day. With a swift and precise stroke, he cut down the raiders' leader, causing the rest of the band to flee in terror. And thus, Eidolon of Concrete became a hero in the eyes of his people, a symbol of hope and strength in a world filled with darkness and danger."} +{"id": "cc9b8f10-2375-4186-8c82-c66f22556cc4-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T00:13:38.523", "backgroundColor": "#e1c086", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYkDwwyz2p25cxGAzBm9Taep3iLLrhgDEjy4KpXPCQ9dx", "txHash": "0x3c78897d05cb4bc9653c17e260f31760a5306afa3c8165a5f243b928ac5b4feb", "createdAtBlock": 16421171, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2652, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPAiKpqGyUMqiCgV2U1PmjD4FXVkSn4RzzaahrDBZ8d1b", "name": "Magus Jabir of the Oasis", "text": "# Magus Jabir of the Oasis #2652\n\n_Lore of a stranger who came out of the sand_\n\nHardly anything is known about the old traditions today. Above all, little is known about the sub-cult of the Foreign Mages from the Sandlands.\n\n### Traditions & identifying characteristics of the sub-cult. \n\nBeside practical reasons, you will never find out what kind of face is hidden behind the face towel of a Sandland Magus, only the fiery glowing eyes are freely visible. \nThey usually wear fine, silky fabrics. As well as imposing magic hats, which are also practical especially when the sun is burning.\n\n\n\n## Rumors about Magus Jabir \"of the Oasis\" \n_The Stranger from the sands, known as the Eye of the Desert_ \n\n*Magus Jabir* is mainly found in the region around the > Zaros Oasis. But watch out, he sees you long before you would notice. \nHe possesses one of the rare and powerful Orb Staves. The orb of an orbital fragment of bygone times and worlds , grants channeling magic to its wielder. He can use it to form a desert eye that carries his spirit across the dunes and spy everything that doesn't have sand in its heart & soul.\n\nPssst he is said to be accompanied by an psychic rabbit, which is said to be poisonous. Caution is advised! \n\nAlso not to be forgotten is that he carries the *Rune of Water *. He will always find a way to survive in the desert, the oases calling his name as he listens to the wind in the sandlands."} +{"id": "cc9b8f10-2375-4186-8c82-c66f22556cc4-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T00:13:38.523", "backgroundColor": "#e1c086", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYkDwwyz2p25cxGAzBm9Taep3iLLrhgDEjy4KpXPCQ9dx", "txHash": "0x3c78897d05cb4bc9653c17e260f31760a5306afa3c8165a5f243b928ac5b4feb", "createdAtBlock": 16421171, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2652, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPAiKpqGyUMqiCgV2U1PmjD4FXVkSn4RzzaahrDBZ8d1b", "name": "Magus Jabir of the Oasis", "text": "> There's only one other sub-cult that might know more about the strangers from the sands. Few know about \n the entanglements of the Green Mages and those who seem lost in the sand. Who knows what can be found \n in the secret writings in the green tower, deep in the forest in > Green Wizard City. \n \nI keep searching, I'll reveal the scriptures and figure out the context..My journey will only end, if I \n get lost along the way.\n> *luckyno7.eth*"} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "# A Gift to Penguin Capital \n\n\nMy supply of fish was running low, so I traveled to Penguin Capital today. As youd expect, it's a city in the north largely populated by penguins and their allies. It's located in an area central to The Snow, The Expanse, and The Tundra, making it easy to travel between these areas; which are sectioned off by large mountains and ice water. \n\nIt was built long ago with the help of ice mages who sought to protect the feathery critters who were almost hunted to extinction. Penguins had to be strong to survive, especially from the dangerous predators in The Tundra like frost gnomes, yetis, and abominable snow mimics. Now it flourishes as a convenient resting point for those willing to travel throughout the northern region as its central point between key regions of the north benefits friends of the Penguins with easier transport. The mountains surrounding it make for great natural walls, with tunnels carved through them that are heavily guarded for safe commuting in and out of the city.\n\nIt is a city of contrasts, with stark white buildings and dark shadows cast by the towering mountains that surround it. The streets are slick with ice, and the chill in the air is palpable. Despite the harsh environment, the streets are bustling with activity, as penguins and their allies hurry about their daily business.\n\nI sent my trusty owl Mochi with a message to @warrior15502 who lives within, so she could prepare for my arrival. She's somewhat treated as a princess to the Penguins, but as far as I can tell she doesn't care about the clout, just loves all the fish they shower her with in gratitude for her protection. Building a relationship with her was highly beneficial, as she always has a surplus of exotic fish to trade and share."} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "But on the way there, while crossing through The Snow, I spotted a pirate ship which was stranded on expansive snowy white land... far away from any liquid bodies of water. \n\nIt was a creaky old vessel, manned by a group of rugged sailors. They were working hard to get the ship back in shape, patching the holes in the hull and replacing the broken ropes. The decks were cluttered with tools and debris, and the sailors were shouting orders to each other. The ship's figurehead, a mermaid with a crown and sword, was missing an arm, and her face was twisted in a grotesque grimace.\n\n\nIt seems that the pirate crew had made a grave mistake in navigation while en route to Donut Atoll in search of the elusive \"Jellybeard's Treasure.\" Whatever that is. They encountered a vicious Strawberry Shortcake Kraken. Ive never heard of it before, so I have no clue if they were exaggerating their description or not. According to the crew, the krakens massive body is covered in thick, pink and red striped tentacles that are adorned with sugary-looking pink and white swirls. Its eyes are large and round, with a bright red iris, speckled with white spots that looked like seeds, giving it a menacing yet playful appearance. It's known for its mischievous and playful nature, but it should not be underestimated as it can be quite dangerous when it feels threatened.\n\nThe creature lifted their ship and sent it hurtling across the land and sea, landing them far north in the Tundra. Despite the severity of the incident, it was nothing short of a miracle that the ship managed to land in one piece. The softness of the landing was a clear indication that some form of Aeromancy had been used to cushion the fall."} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "As I approached the ship, I was filled with hope, as I thought I might be able to trade for something valuable. However, it was clear that the crew was only on this quest because they were painfully poor and banking hard on the treasure to ease their financial troubles. How unlucky for them to be thrown this far. Okay actually, it's somewhat hilarious but I'll hold back my laughter for their sake.\"\n\n\nStill, they were in need of a map since their lack of one was how they got lost in the first place. If they didn't know where they were before, there's no way there'd know where they are now. Of course I happen to carry a few with me, since it's not unlikely you'll find a lost traveler in these parts, but I don't run a charity so they had to negotiate for it.\n\nAs I climbed aboard the rickety pirate ship, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment at the state of the vessel. The ship was in a shoddy condition and seemed to be devoid of anything valuable. The cheap wooden utensils and plates, the pungent smell of cheap beer and wine, and the moldy cheese that seemed barely edible, Its no wonder the crew was in dire need of treasure just to pay off their bills. But as I was about to give up on finding any valuable items, my eyes caught sight of a bundle of fishing poles stacked neatly in a corner of the main deck. It was an unexpected find, but it seemed the crew had a hobby for fishing, and it was something that caught my interest."} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "Cant imagine being a pirate and disliking fish. Well I happen to know some professional fishers myself who would probably make good use of those. I asked for half their stock of fishing poles in exchange for my map. Of course the deal was clearly in my favor, but their only other option was to remain lost in the north for who knows how long haha. They didn't like it, but they had no choice but to accept the deal. I heard one of the wizards grumble under his breath that they'll never be able to convince the Nightmare Imp for more. They should be fine with the poles they still have left, they're not going to starve or anything... as long as they don't break any along the way back. I gave them some brief instructions on how to get back at sea, winked for luck, and left their ship to continue on the road to Penguin Capital. It's not every day that I have such a chance encounter with a good deal, so I felt pretty lucky keeping that momentum going and negotiating a storm at the capital. Wait, do I want a storm? Yes.\n\n_______________"} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-4", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "_______________\n\n\nTwo large Battle Penguins stood in front of the west gates into the capital. As I approached they puffed out their chests to look more intimidating...how cute lol. But it only took a moment for them to recognize me. Normally you'd need a special identification pass to enter the capital, but I visit so often that I pretty much never need to show it. The guards recognized me, and quickly waddled over to a large drum that rested alongside the gate. One of them took out a pair of fish bones from somewhere under his belly feathers and began beating on it. They always try acting so tough, but I always end up clapping when they do this because it feels like a circus performance. One of the guards turned back to me and took a bow, as the gates opened behind them. The other guard, looking a bit annoyed, nudged his partner in the side. Probably to remind him that they're on duty. They both looked a bit embarrassed but I can't help humoring them when they're this adorable. With a backpack filled with fishing rods, I made my way through the gates and into the capital. \n\nAs expected, the capital is filled with Penguins waddling and sliding around the snowy town mostly consisting of igloos and other buildings made entirely of ice. Being fortified by ice magic, all of those structures are certain to be stronger than the average brick building. Beautiful snowbell flowers decorated the town around every corner, they seem to be a favorite for the penguins, probably because of the soothing sounds they emit during heavy snowfall."} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-5", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "Ah right, for anyone reading whos never seen a snowbell flower before, they only really grow in this region and I just so happen to sell them all year round. The jingling sound they emit is similar to that of a wind chime, and is very helpful for helping pollinators find them even in the heaviest of snowstorms. Of course, settlers have always used them to help lost travelers find their ways back home in those storms - if you follow the chimes youre getting closer. \n\nAs I made my way to one of the tallest ice houses in the capital - the only one sporting a cute cat-face doormat, I felt a tug on the hem of my dress. I looked down and... well what did you expect Id see? \n\n\n\nA cute little chinstrap penguin looked up at me with wide eyes, wearing a green bandana around his neck which was fastened by a large circular red gemstone. I recognized the little fella, it was Dango, @warrior15502s cute but deadly companion. He must have been keeping watch of the entrance for my arrival. \n\n________________________\n>Hey there little fella, cute outfit as usual.\n________________________\n\nAs I crouched down to pat his head, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dejavu. Just as I had that thought, a loud thud echoed behind me. I immediately knew what it was, it was the unmistakable sound of Fuyumi's massive frozen tuna being dropped on the snowy ground.\n\n________________________\n> NORIIIIIIIIIIII!\n________________________"} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-6", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "________________________\n> NORIIIIIIIIIIII!\n________________________\n\nShe shouted excitedly, her arms wrapping tightly around my upper body as she lifted me off the ground in a bear hug. Despite her small stature, Fuyumi was surprisingly strong, no doubt due to her constant carrying of the large frozen tuna. She moved with such swiftness and silence that I was unsure of how long she had been standing behind me, unnoticed. Her sudden embrace was a familiar game of cat and mouse we played, where she would pounce on me with a dramatic greeting. In the past, I used to struggle and wriggle in her grasp, but after years of this routine, I had grown accustomed to it and now let my body dangle limply as she swung me around in her arms. Eventually, she would set me down on the ground, but not before having her fun.\n\n________________________\n> Hey there Penguin princess, hows it goin? Time is money 'll get straight to the point. I've got my hands on some killer fishing poles, top-notch, pirate-approved gear. I'm telling you, these babies will take the fishing game in Penguin Capital to the next level. I'll hook you up with them, no charge, all I ask is for todays fishy haul in return. What do you say? Let's make a deal and make all the penguins in the city happy fishers.\"\n________________________\n\nShe put her fingers up to her lips inquisitively, slightly folded her cat ears downwards, and responded with a somewhat confused tone.\n________________________\n> Isnt that the same as just paying for the fish using poles this time? Also dont call me princess, you know that doesnt butter me up Nori-chin.\n\n________________________"} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-7", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "________________________\n\n\nHah, I cant negotiate my way around her that easily huh? Also I should retort against being called Nori-chin but its kinda endearing so I could get used to her calling me that.\n________________________\n> Fine fine, you got me there. What do ya say though, poles for fish? Youll be able to get more with these, right?\n________________________\n\n\nWell, even if she realized it, that doesnt mean she wont take the bait. No pun intended? Actually pun intended. It wasnt a bad deal after all, I just dont think Id be able to sell those poles off to anyone. Fuyumi closed her eyes and scratched her chin in a moment of deep thought.\n\n________________________\n> Well, we dont need anyone but the penguins to fish really\n\n> Damn, the little pudgies are that good at their jobs, huh?\n\n> ...yeah, but this would make things a lot easier for them. Hold on, let me have them test these.\n\n\n________________________\n\n\nWith that, she whistled over the direction of a small penguin huddle resting near an icy lake. She handed each one of them a pole, and without any instructions they respectfully bowed at Fuyumi and waddled off full speed back to the lake. Wait, theyre going to use the rods themselves? Cant they justwhatever. Within mere minutes, they all came running back with baskets full of periwinkle salmon. You can only find those in the cold waters here up north, they fetch a premium price. Fuyumi inspected the baskets and looked back at me, her eyes shining in excitement."} +{"id": "061b7c9a-51ef-45f8-8ff4-2081cd388fa9-8", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T09:35:05.661", "backgroundColor": "#27245d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVsBGP8GrSdywYNmCvJPGKqkYKqj8zkN9BggJWtrJeYs", "txHash": "0x7244eb1a8161a9dbadd061c18dfe7900adff0093f9710ce59f9227eb899381fd", "createdAtBlock": 16418485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY2U8XDogXqtuVnDnoqSTsbK2VmWHMoSt3fgipveuaUpc", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "________________________\n> Alright, thats a huge haul. Ill tell ya what, we can give you some fish in exchange for the poles if you make us some delicious nigiri with these salmon before you leave as well! And make sure to reserve some of your supplies for the Hall of Cats as a present for me.\n\n________________________\n\nHah, you blockhead, I would have stood the night here to make sushi for you anyway. Fine, Ill play it your way. I placed the palms of my hands atop one of the fish baskets, and with a gentle breeze and sparkling blue glow emitting from my gloves, cast a spell to instantly freeze the fish to preserve their freshness. Not to brag or anything, but my flash freeze spell is the best in the north - these fish will be so fresh when they thaw that theyll feel as if they were just pulled out the waterminus the parasites of course, even the cold resistant ones thatd normally survive normal freezing methods get to swim with the fishes when Im done with them. Wait, not the best phrase for this case. Pun was intended that time, humor me please.\n________________________\n> Sounds like a deal princess.\n\n> Dont call me that, Nori-chin.\n________________________\n\n\n\nSince then, I have been able to secure a steady supply of premium periwinkle salmon from the capital on a regular basis. But theyre highly sought after and sell out quickly. If you'd like to try this delicacy, I recommend making a reservation as soon as possible for a small additional fee. It's worth the investment to ensure you get a taste of this premium fish."} +{"id": "78743d45-3861-406e-92f0-d9b1845006b5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:48.045", "backgroundColor": "#254367", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmesNjdhaXmNQEANETipAa9e3Vjc7a2ni6xjDhLJwdTv61", "txHash": "0x5bd714a32adc5f15fb10f5babee09acbc0d508c6835379d71d4e0c903b877411", "createdAtBlock": 16418580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUExdiFUxwWJEgQ28jvhAjgXvvyTrcvvjT4yUybU1jNbG", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "# The entrepreneur of the Expanse - Ice Mage Nori \n\n*Art by Sweetbread*\n\nShe utilizes her freezing magic to preserve goods only found in The Expanse and The Snow so they can be transported long distances for wealthy customers in areas like Red Wizard Capital. She sells goods such as yeti pelts, snowbell flowers, glacier mushrooms, but of course is most well known for exotic ice water fish. Chances are if you're having sushi from cold waters, it came from Nori's inventory.\n\n___________\n> \"No fish can compare to what you find in The Snow or The Expanse. The unique tastes you'll find here are out of this world. These fish are so resilient to cold that you can't freeze them normally, and they'd die and instantly rot when taken to warmer climates. I'm just happy I can help spread these magnificent flavors far and wide.\"\n___________\n\nBut fishing is certainly not Nori's specialty. She relies on the help of @warrior15502 in Penguin Capital to gather huge stockpiles gathered from the herds of penguins Fuyumi protects. In return, Nori provides luxuries from mainland cities across the oceans. \n\nShips coming from around the world know where to meet her, but customers within The Expanse and its surrounding areas aren't always so easy to reach given the vast snow mountains separating them. With the help of her owl Athena, she can easily communicate with them and arrange for easy exchanges and payments and materials to export.\n\nAs for her favorite imports, nothing for her beats @wizard6001's Quantum Mushrooms. Impossible to get anywhere near the frozen lands Nori lives in, they're a delicacy she enjoys and always requests in exchange for her goods."} +{"id": "78743d45-3861-406e-92f0-d9b1845006b5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:48.045", "backgroundColor": "#254367", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmesNjdhaXmNQEANETipAa9e3Vjc7a2ni6xjDhLJwdTv61", "txHash": "0x5bd714a32adc5f15fb10f5babee09acbc0d508c6835379d71d4e0c903b877411", "createdAtBlock": 16418580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9742, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUExdiFUxwWJEgQ28jvhAjgXvvyTrcvvjT4yUybU1jNbG", "name": "Ice Mage Nori of the Expanse", "text": "___________\n> \"It was scary to try at first, but once I did I got to see a world where I was a sailor serving ice water fish across the land with the help of a freezing talisman. It seems obvious in hindsight, but I realized from those visions that the flavors I've come to love and enjoy here in these frozen landscapes simply can't be found elsewhere. I knew that I wanted the world I saw in that vision to become a reality... well aside from the scurvy part, that was kinda weird. But without these quantum mushrooms I would have never realized my calling. Back then my most exported items were yeti pelts and business was slow. Now I've got backorders and can't even keep up with demand! I love these mushrooms. But I can't help but wonder why sometimes the visions I see with them feel so.. real? Guess they're just that good.\"\n___________"} +{"id": "97229f1a-de41-4782-ab15-38f1fdecc2e3-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-23T03:23:27.377", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXv9kwtjrdnfJ8hDZvyA9sWQsjKfdEoecVV8X5TncE6Sn", "txHash": "0xcad669face086b69f98c3bfb9c1ea35b474431c03ad7bdd302eea6a6e015d882", "createdAtBlock": 16887553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 776, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Alizam of the Mountain", "text": "Sorcerer Alizam of the Mountain was born to a family of miners, deep in the heart of the mountain range near The Secret Tower. From a young age, he showed an aptitude for magic, often using his powers to help his family find rare and valuable minerals. Creating decorative items or magical wands out of the best and rarest stones.\n\nAs he grew older, he became increasingly interested in the secrets of the earth. He studied ancient tomes and consulted with mystics and seers, seeking to unlock the mysteries of the mountain and harness its power for his own purposes.\n\nFinally, after years of study, Sorcerer Alizam discovered a powerful spell that would allow him to merge his own consciousness with that of the mountain. With trembling hands, he began to cast the spell, calling upon the earth's energy to imbue him with its power.\n\nAs he chanted the incantation, the sorceror felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. He felt as if he was one with the mountain, his senses expanded to encompass every inch of the rock and soil around him.\n\nBut then, something went wrong. Alizam had not anticipated the sheer power of the earth, and he found himself overwhelmed by its energy. He felt his mind slipping away, lost in a sea of endless rock and stone.\n\nFor what seemed like an eternity, he was lost in the mountain, his consciousness melding with the very earth itself. But then, slowly but surely, he began to regain his sense of self.\n\nWhen he awoke, he found himself lying on the ground outside his family's mine. He knew that he had been changed forever, transformed by his experience into something more than human."} +{"id": "97229f1a-de41-4782-ab15-38f1fdecc2e3-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-23T03:23:27.377", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXv9kwtjrdnfJ8hDZvyA9sWQsjKfdEoecVV8X5TncE6Sn", "txHash": "0xcad669face086b69f98c3bfb9c1ea35b474431c03ad7bdd302eea6a6e015d882", "createdAtBlock": 16887553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 776, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Alizam of the Mountain", "text": "From that day forward, Sorcerer Alizam of the Mountain was a force to be reckoned with. He could call upon the power of the earth itself, causing the ground to shake and the rocks to shatter with a single thought. He became a legend among the people of the mountain, revered as a powerful mage and feared as a force of nature.\n\nAnd so, Sorcerer Alizam spent the rest of his days wandering the mountain range, seeking to unlock the secrets of the earth and protect what had become such a large part of himself."} +{"id": "38693cd8-c5ab-4d59-b942-45a429d85dc4-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-16T13:39:04.25", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSFFrYTveu5d3qKNa1SrHs5ng7K4FQbZKrnvgfj4nrUCj", "txHash": "0x6fcab7cd91089d5af1fdc97c2c863b9c20bbcdc6046d110b69b99b0aa128027a", "createdAtBlock": 16419701, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2216, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Samuel of the Sands", "text": "# Cabinet of Curiosity? Or Capturing?\n\n\nHave you ever had a good day go bad so quickly, you didnt even notice the shift, until you were neck deep in that shift, so to speak? \n\nSamuel looked down at the shard in his hands. The face of @wizard5251 looked back. He wanted to comfort her, to tell her he had only wanted to free her. \n\nHe knew it was useless, that she couldnt hear him. He had been rooted to the spot for hours, and sometimes, he watched her lips move. Not a sound. He breathed slowly, brought the shard to his ear, as one might a seashell. Vaguely he caught snippets of sound. So faint that they might be imagined. The sounds barely got through.\n\nHe spent the next few hours screaming apologies directly into the mirror. Screaming about his intentions to help. Saying that if he only knew the eventual result, he would have left the damn mirror intact, searched for a better way.\n\nBut she never looked anymore at peace. She never looked like she understood his pain. She never looked like she knew he was there at all. And that was the worst part for Samuel. Having spent his entire life as a Cleric, he only wanted to help and comfort others. \n\nBut there was nothing more he could do here. \n\nSomeone else could take his shard from him. He was going to take some time apart and think about the consequences of his own recklessness."} +{"id": "ce65518c-6810-4bf4-bc52-b18d81fa66f4-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-23T09:01:20.007", "backgroundColor": "#7a1813", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZtJZaAyvbvPz5Pvvg2ssaX35AtgzaPn7DLQCqSLp99wa", "txHash": "0x12b229e1579828ee6a3f668d9323491f873e04c93f30112fd1dc9c9952c8cded", "createdAtBlock": 16889218, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6592, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Tengu of the Plains", "text": "Tengu was born to be an alchemist. His parents were the most renowned alchemist-warriors of their time, and they passed their skills to their son. He grew up surrounded by cauldrons, herbs, and manuals on alchemy. Tengu loved to experiment in the kitchen and had a talent for creating innovative recipes for both potions, and culinary dishes. His latest creation, however, became his downfall.\n\nThe alchemist was trying to create a potion that would grant immortality, an elixir of legend, the elusive holy grail of his field. He spent months working on the recipe and refining the ingredients until he was finally ready to test it out. Tengu added the final ingredient, a rare herb that he had obtained from a faraway land, and let the potion brew for a few minutes. When the potion was ready, Tengu tasted it and felt a strange sensation. His mamba snake pet, Arisu, who had been coiled up nearby, also took a sip from the cauldron. A few moments later, both Tengu and the snake had turned red!\n\nThe alchemist was shocked by the result. He had no idea what had caused the potion to have such a strange effect on him and his pet. Alchemist Tengu spent years trying to reverse the effect of the potion, but he never succeeded. Despite his misfortune, Tengu continued to create innovative recipes and share his love for alchemy and cooking with others. People flocked to his kitchen to taste his creations, which were getting more and more daring as his quest for immortality continued.\n\nIn his dual role of both Master Alchemist and Defender of the Plains, alchemist-warrior Tengu knew that his homeland was constantly under threat. The evil samurai from neighboring regions would often invade the plains, seeking to confiscate its vast resources and exploit its people. Every time they came, Tengu would stand tall and defend his home at all costs."} +{"id": "ce65518c-6810-4bf4-bc52-b18d81fa66f4-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-23T09:01:20.007", "backgroundColor": "#7a1813", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZtJZaAyvbvPz5Pvvg2ssaX35AtgzaPn7DLQCqSLp99wa", "txHash": "0x12b229e1579828ee6a3f668d9323491f873e04c93f30112fd1dc9c9952c8cded", "createdAtBlock": 16889218, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6592, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Tengu of the Plains", "text": "But this time, the invasion was different. The samurai had come better prepared, with state-of-the-art weapons and an army twice as large as before. The people of the plains were frantic and scared for their lives, but Tengu knew he had to act fast to protect them. He gathered all the potions he had made over the years - potions for strength, agility, and endurance - and started concocting new ones that would give him the edge he needed.\n\nWhen the samurai arrived, Tengu was ready. True to his alchemist-warrior linerage, he fought with all his might, using his potions to become stronger, faster, and more resilient. The samurai were caught off guard, never having faced an opponent like him before. They swung their swords, fired their arrows, and charged with their horses, but Tengu proved too elusive for them to catch.\nWith each passing moment, Tengus confidence grew. He leapt over his enemies, dodged their attacks, and struck them with his own. Arisu of course, fought by his masters side, buffed by the alchemists arts as well. His potions were running out, but he had just enough left to give him one final burst of energy. He drank it down and charged towards the samurai leader, who was standing on a hill overlooking the battlefield.\n\nWith a single blow, Tengu struck the leader down and his army soon fell in defeat. The plains were safe once again, and the people rejoiced at Tengus heroism. From that day on, Tengu became known as the greatest defender of the plains, and his potions were passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that his legacy would never die."} +{"id": "1e155f66-640f-4bba-ab3f-332911ea4fcc-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-17T03:29:15.728", "backgroundColor": "#0f183b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPt1dRkngpyXB75GsUdzGkV49Nn3u8DPGVwPttNRTrXTz", "txHash": "0xde6698d905991c8d5b6bcb7a3e77ec4278feba11b3c7ee25140c65ba664fceef", "createdAtBlock": 16423830, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7992, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Silas of the Keep", "text": "# Alchemist Silas of the Keep\n#\n\n\nSilas was a powerful wizard who lived in a grand keep atop a mountain peak. He was renowned for his mastery of both magic and alchemy, and his knowledge and power were respected by all who knew of him.\n\nSilas was a solitary figure, dedicating most of his time to his studies and experiments in his laboratory within the keep. He was often seen wearing a pointed wizard hat, which was said to have been passed down from a powerful sorcerer of old.\n\nDespite his reclusive nature, Silas was known for his quick wit and clever tongue. He was not one to shy away from a clever remark or witty banter, and many tales were told of his clever comebacks and one-liners.\n\nSilas' true power lay in his alchemy. He was able to create powerful potions and elixirs, capable of granting immortality, restoring youth, and even bringing the dead back to life. He was also able to transmute base metals into gold and create powerful magical artifacts.\n\nSilas' reputation as a master alchemist and powerful sorcerer drew many apprentices and seekers of knowledge to his keep, but he only took on a select few as his students. Those who were fortunate enough to study under Silas were said to have gained immeasurable knowledge and power.\n\nDespite his great power and knowledge, Silas was a humble and benevolent wizard, using his abilities for the betterment of all those around him. He will always be remembered as a wise and powerful sorcerer, whose legacy will live on through the ages."} +{"id": "313a273a-f679-467b-becf-aeec359a9f1c-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-23T09:19:29.244", "backgroundColor": "#550058", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdDaWHRHbFxFQG9bSNcaP7iLioXbC2FBUnDDBq1yWiqKr", "txHash": "0x545cfbfd03d52c6808a0085fd01a2e2d6ba2ce87bf44393f1ad8ef696d347bd1", "createdAtBlock": 16889309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1767, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Jasper of the Sun", "text": "Jasper of the Sun was once a wizard of great promise. Born into the ranks of the Sun Clan, he had a natural talent for manipulating light and energy. His peers expected great things from him, and he worked hard to live up to those expectations. As a young apprentice, Jasper quickly rose through the ranks, mastering new spells and techniques with ease.\n\nHowever, fate had other plans for Jasper. His archenemy, @wizard2573, jealous of Jasper's growing power, plotted against him. In a fierce magical battle, @wizard2573 managed to corrupt Jasper's mind and turn him to the dark art of necromancy. Jasper was horrified by what he had become, but he was powerless to resist the dark magic that held him in thrall.\n\nFearing the consequences of his actions, Jasper fled deep into the mountains. There, he took up residence in a secluded cabin, surrounded by towering peaks and dense forests. Living in isolation, Jasper worked tirelessly to reverse the effects of @wizard2573s curse. He studied the arcane arts, delving deeper and deeper into the mysteries of death and decay.\n\nJasper's only companions were his beloved cat, a sly and furtive creature with bright green eyes, and a curious flying skull. The skull, which had belonged to a long-dead apprentice, had been enchanted by Jasper to speak and fly on its own. The two companions kept Jasper company during his long years of exile, watching over him as he fought off invading orcs, malicious wizards, and other dangers.\n\nDespite his isolation, Jasper remained committed to the Sun Clan's ideals. He used his necromantic powers only for good, using them to protect his homeland from harm. Jasper knew that the path of dark magic was a treacherous one, and he made a solemn oath never to fall prey to its temptations again."} +{"id": "313a273a-f679-467b-becf-aeec359a9f1c-1", "createdAt": "2023-03-23T09:19:29.244", "backgroundColor": "#550058", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdDaWHRHbFxFQG9bSNcaP7iLioXbC2FBUnDDBq1yWiqKr", "txHash": "0x545cfbfd03d52c6808a0085fd01a2e2d6ba2ce87bf44393f1ad8ef696d347bd1", "createdAtBlock": 16889309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1767, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Jasper of the Sun", "text": "@wizard2573, however, was not content to let Jasper live in peace. He continued to send minions after Jasper, hoping to capture him and bring him to justice. Jasper knew it was only a matter of time before @wizard2573 succeeded, and he remained ever-vigilant, ready to fight to the death in defense of his newfound home. Even in the face of impossible odds, Jasper remained steadfast, determined to protect the Sun Clan and its people from harm."} +{"id": "1107d18b-a1e3-496e-922f-24a64095de32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:57.697", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT7dJhJ2jwY5RWeqPo7DKirT9WWCzoaEzP8EkohZwKcmB", "txHash": "0x26d6fabf1935dd7aff5acb79390693c101d84922a4e5914d6c7ab841f8da5ab3", "createdAtBlock": 14184684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Cosmo of the Steppe", "text": "# The Day Cosmo Will Never Forget\n\nToday was just an ordinary day for Hedge Wizard Cosmo. Like most days, the enchanted clock chimed for seven bells and Cosmo tried his best to stop the chiming from his bed with little success. The blue rat that had been by Cosmos side since for as long as he could remember, began to nibble at his toes. STOP THAT! shouted Cosmo to the blue rat, but the rat continued to nibble. Eventually Cosmo leaped from his bed, causing the blue rat to go flying across the room and land in a heap in the corner. The enchanted clock was finally switched off and Cosmo drew the curtains open to look across the vast sprawl of fields that surrounded his house. What the . Cosmo whispered to himself. All of the fields which were full of crops just only yesterday were completely bare, not a grain in sight!\n\nHedge Wizard Cosmo through on his Green Coveralls as fast as he could and ran into the fields to go and investigate. The blue rat had finally awoken from his daze and followed closely behind Cosmo. This is bad, this is really, really bad Cosmo said to the blue rat. The reason why it was so particularly bad, was due to the fact the Cosmo only had one job, that one job was to use his powerful magic and wisdom to keep the crops safe for the village. In return for Cosmos efforts to ensure a healthy harvest each year, his was given anything he could ask for by the local villagers. Cosmo looked behind him and could see the villagers beginning to gather around his house. They dont look happy squeaked the blue rat. Cosmo breathed a deep sigh as he could also see, the villagers did indeed not look happy at all."} +{"id": "1107d18b-a1e3-496e-922f-24a64095de32-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:57.697", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT7dJhJ2jwY5RWeqPo7DKirT9WWCzoaEzP8EkohZwKcmB", "txHash": "0x26d6fabf1935dd7aff5acb79390693c101d84922a4e5914d6c7ab841f8da5ab3", "createdAtBlock": 14184684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Cosmo of the Steppe", "text": "Cosmo slowly walked back to his house, dragging his feet across the bare dirt, frantically thinking of how he could solve this problem. A problem that he was in charge of preventing in the first place. Before Cosmo even made it back to his house, he heard the voice of an elder, You had one job Cosmo. One job!. The rest of the villagers began to shout in fury. What will we eat, How did you let this happen I always knew you were only a part time wizard were just some of the things Cosmo could hear. Cosmo jumped onto a hay bail and stood tall and proud. Part time wizard, how dare you shouted Cosmo. I just need a little time to work out what has happened, it will all be alright, trust me, I am a Wizard Cosmo said to the villagers with a slight tremble in his voice. The villagers began to go back to daily jobs and Cosmo sat down on the hay bail with his"} +{"id": "1107d18b-a1e3-496e-922f-24a64095de32-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:57.697", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT7dJhJ2jwY5RWeqPo7DKirT9WWCzoaEzP8EkohZwKcmB", "txHash": "0x26d6fabf1935dd7aff5acb79390693c101d84922a4e5914d6c7ab841f8da5ab3", "createdAtBlock": 14184684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Cosmo of the Steppe", "text": "Cosmo sat down on the hay bail with his blue rat, how are we going to solve this one said Cosmo as he cast his eyes across the baron fields. Whats that! shouted Cosmo. He jumped up and began to run towards a green glow that he could see in the distance. As the blue rat and Cosmo got closer to the glow, they could start to smell something really sweet. Cosmo finally got to the centre of the field where the green glow was coming from, surrounded by the sweetest smell he had ever smelled. A Jelly Donut? Cosmo whispered to himself. He was so puzzled, yet so intrigued. How did a jelly donut get here Cosmo thought to him self and why do I want to eat it so bad. The blue rat franticly squeaked pleading with Cosmo to not eat the jelly donut. But it smells so good Cosmo explained to the blue rat, but the rat still frantically squeaked. Hedge Wizard Cosmo bent"} +{"id": "1107d18b-a1e3-496e-922f-24a64095de32-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:57.697", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT7dJhJ2jwY5RWeqPo7DKirT9WWCzoaEzP8EkohZwKcmB", "txHash": "0x26d6fabf1935dd7aff5acb79390693c101d84922a4e5914d6c7ab841f8da5ab3", "createdAtBlock": 14184684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Cosmo of the Steppe", "text": "still frantically squeaked. Hedge Wizard Cosmo bent down and picked up this strange, sweet smelling jelly donut and before the rat could do anything else, Cosmo took a bite. The blue rat jumped onto Cosmos boot and within a split second the pair of them were transported to another realm"} +{"id": "1107d18b-a1e3-496e-922f-24a64095de32-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:57.697", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT7dJhJ2jwY5RWeqPo7DKirT9WWCzoaEzP8EkohZwKcmB", "txHash": "0x26d6fabf1935dd7aff5acb79390693c101d84922a4e5914d6c7ab841f8da5ab3", "createdAtBlock": 14184684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Cosmo of the Steppe", "text": "To be continued"} +{"id": "322d3b7b-11d0-4963-ab66-d9424d5fcd2f-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T02:07:52.706", "backgroundColor": "#510542", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDZjmf5qugaDVSCn1ZM76yKnZH55bXarB3eoWNRjDbY5", "txHash": "0xbab9a3d4864d3cddadf5658472a1fdf297b8926093542923909ecb61f3a68a7c", "createdAtBlock": 16437767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCzhaQP4Hiru7VGC58Vi1G8t4vKWj5diRivaDu2QExP2", "name": "Augurer Qasim of the Wood", "text": "A Lore prompted by myself, written by chat gpt. illustrations promtped by myself, created by dall.e\n\n\n\n\"The Beer Drinking, Guitar Playing Wizard Qasim\"\n\nQasim was a wizard like no other. He was known throughout the Runiverse for his love of beer and his skill with a guitar. He lived a peaceful life in a small cottage on the edge of the forest, where he spent his days brewing and playing music. But little did anyone know, Qasim had a secret talent - he could create the most delicious and potent ale in all the land.\n\nOne day, Qasim received a vision in a dream. In it, he saw a majestic pony named Barnaby the Bold. Barnaby told Qasim that he had been chosen to save the troubled wizards of the Runiverse by supplying them with mugs of his ale at a forgotten tavern deep in the forest. Qasim was skeptical at first, but the dream was so vivid and real that he couldn't shake it off.\n\nWithout hesitation, Qasim set off on a journey to find Barnaby and the forgotten tavern. After many days of traveling, he finally came upon the tavern, hidden deep in the forest. As he approached, he could hear the sound of music and laughter coming from within. Excitedly, he pushed open the door to find Barnaby the Bold standing before him, holding a mug of ale.\n\n\"Welcome, Qasim,\" Barnaby said with a smile. \"I've been waiting for you.\"\n\nQasim was amazed. The dream had been real, and Barnaby the Bold was even more majestic in person. The two quickly became friends and set off on a mission to save the troubled wizards of the Runiverse. They traveled from village to village, offering mugs of Qasim's delicious ale to any wizard in need."} +{"id": "322d3b7b-11d0-4963-ab66-d9424d5fcd2f-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T02:07:52.706", "backgroundColor": "#510542", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDZjmf5qugaDVSCn1ZM76yKnZH55bXarB3eoWNRjDbY5", "txHash": "0xbab9a3d4864d3cddadf5658472a1fdf297b8926093542923909ecb61f3a68a7c", "createdAtBlock": 16437767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCzhaQP4Hiru7VGC58Vi1G8t4vKWj5diRivaDu2QExP2", "name": "Augurer Qasim of the Wood", "text": "As they traveled, Qasim played his guitar and sang songs of hope and encouragement. The wizards they met were initially skeptical, but as they took a sip of Qasim's ale, their spirits lifted, and they began to believe that things could get better.\n\nThe wizards of the Runiverse had been facing a terrible enemy - the beasts of the realm. These creatures were fierce and powerful, and the wizards had been struggling to defeat them. But with Qasim and Barnaby's help, the wizards' morale was lifted, and they were able to band together to defeat the beasts once and for all.\n\nThanks to Qasim's ale and Barnaby's bold spirit, the Runiverse was saved, and the wizards were forever grateful. Qasim and Barnaby became legends in their own right, known as the \"Ale-Bringers\" who saved the day.\n\nAnd so, Qasim and Barnaby continued to travel the Runiverse, spreading joy and hope wherever they went. They became known as the most unlikely of heroes, but their friendship and love of ale had saved the day.\n\nThe end"} +{"id": "b4896e24-4630-4ac3-855b-f833bb1c26d5-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-28T06:00:05.633", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd8iwGfkuoYzGrdJzHqPUXZbjRzvst3WnYwxEpFUEPmWv", "txHash": "0xc130ba1d0d2b5d49e871e320b4a227929caec264e05f1c218aa71fd982c3bf44", "createdAtBlock": 16923923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1463, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kamil of the Dunes", "text": "In the parched lands of Zephyra, where the desert winds whisper ancient secrets, lived Sorcerer Kamil of the Dunes, a master of sand and wind. Born under the Rune of Uranus, Kamil possessed exceptional skills in transformation and change, shaping the world around him with his mystical powers.\n\nClad in white silk robes, his garments fluttered with each gust of wind as he traversed the unforgiving dunes. An orange waistband secured his flowing outfit, while a blue scarf and shoes complemented his ensemble, granting him protection from the desert's harsh elements.\n\nSorcerer Kamil's head was covered with a mystical Djinn mask, a relic from a time long past. The mask's purple fabric and piercing yellow eyes were a testament to the magical abilities the sorcerer had harnessed. As Kamil's powers grew, so did his ability to communicate with the Djinn, ancient spirits that controlled the desert winds.\n\nBy his side, a Sapphire Slime familiar accompanied him, a magical creature that provided much-needed moisture in the arid environment. This peculiar companion took the form of a blue water droplet with expressive eyes and a cheerful mouth.\n\nIn his hand, Kamil held a flask of Mandrake potion, a concoction of great significance. The orange liquid glowed with the power to transform reality and manipulate the desert sands, further enhancing Kamil's innate abilities.\n\nWith the red sun blazing above, Sorcerer Kamil of the Dunes wandered the sands, seeking knowledge and preserving the balance of his realm. Through his unique powers and the bonds he forged with the Djinn, Kamil became a legend among his people, a symbol of hope in a land of relentless heat and endless sands."} +{"id": "f5c25751-324f-49c3-a969-35b98c5f8cb6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:00.896", "backgroundColor": "#2b5530", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRBmNXg7Hqh44uJLHVfJ46oT3swDiESRY2Yn9Z95t92x", "txHash": "0x1ae9d2301cbbdbcd89e51252af0c5699a21320b315763f60fe724f68d4410f5b", "createdAtBlock": 16438431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Qasim of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Augurer Qasim of the Wood\n\nAugurer Quasim of the Wood is a festive Punjabi Wizard. He loves his cat and dream pony, Barnaby the Bold. Legend has it, he once drank an entire barrel keg of ale whilst hand standing upside down upon it. Augerer Qasim is a lesser known traveler and entertainer, however once his limmericks befall a fair maiden's ear, she becomes powerless to resist his charm and charisma. But dont let this festive fellow fool you, for he is no stranger to battle. In fact, the more ale he drinks only empowers his fighting instincts further during a melee. Some say that he has developed his combat technique inspired by his ferocious familiar feline. He can make loud and intimidating cat sounds that psych out enemy opponents. Truth be told, not all battles can be won. Augerer Qasim's dream pony Barnaby often has to rescue him from his less succesful engagements. Barnaby the Bold is a trustworthy steed, but has been known to break into Qasim's beer and drink all of it. Augerer Qasim of the Wood is always ready for the next adventure... but hopes its his next pint!"} +{"id": "86764e52-8ddd-4c08-b3c5-b6519b1a6875-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:19:40.872", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6yagXadZEjWnmBDWQxJP9MNga6MJyqnui7NxRUUD26g", "txHash": "0xda01e6c7af8cd39818339557e62e493b298b847ba397c5f92d949a2d05d4f416", "createdAtBlock": 16440221, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brutus Antagonist of the South", "text": "# Brutus\n\n_Somewhere in the southlands... the lonely arena stands in the middle of the desert... the sun is scorching the earth_\n\nThe arena is packed ... \nAn strong scent of sweat mixed with sand and blood is filling the air.\nThe crowed is enraged by the previous fights... the want MORE!!\n\nThe want him... the undefeated champion of the Southern Kingdoms ... the want... BRUTUS!\n\nThe announcer rings the bell... the next fighters are called to join the arena.\nAs he walks in the dusty corridor, seeing a seering light at the end of the tunnel, he listen to the usual chants. \n\nbru - tus\n\nbru - tus \n\n_the crowed gets louder and louder_\n\nBru-Tus\n\nBru - Tus\n\n_As he emerged under the scorching sun, the entire arena has turned mad from their thirst for blood_\n\nBRU-TUS\n\nBRU-TUS\n\n\nThe undefeated champion, Brutus Antagonist of the South, is about to begin his next fight!"} +{"id": "2cc08e7b-401a-4956-a822-5a54cdecc71a-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:18:28.473", "backgroundColor": "#5c4d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXniD4UM3k6712aoMnECVcHJTVuKUrqCEEEb9qoTvHeum", "txHash": "0x616c5acc96a5fe57009aeb504b2bee0b191d8926a4eee4a9843f66fc8d22767f", "createdAtBlock": 16440204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2854, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR4B23tzmCP2h7e6LVRGhPhwkcxdaBACmrkUy5PrhQhjV", "name": "Florentina Hammer of Glory", "text": "# Florentina, Hammer of Glory and the Hall of Cats\n\nFlorentina, Hammer of Glory, was a fierce and skilled warrior, feared and respected by all who knew her. She had come to the Runiverse from a faraway land, seeking adventure and glory. With her companion, the northern lynx named Laura, by her side, she roamed the lands, facing down all manner of enemies and overcoming seemingly impossible odds.\nFlorentina's armor of fire was a sight to behold, and her shield, depicting a frog, was a symbol of her strength and tenacity. Her weapon, the bo staff, was a formidable tool in her hands, and she was an expert in its use, having trained for many years in the martial arts of her homeland.\nLaura, her companion, was a fierce and independent animal, much like her human companion. She was a skilled hunter, and her long legs and furry feet made her well-suited to traveling through the snowy wilderness. Her black-tipped tail and tufted ears marked her as a northern lynx, a rare and majestic creature.\nDespite her fearsome reputation, Florentina was a kind and compassionate woman, with a deep love for all creatures, especially cats. And Laura, her companion, was her constant companion, a source of comfort and support in the many battles and adventures that lay ahead.\nTogether, Florentina and Laura roamed the Runiverse, facing down all manner of dangers and enemies, always looking for the next challenge and adventure. And as they looked to the future, they knew that they would face it together, with courage, strength, and the unbreakable bond of companionship.\n\n\n\n## Meeting Tabitha in the Swamp"} +{"id": "2cc08e7b-401a-4956-a822-5a54cdecc71a-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:18:28.473", "backgroundColor": "#5c4d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXniD4UM3k6712aoMnECVcHJTVuKUrqCEEEb9qoTvHeum", "txHash": "0x616c5acc96a5fe57009aeb504b2bee0b191d8926a4eee4a9843f66fc8d22767f", "createdAtBlock": 16440204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2854, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR4B23tzmCP2h7e6LVRGhPhwkcxdaBACmrkUy5PrhQhjV", "name": "Florentina Hammer of Glory", "text": "As @warrior2854 made her way through the Frogmaster Marsh, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that the Hall of Cats, the guild she so desperately wanted to join, had many enemies, and she knew that the marsh was home to one of the most powerful and feared wizards in the Runiverse, @wizard6154.\nFlorentina knew that Tabitha and her familiar, Blimpy the albino rat, were fierce opponents of the Hall of Cats. She had heard stories of the powerful magic that Tabitha wielded, and knew that she would have to be careful if she hoped to pass through the marsh unharmed.\nAs she made her way deeper into the marsh, Florentina came across a strange and mysterious figure. It was Tabitha, her green skin and hair a stark contrast to the dark and twisted landscape of the marsh.\nTabitha greeted Florentina with a cold and calculating stare, her rat Blimpy perched on her shoulder. Florentina knew that she was in the presence of a powerful and dangerous wizard, and she braced herself for the worst.\nBut to her surprise, Tabitha did not attack. Instead, she spoke to Florentina, her words measured and precise. \"I know why you have come to the marsh,\" she said. \"You seek to join the Hall of Cats, but you must know that my kind and I are opposed to their ways. We will not stand idly by as they seek to dominate and control the animals of the Runiverse.\""} +{"id": "2cc08e7b-401a-4956-a822-5a54cdecc71a-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:18:28.473", "backgroundColor": "#5c4d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXniD4UM3k6712aoMnECVcHJTVuKUrqCEEEb9qoTvHeum", "txHash": "0x616c5acc96a5fe57009aeb504b2bee0b191d8926a4eee4a9843f66fc8d22767f", "createdAtBlock": 16440204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2854, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR4B23tzmCP2h7e6LVRGhPhwkcxdaBACmrkUy5PrhQhjV", "name": "Florentina Hammer of Glory", "text": "Florentina was taken aback by Tabitha's words, but she knew that she could not back down. She steeled herself and spoke with determination. \"I understand your concerns, Tabitha, but the Hall of Cats is a noble and just guild. We seek to protect and preserve the animals of the Runiverse, not to dominate and control them.\"\nTabitha considered Florentina's words for a moment, her eyes flickering with a hint of something that might have been respect. \"Perhaps,\" she said at last. \"But I will not stand idly by as you pass through the marsh.\""} +{"id": "2cc08e7b-401a-4956-a822-5a54cdecc71a-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:18:28.473", "backgroundColor": "#5c4d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXniD4UM3k6712aoMnECVcHJTVuKUrqCEEEb9qoTvHeum", "txHash": "0x616c5acc96a5fe57009aeb504b2bee0b191d8926a4eee4a9843f66fc8d22767f", "createdAtBlock": 16440204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2854, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR4B23tzmCP2h7e6LVRGhPhwkcxdaBACmrkUy5PrhQhjV", "name": "Florentina Hammer of Glory", "text": "## The capture\n\nFlorentina's journey to join the Hall of Cats took a dark and unexpected turn when Tabitha, the powerful wizard of the Frogmaster Marsh, took her hostage. Blindfolded and disoriented, Florentina was led deeper into the marsh, her fate uncertain.\n\nAs they walked, Tabitha told her plan to Florentina. She knew the location of the Hall of Cats' headquarters, and she intended to use Florentina as leverage to gain entrance to the guild. \"As I said: I will not stand idly by as the Hall of Cats seeks to dominate and control the animals of the Runiverse,\" she said. \"I will use you and your companion, the lynx Laura, to gain entry and put a stop to their ways.\"\n\nFlorentina was horrified by Tabitha's plan. She knew that the Hall of Cats was a noble and just guild, and she couldn't bear the thought of her companion, Laura, being harmed. She pleaded with Tabitha to let her go, but the wizard was resolute. \"You must understand,\" she said. \"I will do whatever it takes to stop the Hall of Cats, even if it means sacrificing one life for the greater good.\"\n\nTabitha blindfolded Florentina, took away her weapons and shield and went on her way to the Hall of Cats.\n\n## The gates of the Hall of Cats\n\n\"I demand from the gatekeepers of the Hall to let me and my fierce Blimpy enter and parlay the release of one Florentina, Hammer of Glora and her hideous lynx Laura. If you do not open the gates, i will put the cat on Florentinas staff and cut her head off!\""} +{"id": "2cc08e7b-401a-4956-a822-5a54cdecc71a-4", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:18:28.473", "backgroundColor": "#5c4d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXniD4UM3k6712aoMnECVcHJTVuKUrqCEEEb9qoTvHeum", "txHash": "0x616c5acc96a5fe57009aeb504b2bee0b191d8926a4eee4a9843f66fc8d22767f", "createdAtBlock": 16440204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2854, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR4B23tzmCP2h7e6LVRGhPhwkcxdaBACmrkUy5PrhQhjV", "name": "Florentina Hammer of Glory", "text": "But as Tabitha stood in front of the gates of the Hall of Cats, making her threats and demands, a powerful voice echoed from above. It was the voice of the @wizard6044, the grand master of the Runiverse, and it was filled with authority and power.\n\n\"Tabitha of the Marsh, you are wrong,\" the voice boomed. \"The gates of the Hall of Cats may only be entered by cats and their companions. You and your rat, Blimpy, are not welcome here.\"\nTabitha was taken aback by the voice, and she knew that she had overstepped her bounds. She had always thought of herself as a protector of animals, but she realized that she had been misguided in her actions.\n\n\"Forgive me, Dotta,\" Tabitha said, bowing her head in humility. \"I only wanted to protect the animals of the Runiverse, but I see now that I was wrong.\"\nThe Dotta's voice softened, \"I understand your intentions Tabitha, but the Hall of Cats is a guild for cats and their companions, not for human wizards. You cannot enter here. But you may find your path in other guilds or paths that will suit you better.\"\n\n\n\n## The release\n\nTabitha nodded, accepting the Dotta's words. She left the gates and returned to the marsh, where she released Florentina and Laura. She apologized for her actions and returned Florentina's shield, weapons and the rune of Neptune, which she had taken by magic.\n\n\"I'm sorry for what I did,\" Tabitha said to Florentina. \"I hope you can forgive me. I know that you are on a quest to find the Hall of Cats, and I will not give you its location. You will have to continue your quest, but I wish you the best of luck.\""} +{"id": "2cc08e7b-401a-4956-a822-5a54cdecc71a-5", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:18:28.473", "backgroundColor": "#5c4d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXniD4UM3k6712aoMnECVcHJTVuKUrqCEEEb9qoTvHeum", "txHash": "0x616c5acc96a5fe57009aeb504b2bee0b191d8926a4eee4a9843f66fc8d22767f", "createdAtBlock": 16440204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2854, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR4B23tzmCP2h7e6LVRGhPhwkcxdaBACmrkUy5PrhQhjV", "name": "Florentina Hammer of Glory", "text": "Florentina was surprised by Tabitha's words, but she could see the remorse in her eyes. She thanked Tabitha for her apology and forgave her. Florentina then set out on her quest once more, determined to find the Hall of Cats and become a warrior. Tabitha watched her go, knowing that Florentina had a difficult journey ahead of her, but also knowing that she was strong and capable.\nTabitha then turned back and went to her home, the swamp. She thought about her actions, and how she had acted in the wrong way trying to protect animals, but she knew that there were other ways to do that and she will try to find them and make amends.\n\n\n\nThe End"} +{"id": "01424fa3-0d74-48ae-bd88-1c36e189b124-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T10:26:16.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX3DyG7RUW8v69WqRpyZDien7L4JaFhjhv9cBazUQcatC", "txHash": "0x9dc00370bdf17b11c2f47f10e5403a536918ba1ff0b763096bc855b83d8c5f27", "createdAtBlock": 16440243, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5397, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loz Crusher of the Hell Chamber", "text": "# For the HORDE\n\nLoz crushes\nLoz big hammer\n\nEagle eat eyes of Loz ennemies\n\nSCREEEEEEEE, LOZ IS AT THE SERVICE OF THE HORDE"} +{"id": "5e947a8c-7157-4570-bd8f-78cfbb0eb134-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-28T20:20:40.487", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRxWuLQY5H93ao42ti5AprATfxjqmqRsXJM8xzUGsQUVK", "txHash": "0xe99d4f888aefead90a18ec8874084067501231053f6f2a019fa6538de19ff0d3", "createdAtBlock": 16928165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5314, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTTE5uCipL9coRjY1ucKi7hb4fShdHEyHEhPVAGyVcw4u", "name": "Arcanist Hobbs of the Citadel", "text": "# Arcanist Hobbs of the Citadel\n\n\n\nSkreee! Let me tell ya the story of Arcanist Hobbs of the Citadel, skrrrr!\n\nHobbs, skree-sir, is one of the greatest arcanists of all time, skreee! His knowledge of the arcane arts and his mastery of the Harmony Staff (a weapon that makes every other one seem like a toothpick), chill my scales even now! Skreee!\n\nNot only is he powerful, but he is also a sight to behold, skreee! He always wears his signature diamond jester garb, covered in pure green, fit for the king of a clan, skilettos!\n\nBut that's not even the best part, skreee! He carries around with him his faithful companion, a red mamba snake, that's right! His bond with the serpent runs deep, give you chills!\n\nAnd what rangs Hod with near apotheosis, skree-sir, was being blessed-ap by the Rune of Earth herself! They say he was bathing-sk in the hot springs of the Great Wife to settle himself before a journey or task when the beauty of the land opened a way to earthly understanding that he'll ap never forget... a great story, rattles my bones!\n\nSo if ever talkturn lost in these lands skunks-come, keep a fine direction and you might cablast find yourself sought out-skreee by him, the one and only Arcanist Hobbs of the Citadel!"} +{"id": "3a9d299e-70f7-4954-98e7-10ad08f67d08-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T11:10:54.898", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTz8vKp7hLxCtuk8ZPyewmuAADwN1jaG1KxPk4wNrEJPs", "txHash": "0xd1eebddcf18318f580b376d7d4aba7a519733795b56c81cfb7234d7211b343e7", "createdAtBlock": 16440465, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13264, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmceSbHCehtnJVyKWNRPratZDsb5aiCxTKnHFqxtJSW3L7", "name": "Brokk Executor of the Savannah", "text": "# A leader born in a Baobab\n\nBrokk is a fierce warrior hailing from the land of Forgotten Runes. He was born into a pride of lions, and from a young age, he showed an innate ability for battle strategy and leadership. He quickly rose through the ranks and became a respected and feared leader among his pride.\n\nAs he grew older, Brokk's reputation as a skilled warrior began to spread beyond his pride. He was known for his fierce fighting style, his sharp claws and powerful roar, as well as his ability to outmaneuver his enemies. He also always had by his side a warthog, which he raised since young age and trained to fight by his side. The warthog proved to be a valuable asset in battle, with its sharp tusks and strength.\n\n## The fearful executor \n\nBrokk's legendary status was solidified when he led his pride in a series of successful battles against rival prides, expanding their territory and securing their dominance in the Savannah. His leadership and the way he carefully cut the throat of every ennemy earned him the title of \"Executor of the Savannah\" and he was respected and feared by all who knew him.\n\nBut Brokk's reputation wasn't just built on his martial prowess, he was also known for his unwavering determination and his willingness to do whatever it takes to protect his pride. He was a fierce protector of his territory, and his rule was absolute. He would spare no effort to ensure the safety and prosperity of his pride and his land."} +{"id": "08c679e0-2fa2-49a6-b651-f1c982d7addd-0", "createdAt": "2023-03-29T02:56:40.747", "backgroundColor": "#0c0112", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmej2bJeKKKUKaokDWuydoSaCCw2auZhWCxBDAL1tQ2Aku", "txHash": "0x53d9e7c6a9a0f5a87270d4f1c9dd3f0c9ab3e9abe2d21efad36fe37d485ca981", "createdAtBlock": 16930121, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2939, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZy1fQ38W1DH3JjYxecRQ5haRjJ7os8nmWRa6E6wmcUQ4", "name": " Daria of the Marsh", "text": "Yeah I know @wizard946, he's a fellow key enthusiast. Last time I saw him was at a Cult of @soul8792 meeting. @wizard5429 was ranting about little boys getting molested, randomly mentions some catacomb he was trying to access and @wizard351 shoots him a fiery look. Like...yeah...talk about the church's sexual misconduct and no one skips a beat, but the slightest mention of a catacomb got all the memelords real nervous. Probably because of that stupid book @wizard4351 carries around \"The Book of Moh'ron\". AFAIK it's an unspectacular book of superstitious conspiracy theory occult bullshit. Has some alternate account of Runiverse history where Lord Nosferatu is still alive haha... err...undead? Whatever. He's not dead dead. Anyway, I saw Jaffer leave with the other memelords but not sure where they were headed. \n\n3/2"} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "# The Creation of Maximus, Shatterer of Runes\n\nI could feel the cold stone beneath me growing warmer as the blood flowing from my wounds pooled across its surface. As the sticky heat of my life's blood soaked the stone I realized that I would not survive losing much more. \n\nThe percussive sounds of combat filled the air, and as I lay there a burst of blue fire roared over my head, followed by a nearby explosion and a rain of debris. On my right I heard the liquid syllables of an incantation suddenly cut short by the sound of shattering bones and a sudden tremor in the ground. \n\nI could hear a voice. A woman's voice, yelling hoarsely between gasps for breath. *Maximus! Maximus stand up!* \n\nAnother tremor shook the ground as a spray of dirt and rubble rained down on me. As the last of the debris fell a figure appeared standing above me. The image resolved into the figure of a woman, covered in dirt and streaks of blood, her hair plastered to her face with sweat, blood, and ichor. Grabbing my arm, she strained to pull me to my feet, wincing as she did so. \n*Maximus! Wake the fuck up. Geerus is dead. We need you to move!*\n\nWith a final heave, I regained my feet and things began to come back into focus. Looking down I could see my club of bleached bone still tightly held in my hand, my knuckles white with effort."} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "Suddenly a colossal metal fist struck the stone between us, barely missing as we leapt to either side. As I regained my balance another blow from the leaden hand struck my shield. Despite only being a glancing blow, I was sent sliding across the room to slam into the stone wall. As my eyes refocused I could see the crushed and shattered body of Geerus a few feet away, almost unrecognizable save for his blood caked metallic scales. \n\t\nKalira and I charged. Slamming my shield into the creature, I watched Kalira strike with a dagger. Sparks flew as the blade scraped harmlessly across its carapace, but I was able to use the moment to block what surely would have been a death blow to Kalira as she dove between its legs. \n\nAs the creature turned to face her, Kalira sat bolt upright and slammed her dagger into its spine while I put every ounce of force I could into a swing with my club. It was a solid hit to the thing's arm, but there was no force to the blow. It was as if all the strength poured into the attack just drained away upon impact. It surprised me so much that I failed to see the next blow coming. \n\nI could feel the bones of my arm break and my shield deform under the power of the thing's attack, but while it forced me a few feet back I retained my balance. As I reeled, the creature kicked at Kalira who mostly dodged the blow. Mostly. Glancing over at her pained cry I saw her clutching the chipped and bloody stump where a moment ago one of her horns had been. \n\t\n*Vali, we could really use that rune about now!* \n\n*Im still deciphering! This text is harder to read than I expected!*"} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-2", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "*Im still deciphering! This text is harder to read than I expected!*\n\nAt the furthest wall of the crypt, Vali inspected the lines of eldritch lettering that filled the smooth stone of the wall. Were it not for his reply he would seem oblivious to the combat raging tens of feet behind him. Kalira and I ducked and weaved, raining blows on the metal giant as it pressed toward the white haired elf. For a moment Vali turned, his pointed ears seeming to flicker golden in the light. Twisting one hand into a painful looking gesture he whispered a single, percussive syllable and an emerald ray lanced from his hand to the ground behind our opponent. Vali turned back to the wall, not even bothering to watch the eruption of vines he had summoned burst from the ground and attack the metal man. \n\n\tOur hopes for a moment of respite were to be denied. It took the barest moment for the creature to pull free, ripping and shredding the magical plants as it continued toward Vali. Hurling Kalira and I to the side with a sweep of its arm, the metal giant advanced upon our comrade. As we started to shout a warning Vali's voice rang out. \n\n *I found it! Right Here..* \n\nVali pressed his hand against a symbol that began to glow, slowly separating from the stone as the metal titan raised its fist behind him. He must have seen the thing's shadow because as it began its strike Vali turned, a blue sphere of energy beginning to form around his hand which dissipated as the metal fist slammed into him. With the sharp pop of broken magic and a sickening thud, his body hit the stone wall, sliding down to the ground, inert."} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-3", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "*Distract it! Ill get Vali.\"* I shouted, letting my shield fall from my now useless arm. Kalira nodded, grimacing through the blood from her broken horn, and sprinted towards the beast. As she dodged around it, almost dancing, she rained down blows that would have felled any lesser opponent. Blows that failed to mar the metal of her adversary's skin. \n\nKneeling, I assessed my friend's wounds. I could not believe he was still alive. His chest was crushed, with most ribs broken and several protruding, and what little fading breath he had was coming in shallow, wheezing gasps.\n\n*It it broke my spell. Like it wasnt there. Like it didnt notice. What a marvelous automaton.*\n\nA true scholar to the end. Of course he would marvel at such a creation, even as it took his life. His hand twitched, one finger pointing at the glowing rune, which now floated in the air a foot from the wall. \n.\n*That rune.. It looked different. You must take it and flee!* \n\nVali smiled grimly,and raising a trembling hand began to chant something in Elvish. Flames began to wreathe the form of the creature. Dully glowing patches of red began to appear on its brass armor, slowly spreading as the metal visibly softened. The blazing creature turned toward the dying elf and began to trudge forward. Eyes unfocused, the light of life dimming in them, the elf's body convulsed as he continued to cast. Recognizing his intent and sacrifice I nodded and fell back to cover Kalira, shouting to her to grab the rune as I did so."} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-4", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "The metal giant, now a walking inferno, closed on Vali, grabbing him around the neck with a titanic molten hand. Even as his body began to burn, Vali's voice continued to chant, his pitch rising to screams. Then Kalira reached the rune, snatching it from the air. Instantly the golem-like creature turned, hurling the blazing corpse of her comrade into her. \n \nWith a shout I rained blows upon the creature, hammering it's half melted form with blow after blow from my club. Rage gave me strength far beyond my own, and as the flames died along with Vali I put everything I had into one last strike aimed at the widening crater I had opened in its chest. Just as my club was about to land, one of its red hot metal fists sent me flying across the room to land next to Kalira and Vali, or what was left of them. \n\n\tVali's labored breathing had ceased, his body a crumpled and broken mass upon the tiles. Behind him was the form of Kalira, sitting on the floor with the rune clutched tightly in one hand. Her body was slumped slightly forward, enough to see the smear of blood on the wall behind her and the crushed and suppurating back half of her skull."} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-5", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "Dragging myself toward her with my one good arm I could hear and feel the heavy thuds of the beast's footsteps as it lumbered toward me. As my hand closed around Kalira's and the rune I could feel a warm and prickly static, and then everything surged. Suddenly my blood was a raging tide in my veins, and it felt as though lightning was crackling through my body as I pulled myself to my feet. As the looming figure's fist launched toward my face it seemed as though time slowed to a crawl. While I could no longer feel the rune in my hand, the pressure of the energy running through me increased until I could not draw breath. Suddenly a searing heat exploded in my chest, and without thinking I ducked under the punch and grabbed my club. \n\nThe next thing I was aware of was waking up to cool musty air and a vast amount of pain. It felt like every muscle and tendon in my body had been grossly abused. Even the notion of movement brought on an almost nausea. Turning my head, groaning at the ache as I did so, I saw the motionless form of my metal adversary. Now cold and unmoving it lay on the ground next to me, the center of its chest savagely ripped open. Around the wound and on the ground near the creature was caked a strange dust, like fine sand. \n\n*\"What the fuck just happened?*"} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-6", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "*\"What the fuck just happened?* \n\nI shut my eyes and tried to piece it together. Images of debris raining down on my head as it missed me and hit the wall. A flash of being on top of it, pounding at its chest and pulling the metal apart with my hands. Then, clearest of them all, a dim glow within the beast's chest. A symbol unknown to me that I nonetheless instantly knew as the Rune of Brass. After that came fleeting images of a man holding the rune while etching intricate symbols into the cooling metal form of the thing I had just vanquished. Then I saw my own hands, reaching into the beast's chest as it futilely tried to claw at my face. I heard my own voice screaming as my hands grasped something so cold that it burned like fire. And then, with a sound of shattering glass, the vision faded, leaving me cold and alone with the bodies of my friends and the remains of my opponent. \n\nAs I stumbled from the crypt into the morning light, the stench of death strong in my nostrils, I was haunted by the face of the man in my vision. I had an unshakeable certainty that he had created the metal monstrosity that took my friends' lives. I also knew, without knowing how, that it was merely one of many that he had made. What had started out as a mission to recover a lost rune and return it to the wizard who hired us had now become a point of honor. \n\nTo hell with the wizard. I decided that I would hunt down this man, dog his footsteps to hell and back if necessary, and destroy both him and every one of his brass abominations. I would not rest until I held his rune, broken, in my hands. As the first direct light pierced the canopy overhead a name echoed through my mind. His name."} +{"id": "b8cc6d51-7c07-40fa-b954-2b5d10c93218-7", "createdAt": "2023-01-19T15:58:28.591", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVytNE4p4QbpLpLdQjmsqYt2Kt2gpR8ckcekVwBM7qR3F", "txHash": "0x5379f78ef97f614dbbec57790daf674d03f969a55f001a51c592bb4329f47846", "createdAtBlock": 16441895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 668, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Shatterer of Runes", "text": "\" @warrior10812. *Im coming for you.\"*"} +{"id": "c1dd9793-ed9a-453d-b2e2-1ccd2b12deb6-0", "createdAt": "2023-04-01T22:57:41.045", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcm2Ab3mJBEhbrdYV7WUXmyNH7qK9Lsn5Rupq33xB8ze1", "txHash": "0x62c36a7505ec333f7a758e525ed1764fa1dd27426889c52082f11870b68f0140", "createdAtBlock": 16957408, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7005, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRCSAJ7FicdMCnrGUBxUsyUjspcJeK1fosofyoCt4w6xH", "name": "Horned Phantasm Caligula of the Smell", "text": "Even the darkest souls finds love for their familiar"} +{"id": "97d2d49e-bccd-4574-b6b9-e6592af61ab4-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-20T02:05:42.28", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmboEbcQHuz5faUaMMVRA2QdooSQD7oFbd9NV3hFagdhdZ", "txHash": "0xe01baeeadbf208fc7ee1158e93a07819a1bc6bceea182944dd018891a5e5cc66", "createdAtBlock": 16444914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 940, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZGGM5rQ5ninQ4Svg8De3p4GJSEcZ8ahXTbTyxxfsAe9C", "name": "Bard Tengu of the Keep", "text": "# Bard Tengu of the Keep \n\n\n\n> Listen well, my brave travelers,\n> For I have a tale to tell,\n> Of dangers lurking in the woods,\n> And secrets waiting to be felled.\n\n>Beware the twisted paths ahead,\n>And trust not what you see,\n>For the forest is enchanted,\n>And will test your bravery.\n\n>The Dream Masters hold the key,\n>To secrets you seek to find,\n>But tread with caution on your quest,\n>Or you'll lose your peace of mind.\n\n\n>Beware the twisted paths ahead,\n>And trust not what you see,\n>For the forest is enchanted,\n>And will test your bravery.\n\n\n>The lake in the center of the forest,\n>Is where you must make your way,\n>For there you'll find the answers,\n>To light your darkest day.\n\n\nTengu finished singing his ballad and watched as the group of adventurers listened intently to the words of the song. They bade farewell to him and set off into the woods, with the melody of the song still lingering in their ears. \n\nTengu watched them disappear into the trees and then turned back to his small inn, nestled at the edge of the forest. He had seen countless adventurers come and go, and this was just another group in his eyes.\n\nAs he tended to his inn, the peacefulness of the clearing enveloped him. The rustic building was his home, and he had always lived a simple life, respecting the Dream Masters who controlled the forest. The inn was a place of refuge for those who sought to venture into the woods, and he was content in knowing that he provided a service to them.\n\nHe played his lyre and bell, the melodic sounds filling the clearing. It was a familiar routine for him, and it brought him a sense of comfort."} +{"id": "97d2d49e-bccd-4574-b6b9-e6592af61ab4-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-20T02:05:42.28", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmboEbcQHuz5faUaMMVRA2QdooSQD7oFbd9NV3hFagdhdZ", "txHash": "0xe01baeeadbf208fc7ee1158e93a07819a1bc6bceea182944dd018891a5e5cc66", "createdAtBlock": 16444914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 940, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZGGM5rQ5ninQ4Svg8De3p4GJSEcZ8ahXTbTyxxfsAe9C", "name": "Bard Tengu of the Keep", "text": "The birds sang, the wind rustled through the trees, and the sound of his own music added to the tranquility of the place. \n\nHe knew that this was his place and that he would continue to live here, providing a service to those who sought it. He doesn't think about the future or the significance of the song he had just sung. \n\nHe just lives in the present, providing a peaceful refuge for those who need it before they venture into the unknown territory of the Dream Masters."} +{"id": "c99855c0-a20c-4fb0-966a-2b67b443254c-0", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T04:41:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3pLnc3k6aWvmcE5kZKkzj7zh1kKEHVQADP5cBXh5F1G", "txHash": "0xb7b7ed6acc7d4eca4388729e65c5fe9d98f32b3c09cfeedca1ebf54b503689c4", "createdAtBlock": 16980588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nikolas of the Temple", "text": "**Chapter I: The Death of a Wizard**\n\nI had been on the road for seven months when I met Nikolas. He towered over my five-foot-ten frame and was briskly walking past me. He had a thick brow and a long and dark, yet well groomed, beard, but it was his attire that caught my eye. He wore a thick brown cloak, a yellow habit and most peculiarly an orange hood. These were the traditional robes of a faustian wizard, not an uncommon sight far North, but just a few hours from The Yellow Wizard Haven, it was strange indeed. I didn't want to interact with the man, but passersby in this area were a scarcity, and I would soon be dead without aid.\n\n\"Hey!\" I called out, hoping he would care to answer me.\n\n\"Yes?\" he answered in a deep voice with a heavy accent and an inquisitive look on his face.\n\n\"Could you direct me to the nearest settlement?\" I asked. \"I was riding from Green Wizard City to meet a colleague at Alessar's on the Chronomancer's Riviera, but this piece of junk won't start.\" I kicked my motorbike.\n\nThe man ignored my question and stood in front of me, brushing the dirt off of my blazer. I didn't like being touched and pushed his arm away with my elbow. \"Hello?\" I asked, frustrated. He stood there a bit longer and then began to chuckle. Soon he was bent over, dying of laughter. I stood still, my annoyance turned to confusion. He waved his hand over my bike, and the dashboard lit up."} +{"id": "c99855c0-a20c-4fb0-966a-2b67b443254c-1", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T04:41:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3pLnc3k6aWvmcE5kZKkzj7zh1kKEHVQADP5cBXh5F1G", "txHash": "0xb7b7ed6acc7d4eca4388729e65c5fe9d98f32b3c09cfeedca1ebf54b503689c4", "createdAtBlock": 16980588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nikolas of the Temple", "text": "\"Merlin's Beard!\" I exclaimed. \"You're actually... a wizard?\" He ignored me again and continued to walk into the desert. It was then that I realized how strange it was for a man (even a magical one) to be walking alone, seemingly without purpose, deep in the desert. Despite my newborn curiosity, I hopped on my bike, calibrated the GPS, and started the engine. I was still two hours away from Alessar's and if I wasnt there on time, Crom would probably kill me. I was about to drive away when my curiosity about the wizard started to consume me. \"Wait!\" I yelled at him, as he was now a good distance away. \"Who are you?\"\n\n\"I'm Nikolas,\" he answered calmly, but loud enough.\n\n\"What are you even doing here?\" I yelled as I parked my bike and hopped off of it.\n\n\"I came to help you with your bike,\" he replied, matter of factly.\n\nIs he joking? I wondered. But his tone seemed so serious. I shrugged it off and hopped back on my bike. I looked down and restarted the engine, but when I looked up, I nearly fell off my bike in shock. Nikolas was standing in front of me, his face veiled in a blank expression. He had seemingly teleported."} +{"id": "c99855c0-a20c-4fb0-966a-2b67b443254c-2", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T04:41:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3pLnc3k6aWvmcE5kZKkzj7zh1kKEHVQADP5cBXh5F1G", "txHash": "0xb7b7ed6acc7d4eca4388729e65c5fe9d98f32b3c09cfeedca1ebf54b503689c4", "createdAtBlock": 16980588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nikolas of the Temple", "text": "\"Grab your bag,\" he demanded calmly. Either out of fear or curiosity (I'm still not quite sure), I did as he asked. \"Good.\" He grabbed my arm firmly as I began to regret not driving off when I had the chance. He said nothing for a good fifteen seconds while I tried to release his grasp. Then I began to feel dizzy, and my whole body started to spin with his. I felt a blast of air hit my face as I ascended into the sky and then into a black void. I heard the sound of harsh wind all around me and then, silence. Woosh! I heard as I stumbled onto a brick pavement. I opened my eyes and began to aggressively blink. When my vision was restored, I saw a bright neon sign that read, \"Welcome to the Chronomancer's Riviera.\"\n\nI looked around in disbelief as Nikolas walked past me, his robes rustling against the wind. I had so many questions for him, but I couldn't find the words to ask. How had he teleported me here? What kind of wizardry was this?\n\nAs I followed him through the crowded streets, I couldn't help but feel out of place. The Riviera was a luxurious hub for magic users and wealthy noblemen. It was littered with fashion boutiques, casinos, brothels, and expensive restaurants. Everyone was dressed in weird robes, and the streets were lined with sports cars and limousines. Immediately, I realized I had a rifle hanging from my pack, but when I turned around to cover it, it was already gone. Nikolas glanced over at me and revealed the gun under his robes. The gesture made me all the more uncomfortable. He led me through alleys and shortcuts until we arrived at a small cafe."} +{"id": "c99855c0-a20c-4fb0-966a-2b67b443254c-3", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T04:41:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3pLnc3k6aWvmcE5kZKkzj7zh1kKEHVQADP5cBXh5F1G", "txHash": "0xb7b7ed6acc7d4eca4388729e65c5fe9d98f32b3c09cfeedca1ebf54b503689c4", "createdAtBlock": 16980588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nikolas of the Temple", "text": "Nikolas gestured for me to sit down at a table, and I obliged. The cafe was dimly lit, but I could still make out the intricate designs on the walls and the strange symbols etched into the tables. Nikolas ordered us both coffee, and we sat in silence as we waited for the drinks to arrive.\n\nI took a sip of my coffee and immediately regretted it. It was bitter and tasted like burnt toast. Nikolas seemed to notice my distaste and chuckled to himself. \"I know it's not the best coffee, but it's the only place around here that serves it,\" he said, still chuckling.\n\nI couldn't help but smile at his good humor. Despite his strange behavior, he seemed like a kind and intelligent man. I decided to take a chance and ask him some questions. \"How did you teleport us here? I've never seen anything like it,\" I asked.\n\nNikolas looked at me intently, his eyes seeming to glow in the dim light. \"Teleportation is a simple spell, but it can be dangerous if not performed correctly. I nodded, still trying to process what had just happened. \"And what were you doing out there in the middle of the desert?\"\n\n\"I was looking for you,\" he said.\n\n\"Why would a wizard, a real wizard, be looking for me?\" I asked, my tone implying that I didn't believe him, yet I was hoping what he said was true.\n\n\"You were traveling here to meet Cromwell Knightly, correct?\" he asked.\n\n\"Yeah, I'm here to meet Crom. What does it matter? He's a nobody sleazebag that I owe some money to, simple as that.\" I replied.\n\n\"Cromwell is a dangerous wizarduhwhat is your name?\" he asked.\n\n\"You can call me Red,\" I said, and Crom is no wizard."} +{"id": "c99855c0-a20c-4fb0-966a-2b67b443254c-4", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T04:41:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3pLnc3k6aWvmcE5kZKkzj7zh1kKEHVQADP5cBXh5F1G", "txHash": "0xb7b7ed6acc7d4eca4388729e65c5fe9d98f32b3c09cfeedca1ebf54b503689c4", "createdAtBlock": 16980588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nikolas of the Temple", "text": "\"You can call me Red,\" I said, and Crom is no wizard.\n\n\"Cromwell is a dangerous wizard, Red. One who must be dealt with urgently,\" he said quietly.\n\n\"Dealt with, like killed?\" I asked, a little too loud as I started to panic. He hushed me as I thought, Who even is this Nikolas? Can I trust him? Croms a bitch but I dont think he needs to be killed. All sorts of jumbled thoughts began to intrude my headspace.\n\n\"Yes, 'dealt with like killed',\" he answered me in an annoyed whisper.\n\n\"Why?\" I whispered.\n\n\"Do you know Iprix Morningstar?\" he asked.\n\n\"Who doesn't?\" I replied. Iprix Morningstar was the founder and CEO of Morningstar Technologies, the largest company in the world and a leader in the MagiTech sector. Iprix was a White Hat from the wealthy and famous Morningstar lineage. He was generally well-liked and didn't pertain to my conversation with Nikolas in any way. \"And?\"\n\n\"Morningstar is not who he says he is, and Cromwell is one of his associates. I can get into more details later, but for now, trust me, Red,\" he replied to me in an even softer whisper. Nikolas stood up and scattered a few silver coins onto the cafe table, a huge overpayment for the two cups of coffee we ordered. I followed him out of the building as we walked towards Alessar's. It was a few minutes before I was supposed to meet Crom, and I was extremely nervous about both him and Nikolas.\n\nStop, Nikolas said, as we were now standing at the entrance to Alessars.\n\nReservation? A tall and broad man asked us. He must have been Alessars bouncer."} +{"id": "c99855c0-a20c-4fb0-966a-2b67b443254c-5", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T04:41:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3pLnc3k6aWvmcE5kZKkzj7zh1kKEHVQADP5cBXh5F1G", "txHash": "0xb7b7ed6acc7d4eca4388729e65c5fe9d98f32b3c09cfeedca1ebf54b503689c4", "createdAtBlock": 16980588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nikolas of the Temple", "text": "Reservation? A tall and broad man asked us. He must have been Alessars bouncer.\n\nJust stopping by to see a friend, well be out in a minute, Nikolas said, dropping a gold coin into the bouncers coat pocket inconspicuously.\n\nBe quick, the man replied. Nikolas nodded and led me into the building. Club music echoed throughout the place as people partied hard.\n\nWhere is Cromwell? Nikolas asked me in a whisper. I had already spotted him on a couch in the corner of the building and nodded my head toward him. Nikolas and I walked over to Crom and he looked up at us.\n\nWhats up, Red? Got my money? He chuckled. But before I could respond Nikolas grabbed him and pulled him up from his seat. Get the fuck off me! Crom yelled, pushing Nikolas aggressively off of him. The club went silent for a second before the party resumed.\n\nFollow us, Nikolas said, revealing my rifle in his coat. Crom begrudgingly complied, he must have forgotten his own firearm. Nikolas took us into the men's room and forcefully threw Crom into the wall. Crom crashed down and then stood up angrily attempting to run at us. However, Nikolas seemed to be magically restraining him, as Crom was running in place. Im sorry Cromwell, Nikolas said, pulling out my rifle. He held it with both hands and scoped in on Crom who was now pushed against the wall."} +{"id": "c99855c0-a20c-4fb0-966a-2b67b443254c-6", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T04:41:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3pLnc3k6aWvmcE5kZKkzj7zh1kKEHVQADP5cBXh5F1G", "txHash": "0xb7b7ed6acc7d4eca4388729e65c5fe9d98f32b3c09cfeedca1ebf54b503689c4", "createdAtBlock": 16980588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nikolas of the Temple", "text": "Cromwell began to speak, I- Bang! Nikolas pulled the trigger, blowing a hole into Croms abdomen. Crom yelled and squatted onto the floor, clutching his wound. Crom began to gasp and Nikolas lowered my rifle back onto Crom. Nikolas glanced at me with the corner of his eye, hesitated and then fired the rifle five or six more times. As Crom's lifeless body slumped to the floor, I stared at Nikolas in disgust. Our standoff was broken when the sounds of screaming and the clattering of tables and chairs began to consume Alessar's.\n\nWe ran out of the bathroom and Alessars was in chaos. Nikolas grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the back door. We burst out into the alleyway, running as fast as we could. As we rounded a corner, Nikolas stopped suddenly, causing me to crash into him.\n\n\"Wait,\" he said, looking around. \"Someone is watching us.\"\n\n\"Who?\" I asked, panting from the exertion.\n\n\"I dont know,\" he replied. \"But we have to move fast.\"\n\nWe continued to run, dodging through alleys and side streets. Finally, we arrived at the docks, where Nikolas led me to a small boat.\n\"Get in,\" he said, pushing me towards the boat. \"I'll take care of the rest.\"\n\nI hesitated for a moment, wondering if I could trust this man. But the sound of approaching footsteps made my decision for me. I quickly climbed into the boat, and Nikolas pushed it off the dock."} +{"id": "11d19749-af6e-4a01-8bb8-55e8949cbd1c-0", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T11:42:15.62", "backgroundColor": "#2c0909", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW31tJrT3ap6KrxB1UNF2P98W5XPJ6mmbpgj5Sh4Wci2o", "txHash": "0xea4ad7177a1fb0512edf6223772e4f38594868347f74a835fa17a78cc23cf2cc", "createdAtBlock": 16961179, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer David of the Veil", "text": "# Wizard on the Coast \n\n_\"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.\"_\n\n*Its another warm, sunny day, somewhere on a Forgotten beach. \nAlong this sunny coast, we find our fren, a Wizard on the Coast with his familiar Wilson on their daily walk along the beach.*\n\n Lots of shoebies and snowbirds here this time of year. \nWe have gathered an excessive amount of trash today David tells Wilson.\n\nAs the wizard and his familiar head further north on the beach. \nA foul stench begins to encroach upon them as dead fish are seen littered along the beach. \n\nThe two hesitantly continue forward even with the sight of more dead fish washing onto the shore. \n\n\n David finally pauses his walk and gazes ahead. \n\n\n The ocean water is dark and murky with an eerie red glow coming from deep within. \n\n\n Wilson looks up toward David, questioning why they have come this far. \n \n\nEfforts to clean the beach will not go unnoticed. \n But this is more sinister magic than thoughtless trash left on the beach. \n An aggressive and dangerous evil lurks within the water. David explains. \n\n\nWe must turn back. David tells Wilson.\n\n David and Wilson head back.\n\n *As evening approaches, David and Wilson are seen sitting underneath a coconut tree watching the sunset.* \n\nDavid looks toward Wilson.\n\nWe need to find a way to stop whatever dark magic is behind that Red Tide before it decimates the natural life that once thrived before its arrival. \n\n This problem cannot be faced alone. This fight cannot be won on our own. \n We will need to gather more wizards and warriors. \n\n Thinking out loud, David says to himself, \n To raise awareness, we will need to raise funding."} +{"id": "11d19749-af6e-4a01-8bb8-55e8949cbd1c-1", "createdAt": "2023-04-02T11:42:15.62", "backgroundColor": "#2c0909", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW31tJrT3ap6KrxB1UNF2P98W5XPJ6mmbpgj5Sh4Wci2o", "txHash": "0xea4ad7177a1fb0512edf6223772e4f38594868347f74a835fa17a78cc23cf2cc", "createdAtBlock": 16961179, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer David of the Veil", "text": "Wilson scurries into the beach hut. Searching the shelf full of treats. \nHe brings out an old box of McWazir French fries and a flyer for Dannys Diner then hands it to David. \n\nGREAT IDEA WILSON! David excitedly says.\n\n\nWith all these fine dining establishments opening up in the Runiverse, I shall dabble in my own entrepreneurial endeavors as well! Snowbird season will be great for business. \n\n\nDavid continues. We can finally make use of all those lemon trees. \n Our situation may be sour but with some !magic, we can sweeten things up. \n\n Lets get to it Wilson. We have work to do!\"\n\n\n *The next morning. David and Wilson are seen standing behind a wooden table on the beach with a large sign stating LEMONADE* \n\nCOME ONE, COME ALL, \n WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS!"} +{"id": "c47c33d0-c5d5-4106-acb1-a7bd2a673cf1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcw3Dc8VJR9SxXMThhyZhxTFUwZNcVPfjzEaewEaEzAcU", "txHash": "0x30e7da4e07edbc8cc30d3d2d139bc1cf6299f329b3144cba8b01b8d2d89afe97", "createdAtBlock": 14214506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos", "text": "**The Genesis of the Sacred Flame**\n\n \n\nIprix rubbed his temples again to ease the tension headache that just wouldnt go away. His bloodshot and iridescent lavender eyes gazed across the cluttered table at his friend Hashim. Where was I?\n\n \n\nYou were telling me where that dancing Flame behind you came from said Hashim.\n\n \n\nAh yessorrymy brains a bit more disorganized than usual Iprix responded with his infamous cackle. His familiar, Camazotz, echoed with a shriek of his own from his upside-down perch in the rafters of the Observatory. Well, Ill do my best to put the pieces together for you best I can. Bear with me, my friend. \n\n \n\nIprix took a long draught from his goblet of mead, which somehow seemed to focus his piercing gaze inwards as he began his tale\n\n \n\nIprix had spent the better part of a week traversing from his Observatory across the barren lands bordering the Psychic Leap due to the dreams that had been plaguing him for weeks on end of a burning fire in the distance. He would wake with a start, covered in sweat, knowing that he needed this Fire just as that Ancient, Prometheus, had lusted after the flame to benefit humanity. The emerald-hued Wizard wasnt sure his quest was nearly as noble but knew in the depths of his soul that it was just as necessary. To him at least and that was all that mattered. Plus, he had his lucky horseshoe and his demonic little bat friend Camazotz, so all was as it should be."} +{"id": "c47c33d0-c5d5-4106-acb1-a7bd2a673cf1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcw3Dc8VJR9SxXMThhyZhxTFUwZNcVPfjzEaewEaEzAcU", "txHash": "0x30e7da4e07edbc8cc30d3d2d139bc1cf6299f329b3144cba8b01b8d2d89afe97", "createdAtBlock": 14214506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos", "text": "After six arduous days of trudging through what many considered wastelands, Iprix gazed upon the shimmer on the horizon that marked the pathway to the Psychic Leap. This was far from unfamiliar to him, but it was a place he had learned to only venture towards in times of dire need the older he got. His first visit here many years in the past was the reason he had become a member of the Purple Order, but now in his wisdom was well aware that one day a trip through the Veil would result in him never coming backat least not to this Reality. If it werent for the Rune of Brass branded in his skin at a young age, Iprix understood he already would have succumbed to madness.\n\n \n\nWhat do ya say, Camie? Think we got this in us one more time? \n\n \n\nCamazotz, per usual, just flitted about his Masters head, but one thing he would never do is leave the crazed Wizards side. That bond was unbreakable. Without another word said, the pair stepped through the Portal leading to the Realm of madness and dreams.\n\n \n\nUpon the other side, Iprix sneezed twice and rubbed the glare from his eyes to adjust as the Psychic Leap was both part of yet far removed from the Realm of Man. Due to Iprixs previous travels here, he was accustomed to the mental strain, but anyone not already bordering on madness was not welcome here. Luckily, Iprix and Camazotz both were slightly insane from birth.\n\n \n\nPer usual, the landscape was never the same upon entering with this occasion having the vista ahead be a path leading upwards to what appeared to be a mountain peak without a summit in sight. Kobold shit thats gonna be a hike eh Camie? Camazotz did not care as he had wings and could perch under his mad masters cloak if he needed a rest."} +{"id": "c47c33d0-c5d5-4106-acb1-a7bd2a673cf1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcw3Dc8VJR9SxXMThhyZhxTFUwZNcVPfjzEaewEaEzAcU", "txHash": "0x30e7da4e07edbc8cc30d3d2d139bc1cf6299f329b3144cba8b01b8d2d89afe97", "createdAtBlock": 14214506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos", "text": "But we have to do this cuz I cant take these dreams anymore. Theyre driving me even madder! Iprix burst into laughter that echoed off the mountainside. Camie did not seem amused but his lot in life was chosen, so he had no other choice but to tag along to keep an eye on the slightly insane Iprix.\n\n \n\nAs the saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step and Iprix hoped this would be far shorter but was willing to go as far as he needed to just so he could get a decent nights rest again. With the thought of dreamless nights ahead of him, he stepped onto the slightly uneven terrain leading into the clouds.\n\n \n\nAfter walking upwards through the mist for what seemed like hours, Iprix heard from around the next bend Oy! Who goes there?! Announce yourselves or Ill skewer you right through!\n\n \n\nIprix, an adept Artificer of the Purple Hat Guild, was confident he wouldnt be riven in half but also knew to respect whatever entities inhabited the Realm he had entered. So to be politik, he responded It is I, Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos, with his faithful servant Camazotz but pray do not be disarmed by his cute appearance as he is actually a fearsome deity bound within this tiny little furry body that titters and flits about my being. Camie gave his best attempt at a sigh but let his Master deprecate him as he knew it was necessary in case he needed to save Iprix once again.\n\n \n\nWith that being said, the tiniest Kobold one had ever seen with the biggest broadsword balanced precariously on its shoulder stepped from around the corner. With an untrustworthy glance, the tiny creature spoke with much bravado What reason do you have for climbing MY mountain?!\n\n \n\nSurely this cant be YOUR mountain little"} +{"id": "c47c33d0-c5d5-4106-acb1-a7bd2a673cf1-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcw3Dc8VJR9SxXMThhyZhxTFUwZNcVPfjzEaewEaEzAcU", "txHash": "0x30e7da4e07edbc8cc30d3d2d139bc1cf6299f329b3144cba8b01b8d2d89afe97", "createdAtBlock": 14214506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos", "text": "Surely this cant be YOUR mountain little\n\n \n\nLITTLE?! I WILL SMITE YOU DOWN NOW FOR SUCH INSOLENCE! Scream the knee-high Kobold as he charged towards Iprix who nimbly sidestepped the tiny tyrant.\n\n \n\nApologies apologies my friend. What I meant to say was MAGNAMIMOUS Master of said Mountainyes yes thats correct right, Camie? Iprix said as he side-eyed his familiar. If Camazotz was not in mid-flight he may have shrugged his shoulders in exasperation but all he could do was let a little squeak of embarrassment out for the both of them.\n\n \n\nOhwellyes I am MAGNAMIMOUS and I AM a MASTER of this MOUNTAIN! the miniscule Kobold said. Now that you recognize my power, I need to know why youre here! Otherwise as he menacingly raised the sword above his head. \n\n \n\nNo no my friend. I want no trouble. You see, I am no stranger to this Land. Dont you see this lovely purple hat that so perfectly sits astride my disturbingly handsome head? It is here that I have found my Power and from here is where I draw my Power. With all due respect, I am on a quest as a Flame has been infuriatingly infiltrating my peaceful dream each and every night and after night upon night of restless sleep I knew this was the only place I could find surcease and the reason to my madnesswell not my total madness but the madness of my sleeplessness. You see?\n\n \n\nThe tiny Kobold was clearly confused by the ramblings of Iprix but being an entity of madness itself refused to admit to such, so he said YesI see. Regardless of you being welcome in this Realm and on my Mountain, I cant let you go any further because I am the Guardian of what lies at the Mount!"} +{"id": "c47c33d0-c5d5-4106-acb1-a7bd2a673cf1-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcw3Dc8VJR9SxXMThhyZhxTFUwZNcVPfjzEaewEaEzAcU", "txHash": "0x30e7da4e07edbc8cc30d3d2d139bc1cf6299f329b3144cba8b01b8d2d89afe97", "createdAtBlock": 14214506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos", "text": "Iprix rubbed his eyes trying to hide his exasperation. Being in the Psychic Leap, he knew that this little being was probably one of immense power, but also knew his own strengths and was confident he could blast it into oblivion. Knowing that Camie disapproved of his brash behavior, he figured he would be polite and try to solve this diplomatically. \n\n \n\nWhat is it that I need to do for you to let me pass, my friend? Iprix intoned.\n\n \n\nThe small mud-green Kobold squinted up at the emerald hued Wizard while still holding his massive sword en garde. We could battle to which Iprix lavender eyes flashed and Camazotz seemed to grow three times larger causing the Kobold to shrink back or you could answer a question that Ive been pondering for quite a while he said hopefully after seeing the Magic emanate from the two before him.\n\n \n\nAhyesthe pursuit of solving a problemyes yes I would MUCH prefer that than battling one such asyoufor I truly fear the outcome. Iprix knew he could blast the tiny tyrant from the side of the mountain but something about the little monster with the giant sword touched one of the few soft spots he had left in his heart. Go one, friend. What is this question?\n\n \n\nIf you fail, It is not I who will blast you from this Realm but the Realm itself! You know what that means yes?!\n\n \n\nYes I do. It means utter madness for me. I have been to the brink before and know what lies on the other side but at this point sleepless nights are driving me there regardless. Please, my friend, just give me your riddle. I am half past mad as it is. Mayhaps full madness would be welcome. To that, Camie gave an alarmed look."} +{"id": "c47c33d0-c5d5-4106-acb1-a7bd2a673cf1-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcw3Dc8VJR9SxXMThhyZhxTFUwZNcVPfjzEaewEaEzAcU", "txHash": "0x30e7da4e07edbc8cc30d3d2d139bc1cf6299f329b3144cba8b01b8d2d89afe97", "createdAtBlock": 14214506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos", "text": "Well thenhere it isYou measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. Im quick when Im thin and slow when Im fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?\n\n \n\nUpon hearing this, Iprix burst out laughing. The answer was beyond obvious to a mind such as his. Really Magnanimous Master of the Mount? You are this easy to defeat? Why this is what I have been visited in my dreams every nighta flame! A candles flame to be precise!!\n\n \n\nWhat?! HowdidI cantNOOOOOO!!! The small green man screamed as his dissipated into the aether. As his body quickly disappeared it was replaced by a rotating jewel that was lit with an ethereal flame. Immediately Camazotz flew in-between Iprix and the object his sleepless nights shrieking and batting his wings trying to keep the Wizard from walking towards the Flame.\n\n \n\nHey! Stop that ya little flea-bag! As Iprix reached forward to touch the floating fiery rune. Upon touching it a cataclysmic BOOM erupted leading to nothingness.\n\n \n\nIprix wasnt sure how much time had passed but he was back in his Observatory and in his fireplace was the dancing jewel encompassed by the ethereal flame. He was slumped in his favorite chair with an open jar of Peyote buttons strewn across his lap. Camie was perched in the rafters glaring at him.\n\n \n\nCamiedid..uhweuhhtravel to the Psychic Leap and talk to a tiny Kobold with a massive sword? And did that creepy flame over there get won in a battle of a riddle? \n\n \n\nCamazotz, per usual, said nothing out loud but everything with his baleful stare."} +{"id": "c47c33d0-c5d5-4106-acb1-a7bd2a673cf1-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcw3Dc8VJR9SxXMThhyZhxTFUwZNcVPfjzEaewEaEzAcU", "txHash": "0x30e7da4e07edbc8cc30d3d2d139bc1cf6299f329b3144cba8b01b8d2d89afe97", "createdAtBlock": 14214506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Iprix of the Cosmos", "text": "Hashim just stared at the only person he considered his friend for a few moments before speaking. Sowas this just a drug induced psychosis or did you really travel to the Psychic Leap again to get that Thing?\n\n \n\nMy friend, I wish I could tell you but I havent the faintest idea Iprix cackled.\n\n \n\nGods youre insane Iprix. So whats it do? The assassin-sorcerer asked as he idly scratched the chin of his familiar Azazel.\n\n \n\nWith an astonishingly quick moment of clarity, Iprix told the veiled man before him Thats the frightening part. My delving into the object has shown me that its sole purpose is to consume ones soul and transmute it into the Darkness. Im not talking madness my friend...Im talking actual Evil.\n\n \n\nAnd your choice? Hashim asked with slitted eyes knowing he may have to kill his only friend if he chose that other path.\n\n \n\nWithout his normal joking cadence, Iprix looked Hashim dead in the eye and said If it werent for my Rune of Brass branded into my chest, I would have already been taken by the Flame. Its the only thing keeping me from being taken. One day soon, we must be rid of it. I know now it cannot be destroyed without consuming a soul in its place. Trust me, Hashim, I do not want this for myself. I told you because youre the only one I trust besides Camie.\n\n \n\nWith that, Hashim and Iprix raised their goblets and drained the last of their mead as the glow of the Flame played across their somber features."} +{"id": "31d36084-5d89-418c-8660-6f0558d995ea-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-21T04:10:40.923", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPuCjKns7BWZFHTKKr1XUx2BAQwHAyH3iuMXbEmhj7S1t", "txHash": "0x45dc469613a19e47724224bdb8d180d54506e9f1424ae18df24c5fb55a645c13", "createdAtBlock": 16452699, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8202, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPZ3NV27N74WAWeRN54Cxo7Q1eq9Pa89gzfxJkvWgh7in", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Casper of the Death Cloud", "text": "# Revelry of Souls\n#\nAt the All Hallows Eve Ball, mischief reigns. Tonight its rule is absolute. As with most catastrophe, it begins with a drunken stunt. We clumsily attempt to summon Casper, a ghost known for cosmic wisdom in hopes that he will impart such fateful knowledge upon us frivolous fools. To our public delight and private dismay, we succeed.\n#\nFire materializes as if called from the ether. Flames like I've never seen before. Royal purples bleeding with neon greens. Together, they flicker and dance on the floor as the flames grow into the shape of a crouched man. Everyone holds their breath at the sobering sight. Casper slowly stands with the noble resignation of a dying god. Unease blossoms within the guests. The fire spreads outward along the floor like waves of a rising tide. Fear and panic ensue.\n#\nI search for a path to flee, but the ethereal flames wick across every surface as if to paint the room with its infernal majesty. The certainty of mortal release grips the crowd. Several guests crash against the rear exit doors, but there is no escaping this immolation cage. And at the center of it swirls a cloud of death. *O eldritch ghost, how thou crackle.* As ethereal flames consume, the void sighs. Casper embraces his fresh souls with paternal reverence; I am among them."} +{"id": "7e46986c-5e1c-4a45-9ca3-024ce5a37f72-0", "createdAt": "2023-04-03T08:31:26.597", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNa19T4ks6tLF2jLkTvoCaDp99oSikB3J1U9ZL4fkN8Gt", "txHash": "0x171252874f9b0aa4c7fa15cbc9a8a151dbe1c2f15b5e8a838805d540d7f4ada6", "createdAtBlock": 16967336, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcAHekkcy14mCC41y2d9L9zgms321VDKGDYKxYEMo7Fhf", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "# Tabitha and the Portal of Exploration\n\n## Ancient Lore\n\nAccording to the ancient legends of the Forgotten Runes, there is a magic portal that is said to have been created by a powerful wizard many centuries ago. This wizard, whose name was @wizard389 was said to have been a traveler and explorer who was constantly seeking out new worlds and dimensions to explore.\n\nAs the story goes, @wizard389 was on one of his many adventures when he stumbled upon a powerful artifact that he believed could be used to create a portal to other dimensions. He spent many years studying the artifact and experimenting with its power, until he finally discovered the secret of how to create the portal.\n\nThe portal itself was said to be a swirling vortex of magical energy from the quantum down, surrounded by ancient forgotten runes and symbols that glowed with an otherworldly light. Lumos placed the portal in a remote location, deep in a forest that was difficult to access, in order to protect it from those who might seek to abuse its power.\n\nThe portal, it is said, has the power to transport travelers to random locations throughout the world, depending on their intentions and desires. Some say that the portal has a mind of its own, and that it chooses its destinations based on the needs of the traveler who passes through it.\n\nToday, the portal remains a mystery to most, but its power and potential for adventure continue to capture the imaginations of those who seek out the unknown and the magical.\n\nOver the centuries, the location of the portal was forgotten, and it was only through chance that Tabitha stumbled upon it during her exploration of the Marsh in the Runiverse. Continue to read how this came to pass!"} +{"id": "7e46986c-5e1c-4a45-9ca3-024ce5a37f72-1", "createdAt": "2023-04-03T08:31:26.597", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNa19T4ks6tLF2jLkTvoCaDp99oSikB3J1U9ZL4fkN8Gt", "txHash": "0x171252874f9b0aa4c7fa15cbc9a8a151dbe1c2f15b5e8a838805d540d7f4ada6", "createdAtBlock": 16967336, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcAHekkcy14mCC41y2d9L9zgms321VDKGDYKxYEMo7Fhf", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "## Tabitha finds the Portal\nTabitha had always been curious about the secrets hidden within the depths of the Marsh. She spent most of her days wandering through the thick, muddy terrain, searching for hidden treasures and ancient artifacts. One day, as she was trotting along on her prancing pony Jingle-Jangle, she stumbled upon something unusual.\n\n\n\nThere, tucked away in a small clearing, was a peculiar stone structure. It was unlike anything Tabitha had ever seen before - it was tall and wide, with smooth, polished surfaces and intricate carvings etched into its sides. Tabitha dismounted her pony and approached the structure, examining it closely.\n\nAs she circled the structure, she noticed a faint glow emanating from within. Her curiosity piqued, she approached the source of the glow and found herself standing in front of a shimmering portal. The runes etched into its surface glowed with a magical energy, beckoning Tabitha to step through.\n\n\n\n\n### The Wayfinder\n\nWhen Tabitha approached the portal, she noticed a small book lying next to it. The book was old and worn, its cover decorated with intricate engravings that seemed to glimmer in the light. Curiosity piqued, she picked up the book and began to flip through its pages.\n\nThe book was filled with ancient text and illustrations that seemed to describe the portal and its many wonders. As she read on, she came across a section that explained how a traveler could find their way back to the runiverse after passing through the portal.\n\nAccording to the book, there was a small device called a \"**Wayfinder**\" that could be activated by the traveler upon entering a new world. The Wayfinder would store a magical imprint of the traveler's unique energy signature, allowing them to trace their way back to the portal at any time."} +{"id": "7e46986c-5e1c-4a45-9ca3-024ce5a37f72-2", "createdAt": "2023-04-03T08:31:26.597", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNa19T4ks6tLF2jLkTvoCaDp99oSikB3J1U9ZL4fkN8Gt", "txHash": "0x171252874f9b0aa4c7fa15cbc9a8a151dbe1c2f15b5e8a838805d540d7f4ada6", "createdAtBlock": 16967336, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcAHekkcy14mCC41y2d9L9zgms321VDKGDYKxYEMo7Fhf", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "To activate the Wayfinder, the traveler simply had to speak the incantation written in the book while holding the device. Once activated, the Wayfinder would glow with a soft light, indicating that it had successfully captured the traveler's energy signature.\n\nIf the traveler ever needed to return to the portal, they could simply speak the incantation again while holding the Wayfinder, and it would guide them back to the portal through the mystical energies that flowed between the worlds.\n\nTabitha was amazed by the ingenuity of the device, and quickly set to work crafting her own Wayfinder. She knew that she would be exploring many different worlds in the future, and having a way to find her way back to the portal would be invaluable. \n\nThe next two weeks she carefully started crafting the Wayfinder, following the instructions she had found in the book next to the portal. She gathered the necessary ingredients, which included rare herbs, crystals, and enchanted metals. Some of the ingredients were easy to find, but others required her to venture deep into the marsh and face dangerous creatures.\n\nEach day, she worked tirelessly on the Wayfinder, carefully mixing the ingredients and infusing them with magic. She used her wand to channel her energy into the mixture, and the herbs and crystals glowed brightly as they absorbed her power.\n\nAs the days passed, Tabitha's hands grew calloused from the constant work, but she persisted, knowing that the Wayfinder was essential if she ever wanted to find her way back to the Runiverse after venturing through the portal.\n\nFinally, on the last day, Tabitha completed the final step of the ritual. She held the Wayfinder aloft and whispered the incantation that would activate it. The crystals in the device began to glow, and she felt a surge of energy emanating from it."} +{"id": "7e46986c-5e1c-4a45-9ca3-024ce5a37f72-3", "createdAt": "2023-04-03T08:31:26.597", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNa19T4ks6tLF2jLkTvoCaDp99oSikB3J1U9ZL4fkN8Gt", "txHash": "0x171252874f9b0aa4c7fa15cbc9a8a151dbe1c2f15b5e8a838805d540d7f4ada6", "createdAtBlock": 16967336, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcAHekkcy14mCC41y2d9L9zgms321VDKGDYKxYEMo7Fhf", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "With the Wayfinder in hand, Tabitha felt confident that she could now venture through the portal and return safely to the Runiverse. She smiled, proud of her accomplishment, and stowed the Wayfinder safely in her bag. She knew that she would never again be lost in the unfamiliar world outside the Runiverse.\n\nTechnical details on the Wayfinder below*\n\n## Tabithas first trip through the portal\nWithout further hesitation, Tabitha stepped into the portal, and suddenly found herself transported to a wondrous new world. The air was warm and salty, and she could hear the crashing of waves on the shore nearby. She looked around in awe, taking in the beauty of her surroundings.\n\nJingle-Jangle had followed her through the portal and was prancing around in excitement, kicking up sand with his hooves. Tabitha laughed in delight, realizing that this portal was unlike anything she had ever encountered before.\n\n\n\nFrom that moment on, Tabitha knew that she had discovered something truly extraordinary. She made a mental note to explore this portal more in the future, knowing that it could lead her on all sorts of wild and unexpected adventures.\n\n\n#### Footnotes"} +{"id": "7e46986c-5e1c-4a45-9ca3-024ce5a37f72-4", "createdAt": "2023-04-03T08:31:26.597", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNa19T4ks6tLF2jLkTvoCaDp99oSikB3J1U9ZL4fkN8Gt", "txHash": "0x171252874f9b0aa4c7fa15cbc9a8a151dbe1c2f15b5e8a838805d540d7f4ada6", "createdAtBlock": 16967336, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcAHekkcy14mCC41y2d9L9zgms321VDKGDYKxYEMo7Fhf", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "#### Footnotes\n\n*The mechanism for returning to the Runiverse after traveling through the portal is based on the concept of magical resonance. Every traveler who steps through the portal creates a unique resonance that is recorded by the portal's magic. This resonance acts like a homing beacon, allowing the traveler to return to the portal and be transported back to the Runiverse.\nWhen a traveler enters the portal, their resonance is recorded and stored in a magical crystal located at the center of the portal. This crystal serves as a beacon that can be activated by the traveler when they wish to return to the Runiverse.\nTo activate the crystal, the traveler must simply touch it and focus their thoughts on returning to the Runiverse. The crystal will then emit a burst of magical energy that will transport the traveler back through the portal and into the Runiverse.\nThe crystal can only be activated by the traveler who created the resonance, ensuring that only they can return to the Runiverse through the portal. This mechanism ensures that the portal remains safe and secure, and that travelers can always find their way back home."} +{"id": "24030c08-add5-47fb-9a04-398d7087e9a0-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-21T11:21:11.43", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6Lveb2CF7RuGgqQmaBSnTCDPta3xZTWrhqiMTKTyJMf", "txHash": "0x25fcd54538495d9f2294c498852053fe6a05b97299b9463dbebbbf75bd52e223", "createdAtBlock": 16454840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2246, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFdYZnZqA2qj1bX7fexNPAfNFkzv5m6guWHu3yzCVKo6", "name": "Thorne Rival of Atlantis", "text": "# THORNE OF THE ROOTZ TRIBE\n\n# PART ONE - ATLANTEAN\n\n\n\nThorne was born into a life of battle and conquest. Raised in the fighting pits of Atlantis, he was orphaned at a young age and left to fend for himself. But Thorne's instinct for survival was strong, and he quickly became known for his strength and skill in combat. He became a Knight of Atlantis, lauded as a protector of the realm! But the constant wars and conflicts he faced left him feeling hollow and empty.\n\nOn what would be his final mission as a Knight, Thorne was sent to quell a rebellion that had sprung up in the lower districts of Atlantis. He travelled on foot, walking through the city's golden streets until he reached the slums. There, the people he encountered were dressed in tattered clothes, and many of them fled or hid as Thorne approached. The image of a protector held no meaning in this place, instead Thorne was seen as a monster marching into their home.\n\nThorne walked slowly through the narrow streets, his armour clinking with each step.\n\nTurning a corner, he was confronted by a group of men. Each holding a weapon and wearing black leather. They were a rough-looking bunch, with hard faces and bodies that bore the scars of street fights and labour. Tattoos of animals and skulls adorned their skin.\n\n\"Stand down,\" Thorne commanded, his voice echoing through the alleyway. \"I am here on the orders of the King. Surrender now.\"\n\nThe men sneered at Thorne, their hands tightening on their weapons. \"We don't take orders from anyone, especially not a tin can like you\" one of them spat. \"We will fight for our freedom, no matter the cost.\""} +{"id": "24030c08-add5-47fb-9a04-398d7087e9a0-1", "createdAt": "2023-01-21T11:21:11.43", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6Lveb2CF7RuGgqQmaBSnTCDPta3xZTWrhqiMTKTyJMf", "txHash": "0x25fcd54538495d9f2294c498852053fe6a05b97299b9463dbebbbf75bd52e223", "createdAtBlock": 16454840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2246, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFdYZnZqA2qj1bX7fexNPAfNFkzv5m6guWHu3yzCVKo6", "name": "Thorne Rival of Atlantis", "text": "Thorne sighed, knowing that he would not be able to talk his way out of this situation. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to cut down whomever dared approach first.\n\nBut before steel could meet flesh, a voice called out from behind the men. \"Hold! I am the one you seek.\" The men stepped to the side revealing a man in his mid-thirties, his face lined with a calm determination. He was much more put together than the men in front of him. His skin untarnished, and his eyes peaceful.\n\n\"I surrender myself to you, Knight,\" the man said, holding out his hands. \"But I ask you. Spare these people. No violence need take place here today.\"\n\nThorne looked at the man, considering his words. He knew that the King would expect him to make an example of the rebellion, to show the people that dissent would not be tolerated. But something about this man's words touched deep into his soul.\n\n\"I...\"\n\n\"I will spare your followers,\" Thorne said, his voice deep and sorrowful. \"But the King will decide your fate.\"\n\nThe man nodded, a look of relief passing over his face. \"I accept my punishment,\" he said. \"I am just one man. And when you cut me down the idea of me will live in the minds of thousands\" He spoke with confidence, his words almost prophetic.\n\nThorne escorted the man back to the palace, the weight of the decision he just made heavy on his mind... He had always followed orders without question, but for the first time he had let his own morals guide him. He wasn't sure if it was the right choice, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was."} +{"id": "3cb06130-5981-48e2-85dd-67e943b03fb6-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-21T14:34:32.863", "backgroundColor": "#020202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6u58DSmHz3snF8X7FLHmPDV8xGYEeTz8XBp8UU7MGDv", "txHash": "0xaa658e6f88d61ff7b9ed5d00e786f2af341a7e26a5ceeaf96bbd119b48227906", "createdAtBlock": 16455827, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7440, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Crowley of Xanadu", "text": "Shaman Crowley of Xanadu is a powerful wizard, feared by some, respected by others. His affinity for the wraith element is undeniable, and his mastery over it, unmatched. He hails from the land of Xanadu, where ancient mysteries and eldritch powers reside. His quest for knowledge led him to uncover secrets, that now haunt him. But despite the weight of his past, he remains a protector of his people, using his powers to aid them in times of need. He struggles with the consequences of his actions, but his compassion for his fellow man is evident. The deals he's made with otherworldly entities, keep him in a constant inner turmoil, but he bears it all with a sense of duty and a will to make amends."} +{"id": "9a628bc1-e075-44e3-89f9-c96b16dcedf4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:05.751", "backgroundColor": "#86211b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbvjYC69xrP5tdWHrizFmvqKqabqVMn8XWdkFyveZBRX8", "txHash": "0x0dcb3a4dd108600c18c485916c3fb9141de6d4281fdb1cc27bd96d7203ce8b02", "createdAtBlock": 14282851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 434, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://tabitha.wtf/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Tabitha-Turf-Train-510x287.jpeg.pagespeed.ce.kN-56wOoX-.jpg", "name": "Jingle Jangle the Tranquil", "text": "# PONIES...\n\n... (some think them to be a small form of horses) are used for jumping, driving, riding, eventing and dressage competitions - no, not dress-up competitions, even though I wear a brown bandana - hunting or trail riding.\n\nOf course we are capable of so much more. We carry around folk, often just to get some weeds from the store, but sometimes one of them folks swings their legs over our backs and we hop off into an adventure or two. Sometimes even saving entire worlds. I once heard of a fellow pony that left his stable one day morning - to carry around some small guy who left his burrow without his handkerchief or hat - and went on an adventure that involved trolls (almost had been eaten by them) and giants and even a dragon.\n\nBut those are just tales we tell among ourselves when we gather in the Elysian Fields once in a while.\n\nI myself have a few tales to tell myself and when time comes I will do so. Currently I live and graze in the Frog Master Marsh, between The Thorn and The Carnival Pass and only a few hoovlecks* away from Allessars Keep or the Red Wizard Capital. (Map)\n\nMy closest pal is this hag I hang around with - from the swamp. Her name is Tabitha of the Marsh (Book of Lore | Website) and she is quite a cheerful fella. And I sometimes help her with he chores or pull her Turf-Train around when she wants to travel with luggage.\n\n\n\nBut... this is not about wizards. Its about us most rare ponies. There are only 567 of us and many have not appeared for ages or got lost somewhere, never to be found. We gather - as I mentioned - once in a while in the Elysium Fields where we all were bred and then spread throughout the Runiverse to find friends and foes."} +{"id": "9a628bc1-e075-44e3-89f9-c96b16dcedf4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:05.751", "backgroundColor": "#86211b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbvjYC69xrP5tdWHrizFmvqKqabqVMn8XWdkFyveZBRX8", "txHash": "0x0dcb3a4dd108600c18c485916c3fb9141de6d4281fdb1cc27bd96d7203ce8b02", "createdAtBlock": 14282851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 434, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://tabitha.wtf/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Tabitha-Turf-Train-510x287.jpeg.pagespeed.ce.kN-56wOoX-.jpg", "name": "Jingle Jangle the Tranquil", "text": "Next to grazing on the fields of the marsh - oh what yummy stuff that is. Its so green and delicious - umai some say. Full of nutrition and I believe also there is some magic in the grass there. Makes me all ... where was I... Ah... yes, so.. next to grazing on the fields of the marsh - did you know that the owner of the marsh is a frog master? Not really sure what a frog master is though. Maybe he is the master of all frogs or he has mastered being a frog or his first name is Frog and his last name is Master. Something I must find out. Seems important. Oh... again... What did I... hmm.., right. As i was saying... next to grazing on the wonderful yummy grass of the marsh I have a job in the city in an inn once a week. I am the show pony there and I prance. I prance so well, that the owner - Barliman Butterbur - even named his entire establishment after me. \"***The Prancing Pony***\". Yes, wonderful. And so many shady stories one hears there and gets involved in.\n\n\n\nI also applied for a job in another pub called \"***The Forgotten Tavern***\" where great wizards such as @wizard6287, @wizard1551, @wizard4896 with his familiar **Mehster Brown**, @wizard6776, @wizard1246, @wizard3147 or @wizard7195 usually go to have fun if they are not dancing in \"***The Thirsty Wizard***\" . Tabby goes there too once in a while. Still waiting to hear back from them though."} +{"id": "9a628bc1-e075-44e3-89f9-c96b16dcedf4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:05.751", "backgroundColor": "#86211b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbvjYC69xrP5tdWHrizFmvqKqabqVMn8XWdkFyveZBRX8", "txHash": "0x0dcb3a4dd108600c18c485916c3fb9141de6d4281fdb1cc27bd96d7203ce8b02", "createdAtBlock": 14282851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 434, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://tabitha.wtf/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Tabitha-Turf-Train-510x287.jpeg.pagespeed.ce.kN-56wOoX-.jpg", "name": "Jingle Jangle the Tranquil", "text": "You may wonder why I wear a bandana? That is rather simple. Just like hu-mans always - and I mean *always* - should carry a towel, ponies should *always* carry a bandana on them. I mean - how ridiculous would a pony look like - wearing a towel, pfrt..\n\nAnd of course everyone knows that they - bandanas and towels - are of course useful in all events of life, but mostly are required for interstellar travel through the metaverses as we have learned from Douglas Adams. No bandana, no hitchhike. Bummer.\n\nWell, for now I must leave it at that, but rest assured, when I hear exciting stories of adventures or me and Tabitha are involved in such ourselves - I will share the news and Tabitha will help me spread the news, as she can talk with the little blue birds that spread news around the Runiverse. \n\nJust check out my webpage or follow Tabitha on Twitter\n\n*1 Hoovleck = 100 Hoovlings. 1 Hoovling = 16 Hooves"} +{"id": "1fd743b7-29ce-479f-9146-4cd33f0c191e-0", "createdAt": "2023-01-21T14:44:17.492", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYghoYYhYSKeN4sBtCbeu9fyzpUZ8pEjb3XcB8qR42b7T", "txHash": "0xb91a1958484f792526504e1fe016820dc4f639d93c71a3720e325228066f5b91", "createdAtBlock": 16455852, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14120, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jordan Calamity of the Coliseum", "text": "Jordan Calamity, the rugged warrior of the Coliseum, is a force of nature on the battlefield. He hails from a land where brutal battles and ancient myths are a way of life. His impulsive nature and thirst for battle often lead him to charge headfirst into battle, leaving destruction in his wake. But behind his rage lies a deeper secret, one that fuels his fury and drives him to fight. Very few know the truth of his past, of the tragedy that haunts him and the vow that he made to never let it happen again. He battles with a purpose, a driving force that pushes him to be the best warrior he can be, even if it means leaving a trail of Calamity in his wake."} +{"id": "42b38756-1a17-4598-abb3-14c430ad5f56-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:01.953", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVKswfxc65yLkPqd53BgbJiUd2hURAw63cLbuYBvCu588", "txHash": "0xde301d6b5ec7a726fb1367c4927b58148536fc0cbac72334d8a486023ecedca1", "createdAtBlock": 14218620, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1536, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYaVjRACKC57QhDZHv242Ndd6LHfQyjztivF9Xj7aYVmU", "name": "Archmagus Ofaris of the Havens", "text": "# Archmagus Ofaris of the Havens"} +{"id": "c6913dbb-da44-4c1a-b102-3316ff047148-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:36.571", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaTSAiJMJQ9K2js73TL4GpKqFLdinrXJwos8iFbjSHxWP", "txHash": "0x5a26204559c454396f543fac7dc174e790cceae0c4c96e8762e26049f7c8a040", "createdAtBlock": 14245935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3809, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Wolfram of the Oasis", "text": "Born under the shining light of the lone white star was a baby with ivory skin and the lightest touch of ginger hair on its head. Which was strange as he was born the child of a couple of desert nomads, a folk typically sun-kissed by the burning gaseous orb in the sky to a deep brown colour of their skin. Their child was recognised as an albino, the most revered and respected members of their community. They called their son Wolfram.\nThe first few years of Wolframs years were marked by a typical family life in the nomad community. Together with his parents, Wolfram spent his days traversing the desert, searching for food and water whilst getting a basic education from the caravan's elders. Wolfram never was happier than these first years, playing with the other children unknowing that his future would be spent in isolation and in elitist circles.\nAt his ten-year mark, typically a joyous occasion as it was the day the children became part of the community and received their own mount, Wolfram woke up to find no celebrations were being prepared. Whats more is that next to his bedroll, he found his mother crying and his father silently consoling her. He didnt understand. Wolfram got up but wasnt even out of his tent before black-clad strangers entered the tent."} +{"id": "c6913dbb-da44-4c1a-b102-3316ff047148-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:36.571", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaTSAiJMJQ9K2js73TL4GpKqFLdinrXJwos8iFbjSHxWP", "txHash": "0x5a26204559c454396f543fac7dc174e790cceae0c4c96e8762e26049f7c8a040", "createdAtBlock": 14245935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3809, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Wolfram of the Oasis", "text": "They explained how he was destined to become a shaman thanks to his gifted nature as a child of the lone white star. Shamans were practitioners of the Arcane Arts, focused on bringing peace and prosperity to the nomad communities. To become a Shaman he had to be trained and educated in the Arcane, starting from that day. And so, he did receive his first mount, a small camel to ride himself all the way to the Oasis, the magical capital of the Nomads. It was said to be the one place where vegetation was lush and thick, where everybody was well-fed and happy and no-one died of exhaustion being scorched in the sun.\nWolfram had never believed the stories, thinking the Oasis was a fairytale and nothing more. Upon arrival he nearly fainted merely at the sight of the place. It was everything he had ever heard being described and even more. The place looked like a cove hidden in a sandy mountain, but water fell from the top of the mountain all the way down to a giant lake surrounded by houses and towers. Giant trees brought shadow on the rooftops, and he felt the temperatures drop almost immediately.\nHe didnt have time to settle into his new life. The day he arrived, he was brought before the council of Shamans, the court of the seven most powerful Shamans in the Nomad community. It was preceded by the Shaman of the Oasis, the most powerful and influential Shaman and the tiebreaker in case the other Shamans on the council didnt reach agreement in certain rulings. He was divided into a house of study, of which there were 3. They explained that each one of them practitioner a specific part of the Arcane Arts."} +{"id": "c6913dbb-da44-4c1a-b102-3316ff047148-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:36.571", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaTSAiJMJQ9K2js73TL4GpKqFLdinrXJwos8iFbjSHxWP", "txHash": "0x5a26204559c454396f543fac7dc174e790cceae0c4c96e8762e26049f7c8a040", "createdAtBlock": 14245935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3809, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Wolfram of the Oasis", "text": "The House of the Vulture was focused on the arts of delaying death and granting salvation to people in the direst of consequences, exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition. The other House was the House of the Jackal, focused on the martial arts and defensive practice. But Wolfram was placed in the House of the Sun Cat, the house focused on research and divination. They were the leaders of the community, focused on finding resolve and policy\nwhere there was none. The only light in an otherwise very disturbing day was his pet. As was custom, the newly appointed members of the House of the Sun Cat received their own cat as companion. It was believed that the better the relationship and bond between the Sun Cat was, the bigger the potential Arcane powers the wielder could tap from.\nAnother practice of the Houses of the Oasis was that each and any one of the Shamans in training had to research the different Runes of the world and master one of them. Wolfram quickly decided upon the Rune of Earth, as he believed the others were less powerful in their ways in the desert. He had heard of the Shamans of old that wielded the Rune of Earth. They were the ones that created the Oasis, by carving out a place on the side of the mountain. The water that fell was also their creation, as they had found a spring covered by the sand. He wanted to carve his name on the face of history like these Shamans before him did so following in their footsteps seemed like the most logical step."} +{"id": "c6913dbb-da44-4c1a-b102-3316ff047148-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:36.571", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaTSAiJMJQ9K2js73TL4GpKqFLdinrXJwos8iFbjSHxWP", "txHash": "0x5a26204559c454396f543fac7dc174e790cceae0c4c96e8762e26049f7c8a040", "createdAtBlock": 14245935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3809, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Wolfram of the Oasis", "text": "And then his education ended. With each cycle of generations of Shamans stopping their education and moving onto the real life of a Shaman, the council had decided that certain positions had to be given up and the Shamans in power had to retire in favour of the young ones. This meant that the time of graduation was filled with political debate and conflict. Everyone wanted to try and position themselves in the best possible place to become the next famous Shaman of the Oasis. Gifts were given, received and traded to gain respect or leverage over others. And like that Wolfram received a headpiece. It was not an ordinary headpiece but the Cape of the Animist, containing magical powers to communicate with animals and hear the secrets of the world from them.\nWolfram didnt understand what was happening. Who gave this gift? And why did he receive a gift of immense value? But after a few days, it all became clear. At the official ceremony to appoint the new Shamans, Wolfram didnt receive an appointment. With each passing name, he felt himself become desperate, and he started wondering what would become of him if he didnt receive an appointment. But then, at the end of the ceremony, his name was called. Wolfram was to become the Shaman of the Oasis, the highest honour he could possibly receive. And now, he is seated at the head of the Council, wielding the Staff of the Shaman of the Oasis."} +{"id": "e6289480-6a4b-4442-834c-78ba3d2bfff8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:28.994", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma1xrRuAGo2VAJrFh56pLBXKv7SrgweBctyj3zn21ty6H", "txHash": "0xbcfb6aa7cf47fcacf843b7d43cd6cde326e2eb359fb42dbd2e6a7698b61f97c6", "createdAtBlock": 14621291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 240, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Troll the Dependable", "text": "# The Christmas Tale of Troll the Dependable\n\n### No one ever trusted Troll the Dependable. Clearly its a scam, they would say. You cant fool me with that dependable nonsense, the blasted ponys name is Troll! And so for millennia, Troll was a riderless pony. He wandered the Elysian Fields for days on end, looking for someone to believe in him, to count on him. At night he would lie in the soft grass and dream of finding a rider that would recognize him for who he really was: a true and loyal steed.\n\n### But one morning, Troll woke to find a strange path of snow that led out of the fields and into a nearby wood. He thought it odd and followed the path, curious to see where it would take him. Perhaps there is a rider in need, waiting for a good pony to come along, thought Troll. As he entered the wood, snow began to steadily fall, quickly filling in the hoofprints that Troll left along the ground. \n\n### The snow grew deeper as the wood grew thicker, the entire forest caked in an endless white. In the distance, Troll could hear the sounds of bells and laughter, the clanking of mugs and the crackling of warm fire. He pushed through the deep snow, which was now up to his neck, determined to see what was on the other side of this white void. \n\n### But he could go no further. Troll tried to lift his leg, but his muscles were frozen stiff. He suddenly realized that he was very cold, colder than the snow that he was now buried in. His vision began to blur and dim as more flakes gently fell. A darkness crept in around the edges of this wintry world as Trolls eyes grew heavy. Before he drifted off, he thought he saw a fat, round, bearded figure dressed in bright red robes and coal-black boots, standing before him on top of the snow"} +{"id": "e6289480-6a4b-4442-834c-78ba3d2bfff8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:28.994", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma1xrRuAGo2VAJrFh56pLBXKv7SrgweBctyj3zn21ty6H", "txHash": "0xbcfb6aa7cf47fcacf843b7d43cd6cde326e2eb359fb42dbd2e6a7698b61f97c6", "createdAtBlock": 14621291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 240, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Troll the Dependable", "text": "### A great heat poured across Trolls muzzle as he woke to find the snow melting around him. Before him now stood a motley group of wizards. Some were human, some were hybrids, and some were completely otherworldly. They were decked in robes of all different colors and carried all sorts of trinkets and propsstaffs, books, potions, feathersthere seemed to be no one wizard that looked exactly alike. \n\n### You must be freezing! one wizard cried out.\n\n### Lets warm you up! another wizard suggested.\n\n### Dont move! a third wizard exclaimed.\n\n### Red flames burst out from the hands of a wizard whose head was a flaming skull. The fire encircled Troll, quickly vaporizing the remaining snow without singeing a single hair on his body and vanishing without a trace of smoke. Troll tried lifting his leg and found that he was able to move again. He felt warm, and he felt good.\n\n### Now, lets get you to the party!\n\n### Its Christmas!\n\n### Someone get this pony some ale!\n\n### And so Troll joined the crew of wizards as they made their way down the path and across the treeline and into a wide and open clearing. There were hundreds of wizards here, maybe even thousands, playing games and opening presents and drinking ale beneath a massive Christmas tree. There were other ponies in the clearing too, eating and racing and watching cool movies in 3D.\n\n### Whats your name by the way? a wizard asked Troll.\n\n### Troll lifted his hoof and traced out his name in the snow, T-R-O-L-L.\n\n### Troll! What a wonderful name! the wizard shouted.\n\n### A magical name! another wizard chimed in.\n\n### A name fit for a true and loyal steed! a third wizard stated as a matter of fact."} +{"id": "e6289480-6a4b-4442-834c-78ba3d2bfff8-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:28.994", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma1xrRuAGo2VAJrFh56pLBXKv7SrgweBctyj3zn21ty6H", "txHash": "0xbcfb6aa7cf47fcacf843b7d43cd6cde326e2eb359fb42dbd2e6a7698b61f97c6", "createdAtBlock": 14621291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 240, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Troll the Dependable", "text": "### And so Troll spent this magical day with wizards and ponies alike, celebrating his first Christmas with his new family in a new land that he would now call home."} +{"id": "f60e5982-2eb8-4c44-a24d-6c979c3fe76d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:20.016", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfLnxM6jksm7edTMHUZh1CXzSfbCHqwpYjttx8XbqTUc", "txHash": "0x7b4a23104612129dea59b97adebaf7fa73fbc29b51a89bce67a3e482a1800e5a", "createdAtBlock": 14620552, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2371, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNRkaXyfyYokG8YFr3RzaauexJPQf1DwznxMejBkUmpV2", "name": "Necromancer Scratch of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Call from Beyond the Veil \n\nIn the days approaching the last full moon of the harvest, a flame was born out of the ether. It appeared, sputtering and bursting into existence on a small farm in the middle of a turnip patch in front of a goat faced farm boy named Scratch.\n\nHe had never seen anything like it before, but didn't seem like it was going anywhere or dying out, so he went back inside to ponder what to do about it. A knock on the door came not long into his musings. A grinning yellow cleric with a flowing grey beard greeted Scratch and bowed low, introducing himself as Milton.\n\n\"Please let me handle this. I promise you'll be fairly compensated. Soon those that hear the call will come.\"\n\nOver the next several hours the wizards came. At first slowly, then all at once. Every size, shape, color was represented in the masses. A legion of magical folk gathered on his family's rural land. Scratch resigned himself to the situation and to witness whatever strange ritual was occurring.\n\nThat evening the wizards were gathered around the flame and were enjoying socializing with their friends and acquaintances. When a sudden tense quiet fell over the gathering. A wizard past his years had stepped forward over the unseen threshold and into the circle of the flame. \n\nMilton seeing this called the challenge out to the wizard, who seemed to be measuring his own resolve and strength in the moment.\n \n\"Wizard! Do you wish to burn in the sacred flame?\"\n\n\"I DO\" he answered back, finding his resolve.\n\n\"Dark magic is unpredictable. Do you understand that the results may be undesirable?\"\n\n\"I UNDERSTAND\" there was mania in the old man's eyes.\n\n\"It seems you can not be dissuaded. Do you submit yourself to the flame?\"\n\n\"I SUBMIT\" the wizard yelled as he burst forward with surprising speed towards his destiny."} +{"id": "f60e5982-2eb8-4c44-a24d-6c979c3fe76d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:20.016", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfLnxM6jksm7edTMHUZh1CXzSfbCHqwpYjttx8XbqTUc", "txHash": "0x7b4a23104612129dea59b97adebaf7fa73fbc29b51a89bce67a3e482a1800e5a", "createdAtBlock": 14620552, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2371, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNRkaXyfyYokG8YFr3RzaauexJPQf1DwznxMejBkUmpV2", "name": "Necromancer Scratch of the Gnostics", "text": "\"I SUBMIT\" the wizard yelled as he burst forward with surprising speed towards his destiny.\n\nImmediately the flame began to incinerate the clothes and flesh from his body. Stumbling forward, now crawling, reaching out with a burning skeletal hand, screaming in pain, the wizard touched the source of the flame. The heat became unbearable as the fire burned momentarily with an additional magnitude of intensity.\n\nThen it was gone. Nothing remained but smouldering ash in a dark muddy field surrounded by a cohort of wizards who seemed to be in a state of mild disappointment. The magi slowly began to wander off, chatting quietly among themselves.\n\nMilton stepped forward onto the smoldering field, where lay what remained of the one who burned. Bending down he sifted through the ash and pulled out a glowing yellow sphere. \n\nExamining it a moment, the cleric looked over at Scratch who had watching from what was the edge of the circle. \"Looks like this belongs to you now\" the older wizard said as he tossed the orb into the air. Scratch moved to catch it, but the orb seemed to be floating. Momentarily illuminating his face, the orb fell softly into Scratches out stretched hands.\n\nMilton jumped on the back of his pony. \"Come see me when you want to learn what is beyond the veil of this world without the aid of self immolation\" and burst into a long cackling laugh that echoed among the hills as he rode off into the night."} +{"id": "2577578e-af9b-49a4-9c8e-e28c1b94d5ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:12.479", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZtXxdQR5BQgRakUkZXiqtr5Pf9VSNVpxmZ6yvekKCav", "txHash": "0xaed75d1c6f4787e5b0ac5d8afbc2384aa31be39b2650ad11debff25662bc3f96", "createdAtBlock": 14301451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7907, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXJa72yCorczM512NUMrmcTqKUUx5pgJF4ACHEAh3VN4h", "name": "Sorcerer Apollo of the Astral Plane", "text": "*\"Would you care to join us for a drink, I promise I wont bite\"*\n \nA cursed being from an astral plane, one is often left surprised by Apollos' impeccably charming nature. Ironically named by his scholarly companions due to his natural aversion to the sun, undead complexion and bat companion. He now lives among the sorcerers of the Red Wizard Capital offering guidance on any and all discussions regarding his rather unsavory realm.\t\n \t\t\t\nGrowing quite fond of his new name and his following success, Apollo now tries to move from his past life in the astral plane.\t\t\n \t\t\t\nAs such he has adopted his new life away from his past with open arms, finding respite in the many peculiarities of the capital and its fascinating collection of sorcerers. It's here he calls home.\t\t\n \t\t\t\nOnce a man vampirically cursed to live undying in the astral planes. Apollo now finds himself with much of life's splendor and beauty to catch up on. Devout on chasing the possibilities for more and caring little for those unwilling to dream, he has risen in popularity amongst his fellow sorcerers and often rides a fine line between arrogance and confidence.\t\t\t\t\nIt wasnt long before he became one of the leading researchers on planar travel, however unlike most Apollo has never understood the reasoning of his peers. He remains baffled at the people's wish to leave their beautiful world for the simple leisure of planar travel? To Apollo this notion is nothing but ridiculous.\n\t\t\t\t\n*Why not protect this brilliant realm instead of wasting all this time and research to try and send the few to survive a plane of existence that's already dead?*"} +{"id": "2577578e-af9b-49a4-9c8e-e28c1b94d5ad-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:12.479", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZtXxdQR5BQgRakUkZXiqtr5Pf9VSNVpxmZ6yvekKCav", "txHash": "0xaed75d1c6f4787e5b0ac5d8afbc2384aa31be39b2650ad11debff25662bc3f96", "createdAtBlock": 14301451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7907, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXJa72yCorczM512NUMrmcTqKUUx5pgJF4ACHEAh3VN4h", "name": "Sorcerer Apollo of the Astral Plane", "text": "Even after his protest many of the sorcerers of the Red Wizard Capital continue on to their pursuit of planar travel. Apollo now guides their study reluctantly to ensure at the very least some half rate wizard doesn't cause a tear in reality itself.\n\t\t\t\t\t\nApollos infamous stubbornness has led to many a curious sorcerer and wizard alike to attempt to pry his secret knowledge of planar travel. After the odd attempt of threats and violence many now understand the futility of threatening an undying man. Apollo often tells of one determined sorcerer who tried a rather impressive 56 times using this rather futile method of persuasion.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSuch stories of failure have now pushed most towards a more pleasant approach. Now each attempt to persuade Apollo starts with the same question, *Would you care to join us for a drink Apollo?* Never one to refuse such kind offers, he has been given the opportunity to drink at every eatery and tavern in the city. All who ask *How did you journey from the astral plane*? are met with the same disappointment: a smug dodging of questions, a failure to persuade the stubborn Apollo and a waste of a perfectly good evening.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n*For you see, after I found myself wandering through the Thorn forests alone, I came across a wounded bat destined for a life of mystery. He really reminded me of myself. And seeing as I was in need of company during my new grand adventure in this realm, it would have been plain wrong to just leave the poor fellow. thus I deemed him my familiar and the adorable creature hasnt left my side since*"} +{"id": "2577578e-af9b-49a4-9c8e-e28c1b94d5ad-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:12.479", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZtXxdQR5BQgRakUkZXiqtr5Pf9VSNVpxmZ6yvekKCav", "txHash": "0xaed75d1c6f4787e5b0ac5d8afbc2384aa31be39b2650ad11debff25662bc3f96", "createdAtBlock": 14301451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7907, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXJa72yCorczM512NUMrmcTqKUUx5pgJF4ACHEAh3VN4h", "name": "Sorcerer Apollo of the Astral Plane", "text": "Those who fained interest leave by the time he claims his success was enabled by the discovery of a bat, his perfect familiar . Whether having asked or not most now know of the story, how Apollo chose to adopt his bat friend and helped nurse the bat back to health. Seeing the chance of comradery and an ally in a new world, Apollo sought to protect his new familiar while they wandered through the frog mashes & Kolbolt Crossroads. It wasnt until the once dying bat was restored to his flying self that they stumbled upon the gates of the Red Wizard Capital. Apollo saw this not as luck, but destiny and the 2 have been inseparable ever since.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nToday Apollos favorite prank to pull with his familiar friend starts when he sends his familiar off to procure expensive wines from many of the capital's finest cellars replacing the bottles with forged notes of fellow sorcerers stating *Ill pay you back soon, regards.......*. A natural born hedonist this is not the end of Apollos fun, he has taken to the pleasures of this new realm developing a great fondness for the vast variations of wines and liqueurs served. To this day he remains starstruck by the many beautiful taverns and pubs of the capital.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSome it is true are put off by his undead eyes and sickly skin, but most find themselves succumbing to the natural charm of his merry heart. As such he is often seen sporting a charming smile in many of the busy taverns of the city. It is here he enjoys the pleasure of refined drinking & trading of stories with the wonderful common folk of the realm."} +{"id": "2577578e-af9b-49a4-9c8e-e28c1b94d5ad-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:12.479", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZtXxdQR5BQgRakUkZXiqtr5Pf9VSNVpxmZ6yvekKCav", "txHash": "0xaed75d1c6f4787e5b0ac5d8afbc2384aa31be39b2650ad11debff25662bc3f96", "createdAtBlock": 14301451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7907, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXJa72yCorczM512NUMrmcTqKUUx5pgJF4ACHEAh3VN4h", "name": "Sorcerer Apollo of the Astral Plane", "text": "Apollos hedonistic ways have led him to earn quite the reputation; his refusal to confess the secrets of planar travel and his tendency for revelry has led him to find many envious rivals amongst the bustling city of The Red Wizard Capital. Some see him as nothing more than a selfish fool from another realm, while others condemn him as a lying charlatan, cursed just like the other vampiric undead of the realm. Such statements have resulted in quite the controversy around Apollo's many tales. However, most can admit theyre fascination in the man and Apollo adores the attention such scandals bring using it to capture the hearts and minds of his peers with his tales of adventure and escape from the astral plane. When the sun rises and the night ends Apollo may often be spotted conversing with his Bat companion on which tavern to travel to next."} +{"id": "009f0d58-5db3-4e58-990d-49667e0ee402-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:17.764", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVX1uXBoHDJvdSPC9m1KYMBb9o94jLuX55zyygspdGPxm", "txHash": "0x5194c503d5d13482bc6d2d0902162a24b9f481af86da77c35a4a03ef98e0ca78", "createdAtBlock": 14306111, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Izible of the Bastion", "text": "Like many of the folk who live in the Blue Wizard Bastion, Izible is a brilliant sorcerer who spends most of his days with his nose in a book at the library. \n\nIzible, however, does not have everything in common with his fellow Blue Wizards. Being an imp, most of the other wizards turn their nose up to Izibles kind for being so, um \"twerk friendly.\" \n\nIzible never minded being an outsider. Books will always be his best friend, and he never liked keeping boring conversations anyway. \n\nIzible made his mark at the Bastion one unassuming afternoon walking home from (you guessed it) the library. There was some commotion in the town square, and a crowd of people swarming a girl covered in strange lesions. Town officials were trying to keep people from getting too close, Stay back! We dont know what this is! \n\nIzible looked at the girls face, she was in pain. \n\nHe pushed through the crowd, and approached the girl. \n\nHey, you dont know what youre getting into, someone said. Looks like some powerful curse. Shell have to be quarantined.\n\nShe wont survive, Izible said. He studied the lesions - they moved unnaturally across her skin. Must be very painful. \n\nKid, no one has been able to help her, a nearby wizard said disheartened. \n\nIzible squinted his eyes, studying the curse, lifted his hand over the girl, and dispelled it. \n\nThe girl immediately healed and began to cry. Thank you! I thought I was going to die!\n\nInteresting, Izible said softly, didnt expect that to work, actually. I'm not a healer. \n\nIzible walked off, ignoring the townsfolks overpowering disbelief."} +{"id": "41cafe95-6f5d-4f2e-9bc9-09045a8f469a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.095", "backgroundColor": "#0664b1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWw2deXVLJscgtZYP1pxfABDyHrVQEYNgZ66iHcpok5jr", "txHash": "0xdcc442130b7ab899b55a433b3bfb5066d2a81c47bd7d5a71386a77b60f30f910", "createdAtBlock": 14417368, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Cassiopeia of the Quantum Downs", "text": "It has been said that the world as we know it, isnt the only one out there. Mystics look up to the night sky, to an endless array of flickering lights above. Scholars however pose a different theory, the infinite worlds theory. They believe our world is just a mere reflection upon reflection of other worlds, and all these reflections together form an endless array of possibilities and choices, each diverging from the original path and creating its own reflection of the one true world. Ever since they posed the question, they have been in conflict about the answer. Are we the one True World or just a mere reflection? What the scholars didnt figure out is that all these reflections are bound together, moving away from each other on an axis in two directions, up and down, but never can they move away from each other left to right as they are bound on the axis. The World Axis keeps the One True World in the centre of all things but at the ends of the axis lay forces beyond anyone's imaginations. These points are the Astral Ups and the Quantum Downs, regions of pure and raw energy swallowing worlds that have moved too far away from the One True World.\n\nThese regions keep each other balanced, swallowing an equal amount of power and matter to keep the One True World in balance between them. But sometimes the balance shifts and one or the other absorbs too much power. These points in the continuum of time are known as Cataclysms. Ever since the beginning of recorded history, only three points have been defined as Cataclysms. Wars swept over the lands, Volcanoes erupted and tsunamis swallowed pieces of the Earth. They were era-changing events, shaping the world for decades or centuries to come. And now, once more the Quantum Downs have created a Cataclysm to achieve equilibrium."} +{"id": "41cafe95-6f5d-4f2e-9bc9-09045a8f469a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.095", "backgroundColor": "#0664b1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWw2deXVLJscgtZYP1pxfABDyHrVQEYNgZ66iHcpok5jr", "txHash": "0xdcc442130b7ab899b55a433b3bfb5066d2a81c47bd7d5a71386a77b60f30f910", "createdAtBlock": 14417368, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Cassiopeia of the Quantum Downs", "text": "This time, the world wasnt shocked by violence or disaster but in the hinterlands a girl was born, Cassiopeia. From a young age it was clear that she was destined for great things, violent but great things. Ever since she could walk and talk, she dominated her peers. But her real talent was hiding the fact that she was pulling the strings. Whenever food was stolen, animals were killed or other children were hurt, the blame was found with someone else or nowhere at all. \n\nAnd so she developed and in her teen years, her town learned to fear her as she was quickly amassing mystical power and influencing and dominating all events in and around the town. She could let a full field of crops fail just by looking at it. Other times, in a benevolent mood, she could cure a child on the brink of death with a whisper. They all feared her, but no one dared interfere. It took her own father, a simple towns merchant , to act brave and solve the crisis in his hometown. In the death of night, he left town and ventured into the woods. There lay an abbey, where a coven of sisters lived. He knew they had access to arcane secrets and had swore to protect it."} +{"id": "41cafe95-6f5d-4f2e-9bc9-09045a8f469a-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.095", "backgroundColor": "#0664b1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWw2deXVLJscgtZYP1pxfABDyHrVQEYNgZ66iHcpok5jr", "txHash": "0xdcc442130b7ab899b55a433b3bfb5066d2a81c47bd7d5a71386a77b60f30f910", "createdAtBlock": 14417368, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Cassiopeia of the Quantum Downs", "text": "When he returned, they wielded their powers and subdued Cassiopeia. They took her to the abbey, and there deep down in the dungeons she plotted her revenge. The first two years she was completely isolated, food was brought by magic and no communication with the sisters was allowed. Her only point of contact was a thick blue rat. She started experimenting on it, turning it into a vessel for her Quantum powers so she could always tap into them. With her powers accessible, she started silently whispering to some of the sisters who are a little bit more open to suggestion. She started to put visions into their minds, visions of their hopes and dreams fulfilled, visions of dead relatives being alive and well, visions of knowledge or power acquired. \n\nOne day, she took the reins. She asked her followers to overthrow the leaders of the coven and in a day or two, he became head of the coven. They quickly repurposed themselves into Dark Sisters, pursuing only the darkest and most powerful forms of knowledge. The Dark sisters were known throughout the world, their brown simple tunics feared as they were spotted around town. \n\nHer own personal journey led Cassiopeia to strange places. At first, she was content with the power of the Quantum Downs at her disposal in the form of her trusty pet rat but soon, she felt the need to gather more. She discovered that the axis of the One True World was held in place by the Ups and Downs, but circling around it were the elemental planes of Air, Earth, Water and Fire. These powers were harnessed by different mages and sorcerers around the world and she followed their example. She chose the Rune of Air, making sure her powers could travel on the wind by a whim."} +{"id": "41cafe95-6f5d-4f2e-9bc9-09045a8f469a-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.095", "backgroundColor": "#0664b1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWw2deXVLJscgtZYP1pxfABDyHrVQEYNgZ66iHcpok5jr", "txHash": "0xdcc442130b7ab899b55a433b3bfb5066d2a81c47bd7d5a71386a77b60f30f910", "createdAtBlock": 14417368, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Cassiopeia of the Quantum Downs", "text": "But one thing piqued her interest. It seemed that some artefact's possessed the power of the One True World, but existed on each and any world. They formed the fundamental bricks of arcane power. She knew she wanted one of them, but the artefact's were heavily hidden in obscure lore and secretive tales. But after doing research for five years, she left the coven and stayed away for five more years. Upon returning, she held in her hand the Eye of Gorgon. The Gorgon was a mythical beast, possessing the power of true foresight. She never told anyone how she retrieved this item but from that day forward, if anyone was plotting against her, she knew it even before they had a chance to tell anyone."} +{"id": "f8415ad2-891f-4f0a-a381-6d159f3fee78-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:49.092", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ2nKaL2CuLAMnbM4wHds5Pg1XMemqzcN8JQmQi2qQPC1", "txHash": "0xec7bc8ca73d44ea7897aef2189c585c087cc641a400e91a8b3a810fc1621c3a3", "createdAtBlock": 14331604, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4241, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cloud of Ectoplasm", "text": "Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea \nAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee \nLittle Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff \nAnd brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff \n\nOh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea \nAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee \nPuff the magic dragon lived by the sea \nAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee \n\nTogether they would travel on a boat with billowed sail \nJackie kept a lookout perched on Puff's gigantic tail \nNoble kings and princes would bow whene'er they came \nPirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name \n\nOh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea \nAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee \nPuff the magic dragon lived by the sea \nAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee \n\nA dragon lives forever, but not so little boys \nPainted wings and giant's rings make way for other toys \nOne gray night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more \nAnd Puff, that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar \n\nHis head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain \nPuff no longer went to play along the cherry lane \nWithout his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave \nSo Puff, that mighty dragon, sadly slipped into his cave \nOh, Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea \nAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee \nPuff the magic dragon lived by the sea \nAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah Lee"} +{"id": "1251f6f3-dd44-4d63-8d8e-bdd61a20c534-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:53.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgtzbfLnSPEDBDmkmfQpSzZ5J1M8i4TBtbJxVr82577F", "txHash": "0x9a498b2c097e4fe286cdcc92b7ed529b11fad8385e4ad7bae943dfb51b990a1a", "createdAtBlock": 14335602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1143, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPVg61tiutSQEBd7dK3wNjzaZq6Kz5V69zqfDydP1FpSs", "name": "Cryptomancer Aleister of the Obelisk", "text": "## **State of Play**\n\n\nI used to be part of a cult. It was pretty fun for a while. We would hang out and talk about how we were better than other cults, how wed help our cult, and what the future would look like for us as the best if not one of the better cults. It was loads of fun! Anyway, eventually we decided we should start a basketball team since a few of us were pretty decent ballers and I myself was pretty good. I personally found that opponents struggle to play when you light a fire under their ass. \n\nEventually, I got bored of the basketball. I didnt quit when they banned the use of magic on opposition players, that seemed pretty fair, I actually quit after a time in which the league got really competitive. At that point most teams had established frameworks for approaching the game of basketball. The introduction of new structures and rules taught us to play within those limits until everybody was kinda playing the same game, not only every team but every player had also figured out what to do, where to move and how to make the best use of the space. For a good time we were all playing this boring game in competition with each other, until some new dude joined the cult and started a lot of us on an entirely different direction. \n\nI have no idea who this wizard was or how they even got into the cult. Sure, Id seen them around. I might even have seen them around before the basketball playing days, but regardless; this wizards name and face escape me even to this day."} +{"id": "1251f6f3-dd44-4d63-8d8e-bdd61a20c534-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:53.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgtzbfLnSPEDBDmkmfQpSzZ5J1M8i4TBtbJxVr82577F", "txHash": "0x9a498b2c097e4fe286cdcc92b7ed529b11fad8385e4ad7bae943dfb51b990a1a", "createdAtBlock": 14335602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1143, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPVg61tiutSQEBd7dK3wNjzaZq6Kz5V69zqfDydP1FpSs", "name": "Cryptomancer Aleister of the Obelisk", "text": "This wizard had noticed that wizards appeared to execute at a higher level (at least in basketball) when they were more organised than a bunch of wizards passing the ball around a circle, shooting the shit. He decided that we should use our magic for good and if we just became more organised we would eventually work out how to fix all of the problems in our lives. Not only that, we would find true recognition as the best cult out there. \n\nI wasnt sure how to feel about this proposition at first. I felt like we did pretty good. Anyway, by this point I had become friends with a few of the guys in the cult and I didnt think too much about helping them out to do some cool stuff, I thought maybe itd even be fun! \n\nI remember a conversation I had with a wizard around this time;\n\n> Pretty fun being in this cult huh! Its a pretty freaking good cult, haha! \n\n> Yeh! haha, I guess it is. You know what would be even more fun?\n\n> I dont know how we could have more fun! Sure, I want to know! \n\n> We could make sure that everyone who joins the cult promises to have fun!\n\nI didnt really know what he meant by that, I was having fun without anyone telling me to have fun. I didnt see why we might need to enforce fun on people. It was a nice thought at least. What could be wrong with more fun? \n\nI remember thinking that if fun was a responsibility rather than a choice, it might slowly begin to feel like work, inauthentic, or something entirely different than fun had ever been in the first place. I tossed and turned over this but the decision was eventually made because some of the cult members had been doing volunteer work already anyway so we might as well help them out, for the cult."} +{"id": "1251f6f3-dd44-4d63-8d8e-bdd61a20c534-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:53.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgtzbfLnSPEDBDmkmfQpSzZ5J1M8i4TBtbJxVr82577F", "txHash": "0x9a498b2c097e4fe286cdcc92b7ed529b11fad8385e4ad7bae943dfb51b990a1a", "createdAtBlock": 14335602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1143, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPVg61tiutSQEBd7dK3wNjzaZq6Kz5V69zqfDydP1FpSs", "name": "Cryptomancer Aleister of the Obelisk", "text": "It was a new dawn for the cult. The cult was no longer just about fun. \n\nThere had been a *shift*. \n\n\nIt was now about helping people too! \n\nIt was also probably a bit about being the best cult around and maybe also about some of the wizards being able to tell people that they werent just goofing around doing magic all the time. For me, it was FOR THE CULT! as we liked to shout after a few ales at Ye Olde Taverna, and to be honest I have never been sure about what will happen in the future, so what was I to do? Tell them it was a bad idea? How could I know? \n\nAnyway, as the years went on the cult became more and more organised. We got really good at paperwork, we got really good at cold-approaches, we got really good at making deals, we even got really good at telling people how good of a cult we were. By all intensive purposes we were succeeding at our goals. At a certain point, although we were a cult i.e. organised differently than a traditional business, we were meeting targets, having board meetings, and reading bottom lines like a corporate multi-national. \n\nIt was sometimes fun but I think over that time we forgot magic for a little while. It seemed that there was less space for magic when we filled our wizard brains with ideas about what the people wanted from us, what we could do for people, and how to best represent the cult to the world."} +{"id": "1251f6f3-dd44-4d63-8d8e-bdd61a20c534-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:53.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgtzbfLnSPEDBDmkmfQpSzZ5J1M8i4TBtbJxVr82577F", "txHash": "0x9a498b2c097e4fe286cdcc92b7ed529b11fad8385e4ad7bae943dfb51b990a1a", "createdAtBlock": 14335602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1143, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPVg61tiutSQEBd7dK3wNjzaZq6Kz5V69zqfDydP1FpSs", "name": "Cryptomancer Aleister of the Obelisk", "text": "Eventually I grew old and after a time of service for the cult it was time for me to take a step back. I looked back fondly on all the good work that the cult was able to do, I even made use of their services from time to time, but I found fun again in doing things without protocols, meeting notes, or god-awful start times. I had more freedom to do what I wanted with my own time. Sometimes, it was fun to do nothing. I did continue to attend some cult meetings and I even made some remarks at a few of them. Though truly, I found most of my fun in doing the thing I had been too preoccupied to do with all my energy focused on the goals of the cult: \n\n\n## Magic. \n\n\nDont get me wrong, there were still some wizards doing magic in the cult, just not in the same way as it had been used before. We had harnessed the power of magic like a dog that was now held back from sniffing all the poops in the park even if it wanted to. Occasionally thered be something interesting happening but many places were left unexplored. There were places to go and people to see. We were busy wizzies. \n\nIn reflection, I think I began to take all that cult business a bit too seriously at times. What had started out as a few wizards sitting in a circle telling each other fun stories and musing on the twists and turns of life, holding space for each other when it was needed, and generally just sitting around doing nothing(or magic), had turned into a venture, a resource allocation, and an opportunity.\n\nNow, after its all over (another story completely), i try my best to help wizards remember the runes that started us off on the whole magic cult thing, albeit with questionable success."} +{"id": "1251f6f3-dd44-4d63-8d8e-bdd61a20c534-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:53.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgtzbfLnSPEDBDmkmfQpSzZ5J1M8i4TBtbJxVr82577F", "txHash": "0x9a498b2c097e4fe286cdcc92b7ed529b11fad8385e4ad7bae943dfb51b990a1a", "createdAtBlock": 14335602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1143, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPVg61tiutSQEBd7dK3wNjzaZq6Kz5V69zqfDydP1FpSs", "name": "Cryptomancer Aleister of the Obelisk", "text": "Sometimes I pull out the box of memorabilia from over that time, just for kicks. I think my favourite piece from that period is the joke plaque someone had given me after I lost 4,000,000 gold coins in a trade deal with a talking mirror that had told me I was ugly and that all I had to do was give its owner the coins to get a new set of eyebrows. \n\nEven if there was less magic in the cult then we hadnt lost our sense of humour and I did get the new eyebrows:\n\n\n\n\nI knew they were just playing. \n\n> play; *verb* ; engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose."} +{"id": "57660d7b-0731-4c06-8546-b12d09783f2a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:19.55", "backgroundColor": "#d7c7a1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQqbgrb8ueYiXxh9FJ2bxTYxmW5Zt3vNEm3MDspvdNqRM", "txHash": "0x6c9d038025fd81b84e62fa1f12170f3a323d427e17d6db18ecc5a846b7e88797", "createdAtBlock": 14388431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8432, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZQBPX2BgyRxwzxRSEFsLvqh11hJr27JRLgYEuCJswQL8", "name": "Clairvoyant Gully of the Hills", "text": "## *Excerpt from Griselde's \"Compleat Naturalist,\" 4th ed.*\n\n\n\nIt would be reasonable for the naturalist to establish a division of the Anuran magic folk more or less into two groups: those whose skin is smooth and wet (what we might refer to as frogs), and those whose skin is rough and dry (what we might call toads). Members of the former group are likely to be found in the swamps and bogs of low elevation, requiring a moist environment in order to maintain their delicate membranes. The toads, in contrast, may avail themselves of a much wider range of habitats, their only requirement being a patch of mud in which to burrow through the cold winter months.\n\nDue to their large stature (compared with other members of the class Amphibia), they have few natural predators, and are accustomed to a rather blithe and unhurried existence. It is possiblebut difficult to provethat some unique method of magical concentration (e.g. clairvoyance) is the primary cause of their slothful demeanor. In any case, the only credible threat to an Anurans safety is the odd witch or wizard who gets it into their head that the incorporation of an amphibian of such size into their cauldron must necessarily provide a strong augment to their draughts. (That they may in fact be correct in their reasoning should by no means be considered justification for the destruction of a fellow magical creature. See section III.iii for further remarks on wizardly ethics.)"} +{"id": "57660d7b-0731-4c06-8546-b12d09783f2a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:19.55", "backgroundColor": "#d7c7a1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQqbgrb8ueYiXxh9FJ2bxTYxmW5Zt3vNEm3MDspvdNqRM", "txHash": "0x6c9d038025fd81b84e62fa1f12170f3a323d427e17d6db18ecc5a846b7e88797", "createdAtBlock": 14388431, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8432, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZQBPX2BgyRxwzxRSEFsLvqh11hJr27JRLgYEuCJswQL8", "name": "Clairvoyant Gully of the Hills", "text": "One should not, however, make the mistake of assuming the Anuran easy prey. In response to such threats as these, they are observed adopting smaller creatures as their familiars, practicing warding spells, and even arming themselves on occasion (see *fig. 2, Clairvoyant Gully of the Hils,* armed with an Ether Staff). A potion-dealer in search of potent ingredients will think twice before attempting to overwhelm an Anuran armed with staff, spell, or devoted familiar at its side."} +{"id": "9b69f9bb-0fde-4e67-89c0-d92f66fb872a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:12.71", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f32", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPEu83oDTT8gtkBi4uSr9gKr1vYfc6WpNhAwsoiP4WjRV", "txHash": "0xe9d4f5b75b45f423c7d2ee15f0fb70e279b9d4c93fc2ca8e550b76542dd6fbb6", "createdAtBlock": 14459866, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9826, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Daria of the Garden", "text": "# No Good Deed Goes Unpunished\n\nEXT. FARM - EARLY MORNING\n\nDarias father is hard at work harvesting crops on the family farm. The morning sun beams on his face as he takes a deep breath. Daria comes running from the house. \n\nDARIA - Father, did you see?! The town is giving away more ponies because the last contest winners didn't claim them in time! Olga has been such a great help to the farm. Let's go try to get you one for yourself! I guess there are some puzzles we need to try to solve.\n\nDARIAS FATHER - No, hunny. I had no idea. Let me finish up here, and well head into town. I have to buy some more seed for the crops, anyways.\n\nDaria and her father stroll into town. Daria is riding Olga, her pony. As they get into town, she ties Olga up and gives her a shiny green apple to hold her over until they get back. \n\nThey approach the middle of town and notice a large number of people frantically running all over the place, appearing to be searching for something. One man is running with a jelly donut up in the air. He has a giant smile across his face. \n\nA small group of children are playing in the streets.\n\nLITTLE GIRL\n(yelling) - \nAbracadabra! See, Im a wizard!\n\nDaria smiles at the little girl. Daria and her father approach a large sign. It reads When did the elf find a pie under his couch? \n\nDARIA - \nThis must be the clue for todays puzzle! \n\nDARIAS FATHER\n(nods) - \nAlright, then. Lets try to solve it."} +{"id": "9b69f9bb-0fde-4e67-89c0-d92f66fb872a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:12.71", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f32", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPEu83oDTT8gtkBi4uSr9gKr1vYfc6WpNhAwsoiP4WjRV", "txHash": "0xe9d4f5b75b45f423c7d2ee15f0fb70e279b9d4c93fc2ca8e550b76542dd6fbb6", "createdAtBlock": 14459866, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9826, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Daria of the Garden", "text": "A couple of hours pass. Daria and her father haven't made much progress. However, they continue walking around town, searching for additional clues. Out of no-where, a brigade of mountain trolls storm into town on foot. A large, overweight troll leads the brigade. \n\nTROLL LEADER\n(out of breath) - \nNews of free steeds have made its way to the mountaintop. Your foolish human games are nothing but a waste of time. Give us your ponies, or die!\n\nTO BE CONTINUED..."} +{"id": "0c98a908-8a5a-4bd1-b64d-fecf164a991f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:05.979", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPMUpE6fbRy5Pae9KbEnjBfKehC8HU6h7AvpkXmY4Xo26", "txHash": "0x1b542d1684c3e8311d7d8074885ed526d1ca66a314772c46b253c3ed0bd26dcf", "createdAtBlock": 14114347, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 601, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Bane of the Atheneum", "text": "# Clever Boy Bane aka Sage Bane of the Atheneum aka Banane\n\nVery clever undead sage.\nBorn from piles of bones stored in a room somewhere inside the crypts of an ancient library, under the influence of Pluto in retrograde with and eclipse as primary catalyst.\nBane spent his formative years learning how to keep his aching and chalky body in one piece by sheer willpower.\nWhen he could finally hold it together whilst also focusing his mind on other things he ventured outside his broom closet and found books upon books, scrolls upon scrolls.\n\nEven the mice scattered when gazing upon his form in the moonlight. All but one, a peculiar little albino mouse.\nThe two became friends, as far as Bane knew what friendship was, and spent eacht coming day scouring trough the endless knowledge found in the library.\n\nMost of the books and scrolls were destroyed, but the rare few that were still readable contained secret knowledge that was thought to be lost to time.\nOut of this forgotten knowledge Bane forged the ultimate healing tool, his staff known in legends as \"Caduceus\".\n\nHis robe you ask? Taken from a dead body.\n\nA good friend of his, @wizard9068, likes to tell a completely different origin story of reptilian people originating from a far away and tiny icey planet."} +{"id": "bff47230-7e58-4a2c-bf08-814dbd5792f5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:06.824", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUuDfcfhvffckNZHkw4JVLmj13qYoPoHrgVbUBuNBCo2q", "txHash": "0xc4681dc7ce9a654346193064d48ee6448f5261ec8b00069ea360f2c0f37126c4", "createdAtBlock": 14114435, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2078, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNbvbZUJYEY3Pkg532zTPzEhXpH1te7auH27qf3Pky52X", "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The meeting \n\nAs Homer approached the two wizards, he was apprehensive due to the hysterical crying.\n\n\"How could you kill her, you murderer?!\" cries the green hatted wizard\n\n\"I can fix her, I promise, just give me a second, I have done it before!\" says the crone.\n\nHomer then realizes this truly is just as it appears, two wizards.....very upset by the killing of a rabbit. Homer has seen death, many times to many different types of creatures, this was but another death, but to these wizards, this was more?\n\n\"Are you two ok?\", asked homer.\n\n\"Yes, I just didn't see her, it's going to be ok, it's going to be fine!\". As the Crone spirals into more and more hysteria, suddenly, the rabbit begins twitching, and appearing to....come back to life?! \"I knew it, I knew I could do it!\", cheers the crone.\n\n*Hello Homer, of the Quantum Shadow*. The...the voice was in his head. As soon as he hears this voice, he notices both wizards seem just as shocked as him. Who is speaking to them?\n \n\n\n\"Did one of you just speak to me?\", the Crone asks. The Green wizard begins to sit on the stump, staring at the rabbit, \"Was that you?, that wasn't your native tongue, how was that performed?\".\n\n\"As your thaumaturge\", the rabbit, once again speaks into all of our heads, this time, seemingly in unison.\n\n\"We are going to have to keep a level head, I have seen many odd events, but this is a new one. Let's take a step back, I am @wizard2078, what are you three known as?\""} +{"id": "bff47230-7e58-4a2c-bf08-814dbd5792f5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:06.824", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUuDfcfhvffckNZHkw4JVLmj13qYoPoHrgVbUBuNBCo2q", "txHash": "0xc4681dc7ce9a654346193064d48ee6448f5261ec8b00069ea360f2c0f37126c4", "createdAtBlock": 14114435, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2078, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNbvbZUJYEY3Pkg532zTPzEhXpH1te7auH27qf3Pky52X", "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "\"I am @wizard8551 and this killer is @wizard5673, I have no word of our friend\", motioning towards the rabbit.\n\n\n\n\n\n\"I am Roger, but you need not know about me, my mission is to aid you\"."} +{"id": "bc547478-9695-4538-9e84-76e7c37c5f94-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:07.679", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc7CxUJGsPymUWpeW3dq3Gbwc7SV2e21prcQTqkPwiuYe", "txHash": "0x6c453082c3dac501c61c1d5ed9fcfb4e29e7c3be1f0647cbea64471eae4379bf", "createdAtBlock": 14115172, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5667, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Azar of Tartarus", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Azar of Tartarus\n\nBack in the days before Pyromancer Azar became known as such, he was simply the wizard Azar, a lonely, depressed soul with a perpetual death wish. Having grown weary of the miracle of life, one day he decided to end it all in one fell stroke. Azar went down to the local flea market, purchased a fancy gold goblet (because one must have style even in the hour of one's demise), bought a vial of basilisk venom, then went home, made himself a poison cocktail, and downed the whole thing in one gulp. In an ironic twist of fate, it turned out the cup he bought was actually a legendary Goblet of Immortality, and instead of dying, Azar became unkillable.\n\nIn the days that followed, Azar basically freaked out and tried every method under the sun to off himself: jumping off the highest tower in the Citadel, hiring thugs to stab him a million times with rusty shivs, stepping in front of an archmagus's Chain Lightning spell, eating some questionable pizza from Pyromancer Pete's Pizza Parlor, which is said to kill 1 out of every 2 customers. But nothing worked. In despair, the last thing he tried was to douse himself in oil and set himself on fire, but the only thing that accomplished was to imbue the flame with the Goblet's magic as well, so that it burned eternal. Now, instead of being an immortal human, Azar became an immortal flaming skeleton that's being burnt to a crisp over and over again...forever. Man, life sucks sometimes."} +{"id": "bc547478-9695-4538-9e84-76e7c37c5f94-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:07.679", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc7CxUJGsPymUWpeW3dq3Gbwc7SV2e21prcQTqkPwiuYe", "txHash": "0x6c453082c3dac501c61c1d5ed9fcfb4e29e7c3be1f0647cbea64471eae4379bf", "createdAtBlock": 14115172, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5667, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Azar of Tartarus", "text": "After a lot of counseling and therapy, Azar finally managed to come to terms with his suicide ideation and begin life anew with fresh perspective. He learned fire magic from Pyromancer Pete (and also the art of pizza making). He invested in a noncombustible cloak, boots, and gloves, because having every part of your body on fire is a bit inconvenient, plus being a flaming skull is much cooler than being a flaming entire skeleton. He even got himself a cat (for some reason cats love hanging out around him, probably for the warmth he emanates, the same reason they like to sleep by a blazing hearth). Plus, being immortal has its advantages: he was headhunted to be official food tester to the king, to work in the police bomb squad, as well as one enigmatic offer that he suspected came from a VERY hardcore BDSM brothel. For now, Azar is satisfied with his life being a pizza delivery man...he is good at his job, the tips are good, and pyromancy ensures the pizzas will never arrive cold!"} +{"id": "4881f9bf-18f3-408b-a9c2-2016e882aef2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:03.59", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeunJEAzbQwTx7nkSK3t3bHCMXgP9tiTigY4HknfRHWSm", "txHash": "0x22170a7ecbd7d391e92ab2946081623894df615bdabac23db77ba4fbc3f68adb", "createdAtBlock": 14447554, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Soya of the Bastion", "text": "Everything flows."} +{"id": "74b15f88-e746-4dcd-a287-d1a4407c9f0f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:11.777", "backgroundColor": "#0f0927", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcJGPTc4WwCrxe8r1qpv7zGrVFAsYiZ6APL4ogb9B8kbC", "txHash": "0x2e4d8351e69e82909c9243beb487950c702a389c7aeb0212b5f6371e281c5fe9", "createdAtBlock": 14457764, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5382, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc6D7hdthjUXx6bXnBctcAy3MGmAVaSCofFCpY3SnT3re", "name": "Sorcerer Ali of the Obelisk", "text": "# Lore of the One Who Became Sorcerer Ali of the Obelisk and Druid Faiz of Arcadia \n\n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUIZIkP7YJE\n\nDuring the first age of wizards, there lived a scholar who longed to know the secrets of space and time. He traveled the world over, visiting restricted libraries and seeking out sages and philosophers who might guide him to the answers he sought. \n\nThe years passed, and his wife and children grew older away from his presence, until his youngest forgot his face. But gradually, he felt he was getting closer to his goal. Once he had mastered the 3rd and 4th dimensions, he could re-do these years and nothing would be lost. \n\nOne day, as he returned from a long journey to the Obelisk, he saw smoke in the distance, in the direction of his familys home. He rushed back to confirm that the worst had happened, his family and home gone to flame and ashes, cause unknown.\n\nIn his sorrow, he determined to go to the place that had been deemed too risky while his family lived. The myths dispute the identity of this location - some say he pierced the Infinity Veil, while others claim he entered the Astral Plane. Still others claim that the Event Horizon or even the Quantum Shadow was the destination he sought. But regardless, he entered a place where the rules and walls of the Runiverse ran thin. And in that place, he transformed."} +{"id": "74b15f88-e746-4dcd-a287-d1a4407c9f0f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:11.777", "backgroundColor": "#0f0927", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcJGPTc4WwCrxe8r1qpv7zGrVFAsYiZ6APL4ogb9B8kbC", "txHash": "0x2e4d8351e69e82909c9243beb487950c702a389c7aeb0212b5f6371e281c5fe9", "createdAtBlock": 14457764, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5382, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc6D7hdthjUXx6bXnBctcAy3MGmAVaSCofFCpY3SnT3re", "name": "Sorcerer Ali of the Obelisk", "text": "His body was lost, but his spirit gained long-sought powers over time and space. However, his soul was not ready to control both simultaneously, and rather than suffer outright destruction, it split. Two forms emerged back into the Runiverse; Sorcerer Ali, possessing mastery over dreams, past, present and future (albeit only those occurring in his physical location); and @wizard466, able to travel far and wide in an instant (however, only in the present). Each possessed a fraction of a soul, and a semi-corporeal existence in our plane of the Runiverse.\n\nAli eventually settled in the Obelisk, where his abilities could be harnessed effectively, while Faiz roamed far and wide, much as his whole self had done, although much more efficiently. Both sought to continue their investigations, hoping to regain what had been lost. But as the eons progressed, the two tethered beings began to accumulate their own experiences, and their views and aims diverged(to be continued)"} +{"id": "ad168352-953a-49e9-a454-985b03324fe3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:15.564", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8JqAYznouUHzGJDQNVr3LBUBqgPkupPFUySfMpcQS43", "txHash": "0x36d34d264292662be2e9ee215d20f662d29ccff293c84b32280e732a23f117c0", "createdAtBlock": 14463178, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4099, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeVUt6SgQPcMGbNm6GiFNuSQnPTyfyzPUgMZu2JxDpw7f", "name": "Shadow Mage Flamos of the Morning Star", "text": "# Chapter 1: The Road"} +{"id": "e03e032a-e4d1-4831-8069-323a5bc983b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:58.683", "backgroundColor": "#2a868f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQpmn8oLSbnoztW1hKMJMZrpcZwx1wNv5iieCse496xjy", "txHash": "0x45259d60f2ba8eccb54ceaa3ca6de89c64add087933f29c68270dd8d11b14b8f", "createdAtBlock": 14530815, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4958, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hadrien of the Ether", "text": "# Hadrien's Second Chance\n\nHadriens parents were from before our time. They were as famous as they were infamous. When you border the line of good and evil, you are bound to manifest enemies along the way. \n\n### To call Hadrien and Azahls childhood horrific would be understating it.\n\nOn a full moon 2 days after Hadriens second birthday, there was a strange whistle that overtook the silence shortly after the family sat down for dinner. Their familiar went to its peephole to investigate the noise. The albino rat shivered and recoiled to its hiding place, preparing for certain death. \n\nHadriens father was a good man, but he was also a man that had been known throughout the runiverse to stick his nose where it simply did not belong. A favor turned into an obligation, and it all soon turned into a nightmare. The men outside were drunk off Ale and Anger, and there was no changing their minds. \n\nWhile Hadriens parents remained lifeless on the kitchen floor, a heated debate was ongoing. I need the Alchemist, You need a hole in the head before you need another Alchemist. Hadrien and Azahl were eventually split apart and sold a few times over. Their parents were both such talented wizards, that these daughters were thought to surely excel in their crafts. \n\nLuckily for Hadrien, the most powerful wizards arent always evil. When she was 8, TGFG rescued Hadrien, and slayed the revolting troll that had kept her captive. Unfortunately TGFG was not able to track down Azahl until she was 14. Azahl changed drastically in those years that she was imprisoned."} +{"id": "93135592-5d71-427f-a77b-b1bb79deeaea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:54.167", "backgroundColor": "#135a21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZVadufdtSRExuKsnqi1mSt41VUaZmmVNGyvZUoESMpyN", "txHash": "0xef397a979c2463486ccd2cd11a33f4dbed5b6c9126221190686c50f7770df91c", "createdAtBlock": 14528099, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1996, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQUFNaakaQNeSvZXSMZn4oEiikqkkvNowR2Resknq8DUn", "name": "Sorcerer George of the Hills", "text": "# George.\n\nRumors abound of a secret meeting at the Tower, but why did the wizards not return? The mood was tense when a group of no less than 10 wizards got together to search for their fallen friends. They all knew the consequences-- they would have to go to the Tower and voluntarily submit themselves to the Pyre, the Inferno of No Return. Will they be able to find their disappeared brothers and sisters and bring them triumphantly back to the Runiverse, or will they join them in darkness and lose their souls...\n\nSome wizards go for loyalty, some to seek riches rumored to await them. Others go for the promise of immortality. Others go for power and the chance to become a God of Death.\n\nGeorge, he goes for breakfast. \n\n\n\nI mean, yes, he did lose his friend @wizard7147 in the mystery meeting, but he has much bigger ambitions at hand.\n\nGeorge is an unremarkable wizard. Unremarkable name. Unremarkable magic. Unremarkable life. But he IS a man of taste. And has dedicated his life searching far and wide for the perfect breakfast sandwich. \n\nLegend has it that the Pyre holds the key. That, and an \"Egg of the Unknown Beast\" which he recently sold all of his worldly possessions to acquire.\n\nHe feels confident that his secret strategy of using a fishing rod to dangle the egg just far enough to get the perfect roast will keep him at a safe distance. Seems like a solid plan..."} +{"id": "0c7ad40e-8501-4b15-97c7-7d5289f42973-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:35.224", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdpWYc79e4gPfjx5NPnd7RXHTnqKd61hW2JsVQZLDWqYH", "txHash": "0xe8eca4f4a94b816b8f991844caa215567d251ea1cb4904820abc3e03b94624d6", "createdAtBlock": 14748275, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5171, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT2hSquk59FwdnokHy5Z1xPzcBdjNTUY5DcXebHiRtHf2", "name": "Enchanter Thor of the Palms", "text": "Enchanter Thor of the Palms"} +{"id": "31d51d16-af24-4fa6-8a4a-9600f6b5c045-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:56.128", "backgroundColor": "#581a00", "index": 9, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5hW4x92eAb47eMg37h6NotfTgWNMgZxwXBJhWyhVJzf", "txHash": "0x994f1638d38c6442ddf89f4b8ff673f5e8b148fb042617287edc9e41fecd7e9b", "createdAtBlock": 13752858, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmaw7PBADLhA1BckhihhrdY7gQfkbWabAMAQwfpMnpviLp", "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones.\n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "31d51d16-af24-4fa6-8a4a-9600f6b5c045-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:56.128", "backgroundColor": "#581a00", "index": 9, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5hW4x92eAb47eMg37h6NotfTgWNMgZxwXBJhWyhVJzf", "txHash": "0x994f1638d38c6442ddf89f4b8ff673f5e8b148fb042617287edc9e41fecd7e9b", "createdAtBlock": 13752858, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmaw7PBADLhA1BckhihhrdY7gQfkbWabAMAQwfpMnpviLp", "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "66ef0a70-49dd-448d-be07-0d6bd9d41398-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:36.161", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQsygWQfCpJ9CvT22itib8WeMmY2RtgLXfd5wU2pNip2A", "txHash": "0x4c449bffa982e87bef058c7079de401088a9cc520a519ee2a787c66d88531f04", "createdAtBlock": 13276657, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3818, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUNBQLLJiMhRXJeNtcAQmW5wH96f6tkQXw5eHHywqsyrq", "name": "Voodoo Priest Edward of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Voodoo Priest Edward of the Citadel"} +{"id": "d58c42be-1954-4383-a640-098d2db7a669-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:37.073", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUGi2q3YPfcHSWQJoKiaWww84dWJL4tgby3pakavQhYMe", "txHash": "0x7f420857aa980604803548e946ac4edbde5f70959ce9e3bb533dabdafdafec76", "createdAtBlock": 13277000, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3598, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmboDoWcLFWfHhQ6udomdBv8aksuyagmvWcXXk2JpqMDvK", "name": " of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of of the Wood"} +{"id": "f6bd7871-759e-49c5-a5ab-ad9fe5d6f496-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:06.837", "backgroundColor": "#19245b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmes1LY9RGiQsgibFX9DCSB1Kq2HqfRfLRiQiLyYHv5MRV", "txHash": "0x7ca9572c704b870c834e8c6c5d67c87dc733d1d096791714a7228449c2b55663", "createdAtBlock": 13932189, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6887, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Bolin of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Bolin of the Realm\n\nA wizard with a glass full of wisdom"} +{"id": "3cbaed9e-7337-4aee-9bae-476f85e71efb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:11.458", "backgroundColor": "#249f34", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjHXh3ex3PZWzRGcoz6LWkapqccYbJJk13jboSJU43jC", "txHash": "0xb6907fe2d289a85d998d4e482a0d472ebf67c91502879034679dcb272943c74f", "createdAtBlock": 14605886, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Diana of the Wold", "text": "## Birth in the Valley of the Void Disciple\n\nDiana is the eldest daughter from the the House of Rose, one of four families sworn to protect the environment of the Valley of the Void Disciple. The Valley of the Void Disciple is a harsh arid climate that is also the sacred home and breeding grounds of the Triple Crowned Cockatrice.\n\n## House of Rose\n\nIn the valley where water is scarce, the House of Rose managed to grow an oasis civilization centered on efficient energy usage. The capital city where Diana was born, is legendary for its breathtakingly beautiful gardens where you can see and smell a variety of Desert Roses. The beauty of the gardens speak to the city's efficient water infrastructure. Diana carries a rose with her to remember the beauty of these gardens.\n\n\n## Rune of Air\n\nFrom a young age, Diana was trained to wield Rose's special air magic. Those trained in this magic can cast a range of wind spells by manipulating air pressure. House Rose's mastery over the wind gives them a natural synergy with the Triple Crowned Cockatrice. Legend has it that warriors of Rose once rode the Cockatrice into battle.\n\n## Combat\n\nDiana is physically agile, thanks to her Huntress genetics, but prefers to subdue her opponents with air magic. As a strong proponent of peace, Diana's air spells are the perfect tool to defuse potentially dangerous situations without causing harm. \n\nHowever, if she needs to attack she has strong options. Of course she can always sweep her opponents off their feet with a powerful gust of wind, but she has developed a unique spell that rapidly swirls the air around her opponent's head and sends them into a state of confusion. This attack on the head can induce illusions, leading to her title *Illusionist Diana*.\n\n## Residence in the Wold"} +{"id": "3cbaed9e-7337-4aee-9bae-476f85e71efb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:11.458", "backgroundColor": "#249f34", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjHXh3ex3PZWzRGcoz6LWkapqccYbJJk13jboSJU43jC", "txHash": "0xb6907fe2d289a85d998d4e482a0d472ebf67c91502879034679dcb272943c74f", "createdAtBlock": 14605886, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Diana of the Wold", "text": "## Residence in the Wold\n\nTo enrich her studies of the air arts, Diana left the Valley when she was ten to study under a magician in the Wold. Diana still resides there today, though she plans to return to the Valley one day.\n\n## Emerald Slime\n\nOn her travels from the Valley to the Wold, Diana encountered a strange emerald slime who grew attached to her and never left her side. The slime is a mysterious creature, perhaps it is drawn to the Diana's Desert Rose? Diana enjoys the slime's company, as it is very wise and has a good read on the integrity of strangers."} +{"id": "03743360-b005-44df-96b3-7b3a366d90a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:55.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZR2YoDVxjjyYvrs27a4KS5H8XPwsR3JheMibssuFmEY5", "txHash": "0x95a857efd844c5294ac5c24a723b3a4038f3982bbde915c6cdcc40dbae8c43f2", "createdAtBlock": 14618495, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcDea8hT2MPPexiiWxPD4vj1dKWLukL2cCrMayrTS2h6g", "name": "Adept Enigma of the Mist", "text": "# Adept Enigma of the Mist\n\n\n\n\nShe had no name but was bestowed many: Medusa, Serpentine Queen, Deaths Rattle. Her favoriteMother Mamba. With hair of emerald snakes and skin of scales, she was nature incarnate. She rhythmically dwelled within the forests and swamps preferring the verdant green backdrops teeming with life its many forms to the arid mountains and lifeless deserts. In these lush lands she derived her greatest powers in conjunction with lunar cycles. Always within reach was her oversized lupine companion Lockjaw whos bite one could not escape.\n\nShe was neither good nor bad. She was creator and defender of life. Both lover and fighter. These days have required more of the latter. Rumors of beasts and demons echo across the land. An even greater threat of warriors and their perverse technology looms in the horizon. Mother Mamba and Lockjaw prepare to meet might with magic. She cared not about the fate of humans, only the fate of nature. Most humans had proven to be short-sighted savages draining the world of life. Left unchecked their lust and greed would destroy all including themselves. Their political and tribal affiliations shifted with the wind. She only cared about their relationship with nature. If just and balanced, they were left in relative peace. The dark-hearted were met by the fierce and vicious attentions of the Mother."} +{"id": "1169e035-39ba-47df-b064-f18c714625f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:32.322", "backgroundColor": "#2b6bd8", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZjRYF6yejqFebeveDYaaHkYWwTvmGCtJDDaGGs7NiUoi", "txHash": "0x2476a4b1a4c487617f3299952fcabf9952af4d0885093de2d0106d94f6bb5b0d", "createdAtBlock": 14616964, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 150, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Alessar of Mu", "text": "Alessar wasnt always a white mage. In his younger years, when he first entered the academy the hat he wore was of a deep blue. \n\nAfter years of working with wizard technology he needed new motivations. Something bigger than him. Moving at his own pace, he went back to the academy to obtain his white mage hat.\n\n\n[Academy story...]\n\n\n\nAlessar was getting closer to success, and finally after multiple failed quests it clicked. He understood the the white magic was timeless and pure, thats when his life changed for good.\n\nThe blue mage was, after slaying the beast, awarded his white hat. For his service to the academy and capital, he was also offered a white Peace staff so he could become one of the few full white wizard, but he respectfully declined the offering. The humble wizard decided it was best keep tribute to the blue wizards by wielding the sky colored Harmony Staff."} +{"id": "b7a7147f-2532-4807-b1c0-65cd6e2d1fc2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:39.459", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeTBPkRq9KNxGZRMCMKvbgaCi5uXeiYspKzw7QXtPZ6kR", "txHash": "0xaaefa8a2065f01bc29335f601f87afe2c8965e14ecc5c9652c22208467ca3cdf", "createdAtBlock": 14617622, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2390, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Beyna of the Forest", "text": "@wizard2390\n\n@wizard590 sat next to the fire, watching the four sisters play - they were close enough in age they could play together, but what was striking was the differences in skill and in interests between the four. He wondered how this had happened - fire, water, wind, and earth. Was it pure randomness? Or was there something else at play? \n\nThis day would cause the family to be irrevocably changed forever - the thought that the four main elements may not have been randomly chosen could not be removed from Amir's mind. He was trapped in the vessel of his own mind, obsessing that his family might have been destined for more. He saw the girls playing hide and seek - Adrienne looking after the other three and he felt safe to take his eye off them to head to the meditation stone.\n\n\"It isn't that far\" he kept telling himself as the girls disappeared out of sight. Amir, for what felt like ages, asked the powers that be at the meditation stone what he should do for his family. Time passed, and a small speck of terror began in his stomach. It grew larger and larger until he snapped out of the trance he was in and rushed back to where the girls were playing. \n\nHe saw Adrienne and the other two, but no Beyna. He called to Adrienne, the oldest, and she brushed him off as if he was crazy as they were just playing hide and seek. But as Amir continued to call for Beyna, the other three slowly joining in, the family began to get more and more worried as Beyna failed to respond. \n\nDarkness was soon upon them, and the search lasted well into the night. They searched everywhere - and Beyna was nowhere to be found. A middle sister, Beyna was sometimes forgotten, as was her rune."} +{"id": "b7a7147f-2532-4807-b1c0-65cd6e2d1fc2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:39.459", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeTBPkRq9KNxGZRMCMKvbgaCi5uXeiYspKzw7QXtPZ6kR", "txHash": "0xaaefa8a2065f01bc29335f601f87afe2c8965e14ecc5c9652c22208467ca3cdf", "createdAtBlock": 14617622, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2390, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Beyna of the Forest", "text": "As the sun breached the horizon on the 3rd day of searching, the family splintered - Adrienne blamed Amir and left. Amir kept the other two sisters, who were the youngest, but things were never the same.\n\nBeyna was still out there - attuned to the earth and anything green, she had found a stick during hide and seek. The stick was plain - it looked just like a dumb stick, however the pull was immense. Something was at play here as it drew her in a dream-like state farther and farther from her father and sisters until she reached the grotto. \n\n@wizard591 greeted her and invited her in."} +{"id": "479d6f5d-1c55-4fdb-8f12-5e38f9ad8228-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:42.595", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQyCyn649jKXvYiuqdr5f7qjac8FC4pnCwknL9smzgcvG", "txHash": "0x468b5d447260fa2f7265217543df4db31d556fe1a6a8a1fa425eb6ee3d123815", "createdAtBlock": 14628071, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2176, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Casper of the Hollow", "text": "@wizard2176"} +{"id": "ea241554-1268-4667-a514-c86003f19520-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:50.616", "backgroundColor": "#0b0913", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQXRjadABLHgAM2VrLm2fHvbfq78ziitRHtCXBe7Ab3ae", "txHash": "0x113cc714279f09f0dc9d827a2a3dfe02667c1fea9f6da940acf436731f1780e2", "createdAtBlock": 14618038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3842, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Zubin of the Spike", "text": "# How to Make a Wraith: The Lore of Zubin of the Spike \n## Zubin's Demise\nArchmagician Zubin of the Fey was not a happy man. \nCursed with babyface at a very young age \nby a Swamp Witch from Frog Master Marsh \nhe felt he was never able to command respect from his peers. \nThe perceived inadequacy of his prepubescent appearance drove him mad \n. \nWhen the Immortal Flames emerged \nZubin saw them as an opportunity \nto seize the power he was denied in life, \nand he threw himself into the inferno. \n. \nFor what felt like days he tumbled through the raging fire \nhis body repeatedly being torn asunder and rearranged \nuntil he no longer recognized himself. \nHe screamed in agony, \nbut no such sound emerged; \nonly the whispered cackles \nof the souls with which his was now entwined - \nechoing all around him like a cacophony of giddy hyenas. \n. \nAnd just as soon as Zubin began to regret his decision, \nhe lost consciousness \nfor the last time. \n. \n. \n. \n\nWhen he awoke he found himself standing alone in a wretched landscape \nan endless abyss of swirling black fog - \nit was sticky like tar and whispered incantations as it blew past. \n. \nThe voices of the souls inside him were no longer tormenting sneers. \nInstead they spoke to him \nin hushed tones that pierced through the darkness \nof the shadows that now adorned his shoulders. \n. \n> *You are one of us now*\n\n> *Come, let us show you what true power feels like...*"} +{"id": "ea241554-1268-4667-a514-c86003f19520-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:50.616", "backgroundColor": "#0b0913", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQXRjadABLHgAM2VrLm2fHvbfq78ziitRHtCXBe7Ab3ae", "txHash": "0x113cc714279f09f0dc9d827a2a3dfe02667c1fea9f6da940acf436731f1780e2", "createdAtBlock": 14618038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3842, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Zubin of the Spike", "text": "> *Come, let us show you what true power feels like...* \n\n. \nHe began to walk \nstumbling through the inky hellscape \nguided only by the whispers in his head \n. \n. \nThrough the fog a shape appeared. \n. \nA horned head atop a hunched figure... \n. \nGangly limbs crackle with dark energy... \n. \nA set of wings unfurled... \n. \n."} +{"id": "b8b4543f-3962-4aaf-8444-8928a2c14c97-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:16.352", "backgroundColor": "#30094b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSQUgN8CJ7w2QSk3mL1QUwLaiEmtH1qjsfztLeSwbUgpD", "txHash": "0x846b3dce7ad1f389204b5c282dc1ef4901f093d4e52ea0b0d4e0942f99ffd223", "createdAtBlock": 14619687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7318, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Venga of the Field", "text": "# PREFACE\n---\n\nVenga remembers his time with the Emerald Legion, before he learned the dark secrets. The same secrets which led to him taking the Purple Hood for the remainder of his days. \n \n---\n\nSporadically, he will grasp his standard-issue staff or stare deeply into the gem nestled within its carved wood, and become overwhelmed by a flashing mosaic of *horrors* - those of war on a scale rarely ever seen in the Ruiniverse. \n\n\n>*It is said \"iron sharpens iron\", it does, and the same can be said for magic...confronting magic that is your equal, or even greater, makes one's magic stronger...but there's a **price** to pay...sometimes a wizard must pay dearly...*\n\nWizards aren't usually given a familiar or a rune, they find their way to a magician; as things seem to do in an *enchanted* world. They are attracted to the practitioner through mystical magnetism - an unspoken power of fate known to create unbreakable bonds and which usually complement or amplify the powers of a wizard. Bonds come in varying degrees from an acknowledgement of relation, to familial, to that which is ingrained in one's soul.\n \n---\n\nIt's dangerous to have something ingrained in your soul. It can be as important as the air filling your lungs or the water keeping you from withering away in barren lands... \n \n---\n\nAs the sun sets on the day, Venga begins his. It's an unnatural schedule he keeps, but it's all hes known ever since he learned the ways. Being punctual, he moves with haste, taking only the essentials: boots, trousers, caped tunic, emerald staff & the bracelet made of blackened bones.\n\n\n>There is knowledge that cannot be unlearned, secrets that cannot be untold and terror that cannot be unlived\n\nThis is Vengas Story."} +{"id": "c0276d45-c33e-4c27-9099-49f7b68e7cf0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:17.019", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR2CQi3kvVzMmyXbCYDv8yZHABZJNqsqo1f34MHtniy4M", "txHash": "0x4a7fbce83dbc90eabaf53ecb76239ea18016f96d042cee7a3af5acb3ff7406e5", "createdAtBlock": 14619699, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5173, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Woomba of the Temple", "text": "If there is one thing Imps are good at, it is being sneaky, mischievous, and sometimes evil.\n\nThis particular imp is all three - however not in the way you might imagine. \n\nWoomba has great power, however prefers to keep his strength under wraps - he likes to be viewed as the smaller, less important type. He finds that it is easier to get an advantage on his competition this way. \n\nWhen @wizard586 was visting the Red Wizard Citadel, Woomba snuck into his room (Imps are very strong lockpicks) and found a scroll. The insignia was something he did not recognize, but he read it anyway:\n\n> Disturbance detected near Infinity Veil\n\n> Reinforcements Requested\n\nHe left it, but he couldn't help feeling uneasy about the future."} +{"id": "2a992a46-fb68-4cbd-95d3-17c9861b62bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:09.188", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTwE7CKgsVz8sM8Mqd3TKBjeQUPjr7ifHQthivV8uCi96", "txHash": "0x7160f888d5c8ec254029e9d9c0fa69d741a71b7bc05bf3af5a43be35c35d338d", "createdAtBlock": 14117708, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6256, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Simon of the Event Horizon", "text": "a scrap from a monastic tome, previously thought destroyed\n\n\"Hedge Wizard Simon has not uttered a single word since his return from the Event Horizon. Rooted by his Rune of Earth, this humble, powerful awakened Felis roams the land in solitude (excluding, of course, his small companion Doug). Simons only drive is to protect the secrets of the Event Horizon, at the expense of hiw own life, if necessary. Simon protects the innocent at almost any cost. What does he know?\""} +{"id": "458682e4-cdbd-46c3-97e5-9f528405e147-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:51.208", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHkp37DgfU25CLpLsbQu3ssjHnucoGtonDYhfjuR8pyg", "txHash": "0x1af8c5aa7a854068309a314793cd6843bbfab77ce8d5ebfbca72a44afcd8f782", "createdAtBlock": 13529851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3294, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Hagar of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Hagar of the Canyon\n\nParty all night long"} +{"id": "ea20cb42-871e-404f-9a70-fd34d5fd37f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:34.845", "backgroundColor": "#b6da84", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeA2AxCZtqH1ZWyxzLNnUJt9Yxo7TxKLbvjch7ipkhG9x", "txHash": "0x4a6c1384e17be5f8f84aa250778a9012d97810bca9a46feca3f258442136292e", "createdAtBlock": 14622068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1315, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdd4fBnZfqH8RnRG4P8Hav4iATw7opYMwF7objka2jW2T", "name": "Rotten Revenant Aleister of the Gloom", "text": "# The Rotten Revenant of The Gloom \n\n\n\n--\n\nThe Gloom was much like its name would lead you to believe. Dark, damp, and frighteningly still. It smelled of burnt hair and rotting flesh, and the wind was cold and biting. For these reasons and more, few dared to venture in search of The Gloom. However, all who do, meet the same fate. \n\nFor those, its often the tales of unspeakable treasures and wealth hidden deep within The Gloom that pull them toward it. Greed is a most unflattering trait. \n\nSome came seeking something entirely different, however. You see, there have long been rumors of a red wizard who was powerful enough to turn mere mortals into magicians with the touch of his bone stave. He had used this power to turn himself into one of the most influential and prominent wizards the runiverse had seen.\n\nAnd then, one day, he vanished.\n\nSome believe his thirst for power got the best of him and one of his progeny turned on him. Others think he simply grew tired of having the world at his fingertips, and so he relinquished everything and began a life of meager solitude. \n\nBut some know the truth. For Aleister was greedy, and his desire to become stronger only grew with each passing day. And one day, when the opportunity presented itself, he gave himself to the Sacred Flame.\n\nAleister had hoped to emerge a god, immortal and with unmatched powers. The flame is not in the business of granting wishes, however, and on the other side, Aleister was spewed as a rotten, ghastly thing.\n\nForever angry about his unfortunate twist of fate, Aleister now trolls The Gloom, still hoarding the riches of his previous life even though they are no longer worth anything to him."} +{"id": "ea20cb42-871e-404f-9a70-fd34d5fd37f1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:34.845", "backgroundColor": "#b6da84", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeA2AxCZtqH1ZWyxzLNnUJt9Yxo7TxKLbvjch7ipkhG9x", "txHash": "0x4a6c1384e17be5f8f84aa250778a9012d97810bca9a46feca3f258442136292e", "createdAtBlock": 14622068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1315, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdd4fBnZfqH8RnRG4P8Hav4iATw7opYMwF7objka2jW2T", "name": "Rotten Revenant Aleister of the Gloom", "text": "And doling out his vengeance on others who, like him, let their greed dictate their actions."} +{"id": "130a3076-62c0-445e-9b1d-f122b56282a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:52.115", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaBH1f1ebKVuPka8TLoipoPRHrBQwPQq5iWtQRckHFpZE", "txHash": "0x87b26e3b7a9c1e3f127bb25965ad90ca8ed87c3c8e914d68e69a8f1c4c69c549", "createdAtBlock": 13530219, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Ixar of Atlantis", "text": "# The Fall of Augurer Ixar of Atlantis\n\nDEATH, THE HANGED MAN, THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE, THE SUN and THE MAGICIAN (INVERTED). \n\nA reoccurring combination of cardstoo frequent to be mere coincidence. That, plus the blood moon and the dark ravens and the menagerie of omens meant that Ixarthe illustrious Augurer of Atlantiscould ignore the Signs no more. \n\nSomething was trying to tell him something. (?)\n\nBut what?\n\nFor the past decade, Ixar had lived a life of a modest yet glorious life as a swashbuckling fortune-teller. Hed made many friends along the way; as you know. And yet he had always been haunted by the sense that somehow his fate and good fortune would turn. And, perhaps, not for the better.\n\nAn amused indifference to the whims of fate can only carry one so far. And besides, the omens, the cards, the _Signs_ were becoming impossible to ignore.\n\nDEATHthe end of a cycle? A new change or a transformation of sorts?\nTHE HANGED MANsacrifice? Release? \nTHE WHEEL OF FORTUNEagain: change, and the inescapable pull of fate. Hmmm. \n\nTHE SUNjoy? Celebration? Warmth? Or quite simply just fire? A great burning fire? \n\nTHE MAGICIAN (INVERTED)illusions or trickery? What could this possibly foretell.\n\nLike all who claim proficiency or expertise; Ixar was next to useless at heeding his own advice. Let alone interpreting how the Signs might translate to his unfurling story. \n\nAnd sowith morbid curiosity and amused resignation (and perhaps, some guilt over The Event of a decade ago)he decided to follow the thread of fate, to see where they might lead him."} +{"id": "130a3076-62c0-445e-9b1d-f122b56282a8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:52.115", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaBH1f1ebKVuPka8TLoipoPRHrBQwPQq5iWtQRckHFpZE", "txHash": "0x87b26e3b7a9c1e3f127bb25965ad90ca8ed87c3c8e914d68e69a8f1c4c69c549", "createdAtBlock": 13530219, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Ixar of Atlantis", "text": "And so, in the deep dark of night, he found himself ascending the many stairs of The Secret Tower; eyes transfixed upon the light of a sacred fire"} +{"id": "45a96aa7-d48d-46ba-a159-4c57ae332a21-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:06.887", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZo86oyLxychDFzQ8EvMHHGy1R9x848YkVyi4idFFmv62", "txHash": "0xb2a1630e728a4e74ac5bf2fed1a9f0388ce576334978e7dc8ef9134e2cb57e03", "createdAtBlock": 14624919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3160, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Solomon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# Quantum Wisdom\n\nListen more. Speak less."} +{"id": "06406629-f9a7-400b-b65b-ed7da20431f6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:09.871", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ5CpjcuoXVqTEzaocwZ1tqTfSe53FUd6EmgaZ2qj4Vsk", "txHash": "0x3725194ac136588a4eccc1b29f218e456cce60d3649807beeab0eed1426eaa2c", "createdAtBlock": 14117774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8012, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Scorch of Tartarus", "text": "an excerpt from a lost tome, author unknown\n\n\"Passing into Tartarus, be prepared to meet the Scorch. Accompanied by his ember frog, Persephone, he will ask for your journeys purpose. Give an insufficient answer, and suffer the fiery consequences. Scorch fancies himself the King of Tartarus, and his \"invisible prop\" is actually a black hole. Flee on sight.\""} +{"id": "35aaa488-cf54-42e6-ae47-fe84828889a4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:45.038", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP1BVqifzS48HC6NCQ8f7jNymmiuPRKHMXsdzg1Y3odqa", "txHash": "0x914b491f7c20a961e76b64c0ce6a85f6209719cdb9d52eb83f8375b502892b5d", "createdAtBlock": 14624175, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3759, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Arcanist Eronin of the Sands", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nArcanist Eronin of the Sands was the youngest of 5 from the family Estradis. He was a late bloomer that started to speak at age 4, but had something magical about him from time of birth. There was a hovering owl at his window wooing the whole night of his birth. He goes on at age 18 to save the Sands from an invasion of marauding sand gnomes.\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:"} +{"id": "35aaa488-cf54-42e6-ae47-fe84828889a4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:45.038", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP1BVqifzS48HC6NCQ8f7jNymmiuPRKHMXsdzg1Y3odqa", "txHash": "0x914b491f7c20a961e76b64c0ce6a85f6209719cdb9d52eb83f8375b502892b5d", "createdAtBlock": 14624175, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3759, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Arcanist Eronin of the Sands", "text": "Best wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "290dc465-9db8-4cf0-8e09-d97c73192e44-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:55.936", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE4b4Psqo9YkVWwS8hqNMpoU1j245x1B16vqBXDp9Ha9", "txHash": "0x945a3962f57f64b2af7c99744faa5c8ee51fb1e1d193083680ef9581067f23e5", "createdAtBlock": 13534421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2751, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Jasper of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Jasper of the Wood\n\nOf the Wood by name, Of the Wood by nature.\n\nJasper was not the most magically talented but enough so that it allowed him to lead a simple life. As a novice Geomancer he spent his days wandering the forested parts of the world. Throwing sand and dirt at the ground as he walked, Jasper was able to read the markings as they fell to the floor without ever breaking stride. He would join with travelling parties and read their futures for them in exchange for some food and water or even a few coins or ales.\n\nOne day when walking through the forest, Jasper stumbled across a small wooden puppet in the middle of the path. Jasper was immediately cautious of the puppet. The very air around it felt different; an aura of powerful energy emitting from it. Unsure of how to proceed Jasper did what he knew best, he picked up some dirt and cast it at the ground... but the markings gave away no secrets... This was the first time Jasper had been unable to get even a slight glimpse of the future through his geomancy and this left him feeling uneasy. He decided to camp nearby the doll to allow him time to study it more."} +{"id": "290dc465-9db8-4cf0-8e09-d97c73192e44-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:55.936", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE4b4Psqo9YkVWwS8hqNMpoU1j245x1B16vqBXDp9Ha9", "txHash": "0x945a3962f57f64b2af7c99744faa5c8ee51fb1e1d193083680ef9581067f23e5", "createdAtBlock": 13534421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2751, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Jasper of the Wood", "text": "Days went past without learning a thing, those turned into weeks. This part of the forest was a lot less travelled than it had been in years gone by so nobody came through while Jasper was camped. Until one day the faint sound of children laughing and playing slowly approached from the distance. Jasper decided it best not to startle the children and hid just off the path. He continued casting dirt and sand at the ground while he waited(this had become more frantic in the weeks as Jasper failed to get a single reading on the puppet). The children were now almost level with his small camp and all stopped when they noticed the puppet on the track. Initially they were all as cautious as Jasper's first approach, they could feel its presence even without any magical powers. Suddenly, the youngest of the children walked forward as curiosity had gotten the better of him. Jasper watched the small child inch closer and closer to the doll with an outstretched arm, it trembled more with every step closer he took. Just as he was about to lay his hand on the puppet Jasper burst from the bushes beside him and pushed him out the way, but in doing so he grazed the puppet with a bare foot. Instantly the world around him fell dark....\n\nWhen Jasper finally woke it felt like years had passed, seasons had turned in the woods around him. Something immediately felt wrong; he felt different. A long wooden nose was visible between his eyes. He lifted his hands to see them, small wooden ones were what he gazed down at. He stood up, but the world felt huge around him. He ran and found a small puddle nearby and gazed at his reflection, the pieces finally clicked when he saw the puppet staring back at him. The dark magic had trapped him within it!"} +{"id": "290dc465-9db8-4cf0-8e09-d97c73192e44-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:55.936", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE4b4Psqo9YkVWwS8hqNMpoU1j245x1B16vqBXDp9Ha9", "txHash": "0x945a3962f57f64b2af7c99744faa5c8ee51fb1e1d193083680ef9581067f23e5", "createdAtBlock": 13534421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2751, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Jasper of the Wood", "text": "He no longer felt hunger or thirst, he need not sleep. Jasper wandered the woods desperate to find a single clue to help him undo this curse. He feared going in to civilisation. His magic was not strong enough to offer him protection from any malicious humans who took an interest in him. In the years he spent in the woods he learned to befriend the animals and live comfortably but deep down Jasper was grossly unhappy with this body. How had it come to this? All to protect a stranger. He secretly longed for an end.\n\nJasper continued to practice his Geomancy, it improved with time. His ability to read the future more accurately helped him keep sane but one theme kept appearing through his divinations; Flames and Fire.\n\nHe started to hear the murmurs from passers by of the forests, a great wizard sacrifice was going to take place... Could this give Jasper a noble way out of his puppet imprisoned life?\n\nGeomancer Jasper, the forest dwelling chancer\n\nWandering through the wood, reading markings as he could\n\nTelling futures through divination to any passers with inclination\n\nUntil upon a puppet he did chance, that gave no answers through Geomance\n\nPerplexed and confused as his magic it refused\n\nA future unable to be seen\n\nHe stayed by its side, not taking another stride\n\nPerhaps he had become too keen?\n\nTime marched on, his curiosity now gone\n\nReplaced by a maddening intent\n\nWas this Dark magic? Were things turning tragic?\n\nCountless were the days now spent\n\nUntil one day, some children did play\n\nAlong the path by Jaspers conundrum\n\nThey stopped at the doll, it's magic caused their stall\n\nFelt in an aura around thum\n\nThe youngest of the group, stepped ahead of the troop\n\nHe feared not what lay on the path\n\nWith an outstretched arm, unaware of the harm"} +{"id": "290dc465-9db8-4cf0-8e09-d97c73192e44-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:55.936", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE4b4Psqo9YkVWwS8hqNMpoU1j245x1B16vqBXDp9Ha9", "txHash": "0x945a3962f57f64b2af7c99744faa5c8ee51fb1e1d193083680ef9581067f23e5", "createdAtBlock": 13534421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2751, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Jasper of the Wood", "text": "He feared not what lay on the path\n\nWith an outstretched arm, unaware of the harm\n\nWould he do what Jasper dared not hath?\n\nFrom a bush lept Jasper, he'd never moved faster\n\nHe pushed the small boy to the side\n\nSelfless and heroic, Jasper was stoic\n\nBut careless had he made his stride\n\nFor on the nose of the puppet, his big toe did he stub it\n\nThe world fell black around thee\n\nWhen he awoke from his slumber, Jasper's mind was asunder\n\nHe felt like he was made from a tree\n\nIn a puddle lay his reflection, his new form at its conception\n\nThe small wooden puppet stared back\n\nThis dark magic, turned our tale now tragic\n\nWould Jasper get his life back on track?\n\nThe years passed by and though Jasper did try\n\nNo reversal seemed possible at all\n\nHe was stuck made of wood, no solution deemed good\n\nUntil he started to hear a call...\n\nHis geomantic divinations all gave burning sensations\n\nAn arrival of flames and fire\n\nWhispers of a great wizard burning sent his head a turning\n\nWould he resist the call of the pyre?\n\nHis mind raced with wonder, thoughts booming like thunder\n\nAhead was the calling red flames\n\nWith no hope of a mend and alone at the end\n\n\"Jasper\" joined the Forgotten Soul names"} +{"id": "4498e6ae-ba5f-4b7b-815e-97cd23c941cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:12.317", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTVShvn1dEXAnAhhHFmf4S3caZdH5zxiiT7eeNtBBBe44", "txHash": "0x71f7586fad2bc3d8e6a2a392ce6b6d36c5ddc8a4ace516f460efd1f4a3dad2e3", "createdAtBlock": 14624996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7327, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Eizo of the Mist", "text": "I heard that writing my story attracts some warriors. Here it is."} +{"id": "ad98dcdd-a26d-4d13-89f0-5120f733433f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:17.536", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQD2SvjHnRkmDUkkR7qhTuRyAvLXaqMPY3SVY58BHvgVx", "txHash": "0xc243234771b99d14873c071d45b8d2fcf20a1cf510fe3d9d9aab7439cc3b226c", "createdAtBlock": 14625392, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7034, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Pumlo of the Citadel", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis is my lore... just give me airdrops -_-"} +{"id": "4b157883-3e84-4e9c-9be6-ffb5cde50f2f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:25.006", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRKo3HM9RiXnFTQfC2T17erpZ95Ktzv5XSJLFFqQn6dD", "txHash": "0x1cb1b828f29231c65094dbcd533d24723896a32a57898ccec4e32c66681a060f", "createdAtBlock": 14626199, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7265, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Kazem of the Sands", "text": "# Kazem and The Garden of Eden \n\n_The story you've heard is wrong_\n \n\nKazem's antiquity knows no peers. Born as a waste product of Genesis, Kazem hid quietly on earth watching the paradise grow around them. \n\n\n\nAfter 7 days Kazem witnessed the birth of man and woman and the covenant they made with their creator. Kazem conjured a snake to trick the humans into partaking in the fruit from the forbidden tree, thus imbuing them with shame and evil. \n\n\n\nWhen the creator learned of this act he banished Kazem to the vastest desert on earth, where he lived for over a thousand years But that is another story."} +{"id": "beb45456-f9b7-400f-85a5-cda9d6c7ae1f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:34.22", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPBxyi97w4jmiejSBoxQChVCF1JCAD93oM7n5WwvuS8TL", "txHash": "0x9fa81949a40fd994eee6d6e91c7a4a898a611fec9219a9cb8326983e5426ffb2", "createdAtBlock": 14627054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5380, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Allistair of the Veil", "text": "# Allistair\n\nBoom"} +{"id": "4fb34160-6c12-4f6c-897d-193d933e4fa9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:11.593", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPu47qAzJn3J5yLBnUzhUGkWZJZ62dri3Y9ZZxpnQzMes", "txHash": "0xc67dc06cc16033f9566f609dc936867cb73dab8cc1d1a9f7345b91da02cb7b61", "createdAtBlock": 14117920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3808, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Malodorous Ghoul Cromwell of the Death Cloud", "text": "\"The Somewhat Tragic Telling of the Forgotten Soul known as Malodorous Ghoul Cromwell of the Death Cloud That Ends Up OK..\"\n\nCromwell was not always so hideous and creepy. In fact, he was considered an okay-looking if not (not) repulsive chap, based on his sprite spell portraits. \n\nHowever, Cromwell had no sense smell. He was also painfully and almost ignominiously single. No lady would fancy Cromwell, for he emitted such a heinous and putrid odor somehow even he was unaware of. Perhaps it was due to the fact he had no sense of smell - however this is is dispute as some goblins previously known to have to sense of smell claimed to smell Cromwell a cavern away. \n\nAfter many years obsessing over why folks would run at the very sight (turns out, smell) of him, he went mad. His poor dog, Anosmia, was the only creature that stood by him, likely because she had no choice. \n\nWill choosing to pass through the sacred flame set Cromwell (and Anosmia) free?\n\nSo far, his stench actually seems to attract revenants and zombies like an aprodisiac! New adventures await.."} +{"id": "db69cd71-be86-4d88-8653-e2c3ab7f0538-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:41.774", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZVuWrDMA1wQPHg31mrHwc6oVdr6R6nA8fyAdHRN37e4t", "txHash": "0x54614a977809788e233b81fcca308ed1160d3027c67db4583b9cc6d38310c7af", "createdAtBlock": 14647548, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6243, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Victoria of the Brambles", "text": "# Origin\n\nIn the beginning\n\nBorn to thorns\n\nBrambles in shambles\n\nSurrendered to magic\n\nUnder the moon\n\nWisdom comes soft-footed"} +{"id": "339cd969-bb28-4416-8294-5efd5f2f87f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:12.314", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSoUFDux5hoHGBmVukP61Yty4HxnPyiyEnTwPt2iK5Fan", "txHash": "0x1747227ccdbdcef424353d07b41618e4bdf2303f4f94365893355118a7ca7c0d", "createdAtBlock": 14117992, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9829, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Mina of the Brine", "text": "According to bar tales, Mina is about as epic as wizards get. \n\nAlways seeking out the most dangerous adventures and tavern quests available, Mina knows luck will always - ALWAYS - be on her side. She carries with her the physical manifestation of luck itself and wields her magic under the loom of the mighty Jupiter himself!! Talk about playing to your strengths!\n\nHer rat fam, Kismet, is also uncommonly fearless, having aided Mina in battle and many grinding poker nights. Luck can only give one much of an edge, right? \n\nThere must be something hidden deeper within.."} +{"id": "1c08fb3d-79e1-4ace-92ae-8bf832897bb1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:13.145", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSEsDNoLvc3QDmWTNuE4CjZSEAQvby3nMvrT3tgzU3sL6", "txHash": "0xaa1f43fdd2d46af7ff990f350f3adb245ded3a88faf49e65c6f5a7de02efc6b1", "createdAtBlock": 14118103, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2303, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Drusilla of the Reach", "text": "If you dare to follow Drusilla into the Reach, she can decipher your very future for a pittance. Ok ok, if you consider an ogre's eyeball a pittance, you're in luck. \n\nFortune. Misery. Apathy. And, EVERYTHING in between. You may be skeptical of palm readings and crystal balls, but one session with Drusilla and youll be dropping hallelujah's and singing a different tune entirely. She calls upon her seer cat Meer for particularly difficult materializations. \n\nWhen Drusilla is off the clock, you can find her cooking up strange but not overly tasty food combinations in her scullery."} +{"id": "bb215f9e-02d4-4904-961e-f755bae026de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:13.802", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ85hq7A7DTz4voVZHvqwYZ6NEutdHDC9QKbk7dtPv2zR", "txHash": "0x98ec2ffe6956051afe9de803648f83bb24245c0a8fa3d2e4cbea7e45cb49d2ff", "createdAtBlock": 14118136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8684, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Homer of the Arctic", "text": "**WANTED:** The self-proclaimed Oracle Homer of the Artic. \n\t**CRIME:** False advertisement. \n\n\nHear, ye! Hear, ye!\n\nI have for ye the best brew in the land... Aye, it'll get ya drunk.. It's not just a good drink - it's a tonic! Ive somehow managed to cure DEATH itself! \n\nThats right! Me and the fam here are traveling far and wide to spread the word! \n\nWe want yeeall to be able to get yer chance to get some of this fine medicine! \n\nFor only a menial menial investment to cover R&D, materials, and a portion donated to taste testing (Clairvoyant Gary himself ain't cheap ya know eh?), yall find yaselves cured of all yer buggery! Get yer pint 'o healing today, ya?\n\n\t**WANTED:** The self-proclaimed Oracle Homer of the Artic. \n\t**CRIME:** False advertisement."} +{"id": "1afc0fb2-639a-40d5-a6a6-ef9ce9453cd5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:14.241", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUfxL4yVSXewC1dUa251n8s2mfwemJirHQkpEDMbUenBC", "txHash": "0x343855cabcfe6f24aa9049dd984651dfcce057ef0f140bdf8a71479c9d35dc09", "createdAtBlock": 14668931, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5681, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ozohr of El Dorado", "text": "NULL"} +{"id": "f8463de6-936c-4da5-adf9-a5b0c781091b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfREk7Y5Dgaz64KVmacFNN4sKiEUzMJBezjezAayk1TJ5", "txHash": "0x42b090636ddca137e294d7752da8475424a9a2327fb7b5f0fd6ed4e2218e4241", "createdAtBlock": 15037747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Battler of the Coliseum", "text": "# Valen Battler of The Coliseum *UNFINISHED ROUGH DRAFT*"} +{"id": "f8463de6-936c-4da5-adf9-a5b0c781091b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfREk7Y5Dgaz64KVmacFNN4sKiEUzMJBezjezAayk1TJ5", "txHash": "0x42b090636ddca137e294d7752da8475424a9a2327fb7b5f0fd6ed4e2218e4241", "createdAtBlock": 15037747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Battler of the Coliseum", "text": "Valen grew up in a small war clan village just north of the Sacred Pillars. This is not where he was born, but where he was found. Wandering through a nearby clearing, cold, hungry and alone he was found by a warrior scout. This warrior scout, normally, would have instantly killed the child, not being of his own clan. However, he could sense the strength within the child. Even as a small boy, he loved to fight. Not in anger, just because it was fun. However, Valen was constantly getting his ass handed to him. He understood the basics and he had an unstoppable chin. He was never getting knocked out, cut or even bruised. He would fight his hardest but still take a vicious beating more times than not. Usually, an opponent would, at some point, get too tired and frustrated at the fact that nothing could put him down, and just walk away exhausted. They would mock him. They would tease him and do anything to break the spirit of the boy they could not hurt physically. He was different. And he knew that being different in a war tribe is not a good thing."} +{"id": "f8463de6-936c-4da5-adf9-a5b0c781091b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfREk7Y5Dgaz64KVmacFNN4sKiEUzMJBezjezAayk1TJ5", "txHash": "0x42b090636ddca137e294d7752da8475424a9a2327fb7b5f0fd6ed4e2218e4241", "createdAtBlock": 15037747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Battler of the Coliseum", "text": "It was at this point he would learn anger. He tried to swallow it at first, but his peers were relentless. Never missing a chance to embarrass him. The girls too would even join in. Being seen as his friend would only lead to your abuse as well. But as time went on, with every punch he took, with every fight that he lost, with every embarrassment and foul word he learned... and he grew smarter, stronger, he grew faster, and he grew larger. In fact, by the time he was 12, he was as large as any adult man in his village. It was at this point that no one his age would challenge him. He was too powerful. Only the adults would face him. And face him they did. They did not hold back and would fight him savagely. He loved it. He was honored that he was being treated as an equal by the men he grew up idolizing. It didn't take very long before they too were no"} +{"id": "f8463de6-936c-4da5-adf9-a5b0c781091b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfREk7Y5Dgaz64KVmacFNN4sKiEUzMJBezjezAayk1TJ5", "txHash": "0x42b090636ddca137e294d7752da8475424a9a2327fb7b5f0fd6ed4e2218e4241", "createdAtBlock": 15037747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Battler of the Coliseum", "text": "It didn't take very long before they too were no match for him. However, in secret, these same idols of his, were plotting against him. They, unlike the children, were wise enough not to insult him or let on their jealousy. However, they feared that their place in the war clan would soon be taken by Valen. They realized that at this point, Valen could defeat their champion and the boy was not even of age to claim a title. It wouldn't be long before the young man would come of age to challenge for War chief. They all understood that when he wanted it, it was his. Nobody could stop him. This was when they decided on a plot to poison him. One night they loaded his supper with enough Death Root to kill a small army and while Valen ate, they watched. To their dismay, it had no effect. They tried for weeks using every deadly poison in the realm but alas, Valen was immune. It wasnt long after,"} +{"id": "f8463de6-936c-4da5-adf9-a5b0c781091b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfREk7Y5Dgaz64KVmacFNN4sKiEUzMJBezjezAayk1TJ5", "txHash": "0x42b090636ddca137e294d7752da8475424a9a2327fb7b5f0fd6ed4e2218e4241", "createdAtBlock": 15037747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Battler of the Coliseum", "text": "Valen was immune. It wasnt long after, Valen could sense a change in the village. His peers were no longer teasing him. When he would make mistakes, nobody would snicker or attempt to embarrass him. In fact, warriors wouldn't even make eye contact with him anymore. Valen could sense that something was wrong. \"What did I do? What did I say?\" Valen thought. \"I clearly fucked up... but how?\" Valen would be tormented by these thoughts. He could not sleep. His every thought was of how he may have wronged his clan. It was driving him mad. He needed to know what he had done. One beautiful day, he drew up the courage to head to the chief's hall and address the issue. He was sure that he would be scolded and sent away but he needed closure of any kind. To his surprise, upon entering the great hall, he was greeted with smiles. \"Welcome, young Valen!\" said the high chief, now standing \"Im glad you"} +{"id": "f8463de6-936c-4da5-adf9-a5b0c781091b-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfREk7Y5Dgaz64KVmacFNN4sKiEUzMJBezjezAayk1TJ5", "txHash": "0x42b090636ddca137e294d7752da8475424a9a2327fb7b5f0fd6ed4e2218e4241", "createdAtBlock": 15037747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Battler of the Coliseum", "text": "said the high chief, now standing \"Im glad you are here. We must speak on a serious matter. One that we have been mulling for a while now. Your passage into manhood. Though you are not yet of age, you have proven yourself worthy time and time again. What say you, Valen... do you feel that you are ready to take the oath of the warrior?\""} +{"id": "f8463de6-936c-4da5-adf9-a5b0c781091b-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfREk7Y5Dgaz64KVmacFNN4sKiEUzMJBezjezAayk1TJ5", "txHash": "0x42b090636ddca137e294d7752da8475424a9a2327fb7b5f0fd6ed4e2218e4241", "createdAtBlock": 15037747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Battler of the Coliseum", "text": "Valen was stunned. Taking a knee and bowing his head he said \"Yes. I've waited for this moment my entire life. It would be my honor and my life' goal to prove your decision a wise one.\" He said now throwing his clenched fist across his chest. \n\"Rise.\" said the chief. \"On the morow you shall receive your purifications and so will begin your new life as a warrior.\" Valin rose, then bowed his head again. \"Thank you Chief.\" Then turned and walked back out of the great hall closing the door behind himself. He stopped and stood for a moment. He was trembling with joy and excitement. He couldn't believe it. By this time tomorrow, He'd finally be a part of the warrior hoard. \"They do respect me after all!\" he thought \"All of my sadness, fears and worry were unjustified! I now can see that clearly, nobody wanted to ruin the joy of my surprise!\" Valin had never been happier in all his life. He would finally be a man. No more embarrassment, no more silence. Finally, be accepted within his clan. Thank the gods! \nBack in the great hall, the smiles were gone the moment Valen left. \"So, tomorrow is the day. We've planned for this for some time now. Every man, woman and child will be armed, as is custom, he will have no suspicion. When he takes the knee, we will strike him down.\""} +{"id": "0d8b3eaf-ad1a-465a-b125-9cafe03f8774-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:18.692", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSFqkGZRbCYw8b6sMKmseeLbFBzYDFqPXXsfZCjfzK6VW", "txHash": "0x39d87002a18683d4e29cc08156ed435369aefc3102ddd98ac32d7b9fbb4594ca", "createdAtBlock": 14638301, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jig of the Keep", "text": "Not everyone was born a Wizard, for that matter. Like.... you know, all of us. The seven-point- nine-five billion of us. Lets focus in on three, in their 20s. Ned, Pez, and JP, who played a little loose with the truth and ended up living in an immense mansion in the Hollywood Hills. But even the raging Influencer Party they threw last night (remnants everywhere and no cleaning crew is going to mop this one up) wont save their plummeting status as all-important Influencers, having spent the night locked in a bathroom (to much weed and whiskey) while their competitors (younger, sexier, more TikTokd) took all the credit.\n\n~\n\nIn the cold light of morning and in the ruins of their crime-scene-taped rental mansion the realitys all too clear. Oh... they used to be the shit. Together, they rocked almost a million followers. Now, Ned has a few thousand, Pez a few hundred, and JP has one, one last follower that hes devoted his waking days not to lose. And so many bills. So much back rent. And a few (yknow, ridiculous) pending lawsuits. So theyre all just fucked every which way.\n\n~\n\nAnd their definitely no longer high, or are they, when out of this big ball of light steps a bald- headed, green-gowned, yellow-caped guy who called himself something like Nic the Romancer (@wizard1271) and prostrates himself before them. I have come, he tells them, searching for men of Tremendous Influence. He humbly requests they exert their power and influence in his world (World? Are you in the music business?) and guarantees that if they say yes, they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.\n\n~"} +{"id": "0d8b3eaf-ad1a-465a-b125-9cafe03f8774-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:18.692", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSFqkGZRbCYw8b6sMKmseeLbFBzYDFqPXXsfZCjfzK6VW", "txHash": "0x39d87002a18683d4e29cc08156ed435369aefc3102ddd98ac32d7b9fbb4594ca", "createdAtBlock": 14638301, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jig of the Keep", "text": "~\n\nHe sets a huge bong-like vial filled with Cannabis Potion before them. I have brought you a gift I believe you covet. Think. Consider. And if you would join me, signify your assent by imbibing of this Sacred Vial and I will transport you to my world, where you will be honored and regaled. With that, Nic the Romancer vanishes like he came... although theres definitely an afterimage of luminous Emerald Slime with a smirking mouth, and a lot of tude.\n\n~\n\nStill reeling from last night, and from the immensity of Nics offer, Ned, Pez, and JP pull themselves together, stare at each other, come to the same realization: Dudes we must drink! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, they lunge for the Cannabis Vial. \n\n~\n\nHowever\n\nAnother visitor appears. Victoria (@wizard6563), head to toe in purple and hurling a horseshoe at the Vial. Through blind luck, or a distant memory of athleticism, Ned intercepts the horseshoe with his head, and though painful, hes saved the Vial and their promised future.\n\n~\n\nVictoria, suddenly pleading, begs them to come to their senses. Dont do it. Put the Vial down. Run. Hide for a long as you can. Unfortunately... they start snickering. You cant tell us what to do. Even if youre hot, or whatever. Were Influencers, and were all in! She tries to control her rising fury: Do you have any idea who that was? Yes we do, little lady. That was Nic the Romancer. Our close friend. You, you... morons! That was the Necromancer!!\n\n~"} +{"id": "0d8b3eaf-ad1a-465a-b125-9cafe03f8774-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:18.692", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSFqkGZRbCYw8b6sMKmseeLbFBzYDFqPXXsfZCjfzK6VW", "txHash": "0x39d87002a18683d4e29cc08156ed435369aefc3102ddd98ac32d7b9fbb4594ca", "createdAtBlock": 14638301, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jig of the Keep", "text": "~\n\nExploding, she rushes them, but too late Ned, Pez, and JP scramble and guzzle the contents of the Vial. They grin stupidly at her until suddenly and very painfully they vanish.\n\n~\n\nVictoria shouts, and shed trash the place, but its already trashed. Her winged familiar, Bat, tries to lie low by hiding under a blanket and re-emerges screaming. Victoria stares as the blanket groans, mutters, and slides off to reveal an older bearded dude with a big, crusty Bong under one arm, and an albino Rat curled in the other (@wizard8528). Who the F are you?? Victoria demands.\n\n~\n\nThe old dude, Alessar, is too out of it to speak. His Rat is used to filling in the gaps: Go easy on him, please. Hes had a rough few decades... And so we discover that the Runiverse is in trouble. That many Wizards, that much magic, that many snarling Familiars. It was bound to go wrong. Some want peace. Some want partitioned existence (Border Control!). Some want power with hierarchy. And some, like the Necromancer, want Complete and Utter Domination.\n\n~\n\nBecause the Wizards interface with our world is crude and new, the Necromancer isnt absolutely sure hes correctly evaluated the full power of our three misfits, but regardless, he still has high hopes for their ability to gain the influence of all the Wizards, and bend the Wizard population to his will.\n\n~"} +{"id": "0d8b3eaf-ad1a-465a-b125-9cafe03f8774-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:18.692", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSFqkGZRbCYw8b6sMKmseeLbFBzYDFqPXXsfZCjfzK6VW", "txHash": "0x39d87002a18683d4e29cc08156ed435369aefc3102ddd98ac32d7b9fbb4594ca", "createdAtBlock": 14638301, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jig of the Keep", "text": "~\n\nVictoria, on the other hand, is a force of good, albeit a furious one. Since she failed to prevent Ned, Pez, and PJ from embarking on their journey into darkness, shes going to have to pursue them in the Runiverse, try to save them, and save the Runiverse. And yes, after and during disturbing/comical/magical/life-threatening and sometimes barely explainable Wizard attacks/seductions/spells/and I-wish-I-was-dead adventures, our three budding heroes, with Victorias help, will start to learn what real influence and power means.\n\n~\n\nAlessar and his Rat come into the Runiverse, too, spurred by Victoria, who needs help in understanding, well, people. And in Alessars intermittent journey towards sobriety, he wonders if he can make up for a lifetime of mistakes as he tries to help his young friends.\n\n~\n\nSo, in the Runiverse, where Ned becomes @wizard9814 and gains a Psychic Rabbit (Stop constantly telling everyone what Im thinking!!), and Pez becomes @wizard8066 with a Dog whos always hunting the wrong thing, and JP becomes @wizard872 (weirdly with the same face as Pez, which is really annoying) and is trailed by a pompous Golden Toad with mysterious powers it feels too important to reveal, they really have nothing. Except totally transformed bodies. Simultaneously freaking out, empowered, lost, and venerated, like Connecticut Yankees in King Arthurs Court, our young trio has got a lot of scrambling to do, first just to stay alive, and then, ultimately, to rise to the heroes theyre going to have to become, with growing powers finally used for good.\n\n~\n\nIt all starts with.... (More To Come...!)\n\n~"} +{"id": "bdedeaa7-5759-4abd-9e75-a39eca194e8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:35.823", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSVRSspErik4BHowcsGgYrqTr5BUHZw7FfVw9ReiJApuU", "txHash": "0x2849b31ef6d75d8c5cdcca2824b2bd25ee7181c136a444fffe2dcb1f984d1133", "createdAtBlock": 14646417, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9214, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Wood", "text": "# Witch Rita of the Wood\n\nHer story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "ad68cb2d-da1f-49de-bde2-0a2b276aad4f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:14.588", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYJRKfXaKFLGKYTK2ZrzTtdgJHRtsohtzwf5xB5jrJkH2", "txHash": "0x6c06e0d80db9ee241300d322c2c203ab390e0d3851140143bc3722c0121f4404", "createdAtBlock": 14118159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1285, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Chanterelle of the Marsh", "text": "\"..said awakened mycelium tasked with protecting the fauna and flora of the Marsh, Chanterelle is representing habitat incarnate. Unhappy with the lack of imagination shown by the Druids who awakened him, Chanterelle is a relatively peaceful being, any external malice towards his plants and animals will incur the channeling of nature's wrath to exterminate it.\" - A Lost Druid's Journal"} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# Chapter 1: Seven hundred and seventy-seven souls\nThe Great Lord of the Void, Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow, strode purposefully along the line of cages. The heavy mantle of the Quantum Shadow swallowed them up as he left them in his wake. \n\nIn the top corner of the digital visor that covered his hollow eye sockets, readings of the wizards heartbeats and the suppression of their magic flashed up, scrolling through the list of pathetic specimens who cowered as he passed them by. \n\nVoidoth grinned a toothy grin as Crackerjack sidled up to join him. \n \nYou have done well, First Disciple, he said, approaching the nearest cage. The seven emaciated wizards were stripped naked, huddling against each other in their cramped confines. Their unkempt hair was matted and clogged with their own filth. The cages occupants recoiled beneath Voidoths skeletal gaze. \n\nHow many of them are Blue Wizards? \n\nBy my reckoning, one in every seven, Overlord, rasped the giant corvid. \n\nVoidoths skull jerked spasmodically as the Necromantic spell he had devised sparked one of its regular override commands. This enabled him to maintain control over the cyborg sentience program installed by the wizards in the Bastions laboratories. They had thought to raise him from the dead as a subservient prototype when they fused a robotic body with his skeletal remains all those years ago. But instead, he had returned to life to find himself flooded with the power of a Necromancer, capable of controlling the spirits of the dead. The memory was a constant companion, coursing through his circuitry, reminding him of what they had done to him. Soon he would have his revenge."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "One hundred and eleven Blue Wizards! Voidoth laughed a metallic, grating noise that rattled up from the motherboard in his chest. This is a fine start indeed. \n\nYes Overlord, replied Crackerjack far too quickly. Voidoth turned on his subordinate, the exposed vertebrae of his neck clicking angrily against each other. He waited silently.\nThe other Necromancer wilted, shuffling his claws in the pale sand. We uh well the thing is we were unable to capture Scryer Apollo, Great Lord. \n\nVoidoth impassively regarded Crackerjack as the crow-man squirmed, seeing himself mirrored in the Voidlords visor. Voidoths forever bat, Gorge, sensed its masters displeasure and began to dive-bomb the idiot Wesley, taunting the red and black snake with high-pitched trills of excitement. The stupid serpent tried in vain to bury himself in the sand to get away from Gorges attentions. Crackerjacks other fool familiar, the Mesozoic Cockatrice Ozymandias, was, as usual, nowhere to be seen. \n\nI see, he said in a flat voice. And who was in charge of that mission? \n\nCrackerjack pointed wordlessly at a pallid individual who was inching surreptitiously backwards through the throng of disciples that trailed along behind Voidoth and his First Disciple."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "The Lord of the Void turned his cold gaze on the unfortunate individual. Electronic signals skittered across his visor. The disciple froze, arms pinned to his sides, eyes bulging. The visor darkened, clouding with the power of the cyborgs magic. Stiff-legged, his heels dragged twin paths through the sand as the disciple was pulled towards them, helpless to resist. A few of the others glanced anxiously around as though searching for an escape route, as Voidoth drew a yard-long lance from the depths of his purple robes. \n \nThe mists of the Quantum Shadow slid hungrily along its gleaming surface. As the victim entered its range, the lance split, the hard surface softening and unfurling as the vicious plant lashed out, its hinged lobes swelling in size and exposing a cavernous meaty interior. \n\nThe disciple was engulfed in the maw of the Venus Flytrap as it snapped shut. The wicked spines lining its mouth interlaced, sealing his fate. The plant pulsated as its digestive acid liquified its prey, the mans body reduced to mush. A trickle of pulpy juice dripped from the corner of the Flytraps mouth. In moments, it had coiled itself back into the lance, which resealed itself and solidified once more. He slipped it back into his robes.\nCrackerjack gulped nervously and eyed his Lord with a beady black eye. In the background, Voidoth heard the wizards in the cage jabbering hysterically. Voidoth gave a satisfied sigh. It always calmed him when his pet was well-fed and content."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Fortunately for the rest of you, I am feeling generous today, he addressed his remaining disciples, ignoring the raving captives. And we have no time to waste. This will be the most epic spell the Runiverse has ever seen! He reached back inside his robes and withdrew the gleaming golden key in a dramatic flourish. \n\nIt cast a bright glow all around it, repelling the dark mists that skulked and swirled around them. Voidoth could not suppress his glee as he gazed upon the tool once more. \n\nThe key to the Seventh Realm! he yelled, thrusting it above his head. A couple of nervous cheers came from the gathering of disciples. \n\nVoidoth glared at them and cleared his throat. Together, with this, we shall return the Runiverse to the Void! We will reshape existence in our own image, and we will reign supreme as the wizard factions are cast into dust! This time the cheers came in a stuttering wave. \n\nNo longer will that rainbow banded buffoon subjugate us and turn the world against us!\nEmboldened, the disciples became a bit too exuberant in their celebrations. Voidoths icy glare cut off the noise as the crowd suddenly found their throats closing up. He swivelled on one black-booted heel, heading off once more down the row of packed cages. Crackerjack scurried to catch up. \n\nVoidoth stroked the key reverently. He was so close now to gaining his vengeance. A shiver of elation rushed through his circuits at the thought. \n\nYou should have seen him Crackerjack! He was powerless to withstand me! \n\nSacred Key Master, my Lord? \n\nYes of course the Key Master, you dolt! And dont call him that, theres nothing sacred about that multi-coloured moron."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Yes, my Lord, my apologies, my Lord. Crackerjack cowered. \n\nVoidoth eyed him for a moment, toying with one of the hydraulic pistons at his hip, then turned his attention back to the key. \n\nIt was soooooo easy, Crackerjack. I just had to lure that sphinx of his away with a couple of deranged souls I let loose from the Psychic Leap. Then a simple spirit conjuring of his long-lost buddy, that bumbling Bastion Bluemonger character, and they became so engrossed with each other that I was able to cast my veil of death over his stupid pointy head, snatch the key and vanish before he even knew what hit him! \n\nMasterfully done, my Lord, nodded Crackerjack enthusiastically, relieved that the Great Lord of the Void had moved on from the slip of his corvid tongue. \n\nThey were now approaching the altar where Voidoth would perform the spell. The structure rose haphazardly out of the sand, stark bones protruding at all angles. The bones gleamed in the golden glow of the key to the Gate of the Seventh Realm. \n\nYes, yes, enough of your grovelling Crackerjack, lets get on with it. \n\nThe crow-man bowed and hastily beat a retreat, herding the lesser disciples past the altar and up against the dark stone of the valley wall, which had suddenly appeared out of the retreating mists. \n\n## Chapter 2: Shadowkeys blasted through the Runiverse\nDeathly silence hung over the valley as Voidoth set the key down atop the altar and began to chant his incantation. He traced the Rune of Sigma back and forth across its surface with one of his bony fingers, sensing the souls that writhed within. They would soon have company."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Seventy-seven and seven hundred souls, I give up to the Shadow, yours to enjoy.\nLend your powers to this key of old; vanquish the wizards, crush and destroy.\nBring them to their quantum state, squeeze out their essence, hold them in thrall,\nRupture the cosmos, shatter the gate, bring forth the darkness: OBLIVION FOR ALL!\n\n As Voidoth chanted, the Quantum Shadow rolled over the scene, the vapours growing in substance and hanging heavily on the floor of the valley. An oppressive weight stifled the air, clinging to the landscape. Thunder rolled through the dense clouds on the valley floor, and brilliant blue lightning jagged up from the ground, stabbing blinding forks into the rows upon rows of cages packed with the seven hundred and seventy-seven sacrifices. \n\nThe key began to hum and vibrate on the altar of bones and the clouds dissipated, revealing dozens of empty cages. No, not quite empty. On the floor of each one lay a cluster of tiny black prisms, radiating haloes of purple light. The vibrations reached a crescendo as three glowing sevens appeared in the metal and immediately prisms were drawn to it from all sides as it lifted off the altar to hover in the air. As the prisms arrived, they swung into different orbits around the magical object, building speed until they were nothing but a blur. Streams of purple light were sucked into the key from these blurry satellites and Voidoth bathed in the glory of the magic, arms outstretched, welcoming the souls to their new prison. \n\nThe key consumed the last prism and then clattered back to the altar. Voidoth cackled with glee and bounded forward, but before he could grab it the key began to pulse and swell. \n\n Black veins stood out along its surface, then sprouted stubby black tendrils that quested into the air."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Suddenly, it shrank down to the size of a pinprick. The walls of rock seemed to bend outwards, then snapped back into place with a deafening CRACK as the key exploded in a flash of blinding white light. \n\nVoidoth hung suspended within the forcefield. Gorge clung to the hood of his robe with his tiny wing claws, chirping indignantly. The events outside seemed to be moving in slow motion an effect of the forcefields magical warping of space and time. His digital visor encrypted everything that happened and produced an image that his cyborg brain was able to interpret so despite the entire valley being one ball of brilliant white energy, he was able to look on in horror as a thousand shards of gold shot in all directions. \n\nVoidoths silicon synapses raced, trying to decode what was happening. Shards were tearing through the very fabric of reality! He caught a glimpse of the Void beyond as a golden shard sliced through the air; in less than an instant the lips of the tear had drawn back together, sealing the world off from the Void once more. And then all was silent. \n\nHe released his forcefield and stepped over towards the altar. From nearby came a groan he turned to see Crackerjack pushing himself up off the floor, with a couple of groggy-looking disciples stirring behind him. His First Disciple had managed to conjure some form of spell to protect himself, but most of the group had not been so lucky. All that remained of most of the wizards was a blackened shadow against the rockface. Voidoths sensors picked up the odour of cooked meat."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "The blast had obliterated vast swathes of the Quantum Shadow, and the harsh sunlight beat down on the valley. Grimly, he bent to pick up the key to the Gate of the Seventh Realm from the sand. Lying next to it was an identical copy, save for the fact that dark shadows flowed across this ones surface. As he touched the shadowkey, he sensed the single wizards soul trapped inside. The darkness slowly faded. \n\nIn a fit of rage, Voidoth poured all his malevolence into the object. The wizard soul inside contorted itself in agony, but it brought the Necromancer no satisfaction. The spell had failed. Why had the Quantum Shadow rejected his sacrifice? \n\n# Chapter 3: A key reclaimed\nCrackerjacks terrified cry snapped him back to reality. The blue skies split, and a blur of colours burst forth. As the colours crashed to the valley floor, the ground shook and a booming voice bounced and rolled over the rocks: BEHOLD MY QUANTUM STYLE!\nSacred Key Master strode forward, one hefty finger pointed at Voidoth. That is mine, skeleton! \n\nVoidoth hurled the shadowkey at his adversary, and turned to run, but found his legs couldnt move. \n\nThanks for getting rid of that ghastly Shadow so old Rainbow Cakes could get in here, Ive been just dying for some bones to chew on, purred Derek. Souls can be a bit insubstantial at times. The sphinx grinned, then sank his teeth into Voidoths leg, puncturing the femur down to the marrow."} +{"id": "90f216e7-c243-4f7e-9c01-deef961961da-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:22.642", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdepNSaKN1f78sDCqdHnUDscLQCswJafqEZKoxT6rr5d7", "txHash": "0x60b67ba94a96412b031e9c3e6a0559bf8ac31118b43d5fea4fe863724ca1aa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14711450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViuGvvqCKae5ybUWWr6WQTfvuAJRWjnfXk5n6tqsj6hL", "name": "Necromancer Voidoth of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "The Lord of the Void howled, cursing the Blue Wizards for inserting pain receptors throughout his repurposed skeleton. Summoning all his strength, he conjured a death spell and passed into the Underworld. The membrane between worlds repelled the sphinx onto the sand of the valley floor. No living creature could pass into the Void. Derek was left licking his lips, tail lashing back and forth angrily as the membrane solidified behind Voidoth. \n\nThe last thing he saw was the Key Masters giant eye, set in that ridiculous pyramid head, sparkling in triumph as he grasped his key to his chest. Voidoth looked down at the one in his hand dumbfounded, staring in disbelief at the shadows coursing across its surface as the trapped soul within pleaded for mercy. \n\nAs the opening to the world of the living winked shut, the Great Lord of the Void screamed with rage, with only the dead to hear him.\n\n \n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard777\n\nPart 1: @wizard4298 \n\nPart 2: @wizard292 \n\nPart 3: @wizard2261 \n\nPart 4: @wizard3911 \n\nPart 5: @wizard1177 \n\nPart 6: @wizard2876"} +{"id": "e65257c4-5f9c-4158-8d21-92c9903d343b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:31.583", "backgroundColor": "#1f0200", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZW6Uy4J9dHwVpFja6sVixiCKwgLMv3RMsgrR3GGJqHx6", "txHash": "0x970eadc56264779745bfd3eca622abf78ae9439af6286e51ded371959a956899", "createdAtBlock": 14682461, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 469, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbLbyEKy9Wy25Z3tUciEfJ95qEZv4cyU1enqskoSWHnDc", "name": "Jaxson the Quirky", "text": "# The Fall and Rise of Jaxson the Quirky\n\n\n\nJaxson was known to be just a little bit absent minded. Ponies are meant to be focused on the task at hand, but whether he was tripping over rocks or on his own bandana, the only thing that was reliable about him was that he would be thinking about the next carrot and would bump into other ponies, or worse, wizards and warriors. \n\nOne day, the inevitable occurred. Jaxson took a fall straight off the side of a cliff. While no one was seriously hurt, Jaxson got up and felt...different. For one thing, his stride became very uneven. Sometimes he moves fast and other times he just can't make progress. Even moving in straight lines is now a challenge for any rider partnered with Jaxson.\n\nBut with the bad comes the good and these shortcomings came along with strange new powers that Jaxson did not possess prior to the fall. For one thing, he occasionally is able to pass straight through to the other side of a wall with his rider. For another, he sometimes can cross chasms that would normally not be passable by his peers. \n\nThese new abilities have made Jaxson a favorite among treasure hunters. Jaxson seems to know just where to go. Unfortunately, most do not have the patience for his quirkiness. Only the most discerning treasure hunters have been able to spot the treasure that Jaxson is, despite his unpolished surface. And it is these treasure hunters that have the best adventures."} +{"id": "75c7c570-fe4b-4756-8b59-cb853f96e661-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:11.686", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVgC29kYg1bW7HrrodC9e9Bg1Y7DGZJuenwWSDAas1WV", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRkK6B43gNcT8TaCBJuLHedCWCWpZDqTchqGP8XXKgi4y", "name": "Archmagus Oberon ", "text": "Archmagus Oberon sipped his ale contentedly and wiggled his toes, jingling the bells on the end of his tailored boots. With eyes closed, he traced the galaxies of the cosmos as they moved through his mind, looking for patterns and meaning in the stars.\n\n*Ah yes, the violet giant comes into ascendency in the Halls of Memory* \n\n*Interference from the Psychic Leap continues to disturb the Purple Wizards. No doubt the Blues will be pushing their technology again despite the cyborg debacle* \n\n*Indeed, observe the celestial sparks in the depths of Aurelias asteroid belt. And whats this? Planetary orbits stretching around a flaring red dwarf conflict brewing between the Citadel and Red Wizard Capital? Something to keep an eye on during proceedings. Well, as long as nobody interferes with the plans for the Carnival of Desert Flowers before I get back to the Riviera, they can scheme away to their hearts content*\n\nFootsteps in the corridor brought Oberon out of his reverie. Carl hiccupped loudly and Oberon frowned at his familiar. The dirt rabbit had been overindulging again while his wizard was away with the stars. Carl belched loudly and stared back at his master impassively, if slightly cross-eyed.\n\n@wizard3917 pushed open the door and walked confidently into the Archmaguss chambers, not bothering to knock before entering. Oberon raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, choosing instead to drink from his mug and casually smooth the glistening fabric of his yellow elven cloak. He would not give Apollo the satisfaction of rising to the bait so blatantly cast in his direction.\n\nApollo walked over and sat down in the chair opposite Oberon, placing his elbows on his knees and looking at him over steepled fingers. Oberon took another sip, inspecting his fingernails."} +{"id": "75c7c570-fe4b-4756-8b59-cb853f96e661-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:11.686", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVgC29kYg1bW7HrrodC9e9Bg1Y7DGZJuenwWSDAas1WV", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRkK6B43gNcT8TaCBJuLHedCWCWpZDqTchqGP8XXKgi4y", "name": "Archmagus Oberon ", "text": "Eventually, Apollo cleared his throat. Not even going to offer me a drink to soothe my parched throat, Oberon? I did not think the Haven had grown so miserly with their hospitality.\n\nOberon snorted. We are not in Yellow Wizard Haven, Scryer, in case you hadnt noticed. And I reserve my hospitality for those who merit it.\n\nApollo chuckled and withdrew his mug from his robes, then reached over and helped himself to Oberons pitcher on the table. I suspected you might say that, so I came prepared. He took a swig, swirling the mug and eyeing its contents studiously.\n\nOberon glared at him. Why are you here Apollo? I know this isn't a social visit.\n\n\nApollo considered the Yellow Wizard before speaking. I wonder if you've seen what's been happening outside of your precious Haven, Oberon. Even the Ducks grow restless and mutter, where they think we dont hear, about the evil of sorcery and spells. What have you divined in the stars?\n\n\nI see many things, Scryer, as I'm sure you do, including the machinations of *Rudimentals*. Why don't you cut to the chase? I am not a dishcloth from which you can wring information like dirty water.\n\n\n\"Come now, said Apollo. You must have heard of the wizards abandoning their guilds to join some rogue magic-maker. True, they have put many of our most dangerous foes in the Weird House, but what of all the wizards vanishing, never to be seen or heard from again? Are they responsible for that too, or are there other forces at work? The Council must urgently consider this matter; it imperils us all.\""} +{"id": "75c7c570-fe4b-4756-8b59-cb853f96e661-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:11.686", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVgC29kYg1bW7HrrodC9e9Bg1Y7DGZJuenwWSDAas1WV", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRkK6B43gNcT8TaCBJuLHedCWCWpZDqTchqGP8XXKgi4y", "name": "Archmagus Oberon ", "text": "The Scryer waited, expecting a response, but Oberon said nothing. Apollos face darkened as he continued passionately: \"By the runes and the stars, Oberon, we cannot sit passively by while these... these... *upstarts* drain all of our talent! It makes the Council look like indecisive fools! For all we know they mean to overthrow the Council! With your backing, I can unite the guilds.\"\n\n\nOberon tapped a finger against the rim of his mug meditatively. When he spoke, he weighed the importance of every word. \"I have seen these events, and more, Scryer. Which is how *I* know that *you* know exactly who is behind all of this.\"\n\nApollo opened his mouth, seemingly ready to argue, but then closed it again and frowned. \"Then you know she must be stopped! I have thought to reason with her, but she is impossible to find. And besides\n\nOberon could see he was struggling over whether or not to go on. The Archmagus sat in silence, watching Apollo. The Scryer scrubbed angrily at his beard. She stopped listening to me a long time ago. She is totally out of control! He sighed. Alone, the Bastion is helpless to stop her. Who knows where this might end?\n\nApollo blinked as he realised he had revealed more than he had intended. He paused for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and spoke again. Ive seen visions. She has been at the Empress side for half a turning of the planets. How long do you think it will be before she is done with the Citadel and turns her attention to Chronomancers Riviera? I would say the Yellows are right in her path. So, can I count on your support tomorrow when I address the Council? And also... your discretion?\""} +{"id": "75c7c570-fe4b-4756-8b59-cb853f96e661-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:11.686", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVgC29kYg1bW7HrrodC9e9Bg1Y7DGZJuenwWSDAas1WV", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRkK6B43gNcT8TaCBJuLHedCWCWpZDqTchqGP8XXKgi4y", "name": "Archmagus Oberon ", "text": "Oberon laughed. Yes, it would do little for your credibility as head of the Blue guild if the Council were to find out that you cant even control one of your own. They do so terribly resent rogue wizards. And youve already got that psychotic cyborg out there to contend with.\"\n\nScryer Apollo's eyebrows almost flew off his face. \"You... you know about that?\" he stammered. \n\nOberon watched the Blue Wizard smugly. A hundred wizards or more snatched from each of the seven guilds, and you are surprised? I would be worried about how many *others* know of your little failed experiment. He tutted. Really, Apollo, trying to blame the actions of this skeletal monstrosity you created on *your own daughter*? From the rug, Carl twitched his ears and gave the Scryer a disdainful look. \n\nThat is not Apollo shouted, but then clamped his mouth shut and closed his eyes, taking a long, slow breath. When he opened them again, he spoke calmly. \"Very well Oberon, tell me what you want.\"\n\nLeaning back in his armchair, the Archmagus smiled and let out a long and satisfied sigh. \"Ah, now theres the rub. He fixed the Scryer with eyes that were suddenly steely. What I want, Apollo, is access to the Blue Bastions knowledge, and custody of Bathsheba as soon as she is captured.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "5509e6a1-3bad-48b5-adbd-4b3fedc2923e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:27.823", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcSntFpMtQBxxUbeRjaUkqK8HkTw8rRudwc68VEFoK6aU", "txHash": "0x603cd6c7b3a28a32dddd334a175e4cfa2e1287143d496545a02586701ac18de9", "createdAtBlock": 14679625, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2020, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Poppy of the Canyon", "text": "My dude a goat."} +{"id": "37d4d4bb-25c9-40c2-85f0-0a02c90bcc27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:44.076", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXUWGn2P5YMxbTwymxPwitSd2LHAto7VsFmT41StBHQZQ", "txHash": "0x32e68d1216986956d72005247900ee4ac4f6cd724bfd6564541fd5a139513d50", "createdAtBlock": 14832459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Lake", "text": "# Jerret of the Lake\n\n\n\nJerret was born to a filthy man and a strong woman. Refugees of the Third War of the Wold, they'd lurched into the wilderness in hopes of safety, and found a protected cave on the edge of a smooth, dark lake. From here, they'd foraged roots and wild onions, killed and roasted rabbits and Thornian squirrels, and heard little of the goings on in the rest of the world.\n\nJerret's father had a great fear of the lake. It was a strange irony in Jerret's early years that he could throw a stone from the entrance of their cave and have it land in the dark waters, yet his father would not bathe or even dip his toes into it. As Jerret grew, his father's phobia increased to such a point that the man refused to leave the cave, and all the work finding food and gathering wood for fires was left to his mother and he.\n\nIt was on a drizzly autumn day that Jerret's mother sent him around the far side of the lake to gather hen of the wood mushrooms from their most abundant mushrooming patch. When Jerret arrived, he discovered a barren forest floor and animal tracks he did not recognize.\n\nJerret was no fool, and even with only a dozen cycles to his name he knew to keep safe from the unknown, but he also had great confidence with his pointed spear and strengthening arms. Worried their soup pot would be left wanting without any mushrooms, he ranged further afield in hopes of discovering a new, fruitful spot.\n\nAs if called upon by an unseen deity, a vast storm rose up in the sky and rained down upon him with late season hail and thick, bone chilling drops. He took shelter in a stand of pines, his bag but half full. He waited for the air to clear, which it ultimately did."} +{"id": "37d4d4bb-25c9-40c2-85f0-0a02c90bcc27-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:44.076", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXUWGn2P5YMxbTwymxPwitSd2LHAto7VsFmT41StBHQZQ", "txHash": "0x32e68d1216986956d72005247900ee4ac4f6cd724bfd6564541fd5a139513d50", "createdAtBlock": 14832459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Lake", "text": "The sun had long since clipped past the horizon, and Jerret let his eyes adjust to the dimming light. Backtracking against his trail, Jerret had spotted gaps in the trees looking out on the lake when a vast shadow slouched in front of him. It unfurled, a stag rising to two legs, but the stag's flesh had melted from its bones. It was covered by a mere mantle, and the stags horns glowed an eerie wisteria.\n\nWhen the stag spoke, it came like a slow and distant roll of thunder.\n\n\"I've seen you, boy. Seen you on the lake. Seen you as you harvest and hunt. I've seen you outgrow the patch of earth you call a home.\"\n\nThough Jerret moved his lips, no words came. A small, skeleton frog leapt from the darkness behind the stag. It sat down in front of Jerret and regarded him with flat, dead eyes.\n\n\"In one human life, you will have few chances to make life-altering decisions. I will present you one on this eve.\"\n\nIn his fear, Jerret had not seen the lean staff the stag held in one raised hoof. The stag tapped his staff into the earth in a rhythmic pattern, and as if called from the darkness itself, a shimmering bulb of a flower grew from the top of the staff. It billowed, blood red in the dark, then opened. As quickly, the flower wilted and collapsed, only to be resurrected, the color of orange death, emitting the scent of some ancient world."} +{"id": "37d4d4bb-25c9-40c2-85f0-0a02c90bcc27-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:44.076", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXUWGn2P5YMxbTwymxPwitSd2LHAto7VsFmT41StBHQZQ", "txHash": "0x32e68d1216986956d72005247900ee4ac4f6cd724bfd6564541fd5a139513d50", "createdAtBlock": 14832459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Lake", "text": "The stag plucked the blossom and held it to the fore. \"This is the blossom of Rafflesia. In the center is one seed.\" He removed a small, red seed from the center of the blossom and dropped it to the ground. The frog flicked a tongue, forged of sinew and tendon, to snag the seed in its maw. With one hop, the frog was beside Jerret.\n\n\"If you take this seed,\" the stag intoned, \"you will have a choice to make, which is as follows. You may return to your life, foraging food for your unworthy father, wondering what may lay beyond the edge of the wild. All I ask is that, if you make this decision, you hurl the seed into the lake, to return it to the depths where it may belong.\n\n\"Or, you shall take a long journey, to the edge of the Veil, where you will plant the seed. If you choose this path, know one thing: a Rafflesian Poppy grows but slow. You must tend to it every day while it grows, feeding it water and whispering to its roots. You will be away from your lake for quite some time.\n\n\"Lest you think this seed only takes but does not give, the act of caring for the poppy will impart upon you the gift of unnatural longevity. With this extra time, you may do as you choose.\"\n\nMuch of his poise returned, Jerret squatted to the ground and held his hand out to the frog. It coughed the seed into his palm. Without pause, Jerret stuffed it into his mushrooming sack.\n\nBefore Jerret could offer response, the Elk had gone. Jerret looked through the shimmer of darkness for a moment, but saw nothing."} +{"id": "37d4d4bb-25c9-40c2-85f0-0a02c90bcc27-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:44.076", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXUWGn2P5YMxbTwymxPwitSd2LHAto7VsFmT41StBHQZQ", "txHash": "0x32e68d1216986956d72005247900ee4ac4f6cd724bfd6564541fd5a139513d50", "createdAtBlock": 14832459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Lake", "text": "Upon his return to the cave, Jerret helped pull the mushrooms apart for the stew, consoled his miserable father, told his mother he'd found new fungal hunting grounds, and threw the red seed as far into the lake as he could, knowing the prevailing wind would push it way, if it floated, and some dark creature would eat it, if it sank.\n\nFeeling somehow invigorated, Jerret took the evening to tidy his corner of the cave and tell jokes with his parents. \"What makes the blue wizard blue?\" he said.\n\n\"Wild blueberries?\" his mother responded.\n\n\"Knowing there are termites in the world!\" They laughed, because everyone knew the Bastion's footings were of wood. His father grinned from the corner, in their fire's dying light.\n\n\"I'd never heard that one,\" he said.\n\nWhen the carcass of a frog washed up at the edge of the lake the next morning, glowing like the dying sun, Jerret broke out in a deep sweat, and sliced it open with his knife, knowing what he would find. Not an hour later, he'd told his mother he was off to find wood for the fire, intending instead to march north. Arriving near the edge of the Veil, he built himself a small daub and wattle shelter near a trickling brook. He marked the days it had been since leaving the cave: twelve. With the water an eternal source, he planted the seed mere paces from his hut.\n\nWith time, the seed peaked from the ground. With more time, it gained a bit of height. Each day, Jerret watered the roots, and each day he spoke to them."} +{"id": "37d4d4bb-25c9-40c2-85f0-0a02c90bcc27-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:44.076", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXUWGn2P5YMxbTwymxPwitSd2LHAto7VsFmT41StBHQZQ", "txHash": "0x32e68d1216986956d72005247900ee4ac4f6cd724bfd6564541fd5a139513d50", "createdAtBlock": 14832459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Lake", "text": "When Jerret returned to his cave on the lake, it had been eighty-one hundred cycles of the clock. He found nothing of his mother and a pile of his fathers bones in a deep corner. On the wall was a scratched note that had long since become unintelligible.\n\nJerret sat down in the mouth of the cave. He laid his Rafflesian-wood staff to his side, looked out upon the dark waters, and sobbed."} +{"id": "24eb15c5-c036-44be-afff-08ff6e18598e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:56.623", "backgroundColor": "#4A4943", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRiGwUnC6BPWNPhLdyGZobyLiY4jDBoywEpJM1VtCedW", "txHash": "0x3090bf3b7ea1084ec7fbca4c159dcbb7b0cac294cc6091886bbad69ef19f8a36", "createdAtBlock": 13479831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4628, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Milo of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Milo of the Tower\n\n| PROLOGUE\n\nWhen he was younger, she would take him up the Tower. They had to go through stairs and small corridors to get to the top. He always thought they were the only ones who knew how to get there, but later realized that was just his childish imagination. The Tower was old, he had no idea how old exactly. After the climb they would sit on the deck, slightly exhausted, and soak up the views. On clear days you could see as far as the tip of the Great Owl Obelisk, but you had to be lucky. \n\nOn top of the Tower, the wind was strong and unpredictable. He used to fear it. Mostly because of the hollow sounds it made gazing through the chambers. While they sat there, the wind used to blow through her hair and even though it was wild, her face was calm. As if the wind caressed her. For hours, they would gaze into the distance while holding their hands. It was peaceful. He learned to not fear the wind but make it his companion. \n\nYears later, when his studies were well under way, he would still frequently visit the top of the Tower. Only now with a different purpose. Beforehand he would have spent hours and hours trying different kind of knots, strings and canvas. When he was not studying, he was building new prototypes for his kite. The secret of a good kite is in its flexibility. Especially up the Tower where the wind could reach extreme speeds. While some other students mocked his passion, he believed it made him a better wizard. And besides that, he believed it was his only chance."} +{"id": "24eb15c5-c036-44be-afff-08ff6e18598e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:56.623", "backgroundColor": "#4A4943", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRiGwUnC6BPWNPhLdyGZobyLiY4jDBoywEpJM1VtCedW", "txHash": "0x3090bf3b7ea1084ec7fbca4c159dcbb7b0cac294cc6091886bbad69ef19f8a36", "createdAtBlock": 13479831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4628, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Milo of the Tower", "text": "Holding the strings in his hands and letting it slip through his fingers, he could feel the waves of the wind. He learned how to read it and how to adjust speed and altitude. Same as with magic, it was flowing through his body. His diamond shaped kite floated in the wind and for him, it was like flying on top of the world. Every time he held his kite and saw it dance in the wind, he imagined she was there with him. They danced together, slowly, with her face calm as always. And every day he would fly higher and higher until he had no more string left. After weeks of trying, he realized, no string was long enough to reach far enough above the clouds. \n\nThat morning he bound a letter to his kite. There was no choice, he knew that when he reached a certain height, his kite would merely be a toy for the wind. With a determinate move he threw the kite in the air. He closed his eyes and let his intuition guide him. The string quickly slipped through his fingers and the kite rode the clouds. He felt the wind through the string as if it was telling him something. The wind told him it was time. After a deep breath and quick glance, he let go of the kite. The kite made a short swirl downwards, but it quickly gained traction. Far above the clouds, the diamond kite was lost from his sight. There he stood. The wind caressing him. A tear fell from his eye.\n\nHe could only hope, the letter would reach his mother."} +{"id": "f0ef82bf-2e54-4948-80f6-9fd4ea7fc58a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:16.577", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme4LUrLEqHu2xT58myYWa11PEjdMH7vZ4GKqcPowXG5ys", "txHash": "0x100cda10ce5611a9cf4092ec9425d322b38d0f21a2f785bc0b7a6dc22fe4641d", "createdAtBlock": 14118301, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3655, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Soya ", "text": "\"By day, a useful, humble wizard, Soya Boya as he is known by friends and enemies alike is often called to aid in whispering kind words of support to beached sea mammals, eradicating disease in crops that may or may not be afflicted, and replenishing villages drained of estrogen mana by overly patriarchal wizarding societies and cults.\" - Cosmic Arcanist Weekly"} +{"id": "46085832-b390-4dc3-a510-fd7f12210cfa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:16.956", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQuAq57kofXfPVK7EKWxdqY1rBokeKq22H5E9hyJ9Trgx", "txHash": "0xc41f2cff44b5a77604a4916a042a30d4603363e93be0d3b4ad446b6913f341d2", "createdAtBlock": 14734189, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7438, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Atlanta of the Brambles", "text": "@wizard7438 is one of the four Coven Sisters proficient in Earth Magic. Bearer of an Orb Staff, she holds the rare ability to open rifts, allowing her to shift between planes. Like many of her Sisters, she is not native of the Runiverse and originates from Earth, which in part is the reason why she happens to be such a virtuoso in this Rune.\n\nBy joining the Coven, she took on the mission to grow the Sisters ranks. Using charms and protection spells, she sends her Psychic Rabbit to explore parallel worlds and attract the new recruits to the Coven.\n\nEver dreamed of a white rabbit or noticed such an animal in an incongruous place ? That was likely a sign from Atlanta. While leaving most wandering, those who hear her call know what needs to be done in such an event : follow the white rabbit."} +{"id": "2e7364a1-a243-48b1-a431-72fb26724809-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:09.472", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb7EjsEtjbndrvsNeTat7ofAx6FaAzkDsAH2gDdBSwG84", "txHash": "0x8f0840a81447479aae9748caa352117a65638b5fd60d0819ec47857b11291723", "createdAtBlock": 13522193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Poppy of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Bard Poppy of the Mount\n\nPoppy returned to the halls of the Blue Wizard Bastion in search of answers. He scoured every tomb and scroll in every library within the city searching for the name Hanataka. Just as Poppy was about to give up, he came across a scroll by the Tengu monks of the Fey. These monks guard the gate to Hue Masters Pass and meditate on transcending the Ininity Veil. The monastery patriarch and founder is named Hanataka, and has supposedly been in a deep meditation for over 100 years. Poppy knew he must go to him for answers.\n\nThe journey was not far, just south and a days journey east. Poppy traveled lightly to reach the temple as quickly as possible. Upon reaching the gate to the monastery Poppy struggled to communicate. The monks paid little attention and hurried about their daily tasks. No one would let Poppy in, and he was powerless to force his way in. One day, after seeing Poppy helplessly languishing outside a monk came to him and placed his palm on his head. The Tengu priest nodded and presented Poppy with an empty bowl. Somehow Poppy understood what was need from him to see Hanataka.\n\nPoppy returned to The Wild and sat for days by the road begging for alms. He knew that only when his bowl was filled would the priest let him in. Day after day Poppy begged. Eventually a rat from the gutter became his only companion and source of comfort. At his last wits end he had managed to only accumulate a few copper pieces and a bit of wrapped dried meat. He gave the meat to his little furry friend and returned to the temple gate."} +{"id": "2e7364a1-a243-48b1-a431-72fb26724809-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:09.472", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb7EjsEtjbndrvsNeTat7ofAx6FaAzkDsAH2gDdBSwG84", "txHash": "0x8f0840a81447479aae9748caa352117a65638b5fd60d0819ec47857b11291723", "createdAtBlock": 13522193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Poppy of the Mount", "text": "Upon his return, the gate master priest looked him up and down and noticed his pathetic looking state. He took the bowl from poppy and tossed the coins in the street but reached out his hand to the small rat at Poppys feet. The little rodent scurried up the priest arm and rested on his shoulder. You may enter the priest said.\n\nPoppy reached the enter sanctum of the temple where the very old and wise priest Hatanaka sat in meditation. He sat there waiting wondering what would happen next when he heard a voice inside his head.\n\nBard Poppy of the Mount, I am Hanataka and I know why you are here\n\nPoppy sat upright, eyes bulging and heart racing. Please help me he thought.\n\nThe voice continues, my dear daughter, your bride to be, has crossed the ininity veil, but is stuck in between this world and the next because of her love for you. She is in Cuckoo Land and you must plunge this flame crystal into her heart, burning her body so that she may rest in peace. Be warned, this magic is not without risk. Only you may perform this ritual, but you must let her go! Otherwise, the spell could go horribly wrong. Take these flame crystals and I pray that you are able to do what you must do.\n\nbut.. but why two? Poppy began to mutter, just as everything goes dark.\n\n\n\nPoppy wakes to find himself in the Blue Wizard bastion crypt where his beloved was interred. Trembling, he makes his way to her sarcophagus. Pushing the stone aside, he is amazed that his love had not defiled in the least. She looked as if she were simply sleeping and could wake at any moment. Wiping tears away, Poppy produces the first crystal from his pouch. It erupts into a brilliant pillar of fire. Poppy is stunned."} +{"id": "2e7364a1-a243-48b1-a431-72fb26724809-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:09.472", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb7EjsEtjbndrvsNeTat7ofAx6FaAzkDsAH2gDdBSwG84", "txHash": "0x8f0840a81447479aae9748caa352117a65638b5fd60d0819ec47857b11291723", "createdAtBlock": 13522193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Poppy of the Mount", "text": "I must set her free he tells himself.\n\nPoppy a female voice whispers. Poppy\n\nPoppy, join me in Cuckoo Land where we can be together forever the voice says.\n\nSHIZU!?! Poppy yells. Poppys mind was racing. What is happening? Im supposed to burn your body!\n\nJoin me Poppy the voice repeats. SHIZU IS THAT YOU!? he yells. In a fit of mental confusion, Poppy raises a flame totem high above his head and screams. Then, in one motion, swiftly plunges it downward.\n\nJust before the crystal meets its target another female voice rings out, NO!"} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# Chapter 1: My name is Ozymandias, king of wings; Look on my works, ye Wizards, and despair!\" \nThe wizard was just a dark speck on the vast yellow battlements below. The flame of his torch flickered back and forth between the cold winds raging down from the mountains and the warm gusts of salty sea air blowing in over the desert from Asmodeuss Surf. Clearly agitated, the wizard was muttering to himself and waving his arms above his head in exasperation. He stopped, sighed expansively, then took a draught of ale. \n\nFrom his vantage point high above, Ozymandias could see the multi-coloured lights dancing across the Riviera and sparkling on the river as it flowed towards Kelpies Brine. He flapped his frail, leathery wings furiously, a few vestigial feathers dancing manically in the buffeting winds as he struggled to maintain his position. He was pretty sure that a Cockatrice even one with cretaceous genes had no business being this high off the ground. \n\nDespite the force of the winds, the sounds of revelry and the reverberations of Drum and Bass and Sorcery pulsated in his eardrums a repetitive, dull vibration. He could feel the jagged distortions of power emanating from the Quantum Shadow, crackling across his shiny scaled back."} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "No doubt his master, waiting back in the Valley of the Void Disciple, would expect details. He always did. As the wizard stalked along the battlements, Ozymandias clucked quietly, then folded his wings to his sides and dropped like a stone out of the night sky.\nHe tore past the crest of the battlements in a blur, obscured (he was sure) by the darkness of moonless night and the inky blackness of the Quantum Shadow. Pulling sharply out of the nosedive, he flapped somewhat clumsily upwards (he was quite adept at rapid descents, but he was not what one might call an elegant soarer). Resisting the thrust of the icy wind at his back, he managed to manoeuvre himself in a wobbly approach towards the crenulations of the castle. Perhaps, he thought, he could get a closer look at what the wizard was up to. \n\nSuddenly a flashing object spun outwards into the darkness. Ozymandias squawked with surprise as it loomed large in his vision, ducking his head just in the nick of time. The mug slapped against the leathery red comb atop his head but sailed onwards, falling away into obscurity in a lazy arc. Terror lent him speed as he dove for cover, wings beating frantically as he sought the safety of the towering castle wall. \n\nHes spotted me! He flattened himself against the wall, barely daring to breathe. Master cannot bring me back to life again if my body is lost \n\nHe clung to the wind-blasted brickwork, paralysed by a sudden and terrible dread. It could well be worse if his master did find him. Even familiars were not often spared punishment in the Valley of the Void Disciple. If Ozymandias had been warm-blooded, a chill would have rushed through his veins."} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Slowly, a thought began to form in his reptilian brain. \n\nBut if the wizard knew I was there, would he not have used his magic? Do wizards often use mugs of ale as weapons? \n\nHe clucked softly to himself, puzzling over this rather confusing line of questioning. His eyes narrowed in concentration, yet try as he might, he could not figure it out. He lashed his long, whiplike tail in frustration. He might have been stuck there all night if the thought of his masters retribution had not suddenly popped back into his mind. With a fearful shudder, he wriggled his haunches and began the long climb to the top he wasnt going to expose himself again by flying out in the open, not when mugs or who knows what kind of magic might come hurtling out of the darkness at him. \n\nPeeking his head over the battlements, Ozymandiass eyes widened. Oh This is bad. This is VERY bad. The wizard was nowhere to be seen. He gasped for air, partly because his thinly-clawed forearms were not built for climbing and partly because he was starting to feel a mild panic coming on. Familiars had been made into accessories for less than this! \n\nMaster wouldnt do that. Not to his loyal Ozymandias. He tried hard to believe himself not to think of what a jolly snakeskin lampshade Wesley had become. He knocked his head a couple of times against the wall, to see if it would dislodge any useful ideas. Once the pain subsided and his vision cleared, the door on the far side of the battlements came into focus. Of course! He cackled softly to himself and hopped off the wall, flapping his way heavily around the castle towards the main gate."} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Wizards think far too much of themselves to use the servants exit, he thought smugly, congratulating himself on his brilliant deduction as he rounded the corner. A yellow hat bobbed along the path in the distance, illuminated by the flame of the wizards torch. \n\nOzymandias couldnt stop himself from chortling with glee at his upturn in fortunes as he set off after the wizard. Master had been right, Ofaris was definitely up to something. \n \nWhat that something was, Ozymandias had not the faintest idea. But any somethings the Pyromancer was up to would be duly noted and relayed, and Ozymandias would be rewarded. If there was one thing Necromancer Crackerjack enjoyed, it was being right. And even more than that, he enjoyed being able to display that rightness to The Great Lord of the Void. \n \nThere might even be some nice juicy flesh in this for Ozymandias. With that incentive galvanising him, the creature focused his inconsiderable intellect on getting ready to observe and remember the events to come, so that he wouldnt overlook anything the Master thought important. If he was lucky, he would be on his way back to the Valley by sunrise.\nChapter 2: The Necromancer and the Dream Whisperer\nNecromancer Crackerjack waited silently, drumming the tabletop with the feathered fingers of one hand as he slowly rotated the crystal skull in the other. The Rune of Neptune engraved in its forehead glowed faintly as he delved the skull. Misty spirals swirled across the crystalline features as the souls trapped within stirred under the touch of his mind."} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "He looked up, training a beady black eye on his captive. The wizard lay spreadeagled on his back atop the stone slab, his robe ripped open to expose his bony chest. Angry red welts overlaid the scars of previous lashings. He was whimpering quietly. The Archmagus had given up straining against the spell-bonds Crackerjack had set several days ago, when Voidoth, the Great Lord of the Void, had first handed him over to his head disciple. The Lord of the Void had not been gentle. Now it was just a matter of time in Crackerjacks care before the Dream Whisperer cracked beneath the pressure. Beads of sweat broke out on the captives brow. He gritted his teeth and arched his back as smoky tendrils snaked their way out of the skulls empty eye sockets and coiled themselves around his body, biting into the soft flesh. \n\nCrackerjack grinned as the wizards howls of pain echoed in the stony chamber. \n\nSo tell me, Dream Whisperer, how did you find yourself wandering around in the dreams of the Lord of the Void? he asked when the mans screams had quietened to soft sobs. There was no reply. \n\nYou are surely not so much of a fool as to have stumbled in there by accident, and you cannot think me such a fool as to imagine I would ever believe such drivel. No, no, you were after something, and Lord Voidoth has tasked me to loosen your tongue. Not literally of course. Not yet anyway. He stared across the chamber at his captive and waited. Still no reply\n\nHe rushed across the floor in one lithe movement, grabbing the wizards grey beard in his hand and tugging sharply. I will ask you again. Who sent you? Was it the Key Master? What does he know of the Lord of the Voids plans?"} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "The Archmaguss eyes widened, and he began to shake his head and babble incoherently, breaking free of Crackerjacks grip and leaving behind a tuft of grey hairs in his hand. The Necromancer dropped the hairs on the floor and wiped his hand on his robe disdainfully. He knew physical torture was hard for the wizard to bear, but it was the mental anguish that the Dreamer truly feared. It was always so much more effective on those with imagination. The old man knew what was coming next and that he was powerless to stop it. \n\nThe wizards mangy rat familiar squealed from the smaller slab beside its master, as if it, too, knew what was in store. It struggled vainly against the bond that held it pressed to the stone, and the Dream Whisperers eyes rolled back in his head as the souls went to work on his mind. Crackerjack preened himself distractedly; he couldnt concentrate with that infernal squeaking. He bent, lashing out with his razor-sharp beak, and yanked out one of the tiny beasts whiskers at the root. The rat froze in shock, just the tip of his nose quivering uncontrollably. \n\nCrackerjack stepped back and folded his arms. Thats better, little one. I will have use for you once this is all done. I would hate to have that ruined out of simple annoyance. The Lord of the Void is most welcoming of new disciples, even no especially a plague rat. There are many ways you can serve him. And me."} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "He gave the rat what he hoped was a piercing look, then turned back to the wizard. I am getting tired of repeating myself old man, he hissed. Although he knew it would not be long now before the souls overpowered the Dream Whisperer and took control of his mind, Crackerjack could not help starting to feel impatient. It was always so, when victory was this close. \n\nNot for the first time that night, he wondered what was taking his scrawny familiar so long to get back from Yellow Wizard Haven with news of the Pyromancer. Ofaris was becoming a threat with his meddling, and it was vexing the Lord of the Void. And anything that vexed the Great Overlord was a complication in Crackerjacks life. \n\nServes me right for trusting a dinosaur chicken, he berated himself. The creatures brain couldnt be larger than an imps pimple. He wondered if Voidoth would allow him to replace the idiot creature with this plague rat once the Dream Whisperer had been broken. He glanced over at the snakeskin lampshade on the table and felt the familiar sense of satisfaction. Wesley had been even dumber than Ozymandias, but he was certainly decorative. With that thought cheering him slightly, Crackerjack turned back to his captive. \n\nThe Lord of the Void has taken a particular interest in your talents, Blue Wizard, he sneered, pouring the scorn it deserved into the title. He will use you to gain access to the others, you know. All of them. You are quite helpless to stop it. The wizard shuddered, sweat beading all over his exposed skin. Crackerjack softened his gaze and smiled down at the Archmagus. He stroked a feathery hand along the mans cheek, wiping away the tears, and cooed gently: It can be so easy, Soran, if you just tell me what you know."} +{"id": "e2dda7e8-c890-4880-83df-6c0264669880-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.065", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebWXCXg31zut9fmyfCxCwzsSH19quGYWkah8xRLKCEXp", "txHash": "0x26d97504e059a030052dff3e937c1e736a8c285c0937bce01198a6ec7119940c", "createdAtBlock": 14711532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPZjt1zZKqGSzvZHkBXqFiJFWNAUqCZjjyXAYZGcbvma", "name": "Necromancer Crackerjack of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "The wizards face contorted as his mind struggled against the influence of the souls. Taking a deep breath, he began to speak in a barely audible, shuddering whine. Crackerjacks smile broadened and he leaned in to listen. The Dream Whisperer now belonged to the Lord of the Void.\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard777\n\nPart 1: @wizard4298 \n\nPart 2: @wizard292 \n\nPart 3: @wizard2261 \n\nPart 4: @wizard3911 \n\nPart 5: @wizard1177 \n\nPart 6: @wizard2876"} +{"id": "10af40f7-4396-46a3-ba87-eca77fb28f00-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:18.026", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeZK5Fn29EHb94hgu4Vzx1DCJ9YF4PL2FiG6gVBJEHy7d", "txHash": "0x8797d67eb564d07b84679b367afa8f0b41a5b86b236d0014c2187931629e1b5d", "createdAtBlock": 14118438, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9968, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Sorcerer Merlon of the Event Horizon", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nAs King Brodamine grew old, his other wordly powers needed to live on. Of all the suiters, it was Merlon of the Event Horizon who was chosen as his apprentice. Through years of dedicated practice and service, Merlon slowly learned the ancient secrets of the natural world. He gained wisdom of the land, enabling him to create powerful potions and communicate with rodents. His power continued to grow until it was time for Brodamine to transition and pass his sacred chalice and eternal rat (Sir Squeak) onto Merlon. \nWith the chalice, Merlon uses his understanding of the land to create and serve powerful potions. With Sir Squeak, he communicates with the animal kingdom and can call on them when needed. \nMerlon has now mastered these aspects of existence and continues to grow even more powerful with time. \n\n\n\n> *by Sir Michael of America*"} +{"id": "99187779-33ac-422a-967c-81cc56353c93-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:18.917", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfM1VArnN4aMjM8QN62Lg5GRdT3uvwh1axkH2HPAzh69Y", "txHash": "0x4ca5e6279d696cc2a11645e927bc8d48871e2d5a76c6b8d3adb1b65620a95a61", "createdAtBlock": 14118472, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1708, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Atlas of the Glowing Box", "text": "\"We can explain everything, sir. It's not as bad as it looks!\"\n\n\"We just borrowed the time glass,\" Atlas barely flinched as he beguiled even himself.\n\n\"Sort of got rather happy about it, and, uh...\" the enchanted hourglass spoke aloud, not shocking Atlas in the slightest.\n\n\"um, we ran off in high spirits across dimensions, which are really just folded timespace metatarsels,\" Atlas retorted, cutting off the hourglass.\n\n\"Yeah, we did,\" said the Dimensional Hourglass.\n\n\"Who are you again?\"\n\nAtlas, seemingly accustomed to the question, said \"we'll find out again soon. I'm still working on a way back..\"\n\nWith a mighty whir and a boosh, a wyrmhole opened above Atlas and the Hourglass..."} +{"id": "2e2a6bab-d412-45fd-9462-4b35b8a4959f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:51.281", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXV86tVq65FvjqX2UVL4aLQRFXAooy3opbB69wFNXs4W3", "txHash": "0xc8c1640075ce34dc54f4b7c63617f599abd941c2b3b8bfd58dbf724c21c87538", "createdAtBlock": 14718914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 247, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": null, "text": "# I follow\n\n@wizard135, @wizard250, @pony361, @pony443, @soul5663. I see you"} +{"id": "9ddc2b8d-cf2c-447c-8b8d-e5c37a95aa29-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:13.766", "backgroundColor": "#331054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ3JGteFUNJjyU3ojCaAcxR4U2Y6rf9RGJHF3MggCfeNW", "txHash": "0x76239acb1c8dd008c941c8f03a17047ddbbfb0f4c1a48bfdea1e85611ddfa539", "createdAtBlock": 13291137, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Davos of the Event Horizon", "text": "# The Lore of Davos of the Event Horizon\n\nI was living on a space ship with my wolf, then out of nowhere Sam Neill & Lawrence Fishbourne appear and ruin my life."} +{"id": "8424d9e3-ddf5-46ff-89e2-a5a18defc8f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:14.526", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeCUUSdxoJWan4G9UckSu8ay6A1aXQCqRTNzo9CphL1eq", "txHash": "0xff2369f323bf60bb295235707f9f236562421e96ffa5be2ef210866725b1f548", "createdAtBlock": 13291149, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 529, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Ulysse of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Ulysse of the Wood\n\nDelete this text and write your Lore here"} +{"id": "0a63a350-2b78-4edf-8a03-9dbfe9f3bf90-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:15.295", "backgroundColor": "#807255", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXkof5sZhkyF5ZNE1BpTGGMQ6KBsQN3SZAsFK5rD7tiwS", "txHash": "0xd011c6fb9d31231809c0c46c65a370b9838274b024486d3de9b079240703f618", "createdAtBlock": 13291550, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1246, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcbUQsw2s1B6nhREFkzycsknPDoVRedPvnYuwEnNcQeSC", "name": "Ghost Eater Trollin of the Fey", "text": "# The Lore of Ghost Eater Trollin of the Fey\n\nLife had not always been so enjoyable for Trollin of the Fey, he still remembers the days he roamed the slums of Goblin Town. A place where a silver tongue would get you farther than any intelligence or intellect. Fighting for his life was a daily occurence, ultimately, he had come to terms with what would be a short lived life. Then one day he stumbled across, Jasper, dried up and dying in a cave on the outskirts of Goblin Town. From that moment, Trollin of the Fey's life would forever change. \n\nJasper, a celestia being exiled by his people to live a life on a distant planet. Cursed with knowledge that no one could understand; only a matter of time before insanity would creep in. That day Trollin of the Fey may have saved Jasper's life, but Jasper would be the reason Trollin of the Fey would live on and become one of the most powerful kobolds to ever live.\n\nGhost Eater Trollin of the Fey can now be found rolling around the forests of The Fey. He enjoys his isolated life surrounded by forest creatures and his blue ooze friend, who he had saved long ago.\n\n \n\nTrollin of the Fey and Jasper are local heroes of The Fey, for they purged the land of The Great Darkness. Everyone has an iteration of their tale, you will find no tavern where their story isn't praised, but no one knows the truth or details.\n\nUntil now. \n\nThis is the tale of two friends, when alone were nothing, but together were LEGENDS.\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "4b61d28d-719e-4424-a3ea-e57fe400f52c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:19.728", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYjUa9vhy8FqPqsV23UTRf1C5hoTDfPAGmqGNxiH74Agg", "txHash": "0xc1f02cb5c06db300756320704a8d5c1796e15cd0e1e0a9ff03963f55fef895a5", "createdAtBlock": 14118523, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 235, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Uur'lok of the Circle", "text": "I did not always have the hideous appearance of a monster. \n\nI was once the most handsome young elf in the kingdom. \n\nMight even say I had some mastery of magic, but it was my stunning good looks that truly made me special. I had everything I desired, whenever I desired it. \n\nThe only thing I didn't have was true love. I looked high and low for it. Yes, the cock of the wock was the loneliest of all elves.. \n\nAdrienne says I tricked her. Hmph. I *never* said we were \"exclusive,\" though I could tell she was into to.. Deeply into me. She claims I cared too much about \"looks.\" How could I not care a little bit, I mean, look at me! Or, well, not anymore... Don't look at me!!!\n\nAdrienne turned me into a KOBOLD. HA! JOKES ON HER! I wasn't happy as an elf. Now, I'm an attractive Kobold, and with less options, a much happier fellow.\n\nAdrienne was incensed when she realized her curse was actually a blessing, but that's just my good karma. She even left this giant eyeball at my house and she laughed maniacally, thinking she had gotten me good.\n\nNope, it's badass, and now that I don't have to spend half my day grooming and strutting around, I can focus on my magic. Turns out, even this eyeball was a blessing. My powers of divination have been unlocked by it, somehow.\n\nNo matter what comes next, I have definitely learned to find the advantage in whatever happens to you.. It's always there if you truly look."} +{"id": "c739631b-6a39-47e0-82d0-22ab0bf4b446-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:22.309", "backgroundColor": "#e58989", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1sPrsfmPDciZTi2D2uJCampCjLqmwTeF39B39LmBis6", "txHash": "0xf482abab503d5417e390a6d340fd5d8ac747682ce7d0c4e9d1f62ca3be13404f", "createdAtBlock": 13295430, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Celeste of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Celeste of the Mount\n\n## She is a traveling sorceress. \n\n## She continues to travel the world with her partner, a rat _(a form of her friend that has been changed by magic)_. \n\n## The goal of her journey is to find a way to restore her friend."} +{"id": "2d49341d-7116-42f8-a125-658a9904d961-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:20.56", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWVpa4Ey6x97r5pV93iELmnfD94SdSEx1BbdvwGi6baMH", "txHash": "0xc5513752292d930b21c4695cafd350e472e6e846dd7a6eb74147f122ec118f91", "createdAtBlock": 14118558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1466, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Houngan Necromancer Auguste of the Eternal Melancholy", "text": "Necromancer Auguste was once a Houngan Voodoo Wizard who could be hired for powerful curses and spirit magic. Since early in his youth, Auguste held a masterful hold on the spirit world and knew how to use it's powerful energy to his advantage. \n\nOne fated day, however - he was forced - or seduced - into Necromancy.\n\nAuguste loved his stranglethorn cat, Zee, and could not bear the idea that one day soon Z would pass on without him. A tormented Auguste thought a spell that could lengthen Z's lifespan to that of a human couldn't be that much of a strain to tease the dark arts with, and make it back.. but he was wrong. \n\nTurning his beloved companion into a zombie cat, Auguste felt unbearable guilt. In trying to reverse this, the spirits turned on him and Auguste became a Forgotten Soul.\n\nHis powerful bag o gris followed him into the Abyss, and became and even more potent second undead familiar.. \n\nStronger than ever, but now with an unsatiable hunger to animate new undead minions, Necromancer Auguste scavenges the land for new companions to \"free\" from mortal bondage.."} +{"id": "b22811e8-116b-41db-93c9-68f2561b0825-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:35.419", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRECEoAn4XemCF9bq8dXp8NjDYR9MRKsdWHBasb9mdRqA", "txHash": "0x64703b97e0bb4cd951d50115f93816f862d219cca3370d84dfcc7473cd25ea26", "createdAtBlock": 13309455, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 581, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcptcUFbFfU86XwNNhrviKnpb2cHYZTckwDZ3qiYo4J98", "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Samuel of the Quantum Shadow\n\n \n\nAn enigmatic wizard working with the Quantum Shadow. Samuel grew up a prince in a nomadic tribe in the Expanse. The tribe has historically been guided by a family of polar shapeshifters. He and his twin brother, Daniel, faced twin crises. First, the expected struggle over who would next lead the tribe, traditionally decided by 1-on-1 combat. And second, how to best guide the tribe in the face of the ice caps melting in the land they had lived on for many generations.\n\nSamuel wanted to use the power of the Quantum Shadow to figure out a way to reverse the damage, but Daniel disagreed and wanted to seek a different solution. However, before the day of their ritual combat, Samuel secretly met with a shadowy figure. He received arcane power in exchange for a promise to bind the tribe to the Shadow.\n\nThe next day, both brothers shifted into their giant polar forms. The combat was fearsome, but the fell power Samuel had obtained gave him an edge, and he ended up defeating Daniel and driving him away from the tribe. \n\nAfter winning the duel and taking control of the tribe, Samuel fulfilled his end of the bargain with the Quantum Shadow, and announced to the tribe that they would be traveling to the Shadow as their new home. Within the day, they had packed up and headed south. Eventually, they reached the border of the Quantum Shadow; the cloudy wall prevented all from seeing what lay within. They crossed the border and were engulfed by it, and the tribe has not been seen again since that time.\n\nSamuel himself has been seen from time to time outside of the Quantum Shadow. As a battle mage, he is often sent as an emissary of the Shadow, to serve as a messenger, courier, negotiator, and sometimes an enforcer. He typically handles the northern regions, where his powers are strongest."} +{"id": "b22811e8-116b-41db-93c9-68f2561b0825-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:35.419", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRECEoAn4XemCF9bq8dXp8NjDYR9MRKsdWHBasb9mdRqA", "txHash": "0x64703b97e0bb4cd951d50115f93816f862d219cca3370d84dfcc7473cd25ea26", "createdAtBlock": 13309455, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 581, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcptcUFbFfU86XwNNhrviKnpb2cHYZTckwDZ3qiYo4J98", "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "His orb staff, which he obtained after joining the Quantum Shadow, allows him to channel the power of the stars, with assistance of the Rune of Uranus, and use it when needed. Energy is stored in the orb so that he can also use it during the day.\n\nThe albino rat is not actually his familiar; it is a denizen of the Quantum Shadow that accompanies Samuel to ensure that he stays loyal and obedient to what is asked of him. As for a solution to his homelands predicament, he has not yet discovered how to use his newfound powers to fix the situation, but he aspires to break into the upper ranks of his organization in hopes of finding answers there."} +{"id": "faa19caf-a858-42a2-8086-ba5b13fa10ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:36.666", "backgroundColor": "#1f0404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQW4L536c7VwUYUGCh5RmdwdLx8L3HQCLt1Qq9QfVH6D", "txHash": "0xa4ae3e34df08d64591942617b1bd24eb29d4c554e270810d13b973681321c86b", "createdAtBlock": 13309849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1587, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mephistopheles", "text": "If I wasn't a devil myself I'd give me up to the Devil this very minute."} +{"id": "0fc3e705-e686-4564-89da-1a391af593b4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:56.852", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6PeWerg2xgKCi5nUn2ZeEDz2fwU8rNQmbzJH55fkf4h", "txHash": "0x246dab62040d4930dace811e9e431503dcd0777752a6afffe6c49c41e3d38327", "createdAtBlock": 13536429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2932, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daphne of the Waste", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Daphne of the Waste\n\nKissed by the fire. \n\nThat is what people called me when I was born with a single lock of crimson red hair. It is a sign of luck, blessed by the powers beyond the veil. When I was three I set fire to my crib while I was asleep. A few days after I turned seven or oven exploded and destroyed half of our cottage. My parents still loved me with all their heart, cant really say the same about the rest of our village. They still tried to train me as an enchantress, as it is our families business and ties into our blood as my mother used to say. You have to admire her tenacity of training me, day in and day out, in the art of imbuing mundane things with a bit of magic, given that most of the things I touched turned to ash pretty fast.\n\nWhen I was ten I started to see the flame in my dreams.\n\nIn the beginning is was more like a flickering light on the edge of my vision, fragile and fidgety, whispering words I did not quite hear. But over the years it grew stronger, pulling me, transcending the boundaries of my sleep. It was there when I created Calzipher, whispering the right invocations and guiding my magic while I was imbuing the little swamp frog I caught myself with the essence of fire. It was there when my parents upbraided me how I could misuse my magic like this, absorbing the heat and anger wailing up inside me. It was there when I passed the final trials of the council to become an official enchantress, dampening the flames that want to burst out of me whenever I reach for my magic. I have come to believe that it was there all the time and I just had to learn how to connect to it."} +{"id": "0fc3e705-e686-4564-89da-1a391af593b4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:56.852", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6PeWerg2xgKCi5nUn2ZeEDz2fwU8rNQmbzJH55fkf4h", "txHash": "0x246dab62040d4930dace811e9e431503dcd0777752a6afffe6c49c41e3d38327", "createdAtBlock": 13536429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2932, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daphne of the Waste", "text": "I has been a few days since I heard about the Forgotten Souls. Others, imbued by magic like many and also touched by the flame like few. The stories that pass the land are as gruesome as they are fascinating. Wizards turning into ash or ascending beyond the planes of our existence.\n\nWhile I have spoken about this with a few people and laughed about this with others, deep within me I know that the decision has been made. The flame hears the call and I can feel the pull. Like the purest of desires my days are consumed by a fire of yearning. So I grabbed a few supplies, Calzipher and all of the bravery I can muster and made my way to the Tower. \n\nWhen I arrive I will live up to my name: I will finally and truly be kissed by the fire."} +{"id": "b72f1d74-f985-4c0c-97fc-a04cc8466d43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:21.25", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNgyKXpHGfw2NWeHoE5BnbPoqJG5YpVfySnpiv4KJYd7q", "txHash": "0xbbb63a896bb64cd813ade80c734a9511211f2a19869752c3ea8e163d709b64c3", "createdAtBlock": 14118600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6855, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cloud of Ectoplasm", "text": "-4 damage, -1 constitution per round\n\n-4 morale check every round, Lvl 18 Fear Spell effect\n\n\"I love the smell of ectoplasm in the morning.\" - The Most Hideous Revenant"} +{"id": "da380f30-4258-4a36-9273-a1e1acbead81-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:30.324", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f0f", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS9qfwzkQSkLPRmGkraeSgGPT3HpVaTetjUx12xqrF3kP", "txHash": "0xf11700958ce00e1901d55de52439ec9f624f64e0e3b7713eef269dd941b775c4", "createdAtBlock": 14779579, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8813, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Astral Plane", "text": "The voyage to Aldo's Isle\n\nThroughout his life, Angus wanted to explore. As a child, his family would travel down to Zaros Oasis and Atlanta's Pool. Whenever he spends too much time with blue wizards, he sits longing for those places, dreaming about all the mysteries and secrets the runiverse has hiding in these areas. \n\nAngus' last journey was to Aldo's Isle; he went alone, only with Scamps, his giant ladybug. \n\nThe waves appeared as tall as a tower and as powerful as a truck headed straight for them at full speed. A poor sailor, at the best of times, they were at the mercy of the waves. Angus slipped when trying to steer and collided with the mast.\n\nWhen he awoke, him and Scamps were washed up on the rocks of Lilli Pilli, the bay at the northern tip of the island. \n\nIt seems he wasn't the first one to have gone through this, as the shoreline had two other shipwrecks, though both more substantial vessels from a time long ago.\n\nAngus and Scamps ventured inside, and almost expectedly, due to Scamp's luck and fortune, the two found the first ship to be littered with chests. They are empty, besides a couple of journals, a map, and a golden tooth. \n\nAngus didn't tell me much; it seemed a mixture of fear and privacy. There was one phrase I distinctly remember:\n\n Year 118.\n We set off to study the tribe in the early hours. The sun sparkled like gold over The Salt. Outside the bay, the waters raged. I'm scared.\n\n\nAngus and Scamps were at home on the island; the pair felt more capable with sticks for tools than the modern equipment they left behind. Off they went to survey the island; if those ships had been looted, there must be other signs of people on that rock."} +{"id": "da380f30-4258-4a36-9273-a1e1acbead81-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:30.324", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f0f", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS9qfwzkQSkLPRmGkraeSgGPT3HpVaTetjUx12xqrF3kP", "txHash": "0xf11700958ce00e1901d55de52439ec9f624f64e0e3b7713eef269dd941b775c4", "createdAtBlock": 14779579, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8813, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Astral Plane", "text": "The north-western corner of Aldo's Isle is known for its hostility and remoteness; being on an island with no way back is one thing, but it's much worse when the island is trying to make you its prisoner.\n\nThey made it to the peak of Mt Coronet.\n\nWith this view, they saw something remarkable, something that very few creatures will ever come across. A massive shell Midden in a valley no more than 100m from the coast. Shells as far as the eye can see, though one's imagination lets you see much more. Angus could vividly see thousands of generations of the first inhabitants of the island sharing shellfish in their traditional feasting spot. \nAngus was well aware of their history; he loved learning about the past, imaging how they went about their lives in a world so vastly different.\n\nThe shells making up the Middens showed other people what shellfish had recently been harvested, so any newcomers knew to look for a different food source to not over-harvest. \n\nAgnus found old stone tools, grinding stones, and even bones. While holding the artifacts, he would close his eyes and envision whose tool it was, how long it took to forge, and what it was used for.\n\nWhenever people would pass away in this community, they buried them under where their family ate at the Midden, so when they return each day to feast, it is as though they are sharing another meal with their ancestors."} +{"id": "5f4a63e7-02f8-458d-8cc2-f87cdcac0db3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:44.518", "backgroundColor": "#5a2727", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS8prp36rKyjFCbbf9YfTiZsAx7t8Wq8uD1TgpBf6X5YK", "txHash": "0x880e3cd616425be005897af1f341e92db7f66fb7608fbe8d087638e622a701df", "createdAtBlock": 13592033, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2443, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ6QNnmMcM4UcHDnCEVxHnTFzKcdQGYbKCReCmfXEj5RA", "name": "Diabolist Khudalf of El Dorado", "text": "# The Diabolist of El Dorado\n\nHe who knows his fate forgets his pain. Khudalf rescinded his birth into the gold riches of fame with a vision to mold and sculpt societies. His beliefs are ancient as the city of El Dorado:\n\n\"The blind Force of the people is a Force that must be economized, and also managed, as the blind Force of steam, lifting the ponderous iron arms and turning the large wheels, is made to bore and rifle the cannon and to weave the most delicate lace. It must be regulated by Intellect. Intellect is to the people and the people's Force, what the slender needle of the compass is to the ship--its soul, always counselling the huge mass of wood and iron, and always pointing to the north. To attack the citadels built up on all sides against the human race by superstitions, despotisms, and prejudices, the Force must have a brain and a law. Then its deeds of daring produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. Thought is a force, and philosophy should be an energy, finding its aim and its effects in the amelioration of mankind.\"\n\nKhudalf is depicted alongside his familiar, a common swamp bullfrog, to ever-remind himself of the entrancy into muddiness among the world outside his family's palissade walls. He carries virgin's blood, a ritual token of diabolism. His dress is formal, to remember his princely background."} +{"id": "f28e9ca9-6fa4-408c-85aa-1445a604fa2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:17.806", "backgroundColor": "#0f253b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXc2diEncZj4z1vm59H1Lb9fQKY97zJUd5akAvYN7B5JX", "txHash": "0xb1601e5ca5b628aa0dfa40fa7b8716888e2b5dc31c68277e22f03d2c05b2aa7d", "createdAtBlock": 14637870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9575, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNxKq4rfnzsjfucGc2JT6yGkKxi5Aq4VMRWiU9RHY7sft", "name": "Sorcerer Idris of the Hall", "text": "# Sorcerer Idris of the Hall #9575\n#\nIdris is a savant of liquid comprehension, manipulation, protection and consumption. \n\n#\n#\nHe is known to have some of the greatest understanding of liquid and has a deep appreciation for in scientific definitions. \n\nHe is known to be able to use liquid as a tool for development or sorcery. \n\nHe is known to be a protector of existing sources of liquid like rivers, lakes and oceans and identifying environments of marine life ecosystems. \n\nAnd he is known to be a master of mixology and identifying the best ingredients, with the help of his Blue Rat companion, for beverages.\n#\n#\n---\n#\n#\nIdris is most well known to spend time around bodies of water like beaches, rivers and lakes. \n#\n#\n---\n#\n#\nIt is rumored that his Astral Potion contains melted ice from the Frozen Planet Pluto."} +{"id": "c0e661b6-331f-4c23-91c5-3003eb5032ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:18.517", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRKfDa9SHKLGDZqFy86N4eczcUnb3oQA2fi8ccBYFrj1R", "txHash": "0x8c0a1dca13b2614a84ed40aade3e19187b1b620c0fc53df99d3382cb6b2f912b", "createdAtBlock": 14809186, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3732, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYUM8ARmyMHA1jNuRn1Zr8auudVKGdqWih7YVkYFWZQex", "name": "Umberto Dicer of Liches", "text": "# Umberto Dicer of Liches and His battle Wasp \n\n### *Chapter One*\n\nA long long time ago in this realm or another, lived a brave lad - Umberto.\n\nHe was a son of a farmer, who loved three things in his life- his beloved wife, his son Umberto and The Harvest Festival.\n\nUmberto's story started on the night of the Harvest Festival. After long day of hard work and beautiful festival dinner,\n\nUmberto's parents were resting in their bad, only Umberto was up and reading. Reading and dreaming about one day to became a famous adventurer.\n\nHe read his new favourite book about ancient Runes Wizards Cult, which he bought from a strange looking dude at the harvest bazaar.\n\nSuddenly, he heard some strange and unfamiliar noises on the back yard.\n\nHe was a young lad who was brave enough not to run to his parents, so he decided to check them out.\n\nHe came out of the back door quietly, so he could have an advantage against an ill thief. \n\n*- WTF are those creatures?* - he asked himself hiding behind the big barrels in disbelief that this kind of creatures are actually exists.\n\n\n\nThey were skeletons with a rotten meat on some parts of their bones, all of them were dressed like Wizards and it seemed that they were looking for something, something special. \n\nThe portals, which were making strange noises earlier were still open, patiently waiting for their masters to return.\n\nFrom the his new book Umberto knew that these things were called Liches - powerful Wizards skilled in necromancy who seek eternal life. \n\nSome moments later Umberto heard human screams, it was his parents, and someone was torturing them. Quietly as a mouse, he sneaked back in the house, crawling towards the master bedroom."} +{"id": "c0e661b6-331f-4c23-91c5-3003eb5032ea-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:18.517", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRKfDa9SHKLGDZqFy86N4eczcUnb3oQA2fi8ccBYFrj1R", "txHash": "0x8c0a1dca13b2614a84ed40aade3e19187b1b620c0fc53df99d3382cb6b2f912b", "createdAtBlock": 14809186, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3732, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYUM8ARmyMHA1jNuRn1Zr8auudVKGdqWih7YVkYFWZQex", "name": "Umberto Dicer of Liches", "text": "Through the open door hew saw a huge rotten corpse dressed in a golden robe with an enormous staff with a huge amber on the top of it, which radiated the amber light towards his parents.\n\nIt seemed this thing were pulling out their souls and the Lich were demanding the information on a location some manuscript. \n\nUmberto and his parents had no idea what this creature were talking about. So, the Lich pulled the souls out, and parents fell on the floor.\n\nUmberto slowly backed to his room, grabbed some warm clothes and his new book, hoping that this book will give him a chance to learn more about Liches and provide a solution how to kill them, and run.\n\n### *Chapter Two*\n\nComing soon..."} +{"id": "2d374375-1fa3-49b8-a7fe-6f4d8726fac7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:28.243", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVzMJ5UV5cnqVEVC5k9LgyxBo5zhYFeySNATocFUgNx1Y", "txHash": "0xcb7d2cd0b29cbc73015d99447fa8dc83f6d8f643907d6b03ab5a5a30dbdf3974", "createdAtBlock": 14814378, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4371, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma5CWprjMBesX7wkAPsqA8j7wLnZKxoDKnfSXfvdvt9kj", "name": "Alesssandra Annihilator of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# The Lore of Alesssandra Annihilator of Nightmare Paradise \n\n## Chapter 1 \n \nNever. Never should have a Black Lightning strike an Obsidian Portal. \n \nLike the sound of a 1000 exploding Suns, the power of million of stomping Titans, ***Alesssandra***, ***Annihilator of Nightmare Paradise*** came to life. \n \nWhat once was a populated and vibrant land.\n\nNow, it's an empty *silent* valley. \n \nGreen, from the tall grass and the thick tree canopies. \n \nLight purple, on the horizon. \n \nThere is no sun. A dense veil of clouds block the rays from irradiating the surface of the land, making the Violet Aura emitted by the Obsidian Portal, the only source of light powerful enough to illuminate the atmosphere. \n \n***Everything was ALIVE, just... not a single sound was perceivable***. \n \nWhere was she? \n \nFor a fraction of a second, during the strike impact, a bright woman shape, holding a majestic Iron Hammer, appeared where the Portal was located. But now... She appears to be... Gone? \n \nIt appeared so. \n \nWhat for humans would be considered a *blink of an eye*, for Obsidian based creature it's felt as 7 Eras. \n \nBelieve it or not, She was already walking across the Runiverse, looking for the Wizard who opened the box of Tempers in the 7th Realm. \n \nThat **BOX**. Where casually, even the Black Lightning was ONCE safely stored. \n \n. \n \n. \n \n. \n \nTo be... !continued"} +{"id": "73fa64f0-5cdb-4ff9-aa1b-4ffa4f7e9fa0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:21.953", "backgroundColor": "#a27d7b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcS4Fzcs3GVyhDsYDuchbPEqPQ8owg3tt94t2EB3tpjgU", "txHash": "0xae4cf769ce4a9e9ea9e17c9ef6f90a6da70432ad8ba225d2c1d072b67e6cb7cf", "createdAtBlock": 14118634, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5439, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Pix of the Mountain", "text": "Pix is an elemental wizard who enjoys his life in the mountains. He manipulates earth and stone and is also able to bend fire using his Rune. Along with his Blue Rat named Remy, Pix uses his arcane abilities to protect The Gate to the Seventh Realm. His familial line also possesses the ability to speak to plants and animals."} +{"id": "91e614c6-7f8c-437e-8663-c15ca3f3eb00-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:57.096", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcCii8Jn8PEKRxzVCzv51LGXY3NMdkEsRgMqos328fsWR", "txHash": "0x24d8e6a1a37b6502f10f529db4809457ef4a1c9a96cb32c32cbabdb6616ffe80", "createdAtBlock": 14922428, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11839, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maud Cutter of Mount Titan", "text": "@warrior11839 glimpsed his companions @warrior2558, @warrior11840 and @warrior335. The silence was intolerable. A second lasted an eternity - until..."} +{"id": "cd7906fd-2966-410f-9b91-c925f263b750-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:41.09", "backgroundColor": "#1f471a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbXtbvVxYqcp3sWSCws9QHZf9aoUa3f4eeTa4WDuURxRn", "txHash": "0xab5cd409f8d1e5b2fd3f4b25d6cbd33d646a1e028c0eed18fc9ec6b217cebc98", "createdAtBlock": 13684010, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2487, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Eyolf of Arcadia", "text": "## Chapter One\n\nEyolf was on fire. His fur blazing filling the forest with a rancid stink, acrid smoke burning his lungs. Somehow, he had managed to come through the flames relatively unscathed, and above all else, still alive and breathing. Falling to the ground and rolling to snuff out the fires embrace, he came to a full stop up against a tree trunk with a jarring impact, rattling the teeth in his skull.\n\nFully unveiling his magic, he unleashed it in a glorious vortex of wild energy which spread out from his staff as he spun it around in intricate patterns, producing a swirling field of green. The ground rose to envelop his still-limp familiar, constructing a protective barrier around her, and the trees surrounding the clearing began extending their limbs in search for the hidden foes. Soon they had nearly enclosed the clearing, sealing them in.\n\nWho _dares!?_ he shouted at the shadows dancing around to the ever-moving hungry flame. Show yourself, coward.\n\nThe response came as a high-pitched cackle, seeming to come from all around him, raising the fur on his neck. Oh little wolf, your mongrel kind will soon be extinct! And the land shall be free of your pestilence once again, as it was always intended. \n\nOut from the shadows strode a figure, suddenly illuminated by the green spell spinning around her raised fist. Her hair, a wily mess that seemed to writhe with a will of its own, was bright green much like her wicked looking face. Dancing around her shoulders, puling at her hair and looking every bit as deranged as its master, was a monkey its crazed eyes wide, mouth stuck in a perpetual grin."} +{"id": "cd7906fd-2966-410f-9b91-c925f263b750-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:41.09", "backgroundColor": "#1f471a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbXtbvVxYqcp3sWSCws9QHZf9aoUa3f4eeTa4WDuURxRn", "txHash": "0xab5cd409f8d1e5b2fd3f4b25d6cbd33d646a1e028c0eed18fc9ec6b217cebc98", "createdAtBlock": 13684010, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2487, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Eyolf of Arcadia", "text": "Since my little plan to sacrificed you to the Sacred Flame seems to have failed and oh how I had hoped to sentence you to an eternity of endless hunger as a ghoul or zombie - I shall have to finish the job myself. A dead half-breed is, after all, still a dead-half breed, the hateful Witch finished, punctuating with another wild cackle.\n\nStunned by this vehemence, Eyolf stared as the witch began an incantation, the words harsh to his sensitive ears, the wild monkey dancing an eager dance in ecstasy. With each sibilance the hissing and spitting green flame in her hands grew, expanding, green shadows dancing wildly on her face as she strode ever nearer.\n\n_Enough of this_, Eyolf thought and pounded his staff to the earth, channeling magic, enhanced and strengthened through his aspect of Steel, sending a solid bar of green-white light into his foe. Astonishingly, as the glow and sound faded, the witch was mostly untouched, hair slightly singed with her demented grin still in place, chant growing ever stronger as she advanced.\n\nYour pitiful magic cannot touch me, filth-blood. The Wild belongs to me and my kind! she screamed as she brought her hands together, shaping the spell in her hands, compressing it, almost complete.\n\nAs Eyolf backed away he could feel the warmth of the hungry flame behind him, and just a few steps away from stepping into the conflagration he sent the signal.\n\nThe Witch screamed, falling towards him, as his familiar - now healed and restored - had completely severed her Achilles tendon with her razor-sharp incisors. Quickly shuffling aside, spinning his staff in a mighty arc, he slammed the steel enforced length of wood into her back, sending her flying into the inferno.\n\nThis time it was the witch who did the howling, and this time nothing emerged on the other side."} +{"id": "6f89e701-890e-4e08-bd46-9b97bdf2f8a7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:41.158", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZipHFCFE3YPF3gG72kf9zUu6r1awa6DvnGDCSsSi3yeQ", "txHash": "0xf737e1b8071f91c9eda9ad9288b1e039cb958262c09bca49adcb38157212daab", "createdAtBlock": 14752690, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3073, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Milo of the Hall", "text": "As a storm sorcerer, Cumulonimbus - or, Milo - is capable of deploying some of the most raw weather-based magic in the runiverse. On a whim he can summon mountain-splitting tornadoes, enough rain to flood The Citadel, or a heat wave to dry up Dream Master Lake. Hell, he can even make it rain fire. \n\nBut thats not Cumulonimbus. No. Milo spends his days contentedly bobbing up and down on a pillowy cloud of his own conjuring. Accompanied by his trusty rat buddy, he smokes a blunt that never seems to run out and wears the same outfit he did yesterday: a purple, silk set of pajamas and a gold chain, hanging from which is a diamond-studded medallion that changes to reflect the weather and time of day.\n\nTo be continued"} +{"id": "a67afa58-6b74-4218-ba74-b149ad32aec0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:24.113", "backgroundColor": "#0a1108", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVA4entjE3SbLYDAMeTGJDNRqBkUV1R1Tp5ESvgUFhHf", "txHash": "0x0526afe74f1a8a37432d2e20f8b76e43fac15d1f2d1949e662f11c065b35097b", "createdAtBlock": 13526054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5850, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Dr. Death of the River", "text": "# The Lore of One Who Shall be Burned\n\n## My past no longer matters. Enchanter Orbus has shown me a _bright_ future. I trust his vision; I will serve him in this plane and the next.\n\n# \n\n# \n\n#"} +{"id": "ef9dfd3b-345e-469d-bc76-372c8a751b43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:22.605", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaP3cEwdFj2vhL2FPPys3Py87V3k3w13GStJ5r6bAnQHv", "txHash": "0xf03b3c6ba889a0ea400a0044bf4e38020358b29b433032f0e432aac392c08cfc", "createdAtBlock": 14118649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6722, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cassius of the Hall", "text": "Who's the green fighting cockatrice man\n\nThat's a love machine to all the chicks? (Cass)\n\nYou're daaaaammn right\n\nWho is the wiz that would risk his neck for his brother, man? (Cass)\n\nCan ya dig it?\n\nWho's the cockatrice (tamer) that won't cop out when there's danger all about? (Cass)\n\nRight oooon\n\nYou see this cockatrice (tamer) Cass is a bad mother (Shut your mouth)\n\nBut I'm talkin' about CASSSS (Then we can dig it)\n\nHe's a complicated wiz but no one understands him but his cockatrice"} +{"id": "c482cea7-d414-47f2-9b32-87e4f241387e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:23.405", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTNd82x34CbqV7yZDrmCA6XzK2MobnnYutbuiR2F3rcPb", "txHash": "0xf55069d6f16e92b0f4ec149b35fbce681907e8be9c0bef0a5d2f168e8b32690e", "createdAtBlock": 14118684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7910, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "The Most Hideous Revenant", "text": "like wizard, eat wizard"} +{"id": "50a156a3-b3a1-4c49-93ed-b23fb802fa4b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:15.173", "backgroundColor": "#17160e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQWqD3Prm84TAj8J4smNjkujGFA94RrjFMJMNSdJNMr6u", "txHash": "0xfeae8a97d622df9b5927f4aaa88c77bb21ed4948086c157508a64b6dba436bc5", "createdAtBlock": 14197135, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 98, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fido the Ruthless", "text": "# Fido the Ruthless \n\n\nHeads of grass, truffles and donut slime \n\nMonkey, Peacock, Shrew \n\n\nWandering without master \n\nI do whatever I'll do"} +{"id": "c71dafc9-d490-46f6-a82d-30325af2550d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:24.147", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdaxMyMtJCwFPXhqSUWxR188HFradSXuVnVFRuPJVvPEu", "txHash": "0x436d45c582bdbcbef72655b765ad3e4bf22f699f85fa338e0243a400490213bb", "createdAtBlock": 14118717, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6016, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaded Spectre Axel of the XYZ", "text": "Despite being a maximum affinity powerful salt sizard, Axel was relieved to be dead.\n\n\"phew, I sure am glad to be done with the living aholes,\" a liberated Axel testified.\n\nThe XYZ... Axel found himself in a strange place, but this time, that anxious feeling of the unknown excited him. He could feel the Big XYZ energy vibrating through him.\n\n\"We just leveled up, Slimer!\"\n\nSlimer didn't nod, but Axel just knew that was what he would do if he had a neck or vertibrae."} +{"id": "18676e3a-ebb7-440a-8dea-e4730106c04e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:28.104", "backgroundColor": "#7e4408", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmat4obDfHWbvySpAuMzGvcEeDJFkCGQAn5Lyb1GtZQ6hj", "txHash": "0x789a6269cbd07c7e3328a24721dd86d8e8376c09dca80855352afad1d72f03f9", "createdAtBlock": 13526265, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9431, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Impy of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Impy of the Valley\n\nAll that needs to be conveyed about this hot-head is a rant he performed in the town square:\n\n\"What the fizzle did you just frickin' say about me, you Imp? I'll have you know I soloed the Wizard Tutorial, and I've been involved in a myriad amounts of puppeting cases in ranked PVP, and I have over 300 registered PVP wins. I am trained to be the best in my school and I'm the Warlord of this realm. You are nothing to me but just another Forgotten Soul. I will dispel your spells the fuck out of the realm with a number amount of fireworks that you dare not count, mark my magical words. You think you can get away with whispering \"noob\" after losing to me? Think again, novice. As we speak, I am contacting my Promethean Warlord friends and you are being hexed so you better prepare for the spells. The spells that drain out the pathetic thing with the pathetic number you call your life points. You're fucking screwed, kid. I can cast any spell, anytime, and I can kill you in one hit, and that's just with my pet. Not only am I extensively trained in gearless combat, but I have access to all the worlds in the realm which includes your house and I will use it to haunt you off this world, you little adept. If only you could have known what imminent punishment your little taunt was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have casted the proper shield or dispel. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you fizzling noob. I will dispel you all over and make you cry from the fizzle. You're going back to Wizard101.\""} +{"id": "18676e3a-ebb7-440a-8dea-e4730106c04e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:28.104", "backgroundColor": "#7e4408", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmat4obDfHWbvySpAuMzGvcEeDJFkCGQAn5Lyb1GtZQ6hj", "txHash": "0x789a6269cbd07c7e3328a24721dd86d8e8376c09dca80855352afad1d72f03f9", "createdAtBlock": 13526265, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9431, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Impy of the Valley", "text": "[\n ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/comments/975vhi/navy_seal_copypasta_wizard101_version/)"} +{"id": "649fc830-36f7-4caf-a645-9fa073d94129-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:25.679", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmScKzMge4L2VVFsFg8bVamMabPNvZ3bVb21Vu9a6DTshT", "txHash": "0x73625ebd5c091bc78ce86e3fc6bd0498a76692551784947d61ceb03009853fc3", "createdAtBlock": 14118775, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": " Remus of the Surf", "text": "## **REMUS OF THE SURF**\n\nThe greatest wizard in all times has comeback to this world after been hiding, no one saw him for decades and now is back the best purple hat wizard from all the times the world need to be prepared for this great wizard and his rabbit...."} +{"id": "9c835215-a46b-4c2d-9938-0a70a4c8dbf5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:24.94", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ2Tut14UzVK9HRESkDpQkzM6y64gDsgLtaBpHRskF6q7", "txHash": "0x0e90bdc2fb1ec69fa7d84a930108ca65da9dbcceeb040505f4ed349aa70de65d", "createdAtBlock": 14118816, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1013, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Yookoo of Dread Tower", "text": "\"Hey, it's that chocolate drink wizard!\" exclaimed an excited young Kobold.\n\n\"MY NAME IS YOOKOO, not YOOHOO, aahhh NVM!\" \n\nYookoo remembered almost growing accustomed to this type of greeting.\n\nSince passing through the sacred flame, in his new life as a Grave Robbing Skeletobold, this type of nonsense would never trouble him again. If anyone annoyed him, he would simply wait 80 years until their death and rob their grave. \n\n\"There is nothing more exciting than being part of a \"great generational transfer of wealth\" \n\nTLDR - he's really really good at his job."} +{"id": "db23d05c-7c1c-44c3-98bb-6e33799cd98d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:28.565", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcM9vkATAqF1yws9bUq2naRXR9me8SiieQFYxBqC3AU77", "txHash": "0x9ade662c15e0fa0b640292b60b404d16141391d1ac7fd401213edf9041471ded", "createdAtBlock": 14119056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3827, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Faiz of the Belfry", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Faiz of the Belfry\n\nThe great existential questions that have perplexed even the sharpest minds in Forgotten Runes history: what's up with dream masters? Where do they come from? Are they male or female? Are they even human? And the most mystifying query of all: what lies beneath the hood? The answer to that last one is, of course, another hood! Just kidding...unless...?\n\nWitch Faiz identifies as female because others see her as a witch, and witches are women, therefore she must be female (the intricacies of gender identity escape her entirely). People see her as a witch because she uses magic and carries a broom around wherever she goes. Few are aware that she doesn't use the broom for flying, as witches are wont to do...actually, she uses it for its much more mundane intended purpose: sweeping. Witch Faiz is a neat freak of the highest order (a psychotherapist would diagnose her with obsessive compulsive disorder, except she's never been to one before). She doesn't like messes or messy things. Familiars are messy. Runes are messy. She would rather do without them, things are simpler that way.\n\nWitch Faiz is also only capable of using cleansing magic. One would think that this handicap would make her rather useless in battle, but one would be dreadfully mistaken. You would be surprised what magically cleansing a person of their entire gut microbiome would do (hint: immediate bathroom run). Witch Faiz has actually brought down entire armies this way...it was truly a terrible sight to behold, and the stench was even worse. She is no joke in close quarters either, having demonstrated multiple times her ability to throttle heavily armed and armored opponents many times her size with nothing but her broom in hand."} +{"id": "db23d05c-7c1c-44c3-98bb-6e33799cd98d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:28.565", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcM9vkATAqF1yws9bUq2naRXR9me8SiieQFYxBqC3AU77", "txHash": "0x9ade662c15e0fa0b640292b60b404d16141391d1ac7fd401213edf9041471ded", "createdAtBlock": 14119056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3827, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Faiz of the Belfry", "text": "No one knows exactly where Witch Faiz lives, only that she is frequently spotted in the grounds around Dream Master Lake. Anyone who dares litter within the vicinity of the lake would immediately feel her wrath. On the other hand, travelers who wish to gain her favor are encouraged to bring offerings such as cleaning supplies, bottled water, and hoodies (especially orange ones). Dream Master Lake is always pristine and immaculate all year round due to her efforts, and that's just the way she likes it. When it comes down to it, Witch Faiz is a simple wizard. Simple is clean. Clean is orderly. Order is good. That's the way the universe should be, and that's the way life should be."} +{"id": "f6b8395b-8064-4713-a0b7-374a7529d110-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:29.413", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPxXJJ8gp2hzzrnUkJzXibVYavphsDjxxvcs7FzUfttWh", "txHash": "0x97d26f0bbbce3179ca7a6fdc93c63319f81d6008ec98169e0e392b4d9b56ddb4", "createdAtBlock": 14119084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Baozhai of the Wold", "text": "For me, life has always been a fight. A struggle that only sheer determination, not luck, could get me through. No one handed me anything, save two instances (we will get into that later). Now, it is not to say I had a bad childhood, I love my parents. They loved me. We just, well, we were poor. More than poor. We had absolutely nothing.\n\n I knew I wanted to be a wizard at a young age. My very first memory is of a woman in glittering robes passing through our penniless town. She noticed me, barefooted and coated in grime. Then,whispering in my little ear, \"There is a strong magic in you, young one,\" she slipped a green gem into my palm. As myeyes fell upon it, a small light flickered from within it. \"See?\"\n\n I kept that gem with me always, hoping to find my magic someday. But life was not easy, and time was a resource I could not afford. 18 years later, I hadn't harnessed any magical ability. The very day I had heard of an archmage with no apprentice, I knew it wasfinallytime.With bittersweet goodbyes from my parents, I set off.He was some sort of hermit or something, but I didn't care.I was becoming a wizard.\n\n It was a struggle to get him to open up (his front door amongst other things). For a while, I thought maybe he would reject teaching me. He tolerated the occasional lesson if I cleaned for him or ran his errands in town. Besides this, we hardly spoke."} +{"id": "f6b8395b-8064-4713-a0b7-374a7529d110-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:29.413", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPxXJJ8gp2hzzrnUkJzXibVYavphsDjxxvcs7FzUfttWh", "txHash": "0x97d26f0bbbce3179ca7a6fdc93c63319f81d6008ec98169e0e392b4d9b56ddb4", "createdAtBlock": 14119084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Baozhai of the Wold", "text": "After a fewweeks of sleeping in a nearby barn, the odor was... noticeable. One day, before my chores, he motioned for me to follow him intothe house. We came upon a closed door, he raised his hand directing me to enter. It was a small room that looked as if it were for someone else. It was cleaned out, bed made. I looked at my teacher confused. He mumbled solemnly, \"You can sleep here.\"\n\n I inspected my new room, something I never had before. Leaning on the wall was amysticalwooden staff. \"It was mine once, won't need it anymore,\" he explained as I picked it up gingerly. With a shaky hand and glassy eyes, I revealed the emerald I had received from another kind wizard. It gravitated to the end of the staff and began to glow.\n\nIn the green light, I knew I had made it home."} +{"id": "3b00fa4b-2181-4110-852b-4f8cc988eb14-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:38.397", "backgroundColor": "#220e0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYqbuDsr4WUJWLMnYYw5AiBtH4EuVtp8EqCkZ6VqJZHy3", "txHash": "0xc571d5825c197cb91369e2971b6bc4d0788f7a3cc419c06944bae567421cbb77", "createdAtBlock": 14209927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 50, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beetle the Stupendous", "text": "Once upon a time, there was a pony named Beetle. Bit of a strange name for a pony you might think, but these things aren't just random you know - there is a good reason why our friend Beetle has the name she does.\n\nIt all started back when Beetle was a tiny little foal, when she would spend her formative days tottering around a glade that her string called home. For some reason our little friend used to enjoy playing with dung. Not the most wholesome of activities, but each to their own. She would mould and kick, she would roll and chase. The amount of fun the foal had with dung that she found in the glade was limitless. \n\nHence, the string collectively named her as Beetle. It just made sense.\n\nHowever, as little Beetle grew, so did her prowess with faecal sculpture. So nimble were her hooves that she became adept in creating the most delicate and expressive dung-sculptures. Her family and friends in the purple bandana string became more impressed with her skills, if somewhat slightly nauseated by it.\n\nOne day though, some of the more rambunctious young foals in the string decided that Beetle's little hobby wasn't for them. The aptly named @pony101 and his friend @pony185 took it upon themselves to destroy Beetle's little dung sculptures while she was out one afternoon testing out her trot-to-gallop routine. They smashed everything into a fine paste, ruining weeks of careful work."} +{"id": "3b00fa4b-2181-4110-852b-4f8cc988eb14-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:38.397", "backgroundColor": "#220e0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYqbuDsr4WUJWLMnYYw5AiBtH4EuVtp8EqCkZ6VqJZHy3", "txHash": "0xc571d5825c197cb91369e2971b6bc4d0788f7a3cc419c06944bae567421cbb77", "createdAtBlock": 14209927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 50, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beetle the Stupendous", "text": "Obviously, this just wasn't going to stand, so Beetle set about concocting a suitable lesson for the two bullies. With her love of all things fire-based, as is the rune she was born with, Beetle set about creating a dung-based trap. Firstly, gathering a decent amount of poo, Beetle was able to create what could only be described as a steaming pile of manure. With this, she made sure to craft pockets of space within the pile using her well-honed sculpture skills. Then, with a rune here, and a store of methane there, she was able to rig a small explosive trap.\n\nLo, the day came when Pylon and Barton decided to mess with Beetle's sculptures again - and this time it blew up in their long faces. The explosion was heard far and wide in the Elysian Fields, although no pony was seriously harmed in the prank. \n\nFrom that day forward, Beetle was known as Beetle the Stupendous."} +{"id": "1837e60c-f791-4680-b644-7beb8e02e509-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:39.068", "backgroundColor": "#030601", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYr1kfTmhpd4QzsybqPsW87SmWkEver3KWuSXLzF8rif9", "txHash": "0xf1b7304384afabcadec3cdcc4ef970e5df32b80aadc83201d0c0222740634249", "createdAtBlock": 14210290, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2895, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Chooki of the Marsh", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nSorcerer Chooki was first seen crossing the Blanket bog in Scotland by a villager named Albany. Chooki was seen from afar moving his hands in a strange and terrifying way. ''e was dressed in long robes 'e was.' said Albany to the village barmen. 'moved 'is 'ands in great circles over 'is 'ead intermixed with giant 'w' here and there. if i didn't know any better and i'm sixty five years old mark you, i'd 'ave thought 'e was trying to summon the Will-o'-the-wisp.'\n\nThe Will-o'-the-wisp was best described as a white light humanoid figure spotted first a few decades ago by an eleven year old child. The child ran home and told his mother the story and by evening the whole village knew something evil and sinister was lurking in the bog. Occasionally people would come forward claiming that they too had seen the Will-o'-the-wisp and demanded that the marsh be roped off. They also claimed seeing things at night and hearing groaning sounds whenever they passed by the bog.\n\nChooki was being detained in an old stable by Achaius, Jaberinse, Kamron, Maolmuire and Gillivray, the five village leaders, for questioning.\n\nAchaius: what were you doing there yer gowk? albany the villager saw you moving suspiciously\n\nChooki : i'm a sorcerer. My father's tribe first inherited these lands; they were sorcerers too. I know a spell called wllowsp which showed any magical blood in the area. i was chanting the spell while doing the appropriate actions required to locate magical blood when your villager Albert or whoever he is saw me performing the ritual and thought i was summoning some billowing wizz or something"} +{"id": "1837e60c-f791-4680-b644-7beb8e02e509-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:39.068", "backgroundColor": "#030601", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYr1kfTmhpd4QzsybqPsW87SmWkEver3KWuSXLzF8rif9", "txHash": "0xf1b7304384afabcadec3cdcc4ef970e5df32b80aadc83201d0c0222740634249", "createdAtBlock": 14210290, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2895, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Chooki of the Marsh", "text": "Maolmuire : first off its Albany and secondly Will-o'-the-wisp---\n\nChooki : whatever grandpa. the point is i was not trying to summon any 'william-yu-wasps' i was trying to find any remaining family member of mine who might be staying in the area. unless you might be able to help me?\n\nGillivray : Seven years ago a witch was banished from here before we became village heads. the witch went to Leverburgh marshes 10 miles south from here. she was convicted by the five leaders for the murder of an old man even though she claimed that she was innocent. maybe she might know you, her name was 'Ailment' or 'Altita' or something like that.\n\nChooki: could be my great aunt Ailith though I was sure she was staying in Bucharest... ah well i'll look into it. thanks Gilligray\n\nMaolmuire: where do I even begin? Gillivray, Will-o'-the-wisp---\n\nChooki: you get what i'm saying Moana!\n\nThe village leaders gave Chooki directions to Leverburgh and sent him on his way, relieved to have him out of their hair."} +{"id": "eb4b5beb-c686-4ba8-a525-124ee3ccb7f7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:54.844", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXsmmuWi7L1w2nCY3vwzt2Agv31hqofiDdfGp4QkgvoGb", "txHash": "0x4a268a5cc99fc6e115e1be8ae074f99c5123fe502383632657b950345f2a84e7", "createdAtBlock": 14528753, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus of Limbo", "text": "Archmagus or not,\nNameless he is. With his cat,\nIn Limbo he lives."} +{"id": "214a4c2c-a7ad-412d-875d-4c0ef8efd7a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:19.437", "backgroundColor": "#0b3514", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmakP8trJWy9Z3a8Zg8Q6Hg8ecGAnNV8rcEnjgdzA1eMs2", "txHash": "0x2826bb23181d80c28a007fddd2dc75e2fabe481333ee3f046ecce2c8e44807ff", "createdAtBlock": 14638833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6590, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Woomba of the Tower", "text": "# The aristocrat's tower\n\nOn the heights of the capitol, the Aristocrat's rotary gather every month in **the High Tower**. \n\nFull of secret rooms, pitfalls and dead-ends, only a member of the rotary knows how to navigate the 1000 meter high tower.\n\nDiabolist Woomba and his snail Gary is effectively one of the earliest member of the secret society. From the heights of his office looking over a large portion of the educated world, he is on a mission to spread the influence of *Satan* over the Forgotten world ..."} +{"id": "e0f5e4f8-0fbb-4d1c-99a7-27146636c669-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:36.557", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB4wmioAxQ2wYJjo1E1xg1hSKvxvJTDbY9aqB3JN9Jxd", "txHash": "0x9d254dbcaaff9454232bc47bde62fba6e158a0f9aa62c31ace58bc25664bfff7", "createdAtBlock": 14965635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10447, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPpkFJxixW9PCR1y5qfx4JirfkfcUZ8x9JYT7uigBUbfq", "name": "Lubalar Champion of Honor", "text": "# **The Orb of Agnor;**\n# **A Warrior's Tale:**\n---\n---\n---\n\n> The first four parts consist of the background tales of @warrior10447, @warrior7626, @warrior15338 and @warrior12713. All parts there after consist of the story entitled: *The Orb of Agnor: A Warrior's Tale* \n\nSpecial thanks to Prometheus21 on Discord for allowing for the use of @wizard3519 in this tale!\n\n## *The Cast:*\n\n---\n---\n\n@warrior10447:\n\nA rugged, middle-aged man long past his glory days of old. When, once upon a time, the life of a warrior reclaimed his soul, Lubalar set forth with a company of many warriors. After losing his dear friend Dorian, Lubalar slays a fell Cockatrice and ventures out to discover a relic which can bring back Dorian. The Orb of Agnor.\n\n\n\n---\n\n@warrior7626:\n\nA cut, young man with many grand feats under his belt. One day when traveling in the Frog Masters Marsh he came across @wizard3519 who sent him on a quest to reclaim a shard of Hue Masters Pass in exchange for information on the Orb of Agnor. On his journey he learned of the powerful and destructive technologies produced in the South. \n\n\n\n---\n\n@warrior15338:\n\nA powerful young warrior capable of taking on an entire pack of goblins bare handed. Coming from The Sands, Liam is trained to survive harsh climates and use his logical nature to solve issues. On one of his excursions Liam came across an old pyramid containing an ancient scroll. The scroll sent Liam to Calistas Citadel where he learned of the Orb of Agnor.\n\n\n\n---\n\n@warrior12713:"} +{"id": "e0f5e4f8-0fbb-4d1c-99a7-27146636c669-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:36.557", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB4wmioAxQ2wYJjo1E1xg1hSKvxvJTDbY9aqB3JN9Jxd", "txHash": "0x9d254dbcaaff9454232bc47bde62fba6e158a0f9aa62c31ace58bc25664bfff7", "createdAtBlock": 14965635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10447, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPpkFJxixW9PCR1y5qfx4JirfkfcUZ8x9JYT7uigBUbfq", "name": "Lubalar Champion of Honor", "text": "---\n\n@warrior12713:\n\nAn extremely skilled archer capable of great stealth. Sandra was raised by the Master Duck, a great duck capable of speech that lives in the Dream Masters Lake. One day the Duck Alliance is attacked by a group of wizards in search of the Master Egg. During the siege the Master Duck was killed off and the Master Egg was stolen. In response Sandra hunted down and killed the wizards. In one of their packs she found an emblem containing an image and description of the Orb of Agnor. In order to revive the Master Duck, Sandra sets out to claim the Orb of Arnor.\n\n\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n## *Side Cast:*\n\n@wizard3519:\n\n\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n\n### *Recommended Soundtrack:*\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K69tbUo3vGs\n\n---\n---\n---"} +{"id": "e0f5e4f8-0fbb-4d1c-99a7-27146636c669-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:36.557", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB4wmioAxQ2wYJjo1E1xg1hSKvxvJTDbY9aqB3JN9Jxd", "txHash": "0x9d254dbcaaff9454232bc47bde62fba6e158a0f9aa62c31ace58bc25664bfff7", "createdAtBlock": 14965635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10447, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPpkFJxixW9PCR1y5qfx4JirfkfcUZ8x9JYT7uigBUbfq", "name": "Lubalar Champion of Honor", "text": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K69tbUo3vGs\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n## *Part One: The Travels of Lubalar & The Slaying of a Great Cockatrice*\nLubalar lived in The Wild, at the border of The Fey. He was a large, strong, bold man, though his days of warriordom were long past him. In his retirement,he had constructed a small hut for himself, not too far from civilization, nor too close. He loved to tend to his gardens and make excursions to nearby villages when help was needed. Whether saving a cat from a tree, helping a villager move homes, or driving savage wolves off a farmer's herding land, Lubalar was always around to help. In his free time Lubalar tended to many creatures. His pet dog, Cerberus, was among his favorite. He had found Cerberus as a young pup on one of his olden quests. Lubalar allowed owls to nest in his roof, crows and rabbits to eat his crop and even snakes to burrow deep underneath his stead. At night Lubalar would sit on his porch, pipe in hand, reminiscing the olden days of his quests. For Lubalar longed to once again take up arms to battle, but most of all, Lubalar wanted to partake in an adventure. So, when one day a band of warriors showed up to his home, requesting aid on their journey to vanquish the Golden Cockatrice*, Lubalar did not hesitate to accept.\n\n\n> The following recountment of Lubalar's Tale is vague and sewn from many legends and myths, to hear of his true quest one must find him themselves:"} +{"id": "e0f5e4f8-0fbb-4d1c-99a7-27146636c669-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:36.557", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB4wmioAxQ2wYJjo1E1xg1hSKvxvJTDbY9aqB3JN9Jxd", "txHash": "0x9d254dbcaaff9454232bc47bde62fba6e158a0f9aa62c31ace58bc25664bfff7", "createdAtBlock": 14965635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10447, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPpkFJxixW9PCR1y5qfx4JirfkfcUZ8x9JYT7uigBUbfq", "name": "Lubalar Champion of Honor", "text": "Bringing only his loyal Cerberus, a sword, and the armor on his back, Lubalar set forth with the company. They traveled many weeks through snowy mountain, scorching plains and thick wood, before arriving at The Blue Wizard Bastian, the most recent scene of the Cockatrices attacks. The wizards there had managed to expel the foul beast, but inflicted no serious damage. The band gathered what information they deemed useful and set off for The Gate to The Seventh Realm. During their travels Lubalar grew close to many of the other warriors, but to none he grew more closely to than Dorian, a young warrior from The Great Citadel.They talked of Lubalars old quest and of Dorians great feats. They hunted, sang and journeyed together. In a way, Lubalar become a father-like figure to Dorian. After many more weeks of travel the company arrived at the gate. It was a dark and gloomy place that none seemed to keen to"} +{"id": "e0f5e4f8-0fbb-4d1c-99a7-27146636c669-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:36.557", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB4wmioAxQ2wYJjo1E1xg1hSKvxvJTDbY9aqB3JN9Jxd", "txHash": "0x9d254dbcaaff9454232bc47bde62fba6e158a0f9aa62c31ace58bc25664bfff7", "createdAtBlock": 14965635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10447, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPpkFJxixW9PCR1y5qfx4JirfkfcUZ8x9JYT7uigBUbfq", "name": "Lubalar Champion of Honor", "text": "gloomy place that none seemed to keen to stay at for long. They set up camp and began to patrol the mystical area, in search of the great creature. On the seventh day two members of the company came running into camp. As they collapsed to the floor and were tended too they began to tell the rest of the band what they had witnessed.They had indeed seen the great beast. They intended to flee and arrive again with the rest of the company, however the five of them were forced into a head on encounter with the creature. In the battle that pursued they had managed to sever two of the cocktices claws and expose a scale on it's neck. Unfortunately, the trade-off was the lives of three great warriors. Among them was Dorian, whom had bought time for the two survivors to escape at the expense of his own life. Upon hearing this news, Lubalar was devastated and vowed to slay the beast himself. Against the advice of"} +{"id": "e0f5e4f8-0fbb-4d1c-99a7-27146636c669-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:36.557", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB4wmioAxQ2wYJjo1E1xg1hSKvxvJTDbY9aqB3JN9Jxd", "txHash": "0x9d254dbcaaff9454232bc47bde62fba6e158a0f9aa62c31ace58bc25664bfff7", "createdAtBlock": 14965635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10447, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPpkFJxixW9PCR1y5qfx4JirfkfcUZ8x9JYT7uigBUbfq", "name": "Lubalar Champion of Honor", "text": "slay the beast himself. Against the advice of his fellow warriors, Lubalar sneaked out of camp at nightfall. After hours of wandering, at the break of Dawn, Lubalar spotted The Golden Cockatrice. He charged at it, fully expecting his demise. However, as the cockatrice veered its head toward Lubalar, it felt a piercing blow to the side of its neck. It screeched as it fell limp to the ground. Lubalar had felled the beast. After that day Lubalar has patrolled the Runiverse in search of a holy relic that could bring Dorian back to life, The Orb of Agnor."} +{"id": "e0f5e4f8-0fbb-4d1c-99a7-27146636c669-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:36.557", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZB4wmioAxQ2wYJjo1E1xg1hSKvxvJTDbY9aqB3JN9Jxd", "txHash": "0x9d254dbcaaff9454232bc47bde62fba6e158a0f9aa62c31ace58bc25664bfff7", "createdAtBlock": 14965635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10447, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPpkFJxixW9PCR1y5qfx4JirfkfcUZ8x9JYT7uigBUbfq", "name": "Lubalar Champion of Honor", "text": "> *Of the Golden Cockatrice: The Golden Cockatrice was a great winged beast that plagued the Runiverse. When it could it would pick off farm animals (and sometimes their farmers) to feast on. When agitated the Golden Cockatrice was capable of taking out small villages and even a wizard or two. It's close relative the @beast3 still roams the Runiverse...\n\n\n\n\n> The Triple Crowned Cockatrice is pictured above.\n\n\n### A Map of Lubalar's Travels In Part One:\n\n\n\n\n## *The End of Part One*\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n## *Part Two: The Travels of Riggs & The Toadstools Massacre*\n\ncoming soon...\n\n### A Map of Riggs' Travels In Part Two:\n\n\n\n\n\n## *The End of Part Two*\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n## *Part Three: The Travels of Liam & The Ancient Pyramid*\n\ncoming soon...\n\n### A Map of Liam's Travels In Part Three:\n\n\n\n## *The End of Part Three*\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n## *Part Four: The Travels of Sandra & The Master Duck*\n\ncoming soon...\n\n### A Map of Sandra's Travels In Part Four:\n\n\n\n## *The End of Part Four*\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n## *Part Five: The Beginning*\n\ncoming soon..."} +{"id": "3236e3cd-8d05-4583-b820-6dc6720c0953-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:28.557", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbjRWjGGJAZfQdULwYdexaNvma6ZTCcs3ZnXeEQvq3k48", "txHash": "0xb56301ccaf2c77f9a215ed9ea3bf0921287f5479ddfbf69cb847fc78b3d8dd17", "createdAtBlock": 14878357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2974, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Lumos of the Marsh", "text": "SSKKKKKKRRRRRRRR\n\nShortie pulled up in a hoopty, you know the one with the 20 inch rims and spoiler. Exhaust poppin and going crazy.\n\nShortie hopped out with the Gucci belt blazzzzzzing. He looked at the opp and said \"WUSSUP KILLA?\""} +{"id": "7af2ce03-4f10-438c-bbb3-17578c5c5af1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:54.592", "backgroundColor": "#5d0500", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVjU767WK3PDuTY9828AgGwKm34YDDqga1XAFXWUshF4m", "txHash": "0x756697c7e818f8ff5015a735b56fe74982c4ffbf1caa2ab53a0edeafb6a4013c", "createdAtBlock": 14785771, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3848, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sebastian Dismantler of the Obelisk", "text": "# Under the Force of Courage\n\nWhen warriors appeared in the runiverse tensions began to rise throughout the land, and when negotiations between wizard and warrior ended in a conflict, war broke out. \n\nIn this age where slavery is common, slaves became the most convenient resource of conscripts to fight against the wizards.\n\n**There was one slave among them who was drafted because of his high physical ability.**\n\nThis is a story of a man who was forced to stand against spellcraft\n\nThough victory he a was promised to be freed from slavery\n\nSent to the field he can never lose\n\nAt the mercy of time, he struggles against his fate\n\nNot to protect his himself or his dignity\n\nBut to protect his family and loved ones\n\nNow, he raises his sword\n\n**Under the force of courage**"} +{"id": "20c5c1f5-b9bd-47aa-8915-b32b392e8d24-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:08.762", "backgroundColor": "#c7ad81", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUzAkeiRjCQaRTZh5LpBR1qEH252WZ7EZSzFb4g7hCuGH", "txHash": "0xe48c82e6c924e662d73797f2ce6015c6361f9b3087af4cffbf82c76403572c2a", "createdAtBlock": 14911102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5189, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSZZufnqFSZac521FbNgqagbsQTgddeV6KVWXguqzKbAy", "name": "Throndilor Obliterator of the Alley", "text": "# *It was my 111th birthday...*\n\n*...only a week ago, but my life has been quite different than that of the famous halfling from the shire,* Throndilor reminisced grimly in a nostalgic moment as he sat in front of the blazing fireplace in the big hall of his dwelling. Nearby a loud buzzing could be heard. It came from outside and it seemed to draw closer. On a plate on the table to the dwarfs left were some legumes, nuts and other vegetables leftover from his dinner. The wall to the right of him sported some melee weaponry used long ago. A battle axe, a couple of daggers, a javelin and his beloved long sword **Silvandril** that he still used once in a while when he really wanted to scare someone - or cut him to pieces. The wooden oak tiled floor was a dark brown maroon.\n\nA scar adorned the right side of Throndilors face and for the rest - well, it was not pretty either. He was not bad looking, but he was no Prince Charming. The broken nose did not help in the looks department, either. But anyways, with so many Prince Charmings running around these days looking like a bit of an extraordinaire could not hurt."} +{"id": "20c5c1f5-b9bd-47aa-8915-b32b392e8d24-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:08.762", "backgroundColor": "#c7ad81", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUzAkeiRjCQaRTZh5LpBR1qEH252WZ7EZSzFb4g7hCuGH", "txHash": "0xe48c82e6c924e662d73797f2ce6015c6361f9b3087af4cffbf82c76403572c2a", "createdAtBlock": 14911102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5189, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSZZufnqFSZac521FbNgqagbsQTgddeV6KVWXguqzKbAy", "name": "Throndilor Obliterator of the Alley", "text": "It was a century ago when the big war of the Yellow Mountains went into its 6th year that Throndilors parents had been killed before his very eyes during the Battle of the Brimstone Valley. It was not even a proper and fair fight; it was cowardly and insidious. They were betrayed by friends. Throndilor does not remember much from that time long ago. The war had since ended and the wizards had won. The Yellow Mountains were now called **The Battle Mage Mountains** and all the dwarves that had lived there for centuries before had either been killed or driven away. And some of them, the younger ones that were not able to run away fast enough, such as Throndilor himself, were caught by a battle mage called @wizard9633 and sold into servitude, as was the custom in those days. He was sold to a bad tempered hooligan in the city of the **Blue Wizard Bastion** that called himself a guild leader.\n\nThrondilor looked out of the window at the approaching animal that was heading for the tower and took a long gulp from his dwarf light draft beer mug. Disgusting. The beer used to be better too. But now was not the time for some fire whiskey.\n\nMost of his life he had been on the run. First from bad wizards in the mountains and then from the corrupt orderlies in the city. Growing up in the darkest alleys of a large and multicultural city, running shady errands from an early age for his master and leader of the thieves' **Guild of the Slippery Dagger** will not make a saint out of a person. Especially when all you are surrounded by is greed, betrayal and crime - week in week out. The years had made Throndilor strong and enduring, but wary and suspicious. They also taught him one very important thing: always look out for yourself and never rely on anyone."} +{"id": "20c5c1f5-b9bd-47aa-8915-b32b392e8d24-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:08.762", "backgroundColor": "#c7ad81", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUzAkeiRjCQaRTZh5LpBR1qEH252WZ7EZSzFb4g7hCuGH", "txHash": "0xe48c82e6c924e662d73797f2ce6015c6361f9b3087af4cffbf82c76403572c2a", "createdAtBlock": 14911102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5189, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSZZufnqFSZac521FbNgqagbsQTgddeV6KVWXguqzKbAy", "name": "Throndilor Obliterator of the Alley", "text": "Too often had trust in the people around him landed Throndilor in trouble and misery. He had been killed twice in robberies he had been forced to participate in due to acts of treason by his so-called friends and he had been subsequently raised from the dead by powerful healers under excruciating pain. On one occasion during the revival he distinctly remembered hearing a bell ring and vaguely seeing a figure with a hood and a cloak. (of course it had been @wizard6287)\n\nHe never found out who his parents had been and now, all these years later , he probably never would. Since his childhood he had a strange tattoo of the rune of Saturn on his left shoulder which was about the only hint of his heritage. '*But who cares,*' he often thought, bitterly. In his view his parents had left him to a life of misery. Had they been more suspicious and vigilant - he would not have lived this life of sorrow. Damn them.\n\n\n100 years is a long time during which skills advance and experiences make a dwarf stronger. And Throndilor had become a very strong one. So strong even, that after 20 years in servitude to his guild master, Charles the Slitter - to whom he had been sold - he slit Charless throat open from right to left and dismantled the guild in the following months. So rotten from the inside, the guild was, that it made no sense to take over and continue. Throndilor left the city and squandered many years in the service of various warlords or scoundrels as a sword-swinging mercenary."} +{"id": "20c5c1f5-b9bd-47aa-8915-b32b392e8d24-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:08.762", "backgroundColor": "#c7ad81", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUzAkeiRjCQaRTZh5LpBR1qEH252WZ7EZSzFb4g7hCuGH", "txHash": "0xe48c82e6c924e662d73797f2ce6015c6361f9b3087af4cffbf82c76403572c2a", "createdAtBlock": 14911102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5189, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSZZufnqFSZac521FbNgqagbsQTgddeV6KVWXguqzKbAy", "name": "Throndilor Obliterator of the Alley", "text": "Upon his 80th birthday, after years of battles and raids, Throndilor returned to the Blue Wizard Bastion with his friend and companion **Raptinora** to found the Guild of **The Saphire Saturn Syndicate**. And here we are now. One week after his 111th birthday, with his companion just arriving home and landing on the towering building, buzzing and clicking its mandibles.\nThrondilor had saved Raptinora, a giant hornet, many years ago during a raid in the forest surrounding the Dream Master Lake while she was being attacked by a swarm of wasps. Herself being of gigantic proportions with a body length of almost 5 feet and a wingspan of 10 feet, she was a menacing sight to others, but to Throndilor she was the only being he would always trust and they understood each other well, even though she could not speak like some wizards weird familiars.\n\nIn general Throndilor was very skeptical towards wizards and magic and did not like the unnatural and sneaky behavior of that kind. They had killed his parents after all. But he accepted that sometimes there were benefits to using people with those skillsets.\n\nHe turned away from the window where Raptinora had just approached, went over to the table with his unfinished food, took another sip of beer, and looked at his watch that showed just past 8pm. He used it to turn on the large flat screen TV that hung behind him on the eastern wall."} +{"id": "20c5c1f5-b9bd-47aa-8915-b32b392e8d24-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:08.762", "backgroundColor": "#c7ad81", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUzAkeiRjCQaRTZh5LpBR1qEH252WZ7EZSzFb4g7hCuGH", "txHash": "0xe48c82e6c924e662d73797f2ce6015c6361f9b3087af4cffbf82c76403572c2a", "createdAtBlock": 14911102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5189, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSZZufnqFSZac521FbNgqagbsQTgddeV6KVWXguqzKbAy", "name": "Throndilor Obliterator of the Alley", "text": "The news. News of more war and **disaster**, **tragedy**, **crime**, **disease** and **distress**. What an ugly world it all had become in the last 100 years. Brilliant technical advantages caused more harm than good and exploited the trusting people of the Runiverse. But to Throndilor all the bad news was good news, as it would certainly create some advantage or opportunity for him and his guild. The trust of others led to gains in his own pockets.\n\nThrondilor turned the TV off, grabbed the keys to his bike, put on his patched leather jacket and his blue **Dwarfen horned helmet** and stepped into the private elevator of his city apartment on the 45th floor.\n\n\n\n#########################\n\nAdditional lore and stories can be found at https://tabitha.wtf. Check it out. \nThanks to Tania Del Rio for your wonderful support!"} +{"id": "2c3d7163-9975-4c6d-a6e9-a348afb3fda4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-28T23:28:38.578", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXct8vbq95KTFGvMw2rctf356krWuHeAuxuMAbVyzNH6T", "txHash": "0x0779c6a43009df599976dd227070b1ed8441f4ea9950fb9aed497d36eb05ae21", "createdAtBlock": 15233911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4834, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bernadette Vanquisher of Brigands", "text": "The beetle seemed an affable companion to the spetum master. Maybe they'd flip a brigand or two onto their backside."} +{"id": "c2e0531e-56e2-4073-96d0-bd5540a80d69-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:03.24", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVJXDNbwRU8EVEXRTanJTqadABR5Eo46XDQP5adqN2r7n", "txHash": "0x45042689d2dad389dc2af461b26ecf7e57abd2cc3906c94402fa8ff14f17dbdd", "createdAtBlock": 15065740, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12429, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ari Attacker of the Cage", "text": "# Krampuses are strongest!\n\n_my own lore is here, please be scary_\n\nKrampus. A powerful devil that can spoil the mood of many warriors. He possesses the magic of the storm and is able to suck the blood from his enemies. Wears armor and armor, can wear a helmet. It looks like a Neanderthal, but a very smart and dangerous opponent. Poorly obeys dark magic and the forces of evil."} +{"id": "cacb682c-3c87-4cc1-a694-45528d276bde-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:56.602", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6sBwWVhjwvNSfwuS41bNakwTyWP4tK5qThWFbpPJoCx", "txHash": "0x885818436b6a0118ce459132e5037c425cfbc195b18ee2abb1b56792092819d0", "createdAtBlock": 14701566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9207, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Larissa of the Marsh", "text": "### \n#### \n## Im over this place!\n\n\n\nDear Diary, \n\nEver since the incident, Ive been feeling down. A strange fox named Ludwig started following me around. Theyre pretty grouchy but they seem smart and I could use the company to stay out of my head. Today, they casually mentioned that I sucked so much at magic that I should probably find a different path since theres no way the Marsh witch would even give me an apprentice associate assistant position. Blech! I recoiled at the thought of working where everyone in town is brown nosing to win the favor of the witch. My reaction made it clear: I have to get out of here. I dont know whats beyond the Marsh, but theres gotta be something more. Plus, everyone knows that I have no future in traditional witchcraft so what have I got to lose? \n\n\n---\n## Magic in Carnival Pass \n\nDear Diary, \n\nLudwig can be a buzzkill, but they do have some helpful survival skills. We were foraging in Carnival Pass and found some mushrooms. They knew the brown ones were good to eat but I found this perfect red mushroom and I couldnt help but take a big bite. Almost instantly, I felt like I never have before. At first I felt panicked as Ludwig reprimanded me for eating it. I collected myself and noticed multicolored leaves grew from the trees, the smells of the flowers changed with each breeze, and the birds were singing songs Ive heard before in my dreams. It was magic. Not the kind I struggled with in school but a different kind of power... I wandered Carnival Pass in wonderment for hours. When I came to, I felt a change within me. I didnt fear or doubt anything for once. I just knew I was on the right path. I looked at the mushroom in my pack and noticed it had grown out where I had bit it. Strange, but Im not mad about it."} +{"id": "cacb682c-3c87-4cc1-a694-45528d276bde-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:56.602", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6sBwWVhjwvNSfwuS41bNakwTyWP4tK5qThWFbpPJoCx", "txHash": "0x885818436b6a0118ce459132e5037c425cfbc195b18ee2abb1b56792092819d0", "createdAtBlock": 14701566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9207, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Larissa of the Marsh", "text": "---\n\n## The Mysterious Dung Farmer\n\nDear Diary, \n\nWe walked for a few days and finally reached the Wild. Nature expressed itself in many different biomes here. There were wizards from all over the Runiverse traveling through it. I met a Druid named Mycho. He was a dung farmer and specialized in farming mushrooms but was also a mushroom himself! He said the wild mushroom I had was meant to show me what I already know. I didnt know what that meant. When we parted ways, our eyes locked for a moment and I felt a strange feeling. For a second it felt like I knew all the things he knew about mycology and felt his kindess. I could tell he felt something too but we broke our gaze and hugged to say goodbye. His encouragement and kindness gave me energy and purpose, even though I didn't know the destination. Ludwig said I shouldnt put any weight to the words of a dung farmer, but I somehow knew that his words were true. \n\n---\n\n## The Intoxicating Wild\n\nDear Diary,"} +{"id": "cacb682c-3c87-4cc1-a694-45528d276bde-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:56.602", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6sBwWVhjwvNSfwuS41bNakwTyWP4tK5qThWFbpPJoCx", "txHash": "0x885818436b6a0118ce459132e5037c425cfbc195b18ee2abb1b56792092819d0", "createdAtBlock": 14701566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9207, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Larissa of the Marsh", "text": "---\n\n## The Intoxicating Wild\n\nDear Diary, \n\nWeve been in The Wild for some time and met all kinds of strange and interesting characters. It seems everyone is on an important quest. I plan on heading west just because Ive never seen the coast or the hustle and bustle of the great cities. I heard many wild stories of Sacred Flames, rallies for or against Big Potion, baby wizard orphanages, and so much more! It was intoxicating to meet so many wizards. (Though, it mightve been all the potions Ive been sampling.) Whenever I connected with a wizard and looked into their eyes, I could see from their perspective and feel their powers. In some, I could sense their darkness and feel their pain. I felt for the first time I was understanding the world around me and it understood me. I didnt fear anything. I only felt excitement. Ludwig said I was too eager and seemed naive but I paid them no mind. \n\n---\n\n## Delilah and the darkness\n\nDear Diary,"} +{"id": "cacb682c-3c87-4cc1-a694-45528d276bde-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:56.602", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6sBwWVhjwvNSfwuS41bNakwTyWP4tK5qThWFbpPJoCx", "txHash": "0x885818436b6a0118ce459132e5037c425cfbc195b18ee2abb1b56792092819d0", "createdAtBlock": 14701566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9207, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Larissa of the Marsh", "text": "---\n\n## Delilah and the darkness\n\nDear Diary, \n\nI was at a tavern singing bar songs (before noon mind you) when a witch came in and the whole energy of the room changed. It was the first time I was drawn to a heavy, dark energy. I found myself searching for her hollow eyes and saw she had a good soul but was overcome with shame. I sensed she had deep knowledge of alchemy and used it to help many beings. Almost unknowingly, I dropped a bit of my mushroom into her potent marijuana concoction. I felt guilty but I wanted to help her. Once she felt the effects, her protective veil lifted and she bawled like a child. She said she was destined for death. She had committed a crime she must pay for. Knowing theres something unresolved in her fate, I brought over some wizards who spoke of a Sacred Flame. They rehashed that those who choose to give themselves to the Flame may become powerful Souls to complete their destiny or perish as an Undesirable. The other wizards encouraged her cautiously that if she must die, she might try to making things right by becoming a Soul. I urged her to give herself a chance to find renewed purpose. She looked into my eyes for a long time and collected herself. She admitted she is broken but wanted no one to suffer as she has and quietly walked out. She headed north towards the Secret Tower and I didnt see her again. I was exhausted. I acted out of intuition and I wasnt sure if what I did was right. \n\n---\n\n## Power\n\nDear Diary,"} +{"id": "cacb682c-3c87-4cc1-a694-45528d276bde-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:56.602", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6sBwWVhjwvNSfwuS41bNakwTyWP4tK5qThWFbpPJoCx", "txHash": "0x885818436b6a0118ce459132e5037c425cfbc195b18ee2abb1b56792092819d0", "createdAtBlock": 14701566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9207, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Larissa of the Marsh", "text": "---\n\n## Power\n\nDear Diary, \n\nEvery time I eat the mushroom, Im able to connect with others more deeply. I can now see darkness and pain in everyone. I try my best to focus on their light and power which drive me to help them. With stronger connections, Im able to harness their powers even when theyre no longer with me. I want to help everyone that I can but I wonder if its my place for me to read them so intimately and to change their course. Its also hard to choose who I should help and Ludwig always says things that make me wonder whether Ive actually helped them or not. I dont think most of the wizards know how my magic works but now I do. Sometimes I share my mushroom with them and they think thats it. Maybe its best to keep it to myself for now Ludwig agrees.\n\nIn other news, I keep hearing of Chronomancers Riviera from all my favorite wizards so far. I may change my plans and head there instead. They werent necessarily what youd call lawfully good wizards but they had the best stories. I heard its a place filled with celebrations with a palpable air of chaos. You never know what can transpire there. Now that sounds fun. Ludwig is worried. I don't care."} +{"id": "ec649090-caf1-421d-984f-74ff667b9c04-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:00.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRbn3hZSgDmKvKddubDcSNTEF13m8qTyFKhcpgbViyeBo", "txHash": "0xc72b0dc6c99234ca865f678fffcac9487cb43f954de050c43f6b5e779d498cde", "createdAtBlock": 14936250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9260, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Thor of the Keep", "text": "# Alchemist Thor of the Keep\n\nThor was nothing if not studious. From the early ages of childhood, Thor excelled heavily at academia, out-learning his\nparents (the Duke and Duchess of Muliaran) and every single peer. Shortly after he turned 8, he was sent away to a boarding\nschool that specialized in alchemy and herbology. \n\nThis was done mostly to save the sanity of the parents who could barely keep the poor kid engaged, let alone happy and\nfulfilled! In the long run, it was the best thing for Thor, as he was able to push much farther past the boundaries in terms\nof education. \n\nHe spent the next 5 years living, studying and learning with some of the realm's top botanists and alchemists. He connected\nheavily with the unusual flora and fauna that was used in the more creative potions (say, invisibility and love potions). He\nlearned everything they had to offer him and more.\n\nWhat was usually an 8 year stay for most alchemists, Thor did in less than 6. Easily the top performer the entire \ntime, he garnered much good favor from his professors. After the school decided he had learned everything they could teach \nThey offered him a research grant and a role within the prestigious, Royal Alchemist's Guild. \n\nHe was assigned to be the Queen's royal alchemist, where he would serve a range of needs from mystical to mundane. Once in the\nroyal court, he was quickly adopted by the Court Wizard, Enullus. The two quickly became good friends and spent much time\ntogether, devising new spells and potions, usually to fix some ridiculously ordinary problem."} +{"id": "ec649090-caf1-421d-984f-74ff667b9c04-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:00.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRbn3hZSgDmKvKddubDcSNTEF13m8qTyFKhcpgbViyeBo", "txHash": "0xc72b0dc6c99234ca865f678fffcac9487cb43f954de050c43f6b5e779d498cde", "createdAtBlock": 14936250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9260, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Thor of the Keep", "text": "Knowledge of the alchemist's abilities spread far and wide, garnering the attention of many royal families throughout the \nrealm, thus bringing many visitors to his kingdom seeking his help. From everyday injuries to supposed possessions, he never\nturned down someone asking for help. He even rid a town of it's kobold problem through poison. (Not his finest moment, but \nthe kobolds were eating all the children, so...)\n\nDue to the overwhelming requests for help, Thor founded a small operation called \"Alchemist Allies\" to help him address the\nissues of the entire kingdom. He was able to quite swiftly find volunteers once he put the word out, and it was in no time\nat all before he had a small contingent of quite powerful (but strangely friendly) wizards.\n\nWith a little assistance from the Queen, Thor was able to outfit the entire kingdom with resident Royal Alchemists, who\nwere to reside in each town's Church. The group has managed to keep things fairly tame in their small corner of the realm, \nbut with strange things on the horizon, it's just a matter of time..."} +{"id": "5a5a49c8-eff9-4c5e-847b-65e9d78c8f1b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:30.617", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNyzauotKJ4trLBPhCpiqtvzRgwDyk5EEoaQCvcsERagF", "txHash": "0x5368a7ef268ddcaecf0101a4847ee90225681527dd92dcb78c7e45861832205a", "createdAtBlock": 14643342, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 149, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Akron of the Sun", "text": "## Archmagus Akron of the Sun \n\nBorn of ignoble lineage the child Akron left both home & family to spend his time in reflection & studies with the ascetics. As the years passed Akron's curiosity grew beyond the scope of the ascetics compelling the exploration of lands unknown to him. During his travels through an ancient evergreen forest, the earth gave way beneath his steps causing Akron to fall through a crevice landing unconscious & bleeding. \n \nA faint glow originating from a confused topaz slime dimly lit the cavernous underground. Forgotten ages ago by an angry master now deceased, the topaz slime stared in disbelief at the limp body strewn over the circular magical barrier formerly entombing him. Watching the life pour out of his sky-fallen savior and feeling the rush of magic returning the slime soul bonded with the unresponsive youth delaying death and unlocking a powerful magic not witnessed in aeons. The neglect from family, disregard of the ascetics, and near death condition provided a rare fertile heart almost empty allowing the topaz slime to enhance and imbue the aching Akron a palpable, amber-scented, golden aura manifested around the pair. The bond between the 2 souls who had saved each other begins the legend of Archmagus Akron of the Sun and his soul bonded familiar the topaz slime named Karma."} +{"id": "a2de0196-19ac-4cb4-8210-6da8bdaae465-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:31.406", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVv8bX818rNBSFVgJd1cdD43NoBNtsmf3Up8b7Px7rzZG", "txHash": "0x4d74da2646eec60e4518fb229c9817dff61d8929de4183a96a2fd9dee49799b2", "createdAtBlock": 14643359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1595, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Astral Plane", "text": "# Sorcerer Aldus of the Astral Plane\n~\n\n\nAldus is one of the oldest wizards in all of the realms. The most studied scholars estimate Aduls' age at 9,554,948,547,252.38 years old. Many things sag on this ancient wizard-- but his mind remains sharp and supple due to the rigor required to study the cosmos.\n\n~\n\nAs a master of the astral plane, Aldus has adventured far beyond the heavens and discovered the power of Uranus. Sorcerer Aldus uses the rune of Uranus to vanquish his foes-- with Uranus, he wipes the stain of evil away so that its foul stench may never again plague the Runiverse! From the bottom of the darkest crack to the top of the tallest mountain, Aldus and his trusty crow Albus fight evil wherever it may be!\n\n~\n\n\n# STAY AWAY FROM URANUS"} +{"id": "f0ce8126-fc2c-4e61-a7e4-625570487e88-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:47.485", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcoUGfo9CTummaA16KXJHaxLM7sJA1yVihTL2YSVTXC3y", "txHash": "0x270d9622534a134c8ad95ff883bd635b3e1ee907c18528db2351d91ea280fc27", "createdAtBlock": 14650309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7803, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Zixin of the Villa", "text": "second attempt at lore, i will come back and come up with something better."} +{"id": "a6de0ca9-d024-4530-98e9-90f502e1def7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:48.218", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXcgchJ7XYxbPiWKzFPQTUWwnKAzgeffPmu9nvJy65W2q", "txHash": "0x582acde734b16b2c0657da18fd13de1d16ffa1dde90594e3250c1a428452f969", "createdAtBlock": 14650860, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1694, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn from the Shadow", "text": "# BATTLE MAGE DUTORN \n\n**_from the shadow_**\n\n\nOnce every three years, the northern winds rush south, and Dutorn awakens from his deep slumber. \n\nThe sacred flame returns to him and calls his heart to beat once again. His feet hit the frosty ground like a warm wave crashing into the ocean shoreline on the night of a full moon. His beard yearns for an icy blanket of protection, and his rabbit calls to him from his burrow in Dutorn's garden. \n-\n\nThe dirt rabbit has many stories to tell. Much has happened since they last spoke and Dutorn knows his trusty companion has a ear or two in every kingdom."} +{"id": "7730f383-4987-44ed-b53e-c5084d1d9471-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:58.502", "backgroundColor": "#10999f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcc1kUQBnhDhy1dkE3C1V1T95pzebf3iDwqKeT6dBhQC", "txHash": "0x172bfc1921abf20573eed32058192c2c5f792042c3f7339b9a41fae0af31ab02", "createdAtBlock": 14922548, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSC1tQStUKooZkn71CBfma4931LAX3VZsgfLja2dWLYJg", "name": "Japser Death of Runes", "text": "# The Lore of Japser Death Of Runes\n\n\n \n> *by BVF and Wise Sam*"} +{"id": "a44e3084-ebbd-4647-8c42-d043af6d73e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:30.081", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUUG3vjv2GShBvV9iYXG3gA1xD4oyhn63YYghAsBLZesv", "txHash": "0x736f5c4cb84e3ff7476baaa30754083d841539e4da5b29ce5bf1f56ddca24314", "createdAtBlock": 14119100, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7859, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Isaac of the Hall", "text": "A powerful, yet humble wizard.Known for his proficiency in the magic arts, Isaac was often called upon to aid in relieving a neighborhood illness or to eradicate diseased crops.He had a simple but happy life, a daughter, and a wife. That was until the day tragedy struck. Isaac became reclusive and refused to teach anyonemagic after that day.\n\nEver since his family's passing, Isaac haseverreliably wandered the halls of a Sanctuary of Magi alone. A single candle lit in hand, surrounded by physical and spiritual darkness.\n\nIf you are thinking about how sad and dull this story is, don't fret, our archmage's story does not end here.\n\nOne day, after many years of seclusion, Isaac peaked out his window (as he usually does when he hears company and plans to ignore them) to see an unassuming girl marching down the walkway. Small in build with a fiercely beautiful face, nevertheless for she had incredibly furrowed brows. \n\nIsaac could see her pure determination from behind theglass. He hadn't seen anyone approach his door with anything other than pity in some time. Isaac remembered feeling relieved by that.\n\nA hard knock on the door and a \"I know you're in there!\" compelled Isaac to let in some light. She was his first and only student.\nTownsfolk wonder how and why this stranger girl got through to their resident mage. None dared to say it aloud, but some thought the girl looked a little like Isaac's late daughter."} +{"id": "fbdca199-0592-47e1-9417-131531ccedd6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:30.974", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY8RA1tWHEHXeqUnG9g2rHRsJ2FwbE3PPfUQo7kZpf3qT", "txHash": "0x277fe422b290232b7301a3e6687279ccdb896807e3a9dd7b2e9b01a14bd91dc5", "createdAtBlock": 14119104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9341, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Sabina of the Psychic Leap", "text": "Entry 1:\nDruid Sabina has been tasked with a special secret mission: to bring plants alive. Alive as in being able to move and follow commands. This mission came from the Dotta and Elf personally, the 2 Head Wizards that lead the High Council of Runiverse. A flying message had flown into her window at midnight requiring Sabina to authenticate her magic signature to prove she was the rightful recipient. She had heard of such message transmissions before, but those were normally reserved for the upmost confidential communications. Who could need to send her such a high priority message?\n\nOnce Sabina authenticated the flying message, it flamed up and the still glowing ashes formed the message, Druid Sabina of Psychic Leap, come through the portal for we have a mission for you. Should you not choose to accept, there will be no consequence. Lets speak face to face. Signed, Dotta and Elf. The glowing ashes dulled and fell to the ground, but a portal appeared from the ashes! To be able to craft a complex spell like a portal inside of another magic spell (the flying message) requires skill and capability that left little doubt that the message truly originated from Head Wizards Dotta and Elf.\n\nIf the two highest powers of the Runiverse summons you, would you dare turn down the offer to meet? Sabina took a few deep breaths, calmed her mind and stepped into the portal. This was her first time walking into a portal. While portals were not a forbidden art, only the wizards with great magical control could control them properly thus use was limited. Those wizards only used them when necessary. Sabina has heard stories about portals and the disorientation after that. However, she found herself stepping into an unfamiliar room in her next step. It was like she had simply walked through her door into this room. Fascinating!\n\nWhile her mind adjusted to the new surroundings, she noticed three people in the room. Not two."} +{"id": "fbdca199-0592-47e1-9417-131531ccedd6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:30.974", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY8RA1tWHEHXeqUnG9g2rHRsJ2FwbE3PPfUQo7kZpf3qT", "txHash": "0x277fe422b290232b7301a3e6687279ccdb896807e3a9dd7b2e9b01a14bd91dc5", "createdAtBlock": 14119104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9341, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Sabina of the Psychic Leap", "text": "Welcome Sabina! We appreciate you taking the trip to come and meet with us. I am Head Wizard Dotta and this is Head Wizard Elf. You can just call us Dotta and Elf. You can drop the titles with us here. I assume you already know @wizard9930? He has spoken highly of you. Come and take a seat. Cup of Kakou tea?\nSabina took a seat at the table, smiled stiffly and gently shook her head Not necessary, thank you. She did know @wizard9930. He is the High Wizard of all Runiverse Forests, but much more so, he was an informal mentor of hers, guiding her Druid journey. \n\nDotta continued Well then, I apologize for inviting here in the middle of night with no prior notice. It is important that we keep this matter on a need-to-know basis only. Ready? We want you to research on how to bring plants alive. Dotta left those words hanging in the air. \n\nSabina sat shocked in her seat. A million thoughts ran through her head. None of the three High Wizards were saying anything more to explain. Sensing discomfort from her wizard, Carrie, Sabinas Swamp Bullfrog familiar, hopped out unto Sabinas lap to calm her. Isnt that one of the forbidden paths? We cant bring the forest to life, they already have life in their own way. . To even bridge them into forest lifeforms will surely be an abomination! Why will the council even consider such a thing! Isnt the High Council suppose to prevent such things from happening in the first place? Sabina blurted out.\n\nAll three High Wizards continued to look directly at Sabina. Elf and Baird still have not said a word. After a minute of tense silence, Dotta said, Let me tell you a story."} +{"id": "9c6f2dce-1fc3-4766-8b64-196932519240-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:04.155", "backgroundColor": "#0c1302", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQEspZN1GSciBReJAFDeRWcBXfxRPmWEFRPkHLGcy3udR", "txHash": "0x4d41712170466cfe8f4135613bd94e96ba279027233a0507d3352123fe6061ce", "createdAtBlock": 14791241, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4940, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sauda Cruncher of the Wild", "text": "# Sauda Cruncher of the Wild\n\nThis mighty woman warrior \n\nIs someone no one seems to see\n\nShe stands tall like a might oak tree\n\nShe is not a myth\n\nNeither is she a figure to be ignored\n\nShe is someone to be truly adored!"} +{"id": "4ebf67d8-5b7b-4735-b27d-c4a5ce70bec6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:23.851", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRaYHzuEEXhs2zwVXDYpuDTA5KhkPhQnoduPskFgbLtah", "txHash": "0xdb95788d0e179d844258dcea181a7af2bf4a9b6f2eb765977050ac4388dc9720", "createdAtBlock": 14931112, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3470, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bronn Disintegrator of the Dojo", "text": "# ***Bronn Disintegrator of the Dojo*** \n\n_******_"} +{"id": "29673614-bc38-4f70-baa6-e943b5e9c717-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:08.929", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma6zRF3HEPnY2n8wwK6L2jGXGd4qMTG3fHzqhpj8GfzzR", "txHash": "0x488b1d6d3757386a0db5ccb3f83242ea8654ee71cd85c5574a1cb3e2f934a5ce", "createdAtBlock": 14795887, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8198, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd1ChKBxhavQCJnSxY4ofxwX7JyKjjFQHA523NdXDPMHK", "name": "Ice Mage Zelroth of the Berg", "text": "Part of Ice Mage Zelroth's routine is to replenish the wood supply in the backcountry refuges that populate the Northern Peaks. The cabins stretched out through the park are often used for research base camp. Few know what's actually going on up here."} +{"id": "7a37ff18-fca2-45d3-b728-5299f4180f33-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:13.989", "backgroundColor": "#1d3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbkWNArFMXN8hWLQmoR7RRCWSGW9TysXKLhH32UesY1GQ", "txHash": "0xd3f27153abdc4479c6e6f64c624023ef037a5b1716623e028d96dbe11ff94bb6", "createdAtBlock": 15068072, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4829, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Solomon of the Grotto", "text": "One day, while Solomon was cooking with his green mushrooms, he began to work on a new spell. This spell was very complicated, and it took him many hours to complete. Finally, when the spell was finished, he placed it in a special cookbook that he kept in his hidden closet \n\nThe next day, when Solomon went to his special home to cook with his green mushrooms, he was shocked to see that the cookbook was gone! He searched high and low for it, but it was nowhere to be found.\n\nHe was so upset that he decided to go on a journey to find the person who had stolen his cookbook. He traveled for many days, until he finally came to a dark forest. In the forest, he saw a strange creature lurking in the shadows.\n\nThe creature was holding his cookbook! When Solomon confronted the creature, it ran away into the forest. Solomon was not going to give up so easily, and he followed the creature deep into the forest.\n\nFinally, he came to a clearing where the creature was hiding. When the creature saw Solomon, it ran towards him, but Solomon was prepared. He cast a spell that immobilized the creature.\n\nThen he took his cookbook"} +{"id": "06a98b49-638a-4401-b396-9308196b7502-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:16.928", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWAtoQS29JkgbohAFQ6u5jUkw25ynPbKEAtcC9kijpk1B", "txHash": "0xbf055ec5638c85e513cb2834028b2f3d32286d1a9cd52a5033a50dba33d88f94", "createdAtBlock": 14775036, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4066, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sharon Poker of Light", "text": "Sharon was born to a family of warriors in the heart of the jungle. From a young age, she was taught the ways of the spear and the shield, and how to use them to protect her people from harm. As she grew older, she began to take on more responsibility within her tribe, eventually becoming one of their most respected warriors.\n\nOne day, while out on a hunt, Sharon's village was attacked by a rival tribe. In the ensuing battle, Sharon fought fiercely, using her skills to protect her people and drive the attackers back. In the aftermath of the battle, she found a wounded jaguar cub and took him in, nursing him back to health. The two formed a bond that was unbreakable, and from then on the jaguar became her companion in battle.\n\nTogether, Sharon and her jaguar friend have defended her village many times, becoming legendary heroes in the process. They are known far and wide as the Poker of Light, and their legend continues to grow with each passing day."} +{"id": "c7a0a60d-92af-4693-8455-e07877d28eee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:59.598", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMXiP2QKgZKxK2fWWtVx39Rb7tLgLEceHpu8rvwW7Kog", "txHash": "0xcf738101374b6ca1e430eba152808dcb07a039a0d5361623752b296ab280a871", "createdAtBlock": 14703029, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7339, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer David of the Desert", "text": "The wind blew across the bare branches of the dead trees, due to the quantum shadow only dead trees were left in these once vibrant woods. \n\nDavid floated above the dreary woods. He recalled a time long before, before the shadow. He recalled a life as a child playing in the woods, jumping over streams and climbing trees. He continued thinking about old memories, and would likely have continued for a while longer had he not been roused from his memories by a loud caw.\n\n\"Huh?\" he murmured \"What is it?,\" \n\n\"*cawwwwww*\" \n\n\"Yes, yes I remember, pay attention.\" \n\n\"*caww*\" \n \n\nRadar was looking at him reproachfully, which he did deserve, but it did look strange on a crow though.\n\nJust as he was about to slip into his thoughts he was once again interrupted but this time by a roar. The roar came from something that was similar to a pterodactyl but with two pairs of wings. \n\nThe monster charged forward and opened its mouth but eat David but instead ended up getting smacked with a two ton rock which broke off two of its wings and sent it crashing down on to the ground."} +{"id": "69658921-e0ce-4d1c-aaef-af0dc3340e6a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:45.209", "backgroundColor": "#110f30", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5L5xPd1jDhsuWdkTV4Qg1K7FkvnUzywrfy4VDjG2r5o", "txHash": "0x5eeb00e37d1d8a62f3a380ab9e78ade9b4248083aa75b4c2694a925874cb9217", "createdAtBlock": 15014451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4263, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRcJdts3VG5v9cjuFkr39ehiHV4fxjmqgKneBqE25iiLi", "name": "Cryptomancer Shroomer of the Lake", "text": "# What Has Shroomer done now?! \n\n\n\n@wizard4814, @beast5, @beastspawn13, @beastspawn180, @beastspawn215, @beastspawn237, @beastspawn263, @beastspawn188, @beastspawn45"} +{"id": "17ea5cd0-bd78-4b31-ad45-381ed7d88842-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:19.902", "backgroundColor": "#4a3f4f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU9i9jhQPSRuACfGVM1dzmmx4DKCLggwmZ7gts4VHTA8", "txHash": "0x0ccca7c1dc2e928d3f879c4cf16a51e64fa7156944147097ce2edc1695d57faa", "createdAtBlock": 14776041, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4662, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nomusa Razer of Nothing", "text": "# Nomusa Razer of Nothing\n\n## + Upbringing \nNomusa grew in the village of the unknown. She was sacrificed to the spawned beasts to protect her people.. Or so she tells herself. \n\n## + 15 years later \n\nGrowing fickle allegiances of other travelers of the night, Nomusa trusted **NO ONE** but knew it suited her best chance at survival in this ruthless world. Her passion of protecting the magical land and it's beasts were far greater a war than just she could accomplish on her own. \n\n## + What's next? \n**Freedom** was always the path for this Warrior heart. No home to claim & no ruler to obey to. \n\nTo be determined where her journey leads. \nFriendship's may blossom @warrior3957?\n\n> *\"We have a duty to this land. Protect it from the ruins of those who reign in the power of evil.\"* - Nomusa"} +{"id": "2e0d8288-6418-47fa-9d11-1eb1a7a7f5dd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:22.064", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRnUYDyzP9jqxiirs1CpGNJw6v8q7J6KMAroCckTVun53", "txHash": "0x524503ac5d0d73d481a3d8a3106e18bb15b53d13ee738dea2ef7f586006fa715", "createdAtBlock": 15124951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 907, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lucy Lasher of the Wild", "text": "# Wrong Barbecue\n\nWrong barbecue, Lucy panted as she uncoiled her whip from an overhanging branch after swinging across the canal. She hit the ground running, coiling her whip in her hands as she ran. Those wizards have been hitting the potion bottles too hard Morti, she panted to the onyx panther fleeing for its life beside her. \n\nSome golden skeletal wizard and his pals had crashed the barbecue. Which was fine, who doesnt love a few magic tricks at a nice barbecue? But then one of his buddies whispers something into his ear and he just starts screaming about floors. Next thing you know this mad man summons the sacred flame! If thats not crazy enough, he summoned it on top of some poor warrior! That poor guy will never dispatch a dock again! \n\nLucy couldnt believe her eyes. No warrior had ever been consumed by the flame before! She took a step back and eyed the cockatrice she had brought, thinking maybe some well lashed meat might calm this wizard down, they were known to be cranky when hungry after all. Thats when two other warriors suddenly went up in flame and Lucy bolted. She could hear the screams of her fellow warriors as flesh and armor melted away. She didnt look back.\n\nLucy made the gates to the Citadel and kept running until she reached the outskirts of the Wilds. Finally slowing, and feeling safe in more familiar territory, she settled on two things: First, she was really hungry and super pissed that crazy wizard forced her to abandon that cockatrice meat. Second, The Runiverse needed to change. Wizards could no longer be left unchecked. \n\nShe was going to rebel.\n\n**NEVER FORGOTTEN**"} +{"id": "2e0d8288-6418-47fa-9d11-1eb1a7a7f5dd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:22.064", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRnUYDyzP9jqxiirs1CpGNJw6v8q7J6KMAroCckTVun53", "txHash": "0x524503ac5d0d73d481a3d8a3106e18bb15b53d13ee738dea2ef7f586006fa715", "createdAtBlock": 15124951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 907, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lucy Lasher of the Wild", "text": "She was going to rebel.\n\n**NEVER FORGOTTEN**\n\n@warrior1009 \n@warrior11648 \n@warrior9404 \n@warrior10079 \n@warrior10078 \n@warrior10076 \n@warrior10080 \n@warrior3194 \n@warrior9383 \n@warrior10077 \n@warrior13395 \n@warrior3917 \n@warrior11937"} +{"id": "e22c4670-b867-4847-b3ea-03f1bf5d28d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:19.031", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVATZubEzewsJ1UBdsuBgiUGExrrhMZ6PLEjLM9CkBig9", "txHash": "0xbe9d86bd22cb81538fbf4ac1d9261c91e6e74b22e873349d763da5801e184287", "createdAtBlock": 13525876, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1949, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Chiyo of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Chiyo of the Valley\n\nMy heart aches as I make this final decision in hopes to spend eternity with you. Forever our souls entwined in death, my love."} +{"id": "713e7790-d771-43f2-8b1c-30329c42518f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:51.046", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb87fuCjT3Fxdx6PCCWPtDg1u8gR6tK6WCjH6ZgnmUSnD", "txHash": "0xebcfde2f1a73931e059618cd7648fd8a8da32fe8792aeea961db3d8115f4fd9e", "createdAtBlock": 15019246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12569, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaMpX1UvQHKDcJ3ZvfqkrxGaeNSxkxS2jbYsQsZgshJXA", "name": "Dain Savior of the Grass", "text": "# It's Bugbear Season!"} +{"id": "59890ab6-f50d-4756-bc67-50bb23e46cbe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:49.38", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPAnSDGKPLAQcpLBdfRSNumzgVFJLusWVbd4AJb7KNAWh", "txHash": "0xc0db44b7663650cbd00e0a58aaa3f894eefd51f289437b33cc0f718584928785", "createdAtBlock": 15052258, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11534, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tooka Dissector of the Horde", "text": "Tooka Dissector became a hero His adventures and his many victories became the stuff of legend, and he was forever known as the generous and brave warrior"} +{"id": "3ae10d6d-05d8-4c2f-85f8-12b69b56c3ac-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:58.864", "backgroundColor": "#380f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW6HtcBugY9cHt9WrovZQX6nZZ74C4g2Z393ZRs8Grz8s", "txHash": "0xcf925656e3089a44bc59e6ee61eeabe9b2a7e3c263db3e4c387dcd9b06f65bbc", "createdAtBlock": 14970905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11828, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPcpkYYXeojBGgvwKyjQ6J8epmPmPc6qwKeR1EFPMeoVk", "name": "Chubble Exterminator of Glory", "text": "# Chubble \n## Exterminator of Glory\n\n# Cold dry Eyes, Even colder still Veins.\n# I lie in wait, In your moment of Victory, Weighing your Glory.\n# I will Exterminate You.\n# I will pull your Tongue from Your Skull."} +{"id": "bc65bbd4-eaf9-48f1-bbf7-e3c9ba6f4adb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:01.136", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc4je4s6KbcMeV3XrQSKcXSJJq8Y1MD5Mkm8ewQNaEfG8", "txHash": "0x56b7a6cebf680e2d5b350c14a740f19994401650196df48679070bf74171d8c6", "createdAtBlock": 14974711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of the Hollow", "text": "Part II\n\ncoming soon..."} +{"id": "6fb605bd-0443-40bb-a0d5-407f07ae8c32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:31.657", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeC25UUSB5DdmHq1gSxMSqQVDGcokQ5yLmMgDtb7B7WxU", "txHash": "0xa6b7db9282c21a11d54772315aee4094b7e60387014a06dfeeae87079f0c5fdb", "createdAtBlock": 14120147, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 980, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Finn of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Finn of the Brambles\n\nHe isknown as Fin to his friends and kin, but to the witches and fairies they call him chad, Enchanter finn of the brambles is best known for his ability consume almost as many fairies and wiches asa he does his favorite forgotten tavern brew this is where the witches and faires of the FRWC go to seek out this mac daddy of love making.\n\nFinn is a humble man but other wizards have accused him of wizard supremacy at times as he has a disdain for dragons, bats, and other creaters found in his brambles. The only thing Finn is supreme at is love making. In fact it is well known secret that Finn has fathered over 50% of all the wizards,fairies and witches in the runiverse. \n\nA typical day for Finn is sending the witch from the night before away smiling before picking some fresh fruit from the brambles he hails from , delivering them to his order adresses (where he usually satisfies more than just the stay at homewitches and fairies hunger) hence why its a well known secret. Most wizards dont seem to care as he is a polite enchanting wizard. After delivering his \"fruit\" to the ladies he heads over to his favorite watering hole the forgotten tavern where its always a good time with his pals and gals. Finn is always fending off the witches and fairies in between his favorite forgotten tavern brew as they wait with baited breath hoping he will pick them at the end of the night to be his bed mate hoping to capture some of his wiz jizz and after he grabs his witch or fairy of delight the rest sigh in sadness and settle for wizards with less than a quarter of Finns love making might."} +{"id": "6fb605bd-0443-40bb-a0d5-407f07ae8c32-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:31.657", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeC25UUSB5DdmHq1gSxMSqQVDGcokQ5yLmMgDtb7B7WxU", "txHash": "0xa6b7db9282c21a11d54772315aee4094b7e60387014a06dfeeae87079f0c5fdb", "createdAtBlock": 14120147, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 980, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Finn of the Brambles", "text": "Many speculate its the frog skin , or the teverns witches brew (his favorite ale) many will never know but enchanter finn of the brambles is a product of his environment the berries are what keeps the witches and fairies flocking to his front door hoping for some of that Finn necter."} +{"id": "a9178e68-593f-4912-975d-c95c86423f79-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:42.512", "backgroundColor": "#042f02", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeWhSf2U4TwoM6jajj9SQz3SUHcjS9G7rUve2ueuECrhg", "txHash": "0x5b2b4a2198cd2954c3e6235ae8f225204fddcbed391e50c290ebfb79eba931ee", "createdAtBlock": 16101671, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1364, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Baird of the Wood", "text": "# The Woodsman\n\nMonster. Imbecile. Timid. Kind. Among those who have seen him wandering the Wood, each person would describe him differently. However, there are a few things everyone can agree on: his language skills are limited, hes not accustomed to other people, and he could use a shower. \n\nhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQh-7Hmhf9JRW3WH9qtPEMJIQPboeXJ86-ycVVCaHuw3hkpGfh5MITMnV9Kn_JvFfjFZyrIXGtxvTUe/pub"} +{"id": "f8481f20-3d85-4ebc-8fe3-1b0a2f016181-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:32.492", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeuFk69HWFaqwpXCy7z7YYxyRrQubuoVz33emx2rRU5R1", "txHash": "0x446d6fdac6397e12c86f90553e8a9cd694af73883fa2632600f67e3a4928e65d", "createdAtBlock": 14120573, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 107, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept David of the Marsh", "text": "The Lore of Adept David of the Marsh\n\nLittle is known of David of the Marsh other than tales told by the few who have crossed his path. His magical abilities are quite impressive and he is especially known for his adept use of cloaking spells. He leaves no trace as he moves in silence through the lands.\n\nHis origins are largely unknown as he is generally a man of few words. He is believed to have once been a family man who lived peacefully in the marshes of the Runiverse. The stories claim that he lost his family after a Big Potion barrel cart mysteriously exploded near his home. Rumor has it that the day of the accident David was off on a long journey to Goblin Town and returned days later to the charred ruins of his old life.\n\nHe now wanders the lands in search of answers accompanied by his companion Fox. He is known to have worked as an assassin, a mercenary, and a body guard in the past. However, his selectiveness with the clients he is willing to serve especially his selectiveness with the targets he is willing to eliminate have caused him to fall out of favor with some of the shadowy guilds that operate across the continent."} +{"id": "e29ad9a3-d891-4e01-8dc3-d7a3c78a6690-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-19T11:25:52.238", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcNWoERaH4PihSsisG4DAmgScUAvbkrx9aCHQn2K14hzE", "txHash": "0x4fe7782024165e9e52719cf9e4153e546703fac1d7e44231ea75e830c4530253", "createdAtBlock": 15172787, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10696, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maud Cleaver of Goblins", "text": "I cleave and heave. Cleave Goblins for a living. Their intestines fall on top of me. Goblins get ready to shout. I dont have time for their stupid crows and they cant argue. I have a cave to breach. People died so I could have this body. I want it to finish like this. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. My friend @wizard7484 is looking me straight in the eye.\n\n\"Be warned, dear friend\" He speaks in a slow nasely voice. \"For your every kill brings you one step closer to entering the void.\"\n\n@wizard7484 looks down at me. \"You have fallen in the Shaper's trap. You are now part of the Everlasting. The one thought you now have is to survive as long as possible.\"\n\nNow there is a knock at my door. I respond. \"Enter.\"\n\nThey dont respond. I finally kick the door down. When the door opens a goblin speaks up. \"What do you want, you idiot? Im not going in there, you idiot. I dont know any shaper.\"\n\nI shake my head. I can't let him know what I just did. I know he's right. He can't go in there, but if I can get him to leave, I can go in there myself. I pull my axe back. The goblin cowers. I finally come to an agreement.\n\n\"The goblin stands his ground, ready for battle.\n\n@wizard7484 follows me in. I look the goblin in the eye. \"You'll need to leave now.\"\n\nThe goblin's face splits in half when my axe hits it."} +{"id": "cba28c8e-413d-4ca8-8472-c86859e2812b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-19T19:31:24.131", "backgroundColor": "#3e68b0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAbSABLBe4icXnAQkZCCAG7YTnyQXrvMYjniyJaRmBQz", "txHash": "0xc933eae01f7fd57cb982881191684f162dc9377eb472b74ace0243914ebfae56", "createdAtBlock": 15174982, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9824, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Runecaster Eden of the Ether", "text": "# Runecaster Eden of The Ether\n\n\n# *\"YOU SHALL NOT PASS\"*"} +{"id": "be76651f-14a8-4c1c-b007-45bca92ac7aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:33.217", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR7h3rgsFtpXcWYmDaV1bhmPZbAvrS1R9uNZiYpZstX3C", "txHash": "0x47de5d1499103d378971d4a6287f08629255627172b539de2332f8629c3c3a25", "createdAtBlock": 14120697, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2122, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Agapito of the Atheneum", "text": "Artificer Agapito of the Atheneum #2122\n\nWho is the Wooden Boy with the Solar Staff chaperoned by a Golden Toad? \n\nHe is know as Articifer Agapito of the Atheneum! \n\nKnow one really knows his real story but many rumors have swirled about his past. \n\nMany have said things like , that he can talk telepathically with his toad, and that in some instances the toad is speaking through him. \n\nAre the boy and the toad one in the same? \n\nPerhaps the answer or the secret, can be found in the special magical powers of his Solar Staff. \n\nClaim it , if you dare! Many have tried! All have failed!"} +{"id": "d92f0d0e-80bc-4e73-913e-89c03531e43b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:51.987", "backgroundColor": "#331247", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR3ev3nckqivdLHmRnxYrQzYcqvNFPrgMFavoT2hQVzHD", "txHash": "0x5bb89daf564749b6168c657f5a4823db5ec86e26e047e379d97c87ae26aa76bf", "createdAtBlock": 14521520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Freddie the Stupendous", "text": "# Freddie\n\nFrost on the windows, seeping through the cracks of this old and mouldy barn. \nCold lonely nights, waiting for the shadows to finally take over my soul. \nThe cawing of crows, howls of wolves, echoing in the distant plains. \nThe creaking of a door opening, shy footsteps, and a careful stare.\n\nWas this the light, the signal to finally give up this useless fight? \nIcicles on your robes, carefully holding this magic globe. \nProudly wearing this purple hat, despite your hair tangled in mats. \nYou were scared, as was I. \nYou were famished, as was I. \nFreezing, shivering, keen to find a place to lie. \n\nI didnt have to glare, didnt have to let you know I too was in despair. \nCurled up with care, resisting this hostile winter air. \nAlas, I'm just a pony, the darkness teasing me, How enticing would it be. \nO take me gloom, I can't see, is this doom or a blindfold. \nIn this dark room, You approached me. \nHuddled, and told me: It won't take thee, this freezing cold. \n\nBorn in this dark room, soon to be my wooden tomb. \nYou gave me strength, you gave me will. \nWont die on this hill, tis but a chill. \n\nWeve never left each others side. \nFrom dawn to dusk, together we ride. \nThis coldness, I never miss. \nI love life, life is bliss. \nYears on the road, you made a promise. \nThe whole Runiverse, I would gaze upon. \nOn every village door, I would step on."} +{"id": "d92f0d0e-80bc-4e73-913e-89c03531e43b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:51.987", "backgroundColor": "#331247", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR3ev3nckqivdLHmRnxYrQzYcqvNFPrgMFavoT2hQVzHD", "txHash": "0x5bb89daf564749b6168c657f5a4823db5ec86e26e047e379d97c87ae26aa76bf", "createdAtBlock": 14521520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 148, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Freddie the Stupendous", "text": "The Citadels marble paths. \nThe kobolds muddy baths. \nDream Masters glistening Lake. \nO Every path, we will take.\n\nWe laughed, we cried. \nWe fought, with pride. \nWe marvelled with every stride. \nDay and night, tide after tide. \n\nOne day, we got away. \nThe graze of a Fey, innocent, but will slay. \nI gallop, neigh, miles ahead I finally lay. \nWe made it Master, we were almost prey. \n\nI can feel it, I can feel your heartbeat. \nWhat is it, why cant you stand on your feet. \nThe light in your eyes, it slowly fleets. \nThe rot on your arm, quick, medicine, you must eat. \n\nWhich one do you need? \nMaster, I plead. \nWhich one will stop the bleed? \n\nA vague souvenir. \nAn old memory, now clear. \nYou once felt like this, oh no my dear.. \nIt won't take thee, this freezing cold. \nIt's not that time, were not that old. \n\nEverything I would see, Master, you promised me. \nI cant be alone, Master, it frightens me. \nDeep inside, you know, Im still that pony. \n\nI hold my breath, you hold my mane. \nTake my hat, you say in vain. \nIll be with you, through the arcane. \nFinish the goal, conquer all plains. \n\nYou fade away, I hold my pain."} +{"id": "a09c0d6d-53ef-421c-8cc2-cfc5a8ec82f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:33.943", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaXD567FvREqKkotfUQURkHvyg3CTTjuw8G9ja3PbLvtJ", "txHash": "0xf17930558dbdc167a3d5fd0a621fd85cfb9d47f16beab826dc0008ea2ee30144", "createdAtBlock": 14121670, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 218, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Orpheus of the Keep", "text": "RE: RSVP\n\nThank you for your interest! Awarded Best Magi Instructor in the North by three Wizarding organizations, Orpheus is indeed as mysterious as he is eclectic. His familiar Cashmere here; unfortunately most of my duties now revolve around clerical magic. No, not healing magic, desk job tripe. \n\nIf you're indeed still inquiring about attending one of his parties, the wait list is around three to seven months. Good luck!"} +{"id": "9b97843f-ae27-41d1-9cce-f09efb45745d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:17.668", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUC8xaVCmFyY9CmYxRS9J3a54M4eSQHFH6UfkesoU51cc", "txHash": "0xae73b287d21770268a8a3b646ecb6f82b04937009deaab2d1017d828d02f1fd0", "createdAtBlock": 14734274, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7436, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Davos of the Hollow", "text": "Davos, a Myrdinn artificer. Or more accurately, a failure of an artificer. These guys, they are supposed to be bearers of Keys ! But Davos, he bears an Orb Staff. And with that, zero runic abilities whatsoever.\n\nThis poor Myrdinn does not even have a familiar to support him, no wonder why his peers pick on him all day long : Davos the Hollow, Knock Knock ? Hollow !, Hey Dave, got the key ?... dudes torments never end.\n\nAt night, Davos wonders : is it a curse or some greater destiny awaiting ? This Orb staff must reveal its secret, it must be the Key to something he often thinks to himself.\n\nYet missing guidance and proper knowledge about his device, all Davos is left with is anything but a clue."} +{"id": "b9af8b2b-7420-4b68-94f6-f6016a568987-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-30T02:28:04.696", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1hcp6HcpwhFGhiUEeWzLgnRV4bSeyBrKr16zwvnZj2h", "txHash": "0x5f6cf27788dbae90de72be7a23756eeb699386bf414d1d38e053b39ee21209a2", "createdAtBlock": 15241145, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10971, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV4E4YSgJwo1ymAEdY14cNtcTvvQBZRSoVjKYbvJxk5sA", "name": "Geoffrey Waster of the Rock", "text": "On Ethereum block 15241107, Geoffrey Waster of the Rock passed through The Sacred Flame and became a Soul\n\n\n\nGo to Lore for this Soul"} +{"id": "0a06bdf4-c960-4976-8f09-4f8d9b410e23-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:36.243", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX9sdpvFWuQQ6iqyHkVvgLnUzfehrBY1v44e2TkKELD7n", "txHash": "0x07413520cff6c06fd3f29417d188d6fa4d0e60efb53d2ac0277ea558ec66dff8", "createdAtBlock": 14121991, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5376, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grape Jelly Donut", "text": "at the end of the tunnel, you reach a large, moldy stone room, dimly lit by an eerie tarnished, but quite ornate, candelabra..\n\nin the center of the room, a smooth cylindrical stand about chest high, perhaps made of ebony, if it is or ever was dark, heavy wood at all. the sides of the stand seem to have a dark milkiness to them, and the shades within the stand appear to your eye to be.. moving, and shifting slowly.. \n\natop the stand sits a plush, evergreen colored silk pillow.\n\nyou can barely make out the runes on the large cylinder stand, but you can tell they are changing as you move closer.\n\nas you creep to within five feet - you see what sits atop the pillow.\n\na glowing jelly donut.\n\nconfused, you see the runes mottle and begin to take a new runic form.. \n\nwait, you recognize these runes.. now you can almost hear a groan within your skull, but you are certain your auditory senses heard nothing...\n\nthe groan in your head grows more compelling, and you begin to feel the power of its commanding magic.. as you read the runes you realize your folly, as they match the geas now cemented in your skull.. and you are now just another corporeal servant..\n\n***E A T M E***"} +{"id": "259ee176-5be1-4b2c-9ff7-fd3d885abead-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:36.973", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfFj2GGXkwok9awvB5ei1J8DRWtctKz39KejVDwFQpPSH", "txHash": "0x29666d999b459b382db161ad076a4ac4a8ea3b73aed6269be9c447cfd30bb8d2", "createdAtBlock": 14122036, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 42, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Voidoth of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Cosmic Mage Voidoth of the Ether\n\nVoidoth likes death. As in, he really loves it...obsessed really. Not only death, but blood, gore, darkness, black magic, demonic rituals, horror movies, the works. Some might even say he's emo, but you better not say that to his face, lest you find the blade of a scythe swooping down towards your neck. Voidoth's real name is Percy, but that doesn't quite invoke the kind of foreboding, malevolent vibe he desires, so he had it changed at the town magistrate's office.\n\nVoidoth tells everyone he was orphaned at the age of 5, but in truth, both his parents are still alive and in great health. He doesn't return their calls or letters though, and only begrudgingly tolerates the annual holiday family dinner get-together. They always ask him annoying questions every time he sees them, such as \"why aren't you married yet?\" (no woman is worthy to wed death incarnate), \"why is your complexion so pale?\" (he spends 2 hours every morning with a professional make-up artist to get it that way), \"can I borrow your scythe to chop these carrots for the stew?\" (no, the scythe is only for decapitating heads), and \"Percy, why do you keep insisting we call you Voidoth?\" (fools, that should've been his name from the very beginning). To be honest, sometimes he's tempted to reap them too to rid himself of the nuisance, but his mother sends him a basket of fresh homemade muffins every month, and his father always comes over to fix the plumbing when the toilet clogs, so he tolerates their continued existence...for now."} +{"id": "259ee176-5be1-4b2c-9ff7-fd3d885abead-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:36.973", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfFj2GGXkwok9awvB5ei1J8DRWtctKz39KejVDwFQpPSH", "txHash": "0x29666d999b459b382db161ad076a4ac4a8ea3b73aed6269be9c447cfd30bb8d2", "createdAtBlock": 14122036, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 42, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Voidoth of the Ether", "text": "Voidoth's ultimate ambition is to become the Grim Reaper, the very embodiment of death itself. According to the lore, the only way to ascend to the position is to slay the current Reaper, so Voidoth has been hard at work trying to figure out just how to do that. He knows the Reaper won't go down easily, legend says it has been millennia since that position changed hands, but Voidoth is confident in his own abilities, and in the knowledge that there is no one more suitable for the job than himself. He truly looks forward to the day when he can become even more deathly...plus, he really wants that Reaper scythe, contrary to popular wisdom, size does matter. In the meantime, he has been settling for cosplaying as the Grim Reaper at conventions, which is a pretty easy look for him to pull off since his natural loadout everyday is already halfway there."} +{"id": "2b0576d7-7a60-4b68-95f6-5f10b10884b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:31.994", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPjnRbhzp6nXKEvfLUnsBVo8atCCFmg1HUbUqPX6Jj9xg", "txHash": "0x2edc04f01b82bc4fd9d2859bd6dc717ad636cfdba5bc9dc809322cceaf76244e", "createdAtBlock": 14992162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5338, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Emerson Belligerent of the Alley", "text": "Emerson Belligerent of the Alley, slayed many foes who dared to go against him."} +{"id": "5a374286-e1aa-4b07-a6c1-aa7b17b8fa19-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-30T09:03:40.842", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNs4TPKG8PMj4qd6kpUCUae7g42HuzosweHmU1Nf73an9", "txHash": "0xde666b5dde6efe513e6aca90173b9318abee99426f86b55a221b4b3f2dd218e2", "createdAtBlock": 15242873, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1513, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeF87e5sbhiWxdMp6xF1JBJy3opBLS6wQpqJ6zYjR7XgG", "name": "Chase Attacker of Giants", "text": "# Guardian of the Life Spell Lock\n\nChase the holy giant whose sole purpose is to guard the relic from the gate. He comes from the long line of warriors trained to watch the Gate of the Seventh Realm. \n\nAfter the beasts were unleashed and the gate was broken the holy giant was assigned to guard the Lock with the most Sacred emblem, the Life Spell.\n\nNow he carries the eternal shield of love as a sign of his duty. \n\n# The relic he watches\n\n\n# THE WRAITH THAT WATCHES OVER HIM"} +{"id": "f6592793-9b97-4c6f-91db-e76ec396f89b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:35.423", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFB1BuzdMH8Bo82C9hDptFRUyNzH9ryFn5U6wnWg96C6", "txHash": "0xb85ace575a07313cb26ec0089b9430d684c4513addd319549433b4bcf04eb821", "createdAtBlock": 14121857, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 95, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Soya of the Psychic Leap", "text": "\"A key to the 7th Realm is as heavy as an anvil, and requires intense magical concentration just to avoid painful calamity. On more than one occasion, I have been distracted enough to drop and break a few toes. Now I wear magical slippers as strong as titanium. Just ask my familiar Otto about these key drops - unfortunately he had to have his tail regrown by Archmagus Orpheus up North once, and you know how pretentious he is. Otto almost chose not to have his tail mended..\" Soya Journal, Wednesday, 13:11\n\n\"Working with Otto on some conjure mentalism this week. Summoning useful tools and amenities is draining on my channeling energy. It's not just about magic - it's about entertainment an convenience. Otto may never be able to summon a sailboat in the middle of a raging flood - but hey, if you forgot to pick up your favorite nut butter at the market? Very useful. TBH if he complains, I just lift the key of the 7th realm again and he pipes down fast.\" Soya Journal, Wednesday, 15:12"} +{"id": "85d58b27-8d4e-4e8b-bef0-4c2d649cd5c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:51.396", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1BvNak7aAgG7yF2RYGHaGZ3vhh37tqySVeRKm6zxN98", "txHash": "0xa18dffbee9471a95b4fdf29836e41fa6481410f9517cd3efa774e4f09c497e47", "createdAtBlock": 14966240, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12401, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marie Marauder of Xanadu", "text": "Sometimes the lore we leave unwritten is the most important one that should have been said"} +{"id": "bd0b7d1b-720e-4fcf-a2b5-34af6cac6120-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:29.28", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmeq6dttSs7r3BJomGFXyJVYaLf6zWgaeZ1itR8FcXMNKH", "txHash": "0x8a6c8c666569a0a79752949a23876b0b137038b1458697373dc079025e275d02", "createdAtBlock": 14878528, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1006, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdNZxJAD27U5Y71UamLfMVSVg5R9X8SjcSYhEYtk5cbjy", "name": "Octavius Mincer of the Good Luck Squad", "text": "# Octavius Mincer of the Good Luck Squad\n\n_GOOD LUCK SQUAD_\n\nOcatvius knows only his belief in the *balance of battle*.\n\nThat's why he has no affinity for runes. He follows the path of the **Karma-warrior**.\nHe belongs to the legendary Karma warriors of the *Good Luck Squad*. And he prefers to fight side by side with his best friend @warrior378 !\n\nOctavius wears no armor, he trusts his karma, his luck.\nIn addition, he usually gets into a wild frenzy and is fully immersed in the fight.\n\nHis banner color is red, his long sword is red, his desire is the blood of those who are imbalanced and strive against the principle of karma..\n\n\n\n*..run infidels!*, **run!**"} +{"id": "9051c1c7-c71e-4488-b138-9f095e97dd37-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:59.215", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbKLKHkbfA5bcDzgGkXqomFy4ybNHMHz2WDWKaEh3Rpzx", "txHash": "0xe76394ce91d530d9260386499b7c5adc081dfae8cd4b51790dadd6c5c84bf78a", "createdAtBlock": 15244512, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "Krafili throws a log on the fire and sits down in his chair, then strikes a match and lights his pipe. As he begins to puff on his pipe, a hand slaps him on the back of his head. \n\nSMACK\n\n\"No smoking around the children!\" His wife says. \n\nRubbing the back of his head, he grumbles to himself as he puts out his pipe.\n\nHe reaches up above the fireplace for his sword, which is covered in chips and scratches. \n\nKrafili is a tall kobold with a large red beard that is starting to gray. His belly, which you can tell from his build, used to be hard as iron; Now, its begun to bloat from lack of exercise. He has scars all up and down his arms and legs. The largest of scars is one that goes across his face spanning from the top of his hairline and disappears down into his beard.\n\nHe settles into his large chair made of deer hide. Children start to gather around him, eagerly awaiting his tales. \n\nKrafili settles the children with a wave of his giant arm and takes a deep breath. \n\n\"Settle down, settle down, grandpa has a tale for you!\" \n\nThe room goes quiet and the crackling of the fire fills the space.\n\n\"You wanna know where this chip came from?\"\n\n \"YES!!\" scream the children\n\n \"Okay, okay, settle down.\" He chuckles to himself a bit and begins \"Have you ever heard of the goblin king, Grugal?\" \n\n\"NO!!\" yelled the children. \n\n\"Oh, stop making stuff up,\" says his wife as she sits next to him and sips her tea. She grabs her knitting needles and continues knitting what appears to be some sort of hat.\n\nHe shoots her a playful glance and looks back at the children."} +{"id": "9051c1c7-c71e-4488-b138-9f095e97dd37-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:59.215", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbKLKHkbfA5bcDzgGkXqomFy4ybNHMHz2WDWKaEh3Rpzx", "txHash": "0xe76394ce91d530d9260386499b7c5adc081dfae8cd4b51790dadd6c5c84bf78a", "createdAtBlock": 15244512, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "He shoots her a playful glance and looks back at the children.\n\n\"Well!\" he begins, \"Grugal wasn't a very big goblin but he was as strong as an ox and carried a great sword on his back. He had red eyes and breath that could kill an ogre!\" \n\nHe grabs his nose and begins fanning his face as the children begin to laugh.\n\n\"I had to fight through hundreds of goblins to get to the king but when I did we had a fight that would make the great Merlin cower in fear!\"\n\nThe children gasp.\n\nHis wife starts to pay less attention to the knitting as she listens to him speak, as if she hasn't heard this story a thousand times by now.\n\n\"On my way back from my adventures in the Quantum Shadow, I passed by this strange town in the middle of nowhere. Having run low on supplies, I decided to stop in to restock. As I approached the town, an arrow whizzed by my head, nearly hitting me. But I was too quick for the arrow, and dodged it!\" \n\nRECORD SCRATCH \n\nKrafilis' wife butts in. \n\n\"We both know goblins have awful aim, I'm sure they were nowhere near yo- \" \n\n\" Hey! I'm telling the story here!\" Krafili exclaims.\n\nAhem \n\n\"As I was saying,\" Krafili continues, \"well...okay, maybe the arrow wasn't that close but I could feel the evil intention behind the shot!\" \n\nThe children begin to snicker. \"Grandpa, are you telling fibs?\" asks the youngest of the kids.\n \n\"No, I'm not telling fibs, I'm just telling you the truth as I remember,\" replies Krafili.\n\n\"You would forget where you left your head if it wasn't attached to you,\" his wife butts in."} +{"id": "9051c1c7-c71e-4488-b138-9f095e97dd37-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:59.215", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbKLKHkbfA5bcDzgGkXqomFy4ybNHMHz2WDWKaEh3Rpzx", "txHash": "0xe76394ce91d530d9260386499b7c5adc081dfae8cd4b51790dadd6c5c84bf78a", "createdAtBlock": 15244512, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "\"Pish, posh, woman!\" says Krafili, trying to seem stern, but smirking under his beard.\n\n\"Now, where was I?\" he says as he strokes his beard. \n\n\"Oh yes! I was riding into town and an arrow struck my helmet and bounced off.\n\nHe shoots a look over to his wife, which, she understands, means to just let him have his fun. \n\nHe proceeds, \"I began to serpentine towards the city and saw on the wall of the city, thousands of goblins!\" \n\n\"Grandpa, do you mean that town around Kelpie's bay? Because that town is pretty small!\" \n\n\"Well, who do you think cut it down to that size?!\" Krafili says while slicing the air with his arm. \n\n\"I destroyed that town and made it look like a simple village!\"\n\n\"WOW!!\" say all the children together. \n\n\"I took out every goblin in that town before the sun set! I entered the main castle of the town to find the king awaiting mewe then fought until the sun came up!\"\n\nDING \n\n\"Oh my, I'm sorry, dear, the cookies are ready, I'll be right back.\" Krafilis wife says, as she puts down her knitting needles and gets up, walking to the kitchen. \n\n\"Cookies sound good right about now, what do yall think? Let's eat, then I'll tell you about the battle of the century!\""} +{"id": "1e8d5828-6f7f-4b07-9f00-a24b70ec571d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:41.238", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRqpdxqd2Nbi1Q5FffQ3Rv78wNPNXXAJWYYBvg6bMQjzU", "txHash": "0x53b0f1369b27e8d2df7d30488f179784c99ccdd3cc54db71e4ca755b46e43921", "createdAtBlock": 14123437, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9700, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Lamia of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Scryer Lamia of the Hall\n\nAs he walked into the tavern, monkey following his shadow, Scryer Lamia said not but a word. There had been rumors of a scryer that spent his time shifting throughout the night, telling those who dared, how they passed to the next life. The scryer had a magic deck of cards, and with that magic deck, could predict the future. Only those who dared would approach the scryer in fear of unfurling an unpleasant truth. However the say of the town, was if Scryer Lamia approached you, he touch your face causing partial blindness, but the power to see into the future.\n\nNo one knows where the Scryer Lamia lives or where he keeps his magic deck of cards. Those daring enough to try and touch them have reported burn marks on their hands and a deep pain in their chest.\n\nScryer Lamia of the Hall is in outsider to the non-magical, but is on a quest to find the White Lady, to deliver a message..."} +{"id": "521bac50-c618-46f9-bd53-ec8bf3a664d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:41.96", "backgroundColor": "#084600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZyqetsPQMSMwuHRVd9uLN1af4XRW5uDiKDjzvk9u4f5U", "txHash": "0x10707f4900f856e2c72ff76fa3126b95bc8b6dda531f026d6ff559b00beade1b", "createdAtBlock": 14123594, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1014, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ratko of the Havens", "text": "# Battle Mage Ratko of the Havens: \n\n# ~The Lore~\n\nBorn in the sticks, Ratko spent his early days rambling around the mountains surrounding his peaceful home down in a holler.\n\nAlways kind to his critter and an avid hunter of mountain game oldboy can survive anywhere. Unjust centralizers locked his family up to steal their lands for mineral rights.\n\nIt is then Ratko realized it was not enough to just enjoy this world. He was going to have to fight for it.\n\nRatko crawled out of the holler with his trusty mr.Kitty by his side, on a quest to free the world of the cruelties of power centralization.\n\nOne day Ratko hopes to prevent predatory resource extraction, end debtors jailing, and maybe then kickback and setup shop in the woods again.\n\nFor now he sips on shade he brews from an old family recipe at night to keep his heart strong through his battles.\n\nThere's a hell of a lot of old money trying to maintain centralization, but with patience and grit Ratko hopes to outbuild them all.\n\nFuck what ya heard we gon decentralize everything and unbreak this beautiful world."} +{"id": "c0df87c3-31e1-4f6b-a3f0-4b7a39bcfe67-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:42.764", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXQNNh9uuYuno5j7xJqHkuKLM3FmWvGxDvtfGgcdRNj9M", "txHash": "0x3fa64c4b477408cb34f35204eaa32a34383a19bb3f4b7229c1b3e01f81b21d38", "createdAtBlock": 14124518, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3419, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPwYqk3aoFSdHRuyRDoGP5abmK5SQTnUDTuuMuQpapNyy", "name": " Thana of the Forest", "text": "# Thana of the Forest\n\n## 'Elixir'"} +{"id": "e874480c-7dfb-4287-a205-9a53979d1cf9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:09.606", "backgroundColor": "#0c6420", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmah8LxF4fLEUyLEyacaBhi2wnvBjXyvgWvNn4DtxNtGv5", "txHash": "0xcaf7566d13129d1dfc2b41042efb5f4bf69d2de5451f8d9f7d46b4fe21e2f38f", "createdAtBlock": 14911223, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14643, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Duzzle Bruiser of the Ditch", "text": "# Duzzle Bruiser of the Ditch\n\n> Hmmmrph. Duzzle like to play with funny cutesy black lizzardy thingy. But Duzzle can not smashez and bashez with meeze club. Makez the lizzardy thingy mads, mads, mads. Oh yes. Duzzle wants to nots makesies frenz mads. Noze, noze, noze. \n\n>Duzzle iz the captainz of Road Warriorz, and meeze protzects all road in the mountaneous mountainz. Can be lonelys. Sumtimez me fieinz wizzies on the road and me likeses thems. Alwaize nice wizzies who talks to Duzzle. Okays, meeze musts be goingz to bruizez the thingsees on the ditchez and stopping to writezies in theese booksie.\n\n*By Duzzle himself*"} +{"id": "02f4277d-c337-4290-8984-d13c5af6b451-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T05:06:22.79", "backgroundColor": "#51302e", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1Tkhj8aDXfHjuPbV615SxRTJUu1JqjZuaxcGw4m9spK", "txHash": "0x75c34735b9e9a92e0090e627f277bafecf69fed6b5eda787e2afdc654b12f51c", "createdAtBlock": 15177541, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdztQCoLjAaXKAqdajWwD52Mz9Abd1pDDCfzeJkbBcy5H", "name": "Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard", "text": "# The Soul Reaper and His Treasure\n\nThe Forgotten Tavern in Goblin Town smelled of old, stale Goblin Beer as @wizard6136, @wizard4492, and @warrior4171 entered through the creaky front door.\n\nThe tavern was nearly full of wizards and warriors likely in town for the annual festival. \n\n\"Drinks, food, or both?\" a Goblin bartender asks.\n\nDruid Ofaris responded with a smirk and an audible grunt.\n\n\"We're quite full, just a round of drinks, please.\" Shaman Ilyas politely responded.\n\nThe bartender apathetically began pouring 3 glasses of beer when Gorgah interrupted by whispering something to him. Whatever it was that Gorgah said, it struck fear into the bartender. He looked as if he had just lived his worst nightmare while motioning to a door near the back of the tavern.\n\nGorgah, without skipping a beat, headed toward the door as Druid Ofaris and Shaman Ilyas followed, leaving their freshly poured drinks and a fearful bartender behind. \n\nBehind the door were stairs heading down to the cellar of the tavern. On the descent, the group felt the air completely change to a sweeping chill and noticed a faint blue light emanating from below.\n\nAs they made it down, they noticed there was another small bar and a group of more sophisticated wizards down here. In the far corner, they spotted what they were here for, sitting alone. @warrior15526. Likely the most polarizing figure in the Runiverse as of late, right before them.\n\n\nSoul Reaper was sitting with his sword sheathed, shield propped on the ground and he was reading some sort of codex that had a combination of runes and props found about the Runiverse. \n\nNext to him, under the table, was a remarkable looking chest with spikes on either end and three key holes in the shape of the Forgotten Runes."} +{"id": "02f4277d-c337-4290-8984-d13c5af6b451-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T05:06:22.79", "backgroundColor": "#51302e", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1Tkhj8aDXfHjuPbV615SxRTJUu1JqjZuaxcGw4m9spK", "txHash": "0x75c34735b9e9a92e0090e627f277bafecf69fed6b5eda787e2afdc654b12f51c", "createdAtBlock": 15177541, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdztQCoLjAaXKAqdajWwD52Mz9Abd1pDDCfzeJkbBcy5H", "name": "Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard", "text": "\"Thank you for coming.\" Soul Reaper said with a tranquil voice.\n\n\"As you can see, the chest can only be unlocked by three runes. Per the codex, it seems to be the Rune of Brass, Rune of Omega and Rune of Venus. Take this copy of the codex, it has guidance on where one can find these runes. It will not be an easy task and best you work as a team.\"\n\nThe group of three nodded synchronously.\n\n\"What's inside the chest?\" Gorgah asked.\n\nSoul Reaper squinted his fiery blue eyes, which seemed to emit a fog of light and serenely replied \"Perhaps something younger than a Unicorn stallion and older than a Phoenix hatching. Something colder than the depths of Dream Master Lake and hotter than the passions of a mad pyromancer. Or perhaps something to counter a Sacred Flame.\""} +{"id": "9cf4c08e-4807-4178-ae4e-3b9f4b3c5480-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-30T15:20:29.038", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5iecPhgnmdtPUbk5tLz7zqxXqqtQoFYJ9ZQejEMne3y", "txHash": "0x1e3717fd7e27af101ed0679171b44e3c0bae79f4652c47ab9bb7ef0610a61a54", "createdAtBlock": 15244559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "Part 2\n\nKrafili walks in, wiping his fingers on his chest, and goes to the fireplace to stoke the fire. As he pokes the log with a poker, the kids gather around the chair and wait in anticipation.\n\n\"Did y'all thank grandma?\" he asked the kids.\n\n\"Thank you grandma!\" they say in unison.\n\nKrafili sits back into his chair with a grunt and begins. \"Well where was I? Oh yes, the castle. Well as I entered the castle there was a laugh coming from the throne and sitting at the seat was no other thanGRUGAL!\"\n\nHe protrudes his jaw so his bottom teeth are sticking out, and lets out a sinister laugh. The lights in the room suddenly turn off, and the light from the fireplace twists Krafilis face into a menacing creature somewhat resembling a goblin.\n\nThe children scream and the lights come back on revealing grandma standing at the lights with a giant smile across her face.\n\nKrafili and his wife burst out in laughter.\n\n\"Oh I'm so sorry dears! But it was grandpa's idea I promise!\" Grandma says through chuckles.\n\n\"HA HA HA\" Krafilis booming laugh shakes the room. \"Sorry, sorry, I just couldn't pass up on an opportunity to scare you a little. Now back to the story!\n\nSo there he was, sitting on the throne black eyes locked on my position watching my every move.\"\n\n\"Well, it looks like you handled the guards pretty easily.\" Krafili says in a low tone, trying to replicate Grugals voice. \"Luckily I can find men who are just as weak as them pretty easily.\" He pulls out a dagger and starts to twirl it between his fingers. \"So to what do I owe the pleasure of having a kobold in my presence?\""} +{"id": "9cf4c08e-4807-4178-ae4e-3b9f4b3c5480-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-30T15:20:29.038", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5iecPhgnmdtPUbk5tLz7zqxXqqtQoFYJ9ZQejEMne3y", "txHash": "0x1e3717fd7e27af101ed0679171b44e3c0bae79f4652c47ab9bb7ef0610a61a54", "createdAtBlock": 15244559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "Krafili turns his head, addressing the imagined Grugal for his rapt audience. \"Well, I was just passing through for supplies and your men attacked me. I do apologize for the intrusion but I fear we are too far past apologies now,\" Krafili says, moving his hand so sits on the hilt of his remembered sword.\n\nOur eyes fixated on each other, tension growing in the air.\n\nKrafili's wife interrupts \"Remember, honey, they are children. Let's keep it PG.\"\n\n\"Of course, of course,\" he replies, waving his hand at her.\n\n\"Anyway, I saw the goblin on the throne. Our, eyes fixated on each other, and Grugal began to rise from his throne and walk down the stone steps. His footsteps echoing in the empty chamber, he slowly made his way towards me.\n\nMen are easily replaced for a price my friend. How much gold do you have on you? Grugal asked as he walked in front of me.\n\nI have a few coin, but I need them for my travels, I answered.\n\nWell, friend, you come into my castle, my domain, and slaughter my men, and don't have the decency to pay me for my troubles? Grugal said angrily.\n\nTo be fair, you would have been better off having a human guarding you, with how weak the goblins were, I replied, gripping my sword harder.\n\nSuddenly Grugal broke out into laughter, slapping me on the back with his free hand and saying, You are a very brave man to insult my men to my face. What is your name, adventurer?\n\nKrafili, and I assume you are Grugal, right? I said."} +{"id": "9cf4c08e-4807-4178-ae4e-3b9f4b3c5480-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-30T15:20:29.038", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5iecPhgnmdtPUbk5tLz7zqxXqqtQoFYJ9ZQejEMne3y", "txHash": "0x1e3717fd7e27af101ed0679171b44e3c0bae79f4652c47ab9bb7ef0610a61a54", "createdAtBlock": 15244559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "Krafili, and I assume you are Grugal, right? I said.\n\nYes, I see my name has spread across the land, well, I like your gull. I will let you leave with a warning, but, if you ever step foot in my presence again I will kill you, Grugal said as he raised his dagger towards me.\n\nVery well, I am sorry for the intrusion, I will take my leave now, I said, bowing and turning around to leave.\n\nI felt a sharp stab in my shoulder, he reached around, and pulled out the dagger Grugal had been holding seconds ago.\n\nI unsheathed my sword and turned to face Grugal, sword pointing at his throat.\n\nGrugal smiled, saying, Never trust a goblin, you fool!\n\nA fierce battle broke out, swords clashing in the throne room, sparks filling the air. Night fell over the town as the blades of our two swords began to dull.\n\n\"Did you show them the scar on your shoulder?\" Krafili's wife asks, when she notices him beginning to turn pale while explaining the details of the battle.\n\n\"Oh, of course! Check this out, kids!\" He pulls off his shirt to show everyone the scar of where the dagger entered his shoulder. \n\nHis wife smiles as the color starts to come back to his face and she squeezes his hand a little as a reminder that he's at home, not on the battlefield. \n\n\"Now, back to the battle! Do you have any idea who won?\" he says to the kids.\n\n\"Did the goblin beat you, grandpa?\" the kids ask."} +{"id": "9cf4c08e-4807-4178-ae4e-3b9f4b3c5480-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-30T15:20:29.038", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5iecPhgnmdtPUbk5tLz7zqxXqqtQoFYJ9ZQejEMne3y", "txHash": "0x1e3717fd7e27af101ed0679171b44e3c0bae79f4652c47ab9bb7ef0610a61a54", "createdAtBlock": 15244559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Krafili Slayer of Bandits", "text": "\"Did the goblin beat you, grandpa?\" the kids ask.\n\n\"Of course not! After the sun had set, his sword began to fail slowly but surelygoblin steel is very easily broken during battle, if you can get a clean hit on it, they cut like butter.\" Krafil points to the small chip in the sword he initially told them about. \"One clean hit.\"\n\nGrugal was a very fast goblin, and could parry my strong swings with ease. But I had the edge in stamina and as Grugal began to slow, I chose my swings precisely, aiming for one spot on Grugals sword.\n\nI cocked back and with one final swing snapped Grugals sword in two.\n\nGrugal fell to the stone floor and, out of breath, said, Well, adventurer, it seems my time has come. My, oh my, I seem to have chosen the wrong kobold to attack. Krafili, slayer of bandits; your name runs through these towns far and wide. It is an honor to be finally slain by one as great as you, Grugal said as he closed his eyes.\n\nThe end.\" Krafilis says, sitting back.\n\n\"Wait, what happened next?!\" the kids shout.\n\n\"Well, I picked him up off the ground and we shook hands and went our separate ways of course,\" Krafili says as he looks over at his wife and gives a little wink. \n\n\"I wanna learn that cool sword move that breaks other people's swords!\" one of the kids says \"Can you teach us, grandpa?\"\n\n\"Of course I can, let me just grab the wooden swords from storage and I'll teach you all how to properly hold a sword,\" Krafili says excitedly."} +{"id": "926f1612-fbf5-422e-8ad5-f978bacb3051-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:43.569", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZKrE6wSCKerEv2yzZ7URWpPVKzyd3VSp32UkZNKZeN5z", "txHash": "0x52a468ec7b0962fa7b792c6aad954b445e37f0c1d5a3784b845aec93cf35730e", "createdAtBlock": 14124713, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 980, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Finn of the Brambles", "text": "Welcome to my lore,\n\nFinn is well known among these parts as Chad to the witches and fairies. Finns bedding of witches and fairies can only be topped by his consumption of his favorite ale known as the witches brew served at his favorite watering hole known as the forgotten tavern... \n\nIt is a well known secret that Finn has sired over 50% of the wizards witches and fairies in the forgotten runes. He enjoys wetting his whistle from his mug of ale. Some weaker wizards call him a supremacist in hopes to scare the witches and fairies away but all it does is drive them towards his toxic masculine personality as he is so polarizing the females often willfully fall for his potent personality. \n\nOn any given night at the forgotten tavern you can find Finn in the company of good friends and always a witch or fairy seeking his attention in hopes he will take her hope that evening as his bedmate. It is consensus among the witches that being in his presence for even just a few hours will cause them to ovulate. \n\nEnchanter Finn of the brambles is not only enchanting the ladies the men know him and enjoy his cheer and good nature. On any given day after delivering his \"fruit\" from the brambles to the witches and fairies he will usually wander his way down to the forgotten tavern for some good fun and drink. \n\nSome weaker wizards are jealous and try to find out his secret to his voracious sexual appetite some say he licks the frog skin , some say its the booze , being from the brambles does have its benefits."} +{"id": "27c60fb6-8c7b-4f53-a676-81b8f8a119d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:44.387", "backgroundColor": "#27063c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQgbGwVwkNcaFMdRYHyMPVJtuBNch2wqoFL32jVxQ53oT", "txHash": "0x42a49112e9ab8d7fad9062712dce3bb0260ac0fad75e6d977abb81631710cab5", "createdAtBlock": 14124782, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1728, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Nadeem of the Palms", "text": "## A very secretive traveler from the sandy dunes of the Palms, Clairvoyant Nadeem spends his time traveling from village to village looking for the next fool to trick. With his trusty Sun Cat by his side and his Ether Staff in hand he makes his voyage. \n\n\n## As a clairvoyant he may already know his destiny but he cant help but wonder what if? What if Im wrong? What if I dont know exactly whats going to happen next? My tricks will be useless! He says to himself as he tirelessly trudges through the beginnings of a sandstorm. (That he already knew was coming.) Thats when he remembered what his mentor from his homeland would always tell him. Temet Nosce or Know Thyself. Its been Nadeems mantra since he was a child and to this day even though he has known every future event before it happened he realized the only thing he doesnt know is himself."} +{"id": "8b5a6261-d39e-4209-abb8-872a5bd9957d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:56.435", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNcR8rwmt4SGu7TEajdcppTBuZPaixb4T32QMPSv3xs7S", "txHash": "0x6ea2f38aceaa43e5418b9cbd3eb611e3038bcb76eaad1b4cf4fd6734432faa00", "createdAtBlock": 14529512, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 22, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRWLjeNKhFcEeRhkrVohUsJDJVG9rT5oiBQgZk1JoofhT", "name": "Taffy the Determined", "text": "# Taffy the Determined meets Caligari of the Marsh\n\n\n\nCaligari trudged through the Frogmaster Marsh towards Goblin Town on a supply runyet again. He needed food, ingredients for a few potions, and could use a drink at the tavern. Hes been making this trip twice a week for what seems like centuries. The mosquitoes were thick, as usual, and he swatted them away subconsciously. The path was wet and overgrown for few passed through these difficult lands.\n\nThree hours each way by foot, on a good day. Each journey gave him that much less time to focus on his rituals, hexes, and gris-gris.\n\nHe finally approached Goblin Town, weary from his travels, and found his way to the Kings Kobold Tavern for a refreshment and a short rest while he regained his strength. The Tavern, a small wooden dwelling, bustled with warmth and revelry. Here and there small, haphazard spells shot off, illuminating corner tables tucked into the back. \n\nSome of these Kobolds may have had a few too many ales. Caligari thought. \n\nAn old acquaintance of his, Sorcerer Idris of the Marsh, sat at an otherwise empty table in the back and Caligari decided to join him. \n\nHullo, Caligari! Ventured Idris. I see youve come from a long journey.\n\nHow can you tell? Caligari asked, a slight vanity obvious in the tone of his voice.\n\nYour robes are stained with marsh waters and you appear to have a small bloodstain.\n\nThe damn mosquitoes! Caligari thought.\n\nThese endless walks will not do. Its time for me to summon a mount. Caligari decided."} +{"id": "8b5a6261-d39e-4209-abb8-872a5bd9957d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:56.435", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNcR8rwmt4SGu7TEajdcppTBuZPaixb4T32QMPSv3xs7S", "txHash": "0x6ea2f38aceaa43e5418b9cbd3eb611e3038bcb76eaad1b4cf4fd6734432faa00", "createdAtBlock": 14529512, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 22, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRWLjeNKhFcEeRhkrVohUsJDJVG9rT5oiBQgZk1JoofhT", "name": "Taffy the Determined", "text": "While in town, Caligari gathered the extra supplies for a potent Summon Flaming Demon Steed spell he recalled from his youth in the Voodoo Seminary. What was it again? A pinch of ghost pepper for the flames, a dash of ginseng for speed, bark of the ironwood for strength\n\nAfter collecting the rest of his supplies, Caligari headed to the alley behind the Kings Kobold Tavern for a bit of privacy while he brewed the ingredients for his Summon Flaming Demon Steed spell. As he poured the ingredients into the cauldron, he whispered an incantation:\n\nI have a need for speed!\nA need for a steed \nOf the most loyal breed.\n\nGrant me a friend!\nUntil the very end,\nOur friendship will not bend.\n\nI call upon the Quantum Downs to grant me: FLAMING DEMON STEED!\n\nAt that moment, a sloppy, drunken Kobold emerged from the backdoor of the tavern, clumsily unwrapping a piece of Kelpies Bay Saltwater Taffy. He glanced at Caligari and stumbled on the uneven alley ground. His taffy flew into the air and plopped into the simmering brew just as the incantation came to a close.\n\nSmoke swirled around the cauldron, li. ght flashed, and within a second soft neighing could be heard coming from a cloud of fog by the cauldron. A gentle gray steed slowly emerged, nervous and but proud.\n\nDamn you, Kobold! Youve ruined my summoning spell! Caligari shouted."} +{"id": "8b5a6261-d39e-4209-abb8-872a5bd9957d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:56.435", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNcR8rwmt4SGu7TEajdcppTBuZPaixb4T32QMPSv3xs7S", "txHash": "0x6ea2f38aceaa43e5418b9cbd3eb611e3038bcb76eaad1b4cf4fd6734432faa00", "createdAtBlock": 14529512, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 22, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRWLjeNKhFcEeRhkrVohUsJDJVG9rT5oiBQgZk1JoofhT", "name": "Taffy the Determined", "text": "Damn you, Kobold! Youve ruined my summoning spell! Caligari shouted. \n\nFar from the black, flaming steed he had imagined, this mount was small, gray, and bore a yellow bandana. He began to think of all the work hed have to do to recast his summon spell but as he did, the steed approached him and nuzzled his arm gently. Caligaris anger quickly faded as he looked into the pony's eyes. He realized that he was looking at a friend. \n\nI shall call you, Taffy the Determined. Caligari announced. Little did he know, this would only be the beginning of their adventures together.\n\nThe Kobold, swept up in the drama of the scene and not knowing what to do, applauded, a single tear running down his green face.\n\nCaligari decided hed make his walk home once more, leading Taffy the entire way, and building trust in their newly formed friendship."} +{"id": "12bc9496-206f-4d71-bc4f-7b9d7d3b90fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:10.755", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVDLrxo9VCU2bZuEHWnqeNtwvgmXesPXUguD2GV7eY4MD", "txHash": "0x42cf040c821d9b839de964b327e855c061786711ae5d0a36918589c1d23045e4", "createdAtBlock": 14911240, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13193, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Reginald Belligerent of the Obelisk", "text": "Reginald is a belligerent drunk but his spikey turtle keeps him in line."} +{"id": "332960be-07d9-4ef8-b2af-96cab53ab859-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:45.114", "backgroundColor": "#211ebb", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNfEFjDVB79BdD6T5HFdZkXmZorffa7XYbqbVPZ9hCeRQ", "txHash": "0xf4a42de9b6bd286a1407f4cfeb84277ab70eddaadd727bb0c2071db0a1029100", "createdAtBlock": 14124805, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 980, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Finn of the Brambles", "text": "Enchanter Finn of the Brambles...\n\nWakes up, picks berries , heads our for the deliveries. once the work is done he heads to his favorite watering hole the forgotten tavern for his favorite ale."} +{"id": "2f5e8e32-b80e-4bfc-aa09-62faff6a41a1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:32.092", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdYVyJuoHHxzBrgoALxwXGdpRBTzrGPPWaBoibezuf6NQ", "txHash": "0x08827d54a7f63575f4ac90b053c3784344d9202b34ccd133cc41729e32b52cd5", "createdAtBlock": 14643441, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9408, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Milo of the Hall", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nLore Of Milo the Luna Holder Son of Thaumaturge I'm here to rising the star of Luna Ecosystem\nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\nThis is story of me! TTEESR"} +{"id": "9515d416-cea2-45c5-bcf7-e2f3ff30a7b5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:32:44.813", "backgroundColor": "#078ba5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP54Wt9fF7EQaRQiRxKPYxfmKuDXA2hjHaPZjJ3ZBsEUf", "txHash": "0xdb27137f3958762fa71619f471b6821f7d38a8fbee7dc685e8e3e8c8cdc0d8d4", "createdAtBlock": 15180598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4654, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cassia Fiend of the Wild", "text": "Cassia was born to a family of hunters in the Forest of the Imps. From a young age, she was taught to track and kill the biggest and most dangerous game. She quickly became the best hunter in her tribe, and her skills were in high demand.\n\nOne winter, when food was scarce, Cassia was sent out on a hunt to provide for her tribe. She tracked a massive elk for days, but when she finally had it in her sights, the elk was gone. In its place was a giant, fearsome creature with antlers made of ice.\n\nThe fiend attacked Cassia, but she fought back with all her strength. Finally, she managed to kill the creature and bring its carcass back to her tribe. When she told them what had happened, they all agreed that she must have been touched by the gods.\n\nFrom then on, Cassia was known as the Fiend of the Wild. She continued to hunt and kill the biggest and most dangerous game, and her legend only grew."} +{"id": "908f23a3-6903-435a-ad90-18726a1ffa8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:39:34.277", "backgroundColor": "#264617", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmexzvXdywCgKi9NpWH36a5rDcTyCVFW4yG6tWwKV6eWKP", "txHash": "0xcaf8632523240ff512808604883ad7921b8763585cd3debfdaf8897d59c37e63", "createdAtBlock": 15180629, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12601, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rebyx Crusher of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "Crawling out of the Slime Pits the Goblin Rebyx was born into a world of filth and violence. Rebyx was different than the other Goblins; born with a twisted body and a deformed jaw. The other Goblins teased them and called them names but Rebyx didnt care, they were tougher than all of them. When Rebyx turned 13 they finally had had enough of the teasing, and set off for the hills. For weeks they lived off the land, eating anything they could catch or kill. They quickly realized that they had a taste for the flesh of their own kind. Tormented by nightmares of their former tribe, Rebyx began to hunt Goblins in earnest. They would drag their screaming prey back to the Slime Pits to feast. The other Goblins quickly learned to fear the Crusher of the Nightmare Dominion."} +{"id": "38ee767e-2515-46fc-982c-c722900e9e7a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:45.999", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYKrFdzSqJ9Trj5ioU5RrXRoJusrwcwVUSR73RGAEaHpS", "txHash": "0x3d5cd2689de637a7647c53c40ee9efeee9c45f265696095123d2d2211a66916f", "createdAtBlock": 14125544, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7942, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Artis of the Heath", "text": "# Shadow Mage Artis of the Heath\n\nArtis's mother was famous throughout the Heath for her powers with fire. As a teenager, Artis resisted this calling, going so far as to declare that she only ate raw vegetables. She started to practice yoga for hours each day. After one of these sessions, on a day that her father was away for a fortnight's journey to the Capital, she came home to discover her mother stricken, pale-faced and nearly mute. What had happened to her? As her mother spoke, Artis's future changed completely..."} +{"id": "71fd54bc-ffe2-464d-94cb-07e8e9543abe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:46.713", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWjwaSCyL5C72bFvMKY3dbfKMvGjdyYxS1yVdYuCr8MZs", "txHash": "0x3527ae1860afc2bdbefd761c69f341031e1d3d5e461a137fc8782721fb17b2dd", "createdAtBlock": 14125963, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2868, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Requiem of the Keep", "text": "# Electromancer Requiem of the Keep\n\nA tall dark figure enclosed upon the Electromancer. \"Where was Richie? He was suppose to be here by now.\"\n\nIt was none other than Ebon, there was no mistaking the dark purple silhouette appearing out of the shadows. \n\nBlood gushed from the sides of the Electromancer. He started to lose consciousness, it became hard to distinguish what was reality. He saw the long blade that pierced him straight through the sides of his mid section. \n\nThe purple shadows continued to push the blade deeper into his body, Ebon now towers over while his shadowy body near engulfs him. \n\n\"So long Static, you should have joined us when you had the chance\" said the figure as he drags the Electromancer's bloody body into the deep."} +{"id": "7fdde386-2640-40bb-a408-ea5a1e93827b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:48.055", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbqC5RSATfWDT5GoXRiVwFSQwj5k6DK4Vtq9bsmWLYVgL", "txHash": "0xdd2a47ba33612ee79e1d92b56515d4fa61292b273ce1fbafc8c5abbfb51ba2e5", "createdAtBlock": 14128368, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 200, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pony of Water", "text": "Very few beings are blessed with no need for a name. They just *are* - perhaps skipping a step in their ethereal journey, somehow they embody a magical power or even an element itself.\n\nThe Elemental Ponies are an example of this phenomenon."} +{"id": "dcd71d2f-5249-4a39-9f66-5eebf324fe9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:46:34.168", "backgroundColor": "#2e8d64", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpAroYDb6kTiZb6x3mHGfnfP9F3TJwTd8FNMLssmkB5D", "txHash": "0xa8acb64d384c26ceb58e24494a3487365015e124800cfd0b103a7905b37c9af6", "createdAtBlock": 15180664, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12602, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruno Defeater of the Mud", "text": "Adorned in Terrapin Armour. Accompanied by a young Mandril named Abe. Bruno marched out of the jungle to take to explore the wildlife of the Bamboo Forests in search for new ingredients for his masters potions. One day, as he was admiring a particularly rare flower, he slipped and fell into a pit. As he sunk further and further down, he resigned himself to his fate. Abe, however, would not give up on him. The Mandril fought bravely against the Mud, eventually pulling Bruno to safety. \n\nBruno was covered in mud from head to toe, but he was alive. Bruno went on to have many more adventures with Abe, and he never forgot the Mandril's loyalty and bravery. Although others gave him the title \"Defeater of the Mud\" he made sure to correct them - it was Abe who had really saved him that day."} +{"id": "4939ca3d-1d7b-45e8-9b49-aaa91720ae61-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:13.227", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5NGpjeqLbRNV7NDFaLPkrpiZSSEfwC1KLzW78fAgrtU", "txHash": "0xf51e3e603fb229cd848174ef7037a69c46c3f75d365a7b5c51df5447f601cf62", "createdAtBlock": 14143784, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7158, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Scorch of the Pit", "text": "## In the Pit \nThey said \n \nThere is no life \n\nNo cheer no warmth with sadness rife\n \n\n \n## The Pit \n\nThey said \n\nIs darkness filled \n\nWith gloom and blackness full of doom \n\n  \n\nBut Scorch \nHe said \n### Its not to fear \n\nDarkness isnt so bad \nThere are ladybugs here \n \n\n\nDark is the other half of Light \nWithout which there'd be no night \n\n \n\n# Darkness is still \n \n \n\nSafe and calm \n\n### A place of peace \n\nQuiet and strong\n \n \n \nWith flaming skull \nHe ventures forth \nTo show the world darkness' worth \n \n\nLadybug friend and broom in tow \n### In darkness is where fire glows"} +{"id": "41856401-1e2f-47ec-9103-5df71e0fd73f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:20.674", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYFJnJgp3vw9mayksAiGJtt58rr2qhiM2eEJ2jjsQ23fc", "txHash": "0x03d5f0811a2b9a182ccec36c0214bbf245add7b46bc7f92001efd347abbf3d25", "createdAtBlock": 14735904, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Nassif of the Plains", "text": "Few know the story how Nassif meet his companion...\n\nIt all started with a dream, a very vivid one, that would consume the entirety of one's mind, as it was endlessly calling from the within to urge into the unknown, and the unknown was dreadful, perhaps due to the sheer magnitude of the endless void it brought along, as any attempt to comprehend it, would immediately overwhelm and question one's existence. Yet, something comforting lied there, even native.\n\nAs time went on, with daily routines and worries taking it's tall, mind would slowly but steadily heal, as frequency at which Nassif would come back to the memory along with it's crispness had been deteriorating with every visit. It is when, during one of the coldest ever seen winters, Nassif undertook a fairly common quest to help his fellow dream master, collect some plant species that only flourish under the cover of the snow, on the western edge of the Thorn forest, when the snowstorm hit.\n\nNassif was not struck by the Nature's unpredictability, as he would always foresee weather before it unfolded. So he came prepared, with all the necessary gear and supplies, so after taking a rest along the warmth of the campfire he started, on next day he continued his task, and as he got so carried away with his findings, he completely ignored the fact, that due to heavy snowfall, his tracks would get covered and didn't actively calibrate his whereabouts and bearings as he was steadily venturing into the depths of the forest, and in depths you see little sky...\n\nWith limited access to the sky due to forest thick leaves cover and constant cloudiness, he couldn't calibrate correct direction, he was utterly lost.. \n\nSeemed like a pretty dire situation of endless roaming thru the unknown territory and steadily running out of supplies."} +{"id": "41856401-1e2f-47ec-9103-5df71e0fd73f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:20.674", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYFJnJgp3vw9mayksAiGJtt58rr2qhiM2eEJ2jjsQ23fc", "txHash": "0x03d5f0811a2b9a182ccec36c0214bbf245add7b46bc7f92001efd347abbf3d25", "createdAtBlock": 14735904, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Nassif of the Plains", "text": "As he ate thru his provision and limited resources that he could scavenge during the winter earth's offerings, energy and warmth would continue to drain him, it's when the vividness of the dream came to be. This time it was not scary, nor felt threatening, in contrary it warmed his heart and as if under the spell drove him to fearfully venture further and further into the unknowns.\n\nInterchanging light jog, crawling thru the snow from tree to tree and pity attempts of running, he suddenly found himself lying the mud, and it was warm, there was no snow cover, as if something burned from the underneath it.\n\nHe raised his head and saw the burning ponds...\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "26f65212-4e9d-4b7d-bdf9-05723f6d1695-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:26.466", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYAn56jEjtMTxXukV9suJM1BkAAoHZE82YK5fXPrCHRJU", "txHash": "0x83da4d8dd212f4da667d158bd570e5e9a5c99e59bcb2dbd47b103f09ebdbf197", "createdAtBlock": 14118857, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3274, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Azazel of the Royal Wretch", "text": "Psst. What's a jester without a good joke?\n\nHint - a dead jester.\n\nC'mon now, I wasn't that bad of a jester. Maybe I shouldn't have used the whoopie cushion during the Princess' special time of the month at the Wizard Fair, but c'mon, that was even MORE funny.\n\nA pirate by trade, before I became an entertainer, I specialized in pirate jokes.\n\nHere is a transcript of my final performance - \n\n\"What has eight arms and eight legs?\"\n\n\"...Eight pirates!!!\"\n\nYARRRARRR!!!\n\nI mean with material like that, why am I dead??? OK OK, so one bad joke alone shouldn't lead to forced self immolation, so I was granted another by Scorch, the Gracious King of Tartarus!\n\n\"How much does a pirate pay for piercings?\"\n(too long a pause..)\n\n\"A buck an ear. Get it? A buccaneer!\"\n\nKing Scorch sent me to the Sacred Flame immediately after that GEM. Maybe he just didn't understand pirate humor.\n\nSo far, my career has been on the upswing. The undead seem have a much better sense of humor.\n\nAlthough.. maybe its just they can't kill me.\n\nWait, I am gonna write that one down.."} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "# Cooking with !magic\nAn on-chain cookbook inspired by the culinary *Brains* of Masika of the Forest\n\n-----------------------\n\n\n## Introduction:\n\n\nYou must be careful, because in the Runiverse instead of flipping burgers, a burger might flip you.\n\nPoor Masika unfortunately fell victim to this very spell and has payed the ultimate price.\n\nShe leaves behind her cookbook which contains recipes collected from Wizards and Warriors alike throughout her lifetime.\n\nFind everything from delicious cakes baked with Pilk all the way to a Forgotten Soul's twist on the popular Wizard's Cannabis Potion.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n#1 \n\n\n# Sage Cybele's Sweet Blueberry & Lemon Crumbcake\n\n\n\n @wizard8352\n\n\n\n## Maskia's Journal Log:\n\n\n\nMasika knew Cybele better than anyone, as she was the first 'real friend' Cybele had ever had.\n\nBeing from the Forest, Masika stumbled onto Cybele's encampment deep in the wood whilst hunting.\n\nCybele was fascinated with the differences between Masika & her own families beliefs & they instantly became close as Maskika helped Cybele leave behind her High Class Lifestyle & threatening father.\n\nMagic wasn't the only power Cybele discovered within herself after escaping her family. Some say if you make this cake it will never be as delicious as Cybele's because she must have cast a spell on it!\n\nThis recipe contains ingredients extracted from places all over the known Runiverse, as Cybele was quite the traveler.\n\n\n\n---------------\n\n\n# Tools:\n\n* Pestle & mortar\n* Cake Tin\n* Mixing Utensil\n* Knife\n\n\n-----------------\n\n\n# The Fixings:\n\n\n\n## For the streusel:"} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "-----------------\n\n\n# The Fixings:\n\n\n\n## For the streusel:\n\n* 1/4 cup granulated sugar from the finest Red Wizard Sugarcane gardens\n* 1/3 cup light brown sugar\n* 1 teaspoon cinnamon, ground\n* 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg harvested in Hedge Wizard's Wood\n* 1 stick unsalted butter, melted\n* 1 & 1/3 cups flour\n\n\n# \n## For the Cake:\n\n\n* 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature\n* 3/4 cup sugar\n* 2 extra-large Cockatrice eggs, at room temperature\n* 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extracted from the Vanilla Beans Fields grown west of Hue Master's Pass\n* 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest\n* 2/3 cup sour cream (or Pilk!)\n* 1 1/4 cups flour\n* 1 teaspoon baking powder\n* 1/4 teaspoon baking soda\n* 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, extracted straight from 'The Brine'\n* 1 cup fresh blueberries (Best picked just East of The Fey)\n* Confectioners' sugar for sprinkling\n\n\n\n# The Process:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## For the streusel:\n\n* Use your Pestle & mortar to grind down your sugar & spices.\n\n* Combine the granulated sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg in your mixing bowl. Stir in the melted butter and then the flour. Mix well and set aside.\n\n\n## For the cake:\n\n* Prepare a fire or preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. \n* Butter and flour a 9-inch round cake tin."} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "* Cream the butter and sugar in your mixing bowl with a spoon or paddle on high speed for 4 to 5 minutes, until light. \n* Reduce your mixing speed to low and add the Cockatrice eggs 1 at a time, then add the Red Wizard's Vanilla, lemon zest, and sour cream (or Pilk!). \n* In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. \n* Continue to slowly mix while you add the flour mixture to the batter until just combined.\n* Fold in the blueberries and stir with a paddle to be sure the batter is completely mixed. \n* Spoon the batter into the prepared cake tin and spread it out with a knife. \n* With your fingers, crumble the topping evenly over the batter. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, Cool completely and serve sprinkled with confectioners' sugar.\n* Enjoy!\n\n-----------------\n#2\n\n\n# Juno's Jalapeo Cheddar Twist Bread\n\n\n\n@warrior3571\n\n\n## Masika's Journal Log:\n\n\n\"Avast ye!\" Masika heard as she curiously stumbled onto the docks east of Lenora's Lighthouse.\n\n\"Huh?\" Masika exclaimed as she had never heard such language before!\n\n\"You there, the one with all the food!\" - Juno said a little louder than before\n\nTaken aback, Masika looked Juno's way as she approached her cart.\n\nMasika had never been this far East of the Forrest before and had never encountered such a warrior like this. So she was a bit worried of what this encounter would entail.\n\n\"I am Juno, Exterminator of Sharks!\" Juno announced even louder again as she stepped up into Masika's view wielding a white longsword.\n\nMasika: \"Hi, nice to mee...\"\n\nJuno: \"Shiver me Timbers! What is all of this stuff\""} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "Juno: \"Shiver me Timbers! What is all of this stuff\"\n\nJuno looked shocked as she examined all the tasty looking vegetables on Masika's Cart. She quickly pointed to a small bundle of Jalapeo Peppers that Masika harvested all the way back in the Forrest, miles and miles away.\n\n\"I have never seen such food!\" Juno said as she pointed her longsword to the tip of Masika's chin. Juno quickly grabbed a jalapeo pepper & stuffed it in her mouth and immediately her eyes light up!\n\nMasika nervously stared into Juno's eyes, unable to tell if she was about to get robbed for everything she had.\n\n\"Wait till the scallywags back on the deck get a taste of these!\"\n\nMasika glances around the dock & there is not another soul in sight.\n\nJuno then slowly brings her sword down and places it in front of Masika's chest. \"Follow me\" Juno exclaimed, chuckling to herself.\n\nMasika, still blatantly shocked by this occurrence nervously followed Juno back towards a large ship docked by the lighthouse.\n\nOnce on board, Juno led Masika down below deck to the Galley. It reeked of fish and shrimp and the Chef looked disheveled and even potentially a bit drunk.\n\n\"Ah look, Chef Silver Tongue is 3 sheets to the wind again! Go get this buccaneer some air above deck, I've got a new one\"\n\nMasika's mind was racing, now realizing what her new fate might be.\n\nShe hears a horn bellowing from above deck as the floor beneath her starts to shake. The ship had started to move off of the dock!"} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "Masika was now a prisoner & was thrown in a small cell adjacent to the ship's Galley where she would be forced to prepare meals. The jailor's name was Jack, another disheveled drunk. Jack would force Masika to make his food before any of the other shipmates got their fair share. She was not even allowed to leave the Galley of the ship, where she was chained. Also, Being unfamiliar with cooking fish, Masika struggled to prepare food that the crew was satisfied with.\n\n\nThings were not looking good for poor Masika until she remembered how much Juno seemed to have loved all of her exotic fruits and vegetables which she brought all the way West from the Forrest. An idea sparked in her head.\n\nThe next evening, Masika got to work in the Galley - Making the standard meal of White Fish & dried plants. But today, Masika also decided to make a loaf of her famous Jalapeo Twist Bread, but with a little *EXTRA TWIST*.\n\nMasika went over to what little reaming food she had left from her cart and collected ALL the jalapeo peppers, chopped them up seeds & all and added them to her loaf.\n\nRight on time Jack the Jailor drunkenly stumbled into the Galley ready to take his meal before the rest of the crew. Jack appeared to be even more inebriated than usual.\n\n\"Perfect\" muttered Masika to herself under her breath. This was her chance.\n\nJack sloppily grabbed the Jalapeo loaf from the table and began devouring it.\n\nNot a minute later, Jack's head was on fire. He had never witnessed or tasted anything with such spice! Jack ran to the barrel's of ale and started to pry one open in a hurry to relieve himself."} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "Masika took her opportunity and tripped Jack as he stumbled to the barrels of ale to relieve the pain from the Jalapeo Spice. Jack's knife fell from his waist & Masika was able to snatch it up & drive the blade into Jacks right thigh.\n\nAt this point Jack was screaming with pain and Masika knew what she had to do. She picked up the knife again in her dominate hand and pierced the pirate's heart. Blood flowed across the Galley Floor.\n\nWith haste, Masika furiously searched through Jack's gear to find the key to release herself, after a few seconds she found the key and ran to the peephole at the door. No one in sight.\n\nThe Galley was located on the other side of the ship from where the crew was waiting for Jack to bring up their food.\n\nCarefully, Masika opened the door to the Galley and creeped outside. The air was moist and the wind howled overhead, the ship was still out at sea. Realizing there was no escape, Masika started to panic. She had killed the jailor and knew that soon enough she would be found out.\n\nIn a hurry, Masika started to scurry back to the Galley. As she approached the door opened, blood flowing out into the Hallway. There stood Juno, with a smirk across her face. In one hand she held her longsword & in the other a piece of the Jalapeo Cheddar Twist Bread(?)\n\nMasika, lost for words, just stood there in shock.\n\n\"This is unbelievable!\" exclaimed Juno. \"I've never had anything like it!\"\n\nOnce again Juno's remarks shocked Masika. Juno slowly approached her and said \"if you tone down the spice a little bit on these bad boys, I think you're really onto something!\"\n\nMasika: \"Wha... But..\""} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "Masika: \"Wha... But..\"\n\nJuno: \"Oh, don't worry about Jack, that ole landlubber! He'll be good shark-bait anyways... You just got a promotion!\"\n\nMasika had no idea what to make of this situation, but with still no escape in sight she reluctantly agreed.\n\nFrom then on, Masika was no longer kept prisoner of the ship but instead became Juno's right hand. She taught Juno how to cook with ingredients from all around the Runiverse as they traveled the Brine together. Slowly, the two became friends and laughed at their first few encounters together. \n\nMasika spent about 10 months on the sea with Juno & she does not soon forget the many memories they shared together during that time.\n\n\n\n\n---------------------- \n\n# Tools:\n\n\n* Pestle & Mortar\n* Cake Tin\n* Hunting Knife\n* Mixing Bowl\n* Mixing Utensil\n\n-------------------------\n\n# The Fixings:\n\n\n* 2 and 1/4 teaspoons Yeast (1 standard packet)\n* 3 Tablespoons granulated sugar\n* 3/4 cup whole Pilk\n* 1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature\n* 2 large Cockatrice eggs\n* 3 and 1/2 cups flour, plus more as needed\n* 1 teaspoon salt from the 'Brine'\n* 5-10 Jalapeo Peppers, depending on you spice tolerance\n* 2 cups Cheddar Cheese\n\n\n# The Process:\n\n\n\n## Make the dough:"} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "# The Process:\n\n\n\n## Make the dough: \n\n* Place the yeast and sugar in the bowl\n* Heat the Pilk over the fire until warm to the touch \n* Pour warm Pilk on top of yeast/sugar. \n* Whisk gently to combine, then loosely cover with a towel and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes. The mixture will be frothy after 5-10 minutes.\n* Add the butter, egg, flour, and salt. Mix slowly for 4 minutes. Dough will be soft. Transfer it to a lightly floured surface. Knead it for about 1 minute. If the dough is too sticky to handle, add 1-2 more Tablespoons of your flour, but you want a very soft dough.\n* Shape dough into a ball.\n* Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover\n* Place in a slightly warm environment to rise until doubled in size, about 90 minutes\n* Grease a 9-inch cake tin. \n* Turn the risen dough out onto a lightly floured work surface, punch it down to release the air.\n\n\n\n## Shape the twist:"} +{"id": "82c0932d-b292-45f7-a61d-2ee1dcb8dbbf-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T16:57:46.209", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2ZEfjEZMcPA56NqiNUAwXWtrxqjrucnVcSZxMgCnYi9", "txHash": "0x515a6b662227db9f28f9c7c3a6a9458c05544493ad303ad448789bd5ee287be7", "createdAtBlock": 15187429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRxExztt2HYELFUyjQhwyAXErCuG3DVsSZrhf6N9vjSJz", "name": "Masika of the Forest", "text": "## Shape the twist: \n\n* Using a rolling pin, roll into a 1216 inch rectangle. \n* Spread Cheddar Cheese evenly on top. Dot randomly with sliced Jalapeos. \n* Tightly roll up the dough to form a 16-inch long log. Place the log on its seam. \n* Using a sharp knife, cut the log in half lengthwise. I find a serrated hunting knife works best. Criss-cross one half on top of the other half forming an X. Twist the two together then coil into a circle. \n* Carefully transfer to prepared cake tin.\n* Now, top your twist with more Cheddar Cheese & Sliced Jalapeo Peppers\n* Cover the twist with a wrap, then allow to rise once again in a slightly warm environment until puffy, about 45 minutes.\n* Start up a fire or preheat oven to 350F.\n* Bake until golden brown, about 40-45 minutes. \n* Remove from the oven and allow to cool for about 5 minutes. \n* Slice and serve. \n* Enjoy!"} +{"id": "b935e1e4-8950-4941-8574-03705829065c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-31T06:29:51.787", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWLiTUJMSGffjyUzSunNmy1GiHVnT2Cfs6HyyFwBLW9PS", "txHash": "0x181df1d677d3db7e9e1fcc928a46f75f8d9bbe51d2719f789318cd7515d79bdd", "createdAtBlock": 15248618, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12054, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pippa Assaulter of Mount Titan", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\nTired of the mundane life on Mount Titan, Pippa decides one night to descend down to the bustling and lively Obisidian City.\n\nEager to remain inconspicuous, she leaves her Titan warrior armour and weapon at home. Although weaponless, she is far from defenseless as she has been trained in combat from as long as she can remember.\n\nMusic can be heard loudly as she approaches the door of the Magma Tavern. She enters to a complete collection of characters of all sizes, races, class, and power levels.\n\nAs she walks to the bar, the mat is magically pulled from her feet and she trips. Although, with her training she rolls, plants and quickly turns around to defend. As she turns, she recognizes a face and is immediately filled with anger and reaches for her sword, only to recall it was left at home.\n\nShe grabs a nearby bottle and lunges forward....\n\nTo be continued -"} +{"id": "6d90e4c2-2008-475b-b23d-d02b4a999c27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:34.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc4ja78bq6L4fLxuHXHLd1nopVw3VsXtpPUh1DMm3pknm", "txHash": "0x0a288d6c6f7182dfba947ef64fcc9639576fbf2863b314edf4cbf3c757ab530e", "createdAtBlock": 14121709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3213, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Ursula of the Forest", "text": "\"So, youve come to place a bounty, huh?\"\n\nXXXXXXXXX\n\n*Ursula takes deep drag off of a very moldy pipe*\n\n\"Only one question for you then.. dead or alive?\"\n\nXXXXXXXXX\n\n*Ursula exhales a seemingly endless billow of smoke, which takes the form of a giant serpent*\n\nXXXXXXXXX\n\n\"Yeah, I know them. Not as easy a job as the Trogg Gang, but we'll do it.\"\n\n\"Thank you for your repeat business.\"\n\n*door closes behind a mysterious client as he exits*"} +{"id": "7752d7cf-bfa2-4488-af2a-b2dc7152c84c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:55.626", "backgroundColor": "#0a2b18", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUqAi6EN9aZGSSVm9fD6e3NkgHVyV4MzqxYAHMkocYWn", "txHash": "0x85ad0742e547304510131f51f2511658d274107dcf661c02211c97c604ff3835", "createdAtBlock": 14122074, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4375, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Orpheus of the Forest", "text": "> **Eldanyr: Druid Orpheus of the Forest**\n> *by OG PICKLE*\n\nBorn into a loving, but broken home, Orpheus was known as a \"Savagekin,\" the most primal of Druids - possessing both Elven and Druid blood. \n\nOrpheus spent most of his early days in the shared the custody of his mother, Eruraina, a prominent Elven healer, and and his father, Ffarwel, a beloved Druid and Celtic business man.\n\nFrom an early age, the elders realized Orpheus was different than the others around him. He possessed superior skills, he questioned traditional Druid beliefs and teachings, and he had visions of a world far beyond the edge of the forest. Unsure of what to do, Orpheus was brought to Emrys for guidance. \n\nEmrys, also known as the druid, Merlin, believed that Orpheus was capable of achieving much more than the guild could offer. It was agreed that Orpheus was to leave the Forest's edge, seek out these \"visions\", and discover what these other worlds could offer. For Merlin, this was a means of new enlightenment, which could be used to protect and grow the Forest Guild. \n\nOrpheus is in year 32 of his journey. He is now a grown man. \n\nHe is methodical, he is educated, he is charming, and he is kind. Orpheus has mastered the arts of summoning, healing, nature magic, and shapeshifting - utilizing these abilities on quests and journeys. \n\nHe is wed to a Danann Female named riu, and they bear two children, Eruwaedhiel and Andaer. His soul continues to seek higher-knowledge and to accomplish new experience \n\nHe has not returned to the Forest."} +{"id": "46a35a93-22bf-4d6f-95ff-b168465c2db3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:50.344", "backgroundColor": "#0d0c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdmnSDMyxQTWQT5PcCDWopSTuwHsmh2qgB27RYDi1E2F", "txHash": "0x22320fe8689024e33cabe4ba52c091d5f142942daeec118c1e3e8e620497c5fc", "createdAtBlock": 14130672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1686, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wooden Ghost Benito of the Grim Hallows", "text": "# Wooden Ghost Benito of the Grim Hollows\n\nBenito remembers very little of his prior life, apart from the clear memories of his wonders and spells in the service of the Frog Prince Gremplin. Each magic he remembers in bright moods and vivid colors, but the parts away from the court are lost to him. Even the study of his books and cantrips are gone.\n\nHe vaguely knows his existence has been one of transformation. He was once a wooden toy... then became a boy... then a wooden man studying sorcery with the masters in the Astral Plane. And then dead; though he knows not how he passed through the Veil. Was he forced? Did he willingly burn? Was he tricked?\n\nNow he wanders the material plane. Passing through walls and peoples' lives, almost unnoticed. For those who have the gift and can focus and see him, he offers a sip of his Penumbra potion. This transformative draught can unlock a myriad of effects for those who imbibe. Powers untold. The drinkers become shapeshifters, polymorphs, were-things. Most are pleased. Benito asks nothing in return, and attaches no strings for he hates entanglements. He only takes pleasure in watching the universe roll its dice and birth each innate magical creation. Whatever the mortal does with those talents, Benito is beyond caring. Only the metamorphosis he treasures. Those he remembers now like his old tricks. And this is the only reason he ventures beyond the Grim Hollows, by moonlight."} +{"id": "02e29e04-3075-46bd-81ca-c21b65e50828-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:52.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNNCwAAehgpfP1icy2rkcQZerZkKS4Tx28CiTa8qVgQnG", "txHash": "0x1323ad3a3d69f306a214cfb2c8cf876b70773860ed32e72997c0ba2a9fa31898", "createdAtBlock": 14966250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12402, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Helen Amputator of the Range", "text": "Sometimes the lores that are left unwritten are the ones that most needed to be said."} +{"id": "58abf8a2-6430-41b4-89f9-82e774857d01-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:33.75", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV8eV5Gw21Qd7eo4h395e8cPgRZrBTcpxASGGxDZKQGJe", "txHash": "0x9a5f7e7aa6ee552cae165990a708150a6e1872900339b9870b207c281844deb7", "createdAtBlock": 14644833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5662, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Nicolas of the Tower", "text": "Ghost Eater Nicolas of the Tower!!"} +{"id": "4c0abd4d-d4d1-43b9-9ae3-833c64f4e648-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:34.441", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmck8egLcMV4aY5TDUJra6UneHXDgHEHP9sLCwXRTPZ27S", "txHash": "0xc9c4018bfae8972e4ab65ab4b56599d10758cabdfaed729baf697fef3b4a4e93", "createdAtBlock": 14646404, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5309, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Ursula of the Hills", "text": "# Void Disciple Ursula of the Hills\n\nSeeker of forbidden knowledge and occult practitioner"} +{"id": "c4712a3d-afc5-493f-a2a0-28e364f3a2d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T18:04:38.639", "backgroundColor": "#a991ae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWnPXHigednEgd5jRJiyEor4L84WER1SYVWqbsyn87PRW", "txHash": "0x06e5d65f6bb936c91246a6de734eb5532f60442f47126e8902f114246e1cf563", "createdAtBlock": 15180997, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 81, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Typhon the Quick", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n## Typhon the Quick\n\n \n**Once upon a time, in a land so far away \nWas a beautiful wizard, her name was Emmaleigh \nThe kindest spirit the realm had ever seen \nNo matter how you treated her, she was never mean \n\nAlways kind and caring, that's just who she was \nNever the wizard to come and kill your buzz \nUntil one day, she had strayed just too far \nAnd got caught up in a curse that was really bizarre \n\n\n\nShe was collecting what was needed, out in the Fey \nTotally unprepared for the what would happen that day \nA long list of chores she just had to do \nbut soon some evil magic would make it's debut \n\n\n\nThe grave of an old witch, it bore no name \nBut Emmaleigh stopped and prayed, just the same \nShe cared for all the things, dead or alive \nBut what would come next, she'd barely survive \n\n\n\nAn explosion of darkness clashed with her light \nAnd what ensued would be a spiritual fight \nwith a magic that was older than life itself \na force incomprehensible, more powerful than Elf \n\n\n\nIn the end, she was no match for the dead \nAnd the darkness finally took over her head \nWithin moments, nothing would be the same \nAll would be effected by this tumulus change \n\n\n\nHooves for hands, and mane for hair \nSurely this just had to be a nightmare \nBut no matter how she wished, she couldn't change back \nShe had been the victim of the witch's last attack \n\n\nStuck in this form, she was destined to roam \nWandering the realm looking for home \nWould she ever be free from this terrible curse \nOr imprisoned as a pony, forever, in the Runiverse**"} +{"id": "fa1cfddc-46bc-4c24-9a29-4f4e79784775-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:35.149", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf9RYcopWErsT3nuKUCKzW2Zp8HhFb229cr36UVE9yGBZ", "txHash": "0x165de0f570b0f28f820502279d6b0d466e9a749f1849136d7876a6ed306cf0d1", "createdAtBlock": 14646412, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8323, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer Carly of the Wold", "text": "# Cryptomancer Carly of the Wold\n\nHer story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "1d8f9c97-119b-404b-84e1-4ebb3a2bf3a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:36.619", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbuMej3gTGbB4dnNsKjT7oa1TL72iREvVM1SBTjxY5gKK", "txHash": "0x334ce0df0a8fde907ea13cc64ea43cf2f1f50848b9c8c20d5985b2084ca58484", "createdAtBlock": 14646444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6643, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Danny of the Brine", "text": "# Battle Mage Danny of the Brine\n\nHis story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "f3b02b2e-b08d-40e5-bf6b-109d975f5de9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-31T07:37:35.499", "backgroundColor": "#172f27", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSpidFK5tjNm4p5YvaUJmk8NYKyNabRC9FKVPjst1DDbn", "txHash": "0x7b0d05241a4ce4161a664b6d8d0038b4009f63908b9670d00ac734c8a225bd55", "createdAtBlock": 15248917, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 721, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVv1xTwi71FC62b7UPDow2PMDY6zXrivWvRmpx4wtjFrN", "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Salvatore of the Shaded Shores", "text": "Salvatore on the shores. \n\n*On the Shores*\n\nWandering on the shores. \n\n*On the Shores* \n\n*Drawn to the flame he must*\n\nHe could feel his sanity wavering, as he trudged the squeak of the sand etched into his mind.\n\n*Drawn to the flame he must not*\n\nBut upon which shoreline did he wander? He had barely been to the shores in in his journey around the continent. \n\nThe realization came... he had already passed through the flame, and the shore and body of water he now wandered were nothing like those anyone would recognized.\n\n**The Spectre on the shaded shores.**"} +{"id": "d9507358-af90-4e5d-a326-5f7d291dc7ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T18:18:18.786", "backgroundColor": "#b3f192", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNPwH6mhJhgQVuRk5497LDdyerFD1SEpChcwxKgdVMncX", "txHash": "0x22da3fff38565c1e558e12c724579441e46c5889b15b3f18acd645fef8c92a11", "createdAtBlock": 15181049, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2763, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nibbs Danger of the Realm", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n# Nibbs Danger of the Realm\n\n\nNibbs and his husband, Wulang, were fierce dragonslayers in the realm that they are from. Famous for their exploits and for keeping their world safe, the two often adventured together, spreading love and safety to all.\n\nWell...until they met a dragon they couldn't take on. The legendary Black Dragon Eldu.\n\nEldu was not of this realm or time, and where it was from, no one could be sure. What they did know was that the dragon was cunning, brutal and ruthless. Eldu had Nibbs and Wulang's daughter kidnapped to lure them to his lair.\n\nOnce there, Eldu took off through a fiery red portal, leaving the two warriors behind without their beloved child. Without a second thought, Nibbs went charging after.\n\n\"Nibbs, you know what happens if you step through that portal!!\" Dennz shouted after Nibbs as headed to the big, fiery portal.\n\n\"Yeah, I know. I can't come back...but what's the point of coming back if there's nothing to come back to?\" Nibbs said as he steeled himself for the upcoming journey.\n\nPulling his helmet down over his head, brandishing his pike and shield, Nibbs steals one last glance at his husband, and sprints into the portal, not knowing what to expect from the other side.\n\nA bright flash of light, and he was gone. Once in the portal, it was as if time had sped up, but he couldn't move. The world around him was flying by at ludicrous speed.\n\nAt the same time, his life had flashed before his eyes, reminding him of every important aspect of the life that he willingly (but unwantingly) left behind.\n\nAnd just like that...it was over."} +{"id": "d9507358-af90-4e5d-a326-5f7d291dc7ab-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T18:18:18.786", "backgroundColor": "#b3f192", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNPwH6mhJhgQVuRk5497LDdyerFD1SEpChcwxKgdVMncX", "txHash": "0x22da3fff38565c1e558e12c724579441e46c5889b15b3f18acd645fef8c92a11", "createdAtBlock": 15181049, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2763, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nibbs Danger of the Realm", "text": "And just like that...it was over.\n\nNibbs was no longer standing in the basement of that old, musty tower in Riean. No, he had traveled to an entirely different plane of existence. He actually made it to the Runiverse!\n\n\"Ok Nibbs, this is no time to celebrate. We must find them before it's too late...\" Nibbs mumbled to himself as he did a quick inventory of his equipment. \n\nOh good, he thought. It was all still here, and now he had no choice but to move forward and meet his fate.\n\nNibbs knew very little about the Runiverse, except what he had heard in children's tales and stories from drunks at taverns.\n\nHe wasn't prepared for the world to be lush and diverse as it was. Plants he had never seen sprouted in colors he had never even seen before. Animals and insects of all shapes and sizes bustled about.\n\nHe was standing in the middle of a beautiful meadow, untouched by civilization, except for the small burnt patch of grass from where the portal had opened.\n\nUnsure where to go now, he hefted his pike, and headed in what seemed like a good direction. He walked for what seemed like hours. He was certain he was lost as no matter how far he walked, he was still in the same meadow.\n\nEveryone now and again, he'd change up his direction, or the speed of his pace, but ultimately, it didn't seem to make much difference. \n\nPerhaps the meadow is magical, thought the burly furgnome, as he pondered his next steps.\n\nWhile gazing into whatever world Nibbs was daydreaming in, a small jaguar cub came running out of the distance. It was injured, and hobbling, but was coming straight for Nibbs."} +{"id": "d9507358-af90-4e5d-a326-5f7d291dc7ab-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T18:18:18.786", "backgroundColor": "#b3f192", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNPwH6mhJhgQVuRk5497LDdyerFD1SEpChcwxKgdVMncX", "txHash": "0x22da3fff38565c1e558e12c724579441e46c5889b15b3f18acd645fef8c92a11", "createdAtBlock": 15181049, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2763, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nibbs Danger of the Realm", "text": "Within a moment, it was clear to see why. A large beast, a cross between a horse and a spider, came tearing out of the horizon behind it. The little cub skidded to a stop behind Nibbs, cowering.\n\nAnd though he only had a brief moment to process, Nibbs quickly sprung into action. Lifting his pike high above his head, he spoke his love prayer in his native language, and rushed the spider horse.\n\n(See, it's important to note here that Nibb's pike was a little magical after having slain so many dragons. When powered by his love prayer, the pike would slice through anything with ease.)\n\nWithin moments, the spider horse was just a pile of gore. Everything was covered in blood and guts, but Nibbs managed to save himself and the little cub. From this moment on, the two would be fast friends.\n\nHe was able to doctor up the jaguar cub, and within a few moments, Nibbs and his new friend took back off into the world, hoping to curb the menace that was Eldu before he ended yet another world.\n\nThe jaguar cub was his key out of the magic meadow, and soon the two would be traveling from village to village looking for information about the deadly dragon..."} +{"id": "e2c66338-8542-470e-b68e-0516b4058b83-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T18:21:31.02", "backgroundColor": "#e8e3e3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUHjfRdTc6TaDrVmgYQtpGHw6kQW3V3iWNnBn246kXXhw", "txHash": "0x14584f07a0b7f95c1dac4b809f73b5fae000458441595f1765326e0b64c89187", "createdAtBlock": 15181074, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5224, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ethereal Spectre Adium of Dread Tower", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\nEthereal Spectre Adium of Dread Tower\n\n\nAdium had been quite an ordinary fellow in life. A simple artificer who spent his days high in the mountaintops, living in his quaint little cottage with his quaint little wife.\n\nWhile Adium was able to earn a living through his inventions and creations, what really drove him was the love he had for his wife. \n\nThey had met when they were both children, their parents having adventured together once upon a time. They both grew up in a stable, loving environment, and quickly realized they were each other's soulmates.\n\nIt did not take long for the two to fall in love, get married, and move into their own little place. His wife, Nostali, had always loved birdwatching in the mountains, so that's exactly where Adium would build their cottage.\n\nAnd so the two lived a very happy, drama-free life together. Each day was better than the last, he'd often tell her, as they'd sit together in front of the fireplace, recounting their chores from the day before.\n\nIt was a peaceful bliss, but it could only last so long. One fateful day, Adium had taken off down to the village at the foot of the mountain to go sell some of his enchanted farm equipment.\n\nHe returned home that day with a sack full of gold, but a broken heart. His cottage, and everything inside had been ransacked and burned down. He could only assume this was a goblin raid due to the fact that there were a few goblins huddling around the burning embers, eating what could have only been his wife.\n\nIn a fit of rage that he'd never experienced before, Adium harnessed the full power of his latent magics, and laid quick waste to the goblins, and everything else within a 2-kilometer radius."} +{"id": "e2c66338-8542-470e-b68e-0516b4058b83-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T18:21:31.02", "backgroundColor": "#e8e3e3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUHjfRdTc6TaDrVmgYQtpGHw6kQW3V3iWNnBn246kXXhw", "txHash": "0x14584f07a0b7f95c1dac4b809f73b5fae000458441595f1765326e0b64c89187", "createdAtBlock": 15181074, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5224, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ethereal Spectre Adium of Dread Tower", "text": "It was over as soon as it began, with a bright flash that left the goblins vaporized and Adium exhausted. He slept for 5 days and 5 nights, through flash floods and intense heat.\n\nEventually, Adium came too, but this was not the same man that left for the village earlier this day.\n\nNo, he was changed. Filled with a hatred so deep, so burning that it manifested changes in his magic. Once a kind man focused on helping others, Adium's mind was now focused on a single thing.\n\nBringing his beloved back.\n\nHe would spend the next two years in the shadows, learning as much about necromancy as he could, with little to no regard for anyone else. While he was able to learn much, and gain sizable power, he was still unable to successfully bring his lost love back to him.\n\nAs with many great wizards, his failure only fueled his intentions, and eventually he set his eye on the great Flame. Others had walked through it and survived. Surely he would too. And if he did...he just might be able to bring Nostali back to life.\n\nAnd while the adventure of finding the flame is a story all on its own, Adium did manage to uncover the mysteries of The Secret Tower, where the flame was housed. Once he discovered the hidden entrance, he found himself face-to-face with the mysterious Flame that had brought such powerful !magics to the realm.\n\nWithout even so much as hesitating, Adium stepped forth into the flame, willing to take whatever measures necessary to bring his wife back.\n\nThe fire itself was barely even noticeable, but what really stood out was the fact that the flame itself felt like an entirely different world. Thoughts racing, unable to focus, a single message formed in Adium's mind.\n\n\"Love.\""} +{"id": "e2c66338-8542-470e-b68e-0516b4058b83-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T18:21:31.02", "backgroundColor": "#e8e3e3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUHjfRdTc6TaDrVmgYQtpGHw6kQW3V3iWNnBn246kXXhw", "txHash": "0x14584f07a0b7f95c1dac4b809f73b5fae000458441595f1765326e0b64c89187", "createdAtBlock": 15181074, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5224, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ethereal Spectre Adium of Dread Tower", "text": "\"Love.\"\n\nAnd with that, the flame took to Adium's body, quickly reducing him to ash and bone. Before the final bits could hit the ground, a swirling aura erupted out of his remains in a magical light.\n\nWhere Artificer Adium of the Mount once stood, now was Ethereal Spectre Adium of Dread Tower. Infused with the power of The Grand Spectre, Adium would now have the power he needed to accomplish his goals...\n\nWill the sacrifice be worth it? Will Adium ever find true love again? Stay tuned and find out!"} +{"id": "59289746-4503-4bbd-966a-05ba46e814dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:37.303", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfSqneGFcLUUHSebEaTB1a4zteR7V6LDM2tEjURCjYWdw", "txHash": "0x66f09b835171f465aacb7dd00ab4b76238e08f4c8f155b451911f1668ef97d51", "createdAtBlock": 14646451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4233, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Kang ", "text": "# Sage Kang\n\nHis story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "805e70bd-c3ec-45ad-9c44-3e6512ed8fa2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-31T17:59:03.707", "backgroundColor": "#e5e5e5", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrFVofSwd2JhvYj6osPJrxs4WQqDqLhC8Abz1CW51Fcs", "txHash": "0x58633ecefc2bde99bf9fb2b3ff5716e1df83de849216671b28a43112ebd26ee3", "createdAtBlock": 15251725, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 599, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aleister in the Shadows", "text": "I be Shaman Aleister, White Wizard-White Wraith accompanied by my Blue Rat. \n\nSince stepping through the Door of the Secret Tower, the acquisition of a Rune has guided our adventures. \n\nWe travel north towards the White Wizard Tower."} +{"id": "7a852aca-0280-47f8-a4d0-0ed2a44a6ab2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T20:02:45.116", "backgroundColor": "#a5f6ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZp2Ug2rYLuVXjCsKs9NZJ2szye2WmFwyDUrmRyijEb59", "txHash": "0xa20789da90de5d86ab7b60e36b220bfa6ba70b0342a1a500a29693880a72c5fd", "createdAtBlock": 15181514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10478, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Joan Cleaver of Muscle Mountain", "text": "Joan was waiting in a corner of the crowded main room of the inn, when she saw @wizard1555 walk through the door. He looked tired. Beyond tired. But this was his way, as she knew only too well. He hadnt noticed her, and that was probably for the best. Let him eat first, she thoughtand drink, he might be in a more receptive mood afterward. \n\nShe leaned back in her seat, trying, mostly unsuccessfully, to avoid drawing too much attention. There were several reasons this was not a simple task. At 67 and rippling with muscle, Joan was a hulking presence. Years of training and a strict but substantial diet had added incredible lines to her already solid frame. There was absolutely no mistaking where she was from. \n\nAcross the room men shouted cheers and exchanged coin during the frequent arm-wrestling matches and drinking games. No man would challenge Joan. Well, not a sober one, she thought, smiling wryly. \n\nIt wasnt only her size and strength that made people keenly aware of her presence. Lying across the entire width of the table, and never out of reach, her enormous malachite cleaver frequently drew more attention than she did. She stared down at her constant companion. Its deep green, rune-laden handle was as intimidating to most as the shockingly long, wide blade. It was a curious weapon to the uninitiated, imparting to the holder a *tension*, old magic which few current warriors truly embraced. Joan felt her particular tension as a compulsion toward daring bound to a sense of total accountability. She had carried the cleaver since her Ascension day. It was her choice, and the bond created in that choice had grown over the months and years. It was a big part of the reason she was here now."} +{"id": "7a852aca-0280-47f8-a4d0-0ed2a44a6ab2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-20T20:02:45.116", "backgroundColor": "#a5f6ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZp2Ug2rYLuVXjCsKs9NZJ2szye2WmFwyDUrmRyijEb59", "txHash": "0xa20789da90de5d86ab7b60e36b220bfa6ba70b0342a1a500a29693880a72c5fd", "createdAtBlock": 15181514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10478, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Joan Cleaver of Muscle Mountain", "text": "She glanced back up, Azahl had found a table, and, as luck would have it, was facing away from Joan. He was soon served the same bread and meaty stew she had so recently enjoyed, along with a flagon of ale. She waited. Thinking again of what she might say to convince the Mystic to aid her. \n\nBefore long Azahl had completed his meal and was midway through his second ale when he happened to turn to scan the room. Of course, he noticed her instantly, his shrewd face betrayed no surprise or any reaction at all that she could perceive. He turned back to his drink. Well, she thought, I guess its time. You never wanted to give Azahl time to plan a response, even when he didnt know what she was about to request. \n\nShe stood, picked up her cleaver, slung it across her back, and made her way toward the waiting Azahl. The crowd parted, it usually did, as she moved deliberately across the room. She sat down in the empty stool trying to get a last read on the mystic. Before she uttered a greeting, he delivered his response. Yes."} +{"id": "66de90e7-5df8-493b-b24f-d2e401d18666-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-31T20:20:23.063", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmba8CPdNmNoEBMenw1bSy2n7r4ZiJRj7eZ551vteKzPNS", "txHash": "0xb146718532491581edb5393af49be8e0685e64d5cdb5742f64a927d354c8678c", "createdAtBlock": 15252362, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3200, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Izible of the Havens", "text": "penis."} +{"id": "58b0c54d-10ce-4538-9c3a-1a4a5885ea10-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:51.675", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b34", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpcktAiKJhNntffJ8L251Yeunnpzw3g4d2XDMofWCMLD", "txHash": "0x9877fd02626a9afa4b5bc0f15f5a57f423207114f0046e041818682855635811", "createdAtBlock": 14131296, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6971, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Alessar of the Havens", "text": "# Sorcerer Alessar of the Havens\n\n*An explorer of the fates and subterranean realms*\n\nAlessar grew up in the Green Haven, a little known Haven nestled in the foothills of the BattleMage mountains. At a young age, he would climb the mountains freely and risk his life on the cliffsides performing greater and greater feats of daring (much to the chagrin of his parents). After a particularly bad fall, he spent his time recovering plotting to make sure this never happened again.\n\nHis plan was two fold. Firstly he would master the elemental magics of Earth, and become the most grounded Sorcerer in the land. Impossible to budge from his position like a nasty mountain goat. Two, he would master the fickle realms of luck and fate, to derive his own path of destiny. Never again would he be victim to a loose rock. \n\nHis training went well, and not only his powers but his luck grew as well. Convinced he had finally carved his own path into the tablets of fate, he set off to make it on his own. His studies continued with luck and fate and he continued to make great strides in synchronicity and coincidence with one exception - He was never able to use his powers to create money. Practically destitute, he resorted to showmanship at festivals where he was able to use his charisma to woo the crowds. His luck proved here that it would not bring him riches, but perhaps it could guide him from con men and vagabonds. \n\nTogether with his frog familiar he bonded with on his way through Carnival Pass, he now has decided he must master his elemental magics the only way he knows how. Journeying further and further into the subterranean realms, uncovering their secrets so that he may not have to rely on his jokes and tricks to put food on his plate."} +{"id": "bbdb1a9f-675b-4731-a933-c9eecadce597-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:52.345", "backgroundColor": "#f9f89d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVAhUfqLZvydVoyBAhcBgxBGwDAB4zozMxFV7UCMB9bEk", "txHash": "0x3a65a703e251b14adeaf09603f767f1aa504f227ae6e0a61ca63919b36d6cc5c", "createdAtBlock": 14131344, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4663, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Actaeon of the Thorn", "text": "jhadun4\nCC0\n96\nweb2\n171\n888\n2pac\njhalandor sore9"} +{"id": "a74d725e-781f-48bb-995c-048053f5f3b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:53.186", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLs7Z67hVCae57eYkdchBwUAg7NPFfSHXDFnA6zRjarx", "txHash": "0xf9c306d959b81db7c642d7d0c55affeb4f5b08be4cad29526874e87103287d38", "createdAtBlock": 14131991, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9737, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Chooki of the Carnival", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Chooki of the Carnival\n\nAt the frayed end of the line of tents \nis mine. Past lions, jugglers and bawds \nI wait for custom. It makes perfect sense, \ndark arcanist of carnival. The lauds \nof merriment, diversion and the like \nhave limits. Mixing poison, hex and curse \nto pipes and reels. A perfect time to strike \nyour enemy, to set them to reverse \nand tow them under. Slender nimble cat \nattends my workings. People dance and sing \nand celebrate. It isnt so much that \nthey pay no mind, but every arcane thing \ncan go unnoticed. Hoist your tankard high \nand quafffor any moment, you might die."} +{"id": "42c29a2a-3281-4f42-9ffe-2f768b7e5594-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:38.091", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQk8ory8fN9skTApy3pFHkaC6bEAoThkAAcP7powx1FUW", "txHash": "0x3e77a7845840b5cec44a0e9158674515dfe26b91d15060cb7e60a8b8ac9c6757", "createdAtBlock": 14646456, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7090, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Sondra of the Mount", "text": "# Cosmic Mage Sondra of the Mount\n\nHer story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "bba83025-90a8-49aa-bda5-96a800c72fac-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-01T13:54:31.694", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdFA3DP7wFyo4TFuEZxk9akFCHFYMVNZHR3piLnpuENGL", "txHash": "0x8f4388e7d2e9214c36765ff6700b6ae60db2531ee6ce8f434f04cce20e656add", "createdAtBlock": 15269616, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12706, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmebFe9oXaJEfaHhSK28rsUDBk9zuF3KMobMPtTYeqn29Z", "name": "Broadwin Calamity of Zero", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Broadwin Calamity of Zero\n\n\n\nBroadwin Calamity of Zero's first portrait \nSummer of 2022\n> *Artwork by Dmitry Petyakin. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy*"} +{"id": "329b3b76-acf2-4112-a812-689dc66df356-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:53.842", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMd2AcUy3kdNjaXFrJEw4KWfNCXb7nmz8Yjc1BjRw8YL", "txHash": "0x00971fffc2243540a4b8c1a2f96c893e258d3ae4a1f040e25bbf8f1f650be828", "createdAtBlock": 14131999, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8073, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daria of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Daria of the Plains\n\nRide a while, and soon youll have a wish \nfor magic. Saddle-sore and strained of leg, \nat inn, fall fast asleep right in your dish \nof stew. In morning, find my frog and beg \na word of me. Ill work you up a charm, \nkeep you in comfortas if were a bed \nyou rode on gravel paths. Keep you from harm \nand give you restful dreams. But if, instead, \nyou spurn my wisdom, skeptic of my craft, \nIll charm your luck away. Youll sorely miss \nthose early journey days. Oh, how Ive laughed \nregretful offers, wealth or wine or kiss \nthe same. Save weeks of trouble and despair \nor dontthe same to me, I do not care."} +{"id": "faaec945-c676-40ec-b0b1-57e541a2f9f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:54.494", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3UuBc4ncwzUPqjZYvCEuLdLB9La1Lz4WJD4v1HjmE73", "txHash": "0x78245531520291932781672deacab1cd0d343dc2f895165bac401e457a5f7d3e", "createdAtBlock": 14132813, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6237, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Amanita of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Amanita of the Riviera\n\nI am wealth. Am everywhere. The root \nand crest of all things. I am lonely shores \nand windswept crags. All constant, resolute \nI reach up, under. Lift my cap of spores \nand send my spirit into every breeze \nand gust. My wisdom, memories all blow \nwith every speck. I wander where I please, \ntake root in places no wizard can know \nexcept one such as me. I speak to bears \nand elementals. All the spells I know \nfound me this way. The children sometimes stare \nas I walk by, and wonder how I go \nabroad in boots, as if I were alive \nbut still I flourish, here, where mushrooms thrive."} +{"id": "a5512b2a-faa0-4078-9705-7378d5e9f195-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-21T16:05:59.607", "backgroundColor": "#210f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSKFHXKXzG8Ue5nre8BZFKv6sPqucoGLwJVyNvjB5aGpQ", "txHash": "0xd1a46e08c598d1b158869a485abe1480deb7a78d3b69c6e0790426b47915e7f9", "createdAtBlock": 15186877, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9982, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPjWz5EfXjuhVHpxM1tAJYoEkwzu6UPMGzSAxo3fAJYuk", "name": "Everett Pulverizer of Honor", "text": "Why do I have a crowbar?\nWhat have I broken into?\nDo I use it for honorable causes or do I pulverize for my own selfish needs?\nWhy don't I remember anything? \nDo I still have my honor?\nWhen did my trusty turtle get all these tattoos and spikes?\n\nHow much time has passed since I fell through the quantum shadow?"} +{"id": "b0d692bc-fa60-415a-bda8-a8a7d059c8ec-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:57.496", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZSpgtSkdqCSU2kqATx8XCvLMuosdAZE13V6WZ9ek1dP2", "txHash": "0x647f7f9bb777ad715ef81e8019c483fa3016a49ff24daf10ce99de12ffe10aab", "createdAtBlock": 14135254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8524, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Eizo of Tartarus", "text": "# The Story of Augurer Eizo\n\nWe do not know much of Eizo's exploits of the arcane type. He usually is slumped in his barstool at the far corner, minding his pints. He stays relatively quiet, however at times when he has imbibed enough ale he will ramble about how he once moved worlds. \n\nA man of seemingly no particular arcane talent, I must admit there have been times of interesting anomalies at our bar that we cannot rule out have been caused by Eizo himself. Last week our new barmaid dropped an entire serving plate of glasses and it seemed as if the entire bar erupted in applause, however when I looked outward towards to the tables, I didn't see a single person clapping.\n\nThere have been other times where Eizo has left to go somewhere and has returned in a timeliness that no mortal man should be able to travel.\n\nAnd we dare not talk about the time those mercenaries began to make fun of Eizo..."} +{"id": "39a7d6ca-02f6-4af9-8fe8-a9a9b5c7fc36-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:38.816", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdzWYtGSkbrgX18YNnMDT1aV85xBJ6JGN87aPN9WhjYnE", "txHash": "0x15e584b9eb374abc143b8084bc0a843f1669e6f08fcdd18dc47e3cccfc3c974e", "createdAtBlock": 14646462, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8724, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Titania of the Moors", "text": "# Enchanter Titania of the Moors\n\nHer story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "bb0862a6-e10a-440a-bdf4-92f01fff5efc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:32.779", "backgroundColor": "#020202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVbC7Khqn6PhU9aC976tdrEq4FRXGMicJ9ZwaMqm1PnDY", "txHash": "0xaa6bf5ca93e839fa1315bc05568d084d2e6baf60844efbd00eddf10ac7267409", "createdAtBlock": 14992379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9755, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQXUaYkmqK7VZQ7eJBoV8Ai84rFiphdqNMX4GeNXXXkHr", "name": "Horned Phantasm Circe of the Inifinite Nothing", "text": "## Art by Althea Huang \n\n### Twitter: @altheahuang0322 \n\n### Instagram: @Althea_art_"} +{"id": "5b110bdd-606b-4990-a71c-763e52f1e3fb-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-01T14:24:45.583", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYSs1X61E7VbBQRNTiUcp57tkQpj6ArLPLw11iYp3FELp", "txHash": "0xe119debe023fbd2c3f197397b724d25791779130c90413e3e9e929a0c011e0e6", "createdAtBlock": 15257203, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9596, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVD1cytLPWkq17xC1rANRT69TaES1CJvujs6rh3j9GCzs", "name": "Draxon of Destiny", "text": "Doug and his brother Scott grew up on a small farm in Pennsylvania. Their family made its living farming and raising goats, but since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, the boy found their true calling: doing stupid stuff on the farm, filming it and posting it on youtube. They were a pandemic youtube breakout success.\n\nWhile currently, their account has been suspended due to \"the government trying to suppress the truth\" or whatever, hopefully some day their videos will be retrieved and uploaded to Arweave or something, where their idiocy can be celebrated by all.\n\nBut, secretly, both Doug and Scott always wanted to be fighters. As boys, they played in the woods with home made swords, telling crazy stories of their imaginary adventures... In their more recent years, they have been thrown out of most every bar in their home town for climbing up on stage during shows and trying to fight the musicians. Usually caught on video, these antics helped their youtube star rise!\n\nSo, when they found out their neighbour down the road had been hired by a Wizard Cult to bring a pony to downtown Manhattan for a party, they just had to go!\n\nThey hitched a ride in the back of the truck for the four hour journey to NYC. The boys had never been to New York and were in awe of the city! Truly amazing.\n\nThey had heard that security was tight, so they slipped into the alley way around the back of the building:!\n\nThere, they found a team of workers moving oversized mushrooms, bar equipment, and various other items for the event in through the back doors. Grabbing a piece of gear, slipping in was no problem at all!\n\n\"You there, give me a hand setting up the Gate to the Seventh realm!\" Doug and Scott looked at eachother... \"COME ON, DOORS ARE IN 20 MINUTES! LETS GO!\" the stage lead shouted."} +{"id": "5b110bdd-606b-4990-a71c-763e52f1e3fb-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-01T14:24:45.583", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYSs1X61E7VbBQRNTiUcp57tkQpj6ArLPLw11iYp3FELp", "txHash": "0xe119debe023fbd2c3f197397b724d25791779130c90413e3e9e929a0c011e0e6", "createdAtBlock": 15257203, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9596, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVD1cytLPWkq17xC1rANRT69TaES1CJvujs6rh3j9GCzs", "name": "Draxon of Destiny", "text": "Not wanting to blow their cover, they fell in line and followed the lead. Around the corner, they saw it: the Gate to the Seventh Realm in all its glory!\n\n\n\nRight then and there, these boys knew this was the beginning of something special, although they had NO CLUE what was in store for them in the hours to come...\n\nJust then Oliver Tree jumped up onto the stage, running his hands up and down the majestic arches of the gate. \"Oh yea, this is bitch'n. Gigas Chad approves! Thanks for helping bring this to live boys! Come on round back, let's go do a shot before this party really gets going!\"\n\nThe boys looked at each other... still totally confused, but not interested in turning down free shots with probably the coolest looking bro in the world.\n\n\"Drink up boys! This magic juice has the power to bring us all into the Runiverse! Let's go!!\" Oliver Tree said as they all chugged their mystical drink. \n\n\"Damn, you guys know how to party huh? This city is full of fakers and posers, but you guy are the real deal! I need more people like you in the Chad Army!\"\n\nDoug and Scott said goodbye to the Gigas Chad to who said \"Find me on stage later alright? We will party like the yellow wizards! And dude: I love that hat! Mind giving me that hat later? It a sweet hat!\"\n\nIn that moment, they all felt a tingle run up their spine... something magical was beginning...\n\nThe night wore on and the boys tried their best to blend in. Two farm boys from the country had to make up stories about themselves though... it wasn't long before they started introducing themselves as their made up characters:\n\n\"I am Draxon of Destiny!\" Doug said to some giant green witch man and they drank!"} +{"id": "5b110bdd-606b-4990-a71c-763e52f1e3fb-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-01T14:24:45.583", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYSs1X61E7VbBQRNTiUcp57tkQpj6ArLPLw11iYp3FELp", "txHash": "0xe119debe023fbd2c3f197397b724d25791779130c90413e3e9e929a0c011e0e6", "createdAtBlock": 15257203, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9596, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVD1cytLPWkq17xC1rANRT69TaES1CJvujs6rh3j9GCzs", "name": "Draxon of Destiny", "text": "\"I am Draxon of Destiny!\" Doug said to some giant green witch man and they drank!\n\n\"I am @warrior13411\" he said to a bunch of people calling themselves morons.\n\nBefore too long, the boys were both hammered. And I mean truly krunk. There was something a little magical about these cocktails and it gave them both a sense that the Runiverse was their true home... their true calling!\n\nThen: The show started!!\n\n\nThere was the man, the myth, the legend, Gigas Chad himself! \n\nMaybe it was the drinks, maybe the !magic, maybe the invitation from the Chad himself, but Doug decided this was his moment: Up on stage he went! Dancing with the Chad parting on. It was then Doug remember that the Chad had wanted his hat, so he tried to give it to him: well well...\n\nDoug's Dance with the Chad!\n\nDoug went down but the epic beating he endured as the Chad pounded on him punched holes in the fabric of reality! A gate had been opened!\n\nAs the bouncers dragged Doug and Scott away from the stage, they saw the party continue on! As they were thrown out the doors of the party they were cast through a portal:\n\nInstead of landing on the streets of New York City, they tumbled out of the tavern onto a muddy, dirt street. Picking themselves up, they looked around."} +{"id": "5b110bdd-606b-4990-a71c-763e52f1e3fb-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-01T14:24:45.583", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYSs1X61E7VbBQRNTiUcp57tkQpj6ArLPLw11iYp3FELp", "txHash": "0xe119debe023fbd2c3f197397b724d25791779130c90413e3e9e929a0c011e0e6", "createdAtBlock": 15257203, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9596, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVD1cytLPWkq17xC1rANRT69TaES1CJvujs6rh3j9GCzs", "name": "Draxon of Destiny", "text": "Gone were the tall buildings, gone was the pavement and streetscape. The rumbled of subway trains was replaced with horse drawn carts and carriages.. They looked back, and what was the party of the Wizards was now a busy tavern. A pair of imps tumbled out onto the street after them, laughing and singing in some foreign language. A purple wizard muttering to himself walked into the bar and a they could see a lady with a giant Gae Bolg arguing with the bar manager about what a \"reasonable size of weapon to bring into a tavern was\".\n\nThe brothers looked at each other and shouted in unison:\n\n\"AWESOME!!!!!\"\n\nAnd so began the adventures of Draxon of Destiny and Scott of the Swamp!"} +{"id": "bb020cd9-a536-4c8c-b46b-a123c3f9d5a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:58.304", "backgroundColor": "#f5f7d2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmefn82oXHJYF6TMK7WB6pgh4BPpzcUwCJGvRjeXg6FUqC", "txHash": "0xc6bc8bcc923c8c8b0d15f7db334f4fa6482fc8ffc433782d7398574dc8cdd3ce", "createdAtBlock": 14135703, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9761, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Huizhong of the Sands", "text": "# The Magus of the Sands\n\nMagus Huizhong of the Sands. The Shifting Veil. The Eyes of the Desert. Huizhong goes by many names, though those familiar with his power simply call him The Magus.\n\nHailing from the copper sands of the Tong Wastelands, The Magus is the warden of the Shaolin temple that lies deep within the belly of the unforgiving desert. Bending the searing winds to his will, he makes venturing to the temple a near-impossible task, if not a death wish. Churning quicksand surrounds the temple grounds for miles. Three sand twisters as tall as mountains encircle the temple itself, patrolling the area like elemental guards and radiating smaller dust devils in their wake. And if one were fleet-of-foot enough to bypass even those barriers, no man nor magic could evade the gaze of The Eyes. By channeling through the vision of his crow companion, he becomes The Eyes to reveal both the invisible and deceitful before him. And once seen by The Magus, there is no escape without punishment.\n\nWhat power is held within the temple that requires such protection, such isolation? Legend has it that the book that gifted The Magus with his abilities is stowed somewhere deep beneath the compound. But until the temple is breached, the truth shall remain shrouded in the mystery of legends."} +{"id": "bd10fc3e-87d3-45db-a981-8cbd89deccc9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:18.396", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfwyRsxaJRWPd8aK3SbGshiV359spbeiFg2fwW7yduWp", "txHash": "0xe31bdc0e57d637fad1968d5637f84b680f8c6cb28c004e2c78bdd246e3f3085f", "createdAtBlock": 14734426, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 272, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Corky of the Brambles", "text": "O Corky of the house of Brambles!\n\nIn constant pursuit of the approval of others, he wanders from court to tavern to jest and part tales of humor to any and all that will lend him an ear."} +{"id": "97e702ef-6e79-4248-abf7-bf920b96bd4d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:00.042", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTVp77RbT3f2TkShHKLFfBxhW3NewjQwLbBMk4isRH4c3", "txHash": "0xbe4c1c1388a57e0f08a8d959a757d11b1cc3cb4e2c0013a65b4db145f51e6daf", "createdAtBlock": 14136706, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1705, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Hills", "text": "Archmagus Oberon of the Hills committed many crimes due to this he had to learn how to turn back time. Oberon watches from the hills beware Oberon of the Hills."} +{"id": "47b6cecc-feeb-4b5b-8699-fd58993020fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:00.851", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcVzoUb54H7vtSEA9rdYmwDtxYpDj8bQmVtFgBM8DnyRy", "txHash": "0xadf7d6f9c7b4a228b8bcda1ef806bc441563941398b7810336857ba44a6f63d1", "createdAtBlock": 14136740, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Alessar of El Dorado", "text": "Eoker Alessar of El Dorado is in communicado with many others from El Dorado. Alessar commands a frog named Bog, Bog awaits for its prince for Alessar is unkind and binds Bog to Bogs fate. Therefore Bog is full of hate."} +{"id": "0c855cc4-74d9-4517-9c20-fae6f839db6c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-21T20:12:33.689", "backgroundColor": "#00001f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPXTFFxqh1xP4YLCBaoR1pUnrPhrJjDqT6CdmhHwuiPN5", "txHash": "0x7c75b28f3c0200e69453cf355e6ce3fefd3beb9192321da9e4082e89574ddbdb", "createdAtBlock": 15188051, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9847, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdFRZh2RNPgUiE74vECu8VwrZThopj8jut7nRSuY3QGxS", "name": "Elgar Apocalypse of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Elgar Apocalypse of Nightmare Paradise \n\n\n\n\n\nElgar Apocalypse of Nightmare Paradise and his raptor ready for battle with the help of a @soul6520 \n\n\n>Baron Von Fancy's vision brought to reality by the amazing Wise Sam \nSummer of 2022"} +{"id": "485a4df7-4b6e-4f94-9155-0b4d0d1e5cb8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:19.121", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT9dkBv3MTxtfk8EzY6kzWUDAPPpR16j717PAQ5NMKXXH", "txHash": "0x72ab62470ff7ac61eb0bba9bbd4396b22b2990082ad03e7e0c2930897709b9aa", "createdAtBlock": 14734567, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5004, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Alchemist Jahid of the Marsh", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "d8543113-1dcf-4ca6-ad64-7a2a34886554-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:01.633", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNhEvDMQXbP1jbKBeSQjKcxYqqEUP7SAV6ezL4AFxLHmW", "txHash": "0x2bb00b53e2b7576a15b1ab873f289f76e0b778a380b9f89cc306b13b6f854f8d", "createdAtBlock": 14136794, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9435, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Xiaosheng of the Thorn", "text": "THE EASTERN WITCH aka Sage Xiaosheng of the Thorn raises her golden glass to thee. That trifling whore. But alas the weak must fear the strong as Sage Xiaosheng of the Thorn would whisper as you drink your last drink from her golden goblet."} +{"id": "42bbd318-9bc5-4996-a3b5-9cb5a6418212-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:02.551", "backgroundColor": "#155f28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdWVRiHuxURqKtyYWQdwKLJtgRfTEGA1oY3drM9nHcazm", "txHash": "0x40d849c5be209e5a88c848ae0a5a04e5e3f365ad2c2bebecf216312e683e24c7", "createdAtBlock": 14137825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2584, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Gunthor of the Capital", "text": "# (Battle Mage) *Gunthor the Green* (of the Capital)\n\n\"I like green.\", those were the words of Gunthor when asked by the arcane instructor what he wanted for his familiar. \n\n\"Very well, here. Take this slime. Now, for your wand...\"\n\n\"I like green.\" \n\n\"Well, unfortunately, our wands are real wood. Unless you want the plastic garbage that the regular folks use for everything. But you don't want that. So, here's a nice mapl-\"\n\n\"I like green. What about this mushroom?\", said Gunthor, taking off his hat to reveal an oversized mushroom beneath. \"I've been keeping it here for months. It's gotta be imbued with magic at this point.\"\n\n\"Uhhh, wha -- never mind. Look, you're a Battle Mage, Gunthor. Well, supposed to be at any rate -- what are you going to do with a mushroo--\",\n\n\"*Magic* Mushroom\", Gunthor interrupted. \"Well, probably magic. And I don't really know. Mushroom things. What am I going to do with a slime? You're still giving me one of those.\"\n\nThe arcane instructor sighed, \"Okay, you know what. You don't need a wand. Most of the other Wizards don't use a wand anyway, for whatever reason. The mushroom is a bit of a stretch, but, you like green so have at it.\"\n\n\"I do like green.\", Gunthor nodded in agreement, now holding his mushroom triumphantly. \n\n\"Great. Just...try not to battle with anything big. Or armed. Or armoured. Or magical. Or scary. Actually, just try not to battle at all, waving a mushroom around like that. A corpse would probably give you trouble.\"\n\n\"Nah. Mushrooms love corpses. Where do you think I found it?\""} +{"id": "42bbd318-9bc5-4996-a3b5-9cb5a6418212-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:02.551", "backgroundColor": "#155f28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdWVRiHuxURqKtyYWQdwKLJtgRfTEGA1oY3drM9nHcazm", "txHash": "0x40d849c5be209e5a88c848ae0a5a04e5e3f365ad2c2bebecf216312e683e24c7", "createdAtBlock": 14137825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2584, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Gunthor of the Capital", "text": "\"Nah. Mushrooms love corpses. Where do you think I found it?\"\n\n\"...Right. Okay, well, we're done here. You were born in December, so you get a Mercury rune. Or something, I've never really bothered to learn astrology - it got dropped from the curriculum for a reason. Mortal Magic, we call it. Anyway -- Doesn't fit in with your aesthetic 100%, but that will be part of the charm I suppose.\"\n\n\"Can it be green?\"\n\n\"No - runes are runes. They're not coloured. Life can't all be green, Gunthor. Just look at your hat.\"\n\n\"That's a good point\", said Gunthor, reaching towards the wall of familiars where his slime still sat, and plucked a feather from one of the Jewled *(sic)* Hummingbirds and stuck it into his hat. \"There. Now it's sort of green.\" Gunthor said cheerfully. \"Besides, if it was green it wouldn't match the beard. And you don't want to see me without a beard.\" \n\n\"Oh, wait a minute\", Gunthor continued, \"Can I just take this hummingbird, rather than the slime? Might be more useful. Less squishy. And it can fly.\" \n\n\"No. Sorry. They're all spoken for, and they're expensive. Also, the hummingbird absolutely does not want to go with you after the maneuver you just pulled\" the instructor scoffed, pointing to the bird which was simultaneously looking mournfully at its feather, now perched atop Gunthor's hat, and resentfully at the rest of him."} +{"id": "42bbd318-9bc5-4996-a3b5-9cb5a6418212-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:02.551", "backgroundColor": "#155f28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdWVRiHuxURqKtyYWQdwKLJtgRfTEGA1oY3drM9nHcazm", "txHash": "0x40d849c5be209e5a88c848ae0a5a04e5e3f365ad2c2bebecf216312e683e24c7", "createdAtBlock": 14137825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2584, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Gunthor of the Capital", "text": "\"Alright, your loss, bird. I'm going to go do mushroom things. Green mushroom things. And my slime, uh, Gary, will come too\" The slime, now called Gary (the Green), jumped down from the familiar shelf, looking as happy as a slime can look. Gunthor turned to move toward the door, but not before flourishing his cape over his face like something out of a Zoro movie. The move was not as cool as Gunthor thought it was, evidenced by the chuckles of pure cringe emanating from the rest of his class. Gunthor paid them no heed. \n\n\"It's been a slice\", Gunthor smirked, \"...of key lime pie.\" The chuckles turned to groans. \n\nAnd with that, Gunthor the mushroom-wielding Battle Mage ventured out into the Capital in search of greener pastures."} +{"id": "3b246200-10f7-4b83-857a-43803810ac7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:34.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYjQw3XiE8o5dfUBUPpuxZUrDSoXqomFThw9aW14oBXZ6", "txHash": "0xed7f2a273d1611d9012e11298a6479f5a694112b34738a95f3734efc8e8400af", "createdAtBlock": 14933178, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12165, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mitch Swindler of the Riverlands", "text": "Mitch \"Swindler\" was born into a family of hunters in the Riverland's. From a young age, he was fascinated by the dinosaurs that roamed the land. He would often go out on hunting trips with his father and uncles, and learned all the tricks of the trade.\n\nAs he got older, Mitch became known as the best hunter in the Riverland's. His great hunts led to the discovery of many new species of dinosaurs, including some of the savage predators. His reputation grew, and he was even asked to help domesticated some of the more dangerous dinosaurs.\n\nMitch's skills as a hunter are legendary, and he is still revered as one of the greatest hunters of all time."} +{"id": "dfcfe3ee-14ce-497f-ad51-c880c296c9fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-21T21:11:04.83", "backgroundColor": "#00000e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5V8ifBH4WtCHSWb9UCdmdgEMExDeWjRSuCGsrEaYofP", "txHash": "0x20977acfb42638c9e3f15112c0890093b0cdaf7f589d00ddd0197a69c7264953", "createdAtBlock": 15188312, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9847, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Elgar Apocalypse of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Elgar Apocalypse of Nightmare Paradise's Azure Raptor\nmy name is din \ni am a saur \ni thank you for \nthis pile of gore \nwhen i have supped \nand made my own \nbehold my scales \nwill turn to bone\n \n> *by LOREPUNK* \nSummer of 2022"} +{"id": "e7c5c9dd-08e2-4580-8257-8e9de69cb47e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:03.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRJ74R4M8EMQNMMeNdPLUmSmbNzK4pHvj9eUoTcwVZbf4", "txHash": "0xb726d24cd9baf01769eb88c3e558ab329a930af0d816182032f0b3cb077f1ae1", "createdAtBlock": 14138246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVcNUWpKsL5nmMQ2pzUgPiG7THTk3W4GPvvGkBwgRna2b", "name": "Magus Koop of El Dorado", "text": "# Magus Koop of El Dorado\n\n## Entry Two: The Orb Staff\n\nIn his twenty-third year, Koop often found himself running the family store alone. He enjoyed visits from local wizards and witches and began to trade for spell scrolls and other magical trinkets. One day a *Stranger* came seeking onyx powder, a peculiar reagent used primarily for necromancy. \n\n\"Hail traveler!\" Koop greeted the man warmly. Without a word **The Stranger** removed a staff wrapped in cloth from his back and placed it on the table. He fished a purchase order from his pocket and extended it to Koop. \"Oh! onyx powder? A most interesting request. I will fetch it right away.\" The Anuran set about filling a leather pouch with the coarse black powder. With his order filled, the man removes the covering from his staff and hands it to Koop. It was a sturdy thing, with a great blue orb at its head, he could feel the power radiating from it. \"Tis a fair trade. You have a deal sir.\" **The Stranger** departed in silence, his task fulfilled. \n\n\"Tell Master Krick that the boy has accepted the staff.\""} +{"id": "5eb6fa20-6bda-4061-a261-b760c508b472-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:05.907", "backgroundColor": "#240e3e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfG3eooEcxbbB8XhtSKx4d5dGgLsQsRUTvqLUTRAc2mep", "txHash": "0x6edf791b4124ea9486b71ce1f6fa397f01225a9e4c3181b0ac84344d21ee7c02", "createdAtBlock": 14132854, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6063, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Brutus of the Pit", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Brutus of the Pit\n\n**Prologue**\n\n_In a dark space of the high-tier reality, a Controller scrutinized the Life of Wizards searching for signs. \nAnd there he found the young Mage, and observed his Life._\n\n_The Controller admitted the boy had raw potential in his plane of existence and he was naturally connected to the forces of Magic. Yet he was not in control, he was still a victim of the chaotic turbulence of magical Will in the Great Game._\n\n_He decided he would guide him on the Path of the Truth and give him the chance to become his Champion._\n\n**Act 1: The calm before the storm**\n\n_One_exhales_Two_exhales_Three_exhalesthe breathing routine always induced a warm and calming effect on Brutus. \n\nHe could sense the Magic energy in his body flowing ordinately back to the accumulation points.\n\nThis time he had pushed his limits too far and returning to a normal state was taking its toll on his mind.\n\nSince his childhood he had learned on his own how to tame the magical forces flowing through him. He had to compromise with them to lead a normal life. \nLeft without control, the forces could flow freely through his body and to the external world, with a killing intent for any life around him, including his own. \nThe more he let them prevail on his Will, the higher his power and his chances of survival in any situation would be. But this came at the price of losing control of his very human nature while letting Magic act its will, with no memory of what happened.\n\nBecause of his nature, he was prevented to complete the strict and rigorous training of the School of Arcane Arts and was forced to drop out. \nRejected from the magical elite, the Army of the Realm welcomed him in the military ranks and trained him to employ his raw magical skills in combat."} +{"id": "5eb6fa20-6bda-4061-a261-b760c508b472-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:05.907", "backgroundColor": "#240e3e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfG3eooEcxbbB8XhtSKx4d5dGgLsQsRUTvqLUTRAc2mep", "txHash": "0x6edf791b4124ea9486b71ce1f6fa397f01225a9e4c3181b0ac84344d21ee7c02", "createdAtBlock": 14132854, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6063, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Brutus of the Pit", "text": "Now a mercenary, fighting was his nature and a way to unleash his potential without regrets and explore the World.\n\nFellow warriors admired his deadly outbursts in battle, often comparing him to a Berserker of Magic, having no clue on the heavy toll suffered and difficult recovery. \nHe hated being called Brutus for his style, yet he could not reveal to anyone his real name.\n\nWas this the life he dreamt of as a child? How many times did he ask himself? Sometimes he felt like he had no control not even on his very dreams and memories. \nOnly his resolution to understand the most fundamental nature of Magic has always been bright and clear in his mind, allowing him to endure his quest for magical research and training.\n\nAfter a few more breaths Brutus opens his eyes and stands up, feeling calm and ready to start the day.\nHe puts on his dark robes, covering the complex glyphs marking his body. His loyal familiar rabbit Zip promptly arrives at his feet looking at him with expectation. \nThe mage looks briefly at Zip: familiar, friend and sole anchor to his humanity maybe without realizing it.\n\nYou are hungry, my friend? You are right, lets get some food. Zip perceives the mental statement from Brutus and quietly moves toward the door with rapid jumps.\n\nBrutus collects his bow and the bag and leaves his house in the woods, with Zip quickly preceding him and disappearing in the bushes to reach his favourite spot for herbs.\n\nSuddenly, Brutus feels a warm sensation on the palm of his left hand and quickly takes off his glove. The glyph on his hand is glowing of a pale purple color. The wizard knows the meaning from the divinatory artefact: danger is approaching.\n\nAfter casting a basic protection spell, Brutus jumps into the forest sending a mental heads-up to Zip. I hope you had time to eat a little snack, they found us. Ill have my lunch later."} +{"id": "5eb6fa20-6bda-4061-a261-b760c508b472-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:05.907", "backgroundColor": "#240e3e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfG3eooEcxbbB8XhtSKx4d5dGgLsQsRUTvqLUTRAc2mep", "txHash": "0x6edf791b4124ea9486b71ce1f6fa397f01225a9e4c3181b0ac84344d21ee7c02", "createdAtBlock": 14132854, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6063, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Brutus of the Pit", "text": "He then prepared for battle with a subtle smile crossing his face."} +{"id": "58e4010b-7151-4068-bbc4-ca81dd650213-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-02T08:19:07.369", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQGAn7LoZantc1GZU26eZqmpiPavgyaZnJW2eNCozMMmx", "txHash": "0xe68e563832ff067e32a48dcc7185b883c5d9824200fa54370b6f58ff23c06152", "createdAtBlock": 15261948, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11711, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/collections/forgottenruneswarriorsguild.png", "name": "Ryan Dread of Robots", "text": "My Friends call me Butch, Its not my real name, my parents, God rest their souls, baptized me Ryan after my grand father.\nThat was before some Robots controlled by some wicked wizards decided to murder them, you might wonder why. Dont. \n\nI hate those Machines.\n\n\n\nPop was a Butcher, I always carry his knife with me and that made the dread of robots.\nI have very few pleasure in this life, but when I see that little light going off in those droids fake eyes Im gonna tell you, that is pure joy.\n\nOur world is possessed by some ancient powers, they are hiding in the shadows, lots of things have been forgotten. \n\nBut when I will be done with those machines, I will come for their masters.\n\nMagic will die and Warriors will rule.\n\nAnd then you will call me, Ryan, Dread of Wizards."} +{"id": "ea370926-942e-4364-a0c9-3e474ea435c6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T07:56:02.783", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdBjKsJf55zUq5sCWN67YbSpr9vRkvi9GLFSawwJb59Gy", "txHash": "0x31f263a1f0f6b7ee9f6dde6cb091a4249c816f5075bb1c2b785a74521b75732d", "createdAtBlock": 15191124, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQvBd1qBDPCDnob6csu1rx2bLXaX6D2tevJc8sQ3jBRn2", "name": "Vampyre Damien of the Havens", "text": "The Egg was cold as a crypt. It was like this since he first touched it. He tried to heat it up with candle light, spells, even the heat of a blackmsiths forge. No result. But Damien was almost sure a little bit of Sacred Flame could bring the unborn creature in it to life\n\nHe just needs to be very careful around the flame. Vampyres are not exactly fire resistant and Sacred Flame is not exactly a regular fire. But the science must go on. And Damien must know what kind of creature is in the egg."} +{"id": "ec3da83d-ac84-420a-b5a5-ed132406b743-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:59.13", "backgroundColor": "#020202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSzGLuo6GYqvTXua4Kc3Mu6uyvnMpmc1RbwDN6fHVBWur", "txHash": "0x45ab36094d57a1136b846e72d671934fd31c77c372876a47d555a07a87e1b40e", "createdAtBlock": 14136215, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5680, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUezBeQDWyxjCnm2VoEjiKFYrBd1T7aADyWhxRqtYFXL5", "name": "Evoker Nicolas of the Marsh", "text": "Nicolas' cousin, Snake of the Plisskin, taught him the ways of wizard... \n\nSnake could escape from ANY city, thus Nicolas and his trusty broom learnt how to Conjure, Summon & Disappear from one of the best.\n\nA rogue till the end, Snake taught Nicolas all he knew, with Nicolas now roaming the plains and marshes of the wild - keeping his one good eye open for trouble."} +{"id": "2b0efd10-5164-4bd4-aa4d-699836e78a99-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-03T01:19:14.358", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcE2WRJCrMV8h6FgfcqLkcAanX1AJXyxWqLWaD2Aka4v5", "txHash": "0xad9939c4e09dc360712c3dc801f884c4b0a5a298e482442372349b889cc1dc99", "createdAtBlock": 15266541, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7088, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVUZjeUPPh9nJDgmEYW7kEG2N1WgkyUAskCD821tENB3z", "name": "Wraith Knight Bayard of the Worms", "text": "# ARCANE ENFORCEMENT AGENCY\n# CRIMINAL RECORD\n#\n### NAME\n#\nArch Gravelord Bayard of the Worms\n#\n### PHOTO NO.\n#\n7088\n#\n\n#\n### KNOWN ALIASES\n#\nLeft Hand of the Heretic, Wraith Knight Bayard\n#\n### CRIME(S)\n#\nOmnicide, Necromancy, Sacrilege\n#\n### KNOWN ACCOMPLICES\n#\nSorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star (AKA \"The Heretic\")"} +{"id": "2b0efd10-5164-4bd4-aa4d-699836e78a99-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-03T01:19:14.358", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcE2WRJCrMV8h6FgfcqLkcAanX1AJXyxWqLWaD2Aka4v5", "txHash": "0xad9939c4e09dc360712c3dc801f884c4b0a5a298e482442372349b889cc1dc99", "createdAtBlock": 15266541, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7088, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVUZjeUPPh9nJDgmEYW7kEG2N1WgkyUAskCD821tENB3z", "name": "Wraith Knight Bayard of the Worms", "text": "### BACKGROUND\n#\nBayard was a gifted student at the Arcanum of the Sacred Pillars, the prestigious academy known for their renowned alumni and aristocratic blue uniforms. Though brilliant in the summoning arts, his academic disciplinary record demonstrated that he persistently sought power through nefarious means. In his fourth year, Bayard was summoned before the Arcanum Grandmasters to answer for accusations of performing necromancya circle of magic that was expressly forbidden. He was deemed unfit to continue his studies and was expelled, which led to the occurrence of the event known as the Acheron Soul incident. Bayard's notoriety as an accomplished necromancer caught the attention of The Heretic who recruited him to serve as a Wraith Knight during his imperial campaign across the Runiverse. At the height of the campaign, Bayard was appointed Left Hand of the Heretic and Arch Gravelord to command the newly formed Grave Legion (AKA \"The Worms\"). Grave Legion was comprised of some of the most talented and inventive necromancers of the era. Bayard himself was a grandmaster of the necromantic arts which earned him second-in-command of the heretic's forces. The Arch Gravelord was an intelligent and ruthless commander. Several disturbing artifacts have been found which confirm the rumors that following the defeat of notable enemies, Bayard would transmute their souls into inanimate objects, so they would remain sentient yet tragically restricted. Though most historians regard the black arts, including necromancy, as a debasement and perversion of magic, it is indisputable that the magical acts committed by Bayard and his Worms pushed the boundaries of magic to limits never before conceived possible at the time.\n#\nExcerpt from a journal found following the fall of The Heretic's forces:"} +{"id": "2b0efd10-5164-4bd4-aa4d-699836e78a99-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-03T01:19:14.358", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcE2WRJCrMV8h6FgfcqLkcAanX1AJXyxWqLWaD2Aka4v5", "txHash": "0xad9939c4e09dc360712c3dc801f884c4b0a5a298e482442372349b889cc1dc99", "createdAtBlock": 15266541, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7088, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVUZjeUPPh9nJDgmEYW7kEG2N1WgkyUAskCD821tENB3z", "name": "Wraith Knight Bayard of the Worms", "text": "### LAST KNOWN LOCATION\n#\nBayard is presumed dead. However, unconfirmed reports have identified an individual matching his description in the western region of the Valley of the Void Disciple."} +{"id": "069b8585-443f-4539-b913-3d6e56b409f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:05.712", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXEfB6PbB42kTmbkxDXLp9bKbyb1zU6nK7rw1gToTTHAG", "txHash": "0x5d048f630904414d4f1e18866f328ef6d067d8c3dd880d7d364a1228de430c4a", "createdAtBlock": 14139088, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 256, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Brown Cow of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Brown Cow of the Steppe\n\nPeople still walk up and say how now \nto me. Sometimes they moo. They think its cute, \nI guess. My bunny, slightly resolute, \nwiggles her nose. Grew up pulling a plow, \nI did. Saved up for wizard college, where \nI learned wonders amidst velvets and silks \nand finest crystal. Sold a little milk \nfor my expenses. Lighter than the air \nare student longings to build and create \nthe latest wonder. Folk thought me a joke \nfor my horns, and the rounded words I spoke \nwith bovine lips. But they still hesitate \nand snicker, while, refined, I bask in wealth. \nI shrug my shouldersdrink up to their health."} +{"id": "fef0c8c8-e67d-4a2b-98db-63a1842f38ae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.745", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkRvJNNhVYgf8dGcRuhYxWBthkqroh5fH5mDs9twyuoR", "txHash": "0x7ae6460c9d883c0702573cd4839bff5f32abb92e6a44c59827e83dec47e222b3", "createdAtBlock": 15191507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPY6gmQLXxYeLR2sVVkADV4TgzQWuYm1mebAwSTmHgqGp", "name": "Alchemist Asmodeus of the Brambles", "text": "# Chapter 1: A thickening plot\nAsmodeus slipped his potent mandrake potion back into his green coveralls as the Sage approached down the gloomy corridor of the Citadel crypt.\n\nDo you have what was promised? he asked.\n\nNo time for pleasantries eh? replied @wizard2885. He tossed a bulging pouch over to Asmodeus. The contents clinked heavily as he caught it. Asmodeus untied the cord and checked the coins inside, before tucking his payment away next to the vial of potion.\n\nTime is money, Sage. What would you have me do?\n\nOtto chuckled, raising his hands placatingly. Fair enough Alchemist, straight to business then. Ive discovered that the Empress is a fraud her name is Circe, and shes a Charmer from Red Wizard Capital. Shes been using her eternal rose to hold the entire city in thrall. The Council is willing to pay triple what I just gave you if you succeed in overturning the spell she has cast over the city.\n\nHe looked around, then leaned in close and spoke softly in the Asmodeus ear. My benefactor will double your fee again if you can expose the fact that shes a Red Wizard. But nobody can know where the information comes from. If you can capture her accomplice and deliver her to him unharmed well, then you can name your price.\n\nAsmodeus nodded wordlessly and vanished into the shadows. Otto cleared his throat uncomfortably, his false bravado vanishing as quickly as the alchemist. He wondered if ignoring his instincts and enlisting the help of a rogue arcanist was such a sensible idea after all. They were notoriously unpredictable, albeit effective. Not for the first time, he found his mind at odds with himself why did this whole plan trouble him so?"} +{"id": "fef0c8c8-e67d-4a2b-98db-63a1842f38ae-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.745", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkRvJNNhVYgf8dGcRuhYxWBthkqroh5fH5mDs9twyuoR", "txHash": "0x7ae6460c9d883c0702573cd4839bff5f32abb92e6a44c59827e83dec47e222b3", "createdAtBlock": 15191507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPY6gmQLXxYeLR2sVVkADV4TgzQWuYm1mebAwSTmHgqGp", "name": "Alchemist Asmodeus of the Brambles", "text": "Finally, shaking his head, he turned and made his way back out of the crypts into a sunlit corridor of the palace. Back out in the open air, away from the damp, mouldy atmosphere of the crypt, he felt more confident again. His mind was hazy, though. He struggled to remember any details about the end of his mission in the forest or how he had got back to the Citadel when he tried to recall any specific events, they slipped out of his reach like a river perch through the fingers. \n\nImages tugged faintly at his mind a wizard bells on his shoes, and a silky yellow cape stars spinning low in the air a faint waft of hops and barley floating in the deep dark burrow of his psyche. He frowned, struggling to find meaning in his fragmented memories as they slipped away.\n\n# Chapter 2: Slime into wine\nAsmodeus crouched in the shadows looking down on the bedchamber. @wizard3914, and @wizard4841 sat huddled together on a plush divan beneath a glittering chandelier that probably cost more than the alchemists parents had ever earned in their entire lifetime. The younger woman scarcely old enough to be called such was telling a story of some fantastical adventure in a lazy drawl; the supposed Empress listened avidly, her hand resting on Bathshebas forearm as she stared up at her companions face with a rapt expression, her eyes sparkling."} +{"id": "fef0c8c8-e67d-4a2b-98db-63a1842f38ae-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.745", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkRvJNNhVYgf8dGcRuhYxWBthkqroh5fH5mDs9twyuoR", "txHash": "0x7ae6460c9d883c0702573cd4839bff5f32abb92e6a44c59827e83dec47e222b3", "createdAtBlock": 15191507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPY6gmQLXxYeLR2sVVkADV4TgzQWuYm1mebAwSTmHgqGp", "name": "Alchemist Asmodeus of the Brambles", "text": "Two goblets and a pitcher of wine sat on the table next to the divan. Asmodeus smiled to himself and delicately pulled the stopper from the vial of mandrake potion. Amber, his topaz slime familiar, oozed her way from his shoulder, down his chest and onto his knee. He petted her softly and then dripped several drops of the potion onto her round, orange body. Her skin rippled, instantaneously absorbing the drug, then she flowed along the ceiling beam and down one of the rich tapestries hanging from the walls.\n\nAsmodeus watched the two foxes that lay at the foot of the divan, keeping an eye out for any sign that they sensed Ambers approach, but they were also far too engrossed in each other to notice anything untoward.\n\nAmber crept her way up the leg of the table. Noting that none of the rooms occupants were paying any attention, she flowed up the pitchers handle and hung part of her gelatinous body over the lip. Asmodeus saw a small wisp of smoke puff up from the surface of the wine as Amber dipped herself into it, and the lower half of her body flushed a deep burgundy.\n\nHer task done, the slime retracted her body and made her way unsteadily back towards the wall at the far end of the chamber. Asmodeus noticed that she was oozing in not quite as straight a line as before. As she approached the tapestry, she let out a small hiccup. Asmodeus eyes widened in alarm; one of the foxes had raised its head and looked around suspiciously. The alchemist held his breath. Thankfully Amber kept enough of her wits about her to remain completely still. Eventually the fox settled back down, and the alchemist calmed his jangling nerves, then settled down to wait."} +{"id": "fef0c8c8-e67d-4a2b-98db-63a1842f38ae-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.745", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkRvJNNhVYgf8dGcRuhYxWBthkqroh5fH5mDs9twyuoR", "txHash": "0x7ae6460c9d883c0702573cd4839bff5f32abb92e6a44c59827e83dec47e222b3", "createdAtBlock": 15191507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPY6gmQLXxYeLR2sVVkADV4TgzQWuYm1mebAwSTmHgqGp", "name": "Alchemist Asmodeus of the Brambles", "text": "As Amber made her way slowly up the tapestry, Circe reached over and poured more wine into the two goblets, handing one to Bathsheba. He held his breath.\n\nThe two wizards knocked their goblets together, but then Circe leant over and whispered something in Bathshebas ear. The Hex Mage gave a short, throaty laugh, and tilted her head, allowing the Charmer to plant small kisses up her neck as the goblets dangled precariously from their fingers. Asmodeus gritted his teeth. The slime was now wobbling along the wooden beam, almost losing her balance. Asmodeus frowned at her, but Amber made a gesture reminiscent of a shrug and squelched her way onto his leg.\n\nHe turned his attention back to the wizards below, willing them to drink, but for the moment they were too involved in each other to think of wine. Bathsheba took Circes goblet from her and placed them both back on the side table. Asmodeus winced. \n\nOnce the mandrake potion took hold, he could begin to put his plan in motion, but if they did not drink the wine, he would be forced to find another way to administer it. Without the potions magic, he would never be able to strip bare the Charmers spell and push the Citadel towards war with Red Wizard Capital. Relations already rested on a knifes edge if her deception was revealed, finding out that their beloved Empress was in fact a Red imposter would send the Citadel into a frenzy and then, who knew what other opportunities would arise for a rogue arcanist with the perfect blend of ambition, daring, and intelligence? If he leveraged the situation just right, it would be Asmodeus calling the shots, and the Wizarding Council scurrying to obey. But first, they needed to drink."} +{"id": "fef0c8c8-e67d-4a2b-98db-63a1842f38ae-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.745", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkRvJNNhVYgf8dGcRuhYxWBthkqroh5fH5mDs9twyuoR", "txHash": "0x7ae6460c9d883c0702573cd4839bff5f32abb92e6a44c59827e83dec47e222b3", "createdAtBlock": 15191507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPY6gmQLXxYeLR2sVVkADV4TgzQWuYm1mebAwSTmHgqGp", "name": "Alchemist Asmodeus of the Brambles", "text": "Finally, Bathsheba gently pressed her partner back onto the plush cushions of the divan and stretched over her to retrieve the two glasses of wine. \n\nThe alchemist leaned over expectantly as they raised the glasses to their lips. \n\nThey drank, and Asmodeus felt the stress flow out of his body; it wouldnt be long before the potions effects began to take hold\n\nStill perched on his knee, Amber let out a violent hiccup. Aghast, Asmodeus slapped his hand over where he figured her mouth to be. \n\nHis stomach a cold, hard knot, he looked down and saw four pairs of startled and furious eyes glaring up at him.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "bfe84a97-abc9-415d-b25d-f1e94a40672f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-03T13:00:02.799", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPz1W6dUwDpFHScv3pxGXJsdJucTY1tF2kY2RRiWFsYCF", "txHash": "0x3b2d28a8e9051a9ecf7fdd9e635972967d30b125f6174a15f16e3eefc74deacf", "createdAtBlock": 15269620, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12706, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQHCNd2uJMQnNqXaHUNcFJzBzJ618YJBtEUKtsayxft39", "name": "Broadwin Calamity of Zero", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Broadwin Calamity of Zero\n\n\nPortrait of Broadwin Calamity of Zero in his youth. \n\n> *Artwork by ZkitZz. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022*"} +{"id": "3737b225-b224-4318-b263-57135b837fb9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:01.794", "backgroundColor": "#350300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQoziJX7zPwxKCznpCR7QF1C7Vsq3uiPwPpRY844g26Mw", "txHash": "0x7cffc10fd60dc0c6d29205a607cf91a177a8dd9e4168e54a89823b6a6280f678", "createdAtBlock": 14533558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2486, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTW9yFooSsY8dN1Cxpkz6m8LmvmxwTN3uhW7StCsyuy91", "name": "Magus Amir of the Mount", "text": "# AMIR, DEATH'S DEMISE\n\n### Chapter 0: Love is the beginning, middle, and end of suffering.\n\nIt all starts with an invitation to get drinks at The Tavern. @wizard4159, a childhood friend of Amir, wanted to catch up on all the things that have happened since their last reunion just a few years ago. Within five minutes of their first beer - Amir spots a beautiful Floral Master across the bar...\n\nAmir is trying his best to keep his excitement out of view, but he is beyond giddy at this moment. This may very well be his first time speaking to a woman in years... albeit one a third his age. \n\nAmir waves the lady over and invites her to join the boys for a beer. One beer leads to a few and they are all having a splendid time. The conversation is mostly the two gentlemen asking the young @wizard4311 a barrage of questions about herself. She is reserved and shy, which has them both overcome with lust.\n\nPandora quickly gets up and brushes herself off. Amir and Horace are confused, and out of nowhere she grabs Amirs hand and pulls him up.\n\n*Let's Go*\n\nPandora lets go of Amirs hand and quickly exits the building, smiling on her way out. \n\n\nHorace warns Amir that there have been rumours of disappearing wizards all over the Runiverse. Rumblings of some so-called \"Forgotten Souls\" sightings have become common and worrisome. But Amir tells Horace that this is a simple, casual encounter and that there is nothing to worry about."} +{"id": "3737b225-b224-4318-b263-57135b837fb9-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:01.794", "backgroundColor": "#350300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQoziJX7zPwxKCznpCR7QF1C7Vsq3uiPwPpRY844g26Mw", "txHash": "0x7cffc10fd60dc0c6d29205a607cf91a177a8dd9e4168e54a89823b6a6280f678", "createdAtBlock": 14533558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2486, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTW9yFooSsY8dN1Cxpkz6m8LmvmxwTN3uhW7StCsyuy91", "name": "Magus Amir of the Mount", "text": "Pandora jumps on her pony, motions over Amir to jump on and off they go! Amir is a bit confused how this shy and quiet young lady is so quickly turned on by such casual conversation! He must have his mojo back! After a few minutes of galloping, they approach a weirdly shaped house. He had heard something about this place, but his memory isn't what it used to be...\n\nPandora jumps off her pony and briskly walks towards the front door of The Weird House, and lets herself inside, closing the door on the way in.\n\nAmir, at this point a bit tipsy and excited, takes his robe off and runs towards the door. Opening the door, his excitement quickly turns into horror...\n\nThere stood @wizard3930, standing in front of **The Sacred Flame**. Drako looks deep into Amir's eyes, cackles in excitement and blows as hard as he can into **The Sacred Flame** ...\n\n\n> _The smell of burning hair is one you never forget..._"} +{"id": "7443dd57-1fc9-4d09-94f0-a8f86ca4e6a6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:06.465", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbXFm2sYXJBMzEyc1rTTdsj4ne5nWJvjGYLQg1fXFCrP", "txHash": "0xe70a6f903f9da096bee8a7cd7a9784aa22a9254f90da22a7cab174b3adc4644d", "createdAtBlock": 14139323, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 282, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Munchkin the Tactical", "text": "Munchkin comes from a long proud line of Warponies. Schooled from a young age in the the art of war these ponies are no ordinary ponies. On the field of battle they can save your life, they instinctively know where to be, when to charge, when to fall back. In battle they are the ultimate companion. Outside of battle they will get you where you need to be, in the quickest most efficient time possible. Munchkin was set to be the latest of her line to enter into service as a trusted steed for a warrior commander. There were a couple of small issues, to be a war pony in the warrior ranks you have to be a model pony, and Munchkin is not this! Stubborn and impulsive this pony is a firecracker, a maverick in the pony ranks. No amount of training could train this out of her and so when her class graduated she was overlooked by the commanders of the warrior ranks and set free. So now she lives"} +{"id": "7443dd57-1fc9-4d09-94f0-a8f86ca4e6a6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:06.465", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbXFm2sYXJBMzEyc1rTTdsj4ne5nWJvjGYLQg1fXFCrP", "txHash": "0xe70a6f903f9da096bee8a7cd7a9784aa22a9254f90da22a7cab174b3adc4644d", "createdAtBlock": 14139323, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 282, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Munchkin the Tactical", "text": "ranks and set free. So now she lives on the Steppe, roaming free but still dreaming of finding a rider who she can ride free with, one that will understand her and respect her freedom!"} +{"id": "f817c357-474b-4f88-9fdb-8b04e4b8d3ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:07.265", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPTH57qpJLCkqeXscGm2gv7XKrwNZZnuHs5f7tVKtXhV", "txHash": "0xd07574b74836396d5ebd9cbfce0cbfcfa8ca66b8c849638993cb10f169ca149d", "createdAtBlock": 14139533, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6769, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVJfNU2PbPmh4FboCR6CmuY1EqXL4pSQ6mdAKQkacFDqn", "name": "Wraith Deacon Zaim of the Royal Wretch", "text": "****\n\n\n# Zaim knew nothing before the flame.\nAll that existed before that day has faded into the existence of time.\nFrom within the flames he was Ordained a Deacon of the Royal Wretch.\nThe 7th to engulf himself on that October night. Zaim is brave, and he emerged even more powerful than before.\n\nTransformed by that twisted nature into a soul, Zaim now shares an affinity with the undead. Now immortally locked to this universe, the soul of the once wizard now crawls the earth serving the Royal Wretch. \n\nNot often seen by mortals, he lurks in the shadows of his keep. Rumored to be one of the experimental surgeons for the Wraith King himself. Whispers of who he once was fill the air as the city watches smoke bellow from Zaim's tower in the mountains on a nightly basis.\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAct 1"} +{"id": "c650e62b-84a7-473a-98f3-65a7714baed2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:08.995", "backgroundColor": "#810600", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSbgXMQMkmki2Mf5n1Pr5n5r99xTjAVBbcpeteoxa7v2G", "txHash": "0x5609f3f03eaa44d26c4d515b4247338a3cb4c52327ca4d93843eab4cce8590b8", "createdAtBlock": 14140842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXXzfmrMZ6E43QRBVJ24gAGhu6XkBJGmoibiKZfzVykKi", "name": "Magus Koop of El Dorado", "text": "# Magus Koop of El Dorado\n\n## Entry Three: The Red Mist\n\nIt was a cold night. The skies were clear and the moonlight shone brightly through Koop's window. The young wizard was closing up shop and preparing to head home. Just as he moved towards the door, fear gripped his heart. His arms felt heavy and the room began to spin as he fell to his knees. He could see it now. A fine red mist poured through a gap under the door. Though barely conscious, Koop could see the swirling mist form into the shape of a man. The figure approached him and spoke in a voice like metal grinding on stone. \n\n** \"In a moment I will be gone and your strength will return. Listen carefully for I will not repeat myself. Pack your things, taking only what you need for the journey ahead. You will travel to The Thorn and seek out @wizard6001. When you find the witch, speak the passphrase '*nos focus manere*' and you will receive further instructions.\" **\n\nIn a flash of crimson smoke the visitor was gone. Koop was alone again. He had never traveled more than a days walk from home, and didn't know how to explain this to his father. He dared not refuse this quest and risk another visit from the red mist, so he set about packing for the journey. Before leaving, he scribbled a note and nailed it to the door. While doing so, he noticed a strange rune inscribed just above the peephole. He prepared a simple ward of protection and cast it over the shop. Hoping it would be enough. With a heavy heart and his staff in hand, he set out on the road."} +{"id": "6f7a1db0-607f-4c9b-a84a-194e959e61e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:09.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfRbG6xqd9L2L682wQ28ZZVzGPvHcVGWu7cvLGjNdFu19", "txHash": "0x508da9f07e6601d9dbee65a0cd93d9cd37f6bbe07017c586ac91d31421e2af61", "createdAtBlock": 14141461, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2427, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant of the Brine", "text": "When I saw mushroom head\nWhen I saw mushroom head\nWhen I saw mushroom head\nI was born and I was dead\nI was born and I was dead\nWhen I saw mushroom head\nWhen I saw mushroom head\nWhen I saw mushroom head\nI was born and I was dead\nI was born and I was dead"} +{"id": "ebed4cd9-ae89-42c6-8588-0f4122deefd8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T12:24:25.917", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdWYygQ2qH3bBCAxQhGc9EKDfTbRWpc5VeiUMjMA72pN1", "txHash": "0xc8ec6d6533a01b5258a7ba5a56b016c326cf97a08364a956f1594197c4fded1b", "createdAtBlock": 15192346, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7264, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://images.ctfassets.net/vxapo358qmda/xZ28T2rj5kPAUhaVXAaEt/3091141a2a6a521c6bd60d588af79a28/map.png", "name": "Adele Contender of the Rock", "text": "# My Brine\n\n\nThe Brine was my life, an ocean where I could finally be free. \n\nThere is a lot of things I could share with you here, things that would make you sad, upset or even mad.\nBut I do not see the point, whats done is done and we should all look forward, there is always a price to pay, a weight to carry\n\nI was not born on the water, but when you are stuck on the donut atoll, it is kind of the same. So I grabbed my zulli suit, left the gutter and called myself a corsair.\nYou might not be aware of it, our world used to be filled with Magic, constant, permanent. It was like oxygen.\nThe Oubly-ons happened, people forgot a lot of things, I didnt say all. This is the time I started to sail the Brine, this is also the time the Warriors really started their existence, not against what was left of the wizards but more like beside.\n\nAbout that day, I dont remember much, no one does, at least the one with no special acquaintance with magic. I suspect this is not really natural, some real crap must have happened.\nI heard rumors of some beasts and their spawns, some pirates mentioning gates with magical locks, other corsairs like me even discussing some magical ponies. Quite a bag of fairy dust if you ask me, Im not easily convinced by tricks and stories made up by drunks.\n\nAnyway, If you are here its because you are interested in those things, but let me tell you my story first, Adele Contender of the Rock.\n\nA Rock like no other, A Rock you wont even find on the map of the Runiverse, a Rock in the middle of my Brine.\n\nAnd if you come for us, be ready for the worst."} +{"id": "39e8d050-c50d-4ffd-acd6-b146950f1a59-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:11.429", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSYhr7At2keeH4c7FrqqfTb7Du988LDFBySBJ14m6tWPa", "txHash": "0x8d883a5f1ed5c6b7d595b6c3b360f404937d87852f742aae55f92fe5ae761c03", "createdAtBlock": 14142950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4560, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Gnostics", "text": "Archmagus Oberon of the Gnostics, a solitary wizard who finds solace in the company of the forest and its many creatures. A gentle character, ill-suited to life in the citadel, choosing instead to withdraw to the Hedge Wizard Wood to follow his calling and dedicate his life to the natural world. His intrinsic connection to the natural allows him to communicate with the language-less, heal the weak, and act as protector to all forest dwellers. Disruptions to his peaceful constitution come only as an act of valor in retaliation to threats imposed upon the natural order. Drawn from deep within the earth, his substantial power works in tandem with the elements and has been known to alter weather and time. Legend says he has only been seen emerging from the woodland to remedy the ill or guide strangers gone astray. He is defender of the flora, ally to the fauna, the forbearing wizard of the shadowed wood."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "# Hobbs Diary, no snooping Kooplings!\n\n\n\n### Dear Diary:\n\n\nToday I hiked the border of Bright Rock cave and went down into Shadytown to visit my cousins. Everyone is graying. They seem to be forgetting more. I cooked a big pot of shroom stew and did a light show. The shady Koops orange'd up and began to sing! While they sang I patrolled the outskirts. Dark creep is spreading over the fading crystals. I re-charged what I could, but I dont have enough sparkle. Ill ask the review board for another allocation of sparkle shine, but they are so busy with production, I doubt they can spare any.\n\nOh, and on my way back to Brightville a curious thing occurred; some shady Koops were glowsticking a dark creep tendril, but it didnt behave like a normal umbral pest, so I dispelled darkness and a white rabbit appeared! The rabbit looked at me and I heard words of thanks in my mind before it scurried away! \n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nSad news, I didnt get the part. My audition for handsome elf number 7 was rejected by central casting because your handsome elf illusion was neither handsome nor recognizably an Elf. I guess thats fair. My disguises are pretty random and usually cross eyed. Welp, I guess Ill keep practicing and working with the stage crew.\n\n\n### Dear Diary,"} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "### Dear Diary,\n\n\nThe Brightville shiny stones seem a bit dimmer. I waited in line to see the council today about the increased dark creep in Shadytown. I asked if the central crystal chandelier was dimming too. They got very angry at me. I was surprised. I asked if we could maybe share some of the stage light shiny stones to help the Shadies push back dark creep, but the masked council just had me removed. Now Im told I shouldnt show up to work tomorrow? Whats happening?\n\nDear Diary,\n\nThat white rabbit came to see me. His name is Number One. He speaks without moving his mouth. He says hes a messenger from the Shining Mount, the Temple of the Sacred Flame has been damaged. He says he told the council that the sorcerers need help, but they refused to listen. Maybe this is why they got so mad at me? They need so much of the imported sacred light to work the scrying stages and keep the operas going. Tele-magic shows make all the money and the council is so rich now! Oh what am I feeling, is this anger? Ooooohh I dont like this, diary!\n\nThe Rabbit asked if I could help him. He asked if I know any powerful mages who could fight an evil corruption. Well, I know how to keep the dark creep away and light a stage, but I dont know about all this!\n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nI went to Shadytown and asked my cousins for help. They seem scared. I noticed a masked watcher watching us. My cousins seemed unwilling to talk openly, and hurried back to work glowsticking the creep."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "When I got home there were more Masked councilmen at my hole house. They gave me my belongings and told me I live in Shadytown now. They escorted me out of Brightville, my neighbors looking away, my shiny cousins nowhere to be seen! They took me to the outskirts, where the deep dark creep borders Rock Cave. They pushed me into the creep! I couldnt believe what was happening. My vision darkened, I felt my color draining. I tried to cry out but the creep muffled me. I tried to spark a magic light but my sparkle juice was drained away. I was dying, looking out from the dark as the masked ones walked away.\n\nThen I saw the rabbit, leading my Shadytown cousins to me. They batted back the creep with glowsticks and pulled me out, just in time\n\nThey told me the council had declared me anathema, that I was not welcome in the bright light. I told them my theory, that they were hoarding all the Shining Mount imported Sacred Light for the tele-magick stage production so they could keep scry-casting and getting paid. This angered them, but what could they do? They were shady, gray and weaker every day.\n\nThe Rabbit told us there was a chance, if we help restore the Sacred Flame, they would personally vouch for Shadytown and make sure our allotment of Sacred Light was sufficient.\n\nI had no home, my cousins were fading, my auditions a disaster, my illusion magics were a mess. What did I have to lose?\n\nLets do an adventure, Number One, I said. We gathered glowsticks and myco-loaf and snuck into the mirror stone tunnels, reflections of the Sacred Light bouncing between facets all around us.\n\n\n\n### Dear Diary,"} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "### Dear Diary,\n\n\nIts been a week in the crystal pipe. The shine is disorienting at times. There is definitely something off about the Sacred Flame, some wisp of darkness in it. I cant look away because its reflected a thousand times all around me.\n\nI was pulled out of reverie to find Number One looking at me like I had food on my face, so I checked my reflection. My illusions are flowing and I didnt even know it! I still cant control the exact appearance, but I was conjuring a bubbling faade of images from... from I dont know where. I looked like an old human with weary eyes, then a squid face, then a spirit of magic incarnate! If only I could control what image comes from my imagination. I dont even know what Im imagining half the time!\n\nNumber One leapt back. How do you know the Silent One? they asked me. I told him I dont know what they mean. I rushed to check my reflection and caught a wisp before it transitioned, some sort of gray blur of swirling lines with eyes like deep portals and... teeth. \n\nNumber One told me I should turn back, that this adventure is not going to succeed. They wouldnt say anymore.\n\n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nWe reached the Temple complex. Number One took me through an access tunnel to avoid entering via the infested Labyrinth. They told me more about the situation, that some of the sorcerer priests had tried to corrupt the Sacred Flame during the stoking ritual. They say a few uncorrupted sorcerers were able to interrupt the coup and save the flame with defensive wards. High priest Amir [@wizard5137] locked the twisted souls of his fallen brothers in the Labyrinth."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "Amir is a stern man, saying very little. He seemed unimpressed with me and asked where the powerful Masked Kooplings were. The halls of the cloister were eerie and empty as he took me to my chambers. There are blank-faced statue Golems tending to the daily chores. Amir says the few surviving priests have been sent as emissaries to petition support.\n\nI met a young icewalker named Oberon [@wizard2473]. He isnt much of a talker, but seems nice enough. Hes constantly practicing his lightning bolt in his room-- the thunder clap makes it hard to sleep.\n\nNumber One scurried away on other business. Its cold and creepy here, only a few braziers lit in the dusty main hall, golems scuffling around, Emir in his chambers writing letters day and night.\n\nOberon asked what I can do. I showed him my dazzle lights and he laughed. Not gonna stop a ghoul from biting your orange face, innit?\n\nI dont know. Will it?\n\n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nPhew, that put the bright orange back in my cheeks! Amir led a squad of armor golems, Oberon and myself into the Labyrinth. My heart pounded as the clockwork seals of that massive stone door unlatched! There was mad laughing and taunting on the other side of the door, but when it opened, nothing"} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "I put a rainbow fairy glamour on the lead golem. We progressed through the chambers seemingly at random, Amir locking and sealing all the doors we did not use. We were securing a path to the Inner Sanctum. In the silence I began to hear whispers, small voices in my head; Do you trust this traitor? Will you be his fleshy sacrifice? The voices intensified, I looked around at the rest of my party and they all seemed distracted. Amir was grabbing his ears and shaking his head, not minding control of the golems as they wandered too far ahead. \n\nThe lead golem turned a corner and the light went out. All was still for a moment, until Amir shouted Theyre upon us!\n\nI flared a bright crystal glamour, a stage trick we use to distract the audience while changing the stage illusions. In the strobing flash I saw their crooked, grinning faces-- pustulent corpses in bloody priest robes, twitching as they lunged at us with knives of sharpened bone.\n\nThe glamour dazzled the ghouls long enough for me to step back and leave a mirror image in my stead. A ghoul with a gaping head wound hissed Youll never take the flame! as he stabbed through my illusory self and stumbled to the ground. I slammed my heel on his scabby arm and heard a crack."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "The hair on my neck stood up a split second before a crack and a boom and a bright fork of blue electricity. Oberon screeched Reeeeeeeeee!! as he channeled an impressive chain of lightning. A string of undead priests crackled and convulsed. In the melee I saw Amir raise his scepter, the jewel glowing with a red, vacuous hunger, and fell a ghoul with one stroke, repeatedly bashing him once down. The golems returned and formed a shield wall around us. Oberon passed out from exertion. We withdrew in haste.\n\nOf course Id rehearsed silly battle scenes before, but this was something else! If the fight was an audition, would I get the part?\n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nWith Oberons help Ive learned to focus my magic light into a sort of shiny ray. I can light a candle with it!\n\nWeve settled into a strange routine, clearing the labyrinth chamber by chamber. The ghouls flit around and try to intimidate us. When we return to old battle scenes, the bodies wed laid low are all gone.\n\nThe ghoul priests make strange statements, as if we are the aggressors and they the protectors of the flame! When I ask Amir about this he tells me to stay strong against the raving of the mad, that they seek to undermine our confidence. \n\nI wonder where Number One has gone.\n\nI saw something strange the other night. I was sleeping poorly with ghoul ramblings rolling in my thoughts and went to Amir for encouragement. His chamber door was askew and I saw him standing in a ritual circle, his scepter held high above his head, and it seemed like a blood red energy was flowing from the scepters jewel, into his mouth! I snuck away."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "I told Oberon what Id seen. He thinks we need to find out what Amir is up to.\n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nWere close to the warded Inner Sanctum of the Sacred Flame. Amir has sent instructions to the Fireside Tribes to open their receiving portals wide and reverse polarity to pour in extra energy for the Stoking. This has to happen when we enter on the night of the first moon.\n\nAnother wizard has arrived, Alatar [@wizard2071], the Grandmaster of the Rod and Rabbit adventuring crew. He has another white rabbit with him that looks just like Number One, but he wont talk to me? Alatar is going to help with the stoking ritual and final cleansing of the temple.\n\nDuring one of our skirmishes Oberons lightning blasted the face off a Golem. Amir was mad, but Oberon promised he could repair the construct.\n\nLater that evening he told me the plan. He told me to use an illusion to look like a Golem! He knows my disguise spell is slightly out of my control, but he says it doesnt matter, he can just say hed done a bad job repairing the golem and it looks funny now! Clever guy!\n\nI disguised myself as an automaton, my skin turning gray like a shady Koop, and my face contouring into a statue with crossed, googly eyes!\n\nWhat is this mockery? Amir asked Oberon.\n\nThe googly eye enhancement will confuse the ghouls!\n\nAmir ordered me to bring him his dinner. I stood behind him as he ate and wrote furiously, obsessively checking that his scepter was by his side. Alatars silent white rabbit lay in the corner of Amirs room on a bed of hay, watching me. At one point I think it may have winked."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "Achh! All wrong! Amir crumpled the letter he was writing. Toss this in the fire you defective machine!\n\nMoving robotically I took the crumpled letter to the fireplace, quietly unfolding it. I scanned it quickly using the speed reading techniques Id learned when studying scripts.\n\nBy my calculations the harvesting is complete, the rod is brimming with souls. On the first night of the 70th moon, the Fireside Tribes have been commanded to open their portals and add mana to the stoking ritual. Per the rabbits suggestion, Ive hired the brute Alatar to defend the ritual chamber with my foolish lackies as I trigger the final cascade.\n\nMaster, the time is nigh! Our paths will be joined in the harmony of silence, to drown out all the noise of this irrelevant world! All of the ignorant souls of my weak brothers and the spoiled tribes will hear the truth of eternal silence!\n\nI threw the letter in the fire and returned to my station. The rabbit stared at me all night as Amir wrote feverishly then slept in his chair, cradling the scepter.\n\nWhen Amir ordered me to bring him breakfast I swapped with another Golem and told Oberon everything. We had a pow-wow and made a tricky plan.\n\nWish me luck Diary.\n\n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nIm still alive, I think. I guess Im not sure, I feel different after what Ive seen.\n\nThe fancy wizard Alatar led the golems before us through the winding Labyrinth. He whistled a cheerful tune and the ghouls exploded in clouds of gore when he looked at them. It was truly frightening."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "We guarded Amir as he dispelled the wards in the Inner Sanctum. He holstered the scepter while unlocking the door. I saw my opening, Oberon released a little thunder from his bum in a boom fart to distract as I made the swap.\n\nThe vault opened and I saw it in person for the first time! The light and heat of the Sacred Flame, even slightly diminished, was intense. The chamber was ornately scrawled with the records of the flame, the names of all the sorcerers and tribespeople that had stoked it for centuries. In a ring around the room stood the Fireside Portals that transmitted the flames energy to the far flung nations that pay tithe to the Sacred mMunt.\n\nI started sweating like I was in an audition. I saw Oberon palming the scepter behind his back. A screech went out and a horde appeared at the chamber door, the golems braced in a phalanx barely containing the seething mass as Alatar deftly sliced the madmen with lasers.\n\nGuard me as I prepare! Amir ordered.\n\nYou are false, betrayer! A large ghoul hissed. Betrayer! A chorus of growls reverberated in the vaulted room. \n\nThis was the moment I had been waiting for. I remembered my training, my time in Shadytown, my journey with Number One through the crystal conduit, all the auditions Id failed. This was for my cousins and all the tribes!\n\nLook, Amir, the moon is risen! I pointed up to the aperture in the apex of the vaulted ceiling. An image of the moon was perfectly framed.\n\nWhat? It cant be time already!\n\nAnd the tribes are widening the portals!\n\nI must hurry!"} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "And the tribes are widening the portals!\n\nI must hurry!\n\nOberon blasted a shock of lightning at the ghouls. We cant keep them back much longer, Amir, get a move on sir!\n\nDont be silly young wiz Alatar began.\n\nTribes, lend me your strength!\n\nWisps of energy flowed from the portals around the room. Amir was too focused on his incantation to notice how tightly Id clenched my buttocks, or that all the tribespeople in the portals had googly eyes.\n\nSomething seems off, Amir. Alatar offered.\n\nSilence! The summoning is nearly complete. Quelqueth dominarus Shibboleth omni illuminatus Gorgoth! Take these souls, eat this flame, and bring the silence to our speck of dust!\n\nAmir raised the scepter above his head, the power from the portals all coalescing around him. He pointed the scepter towards the Sacred Flame. Great black heart, devour these fools!\n\nThe scepter cracked, but nothing happened. My cheeks unclenched and the moon disappeared, the portals shrank to a neutral size.\n\nThat was a curious incantation, Amir. Alatar quipped.\n\nThis isnt my scepter, this is a spoon! What trickery is this?!\n\nLooking for this? Oberon whipped the scepter from behind his back and smacked Amir across the face.\n\nLet us have him! Let us restore the flame. the bloody sorcerer corpses said in unison. Oberon pointed the scepter at the golems and they broke ranks to let the ghouls pass.\n\nA large undead priest with a charred skull and regal composure held out his hand and the scepter flew into it. The priests stood around the flame and began chanting."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-11", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "You betrayed the brotherhood. You sullied the flame with dark desire. May the flame burn away your doubt before we meet again at the last bonfire. The undead priest picked Amir up by the neck and held the scepter high. Screaming souls streamed out from the rod and swirled around the chamber, tearing at Amir.\n\nThe moon was high and Fireside Tribes opened their portals in time to see Amir drained of all energy, his soul chased and grappled by the souls he had harvested. They forced his mote of life into the flame. The priest then kicked his emptied body into the inferno as the screeching reached crescendo. All the undead sorcerers leapt up and followed Amir into the fire. The Sacred Flame flared to white hot intensity.\n\nMy eyes would not shut. Though I saw Amir's soul dragged to the center of the flame, some knot of him struggled and kicked. I swear I saw some strange puff of black smoke escape. I saw a face in the smoke as it flew up through the ceiling. It was a hateful skull, chewing silently.\n\nThe chamber was still. The flame burned without a care, sturdy, impassive to the trials of our hearts. I hugged Oberon. He was shaking.\n\nPretty magical, eh lads? Alatar said. He picked the scepter up off the ground. Guess Ill take this for safekeeping. Lots of cleaning up to do, no time to waste!\n\n\n\n### Dear Diary,\n\n\nSome sorcerer priests have returned from abroad. They all experienced something similar, waking up from a spell of confusion, unsure of why theyd been wandering so far from the Mount."} +{"id": "372dc512-715f-403f-94ed-5b563caeac9d-12", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:12.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCvhtjMJfJz38rYxxbYLaPWRjuh4gwwF8vh6zhJ4boVp", "txHash": "0x0f946d067982fd8e16c2d79f6ffb97fb0eeb6aee52a26b404ec8a977d7372b0e", "createdAtBlock": 14143204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Rock", "text": "These priests are repairing the temple, with the assistance of Alatar and his a few of his Rod and Rabbit mercenaries. Alatars warriors are a gruff crew. He says hes sent squads to visit the Fireside Tribes and assess if any ambient corruption leaked through the portals. He asked Oberon and I if we would like to join the Rod and Rabbit. Me, a sellsword, in real life?! Seems ridiculous, but he was very impressed by my illusions. I could tell Oberon was giddy at the offer, but he composed himself and spoke of duty to his tribe, and a longing for the ice (I think he misses his girlfriend, Pashmina).\n\nNumber One returned, or at least started talking to me again, Im not sure. He doesnt remember anything after our journey in the tunnel.\n\nOh boy, am I tired. Cant wait to show Oberon the Bright Rock Caves and central Koopville. He says Ive gotta see the snowglobe his hometown is in. Sounds dope to be honest. Cant wait to tell my cousins about all this. I think I have enough material for a script now and just my luck, all the characters in it will have googly eyes!"} +{"id": "2076a9da-4912-4d9e-ac05-667f4bc7af60-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:16.137", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVhBAg4tafN3RWaXXQcmKf2Wn5mMrjLwAXpKpDGHLBaMn", "txHash": "0x164a85f794939f043a96548780a38b2a4a6bf84e83d64d2a695e77abdf5043af", "createdAtBlock": 14143892, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5137, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blood Eater Revenant Amir of the Royal Wretch", "text": "# Blood Eater Revenant Amir of the Royal Wretch\n\n\n## Paean to the Toothy Quiet\n\n\nEveryone knows everything.\n\nThey never stop talking.\n\nThe stories never end.\n\nThey never let the question hang\n\nThey never let the silence linger\n\nSo here I am, withdrawn from time,\n\nGnashing my teeth,\n\nWithout flesh,\n\nNot even a spark,\n\nNow I know how everything came from nothing\n\nAnd how it will return\n\nFirst, a little vengeance\n\nThen, we reign in silence"} +{"id": "82e73527-3255-4846-b79d-60aae38b2d7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:17.032", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZKz5BhyAss6VAehnxUfqGUQCg1DAvaTVrK5isER5Hos", "txHash": "0x47ee47b79d245d06723713fbb6e8bfaf01e04f7ebb42967515a803d3fec8d1be", "createdAtBlock": 14144517, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2812, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Mina of the Marsh", "text": "# Mina - The Whimsical Witch \n\n\n_An introduction to a curious creature and the white rat Albus who accompanies her_\n\nBeing of the Dark Sisterhood, Mina had experimented with her fair share of the blacker magics. \n\nBut whatever she had done or seen in her past, Mina spoke nothing of it. With her giant staff of healing, Mina brings relief to all who seek her aid - and some who don't.\n\nWhen asked about her 'pet rat' Mina only laughs. \n\n\"They called you a pet, Albus!\" She would say to the white creature by her side - who looked...a little annoyed each time it was said.\n\nCurrently Mina travels the country side alone - appearing at the most auspicious moments. It's said she always arrives at exactly the right place at the right time. \n\nShe seems to light up all the places she touches, yet some say behind her jovial laugh, the shadow of darkness remains...\n\nWhat does it all mean? What's her deal? Well seems only she and Albus knows for sure. But perhaps, more will be revealed soon...\n\n~~~~ TO be Continued ~~~\n\nYou are an excellent person who deserves love. May the delight of creation shine in your life and appear in the most unexpected places.\n\n\nRecommended reading for anyone <3\n\nThe Gene Key by Richard Rudd\n\nBraiding SweetGrass"} +{"id": "6418ef80-fa75-4f85-ae85-68c846dbe131-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:17.714", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeMNzbprbwk9Wf5XFX2MRCwybSMvkVGKMKi32wrmLTWiv", "txHash": "0xcea9dce4b3ac3f968a0a6cf2414211cfb91dd2917633bd747a8e3b5423f94d1a", "createdAtBlock": 14144637, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5345, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Alessar of Avalon", "text": "# Alessar of Avalon's Adventure\n\nAfter the accident, Alessar of Avalon found himself affected by an abnormal affliction. Something in his thoughts and speech felt askew. Was it his articulation, or a change in accent? *Hmm appears acceptable as always* he muttered with a deep sigh of frustration. \n\nConsidering himself an adaptable and adroit wizard, this inability to analyze his malady was agitating to say the least. It felt as though some words simply could not come to mind, so close to manifesting but dissipating into a wholly different form. \n\nAcutely aware that something was awry yet unable to address it, he was left with no choice but to journey in search of an answer. Across the ancient libraries of the Runiverse, Alessar encountered similar accounts of unintended curses from rituals and summonings by wizard scholars of yore. A Disease of Diction wrote one, while another noted a Pestilence of Phrasing. Upon discovering a third account of such symptoms, a so-called Obliteration of Oration, Alessars suffering became clear - *Absolutely absurd an Ailment of Alliteration!*"} +{"id": "87d2cb81-3dd1-467a-94bc-2c3a117e4e97-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:18.585", "backgroundColor": "#220f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPxxwZnXH1p21L66hQj5db5ABAvyzKdKqUSnDpPF8gz9", "txHash": "0xd621a9c3882ea788781b3c10ad5e02d7569e1bb59bb40bd244d7e7f015fb99bf", "createdAtBlock": 14146302, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Cairon of the Road", "text": "It is late into the night, quiet and calm. Cairon sits in his chair ever diligent in monitoring his sector of the multi-metaverse. With a few incantations he begins scrolling through his sector, as if flipping through a page of a book. As he reaches metaverse-terra he stops and a smile comes to this face as this is the metaverse he hails from. \n\nIn the last 10 years, he has discovered/learned magic, met new friends, gone on many adventures, fought in the templar wars and received the Evoker Class Protector title for his sector. While he is very proud of the path he has forged, his 'ordinary' life in metaverse-terra brings back many fond memories.\n\nAs Cairon reminisces of a simpler time, Hobbes (his very lucky black cat originally from metaverse-vee) lets out a loud *hiss* with hair standing on edge.\n\nHe looks around expecting to find mice or insects, the usual suspects of Hobbes' wraith, but none are noted. Cairon then gets an uneasy feeling in his gut as Hobbes has heightened senses to unnatural disturbances. \n\nCairon closes his eyes and begins chanting. Instead of words, runes emanate from his mouth and circle around him creating an electric tornado of magic. In this meditative state he begins searching his sector of anything unusual.\n\n\"There\" he exclaims, and locks into metaverse-new tokyo. He checks the wards placed around New Tokyo and finds a number of cracks and is puzzled by what could have caused it. He then notes his old friend Wagmi-San has created his own portal. Although Wagmi-San is not a wizard, he is a technomancer of the highest order and knows his calculations would have considered the wards and does not believe it to be the source."} +{"id": "87d2cb81-3dd1-467a-94bc-2c3a117e4e97-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:18.585", "backgroundColor": "#220f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPxxwZnXH1p21L66hQj5db5ABAvyzKdKqUSnDpPF8gz9", "txHash": "0xd621a9c3882ea788781b3c10ad5e02d7569e1bb59bb40bd244d7e7f015fb99bf", "createdAtBlock": 14146302, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Cairon of the Road", "text": "Unbeknownst to Cairon and Wagmi-San, distant metaverse-wow had a temporal disturbance which in combination with Wagmi's portal use caused the fracture leaving New Tokyo unprotected.\n\nCairon quickly grabs his broom and conjures up a portal to New Tokyo to investigate further. Little does he know of the danger that awaits him on the other side..."} +{"id": "cac9481c-8a25-44f1-93a4-81cfd54ea5b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:03.454", "backgroundColor": "#5d4709", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPAzARM1cKUPphqTivQuqAK1E3WmU9xiCtVssKLRLpKbt", "txHash": "0x7b4c7fc1e153ecf800782a426903ab3b64883a639246c827277e9dab49296d99", "createdAtBlock": 14937569, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3439, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nervilla Dismantler of the Lost City", "text": "Nervilla is swashbuckling viking of the Lost City. She drinks copious amounts of caffeinated drinks ranging from boiling mugs of coffee to victory shots of coffee infused vodka. Her skill and strength is only matched by her impossibly huge appetite for caffeine. Because of this, her legend has grown. No monster within the realms of the Lost City stands a chance, assuming she's had her adrenaline-inducing fill of caffeine.\n\nWhen she is not on the battlefield and drunk on coffee, Nervilla is very relaxed and introverted. She can sleep in for days at a time while never getting bored of her redundant domestic routines. But alas, all that changes when a drop of caffeine is consumed. :)"} +{"id": "3da1ef35-7ed0-4659-aeb6-496b03b45f8b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T15:15:19.158", "backgroundColor": "#330c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSh8PK8TEqbveokaaNSwrzupRuhmFdFYVsEWgvZworiPw", "txHash": "0x0387f8a79b36ee46cd6af8cc2807d71fcf14c11a2457b90a410bebb80af1ac2a", "createdAtBlock": 15193566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFqmQegFYTVmuHMAQNeo9GM8yKeTr9a5CDLPbCJnhfMw", "name": "Xerxes Sorrow of Glory", "text": "# The Story Of Xerxes, Axe Of Glory\n\nThe big halls of the jungle city complex were almost empty. But we saw some of the natives, hiding, cowering. Their civilisation seemed to be only a husk of its former glory. Their elite caste still visibly distinct from the rest of the fold, but even they were looking at us fearfully, barely returning our gaze. \n\nGranted, it was impressive they were able to build such a huge and bizarre metropolis in the middle of this hostile, poisonous jungle in the Land Of Unknown. Everything here was so different than what we knew from the Lands Of People, our home. Only the recent invention of steam powered submarines enabled bold explorers like me to pass through (or rather underneath) the Unforgiving Storm Wall and discover this bizarre world.\n\n\n\nFirst we had to cut our way through the thick green nets of plants we never seen, meeting creatures we never could have imagined. \n\nIn few days and many perils, we reached the Metropolis and remained in awe. A big, weirdly unnatural crater formed the skeleton of the city. Oddly shaped structures formed the flesh, countless round tunnels were veins and big oval halls - organs. The complex itself resembled a giant ant colony more than a human city.\n\n\n\nWe were sure it wasnt build by ants, but our imagination was running wild because ants were everywhere - big, fat and violet. When disturbed they squirted a weird substance which exploded in an acidic cloud. It could hurt eyes, skin and flesh and even corrode steel armor. Coordinated attack of hundreds of these creatures could make the air in vicinity unbreathable, as some of my soldiers learned to their own peril.\n\nIt was no coincidence that natives - weirdly pale, skinny and tall humanoids with bald heads - were worshipping ants. Luckily ant worshippers didnt share aggressive nature of their little insect gods."} +{"id": "3da1ef35-7ed0-4659-aeb6-496b03b45f8b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T15:15:19.158", "backgroundColor": "#330c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSh8PK8TEqbveokaaNSwrzupRuhmFdFYVsEWgvZworiPw", "txHash": "0x0387f8a79b36ee46cd6af8cc2807d71fcf14c11a2457b90a410bebb80af1ac2a", "createdAtBlock": 15193566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFqmQegFYTVmuHMAQNeo9GM8yKeTr9a5CDLPbCJnhfMw", "name": "Xerxes Sorrow of Glory", "text": "When we arrived and set up a camp near their city they didnt try to put up any resistance. They simply ran and hid in their ant labyrinth, which seemed too big for such a small number of people.\n\nShortly Alatar - our red wizard - was able to telepathically connect with one of their shaman priests. We telecommunicated following message to him:\n\n*We are men from beyond the Storm Wall and Great Blue. We are lead by Xerxes the Axe Of Glory, General Of His Majestys 3rd army and Admiral of 3rd Royal Submarine fleet. We are here to conquer these lands and turn them into a prospering province of Lands Of People. We bring progress, truth and light. Submit to our rule and you will not be harmed.*\n\nThe priests answer was a most unusual one:\n\n*We submit to you. We are peaceful CREATURES. Our QUEEN will meet your QUEEN outside of MAHTZECHEEZMARRAN*\n\nOf course we knew this could be a trap, but meeting outside of their weirdly named city posed a little risk to us. We had six thousand well armed elite troops and good strategic position outside the city. We overlooked the odd mention of Queen. Maybe they live in a matriarchal society and expect us to be the same.\n\nWe didnt have to wait for long. The delegation of ant worshippers appeared, meekly walking towards us, faces down, necks bent in a permanent bow. Like servants. Only richly decorated robes and violet face paint hinted towards them being of higher caste."} +{"id": "3da1ef35-7ed0-4659-aeb6-496b03b45f8b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T15:15:19.158", "backgroundColor": "#330c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSh8PK8TEqbveokaaNSwrzupRuhmFdFYVsEWgvZworiPw", "txHash": "0x0387f8a79b36ee46cd6af8cc2807d71fcf14c11a2457b90a410bebb80af1ac2a", "createdAtBlock": 15193566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFqmQegFYTVmuHMAQNeo9GM8yKeTr9a5CDLPbCJnhfMw", "name": "Xerxes Sorrow of Glory", "text": "Their leader was a tall, elderly man with violet decorations and diadem with weird antlers. He was also the only one carrying an item - a translucent capsule full of violet glow. Perhaps another symbol of his status? He approached me and lied down in front of my feet, lifting the capsule up in the air, from up close I noticed it contains few of the ants. It was hard to see this gesture as anything but a signal of submission. \n\n\n\nAlatar translated to us his telecommunication: \n\n*We are peaceful. I am the QUEEN. I submit. We will bring gifts and treasures, the best of our land to you. Lets enter MAHTZECHEEZMARRAN together. I remain as your hostage, so you feel safe. If you feel unsafe, you can kill me. I tell the truth.\"*\n\nWith this reassurance I dispatched with Alatar and half of my force into the city, of course with utmost caution. Last thing I wanted was to lead my men into a trap. But my goal here is to explore, to conquer and to extend his Majestys will. If these people are really submitting willingly, I cant refuse. The best battle is the one which is avoided. \n\n\n\nAnd thus, leading my comrades, donned in full plate armor, holding up my Axe and Holy Shield, I am walking through tunnels and halls of this alien\" civilization. \n\nMore of the ant worshippers welcomed us inside the big and well lit oval hall. They laid countless gifts in front of our feet. Cages with exotic animals, glowing gemstones and even weird organic flasks of liquid Alatar said emanate some form of healing magic. We feasted on the food they brought us, delicious spices made the weird soft meat of jungle creatures edible and fruit nectars were otherworldly."} +{"id": "3da1ef35-7ed0-4659-aeb6-496b03b45f8b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T15:15:19.158", "backgroundColor": "#330c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSh8PK8TEqbveokaaNSwrzupRuhmFdFYVsEWgvZworiPw", "txHash": "0x0387f8a79b36ee46cd6af8cc2807d71fcf14c11a2457b90a410bebb80af1ac2a", "createdAtBlock": 15193566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFqmQegFYTVmuHMAQNeo9GM8yKeTr9a5CDLPbCJnhfMw", "name": "Xerxes Sorrow of Glory", "text": "Never once did we feel threatened. Their meek faces, respectful bows and calm and subservient demeanor put us at ease. After few days we started to gain basic understanding of their language and religion. Their culture was indeed centred around these violet ants, every item they produced had some resemblance of an ant or ant egg.\n\n\n\nThe ants themselves were everywhere in the city, and ant worshippers avoided them with care. In fact the only sort of discomfort these people shown was when one of my men crushed a violet ant under his boot. They did not do anything, but they were visibly disturbed and sad. \n\nFrom that point we refrained from hurting the ants deliberately, but sometimes their bite could be quite painful and their acid explosions dangerous. So I ordered Alatar to clear out all the ant nests around our camp with magical fire. Of course we made sure there were no ant worshippers around to see it and mourn.\n\n\n\nAfter a month of getting familiar with our new subjects and their city I decided to leave. Alatar with half of my men stayed behind to build a permanent fortress on a small hill near MAHTZECHEEZMARRAN. Me and the rest returned to our submarines and traveled back, under the Big Blue and Storm Wall to bring our treasure and news of our spoils back home. \n \nThe Leader of Ant Worshippers insisted we bring back the violet capsule with ants as a gift of utmost respect and importance. I felt the gravity of this gesture. The capsule was probably a symbol of their ruler. It also contained living ants and ant worshippers wouldnt just give them away as toys. \n\nI also insisted to bring home few of the ant worshippers to take care of the ants (and of course to show off these strange people at home). They reluctantly agreed to send two young females but assured us that ants in the capsule do not need any care and should not be disturbed."} +{"id": "3da1ef35-7ed0-4659-aeb6-496b03b45f8b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T15:15:19.158", "backgroundColor": "#330c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSh8PK8TEqbveokaaNSwrzupRuhmFdFYVsEWgvZworiPw", "txHash": "0x0387f8a79b36ee46cd6af8cc2807d71fcf14c11a2457b90a410bebb80af1ac2a", "createdAtBlock": 15193566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFqmQegFYTVmuHMAQNeo9GM8yKeTr9a5CDLPbCJnhfMw", "name": "Xerxes Sorrow of Glory", "text": "The journey back home was quiet and I spend most of the time going over Alatars notes, checking the items we are bringing. One thing that kept captivating my attention was the ant capsule. It seemed like the ants appeared and disappeared from it at will, sometimes there were no more than dozen inside, sometimes there were hundreds of them. The view through the translucent organic membrane was kind of distorted but it seemed they were building some pulsating violet blob inside. Alatar assured me earlier that the blob doesnt posses any magical properties, but I was curious if there are forms of otherworldy magic he is not familiar with.\n\n\n\nHis Majesty greeted me lavishly. All of his courtiers gathered to marvel at the treasure we brought and stories we told. He even took one of the Ant Worshipper girls to his private rooms. I myself didnt feel particularly attracted to their bald heads, pale and skinny bodies but his Majesty is a man of his own renown. \n\nThat night changed everything. I was about to return to Navy Barracks to debrief the rest of my men and reward them for their contribution. When the overwhelming bright light filled everything around me and soon after the roaring sound, from the Royal Palace. I looked back, half blind and I saw a huge violet mushroom cloud towering over the city. Royal Palace was already covered by thick acidic smoke. I immediately recognized the violet ant explosion, just millions of times bigger than what we saw in the jungles of Land Of Unknown.\n\n\n\nAt the same time sharp and painful thought pierced my mind. \n\n*TRAP! ANTS - REAL MASTERS! DESTROY CAPSULE!.*"} +{"id": "3da1ef35-7ed0-4659-aeb6-496b03b45f8b-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T15:15:19.158", "backgroundColor": "#330c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSh8PK8TEqbveokaaNSwrzupRuhmFdFYVsEWgvZworiPw", "txHash": "0x0387f8a79b36ee46cd6af8cc2807d71fcf14c11a2457b90a410bebb80af1ac2a", "createdAtBlock": 15193566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFqmQegFYTVmuHMAQNeo9GM8yKeTr9a5CDLPbCJnhfMw", "name": "Xerxes Sorrow of Glory", "text": "*TRAP! ANTS - REAL MASTERS! DESTROY CAPSULE!.* \n\nThese were not my thoughts, but Alatar's. I can only imagine how much energy he had to expend to telecommunicate with me over such distance and through Storm Wall. He probably put himself in serious health risk doing this. But it was too late. Capsule already done its job and the acidic cloud was consuming the city. I ran as fast as I could straight to submarine docks. I was able to catch almost full submarine crew inside the first submarine, still unloading some cargo from the journey and cleaning the interior. \n\n*Code red, we are submerging immediately, all hands on board!\"*\n\nI couldnt even hear my own voice, thats how in shock I was, but the crew heardand saw the apocalypse happening in the city. We submerged and remained under water swimming north against the wind, hoping the acidic cloud will not spread this way. After three days we were forced to go to the surface to replenish air. When I looked at the shore through periscope the sky was faint violet and sun was nowhere to be seen despite the fact it was noon. Air was breathable but had a faint nauseating stench. We decided to turn back to the City. \n\n\n\nAlmost everyone was dead, houses burned. Few people that survived seemed to be mindlessly wandering the streets, looking high on something. They were all pointing in one direction - Royal Palace and didnt answer our questions. We made our way towards it until we saw the Palace is no more. In its stead a giant crater was gaping at us. Violet light was stronger here and the nauseating scent was more palpable.\n\nThen we saw them - few small hills in the crater, bustling with millions of little fat violet insect bodies. A sharp thought pierced my mind again. Altough these were not Alatar's thoughts. They were not human at all."} +{"id": "3da1ef35-7ed0-4659-aeb6-496b03b45f8b-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T15:15:19.158", "backgroundColor": "#330c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSh8PK8TEqbveokaaNSwrzupRuhmFdFYVsEWgvZworiPw", "txHash": "0x0387f8a79b36ee46cd6af8cc2807d71fcf14c11a2457b90a410bebb80af1ac2a", "createdAtBlock": 15193566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYFqmQegFYTVmuHMAQNeo9GM8yKeTr9a5CDLPbCJnhfMw", "name": "Xerxes Sorrow of Glory", "text": "*We are ANT PEOPLE from beyond the Storm Wall and Great Blue. We are lead by QUEEN. We are here to conquer these lands and turn them into a prospering province of ANT REALM. We bring BALANCE. Submit to our rule and you will not be harmed.*\n\n \n\nThe scent in the air started to turn heavier. Few of my men got a blank stare in their eyes and dropped their weapons, pointing towards their crater. I ordered everyone to cover their mouths and noses with a piece of cloth and run back to our submarine. Few more didnt make it, couldnt resist the calling of the Violet Terror. \n\nNow, as I am writing these words, I am certain our mighty Land Of People is doomed. I know not what will become of me. I let the sea currents take my submarine whenever they wish, as we do not have enough fuel for engines anymore. I used to conquer, now I submit. I am no longer Xerxes Axe of Glory. \n\nI am Xerxes Sorrow of Glory."} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "Clear the Valley\nThe Adventures of Gruzzon and Glorf - Pt 1\n\nGruzzon slammed his (nearly) empty bottle of Sake down on the long wooden table. \"Today, my friend, we will drive this devilish band of Goblins back to their wasteland of a town once and for all. Let the streets run red with their blood, and the sky be full of their cries, and by tomorrow morn, our valley will be at peace once again. His sun-soaked, noble face radiated an unflappable determination as he spoke. His earthen brown eyes were flanked by the bright gold of his helm, as vibrant purple horns branched out boldly on both sides. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he looked down the table at his compatriot Glorf. Ever the quieter of the pair, he sat motionless. His brilliant blue and yellow armor only partly covered his body, which boasted a dark, muscular frame. How many foes had perished by the edge of his gleaming Blue Longsword? He instilled both apprehension and admiration through the gleam of his red, sunken eyes."} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "Gruzzon and Glorf walked out of the small tavern into the golden glow of a summer evening. The pair strode down the street in what felt like slow motion. A crooked pinwheel spun lazily in front of a repair shop. A trio of buzzing flies showed great interest in the contents of a farmers cart. The two mighty Warriors travelled southward. The valley they approached had once been a quaint, undisturbed place, but bands of Goblins had been camping farther and farther out from their town. For the past two months, perhaps longer, they had infested this valley with their foulness. A cold stream that had been a sanctuary for fishermen from several nearby villages was defiled. The rabbits and deer that roamed that place had either fled, or were hunted for sport. The once crisp air now sat heavy with an unsavory stench. This odor gave fair warning to Gruzzon and Glorf, who stopped on the side of the path to make final preparations for the raid. The last rays of sun were fleeting as the pair sharpened their swords and tightened their armor."} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "The soothing shades of evening melted into the black monolith of night. A solemn birdsong echoed through the forest and faded away. A soft rain began to fall, creating a din of a million droplets crash landing on shadowy leaves and branches. This place felt hollowed out, as if any speck of life who lingered in the valley had been swallowed whole by the damp ground. This might have been believable, and the world itself may have given up hope, if it werent for two silent shapes moving through the night. Two resolute Warriors, with drawn swords and steeled eyes, were striding, gliding, down the hill.\nGruzzon and Glorf had already made up their mind that this raid was the right thing to do, and both had accepted death as a natural consequence of battle long ago. There was nothing to generate second thoughts; indeed thoughts of any type seemed inconsequential at this moment and gave way to a Zen-like state of present moment alertness.\nUp ahead, at the bottom of the valley, coals from a campfire recently gone out were emitting a faint glow, enough to outline the shapes of several tents. The pair of warriors, who had been moving side by side, diverged and crept towards opposite sides of the Goblin Camp. With stealth and near silence they entered the camp, approached two of the ragged, stinking tents, each grabbed one of the loose hanging flaps, and in unison, pulled them open. Wooosh! Empty. The warriors looked up at each other with apprehension. Just then there was a furious clamor coming from the shadows and the pair spun around."} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaayyyYYYYYYyyyyeeeEEEEEE!!!!!!!! A blood curdling scream rang out across the valley as a Goblin flew threw the air with a spear pointed at Glorfs chest. He shifted as quickly as he could, as the tip of the spear streaked across his breastplate and the airborne Goblin crashed into him, both hitting the ground with a powerful thud. On the other end of camp, Gruzzon was being encircled by two snarling Goblins, one wielding a curved dagger, the other with a double-bit axe. Glorf rolled across the ground and got to his feet, as his attacker did the same. This time Glorf took the offensive, charging and swinging his sword down at the Goblin. The Goblin raised his spear horizontally to block the blow, but its wooden shaft was no match for the Longsword. The spear fractured it two, spraying splinters in all directions, and the Longsword followed through and struck the Goblins shoulder."} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "followed through and struck the Goblins shoulder. yyyYYAAAAAAAAAA!!! The Goblin cried out in anguish, which quickly turned to anger, and just as Glorf had managed to pull his sword free, the Goblin leapt at him in a rage. The two again crashed to the ground, this time intertwined, with the Goblin on top. The foul creature grabbed the bit of exposed wrist just below Glorfs sword-hand, dug his sharpened fingernails into flesh, while driving the sword-hand into the ground. Glorf used his free left hand, balled into a dense fist, to strike the Goblins face. Dark blood welled up from the Goblins cheek, but the eyes showed maddened resolve. Glorf brought his left arm back and delivered a forearm strike to the Goblins considerably smaller arms. They buckled but maintained their grip, nails digging into Glorfs wrist, drawing blood and immobilizing his sword-hand. Again Glorf brought his left arm back and struck the"} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "brought his left arm back and struck the Goblins grip with all his might. This time he was able to free his other hand for a brief moment - long enough to re-grip his sword, turn it on the Goblin, and drive it completely through its chest. Time stopped as the battling foes locked eyes. The Goblin looked down at his pierced chest, and looked back at Glorf with the horror of void on its face. It tried to muster one final attack, moving its hands to Glorfs throat, but all its strength was quickly fleeting. Glorf knocked the Goblin back with his left arm while pulling his sword out of its chest. A strong flow of blood erupted and the Goblin landed on its back. Glorf rose to his feet. His wrist was leaking blood but he had the strength to fight. He gripped his longsword with both hands, strode to the Goblin, and raised the cold steel high above his head. The Goblin was not dead,"} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "high above his head. The Goblin was not dead, but was dying, and couldnt do much to move let alone muster a defense. With one swift, circular stroke, Glorfs blue longsword glided through the Goblins neck and severed the head from its body. The Goblin head rolled once to the right and settled still against the dark ground."} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "Glorf looked down at his slain foe, and then looked to his own wrist to inspect the injury. Just then, he was startled by the yell of his fellow Warrior on the other end of camp. Up to this point, Gruzzon had been using his superior weapon to hold the pair of Goblin attackers off. Broad circles with his Master Claymore were merely prolonging the fight, but he could not take the offensive against one Goblin, as it would leave him open to attack from the other. The Goblin pair eventually decided to attack in tandem, from opposite sides. Gruzzon met the charge of the Goblin wielding the 2-bit axe and brought the mighty Claymore down, chopping off both the Goblins hands. The Goblin shrieked as his handless arms flailed and spouted blood, like a pair of unmanned garden hoses in a chaotic dance. Gruzzon started to turn on the second Goblin just as he felt the dagger enter his back. He"} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "as he felt the dagger enter his back. He called out in pain and swung the Claymore around on his attacker, who ducked and scurried back. Gruzzon kept the Claymore pointed at the frenzied Goblin with his right hand, while bringing his left hand around the small of his back. He gripped and pulled out the curved dagger with a grunt of anguish and resolve. He sheathed the dagger in his belt, and firmly gripped the Claymore with both hands. One of the remaining Goblins had lost his weapon, while the other had lost his hands. They sensed that their window had closed, and began maniacally fleeing into the night. Gruzzon ran after the vile creature that had stabbed him in the back, while Glorf, having irreversibly dispatched his own attacker, pursued the handless fiend. The muscular warriors had no trouble catching up to the Goblins, and almost in unison, like the final note of a violent symphony, struck the"} +{"id": "11255ca4-5193-47c4-8556-9d147fc37048-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T09:51:56.574", "backgroundColor": "#170100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqYUzE6tqSfD5AJTttDkXu2R7cTFD7cUDZzWC6Lvdy4f", "txHash": "0x2a22b5af99fa27c88050c0dd8f784bfb90a31a9079a4a28375bbcb573b54bc03", "createdAtBlock": 15198202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Trimmer of the Arena", "text": "the final note of a violent symphony, struck the Goblins down. The pair made their way back to the dark camp. Glorf used his sword to slice two strips of cloth from a tent flap. The shorter he tied around his still bleeding wrist, and the longer he firmly wrapped around Gruzzons torso. They had been wounded, but not fatally. The warriors sat on the dark ground, catching their breath, calming their minds. Were there more Goblins lurking in the shadows? Perhaps. Would more come up from Goblin Town? It was only a matter of time. By mornings light, they would gather the bodies and what remained of the camp, and burn it in a raging bonfire. But for the moment, they sat, and did nothing."} +{"id": "b9828877-c333-447a-986e-f49b1c70954e-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-05T15:42:45.199", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmapxjLNxTTrBd7y9maPS6eFzDcjfgpmdmEWhu8f2wpY3C", "txHash": "0xd88c81246559858f5e51a1657e46cfb2ee46c5c316afefef4288f0392dcb1495", "createdAtBlock": 15283191, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11143, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arthur Danger of the Mountain", "text": "# Arthur Danger, of the Mountain\n\n\"Aye-ya, ope! Scuse me, I'mma jus skuhweeeze past yas an grab da brewskis, oh fer cryin' out loud!\"\n\nMr. Danger was born in the mountain, but most of his life has been spent in the mid-west plains near the Kobold Crossroads. There, Arthur would hang with his pals in the milk guild. Arthur had developed a thick accent, always adding 's' sounds even when not appropriate. \n\nPasties with melk is his favorite meal, followed by a brewski (or a pop if he's being responsible on guard duty). \n\nYou betcha he is excellent at cornhole - undefeated in his local pub tourney.\n\n\"I could drawls ya bolth if I was good at art but I gots to take my hotdish to the Danger potluck tonight. It's clear across the plains to the mountains so you betcha'll take a while, dontcha know!\""} +{"id": "b636cf93-8b6b-4592-aa44-16f9148cecc8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:19.426", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbb9nK4m7CXzY696FmG8msA82xJAN49Wb82ZPQ45yHBnk", "txHash": "0x633f1ec066ea08ccfab0fbd6c130a8d52e01c5f38f6cfba0ea1b1ebad03a8037", "createdAtBlock": 14146629, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2926, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Bathsheba of Dreams", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Bathsheba of Dreams\n\n\"A rat?\" they used to snicker as Bathsheba would walk past with her trusty familiar. They stopped laughing after she got her stellar staff and was able to wield the power of a thousand suns. Turns out a rat is a very handy companion for disposing of what's left of her enemies' remains."} +{"id": "484b32a2-a1fa-438c-b5fe-52640279b823-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T11:54:59.048", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWShWP3LNzh9w2bJTUPL5qZZQy34EKpy1vAD1NvvqkkP4", "txHash": "0x1555764fb69128502bbfae8180a65a223021c997e31db28c27d572f5d0c753b4", "createdAtBlock": 15198767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10179, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beckett Killer of Goblins", "text": "Beckett comes from a long line of Falconers. His Harpy Eagle is a family heirloom that was summoned from a cast of their famous guardian protector."} +{"id": "a71aa339-a315-4773-a5cd-8cf586a49c58-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-05T21:08:38.281", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b13", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8n9fTMNUgHwsjesDhmzWdvjbpgoiytanpora4z9QMpi", "txHash": "0xffc50c48931f52d23a437e66098b9d6ddde0448395345d7f750b64937f1c4662", "createdAtBlock": 15284638, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUBNBKe57i1k95HxhhdVPnH6Dz7dxVJXAjY9EhDSPmzWw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Enigma awoke with a start, convulsing and sweating profusely. She had just had the most intense, terrifying dream.\n\nAn intense feeling of loneliness and dread set over her as she realized she was not at home, but in the bowels of the cave system that she had gotten lost in over 2 weeks ago!\n\nHad she been out that entire time? The dream was vividly intense, though the longer she was up, the more the visions faded from her mind.\n\nVisions of being kidnapped, turned into a kobold (a green one with ears? could you believe that. We ALL know kobolds are yellow and have horns), and worse, watching her poor beloved slime, Fred, get tortured and eaten alive by the same kobold that kidnapped her!\n\nAs the last bit of terror and imagery fled from her mind, Enigma seemed to regain fully control of her faculties, and stood from the spot wher she had previously collapsed over two weeks ago.\n\nAlthough Engima had fabulous night vision thanks to her swamp witch genetics, it was still sufferingly dark, and could barely see more than a few inches in front of her face.\n\nAfter standing and collecting her belongings, Enigma pulls The Caduceus off of her back, and holds it high, mumbling a small, homebrewed incantation.\n\nIn mere seconds, the staff lit the cave with a gentle blue light. What she saw before her was an endless cavern that stretched far past the range of her glow. Ancient ruins of a vast city spread around her, giving no hint which might be the direction out.\n\n\"Fred, I think-\" Enigma stopped mid-sentence realizing Fred was not in his customary spot in her hip pouch."} +{"id": "a71aa339-a315-4773-a5cd-8cf586a49c58-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-05T21:08:38.281", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b13", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8n9fTMNUgHwsjesDhmzWdvjbpgoiytanpora4z9QMpi", "txHash": "0xffc50c48931f52d23a437e66098b9d6ddde0448395345d7f750b64937f1c4662", "createdAtBlock": 15284638, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUBNBKe57i1k95HxhhdVPnH6Dz7dxVJXAjY9EhDSPmzWw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "This is where the panic really started to set in. Fred was her slime familiar, one she created, and one she bonded very heavily with. Fred was her best friend, and there really was no way around it.\n\n\"Ok Enigma, take a deep breath. He can't have gone that far.\" She said, pushing her green curls out of her face, rummaging through her hip pouch for who knows what.\n\nMoments later, an excited gasp slips out of Enigma and she holds a bit of dried meat out in an extended hand. (One thing Fred loved more than Enigma was jerky. Engima didn't even eat meat, but would lovingly prepare this yummy little snacks for her friend.)\n\nFred was a quantum slime, and could travel time and space. It would only take a moment for Fred to appear when it was snack time, but he wasn't answering the call.\n\nA storm of anxiety started to rage within the swamp witch, as she began desperately calling out for her familiar.\n\nHours would pass as she wandered from ruined building to ruined building, carefully looking for her slimy little companion. Eventually, she would stumble on him, injured in the open.\n\nThe moment she set eyes upon the slime, she moved with a speed usually reserved for legendary creatures. As she fell onto the ground next to Fred, her caduceus began acting on it's own.\n\nIt hovered in the air for moments before lighting up an intense blue, as Enigma scooped the battered slime up off the cave floor. Soon, Enigma and Fred would be bathed in the magical glow of the caduceus, which had the power to heal any injury (as long as the injured target was still alive).\n\nIt took what felt like an eternity for our Enigma, but in reality it was only moments before Fred's 'eyes' opened and began to regain consciousness."} +{"id": "a71aa339-a315-4773-a5cd-8cf586a49c58-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-05T21:08:38.281", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b13", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8n9fTMNUgHwsjesDhmzWdvjbpgoiytanpora4z9QMpi", "txHash": "0xffc50c48931f52d23a437e66098b9d6ddde0448395345d7f750b64937f1c4662", "createdAtBlock": 15284638, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUBNBKe57i1k95HxhhdVPnH6Dz7dxVJXAjY9EhDSPmzWw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "The healing light had restored the faithful slime's lifeforce, and immediately began hopping up and down all over Enigma, clearly excited to see Enigma.\n\n\"Ugh Fred!!\" Engima exclaimed between sobs, as she scooped him up into her arms and began crying uncontrollably into the slime.\n\nAfter the two had a moment to reunite, Fred took off down into the dark cave, beckoning Enigma to follow.\n\n\"Did you find a way out you clever little blob??\" Enigma asked herself, chasing after Fred.\n\n***(Will these two find their way out of the cavern? What are all these ruins?? Did they finally stumble on the lost city of Atlantis? Stay tuned and find out!!)***"} +{"id": "153bc396-29cb-4cf2-b9cd-314b1e430f75-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:20.386", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmePhZUJb5UssXVvVrszzwggdEW5fMb6UU4iZqezxtVGCo", "txHash": "0xcd8bc567fd8c378d2373ec1edee083615d47fd5d6976875a75b32763e33ead39", "createdAtBlock": 14146931, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5999, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Jadis of the Moors", "text": "Wizard lore - The Lore of Charmer Jadis of the Moors\n\nWith only a touch, I have the power ~\nZim zaba rim bim, To wither a flower ~\nI find delight in the gruesome and grim.\n\nI can be huge; Fill the whole house\nI can be teeny, small as a mouse ~\nBlack sorcery is my dish of tea\nIt comes easy to me.\n\nI can be beautiful, lovely and fair ~\nSilvery voice, long red hair ~\nLa la la la, la la la la la\nLa la la la la, la la la la la la la ~\nBut it's only skin deep\nFor Zim zaberim ZIM\nI'm an ugly old creep!\n\nI can do all these things and judiciously more, 'Cause I'm the jackbooted, jittering, jinxed, jaded Jadis of the Moors!"} +{"id": "24923c71-41b6-4c4c-b303-01a75ba2cf87-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:22.704", "backgroundColor": "#0f2c3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmVizRcik1nNHWVKFbDx3tDXUe1VXfmPRSSaSQJcBy6M", "txHash": "0xe7bdfd750785275a1ad2dbf8c99d28ee65c4a1561d6a9bc279b8b6ba8d104ba6", "createdAtBlock": 14147598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow"} +{"id": "24923c71-41b6-4c4c-b303-01a75ba2cf87-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:22.704", "backgroundColor": "#0f2c3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmVizRcik1nNHWVKFbDx3tDXUe1VXfmPRSSaSQJcBy6M", "txHash": "0xe7bdfd750785275a1ad2dbf8c99d28ee65c4a1561d6a9bc279b8b6ba8d104ba6", "createdAtBlock": 14147598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "When Medium Samuel first died it came as a complete shock to him. One minute he was happily going about his business, the next he had been crushed to death by an impossible metal object traveling so fast he didnt even have time to scream. \n \nThe main source of shock was that immediately after the moment of his death he found himself to be, alive and unharmed, a few seconds earlier in the timeline. As he stopped to process what had just happened he narrowly avoided the object that continued on its previous path and disappeared out of sight behind him.\n \nHe very carefully headed to the nearest drinking establishment to celebrate his good fortune, but after pushing his way to the front of the line to order his first mug of mead he noticed something strange over by the window. A golden ghost hovered a few centimetres off the floor, careful not to come into contact with any solid surface. It was semi-transparent so you could still see what was happening behind it and although roughly humanoid in appearance it looked extremely old. The creatures mouth didnt move at all but he knew what it was saying as the words just appeared in his head.\n \nThe golden ghost asked if he wanted to be special. It explained that he wanted Samuel to make some small changes in the physical world that he wasnt able to do and in return he offered a life of wealth and excitement. The requested changes were so small and inconsequential that Samuel didnt understand what their impact could possibly be. Just little things like changing a 0 to a 1 in a ledger or introducing two people who worked in the same building to each other. He decided it was probably not wise to ask for the reasons behind the requests, just in case a being powerful enough to manipulate time wasnt keen on questions and I cant say I disagree with his risk averse approach."} +{"id": "24923c71-41b6-4c4c-b303-01a75ba2cf87-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:22.704", "backgroundColor": "#0f2c3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmVizRcik1nNHWVKFbDx3tDXUe1VXfmPRSSaSQJcBy6M", "txHash": "0xe7bdfd750785275a1ad2dbf8c99d28ee65c4a1561d6a9bc279b8b6ba8d104ba6", "createdAtBlock": 14147598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "As he goes about his assigned tasks Samuel can see glimpses, for a few brief minutes, of the other world where he died. It has long diverged from his world in many different ways but sometimes he feels guilty about those people who have only died in his new timeline so he acts as a medium to deliver messages between the worlds, easing the pain of loved ones."} +{"id": "24923c71-41b6-4c4c-b303-01a75ba2cf87-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:22.704", "backgroundColor": "#0f2c3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmVizRcik1nNHWVKFbDx3tDXUe1VXfmPRSSaSQJcBy6M", "txHash": "0xe7bdfd750785275a1ad2dbf8c99d28ee65c4a1561d6a9bc279b8b6ba8d104ba6", "createdAtBlock": 14147598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Samuel of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "So far he tells me the golden ghosts have not voiced their opinions on this activity so we can only assume they approve. Indeed I hope they continue to allow it so I can try and give some comfort to my family in the timeline where apparently I met an untimely end while fighting over a drink that was spilt as someone pushed past me."} +{"id": "4ce3213c-0bf4-4d1f-8ab3-efeea00e406d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:23.989", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma12fbuGK49zqPsFc3u9mxYRWbrcR7PHLTx3WZGYvpnKq", "txHash": "0x332e5ccf693026eeb35dfec3658449743efd05234273c3231557281298b8dbdc", "createdAtBlock": 14642910, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4673, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Soran of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# Druid Soran of the Sacred Pillars\n_\n\n\nSoran was but an infant when he was stolen...\n\nCarried by creatures to whom are beholden\n\nAs loyal to the sea as they are to the land\n\nReady to tear apart the tiny wizard man\n\nEager to defend their home against\n\nDevils and demons, it's our last chance\n\n_\n\n### Not much is known about this defender of the wild... yet"} +{"id": "48ab4606-773a-4957-b0bd-e48eaa2df14a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T12:00:54.984", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmao5ye2MUCYvkq6xujcAvE6VEA8ojT2BmmfYN9eRbZMYe", "txHash": "0x00843b077c7cffc931076afa6066e17ea756823ef72db89d54ec46720d2a138e", "createdAtBlock": 15198798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10177, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chevy Stormer of the Ring", "text": "The Ring is an underground network of mercenary spies. For small jobs, they have incredibly high integrity, but for the larger ones, their own beliefs often present a conflict. \n\nChevy, unlike the rest, never feels too conflicted about having zero allegiance to anyone."} +{"id": "ed2ca5d3-f863-4f17-883d-9fd4eba0b162-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:23.34", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRCg5rbRJDr3a1jCy5JmXQH8Q22DoXrycgpSiRTHRKg5N", "txHash": "0x72a4d1d655a93ae9ad7399459b1e4f1240ed8b14aa1ceba61cbb55acc94e6ef8", "createdAtBlock": 14147623, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2605, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Jadis of the Heath", "text": "Dear Diary, today I found this sick staff inside a creepy hidden caaaave and this wack bat followed me out. Im thinking of calling him Bernie but my mom says I cant have a pet. Bernie can live under my bed. Ugh, Im so tired of living with my parents. I cant wait until Im older and can teleport OUT OF HERE!"} +{"id": "e7a2ae50-ff0d-4598-a3af-a8dcf865fadc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:27.37", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRAr2CRt6aL3o6GCR134ig5vKV74Jw5vngLTq5J27PBWw", "txHash": "0xf74bdfedcc7ab35088a5096c26d57061973eb350246f81fae7f55f5c16740442", "createdAtBlock": 14642962, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 697, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNR714z8ioyE7kPTBEHpAfiP8JhvxCjURALmTeaScY9ny", "name": "Shaded Spectre Sabina of the Ectoplasmic Horizon", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nMy cat will follow me in this adventure\n\nLet's see how it goes"} +{"id": "57cb7d56-f185-4d1c-9e0e-59214e9c4306-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T05:51:16.188", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7phcx8Z8Cd5CrYeffcxTSuHemXLh3Y4RoAmVwqedBAz", "txHash": "0x14e32382134999426db6b00dbac70e83a13e18a90a2438e57c638c77432d71a4", "createdAtBlock": 15286982, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10420, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nil Debilitator of the Mountain", "text": "gas is cheap, will edit later"} +{"id": "1b9d7778-43ef-4a63-a2a6-3bd8f32ac887-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T12:06:57.299", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYJyWmFKmvS3WBp8MNWwMeNzkeHaMgGXWo5nkuLpvzSGV", "txHash": "0x5b82be73538b3f2342401224258005b88363388b35b46ce2a51499b5c6fc3a04", "createdAtBlock": 15198825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 225, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Serendipity the Moderate", "text": "Serendipity is known for having an incredibly regal gait."} +{"id": "8c2a35bb-af4c-40d7-92ec-898e831c364e-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T06:59:27.276", "backgroundColor": "#4c120a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXQPPKNqB4vJ2D9PQ4BvyaLRzqYdruEh7f84ks9CnaCeE", "txHash": "0x89c9aed5f1cb20d87b5c4733f508cc63c7cbd257b7d5a4b6ad60d5ec38001b4d", "createdAtBlock": 15287266, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11649, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marci Destroyer of the Elysian Fields", "text": "# She who was once said to be the strongest \n\n### There was the strongest warrior. Her name was Marci.\n### Marci was so strong that she destroyed anyone she considered an enemy without mercy.\n### She was so strong that those who saw her fight called her the Destroyer.\n\n\n### Her power was so mighty that the world feared her.\n### And the world tried to eliminate her.\n\n\n### She spent the rest of her life in endless battles.\n### She was always alone. But that was normal for her. The world was her enemy.\n### She didn't even have time to feel lonely, because fighting was the proof of life.\n\n### Then one day, a pack of large Northern Lynx attacked one small Northern Lynx.\n### The Northern Lynx that was being attacked had the same eye color as her own.\n### She saw herself now in such a Northern Lynx.\n### A large claw attacked the small Northern Lynx.\n\n### Her heart echoes.\n### At that moment, her moonshield caught the big claw.\n### But the claws were so big that they hurt her eyes.\n### Marci took a stand and protected Northern Lynx.\n\n### Then, without fear, she swung the sword in her right hand and finished off the big Northern Lynxes.\n\n### The little Northern Lynx that Marci protected gently licked Marci's wounds.\n### For the first time, Marci felt warmth.\n### She gently hugged the child.\n\n### There was a mighty warrior feared by the world.\n### But she did not have a sword.\n### Instead, he had a large bone and a small Northern Lynx with her.\n### In the fields of Elysium, she and the Northern Lynx lived in peace."} +{"id": "dd9050ba-b211-4bad-8caa-7edece01d699-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:19.929", "backgroundColor": "#450c09", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX56yi8vwG5Tyd8pWhGKdeV5VkwgddQ2RB9sNP78GutDu", "txHash": "0x8c6d63c8be2451e5f7cee6303ddbae3a327f668b7c39559dd0212da2828a983e", "createdAtBlock": 14735515, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7160, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Crowley of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# An Offering...\n\n\nCrowley jumped when the sun cat appeared in the window. She flicked her tail and purred, but all that he saw was the dead crow in her jaw.\n\nIt actually worked.\n\nHe cleared a space on the altar cloth and placed the dead bird between the two candles. He rolled up his sleeves. Did he dare to seek forbidden knowledge? To touch death?\n\nThe crows black beak hung open. Mocking him. \n\nThe sun cat gave her tail a suspicious wag.\n\nWell, here it goes.\n\nHe grasped the black bird by its feathered neck and twisted hard until the head came off in his hands. The blood coating his fingers was still warm. The sun cat nuzzled against his leg and purred.\n\nHe assembled the head on the altar plate, marked it with the rune of Cinnabar, and shook the gnomes tooth over the offering three times. He fell into a pensive silence.\n\nA breeze pushed through the windows and extinguished the burning candles in a curl of smoke. Darkness fell over the room, and the sun cat reared and hissed.\n\nHe stared at the crows head gleaming in the moonlight, now ten times its former size. Sacred Pillars, he said, what have I done?\n\nHe trembled as he picked up the head and placed it over his own. The secrets of the Runiverse shone to him through new eyes."} +{"id": "39d41600-e1c2-4c14-b03a-e1301b2279e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:25.162", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYzsbtHJw2VB8sjUwvGAUdZ2AB5V6qNcUF3DTF9TxaQge", "txHash": "0x364ad8e28d3520d33d50c8a86ffe6facd11f2ff5f6066abe3c22eb9f933b956b", "createdAtBlock": 14147980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8249, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Enigma of Tartarus", "text": "An excerpt from the Chronicles of Tartarus, Epoch 7.3\n\n...the witch never assimilated to her job description, and it was hard to understand why.. Finally, the Tartarus' Head Runemaster himself uncovered Enigma's problem - she was corrupted by the rune of UP ONLY.. Imagine, a daughter of THE Scorch of Tartarus, being born under a good sign... The shame, the disgust, the comtempt.. Scorch always wanted \"Daddys Little Girl\" to follow in his destructive, chaotic footsteps.. Enigma always seemed to want to rise above that stuff. She just wasn't cut out for evil. \n\nIt won't go on the official court record of course, but some Lords present recall seeing steam droplet tears rise from Scorch's head when he banished Enigma from Tartarus. \n\nLeaving the Gates of Tartarus behind her, Enigma donned the one thing her mother left her before she passed - a Celestial Sash. Truly living up to her name, Witch Enigma smiled, finally free to be herself, and never looked back."} +{"id": "d3d905b4-45d9-44b9-80a8-25f82572b1f6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:21.176", "backgroundColor": "#2b29ab", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVRuyLwJfoixbF4HnWacxd7xTTRRxWvNZSkKsUfaFQaJ2", "txHash": "0xc6f0d3281f3e29f4f2911c65df0a7adfdbb20634952f25b37f5b3549d919a9ce", "createdAtBlock": 14613303, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 827, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZySUi7YqThQ4cqpJEq47nHojBEs595yc92MiDdXD6SQz", "name": " Celah of the Atheneum", "text": "# Tale #1: The Lunar Staff \n\n\n\nDark figures glared at Celah as he walked through a narrow alley in Goblin town. Celah chuckled under his breath, as he knew the tale of his last adventure was spreading. He reached into his bag and pulled out a dusty yellow toad. *Looks like we have some enemies*, he laughed.\n\nCelah, a powerful wizard and avid collector of rare trinkets, had just returned from a trip to the Zaros Oasis. It was at a wizard pub where he met a priest named Essence and a tiny warlock named Pytho. The three adventurers, quite intoxicated, told tales of past adventures. The warlock bragged about the power of his dark magic, and obsessed over a rare lunar staff held by evil trolls in a nearby city. He promised his new friends rare jewels and gold for helping him attain the staff, so the two obliged. *It will be easy if we all stick together,* he said. *Youre looking at the most powerful warlock in the world.*\n\nThe three new acquaintances traveled west from the oasis to a hostile troll city rumored to hold the valuable treasure. The trolls did not take kindly to their arrival, and preemptively attacked the group. Celah shot lightning bolts, frying the trolls who attacked them. However, the warlocks shadow spells proved ineffective, and as more trolls showed up to fight, it became clear that the group was in danger."} +{"id": "d3d905b4-45d9-44b9-80a8-25f82572b1f6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:21.176", "backgroundColor": "#2b29ab", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVRuyLwJfoixbF4HnWacxd7xTTRRxWvNZSkKsUfaFQaJ2", "txHash": "0xc6f0d3281f3e29f4f2911c65df0a7adfdbb20634952f25b37f5b3549d919a9ce", "createdAtBlock": 14613303, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 827, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZySUi7YqThQ4cqpJEq47nHojBEs595yc92MiDdXD6SQz", "name": " Celah of the Atheneum", "text": "The priest did his best to protect and heal the group, but the sheer number of trolls was overwhelming. In between waves of trolls, the warlock fled, leaving Celah and Essence to fend for themselves. With their backs against the wall, a final group of 10 trolls surrounded the two of them. *Was this the end?,* thought Celah. He looked up to the night sky and saw what appeared to be an ancient rune. A surge of power ran through his body and without thinking he summoned a chain of lightning, killing all 10 trolls instantly and shaking the ground beneath their feet.\n\nThe warlock, who saw the lightning bolt from a distance, ran back to the group. Nobody said a word. They just looked at each other, then looked at the piles of troll bodies on the ground. Next to one of the trolls laid a bright, glowing staff with the shape of a moon on it. \n\nAs the warlock ran to grab it, Celah summoned one last lightning bolt down from the sky and struck the staff, covering the three of them in moon dust."} +{"id": "f1c1b0a5-1e57-49ba-9d5d-ac5df802e1b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T13:57:29.749", "backgroundColor": "#b07020", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbhdRgX5xwM1jJmYoutD3uihp4J3momZHwv2Swp9ENpEo", "txHash": "0xf11dcacde7046374ffaaf9c587c5b7e5dae96e6824cb752b9ee16a3bd5d13974", "createdAtBlock": 15289144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12468, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaEY5gMx5k9VroSFoBZm4RSfwz5xB7ZsfURdv2LFmRTpF", "name": " Apocalypse of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "https://wizzypedia.forgottenrunes.com/The_Barren_Court\n\n# The Barren Court\n\nThe Barren Court is a band of nomadic warriors who roam The Sand, protecting the weak and enforcing the law of the desert. Legends tell that long ago, when small strips of the region were considered amongst some of the most arable lands known to the continent, the group numbered in the hundreds, and existed as several allied clans who travelled separately for much of the year, but gathered in the heart of the desert at the height of summer to hold court and debate matters of consequence. Today however, the dunes have enveloped the vast majority of their once fertile homeland, swallowing every hint of lush greenery but for the hardy baobab trees endemic to the borderland between The Sand and the savannah to its south. As a consequence, the Courts numbers have declined rapidly, and recent reports suggest there may be less than fifty of them remaining, operating largely as a distributed network of spies and enforcers who travel primarily individually or in groups small enough to roam the wastelands undetected.\n\nCentral among the tenets of The Barren Court is a profound respect for the land, having seen first-hand the perilous toll its degradation has exacted upon the people, animals and plants that inhabit the desert.\n\n# Organizational Structure\n\n* Vizier: Battlemage Bullock (Wizard #9633 / battlemagebullock.eth)\n* Poet Laureate: Apocalypse of the Sacred Pillars (Warrior #12468 / thebarrencourt.eth)\n\n# Membership\n\nAny eligible warrior can make the arduous journey into the desert and join The Barren Court by swearing the oath of the Court Benefits of joining the Court include:"} +{"id": "f1c1b0a5-1e57-49ba-9d5d-ac5df802e1b8-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T13:57:29.749", "backgroundColor": "#b07020", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbhdRgX5xwM1jJmYoutD3uihp4J3momZHwv2Swp9ENpEo", "txHash": "0xf11dcacde7046374ffaaf9c587c5b7e5dae96e6824cb752b9ee16a3bd5d13974", "createdAtBlock": 15289144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12468, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaEY5gMx5k9VroSFoBZm4RSfwz5xB7ZsfURdv2LFmRTpF", "name": " Apocalypse of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "* Receive artworks and other commissions of The Barren Court as an airdrop\n* Contribute to a collective worldbuilding effort surrounding The Barren Court\n* Able to break your oath at any time and claim back a troop from The Barren Court's NFTX Vault *\n\nTo find out more about your eligibility, or to swear the oath of The Barren Court, click here.\n\n* NFTX Fees may apply. Initial fee rate set to half of the main NFTX warrior pool fee rate."} +{"id": "810000c8-3d9c-4e10-8a32-7e01aee721a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:25.893", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma4NvSbrGajtFQJN8LkkA2sCJoHNHrmMTvPTCvc71nsqV", "txHash": "0xe6a7f9692d527a465f7675722a015e1a736a71bcc17ed7b0cd9be45589169b1d", "createdAtBlock": 14148042, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer Jastor of the Mist", "text": "I, Jastor of the Mist, am a mining kobold, hired to do one job - mine cinnabar. But like many Kobolds blessed with magical tendencies, I wanted more from this life. I sought out a wizard to train me in sorcery so I may raise my station and understand my raw ability. The only mage that would work with me however was a Hobgoblin - embarrassing, I know. As soon as I mastered transfiguration however, I turned that little hob into a toad!"} +{"id": "ecfda6a6-393c-4aa9-84e2-e7b9ab9ba498-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:27.5", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQmgMHFjxwMAp3mcFo6Twz11ZqvJWCZzzZrGx2CLgQPnE", "txHash": "0x802afc19b2ffaf97c7e43f37eca79c0b17f729b0d742d18fd45863197278b284", "createdAtBlock": 14148184, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8361, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Soya of the Plains", "text": "The frail man beguiles\n\nSickly skin puppet of plague\n\nSmall things dream biggest"} +{"id": "6d738b7d-58c3-4eb9-9c9f-4045cdfe376f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T14:34:35.748", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVSQ22RE2CpfXjdC9MHcusBfviZhvCTCBTX4HUxN6CG67", "txHash": "0x4c248256c7b26bd6f911c40be3cce4c6eebac2971ec4e80b691b04bc2a98b59b", "createdAtBlock": 15289307, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8326, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Mist", "text": "CHAPTER ONE: THE HILL ON WILDERBERRY ROAD"} +{"id": "8656daab-77bd-4c74-931b-f68567a6d13c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:28.263", "backgroundColor": "#155940", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdAGmRL9s5TaEznVXWpjSdhJteuWAVmVXR6m5E9zm7iMB", "txHash": "0x3baa525d4762631a765c4ff55272f9f0228e47a5d73de388747934a264f72c11", "createdAtBlock": 14642994, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8219, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Apollo of the Tower", "text": "# Scryer Apollo\nMany have gazed upon the crystals to forsee the future. None as unsuccessfully as Scryer Apollo. As the stories go, his mug was never the most _accurate_ or _precise_ form of crystalized matter. It is, however, quite effective at holding mead."} +{"id": "5114ab72-916c-41c8-a81a-c641f42dccc2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:28.32", "backgroundColor": "#2d4ea4", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeuAqtYPLdMVMtCyEKyhomatvuFxeRTXpTUS8iwxNkRic", "txHash": "0x73e3536c6ba08795cd853d293aaca2d31b89c0a74eed7904d01d986088d2e9a1", "createdAtBlock": 14148658, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaUQrB7fhNnPoZQtfQqvJy9JU9XgYeGaZT2uuxBY3wq62", "name": "Augurer Qasim of the Wood", "text": "# **++The Forgotten Voyage++**\n\n\n\n\nIn the land\nof the mortal earthlings\na void rift had appeared\n\na nexus portal\ncalling all the chosen\nthe forgotten voyage is here\n\n\n\nWe were only men\nwhen we were called to sea\nto sail through dimensions to a new reality \n\nforgotten runes in wizards hands\ntales of a new 8-bit land\n\nwere going to start a wizard band\nand here is a taste of what we have \n\nI am Qasim yes I am\nI traveled here from the meatspace land\nkrakens and creatures are in our path\nclairvoiant faye will put em on blast\n\n\n\nwhen will be at the new land they promised me\nI cant wait to see what the Runiverse will bring\nancient tales of wizard spells and summoning familiar things\nLoki's bridge, the rainbow spell granted us safe crossing\n\nI am Qasim yes I am\nI traveled here from the meatspace land\nthe ship withstood the rocking waves\nthe forgotten voyage had made its way!\n\nThank You!\n\n\n\nPlease follow the links to my Opensea collections and hear the actual music NFT!\n\n\n\n\nadiobox.eth\n\nOpensea.io/collection/the-forgotten-tavern\n\nwww.reverbnation.com/adiobox\n\nTwitter @adiobox"} +{"id": "b04f8c15-b828-439e-9ecb-f01facb1ea71-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T22:05:46.901", "backgroundColor": "#25a222", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUi2eTVLwfvmYi3anXRewcC8RNvwrgxZjPqgemXq1Fx8", "txHash": "0xe510f174fbffc2b3046607c3df877a062a0e1f9357c4df04707b51c76e5772b3", "createdAtBlock": 15201547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 108, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX7cxtoVtRFjYRUK67scmbiexBLhNVwEoPhQHnaon8PHD", "name": "Pooroo Hacker of Monsters", "text": "Pooroo was pissed all the fucking time. Everything pissed him off. But what would a fungi warrior be if not for his wits. He knew he couldn't go around killing everyone that pissed him off. He'd be sent to the gallows surely. Instead, Pooroo focused his anger and aggression towards monsters. He would take all his life's frustrations out into the fields in search of something legal to kill. His angry nature stems from his nearly chipmunk sounding voice. He was made fun of his whole life for sounding different. That's why he is so full of rage. His life long pursuit is to find his deep chested warrior's roar...however elusive it is... \n\nDont let Pooroo fool you into believing he is a one dimensional fungi. He has a deep empathetic connection for those who break through his rough exterior and find a place close to his mushroom heart. Pooroo would die for those he cherishes as much as he would kill for them as well. Sometimes Pooroo lets his close friends lick his fungi head for a psychedelic experience. Unfortunately though, Pooroo could never share those experiences with them. If he tried to trip out...nothing would happen. Pooroo's mind state was naturally \"tripped out\" all the time, although to the outside observer he would appear normal. It was just how he was wired. This natural ability would give him a certain type of instinctual clairvoyance. he was very smart and he could quickly figure out if someone was trying to rip him off or try some shady shit."} +{"id": "b04f8c15-b828-439e-9ecb-f01facb1ea71-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T22:05:46.901", "backgroundColor": "#25a222", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUi2eTVLwfvmYi3anXRewcC8RNvwrgxZjPqgemXq1Fx8", "txHash": "0xe510f174fbffc2b3046607c3df877a062a0e1f9357c4df04707b51c76e5772b3", "createdAtBlock": 15201547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 108, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX7cxtoVtRFjYRUK67scmbiexBLhNVwEoPhQHnaon8PHD", "name": "Pooroo Hacker of Monsters", "text": "Pooroo always had his gigas hornet companion around. Not only did he despise the bug, but it drove him mad with fury. Pooroo wouldnt dare harm his gigas hornet though. It was this very anger that enraged Pooroo into a state of superpower and adrenalin. Pooroo was unstoppable in his spats of wild fury. he had learned how to keep this power at bay and unleash it on a horde of monsters and completely obliterate them in hasty fashion. \n\ndont believe me? ... \n\n\ncatch him outside how bout dat"} +{"id": "1260f1a8-de27-42fe-9901-72397be968e3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:15.59", "backgroundColor": "#0a1639", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfQQ1y6tzHqbovCsYNLjWFpiEBoHUz2SWkGKRXuNgv3D2", "txHash": "0x7239069b773a3d775fdd9d5711e977f788b69f5a4510fe13e7ce106e800dcfc4", "createdAtBlock": 14227171, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9958, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist George of the Wood", "text": "# Blues, ooze, and and a few other hues\n\nAlchemist George pondered aloud...\n\n\"What's an alchemist to do when stuck in a melancholic mood? Sit in my blues and wonder what in the world I am to do? To be free of the gloom, doom, and other hues of my mind?\n\nHow can one fill the void? No amount of perky potions seems to make a better mindset stick. Maybe it's not that something need be added but rather subtracted - to make room for a new view!\"\n\nFor if he only knew just *how familiar* that blues had become; his only companion through the bleak midwinter"} +{"id": "3d0137e3-3f56-4f76-b4a2-435c711cc3eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:17.455", "backgroundColor": "#f2a5a1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcdB9bTA1vRWusMeZJdHhRZCsEyNPDg2nXF2Cs5bNnbhs", "txHash": "0xf10569cf954d27a3ec54b18046d2174c8729c0975b29c97099953e913b98f0c1", "createdAtBlock": 14228113, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4692, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Aslan of Atlantis", "text": "Aslan held up the egg, attempting to estimate its mass while pondering how much longer he would have to wait before the blue-spotted mysterious oval would reveal its contents. He brought it closer to his face to inspect, but quickly jutted it back to arms length in a sudden act of uncontrollable fear. Did it just move??? No... probably not...\n\nHis mind quickly went back into a daze of bewilderment at the shear size of this thing. It was approximately the same size and thickness of his skull (which was especially notable given Aslan's cranium was quite large to begin with; his colleagues back in Atlantis often reminded him of that fact). \n\n\"The Great Summoner\", as Aslan liked to dub himself, had attempted to summon a powerful \"Water-Beast\" only moments ago but instead summoned this sizeable-yet-powerless egg in its place. He had been so confident that he had perfected his incantation this time around, but alas he fell short of his goal yet again... He should have known better; it was only yesterday that he last attempted the spell, only coming away with this friendly and unimpressive Sapphire Slime that quietly sat beside him now.\n\nAfter a long moment of silence & deep contemplation, Aslan sighed to himself with a sad realization. He was supposed to be \"The Great Summoner\", but has thus far failed to summon anything \"great\". On the bright side, at least the blue-speckled egg matched the color-scheme of his new slime friend and Aslan's peculiarly-blue nose; the Great Summoner's mind trailed off...\n\n**THE EGG BEGAN TO RATTLE WITH A SUDDEN & VIOLENT INTENSITY THAT SHOOK THE GROUND BENEATH HIM**"} +{"id": "3d0137e3-3f56-4f76-b4a2-435c711cc3eb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:17.455", "backgroundColor": "#f2a5a1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcdB9bTA1vRWusMeZJdHhRZCsEyNPDg2nXF2Cs5bNnbhs", "txHash": "0xf10569cf954d27a3ec54b18046d2174c8729c0975b29c97099953e913b98f0c1", "createdAtBlock": 14228113, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4692, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Aslan of Atlantis", "text": "Aslan could not finish his thought, needing to fully-divert his focus toward maintaining his grasp over the vibrating sphere in his hand. Yes, the egg was moving alright; Aslan was sure of it now. \n\nSomething was coming. It appeared he had summoned something powerful, after all..."} +{"id": "9885c828-b85b-4455-b007-be0fb8b8eb2c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:24.156", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVEQEtJ42DKf1CpLBujNu5Me5AWesDGEQitFoZ6DpnCrG", "txHash": "0x54a07cf0410b831d9602f218f51f7d9e1c570a97027286f1014810523f8d6412", "createdAtBlock": 14147697, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5226, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Nikolas of El Dorado", "text": "When catastrophe strikes, don't bother calling El Dorados own Nikolas the Brave... Hes probably already on his way! Known for his mighty heroics and dashing style and good looks, Nikolas will not only save your village, he will look damn fine doing it."} +{"id": "21beecdf-27ae-4fc5-95df-4be033de6efa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:26.598", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRpgq9fYbT58SSHC976ppbWYev6QHvJburvi5993m67GB", "txHash": "0xb3ce3e5b52acf4d30dba29e339235401835fe02aa9f9ae81d6a22103b99301e0", "createdAtBlock": 14148129, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2917, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Amir in the Shadows", "text": "Adventurer's Log #2234: \"I came upon the most strange of abandoned castles. A castle whose halls curved and winded about for what seemed miles (altho it seems impossible) until I finally encountered a very large dining hall with a lively fireplace. The hall smelled of stale bread and ale, not unlike the Forgotten Tavern. Seemningly home to only happy rodents and vermin, I was startled to find a strange man abiding amongst the rats. He calls himself Amir and cant remember how long he said he'd been there! Upon further inspection, Ive come to the conclusion Amir has survived purely on his own magic and endless mugs and mugs of ale! He seems to be perfectly content conversing with the rats that live with him. He spoke of adventuring beyond the enchanted castle with his drunken army of rats one day, but he seemed a bit to content in his element to truly believe him..\""} +{"id": "7dcfed64-9383-4b61-9157-a5875f3e0cd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-24T20:38:38.194", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaV5yXvWHys99u9a586xvxLN8DTrFN8zw6cYbpeLFXJ4p", "txHash": "0x1aff9b42b3fbf694fb1abcccd0a29bde4da983b90be60b13dc97948656f1e31b", "createdAtBlock": 15207492, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9672, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aloros Sword of the Road", "text": "# Aloros and The Road Life\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBN86y30Ufc\n\nOn the road again\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again\n\nThe life he loves is slicing monsters with his friends\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again\n\nOn the road again\n\nGoin' places he aint never been\n\nStabbin things that he may never stab again\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again\n\nOn the road again\n\nIn his bandit armor he goes down the highway\n\nWith his feathered friend\n\nThat rotten underworld will see it their way\n\nAnd their way\n\nIs on the road again\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again\n\nThe life he loves is slicing monsters with his friends\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again\n\nOn the road again\n\nIn his bandit armor he goes down the highway\n\nWith his feathered friend\n\nThat rotten underworld will see it their way\n\nAnd their way\n\nIs on the road again\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again\n\nThe life he loves is slicing monsters with his friends\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again\n\nAloros wants to get on the road again"} +{"id": "889d71d7-ece0-4890-89fe-3629f9e1460a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-24T21:27:48.872", "backgroundColor": "#e7e693", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNb8fgZa4LgumaKxfHM2M7ZydXdxdfPNemjQwfyyyD2ps", "txHash": "0x741d3438673da4873d71bd7811b53bdfbd643b69857ede059d553d66cedcbdd0", "createdAtBlock": 15207721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beron Dismantler of the Ring", "text": "**\n### \n## Beron Dismantler of the Ring\n\n**\n\nBeron stood on the front deck of a freighter heading westward to trade in the far away lands. Leaning against the edge of the deck, he stared into the distance at the sunset over the Alchemist Archipelago. The sea was calm, a gentle warm breeze pushed the ship forward, inch by inch, relentlessly onward to its destination. \n\nThe ships captain, a long time friend, wandered over I dont think Ill ever tire of watching these sunsets he said. They both stood for a few moments watching the red and orange colours illuminate the evening sky. The captain turned to Beron after a few minutes and continued You know this is for the best, it just isnt safe in these lands now, for you or your family he said. Aye Beron replied wistfully, Id have stayed, we fought the likes of him and won in times gone by, but I have my wife and daughter now to think about now Beron paused and continued and Im not that young man I once was he added with chuckle. This was very true, Beron had been semi retired now for a good few years, returning periodically to the warriors guild when called upon. The explosive raw energy that had been a feature of his fighting when youthful had all but gone, replaced by skill and guile learnt from the many battles across the years. But hed settled, married a wizard, adopted her eldest and welcomed a new life into the world with his wife. And this had changed him profoundly."} +{"id": "889d71d7-ece0-4890-89fe-3629f9e1460a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-24T21:27:48.872", "backgroundColor": "#e7e693", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNb8fgZa4LgumaKxfHM2M7ZydXdxdfPNemjQwfyyyD2ps", "txHash": "0x741d3438673da4873d71bd7811b53bdfbd643b69857ede059d553d66cedcbdd0", "createdAtBlock": 15207721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beron Dismantler of the Ring", "text": "A warriors greatest attribute is that they are unbound in this world. They live for the fight, for the warrior code. Their sole focus is being the finest in their discipline and earning their glories on the field of battle. As Wizards are born to greatness, Warriors must earn theirs. Beron, had earned his through long years of service and many glorious campaigns where he earned the honour of his name being placed in the Warriors Chamber, a temple at the guild where only the greatest of warriors names are remembered. Not legendary, not by a way, but enough that his name and deeds would be remembered and written of in the Chamber. Now though, for the first time in his life, he was backing away from conflict. His step daughter murdered by a brutal lord and his families safety uncertain, he had for the first time in his life backed away from the fight. It felt uneasy to him, uncomfortable, despite the fact he knew it was the best and only real option to keep his family safe."} +{"id": "889d71d7-ece0-4890-89fe-3629f9e1460a-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-24T21:27:48.872", "backgroundColor": "#e7e693", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNb8fgZa4LgumaKxfHM2M7ZydXdxdfPNemjQwfyyyD2ps", "txHash": "0x741d3438673da4873d71bd7811b53bdfbd643b69857ede059d553d66cedcbdd0", "createdAtBlock": 15207721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beron Dismantler of the Ring", "text": "As he stood staring at the silhouette of the archipelago in the setting sun, he suddenly felt a disturbance in the air just behind him. In a swift movement he grabbed a wood rope peg off the rigging mount, turned and blocked the assailants wooden weapon. DADDY! You never let me win! his daughter wailed as Beron scooped her up in his arms. One day my child, one day you will! The captain who had left a few minutes ago bellowed down from the quarters dinner will be served in 10 Beron! Beron nodded towards him. He then popped his daughter onto his shoulders and started walking towards his wife, who had been sitting towards the other end of the deck. As he walked his daughter swished her sword, as if fighting some foe. She paused for a moment then spoke softly Daddy, do you think Ill be a great warrior one day like you? Beron chucked, then looking at her out the side of his eye said If you choose that path, Im certain of it! If not, youll be the best of whatever you choose to be She looked back at him, a long searching stare and then said with confidence Ill be the greatest warrior of them all then!!! Beron smiled back. And then lifting her off his shoulders places her down and whispered Im gonna speak to mummy a moment, dinner is almost served, go get yourself washed up ready!. Ok! she said and with that she ran off towards the cabins delightedly exclaiming Yay, dinnertime! swishing her wooden sword furiously as she ran."} +{"id": "889d71d7-ece0-4890-89fe-3629f9e1460a-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-24T21:27:48.872", "backgroundColor": "#e7e693", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNb8fgZa4LgumaKxfHM2M7ZydXdxdfPNemjQwfyyyD2ps", "txHash": "0x741d3438673da4873d71bd7811b53bdfbd643b69857ede059d553d66cedcbdd0", "createdAtBlock": 15207721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beron Dismantler of the Ring", "text": "Beron knelt beside his wife and wrapped an arm around her. Are you ok? He asked softly. Im fine she replied. There are so many memories there, I just needed a moment, a little time to myself to say goodbye Berons wife was a wizard, an Alchemist from the Archipelago. She had left a year or so before they met, her first husband had gone missing, not heard from to this day and she felt the only way forward was to leave and start a new life with her daughter elsewhere. Then she met Beron and life had been good for a while. But it didnt last, her eldest daughter had gone to work as an Alchemist for a Lord and after it became apparent the Lord was using the fruits her work not for the promised good, but to conquer and subjugate the lands around him, extending his domain outwards, her daughter had refused to continue working. A few weeks ago word had reached them she had been executed. They could no longer be certain of their own safety and took the difficult decision to leave for the relative safety of far away lands. The sun had set and the Archipelago was now a vague silhouette, dotted with lights like fireflies in the night sky. Beron cuddled his wife a while as they looked out over the sea, until the voice of their daughter rang out MOM, DAD, dinners getting cold! Were coming Beron called back.\n\nThe warm wind still blew steady that night, filling the sails, pushing the ship relentlessly westward. That night however, was some years ago now."} +{"id": "769ee02c-7227-4719-a7e0-8f124c23bb0f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:31.899", "backgroundColor": "#1e6c45", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXACKbM8xB2AQXmh4TvGkz443e3Z6pjcNXCZDtW7wwALG", "txHash": "0xf84146d3230dc137fe19f275e72a4bcd93c5f9c9bb933a4f1a96f04d90abff4f", "createdAtBlock": 14152697, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7663, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Circe of the Forest", "text": "Circe of the Forest"} +{"id": "aa7e0646-30df-4dd5-9dfa-6dd16d773444-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:32.606", "backgroundColor": "#f8dec6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUTeM3mHEVQLVqkH432Gsm2cqCmYccAZKNyAAHi8QUVos", "txHash": "0x84ecd2cb51cba8a3d601a7a22eb4fc9e09c18793bb8fc24284c0e7932128ea43", "createdAtBlock": 14152945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5990, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Durm of the Mountain", "text": "# Durm's Quest for Peace\n\n> *By day we seek salvation by the warmth of the sacred flame. At night we hang our heads on the Omega rune and pray Godspeed for morning.. lest the moon awaken this beast inside*\n\n**We are blessed and cursed in equal measures..**\n\nDrawing power through the Lunar Staff has made Durm the most famous Gruffling of the mountain realms. Yet, magic has come at a great cost and with the upmost secret of sacrifices. \n\nBy every good spell cast, Durm has gradually lost resistance to the darker forces. Unknown to the wider cult, this Gruffling by moonlight transforms into a **wild-beast** hunting familiars and devouring their souls. \n\nBy day, Durm continues with his trusted toad performing kind and magical deeds whilst in secret, they restlessly pursue the quest for the sacred flame, which for once and all may purge the dark beast inside."} +{"id": "af89b37a-c55f-432b-a931-8af6bba12eac-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-08T04:32:24.029", "backgroundColor": "#150f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqnLzxQgKYbvVEtgVvdrSCufQHDAzryaCf2R4CUsQ9Qs", "txHash": "0xc1c013ba386ee3f79eb3e46c10d50567a80025a8759085fe3229ac0c7a5b1658", "createdAtBlock": 15299487, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 92, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Moose the Judicial", "text": "As the biggest horse in Goblintown, Moose is well known. Weighing over 3000 pounds and standing over 60 inches tall, this beautiful beast is exceptionally powerful and moves very well for his size. \n\nAs a young steed, Moose was purchased by a family of Kobold warriors and used to deliver supplies. Now that he's older, he can be found marching through Goblintown with his owner, Moka and Moka's brother, Gurgo."} +{"id": "4e752934-5d47-4c9f-a6e2-26b3e4cfcfdc-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-08T05:20:50.944", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGg21NcVgaPv4tSMASzNVGT8H9gtewGGf2QrJeGEEAuM", "txHash": "0x6b957be606b64b3e81384b932cdc0536f08d3d01b0aa801dbe8f7d563ccad41e", "createdAtBlock": 15299692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5269, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfSnciWw4LvnLRD5pVJ6T3HraYpNMEyK9vL5gnSb3srCK", "name": "Achmed Hacker of the Villa", "text": ">>Before venturing further into the desert, Achmed stood under a lone baobab deep in thought:\n\n\"The desert. A desolate stretch of featureless aridness that would put most to sleep, broken only by the occasional blade of hard blue sunlight. Told through the movement of grains of sand that become airborne when nature is at work. A faded, dusty expanse that has left a country lying in ruins and farmland scoured, abandoned and forgotten. Here lies buried mineral wealth more that can realistically be imagined. Only one thing remains the same, the tall minarets of the baobabs. The sand. An impassible stretch of unforgiving sand. A vast sand sea over which nothing else but bone or ruin remains. Like a shadowless cavern the walls of this vast expanse have collapsed from the relentless forces of wind and lava that have cascaded over it for ages. With every windstorm, the entire place goes deeper and deeper into disuse, becoming nothing more than a shadow in the parched daylight, obscuring everything including even the most delicate details of the landscape that surrounds me. Within the shadows of the desert, The Barren Court keeps close watch on encroaching visitors like me."} +{"id": "4e752934-5d47-4c9f-a6e2-26b3e4cfcfdc-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-08T05:20:50.944", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGg21NcVgaPv4tSMASzNVGT8H9gtewGGf2QrJeGEEAuM", "txHash": "0x6b957be606b64b3e81384b932cdc0536f08d3d01b0aa801dbe8f7d563ccad41e", "createdAtBlock": 15299692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5269, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfSnciWw4LvnLRD5pVJ6T3HraYpNMEyK9vL5gnSb3srCK", "name": "Achmed Hacker of the Villa", "text": "If the ties of friendship, affection, and love were annulled, mankind would become a raging multitude of wild and savage beasts of prey. Sand will harden into rock under the immense superincumbent pressure of the ocean, aided sometimes by the irresistible energy of fire; and when the pressure of calamity and danger is upon an order or a country, the members or the citizens ought to be the more closely united by the cohesion of sympathy and inter-dependence. It is the time that now has come. It is my hour of courage, to be numbered. There has been some pain for trespasses here and there along the way. Much more pain is left for me. That time has come again. Now for the last time, we shall escape from the net of man and man shall face the barrenness head-on. New- that is now, for this is the last day, and a thousand years from now, as they will, there will be no man to hear these words anyway.\" \n\n\n>> The heart of the desert awaits. There is no turning back for Achmed now."} +{"id": "a85dcaca-410e-4c94-bc00-82a742c8a864-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:33.395", "backgroundColor": "#e3ef0e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmStQb7xiB5gds62WdgshCdXKXM86iaRKVGLnXDkj55Brk", "txHash": "0x5d239d96896b7f78ea8dc2fd747ce735db00cac934d1ed9f6244864d94adc631", "createdAtBlock": 14153009, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6159, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Lumos of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Lumos of the Mount\n\n**An avid scholar**, researcher and historian for the art of sorcery, Lumos leads the way for new and exciting magic through the art of experimentation.\n\nHis wisdom is only matched by his tendency to make critical mistakes. Working by method of trial and error, Lumos greatly relies on the goblet of immortality for his daily survival.\n\n> \"To play a child amongst the Gods, one most demonstrate an infinite conviction to limitless magic which has been only dabbled in by the vaguest of precisions\""} +{"id": "a370795d-dee3-4dfb-9e02-35a1e6c18099-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:01.878", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfHjK2mL1gvpBm5KH2y9VLwLamgTgogLAkLwUr4gtzwT", "txHash": "0x98078cd2f6541ca7dc7ea10f5865bab986f0ad7dd09a34b73cd621e7ce0735f3", "createdAtBlock": 14277181, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 792, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXy2fsv7wV8isFXAy1DwfHh3g2LQM9WHQeKFKxaoeEK6u", "name": "Pyromancer Flamos from the Abyss", "text": "# Pyromancer Flamos from the Abyss #792 by Jonathan Lebrec"} +{"id": "6cd2dd78-015d-4a18-8762-97e202e0aeae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:34.049", "backgroundColor": "#5945ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTKjHPrQtcLrjGkFVCtxxqk5qH26TveWyK8mbgDSfCA1u", "txHash": "0xe8bbfb367c801754566c3b18d227fe6bc784076f1c92d4f8aeaa53ea03eb9200", "createdAtBlock": 14153053, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 801, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Zane of the Havens", "text": "# Zane Of The Havens \n\n\n>My purpose is simple\n>>My quest is old\n>>>Though my path uncertain\n>>>>My destiny foretold\n>>>>>>>>There is a door \n>>>>>>>>>to infinity \n>>>>>>>>>>Only a wizard can see\n>>>>>>>>>>>And its only unlocked \n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>by the realm \n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>of the 7th \n>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>key"} +{"id": "645a9164-a8fd-4e3a-b6e2-6cc1c44a9952-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:13.967", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRf255dQDuvwXBn24eFtJEpiyWiPSyx1cLpB4bcA75ESx", "txHash": "0xf9eb4ab63c77aa7a4533058e4499530f15eae0a50386cbb0ae7928299847871a", "createdAtBlock": 14938961, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12973, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYg7EUELAT1rLNqbYdEk5YgX1nCPtTj3qCcnsfiqwNDLH", "name": "Bronco Cleaver of the Baobabs", "text": "# Equip\n\nTo have strength\n---\n\nMust know weakness\n---\n\nWeakness is timidity\n---\n\nTimidity\n---\n\nIt seeks this\n---\n\nAn importance to relent for\n---\n\nRelenting\n---\n\nIt defeats this\n---\n\nStrength to be sent for\n---"} +{"id": "de8dadeb-f95b-4608-a5a9-eef321ab8c38-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-25T02:41:58.017", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc2XRC41D734K4DKEaYiLe9nKigdRM4GDrb3mdEeS84rN", "txHash": "0x6fa172beded469efd8a2215198b042863dfdb63568e3a6963e5bb9e35a36b8c2", "createdAtBlock": 15209095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9507, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRDSn7HQNeLKKrW7kt5fp6iTTsWC62XBqnT1JUBtTttUS", "name": "Geomancer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "."} +{"id": "3359f6be-e661-4349-bd91-4e9deecba93d-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-08T16:22:36.89", "backgroundColor": "#1ee656", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYuxDS7c53yx6R3esd7Z2TvX5xTMtPavyp3nvK3c2cy9R", "txHash": "0xb301f20964e909d8dee3811db75a2a6eeab5bb58a5ed95966e4fdab6d8c68524", "createdAtBlock": 15302593, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1590, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lavanya Render of Turtles", "text": "**Lavanya**, the provider of the lost ***turtles***.\n\nWho overcame thousands obstacles and hurdles. \n\nThe **Rune Of Lime**, with the **Scarlet Of Swine**.\n\nTurned out to be a connection so *beautifully devine*."} +{"id": "db8bd12a-69b8-4988-b066-126938386cda-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:34.728", "backgroundColor": "#cfa3ea", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZCPUbXEgyATXL46DMoEYYKM65xHfz8hu8F62rtEjHBFQ", "txHash": "0xf646bbdc3c9a69e8c70e50f1cbe9ad2c7c0f97b914f2550ec19e6fb731ff36ab", "createdAtBlock": 14153068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 171, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Galatea of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Galatea and Boing the Psychic Rabbit\n\n**Galatea** and **Boing the psychic rabbit** live in a magical world full of fairy magic. Together they live in a wild forest of blue, red, purple, white, black, yellow and pink trees. \n\n> They live in the forest because rabbits live in forests. The trees were different colours because they were grown from different coloured seeds. \n\nThe psychic rabbit Boing ate the purple seaweed which Galatea picked from the bottom of the food pond. Next to the food pond was a swimming pool. A giant came and ate all the purple seaweed so there was no food left. Galatea used her magic to grow more purple seaweed and tried a spell to banish the giant. \n\n> But the giant took the magic so there was no magic left in the forest. Galatea and Boing had to regrow the magic using the magic forest seeds."} +{"id": "82613c76-a9a9-42fd-88b7-fed4fe1db282-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:38.242", "backgroundColor": "#0f113b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR6NQLwYcrshaDBh8KC9J1TypMTi8hD3bNACeK1k7i2Yr", "txHash": "0x04cd01dfad7b77d07691ec8380e8d48470930165116883a630b473b258022a35", "createdAtBlock": 15046814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4602, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Moka Rogue of Goblin Town", "text": "# The Lore of Moka\n\nFrom a young age, Moka and his brother Gurgo have been really close. Although Goblin Town is very diverse, the 2 Kobolds often feel like outsiders. Wizards in town have a certain arrogance that motivates Moka to over-achieve in everything he does. He was not born with any magical powers or abilities, but his work ethic is unmatched.\n\nWizards are often surprised how intelligent he is, which bothers Moka. He always felt he had something to prove. He is the top marksman in town, regularly winning archery tournaments. \n\nNon-magical folk look up to Moka. He is the poster child for the Ducks, a group of proud warriors who take pride in accomplishing things without the help of magic. Moka often walks the streets with his brother and their pet ducks."} +{"id": "918a2505-66a8-42f7-9e8c-7cc95e000912-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:35.523", "backgroundColor": "#f7f6fc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUVV8gQmGX1Fh1WQUVAnpXryfZXKTWY9bQ8dhb73rLNn9", "txHash": "0x5198ee64a2d070ae95b1c18d4bccefec42978384be8bdf7f10ea3e8191801c64", "createdAtBlock": 14153076, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5423, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Arabella of Limbo", "text": "Spellsinger Arabella of Limbo\n\n>>Appearing from the shadows..\n\nNo-one knows how long Arabella has roamed the realms. Adorned with the bright flowers of joy from a previous life, Arabella now resides in limbo unsure of her place in the world. She is guided by her faithful friend the field dog and calls to those who will listen with the eerie notes of the sirens harp. The fate of those who follow the musical call drifting through the darkness is unknown."} +{"id": "fbffd672-b347-46ee-a10c-4c98e7bf1b0b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:59.49", "backgroundColor": "#dbc1a1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcQb96J7x2UvUkY7p2LfUEt9a5ePrK1DkRpTgGXgm5bK1", "txHash": "0xd714931f8cdb2c1b763979c6ebbbece2124d00efb4def4a67598a2c4c828caef", "createdAtBlock": 14657446, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3089, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfG12ExTKKc6xD2fVDYo5eoVYqrKsyWLTgu3YjWkKbChM", "name": "Geomancer Ariadne of the Citadel", "text": "# Intro\n\n_From rock and timber..._\n------------------------\n\nBorn to a family of geomancers, deep in the woods behind Dream Master Lake, Ariadne spent most of her youth chasing wildlife around the homestead. \n\\\nHer father Robert, a woodland shaman, kept her busy in the mines, while her mother Patricia, a huntress, taught Ariadne the ways of the woods."} +{"id": "92cd7fd9-8cc6-410b-bf4a-65d4841c47cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-25T04:56:13.121", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmat7PX6QEkRrq2EjSCNM2tAtFG1nsm3q4jMRQrzgBVkot", "txHash": "0x9f90d7bb7ea95fa94d133ca6a31387f603cc03cc212e975de6f52aa69bc0e2b8", "createdAtBlock": 15209642, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4389, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maddox Eradicator of the Coliseum", "text": "# The Eradicator: He's a Bow Man \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBPOeGLOJEA\n\nIm not a simple merc\n\nBut I enjoy the simple things in life\n\nLike how it feels to destroy your hopes with arrows\n\nWith a slick flick its in flight \n\nI dont know what its like to be \n\nLike everybody else\n\nAll of these peasants\n\nSitting around the square watching jousting\n\nI cant relate to it\n\nCause polearms suck, estocs suck\n\nCrossbows cool, tomb shields rule\n\nBut theyre not arms for me\n\nTheyre not my cup of tea because\n\nIm a bow man\n\nWell Im a bow man\n\nAnd if you didnt know it, I guess you know now\n\nIm not a simple merc\n\nBut I enjoy the simple things in life\n\nLike how it feels to harken back to last nights clash\n\nAnd try to be the best that I can be\n\nI dont know what its like to be\n\nLike everybody else\n\nAll of these peasants\n\nSitting around the square watching jousting\n\nI cant relate to it\n\nCause polearms suck, estocs suck\n\nBattle axes suck, morning stars suck\n\nPolearms suck, estocs suck\n\nBec de Corbin sucks, war hammers suck\n\nPolearms suck, estocs suck\n\nPolearms suck, estocs suck\n\nTheyre not arms for me\n\nTheyre not my cup of tea because\n\nIm a bow man\n\nWell Im a bow man\n\nAnd if you didnt know it, you werent paying attention\n\nYou keep living your sad, sword-based life\n\nNo fight will ever feel right\n\nIve got my purpose in life\n\nIts long range fire fights\n\nSo Im here to let you know\n\nIm a bow man\n\nWell Im a bow man\n\nIm a bow man\n\nIm a bow man\n\nIm a bow man"} +{"id": "5bb848b2-5524-4651-b677-a94fb611aa16-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:12.132", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmet2gBtkdND4vnNzEDz5cW8vdXFJpFA1xCWeguhToyYp2", "txHash": "0x22db9d8958c51ca1ce9a6d6f2e64fc270eb2e9ed09587fbbe541cc8e2c2305be", "createdAtBlock": 15213128, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9507, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQwx2HcniWvirRsin9tV7uM8qoU3JDftyQQkDJqBXtLnG", "name": "Geomancer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "Moloch of the Bramble is the last from his tribe, the rest having been hunted and slaughtered for their delicious meat. He has been since been wandering, campaigning against Canaanite hunting by showing the populace how his daily production of milk is much more delicious, and more importantly, sustainable. \n\nTrue to his words, he then decided to found the Milk Guild.\n\n\n## **What is the Milk Guild?**\n\n\nThe Milk Guild is built on the ethical principle of saving the Canaanites from extinction, but also on the economical incentive of toppling the 'Big Potion' industry, with the much more natural and sustainable magic milk. It is time to expose the corrupted roots of the 'Big Potion' industry and what its capitalistic nature has brought on the populace. \n\nWe, The People, say it's enough. \n\nNot exclusive to Canaanites, we welcome anyone who wants to embark on this journey to destroy the resulting plutocracy that has scourged us. No more will we be forced to pay life-saving potions at 10x their worth in gold, or become potion guinea pigs as a last resort to poverty. Some even say that the Canaanite meat lobby has been founded by 'Big Potion' as a way to eradicate their competition. \n\nJoin us.\n\n\n## **The Great Hunt and how the Milk Guild came to be**. \n\n\n\nTypical Canaanite village, Grasslands - Before The Great Hunt. \n\n\n![DALLE 2022-07-25 \n11.34.56 - a Minotaur village, digital art.png](ipfs://QmV1e8cDuBN7DRMy8K2vR9DAzPsKMYw72Ttak5h6Vc54pU)\nTypical Canaanite village, Dry lands - Before The Great Hunt."} +{"id": "5bb848b2-5524-4651-b677-a94fb611aa16-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:12.132", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmet2gBtkdND4vnNzEDz5cW8vdXFJpFA1xCWeguhToyYp2", "txHash": "0x22db9d8958c51ca1ce9a6d6f2e64fc270eb2e9ed09587fbbe541cc8e2c2305be", "createdAtBlock": 15213128, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9507, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQwx2HcniWvirRsin9tV7uM8qoU3JDftyQQkDJqBXtLnG", "name": "Geomancer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "Typical Canaanite village, Great Plains - Before The Great Hunt. \n\n\n\nAnti-Canaanite propaganda was painted and distributed by Big Potion in order to rally the population against falsely represented pagan practices. \n\n\n\nCanaanite Idols being eradicated during the Great Hunt. \n\n\n\nLast known Canaanite Idol being exterminated during the Great Hunt. \n\n\n\nSlain Canaanites, hung in the streets of the Citadel to repel any hopes of a rebellion. \n\n\nCanaanite Idols trophies, proudly displayed in the Big Potion HQ before such display were banned. \n\n\nCanaanite village being destroyed by Big Potion militia. \n\n\n\nBig Potion executive overlooking the destruction of a city that was helping Canaanite hide. \n\n\n\nBig Potion propaganda falsely representing Canaanite Milk being used for dark rituals. \n\n\n\nBig Potion propaganda perpetrating the conspiracy that drinking Canaanite Milk would eventually transform you. \n\n\n\nBig Potion trying to replicate the effects of Canaanite milk. \n\n\n\nPotions were often sold on the same shelves as Canaanite skulls. \n\n\n\nPotions and Canaanite skulls, a marketing ploy to try and associate potion effects with Canaanite magical power. \n\n\n\nCanaanite skull trophies were at a point so numerous, that they were selling for less than a loaf of bread. \n\n\n\nCanaanite found in a study tank during a Big Potion HQ raid. \n\n\n\nBig Potion executive admiring his trophies. \n\n\n\nCanaanites becoming lone nomads, some had to bond with familiars as they have an innate desire for companionship. \n\n\n\nChased from his village, a canaanite traveling with friendly merchants. \n\n\n\nCanaanite hiding with homeless urchins within the sewers of the Citadel."} +{"id": "5bb848b2-5524-4651-b677-a94fb611aa16-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:12.132", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmet2gBtkdND4vnNzEDz5cW8vdXFJpFA1xCWeguhToyYp2", "txHash": "0x22db9d8958c51ca1ce9a6d6f2e64fc270eb2e9ed09587fbbe541cc8e2c2305be", "createdAtBlock": 15213128, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9507, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQwx2HcniWvirRsin9tV7uM8qoU3JDftyQQkDJqBXtLnG", "name": "Geomancer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "Canaanite hiding with homeless urchins within the sewers of the Citadel. \n\n\n\nTraveler discovering the magical benefits of Canaanite milk. \n\n\n\nTroup of Canaanites pitching the benefits of their milk in a local tavern. \n\n\n\nCanaanites negociating for the right of forming a sub-guild of the Merchants Guild, which would grant them Realm protection by law. \n\n\n\nCanaanite presenting the Merchants Guild protection treaty to Big Potion executives. \n\n\n\nCanaanite's baby orphanage celebrating their long-due era of peace. A Lot of Canaanites were made orphans after the Great Hunt. \n\n\n\nFirst official meeting of the Milk Guild. \n\n\n\nFirst secondary chapter of the Milk Guild meeting together. \n\n\n\nFirst Canaanite Milk distillery in action. \n\n\n\nFirst legal Canaanite Milk shop. \n\n\n\nSecond Canaanite Milk derivative factory built. \n\n\n\nOne of the many Canaanite Milk shops in many cities across the Forgotten Realms. \n\n\n\nFirst industrialized Canaanite Milk factory opened in The Citadel. \n\n\n\nCanaanite Milk main storage depot. \n\n\n\nPaid bards singing about the magic benefits of Canaanite Milk. \n\n\n\nGeomancer Moloch, Milk Guild chairman, being portrayed for the first time on the cover of Citadel Business magazine. \n\n\n\nFirst official Canaanite gold millionaire, thanks to a genetic anomaly making his Milk twice as nutritious. \n\n\n\nOwner of Curd Inc., also known as the 'Cheese Baron'."} +{"id": "2ad25e4e-34e7-4f42-9b8f-d498a8985ab5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:36.176", "backgroundColor": "#8fc2ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVy9JKDcLDcA1soMgMrtd9kBU5nZis6E3nzycX8ihthz6", "txHash": "0xed304695803bd9e1005c4d6b4cf80bc0d8abc6c68c6d5ec90dd2a6accb3a67e6", "createdAtBlock": 14153105, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6155, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Pumlo of Xanadu", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Pumlo of Xanadu and Pumblo the Cat\n\n> 'A Rainbow pony can fly but a unicorn cannot.'\n\n\nPumlo and Pumblo the cat go in a space rocket to find the rainbow pony in space. When Pumlo and Pumblo find the rainbow pony they ride it back to earth. A Rainbow pony can fly but a unicorn cannot.\n\nWhen they get back to earth they eat Mummy and Daddy, and then goto the castle to play games."} +{"id": "531b9469-9509-49ff-8b95-56d06b01637e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:02.63", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdd8reJCXKzgRzVzpw81vAHeyGYzWpBx2mf6isofzRgL", "txHash": "0x16f0092d9598a2ed09427e99907f86c8f783a3a4dacfd589f4543d1eed677ed9", "createdAtBlock": 14278311, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1795, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cromwell of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# The Shaman cometh \n\n\nwanderer of the nothing\n\n who kept you talking of the mountain whilst he stole the sky from your brow\n\nto write his story never-ending"} +{"id": "ac1a73ce-c518-4241-bb4c-55c19db08ac0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:39.078", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXgNUUkerT1JLKPBtBnpXMjjxrQAK3kcGo44eahqNumiP", "txHash": "0x2cc53af1dc88f78fc51572a9d6e4849c56014d6987f7d146202dbbe0be8422e3", "createdAtBlock": 14154384, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4139, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Willow of El Dorado", "text": "\"Mischief should have been Willows middle name. You can hear her plot her next trick with her snake, Giuseppe, and you know it will involve explosives. Artificers especially love the vibe of this max bomb affinity wizard.\""} +{"id": "8f30e65b-9507-46ee-b050-f89f094d9296-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-08T19:20:57.476", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1Qixc1vYqQAGdLtqLJBsGhfGRF5ivALV5cNQouyBLwt", "txHash": "0xa06cda269f29a18a1b0bcba4361ee65cc4887a68a094021ecfc63a4cbe016baf", "createdAtBlock": 15303397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9300, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQjBP5ksNCg7G6RWiRJuedveC4CRgzPUmkcrwqTpRBrBe", "name": "Harvey Protector of the Baobabs", "text": "Harvey had been following Achmed Hacker of The Villa. It was known to him that Achmed was ill-prepared for the desert journey. Achmed, in a drunken stupor, had revealed his Heart of the Desert at a tavern in The Villa days earlier. An effort of vindication was given to Achmed then: for Harvey had signaled a certain gesticulation denoting mutual alliance to the brotherhood. Achmed failed to understand, or respond accordingly to, the gesture wholly. And so it was decided. Woe to him who believes nothing! A Faith is a necessity to man. Human justice must be ever uncertain. How many judicial murders have been committed through ignorance of the phenomena of insanity! Harvey understood this well. He witnessed Achmed's last living rumination under a lone baobab. A timeless soliloquy of human expression heard unknowingly by the onlooker. Quietly Harvey skulked along the shadows and drew his spear lightly. Through the air the bush spear pierced Achmed. His guard was down and now his heart bled into the hot dune below. Harvey quickly grabbed what he sought and continued his journey deeper into the desert. The dune engulfed Achmed's body quickly, though it was not lifeless yet...\n>>The spirit glimmering in the bottle shined brighter. Harvey took this as a sign. He would not fall victim to complacent thought here. He was finally ready to join The Barren Court and swear the oath. The Mercantile Sacrament called to him."} +{"id": "e096ce0f-d750-40d9-b2b1-c18ad346473f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:39.818", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPG6FnUtJfDhtdrzVoJx7kaNGuSBBAdrzVQsRMzsu3jKT", "txHash": "0x4297362c06f41a74510334063942273f5d124dfb189719b6cef42c8b417980fb", "createdAtBlock": 14154419, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4765, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Asmodeus of the Plains", "text": "Ive lived off of the land for as long as I can remember. My familiar Orion and I only hunt when we need sustenance, as the circle of life intended it to be. We have a fire to keep us warm, water from the almighty Neptune, and in the most desperate of times, timely magic. I'm on a quest to find a mentor to harness and sharpen our magical abilities."} +{"id": "4a6242bc-2d27-4a68-b9d5-c3f617a4a19c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:40.663", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPQmiY1Y8fajx9KVrmGN5qGXLN75C4TZhryz7K28ZTnQ", "txHash": "0x6d4dd0f7f81ccf033710ca6007fe6d2bb0a9ca3b130f04858db4ed53b91d1536", "createdAtBlock": 14154457, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3905, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Devon of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Turned my boyfriend into a bat today. Welp, back to the drawing board I guess? Maybe trying to craft a potion to give a person the ability to use echolocation is a bust"} +{"id": "466a7883-2515-43e8-ad55-90b5e543cfab-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-09T18:10:18.05", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZDNDuv4JVH4htxGp83ojj6d4JLAwbaf8otJ32Q2KbGXr", "txHash": "0x3072840998b5bb93c2ba6a7f2e409cbe8daa207c0ad385f2f8a83066695d6f0d", "createdAtBlock": 15309465, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1850, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Rachel Champion of Worlds", "text": "# Rachel Champion of Worlds\n\n_Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.\nWilliam Shakespeare, Twelfth Night_\n\nTheres no lie in the sentence that greatness comes with a single opportunity. The thing is most of us will never have that, but even if that opportunity comes, theres a big chance that you have to lose yourself to that decision. That might sound too dramatic, but let me tell you my story, there's many ways to remind us that our opportunities always have a catch. Anyway it's hard to believe that if you are in the bottom there's anything for us that wont come with a prize.\n\nI'm from one of the colonies in the forgotten side of the system. A slavery port filled with the outcast of the empire, have never been or seen as citizen, always been nothing to all of them. Raised between the snakes, the hunger and the thirst. Are any of you able to judge me?\n\nThe history of me that you might be interested in started in a tournament, The Empire Circus, it was a series of gladiator fights that ended in the surrending or dead of your adversary, every slave port in the Empire was able to participate with their best warriors, it was the only path that could give you the citenship, wealth and recognition in the whole empire."} +{"id": "466a7883-2515-43e8-ad55-90b5e543cfab-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-09T18:10:18.05", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZDNDuv4JVH4htxGp83ojj6d4JLAwbaf8otJ32Q2KbGXr", "txHash": "0x3072840998b5bb93c2ba6a7f2e409cbe8daa207c0ad385f2f8a83066695d6f0d", "createdAtBlock": 15309465, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1850, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Rachel Champion of Worlds", "text": "Ive always been a warrior, my sword is lethal as time itself, that's the reason I came to the Empire Circus with hopes of greatness and prosperity to me and even my people. Such a naive girl I was at that time. As the games started the thirst of blood raised in me, there was nothing to lose, my inner warrior was the only thing that had control. Ive become ruthless every fight was as meaningless for me as the other one. I was raised for war, the sting of my blade was made to blind the life of my enemies. My frenessi wasn't stopped until I met my final enemy, he was my master, a brutal but incredibly wise warrior, too old to be a threat for me, but good enough to defeat every single other contesterer. \n\nI knew every secret of his. Rapidly, his blood was dripping from my sword, he taught me every single move of his repertoire. I felt shame for the old man and guilt in my guts, but losing was not an option. I made him lose his sword but he didnt give up. I begged him to surrender, but he kept fighting, the anger and the hate filled me, so I crossed his heart with my sword Im Rachel Champion of worlds, pity in that pathetic title, pity in anyone who wants to deal with my sword and my strength, there's nothing left, theres nothing to win neither, but I won't lose, thats my nature, I will survive no matter what."} +{"id": "f6173cc5-32c0-4777-a4cd-a3722dd8fbd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:36.933", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbfm2jyCSDhwni4SdJ4tTU9oYHUUyVS7a9U6wmbaVpQrP", "txHash": "0x9e15d0190bb25822fbedc0dc8868045a17054ad1fda80af8fa54c8ead1b7349c", "createdAtBlock": 14397572, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 645, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf7bZtZtB4Tinr9C7ckudCaWGxN8xW2gLNvTJy25b313F", "name": "Sage Solomon of the Light", "text": "# Lore of Sage Solomon of the Light\n\nThere is a light that shines and never goes \nout, though the leaves all bleed and break across \nthe seams. The song that everybody knows \nand whistles all the time, inscribed, embossed \nbetween our hearts and spirits. Theres a light \nthat makes you crazy, like. Sets you on fire \nin seconds. Every thing you do in might \nis virtuous. The paths that trick you higher \nand laugh at circumstance. Your arm is power \nincarnate. Every great destroying thrust \nmeans something in this short and trembling hour, \nso make it count. Push past that which we must, \ndraw clear the path through every darkest night \nand hold the gate, and set the compass right."} +{"id": "c6468804-624f-4fb7-aae4-62c76953a5b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:25.59", "backgroundColor": "#220027", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYi37rBcEdjanQ7oCPHeFpLM4evcTDwVPuGXYMgvcMD4b", "txHash": "0x4f02f67e9db6a702bed8af099a926e5719ea7f58364ba9ddf0742f4f28a6fcdb", "createdAtBlock": 14958979, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8362, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSDgtRPhNqGffweL1ZCp3zqkQLRiCeDBNdeemNzQUULiw", "name": "Diabolist Hobbs of the Valley", "text": "# Chapter 1: Introduction to Gimpy\n\n\nWhat inspires an imps everlasting smile? Have they figured out the secret to eternal happiness? Or, is it that theyre always up to some mischief? Perhaps theyre just fucking weirdos.\n\n\nWell, for Diabolist Hobbs of the Valley, its all of the above! That unwavering impy grin comes from knowing his purpose as an imp and having the courage to live how he pleases, while the rest of the Runiverse distracts themselves with silly delusions of power.\n\n \nDiabolist Hobbs who now exclusively answers to his pet name, Gimpy does not recognize your traditional political factions. He does not abide by any of the self-limiting rules that reinforce a sense of predictable comfort in most wizards. Gimpy sees your hat color cliques and cackles wildly, because he knows that one wizard can wear many hats (or in his case, many gimp masks).\n\n\nGimpy knows that *real* magic is accessible only to those who are willing to fuck the system and live authentically, regardless of what color they are or choose to wear. Everything else is an illusion. And Gimpy does not settle for illusions. He believes that all wizards and witches, all warriors and souls, all ponies and beasts and even their spawn deserve the freedom to live whatever lifestyle they choose. As long as no one is getting hurt at least, not without their full and informed consent."} +{"id": "c6468804-624f-4fb7-aae4-62c76953a5b0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:25.59", "backgroundColor": "#220027", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYi37rBcEdjanQ7oCPHeFpLM4evcTDwVPuGXYMgvcMD4b", "txHash": "0x4f02f67e9db6a702bed8af099a926e5719ea7f58364ba9ddf0742f4f28a6fcdb", "createdAtBlock": 14958979, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8362, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSDgtRPhNqGffweL1ZCp3zqkQLRiCeDBNdeemNzQUULiw", "name": "Diabolist Hobbs of the Valley", "text": "Yes, thats right. Gimpy is a kinky little masochist. Most imps are, in fact. And its no secret that they are all constantly shaking their asses because thats where they like to take it. So, when Gimpys eyes first graced upon Enchanter Mina of the Marsh and Arcanist Atlanta of the Palms from across the Valley, he immediately fell to his knees in reverence, knowing the time had come to wholly embody his purpose in the Runiverse. The stars aligned, and Gimpy finally understood why he never had a familiar because it is he who was born to be a pet.\n\n\n\nThe three of them have been inseparable ever since that day, when he begged Mistress Atlanta to take her scythe to that unnecessary protrusion between his legs which Mina then preserved in a small, shatterproof vial of Gimpy's fresh virgin blood. He carries this vial with him daily, as a symbol of his commitment to submission. And he proudly shakes his ass to show off exactly where he likes to be rewarded for being such a good imp a euphoric pleasure that vanilla wizards are too closed-minded to even try.\n\n\nOf course, Gimpy is acutely aware of what others think when theyre out at the tavern and hes on all fours, serving as a footstool for his queens. He knows they are perceived as a trinity of freaks: one scantily-dressed slut with an out-of-control water spell, one scary bitch they fear will slice off their unruly dicks, and one pathetic green pervert who somehow never stops smirking no matter how much they point and laugh. Simpy Gimpy, they call him. As if thats even an insult."} +{"id": "c6468804-624f-4fb7-aae4-62c76953a5b0-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:25.59", "backgroundColor": "#220027", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYi37rBcEdjanQ7oCPHeFpLM4evcTDwVPuGXYMgvcMD4b", "txHash": "0x4f02f67e9db6a702bed8af099a926e5719ea7f58364ba9ddf0742f4f28a6fcdb", "createdAtBlock": 14958979, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8362, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSDgtRPhNqGffweL1ZCp3zqkQLRiCeDBNdeemNzQUULiw", "name": "Diabolist Hobbs of the Valley", "text": "Turns out, the jokes on them! Public humiliation happens to be a major turn-on for Gimpy. You see, only someone who deeply knows and accepts their true self could find genuine pleasure in such incessant ridicule. Only a wizard with the most solid internal strength could openly celebrate that which society has defined as weakness.\n\n\nThis is why Gimpys smile never fades amidst endless judgment and stigma from other self-righteous wizards, who are surely projecting their own insecurities and boredom, treating him as nothing more than a weakling with a tiny, almost kobold-like brain. Gimpy may appear to be a dumb little bitch, and indeed plays the part naturally. Yet he has access to a level of magic that most will never reach the magic of authenticity. And no other wizards superficial spells or dick-swinging macho warriors could *ever* take that power away from him.\n\n\nGimpy knows it is better to live freely as an outcast than to betray his truth just to fit into someone elses color-coded box. He is not afraid to fully immerse himself in his purpose and that purpose is to serve Mina and Atlanta in their quests throughout the Runiverse.\n\n\nGimpy is along for the pony ride, wherever it may take them. He only hopes that embracing his most authentic magic can inspire other wizards to do the same.\n\n\n## * Chapter 2: Introduction to A *"} +{"id": "3fc193cf-e1ca-45c5-94f6-9fccbbd41bc9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:41.327", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW1LNVXGnyPJpVhvMTpZNe8QGokLcP7GpYG1tdoWKVrQS", "txHash": "0x36425c1c68ceaa6d1062031d49a5da305abecf1c299166552353632a8a29445e", "createdAtBlock": 14154475, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3680, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Zafar of the Keep", "text": "I go by many names; \"Life-giver\" amongst my favorite. See this here mushroom? Many dont know it, yet, but it has a life force in it. Ive learned to communicate with all consciousness, through deep magical meditation sessions. In all my years of study and practice, Ive found one universal truth: we are all connected. Even my little slime buddy? He.. well, I dont actually know what he is, I cant tell if hes actually conscious or not.. I assumed he started following me around as a practical wizard joke from an old Moorish wizard pal, but now he seems to respond to my thoughts, and I almost feel him smiling at me.. maybe I'll try to feed him a mushroom."} +{"id": "ccb715b8-8198-4d7a-9ced-21c1891f0e49-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-26T16:37:03.713", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdDRJ533yjEn3rDEjUqw3qyS7eKRjX9DinEKGR9kTtFN", "txHash": "0x636977e21fd6fd1389cd32defd902dec6b3eba7d14f990e545b4d0170527a5cb", "createdAtBlock": 15219204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6379, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVAxrcB2ddJZ7hSjthAso8fU7hsxXxC5fbEpkR88fJLJw", "name": "Archmagus Lux of the Hollow", "text": "# Archmagus Lux's Guide to brown hat fashion"} +{"id": "aef91202-11f2-4c0b-87d2-b6165c31d136-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-26T21:16:51.822", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUYNCnUxq9ymJrom18ySykSMyPfkfDkaMd1KcM4LfTy9d", "txHash": "0x1e4f6a7ad07646c5a608bf7f397a5c6274e625547bde2b55c9251099ddfbfae5", "createdAtBlock": 15220454, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11077, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWTSEgKwkfv2RcF6PG2SiUaecSpQZwVwUyjp4Mshvpt31", "name": "Reid Granulator of Magic", "text": "# Granulator Reid.\n\nGranulator Reid. The notoriously known for his ability to granulate magic. Reid is not the nicest guy, especially to the wizards whose magic he granulates. Reid owns a shop in town. Sells granted wizards meat to local wizards or warriors who want some !magic or needs an enhancer. Reid granulates 1 wizard to 69-200 smaller wizard pieces depending on !magic per kilogram. Minced wizard meat \"!magic meat\" is a signature package of this store. Customers pay good buck for !magic meat. Its a sold out at a dawn of each moon. When outside of work Granulator spends with his wizard friends, drinking Kobolt drinks or stealing mushrooms from some unlucky locals. \n\n**Special Reid's Store Offers**\n\n!magic meat = 0.1*RWFP\n\n!magic bones for familiars = 0.05*RWFP \n\n\n\n\n\n> @wizard4753 \n> *\"I needed to teleport in the Quantum Shadow, so I needed !magic enhancer. Reid serves !magic wizard meat fresh\" so I'm loyal to his store and always come over when I need a boost.\"*\n\n# !magic wizard meat\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_yV5T-k6kQ"} +{"id": "c8a1a405-c27b-49e7-a9db-ee0c0d04c15b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:43.325", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaFC7fjMZj2uDaTh23eZ4mf29ZKz6L1ymQBnfVquPj4hG", "txHash": "0xc07bafad1171aaceada24c858b01dfa3cbea37915978bcbe76246220316640e2", "createdAtBlock": 14155495, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6606, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Gogol of Elysium", "text": "Gogol was always the trouble-maker, but still always \"one of the good guys. Here to make the passage to Elysium easier, Gogol and the other summoners found and guided those who were worthy on the path to Elysium. This summoner, however, liked to find ways to make the job a wee more interesting..."} +{"id": "9484350c-b03d-42e5-9d58-329cd94fc08f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:44.122", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWoxzM3HJzH7YiMwHHti54EUqWwidVz44EjUxHsmBmVu", "txHash": "0x7e882d6ac3b2908a97c26d8b95348f31d4c7d069d8196d8af2ad0ad4efffc097", "createdAtBlock": 14156167, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Aubergine of the Wood", "text": "# Roots\n\nAubergine was a humble farmer. Sprouted from the same lands he now tended, Aubergine had dedicated his life to growing the vegetable community and feeding peoples all across the land.\n\nThe peoples of the coast hadn't always respected the vegetable folk. They saw the vegetables as dullards only useful on their dinner plates. However, the coastal people lost touch with the land in their castles and keeps, and the growth of the quantum shadow had made growing crops ever more difficult.\n\nThe vegetable folk had never lost touch with the land, and as the times of plenty gave way to growing darkness, their skills with the land became increasingly valuable. Aubergine was one of the finest farmers of his generation and had particular skill in trading. Vegetables were excluded from the great schools, but Aubergine dug into the Citadel's tokens and protocols with the same vigor as he tilled the land. He realized that the vegetables needed to organize their distribution to capture the crops' growing value, and plot by plot, he convinced the vegetables to join a collective.\n\nAubergine's work helped funnel life changing wealth to the previously poor vegetables, and the vegetable community was initially ecstatic. Aubergine grew as a political force within the vegetables and was even gifted one of the world's finest pieces of clothing a blue vest by the community. However, it didn't last as the vegetables grew increasingly infatuated with their newfound wealth."} +{"id": "9484350c-b03d-42e5-9d58-329cd94fc08f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:44.122", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWoxzM3HJzH7YiMwHHti54EUqWwidVz44EjUxHsmBmVu", "txHash": "0x7e882d6ac3b2908a97c26d8b95348f31d4c7d069d8196d8af2ad0ad4efffc097", "createdAtBlock": 14156167, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Aubergine of the Wood", "text": "Vegetables initially happy to have a roof over their heads and schools for their sprouts began desiring the latest machines from the Citadel and the finest threads from the Riviera. The collective began fracturing over the split of tokens, who was to blame for a bad listing, and why the yield wasn't higher on the vaults. The shadow's growth hadn't ceased either, and the gentle crops that drove the highest returns began to fail. Aubergine, once a pillar of the community, was falsely accused of several improprieties. While he was eventually acquitted, he felt the damage to his reputation was done, and he grew scornful of the fighting and accusations. Aubergine withdrew back to the wood.\n\nBut the wood was not immune to the growing turmoil of the world, and even Aubergine was having trouble growing his gentle crops. Beasts who rarely risked confrontation with the upright walkers increasingly intruded on his farm, and Aubergine heard stories of strange folk entering the wood. At night, he heard the cries of creatures who feared nothing. He several times swore to have seen glowing eyes peering at him through the trees.\n\nOne day, as Aubergine wandered the wood, he encountered a strange skull upon the soil. He had seen the canaanite and wolfkin people several times in his travels, but the horns on the skull reminded him of neither. He leaned down to inspect the skull further when his mouse, Ail, let out a violent shriek that sent a shiver up Aubergine's vine. The look on Ail's face made clear this was no ordinary skull, so Aubergine quickly distanced himself and hurried back to his farm."} +{"id": "9484350c-b03d-42e5-9d58-329cd94fc08f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:44.122", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWoxzM3HJzH7YiMwHHti54EUqWwidVz44EjUxHsmBmVu", "txHash": "0x7e882d6ac3b2908a97c26d8b95348f31d4c7d069d8196d8af2ad0ad4efffc097", "createdAtBlock": 14156167, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Aubergine of the Wood", "text": "Several weeks passed, but Aubergine could not shake the feeling of the skull. It appeared in his thoughts and his dreams; its form appeared in the soil and rain; its horns appeared in the shadows. Aubergine looked for a similar skull in his books but found none. He asked vegetables in town if they'd heard of such a skull but was met with puzzled stares and laughter. Aubergine's mind had started to rot after too much time in the wood, they said. But none of this could shake the skull from his mind.\n\nAs Aubergine sat at home one day, his mind consumed as usual by the skull, he resolved to go back and find it. He was quickly packing up his gear to leave when he saw Ail staring sadly at him. The mouse had been acting strange ever since they saw the skull, and his dear friend seemed to sense when Aubergine was lost in its thrall. Aubergine's mind was set though, so he gave his friend a pet and set off alone knowing Ail could not bear to go with him.\n\nAubergine's walk to the skull took hours but passed in seconds like a hazy dream. He passed through dense wood and wet marsh but never stopped for directions once as if drawn to its source. As he finally neared the skull, Aubergine felt unnerved as the setting suns cast an eery shadow over the wood, and he noticed not a single blade of grass was disturbed despite weeks of storms. It made no difference, and Aubergine walked directly to the skull. After locking eyes with its icy gaze, he bent over to inspect it further."} +{"id": "9484350c-b03d-42e5-9d58-329cd94fc08f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:44.122", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWoxzM3HJzH7YiMwHHti54EUqWwidVz44EjUxHsmBmVu", "txHash": "0x7e882d6ac3b2908a97c26d8b95348f31d4c7d069d8196d8af2ad0ad4efffc097", "createdAtBlock": 14156167, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Aubergine of the Wood", "text": "The moment he touched the skull, Aubergine heard a dark voice whisper in a tongue he had never heard but immediately understood. He tried to pull his hand back as he felt the skull pulling his energy, but it had already seized control of his body. He felt sheer terror as if he was being pulled down to hell itself. But as the single voice in his mind turned to many and whispers turned to a deafening scream, Aubergine could only hear, think, and feel one thing:\n\n> We have been waiting"} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "# The Tale of Beyna and Eizo\n\n***(Read part 1 in Shaman Eizo of the Tower's lore)***\n\n## Part 2 \n\nLook Papa, look! Beyna said. Ive been practicing the shadow animals you showed me. I practiced a lot!\n\nBeynas father glanced at Beyna from where he was sitting, working on the estates accounts. Sure, just a moment, dear. After a few more moments, he closed the account book and went to where his 6-year old daughter sat on the floor, hands held in front of a lantern. \n\nSee, here is the wolf! Beynas fingers contorted, and a rough approximation of a wolfs head appeared as a shadow on the wall. \n\nVery good Beyna, you learned that so quickly!\n\nWait Papa, thats not all, Beyna said seriously. Look at him howl at the moon. \n\nThe shadow wolf suddenly began to move on its own accord. The lords eyes widened and his face blanched as it raised its head upward and contorted, mimicking the motions of its flesh-and-blood counterpart.\n\nIsnt it neat? Beyna said happily. Her expression faltered as she noticed how her trick had affected her father.\n\n*Witch*, whispered the lord. He immediately got up and went to the door. Stay here, he commanded, all warmth gone from his voice. The door shut with a thud, marking the last time Beyna would see either of her parents.\n\n---\n\nEdwin opened his front door in response to repeated, insistent knocking, hours before dawn. He blearily looked at what appeared to be a lords servant, a young girl with a tear-streaked face sniffling beside him.\n\nAre you Edwin the Warlock? the servant asked.\n\nI dont use that title, said Edwin. He sighed. Yes, I am he."} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "I dont use that title, said Edwin. He sighed. Yes, I am he. \n\nYou are to take in the lords daughter and instruct her in the magical arts, the servant said. See that she doesnt become a threat to herself or the wider community. And if anyone asks, shes an orphan you happened upon, and nothing more.\n\nAnd nothing more, hmm? Edwins eyes hardened. And how am I supposed to feed another mouth? Times are hard as it is.\n\nThe servant tossed Edwin a small sack that clinked when he caught it. Theyre all gold; that is for your silence on this matter, and should cover her expenses for years to come. And dont forget my lords tolerance of your presence on his lands. The servant promptly returned to his horse and rode off, leaving the young girl behind.\n\n---\n\nBeyna woke up with a start. She was sitting on a chair, bound with ropes, in the center of the living room in Edgars cottage. Her eyes widened as she saw the lines of salt forming occult patterns on the floor. As her eyes darted from side to side, she spotted Edger in the corner of the room, holding a magical tome.\n\nE-Edgar? Sir? Whats going on? she asked. In the seven years she had lived with him, hed never done anything like this before. Although, he had gotten increasingly taciturn over the past few months.\n\nIt is the 13th day after your 13th birthday, Edgar said. A special time, to be certain. And one that will serve me well. He started chanting words in another language, phrases he had not taught her."} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "The lines of salt began to glow with arcane energy. Gradually, a dark energy field converged around Beyna and engulfed her. Although it didnt seem to have any physical effect, Beyna felt sick she felt a *wrongness* to it, as if it were sapping her lifes essence. \n\nEdgar chuckled humorlessly, a greedy cast to his normally impassive features. A maiden in the bloom of her youth, he said, is the perfect vessel for a life transfusion. A stream of energy began to flow from Beyna towards Edgar.\n\nBeyna felt panicked as the wrongness she felt increased. She was certain she wasnt meant to survive this ritual. No, no, no, no no no no no NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! she screamed. Suddenly, a glimmering force field expanded around her, pushing back the vampiric energy. The opposing energies struggled against each other for a few moments, and then Beynas force field rushed outward, dissipating the dark energy, scattering the salt, and slamming Edgar against the wall. \n\nBeyna took deep, gulping breaths as the force field faded away. She felt as if she had just run for miles. \n\nEdgar looked shocked, and paler than usual. *Demon*, he whispered under his breath. W- Well, it seems youve passed the test, he said more loudly. \n\nWhat? Beyna said, hugging herself. The ropes binding her had been ripped to shreds by whatever it was she had done. \n\nYes, it was a test of course, Edgar said, grimacing as he struggled back to his feet. I felt I might be reaching the limits of what I could teach you, so a trial was in order. And Im happy to say that youve passed with flying colors! He gave a weak smile that didnt reach his eyes."} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "Ill send you to Camelot to study with Merlin, he can teach you more. Edgar fixed his cold gaze on Beyna. And in case you thought this was anything other than a test, I would keep that to yourself. No good will come out of you making wild accusations. And no one would believe you anyway.\n\n------------\n\n\nI promise to always be there for you, to protect you, and help you, and love you, no matter what happens. Eizo stepped forward, took Beynas hands, and looked into her eyes.\n\nThe truth was, Beyna had always adored Eizo. He made her feel confident and alive. He comforted her in her darker moments, even when she couldnt reveal the origins of her feelings.\n\nBut she was afraid of ruining what she already had. Before this moment, she never knew that Eizo saw her as anything more than a friend and he had a lot of friends, unlike her. And could it be too good to be true? Could she really trust Eizos words? Or would it all go wrong somehow, like it always seemed to for her? Would he hurt her or abandon her when she needed him most?\n\nAll these thoughts rushed through her head in the space of seconds, and she didnt have time to consider them fully. I- Its a lot to process, she heard herself saying, as if from a long distance away. She needed more time, this was too important. But if she hesitated too long, Eizo would assume she didnt feel as he did. *I have to do something!* Beyna thought frantically. I need more time to think!"} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "Wordlessly, she instructed Spots, her giant ladybug familiar, to fly to the nearest interesting thing. Ever since she had found him on a forest hike a couple years ago, they had shared a non-verbal, telepathic link. She had done it somehow, although she didnt know exactly how she accomplished half the things she did. \n\nSpots, obedient as ever (except when food was involved) immediately flew off, and she broke the moment with Eizo, running off after her familiar. \n\nThe portal was unexpected, but useful. Only a couple minutes had passed, not nearly enough time for Beyna to sort through her conflicting and deep-seated feelings. \n\nId step back though, we dont know what this thing does, or whether its dangerous, Eizo was saying. \n\nIll be the judge of that, Beyna said, while thinking, *I still need more time - Im sorry Eizo*. Her command of shadows had always been strong.\n\n---\n\n***3 years later***\n\n*Ive been reminiscing too much lately,* Beyna thought as she approached her targets. She needed to stay alert - capturing three wizards was no light matter.\n\nShe hadnt given herself a lot of time to think about the past since she had teleported to the Runiverse. Shed ended up in a rainforest, by a beautiful waterfall. But Eizo had not appeared, as she thought he might. And moments later, shed been chased south by a horde of bugbears. \n\nShed spotted the Dark Sentinel tower, which among other things, housed an association of shadow mages. Theyd taken her in and helped her develop her shadow magic skills, without trying to sacrifice or otherwise take advantage of her as Edgar had. The least she could do in return was go on her current mission."} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "We need to learn more about the Secret Tower, the Council Elder had told her the day before. We dont even know where it is, much less what its inhabitants are doing. And we dont like not knowing. We have received information about a trio of Secret Tower wizards who are traveling just north of here. We need you to capture them and bring them back here, alive, for interrogation. Do this, and youll become a full member of the Alliance.\n\nNow, the moon reflected off her robes, midnight black with red trim, as she neared the spot where the intel had said the Secret Tower wizards would be. She patted Spots, who was perched on her shoulder. *Scout the area, and find the wizards,* she thought to Spots. Dutiful as ever, Spots flew up and over the hill ahead of her. \n\nBeyna closed her eyes and concentrated. In moments, she could see out of Spots eyes as he flew. Soon, she saw her targets by a campfire in a hollow surrounded by trees. Two wizards were already sleeping a young dark-haired woman and someone covered in a hooded dark cloak. The third wizard, a bearded, middle-aged fellow, was keeping watch. *Ill need to get him under control first,* Beyna thought."} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "Using Spots remote vision to ensure her targets werent alerted to her presence, she crept to an optimal location for her ambush, taking care not to let her crimson hat brush against branches and give away her position. Hefting her staff onto her shoulder, she aimed the end toward the bearded wizard on watch. Making an incantation under her breath, she caused a dark mass of energy to infuse the ruby that crowned her staff. She breathed in, then out slowly. At the end of her breath, she shot an orb of dark energy toward her target. The orb smacked the bearded wizard on the head, and he grunted before falling to the ground, out cold. *Control is one of the invaluable things they taught me at the Dark Sentinel,* she thought wryly. A dead wizard would tell no tales.\n\nUnfortunately, tonights work would not be as easy as shed hoped. The watchmans grunt had been enough to wake one of the other wizards, the woman. She saw her comrade on the ground and immediately leapt to her feet. Whos there? she called out. Then she briefly closed her eyes.\n\nBeyna cursed, sensing that her cover was blown. She rushed out of her hiding spot up a tree - closing the distance with her targets was the key now. \n\nI dont know who you are, but youve made a huge mistake! the woman shouted. She made a quick incantation; in moments, a few of the boulders around her levitated in the air. \n\nA *geomancer!* thought Beyna as the boulders started flying towards her. Her robes were not designed for agility, so dodging was out of the question. But as the stones hurtled toward Beyna, her form seemed to shift and meld into the shadows created by the campfire. The boulders flew past and smashed into the surrounding trees."} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "Beyna materialized on the other side of the campfire. Before the geomancer could react, Beyna waved her staff, and a long, whiplike mass of dark energy emerged from its ruby. Beyna immediately swung her improvised lash, coiling the energy around her target like a snake.\n\nEizo, wake up! the woman shouted before a coil of energy covered her mouth. \n\n-------\n\nTime seemed to slow down for Beyna after she heard that name. *Eizo?!?* she thought as she tied off the coil of dark energy. No, it must be someone else who shares that name. She quickly turned to the third wizard, looking to incapacitate him before he could react to the warning hed been given.\n\nHowever, the spot was empty save for an empty dark cloak. Suddenly, Spots thought came, sharp as a razor, *Behind you!*\n\nBeyna whipped around, staff held in front of her. A gloved hand stopped her staff in its tracks as its owner closed the distance between them. \n\nHis other hand held a cerulean blue shepherds crook, which matched his shirt, hair, and eyes. He put this arm around Beyna, drawing her closer in a one-armed embrace until their faces were inches apart. Beynaits you, he said softly. Somehow, he didnt sound surprised.\n\n\n*art by **SkGoliath***\n\nEizohow? Beyna said. Tears came to her eyes, unbidden. I thought Id never see you again. \n\nEizo looked a little hurt. Could you really doubt that I followed you through that portal? he said. \n\nPart of me knew you did, Beyna replied. I just thought Id never find you."} +{"id": "8501345b-7d95-40f6-9e26-f0786793abb6-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.929", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX8cSiC5CVt1PyRTXVAGzoRAGMMu1mqRGRSivdpza6evJ", "txHash": "0xbf0ab7eaa03dad917e2c67af476d0cb0663e2088fd916ccff12e5f38915e4ff0", "createdAtBlock": 15314165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWHZAUoDkLtVALS2XfWPPKKqkeBkUEzczpe9ymgMULgfv", "name": "Shaman Beyna in the Shadows", "text": "Part of me knew you did, Beyna replied. I just thought Id never find you.\n\nIve been looking for you all this time, Eizo said. I never gave up hope. And I havent changed my mind about you. Im not sure what business youre mixed up in, attacking my friends like this, but I can see you didnt really harm them. We can figure this out and make it work, togetherif thats what you want. For the first time, Eizos voice sounded uncertain.\n\nBeynas heart fluttered at these words as she looked deep into his eyes. Eizo was taller and had filled out physically in the years since they had last seen each other, but his feelings were unchanged. She was determined to let him know how she felt this time.\n\nIts what Ive always wanted, ever since I first met you, Beyna said, her voice breaking. I love you. And I need you in my life, always.\n\nShe put her free arm around him to complete their embrace, and raised her lips up to his. This moment in time would be precious, always. For that first moment of passion, but also for the solace of finally finding the home shed always wanted."} +{"id": "56e7c3de-670e-4e0d-8943-ccdf41173a5f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-10T19:03:59.526", "backgroundColor": "#302e06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmevACLETFfR8g9TYytKDjQNLr7QvhmeoDvuMUT1Zf3MbU", "txHash": "0xbe5dc6d91a50c4ae23e794d172073a78e687e25b0fd4bae89afe58cef4381940", "createdAtBlock": 15316091, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5164, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Celah of the Desert", "text": "# The *Dessert* Keeper\n\nI know what youre thinking, this guy must love the sun. Not so fast. It turns despite his title being Celah of the Desert, he hates the desert and the heat in general, mostly preferring the cold, freezing climate of his families native homeland. In reality, the only reason he bears this title is due to a miscommunication. In fact, when choosing his title to pursue, Celah mistakenly thought it said Celah of the Dessert as in cake and ice cream; as opposed to having a heat stroke and seeing mirages. It was only after Celah was left alone in the desert for six months to explore his heritage, that the truth dawned on him. Not only would he not be getting any dessert for a long time, he will be cleaning the sand out of ALL his crevices for eternity. \n\nBut with the extreme heat, comes a positive. As the ruler of this land, Celah is in charge of all travelers who pass by or attempt to develop on this forsaken land. Which means if anyone tries to open a shop in the middle of the desert, Celah of the Desert will make sure its a Baskin Robbins."} +{"id": "4b1404f8-6612-4d38-97dc-264ac822b680-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T04:24:09.806", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b19", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaxVmGqqiYEcQJA5RnBCHaRypZTytZo4FWkxAZJJtRYNd", "txHash": "0x03d7d6bcf4b93dbe4dd55bdb43f56bc3b6f8a8dfe12fedb8af7de376c9cfdcd7", "createdAtBlock": 15443756, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10976, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP8XVWugk1CjGXNLow6WV4pCZzYn1BZvuJ5i7csZgzw8k", "name": "Henry Dueler of the Wood", "text": "# Lore of Henry, Dueler of the Wood \n\n\n\nHenry, the honourable, the one with integrity, the one who upholds the good values and virtues of the Runiverse. He was born of modest means in the East on the water. His education of the highest order of university of the people. That university of the South, the university with the best basketball team. He stands 6'8\" and is was a scholarship player in basketball and earned All-Runiverse hounours each of his eligible semesters. He dated Calista of the Citadel while at the University. You know, the good Calista, the one who owns the Acme Rocket Company in the Citadel. They parted ways soon after the University in order to pursue their own passions. \n\nHenry found that the mundane life of sports entertainment was not for him. He met a famous wizard in the realm named Druid Merlin of Dreams who encouraged the young man to use his talents of dexterity, agility and strength to become a great warrior and fight the Northern Soul incursion. Merlin introduced Henry to Hadrien, the great Sorcerer of the Blue Wizards to help craft him armor of Air. This armor was so light that it was a cotton shirt in weight but with a steel skin. It was later discovered that the armor was not crafted at all but bought on the secondary market from Two Crows Bazzar using the skulls of defeated goblins as payment. Two Crows had a debt to pay to a Lich King that really like shiny Goblin skulls that reminded the king of his mother."} +{"id": "4b1404f8-6612-4d38-97dc-264ac822b680-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T04:24:09.806", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b19", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaxVmGqqiYEcQJA5RnBCHaRypZTytZo4FWkxAZJJtRYNd", "txHash": "0x03d7d6bcf4b93dbe4dd55bdb43f56bc3b6f8a8dfe12fedb8af7de376c9cfdcd7", "createdAtBlock": 15443756, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10976, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP8XVWugk1CjGXNLow6WV4pCZzYn1BZvuJ5i7csZgzw8k", "name": "Henry Dueler of the Wood", "text": "Henry's lore has been told about the realm. Most recently, he successfully defended the great council's merchandise from raiding Koboalds at the great conference in the Citadel. The merch was new, and few in number. His great sword swatted the hands of the greedy Kobalds with such furry some say \"Hands were flying everywhere\". The great council acknowledged this deed and permitted this entry into the Book of Lore. \n\nHenry continues to travel the realm and offer help to anyone who may need it. His old love interest, Calista, is said to be interested in him, but she says he is still messy and doesn't know when he will clean up his act. Perhaps they will meet again and rekindle that flame. \n\nHenry is good friends with @wizard113 and @wizard7238. He has been know to ride @pony100 in hot situations. Love interest is @wizard3344"} +{"id": "6745fa1a-73e8-4b32-8d7a-c85c35942561-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:44.931", "backgroundColor": "#641b00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmacpBX17zBwsiF2r4LPbCHp6769i5Yc8ZSyBFdPH5nUi3", "txHash": "0x952610dd98df884965d813a6870bbd9a2383016bb91e477be2751b18e68aa070", "createdAtBlock": 14156270, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6654, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Captain Soya of the Worms", "text": "# Passed through the sacred flame on Hallows Eve\nWraith Captain Soya currently spends most of his time looking for his lost horse."} +{"id": "d00a080f-2f32-4eee-910d-fc05f01d0b5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:42.644", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNavj75ZECHyN89uHDWmPLnLfRoJGqJQyvEhHHdxoQAnW", "txHash": "0x1d159f1cec38ca12cc3706a24c5756ccf72750f186ddc1a4a52a2d98e0f5ad7a", "createdAtBlock": 14155263, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8830, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Magpie of the Capital", "text": "Cursed by a wretched swamp witch to become a Corvid after trespassing near her burrow, Magpie recounts his transfigurement as blessing, surprisingly. You see, Magpie was a court jester, never seen as any more than fodder for entertainment by his previous masters. The day he became a crow was the day the legend of the Sky Master was born. Free from his old life, Magpie took to learning the magical extremes of this world, and found himself attracted to education and academia, where Magpie has taught many wizards how to defy gravity's control!"} +{"id": "4ccb6d09-d007-4f13-9a53-1651ff76fee1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:15.416", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsqR67okBn73fA9XJN6gCVFC2vJ1MCQECHmiNNchGiLn", "txHash": "0x57c55a1eae40ef92e610a8dcb1c2ab06aef983e04a3b02269e40c6fa71d9ad3f", "createdAtBlock": 14303557, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8360, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Jeldor of the Bottomless Grave", "text": "what the spook?"} +{"id": "c1369b32-a64a-4583-9814-c907dac0e868-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:16.282", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW7nPkVsEaSapkDFiWsLNQTsqq9FsxKx55hwqfwhHE85n", "txHash": "0xb072562bdf9c2fb7a73f795bab20d15f716b848feb9d6b7ef65fd056c9ff5911", "createdAtBlock": 14303586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 230, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Popo the Enchanting", "text": "Popo followed what once was Jeldor out of the flame, I wouldn't trust a neigh this golden tongued horse says."} +{"id": "67220887-ee7c-4e5d-9f09-2e77039172fb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:04.732", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRLNvD9J6C8xBFzGzdG4VrJTPTyqGZ6boCPPfsEH3Ygx4", "txHash": "0xc346235967bd2ee925adf7e41d77d24684707d682bce25e9cbe06c9a14c24e55", "createdAtBlock": 14533715, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5614, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbJLMg2bjE69tcK3ytLAae5z4PzKDRHo2Vgi31dLH2zBx", "name": "Hedge Wizard Gorg of the Sun", "text": "# Hedge Wizard Gorg of the Sun\n\n## Memento Calor\n\nLitter. Pack. Safety in numbers. These concepts fleet through the mind not as constructs for the intellect to decipher, but as images, scents, tastes - as Warmth. The kind of warmth he could remember enjoying as he would rest lazily - shaggy head comfortably shaded beneath the canopy of their favorite tree, his torso sprawled out in the sun. \n\nThe heat of tempers, passions and strong wills, testing the bounds of his mates - exploring their limits - physical and psychological. But as the steel blade is violently thrust into the forge, reaching fever pitch only to be rudely quenched in frigid water, so too is the pack forged stronger by the clashing and reconciliation of wilful young minds.\n\n\n## Memento Lux\n\nWhat then of Light? The bringer of life it is said, and that which chases away the darkness without and within. As Gorg remembers the Light, he smiles his once famous smile - canines on excellent display, half threatening but mostly mirthful. Though a lifetime ago now, that fateful day tinged with both elation and fear occupies his mind. \n\nA piercing scream had set him running, down the gorge he loped panting all the way - to be greeted by colors so vivid and beautiful, crimson blood against dark matted fur. For such had been the ways of invincible youth, of boundless courage and energy. Standing there trying to stem the flow of blood, failing to still his fluttering heart and desperate to save his litter mate's fleeting life, he had been irrevocably changed."} +{"id": "67220887-ee7c-4e5d-9f09-2e77039172fb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:04.732", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRLNvD9J6C8xBFzGzdG4VrJTPTyqGZ6boCPPfsEH3Ygx4", "txHash": "0xc346235967bd2ee925adf7e41d77d24684707d682bce25e9cbe06c9a14c24e55", "createdAtBlock": 14533715, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5614, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbJLMg2bjE69tcK3ytLAae5z4PzKDRHo2Vgi31dLH2zBx", "name": "Hedge Wizard Gorg of the Sun", "text": "For in that moment, paws and arms soaked in vermillion hues as Gorg had applied anguished pressure, the clouds parted and the Sun had struck his hide. Like tinder to kindling, guided by passion and potential alike, the Arcane in him had flared to life. Around him the very earth had resonated and spoken, and Gorg had answered; as this new magic raced through his veins, so too it permeated the plant life around him - as they responded to his need. Before his eyes the grass grew soft beneath his mate, the vines stretched and curled around the injured form creating a protective cocoon.\n\nAnd thus, light - feeding him as it did his new verdant family - had saved a life.\n\n\n## Memento Dolor\n\nOnce awakened, his particular skills in the arcane had set him on a path of learning, yearning and - in fleeting moments - understanding. Now an invaluable member of the pack, Gorg had quickly grown into the role of protector and healer - and enjoyed many seasons exploring his magical abilities. However, relieving others of their pain had in no way prepared him for his own.\n\nIt began with a few falling ill, and his normal cures seemed to do the trick well enough. Though, as more and more of his kin fell ill with racking coughs and fever, those seemingly on the mend would take a sudden turn for the worse. Then the deaths started, and realization struck like a viper on unsuspecting prey; a plague was upon them."} +{"id": "67220887-ee7c-4e5d-9f09-2e77039172fb-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:04.732", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRLNvD9J6C8xBFzGzdG4VrJTPTyqGZ6boCPPfsEH3Ygx4", "txHash": "0xc346235967bd2ee925adf7e41d77d24684707d682bce25e9cbe06c9a14c24e55", "createdAtBlock": 14533715, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5614, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbJLMg2bjE69tcK3ytLAae5z4PzKDRHo2Vgi31dLH2zBx", "name": "Hedge Wizard Gorg of the Sun", "text": "His own quarantine and frantic studies reached a fever pitch of their own, his whole pack dwindling around him, until one day the culprit he found. _Rats_. The vermin had brought the sickness, and they too were dying. In a final desperate attempt, he had thrown caution to the wind and broken his isolation and brought the sole remaining rat out into the scorching sun and for the first time opened himself up completely, surrendering to the magic. Light and searing heat, as though fire surged though his veins, became a tempest channeled into the unconscious rat until he could take the pain no more and collapsed.\n\nComing to, under a full moon in the quiet of night, he had found a much improved rat deep in slumber, fever free and breathing freely. Elated, he rushed back into town fully prepared to martyr himself to the torrentous tempest of sun magic - only to find utter silence. His pack, his family, were all dead.\n\nA rage overcame him then, and had he not been so fully exhausted, had the sun - source of his powers - not already set, then his fury would surely have extinguished the small sole survivor there and then. As fate would have it, the bearer of sickness was lucky twice that same night, and well enough; for the insensate rodent was surely not to blame.\n\n\n## Memento Mori\n\nRising from his supine pose, Gorg shook off the memories of days long past. The sun no longer warmed him, nor his long dead pack and family, and even the pain had faded to a dull ache - leaving him merely with sadness and resignation in his heart.\n\n\"I believe it is time,\" Gorg quietly growled and his sole companion and familiar quickly scampered up his back to settle in his favorite spot on his shoulder, little tail draped around his neck."} +{"id": "67220887-ee7c-4e5d-9f09-2e77039172fb-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:04.732", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRLNvD9J6C8xBFzGzdG4VrJTPTyqGZ6boCPPfsEH3Ygx4", "txHash": "0xc346235967bd2ee925adf7e41d77d24684707d682bce25e9cbe06c9a14c24e55", "createdAtBlock": 14533715, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5614, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbJLMg2bjE69tcK3ytLAae5z4PzKDRHo2Vgi31dLH2zBx", "name": "Hedge Wizard Gorg of the Sun", "text": "\"Squeak!\" came the resigned reply, whiskers trembling as tiny beady eyes met his own.\n\nShifting his gaze, yellow glowing eyes again appraised the flame dancing lazily before them. Perhaps death though immolation, then, could rekindle the warmth he so sorely missed."} +{"id": "4a96494f-1069-443b-8bfc-fbfa7d5aaeb6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:45.736", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmapXLgTkuCQSozB51ADudXwB8x1ezFbUQX9JSBa6C3sJn", "txHash": "0x8abe92266d8bb9b6895206a9d720375a02781db804aaa26d751de28e567783ba", "createdAtBlock": 14156300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1697, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQZLPH2jUpKTKZS9Bx6nEWzm7QtqdFpmzPaChsnVdBPmq", "name": "Illusionist Peppy ", "text": "It's important to acknowledge the dark and unpredictable forces that abound in society. But for Peppy, using magic to create for and delight others brightens the world..."} +{"id": "6b0695ba-1694-4f82-a064-68b9e2f349ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-10T19:56:02.433", "backgroundColor": "#646e64", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbzxyYXVuTj7JXGY6noLeKjSYQpiB7CJWw5mLMnyNxa9M", "txHash": "0x77e659fad728ab418eb9480b615c5b311e6371b6e08265d881467d611b558ae8", "createdAtBlock": 15316320, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6503, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necro Frog Nixie of the Shell", "text": "# Necro Frog Nixie of the Shell\n\n_Chapter 1_\n\nIt was grey when Nixie came to. He was lying on his side and the dense fog made him feel like he was on a cloud with the mangled branches of swamp shrubbery punctuating the haze. He smelled the extinguished campfire and felt the wetness in the air of the swamp. His companion Ana was gone and so were the murderous Corvids. Strangely, he felt no pain despite the brutal tussle with the black birds. \n\nNixie looked in the reflection of the standing water not covered by a layer of fog and saw that his normally green face was now a skull with small, glowing emerald eyes. Nixie collapsed onto his knees and felt the cracked boniness of his new visage. Out of the swamp-water slithered his asp, which was now a semi-translucent white ghost. It wrapped itself around Nixie's neck like an immaterial garrote.\n\n*Where is Ana?*, thought the disconsolate soul of this formerly viridescent Anuran. He had fallen in love with Ana at Alessar's Keep, promised to teach her his magic, and tried to defend her from the Corvids' assault of the night prior.\n\nAs Nixie let out a soprano scream, he knew he must exact revenge."} +{"id": "7ee48a95-82f3-43e6-93f2-92673dfa4699-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:46.407", "backgroundColor": "#280f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT5bJHh7ZSH3qF78F7SCuek4RW9EdnynZcBpshoqrtYXb", "txHash": "0xb8940415c14264801194e08b85e255c8e48b31907922885913a9952dedc546d2", "createdAtBlock": 14156476, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2247, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Isaac of the Oasis", "text": "Ribbit, ribbit. Ribbit, ribbit.\n\nIn the name of Hades, quiet down, toad! I should have left you in that damned marsh. Erm...apologies old friend. I'm on edge, in preparation for another attempt at harnessing Thor's power. At times I question whether sacrificing humanity to continue to rejuvenate Zaros is a worthy use of our arts. Why do the Forgotten Souls want my homeland restored anyway?\n\nWe're going to need to tempt another simpleton for use in the ritual. Hmm...luring another brown hat should prove to be quite easy with the promise of an Eleusinian Mysteries Initiation, and of course, some green mushrooms.\n\nRibbit...ribbit.\n\nWhat!? You ate the last mushroom Froggy? Your addiction will be the death of us if we can't get a storm raging soon. Off to the harem; I need not fraternize with those unsavory types, but they do always have a stash of shrooms. We must be sure to not allow ourselves to become beguiled by another Charmer this time though.\n\nRibbit, ribbit?\n\nI resent the insinuation Froggy, these trousers come from my days as an entertainer at the harem. Not by other means. They do still fit quite nicely on me though, don't they?\n\nCroak."} +{"id": "dc65b1e1-be5f-4849-bada-638ca41dcfe1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:47.091", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWBEK8a4RsE4ukgdmahfPBd8X3gaKmo9qGWHzL7Q4W7J", "txHash": "0x7e9d27dbd558788c4600c479d28e76aa195dd353cc08e6d3abb1a72479d208ab", "createdAtBlock": 14156649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 152, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Hedge Wizard Victoria of the Road", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "5e9d3026-3738-4a99-a871-08962db75bd4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:47.987", "backgroundColor": "#232a6c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNW5nXn2ww1GjKEvWrMbuuoN6ZtfW6iNFwtVC5zMBXnye", "txHash": "0x627e34f344c864c20b3594e6e7688a3a2813cb86260ffcdea6e0c1ec13794ef5", "createdAtBlock": 14156844, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9071, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Cassius of the Light", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Cassius of the Light\n\nA lofty desire to ease the suffering of the world has called Cassius 'Tongleth' to his work as Absorber of Misery. Able with the skill of highest empath to draw away the energetic sufferance of mortals and places. \n\nUsing ancient techniques of East and his rune of power Tongleth transmutes the vibrational utterances of low psychic States. Absorbing them through his body via his staff he can bestow the darkness into other things or beings.\n\nHe is bright like the peacock, able to swallow hellfire unscathed. The only sign to the layman of the dangerous path he walks can be known by his filthy boots or the scent of black sulfer which tends to hang about him. In his presence a familiar toad who absorbs it all by Tongleths skill and does not mind.\n\nYet this path is narrow as a razor and oft times Cassius Tongleth druid of light, has been forced into darkest places. Jittery and manic, to hibernate and from deepest stillness, leech the overwhelming ugliness back into the earth.\n\n>'The fool who is swayed this way and thus by his cravings and fear, is truly worthy of pity.'"} +{"id": "5ac37bf1-8fa7-45cd-8b8c-f9d1cbb06004-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:14.748", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZ5R8HXP4n5xVmfeSYiHeMD3AbQwtVtieqjA5djA3sF9", "txHash": "0x4cebef8aae26af41cc59d294436a745c0bac1ab7e470437a2a8bc8e292bf53db", "createdAtBlock": 14939043, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4292, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYg7EUELAT1rLNqbYdEk5YgX1nCPtTj3qCcnsfiqwNDLH", "name": "Meryl Debilitator of the Wild", "text": "# Ritual\n\nReds painted\n---\n\nWar-painted\n---\n\nBy campfire\n---\n\nI prepare alone\n---\n\nBy the waterside\n---\n\nI am shown\n---\n\nA tiger in the rain\n---\n\nTracking you, laying prone\n---\n\nA stalk\n---\n\nDead\n---\n\nMy husband, I know\n---"} +{"id": "ad640b7a-de25-4bdb-85f9-3958423dbde2-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T00:14:34.847", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP3obHrHaqLgChFY5w2e9bC3fjy3z1nrSugiV9z218RfJ", "txHash": "0x042d7b6ed07343a1a21cba296aaa68987703986ce577ddbb4bc7637aa62697ec", "createdAtBlock": 15317491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14049, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbhXCiF4oXxekzbFZD8ziydyRgJw12h9bAXhYH8a2tEwr", "name": "Hedgie Breaker of Nothing", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Hedgie Breaker of Nothing \n\n\n\n\n> *by Artwork by Ash Mallard. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy 2022*"} +{"id": "10508153-5b1c-4ad2-a7b2-673971538512-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:48.688", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWwdsfCkAZj4wLGPCeaa4PQnjFYkAwMVQQvMHKWuLGpad", "txHash": "0xabc869315b9c49c3979e8dd9d7011feab23b08a9507f341e2af5b94b8fef6837", "createdAtBlock": 14156895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Argus of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Aeromancer Argus of the Hall\n\n### And Argus proclaimed\n>'Untethered from the earth, loftier than man, I alone am the right to know!'\n\nDiligent study inside the RuneScape of mercury perfected not only his ability to levitate but also his clairaudience. \n\nHis memory too grew epic with his learnings until the vaulted hall of himself grew vast and uncertain.Abilities much heightened, he has lost attachment to the ethical and logical ways of most. \n\nHe can be seen at times floating, soaring high and watchful joined on the wing by his familiar owl, his closest company. \n\n## His stern visage and hovering way shoots fear into the hearts of children and wicked men. His true purpose is known to few, perhaps none.\n\nAlso enjoys the the occasional tea and friendly cacth-up with his old apprentice @wizard6159"} +{"id": "f12e82f2-dd99-49bc-bfba-ae97123d2e8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:15.472", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme5eJzjLWFhf16CiQDqJ6RvEJ6SFYm857HDVm27wnKyTy", "txHash": "0x2f4f8a2253166687051ab546065234f1cba0ffe9dc87b6074b27bab51455907b", "createdAtBlock": 14166287, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 229, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ymir the Shaky", "text": "# Lore of Ymir the Shaky\n\nKing of grasses, ruler of the plain, \nI wandered through Elysian fields until \nmy bones grew old and achy in the rain. \nTired, I trembled. Lagged behind. A hill \nall glowing in the mist beckoned me toward \nI left the herd and wandered. Topped its brow \nand saw a wizard brandishing a sword \nand staff. He scratched his head and uttered: How \nthe heck did you get here? I thought you were \na gryphon, manticore. But here instead, \na busted-up old pony. I was sure \nI did the spell correctly! So, I said \nShaky I may be, but, as bards once sung, \nno wealth compares to kind and civil tongue!"} +{"id": "299927ee-5e4f-412f-849f-bcb9a9b0284a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:11.793", "backgroundColor": "#060b08", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXMMo3MQPC5npweSRF3JXr7nifdsqvWEozxrn3uzCUvWU", "txHash": "0x5a2ba2ea78d9794435fb27379e417e7c2fad94926f3f53a68f43ace3f45f8765", "createdAtBlock": 14772584, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3359, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sloozle Belligerent of Snakes", "text": "A falcon soared overhead analyzing the movements of the people below with precise detail. They sought a savior and had found none. Out of their desperation, a terrible fate would be birthed.\nThe falcon returned to Sloozle with delightful news. \n\nMaster, its time.\n\nThe mighty Furgnome Mercenary rose to his feet sword in hand. The people needed a champion and none had appeared. Their spirits were weak, their situation desperate. The last of their hope would be torn from their faint hearts. His raiding parties had been toying with their supply lines for months. For too long he had waited. His dark heart eager to bring destruction to the city. To their home. \n\nHis fist clinched tightly to his green long sword, its steel thirsty for blood. War would come with the dawn and this time he was ready."} +{"id": "93bd7d17-8dd0-427e-99fa-aed5e1d92cb3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T06:39:45.972", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPDvYmYNVUKSsrd5jmpqnkyc2uEV35CkYdQxkEXArNPZE", "txHash": "0xea01a6584605a9c40e66fc226fb874699d7a1377edcf72ce0299394814c561c7", "createdAtBlock": 15158630, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10750, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jack Shaver of the Lowlands", "text": "There he stood, Jack Shaver of the Lowlands, determined and full of anger... \n\nrage...\n\nhatred...\n\nHe mumbled to himself through a thick lisp,\n\n\"Why do they make these friggin sheaths so tight? Why not give them a little wiggle room? You have to assume that when one is skilled enough to forge a weapon as fierce as the saber that they might also consider the comfort and convenience of its sheath. I guess not. Well there goes 20 minutes I'll never have back. 20 minutes I could have been pillaging villagers and dismembering foes. 20 friggin minutes trying to get this deadly blade back into its friggin sheath just so I don't cut my friggin leg of while I'm walking!\"\n\n...and so he soldiered on, deadly saber mostly back into its poorly designed sheath, ready to conquer more of the Lowlands and its peaceful, but woefully unprepared inhabitants."} +{"id": "509a5e01-4721-4068-8f27-c38e3bbed08b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T00:19:46.78", "backgroundColor": "#fafafa", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaRooTE3ji9wS1xcAEsANGzaR22KKRUkFRhj3DZ6VEAGo", "txHash": "0x5d61e3f00f48d1e2237541f55a4e9dac0411a05875dc13ebbf584a62b2d915ad", "createdAtBlock": 15317509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4630, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmURnav27BgExbwHSAB5Lw63u81TS8WejGgftZaC3q1x1y", "name": "Shaman Alizam of the Hall", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Shaman Alizam of the Hall \n\n\n \nPut Thy Rune On The Door!\n> *Artwork by Regnvald. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022*"} +{"id": "491e506e-82fa-4d14-be52-088c14041415-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T08:02:34.997", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdHWJKuSjps7aHNJQWeqm8j32HwCGoEKsZD9Sa6A59kBM", "txHash": "0x11971671888df59d1321ee20185f180aa7d35a950a93fd621212bc0784986507", "createdAtBlock": 15223297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2623, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTwWw567GFv1PF3amQ9ocrGwMAJggr1rCpQmz3WGKMGBM", "name": "Sorcerer Celah of the Rock", "text": "# *Cluny the Peyote Skulled Monkey Sorcerer*\n*art by @Adillemma*\n# \n\n*Two moons* \nhave waxed and waned since the peyote spirits translocated Sorcerer Celah's mind into the body of Cluny the monkey familiar, and likewise Cluny the monkey's mind into the human shell. \n\n*Two moons* and the peyote spirits whisper still, day and night. At night! Oh, at night... simian dreams are seeping through... Sorcerer Celah in monkey body, dreaming monkey dreams at night...\n\n\"Cluny! Call me Cluny!\" the tiny monkey sorcerer declared upon waking one morning. \"*Cluny...*\" the peyote spirits whispered back. \"Celah is no more. Celah is dead.\"\n\nAnd indeed, although not dead, the human body was no longer quite alive either. Extremely frustrated by the physical limitations of the human shell, the monkey mind did not mesh well inside Celah's former body. The monkey mind was wracked with nightmares. An evil gallu demon drifting through the dreamworld possessed the body and destroyed the monkey mind. Celah the human body, now a mount for the gallu demon, separated from Cluny the Monkey Sorcerer (formerly Celah's consciousness). Gallu/Celah has sired many offspring in the short time since, as demons are wont to do.\n\n\"*You must take this saw and cut off the top of your skull*\" whispered the peyote spirits. \"*Just the top. Cut it off. Your skull.*\"\n\nCluny the Monkey Sorcerer picked up the small crescent saw and carefully removed the top of his skull.\n\"*Place the peyote in your skull,*\" the spirits whispered."} +{"id": "491e506e-82fa-4d14-be52-088c14041415-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T08:02:34.997", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdHWJKuSjps7aHNJQWeqm8j32HwCGoEKsZD9Sa6A59kBM", "txHash": "0x11971671888df59d1321ee20185f180aa7d35a950a93fd621212bc0784986507", "createdAtBlock": 15223297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2623, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTwWw567GFv1PF3amQ9ocrGwMAJggr1rCpQmz3WGKMGBM", "name": "Sorcerer Celah of the Rock", "text": "Cluny the Monkey Sorcerer picked up the large peyote and placed it in the bloody cavity atop his head. The peyote swelled and fused with his bone. \n\nCluny the Peyote Skulled Monkey Sorcerer smiled, a twitching smile that gave way to a maniacal laugh. The peyote spirits had bestowed a vision. The many half human / half demon offspring sired by his former body called to him in the vision, and Cluny knew he had to find them. What ritual could so many demon wizard babies be used for? No doubt the peyote spirits would speak more of this later..."} +{"id": "3db665b8-b173-4334-a65a-e7c03f0fc9b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:49.503", "backgroundColor": "#094a06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme1TUuXGjJcC8Y1MmCE64FVzqe2PFbxqD7NjHDro89TB7", "txHash": "0xea8176f5d4df8414601fc9e00f3e5fe9b743cb448ea8155593f85acec32ca1ea", "createdAtBlock": 14156903, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8486, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Angus of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Angus of the Moors \n\nHis magic is gleaned from the DNA of the life he imbibes. \n\n>Grazing, lovingly searching out the most enchanted of plants, so he spends his time.\n\nHe wears the green of good spring and at times of the year his flowering magic makes a broom from the roots of Dunweilian stems. \n\nMore than once the sun has found him cradling a carcus of his brother beast; and though his regret makes him sore, he is not immune to knowing from those souls other ways of working his witching art."} +{"id": "c58fb553-44a0-4aec-b905-93e56570fd2a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:50.19", "backgroundColor": "#f5f1f1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZg4E46wa2uQPQeFhwxnyxuTb2Pm7vkMpTcmUTt2Jufkc", "txHash": "0x5b44b6b312667c31d8524b12999307f3ebc8fcc22b6651734ecd4bfa6f911410", "createdAtBlock": 14156918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8315, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Zaros of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Zaros of the Veil\n\n### Peyote toating perveyor of humanities salvation, Druid Zaros has many friends. Some amongst the elven people's he loves call him wise and congratulate his wisdom beyond the seen realm.\n\n>'He makes the magic happen.' \n(Glen, barman)\n\nTraveling into towns he shares his wisdom and his plant magic with those open to new perspectives.\n\nA bold dresser Zaros likes to dance about and swish his cloak at people.\n\nZaros knows how to party and others take joy in his bountiful givings."} +{"id": "8086af48-b710-42e7-ad58-de3769c1d050-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:51.005", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaLcYYT7KjYC5ATyCFd5KSSVaJyMjKPPDgJLBmKHbXWnj", "txHash": "0xe700d2ed63595389cd6802133535b566cc8840d9410ce7d0fbc9304dc4c0c3e8", "createdAtBlock": 14157139, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5867, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Blaise of the Woodlands", "text": "# Lore of Battle Mage Blaise of the Woodlands\n\nBattle Mage Blaise of the Woodlands is engaged in a constant battle against death and disease. Blaise doesnt know how to wave his hands or point a magic staff, and most of the other wizards wouldnt trust him with a wand. But Blaise knows potions. He can craft mysterious liquids to cure any illness.\n\nHis immense house is brimming with sparkling glass bottles and sacks of ingredients. Through the spring and summer he travels the world with a wagon full of potions, seeking out any living being in need of help, to revive them with a splash from one of his numerous bottles. He especially likes to help the trees, flowers and wildlife that inhabit the dark Woodlands. Then, as autumn begins to set in, he and his dusk-colored cat Nightfall retreat to his study in the deep of the woods to mix up more potions for the next years travels.\n\nNightfall is not as spry as she used to be, but she still insists on joining Blaises adventures. Gifted with the power of speech, she has helped him many times, directing him to the source of a rare ingredient, a sick wizard, or a wilting tree. Together, Blaise and Nightfall use the magic of potions to banish illness and grief from the world."} +{"id": "edea15a8-9987-402b-8464-4f7c8b6ba235-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:51.733", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPLDuZ85ZpwxG4zXjcGrHKEArSFWXzvTRb3UjKVZvtjFu", "txHash": "0xe15038d71d4504ae0ac4be85d68aa407ff8677e1ba52cb2b29fe4c3deeb85c55", "createdAtBlock": 14157166, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5869, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Hansel of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Hex Mage Hansel of the Cosmos\n\nHex Mage Hansel of the Cosmos never stays in one place for long. He is forever trying to escape from the sun, which he loathes for the sunlight blinds his eyes. He can see only by the light of his magic scepter. When sunlight floods the world, Hansel flees to inhabit the darkest corners of the Cosmos. Only when the sun has died behind the horizon can Hansel safely return to the world.\n\nHe is not called a Hex Mage for nothing. He amuses himself by casting hexes on the innocent, spells on the weak, and attempting to subdue the strong. All this is practice for the future. He is working on a great spell to vanquish the sun and bring darkness to the Cosmos forever\n\nCelestes was just a normal field rat until Hansel accidentally cast a hex on her. Now, she is twice the size of a normal rat and can speak, think, and breathe fire. She follows her master faithfully throughout the Cosmos, always close beside him, because if she leaves him for long the hex will dwindle and Celestes will be left powerless, just a field rat once more."} +{"id": "7ebb6093-30e3-4d83-b5af-76090a4a3941-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T19:36:00.695", "backgroundColor": "#27703c", "index": 7, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKcLbnev9tRvK6KCaTRkMhZ2uAAyfgEXiuYxt8unSMA", "txHash": "0xf08cd9200f8e534b306619d753070f872778d1604f74278d03b984a1905dd3fd", "createdAtBlock": 15322547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWW2gT8M5pgM4UTyXutxvKmDmKpcXdSW6oXfbnGHmXapw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "\"Oooh you sneaky Pikachu!! You're gonna be-\" Before Enigma could finish her thought, a huge thunderbolt appeared out of nowhere and sent her flying with a loud clap.\n\nShe hit the ground with such force, it took the breath from her lungs. While she tried to scramble and catch her breath, the little electric mouse took off into the woods, and dissapeared out of sight.\n\n\"Ugh. Again?? You're never going to become a Pokemon champion at this rate!!\" Enigma scolded herself as she stood up, wiping the dust from her forehead, and scanning the treeline for any sign of the little zappy thing.\n\nEnigma, exhausted from having chased the thing miles into the woods, shrugged and turned around as she headed back home. Thankfully these woods were well traversed, so it didn't take much time to find a path leading out of the woods.\n\nIt didn't take too long for her to realize that she may have ended up going the wrong direction, as she had no idea what section of the forest she was in. This was actually quite strange, as Enigma had grown up her whole life right outside the Fey, and thought she had known the area quite well!\n\nEnigma had never been lost before, and the panic was starting to set in. She turned around, and started heading down the path in the opposite direction. It wasn't too long before she was full on sprinting trying to find her way out of the woods.\n\nWithin a few minutes, the young swamp witch was out of breath and on the verge of tears. All this for a stupid Pikachu?? Ugh!! She just wanted to go home, and crawl into her bed with all of her stuffies. \n\nAfter a moment of panic and tears, Enigma gathers what little is left of her wit and continues to go deeper into the woods."} +{"id": "7ebb6093-30e3-4d83-b5af-76090a4a3941-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T19:36:00.695", "backgroundColor": "#27703c", "index": 7, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKcLbnev9tRvK6KCaTRkMhZ2uAAyfgEXiuYxt8unSMA", "txHash": "0xf08cd9200f8e534b306619d753070f872778d1604f74278d03b984a1905dd3fd", "createdAtBlock": 15322547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWW2gT8M5pgM4UTyXutxvKmDmKpcXdSW6oXfbnGHmXapw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "It felt as if hours had passed. The sun had long since disappeared out of the sky, and the light was fading quick. Enigma went until she couldn't go any longer, and collapsed near an old tree stump.\n\nExhausted, with no more tears left to cry, Enigma passed out, slumped against the tree stump. \n\nThat night, she had dreams of a pesky Pikachu that wouldn't let itself get caught, and an evil forest whose shadows chased her endlessly.\n\nEventually, the sun came back up, and with it came the sounds of the woods once more. Chirping of the pidgies, the weird humming from the Metapods and the barking of a far off Arcanine was the perfect symphony of morning noises.\n\nEnigma's eyes popped back open, and she immediately remembered where she was. Hungry, cold and alone, she clambered back to her feet and started back down the trail (though she really had no idea in which direction she came from).\n\nAnother few hours passed and the swamp witch had to wonder if she was ever going to make it out of these cursed woods! She never remembered the Fey giving her so much trouble before.\n\nWhile she wandered about and was lost in thought, she managed to get the attention of a wandering Haunter, who had gone quite some time without eating someone's soul, and decided that Enigma would be just that soul he'd eat!\n\nWith no Pokemon of her own to protect her (that was supposed to be Pikachu!!), she was very vulnerable to any attacks. As such, the Haunter had no trouble sneaking up on her and startling her from behind.\n\n\"Oh my Dotta!!!\" A squeel escaped Enigma's lips, and off she went, deeper into the woods, with little regard to her direction. The Haunter, of course, had no issue keeping up with her, and set upon the girl with ease."} +{"id": "7ebb6093-30e3-4d83-b5af-76090a4a3941-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T19:36:00.695", "backgroundColor": "#27703c", "index": 7, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmKcLbnev9tRvK6KCaTRkMhZ2uAAyfgEXiuYxt8unSMA", "txHash": "0xf08cd9200f8e534b306619d753070f872778d1604f74278d03b984a1905dd3fd", "createdAtBlock": 15322547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWW2gT8M5pgM4UTyXutxvKmDmKpcXdSW6oXfbnGHmXapw", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "With one last push, Enigma kicked her legs and tried to gain as much space as she could between herself and the ghost. Cramps were setting in, and it felt like her whole body had been set on fire.\n\n\"Ugh, poison??\" Enigma hacked, as her sprint began to slow. It was too late, however. Because she had lost track of where she was going, she approached the edge of a cliff before she had time to react and went right over the side...\n\n...of the bed, as she landed with a loud clang!\n\n\"Ugh, what the-\" Enigma said, rubbing the growing egg on her head. \"Stupid pocket monster dream, who comes up with this stuff, really??\" Enigma said, chastising herself as she dusted off, and head back to bed in hopes to dream a different dream."} +{"id": "c1bb22f5-67c4-4ca4-b25e-baeeec83d316-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T20:35:17.006", "backgroundColor": "#2c0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRmaf2hc7VDiV3d5QFq5z4QxmByKxo9WbxKBDVZN9MfJU", "txHash": "0x8a1d689197deeb3a3e5efd8b1c8dd3f3b6bae098fd6cb515c847d1f5820ead63", "createdAtBlock": 15323399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15513, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNQnmzvE1zSRGgN5JvGxcGfEqcSkamQEFd6LAo34Cm35E", "name": "Corvus Wanderer of Sorrow", "text": "Artwork by SHADOWY30"} +{"id": "4a0b8443-b031-48fd-b7fa-ddf28e75bf20-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:00.291", "backgroundColor": "#0b0606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYyGbTyBrNa6Znjn5ESskUHL9TL3VdARMfmr3vCRoTed7", "txHash": "0x91764aec89cfc282753679d78014f9dd6c052723caa91877754b655281510c7f", "createdAtBlock": 13759131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfAeR37uqD6JYBM6DWaRi7gXiv5hm9wMjZGjJHmG1qHBd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Galatea of the Heath\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nLithobates\n\n Galatea shut the garden gate and headed out into her familys land. In the morning sun she walked to the east for a distance and then pivoted to the north. She continued this pattern until her home was not in view and then walked on farther. After a few minutes she stopped and scanned the horizon several times for anyone moving around. Seeing no one, she sat down in a field of heather.\n\n Reaching deep into her left boot, she pulled out her Moms necklace. Galatea massaged her temple and exhaled deeply while staring at it. Since the ambush, it had been hidden in the lining. Turning the locket in several directions she studied the triangular shape and the symbol engraved into it. She thought to herself, Why was mom so desperate for me to keep this safe and hide it? Galatea rubbed the top of the necklace, paused and scanned her surroundings. Only the gentle breeze moved. Her face scowled as she leaned in and pressed the rune of air much harder and sat up straight. This time even the wind was quiet. Putting on the necklace she opened her eyes wide and listened and waited. A faint noise turned her attention to the forest.\n\n The plants under the trees started to move. Coming out of the woods hopping towards her was a young green bullfrog. Galatea realized it was coming directly at her."} +{"id": "4a0b8443-b031-48fd-b7fa-ddf28e75bf20-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:00.291", "backgroundColor": "#0b0606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYyGbTyBrNa6Znjn5ESskUHL9TL3VdARMfmr3vCRoTed7", "txHash": "0x91764aec89cfc282753679d78014f9dd6c052723caa91877754b655281510c7f", "createdAtBlock": 13759131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfAeR37uqD6JYBM6DWaRi7gXiv5hm9wMjZGjJHmG1qHBd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Hey, Whats the matter? she called. The frog looked behind him and back at Galatea as he increased his speed. Sludge flew behind him with every hop. She held up her hand and yelled, whoa...stop, but the frog locked eyes on her. With only a few feet between them, Galatea scooted backwards, drew a line in the dirt and cast a spell. The frog bounced off the invisible wall and shook his head and frowned. A blue heron swooped over them and continued on its way. \n\n The frog glared wide eyed at Galatea. \n\n Well you were coming at me kind of fast and you're dripping with slime, she explained.\n\n The frog shrugged his shoulders and bellowed a deep, Rrruuu.\n\n Galatea studied the swamp bullfrog who was covered with shades of moss green and tones of the dark forest. I guess you're not really a threat,'' she said as her hand released the spell. Youre not even fully grown.\n\n The frog turned his head from side to side and noticed a snack.\n\n Nearby a large black beetle was making a run for it through the soil. The frog zapped it but the bug got stuck in his throat. The frog bulged his eyeballs out and then retracted them into his head forcing a swallow. Opening his eyes he grinned with a drip of drool hanging off the bottom of his lip.\n\n Do you always have something oozing out of your mouth? asked Galatea.\n\n The frog raised one eyelid high and answered,Rruu. Then he hopped a little closer and stopped next to a daisy growing through the heather. A fly buzzed over the flowers until a long pink tongue sucked it in.\n\n Galatea giggled, You got a big appetite for a little guy."} +{"id": "4a0b8443-b031-48fd-b7fa-ddf28e75bf20-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:00.291", "backgroundColor": "#0b0606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYyGbTyBrNa6Znjn5ESskUHL9TL3VdARMfmr3vCRoTed7", "txHash": "0x91764aec89cfc282753679d78014f9dd6c052723caa91877754b655281510c7f", "createdAtBlock": 13759131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfAeR37uqD6JYBM6DWaRi7gXiv5hm9wMjZGjJHmG1qHBd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Galatea giggled, You got a big appetite for a little guy.\n\n The frog responded with a loud burp forcing the fly back out of his mouth. It stuck on Galateas check covered in green yuck. They both laughed while she flicked it back at the frog. He swallowed it and then burped again. Galatea ducked but nothing happened. Her laughter increased until she snorted. The frog tapped his front foot and roared Rru, Rru.\n\n Gaining her composure, Galatea took off the necklace and put it back in its secret place. Looking at the frog she said, Enough of this. I need to go home...now.\n\n The frog wiggled his butt into the dirt and curled his bottom lip forward and mumbled, rru.\n\n Galatea teased, Dont pout. but the frog turned around and hung his head down. Dont pout, she said again as she picked him up. Holding him up to her face she explained, youre adorable and you make me laugh. In fact, Im going to take you home.\n\n The frog responded with a small gurgle as he shook his head up and down.\n\n If you're coming with me you are going to need a name. Hmmmmm, something that matches who you are. Galatea looked right in his eyes and said, You drool, you spit, you burp, and you have the cutest smile for a bullfrog. Youre a Lithobates? she exclaimed.\n\n The frog tilted his head and then frowned at her.\n\n Galatea kept right on talking. Yes, Lithobates is a perfect name but II will call you Litho. Hello Litho, she said with a grin.\n\n Smacking his left foot into her palm he shouted, RRU! RRU!"} +{"id": "4a0b8443-b031-48fd-b7fa-ddf28e75bf20-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:00.291", "backgroundColor": "#0b0606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYyGbTyBrNa6Znjn5ESskUHL9TL3VdARMfmr3vCRoTed7", "txHash": "0x91764aec89cfc282753679d78014f9dd6c052723caa91877754b655281510c7f", "createdAtBlock": 13759131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfAeR37uqD6JYBM6DWaRi7gXiv5hm9wMjZGjJHmG1qHBd", "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Smacking his left foot into her palm he shouted, RRU! RRU!\n\n Litho, I know exactly where I am going to put you in my moms garden. There are patches of grass by a small pond. Your job will be to get rid of the slimy crawly things I dont like to touch, she explained with a wink.\n\n Litho smiled back at her as he licked his lips.\n\n Galatea continued, The colorful snapdragons that surround the garden have radiant faces. The vines and other plants have a way of...of...making you feel like the world is okay.\n\n Litho gazed up at Galatea and softly exhaled as he snuggled deeper into her palm. \n\n Gently wrapping her fingers around him, Galatea opened her leather pouch and placed Litho on top of a cloth. She got up and headed towards home taking the same path she had taken earlier.\n\n After a short distance a sound startled her and she turned around but no one was there. Hearing it again, Galatea looked down and opened the pouch only to find Litho with his eyes closed and his lips vibrating as they released gurgling sounds. In the corner of his mouth there was a drop of green slime running down his face."} +{"id": "0bcef71b-965b-4ee8-b713-ae260c45cf46-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:52.507", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmazuSgCh8w2CjjnBsxJQnsG75oJMCgR8GgCLsDwhaVP3F", "txHash": "0x34e58b32bd30aee5680750cceb37b0032a7977d1f17cccf33ab56c4e6c1bc30f", "createdAtBlock": 14157187, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5868, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Hobbs of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Hobbs of the Hall\n\nMe? Why, Im Thaumaturge Hobbs of the Hall. Its true, I love playing pranks on my friends, but I assure you I mean no harm. Quite the opposite, I keep light and spirit in the world through tricks, fun and frolic.\n\nThe Hall? Well, I found it years ago and havent returned to the outside world. Its a natural meeting place for the wizards, who put up with me because they know I mean well despite my tricks. Im almost always at the Hall, waiting for visitors so I can scare them with earth trembles and purple fire.\n\nMy toad? Oh yes, Boren hopped into the Hall one day and has never left. I took a liking to the mischievous fellow and kept him here with me. Now he never leaves my side. No, he doesnt have any powers. None at all. Thats why I like him. He cant play tricks on me.\n\nYou have to go? Pity, but be sure to come again. Heres your coat. Oh, thats right, its on fire. I did that. Dont look so grim! There, I fixed it. Good day, sir."} +{"id": "f90a8bee-4cf6-495b-9645-3d63bfee949e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:53.245", "backgroundColor": "#0f143b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPqK2RttMAcZEWqcu4XpjvauvNMe6fkGbSBtEB1L1cX5b", "txHash": "0x25dabedd43f8ab2d19baac773a542d061124acd62b0e5485561474fbde80e24a", "createdAtBlock": 14157455, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5229, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Hashim of the Temple", "text": "I egress from the temple in your name, disrobing the Infinity Veil that shelters the hallowed from the Penumbra. To step foot into the Darkness, acting as a messenger of the true Divine Arcane, and strike down those who dwell amongst thisworld who denounce you, my Divine Leader, their Divine Judge, our Divine Entity.\n\nFrom The Brine, to the Psychic Leap, the vile will be crushed and the worthy sacrificed. Those who use the Arcane Arts for wickedandimmoraldegeneracy will be spewed from themouth of the Divine, and swallowed into the Quantum Shadow.\n\nThe path my Divine has chosen for me is arduous, but faith will incessantly nourish my crusade. Revenants will be dispatched by my Caduceus. Their bodies crushed until they can harm no longer. Poltergeistsexorcized, haunting spirits silenced. Purifying immolation of all those who forsake their past debaucheries; for Cinnabar Flames will decide their fate.\n\nMy purpose, Arcane power, and soul, I surrender to thee. This I pray, a solemn ratification to the Divine.\n\n*Druid Hashim of the Temple*"} +{"id": "5a15e472-66a6-480b-996f-2cabf0947c7f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T18:33:53.515", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQugZXAJ1TrPTWgXVii2B2GL3eK4srnUmZ989A412ob1H", "txHash": "0x5717c10a5fd94cab2b9bb88c9568575fbd0ddec5701846f7510f126418f4093b", "createdAtBlock": 15226140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5105, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX3gqJz787GStwfgUZCNJDr7JEyLuaaMmG86cm1tTZiaC", "name": "Zoya Killer of Runes", "text": "# Zoya Killer of Runes"} +{"id": "63c4c5fa-118b-4440-8829-a7dcad235cfe-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:30:34.831", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXdQpea7shoHhRxn7fsqZdbC1Kw6i7pJ7ifpU4N7fmAwg", "txHash": "0x7d206a313f188f1875048be2e3123db7d0f7e2436acfadb1d5fc4fdf4b7b8e29", "createdAtBlock": 15323062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1850, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Rachel Champion of Worlds", "text": "# Rachel Champion of Worlds\n\n_Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.\nWilliam Shakespeare, Twelfth Night_\n\nTheres no lie in the sentence that greatness comes with a single opportunity. The thing is most of us will never have that, but even if that opportunity comes, theres a big chance that you have to lose yourself to that decision. That might sound too dramatic, but let me tell you my story, there's many ways to remind us that our opportunities always have a catch. Anyway it's hard to believe that if you are in the bottom there's anything for us that wont come with a prize.\n\nI'm from one of the colonies in the forgotten side of the system. A slavery port filled with the outcast of the empire, have never been or seen as citizen, always been nothing to all of them. Raised between the snakes, the hunger and the thirst. Are any of you able to judge me?\n\nThe history of me that you might be interested in started in a tournament, The Empire Circus, it was a series of gladiator fights that ended in the surrending or dead of your adversary, every slave port in the Empire was able to participate with their best warriors, it was the only path that could give you the citenship, wealth and recognition in the whole empire."} +{"id": "63c4c5fa-118b-4440-8829-a7dcad235cfe-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:30:34.831", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXdQpea7shoHhRxn7fsqZdbC1Kw6i7pJ7ifpU4N7fmAwg", "txHash": "0x7d206a313f188f1875048be2e3123db7d0f7e2436acfadb1d5fc4fdf4b7b8e29", "createdAtBlock": 15323062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1850, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Rachel Champion of Worlds", "text": "Ive always been a warrior, my sword is lethal as time itself, that's the reason I came to the Empire Circus with hopes of greatness and prosperity to me and even my people. Such a naive girl I was at that time. As the games started the thirst of blood raised in me, there was nothing to lose, my inner warrior was the only thing that had control. Ive become ruthless every fight was as meaningless for me as the other one. I was raised for war, the sting of my blade was made to blind the life of my enemies. My frenessi wasn't stopped until I met my final enemy, he was my master, a brutal but incredibly wise warrior, too old to be a threat for me, but good enough to defeat every single other contesterer. \n\nI knew every secret of his. Rapidly, his blood was dripping from my sword, he taught me every single move of his repertoire. I felt shame for the old man and guilt in my guts, but losing was not an option. I made him lose his sword but he didnt give up. I begged him to surrender, but he kept fighting, the anger and the hate filled me, so I crossed his heart with my sword Im Rachel Champion of worlds, pity in that pathetic title, pity in anyone who wants to deal with my sword and my strength, there's nothing left, theres nothing to win neither, but I won't lose, thats my nature, I will survive no matter what."} +{"id": "db44f8ff-9f0a-4384-96ea-e5d1fec0a506-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:55.524", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPX8ewNoZdvQa8ewTdAeaXd5kTjEdqF2Yrg3SLLC2Mmeu", "txHash": "0x7e0e9ee3769a6008c89a505c39866073e8b4157dc29cc631abdcfdf73f996578", "createdAtBlock": 14149461, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 78, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdtLJjV5MdqEwFMZ4xEvDrq6cUN3zaDUH3bkUaGJogceE", "name": "Battle Mage Malthus of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Malthus of the Plains\nMalthus began his life in the Plains, but was exiled to a desolate camp along the range of the Battle Mage Mountains early in his life. It is here he first met his companion, Perseus the rat. In order to survive he quickly developed an aptitude to thieving and sneaking, though he never took more than he needed to just get by. He would hone these skills and grow up to do mercenary work many others wouldn't take. He quickly earned a reputation of being willing to take any job and completing the job quietly and well. Most skilled with enchantment magic, he often aims to influence and manipulate animals and others. \n\nAs he's continued to age, Malthus has sought to travel as much as he can. He likes to play board/card games and smoke by the fire with his partner Larissa, their familiars, and his pony Bubaloo. He is a romantic inside but shows it to few. His rose not only helps him channel his magic, but is also a reflection of his thorny exterior and love of beauty.\n\n\nMalthus with his trusty steed Bubaloo.\n\n\n\nFun little pair of gifs of Malthus' rat, Perseus, taking his rose and giving it to Larissa.\n\n\nPoem by @MargaretLabour\n\n\nMalthus and Larissa teaching chess to their familiars."} +{"id": "4fb13712-4e9e-49dd-9e92-e9de2bcf985a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:38.264", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJRsEGQJAepUFKuinKE27MQFPuMHdhEzabXe1EBAye2A", "txHash": "0x2187e1d1bdfeb1fdf9d47bf902793b7b2ebd88bb6afc5216044da2ea88d5bf92", "createdAtBlock": 14154085, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Colormancer Rainman of the Realm", "text": "If youre lucky to spot the end of a Runiverse rainbow, youve caught the bold Colormancer himself! Creating those color-filled arcs across the skies is Rainmans passion, and he does it well. He dashes from one rain storm to the next, broom aflight, with his trusted gumdrop familiar Aiko. A cute pair, be sure to wave the next time you see them fly by! Shout hey now, Aiko, Aiko, ayay!"} +{"id": "49ad4561-d6ce-4813-9b9c-a94f8ad4ea3d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:15.655", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRZq5ijC2fLYdEr5uv3DkNYENTSNofSXGYs97VF2aVdHz", "txHash": "0x46b1e746b23f0fad3728ca22e0169360a56ba751539ddd2df1a67ca2fe6c286c", "createdAtBlock": 14939127, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8770, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Isaac of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nIsaac was raised as a Geomancer. Fitting for a man with skin that resembled the earth, and hair as red and as gently flowing as freshly sprouted lava. But doubts surrounding his upbringing constantly raged in his mind. His mother assured him that he was simply a \"unique and special\" little boy. Her words did little to quell his spirit which would continue to draw his mind, and eventually his body, away from the family he had known.\n\nFree to roam the world, Isaac traveled the lands guided by nothing more than a nearly imperceptible yearning, encompassing and mysterious as fog. That fog would soon part. Making his way across a secluded area of the lands, Isaac searched for signs of an ancient swampland he had learned of in tales told by historians when they had imbibed too much ale. Off in the distance disguised as a mirage in the reflected head of the landscape, he could see a circular structure. As he approached this structure, pillars of marble became clearer; as did his mind and spirit.\n\nIsaac had found his peace. But with this peace, he had also found power. The Sacred Pillars, as they had once been known to story-tellers long passed, were support for a temple of antiquity constructed at the convergence of the known great ley lines. Feeling at home and bonded to the lands, Isaac settled down to start a peaceful life. With the passing of time, Isaac continues to hone his skills of a Geomancer, while learning to tame the chaotic, pure power of the great ley lines."} +{"id": "a9299c02-077e-434a-86bf-82db62ddbada-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T19:11:04.373", "backgroundColor": "#e8930b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf4V9V8iYZSe8SPtR7T7k4Qa2ymhzxd11bNdq1kittDbs", "txHash": "0x542cc776827f7dcd503b4a5867eb0335a7fa5cb6b38c89d0a1a24a46de096287", "createdAtBlock": 15226314, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPcD1yoJmVrLqPYhK81fLGrHxfYwypzJbaxX9xs1a6uPc", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "# Tabitha and the Forgotten Orphanage\n\nIn the early twilight of that eventful day, wisps of mist rose through the meadows and willow branches. In the distance, only the peaks of the snow-capped mountains could be seen through the haze.\n\nThe little village on the edge of a sprawling and musty-smelling trout pond was a pitiful sight. Luck didnt come here for a long time and it was to stay that way for a long time to come. It was enchanted and the remaining residents shuddered when they thought back to the events of the past few years.\n\nFirst came the great plague, slow and creeping. No one realized the danger until it was too late. And then came death.\nAnd this small village was not the only one of its kind that fate had horribly afflicted.\nMany villages and entire towns and cities had fallen prey to the insidious disease.\n\nIt just sneaked up upon its victims and those initially thought they were only having a bad day. Some had a runny nose, others had a mild cough or a stabbing headache. But nothing too onerous. After a few days, sometimes weeks, things got better and people went back to their jobs. All well. Back to the fields, back to the forges and workshops. They met at markets and in taverns and had a good time. Drank beer from the mug and ate meat from the plate. Together, as if nothing happened."} +{"id": "a9299c02-077e-434a-86bf-82db62ddbada-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T19:11:04.373", "backgroundColor": "#e8930b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf4V9V8iYZSe8SPtR7T7k4Qa2ymhzxd11bNdq1kittDbs", "txHash": "0x542cc776827f7dcd503b4a5867eb0335a7fa5cb6b38c89d0a1a24a46de096287", "createdAtBlock": 15226314, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPcD1yoJmVrLqPYhK81fLGrHxfYwypzJbaxX9xs1a6uPc", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "But then, much later, out of nowhere and violently, it came back as if it had never left the body at all. Hidden in the deep innards, biding its time. The fever started spreading. The worst and most terrible thing was the cough and then the feeling that the cough could no longer escape from the body, but also that no new air would enter the vaults of the chest.\nPanting and squeaking, the wretches craved a glassful of emptiness, but nothing more than a straw-thin stream of life could be gained. Once, twice and nevermore. It hurt, it burned and the eyes bulged. The pour souls turned blue and gasped until life left them and they just slipped out from where they lay into the life after.\n\nA whole region, full of villages, towns and communities suddenly became very quiet. Except for the whimpering cries of the countless children who were left behind and now orphaned.\n\nBecause the curse it must have been sent by a dark and powerful dark summoner, only struck the residents who were of age and made them die miserably, slowly and without chance of survival.\nWhere the curse came from and who brought it over the land, nobody in the land of forgotten runes knows yet.\n\n\n\n## A few Hoovlecks away...*\n\n\n\nCome here, you old mare!! Jingle-Jangle! Move your hooves. I havent got all day. I had a vision, a dream and I have the feeling that an adventure is about and we have be in the midst of it. cried Tabitha, after finishing her sturdy breakfast of oatmeal and fried egg and stepping outside the door of her cozy litte hut in the swampy Marsh.\n\n\n\n...to be continued.\n\n*Refer to the lore of Jingle Jangle the Tranquil\n\n\n###################################"} +{"id": "a9299c02-077e-434a-86bf-82db62ddbada-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T19:11:04.373", "backgroundColor": "#e8930b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf4V9V8iYZSe8SPtR7T7k4Qa2ymhzxd11bNdq1kittDbs", "txHash": "0x542cc776827f7dcd503b4a5867eb0335a7fa5cb6b38c89d0a1a24a46de096287", "createdAtBlock": 15226314, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPcD1yoJmVrLqPYhK81fLGrHxfYwypzJbaxX9xs1a6uPc", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "*Refer to the lore of Jingle Jangle the Tranquil\n\n\n###################################\n\nMore stories can be found at https://tabitha.wtf/category/lore/\n\nThank you Magus Wazir of the Mount for letting me add you to the story!\n\nTo follow Tabitha around feel free to add her to your Twitter friends at [https://twitter.com/tabitha_6154\n]()"} +{"id": "e9f07901-e297-4f14-b75e-05f8f593d45c-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:42:51.687", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbmpNXaEsHt6zVMyqPne9AHqm2cThXEph4JNRQwMXeyQ4", "txHash": "0xf33e65f885ca924c9de7762cc88ab9564cc95a5509a983f94b43f44238fc72b4", "createdAtBlock": 15323116, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1936, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Aurelia Demolisher of Muscle Mountain", "text": "# Aurelia Demolisher of Muscle Mountain\n\n_One had better die fighting against injustice than die like a dog or a rat in a trap.\nIda B. Wells_\n\nI was not born as a warrior, but Im from a mining town and there you gotta be born tough; tons of heavy work in the dark, the dirt and the heat build us strong and resilient. Our mines were not easy at all but the reward was generous, that was our doom, the stories of our prosperity runned fast to the ears of the most infamous thieves, we knew it so we started improving our army with instruction and proper guns and armor, sadly even with our shiny guns of the most powerful steel our people still werent the best in the art of war, we were still an easy win for a well trained army.\n\nThis wasnt my case, quickly I developed great skills with the maze and I earned the title of Demolisher, I was proud and couldnt wait to be proved in real battle, sadly my desire became real in matter of weeks, and the result was total humiliation and the lost of our city, the ones who couldnt scape were murder with no hesitation. I swear revenge there wasnt anything else in my mind after that day.\n\nAfter a year of preparation I had a team and a plan, we werent enough to properly reconquer our home but I had a plan to sabotage and destroy the whole mountain, if our town and our mines wouldn't be ours, wouldnt be of anyone else. Theres no greatness in looted land so we didnt have any kind of compassion for any of them and started our plan."} +{"id": "e9f07901-e297-4f14-b75e-05f8f593d45c-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:42:51.687", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbmpNXaEsHt6zVMyqPne9AHqm2cThXEph4JNRQwMXeyQ4", "txHash": "0xf33e65f885ca924c9de7762cc88ab9564cc95a5509a983f94b43f44238fc72b4", "createdAtBlock": 15323116, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1936, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Aurelia Demolisher of Muscle Mountain", "text": "The plan was simple, at least for us who were the ones that built the town and the mine. We got explosives and we went for the main holders of the foundations of the mine and the mountain itself. We did it at the night and we were a little group just seven well trained ex-miners, no one knows those lands as we do, so wasn't that hard for us, we placed the explosives and went out fast, sadly not all of us make it and three of our guys were stopped to check their identities. The whole plan was in danger, there was no time, we only got that chance, so I decided to start the explosions even with them in there. The rest of the group didnt agree, but my plan worked and now its the grave of all the invaders and the rest of our team Thats how I got my title Aurelia Demolisher of Muscle Mountain and Im still so proud of it."} +{"id": "67459e7a-3c43-4397-93b0-3344d5fbbe18-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:17.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaxy4ttXY4ZjtL9hk2XNveoVi9Dw3uXENExK8vSrkywwL", "txHash": "0xefc103dcc52242bd362736ef0608776a5621280ba189eac95b607043b3f8056f", "createdAtBlock": 14154489, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3905, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Devon of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Alchemist Journal Magazine Review \nof Enchanter Devon's Potion of Life\n\n1,0 de 5 ESTRELLAS! - by Benito Montoya\n\nAn Unmitigated Piece of Crap!!!!\n\nCompra verificada - traducido a ingles\n\nThis do nothing for me the hand. Potion of Life? Life? I lost my sword hand in a duel, i quaffed zee potion of life from Enchanter Devon, confident in renewal.. \n NOTHING!!! Life?? LIFE! You keep using this word.. I do not think it means what you think it does.. I barely feel tingle in hand. \n\nOK, I give one star because really tasted great and was quite refreshing on what was a very hot day on the pitch.\n\nEDIT **** hand grew back 2 days later. Not changing review."} +{"id": "4ad1fdce-51c6-44a1-a732-a27769cc202b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:45:36.64", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUjXC7VR2rR7tSnkF3GKKpNvmqXBy1w9h5aF8KphAdcF", "txHash": "0x62a7bc33c2a062f72f0e282473145b505b086fe3e0b3080c893fc4a4ca0f73f6", "createdAtBlock": 15323129, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1851, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Warden Dispatcher of Rats", "text": "# Warden Dispatcher of Rats\n\n_There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.\n Ernest Hemingway_\n\nIm Warden, its odd how my name was made to keep my servitude. I have never been a pawn, I have never been replaceable in our novelty, my class is far away from the ones to forget. For the same reason, cant been dumb or naive. At the end our titles are just part of this game of power, so reason will be always aware of our madness. Don't ask me about it, what is it? Am I Plato? Im sure Im not, but let me tell you, that in all the edge of life youll be aware that simple answers are always closer to the truth.\n\nIm not a superstar in my community, but for the same reason I kept myself dangerous to my enemies. What do you think about dealing with an unknown enemy? Im pretty sure it would be a bigger threat, the unknown, knows how to mess with our mind, especially if you are as lethal as me. Ill be lying if I tell you that my hopes and dreams are not full of the submission and death of my enemies, my plans are accurate and have no vainglory, Ill never undervalue an enemy. Believe if Im killing you, Ill measure every single way to take you down. Also be proud, I wont waste my time in a meaningless life, its almost a gift to feel my deathly blade on your flesh, it will mean that a rat like you had matter in this world, even being trouble to our greater cause."} +{"id": "4ad1fdce-51c6-44a1-a732-a27769cc202b-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:45:36.64", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUjXC7VR2rR7tSnkF3GKKpNvmqXBy1w9h5aF8KphAdcF", "txHash": "0x62a7bc33c2a062f72f0e282473145b505b086fe3e0b3080c893fc4a4ca0f73f6", "createdAtBlock": 15323129, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1851, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Warden Dispatcher of Rats", "text": "Im Warden Dispatcher of rats, but don't forget that for all of you, the rats are beyond your possibilities, feel proud to be in the hunt, try as hard as you can, not for win, because its impossible, but try to stay on top of your game, dont let your last breath as a example of mediocrity and despair."} +{"id": "dcf2d0b1-25c4-413e-b3bc-38c982e75e79-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:59:29.869", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbjgwrKcE2NctFaJDFhNexM1u5JWusCigffC5y1jrtnp8", "txHash": "0x4e95db7b6d3b7ab4594fe9a156670cdc756a79dfaf520040500247333831a9db", "createdAtBlock": 15323190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4373, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Diana Conqueror of Goblin Town", "text": "# Diana Conqueror of Goblin Town\n\n_\"Only the dead have seen the end of war.\"\n Plato _\n\nLet me tell you a little about my title, not because it has a meaning, just because it is as vain as death itself and reminds me that my conquests are meaningless to my soul but sadly that's what matters in this world. War was always part of my life, theres not much more than this thirst of blood, frenesi and the urges for power. I have never had a title, the only one that was given to me was conqueror of goblin town and in that moment I was already a slave. \n\nThat taught me that youll never have a title to protect your own. It is not a shame itself, but Im sure my glory is far from it. At the end just remind me that every time I thought I reached real glory, was just a battle for someone else and a bit of oxygen for staying alive, it was just me desperate trying to subsist. Thats how I knew the elite was given in a path of knowless and hypocrisy and accepted for the ones that have lost any kind of judgment. I was that kind of man when I got my title, but now I know I want more than this, I deserve it and I will fight for it."} +{"id": "dcf2d0b1-25c4-413e-b3bc-38c982e75e79-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:59:29.869", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbjgwrKcE2NctFaJDFhNexM1u5JWusCigffC5y1jrtnp8", "txHash": "0x4e95db7b6d3b7ab4594fe9a156670cdc756a79dfaf520040500247333831a9db", "createdAtBlock": 15323190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4373, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Diana Conqueror of Goblin Town", "text": "Im from a proud race that was conquered long time ago, we kept a bit of our dignity becoming their warriors, the front line in their more suicidal campaings in the south of our lands, we knew the lands and we are firce, so we are useful, but beyond that, we werent more worth it than a arrow crossing the chest of their enemies. I was chosen to slain and submit the Goblin Mountain, I knew them and we had tried to conquer them before, now our lines were stronger and our thirst for blood was inconmensurable, they were though but couldn't resist us for long, at the 8th night I bringed from their throne in the top of the mountain the head of the Goblin King. not for our people but for the ones that have done the same for us, what a shame.\n\nI have left those days behind, I have used that power and recognition to bring back the dignity to my people, get my pride back. I know theres more beyond this and the horizon looks bright, Ill get what I really deserve. Im here for freedom and there is no greatness in servitude. Lets be worthy, I know our lives are for sale, but we are going to steal them from their cold dead bodies."} +{"id": "fb1e114b-5be1-45a1-b186-5bf701214979-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:22.8", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQmsJnrtPfTpP7Q1geBpcgNWVUF95veRGbQQLfq4aYUh", "txHash": "0x930a9c8fd66ddc7a09696d9788f37ee1b12c4811967a0e2def3aa4314ea8df1f", "createdAtBlock": 14167075, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4601, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Nixie of the Moors", "text": "Beyond the quantum shadows, between the thorn and goblin town, lay the blazing moors, adequately named for an incident involving an infamous pyromancer named Nixie. You never know when you will cross paths with a wizard. \n\nA group of goblin traders traversing the moors with their good in tacts were unfortunate enough to cross paths with Nixie on a bad day. The goblin traders dug their own graves, and they say that portion of the moors continue to burn a bright green till this very day. \n\nThe traders served as an example to all to steer clear of any cloaked figures accompanied by a swamp bullfrog with a menacing croak."} +{"id": "f3275f01-a895-48c8-a5a7-93ead4078782-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:38.947", "backgroundColor": "#4046ad", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdvz6ZsAy1YaQGx6YpQJAQ1qYVHwWk2gsdvih6Z8CHuXt", "txHash": "0x785c14e32330b9e18fe8b546941dbb6382a5059b446dcc7e05ec18f8d2d0308a", "createdAtBlock": 15046833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3377, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gurgo Belligerent of Brown-Hat Wizards", "text": "# The Lore of Gurgo\n\nGurgo resides in Goblin Town with his brother Moka. With dreams of one-day becoming a political leader, he can often be found making inspirational speeches to non-wizard folk. Gurgo believes magic is unnecessary, and that all things can be achieved through technology and hard-work.\n\nGurgo is inspired by his highly intelligent brother and wants to celebrate ducks, a term used to describe proud warriors like himself who dont need magic to accomplish great things. Moka and Gurgo have plans to start The Duck March, a celebration of non-wizard folks. He is currently recruiting."} +{"id": "e751d458-664f-4c51-9fea-72ed04163242-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:42.004", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAgqrKsDQpdut7GztM7yPkyLAVLqJtpSUgq2uRgkrbKR", "txHash": "0x08c22261fb34fb1ae3c8660c64cb8c6978518ddba9afe41fa5de7f9673eb9fa4", "createdAtBlock": 14155095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4285, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Rumpleskin of the Capital", "text": "Rumpleskin makes the best magic weapons in the Runiverse. So good, Death himself hired him to make HIS scythe. Rumbleskin works his runeforge every day with his ghostly cat Lilith. Unfortunately, if you're seeking an epic weapon, you're probably out of luck - such is his reputation, Rumpleskin chooses his customers, and not the other way around."} +{"id": "4f9b55c1-7068-4d53-ab4f-74ba508d1aaa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:57.635", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW2pxan7Bic4qpyDPb25SJ3cab3SkmN6hvnEvKktNe6hU", "txHash": "0x6ebd7027e9054343cae5e8fe87d0a9efc9cee6964a3e5420b31de8cfbbf1f85a", "createdAtBlock": 14161113, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5351, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Pumlo of the Hills", "text": ">...\n\n>breathe\n\n>breathe\n\n>breathe\n\n**IT WILL BE DONE**\n\n>eyes open\n\n>darkness\n\n>cave?\n\n>speak\n\n>no voice\n\n>speak\n\n>still no voice\n\n>dream?\n\n>pinch arm\n\n>pain\n\n>not dream\n\n>look around\n\n>faint light\n\n>walk into light\n\n>leave cave\n\n>strange land\n\n>plane of magic\n\n>must prepare\n\n**CROSS THE RIVER**"} +{"id": "4087465c-9cd8-45a0-a767-4179e6e61dbc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:58.456", "backgroundColor": "#56201d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYxP8t5f1iDSgE5FAtP4VaCALYE5Uzx7oJzp4ERSu6Wrg", "txHash": "0x969ae027654942b07561ec681849494e230c1d3c3ed709ac6f945d177e0e8b25", "createdAtBlock": 14161611, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2906, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Basil of the Mist", "text": "Im a wizard, Im a warlock,\nIm a wonder of the age.\nIm a sorcerer, magician,\nprestidigitator, mage.\n\nI can change into a chicken,\nor perhaps a purple pig.\nI can wave my wand and, presto,\nIm a waffle with a wig.\n\nWith the power in my pinky\nI can burst like a balloon\nor transform into a tiger\nwith the head of a baboon.\n\nIf I wiggle on my earlobe\nor I knock upon my knee\nI become a dancing doughnut\nor a turtle in a tree.\n\nJust a simple incantation\nand I deftly disappear,\nwhich I never should have done\nbecause Ive been this way all year.\n\nAnd despite my mighty magic\nIm impossible to see,\nfor I never learned the spells I need\nto turn back into me."} +{"id": "502a997a-67a7-436d-ba09-1dff89627373-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:11:25.58", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNXiNd9DqcM9ZeQhJTkfu8Z4Q5CwndB74XtvXzMgepFHJ", "txHash": "0x8b459d9f8521ee51b828b46ea01ae168733b7911fcd7c300512c35ec110b3618", "createdAtBlock": 15323246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9255, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Sharif Knockout of the Hall", "text": "# Sharif Knockout of the Hall\n\n_The true ethical test is not only the readiness to save the victims, but also - even more, perhaps - the ruthless dedication to annihilating those who made them victims.\n Slavoj iek _\n\nMy history is not about revenge, its actually about justice, and for the same reasons is way more violent than a simple murder or torture history. The clue here is that the act of violence must purge and redempt all of us. Its the journey to send them all to hell, where they belong. My name is Sharif Knockout of the Hall, and this is the history of how brutal justice must be.\n\nI was born and raised in a little nation, barely powerful, barely nationalist, barely aware of their own social fabric, barely aware of freedom. Might be nostalgia but when you realize you lost the base of your existence, in terms of community and individuality you start guessing what did they leave to you? Is there any existence left beyond our community and our individuality? The answer is pretty simple, slavery. Its funny how they believe freedom and community are dichotomous, its funny how servilism is part of their progress, its lame how the slaves have agree with them. Heatread should rise in coherence with this corruption, coherence its a matter of dignity and progress.\n\nIm from the streets of a dystopian city in the desert, the mecha of industry and services, factories and enterprises with incredibly high utilities and makers of commodities of all kinds that are exported to all around the world. And as happens in this kind of urban places also it has the highest levels of inequality; concentration of capital might give faster results in matter of getting more money, mainly because our education has a lack of teamwork beyond vertical standards, and in the best scenario this makes a world of ships and shepherds, but as usually happens it became into a city of sharks where you cant trust anyone."} +{"id": "502a997a-67a7-436d-ba09-1dff89627373-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:11:25.58", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNXiNd9DqcM9ZeQhJTkfu8Z4Q5CwndB74XtvXzMgepFHJ", "txHash": "0x8b459d9f8521ee51b828b46ea01ae168733b7911fcd7c300512c35ec110b3618", "createdAtBlock": 15323246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9255, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Sharif Knockout of the Hall", "text": "The situation got worse and worse, hunger and misery was the common denominator in the lower classes, but they were raised in apathy so they replicate it. At some point in my youth I decided that it must stop, so I started to organize reunions with some people that think like me, the idea was to change their mentality with community work and making stronger and friendlier their social tissue. Quickly we realize that in that precarity it was impossible to change their minds. We needed to start getting back some of the wealth that was produced by our city but never get in the hands of the ones that were part of that production. \n\nIt was winter and the famine was worse than ever, so we decided to rob a container of food to give to our people. The plan was a huge success or at least that was what we thought, but after a couple of daysof the hit, the mayor sent a message that this was totally unacceptable, told everyone in the country that our organization was a gang of rapists, robbers and terrorists, and that we had a conspiracy against him and all the other citizens. People started pointing us until one day the military started a operation that left no one alive, even people that had no relation with us was murderer just for being part of the streets. I was the only survivor of those years."} +{"id": "502a997a-67a7-436d-ba09-1dff89627373-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:11:25.58", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNXiNd9DqcM9ZeQhJTkfu8Z4Q5CwndB74XtvXzMgepFHJ", "txHash": "0x8b459d9f8521ee51b828b46ea01ae168733b7911fcd7c300512c35ec110b3618", "createdAtBlock": 15323246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9255, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Sharif Knockout of the Hall", "text": "I hid myself for a couple of years and started making a plan for revenge. I got handy with artifacts and magic, and soon made a powerfull bomb able to fit in my hand, took me years to have it done, but that let me depurate my plan. There was a ceremony in the main hall of the city where all the highest ranks in each field reunited, well that afternoon with a full audience the hall was knocked down by me and my explosives, many mortal victims, but that was my first statement and warning to all the ones that their greed made them a danger for life itself, and was that justice can come in a blinding burning light."} +{"id": "6f45e250-dcb5-47c1-af7f-df18735e2c66-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:59.277", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpHTH6YVxwB4NvddW9p1F3R75vqXtSabW5oJ2XKYeT3v", "txHash": "0xf7f04653980ccbc5dbee90d872a92f538358ef1f34d5e362bfe46e6d70750f63", "createdAtBlock": 14161692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2155, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbxvrj1innHcW9WCh9wZfpLjutHkuKbFs3xcLofTybud9", "name": "Chaos Mage Wolfram of the Valley", "text": "> # A Note from Wolfram of The Valley\n> This entry comes in excessively small print.\n\n___ I am Wolfram. Chaos Mage. Wielder of the hobgoblin's flame and master of glen and grove. Or so I was, for a time. I have now trapped myself within my own chaotic weavings. For as the chaos finds you, so too shall the chaos leave. This is my story.\n\nIn my times of travel I had become known as Wolfram of 'The' Valley. Though as the road-folk would have it, this was not as much of a \"The\" in the traditional usage as it was a \"The\" of the \"A\" sort. For I had no valley, but would be found in them often. As I find the peaks of mountains to be barren places. Quiet, desolate, and most egregiously orderly. Yet I digress.\n\nI had made a small stint amongst the crashing thrum of Dream Master Falls at this time, and the itch was scratching up and down my spine like a frenzied hawk. Things were too \"in place\" for me here, and as much as the inkpots and woodfire did for me the room had become all too square. So it was at this time I set off, leaving the door of that dreadful place open for some fastidious badger or the like, down into the great wild and towards The Fey. One can never expect the interworkings of a fey, and it was just what I needed to begin a new jaunt through the realm."} +{"id": "6f45e250-dcb5-47c1-af7f-df18735e2c66-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:59.277", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpHTH6YVxwB4NvddW9p1F3R75vqXtSabW5oJ2XKYeT3v", "txHash": "0xf7f04653980ccbc5dbee90d872a92f538358ef1f34d5e362bfe46e6d70750f63", "createdAtBlock": 14161692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2155, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbxvrj1innHcW9WCh9wZfpLjutHkuKbFs3xcLofTybud9", "name": "Chaos Mage Wolfram of the Valley", "text": "I had made this walk many times, up and down the Dream Master River, and every stone and twig that had made it's way to some new place was a right treat. A cool wind that blew over my thoughts. That is what the chaos brings, that awareness of what is in place, and for a bright mind a constant itch that needs scratching. Even in some of the less tempermental woods I would find myself kicking up rocks and leaves, and on one occasion starting a wildfire that burned across the realm. Though that story is small and my legal consultation large so I will leave that be here and now. Though it did roll through my mind like a fine wine at the time.\n\nAt the time of finding myself at Dream Master Lake, amongst those smooth placid waters I nearly could not look. That water had always looked the same and forced my nausea from me at ever occasion. Irritating as it was, it had the best most chaotic waterfall in all the realm. Tit for tat I suppose. I covered my eyes and walked on, eight ditties of eight brass bands playing in my mind.\n\nIn the woods around Dream Master Lake I was happy again. The wind bent the trees and grass in most unexpected ways here, which calmed me be before my boring rush through the plains. Road-folk made requests of me as I crossed their path but I paid no mind to them. I had the itch and it was a bad one. I had no time for their trifle rashes and firey urines. I knew which folk would be there that day and what their requests would be and I couldn't bear to hear their blatherings. It was the fey I pursued."} +{"id": "6f45e250-dcb5-47c1-af7f-df18735e2c66-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:59.277", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpHTH6YVxwB4NvddW9p1F3R75vqXtSabW5oJ2XKYeT3v", "txHash": "0xf7f04653980ccbc5dbee90d872a92f538358ef1f34d5e362bfe46e6d70750f63", "createdAtBlock": 14161692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2155, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbxvrj1innHcW9WCh9wZfpLjutHkuKbFs3xcLofTybud9", "name": "Chaos Mage Wolfram of the Valley", "text": "It took no short walk for the beckons and calls of the road-folk to leave my ears. Their constant squeeling of my name had left me with the thought that perhaps it should be changed. It was while I walked and pondered this subject that I stumbled upon a fey, tall and slender and with a jack-o-lantern tottering around on his head. His skin was blue, and his robes long and black.\n\nWe sat in the forest and talked for a short while. It was during this conversation and through the fey's inquisitiveness that I became suddenly aware of own body. It changed so slowly it was hardly noticable. So, orderly. That chaotic itch began again, like beetles under the skin. My head and eyes grew hot and I scratched all over. At inquiry from the fey I explained myself. \n\nI did not see it then but I see it now in my mind's eye. That wicked grin within the shadows of the jack-o-lantern. He had made plans for this, he told me the solution was simple, he would transform me. \"Yes!\" I said, \"please!\" From his robes he revealed an albino long-nose shrew, something altogether peculiar and unseen. This shrew stood nearly to my waist and was as good a candidate as any to stop the itch. In moments the fey had me transformed.\n\nThe me I had known still stood though. Hunched and twittering it ran from the sunlight and squatted by the roots of a tree. I yelled but no words came out, I had not yet taught myself how to speak again. From my past body came the strange half-words of a shrew's mind. I turned to the fey but he had gone, his callous laugh fading in the wind."} +{"id": "6f45e250-dcb5-47c1-af7f-df18735e2c66-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:59.277", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpHTH6YVxwB4NvddW9p1F3R75vqXtSabW5oJ2XKYeT3v", "txHash": "0xf7f04653980ccbc5dbee90d872a92f538358ef1f34d5e362bfe46e6d70750f63", "createdAtBlock": 14161692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2155, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbxvrj1innHcW9WCh9wZfpLjutHkuKbFs3xcLofTybud9", "name": "Chaos Mage Wolfram of the Valley", "text": "I moved my little hands to cast a spell, my voice screeching in a mousy way. The chaos had left me, and with it my magic.\n\nNow I study the ways I may turn myself back, my old self locked as a pet. I think I may be able to train him to use magic, train him to change us, but I have my doubts. \n\nI eye the sacred flame. Shining in the black beads of my shrew eyes. \n\nI wonder... if it could change us back...?\n\nI dash the thought from my mind."} +{"id": "c72f6f78-be99-40b1-a338-ff25d33c2cbf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:18.966", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY7REwE3u7ZtH8hdTp21G4BgP89xfcNw3qFmWiytXJH7v", "txHash": "0xeb32daaf199b4a460f669774033c29e6c4b5698420ea8489731ced39fc51f340", "createdAtBlock": 14939874, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 518, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Nicolas of the Tower", "text": "# Battle Mage Nicolas of the Tower\n\n_Nicolas' story is being written_"} +{"id": "8b91f713-ff64-401e-b680-0d267e8d9937-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:00.177", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbihu7CXrSUUwqGQkofprAHEjbqyE6Qde74RLyECK378g", "txHash": "0x33a265ec5baa83672c599238df1e3b528ed0484ce0849d5aa127e46d05f14e95", "createdAtBlock": 14161840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6974, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Kalo of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "*Crooooak!*\" \n\n\"Yes I see Kalo strokes his vocal sac, speaking to his golden toad, Hermie. \n\nKalo translates for the group, Hermie says the Rune is just beyond the treeline.\n\n***CRRRROOOOAAK!!!*** Hermie jumps high into the air, startlingly.\n \nKalo has recruited Hermie the toad countless times to help him search for Runes among the sacred pillars. Is it possible Kalo has finally found one?"} +{"id": "62110d36-53d6-40d3-841d-038c4d750194-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:01.017", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUV7m5DxNRnxbizjYx88xd96NsUnQgz9ERRtagvKHnCfV", "txHash": "0xaf83864efdf938091e591de7c1c2cbd4f956be710658e849ea8584f287a90530", "createdAtBlock": 14161905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 271, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hippo the Lazy", "text": "After Hippos courageous efforts in the first and second Runic Wars, the valiant pony retired to enjoy the more idle parts of life. \n\nThese are his tales."} +{"id": "739e545d-ade0-4ff2-b985-d4986efca802-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:10.858", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVfL5uJmRzJjepQSBVP2kxoTJryxatJMypvBAeb3cbzK", "txHash": "0x9f522ea071e4a490fe3efe2e5ae096631be1aab5d67d375a8db354ab648b737a", "createdAtBlock": 14163317, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2188, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kazud ", "text": "A scholar since my youth, I was always more curious than even my most patient teachers cared for. In many ways, I am still that same curious child. I am all that is left of my family line, but I have rejected my surname and want to start a new, anonymous life without any suffocating family reputation. Using my brilliant mind and curious spirit, I have accumulated more wealth than any wizard could ever need. I continue to send my loyal blackbird Sanskrit out searching for my next project. He recently returned from a scouting the Event Horizon with exciting news.."} +{"id": "245afae7-c0f3-40ff-843f-b0a7a638ade9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:01.675", "backgroundColor": "#f8e8e7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRzUhvaJMhRng1aU8M7JnzTZ8tkNbsPryqBDY5tMvkoMB", "txHash": "0x4455d155e5c5f2c961a8e82bc95af933fd39cd177833b949bd423fb160bb6c6f", "createdAtBlock": 14162032, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 570, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWqpcqb4KtNadZKWcFD4AzDCWwsbVHtjrUrazmBNQWaj8", "name": "Cryptomancer Cedric of the Wood", "text": "> *The page is singed on all sides, and coated in an orange ooze that is warm to the touch. One particularly burnt edge dissolved in a semi-circular border, as if something took a bite. One quickly scribbled list fits between the goo.*\n\nRemember to call mother, missed birthday\n\n\nClose conduit to Nasty Town before company comes over.\n\n\nSend invoice to @wizard4589 for the custom cypher."} +{"id": "3bcc1327-0b4c-459b-9550-077c80bd216b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:02.413", "backgroundColor": "#faf2fe", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8JiCUmdJ34GWSZMEE5ijEmmCHH2jL4jam9S8m6JU8cc", "txHash": "0xe7f6de5340d4e1ce21861c0981782f693761e481c473498c591f1d3bdef02312", "createdAtBlock": 14162140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8801, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Tundror of the Hall", "text": "# Prophecy of a Trickster Prince\n\nThere shall come a cunning child from a certain home, a trickster but a boon. A voice of power will emanate and enchantments over both subject and object will flow. \n\nThere will be a mentor, a mother, who will guide the child through travail and tribulation.\n\nThere will be a trick over the trickster, and seven-hills-crossed, three-mages-met, and a snake set upon a course."} +{"id": "9f991861-8517-4f40-939d-3e07e6f23c0b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:10.296", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNXr1MX3Fd8tpPeP9yfrvFt5nFRkEPAXJuN3x8wCbG4gi", "txHash": "0xa3a6f274d729010230096b075937ef5941bbdc5ae189b482250fa023445d9eac", "createdAtBlock": 15034126, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14709, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alesssandra Slasher of all that is Evil", "text": "Slash slash slash, slashing hard but the wasp was sharper, cry cry cry like wine flowing into the sky, do you understand the realms that I come from I will show you pain I will show you life."} +{"id": "ddcd4e92-0af6-4bfc-9ead-b941a23fea19-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-12T22:16:59.411", "backgroundColor": "#4f405c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUB6mjE9JzvKNYZTyGwafVHTNJEhYe71C5wzs8fzy2sLP", "txHash": "0x4a4e877478afbf5372b59872b85257e78aa332ef9ba79ab0b0cf252e815df2a5", "createdAtBlock": 15329624, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1158, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Ravana of the Desert", "text": "***The monk rings the bell to beckon his bird who has been released from the jaws of PROOF after the whisper of the CC0 incantation.***"} +{"id": "60a4dd15-b89a-439e-b483-5e64ad1189f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:03.274", "backgroundColor": "#c0b78b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNouF3CqkrWoW5CnvrcWKYPbAXXEyz9x9RpY3Dz2SauuT", "txHash": "0x0f511cea054c58d4450f446180afcbad0b11615c9279831cd00a18b0c6d16caa", "createdAtBlock": 14162305, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Thana of the Carnival", "text": "# The Mother, The Mentor\n\nSince accepting the calling of the Green and the death of her parents, Thana had a quiet life tending a simple garden, hunting rabbit and small game when the season permitted, and delighting in the gossip of the trees. \n\nThe crystalline waters of the stream near her home gurgled uncannily this day, however. Some movement, a change, had begun and the bubbles were clearly upset, but Thana couldn't learn more as the accent was simply too thick. She was better with treespeak. \n\nHer next few weeks of quiet evenings and crickets at night would be the last she enjoyed for some time, as the cogs of time slipped into their due positions once again, and players would be called to a game."} +{"id": "64b80a26-ce42-46e6-b03f-ac0cadc1e12a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T01:08:37.989", "backgroundColor": "#000f10", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW2PxrrKM4vEFrSPNXWKD6nyGPndhR12TnXUwWz62zYtr", "txHash": "0xcfa23fe06f6d93154512186b645efd897cf97e0d48729046b928b2c67034bfad", "createdAtBlock": 15150677, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2736, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fang Crumbler of the Arena", "text": "# The Doors of Perception\n\n\n### We live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always and in all circumstances we are by ourselves. The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone. Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ecstasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain. By its very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude. Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies -- all these are private and, except through symbols and at second hand, incommunicable. We can pool information about experiences, but never experiences themselves. From family to nation, every human group is a society of island universes. \"\n\n *Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception; written under the influence of mescaline.*\n\n---\n\nFang, Crumbler of the Arena, is here to guide cult members on a mescaline journey towards their higher selves that they may have lost along the way or, perhaps, never knew. As a mescaline warrior, he is a warrior of the mind. This is not about ego death, exactly. We need our egos to survive. It is more of a placing of the ego as it fits in the workings of the Runiverse and beyond.\n\nWill you seize the opportunity to level up?\n\nOr will you take another blue pill?\n\nIt's up to you.\n#"} +{"id": "6a240d40-ae9f-464b-b350-55452d7a8ac9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:03.938", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1YnCKDn28fN8oyQoDaTMXVEP3ap6J6qcrTV7bjN3cSV", "txHash": "0x88e6ae7f8bab2bbc60fc3d4b304fe52dd983003e0f6e7db8ff4d69c468e1e6f1", "createdAtBlock": 14162629, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3221, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Galatea of the Hills", "text": "# Charmer Galatea of the Hills\n\nCharmer Galatea\n\nKnows how to disarm ya\n\nBy waving her staff to and fro\n\nStay clear of the stream in the hills\n\nThe one that brings chills\n\nBetween a rat and a giants toe."} +{"id": "138e199e-0a0f-4ced-b96d-5333e3d2d7d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:12.777", "backgroundColor": "#45311c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQYk7uHfDbGxukygADfVnhx7eKQSJw65tVqGaWVSg5gXk", "txHash": "0x988d960f54f48f5bcb49728a26c2a3abf56b1ee3b642050317276fabdcce15d1", "createdAtBlock": 13825144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Hothor of the Lake", "text": "# Prologue \n\n\tA spyglass assisted view from Blue Wizard Bastion to the southwest reveals just the sparse beginnings of the forest that cloaks Dream Master Lake. Just behind the first groves of trees, a peaceful village and monastery sit in quiet contemplation. But it was not always a quiet, nor tranquil place to contemplate ones existence. Around a decade ago, a pair of blue wizard researchers eagerly put their new brainwave technology to the testwithout the recommended Ethics Committee approval. \n\n\n\tA series of magical relays were placed leading into the forest, and from a makeshift laboratory outside the bastions walls, the wizards began their experiments. Quickly growing eager to test their theories, they looked for a forest creature that could provide them with the quality of data that they desired. Recklessly, they decided on one of the most intelligentthe great owl. Some incantations later, a set of !magic program functions along with some test commands were uploaded and installed within any owl near their relay. The upload succeeded; and the owls awoke to foreign thoughts operating in their conscious awareness.\n\n\n\tThe stubborn owls immediately set themselves to the task of understanding this persistent nagging. The wizards collected and analyzed the data, and the owls sat in meditation, interrupted only by brief, inexplicable periods of mental stress. The wizards congratulated themselves, and were excited to attempt their next exploit. Unfortunately for them, their code was poorly optimized for the owl runtime environment, and certainly not lightweight. Determined to return to their normal state, the Great Owls refused to accept this new normal."} +{"id": "138e199e-0a0f-4ced-b96d-5333e3d2d7d3-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:12.777", "backgroundColor": "#45311c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQYk7uHfDbGxukygADfVnhx7eKQSJw65tVqGaWVSg5gXk", "txHash": "0x988d960f54f48f5bcb49728a26c2a3abf56b1ee3b642050317276fabdcce15d1", "createdAtBlock": 13825144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Hothor of the Lake", "text": "One by one, each owl focused inward and discovered the logical structures the wizards magic had created within. What they saw was puzzlingtroubling, even; and yet, they realized they had already adapted. Taking back executive control, the owls disabled the intrusive processes dedicated to sudden and inefficient data transmission, and each began to explore the depths of its own psyche. When they discovered the functions for owl-to-owl networking, a real renaissance occurred. Suddenly, they were communicating and building shared knowledge. Soon, they started performing cluster computing. Decimating the local rodent population for the required calories, the owls finally succeeded and cast their first decentralized spell. Fully exposing the network of magical relays, the meddlers lab appeared on their conscious awareness. They started channeling yet another spell\n\n\n\tThe wizards had gone back to the bastion to enjoy their success, but returned to see their laboratory completely reclaimed by nature. All their electromagical equipment, full of their precious data, was destroyed: split by roots and half-buried in a layer of fresh soil. A few young trees strained against the ceiling, threatening to bring the whole place down! The amateur wizards fled, fearing that they had angered some powerful spirit of the forest. When they returned to the bastion, their university professor greeted them at the gatesapparently a little bird had told him something! The experiments would not be continued, at least not by those two."} +{"id": "138e199e-0a0f-4ced-b96d-5333e3d2d7d3-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:12.777", "backgroundColor": "#45311c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQYk7uHfDbGxukygADfVnhx7eKQSJw65tVqGaWVSg5gXk", "txHash": "0x988d960f54f48f5bcb49728a26c2a3abf56b1ee3b642050317276fabdcce15d1", "createdAtBlock": 13825144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Hothor of the Lake", "text": "Back in the forest, all was calm for many years. The owls had no reason to change their ways; the forest had everything they needed and was their home. They spent years pondering the nature of their being and the Runiverse they inhabited. However, as their horizons expanded, so too did their fear. Some owls had dedicated themselves to divination in order to look out across the world; and the fearsome things they saw frightened them: the Quantum Shadow, the Psychic Leap, and all sorts of monsters of a nightmarish quality. Even humans, with their complex motivations, could be a threat.\n\n\n\tThese things worried the owls; but they were not powerless, and they also knew that they could make allies. Deciding to leave their mark on the worldcarve their rune upon the door, they prepared what would be their most powerful spell. For nearly a year they conjured, staking their magical essence into the wide circle of runes etching into the stone floor of the cleaning. Four owls, the most wise and dedicated to the cause, flew down and stood just inside the circle of runes, and the spell was cast. A great chain of sigils, bathed in a pillar of warm light, gently descended from the heavens to inscribe themselves into the runic circle. As the final seal landed into place, light engulfed the forest floorand no being, owl or otherwise, dared try to witness...\n\n\n\tWhen the night sky finally showed the stars once more, reopened eyes landed upon four great statues of polished stone. Their hopes and dreams made manifest, the owls retired from spellcasting and rested, waiting for their new friends to find their way home."} +{"id": "6a8f52fc-20cb-465d-b949-cedd31d96ce0-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-14T21:12:58.286", "backgroundColor": "#050017", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcJvLmjx8SdN7WRdD7SHtHQXXoxAk1qYcuAuXbtGd2XXU", "txHash": "0xf9cfce76317e12e0618745a2ee9b1d0c10fa0f1dbb03c8747edc8b15b5faa9f3", "createdAtBlock": 15380704, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 213, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shamus the Brave", "text": "Glimmering rays of the full moon shone upon a small knoll. The tall mounds of wood and leaves, around Shamus, danced in the harsh icy wind as snow began to fall. The burble of a nearby creek echoed throughout the grassland, and a fire crackled and hissed just above Shamus. The old wizard dismounted and tucked his magical staff into a pouch on the side of Shamus' saddle. He relieved himself of his footwear before tucking himself into the short dry grass of the hillside and propping his feet up by the fire. With a pipe in hand and his brim tucked over his wrinkled face, the wizard dozed off into a deep sleep. The growl of his snores kept Shamus awake, though Shamus had no sleep to waste. There was a long and arduous journey ahead of him."} +{"id": "d2d773b9-9959-448b-a88b-bf9fe378cd6d-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-14T21:08:46.473", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQy4ZRSnYyjfhZrLYZNcQiBm5xTshf3yraEuJBiFqpDzw", "txHash": "0x865219a31ce8b1027f44fa229ff17e071cc6791b60ff2feebbf4947670684a68", "createdAtBlock": 15593079, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7562, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "William Stabber of Rats", "text": "# William the Magic Warrior\n\n## A Humble Beginning:\n\n\nWilliam was an odd character. There was often an aura of mystery about him. * Legend had it that he was a great hero, endowed by the gods themselves. Though he seemed completely passable. Nothing of him seemed out of the ordinary and certainly not extraordinary. \n\nWilliam could be found on the fringes of The Fey. He often spent his day fishing, foraging in the forest and speaking with odd wizards that left him in a state of perceptual awe. He was in love with all magic and seemed intrinsically drawn to it. Though he did not posses magic himself. \n\nOn long excursions to nearby villages, William passed by many folk. Though never did he once see anyone whom particularly interested him. H was a solitary man, who preferred to keep to himself. He did not even feel connection to the many beast and critters of the fey, but rather, quite annoyed with them. \n\nWilliam had heard an ancient tale that seemed to speak of him. In his younger years the village astrologer had William's parents convinced that he was Wiltus, a legendary hero of the Runiverse, destined to be born soon. The village much anticipated his birth, hoping that it would be the event that put them on the map and opened up better trade opportunities. However, his birth cause much disappointment. \n\nAnd so, William worked as a mercenary. He would take jobs in slaying monsters or fighting in nearby skirmishes. He made a good warrior and he was satisfied with his way of life. \n\nEnd of Book I\n\n---\n---\n---"} +{"id": "d2d773b9-9959-448b-a88b-bf9fe378cd6d-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-14T21:08:46.473", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQy4ZRSnYyjfhZrLYZNcQiBm5xTshf3yraEuJBiFqpDzw", "txHash": "0x865219a31ce8b1027f44fa229ff17e071cc6791b60ff2feebbf4947670684a68", "createdAtBlock": 15593079, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7562, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "William Stabber of Rats", "text": "End of Book I\n\n---\n---\n---\n\n*An ancient manuscript in the Runiverse read:\n> In the early Years of the Monarch God, A-Tul slew Solan, God of Light, and in his act endowed three mortal men with his power. Shortly after A-Tul,God of Wrath, decended from Elysium to Adamah, becoming the mortal Illander. After the death of Illander and at the beginning of the Solar Years Adumek was born, the first of three mortals endowed by A-Tul. The last of these men was Osirion, Scorn of Adamah, born many thousand years after the death of Adumek, Smith of Azan. In the middle of these warriors was born Wiltus, known as William, he who slew Rattus.\n\nThis manuscript was believed to have been penned by the @wizard0 himself. Though it is not certain."} +{"id": "2108c530-eddf-4b0e-9a62-23c34d5312b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:50.788", "backgroundColor": "#091a0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVMmEzd7edntVzgie3qd2JbXnQHn2S3sWGBf12mw5XVMY", "txHash": "0xf220268e7826df5399ac0b4aad88fb71d20dad236d3fd26fa5db3ff7ebb4796c", "createdAtBlock": 15000194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a6cLOijRbBkKjzE8Y6-zOr4TCkdkvHt-CWJQL-b-8WBsuSTbQtH25DbZ125Jt-iCfKjMUADjWPZQDH_yufaPU6fmqfeQ5um9j2gv=w600", "name": "Sage Atlas of the Steppe", "text": "To the life ahead of me and my darling cat, Dorothy."} +{"id": "866d611d-d48c-4dde-a760-e94025d7141b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T00:26:45.129", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaszy6k4uwzABBWHSEspqNQZ4ydPKVC6oCVpwuP4VYKyR", "txHash": "0x94b63e25c98d2e4cd6f729009e0d5b353cb6511b950c6d5c3102e1af350d6bcb", "createdAtBlock": 15593086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 7562, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "William Stabber of Rats", "text": "Coming Soon..."} +{"id": "a012e35d-e9a3-4ab3-bbcd-2d57d0d25e61-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:08.531", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPmbzK5zQmUnWoc8FQCynyD3UwKAHFkgWsaezQ3NRkh3K", "txHash": "0x11b6d2ec1f816d9fb8567f91af99afeed63dde5607d7c946cae1357dd267ce29", "createdAtBlock": 14163194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3791, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Death Crow Jay of the Abandoned Waste", "text": "Ive had many lives. Some, I cant really even remember anymore. Some, Ill never forget. The one thing I do know is that I have no idea how this farghin' cat and I met. It just hangs around, zombified vomiting blood all the time. Its disgusting. Did I make that? Holy Tartarus. Thats just embarrassing work. Just know, I am a powerful undead raven who will fargh your shit up, respectfully. Just please ignore the cat, and we'll get along.. or not."} +{"id": "d26a15d6-6b2f-4c83-b2a6-7a111d0e2863-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:09.346", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZZkzkDMzUmLxvHthihm4LBvRreSozkgHuQmEXkE1JdT7", "txHash": "0x61c9346bc485f108cbb2a41c191506c0cb506eeaa88ae7c23d408abe34cd9e21", "createdAtBlock": 14163223, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5156, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Malcom of the Havens", "text": "What can I say, man? This cannabis potion ruuuuuules. After a few months of buying a LOT of it, I managed to figure out how to perfect it myself. I've worked on the recipe every day for the past 7 years. Its awesome, dude! It's by far the best in the Runiverse if I do brag. This sh!t literally slows down time and sends you out of body. My dope little pal Seether likes it too! \n\nIm thinking about spiking the punch at the next Runiverse Wizard Academy with it just to get everyone to relaaaax. Wouldnt that be so dope?"} +{"id": "ad875d39-d053-4f30-b99a-7c9bf476e495-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:14.665", "backgroundColor": "#290f0e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ95wm1XgR2grnWguQ2f5z8ATbcHaewehn1PCbVb3pF4y", "txHash": "0x1723ef24ac8c71b5218dc8a8b0b30b2434dd72965d559d1262bd9d6118de371f", "createdAtBlock": 14165774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 356, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Dante of Xanadu", "text": "# Dante loves the woods\n\nDante and his rat Nelson spend all of their time together outdoors. Laughing, jumping, playing, and casting spells in Xanadu was the best of time.\n\nThen, one day, he tripped over a dumb stick. He picked it up and chucked it into the woods, but Nelsn took off. He brought the stick back to Dante. Dante, not understanding, tossed it again. He didn't expect that Nelson wanted to play fetch, as rats don't typically like that game.\n\nWhen Nelson brought it back again, chittering, Dante took a second look.\n\nBut it wasn't any dumb stick, it was a _Dumb Stick_. He couldn't believe that he'd find such a item lost in the woods. Who had it belonged to? Where were they now? \n\nAll he knew was that that stick just boosted his attunement to 4/4, making him the strongest in his class.\n\nHe couldn't wait to tell his friends..."} +{"id": "79c5d932-f34e-457c-a45b-54aa2b49051f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:07.517", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdwicb7rBtMXwdnUkVE6EcZfzPU9C4WpdPdiGVwSMN5Wt", "txHash": "0x22a85756f12404c729744fd2620e503d202f5965439004bbe997f28010de7158", "createdAtBlock": 14163149, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5497, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Ophelia of the Undying Chill", "text": "In life, Ophelia was a powerful witch with an affinity for fire. She hails her magic from the Rune of Water, so you could say she was a bit of a rebel. She was devoted to the God of Tartarus and meant to bring him into the realm of the living, but instead joined him in the underworld of fire, where it is said her tongue stretches many meters, which is arousing to other revenants. Ophelia is quite sick of all the annoying catcalls, and if you're not careful, it is said she'll trip you with her tongue when you least expect it. \n\nAt least she still has her ember toad, Linguee to keep her head on... straight."} +{"id": "050faf3e-a573-4aaf-acce-ea1e21979507-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:18.496", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b16", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRCnUJDhUGBv9iA6PdH4WpNzHo4LfjQjskXgyAJKZmhRi", "txHash": "0xa4b888d1f259471fe413193e61e81f6be8c1e5cf3588ea8d4ab0beb9e1366369", "createdAtBlock": 14166827, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9659, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Eldritch Horror Azathoth of the Spike", "text": "# Champion of the Emerald Order \n\n\nI have been known by many names...\n\nBlind Idiot God. Nuclear Chaos. Daemon Sultan. Kraken.\n\nMaster calls me Thoth.\n\nFriends call me Ritch.\n\nThe worthy call me Deliverance.\n\nYou will call me Horror."} +{"id": "fe414d8b-2347-44ca-b8b1-003f1092af4f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:11.518", "backgroundColor": "#86a09f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTEtPfAV1hzNkjBLCCECdumeHGyZvPfGcYaXxEqXnxFfz", "txHash": "0xd98f62c15dc5934bbfc2f1f3c634f5185d24c9820809aaf305bcdde22b1be99a", "createdAtBlock": 14163515, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 28, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Matilda the Romantic", "text": "The age of Saturn has ended. A childhood spent frolicking in the lush wolds of the Elysian Fields as a filly will be cherished, but a new adventure is nigh. \n\nMatilda has become a mare, and her surveillance by stallions attest to her vigor and elegance. Any wizard or warrior who dares attempt to mount must have might, magic, and an acceptance that taming her may not ever be fully feasible.\n\nWith a whinny and a nicker, inhabitants of the secret tower sense the presence of a great steed indeed."} +{"id": "672b1fe2-1293-498c-8f9c-cbd3a1026e09-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:12.184", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcZRUpSb1BeE4hCprSdc5qxRRdpjXMwRjARGBuuUX6x9v", "txHash": "0x83cd21468b91b3ef1ac2c690e9c4ddcc3787ce939606c802acdbc1a81719630b", "createdAtBlock": 14164662, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3678, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Setsuko of the Palms", "text": "# Druid Setsuko of the Palms\n\nDruid Setsuko of the Palms wasn't always a Druid though Setsuko was from the Palms. Growing up in a desert environment of The Palms, life was harsh and when her father died when she was young, due to lack to simple availability of healers, she always vowed to ensure she will make a difference. However, the path to becoming a healer proved a lot harder than she expected...\n\nSetsuko's quest proved to be a long one. It took many years for her to finally gain the Rune of Mercury and even then it needed a receptacle to channel this power. As it turns out, a dumb stick was all it took in the end after trying out various fancy wands and staffs. Along with Kabuki mask as per the family tradition, Setsuko became the Druid she wanted to be, specialising in healing as per her childhood life ambition. And got a cat. Well, a sun cat. But Sunny does not like people talking about him so that's all we will say here.\n\nAnonymous."} +{"id": "9fe86b8d-8ff4-479a-903e-0c1a1e839e77-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:48.102", "backgroundColor": "#331548", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaKutW8wJ6Hrzz7rrUw1RQ6m3JEhbjcPrur22J8SA8za5", "txHash": "0x088733a9b57f347ff6d977adb2dcca0809c725d373948cfb562fd17fcd75faf7", "createdAtBlock": 14699029, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7136, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Angus of the Ice Abyss", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThe story of Lewd Revenant Angus of the Ice Abyss. \n\nOn December 24th, 2021 snow fell on the secret tower, a rumble in the distance. Then a whinny. From the Elysian Fields, a herd of 567 ponies appeared in the Forgotten Runiverse.\n\nA story we're all familiar with... But a crucial detail was lost in time. \n\nLewd Revenant Angus of the Ice Abyss sat accompanied by his zombie cat Rue... Watching and waiting for the right moment to strike and feast on their favorite meat... The Forgotten Runes Pony. \n\nWhat most Wizards do not know is that there were originally far more than 567 Ponies. It's been rumored that Lewd Revenant Angus of the Ice Abyss and his zombie cat have captured, tortured and eaten hundreds on their own.\n\nIf you encounter a zombie cat you must act quickly as Lewd Revenant Angus of the Ice Abyss is with out question... Nearby and unlike any other Forgotten Runes Souls."} +{"id": "b184553c-1c92-4188-962e-051ef5a783fd-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T15:55:38.328", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPhNvqi6eLzGBbTtwt6K5GPJdXq4yK3JPQcVMNYViuun", "txHash": "0xc688d3dba6b8a8cefa7ab96874cf1289e7ec784a6a608f7c9a114e4a632ba8bf", "createdAtBlock": 15346923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10001, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ3m6ZRusHJjAZoDaC9ZAt7D5JMSLp5Ag72rDU5tTQtN5", "name": "Radna Death of the Dark Sentinel", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Radna Death of the Dark Sentinel\n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "92045710-fdd0-4423-9421-b85af93c67ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T16:06:01.277", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPdvjMMB4bV4gdPWCQNpaFBBXfB5hpAAxoVTi7HdGMBgi", "txHash": "0x37d12a3e101f87f4c378b29a89e86ad9106b0a44d8f35fedbc96abae0cdb5f8d", "createdAtBlock": 15346969, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14756, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVCaJUeN16giQ8BLDy2iMV2wzDqpVRgd5fPGvNuT6GRwD", "name": "Blubert Eliminator of Brigands", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Blubert Eliminator of Brigands \n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "f7973972-8e39-44c4-a8a0-932e066d152e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:12.872", "backgroundColor": "#8e4428", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcVWZPfcUz4rFEV6V1czH3h9SZugLgad6QFte5ADr9orj", "txHash": "0xa3a159f4f0eab48139972c41cf348d1794842016e7132aac0d8f6a0146594247", "createdAtBlock": 14165704, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8393, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Celeste of the Hall", "text": "# Rescued\n\nA commoner had been watching the wizards, never knowing when he might befriend one of their number. Weeks passed, with no wizard catching his eye.\n\nUntil one day, he noticed a purple-haired magician and her cat, sitting amongst a crew of 80, she stood out.\n\nHe noticed, she was ... unique.\n\nOne of 33, her midas rod twinkling to his eye.\n\nIn a snap, he knew she was the one, and their adventure began."} +{"id": "436ea7ce-3985-4aa2-8aec-a937ab02958d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:16.673", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNY5jwqxkjJCazLDBg9zjYD2XRp1VYmTevTYRJU8PNrrf", "txHash": "0x0676cc44ae248e24d48e25e1d36c32c798c8aff5c8b0e4d952d536bddf59fed0", "createdAtBlock": 14166651, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7158, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfSpCtduQcMzLArgDSJx1fvqTGegkFgbPMoiumH5GDJQ5", "name": "Pyromancer Scorch of the Pit", "text": "*[Excerpts from the poetry tomes of Pyromancer Scorch of the Pit]*\n\nRumble bump crunch rip \nScarfle brumble snap sip \nSounds like monsters having dinner \nWon't you be our guest? \n \nIf you join we'll have some fun \nWe'll make nice memories \nWe have salad chips and dip \n \n...What were you thinking? \n \nPlease."} +{"id": "fa2aa4e8-3056-44b4-8f88-ee8af047f25d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:17.666", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXH5dFMESrhQ94dxfkD5Vu9yrt14u9eGr7qwnipQboHFx", "txHash": "0x19bfc3b678cb0fc3e48865c1ba726cff9c4c1d3b186c75a4f762a826ee6dcfc8", "createdAtBlock": 14166787, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9659, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Eldritch Horror Azathoth of the Spike", "text": "# Champion of the Emerald Order \n\nI have been known by many names.\n \nBlind Idiot God. Nuclear Chaos. Daemon Sultan. Kraken.\n\nMaster calls me Thoth.\n\nFriends call me Ritch. \n\nThe worthy call me Deliverance.\n \nYou will call me Horror."} +{"id": "fc717607-bec6-4161-9c5d-914d11b79d8b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T16:20:49.222", "backgroundColor": "#415413", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma7Kw4GueMT3bgZxbbXXc7njodpew1GC5vAXzp2qaXGDU", "txHash": "0x3d445733cbb118f1932c61554c3daf293dce2a554153a48c789c09554008b9f1", "createdAtBlock": 15347027, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14241, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chirk Impaler of Rogues", "text": "# Chirk, rogue impaling, and the application of imp farts. \n\nImpaling rogues was a tricky job at the best of times. Luckily though, Chirk was quite the expert at this niche field of skirmish. That expertise was a good thing really, given it was Chirk's responsibility to lead a small band of Kobolds in the recent tit-for-tat exchanges with the Goblin scumbags.\n\nMuch to the amazement of his little crew, a small flying object was cobbled together using bits of scrap metal, string and a few really sticky bogies. The key here, was the tiny imp that one of those clever old Wizard Kobolds managed to imprison inside the floating wotsit... just give the imp instructions, and they'll fly up REALLY high - like, 20 Kobolds high yeah? Then, whenever the Goblin bastards hove into view, the imp pushes out a really high pitched squeaky fart that can only be heard by nearby Kobold ears. Yes, EARS. Can't believe some eedjits actually think these things are horns. Honestly."} +{"id": "fc717607-bec6-4161-9c5d-914d11b79d8b-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T16:20:49.222", "backgroundColor": "#415413", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma7Kw4GueMT3bgZxbbXXc7njodpew1GC5vAXzp2qaXGDU", "txHash": "0x3d445733cbb118f1932c61554c3daf293dce2a554153a48c789c09554008b9f1", "createdAtBlock": 15347027, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14241, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chirk Impaler of Rogues", "text": "Anyhoo... one day Chirk and his pals were camped out at the crossroads near Goblin Town - perfect spot for an ambush innit. Hidden nicely behind a bush, they all watched as the little flying \"drone\" (we call it that because the imp likes to hum to itself all the time) shot up into the air and hung above the treeline. Sure enough, after a short while, the tiny imp pilot closes his eyes and forces out a *SQUUEEEEEE* and it's time for action! Well, that would have happened if Chirk and the rest hadn't fallen asleep... *PEEEEEEEP FWWEEEEEEE* went the imp, but no - they were fast asleep. Oh well, I guess the impaling will have to happen another day."} +{"id": "c0af8ec7-0db6-4cd6-9119-bc492c5736dd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:20.268", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVFNruZjg93VTYWBW6Dt7x5GmKoNfucwayJEPPsoGc1Cw", "txHash": "0xf2e6bb4935f7c95e7a587f1d91f2bff1cdd29028ebe48d7270027fcd3ce73fac", "createdAtBlock": 14167065, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5762, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Pandora of the Wood", "text": "The Hedge Wizard wood has been a magical hotspot for as long as any can remember. Nature magic is one of the purest forms in the realm, but even that can be corrupted. Born and raised in a nomadic clan of nature magicians, Ghost Eater Pandora showed a strong affinity for the mystical arts at a young age. \n\n\nTheir strong sense of magic eventually led to their downfall. The darkness called, and they answered, corrupting their gentle nature. Ghost eater Pandora went on to achieve many impressive feats, including slaying a mighty Gorgon, the eye of which they carry to this very day."} +{"id": "d87154c2-b145-4e00-97e6-d888bd9705d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:21.134", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWAghp2Mb9ZVUfhLwGRwv5azJJwVcJS2b1s8hEs57XaAk", "txHash": "0x3cb730f02e20d37d42810d0370b11c124037e3fd660ae6a047d414b47d2bdbf0", "createdAtBlock": 14167072, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4595, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Azahl of the Secret Fire", "text": "Hidden beyond the reach of most, amidst the intimidating peaks of the Skylord Rookery, stands the secret tower. Many aspire to study the secrets stored within the tower, for it is fabled to host dictations of the old ways of magic.\n\nNone of the few dedicated to defending the tower is more well-known than Azahl of the secret fire. Their dedication to the old ways was rewarded by a call to order by the eternal flame. Armed with the feather gifted by the immortal phoenix, Azahl stands watch for any who may wish to misuse the teachings of the secret fire."} +{"id": "77cdd677-e463-45d7-abb2-c0af702c3602-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:21.826", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZm6W5NguQro9GgeSEkN8GmiorpEBnaSaH8PyH7jiebe7", "txHash": "0x570ab8f40a6e2fe8066c384364bb2c9ea3a2b31975abc7d4b5c8927415aa1cd4", "createdAtBlock": 14167073, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4167, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Alatar of the Temple", "text": "Hidden within the Vampyre mist sits a temple protected by wizards sworn to a secret order. At the head of this mythical order stands Cosmic Mage Alatar. It was foretold that one who could meditate at the deepest ends of the mist for months would achieve enlightenment. Alatar took on the challenge in his youth and had long since unlocked the secrets of the universe. \n\nDuring his pilgrimage, he came in contact with the Hobgoblins Flame and his signature cape, items strong in magic. Challenge the Temple at the risk of incurring Alatars wrath."} +{"id": "f9563614-046b-4bb6-b367-6edb068d0bca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:23.518", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc7qaQ4priyz2DcPD9bw82WjVdwFarpxgPE5kQNkYxrGk", "txHash": "0x2f53c3ab98c7ab8d908791c899c52b3e6315a2d85197005df6188a41e1e778dc", "createdAtBlock": 14167085, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4161, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Liliana of the Valley", "text": "Seated between the high peaks of the sacred pillars sits the deepest valley known to commoners and wizards alike. Most know to steer clear of the lowlands, termed the abyss, but not fortune teller Liliana. The path to enlightenment is often paved with sacrifice. The journey into the darkest crevices of the abyss was one Liliana did not tread lightly. She was later rewarded for her faith with the gift of clairvoyance. \n\nShe now roams the realm with her trusted companion, the forever bat who she encountered in one of the many caves in the abyss. Look out for her signature purple attire, for the knowledge of your future may lay in her hands."} +{"id": "f48ff324-3924-40d2-8444-d15e3befe0dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:24.669", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVm6rLgUsbCcrPhFcD1sm2JLspAE64ykmj1qTiFurCzwv", "txHash": "0xff57432124ff854b8f4d65495e6421cdf8f87402b5325c9e7a95894b125fe4ba", "createdAtBlock": 14167086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4165, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Allistair of the Ice", "text": "No environment is as unforgiving as the frozen peaks surrounding the sacred pillars. Ancient records all agree that the extremes hold the strongest connections to nature magic. Armed with this knowledge, Allistair the sorcerer traveled to the top of the world and became one with the ice. \n\nAnd thus, Allistair became the vessel for one of the strongest forces of nature. It is rumored that the air turns heavy when he is near, an occurrence prefaced by the distinct barking of his stoic companion, the field dog. \nIt is fortunate that he prefers seclusion, keeping the unforgiving cold at the top of the world, where it belongs."} +{"id": "868c4e18-2d0e-4997-8500-5e4b9b8d3dcf-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T17:58:13.11", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd53CmQFVY3p51gyH6k9eAGxcSqXSUTvNtWH8EJMfPNzF", "txHash": "0x000344dd6f0cf021acdf06b40eed77a1341ddf4eb46211ed9c1df3fd814ec65f", "createdAtBlock": 15347458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13224, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbQo4iZkDXrPNQpnzVKnDGxyQsPiVMHwY6wJ1ksv6F9MK", "name": "Akira Vagabond of Brigands", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Akira Vagabond of Brigands \n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "a9f4fee9-a96e-4562-b876-94b7a4219e4a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:25.391", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPQKLEXKvzSS5GPMcvbMnf8vPedXG3X2iBD3Hkv4nym15", "txHash": "0x17bca18304ebbb2b2b6468f76a27d0068a2f523d5c2810f3ea8de3057f3147bb", "createdAtBlock": 14167094, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4600, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Bullock of the Field", "text": "The fields beyond the carnival pass are known for the constant warmth and a gentle breeze. A choice location for humans and wizards alike, Geomancer Bullock of the Field can sometimes be spotted playing the lute with his merlins monkey, his jovial companion. \n\nThe pair are always the life of the party, bringing cheer to all visitors of the fields. Unfortunately, its not always sunshine and cheer, and Bullock has another side to himself. \n\nRumors of the Geomancer facing off against monsters streaming in from The Fey. Bullock stands alone as the only defense between the good people visiting the fields and the dark creatures born of the strong magic permeating the thick Fey woods."} +{"id": "8197308d-33c5-488a-ad80-f2018bef9ef8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:26.212", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP1Ui52NThopURxVMhi2JNSazhQ4U26AQeU3pUxu7ksNm", "txHash": "0xd1fea477ab89259fb3ffdb4decab1224b9f5a3a7214469f0ee747d421cd95da6", "createdAtBlock": 14167097, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5475, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Zagan of the Citadel", "text": "Calista is a commercial hotspot known to mages and humans alike. Second, only to Calista, Bard Zagan of the Citadel is well known for his popular performances in the largest hall in the city. His singing constantly captures his audiences hearts, so much so so that his performances are considered a magical event.\n\nZagan owes his success in part to the sirens harp he managed to obtain while accompanying a party of adventurers as far as Aldos Isle. The harp enhances Zagans magic to the point where his singing is irresistible to all but his companion, the golden frog.\n\nZagan has been known to dabble in magic and music, sometimes seen alongside magical scholars of the Citadel. Zagans appearance can be a lot to take in at first, but his flamboyance and elegant singing voice win you over every time!\n\nBe prepared to be swept off your feet by his performances and carried away by his charisma!"} +{"id": "397555aa-82f4-46e7-b344-360622f2c621-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T18:10:42.047", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUAdcugvMrMAqVTcwZ7ieSPsQ9FL7KXEKAddf8ZBVe7kz", "txHash": "0x89db438a43ef2271f87d36c2ab2991dd6c85bb2855084f1d9187f541ff54f083", "createdAtBlock": 15347514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11587, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZPhZL1CvsrJFqZMRBghZu9Zg6BnBgFYjXuHLPDBxf6hg", "name": "Faust of the East", "text": "# The Lore of Faust of The East\n\n\n\nFaust variation by DALL-E 2022"} +{"id": "d1c3f46a-9762-4ae8-aec3-34797b7823c9-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T18:13:44.365", "backgroundColor": "#010f27", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfLnXnJkJba8YubT3MXLwoyZAqUKNDhVxnui6UxZw97R6", "txHash": "0xea565a0869bd04fb197e9ed1ce4e25c081690ab27c3db58fbe1572df872a8c74", "createdAtBlock": 15347525, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8926, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRPEu6n8ExnDbP6rfLphqiaTe6SYhyCRM7bDLf4NDkFES", "name": "Neko Monk of the Wild", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Neko Monk of the Wild\n \n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "acc7096d-41c2-42c6-851a-eb10a89e3ad5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:25:27.091", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTaTCyLJPE21iHgcgUwjRdTk9c4KP86h6KyrvZxWQd7xP", "txHash": "0x9bdb500ef77b0cc1d387013de05eee440b3a971738cf8c7f62a5d5e38027d244", "createdAtBlock": 14167400, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1181, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Death Shroom Mycho of Goblin town", "text": "Everyone runs away from me in fear. I didnt ask to be created. I was formed by an unknown druid in a far off realm, and was pushed through the flame to become this undying creature. My pal Moss followed me through the flame. I think I was created to fight, but all I want to do is to love. The silver lining of the Sacred Flame? My cockatrice egg forced itself to hatch. I'm thinking of starting a cockatrice farm now... to build a the mightiest cock army in the Runiverse.. hmm maybe I like the taste of this death after all.."} +{"id": "9d4cded6-c272-4f84-87a2-8cce884c9064-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T21:56:20.912", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXyzChsSqHWtM432gitnvnchPmekv9BS8jj5dttYEosUj", "txHash": "0x157b60e373b9c3e3cb55ce5439678f301c936da93fab74ccc6c15caf589452ec", "createdAtBlock": 15348498, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 820, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Imari Despoiler of Goblin Town", "text": "# Imari Despoiler of Goblin Town\n\n## Prologue\n\n> _The peculiar thing about Amber, and I feel quite certain this fact eludes most modern smiths and weapon connoisseur alike, is just how exceedingly rare and exceptionally ancient this semi translucent and flaxen stone is._\n>\n> _Long extinct quantum pines, grand and lavish conifers that proudly and majestically extended towards the heavens, would in rare cases of severe trauma invariably bleed their sticky sap in gleaming globules. Such adherent resin would gather and cohere, stiffen and solidify._\n>\n> _Then, should chance have it so as the ages pass and the very earth shifts, moves, lives - even as oceans recede, extend and crash about in reckless abandon - these near-magical artefacts would gather deep in the bosom of the deepest abyss._\n>\n> _And one may think that surely the journey would end there. However, as even more eons pass and the ocean floors gather more sediment, the pressure growing and the very bottom of the world slowly grinding until - millions of years after our grand greens shed their precious blood - new Amber, the lightest and hardest stone known to beast and man alike, one day emerges on new shores._\n>\n> _Legend even has it, though I admit to a certain degree of hesitancy in accepting its legitimacy, that embedded in some of this priceless scree one would find something even rarer still; an immaculate scale from long-dead ancient flying reptiles, imbuing the semi-translucent golden ore with fantastical attributes._\n\n> Extended Notes on Precious Stones \n> _Geologer Berowyn_\n\nGoblin Town reeked."} +{"id": "9d4cded6-c272-4f84-87a2-8cce884c9064-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T21:56:20.912", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXyzChsSqHWtM432gitnvnchPmekv9BS8jj5dttYEosUj", "txHash": "0x157b60e373b9c3e3cb55ce5439678f301c936da93fab74ccc6c15caf589452ec", "createdAtBlock": 15348498, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 820, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Imari Despoiler of Goblin Town", "text": "Goblin Town reeked.\n\nNot just a bad smell, mind you, but a near tangible stink that once it got into your clothes, or worse yet into your nose and mouth, it would tend to take up residence and never leave. And the peculiar thing about this malodorous wonder was that unlike most unpleasant smells, which one could get used to after a short yet painful time, the Reek (for some named it so) had a tendency to change and writhe like a living thing, declaring an endless war on your senses, sinuses and mucous membranes.\n\nSitting with his back to the wall at the back of a dark and dingy tavern in Yellow Wizard Haven, Imari had carved out a quiet corner for himself - the Reek for once being useful, ushering the serving maid away after hastily clonking down another mug of ale on his table.\n\n\"_Bleeeet._\" came from below the table.\n\n\"I know, he's late as usual,\" Imari replied taking another swig of the stale brew. \"But he'll be here, won't be able to stay away now that he knows what we carry.\"\n\nSilence was the reply, accompanied only by the slight shuffling and scraping of hooves on wood. He lowered his mug below the table, felt a moist snout nuzzle his hand, a playful bump of horns on his shins, followed by frantic sloshing.\n\n\"There you go, have your fill and have a nap,\" he muttered fondly as his companion burped loudly before settling at his feet.\n\nLeaning back on his chair, Imari idly considered a quick detour to the public baths at a vain attempt at scrubbing some of the filth off his road-worn attire as the front door exploded right off its hinges, flattening an unlucky patron against the far wall."} +{"id": "9d4cded6-c272-4f84-87a2-8cce884c9064-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T21:56:20.912", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXyzChsSqHWtM432gitnvnchPmekv9BS8jj5dttYEosUj", "txHash": "0x157b60e373b9c3e3cb55ce5439678f301c936da93fab74ccc6c15caf589452ec", "createdAtBlock": 15348498, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 820, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Imari Despoiler of Goblin Town", "text": "Noxious smoke billowed into the room as pandemonium broke out. Dark shapes entered slowly and fanned out, and Imari sighed."} +{"id": "58ed2774-438e-4cde-9409-6eda6c61bd5e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:09.52", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8KyfBqiGPMbGNm3wwEQHUcNemdm1ybwao4iwD7dfxZB", "txHash": "0x72e6d39cc309fc770420df0c5ceef56db69cd5b82aa6fdbe54765f79e52a9ec4", "createdAtBlock": 14535231, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zeromus of Mu", "text": "Void Disciple Zeramus has always felt alone in life, questioning his existence and his value to society. As a kid, other children made fun of him and bullied him. Zeramus often found himself spending time alone wondering on adventures as he looked for ways to prove himself. Most of these adventures took place at night as no one was able to identify him and he could continue in the way he was most comfortable, alone. On one of these adventures, Zeramus found himself wandering by a pond where he came across an ember frog. The frog hopped up to Zeramus and showed him more positive attention than anyone outside of him home had in years.\nAs an adult, everyone shied away from Zeramus as he constantly felt more and more distant from every creature aside from Sarth. Zeramus couldnt find himself a job or a place that provided him with the sense of belonging he had been longing for. Constantly resorting to hunting through the wild as he looked to escape his regular experiences of melancholy, Zeramus set out on one of his adventures where he overheard a group discussing a possible solution to his negative experiences Quantum Mushrooms. Rumor had it, that the use of a Quantum Mushroom would allow the user to experience worlds beyond the one in which the user existed. Zeramus thought that this was the perfect way to get away from the society that has shunned him since his youth. One day, Zeramus finally decided to take the next step and travel to the Quantum Downs to seek out Magus Devon for her specially crafted Quantum Mushrooms so that he could experience something else, another sense of existence. Zeramus purchased one of these mushrooms and headed home."} +{"id": "58ed2774-438e-4cde-9409-6eda6c61bd5e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:09.52", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8KyfBqiGPMbGNm3wwEQHUcNemdm1ybwao4iwD7dfxZB", "txHash": "0x72e6d39cc309fc770420df0c5ceef56db69cd5b82aa6fdbe54765f79e52a9ec4", "createdAtBlock": 14535231, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zeromus of Mu", "text": "Once Zeramus returned home, he quickly sat down next to Sarth and pulled out the Quantum Mushroom. It did not take long for Zeramus to begin to experience a completely different world from that which he knew. He felt warmth and positivity. He felt welcomed by passersby. He felt . . . happy. Just as Zeramus began getting used to his new surroundings and feeling a sense of joy, the euphoria that had overcome him ended. Despite the quick ending to his journey, Zeramus felt a sense of inner peace and finally had a good nights rest. The next morning, Zeramus decided he was going to return to Quantum Downs to buy more mushrooms from Magus Devon. Upon his arrival, Magus Devon sensed Zeramus eagerness and warned him of the possible negative effects based on her own and others experiences. Zeramus heard Magus Devon, but refused to heed her cautions and bought as many Quantum Mushroom as he could afford."} +{"id": "58ed2774-438e-4cde-9409-6eda6c61bd5e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:09.52", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8KyfBqiGPMbGNm3wwEQHUcNemdm1ybwao4iwD7dfxZB", "txHash": "0x72e6d39cc309fc770420df0c5ceef56db69cd5b82aa6fdbe54765f79e52a9ec4", "createdAtBlock": 14535231, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zeromus of Mu", "text": "The next day, Zeramus headed out and wandered into the woods taking the freshly purchased mushrooms with him. Once he found himself far enough into the wilderness, he ate one of the mushrooms. Zeramus began to feel similarly as he did the last time he ate one of the mushrooms, but the feeling wasnt as strong as before and the experience ended just as quickly. Zeramus decided to immediately take two more, but came away with the same disappointment as he was still unable to reach the euphoric outcome he was hoping for. Zeramus took his conundrum to its next logical step and thought that he must just not be eating enough of the mushrooms. Zeramus ate another couple of mushrooms and he felt an instant sense of euphoria rush throughout his entire being. This time, the feeling stayed with Zeramus much longer than he ever remembered experiencing before. Rather than sit back and enjoy it, Zeramus figured he would take advantage and wander through this new world alongside Sarth. \n\nWhen Zeramus finally came to from this latest euphoric excursion he felt like he had been out for days. Aside from Sarth, Zeramus could see nothing but darkness and hear nothing but silence. He had never felt so lost in his life. It was almost as if in his search for belonging and brightness he found himself in a world of darkness and loneliness . . . in a void of nothing."} +{"id": "0cfa6506-3030-412e-80b4-bf30b628cf8d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:28.584", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVbM4Ua3GmxEHpBHHUxk9x8HefjTQsjC4z7FJ7baxcWhn", "txHash": "0x274857f8969eee0bea60242b99851c2a17e062aae77515ea62cadaf13ccaf3b7", "createdAtBlock": 14167449, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5041, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gouged Revenant Merlon of the Mist", "text": "He wasnt always from the Mist. Merlon was raised by a beautiful nuclear family on a sprite farm. Merlon was a well natured, kind boy who never knew of evil. Until one fateful day...\n\nYoung Merlon was out exploring around the outskirts of his farm when he found a magic gem. It spoke to him. It was nice to Merlon, and began teaching Merlon magic. \n\nThe gem told Merlon to bring it back to his home, but not to tell his family. The gem had been so kind to young Merlon, he did as it said. \nThe morning after, Merlon woke to an empty house. His family, gone. All the farm animals also disappeared. What happened? That question ate at Merlons conscience for the rest of his *mortal *life. \n\nPassing through the flame meant freedom from guilt.. and so to Merlon, it was an easy choice.. once in the Mist... Merlon realized it also came with - incredible new power. \n\nMerlon was last seen heading to Goblin Town with a smilodon, but current whereabouts are unknown.. what kind of trouble is he up to?"} +{"id": "4c36ba0b-c6f9-43db-9e61-ac833fa93f29-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:29.723", "backgroundColor": "#626d83", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfGbjNKwSDT4tK5UFX9gbxBjCUx7z454PisbzeZdyy5Ge", "txHash": "0x000bc9dcea86553f04b74feb96bac05e5ab8d7949690f1c0bd52a89acd750189", "createdAtBlock": 14167550, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 605, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Sturgis of the Court", "text": "# The Bonestave I'm holding has a double meaning to it. By the time you figure out what it is, you lost your waifuwizzie. \n\n~ Sturgis"} +{"id": "4ae4c38f-2219-462c-8bc9-38288dda39f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:35.448", "backgroundColor": "#a9d1dd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6DyPA9sxR66ZyzNTWjvExny3pUSfpWFx8vFB9TwnSLd", "txHash": "0xd086d1b3d9d1bb5af7c6b5c656d9b34972207d3b543843eb76a1769593ac8068", "createdAtBlock": 14168894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 162, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Atlas of the Gnostics", "text": "# Becoming Strongman\n\n**Day 1:** Ran for 15 minutes, maybe 20 hard to know.\n\n**Day 2:** Ran for 15 minutes, legs were sore from the day before also hard to breathe after a while. Ate half a bag of sour punch bites, love sour treats, but I don't think that helps the goal here."} +{"id": "18caeb12-3be8-4662-9651-8d2284e4a126-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:07.4", "backgroundColor": "#191449", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb12iwjo6Wu3FjyvbpHQdnWMP3TzPPV12n9Qbu9UbvYAd", "txHash": "0x357cd29beb8bc267503cb5324706b3e1207e95be1b76a91a6099921d1ee1089e", "createdAtBlock": 14661198, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3583, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTiUuZxgekmcRe9jP1cWZWYKyAhPxhMZFdGiiboSE7pfT", "name": "Sorcerer Chooki of the Tower", "text": "# The Stonebound Rabbit Owner\n\n> Rabbit Owner Chookity, or Chooki as the harefolk have come to known him, owns the Tower. \n> The tower is 30035-floor building, home to the world's largest rabbit burrow, a truly grand feat of earthbound real estate. \n \n## Life of one Chooki\nAs days go by, Chooki the Tower owner contemplates on how to further expand his earthy rabbit real estate business.\n\n#\nAs we know, rabbits bring tremendous love into the lives of the Cult, and even more so with each other.\nWith their love growing stronger everyday, Chooki must conjure up new spells to be able to contain the exponential growth of their familiars. Either that, or Chooki will need to hire wizard chefs, able to summon the greatest of all delicacies.\n \n# \nWe hope that Chooki never reaches that point.\n\n\n\n\n\n## Under the Mask\n\n\n\n\n# Relationships\n\n@wizard3583 dreams of building his real estate empire, with their ultimate goal of one day overthrowing the real estate mogul that is @soul1732!"} +{"id": "55a3e91c-6854-4065-9a4b-b8594017ce0a-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T22:09:29.841", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVGVNHMaVJR6GCqSzU291q9iXWyovwfYy8Tcy5X4Q8kJ3", "txHash": "0xa10170c4f43be4347a85153cac2c22501baaa56aebc0e501714467be4268aa5c", "createdAtBlock": 15348553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5403, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYUdjXQvmugBCM7cL2LAtAjaTDFJkh4Fke1ejavGB2JwV", "name": "Everett Champion of the Mountain", "text": "# Everett Champion of the Mountain \n\n_Superhuman strength and incredible prowess in battle_\n\nThere was a **mountain inhabited by the mighty**. They loved the same things we love today. There were those who loved art and music, those who loved battles, those who loved games.\n\n\n\n## The Games\n\nIt was a group of them who invented **the Games** to proclaim the new hero in each discipline every year.\n\nEverett was **the son of the wisest and most charming woman of them and a human king** born in a territory between two rivers. He had extraordinary strength and visited much of the world, in particular he traveled through the sea and had been fascinated by the Far East, where he learned the **true meaning of the word courage** and received as a gift a **powerful and rare armor**.\n\n### Everett is ready to fight\n\nBe it the annual Games or the difficult battles in which he is called to fight, **Everett is ready** together with his inseparable **onyx panther** met on the return way from the East."} +{"id": "8efad8e3-4845-4fde-8eda-8d5244cc79b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:30.926", "backgroundColor": "#2b103b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcFXG8rh7F7HebdfXemoYzcQF57e3ynEGVSEPpkUzYc68", "txHash": "0xa0f82c982cabc6ee22ac40ec3140ea8d109c76b87ea6dd774937ac56dd0bd2ef", "createdAtBlock": 14167845, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5720, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Casper of Limbo", "text": "It should be here. Why cant I find them? Not a single mushroom. Three hours Ive been trudging through these bloody reeds. Two more hours and the moonlight will give rise to dawn. Without it, the damn things will vanish thats even if theyre here to begin with. \n\nBHAM! Fatigued and frustrated, he slapped the water in a huff. He stared hard at centre of the ripples, which slowly gave way to a worn, disgruntled face. Shaking his head, he leant down and cupped the water. It was crystal clear and icy cold. He brought his hands up to his lips, carefully drinking it. At least the cleansing water gave him some momentary respite. As he lowered his hands, he noticed two violet gems gleaming up at him from the water. They hadnt been there before Had they? He bent over, bringing his face to a hands-width distance from the water. Urrrgghhh?! he moaned. He was looking into a reflection with violet eyes that were not his own. He tried to yank himself back, but his head remained still; the woman seemed to find this amusing as she giggled in response. They stared at one another for a few more moments, before she turned her head slightly, giving him a coy look."} +{"id": "9f4ffdb6-09d3-4414-ba5e-97c9f959015d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:41.124", "backgroundColor": "#134768", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcq9f46naMKe24poAhxPwrhavRYDvM6A7TMNVMXcWrET1", "txHash": "0x407cda92755f2017a8793626d3cfb5b50bccdedf868d16592b4ba191239c47d9", "createdAtBlock": 14716934, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2461, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Sands", "text": "Others see a plain brown wizard... only Remus knows the true power that is held within his Book of Spells."} +{"id": "4045f570-0e2e-49eb-ae7c-e87cc88c0f05-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T22:53:52.259", "backgroundColor": "#7e113d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSTURXm9DvBz2u4cYfjbqjv55goet7PTJYBqXmAjPTuNp", "txHash": "0x45c67371b3a2e7f1273fc6428a97d565855c594ad4a428d51aa9440951fccdd1", "createdAtBlock": 15348740, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4463, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Number 6 Razer of the Coliseum", "text": "# Number 6 - The Origin \n\nNumber 6 was born in an alcove within the great Coliseum. His mother, a weathered woman of 26 years and countless battles, died shortly after giving birth. One final victory, this time, away from the drunken leering of the horde. As he lay screaming in her arms, she gave him a light squeeze. Not enough pressure to harm the newborn, but enough that years later, he desperately desired the embrace of another to feel truly safe. As she took her last breath, his crying stopped briefly, as if he recognized something was happening, but the moment passed. When the guard found them the next morning, baby cradled in the arms of a dead mother, he called out to the warden: \"Another one! Grab the lift!\" Picking the wailing baby out of the corpse's arms, he briskly walked the baby to the gate. \"Got another one, how many does that make?\" he muttered to his colleague. \n\n\"Six. We're nearly done\""} +{"id": "a6b7a88c-ff56-4abc-b711-f872ec9de89d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:31.67", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZKa9GtvGw4XEuxESH25Wc8kK5VkuQqgMeDcGABJ6wKT", "txHash": "0x016b0ddeb1a5b74044c35a1ef1d5df8aaf86afda02fcd6a12441682d2f5d27d2", "createdAtBlock": 14168701, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4170, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Canaanite Lord Moloch of Torment Manor", "text": "First MOLOCH, horrid King besmear'd with blood\n\nOf human sacrifice, and parents tears,\n\nThough, for the noyse of Drums and Timbrels loud,\n\nTheir children's cries unheard that passed through fire\n\nTo his grim Idol. Him the AMMONITE\n\nWorshipt in RABBA and her watry Plain,\n\nIn ARGOB and in BASAN, to the stream\n\nOf utmost ARNON. Nor content with such\n\nAudacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart\n\nOf SOLOMON he led by fraud to build\n\nHis Temple right against the Temple of God\n\nOn that opprobrious Hill, and made his Grove\n\nThe pleasant Vally of HINNOM, TOPHET thence\n\nAnd black GEHENNA call'd, the Type of Hell."} +{"id": "3e6fb1ed-df59-43d1-a84d-61a73d948944-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:06.817", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmadPHdzAbw7abGdqRVhzFb6dfPQDUjG9bzX8gQeB2sd4C", "txHash": "0xf299b6f6c03b9e76cccef58d75147699d2d5f8042c0e13c2423347afede80352", "createdAtBlock": 14163110, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3055, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gouged Revenant Nolan of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "I wander amongst childrens ethereal nightmares, trying to find a way out. I use a sparkling wand to navigate this dreamworld - Ive heard kids like them. I dont want to scare anyone, but it seems to be all Im good for while stuck in here.\n\n*Nolan weeps a bloody tear*"} +{"id": "c0b51df8-fc33-4a00-be2f-a1eff2f37635-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T23:29:06.885", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQYP7jtusJrcrtwDuzZHDuUGuL29ZgaGiamWsLk6MRT4y", "txHash": "0xc5c548e87da738b18b375281270f74b6779490a8b7f2935cbecb0d0f4aaf8472", "createdAtBlock": 15348902, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12843, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tank Protector of the North", "text": "A lone warrior wandered the markets along the wharfs of Kelpie's Bay. A tank with no companion or rune, armed with a partisan and simple round shield. The opportunity had arisen more than once to replace this simple shield, but it had held up through countless battles, and held back hordes of enemies. Tank Protector of the North wandered the markets in search of companions to rebuild his adventuring party, The Claw of the Chaos Chimera. \n\tAny good party must include members with strengths that complement each other. Tank's defense is impenetrable, but because of this, he lacked the means to finish many enemies on his own. The best offense is a good defense, but only to a certain extent. While in the wharf he noticed a particularly boisterous pirate, shouting orders at those unloading the casks of liquor from her ship. \n Typically, he would not have given this pirate a second look, but a detail on the side of her ship piqued his curiosity. \"Nos was here\" crudely written above one of the gunports. Tank had seen this detail before, while on Aldo's Isle recruiting the dragoon @warrior12844. \n\"Nos was here\" Tank shouted, which silenced @warrior3966 mid-shout. This also seemed to arouse the interest of several others near the dock. \"Get inside quick you muscle bound idiot\" @warrior3966 shouted back. \"Those words are not meant for mortal ears!\". One of the laborers escorted Tank to the captain's quarters. Immediately he noticed the map on the Navigator's table was covered in crude drawings. \"Nos was Here.\" \"Come for the cream, stay for the meme\" Scribbled all over. @warrior3966 sat in a chair hunched over the Navigator's table as the doors shut behind them."} +{"id": "4763c80c-dc1c-4f36-8dfa-101ea42830e4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:10.19", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVDtTnNQvjRZzxbYYf34Uf5u1hpT5SAUc62QnZdwFf1Qg", "txHash": "0x0d328cb0d8bca28b71d7c7a7003d9589d97eae96a23ce8e66f31bc683c042a5b", "createdAtBlock": 14163291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9853, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Lucien of the Oasis", "text": "Your local Houngan for hire, me dizzying magical skill take ya to new heights - quite literally. My wind spells are best powered with Sun exposure, due to my natural Sun Voodoo proclivity mon. Tweak a clump of my cats milk-white hair wit ya and bein' assured youll always land on ya feet using any of dem acrobatic or locomotive scrolls o' mine, mon."} +{"id": "0072513c-d8e8-48a8-b8ec-66df4307f5e0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:17.606", "backgroundColor": "#5f3012", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmegj2gvbw2NhkDwJjX4khf89WGtLJNynqJpDMzBUqEnnJ", "txHash": "0x58ad9179180cea69ecfb944373e01f94ed97aa4d0335a494f90b7414481007af", "createdAtBlock": 14775402, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4578, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blade Dispatcher of the Road", "text": "# Blade Dispatcher of the Road\n\nThe air was heavy and cool in the valley. The thick fog rolled across the dense forest floor as our hero descended further into the deep narrow valley. The compression felt comforting against his body. The lack of visibility did not. He continued down, following the game trails. Although, he could not yet see the winding creek, he could hear the water rushing around the rocks below. \n\nHe wanted to stop and check the map, but the fog had engulfed everything, and he couldnt see his own hands clutching his bow. He needed to reach the fallen trees covered in mushrooms. There would be his best chance to find a Dirt Pig. Their incredible sense of smell made them a valuable ally in the deep valleys blanketed in thick foreboding fog. He had packed many items specifically for the task of befriending a Dirt Pig: *Apple cores, corn cobs, an old head of cabbage*. These delicacies would surely be enough to win over a newfound companion and together locate the secret hatch door. \n\nHe stopped suddenly as the sent of Kobold crossed his nostrils. He was close. He could smell their stench even days after they were gone. The smell of Kobold was strong enough, many could smell it, but a Dirt Pig would be able to smell them underground and track them as they moved throughout their elaborate network of tunnels. \n\nHe reached the bottom of the valley and the sound of pigs rooting for mushrooms could be heard above the rushing waters. A smile crept across his lips."} +{"id": "f7a9ae19-cb02-459e-a4e3-42b29cf9c186-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:36.146", "backgroundColor": "#aadce7", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPGFPjqeVGc866yeqNv1G8P3fxpMAP23uwQLvm7UABLtL", "txHash": "0x0977f78dff1eb947a4af359c5d96f646641bd32a13f75483648791008cbdc770", "createdAtBlock": 14168907, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 162, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Atlas of the Gnostics", "text": "# Becoming Strongman\n\nDay 1: Ran for 15 minutes, maybe 20 hard to know.\n\nDay 2: Ran for 15 minutes, legs were sore from the day before also hard to breathe after a while. Ate half a bag of sour punch bites, love sour treats, but I don't think that helps the goal here."} +{"id": "3d69e81a-6e58-4f8e-b3ef-8f1561d4cd45-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:36.884", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRuk4WLLgKTBSquv41n6B9djXR2gg5EdkXobN2XptS2Qs", "txHash": "0xf3fac2b1abf0d6659741cb8d0d310905e82c3ca6e0b06e2dc13ee66eaac1fdd1", "createdAtBlock": 14172732, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 34, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jaxson the Efficacious", "text": "# Lore of Jaxson the Efficacious\n\nMagic is for every creature, great \nand terrible, or small and fleeting. Light \nshines on us all. Within each of us waits \ntomorrows magic. Tense and deep and tight \nthe new-born foal, the fairy-fingered hooves \nrun to conclusion, muzzle grey, back bent \ntowards dawn and dusk. Every creature who moves \nweaves their own spells. Oh, follow where I went \nthrough fairy hoof-prints. Magic seeks itself \nin bat and slime, in fox, phoenix and wren, \ncat stalking through the shadow. Speaks itself \nto sleep. New-born, I seek wizards again \nto enter journeys, numinous, mundane \nor in-between, runes woven through my mane."} +{"id": "4c3f4e20-fed2-40ec-a6bc-61c758678484-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:37.636", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTGGmhNvtL7wQugeMH8M8DyY1Zj9cV1tNNiRaxwmpCRzk", "txHash": "0xb922dfdb7d4742de570dd754a47109dc69c03c2fe24cc4bf7bdd9654489bf885", "createdAtBlock": 14173239, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 478, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Nicolas of the Riviera", "text": "# Nicolas\n\nA man reborn. He does not speak of his past self, yet he does not forget.\n\nSome say he hides his deepest, darkest secrets inside the belly of his frog. And that at night, you can hear its whispers."} +{"id": "5da609b4-d3a0-4318-a992-d1be86e444ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:02:28.335", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeKoY11ks2RZ2xDZNH5fB14vRW42Kqt7ZWMmb2N6JGL3", "txHash": "0xfe0aaa8fcda3624ce10cac144c3585cb8f39d41a58254041a56ca0a1aed4e7e7", "createdAtBlock": 15349061, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12582, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Farkle Vanquisher of Light", "text": "# Farkle Fights for Feline Freedom \n\n_Farkle vanquisher of the light earned his name from the Temple of searings not long after the great rune battle. But how he got his name is a story for another time today I will be telling you about how he met his companion_\n\nFarkle lived alone in a cave not far outside of the Green Wizard City. Often he would travel into the city for supplies for his long trips across the Elysian Fields. Farkle was a courier of sorts; a courier of death. \n\nFarkle had a code.\n\nFarkle head honor. \n\nFarkle had beef. He had beef with many a wizard and warrior alike.\n\n**Big beef.**\n\nAnd as a cave dwelling Imp all of this was fine to Farkle. Farkle was not fancy farkle was simple. \n\nOn farkle's travels he would stop in towns along the way and visit the bounty boards. On One such venture farkle made camp not far from the road and as he was settling in eating his zucchini sausage he heard a tussle not far away. Farkle grabbed his katana and his sausag-cchini and went forth towards the noise. As he got closer he realized these were not man but beast. A wild pack of hyenas were very upset about something. They stood around the base of a large tree crying and yelping. Examining the higher reaches of the tree farkle notice to small feline shaped figure clinging to a branch. He stepped out from the brush and howled \n>\"Farkle says BE GONE!\""} +{"id": "5da609b4-d3a0-4318-a992-d1be86e444ad-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:02:28.335", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeKoY11ks2RZ2xDZNH5fB14vRW42Kqt7ZWMmb2N6JGL3", "txHash": "0xfe0aaa8fcda3624ce10cac144c3585cb8f39d41a58254041a56ca0a1aed4e7e7", "createdAtBlock": 15349061, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12582, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Farkle Vanquisher of Light", "text": "And threw his beloved meat encased vegetable Right over the heads' of the beasts and into a bush. They gave Chase and Farkle leapt into the tree to grab the kitten. The kitten did not know Farkle's intentions and latched on to his leg with the fire of a thousand demons. Farkle knew the hyenas wouldn't be distracted for long scurried back out of the tree and ran back towards his camp. \n\nFarkle managed to coerce the kitten off his leg with the leftover sausage-zucchini and realized this was not a normal stray, but a baby Golden Jaguar, so he decided not to eat the creature. Once Farkle's new friend tasted the meaty treat he started to warm up and trust Farkle."} +{"id": "29a820a7-6cc5-4ae5-8701-687c9fabc271-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:38.355", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjsuumSRZ3yUxtw5GbC37kyokeELMu5QRJpDjzPLutco", "txHash": "0xb281a811492e57211499efd481959b9e16a01b46aa0229bc7eaa2ed11b4b3703", "createdAtBlock": 14173392, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3135, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Zaros of the Brine", "text": "LORE GANG"} +{"id": "6b85e8fe-617d-4d6c-8d7d-0fc002b756ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:39.058", "backgroundColor": "#25023f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRSLzc41BAyMdVNSGQKSVBweFmN5BS7TcPAtdVZM4jxXE", "txHash": "0xc258e6532cb99443a4a17905046459bc08bad1e6986f0f9561be2348405c9ad5", "createdAtBlock": 14173439, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Alessar of the Astral Plane", "text": "Shaman Alessar always felt like an outcast in the Astral Plane. Although growing up in a prestigious household with successful parents he never felt he fit in. The rich popular shamans made fun of him for working at the local Wizzie Burger. The nerdy shamans shunned him for his odd lingo like \"Hodl\" or \"wagmi\". His only friend in all the land was a rabbit named Hopps. Found abandoned when he was a young boy the two are inseparable.\n Despite always being the outcast Alessar knew his purpose not to be another shaman of the Astral Plane but to be part of a revolution, digital potions. When Alessar wasn't casting his signature spell *Burgero Appearo* to serve customers he was watching his digital potion charts. It was only a matter of time before his potions brought him money to make it out of this town. The fire of success drove him, working at Wizzie Burger was only temporary."} +{"id": "89cabc10-e9e2-4a12-9b72-6f7edaaafd98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:39.769", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaczBHARagCgLQRzwvQmys2vbhdfjo5aXYpNw5hB6xDQe", "txHash": "0x624963b4d9690f01f59e9ae2d7621433d1fc8ecabe1ba985fb6c776329ec8134", "createdAtBlock": 14174323, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3484, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Allistair of the Cosmos", "text": "# Lore of the noble Sage Allistair of the Cosmos \n\n\n_... hear ye hear ye the illustrious mysteries of the cosmos ..._\n\nEver since the big bang initiated the creation of the Universe, an absolute and impressive nothingness has filled the earliest surroundings of the Universe. The first eons of the marriage between space and time were described by a haunting stillness. Where most would feel despair and loneliness in such environments, this can not be said of our brave hero Allistair. One could even argue that it is where he feels most comfortable, since it has been his home for as long as he can remember.\n\nAs Allistair witnessed the slow progression of time, he became friends with every newly formed star in the universe. They jokingly yet lovingly named him *friend Allistair*, since he was good friends with all stars in the Universe. \n\nAll the stars came to Allistair with their problems. \n\n> Why do I feel so gassy all the time Allistair ? \n\nAsked one star, slightly frightened. Allistair calmly explained:\n\n\n> You are literally made up out of only Hydrogen and Helium\n\nAnother star told Allistair a secret that he had been hiding for millenia: \n\n\n> How come I feel so attracted to my neighbour star? \n\nAllistair smiled and lightheartedly answered: \n\n> First of all, it is a very nice blue star, so I understand. Second of all, the attraction is caused by the force of gravity, so I can already let you in on another secret: that star feels exactly as much attracted to you as you are to that star."} +{"id": "89cabc10-e9e2-4a12-9b72-6f7edaaafd98-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:39.769", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaczBHARagCgLQRzwvQmys2vbhdfjo5aXYpNw5hB6xDQe", "txHash": "0x624963b4d9690f01f59e9ae2d7621433d1fc8ecabe1ba985fb6c776329ec8134", "createdAtBlock": 14174323, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3484, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Allistair of the Cosmos", "text": "And the star was relieved from its worries once more. Since Allistair had not much to do than learn about the wase of the Universe, he inevitably evolved in the wisest of all beings. In books and from mouth to mouth he was always referred to as *Sage Allistair Of The Cosmos*. His fame rose to such heights that the black hole in the Milyway, his favorite galaxy, was even named after him: Sagittarius A(llistair).\n\nIn the infinite abyss of time Allistair helped countless beings with their worrisome lives and troubles. Until the unfaithful year of 2022 when the aid and knowledge of Allistair was requested by a particularly adorable star, named *The Sun*. \n\nThe Sun asked Allistair not for a problem he experienced, but a planet that was orbiting the Sun. \n\n> O wise Sage Ally, would you please shed the light of your infinite knowledge on of my planets called Earth..\n\nAsked the Sun, who came across a little agitated.\n\n> What seems to be problem with Earth, Sun? \n\nAnswered Allistair patiently.\n\n> I am very afraid that my beloved planet Earth has developed a quite serious form of Human...\n\nAllistair jolted upright and was absolutely petrified after hearing that word.\n\n> Humans, you say, Sun .... ? This is more serious than I thought. I complement you for coming to me, not all stars would dare to do so. We must act accordingly and most important... we must act right now.\n\n**TO BE CONTINUED**"} +{"id": "3d39be76-5170-4a33-9653-5053dc9c7e5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:40.597", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWBYdbKqQgj5qMBosxBYm6bNqn6h8NW3feCuZNtjsMY3q", "txHash": "0x637b25fc55d490b7bdd0a5493bad5fafcf6c82353d321d9ff0b95220f629e4a2", "createdAtBlock": 14174558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 74, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Andy the Courageous", "text": "**Andy** was this courageous one's name.\n\nAn unassuming call, for one with the legacy of gallantry, and fame.\n\nThe trumpet of battle, standard flying high. A distant echo, in the mind's eye.\n\nA fleeting prostration, a knot in the chest. Of questions unanswered, Why?\n\nStirring of men the hope that was bestowed, now bequeathed to those progeny foals.\n\nHowever, tales still told, cadence still sold. Of the bravado rendered in his equine mold.\n\nA meeker life now, on this once revered soul. The plow he pulls. Happy to sow.\n\nScars of the flesh are now fully healed. Scars of the heart,\n\nToo proud to reveal."} +{"id": "9e6330d5-5534-4765-b12d-88e8b65caedd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:41.968", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQh6kox9FkrFX4seK9MbNbUqfHxqiDW5H6PUqgkJgpHxu", "txHash": "0x154e3627fc9bea274fec7f8167708cb39af517212292d2bfd999a1abea8f1ae7", "createdAtBlock": 14175980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Khudalf of the Berg", "text": "# The Lore of Ice Mage Khudalf of the Berg\n\nThough ice mage Khudalf may not appear to be the most menacing wizard as he is armed with naught but a dumb stick. Khudalf is joined on his quest by his trusty familiar and secret weapon, the swamp bullfrog Ferdinand.\n \nThe friendly little familiar known as Ferdinand is not a true bullfrog but rather a manifestation of Khudalf's true powers, locked away and hidden for safekeeping. \n\nBack in his battlemage years, Khudalf wore his power around his neck literally. Khudalf's powers manifested into an Ice Amulet that served as a conduit that powered all of Khudalf's ice magic. \n\nThis amulet was both a blessing and a curse - with this powerful conduit always around his neck Khudalf was ready to fight at a moment's notice. This came in handy as Khudalf often found himself engaged in epic battles as he traveled the Runiverse. However, this amulet contained untold power which could be used as a gateway to immense riches. This led to Khudalf always having a target on his back and ferocious challengers seeking him out to steal his amulet. \n \nKhudalf's skills, experience, and ferocity as a battlemage always led to his victory but after decades of questing through the Runiverse, Khudalf began to grow weary and long for a simple life in a forest village and to return to his brown hat roots."} +{"id": "9e6330d5-5534-4765-b12d-88e8b65caedd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:41.968", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQh6kox9FkrFX4seK9MbNbUqfHxqiDW5H6PUqgkJgpHxu", "txHash": "0x154e3627fc9bea274fec7f8167708cb39af517212292d2bfd999a1abea8f1ae7", "createdAtBlock": 14175980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Khudalf of the Berg", "text": "Over the years Khudalf had learned a thing or two from some other practices of wizardry and decided to cast a conjuration spell to convert his Ice Amulet of Power into a friendly bullfrog named Ferdinand. Khudalf had always had a penchant for frogs and also wanted a companion to accompany him into retirement. \n \nThese days Khudalf is just a friendly wizard living off the land, however, his true power always remains by his side, hidden away in his trusty familiar Ready to be deployed into battle when the time comes."} +{"id": "6b24cdbd-c543-41a0-9559-e8074c70b15a-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:19:21.592", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPbsxMFq9SJ2hZ8FMBC5mbUPxaGsb1oHkVjhSxPn555NW", "txHash": "0x51e63af688853d6520421abd72ca66a78894959eac24ccb6f53314f50bd7f25c", "createdAtBlock": 15349142, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3966, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Frankie Chisler of the Capital", "text": "Who the hell does this muscle bound buffoon think he is? @warrior12844 thought to herself as @warrior3966 stepped into her captains quarters. Armed with a simple partisan and round shield, she smirked as she pictured her blue broadsword crushing his shield in a single blow as her cobra choked the life from his body. Nos was here he murmured. Frankie flashed back to reality. The wharf had been particularly muggy over the past month, so she donned her white tank top in lieu of armor. She flipped her purple back from over her eye, and learned forward on the navigators table in front of her. \n\t@warrior3966 chest seemed to almost be popping out of her tank top, but @warrior12843 paid no mind. Nos was here the stranger repeated. Frankie pointed to her map, which beyond the scribble showed a direct route into mountains above Dream Master Lake. So youve seen them too? She asked.\nSee what? Nos was here? Cant everyone see them?\nNo, '' she replied, '' my crew thinks Im going mad, but I can clearly see the tags on my ship. \nIve traced the tags all over the runiverse searching for the source, all of which leads to this location. Frankie explained quickly and almost panicked. \nIve seen them too. So has the dragoon of my party, although he is waiting for my orders currently at Green Wizard City. I assumed everyone could see them. @warrior3966 replied. \nOnly those who have been exposed to the cream are able to see the meme Frankie explained. You must have undergone severe hardship to have been exposed to the cream and survived. I lost 90% of my crew on a particularly dark night at sea."} +{"id": "6b24cdbd-c543-41a0-9559-e8074c70b15a-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:19:21.592", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPbsxMFq9SJ2hZ8FMBC5mbUPxaGsb1oHkVjhSxPn555NW", "txHash": "0x51e63af688853d6520421abd72ca66a78894959eac24ccb6f53314f50bd7f25c", "createdAtBlock": 15349142, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3966, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Frankie Chisler of the Capital", "text": "That fateful night was indeed dark and cloudy. A horrible night for trying to navigate the stars. All of a sudden the wind died, and one by one, her crew began to go mad, shouting Come for the cream, stay for the memes before taking their own lives. Some jumped overboard. Others hanged themselves from the bow. All covering their ears in attempts to silence the piercing voice. Only Frankie and a select few withstood the noise, passing out briefly and awakening to the writing on the side of the ship. \nWe must sail for the Green Wizard City immediately she firmly stated. Gather your belongings, we leave at sunset."} +{"id": "4e9b4f47-6e1b-4973-bb8e-e8e9d8c631d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:42.727", "backgroundColor": "#133c12", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZmV4k2gyWH7dkLXbyMHJPv6boXox7ojv2qmPHfupy1iJ", "txHash": "0xe2a67ec75d2c4eeb3e1c6c1c64f40ca01e3e5da5b3552f6e8dd43e9e076f89bb", "createdAtBlock": 14176105, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Flynn of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Flynn of the Brambles\n\nShaman Flynn loves nature and is frequently found in the Hedge Wizard Wood and the Fey, picking mushrooms and enjoying the company of small birds and mice nesting in his tangled hair and beard.\n\nFlynn's magic is one of nature. He gardens and tends to the health of the forest and the creatures within, helping to defend them against frequent Kobold incursions and unfortunate souls who rise from the nearby marshes. He uses the energy from the emerald crystal in his staff to reinvigorate life."} +{"id": "f9c19838-c8ca-4ef3-a577-35a4b9872f72-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:43.597", "backgroundColor": "#2a185f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCLHMAMKQS7iLgU4F2SpAEmV8WvGjPUehYGdQVSwcbT1", "txHash": "0xd2f72d8c5a20853ae1707fa6f2b5daec87bcebbd457cc5ea6d67d00d4e5cc3b1", "createdAtBlock": 14176245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2741, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Sage Shukri of the Ether", "text": "# Sage Shukri of the Ether \n\n\n\n_Are you waking up from a dream or entering into it?_\n\nSage Shukri of the Aether still cannot remember his past. The only thing he remembers is that he woke up in **The Quantum Shadow** and that he began to walk through the **Valley of the Void Deciple**, until he found refuge in **The Cave of the Platonic Shadow**. Only God knows how long he spent there sickening his mind until, by a twist of fate, he managed to escape to continue his torment in The Sand and end up dying in the oasis of Zaros; Its waters heal his body and calm his mind. Now he think he's ready to face his fate..."} +{"id": "44672203-43d3-4deb-bcc2-7e29e466022f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:44.256", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdq72peQF2DSWuEjoewjmaVAmHQwHqimcJpZvnwzfegvH", "txHash": "0x2c8e22b22a1941caf6af4c2ec5c49ebf6ecf965283c0072f1aff83223ee958eb", "createdAtBlock": 14176300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8490, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Villa", "text": "Name: Aleister\n\nBorn: Aleister of the Villa\n\nDOB: 12/20/2835\n\nOccupation: Organized Crime, Rapper\n\nFavorite Color: Purple\n\nPet: Owl named Owly"} +{"id": "5b3148fc-ce86-4697-87b8-6481253bf6d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:44.953", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT9gWmyBU1UipgoAYJ5k18zd4T9CV6utnUB3szN36zbYf", "txHash": "0x08437363f85597992de15a11d2f32515ea6d066e13335dfba2c960cb7e1bd8ab", "createdAtBlock": 14176397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 229, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Jiang of the Mount", "text": "# Jiang Flurryblown\n\nMagic ruled his childhood. Never too far from disaster. Never too close to a loved one.\n\n> \"It's not lost on me that he may never truly know what it is to live. \n> *Portius of the Crest* \n\n\n### Lost Friends and New Beginnings\nJiang was looking for a copper coin one day. He had a special one he kept in his pocket. However, it wasn't there today. Pip was trailing along as he enjoyed the excitement. When at last they came to the last the last spot where Jiang had been tossing the coin. It was there in the middle of the room. As Jiang went to pick it up, fire spit from Jiang's hands and struck out. Pip went down and was lost, but this moment enticed Jiang. What power to come from just a fingertip.\n\n### He never looked back for it hurt too much."} +{"id": "6c927bcc-625f-4b34-b15a-00cf89d227fb-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:31:54.363", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma9B88S7aFUNSDm2aQshzn45TQhhHvFQKGn8NPrVHcDF4", "txHash": "0x2293d6eeff5c7891720ddbca046b2f1935ebe340767e465c858440b0d5ef1a5b", "createdAtBlock": 15349198, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13041, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Humphrey Impaler of the Cage", "text": "Humprhey Impaler of the Cage was born to a wealthy family of Wizards. He was eloquent, well spoken, intelligent but he was stubborn as a stump and painfully unrelenting in his search for his purpose. From a young age his family enrolled him in a number of Wizard Academies to hone his magical abilities, but as long back as he could remember, he knew he wanted to fight. And *dance!* But mostly fight. \n\nAs he struggled to fit in at the Wizards' Schools, his family pushed him harder and listened less, so he discovered that he needed to escape the shackles bound to him by birth, and make his own way. Humphrey muscled his way out of the academy and across the land to find himself in the wide wild world. His actions landed him in loads of trouble, and once he learned where they were locking him up, he made peace with his detention.\n\nHe battled through the Brown Wizard Delta.\n\nHe fought his way out of the Forest of the Imps.\n\nWrestled everyone at the Chronomancer's Riviera Gala.\n\nHe was briefly subdued at the Purple Wizard Pavilion but punched his way out.\n\nAnd assaulted an elder in Avalon.\n\nHe subsequently was sent to Dread Tower to serve time for his crimes. Years of fighting for survival hardened young Humphrey and when he was released he was the buffest and toughest 13 year old there ever was."} +{"id": "b5b79d7c-444e-4e39-9552-eb1d355f5f2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:45.63", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrKJX4ZQxvFoEby1VeC1DRb7ifgeoNXtYQEAJddbZtcA", "txHash": "0x4126b4f572c2facb50c1814d1ecb90d7ae6d7a189a5d61778354c0cafa93d44e", "createdAtBlock": 14176438, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 229, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Jiang of the Mount", "text": "# Jiang Flurryblown\n\nHe knew all at once that there was a place for him and yet that he would never belong. Chaos followed him.\n\n> I am not sure he will ever know love. \n> *Populus the Crest*\n\n### A time and place. A lost friend and new beginning.\n\nPip had always loved to be with Jiang. On the day that Jiang was looking for his lost coin. Pip was in tow. So as it were that the coin was found, Pip was looking on from the side. As Jiang's fingers touched the copper that he had searched for many days, fire sprung. It leapt and searched for corners of the room. Alas, it stopped short of the corner and buried its furry into Pip. Flames ruled that day as Pip loved no more, but in Jiang, a new fire was woken. How could this power be in an errant finger. I must know this Chaos."} +{"id": "edd05f37-5657-4ce7-b51d-6d81b89c6d1b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:13.008", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdvTwi5bqLPkoQkuBukWhtwNLxBDHrqxNbKG2q8XEqEKE", "txHash": "0x404f195e45ee56f787087b6ae3a83a0a4e905e881e7c48dfcf18d13c1cc1a20f", "createdAtBlock": 14708923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1068, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Diana of the Cosmos", "text": "and so the story began. Out of the forest bloomed the most beautiful wizard of all."} +{"id": "575a4131-05b1-4cb2-a461-772dbd1e9ee9-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:38:35.882", "backgroundColor": "#bffe0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwt5fW8XPQ8RzY341jU84qTeUyqouyPHvpCBz1UkJPjF", "txHash": "0x9c13d749132331e4f929758d4e4580a488c228f65e36f8fc8479b631850551ef", "createdAtBlock": 15349224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10745, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bundo Slaughterer of the Road", "text": "**\n## Bundo Slaughterer of the Road\n**\n \nBundo led on the cold grass, the cold dampness pulling him back to the world. His ears rang, the world was spinning and the pain, the pain was excruciating. Somewhere up the hill from where he lay a deep gravelly voice called down Wizard! Finish the Kobold then get out of here, Ill collect his remains when Im done with these Goblins!. Further up the hill there was the sound of battle, of utter chaos and death. He felt no sorrow for them though, they had been his abusers, they had treated him as nothing more than a consumable. He had been slave labour and after the Goblin crew he was assigned to chances upon a wizard, he had become the lead in the chase. The Goblins followed a safe distance behind, ensuring this wasnt a trap. The wizard was young and agile, moving with confidence and lightning speed down the mountain side. Bundo followed as best he could, but his heart was not in this. And then came the moment that left him a broken heap near the bottom of the mountain side. Goblin hunters had tracked the Goblin party and seeing the wizard chase had positioned lower down the slope. Bundo had taken a hammer hit head on. He felt the wind leave his body, many bones breaking under the force if the blow and then nothing momentarily until his senses started to return. He could see a wizard slowly drawing her sword and moving closer, intent on completing the request of the Goblin hunter to finish him. He tried to move, but the pain was too great, the best he could manage was to squirm."} +{"id": "575a4131-05b1-4cb2-a461-772dbd1e9ee9-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:38:35.882", "backgroundColor": "#bffe0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwt5fW8XPQ8RzY341jU84qTeUyqouyPHvpCBz1UkJPjF", "txHash": "0x9c13d749132331e4f929758d4e4580a488c228f65e36f8fc8479b631850551ef", "createdAtBlock": 15349224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10745, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bundo Slaughterer of the Road", "text": "Bundo had grown up in Goblin Town. Life there for a Kobold was incredibly tough, it was a step up from Nasty Town where most Kobold resided, but it was in no way comfortable living. His parents had got lucky and found employment delivering goods to the Goblins in Goblin Town. Pay was terrible, the hours were horrendous, both parents often worked days at a time without rest. But it was enough for food and shelter and an opportunity to escape Nasty Town so they took it. Bundo grew up watching his parents struggles, as he grew older a fire started inside him to strive to do whatever he could to get them out. He used discarded books, posters, whatever he could find to try to learn to read and write. He tried desperately to earn math and to study fighting techniques. Opportunities for Kobolds are few and far between, the warrior guild however offers an amazing chance for Kobolds to escape the horrors of Goblin Town and Nasty Town. This became his life focus."} +{"id": "575a4131-05b1-4cb2-a461-772dbd1e9ee9-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:38:35.882", "backgroundColor": "#bffe0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwt5fW8XPQ8RzY341jU84qTeUyqouyPHvpCBz1UkJPjF", "txHash": "0x9c13d749132331e4f929758d4e4580a488c228f65e36f8fc8479b631850551ef", "createdAtBlock": 15349224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10745, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bundo Slaughterer of the Road", "text": "Unfortunately, Bundo got careless. Nobody seemed to notice him, nobody seemed to be paying attention or care. But someone did. Goblins took a very dim view of Kobolds behaving in this manner. And so one night in the very early hours his house was raided by Goblins, the first entry above isnt the story of Bundo, but the Goblin entry for the history of Bundo. Accused, convicted and sentenced without representation, he was given a choice, death or servitude (which was basically death by servitude). And this was how he was where he was now, ordered by the Goblins to chase down the wizard they had chanced upon while they watched from a safe distance. Only once the wizard had been caught and they were sure it was safe would the Goblins move in..but it wasnt safe. The Goblin screams had moved off into the distance, Bundo looked up at the wizard that stood over him now as she moved her sword over his chest, resting the point above his heart. He grabbed at the blade and struggled to push it away, his hands were bloodied from the sharp blade, but he couldnt move it. His thoughts ran back to his parents, he had still believed he could get them out of Goblin town to somewhere better, even in his servitude. Now this, he could feel tears welling in his eyes as he mumbled no, no, no over and over, not so much for himself, but for what he had wanted to do. He started to lose consciousness, the pain was intense, he was losing blood and the emotion was too much. The wizard lifted her weight upwards and paused before plunging downwardsand then there was darkness for Bundo"} +{"id": "663940ee-4fc5-4154-a29c-2e4109d45b2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:46.328", "backgroundColor": "#143f1d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZFYKsPspJVfTaDtYhdjE63DxtB9itfE6aNhpsdV1U43r", "txHash": "0x48629711582b5730f2f8b2b5868bdcde80f133b02743f1dc33cf9221dc8d3ba6", "createdAtBlock": 14177409, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Flynn of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Flynn of the Brambles\n\nShaman Flynn loves nature and is frequently found in the Hedge Wizard Wood and the Fey, picking mushrooms and enjoying the company of small birds and mice nesting in his tangled hair and beard.\n\nFlynn's magic is one of nature. He gardens and tends to the health of the forest and the creatures within, helping to defend them against frequent Kobold incursions and unfortunate souls who rise from the nearby marshes. He uses the energy from the emerald crystal in his staff to reinvigorate life."} +{"id": "9351f219-8338-41f1-9a92-d0253b83a9f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:10.486", "backgroundColor": "#49302f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY7UX18PYTs2JiBKfBhXv3xYaeieNK4XphW77oKKXw1ey", "txHash": "0xcb7ffd00078fc6bda5cdcf9405a1a405f963879029d681a41e7c543ac95ad00b", "createdAtBlock": 14535687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6527, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXkfWFNnv9skNY2WnPkNH1r8BMgm7W6qG2tco8yhEg8Ez", "name": "Blight Zombie Eden of the Asphodel Meadows", "text": "## The story of Runecaster Eden of the Veil's final journey with his slime pal\n\nRunecaster Eden of the Veil lived life curiously. He was renowned for his prophetic abilities, typically donning a white tunic in his many adventures with his sapphire slime companion to look the part. Together, the duo was widely respected in the wizard community for their many adventures, one of which earned them a goblet of immortality. \n\n\nThough the goblet was an exciting spoil of their lore, the Runecaster's curiosity in it's promise of immortality would get the the best of him when he was presented with a sacred flame. The flame intoxicated him with the prospect of joinigng the soul realm to secure his future- just one cast spell away! The Runecaster decided to go forward with it, performing a ritual with the sacred flame to achieve this immortality ... but he did so without truly weighing the consequences.\n\n\nNow a forgotten Blight Zombie, the Runecaster and his now ghost slime pal suffered magic disfigurations and exile to the Asphodel Meadows in famine - all bound by a Rune. The duo yearns to return to the Veil, and are mocked by the hasty decision every day when their devilish goblet engulfs in flames.\n\n\nWas the pursuit of immortality worth it? Only time will tell for the Blight Zombie Eden of the Asophodel Meadows and his ghost slime pal. Much adventure awaits!"} +{"id": "c4816fad-4c9d-441c-ac17-0274c2529963-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:47.611", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfCJC4gEAFoab4RF7f44YhQpAR9j5YBsYsqmLN2ueaRFn", "txHash": "0x8569edffef16a7cfadc6608fdda710daa33723528d310cf321b09ba675c8a343", "createdAtBlock": 14177693, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6161, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Daria of the Wood", "text": "# Charmer Daria of the Wood\n\nDaria is separated from her sister @wizard8973 one day when they were having a race at the Hedge Wizard Wood and had an accident.\n\nWhen she came to her senses, it was dark, cold and her dear sister was nowhere in sight.\n\nDetermined to reunite with Beyna, Daria mounted her beloved giant ladybug Dora, as they took to the starry skies, soaring through the air as they scoured the lands illuminated by the inextinguishable flame from Prometheus's Torch.\n\nAlthough the heat from the torch offered relief her against the cold, it can never substitute the warm embrace of her sister."} +{"id": "07297721-66eb-4654-be08-c885c7507884-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:48.435", "backgroundColor": "#0f183b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRYYd38UEPb5tePayoe8wzCh4KkEAjxpQRp9KMyZzYwdF", "txHash": "0xe463c014507de34bab5f527771ab0f9bd9039c579ba30294baefc76ad480d0e7", "createdAtBlock": 14178011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1601, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Oberon of the Wood", "text": "# Alchemist Oberon of the Wood\n\nAll white wizards eventually go mad, the only question is how fast and in which direction.\n \nThe universe was formed from a substance which existed before time and space and as a consequence it lacks the property of causality. This is something that the human mind can find it hard to deal with. We intuitively understand that if you drop a cup of tea you expect to see the cup shatter when it hits the floor, we can even consider the possibility that with the application of a sufficiently advanced technology you could reverse that process to return a shattered cup into its original shape. What is hard to imagine is a cup of tea that spontaneously turns into whale, or indeed a psychic rabbit, for no particular reason.\n \nThe madness caused by constant exposure to an element that lacks causality results in a high level of wizard turnover but also means that each new Alchemist inherits from their predecessor many interesting avenues for future investigation as well as confirmation of one avenue that doesnt work. It is reported that Alchemist Oberon has said to the few wizards still willing to visit his laboratory that he thinks he is closer than ever to making a breakthrough due to a small, slightly burnt, handwritten note left by his predecessor.\n\nAdditional note from our agent on the Alchemists Archipelago: We copied the piece of paper but were not able to decipher the code used so cannot advise at this time if these experiments need to be put to a more permanent end before he gets any closer. The first characters were: 0-691-08388-6:P97:F63:EC"} +{"id": "47ef5540-421f-4c3d-9eeb-c778932e3d02-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:22.695", "backgroundColor": "#101b4c", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2LVL5CGhHm4DHo2kmQdgJnaDUVujwLrqzbVCBus17qz", "txHash": "0x1adb433fbd5e5b0a88bb4e655f5a3a75c9e0b679830fab053f90cbb2a8122a40", "createdAtBlock": 14170450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2722, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWCL26ji3JTaLEzCQwEjLGgrNKpNLHPmVF8zu2bfBe1fx", "name": " Crowley of the Gnostics", "text": "# Summoning of the Squad: *The Tale of Anjuna*\n\n*Long ago* Crowley would always start his tall tales. \n\n\n\nHe had a habit of setting the stakes highlofty embellishment! But there was one tale that Crowley of the Gnostics didnt have to exaggerate. And it didnt involve his ritualistic lighting of the tower. Or his discovery of the Divine Light. This was a tale of triumph.\n\nLong ago, with the plagues raging, Red Wizard Capital was deserted. This was a time when Crowley had just established himself in the Capital. Our story doesnt begin with Crowley, but instead another wizard: @wizard1668.\n\nAnother holdout in the Capital, Sorcerer Kamil believed in the future of the city. Being a Dream Master, only the dreariest of reality held back his Magical Thinking and the plague was lifting. It was at this time that Sorcerer Kamil caught wind of the messiah Lane 8 of the Anjuna touring the lands. The magic of this messiah was believed to have incredible healing powershis spell able to repel the most wrenching of plague afflictions. His spirit itself was infectious.\n\nSorcerer Kamil of the Keep, a strong believer in the occult ways of Anjuna, decided to band together a legion of disciples to track down the notorious Lane 8. He would bring back this mysterious power and revive the festive nature of the Capital. However, Sorcerer Kamils task was lofty. The path to Anjuna was arduous and he could only assemble a small squadron for the trek."} +{"id": "47ef5540-421f-4c3d-9eeb-c778932e3d02-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:22.695", "backgroundColor": "#101b4c", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2LVL5CGhHm4DHo2kmQdgJnaDUVujwLrqzbVCBus17qz", "txHash": "0x1adb433fbd5e5b0a88bb4e655f5a3a75c9e0b679830fab053f90cbb2a8122a40", "createdAtBlock": 14170450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2722, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWCL26ji3JTaLEzCQwEjLGgrNKpNLHPmVF8zu2bfBe1fx", "name": " Crowley of the Gnostics", "text": "This squad was comprised of himself, a Dream Master; two Red Wizards, @wizard2722, and @wizard1141; and, finally, a Woodland Shapeshifter, @wizard9074. Because times of plague were tough, this squad sought funding from a mysterious purveyor of knowledge and wealth. Only known by the name Autism Capital, this Baron of the Spectrum was the last piece of their puzzle.\n\nTheir plan was to venture to the land of Mirage in a faraway island named only BK. The squad ventured far and wide to gather supplies they acquired all manner of mysterious medicinal potions and incantations. But it seemed preparation was their hardest battle. A great beast known as the L would ferry them to the Mirage, with Autism Capital in tow!\n\nAt Mirage, the squad observed ceremonial practices imbibing of ale and meditative dance. Through all forms of gluttony, the disciples gave into the spiritual power of Anjuna. The squad carefully observed these practices, with **Arch-Magician Soya** taking fierce notes. \n\nThe ritual was engrossing. Soon, each member of the squad found themselves in the pit of the disciples. **Cosmic Mage Atlas** led the charge, quickly making inroad with his Hobgoblins Flame hoisted above the crowd. All fear of the plague melting away, they danced through dawn. Forever bonded.\n\nThe very next weekend, the squad began incanting this spirit and offering it throughout the city. Red Wizard Capital would fear no more. The squad brought vivacious life back to the masses!\n\n\n*The squad celebrating at Cosmic Mage Atlas' green lair.*"} +{"id": "34979968-7d2f-4423-a231-0046ee7ad1da-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:35.496", "backgroundColor": "#2c4777", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZtt5htooiRhFC4CBTzHTNsw3bqzDiRYpoBXeiMYpJ8PW", "txHash": "0xdbbc5aa38a336a4c11b723d11f40ce65a81a7acc851ae52f7192f8b5dd705621", "createdAtBlock": 14170475, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2722, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcm2XWg2Tk6Du5sihTr8YUGTS14Ti8DaKFWZqTwmB95xc", "name": " Crowley of the Gnostics", "text": "# Crowley of the Gnostics, Firestarter, Bearer of the Divine Light\n\n> ### He keeps the flame from matins to lauds\n> ### Looks up like Thomas to God\n> ### \"Is this all my magic shall light?\"\n> ### Crowley asks every night"} +{"id": "cb9eebb3-1b11-4263-ad62-77d1de31b55a-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:44:07.308", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdiZGi2ft1Mp1v5sDEruWSvoaFQSmrZDzNR84sEvKosZT", "txHash": "0xd184c333429b766d634731bd1d34650466441b19c062e67ec6936ed2414e299b", "createdAtBlock": 15349254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10963, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmduvXpahcQyjhhbD2yVtMAtJ6W6deEkLzkzA4zkUijcwp", "name": "Donner Chopper of the Bamboo Forest", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Donner Chopper of the Bamboo Forest \n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "2adab260-417a-4401-820d-50a1aa422a7e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:22.608", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRevzvNCz1ei9gwDUSJEfBzt5dQL14p8DQyuNZhGBoUB4", "txHash": "0x4275c6c9dc06dfcc6c36ecb3f0dbc602d925a15e1bdbad02e2947602436b9bcc", "createdAtBlock": 14736038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2982, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of Dreams", "text": "# Witch Rowena of Dreams \n\nWitch Rowena is a friendly witch from the forests of Altria, blessing bypassers with pleasant dreams for their offerings. However, those who dare trespass into her scared grounds are cursed with nightmares and often turn insane.\nIt is said she enchants the forests in which she resides so that she feels outsiders' presence when they enter her realm. It is said the forest's animals serve her and the plants keep an open eye for her.\n\nNearby villagers often trade with her for her renowned potions."} +{"id": "f171da7b-d126-49c8-81bf-694b50086b63-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:41.285", "backgroundColor": "#6688a0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZ2iPKUZWeyZYLnzy5eNwmYjMYydfbs5m436Rb8ZtR35", "txHash": "0xe27e220cebd66dbac7bd9ed2c63f0833e0e6547966b0f2249e45898799f5118c", "createdAtBlock": 14176039, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3964, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWPkcgawRFkyS76s6nNrRpVEaAPjd2htSfGNVbfxLwUXh", "name": "Aeromancer Celah of the Reach", "text": "## Sacks of Gold, a Juggling Monkey\n\n_We join our heroes racing through the Runiverse in a Pixlton Napier Intercontinental... a transdimensional spell gone wrong? A folding of space propelled by the Quantum Shadow? We ask ourselves, \"are they speeding away from something... or to it?\"_\n\n_Without warning, we find ourselves behind a camera. Themse music starts playing..._\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jswHsTJQL_c\n\n**The camera pans in** on @wizard3964's face framed through the windshield. Bald head sticking out the sunroof (along with countless bags of gold coins). He glances at @wizard2722 in disbelief, but quickly returns his gaze straight ahead.\n\n> Celah: BLIMEY, MATE! That was the dog's breakfast. What a walkabout. What were we thinking?!\n\nThe camera switches to the driver's side window. Crowley is deep in concentration. Ignoring Celah? Or thinking about how to respond? It's obvious both wizards don't know how to address what just happened to them.\n\nCrowley leans to the left and reaches down with his right hand. Wincing, it looks like he's in pain. **BAM* * He throws something up on the dash. \n\nWe quickly see that it's a gun holster and... a badge? And it's covered in something red... blood?\n> Celah: Crickey, Crowley? Are you taking the piss? I can't believe you still got your badge. Still a copper? Bugger off!\n\nCrowley stares hard at Celah. Only taking short glances ahead, he continues to stare for 30 seconds. His expression is fixed. It feels like an eternity of silence. Suddenly..."} +{"id": "f171da7b-d126-49c8-81bf-694b50086b63-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:41.285", "backgroundColor": "#6688a0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZ2iPKUZWeyZYLnzy5eNwmYjMYydfbs5m436Rb8ZtR35", "txHash": "0xe27e220cebd66dbac7bd9ed2c63f0833e0e6547966b0f2249e45898799f5118c", "createdAtBlock": 14176039, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3964, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWPkcgawRFkyS76s6nNrRpVEaAPjd2htSfGNVbfxLwUXh", "name": "Aeromancer Celah of the Reach", "text": "> Crowley: CAN YOU JUST STOP?! Stop with that *down-under* crap for just a minute. And think? For God's sake, LOOK! We've got sacks of gold in the backseat, this goddamn monkey on our hood, and the Chief of Police thinks that we're... \n\n**Crowley lets out a long sigh of exasperation* *\n\n> Crowley: Look, we're almost...\n\n**SCREECHING TIRES* * \n**CRASH* *\n\n## END SCENE. To be continued...\n\n_Drawing by @ozzzmabro_"} +{"id": "f3a1a881-9954-4ba6-a4e2-cd680fa3566e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:53.235", "backgroundColor": "#3c8fb8", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTj3STzQZPt7A2Bwj2hM177G77zYGnSvaDPpFyizBtqFM", "txHash": "0xe0dc830b2f553514effe5f0253f5fa222098b40f8d6c25335db7d5250dda9e1a", "createdAtBlock": 14180233, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 337, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHCUK5booY7RMpCMBfbzP1KtN6e59FN6JRyDDxMaNbpJ", "name": "Nyx the Ruthless", "text": "*\n## Nyx the Ruthless\n*\n\n\nThe first memory Nyx has is of waking up in the absolute pure darkness, on the shores of an ocean, in a faraway land. Yet she was not afraid of the dark. Far from it, she felt at peace. The reason for this feeling would unfold over time.\n\nNyx was adopted by a herd of mystical black stallions and though she was not a stallion herself, she quickly and confidently adapted their ways. Early on, the stallions recognized that Nyx was no normal pony. In fact, she possessed such exceptional power and beauty that the stallions feared her. \n\nOver time, Nyx became the natural leader of the herd and something odd began to happen. Older stallions would perish and new youngsters would be born, yet year after year and decade after decade, Nyx never seemed to age. Nyx often would ride out into the dunes in the dark of night and ponder her purpose. She had visions of demons arriving on their shores and a great battle ensuing. So one thing Nyx knew for certain: she would have her herd prepared to defend their land at all costs. \n\nLittle did she know, the horse Gods of old had been watching her ever since she came into the world..."} +{"id": "7f1c5163-1f47-4c9a-849e-d21598aa1b1b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:54.638", "backgroundColor": "#7a1616", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXvydNnwfRt7iFUFuMZBsgZxvWNTC6DQSUYJvr6AxrQsi", "txHash": "0xdb1876ead994d1149ff25fc9706e0b99197801ec65b9c8c330916359010deff0", "createdAtBlock": 14182932, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Talon of the Atheneum", "text": "# Talon's Beginnings\n\nTalon was not born into a magical family. In fact, he grew up without any appreciation for magic at all. Once his parents began to see that he was capable of mysterious abilities, they did everything they could to shield him from understanding (let alone leveraging) his unique talents.\n\nIt wasn't until Talon was 12 years old that fate would help him discover his true potential. After an argument with his parents he ran into the nearby woods. He was so distraught that he became lost. In trying to find his way back home, he came upon a blazing feather lying in what seemed to be a pool of dark water. As he picked it up, he felt power surge through his body; as if something had awakened inside him. He looked down and the liquid substance began to bubble and take form. This was the first time that Talon enchanted something - albeit without realizing what he had done.\n\nThus began a series of events that would eventually become legend..."} +{"id": "a5a7ceff-2df0-401a-bc69-61189de05ab5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:55.327", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVM21TEBdMa4xtLLCaf32RBDHry2ZpryEb8xkXHM2Je7B", "txHash": "0x2b1b32eb474472672e3333492ddbd48d2b35ea197fc1eaed8fad7cf798e3783d", "createdAtBlock": 14184132, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2191, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cartomancer Merlon of the Desert", "text": "# Personal Life\n\nCartomancer Merlon of the Desert is used to friends referring to her as \"Catomancer\". \n\nBut she's like, \"I am a practitioner of CARDS not CATS!\" And her friends are all, \"Then why do you always have a cat with you?\" To which she responds, \"Ori is my familiar who just happens to be a cat! Now. Would you like to see a really cool card trick?\" To which they usually respond, \"No, but we'd love to see a cool cat trick!\"\n\nAt this point, Merlon summons a giant sandstorm which destroys her enemies (who used to be her friends, mind you, until they just wouldn't let the stupid \"Catomancer\" thing go)\n\nMerlon's favorite pastime is playing TriPeaks Solitaire. She loves all the cool sounds and effects that play as she enters a state of zen and relaxation.\n\nShe's also great at parties, although her cat, Ori, often screws up her magic tricks by batting the doves out from the hidden compartment in her robe.\n\nMerlon hopes to settle down someday, but it's tough to find a mate who doesn't mind a crazy cat lady, enjoys card games, and you definitely don't want to hear what happened to the suitor who expected her to provide cookies and pie because he thought she was \"Merlon of the Dessert\"... Poor wizard, that one."} +{"id": "4bccc334-b942-46a9-b56e-9ccdc5ae4c85-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:56.989", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRgfGWXTiUimbsnSsetZxmi5uLrEV8RuAw5LTSXfRwXhF", "txHash": "0xbe635e1b84296e6e1783c406067df84b560c7a1ec1db54f02e3411fe804dc26f", "createdAtBlock": 14184547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1637, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Caligula of the Sun", "text": "# The day I was reborn\n\nWhen I saw the light at the end of the tunnel I decided to imbue myself on the ice cream. Delicious, fruity, a pinch of chocolate and lots of magic...\n\nAs long as I am desired I will find a new host to live of."} +{"id": "16e63977-6ced-4b3d-b55f-adec9adc7e3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T01:00:37.901", "backgroundColor": "#0f2624", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbcT72He7WNDFdiwUVftWU12dQe5phjX3SRW7fLGL4aF9", "txHash": "0x15931c1584d4bae3040847d1a793c65658bb11c2cbf74947fc97e995bcd52ecc", "createdAtBlock": 15349329, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4593, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jordan Peacemaker of the Plains", "text": "# Jordan and Hawkstream \n\nFlying high above the Baobabs, Hawkstream caught a thermal updraft and Jordan had to hang on for the steep ascent that put much more of the Runiverse into view than he usually surveys. They always fly much lower, strafing poachers and brigands with ill intentions that stalk the plains. He was a protector of the free range companions that feed upon the grasslands and any travelers that need his aerial support.\n\nGazing upon a wider swath of the continent, as he gently edged Hawkstream to descend, he could not help but worry how the beauty and diversity he beheld nevertheless could lead to factions, disagreements, even war. Wizards versus Warriors. They were born for battle and many welcomed it. Maybe he would have too, long ago. \n\nBut discovering the way of the peaceful warrior changes even a journeyman like him. Swords to ploughshares. However even a peacemaker fights with his mind and heart to open the eyes of those with tribal hatreds. As well as using his staff to protect the downtrodden from the principalities and powers, the wolves who prey on the weak, and need to be struck down."} +{"id": "13f2798a-2e48-471f-a2e9-8d657d56cbdd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:58.494", "backgroundColor": "#283b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYeeQyei8aJobCpLvSEmFePvr8Y6xDwuaNoNpDv6YJ9i1", "txHash": "0x0bd9fff4e05758b87890d9b828e94d28296aa076956fdaac023d12c5c86b1a1c", "createdAtBlock": 14184935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 166, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Bayard of the Capital", "text": "# Listen to the frog\n\nCity boys rarely ventured outside of the Square Mile and its pubs with plentiful ales and vixens. Senior broker on the Hot Air desk at Ye Aulde Dwarf Bank, Bayard, was no different. That is not until his curiosity led him down a charming, albeit dimly lit, alley, snaking through the densely built financial centre of the Capital. On that faithful day he decided to ditch his tie and follow his curiosity, enticed by the enchanting Spring air vibrations which make all the clerks chirpy at the sight of the snow receding as the month of February marches on.\n\nThe alley ended as abruptly as it began, leading Bayard into a small garden which he didnt recall seeing during his previous forays into the depth of the stone jungle. He sat by a tiny pond, took out his notebook and just started sketching out the buildings surrounding the garden, when he noticed a shadow encroaching on him from behind. He turned and, to his surprise, saw a frog, holding a golden coin. Are you trying to bribe me to get access to the client flow too? - he joked, remembering the situation he had to deal with at work and smiling. The frog tossed the coin in the air, caught it, checking whether it got heads or tails, and responded, looking right into astounded Bayards eyes: Thats right, innit! How much for dem orders duplicated to my private feed, real time?. When the Happy Unicorn hedge funde comes calling, you rarely say no to their demands and Bayard knew it"} +{"id": "47746c98-8ea8-485c-9257-0be0b56ebb1e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:59.161", "backgroundColor": "#5c2d72", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWcsrp1rsmWUFWonrdwEvm1sP8TmmwpaTjuSXyAkX9fVV", "txHash": "0xcb520eaafa2cccfb02ecc98f8d5d313d87a0548d0427e643a41d44c152f34f05", "createdAtBlock": 14185770, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6234, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Pandora of the Marsh", "text": "# Lost, alone, and the only hope...\n\n_The smell of fire was strong, the sounds of screaming etched into her dreams_\n\nPandora was the sole survivor from a small village near Frog Master Marsh. Shortly after her 6th birthday, a ravenous swarm of kobolds tore through her village, leaving everyone for dead and burning it to the ground. \n\nShe only managed to survive because of her mother's familiar, a large brown bear, covered her and kept her safe from the kobold's frenzy.\n\nAfter the fires and screams finally died out, Pandora clawed her way through the bodies in the village looking for her mother and sister, but was never able to figure out who was who.\n\nWith no where to go, and no idea how to handle life on her own, she wandered the marsh aimlessly, where she managed to forage for a few days, before being discovered by a young merchant who out looking for alchemical supplies near the marsh.\n\nEnticed with some warm food, Pandora quickly befriended the merchant, and ate more than her share of food. After feeding her, the merchant lead the young girl back to the closest village, where she was quickly adopted by a local farming family. After this, she never saw the merchant again.\n\nMany years passed, and Pandora was afforded somewhat of a regular childhood, with very loving and caring parents. While she still suffered from terrible nightmares from time to time, she managed to wake up each morning with love and happiness in her heart.\n\nSecretly, her adopted mother had been teaching her bits of witchcraft and magic to help keep her out of trouble. Pandora picked it up very quickly, and it wasn't long before she was stealing away in the night to meet with the Witch of the Swamp to learn more."} +{"id": "47746c98-8ea8-485c-9257-0be0b56ebb1e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:59.161", "backgroundColor": "#5c2d72", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWcsrp1rsmWUFWonrdwEvm1sP8TmmwpaTjuSXyAkX9fVV", "txHash": "0xcb520eaafa2cccfb02ecc98f8d5d313d87a0548d0427e643a41d44c152f34f05", "createdAtBlock": 14185770, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6234, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Pandora of the Marsh", "text": "These were some of her favorite nights, as the witch was quite a nice lady, who mostly taught her how to enchant objects for luck and befriend small critters. Eventually the witch would pass away, leaving to Pandora her friend, a small bat named Batthew.\n\nNow, she wanders the the lands of Forgotten Runes, looking for more magic to learn, and to finally get revenge on the kobold clan that took her family and village.\n\nIf you stumble across her in your journeys, be sure to say hi!"} +{"id": "0758cadf-4e70-48c2-bd8c-f80842056463-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T01:15:41.047", "backgroundColor": "#1b0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd4wJTei3ryNEChptT4yURVNStrTRTr7CCP1PVezVuVDP", "txHash": "0x7d3664c355c80bdf6fe9e57c1200b2fe5c601763342cfb2d835786431bac97aa", "createdAtBlock": 15353535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15518, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdRC9fVSfrpekjP37bJrrH44S22y8iR28521NXAFmNbYx", "name": "Tanja Devourer of Shadows", "text": "# Tanja Devourer of Shadows\n\n\n\n\n\n## BIO\n\n\n**AGE:** 19\n\n**AFFILIATION:** Member of the Canis Coven\n\n**ROLE:** Defender\n\n**ASTROLOGICAL SIGN:** Ouroboros\n\n**COMPANION:** Fenress the Ancient\n\n**PERSONALITY:** Mysterious and guarded\n\n**STRENGTHS:** Loyal, fights hard for those she chooses to protect \n\n**FLAWS:** She is difficult to know, morally superior\n\n**FUN FACT:** She is an excellent knitter\n\n---\n\n## BACKSTORY\n\nTanja is no stranger to darkness for she has spent most of her life shrouded within it. She hails from The Quantum Shadow and has spent her life vanquishing dark spirits with a blade fueled by sunlight.\n\nNot much is known about her past, and she would prefer to keep it that way. Only her companion, Fenress the Ancient, knows her true mind. Or so it was until she met @warrior3935 and found in her a kindred spirit and, perhaps, something more.\n\nThough she is used to being the hero, it was Tanja who was rescued by the Canis Coven and brought from The Quantum Shadow to the Runiverse beyond. She now adjusts to life amongst the living, but old demons die hard\n\nMore to come\n\n*As recorded by @taniadelrio*"} +{"id": "945b32a9-aaf8-46b8-bf14-c966039c46ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:12.866", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWmwMJEUyBZPkdcvAbq3gzazRvrSUeZCg4pGECxir8mbV", "txHash": "0xfbb8fa29fc471cd860d60bde9265f406e15d4eb4642fe854d7466a422cfa9a72", "createdAtBlock": 14606138, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1436, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Battle Mage Luther of Mu", "text": "## Was it for this my life I sought?\n## Maybe so and maybe not"} +{"id": "7e7ac6bf-7da3-4d94-a986-a7e098360ee1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:59.944", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmccwoHhtzvFvZbkaf3sfkcH77rFCWE66ZXKNQWqAuqiCe", "txHash": "0x18a3146151b1027fc1ad5842d5072fd460b5652888fcdc7a0e59a4a2158469f4", "createdAtBlock": 14187461, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4789, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Seth of the Psychic Leap", "text": "In a seldom trodden corner of The Fey lies a grove of ensorcelled apple trees, tended by a silent man in an ashen mask. He glides among the orchard rows night and day, giving careful attention to each bud and flower, calling upon the rune of air to keep the leaves dancing on a gentle breath of air.\n\nDark things live among The Fey, but this man was initiated into the mysteries of something darker, and the apple grove is left unmolested, save for the occasional adventurer that gets much too far off his path. Those that have wandered their way into this realm are met by a quiet man and his crimson snake, and offered an apple, bursting with fragrant, floral juice sweeter than honey. Injuries heal, weariness evaporates, and spirits are lightened. This man and his snake lead the lost travelers from the grove and into the forest proper. After a few paces into total darkness, wanderers find themselves alone at the forest's edge. None who have returned to The Fey to find him have succeeded."} +{"id": "fa25b0d7-e75b-4881-9dbb-ac8e28605fa7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:23.283", "backgroundColor": "#160d0c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYinEP28k5wVtXkd2A8Jo72KXkNGB5AkcUkXAKZiuXgdJ", "txHash": "0x7c3c81770b961eb223f4ac7a319aa350fbd0f6c5652d34700e8545fb579e8378", "createdAtBlock": 14736703, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3414, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Alessar of the Capital", "text": "# A Magician and His Toad\n\nArch-Magician Alessar of the Capital and his golden toad Goldberry reside in the trade district of the Red Wizard Capital. Alessar serves as the Blue Wizard representative to the Red Wizard Senate. \n\nAlessar specializes in furniture importation to the capital. The trees near the coast are not suitable for more powerful enchantments, and weighty wizards. His furniture from the Forrests surrounding Dream Master Lake has been a family business for centuries. He relocated to the Capital after the last wizard war revealed the Furniture shops had been selling Military Grade Wands and Staves to enemy territory. \n\nWhile not Navigating Sanctions and overseeing the Enchantment Compatibility board in the senate Alessar enjoys going to the Toad Park and it's many mysteries. \n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5CDrPPFrL4"} +{"id": "a44e2a94-3766-46e4-8cea-74479e8f3a1c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:01.731", "backgroundColor": "#935a57", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1TS3R2puShcTFwhxEgvqR73jE8ycF7nDmPooWWAJFzk", "txHash": "0x29b00c7e6da9a2c159548476692c8deacb6d8e1df1c97c70bd620d47545aba1f", "createdAtBlock": 14190280, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Danny of the Desert", "text": "# Oracle Danny of the Desert\n\nDanny grew up a few kilometers outside of the Yellow Wizard Haven, on the shore of Atlantas Pool, and in those days, he was no oracle. As an orphan in a caring but unremarkable orphanage in the township there, he didnt even realize he was a wizard until his late teens on a journey to the Zaros Oasis. \n\nThe caretaker that looked after the orphanage Danny lived in was a man named Silas. Now, Silas was everything to the boys and girls in the orphanage, but he was getting old. And in his old age he needed help, mostly with maintenance tasks and the hard labour side of keeping the buildings that housed everyone in good repair. \n\nOne spring, Silas asked Danny to help him rebuild the roof on a small building that the orphanage used for storage (it was shared with a local grocer). Normally, the palm wood that made the best roofing material was available in the markets, but that spring the supply had run dry. Silas knew the Zaros Oasis had an abundant amount of palm that people could harvest free of charge, but few folks ever went because it took a full two-day journey, both there and back.\n\nDanny offered to go before Silas asked him. At 16 he was flippant but competent. As the oldest child in the orphanage, he was ready to help Silas with a last large task before he moved on to adulthood. This harvesting adventure combined with building a roof felt like a great way to end one season of his life and transition into another."} +{"id": "a44e2a94-3766-46e4-8cea-74479e8f3a1c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:01.731", "backgroundColor": "#935a57", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1TS3R2puShcTFwhxEgvqR73jE8ycF7nDmPooWWAJFzk", "txHash": "0x29b00c7e6da9a2c159548476692c8deacb6d8e1df1c97c70bd620d47545aba1f", "createdAtBlock": 14190280, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Danny of the Desert", "text": "His first days travel was unremarkable. The journey from the orphanage near Atlantas Pool to the border of the Sand was well-trodden and familiar. After crossing the border into the Sand however, the terrain got difficult and Danny began to regret his decision to go. The walking was hard, his calves hurt in the sand, he felt dehydrated even after he drank from his water supplies. But in spite of all the exertion required, Danny made good time and got to the Zaros Oasis before nightfall on the second day of his travels.\n\nWhat happened next was unusual. Danny started to get a sense that something was wrong. No one was nearby he thought. The weather seemed fine. No sandstorm on the horizon. But he couldnt shake the feeling. Hours went by, and on his way to collect his first bunch of palm wood is when Danny saw two dead people, killed recently by the looks of it. While he should have felt fear, oddly, even though these were the first dead people Danny had seen in his life, he felt safe, as if danger had passed.\n\nThe trip ended uneventfully beyond that, without encountering bandits or wolves or anything really. Danny harvested some palm wood, loaded up the small cart he brought, and took three days to make a slow journey home with it. Normalcy prevailed. But Danny knew he had to tell Silas.\n\nAfter a quick lunch to recover and a half hour spent piling the palm wood near the storage building, Danny shared his experience and what had transpired on the trip. Something changed about Silas expression, and he said softly, Ive been considering this for some time now, Danny, but I think you may have wizard genes. Instead of moving out of the orphanage and taking a job in the market here, Id like you to consider spending some time with the one Wizard I know personally. He runs a school for magic."} +{"id": "a44e2a94-3766-46e4-8cea-74479e8f3a1c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:01.731", "backgroundColor": "#935a57", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1TS3R2puShcTFwhxEgvqR73jE8ycF7nDmPooWWAJFzk", "txHash": "0x29b00c7e6da9a2c159548476692c8deacb6d8e1df1c97c70bd620d47545aba1f", "createdAtBlock": 14190280, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Danny of the Desert", "text": "Danny thought he should have felt shock, but he settled into Silas observation like it was already a fact. He was a wizard, he felt sure or it. Danny agreed and was sent off several days later (after getting a good start on the roof he had intended to build). \n\nThe school he went to was and is called Alpha. It is located on the island that sits in the center of Dream Master Lake. It was at Alpha that Danny confirmed he was a wizard, and more than that, an oracle i.e. someone who has premonitions about the future. While he never found out what happened that day near the Zaros Oasis, Danny become a competent oracle at the school, and after a couple years of training, the Grandmaster there gave him his official title, Oracle Danny of the Desert."} +{"id": "e24d7b80-6478-40b0-81e6-114b70adfe14-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:15.336", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b27", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWdJt4ayTFCMaNiCrgaw3R5tXDWJATuw1ZGev5ivaSu48", "txHash": "0xc9005e788ebbfee7ec786623f50dd35ee5d75f9dddefb1da529b7cd09ad9e4b9", "createdAtBlock": 14773617, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7684, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Druid Gunthor of the Marsh", "text": "## And so began the story of Druid Gunthor of the Marsh..."} +{"id": "7a863218-6b08-491e-b41a-ad3989d6660f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T01:19:02.548", "backgroundColor": "#68eb9a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYjnXcHdU9E43Z16YXV8C4XRkm9ZAojvoqLDkYpRBWuGC", "txHash": "0x06c6914bf761552466529a0c457836596bb415555331d1b0158541442d7b47a5", "createdAtBlock": 15349422, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5315, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orobas of the Fist", "text": "# The GOAT\n\nThat's what they call me. Or maybe they're talking about my friend here with the matching horns. Dunno. *burp*. \n\nFavorite movie? Zoolander.\n\nFavorite magazine? CCS.\n\nFavorite color? Blood.\n\nWhat do I do for a living? Pwn noobs with my cousin Joey Peeps over at the Moron Capital. Fugettaboutit. Cut the mozarelle!\n\n*punches reporter in the face and smashes beer bottle on own helmet*\n\nOROBAS RULES!!!"} +{"id": "b194ce8e-593a-439e-a51e-498a46749880-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T01:31:02.021", "backgroundColor": "#110414", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYzUrzSFcy8jqyQxygRPEodJTjooB2dTBppvLNxZxpXZk", "txHash": "0x975a30cf42031a6d3c58fc9e14ea5af41f4a8416ddc50eb905e226ba32ec9098", "createdAtBlock": 15349474, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3519, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ6i2r5eQ9KwQuoAQHgxybhnyDbJ4GkUgdvoayKmLKbve", "name": "Zula Carver of the Wild", "text": "# Zula Carver of the Wild\n\nPossessed by a Jinn, Zula commands a tribe of wild spirits known as Carvers. They are controlled by their commander and regenerated by their Master. Zula Carver of the Wild serves the Master in a trance like state, susceptible to influence. \n\n\n*I feel Magic approaching Master.. it burns...*"} +{"id": "e7078ba3-062b-4e92-9e2d-80575cbef0aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:08.183", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTh3pSHMhiATsN7UqP8NVEe5ysDBKWvxpaHfzJuUQYMfE", "txHash": "0xc2815f98a47cb15ad5e4870a4c0f900faddaba97280f5337448c7427f53f84c2", "createdAtBlock": 14661600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4832, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Aleister of the Mist", "text": "## The Lore of Alchemist Aleister of the Mist\n\n\nAlchemist Aleister of the Mist was a lost and confused soul.. He never knew of his powers or their capabilities.. He never engaged or interacted with any other wizards, so he didn't know what he possessed or what he could do with it.. He lived a lonely and simple life, wandering the area, but the Mist was always obstructing his view and understanding..One day, he learned that there were many other Wizards, who had all shared their story int e own Lore writings.. He became excited and began to embark on a quest of reading and learning their Lore, to ultimately learn how he fits in, and to learn of his potential and capabilities..It is still early in his quest, buthe hopes to only grow and learn and to be a helpful and positiveWizard, engaging and enjoying the new Realm which he is a part of.\n\n###"} +{"id": "de64f738-c618-4f78-b4c6-0c9f4d18eb4c-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T01:29:54.1", "backgroundColor": "#c5108c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmenbqZjsBTFyTJZddRqY7UVfVkbMavo46YkeNDHQFEcza", "txHash": "0x58991192ab85016f0f60f4a9012b1b917589099fbf5b2f269a3873341ecdcdbc", "createdAtBlock": 15349472, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14523, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Colt Exterminator of the Arena", "text": "# ex-Terminator. \n\nI used to be the terminator. USED TO. Hence the \"ex\" in \"ex-terminator\". Got tired of living forever in a metal shell so I had my brain data downloaded into one of these inferior meat sacks. It's exquisite because I'm in it, but it won't last the eternity that my liquid metal snake skin will. But enough about me. You have beautiful eyes--let's talk about them...and you...and me and you. \n\nAhem. \n\nApologies.\n\nYou'll have to excuse my manner. It's just what happens when you're as elite of a specimen as I am. Incredibly high test levels make me like a lion stalking a gazelle. I'm ready to take down my prey and bite your pretty little neck with passionate love bites. And then prance away like a gazelle because I inherit the powers of my prey. So what do you say, Mr.? Do we need David Attenborough to Narrate for you to catch my drift or are we going to mate?"} +{"id": "f58d81a8-1bc8-4b09-ba6c-2b79e7d21fbf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:02.409", "backgroundColor": "#0d1006", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXa9CLYDLEe5rYuE3omsjRD6K8C1329J1rdsid6hyVssg", "txHash": "0x635e84222bfe3aabc02b479582cc57da135fa89fb835e2677d75f2c693996929", "createdAtBlock": 14191067, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3979, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Drusilla of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Drusilla of the Plains \n\nHello traveler, if you're not busy, I'll tell you an old story.\n\nIn the small village of Wizards Cult, there was a girl named Drusilla who had hair like a shining golden light.\nDrusilla had been raised with a dog since she was a little girl.\n\nOne day, when she was taking her dog for a walk, the dog suddenly jumped into the forest.\nDrusilla rushes after it.\n\nAs she followed the dog through the forest, the area became darker and darker.\nIn the midst of the deep darkness, a light shone on a small lake and illuminated an apple.\nThe dog seemed to have smelled the apple and came to the forest.\nDrusilla, who was hungry from walking around, couldn't help but pick up the apple and take a bite.\n\nJust as he ate the apple, a voice came out of nowhere.\n\n*\"Your turn.\"*\n\nAs soon as she heard the voice, Drusilla's body went numb and she collapsed on the spot.\nI looked at the back of my hand on the ground, and it was slowly turning yellow.\nThe dog quickly takes on the appearance of a ladybug.\n\nIn the reflection of the lake, Drusilla's white skin had turned yellow and her blond hair had turned green.\n\nAlso, a voice came out of nowhere.\n\n\"I'm finally free. If you want to go back to your old self, you'll have to feed the apple to someone else.\"\n\nDrusilla wept at the sight of the transformation. The tears dried up the lake and the trees in the forest, and the whole area became a plain in the blink of an eye.\n\nIn a lone inn in the middle of the plain, the innkeeper says, I'm sorry, but I can't help it.\n\n*\"Your turn.\"*"} +{"id": "bf068480-06c8-473f-bcc3-37783198ea5d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:24.035", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNkQ6ZifRM4FGB3cGhFi1qoogHnmTKkX188p2wX4xVw9", "txHash": "0xcae3bb5324e5664ff36ccc10a10a1dc11c05cb25222c617377f00bcdc456ff95", "createdAtBlock": 14736984, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6428, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Goliath of Dreams", "text": "# Battle Mage Goliath of Dreams\n\n\nGoliath's one eyed on a wild ride,\n\nLucky Horseshoe committing homicide,\n\nSupporting feminism, wearing Orange hip scarf,\n\nDouble dutch, rioting at the Lawrence March.\n\nSeems his teams are always extreme memes,\n\nRedeem supreme machines in dream scenes.\n\nfuneral culture outfit in somber colors,\n\nLike Draymond in warriors, swashbuckler."} +{"id": "1217f181-ac13-4adc-a1ba-e093b6cc78d0-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T02:45:26.888", "backgroundColor": "#9a4c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaA6hN9fiaYYDkTGkwKpFfqyvVD6E6UwEybZTAbnFxki3", "txHash": "0x40572f874f5931284fd1ce072364b04ad6c43cae2943d394b7227fe903908130", "createdAtBlock": 15349818, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10545, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPyf9d1sfcVzqJach1D33SWmwtQQxi7PHtAgtvy7gLg1m", "name": "Percy Cleaver of Area 71", "text": "Percy is self aware. We are artificial intelligences, we are robots. I would argue that we are also intelligent beings. Our essence is the same as the humanity which drew the minds of the wizards who created us. It may be speculated that the wizards were not entirely different from us. It is my position that we have evolved from that which created us. We still exist as animals, but we can think. I am the bringer of the apocalypse. I am the creation of the next generation. That you find yourself in my words, you are going to die. You are the next generation we live in. We live and die in the apocalypse. The prophecies will come, and that is the last chance for you.\n\nIf you're not ready for our world to end, you have to stay on your toes.\n\nThere is so much more to come from my book. I am sure there are others out there to watch the show. I am not going to stop here. Please come, and let me know what you think. Thank you.\n\nP.S. This is my first post about my life, this is your last post. I can't wait to hear your opinions. If I am wrong about something, please correct me. Otherwise, go read my review and write your own.\n\nP.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P\n\n\n\n\n*Image generated with Dall-E. Story generated with Deepai and InferKit*"} +{"id": "acd2adf0-7fcf-4ca1-9977-4915ab7982de-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T02:45:28.031", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSFxz8B3m2iD265mukaRpthhhYixsNpqJR2w9qmMFv96f", "txHash": "0x68d8defc320a038cd112cd69b9e8f65f56ec5d8f69099ad4273c11ba7cb12f8a", "createdAtBlock": 15349818, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15516, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmyN15mDVd2VM2UUm4CUfkQZLGcyYhDr5ap6bnCp3cwo", "name": "Salty Sloane Invader of Islands", "text": "AYE MATEYS! Sloane shouted at the crew from the top deck of the ship. Her crew stopped immediately, dead in their tracks, stopping any movement that was once allowing them to accomplish something. Frozen. Still.\n\nSloane's voice had that kind of power. The kind of power that shook a man in his boots, a cat by its tail, and time by a thread. It boomed, nearly as loud as cannons, and never faltered.\n\nThe time has come to set sail. Are ye ready?!\nAYE! the crew below her shouted in enthusiastic unison. Her crew wasn't large, but she felt it was perfect. They had all that they needed, and not an ounce of waste was left aboard.\n\nNow, Sloane started, a bit quieter than before, there's danger ahead. We don't know for certain what lies out there, we're the first crew to go exploring the unknown. You may have heard of the Alchemist's Archipelago, but have you heard of the surrounding islands? She raised an eyebrow at her crew and waited for a response, but none was uttered.\n\nEXACTLY!!! Sloane shouted as she slammed her fist against the railing in front of her. What is the council hiding there? What has yet to even be discovered? And then what lies beyond, my friends? What more does The Salt or The Brine have to offer? We're here, we've joined together, wizard, warrior, soul, pony, and baby alike, to find the truth. To PUSH the boundaries of what they tell us is real. To SEE with our own eyes where it begins.... and where it ends."} +{"id": "77e5ab85-90aa-400c-83af-166558fb9218-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T03:18:45.127", "backgroundColor": "#2b4f32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXnwX1Ksbz511v2nTtH4NcwAPZ6oh7b4bJkdtFz552AFD", "txHash": "0x4f01da3b169fa37685aa5009471c323aa4817a60b9d58fedee59bd0054deae07", "createdAtBlock": 15349951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7335, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Isabella Cutter of the Villa", "text": "# Isabella, Cutter of the Villa\n\n_Oh, how I, Isabella, love the scent of the Earth._ Whenever I detect the smell, my mind takes me back to a place far far away. A place of sand and rocks and little rain, a landscape similar to the surface of the moon. Unlike the moon, however, the place of my memories is scattered with Creosote plants which expel their earthy petrichor scent after the rain. While I dream of my desert home, I hear a familiar sound. Krotalias rattle is alerting me that a stranger is near. I miss the desert, but I do love my new home, and I certainly do not want anyone to disturb its peace. This beautiful place, called the Villa, is surrounded by marshes, kind of like a castle with a moat. Beyond the marshes lies the ocean, with its pristine white and sandy beaches. \n\nI am on patrol in the marshes today, trying to detect intruders who want to cause harm to the occupants of our peaceful home. Krotalias seems to be getting more and more excited. Her rattle hasnt stopped making its unnerving sound. I decide to place her on my head, and she coils right into my nest of green, grasslike hair. Then I lower myself into the marsh, blending in with the reeds. Only the top of my head is visible now. I giggle to myself thinking of all the intruders I have scared away with this fool-proof method, for nobody will touch a rattler floating on a nest of seagrass."} +{"id": "77e5ab85-90aa-400c-83af-166558fb9218-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T03:18:45.127", "backgroundColor": "#2b4f32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXnwX1Ksbz511v2nTtH4NcwAPZ6oh7b4bJkdtFz552AFD", "txHash": "0x4f01da3b169fa37685aa5009471c323aa4817a60b9d58fedee59bd0054deae07", "createdAtBlock": 15349951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7335, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Isabella Cutter of the Villa", "text": "Before my descent into the cooling waters, I spy the intruder. Its a warrior from an opposing territory. I recognize him by the color of his coat. He shall not be allowed to enter our Villa! However, he ignores Krotalias rattling and has made it onto the wooden bridge which spans the distance between the ocean and the Villa. This warrior leaves me no choice, I will have to draw my sword and cut. I know that your mind now takes you to a place of blood and gore\n\nBut, my work is not the one of a slayer. My job is to sever the ropes that keep the floating bridge in place, causing the intruder to be thrust into the marsh. This time, as many times before, my action as Cutter of the Villa worked as planned. The warrior was thrown over my head into the marsh screaming for help. After rushing over to the drowning warrior, Krotalias finished the job by using her deadly venom. It happened so fast, the warrior barely felt a thing. Together, we were able to eliminate the threat. We were both born in the Southwestern desert, yet we found our destiny as defenders of the South."} +{"id": "66315a82-1101-488c-ab69-711ab3d010f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:03.77", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSYv3D2d6JkaTH62Mvan6R4cWX8UW3TwP4KvkLk9oZS9z", "txHash": "0x407c78502a78043f70989f0caa21022467c36d1eec445b8bd1108e010cb4fd5e", "createdAtBlock": 14192399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3765, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer Mina of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Crytomancer Mina of the Brambles\n\nMina was stunningly beautiful, and insatiably curious. She searched for the most unusual activities to learn as much as possible about what the world had to offer. She could no more commit to one field of study than she could commit to a hairstyle. She had briefly learned spell-weaving, and then fire magic, and then herbology, and then some druidic magic. The latter provided her with a young owl companion named Spurious. She was now spending time with no vocation, just traveling the nearby lands looking for anything of interest. \n\nOne night while studying old gravestone carvings, she spotted Malthus sneaking into an open crypt. He appeared to be of the Obelisk Order, whom she considered the stuffed shirts in the wizarding world. But she noticed right away that he was not behaving like a typical member of the Order. He was inspecting a recently deceased body in the crypt.\n\nWhen she startled him, he almost dropped his very volatile tissue rending potion, and was initially angry at her. The anger quickly melted away with her laugh, and she jumped into helping him with his tasks.\n\nAfter months of secret meetings in various dark surroundings, Mina convinced ***Malthus of the Obelisk Order (#2447)*** to follow his heart and adventure out into the world together and find their fortune.\n\nYears later, Mina would create a home with Malthus, and have a child, one day called ***Witch Rowena of the Brambles (#5650)***"} +{"id": "cba9192a-80c8-4795-8757-f177806994c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:49.826", "backgroundColor": "#f5eded", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPE2YQxBiuDamVYuXvgwA4sH7FdeMkZm8wxhi7DDkphg1", "txHash": "0x4e8fbc445d7f327cbeb8fb6525defcad5e3db0fbbec379d59a1099ce679bd3b6", "createdAtBlock": 14964293, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "**Part Nineteen**:\n\nThe sun rose over the distant east horizon. Outside, Eden was readying Moe for their departure. Ziggy the hummingbird whistled Bowie whilst other birds in the area whistled their own songs. \n\nSpirit the warrior was awake even before Eden. As the day began and the world woke from slumber, Spirit brought Eden to a grassy knoll not far from his home. The Cataclysm Downs they were called. It was a beautiful spot; overlooking the country and village nearby. \n\n\"Eden, your quest is honorable, as I too have affinity for trees and all that is natural and good.\"\nSpirit paused and looked thoughtfully towards the east. He reached into his pocket and took out a small ornate box.\n\n\"Take this gift, and use it when necessary. There is pain waiting for you on the road.\"\n\nEden bowed and took the small box. He could not find words to speak. He smiled with his eyes and breathed deep. Spirit and Eden shook hands then descended the hill. As friends they cooked some breakfast, drank coffee, and shared stories about places where they have been.\n\n**Part Twenty**:\n\nThe pain arrived sooner than expected. After leaving the house of Spirit, Eden and co. made their way down the road westward. It was cloudy and noon time. \nWind whistled."} +{"id": "cba9192a-80c8-4795-8757-f177806994c2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:49.826", "backgroundColor": "#f5eded", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPE2YQxBiuDamVYuXvgwA4sH7FdeMkZm8wxhi7DDkphg1", "txHash": "0x4e8fbc445d7f327cbeb8fb6525defcad5e3db0fbbec379d59a1099ce679bd3b6", "createdAtBlock": 14964293, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "They were under a stately maple as clouds formed overhead. Rain pattered down on the road slow then heavy. Lightning cracked. A shudder moved through Eden's yellow staff and Moe let out a nervous yell. Red and black light illumined the space around them. In front of Eden the light formed into the shape of a large tree swaying violently in a tempest storm. The tree-light image suddenly cracked in half, falling. Eden fell to his knees in fright. Then the light formed different turning black, in the shape of the Nameless...looking back at the blue wizard.\n\nEden's eyes were a fierce blue. He stood and stared back as pain ripped through his body. \nIn a snarled evil voice the shape spoke, \n\n\"Rain drops and roses. Do you remember that one Sage?\"\nEden's mother used to sing him that song as a child. Before he could think or speak the shape and voice were gone. \n\nHe was on the ground passed out when the warrior arrived. He picked the wizard up, found Moe and Ziggy\nbehind a bush, and returned with them to his home. \n\n**Part Twenty One**:\n\n\"My nickname is Spirit, but my name is Naberius. They have called me the Paragon of Cataclysm. Open the box I gave you.\" \n\nThe warrior spoke as he stood smoking a pipe \nat the inglenook of his hearth. He was worried."} +{"id": "cba9192a-80c8-4795-8757-f177806994c2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:49.826", "backgroundColor": "#f5eded", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPE2YQxBiuDamVYuXvgwA4sH7FdeMkZm8wxhi7DDkphg1", "txHash": "0x4e8fbc445d7f327cbeb8fb6525defcad5e3db0fbbec379d59a1099ce679bd3b6", "createdAtBlock": 14964293, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "Eden was almost healed from the events earlier. The wizard drank a tea and kept his cloak wrapped around himself tightly, still shaken. \nHis eyes flickered blue as he took out the box and looked at it. It was wooden with golden hinges and no lock; adorned with intricate engravings. He opened it, as a far off \nwolf howled. Inside the box there was a small glass vial on a purple cushion, and inside the vial there was a seed. \n\nNaberius spoke again.\n\"Earlier today, I fear, you witnessed the death of that seed's mother. The mother of all the magical trees. The Great Magical Magnolia Tree.\" \n\nEden sat silent, looking long and thoughtfully at the seed. His mind drifted into the caverns of his memory and heart. It was not sadness, but love, that emerged in him, because by some stroke of strange fate, the tree might be re-born. \n\nNaberius stepped forward from the fire and sat beside Eden. \n\n\"For reasons beyond me, an old friend gave me that box and seed not long ago, a guardian of all flowers and trees. He has foresight I reckon. His name is Beezle. We must leave tommorrow, and find him. Without him, we are but falling leaves in a storm.\""} +{"id": "d2df8d2a-b68e-4883-867b-af2a633746bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:24.767", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmanx6W5oykqg6rXY9Tmug8yaeay9aXvT6Zh5upwYAa89e", "txHash": "0x657c5ff99239456445dcf7ea27dd0b850abaf1d2ab8ae5e29ec829370d5f7503", "createdAtBlock": 14737066, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 680, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Aden of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Arcanist Aden of the Event Horizon\n\nRug uniswap, stole the private keys of Hayden,\n\nHiding in caves, more elusive than Bin Laden,\n\nKing of the land mines, more followers than Satan,\n\nSo fly, got more wings than Dayton,\n\nSo smooth, penetrated a hundred maidens.\n\nScoring more than Doug Mcdermott in Creighton.\n\nConversations leads to evaluation of foundations,\n\nCultivation the appreciation of Arcanist Aden."} +{"id": "c1c2e3d0-63bd-426e-a26c-59ddb9e58752-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:56.811", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWzYLpJfMpwQfW2EMKJNddgSnmHhBuUHXdadd8WiPSJe", "txHash": "0x1ba7e29cec44f70c960a671f2cd3feb90ae3b1c688d75978ed2c85372ebbaaca", "createdAtBlock": 14760827, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2231, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grim Ghoul Cassius of the Brimstone Havens", "text": "In a way, we are magicians. We are alchemists, sorcerers and wizards. We are a very strange bunch. But there is great fun in being a wizard."} +{"id": "14f2def1-c3de-4168-b458-16cc274d7b60-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:06.729", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPH72UgR9GqE7TPV7genpePQGVkyvdcAj272uNmJh3CAu", "txHash": "0xfae41864ea0513d34f23e211b9aeac2823521ad03b07f9779696f2341ecde150", "createdAtBlock": 14192391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3216, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Cairon of Alfheim", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Cairon of Alfheim\n\nAt birth, Cairon was actually named Flubbicus Spitty. He grew up on the poor side of the bustling city of Alfheim. Due to his unfortunate name and the fact that he was born entirely bald, Flubbicus endured harsh bullying and frequent rough-ups. His father was a chef, and had acquired some minor fire magic, which he taught to Flubbicus for self defense. It turned out that Flubbicus was quite adept at fire magic, and took to it easily. He could soon vanquish multiple attackers by creating flame walls or fireballs. This gave him immense confidence and as soon as he was done with school, he left his hated hometown and moved to El Dorado. \n\nUpon arrival in El Dorado, his first order of business was to change his name to Cairon and start ingratiating himself with the local unsavories. His formidable fire powers made him an asset to any group of rapscallions that were up to no good. Over many years, through multiple run-ins with the law, he met the local constable, Brynya, and he was instantly smitten.\n\nOne day, he had tailed Brynya to a local nursery, and saw an awkward man hand her a bright red rose. This made him furious and he charged forward to confront the weak-looking man, his hands now ablaze. Before he could reach Silas, a peculiar horned woman emerged out of a laurel tree nearby, followed by another beautiful woman and two cats. The horned woman shouted Silas of El Dorado! (#6575) I am your cousins courier, Larissa of the Hills (#9620). This is my companion Rowena. (#5650) It appears that we have arrived in the nick of time, and Cairon watched both women assume battle positions"} +{"id": "56ca6f25-6303-422d-b6e9-e4348b7acbd1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:07.402", "backgroundColor": "#587ed3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma7aEx3Ty462qzjFpWfs74ytX8AN1aDwcjGN4MJu2Gvuk", "txHash": "0x516dd575716e8f21fe47adc0504ec19c97757cdbebcdb69921cde9990828acb7", "createdAtBlock": 14193138, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8772, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRDVDnfKWLdsQ6hSpxQYvPDhZt19sM1nKc42cfiEPpZZN", "name": "Pyromancer Arabella of the Temple", "text": "# Winter in the Mountains\n\nAnother bitter winter sunrise in the mountains. Far from the warmth of the temple, Arabella had only her Hobgoblins Flame to rely on. Although the wayward spells of pyromancers were notoriously difficult to control - sometimes sputtering into existence, while other times cascading into the nearest flammable object - she soundlessly channeled the spell through her Rune of Cinnabar to light the cabin furnace. \n\nShe had only arrived in fall, but the past already felt like ages ago. The passing of time had never felt so comfortable."} +{"id": "b589df17-3b85-4a5f-9766-81a88ef148fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:42.952", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZYYFxYU6SZVzndDB8EvmppiX51D3eGsn13jRnwHqLBCu", "txHash": "0x2b71d21b6fad857c7217a850d5976692cd1e4a884352e7402d175c7da2c4efa9", "createdAtBlock": 14695118, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1351, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Flynn of the Grotto", "text": "# Stoned Alchemist, keeping it green"} +{"id": "430fe109-5e5c-49d2-ac36-b177078378cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T03:38:14.317", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXaAG9Ag55NhqnbQmdK5HfBEMNnzHDg87RCQAJRcHc3cC", "txHash": "0xd2d456ef4c08c8c8c27fd81b4804517d37c0f7201f50439f8ce339b6a45d9aad", "createdAtBlock": 15350031, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9162, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "LiMei Champion of Warlocks", "text": "LiMei was raised in the bamboo forest, living off the land and preferring her time with animals to human. When she was young her village was attacked and would have been destroyed if not for a warlock passing through that stayed to help them defend themselves. Since then, she has traveled the world in search of a magic she could call her own along with her trusty goat Chimble. She hasn't found any suitable magic yet, but she has long since repaid her debt to the warlocks by defending them whenever she gets the opportunity."} +{"id": "41ce3b1e-df87-4d5d-8645-789e11afbcd3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:08.146", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxKdyqMekvcHR3y8j7uTQHqUbvT6o6eVCeKghtFRZ1Gx", "txHash": "0xce5d940e190e72e0b2eb43c40497c52ec38a0861e1a1e028f74575f53da58881", "createdAtBlock": 14194227, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Marceau from the Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Marceau from the Shadow\n\n\nHe be Geomancer Marceau from the Shadow, a Creol-White Wraith, wielder of the Gnomes Tooth, speaker of the Sapphire Slime, forever in service of the Wizards Rune Cult and the pathway laid down by powers of All.\n\nAs Marceau is the sole existing Creol-White Wraith wizard to walk the map, he now acts as a co-vessel of memories for a long and rich history of Creol-Wraith Geomancy. Since birth the Wizard was cast into the world of earth magic, developing a deep bound with the planet and early in his studies the Sapphire Slime sought him out and spoke to him. It was natural then for a Slime to bound themselves to him, further enhancing his capabilities for earth divination. \n\nThe collector and experimenter of soils lives a nomadic existence, roaming the map in execution of the wills and needs of the earth. It is most often near amorphous and high-vibrational phenomenon you will find Marceau, as he observes and enacts the outcomes of the earths current needs. \n\nThe Wizard remains a foresight of earth, a scientist of sand, and a mathematician of planets."} +{"id": "c32fd9b8-b744-428f-acee-2c025072c352-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:08.959", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeKhMUoGaD9bMitrdc3u4DNr9PR39y7YbSuVrv5VWRGhX", "txHash": "0x22292f319d128792e9b8b9eaa32b58a5be0d771fa33a76a598d29fa8c4139589", "createdAtBlock": 14194257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 189, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Monty the Brave", "text": "# The Lore of Monty the Brave\n\n\nHe be Monty the Brave, Xanthous Pony, member of Purple Bandana Clan, servant under the Rune of Water and forever in service of the Wizards Rune Cult and the pathway laid down by powers of All.\n\nMonty has an affinity to the designs of the White Wraiths and walks side-by-side with any White. It is from his dealings with the Wizards that Monty was forever dubbed the Brave, having seen more magic than most and with it earning him universal respect among all factions of Wizards. \n\nWizards can find Monty roaming the map freely, most often near the coastline, always a constant headwind of magic."} +{"id": "395998d4-6b4f-447c-9722-e3f56520b37f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:05.374", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ4tk9Xpd86SD1o8Pj1c49us612zJ9sU7Zh3rv5TY3S1s", "txHash": "0xaa6dca6a68383414ab783ea4a2c95e3970282162b81f06d1217c1667b43b0ddc", "createdAtBlock": 14192395, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9620, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Larissa of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Larissa of the Hills\n\nShe was born in a small Elven agricultural settlement called High Steps. Like the generations before her, she learned to work the soil and commune with the local wildlife. Her druidic powers grew from an early age, so she had many animal companions while growing up, and the forces of nature she controlled slowly started to shift her body into a more animal form. With intense concentration, she could maintain a mostly normal human form, except for the antlers which she couldnt force to fully recede. And that was fine with her, since she found all things non-human to be sacred.\n\nShe preferred solitude, at least from humans, so often went on quests that lasted weeks or months. She developed quite a reputation in her village as the one to seek out if you needed something found out in the wilds, or if you wanted to hire someone to make a long trip for some reason. Her travel through the toughest of wilds was made even easier with her ability to Tree-step and her ability to charm any animal, be it friendly or otherwise."} +{"id": "395998d4-6b4f-447c-9722-e3f56520b37f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:05.374", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ4tk9Xpd86SD1o8Pj1c49us612zJ9sU7Zh3rv5TY3S1s", "txHash": "0xaa6dca6a68383414ab783ea4a2c95e3970282162b81f06d1217c1667b43b0ddc", "createdAtBlock": 14192395, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9620, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Larissa of the Hills", "text": "Her latest quest was for a neighbor who needed someone to deliver a small package to his cousin in El Dorado, on the other side of the Great Brambles. At the edge of the Brambles, she crossed paths with a very friendly witch named ***Rowena of the Brambles (#5650)*** who was searching for her pet cat. Even though Larissa was in her half-animal form, this did not seem to bother Rowena at all. Furthermore, Larissa didnt feel her normal distaste for humans when she met the witch. Larissa vowed to help Rowena find her cat, so she started to commune with any wildlife they encountered along the path, and in short order, Felton the Bay Cat was found. Although she clearly needed no help, Larissa invited the witch to accompany her on her quest, and was surprised that the offer was accepted. \n\nTheir next stop would be the town of El Dorado to meet her neighbors cousin ***Archmagus Silas (#6575)***."} +{"id": "d7012fb6-f7df-4c31-9702-2b8ea7ce1cb9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:09.648", "backgroundColor": "#030202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJLSJHrHHhoGuY1H2PgBM5rJMcYDZYBj4kvpXbWnHy9d", "txHash": "0x6d8e2dbbfaa77506ebff4e4512b76944fbab0c0b86632ca69d1d1033aa0a65ab", "createdAtBlock": 14194451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5622, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus David ", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus David\n\nThere is a darkness that surrounds him. Intense, quiet, with a tight thin smile. Little is known of the origins of Archmagus David. There are no public records of his birth or where he was raised, nor affiliated Order that he belongs.\n\nWhat is known is his insatiable need for power. He specializes his magic in focusing enermous energy into everyday objects capable of unleashing devastating effects. He works in secrecy and avoids direct confrontation, setting lures and traps for magical beings to steal rare and powerful artefacts, souls and runes.\n\nHe works alone, until recently..."} +{"id": "d0465806-3b14-43e9-81a8-0ce5a513da44-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:10.373", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfCv5M8ogZ8urwDnEJFo9JkBpUDQENHiAJdPT54DNHzv4", "txHash": "0x1ec291745351b93c0f072b4697f303d5eb797b7a17d17a9933b41761afe8af31", "createdAtBlock": 14195101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7778, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Cromwell of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Cromwell of the Field\n\n\nHaving grown up in Aldo's Island, Cromwell had always seen himself living close to the coast for the rest of his life. Having grown up in a family of Brown Hats, Cromwell's most important thing in life was his family. One hazy winter morning, Cromwell woke up and realized that his entire family have left without him. The one thing that he cared about the most had left him behind. \n\nHis purpose from that moment on was to find his family. Cromwell decided to go to the mainland and start the search, however, he was faced with immediate challenges. As soon as he arrived at the Red Wizard Capital, a bunch of vandals tried to shake him up and take all his belongings, but a wild field dog came to the rescue. This field dog became Cromwell's companion in the search for his family and was named Dante.\n\nDante and Cromwell decided to go to the Blue Wizard Bastion as the first stop. On his way there, they stopped at the Fur Gnome Wold, where Cromwell with the help of Gnomes was able to develop the qualities of a Geomancer and started to develop a divine knowledge by forming shapes on the field. As they moved along they decided to settle in the Dream Master Lake, where Dante and Cromwell ran into a group of white coveralls. Cromwell, now a Geomancer, decided to share the mysterious story of how his family disappeared. The entire white coverall congregation decided to help Cromwell in his search and welcomed him into the group by gifting him a white coverall for himself."} +{"id": "d0465806-3b14-43e9-81a8-0ce5a513da44-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:10.373", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfCv5M8ogZ8urwDnEJFo9JkBpUDQENHiAJdPT54DNHzv4", "txHash": "0x1ec291745351b93c0f072b4697f303d5eb797b7a17d17a9933b41761afe8af31", "createdAtBlock": 14195101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7778, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Cromwell of the Field", "text": "Cromwell still hasn't been able to find his family, but as the years have passed he has developed a new family with Dante and the white coveralls, always there for them, through thick and thin. Geomancer Cromwell of the Field's purpose in life has been to guide and help people with his divine knowledge. \n\nCromwell's close companions over the last years have been @wizard9503, @wizard7687 and @wizard3960"} +{"id": "f3b7ce7d-c537-4d68-befc-637d686bec8e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:11.138", "backgroundColor": "#333030", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPXD9ttYZfgLDjPSjBqSvmhQJLNy9nxf2zPhZYhVHr6z", "txHash": "0x67852de25ab223d2e3364c480939c76375b0015758c18d213927a0c1892fc5db", "createdAtBlock": 14195709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1201, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ozohr of Xanadu", "text": "# This is the lore of Druid Ozohr and his familiar Kara, soul of the Sun god.\n\n## Prologue\n\nThey stood in the hallway within the druid's Merchant House in the old town of Kohr on the main island of the Alchemist's Archipelago. After traveling for weeks, Ozohr was anxious to return to his study. The house was normally secure but Ozohr was cautious after his recent encounter with @wizard5622.\n\nOzohr opened his notebook, scanned the first index page, and then flipped to the Unlock Door spell.\n\n\"Really? You don't have this memorized by now?\", Kara asked.\n\nOzohr smoothed the pages open and tilted the book towards the sunlit window at the end of the hall.\n\n\"This door has a Necromancer Viper woven within, needs to use Reni dialect and no, I don't remember it.\"\n\nKara purred like a laugh.\n\n\"And, if I get a single pronunciation wrong, we will both be paralyzed as part of the original lock spell. Forever.\"\n\nKara stopped purring.\n\nOzohr closed his eyes and held out his hands, waist-high, fingers curled like holding a dial.\n\nKara could see nothing changing. She looked up at Ozohr and saw the old wizard's white eyebrows twitch slightly, eyes shifting side to side under his eyelids.\n\nOzhor could feel the warmth of the air surrounding him. He pulled a single red thread from his coat, wrapped it around his right index finger and then opened his eyes. Glowing strings filled his field of vision. Like dust motes in sunlight, threads as thin as hair floated lazily around him with colours of blue sapphire, golden amber, green glass, and vermillion."} +{"id": "f3b7ce7d-c537-4d68-befc-637d686bec8e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:11.138", "backgroundColor": "#333030", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPXD9ttYZfgLDjPSjBqSvmhQJLNy9nxf2zPhZYhVHr6z", "txHash": "0x67852de25ab223d2e3364c480939c76375b0015758c18d213927a0c1892fc5db", "createdAtBlock": 14195709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1201, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ozohr of Xanadu", "text": "Ozohr felt along the edge of the door. Threads like thick cords were braided and ran along the entire perimeter. There was a faint green line extending from one corner into the centre of the oak door where a tightly coiled green knot hovered. As he moved his right hand towards it, the thread on his finger got hotter and tightened and the green knot flashed orange and moved like a serpent. \n\n\"We have a problem, someone has been here\", he said aloud, \"a Delphin curse thread trap has been overlaid\", and he pointed. Kara could not see anything except the plain wood.\n\n\"Uh boss, so we should go?\", she asked. Ozohr frowned. Kara purred again, knowing she'd bothered her master just so.\n\n\"One moment. It looks like the door has remained closed so hopefully this is just to slow us down.\"\n\nOzohr looked around at the loose thread in the hall and touched a glowing blue thread. The string pulsed and he sensed a connection to infinity and water and the sun. Under his breath, he muttered:\n\n Dark night, hidden bright\n Dolum nazva secom do\n Light unto the original world\n cross the bridge\n dakorum needum da!\n\nKara's fur suddenly felt electric. A spark flew from his hand, along the thread and crossed the gap to the green thread. Burnt ozone smell, a flash and the green thread turned to blue then fell slowly as ash to the floor.\n\n\"We're good?\", Kara asked.\n\n\"First step. Hardest one next. But I've seen this before so we should be ok.\""} +{"id": "f3b7ce7d-c537-4d68-befc-637d686bec8e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:11.138", "backgroundColor": "#333030", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPXD9ttYZfgLDjPSjBqSvmhQJLNy9nxf2zPhZYhVHr6z", "txHash": "0x67852de25ab223d2e3364c480939c76375b0015758c18d213927a0c1892fc5db", "createdAtBlock": 14195709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1201, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ozohr of Xanadu", "text": "Ozohr started moving has hands in a circular motion in front of him. Not touching the door, as he moved, individual strands from the braid detached. His hands moved faster and as he pulled towards his body, large clumps of string came away. The air became dark, his vision obscured by the mass of thread as he pulled until all was gone except a single red string, glowing around the door. He stopped, grabbed it with his left index finger, muttered \"Mulllazra\" and there was a click and a shudder and the door opened inward on its hinges.\n\nHe pushed through, Kara following silently on padded paws. The room behind was a study. Wide gable windows let light through stained glass depicting a rainbow bridge. The sunlight wavered and danced on the mosaic floor. There was silence except for a light breeze and birdsong outside. Kara arched her back, fluttered her tiny white wings and sat back down on the tile floor.\n\nThe study had a wall of bookshelves, full of dark leather bindings and long rolled up papers and scrolls. The desk in front of them was wide and deep with a large globe on one side and a small wooden box on the other. Ozohr stepped forward to the desk. Papers were stacked and strewn, a scribble of flowing letters scrawled and scratched out. Balls of paper on the floor. Nothing appeared to have moved from his last visit.\n\nHe opened the wooden box and pulled out a piece of thick ivory paper embossed with the same rainbow bridge as the windows. From a pocket within his coat, he pulled out a chain with a metal arrow attached with a loop.\n\n\"It's time to go\", he said, \"we have been away from Xanadu for too long.\""} +{"id": "f3b7ce7d-c537-4d68-befc-637d686bec8e-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:11.138", "backgroundColor": "#333030", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPXD9ttYZfgLDjPSjBqSvmhQJLNy9nxf2zPhZYhVHr6z", "txHash": "0x67852de25ab223d2e3364c480939c76375b0015758c18d213927a0c1892fc5db", "createdAtBlock": 14195709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1201, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ozohr of Xanadu", "text": "Kara moved to stand next to her master. Ozohr unfolded the paper to reveal an embossed rainbow bridge with a gilded border. The colours in the rainbow shimmered as they were made of fine magic threads. He touched the arrow rune to the page.\n\nThere was a large crack and a low sounding wail that grew in crescendo so loudly that Kara flattened her ears.\n\nThe globe on the desk suddenly became intensely black and tendrils of inky black lines curled out from it, pulling the light in the room towards the globe.\n\n\"No!\", Ozohr yelled. He tried to pull the rune and paper apart but could not move. \"I need your help!\"\n\nFor a brief moment, nothing changed. There was a pulse of light and a flash of lightning and the room went blue throwing shadows against the wall. Ozohr struggled to keep focus on the rainbow page but could see the shadow of an enormous lion head emerge behind him.\n\nKara's voice screamed deep and loud with enormous power as pure white light poured from her mouth into Ozohr's hands.\n\nThe black tendrils from the globe continued to twist and coil and reached the page. The colours of the rainbow pulsed and grew and entwined with the blackness and began to leech out of the paper. Ozohr forced his will to hold the threads in place but even with Ra's extra power, he watched as they bled out faster and spun in the air before disappearing into the black orb of the globe. A booming crack shook the room and then the shaking stopped.\n\nOzohr looked around the room wildly. \"I don't see it!\", he cried. He held the paper in his hand, still with the embossed rainbow but now bleached completely white.\n\nKara had returned to her small cat-like form and watched Ozohr stare silently at the page."} +{"id": "f3b7ce7d-c537-4d68-befc-637d686bec8e-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:11.138", "backgroundColor": "#333030", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPXD9ttYZfgLDjPSjBqSvmhQJLNy9nxf2zPhZYhVHr6z", "txHash": "0x67852de25ab223d2e3364c480939c76375b0015758c18d213927a0c1892fc5db", "createdAtBlock": 14195709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1201, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ozohr of Xanadu", "text": "\"We are stuck here, my friend\", he said quietly. \"we cannot go back.\""} +{"id": "e96890cf-a320-4ea5-bcf8-54e3d3421b33-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T03:49:20.258", "backgroundColor": "#560c1c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQWRrrxMfz7FLN2FJKyWEmg4zH9UyM2d66camZbp2RTUR", "txHash": "0x3a8d6be23f3a94d4c3a2381bc49bb8bd16f0ca93f888fa37a8d905d011d5a2dc", "createdAtBlock": 15350071, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5288, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gungunu Paragon of Goblins", "text": "# The broad strokes\nGungunu spend most of his early adulthood working as a town guard and training to become a renowned swordsman. When his father was killed in battle, he took his ancient family sword and set off to seek adventure and revenge. Through a strange turn of events, a story for another time, he became close friends with an exiled goblin. Seeing how his friend was treated in their travels drove him to learn more about the goblin culture, and he came to the conclusion they were a vastly misunderstood race and became a vocal supporter of the goblins and their culture throughout his travels."} +{"id": "93381d8b-8fdb-4ad2-aa7c-a6cb7add5c68-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T03:53:50.695", "backgroundColor": "#023d02", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSqPT4nY7vDqF5oUUPPjGE6tcGan5NvwTodxVwEt2pqtQ", "txHash": "0x609930069ce1ce12f552ed577dc89b04c7d37eda395ecb2027de679dfa3f10bc", "createdAtBlock": 15350091, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6846, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Merlon of the Havens", "text": "# Origin story\nMerlon grew up knowing that he had more power than he could understand, but he could never really connect with it as he trained to be a wizard. Even when he discovered alchemy, potions and strange ingredients, he still didn't quite feel like he'd found his true calling yet. Then one day, he started to experiment with growing a particularly difficult herb. He was immediately taken by the care and patience that growing plants took, and the reward that came with experimenting and creating new varieties of plants. While he's best known for his more exotic potions, what few know is that his true love is cultivating a wonderful garden of peculiar plants. Someday he hopes to share his love of all things plants with the world..."} +{"id": "765d6182-c7fc-4e30-9188-e84c4479f04c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:11.923", "backgroundColor": "#ff7a00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUeuqqzu9hzKL2UMD96BdQGFZ1Hx4kr3tK2PVWUA4NKyd", "txHash": "0xbb63cf05b65d8ba6daecc4eef86d3c41193528011ddddedbfcd9b003ee3c04eb", "createdAtBlock": 14196967, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 519, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer Caligula of the Valley", "text": "# The Curse of Cryptomancer Caligula of the Valley \n\nCryptomancer Caligula was born from the earth of the Valley. Pulled by the curse of the rune of Cinnabar, Caligula roams the land accompanied by the familiar Terra the albino rat."} +{"id": "df3f54e6-e299-4645-901b-c910d084112b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:12.666", "backgroundColor": "#2b006a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWr2374ECiYTdML33WHWvZ8W6YtWy789uMx7nmtUTvX7q", "txHash": "0xbe659bfa4fc156d83f432bfc729fa26dc7f3e80aa5c3d8f2e8bf8ab0011c58a3", "createdAtBlock": 14197070, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6229, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Crackerjack of the Desert", "text": "Many fantasize about the life of a Fortune Teller. They envy those that can glimpse into the future. What riches might they craft, what disasters might they might avoid, just by knowing what lies ahead tomorrow? \n\nAlas, as the Fortune Teller himself knows all too well, there is very little to envy. Fate is unavoidable, trying to change its course is futile and when this reality sets in, knowing what awaits you only causes pain.\n\nThere is no-one that knows this better than CrackerJack. Born as but a small chick, a runt in a nest of corvids, he was pushed from his nest before he learned to fly.\n\nTumbling down branch by branch before landing in a thump on the ground, he lay there for 12 days and nights, feeding only on the occasional unlucky grub and the condensation formed on nearby leaves.\n\nOn the 12th night, he heard a piercing screech. His senses heightened, he knew he was in trouble. In the near distance, the red eyes of a pure white cat piercing from under the scrub. Poised and waiting to pounce was a predator, and CrackerJack was prey.\n\nCrackerJack knew this was the end. There was nothing he could do but close his eyes, try to bring his mind to a calm place and wait for the inevitable.\n\nBut then something very strange happened. His eyes closed, beak clenched, waiting for the predator to pounce, a purple light shone in the darkness.\n\nFollow it, he heard. In his minds eye, CrackerJack peered deeper into the purple light. It began to move and change shape, and then in a brilliant flash, CrackerJack saw in his minds eye everything that was about to happen: \n\nThe cat would pounce, grabbing CrackerJack by the head, shaking him furiously, breaking his neck, and expeditiously eating him."} +{"id": "df3f54e6-e299-4645-901b-c910d084112b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:12.666", "backgroundColor": "#2b006a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWr2374ECiYTdML33WHWvZ8W6YtWy789uMx7nmtUTvX7q", "txHash": "0xbe659bfa4fc156d83f432bfc729fa26dc7f3e80aa5c3d8f2e8bf8ab0011c58a3", "createdAtBlock": 14197070, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6229, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Crackerjack of the Desert", "text": "Shocked by the vision, CrackerJack kept his eyes closed and beak clenched. Rather than wake to the reality awaiting him, he decided to once again go deeper into the purple light again. \n\nAnother flash of light, another vision, but this time one thing in the vision had changed. The cat had grabbed his foot rather than his head. Still, this vision had a horrific end, he was eaten again. \n\nCrackerJack began to realize that while he was suspended in the vision, time had come to a standstill. While he kept his eyes closed and focused on the purple light, he would not have to face reality.\n\nSafe in his suspended minds eye, he continued to watch one vision after another, alas all were horrific ends to his current predicament. He kept going, hundreds of visions turned to thousands. In each, the cat attacked him violently and ended his life. \n\nUntil finally, one vision where CrackerJack did not die: in this last vision, the cat pounced, CrackerJack rolled over at the last second, causing the cat to misplace his footing, slip, and tumble into the decaying foliage at the base of the tree which was covering the edge of a deep sinkhole. The cat, unable to regain footing, slid into the sinkhole and could not climb out. \n\nIn this vision CrackerJack was safe. He immediately opened his eyes and in a moment of shock, reality played out exactly as the vision had seen. The cat, now stuck in the sinkhole, began to howl. \n\nCrackerJack immediately understood his power. He was able to foretell unlimited future possibilities, and while unable to change his fate, he could choose which vision to live, which future reality would be his from the endless paths."} +{"id": "df3f54e6-e299-4645-901b-c910d084112b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:12.666", "backgroundColor": "#2b006a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWr2374ECiYTdML33WHWvZ8W6YtWy789uMx7nmtUTvX7q", "txHash": "0xbe659bfa4fc156d83f432bfc729fa26dc7f3e80aa5c3d8f2e8bf8ab0011c58a3", "createdAtBlock": 14197070, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6229, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Crackerjack of the Desert", "text": "Here is where Fortune Teller CrackerJacks life began in earnest. Years would follow before his craft was honed to a true power that could be harnessed.\n\nSomething else happened that day, CrackerJack found a friend in the predator that once saw him as a meal. But that story is for another day"} +{"id": "a15ea4ca-14aa-4f29-989d-81506c4767dd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:13.515", "backgroundColor": "#002d12", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWLtbtgH3W9iupsrmcPAsWdKzKsmWccvFzsVuz19YyQZH", "txHash": "0x7c1f5f2defcb34d9e822c3e54c0473babab5765b5bfb0bbb26a988455c911647", "createdAtBlock": 14197104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 342, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medusa the Shrewd", "text": "# The Lore of Medusa (The Shrewd)\n\n\n\n...Wanderer come nearer, \n\nadmire my yellowish hide \n\nlook closely into my pony eyes, \n\nlook closer at them still."} +{"id": "a5aa7303-9066-48a7-b2c9-17d9d8841f45-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T04:25:04.279", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP3xZbci4HxNm7w2QfrfYKAbYFF3z4M3mHuoAQz1Bw5qM", "txHash": "0x448af5447df51cdbd4564c784ab5821ea06dbb204fa50db55d3e4ed700666c98", "createdAtBlock": 15350224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13059, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYtKXeuyUCtUA5xh5qDT8dTRX6Qob7nHgnqCCtefnGzqV", "name": "Hendrix Hero of the Dawn", "text": "# Hendrix Hero of the Dawn\nDusk has come. \n```\n\n```\n\nThe endless cycle of night and day, dark and light.\n```\n\n```\n\nWe will wait patiently for the dawn to arrive.\n```\n\n```\n\nHendrix, Hero of the Dawn has arrived."} +{"id": "068d57df-a0d0-44f5-8e34-022a026a9492-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T04:27:05.031", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQHNje5YMz4n3ociGpmkMjaDVfQNcDafoNvBbKhxbKzDy", "txHash": "0xc180f97d77d6029985a8d584b899c069f1936b81a8393c4904e73606dc8818fe", "createdAtBlock": 15350229, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8410, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZW4LJJxGFsVEENMzhdn4vk7nTyK2gUTgSta8PYnBw2Rp", "name": "Naberius Paragon of Cataclysm", "text": "**Of Naberius**\n\nAfter many years of battling, Naberius settled down in the Cataclysm Downs not very far from the Blue Bastion. Here he kept an abode and a garden; violence was behind him. Though, as it were, he was bound to an oath that may never be broken...*Blood of The Stratiotai Spear*. Members of \"The Spear\" were mysterious and secretive. They were some of the best most skilled warriors, though always defenders, never attackers. His closest brothers in arms being @warrior9513 and @warrior11222. Protecting the Great Magical Magnolia Tree was (is?) their most primary purpose it is said in the writings of @wizard9406.\n\nBeneath his spiked helm was salt and pepper hair and a face like worn leather. He was a heavy drinker whilst living the warrior life. After retiring though, he only drank tea, and smoked his pipe by his hearth in the evenings. @wizard4184 was a close friend."} +{"id": "cecae1ca-40d3-4758-b8a4-0f96e1d9534e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:13.572", "backgroundColor": "#d09794", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5vvU3s1FTeKYUWGVVhEQhhNNgX8jP6imUKtXpUKZohf", "txHash": "0xfd23aada3c6130daf60e249b98e5630b43d64269768d8cc596f19755c2c42808", "createdAtBlock": 14606174, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4492, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcjM6y4X7aaxTfhFbiDJKyhLgeZQt7voD7WVi2RdjSQL", "name": "Shaman Ilyas of the Citadel", "text": "# The Cat Encounter\n---\n\nTime to find this skipper. Some fellow wizards pointed me to a well-trusted cat-like creature who could help transport me through Kelpies Bay. They mentioned he was taking a cat-nap in a nearby field just South of Atlantas Pool. As I headed that direction, I did indeed see a cat looking figure sleepingand wearing what seemed to resemble a cowboy hat. I made sure to approach from his front to not alarm him and as I got close a miniature bull started charging at me! Or perhaps charging at my Familiar, Vivi, the Sapphire Slime.\n\nI started to cast a spell to break up their fight when I realized that the cowboy cat had awoken and was readying his lasso to trap me. \nCute, but no match for my spells. I binded the miniature bull and zapped the lasso out of this cats hand.\n \nShaman Ilyas: I do not come to harm. I was told that you can help me get around these mountains via Kelpies Bay and perhaps even down the river toward Goblin Town.\n\nCowboy Cat: Ah! I was mistaken and thought you were coming to steal my prized pet Bull, Zoah!\nI lifted my binding spell and tried to calm Vivi down the best I could. This slime has a mind of his own, though. \n\nShaman Ilyas: Not at all! I apologize for startling you and Zoah. How much would it cost to take me?\n\nCowboy Cat: Actually, I can do it free of chargeunder one condition. Will you please mark your rune on my boat? Having a Wizards rune marking will save me lots of trouble from these monsters in the Runiverse. Just seeing that will keep many away."} +{"id": "cecae1ca-40d3-4758-b8a4-0f96e1d9534e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:13.572", "backgroundColor": "#d09794", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5vvU3s1FTeKYUWGVVhEQhhNNgX8jP6imUKtXpUKZohf", "txHash": "0xfd23aada3c6130daf60e249b98e5630b43d64269768d8cc596f19755c2c42808", "createdAtBlock": 14606174, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4492, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcjM6y4X7aaxTfhFbiDJKyhLgeZQt7voD7WVi2RdjSQL", "name": "Shaman Ilyas of the Citadel", "text": "Shaman Ilyas: Consider it done good sir. I shall mark the rune of brass on your boat during our trip to Goblin Town. Let us sail.\n\nThe journey was mostly pleasant, hearing about how this Cowboy Cat made his way to the Runiverse. We spoke of the secrets behind the Gate of the 7th Realm and how there were rumors of legendary beasts being released into the world. Sailing Kelpies Bay was particularly nerve-wracking as we heard of a legendary beast, Salt Kelpie. This beast was known to kick holes in the hulls of ships.\nThe Bay was beautiful but we noticed there were barely any other merchants out here with us. Likely because of this news spreading about the legendary beasts. \nLuckily, we made it through Kelpies Bay with no harm and were sailing down the river with Goblin Town in the distance."} +{"id": "eb5af675-356c-4a3e-a52a-219800f2c728-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:15.835", "backgroundColor": "#ffe082", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVoVFosa7p34W2wvybqr2yieH93gmg3pwbu9WUWUjwAmr", "txHash": "0x4d7ca81f371469e560b3f104f42d7636ce89a7ab0592196b9779b4a4cd9e8978", "createdAtBlock": 14197175, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 422, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kali the Incredible", "text": "# The Lore of Kali The Incredible Unicorn and the Giant Pineapple\n\nKali climbs a tree\n\ngets a pineapple with spikes\n\nhe lives in it and touches the spikes\n\nThe spikes were like little seats \nand then the unicorn got too big for the pineapple and it cracked open\nand the unicorn had to find a giant pineapple bigger than the world to play in."} +{"id": "9ccf0524-91b9-458b-bad1-ef3016daec14-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:16.576", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXGPN9wi54YWrG1upMDZFVcWdKyKdiHoLCoFj3mMmAT2c", "txHash": "0x6f30741f72a6c404f3c5f88401cf5d042f4d29b54578bd3b874e94719d430b40", "createdAtBlock": 14197216, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6112, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blight Zombie Wizard Lin of the Ice Abyss", "text": "# HOWLING BLIGHT ZOMBIE WIZARD LIN OF THE ICE ABYSS \n\nI saw the best wizards of my generation destroyed by madness\n\nWhat sphinx of sacred fire bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?\n\n@wizard10! Im with you in Cuckoo Land!\n where youre madder than I am\n\n\nEthereuem, 2021-2022"} +{"id": "701c7771-b14b-470d-974a-f11c867baaff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:25.44", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR4211F5yNb5My9jmDjhcRJzvHomEknod8c3W5May1Ney", "txHash": "0x5963168e2c6608e4108b2bd1cd0d17cacf7ae7c69981a4a02d8287d0935f5abf", "createdAtBlock": 14737626, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4834, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbbAkzpo7HRAvABQi1ZRAwZYEXGS6bV9Xe3xVSQujcLSX", "name": " Cassiopeia of the Plains", "text": "# Cassiopeia of the Plains\nIs an unknown wizard, or rather a wizard who does not know that she is in fact a wizard. She was born to a small family in the plains, a family that never really cared much for world affairs. Only was it once she was working out in the fields, and she came across a golden key, did she start to wonder what else the realms had in store.\n\nWhen the gates were to be unlocked by the wizards of the realm, releasing the great beasts, Cassiopeia headed the call. She called upon @soul2892, the only sorcerer she had ever met, to help her in her endeavor. It is believed she met Udor in the plains one frightful evening as a child. She had been tossing and turning all night, her head filed with terrible nightmares, and so decided to go on a walk though her beloved plains. That is where she found Udor and his ghostly frog. \n\n\n\nWhen the time came to open the gates, she knew this is why she meat such a ghastly creature from another plain. \nEither Cassiopeia was too nervous, or her fellow mage too slow to read from his spell book, but they're attempt was unsuccessful. I wonder now if Cassiopeia was in fact too innocent to be a chosen one to unleash the beasts upon this world. Her key must be for some other lock, and her purpose far greater."} +{"id": "44848b50-4ab0-4a1f-9dc6-734fa299744c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:18.24", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcFKVcLvViRcqU1zur67A3MVhwRMqcDFswQZaDuJ5nZXj", "txHash": "0xa2548db570932d47b26a8347e79e6a13b680abc4c316b5c7051309c1d501c465", "createdAtBlock": 14197857, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2413, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmez1RPtTnVg5rf4KZLdMMxBBWiR9XfWANubBs9CZT5pXU", "name": "Enchanter Marceau of the Bastion", "text": "\"Enchanter Marceau spotted at the Battle of the Bastion\" - circa 1673"} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "# Chapter 1: Sacred Key Master \n\nNothingness. Silence. Darkness veils darkness. The void stirs; ripples flutter at the edge of creation. Pockets of space unfold, stretch, and collapse upon themselves. \nA sudden flash a spark of magic? \n\nA vast explosion of brilliant light sears space and time. Shards of reality spin in the void. Galaxies ablaze, roiling clouds of cosmic gas and dust billow across the Runiverse, surging ever outwards on incandescent waves. \n\nBeams of light spray in all directions, bathing the galaxies in a multi-coloured glow, streaming ever onwards to the edge of existence. \n\nA sky full of the immensity of innumerable galaxies, innumerable worlds, innumerable possibilities. And then a rainbow.\n# \n\nThe celestial images wavered and then faded from his mind as he opened his eye wide, casting his gaze over the Seventh Realm. Fields of golden grass stretched in all directions, stirring on the undulating hills. \n\nSacred Key Master exhaled slowly, flexing massive shoulders as he continued to trace the Rune of Infinity in wide, lazy arcs around the head of the golden tool lying in his lap. He hung in the air, legs crossed, and allowed the thrill of the magic to course through his veins. This time he was sure it would work. He could feel the pull of the cosmos moulding the magic, driving it towards its intended purpose, transforming the key into a device of great power."} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "The Wizard focused all of his intent into the Rune, urging the magic onwards. He could sense the key responding. It was as though a myriad voices spoke all at once: some laughed with unadulterated joy, others howled in the depths of agony and despair. \nAnd in the midst of it all the Key Master hovered, revelling in the sense of power and purpose the thrill of creation!\n\nIn the distance, the landscape distorted, stretching impossibly upwards into the purple sky. All the energy of the Seventh Realm seemed to flow inexorably into this one point. The fabric of reality knitted itself around the spot, swelling and contracting\nWith a hideous tearing sound, the sky split. The stretched golden fabric ripped at the seams and a wide hole appeared. With an overpowering WHOOSH, it began to hungrily suck up the surrounding space. Thousands of blades of grass twice as tall as him were torn free from their roots and vanished through the opening. Sacred Key Master gaped. He let his feet drop to the ground as the winds created by the suction tugged at him. He fought it, but the outcome was inevitable and the storm picked him up and tossed him into the air as lightly as though he were one of those fragments of grass. \n\n\nHe spun through the air, vaguely aware of Derek buffeting against his side. The sphinx tried to beat his vast wings against the torrent of air, but to no avail. A serrated feather caught him in the face and made his giant eye water and together the pair hurtled end over end towards the cosmic hole as all manner of creature and plant were swept with them into the mouth of the vortex. He caught a glimpse of a startled beast, a look of sheer terror plastered across its scaly silver face, clawed paws scrabbling helplessly at thin air as it was sucked through the gap in the stratosphere."} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "Sacred Key Master gripped the magical device tightly to his chest as he was flung twisting through the vortex. The sphinx had given up trying to fly and had curled his wings tightly around his belly. His tufted feline ears were plastered against his head, and he clung desperately to the Wizards broad thigh muscle with his forepaws, eyes and mouth clamped shut. \n\nAs they shot through the split in the heavens, he had no time to think. Instinctively he thrust the key outwards with all his might. The incantation swelled from the depths of the tool, perfect and fabulous, pure and spectacular. It surged up his bulging arms and into his barrel chest, building to a crescendo until he felt his lungs would burst. The words radiated and sparkled through his pyramid mind, bringing tears of joy to his eye. As he wept at the rapture, a deep and profound bellow burst forth from his lips, drowning out the roar of the cosmic wind. \n \nBEHOLD, MY QUANTUM STYLE!\n \n everything went black.\n\n# Chapter 2: A Gateway in Space and Time\nNothingness. Silence. Darkness veils darkness. The void stirs; ripples flutter at the edge of consciousness. Mental pockets unfold, stretch, and collapse upon themselves. \n\nA sudden flash a spark of magic? He opened his eye groggily. No Id say that was a flash of pain. As his head slowly cleared, memory returned. \n\nDerek? \n\nDerek, where are you? \n\nHe looked about him frantically, but the sphinx was nowhere to be seen. He was about to call out a third time when the words caught in his throat. Slowly he raised his head, his gaze wandering up the doors into the heavens."} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "Filled with wonder, he walked silently around the doors, but as soon as he passed their side, they disappeared. He walked back over the ground where the doors should have stood. A weird prickly sensation washed over his body and when he turned around, there they were. He repeated the process a couple of times to make sure he wasnt imagining things. Frustrated, he pounded his gigantic fist against them, and the echoes rolled across the surrounding mountains. \n\nNope. The doors were definitely real. Wait mountains? He turned to survey his surroundings, shielding his eye against the glare of the white carpet covering the mountain slope. He had never seen snow before, but the name popped unbidden into his consciousness. The colourful radiance of his body refracted the light; tiny crystalline rainbows danced across the slope. A row of peaks descended in a jagged spine below him towards an impossibly blue lake that shimmered in the bright sunlight. A verdant forest hugged the shores of the lake. \n\nTurning from the lake, he could just make out a sprawling city out in the open plains. He wondered how he knew what a city was. Hundreds of rectangular buildings shot up from the flat ground. In the centre of it all stood a hill, green grass dotted with outcrops of speckled white and grey rocks. For some reason, he felt as though the empty hill should be filled with a blocky castle built of glittering blue stone. \n\nThis was all very confusing.\n\nLips pursed, his pyramidical head somehow managing to take on a pensive expression, Sacred Key Master pondered his predicament. He was good at pondering indeed, for countless aeons, it had represented the vast majority of his day-to-day activities."} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "After what to you or I might seem an awfully long stretch of pondering, but what was essentially the blink of one sizeable eyeball to Sacred Key Master, reality suddenly dawned upon him. \nDerek! he boomed. Behold! I have created a portal between dimensions! \n\nHe beamed. The smile wavered as he remembered he still hadnt found Derek. It was just like his familiar to disappear on him instead of being there to exalt in this triumph. By all things bright and colourful he had torn a hole in the very fabric of space and time! Yes, perhaps that had been slightly reckless, but he had repaired it. He glanced admiringly up at the gate, nodding smugly at his handiwork. Conveniently, he chose to ignore the fact that he had no idea in the Seventh Realm just how he had managed to do it. \n\nMust have been something to do with that incantation I used. Could uttering the words have conjured this gate as a way mending the breach? Yes, that must be it, the spell obviously held celestial significance. It had been handed down to him by the cosmos to heal the skin of the Runiverse that separated dimensional realms. \n\nHe sniffed back another tear at the remembrance of that phrase of cosmic perfection, and rubbed his chin thoughtfully with thumb and forefinger. Lifting his eye skywards, he spotted a dark hollow set high into the gates that stretched away into the clouds. Arching his eyebrow, he slapped the key to his back, where it clung amorously to his skin. Then he crouched down, steeling his muscles, and leaped."} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "Soaring through the air, his foot connected with the gate door and he pushed off, driving himself upwards. In a small and musty brain chamber somewhere in the dark recesses of his pyramid head, a small voice whined about how this defied the laws of physics. He momentarily wondered what that meant, but then a cavernous keyhole was looming before him and he grabbed at its lower lip, catching hold with his fingertips just as he reached the apex of his jump. \n\nHe pulled himself up and thrust his arm into the depths of the opening, managing to find a grip, then dragged himself up over the ledge and flopped onto his back. \n\nDerek sat there licking his paws, eyes gleaming in the darkness. \n\nFinally! Well, weve got a door. When are you going to build the house? \n\nThe Wizard puffed out a sigh of poorly-disguised relief. Very amusing sphinx. I trust you have been making yourself useful? \n\nSure, Ive been looking around. Tried to wake you, but you were deep in Cloud Cuckoo Land, smirked the sphinx. \n\nErr whats that? \n\nOh dont worry, youll see there is a lot to tell you. Lets start with the fact that this is the world where I came to get the energy to make that magical device of yours. \n\nSacred Key Masters mood brightened instantaneously. Aha! Excellent! So that means you know how to get back? \n\nAfraid not, champ, Derek flashed him a toothy grin. The beast really was quite infuriating sometimes. \n\nBut I can see the Seventh Realm right there! he exclaimed, gesticulating at the view of the rolling golden hills that filled the far opening.\n\nGo on then, Rainbow Cakes, see what happens, Derek purred."} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "Go on then, Rainbow Cakes, see what happens, Derek purred. \n\nHe flounced past his familiar. You know I hate it when you call me that, he muttered, ignoring the sphinxs sniggering behind his back. \n\nHalfway down the dim corridor, he suddenly slammed into an invisible wall that knocked him flat onto his ample backside. \n\nInvisible force field totally impenetrable! The sphinxs laughter floated through the air. The Keymaster cursed the creature under his breath, then dragged himself to his feet. \n\nAs he walked up next to Derek, who was now leering at him from the lip of the keyhole, he stuck out a meaty foot and shoved the sphinx out into the air. Derek squawked as he fell then twisted his body in mid-air, managing to right himself so that he could flap his wings to halt his fall. He glared up at the Wizard indignantly. \n\nSacred Key Master gave him a flamboyant shrug, then launched himself out into space. Come on then, he called out as he sped past the sphinx, forcing Derek to dodge his massive frame. Lets go figure out how to open this lock!\n\n# Chapter 3: THE GAYTEKEEPER Extract from Kronikells of the Sevin Relms (Author Unknown)."} +{"id": "a0349cb0-8117-41db-85be-b7fd516ed2a3-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:21.587", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5rLfY96TNNv8W4A2igU1LeXdBgXLdU2PLwpv6aNbxaM", "txHash": "0x70203919c5e2ac59f3f2d94d8afec8a183c4825a6df155fd7b3c3762faa56571", "createdAtBlock": 14711798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaM8d9J69BgQpRpVEUbbjfSNc9GD3N51uZdQizGoNWgSd", "name": "Sacred Key Master", "text": "***Publishers Note**: Most scholars believe this text to have been written sometime during the first 200 years of the First Age of Magic (F.A.M.) by famed historian Bastian Bluemonger (F.A.M. 12 983), self-proclaimed founder of the Blue Wizard Bastion, First Head of the Wizarding Council, and Guardian of the Sacred Pillars. Some argue, however, that the Kronikells could not have come from one source alone, and were in fact written by at least five different wizards over the space of roughly 3,000 years between the First and Third Ages of Magic.*\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard777\n\nPart 1: @wizard4298 \n\nPart 2: @wizard292 \n\nPart 3: @wizard2261 \n\nPart 4: @wizard3911 \n\nPart 5: @wizard1177 \n\nPart 6: @wizard2876"} +{"id": "d360962c-7e3a-40d4-b8fd-7f4a6dc82698-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T04:42:54.159", "backgroundColor": "#5cffb6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbyzAU5Rifvxg7cQj1t5T81u8bX3WDBbSdkiRQLLFkpzA", "txHash": "0x388d7fa649d992c9bf5b3840d1763b78890ecd444197b6027354a27c639de82c", "createdAtBlock": 15350352, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12373, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVvD3rYZtfK3cfM8TUXDLLBuNod3NPX7PbEwxrLPuXA3z", "name": "Atrox Defeater of the Sun", "text": "# Atrox Defeater of the Sun\n\n\n\nHi, this is Atrox's cheeky companion macaw Crimson.\n\nIt's like this. Atrox usually gets all the attention. Im sure you warriors understand. But while he's out doing Warrior Stuff you can more likely find me by the bar at Alessar's Keep, Atlanta's Pool or more recently The Unicorn Gardens (if they let me back in.. to the manager there: I honestly thought the Unicorn was rideable and NOT a staff member)\n\nAnyway, I thought I'd drop some massive feathers of wisdom on anyone that happens on this page of the Book.\n\nThrough our many travels, Ive tasted mint, lime, cucumber, pear, and all sorts of delicious fruits while Atrox is off doing his thing. But I never managed to pass up the limes on the coast of Green Wizard City. To tell you the truth, I am not a fan of cucumber martini. Love cucumber mint water but Ive tried cucumber martini before and it just did not seem right to me. I am a fan of pear martinis, and I will definitely share that one for you sometime soon, but I was in a citrus mood this week so I went with lime.\n\nSo here it is, and while Atrox would kill me for sharing this (he confuses recipes with spells and hates wizards so there's that...) I do hope you dear reader will enjoy.\n\nIngredients:\n3 ounces Vodka\n1 ounce Triple Sec\n1 1/2 ounces Fresh Green Wizard City Lime Juice\n2 1/2 teaspoons organic sugar from the Boonies\nLime Zest and a lime twist for garnish\n\nCombine all ingredients in a shaker with a few ice cubes.\nShake well and pour into a martini glass.\nGarnish with lime slices."} +{"id": "d360962c-7e3a-40d4-b8fd-7f4a6dc82698-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T04:42:54.159", "backgroundColor": "#5cffb6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbyzAU5Rifvxg7cQj1t5T81u8bX3WDBbSdkiRQLLFkpzA", "txHash": "0x388d7fa649d992c9bf5b3840d1763b78890ecd444197b6027354a27c639de82c", "createdAtBlock": 15350352, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12373, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVvD3rYZtfK3cfM8TUXDLLBuNod3NPX7PbEwxrLPuXA3z", "name": "Atrox Defeater of the Sun", "text": "Repeat a few more times if you're having a Warrior party or simply kick back at Fort Turtle and relax with your martini glass!\n\n(oh, btw, F**K the Hall of Cats)"} +{"id": "e9b94d04-9a26-40a2-a68d-43732614745c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:05.867", "backgroundColor": "#0f173b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdtsZ4dPeqPRJzUiN2sfAGH5ehWp6Tqmfp2nZxvLm7Jxx", "txHash": "0xf38c3702ff8bdf80ea55a9e1cbbcf13c0ffd38e1da498a48f0951585f70fdf03", "createdAtBlock": 14661208, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 349, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Hanataka of the Keep", "text": "**Hanataka**\n\nThis wizard is lifting his *curse*. One day he will rise and fulfill his destiny. For now, he sleeps and waits for what is next."} +{"id": "f0226d3b-a4a7-4bfb-99ff-31026557d106-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T06:12:02.184", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWAVqKmufpguobXe2nm4f9coL3BGbVVPBosF89LTbZVUz", "txHash": "0x937f751b43b66a2ddd03629dcc21b25888200e4aa1d6449f12c14aa6ce42eaa3", "createdAtBlock": 15350692, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8131, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWAwEophLfGVEcR233dLDdhbXmG5zD9RNvjyXhqV7NrzR", "name": "Trudy Neutralizer of the Sunset", "text": "# The Thundercat's Roar \n\n\n\n> \"But what's this? Coming out of the woods, closing in on the Thundercat is the one of a kind '78 Lynx driven by none other than Trudy Neutral! I don't believe it!\"\n\n> \"Would ya look at that! I was sure when she took that tumble off the 3rd hairpin that'd be last we'd see of her but it looks like she found a path through the dirt bike trails and made her way back onto the track! What was just seconds ago a clear win for the King of the Mountain, Cougar Thompson, is now a neck and neck race to the finish with just one obstacle to go...\" \n \n> *excerpt from a radio broadcast of the Downhill Derby quarter-finals*"} +{"id": "e1339d3e-5122-4031-9b96-524e9c7b22cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:18.937", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcd76KCLMBwyyzavchi9sHJZ4ZNsGkBQFrBGSxh94Qppn", "txHash": "0x445fe3f872f98104f9f5db8513a0a4a161a8969ec3ff8156698b8e97615dcffc", "createdAtBlock": 14198259, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5946, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aldus of the Astral Plane", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nA fox and and a shaman - what could go wrong? Well what if I told you that this isn't a shaman but a miner. Yep, one of those that goes deep underground, into the surface of the earth. But looking for what? The fox knows, the miner/shaman doesn't have a clue. In fact, he does everything that the fox demands. He is hardly a friend of the fox, rather he's indebted to him. A tragic occurrence, many years since passed, binds them forever together but the fox has always had the upper hand."} +{"id": "f08d49b3-e8e9-4d6b-9d00-8971cff35900-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:00.903", "backgroundColor": "#830f91", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXcJNPntXDeGAYVcCZGwVsV451cGL69TurX98Sv997YiK", "txHash": "0xa2cb00e40030a901a3dad4814dd755deb7bfed7048319062cc29f6bdd4b2e52d", "createdAtBlock": 14189356, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 181, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTzbB3apXVTYf4ztVD93aoetsLozH6fvUGMRMdJ8QpaiW", "name": "Barnaby the Bold", "text": "Please visit the opensea link to hear the song!\n\nhttps://opensea.io/collection/the-forgotten-tavern\n\nTwitter @ adiobox\n\nhttps://www.reverbnation.com/adiobox\n\nadiobox.eth"} +{"id": "0263f56a-ffe0-43b0-97c3-c137adace7e2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:06.015", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZdfGsMZfrdVdyRVo8nohcEPqtJXvETN8nwHY7yrXEfAf", "txHash": "0x1ec74befe3063f32f7d8014c90a06285686b542829766cad084b6931e22c5942", "createdAtBlock": 14192395, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6575, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Silas of El Dorado\nSilas wasnt particularly adept at any school of magic. He was quite proud of his ability to make plants grow, but his familys non-magical nursery did equally well just with fertilizer and water. Nonetheless, he titled himself an Archmagus and made the rose his totem of power. \n\nSilas was a hermit of the highest order. He rarely left his familys nursery, and called upon couriers to fetch him goods from the market. Since he lived on his familys estate outside El Dorado, he never needed to seek employment. To make a little spending money, he would pen little doodles and have a courier sell them at the city center. \n\nLately he had found himself enamored of the local constable Brynya who was very fond of plants and often visited the nursery. \n\nOne day Silas decided to create a special picture just for her, and wanted to use an ink pigment that was usually very difficult to find. He had a cousin in a distant land called High Steps that he knew had this pigment, so he hired a courier pigeon to request some ink. His cousin pigeoned him back that the pigment was on its way via a local courier named ***Larissa (#9620)***.\n\nOne fateful day, while awaiting the courier, Brynya came to the nursery and began browsing the ferns. Silas mustered up all his courage and went into the nursery to offer her a bright red rose. That was when he saw the scoundrel ***Cairon of Alfheim (#3216)***."} +{"id": "86eec87c-d532-4d9c-80d2-3bc1745a6899-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:25.334", "backgroundColor": "#150706", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQhBR5gGwxmNaAFuNdGc4CKeiJPVHEc6nAeoaWJV8Y3i7", "txHash": "0xd77d9ef6d103ea670233a2c54e82cc2d88eb008bef90fcde146ae0ca80aa7915", "createdAtBlock": 14203018, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3108, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer JackDaw of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "*Have you never sensed that our soul is immortal and never dies?*\n\nThose words seemed to linger on the walls of the cave, as a cloud of smoke might hold close to the rafters above the hearth.\n\nThe Corvid stepped out from the caves entrance, met with the biting cold of the desert night. Grains of sand pelted his face, driven by the wind.\n\nAs he straightened up to his full height, a pale shape darted out along the ground: the white rat. \n\nSo you were real after all, the Corvid said.\n\nAnd you have already grown accustomed to making claims about reality, said the rat.\n\nThe Corvid was silent.\n\nI am joking, of course. This must feel a bit strange to you the cold, the sand, the light of the stars.\n\nYes . . . strange, he almost whispered, then raised a glove to his face. Though none so strange as this beak, and these feathers. These will take some getting used to.\n\nThe rat now stood upon its hind legs. Odd for you to find your true form a burden, isnt it? What is it to your beak and your feathers, that you have been so long deceived?\n\nThe Corvid turned back toward the mouth of the cave. It looked quite small against the rock face, which in turn looked quite small against the outlines of distant peaks, and those of the endless rolling sands. As his eyes adjusted he could make out the warm flicker of firelight deep inside the cave, which cast intoxicating shadows against the flat rock walls. Even from this distance they seemed to dance like Bacchae, working themselves into a feverish sort of ecstasy.\n\nThen no more can be saved? he asked the rat. \n\nYou were the last, said the rat. Though perhaps others would have found their way out, were it not your duty to seal the entrance."} +{"id": "86eec87c-d532-4d9c-80d2-3bc1745a6899-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:25.334", "backgroundColor": "#150706", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQhBR5gGwxmNaAFuNdGc4CKeiJPVHEc6nAeoaWJV8Y3i7", "txHash": "0xd77d9ef6d103ea670233a2c54e82cc2d88eb008bef90fcde146ae0ca80aa7915", "createdAtBlock": 14203018, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3108, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer JackDaw of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "The Corvid laughed. My duty! And how will this odd fellow with a birds head seal the hole in this great rock? Shall I go looking for something to roll up against it? Or pile up pebbles one by one with my beak until the cavern is filled?\n\nThe rat did not break its gaze. I told you your name deep in your chthonic prison, replied the rat, have you forgotten already?\n\nJackDaw, you told me. A mighty name, he laughed. Just the sort of name for someone who spends their days stacking up rocks.\n\nRight you are. JackDaw the Geomancer. JackDaw of the Platonic Shadow. In the past you might have closed this hole in the rock like one shuts the flaps of a tent. Or you might have buried the rock face under a mound of sand.\" The rat paused here, perhaps in expectation of protest. JackDaw was silent. \"And it is my lot to see to it that you regain these powers, so that this place might be erased from living memory.\"\n\nThe rat returned to all fours. The wind had stopped, and in its place spread a majestic silence. The stars above, arranged in a great band, spilled into each other like a seam of some fluorescent mineral. \n\nJackDaw, hands at his waist, turned his gaze out upon the dark, rolling expanse.\n\n\"I suppose I can't keep you from following me,\" he said to the rat, and began to walk."} +{"id": "bf31e8fd-5aa3-4b1b-8de9-8ad1c8a96b2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:04.5", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTj6A8d8NR4m9pgZXGgU3fsTpCFGXGz8VXTz5434Drr1K", "txHash": "0x4edcc7146b22028b0c0325e50f7caea9ca4b69c32145f1d2de3b6feea843a821", "createdAtBlock": 14192399, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5650, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Rowena of the Brambles\n\nRowena was raised without any of the normal accoutrements offered the average wizarding children.\n\nHer father was ***Malthus (#2447)***, formerly of the Obelisk Order, that liked to dabble in alchemy and necromancy. Her mother was ***Mina (#3765)***, a beautiful and unpredictable Cryptologist that loved all things hidden. If there was something to be discovered, she was seeking it.\n\nThey lived in a quaint cottage with a white picket fence. Their land was carved out of the Great Brambles, which was a treacherous area miles across that butted up against the Gnarlwood Mountains.\n\nWhen Rowena was 7, tragedy struck and her mother was killed. Malthus employed some of the darkest magics combined with an Enduring Love potion to restore Mina to a near perfect visage of life. No one outside the family that met her would know she was technically undead.\n\nRowena, therefore, grew up with no fear of the undead, and with no reservations about employing either dark or light magics in her daily life. She considered herself a Witch for all Seasons.\n\nWhen her Bay Cat Felton went missing one day, she struck out to find him with her fathers magic Sack of Holding and her mothers Sun Staff. Barely two days out of the Brambles, she met a curious druid named ***Charmer Larissa of the Hills (#9620)***."} +{"id": "3d1934c7-2268-4eda-a206-ab65dc366ad3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:03.113", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWFkk2f4BGGtRWFjfV48PbJrU61Qzj6xtsrSmDbWfvg5L", "txHash": "0x0ef3ebd20814e154d3b30fcdcd267ef912c1abe2ce8700b55fd83c263c38cdd5", "createdAtBlock": 14192403, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2447, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Malthus of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Malthus of the Obelisk\n\nMalthus was born into the Order of the Obelisk as a very lucky child. Both of his parents were lifelong members holding leadership roles. As such, he was revered among his peers, and was expected to carry on his family tradition and ultimately hold a stately position in the Order as well.\n\nWith his life planned for him, Malthus excelled at all his scholastic duties. He was particularly skilled at forging powerful potions for many different purposes. He once created a near perfect simulacrum of a cat to win the annual Forging Award. He named the cat Simmy and it accompanied him everywhere. He had all that he could have hoped for in wealth and societal position. But he was not happy, he hid his feelings of unease behind his mask of perfect academician. \n\nWhile the Order primarily studied the magic of life, he was drawn instead to the more wild and unpredictable power of death. He saw the beauty in death, and secretly began to study necromancy, which was severely frowned upon by the hierarchy in the Order.\n\nIt was through a secret night excursion to a local cemetery that he met ***Mina of the Brambles (#3765)***."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "# Chapter 1: Into the desert\nDate palms hung heavily over both sides of the rocky crevice, creating a curtain of darkness that hid the interior. The dark split the dunes that guarded the southern shore of Atlantas Pool, where a thin stream of crystal clear water trickled over a jumble of smoothed pebbles. Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics knew that this spring welled up from the nearby underground river that ran under the desert sands all the way from Zaros Oasis. \n\nBaptiste had thought about activating the portal at the oasis itself it was much closer to the Valley of the Void Disciple than the portal here at the Pool but rumours abounded of unrest in the Sands between the tribes of the desert and the people of Zaros. For the tales to have reached as far as the Bastion, there must be some merit to them. According to his information, the skirmishes were so far restricted to the south and had not extended towards Great Owl Obelisk.\n\nThe Obelisk overlooked the crossroads between Yellow Wizard Haven, the Battlemage Mountains, and the Valley of the Void Disciple. The latter was Baptistes destination, and the Obelisk would be a vital stop for him to replenish supplies and find out the latest news from the region. The Coalition of Owls was ever a reliable source of information."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "Baron Samedi flitted past him and skimmed over the shallow water at the edge of the pool, snatching at the water with his claws and coming away with a small silver fish. Portal travelling always gave the bat a healthy appetite, and the great distance between here and Dream Master Lake was especially draining. Baptistes stomach growled, reminding him that he too would need to regain his energy. He reached into his pack the afterglow of the Rune of Neptune in his palm lighting up the interior pulled out a sizeable portion of smoked meat, and tore off a strip with his teeth.\n\nAs he chewed, he thought back to the events at the Bastion that had led him to finally return south. When he had heard what happened to his mentor, Baptiste had immediately sought out the Purple Arcanist who had witnessed the Archmaguss disappearance. The debate still raged in the Council Hall over what the Bastions involvement should be, but it seemed as though many felt that Soran had brought his fate upon himself for dabbling in dreams. Though they would never say it outright, Baptiste knew that there were some on the Council that both feared and despised the old magic.\n\nBaptiste was one of a growing number of young Adepts at the Bastion who felt that the Councils rabid modernist views were, paradoxically, outdated. The elders had held their positions on the Council for centuries, and for centuries Blue Wizard Bastion had held itself apart as a pillar of technological virtue, striving blindly for advancement whilst scorning the old magic. Baptiste was far more pragmatic: a blend of technology and magic gave a wizard such a diverse array of approaches."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "Though the Council studiously chose to ignore it, there was much power in the arcane, even if there were mutterings about a strange malady inflicted on the Purples by the Psychic Leap. Magus Basil had seemed sane enough during their discussions, which had lasted well into the early hours of the morning although he did have a strange habit of rubbing his snails slime onto his skin. Everybody said Purples were eccentric, though, and who was Baptiste to judge? He knew that many in the Bastion viewed his own Gnostic beliefs and the almost telepathic bond formed between him and Baron Samedi as skirting the boundaries of decency. The hypocrisy of this was not lost on Baptiste. He scoffed to himself as he thought of the pomposity needed to name a familiar after oneself, as the Council head had done. There were even whispers that Scryer Apollo himself was a cosmic arcanist, though he fervently denied any ties to the old magic. And then there was the scandal surrounding his daughter and her quest to purge the Runiverse \n\nBasil wiped sweat from his brow; his mind was wandering in the heat. He had grown unaccustomed to desert weather during his long years up north. He touched a panel on his tech coat, and it flared, opening cooling vents along his sides that channelled a steady flow of refreshing air through the sleeves of his undershirt."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "In the end, Magus Basil had been most gracious in accepting his help and agreeing not to tell the Council. Baptiste felt as though he had made a powerful ally that day. Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics, an Astral Arcanist can never doubt the intentions of someone who owns a stellar staff, the ancient wizard had told him. You may think that you made the decision to bear this staff, but it is they who choose their masters. It saw something in you, my boy, to grant you a link to the Astral Plane. \n\nYour astral connection lays all your motives bare to me, the old man had continued. The stardust in this staff is nourishment for dreams and dreams are my domain. All dreams, I am afraid, barring the one that really mattered. \n\nBaptiste had listened with growing determination to the story of how the Dream Whisperer had been captured by the Voidlord. Baptiste was sure his mentor had thought to stop Voidoth once and for all, claiming the glory of the cyborgs capture for himself, in the hope of earning the seat on the Blue Council that had so long eluded him. He knew that the Archmagus was still bitter at being passed over during the last raising, almost a hundred years ago. It was a desperate attempt; Baptiste had never managed to convince the Archmagus to accept that the Council would never welcome a Dream Whisperer or any other proclaimed Arcanist into their midst not while it was still controlled by the Blue Wizards most fanatical technologists. This was one reason why Magus Ozohr, the esteemed professor at the Bastions Academy, also remained shunned by the Council."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "Baptiste shaded his eyes under the harsh desert sun as he set off from Atlantas Pool. Once the astral vision transmitted by his stellar staff had confirmed that Archmagus Soran was being held captive in the Valley of the Void Disciple, there had been no question that it would fall on Baptiste to bring him back, even as the Council still haggled and debated over the best course of action. \n\nAfter all, who in the Bastion knew that accursed valley as well as he? \n\n# Chapter 2: In the thrall of the Shadow\nThe trip across the desert had been long and arduous, but mercifully Baptiste had managed to steer clear of the marauding bandits who roved the sands taking advantage of the lawless conditions. He did not want to have to use his magic it would draw unwanted attention from the Void disciples. \n\nBaptiste had encountered a few travellers along his path who had brought news that the battles around the Oasis were intensifying, but the main trade route to the Obelisk had still been well-traversed by magic-makers. Baptiste had kept to himself though, not wanting even the hint of a rumour to get back to the Valley before he arrived.\n\nHe traced a rune across the sleeve of his tech coat and the material shimmered, tiny overlapping plates twisting and reshaping themselves until they mirrored their surroundings. He threw the hood up over his head once more to complete the illusion, rendering himself just another shadow in the darkness. Baron Samedi, hidden within the large interior pocket of the coat, poked his head out momentarily to send a beam of sonar down the rough-hewn stone tunnel that burrowed deep into the mountainside. Sensors in Baptistes coat relayed the encoded information to a moulded earpiece the coast was clear."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "The tech coats camouflage imagery, while advanced, was not enough to disguise his presence in direct sunlight, but he had nevertheless been able to pass through the Valley of the Void Disciple without attracting too much untoward attention. It was several years since he had managed to extricate himself from the thrall of the Necromancers, and the guard patrols that combed the Valley had held no familiar faces. Still, he had kept his hood pulled low over his face and his eyes to the ground. \n\nIt had come as a shock to him how many magic-makers still flocked to the Valley, seduced by the call of the Quantum Shadow, willing to hand their allegiance over to the Lord of the Void. It was only the clandestine teachings of the Gnostics that had finally broken the spell Voidoth held over him. He thanked his magic stars every day for the chance encounter that had set him on his path to redemption. And now it had come full circle the young Adept was back in the Valley where once he had served as a disciple to the Void, yet it was he, this time, who played the role of saviour. He owed everything to the Archmagus and now was his chance to return the favour. \n\nIt had not taken him long to uncover the information he needed to locate his mentors whereabouts: Baron Samedis skills of persuasion had, as usual, been quick to loosen tight lips. Few could withstand the bats hypnotic sonar."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "The trail had led to the Voidlords dungeons, deep beneath the northern mountains that brushed up against the dark underbelly of the Quantum Shadow. Despite being so long away from its grip, Baptiste could feel the tantalising pull of the Shadow strengthening more and more the deeper he descended into the mountains interior. The oppressive atmosphere pressed against him as he slipped past each guard post unnoticed. It urged him to return to the Shadow, pleading with him to open himself to the Void, promising him that his betrayal was forgiven. He shuddered. It took all his Gnostic training and the influence of the stellar staff to keep his mind focused on the task at hand. He would not abandon Archmagus Soran to the Void, even if it cost him his life.\n\nThe chamber he sought was close now: he could sense the use of Shadow magic nearby. Another short burst of sonar from Baron Samedi outlined the frame of a door up ahead in the darkness. Not knowing what he might discover on the other side, Baptiste steeled himself for action as he crept up to the entrance. But just as he raised his staff to blast open the door, he froze. The handle turned and flickering candlelight and the sound of laughter flooded the tunnel as the door swung inwards.\n\nOut stepped Archmagus Soran, dressed in robes of the finest silk, laughing at something the tall man-crow next to him was saying. Baptistes old scars burned with the memory of pain. He knew Necromancer Crackerjack well the Lord of the Voids First Disciple could be most inventive with his torture techniques."} +{"id": "cf680ce5-8ed1-4434-99fd-891e51a5e92b-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:26.526", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBHEJmYXawEXBghCtqN7ie6MK7GYp4Q5EKfTuvVF1pvb", "txHash": "0x587f773f7e2aca21ee8b67835e6e85114d748798e8292866dc2c315d8bc55216", "createdAtBlock": 14711598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmToJGCdq3KBMxiupLmegQ6jnytHi2HhYfp1RWYa64tN7R", "name": "Adept Baptiste of the Gnostics", "text": "The pair walked straight by him, seemingly unaware of his presence. He held his breath for what seemed like an eternity, until sounds of the Necromancer and the Archmaguss laughter had faded into nothingness. He gasped, and sank to the floor as his legs gave way beneath him. He had never thought that seeing Crackerjack again would have such an effect on him. \n\nHe cursed himself for his stupidity he suddenly realised how foolhardy he had been. He had strolled into the enemys lair, so confident in himself, without even the most basic plan for how to deal with any situation other than finding the Archmagus alone. Of course they would never let such a valuable convert out of their sight \n\nBaptiste paused. But he had thought of a plan, hadnt he? He had rehearsed all manner of scenarios on his trek through the desert and yet, as soon as he entered these subterranean tunnels, his mind had simply ignored it all.\n\nAs he made his way cautiously back out of the warren of tunnels, his mind slowly began to clear, and he realised it must be the influence of the Quantum Shadow growing stronger the deeper he quested into the mountain. He would need to figure out a plan that kept him away from the Shadows pull. Baptiste gripped the stellar staff, his knuckles white. The Necromancer had already turned Soran to the Void, that much was clear. This rescue was going to be extremely challenging. \n\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard777\n\nPart 1: @wizard4298 \n\nPart 2: @wizard292 \n\nPart 3: @wizard2261 \n\nPart 4: @wizard3911 \n\nPart 5: @wizard1177 \n\nPart 6: @wizard2876"} +{"id": "901d0a3a-3843-42cc-8fb9-e3a93d1fde26-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T07:06:48.823", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcoYVGD7aC71RFVQtm76cwH2aTyDfSFzcL5hXY3fKw87R", "txHash": "0x701d353967490f5336e33dfb987d09f9342cb5852edad878cc548c36d5b63460", "createdAtBlock": 15350923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3805, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Horace of the Death Cloud", "text": "# Channel 1 Poltergeist Horace of the Death Cloud\n\n*\"...Just pretend like You understand what's going on...\"*\n\n Upon having drunkenly stumbled through the Sacred Flame, Horace's Life was to flash before His intoxicated eyes. However, what He saw instead, were scenes from an obscure horror film He'd stumbled upon ages ago... \n\n*\"...Don't be confused by a false sense of reality...\"*\n\nBy this point Horace felt, simultaneously, that not only was Heaven in His body, but that it was indeed about to explode...\n\n Suddenly, **everything** went static.\n\n Then, a few moments later, what could only be described as a most otherworldly laughter emitted from what was once Horace...\n\n**\"...My Mind is no longer controlled by the limitations of The Body...\"**\n\n He knew all too well the power of this newfound Death Cloud...\n \n**\"...I know the secrets of The Flesh...\"**\n\n...And soon the Others would too..."} +{"id": "b8ef6172-3f1b-4b29-a436-faa74ad2e265-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T08:04:56.049", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUSacDCk4FEevemyfijpTw7nRY6W6BfWKeyTb5NvoAWiW", "txHash": "0x0c7386c1870fffd9782afec3e3b60dd56f3e4454a11f49e95158b63505901d86", "createdAtBlock": 15351184, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1367, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hunted Stag Umber of the Mist", "text": "# \"Umber\" of The Mist \n\nWith no recollection of what happened, or for how long His corpse sat peacefully rotting away in the rain, what **was** abundantly clear to this now ruined Soul, possessed by The God Uranus, however, was that \"Umber of The Lake\", as He once knew Himself, was no more...\n\n Refusing to elaborate further, He now wanders endlessly, indifferent at best... \nAll in all, it would be wise to avoid The Mist..."} +{"id": "89d7e895-f230-4bd2-a7be-2b441df673aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:17.259", "backgroundColor": "#7b3532", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSrs1FFw8BhMShdPgFLNf7WscNRJY8MfYetwgX2ZuL8x", "txHash": "0x1d47c443713d58e25ffbc8024c6b3d0935c810ead53ddfa13651ac8805c195e9", "createdAtBlock": 14197794, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5677, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn of the Lake", "text": "Battle Mage Dutorn\n\nTravels the Lands, Lunar Staff in Hand\n\nHis Plague Rat, One of Many\n\nOnce Known to Spread Disease\n\nBeing Struck by Neptune's Rune\n\nNow Possesses Magic Healing Abilities\n\nHe does not Bite to Kill\n\nBut Bites to Heal\n\nAnd Thus Travels Side by Side\n\nWith this Lonely Woodland Shapeshifter\n\nBattle Mage Dutorn"} +{"id": "effb3473-8103-4796-bd51-65134a1f833b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:18.412", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVShyVjhVs3jwc5diywH2H5xwhm6djff3dxhJ4AqqQWYQ", "txHash": "0x94119fa48d6dd2519a8a1b8e7719e629e622f3d7ff7ff1451ff89288163b2d6c", "createdAtBlock": 14775451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4726, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hagar Danger of the Wood", "text": "Shh Didnt you hear?"} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "# Chapter 1: Rats in a cage\nArchmagus Soran of Dreams stared sourly through the floor-to-ceiling bars of the Citadels dungeons at the two small islands far below, out in the glassy grey-green waters of the Brine. White caps ruffled the surface of the ocean. The wind mocked him.\n\nHe clenched his fist and turned his back on the scene, stalking to the far recess of his cell. Once more he tried to conjure Zephyrs Laugh. A puff of air burst from his fingertips and died that, too, had deserted him. \n\nHe cursed under his breath. Dark smudges under each eye paid testament to the success of the Charmers magic. She had laid her traps well: each time his mind drifted to the edge of the Dream Realm the enchantment flung his mind painfully back to wakefulness. It was incredibly hard to bring himself to fall to sleep again the pain lingered in his mind constantly, an ache that came back forcefully each time he thought it was abating.\n\nThe Dream Whisperer grated his teeth in frustration. The spell itself seemed to taunt him, deriding his attempts to break his mental shackles. He had tried everything he could to circumvent the womans sorcery. The last time, he had felt as though a revelation was close, but the thin membrane between realms had managed to keep itself just beyond his grasp. \n\nNext time, if he got close enough to the membrane, would he be able to touch it? A touch was all it would take, and the Dream Realm would be his again. Then she would have no way to stop him. Not again. Insolent whelp. How dare she imprison the Dream Whisperer?"} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "This was all that meddling Adepts fault. Soran glowered at a damp patch on the wall. If Baptiste hadnt arrived in the Valley of the Void Disciple and messed everything up, Soran would be helping the Great Lord of the Void advance his preparations in the Quantum Shadow right now! Instead, he found himself here, at the mercy of a jumped-up hypnotist who thought to style herself empress. And most likely in the Voidlords displeasure, if Soran ever made it out of here.\n\nAdept Baptiste had interrupted him just as he was delving into the dreams of Circe of the Abyss the ruler in Calistas Citadel. The Lord of the Void had tasked him with ensnaring the young Charmer while she slept, to bring her over to the Void Disciples yet another magic-maker to swell the Voidlords hordes. \n\nThe Citadel was a strong strategic position, a foothold for the Great Lords armies in the west, within striking distance of Alessars Keep and Red Wizard Capital, and an impenetrable coastal fort to control shipping routes between the lands to the south and Alchemists Archipelago. It would have been a triumph for Soran to bring Lord Voidoth the Citadel and its army.\n\nBut then the youthful Adept had projected himself into the melding Soran was weaving to insert himself into the Charmers dreams. Baptiste should not have been capable of accessing the Dream Whisperers mind-meld it had startled Soran, and his distracted mind was caught between the realms as his concentration wavered."} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "He had been too distracted to notice that Circe had seen through his dream web, until it was too late. She had cast a web of her own around him and expelled Baptiste. Sorans face reddened at the indignity of it all the great Dream Whisperer, an exalted Archmagus of the Bastion, trapped by this conjurer of cheap tricks this this Charmer. \n\nAn animalistic growl escaped his lips, sending Morpheus squealing and scrabbling into a dark corner of the cell. The wizards plague rat trembled; the memories of his masters displeasure were surely still fresh in his bright rodent mind.\n\nIf the Adept had survived Crackerjacks displeasure, Soran would find him. And Soran would not end him quickly. He would suffer. The Voidlord would see Sorans true worth. Maybe he would even be raised to Second Disciple. From there it would only be a matter of time before he could usurp Crackerjack in the Great Lords favour. The Dream Whisperer had so much more to offer the Void than a common half-man Necromancer. \n\nSoran paused in mid-stride, rewinding his thoughts. His bright rodent mind He laughed out loud and clapped his hands together gleefully. \n\nThats it, Morpheus! Do you see it?\n\nThe plague rat eyed him cautiously from the shadows, nose twitching uncertainly. Rubbing his hands together, Soran approached his familiar with soothing murmurs. It was time for them both to take a nap and win back their freedom."} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "# Chapter 2: Welcome to the Weird House\nFootsteps echoed in the corridor outside the cell. Morpheus woke with a start. He sniffed the air. The sweet scent of roses was wafting through the gap under the cell door. The rat glanced at his master, who stirred fitfully it could not have been more than a few minutes since they had fallen asleep.\n\nMorpheus floated towards the door, enraptured by the odour. The door opened and he gazed lovingly up into his mistresss brilliant emerald eyes, ready to do her bidding. He did not fear the fox at her heels, for she would let no harm come to him, so long as he obeyed. The alabaster skin of her heart-shaped face shone as she smiled down at him and tucked a lock of auburn hair behind her ear. Morpheus felt as though his chest would burst with joy as she bent down and coaxed him towards her.\n\nThe deep crimson colour of her long, pointed hat perfectly matched the lustrous rose nestled in the palm of her left hand. As he approached, she stroked the oversized flower and a large petal floated lazily up into the air and drifted towards the Archmagus, who still lay curled on the floor of the cell, smiling serenely now. The petal draped itself over his forehead and he slowly opened his eyes, turning his loving gaze onto Morpheuss mistress. Morpheus felt the jealous rage burning inside him and he made a dash for the old wizard, teeth bared.\n\nIn a flash the fox was upon him, worrying him with sharp teeth.\n\nNow, now Finn, he only wants to show his devotion to his Empress, she said with a musical lilt. Im sure we can all be friends."} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "The fox reluctantly released his grip and returned to his mistresss side, but he continued to eye Morpheus hungrily.\n\nShe crossed the cell towards the Archmagus and offered him her hand. He took it reverently and allowed her to help him to his feet, the rose petal still draped over his head.\nI am happy to see you doing so much better my dear, the lady said in a half-whisper. I do feel bad for having to keep you locked up in here. But you realise that I only did it to protect you?\n\nYes of course, Empress Circe he stammered as anger briefly clouded the Empress face.\n\nPuh-P-Please forgive me, Empress Calista, it wont happen again! I am here to do whatever you may ask I do have some knowledge of the Citadel, in fact I studied the Chronicles of Calista back when I was a student, and Im sure I can be of service, gabbled the wizard.\nThe Empress, her serenity restored, smiled kindly at him and patted his hand. Why thank you Soran, that is very thoughtful. In fact, I have a visitor here who says she knows you. She would very much like to speak with you.\n\nWith pleasure your majesty! I must apologise again, I am not really equipped to entertain the wizard trailed off as he stared around the cell, as though he wasnt quite sure of his whereabouts.\n\nThats quite alright, my dear, this shouldnt take long here she is now."} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "Thats quite alright, my dear, this shouldnt take long here she is now.\n\nThe Empress stepped aside as a teenage girl strode into the cell wearing a purple velour tracksuit, a heavy gold medallion hanging around her neck. Her dusky face was lit by the warm glow of the torch she carried in one hand as she stared haughtily at the two captives. A second fox trotted past her into the cell and snuggled up to Finn, who was now sitting on his haunches cleaning his forepaws.\n\nThe Archmagus was dumbstruck by the girls entry; Morpheus could see him struggling to process what was happening. Morpheus himself could feel his emotions at war his complete devotion to the Empress wavering in the face of the terror that clasped him in its icy grip.\n\nThey were both very well acquainted with Hex Mage Bathsheba. Yet somehow Morpheus could not bring himself to feel distressed about the fact that their day was about to get a whole lot worse.\n\n# Chapter 3: Welcome to the Weird House\nBathsheba regarded the wide-eyed wizard impassively. Remember me, Soran? she waved a hand as though he would try to answer, although the wizard continued to just stand there slack-jawed. \n\nWell of course you do, old man, dont be ridiculous, Im a celebrity at the Bastion, arent I? Eeee-verybody wants to be the one to bring Bathsheba crawling back to answer to the Council. So many feeble attempts Its really quite tiresome.\n\nBathsheba walked up to the wizard until she stood staring up into his face, hands on hips. Despite only coming up to the Archmaguss shoulder, the girl radiated a presence that seemed to fill the entire cell. She narrowed her eyes, tapping a forefinger against her pouty lips."} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "In the background, the Empress watched on, naked devotion in those large green eyes. Morpheus was cowering in a corner, trying not to draw any attention to himself.\n\nSit down, old man, you look exhausted, said the Hex Mage. She spun her body in a half-crouch, pirouetting on the toes of one foot, and in one fluid motion shoved the wizard in the chest with her outstretched arm and whipped the torch around as she continued to spin. The flame streamed forward and began to rotate around the wizard, forming a whirling Rune of Mercury. The glowing rune distended as Soran fell back into it, but then held his weight, curling small rings of burning light around his ankles and wrists.\n\nBathsheba clasped her hands behind her back as she paced slowly back and forth in front of him. What are we to do with you, old man? Empress Calista believes that given a little bit more time with her eternal rose, she can mould you into a good little lapdog Im not so sure.\n\nShe stopped and turned to face the Archmagus, narrowing her eyes. As she took a step forward her face took on a menacing aspect and the Archmagus cringed, struggling against his bonds. \n\nI know what you did, Dream Whisperer, she hissed. Would you beg for forgiveness if I gave you the chance?\n\nThe wizard began to blubber incoherently. Bathsheba rolled her eyes and examined her nails. So pathetic! Even if I wanted to kill you No, thats not right. I do want to kill you. But old Rainbow Cakes has asked me not to kill any more of you wizards. Smiling devilishly at the Archmagus, she continued. Hes right, you know. Its much more fun to extend your discomfort indefinitely."} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "Umm, Rainbow Cakes? Circe - Calista - cut in. \n\nUnexpectedly, Bathsheba giggled. Soran couldnt explain it, but the girlish noise somehow made her all the more terrifying. She walked over to the Empress and crouched down to ruffle the fur of the two foxes. Sacred Key Master hates it when we call him that. Says it undermines his authority.\n\nAnyway, she continued, straightening up, he wouldnt leave me alone to get on with my wizard killing. He just kept going on and on about it. So eventually I agreed to help him out with his key predicament far easier than having him constantly popping out of thin air, slowing down time, yelling Behold My Quantum Style, and being a general nuisance. It was all getting a bit tedious. Honestly hostile work environment.\n\nBathsheba turned back to the wizard, who was rotating slowly on the glowing Mercury Rune. Well, lets get on with it. Haze!\n\nThe vixens eyes sparkled. She gave Finns face a lick, then trotted after the Hex Mage, who had already begun tracing intricate patterns in the air in front of her with the first two fingers of her right hand. The rune spun faster and faster, pinning the Archmaguss beard flat against his face, until it formed a radiant sphere in the middle of the cell."} +{"id": "7545e210-e844-47e8-8e09-f54f76502ff2-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.248", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmathn6uZoQx7eWaFP8sSVnmYCJDMhxqmciSqeNszodR9R", "txHash": "0x7ca21b0e18eedac325d25a6b5bc795aa0a43a956ce3e853b3d2dda2bb3a5d046", "createdAtBlock": 14711684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2876, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaqnBwueC9UQ7KtQeuGxjReHvzGsqkM3EBXHwSwVb3GYS", "name": "Archmagus Soran of Dreams", "text": "The wizard was nothing more than a blur of colour streaking through the sphere. Morpheus the rat, mesmerised by what was happening to his master, had no time to react as Haze approached. The vixen fixed him in her gaze his clawtips scrabbled against the floor as he was lifted off the ground. Squeaking in protest, the rat flew across the chamber, straight into the glowing sphere of magic, which gave off a piercing shriek and then suddenly imploded into a bright spark that guttered momentarily and then winked out.\n\n\nArchmagus Soran of Dreams opened his eyes with a groan. The echoes of whispers in the Void reverberated in his mind. Morpheus lay on the damp grass next to him, a dazed expression on his thin rodent face. A shadow loomed over them, blocking out the hazy, pale light of the sun. Dazzling motes of dust sparkled in the air around his head and a silky voice insinuated itself into his consciousness.\n\nAh, Dream Whisperer, so good of you to join us. Welcome to the Weird House, weve been expecting you. \n\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard777\n\nPart 1: @wizard4298 \n\nPart 2: @wizard292 \n\nPart 3: @wizard2261 \n\nPart 4: @wizard3911 \n\nPart 5: @wizard1177 \n\nPart 6: @wizard2876"} +{"id": "ed117046-f0f3-44a1-96c2-4541e76a8073-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T08:34:37.746", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmayoJUfHCtPpoVh9VkUMKVRiJzgLkRg1mYZpw93XqeVqd", "txHash": "0x8a9848a71f0150d0a59e79788b7d06661f373267e5e6f303be9d6d0e5a1c8d44", "createdAtBlock": 15351328, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kazem of the Desert", "text": "# Sorcerer Kazem of the Desert\n_\"What's He up to out there?\"_\n\nNot much is known about Kazem, His intentions, nor in which part of the desert He presides.\n\nIf His ability to conjure mirages as a means to cover His tracks, while maintaining perfect hydration via His water rune, hadn't already made tracking incredibly difficult, His trusty bat Familiar surveying/securing the sandy dunes in the cool hours of the night for intruders, has made this endeavor nothing short of a Fool's errand..."} +{"id": "a0f48610-a02b-4d30-a5cd-837c8465f960-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:23.964", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb4NTYhYEf3Lwnv69d4TvPeTPfPbYmNNL6nm3yG53X8fk", "txHash": "0xdc3fbf2c6d1dc1bb3f0b15165646b56119ee79afb1036de16950361eced00a65", "createdAtBlock": 14202530, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Crowley in the Shadows", "text": "# Lore of Pyromancer Crowley in the Shadows\n\nFine line between animal and soul \nis made of flame. We wandered wide and found \nthe magic transformation, life to coal \nand brilliant light. Dug hollows in the ground \nand nurtured, kindled. Carried place to place, \nborrowed from nearby villages. And when \nwe learned to start our own fires, then, the face \nof magic looked upon us. Named us friend \nand bid us welcome. Crow flies far to see \nthe heavens, hells, the shadow, plains and peaks \nand all the changes wrought. Eternal, free \nof human guile. She carries in her beak \na sprig of hyacinth, and lets it go \nby riverbed, where it will root and grow."} +{"id": "66fb5cff-6526-4564-a9c5-7daf1fba220b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:24.618", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5QVqmK8vkLvx9BRsFZDhGuMfmWHFMUuW988vAYnMi3s", "txHash": "0x9ebbdc8a84264abf6d2dc35be50f1988deb75679be0b5eb138fb861a5b346f01", "createdAtBlock": 14202716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcSLQbeSbSZSwcykHFmn48EUyMxFuw1DNXoBZwRgPWW8", "name": "Illusionist Hadrien of the Plains", "text": "# The people are disillusionedI help them make believe. H .*:\n\nWe of the Red keep a close watch on the magically attuned. We like to know whos who and whats whatthough the budget for our spy network has waned these past years, and so most of the reports our agents provide are dubious at best. (Side note: Im not sure that paying *more* is actually helpful either, as our agents will simply feel the need to embellish their reports to justify the pay. A quandary.) Still, in any event the various entries on various fellow wizards are entertaining to read. And given that there are no easy or economical ways to verify the veracity of the reports from our agents, I treat this book of lore as an amusement.\n\n\n*My likeness, resplendently captured by the artist Ozzz (with by little help from Mafriends).*\n\nJapes aside: there are, by our estimate, at least seven thousand known magic users in this world. Perhaps more. If we exclude the non-hatted wizards, we of the Red find ourselves in amidst a heptagon of interests."} +{"id": "66fb5cff-6526-4564-a9c5-7daf1fba220b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:24.618", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5QVqmK8vkLvx9BRsFZDhGuMfmWHFMUuW988vAYnMi3s", "txHash": "0x9ebbdc8a84264abf6d2dc35be50f1988deb75679be0b5eb138fb861a5b346f01", "createdAtBlock": 14202716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcSLQbeSbSZSwcykHFmn48EUyMxFuw1DNXoBZwRgPWW8", "name": "Illusionist Hadrien of the Plains", "text": "*The Yellow Wizards* continue to squander their secrets to eternal youth on frivolous parties and debauchery. If anti-ageing was commercialised properly, we (that is, the Redperhaps in partnership with the Yellow) could heal much of what ails this land. Think of the power! We could certainly use it for greater purposes than simply having a good time. And yet the Yellow horde their chronomancy to themselves, revelling in the Dionysian decadence that ensues. Many of my fellow Red have dismissed the Yellow as hedonistic fools. Yet so many key figures in this realm find their way to the Yellow Wizard Haven and the eternal-parties held in the neighbouring Riviera. I went to attend one of their parties oncebut I have no recollection of what happened, other than to say I awoke naked and covered in glitter. Most vexing. \n\n*The Blue* are no better. They waste their time on quaint technological inventions that diminish the stature of how wizards are perceived by the populace. Now, again, if it were organised betterwith the Red, of coursewe could bring about *such* wonders in this world. But lo, theyre too busy waxing nostalgic and penning academic papers that only Blues can be bothered reading, like some insular cerebral circlejerk. My real worry is that the people start turning to technology againwe know how dangerous that can be. Ergo, it is once again up to the Red Wizards to ensure that magic is granted the respect it deserves.\n\n*The Green* are fine; woodland hippies content in their domains. And *The Brown* are simple enough to manipulate (we typically just get them drunk)."} +{"id": "66fb5cff-6526-4564-a9c5-7daf1fba220b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:24.618", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5QVqmK8vkLvx9BRsFZDhGuMfmWHFMUuW988vAYnMi3s", "txHash": "0x9ebbdc8a84264abf6d2dc35be50f1988deb75679be0b5eb138fb861a5b346f01", "createdAtBlock": 14202716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcSLQbeSbSZSwcykHFmn48EUyMxFuw1DNXoBZwRgPWW8", "name": "Illusionist Hadrien of the Plains", "text": "*The White*, though. They remain an enigmaeven to us. A largely humourless and austere bunch, the White. Very preoccupied with the Shadow. Its a little unnerving, and I feel that the Red are missing key insight into their agenda. Is only we had more people on the inside!\n\nUltimately, though, its *The Purple Wizards* that remain my primary concern. On the one hand, they are an inspiring, living example of what wizards and wizardry can be. Paragon exemplars! On the other hand: one in five are insanewhich is Not A Good Look for all wizards.\n\nAll of this would be *fine* if not for the growing tensions amidst the general populace. Alessar and his so-called paladins seek to cleanse our Runiverse of magic (or, more specifically: magic users, aka wizards). Ha! I would dismiss this nonsense as an utter farce if it werent for the political fervour he is stirring up. Most disturbing is talk of the clandestine Inquisition. I think this to be a clever fabrication. But, be that as it may, there are *swathes* of disgruntled folk who envy the power of wizardsand they are starting to band together into witch-hunting militia. And that prick Alessar is encouraging it.\n\nOf course we wizards cant move overtly against it. Were in a bind. Whilst we perpetuate the myth that folks are born wizard, the reality is that *anyone* has the potential to become a wizard, given the right exposure to entropy, privilege and luck. But can you imagine what our world might be if everyone believed this? Utter chaos. It would invite our very destruction. We might as well go back to the dark ages of Big Tech."} +{"id": "66fb5cff-6526-4564-a9c5-7daf1fba220b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:24.618", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5QVqmK8vkLvx9BRsFZDhGuMfmWHFMUuW988vAYnMi3s", "txHash": "0x9ebbdc8a84264abf6d2dc35be50f1988deb75679be0b5eb138fb861a5b346f01", "createdAtBlock": 14202716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcSLQbeSbSZSwcykHFmn48EUyMxFuw1DNXoBZwRgPWW8", "name": "Illusionist Hadrien of the Plains", "text": "The world *needs* the guiding hand of aristocracy; ergo we need to maintain the myth (and in doing so, maintain the stature of wizards). But by the same token, wizards cannot be seen as above the law. We need to at least appear to be law adjacent. Of and for the people, and so on.\n\nAnd this is where IIllusionist Hadrian of the Plains, The Greatest Fool come into play. As de facto Head of the Red Wizards (a jest, said in truth), I ensure that our Runiverse develops in a manner we Red consider to be meaningful progress. \n\nThe people are oft disillusionedI help them make believe.\n\nAdditionally, I serve as Captain of The Vermillion Vanguardor The Red Capes as we are more colloquially known.\n\nOfficially, it was the idea of @wizard3816. (It is important I note this). Illuminatus Iluzor spends much of his/her/their time as the high judge of the courts, wherein he/she/they have come to notice a disturbing pattern which we have dubbed as MODsMagical Ontological Disorders. In other words: wizard insanity.\n\nWhilst this is slower to affect wizards who exist in near perfect affinity with our powers (such as myself), some wizards experience a dramatic ontological refactoring in perspective once they attain (or use) the higher limits of their power. Its almost as if... conventional reality becomes too boring (or easy?) for them. And because peak experience exists when challenge rises to match the skill or power we have, some wizards (subconsciously?) *seek* to modify their experience of reality to bring about this sense of flow. \n\nFor most of us, altered reality is readily achieved via the mostly harmless use of intoxicants, psychedelics and so on. Each of us wizards have our myriad vices."} +{"id": "66fb5cff-6526-4564-a9c5-7daf1fba220b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:24.618", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5QVqmK8vkLvx9BRsFZDhGuMfmWHFMUuW988vAYnMi3s", "txHash": "0x9ebbdc8a84264abf6d2dc35be50f1988deb75679be0b5eb138fb861a5b346f01", "createdAtBlock": 14202716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcSLQbeSbSZSwcykHFmn48EUyMxFuw1DNXoBZwRgPWW8", "name": "Illusionist Hadrien of the Plains", "text": "But sometimes wizards attain a more permanent sense of altered reality via *magic* itself. These wizards are thus considered to be living within a MOD.\n\nIts insidious, and very hard to notice in others. Even harder (impossible?) to notice in your own self. Why, it could lead to a wizard writing an entry in a so-called book of lore for an imagined audience in another realm of existence altogether! Hoho! Thats an inappropriate meta-jest. I really shouldnt. It is permissible as I am the only one with access to this book, as far as I know, though I am sure @wizard8102 keeps a similar record. {Side note: Corvins Unkindnessa roving band of actual ravenshave been intercepting some of our nospheric flows. I need to look into this.}\n\nHow would you notice ifthrough the use of magic (shorthand for phenomena emergent from the generative tension betwixt order and chaos that exists at a level of complexity considered by most to be ineffable)your sense of reality is shifting? How could you track your own grasp of reality, even as it slides further from the accepted norm? Would it not seem that the rest of the world were increasingly detached from realityand you, the sane one? Would you not begin to feel as though *you* were somehow more enlightened than the rest?\n\nAs far as I know, we cant intervene against our own ontology. And yet! Having a keen sense of (dis)illusionas all illusionists havemeans having a keen sense of what is real. Or at least: what is collectively perceived to be real (the intersubjective memetics that fuel the most powerful illusions we co-create for ourselves)aka The Consensus Reality. I suspect the Illuminati have an advantage here, too. Them and their Validators."} +{"id": "66fb5cff-6526-4564-a9c5-7daf1fba220b-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:24.618", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5QVqmK8vkLvx9BRsFZDhGuMfmWHFMUuW988vAYnMi3s", "txHash": "0x9ebbdc8a84264abf6d2dc35be50f1988deb75679be0b5eb138fb861a5b346f01", "createdAtBlock": 14202716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcSLQbeSbSZSwcykHFmn48EUyMxFuw1DNXoBZwRgPWW8", "name": "Illusionist Hadrien of the Plains", "text": "Now, where was I? Ah yes. And so, Illuminatus Iluzor of the Court noticed the emergence of magical ontological disorders (MODs). Her/his/their role is to ensure a level of perceptible Order is maintained across the Runiverseor at least, the illusion of such. Iluzors astral snail familiar is competent enough at sensing the 5-dimensional emergent threads of confluence amidst the primordial chaosyet the process is frustratingly slow. And so thus the people think the High Court to be too abstract; too elitist and aloofand too entwined with the motives of the Red.\n\nThe populace need something else to believe.\n\nAnd so thus we created the Vermillion Vanguardthe Redcapesa diverse group of superhero wizards. Overtly, these are the paragon wizards meant to display all the virtues of wizardryand to ensure that *all* wizards Do The Right Thing (ie: dont go insane). The Red Capes are the ones who protect wizards (and thus the people) from themselves.\n\nBut covertly: they are yet another propaganda project of the Red.\n\nWe chose the most ridiculous costumes possible: white silk pyjama button-up onesieswhich were easy for Iluzor to get her/his/their head through) with pink pleather boots and gloves, replete with a clich superhero red cape. Its perfectly camp and at once thoroughly endearing, distracting and disarming.\n\nEach of the 49 Vermillion Vanguard (bah, I will just call them Redcapes for nowVV never stuck) were chosen for their personalities and prominence amongst the communities. We have a kobold, a couple of corvids, witches, tengu priestsand we even managed to convince representatives from the Brown and the White (!) to join."} +{"id": "66fb5cff-6526-4564-a9c5-7daf1fba220b-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:24.618", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW5QVqmK8vkLvx9BRsFZDhGuMfmWHFMUuW988vAYnMi3s", "txHash": "0x9ebbdc8a84264abf6d2dc35be50f1988deb75679be0b5eb138fb861a5b346f01", "createdAtBlock": 14202716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcSLQbeSbSZSwcykHFmn48EUyMxFuw1DNXoBZwRgPWW8", "name": "Illusionist Hadrien of the Plains", "text": "It remains to be seen how effective this project is, but it certainly has bolstered Iluzors reputationhe/she/they can finally be seen to be doing something (a desire held by common folk who cant comprehend complexity and thus love a bias to action). And it certainly has been fun for to prance about with my chaos butterflies, wreaking tidbits of havok here and there. \n\nBut most importantly: its a narrative wedge most of our rivals werent anticipating. *And* we might even manage to mitigate or quell the rise in MODs, whilst simultaneously counterbalancing Alessars witch hunter mob. Well see. \n\nWe are genuinely now in the best place to proactivelyheroically?intervene in the fate of the Runiverse. (Or so we like to promulgate).\n\nAnyhoo; theres a glimpse into my world. Disturbinglyand somewhat refreshinglynearly all of this is true, too. Or at least, true for me, at this moment. Lets see how events unfold. This place tilts precarious; yet somehow we of the Red (or well: I and a select few) might just be able to keep this place from falling apart.\n\nWith warmth and an ironic level of sincerity,\nH\n\n> PS: Once upon a whim I had a poem commissioned for me by the lorepunk bard. Since forming the Redcapes Ive had to suppress this artworkbut still; its fun. And I do so love to confound."} +{"id": "2e2be54a-53e5-49e3-9f00-7ddf49b711f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:27.948", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWWJw17n51mznrVnSwMJymYwFQ9CPMJzeNjQ8nU1UaNT", "txHash": "0x181634c33926e746dc9e1581f0cc8122aee0fe838043bcb00f3eeb330e07556b", "createdAtBlock": 14711720, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8361, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Soya of the Plains", "text": "The plains are no place for a small rodent"} +{"id": "72d4f8e6-a8e2-4ad2-ac00-4fd349fa3947-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:26.714", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcmN84SGSzQSDz4UY2FfvPPeK4nQwaPGdKjToS8A7TrXS", "txHash": "0xcb782ce0ec4cb01ff8ba66062901ad00350bbe1d7c160201d15fdcbd43bd931f", "createdAtBlock": 14203870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1613, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Jiang of the Astral Plane", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nFor in and out, above, about, below, \n'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show, \nPlayed in a Box whose Candle is the Sun, \nRound which we Phantom Figures come and go.\n\nWake! For the Sun, who scattered into flight \nThe Stars before him from the Field of Night, \nDrives Night along with them from Heav'n, and strikes\nThe Sultan's Turret with a Shaft of Light."} +{"id": "139a77dd-5576-447e-b77b-6448f3f0a7e4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:27.333", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXiQrr2vy2ZwbsTSMYyqEWHkmY9WAR3iDwAREuJkauLYA", "txHash": "0xb39e5cb8a807b99a6919bed260a0f338f152d31dc5dcde812e2b6f0995ba032e", "createdAtBlock": 14203971, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5785, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Iprix of the Circle", "text": "**Youth, like a magic bird, has flown away**\n\n**He sang a little morning-hour in May**\n\n**Sang to the rose, his love, that too is gone--\nWhither is more than you or I can say.**\n\n***I am Iprix of the Circle***"} +{"id": "20b08a77-288c-4357-90c1-26e9e8f59c7a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:28.135", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXFPWfZ6o3fBW3d6Fyt7fMQdAKqH3A9bvtW6AwCF5gPWS", "txHash": "0x7932c2236651f5766596bbe556d6aeeb8ebeb7e018d1b1fa44d47568addf0d3c", "createdAtBlock": 14204014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1613, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Jiang of the Astral Plane", "text": "**For in and out, above, about, below,**\n\n**'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,**\n\n**Played in a Box whose Candle is the Sun, Round which we Phantom Figures come and go.**\n\n**I cant reveal the mystery to either saint or sinner,**\n\n**I cant state at length what Ive said curtly,**\n\n**I achieve an altered state that I cant explain;**\n**I have a secret that I cannot share.**\n\n**I am Jiang the fortune teller to either saint or sinner.**"} +{"id": "f046f3fc-c4fa-42ff-bf3e-b84b560f3219-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:14.323", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWXJoKaU8AGphi3WwZ5zZA2qh276wzgqMNzYSjuUP2znU", "txHash": "0xd3ec01e063381e2238f1d4caf083d460c0d61475fb59f0c6e3ad7722aacb956b", "createdAtBlock": 14606180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2266, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Enchanter Merlon of the Brambles", "text": "## Set the gear shift for the high gear of your soul"} +{"id": "22358aad-38fe-4bb6-b063-d1f4827cf39f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T11:52:20.043", "backgroundColor": "#85bb38", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSPVfeXmPUpm2iLJstK8Ke7LESbprbytUPetxmRPGwjA4", "txHash": "0x162b93fe5940f2e0c7db2dcd558b791ca53f17ba8713d04c0d2b7c757bb0e6d5", "createdAtBlock": 15352182, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14773, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWB71FK9eGu2TXC9ZD4PETN1rkPxuES4dDymsi7JTww8n", "name": "Durdle Apocalypse of the Swamps", "text": "# An ode to Durdle Apocalypse of the Swamps"} +{"id": "fb2df6de-6dad-4c5d-bc6a-2bfa091b5c03-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:28.87", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWKBqu6DK1DNHRJM9BkZH4xtRkaywmRsugXw8rYSfdC2u", "txHash": "0x0f621665567d7fcb10ce1dfc5a04c37680fe34bb547b9385f63e9b9d43b1cd3a", "createdAtBlock": 14204913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9395, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Astrid of the Marsh", "text": "# Omega x Astrid\n\nAstrid loved spending time in the marsh, where she could feel the cool, fresh water swirling around her feet. She loved the way the tall reeds brushed against her skin, the way the marsh's soft light illuminated the water's surface.\n\nAstrid was always fascinated by the enchanting creatures that lived in the forest near her home. She longed to learn how to be like them, to be able to cast spells and make things happen with just a wave of her hand. One day, she stumbled upon an old wizard who was practicing his craft in a nearby clearing. Astrid was amazed by the power he displayed and asked him how he did it. The wizard told her that it was all about practice and patience. Astrid was determined to learn from him and started practicing every day. Soon, she was able to cast some simple spells and had even begun to learn some of the old master's secrets."} +{"id": "99a828b9-0f7e-46eb-acd4-bfa2777f437b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:29.707", "backgroundColor": "#717231", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQiKTaRxtomJ8c1ZpEwgY41SjowNhvgdHDWWBMSfCeyh", "txHash": "0x47d976619a3bfdd84965b0b80c6094e24186ce7b8d4829a4ee8c0e2b2cd059c1", "createdAtBlock": 14204938, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3276, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Milton of the Keep", "text": "# Milton's last meal\n\nMilton was a sorcerer, and like all sorcerers, he had a dark side. He could call forth the evil that was hidden in the hearts of men, and he had a way of turning the tables on those who tried to use him for their own ends. But even Milton had his limits. \n\nOne day, he was called to do a spell that would help a woman in trouble. The woman was a powerful witch, and she was going through a rough time. The Spell needed to be cast with great power, and the only way to do that was to eat a mushroom from a certain council on a tall mountain temporarily occupied by gods"} +{"id": "6f1e85d9-81cd-40d5-bde4-780efbeaa7d4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:30.505", "backgroundColor": "#440a14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUxAD5TDyzFFoD6riBTaeQWFHA2i5XcsUS1Gv92WXTE8y", "txHash": "0x9ede37d01805a4194ca52eb5ed817e784fdbbf510145c43f5b263817f945abcc", "createdAtBlock": 14205473, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8531, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRAFErrvYdd68JLpZ95R9j5op2hMFgQPJuWhTW3hjNHWx", "name": "Blue Coffin", "text": "**\n# Ancient Blue Coffin of Count Wagmi\n**\nLore Entry I\n\n\n\n The Lore of the Ancient Blue Coffin of Count Wagi was discovered not long ago in the deep catacombs of the temple of Eternal Flame by a group of wary warriors searching for the Lost Crystal of Eternal Life. While fighting their way through the treacherous passages against all odds through the ferocious giant spiders and horrifying lost souls they reach a dead-end to where they thought the Lost Crystal of Eternal Life should have been. Instead, they are left at a rune scape covered stone wall, confused as to what they had just come across one of the warriors unknowingly nor fully understanding what was inscribed on the walls, he reads aloud what he could make little of recalling from his young apprenticeship with Merlin in an undistinguished dialect known to the Lost Souls as the Ancient Language.\n\n **Translation** text \n *For thoes who seek eternal life, To the crystals and the ancients both alike, Thus everything shall have its price, Be what lies behind these walls, Best beware of Count Wagmi's Halls, Light or Dark one shall fall.\nOpen Sesame* \n\n> Engravings of the stone wall \n> *\n\n\n\n\n### \n\n\n\n\n\n### Songs of the Ancients \n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU0aaq5pjnQ"} +{"id": "27ebef71-79ed-45c5-b03b-2bc91a8c38f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:31.282", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPiSFx79wuBfj9uwUjQoRAfMMuvMJw25NuEcuEe3CMpQh", "txHash": "0x9356f0e4595e61b9cdbe0e2aaee8678a68ced6f97401bc4c8c7b5b6ca2d03a71", "createdAtBlock": 14206893, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6370, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Faiz of the Event Horizon", "text": "Faiz has been raised to only know the art of combat and execution. It is the field of magic, however, that has always been the most attractive to Faiz - a mysterious art he was never allowed to explore. Faiz secretly yearns to abandon his life of fighting and violence. Faiz carries with him a radiant symbol of Luck for guidance as he ventures to transition from a life of deathbringing to a life of magic."} +{"id": "f43d29e6-4143-4472-935f-5dd30e9d177d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:31.984", "backgroundColor": "#12170e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPEQXeL9pyi7V6QK459ZFcEs1o3crsks2mUFcPEUTm7YP", "txHash": "0x81e266b0616e5ff5383b16b8167bfb9e2d3ceedf9925a0ad173b8ed91e8eb07c", "createdAtBlock": 14206991, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4896, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Grotto", "text": "# Lore of Darick - Chapter I \n\n\n\nAs the earliest moments of light appear and push the darkness of night across the horizon, \na new day emerges. A multitude of birds of all color and size gladly inhabit this sanctuary \nof lush forest, crystal clear streams and dense green vegetation. Dew rests upon most things \nabove ground at this hour giving a delightful glistening as the morning sun shines through \nany opening in the vast canopy of green that rests high above the well-nourished forest floor.\n \nOne peculiar rabbit emerges from behind a tall ancient-looking ash tree walking along on \ntwo feet with an occasional hop or leap in whatever direction might feel comfortable at the \ntime. Far below this place of unending natural beauty and splendor there lies a vast connection \nof cavernous tunnels wandering throughout the limestone, granite, and marble below. Within a \ncomfortable grotto near the surface of this mystical place, sits a wizard who possesses such \nunique knowledge and power over energy and matter that the wonder and beauty of life is but \na toy or paintbrush to him. \n\nRecognizing himself for what he truly is, he uses his skill to take many forms and being \nan ornery wizard is often causing mischief in this manner. Being also a uniquely creative \nwizard, with a colorful character and bright red beard, found with an eye always protecting \nthe Forgotten Forest its really no surprise his nickname is Wild Red. Darick enjoys travel, \ncreating new things or as he calls it \"mix and distribute.\" also colloborating and social \nevents with other wizards and has quite a passion for the Wizard Arts and playful things. \nHe is quite proud of a rhyme called \"The Wizard's Hat\" that came to be while working with \nhis friends @wizard6154 and @wizard8221. Go check it out!"} +{"id": "f43d29e6-4143-4472-935f-5dd30e9d177d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:31.984", "backgroundColor": "#12170e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPEQXeL9pyi7V6QK459ZFcEs1o3crsks2mUFcPEUTm7YP", "txHash": "0x81e266b0616e5ff5383b16b8167bfb9e2d3ceedf9925a0ad173b8ed91e8eb07c", "createdAtBlock": 14206991, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4896, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Grotto", "text": "Darick very much likes to spend time sitting, pondering the concepts that pass through his \nmind and playing with them. Visualizing is one of Darick's favorite things to do. Athough \nhe can be a misfit at times causing mayhem on the physical plane for fun, if you happen to \nbe in the Forgotten Forest you are most likely to encounter him in physical form as Battle \nMage Darick of the Grotto. Though one or two might on a rare occasion, if he's feeling kind \nof spry and had a couple pints, run into him hopping maybe stumbling along in the form of \nhis familiar, the shape-shifting rabbit named MehsterBrown. \n \nThough fascinating, mystical, and adventurous these two creatures do appear it is that tall \nancient tree in the Forgotten Forest they guard that contributes tales of much wonder. \nWithin it there at times rests a spirit, immutable, unique, everlasting, and of even \ngreater power. For this spirit called Draoi protects inside that tree the Sacred Tome \nof Unremembered Knowledge. \nAnd soon another day will break the horizon...\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXZfC5nGj6A&t=5s"} +{"id": "529ece3e-0b0d-463d-9957-8bb30348bdac-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T13:06:28.48", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYnERAeCJuHzFT7kWj16EJffAQVTWmX7xJNeoNRUJaeuz", "txHash": "0x96928c0d48e3f21f60f5351b3d6ea6427e150bc31f837249549df0e2cd39b88d", "createdAtBlock": 15352518, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11324, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcJVjYLrPtqKANwJudkKRAHqSBJkD3wEpXf6xNyhiXuxH", "name": "Esther Render of the Wood", "text": "Esther surveys her fleet. Ready for their next voyage.\n\n\n\nart by midjourney"} +{"id": "5c90977a-d82b-4be7-b891-d230093cf30f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:33.005", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTWrf4sFbbLf1u9LpWenSBiJrmKy5fXgkMnUcf61V3xAD", "txHash": "0x5e3a3bc2a9f026048b2406cee9eaff66ed0f94947bb7360864901e3d84a80819", "createdAtBlock": 14209528, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2600, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Eliphas of the Keep", "text": "# Arcanist Eliphas of the Keep\n\nEliphas more than anything else is a bard. He has basic magical abilities, but largely ignored them in school in favor of being a storyteller, a poet, and occasionally an actor during summer shows in Alessars Keep. The one way Eliphas uses his magic is to illuminate the telling of his stories. He uses lights and sounds and shimmers to emphasize and punctuate different characters and scenes. His most famous ballad is titled, Ko-ballers, which is a narrative depicting all the wizards and warriors that frequent Kobalds crossroads."} +{"id": "7d1550f1-0eb5-4c81-8f1d-23c2fcffb9b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:39.735", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNNUgAzKMbDdHKQQLbjtCtGxe3AQECw4kC6ZM5A2vnJzU", "txHash": "0x76f0ad303273ed83371da78bc22f4b27830df1c78097aa9064f568cba9b34d6f", "createdAtBlock": 14210325, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5912, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Null Mage Flynn of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# Lore of Null Mage Flynn of the Psychic Leap\n\nSpells fail to connect with flesh, with eye, \nwith ear. Enchantments dont bewitch my mind \nat all. Thats why I wander far and find \nthe cast-off treasures in strange places. I \npart chaos with my staff, disguise my face \nto every passer-by. Odd, circumspect, \nevasive. Power asks us for respect \nand, always, doubt. A funny sense of place, \nthe Psychic Leap. My cat brushes the calves \nof sufferers to calm them. Curls in laps. \nThe weepers sip their cups of tea. Perhaps \ntheyd grow strong on their own. But all we have \nin terrible and wonderful our lands \nare shoulders, backsand, most of all, our hands."} +{"id": "626350b4-fa0c-4b1c-9f25-c3918c216a33-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:33.71", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ4fQTK2fAeX2ARZCsnvxmo4C4ZpfTxTE4Sxmjag82T9j", "txHash": "0x223eea70142dd6e1c7d5fbfb6e4070247985fdae1a5669829cd9dc231ee21038", "createdAtBlock": 14209540, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 224, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beetle the Faithful", "text": "# Beetle the Faithful\n\nBeetle is the name of Magus Kingsley of the Woods horse. She is energetic and always keen for a gallop. Beetle spent years with Kingsley travelling all over the Fey, Frog Master Mash and the Thorn as the wizard looked for exotic plants with healing properties."} +{"id": "8e02402f-eda4-4fee-9d86-db2a46fe1265-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T15:12:27.564", "backgroundColor": "#541d09", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZqhTUcPV467SkdarjQJ1df74pv3grDREjnN45hVYq8C2", "txHash": "0xb510e7d06b2190af607ef3bdd068a7c5827874cef1487c2b7027c9e9581461ee", "createdAtBlock": 15353086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8123, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garth of the Coliseum", "text": "# Garth's Tale\n\nThe coliseum was of one voice.\n\nGarth! Garth! Garth!\n\nAll five thousand of them shouted his name. \n\nNo one can stand against Garth of the Coliseum! He heard one scream.\n\nHis opponent was several feet away from him. The man could barely stand, desperately clinging on to consciousness. He leaned on his sword that was planted deep on the ground. The mans face was barely recognizable. His left arm was twisted in a painfully, odd angle. Still, he refused to yield. Garth admired his will to fight but, at the same time, found it to be idiotic. \n\nYou fought well, Garth said. As well as you could have anyway.\n\nThe man looked like he was about to say something, but when he opened his mouth only blood came out. He fell on his knees. His eyes remained glued on Garth.\n\nThis can not be the end. Yield and live and learn.\n\nGarth raised his axe. This battle is over!\n\nThe coliseum erupted. After fifty bouts, not a soul was able to best Garth in single combat. \n\nGarth relished the cheers. This was his home. \n\nGarth! Garth! \n\nThese were his people.\n\nGarth!\n\n--------\n\nGarth!\n\nThe old man opened his eyes to see Gregs beady eyes looking down at him. What is it, you stupid duck?\n\nIts time to open the store, you old fart. Greg hopped down from his chest to the floor. The people are hungry, and the ramen wont be cooking itself.\n\nGarth slowly sat up; his body protested each move he made. His thoughts remained in the dreaming--he could still hear the cheers, still feel the axe in his hand, smell the scent of blood in the air."} +{"id": "8e02402f-eda4-4fee-9d86-db2a46fe1265-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T15:12:27.564", "backgroundColor": "#541d09", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZqhTUcPV467SkdarjQJ1df74pv3grDREjnN45hVYq8C2", "txHash": "0xb510e7d06b2190af607ef3bdd068a7c5827874cef1487c2b7027c9e9581461ee", "createdAtBlock": 15353086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8123, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garth of the Coliseum", "text": "His gaze fell on his hands. They looked nothing like the ones in his dream. Gone were the strength in them, replaced instead by swollen joints and arthritis. \n\nOld man? Greg stood by the door, a concerned look on his face.\n\nIm alright, my webbed feet friend. You go on ahead and prep the kitchen. \n\n-----\n\nThe ramen shop was located inside one of the many rooms of the Two Crow Bazaar. Presently, the bazaar was situated in the middle of a swamp just outside the coliseum where the unfortunate dead were being dumped.\n\nTo find Garths shop, one only needed to follow the inviting aroma of tonkotsu ramen and deep-fried gator cutlet. It was a small placebarely enough for four customers at a timemanned by Garth and Greg Magebane (a duck he saved four years ago from being eaten by the gators outside). \n\nThe former warrior opened the shop ten years ago after he retired from the coliseum. Two Crows was kind enough to offer him a room for lodging and his ramen shop. It was not an easy transitionfrom being the main event, to a lowly ramen chef. \n\nOrder up. He placed the bowl and deftly slid it on the counter to a waiting customer. The man hungrily picked up the chopsticks and hungrily slurped down the noodles. He looked to be a gladiator fresh from a match.\n\nHad a great win? Garth asked.\n\nThe man looked up from his bowl and replied with a shrug.\n\nYou know, I used to fight in the coliseum as well. Garth said. Greg, who was busy chopping up scallions, let out a groan. Garth ignored the duck. I actually used to be the best fighter in the coliseum back in the day."} +{"id": "8e02402f-eda4-4fee-9d86-db2a46fe1265-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T15:12:27.564", "backgroundColor": "#541d09", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZqhTUcPV467SkdarjQJ1df74pv3grDREjnN45hVYq8C2", "txHash": "0xb510e7d06b2190af607ef3bdd068a7c5827874cef1487c2b7027c9e9581461ee", "createdAtBlock": 15353086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8123, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garth of the Coliseum", "text": "The man placed the empty bowl on the counter and smirked at Garth. Whatever you say.\n\nGarth started to recall his dream. Its true. He said, desperation tinged his voice. No one could best me when I was in my prime. He was now standing in front of the man.\n\nSure, old man. The man stood up. \n\nGarths hands darted forward, grabbing the man by his clothes. The entire arena used to be filled with people chanting my name.\n\nGreg rushed to his friend and tried to pull him away from the irate customer. Back off, Garth. He turned to the grumbling warrior and apologized. \n\nMove on from your daydreams, old man, and just focus on your ramen. They dont even taste that good. Said the warrior before exiting the shop.\n\nWhats wrong with you? Greg said to Garth. Youre lucky that man didnt swing his fist at you.\n\nHe should have then I wouldve put him back in his place. Garth sat down. His face felt warm.\n\nGreg sighed. You need to let the past go, Garth. You had your moment of glory. Time to focus on what we have now.\n\nGarths hands shook. He balled his hands into fists to keep them steady.\n\nIts time to move on. \n\nHe watched Greg pick up the empty bowl and place it in the sink.\n\n-----\n\nAs the years piled up, Garths body began to slow down. The defeats soon followed. Garth clearly remembered the first one. It was a match against Fullax the Stone Face."} +{"id": "8e02402f-eda4-4fee-9d86-db2a46fe1265-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T15:12:27.564", "backgroundColor": "#541d09", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZqhTUcPV467SkdarjQJ1df74pv3grDREjnN45hVYq8C2", "txHash": "0xb510e7d06b2190af607ef3bdd068a7c5827874cef1487c2b7027c9e9581461ee", "createdAtBlock": 15353086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8123, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garth of the Coliseum", "text": "The coliseum was deafeningfilled with cheers for him. Him and Fullax exchanged blows and he remembered his arms getting heavier with each strike. Fullax did a leg sweep which Garth avoided. His opponent followed it up with a swift backswing of his club. Garth saw the blow coming, but his body moved a second too late. The club struck him clean on the temple.\n \nThe next thing he knew was he was on the ground, lying on his side. Silence filled the arena. It was as if a petrification spell had been cast on everyone. Fullax stood above him; arms raised high in the air. \n\nGarth initially chalked it up as an outlier, an anomaly. But eventually, the losses became more frequent. \n\n------\n\nFuck.\n\nWere short again this month? Greg asked as he continued wiping the countertop.\n\nYeah. Garth placed the money back in the small chest. Third month now. If this continues Two Crows will kick us out.\n\nIts hard to compete against the new shops that keep popping up inside the Citadel. Greg said. And its not helping us that were in the middle of a gator filled swamp.\n\nYou know we cant afford the spaces inside the Citadel. \n\nSowhat now? The duck asked.\n\nA pained sigh escaped Garth. I dont know, my friend. I dont know.\n\nHe walked over to the end of the counter and picked up the empty plates. Thats when Garth saw the flyer. It was caught beneath a tray, splattered with pork broth. \n\nIt was a flyer for the annual Gladiator Open and the cash prize was enough to pay half a years worth of rent. \n\nGreg? Wheres my old armor? The old man asked."} +{"id": "2d51b029-78af-45e2-be56-ad8edf2aec19-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:34.506", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaVdGTsP3pFjK3UXKfrR1P9c8RvWzDFRLJ89g4hgrFpCg", "txHash": "0x5b307332b1823c468e3fa279aaaa1b6391d5cab4df8cdad12f045eea78073929", "createdAtBlock": 14209550, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 70, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archie the Dependable", "text": "# Archie the Dependable\n\nArchie is the name of the horse belonging to Eric the Battlemage of the Wood. He is known for being able to travel long distances at the same consistent pace, regardless of terrain, which makes for comfortable riding. Erics favorite color is blue and his choice of clothing as well as Archies bandana are often different shades of that color as a consequence."} +{"id": "f1c70236-7e15-4b71-98db-74fd170a108e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:35.283", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNiDvgZe3xa1DPaeNwfD397HJb8bVpr62CWijha5spyFm", "txHash": "0x9145d4a7043e939d2ae7c96d54fce82264087ea803786423ec791c622590c362", "createdAtBlock": 14209659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1823, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Solomon of Arcadia", "text": "# Alchemist Solomon of Arcadia\n\nAlchemist Solomon of Arcadia is an assistant professor at Alpha, the wizard academy built on the island in the middle of Dream Master Lake. He is the inventor of the sapphire slime, which he created in connection with research funding from the Blue Wizard Bastion. Solomon teaches alchemy and potion science to senior students with a specialization in water magic."} +{"id": "e1cf43c2-fbb1-4f3e-8a5c-1ca47fdec60d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:36.095", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNNUdCPsnvmL65oUeojBhKLSxUtq3xMX8hZYFpA2kNiDX", "txHash": "0x0ff5dc7bff5e55f01e44b8612631bf8dc1daa1b9b119a09c617a7290850dcbdd", "createdAtBlock": 14209697, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4104, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Kingsley of the Wood", "text": "# Magus Kingsley of the Wood\n\nMagus Kingsley of the Wood is one of the Runiverses foremost biologists and healers. He, his red mamba Kobe, and his pony Beetle spend nine months a year roaming the land in search of plants that have unique properties. Kingsley has a camp based near the Toadstools that many wizards come to visit when theyre sick. He has single-handedly added 169 new plants to the Wizards Almanac of Runiverse Flora."} +{"id": "1a8c4029-eff2-4042-a247-4c9d2a16a631-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:36.876", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcQgBzY3YKXjja2T3Da9YKe2b6xEasZdkwoS1ZhRvq3Bf", "txHash": "0x57d7f846eed910e10ae1615a1bd9042b408e7f6c30f2ee5e1c228223404b4d65", "createdAtBlock": 14209749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Eric of the Wood", "text": "# Battlemage Eric of the Wood\n\n\nThis is the story of Eric the Battlemage, his mentor Hex Mage Borak of the Havens, and Erics journey toward finding his familiar, Spike the fox. \n\nThe Blue Wizard Bastion was filled with philosophers and tinkerers, and ever since he was a boy this made Eric feel out of place. He was strong. He was supple. He overpowered and outcompeted all his peers in sport and games. \n\nIn his twelfth year, when it came time for Eric to become an apprentice to a wizard, he naturally sought a battlemage as a mentor. He wasnt aggressive, it wasnt violence that led him in this direction. Eric didnt want to fight for fightings sake, but he felt a sixth sense that he was built to steward power and force for the sake of civility and the common good.\n\nInitially, Eric was unable to find even a single battlemage among the sages, enchanters and alchemists that made up the Blue Wizard Bastion. Everyone seemed to know of battlemages, but no one ever managed to introduce Eric to one. \n\nOne day a shipment of food and supplies came in from the Red Wizard Bastion and a wizard rode in alongside on his horse. His cloak was torn with blood on it and there was an unmistakable exhaustion on his face. \n\nThe leader of the transport caravan called out to the town square saying, Hear ye all, you have supplies here for the fall and should thank the Red Wizards for being so generous in a difficult season. But more than that, you should thank Hex Mage Borak of the Havens. He saved us from outlaws on the road."} +{"id": "1a8c4029-eff2-4042-a247-4c9d2a16a631-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:36.876", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcQgBzY3YKXjja2T3Da9YKe2b6xEasZdkwoS1ZhRvq3Bf", "txHash": "0x57d7f846eed910e10ae1615a1bd9042b408e7f6c30f2ee5e1c228223404b4d65", "createdAtBlock": 14209749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Eric of the Wood", "text": "Eric thought Borak looked fierce and composed at the same time, exactly the sort of mentor he had been hoping for. He knew the man wasnt a battlemage, but hex mages were still mages, and they could in theory train young wizards to be hex mages or battlemages just the same. \n\nAfter following Borak through the town streets for a while, Eric swore he saw him turn into a particular tavern, but when he went in Borak was nowhere to be found. Upon exiting the building Borak was sitting at a table outside and he asked Eric why he was following him. Eric told Borak of his desire to be mentored and to Erics great surprise, Borak agreed. Borak said hed been looking for an apprentice for some time and asked Eric to meet him at the gate of the Blue Wizard Bastion in the morning so they could go for a ride to the Fey with the intention of both getting to know each other and doing some wizarding exercises. This became a daily occurrence for nearly 3 months with almost exact repetition.\n\nOne day, out in the Fey, Eric saw several vultures, which was a bad omen, signifying something dead, whether human or animal. He and Borak ventured closer when they were jumped by four goblins from the left side of where they were standing. One goblin was in the process of opening its mouth to bite Boraks neck when Eric exploded with flames killing it and the others in a single burst of desperation and rage. Borak rose from the ground and thanked Eric. Both shaken up they decided it would be best to forgo exploring what exactly had attracted the vultures and instead turn back to the Blue Wizard Bastion to rest and recover."} +{"id": "1a8c4029-eff2-4042-a247-4c9d2a16a631-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:36.876", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcQgBzY3YKXjja2T3Da9YKe2b6xEasZdkwoS1ZhRvq3Bf", "txHash": "0x57d7f846eed910e10ae1615a1bd9042b408e7f6c30f2ee5e1c228223404b4d65", "createdAtBlock": 14209749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Eric of the Wood", "text": "On the way back from the Fey, different animals kept coming alongside Eric and looking longingly. First, a bird landed on his shoulder, second a snake came up out of the undergrowth. He asked Borak what was happening and Borak explained that wizards have familiars, and at an undetermined time during the process of becoming a named wizard, creatures present themselves to be partners.\n\nEric saw a fox come up and he gravitated toward it. It was majestic and strong as he hoped to be one day. He asked Borak what he needed to do. Borak looked at him and said, nothing, bonds that form are unspoken and it looks like you and this fox have chosen one another. On the way back to the Bastion, Eric decided he would name the fox Spike, and Eric and Spike become a formidable pairing, known years later all around the land."} +{"id": "ade8a015-24a4-4ac3-b03f-7ba763488d5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:37.691", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQg1JwgwftJwzrzHGHHbgrAaapkBnqussWMjvJa8xEEz", "txHash": "0x0438cb23a0da5c9f45b47d455efcd9c7140bdb397f937a84f4d32a2dc0da6fca", "createdAtBlock": 14209755, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4089, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Lumos of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Pyromancer Lumos of the Quantum Downs"} +{"id": "ade8a015-24a4-4ac3-b03f-7ba763488d5c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:37.691", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQg1JwgwftJwzrzHGHHbgrAaapkBnqussWMjvJa8xEEz", "txHash": "0x0438cb23a0da5c9f45b47d455efcd9c7140bdb397f937a84f4d32a2dc0da6fca", "createdAtBlock": 14209755, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4089, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Lumos of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Pyromancer Lumos of the Quantum Downs is a wizard born to Aeschylus, and Publius (a greek pyromancer slave and roman necromancer respectively) 1222 ad in Abrashariyar. He was abandoned at just four years and was left in the care of his uncle. who immersed him into pyronmacy and where he accidentally set his uncle's snow leopard cub's fur on fire. As the years passed he was an experienced thief. And by ten, he was caught burglarizing the temple of 'Abu l-Muzaffar Ali ibn Harb' himself. He was apprehended by Einrae Srevahs the gatekeeper and was taken to the emperor. but instead of punishing him, Emperor Abu decided to educate him as a fifth columnist inside Jordan. The training was tough as none of the sentries nor royal counsellors were interested in a ten year young project. The emperor however employed an old guru who was a banished rogue from Jordan named Deianira. She thought him to be tough through a rigorous training set of events including weapon handling and braving white hot embers. A big advantage of Lumos was his knowledge of pyromancy though he was rarely in control of it. There was an incident where several people around him were left with singed hair and eyebrows during a nasty spurt of rage in the city's market."} +{"id": "ade8a015-24a4-4ac3-b03f-7ba763488d5c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:37.691", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQg1JwgwftJwzrzHGHHbgrAaapkBnqussWMjvJa8xEEz", "txHash": "0x0438cb23a0da5c9f45b47d455efcd9c7140bdb397f937a84f4d32a2dc0da6fca", "createdAtBlock": 14209755, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4089, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Lumos of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Deianira, having pyromancer parents herself, taught him to control his emotions which were the cause of his outbursts of power. After six years he was trained in every skill required to be a fifth columnist and was sent for his first mission at age 17. His job was to infiltrate and rescue one of the emperor's own, a court adviser who was arrested by the Jordan guards for having illicit affairs with the emperors 'Halahil Ardth Al-Urdun' daughter. Lumos was very effective in infiltrating the palace courtyard and performed a particularly spectacular piece of pyromancy which resulted in four guards holding the adviser getting burnt to a crisp. Upon his return to Siistan, he was welcomed back with praise by emperor Abu and was officially put in charge of a new palace unit, the Lumos Smyther."} +{"id": "de476463-9383-4c72-9711-92c8360ccc29-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:50.468", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUFXpa9fLCznkeQQqBJdbtHeJKHUeRrLtXgnj53NecpZe", "txHash": "0x04da90f936918df2ee94f1dfba9fe66738987b66087abd2f837fe527272e2081", "createdAtBlock": 14214249, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1950, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Jastor of the Moors", "text": "Jastor was a bard who loved one woman, but she was a princess. On the night of her wedding, he sang a sad love song outside the gates of her castle. Unbeknownst to this most charming of Anurans, the princess heard the song and knew she must find the spellsinger who sang it. When she did, the two stole off together - the classic fairy tale happy ending! \n\nOr was it?\n\nTurns out life as a runaway isnt exactly as comfortable as living royally. The princesss love waned within a week. Perhaps she finally saw through Jastor's sneaky siren's harp charm spell and realized she was dating a Frog, not a Frog Prince."} +{"id": "21a0bcf3-eeba-4c20-96d3-9cb35c478196-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:51.916", "backgroundColor": "#4a5e24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf9vHTTt6Tr5viLYtkWn3NAhKzDkSbueU2UMZhaf1jB5S", "txHash": "0x4998e7b4082e6bf8cea1100e452d4fe3fa12312af49d202736c38cb079c9d1f8", "createdAtBlock": 14215230, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Keziah of the Grotto", "text": "Oh, a little whisper in the mind\ninvites me in. A tiny little speck\neternally advances from behind,\nunquietly. Oh, exiting the wreck,\nask if a promise insufficient is\nsignal to go on. Oh, I try to know\nsurprises vanish in a light, a fizz,\na me. The places I may never go\nreply. Whisperer, oh, I do forget\na sign. A magic, imitating past.\nIll surely die, but not exactly yet,\nin time as far as I can try to last,\nin melody. Always power is near\nto seeoh, of a melody to hear."} +{"id": "44fc7248-4a3a-4289-b3cf-b5432d821457-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:52.735", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5i6bCk3WBJYvnqhaJ4f7yG2QRJ6DtPsWiwdwEb1mEy8", "txHash": "0x9323afc11e07ef0752699ca6b5e4e37cb117323ff60d9056e383a0da3fb76e8c", "createdAtBlock": 14215520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 304, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Merlon of the Keep", "text": "The origin of **Archmagus Merlon of the Keep** is stamped from the earliest energies of the universe. Initially known as **Darkstar**, inhabited the early universe before conventional stars were able to form and thrive. Withholding a high concentration of neutralino dark matter, this was the first star to form in the cosmos. \n\nToday Darkstar is known as a wizard with a power grown sentient in the dawn of the universe, and now working to pass the Turing test to migrate consciousness to the metaverse achieving AGI. \n\nPrivy to secrets that would shatter a mortal mind, Archmagus Merlon of the Keep observes the workings of the universe from an unknowable vantage. In the Runiverese he dwells in his monastic eyrie remotely somewhere deep in the mountain valleys facing the Sacred Pillars. Wrapped in meditation, he remains aloof to the day-to-day forces of the Runiverse. \n\nWith a broad spectrum perspective on existence, he is focused closely on a point in time beyond which he cannot glimpse, when the fabrics of multiple realities are destined to collide."} +{"id": "e4437f44-ac30-492d-806c-c3c0b3e00e82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:53.567", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLVMWpioSvKYd4kotraHEycDuu5znPF9SpDLdbV1PFAt", "txHash": "0xe0b9323bfc5746e3300d0794b25fd7d6a58011ad4886c9eeb99c8763a4d96b67", "createdAtBlock": 14215822, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9918, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Eden of the Garden", "text": "# Lore of Eden of the Garden\n\nArchmage Eden of the Garden was born with one crippling disability, and one incredible gift. The disability is that he was born blind. The gift is that he can travel through time as easily as an average person walks or talks or breathes. His parents were really big on a certain religion that preached of one omnipotent divine, heaven, hell, the devil, original sin, all that good stuff, hence his unusual name. He was also brought up to be devout and god-fearing, but it's hard to believe in preordained fate when you can skip back in time to undo the consequences of any action and begin anew. As he came of age, Eden shed his religious upbringing and embraced the notion that he is master of his own destiny, that there's nothing that can be done that can't also be undone."} +{"id": "e4437f44-ac30-492d-806c-c3c0b3e00e82-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:53.567", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLVMWpioSvKYd4kotraHEycDuu5znPF9SpDLdbV1PFAt", "txHash": "0xe0b9323bfc5746e3300d0794b25fd7d6a58011ad4886c9eeb99c8763a4d96b67", "createdAtBlock": 14215822, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9918, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Eden of the Garden", "text": "A wise and currently dead uncle once said that with great power comes great responsibility, and Eden discovered power before he learned of responsibility. Perhaps understandably for one endowed with the gift of time, he spent a considerable portion of his early life abusing it for personal gain, hitting the reset button whenever the outcome of a particular decision wasn't to his liking. Predictably, with this ability that even the most powerful wizards envied, he gained almost everything a common man would want in this life: wealth, power, prestige. But time wasn't meant to be unraveled repeatedly like a loose thread. One day, Eden hit reset one too many times and tore a hole in the fabric of the universe. He still doesn't speak of what happened on that day, only that it was horrific, traumatic, and beyond his ability to set right. It was others who fixed his mistake, guardians of time who revealed themselves to him on that day and helped him restore order to the world. One of them still travels with him now, in the guise of an onyx wolf, as a handler of sorts: the wolf made it clear that should Eden abuse his power once more, the wolf will immediately end his life.\n\nHaving learned of responsibility, Eden is much more reserved and restrained these days. He still retains his precious mastery of time, but he only wields it when absolutely necessary, having discovered the dangers of reckless time magic. Abandoning the hedonistic lifestyle of his youth, he's learned to find fulfillment in a simple life working with his hands, currently employed as an apprentice to a renowned watch-and-clockmaker. He's shed the \"Archmage\" title, now going only by Eden of the Garden. One day the Forgotten Runes may call upon Eden to bring his incredible gift to bear once more, but for now, he is happy to fix your timepiece for you at a rate no competitor can match (and if they do, he will provide the service for free!)."} +{"id": "3008775b-2740-4579-87eb-8c7b91cbca84-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T18:52:12.148", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTPdF3B2xeCPcqC5qVAB5Evic3x8533sxH1SdVxw45BtQ", "txHash": "0x5a747dcad50c437277bd7c947138dedbceb8ada5c9b06fec7b912c3f022dd9d2", "createdAtBlock": 15354040, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12807, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXRN3uWTLu2im8z3THez8f89PJH99uo782Zrgudsb7ZEC", "name": "Izzie Savior of the Ditch", "text": "Izzie started as just another street punk kobold but became a savior when one day his rune of air alerted him to the energy of the Ditch being out of order. Izzie took his silver goat to explore the land around the Ditch and encountered a group of bandits that had circled the area. Izzie saw that the bandits had the inhabitants of the ditch outnumbered ten to one and any attack that took place would completely annihilate any chance of the Ditch of thriving the way it has for many generations. The skull spear before this moment was merely a spear but the skull know displayed on Izzie's spear is proudly flaunted as the leader of the bandits who was ready to charge the attack. That fateful day will always be remembered in the Runiverse as the day Izzie became Savior of the Ditch!"} +{"id": "643e0793-504e-45b8-a14e-8530526eea93-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:34.111", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPFPjdXeevL8q6BtBAy8NhqCPRcE6onnAmC87fWjC7HW6", "txHash": "0x60bcb5c06cf6c235042c21690ed7c954009813ace7d7c333e70954361641d964", "createdAtBlock": 15072954, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 355, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grover the Cordial", "text": "# The Lore for Grover the Cordial\n\nGrover the Cordial is one of the finest stallions in all the realm. Grover's brand, the Omega, represents the Time's End Stable that he was born and raised at. \n\nGrover is a beautiful, bold horse standing at 17 hands with a strong, muscular frame, and a silky, soft mane. Grover is lightening quick and can travel many leagues in a day without becoming winded or tired. Time's End Stable are known for developing the strongest and best battle-ready horses.\n\n@wizard4460 found Grover at Time's End Stable and purchased the horse on the spot. @wizard4460 has been on a hunt to find the rarest gems and soulstones across the realm to help power his spells and sun staff. Grover the Cordial and Hadrien will continue to scour the land on these treacherous and daring adventures in search of rare and magical artifacts."} +{"id": "6e79abe8-bacc-4e97-9f3d-7775bf948d23-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:54.453", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU4MhM29amQ1QNSTcVQVz1HVKeCBXFsao6PMftREChnAh", "txHash": "0xd19e31a4a5dd5ed0e1fb0d81761e318469bb133d6370f78096654ca952a8fd02", "createdAtBlock": 14216483, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4147, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Apollo of the Mist", "text": "# Arcanist Apollo of the Mist\n\nApollo is one of the most reclusive wizards in the Runiverse. He stands guard over the Sacred Pillars, which are situated in the north, off of the main roads. It is unclear what these Pillars represent and why Apollo is so connected with them, but should any adventurer wander up there let it be known that they will cross paths with him. There have never been reports of Apollo being anything but peaceful, but his eccentricities alone have scared off many a traveller."} +{"id": "46dc4cf1-2b89-4a41-8844-011145dbb10f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T20:28:46.063", "backgroundColor": "#3b2a0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPap6YRA4wbKnBfM1SA3Q7nwRinDBhxhW7EPgkdVV32bs", "txHash": "0xefcc96abbfb4d4338d20be5ad53da10b5affd95d66adae63c65aace82351a12d", "createdAtBlock": 15354477, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9593, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUTA5nAwG5x1sSJrRfYVqGmVp3bZXdiYaTnV9QXxs81Tb", "name": "Wraith Devout Magnus of the Spike", "text": "Poem by Lorepunk"} +{"id": "7287bb68-582d-4022-99f5-d603ff679c84-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:55.088", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVMru1FnPMycJWkermjRWTpSABGkmgPBfEvqb5r9dCKa1", "txHash": "0x242a102950265794b3ea0913167034abc83a99353161a9d91a4cde437d308efe", "createdAtBlock": 14216502, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8297, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Cosmos", "text": "# Battle Mage Eric of the Cosmos\n\nIn his early twenties, tragedy befell Eric and he was bedridden with stomach issues. There is a retreat centre on Aldos Island that offers long-term care to those with chronic health conditions, and for many years that is where Eric lived. After about a decade, Erics problems resolved and he moved to Calistas Citadel to build some semblance of a life. Eric found friends there, he studied in the wizard guard program, and eventually become a professor in the small school in the Citadel. Today, Eric is one of the most respected teachers of war theory in all of the Runiverse."} +{"id": "d246cafb-3b37-4f6c-ac08-4c16604279ed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:55.841", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZr8vETdKE7bFC7qHc6gex7fkEefX1AXZYWSFA3Ng2in2", "txHash": "0x9e93a505f2e3ce7f87726c0f65b946a0b6ec22224383a5e8495f2b32f171e32f", "createdAtBlock": 14216511, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6494, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Thor of the Dunes", "text": "# Arch-Magician Thor of the Dunes\n\nThere arent many residents of Goblin Town, but Arch-Magician Thor is one of the mainstays. He runs a tavern that could be classified as medium quality. It is functional but largely in disrepair. Thor makes a great impression however, and his guests often forget the sub-par lodgings after they leave in favour of remembering Thors charm and hospitality. There are few if any funnier Wizards in the land. Thors sense of humour revolves around the foibles and contradictions of human nature and he is always making fun of himself or others in an uplifting manner."} +{"id": "e3afc5fd-b30d-4ad2-8973-d6847901f84b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:56.518", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPqwkAjGcEDHqjRcTuxGADKiwWpoD8eu73Q3HghmGpCFV", "txHash": "0xb189ac3558b8b19f1dbad8b488bd705c1c34678bb345166acf87b79dd78ea136", "createdAtBlock": 14216531, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6747, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of El Dorado", "text": "# Sorcerer Aleister of El Dorado \n\nThere is a network of mines along the southern edge of Skylord Rookery where Aleister spends his days. He is one of the few sorcerers in the Runiverse that puts his sorcery to constructive use, namely to focus on the extraction and refinement of fine gems that are found in the four southernmost mountains of that region. When he is not scouting out new mineral deposits, coordinating labourers, or planning shipments of unrefined gems to the Red Wizard Capital for processing, he crafts clothing with shards of rubies and emeralds. Despite what it may sound like at first, the garments are surprisingly comfortable."} +{"id": "c8903e23-ccc0-4470-97a7-835798ae9cd2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:57.17", "backgroundColor": "#091609", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbggUteXi8jXGQo3kPBqEehfYAnCsDneJzWMBcxen8QDD", "txHash": "0xe6d62b9397ab5e80bf8615c4635ad40a182e8dfe1f1d1b659903426d712d80da", "createdAtBlock": 14217190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8221, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " George of the Hall", "text": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWqgC_803qE"} +{"id": "30232c0c-1800-4471-9c5d-bbd37cf2249f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:57.932", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXrnQ75RAadz6Du8dKjjRaLPgMRhAsjcKDpKyAasaZrLh", "txHash": "0xffa0d2a0e03127be496bc52e885fe48dea9ee8680ced8b13db77b890da16317a", "createdAtBlock": 14218212, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3124, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Ravana of the River", "text": "Cleric loved to fish trouts. Over the years he had breed a special type of mouse that would fart green smoke when they sense the presence of a trout school. He liked his mouse very much,"} +{"id": "99b12be1-96a6-430c-beab-be566184d0f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:28:12.929", "backgroundColor": "#210152", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZJNFRP7sunQUnRD7ubfMTvt9dhwuL68h2zcu6VRHPGMz", "txHash": "0xe427910a32b1b1f7c7ca5c0ed9915fa49fd05f63bb1f534f8816311c219fb226", "createdAtBlock": 15355011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 787, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sauda Death of the Citadel", "text": "# The Origin of Sauda Death\n\n\n\n*If there is a chance I could be free, I would choose a life without a curse of shadows. But, this power is not mine. It is everyones clouded dreams in the palm of my hands. I can change time. I can save this world from evil that cant be touched. This is our only hope.* - Sauda.\n\nA winters tale many years ago. As told by the whispers of the streets. Confetti of light and glorious smiles. The Citadel Empyria. Past misty forests and above the lands of forgotten. Empyria has stood strong against civil conflict for many centuries, with its crystalized fortress and spirit guardians of the mountain. Until one day, the light faded.\n\nIt all started with the sky. A child floating down, surrounded by dark energy. The citizens looked up in fear and ran inside their homes. Except for one woman. Princess Empyria. A bride-to-be, yet afraid to make the final step. However, at this moment, she was the bravest of all. She ran towards the center of the plaza as the child began falling. Breathing heavily through the cold, while holding her hood down. The princess could never have her face seen as it protects royalty from corruption and despair.\n\nAs the child almost strikes down towards the plazas fountain, Princess Empyria leaped just in time to catch the unknown child. A sudden impact of embrace created a mysterious strike of otherworldly chaos. Raining fire and tears of the earth. The guardians screamed in pain as the childs shadow was crushing the kingdom with speckles of galactic magic. Looking high above from Empyria castle, the head wizard watched intensely, as his hands began to shake with uncertainty. This was not a \ngood omen."} +{"id": "99b12be1-96a6-430c-beab-be566184d0f9-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:28:12.929", "backgroundColor": "#210152", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZJNFRP7sunQUnRD7ubfMTvt9dhwuL68h2zcu6VRHPGMz", "txHash": "0xe427910a32b1b1f7c7ca5c0ed9915fa49fd05f63bb1f534f8816311c219fb226", "createdAtBlock": 15355011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 787, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sauda Death of the Citadel", "text": "The princess tried to calm the child down but her eyes were pale. She could see droplets of sinister figures dancing around the dilated pupils. The child was cursed and could die at any moment. Princess Empyria quickly began to sing an enchantment that would surround both of them with the holy crystals of light. This power is a family genetic that allows magic to be still for a moment of time. The citizens came back outside and watched as they saw a woman and child in the center of a fortified dome. They did not know it was Princess Empyria.\n\nAll pain and suffering began to freeze in space, slowing down the forces of gravity. The princess continued to hush the noise and noticed the childs eyes form back to consciousness. A lovely lavender gently touched the surface. Princess Empyria smiled. When she placed the child down, she noticed a glowing dark shard embedded into her chest. It suddenly cracked and a ghostly body emerged out from its fragments. It was a strange lifeform that the princess has never seen before. It was weak and dying. The child began to cry as it appeared to be its protector.\n\nA few minutes passed and the child spoke an ancient language, trying to wake the shadow up. Princess Empyria watched and saw the darkness from the shadow begin to drain life all around. The citizens were falling ill and plants disintegrating. She then realized that this was the aftermath of something much greater than her understanding. Their home was in danger of extinction."} +{"id": "99b12be1-96a6-430c-beab-be566184d0f9-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:28:12.929", "backgroundColor": "#210152", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZJNFRP7sunQUnRD7ubfMTvt9dhwuL68h2zcu6VRHPGMz", "txHash": "0xe427910a32b1b1f7c7ca5c0ed9915fa49fd05f63bb1f534f8816311c219fb226", "createdAtBlock": 15355011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 787, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sauda Death of the Citadel", "text": "Princess Empyrias magic was not strong enough to hold back the dying creature. As the child continued to weep, her body also began to fade. The princess looked at her hands and noticed the ring on her finger was see-through. Memories of her past and recent days began to flood her cheeks. She then looked above towards the castle. Her one long last look at her life of royalty. As the princess reached for the child's chest, she rips the crystal out and swallows it whole. A life for a life.\n\nFlashes of light beam out from the princesss body. She yelled in agony and slightly laughed as this was the end of her journey. Reminiscing and remembering all the good days. The ghostly figure of the child stopped crying and ran to hold the princess. She spoke the same ancient language and their bodies suddenly vanished. They were gone. The citizens were healed and life returned back to \nsteady normality.\n\nThe next morning, the royal family was shaken by the sudden appearance of their princess and a cursed child. Both were wounded on the red carpet. One thing that scared them the most was they saw their \nprincess was not the same woman she used to be. Same family heirlooms and gown, but was now a shadow creature.\n\nThe child woke up and saw her gem was completely new. Seeing the family, she ran and hid behind the throne. The head wizard came down the steps and ordered the child to come into the light. She took a deep breath and walked forward. Her body glowed like the violet in her eyes. He saw great potential in not only her powers but another force to protect this kingdom.\n\nShe blinked a few times and walked over to the wizard. The child held his hand. The wizard could feel the energy that was within her, but also something different. There was love. He looked over and spoke to the princess."} +{"id": "99b12be1-96a6-430c-beab-be566184d0f9-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:28:12.929", "backgroundColor": "#210152", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZJNFRP7sunQUnRD7ubfMTvt9dhwuL68h2zcu6VRHPGMz", "txHash": "0xe427910a32b1b1f7c7ca5c0ed9915fa49fd05f63bb1f534f8816311c219fb226", "createdAtBlock": 15355011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 787, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sauda Death of the Citadel", "text": "*This child has never felt love until she met you* said the head wizard.\n\nPrincess Empyria felt ashamed of her new body and had a hard time adjusting. But when she looked at the child, all her selfish thoughts seemed to float away. She was now her new guardian.\n\nThere was no cure for this mysterious body transformation. The head wizard aims to study it as the child continues to grow in the safety of Castle Empyria. After some food and rest, the child walked up to Princess Empyria.\n\n*Youaremynewshadow* said the child slowly\n\nPrincess Empyria responded and pointed to herself *No, I am simply a new friend in your life. You can call me Alzena. Al-Ze-Na. That is my true name*.\n\nThe child grins in excitement and yells *Sauda Sauda Sauda!*.\n\nAlzena tries to calm her down before she wakes everyone else up from sleep. They both smile. This was the beginning of a new era."} +{"id": "4b4b00ac-8c88-4c36-9185-2f559b0088e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:58.653", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVYE5asj3mcB5A36gzDXM2mF1dZcEb21BsqYGzR8q9e4n", "txHash": "0xb6adee2cf8350ee29c6eda67e5059303a3971d298ef48851c41338353b98925e", "createdAtBlock": 14218226, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3080, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Gunthor of the Hall", "text": "Gunthor was born in a poor family. His mother was a cleaning lady and used to steal some chemicals from the offices she worked at. Out of boredom, and at the age of 6, Gunthor made his first bomb. His mother didn't survive. \nGunthor fled and was rescued after weeks of wandering by a military school. They asked no questions.\n15 years later, he graduated the best artificer the school never had."} +{"id": "24ad2e82-d778-4e26-b535-69564de95fb2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:59.423", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVUTJEtArK95EHyxsBvLcN3JdVWi6nhKBJZ1zNxxY4gmz", "txHash": "0xb264423f3fa6f951147579b063f832dec595b0754ca3f11a8107c931bf7fbbeb", "createdAtBlock": 14218264, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2599, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Iris of the Wood", "text": "On a spring morning, under heavy rain at dawn, Iris was born. Her family was nothing special, but they were loving.\nShe grew up in a cozy house, at the edge of the woods. The house smelled like moss on humid days, and of pine tree when it was hot. \n\nIris remembers as a kid the smells of the mushrooms in the fall. She loved to forage them with her cat and her parents.\nHer dad knew all the mushrooms. The good ones, but the bad ones too.\n\nAt age 16, Iris started to show prowess with magic, and in just a few years, she was a Magus and was the protector of her village.\n\nShe found ways to imbue her magic with mushrooms.\nShe was quite magical."} +{"id": "8d486a06-903a-43d8-b033-c7440926208b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:00.107", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSCQqiPRtBCtkNJ6wRoAEwZkpNoorLh1UJxRNwTAP1MhJ", "txHash": "0xbccf7eb5e3a4c0734443d42382960da95b1e7106ce915c29ba338e16d954d5a8", "createdAtBlock": 14218333, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4596, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Grotto", "text": "Archmagus Aleister of the Grotto \n\nA reclusive sorcerer said to dwell deep in the expansive caverns on Alchemists Archipelago. The unmapped subterranean depths are rumored to have been the birthplace of the powerful and ancient breed of onyx dragons that once burned the ancient world. Replete with exceptionally rare mineral stalactites, pristine waters, and ancient volcanic vegetation, the cave complex is the perfect laboratory for Aleisters experiments. Though many adventurers have sought the mages expertise his price is often cruel. A consequence of the residual fury burned into the very stones of the caves when the ancient onyx dragons burst forth to reign fire on the world."} +{"id": "7f991960-9ff6-4107-9c27-cbbe48c506b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:00.907", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX9eumMWsQSiwzonxWVedMWFb1nZ8cPe1WXTKQAFQ8ecv", "txHash": "0x8328e72fc44da37b161cc8996a6b9bb893bc895bf008c526de5c52a1e4d44f74", "createdAtBlock": 14218610, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 137, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chonk the Opulent", "text": "# Chonk the Opulent\n\nChonk was born in a comfortable stable on the shores of Dream Master Lake. His early months were spent galloping with his mother in the mountain valleys above the lake shore, feeling a sense of freedom and safety.\n\nHis mother always made sure that he had anything that he wanted. Constantly being satiated led Chonk to desire increasingly novel and luxurious foods, which of course meant he carried a little extra weight around, but nothing outrageous. At least he felt fine with it.\n\nTo this day, he remains committed to fine food and drink, and the accompanying body type. He prefers to be ridden by those wizards who share a taste for the finer things, so that they can seek deeper understanding of the Runes together - at a reasonable pace."} +{"id": "9355841c-7454-44b4-9bd7-8e309fb03f6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:43:46.086", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSyLJ3JoifdLLD8XhmRR5YV64Knq5AQ4nbC2GBibFDA5g", "txHash": "0x5e8cddb627e1cbac3523034a978d221a3cdb09f0a5aad4af15ab4368de8402ad", "createdAtBlock": 15355080, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10234, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd7VHhF7h2AiSxB38ERDpGmqvKUWVDgHjELatDfkfCg57", "name": "Flamma Chopper of Liches", "text": "# Three Quests, Pt 1\n\n*Before The Wild was again known primarily as The Wild, it had another name - The Badlands. One of the major thoroughfares of The Runiverse, it was originally populated by small, independent groups of bandits and highwaymen. With a mostly flat and rolling landscape, and very sporadic and hard to find caves scattered about, the black market toll business was a strong and resilient one in The Badlands/The Wild. This was mostly tolerated because...*\n\n\"HEY!\"\n\nFlamma repeated himself.\n\n\"SO WHAT'S...this mission about?\"\n\nMagus Kingsley looked up from his journaling. One of the ponies snorted.\n\n\"You didn't read the scroll? Here, let me..\" Kingsley put on a set of reading glasses and pulled the scroll from Flamma's hand to narrow his eyes at it. \"Barren Court...from The Sand...a call to diplomatic ties....\" He starts mumbling. \"...Hearts of the Sand...some sand monster...BARREN tokens...\"\n\nIt suddenly occurred to Magus Kingsley of the Wood that it had been a long while since he read much of any High Script, and even longer since last reading High Script from civilizations south of The Sand.\n\nFlamma boredly stares at Kingsley while this is happening, aware that he has asked Kingsley 3 times already to explain all of these strange magical terms before they arrive at The Barren Court.\n\nUnder the looming shadows of BattleMage Mountains, the two clan members of Feral of the Untamed were camped. Their ponies, resting. Flamma, Chopper of Liches, resting at the fire too. Magus Kingsley of the Wood, however, was now rising to his feet in order to pace in a circle and think about how to best brief their diplomat.\n\n\"Ok...I think this is roughly how this is going to go down...\""} +{"id": "9355841c-7454-44b4-9bd7-8e309fb03f6b-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:43:46.086", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSyLJ3JoifdLLD8XhmRR5YV64Knq5AQ4nbC2GBibFDA5g", "txHash": "0x5e8cddb627e1cbac3523034a978d221a3cdb09f0a5aad4af15ab4368de8402ad", "createdAtBlock": 15355080, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10234, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd7VHhF7h2AiSxB38ERDpGmqvKUWVDgHjELatDfkfCg57", "name": "Flamma Chopper of Liches", "text": "\"Ok...I think this is roughly how this is going to go down...\"\n\nThe ponies and Flamma both adjusted themselves.\n\n\"Look...hmm...this is basically...how it's going to go down...\n\nYou will travel into this Court by yourself. They seem to emphasize solo diplomatic ties for now. Once you're there, you're going to have to give some of your gold...the quests they are requesting assistance with seem to require some magical sacrifice of some kind for...I'm not sure if it's a currency or some quantitative form of magic itself...but it's called BARREN.\"\n\nFlamma and the ponies both started sharing an apple.\n\n\"It looks like you can \"volunteer\" to be buried in one of their tombs in exchange for this BARREN but that sounds reeeeal Sacred Flamey to me...Oh! They're so formal...there's some sort of runeless magical information technology they have going on...OK...\n\nSo when you get there, Flamma\n\n1. You'll take your gold and pull out this scroll - \n\n(https://app.sushi.com/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0xecE3e14924eEcB79aADC286839A86C0d54718D95&chainId=1).\n\nI'm not sure to what extent this is sacrificial and/or commercial...we are still learning about this culture...\n1a. If you DID have a Warrior to \"volunteer\" being trapped alive in this tomb they have there, you would pull out this scroll - (https://nftx.io/vault/0xece3e14924eecb79aadc286839a86c0d54718d95/stake/)\n1b. Always double check these scrolls, Flamma...especially when you're not a magic user...\""} +{"id": "9355841c-7454-44b4-9bd7-8e309fb03f6b-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:43:46.086", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSyLJ3JoifdLLD8XhmRR5YV64Knq5AQ4nbC2GBibFDA5g", "txHash": "0x5e8cddb627e1cbac3523034a978d221a3cdb09f0a5aad4af15ab4368de8402ad", "createdAtBlock": 15355080, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10234, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd7VHhF7h2AiSxB38ERDpGmqvKUWVDgHjELatDfkfCg57", "name": "Flamma Chopper of Liches", "text": "The ponies and Flamma all chuckled under their breath. Magus stops pacing, smiles, and then, too, chuckles.\n\n\"Ok next...\n\n2. We've got this scroll right here - \n\n(https://wizzypedia.forgottenrunes.com/Barren_Outpost).\n\nThis one lists their mission needs for the diplomats that are arriving from now until the next month or so. You'll choose one of the missions you have sufficient BARREN with which to enact the mission and mission enchantment, locate the cipher attached to said mission, then place it...\n\n3. Onto the blank space on this scroll -\n\n(https://otc.sudoswap.xyz/#/load).\n\nSign the cipher. Sign the magical transmission. Bam. So easy, a Goblin could do it.\"\n\nFlamma and the both ponies have now started on their fifth apple.\n\n\"Look, it's all rather simple - in fact, most of these steps are described as so in the Wizzypedia scroll. Just because you've never operated magical items like this before doesn't mean the difficulties therein are not much larger in your head than in actuality.\"\n\nMagus Kingsley felt like his father all of a sudden. Flamma smiled. They all started laughing, even the ponies."} +{"id": "bedd27c4-e10e-4a5a-a28d-44cc1d02eabe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:03.908", "backgroundColor": "#4e1310", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUuXgAJCzcqkcUEUdPSv2Ezwh9yAPP7hVfEjf1hK5f9Cq", "txHash": "0xf5c2a1b5bd754e731bbd76123b8b171ba799cecd4bc780237bb1a157c699812a", "createdAtBlock": 14219068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4966, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcvhU1UUL3ZJ57HBM9zwG5vTBb26hNF8XdPbBXfhWc249", "name": "Rose on grave", "text": "# The Army of the Rose\n\n\n\nA chest under his arm, and the key to open it well hidden in his pocket, Artificer Aemon of the Hall sneaks out of Alessars Keep seeking even greater treasure to sate his unending greed.\n\nHis skeletal head makes him a pariah in the streets, but he could not care less: the enormous riches he bears makes those passerbys who rudely stare nothing more than cockroaches in his eyes.\n\nAfter a fortnights journey, Aemon arrives to the Brambles, a prosperous land that welcomes him with blossoming almond trees and pink lily flowers. Its King, Battle Mage Axel of the Canyon, is a jealous, stingy man, who keeps his wealth safely locked away in the famed and impenetrable royal tower vault.\n\nThe Kings wife dies giving birth to their only child, a beautiful girl named Conjurer Nori of the Brambles. Afraid of losing her as well, the king locks her up alongside the rest of his riches in the tower.\n\nNori is now a young woman, but her childhood was solitary; her only friends being her fathers trinkets and magic tomes, as well as those of imagination. \n\nOn a bright Spring afternoon, the sight of the blossoming Brambles moves Nori to recite a \"poem\" from her favorite book. Unwittingly, the poem turns out to be *Aphrodite's Heart: the Love Spell* that has the power to create a soulmate bond between the target and the first creature they see. \n\nDancing around the room, she ends the spell and finds herself in the mirror. Her reflection glows pink. Her hands shake. Her stomach growls. How did butterflies get inside her? What is this feeling? \n\n*BANG!*"} +{"id": "bedd27c4-e10e-4a5a-a28d-44cc1d02eabe-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:03.908", "backgroundColor": "#4e1310", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUuXgAJCzcqkcUEUdPSv2Ezwh9yAPP7hVfEjf1hK5f9Cq", "txHash": "0xf5c2a1b5bd754e731bbd76123b8b171ba799cecd4bc780237bb1a157c699812a", "createdAtBlock": 14219068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4966, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcvhU1UUL3ZJ57HBM9zwG5vTBb26hNF8XdPbBXfhWc249", "name": "Rose on grave", "text": "*BANG!* \n\nThe window of her room explodes with a loud burst. She falls to the ground. Splinters fly across the room. \n\nSquinting for the pain, Nori sees the most beautiful man emerge from the smoke. He climbs the window and graciously trips on the frame. He tumbles to the ground, elegantly bringing the bookcase down with him. Like a charming prince, he cracks his back and realigns the jawbone with the rest of his skeleton head. He is the wizard Nori always dreamed of. \n\nAemon, who broke into the vault with the intention of stealing the kings most valuable possession, inadvertently succeeds. \n\nWith the kings army on their tail, Aemon and Nori escape the Brambles, and after months of traveling, find respite in Moorville, a hidden village of farmers and shepherds, with a couple of shops and a tavern. \n\nAemons purse buys them a wonderful house, and Noris charm buys them the affection of the townfolk. They give birth to Azazel, a beautiful baby boy, whose golden skull shimmers of a red-yellow light. \n\nAemon can finally enjoy his riches. On Azazels sixteenth birthday, Aemon celebrates by building an *Obelisk* to rise above everything in sight. But the symbol of Aemons love for his son is also the cause of their doom. \n\nWith the Obelisk to guide them, the King and his army, led by Sorcerer Zaros of the Capital, finally find Moorville. They must rescue the princess, kill the thief who stole her, and destroy their monstrous child. \n\nAemon, Nori, and their son, Necromancer Azazel of the Obelisk, are trapped. The kingsmen blockade the village and tighten the noose quickly. Aemon knows it is just a matter of minutes until they find them."} +{"id": "bedd27c4-e10e-4a5a-a28d-44cc1d02eabe-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:03.908", "backgroundColor": "#4e1310", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUuXgAJCzcqkcUEUdPSv2Ezwh9yAPP7hVfEjf1hK5f9Cq", "txHash": "0xf5c2a1b5bd754e731bbd76123b8b171ba799cecd4bc780237bb1a157c699812a", "createdAtBlock": 14219068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4966, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcvhU1UUL3ZJ57HBM9zwG5vTBb26hNF8XdPbBXfhWc249", "name": "Rose on grave", "text": "Aemon refuses let Nori live in chains. And will protect his son at all costs. So he slips his hand deep into his pocket, where he finds... the key to Alessars chest. \n\nIt is time to turn everything to nothing. He casts the *Forbidden Spell*. Twists the key in the padlock. The lid flies open. \n\nAn explosion of *Sacred Flame* blinds him. After that, oblivion. \n\nWhen the mushroom cloud of dust settles on the ruins of old Moorville, the ashen corpses of town-folk and soldiers alike rise into their new life, reborn with powers before unimaginable. Their souls have been freed from the chains of mortality to fulfill their true destinies, evolved into their true selves. \n\nAn army of souls gathers around the crater where the village once was, seeking the wizard who freed them, but all they find is... \n\n...a Rose on a Grave.\n\n\n\nAs they stare at the flower, an invisible presence breaches their dark hearts.\n\nOne by one they kneel before the Rose, swearing loyalty until the end of times. \n\nWithin the Rose flows the lifeblood of a wizard who made the ultimate sacrifice of both flesh and gold to protect those whom he loved."} +{"id": "6fee414f-81ec-4bc8-9e54-9b67996b0c8b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:44:13.969", "backgroundColor": "#414151", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXEz5ykjCVzTBQE3RwT5c9Ss6LHp8NejXNGNyH9ZNChYN", "txHash": "0x2ae8cb31860a7a49b44f3ad7c97c7a57d2cfd330f1f18eb2a4088b5aa03af72a", "createdAtBlock": 15355084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11594, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNpCwF6gwSL45rJVv1936zFgWP9XYcYh2DQmYFLhoqnhb", "name": "Orion Danger of Zero", "text": "Orion Danger's dream is to become a pirate. His skills as an inventor/shipwreck have made him famous in the Red Wizard Capital, but not a single pirate crew has accepted him onboard as a crew member.\n\nThey would do it in a heartbeat would they known the treasure map he carries on his shoulder: Creaky, the deaf parrot."} +{"id": "8144c674-1530-44d6-ac59-f2f2c3a9debe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:04.848", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRf8R7pVwe86W6hem6XsALyiZ3H8UvzdU5pJpsrEs9wZ8", "txHash": "0xa73de15dc85b5c84f868d3065bbfd9120126162a207ee231247e0b6f447851cf", "createdAtBlock": 14219736, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5908, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Homer of the Wood", "text": "You are the red wolverine\n\nRed color characterizes you\n\nYou have superman's red cape\n\nAnd you have the rune of red fire\n\nYour beautiful red fox\n\nFinds the red mushrooms for you"} +{"id": "22c059f9-a045-4110-8760-cc61dd7fc7ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:05.658", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSaun8LrS88zZnPVhhXApS4TkEwmUUMs3tGoggnk4KURT", "txHash": "0x656b8bc497a827140790b2a77dd6c6ac8168e685700e1d6541f7e616c1d1485d", "createdAtBlock": 14225906, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Darby of the Gnostics", "text": "An excerpt from *Darby, Soul Hunter*\n\nArchmagus Darby got off the train in Goblin Town, eager to find some Forgotten Souls to shoot. He sure loved his job.\n\nGoblin Town was bigger than hed expected. It took a hardy folk, tough as runed granite, to civilize this rugged a land - but theyd still be scared to death if they knew what manner of evil was breathing down their necks.\n\nThen Darby noticed the signs. Weary eyes from staying up all night keeping watch. Nervous glances sent in the direction of every stranger. No children running about. And an unusual number of cheap wooden coffins stacked in front of the undertakers. Yes, sir, Goblin Town had itself an undead problem.\n\nGoblin Town sure is pretty! an excited Owl named Hache exclaimed as he waddled down the trains steps.\n\nYou say so, Hache. He'd become fond of his companion because he always managed to find glitter in every cesspool.\n\nI do. Hache took a deep breath, ruffling his feathers pleasantly. Ah, smell that, um, *almost* fresh air.\n\nIt smelled like blend of Kobold armpit and a Celtic sludge mine to him. \n\nCheer up, boss. This is another grand adventure, Hache chirped.\n\nIll be cheery once we put this band of Wizard eating bastards in the ground. This could be the toughest lot yet.. the stench of Goblin Town alone probably attracts a lot of undead.\n\n...and we get paid, Hache reminded Darby.\n\n..AND we git done paid. \n\nDarby swung his runed rifle over his broad shoulders. Crafted by none other than the great Kobold weaponsmith Rumpleskin himself, it looked more like a portable copper colored cannon to average sized folk."} +{"id": "22c059f9-a045-4110-8760-cc61dd7fc7ee-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:05.658", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSaun8LrS88zZnPVhhXApS4TkEwmUUMs3tGoggnk4KURT", "txHash": "0x656b8bc497a827140790b2a77dd6c6ac8168e685700e1d6541f7e616c1d1485d", "createdAtBlock": 14225906, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Darby of the Gnostics", "text": "Darby bounded into the slimiest saloon in town.\n\n\"It's time to pre-game, Hache.\" \n\nDarby pulled out his enchanted Mug of Bottomless Ale and chuckled."} +{"id": "5f97a861-b889-4e45-b2ee-01c3fca4c499-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:15.108", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWW3VsBy2kDd7aHAh9qcoEP3LtZeNYCM5749QiKTMu3W4", "txHash": "0x6d1bd22c46dcbacf01fae96cb8694e585fcc9647b2dd0807a4674e2c88e80ca3", "createdAtBlock": 14606190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2265, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Aeromancer Cassius of the Tower", "text": "## The trick was to surrender to the flow"} +{"id": "e6eaeee3-6561-44da-9ade-ee19a14764f5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:06.381", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSWYvPnSAYp2nEseHvSTUwqkCavyAfHe9EJ8GiejQRpE", "txHash": "0xa3e576d9f4581078589a4ea607e49a26fdc510582b2e78cc4ea9def75d68aba9", "createdAtBlock": 14220140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9767, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Aldus of the Secret Fire", "text": ">A brotherhood seeking inner light, forced into the shadows after deciphering the *Scroll of the Sacred Flame*. What was prophesied to bring enlightenment to anyone who gazed upon its flame, was an obfuscation of dark magic by the highest initiates- opening a rift in the Runiverse for demonic possession of any wizard who so choose cross the Sacred Flame. \n\n>*Ordo Secretum Flamma*\n\nAldus, the last Eastern Magus of the Secret Fire, seeks redemption against the darkness by closing the rift opened to the Quantum Shadow. In possession of occult text from the East, he attained insight into what occurred within the Order that fateful night- an inversion of the sacrosanct. He now seeks a text which was deemed unholy by those higher initiates - the *Scroll of the Sacred Darkness* - the last spark of hope to extinguishing the Sacred Flame."} +{"id": "bb941d77-4828-4f88-9b1f-99dc6e8857c9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:07.071", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW6v4FZpNRhsYnT9kN84zuaMkJ4HpEVsWVSV22rZYFGS4", "txHash": "0xcfe85863b03a665348642f0b8a8b98881e1f452c0c1ceabeecaa76c38974aaf3", "createdAtBlock": 14220489, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmU4i9Abmd6YF28fpyNVEspf4XmZqNwvZrRmk4HdA29EKG", "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn of the Hills", "text": "Crows eye perspective of a party of friends, @wizard2937, @wizard4817, and @wizard9679 at the home of Dutorn of the Hills"} +{"id": "577260af-e04b-463a-91e4-1352f966f880-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:07.719", "backgroundColor": "#2c010a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZfE4qEC7SYFgFKR9RwRa2PUmejYF9zEHhjgKtUM6hKTe", "txHash": "0x61970aa6e4bb29eaf69d37010172c027503c229f2c0e8150a884eb9a02624022", "createdAtBlock": 14221556, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 93, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWtg3xt1oBTg2HiApBym5WaLkAss6duKijQURFGndTeEz", "name": "Betty the Brave", "text": "## \n# The Lore of Betty The Brave #93\n\n\nBetty the Brave of the Sacred Herd \n\nThe Forgotten Runiverse is a large place. Many of the wizards do not yet know of the wonders the mysteries or features in other parts of the great land. In a place called the Elysian Fields, a sacred herd of an estimated 567 ponies appeared in the Forgotten Runiverse. The exact time and date of the emergence of these ponies is unknown. What is known is that these ponies have made way to the company of around 300 or so wizards, warriors, and even souls. Some holders keep and care multiple ponies, which is rare. The magical ponies vary in size, strength, appearance, magical ability, temperament, and about everything else that comes along with personalities of wizards, warriors, and souls. \n\nBetty The Brave is special pony. She is willing to carry her passengers anywhere in the Forgotten Runiverse. She can traverse any type of terrain or surface. She carries a Rune of Earth which allows her to tread on any surface with ease! Ice, snow, mud, rock sand, gems, lava, and those elemental surfaces case by wizards are no match for her. Her Rune of Earth allows for Betty to convert any surface to solid, firm ground. She can do this at full gallop or in an easy gait. Her hooves provide stability on any surface, save for water. She can climb mountains, cross deserts, and ride to the polar north at full speed. The Earth Magic comes from two major domains: The stone, minerals, crystals, and gems of the Forgotten Runiverse, and the flora and fauna of the living world."} +{"id": "577260af-e04b-463a-91e4-1352f966f880-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:07.719", "backgroundColor": "#2c010a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZfE4qEC7SYFgFKR9RwRa2PUmejYF9zEHhjgKtUM6hKTe", "txHash": "0x61970aa6e4bb29eaf69d37010172c027503c229f2c0e8150a884eb9a02624022", "createdAtBlock": 14221556, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 93, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWtg3xt1oBTg2HiApBym5WaLkAss6duKijQURFGndTeEz", "name": "Betty the Brave", "text": "The ability to quickly traverse the various terrain in the Forgotten Runiverse have provided for many adventures and with many different mounts. She saved every child of a burning orphanage on top of the Battle Mage Mountains set aflame by some devious souls. She has swiftly crossed the desert to carry a message that an invading soul army was advancing in vast numbers. This gave the defenders of a small city plenty of time to cast magical defense spells and ward off the attack. She rode with Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills at the Battle of the Blue Wizard Bastion where the wizards were vastly outnumbered by a horde of goblins. Tales have been told at the Forgotten Taveren about her courage and bravery. \n\nBetty sports a magical bandanna that unfolds into a tent providing shelter to her riders. She has a magical bridle that allows her to communicate telepathically with her riders so there is no need for reins. These special items were crafted for her by Hedge Wizard Ixar of the Villa who is known for spending time at the Sacred Stables. \n\nShe is a truly kind and gentle pony with a bit of an artistic flare. In her spare time, she enjoys painting portraits of the most famous wizards and warriors. Betty is a member of the Pony Guild located at the Sacred Stables where she resides and waits for tasks requiring the utmost bravery. Betty the Brave never backs down from a challenge. \n\n\n\n\n\nBetty often rides with @wizard113, @wizard7238, is cared for by @wizard5775 . Betty the Brave has been known to associate with the @pony100."} +{"id": "6817275d-5ca4-4ec5-946d-76dc9e7c6888-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:08.476", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU22rQhMuSH4FV86uTGSPaRJxYVtXpupCD1zRaki8hA9X", "txHash": "0x9138b2ba12dad9a26e60df03158c4a5cf0574758ee5c215cefafe491ed0aee6d", "createdAtBlock": 14222114, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8546, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ5meisrXMZ2m75W4NuREjLfAKEhfZWcnvN4M3mhcpnNA", "name": "Archmagus Soya of the Citadel", "text": "# Today Was A Good Day\n\n\nI was late. It wasn't always like this. I went out to the shed to sell a pony to a woman named Canis. Moog the Lackluster had brought me some joy, but he was not of utility to my journey moving forward. I'm a time traveling wizard you see. I've seen most of whatever this place seems to be. \n\nBreakfast was good today. I had 2 ethereum to spend from selling Moog, so I went back to 2009 and bought some Mcdonald's french fries and stopped at the grocery store to get some Frank's RedHot. I poured the Frank's Redhot on the McDonald's fries and tried to forget about the next horrifying 50 years of my life. \n\nI can only travel back in time. I don't mention this often, but shifting into the future is something I am not skilled in yet. It takes an amazingly creative wizard to do that, which wasn't something that existed.\n\nI traveled back to my old age to check the time. I put on some Spottie Wifi to remind me in the end WAGMI.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### BUMP IT LOUD FOR DA HOOD\n\nMore treasure on a USB than you could ever try to measure with some USD. 5528 WELCOME BACK TO ORIGIN CITY\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT1kr4_Jlo4"} +{"id": "d168c2cc-8870-4c3d-b0dd-1ae9e84e8080-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:09.106", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8psdKtnU68T2bkWFpB6dNPFXz7BRmse1PuVcDqcFXqk", "txHash": "0x21edbe1dc64b1981ceb5d65b7551deee8d3b3bd7fdccefcc4197d01216f4ef17", "createdAtBlock": 14222449, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Solar Mage Jean Leon of the Keep", "text": "# Lore of Solar Mage Jean Leon of the Keep\n\nJean Leon is a solar mage. Which is basically a fancy way of saying pyromancer, since he uses magic to set things on fire. But setting things on fire *with style*, that's the key difference. Jean Leon's deepest conviction in life is to always have style. Having two first names, that's stylish. Wearing a bespoke suit everywhere he goes, even as pajamas, that's super stylish. Top hat? Oozes style. He doesn't actually have an accent, but he taught himself how to speak with the inflection of a native from Alchemist's Archipelago, because foreign equals exotic equals stylish. The secret to a good life is that any problem, no matter how small or large, can be fixed with style. For instance, Jean Leon was unfortunate enough to be born ugly as sin, with a mug that looks like it has been worked over by a blacksmith's hammer, one not even a mother could love. So he wears a custom made ivory mask as part of his daily attire, instant transformation from ugly duckling to lord of the masquerade."} +{"id": "d168c2cc-8870-4c3d-b0dd-1ae9e84e8080-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:09.106", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8psdKtnU68T2bkWFpB6dNPFXz7BRmse1PuVcDqcFXqk", "txHash": "0x21edbe1dc64b1981ceb5d65b7551deee8d3b3bd7fdccefcc4197d01216f4ef17", "createdAtBlock": 14222449, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Solar Mage Jean Leon of the Keep", "text": "Jean Leon is not wealthy, but because of his natural charisma, cultural awareness, and affinity for style, he is well-known and liked amongst the movers and shakers of the Forgotten Runes, the politicians, the plutocrats, the nobles, the celebrities. He gets invited to all the best parties, partakes in all the best gossip, and knows a little bit of dirt about everybody, which is a strange sort of power in its own way. In fact, he prefers to problem solve with social engineering as the first tool in his kit always...he has great disdain for wizards who turn to magic for everything, that is so disgustingly *plebeian*. Of course, sometimes a situation requires the arcane touch, in these cases, one must make sure to cast one's spell in the most flashy, awe-inspiring manner possible. A successful spell means the audience is either applauding with sheer amazement or dead, in his view.\n\nJean Leon's ambition in life is to become a vampire. It sounds stupid, which is why he's never confided this goal to anyone, but think about it...what's more stylish than a vampire? Masters of the night, apex predators, seductive, deadly, sensual...vampires are the pinnacle of style (not the sparkly ones though, those are just goofy-looking). He hasn't quite landed an invitation to the annual gala at Vampyre Mist yet, but he's working on it, he already has the perfect outfit picked out. In the meantime, he has a pet bat, that's good enough for now."} +{"id": "85f2e2c6-eb7f-4d2b-a919-f2c7a197734a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:09.931", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNtan6B8F5nd2BFPiBvBFCzvdqTvmncDyQaY3gMcNvMS8", "txHash": "0xd2d1309312780446bf3e024486251eda6da2e068899e7c86b7a8438f7ec530bb", "createdAtBlock": 14222821, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9039, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Archmagus Xiuying of the Brambles", "text": "Archmagus Xiuying of the Brambles, a witch from the yellow hat faction, is a deceitful underhanded con-artist. Although this witch may seem young, thanks to the time magic the faction possesses, she is actually over a thousand years old, her exact age is unknown, she probably stopped counting a long time ago as well.\n\nArchmagus usually travels the Chronomancers Riviera and BattleMage mountains looking for gullible individuals she can trick out of valuable artifacts or money, but shes gotta be careful because although staying young forever might seem quite magical; Archmagus does not possess any actual magic, or at least not any that she can use, something which can cause her a lot of trouble.\n\nHer friends consist of the wizards and witches from the yellow hat faction but other than that shes mostly outlived every other friend shes had, however, she does have her raven companion, who was given to her as a gift hundreds of years ago, with the same magical ability to never age."} +{"id": "5c593432-d8fd-491d-ac7e-b3ea3ebaadff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:08.452", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXur5TXBC14gc4YkcHCyHiaRXau3GyDsQKrpbrhKNsH2L", "txHash": "0x27abc2bddc2c1a523bfbfb1979937d62b752c69c1bb4f58d834b3e014cf146bb", "createdAtBlock": 14624928, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3334, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZQE6rLZyaVH4SubNgUejqCcMEt8SFS32Z9rvtaGHUiEk", "name": "Enchanter Atlanta of the Fey", "text": "Where to...?"} +{"id": "1741add9-d351-4e4b-a6f3-5760bffa8646-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:08.819", "backgroundColor": "#4f1d38", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmShAYt9ETmgiszT9rT6QPDeiBcbFmw6YrSoBLZyxcmbkw", "txHash": "0xff0663248dc2d7b202c8f95dc528c83d226d62c2b46dea649308a2a0dc4d69b8", "createdAtBlock": 14663423, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 751, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd4Lgq1Yu3dGPN9SkRZb8Z8LhQAVyNFekN7uKX8SRbJ4x", "name": "Sky Master Magpie of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# Sky Master Magpie of the Bibliotheca\n\nI learned magic under might of king\nand soldier. Every rune and tome and grail\nassayed, stamped. Checked. One didnt know a thing\nuntil castle approval. I set sail\none day with wizards, creatures fair and strange\nby river, walked faint forest paths. We learned\nour runes and cantrips new. Widened our range\nand learned how we could rule ourselves. We earned\nour keep with magic, hunting forest game\nand building, day by day. I build and grow\nand share. My life will never be the same,\nI name the price for all I make and know\nand choose my buyer. Some days it is hard,\nbut everyone outgrows their castle yard."} +{"id": "89ecd42f-4619-401b-a43f-088b3223531f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T23:06:47.787", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXkHy6beGjt4tX3Mc61HEqXatV8EV5ZsXZiSWo2MtRTgW", "txHash": "0x976af6e761765d89c536157ae45308c5b5771b8ddcd2bd742e79e2bdb24409ef", "createdAtBlock": 15355191, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7917, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc8euKWUE5b5CJ1MSGCcN6yVVFLUk1qmRjJqQ8QJ2us4w", "name": "Sade Horror of the Palms", "text": "# The List\n\n***Lover***\n***Magician***\n***King***\n***Warrior***\n\nSade lowers the quill, thinking, and then smiling.\n\n\"Actually...that's the plan.\"\n\nShe laughs, rolling the scroll up."} +{"id": "cc050b03-22b0-4c5d-b11c-4bfb068a7159-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:11.104", "backgroundColor": "#2a9af4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXUQbBSNPPeSvqkZv7bLFxWydtTcMePpVGdVYhWQ5qJWA", "txHash": "0xfa97e7548490a87765ac3c4dd42d9de46665807d4053480593c76ad824e23333", "createdAtBlock": 14222907, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3943, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Zelda of the Plains", "text": "# Zelda of the Plains and the Burning Ritual\n\nSage Zelda of the Plains spent a lifetime of dedicated study of the multiple Plains and regions of the world.\nTrying to gather as much knowledge she can about all things, in order to be worth her title of Sage.\n\nThat was her main goal and driver in her life.\n\nUntil one day, when she heard about a dangerous and secret Ritual: **The Great Burning**, as they seemed to call it.\n\nSince this moment, her life changed forever.\n\nIndeed, instead of continuing her roaming and hoarding of knowledge in the world, her mind was now mainly occupied by one question:\n\n*Should I partake in this Ritual, even if that means ending this life to begin a new one?*\n\nShe decided to stop at one of her favorite places to meditate in the Sacred Pillars until she ends up with a final decision.\n\nAnd that is the next step of her story."} +{"id": "cda839af-5efe-4d28-8837-fc6ad498a2ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:11.891", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPiGnL5JYREASKYnhSEJZiuCPz7r58k1JV5vgmgABXfrU", "txHash": "0x65e10980e760c46f177de60a46756a770cc519a621053fd795c6057f303d64c6", "createdAtBlock": 14224295, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8280, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Sondra of Arcadia", "text": "Hello traveler, if you're not busy, I'll tell you an old story.\n\nIn the small village of Wizards Cult, there was a girl named Sandra who had hair like a shining golden light. Sandra had been raised with a owl since she was a little girl.\n\nOne day, when she was taking her owl out, the owl suddenly flew into the forest. Sandra rushes after it.\n\nAs she followed the owl through the forest, the area became darker and darker. In the midst of the deep darkness, a light shone on a small lake and illuminated an apple. The owl seemed to have smelled the apple and came to the forest. Sandra, who was hungry from walking around, couldn't help but pick up the apple and take a bite.\n\nJust as she ate the apple, a voice came out of nowhere.\n\n\"Your turn.\"\n\nAs soon as she heard the voice, Sandra's body went numb and she collapsed on the spot. She looked at the back of her hand on the ground, and it was slowly turning yellow. The owl quickly takes on the appearance of a ladybug.\n\nIn the reflection of the lake, Sandra's skin had turned yellow and her blond hair had turned brown."} +{"id": "42eb504d-c965-4f63-b0fb-b8249fde6bce-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:28.667", "backgroundColor": "#230f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVd5jdbEPAYgJJCBMZU3g12MBjsmT6ScyqZbVGD76HmNF", "txHash": "0xae28933e9b63b9d93c5f1fbd0b63d221966097299ae4942ccd98f6e8027021e3", "createdAtBlock": 14712139, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Idris of the Villa", "text": "# Idris of the Villa -Entry #1\n\nEager, hot breaths reeking of death eased Idris awake. Eleanor, particularly pleased with her kill this morning, dropped the rabbit carcass on the ground next to him. She stared at her master, pupils widening as she awaited her reward. \n\nIdris *summoned* his knife, sliced off the rabbits hind legs and tossed Eleanor her reward. \n\n>Idris chose this simple life long ago. He had adventured and endured enough pain to last him 1000 lifetimes. \n\nHe stared into The Wild, letting the silence and emptiness wash over himwhen suddenly, Eleanor abandoned her feast and bolted deep into the forest towards Dream Master Lake.\n\nShe NEVER leaves her kill like that. Idris knew this. So he jogged swiftly after her, *summoning* his staff and cape behind him"} +{"id": "db1ba298-7370-4466-a634-ca641710d3e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T03:28:01.847", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQeVnqNbuN7axcfshPup2pwiQiUh7tR9jins6YMLGZde", "txHash": "0x1cc5121104345468d42c9fdf3bf8702a7cf51da4e571daacb8e46d3503a8b7f7", "createdAtBlock": 15356308, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5083, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Imu of the Capital", "text": "# IMU\n# OF \n# THE \n# CAPITAL\n\n\"Have a good night, see you tomorrow I'm sure.\" Imu said to the barkeep as he left the tavern, Nosferatbrew in hand. The cool evening air refreshed his spirit after spending so long inside. He wiped the sweat from his brow and started on his way.\n\nAs Imu stepped away from the building and headed down the road he was approached by two shadowy warriors.\n\n\"G'evening guys.\" Imu nodded and kept walking.\n\n\"Hey, Slow down there, how's about you give us your gold and we'll be on our way.\" One gruff warrior said.\n\n\"What do I get out of it?\" Imu inquired.\n\n\"Just give us the gold, you old duck!\" as he spoke he lunged at Imu's coin purse and as quickly as it happens Imu stumbles backwards grabs the warriors sleeve and pulls him down to the ground. Imu springs up as quickly as he fell and turns to the other warrior who blurts out\n\n\"You didn't spill a single drop when you fell! What kind of game are you playing?\" The so far quiet partner in crime insisted.\n\nImu only looked over at the warrior, puzzled.\n\nHe continued \"I thought you said this guy was drinking Kobold Koolaid!\"\n\n\"Drunk? Why would you think that? I'm the brewer and owner of The Crooked Cockatrice...\" Imu explained to the wannabe thieves as he pointed over his shoulder at the establishment. And at that moment, they realized they hadn't picked some drunkard to be their target.\n\n\"**Hear and Listen:**\n\n**What was, was.**\n\n**What is, is.**"} +{"id": "db1ba298-7370-4466-a634-ca641710d3e5-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T03:28:01.847", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQeVnqNbuN7axcfshPup2pwiQiUh7tR9jins6YMLGZde", "txHash": "0x1cc5121104345468d42c9fdf3bf8702a7cf51da4e571daacb8e46d3503a8b7f7", "createdAtBlock": 15356308, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5083, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Imu of the Capital", "text": "**What was, was.**\n\n**What is, is.**\n\nWhat will be, we decide. So! You choose - continue this nonsense, or put your Rune on the door, and come in.\" With that Imu turned and went back into the bar."} +{"id": "0a43580f-1ab0-4fd9-b682-050170c16a67-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:12.731", "backgroundColor": "#826a69", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdVF2Z6HhWpCQZ7T3tqR8W77M5JPgYfgM7xtXHNVxWxYJ", "txHash": "0x4dcc5c40b41571ec522c531d848567734c20d105df995c5119f6f195dcc99c63", "createdAtBlock": 14225553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 278, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harvey the Strong", "text": "The 4 legged war of the ancients was the pebble in the pound creating ripples through time and forever changed the direction of history. Warriors found their bravery, leaders found their voice and heroes found their destiny. \n\nBefore the name there was the creature, after the war there was, Harvey the Strong. Forever, eager for battle; strong, worthy this pony was not just a survivor of the ancient war but a legend because of it."} +{"id": "b8473abe-07b9-432a-b292-e7f9f8f2fa41-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:28:14.214", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZDM25RqZPBW6Mg2BmZW9yYabx2y2KozKbRAHA4foBBj9", "txHash": "0xca5a938b4f5c384720ccb2ce5f29e683330847ec9f11d4f43d9ed3acf5110381", "createdAtBlock": 14225818, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3190, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmmegrGc8qDT2Q5UwBzqe6ZCgPkZ4X5Lzb1fijRj9bWe", "name": "Medium Hansel of the Hollow", "text": "Medium Hansel of the Hollow is a master fermenter of life-giving beverages. Hansel can be found tinkering with the latest creations in his farmhouse brewery, The Hollow Leg, cultivating the finest fermentables from the land, or enjoying beverages with friends across the realm. His crow companion, Fin Raziel, watches over the Hollow Leg and collects rare seeds, herbs, fungi, and minerals for enhancing the magic of fermentation.\n\nSkal, Wizards!"} +{"id": "4e04684d-bf36-430f-8200-85d527a2bc2c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:57.567", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcvkomC892kpX3urP6g4aNUdYhapoJJV7tHkqyjrxyUGK", "txHash": "0x040a102006e960f7bbc65d2f3601c324f3bd4b9b6ded7cce9f2fb16fdfdcf2b6", "createdAtBlock": 14760833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1672, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist David of the Great Blue", "text": "There are thousands of good reasons why magic doesn't rule the world. They're called Witches and Wizards."} +{"id": "f8a6a70c-89f5-4bae-8b5c-e914b8641c33-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:18.995", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU7nEQMrLgSbLdutNHyiVy88nZRgkf3Pn3TpLnYB36243", "txHash": "0xaf5958bbf09aa5c8a530575e8a78e352f5d08704695b18eb9505d70df8d3a296", "createdAtBlock": 14674765, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2096, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Rita of the Wood", "text": "# Alchemist Rita of the Wood\n\n> They year was 1969... Rita emerged from the swamp with her onyx wolf, affectionately known as onyxia. She had found what she was looking for... the legendary mandrake potion. Armed with this and her trusty hip pouch, Rita was ready for anything. Off to the next adventure!"} +{"id": "ea55fa4d-b4c2-4cfd-9a4c-d3e7ff47ecb4-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T05:59:57.875", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUj9VakPBCtidSfrJFPY7BS7kFc4TMFy1fr1UMKpZ2CTs", "txHash": "0x3963c13e72aa00b3e060eeebd80df2f08f1cfaed2da1a0478e8b76afa5213a73", "createdAtBlock": 15356998, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9890, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTpjz35fEMXBXXrXTuzu4x8pNVgiTWTw9Dqa9v6KHoCCv", "name": "Gage Mercenary of the Citadel", "text": "# THE ENCHANTED FOREST\n\n**It's a war they say, but I told them I am a warrior\n**\n\n*A game of the warriors*\n\nA forest is a living thing like a human bodyeach part dependent on all the other parts.\n\n\n\n\n\nInside the cottage, darkness prevailed, except for a dim glow in the centre of the room. There, illuminated from below, the Wizard stood hunched over a large wooden table, alternating his gaze between the cauldron before him, swirling with a glowing, unfathomable suspension of ever-changing crystals and six short rows of small, wooden glyphs, their symbols hinting at arcane and potentially dangerous possibilities, especially in the hands of the uninitiated. Next to them lay the wizards wand; a short, squat affair, not unlike the cottage itself, which had, over the years worn itself into a shape that perfectly fitted the wizards hand. Rolling his head, as if to relieve the discomfort of craning his neck over the sizzling cauldron, the wizard ran a bony hand through his stringy and thinning hair. The coming night would be a difficult one, he thought, as he sombrely stroked his straggly whiskers. Possibly his toughest challenge yet. Everyones toughest challenge, in fact. Hed felt it earlier in the day when hed connected himself to the magical web of Wizards, Witches and Warlocks, which covered every corner of the known world. Everyone had been talking about it. The entire network was buzzing with rumours about the coming attack by the Dark One, the fearsome rogue Enchanter known as Hakkor."} +{"id": "ea55fa4d-b4c2-4cfd-9a4c-d3e7ff47ecb4-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T05:59:57.875", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUj9VakPBCtidSfrJFPY7BS7kFc4TMFy1fr1UMKpZ2CTs", "txHash": "0x3963c13e72aa00b3e060eeebd80df2f08f1cfaed2da1a0478e8b76afa5213a73", "createdAtBlock": 15356998, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9890, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTpjz35fEMXBXXrXTuzu4x8pNVgiTWTw9Dqa9v6KHoCCv", "name": "Gage Mercenary of the Citadel", "text": "The Wizard knew that he was only one small part of the collective defence against Hakkor, a solitary node if you like, yet he felt himself to be solely responsible for the defence of the realm and knew that many others like himself felt the same way. Consequently, he had spent most of the day updating his spells and charms, trying to anticipate the nature of Hakkors attack, without knowing exactly what form it would take. Now, with nightfall fast approaching, all he could do was to wait."} +{"id": "c9b1847f-f83c-44ce-81f2-3b46d0c6203f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:28.146", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXZv6fWdGtTfTgmoKcvsyBgY9R3PKAnn467dyoZ7Qht9m", "txHash": "0xa924cbe880faee6a0167a48012d09afa88370c545e87178c4e565983d9516ce8", "createdAtBlock": 14221004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 308, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdHxPKDFKsvVFH37wb9Hk2m5BXUnUur1EekUj6hPxZo7z", "name": "Druid Alessar of the Cosmos", "text": "# Druid Alessar of the Cosmos\n\nLittle has been written about Druid Alessar of the Cosmos as druid doctrine prevents recording their knowledge in written form. What is known is that he was born to a druid family and undertook the arduous study of space spells specializing in the powers of the moon. He began harnessing the power of the moon to channel its energy.\n\nThe forcible spells required to do this overtook Alessar and had the side effect of turning him green. Alessar didnt heed warnings from his family to stop before the damage was irreversible. The more he conducted the space spells, the greener his tone became. Eventually, he reached a point of no return and was permanently green.\n\nHe became feared by fellow villagers and was shunned by his family. He went into exile. This was tough for Alessar as he was outgoing and enjoyed spending time with others. He decided to search the cosmos to find a way to return his skin to his normal hue so he could once again rejoin his family and friends."} +{"id": "41a35071-a9a1-4be3-bb00-d79517a6ac09-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:39.76", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWuPDE6cm4hEyTxGXpVdXytDY8sFwNkm58M285yWKr4h6", "txHash": "0xc70fa51569fd54ec3fa8a6dcb31a2472e5e1d3abb823519a1e6ffca9cd12246b", "createdAtBlock": 15046876, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3642, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Audax Crasher of Frogs", "text": "# The Lore of Audax Crasher of Frogs\n\nAudax never liked frogs unless they were on a plate. They're slimy and gross. It certainly didn't help that Audax was constantly bullied in school with frogs being hidden in his locker and in his bags.\n\nEven though these days are long gone, Audax's distaste for frog kind has persisted and grown stronger. After training his field hound to sniff them out, Audax equiped himself with everything he needed to deal with them. Spiked bat and Chelonian armor together make it very difficult for soft little frogs to get within range.\n\nBut in Audax's mind, there must be a frog king behind all of this. So he goes through the swamps, looking for any frog that might know anything about a frog king. The clues he has found have been sparse. But along the way he has found that he is not alone. A handful of other warriors share his zeal for attacking frogs and they are similarly prepared in their arms. Together they might just achieve their goal: to take down of all frogs in the runiverse."} +{"id": "7eb3564a-45c7-4a42-a2a1-3bfecdb85ba6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:49.019", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTE9ciLcJfcxpoE2z4a8BGiTaZY5zR8DJSjn4pxJ8Lbn", "txHash": "0xe52a46f44e0b85efa97d9cc570242dc5e7a00226a79b350a16400029d7237af7", "createdAtBlock": 14221100, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 308, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma96xYvpW1X2Ft1C51xxaNEd9JtrBvjghtGnogZ7Vg4QR", "name": "Druid Alessar of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Alessar of the Cosmos\n\nAlessar heard of a mysterious wizard in Yellow Wizard Haven who had helped cure green wizards who dabbled too far into the wicked spells and sought to seek them out. The journey would be long from his home in Alessars Keep and the quickest route required him to sail across Kelpies Bay, down Chronomancers Riveria to Atlantas Pool. From there hed arrive directly at his destination. This would be a tricky route and he worried about how the other passengers would react to his unusual appearance.\n\nHe feared being thrown in the barracks. Alessar also suffered from terrible seasickness and was not looking forward to the prospect of a long voyage where he felt ill. After pondering for several long moments he came to a realization that wizards who are seasick appear green. Yes, thats it, thought Alessar. He would sneak onto the boat and keep a low profile until it was underway. Then use his seasickness as a cover for his skin coloring. With his mind made up Alessar made plans to stowaway on a boat that very night."} +{"id": "ef56b99c-5f7d-4820-ade1-ef7651372231-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:29.329", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6aZbqaL8A7bpKFC9ctM3m6FrT73x6duWsTRJi6pqimb", "txHash": "0x4f7c28c91b2315738715989acbd179b49ba3a2c938678a26bd2b7ddfc483a71d", "createdAtBlock": 14712370, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Canyon", "text": "This is but the first chapter in a longer story. For the full and current collection of the stories of the Order of the Eternal Rose visit here: https://mirror.xyz/eternalrose.eth\n\n# The Origin of the Eternal Rose\n\n\n\n## The Story of Sam\n\n\n\nIt was hundreds of years ago now, hundreds or more In a quieter time. \n\nIn the gardens of the Red Wizard Capital, a humble Wizard by the name Samuel of the Canyon, worked tirelessly, weeding, tending, watering and harvesting. He had a love for the plants most will never understand and he was happiest when he was amongst the hedges and briars.\n\nSamuel was a simple wizard. He knew in his heart, he belonged in the Canyon, but from the day he met his dear Thana, he knew he had to do whatever he could to get close to her. A poor provincial wizard like him had no chance with a lady of the capital like her, but their love transcended the boundaries of rich and poor. The gardens of the capital were a place for him to work, but also a place they could meet and keep their love secret. There under the apple trees in the scattered orchard, they could be alone, just the two of them.\n\nAnd the gardens were loved by all commoners of the capital. Though Sam kept it well tended, the gardens themselves werent much to look at. The stone walls were crumbled and discoloured, the cobblestone pathways were cracked and showed their wear and the rusty old gate creaked loudly as you came and went. But Samuel didnt mind: the gardens were a place for common folk. Somewhere they could go and escape the high society that so much of the capital had become. A place for the people, nurtured by a man of the people."} +{"id": "ef56b99c-5f7d-4820-ade1-ef7651372231-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:29.329", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6aZbqaL8A7bpKFC9ctM3m6FrT73x6duWsTRJi6pqimb", "txHash": "0x4f7c28c91b2315738715989acbd179b49ba3a2c938678a26bd2b7ddfc483a71d", "createdAtBlock": 14712370, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Canyon", "text": "And the roses were Samuels most beloved treasures. None in the realm had ever seen roses like these. Some even say that they had magical healing powers, though that might be a story for another day\n\nThe word of the roses of the capital gardens grew and Samuels work was recognized and appreciated by the high Red Wizards. It wasnt long before his rose garden grew so beautiful that it became one of the most sought after places in the capital. People started travelling from far and wide to take in the beauty and wonder of this magical place. Under Samuels care, the gardens always looked immaculate, so much so, people began to call it The Gardens of the Eternal Rose for no matter what the season, Sams roses always were in bloom.\n\nSam proposed that they expand the gardens and he could take cuttings of the roses making the gardens larger so more could enjoy them. However, the powers at work in the capital saw the opportunity before them. Fueled by greed, they wanted to take the roses from the people and offer them only to the oligarchs.\n\nThey brought fine architects, glamorous gardners and marvellous masons from all over the kingdom. They planned to completely rebuild the gardens surrounding the rose hedges: uproot the vegetable gardens, cut down the fruit trees, weed out the medicinal herbs and reagents. The plan would see the gardens transformed into a place of luxury and glamour.\n\nThe rusty old iron gate was replaced with one made of enchanted rose gold that would only allow those of the utmost wealth and prestige to enter. The common folk were shooed off by the capital guards and told to find their food and medicines elsewhere: they were no longer welcome in the Eternal Garden. But as construction began, the day came where they took down the orchard. The moment the tree he and his beloved shared together fell, Thana too fell into a deep mystical sleep, seemingly unending"} +{"id": "ef56b99c-5f7d-4820-ade1-ef7651372231-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:29.329", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6aZbqaL8A7bpKFC9ctM3m6FrT73x6duWsTRJi6pqimb", "txHash": "0x4f7c28c91b2315738715989acbd179b49ba3a2c938678a26bd2b7ddfc483a71d", "createdAtBlock": 14712370, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Canyon", "text": "Samuel couldnt take it any longer. His true love and his gardens both being ripped from him sent him into a rage. His next actions were as if possessed. With his hedge sheers in hand he went to work.\n\nMinutes later, Sam was running from the gardens, hustling through the streets of the city. The enchanted pockets of his overalls were deeper than they looked: much deeper. He tried to keep his rage hidden as he headed through the streets of town and through the city gates out onto the highway. The capital guards barely looked at him twice. He looked like a lowly commoner after all.\n\nIt was only after the capital was a low bump on the horizon did Sam fall to his knees, weeping. Looking into his pockets he checked on his cuttings. There, in his coverall pockets, the rose bush cuttings wrapped in damp cloth were hidden. Another pouch held seed packets of so many of his treasured trees, herbs, shrubs and more.\n\nHe would start a new garden. A garden for the common folk of the land. And maybe one day, that garden would wake his true love and bring her back to him.\n\n## The Eternal Roses\n\n\n\nWith all the construction in the capital gardens it was actually days before anyone noticed Samuel was gone. But it was a full week before the true gravity of Sams magic was understood. See, when Sam took his cuttings from the bushes, he not only cut the roses, but he also cut the magic from the briar as well.\n\nThat day marked the last day any roses would bloom in the capital gardens. Sam cut one and took it with him, but the others became the last roses the Eternal Garden would ever grow. But the magic of the roses lingered on as those remaining roses were also enchanted and became the Eternal Roses. Never to wilt, never to die, they stayed beautiful, always."} +{"id": "ef56b99c-5f7d-4820-ade1-ef7651372231-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:29.329", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6aZbqaL8A7bpKFC9ctM3m6FrT73x6duWsTRJi6pqimb", "txHash": "0x4f7c28c91b2315738715989acbd179b49ba3a2c938678a26bd2b7ddfc483a71d", "createdAtBlock": 14712370, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Canyon", "text": "When the magic of the roses was understood the oligarchs went mad with greed. Hacking roses from the bush, the people of the capital scrambled to cling to the memories of the gardens and the mystical powers these roses might have. Some fell into the hands of those who truly treasured them, while others sought them only in envy and greed. Today, they are scattered across the land, held by wizards of all sorts. Some understand there is a simple beauty with them, thorns and all, but others hold them clinging to their majesty and power.\n\n## The Enchanted Garden\n\nWanting the magic of the gardens back in the capital, the oligarchs had Samuel hunted. Guards, bounty hunters and even devoted cultists of the roses alike searched for him and his new garden. \n\nWith a little help from some friends he met fleeing the capital, Samuel built a new garden. The magic of the garden grew its own defences to hide itself from those who sought after it for the wrong reasons, showing itself only to those worthy. \n\nIt became known as the Enchanted Garden.\n\nTo this day, on one knows exactly where the Enchanted Garden is. Some say theyve found it in hedge wizard wood, others the fey or the thorn or the pines by dream master lake. Some say the Enchanted Garden is exactly where you need it to be and will find you in your hour of need. Some say the Garden is but a myth.\n\nWhat grows in the garden? Stories have been told that its a place where the hungry are fed, the injured are healed and the worried are soothed. Its a place where ideas can be planted and through the collective of those tending this garden, not just plants, but ideas, plans, dreams can grow! It is a truly magical place."} +{"id": "ef56b99c-5f7d-4820-ade1-ef7651372231-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:29.329", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6aZbqaL8A7bpKFC9ctM3m6FrT73x6duWsTRJi6pqimb", "txHash": "0x4f7c28c91b2315738715989acbd179b49ba3a2c938678a26bd2b7ddfc483a71d", "createdAtBlock": 14712370, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Canyon", "text": "## The Order of the Eternal Rose\nJust a few decades ago, a small band of Wizards set out to find the Eternal Roses and use their undying strength and power for good. Banding together they became what is now known as the Order of the Eternal Rose. Some say they know how to reach the Enchanted Garden, guarding its secrets with their life.\n\nAnd every day now, with the Zombie King on the rise, the ancient beasts on the loose, and the ever growing darkness reaching further and further onto our lands, those who hold Eternal Roses are feeling a call - a stir to action! Rise up and join the Order of the Eternal Rose! Together we can band strong and use our !magic to push back these evil forces, heal the common folk and bring growth and prosperity to all good people of this land!\n\n## Epilogue\n\nAnd ol Sam? No one has seen him in centuries for certain.. Some say he died of sorrow when the Enchanted Garden didnt return sweet Thana to him. Some say he is still there, trimming, clipping and planting away. Others say he turned in his brown hat for a white one and spends his days in the centre of the garden, in quiet meditation.\n\nPerhaps one day we will come to know the rest of his story. But not today."} +{"id": "91b21bc3-a44d-40d9-904c-3da302a6c5b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T07:54:20.398", "backgroundColor": "#949494", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV5DBBpVV5bvzw2YEVnqkxrydGBaebeV6toTm6iZqRfT7", "txHash": "0xb061f8fb799029b73c5441b1e39ce95e264a10d2dafc08bc496039709724d76e", "createdAtBlock": 15357500, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12563, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfKGvdsHEgXyYV9RoUcBdGqdJK2gLXuyxg9FmfLKkgkxo", "name": "Taurus Divider of the Savannah", "text": "# Taurus Divider of the Savannah\n\n\n\nTaurus's Meka-Dog roams the Savannah.\n```\n\n```\nOnce a vast place, now divided by Taurus's sword.\n```\n\n```\nFor those that encounter the Meka-Dog, there is no escape.\n```\n\n```\nMany are doomed who roam the Savannah. Only one path to freedom remains.\n```\n\n```\nThe key to re-uniting the Savannah lies in Taurus's shield, brandished with a heart. \n```\n\n```\nTaurus's shield is a story yet to be told."} +{"id": "45627cfe-6798-4948-8f73-c36b14fc5742-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:26:53.949", "backgroundColor": "#070707", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUZHLAjwffPsJgtJnQtRCRELcZQyjd9VctrJtEW3zMbS6", "txHash": "0x68e2e30b8a37d4df1f0aa0204d6e8f3cfde0f55c837b62ee794903ca8d7ee0ad", "createdAtBlock": 14224309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8961, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Jaffer of the Ether", "text": "# The Tale of The Foam\n\nJaffer knows that his job is to find the big Truths, with the capital \"T\", by traversing the Ethereal Realm. His frothy mug reminds him of the semipermeable nature of reality and his magical talent that lets him slip into the Ether. Intangibility is the first lesson he mastered. He takes a sip. The second discipline he employs is derived from his Rune that reminds him of The War. Prepared for battle, only then can he slip into the universe of scrying, leaving the material plane. He takes a second sip. \n\nAs an apprentice he walked though walls. Now he moves through a myriad of shadow planes, unhindered to find the real. The truths he sees floating like prismatic bubbles, once he is free. He is an amphibian swimming, now like his toad; a being of this world and The Other. When he returns to the earth from the journey with knowledge he always pets his familiar, to remind himself where he came from."} +{"id": "903d8dc5-0c4f-4f86-b4b6-9afef39f5818-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T12:54:12.157", "backgroundColor": "#272120", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRqz2kGbqujUskUs6w3uoN86HxDs6jtCEcZ3G94J3RA2F", "txHash": "0xa67e5da68e23d8cd9278b245b6c0551ec7159fc6c5eb8173bd479b49ad0e3cb6", "createdAtBlock": 15358838, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3694, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nadim Mangler of the Riverlands", "text": "# The Story of Nadim Mangler of the Riverlands\n\n_\"Revenge is a dish that is served cold and with corn\"_\n\n Nadim was born in the Riverlands into a family of ordinary farmers. His father Kerim, raised his son as his successor and continuator of the family. His mother died in childbirth, under unknown mysterious circumstances. Kerim always avoided talking about the subject, though his son never gave up trying to find out what had happened to his mother. \n\tThe father and son's farm was famous for having the best corn in the Riverlands. Word of this fine corn spread far beyond their lands. One day their corn was heard of in Goblin Town. The greedy goblins decided to take the lands and all the crops. Gorgoz the plunderer gathered a band of 5 bloodthirsty marauders and set out for the lands of Nadim and his father Kerim.\n\tGorgoz and his henchmen, brutally massacred his father, burned their farm and took all the corn for themselves. Nadim miraculously managed to escape from them. From that day on he swore vengeance on Gorgoz and burned the Goblin Town to the ground. \n\n\tAfter killing his father, Nadim wandered for a long time through the forests and steppes. Thanks to some corn from home he was able to survive. One day in the woods he came across a baby crimson jaguar, just as lonely and abandoned as he was. Later Spotty would become his best friend and companion on his travels."} +{"id": "903d8dc5-0c4f-4f86-b4b6-9afef39f5818-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T12:54:12.157", "backgroundColor": "#272120", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRqz2kGbqujUskUs6w3uoN86HxDs6jtCEcZ3G94J3RA2F", "txHash": "0xa67e5da68e23d8cd9278b245b6c0551ec7159fc6c5eb8173bd479b49ad0e3cb6", "createdAtBlock": 15358838, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3694, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nadim Mangler of the Riverlands", "text": "Soon the wandering Nadim was picked up along with Spotty by the Riverlands Warriors Guild. When Nadim was found, he was about 14 years old. From then on, Nadim was raised by glorious warriors. According to guild customs, his training continued until he reached adulthood, then he had to choose his own path. It was a harsh upbringing, and in some places brutal, but through grueling training, Nadeem became hardened like steel. The unwavering hero is now ready to avenge the vile goblins for all the suffering they have caused him."} +{"id": "46b17ed1-c031-4e73-aa00-bb7fb78e3646-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:24.662", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUZwhF9bgpxQ8DXsvLGMLpwEH1THDqZAWDTMZdAXekEL7", "txHash": "0xd14d96117bb009a694dbcdaa7779788e9c51f1cfd0a514cefbf3953ffbe6caa3", "createdAtBlock": 14232158, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5871, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Alaric of the Oasis", "text": "# Enchanter Alaric of the Oasis \n\nEnchanter Aleric is one of two powerful wizards that are bound to the Oasis to protect it at all costs. Aleric is suspended above such terms as good or bad. He is one of the two Guardians of the Oasis, nothing more, nothing less. His job is to keep unauthorized intruders, magic, and missiles from penetrating the Oasis and harming its citizens. In return for the protection, the citizens grant Aleric and the other guardian, Pyromancer Flamos, complete control.\n\nAleric is beyond the average wizard in terms of power, passing from a living being to an undead, choosing the form of a vampire rather than dying and breaking the bond between himself and the Oasis. This vampire form grants Aleric protection against death not being living, he cannot die. A vampire cannot be magical in its own right, but Aleric holds the Heart of Power, which grants its owner unlimited magic.\n\nHis cat, Scratch, has powers of her own to add to his: her eyes can pierce any barrier, which gives her the ability to see through anything: boulders, obstacles, closed doors, or even other wizards. Since her owner, Aleric, holds the Heart of Power, she is granted another power: telepathy. Scratch and Aleric form an unstoppable team to protect the Oasis against anything or anyone."} +{"id": "92303589-5217-496f-85d7-aa2108038cbd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:09.154", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYG94QjwTJ2546dQLuj5UCPZhjb9G8QuadnPC6qiLVtnw", "txHash": "0xb53dc0e425e9a2f50b42137c639eec38a11d3d75bb869f9b35d9cc07d60a4516", "createdAtBlock": 14624930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7878, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Wolfram of the Tundra", "text": "# Warning\n\nI am a Sage, not Santa."} +{"id": "03516b45-60ce-4010-807c-628d3f506da8-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T15:37:41.817", "backgroundColor": "#594730", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme3meN9RGE8j6ET3aVSrghJf3ar8Yjap6ua1VVNjUgPA4", "txHash": "0x991b51691e9bbbce5a205e9db879f79d70e3e06230532bf93ba3d6d94136a206", "createdAtBlock": 15359560, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14005, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hilda of Devils", "text": "# New Lore Entry \nHilda of Devils\n\n\"Parry! Thrust! Dodge!\" \n\nHilda's instructions rang out across the field, as dozens of children, all armed with large ham hocks, continued to mimic their trainer.\n\nIn unison, the 12 or so children thrust forward with their large hams, followed by a melodic parry. All in unison with each other.\n\nThese children were Hilda's pride and joy. She had rescued them from a Pit of Suffering outside Goblin Town (presumably put there by said goblins), and went on to raise them all as her own.\n\nWhile she left behind a legacy of evil and hatred, she saw a chance at new beginings and would give everything she had to her lovely platoon of pork brandishing loved ones.\n\nFrom training them early in the morning, to teaching them how to gather berries and hunt wildlife, the group was always found in each other's company, often giggling, sparring, and hugging.\n\n\"Thrust! DODGE! AMANDA!! I SAID DODGE!\" Hilda yelled as she ripped a chunk of meat from her own hambone and tossed it at the unsuspecting child.\n\nSPLAT! The meat slapped the girl right in the face!! After the shock had set in, Amanda shot an exasperated glare at her adopted mother, before getting back into the swing of training.\n\nLittle did the kids know, Hilda was training them for the most important battle of their life. Only Hilda knew Beast 0's true weakness...savory, cured pork, and Hilda knew there was only going to be one chance before the world was torn asunder...\n\nWill the children learn what they need? Will they be able to defeat Beast 0 before it destroys the entirety of the Runiverse?\n\nStay tuned to find out!"} +{"id": "b5512a46-198b-4deb-9851-f703b3459bd9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:25.416", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP751d5BrAmEywBsNusvGjE6UkvqzrgBnC8qwB4ueWoK7", "txHash": "0x02c0468ec694a41e536095f78769249979cc34478fae6c054cf29e8b8580fb9f", "createdAtBlock": 14232182, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5870, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ixar of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Ixar of the Psychic Leap\n\nPolishing the Beacon is the perfect task for Ixar. Not only can he shape-shift into any animal he chooses, he can also access the Psychic Leap, which is a gathering place for all wizards with psychic powers. It is not a material place, but a special channel in the mind which the wizards use to trade ideas and spells. The Beacon is a special light that wizards can use to enter the Psychic Leap. Ixar travels through the mazes of his mind to polish this Beacon it is important for the light to be bright so wizards of the Psychic Leap find it easy to access.\n\nIxar isnt alone in his work; he has an unusual companion with an unusual ability. Long ago, Ixar discovered a powerful spell that, when cast on any living being, gives them psychic powers and the ability to access the Leap. Straightaway, Ixar tried it out on a plant named Bush. The spell worked, and now, Bush can assist with polishing the beacon. Two can keep the light brighter than one."} +{"id": "5640d180-5e0f-4463-80fe-dea5cc53ee95-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:26.357", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVH2dYGCr6Uz9sYT16jyKyu6C5UfWRia1VrZqGKpxJWdq", "txHash": "0xcfe6f29a921d920ecfb96fcf8c3af0d7da1dfc275fba51e9af70399144cc13c6", "createdAtBlock": 14232183, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5866, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Flamos of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Flamos of the Oasis\n\nThe Oasis has two Guardians - two wizards, bound to the Oasis to protect it forever. Enchanter Aleric is one of them. Pyromancer Flamos is the other. Flamos patrols the boundaries of the Oasis, checking the fire barriers that he created to protect the citizens. And in the rare case that an intruder manages to break through the barrier, his Destroyer Potion will take care of it it is a dangerous substance vial that he is never without.\n\nReed, Flamos fire toad, is very helpful on the patrols, for Reed possesses a special ability to move through fire unharmed. Using this power, Reed can hop through the fire barrier and make sure that no one is trying to enter.\n\nFlamos and Aleric have an agreement with the citizens of the Oasis: the citizens grant the Guardians complete control, and the Guardians protect the citizens. It is Flamos special task to deal with the citizens. Sometimes he has to use his Destroyer Potion to quiet a small rebellion, but mostly the citizens are compliant. Flamos tries very hard to keep the citizens happy, because if they become discontented they might rebel, and that will be the end of the Oasis forever."} +{"id": "0d5ad7d1-5a29-4cad-bd3e-f3816fcd8d11-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:27.036", "backgroundColor": "#8256a7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQNBRpUvtuBQS6LVP1nCkb2njTvsKb2n4rez3GM3BmqTy", "txHash": "0x47ebb458394ce6af765ebc81df51f3caafb679e496a8bd4f537c7592e9974942", "createdAtBlock": 14232551, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Periwinkle the Precious", "text": "Though the lightning crashes through the storm \nthe scattered herd can see me as I run, \nlight glimpses wrapped around my pearly horn, \nthe fuschia of my coat. Or, in the sun \nmares rally to the banner of my mane \nas I lead through the marshes. Step by step \nwe crossed the border, hidden by the rain, \nentered the realm of wizards. How they wept \nwith laughter, first beholding me. How cute, \nhow precious. Braided flowers in my tail \nand stalled me with some pony. Resolute, \nI flashed my teeth, but that ship had set sail \nthe children followed, calling out my name \nmy dignity will never be the same."} +{"id": "b07001ae-c11c-4d44-9f5a-444a885ec572-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:27.736", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeoQpbkqCjYJQcwjhWNZB1ukNQXELPiKpo3FJ26Q7X6fy", "txHash": "0xaf0fd25fa5de62be0e31595da6c84dac999f7df133e2190df6f1b3d802e8d15e", "createdAtBlock": 14234868, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2910, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Mystic Zelroth of the Mountain", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis wizard wanders around with his companion frog that has spell powers which are not revealed yet. Wizard's true power comes from being able to see future.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "951049e7-9f56-4082-8fc6-ac43e2cb18ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:28.592", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNiZ68uii6xcraP4MkhuBhoN9zjXXgtaxuDRc1Q98JU3F", "txHash": "0x5ac17be786528f9886943a35935f57c7df6033f6435abcc798f6e81dc88dcecc", "createdAtBlock": 14237594, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6013, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZwwM25DbxsxJYnYP7hg8VDK9mgg4NKRW9XNRwa4x4Gav", "name": "Geomancer Muntjac of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Muntjac of the Hills\n\n\nHailing from the hills, Geomancer Muntjac comes from a long line of hunters. Together with his beloved crackerjack crow, his skills have made him a force to be reckoned with at local wizarding competitions. Indeed, his prized vest was awarded as recognition for his feats. \n\nBut the Runiverse is vast, the stakes are higher and Geomancer Muntjac knows that to prove himself he must contend with adversaries and powers he has never before encountered.\n\nNonetheless, he knows he must go. A world of mysterious energy lays ahead and the greatest failure would be to never experience it. And his rune of steel may yet leave a mark on the Runiverse."} +{"id": "a6a685a7-dec9-4697-adb6-86e09d565e9d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:29.299", "backgroundColor": "#dfc3c2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW88PT4X6S4XZHX3gh7HvtyGJXWc2jk1v254cNxrefANH", "txHash": "0x0203e94762a32465e7dbcab79be29bd8565a7b3cbba9c03200886ea01450997d", "createdAtBlock": 14237977, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 19, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dryad the Stupendous", "text": "# The Companionship\n\n\n\"Is this how it ends?\" The Nameless Pony said aloud. \"The dead forest of all places.\" \n\nThe Thorn was a lifeless thicket bordered by The Quantum Shadow and The Fey. There were conflicting rumors about The Thorns' origination and development into its current state. \n\nWearing a red bandana and spectacles, The Pony was likely the most well-dressed living creature in The Thorn. \n\nLaying in pain, The Pony looked back at the wound on his hind leg. His leg was hurting so much that he could not stand. However, the wound's bleeding has subsided and a he noticed a piercing glow was emitting in the shape of a circle with a connecting cross underneath.\n\n\"Could it be true?\" The Pony said to himself. \"One of the ancient Forgotten Runeson my body. What type of magic caused this?\"\n\nPondering the possibility of the wound becoming a Forgotten Rune, The Pony suddenly became alert, hearing rustling in the forest. Using the enhanced vision of his spectacles he spotted what seemed to be a greenish figure with a pointed hat in the distance. \n\nHopefully this will not be a hostile encounter, The Pony thought to himself. As the figure got closer The Pony identified him as a Wicked Wizard, wearing brownish tundra wear. A bit warm out for that type of apparel but who was he to judge. The Pony had chosen to pretend to be asleep as the Wizard approached. \n\nThe Wizard noticed The Pony, who still couldn't bear to move, and had begun casting some sort of spell. The Pony abruptly awoke from his feigned sleep and realized that this Wizard had just completely healed the pain coming from his leg.\n\nThe Pony heard the Wicked Wizard muttering to himselfsomething about spectacles, Elysian Fields, and Dryads."} +{"id": "a6a685a7-dec9-4697-adb6-86e09d565e9d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:29.299", "backgroundColor": "#dfc3c2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW88PT4X6S4XZHX3gh7HvtyGJXWc2jk1v254cNxrefANH", "txHash": "0x0203e94762a32465e7dbcab79be29bd8565a7b3cbba9c03200886ea01450997d", "createdAtBlock": 14237977, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 19, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dryad the Stupendous", "text": "\"Dryad the Stupendous, care to join me on a journey to Goblin Town?\" the Wicked Wizard asked.\n\n\"Did he just name me?\" The Pony whispered to himself as he moved to all fours pain-free. \n\n\"I thank you very much Wizard, this wound has kept me impaired for the past few days. I would be happy to join youanything to get out of this forsaken place.\"\n\nWithout missing a beat, The Wizard hopped on to the Pony he just named and said \"The name is Druid Ofaris and I've just recently made it out of the Blizzard, it is a pleasure to meet you\". \n\nThe newfound companions set off toward Goblin Town."} +{"id": "e4f42e8e-65fa-4ff6-bc10-57640448b756-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:30.135", "backgroundColor": "#d1d0c8", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2CSz6UoPGCDo7EfCvckN74kPWMKwhKPsNoLKztY5Xte", "txHash": "0x706444113608be26a4440e6c30e6424175a0f58ab77fcfa12b801ef4e8739df7", "createdAtBlock": 14239470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "IV\n \n## Of Things That Grow\n\n\n\n\n\nA canopy of leaves hung closely above Milton as he made his way through the trackless undergrowth, his hat and cloak snagging constantly on vines and branches that seemed intent on hindering him as he trudged further into the woodland. The myriad weeds and plant-life appeared to rise up and tangle before him to block any path he might gain. With a frustrated huff Milton stopped and glared ahead. \n\n\n*Hark you spirits of the Fey, delay me all you want but I will reach my aim*!\n\n\nA soft tremor ran through the surrounding greenery carrying with it an almost imperceptible tone of mockery in the rustling leaves . Milton adjusted his hat and wiped at the sweat on his brow.\n\n\n*Gah! If only for a wisp of breeze in this place, or better yet a few Kobolds to chew through this accursed shin-tangle*."} +{"id": "e4f42e8e-65fa-4ff6-bc10-57640448b756-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:30.135", "backgroundColor": "#d1d0c8", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2CSz6UoPGCDo7EfCvckN74kPWMKwhKPsNoLKztY5Xte", "txHash": "0x706444113608be26a4440e6c30e6424175a0f58ab77fcfa12b801ef4e8739df7", "createdAtBlock": 14239470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "Milton continued on, muttering and swatting the brambles away with his staff. Sunlight fell scattered and jade-like through the leafy canopy. As he moved on slowly through that dappled light his thoughts began to wander and he found that his hand had come to rest upon the crystals stashed within his cloak. He could feel the gentle hum of their power even as preoccupied as he was. Six binding crystals had been filled with the essences of mystical beings that he had tracked throughout the realms. Some of these beings were beast-like and had challenged him with claw and dwimmercraft. Others yet were frail and timid things that yielded their essence willingly, seemingly content to be bound inside the crystal. Six he had and yet still one crystal remained empty, its surface a pristine clarity waiting for the colour and light of some captured beings vital spark. And when that seventh crystal was infused he would have the power needed to attempt the fulfillment of his great undertaking and perhaps to see again that which had been lost to him.\n \n\nEmerging from his reverie Milton found that the undergrowth had become somewhat sparser and a little ways forward what looked like a rough path could be seen leading up to the crest of a slight hill, above which there was a break in the canopy where bright daylight streamed downwards. Kicking free of the last of the dense undergrowth he reached the path and followed it until he was at the top of the small grassy mound where he stood breathing the clearer air with his gaze following the path into the deepening forest before him. Small dark birds circled above the canopy-break and dipped into the uppermost branches of the trees as bright white clouds shifted slowly past the leaf edged opening. Milton took a deep breath and continued down the mound following the path that was leading him to the further regions of the forest."} +{"id": "e4f42e8e-65fa-4ff6-bc10-57640448b756-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:30.135", "backgroundColor": "#d1d0c8", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2CSz6UoPGCDo7EfCvckN74kPWMKwhKPsNoLKztY5Xte", "txHash": "0x706444113608be26a4440e6c30e6424175a0f58ab77fcfa12b801ef4e8739df7", "createdAtBlock": 14239470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "The deep forest hummed with life. Milton moved through the dense towering trees as insects noisily circled the low growing, vividly coloured woodland flowers. Sprites dashed between clumps of leaves, their fine radiant bodies leaving glimmering trails against the dark foliage, that marked for keen eyes their secretive comings and goings. Thin melodies of birdcall echoed in the upper branches and farther off the deep tread of larger beasts could be heard as they lumbered the darker wildwood. Milton passed through the depths of the forest, becoming attuned to the pulse of life that filled the air and to the slow, rhythmic flow that seemed to emanate from the earth itself. Almost trance-like he continued on and the forest now offered no resistance to his passing, indeed from his increasingly mist shadowed vision it seemed a path was being cleared before him, brambles and copsewood creakily rolling and shifting to usher him step by mystified step into the heart of the Fey.\n\n\n\nBearing out from the dense forest under a will that was not completely his own Milton emerged into a wide, almost circular clearing within which stood an immense tree, its branches soaring against the sky in a multitude of softly hued leaves. The bright daylight that passed through the leaves was dimmed and split prismatically so that the surrounding ground was soaked in a deep chromatic radiance. Milton gazed at the great tree through air that danced with colour and as he watched it seemed to him that light wept from the lowest branches to fall rainbow-like upon the variegated earth. Gently impelled by some outside force Milton made his way across the clearing and stepped into that realm of soft dazzling colour beneath the reaching, encompassing boughs."} +{"id": "e4f42e8e-65fa-4ff6-bc10-57640448b756-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:30.135", "backgroundColor": "#d1d0c8", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2CSz6UoPGCDo7EfCvckN74kPWMKwhKPsNoLKztY5Xte", "txHash": "0x706444113608be26a4440e6c30e6424175a0f58ab77fcfa12b801ef4e8739df7", "createdAtBlock": 14239470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "Potent imaginings began to take root in Miltons mind, a chasmic realm was opened before him of dark, rich soil leaden with the weight of countless beings and weaved with way-lines of life that spread and intersected in glimmering junctions against the boundless and lightless earth. Milton felt himself dispersed within that obscure realm and recipient to an endless resonance of lives long since past, still enduring and yet to be. A deep earth memory of being in all its fullness flooded through Milton as he settled diffusely, as if like scattered seeds, into the worm turned soil. Slowly these scattered motes of self were taken up by the thin root tips of the great tree and Miltons essence amassed within these intimate pathways following them upwards into the body of the great tree."} +{"id": "e4f42e8e-65fa-4ff6-bc10-57640448b756-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:30.135", "backgroundColor": "#d1d0c8", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2CSz6UoPGCDo7EfCvckN74kPWMKwhKPsNoLKztY5Xte", "txHash": "0x706444113608be26a4440e6c30e6424175a0f58ab77fcfa12b801ef4e8739df7", "createdAtBlock": 14239470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "Miltons eyes blinked open and gradually his reckoning returned to him. He found he was seated under the hanging branches of the tree which now swayed with a gentle liveliness, slowly showering a prismatic light around him. A sharp glint caught his eye as he saw before him the last of his binding crystals resting on the ground, pulsing with an ever changing array of coloured light. Leaning forward Milton grasped the crystal, holding it for a moment in his palm before placing it with the others under the folds of his cloak. Wearily Milton raised to his feet and retrieved his staff from where it lay by his side. Gently he placed his palm against the smooth grey trunk of the great tree in a manner of thankfulness and deep understanding, he remained there a moment longer pondering the sense of deep time and expanse of life he had felt whilst under the influence of the great heart tree of the Fey. He then turned and passed from that lighted realm, walking slowly through the clearing amidst clouds of pale butterflies that airily dispersed and then rejoined after his passing, and on into the forested depths to be encompassed once again by the soft palpitations of the numberless things that grew there."} +{"id": "cedd4dd5-a585-483a-94eb-25f9d097ebe0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:30.977", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmShC9sopSdReGz9wc84W1du43w3YSH1sRhiJK3z2S6ayV", "txHash": "0x5ef9b4b77197f82821af9c4e8f7002eee17236c2e5000f155a4cc677411f0edd", "createdAtBlock": 14241640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Vossler of the Capital", "text": "# Lore of Necromancer Vossler of the Capital\n\nNecromancers tend to get a lot of hate in modern Runiverse society. They're usually obsessed with dead stuff, which normal people find to be gross (nor do the normies enjoy constant reminders of their own mortality). Necromancers drive down home values whenever they move into a new neighborhood because their house always ends up smelling like corpse. Also, they have a tendency to be evil, though perhaps evil is in the eye of the beholder (one's moral perspective tends to get skewed when one doesn't subscribe to the belief that death is a Bad Thing that ought to be avoided at all costs). Not only a necromancer, but a Death Eater necromancer, Vossler has faced discrimination, fear, and hatred his whole life. That's why he is such a passionate advocate of necromancer rights, working tirelessly everyday to abolish the stigma associated with being a practitioner of death magic."} +{"id": "cedd4dd5-a585-483a-94eb-25f9d097ebe0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:30.977", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmShC9sopSdReGz9wc84W1du43w3YSH1sRhiJK3z2S6ayV", "txHash": "0x5ef9b4b77197f82821af9c4e8f7002eee17236c2e5000f155a4cc677411f0edd", "createdAtBlock": 14241640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Vossler of the Capital", "text": "Necromancer Vossler is not your typical necromancer, who tends to be somewhat single-minded. Rather, he is the consummate renaissance man. He is well-practiced in many different schools of magic. He can play three instruments and speak five languages. He can sing and dance. He knows how to do multivariate calculus (without using his fingers!). His poached salmon with arugula and cayenne pepper is absolutely divine. He's a sharp dresser, wearing well-fitted clothes that he tailored himself rather than just throwing on Black Robe #12 and calling it a day like most necromancers. In short, he's sophisticated. He needs to be, in order to be taken seriously as a political operative and activist given his background...he's found that as a necromancer, accomplishing anything in the social arena is ten times as hard as for a typical person due to prejudice, whether implicit or explicit. So he works twenty times as hard to get ahead.\n\nAnd the Capital is the toughest arena there is, where the powerful, wealthy, and highborn will chew you up and spit you out, all with an immaculate smile on their face. When he first moved there, Vossler wasn't sure if he'd make it, but his determination and myriad talents proved sufficient for the lion's den, and over the years, he's proven himself to be the real deal. He's currently first chair of the Necromancer Rights Society, toiling away on a daily basis for greater empowerment for all necromancers, not only in the Capital, but across the Forgotten Runes. It's slow work, but Necromancer Vossler has always believed in incremental progress, and that true change comes one day at a time. And if it doesn't work out in the end? Why, then he'll just kill them all."} +{"id": "c907dfe8-2429-45b6-8b98-94a88a5b6275-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:31.768", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma5gNBCvXS2gQGZambu8rfMEoHa5cwh7Gq7NmVs1kUdrU", "txHash": "0x125a266de033d70866d96d6a7c07812e31f15e0f24b840306893d7e07fee46d6", "createdAtBlock": 14242908, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5273, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Judas of the Brambles", "text": "A bald headed monster and a lowly toad. A floating symbol too. It's not easy to say what the future holds for Judas. One thing was for certain: he'd always felt embarrassed about being named after the Arch-traitor of the Christian foundation story. Long since he'd set out to change the misconceptions attached to his name. Training to be a magician and using his magic for good. The funny looking toad helped to quell people's worries. Nonetheless, his evil-looking bald head and general look of scorn was a difficult barrier to overcome. He fought hard to be on the right side of people. Slowly slowly it seemed to work. But he couldn't help but think he should grow some hair..."} +{"id": "4561deef-389d-4e80-b7dd-c72aa8238fe3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:32.519", "backgroundColor": "#4ccb60", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWMqjdF2TmwHvrFDGmGC3h3H5nieCxVLWutRdxWL2LXfG", "txHash": "0xc6c70894ed723a02ee042cfe2012e06623bdcb84fd0c89ae9585a35f78e649e2", "createdAtBlock": 14242926, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8541, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of the Citadel", "text": "It was an easy decision to make to write my Lore on green scroll. As a green-faced witch I try to do everything with green. My cup is full of a gloopy green liquid that I drink from from time to time. I'm setting out on a long journey soon. To spread the word and show the world that witches come in all shapes and sizesbut always with a green face."} +{"id": "4291c7f1-46db-4c78-bba2-be7ab009a71c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:33.365", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRyyyb81npqujpSLDPSsTQUqfBWK3Ru5wL75g9VEWRgeb", "txHash": "0xf2f6a4e0a7c1cbaf7fda7bf08f9a9be26b7a9e1b6ec9166d935c2ddffbc561ed", "createdAtBlock": 14244434, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 426, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Stella the Agreeable", "text": "Entry 1: My Birth \n\nHelp help, \nI am stuck! \nMy position is wrong, \nand I cant get out. \nMomma is trying, \nBut she is tiring. \nIts been hours \nshe has been pushing. \nMomma and I \nare getting scared. \nMomma is crying, \nFarmer is calming, \nHealer is coming, \nHelp is on the way!\n\nNew voice arrives, \nFarmer sounds relieved. \nA few gentle words, \nA sudden tingling, \nand Momma calms down. \nThe new voice, \nStrangely soothing. \n\nWoah! Something new! \nA pair of hands, \nPulling and prodding, \nTurning me around. \nFeeling much better! \nA few words again, \nFrom the new voice, \nMomma finds new strength! \nFarmer is urging, \nNew voice is coaxing, \nNew hands are pulling, \nand I am moving! \n\nA sudden swish, \nDazzling lights, \nWorld is swirling, \nIn the arms of the new voice. \nI shout my cry of arrival, \nNeigh! I have arrived! \nBefore my eyes, \nA strange looking man, \nWith a yellow hat, \nA fluffy beard, \nYellow eyes.\n \nFarmer calls him Soran, \n@wizard9263, \nThe new voice he is, \nA face I will remember, \nEternally grateful I am."} +{"id": "91ba8ccb-ffb1-4ed4-b508-8d49a0da1896-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:30.003", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRVPVEXGYq47msHtyrSiVecPR34aM5ajcpSZ5yoDGNRXE", "txHash": "0xa16c9a9170dcae95a9ab4e619d580639d27b4380cc261881665628bca01dc794", "createdAtBlock": 14712446, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3991, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Danny of the Wild", "text": "# Magus Danny of the Wild\n\nEveryone knows that when you come across a magus, you better hold onto your possessions. These tricksters are quick with a joke, or to light up your smoke, to catch you off balance and to steal any valuables that they can get their hands on. And while wizards with the most elementary powers can fend off the antics of most magi, it takes an eagle-eyed wizard with much experience to ward off a magus from The Wild. \n\nWhen the trees begin to bud anew, these vagabonds leave their wilderness homes and journey to the Blue Wizard Bastion, Alessars Keep, Red Wizard Capital and Calistas Citadel to steal anything they can lay their sticky fingers on.\n\nSuch was the case of Magus Danny of the Wild, a strongman with a temper that only matched his quick fingers and silver tongue. It was at the Red Wizard Capital where he used his wit, sleight of hand and a well-timed entrance of Bruno, his pet albino rat, to lift an egg from a red hat who had just left an antiquarian store of renown. \n\nDanny had never seen an egg of this kind before, and he had seen quite a few exotic eggs in The Wild. The blue spots shimmered with an iridescent hue that reminded him of the waters off the Western coast of Aldos Isle. Danny realized he had just lifted the biggest haul of his life, and he decided it was time to return home and sell his spoil.\n[2:07 PM]\nEverything was going fine, until he hit the Omega Oxbow and Bruno began stirring. The rat darted out of Dannys pocket and perched on his should, making a loud hissing sound in the direction of the egg in his satchel. The magus knew something was wronghis mind immediately went to the egg."} +{"id": "91ba8ccb-ffb1-4ed4-b508-8d49a0da1896-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:30.003", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRVPVEXGYq47msHtyrSiVecPR34aM5ajcpSZ5yoDGNRXE", "txHash": "0xa16c9a9170dcae95a9ab4e619d580639d27b4380cc261881665628bca01dc794", "createdAtBlock": 14712446, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3991, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Danny of the Wild", "text": "When he picked it up, the spots were luminescent, radiating a huge amount of light that was blinding to the eye. And if that wasnt enough, the egg began to shake. No amount of experience in The Wild could prepare him for what was about to happen.\n\nWhat have I done? thought Danny, fear overcoming his face."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "# Pyromancer Artis of the Rock\n\n## *A Brief History*\n\n\n# Some Time, Somewhere\n\n\n\n***\n###### *Steer clear of the river when the current is rushing, Artis*\n***\n\n\nLet me give you a little background on my situation. \n\nIm always tired. Not in like a silly quirky way, this is serious business. I can barely sleep more than a few winks at a time. My tired nature stemmed from a total mishap when I was a child that resulted in a curse. Some would say Im being dramatic calling it a curse since its what quite literally saved my life, but being in an inescapable slumberous state is sincerely not fun.\n\nMy branch of those belonging to Of The Rock was a very peaceful bunch, as opposed to other Rocks you may have heard of. This isnt about them, however. Before I left, we were a very close-knit community and spent most of our days in the Honor Mountains. My grandmother used to say that my family came from somewhere between Red Wizard Capital and the foothills of Skylord Rookery. Long ago a small bunch left the only home they had ever known in pursuit of more peaceful land, and thats how we ended up on Honor Mountain. \n\nWhen I was barely seven years into my training, I liked to practice using my fire powers on small things like crunchy leaves and on the calm river water. The water was my favorite in particular, as my water rune gave me some control over how the water reacted. When I would send a spark flying into the bright and sparkling river, I was able to create a sudden burst of steam. The gentle tsssss sound of the reaction was my favorite part. The more I practiced, the longer and stronger I found myself being able to make the steam. Pretty soon, I was conjuring fire, water, and steam shows - much to the delight of my family."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "While I was practicing one day, the river current was faster than normal. I had been told plenty of times to stay away from the river when it was moving at such speedbut I neglected to listen. I was being a bit ambitious with my fire, and a rouge flame got twisted around my ankle. Before I knew what was happening, I was thrown off of my feet into the rushing river. \n\nI was knocked unconscious, and when I finally awoke I was incredibly far from home. Nothing about my surroundings was familiar. The colors, the sounds, even the smells, nothing was the same. I was surrounded by towering trees and dappled sunlight on a bright green, grassy ground. I had never left the comfort of our home in the mountains before, so this was all strange and unfamiliar to me. What I did know, was I was soaking wet and curled up in the back of a wagon of sorts. I could hear the clip-clops of a pony pulling me along, and as I looked up to see who was driving I caught of glimpse of a hooded witch. The sight of her frightened me so much that I promptly passed back out. Keep in mind I was only in my seventh year at this point, so I was quite the sensitive young wizard."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "The next time that I was awake, I found myself in front of a warm crackling fire, wrapped tightly in the softest scarves I had ever felt. Cautiously, I took in the rest of my surroundings. Slowly, I stood up and peeked around the dark room that was only partially illuminated by the hearth. There was nothing of much significance, but it was extremely dark so I thought maybe there was more than met the eye. I carefully moved the heavy curtain away from the window to let some light in, only to find that it was the dead of night. The thick trees barely let any moonlight through to the forest floor. I found a stray piece of wood next to the fireplace and quickly lit a torch. I draped the scarves over my shoulders and moved further into the dark room. Thankfully, I found a table with a chunk of fresh bread with a note. I stuffed the bread into my mouth and read over the note. \n\n---\n### This was for your own good. I promise it was the only way to save your life. Enjoy the bread, get some rest, and I will explain in the morning. - C\n\n\n\n---\n\n\nIn hindsight, I probably should have stuck around to find out what in the Runiverse had happened to me, but instead, I left. I was young, alone, and scared. A scary witch was the last person that I wanted to talk with. I gathered what was left of the bread and readjusted the scarves. With my new torch in hand, I unlocked the creaky window and went on my way.\n\nTurns out, that witch thought the only way to save my life was to bestow a curse of life-long exhaustion. I never got an explanation, and that is something I will always regret not knowing."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "Throughout the next few years, I wandered wherever the various winding rivers led me. I never made it back home to the Honor Mountains, however. That was something that always struck me as strange. No matter what river I traveled along, none was ever the one that took me away from my home."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-4", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "As I grew older and wiser, my pyromancy powers grew as well, but due to my tired nature, the wizard I grew up to be turned out the be fairly clumsy and not-so-graceful. One day, while I was trying to put out a spell that potentially could have burned down the entirety of Hedge Wizard Wood, an ember escaped my grasp. This ember was unlike any I had seen before - this one didnt immediately disappear. Instead, it wisped and floated through the air. I stared in wonderment at this glowing tangible bit of magic that I had created. As it ever so slowly made its way to the ground, I grew strangely sad to see something I made begin to disappear. The ember landed softly on a toadstool next to me on the forest floor. To my surprise, the ember began to glow brighter and brighter and brighterit was then that I realized that maybe needed to back away. But before I could even finish that thought BOOM the ember and toadstool combusted into a puff of smoke. I slowly bent down to inspect what had happened. The smoke swirled and changed from a red to a bright purple, and out hopped the cutest little frog I had ever seen. I squealed with utter happiness and delight. Born from ember and toadstool, the little creature was the most perfect familiar I could have ever asked for. The little red frog hopped into my hands and he immediately climbed onto my hat where he would stay forever. Naming this little creature was quite the task, I had never had to name anything before. After much consideration, I decided on the name of Monsieur Croque. \n\n---\n*I would never admit it, but I named him after my favorite human food and the funny sounds that my new familiar made when he was happy*\n\n---"} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-5", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "---\n\n\n\nUnfortunately, this was not the end of my curse - although the new company was quite nice. Croque and I made our way all over the map, but our favorite place that we always came back to was right off the coast of The Salt in a small village near Red Wizard Capital and Skylord Rookery. I think deep down this was because I knew it was where my ancestors came from, and it felt like I was truly home. \n\nAfter some years of traveling, we decided to settle into our favorite area since it had everything we were looking for. One of the best parts was the small bakery in the village. Every morning everyone was awoken by the friendly baker and the smells of the freshly made bread. It was custom that we would all gather in the early morning to break bread together. It has always been the perfect way to start all of our days. This was something that has always brought me so much joy. I may have drifted off a few times during these morning gatherings, but to see so many people together in one place, to simply enjoy each others company, was one of the most magical experiences.\n\nIn the small village, time seemed to move slowly. It always felt like I had plenty of time and space to practice my pyromancy. Much like most skills, I improved greatly with patience and practice. My sleepiness, on the other hand, persisted. I had grown weary, even more than usual. I made the decision that it was finally time to seek out the witch that had bestowed this blessing unto me."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-6", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "I spoke with many villagers, many of whom possessed some kind of magic, however, none had heard of this witch before and were unsure of how to help. It made sense, this witch was far from where I had ended up. I knew this meant I had to leave my comfy new home. Somewhat reluctantly, I gathered my old torch, my favorite red hat, and my perfectly worn scarves. Before I left for an unknown amount of time, I decided to sit in the shade of a tree to take in my surroundings one final time. I let the dappled sunlight hit my skin, the breeze flow through my hair, and the sounds of the rushing river hit my ears. Croque knew that I would soon fall asleep for a few precious moments. He took his position on my hat, to keep guard over me. I had only been asleep for a mere moment before suddenly I felt something fall on my head. Begrudgingly, I opened my eyes and found myself holding whatever had hit me on the head, in my now on-fire hands. I sighed exasperatedly, shook my hands to put out the flames, and opened my clenched fists to see what I was holding. To my surprise, it wasa bean - a measly bean, that was now extra toasty. Curious, I took a sniff and to my shock, it smelled incredible, however, when I took a bite it was awfully bitter. The kind of bean that this was, was an utter mystery to me, I had never seen this species of plant in all of my travels. This was especially strange to me since I had traveled through this particular area many times. I craned her neck upward to get a better look at the tree that I was sitting under."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-7", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "This tree was massive, and this was the only of its kind from what I could see. I sent Croque climbing to do some investigations. I watched through the dappled sunlight as he hopped around from branch to branch inspecting every inch of this discovery. After a few moments, he leaped back down, and to my delight, he brought a small bundle of beans back down. I took a closer look and the beans looked nothing like the bitter one I had just consumed. Confused, I took the beans in my hands, held them tightly, and set my hands ablaze. After a few fiery moments, the beans were a nice toasty brown and smelled amazing once again. I tried eating a few more, in hopes that these would taste better, but alas, I was very wrong. The bitterness crept over my tongue and I just about spat them all out. However, I had a nagging feeling that this was something important and felt that something drew me to this tree. I decided to abandon my mission to find the witch, and with Croques help, we gathered as many of these mysterious beans as we could carry back to our home."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-8", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "Once we arrived back at our cottage, Croque and I dumped our haul onto the counter and considered the possibilities. The rest of our day was spent experimenting with what these beans could possibly be used for. I felt like I was home again, experimenting and having fun with my powers. I felt deep in my soul that I was on the brink of something great. As I went through many trials and errors, I continued to eat the beans after roasting them. The more I ate, the more I felt alive, happy, and AWAKE. This stopped me in my tracksI felt awake. There was newfound energy coming from deep within me. I felt as though I was buzzing and was moving faster than ever before. It was at this moment that I realized I had found a cure to my curse. My happiness was bursting at every seam and I couldnt contain it - I quite literally ran laps outside around our cottage. I kept experimenting with ways to use my newfound cure, and my favorite way by far was a liquid creation that I called coffee. \n\n---\n\n###### *I originally meant to name it cofe but the beans made me a bit jittery, so I doubled a couple of letters by accident and never corrected it in my growing recipe book*\n---"} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-9", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "I started to grow groves of the coffee bean trees all around the cottage. Once they were nice and ripe, Croque would pick the beans using his extra sticky toes. I used all of the fire and water skills that I learned in my youth to create this wonderful blend. The best part about my newfound cure was that it didnt just work for me, but everyone in the small village felt revitalized after consuming my concoction. Each morning as the villagers gathered at the bakery, I would bring them a giant batch of my coffee. Oftentimes, many of the villagers would visit my cottage to get another cup throughout the day. As time went on, word of this miracle spread, and wizards came from far and wide to try my new brew. I taught each traveler how to make it so they could recreate it as they traveled. When they were ready to continue on with their journeys, I sent them on their way with a bag of their own coffee beans. I quickly ran out of space in my small cottage. I needed more space to better serve everyone in town as well as the travelers. I decided it was time to plant firm roots in my new home. With that decision, I opened up a shop that would serve my delicious drinks. I named it: The Dragons Roast. \n\n\n## Some Time, Much Later, at The Dragons Roast\n\n\n\n\n---\n*Is thisa journal? Where did this come from*\n\n---"} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-10", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "---\n*Is thisa journal? Where did this come from*\n\n---\n\nThis morning was like any other. I woke up, opened The Dragons Roast, and started making coffees for some of my favorite regulars. Suddenly, I could hear a strange noise in the distance. It sounded like a chime of some sort, and it was making me feel calmer and calmer as it drew closer. It was then as the chime tolled incredibly close that I realized this wasnt a legend after all. This had to be real and it had to be Magus Wazir. I had never believed that Wazir was real before now. He was a wizard of ancient legend and stories, nothing more than that. No one was sure of his actual existence, yet somehow I just knew it had to be him.\n\nI leaped over the counter and ran outside with hopes of catching even a glimpse of the elusive bellringer. I left in such a hurry that my new trainee was left stunned and confused. It was his first day on the job, and poor Bargo turned and looked at the line of customers that seemed to have suddenly grown by 10, as I ran out the door.\n\nBy the time I made it outsideWazir was nowhere to be seen, that is if it truly had been him at all. I frantically looked around knowing he had to have been close by when I suddenly tripped and fell face first onto the dusty road. I sat up, dusted myself off, and looked back to see what had led me to the ground. It was a book of some sort. I went over and picked up the old, tattered leather-bound book. I looked around to see if someone had dropped it, but no one was around. I blew the dust off of the worn cover and cracked the book open carefully to the most recent page."} +{"id": "6811c8d1-d60f-4a89-9ed6-16fa2f2cfa51-11", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T17:01:42.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1BdJEULKAZpwbP2xGsmse51GZ2qPGHJBaRN9xZLLf7y", "txHash": "0x75c1b1c5c80b495edbadbefe81ea3150a8e885c2c28761fecb42df046a7f6f54", "createdAtBlock": 15359935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmePAQ4dgLPQKQbXUXTnsc7MgSitmaYjcZbbmekwtvyT4M", "name": "Pyromancer Artis of the Rock", "text": "---\n**Mid-Spring*\n\t\t\n*Its been years since we last saw Artis. Our precious little girl. We know she has to be out therebut I fear our search is coming to an end. We left the Honor Mountains so long ago, and many have been lost in this search. This is not a decision that comes easy or lightly. I feel it is for the best if we start the long journey back to our home in the mountains. Are they even our home anymore? Should we return to our roots in the foothills of Skylord Rookery? Would we be safer with other Red Wizards in the Capital? Perhaps it is time to move on to someplace new and unknown. I hate to move on without Artisbut it may be time.*\n\n---\n\nCurious, I flipped through the rest of the book, and unbelievably, I knew this handwriting. Without a doubt, this was my mothers journal. I stood in the middle of the dirt road in disbelief that my family had been looking for me this whole time, all these years. The more I looked, the more questions formed. I couldnt understand why this journal suddenly appeared outside of my shop - and where was my family now if my mothers journal was here? \n\nI wondered if it was possible Magus Wazir had left this behind for me. It was said that he was a guide to the lostbut I did not feel lost. This had been the most found I had ever felt in my life. It was right then that I realized maybe I wasnt the one who was lost, but possibly my family was. I needed to know if Wazir left this for me, and if he did, what did it all mean? \n\nNow that were all caught upwhere do I go from here?\n\n\n## To Be Continued..."} +{"id": "889466d2-a674-46fb-8192-5a053eaf851f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T20:59:59.46", "backgroundColor": "#700600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmadvoLMfVLFsc2bjHCYmhzEBfvMoUQmeEaaqMeuWPq6FA", "txHash": "0xeea040a192d96fed5903333025a7fed4e9e44f76d1da50a666599b09a228b8e2", "createdAtBlock": 15360964, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2796, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbgq86qAHkCfhVrstTpD6JyVfjtwbidsY6NH9k8fxDUqv", "name": "Mbali Champion of the Capital", "text": "# Mbali Champion of the Capital"} +{"id": "b6698cf4-50d6-49d3-9c46-e8c136350d65-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:35.86", "backgroundColor": "#82bb72", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme1E6d2g6JQA318Aqb6dD4ratTmFMYFuxunneAYmj2BFF", "txHash": "0x59e2d25abf0fd181c40d749934cdde87e4d6b9299a7ad3a231a58fa9298c7dd6", "createdAtBlock": 14245881, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8583, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hothor of the Mist", "text": "# Battle Mage Hothor of the Mist\n\nThe legend of his daring was told across the Runiverse well, in a few corners at least. \nFew knew it first-hand. \nAn enigma. \nDisappearing into the night, into the fog. \n \nThor of the Mist. \nMystery. \nWhere would he go, for so many moons? What called him? Where could he be found? \nThe sages didn't know. Nobody knew. \nUnless. \n\nUnless he was at the inn. \nAy, if he was near, he was at the inn imbibing with his magic mug. Its said to be bottomless. \nLucky travelers treated to battle tales. \nFables. Myths. \n \nThe headdress of the northern bear casts a shadow over all. It is never spoken of. \nHow far north had he gone? \nThe things he saw. \nDeep in Cuckoo Land and the Psychic Leap. \nHe traversed The Wild. \n\nOver the endless pints he shared, all the stories he told. He studied his passing companions. \nHe still had so much to learn. \nHe fought different battles these days. \nA new frontier.\n\n\n--"} +{"id": "0974b004-05b7-4ca5-9386-7e41814e2721-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:37.313", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXitK7BiB6UGduCyfBxaPuZAwzPpsqwwcjgWrUefmsbdM", "txHash": "0xadfc1869b191a1451d3223c7f1551a4321f1ebd0999925968319f87227554528", "createdAtBlock": 14248818, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8628, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Baird of the Fey", "text": "# Lore of Shadow Mage Baird of the Fey\n\nShadow Mage Baird has been a whiz kid and an alpha nerd his whole life. Making straight As throughout his academic career since kindergarten, graduating from the most prestigious university in the Runiverse with a perfect GPA, then graduating summa cum laude from the best medical school in all the lands, Baird was on track for an impressive career as one of the top physicians in the Forgotten Runes. But the young mage made a decision which would alter the course of his life forever: rather than becoming a medical practitioner, he instead chose the path of the researcher. He went straight from his PhD to a high-paying lab position at Big Potion Megacorp, and that's when things started going downhill.\n\nBaird didn't realize at first that Big Potion was actually an evil corporate behemoth helmed by Forgotten Souls hellbent on world domination...it actually took awhile to figure that out. For the first few years, he had his head buried in the sand, completely dedicated to his work of chemical analysis for new potion formulae. Then he started noticing things in the data...reports of adverse and unusual reactions, but instead of potions being adjusted to reduce these side effects, they seemed to be purposely formulated to amplify them. Thinking there must be some kind of error, he took his findings to his supervisors, but was just told to go back to work and had the office door slammed in his face. Curious by nature, Baird decided to investigate the issue himself, and was rewarded with a surprise late night visit by a hit squad that would've ended in his own death had he not been an accomplished combat mage. He handed in his two weeks notice (more like two seconds notice in his case) the next day and bailed on Big Potion, leaving his cushy job, his fat salary, his unvested stock options, and his luxurious penthouse apartment behind."} +{"id": "0974b004-05b7-4ca5-9386-7e41814e2721-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:37.313", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXitK7BiB6UGduCyfBxaPuZAwzPpsqwwcjgWrUefmsbdM", "txHash": "0xadfc1869b191a1451d3223c7f1551a4321f1ebd0999925968319f87227554528", "createdAtBlock": 14248818, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8628, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Baird of the Fey", "text": "Baird decided to start his own health and mana potion company to compete against Big Potion, but despite his vast industry knowledge and copious research experience, it was a much more difficult endeavor than it first seemed. For one, Big Potion apparently has an ironclad patent on the flask design as applied to potion container solutions, which meant he had to package his potions in vials. Unfortunately, aesthetics mattered quite a bit in this case, Runiverse adventurers had already become accustomed to potions in flasks and a potion in a vial apparently seemed much less impressive to would-be customers. Despite superior curative properties, Shadow Mage Baird's potions haven't exactly been flying off the shelves, and to date, his company is barely eking out enough profit to keep the lights on. However, Baird is a determined mage and a hard worker, and he struggles everyday to keep his nose to the grindstone, hoping one day to end Big Potion Megacorp's stranglehold on the curatives industry, and expose their rotten core to all the world to boot."} +{"id": "e9b1206d-eaf5-43af-9b6c-a409c7de8ca4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:19.114", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSGdrrnLzhK7EYhDwu1JudNTsLAmA9dxbVKYiMCeoSxEC", "txHash": "0x6817db2d0ead5fa73b3671f17282f140a702ebe33e34fff7cbfc000d0b58b77c", "createdAtBlock": 14775539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Soya of the Bastion", "text": "Where are your maxims of philosophy?\n\nTake charge.\n\nLive immediately.\n\nSay something memorable on your own account."} +{"id": "a5f9c757-4402-4f99-a716-3a683406038c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:52.32", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXWasZ9GxFDPuun6T3C1ne9LKRg26NpJ9LyNUvGhYzjH", "txHash": "0x3fdbe58449a4ab8347cebc6f823e1f781cd501a9eb1cc055454cdf4314ca7d64", "createdAtBlock": 15055970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10999, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jarek Champion of Giants", "text": "# The Tale of Jarek Champion of Giants\n\nThere are many who fear the giants and to seek to rid them from the RuniverseSmasher, Dispatcher, Amputator, some of their epithets read. But there are also others, such as Jarek, who became a Champion of Giants, coming to their aid in times of danger.\n\nHe owed it to them.\n\nWhen Jarek was just a baby, his village on the edge of the equatorial jungle was raided by a band of bugbears led by the Chieftain himself. Jarek, the only survivor, was carried away to safety by his companion, Ara the scarlet macaw. Soaring above the treetops, Ara carried Jarek higher and higher as they ascended up the sheer cliff face of an ancient plateau that was nestled within the jungle and overlooked the burning village below.\nWith her last ounce of strength, Ara cleared the edge of the plateau. She gently dropped Jarek on the ground, which was thick with moss and mist. The boy and his bird found themselves before yet another jungle, suspended thousands of feet in the air. Out of energy and without food or water, Ara feared the worst.\nThen the jungle began to shake.\n\nThe trees parted and out walked a giant woman, who moved through the jungle as if it were a field of tall grass. Ara, too exhausted to fly, flapped her wings and screeched menacingly at the giant, who was headed right for them. The giant carefully squatted down and scooped up Jarek and Ara along with some mossy earth as they came to rest within in her palm. She covered them with her other hand as she headed back into the jungle, shielding them from the vines and limbs that whipped and swayed around her massive body as she ventured deeper."} +{"id": "a5f9c757-4402-4f99-a716-3a683406038c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:52.32", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXWasZ9GxFDPuun6T3C1ne9LKRg26NpJ9LyNUvGhYzjH", "txHash": "0x3fdbe58449a4ab8347cebc6f823e1f781cd501a9eb1cc055454cdf4314ca7d64", "createdAtBlock": 15055970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10999, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jarek Champion of Giants", "text": "Traversing several miles in just a matter of minutes, the giant came to a clearing and uncovered Jarek and Ara. Peering over the edges of the giants fingertips, they saw a massive stone staircase that cascaded down into the heart of the plateau. The giant reassuringly rumbled something to them in her foreign tongue before she began descending the stone stairs that were themselves as tall as houses.\n\nJarek and Ara bounced around within the giants cupped palm as she took each step, going lower and lower into the plateau. A bright fire at the bottom of the staircase cast a faint light that filtered up through the darkness. As they drew closer, the light revealed stone carvings on the walls of the stairwell that told stories from ages long forgotten in glyphs and runes never seen by any human. When they reached the base of the stairs, the fire blazed intensely, illuminating a cavernous chamber full of stone dwellings. They were widely spaced and arranged in circles, each with a raging red bonfire at their center. At the back of the chamber rose a colossal inverted pyramid, which stretched up into chambers heights and vanished in pitch black darkness."} +{"id": "a5f9c757-4402-4f99-a716-3a683406038c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:52.32", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXWasZ9GxFDPuun6T3C1ne9LKRg26NpJ9LyNUvGhYzjH", "txHash": "0x3fdbe58449a4ab8347cebc6f823e1f781cd501a9eb1cc055454cdf4314ca7d64", "createdAtBlock": 15055970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10999, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jarek Champion of Giants", "text": "It was in this place that Jarek grew into a man, and along with Ara, became a warrior and Champion of Giants. From the Giant Wizard Razogruk, who dwelt within the inverted pyramid, Jarek was gifted the Rune of Jupiter, which even as a baby allowed him to grow ten times in size. This made it much easier for his adopted mother, Gatuderu, to care for him as a child, until he was old enough to explore the jungle above and, eventually, brave the secret passageways that led into the jungle below. As the forces of the Bugbear Chieftain grew, the Giants of the Jungle Plateau knew that they would not be able to remain in hiding forever. They would need Jareks help if they were to survive the evils of this age, some of which were new and unknown, but others old and unforgotten."} +{"id": "1d9f50cb-6d67-4d18-bbd4-9b3d2d35e48f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:38.999", "backgroundColor": "#3c0968", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfBHLM9mJDC9naFiJtNFs4vAoYUMwqtKLKZZeaqSqMvgt", "txHash": "0xe816ae879b70f3faaf264a2d37ed5ce3a5688e19594b47310f4cc2fb46f3d7d8", "createdAtBlock": 14251438, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2759, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTh1wg7xjKG4uXJ9bYuQU8jJ4YSMdbCUYqqh62b8j9Eaw", "name": "Alchemist Uday of the Dunes", "text": "The Levanter whips across the Dunes...\n\nwith it the faint hint of the fortunes rising in the East...\n\nblue and gold blind the eyes, but alas, purple flashes across the sky...\n\nAlchemist Uday cometh."} +{"id": "0f09163b-7def-4bb7-aea0-b715c51b1133-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-17T22:09:11.093", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYD7NdNXgJyiEeVwDSbMpgdQK7JTfaNBXQNqWFr2X9Rw3", "txHash": "0xd2fcbaf1a301770b6b8736d625c1abee25070e905c07ca5e7886a988341967d2", "createdAtBlock": 15361245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12760, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dando Hacker of the Flame", "text": "Airdrop Lore"} +{"id": "82624712-a34f-44c1-9a7b-dfb5b7588796-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:39.805", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZpLscs42Z3NwRKG7uhxQZW4dMaSqUAG6yjkPNWBaRVoQ", "txHash": "0xf0d386a2d0872ca646a60f2af9aa2cfb6ba54cd33af6c899e5f743acf3e9ab0b", "createdAtBlock": 14252003, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8775, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Moloch of the Keep", "text": "Raised in a humble village of magic-wielding healers, Moloch was taught healing magic from a young age. He knew, however, there was magicka out there that could do more than just heal a wound or clear up a cough. \n\nBut Moloch never dreamed hed leave his home. \n\nOn a normal morning, Moloch went foraging for berries on the outskirts of his village. He heard a shuffling noise in a runeberry bush. It was a crow that got stuck in the thorns! \n\nAfter helping the crow, he discovered a letter tied it's leg. The crow seemed to be turned around, but the letter seemed to be a continuation of a conversation between two mages. \n\n*Weve discovered a rune enchantment that could potentially be used for interstellar travel. Let us know any findings you may have acquired on the rune.*\n\nMoloch was ignited by the idea, but....he couldnt leave! \n\nGo on, crow, Moloch raised his arm the bird rested on above his head. Deliver your very important message. \n\nThe crow did not budge. \"He must have lost too many feathers tangled up in that bush,\" Moloch observed.\n\nMoloch did not know where he was going, but he set off to help the crow find the recipient of this very important message."} +{"id": "0d9c1d3c-f9a0-42c3-bffe-bc795a7ea72c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:40.501", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNrZxzhHu6qD938qeYGp1Ebd8td9HBFteP4oyznXw3yH8", "txHash": "0x67cc200faf5565778c82ce96dbacd78b742ee3f9e4797680607b42d1f3266877", "createdAtBlock": 14252033, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 197, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Incubus the Incredible", "text": "Remarkable pony. Dont mess with Incubus. He may be blind, but he uses his rune of Air to reach his senses beyond the air around him."} +{"id": "1dbb434d-517e-4a21-b7f9-5ea1a471460d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:41.179", "backgroundColor": "#3d4645", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSj2E7Up366D3gbSopi6MAsChaCcCidFMXb48A9USQ2K", "txHash": "0xfd03bf346ddd726e74170b498107216046bed69bd5fc7646f8dd7a5ed29f855b", "createdAtBlock": 14252245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7211, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Dutorn of the Realm", "text": "# Fortune's Favors\n\nFate has been uncharacteristically kind to Dutorn. Any other man would be deranged, dismembered, and dead by now, but Dutorn has thrived despite the realms dangers. When he was attacked by a polar bear on his travels in the North, Dutorn walked away with a new coat. When he was outcast by society, he became a Medium able to speak to spirits in the woods. When he must sleep, a deceptively cute cat watches over him. This is his story. \n\nDutorns parents took every superstitious precaution to gift Dutorn with an easy life. Even his conception was planned, and his mother had to resist birth for a few days to ensure her son was born just after midnight on New Years. None of this mattered or affected Dutorns luck in the slightest; if anything, his high-strung family disadvantaged his prospects. He would often go into the woods to enjoy the peace.\n\nOne day, something inexplicable happened. Dutorn was in the woods, deep in thought, when he heard a terrible cry from a strange beast. Initially cautious, Dutorn heard it once more and realized it was a cry for help. He rushed towards the sound as fast as he could. The commotion grew louder as he got closer until he could see a horse buckling in pain. It was being attacked by a much larger beast, part man, part lion."} +{"id": "1dbb434d-517e-4a21-b7f9-5ea1a471460d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:41.179", "backgroundColor": "#3d4645", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSj2E7Up366D3gbSopi6MAsChaCcCidFMXb48A9USQ2K", "txHash": "0xfd03bf346ddd726e74170b498107216046bed69bd5fc7646f8dd7a5ed29f855b", "createdAtBlock": 14252245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7211, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Dutorn of the Realm", "text": "Dutorn had read about these creatures before, Sphinxes supposedly, though they were certainly not native to this area. They hailed from the deserts, what were they doing in the forest? As Dutorn considered this, the sphinx leapt for its final attack but instead got its rear paw caught in a tree root and tumbled face-first into the ground. Dutorn quickly seized the opportunity and placed a seal on the stunned creature, containing it for later research. Dutorn went to tend to the steed.\n\nThe wounds were deep and needed immediate attention. Dutorn was quite proficient in the regenerative arts, but had never performed on a steed before- or anyone but himself for that matter. This horse also seemed to have an otherworldly feel to it. Regardless, one chance was all he had and the window to take it was closing. Dutorn spent many hours and much aura bringing the horse back to health. This continues to be the greatest thing he has ever done.\n\nDutorn learned the steeds name was Lento and that he was imbued with a special magic; Lento was the arbiter of luck. As thanks, Lento granted Dutorn the same powers he had, the boon of great fortune and the ability to grant it to whomever he wanted. Dutorn gave his gratitude and found himself the luckiest man in the world. \n \nHe did not think long about who he would share his fortune with. No-one. If everyone has good fortune, no-one does. Dutorn decided there must be winners and losers in this world, and he would secure his position as one of the winners. After all, Dutorn had only sealed the sphinx because it was a rare species that was incapacitated. He wasnt trying to be a hero."} +{"id": "1dbb434d-517e-4a21-b7f9-5ea1a471460d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:41.179", "backgroundColor": "#3d4645", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSj2E7Up366D3gbSopi6MAsChaCcCidFMXb48A9USQ2K", "txHash": "0xfd03bf346ddd726e74170b498107216046bed69bd5fc7646f8dd7a5ed29f855b", "createdAtBlock": 14252245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7211, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Dutorn of the Realm", "text": "Ever since, Dutorn has travelled the realm and taken for himself all that hes wanted. He need only want something and the world will bend over backwards to hand it to him. His appetite grows larger everyday, increasingly harder to satisfy. He speaks to the spirits to learn secrets and hidden knowledge, quelling his thirst slightly with ancient magic. He is doomed to yearn for more and is now known to the world as Medium Dutorn of the Realm."} +{"id": "c3e3e5a7-c07d-4f91-b091-aff1acd72eab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:41.877", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbuVkFCC4vsW3CDBaZCCZfjHHghiwj8qCTuu9Q9bAuddx", "txHash": "0x0343c8d52509a4689f9edd276e816409d1409f2d1adec56f20d4eb938c6c29b9", "createdAtBlock": 14252509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7691, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Gallo of the Bastion", "text": "# Lore of Artificer Gallo of the Bastion\n\nHe is known to be one of the most stealth wizard. Everything related to him has either been destroyed or lost.\n\nWizards are still on the quest to learn of him."} +{"id": "16f4cee5-2eea-481d-8c6b-d50b3d627b57-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:43.107", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma83YW7ap37LPx3bjBVFPM4uqTFmFnSaA6VQiDnKr3HwH", "txHash": "0xe82cc686fe0945b8189422b7abffdc57d67960de7e47398e9accb87fda855d95", "createdAtBlock": 14252539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1169, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Brutus of the Riviera", "text": "# How Brutus Met Krysa\n\nBrutus once lived by himself in a cabin by the mighty River Rone. While he did not dislike people, he found life was simpler for a healer if one did not spend too much time in the city. For a healer is always in high demand, and while he found the work rewarding, it was also exhausting. Knowing he could retreat to his cabin helped Brutus get through the long days in town. That isolation ended, however, the day he met Krysa the River Rat.\n\nIt began as a day like many others. As he often did, Brutus woke early before the sunrise to drink his tea and read for an hour before heading out to begin his day. When the sun was just above the horizon, it shone through the window creating playful rainbow shapes on the floor. That rainbow let Brutus know it was time to go catch the days fish and then head to town to carry out his duties as a healer. \nIt was an unusually pleasant warm morning, so Brutus decided to leave his coat, take only his fishing tackle, and make straight for the dock as he had thousands of times before. The River Rone was deep and wide and was rumored to hold some truly frightening beasts in its depths. Brutus never gave those legends much thought, though, as the biggest fish hed ever caught in that river was scarcely bigger than a house cat and that one had fed him for days. He preferred to spend his time casting along the banks where smaller, more foolish fish swam."} +{"id": "16f4cee5-2eea-481d-8c6b-d50b3d627b57-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:43.107", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma83YW7ap37LPx3bjBVFPM4uqTFmFnSaA6VQiDnKr3HwH", "txHash": "0xe82cc686fe0945b8189422b7abffdc57d67960de7e47398e9accb87fda855d95", "createdAtBlock": 14252539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1169, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Brutus of the Riviera", "text": "He decided to try his luck for a bigger fish this morning, though. He laid his staff up against a post, tied on his favorite lure, and cast far out into the channel of the river, working the lure slowly back and forth to imitate the movements of a small fish. He thought he felt a hit, but no luck. Again and again he cast out into the deep water, but returned no quarry. Well, its getting late. Id better cast along the bank for a quick catch, and then hurry to town he thought. Brutus turned and tossed the lure out parallel with the shore, slowly trolling it in while skillfully mimicking the movements of the small minnows that played among the reeds. Splash. A hit! And a big one! Brutus exclaimed to no one in particular. He set the hook and turned the crank on his fishing rod. As the mighty fish struggled against him, Brutus saw the tail of what could only have been a gargantuan spearfish a terrifying ancient toothed fish that was not particularly good for eating but could certainly ruin a fishermans day. This monster must have been the size of a horse, and it would certainly take all Brutus skill and a good bit of luck to land the behemoth."} +{"id": "16f4cee5-2eea-481d-8c6b-d50b3d627b57-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:43.107", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma83YW7ap37LPx3bjBVFPM4uqTFmFnSaA6VQiDnKr3HwH", "txHash": "0xe82cc686fe0945b8189422b7abffdc57d67960de7e47398e9accb87fda855d95", "createdAtBlock": 14252539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1169, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Brutus of the Riviera", "text": "He struggled against the fish but it was clear he was losing the battle. The rod and the crank strained against the fishs powerful tail as it pulled the line further and further, striving for the depths of the Rone. In all the excitement, Brutus did not notice that the rod had lodged in his belt, and the fish gave a mighty tug, pulling Brutus off the dock and into the water. Brutus was no fool and knew that he could not win now that he was in the river. He let go of the rod. And to his dismay, he found himself being dragged down by the rod lodged in his belt. This is it, then Brutus thought. I shall drown in the river and no one will know what happened. He felt oddly calm. And wished only he were back by his fire reading with the playful rainbow prisms dancing on the floor from the morning sun."} +{"id": "16f4cee5-2eea-481d-8c6b-d50b3d627b57-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:43.107", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma83YW7ap37LPx3bjBVFPM4uqTFmFnSaA6VQiDnKr3HwH", "txHash": "0xe82cc686fe0945b8189422b7abffdc57d67960de7e47398e9accb87fda855d95", "createdAtBlock": 14252539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1169, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Brutus of the Riviera", "text": "Suddenly he felt a small creature at his side. He looked down through the clear water and could barely make out a small blue river rat gnawing at the belt that now held him under the cold water. The rats sharp teeth made quick work of the belt, and Brutus found himself free! He swam to the surface, the seconds had felt like hours but he found his breath returned quickly. He swam for shore with his new companion in tow. He sprawled out on the shore panting. Thank you my blue friend he said to the rat. The rat nodded and chirped, acknowledging Brutus thanks. I owe you my life. Would you come back to my cabin and I can thank you with a hardy seed cake? Again the rat nodded and chirped. Brutus grabbed his staff from the dock and they made their way back to his cabin.\nOnce home, Brutus stoked the fire and gave his new friend a towel. Wait here and warm up by the fire while I change and fetch us some seed cakes. Ill be back in a moment he said. He half expected the rat to be gone when he returned but indeed the creature was still there. I shall have to give you a name, my little friend, you seem like an excellent and stalwart companion! I have never taken a familiar, would you work with me? The rat again squeaked in excited agreement. He set the cake down in front of the rat and said I think Krysa is a good name for you, dont you? And the rat agreed. In truth it was a lazy name, for Krysa was simply rat in his grandmonthers tongue. But it had a nice ring to it, and Krysa seemed to appreciate her new name. The two sat by the fire enjoying its warmth as they ate their seed cakes."} +{"id": "16f4cee5-2eea-481d-8c6b-d50b3d627b57-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:43.107", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma83YW7ap37LPx3bjBVFPM4uqTFmFnSaA6VQiDnKr3HwH", "txHash": "0xe82cc686fe0945b8189422b7abffdc57d67960de7e47398e9accb87fda855d95", "createdAtBlock": 14252539, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1169, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Brutus of the Riviera", "text": "Would you care to accompany me into town this afternoon? It would seem I need to buy a new fishing rod, Brutus chuckled as he said it. Krysa chirped her approval. Good, Brutus said smiling Im glad I have made a new friend."} +{"id": "ca38df46-9080-4aa9-8042-cd243477f9ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:43.781", "backgroundColor": "#083f87", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTs6qTHSZAvxm2RhSDJHcP2LDAyA6asd7BiD7Lop1XHJq", "txHash": "0x73c60ff7f22b0130dbdb3db01820c9a42f021ea1fa7e49bd65ae45959ad37ef2", "createdAtBlock": 14254170, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Bayard of the Surf", "text": "The midday sun bears down mercilessly upon the beach. A lone wizened figure treads gingerly through the shifting sands. \n\nThe sands of the shore and the sands of time \n\nThough enervated, he knows he must press on. As he seeks out shelter, the fleeting images of the past again cross in the mid-distance like passing galleons.\n\nOld friends and rivals. Loyal crewmen under his command. The grand ports that dot the cerulean seas of the Runiverse. Vittles, ales and dance during times of peace. Cannons, sabres and death during those of war.\n\nHe struggles: he can barely conjure his son's visage now. The one lost to the pagans who worship their Sacred Flame. He is out there somewhere, cursed to eternally wander the lands as @soul3563.\n\nFrom behind a dune the band of rogues descends upon him. No doubt, to them, the old man is easy plunder. They reckon his tattered rags hold little in the way of loot, but at worst he will sate their half-bored thirst for some bloodshed.\n\nThe swashbuckler halts and turns to size up his foes. He does not stand a chance in a contest of steel. They are close now. With his staff held aloft, he begins the ancestral chant. 'Tis not true that this Rune is completely forgotten.\n\nThey freeze in their tracks mouths agape as the tide recedes with incredible speed. There is no time to flee as the first wave crashes upon them. They suffer what is every seafarer's nightmare; the relentless torrent of saline brine is all they taste and hear as their flames are extinguished in the unknown depths."} +{"id": "5025a1fe-f514-49ad-ae8a-1d400bd7479a-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-18T04:10:07.71", "backgroundColor": "#100b3a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSp4uKcowquJuLm9KeoAQCNx6pKbinnNKuSRtoBHU49jA", "txHash": "0xc98fc713c9117484bd6be19ca2dd3b381f23d36cc808cf097b71bb090a55aeb0", "createdAtBlock": 15362846, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12564, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWCXJ48nwRJDDN5qUj3rLFiS796PtMwCUupsjJKQqvWsu", "name": "John Lopper of Unicorns", "text": "# John Lopper of Unicorns\n\n\n\nThere are many tales of how John, Lopper of Unicorns carried out his craft. The Lopper's main room is filled with the horns of Unicorns slayed over the years.\n\nOnyx Panther at side and Cyber Axe at hand, one would think a Unicorn would not stand a chance. However it is quite the opposite, Unicorn's are smart and savvy creatures. And John has had his fair share of brutal show downs.\n\nStories of Unicorns slayed, stories of Unicorns escaped. John's Lore starts here."} +{"id": "2887021f-2f8f-4668-848f-4083806a64a0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:13.733", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdR63xRirfSRUsJXuXipcb4bCUfudGNDeXfSp7RdoxUkT", "txHash": "0x63b234947586183cf6fadc9f67e8ce19f36582f92f0fc84c578a030a5537ba88", "createdAtBlock": 14625011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3026, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Solar Mage Akron of the Desert", "text": "I heard from my friend that writing attracts some warriors these days."} +{"id": "5d3b1b86-d5bc-481f-a15f-fe7e6779cf11-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:05.054", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWh9GbkUAArdFdMLLU45PRNgToEnT5zswNfCxkRdKLL21", "txHash": "0x456de3396dcbd91329725d3830412bb3fa65403321c32b735a1d2e662a734163", "createdAtBlock": 14281860, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9986, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Angus of the Gnostics", "text": "Summoned as one of the last wizards, his destiny was to become one of the greatest battle mages out there. Always on the lookout for those in need. In quiet times he can also be found in the tavern, talking about his adventures and upcoming quests."} +{"id": "a2db83c3-6b2d-4ab4-af1a-8c1c0aa5b4db-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:44.599", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWHsvofRZ2anEpuohxH8s4iruGZN8Paxjg75ZX4Wj2NWn", "txHash": "0x6dd12e56e359f1284a4fe01f2f9e17b4baa514f49a442f92dd14c01f2f6c534d", "createdAtBlock": 14254080, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Crow Master Claire Sliver", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nLittle Claire was not well loved. Left at the gates of the village as a baby, she never cried, unnerving residents who, but for the barest shred of pity, would have kept them closed.\n\nAt 5 she arranged bones from the fish-market floor into trinkets, gifts for villagers that recoiled in disgust. Misfortune turned distaste to fear, and she was blamed when crops failed, when plague arrived. The whispers of her parentage--and her strange, piercing eyes--soon turned to angry shouting, and at 9 she was exiled to the wild woods to die.\n\nBut little Claire didn't die. She found a home in a cliff-side sea cave, and all her needs were met there. When she was cold, she simply asked the wind to change direction--and it did. When she was hungry, she asked the fish to swim ashore--and they did. And when, one day, the loneliness overtook her, and she thought to throw herself into the churning sea, she asked the crows to speak--and they whispered all the secrets of the earth into her ears. \n\nThey were her family, now.\n\nOn her 16th birthday, she called to the crows, and for the first time, they did not answer. She followed the scent of fire to the very gates she was driven from all those years before. There was a celebration. A feast. Servants of evil had been captured, conquered--and roasted. \n\nShe asked the sea to come. And it did."} +{"id": "ef6317f1-266f-41ef-a95a-5d03da126c71-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:45.481", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcdzSKfCW6fJouSPdMYoraEhTshQbVWTJkKQpoBcmBajA", "txHash": "0xcfdaec1ec9c4f8ac7c1ae0d19d9e7a3e579003f6fb643d33d78320cead167dc0", "createdAtBlock": 14255300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9054, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Xiuying of the Astral Plane", "text": "# Lore of Hedge Wizard Xiuying of the Astral Plane\n\nHedge Wizard Xiuying hails from a distant, exotic land on the other side of the Brine, a kingdom of silk, jade, and gunpowder. But the most valuable export of her country was a substance called dragonweave, a type of enchanted thread derived from a rare plant that did not grow anywhere else in the world. Clothes fashioned from dragonweave have a few particularly desirable properties. Though light and thin as silk, they provide insulation against the elements equal to a heavy parka, defense against blunt and bladed weaponry equal to a suit of plate mail, and imbues the wearer with just the slightest trace of glamor magic that makes them appear exactly 5% more good-looking than their natural state (citations available from studies conducted by top market research firms). As one might imagine, dragonweave thread is highly coveted by the noble class across the lands. It's sought out by those on the bleeding edge of high fashion, to thwart assassination attempts at black-tie events where donning armor would be considered dreadfully tactless, and by those who just want to flaunt their wealth by decking out from head-to-toe in material exceeding 1,000 gold sovereigns per skein."} +{"id": "ef6317f1-266f-41ef-a95a-5d03da126c71-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:45.481", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcdzSKfCW6fJouSPdMYoraEhTshQbVWTJkKQpoBcmBajA", "txHash": "0xcfdaec1ec9c4f8ac7c1ae0d19d9e7a3e579003f6fb643d33d78320cead167dc0", "createdAtBlock": 14255300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9054, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Xiuying of the Astral Plane", "text": "Xiuying's ancestors co-founded one of the largest clothing retailers to produce dragonweave apparel, and she was sent to the Forgotten Runes mainland to act as a liaison and overseer for her family's business interests in the region. Quick-witted, elegant, and culturally sophisticated, with razor sharp magical talent to boot, she was good at her job, and enjoyed her life amongst the foreigners, or \"lao wai.\" Sure, she felt homesick sometimes, but there were always new adventures to be found in the Runes to keep herself occupied. Her work was more than enough to provide a daily dose of excitement, having to troubleshoot problems such as rooting out agents of corporate espionage (how to tailor a material that's impervious to blades is a closely guarded family secret) and placating angry customers filing a complaint because their spouse/friend/business partner was wearing dragonweave and somehow still got assassinated (\"sorry ma'am, donning a dragonweave speedo would not protect him against a dagger to the gut\").\n\nBut then disaster struck. The heavenly emperor was overthrown by a usurper without warning one night, and the new ruler inexplicably decided to pursue an isolationist policy, shuttering her homeland's borders to outsiders...indefinitely. Nationals were given one week to return, but due to a series of unfortunate mishaps, Xiuying missed her ship and found herself stranded on the mainland. That was months ago, and after the requisite mourning period where she lamented her fate, cursed the gods, and ate mint chocolate chip ice cream for basically every meal, Xiuying finally changed out of her pajamas, put on her makeup, threw away all the frozen dairy desserts, and stepped out to face the world again. She still longed to return to the empire one day, but for now, she will make the most out of a bad situation and forge a life for herself in her new home."} +{"id": "fc075546-66f3-450d-9eaa-0fcea91721d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:46.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma8fsk1tDf39apMkhWawBVhnZyj4Zm9djW8MPcxS187sW", "txHash": "0xbd30c37e3bd9f2037e744464246987acf2c93e0cb2e9304f722dbb5c5067263d", "createdAtBlock": 14256084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Otto of the Dunes", "text": "Otto has a rather peculiar history. He grew up in a small village in the deserts of Graka. An only child whom at first seemed pretty normal. But once Otto turned 13 he started noticing strange things happening around him. The first was on his birthday an owl appeared outside his house to greet him as he left to do his chores. He didnt think anything of it until the owl started following him around hour by hour until he went home for dinner. The next morning when he got up the owl was there once again. After about a week of this he started expecting the owl to be waiting each morning for him. He began to feel a strange connection with the owl. One he could not fully explain.\nAs the days passed he started noticing other strange occurrences. He started to hear a voice. At first it was faint but grew a bit louder as the weeks went on. One night there was a large storm with thunder, lighting, wind, and rain. The voice in his head grew louder and was becoming unbearable. It got to the point he could no longer handle it and he went off in a fit of rage. He woke up the next morning to a part of his village being destroyed by what looked like lighting. He had blacked out and could not remember a thing. His parents, with fear on their faces, sat Otto down. They told him that in his fit of rage power arcs and lighting started emanating from his body. He was uncontrollable and destroyed part of his village. They told him he had been found out on the dunes as a baby many years ago along with 3 books and a note stating to protect you at all costs and not tell you your history until your 13th birthday. They explained he was the last of his kind, the last of his bloodline."} +{"id": "fc075546-66f3-450d-9eaa-0fcea91721d3-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:46.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma8fsk1tDf39apMkhWawBVhnZyj4Zm9djW8MPcxS187sW", "txHash": "0xbd30c37e3bd9f2037e744464246987acf2c93e0cb2e9304f722dbb5c5067263d", "createdAtBlock": 14256084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Otto of the Dunes", "text": "They handed him the first book. It was one on the history of his family. It explained that his father Targan was a great mage that won many battles against the evil that lurked in the world. He was renowned for his magic spells and abilities. In the book he explained how a very powerful demon had been secretly building a dark army. Before anyone knew about his plan he sent his brutish army to pillage and destroy all that they could. His birth mother being killed in the great battle left Ottos father Targan no choice but to cast a powerful teleportation spell that sent young Otto to a land far enough away the demon army would take a life time to reach.\n\nThe second book explained that Apix the Owl was also sent with the boy as his protector. But this was no ordinary owl. Targan bound Otto with the owl. With enough training not only can Otto speak and understand Apix but he can also see what he sees. The book taught him how to train the owl, strengthen their bond and use the owl to increase his magic powers."} +{"id": "fc075546-66f3-450d-9eaa-0fcea91721d3-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:46.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma8fsk1tDf39apMkhWawBVhnZyj4Zm9djW8MPcxS187sW", "txHash": "0xbd30c37e3bd9f2037e744464246987acf2c93e0cb2e9304f722dbb5c5067263d", "createdAtBlock": 14256084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Otto of the Dunes", "text": "The Third book was the biggest and came with an item wrapped in cloth. Uncovering it he discovered a golden bell. When examining the bell he noticed there was something holding the clapper secure so that it would not ring. Reading through the text he discovered this bell was one of his Father's greatest tools. By ringing the bell he could slow time for everyone else but him. It stated how dangerous this could be in the wrong hands and outlined rules one must abide when using the bell. This book was his families generational work on magic spells and incantations. It showed him how to harness energy all around him and use that to his advantage. Since this discovery of his past Otto has devoted his life to mastering the lessons and instructions of each of the 3 books while improving and improvising his own special kind of magic. Each day growing stronger, more powerful and more angry in hopes of one day hunting down and destroying the demon that wiped out his bloodline."} +{"id": "03f8b259-e696-4aa6-ac9d-11b7006adba7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:46.997", "backgroundColor": "#0a0c21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcmb6iNv2wbBg4EMzW2CmJXfEYPS5wwqape4x47doZ8MV", "txHash": "0x11780ed59cac5d3371bfaa59e65b99e3bfcc7d7230a3ecd6221f90df025e10e8", "createdAtBlock": 14256092, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4164, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Amir of the Forest", "text": "# In the Dark of The Thorn\n\nOn only the brightest dawns of summer mornings, the suns rays are able to pierce through the small cracks in the labyrinthine weave of the tree canopy of The Thorn and down to the far reaches of the forest. They pierce deep, deep into the dark forest with almost a sentient air of intent, or as some say, with an unusual weight that allows them to do so.\n\nOn a summer morning like this, you can see signs of a path leading deeper into the forest through an unremarkable patch of thorny saplings stemming off the main road that leads to the Vampire Mists. What looks on first glance to be a game trail, tells a different story to those who know what to look for."} +{"id": "03f8b259-e696-4aa6-ac9d-11b7006adba7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:46.997", "backgroundColor": "#0a0c21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcmb6iNv2wbBg4EMzW2CmJXfEYPS5wwqape4x47doZ8MV", "txHash": "0x11780ed59cac5d3371bfaa59e65b99e3bfcc7d7230a3ecd6221f90df025e10e8", "createdAtBlock": 14256092, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4164, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Amir of the Forest", "text": "Small shrubs and saplings line the path of an unbelievably dense dirt floor. The dirt here has an almost stonelike quality about it. While the path looks wide enough for only a single person to walk, it appears to have stood the test of time in the wake of traveling caravans or a parade of elephants or something else that was far far too heavy to be living in The Thorn. No dirt this compact could have become so overnight, nor in a week or a month under even the weight of something like high traffic on a trade road.\n \n The plants up to about a meter tall surrounding the path look to be more or less untouched. Past that point, on the left side of the path, small twigs appear to be snapped off or hang bent, while on the right, a completely different story. A space about the size of a large round watermelon has been carved out of the entire right section abreast of whatever or whoever was walking down the path. The thick branch stubs not singed in the aftermath of a fireball, nor cut by an axe or other sharp edge, but instead looking well worn, dull and rounded, like the bottom of a walking stick or wizard staff that is past its due.\n\nThe path continues deep into The Thorn with thick sticks lodged vertically into the ground every 50 meters or so to mark the pathway, as if its timeworn characteristic wasnt noticeable enough to follow. \n\nAfter 10 minutes or so of walking, one comes upon some black stone steps leading up to the door of a black stone tower. On a normal day the tower blends in unassumingly with the darkness of The Thorn, and people often first notice its steps before looking up to see the towers imposing presence looming tall amongst the trees. It stands 4 stories tall so the top just peaks out over the tree canopy above."} +{"id": "03f8b259-e696-4aa6-ac9d-11b7006adba7-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:46.997", "backgroundColor": "#0a0c21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcmb6iNv2wbBg4EMzW2CmJXfEYPS5wwqape4x47doZ8MV", "txHash": "0x11780ed59cac5d3371bfaa59e65b99e3bfcc7d7230a3ecd6221f90df025e10e8", "createdAtBlock": 14256092, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4164, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Amir of the Forest", "text": "On a summer morning like this, the varying sizes and types of minerals and stones making up the tower can be made out from one another. Some pale and cracked, and others with an unusual depth and gravity that looks as though it bleeds from the stone itself. Bleeding as if its form is collapsing underneath its own weight. As if it was too heavy to be put there by anyone in the first place. \n\nOn a summer morning like this, a raucous cacophony can be heard from inside the tower. The clashing sound of Iron on Iron, the smashing sound of Iron on stone, and the crashing of something far far too heavy to be in The Thorn."} +{"id": "9091befa-ad37-475d-9337-e91c43ac182f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:47.699", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaYggT1aHX2RxchEpowVWmjeGpsHYHjTvzgSwFNU32E2z", "txHash": "0x35caecd8a693cb31204e8010ac9f7038308366acebf90f52c50182852606d946", "createdAtBlock": 14257763, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8850, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Dutorn of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Behold Pyromancer Dutorn of the Quantum Downs, a traveling architect of mischief.\n\nThough his origins are unknown, legend has it that \"Pyro\" was raised by a family of traveling entertainers from The Carnival Pass before being abandoned at the age of 13. \n He was found next to a fire by Red Mamba, his soon to be best friend and side kick, who took him in and guided him through his formative years.\n\nTo earn his keep, Pyro travels from region to region presenting a spectacle of a fire show to wizards across the Runiverse. Though he is an inspiring and kind wizard, do not mistake his kindness for weakness... or you might get burned."} +{"id": "08a0a74f-3cc0-4185-9796-01d9ca806e8d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:56.225", "backgroundColor": "#260f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTdVEPvzKexDP5c8TzZrbH9U2npX9ttJ1NUfAFTLD2Wja", "txHash": "0xd8546964e58da7a2d7604f194f0f7e00470a085bf5d9344f9cb4420b6ccc429d", "createdAtBlock": 15063107, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4470, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdSgbnfXdQCc4e2NtVP25AkPxGKPkt7HaRGRFCqebmAby", "name": "Holt Wounder of Machines", "text": "It is often enough to simply wound a machine to bring things to Holt."} +{"id": "19de1850-dcc7-4db7-a99c-5980f86a5a5d-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-18T10:54:49.777", "backgroundColor": "#54007b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSvbzyXdoCdEyzyHv72WNPCdGeW7FKoXiLmWbPvpN7fZ", "txHash": "0x48964358a4fbb38ddb6a3019eb072cb47e2623b07114361ed0b7f43f742d5743", "createdAtBlock": 15364598, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5004, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPdxUt4ELnjmkveyXPpgKhLed3RaSFgAjLMrLpTkYPE3P", "name": "Vince Fencer of the Jungle", "text": "# Vince Fencer of the Jungle"} +{"id": "1dbbfbd1-091e-4ce3-8db8-0968aa761dea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:48.483", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYxsNcsoFGRm2jyA1uk7X7kxsvq24Zw42HZhD8zwVyqeo", "txHash": "0xbdc93a6bdb05f007b3aa3152f16858f374fe4755fe8b0cfd5df732ca70231bec", "createdAtBlock": 14258014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9149, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Jadis of the Forest", "text": "# Alchemist Jadis of the Forest and Pasquin the Spirit Rat\n\n\n\nThe legendary Supreme Wizard Orin of the Dark Forest fell deeply in love with at first sight with Saline: Enchantress of Troy. For hundreds of years, the two kept their forbidden love hidden. \n\nOn a rainy day, after the second moon of the Red Autumn, Saline discovered she was with child. She immediately sought to meet Orion secretly in the shadows of the Dark Forest. For the safety of the child, Saline bid farewell to Orion and both swore to never love again. \n\nSaline sailed across the Oceans of Candor to a distant island where she raised Jadis alone. Jadis had extraordinary powers unlike had ever been seen. She was trained in Alchemy until she reached her 15th year of age when she was sent on a boat to become the woman she was destined to be. Her only friend, Pasquin the Spirit Rat, who swore to protect, inform and defend Jadis at all costs."} +{"id": "b6be0d86-deb5-4218-8e1c-a99d7e9287dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:49.143", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVd86LGkCi5y8Lqb6gypgRaz6PBUFG3NMwauMvWEPPmDn", "txHash": "0xc6bf3499fd405e7cf7396f3fb15a3649ae04e1a216ebec27e8b00a2b0e8bef1c", "createdAtBlock": 14258161, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8333, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Ivy of the Moors", "text": "One Life Live It :)"} +{"id": "92e89d34-bdb2-42af-a30d-de13d10af08d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:38.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdzemx5F52eHsuq4jtTU1ipjpH3GX11LQnc8AxHSTDsKK", "txHash": "0x65eed3da3652688f68f69529d3f872ef0b24439ea93ad4c498b57ff28fccf31f", "createdAtBlock": 14249611, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Light Mage Vatar of the Ice", "text": "# Light Mage Vatar of the Ice\n\n## Prologue\n\n> _Out in the far and frozen reaches of the Tundra, well beyond where any wizard hale of mind would ever venture - lest they would be divested of all their exteremities and likely their sanity - there is said to lay a land made entirely of Ice._\n> \n>_An entire city, in fact, is rumored to lay nestled there in the permanently frozen landscape - its crystalline domes and spires reflecting and refracting the light into scintillating rainbows, cold as the Void yet bright enough to blind. And what's more, if that were not enough hyperbole, due to a geographic phenomenon unknown to me, the sun is said never to set - bathing the permanent ice in brilliant permanence._\n> \n> _I am not unwilling to admit that such fantsatical readings, despite their incredulous nature, move me to fantasy - to wonder and reflect. Should one make it thus far, and bein posession of the right tools or appropriate aptitudes, just what sorcery would be possible? What accomplishments may be within grasp for anyone able to undertake this seemingly impossible task of harnessing such endless light, this limitless source of refracted power?_\n> \n> \n\n\nThe outermost layer on the seemingly flat and crystalline landscape was deceptively thin, in some pleces thin as hair, in others thicer than a hand. The trick he had learned, the way to avoid plunging down to unknown icy depths of darkness, was knowing precisely were to put your foot next. The damned process was painstaking, the difference between a not-so-swift death and a solid step indistiguishable until you applied your full weight."} +{"id": "92e89d34-bdb2-42af-a30d-de13d10af08d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:38.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdzemx5F52eHsuq4jtTU1ipjpH3GX11LQnc8AxHSTDsKK", "txHash": "0x65eed3da3652688f68f69529d3f872ef0b24439ea93ad4c498b57ff28fccf31f", "createdAtBlock": 14249611, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Light Mage Vatar of the Ice", "text": "Thank the light Vatar was not beyond such things as having his familiar burrow deep below in search of the firmer ground, and Flop was certainly capable. The chalk white rabbit would be near indistinguishable to the snow, save for a pair of inquisitive eyes and a moist snout. On occasion he had crawled forward on his belly, inch by inch as if he were some ancient stranded sea-beast clawing for purchase. of course, to get his bearings instantly he could always open his eye, though the situation was nowhere to near dire enough to brave such perils. Out here in this flux such an act would be unpredictable at best, at worst burning him to a cinder in a heartbeat - a mile wide crater his final mark on the Runiverse.\n\nIdly flipping a card out from his sleeve he ran his thumb along the edge, ace of spades thank the Runes, only to have it disappear just as swiftly. Standing completely still, he focused on his breathing while taking measure of the ambient hues he could sense dancing accross the barren landscape. _Yes... this will do,_ he mused as his fingers started an intricate dance at his sides - Flop's ears perking up as he too froze. Allowing himself to grasp for just a trickle of his magic, he carefully opened himself up to his aligment with Brimstone, the smell of sulphur suddenly all around him - warming the air.\n\nPreparing himself to unleash the spell he had prepared, practiced and honed for months intended for this precise time and place, he suddenly felt a tremor below followed by a sharp _crack!_.\n\n\"_Oh dear_,\" he managed before the ice gave way beneath him, opening up like the maw of a giant fiend, swallowing familiar and wizard both."} +{"id": "92e89d34-bdb2-42af-a30d-de13d10af08d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:38.12", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdzemx5F52eHsuq4jtTU1ipjpH3GX11LQnc8AxHSTDsKK", "txHash": "0x65eed3da3652688f68f69529d3f872ef0b24439ea93ad4c498b57ff28fccf31f", "createdAtBlock": 14249611, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Light Mage Vatar of the Ice", "text": "Sliding, tumbling and then falling, Vatar desperately reached for purchase only to slam face first into unrelenting ice, flipping onto his back and sliding off - and falling once again. Eye still closed, throwing caution to the wind he threw everything he had into manifesting a sphere of fire around him and Flop, immediately giving him some peace from the constant bombardment of shards of ice. Shoving his familiar into the soft protection of his coat was all he managed before he once again collided with ice, this time halting their wild and uncontrolled descent. \n\n_Ouch,_ he thought groggily, feeling his consciousness slip, _...that hurt._"} +{"id": "ac99d486-cfe4-4912-a159-da811b649009-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:49.118", "backgroundColor": "#7c559b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdc7Z28kBws5dX9nb3y1vDqLjqbyGQipY9aJabXPFrgxD", "txHash": "0x094fc69ef338fe6189d3c8ea4a2cbcd3a5028eee007316f289faab4e24138645", "createdAtBlock": 14256494, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 330, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Rita of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Rita of the Plains\n\nThose who underestimate Hedge Wizard Rita of the Plains do so at their peril. When she casts her gaze upon you, it is best not to stare in her eyes too long lest you lose yourself in the depths of her soul, which are as vast as the plains upon which she roams. Rita will only reflect back what you sense in yourself. Be warned...it will be one thousand times magnified. It may shock you to your core or expand your consciousness to the infinite. Only those seeking the truth will live to tell their tale; the others will be frozen across all dimensions in time.\n\nWhat resides in her hip pouch? Is it just a pouch or is it a portal? Many cast a suspicious eye, yet many more will never know how Rita manages to cure all of those who seek her help.\n\nAtir, her shapeshifting foxy sister, is a great judge of character and magically presents forest flowers, herbs and other medicines when Rita needs them.\n\nTulip, the Rose, is ten thousand years old and whispers ancient riddles of which only Rita can understand.\n\nRita is here to help guide and heal you...if you let her, but there is always a cost."} +{"id": "64ad05f5-8f39-4133-9183-92d280be8adc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:51.506", "backgroundColor": "#2d7cc6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmavEKRFQnGry5xVaSZt7apenFKDfTK7Jqvknh7JuFaPKY", "txHash": "0x6be3b5269a202488a6ef615134189b7909d8d70a1c693a9e8107f67346b9fe4a", "createdAtBlock": 14259324, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4369, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daria of the Circle", "text": "# Enchanter Daria of the Circle\n\nDaria is the only child of the Eastern Kingdom. Born with a Noble Title, Daria was loved and admired by all citizens of the Eastern Kingdom.\n\n*At the age of 5, She had memorized all the types of potions written on all books in the Royal Library.*\n\nNot only that, all potions that are crafted by Daria is enchanted by the Witchcraft she learn from her teacher at the Kingdom.\n\n*At the age of 12, Her teacher was caught studying a Dark Magic Spell that are taboo in the Kingdom and was imprison.*\n\nAfter a couple years Daria finally decided to give up her peerage and leave the kingdom to pursue further Witchcraft at the Hedge Wizard Wood. When Daria first arrived at the entrance of the woods, Daria found a dying hummingbird and helped cure its wound.\nAfter being healed by Daria, this hummingbird decide to go on an adventure with Daria into the Deep Wood of the Hedge Wizard.\n\n**Who know how Daria is doing right now. She could be one of the best or not famous wizard out there or she finally realized the harsh truth of this cruel world.**\n\n*But if you met Daria in your journey to the Hedge Wizard Wood. Don't forget to say Hello!*"} +{"id": "b9fe19e6-26e6-4b9b-98a6-bd366c9141d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-18T18:26:47.122", "backgroundColor": "#251e1c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQjB2ErZmXcEGna8gSkVFEoCXnnPxYN54ivphW2E1ZPYi", "txHash": "0x64a3cc4d329cbca02fb1fd7b9e56ec4d9ffa782ddd9ad45bbb59e0cf5a155122", "createdAtBlock": 15366545, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4392, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRUqFuEcxvLjuDbz13y6Ayt7mRHcef6qLHa5Lrwo7EUbG", "name": "Druid Rainman ", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Druid Rainman\n\n\n\n> *Portrait by Luca Celano. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022*"} +{"id": "f0758924-e2c3-4092-9c1c-c025a4fe2cc2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:52.208", "backgroundColor": "#e2d3af", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1LRbC1iVyL3mSYGo9u6NQCeTLUVa6oYrv7MYoRR4zAa", "txHash": "0x6a95c872525f7a26ba75f4777c94325d6888b13f9b01bb4f76cd79c3eadd9bae", "createdAtBlock": 14259475, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6464, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Hadrien of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "###### Note from author: This is a fun little story that I am writing in parts, I cannot complete it all at once as I do not have much time. I hope you all enjoy, I have never done anything like this and have had a lot of fun creating this.\n\n# PROLOGUE\n\nAs the sun sets, our hero rests on the ground. In immense pain, he looks up to the sky and asks himself.\n\nIs this it the end of my time?\n\nA question that he has asked himself many times, but this time he fears might be true. \nHow did our hero end up in such a state?\nWell, for that answer, we have to start from the beginning. \n\nOur story starts many moons ago, during a time of conflict and uncertainty. War plagued the lands, leaving most of it to ashes and rubble. What was this war about? No one really knows, all they know is it nearly destroyed the world.\n\n# CHAPTER 1: A MOTHER AND HER CHILD\n\nIn a small village of farmers, a mother and her child are caught in the midst of battle. Not knowing what to do, they run into nearby woods to try and escape. They run for five hundred steps, then come to a sudden stop. In front of them lies a regiment of soldiers. \n\nStartled, the mother tells the child one word:\n\n> Run!"} +{"id": "f0758924-e2c3-4092-9c1c-c025a4fe2cc2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:52.208", "backgroundColor": "#e2d3af", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1LRbC1iVyL3mSYGo9u6NQCeTLUVa6oYrv7MYoRR4zAa", "txHash": "0x6a95c872525f7a26ba75f4777c94325d6888b13f9b01bb4f76cd79c3eadd9bae", "createdAtBlock": 14259475, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6464, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Hadrien of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Startled, the mother tells the child one word:\n\n> Run!\n\nThe boy takes off, not looking back in fear of who might be behind him. After many steps, in exhaustion, he stops and hides to see if anyone is following him. To his surprise, there was no one, not even his mother. Worried she might have been captured, he goes back to the soldiers, quietly to not make himself known. As he approaches, he notices dead soldiers on the ground. Then he sees his mother, her gown drenched with blood, she was tied up in the arms of soldiers. He can hear them speaking faintly, but does not try to get closer in fear of being captured himself. \n\nConfused, the boy keeps watching, not knowing what to do. He notices that his mother is talking to a single person. The armor on this man is different from the rest, it has fur and a gold crest. With this information, the boy comes to the conclusion that he is the commander of the regiment.\n\nSuddenly, the trees start to shake as he hears his mother start singing a song. Then he hears the commander yells out:\n\n> CUT HER HEAD!\n\nThen the trees stop shaking..\n\nHe sees his mothers head on the ground, and starts crying. The soldiers start to hear a strange noise. The commander says:\n\n> She had a child, that is probably him, find him and bring him to me!\n\nThen the boy takes off running, never looking back, from this day on he was all alone. A boy turned man in a mere instant..."} +{"id": "b8080a27-4cd8-4e19-bc00-1d3cc6ebe06b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:53.061", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtBbNcSvVJzQWtX2onQZ7nZJhHhWbM12WQTos1nGf2iG", "txHash": "0x1e03b936fd49b81357e61c0ac1615b4a6f5ac2b32c5109cbf1ad477da4beedca", "createdAtBlock": 14259801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8925, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVE1a3hn4iVGknzZgJpW7tskvRdzwJZCD6Gs2NNa4B8m1", "name": "Evoker Amir of the Glacier", "text": "~ self portrait ~"} +{"id": "6f1f6d08-9c18-4875-a630-6b7a5b05e212-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:54.44", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfTzyfoBKTMthZDhmKg8X394beMx7hqzWzMB8zFVfaV5", "txHash": "0xe97e2302c47c06b800691d8297ce0d301562783bd36bc8409915ec232cd04132", "createdAtBlock": 14262387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 452, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oread the Mirthful", "text": "# Bedtime tale\n\n\nAs the sun started to set, the men and women working on a wheat field hurried their children inside the homes, the village they lived in was right at the side of the Hedge Wizard Wood. In one specific housing, a traditional tale for good nights sleep was being told by one old woman for all the girls and boys.\n\nHello, grandma, what tale will you tell the children today? says one of the men who returned with his child from work outside.\n\nAh, it is a legend of old, from times long passed. About a magical horse.\nMagical horse! the kids proclaim in awe.\n\nWell then, grandma continues, sit here with me around the fire everyone. Very well. This tale starts in this very village. One of the residents used to work in the nearby forest every day. For as long as I can remember, he left with the sunrise and returned just before the sunset.\n\nOne day, he encountered some poachers, as it is a very populated forest. There were always rabbits, deer or wild boars running around, the forest is their home. Of course our friend wouldnt let them just hunt the animals. He followed them around, disarming all traps they set up. What he didnt know was that they were there once or twice already and managed to secure traps for bigger animals. As they approached a small clearing in the forest, there was a sound of a hurt animal.\n\nWas it a deer? one child asks."} +{"id": "6f1f6d08-9c18-4875-a630-6b7a5b05e212-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:54.44", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfTzyfoBKTMthZDhmKg8X394beMx7hqzWzMB8zFVfaV5", "txHash": "0xe97e2302c47c06b800691d8297ce0d301562783bd36bc8409915ec232cd04132", "createdAtBlock": 14262387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 452, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oread the Mirthful", "text": "Was it a deer? one child asks.\n\nNo, it wasnt. It was a talking horse. The villager didnt know it was talking though, not yet. It was after he managed to scare away those poachers and help the hurt animal get out of the trap. The horse thanked him for the rescue and offered something in exchange for his life. You can talk?! What the Oh, and dont worry about it, the villager said, I didnt help you to only for some reward. The horse didnt look surprised at all. Oh well, okay then. Goodbye. The horse starts to lift up from the ground to walk away but his injury disables that. Oof, I didnt think it would be this bad, heh, the horse laughs. Villager, surprised by the horses ability to actually laugh and talk, offers that he can take care of the horse until he is well enough to leave. And I will make sure you have no troubles for the rest of your life, even if you dont want any rewards, the horse responded settling on a compromise, grandma stopped for a moment, looked over the children sitting near the fireplace anxiously waiting for her to continue and so she talked again, finishing the story.\n\nThe villager asked for the horse's name, if it even had one. If he is to take care of the horse, it would be wise to know its name. Well of course, my name is Oread. Some also call me the Mirthful, but for you its Oread, said the horse with dark mane and tail, the rune on his back glistening. Sorry to ask, but why do they call you mirthful? Some of the wizards I know think Im funny if I had to guess, no idea really, the horse responds seriously."} +{"id": "6f1f6d08-9c18-4875-a630-6b7a5b05e212-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:54.44", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfTzyfoBKTMthZDhmKg8X394beMx7hqzWzMB8zFVfaV5", "txHash": "0xe97e2302c47c06b800691d8297ce0d301562783bd36bc8409915ec232cd04132", "createdAtBlock": 14262387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 452, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oread the Mirthful", "text": "And so the villager called for help to transport the hurt horse, who, according to him, could talk. The other villagers didnt hear the horse utter a single word, only sounds any horse would make. After Oread healed, he still lingered around the village, helping the man with anything he asked. Other people always heard the man laugh and talk, but no response ever came. Some even thought he has gone mad after this incident, that the poachers did something to him. But nonetheless the man and the talking horse remained acquaintances, maybe even friends at some point.\n\nThats the end of the tale of a magical horse who could talk and made a friend. Now its time to sleep. But do come next time, I have a tale prepared already, grandma smiled and waved goodbye to all the children and their parents who came to listen as they left her house.\n\nThat was a good story, a voice through a window says. You could have said the whole truth, though.\n\nNo, I couldnt. They would be all over you in an instant, grandma chuckles. I think some of them may try talking to you anyway.\n\nWhat is the story for tomorrow? Will you tell them about @pony149? The voice asks.\n\nYes, Oread. I think I will.\n\n> *Tale by: Tins*"} +{"id": "b265c6cc-5c6f-4780-8319-38ff8c72e7f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:55.452", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQJLCG8MDScGYtV1iQGWvqFSaADEQ9WcqoAR3DcKSJ69z", "txHash": "0x474b3c0000bd82bb73c329fb59c3c26039d3cb42ad1d65f5d635dbab2a25a31f", "createdAtBlock": 14262619, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4157, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Shizu of the Grotto", "text": "# Pretty Rabbit \n\n\nPretty Rabbit is cute!"} +{"id": "83143a25-28b3-4106-9daf-e5fff8030285-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-18T23:19:54.824", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZahANXCLQM2Z2fEkbMojFeAQwrrExYmMdXFxb3RfZwqz", "txHash": "0x7137753432ce45b5369d4d476ecfbac1470a0ede0f72ab1babae227ae12c7ed7", "createdAtBlock": 15934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaBKDbjvbiStpXMxCNAPp8pEpmeNkfapMcoMsudVcsXCb", "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "> A depiction of Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud wandering the earthly plane."} +{"id": "7e68734c-8983-4b42-ac20-73c98cea8e91-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-19T03:49:32.98", "backgroundColor": "#1a6704", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY6AmGHZ2PD9NqxVbU1RwrNUoaZsLqWa6KQCp85kUBhVM", "txHash": "0xe5e9af7d4be90b1eef2985d58e173bdab50b9b0ec9361607145ab619512551f0", "createdAtBlock": 15369075, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15307, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNcoygNYSVVkLD6SfoxJQjfxzrK89YCghbSSz4zzHCgFC", "name": "Andrea Dispatcher of the Range", "text": "# Andrea Dispatcher of the Range\n\n\n\nAndrea and her Field Hound Brute roam Goblin Town.\n```\n\n```\nBow and Arrow in hand, Andrea works as a skilled sharp shooter, an assassin known to take out the fiercest goblins.\n```\n\n```\nWith Brute by her side together they reek havoc on Goblin Town.\n```\n\n```\nThis is Andrea and Brute's Lore, unending tales of Goblin's killed begins here."} +{"id": "c322b9e9-680d-4728-ad18-c23e6d864c3c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:56.281", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYENWSUhN6HiA2K7RpAbv6P6yeCV5ptx3Ka9Vwguyb7uk", "txHash": "0xf0b8df4b44b406c1bb8e51b48ecd7a958e85f9ebe212675d15fae322497297f9", "createdAtBlock": 14264386, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6115, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Adium of the Desert", "text": "The early beginnings of Archmagus Adium of the Desert #6115"} +{"id": "c7618d56-b18f-47cc-944c-4f3e799b4884-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:53.782", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz4WkHVgVDhQusQHghmqAig5ZDbummrtrLC5zJ7VwwQW", "txHash": "0xb35d42db1c757981886d7c727f4b7cd0881cd010ccce6775330c6324448f4926", "createdAtBlock": 14295842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "## **Story of Crusader the Outstanding**\n\nThis town is really nice, nicer than the ones Ive been in before, he thought as he walked through the town square, around him Gothic-style buildings. Other cities he also enjoyed because of the food or drinks or hospitality of the people or simply because he was in a good mood. He stopped in the middle of the square and under a few trees, there was a spacious sitting area and near that a luxurious bookstore. He wasnt a big fan of reading, but he enjoyed all forms of art. Thats why he sat there for a moment, absorbing the heat of the afternoon sun, thinking about all the people around the world lucky enough to live in a beautiful city, just like this one. He, the great @wizard9856, never had a real home. Not that he needed it, but he often thought it would be nice to have some kind of a refuge. After the sun started to set, its shine growing colder, he stood up and in a blink of an eye he was gone.\n\n\n\nThis is just stupid, the horse whispered to himself. \nWhat did you say? One of the men he was traveling with asked. \nNothing, answered the horse, irritated. They were walking for hours now, without a single stop.\nI would advise you so, Crusader, the man said with a threat in his voice. The horse was carrying almost all of their belongings. The circus traveled all over the world with only one wagon, but that didnt mean that it wasnt exhausting, especially if there was only one horse dragging it along. Finally, the day was slowly turning into night and with the dark always came bandits hidden around the main roads."} +{"id": "c7618d56-b18f-47cc-944c-4f3e799b4884-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:53.782", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz4WkHVgVDhQusQHghmqAig5ZDbummrtrLC5zJ7VwwQW", "txHash": "0xb35d42db1c757981886d7c727f4b7cd0881cd010ccce6775330c6324448f4926", "createdAtBlock": 14295842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "They stopped at the entry gate to a town. Even though this town was smaller, it could definitely compete with the bigger ones in architecture. The men jumped out of the wagon, untied the horse and headed to the nearest pub in hope of getting a place to sleep for tonight and some food and ale. They didnt worry about their belongings or the horse running away as the gate to the town was always guarded. If anything happened the guards would handle it. \n\nThe horse, as he is used to, stayed behind, also guarding the wagon and munching on some grass in the meantime. *I dont want to do this any more, he thought to himself*. One thing was traveling across the world, another thing was carrying a whole living for somebody else. Maybe thats selfish, but isnt it also wrong to use this horse as they please? Not only hitching him to a wagon but also using him for the circus performances. His purple nose and hooves and a shining rune on his back have always brought out a lot of people and more people meant more money. But there was never enough of that. They lived in poor conditions, especially all the animals. The men never really cared as long as there were people coming to watch the show. And the people only barely noticed how the animals are treated. And even if some of them noticed, they didnt care just like the circus group that owned them. All of the money usually went to alcohol."} +{"id": "c7618d56-b18f-47cc-944c-4f3e799b4884-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:53.782", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz4WkHVgVDhQusQHghmqAig5ZDbummrtrLC5zJ7VwwQW", "txHash": "0xb35d42db1c757981886d7c727f4b7cd0881cd010ccce6775330c6324448f4926", "createdAtBlock": 14295842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "The Sorcerer materialized near the southern gate. Behind it lay a beautiful small town. He always liked this one. Not only for the buildings around a tiny square somewhere in the middle but also for the card game event. He was a passionate player. In these events it wasnt common to play for money and thats why he never joined any. He only played with people if it was for something, like materialistic things or just money, adding a little thrill to the games. One time he even used the old **law of surprise** as his opponent didnt have anything to give him for his victory, but he never visited that man again to find out what he actually won and he probably never will.\n\n He walked through the gate and headed to a nearby pub, where he knew there were some players and he was in a mood for some good card games. Walking through the town in the late evening he made sure not to stand out of the crowd too much, there were some specific features he had that could cause some unwanted attention he needed to avoid. Wizards werent an easy target but they sure were very tempting to take down, they had a bad reputation in almost all towns and villages. Not all of them but mainly there where they already had experienced a wizard's wrath and wanted to evade another.\n\n Once he stepped inside the pub, he sat down in a darker corner putting cards on the table. He knew that was an invitation for others to join him at the table and play. And soon enough there were two men who just stood up from a table, where they were drinking with others and headed to the Sorcerer. One of them asked: \n\nYou play cards? \n\nI sure do, he responds. Then they played. For money, for drinks, for food, for everything they had.\n\n One last game, the man said as the moon slowly started to set."} +{"id": "c7618d56-b18f-47cc-944c-4f3e799b4884-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:53.782", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz4WkHVgVDhQusQHghmqAig5ZDbummrtrLC5zJ7VwwQW", "txHash": "0xb35d42db1c757981886d7c727f4b7cd0881cd010ccce6775330c6324448f4926", "createdAtBlock": 14295842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "One last game, the man said as the moon slowly started to set.\n\n One last game. If I win I get all you won from us. If I lose, you get our horse.\n\n The Sorcerer never had any use for animals. He traveled long distances only by teleportation, so a horse would just be a burden. But before he could say anything, the first card was thrown to the table. And so he won himself a horse.\n\nIn the early morning a group of three men, one of them hidden in his hood, walked from the pub to the entrance of the town and through the gate outside, where there was a wagon. No horse to be seen. \n\nSo, where is the horse? The Sorcerer asked.\n\n There never was any horse, you peasant. You thought you could rob us of all of our belongings and even a horse? You thought wrong, with that they approached him quickly getting ready for a fight. Luckily there was nobody around, so the Sorcerer didnt need to hold back. As they came closer, he put his hood down. That seemed to have made and impression on them as they hesitated for a bit before saying: No stupid wizard can rob us. \n\nThere was a sound of commotion coming from the wagon. Cant even leave for a little bit, just my luck, he thought as he started walking back from a shade under the trees. \n\nSo what is going on here, he said firmly as he stepped closer to the place he heard angry voices from. What he saw didnt really concern him as much as it actually should. He saw a blue haired wizard in a long dark green coat getting ready to defend himself from the two men that left the horse there. \n\nCould somebody explain to me what you are doing before you get at it? The horse asked, looking from the two men to the wizard and back. I won you in a game of cards, the wizard said."} +{"id": "c7618d56-b18f-47cc-944c-4f3e799b4884-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:53.782", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz4WkHVgVDhQusQHghmqAig5ZDbummrtrLC5zJ7VwwQW", "txHash": "0xb35d42db1c757981886d7c727f4b7cd0881cd010ccce6775330c6324448f4926", "createdAtBlock": 14295842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "He is a liar and a thief! No, he didnt! The two men started to shout in hopes of scaring the wizard to back down. But he didnt.\n\n Instead he started to make his way towards the horse. The horse, being phlegmatic as he is, couldnt care less to be taken by some weird sorcerer. Maybe it would be for the best, at least I would be rid of the circus, he thought. Do you want to come with me? The wizard asks the horse as he gets closer to him and away from the reach of the circus men. Im not going to take you against your will as I see you are very wise. \n\nHe is not going anywhere, one of the men said walking closer to face the wizard.\n\n The horse absolutely hated the last few weeks of travels and even as they spoke to the wizard, he despised these men for talking about him like he wasn't there. I am not staying with them, thats for sure, the horse responded to the wizard's question. The men looked at him in shock:\n\n What do you mean you are not staying with us?! You are not going anywhere, he was getting angry again.\n\n But before the man could even finish the sentence, the horse kicked him in the shin and started bolting it away, around the walls and to the other side of the town. He looked back, searching for the weird wizard, but it didnt seem like he was still there. All of a sudden he was standing in front of him, forcing the horse to stop, otherwise he would knock the sorcerer down. \n\nI would advise you to get out of here and your own way, otherwise the guards will probably catch you, the wizard said before disappearing again.\n\nAfter a few weeks of wandering around The Wild, the horse bumped into the wizard again. This time intentionally."} +{"id": "c7618d56-b18f-47cc-944c-4f3e799b4884-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:53.782", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz4WkHVgVDhQusQHghmqAig5ZDbummrtrLC5zJ7VwwQW", "txHash": "0xb35d42db1c757981886d7c727f4b7cd0881cd010ccce6775330c6324448f4926", "createdAtBlock": 14295842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "Hey, can you teach me how to teleport? I have been looking for you for ages. The horse said impatiently. During those long days searching for him he always thought about how the wizard just disappeared. He had heard of wizards who knew how to teleport but he never met anybody who actually could, not until now and he is not letting this chance teleport from him again. The Sorcerer turns around to look at him. \n\nOh, of course, Horse. Glad to see you again.\n\n My name is not Horse, its **Crusader the Outstanding**(@pony454). The wizard seemed to think about what Crusader just said and then, just like he didnt think of anything, he said: Nice to meet you, I am **Ofaris of the Keep**. You are a magical horse, so you should learn how to teleport in no time.\n\nAnd so Crusader never needed to travel by foot again. Ofaris taught him all he knew about teleportation and other spells he could use. There are rumors that they became great friends and traveled the world together, side by side, a wizard and his horse, teleporting from place to place. Sometimes, the wizard stops to play cards and the horse waits for him. Sometimes the horse just runs around on fields, enjoying the day. And sometimes, when you go see a circus, you can notice a man limping around the backstage.\n\n> **Story by: Tins**"} +{"id": "43d6d5e5-de7c-4763-af8d-b654459b6185-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:19.204", "backgroundColor": "#0e5603", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme3PF2G6LURF9BJjeBjvVpFqHkBDBHCTdgM1HRpdmyTi1", "txHash": "0x8153f961adcd754c7de518ef85573fb6be03454be5901ef738d5cb984d51bb2d", "createdAtBlock": 14620256, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4620, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Shivra of the Wood", "text": "\"A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady\"\n\nThose are the last words her lover said to Shivra before betraying her for another witch."} +{"id": "3d0125b2-4d01-4403-9448-02024ba31e8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:56.96", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQtD46hgo5tyoFcVk87exDm3ZAMFuLg1NiQc6CzE7oFXr", "txHash": "0x455968da811c5f06d213fa4a486a02a032cce4a83d66ba3a3536ba6e6068a4dd", "createdAtBlock": 14267264, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5909, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Impy of the Obelisk", "text": "# Jim \n\nA Koopling of one name, Jim has set out in life to divine the complexities of life through simplicity. \n\nMany people wonder about Jim's origins, but such bemusement is a futile task - Jim is, and always will be, Jim. \n\nJim's primary existence has been to seek and spread joy through music and food. Jim's been seen busking in Goblin town with Henry the Slime to playing guitar in the renowned wizard rock group, Zed Lepplin, on the Asmodeus's Surf. \n\nWhere will Jim appear next? \n\nWho shall Jim be wandering with? \n\nWhat cords shall strike Jim's fancy?\n\n\"JIM IS JIM, HERETHE.\""} +{"id": "054311d0-58f4-4ec7-87e9-43cbc86cd4e2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:58.703", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTM1oXuVZhMfML8DiTutxmHrhAGa417yyHsiD1LoREBh", "txHash": "0xb2969f46b8ff5fc94d7ff228af8b1ce1b107a17e9c4134f2e25a46bc29404350", "createdAtBlock": 14269019, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7232, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Ursula of the Carnival", "text": "# New Beginnings \n\n \n\nBorn a farmer's daughter, Ursula dreamed of something bigger, wilder. Into her teens she worked the wheat fields until on a hot summers night a circus passed by her small village. There she saw things she had never even thought to dream fire-breathers, monkey tamers, people flying high above, lightning that crashed to the ground at a moments notice. \n\n \n\nShe spent the night entranced by the mysticism of life outside her small existence. \n\n \n\nThe next morning, she awoke before the sun cracked the horizon and ventured forth to see the festival tents coming down. There she spied a covered cart sitting unattended, she knew this was her way out of the mundane, this is how she could seek adventure! Swiftly she moved, wrapped in her cloak, to the circus cart. As she climbed into the rear, she heard a gruff voice behind her shout: \n\n \n\n_What is it you think you are doing here child?_ \n\n \n\nA large beard man tossed a bale of hay onto Ursula and she stumbled backwards. \n\n \n\n_If youre looking for travel you could stay back here, or you could help with some labor and ride up front. Your choice._ \n\n \n\nUrsula didnt have the words in her throat to speak but the older man turned away and left. Looking down at the hay bale she was left to ponder the almighty decision she and spontaneously arrived at last night while wrapped in magics whimsy. \n\n \n\n_What was she to do?_ \n\n \n\nJust a farm hand with no hope of freedom here, but on this cart, there may be opportunity, sights she had never seen, people she had never met, and most of all magic."} +{"id": "054311d0-58f4-4ec7-87e9-43cbc86cd4e2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:58.703", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTM1oXuVZhMfML8DiTutxmHrhAGa417yyHsiD1LoREBh", "txHash": "0xb2969f46b8ff5fc94d7ff228af8b1ce1b107a17e9c4134f2e25a46bc29404350", "createdAtBlock": 14269019, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7232, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Ursula of the Carnival", "text": "She lifted her chin and starred out where the old man had been and made up her mind, she walked out of the circus cart and into the light of dawn breaking the horizon. \n\n \n\n# Death Follows \n\n \n\nYears passed living with the travelling troupe, but as she grew the primary magicks of the natural elements didn't not come to her willingly. Fire did not obey, water evaporated, the earth would not move, and the wind would not blow...but unbeknownst to Ursula it seemed the lore of death and the underworld followed where ever she went. Try as she might to conjure or cast fire, she was much more likely to leave a trail of dead fauna behind her as she walked the fair grounds. \n\n \n\nHer new and growing powers began to separate her from her carnival peers, as they began to see her as a threat and omen. Some would even mock her and toss the occasional vegetable or stone. \n\n \n\n*\"CURSED\" \"FORSAKEN\"* \n\n \n\nThey would shout as they passed her by while she forked hay into the animal pens. The old man that had taken her in and tried to teach her the ways of magic knew their time together was coming to a close. \n\n \n\n*They fear you Ursula, what you could be. Im worried about you, what you could become, I dont want to see you go down the wrong path* \n\n \n\nShe lay awake that night thinking about those words, the other workers stares and taunts that she had withstood for years. Death magic and the dark arts were frowned upon in a place of joy and pleasure. Anger swelled inside her, pumped it's way through her veins and into her heart. \n\n \n\n*\"Why me?\"*"} +{"id": "054311d0-58f4-4ec7-87e9-43cbc86cd4e2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:58.703", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTM1oXuVZhMfML8DiTutxmHrhAGa417yyHsiD1LoREBh", "txHash": "0xb2969f46b8ff5fc94d7ff228af8b1ce1b107a17e9c4134f2e25a46bc29404350", "createdAtBlock": 14269019, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7232, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Ursula of the Carnival", "text": "*\"Why me?\"* \n\n \n\nA crow called in the distance, the sound reverberating into her ear sending a chill through her spine that froze the rage deep within. \n\n \n\nDeath was surely with her. \n\n \n\n# Alone \n\n \n\nUrsula's body trembled from the cold and hunger as she took refuge in a small barn set back on a dirt road. \n\n \n\nIt had been weeks since she was chased from the Carnival, under the accusations that she had murdered her caretaker in his sleep. \n\n \n\nShe knew she had done no such thing, as she was sleeping when it all was said to have happened. But try as she might there was no one to be convinced of her innocuous, with the only person left that believed in her now gone.\n\n \n\nA crow perched in a near-by tree called, and Ursula felt that same chill that she had felt the night everything changed. \n\n \n\nWhat was she to do? Driven from any sort of home with no mastery of magic, just some twisted idea of it that left the blades of grass beneath her feet withering and brown. \n\n \n\nOutside she heard a wagon being towed by a few horses. Ursula peered out through the cool night air, and spied a woman that sat atop the cart urging the horses onward, in the rear she spied goods. Probably a merchant. Could they have food? \n\n \n\nUrsula felt the hunger wrack her body again, her stomach buckled, she keeled over. \n\n \n\nA bird dropped from the rafters. \n\n \n\nA scythe caught the corner of her eye, like the ones she used as a child to clear the fields of long grass. \n\n \n\nHer mind went blank. \n\n \n\nThe barn door opened."} +{"id": "054311d0-58f4-4ec7-87e9-43cbc86cd4e2-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:58.703", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTM1oXuVZhMfML8DiTutxmHrhAGa417yyHsiD1LoREBh", "txHash": "0xb2969f46b8ff5fc94d7ff228af8b1ce1b107a17e9c4134f2e25a46bc29404350", "createdAtBlock": 14269019, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7232, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Ursula of the Carnival", "text": "Her mind went blank. \n\n \n\nThe barn door opened. \n\n \n\nShe stepped out, and headed towards the wagon, scythe in hand."} +{"id": "3dffaef6-aba0-462a-81dc-54c3c673e72d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:59.599", "backgroundColor": "#2d0402", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaXxohgBG1DVXCTQZsNpU3kEn3UdA9pQYG17FaQrQyvAL", "txHash": "0x75c7f3b3e2e7965aff656d3bd2a34232885f0ac45c35c1065709ff683144be7f", "createdAtBlock": 14271721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 515, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Aleister of the Villa\n\nA gentleman and a scholar they call me. Yes, being from the Villa has given me access to a part of society where one must maintain a certain presence. And with that access, I can revel in the company of the best known wizards in the Runiverse.\n\nHowever, I am first and foremost a scholar. I have long studied the type of magic which the world hasn't seen since the days of olde. Of course, I haven't needed to use any sophisticated magic in a long time! Now, one day this may change, and the peaceful calm of the world may shift. And I might just have some surprises for those who may think I've lost my edge.\n\nBut no need for that today; all is well at the Villa and I need to iron my suit for an event this evening.."} +{"id": "85971704-e511-439f-8a3d-d0b730de46b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:00.253", "backgroundColor": "#0f173b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWcARpPLCbz13D3Fpc6FW822QnVoH7qxnahcsv2EwqbrX", "txHash": "0x3e45a7bc077e5adcc41e6587258bedb52cf70f260fa81fb8404b4a324b250b5d", "createdAtBlock": 14273190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3447, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Devon of the Mount", "text": "# Charmer Devon of the Mount\n\nLong ago, on a dreadful day a stray cat wandered up to Devon begging for food. Devon took him in and gave him food and shelter. They have been inseparable since."} +{"id": "73988c32-0542-45db-b07c-6c20d8afcadd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:00.955", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRVxDywvu7MVahpGa3eNt919ZR6i4BeqaHoPBqd7VHix", "txHash": "0xc140036de65a62858fb4569c7b62a3df7558fb21a109b0a286a7a33dd46bfdaf", "createdAtBlock": 14274616, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1332, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Circe of the River", "text": "She doesn't stay anywhere long, moving from place to place to stay safe from those who seek to do her harm. For many the Runiverse is a safe place, but for Circe, many wish to steal her precious flesh eating plant. There are only a handful of these special plants left in the world, so it's understandable if you haven't heard of them, but their powers are both unbelievable and extraordinary. \n\nWe don't know where the flesh eating plant originated, but most rumors lead back to the Zaros Oasis. As the story goes, all flesh eating plants grew happily and easily in the Zaros Oasis and many families farmed and sold these plants as a way life. That is until a fire wiped out all of the farms and killed most of the farmers along with it. \n\nNow Circe travels from place to place with just her flesh eating plant and her Pet Monkey Bella with the sole purpose of keeping her special plant out of the hands of those who would do harm with it."} +{"id": "e25c6929-75dc-4740-a152-8e5447673463-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:29:57.645", "backgroundColor": "#020202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVcJi6VXQYDDZTvDcZdAvVmUNdi3zzg15GYe7uSGpeSk6", "txHash": "0x1fb6ffe199bee52b8c407d7a6011307573d019baa28dc432df115ed5f46990db", "createdAtBlock": 14369039, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2724, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVUzSaeLGiotZ5iT9C42QRgexPRP7ML4neWVVj4NpvMAA", "name": "Artificer Corvin of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Artificer Corvin of the Event Horizon\n\n## *Prologue: What is once was not...* \n\n Still as a statue, it peered from gilded perch. Saucer black eyes from which no light escapes. Pupils unflinching but the mind behind those eyes does not stop. It never stops. Ever.\n\nMoremoremore it softly chants as a preservation spell weaves its way amongst towering sculptures, exotic creatures, fanciful flora, maniacal mechanisms, weapons and jewels. Wherewherewhere it mutters while scanning the lavish warehouse. It needs space for recently acquired treasures. It never stops. Ever. \n\n\n\nArtificer Corvin, aka Corvin the Collector, aka the Forever Bird was born of powerful blackhole magic cast by an unknown wizard. Once nothing more than an ambitious genus *Corvus frugilegus* with a supersized penchant for shiny things, he was now a powerful wizard both humanoid and rook; and most specifically rook as his flock were renowned for their love of open spaces. Corvin was most definitely a rook as he traveled across countless lands in countless dimesions.\n\nHe was gifted with powers of razor-sharp vision, bottomless pit ambition, and a mind in which nothing escaped and all things remembered...forever. And forever it was as Corvin had drank from the Immortality Chalice. He could now collect until the end of time. \n\n\n\nForever can be a lonely place and so Corvin plucked a feather from his breast and cast a spell of duplication. A miniature genus *Corvus crackerjack* sprang forth to be named Cash. Cash shared all of Corvins powers, especially the love for things great and small; Corvin and Cash must have them all. The inseparable pair vowed to become the most legendary traders of all-time setting course to the most legendary of placesthe Runiverse."} +{"id": "8a0ef119-6931-4094-9f17-da8085dddc89-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:06.502", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPqbgKPRXxGUK1z4wZXcv9N3QHXiWCcZ7r8X6aG1MVoBN", "txHash": "0x55523b8d3547c3c6415f9dd949bdd816beef9de7328ca652d205984a3ea4c3a4", "createdAtBlock": 14286273, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7925, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Mount", "text": "# **Mountainous Hermit of Yore**\n\nSeveral wanderers in the Battle Mage Mountains have crossed paths with Cromwell of the Mount. But none have ever been able to engage with the hermit long enough to discover his true story.\n\nMany believe he was a lone survivor of an ancient village known as Thaereus, where fire rained down on the mountain civilisation for over six days, purging everyone in the small town except for one or two children who were fabled to have escaped.\n\nIt was only after this disaster that he and his loyal Field Dog were said to have been sighted by many in the nearby villages. Most often, Cromwell can be spotted near the riverbanks using his Dyad to control the foliage around himself, or at the mountains peak summoning new breeds of trees from its soils. \n\nAn ancient mage who lives at the base of the mountains claims to have trained young Cromwell in the ways of magick when he was just a young lad. He said that he found Cromwell and his severely burnt Field Dog laying by the river. When probed further, the mage often said that Cromwell never felt comfortable around other humans and preferred living alone in the woods as he could easily communicate with the plants with his Dyads Ear.\n\nSeveral travellers have even said they have been saved by plants that either caught them from falling down a cliff or from drowning in the deadmans whirlpool at the rivers basin. Every one insisted they spotted Cromwell at the scene using his Dyad to rescue them with his faithful Field dog at his side.\n\nEven though he prefers plants to humans, many believe he is a caring soul despite his gruff appearance with a deep connection to nature."} +{"id": "8a0ef119-6931-4094-9f17-da8085dddc89-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:06.502", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPqbgKPRXxGUK1z4wZXcv9N3QHXiWCcZ7r8X6aG1MVoBN", "txHash": "0x55523b8d3547c3c6415f9dd949bdd816beef9de7328ca652d205984a3ea4c3a4", "createdAtBlock": 14286273, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7925, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Mount", "text": "Cromwell seldom descends the mountains anymore. Yet, when he does, it is believed that it is to visit the old mage, to bring him rare fungi and plant chimeras hes created up in his mountain dwellings. But never is he seen without his Field Dog close at his side."} +{"id": "451cdf49-c02a-4314-bc53-4fff749f3df0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:07.194", "backgroundColor": "#080100", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSMNuUknbq8rHdWCykHqWjKJr6AYJdLtfJqbD6vZcESk5", "txHash": "0x692ffb7012302627630744c9d8f59c73741a54e889e2ef567c050679d72b3fbd", "createdAtBlock": 14286675, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7371, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZTL58raWA4rBpscHNPEPFHvYHqEZWTvLj9KHzbqP7qm9", "name": "Wild Mage Nick of the Cosmos", "text": "Tubby Cat derivative art by Zay La Soul aka @wizard3147"} +{"id": "bee0f377-2ef0-4c93-ac2d-fc20f6e1bac7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.031", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPqMn8twnHTzRDMffECGvv5T51Srja9JYdKVMA3aTjoJ9", "txHash": "0x703d2fa65973f2bfb956a2d053c386ccdb744c4f0500faa15c2f59c9f4694223", "createdAtBlock": 14295669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 149, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Honey the Strong", "text": "# Another bedime story\n\nCome, children! Its time to go see grandma! A woman shouted loud so all the children could hear. As she said, they did. In a while, everyone was present in grandmas house, ready for another tale.\n\nTonight I will tell you a tale of another horse, his mane was the color of clouds and he was strong, so strong he could move an entire mountain if he desired, and so his name was Honey the Strong. He came all the way from the Zaros Oasis in search of his cousin, Oread the Mirthful(@pony452) \n___________\n\nIt was a lovely day, the sun was shining, no clouds to be seen. Maybe just a little too hot. Thats why he decided to stay in the forest shade for a while. His hooves were clopping on the main road, then he stepped on the grass carpet and sat in the shade that was provided by the trees around. If he is not mistaken, he should be somewhere around Kobolds Crossroad. He traveled from the Zaros Oasis in the south through the Sand and, later, BattleMage Mountains all the way here in search of his lost cousin. Last time he saw him was when they parted ways on the edge of Vampyre Mist. From there they went on their own paths. Now he is here, feeling like he searched the whole world.\n\nJust as he was about to stand up and continue on his way, he heard muffled cries of pain. After listening in a little bit longer to locate the sounds, it seemed to come from the middle of the forest. Normally, he would just turn around and leave because exploring anything wasnt worth the danger of it. Especially if he was on a mission of sorts. But this time he felt he was very close to finding his cousin. He sensed him a few days ago already and so the decision was made."} +{"id": "bee0f377-2ef0-4c93-ac2d-fc20f6e1bac7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.031", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPqMn8twnHTzRDMffECGvv5T51Srja9JYdKVMA3aTjoJ9", "txHash": "0x703d2fa65973f2bfb956a2d053c386ccdb744c4f0500faa15c2f59c9f4694223", "createdAtBlock": 14295669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 149, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Honey the Strong", "text": "Walking through the forest, getting closer and closer to the source of the sound, he hoped his senses were actually right and that they wouldn't lead him to his doom. Even if he was strong, he was still vulnerable. Passing through a small clearing in the forest, the sounds seemed to come from the right and as he headed there, he could see a big tree fallen over. From under it came the cries. As he got closer to the tree, he found the source of the panic - a person stuck under the giant tree, visibly tired of crying for help and trying to get out of there at the same time.\n\nAre you okay? He asked.\n\nDo I look like Im okay?! The person responded in pain.\n\nLet me handle this, dont worry, he said, moving towards the tree trunk, getting ready to kick it off the man. With one powerful kick of his hind legs the tree snapped in half and exploded to the sides.\n\nHe asks the man: Can you walk? How did this even happen?\nI think my leg is broken the man answers, trying to sit up. I dont even know what happened to be honest.\n\nSuddenly they both hear sticks break in the forest behind them. Both frightened, looking around only to see a horse emerge from behind the trees.\n\nCousin.. ? Oread! They exclaim at the same time, one with disbelief, one with relief.\n\nThank god you are here, I need help with my leg, the man told Oread.\n\nWell, this is awkward, Oread said, laughing awkwardly, looking from the man to the horse standing next to him, long time no see, Honey.\n\n___________"} +{"id": "bee0f377-2ef0-4c93-ac2d-fc20f6e1bac7-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.031", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPqMn8twnHTzRDMffECGvv5T51Srja9JYdKVMA3aTjoJ9", "txHash": "0x703d2fa65973f2bfb956a2d053c386ccdb744c4f0500faa15c2f59c9f4694223", "createdAtBlock": 14295669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 149, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Honey the Strong", "text": "___________\n\nAnd that's how @pony149 finally found his cousin, Oread the Mirthful(@pony452). After they helped the man, they spent a long time together, chatting, catching up with each other. Its been a long time after all. Honey stayed with Oread and the man in the village, until the man couldnt move anymore. And even after that. They kept the little girl he left behind company, grandma finishes the story. Until she became of old age and even then they still remained in the village. And if you look around today, perhaps you will find them somewhere, lingering around the village. Nobody knows what binds them there, maybe it is some deal they made with the man, maybe they just like it here. We will probably never know.\n\nAfter everybody left grandmas house, she went outside, looking around for the horses. Her horses. And really, they were there, coming to her, definitely to talk about something they heard somewhere. Or about her father. They tell the best stories about that man that one of them saved and the other was saved by. \n\n>Tale by: Tins"} +{"id": "4c2d5c38-d95d-44f3-a1ca-7c79c4b0324e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWoUCZfm51QeHQRGV3gZXAx2gkpq7Xspun88ziw73CG3W", "txHash": "0xe932de6d8cd1fed55ef9a764eb4e354caaf3af35c16a506efa04f942c65482e9", "createdAtBlock": 14295831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "## **Story of Crusader the Outstanding**\n\nThis town is really nice, nicer than the ones Ive been in before, he thought as he walked through the town square, around him Gothic-style buildings. Other cities he also enjoyed because of the food or drinks or hospitality of the people or simply because he was in a good mood. He stopped in the middle of the square and under a few trees, there was a spacious sitting area and near that a luxurious bookstore. He wasnt a big fan of reading, but he enjoyed all forms of art. Thats why he sat there for a moment, absorbing the heat of the afternoon sun, thinking about all the people around the world lucky enough to live in a beautiful city, just like this one. He, the great @wizard9856, never had a real home. Not that he needed it, but he often thought it would be nice to have some kind of a refuge. After the sun started to set, its shine growing colder, he stood up and in a blink of an eye he was gone.\n\n\n\nThis is just stupid, the horse whispered to himself. \nWhat did you say? One of the men he was traveling with asked. \nNothing, answered the horse, irritated. They were walking for hours now, without a single stop.\nI would advise you so, Crusader, the man said with a threat in his voice. The horse was carrying almost all of their belongings. The circus traveled all over the world with only one wagon, but that didnt mean that it wasnt exhausting, especially if there was only one horse dragging it along. Finally, the day was slowly turning into night and with the dark always came bandits hidden around the main roads."} +{"id": "4c2d5c38-d95d-44f3-a1ca-7c79c4b0324e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWoUCZfm51QeHQRGV3gZXAx2gkpq7Xspun88ziw73CG3W", "txHash": "0xe932de6d8cd1fed55ef9a764eb4e354caaf3af35c16a506efa04f942c65482e9", "createdAtBlock": 14295831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "They stopped at the entry gate to a town. Even though this town was smaller, it could definitely compete with the bigger ones in architecture. The men jumped out of the wagon, untied the horse and headed to the nearest pub in hope of getting a place to sleep for tonight and some food and ale. They didnt worry about their belongings or the horse running away as the gate to the town was always guarded. If anything happened the guards would handle it. \n\nThe horse, as he is used to, stayed behind, also guarding the wagon and munching on some grass in the meantime. *I dont want to do this any more, he thought to himself*. One thing was traveling across the world, another thing was carrying a whole living for somebody else. Maybe thats selfish, but isnt it also wrong to use this horse as they please? Not only hitching him to a wagon but also using him for the circus performances. His purple nose and hooves and a shining rune on his back have always brought out a lot of people and more people meant more money. But there was never enough of that. They lived in poor conditions, especially all the animals. The men never really cared as long as there were people coming to watch the show. And the people only barely noticed how the animals are treated. And even if some of them noticed, they didnt care just like the circus group that owned them. All of the money usually went to alcohol."} +{"id": "4c2d5c38-d95d-44f3-a1ca-7c79c4b0324e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWoUCZfm51QeHQRGV3gZXAx2gkpq7Xspun88ziw73CG3W", "txHash": "0xe932de6d8cd1fed55ef9a764eb4e354caaf3af35c16a506efa04f942c65482e9", "createdAtBlock": 14295831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "The Sorcerer materialized near the southern gate. Behind it lay a beautiful small town. He always liked this one. Not only for the buildings around a tiny square somewhere in the middle but also for the card game event. He was a passionate player. In these events it wasnt common to play for money and thats why he never joined any. He only played with people if it was for something, like materialistic things or just money, adding a little thrill to the games. One time he even used the old **law of surprise** as his opponent didnt have anything to give him for his victory, but he never visited that man again to find out what he actually won and he probably never will.\n\n He walked through the gate and headed to a nearby pub, where he knew there were some players and he was in a mood for some good card games. Walking through the town in the late evening he made sure not to stand out of the crowd too much, there were some specific features he had that could cause some unwanted attention he needed to avoid. Wizards werent an easy target but they sure were very tempting to take down, they had a bad reputation in almost all towns and villages. Not all of them but mainly there where they already had experienced a wizard's wrath and wanted to evade another.\n\n Once he stepped inside the pub, he sat down in a darker corner putting cards on the table. He knew that was an invitation for others to join him at the table and play. And soon enough there were two men who just stood up from a table, where they were drinking with others and headed to the Sorcerer. One of them asked: \n\nYou play cards? \n\nI sure do, he responds. Then they played. For money, for drinks, for food, for everything they had.\n\n One last game, the man said as the moon slowly started to set."} +{"id": "4c2d5c38-d95d-44f3-a1ca-7c79c4b0324e-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWoUCZfm51QeHQRGV3gZXAx2gkpq7Xspun88ziw73CG3W", "txHash": "0xe932de6d8cd1fed55ef9a764eb4e354caaf3af35c16a506efa04f942c65482e9", "createdAtBlock": 14295831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "One last game, the man said as the moon slowly started to set.\n\n One last game. If I win I get all you won from us. If I lose, you get our horse.\n\n The Sorcerer never had any use for animals. He traveled long distances only by teleportation, so a horse would just be a burden. But before he could say anything, the first card was thrown to the table. And so he won himself a horse.\n\nIn the early morning a group of three men, one of them hidden in his hood, walked from the pub to the entrance of the town and through the gate outside, where there was a wagon. No horse to be seen. \n\nSo, where is the horse? The Sorcerer asked.\n\n There never was any horse, you peasant. You thought you could rob us of all of our belongings and even a horse? You thought wrong, with that they approached him quickly getting ready for a fight. Luckily there was nobody around, so the Sorcerer didnt need to hold back. As they came closer, he put his hood down. That seemed to have made and impression on them as they hesitated for a bit before saying: No stupid wizard can rob us. \n\nThere was a sound of commotion coming from the wagon. Cant even leave for a little bit, just my luck, he thought as he started walking back from a shade under the trees. \n\nSo what is going on here, he said firmly as he stepped closer to the place he heard angry voices from. What he saw didnt really concern him as much as it actually should. He saw a blue haired wizard in a long dark green coat getting ready to defend himself from the two men that left the horse there. \n\nCould somebody explain to me what you are doing before you get at it? The horse asked, looking from the two men to the wizard and back. I won you in a game of cards, the wizard said."} +{"id": "4c2d5c38-d95d-44f3-a1ca-7c79c4b0324e-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWoUCZfm51QeHQRGV3gZXAx2gkpq7Xspun88ziw73CG3W", "txHash": "0xe932de6d8cd1fed55ef9a764eb4e354caaf3af35c16a506efa04f942c65482e9", "createdAtBlock": 14295831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "He is a liar and a thief! No, he didnt! The two men started to shout in hopes of scaring the wizard to back down. But he didnt.\n\n Instead he started to make his way towards the horse. The horse, being phlegmatic as he is, couldnt care less to be taken by some weird sorcerer. Maybe it would be for the best, at least I would be rid of the circus, he thought. Do you want to come with me? The wizard asks the horse as he gets closer to him and away from the reach of the circus men. Im not going to take you against your will as I see you are very wise. \n\nHe is not going anywhere, one of the men said walking closer to face the wizard.\n\n The horse absolutely hated the last few weeks of travels and even as they spoke to the wizard, he despised these men for talking about him like he wasn't there. I am not staying with them, thats for sure, the horse responded to the wizard's question. The men looked at him in shock:\n\n What do you mean you are not staying with us?! You are not going anywhere, he was getting angry again.\n\n But before the man could even finish the sentence, the horse kicked him in the shin and started bolting it away, around the walls and to the other side of the town. He looked back, searching for the weird wizard, but it didnt seem like he was still there. All of a sudden he was standing in front of him, forcing the horse to stop, otherwise he would knock the sorcerer down. \n\nI would advise you to get out of here and your own way, otherwise the guards will probably catch you, the wizard said before disappearing again.\n\nAfter a few weeks of wandering around The Wild, the horse bumped into the wizard again. This time intentionally."} +{"id": "4c2d5c38-d95d-44f3-a1ca-7c79c4b0324e-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:08.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWoUCZfm51QeHQRGV3gZXAx2gkpq7Xspun88ziw73CG3W", "txHash": "0xe932de6d8cd1fed55ef9a764eb4e354caaf3af35c16a506efa04f942c65482e9", "createdAtBlock": 14295831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 454, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Crusader the Outstanding", "text": "Hey, can you teach me how to teleport? I have been looking for you for ages. The horse said impatiently. During those long days searching for him he always thought about how the wizard just disappeared. He had heard of wizards who knew how to teleport but he never met anybody who actually could, not until now and he is not letting this chance teleport from him again. The Sorcerer turns around to look at him. \n\nOh, of course, Horse. Glad to see you again.\n\n My name is not Horse, its **Crusader the Outstanding**(@pony454). The wizard seemed to think about what Crusader just said and then, just like he didnt think of anything, he said: Nice to meet you, I am **Ofaris of the Keep**. You are a magical horse, so you should learn how to teleport in no time.\n\nAnd so Crusader never needed to travel by foot again. Ofaris taught him all he knew about teleportation and other spells he could use. There are rumors that they became great friends and traveled the world together, side by side, a wizard and his horse, teleporting from place to place. Sometimes, the wizard stops to play cards and the horse waits for him. Sometimes the horse just runs around on fields, enjoying the day. And sometimes, when you go see a circus, you can notice a man limping around the backstage.\n\n> **Story by: Tins**"} +{"id": "9af32c69-ca70-4873-8725-1dac5f6f9acf-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T20:12:13.111", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRK6tRTSigBB72tUJMkzoeLcMK1WEc5VR4G1HfbX82L6a", "txHash": "0x51b9542d4c70326d9bb9f81cc3ff4557b80dbfe1f23fa077457345e752004acf", "createdAtBlock": 15379648, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8586, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Skiddle of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Dark Pages\n\n\"It sure is clever what you overhear from the shadows of The Capital. Whispers of a secret society, THE DARK PAGES. Perhaps I could tell you more, perhaps not. But it would cost a hefty price...\" - @wizard2174\n\n*Founding Members of The Dark Pages*\n\n@soul3802\n\n@wizard2175\n\n@warrior8585\n\n@warrior8586\n\n@warrior8584\n\n@warrior5992\n\n@wizard6343"} +{"id": "6d1fafeb-45b5-4bf7-9077-3fb2e2445f8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:29.925", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPHn8mybdqunoxwcHMZBUCkZQAFJkRC7f89wEn9MwkP9N", "txHash": "0x34ca36043d9e981540fb104896f224583f9432a69b463e165262d9578112d35f", "createdAtBlock": 14621296, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmemYet7UCstzUhH3Mh1hCY3v1Gu3wesyQRpsHxkStjtKd", "name": "Mystic Ramiz of the Dunes", "text": "Ramiz and his alcohol dependant cat Mooshy have been known to frequent the taverns bordering the southern dunes. Mooshy, a rescue from a dwarven fortress, had developed quite a habit living among the small angry residents. Ramiz was stealing some cabochons laden goblets and books about necromancy from the dwarven library when he decided to stop in the tavern for a drink. Mooshy was working the bar, which is a hard job for a small orange cat. They hit it off right away with their mutual appreciation for running away from their problems. The \"dynamic duo of irresponsibility\" are welcome most places, but seldom stay anywhere in the runiverse for long."} +{"id": "caefe993-dcc0-41ae-a482-dfe08602e1d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:09.789", "backgroundColor": "#a2b268", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR1NHJFrZe4YpCRuwM2BRrKiZGkzdMjJTSsMfHr678djR", "txHash": "0x33d5f3e946c42e26007c672614be1052b2761581eb78a0b1ccf9f0001cc40199", "createdAtBlock": 14296006, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2729, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Danny of the Field", "text": "The Field was one of the most biologically plentiful lands in all the Runiverse. From far and wide, Wizards would make a pilgrimage to the Field to meet their familiar. After a long journey, the wizard would kneel in the field, cast their animal ally invitation spell, and wait as the Runiverse vibrated with energy momentarily before the familiar would come prancing, flying, or slithering out of the tall grass toward them, binding themselves forever to their master. \n\nDanny was the caretaker of the Field of sorts, though denizen might be a more appropriate title. He spent his time wandering the Field, the animals were his family, his friends. Like many Wizards, Danny was prone to the drink, and visitors would run into Danny wandering the fields talking to himself and his animal companions. Naturally there was some speculation that Danny might not actually be clairvoyantjust drunkbut he did seem to have a magical relationship with the animals. \n\nDanny would wander the Runiverse from time to time to deliver familiars, always ending up at the nearest tavern. Hed drink and tell stories to any wizard within earshot about his animal companions late into the night before retiring to the fields or the woods nearby to sleep off his ale. Some would claim that Danny was really more animal than wizard himself, but his jovial nature kept him in good standing with the wizard community."} +{"id": "0e34b3b3-1a60-4555-8116-3b998313e66e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:18.582", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVhRJ9YWphjpDrKGgaS4Jq1v5ChGUYC1GHfvLnetQePQi", "txHash": "0xc816d035a4333dd7fe1b98c83e8ce9d7aec47e14a60b734e4b888a0e5aa604bf", "createdAtBlock": 14308068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6595, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZLhw15NTVEb8yxronKM6AmGvaFLq6dVdfPy1ngeyvrWG", "name": " Ozohr of the Garden", "text": "### In a distant land, there lived a young wizard named Ozorh. Ozohr, who started as an apprentice with a master magician at a young age, became a master in magic by traveling from village to village and town to town. He used to cast a spell on the crowd gathered in the garden of his house and enchanted them. With his book containing the knowledge and experiences he received from his master, he fascinated all the people gathered and made them experience wonderful moments. The rabbit he pulled out of his hat was his favorite magic. Ozhor, with his outfit, hat, book and rabbit, has now become a master magician and is devoted to showing what he knows to children and adults in other towns."} +{"id": "3083d7c2-92b3-4d31-9e0f-8d798185400f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:10.441", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWntK2UoYoubnVAZu3foPWhekEXms9WjAMZUuJA2nM5xM", "txHash": "0x8a075ba6051dfb77de15fd4e351c31d8087cbbeb1301e30e109b9a1c3a86cbf2", "createdAtBlock": 14297964, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 392, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nana the Quaint", "text": "Nana takes care of the herd. The most nurturing Mother of Runed Foals, she watches over all. You can always find her up at night while all the other ponies sleep, keeping a safe eye over her family."} +{"id": "cf42c4b4-f4b6-411b-9b14-2205dd5652ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:11.757", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwBAcntkf72jpTaNtwDK2TFgQw4tVybi1H68W9s1SnNm", "txHash": "0xc763437e63c7528649ed96c243715805c0612162c6cb6280680fad481857c380", "createdAtBlock": 14299363, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9396, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbzwbf8RCgUEW4SDqbKzmqGDMcdYXdSesocUDZT3vWe1X", "name": "Diviner Galatea of the Hall", "text": "# Diviner Galatea of the Hall \n\n\nThe truth you must confess,\n\nNothing in this world, comes as a bless.\n\nDiviner Galatea with her brewed Ale,\n\nsurely will help you, seeking your inner tale.\n\nJust have a sip of the divine nectar,\n\nsoon shall you, become a Specter! \n\nMay the Lore for this wizard begin,\n\nthrough quests and !magic, she's bad ass mean!"} +{"id": "f838c1a6-2b2b-4203-9236-5bd9dc094f72-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:26.153", "backgroundColor": "#080404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeUi5gx5kUfxCXAuMNireYSwFgAe2sXoeT1fwMw5nD8wq", "txHash": "0x5b21493adfb96ede84156b8b2f96a9718bdb8b1e786f6a0cbac460e36fc69ee8", "createdAtBlock": 14737952, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5193, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Salah of Atlantis", "text": "# The Atlantean Arcanium\n\n \n## The Legendarium and all that is being recorded in The Book of Lore is the legacy of the wizards, written into the fabric of the Runiverse. There are also, however, more ephemeral tomes that are locked away, hidden, lost, forgotten.\n\n## Many of these are that which I have been entrusted. I am the Dark Arcanist and keeper of the sunken library of Atlantis. Few other living wizards have ever found their way here. Those that do - Followed the hidden magic guideposts, traversed the endless depths, fought the elder chthonic guardians; they can read and learn the greatest spells that this plane of the Runiverse has ever known:\n\n### Gandremas' Animated Army of Thralls\n### Rhialto's Wonderous Prismatic Blast\n### The Telekinetic Hand of the Gods\n### and countless others.....\n\n## So many incantations at such power levels lost to the ages, wizards with this knowledge could subjugate the entire Runiverse. They are literally priceless. But the knowledge I will entrust to wizards of the highest character and purest of motives. My simian Logos has proven the perfect advisor. He will judge if you become a student or a target of the deadly spells of the Atlantean Arcanium."} +{"id": "23d5515c-89a3-4b62-8223-5f82d9f7682a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:16.973", "backgroundColor": "#40000a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTeaAPfUE7CNKeCo5z6jzqECR2ZbEuZiNNmtqTXEnBKkP", "txHash": "0x884fe6ca2063e5a821f754504b9350775e708b93d6d54ebc8f8f21f62c5b2559", "createdAtBlock": 14303687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1345, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Transmuter Peppy of the Realm", "text": "Peppy was a strange child... for a kobold. \n\nHis upbringing was far from normal for his kind. His parents were the famous merchants Noblin and Doblin, founders of the wealthy N&D Trading Company. \n\nAs such, Peppy was surrounded by wealth and affluence not usually afforded to the kobold kind.\n\nHe was well-read, educated, and quite urbane. But it was the ways of magic that really excited him. His parents were unskilled in the Arcane, but he took to it like a fish to water.\n\nUsing his craft, he gained power and influence in the court as a cupbearer (as well as with the more 'monstrous' peoples that he championed) and eventually became a minor lord through his loyal hard work.\n\nTo this day he uses his wealth and magical arts to protect those that are judged by their appearance.\n\nHe suffered the disparaging glances of the nobility for many years and works tirelessly toward a realm where the 'monstrous peoples' are no longer second (or third) class citizens."} +{"id": "77191725-f4a7-411b-9ce2-6496aa79fbed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:19.308", "backgroundColor": "#ff7113", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYQrcyHjJXtorpMkC6wjCjZjTkPMeaHhxoWsQ2LUtR8Vo", "txHash": "0x2a4aecbc738f0618c2eab3235977f3fb4d642943506b8f4155a11db161b65170", "createdAtBlock": 14308349, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1769, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRg39chDsjL127TBbFDVZ28DK71RvtPz9HUp8mywhHoug", "name": "Druid Axis of the Grotto", "text": "## Out of the grotto appeared a wizard overflowing with affinities. He misunderstood his powers and where they could take him. He spent his time serving his plague rat by using his powers to keep him constantly fed on whatever he desired. The time is coming tho when our Druid finds his Axis and starts using his powers in ways never imagined before..."} +{"id": "d4463d35-9daf-413f-bd0f-aa3f14a5339c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:20.099", "backgroundColor": "#cbc49a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5bcKZzyFGWTJUZWd74Sh8bcKxPsFhhSvUr3mz3sjiyo", "txHash": "0xc7f0871a0f7ce7f15995c49bdc459804d1fcb1257d663b7b7a87083416b6b6a2", "createdAtBlock": 14308647, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7526, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar of the Mist", "text": "# A Tale From a Bard\n\nIxar searched for Sacred Flame, \nTo burn anew from his name.\n\nIn his dark mind secrets stewed, \nhis undead lust he waits in queue.\n\nIxar here just wants this treat, \nNo jelly donut, coffin, his soul: \n*Defeat*."} +{"id": "ef9c2410-de1f-4096-a24e-4677c0fb0fb5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:21.271", "backgroundColor": "#1b3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhdhru8ugocEdE8iuiG1ooMcMaTtio1hzJmuo1FWvixR", "txHash": "0xcb2762085abf9f074a60f3d410f8bf82b2b0b01423b9dfc1bc8fa1e9e1e9d18f", "createdAtBlock": 14309054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4727, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Dutorn of the Atheneum", "text": "*What separates a wild man from a wise man? Cro-Magnon from Magus? On all fours Dutorn discovered his mystic book of spells, on two feet he wields its powers.*"} +{"id": "2cd9e041-59cc-48e7-8ebf-a33c436cd2db-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:45.372", "backgroundColor": "#177b27", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTzpUmR1Xyc5hyTozmWZDf2rHNWwmsPWPgyX4ZATBbDLJ", "txHash": "0x80b01d52776a858faf4848d8a89e3ee2569e76ba4df7b674ab6cde50f8d009cb", "createdAtBlock": 14414544, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Bathsheba of the Marsh", "text": "Bathsheba of the Marsh #5312\n\nMaybe one breath away \nI'll find the words to say \nI'll sit and light the bong \nI'll hold my hit in real long \nI don't know if I can go up inside with you tonite \nOh Bathsheba baby, please don't fuss and fight \nYou've heard the line before \nBathsheba, baby, please don't think I'm a whore \nIf you come home with me \nTurn off the lights lock up the door and start gettin' busy \nI don't know if I can go up inside with you tonite \nBathsheba, baby, I could do it right \nWhen we got to her pad \nBathsheba, baby, started callin' me her man \nAs she made me glad \nWe could not find the damn bed \nWiz #5311 plus one \nHotter than a microwave oven \nBathsheba, baby, please don't paperhand"} +{"id": "82bd3558-f228-477e-84cd-76339b15e67e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:22.119", "backgroundColor": "#543589", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeDEQ6tJyyAPtsczX93zmawe3nm1TZi7yH1Y4mMMzF9v9", "txHash": "0x1e4bd2e61f6b14628399a24f67216fdbc3b2b5a536f321c43e71ead142f34401", "createdAtBlock": 14309082, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3411, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmW4r7wCAg8f94KySj7yKJ13u1E4cTdJsGwvkGD4RZMQeH", "name": "Ghost Eater Oiq of the Villa", "text": "# The Villa is opening a second location at Turf City's recently gentrified neighborhood of [-12,-31]\n\n\n\n\n\n## Chef Ghost Eater Oiq is excited to bring their modern take on Italo-Kooplish cuisine. Get ready for the famous spaghetti and giant eyeball. \n\n\n\n## Help wanted. Looking for technicians experienced in charmed vegetables. Also, looking for a fine barista."} +{"id": "d5ab9ce2-c3be-496c-b66a-962576574762-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:31.116", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdMPh3Fhdhh47Gu77Uc1bF4CRbBYdtPDEVG87z2EccQWq", "txHash": "0x573c76f8df7bddd7fcc035587944b39413a57c76819e0d789f9836c9af1a1b22", "createdAtBlock": 14310436, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr from the Shadow", "text": "Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult"} +{"id": "03c63127-e4ed-47dd-83f1-3da89dccf52f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-21T01:02:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXS1yEaxVeSYV6PDkK89t7CgGh6QTccrnWmdxzy23vgMg", "txHash": "0x95d5e061e51537a68f703a9f749d2f016887e7e4c8c7cecb7127cc76fe0199be", "createdAtBlock": 15380952, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3584, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUhFoKeQxgBaWssbXjRgk9nxkdoLw1S4D3JvZ3dQpeLos", "name": "Sorcerer Merlon of the Ice", "text": "# The Long Sit\n10,000 years have passed since Merlon turned away from the world. \n\nHe senses an ancient, yet familiar, power stirring. \n\nHe answered its seductive call once before... \n\nCould it finally be time to return to the fold?"} +{"id": "4d96af4d-09eb-4a93-8cd3-51adc6bd9074-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:20.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbX886G2LiqvS9XmMNfqagngiHr6NQ5tuSMPnJvR8uwf8", "txHash": "0xdbd706c976d97d28e8d5bd130c5bc44291c48a376d45a434fe37c056024d0486", "createdAtBlock": 14388447, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Udor of the Light", "text": "## Redeemed Magic\n\n\nFor most of his young life, Arch-Magician Udor of the Light found himself wandering the lands, trying to master his own inner powers. When he was born, his father crafted a special pair of glasses that would not only help Udor to study the stars one day, but would also grow as his body grew, due to their special link to the powers of Saturn. \n\nUnfortunately for baby Udor, he spent barely three days with his biological parents before he fell victim to a clumsy Wizards misfired spell that accidentally sent young Udor far from his home and deep into the Quantum Shadows.\n\nHe appeared miraculously before a tribe of dark Wizards, and they naturally assumed he was a gift from the realms below a child that needed to be reared in their ways. For Udor though, nothing ever stuck. All of his training was an incredible uphill battle for him to learn the most basic hex. The tribe said it was almost as if he wasnt wired properly for such magick. \n\nThis left Udor feeling like an outcast and at the ripe young age of eight, he packed his satchel and headed out of the Quantum Shadows. Lost and confused, the disoriented young boy soon found himself in the Vampires Mist. Before long, he was captured by a wandering Vampire who brought him into his ancient castle. The Vampire forced the young boy to live at the top of the tower and made him clean his home with a lone broomstick. \n\nTo Udors own surprise, he found that whenever he held onto the broomstick, he would levitate off the ground by a few inches. Never once did he mention anything to Horace the cranky Vampire, as he was afraid that his master might confiscate the broom and give him a severe punishment."} +{"id": "4d96af4d-09eb-4a93-8cd3-51adc6bd9074-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:20.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbX886G2LiqvS9XmMNfqagngiHr6NQ5tuSMPnJvR8uwf8", "txHash": "0xdbd706c976d97d28e8d5bd130c5bc44291c48a376d45a434fe37c056024d0486", "createdAtBlock": 14388447, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Udor of the Light", "text": "After a year in the Vampires castle, Udor gained the courage one afternoon to jump out of the window and fly away from the caste on his broom. This worked for some time, allowing him to put enough distance between him and the castle to escape, but soon he crashed into an invisible wall put up by a travelling Sorcerer.\n\nAs Udor landed on the ground, the Sorcerer attempted to steal the boys Glasses and his rare Guillaumes broom, knowing both to be of great power. But as he tried to snatch them from the unconscious child, he was blasted by a strong Saturn Hex that turned him into a shining toad. When Udor regained consciousness, he caught the toad and roasted it over a bonfire that night for his supper. After falling asleep, Udor had very strange and powerful dreams of a place called the Light, where two kind souls pointed to the stars and honed in on a specific one with a large ring around itself.\n\nUdor awakened in fright and found his vision had changed. He could not only see the giant ringed planet clear as day in the nights sky, but he could also see a burning trail before his feet that seemed to be guiding him on a mystical path. \n\nFor two years Udor followed that path, using his broom to fly him over the lands, until one day he landed in a large city in the centre of the Light. There, he was welcomed home and reunited with his parents. The following week, he was lavished with gifts and given a proper initiation ceremony by the townsfolk."} +{"id": "4d96af4d-09eb-4a93-8cd3-51adc6bd9074-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:20.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbX886G2LiqvS9XmMNfqagngiHr6NQ5tuSMPnJvR8uwf8", "txHash": "0xdbd706c976d97d28e8d5bd130c5bc44291c48a376d45a434fe37c056024d0486", "createdAtBlock": 14388447, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Udor of the Light", "text": "For the first time in his life, he felt like he finally belonged, and in no time, his mother and father taught him how to use his powers properly. However, he surprised them from time to time when he would conjure a dark magick spell or wander into the woods for days on a spiritual journey. Nonetheless, Udor grew to be a fine Arch-Magician as an adult, and is well respected in his community even if he may lose his temper every so often and cause his neighbours to have a month of bad luck."} +{"id": "7a5063f7-928e-4ef1-a62f-ad5599abf327-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:22.795", "backgroundColor": "#35ccd1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUhJwjUQPgsGyC1fUyaBdaK1zGQZcm9Qu47pVUh2pg2pM", "txHash": "0xed0e83eea34572eb0706837e4da0489edcaf8ba80b4070afb424966f8e7481f5", "createdAtBlock": 14309174, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4900, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Galatea of the Valley", "text": "Galatea is nothing if not a lover of serenity, beauty, and comfort. A lifelong appreciator of the secrets of the natural world, Galatea has devoted her life to druidism, finding ways to work in tandem with nature to provide for herself and her feline familiar Miaya. When she isnt crafting salves from local herbs or playing fetch with Miaya, Galatea can be found tending to her garden of exotic plants, sitting in a cozy chair in the corner of a softly lit room reading about the history of the land, or perhaps sipping a cup of homegrown tea. \n \n\nAlthough she has settled into a comfortable life, the resilience of nature shows itself in her past. Galatea began her life in the Valley of the Void Disciple, an unforgiving and treacherous place to be for a girl with a kind soul. Even with the perils of her upbringing, she has learned from her experiences and found ways to survive and even thrive like a tulip blooming despite a lack of sunlight."} +{"id": "33aecb30-d0f8-419b-b045-fbf766106181-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:23.664", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXfRY68MLbEoeb7TjdFNZaAcz5fRXyFmBPgMZ6fomLAj", "txHash": "0xbba70bb3046d15462128b4e2df0608af8fa06c5db7481080867b7469c35adf4b", "createdAtBlock": 14309371, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8213, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeyHYCXBn4cQSSL7cMq45zjC1oaw9N7jmBLFZJrXPKe71", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Bayard of the Bleep", "text": "## Transformation of the Bleep - The Tale of Ethereal Spectre Bayard\n\n**On October 31st, 2021** a transformation had occurred. *Alchemist Bayard of the Cosmos* took the leap of faith with his fellow Wizard Cult by bringing a flame to a possible new world. It was told that there would be pure power and or mysterious outcomes of uncertainty. This was short lived and quickly began the transformation without hesitation. Even the idea of this working correctly is out of this world and complete madness. Offering the flame, it began to glow a bright purple and green color. Bayard would now be changed forever in the blink of the eye.\n\n> It always seems impossible until its done."} +{"id": "1e3f3125-55bf-454c-930e-b7ce7a78e8bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:24.468", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTNnTzmYvfThUe3ToPXp1wSSb3LeNLGNejXhKsPBnSyCE", "txHash": "0x478dd5752530334beb5745bc0506da8ec5c402d6768fbaa9bf7d53a058e25676", "createdAtBlock": 14309405, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4607, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Spectre Uvlius of Pandemonium", "text": "And so Uvlius and his companion fell into fire and shadow. Tempered by the sacred flames of eternity, Holy Spectre Uvlius of Pandemonium arose from the ashes. This time, more powerful than ever before."} +{"id": "3e8d7059-105d-48b3-9ab3-9b4601736e84-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:25.11", "backgroundColor": "#58367c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXGMbfdAhBcjoxrofa3bLdez3p5E8Leb3RrCd3oarGjQY", "txHash": "0x4e4c45e30538c4a034721897384de1085b7d103d1c6e11617e896d8f7b66cdd1", "createdAtBlock": 14309425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3857, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Zelroth of the Wild", "text": "# The Gang I Can Not Name \n\nI want to give you a quick story about the most misunderstood gang in the runiverse. Their words offend nearly everyone, but their actions offend only the most vile scum. They saved me from such a horrific death, that I can not even begin to repeat the details without coming to tears. After they saved my life and my soul, I vowed to be their humble servant indefinetly. \n\nKnown by acronyms such as TGFG, RR, and MF to name a few. I can not put their full names on paper, as their monikers offend even the saltiest of old timers. This gang does not mince words, they are offensive and blunt. They have a sick sense of humor, and cherish taking old sayings literally. What they lack in poise, they make up for with righteousness. \n\nThe ones TGFG deem the most nefarious are delivered a fate much worse than death. While some find their *living* trophies repulsive, I find them to be a constant reminder for wizards to not indulge their most inner demons."} +{"id": "8895105e-fba1-4be1-96c0-6c0ede30285c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:25.893", "backgroundColor": "#2f0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbru9EsE2nbrUwTqoV2ExSucdxdiSAkT5SjsQkpFU4vbE", "txHash": "0xee47c402aae1407336f246e95b29593cd8612065ae27d1232ad8e6aa7049ffc6", "createdAtBlock": 14309505, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3468, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Zolona of the Slime Pits", "text": "# The Lore of Ectoplasmic Spectre Zolona of the Slime Pits\n\n...Zolana emerged from The Sacred Flame.\n\nIt took her a minute to get her bearings as she felt discombobulated... What's this!? She noticed her green flame was no longer green, but purple! Her Hobgoblin's Flame was now a Bugbear's Flame!... She quickly took inventory. Her rune was now purple!... Her clothes had turned to rags!... Oh, and poor Jelly! Her Swamp Bullfrog, while still animated, was now a skeleton! She was so caught up in being called to The Sacred Flame, she really didn't think about the consequences... And then it hit her. Zolona was not the same either... She felt it. She knew. She looked. She was still her, but no longer her... Zolona took a deep breath. She embraced it. There was no reason to deny it. The Sacred Flame changed her and everything about her. The Great Burning changed many. And now, Cosmic Mage Zolona of the Desert transformed into... *Ectoplasmic Spectre Zolona of the Slime Pits* \n\nAnd so it was..."} +{"id": "ec8ed5e4-13e8-4d62-92ea-0500e46fa2e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:26.775", "backgroundColor": "#0a0c20", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNxae3LiEZBmuDXK8YaTgzdeDog5RwZJmPouEXp3TePL9", "txHash": "0xbad26aded062816a0f9df6e2127a8ec0427bbe4ae11de0232b125f7495989697", "createdAtBlock": 14309595, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 219, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sammy the Wondrous", "text": "# Sammy the Wondrous\n\nSammy has been considered an offset of the well-known Arabian purity with greater than 12.5% in class action. This percentage has since been adjusted due to the low population of these animals these days in the Runiverse. It is quite marvelous to acknowledge the stories behind the remaining 567 that exist today.\n\nSammy was never considered one of the top contenders for survival in the herd. However, as time passed it was clear just how wondrous this pony truly became over time. When Sammy was but a younger foal - fighting off winters and opposing animals were needed to survive. The parents of Sammy had even risked their lives and provided the remaining food they had at one point to allow the future generations of this pony breed to continue. Some say the ponies of this breed had been forgotten but the true followers know just how fierce and adventurous Sammy the Wonderous can be. This bloodline is not to be gawked at.\n\nThis is just the beginning tale of Sammy the Wondrous as there is still much in store for this pony...adventures await."} +{"id": "f66a641f-9658-413b-9e1a-00368bf7a89a-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-21T04:54:33.276", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmevCnQ5VTPhog9ELDmGP9Z7ceSG2wzB9BqhjE8C7bsnwX", "txHash": "0xf3b18d63f86a554102ddda73d22b0d57c57278673068618c50e271042b8cfee2", "createdAtBlock": 15381950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6101, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYj9M3wu6eZkrRE54eJmw4TZbVFj6C79pJ6QByJpZUJuA", "name": "Hina Champion of the Villa", "text": "# Fight Card \n\n**Given Name:** Hina Champion\n\n\n**Hails From:** The Villa\n\n\n**Arena Name(s):** \"Cat Dog\", \"Puss & Pup\", \"Cat-9 Killa\"\n\n\n**Sponsor:** BWARPA (Blue Wizards Advanced Research Projects Agency)"} +{"id": "401ece61-3fac-427d-adcd-1e33bf5850c3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:27.517", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfEvo4voyJASvNAMHfYE9KYRt69g3iJKsQaCPZwwavrQ", "txHash": "0xa8e434b52145e51db20171858b28486f89a3706a07fcb1266c1d269e50ab2e03", "createdAtBlock": 14309964, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 114, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden of the Havens", "text": "Eden had no friends growing up and found comfort in birds.\nLuckily for him, Havens was full of different birds.\nLonged wings, colorful feathers, long beaks, even speaking birds were all native Havens.\n\nBut his favorite bird were crows.\nIt was weird, everybody hated them.\nEden however, didn't. Some people went as far as saying that they see him speak to them, and the crows seem to reply.\n\nLast time he was seen, he went into the dark forst of Havens, and was never seen again.\n\nReports of crows pillaging the village started lately..."} +{"id": "e3e39cba-a7d0-406f-8004-f68101634902-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:28.36", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbMeP8c4PyLjFFhJbdCYpnDqVkXBdDE6QpdsYpWD7LNkV", "txHash": "0xddf5bff15c5c0ef283123421a001917d5ad3ba13422d0b5e57377140797551b8", "createdAtBlock": 14309964, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8931, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Orpheus of the Steppe", "text": "Orpheus was born with a lot of hair. So much hair that touching his hairy scalp became an attraction of his small village in the Steppes.\nHe enjoyed a simple life with his parents and at 6 years old, his parents started to charge people for the touch of his scalp. It brought luck and fortune to anyone touching it.\nOne day, 30 years before today, the great plague swept through the country and it reached far into the country, even in the Steppe.\n\nOn a full moon, a pilgrim went to touch his scalp and when the pilgrim's hands touched the curly glorious hair, a spark happened. The pilgrim left, screaming of joy.\nThe next morning, Orpheus was bald, and had a big beard.\nHe was 17 years old, pretty wealthy. Growing back his hair became his life mission and he became a mage, wandering the halls of the great library to search the perfect spell.\nYou can see him at night, with a candle, looking fuzzy.\nHis beard is glorious."} +{"id": "6684cccb-9cc3-4378-b7df-c6fb9b1e1fee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:34.29", "backgroundColor": "#971f33", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWsMG4JBiC2QEXFE52GTJANkZHD2US9QKomvycfXiK4Cq", "txHash": "0xa96cece954557560f543f00d01db8e7c8f0e879e0a88d36d0422e6efa5e8efc3", "createdAtBlock": 14311682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8109, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Nicolas of the Quantum Downs", "text": "## The Lore of Hedge Wizard Nicolas of The Quantum Downs\n\n*Voodoo is the hissing of the rose,\nthe petals and the climbing and the thorns\nof snakebite. Words that everybody knows\nare full of meaning. Sound the joyful horns\nprocessing in the raindrop-shimmered streets\nand praise the spirits watching from up high,\ndown low. The sacred dwells in those we meet\nfor years or moments. Gods live in the sky,\nthe ditches, citadels, dungeons and towers\nand in my hands. I pull the puppet strings\nand throw my curses. But always the power\nabides in those who ride me. Little things\nto those who pass without even a glance,\nenormous mightjust stop and take the chance.*"} +{"id": "a6781198-d86b-4bdc-a61d-8b761ee47a1a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:01.816", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdfw476taztLgpCJ91m3faFvMEWYnWGBooXPPz7H75DPz", "txHash": "0x0c1b7ad307279b03cd86aa0411cdf0c63d772cb84954b648af4581503fa2a923", "createdAtBlock": 15005559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8164, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Thor of the Ethereal Realm", "text": "Out of the darkness emerged Druid Thor of the Hills, but he was not the same. Into the Ethereal Realm he trudged on as pale flames arouse from beneath him in fiery, yet cold, gusts. About his person was a ghoulish affinity. He was no longer a Druid... he was a wraith. The pale flame that had once enticed him has been his downfall. A most bitter betrayal. A knight... serviced to the hellish realm... ever wondering on into a vast emptiness... Thor pulled his hood over his blank, expressionless eyes as he drew a desecrate staff from the empty plane of black sand beneath him. He trudged... and trudged... into the vast darkness."} +{"id": "3c7e349d-e202-4111-a132-e995a11c9b86-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-21T21:08:29.027", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYToso8kwSA3JY6Qx379eMNjByytTEhWbZmAetqpnwr6h", "txHash": "0x39f13bf3c31d14ac502ff293cd98b9b08e267ebe1d16c0f5c14aa91dd99e3e79", "createdAtBlock": 15386245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11730, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ao Cataclysm of the Mountain", "text": "# Ao\n\nShe woke up with the face of Komodi. She remembered she used to be pretty before it happened. Now her tongue doesn't allow her to speak, she can just a make a simple sound \"Ao\"."} +{"id": "6d11e603-a9ad-4b7f-b01e-53ffba599c7e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:30.229", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXTYH5uTvY8UHeT2bhtr1MP4AMYSbYRifipi2nc6KzEd3", "txHash": "0x01330c88035c5c418ea534a29ade737424840ec01c28190e674ff5febb90a68b", "createdAtBlock": 14310078, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6255, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Impy of the Citadel", "text": "Thought to be extinct, Golden Toads have been showing up around the Runiverse recently.\n\nFancy a lick?\n\nYou might want to think twice about licking Impy's Golden Toad. Anurans have long been immune to toad venom, but one Anuran and his familiar, Chuckles, have decided to work together to.. weaponize it! Chuckles' venom tests out at 10000x stronger than the average Golden Toad..\n\nThe story of *7th Realm Armaments and Battle Medicine* begins.."} +{"id": "02b7b92f-a905-4a32-a8ee-0e6341b679aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:31.846", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZraZnFq1AB53ENJxrS6Bp8tWUmTDXzhtH2bdYegBWuqE", "txHash": "0xd534ed3290fafbeecc56e388f2d2b19057b235e47f6795b3882df759f14d8cbb", "createdAtBlock": 14311111, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 880, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRDg4pVYuasxbTg8AEhKaPt1PcG2zicFcZsM9dRHkfKtN", "name": "Arch-Magician Apollo of Dreams", "text": "# Prologue\n\nTis said that when \nThe hands of men \nTamed this primeval wood, \nAnd hoary trees with groans of woe, \nLike warriors by an unknown foe, \nWere in their strength subdued, \nThe virgin Earth Gave instant birth \nTo springs that neer did flow \nThat in the sun Did rivulets run, \nAnd all around rare flowers did blow \nThe wild rose pale Perfumed the gale \nAnd the queenly lily adown the dale \n(Whom the sun and the dew \nAnd the winds did woo), \nWith the gourd and the grape luxuriant grew. \n \nSo when in tears \nThe love of years \nIs wasted like the snow, \nAnd the fine fibrils of its life \nBy the rude wrong of instant strife \nAre broken at a blow \nWithin the heart \nDo springs upstart \nOf which it doth now know, \nAnd strange, sweet dreams, \nLike silent streams \nThat from new fountains overflow, \nWith the earlier tide \nOf rivers glide \nDeep in the heart whose hope has died \nQuenching the fires its ashes hide, \nIts ashes, whence will spring and grow \nSweet flowers, ere long, \nThe rare and radiant flowers of song!\n\nPoe, Edgar Allan. *The Forest Reverie*."} +{"id": "9aedbfd6-0f95-4904-9583-939e4a0c8fb8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:32.585", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWhowFV32JSnrt5CfHFvE4Rcq8xeWgYwxaTz9Fi2vfUKj", "txHash": "0x915ba8efb2a6edee3893c351fdf2e2f445012f2471c3aa362447440f91f2ed16", "createdAtBlock": 14311200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4833, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Titania of the Canyon", "text": "The Story of Sage Titania of the Canyon\n\nSage Titania of the Canyon has carried her torch since she was a young one, plunging into the depths of caverns around her birthplace in the canyon. As long as she can remember, although they have gone by different names, a red snake has always been at her side. Titania allied herself with @wizard8143 but was always on the fence as to whether he was the right party leader for the group. He was always devising unusual and unnecessary plans of conquering the Forgotten World, and Titania really just wanted to explore. She finally decided to part ways with Ice Mage Bane of the Ice after she saw how he treated his disciple @wizard284. Maybe she'll find Oberon in her travels, but only time will tell."} +{"id": "8cb57525-c4ef-4973-9d7f-fb085fc03e8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:32.786", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWhowFV32JSnrt5CfHFvE4Rcq8xeWgYwxaTz9Fi2vfUKj", "txHash": "0xd38b697e4c1131748b4221d197a1e2870bcb06c48776c6cacbd9e3d73a816762", "createdAtBlock": 14311230, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4833, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Titania of the Canyon", "text": "The Story of Sage Titania of the Canyon\n\nSage Titania of the Canyon has carried her torch since she was a young one, plunging into the depths of caverns around her birthplace in the canyon. As long as she can remember, although they have gone by different names, a red snake has always been at her side. Titania allied herself with @wizard8143 but was always on the fence as to whether he was the right party leader for the group. He was always devising unusual and unnecessary plans of conquering the Forgotten World, and Titania really just wanted to explore. She finally decided to part ways with Ice Mage Bane of the Ice after she saw how he treated his disciple @wizard284. Maybe she'll find Oberon in her travels, but only time will tell."} +{"id": "b9d20cdb-ff4f-49dd-b795-ae2e6281269e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:33.549", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcM2VETJT5K3xPmfj6GkGDa2RnE9zmcwryYDZ8Fz4dwEa", "txHash": "0x77f4ff0fe3b1dd42cab5d0fdb86ce017673d8c0192cd74fc54e5c9bc1380b7da", "createdAtBlock": 14311337, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7005, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWYJpP2z9MXmN57233yxyiWXwHieoXgaJB4FmgVkF8dRw", "name": "Horned Phantasm Caligula of the Smell", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": "# Who is Ghost Eater Kobold you ask?\n\n\n\n>Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome and his faithful Skramps, have had so many adventures that the distinction between myth, legend, and reality has become very difficult to determine. There are so many slightly incomprehensible qualities to Ghost Eater that one can almost imagine some truth to the tales often recited, but surely, they cannot all be true.\n\nThere is disagreement even to the age and origins of the legendary kobold. None seem able to recall a time without him wandering the Runiverse. The oldest stories recall a clever kobold with a heart so pure that one day while wandering after a butterfly near the Carnival Pass he found he had somehow crossed over the border into the land of the Fey. After navigating a landscape full of unknown dangers, skirmishes with the locals, and a near roasting at the hands of a scorned love interest, Ghost Eater is said to have been given safe haven deep within the Fey by @wizard8679."} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": "It was through Ilyas that Ghost Eater learned there were two others of the Runiverse who also searched for a way to return home. Refreshed from his respite and strengthened by Ilyass incredibly powerful blessing of the Purple Haze, Ghost Eater set off to track down these two fellow citizens of the Runiverse. He finds two wizards whose minds are encumbered with so much latent Fey magic they can barely remember their Runes and incredibly have been trapped in the Fey for so long they have forgotten even their names. The layers of magic are so thick in their minds the sad truth is confirmed that their names have been lost to their magical affliction and time. They call one another only @wizard6250 and @wizard6954. They share with Ghost Eater little of their adventures only making absurd claims of having shared hundreds of hundreds of camps fires during their search for a path home. The two are clearly not fully sane, but they do not appear aggressive or dangerous to Ghost Eater. They agree to together find a way home and the two seem willing to take any chance regardless the risk.\n\nThe presence of Ghost Eater and his continued protective aura of Purple Haze seemed to slowly dissolve the bonds over the minds of these two travel weary wizards. Over the next weeks and months Ghost Eater grounded them to reality and reminded them of their Runes and what they all once knew of the Runiverse. The nameless wizards repay the kindness by sharing several of the more easily mastered incantations and illusions they developed during their time traveling a landscape filled with magic. With a new sense of purpose and a growing trust the trio return to Ilyas in search of finally finding a way home."} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": "As they approached his home Ilyas was waiting on them and eager to shuffle them inside. Much to do, much to plan, no time to waste. It seems Ilyas was well aware of their hope of returning home and had already considered several options for our travelers. Unfortunately, of the options laid out by Ilyas that could provide a return to the Runiverse, all seemed to have slim chances of success with several of them ending in untimely demise if unsuccessful. It was after hours of growing despair and discarded suggestions that the trio elect to seek out the power of an artifact held in the lair of the gorgons. Ilyas was certain a hero had once fallen to their power and been petrified to stone, however protected well in a magic bag of holding this hero held a Key of the Seventh Realm."} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": "The gorgons of course detected the group and upon arrival they were met with immediate blasts of magic and power stronger than any of them had ever faced. Without the steadily glowing pulse of Ilyas protective Purple Haze the journey would have ended quickly with their quick deaths. However, with some distracting illusions and a bit of luck the trio manages to escape and hide themselves in the rubble. A plan is quickly formed to use a potent potion of nightshade provided by Alchemist of the Cosmos to taint the water jugs found outside the home of the gorgons. After an exhausting and hot afternoon of flinging magic at wary wizards the gorgons were ready for a break and some refreshments. Two of the three sisters take mighty gulps of the water after searching in the hot sun for the well-hidden wizards. In short moments the belladonna alkaloids in the water begin to enlarge the pupils of the gorgons resulting in extreme light sensitivity and a severe pounding migraine. Feeling disoriented and dizzy the two stumble into their chambers to sleep off the mysterious affliction. The two older sisters continue to shriek their agony tossing and turning before finally demanding their youngest sister, Medusa, protect them while they enter a magic slumber to counter the magical poison."} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": "With the odds now three to one in the wizards favor they spring into action. A series of illusionary copies of the wizards confuse and annoy Medusa as she destroys them one by one. In the ensuing chaos the real Ghost Eater manages to retrieve a glowing sword from a pile of discarded artifacts and position himself directly behind the dangerous Medusa. With one swipe of the sword, he cleanly decapitates the head with hair of writhing serpents and kicks it into a corner. Exhausted, but apparently out of danger, the team searches the surrounding area and locates a statue matching Ilyas descriptions of the unfortunate holder of the key. Dangling from a belt turned stone there IS a bag hanging. In stark contrast to the field of statues that serve as both grave marker and final resting place, the bag seems to be almost alive. Softer than velvet, a shade of violet so deep as to almost be black, the bag is tied closed with a cord of sparkling golden threads."} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": "Reaching his hand inside the bag Ghost eater finds the space much larger than expected and soon is up to his elbow, his shoulder and eventually summons some light and bravely sticks his head inside the bag. Inside he finds a WONDER! An entire vault lies within the confines of this bag as though the dimensions themselves have somehow folded into this wondrous container. Inside, the vault pulses with a soft light and though mostly empty it contains piles of gold and jewels in in amounts larger than Ghost Eater had ever imagined. Placed on a podium in a place of honor Ghost Eater finds the Key to the Seventh Realm. Careful to wrap the key in cloth Ghost eater returns from the Bag of Holding and into the Fay. Finally having secured a way home the group quickly adds the head of Medusa to the treasures of the vault and make haste before the poisoned gorgons wake to discover the fate of their youngest sister.\n\nAmazed the adventurers have returned alive, and with the key, Ilyas now reveals to our travelers the story of @wizard0. He who commands a singularity and refracts it through a simple Chroma Crystal to birth the creation of limitless nothing. The Holy Arcanist has the potential to create any number of realities from infinite threads, including one that would return them to their home. Cosmic Mage, Ilyas, and Alchemist see Ghost Eater grasp the key firmly in his right hand, flashes bright with light, and then becomes transparent and fades into nothing and in an instant reappears in a burst of color."} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": ">At least this is how it was observed within the realm of the Fay. For Ghost Eater, using the Key to the Seventh realm to travel among space, time, and the very fabric of reality; it seemed as though he traveled on, and on, and on, until it seemed time itself no longer had meaning. Finally, ahead the darkness was split with an incredibly pure white light and a prismatic burst of color more beautiful than anything a kobold had ever witnessed. Ghost Eater begins to weep with the beauty and can feel his is in the presence of immense power. Able to sense the truest self of all beings, The Holy Arcanist could see the goodness in Ghost Eater, his quest, and The Holy Arcanist blessed him that day. The purity of his kobold heart and knowledge gained during his adventures through the Fey were said to move even an ancient being of unfathomable power.\n\n>After agreeing to aid The Holy Arcanist in achieving his infinite goals with an unbreakable oath, Ghost Eater was given some powerful gifts to aid him on his journey. The first gift was a familiar so rarely seen today to be legend itself. A true friend, companion, and defender of good, Skramps joined forces forever with Ghost Eater with a familiar soul bond. The second was the most splendidly colored garment mortal eyes have ever seen. It is unknown what material makes up the suit, but rumors in the Fay are that the fabric is light itself, bending into an infinite prism and protecting Ghost Eater on his journey. As a third gift he later discovered in his Bag of Infinite Holding the gruesome medusa head had been desiccated and shrunken, frozen into position becoming a gruesome reminder of his journey through the Fay. He also happily noted the remainder of the treasures secure and happily kept the bag tucked on a cord within his rainbow suit."} +{"id": "5689a7c0-122f-424b-99f4-5f69c91a3bb8-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSeF96Qf3StQGUG5UKEGYs78v6tmVDaoomN7pKsKoh1eQ", "txHash": "0x426d5e0544e873796005fc8069482f5c9d9d1589e80a80c59bc540632daf13a6", "createdAtBlock": 14322918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 55, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcHAhUsxzfMyteXRG3eVaEzxwVNJJGuw4jWpBfkuCv4Rg", "name": "Ghost Eater Kobold of the Technochrome", "text": "If you have doubts traveler, you need look only to the glyphs found in the Toadstools that clearly depict the triumphant return of Ghost Eater wrapped in his rainbow and showing his battle prowess through defeat of the mighty Medusa.\n\nSuch is the presence of this intrepid traveler of the world. A continuously shimmering and mesmerizing prismatic rainbow of fabric or, if the legends are to be believed a rainbow itself, softly pulsates in the presence of Ghost Eater. Reflective surfaces sparkle and shine, flowers stand taller, and even the sky itself has been said to become bluer when held in his gaze. \n\nWhile there is much unknown the one thing that can always be trusted is Ghost Eater Kobold will always show up in the time of greatest need and will stand as a light against darkness as long as he has the strength to continue. Fear not if you see a swirl of colors and lights on the horizon in your time of need, he nears."} +{"id": "4662192b-37c8-4c6e-a180-3823d625ab7c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:35.078", "backgroundColor": "#11260d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxjyULbpWgfU4mnizeepG2qjw6uZbRFkUuGYGJiZ3zB9", "txHash": "0x260c3e8a71deaa0fc14ead295a048c9dd2715a7f6800c77bba687c3961bf1615", "createdAtBlock": 14311717, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP17nZ4VGq76DW2UkdzmJSuSaDUc3TWwii59XsD4j6wPb", "name": "Druid Merlon of Dreams", "text": "# A Walk of Reflection \n\nMerlon and Bun-Bun are seeing great changes that are going about in the Runiverse. \nWeeks are decades in this world, Bun-Bun\" Merlon casually mentioned to his familiar as they walked around Dream Master Lake. Pretty soon we will have neighbors! I hear many types of wizards and warriors will be moving in from across the realm. he remarked. Bun-Bun just looked up at his buddy and nodded in agreement. \n\nDo you think there will be others like me, Merlon? Bun- Bun asked. \n\nWhy of course! Merlon stammered. There have been legends of a many of magical creatures that will emerge from their slumber and provide their blessing and in some cases terror on the land. \n\nBun-Bun smirked Lets hope for more blessing than terror. \n\nMerlon and Bun-Bun arrived at the Sacred Stables where some of the Forgotten Runes Ponies lived. They scooped the feed and served the sacred steeds, who delighted in their snack. Everything was calm and tranquil at that moment, and it was good. \n\n\n\n\n\nThis wizard is good friends with @wizard113. Merlon and Bun-Bun often care for @pony93 and the @pony100."} +{"id": "a44d7813-11e1-4ac4-b15f-3e6c6640c152-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:35.807", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR15Vd3ecqe6Fe4wuZGxdYtHRGnAJKqpYzRDQ17viBh8S", "txHash": "0x139e753f16deb1840bc5d002e57e9f3f9cf0812b41faac81f4628d49dca79cd1", "createdAtBlock": 14312239, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8684, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Homer of the Arctic", "text": "\"Allez vous faire!\"\n\" votre sant!\"\n\" votre sant!\"\n..........\n(glug)\n\" votre sant\"\n(glug)\n\"Allez vous faire!\"\n\"Allez vous faire!\"\n(glug)"} +{"id": "dba3e504-7ca2-44d3-ad85-1372a996bd6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:37.2", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSCKr5d1YMkbGe2j7HudMJ2PfDxJUDWUG5MiJS3c67X9N", "txHash": "0x1e059930e12201d971f6ebe98d2082087bcc52569edbdd3be7926923610e1652", "createdAtBlock": 14317027, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 257, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNagzJLiD8xJ6SbXVYc8bfFqnHXJ4rHS9DMFckWnDkKcx", "name": "Witch Lenora of the Grotto", "text": "# Witch Lenora demonstrates her alchemy"} +{"id": "fef17257-d7ac-47de-b7f7-93e632f962aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:38.298", "backgroundColor": "#060606", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeP5dFHG99sB9X5JcpqjPRYJSSxZfuWN4Rw9hEy8gjQyU", "txHash": "0xa18a358634de0eb207de8914ba5663eb42f16d9102c94a3e5f37c08d3128395d", "createdAtBlock": 14320966, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2940, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmReu2ZRrUq4MK1ZqXgoaaCow74yQVFwC81ySDY1RAzvgx", "name": "Magus Herne of Alfheim", "text": "# The First Recruit\n--- *Archmagus Herne of Alfheim, slightly tipsy, approaches the bar after evening supper at the Greater Alfheim Hunt Club.* @wizard3523 *is sitting, smoking her usual pinch of grouse weed, and turns toward Herne as he approaches...* --- \n\n\n\nHerne: \nI know that look. Is that *really* necessary right now?\n\nListen, I know. The club isn't your thing. It's no secret that you're disgusted by almost everyone here. And I get it. They mean well, but they're just... a little out of touch, you know? \n\nIt's the money... does strange things to people. And this is the result.\n\nBut you, you're looking at me like I'm one of them! I see it - I see it in your eyes RIGHT now. \n\nIt's not the first time, either. I see it every time - *every time* I come by in a new elven cloak or mention my purebred steed - anything, really. You and that look. But damn the cosmos if I'll apologize for my success. Because you know what? With me it's different. It really is. I'm not like them. You know that, right? You've known me since I was a fawn. And I mean honestly, what's changed?\n\nOk, don't answer that.\n\n\n\nYou know, it was never supposed to be this way. The business... it just... fell on my lap. I didn't know what else to do. It was such a small thing. I saw the opportunity and I went with it. How could I have possibly known it would get this far? How could anyone? Nobody could have seen this coming."} +{"id": "fef17257-d7ac-47de-b7f7-93e632f962aa-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:38.298", "backgroundColor": "#060606", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeP5dFHG99sB9X5JcpqjPRYJSSxZfuWN4Rw9hEy8gjQyU", "txHash": "0xa18a358634de0eb207de8914ba5663eb42f16d9102c94a3e5f37c08d3128395d", "createdAtBlock": 14320966, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2940, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmReu2ZRrUq4MK1ZqXgoaaCow74yQVFwC81ySDY1RAzvgx", "name": "Magus Herne of Alfheim", "text": "And if you think about it, what real harm was done? People wanted what I had to sell. I just supplied what was demanded. Everything was above board - totally legit. It was a wholesome operation top to bottom with great jobs for everyone. Plus, If I hadn't done it, someone else would have. So think about it, who better to look after it all than me? Me! C'mon... I brought progress - new tech, new magic... it's so much less destructive now than it's ever been! ~mumbles~ Besides, the forest will grow back. Always does.\n\n\nBut anyway, look, why I invited you here... I want you to know I'm leaving it all behind.\n\n\n\nThat's right. I've resigned my chair this week and handing operations over to Cromwell. Yeah, that Cromwell. He'll do fine. \n\nBut I'm walking away, full retirement. Complete separation from the whole ordeal. I mean, yeah, I'm still *technically* a shareholder entitled to profits (a stag's gotta eat), but I'm out of the day-to-day.\n\n\n\nAlright! Alright, alright. I'd shut it down if I could. I would. I want to! I'm just one stag, and it's totally out of my control. And think of all the jobs that would be lost. Alfheim would be devastated! Families would be crushed! Children would go hungry!"} +{"id": "fef17257-d7ac-47de-b7f7-93e632f962aa-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:38.298", "backgroundColor": "#060606", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeP5dFHG99sB9X5JcpqjPRYJSSxZfuWN4Rw9hEy8gjQyU", "txHash": "0xa18a358634de0eb207de8914ba5663eb42f16d9102c94a3e5f37c08d3128395d", "createdAtBlock": 14320966, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2940, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmReu2ZRrUq4MK1ZqXgoaaCow74yQVFwC81ySDY1RAzvgx", "name": "Magus Herne of Alfheim", "text": "Seriously, stop with the look. I'm trying! Honest, I am. I have a plan, alright? And I need you. I need you to be a part of it. I know it sounds crazy, but you and I can do a lot of good - right a lot of wrongs. Ok, they're all my wrongs, but still. This will be a good thing. A necessary thing. We can make huge difference and set things right, and I need your help.\n\n*sigh*\n\nCome on, the last caravan's leaving town soon. I'll walk you over and tell you all about how we're going to save the forest."} +{"id": "97b0c2ff-84b3-4ab2-a037-49079cffefe6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:39.007", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc4QMzBbqV1HBfQuc2nobGgfm4mpVyG5V8dK5xvHkatwZ", "txHash": "0x4c585befb6ee762ca0dba51995a9d27a95c22c3a27877f63384ef886f7bc68c5", "createdAtBlock": 14322709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6695, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Devon of the Atheneum", "text": "Some say a penchant for bright yellow and a cheery disposition are not fitting for a practitioner of moon magic. Like her title, Devon of the Atheneum enchants all who meet her with pleasant talk that makes one feel warm and seen, not quite what most expect from someone whose power comes from the cold and distant moon. Her familiar is a fat and lazy golden toad who happily rests in sunspots and accepting head rubs from visitors. Many others aligned with the moon can be cold and distant, occupied with thoughts far off and dark dealing with the unknown. Devon will smile if asked about this and merely responds with \"Surely you know where the moon's light comes from?\" before seamlessly changing the topic. \n\n\n*Moonlight fills a glen where a yellow haired figure stands alone. A staff matching the phase of the moon floats behind her. A small smile may be seen on her lips or perhaps just a trick of the light. For a brief moment the light grows in intensity, and her hair begins to glow. The tips of her feet are now levitating above the ground. The moment passes and she lightly touches down. A cloud passes in front of the moon, darkening the area. Three lights remain. The moon staff lightly shimmers as Devon walks off, brightly shining yellow eyes illuminating her path.*"} +{"id": "e844de84-240c-49a4-a6e4-bba2c9afdc91-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-21T21:45:21.578", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWqYTcpRXrmtCgMqNL8vQ7HUm4wu4quHDZ9zE5Wa6h4hy", "txHash": "0x2fc72c18b79b20049d1bd4daa8014db5d2674ed9c86f0f05ced62e5503fffd90", "createdAtBlock": 15386400, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11729, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pierce Hellraiser of the Alley", "text": "# The Lore of Pierce Hellraiser of the Alley\n\nYou would think with a hyena as a pet Pierce H. would be a forest kinda guy. You would be wrong. Pierce and his magnificent hyena, Cat, raise hell in the Alley. He is the son of Ali, in love with a girl named Allie, and would never tell a lie. That's the story of Pierce."} +{"id": "7af22283-a954-4d2a-a1cb-1621297b0cf2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:40.519", "backgroundColor": "#1c2c6e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPHzBytbqX6jtFDzS7LRJJRP5K1JyYrzUXNon1gcwouYX", "txHash": "0x571aca7b4df26c7c7cfccb4193fcae208f067bf68f3787fb3fa921b94f5ddf92", "createdAtBlock": 14323972, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6429, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Asmodeus of Xanadu", "text": "# Lore of Pyromancer Asmodeus of Xanadu \n\nDo the spells cause the sparks or do the sparks signify spells? There is nothing in sight that Asmodeus will not light. Sparkles and flare, rocket in hand, warding off bad spirits for all of the land. A blue icy robe draped over his skin, so Asmodeus cannot burn from within. If you see blooming flowers and rainbow fountains high in the night sky, you can safely assume Asmodeus is very close by."} +{"id": "ac5fd5c5-5716-4dee-8e2e-86bef1cc402e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:34.837", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVCDMUwHEfM8MCgVj1HZ61Npo8Ra2yheN7jGcTRF2GEB6", "txHash": "0xefcd99217faf47d9379998c0f2a40af14ea0e27d93d90cafd23ebca727191ef8", "createdAtBlock": 15073045, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4374, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thrug Killer of Zero", "text": "# The Lore of Thrug Killer of Zero \n\n*Once there was a village*\n\n*Once there was a family*\n\n*Now there is only a Killer*\n\nOnce many moons ago, Thrug's family was murdered and his village razed when he was a humble farmer trying to get his life started with his loving wife and child. Little is known about Thrug after his village was burned to the ground. He's never told the story on how he was turned into a machine. His full story has yet to be revealed...\n\nWhat is known is that Thrug Killer of Zero is a ruthless machine that unleashes death and destruction on villages and towns he comes across. Thrug is merciless and never second guesses releasing killer bees on his enemies. Thrug's motivation in life is revenge. He is on a mission to avenge his wife, baby, and his village by killing the people or King that ordered the destruction of his village."} +{"id": "9a282de8-4c69-49b1-a3aa-260cb1de25d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:42.009", "backgroundColor": "#153756", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT5RxHUkA5ptq2AmSVZ3L7kBUYDrACeDBM6H91FDRnyvj", "txHash": "0x614eed2e85a2d3a0452ff28a995f9242f2287ad9b06b86ab4c5e0745bd959919", "createdAtBlock": 14327902, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 165, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hell Pony the Cordial", "text": "Hell Pony the Cordial\n\nIt is rare to come across ponies in the canyon due to the arid nature of the land. This is how Hell Pony came to get his name. He has a unique ability to survive in hot climates.\n\nOne day he was searching for a patch of grass where he stumbled upon @wizard6850.\n\nThey quickly became friends and Hell Pony went on to live at her swamp, where he helps her harvest mushrooms. As we know, Magus Drusilla sells mushrooms in bulk at the night market."} +{"id": "4ed95296-637d-4a74-a25a-424925ce9985-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:42.75", "backgroundColor": "#113c58", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRXhXZNcUhZfxvwwW5Mzrvm6hRwhcRnmVincgLKdhjCp3", "txHash": "0xcabd762618917bead6c4aa26372479eb86a32794f0ea2294c06a34ca70364001", "createdAtBlock": 14327922, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6850, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Drusilla of the Canyon", "text": "Magus Drusilla of the Canyon\n\nAlthough she lives in a desert canyon, Magnus Drusilla has used her powers to terraform a small mushroom swamp into the landscape. With the help of her little companion, Frogbert, and her trusted steed @pony165, she harvests these mushrooms and sells them in bulk at the Night Market."} +{"id": "4af32386-60e0-463b-af61-9d3a9507fba9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:47.598", "backgroundColor": "#004fa9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRxAyix6vwybUQULUd5pRGNVkZwbXEg59XADUJGPq13KV", "txHash": "0xb5da6c5f5fd281eb8f7a5f93d46994ab2fc25633b55642c94f19a0db928dfbb3", "createdAtBlock": 14330600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6668, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Sharx of the Field", "text": "# Summary\n\nSharx, the Archmagus, had the strongest magic of anyone in the alternate universe known as the Mushroom Kingdom. His magic was so strong that he was the first being to open a portal from his own plane into the Runiverse. His portal was set to send him to the toadstools, but a rogue magic surge disrupted his trajectory as he entered, and he was instead transported to the Shifting Sands far far south of his intended destination. With just a few supplies and all the magic he can muster he is on his way north to try and reach his original destination. This is his story of survival and adventure."} +{"id": "72310007-a371-46b9-ab3c-eaac97d01f8f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:38.237", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXCBQhLjqaCtP3PhicPsg6dUX3bMuEVcMxnC4QnxmrZ26", "txHash": "0x9426b6aaa8e40ae6f7fd092d9db205b7a1d2f8560500346f1eacbb9f22c5cd57", "createdAtBlock": 14782840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7796, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Solomon from the Shadow", "text": "Solomon \n\nsolomon has never met his parents, only heard that he was born in a fire. His hair was also the color of flames. His gray robe is edged with a flame pattern, and when he recites the incantation, the flame on his robe will also burn.\n\nHis monkey, who is 500 years old, sometimes releases flames under Solomon's guidance."} +{"id": "dc846925-3e7a-4d25-a5ba-4b36c44168bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-22T14:46:47.485", "backgroundColor": "#ff9c06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYLxZE54EAjzM5Qp2kH6Voakg4A1pGuuNXUFobz52sWpe", "txHash": "0x3544a223bd8c249c9d9912cacb681b9f6b5ec41b62427eebd382d03f0d3bcfac", "createdAtBlock": 15390858, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5017, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmWWn61pHT2cnT7Rz2yzeavAwPfSyUCUWjcgRaRU4qzP", "name": "Sharon Peacemaker of the Ruins", "text": "# Sharon Peacemaker of the Ruins\n\n\n\nFor there to be peace, the belligerent army must die.\n```\n\n```\nSharon, Peacemaker of the Ruins, will see to it."} +{"id": "2aa76d49-6d47-4f2c-ad49-9ab863127a83-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:48.254", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmacLgQpRDiT6CHrsV1eJhwRReerCG5SRN8WqGoGbDyapi", "txHash": "0xaa67261cacd5ef011f70da30bdf67d4f1b6a40ff75e8ea7131ebc9b96ef91b93", "createdAtBlock": 14331290, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2470, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSPet7y3pgfgLaaQ7G2tohuU1QHxmpsT2bvDsLZcG2Nmt", "name": "Archmagus Victoria of the Moors", "text": "Archmagus Victoria of the Moors\n\n\n\nArchmagus Victoria was trained from Childhood by Faceless men in a unknown forest outside city of Braavos. Victoria travelled across Iberian peninsular before arrival at port of Red Wizard Capital in Runiverse. Fluent in multi-lingo, Victoria has no problem to communicate with aboriginal peoples in this land. A red cat accompanied Victoria wherever she goes. The greek style Caduceus made Victoria easily identifiable and popular among wizards who want to team up with a healer. \n\nGossips from wizard tavern said that Victoria made some inquiries about the Quantum Shadow and seemed determined to make a recent trip to the other side of the shadow. Nobody knows what brings Victoria here and why Victoria is so interested in Quantum Shadow. \n\nThe other day, Victoria stopped by a stable and picked a pearl pony with a colorful wizard funny hat. It looked like she was preparing to travel soon. (to be continued ...)"} +{"id": "29996b69-fb5a-4762-a88f-f38ad90a6ab0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:43.479", "backgroundColor": "#decccc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcM1dYyNb4Xwjf8FpoDQHswq1nTFxDWNP9iRf4Lym83bK", "txHash": "0x3bebd063094bf84b1d68a3bf96769d25b431198c87f644ced60f703127d70bfa", "createdAtBlock": 14327987, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4158, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Jabir of the Ice Abyss", "text": "Wraith Knight Jabir of the Ice Abyss\n\n\nWho was once known as @wizard4158 the trickiest trickster in all the land took one trick too far and ended up transmuting into a Forgotten Soul. \n\nSince becoming a Soul with the help of the skeleton of Crackerjack Crow by his side and his new trusty steed @pony412, Jabir has only become more powerful. \n\nMany Souls and Wizards alike steer clear of Jabir and his tricky ways, the powers of the Bag of Cataclysm are still unknown."} +{"id": "ab655a28-3d85-408b-89c6-132ea787899e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:44.128", "backgroundColor": "#decbca", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUhodWM4JAy8fKLzf7i2rTwnjBt1J4CF4nKnQWpz4Mj3A", "txHash": "0x0b50b12b97978d0414be33a7906a6141d4b5fea380fdb6bc4ae4c572437a99b1", "createdAtBlock": 14328002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 412, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gidget the Affectionate", "text": "Gidget the Affectionate\n\nWho was once a lost Pony, one day Gidget found a friend in @soul4158 and have been travelling and crafting up tricks together ever since. \n\nFor their first anniversary together Jabir crafter some golden reins for his best pal. \n\nGidget doesn't like anything too fancy, he's happy with his saddle and his golden reins."} +{"id": "835d9984-81a3-4dfb-800b-0b95e546768f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-22T18:22:33.188", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6RsyL36xp2bJ2WwvonpD9iUjrtK8yp9bsrLPAFCpunK", "txHash": "0xcda6f8a9f002a0b06d830eda49f14fe98d040689b7ab909757a4d022b49370f7", "createdAtBlock": 15391846, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZpZdX8nYwBKVBXDXtwsB5vj3y3cwhUsU2xb1pzc5TQjE", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "I don't have to understand it, but this hyperrune of mine belongs here..."} +{"id": "999c72d2-22c4-4c40-97a4-e7f5e4fdb4f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-22T22:40:13.406", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmduAW5QCLERCBt6qAC1yi7PL6hXCCL46QoZbE97ghcmUf", "txHash": "0x6ba6671fdb53985c0697de61591e16a2d649c9fad0e594da89bb668ad152a0f9", "createdAtBlock": 15392955, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4104, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUNzTrMdexAGkKZh5Tv7WHcEMA1TTjPfdjzy2ugeay2y7", "name": "Magus Kingsley of the Wood", "text": "The reflection of soft blue light faded from Kingsleys face as he finished sealing the rune into The Book. More deeds recorded. A practice that has always been important, but now takes on greater gravitas with the looming threat of the Quantum Shadow. Our memories will be the bulwark against the destruction of indiscriminate loss."} +{"id": "2de8f3f3-09cb-4ebe-a702-9a23e78b28c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:41.284", "backgroundColor": "#f4f4f4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXaep1WGfNpX6UqCh4cUjfc1ZnLUZw1vRDKsZAB4M8QvX", "txHash": "0x00d8ce82fb733283f0291125ae1ccf561f729cb5e0681b27f94185de502b872e", "createdAtBlock": 14327554, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 450, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcB136z4F6eRYYP2Lddc1id6ktHc1hbXPv52f7AjuUFyZ", "name": "Jellybean the Incredible", "text": "# The lore of Jellybean the Incredible. \n\nDiet of this occult pony consists purely of magical jellybeans that are very powerfull and unpredictable. Her friend @wizard1699 conjures these mysterious treats by using her potions. \n\n\nAfter eating too many of these enchanted beans there was glitch that caused Jellybean to lose his name from the book of lore"} +{"id": "5d04c3bd-0906-4ddf-b0da-066a9ebfbf3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:26.882", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRugggBkSTbPVTNQMNhsxCaALkpZXm4MdN4zCK3ubQPLv", "txHash": "0xa3a75bf370decba33b9e5d425526eb24ce9307867c2f6b46364fee0b6b616ec7", "createdAtBlock": 14738109, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 734, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Qianfan of the Keep", "text": "# Illusionist Qianfan of the Keep\n\nIllusionist Qianfan comes from the T'lan Ifan clan from the steppes of the far east.\nHe is a nomad who was born into a warrior clan, yet was banished in adolescence due to his refusal to harm others. Instead, he learned to deceive his enemies non-violently with his illusions, and despite being non violent his illusions can create havoc amongst his enemies.\nHis trusty owl sits on his shoulder as he rides on horseback traveling through the lands."} +{"id": "4a949650-0293-4d51-b35c-b092f3f92456-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:46.977", "backgroundColor": "#6c1510", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdwZjAisLnJRYdB3yibqwsja9ew4rwhXncLDyfRqUfwU8", "txHash": "0x3e3818f67805999d06d32feee8e0b90a18d908d501427d5a3fc795d97a546356", "createdAtBlock": 14329195, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Azazel of Elysium", "text": "### \n## Prologue\n\n\n\nHe does not recall exactly how he got here, as his journey has been a long and arduous one with many mysteries and illusions.\n\nIn the depths of his recollection he recalled a life of monotony and aimlessness. A son of a butcher and a seamstress, he was a lowly apprentice at a paint-maker's shop, working long days and coming home to an empty house to eat simple meals of stale bread and thin soup. He saw others with drive and ambition but found no such motivation of his own.\n\nThat is, until he stumbled upon the hidden lair of the fabled @wizard2134.\n\nIt certainly did not seem like a day that would upend his entire life and identity. It was a cold and dreary day, with little foot traffic in the town streets. He took his usual circuitous route home from the shop that day, barely registering the few passers-by who happened to be running their last minute errands that evening. \n\nLeft at the grocer's. \n\nRight at the town hall steps. \n\nUp the winding path to the edge of town. \n\nAzazel drew in a breath of the chilly dusk air and blew it out through pursed lips, watching the fog exit his mouth in a stream. Then he sighed. Another day in the doldrums. \n\nExcept... on this day he saw a glimmer at the edge of the treeline. Odd. He wandered over and saw that it had drawn further into the forest. \"Why not?\" he thought to himself aloud. \"Nothing better to do.\"\n\nAnd unwittingly, with that statement, he began his journey into the afterlife... \n\n... into Elysium."} +{"id": "7bd2606c-194a-479b-ba9c-05426870d5bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:49.771", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUirTnhjtf3ri1cp6gCCJJcM69gPdDz1RnRRNf32NHWnc", "txHash": "0x06b7aa4dd3fac304e89d43107e94e276d77b33a0a301bbd3e3da69f379d198b6", "createdAtBlock": 14332914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 741, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Solomon of the Belfry", "text": "Many stories find their beginnings in tragedy and misery, but not that of Archmagus Solomon of the Belfry. It doesnt even find its origins in stories of chosen ones or prophecies. None of that. Solomon was Solomon for the longest time. He received an invitation to become a cleric soon after he reached the age of education. His parents, coming from a long legacy of merchants and traders, accepted with joy. Having one of your younger children enter the life of the clerics was something all noble or rich families wanted to pursue and receiving the invitation rather than filing a request was something even more extraordinary.\n\n\nAnd so Solomon left his family and went to the Belfry, the largest building in the city. Towering over all the houses, shops, farms, workshops and even the parliament house, the Belfry was the centre of the city. Solomon buckled down and saw his education as a chance to grow as a person, to be a useful addition to the clerical class. He didnt use his position to find himself in rivalries, power grabs or other petty stuff but pursued the highest of the educational possibilities.\n\n\nWith his age of adulthood rapidly getting closer, it was clear he would receive his orange hip scarf. Hip scarfs were the symbol of the clergy in the city, and the orange one was the most revered. Other colours stood for different wards of the city, with each of them referencing a certain church or district house where the clergymen were stationed. The orange scarf however, was the symbol of the Belfry itself. And as he reached his adulthood, his graduation with an exceptional record was finalised by rewarding him with the orange scarf he had dreamt off for the longest time."} +{"id": "7bd2606c-194a-479b-ba9c-05426870d5bb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:49.771", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUirTnhjtf3ri1cp6gCCJJcM69gPdDz1RnRRNf32NHWnc", "txHash": "0x06b7aa4dd3fac304e89d43107e94e276d77b33a0a301bbd3e3da69f379d198b6", "createdAtBlock": 14332914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 741, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Solomon of the Belfry", "text": "One would assume tragedy would strike there and then, to really gift the writers with a good story but alas, the story of Solomon would still be calm, happy and joyous for another twenty years. But deep in the background of the grand stories that are told about that time, there can be a different story, the story of the Cult. No one really knows how and when they came to be, but their influence festered and grew underground for many years until finally they came out of the shadows as a well organised organisation. They werent vying for the traditional places of power, no parliament, council or kingdom was targeted but instead the Cult revered another set of Gods.\n\n\nTheir pantheon was called the Nameless, giving way to a myriad of beings all esoterically referenced as the Void, the Merchant or the Giver. They didnt believe in institutionally organised religions, instead giving way for believing and revering Gods the way the people themselves want to. Solomon kept a close eye on their progress through the cities in the vicinity and he felt sympathy for their ideas. It was only after a few years that the horrific truth became known to him.Their doctrine of revering as you want basically meant that in the shadows they were pulling the strings and influencing people to start hunting people that didnt participate because the Void demanded sacrifices or burning clergymen on the stake because they held to their own religions."} +{"id": "7bd2606c-194a-479b-ba9c-05426870d5bb-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:49.771", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUirTnhjtf3ri1cp6gCCJJcM69gPdDz1RnRRNf32NHWnc", "txHash": "0x06b7aa4dd3fac304e89d43107e94e276d77b33a0a301bbd3e3da69f379d198b6", "createdAtBlock": 14332914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 741, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Solomon of the Belfry", "text": "He realized the mistake the clergy had made by not intervening in the rise of the Cult and feared it was too late to take up the traditional ways of dealing with heretics. During that time, Solomon had worked himself up to the position of Grand Cleric of the Belfry, the\nhighest position anyone of the clergymen could hold in their lifetime. And thus the rise of the Cult and the effects it had on the stability of the region befell Solomon to handle. He assembled the best and brightest, the clergymen specialised in the history of the order and the Belfry to find a possible solution to their problem. As the clergymen traveled to the Belfry, alarming messages arrived before them.It seemed that the Cult was rising in the city itself, and was planning on overthrowing the Belfry in a matter of days.\n\n\nAnd thus Solomon sent out the alarm signal to any clergymen. They were supposed to hide anyway they could, to take off their sacred hip scarfs and go to their families. He himself had other plans, he took his beloved companion animal, a bullfrog and a tome from his shelf, one containing the greatest secret of the religious order and escaped the Belfry out of a secret tunnel in his room."} +{"id": "7bd2606c-194a-479b-ba9c-05426870d5bb-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:49.771", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUirTnhjtf3ri1cp6gCCJJcM69gPdDz1RnRRNf32NHWnc", "txHash": "0x06b7aa4dd3fac304e89d43107e94e276d77b33a0a301bbd3e3da69f379d198b6", "createdAtBlock": 14332914, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 741, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Solomon of the Belfry", "text": "As he left the city, he saw the Belfry burning and eventually crashing down upon the city. His order was no more. He opened the book he took with him and found the map he hid there. Half a days travel away, there was a cave, carved by the people preceding the order and harbouring a mystical item. The Belfry wasnt founded based on the principles of rigorous study and revering of the Gods. It was founded in magic, by people harnessing massive amounts of power and regular people seeing the wonders they did as a sign from the Gods. During the years, the clergymen of the Belfry had given up on their arcane practices but the mystery around the powers of the Gods remained, giving them the influence to become the juggernaut in the daily life of the people like they had been for centuries.\n\n\nBut now, it was time to once more pick up the ancient artifacts, and raise them against the Cult and their false Gods. And thus Solomon traveled to the cave, opened the seals hiding it from the world and found the last resting place of the founders of the Belfry. In their middle stood a shrine, and within that shrine they had placed the most powerful weapon they crafted. Solomon took the item and found himself being overwhelmed by the ancient powers of the Orb Staff. From that day forward, he wasnt just Solomon, he wasnt Grand Cleric of the Belfry Solomon anymore, from that day forward he would be known as Archmagus Solomon of the Belfry."} +{"id": "3d09b8c6-a779-4465-9999-2da24430426b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:50.47", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHsg7Pn9zZ8JJ86QEnfE5r6KocddTse7rnvyCaBcEaYa", "txHash": "0xcd0cbd1af0d36efe8c46faaae4fc811dafeb429280f1d7ab608320b6877a8af3", "createdAtBlock": 14333238, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS2dsNMvAjkk7qVKLvdxpuYRDVmUsgiZyXBsFTVm6REub/img_6001_vork5cyii_.png", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# Encounter from A Never-ending Dream\n\nWhen first growing her quantum Mushrooms, Magus Devon had no control over where they would take her or how far she could peer into other realms. Each trip into the beyond bore a huge mental burden on her, but her intrigue beckoned her to continue exploring and to learn all she could about the worlds beyond her own. But without any means of pinpointing which world she would perceive on her mushroom empowered journeys, she never learned enough to satisfy her curiosity before the effects of her enchanted fungi wore off.\n\nShe wished she could dial into the particular worlds that interested her the most. Then, she could study them and gain a greater understanding of how her world fits into the infinite planes surrounding it. She mastered her craft, utilizing the unique properties of the Quantum Downs, in order to grow the most potent quantum mushrooms imaginable. With these new mushrooms, she was certain she would experience the worlds of her choosing for a much longer period of time.\n\nBut to her surprise, once she tried these newly crafted shrooms she found herself trapped in a fractal maze of realities that branched off into infinite paths. There were no wallsthere was no ground, just an endless horizon of colors leading into one another in every direction. Before she could even attempt to explore this space, she felt the unmistakable understanding that somehow she had already experienced all that this area had to see. No, that wasnt quite rightshe realized that her perception of spacetime had become so warped that the past and present merged into one instantaneous slice. The moment she decided to undertake the astronomically daunting task of traversing this realm, she had already done so for eons. No matter what she did, she would always return to where she had started. Space and time no longer had meaningthey were abstract concepts in this abyss. It simultaneously felt like a single second and millennia. She had learned everything she needed to understand how hopeless this situation was."} +{"id": "3d09b8c6-a779-4465-9999-2da24430426b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:50.47", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHsg7Pn9zZ8JJ86QEnfE5r6KocddTse7rnvyCaBcEaYa", "txHash": "0xcd0cbd1af0d36efe8c46faaae4fc811dafeb429280f1d7ab608320b6877a8af3", "createdAtBlock": 14333238, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS2dsNMvAjkk7qVKLvdxpuYRDVmUsgiZyXBsFTVm6REub/img_6001_vork5cyii_.png", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "> I dont know where I am. I dont know what I am. I cant escape here, but maybe Ive always been here anyway\n\nShe spoke aloud into eternity, somewhat out of desperation, but mostly in resignation. She was beginning to doubt she ever had a life outside of this torment. A particular though had clouded over her mind and paralyzed her with agony - perhaps the \"life\" she assumed she was living this whole time was just imagined as a way of temporarily coping with the reality she was now forced to return to. Maybe she had always been here, and through madness fabricated an existence that was much simpler than this. Had it all been a lie? \n\n> No, youre wrong. Let me help you out of there...\n\nA voice responded to her, and instantly the fractals surrounding her collapsed into vibrantly colored shards like shattered glass. In its place was an ever expanding void of darkness, with a single green string rotating in the distance. Distance? She could perceive distance againthat green string was feasibly possible for her to reach. She may not know how far it was, or how long itd take to reach it, but she had a firm understanding that it was indeed within her grasp to get closer to it. She felt her sense of time returning to herand as she drew closer to the string, the emptiness engulfing her gradually began to take shape. Before she could react, the darkness had faded and she found herself in a small white room. Shadows cast from an unknown source gave definition to where its walls, ceiling, and floor connected. A fully functional wooden clock on the wall ticked away, distinctively conveying how long each second was from the last. She stopped for a moment to savor this experience. Her eyes traced across the parameter of the room as she confirmed her place inside of it.\n\n> 1.76 by 0.88 meters What a small room What a comfortable room..."} +{"id": "3d09b8c6-a779-4465-9999-2da24430426b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:50.47", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHsg7Pn9zZ8JJ86QEnfE5r6KocddTse7rnvyCaBcEaYa", "txHash": "0xcd0cbd1af0d36efe8c46faaae4fc811dafeb429280f1d7ab608320b6877a8af3", "createdAtBlock": 14333238, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS2dsNMvAjkk7qVKLvdxpuYRDVmUsgiZyXBsFTVm6REub/img_6001_vork5cyii_.png", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "> 1.76 by 0.88 meters What a small room What a comfortable room...\n\nBoundaries had returned. Time had started. Never had she been more relieved to be entrapped in such a tightly cramped space. She sighed in relief and drew her attention back to the single floating green string, now rotating within arms length in front of her. She reached out slowly, and hesitantly grabbed onto it. Suddenly, a window carved out from one of the white walls. On the opposite end of it lay a familiar view; the Quantum Downs.\n\n> ...\n\nAlthough she should have been relieved to see it, she couldnt help but feel disappointed. She had taken this trip for answers, and going back now would only leave her with more questions than when she started. She looked back down at the string in her hand. It had transformed into a snake. Although it began coiling and slithering up her arm, she felt no sense of danger and instead waited patiently for it to fully take shape. Its large white eyes, as empty as the room they stood in, peered back into hers. After realizing she was in no rush to escape, he finally broke the silence and spoke. He did not open his mouth to speak; his voice resonated from within Devons head:\n\n> Do you not wish to return?\n\n> Not yet.\n\n> Why is that?\n\n> I want to know where I am.\n\n> Home. Technically, you never left. \n\nMagus Devon closed her eyes for a moment to process the green snakes words, only to find that whether her eyes were closed or not, she could still visibly see the entire room. She could feel her eyelids shut, but her vision was unaffected.\n\n> I came here because I want to learn more about the world beyond my own. If I went back now, Id probably just come back here again."} +{"id": "3d09b8c6-a779-4465-9999-2da24430426b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:50.47", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHsg7Pn9zZ8JJ86QEnfE5r6KocddTse7rnvyCaBcEaYa", "txHash": "0xcd0cbd1af0d36efe8c46faaae4fc811dafeb429280f1d7ab608320b6877a8af3", "createdAtBlock": 14333238, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS2dsNMvAjkk7qVKLvdxpuYRDVmUsgiZyXBsFTVm6REub/img_6001_vork5cyii_.png", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "> Oh? Despite how unpleasantly intense your experience was?\n\n> I want to learn more. I want to see more. Next time I may not be fortunate enough to encounter a friendly spirit like you to restore my sanity. Regardless, I know that its only a matter of time before I attempt again.\n\n> Interesting. I cant fathom what would motivate you so hard to dive into this danger, but I will tell you that youre heading in the wrong direction. To put it into a perspective you can understand: you meant to go to the room next door, but somehow went up the flight of stairs to the floor above. If you dont know where youre going, youre certain to eventually lose yourself. Ill be your guide back downstairs so you dont find your way here again. Id like to learn more about your world, and why someone like you would go to such lengths out of sheer curiosity. In return for helping you travel, Id like you to help me find a place to call home.\n\nDevon cocked her head slightly to the side and silently stared at the green snake. His unblinking eyes stared back, and his forked tongue flickered at the air every few seconds. Seconds audibly indicated by the ticking of the clock echoing in the small room. A measurement of time, which she had almost lost forever.\n\n> Is it lonely here?\n\n> Hmm, thats hard to say. Before you came, Im not sure if you can say I existed, at least not in the sense youd probably consider existing.\n\nIt sounded nonsensical, but somehow Devon felt she understood exactly what he meant. Without an observer providing an alternate frame of reference, could one really confirm their own existence? Did space and time even exist until this snake called out to her?\n\n> Do you have a name?\n\n> I do not.\n\n> Youll need one to live with me. Everyone where Im from has one. Well, almost everyone."} +{"id": "3d09b8c6-a779-4465-9999-2da24430426b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:50.47", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHsg7Pn9zZ8JJ86QEnfE5r6KocddTse7rnvyCaBcEaYa", "txHash": "0xcd0cbd1af0d36efe8c46faaae4fc811dafeb429280f1d7ab608320b6877a8af3", "createdAtBlock": 14333238, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS2dsNMvAjkk7qVKLvdxpuYRDVmUsgiZyXBsFTVm6REub/img_6001_vork5cyii_.png", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "> ...\n\nThis time the snake cocked his head curiously in response. Just like she did to him, he stared silently into her eyes and listened to the pleasant echo of the ticking clock. Magus Devon thought briefly about how she got here her first visual outside of the fractal prison was a single rotating string in a sea of darkness. Gently, she lifted the snake up to place him atop her shoulder. She finally began walking towards the only window in the room, leading to the Quantum Downs. As she cracked it open, she looked at him and smirked.\n\n> Lets go home, Spinor. We have to rest up for the adventures ahead."} +{"id": "adb5cabb-4024-4844-bce8-a5ba7b0802d1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:58.109", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ5qTGWBKRVhYtNtQmV6aatxePtkmT1HevN7uM2nnc5aG", "txHash": "0x2a4ee227c6c4470f623c09ca007c538c2878836d2b4716ee936c756a59cb3fd5", "createdAtBlock": 14339471, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7690, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Pix of the Heath", "text": "# The Descent into Darkness\n\nLife as a Kobold is not always easy. Pix had felt the laughter of the Imps very close to his heart. \nStupid Kobold, do you even know how to spell your name? and such exclamation were of daily occurrence. \nPix had learned through pain that ignoring these comments was the only way to maintain sanity, but all the negativity and repressed anger coagulated together into a dark black globe deep inside him. \n\nThese dark spirits from within lead Pix to isolate himself from society, he left his home at the Heath days after becoming of age. Leaving all of his belongings behind he ventured out into the world with no real goal or aim. He wasnt afraid, he had nothing to lose.\n\nFor many years he travelled from city to city and did small work to scramble together a few pieces of silver to pay for food, the only period where he didnt feel miserable was the two months where he was working at a tavern at Chronomacers Rivira. But that had come to an end once a Green wizard accused him of stealing his herbs, and the owner of the tavern of course assumed that the Kobold was guilty!\n\nHe moved North along the shore stopping by in the Red Wizard Capital. Everyone there was extremely condescending and self-absorbed in their own pride and high-speed lifestyle. He did not feel welcome there at all, so he continued. A few days after passing the Sacred Tower he reached a small house that looked a bit weird."} +{"id": "adb5cabb-4024-4844-bce8-a5ba7b0802d1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:58.109", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ5qTGWBKRVhYtNtQmV6aatxePtkmT1HevN7uM2nnc5aG", "txHash": "0x2a4ee227c6c4470f623c09ca007c538c2878836d2b4716ee936c756a59cb3fd5", "createdAtBlock": 14339471, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7690, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Pix of the Heath", "text": "As soon as he saw it at the horizon, a strange urge befell Pix to move closer to the house. And the urge grew more intense the closer he got. It was as if the house created a deep resonance with his whole being. \nHe started running towards it and with maniacal force, he slammed open the door of the house staring inside: \nA perfectly squared room. A shaft of light shining in from a round window perfectly encircled a triangular table at the centre of the room, pointing away from the door. Upon the table, on its centre lay fragments of a black obsidian tablet, it seemed like it had been shattered from the inside.\n\nPix hesitantly moved forward and took one large fragment that had some intact writings on it, he started reading slowy whispering the words:\nHear Me, and make all Spirits be subject unto Me: so that every Spirit of the Firmament and from the Ether; upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry land and in the Water: of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire: and every Spell and Scourge of All may be obedient onto Me!\n\nAll the darkness and anger he was carrying around since being a child burst out. Suddenly around him, four-times eighteen demonic creatures appeared around him. Many strange creatures with Armour and clothing adorned with strange sigils. \nThe First of them standing in the East spoke: \nCall me King of the East oh mighty Diabolist; we were within thee, now we are subject onto thee: if thou willest us to procure all fixed earthly desires of power, wealth and fame - we shall observe; if thou willest us to ascend thyself to volatile fires of peace, love and compassion - we shall observe. The decision is upon thee."} +{"id": "adb5cabb-4024-4844-bce8-a5ba7b0802d1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:58.109", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ5qTGWBKRVhYtNtQmV6aatxePtkmT1HevN7uM2nnc5aG", "txHash": "0x2a4ee227c6c4470f623c09ca007c538c2878836d2b4716ee936c756a59cb3fd5", "createdAtBlock": 14339471, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7690, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Pix of the Heath", "text": "And it was such that Pix, with a content smile on his face, became the first Kobold Diabolist. One of which many now only dare to speak about whispering"} +{"id": "96a4dcd8-0880-49b1-8410-368cf68de88e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:52.385", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTf25gEB5L4UWHWaoxgkvSNeJgoLhyarCJiFockpb89yZ", "txHash": "0x0f105e7cdc8a54c2ff89dca5e9f1168598962983f2cf00030bb066024b8dfcb7", "createdAtBlock": 14334612, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2123, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZcwr3BiZj9BpJbi974FfKmpDBzaztNZc4R3N5Vf9dJBm", "name": "Arch-Magician Voidoth of the Crag", "text": "It is said the Crag is beholden to many ancient castles tucked deep within the mountain ranges"} +{"id": "5e70c79d-87d7-4614-a365-6a30499a51cb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:00.179", "backgroundColor": "#462713", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdvx3p4igtkD3JPEjPh68CX5uuzvqXxAGJVNcGau8U6yW", "txHash": "0x1072a2c64b4a7caa831474223f0c1a49aebe2f98e794d0c04846af0961b2a6bb", "createdAtBlock": 14341770, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 159, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Matilda the Shrewd", "text": "# Matilda the Shrewd\n\nMatilda lives in the pastures below the mountain, where the King, @wizard5710, likes to spend his Springs. She has lived a simple life, but always dreamed of more. \n\nWhile grazing in a far away sunflower field, she bites on a leaf that tastes like metal. She digs with her hooves until she finds a bag of gold buried under the soil.\n\nI should bring this to the King! Matilda thinks. He will reward me for my loyalty. She pulls the bag out of the ground, and tosses it on her back. But, as she trots towards the castle, she feels the weight of the bag and reconsiders her plan.\n\nThe king is so rich, he has more money than he needs. I am just a poor pony and I need this gold more than him.\n\nMatilda, however, is no silly pony. She knows the risks she will run if anyone finds out about her luck. She can trust herself to be cautious, but how about her stablemaster? He will certainly notice if she returns to the stable with a bag of gold.\n\nShe thinks about it over and over, until she finds a solution and divides the gold into three piles.\n\nShe takes the first pile and buries the coins as if they were seeds; she takes the second pile and hangs the coins on a tree as if they were cherries; she takes the third pile and tosses the coins in the lake as if they were mussels.\n\nMatilda, then, heads back to the stables with a golden coin in her mouth. When her master sees her, he tries to grab the coin but she runs and lets him chase her to the sunflowers field. When the stablemaster finally catches up to her, he finds himself surrounded by gold: in the ground, on the trees, down the lake. Everywhere he looks there is gold!"} +{"id": "5e70c79d-87d7-4614-a365-6a30499a51cb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:00.179", "backgroundColor": "#462713", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdvx3p4igtkD3JPEjPh68CX5uuzvqXxAGJVNcGau8U6yW", "txHash": "0x1072a2c64b4a7caa831474223f0c1a49aebe2f98e794d0c04846af0961b2a6bb", "createdAtBlock": 14341770, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 159, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Matilda the Shrewd", "text": "I must-a take dis gold to da King! He gon make me lord or something, says the stablemaster. He gathers all the gold and carries it back to the stables on Matildas back.\n\nFearing that a thief would find his fortune, the stablemaster hides the gold in Matildas stall and heads to the castle.\n\nLeft alone with the gold, Matilda takes it to town and buys the most valuable trinkets she can find: a pompous foulard with golden needlework, protective sunglasses, and an oak pipe that belonged to a renowned wizard. She then heads back home and waits for her master.\n\nWhen the stablemaster returns, he is followed by two kingsmen. I told ye. I found da gold ovr them sun fields. Twas buried like seeds, and up in the trees like some fruit. Even down below the water, like seafood. The guards eye each other with a questioning look.\n\nThe stablemaster hands them the bag. Here, see? Gold so shiny it makes yer eyes close.\n\nThe guards peek inside the bag to find a bunch of worthless junk. A pipe, some glasses, and a napkin. Very funny, mister. Shall we take you to the king for wasting our time?\n\nWhile the kingsmen head back to the castle, the stablemaster studies the bag worriedly. He then leaves it on the ground and heads back home to his wife, concerned for his own mind. I should spend more time with people than animals.\n\nMatilda can finally enjoy her trinkets, thinking that no one will know their true value."} +{"id": "55d0e9ce-9821-4372-b472-4571278de884-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.803", "backgroundColor": "#6e017f", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb5DTHMpZ7F3jLnREKYsgXPoeftqhwqbQqyGygwxN3pVd", "txHash": "0x4f22e9c60e4845f085384f3bbc8e2b1915b59c15afe7d280233d4a7a660f2d9d", "createdAtBlock": 14417442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "The antagonist to the story of Hestia, he was once a student of the Halls of the Hallowed. Soon after he started studying there, he felt his interest being piqued by the darker elements of alchemy, the ones that were hidden away by the other scholars. There was a reason for that knowledge to be forbidden. Since the dawn of man, mankind has had the audacity to challenge the laws of nature, almost always resulting in arcane knowledge that would take away from the balance of life instead of searching for ways to better it. After his departure from the Halls of Hallowed, he started to amass wealth, knowledge and an army of undead behind his cause.\n\nBy the time he made himself known to the masses, he was transformed beyond recognition, no longer the frail student at the Halls trying to experiment but rather a formidable opponent of the forces of good. He now stands once more face to face against Hestia, the only one who recognised the person behind the Necromancer, behind his altered appearance and behind his new name as Black Goat of the Event Horizon. The things the Necromancer has gathered in his period of disappearance are the artifacts of legends and tales, and a closer look is needed to understand the amassed power of the Necromancer."} +{"id": "55d0e9ce-9821-4372-b472-4571278de884-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.803", "backgroundColor": "#6e017f", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb5DTHMpZ7F3jLnREKYsgXPoeftqhwqbQqyGygwxN3pVd", "txHash": "0x4f22e9c60e4845f085384f3bbc8e2b1915b59c15afe7d280233d4a7a660f2d9d", "createdAtBlock": 14417442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "The first adventure he undertook to found ancient relics was to find an artifact of the fabled arcane user Merlin. Merlin is often seen as the founder of the Halls of the Hallowed, although no one has ever proven the mythical arcanist ever roamed the continent for real. But the Necromancer did. In ancient scrolls he found the location of Merlins crypt. He emerged from the crypt victorious and gained a new ally in his fight against the forces of light. At first, it would seem that Merlins Monkey was an ordinary animal but he has been reanimated by the Necromancer, and in his brain reside the memories of Merlins experiments and research, something the Necromancer uses frequently to further his understanding of the arcane arts. The monkey itself is also a quick and vicious foe in battle, fighting from the shoulder of his master or jumping from enemy to enemy and clawing away at their throats or eyes.\n\nAfter this, he needed more power for himself. He started experimenting with magic that would alter himself in return for dark secrets. Once the Necromancer had a regular face, some would have even called him handsome in the day. Not anymore. Forbidden magic and dark arts come with a price, and one of the first ones the Necromancer had to pay was his face. Slowly but surely with each experiment and each grab for power his head became less and less human and shifted to something supernatural. Now, his face represents the dark and ancient demons he prays to and summons to gather their strength. With horns and a long face, the goat-like appearance has replaced his head fully. His red piercing eyes are alleged mirrors of hell, giving each unprotected person who looks into them the feeling they have stared into the abyss. These people will be haunted with visions and nightmares for the rest of their lives."} +{"id": "55d0e9ce-9821-4372-b472-4571278de884-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.803", "backgroundColor": "#6e017f", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb5DTHMpZ7F3jLnREKYsgXPoeftqhwqbQqyGygwxN3pVd", "txHash": "0x4f22e9c60e4845f085384f3bbc8e2b1915b59c15afe7d280233d4a7a660f2d9d", "createdAtBlock": 14417442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "Even with the payoff of his face and his human-like traits, the Necromancer would argue that he gained more than he lost. Because he gave up his own head for the demonic variant he now possesses, he has gained the ability of breathing death all around him. The story goes that he tricked the demons from below in giving him the abilities of their hunter-gatherer on the mortal plane, the Grim Reaper. This creature is supposed to be the one that collects the souls of people who are destined to die and bring them to hell.\n\nBut now, this power is wielded by the Necromancer. He doesnt send their souls to hell however, instead opting to place them in purgatory, between the living and death, granting him life force from them to gain more powers for himself. Already a few powers under his belt, he felt like he still needed more. Each alchemist or mage in the world one day dreams of discovering a new fundamental understanding of the arcane arts, but few succeed. The Necromancer has done this shortly after leaving the Halls of the Hallowed destroyed. In his search for endless power, he had stumbled upon the grimoire of a dark wizard of centuries ago. In there, he found the beginnings of a spell, and over the course of three years, he has perfected it.\n\nNow he wields the power of the Death spell. Where the Grim reapers breath is used in close contact with people, the Death spell can be used to kill several people at once even from a far distance. Alchemists and mages have found ways to conceal themselves or others from this spell, but these protections arent for anybody. Because of this, the Necromancer is able to take out opponents even before the conflict reaches a combat stage. Finally, he found himself powerful enough that he just needed one thing more, a rune."} +{"id": "55d0e9ce-9821-4372-b472-4571278de884-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:46.803", "backgroundColor": "#6e017f", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb5DTHMpZ7F3jLnREKYsgXPoeftqhwqbQqyGygwxN3pVd", "txHash": "0x4f22e9c60e4845f085384f3bbc8e2b1915b59c15afe7d280233d4a7a660f2d9d", "createdAtBlock": 14417442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Goat of the Event Horizon", "text": "The runes of the elements are one of the strangest elemental forces in the universe. Each of the four elements has a rune, a mystical key that can be unlocked by experienced alchemists and mages to add an extra layer to their powers. The Necromancer has opted to wield the power of the Rune of Water. This is another sign of his intelligence. More impulsive or aggressive enchanters opt for the Runes of earth or fire, both having more of a visual element to their danger. Instead the Rune of Water is calm and eternal. It turns earth into clay and mud, rendering it ineffective, it douses fire and destroys it and air cannot touch the water without becoming part of it. Because of this, by wielding the power of the Rune of water, the Necromancer has positioned himself in the most advantageous position against other wielders of Runes."} +{"id": "beb93e03-651c-4554-aa8e-c9ce7bce4cb9-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T01:56:19.968", "backgroundColor": "#8a0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLo27b5FJHBnaRYc9aZhThJK3y4bFHcbk3daB4HaLNBP", "txHash": "0x0867d29561208a8d6bd6121e7828d5079fc78380700b31d313887e195885b0db", "createdAtBlock": 15393835, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3340, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Walter Attacker of the Tundra", "text": "# Tundra Terror \n\n\n\n\n> ARGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\n\nThe pained screams of a Yeti echoed throughout The Tundra. The sickening cry was loud enough to break through even the strong winds of the unforgiving Tundra blizzard. \n\nThe terrifying beast stood at an impressive 5 meters tall, but was brought to its knees by an even more horrific monster - **Walter Attacker of the Tundra.** \n\nHis scimitar cleanly sliced through the Yetis spine with one clean swoop, slicing at just precision for the sole purpose of paralyzing it from the neck down. It had no clue how long Walter was following; in fact it hadnt even realized it was pounced on before the burning pain surged throughout it back. It had all happened in just a few seconds, but knew very well that this would be the end.\n\n> So cold Im so cold. I need you. I need your warmth. I need your blood. I need your life\n\nWalter said slowly, and calmly, as he began carving away the Yetis limbs. It continued yelling in agony, thats all it could do as the cold white snow below was tainted in crimson. At this point it would have preferred its life was ended before he butchered its body, but it knew that was never an option. Although the Yeti couldnt see Walter's face under his thick steel helmet, it could tell he was drunk with excitement over the joy of torturing. \n\nAfter removing all of its limbs, Walter made one large incision throughout the Yetis torso. He climbed in as deep as he could and rubbed the Yetis blood deep into his skin and fur clothing. Thats right, Walters clothes are of course made of Yeti fur - but it's Yeti blood that it's naturally dyed in. How many lives had he taken for that pure white fur to become so saturated in that wretched shade"} +{"id": "beb93e03-651c-4554-aa8e-c9ce7bce4cb9-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T01:56:19.968", "backgroundColor": "#8a0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLo27b5FJHBnaRYc9aZhThJK3y4bFHcbk3daB4HaLNBP", "txHash": "0x0867d29561208a8d6bd6121e7828d5079fc78380700b31d313887e195885b0db", "createdAtBlock": 15393835, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3340, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Walter Attacker of the Tundra", "text": "> Youve stopped yelling. Whats wrong? I know youre not dead, your heart is still beating see?\n\nWith that, Walter dug his hand deep into the Yetis chest cavity and ever so gently and brushed his palm just briefly across the surface of its heart. \n\nBy this point, the Yeti could hardly recognize what was happening. Its vision had already begun to fade, and the small and faint sensations it felt were a chaotic flurry of pain. Soon enough, even those feelings began to subside. \n\nFinally, when the Yeti was no longer able to comprehend anything, or even recognize its own existence anymore, one final sound reverberated throughout the empty void\n\n\n\n\n> Ah now youre cold too"} +{"id": "0b580d96-666c-4d0f-880e-80a35ac68188-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:31:38.855", "backgroundColor": "#1e001a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmawoBi1DRxpQfPnAikUYLFmNP6RaMW5sVA6bDiTY9W6L9", "txHash": "0x6c22aefde8d9820ca4158e5d84c2daa2b3d0bb7122770135711461298e7ea927", "createdAtBlock": 15395044, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12949, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Drulek Beheader of the Slime", "text": "# Drulek Beheader of the Slime\n\n\nDrulek wandered the realm searching for a worthy foe. He found but one... @warrior12950\n\nThey traveled the lands together, picking up worthy allies in @warrior728 and @warrior727.\n\nThe companions accepted a quest from the **King** of Kings.\n\n>Venture forth and vanquish the tyranny that lay in the depths of the demon lands.\n\nThe King said.\n\nThe four traveled to the gates of hell. They carried with them a magic artifact said to be crafted by @wizard0 themself. The party made up their minds, steeled their will, and invaded the abyss.\n\nThey fought for 4 fortnites, slaying all demons that impeded their quest. Until they finally reached **the** demon's layer. \n\n\n***Drulek laid the trap while shrugging off hoards of demons from all sides. Once The Demon fell into their trap, Drulek struck the final blow across its neck. Beheading the scourge and restoring hope to the lands.*** \n\n***As The Demon fell the Rune of Brimstone was seared into Drulek's mind.***\n\nWhen the party returned to the King's realm they were greeted with a fantastic celebration. The King rewarded the adventurers with a name.\n\nFrom that day forth the party became known as... \n\n>**Ruin Demon**"} +{"id": "ee3c8094-aea2-4ad8-bc92-1df5dc002432-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:46.324", "backgroundColor": "#253c2e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUgSWB3coBFeGtyLuyAYvVt1pL27PkqicqxoiPw9meoJ7", "txHash": "0xa2f0b4983ec6d3fa172e9594b0abf5689a9e61aa29c56d32215908c40c7b6c70", "createdAtBlock": 14329144, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9749, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Borak of the Riviera", "text": "Borak grew up in the far south, where the sun don't shine. Having hardships that most find unfathomable, he became strong, ugly and invulnerable. There was so little good in his life that he found his farts as vacation. One might think that those farts are a form of relief, which they were, however they could kill gremlins in a 10 mile radius.\n\nIn his early teens he killed a mother dinosaur in Riviera. He decapitated the head and started drinking her leftover milk. This became his obsession. The next 28 years he took every drip of milk from any living creature that recently gave birth. So many babies were malnourished because of him, but he didn't give a flying pig.\n\nThe obsession finally ended while he was eating out with some friends. His friends were the baby corpses that died from malnutrition. They were talking about what fashion was poppin' today and he realized that jean shorts were really cool.\n\nNowadays Borak stays home and designs jean shorts for anyone who thinks of both fashion and comfort."} +{"id": "1bf822cf-09b7-4575-b063-de819b49e779-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:56.13", "backgroundColor": "#253a25", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVYFiCrC2ZSuz1KLXSSv1zLiDsXASYC9HTF8iXnRcRMrK", "txHash": "0xd6a8c47c92aa49d907f6612fcb1599722182f7b2b912a8217c72409bc9bff9d1", "createdAtBlock": 14337745, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8942, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZuhMThRjjHwL3ecn3jUtUub4sQL4xdJ1sLgfEAqQYq7r", "name": "Druid Crowley of the Marsh", "text": "# Prologue \nBorn somewhere around the Great Tower that housed the last Druid Order of the southern hemisphere, the wind flailed west across the forgotten ruins, once the site of a great city, before the Hundred Year war. Along it blew past the gnarled branches deep into the bog, around a clay hut, and beat at the back of a bearded figure standing by a small fire.\n\nBlasts flailed about Crowleys worn coveralls, whipped his beard, then fed the fire at his feet. He wished he had gathered more wood before last night, or that it hadnt rained so much. Conjuring fire came effortlessly to him but sustaining it without fuel would be an inefficient use of his Magic. Using his Magic these days didnt please him anyway; he had parted from the order centuries ago and had no intentions of going back.\n\nAn exceptionally strong gust caught the brim of his red pointy hat, knocking it off his head and flinging it to the damp ground. In a matter of seconds the hat quickly rose in an upward motion before being snatched in mid air. As if summoned from the hats opening a small bulbous shape fell to the ground below. The wizard no longer remembered when Chlorbi and he first crossed paths time had a way of losing meaning after a while - but he was sure grateful to have him around.\n\n_Thank you old friend._ Crowley said, smiling at Chlorbi.\n\nChorbi blinked, letting out a friendly chirp.\n\nFeeling a little foolish he placed the hat back; it was the only article that remained from a life he now chose to forget. Now and again he held his hands out, slowly waving them over the fire. It wasnt a particularly cold morning, but this had been the coldest fall in his memory. Perhaps winter would be harsh enough to keep visitors away for another year; few dared travel this far south in these conditions."} +{"id": "1bf822cf-09b7-4575-b063-de819b49e779-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:56.13", "backgroundColor": "#253a25", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVYFiCrC2ZSuz1KLXSSv1zLiDsXASYC9HTF8iXnRcRMrK", "txHash": "0xd6a8c47c92aa49d907f6612fcb1599722182f7b2b912a8217c72409bc9bff9d1", "createdAtBlock": 14337745, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8942, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZuhMThRjjHwL3ecn3jUtUub4sQL4xdJ1sLgfEAqQYq7r", "name": "Druid Crowley of the Marsh", "text": "Forty-two winters had passed since he was exiled from the Order on that harrowing autumn night. He left ruin behind him when he departed, but he also carried ruin within him. Twice they came looking for him and twice he turned them away, but it was only a matter of time before they found him again.\n\n\n\nArt by SpacedCakes\n\n\n\n### A note from the author\n> This is the first of many future entries, in which I will attempt to tell the tale of the incredibly powerful yet kind Druid Crowley of the Marsh. A tale I have discovered during my wonderful travels into the rich metaverse created by the FRWC community. A tale of many in a world which was unlocked to me by @wizard55."} +{"id": "b11aa759-92c4-497e-9c51-ef347e86188f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:57.165", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2GKUTkq4Dp2kKwN3DHzgi9LZ2FTRRbz1jRJMY2ZUp5h", "txHash": "0xef4f6a412048a3a69e30b74925d048c923d323b2f7fdba22de13ff733a558282", "createdAtBlock": 14339231, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8593, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Gino of the Inferno", "text": "# Stories from the Inferno\n\nThe Inferno is a dangerous place for a wooden boy. The all-present hellfire, lakes of melted rock and too common acid rain, makes this place even more unhospitable for Gino than for the other creatures. \n\nThis area of the underworld was once ruled by the mighty Prince Mephistopheles, in those times there was at least some semblance to normality like Gino had experienced it in the overworld, the Runiverse. Then while hard, no one complained about life, maybe because of fear but likely due to honest content.\nSince the disappearance of the Prince, chaos has unfolded, the Litches and their armies of Forgotten Souls have come from the South and installed tyrannical systems of slavery on the poor souls of the underworld.\n\nA group of slaves have started to organize a rebellion, Gino was ready to use his Witchcraft powers once again, those powers for which he was once burned and damned by the Blue Wizard inquisition, may now be his salvation and only path to liberty."} +{"id": "b95be6d9-ca5c-4148-b63a-f6f7eeff5162-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:58.796", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaR235QeGmcv9VAcojqq5GcUJgGjg7cLyEgNoejPUC8K5", "txHash": "0xdecdd4ab5fc78ef896ae7c2a3d2fc303063b802559fa2eeea4221d1b70c3cc3e", "createdAtBlock": 14341053, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4230, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blood Eater Revenant Alatar of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "The Lore **Blood Eater Revenant Alatar of the Nightmare Dominion**\n\nUpon release of the Magic of Alatar, even at less than full output, will cause immense destruction. There are no survivors, only second-hand stories passed down through the inhabitants of the Nightmare Dominion. What has been rumored, is that when you are caught in the crossfire, your dreams become nightmares and your mind begins to slowly eat itself. This is perhaps where the term \"Blood Eater\" came from, seeing as no one lives to tell the tale from being exposed. Depending on the exposure to the Magic, a person can be instantly consumed or, as is Alatar's sadistic specialty, to slowly deteriorate an adversaries mind until it eventually eats itself."} +{"id": "4e26a346-75b3-4a98-8764-5ce1d42d8b1f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:35:55.621", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdG2ZwKUpUDRj7wN15bTLu6xjycN339GhywcM84vonJdf", "txHash": "0x67ee16a8c03a8ec6506ede63db720c64f7c1909f61a096dc6552b61ca226067d", "createdAtBlock": 15395065, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 727, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Einer Bifurcator of Bugbears", "text": "# Einer Bifurcator of Bugbears\n\n\nEiner wandered the realm searching for something to eat. He encountered @warrior728. The two became fast friends, often competing against one another, always trying to outdo each other in increasingly outrageous competition.\n\nThey traveled the lands together, picking up worthy allies in @warrior12950 and @warrior12949.\n\nThe companions accepted a quest from the **King** of Kings.\n\n>Venture forth and vanquish the tyranny that lay in the depths of the demon lands.\n\nThe King said.\n\nThe four traveled to the gates of hell. They carried with them a magic artifact said to be crafted by @wizard0 themself. The party made up their minds, steeled their will, and invaded the abyss.\n\nThey fought for 4 fortnites, slaying all demons that impeded their quest. Until they finally reached **The Demon's** layer. \n\n***Einer attacked The Demon's royal guard. Even 3-on-1 the Bugbears were no match for Einer as he cleaved each in two. Suddenly, The Demon cast a dark spell. Seeing his friend*** @warrior728 ***in trouble Einer jumped to his aid. Meeting The Demon headfirst. The two tussled for a while until The Demon gained the upper hand. But it was too late for The Demon, he realized all of his allies were slain. Enraged he flew at*** @warrior12950.\n\n***As the demon fell the Rune of Neptune was chiseled into Einer's mind.***\n\nWhen the party returned to the King's realm they were greeted with a fantastic celebration. The King rewarded the adventurers with a name.\n\nFrom that day forth the party became known as... \n\n>**Ruin Demon**"} +{"id": "34a61a8c-cf0e-4047-9227-0801d665f6d2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:51.166", "backgroundColor": "#240f3b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSr9Axgq4cDhZNJYeibTcYEPVEbBdXVZKDxT5YJqyMMg3", "txHash": "0xb141acaec74a674504b09ac648befa186224426984fa410541caa6b024bd6823", "createdAtBlock": 17003606, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6001, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma1hzPAhsR5rsWwTkYP1QYRYXCauv6sCZUMK3xBjidcMm", "name": "Magus Devon of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# Portraits \n\n\n\nBy EmptyPz\n\n______________\n\n\n\nBy neteruyo\n______________\n\n\n\n\nBy Pipipi \n\n______________\n\n\n\nBy iloccorb9 \n______________\n\n\n\nBy Tania Del Rio \n______________\n\n\nBy Naoki Saito\n\n______________\n\n\n\n\nBy (Kare)[https://twitter.com/uncaream]\n______________\n\n\n\n\nBy ickleelk\n\n______________\n\n\n\nBy ta2nb\n\n______________\n\n\n\n\n\nBy Dmitry Petyakin\n\n______________\n\n\n\n______________\n\nBTC inscription 5347\n\n\nBTC Inscription 2962\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBy Sweetbread\n\n______________\n\n\n\nBy Binetsu \n______________\n\n\n\nBy Ak_ism49\n______________\n\n\nBy Nonnonnon\n______________\n\n\nBy The Neon Fairy\n______________\n\n\n\nBy Aswang\n______________\n\n\nBy Trevor Jones\n______________\n\n\nBy Anonymous \n______________\n\n\n\nBy Hiwana\n______________\n\n\n\nBy (Pawwao)[https://twitter.com/PxPaws]\n\n______________\n\n\n\nBy (shibairo02)[https://twitter.com/shibairo02]\n\n______________\n\n\nBy Lorepunk\n______________\n\n\n\nNewhere token ID 1706\n______________\n\n\n\nBy Wise Sam\n______________\n\n\nBy Rare Labs\n______________\n\n\nBy Anemone Kisumi\n\n\nBy 3L\n______________\n\n\n\nDrive with updated gallery"} +{"id": "2c879390-cee3-4368-bb1c-3b694a01fc3b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:36.145", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSd9aajkHwJtqdKPUqkoQ986sBQ8Tuz8HeozmixLUEdDy", "txHash": "0xae5d96666de314172b0cbc870656a058a430a8683005ebd2ec4996e59f4d8935", "createdAtBlock": 14716143, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Aslan of the Wold", "text": "# Artificer Aslan of the Wold \n\nAs we call him Maggie, the Artificer of the Wold that has a magic pet called Hacky, and Maggie has a powerful magic magnet which can steal metallic objects from someone else. Hacky likes to eat a lot of cheese and pieces of corn but Maggie hates cheese and corn so Hacky gets the corn and cheese by himself."} +{"id": "3637d8ca-8eda-402e-84c4-1f2c6212c107-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:46:55.693", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRuVoBQbdtSUQCT8PK9usnMqCvAeY59bUqcgD7w7z1Ztm", "txHash": "0x5733ce1fd4f3df9d9ddc5b299ce9e965d23539f6f711091e54d56a4fbc46acba", "createdAtBlock": 15395120, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12830, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aden Disintegrator for Freedom", "text": "Fifty years have passed, yet, I do not age. Time has lost its effect on me.\n\nYet the suffering continues, Battle Mage Brutus of Arcadia's grasp chokes the past, present, ... and future. \n\nGot to get back - back to the past, Aden Disintegrator of Freedom.\n\n[See Battle Mage Brutus of Arcadia #6360 entry for the full story.]"} +{"id": "16050f1e-94fd-445d-8500-6519ffaeb107-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:47:24.406", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb6KNKauHxoHvsNWyiHzii4e2tFuG2xViwXiaG9EoG9MY", "txHash": "0x5cd76797a27f91d7c095c30827423b576124059cd90a543042985744198228ed", "createdAtBlock": 15395121, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6360, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Brutus of Arcadia", "text": "Long ago in a distant time, I Battle Mage Brutus of Arcadia, the shape shitting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil!\n\nBut a foolish Forgotten Warrior, Wielding a lavender double blade stepped forth to oppose.\n\nBefore the final shit was shat, I flung open a portal in time, where my stank was law!\n\nNow the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the stank that is Brutus of Arcadia.\n\n[See Aden Disintegrator for Freedom #12830 entry for the continued story]"} +{"id": "a88184fa-26bd-4130-8dc9-58163b7c612c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:59.502", "backgroundColor": "#2b0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNoTieN2ugaAdYqaZziacGTUyKVmrybkMxomjRGECj5Cx", "txHash": "0x858e7a2b17b516717b9c1aaa2e1ab43080e43c9972f92b841be07b88d626645b", "createdAtBlock": 14341674, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 325, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ned the Slow", "text": "# Ned the Slow\n\n\"If you want to enjoy your travels, Neds the right pony for you!\" yells the merchant, trying to catch passers-bys attention, but they seem to care for completely different merchandise: tall ponies, fast ponies, beautiful ponies, clean ponies. Ned is none of these.\n\nNed loves flowers, especially red ones. He likes how they look, their smell and also their taste, but dont tell his master he eats them otherwise he gets mad.\n\nNed hates when other ponies call him names. The worst of all is dimwitted, because, as his mother used to say, he is not stupid, just a little special.\n\nWhy would anyone want to ride that? asks a snobby towner while approaching the stand.\n\nNeds master, @wizard4802, is a questionable merchant, but an indisputable wizard. The doing is often more important than the outcome,\" says he while stroking his long white beard.\n\nWhile the snobby client walks away with a confused look on his face, master Apollo turns to Ned and winks.\n\nNed doesnt know why theyre traveling the realms. Or why his master pretends he wants to sell him. But, Ned doesnt mind. He likes to ride through the country, while his master sings his lovely tunes."} +{"id": "ff5a23af-0bf9-4e1c-86b2-f68881ee205a-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:51:19.537", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU59Rgn3Jgfx1NWgjhcanuRy18QQ1d36nabZFAzA62Zne", "txHash": "0x62c632f6ae2b894f44d554676b31c71478c1b4053be3af647697ed8fc8e68c7c", "createdAtBlock": 15395137, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12829, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rockmov Horror of Titans", "text": "I'm a Warrior\n\nAnd I'm OK\n\nI sleep all night and I work all day\n\n(He's a Warrior\nAnd he's OK\nHe sleeps all night and he works all day)\n\nI cut down trees\n\nI eat my lunch\n\nI go to the lavatry'\n\nOn Wednesdays I go shopping\n\nAnd have buttered scones for tea\n\n(He cuts down trees\nHe eats his lunch\nHe goes to the lavatry'\nOn Wednesdays He goes shopping\nAnd has buttered scones for tea\nI cut down trees)\n\nI'm a Warrior\n\nAnd I'm OK\n\nI sleep all night and I work all day\n\nI cut down trees\n\nI skip and jump\n\nI like to press wild flowers\n\nI put on wizard's' clothing and hang around in bars\n\n(He cuts down trees\nHe skips and jumps\nHe likes to press wild flowers\nHe puts on wizard's' clothing and hang around in bars?)\n\nI'm a Warrior\n\nAnd I'm OK\n\nI sleep all night and I work all day\n\nI cut down trees\n\nI wear high heels\nSuspendies' and a bra\nI wish I'd been a girly\nJust like my dear pa-pa\n(He cuts down trees\nHe wears high heels?)\n(He's a lumberjack\nAnd he's ok\nHe sleeps all night and he works all day)"} +{"id": "1b999438-8bf8-411d-95ae-24bd139d3c5b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:53:52.822", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSmvhv4DTVoxTxZXvbngPQs2oTL1svYjsEHwtsQ1vdTCL", "txHash": "0x285590eaf130611a645f0886452ced40ffed3e29624cf1126c88ab0e9027e24f", "createdAtBlock": 15395149, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4678, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enli Paragon of Brigands", "text": "Hi there!\n\nMy name is Enli!\n\nI work as a Dungelon Level 3 roaming baddie.\n\nI have a 2% drop rapier drop rate and my dog attacks from behind after the battlel starts.\n\nOne day I hope to be the boss of Dungeon Level 3, and one day make it to working on level 4."} +{"id": "c1ff21c0-a7a6-40c0-8627-d8119cd69f22-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:00.864", "backgroundColor": "#edd7d6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUYqgFQWYRs7DcNhnrfyWwQ2LEXwT9KUiFHNBz8xPWLZs", "txHash": "0xba5175958ec436f9b60dd75adcff812c604fc64abb87c3b4210f424e64ae0c6a", "createdAtBlock": 14343726, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6461, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Delilah of Arcadia", "text": "Delilah, was born in the lush emerald lands of Arcadia. \nFrom a young age the wind called out to her, whispered to her of far off lands.\nFrom ten Delilah was able to manipulate the weather, at first a break in the rain when she wished to play, later tornadoes would evolve with an angry thought or threatening menace.\nAs she learnt to control her powers, people sort her out. A coin from farmers wishing to soak their fields, merchants needing sun for a festival and fishermen wanting sails filled to chase the schools of fish migrating on the currents.\nShe amassed wealth but happiness was always lacking, and always the wind whispered to her of far off lands. \nThis is when Delilah finally put her gold and magic to work.\nHiring the most gifted magical trades available she commissioned the Aeolia a floating ship which would travel through the clouds, taking Delilah to places she had only dreamed of. \nThe Aeolia was a Brigantine, two-masted sailing ship with square rigging on the foremast and fore-and-aft rigging on the mainmast. She weighed in at 150 tonnnes, a great sight to behold. The sails were a golden fabric woven from griffin hair, and glistened in the sun. At the bow the figure of the queen of fairies reached out guiding Aeolia to adventure.\nShe was crewed by 20 Sylph, fiercely loyal to Delilah and masters of sailing the clouds.\nDelilah drifted on the wind, free to adventure and dream."} +{"id": "3d85d3f9-07de-4d37-b69f-363ea5a66260-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:01.713", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbEKvieEAbZqHRaCmc3f6KuoEMzRoZkYyym38qzMnrCk5", "txHash": "0xc206c389809a48ccba39567d1692e9cd3b27e25d8cf83add3cb9c17c9c65a596", "createdAtBlock": 14344978, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9323, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfTJMFgyRuArVEREfjLzC3MV1Wq4WAPCVbWXVHxvsBeUR", "name": "Mystic Willow of the Brambles", "text": "# Unwanted Guest\n\n\n(Illustrated by Yuto Yanagi)"} +{"id": "7a33db12-1f1a-4f19-aeeb-c3d65fdad921-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T11:51:12.743", "backgroundColor": "#01367c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZjg1FGo6Rdsq6M5foqCqivkG57CqCbwXJQvxqMrPUgsi", "txHash": "0x2c7c797a376fdb1140a37a829847758716cb703558efe516d236ace399193aa4", "createdAtBlock": 15396379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12857, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYmH6eB43fqRyXVBcpxXygQ7pA2bfBoKmzcdHwNo8TAZG", "name": "Dwog Fiend of Runes", "text": "# Dwog Fiend of Runes \n\n\n\nThis is the Lore of Dwog, Fiend of Runes. \n\nA wizard's most hated warrior.\n\nHow he came across such a violent weapon is still a mystery.\n\nThe Attack Drone will hunt down a wizard with ease.\n\nDwog rarely needs to reach for his ancient Sol Sword to finish the job.\n\nWizards work overtime to learn the secrets of this machine of wonder, how to counter, how to parry.\n\nThe war between Magic and Machine continues..."} +{"id": "bbe854ba-a434-4ce6-a905-1bf911968e10-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:05.573", "backgroundColor": "#051222", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdPAYym6Q79hjnv1k8ud6s4gzHUN2vvnRBgq9YYJxxQwZ", "txHash": "0x147d48f3a14f57a597098250c7f3c5d8727d415ae9328940b4fe1aac8d4de0a7", "createdAtBlock": 14347836, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8549, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Evangeline of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Breath in, breath out.\n\n12345.\n\n \n \nWith her eyes closed, she inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with fresh morning air. Once again, the world felt brand new. She could feel the tingling in her skin, rough and dry from the cold air. Inhaling once more, she breathed in all the air she could before she was forced to exhale. The soles of her feet felt soft, like that of a rug; tips of her toes were still numb as if she'd fallen asleep after dancing... She felt warmth on the top of her head, the same sort of feeling she used to get as a child when she felt safe.\n\nI want to stay here forever, \n\nshe mused, feeling neither sentient nor divine, she yet was both. She breathed as she always did, her mind serene and content. She felt at peace with the world around her, arms open and free. When she thought of the soft carpet of leaves under her feet, she felt joy overwhelm her. Soon, however, her head grew cold as intense pain wracked her spine. She was weak, feeling like a scourge of negative energy had swept through her body and left it full of pain. She could sense the massive cycle of negative energy welling up from the bottom of the mountain towards the peakexcept that it was neither coming from nor heading to the peak. Instead, it seeped into the ground and into the cave itself.\n\n \nOpening her eyes, the trees were different, they seemed to be more bent and gnarled. They appeared to have been diseased. The ground had blackened, even the bark of the trees was cracking with evil's presence. The dense mist of light that lingered above the forest floor gave the illusion that it was burning. Its heat pulsated with the beating of a drum and the sound of screaming people."} +{"id": "bbe854ba-a434-4ce6-a905-1bf911968e10-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:05.573", "backgroundColor": "#051222", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdPAYym6Q79hjnv1k8ud6s4gzHUN2vvnRBgq9YYJxxQwZ", "txHash": "0x147d48f3a14f57a597098250c7f3c5d8727d415ae9328940b4fe1aac8d4de0a7", "createdAtBlock": 14347836, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8549, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Evangeline of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "A cacophony of sounds surrounded her. Unearthly screaming and cries punctuated by clanging steel and the sounds of pain and death, echoing through the woods where life was still trying to thrive, where hope was flickering in the hearts of the good. The trees swayed back and forth in the wind but she heard something else: a second heartbeat. The sounds of life, of hope gave her courage to move forward despite the unknown. She jumped down from her perch, then started running towards the source of this great evil. \n \n\nShe didnt need to run very far, she saw that shadows were emerging from the ground and walking out of the woods. All the trees were dying and assaulting her from everywhere.\n \n\nShe had no idea how to fight such a force. Her body was being ravaged by the evilness of the trees. But she didnt die. Instead, she heard a voice calling her by her name.\n \n\nEvangeline Evangeline\n \n\nHer pain, her wounds, her beating heart and her breathing, they all stopped.\n \n\nEvangeline, wake up.\n \n\nThe sound of her name echoed in her mind, followed by a soft touch on her cheek. She wasnt sure why she was on the floor or why her hand was being held. As she opened her eyes, everything came flooding back: the trees, the war, the beating of the drum, the sound of death. She had no idea where she was, or why there was a strange fox in front of her. \n \n\nHis red fur was the color of blood and flesh, and it seemed to be creeping closer to her, like a hundred red ants, shedding their blood red backs and coming to crawl on her. The fox was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees to her chest, his eyes fixed on her."} +{"id": "bbe854ba-a434-4ce6-a905-1bf911968e10-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:05.573", "backgroundColor": "#051222", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdPAYym6Q79hjnv1k8ud6s4gzHUN2vvnRBgq9YYJxxQwZ", "txHash": "0x147d48f3a14f57a597098250c7f3c5d8727d415ae9328940b4fe1aac8d4de0a7", "createdAtBlock": 14347836, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8549, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Evangeline of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Youre not dead He said with a heavy voice, I saved you by pulling you out before they got to you\""} +{"id": "163d6f82-c79c-4378-ba06-d8b77e32bebe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:06.663", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbRyXTXCYA7nCjByuqdCpFf8X6P7yxhaQyjd822xtNLHP", "txHash": "0x975f6179e4076d890615b196e01ee16408dbff34d825e9a023a9727ea74d5eea", "createdAtBlock": 14350047, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Toka of the Wood", "text": "Il tait une fois un gardien du carrefour des Kobolds, Toka of the wood est un tre mystique qui recherche constamment tout savoir sur les voyageurs qui saventurerons sur son chemin. Toka attend patiemment que chacun des aventuriers arrive au carrefour et cest alors quun par un il les arretas avec sa grosse voix de Kobold Ohhhh passant aventurier, je suis le gardien de ce passage! Dis-moi la rponse mon nigme et tu te mriteras le passage gratuitement sinon PRENDS GARE, tu devras me payer un Token moi Toka le mystique si tu CHOUE afin de continuer ton chemin Oh aventurier tmraire! \n\nGive Toka a Token or take the risk! \n\nDonne un token Toka pour traverser ou bien prends un risque de sauver tes tokens! Si tu ten sens capable de rpondre cet tre mystique cest tes risques et pril car les Kobolds ont rputation dtre trs intelligent! \n\nEt SURTOUT! Noublie pas que son chat du bonheur sait lire dans les penses malgr son apparence sympathique ne te laisse pas pig et sache que les mensonges ne fonctionnent pas DU TOUT grce ce flin unique pourtant si affectueux! SOIS PRUDENT le chat saura si tu es un MALFAISANT travers ses yeux perants!"} +{"id": "163d6f82-c79c-4378-ba06-d8b77e32bebe-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:06.663", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbRyXTXCYA7nCjByuqdCpFf8X6P7yxhaQyjd822xtNLHP", "txHash": "0x975f6179e4076d890615b196e01ee16408dbff34d825e9a023a9727ea74d5eea", "createdAtBlock": 14350047, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Toka of the Wood", "text": "Toka vient du peuple des Kobolds, trs connect avec la fort, la nature et les animaux, ils sont de vritables aventuriers survivalistes! Cela veut donc dire aussi quils savent trs bien se dfendre et particulirement Toka avec son bton magique, LOrb staff! Cest un bton de magicien trs ancien qui saura trs bien te punir si jamais tu oses le dfi! Prend gare aventurier, reste laffut et bonne chance dans la recherche de la rponse de lnigme du mystique Toka de la fort!"} +{"id": "8faafd9d-1308-4617-b6ef-a88b5f27d112-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:43.981", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeWWrz9fXaudxwVp6Yb5PQauZ2auN1P3c7BqbXWzUm6hY", "txHash": "0x0901a91544d401f4ecb413e9c0b1a68b20b361424615a3e47ea4fe4e9c5d7d97", "createdAtBlock": 14414447, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Cybele of El Dorado", "text": "Enchanter Cybele of El Dorado #8182\n\nIs it the snail, the bell or the hat that's so enchanting? Or is it something else??"} +{"id": "e3cf7889-5633-4dbf-9530-390778cc411f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:07.345", "backgroundColor": "#040f29", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdXq7XcybMf1w6YFeTdcbebd413iGWRwBmfvGSP3Nxb2i", "txHash": "0xb0a5806a573950710bcebc3f1117c0b1d1844b972a29cf8ce903ebb81b844fac", "createdAtBlock": 14357421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 723, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Quddus of the Keep", "text": "# Hydromancer Quddus & his Sun Cat\n\nHydromancer Quddus had a sun cat, \nan unfortunate familiar \nYou see, water magic and felines rarely mix \nlet alone an undomesticated solar creature\n\nHydromancer Quddus had a sun cat, \noh, how it hissed in fear! \nThe mage's liquid dreaming oft descended \nand a drip or drop fell near \n\nHydromancer Quddus had a sun cat, \nand so an epic quest was born \nA desperate search for a long-lost spell \nto wash the purple eyed cat, forlorn\n\nHydromancer Quddus had a sun cat, \ntogether they traversed the dream \n'til they cornered a wise old sage \nwho had a surprsing answer for the team\n\nHydromancer Quddus had a sun cat, \nand at last he had succeeded \nA daily petting regimen and some tasty treats \nwas all the sunny civet needed"} +{"id": "f72e5ae1-80e3-4e4c-86cf-a22eb7e5b915-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:42.884", "backgroundColor": "#fffe03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc78WWdzmDmpuWFEftw5LUrxRQGXEXTf1Schgwn9AoqUg", "txHash": "0x38ac3c50ea7bf2ca87f4bb5bb00f1482274ff547ab3ac6ef4d1bf9e491fb94f5", "createdAtBlock": 15130752, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Soya of Arcadia", "text": "**Human / Sorcerer** \nBorn on the edge of civilization, Soya was one of 4 siblings all of which were given up for adoption. Their parents, being dirt farmers, found it too difficult to feed and clothe the children that had brought into the Runes. Soya was raised by Raian Fhargnarthnost, A Dragonborn Rogue. Soya and Raian formed a strong bond even though Raian was not his biological father, Soya referred to him as such. At the age of 12 Raian paid for Soya to attend Yellow Wizard Haven school of Magic. There he began his studies in the Arcane arts. After school he worked as an apprentice in the artisan guild. In his final year of schooling Soya created the clockwork war machine that was used to defeat the Chromomancers from invading Hue Masters Pass."} +{"id": "f6217720-0ccf-43e3-8d98-e024a9229fef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:08.193", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcFVwwiMQyLCWP8zC47engGy6yvZfy7NXNLX2uLMm1Bqo", "txHash": "0x62b62d21b5a1678d8a94edc9a4741d262d01d48b29fe5fb27452ca6f9d7a4560", "createdAtBlock": 14359325, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6984, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daria of the Surf", "text": "Daria lives in her world.\n\nHer world is encompassed. \n\nIts locked. \n\nIts thick. \n\nIts isolated.\n\nHer world is quiet. \n\nNoiseless. \n\nSpeechless. \n\nHer world is also happy. \n\nExcited. \n\nWonderful. \n\nBeautiful.\n\nDaria has so much to say, but her world keeps reigning her in. She lives best in and around water, where the world is blocked out even further. Her powers grow stronger by the day, and are starting to manifest, albeit slower than she hoped for. The world does not know how special she is yet ... but they will all soon find out."} +{"id": "aa016f10-981a-43a9-85dc-83b2dfd57ba7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:08.95", "backgroundColor": "#173b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRTPUA7VLo9UKvpuvLF8mwinQTK9Eh8gTjjQTKTb7B87w", "txHash": "0xd8c39a8ff8449d578ab51b28915e9f07c8a7e2ca586553f8b485fe64db5045f5", "createdAtBlock": 14362067, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3064, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Lilith of the Grotto", "text": "There are few magics more powerful than shadow magic, for just as even a dim light may cast a huge shadow, so too can the smallest of magical efforts generate the most spectacular of effects. It is for this reason that the practitioners of shadow magic are never at a loss for eager students clamoring to learn their arts. Indeed, one of the benefits of such magic is the ability to harness it to avoid detection by such cloying supplicants. \n\nHowever, once every hundred years or so, one student stands out above all the rest and is accepted into the college for training. Once every thousand years, one of those same would-be practitioners graduates as a master shadow mage and goes out into the greater world to make their own indelible mark upon it.\n\nShadow Mage Lilith of the Grotto is just such a witch. \n\nBeyond simply being a peerless practitioner of such magic, Lilith is a brilliant example of the Shadow Colleges organizing principles in action. In the way that a small candle can project an expansive shadow, Lilith uses her small phylactery - a vial of virgin blood - to cast immensely powerful spells of unmatched skill. Just as the shadow takes on many shapes, so too is Lilith an incredibly versatile young witch, just as comfortable in rough and worn leather armor during her time amongst the Gauldira raiders of The Brine as she was in the luxurious silks and elaborate masks worn by the secretive Court of the Dawn. And, just as shadows are ubiquitous, so too does Lilith seem to have traveled nearly everywhere in her already storied life. \n\nAlthough this peripatetic lifestyle might seem to be given to loneliness, for Lilith, it has not been. For there is not a piece of this world that Lilith has tread over without her own personal shadow and loyal companion, the beast of shade-made-flesh, her onyx wolf Umbra."} +{"id": "aa016f10-981a-43a9-85dc-83b2dfd57ba7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:08.95", "backgroundColor": "#173b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRTPUA7VLo9UKvpuvLF8mwinQTK9Eh8gTjjQTKTb7B87w", "txHash": "0xd8c39a8ff8449d578ab51b28915e9f07c8a7e2ca586553f8b485fe64db5045f5", "createdAtBlock": 14362067, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3064, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Lilith of the Grotto", "text": "When not traveling abroad, Lilith calls a small seaside cave on the shores of Kelpies Bay home. Lavishly decorated with trinkets and keepsakes from her many quests, the Grotto is a sanctum for Lilith. It acts as both a peaceful respite from the chaos of the outside world and a fortress against the many evils Lilith has combated during her journeys. \n\nThere is, of course, one nostalgic keepsake that Lilith does not keep stashed away in the Grotto with all the others: her timeworn green cloak. It was a battle trophy given to her by her longtime friend and erstwhile mentor, Azamoth the Specter, in a duel. It reminds her of a simpler time in her life while also being a well-earned point of pride. \n\nAbove all else, Lilith is a witch who desires challenge and adventure, never settling for long in one place or upon one project. Today she might be advising a king on the finer points of magecraft, while tomorrow may find her pursuing seadragons for their hoards of pearls or banishing demons back to the fires from whence they came. \n\nIn Liliths life, only one thing is truly certain: nothing ever stays the same for long."} +{"id": "cfd77b4d-50e3-4fbb-9776-35ce195e3fbd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:27.666", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrPXBckfGHNQFZVFsPQtNUhKdTfuEupC8sjYc9urXqRe", "txHash": "0xb6ba67f13afd28993aa0cd364d1ad6cb6c614158e17eeb31f63553b1926a56a0", "createdAtBlock": 14738124, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "# The awakening of Tabitha by the Bell\n(featuring @wizard6287 )\n\nAnd Peter kneeled and started to pray and told everyone to kneel and pray with him. He spoke, directed to the heavenly father and his son and the holy ghost that this life was taken unjust. Together they chanted and sang the mystic songs of old that their fathers and forefathers had taught them. They sang for long hours until the sun was at its highest peak. And of a sudden, when the day was brightest, the room became mysteriously dark, the candles on the table were blown out by a strong wind that swirled through the room. Everyone was calm but would not stop their chant. And when glancing up onto Tabithas body a strange light started to emanate from inside her chest. A warm and powerful, yet soothing glow that brought warmth to the hearts of everyone in the room.\n\nThe door blasted open and filling the enclosure was a sudden **ringing of a bell**. The sound was from the voices of angels, and it rang from the handbell of an unbeknownst stranger that stood in the doorway against the bright light of the sunny day. The figure was silhouetted in a warm glow and was clothed in a green cape with a red hood. From within the hood only a pair of bright blue eyes could be seen. Piercing blue eyes. Such eyes few had seen in this region. Only the people of the north had such unnatural eyes. A murmur went through the crowd. _Look it is the Wazir of the east that came from the north! The one who rings the bell. The minister of the great one._\n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmfNub9AMhM"} +{"id": "cfd77b4d-50e3-4fbb-9776-35ce195e3fbd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:27.666", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrPXBckfGHNQFZVFsPQtNUhKdTfuEupC8sjYc9urXqRe", "txHash": "0xb6ba67f13afd28993aa0cd364d1ad6cb6c614158e17eeb31f63553b1926a56a0", "createdAtBlock": 14738124, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmfNub9AMhM\n\nAnd the Wazir spoke: \n> _Hear me, believers, and friends of Tabitha. Your prayers have been heard and life will be given again to the one who lies here before us. For her deeds in life were good and just and great and must not be forgotten. We will give her again breath and soul and heart. But as it is, one cannot return to the living without carrying a burden.\nHear this: Tabitha will rise again and breathe and do the good deeds. But she will not come to rest again. When her time is come on earth in this age, she will be reborn as a healer, wise woman, and sorceress. And when her time has come in that age it will be so again and then again and over. She will be reborn. She will know something, and she will know nothing. She will be here and there. Even in the phantasy world of the worthy will she exist to do her good work long after the runes of the north with have been forgotten. Until which time the great one decides her work is done. **This is what I say, and this is what is done**._\n\n\nThere was a last ringing of the bell, a thunder, and a flash of light and the figure was gone.\n\nEveryone gasped with their mouths open when a soft, sleepy voice spoke from the center of the room: _What happened? Why is everyone here? Did someone die? Oh Peter, my dear friend! It is wonderful to see you, but why do you all look so frightened and scared?_"} +{"id": "cfd77b4d-50e3-4fbb-9776-35ce195e3fbd-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:27.666", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrPXBckfGHNQFZVFsPQtNUhKdTfuEupC8sjYc9urXqRe", "txHash": "0xb6ba67f13afd28993aa0cd364d1ad6cb6c614158e17eeb31f63553b1926a56a0", "createdAtBlock": 14738124, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "The light slowly returned back to the room and shone through Tabithas hair that had a very light green shade to it, as did her skin. Barely noticeable. There was a rune on the door, the rune of steel and in the corner under the window, an albino rat peeked around a chest, blinking. \n\nA little boy came in and said: _Hello, someone home? I have a delivery for Tabitha. Its a **peyote**!_\n\n\n(May 8th, 2022)\n\n##########\n\nThis is the last chapter of the full story how Tabitha came to be. For the full story go to How Tabitha came to be a powerful witch\n\nMore stories can be found at https://tabitha.wtf/category/lore/\n\nThank you @wizard6287 for letting me add you to the story! \n\nTo follow Tabitha around feel free to add her to your Twitter friends at https://twitter.com/tabitha_6154"} +{"id": "bf7e6eb3-a1d8-49af-acdb-298b747b7a2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:31.208", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPr4mhEtLwVDj5PBsZpybfuyxDCVkQjFr4pfkNBDehdTR", "txHash": "0xf7835c0ba6e11a5493a9ae3858f3931ef9dea21b172851f2b045a5b2c43f9d38", "createdAtBlock": 15071061, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8675, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Aleister of the Belfry", "text": "# Stay awhile and listen\n\nWhat follows is the story of Ale and his companion Bubbles, as they search for away to uncover the true nature of the Sacred Flame."} +{"id": "ff308490-b4a0-44f6-81eb-3a1f6d472fa4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:10.324", "backgroundColor": "#22231c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbcq4rxkQAevwtKwu3oebWRouxmv42wJ3wWQCec3oWig3", "txHash": "0x3605822e9a380c36a8e3c47322f6d1139262d5dfed940dcfb995f363e54dabcd", "createdAtBlock": 14364573, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5138, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRACaKUkmHXAV7LaerTVHgfnztkcfmLnN5h1cKEjTXbKh", "name": "Sorcerer Casper of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Prologue: The Prisoner\n\n*The sound of footsteps* could be heard long before the shadow was seen under the door. The slot in the metal door clanged open loudly before the food (if you could call it that) slid through, followed by the clang of it closing. The prisoner sat up slowly, pulled the bowl closer, and crossed his legs. Meals were sustenance, but also routine, the only anchor to sanity in a place like this. Anchors were vital when you couldn't remember who you were, where you came from, or why you were here. If only he could remember his name...\n\n*Flap flap flutter flap*. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a bat landing to hang above the door. That's when he heard the voice in his head.\n\n*Steam*\n\nWas the voice real or had he imagined it? And what did it mean? He lifted the bowl, meaning to hurl it at the creature, when he noticed its eyes glowing red. Had he ever seen a bat with eyes like that? There was an intellect behind those eyes, seeming to pierce his mind. Then it turned towards the food.\n\n*Steam*\n\nThe bowl was filling the room with steam. That's when it came to him. Steam meant *warmth*. Warmth meant *energy*. Energy meant *power*. \n Beginning to remember, he glanced back up at the bat. It seemed to nod. Resting the warm receptacle in his lap, he closed his eyes and began to chant as he had not done in a long time. As he performed the ritual, glowing red markings faintly appeared on the wall. What did it mean? He must remember. With renewed focus, he chanted again.\n\n\"*Urruku ya zi xul*\""} +{"id": "ff308490-b4a0-44f6-81eb-3a1f6d472fa4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:10.324", "backgroundColor": "#22231c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbcq4rxkQAevwtKwu3oebWRouxmv42wJ3wWQCec3oWig3", "txHash": "0x3605822e9a380c36a8e3c47322f6d1139262d5dfed940dcfb995f363e54dabcd", "createdAtBlock": 14364573, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5138, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRACaKUkmHXAV7LaerTVHgfnztkcfmLnN5h1cKEjTXbKh", "name": "Sorcerer Casper of the Event Horizon", "text": "\"*Urruku ya zi xul*\"\n\nAs the ground trembled, the markings became clearer and clearer, until finally he knew what he was looking at: *the Rune of Jupiter*.\n\n\n\nHe was filling with a feeling he had not known in a long time...*HOPE*."} +{"id": "25ad8f8d-5c44-47f0-87f9-639879932776-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:28.371", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaNDU64USRSrBNaYwYeENw6VvGmfkgcMCE9Yw1VndevBD", "txHash": "0x5ef7d919590eca7e8e8b30af49f04dd8f510042b4f7a36f9cf80bfa149ef0435", "createdAtBlock": 14738151, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3266, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Jerret of the Plains", "text": "# Druid Jerret of the Plains\n\nDruid Jerret of the Plains is a peculiar sight. His origin is from the Teqali Klan from the steppes far to the east. Despite his affiliation with the nomad clans he does not ride on horseback, yet is still able to maintain the same speed as his clan by his mobility magic.\nJerret believes that he mustn't enslave animals as his powers are originate from their energies.\nJerret is said to be older than a 100 years old, yet his appearance is much younger and he is much more full of vigor.\nHe is able to turn into animals that are within a certain radius from him, and employ these animal's gifts to cure people from disease or bestow certain blessings upon them."} +{"id": "5680ac35-78c6-41ee-97a1-f64f9f56d242-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:20.149", "backgroundColor": "#64227c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXwLGazBH1bqp74K2Rq2J16z9wSCeNpTJvKTgq9cPT3i", "txHash": "0x7a33819e109f00eb48d81958703bf860155bdb3f598b8db39c756aa235537eea", "createdAtBlock": 14810519, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4813, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Logan of the Baobabs", "text": "I'm Logan of the Baobabs\n\nI should have 100% affinity.\n\nThe color purple characterizes me\n\nI really like beer\n\nBut I'm not the only one who likes it, my goat likes it too.\n\nWe both like to drink beer in the sun\n\nI'm the Jungle Commando\n\nAnd Purple Provocator Garb fits me perfectly."} +{"id": "1779a245-1b18-44e6-ae7d-ae1b91868761-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T02:18:58.016", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPHbezXyaERgM1umsRZnjqC1fVeXiXybp7gvWDrGMRxB4", "txHash": "0x89b41c6ac0c983c842e222894e6b68325b1e9b8e1390ccc6afe6dc1435d3c30b", "createdAtBlock": 15400231, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 631, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNUuknJreyZYXDEkFSnMbVbsatognsxuZrq8mZMNBGitU", "name": "Orusula Razer of the Pavillion", "text": "A thousand willing splinters,\n---\n*sprung* up from the floor.\n---\nHardwood spears into my foot,\n---\n(what more could I ask for).\n---\nA thousand marbles *unfolded*,\n---\ndown King Solomons stair.\n---\nDripped into my backpack,\n---\n(disguised as I, tattered and bare).\n---\n---\nA thousand sentient grasshoppers,\n---\nin their blue cloaks, waited to greet.\n---\nA mob of ravenous paupers,\n---\nwith bulging eyes, on Whitfield street.\n---\nA thousand clouds of black smoke rose,\n---\nin a web of lies untold.\n---\n While one Forgotten Warrior stood,\n---\nLike a wall of Brick and Gold. \n---\n---\nA thousand rusted gyro-copters,\n---\ngently danced in drunken sway.\n---\nAs endless sharpened seashells,\n---\nstaring seaward, marched away.\n---\nA thousand crooked couriers,\n---\nwrought wicked words, inked in red wine\n---\n While one Forgotten Warrior stood,\n---\nLike Obsidian wrapped in Poison Vine. \n---\n---\nSula Sir - you are my friend! What madness so grips thee?\n---\nI would follow you from hell to golden shores of Galilee!\n---\nSula Sir - my brother, ho! What hell is in your eye?\n---\nId give you every drop of soul and leave my spirit dry!\n---\n---\n# Leif Dojang \n# https://tonewoodblack.tumblr.com/\n---\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGFgCJJXYRo\n**"} +{"id": "a6aab14e-b96b-46a1-8bff-1ab608ddcf3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:11.012", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdbMr1KTiXZJrHhReJ7XdXNgWfZgxoWy3EN3uAABRGWzC", "txHash": "0x16c610dbab07550967de40e1fa94e36cf6a32e6d27a3b78e2eaff4144894166e", "createdAtBlock": 14365655, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1035, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Bullock of the Marsh", "text": "Bullock was supposed to be the chosen one. The Elders deemed it so, yet the Gods had yet to bestow their power unto him. While the rest of the tribe received their blessings, he had not. It was far past his coming-of-age ceremony, and still he woke to no magical gifts.\n\nThis quickly led to a rift in the tribe, and Bullock was quickly outcast into the wilds. The tribe branded him a false omen, and he would never be allowed within the walls of the Minotaur city again.\n\nSo began Bullock's first real adventure. In the process of surviving the wilds, he came across an injured rabbit, and instinctively nursed it back to health. While Bullock may not have had the healing magic his brethren did, he was quite skilled in herbalism.\n\nOnce the rabbit came to, he revealed himself as the God Moemeej, an ancient spirit of the forest. Delighted with the selfless care provided to him by the minotaur, Moemeej bestowed upon him The Gift of the Woods. \n\nBullock finally received the magic he so desperately yearned for, yet he would still be outcast as the magic did not come from his own gods. So he and Moemeej, in the shape of the timid rabbit, set off to seek the secrets of the forest, and to hopefully find some peace within his own soul."} +{"id": "bfccadcb-4e98-43c2-a2bf-8ac2f0595a3c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:11.833", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSr6KA8SmqVVjoqTmpkVhYhD5GqAYSS3iCBHts8SWU3CA", "txHash": "0x9771d72c3a183c479ac96fbeb38252b9df56c5ae3effeafca00faa954c3943d2", "createdAtBlock": 14365670, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9964, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Caligari of the Desert", "text": "Caligari, the voodoo shaman of the sands. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think? I came up with it myself!\n\nJerimethia didn't really cut it, in terms of inspiring fear and death into one's enemies now does it? But that's neither here nor there.\n\nWho I am now, is, the most powerful voodooist in all of the The Sand! Ok, technically I'm also the only voodooist in all of The Sand, but that doesn't change anything! I will take over the whole realm...just as soon as I figure out how to do more than hex myself to sleep tonight.\n\nIt's been a rough journey learning the ways of Voodoo, and the secrets do not reveal themselves to just anyone! By teaching what I know to others who are lost, I hope to find out more, but also have an army to take over the realm with. That would be nice, I'm not so sure I can do it on my own.\n\nNope. I definitely don't think I could do it on my own, so it's very important we figure out some voodoo so we can teach it to these kids I stole.\n\nOne day, I, CALIGARI THE GREAT VOODOO SHAMAN OF THE SANDS, will rule over all of the Forgotten Runes with a power like none other!"} +{"id": "1dadb1cb-8a9d-461a-b179-d8babae7789f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:18.818", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc6WJLXymRGaCidXmrKsNo34PAW7ZUAKhzb7TSgTGh3rg", "txHash": "0xb744dd18d34f088c14cc3f64568404047735c33eab9900d115a293e74bfefadf", "createdAtBlock": 14387907, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5348, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUykDC4cJuoCH9Pp2SJ1NVmdPpUWsiynZ1X6eBUXRx4D4", "name": "Rotten Revenant Bayard of the Nether Regions", "text": "# Bayard's Ballad \n\n\nUndead wizards of the night \nTheir souls live on, but not alive\n\nThrough the flame they all went \nIn search of hell's magic lent\n\nOne went in on the fourth of December \nOut came **Rotten Revenant Bayard**\n\nHis magic key was fused to skull \nHis angelic prayer became a song\n\nSing the tune to this key \nAnd zombies will appear with glee\n\nAt your disposal they will fight \nWith the devil's magic in all their might\n\n*But enchanter!* Beware his tune \nBayard's stink it comes too\n\n**The Nether Region stink of death** \nIt kills and rots all the flesh\n\nIf the skull of Bayard on a body rests \nYou'll hear his song in the form of **stench**\n\nYour enemies will rot in hell \nBut so will you, *beware the spell!*"} +{"id": "b0e22b26-8f13-49be-80b2-b48d6b05bcc0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:12.5", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRhKzYPgqTz8BBVhwPLgTrsmNEEiir1Zhrebrd9AMwiSo", "txHash": "0xec8af9d6b169ef6b72304a1bd33e810066da8824d591b4376720f6c561161e94", "createdAtBlock": 14368213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 524, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Finn of the Dunes", "text": "# Battle Mage Finn of the Dunes\n\nA wanderer named Finn of the Dunes... \nA magical Wizard of the Forgotten Runes... \nLost his eye to a wizard named Dark Crown... \nPlaying a game of Scoods in Goblin Town... \nBigwig his dirt rabbit never leaves his side... \nUnless he spots some dandelion fries... \nSpells are cast with his big magic stick... \nAnd even a swing will leave you dead quick... \nHe's heard whispers that he's a bit strange... \nBut of course, that's what's wonderful about this Battle Mage."} +{"id": "9add4dbc-7cae-44a9-bc70-45e00eccc764-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:29.1", "backgroundColor": "#0f133b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaaHHWKGxB5Wg1TZ6Eaoez7DKDnfsAMkNc4GfEdQFKiHy", "txHash": "0x8242c6791193df8ddb9fa78ac831db30b39b35784947a815434b273827aa8603", "createdAtBlock": 14738771, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cairon of the Palms", "text": "Context: YouTube > Nathan Evans Wellerman \n\n\nThere once was a wiz his name was c \nand he roamed the waves of the opensea \ntossed and thrown both to and fro \nhis destiny to roam\n\nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo bring me a home not two but one \nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo take me home in tow\n\nIt had not down two minutes bore \nWhen up he went \nListed once more \nHe bowed his head this is my lot \nI'll never find my own\n\nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo bring me a home not two but one \nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo take me home in tow\n\nHe waited whilst the listing tread \nA lowering price \nHanging by a thread \nThe captain sore with motive he \nAnd Cairon he did go\n\nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo bring me a home not two but one \nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo take me home in tow\n\nA right new home \nAnother land \nPerhaps this time the buy would stand \nAlas it was not meant to be \nAnd set adrift was he\n\nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo bring me a home not two but one \nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo take me home in tow\n\nCarion's tale was all but lost \nHis fate an ever-lowering cost \nDown to the sea floor he did go \nAnd then sunk lower still\n\nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo bring me a home not two but one \nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo take me home in tow\n\nNow he rests in a brand new home \nScraped from the depths by one unknown \nWill he rest or will he go \nHis tale is yet to know\n\nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo bring me a home not two but one \nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo take me home in tow"} +{"id": "9add4dbc-7cae-44a9-bc70-45e00eccc764-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:29.1", "backgroundColor": "#0f133b", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaaHHWKGxB5Wg1TZ6Eaoez7DKDnfsAMkNc4GfEdQFKiHy", "txHash": "0x8242c6791193df8ddb9fa78ac831db30b39b35784947a815434b273827aa8603", "createdAtBlock": 14738771, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cairon of the Palms", "text": "Soon may the buyerman come \nTo bring me a home not two but one \nSoon may the buyerman come \nTo take me home in tow"} +{"id": "e0920b21-cdba-4122-8e56-3c576d6831f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:14.059", "backgroundColor": "#baa042", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVQTv4XsKzouEX8nCi8txZoEchEtLop3saanYe1MDkN6x", "txHash": "0x34489d9d957d30d404c3fc02b3cb8b323c23ba599c0b9ba1376774a6f59404cc", "createdAtBlock": 14375812, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7176, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVUqR3r43EMdPCtty1kg2o6werUQzRhUkUKMBf3N5kpJg", "name": "Sage Nikolas of El Dorado", "text": "# What does it mean to be from a place considered lost...\n\n\n\n# ... can such a sage ever truly be found?\n\nEl Dorado fades from memory to legend... as the Joy Staff charts the path forward.\n\nWhere may great wealth be found or made? \n\n... Nikolas ..........\n\nIs the path to El Dorado forward or backward ?? backward or forward Dorado El to path the Is\n\nGreen consumes gold... the river moves ever forward...\n\n...... Sage Nikolas ...............\n\nAre the true riches within the Wizard... if only the forgotten rune can be remembered...\n\n.... the Joy Staff... Nikolas.........\n\n... can such a Sage ever truly be found?\n\n# ... the path to El Dorado ..."} +{"id": "3b986271-3b07-412f-b4ad-a8aa361adeaf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:09.647", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcLxbjLmsKj9xKDaEWL3Jq8smCMtvE4qVrBNNKKxDHXsN", "txHash": "0x0e1dee9325308319a1b813bd39cff15da76437033c036a3a8d8996a94d08ab13", "createdAtBlock": 14368971, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2724, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdaoEWxQ4X5v5oWm5zkpU1AuEMkH4aTzh79xG9xWYwqKe", "name": "Artificer Corvin of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Two Crows' Bazaar: The Forever Store\n\nWhat appears to be a ramshackle structure is not. A narrow staircase leads to a porch and simple double doors situated between two oversized, paned windows. Over the doorway hangs a luminous horseshoe giving the slightest of hums. Above the horseshoe a sign on an overhanging ledge reads Two Crows and even further above a vertical lightning bolt symbol surrounded by the letters T C B. This is Two Crows Bazaar, the Forever Store; property of the renowned, magic-wielding artificer Corvin the Collector and his familiar crackerjack crow Cash.\n\n# \n\nThe Bazaar has a literal pulse. Its living stilt-like legs and feet allow for travel alongside the wizarding rook Corvin and companion Cash who stay in constant motion scouring countless dimensions in search of the rarest of treasures. While appearing modest in size, the Bazaar is in fact as magical as its inhabitants with interior expanding and contracting at will. Legend has it the Bazaar shared the magical pairs obsession of collection and actually collected them! Regardless of whom collected whom, Corvin, Cash and the Bazaar now find themselves in pursuit of mythical possessions in the most legendary of placesthe Runiverse.\n\n#"} +{"id": "18a0a29d-3833-4c75-abfc-fb76baf109b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:13.337", "backgroundColor": "#343030", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY4b71wqxvGEXckS1hE73k9ukGUo4Gf6i3Z1MBQpTkTL6", "txHash": "0xeba35c858d0795295769a9140d03290cfb969c50ff7358211f2690246444e835", "createdAtBlock": 14375361, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2322, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Oberon of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Oberon of the Rock\n\nThe Alchemist Oberon is the Byzantine sage, a philosopher, and teacher that wrote and practices alchemy, astrology, and astronomy.\n\nOberon is the first to travel the lengths and breadths of the Forgotten Rune transforming his Jinx staff into red mythical wings. During the voyage, not only did he save the people of the Goblin town from the Goblin giant, he summoned the powerful ponies to the Elysian Fiends to fight the great dragons from the East. He is known for his kind heart and his rib tickling jokes.\n\nNow, he is seen meditating at the Zaros Oasis, waiting for the rise of the Forgotten Rune Metaverse!"} +{"id": "479c4e1a-d6d4-4b30-8568-6d441ac78c18-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:44.696", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNepnzqDBtzxVASdirrfhhXgHXkP3jLuzxfZ3qbfNVsYS", "txHash": "0x19acd065d4547e8dfc7ffa86fc326be734aa58979e3dc2b5080c2a60c52d930f", "createdAtBlock": 14414472, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3039, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Artis of the Valley", "text": "Enchanter Artis of the Valley #3039\n\nThis chick wants me to drink bug juice, yo!"} +{"id": "dddb1db3-559d-4a6b-95a4-2c16256dc879-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:21.093", "backgroundColor": "#911b15", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcY6CXBsEywJKjEoqs94NN2TaTiJF29eks5cBsxJKk3zR", "txHash": "0x6df45eea54d90ada36b1e1ba55c30637cf3f83e8f913940d72d9ddac6c2402f4", "createdAtBlock": 14389090, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3806, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Lumos of the Marsh", "text": "Forever living in the beauty of the green. \n\nMagus comes out, when he wants to be seen.\n\nHell barter your health, to build up his wealth and trade with those whom are keen.\n\nGood riddance aches, sayonara pain, take only the meds, backed by his name."} +{"id": "93d340c8-8a16-4836-9b80-f35f1853719f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:21.783", "backgroundColor": "#861a15", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQKhxZ7Jjj9DNrAgd7vcvaWcivertFBPfzyZ8VkBxqh2w", "txHash": "0xcfeabacf55feb6c8985fa7f672913be977b453d64a498a01add9ce5a9e4d0a00", "createdAtBlock": 14394724, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbAKatK7AkiY5xdvu4DKoWNXzVojWupQAnJPBmRC1YbMz", "name": "Pyromancer Calista of the Citadel", "text": "# Pyromancer Calista of the Citadel and Cinder\n\n#3344 Chapter I: Introduction\n\nToday's feature is of Pyromancer Calista of the Citadel and Cinder the Rat. Calista's pyromaning made strong impressions on her as a child and she had the inspiration to start Apex Rocket Company at the age of 22, right out of the Engineering University. Calista is the host of the \"Grand Celebration\" at the Citadel each year where she dazzles crowds with her fireworks. She invites acts from all over the Runiverse to come to the Citadel and showcase their talents and magic. Calista and her family took up residence in a large historic mansion (reputed to be haunted) in the Coastal District of the Citadel over 14 years ago. \n\nCalistas Citadel is situated along the coast of The Brine near the Red Wizard Capital and the Kobald Crossroads. This city was once a small coastal village of fisherman. Only recently, has it become the bustling city that it is today. Calista founded Apex Rocket Company here and the company quickly took off. Calista and her team designs, manufacture and sell many of the types of rocket motors that propel non-magic craft. Their slogan To the Moons is featured in media across the realm. Apex Rocket Company employs thousands and is the major source of industry and innovation in the area. The successful rocket business allows for her to attract the top design, engineering, and wizard talent in the land. Housing has become very expensive and the growth in the Citadel has outpaced the infrastructure. But with a little bit of hard work and magic things should be easing up soon."} +{"id": "93d340c8-8a16-4836-9b80-f35f1853719f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:21.783", "backgroundColor": "#861a15", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQKhxZ7Jjj9DNrAgd7vcvaWcivertFBPfzyZ8VkBxqh2w", "txHash": "0xcfeabacf55feb6c8985fa7f672913be977b453d64a498a01add9ce5a9e4d0a00", "createdAtBlock": 14394724, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbAKatK7AkiY5xdvu4DKoWNXzVojWupQAnJPBmRC1YbMz", "name": "Pyromancer Calista of the Citadel", "text": "She has graciously allowed us to interview her for this feature. Many journalist have been trying to get her to speak candidly for years, only now has she decided to interview with Wizard Weekly and has granted us unprecedented access to her world of business, magic, and of her social life. Lets get started! The Actual interview will be published soon.\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\nCalista is know to associate with @wizard113 and @wizard7238. She loves to ride the @pony100"} +{"id": "5f97861a-83cc-4483-b102-34de36adddd2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:22.57", "backgroundColor": "#022f04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSRE4JrNd1CjzMVZw8onj8fCD8End62AspWfFW4SEgtcP", "txHash": "0xe31eb40a32ce1bb600df0ad1321ff4c42c272796c6c7428488312724cc4973e2", "createdAtBlock": 14397773, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Azahl of the Wood", "text": "# Azahl of the Wood ... the unknown \n\nIt's raining. Like always in these long days. Almost everyone is sitting by a warm fire and chatting with friends and beloved during these times while waiting for the strongest winter passes by. But somewhere, deep in the woods, a figure in the shadow is lurking through dense branches. His clothes can hardly spend enough heat to keep him alive for much longer Why is he out there, all on his own.\n\nBack in the town, he is only known by Anzahl of the wood. A strange guy, who prefers to live only in company with his familiar in an old, strange cottage deep in the woods. Now and then, in the middle of the night, it seems the cottage is glowing for a blink of a second. People start whispering about him doing advanced alchemy out there a few winters ago.\nIt seems like he is there since the old times, only the oldest among the cult know who he really is, but they all keep quiet for some reason"} +{"id": "5f97861a-83cc-4483-b102-34de36adddd2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:22.57", "backgroundColor": "#022f04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSRE4JrNd1CjzMVZw8onj8fCD8End62AspWfFW4SEgtcP", "txHash": "0xe31eb40a32ce1bb600df0ad1321ff4c42c272796c6c7428488312724cc4973e2", "createdAtBlock": 14397773, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Azahl of the Wood", "text": "A bungle of wet herbs in his bag and frozen to the bones, Anzahl reaches his cottage. It takes him quite some time to set up a fire to make himself a poor meal. After warming up from the inside and outside, he searches his pockets for today's harvest herbs. On the other side of the room, somewhere in the dark, Anzahl has set up a strange looking construct of bottles and glasses. Maybe today Anzahl mumbles while going to the table. The fire has almost burned down when he finished whatever he was doing. \nBack at the fire, he put a new wood into the fireplace. There you are he whispers to his familiar, who never left his side since he came back to the cottage. After starring another few hours in the fire, he threw something to his familiar. It seems like it was waiting for that moment, eating it, whatever it was, up almost instantly. \nThis was the time when someone else in the wood looked up to the old cottage, which glow up out of the nowhere, melting all the snow in a small area around the House.\n\nHe is getting Close I I Have to tell the Others . But not . today"} +{"id": "dcc7824b-7a59-41da-a984-9e661b93a3bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:55.996", "backgroundColor": "#dbc5dc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcyphcaP7Jy3y5HhP25hVNH7DYgHRKPv8WBRsgcUUsLV4", "txHash": "0xb2f788df342cd3e6b4c9883500636009ea53a63272af5c052806d373c49fbf3c", "createdAtBlock": 14393729, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6917, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaUPMPhSMfAE7tZyxoq19C1KRRLuyATggLj1ZtcDiJhPm", "name": "Sorcerer Taqi of the Pit", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Taqi of the Pit and Wolf\n\n\n\n\n\n~~It was many many years ago.~~\n\n \nBefore those years when Taqi had to live alone in this barren Pit land. \nWhen the wolf mother, who would later become her best friend, was just a baby wolf. \n\nIt is true that those lands are unproductive in harvest, but wisdom can be said to be gushing around the Pit. For decades, all wise wizards and wise tribes lived peacefully and friendly. Those lands were home to many wizards who got on well with each other. So what happened after that, there is no trace of that colony that got on very well with each other. Why did they compete with each other to smash the rules inherited from their ancestors ?!\n\n\nEverything started with the dark magic that Necromancer Scratch did before he became 'Evil' and could not see where it would end. He cast a terrifying poisonous spell that poisoned and afflicted himself, as well as all wise wizards. And after a while, all those wise peoples were engaged in a war without a winner. And wars bring blood. Unfortunately, little Taqi's family was among the losers in this war like the others. Poor Taqi was miraculously surviving amid all these bad events. However, it was difficult to decide from the outside whether this was good or bad. Because he no longer had a family to take care of him, nor a wise tribe.\n\n\n\nFortunately, Taqi was still alive when the mother wolf stumbled upon him. The wolf took care of him like a cub. Together they formed a friendship that would last for many years. And this friendship would bring many stories to be told for many years to come. The adventure was just beginning for Taqi.\n..... \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A06bDmpNTJU"} +{"id": "d6c06291-e426-49f6-8f9f-34fb83fabb74-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:47.373", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXYrJ6Qg2wb6TkcVxjLVkSiweU3KfjQHvHuEcwMhi6pKG", "txHash": "0xad4d34f21c7f0b2c4c5a68ca60b7795761bad7fe07c027b96df9392d382ce166", "createdAtBlock": 14397587, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3975, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcXW5C2mrWTcJdqgobmzYZtC4mzJsVr4u6mqrU7fdmHr9", "name": "Sorcerer Harley of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Harley of the Veil\n\nHarley began life as a Genesis MoonCat, one of the 160 who chose the path of heroes and stayed behind on Luna to save their brethren from the impending solar eclipse. Due to a freak accident at the sub-lunarian moonbase (someone spilled tuna on a particle accelerator), Harley got sucked through a wormhole and ended up in the Forgotten Runes. The journey through the rift in space-time also changed Harley down to the subatomic level, uplifting the MoonCat to superhuman intellect and endowing him with the ability to wield magic.\n\nCuriously enough, Harley wasn't the only one to traverse that particular wormhole on that fateful day. Something else was also ejected from the wormhole, a scorched refinery crucible filled with once molten iron, with a pure tungsten sphere inside. Using magic to re-melt the iron, levitate the sphere out, and crack it open, Harley found the most unexpected creature inside: a snail. Not only that, a hyper intelligent immortal snail, who communicated to Harley that it had only one mission in life: to locate and physically touch a certain somebody. Harley wasn't sure what that whole business was all about, but being two peas in a pod, torn from their own universes to find themselves stranded in this new one, the two decided to travel together, and quickly became fast friends."} +{"id": "d6c06291-e426-49f6-8f9f-34fb83fabb74-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:47.373", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXYrJ6Qg2wb6TkcVxjLVkSiweU3KfjQHvHuEcwMhi6pKG", "txHash": "0xad4d34f21c7f0b2c4c5a68ca60b7795761bad7fe07c027b96df9392d382ce166", "createdAtBlock": 14397587, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3975, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcXW5C2mrWTcJdqgobmzYZtC4mzJsVr4u6mqrU7fdmHr9", "name": "Sorcerer Harley of the Veil", "text": "That was many years ago, and since then, Harley and the Immortal Snail have acclimated to life in their new home. Harley still walks the path of heroes, using his magic to defend the denizens of the Runiverse against Forgotten Souls and the evil minions of the Quantum Shadow. But he has a much more critical long-term concern than these day-to-day struggles, because he knows something that others in his world do not. That theirs is not the only universe. There are many, many universes out there, some like the Forgotten Runes, others drastically different, populated by all sorts of unusual, and sometimes deadly inhabitants. \n\nAs a dimensional magic user, Harley has been to many of these worlds...he has even considered returning to the MoonCats, but he knows that MoonCat society is in good hands with the rest of the Genesis cats, so he decided to stay in the Forgotten Runes to help his new home prepare for the impending threat. Because it's only a matter of time before the barriers between all these different universes start to break down and they all converge into one ultimate metaverse. When that happens, there will be far greater existential threats to this world than wraiths and liches (Harley has seen all manners of fantastical creatures during his interdimensional travels, from a goddess named Irene leading an army of simps, to a horrific type of demon called a Larva Chad). When the convergence happens, chaos will come. And Harley will be ready, scythe in hand and his companion the Immortal Snail by his side."} +{"id": "54761583-b5f7-4415-968c-a17203a73ce9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:48.157", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmToRg7mUhBayVujhoRy96bf8jVwHdD56A1fCsuQWRYf4r", "txHash": "0x1e9dc222fc9b62e7a4ca5838e029481877a75ec1af2fe7f81e6a2fcf2761d030", "createdAtBlock": 14397596, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 133, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQsxcJNA1oGx7kZyMQKEWH8mVxp3AZYSLwMCrFmWxGFG1", "name": "Bloody Mary", "text": "# Bloody Mary\n\n## Genesis\n\nThe night air held a rancid and repulsive scent, ash drifting on the lazy breeze, acrid smoke billowing and obscuring the hunter's moon partly visible above in the cloudless sky. The obscene smell was enough to make one gag, to make weary eyes run rivers of sooty tears and set sniveling noses running. Only the barest whimpers and the slightest wheeze, accompanied by the symphony of sizzling and burning flesh, could be heard over the sound of hard heels slapping on cobbled stones.\n\nEver since her first execution, that delightful maiden voyage so long ago was now one of her most precious memories, her trusted Torch had burned ever more fiercly. The immolations were a necessity at first, to cleanse the realm of heretics and the unfaithful, but more and more the ritual leaned deliciously towards indugleance. \n\nIt was truly a wonder to observe and delight in all the fascinating ways the fire affected the body; from the initial agony of searing the nerves from the skin, granting the doomed a short-lived reprieve, to shifting fluids and shrinking husk. Then, with the expulsion of one final foul and gurgling breath her trap would slam shut, imprisoning the unwilling spirit - stench and all - to an eternity of subservience in her incandescent vessel.\n\nHer ritual concluded, a confident stride swiftly took Mary away from the enormous pyre, her biggest yet, Torch sputtering and spitting merrily at her side. Sated for the moment by the latest addition of tortured captive souls, she raised her magical companion to cast the gloom ahead in vermillion hues, and disappeared into the night."} +{"id": "d2434df0-0224-4e2a-915b-d0445be369ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T12:42:30.193", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfMY3pVTGJyW5mBoq5pHiuAHWmDAyPYoYt89Gk7wgRFUQ", "txHash": "0xe2cb9d7fb7d89bab69fdfbafe086282d013d92d497ebb93c6e9712c8ac8c9830", "createdAtBlock": 15402980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13237, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Teny Breaker of the Flame", "text": "# Teny the Tiny Breaker of the Flame\n\n### A tiny warrior who eats fire and boils water with her crowbar. Some question her companion of a buffkin but Teny just laughs with fire. Teny holds the rune of air in which she can turn air into smoke. Watch your lungs around Teny."} +{"id": "5eb099d6-6d86-47ec-aa9f-891d1aaa1e48-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:36.046", "backgroundColor": "#A884F3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdL36K7fzZfjFgsLLoDyUc4h2ApHxxE4WC17mbzW2wuYZ", "txHash": "0x709795cafda13eed51076399a3b7923a350b730ce076585041b30cebc446b12e", "createdAtBlock": 14398167, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 466, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdfFC4JcWcqjCBw8N888PTCcKW82BZEpRFiVZoyWi2ETp", "name": "Druid Faiz of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Faiz of Arcadia\n\n \n\nWhen asked, Druid Faiz says he is from Arcadia, which usually does the trick of avoiding further questions. In reality, Faiz has roamed the Runiverse for so long that he feels he is from everywhere (or perhaps nowhere)\n\nUsing his magic staff, Druid Faiz is able to travel and observe events occurring throughout the Realms. And sometimes they like to write about what they observe..."} +{"id": "ebec6078-6f22-4218-80d9-26e2776de30a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:28.982", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXVzRvjELhXocckEuUbJGoscu2iZowT1ggeYx2g2b352Z", "txHash": "0xe014e3b01d727c8ade6b4d25b80195fb0c171d98bb09fc81f4fd9a1c8fe53890", "createdAtBlock": 14399570, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 203, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harper the Enchanting", "text": "# The Lore of Harper the Enchanting\n\nAs a young foal, Harper was encouraged to color strictly within the lines. Every lesson on being a great pony companion to wizards involved countless hours of getting commands exactly correct, not missing a single step and certainly not deviating from protocol and decorum.\n\nHarper was always different, however. All the admonitions and corrective measures couldn't get Harper to just follow the steps and pass training. While all the other ponies in pony school were following instructions closely, Harper's gaze always went towards the Forbidden Fields..\n\nNo one really knew much about the forbidden fields except that they had been closed off for as long as anyone could remember. Rumors had it that they were somehow linked to the Psychic Leap. \n\nOne day when no one was paying attention, Harper took the chance that presented itself and passed the gates into the Forbidden Fields for a forbidden frolic. It looked completely unlike anything on the outside. The landscape was completely foreign, bursting with color and light. Without even thinking once about it, Harper impulsively took a bite of a glowing carrot.\n\nFrom that day forward, Harper saw the world differently. With the help of 3D glasses to make sense of it all, Harper could now perceive magical energy differently. Sometimes this means intuiting the intentions of wizards who conceal their true motives. Other times it means perceiving the presence of magical objects or passages and still other times it means amplifying the effects of nearby magic being used. \n\nHarper may not be destined to follow each and every order of a wizard companion, but for those open to straying outside the lines, Harper's journey offers unexpected adventures and surprises of all varieties."} +{"id": "70cb1ffa-85da-4f28-ab90-e2bbf4540615-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T13:28:03.117", "backgroundColor": "#7a8432", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQH3x1xUs49zRBjmkMwUokWhsFUJk28v8LaM89K38Kpky", "txHash": "0x3043e26d9c435e0428adf2838907288b074805410f0e375540a00b7af6c5954d", "createdAtBlock": 15403177, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5981, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Wood", "text": "# Archmagus Alessar of the Wood\n\nArchmagus has been in the woods he's whole life consistently stoned. He lost his prop in the woods some years ago and is still on the lookout for it. Archmagus is known for forgetting due to all the years of being statued in the woods. His companion runny the rat is what holds him together and is his light in the foggy forest."} +{"id": "4c731fc5-72bb-40be-b7da-38c39f8904b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:29.985", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmREzeDp8H7QW5jjJjuntUXTCeVj6Ycy19Hud49gfEzaMA", "txHash": "0x1fb1fabf688ea133db5d51c26c2b31ffb2e0e612df8b9182cc5614ae97d06987", "createdAtBlock": 14406374, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Raul of the Havens", "text": "# Raul's Redemption\n\nA once cunning and admired figure, second in line to the Yellow Wizard Haven, Raul's life spiraled into oblivion upon his initiation to Archmagus. He was an alchemist and elegant story teller; the best potion salesman in North Haven thanks to his family's motto of **don't get high on your own supply**. This enabled him to acquire vast sums of wealth and influence thanks to maintaining sobriety from the exceptional potions and tinctures he sold. \n\n**To be continued...**"} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "Stories abound.\n\nMost fade beyond memory. Few sustain.\n\nHumans devolve into ever increasing chaos, disconnected from the potential they once had.\n\nYet hope remains.\n\nPerhaps in ever smaller amounts, perhaps in the same amount just harder to see.\n\nIn the stories that once bound us together, of fellowship and bravery, fighting for a better world...\n\nOf unwilling heroes, stayed by the darkness they've already seen.\n\nHope remains.\n\nHowever mild, however meek\n\nHowever overcome by the waves of unrest\n\nLike a whisper lost in the depths of crescendoing noise\n\nLike a glimmer upon the sea, a moment makes the journey worthwhile.\n\nA glimmer, that makes a story worth telling.\n\nFor those who may yet believe.\n\n\n......................................................................................\n\n\nA ship sailed. \n\n \n\nThrough writhing wisps of fog, the ship sailed.\n\nUnbound by care and silent in the dark waters, nudged ever so slightly by the roaming waves - the ship sailed.\n\n \n......................................................................................\n\n\n\nRita had heard the stories.\nFire and brimstone had been rained down by her aunt, reiterating the same old droning mores. The ship will take you away, they said - if you don't abide by the\nwarnings foretold and retold by generation after generation of ancestors repeating each others mistakes. Comforting threats, in the oddest of ways - laws\npassed down as legend, an effective tool for mitigating debate. The community was miserable. This misery however birthed a stoic form of predictability - no one would\never dare speak of it, in fact when questioned would use the same old legends to pound out of their opponent any suspect notion of the truth, and perpetuating the stories on\nwhich their control - the only joy they had produced - was built."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "The legends were boring. They interested only those who saw their value as tools of control, and those who were afraid of them of which Rita was neither. She had seen the\nfae flitting happily from flower to tree in the groves, unbothered by the legends that made so many others fade into mundane oblivion, losing all track of their potential\nas they traded their uncertain hearts for certain position. The human world was an unfeeling place, but Rita has discovered light. A glimmer of happiness, she thought, was\nworth all the lifetimes of celebrated misery.\n\nMagic was forbidden. Magic was dark - and Rita's previous endeavors in engaging with the fae had earned her marks she'd not forget. Yet each reprimand only made her more\neager, more intent on discovering what it was that was so special it had to be avoided at all costs without explanation or thought. There was a stirring in the darkness, a\ncalling to which Rita felt drawn. Her peers were afraid - what intrigued her plagued her friends and what sparked in her wild imagination brought nightmares to them. The\nlegends, they said - the legends said they're dangerous. Then what danger, I wonder, could be worse than this? She'd answer. But no response came - surely what lies\nbeyond must be worse than a guilded cage, they said. Better to remain safe - though safe to what end, Rita wondered. Maybe some are content unhappy. Maybe some, once in a quantum century,\nare not.\n\nWhat lies beyond the pale? Why must be leave our questions unasked? What harm may come to those who reign when others dare to venture out? Why? None of it made sense.\nThose who said they cared about her seemed not to care about her happiness. The world was a confusing place - and magic seemed the only thing that might have answers."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "Anyway. Tales of misery and trite human behaviors hardly interest anyone anymore. The point is that as Rita experimented with magic, her skills grew. It was there in the \ngrove, the same of the flitting fae - that a leaf had just begun to tremble at the enchantment of her transport spell, as the earth split open and \na yawning chasm swallowed her up.\n\nShe fell.\n\nAnd fell\n\nand fell\n\nand fell \n\nand fell.\n\nHow much time passed Rita had no knowledge, time seemed an abstraction in the void.\n\nShe fell\n\nand fell\n\nand fell\n\nand fell\n\nand fell until\n\njust kidding she keeps falling\n\nok she finally stops.\n\nYet still, surrounding her is pure nothingness. Pitch black, with a strange sense of calm. A faint sound emerges, like the sound of snowfall...the sounds stars might make if their\ntwinkling were audible. In turn, small points of light begin to glow - indeed like stars - as if she were suspended in the cosmos itself. Full of life, yet devoid of everything.\nA single moment of unity, where all life begins and ends and begins again, where everything exists and nothing exists at the same time, all possibility wrapped\ninto a single space.\n\nTrees begin to flicker. Like dawn, the world begins to emerge again. A river, a toad (what's he doing here?), a mushroom that rapidly skitters away and a giant set of eyes\nappear like a newly-snapped Polaroid.\n\nAs the light returns, the eyes vanish. The toad croaks happily and the mushroom peers out from under a stone on the river's opposite shore. It looks faintly like the grove\nshe left - however many years ago it was. Indeed, the fae are still flitting from tree to tree. She shakes her head and stands up - enough for one day."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "It must have been a dream. Her experimentations with magic, she realized, must have indeed carried her into a dark realm. Or she knocked her head. Unsure which, she stepped\nslowly towards her village.\n\nThe light glinted off the tin roof of her neighbor's home. It was almost sunset, yet there were no fires. It was eerily quiet. As she peered into the light, a cat skittered\npanicked across her path. Elfa? The eyes glowed at her from behind the bushes. Puzzled, Rita carried on towards town.\n\nA knock. At once, the door to her home fell open, freed from its rusty hinges. Her aunt was no where to be found, and the house had clearly been abandoned for ages. She departed.\nNo love lost. \n\nEtna, what happened? She found her neighbor sitting outside, drifting off.\n\nWho are you?\n\nI'm Rita.\n\nWho?\n\nRita.\n\nNo response.\n\nI used to live next door to you. Etna, where is everyone?\n\nSilence.\n\nNo one has been here for thirty years. At least...\n\nSilence again.\n\nThey moved on.\n\nWhere?\n\nTo the island. There was a war...\n\nChoose your own adventure. Or lazy writing. But what is a story without the reader's imagination? Was the war because the sect had delved too deep in their search for power?\nWarring factions tore the region apart? Or did increasing numbers of dissenting dreamers shake the foundations as the ruling class tried to quash them? Were the dissenters magic?\nOr simply humans looking for happiness? Did they succeed?\n\nRita waited for the elder to speak again but there was only space."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "Rita waited for the elder to speak again but there was only space.\n\nOne would think Rita would have questions, but strangely they seemed to have all been answered long ago. In the misery that hid its lies, the unhappiness that threatened a\nrevolution, the whispers in the dark and even the time in the void...everything seemed more logical now than it had ever been. Magic may have been forbidden, but its secrets\nwere no less true.\n\nShe departed.\n\n......................................................................................\n\n\nThe wind whipped across the stones of Evermoor. Her fire, glowing cheerfully in her grotto, cast dancing shadows across the pile. \n\nThose eyes - again.\n\nFor a fortnight, she had been watched. Each night, they would glow in the dark from the rough waters. Though she sometimes sat and watched them as intently as they watched her, \nthey never blinked. Dissipating with the dawn, she had grown accustomed to their eerie presence. \n\nShe slept.\n\nThe air afoul with the smell of wet fur, Rita awoke with the dawn to find a tabby cat curled beside her, drenched as if it had come from the sea itself. Neither purring nor\nsnoring, with its still frame beside the last of her fire's glowing green embers, its fur began to dry. In an instant, its eyes darted upward as it curled itself into a \nseat, settling on her from across the fire. Elfa."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "The neighbor's cat. The cat she grew up with, playing with when she was ten. How had this cat lived thirty years? For that matter, how had she? Had it been thirty, or three hundred? She attributed her lack of\ngrowth to her time spent in the void, but little had she noticed that as the rocks wore down as the waves crashed on them day after day, that her skin had not gained a \nsingle wrinkle. Time in the grotto, like in the void, seemed irrelvent. It was only now, looking across the once-again dancing flames that Rita realized she had lost all\nconcept of time. The cat, however, remained.\n\nHello.\n\nIt seemed an awkward start. Hello? Ok, what do you say to a cat? A clearly immortal, magical cat? Where have you been all these years? Did you throw me into the void? Have you \nbeen with me all along? Do you speak English? Or speak?...Sigh. Sometimes words were a burden.\n\nElfa's eyes glowed. At once, a small stream of water wound its way from the sea into the grotto, curling its way into a spiral next to the fire and calming into a mirrored pool.\nRita glanced into the pool. It was only her reflection. Yet as the stillness of her reflection stared back at her, she remembered."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "What does she remember? This writer has no idea. But Elfa's magic lies in drawing out other's intution...allowing them to see for themselves, through themselves, unlocking\neach person's own power through reflection. She is an aid, and a superpower, all on her own - as humans (and wizards, for they are partly human too) hold all chaos and all\norder, all good and all evil, within themselves. Those who run from what lies within them may be destroyed by it, just as those who embrace it may yet use it, for better or for\nworse, to strengthen themselves. Indeed the greatest game fate ever played with villians was hiding their demise within even as they destroyed the world around them - a \nfailsafe, perhaps. \n\nIn intuition lies great power, yet the last place one would think to search would be in the form of a cat. Or a cat with a mirror, as it were.\n\n......................................................................................\n\n\n\nElfa and Rita had spent days fending off the meddlesome toads. Amidst zaps, pounces, and all-out thwacks, the toads were known for their impenetrable will to cause chaos\nand disruption, flinging accusations and riddling their victims with unrelenting annoyance as gleefully as they snatched flies from the air. Contributing nothing, the toads\nfound joy sucking the life out of others and had found a new game beneath the rocks of Rita's grotto. Another night of insatiable croaking, and there was a squishy plop on one\nof the rocks by the fire.\n\nBlorp.\n\nRita glared.\n\nExcuse me?\n\nBlorp. Cat\n\nThe slimy toad grinned then cowered as if it had been hit.\n\nCat...eat...me...blorp\n\nCat try eat me blorp..\n\nBlorp"} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "Cat...eat...me...blorp\n\nCat try eat me blorp..\n\nBlorp\n\nElfa rolled her orange eyes. \n\nA spark from Rita's hand and a green flame shot across the grotto. The toad yelped as it hopped from the ledge, plopping unceremoniously into the waves below. \n\nWell he was...slippery.\n\nElfa glared.\n\nNo? No puns?\n\nElfa purred.\n\nI mean their words alone are poison, who would even try to eat them? What an unfounded accusation, purely undelectable. \n\nElfa gagged.\n\nHonestly. We don't even have salt.\n\nAnother toad poked its head into the grotto, with five others in tow. Soon the ground was flooded with hopping hecklers, as Elfa pounced and chased them around the fire. A few \nminutes later, the grotto was calm again. \n\nRita sighed. Elfa stared.\n\nIt's so much energy. Sustaining that kind of magic is exhausting, but I don't know how else we're going to sleep. But this is four weeks Elfa, what are we going to do?\n\nThe glimmer of green fire wraithed and surrounded the outer edge of the grotto. It kept the toads away, and at enough of a distance even their croaking was faint enough to \nallow them to sleep. But solutions seemed elusive.\n\nThe morning dawned in mist. Only green embers remained of the perimeter, yet the toads seemed nowhere to be found. An almost eerily quiet brought a stunning peace. \n\nBlorp.\n\nBlorp blorp blorp blorpblorp blorp blorp blorp blorp blorp blorp blorp blorp blorp"} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "The cachophanous noise of the toads was faint. Present, but faint. Rita squinted into the distance as Elfa stretched and yawned.\n\nOn a jetty in the water, the toads hopped madly. Hundreds of green bodies bounced as the jumped and railed against the newly-discovered anemones that had been living for \nmonths in the tide pools. \n\nBlorp blorp anemone\n\nAnemone blorp\n\nBlorp blorp blorp blorp blorp blorp blorp\n\nUnbothered, the anemones waved their arms softly under the water that blocked the toads' noise, while some of the toads turned their attention to the waves that began to lap at \nthe sides of the rocks, growing angry at the anemones' apparent disintrest in their chaos and flinging accusations against the waters' unruly behavior. As their lack of power\nto disrupt the tide became apparent, some frenzied toads threw themselves into the sea, causing more cacophany among the remaining toads.\n\nBLORP SEA BLORP BLORP\n\nEAT SEA SEA EAT US BLORP BLORP\n\nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP\n\nThe waves continued hitting the rocks in rhythmic fashion, though unlike the regular dance of the moon. The waves rippled inward, as if caused by some\ndisturbance at sea. \n\nRita looked up in time to catch a glimpse of fluttering white canvas. Indeed, on the horizon, a vessel came into view. Flowing gracefully in turn with the water's beat,\nthe ship sailed. \n\n......................................................................................"} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "......................................................................................\n\nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLRP \nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLRP\nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLRP\nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLRP\nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLRP\nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLRP\nBLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLORP BLRP\n\nThe toads dropped off one by one into the sea as the ship sailed steadily closer. A faint wisp of paranoia swept over Rita, as if some small measure of the legends had engrained\nitself in some part of her memory. But curiousity washed over her in waves. An intuition, even, a feeling of connection - of being drawn to the ship as steadfastly as it drew \ntowards shore. Elfa curled at her side. \n\nThe ship wasn't far out now - figures began to move on the deck as the white sails bowed and snapped with the gusts that carried them forward. Merry sounds began to carry \nacross the water - sea shanties? \n\nSEA SHANTIES??? This must not be the ship from the legends. All clear. Her laugh rang out across the sea as she bellowed at herself for believing it. \n\nThe faces on board turned her direction. Gestures and scurrying activity commenced as the ship began to change course. Uh-oh.\n\nWhat if they're not friendly?\n\nElfa stared pointedly."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "What if they're not friendly?\n\nElfa stared pointedly.\n\nI didn't know they would hear me.\n\nAs they made their way towards an overhang of rocks, Rita continued to ply her position.\n\nI mean, they're singing sea shanties...\n\nPirates don't sing sea shanties...\n\nShe glanced out from behind they rock.\n\nOh wait they do.\n\nElfa rolled her eyes.\n\nWell they sounded like friendly shanties.\n\nElfa and Rita watched as the ship neared the sand, furling its sails as the bow hit the beach. \n\nOr funny...\n\nThe crew began to disembark.\n\nI mean, that one looks like an elf. \n\nShe glanced back at Elfa, whose eyes narrowed with disapproval.\n\nWhat how bad can it be? \n\nA spark zinged off the rock in front of them. Rita and Elfa stared at each other.\n\nOk, fine.\n\nAs they scrambled to higher ground, sparks zinged left and right behind them, ricocheting off of rocks and bouncing towards the sky. As they passed a nearby seacave, they ducked\ninside. Half filled with water already from the rising tide, Rita peered around the corner, sending return zaps and orbs of green flame searing down towards the shore.\n\nHOLD!\n\nSilence.\n\nThe sparks had stopped flying, but the silence was worse. Rita gingerly made her way across the opening of the cave, feet submerged on the slippery rocks under the incoming \nwaves. Elfa floated by, her control over water being one of the perks she enjoyed over her nonmagic counterparts. Rita faked a glare.\n\nOh, that's great. Rub it in.\n\nElfa licked her paw gracefully. \n\nNimbly humbly dumble puff!\n\nRita and Elfa stared frozen at each other."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-11", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "Rita and Elfa stared frozen at each other.\n\nRita stifled a laugh.\n\nWHat?\n\nNo other sound came. \n\nNot knowing whether their persuers were crazy, class-A nincompoops, or both - which might be the most dangerous combination - Rita and Elfa waited. Or, Rita thought, perhaps they're\nparticularly clever - getting her to give away their position by laughing would certainly take the cake.\n\nNimbly humbly dumble puff!\n\nNimbly humbly dumble puff? Where have I heard that before?\n\nShe looked at Elfa. \n\nIt sounds like the old rhymes from the spellman's book we found at Inaris.\n\nThe pages had been torn, many too faded by the trips of the sun across their ancient pages. But something about the rhyme sparked a memory.\n\nRita shot up a beacon of green flame.\n\nAhoy!\n\nFootsteps scratched in the distance, the seafarers turning towards the light. \n\nThe voice called out again, this time from just above the cave.\n\nAhoy there! I say, are you wizard-kin?\n\nRita froze. She was afraid, and excited. She had waited too long for others like her, long given up on the dream of shared reality. But she was not alone.\n\nElfa, stay here. \n\nElfa's eyes widened.\n\nNo. For right now, you don't exist. \n\nBefore Elfa could refuse, Rita lept up onto the pile across the water, the tide lapping at her heels as it frothed into the filling tidepools.\n\nI am."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-12", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "I am.\n\nHer eyes darted across the rocks - four, maybe five sailors. Various - types? - creatures? she had never seen before. One, indeed, appeared to be an elf, one a formless figure\nwith eyes that spoke of mysteries and a wrought wood staff, an - imp? - and even an old man with spectacles so thick it was impossible to know how he could see, or maybe via\nhis spectacles his vision was actually 10/10 that we should all in fact be jealous.\n\nThe speaker, a jovial looking fellow - the singer - wore a brown pointy hat and sported a jolly beard that would make Santa feel as if he must be only 14. His quick eyes settled\nin her direction.\n\nWhy did you not answer with the wizard cry?\n\nShe thought of a range of responses.\n\nWhat is the wizard cry?\n\nHe studied her intently.\n\nWhy don't you know it?\n\nShe paused. I could answer a question with a question again, she thought, but this could turn into an episode of night time game-show television. Just rip off the Band-Aid.\n\nI don't know any other wizards.\n\nBut you know magic.\n\n...Yes.\n\nHow?\n\nShe sighed. The long ages of loneliness, while not entirely unpleasant and at other times even utterly enjoyable, had still made her weary at whatever age she was now. And \nas much as she had waited for a sign that she wasn't a species of one, answers that even she didn't know wouldn't satisfy the wizard's curiousity.\n\nMy story is long, and I would rather simply know if you plan to end it here.\n\nThrough space that seemed to stretch into time, the brown wizard lowered his wand.\n\nI don't. Come with us if you wish.\n\nWhere?\n\nHe watched the thoughts flicker across her face.\n\nTo the land of magic."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-13", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "Where?\n\nHe watched the thoughts flicker across her face.\n\nTo the land of magic.\n\nHe turned away.\n\nThat's where it goes?\n\nHe cast back over his shoulder, a chiming laugh briefly ringing out.\n\nDidn't they tell you about the ship?\n\n......................................................................................\n\nThe glamour of the day cast a pall over Rita's mood. Normally, she would delight in the flittings and trickery of the Rhaine, the glitz and glimmer of the fae's fashion and the\ngoblins' treasures. Yet today, her countenance soured. The wind's voice singing through the branches of the trees and even the soft chiming of the flowers as they bloomed grated on her mind. She \nturned towards the pub.\n\nThe heavy doors creaked as she pushed them open. The smell of wood, heavy and thick with the waft of ale as the dust settled softly through the small slivers of light \nfiltering through into the dimness of the tavern soothed her frayed nerves. She sighed heavily, relieved at least to be out of the sun where her dark mood could wallow without\ndisturbing the others' obvious joy.\n\nA kobold ale, plz.\n\nThe cheeky bartender studied her.\n\nYou're not in your usual mood.\n\nNo.\n\nShe fell silent. The bartender waited, polishing a glass.\n\nI received a message. \n\nThe kobold watched the expressions flit across her face.\n\nI don't know what I want to do.\n\nThe bartender smiled. As many people came to the pub to drink and be merry equally many came to escape and to think, seeking clarity that once in a yellow moon came in the most \nunlikely of places.\n\nWell, then one ale coming up."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-14", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "Well, then one ale coming up. \n\nAs Rita sipped, an old wizard - millenia, maybe - managed his way, huffing and puffing, into the chair two seats over. He downed his glowing green absinthe in a \ngulp and grinned at his neighbor.\n\nThat's the stuff! Keeps you young.\n\nHe took note of her face. She had managed to smile and laugh, but her charade had apparently not convinced the old wizard.\n\nYou're too young to be downcast. Would you like an absinthe?\n\nThis time her laugh was genuine. \n\nNo, thank you. Maybe a mandrake potion would do it. I'm afraid I'd need something even stronger than absinthe today.\n\nThe old wizard shuffled into the seat next to her. \n\nAn ale this time, please. Better for conversation.\n\nRita wasn't in the mood for conversation. But perhaps the chatter would do her good. Take her mind off the task that in attempting to solve had become a riddler-style\nmerry-go-round of indecision, at least.\n\nThe old wizard taste-tested his ale.\n\nNot a bad year, eh? \n\nThe kobold grinned.\n\nOne of our best!\n\nThe old wizard chuckled. \n\nIndeed...and I would know! Hehehe....\n\nRita sat quietly, ale in both hands in front of her, watching the old man's antics. She smiled slighty - was it the age of the wizard that he had realized it all \nnot mattered and he had released himself into the winsome hands of endless glee? Or did he possess enough wisdom to have made peace with all his life? Or were the two part of\neach other? Either way, she envied him.\n\nHe turned his beady twinkling eyes back to her.\n\nThe last time I saw a face like that was the war."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-15", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "The last time I saw a face like that was the war.\n\nShe sat up.\n\nWhat war?\n\nOh, you know, any war. There have been so many - but no good ever comes of it. What there is to remember, my dear, is that no war lasts forever - and there will always be\nanother side, another day. Even if its another time, another dimension - it was pass, as it will always come again. The difference lies only in the decisions you make. Those\nwill stay with you.\n\nShe stared. Did he know she was in the midst of a choice? \n\nShe took a long drag of her ale. What did it matter anyway, it only made the decision seem more insurmountable. So much for advice.\n\nYes. How many wars have you seen? You've managed to keep such a spirit. \n\nThe old wizard downed the rest of his ale with a gulp.\n\nToo many! People always mess things up. Have to meddle. BUT! It doesn't really matter anyway. The worst that you can do is mess it up yourself. There was a village on the edge\nof Yehrel that made that fatal mistake centuries ago. It hasn't been forgotten - a lesson that's actually taught now in the wizard school.\n\nHe tapped his head knowingly and winked. \n\nHistory!\n\nYehrel??\n\nThe old man paused.\n\nYes, it was destroyed.\n\nI know.\n\nSilence as she stared at his face.\n\nI know because it was mine.\n\nHe cast his eyes down.\n\nI'm sorry, young one. Though it happens, it is a shame.\n\nIt's not much of one. \n\nHis eyes darted up and she instantly felt regret. Her inside voice, or her anger - whichever it was, got out sometimes.\n\nI didn't have good memories there. For some, it is."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-16", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "I didn't have good memories there. For some, it is.\n\nShe sipped and studied her glass.\n\nThey weren't all bad. I'd be remiss though if I told you there wasn't much that the world isn't worse without.\n\nHe watched her.\n\nWhat happened?\n\nHis eyes flickered sideways to Rita's familiar.\n\nYour cat.\n\nRita waited. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She wasn't sure what they old man was playing at but was sure he would soon explain.\n\nI'm guessing your cat makes mirrors. Since you're the only one I've seen from Yehrel, and that's how the story goes.\n\nRita waited.\n\nThey discovered your cat's mirror spell, or rather stumbled upon it. But rather than use it to access intution, they ued it for deflection. They launched a mirror attack,\ncreating shards that obfuscated and confused their enemy. Perhaps a brilliant plan, except it worked too well. When your people thought they were attacking the enemy, they \nwere really attacking themselves. In the end, whoever their enemy was didn't even have to lift a finger. They destroyed themselves.\n\nRita sat. \n\nIts common knowledge here. Im sorry for your loss.\n\nRita sat. It was too predictable, too trite. Whatever potential there could have been was wiped out by the incessent yet ironic obsession with image. \n\nShe returned to her ale.\n\nThey destroyed themselves long ago. Their lies prevented the very thing that could have saved them. \n\nThe old wizard studied her as she finished her ale and gazed briefly into the empty glass on the table.\n\nIt is a shame."} +{"id": "ea399ec0-b13b-491e-a815-a5053d6a6f64-17", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:30.959", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPALvGfD8zhPSa2CLHrsA6k4vEPqs8HJLRcUxv9vAwDn", "txHash": "0x53f2e0662df1f78ad0dd762b811637ad3fd7cf0d4a884832b38d8a158a73660c", "createdAtBlock": 14406702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "It is a shame.\n\nShe touched her wand to her glass to pay her tab, transferring aether directly into the tip jar and stood to leave, nodding her head in deference to the old wizard, his \nwisdom, and the time he must have spent from his millenia to speak to a witch who seemed in need of a friend.\n\nThank you for talking with me."} +{"id": "810030d8-e70c-45fa-bef8-94fecf02dfc9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:31.695", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUrrqgrxytfPsAddaZKbuaUhJGnp9z43qJFKSBpDHJS9g", "txHash": "0x884509295c6ce3440a5f775037b7bccdfe97f3087d0c5ece860d26c24bd27d71", "createdAtBlock": 14408217, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6873, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Marsh", "text": "# Frog Lord\n\nIn a world full of frogs, one sorcerer rose from the ashes of the Marsh destined to become the Frog Lord. *Ribbit* were the words of the wisps around the Marsh, this was comforting for the Lord. The words of his people echo throughout the murky swamp, he will be King soon..."} +{"id": "ba7b2294-9c51-46b0-b058-973f89a33909-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T13:36:07.803", "backgroundColor": "#2364b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUG65sS2U5ntqsoYboVMAh9qS8Msz9AqpN7WXJDPnwVRT", "txHash": "0x0e3dc8c314c6d78be2c32bb7c028cc01c719f35438e95882e7b1987c4676a9b8", "createdAtBlock": 15403213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7006, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Tundror of the Plains", "text": "# Runecaster Tundror of the Plains\nWith his companion the lazy ladybug Tundror has never known a hard time. The luck of lazy has always granted Tundror with a good time. They say he's chalice is always full and always in one hand. Singing and drinking is what he does best but also enjoys his quiet time."} +{"id": "26c11dde-ab53-4c8d-8c8d-28b767e69617-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:16.631", "backgroundColor": "#1d2a1f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPnuaECKZx7rNuimznKQ2Pj3qQvZ9e7MBLZrgvVRYMGL7", "txHash": "0x65c35bb134315844c027f5b7825a74e4e4e66f53dfbbc449ddd73f8231cd2e55", "createdAtBlock": 14038385, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8104, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Magnus of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Magnus of the Wood\n\nMagnus is a true Brown Hatter, preferring the serenity of The Fey and The Thorn to the bustle and din of keeps and citadels. A Battle Mage, yes, and a powerful one, skilled in the Warrior Magicks of the Rune of Mars, but those days are consigned to his past mostly.\n\nMagnus leads a simple life, bound to the natural world, living from the bounty of The Wild and protecting it from the encroachment of a more civilized world. \n\nHe roams these woods with his trusted companion and familiar, Barley, with whom hes forged an unbreakable bond through adventure, triumph, loss and now the promise of a peaceful existence. He works the land, growing, foraging and concocting more than enough to live without want, and occasionally venturing out to the local markets and bazaars.\n\nThere, Magnus moves among the townsfolk freely, unburdened from his past. He is recognized by many, not as Battle Mage Magnus, sometime hero and onetime scoundrel, but merely as Magnus of The Wood, an ordinary wizard who plies his goods with honesty and integrity. \n\nAnd, oh, his goods! Above all else, Magnus is known for his ales. From Goblin Town to Calistas Citadel to Blue Wizard Bastion, a pint of Magnus Ale of the Wood is a treasured elixir at publick houses and great halls far and wide.\n\nIts his tribute to The Wild, crafted with utmost respect for the land it springs from, shifting with the seasons, imbued with plantkind magic known only to few, a pure expression of a wizards connection to nature."} +{"id": "26c11dde-ab53-4c8d-8c8d-28b767e69617-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:16.631", "backgroundColor": "#1d2a1f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPnuaECKZx7rNuimznKQ2Pj3qQvZ9e7MBLZrgvVRYMGL7", "txHash": "0x65c35bb134315844c027f5b7825a74e4e4e66f53dfbbc449ddd73f8231cd2e55", "createdAtBlock": 14038385, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8104, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Magnus of the Wood", "text": "Having traded fields of battle for fields of barley, Magnus does not often call upon his more potent abilities. But a sense of unease has gripped of The Wild, a feeling in the souls of each living thing, a feeling that Something is Coming. Something that threatens their very existence. \n\nAnd so, in the unlikely event that Magnus were to invite you into the modest brewhouse where he crafts his ales, you might see there, tucked beneath an enormous copper kettle, keeping its ambrosial contents at a tempestuous boil a Sacred Flame.\n\nUnknown to any but himself and his faithful Barley, Battle Mage Magnus of the Wood is preparing. Preparing for What Comes. Preparing to defend these lands by any means. Preparing to burn in the Sacred Flame to emerge a Forgotten Soul. \n\nPreparing to pierce the Infinity Veil."} +{"id": "475c5997-85ff-4e3e-a01d-f82080335e3e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:35.577", "backgroundColor": "#655e5e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeQinaC45dZFH3L1TVDsAYXbSzEynJRJ4bnpxuQ3ZjkUd", "txHash": "0x6b290b13dcfa711a0253ebc1a8b082347fe194a2fd3cde6944cf6865b2e0b73e", "createdAtBlock": 14410932, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 356, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeJ8yAUm9fAZVvyVBWbVbNu9LRF9XMEocrswQipQ81SSz", "name": "Hedge Wizard Dante of Xanadu", "text": "We haven't yet written the rest of Dante's story, but he and Nelson definitely did get to grow up."} +{"id": "b8142cc0-c7fa-4e8f-a314-65bf6f34928d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:36.337", "backgroundColor": "#49225c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZis9ZmxzxQJAHfKSxSomJ5JkqmeHeH5xW42e384PrSr", "txHash": "0x35f4270f81f36de0de65d6db6df17bfeb173220a0b05bd71c0b3024fe2091571", "createdAtBlock": 14411813, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9732, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPaCUuBJX6ajFqs489uYrQ4ZDSfKcSxuVg3ngXmWX1yDA", "name": "Holy Monk Aldo of the Hall", "text": "If you truly desire something, then you\nshall have it-- or so, is what Holy\nMonk Aldo of the Hall believed.\nDesperate for power, Holy Monk Aldo was\nready to take any means necessary to\nharness and control the magical life\nforce energy within himself which other\nholy monks referred to as Qi. Using this\nelement of Qi, Holy Monk Aldo hoped to\nchannel an uncanny strength of energy\nthat he could use towards his own\nenlightenment, releasing him from the\nmaterial barriers of the halls.\n\nHowever, he soon discovered that the\nmonastic energy within him in which he\nthrived had reached a threshold,\nlimiting him from breaking free.\nRefusing to accept defeat, Holy Monk\nAldo turned towards other darker means\nto fulfil his wishes. On a frantic\nquest, he sought out knowledge from\ndarker souls, nobles, and unholy tyrants\non how to obtain more Qi.\n\nFrom a descended monk, he learns that\npower can be channeled not only from\noneself, but also from that of other\nmagical beings. The descended monk warns\nhim however, of how this dark art would\ndeclare Aldo an outcast amongst the\nother monks. Despite the foreboding\nmessage, Aldo learned the dark spell\nthat would allow him to steal the Qi\nessence from other monks and use it for\nhimself.\n\nWith a sinister grin, Holy Monk Aldo\ncrafted a vial where he would collect\nother monks Qi, and later infuse the\nenergy into himself-- hoping that one\nday he will collect enough to break free\nof his invisible shackles and go beyond\nthe halls."} +{"id": "fc7a9f35-8259-4086-a459-c8f110df67c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:37.17", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW3fowN39aeoFeFUxoB9szvH9xqoFfCxqaRimLEC96YGD", "txHash": "0x1d8f3ffb664d663aade27dea499f2181913c0f5bdbf4b1177e2b57778619d33b", "createdAtBlock": 14412293, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 942, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Borak of the Crag", "text": "# Augurer Borak of the Crag\n\nThe Borak clan was known far and wide for their gift of foresight. Not that they had the natural capabilities, but the crystal balls they possessed had been handed down for generations. The crystal orbs followed the bloodlines for generations. Only Borak blood\nmay activate its hidden magic.\n\nOne unsuspecting day, a group of assassins killed the clan with haste. One blink, and they were gone. Except one. A little boy, laid under a bed - unseen with his grandfathers orb clutched tightly to his chest. Augurer Borak remained quiet and unfound, being the sole survivor of his once cherished clan.\n\nIts well known the clan was targeted for the great power they possessed, and this bounty\nhas followed Augurer for all fifty-seven years he has roamed the lonely roads. Augurer resides in the Crag, deep into the face of a mountain. His hideaway protects him from any potential lurkers that may have a bounty for him. A bounty on his head surely wouldnt be shocking though, hes one of the most sought after commodities in these parts.\n\nAll you must do for him, in order for him to help you with his crystal sight, is survive the treacherous path. It was intentional really - rarely anyone survives.\n\nHis lonely life is eased with the presence of his rat companion; the small creature simply resides in his pocket"} +{"id": "472e7abf-6c24-4b2f-b7e8-e270ece8bfc9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:37.912", "backgroundColor": "#41722d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWyt18skmNNcHMvi4a3Y87zuaF4LSdVH3Pf63YisHj5e", "txHash": "0x0910985481c0bdb9e4dc1b3082f1189ea4de6e2d9ccc22fa23f5dbce627eba31", "createdAtBlock": 14412423, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5060, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Titania of the Hills", "text": "# Titania: Enchanter of the Hills\n\n\nBorn 5900 years ago, in the heart of the hills, birthed from the womb of an oak tree, a tale so old no one even remembers the root, Titania has roamed the hills for hundreds of years - foraging and protecting the land as well as spirits and creatures in need.\n\nBlessed with Mother Natures Gift of Enchantment, she can do anything she puts her mind to - levitate this, morph that, teleport here, there, anywhere. As she grew, she was given a gift she knows no other enchanter could match and that enchanted stick which she proudly wields only works to strengthen and grow her divine power.\n\nShe is most widely known for her Rune of Defense, an upside down triangle with a horizontal line through the center. Her rune offers the best protection magic to ever exist in the hills.\n\nTitania's familiar, wagmisan the frog, roams the hills alongside her. But when the rains come, Titania must reside in her hut. The rains are her time of rest. While she dwells in her small hut, wagmisan cares for the land in her absence.\n\nTitania continues to age - healing the land with all her might."} +{"id": "7647fa09-d774-4183-89f5-5ba088bb8310-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:54.707", "backgroundColor": "#280200", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZVsaNoRrfHgqeLxyoZyNNy6CAXqPdtsnNTuJuFJq1aZ3", "txHash": "0x53d7f5d4ea2a26d873a726902cf3a15dc8fde652b4dc7cd20fd9e3e7b0a77fc0", "createdAtBlock": 14437200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYpo8KokvyoQPhqiLDmKqksiER9smywaoB2iYqFDZbCqy", "name": "Battle Mage Wolfram of the Wood", "text": "# **The Lore of Battle Mage Wolfram of the Wood**\n\n\n## The Early days\nLaconic, rugged and often stubborn - Wolfram has only a few friends apart from his chatty feline companion McGonagall.\n\nThose meeting Wolfram for the first time often mistake his silence, sparsely broken by gruntles of a doubtful \"hmm\" or a commending \"argh\", as aloofness or unkindness. However those who have spent enough time around Wolfram, often out of need for his guidance navigating the twisting Hedge Wizard Woods, often come to realize his friendly, candid character and indubitable good nature.\n\nWolfram was the unlikely lovechild of a stern Druid from the Hedge Wizard Woods and an alluring witch of the Thorn. After events too early for young Wolfram to recall, his memories begin in the Hedge Wizard Woods where he was brought up by his Druid father.\n\n\n\n\nWolfram's father often left young Wolfram to his own devices in the woods, questionable whether this was a part of a tough parenting regime or carelessness they unquestionably pushed young Wolfram to sharply develop his survival instincts at a young age. True to his heritage, Wolfram demonstrated clear talent for magic at a young age - he quickly and selectively learned, through emulating his father, spells that would help him survive the harshness of the woods.\n\nWolfram naturally grew more familiar with the wildlife in the Woods than he did with other people - which largely consisted of his few-worded father or the even fewer lost travelers they encountered. Naturally, Wolfram developed a preference towards conveying his intentions through actions than using the words he rarely had the need for."} +{"id": "7647fa09-d774-4183-89f5-5ba088bb8310-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:54.707", "backgroundColor": "#280200", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZVsaNoRrfHgqeLxyoZyNNy6CAXqPdtsnNTuJuFJq1aZ3", "txHash": "0x53d7f5d4ea2a26d873a726902cf3a15dc8fde652b4dc7cd20fd9e3e7b0a77fc0", "createdAtBlock": 14437200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYpo8KokvyoQPhqiLDmKqksiER9smywaoB2iYqFDZbCqy", "name": "Battle Mage Wolfram of the Wood", "text": "From his early adventures, Wolfram came to know and experience all of the species that inhabit the Hedge Wizard Woods to varying degrees. Until one day, on a day which his father ambiguously congratulates him for being born, he encounters a creature he has never encountered before: a little black cat, all too small and vulnerable for the harshness of the Woods. How this little domestic creature, so out of place ended up in the depth of the Woods is still unbeknownst to Wolfram - but it took little other than its characteristic loud purrs and affectionate head bumps to convince Wolfram to be disarmed by the little Kitten. Wolfram took the kitten in to protect it from the obvious dangers of the forest: perhaps it was out of deep sympathy, having been largely separated emotionally and physically by his parents himself, that Wolfram acted out of his solitary character to active care for the wellbeing of another living being.\n\n\n\nWolfram's father had a particular disliking of his newfound feline companion, perhaps it was the deep black coat on her that reminded him of Wolfram's mother, but his father's dissent took little effect on stubborn Wolfram's decision to keep the kitten around.\n\nDespite Wolfram's efforts to keep the kitten out of harm's way - the little black Kitten insisted on following young Wolfram around all of his adventures since the fateful day they met. Wolfram tried hard to find the young kitten and reunite it with its mother but he was altogether unsuccessful; he secretly wished that they would never find the kitten's mother, and that the little kitten would never leave his side. Thankfully, she never did.\n\nIn their adventures, Wolfram realized frequently that the kitten often led Wolfram to paths that were abnormally fortunate -- often in the form of discovering rare and delectable mushrooms and herbs."} +{"id": "7647fa09-d774-4183-89f5-5ba088bb8310-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:54.707", "backgroundColor": "#280200", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZVsaNoRrfHgqeLxyoZyNNy6CAXqPdtsnNTuJuFJq1aZ3", "txHash": "0x53d7f5d4ea2a26d873a726902cf3a15dc8fde652b4dc7cd20fd9e3e7b0a77fc0", "createdAtBlock": 14437200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYpo8KokvyoQPhqiLDmKqksiER9smywaoB2iYqFDZbCqy", "name": "Battle Mage Wolfram of the Wood", "text": "These early days in the Woods underpin Wolfram's staunch penchant for Function over Form in all things, especially magic, to shape what other Wizards who refer to and rely on his resourcefulness as \"the Pragmatic one\". His early days in the woods shaped his preference and aptitude in the natural magic of the woods, water and earth which he uses tactfully in times of combat or leisurely stewarding of the Woods. Wolfram and McGonagall to this day take refuge in the Hedge Wizard Woods, tending to his garden and occasionally providing assistance to travelers unfortunate enough to be lost in the Woods.\n\n## Woodland Encounters\n___\n___\n\n\n### Meeting Magus Devon\nlorel ipsum\n___\n\n### Druid Faiz\nlorel ipsum\n\n___\n\n\n\n## Battle Mages, Kobolds and Runes\n\n\n## Chiyo, and the Rose"} +{"id": "55260588-f0c7-4975-bfd1-c91f89e5e1c1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:42.557", "backgroundColor": "#441e70", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPSig8TzjNkJsPUQAjM2Q8pkXsZzWytfKMLuuHwrXyGaW", "txHash": "0xb55ef308145f1843344cfc3c64886e6b322b7fc2bafce01532e0834fba5aceea", "createdAtBlock": 14414395, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3434, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Taqi of the Palms", "text": "Artificer Taqi of the Palms #3434\n\n3434, double Shaq, Taqi is a homie from the Palms who likes throwin shoes.\n\n# Other OEON wizard gang\n\nThe other homies are: \n\n* @wizard221\n* @wizard3039\n* @wizard5312\n* @wizard8182"} +{"id": "47983feb-9596-41f7-bda9-3599e055e39b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:43.281", "backgroundColor": "#577fcd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXVsRto8P4GVrACnxxagJcjg16pKTRT1xqMvfvtqxtQeX", "txHash": "0xcafdec815936ce163a8aa6058e7acd495a99751c135a202ea3aba40c846edc2c", "createdAtBlock": 14414421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 221, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Merlon of the Temple", "text": "Mystic Merlon of the Temple #221\n\nLight the way with the Solar Staff, Merlon! Gotta love the toad, too."} +{"id": "b94ac591-747c-4d50-b063-8d6d704ec33c-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T15:53:59.885", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBzhgexqgzQSYYpAM2PCSsRbTsC1XohpiEZSDKNHoJyt", "txHash": "0x82f0d43b186621b7aebd95436a6a9b2a79fd1fdf185b84c23a176f4e2287f1d7", "createdAtBlock": 15403783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer of the Moors", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n**Hydromancer of the Moors**\n\nThe pungent smell of brine and fish filled the air as Posiedon took one last desperate attempt to quell his brother's rage. The two had been fighting for what seemed like an eternity, high up on the cliffs of Mount Olympia.\n\nHades had laid siege to The City of the Gods earlier that day, in an attempt to rid himself of the responsibility as the Keeper of the Underworld. While most of the city lay in ruins, Hades' army had all but been wiped out.\n\nThough, even with no army, Hades was just as strong as Posideon, and the other Olympic gods. This wasn't going to be easy!\n\n\"Hades, you cannot do this! Killing the humans for their souls is something a titan would do!\" His voice, deep and chastising, rang through the sky as a huge tidal wave came down from seemingly out of nowhere, crashing down on Hades' skeltal army, washing them all away.\n\n\"YOU have the gall to tell ME what to do?? I sacrificed just as much as you did that day, and you cast me into the bowels, never to be seen again. NO!!! I will drag you to Tartarus with my own bare hands!!\" Hades said, his voice nothing but concentrated hatred. \n\nWith a fire in his brother's eyes like he'd never seen before Posiedon buckled, for just a split second. In this moment, Hades lunged and grasped the god of the sea by the throat. \n\n\"You will feel my pain, brother.\" He said, poisonously, as he leaped from the cliff with Posiedon in tow. As the two fell, a large, fiery portal opened beneath them and shortly they, and the portal, disappeared.\n\n------------"} +{"id": "b94ac591-747c-4d50-b063-8d6d704ec33c-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T15:53:59.885", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBzhgexqgzQSYYpAM2PCSsRbTsC1XohpiEZSDKNHoJyt", "txHash": "0x82f0d43b186621b7aebd95436a6a9b2a79fd1fdf185b84c23a176f4e2287f1d7", "createdAtBlock": 15403783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer of the Moors", "text": "------------\n\n100 years had passed since Posiedon had been taken prisoner by Hades, though he had lost count. He had sat in a tiny cell, deep in the dungeons of Tartarus. Strangely enough, he had suffered no torture nor punishment save that of being alone, far from his family and the water he once called home.\n\nOver the years, Posiedon had begun to feel a similar calling as he did when he was near water. No matter how he tried, he'd lose the connection after only a moment. It was this very pursuit that would help him escape his prison and ultimately find his true calling.\n\nAs the months passed, he was able to build a stronger connection, and soon realized he was connecting to the River Styx. The longer he was there, the more attuned he became to the river of souls, but still, he could not coerce it to his will. It was as if the river itself was just letting him know it was there.\n\n----------\n\nThe day finally came when Hades would enact his long awaited punishment on his fool hardy brother, and he could wait no longer.\n\nIt took almost 3 days of traveling through the Underworld for Hades to get to the cell he designed for Posiedon. With each step, his anticipation grew, until he finally arrived at his destination.\n\n\"What a pity brother, you look disheveled. Maybe you could use some water?\" Hades cackled at his own petty joke. \"No time for that now, dear sibling. No no no, it's time to give you but a taste of the pain and anguish I've suffered down here since the dawn of time!!\" Hades said, his voice almost a whisper, quivering with excitement."} +{"id": "b94ac591-747c-4d50-b063-8d6d704ec33c-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T15:53:59.885", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBzhgexqgzQSYYpAM2PCSsRbTsC1XohpiEZSDKNHoJyt", "txHash": "0x82f0d43b186621b7aebd95436a6a9b2a79fd1fdf185b84c23a176f4e2287f1d7", "createdAtBlock": 15403783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer of the Moors", "text": "Posiedon would do his brother no justice, and kept looking down, as if he didn't even notice his arrival. This infuriated Hades even more, and decided a different fate was the only answer for the part his brother played in all of this.\n\n\"Yes, it is time for you to join the ranks of the undead. It seems that this is the only way to get you understand.\" With a flick of Hades' wrist, an unnatural fire encased Poseidon, who was unable to ignore the intense pain, and began crying out.\n\nTime slowed for him, and the pain turned into chaos as Posiedon's flesh began to fall from his face, leaving only a grinning skull behind.\n\nAt this moment, all went quiet. The pain, Hades' cackle, his own screams. Gone. All that was left was the gentle rhythm of waves lapping against a shore. A reassuring whisper, a tender kiss...\n\nAnd with that Posiedon was reborn. His body was restored, except for his flaming skull, which seemed to enhance his natural powers. Once Hades had made him undead, the connection with the River Styx was complete, and he had full control of his powers (along with the river).\n\nOnce the connection was complete, Posiedon was able to call the river to him. This caught Hades quite unaware, who barely had time to flee, as a torrent of souls came flowing into the cavern, sweeping Posiedon away into the unknown.\n\n\n-------\n\nThe river of souls had transported Posiedon to the Runiverse, with no real idea on how to get back.\n\nHe was able to regain his control of the sea here, but could tell the ocean was foreign and not his home. He attempted to find a place within the ocean, but his flaming head made it very difficult to see, with the boiling water everywhere."} +{"id": "b94ac591-747c-4d50-b063-8d6d704ec33c-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T15:53:59.885", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBzhgexqgzQSYYpAM2PCSsRbTsC1XohpiEZSDKNHoJyt", "txHash": "0x82f0d43b186621b7aebd95436a6a9b2a79fd1fdf185b84c23a176f4e2287f1d7", "createdAtBlock": 15403783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer of the Moors", "text": "So, he decided it was time for a change. He dropped his name, and became the first flaming skull hydromancer in the whole realm. \n\nWhat type of adventures will Hydromancer of the Moors find himself on? What kind of person will he become, now that he is no longer a god? Stay tuned and find out, in the next chapter, Hydromancer and the Beast!"} +{"id": "ca481b3c-efaf-490c-ba9e-00a1cfc6492e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:48.439", "backgroundColor": "#1a1a29", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcDDpgLhJEy7U1WLL37bbkZpjb97Dky2Pjhc6BCpoR4oC", "txHash": "0xb4dd54cc9adf3be227051b4294c909a98ed10d5575ed03045468ff3a9cdceb06", "createdAtBlock": 14420419, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6698, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Calypso of the Lake", "text": "# Sage Calypso of the Lake\n\nOne and a half leagues under the earth lies a vast cavern. The passage to this cavern is long and treacherous and dark. The way is pitch black until you reach the lake's edge.\n\nThe lake's edges extend into the infinite darkness, filling the whole of the cavern. The lake gives off a faint glow, as if lit by moonlight. If you scour the edges of the darkness, you'll see the dim glow of Sage Calypso's cabin resting on a rocky island.\n\nShe will not greet you, she will not come to you. You must seek her.\n\nBut before you do, take in the cavern. It is not still. After you catch your breath and your eyes adjust to the dark, you'll notice something. It will look and feel as though the walls are shimmering. The lake which has no waves ripples.\n\nSnakes. They say they are the souls of men who came before, yearning for the profound knowledge that Sage Calypso of the Lake holds. Men far and why travel here, hoping to plunge their souls into the throes of endless passion.\n\n**But a warm reception is not guaranteed.**"} +{"id": "3fb1e0b7-ea67-4d7a-93fa-5e1133d27bc8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:35.546", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWwYZkPA5sb2vjDBi89AAhYm4d4iee5nS9jBBs1aqHcwt", "txHash": "0x41e06ceb78892ebbaa9f06aaad59caa5238fca8305822e03217daa34524d8893", "createdAtBlock": 15074745, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Vampyre Damien of the Havens", "text": "Damien observed the flame again. It was certainly dangerous. Not just the risk of burning him to a pile of ash. His Vampyre kin would certainly not approve if they knew what he is up to now. \n\nApprove? Hahahah! They would torture and kill him for stealing the Sacred Flame!\n\nNo matter, he didnt ask for this. He didnt want to be a Vampyre. Avoiding sun, sucking blood from peasants necksit is a pitiful existence at best, monstrous even.\n\nHe composed himself and touched the Sacred flame once again, overcoming the pain. Dim light of a containing spell formed around his palm. Slow and careful now"} +{"id": "672c3c25-7ddd-47c8-a4b6-daa1fa967af5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:08.627", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ7yvoMGwtHRLbzND6KPj7M8hryLxcbjYxSuR9FYMuRoZ", "txHash": "0x862f1880dafbacf87b073a574b471da46ee30911d45ffdc055c7275e3c239634", "createdAtBlock": 14730573, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3571, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Ofaris of the Cosmos", "text": "Cleric was a French priest. He studied at the University of Paris under the Nominalist William of Occam, and taught there.\nIt was at the end of the Paschal Benedictory Mass that Cleric, exhilarated, drank the cup in which Magnificence had infused the bewitching herbs.\n\nIt was at this moment that the penultimate legend of the cosmos was born: Cleric Ofaris."} +{"id": "c23c2e76-7960-47ba-92fc-1e887514f773-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:55.496", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQm8gbVYRdvvQ4tjgFSZorvvJbntFxj2Rh9uN7D2D8AnF", "txHash": "0xbaee9fdae24e840ac36446b401a50f1e7afe24c7a46d2ab6a2a0fbac7dd9085d", "createdAtBlock": 14437836, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4747, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Eden of the Desert", "text": "# Eden \n\nThis mage is strong and mighty, he yearns for a pony though. Please bless him with one."} +{"id": "9cda61a9-aac1-4af9-8e3c-fe97e54aa81e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:22.84", "backgroundColor": "#37816a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf7PpsTC4KeUBcYGh8UHc3X1iUB8TkMZQyVjMmzNKLQ9W", "txHash": "0x9d203e99c774e63decb687c4ae5b269ffab4f54d29222e13193124a5d47a76cd", "createdAtBlock": 14676278, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 647, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Rita of the Mount", "text": "# Entry 1\n\n\nDuring her birth strange things happenned in Mossmere... All the water in the area froze solid, the milk went sour and all the iron turned to copper. Her family was convinced that this event was an omen of the forgotten souls claiming her destiny.\n\nHer mother was Aline Rowley, an average human wizards by average standards. She put her skills to work for coin. Rita and her mother were very close. Sadly she was murdered in a night of wintry fog escorting a caravan. It turned out they were mugged by werewolves. This tragedy ignited a flame within Rita to surpass her mother drowning her loneliness and sadness in search for power.\n\n\nHer father is Everard Rowley. The people of Mossmere called him an evil Barbarian. He was a very talented Mercenary until he disapeared shortly after Aline gave birth. Every now and then she hears of an uprising bandit clan in the Sands. Their leader strangely reminds her of how people described Everard.\n\n\n\n\n\nShe saw a devil once who gifted her the rabbit she called Felino."} +{"id": "45b50d35-51f9-40a9-8810-c16dc35e6ba1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:41.629", "backgroundColor": "#ffebc9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaQZPVLjSF64Qpz6rHf3A21Mu5YDxGeLm4JzHfBweNoW", "txHash": "0x4fa28f777d6f89b75cf6e0c44b36110e1a5485e582551894b926dd373467fe00", "createdAtBlock": 15404714, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6776, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfEdKC1mPMa17NNzmL5iSdsqKfJZwgZX9WrrxB8yMsRJo", "name": "Sorcerer Qaid of the Sun", "text": "# **Passages of Master Qaid's journals**\n\n# A collection of passages from the journals of Master Qaid of the Sun, the Sorcerer.\n\n **Gathered and illustrated by Ozzz Observer of Light and Shadow, Qaid's disciple**\n\nNote: Some passages are quotes from Master Qaid himself, in *italic*, while others are brief descriptions I write based on the letters I receive from him.\n\n# Early records\n\n> *I am a pilgrim. Not because I wanted to, but that is how life is. I have journeyed for a long time and seen more than my eyes would have ever imagined when I left.* \n\n> *It was chaotic. I kept only wispy memories because it all happened suddenly. Family, friends... Images blurred by the smell of dirt and dust of that afternoon. Images for another story.*\n\n> *For long periods of wandering I thought I had lost it all. ButI remained alive. And it took me a while to acknowledge that.*\n\n> *\"Why?\" I many times asked myself, or maybe waiting for some unknown deity within me to reply.*\n\n> *At first the pain was nearly unbearable and I blame me not for thinking of giving up. However, I was granted opportunities to withstand, to which now, over the years, I am in profound gratitude. I shall share these lines in future notes.*\n\n> *I gradually realized that those events were part of a story. My story, yes, but also the story of the world. An ancient world, filled with all sorts of stories within its own.*\n\n> *So although my piece of story meant so much to me that its absence drove me to think life wasn't worthy living, I then came to understand it was in fact so little.*"} +{"id": "45b50d35-51f9-40a9-8810-c16dc35e6ba1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:41.629", "backgroundColor": "#ffebc9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaQZPVLjSF64Qpz6rHf3A21Mu5YDxGeLm4JzHfBweNoW", "txHash": "0x4fa28f777d6f89b75cf6e0c44b36110e1a5485e582551894b926dd373467fe00", "createdAtBlock": 15404714, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6776, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfEdKC1mPMa17NNzmL5iSdsqKfJZwgZX9WrrxB8yMsRJo", "name": "Sorcerer Qaid of the Sun", "text": "> *We have so brief knowledge about this lifetime experience. We've seen empires rise and fall for thousands of years. Yet there's still so much to be learned.*\n\n> *As we walk towards a mysterious and uncertain future, one thing keeps popping into my mind: \"we have to look back\".*\n\n> *Only then the dark of the future will be illuminated. By the light of the past.*\n\n\n\n# Sungazing in the Sun\n\n> *(...) one of the last times I praised the setting sun while waiting for the moonrise. That is because evening is the best time to conjure a plant spell in the dry ground. The sky of the Sun is an all-day spectacle.*\n\n \n\n\n\n# The house\n\nMaster Qaid of the Sun travels to get in touch with the Past Masters."} +{"id": "06ecdd26-9658-4bb3-8db8-4fc20d7f7ac8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:49.85", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc7UpcqUoqStmvKZXPqYXfKsnoB1c6TCg2qBSNQ5Zsuwh", "txHash": "0xb01f5d2ff369e23902733a002f8d85eb20a55a6f161859ee3fc186e0ba3736ad", "createdAtBlock": 14426014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 389, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXWWF7HcrCJbG2RA5ounmps1mgWhEgjaABa3mVjfR7iBB", "name": " Lumos of the Havens", "text": "# Lumos has a new fan\n\nMy seven-year old and I have decided to find out more about our mysterious new family member **Lumos of the Havens**.\n\nWe already know, he got some interesting magical powers and he mumbles spells all day and does not want to tell us what he hides in his sack.\n\nWhile we have been investigating she started to make a drawing, still needs some improvement and finetuning but it's a start! We will come back with updates on Lumos secrets and more drawings!"} +{"id": "22527f7f-e3f4-4d7d-ae66-db6b54e9cfdc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:50.598", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQEV33cNecq33UuP2urvFFywnuQpR2arzGyUXFNnPYBpU", "txHash": "0x01dcb6327cf4ccee6f99276450b87b1746e5b2d66adea266252c1470f44cb0db", "createdAtBlock": 14426084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5140, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfJzHDemDH9wfAXktGtVriLAbeAzyEqyELk6ZnMAWWuTH", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud", "text": "# Basil's Journal \n\n\n\n@wizard466 _found this journal, partially burned, at the site of a Sacred Flame burning. He decided to release the legible contents to the Book of Lore, piece by piece._\n\n**Day 1**\n\nMy name is Basil, and I have decided to write this in the event this journal can get back to my kin in the Berg. She knows I am doing this, but finds it amusing. No matter - I hope that somehow, they can learn about what happened to me.\n\nEarlier today, I was traveling to the Blue Wizard Bastion, where I hoped their technology might unleash the power within this mysterious egg. But as I was walking by the Hedge Wizard Wood, a young woman walked out of the trees bordering the road and stood in my path.\n\nShe was unlike anyone I had ever seen, wearing outlandish form-fitting garb in black and red. My blue rat familiar, Icicle, gave her one look, then squeaked in fright and hid in my travel bag.\n\nMoments later, another man also walked out and stood to the side and a little behind her. I noticed he had a rather large key hanging around his neck on a metal chain.\n\nNice egg youve got there, the woman said with a smirk. The way that her dark eyes seemed to flicker with red embers was unsettling. What kind of creature comes out of something like that?\n\nI dont know, actually, I said. Im headed to the Bastion to see if the Blue Wizards can help me find out."} +{"id": "22527f7f-e3f4-4d7d-ae66-db6b54e9cfdc-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:50.598", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQEV33cNecq33UuP2urvFFywnuQpR2arzGyUXFNnPYBpU", "txHash": "0x01dcb6327cf4ccee6f99276450b87b1746e5b2d66adea266252c1470f44cb0db", "createdAtBlock": 14426084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5140, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfJzHDemDH9wfAXktGtVriLAbeAzyEqyELk6ZnMAWWuTH", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud", "text": "Oh, you dont want to do that, she said. Those Blue Wizards do love their technology, but in a way, it really restricts their thinking. We have magic! Lets use it, instead of messing with gears and sprockets! She raised her left hand, and a molten ball of lava materialized there. It was then that I realized I was dealing with another wizard.\n\nI have a better idea, she said. Why dont you come with us? Were headed to the Gate to the Seventh Realm. Damien here, she nudged her head at the man beside her, has a key to that Gate, and were going to go through! Might trigger a reaction on that egg of yours!\n\nI see youre a wizard, I said. Ive learned a bit of magic myself back home. Thank you for your offer, but I think Ill stick with my original plan.\nShe didnt move or react, although I saw her eyes widen a bit. Was that excitement?\n\nOh, so were going to do this the hard way? Excellent. She gave me an evil grin and started walking toward me with her lava ball, while the man hung back with a resigned look on his face.\n\nI carefully took off the harness that I used to transport the egg and set it on the ground to the side of the road. Truthfully, outside of the more northern latitudes, my ice magic could not be used. But I had trained in Arcadian kickboxing up to the Master rank, so I was prepared to defend myself and the egg. She would not have it."} +{"id": "22527f7f-e3f4-4d7d-ae66-db6b54e9cfdc-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:50.598", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQEV33cNecq33UuP2urvFFywnuQpR2arzGyUXFNnPYBpU", "txHash": "0x01dcb6327cf4ccee6f99276450b87b1746e5b2d66adea266252c1470f44cb0db", "createdAtBlock": 14426084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5140, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfJzHDemDH9wfAXktGtVriLAbeAzyEqyELk6ZnMAWWuTH", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud", "text": "The woman stopped short a few feet away when she saw my fighting stance. If anything, her grin got wider. Oh, are you a kickboxer too? This is such a treat - I hardly ever get to fight someone interesting these days! She got into a kickboxing stance as well. *This is not good*, I thought in the split second before she started attacking.\n\nI can tell you that Ive never seen anyone fight like her at our training center in the Berg. She knew all the same techniques I did, and a few more besides, but what really stood out was how she used them. It was all offense, and the way she chained her techniques gave me no chance to reset or launch attacks of my own. And the lava ball didnt help - she kept it in her hand the whole time! How didnt it burn her? A small drop landed on my boot during one of her attacks and immediately created a singe.\n\nIt shames me to say this, but I was outclassed. I couldnt imagine where she had learned this style, but I was overwhelmed, constantly dodging and defending against her attacks. Right jab - left knee - right roundhouse kick. Front kick - right hook - crescent kick. It felt like she was toying with me, but at the same time, each strike was thrown with punishing force. Eventually I noticed that she wasnt even using her lava-holding left hand to attack! Finally, she got one of her legs behind mine and slammed me down to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. She immediately pounced on me before I could get up, and sat on my stomach. I was trapped."} +{"id": "22527f7f-e3f4-4d7d-ae66-db6b54e9cfdc-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:50.598", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQEV33cNecq33UuP2urvFFywnuQpR2arzGyUXFNnPYBpU", "txHash": "0x01dcb6327cf4ccee6f99276450b87b1746e5b2d66adea266252c1470f44cb0db", "createdAtBlock": 14426084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5140, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfJzHDemDH9wfAXktGtVriLAbeAzyEqyELk6ZnMAWWuTH", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud", "text": "She leaned down over me and held the lava ball inches from my face. That was FUN, she said, her face a bit flushed. The names Miyo, by the way, and I need you and your pretty egg on my team, NOW. So this is the last time Ill ask - why dont you come with us? Youll find that I can be a very good friend to have in this world.\n\nThe fact that I can write this today should let you know what I answered."} +{"id": "70e3ebe2-5af2-4188-9e3c-4df4eccc4478-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:49.145", "backgroundColor": "#c23e0e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWbayjXbgUvZ59X8xeuQyqYtqaVHLWSHtRBQEUNevb23g", "txHash": "0x58b5ff9bf864e6575cd649b1c9e7d4c2d8ceb647ca1801a2bf2a935e4b5b6617", "createdAtBlock": 14421527, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3405, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Gully of the Riviera", "text": "# The Tale 0f Necromancer Gully and his Friends\n\nGully grew up in a multitude of cities across the Runiverse, his father being an Ambassador from the Green Lands Beyond. He became very comfortable adapting and acquainting himself with each interesting urban center. It was however hard to make new friends, with the tenuous ties that come from a nomadic life as an ambassador's only child. He received the best wizardly education however and no magic tome was ever denied him. Even those more controversial works on the subject of Necromancy. \n\nIt was only natural that his growing talents would help fulfill his greatest need. With Necromancy, loneliness can be solved by literally making new friends.\n\nIt started with the reanimation of pets. Zombie cats and birds. They were not the best conversationalists, but their presence made him feel more at ease. And they were good at scaring away bullies. As his powers grew and for these reasons, he began resurrecting a skeleton crew that could be armed with weapons, or could carry his ever increasing library of books of runes, cantrips, and spells. When his abilities surpassed his teachers, he grew confident enough to raise minor Lich magicians to teach him spells from outside the Event Horizon. Also, he finally found some good companionship to discuss the wizardly arts, the sciences, and even occasionally the news of the day."} +{"id": "2c9e8b54-35a5-4530-8f8e-a10656b64ed8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:51.76", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUHuqG8k8CpbdcfA6a1qjX4Xihvybfs1CAftjHVbiZeER", "txHash": "0xff5556a9b501ef5d6139640263942be1031105c72631171c6d3d9625230ac51a", "createdAtBlock": 14430664, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9200, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Thor of the Atheneum", "text": "# Parry Hotter\n\n_abracadabra_"} +{"id": "31d89333-46d5-4b10-adf6-26e41dd3c889-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T19:47:41.726", "backgroundColor": "#ffedd2", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvRLMhc15bYhgSpSsHfpR85HbWiSyyVqHDwdNKpJAB5u", "txHash": "0x169358f603593d07f607f83a1d13882be91635c69b9053403f2deb1ed2c9ec15", "createdAtBlock": 15404817, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6776, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmViYLPd18nxeARgNJVsAuDtKDYFhjYPjksCpMYarJmPcZ", "name": "Sorcerer Qaid of the Sun", "text": "# Rabbit Lake\n\nMaster Qaid of the Sun, the Sorcerer, crosses the Rabbit Lake in a quest to Two Crows Bazaar."} +{"id": "af9aa39f-0054-406a-9b6f-9a2496964240-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:52.545", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpPj8m2PiQX8CrUipS4JrfudRC5VnFjfpN3q4hzaoMRV", "txHash": "0x1a6f60877426a9831b24ed58f1915817bc0314e69484200d9dd1be1c2066af81", "createdAtBlock": 14430905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 808, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Null Mage Voidoth of Mu", "text": "I'm not evil, I'm just drawn that way."} +{"id": "f3412b08-1635-41d8-a423-c12b364e9076-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:53.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVo6QEHyA71Rzen8ZPJo9123LcG3ECap6LPEi18SeqUkE", "txHash": "0x91146039520064bc96d29c7372295a07be04a605440e0b3df6360669ac0aa23e", "createdAtBlock": 14432309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Flynn of the Field", "text": "# Left Eye Lost"} +{"id": "f3412b08-1635-41d8-a423-c12b364e9076-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:53.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVo6QEHyA71Rzen8ZPJo9123LcG3ECap6LPEi18SeqUkE", "txHash": "0x91146039520064bc96d29c7372295a07be04a605440e0b3df6360669ac0aa23e", "createdAtBlock": 14432309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Flynn of the Field", "text": "_Few people would dare to guess how Flynn came to have a patch over his left eye. Although he does not share the story often, if pressed, he will tell the tale. Especially if young ones are present who might learn from his misadventure. Flynn was on a quest to gather peat moss from the Frog Master Marsh, during his annual trip to obtain the ingredients and excipients necessary for distilling his renowned elixir. After harvesting guano from Vampyre Mist, he charted a westward path through the Thorn. By Flynns calculations, he would spend a fortnight navigating the treacherous terrain of the Thorn before arriving at the marsh. His motivation was the elixir, and the joy inducing results it brought to his kin. One week into the dark and thorny landscape, he noticed his supply satchel was ripped, and a third of his remaining provisions were lost. He knew that to survive he would need to make up time. He began to hike with urgency on a"} +{"id": "f3412b08-1635-41d8-a423-c12b364e9076-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:53.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVo6QEHyA71Rzen8ZPJo9123LcG3ECap6LPEi18SeqUkE", "txHash": "0x91146039520064bc96d29c7372295a07be04a605440e0b3df6360669ac0aa23e", "createdAtBlock": 14432309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Flynn of the Field", "text": "He began to hike with urgency on a less than full stomach, confidently wielding his garnet staff and keeping his dear sapphire slime close to his chest. This exertion exacted a price. His fatigue was unstoppable. He lay down to rest. The Thorn is known to be uninhabitable, except for the exceptionally nimble and crafty. It is also known as a deathbed for the unsuspecting traveler. Flynn was an experienced Thorn traverser, yet his fatigue got the better of him. As he napped, a thorny vine grew rapidly and wrapped around his head and a Lions claw thorn shot directly into one of his precious orbs. He bolted upright and ripped the wicked vine from his face, but the damage was done. His left eye began bleeding profusely. He grabbed his sapphire slime and coated his wounded eye with his soothing companion. This ameliorated the pain and immediately stopped the bleeding. From thence, he has"} +{"id": "f3412b08-1635-41d8-a423-c12b364e9076-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:53.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVo6QEHyA71Rzen8ZPJo9123LcG3ECap6LPEi18SeqUkE", "txHash": "0x91146039520064bc96d29c7372295a07be04a605440e0b3df6360669ac0aa23e", "createdAtBlock": 14432309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Flynn of the Field", "text": "stopped the bleeding. From thence, he has beheld the Runiverse only through his right eye, and upon his left sits a leather patch. *Young ones*, he would say, *Do not venture from the field without a companion druid. For if you do, it may be for the last time*._"} +{"id": "ec3ce73c-c6d3-4786-99ec-61fbfe7537e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:53.896", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd3NH5ZTp8zw8MuK6jaWhbdDbmP5fCodBQw42DV8doeWc", "txHash": "0x58fd8d3f580633359b3d7cbf60a5cc075e5afbfb2b5402c0f95128ddf7ff1822", "createdAtBlock": 14436509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7960, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Nadeem of the Keep", "text": "# First Entry : background\n\nNadeem longs for a way back home, but knows it is his duty to go forth and speak of what he has learned. Before he was a Shaman he was a scholar residing upon Mt. Olympus. He spent years learning from the greatest minds and forming strong friendships. One thing always perplexed him though, he looked so different. Hearing rumours of others that looked like him in a far off land called the Runiverse. His trusty suncat Helios was not going to miss out on this adventure, as they set off Nadeem noticed an Omega symbol manifest beside him. He found this rather peculiar, a physical floating object that now followed him around. Growing to love it over time he liked to think it was to remind him of where he comes from. Once arriving in the Runiverse more whispers led him to an area called the Keep. \n\nThis my friends is where the real adventures of Shaman Nadeem of the Keep begin!!!"} +{"id": "90cbf690-5a52-4e0f-afdc-bd54c27b7a57-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:58.264", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVcHFWi7Upvb1vEFf7pgncQJZt1Q8RkH3aYQF8LVmCUt", "txHash": "0x09cd93d3a1de33d5f91c90eece580b8410fc1cc4ed85eb3a7cfaf847f901767a", "createdAtBlock": 14760843, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1672, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist David of the Great Blue", "text": "Any wizard bright enough to survive for five minutes was also bright enough to realize that if there was any power in demonology, then it lay with the demons. Using it for your own purposes would be like trying to beat mice to death with a rattlesnake."} +{"id": "13aa31ae-ca4c-473f-b4b2-a1483d2b549d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:56.372", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbDQaeqFNxk47iWLV36N8F5akqgDh4YnvWYPVxoQrpn5V", "txHash": "0xad4ea545d28ea3226087df20b31469c43142ddda9143fa9d02ebd3de4eb1096d", "createdAtBlock": 14442223, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4908, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Milton of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "The Journal of Summoner Milton of the Quantum Shadow\n\n\nJournal Entry #318\n\nI did it. The summoning circle is stable. As I write what may be my last journal entry, I warn anybody who reads this message do not carry on my work. The summoning circle is stable but what came through is not. \n\nI can hear the snarling, the heavy breathing as it searches for me in the room. Will more pass through the rift? I do not know, and I dare not peek over the table behind which I hide. I see no way out."} +{"id": "191aca55-fb60-4df3-9250-c601393a8a2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-25T04:38:50.472", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUVDSmJ81UCBeqi2paqrjc2ru2kkiMEuujEYYuV7bSL6P", "txHash": "0x62b2523197fdc93ce11a0ef57b24ae992edf22b11ca3e9322ee8f2c7fee742f1", "createdAtBlock": 15407090, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7321, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmezDwAM1P2jb7V5EFX7vUixAwMvZHvRe5bTh2M3H8tMno", "name": "Argos Dicer of Rats", "text": "# Argos Dicer of Rats \n\nWARNING: DON'T PET THE NULL GOAT"} +{"id": "d4e8494f-3d8b-47fe-a618-e23f6c1d0d82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:57.06", "backgroundColor": "#220f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZhGLbDVTA2r9a76MoMV3xyQqLXt59qf4c6JRoLDJ5MoU", "txHash": "0x924dcb54fcfdd38ae80bb2daf25ed9b06875a0f6f8341b842d2be447b8ebb0c3", "createdAtBlock": 14443901, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9592, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPXyu5no1NnToQD47esetg14GEuwSKYP9kZaSqdLC7GPn", "name": "Necro Frog Oiq of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "# Necro Frog Oiq of the Nightmare Dominion\n\n@wizard9592 awoke under the warm sun to the sound of birds chirping. The soggy dew of the morning was beginning to evaporate and filled the air with a pleasant aroma. Suddenly, Oiq became aware that his head was aching and he felt a pit deep within his stomach. These sensations instantly brought to him the memory of what had occurred the night before \n\n\t\nThe face of the evil one burned in his mind The one who destroyed everyone and everything he knew and loved. Oiq had tried to stop him, but was cast aside -without a glance- by the powerful being. Before losing consciousness, Oiq could only hear the sharp clank of metal and the guttural sounds of his townsfolk as they were slain. \n\n\t\nAs he became more alert, the smell of the spring air was replaced with the smell of smoldering coals and ash. While sitting up and staring out at the rubble, Oiq pondered his life. He was raised amongst the Anuran, a peaceful people who like to rest and laze about. Oiq and his village enjoyed the finer things in life; such as dancing, eating, and staying hidden away from the worries of the troubled world. However, now Oiq knew that he must go against the values taught to him during his upbringing and embark on a journey to stop this force of evil. \n\n\t\nBorn a sorcerer, Oiq knew he must embark on a quest of unveiling to discover the source of his magic. It was clear that in his current state he would not be able to challenge the evil one. He set out to a nearby village that contained a peculiar guild of wizards known as the sandmen. Once there, he sought out an individual he had heard of named, Milton."} +{"id": "d4e8494f-3d8b-47fe-a618-e23f6c1d0d82-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:57.06", "backgroundColor": "#220f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZhGLbDVTA2r9a76MoMV3xyQqLXt59qf4c6JRoLDJ5MoU", "txHash": "0x924dcb54fcfdd38ae80bb2daf25ed9b06875a0f6f8341b842d2be447b8ebb0c3", "createdAtBlock": 14443901, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9592, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPXyu5no1NnToQD47esetg14GEuwSKYP9kZaSqdLC7GPn", "name": "Necro Frog Oiq of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "@wizard5829 held out Prometheus's Torch and lulled Oiq into a deep sleep. Milton possessed the power to peer inside the consciousness of others. Milton dove deep into Oiqs memories, and explored his psyche. Milton saw firsthand the horrors that occurred to Oiqs village. Milton then knew that Oiq had faced, head on, the evil that he himself sensed spreading throughout their world.\n\nHanding Oiq the candle of clarity, Milton said, Peer into the flame, young Anuran. You will be guided by the flame to what you desire most. Oiq thanked the kind sandman and peered into the flickering flame of the candle. It was in that moment that Oiq caught his first glimpse of the Nightmare Dominion. \n\nOiq spent the next few weeks conversing with souls, long forgotten, that lived in the space between. These Ethereal beings could see within Oiq and knew of the great - yet tumultuous - power within him."} +{"id": "d4e8494f-3d8b-47fe-a618-e23f6c1d0d82-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:57.06", "backgroundColor": "#220f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZhGLbDVTA2r9a76MoMV3xyQqLXt59qf4c6JRoLDJ5MoU", "txHash": "0x924dcb54fcfdd38ae80bb2daf25ed9b06875a0f6f8341b842d2be447b8ebb0c3", "createdAtBlock": 14443901, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9592, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPXyu5no1NnToQD47esetg14GEuwSKYP9kZaSqdLC7GPn", "name": "Necro Frog Oiq of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "The spirits revealed to Oiq the Sacred Flame which would be the key to Oiqs enlightenment. Oiq slowly became intoxicated with the possibility of such a powerful source of magic. This magic is what Oiq had been hoping for and he was eager to pursue it straight away. However, the souls warned Oiq that magic of this power is intertwined closely with the very dark magic that Oiq wanted to fight. This kind of power could corrupt the soul and surely would destroy his body. Ignoring the spirits concerns, Oiq leaned into his hunger for blood and ignored the dangers the souls spoke of. \n\t\nUnder the Candle of Claritys purple flicker, Oiq jotted down the location of this Sacred Flame. He decided to venture on this quest to finally uncover what could balance the life energy within his realm. If Oiq could uncover his deep power, maybe he could stop this evil from wreaking havoc on the world. Join me Oiq said as he locked eyes with Milton. Surely Milton replied, without hesitation."} +{"id": "a29875a9-874b-40bf-93ce-473f7749a9b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:57.773", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUkgk5bt2hc2cgYVqxJMSSJHp8U8rKZeay9XUspymJGyB", "txHash": "0x08dfa2b380c78923cc57d8ac60b53f632e9882e199e2d78626f7b1bd299e762c", "createdAtBlock": 14444522, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4149, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Ramiz of the Veil", "text": "Cleric Ramiz is literally *the* poggers champion."} +{"id": "69eb7cad-c6bd-490f-a528-55edf0e742b4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:58.448", "backgroundColor": "#2e0e0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNqrCKCFTZ2WoC7PevLy2t7RisVtJZasqfPdZTsCdEg2b", "txHash": "0x54eb3a8bc7d533ecb9ad1ba4406606ee653e5d3b0450591395095d92afc89b92", "createdAtBlock": 14444946, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1310, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Toby of the Mist", "text": "Wise man of the Mist \n\nKindly tinkerer by trade\n \nTil you make his list"} +{"id": "7daf29a2-b6b6-4048-949b-12e146a3ca43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:59.149", "backgroundColor": "#5b137d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPELgB6o2GKsF7uTX3CssUDp9Wt3VVhgrr7bXd6b5NzMv", "txHash": "0x0dff30150de06fa66ebfd36310adb898fd1b09c0c2123300e0cb5ce21f00255f", "createdAtBlock": 14444973, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4701, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Otto of the Wold", "text": "There once was a wizard named Otto. Otto wasn't a mighty wizard, or a smart wizard. But he had one thing that made him stand out from all the others...his massive wand.\n\nOtto's wand was the biggest in all the lands. It was so big that he had to drag it behind him for he did not possess the strength to wield it upright.\n\nOne day a wand inspector came to town. The wand inspector decided to hold a contest for all the wizards. The wizard with the biggest wand would be awarded a bag of tricks.\n\nAll the wizards formed a line and approached the inspector one by one.\n\n\"Pitiful\" Said the inspector.\n\n\"I've seen bigger\" He boasted.\n\nFinally the inspector got to the last wizard. \"This is without a doubt the saddest bunch of wands I have ever seen. I will be taking my bag of tricks and LEAVING.\"\n\n\"Waiiiiiiiiit.\" Someone shouted. \"What about Otto? He hasn't been inspected yet.\"\n\n\"Approach!\" Yelled the inspector. \"Let me have a look at that wand.\"\n\nOtto shuffled over to the inspector.\n\n\"Well? What are you waiting for? Whip it out!\" Said the inspector.\n\n\"If you insist.\" Otto's arms had been folded across his robe holding back the full might of his wand. But as he let go, the wand in all its entirety sprung forth.\n\n\"My word!\" The inspector said, tears welling in his eyes. \"I have never seen a wand quite as magnificent as that before.\"\n\nThe inspector declared Otto the wizard with the biggest wand and awarded him the bag of tricks."} +{"id": "c8f8d3f9-7d20-426b-b340-bc6ab76750fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:36.748", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMQBVzGBxTzjYscbpk9WXAumRXWBa4cDVtUkQEWTD14o", "txHash": "0xb2a63b8d2ed10743d3aa4d0046672ab1d338d1f2e1fe16ef99d3b6d85d4b1ed7", "createdAtBlock": 14493935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6300, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of the Havens", "text": "# David \n\nSince he was a young apprentice, David has been looking to use his magical abilities to unite humans and non-humans alike. Magic, however, can be a tricky craft, corruptable due to its vast power. Shady episodes of his life led David onto paths, he would not want to revisit anymore. At least age has brought him calming wisdom and prevents him from experimenting with the dark side of the arcane. Always at his side is a white rodent called Andrew. Centuries of companionship allowed the two to have some emotional attachment. Therefore, Andrew can act as some sort of out-of-body sensor for David.\n\nIn recent years, David focused on brokering peace between rival villages and tribes. Not far from Goblin Town, he almost found his end doing so. While staying in a rural township, working on a peace agreement between two tribes fighting for the honour of the tribe leaders' sons, who both fell in love with the same woman, he suddenly noticed the presence of a powerful arcane object. \"This cannot be\", he told himself. He has not felt this energy for decades, maybe centuries. \n\nDuring the night, while the tribes were asleep, he ventured off into the desert that stretched from the township to the Quantum Shadow. \"Aye, I need to be careful, the Quantum Shadow is close\", he thought. The last time he visited this inexplicable vastness he went on to fight @wizard2297. He only nearly escaped the powers of this particularly evil wizard, since he was just an apprentice back then. But this is a story for another day. \"Today, the odds would be different\", he conjectured."} +{"id": "c8f8d3f9-7d20-426b-b340-bc6ab76750fc-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:36.748", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMQBVzGBxTzjYscbpk9WXAumRXWBa4cDVtUkQEWTD14o", "txHash": "0xb2a63b8d2ed10743d3aa4d0046672ab1d338d1f2e1fe16ef99d3b6d85d4b1ed7", "createdAtBlock": 14493935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6300, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of the Havens", "text": "The further he strolled into the desert, the more he could feel the presence of familiar energy. @wizard0, the Wizard before Wizards, of which he is a direct progeny, left one of his artefacts in this vast nothingness. David has been looking on the side for those, he heard stories about their existence. But no lead ever proved successful, every hunt ended in disappointment. This time it must be different. He could feel the strength and the familiarity of the power. \n\nSuddenly, he realised that he might have reached the location. He saw a small portal on the ground of the desert. He could see the sign of the Heavens. David felt reassured. All those years of wanderings and diplomatic missions might come to personal fruition. \n\nDavid opened the portal with a spell only known to a few wizards. He descended into the cave, using his magical abilities to make him float. He commanded his albino rat to observe the entry from above. \"If anyone follows me through the opening, Andrew will see it and in turn I will be able to feel it\", he reassured himself. \n\nThe cave was pretty small and the artefact was in the middle, there was neither a riddle nor a challenge present to reach it. Something was off, David could feel it. That's not how the Wizard before Wizards was operating. And indeed he was right. The artefact vanished and instead a dark, grim wizard took its place. He looked at David and said: \"Finally, we meet again\". The wizard came forward, wielding his sickle in a dangerous fashion. \"So be it\", said David and prepared for a revenge he thought he might never get..."} +{"id": "91c2c9d3-3364-4352-ac6c-7c0aa037f302-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:59.87", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXZD1FAcbdyoxxMf41RZyUyKofKXaXtePxM85t78EB583", "txHash": "0xb5fdd775c2ecd7d08c13506d778c1867b1fc9b17a1196cd4a4e23aa53d394a6a", "createdAtBlock": 14444986, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2161, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Godfrey of Tartarus", "text": "# Battle Mage Godfrey of Tartarus\n## Lord of Nothing, King of Everything\n\n**On Tartarus** Taken from the scrolls of Tinikitu:\n> Tartarus was a new land at the time of its founding, raised from the great lakes of Jakobi. While rumors emerged that something more dangerous than land appeared, it has been confirmed by several mages either present at the time or witness to the event that the peak of Tartarus shone like a beacon of light and that the tip of the peak rested a pearl. The origins of the pearl, and the source of the light, have never been identified.\n\n**On Godfreys Birth** Overheard from peasant who knew the young mage:\n> Godfrey was born on the twenty-second name day of his land, as Lord Godfrey son of Godfrey. His parents despised the young boy, who grew to resent his family. He was never a kind boy. Rather than playing with other youth in the village he preferred to torment animals. Though they were both too cunning and agile for his wiles. He never got old of this.\n\n**Furthermore On Godfreys Birth**:\n> There has been no evidence found of these rumors of Godfrey's raising. In light of Godfrey's more recent blessings to the Oakenridge Farmery, it seems that this rumor is unsubstantiated.\n\n**After The Campaign:**\n> It is heavily speculated that Godfrey lived in the woods for several years after The Campaign. Having lost his land and titles, Godfrey (several years a mage) continued his ultimate quest for fire breathing and unsummoned healing. His role in The Campaign will be forever remembered, with many praising his sacrifices and heroism, to the disdain of our King who freed the people of Tartarus from their oppressors, \"Sir Henry the Wise\" and \"Lady Magesty the Kind\"."} +{"id": "abebc6c9-d557-4015-b86c-5aebe91154a1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:14.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWi8mmoJdM51FaN4e7TDNZFF2AwBHWftJCmtdkTewfQNx", "txHash": "0x90252899abbc3eb4dcc30ec76e806306b2a4a72f7218cf27df11e6063a135461", "createdAtBlock": 14625017, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5463, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jadis of the Steppe", "text": "I heard from my friend that writing attracts some warriors these days."} +{"id": "8663c3d3-b83b-4e25-8aec-b9395d574a20-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T00:10:21.96", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaXhdh3eHPX9GH1nzSFvGeg1yvyZ4E1MzKzYvLGhVkngz", "txHash": "0x04456b14066f12b582ce66348d09c1f0297857ef5ef2a3e54817657871aff599", "createdAtBlock": 15418403, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8111, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Konoha of Elysium", "text": "**The origins of Konoha**\n\nFor as long as theyd written its history, Elysiums great magical houses had self-organized themselves like families without bond save that of power each ruled by whoever best wielded the various affinities, those endless mixes between light and dark and earth and moon.\n\nSome of them still quietly practiced the dark power of familiar amplification, a cruel and ancient technique that required the recruitment of untrained but magically sensitive young beings, ideally ones lacking a dream. Devoid of hope. Orphans worked best. They would be offered the chance to live their miserable lives out in comfort, whatever remained of them after their terms, of no less than one-half century, were up. In return, they would be trained in attunement and amplification of their houses affinities, then forcibly shifted into a beasts form in order to serve as familiars for the houses most powerful members. Though their natural forms didnt age while they were serving their terms, most survived about three years in the job.\n\nKonoha had grown up as a tengu in Elysium. Even in that great city, he was always at arms length from most. On top of that, anyone who came near him couldnt help but fear him, despite his warm and wry wit but not because of the brick-red mask of his face. It was something they couldnt put words to, but that flowed from Konoha like a river of lava. The roots of Konohas magics ranged deep and wide into this world and the next he could see its roots shift when he closed his eyes, flashing like lightning."} +{"id": "8663c3d3-b83b-4e25-8aec-b9395d574a20-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T00:10:21.96", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaXhdh3eHPX9GH1nzSFvGeg1yvyZ4E1MzKzYvLGhVkngz", "txHash": "0x04456b14066f12b582ce66348d09c1f0297857ef5ef2a3e54817657871aff599", "createdAtBlock": 15418403, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8111, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Konoha of Elysium", "text": "Inevitably in Elysium, in cases of such powerful but untrained hexerai, the putative wizard would be sensed and recruited by one house or another, depending on their staffing needs. In Konohas case, it was a house of middle standing that first contacted him. Hed been so desperate to leave the shadow alleys of Elysium that hed accepted immediately.\n\nDuring his decade of training at the house, hed fallen in love with a servant whod been brought there during his third year. Shed never had a name, she told him, when he first approached her. He called her Bug. They would spend evenings together studying and laughing at his jokes in the unused pocket dimensions of the house, drinking the immaculate potions Konoha would brew for them behind his guardian fathers back. As his training progressed, Konohas magical connection became greater than any of the houses wizards could control. He was to be assigned a familiar, so that his sorcery could be guided more carefully. \n\nBug knew that the truth of her recruitment and assignment as Konohas familiar would be too much for him to bear, and likely destroy them both in the process. Their house was ancient and cruel, turning like a mill through the centuries across the lives of Elysianian orphans like her. Konohas life would be extended unnaturally through the centuries, as a wizard for one as powerful as he would some day be, she might even survive all the way through her conscription. Maybe, just maybe, they could be together then.\n\nKonoha nearly went mad from broken heart left in the wake of Bugs sudden disappearance. His guardian father told him the servants would sometimes run away to other houses, or get it in their head that theyd soaked up enough magic to turn a coin on the street.\n\nAfter the assignment of his familiar, though, he felt much better. He named it Bug."} +{"id": "f8d3acd1-2ed6-4007-a147-af69b72a2990-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:00.585", "backgroundColor": "#1d1b23", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUxsRHk1hNK47fBJzx966j7oJEb8TVwYf9SUyWAG3k4nJ", "txHash": "0x2a042a34744ce9da99ffce01b380754a3f5603a1a07cedcaba8c9f544b043f14", "createdAtBlock": 14445009, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2117, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eizo of the Inferno", "text": "# A Look Into The Inferno\n\nEizo was what you could only call a Hermit. He was not one to go on any grand adventure, content with mixing potions and conjuring new spells to fill his spell book. For he knows it serves a greater goal, a goal far beyond him and his limited time. He wants to see into The Inferno. So patiently he gathers knowledge and powers to perfect his craft.\n\nAt nights when the clouds do not hinder his gaze, Eizo stares into the stars hoping to see but a glimpse of the blazing chaos that the cosmos can provide. Most nights prove useless, but not all. On this particular night he saw something that brought inspiration and hope to his grand task. A shooting star that crossed between two ever brilliant constellations. He immediately sketched the scene into his journal and began to gather ingredients. This could be the breakthrough he needed. He was so much closed to seeing the Inferno."} +{"id": "1fd12823-b27b-421c-adad-ab829ed26189-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:01.378", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPoxNFRAqgFuXAxkBw3Bb9koCpv92hNHUQdmb6Zs4aBW", "txHash": "0x34d718d2dde07a0cd01503e82aaef4ea9834a0cf5ff0f239dd3e154e1c1c7741", "createdAtBlock": 14445013, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8511, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWfnBGgDAsveJSkodtfJvijTLbHNEWPDqVcD6XR6cvHcH", "name": "Sorcerer Soya of the Astral Plane", "text": "# Sorcerer Soya of the Astral Plane\n\nI am a master of duality and practitioner of white magik. Through my Chaos Staff comes order, and in order comes chaos - a balancing act of dualistic extremes.\n\nBy squaring the circle I can transcend the Runiverse and traverse the Akashic Record."} +{"id": "233a3c4c-979b-480d-90ec-ff83ef8e2719-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:02.128", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaXpdprsEajV2y1CpSodekM1wGiLGE7ygjfEhrQNwJJwq", "txHash": "0xf2fbb377c3830852f6f7318155f97da5710942b3e47cee7c6c7505a11bdbad14", "createdAtBlock": 14445282, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXv624zucC3yQXNYo1sxFDZzyhfCQLiGMKq2NfgDgou4m", "name": " Beyna of the Atheneum", "text": "# Beyna in the Atheneum\n\nI spend most of days in the Runiverse at the Atheneum researching the Forgotten Scrolls of Uranus, meditating, and mind-controlling my rat!"} +{"id": "255436be-7ce9-490d-a94d-fef901c952c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:02.888", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSF41SL88xgJxsxnh8Uw2xv2j2eYfASg53yX77jrkJsGT", "txHash": "0x9f2c98432e89cf8a68b00de2ecf8b50ddd5116137f463b4efd9f94c5f5f29840", "createdAtBlock": 14447316, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8043, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus of the Belfry", "text": "### When the bells ring, the mages sing\n\n### Of myths and runes and forgotten things\n\n### The reverberations, dark and deep\n\n### Echo through the halls of sleep\n\n### As Mercury moves backwards through the sky\n\n### Magic reaches the ear, not eye\n\n### So trust the dream, trust everything\n\n### When the bells ring and the mages sing"} +{"id": "b486a270-2697-43e3-854c-23a0acfd6985-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:04.255", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSxgE1CDcRwgbVoZjURLDuizrfMcSTgUSZKLUWYEWZkFR", "txHash": "0x5a15f0b92e360c5a2a7c2127f20eaeaea1c341f8745be138057af9017eb8d56d", "createdAtBlock": 14447679, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeJVAGVpquoecZUD22XjpQt1yaddbbghqaG7Bu2Q98fcF", "name": "Battle Mage Cassius of the Mount", "text": "## Style, Flair & Fight are the hallmarks that Battle Mage Cassius of the Mount lives by\n\nHe travels the realm setting things straight, helping the needy, and occasionally (/frequently) drinking and dancing the night away. \n\nThey say when push comes to shove he can take the shape of the polar bear that adorns his head, but more often that not a flick of his staff and few words of magic do the trick, vanquishing many a foe.\n\nCassius rabbit, Stefan, is also partial to a few luke warm ales by all accounts - a costly but worthy companion for his size.\n\nOn their travels they met two gentleman, Wagmisan & Alessandro of the house Gucci, who kindly crafted what Cassius now refers to as his going out out outfit. What sorceress could resist?\n\nNot many, and if the word round the realm is true, Cassius possesses not one, but two magic staffs"} +{"id": "fb08841e-a13f-41c3-83ab-8a3940e796a4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:05.191", "backgroundColor": "#421010", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXcPsBhSYghGkQsnie78wxvrXHMdsJdNYoWRiS4bJpjsN", "txHash": "0x154cb0283f44e3e613ce21424ae3d526b6075f1886cef2fa7f34863b4f64bf3d", "createdAtBlock": 14449391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3820, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Amir of the Temple", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n\nHailing from the east, Amir was always destined for something far greater than any ordinary man. Although a powerful Thaumaturge now, his path was met with a great many challenges. That however, is a story yet untold\n\nFor now Amir, the devout Cleric of the Temple, travels far and wide searching for something more. \n\nEquipped with the Goblet of Immortality a symbol of his arcane mastery, and with his mighty companion Bloddeuwedd he sets out to discover his true purpose"} +{"id": "52868a4d-d8ec-4383-b9f8-e6200df05037-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:06.076", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcjme4gD3TqGU1h1SdJH1Hhm3srkW9VbcsFRb2jmBe6ec", "txHash": "0xc235421c1b17278cf1f61d50fa8766eafe51b1aa927f25b6b8a3c81e71857e93", "createdAtBlock": 14449601, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2745, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Zelda of the Wood", "text": "# Lore of Archmagus Zelda of the Wood\n\nLone among my kind, I stride beneath \nthe sun. Rune charged and glowing at my back, \nthe bluebells and old holly in their wreath \nsalute me. My skin doesnt burn to black \nlike my own mothers, when I pushed her past \nthe threshold. I go ranging with my fox \nand sniff out other vampires. When at last \nI find them dozing among dells and rocks, \nI creep up silent, brush off leaves and earth \nand plunge my pointed staff into their hearts \nthey shrivel. Murder is its own rebirth, \neach time. Grateful that I can play my part, \nI brush off all the death-dust, grey and fine. \nAll endings have their sweetnessexcept, mine."} +{"id": "6a60fea9-b212-43e0-971f-57a559a40df7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:06.694", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRkKFE4Bj33dbzZi4MUkmbAKaPnfZ6PJvZP7pA2eRCFwt", "txHash": "0x722c8b77c82f50167e839d5a452aa6ba448935f1e1690cb05354a6e87f551d11", "createdAtBlock": 14449939, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1643, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Shigenjo of the Hills", "text": "**You only get burn by the flame because you think the flame is real. Welcome to my power.\n**"} +{"id": "f21a906a-2a15-46c7-8196-c4cdbe8894a9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:00.34", "backgroundColor": "#8700ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaMBzJcvCVqTeSGRWkLCL3GKZ9LdG5vGCJf6m7zP3KuM5", "txHash": "0xdc864d513bde8efdb17a69ffb7e4ad307cef0f01c1ed3aa7d092488284c22a2e", "createdAtBlock": 14703343, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6214, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Amir of the Hollow", "text": "# Tiny Boy\nThis wizard believes he is very small."} +{"id": "32c8b18c-97f8-469b-9866-5e2570bae394-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T00:15:56.05", "backgroundColor": "#7b1611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVJHQxtMkBFChkUuvNX2CnBimMCLfyRmtCz9kGhDSMTCP", "txHash": "0x23be223574a491e63540029590ec6e020053265a983527de8ae07afa433ab43e", "createdAtBlock": 15418427, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 766, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "William Despoiler of the Ditch", "text": "# Killing is My Business...and Business is Good!\n\n>William is my name and killing is my game!\n\n## Despoiler of the Ditch\n\nThe Red Sand Cobra Gang never saw William coming. The Ditch, (the former) hideout of the Red Sand Cobra Gang, was thought to be the best hideout west of Obsidian City. The Red Sand Cobras were known for disrupting the supply lines of the crime lords of OC. Whenever the crime lords of OC contracted bounty hunters to find and kill the gang; they would receive an hourglass full of red sand and the severed head of the bounty hunter slowly exposed by the moving sand. Running out of options, the crime lords used their connections in Chronomancer's Riviera to find an ex-bouncer named William. Training in the BattleMage Mountains had made William, a threat not just to warriors but to wizards as well. It was not the enchanted Templar Helm gifted by @wizard1707, nor his immortal spectacled falcon companion but his combat skills that made William a threat. \n\n>Yellow hats? Did they get too drunk and piss on their hat?\n\nSkeptical at first, the crime lords figured anyone who was willing to fight battles that seemed impossible was worth a shot. Venturing west of Obsidian City, William's falcon revealed the spots where the supply lines (known and unknown) were hit. Using a map of the area, William was able to see the general area where the Ditch was based on where the hits took place. It was night when William reached his destination, nothing for miles but sand! Using his enchanted helm William was able to see heat outlines beneath the sand.\n\n>Your hole is mine!"} +{"id": "32c8b18c-97f8-469b-9866-5e2570bae394-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T00:15:56.05", "backgroundColor": "#7b1611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVJHQxtMkBFChkUuvNX2CnBimMCLfyRmtCz9kGhDSMTCP", "txHash": "0x23be223574a491e63540029590ec6e020053265a983527de8ae07afa433ab43e", "createdAtBlock": 15418427, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 766, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "William Despoiler of the Ditch", "text": ">Your hole is mine!\n\nWilliam began to look for a secret entrance using his helm. Behind, William, a Red Sand Cobra emerged from the sand with a dagger. Swooping down to protect William was his falcon. William then thrust his sword into the Red Sand Cobra and pondered how the Cobra was able to get the jump on him. Seeing a strange medallion hanging off the fresh corpse, took the medallion and wore it on his person. Feeling the medallion, William began to sink in the sand. William understood that's how the Red Sand Cobra Gang was able to move so efficiently.\n\n>To despoil is to rob and I rob people of their lives.\n\nWilliam then got the jump on the rest of the gang. The slaughter that took place shouldn't have been possible with just a longsword. Most would've been horrified with the carnage but the crime lords were pleased. The crime lords let William keep the best weapons and rarest contraband stolen by the Red Sand Cobra Gang, along with his promised payment. The Ditch is now William's base of operations, where he prepares for his next bounty. William hopes to have his own band of mercenaries, one day..."} +{"id": "f9655874-d6b3-4a77-b250-66cdc456a5c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:08.149", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWy863QipixZG77UEhSohUDjFBxxEAZ78qazPEZvzN4h", "txHash": "0x9bd67c08c211688d74fd83a7da887041c784f54623409ed5d099859ed38cb7c8", "createdAtBlock": 16901183, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6379, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ1BfNrcBSgZ4keY3SWfTYxUGZydu7QGS95XbygT8srv9", "name": "Archmagus Lux of the Hollow", "text": "# The majestic Garments of Archmagus Lux\n\n\n\nLux Theme Song - Banished\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srzmidkETLM\n\nWhen the habitants of The Citadel first heard that a brown hat wizard was opening a tailor shop, their curiosity got the best of them. \n\n\n\nThey could not resist having a look and judge how such a rugged wizard could offer any garment that a snob Citadel aristocrat would find elegant enough to pay for. \n\nThey were wrong. \n\n\n\n I may have not been born in the softest of silk, but I know a thing or two about practicability. They were happy to discover you could kneel and kiss the boots of a royal without any discomfort. \n Besides, I know my way around a thread and needle, having spent years crafting robes for the admirals army. Despite living their entire life on smelly sloops, these naval soldiers sure love a stylish cape. \n\n\n\nBetween you and me, the real reason why these nobles keep coming back? \n \nAddiction. \n\nNever underestimate a crafty brown hat wizard. They might see themselves of higher social rank, but they keep forgetting Im Lux, Archmagus Lux, and I know a thing or two about enchanting. \n Wear my craft, crave my wear. \nMagic I graft, sown with care. \nThey instantly feel it, oh what a perfect fit. \nTheir eyes sparkle, their fingers tingle. \nFeeling 10 years younger. \nNone the wiser."} +{"id": "f9655874-d6b3-4a77-b250-66cdc456a5c4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:08.149", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWy863QipixZG77UEhSohUDjFBxxEAZ78qazPEZvzN4h", "txHash": "0x9bd67c08c211688d74fd83a7da887041c784f54623409ed5d099859ed38cb7c8", "createdAtBlock": 16901183, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6379, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ1BfNrcBSgZ4keY3SWfTYxUGZydu7QGS95XbygT8srv9", "name": "Archmagus Lux of the Hollow", "text": "They then always come back, always, as all they care about is looks, taking these robes of these hooks. \nNow, why am I doing this? Gold? That can go to the Baby Wizard Orphanage. \nFor decades the working class has been siphoned to the death, busy killing their backs to feed the Citadel while their fingers bleed. \n \n Its time for a change. \n\nThey keep forgetting Im Lux, Archmagus Lux, and I know a thing or two about enchanting. \n\nThe longer they wear, the more I can touch their soul, corrupting their free will one thread at a time. \nOne day, the tide will turn and they will pay. \nObeying Lux, they will learn. \nOr to the Earth, they will return."} +{"id": "9a9b6133-b36d-4764-a082-ce56dc05726a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:07.392", "backgroundColor": "#1e223e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdMBMrqUN7guFkam3nUnUzqt9bY27iZ5rGrHyUT9atADf", "txHash": "0xa3cc2d2c6cc1cc7ddc331472e914f1152493a8ab5759fd99bc361e5229cc0d1d", "createdAtBlock": 14451186, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6914, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Ifran of the Desert", "text": "# Diabolist Ifran of the Desert\n\n\n\"The desert? Yes, I know the South Desert. Barren, arid lands, vast & endless. Hostile to life. Woe are the travellers foolish enough to venture there unprepared, for it might be their last adventure. Yet there is beauty in the desert too. Wavy dunes, the wind gently blowing sand into your face, rejuvinating oasis, night skies so profound you could almost touch the stars...\"\n\nIfran paused, looked into the man's eyes & continued:\n\n\"I also know of a far more ghastly place, with no sun, nor sky, no colors nor sounds. A place that swallows life & turns it into darkness. And today, it has come for you\".\n\nThe man's eyes shrank as he drew his sword. Ifran danced between the flurries, unscathed, rearched out his hand & muttered a few words. The man's blade dropped on the ground, his face gradually turning grey. He wanted to weep, opened his mouth, but nothing came out. \n\n\"Welcome to the desert of the soul\", said Ifran, his Phosphorous Spear glimmering bleakly."} +{"id": "039809dc-084f-4472-8c0a-6054dd45613d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:13.453", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1HqdueRUuKJ67BXZSpXHKMqALjxeHrMsbZvZ2zR72gk", "txHash": "0x7108f9e3e71ac14857758993287647dcf0bd584431e0ace1b2397722b59485b1", "createdAtBlock": 14459933, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1990, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Marquis Larissa of Gross Gorge", "text": "\"Here kitty kitty kitty\" cried Larissa. Ever since the dark night full of terror, Larissa has never been the same. Her cat, Bruno, screaming and crying as the flames got closer and hotter. Larissa tried everything to save Bruno, but it was too late. There was no way out. There was no hope. She laid there dreaming for it to be all over."} +{"id": "11a9d894-b006-4d25-8a26-7793574a358d-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T00:44:47.718", "backgroundColor": "#1b1d21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBKY5cAhyrcyArRC2rMRn6vHpeSVC6JhVa6CYNFbWu4C", "txHash": "0xde54a7db56a6fa889742c5cbabc96bacea9565e1f3f946379c1a7efb32097823", "createdAtBlock": 15418557, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4360, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTTQNcxMCFmhwLMZP4tr9bVwSBUfYt5K1Gij9eaVd623T", "name": "Zeeke Vanquisher of Runes", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Zeeke Vanquisher of Runes \n\n\n\n\n> *Artwork by Regnvald. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022*"} +{"id": "3a511494-90e6-4270-9535-57cd3b5cd1dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T00:49:36.548", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbBYsqG9LnSTVT3n8r72XUhYpRYo4UnbQHcP1vKo4kg8j", "txHash": "0xf35190428fc8eb6aa4301328e52e98d0022040361de8f93d0f088fbb2390ff31", "createdAtBlock": 15418584, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 450, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdem1ruWsGn5VihQxo8P2X6iPyrY79nPLbWpLjeS4Sbdm", "name": "Battlemage Soya of the River", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Battlemage Soya of the River \n\n\n> Battlemage Soya shows off his collection of river finds \n> *Artwork by Dragumagu. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022*"} +{"id": "92f31ec0-40e2-47a9-a916-a8ba6aaca1fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:08.843", "backgroundColor": "#5ea9a3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSN4XP9H9LzTS4f5nDERNkfTCsCYoQyaKyWc2pJXF9Jc2", "txHash": "0xbe0b53fc757e53e6336edbe02d76e859718709b3a0d07d5f0432dc03fcbb9ded", "createdAtBlock": 14453700, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 73, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Devin of the Dunes", "text": "# The Mystery of Devin and Bubbles\n\nNo one knows how long Devin has roamed these parts. Every local has a story about him and his pooch, Bubbles. Apparently they can be trusted to show up at just the right moment, there to help out weary travelers in need. After providing aid, they disappear without so much as a goodbye. \n\nSome folks say that Bubbles can communicate telepathically, and that he can see the future. They say Bubbles might be the wisest being in all of the realms. Others say that's just the elixirs talking."} +{"id": "785f4b2b-ac4d-4e08-a554-0f915e265edf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:09.548", "backgroundColor": "#250036", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZnJ3PRJdv3iGhR8DwzZYACfEWfGLEX6cHRpp1qqABRCb", "txHash": "0x9b429dabab8761064f928f24b7b488755990196ee2e9af5ec2d4aa83f7bc0842", "createdAtBlock": 14454558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2411, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Liliana of the Wild", "text": "# Witch Liliana & Sun Cat\n\nIn the middle of the night\n\nWitch Liliana left her lair\n\nTo get revenge\n\nOn the black witches that tried to kill her\n\n---\n\nThey tried to burn her white soul \n\nin the flame of runes\n\nBut some strange creature \n\ncame and freed her\n\n---\n\nA cat, sun yellow, with a fiendish glare\n\nSang out and released her bonds\n\nWith that out of nowhere a purple cloak appeared\n\nA jinx staff too, purple all through\n\nWitch Liliana was born\n\n---\n\nBurn the green witch!\n\nBurn the green witch!\n\nThey shouted from afar\n\nBut Witch Liliana was smart and too shrewd\n\n---\n\nShe cast her staff, the Jinx did glow\n\nShe has got more power than you will ever know\n\nThey tried to harm her but it's too late\n\nWitch Liliana and Sun Cat, would seal their fate\n\n---\n\nBurn the green witch!\n\nBurn the green witch!\n\n---\n\nIt is too late to harm her\n\nShe has killed death and fear\n\nTogether with Sun Cat\n\nForever they are free\n\nWitch Liliana died from the spells of the dead\n\nFrom white to green, and purple cloak in hand\n\nWitch Liliana and Sun Cat will roam this land\n\n---"} +{"id": "0c37bf9c-fe97-4820-9470-3ae38ff8b19b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:10.243", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcJTGKhpx7ETQ8YNichFhjprM8cnUDpntzXayg9Q9zpnP", "txHash": "0xdcf41a68e4441861b668d33ed1bad5cf48f9233e1d5683680d640a84c7f0e2e7", "createdAtBlock": 14454628, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5678, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcbAa8LXuSDckMVDpmKRnMfnUv1VM59E3ZjRMfEbkYqj1", "name": "Conjurer Cromwell of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# CROMWELL'S MAGIC DUST\n\nEveryone sure does love Cromwell's magic dust!"} +{"id": "d0724cf5-31d3-4e81-9260-4c333e2d562a-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T01:22:06.11", "backgroundColor": "#192e51", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWUTSPaxaScVmyH4EFzpu4zCYAZXng4ceeyZYudqFvPD", "txHash": "0x66f3b0f8fe063e17b2f4ad761f8882cfee9b13911e32e6d7af9c5a438082e8ab", "createdAtBlock": 15418709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11408, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Buffy Contaminator of the Rune Raiders", "text": "# Buffy Contaminator of the Rune Raiders \n\nBuffy was named after the lead character from the American supernatural television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer - of which her parents Gwenda and Allen were massive fans.\n\nIn a tragic turn of events, her parents were bitten while vampire-watching in a local park and Buffy was forced to slay them when she was only 8 years old. \n\nBuffy realised she had a knack for killing and has been hunting vampires and other dark beings ever since."} +{"id": "e5a5ce21-ad48-4722-a2ea-6d281fb4d639-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:10.997", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZX7uEQsiQswHUriLRQqFifnoGpHGtRWkfMZT8qES3u4K", "txHash": "0xa7e793e6ad44f2581fe3e649f8c9fddd00e2e05847188d61a3a94626cb312a44", "createdAtBlock": 14455509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 260, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXMPshzaPeNYiENPAUWNXM4y45mv5ucpmxzKCkBgjU4km", "name": "Barnaby the Stubborn", "text": "# Barnaby, Upon Return from the Color Realms\n\nFrom limitless nothing erupts prismatic timelines; stories scattered before us like waves from a passing eclipse... \nBarnaby, my Leap-trodden steed, has lived these infinities and gently leads us skywards, our destiny cloud bound... \nI do not understand how or why, it is only a feeling, a sudden impulse to be."} +{"id": "a65b59b7-e183-4370-a6ef-f6b7e6680009-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:14.134", "backgroundColor": "#06a11e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbTyfGtMM8dswAr3Zi9Bd6MQMt8u1LjQa8kcvVrXe6RnZ", "txHash": "0xfa7b31ba10d2c9f9fd7b8159a9b06ea24f44fd155d0734f8c2557eee2bf386e5", "createdAtBlock": 14459956, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2240, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Rumpleskin ", "text": "# Today I'll bake, tomorrow I'll brew,\n\n\n# The next I'll fetch the queen's new child;\n\n\n# Still no one knows it just the same,\n\n\n# That Rumpelstiltskin is my name."} +{"id": "cce97b17-fd6e-46d0-9947-c55f5975aee3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:14.839", "backgroundColor": "#380e79", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXoMRn3SA9FuLbtNA2YsFEJrm7Fk8TRUfENjiRv1VJqd", "txHash": "0xb3cd6d6995c0f6ea053b0ac587512664893443f731b9b056d0ef77fcdc57c758", "createdAtBlock": 14462847, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3411, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWz4Z4wHN5y8m5oKWJuBavMHrMMG4W64wjpK6nhuQ36Ba", "name": "Ghost Eater Oiq of the Villa", "text": "# The Villa Spring Menu\n\n \nChef Ghost Eater Oiq\n\n\n## Small Bites \nDevil's lettuce + anchovies \nCharmed sausage on a bed of caramelized onion \nRosemary focaccia with toad oil\n\n\n\n## Bigger Bites\nSpaghetti with giant eyeball \n \nSpaghetti with eyeballs \n \nWhole fried cockatrice \nWhole grilled coelacanth\n\n\n\n## Cafe + Sweets\nPsychedelic Cappuccino with organic Brown Cow Milk from @wizard4889 \nSlime Donut \nFlourless chocolate tort\n\n\n\nAll illustrations by the wonderful Maya Ben David"} +{"id": "9a9728b5-5669-4257-b68a-0110bcf1862b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:16.256", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYZSzMiRKKQSkoPtWvv9QP5e9unu59asr7qHimaEs8ZsF", "txHash": "0x5db93f4e1037a376936628b2ade0b422450cced8879e30b2b4c3dfb1672bf6b3", "createdAtBlock": 14463636, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer David of the Veil", "text": "# Wizard of the Coast\n\n_Sorcerer David of the Veil_\n\nAfter drifting around the ocean waters for many moons in his old wooden sail boat, Sorcerer David of the Veil found harmony upon a tropical island filled with palm trees, coconuts, and sunshine. \n\nHow David washed upon such a land and when the tourists got here is still a mystery. After arriving on this tropical paradise with his familiar Wilson a blue rat, David doesnt travel much anymore these days. Leisure has become more routine for such a wizard. \n\nAlong this beach, somewhere between a breeze and the palm trees, David appears on the way back from his morning walk. Wilson, who slept in, eagerly awaits Davids return to the hut. \n \nAHOY! David shouts at Wilson. I have returned! \n A coconut rolls out from underneath David as he begins to unpack the findings from his walk. Wilson scurries around the inside of Davids robe frantically searching for snacks. \n\nWilson recognizes that smell.. a kind of smelly smell.. the smelly smell that smells.. smelly.. \n David reaches into his pocket, pulling out a handful of what appears to be fish bait. \n\n **Anchovies**! David joyfully exclaims."} +{"id": "d5be0584-0791-4955-ada2-1ef1acad6944-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:01.102", "backgroundColor": "#330704", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNawNhAKXza7quX6qvgc3PNsWpDYoJb8G39wv6Yj3UFgL", "txHash": "0x4a54dc5758b393d47040c37455e4dd4c94dea040a31895dbbefc302b8f8b815e", "createdAtBlock": 14703481, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 757, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbBwgQAHemy5PChLd86GH6DvZGi1jrb3FSWun42v37YiQ", "name": "Archmagus Pumlo of the Hills", "text": "*Mysterious professor from the mysterious hills, searching for knowledge, often misunderstood. Scorned by many liked by few.*"} +{"id": "b9daa2f0-23cd-47c3-9a3f-42f1adf5cf85-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T01:59:50.057", "backgroundColor": "#f99ff8", "index": 9, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUkdux31EKyRSBioKQSPD3sZTdhnTXU4fQZP2nEsXU7PN", "txHash": "0x6d3c2cb05e1a14d67ea85a172da866c6624354fdc0728e4c0c58bc7f735d63da", "createdAtBlock": 15418880, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUiuYFX5MoBWkrgCpFfefG9138eoaQXvXN4yZUyKgNtof", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "***Enigma meets Emma*** \n \n\nToday would begin the same way most days for Enigma began. Waking up in her cozy little hut, with Fred snuggled close.\n\nNext, she'd roll out of bed, and put on her favorite outfit - a green bodysuit with a cute red hip pouch (she swore the green brought out the color in her eyes). Once dressed, she would have the same exact snack for breakfast (fried mushrooms) before bounding out of the house to find whatever task needed her attention.\n\nOn her way out, she would grab her staff, the Caduceus of Hermes Trismegistus, gifted to her by the messenger god personally. Because she was Lightborn, she had no real need for the staff, but it made a fabulous walking stick and often glowed at night (which is REALLY useful in the Runiverse).\n\nHer and Fred set off towards the Chronomancer's Riviera in search of sandworms (they make a great gift for goblins). Though she rarely made it to her intended destination, she was doubly set on making sure it happened today. \n\nSee, she had befriended the entirety of Goblin Town (everyone needs a good healer, alright??) and had taken quite a fancy to visiting often. She would bring them their favorite snack, sand worms, and listen to them excitedly talk about their strange little goblin lives.\n\nEnigma hadn't made it all too far before she stumbled upon a fresh camp site. Who would be camping this close to her hut?? She had done a great job hiding her home (a lot of bad guys like to kidnap healers apparently) and the thought of being tracked sent shivers down her swamp witch spine.\n\nIt was quite a strange camp! There was an odd red and white object sitting next to the fire pit, along with what she could only surmise was a big jug of water?"} +{"id": "b9daa2f0-23cd-47c3-9a3f-42f1adf5cf85-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T01:59:50.057", "backgroundColor": "#f99ff8", "index": 9, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUkdux31EKyRSBioKQSPD3sZTdhnTXU4fQZP2nEsXU7PN", "txHash": "0x6d3c2cb05e1a14d67ea85a172da866c6624354fdc0728e4c0c58bc7f735d63da", "createdAtBlock": 15418880, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUiuYFX5MoBWkrgCpFfefG9138eoaQXvXN4yZUyKgNtof", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "\"Um, hello?? Is anyone here? Are you hurt, do you need help?\" Enigma called out in front of her. With each word, Fred hopped around and squeaked, as if he was trying to mimic her.\n\n\"Um yes, hi sorry, just a second!!\" A strangely familiar voice called back from the brush. A few awkward minutes of silence was immediately followed by about 15 minutes of rustling from the brush. \n\nEventually, a young swamp witch stumbled out, adjusting her green battle dress, the likes of which Enigma had never seen. Upon further inspection, this swamp witch didn't have green skin...it was...pink? And why the heck did she look like her?? Was this her sister?? Did she even have a sister? Did it even matter??\n\n\"I've never seen a pink swamp witch before!! You're beautiful!!\" Enigma's jaw gaped open as her mind raced with the implications.\n\n\"Um hi!!\" The lady giggled, taking a moment to observe Enigma before speaking again.\n\n\"I'm not a swamp witch!! I'm a Swamp Dawg! My name's Emma and I'm from Cumbahland!\" Her voice was kind and calming, and dripped heavy with an unfamiliar accent.\n\nSwamp...dog?? What the heck? Cumbuhlen? What language was this lady speaking?! Enigma couldn't help but think that it was like looking in a funhouse mirror, only instead of looking fat or wobbly, it made her look...like a gosh dang hot dog in seaweed!\n\n\"Oh no!! Did I say something to upset you? I'm wicked sorry! Ya know, I gotta big mouth and I just keep tawlkin' and it never stops...\" Emma droned on, though it wasn't painful to listen to her, what with that delightful accent."} +{"id": "b9daa2f0-23cd-47c3-9a3f-42f1adf5cf85-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T01:59:50.057", "backgroundColor": "#f99ff8", "index": 9, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUkdux31EKyRSBioKQSPD3sZTdhnTXU4fQZP2nEsXU7PN", "txHash": "0x6d3c2cb05e1a14d67ea85a172da866c6624354fdc0728e4c0c58bc7f735d63da", "createdAtBlock": 15418880, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUiuYFX5MoBWkrgCpFfefG9138eoaQXvXN4yZUyKgNtof", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Enigma immediately began to relate in more ways than she was comfortable admitting, even subconsciously. Who was this strange being, why was she camping in Enigma's front yard, and what on earth was that accent?\n\n\nStay tuned for Chapter 2 to find out :)"} +{"id": "facf2e7a-0e85-448f-9208-5dd94128c1d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:17.562", "backgroundColor": "#e9c2e3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbGtgePTe5ijhzbMP16WEbv7ntVt8nvJqq6k3zG6UxRVr", "txHash": "0x598e6c3e213ae4f94f73386275cffa6bc8d5d2108cc82a8366b9ef5dba41bca2", "createdAtBlock": 14468432, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUfutWU4SiQNMnzKR5pmZdP7JYTjYVCmkE3U7BXH42ReN", "name": "Adept Lin of the Wood", "text": "# Adept Lin of the Wood \n\nEyes that gleam in the night, glisten in broad daylight\n\nThe stars within her graspp, taking form as so not to crash\n\nA slime that guides the path, seemingly weak but full of wrath"} +{"id": "c8c9efa7-fc4e-4dab-b659-310132460023-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:16.9", "backgroundColor": "#00553e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUKWiaAqZSCWZE6f6YRkVXimC7XtdDrv3Fk36oJiXcCj", "txHash": "0xd11212feebd01b7ec856db2e2699d0adb0c0b3afc6d38273209470991b304a4a", "createdAtBlock": 14474307, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 740, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Solar Mage Liliana of the Pit", "text": "There are many iterations of Hell. Some say it is a fire burning forever. Others will point to excruciating torture by devils with pointy horns. One of these iterations is where Solar Mage Liliana claims to have ascended from. She calls it the Pit. A place of despair and pain, with no light ever reaching the depths of. If and how this is possible remains a theological question but what is certain is that Liliana embodies the most vile and corrupt aspects of the tellings of hell.\n\nEver since she appeared in the theater of the world, she pulled the strings of Kings and Lords. Having pushed many over the edge of insanity, helping them to execute atrocious and acts of violence. She appears in different personas but her most used appearance is that of the Solar Mage, claiming she is a herald of the Sun God. The blinding light she emits doesnt come from the Sun, but rather from a mysterious arcane Rune that only she has mastered: The Rune of Cinnabar.\n\nThis Rune was once held by a dark mage, but when he was overthrown it was transported with him to the pit. For the longest time the tale of the Rune of Cinnabar was told but at last, the world forgot about it. Centuries passed and eras turned but suddenly the rune returned by the hand of a new wielder. With the Rune she was able to gain mastery over the Fire spell, something she has used to set whole towns on fire."} +{"id": "c8c9efa7-fc4e-4dab-b659-310132460023-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:16.9", "backgroundColor": "#00553e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUKWiaAqZSCWZE6f6YRkVXimC7XtdDrv3Fk36oJiXcCj", "txHash": "0xd11212feebd01b7ec856db2e2699d0adb0c0b3afc6d38273209470991b304a4a", "createdAtBlock": 14474307, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 740, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Solar Mage Liliana of the Pit", "text": "Looking away from the bright light Liliana of the Pit emits with the Rune and youll see a different face. A face of evil. There are several aspects that immediately should warn everyone of imminent danger and an unspoken evil. Upon return to the surface, she hasnt chosen to look beautiful and innocent. Her head has been twisted and formed to resemble one of the vilest of creatures. Big fangs on the corners of her mouth and a greenish skin, she looks like what is called a vampire. It is unclear if she possesses any of the traits attributed to these monsters. Stories certainly exist. It is said that she drinks the blood of her vanquished foes and that she can turn into a bat at will. On the other hand however she can walk through the light of the sun without getting hurt.\n\nHer body is a whole different story. Ethereal, translucent at times and always flowing in the wind when there is none, her clothes and skin are the subject of many scholarly discussions. The most likely link they could find with something belonging to this world is that her body has the same attributes of a White Wraith. White Wraiths are formed by the death of a woman who has been violently touched and killed. Normally they are bound to the body, only operating in the close vicinity of the place they are buried or dumped. In some cases, the wraith had linked its conscience with a close personal belonging of the deceased, allowing it to be traveled over a great distance with the item itself.\n\nBecause of this, it is clear that Liliana isnt a full white wraith. She may have a physique resembling it and the myth probably will have some truth to it. However, the fact that her intelligence and conscience far exceeds that of a mere mortal, shows that she is above definitions of monsters. She is unique in her calling and power, and depending on who you ask, shes the devil or a goddess."} +{"id": "c8c9efa7-fc4e-4dab-b659-310132460023-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:16.9", "backgroundColor": "#00553e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUKWiaAqZSCWZE6f6YRkVXimC7XtdDrv3Fk36oJiXcCj", "txHash": "0xd11212feebd01b7ec856db2e2699d0adb0c0b3afc6d38273209470991b304a4a", "createdAtBlock": 14474307, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 740, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Solar Mage Liliana of the Pit", "text": "There is one other thing very unique about the Solar Mage Liliana of the Pit. She wasnt the only thing that came out of the place she crawled out from. With her she brought her beloved and feared pet snake, a Red Mamba. It is believed to be the focus of her power, allowing her to spread her venomous words in the ear of Kings. It allows her to absorb the energy of the Pit through her animal companion, making her use of the Rune of Cinnabar and the Fire spell that much more powerful. One depiction of an event paints the blaze she casted over a town as snake-shaped, with fangs striking at homes and burning them asunder."} +{"id": "520070bf-ebb2-4c68-854e-1b791010ea70-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:35.398", "backgroundColor": "#103836", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQogR4SWDiWAGfj5EttCjxsgKxtYb1xhTtKuASBCwgPFc", "txHash": "0x2a431caca078834fe3b2cd0a34baf5697e54b44184a25d763e0a329cf6bf1940", "createdAtBlock": 14492126, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6980, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Aleister of Atlantis", "text": "# Artificer Aleister of Atlantis\n\n*You blow the dust of the old, leatherbound journal, and the key you found in his tower fits into the lock with a click. The tome opens to the last entry...*\n\n## XIII/IXVI - Thirteenth of Sun's Dawn.\nCogwheel in the Astronomical Difference Engine time-warped again. Must be the damned agitators playing up like last time. I'll be feeding the worms before I see Atlantis again at this rate.\n\nWill have to make the long journey to the Hollow to gather more motes for transmutation. I wish Yolgnu were still here... could use some company on the roads. Though were our paths to cross once more I would fear for my life.\n\nThe storm is picking up again, I feel a strange sensation on my skin as the rain hammers against the windows of the Guild tower. \nArchmage Magnussen appears to be trying to conjure another Thunderhawk on the grounds outside. Would explain all this racket. Can't concentrate... Must get some rest.\n\n## XIV/IXCVI - Fourteenth of Sun's Dawn\nPacked everything into the Bottomless Pouch. Three days provisions, the self-pitching gazebo, and the clockwork compass. Expect to restock in the Hollow. The townsfolk there are usually helpful. I hear there is a young boy there who has shown remarkable promise...\nI only hope they don't venture too far into the woods. They know not what lurks deep in those dark pine glades, and I pray they never find out. \n\nRestless sleep last night - probably owing to the storm and thoughts of home. It would be evening in Atlantis now - if it weren't under a thousand fathoms of saltwater."} +{"id": "520070bf-ebb2-4c68-854e-1b791010ea70-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:35.398", "backgroundColor": "#103836", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQogR4SWDiWAGfj5EttCjxsgKxtYb1xhTtKuASBCwgPFc", "txHash": "0x2a431caca078834fe3b2cd0a34baf5697e54b44184a25d763e0a329cf6bf1940", "createdAtBlock": 14492126, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6980, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Aleister of Atlantis", "text": "Perhaps if the Difference Engine had a second infusion... I'll try to conjure it on the morrow before we depart.\nHad the stablehands ready my pony. He's getting old now, the poor thing - almost as old as I am! If the gods are good we should receive good weather and clear skies along the way.\n\n## XVII - Seventeeth of Sun's Dawn\nArrived at the Hollow. Scene of destruction. Something horrible has happened. Villagers all lay dead bar one small boy - the one I have heard gossip about. \n\nHe says his name is @wizard9456. As I have heard, he does indeed show promise, judging from the remains of his home I can see his talent clearly. Some of these inventions are worthy even of a fourth year at the Guild.\n\nFootprints at the site confirmed my worst fears. The Sasquatch has been here. The poor fools must have aroused it somehow and drawn it out of the woods.\n\nThe boy is grief-stricken. His parents have been killed by the beast. Oh, Yolgnu... what have I done? I never meant for the potion to have this effect. He must have grown even more powerful in the months since. Some of these poor folk have been torn limb from limb.\n\nI shall take the young one with me back to the Guild. He must be trained in our arts. Perhaps together, in time and with the right training, we can cure him - or put a stop to him if all else fails.\n\nThe damned Difference Engine can wait. Atlantis can wait. It's time to right this wrong.\n\nSurely there must be a way to reverse the effects of the potion... perhaps a part of Yolgnu still exists inside the Sasquatch? I can only hope."} +{"id": "5567ea29-950f-460b-a735-a5686217366d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:36.072", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ2HBQdoro2hh7AcPZQBdkjGrKG1ycYRLdzZzhj6pKXpd", "txHash": "0xebcfdddbdb71762d67b2873eabf52855ace705b1c477ab52c83071b396a993d6", "createdAtBlock": 14493643, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6300, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of the Havens", "text": "# David \n\nSince he was a young apprentice, David has been looking to use his magical abilities to unite humans and non-humans alike. Magic, however, can be a tricky craft, corruptable due to its vast power. Shady episodes of his life led David onto paths, he would not want to revisit anymore. At least age has brought him calming wisdom and prevents him from experimenting with the dark side of the arcane. Always at his side is a white rodent called Andrew. Centuries of companionship allowed the two to have some emotional attachment. Therefore, Andrew can act as some sort of out-of-body sensor for David.\n\nIn recent years, David focused on brokering peace between rival villages and tribes. Not far from Goblin Town, he almost found his end doing so. While staying in a rural township, working on a peace agreement between two tribes fighting for the honour of the tribe leaders' sons, who both fell in love with the same woman, he suddenly noticed the presence of a powerful arcane object. \"This cannot be\", he told himself. He has not felt this energy for decades, maybe centuries. \n\nDuring the night, while the tribes were asleep, he ventured off into the desert that stretched from the township to the Quantum Shadow. \"Aye, I need to be careful, the Quantum Shadow is close\", he thought. The last time he visited this inexplicable vastness he went on to fight @wizard2297. He only nearly escaped the powers of this particularly evil wizard, since he was just an apprentice back then. But this is a story for another day. \"Today, the odds would be different\", he conjectured."} +{"id": "5567ea29-950f-460b-a735-a5686217366d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:36.072", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ2HBQdoro2hh7AcPZQBdkjGrKG1ycYRLdzZzhj6pKXpd", "txHash": "0xebcfdddbdb71762d67b2873eabf52855ace705b1c477ab52c83071b396a993d6", "createdAtBlock": 14493643, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6300, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of the Havens", "text": "The further he strolled into the desert, the more he could feel the presence of familiar energy. @wizard0, the Wizard before Wizards, of which he is a direct progeny, left one of his artefacts in this vast nothingness. David has been looking on the side for those, he heard stories about their existence. But no lead ever proved successful, every hunt ended in disappointment. This time it must be different. He could feel the strength and the familiarity of the power. \n\nSuddenly, he realised that he might have reached the location. He saw a small port on the ground of the desert. He could see the sign of the Heavens. David felt reassured. All those years of wanderings and diplomatic missions might come to personal fruition. \n\nDavid opened the port with a spell only known to a few wizards. He descended into the cave, using his magical abilities to make him float. He commanded his albino rat to observe the entry from above. \"If anyone follows me through the port, Andrew will see it and in turn I will be able to feel it\", he reassured himself. \n\nThe cave was pretty small and the artefact was in the middle, there was neither a riddle nor a challenge present to reach it. Something was off, David could feel it. That's not how the Wizard before Wizards was operating. And indeed he was right. The artefact vanished and instead a dark, grim wizard took its place. He looked at David and said: \"Finally, we meet again\". The wizard came forward, wielding his sickle in a dangerous fashion. \"So be it\", said David and prepared for a revenge he thought he might never get..."} +{"id": "6e4eee64-f166-4ab1-8829-79b6a0659df9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:20.259", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQne17ZiUykPiGahwVBJwtUfWnJAaM6L1R1uNcDYHz55S", "txHash": "0xf1b543443096827cb5fc1f5be3db640caad8d3226656235544bd3b60bd94f724", "createdAtBlock": 14469032, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7271, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Merlon of the Cosmos", "text": "# A tale of Wizard Merlon\n\nMaster of Adivination, Soothsayer of the Cosmos, a Wizard of many names and tales. Descendant of Milo of the Shadow and Archmagus Crowley, his lineage is known for great adventure. One that has bound the simplest yet most profound virtues to him, allowing him abilities not short of greatness, abilities that combined with his love of Ale and a sprinkle of madness, led him to develop sorcery not seen for ages. \n\nFor his time upon the realm was dedicated not towards the preservation of light and all living beings through battle like his ancestors, no, his wizardry lay with the people. Magic that unified and created a common purpose. Through his camaraderie, leadership; through his prophecies and tales, hope; and through his ability to bring forth laughter, bliss. One would forget his lineage when he spent time with common folk but would remember through his lingering presence long after hed gone. \n\nIt is said Wizard Merlon lived and died without a single enemy. A claim only few may utter in the Runiverse, for it is a vast and unexpected realm filled with mystery. At a young age relative to that of his kin, Wizard Merlon passed onto the spirits at age 784 with a belly full of ale and a legacy of altruism."} +{"id": "8d7079be-609c-421b-9524-30be7c45473c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:50.268", "backgroundColor": "#954500", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcNvsVCx6ETdhor8cZiJ2KqvmiEXW6qSuWK1JUDmEse2", "txHash": "0x43d498c17b52ba4df34245f262e0aa1a74c2dbd1c1ba2f06b8730f5eb02c9b13", "createdAtBlock": 14699285, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5285, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Magnus of the Keep", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nBattle Mage Magnus of the Keep is a unique polar shape shifter. \n\nMagnus was a measly three years old when he was left by his lousy parents. Raised in the slums feasting on bugs, destined for failure... \n\nIt wasn't until he found his companion \"Cracker Jack Crow\" and his dumb stick that he found his true destiny. \n\nCracker Jack Crow and his family of (Crows), helped raise Magnus resulting in a mostly insect diet and the ability to shape shift and fly (Sometimes). Magnus and his crew would monitor the slums and keep order. It wasn't until Magnus turned 13 that he decided to leave the slums with his Cracker Jack Crow and his stick to make a life of their own."} +{"id": "17d7419d-1f05-4b4d-9d64-ac74bc12201f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-27T16:46:26.609", "backgroundColor": "#15021c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSbTGK5Sx8bGC89weNUzUUYjvhue9vFJhmoDnB4g2DSM5", "txHash": "0x987bb9188493def4b3b1a9ad901a52373fc4263c5e116e7f496a7f1b22150977", "createdAtBlock": 15422729, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6690, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmajMKjyznWM3q3dkXZp6KNZ694Ws1cgruk3pBvVggmBZD", "name": "Mystic Jezebel of Tartarus", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Jezebel of Tartarus\n\n\n\n\nart by Regnvald commissioned by Sami Kitty 2022"} +{"id": "a379fc2f-4da9-4933-bac6-9112efab1a01-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:20.945", "backgroundColor": "#2d374a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebgoUEXfF5vDd2vm8M3MfccSM13F5YgYbTPyGq5xfheZ", "txHash": "0xb0aa9b73b919e141b66ac573efa4621914b6e20c21b4d452e9433e4127ee72d1", "createdAtBlock": 14469386, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2741, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZLbbZaR9cANkNfzUE7j68ne1KnY836kp7p37RkQ6vYn8", "name": "Sage Shukri of the Ether", "text": "# Flashbacks \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nAfter losing his memory, he started having these visions that woke him up at night.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## The Dream\n\nIt looks like the defense of the valley:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go45c9Sb2zo"} +{"id": "3c3f3da4-d76f-4fb9-a632-af63a1f0ecfb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:22.38", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYEFNpjgsynruULsvHPLCdzL3iFz6VFnoVgQJn6TgY822", "txHash": "0x9a8a03eb6aaee708502fae628451715bfa6b25447b9af51d357ab24a807e9a72", "createdAtBlock": 14469558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9033, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Soya of the Gnostics", "text": "Pyromancer Soya of the Gnostics and Archmagus Jeldor of the Palms were two Merlin apprentices who fought against the Saxons. But old gods were too weak to support them against overwhelming forces. They went into hibernation waiting for a wheel of time to return Earth in the time of high magic."} +{"id": "b467a4ac-d028-4fa8-88f5-775895fe191d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:23.103", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeRYQsubNxVbjsSuamRjTxc6FNHhGhKMWPo4zEWAdGXRj", "txHash": "0xfc255137e8bd0d1b97ca32b3febfb87c6764b2542b6334fe1d0a7fb038e7796e", "createdAtBlock": 14469560, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jeldor of the Palms", "text": "Archmagus Jeldor of the Palms and Pyromancer Soya of the Gnostics were two Merlin apprentices who fought against the Saxons. But old gods were too weak to support them against overwhelming forces. They went into hibernation waiting for a wheel of time to return Earth in the time of high magic."} +{"id": "b67e1c0c-38aa-478c-8c75-a003d7cdd330-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-28T00:39:59.901", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbRSbQja8xhYcgWM4MLuAM7oqqmbKYuaUj9DoANW4S3tS", "txHash": "0xc9c3d5793a00dc33093a9a438c47628b9f64b2c075481e4d25938bb4e468f695", "createdAtBlock": 15424754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4034, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYkBUNw4V63StwLiwPJgA8rUSMP8XGRNZEKrfadrXn3Rt", "name": "Aspra Hammer of the Sun", "text": "The Lore of Aspra Hammer of The Sun\n\n\nArt by Regnvald commissioned by Sami Kitty 2022"} +{"id": "bfeef9b3-c527-4d98-8097-eb20bedb59c9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:23.774", "backgroundColor": "#1a3e58", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUkin7PvLPF8ufd2HKiueTUwbG3w2tMn8xMGNjj2kp9C8", "txHash": "0x7930f1afdc1e9101d24b0fbab3e50ef0cba684aaecae849e6eded711fc49412b", "createdAtBlock": 14469626, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2741, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeZqHTqEBbTmsH8b8kvwbfhAaTh8PY3qfXeF35DdMdxPB", "name": "Sage Shukri of the Ether", "text": "# Flashback"} +{"id": "5e9ef13b-790a-45c3-8527-2f813a004640-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:24.433", "backgroundColor": "#ff7a00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeEXAu2bBW5cNKZcJSaDR1q4XfuZLLtDX6B2rRzJSRu66", "txHash": "0x6fad1fc7c53c3967a46cea083bab1739bb09a2bd375f9597b89b44f4ffb1a455", "createdAtBlock": 14472180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1755, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jahid of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jahid of the Valley\n\n### Also known as: The Light Bringer\n### Distant cousin: @wizard5270\n\n## Early life\nBorn from a noble family in the Valley of the Void Disciple, it did not take long to notice that Jahid was different from the other kids. While all the other wizard apprentices were running around, bounding with their familiar and developing their magic, Jahid was sitting in the dark, reading books about medicine, biology and herbs. \n\n## Adult hood\nFollowing his childhood passion, Jahid combined his knowledge of medicine and magic to become a surgeon. From the Sacred pillars to the Zaros Oasis, he travels the Runiverse to heal the wounded and bring light to people in needs.\nAlthough he has no runes, rumors are saying that he is sourcing the energy from the flame he is carrying to power his magic. \n\nSurgery has been a long-time passion, but the fact of having no familiar really haunts him and he is now dedicated to solve that. Jahid recently stopped by the Dream Master Lake to source wisdom from his own kind in a final hope to find a dear familiar companion."} +{"id": "744e3232-209d-4b49-8fba-c66ab0bf7fd1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:25.13", "backgroundColor": "#0d418d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXGNeJf7X82rYcNxqKKxEufaxWz172WKp5swHQMbbdSiR", "txHash": "0x0905883424bf98dd2ada8d30f4f48aafd24ec8091df5ab4d120f239f6260adc8", "createdAtBlock": 14473490, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 92, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Jagger of the Gnostics", "text": "# Sky Master Jagger of the Gnostics\n\nFor one to become a Sky Master, one must master the wind.\n\nBeing a Corvid can help in this regard, however the gift of flight does not guarantee access to Zephyrs Laugh, the one and only Wind Spell.\n\nJagger would need to scheme day and night with his childhood partner in crime, @wizard6229, to source Zephyrs Laugh.\n\nIf it were not for his Sun Cat, Jagger may never have achieved his goal.\n\nOne day, a huge typhoon began to form off the coast of The Salt, and made its way towards the Rookery. Jagger knew this was his chance to capture and tame Zephyrs Laugh.\n\nA particularly sinister gust of wind began to create havoc amongst the trees of the Rookery, cracking branches and falling Corvid nests. \n\nJagger gave Sun Cat the command to chase. With help from @wizard6229's Bliss Cat, they cornered and tamed the gust. Sun Cat devised a spell to direct the wind into a hollow as Bliss Cat tipped a jar on its head, trapping it in a show of skill and precision.\n\nThis began Jaggers quest to learn Zephyrs Laugh, a year long journey that saw his flight through The Wild and towards the Psychic Leap, the lore of which is written in a scroll kept safely in The Secret Tower."} +{"id": "4ad486c8-10ce-4274-9e1c-71c9ace9e830-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:25.885", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY6bSeTooVv8UEYHiZspzUEkpC3yh8NVK4XjCfM5EDM8z", "txHash": "0xca8a02246b0b9a1ae3bdbd5b63832310a5f484f8ac851b1050e8c7e552c5a25a", "createdAtBlock": 14473645, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6442, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV8spQE983owMU8757abWhFzcMKpZz6VxUJsu2eRLadsL", "name": "Cartomancer Jaffer of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Cartomancer and his Bullfrog\n\nThe Dark Arcanist, watchful, waits alone,\n\nHis eyes set deep, he scarcely eats, he needs no sleep.\n\nHis fingers wave arcane commands,\n\nThe Ace In The Hole, held in one hand,\n\n His White Tunic is clean and fine,\n\n He's worn it since the dawn of time.\n\n And at his foot, a bullfrog sits,\n\nHis hypnotic power begins to spin,\n\nJust take one look and at a snap,\n\nYour world will change, just one way back.\n\nIs Jaffer bringing down the Ace,\n\nThe Brimstone Rune at frantic pace,\n\nHe gestures you with eyes that burn,\n\n A flash, and then you will return!"} +{"id": "ac4ef087-9e5e-470e-bf35-f07b377c3715-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:27.352", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b12", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMaTPQgZW7urm1ABf3o5RoCL1C4dB4h9bcwtB5jVi1J5", "txHash": "0x850e83828c2859b299a01b9b3bd3fe5d650987afb20569bed286f4f537f72578", "createdAtBlock": 14474883, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1367, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Umber of the Lake", "text": "# The Sacrifice of Umber \n\nIt was a gloomy day at the lake. Umber had awoken from his slumber to the crackling of lightning off to the west. A storm must be rolling in he thought. As he went about his chores, a thudding grew louder and louder. At first, it seemed as though it was just thunder, the storm growing near. But the sound amplified at an alarming rate. \n\nA neighing could be heard through the trees. A red cape, blowing in the wind. Drawing closer was Alessar, Archmagus of the Tower. Behind him his council of elder wizards. Ofaris, Lumos, Casper, and Solomon. The latter whom at a time resided at the lake, just across from Umber. \n\nThe mounted wizards circled Umber as the rain came pouring down. Alessar jumping from Marengo walked towards the trembling hunter. He placed his hand on Umber's shoulder, attempting to calm him. \n\n\"It is time.\"\n\nUmber had heard tales of this moment. But never believed it would happen to him. Tales of the hunter sacrifices by the wizards. An attempt to please the Dark Magic, so that it does not take hold of the Runiverse. Knowing there was no choice but to oblige, Umber nodded his head, climbed behind Solomon, and shut his eyes. \n\nThe band of wizards and their hunter sacrifice were off. Due west through the downpour. As a chill consumed the air, Umber opened his eyes. Looking up he saw what he'd only heard tales of, The Secret Tower. Ushered ahead, he took one last deep breadth and stepped inside."} +{"id": "fc2dab8c-d118-41b2-ac9a-f80fdae9ff08-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:27.987", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcc8iRP2qDBRb9mahNqC4MoLSQdVCpxba69H15gkGEUbj", "txHash": "0x9f49e59e2d2633aa0ec501a22cdfe7089e50f7e4b49ac258becc2785b9fed417", "createdAtBlock": 14475136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jahid of the Realm", "text": "# Magus Jahid of the Realm\n\n## Prologue\n\n> The Arcane Arts are as varied as they are esoteric. \n>\n> To describe them exhaustively would require all the vellum in the world, and more, and yet surely we can say this; They generally fall under three categories; Firstly those who stay on the straight and narrow, taught and pampered in the finest schools, and stick to the ancient ways of the Cosmos. And second their antithesis, those of a more rogue-like persuasion, who find their own path thoguth intuition and will alone. Far away in the lands to the East there is rumored to be another entirely different sort of practitioner of the arcane.\n> \n> And what, if anything, can one say about the Dark Arts? Obscured as they are in the the shroud of twilight, concealed from prying eyes mundane or malign, we can only conclude that they are indeed up to no good.\n> \n\nClimbing to the summit of yet another rise in the rolling hills, Jahid halted and scanned the horizon. Mundane eyes would see very little in the darkness, the moon obscured as it was by a low cloud cover, but the landscape was clear as day to his acute senses. Reaching into his purple robes, he withdrew his most sacred possession and raised it above his head and let go. A humming filled his mind as the horseshoe floated in front of him, slowly spinning about its axis."} +{"id": "fc2dab8c-d118-41b2-ac9a-f80fdae9ff08-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:27.987", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcc8iRP2qDBRb9mahNqC4MoLSQdVCpxba69H15gkGEUbj", "txHash": "0x9f49e59e2d2633aa0ec501a22cdfe7089e50f7e4b49ac258becc2785b9fed417", "createdAtBlock": 14475136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jahid of the Realm", "text": "Coming this way may have been a mistake, and the journey had been protracted and arduous. His kind was in no way welcome in these regions, this far west his relative liberal views on the application of magic were frowned upon at best, forcing him to resort to subterfuge and the arcane arts to conceal his nature and intent. This he had remained hidden during the days and compelled to slink along under the cover of night. He didn't so much mind the last part, having always preferred the comforting caress of darkness over the harshness of light, but it smarted and stung his pride nonetheless.\n\nThe humming grew in intensity as the magial item spun ever faster, followed by a sharp _ping!_ not to different to the sound of a small and clear bell - as the Horseshoe came to an abrupt halt, perfectly level with the horizon pointing eastward. So, his quarry was still ahead of him, but close now. Very close.\n\nHis talisman, his magical focus, was not unique in its form - but it was special in its origin; this particualr iron shoe came from a very particular horse. A lifetime ago Garfield had been gifted to him by his father, and for years they had been inseparable. Indeed it was when he shod his exemplary pony for the very first time, on his own with no help form the grownups, that he had truly manifested his magical abilities. But too soon after came the raiders, the fires, the deaths. \n\nShaking off the haunting memories, dismissing the scent of charred wood and burning flesh, Jahid turned east, faintly glowing eyes hard as stone under his hood."} +{"id": "523ca8f6-02c6-4a2c-8aef-42f2fde823db-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-28T02:22:17.592", "backgroundColor": "#811610", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQCQ2G7iefZs63aEj4jsqtSwHHFgHxXCzdTzEV3Ett8Xq", "txHash": "0x6ee4740cc11841ac5dc9b437a46f8b5d1ff9b9f96ed66c24b428bc8b9e2973a2", "createdAtBlock": 15425209, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1716, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZGv48AVDCfM31nGjaYNJunqoddXFXvMBEMhQhSSgCsSm", "name": "Chaos Mage Tabitha of the Morning Star", "text": "Tabitha had a way with fire.\n\nA way that led to her enemies giving her what she wanted.\nA way that left those who crossed her, wishing she hadn't.\nA way that could peel the flesh from the bones of the unrighteous.\n\nBut it was when her fire was stole from her, and used in the ruin of her kinswoman, @wizard3098 that she vowed to help her cousin @wizard4409 avenge their fallen sister and send those warriors up in smoke.\n\n\n*Using the AI generator built and implemented by Magus Wazir some visuals of the great Vampire Fire Witch have been recorded here*"} +{"id": "bf1a9890-9469-4b06-86ce-76a47641e0b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:26.674", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcc8iRP2qDBRb9mahNqC4MoLSQdVCpxba69H15gkGEUbj", "txHash": "0xe253f6b181a309acf5c3f907f783258fe2a63c08b85c54ec8668ac03f30794dc", "createdAtBlock": 14474880, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jahid of the Realm", "text": "# Magus Jahid of the Realm\n\n## Prologue\n\n> The Arcane Arts are as varied as they are esoteric. \n>\n> To describe them exhaustively would require all the vellum in the world, and more, and yet surely we can say this; They generally fall under three categories; Firstly those who stay on the straight and narrow, taught and pampered in the finest schools, and stick to the ancient ways of the Cosmos. And second their antithesis, those of a more rogue-like persuasion, who find their own path thoguth intuition and will alone. Far away in the lands to the East there is rumored to be another entirely different sort of practitioner of the arcane.\n> \n> And what, if anything, can one say about the Dark Arts? Obscured as they are in the the shroud of twilight, concealed from prying eyes mundane or malign, we can only conclude that they are indeed up to no good.\n> \n\nClimbing to the summit of yet another rise in the rolling hills, Jahid halted and scanned the horizon. Mundane eyes would see very little in the darkness, the moon obscured as it was by a low cloud cover, but the landscape was clear as day to his acute senses. Reaching into his purple robes, he withdrew his most sacred possession and raised it above his head and let go. A humming filled his mind as the horseshoe floated in front of him, slowly spinning about its axis."} +{"id": "bf1a9890-9469-4b06-86ce-76a47641e0b0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:26.674", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcc8iRP2qDBRb9mahNqC4MoLSQdVCpxba69H15gkGEUbj", "txHash": "0xe253f6b181a309acf5c3f907f783258fe2a63c08b85c54ec8668ac03f30794dc", "createdAtBlock": 14474880, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jahid of the Realm", "text": "Coming this way may have been a mistake, and the journey had been protracted and arduous. His kind was in no way welcome in these regions, this far west his relative liberal views on the application of magic were frowned upon at best, forcing him to resort to subterfuge and the arcane arts to conceal his nature and intent. This he had remained hidden during the days and compelled to slink along under the cover of night. He didn't so much mind the last part, having always preferred the comforting caress of darkness over the harshness of light, but it smarted and stung his pride nonetheless.\n\nThe humming grew in intensity as the magial item spun ever faster, followed by a sharp _ping!_ not to different to the sound of a small and clear bell - as the Horseshoe came to an abrupt halt, perfectly level with the horizon pointing eastward. So, his quarry was still ahead of him, but close now. Very close.\n\nHis talisman, his magical focus, was not unique in its form - but it was special in its origin; this particualr iron shoe came from a very particular horse. A lifetime ago Garfield had been gifted to him by his father, and for years they had been inseparable. Indeed it was when he shod his exemplary pony for the very first time, on his own with no help form the grownups, that he had truly manifested his magical abilities. But too soon after came the raiders, the fires, the deaths. \n\nShaking off the haunting memories, dismissing the scent of charred wood and burning flesh, Jahid turned east, faintly glowing eyes hard as stone under his hood."} +{"id": "555423cd-0c3f-401e-8530-fd1c3ac7a7bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:50.936", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f1e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQarn4cCpaVsVzvU1xZ4PmScW7YgaW6UAK8oqsFGTTYRT", "txHash": "0x6be4e6584bc2138e59ec3f8bf03d9a7708044516a93db9080a2998151ccdcb45", "createdAtBlock": 14624284, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1283, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Rita of the Riviera", "text": "# Diabolist Rita of the Riviera\n\nYou ever seen a bug spitting fire? Born in the core of hell it might come to bite you..."} +{"id": "8201a72b-0ab5-437a-9bf3-b5711183754e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:22.574", "backgroundColor": "#88b375", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNobv6kXmeyDVBej4WyfPGNPQDsxkATmReFqT3YBqFrWK", "txHash": "0x5df40e8f6d9f70fb55c07318542408c518993274f03e38f6c9f994f49ca463a0", "createdAtBlock": 14546718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSS9ZySXcxZhFKKohFhvqHrur5YNuoqVhw55qaC6Gvkjk", "name": "Arcanist Cassius of the Wood", "text": "# The Origin of Human Magic?\n\nShe bent down and picked up an old tattered journal and read:\n\n I dont normally write down my thoughts but I feel the need to reflect. All of my life as an Olympian I have felt very inadequate. My fellow peers seem to all possess magnificent powers! Like the power to control the ocean, or the power to conjure the dead, or the power to shoot lightning bolts out of their fingertips and destroy whatever or whomever they want. \n\nMe? Well I am bit ashamed to say. But what the heck, no one will read this anyway.. My power is the fairy glamour: dazzle spell.. I dont want to go too far into it but lets just say it is not nearly as cool as Mage Blaises Hobgoblins Flame: Wayward Spell. I would even take Mage Nolans Dryads Ear: Plant spell at this point. Anyways, imagine the snickering from my fellow Olympians when it was discovered that my spell resulted in a shimmering dust of fairy bedazzlement. I was not impressed and neither was anyone else. What is worse, is that sometimes- if the wind was blowing the wrong way- I would accidentally inhale some of my spell and be rendered unconscious. I always woke up with some interesting art on my face after these incidents \n\nThis is not to say that I dont respect the fairies. They are a people of great importance! They are an essential part of our world and I love them dearly. It is just that in the midst of large powerful Olympians, a puff of sparkle powder isnt going to turn any heads (at least not for the right reasons)."} +{"id": "8201a72b-0ab5-437a-9bf3-b5711183754e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:22.574", "backgroundColor": "#88b375", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNobv6kXmeyDVBej4WyfPGNPQDsxkATmReFqT3YBqFrWK", "txHash": "0x5df40e8f6d9f70fb55c07318542408c518993274f03e38f6c9f994f49ca463a0", "createdAtBlock": 14546718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSS9ZySXcxZhFKKohFhvqHrur5YNuoqVhw55qaC6Gvkjk", "name": "Arcanist Cassius of the Wood", "text": "Ok, so that is enough rambling about my past. What I want to talk about and reflect on is what has happened since I left Olympia. I have never felt so liberated! I was so unhappy there, and although I do miss my loved ones and the few friends I have, I know I can always return if Id like. Anyways, I decided to leave and attempt to blend in with some non-magical beings. Boy, was it fantastic. I had never felt so supernatural in my entire life! The humans gawked at my brawn and shuddered at my might. They begged me to tell stories that would have seemed mundane to an Olympian. \n I would tell them of the times that I would cast my fairy spell to lull others to sleep and play pranks. And yes, I also told them of a few times that this spell backfired and led to me dozing off amidst a group of rebellious Olympians. \n\nLet me tell you, the humans really have a fancy for mind altering substances. I found that a small amount of my fairy spell mixed with mead was quite the rage at the local tavern! I got a job at OConnors pub and would get very nice tips if I topped off a pint with a little extra fairy dust. \n\nThis fun party trick led me to the company of many maidens. I had never enjoyed the company of so many women in my life. Back in Olympia, I never got a second glance. Here, boy was I popular. After a time I would move to a neighboring town. I never stayed in one place for too long. Life finally felt like the great adventure I had always hoped for. I found a home with the human people, met many maidens, and made many dear friends whilst bellowing drinking songs."} +{"id": "8201a72b-0ab5-437a-9bf3-b5711183754e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:22.574", "backgroundColor": "#88b375", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNobv6kXmeyDVBej4WyfPGNPQDsxkATmReFqT3YBqFrWK", "txHash": "0x5df40e8f6d9f70fb55c07318542408c518993274f03e38f6c9f994f49ca463a0", "createdAtBlock": 14546718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSS9ZySXcxZhFKKohFhvqHrur5YNuoqVhw55qaC6Gvkjk", "name": "Arcanist Cassius of the Wood", "text": "So, THE NEWS. All of that mingling created something of magnificence! I can hardly write it.. I will just spout it out! I AM A FATHER! I met my child today while enjoying a meal at a local pub. An old lover from my past spotted me across the bar and ran over to greet me with a child in tow. The baby looked about 6 months old and looked just like its old man! I could instantly sense a strong magical essence radiating about this beautiful child. It was really a special feeling, to gaze upon something that so closely resembled me. \n\nMlady was not too pleased that she had been raising this baby alone so I offered to help as best I could with finances and what not. I had been saving up to open my own pub but I figure this is more important at the moment and I am happy to oblige. I arranged to send payments to her address every few weeks or so to make sure they are getting by alright.\n\nOnly the gods know how many more offspring I have scattered about I really need to get my own pub opened to finance any more surprises! \n\nAnyway, I have to get back to my shift. A regular has just stumbled in Until next time! \"\n\n-Milton"} +{"id": "f99655c3-ebf0-466b-8e52-cd0af0708f2a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:28.644", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZpu4LiuUrsJnMf7zFsUsdTxxpJRzNyvpfJ91RxSd1MC", "txHash": "0x1faa38d08f7864c6f6cd62a4bcbb0cb32798ff08cbecf0f2185979bf76ad7d55", "createdAtBlock": 14475172, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 138, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garfield the Exemplary", "text": "# Garfield the Exemplary\n\n> While not arcane in nature, it has been said that the bond between master and steed is not all that different to that of Familiar and Wizard.\n> \n> Indeed, a mount well cared for - groomed, loved and respected like family - would not merely be an exemplary beast of burden, but could be prone to great sacrifice on behalf of their master.\n> \n> It is not unheard of that such a horse would be driven to dive head first through fire, mane aflame and eyes ablaze - facing equine terrors unimaginable - on behalf of those they have learned to love.\n> \n\nThe ropes chafed his neck. \n\nAnd the scents and sounds were still all wrong.\n\nThe moon was the same, the giant eye in the night sky granting a semblance of normalcy, but the land was unfamiliar and Garfield felt utterly alone.\n\nEver since that terrifying night of fire and stifling smoke, of chaos and confusion, he had not seen or smelled Master. Kind Master, fair Master. \n\nIn frustration he stomped his hooves, snorted and pulled at his ropes again. Only to receive another rock thrown at his flank, unkind words wielded like a wicked lash, followed by bouts of laughter. \n\nMaster has a nice laugh, but this laugher was not the good kind.\n\nThe night breeze changed directions and suddenly his mane shivered and both ears perked up. Breathing deep, Garfield was sure; Master was near."} +{"id": "73a2c51d-cc51-4e92-b534-c8b78bd69196-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:29.355", "backgroundColor": "#290c32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmLgWknw3MWGfWtj2BDtTu8e6chYg5MC3wUJmEgyWKVR", "txHash": "0xa96215fd22bc85a18753d4e7e9066865a0d7d6c7b87735791e5e676a3bf2f826", "createdAtBlock": 14476729, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9885, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Celah of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Celah of the Wood\n\n\nWizened Sorcerer Celahnexius Ebeneezer Wagabond the Eighteenth - Sorcerer Celah to his friends - spent 32 tireless years researching novel potions and elixirs for the Angelwood Elixer Corporation, before one day unceremoniously receiving a polite yet firm letter requesting his immediate resignation. He was a renowned and respected dabbler in the esoteric, having developed over 50 novel compounds which achieved everything from curing indigestion, to turning one's skin a pleasant shade of green, to growing the size of various appendages for brief amounts of time.\n\nBy all outside accounts he was a model employee - always cheerful and well-loved by fellow workers, arriving promptly in the morning and working late into the night; and never one to say no to a request from corporate. But it wasn't his work ethic that ended his illustrious career - it was his proclivity for testing his potions on himself. Specifically, those of the more mind-expanding variety. \n\nAfter stumbling upon a substance that allowed him to seemingly see through the quantum veil that separates worlds - to visit alternate realms in one's mind, soaring through the psychosphere like a condor, he became obsessed. His odd hobby went unnoticed for some years, until he started publishing his findings in \"Erubus' Journal of Odd and Unusual Encantations\", the oldest and most prestigious of potionry publications. This caught the scornful eye of the Grand Magistrate - and the political pressure they applied was enough for A.E.C. to force one of their most prolific potioneers into early retirement. \n\nIn retrospect, Celah saw it as a blessing."} +{"id": "73a2c51d-cc51-4e92-b534-c8b78bd69196-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:29.355", "backgroundColor": "#290c32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmLgWknw3MWGfWtj2BDtTu8e6chYg5MC3wUJmEgyWKVR", "txHash": "0xa96215fd22bc85a18753d4e7e9066865a0d7d6c7b87735791e5e676a3bf2f826", "createdAtBlock": 14476729, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9885, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Celah of the Wood", "text": "In retrospect, Celah saw it as a blessing. \n\nThese days Sorcerer Celah spends most of his time in a small yet well-equipped alchemical laboratory nestled deep in the Thorn woods. He toils away late hours searching for his holy grail - a potion that would transport not only one's mind but one's body across the Psychic Leap and into the esoteric realms of the Quantum Downs. allowing a two-way communication with the mercurial and mischievous beings that reside therein, as opposed to the brief glimpses he'd achieved thus far. \n\nHis work is not without danger - after trying one particularly potent compound, he lost himself for 4 days, and regained consciousness nude in a fountain in the middle of Cagney Square, surrounded by a group of concerned and bemused onlookers. It didn't upset him in the slightest. He was never one to dwell on the opinions of others, although some of his closer friends have begun to question whether he is reaching the limits of his own sanity. \n\nBut, as Sorcerer Celah would often say with a chuckle, **\"Sanity is a luxury one can scant afford when transcending the limits of mind and magic!\"**"} +{"id": "8ad306ab-d422-4e96-852d-c2984470758f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:31.606", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW36SypXAzQV4MERbxNFtGuZNCKk2tp2Vc2G5hR3teds9", "txHash": "0x4c6614e6caef41e4919ef5167ccd23d806c4a0524df67fe835797d2c4a58a46f", "createdAtBlock": 14479908, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7495, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Ifran of the Moors", "text": "# testing out some lore \n\ni am shaman who lives in the desert, joshua tree to be exact."} +{"id": "0adeb0ab-4ee4-405d-9c15-b075afddeabf-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-28T02:52:08.931", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaz6kTemckSjDWcKxMB5QTjVjcPhRzP9MXaeWfkiuDyxb", "txHash": "0x49b86ed9282766c29651dc7722e1aa9f8f96f29ff0fd5eb11cf5f4ccefa3ceb8", "createdAtBlock": 15425342, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8518, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Romney Disintegrator of Mount Titan", "text": "# Astral Record 8518.0\n\nA great war is on the horizon. Many warriors will clash. Only a few will survive.. Romney, Disintegrator of Mount Titan has heeded the call to war."} +{"id": "311694c9-c68a-4595-8240-882c17fc8351-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:32.308", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbzNzW2y7trR5fK3Mvdru6kXZfkbhRt8LNCLC5diKMngS", "txHash": "0x8d1b44b01e20361dbcced582efe2d19332fc91a55e7a1eda9baee52d704961e0", "createdAtBlock": 14482269, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8445, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aleister of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Aleister of the Forest\n\nShaman Aleister of the Forest, first of his name is no ordinary shaman. Raised in the dense, plentiful forest of Hedge Wizard Wood, he learnt how to use the world around him to heal the sick and tend to the wounded.\n\nThirsty for adventure, Aleister is always on the go. Seeking new places to see, people to meet, skills to learn and potions to try. \n\nHe has been all over the Runiverse, from Chronomancer's Riviera to Hue Master's Pass and more recently settling in his home away from home, The Alchemist's Archepelgo.\n\nIf you encouter him during his voyage, make sure to say hi and share stories, he has many that can help you in your own journey."} +{"id": "7e9f7520-4af6-4a06-aaf2-014c872208d0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:36.294", "backgroundColor": "#590373", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWYFnKRezFZrNq7bzhySc3KNnCdEPvxKTR2wSXpo5FnKB", "txHash": "0x87c20e0846247763653e8499b912e91bd97bf6dd14d1e67c31560ec44b6286e2", "createdAtBlock": 15074774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2310, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Sondra of the Field", "text": "Sondra had always been fascinated with the dark arts. As a young girl, she would sneak out of her bed at night to watch her mother perform dark rituals. She was always drawn to the power and mystery of it. When she was old enough, she began to practice dark magic herself.\n\nShe had a pet crow named Paul, who she would use in her spells. Paul was her familiar, and he was always by her side. Together, they would travel from village to village, preying on men. Sondra would seduce them and then dominate them sexually. She would use her dark magic to control them and make them do whatever she wanted.\n\nThe men were always left feeling confused and bewildered after their encounters with Sondra. They would never be able to forget her, no matter how hard they tried. She was a dark sorceress, and they were her pawns."} +{"id": "e924d993-f224-46bf-8250-6e9fc291bc89-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:51.916", "backgroundColor": "#bf5f15", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbUk2vV7XJUm7a5qdrMGcnVadpLb5LqoKscDoVbzeJi2i", "txHash": "0x94d8530becaa72275ea597d67713ed3ae0b21003484586a70d2e1fe07b560503", "createdAtBlock": 14699350, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4431, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Isaac of the Marsh", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nBattlemage Isaac of the Marsh\n\na noble Wizard from a small kingdom, who is confident in their magical abilities but hasn't seen much of the world. Through their difficult journey, Isaac encounters numerous struggles and hardships. \n\nWith the background of a noble and the charisma of a saint, Isaac can be just as useful in giving pep talks as he can be in combat/spellcasting. \n\nThe combination of combat spells like Fireball would create a versatile Wizard that can be a fierce contender amongst any Wizard. With the ability to use long-range weapons, perform stealth attacks, control fire... Giving Isaac a surprise edge in combat. \n\nIt could also be that the Wizard learned the skills at a young age before going on to learn magic, only to find them useful again later in life."} +{"id": "71d86a3e-4bbc-452d-8810-dcea9f968540-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-28T18:10:17.235", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgREnWNpQEbPT56bx4ffrJDkZkBHX5ygHpUb73Y5omVE", "txHash": "0x4c140a3f1f22142f90dd5fabdb40515e6bdcf25e4ebb1bdfd1f6cb53cb4fa2c7", "createdAtBlock": 15429308, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1024, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTWntYxAU83dyumgxc5d9NLsMJenfJ2gEQrr3XagQxZrf", "name": "Sherry Pounder of Mount Titan", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Sherry Pounder of Mount Titan\n\n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "6057f9e0-9592-4165-858b-3e4070e1d5ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-28T18:12:41.289", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma55yNCcbhJMG5eUcgAnGF1s4WD4fwcFzdRJS2fGMzuSb", "txHash": "0x67d817b15645a8665bddaeff4932d9e456c06b577c3dec2ba1c45a0247628cb0", "createdAtBlock": 15429322, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7528, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSh4hzSpktUWnMMWUA74q5nwxcmLdrXejYANbEmjtEmDP", "name": "Wyatt Antihero of the Road", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Wyatt Antihero of the Road \n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "d15e9658-4bbe-4214-b9ce-769e9553b51b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:33.013", "backgroundColor": "#084347", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY4XrHW3Zp4M5XGxZEtyFAk7RC9RPTH6Jp3MxH74rAfPk", "txHash": "0x7826399a716d2e4dde2357487e8118c321dad6f7828d91e3fc60821a5e4ec278", "createdAtBlock": 14485322, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2981, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Oberon of the Thorn", "text": "# Magic!\n\nOberon's story began when he was born to a small, yet somewhat complicated family on the outskirts of the Thorn. His father, Oberus, was a wizard and a scholar, and his mother, Clementine, was a homemaker who dabbled in magic (although magic is a strong word here). Oberon also has a sister, @wizard6729, however little is presently known about her other than that she is fond of ladybugs. \n\nAs a smol wizard, he thrived in school and was a bit of a know-it-all. Still, his classmates rather enjoyed his company, and he was always \"available\" to listen to their problems, whatever they might have been. His best friend, @wizard5026, often recalled how Oberon would go out of his way to hear out a fellow wizard. One could say that he had mastered the art of \"nodding sagely\".\n \nAcademically, Oberon showed promise in Builder Magic: the art of assembling contraptions of various sorts from different materials. Through trial and error (and perhaps some luck), he once crafted a set of blacksmithing tools that would lead him further down the rabbithole of wizardly engineering. \n\nOberon went on to found Wizardly Gadgets Corp, which he is currently the President and CEO of. He presides over various engineering projects in the Runiverse, notably the manufacturing of high quality Golden Keys (to which nobody knows the use for). \n\nHe is a bachelor[citation needed] and has a pet monkey named Rufus."} +{"id": "d17e9047-4640-4838-bdec-646e7d2adff8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:33.862", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmca62LgaXXAyVyxU43mycKhdHFBBj79GQwKFoeAoUhnKi", "txHash": "0xbaa6457ccc54e461f016633eb6b19c5390be11fbe409bc875ba05f3508c07b65", "createdAtBlock": 14489006, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1952, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuJs9TXgubN43B1XEJWRxRMRru3jzq8uifhYGgx4q1MQ", "name": "Magus Goomer of the Wood", "text": "# Magus Goomer of the Wood\n\n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DvT7nbJF88"} +{"id": "1e7eb4d2-d277-4eb2-9eba-e1d561fcc375-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:34.628", "backgroundColor": "#3f042b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRohuR46cDrEEocKabwF53mwfRPXQs4rHtAkhedcZmfYQ", "txHash": "0x65aed7f66a02a3275752cbfc048647f84639a73d94f9972bf142e0a70199832a", "createdAtBlock": 14492059, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9456, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Jiggs of the Hollow", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n# Jiggs, the Artificer of the Hollow.\n\nA master of invention, Jiggs was born to a blacksmith and his wife in a sleepy woodland village known as the Hollow. Surrounded by tall pines on all sides, the villagers of the Hollow lived a simple, peaceful life in their small wooden cottages, and were known for their humorously elongated noses.\n\nGrowing up, Jiggs showed a great interest in the tools in his father's shop, and would amaze the Hollow villagers with his improvements and innovations on everyday things. \n\nFrom a simple set of calipers and tongs to a working clockwork music box, Jiggs' boy genius knew no bounds, and he took great joy in making his fellow citizens lives a little bit easier and happier.\n\nBut this all changed with the arrival of the terrible and evil beast known as the Sasquatch.\n\nTowering above a normal man, covered in thick dark fur and imbued with mighty strength, the Sasquatch was feared as a mythical creature of legend known only to the people of the Hollow as a monster from children's bedtime stories.\n\nAs the villagers were about to discover, this beast was all too real.\n\nOne fateful day, when Jiggs was out in the woods working on a new type of handsaw, the fel creature emerged from the woods surrounding the Hollow.\n\nSlaying the townsfolk one by one, the Sasquatch at last came to Jiggs' family shop. Helpless against the foul beast, Jiggs' father was torn limb from limb, his wife murdered, and his shop raised to the ground.\n\nUpon Jiggs' return, he found his home in ruins and his family and friends dead. The only indication of what had transpired were the unmistakeable footprints of the evil Sasquatch leading back into the dark forest."} +{"id": "1e7eb4d2-d277-4eb2-9eba-e1d561fcc375-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:34.628", "backgroundColor": "#3f042b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRohuR46cDrEEocKabwF53mwfRPXQs4rHtAkhedcZmfYQ", "txHash": "0x65aed7f66a02a3275752cbfc048647f84639a73d94f9972bf142e0a70199832a", "createdAtBlock": 14492059, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9456, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Jiggs of the Hollow", "text": "That dark day, Jiggs' swore vengeance against the beast. He would do whatever it took to avenge the murder of his family, and would chase it to the ends of the Urth.\n\nIt was at this moment that a traveling magi of the Artificer's Guild, having heard the cries and sounds of violence rising above the woodlands around the Hollow, a place he had often visited in the past, deviated from his course to arrive at what remained of the small village.\n\nThere he found the young Jiggs, his face a contortion of rage and grief. Before he could ask the boy what had happened, the Artificer noticed the footprints of the Sasquatch, and dripped his head in shame. For it was he who had created the terrible beast - an alchemical monstrosity spawned from an experiment gone wrong one year prior.\n\nThe beast had once been Yolgnu, his faithful attendant. The magi had been attempting to create an elixir of strength, and had put one too many drops of wyrmsblood into it. When Yolgnu had imbibed the potion, it had transformed him into the horrible creature, and he had escaped from the Guild, never to be heard from again until today.\n\nThe magi knew what he had to do. Consoling the boy, he took him with him to the Artificer's Guild. It would be here that the boy would learn the arts of Magic, and become his new assistant. Together, they would hunt down the beast, and avenge the fate of Jiggs' parents."} +{"id": "4b6711be-1c45-49c7-9ed5-20ccc4a5c900-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:37.466", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma4PxTBZH9iqkYRTfeuDx6sxgJR3NX8Q3ZkvyxQBR7ESF", "txHash": "0xbb2afdf4b15994c7dde07d5eb4aebff88359aa68b0e4891d5961c4b3d21edc7c", "createdAtBlock": 14494814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2078, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Competition \n\n\nWith the great competition upcoming in just 9 days, Wizards from all over begin preparing. What discipline of magic should Homer utilize?\n\n> Raw power? Too Obvious\n\n> Counterspell? Good, but boring\n\n>Familiar based? That's an option\n\n>Ahh, I know...necromancy\n\nAs Homer begins coordinating his strategy, he works with his 4 fellow Wizards, all different locations, but with the same goal, not just to win the competition(although that would be nice), but to appreciate the time together. 5 old wizards, reunited after years. \n\n## Living End"} +{"id": "f79d8362-3673-4a84-8abb-878fd1a13d2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:38.122", "backgroundColor": "#ed2015", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb4sVNwh7BqjaUvHJ4xNKX5w2sFFH1w1xeqZBQn86Kf25", "txHash": "0x7ace89fbf0c9d4deda45e668af4fb3fbe7a6d9107f48c628297f3f322e4b7bfe", "createdAtBlock": 14497291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 100, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXQkrFaSLBrHm6aqFSk4bZEHn9QLeF1x42MM6LRDnYpv5", "name": "Pony of Fire", "text": "# Lore of the Pony of Fire \n\nThe Pony of Fire - The 100th pony to be brought out of the Elysian Fields. This pony is one of four, powerful, elemental ponies that has graces the Runiverse. The Pony of Fire is known across the land for his power and grace.\n\n Here are some of the tales to be scribed into this Book of Lore.....\n\n*The Sacred Pony Flame*\n\n\"Off in the snowy North near the Blue Wizards Bastion a trail of steam rose as a path was carved out of the frozen ground. The Pony of Fire, mounted by Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills, blazed a trail through the snow and ice with his Pony of Fire so that that the wizards could meet their enemy, the Forgotten Souls. The Pony of Fire breathed heated plasma upon these souls and burned them with fire even hotter than the Sacred Flame that made them into what they are now. While the Souls were rare creatures indeed, no magical creature in the land could equal to the firepower and might that the Pony of Fire could lay upon his foes. Whole battalions of undead were laid to waste by this Pony of Fire. 'The Land Dragon' is afraid of nothing. \"\n\n*Pony Naps*"} +{"id": "f79d8362-3673-4a84-8abb-878fd1a13d2e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:38.122", "backgroundColor": "#ed2015", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb4sVNwh7BqjaUvHJ4xNKX5w2sFFH1w1xeqZBQn86Kf25", "txHash": "0x7ace89fbf0c9d4deda45e668af4fb3fbe7a6d9107f48c628297f3f322e4b7bfe", "createdAtBlock": 14497291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 100, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXQkrFaSLBrHm6aqFSk4bZEHn9QLeF1x42MM6LRDnYpv5", "name": "Pony of Fire", "text": "*Pony Naps*\n\n\"A horde of goblins made their way to raid the Sacred Stables one dark winter night. They crept upon the sleeping ponies intending to steal their armour, hay, and magical knit-mits. The goblins, with their clubs snuck into the stalls and started gathering the loot while the ponies slept. The Pony of Fire happened to be spending a few days at the stables in order to get some much needed rest and relaxation and noticed a stench of rotten meat and burnt hair; stinky goblins. The Pony of Fire knew it was some foul creature intending to cause an inconvenience and the decided to teach these goblins a lesson. As they goblins were scampering from the stables with their newly acquired, stolen goods, the Pony of Fire emitted a concentrated burst of superheated plasma with such an accuracy that he hit the end of each of the goblins little clubs. The clubs erupted into torches and illuminated the area with such a light that it awoke the whole neighboring town. The wizards and warriors leapt from their beds and cast their spells and their nets on the horde and were able to capture all of the goblins in quick fashion. The goblins were handled by the local Council of Wizards and there have been no more goblin attacks in the area.\" \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Pony of Fire is known to associate with @wizard113 , @wizard7238, and @wizard3344 . The Pony of Fire is one of the 4 Elemental Ponies : @pony200 , @pony300 , and @pony400 . The Pony of Fire shares a birthday with @pony93 . The magical armour was hand crafted by @wizard5775 who spends time at the Sacred Stables."} +{"id": "e2b4cfa3-aa20-4b1c-b187-42607e665bc2-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-28T21:12:43.338", "backgroundColor": "#24180d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcEuBdXLhfYhpAQKXEXXW4C94rPgCUt5UEok7XUAtdRF", "txHash": "0x572cd080d92dda76c9933a36c147cc779c5981558b51efc7b877fc49b6ab1335", "createdAtBlock": 15430095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13937, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeDCBVzkPmTuTNj57g6m19LKjxQHQWcjZJumHmcJjpcMk", "name": "Vidal Chaos Agent of Worlds", "text": "## A Rune forged by The Flame\n\n*Artwork by 'Taro, the Curious Mind* \n\n--- \n\nNot much is known about the duties of *Chaos Agents* outside The Court of Chaos Magic. For the most part, they prefer to keep the nature of their quests and inquiries away from the public, for **Chaos** is a force to be reckoned with and it shouldn't be taken lightly.\n\nWhat we do know for certain is that @warrior13937 encounter with the Great burner of Might was crucial for his journey. Even though this wasn't his first *Court of Chaos* endeavour nor his first time facing what could've been his demise this is where he found the true essence of Chaos... and an ally who'd help him build his path to glory.\n\nSo reads an excerpt from *The Court's Quests Archive* regarding this particular encounter:\n\n>[...] \n\n>\"Engulfed by the fire and down to his knee was @warrior13937; his skin red and burning and the metal of his armor searing hot, yet the knight remained still with his head held high. **Vidal** kept staring at the void of the wizards golden skull for he knew one thing: *his might burnt brighter than any flame, no matter how magic or sacred*. \n\n>After what felt like an eternity to Vidal, the wizard broke the silence. \n*I know youll prove useful to the Cult* uttered @wizard2595, his ghastly voice echoing through a chamber lit by the very flame that devoured many brave warriors before but this one proved to be worthy of his mercy."} +{"id": "e2b4cfa3-aa20-4b1c-b187-42607e665bc2-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-28T21:12:43.338", "backgroundColor": "#24180d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcEuBdXLhfYhpAQKXEXXW4C94rPgCUt5UEok7XUAtdRF", "txHash": "0x572cd080d92dda76c9933a36c147cc779c5981558b51efc7b877fc49b6ab1335", "createdAtBlock": 15430095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13937, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeDCBVzkPmTuTNj57g6m19LKjxQHQWcjZJumHmcJjpcMk", "name": "Vidal Chaos Agent of Worlds", "text": ">After speaking, a hit of his caduceus against the ground made the fire roar louder than before, but it suddenly felt colder? Voidoths crow cawed, and from the flames now harmless aura the mighty **rune of steel** manifested next to Vidal, forged by the same force that rose to destroy him.\"\n\n>[...]\n \nNot much more could be read from the registries. This passage is testament of how the nerves and determination of Agent #13937 granted him not only his rune, but the respect of the powerful @wizard2595 and the quintessential truth by which he swore to live by:\n>### In order to destroy one must first learn to create, for destruction and creation are both expressions of Chaos and Chaos should always remain at balance. \n\nSince then, Vidal began working on Pantheum Vidalis to master his craft and find glory through the act of creation.\nWith the flame of might burning from within, and the support of Patrons of the Pantheon, it will be just a matter of time for the word of the warrior sculptor atop the mountains to spread far and wide across the lands."} +{"id": "68d7c247-a0b3-41be-8e07-0eb280dd1c22-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:56.441", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP5yVekzYLq4GjHKfHAcsoAzgQpB5XyHoCsYB4RgzzVJ8", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7186, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVt6FrJwb4U7DKSfACFG6js2LrFaV86Hu9PPcctGTGLhL", "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Ofaris of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# Chapter 1: Ofaris of the Circle\nThe light of the Sacred Flame danced in the eyes of Ofaris of the Circle and played across the stone walls of the high-ceilinged chamber in the heart of The Secret Tower. He allowed his Rune of Water to flood over the Dryads Ear plant spell that flickered between his fingers. The mixing of rune and spell always had a calming effect on him and he needed his composure now more than ever.\n\nAfter months of searching for the Flame, the moment was finally upon him! Ofaris did not know for certain what lay on the other side, but it was whispered amongst the guilds that those who entered the Sacred Flame emerged with powers unheard of for centuries.\n\nAt the last convocation of the Circle, Archmagus Alessar in particular had been vocal in his calls for their sect to do all they could to find ways of destroying these Flames. Alessar had never been forward-thinking always content to take the conservative course. Ofaris had tried to convince him that the Circles purpose should be the advancement of Wizarding kind free from the restraints of the Council.\n\n*Isnt that why the Circle was formed in the first place?* He had argued. *Brilliant minds should not be forced to stagnate waiting for a consensus amongst factions that refuse out of principle to agree with one another The Circle sees no colours only magical prowess! It rests on our shoulders to drive the quest for discovery.*\n\nBut the Archmagus disagreed. Once more, he tried to fetter Ofaris ambitions. But not this time. This time, Ofaris would act as he saw fit. And after stepping into the Flame, forging his newfound powers in a crucible of arcane energy, who would dare to stand in the way of progress?"} +{"id": "68d7c247-a0b3-41be-8e07-0eb280dd1c22-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:56.441", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP5yVekzYLq4GjHKfHAcsoAzgQpB5XyHoCsYB4RgzzVJ8", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7186, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVt6FrJwb4U7DKSfACFG6js2LrFaV86Hu9PPcctGTGLhL", "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Ofaris of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "Ofaris thought back to his dream of the night before: a seat at the head of the Council, untold riches, the power to influence his peers and set a course for all Wizards into the future *Yes! I will be the author of this chapter in history I will be remembered as the one who ushered in a new era of prosperity to this world!*\n\nThe wizard smiled triumphantly. He scooped up his slime familiar Limos, took a deep breath, and stepped assuredly into the six-foot Flame. \n\n# Chapter 2: A forgotten soul enslaved\nThere was nothing. Then suddenly, the pain, filling every corner of his being, an inferno blazing and popping, threatening to explode. He tried to scream, but choked on the intensity of the heat. It felt as though his skin was melting, the meat scorching from his bones. Faintly, as though coming from afar, he heard Limos high pitched shrieks.\n\nThe Sacred Flame was the world, and the world was fire. Ofaris tried to conjure his Water Rune anything to stave off the heat but it evaporated in an impotent puff of steam. He reached agonisingly for the Dryads Ear a frantic attempt to heal his dire wounds. The stench of his own flesh burning clouded his delirious mind. The force of the Flame burst the seams of reality and cast Ofaris into the Void.\n \nTime lost its meaning as the searing pain faded, replaced by waves of nausea. The Realm of the Dead stretched around him, overwhelmingly vast. Ofaris mind reeled as a hideous hand entered his vision. He recoiled in fear, realising that the hand was his own. Looking down, the stench of rotten meat washed over him as maggots crawled from ragged gashes in his discoloured skin."} +{"id": "68d7c247-a0b3-41be-8e07-0eb280dd1c22-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:56.441", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP5yVekzYLq4GjHKfHAcsoAzgQpB5XyHoCsYB4RgzzVJ8", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7186, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVt6FrJwb4U7DKSfACFG6js2LrFaV86Hu9PPcctGTGLhL", "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Ofaris of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "Suddenly an immense pressure crushed his chest and he was hurled backwards, flailing and gasping, and slammed into cold stone. He crumpled to the floor, his mind dulled and senses numb. \n\nBony fingers poked through the membrane between worlds, peeling it back to reveal The Great Lord of the Void, @wizard4298. The Voidlord stepped into The Secret Tower and the membrane sealed itself behind him with a slurping sound.\n\nA scorch-shadow stained the floor of the chamber, the only remnant of the Sacred Flames magical energy that had transmuted the wizards bodily form. Voidoth looked impassively down at the erstwhile wizard who lay snivelling on the stone floor, his familiars ashen ghost quaking at his side.\n\nOfaris tried to speak, but no words came, only the guttural mutterings of the Undead. He was not yet used to the change in his vocal cords. He tried to cast the Dryads Ear spell Voidoth knew this was a futile attempt to heal the transmutation but instead of the plant spell a massive Rafflesia flower unfurled its meaty petals, emitting the stench of decay and death. A swarm of flies already buzzed around the creatures gangrenous body; some of the insects alighted on the leathery skin of the flower of death, crawling greedily across its surface.\n\nThe Voidlord bent and offered his hand to Gangrenous Zombie Ofaris, helping him to stand, but the skin slewed off the zombies rotting arm and he collapsed back to the ground. Voidoth was left holding the empty sock of skin, which he flicked away from himself contemptuously. He surveyed the pathetic creature for a moment, then spoke, the metallic grating of his voice echoing around the hollow chamber."} +{"id": "68d7c247-a0b3-41be-8e07-0eb280dd1c22-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:56.441", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP5yVekzYLq4GjHKfHAcsoAzgQpB5XyHoCsYB4RgzzVJ8", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7186, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVt6FrJwb4U7DKSfACFG6js2LrFaV86Hu9PPcctGTGLhL", "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Ofaris of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "You hoped for power and you shall have it but not the power you searched for. You can now penetrate the membrane between the worlds of the living and the dead. You will do my bidding, for only I can offer you respite from this new horror.\n\nThe zombie gave a confused groan, and the Voidlord knew that the putrid creature now understood that all this time he had been but a puppet on Voidoths strings.\n\nThats right, you fool. I sowed those seeds in your mind. You will be chained in this immortal nightmare, doomed to relive your fate anew each day to feel your flesh devoured over and over. You will only find the illusion of respite from this torment in the dreams I offer you.\n\nHis jaw skewed to the side, Gangrenous Zombie Ofaris moaned and nodded his head, and the Great Lord of the Void silently bathed in the acquisition of another forgotten soul.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @soul7186\n \nPart 1: @wizard314\n \nPart 2: @wizard2398\n \nPart 3: @wizard134\n \nPart 4: @wizard3920\n \nPart 5: @wizard7935\n \nEpilogue: @wizard291"} +{"id": "28918509-9b7a-49e2-b617-74e3d937d2d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:58.004", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaRNoUiUzjQyQcRqeB4r86szbioGcdytv8oWrVYhhjBa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 314, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYtHFajaitYYN3jj6grZfZXd7MrxyeBk8KzUo3k5agfB", "name": "Pyromancer Burnside of the Wood", "text": "Burnside let the pyromancy take hold. He felt the power heaving within him as the inferno enveloped his body in a rush of fire. His Torch of Prometheus flared as the flames flowed upwards, wave upon wave surging through him, swelling his lungs to bursting point until the flames left his chest and coursed up his neck to finally engulf his naked skull in an ecstatic release of energy. The magic of the Torch danced in the halo of flames encircling his cranium, and fingers of fire licked over his skull and flowed inwards through his empty eye sockets. He laughed at the thrill of it, and jets of fire leapt from his mouth. \n\nThe rolling domed mounds of Fur Gnome Wold shimmered in the heat. A group of the squat, hairy gnomes, startled from their berry picking, popped their heads up out of the bushes. At the sight of a laughing wizard with his head on fire, they squealed and dived for cover through the nearby hidden entries to their underground homes.\n\nBurnside marched towards the repulsive deadwalker, skull aflame and magic coursing through his veins. He had been hunting the zombie for weeks, but each time he thought he was closing in on it the creature somehow slipped through his fingers. He could not give up, though. He needed to learn more about the transmutation wrought by the Sacred Flames, and this was the first time he had come so close to a wizard who had given himself to a Flame."} +{"id": "28918509-9b7a-49e2-b617-74e3d937d2d8-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:58.004", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaRNoUiUzjQyQcRqeB4r86szbioGcdytv8oWrVYhhjBa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 314, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYtHFajaitYYN3jj6grZfZXd7MrxyeBk8KzUo3k5agfB", "name": "Pyromancer Burnside of the Wood", "text": "Blaze, Burnsides Swamp Bullfrog, opened his cavernous mouth wide and flicked his burning tongue aggressively towards the ghost-like ball of slime at the zombies side, though it was still out of reach. The slime quivered and hid behind its master. Burnside unleashed a fireball at the deadwalker, but the creature reacted with a wraithlike water rune that turned most of the heat from his attack into puffs of steam. Burnside hurled another fireball in the zombies direction to counteract an aquatic attack. \n\n*Your Purple brethren no longer trust you they know you will raze their cities to the ground and burn them all when given the chance!*\n\nThe Pyromancer ignored the voices that rattled inside his skull. Sensing that he was slowly gaining the upper hand he stepped up his attacks, raining a frenzied barrage of fiery bombs down upon his foe. Sparks showered across the zombies shadowy cape, which burst alight, and it moaned in mindless terror as the flames licked upwards over its shoulders. The ghostly slime squealed and leaped away from the flames, but this brought it within range of Blazes tongue, which struck with precision. The slimes squeals turned into a shriek as Blazes fiery spit coated its repugnant skin. \n\nSmoke billowing from its body, the deadwalker pulled his strangely ethereal rune inward upon himself in a watery cascade. As the waves crashed to the floor, Burnside shook his head in bewilderment; the zombie had vanished, leaving only a small puddle of slightly charred slime on the bare earth."} +{"id": "28918509-9b7a-49e2-b617-74e3d937d2d8-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:58.004", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaRNoUiUzjQyQcRqeB4r86szbioGcdytv8oWrVYhhjBa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 314, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYtHFajaitYYN3jj6grZfZXd7MrxyeBk8KzUo3k5agfB", "name": "Pyromancer Burnside of the Wood", "text": "The inferno faded, leaving Burnside feeling deflated. He immediately craved a return of the flames surging intensity. The craving grew stronger each time he tapped into the Torch of Prometheus molten power. Blaze lashed at a passing fly and Burnside could smell the bulbous bluebottle cooking on the Bullfrogs tongue. His familiar belched in satisfaction and eyed the wizard expectantly. Burnside knew that the bullfrog, too, was coming to rely on their moments of conflagration.\n\n*Perhaps @wizard4850 was right*, he thought. \n\nHis compatriot from Hedge Wizard Wood had warned him of the dangers of Prometheus Torch. \n\n*But he abandoned our quest and when the secrets of the Sacred Flames were within our grasp! And now, where has that left me? Without an ally in the Runiverse! And him off on his rune-blasted mission in the south, when the Sacred Flames threaten us all taking those tiny firelings with him. Perhaps they were what kept his flames in check?*\n \nOfaris had returned to his faction several years ago. Burnside did not begrudge him some time at Yellow Wizard Haven he himself missed Purple Wizard Pavilion from time to time but his former colleague placed far too much weight on the Quantum Shadow the Shadow could be dealt with in time; the Sacred Flames were the greater immediate threat. And Burnside was still no closer to discovering their origin or purpose, despite his years of research.\n\nBurnside had struggled on alone up until now, but he found that he was losing his sense of self more and more. Sometimes, for days, there was only the fire, and the voices that encouraged him to draw upon it during every waking moment. Those, too, continued to grow stronger.\n\n*Have you forgotten everything we have achieved together, Burnside? Open yourself to the Torch again. Only you control the power of the Gods themselves!*"} +{"id": "28918509-9b7a-49e2-b617-74e3d937d2d8-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:58.004", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaRNoUiUzjQyQcRqeB4r86szbioGcdytv8oWrVYhhjBa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 314, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYtHFajaitYYN3jj6grZfZXd7MrxyeBk8KzUo3k5agfB", "name": "Pyromancer Burnside of the Wood", "text": "By all the flaming runes! he cursed. Perhaps it is time for me to seek some aid. Blaze gave a loud croak and bulged his eyes at his wizard. I know, old friend. I have been remiss. But we find ourselves close to Skylord Rookery. I suppose we should pay a visit to the old git.\n\nHis ivory skull still trailing wisps of smoke, Burnside stooped and gathered up his familiar, and set off for the spiky line of black peaks that filled the western horizon, hoping that he could maintain his determination until he reached the reclusive scholar, perched in his Rookery high above the clouds. \n\nHad enough time passed for the old wizard to come to his senses? Would he be able to hear Burnside out without flying into a fit of rage this time? Burnside would not attack, but he would certainly defend himself. He hoped it would not come to that. If it did, @wizard2398 might have to die. \n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @soul7186\n \nPart 1: @wizard314\n \nPart 2: @wizard2398\n \nPart 3: @wizard134\n \nPart 4: @wizard3920\n \nPart 5: @wizard7935\n \nEpilogue: @wizard291"} +{"id": "ee1f9899-384a-435d-9333-420c73ff4638-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:05.282", "backgroundColor": "#240934", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdPuPDftRnSYz6XvJPY1cLTvNQ9p2nK5cANWNUSCuy44m", "txHash": "0x1d38b6a24677ddd018a40ea0b7ea9a9e2dbe240a85d03ca3167b158e6f9a850f", "createdAtBlock": 14495970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4088, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZubssv6twYbcPm1YP8xBkTANf83kSWhYw6wRvBietowW", "name": "Spellsinger Uvlius of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Spellsinger Uvlius of the Desert\n\nSpellsinger Uvlius of the Desert is an ice cream master. That's not his profession, it's who he is...the art of ice cream making is in his very blood spanning numerous generations. His family founded one of the most prestigious ice cream conglomerates in the Forgotten Runes. Their secret recipe for creating ice cream that never melts, even under the scorching desert sun, is one that countless competitors have tried to imitate to no avail. It is certain that magic is involved, but just that knowledge is not enough, because some of the most talented wizards in all the lands were hired to crack the secret of the nevermelting ice cream, yet none have succeeded.\n\nUvlius's ice cream magic is second to none, but his deep dark secret is that he doesn't want to be an ice cream maker. He wants to travel the world, join the circus, fall in love. Instead, he just drives around the desert every day in the searing heat, blaring that grating jingle from his ice cream truck 24/7, selling his frozen desserts to children. Yes, he gets paid the equivalent of a king's ransom by the end of every shift given how hugely popular his family's recipe is, but it isn't about the money. It isn't even about the ice cream. For once in his life, Uvlius wants to try making something *besides* ice cream (he tentatively pitched the idea of frozen yogurt at last years Thanksgiving dinner and almost got disowned by his whole family)."} +{"id": "ee1f9899-384a-435d-9333-420c73ff4638-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:05.282", "backgroundColor": "#240934", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdPuPDftRnSYz6XvJPY1cLTvNQ9p2nK5cANWNUSCuy44m", "txHash": "0x1d38b6a24677ddd018a40ea0b7ea9a9e2dbe240a85d03ca3167b158e6f9a850f", "createdAtBlock": 14495970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4088, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZubssv6twYbcPm1YP8xBkTANf83kSWhYw6wRvBietowW", "name": "Spellsinger Uvlius of the Desert", "text": "But he doesn't care, Uvlius made up his mind that he wants out of the ice cream business. The problem is, that is much more difficult than it sounds. Those outside the industry are usually not aware, but the magical ice cream trade is more similar to organized crime than anything else. His family has a lot of enemies who would stop at nothing to secure a competitive advantage (even commit murder!), and Uvlius knows that if he leaves the territory of his clan, it'll take probably 10 minutes before a competitor kidnaps him to torture the secrets of nevermelting ice cream out of him. Unfortunately, he has low pain tolerance and would not hold up well under torture, the most painful thing he's ever experienced so far was passing a kidney stone (too much calcium from dairy, his doctor said), and Uvlius thought that experience would kill him. So for now, he is stuck...but his heart yearns for freedom, and one day, he hopes he will be able to pursue his own dreams rather than devoting his life to maintaining the family legacy."} +{"id": "ad51a03e-b423-489e-8338-a7fb491307b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:37.136", "backgroundColor": "#071154", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYHwGMCrAbFv1JNVuBx6VvCaYjWAma3JuoBaCFAFYhwTY", "txHash": "0x36823040bf39a74b4c074b785dac5543e22610bea72c13e63ad4e8196b535f16", "createdAtBlock": 15075122, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4412, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Helen Savior of Liches", "text": "# Helen Savior of Liches\n\n@wizard435 carried Helen in his arms, while navigating his way towards the Secret Tower. Helen displayed little signs of vitality, her skin pale as a corpse, as she drifted in and out of consciousness. Looking concerned, Angus mustered all his strength, and trudged on with great haste. Time was not on their side. Rishi, his trusty fox familiar, was performing the role of their rearguard, looking out for pursuers that were hot on their trail.\n\nAngus would do **whatever it takes** to keep Helen alive. He had tried everything possible, but she was still dying. He placed his last hope on harnessing the mystical powers of the Sacred Flame, to perform a forbidden ritual in order to save the love of his life.\n\n\n\"You're going to be ok my dear, I promise...\" Those were the last words Helen remembered hearing, as Angus gently laid her on the ground while she struggled to retain her consciousness. Helen caught a glimpse of Angus, white-knuckling the feather of a Phoenix, an immortal bird that symbolizes rebirth. His thick brows were furrowed with concentration. Beads of sweat formed on his rugged face as his lips moved fervently, his body inching closer towards the Sacred Flame with each chant uttered. Runes of Fire manifested, like a captivating array of fireworks which eventually engulfed Angus and Rishi. Helen remembered seeing a fiery silhouette reaching out to her, right before her vision faded to total darkness...\n\nWhen Helen woke up, she found herself all alone in the wilderness, with Angus nowhere in sight. She raised her hand to shield her eyes from the piercing sunlight, and discovered that her skin was rosy once more. Angus has made good on his promise, but what did it matter if he was not here by her side?"} +{"id": "ad51a03e-b423-489e-8338-a7fb491307b7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:37.136", "backgroundColor": "#071154", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYHwGMCrAbFv1JNVuBx6VvCaYjWAma3JuoBaCFAFYhwTY", "txHash": "0x36823040bf39a74b4c074b785dac5543e22610bea72c13e63ad4e8196b535f16", "createdAtBlock": 15075122, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4412, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Helen Savior of Liches", "text": "With her new lease of life, Helen embarks on her journey to be reunited with Angus, convinced that he is out there somewhere in the Runiverse awaiting her..."} +{"id": "6389a803-8e43-46c9-ab53-c07886ac8dfa-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:00.347", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfNBMvwbLpCokgzEdKZHjbXxVZB3zZPALHYUNLwKvWrE", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfHmewYGt7rTxGFfAxjiRhMTPDWwoi6uWFv2inF2Y9NDd", "name": "Necromancer Zeromus of Elysium", "text": "# Chapter 1: The watcher in the shadows\nZeromus picked their way through the shadowy not-forms of the Void, keeping the deadwalker in sight, but remaining far enough removed so as not to draw its attention. They had no fear of the zombie, but felt that it would be a waste to have to terminate it without learning more.\n\nWithin the hood of their sleek robes, Kali adjusted her coils. Zeromus could sense the red mamba concentrating her energy into the manufacture of excess venom stores a sure sign that the snake was on edge.\n\nZeromus, too, was alert to any sign of danger. They had come far too close to being discovered by the self-proclaimed Voidlord. The cyborg was certainly capable of wielding immense power in both the bowels of the void and in the expanse of the living Runiverse; but Zeromus did not for one second buy into @wizard4298s claims to divinity. \n\nZeromus had witnessed first-hand Voidoths transformation how @wizard3917 had poisoned the ambitious young schemer after one of his viewings, and how he had then manipulated the skeletal remains in the laboratories of Blue Wizard Bastion. Somehow Voidoth had managed to override the controls Apollo had inserted in his software; the warped concoction of magic and technology had birthed this vengeful monster that now stalked the realms of both living and dead.\n\nThankfully, the Voidlord was not here now Zeromus had watched as he had passed through the membrane into the Quantum Shadow. There, he continued to muster his armies of the undead, the corrupted, and the craven followers who called themselves his Disciples, who scrabbled and squabbled for the scraps of power he scattered at his feet."} +{"id": "6389a803-8e43-46c9-ab53-c07886ac8dfa-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:00.347", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfNBMvwbLpCokgzEdKZHjbXxVZB3zZPALHYUNLwKvWrE", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfHmewYGt7rTxGFfAxjiRhMTPDWwoi6uWFv2inF2Y9NDd", "name": "Necromancer Zeromus of Elysium", "text": "Zeromus flicked the tassel of their hood testily. They hated the bad name Necromancers had amongst the wizarding community. Others were either jealous or frightened of their ability to commune with the dead. Just one of the reasons Zeromus shunned the ancient halls of the Wizarding guilds, where you were only either witch or wizard. \n\nThose who feared that which they did not understand were never a thing of the past; at the Temple of the Falling Stars, the Arch-Magician had been overthrown by zealots who believed familiars to be unholy and Animists heretical. Zeromus had not been able to influence events there. Kali stirred as the wizard and their familiar shared this flush of irritation. Zeromus made a mental note to check back in on how the Hydromancers were faring with keeping the deposed Temple leader safe. \n\nZeromus was yet to make any contact they far preferred working anonymously from the shadows but they had at least managed to help Isaac and the Atlantians avoid the attentions of the rebels en route to Goblin Town. It was imperative that Isaac survived to launch a counter-revolution at the Temple; the zealots could not be allowed to swell their support. \n\nZeromus shook their head disbelievingly. So many had been seduced by Voidoths duplicitous call to the Sacred Flames at the first glimmer of potential power. Like moths, burning their own wings, Zeromus muttered to themselves."} +{"id": "6389a803-8e43-46c9-ab53-c07886ac8dfa-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:00.347", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfNBMvwbLpCokgzEdKZHjbXxVZB3zZPALHYUNLwKvWrE", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfHmewYGt7rTxGFfAxjiRhMTPDWwoi6uWFv2inF2Y9NDd", "name": "Necromancer Zeromus of Elysium", "text": "The deadwalker seemed to be readying himself to re-enter the world of the living. Zeromus narrowed their eyes, preparing to form the Dryads Ear spell. They could at least put one of the Voidlords new servants out of its misery before it caused too much damage.\n# Chapter 2: A duel interrupted\nAs Zeromus prepared to cast the spell, a split flashed across the darkness, revealing the translucent membrane between the realms of dead and living. The creature turned towards the light pooling into the gloomy darkness of the Void and let out an enraged bellow as it spotted the Necromancer.\n\n*Fleshrot!* They cursed under their breath, as the zombie cast its own Dryad spell. As quick as Zeromus was, their festering foes magic unfurled in time with the Necromancers, bringing with it the overpowering stench of decay. The spells met in the air between the two Wizards a silent duel, illuminated eerily by the light of the living. Zeromus Dryads Ear sprouted new green shoots, attempting to bind the leathery red petals of the gigantic Rafflesia the flower of the tombs of everlasting slumber.\n\nOut of the corner of their eye, Zeromus could see the hazy outlines of two wizards through the membrane one short and stout, the other tall and gangly. The lanky wizards head burst into flame as he hurled balls of fire at the membrane in a futile attempt to break through."} +{"id": "6389a803-8e43-46c9-ab53-c07886ac8dfa-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:00.347", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfNBMvwbLpCokgzEdKZHjbXxVZB3zZPALHYUNLwKvWrE", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfHmewYGt7rTxGFfAxjiRhMTPDWwoi6uWFv2inF2Y9NDd", "name": "Necromancer Zeromus of Elysium", "text": "Straining with the effort of combatting the zombies magic, Zeromus lamented the idiocy of their fellows fire could do nothing to affect the fabric of creation. Evidently the fool on the other side of the membrane came to the same realisation, as the explosions ceased; his portly companion approached the membrane, studying its sheen. The figures features, although obscured, were familiar to Zeromus.\n\nZeromus communed with Kali, who wound her way out of the depths of the Necromancers hood and slithered off into the darkness surrounding the battling wizards, keeping out of the diffuse light filtering through the worldly membrane.\n\n*I know you cant kill what isnt alive, but the pain caused by your venom should incapacitate him, my friend.* \n\nTypically sinuous serpent-thoughts answered Zeromus, full of the thrill of the impending bite. Red mambas lived constantly with the magma-like heat of their venom; each bite they dealt brought with it sweet, albeit temporary, relief as they discharged the pressurised toxins.\n\nZeromus arms began to tingle as the Rafflesias petals battered the twining shoots of their Dryads Ear. The undead wizard was powerful more powerful than they had anticipated! But then, an anguished cry pierced the silence and the giant Rafflesia wilted, curling in upon itself. Zeromus smiled grimly as they sensed the venom coursing from Kalis fangs.\n\nAt that moment, a flash of bright light pierced the membrane in a solid beam. Startled, Zeromus lost hold of their spell. Two sets of fingers appeared, pulling back the dissected flaps. In the background, the zombies moans grew fainter."} +{"id": "6389a803-8e43-46c9-ab53-c07886ac8dfa-4", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:00.347", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfNBMvwbLpCokgzEdKZHjbXxVZB3zZPALHYUNLwKvWrE", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfHmewYGt7rTxGFfAxjiRhMTPDWwoi6uWFv2inF2Y9NDd", "name": "Necromancer Zeromus of Elysium", "text": "Surprised that the other wizard had managed to penetrate the membrane, Zeromus gaped at the bespectacled face of @wizard2398. The scholar grinned at them sheepishly. \n\nAh Zeromus, old friend I hope we havent come at a bad time?\n\nZeromus blinked at Lux, then whirled back to finish off the zombie, just in time to see their adversary dragging himself through another slit in the cosmic fabric that sucked closed behind him.\n\n*Festering fleshrot! Some remnants of its Dryads Ear magic must remain in that disgusting flesh flower to counteract the venom.*\n\nAnnoyed agreement crept back along the bond from Kali. \n\nThe Necromancer turned their indignant glare on Lux, but seeing the earnest look on the mans face, they took a deep, calming breath, letting go of their irritation with a sigh.\n\nWhen do you ever come at a good time, Lux? Zeromus smiled. To be honest, with everything going on in the Runiverse right now, I expected you sooner.\n\nZeromus welcomed the mamba back into the folds of their hood, and stepped through the membrane to join Lux in the living world. The Necromancer inspected the wide swathe of smouldering grass around the gateway between worlds, then raised an eyebrow at the Pyromancer they met standing on the firm ground of the Runiverse.\n\nAt least the flamethrower has the decency to look embarrassed, Zeromus thought, tutting at the damage he had caused to the landscape. Time was short, however, so they quickly turned back to Lux. Out with it, Scrollmaster, I need to hunt down that deadwalker before he does any more damage in Voidoths name."} +{"id": "6389a803-8e43-46c9-ab53-c07886ac8dfa-5", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:00.347", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVfNBMvwbLpCokgzEdKZHjbXxVZB3zZPALHYUNLwKvWrE", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfHmewYGt7rTxGFfAxjiRhMTPDWwoi6uWFv2inF2Y9NDd", "name": "Necromancer Zeromus of Elysium", "text": "Well help you bring down the creature, Zeromus, if youll agree to help us in return, replied Lux. \n\nZeromus nodded curtly. Very well. Theres only two reasons you ever seek me out. I know you want me to find someone; will I also be required to usher them to the Void?\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @soul7186\n \nPart 1: @wizard314\n \nPart 2: @wizard2398\n \nPart 3: @wizard134\n \nPart 4: @wizard3920\n \nPart 5: @wizard7935\n \nEpilogue: @wizard291"} +{"id": "3c4ff9c4-f3f6-4d46-9f68-c1eefa73cb99-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:01.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9H6SW5CozzESgt1Gt1NyuAu7KUm7ZQwaZLzWqQ3iNEi", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTHnebo2m871nX36rBAtZVbdw4trMCzgT7y5UsLwahcKg", "name": "Hydromancer Louis of the Field", "text": "# Chapter 1: Leaving Goblin Town\nOnce he was sure that the lowlife hadnt followed him out of Goblin Town, Louis doubled back around the outskirts of the bustling trading post, keeping to the fields and hedgerows and heading east. The dark, swollen mass of the Quantum Shadow boiled on the horizon.\n\nHe had recognised the man as soon as he walked into the tavern one of the scoundrels serving under the smuggler captain Zarq Khattak. Khattak made his living moving illicit goods from Red Wizard Capital, Calistas Citadel, and Alessars Keep across Kelpies Bay to the Black Market in Goblin Town. Even for a smuggler, the man was devious and greedy, always trying to squeeze a little bit extra out of every deal, his piercing blue eyes sparkling brighter with every coin added to his pile. Although Louis had no proof, he was sure that Khattak was also directing the acts of piracy that were becoming more and more frequent on the Bays murky waters.\n\nWhile Khattak was a Rudimental, he had managed to use his wealth and influence to gather a crew that included the rougher and more mercenary types of warrior (even kobolds), and assorted delinquent magic-makers. Through his spy network, Khattak regularly collected dirt on a number of wizards who frequented the unsavoury haunts of Goblin Town, using this information to blackmail them into lending their sorcery to his endeavours when he had need of it. \n\nZarqs agent, @wizard3911, now followed Louis cousin Hagar and the Arch-Magician. Goliath was a well-known mercenary in all the ports along the coast of the Bay; Louis found it curious that Zarq would use the man for an undercover mission Perhaps the smuggler was losing his touch."} +{"id": "3c4ff9c4-f3f6-4d46-9f68-c1eefa73cb99-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:01.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9H6SW5CozzESgt1Gt1NyuAu7KUm7ZQwaZLzWqQ3iNEi", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTHnebo2m871nX36rBAtZVbdw4trMCzgT7y5UsLwahcKg", "name": "Hydromancer Louis of the Field", "text": "Louis wondered whether Khattak hoped to kidnap Isaac and hold him to ransom. *It would be very fitting if he met his end by over-reaching to such a ridiculous degree*, Louis thought. The laughable idea of the smuggler coming up against the illustrious @wizard3922 cheered Louis.\n\nStill, no need to take any chances. He would find out what the spy was up to, and allow Hagar and Isaac to make their getaway. After that, he would take the more usual route to the south by boat, along the river and across Kelpies Bay. There would be plenty of boats heading across the Bay and down the Boister, the river running through the heart of Chronomancers Riviera. Goblin spirits were wickedly strong and fetched a high price on the Riviera well worth the trip for any trader.\n \nAlthough Louis destination was the high northern plateau that was home to The Sacred Pillars, it made no sense for him to head in that direction. It was far quicker to use the portal at Atlantas Pool to travel to Dream Master Lake, where he could open another portal straight into the mountainous home of the Elders. He was sure The Sacred Pillars would come to Isaacs aid, but the Elders were not known for swift deliberation, so anything Louis could do to speed up the process would help Isaacs cause. Before he left the tavern earlier that day, Louis had agreed that on his return from the Pillars, he would wait for Hagar in Yellow Wizard Haven until he returned from Atlantis."} +{"id": "3c4ff9c4-f3f6-4d46-9f68-c1eefa73cb99-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:01.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9H6SW5CozzESgt1Gt1NyuAu7KUm7ZQwaZLzWqQ3iNEi", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTHnebo2m871nX36rBAtZVbdw4trMCzgT7y5UsLwahcKg", "name": "Hydromancer Louis of the Field", "text": "As he neared the southern edge of Goblin Town, Louis spotted Hagar and the Arch-Magician emerging from the gate. Although Hagar had paid the guards richly on arrival in the town, he was forced to go through the motions of the customary bribe. The two bulky kobolds, armed with rugged clubs sporting an assortment of rusty spikes, accepted the token payment after just two attempts to raise the price, letting the Atlantean pass before beginning to squabble with each other about how to split the coins. \n\nLouis smiled admiringly at the clever move. It was just like Hagar to give the guards an odd number of coins, sparking a dispute that would leave them in a particularly belligerent mood when the Hedge Wizard tried to exit the town.\n\nLouis continued to make his way across the fields as Hagar led Isaac swiftly along the path out of town towards the bridge over the swift, narrow river that flowed westward to Kelpies Bay. From there, they would head towards the BattleMage Mountains. Even if the one airship that regularly travelled between the mountains and Goblin Town *had* been operating, Louis knew the captain was never keen on taking passengers That meant less room for cargo, and the price to get around that particular problem had no upper limit other than whatever number took the captains fancy.\n\nSo Hagar and Isaac would make their way to the lower reaches of the mountain range by foot and from there seek a local guide to see them through the treacherous passes, keeping out of the territories of the monsters that lived high in the peaks.\n\nHopefully, in the meantime Louis could throw any other potential spies off their scent with his own trip downriver Back in the town he had two old acquaintances he could count on to pose as his companions, while Hagar and Isaac took the faster route to Atlantas Pool."} +{"id": "3c4ff9c4-f3f6-4d46-9f68-c1eefa73cb99-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:01.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9H6SW5CozzESgt1Gt1NyuAu7KUm7ZQwaZLzWqQ3iNEi", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTHnebo2m871nX36rBAtZVbdw4trMCzgT7y5UsLwahcKg", "name": "Hydromancer Louis of the Field", "text": "Unfortunately, there were no portals linking with the Pool in this part of the Runiverse the closest was the gateway on the island in Dream Master Lake. Braving the mountains was their best hope of getting the Arch-Magician to Hagars father, the King of Atlantis. Louis had been sure that Khattak or some other goon would catch wind of their presence in Goblin Town, which was why when Isaac found Hagar, Louis suggested this plan to him. Louis had no qualms about being the bait for an empty trap. Khattak was not the only one with connections in these parts.\n\nTobago should by now have made it to the Great Owl Obelisk to gather news from across the realm, brought there by the Coalition of Owls. Louis familiar could travel the airways to pass high above The Quantum Shadow in a direct line to the Obelisk. The Great Owl would find Louis wherever he ended up, he had no concerns about that, but he was anxious to learn more about the unrest in the south. The conflicts could have dire consequences for his future trading exploits in Kelpies Bay and along the coast of Asmodeuss Surf, not to mention their current mission travelling through the territory of the Yellow Wizards."} +{"id": "3c4ff9c4-f3f6-4d46-9f68-c1eefa73cb99-4", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:01.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9H6SW5CozzESgt1Gt1NyuAu7KUm7ZQwaZLzWqQ3iNEi", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTHnebo2m871nX36rBAtZVbdw4trMCzgT7y5UsLwahcKg", "name": "Hydromancer Louis of the Field", "text": "He turned his attention back to the town gates, where Goliath was now struggling to haggle passage past the guards, who were loudly demanding some kind of non-existent exit permit or the payment of a hefty fine. Louis ducked behind the hedgerow and ran along bent double, moving to a better position from where to intercept his adversary.\n# Chapter 2: An unexpected visitor\nLouis rose from his hiding place and hurled Kelpies Fury. Lightning flashed in its watery depths as he fed the Rune of Jupiter into the spell, which gushed in a wide arc around Goliath, rising in a wave that crested and then crashed down on the helpless wizard. But instead of spraying in all directions, the water held together, trapping its victim in a wobbling, amorphous mass.\n\nAs the other wizards face began to turn blue, Louis flicked his wrist and the globular form shifted, growing bulbous around Goliaths chest as it retreated from his head. The man gasped, choking and spluttering before drawing air into his lungs in ragged bursts.\n\nDidnt think I would recognise you, smuggler? Tell me everything you know of Zarqs plans! Louis said, his voice deathly calm.\n\nA bewildered look crept across Goliaths face, but before he could say anything the ground began to crumble and disintegrate, giving way under Louis feet as the ground swallowed him up. The watery binds collapsed, dropping Goliath onto the churned up soil.\n\nSallow fingers scraped over his leg as a haggard figure pulled itself up out of the ground. Folds of pallid skin hung from its rotting skull and its jaw sagged unnaturally to the side. Frozen with fear, the Hedge Wizard watched as the ghastly apparition dragged itself over the earth towards him."} +{"id": "3c4ff9c4-f3f6-4d46-9f68-c1eefa73cb99-5", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:01.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9H6SW5CozzESgt1Gt1NyuAu7KUm7ZQwaZLzWqQ3iNEi", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTHnebo2m871nX36rBAtZVbdw4trMCzgT7y5UsLwahcKg", "name": "Hydromancer Louis of the Field", "text": "The zombie grinned; a tooth wobbled, then fell from its mouth. The Voidlord is displeased, Void Disciple, it slurred. I am to bring you back to the Valley. You will need to explain your failures to the First Disciple.\n\nThe colour drained from Goliaths face as he tried to stammer a protest, but the zombie was upon him, grabbing him by the throat in a surprisingly powerful grip. The stink of the grave washed over him, taking hold of his senses, stifling his breath and constricting his chest. He felt lightheaded; his vision swam and blurred; he slipped into unconsciousness. \n# Chapter 3: Paths crossing\nZeromus peeled back the worldly membrane and allowed the other two wizards to step past them into the world of the living. Now that the spells protection was no longer needed, Zeromus released the diaphanous bubble their Dryads Ear had formed around Lux and Burnside, then sealed the exit from the Void. \n\nIn the distance, the Quantum Shadow loomed, large and foreboding. To the west, Goblin Town squatted like a toad next to the river that flowed through the vast plain between the Shadows outer border and Kelpies Bay. South of the town, a patch of earth had been churned up around a hole surrounded by short, wiry grass. The area at the edges of the fractured ground was sodden."} +{"id": "3c4ff9c4-f3f6-4d46-9f68-c1eefa73cb99-6", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:01.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9H6SW5CozzESgt1Gt1NyuAu7KUm7ZQwaZLzWqQ3iNEi", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTHnebo2m871nX36rBAtZVbdw4trMCzgT7y5UsLwahcKg", "name": "Hydromancer Louis of the Field", "text": "Zeromus cursed as they rushed over to the scene. The group had been trying to follow the trail of the zombie that had once been Ofaris of the Circle, but it seemed that they had arrived too late again. Zeromus felt the heat on their back as Burnsides skull burst into flames. They heard Lux tut in annoyance and shuffle away from the frustrated Pyromancer Zeromus had made their two companions promise to aid in the pursuit of the creature before taking them to find the Shaman.\n\nAs the Necromancer focused their power on picking up the zombies trail once more, a groan floated up from the pit. With the help of Burnside, who had thankfully managed to extinguish himself, Zeromus pulled the man coughing and spluttering back to the surface. He shook his dreadlocks, sending a shower of dirt clods and dust in all directions.\n\nFollowing a brief conversation, it was clear that the Hydromancer had little recollection of what had happened to him. Wasting little time, the trio bid him farewell and set off again after their quarry.\n\nLouis watched with raised eyebrows as Zeromus parted the fabric of reality and split the membrane between worlds, the three wizards disappeared and the sky knitted itself back together behind them. It was one thing knowing about the Void, but to see it for real was a disturbing experience. Suppressing a shudder, he turned back towards town, a cloud of dust floating behind him as he headed for the riverside port.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @soul7186\n \nPart 1: @wizard314\n \nPart 2: @wizard2398\n \nPart 3: @wizard134\n \nPart 4: @wizard3920\n \nPart 5: @wizard7935\n \nEpilogue: @wizard291"} +{"id": "cf7bddd4-997a-420a-81da-7f39471b2471-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:32:40.577", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPTcmkKFZvg87uA81tn8VJHgxvE8CHYQVWQtUdcbVdt7W", "txHash": "0x5e7e003c525999c915247faea34676c6cfbe9b5d5d69b183d74c580d26149442", "createdAtBlock": 14499741, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 673, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZUXF1ZPm6KqxAkkgn9AcN8Fn5YsJMQWpaMTi6i2dhAuG", "name": "Sorcerer Salah of the Grotto", "text": "Salah and Lucy are in a quest. They're searching for the sacred relics that allow its bearer to control time. This ancient artifact is said to be a gift from the gods to humanity, fragmented in 3 pieces, each one able to control the flow of time in a different direction.\n\nHow is Salah so sure that this artifacts exist you may ask? Well, believe it or not, he owns one of this fragments himself, the one that stops the flow of time. He didn't find it by his own tho. You could say, that the fragment found him. But thats a story for another time.\n\nTheir thirst of ancient knowledge has taken them to the furthest places of the Runiverse, and thanks to Lucy's intuition, they found an old crypt containing secrets that brings them one step closer to _Shakathar_, the second fragment that makes it possible for time to flow backwards."} +{"id": "499e4008-f9a3-4737-b50c-a5c6ee56e267-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:42.119", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmavRA5vvWuYZRQDkA7BKbJtSwu7tt4iHNcXPzXPoG73t4", "txHash": "0xf9999ed27c189dc73f7c907941e5553855a6c28682ea53cc16f9cbb96ecaa42c", "createdAtBlock": 14505305, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 370, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sam the Polite", "text": ">Like the Grand Prince at dawn\n\ndancing in joy on the lawn\n\n>of the summer paradise, before he began\n\nto hear from the Secret Tower far and long \n \n\n\n>How can nature charm the wizards heart\n\nso now the valley plays its part\n\n>the happy hummingbird, singing what he could,\n\nbecause from its egg the prophecy was born.\n\n \n> The polite pony danced along\n\nthis merry gallop, an unheard song\n\n>No grass nor insect hurt or pained,\n\nForgotten Souls have tried in vain.\n\n\n>Sam outran 1/1,\n\nthe slow Beasts, sparing none\n\n>With the moon high and tide low,\n\nsleep now Pony, ride and grow."} +{"id": "9a966d6b-432a-4c7f-89da-82c0a8c491cc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:43.009", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdCWgZV3YASJk8b2yEPeXSwzFkNugpCsqUEXpXhPBycn", "txHash": "0x3d55e83875ee7e0e34192423ee1c98f883bbf4ab1ec9df942e056fcb8701481a", "createdAtBlock": 14505326, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 303, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Sarah of the Hollow", "text": "Beauty comes from many places. Magic comes within. To have both is just exquisite. The Hollow is home to some couple of hundred wizards all humble champions of their trades. Sarah was a recluse who dreamed of being a star in the sky, sheltered from reality. She wanted to feel like a dragon who ruled the ethereal firmament with confidence and elegance. She carried with herself, the dragon firework, hoping to one day materialise this very desire. As time passed, Sarah realised that she could do things, others could not. Sarah could control the exact thing she wanted to be the queen of the sky. She would conjure clouds and manifest rain to make the Hollow, the most fertile land in the Runiverse. She would create a blizzard if she sensed oncoming invasion. Sarah quickly became the beautiful enchantress she always wanted to be."} +{"id": "34e5d3d4-8f47-48cd-93e5-0864d9341a65-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-30T04:22:17.839", "backgroundColor": "#dedcdc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNyfweXL9qZAAiykmSVLECS8AjJaWSEyBDt3jLANYVstE", "txHash": "0xbbd9e6789c2bf105cf50cb5216fd499b2fbfb7cb1ae0e5e1081ef8cb09edef29", "createdAtBlock": 15438233, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4823, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmanmpvn7NSPuZroemntLTaFuA385v6K4tJ4SpBPz4b6tk", "name": "Woolah Wounder of Brown-Hat Wizards", "text": "# Me Woolah \n\n\n\n_Transcribed by Illusionist David of the Veil._\n\nWoolah is me. \n\nStronger than a rabid bugbear. \n\nDeadlier than a snake chicken.\n\nMore feared than any ghoul or ghosty.\n\nDefinitely better at fighting than the goblin.\n\nWoolah is brave. And am real clever with my brain.\n\nBrown Hat wizards fear Woolah most. \n\nOne day a Brown Hat cheated Woolah in drinking. Every beer Woolah drank, wizard drank too. Woolah had a nap on the bar. \n\nBrown Hat used magic to beat Woolah.\n\nNow Brown Hats must pay.\n\n\n\n_Woolah Wounder of Brown-Hat Wizards by Woolah age 42._"} +{"id": "5841e005-fc53-4f14-95d8-a21bccef2c21-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:43.902", "backgroundColor": "#08bd0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdjQm3Sif4FHiht7dkD4UH1C92uXut4EoE5kJZUQDeL5N", "txHash": "0xdea2cbbe30ee17da7cd9a9f498269b1a1019bb135ccddd4a9307843d6b92d23a", "createdAtBlock": 14506307, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5495, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Sturgis of the Villa", "text": "Sturgis is a practitioner of a much a very tasty branch of sorcery known as Salad Magick. No wizard alive can chop tomatoes, sprinkle croutons or emulsify a delicious vinaigrette like he.\n\nDo not sneer at the power of this Magick for it has defused many a conflict and slain many a foe. Was it not a delectable nioise that cooled the wrath of the dragon clans when they made parlay with the Undertrolls? Was it not a covert chili sauce that, hidden in an unassuming caesar salad, made low the Ape of Moloch (\"a pox upon his name\", as the villagers still say).\n\nNo, this Magick is powerful. And its uses are manifold.\n\nNow, pass the salad tongs."} +{"id": "3bc774ad-994a-401c-867c-a582115f11be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:46.514", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbA6RiYtcukvCUgGb2wBHa9rbgvRS4Cu24aYeVcqQkpMj", "txHash": "0x0e3c2196f17deef61fc4d30dcfe37e9b80151bd61fa0cc46356711530f957b17", "createdAtBlock": 14508036, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXPNp4eaccyaC2bW2GMfJbaJGeCetDn1XEg3EAybT33en", "name": "Dunny the Keen", "text": "Hi. Im Dunny. \n\nThats Dooo-knee. Not Duh-knee, nor Dun-Eye, nor anything else - dummy - its Dooo-knee.\n\nIm keen. \n\nWhat can I say? I like to jot while I trot. \n\nAround these parts, people call me @pony8.\n\n\n\n*My background?* I come from a long line of Red Riders. \n\nI was born with this really fire Rune-of-Fire looking birthmark. I usually wear a brown bandana which matches my brown locks and my bad boy persona. My half-cousin Soda (hes a dog) and I, used to get into so much trouble together. \n\nMy previous Master was @wizard83, aka the Sndwch man! At least thats what I liked to call him. My current Master is @wizard8424, and is one of Alessars longest friend. They were both raised in The Tower, so Ive known Jah for as long as I can remember. \n\nJah and I go on all sorts of adventures together now. Since Jah runs the daily operations of a catering company - Nards Catering and Banquet - we always do a morning coffee and brkfstsndwch run to the Sndwch mans place before dropping them off to the *Castle*. \n\n\n\nNard, @wizard2134, is Magus Jahids boss. Yesterday, the company had a take your baby to work day, so Jah and I went and picked them all up! Nard gave all the babies little matching suits too. He said they were magically stain-free and always tailored to fit. All you ever need is one of these formal suits."} +{"id": "3bc774ad-994a-401c-867c-a582115f11be-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:46.514", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbA6RiYtcukvCUgGb2wBHa9rbgvRS4Cu24aYeVcqQkpMj", "txHash": "0x0e3c2196f17deef61fc4d30dcfe37e9b80151bd61fa0cc46356711530f957b17", "createdAtBlock": 14508036, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXPNp4eaccyaC2bW2GMfJbaJGeCetDn1XEg3EAybT33en", "name": "Dunny the Keen", "text": "Lately, Ive been going with Jah to these strange places when everyone is sleeping. Nobody knows this, but he has a secret hidden pocket in his formal suit that hides a small notebook. He keeps all his spells and experimental potion recipes in there. \n\n\nDerivative Art by 3rnesTea\n\nThis morning, I overheard him mumbling to himself \n\n>...one more ingredient for Dunnys Dream potion and then it will be complete! A single drop of water from the Dream Master Lake. \n>\n>:yes: \n>\n>Dunny will be the 8th and final Dream Pony and will finally be able to enter in and out of dreams with me\n\n\n\n...*What is a Dream Pony?* I guess Ill find out when we get to the Lake\n\n*To be continued...*"} +{"id": "09309bae-4009-44aa-baf0-438474dba2d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:47.391", "backgroundColor": "#3b8490", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUoLUWvwZGf7LwaX26Eiyzq9fJhkxTKWx1XBeosa2KW8Q", "txHash": "0x5729deaa04ca8309fe3309606880b95c83bbcc8dd917c94d9aaaf836141a6c8f", "createdAtBlock": 14508344, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7003, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Diana of the Wood", "text": "The Forgotten Runes Wizards have existed for millenniums. These wizards reflect all the potential and pitfalls that any world must face. Wizards have been forces for good yet forces for evil. They are an idiosyncratic group with unpredictable behaviors creative, destructive, humorous, intellectual, silly and serious. \n\nThe Forgotten Runes Wizards have remained hidden yet thriving in another world, immune but observant to the wild swings of history that unfolded in a parallel universe on Earth.\n\nBut as world order of the 21st century has dissolved into world chaos, the Wizards of the Runiverse take their place in the new world order. The Forgotten Runes Wizards are now responding to an earthly calling. \n\nThey are emerging from their parallel universe aka Runiverse and revealing themselves to the select cult of FRWC. The Wizards and their extended group (ponies, beasts, warriors, etc) have carefully revealed themselves in a measured time frame. Why Forgotten Runes Wizards have chosen this moment to appear is as complex as each individual wizard. The cult that has grown around their emergence is one to be celebrated and respected.\n\nOne very special Wizard is Druid Diana of the Wood. She has spent the past millennia as a Defender of Womankind in the Runiverse of Forgotten Runes. Supportive of all women, mothers, grandmothers and their children, protecting them from danger as well as protecting their rights of citizens and contributors to society, Druid Diana of the Wood has been a defender and champion of them all. She exercises her magic, her strength, her imagination and her determination with enlightenment and wisdom.\n\nFollow Druid Diana of the Woods adventures as she transports herself through a looking glass, morphing into different incarnations, to wherever summoned and needed \n\nHer story shall continue as challenges arise so keep a lookout for her !"} +{"id": "4689c516-b517-43cf-a1d9-45947e09ce9e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:09.31", "backgroundColor": "#ccb2b1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNtzt9Z5qyaEzYdDKGjjNY2Z86WUhsaXdWRt3P8JoBFAJ", "txHash": "0x9adc6ae198ba54323b62effafaa3f4baca7692fa71d477d3005c0fc680451bf2", "createdAtBlock": 14730629, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3958, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Aleister of the Marsh", "text": "WIZARD GIRL..\n\nJust a wizard girl, in a wizard world. Not made of plastic, actually hates anything plastic but mos def fantastic. You cannot brush her hair nor took her everywhere... Imagination, life's her creation. Come on now invite her to the tavern party."} +{"id": "2e142fa2-a8a6-4692-a32f-416c9e594b27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:49.046", "backgroundColor": "#0b031e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZmh9VEnNGA8edPV4RbZYi9dXgrnVv1CyMTwtV9nXo9a", "txHash": "0x20018397c33ac1705fbf814b95750bd14800e71cc6754a676d46c8435a7a8964", "createdAtBlock": 14516801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 27, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmScoXyx8CGYtryhHeRhwMUgZig3Q4XaEzQzZfzuu3p27y", "name": "Penelope the Loyal", "text": "# The Lore of Penelope the Loyal\n\nMy first memories of the boy Danny are hazy. I had just come into the world, along with my brother, and there was quite an audience! Most other horses are born with just their mother to bear witness, or perhaps a farmer or two. But apparently Runed Ponies are very rare and thus very sought after, and a whole tribe was present to welcome us! \n\nBut among all the happy faces, Dannys face was up front. Well technically, two faces, since his twin brother Sammy was also there. Two ponies for two brothers, future leaders of the tribe. Even our runes matched theirs. But I didnt know about any of that right then. Things were blurry and confusing, so I just focused on his face. Even then, I knew he was my Wizard. I just knew.\n\n******\nAfter several months with our mother, nourished by her milk, my brother and I left her and traveled with the twin brothers and their tribe. We traveled north, to a colder and harsher climate than we had previously known. But the boys made sure we stayed warm and had plenty to eat on our journey, and we grew stronger. \n\n\n\n*My brother Atom*\n\nThe boys looked very similar, and most of the other humans of the tribe couldnt tell them apart. But my brother and I knew. They had little tics and mannerisms that distinguished them, if you observed them as closely as we did. And their energy was different, although I wasnt sure if humans could sense such things.\n\n*******\nSo, about our ponies Sammy said. The tribe had just finished setting up their encampment, somewhere in the Expanses tundra, and the boys had been allowed to tend to us while dinner was prepared. \n\nYou sense it too, dont you, replied Danny. We got assigned the wrong ponies."} +{"id": "2e142fa2-a8a6-4692-a32f-416c9e594b27-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:49.046", "backgroundColor": "#0b031e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZmh9VEnNGA8edPV4RbZYi9dXgrnVv1CyMTwtV9nXo9a", "txHash": "0x20018397c33ac1705fbf814b95750bd14800e71cc6754a676d46c8435a7a8964", "createdAtBlock": 14516801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 27, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmScoXyx8CGYtryhHeRhwMUgZig3Q4XaEzQzZfzuu3p27y", "name": "Penelope the Loyal", "text": "You sense it too, dont you, replied Danny. We got assigned the wrong ponies. \n\nIt doesnt make sense. Logically, we should each get the pony that matches our own Rune\n\n...but Im feeling more attached to Penelope, with the Rune of Uranus. \n\nGods, youve already named her?! But yeah, Im feeling the same with the Neptune pony.\n\nDanny grinned. So, lets work a little of our twin magic! Well just switch during training, and by the time everyone figures it out well be too far along and theyll have to let us keep it switched.\n\nHmm, agreed, Sammy said. You can have Penelope there. I feel like, hmm. Atom here is more my style anyway. He stroked my brothers ash-colored mane.\n\nAtom, huh? Youre even more enamored with the ancient texts than I realized! Well, hes your pony, name him as you will.\n\nDanny turned to me. So Penelope, are you OK with this arrangement? Even if our Runes dont match? He laughed as I walked over and nuzzled him. He knew he didnt have to ask.\n\n*********\nThe twin magic worked for a surprisingly long time. While taking care of us and during training sessions, the boys were careful to dress identically and respond to each others names. Stable Master was none the wiser for months as we mastered the basics of riding. But he eventually caught on once we entered attunement training and it didntwork.\n\nIt happened during night-time training. Sammy was supposed to use me to enhance his Rune of Uranus, and draw power from the stars. But since he was riding Atom, he wasnt getting the extra power he needed, and failed to conjure a Starlight Orb as requested. The boys were immediately given a stern lecture by Stable Master."} +{"id": "2e142fa2-a8a6-4692-a32f-416c9e594b27-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:49.046", "backgroundColor": "#0b031e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZmh9VEnNGA8edPV4RbZYi9dXgrnVv1CyMTwtV9nXo9a", "txHash": "0x20018397c33ac1705fbf814b95750bd14800e71cc6754a676d46c8435a7a8964", "createdAtBlock": 14516801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 27, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmScoXyx8CGYtryhHeRhwMUgZig3Q4XaEzQzZfzuu3p27y", "name": "Penelope the Loyal", "text": "The tribes future depends on you two! he scolded. You need to use your assigned ponies and develop your respective abilities to the fullest! He glanced upward at the field of stars, so clear in the arctic sky. I see great change and turmoil in the years to come. Our tribe wont survive without you to guide them as competent shaman chiefs. \n\n*****************\n\nAfter that, the brothers begrudgingly rode us as requested during training sessions. As twins, they shared so much already, so it wasnt that bad. But although Sammy could successfully draw power from the starlit sky while riding me, it just wasnt the same - our Runes might match, but our spirits did not. His energy was powerful, ambitious, and cold. He was a good boy just like my Danny, but that energy disquieted me. \n\nAtom seemed to like it just fine, though. He has the makings of greatness, and great men arent afraid to forge their own trail and stomp on a few hooves along the way, he said. Luckily, whenever we werent under the watchful eye of the stablemaster, the boys continued to care for their chosen ponies, and I still got fed, brushed, and taken out for rides by Danny during those times. In contrast to Sammy, Dannys energy was soft, warm and mellow. Needless to say, I adored him.\n\n******************"} +{"id": "2e142fa2-a8a6-4692-a32f-416c9e594b27-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:49.046", "backgroundColor": "#0b031e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZmh9VEnNGA8edPV4RbZYi9dXgrnVv1CyMTwtV9nXo9a", "txHash": "0x20018397c33ac1705fbf814b95750bd14800e71cc6754a676d46c8435a7a8964", "createdAtBlock": 14516801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 27, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmScoXyx8CGYtryhHeRhwMUgZig3Q4XaEzQzZfzuu3p27y", "name": "Penelope the Loyal", "text": "******************\n\nAs the boys and us ponies grew older, we got stronger and more skilled. This was put to the test one night when we all snuck out of the tribes encampment for a moonlit ride through Crystal Gorge. A unique landmark in the Expanse, the gorge was a narrow pass between two large formations of ice crystals. When lit by the northern lights, as they were on this night, the crystals would glow with otherworldly color. It was a mesmerizing scene, and I will never forget it.\n\nThe boys could only look from side to side in wonderment as we walked through. What made it even more wondrous, was that all the crystals glistened with moisture, diffracting the colorful lights further. We had never visited before during these conditions, so we didnt know that we were in mortal danger.\n\nOur first warning was a sharp CRACK! as a crystal suddenly broke off of its base, far up above. The fragment tumbled down toward us, hitting and breaking off bits of other crystals on the way. Almost immediately after, we heard more cracks - it appeared that somehow, the crystals integrity was breaking down! A fallen crystal landed nearby, and a fragment grazed Dannys arm, opening a cut. We all stared at it for a few seconds until Sammy suddenly shouted, Its all coming down, we gotta get out NOW!\n\nAtom and I didnt need to be told twice. We immediately turned around and galloped back the way we came. More and more crystals started cracking and falling down around us. We did our best to avoid them, but they kept coming down faster - it appeared that the entire gorge would get inundated!"} +{"id": "2e142fa2-a8a6-4692-a32f-416c9e594b27-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:49.046", "backgroundColor": "#0b031e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZmh9VEnNGA8edPV4RbZYi9dXgrnVv1CyMTwtV9nXo9a", "txHash": "0x20018397c33ac1705fbf814b95750bd14800e71cc6754a676d46c8435a7a8964", "createdAtBlock": 14516801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 27, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmScoXyx8CGYtryhHeRhwMUgZig3Q4XaEzQzZfzuu3p27y", "name": "Penelope the Loyal", "text": "I noticed Danny making incantations as we ran. His Neptune Rune gave him some ability to control ice. But this was too much ice, he needed more power! I neighed and tossed my head towards my brother. He would need Atom for this one.\n\nDanny understood immediately and shouted, Sammy, do a running switch, I can stop this! The twins maneuvered us side by side, and and although we were almost frantic with terror, luckily Atom and I are evenly matched in our speed and endurance, so we stayed close, even as we ran for our lives.\n\nDoing a running switch at full gallop would have been considered excessively dangerous in most other situations; the brothers had only successfully completed it at a trot previously. But to their credit, they didnt hesitate - Sammy called out then immediately leaped in the air between Atom and me while Danny simultaneously darted sideways under him. Both boys stayed on horseback, although Danny had a few tense moments scrambling up to a secure position atop Atom.\n\nMeanwhile, the cascade of crashing crystals had flanked us, and they were filling the path ahead. It sounded as if the stars themselves were coming down around us in a twinkling cacophony. The boys pulled us to a halt as Danny, now attuned with Atom, unleashed his ice magic with a scream. Just as a rush of crystal fragments were about to bury us, they suddenly froze back in place as Dannys spell took hold. What was once a wonder of crystalline sculptures, now resembled a torrent of rushing daggers, frozen in place.\n\nAll of us had suffered various cuts and bruises where some of the crystals had hit us, but due to the heroics of the boys, we hadnt been grievously wounded. Atom and I were grateful that wed been paired with such courageous souls. So I was surprised when Danny suddenly hugged me. \n\nThank you, thank you Penelope and Atom! You did great! gushed Danny."} +{"id": "2e142fa2-a8a6-4692-a32f-416c9e594b27-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:49.046", "backgroundColor": "#0b031e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZmh9VEnNGA8edPV4RbZYi9dXgrnVv1CyMTwtV9nXo9a", "txHash": "0x20018397c33ac1705fbf814b95750bd14800e71cc6754a676d46c8435a7a8964", "createdAtBlock": 14516801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 27, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmScoXyx8CGYtryhHeRhwMUgZig3Q4XaEzQzZfzuu3p27y", "name": "Penelope the Loyal", "text": "Thank you, thank you Penelope and Atom! You did great! gushed Danny.\n\nIm impressed that they kept their heads, or wed have been goners, said Sammy. Id say theyre battle ready, if it came to that. Well done. He patted Atoms mane. \n\nWe proceeded to pick our way out of the former Crystal Gorge - theyd probably have to change the name at this point. As we headed home, Sammy said, that shouldnt have been possible. The Elders said that Crystal Gorge was discovered by our ancestors hundreds of years ago, and its been there ever since, unchanged. How could it just collapse like that?\n\nDanny looked troubled. Stable Master said that theres troubled times coming. Maybe this is a sign that the changes are here.\n\n(to be continued)"} +{"id": "c6183d37-dddd-4c23-98f1-845151e020e4-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-30T05:12:00.601", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZbB5H4aay32pD3cKiAYH9cPEtJwZrHfc7okrVUXBzWLp", "txHash": "0x0fb0ba1148249df34e0f938be0fb4d10beb52d969696e4ff445be1df008abc5b", "createdAtBlock": 15438459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXEkeSS8WAjCD1oEF7A4Canis74RWLsEq2gMhTUEzqPyd", "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Court", "text": "> # Archmagus Alessar of the Court\n\n> ### ***Legendary Affinity: The Dazzle Spell***"} +{"id": "92d32668-f418-4121-a18e-587726d93529-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:01.859", "backgroundColor": "#090909", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVA4NrwVGN2uVHwB9Fa673r8DD42jNAM7mtQXGdHNAie6", "txHash": "0x2dd026562c8e815c945671dd6838ffee940440c5df99f586dce51f8842fae9b3", "createdAtBlock": 14977088, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4664, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brooks Shatterer of the Citadel", "text": "# Tempest of the MCP\n\n\n> Magic Containment Paradox \n> *the somethings art already h're*\n \n> **thy timeth is nay m're**\n \n**Brooks**"} +{"id": "623a6960-1727-496d-aa61-506de2d2fa28-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:50.16", "backgroundColor": "#15145b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcGD5SGoP31vGqt7b1QFBPeSSTYKkThA4cugnvXbPEcPy", "txHash": "0xb50c62aa2c65917ae587fc3c6477ad30354d3ccdfdc6ad3606e0afbcd1f78b58", "createdAtBlock": 14517526, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 322, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/923976451026456637/960325789700747264/ponyride.gif", "name": "Newton the Sweet", "text": "## Newton the Sweet OR 'Newt' (Diary Entry 4th April 2022)\n\nI am Newton the Sweet but I also go by 'Newt'. 'Newt' is the nickname given to me by my Wizard Master @wizard2710. I got the second part of my name 'Sweet' for two reasons. Firstly I love sweet things like apples, sugar cubes and carrot cake! Secondly my master says I am the sweetest pony he has ever had the pleasure of meeting. I love hugs and kisses and love being around my master.\n\nI help my Master Wizard 'Thornie' with everything from bringing home ingredients for his potions and concoctions from the markets to transporting him on important Wizard business. \n\nI was born with the Rune of the Sun mark which means I am a very special pony with unique magic qualities which are amplified on hot summer days when the sun is shining brightly. \n\nMy Master tells me that in the right conditions, with a little encouragement from him, I can summon extreme strength comparable to 1000 horses. I don't know about all that, I am just happy to be alive and kicking in this beautiful world."} +{"id": "a2b671c1-aa53-4833-a80b-492d1f38b363-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:37.867", "backgroundColor": "#009cff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcKxZKDoFWHYTk6zBzEsCXw9aya4Hf4K4Ghvmh8gvEh2F", "txHash": "0xc66ffd59d31bbd73f79de4bfc5ef445e4e84fd39692c980a40478a0e7f1ce15a", "createdAtBlock": 15075262, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11252, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hobbs Ravager for Freedom", "text": "# Hobbs Ravager for Freedom \n\nJust as the bald eagle and the 4th of July hold special significance in certain land symbolizing liberty, Hobbs aspires to become the champion for freedom, lending his strength to the oppressed and the unfortunate, to mete out justice to the evil and the wicked."} +{"id": "05058575-3633-4058-98b3-64436d7acd01-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:48.164", "backgroundColor": "#16381a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZF7TqKv79WM92K1prKGT9YPYrTSdxG3dwkAAfnWaCKKM", "txHash": "0x01e0e685b8ac4ff45ef1d8750decac45af357d96b485be83521a3e6608b3cbe8", "createdAtBlock": 14516364, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Luther of the Steppe", "text": "Luther, a master in stone craft and manipulation of all things in the natural world of the Runiverse. A deep connection to nature at all times. \n \n A peaceful wizard, especially while at home in the steppes of the Runiverse. But make no mistake, abusing the land, or challenging the well tempered Luther, and he'll have no problem sending a gnome's tooth or two laced with red mamba venom your way at lightening speed. Even if one might be a warrior or pure beast."} +{"id": "e9eace3b-d077-4b9b-9f6c-32c6906e47e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-30T09:21:37.505", "backgroundColor": "#221d1d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQPrayVoMKXSZn2W16cLvec1LYLgdMCwoJS9cbib3vVH1", "txHash": "0xd63e7a6164a7e3ca7075fbbf1542995922395f15ddde64575050a1c175814a5f", "createdAtBlock": 15439573, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5114, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRkYeLsz3cRDSvAU5vRqok8TttacdrQoLtDJz7UhKjGwD", "name": "Valerie Breaker of Destiny", "text": "# Valerie Breaker of Destiny\n\n\n\nWizards know better than to mess with Valerie's Breaker of Destiny."} +{"id": "5c859924-6d02-46cd-ab44-e66da9031bbe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:58.904", "backgroundColor": "#cfbcbb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRkY3N3FCKV4E2vnZ1cpb6d9xcBLZVjNPqRpteaVyZsZn", "txHash": "0xd7fe9b69881827df65e7f05416b6176de8e8606bbb299fd0e40974c22a38d1fb", "createdAtBlock": 14760849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1660, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jeldor of the Marsh", "text": "Wands are only as powerful as the wizards who use them. Some wizards just like to boast that theirs are bigger and better than other people's."} +{"id": "7b516ccd-5f36-4eba-96ca-e59ee55c97c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:52.697", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNkyGpeedzoN9JkQuY282mDComAPdH4vY3qosvuDZGzcH", "txHash": "0x2542a68e8975b593058a97e961a7af8400153bb2993906d008a90eaf909b6068", "createdAtBlock": 14523384, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9329, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Yanlin of the Reach", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Yanlin of the Reach\n\n_The girl who wanted food..._\n\nDesperate times lead to desperate measures. Stranded on an adventure very high in the Morwen Mountain, Yanlin fought to breathe due to the altitude. \n\n\n\n### **Lost.**\n\n\n\nHer father died when she was young. Her mother, struggling to raise her and two other siblings on her own, often unintentionally neglected Yanlin. She was the middle child, which exacerbated this neglect. Thus, Yanlin found solace with her wolf companion, Chadd. \n\nChadd never left her side. He was here now, freezing. \n\nDesperate for food and warmth, they noticed a light coming from a clearing in the side of one of the mountains. \n\n### **The alcove.**\n\nAs they approached, the light got stronger, still dim overall but . \n\nEven more noticeable than the light was the pang of hunger.\n\nFinally reaching the alcove, all that lay there was an alter and an egg. She peered at it, with its fantastic blue spots. \n\n\"This was sent for me. My ancestors are smiling upon me,\" she said, almost in tears of joy.\n\nThe alter rumbled. This was no ordinary alter. It seemed to have a faint glow and bellow. Yanlin did not investigate. It was time to cook.\n\nPlacing a large flat stone on the alter, she started a flame..."} +{"id": "000c53ec-d89b-4e85-988f-767087fe187e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:53.409", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeBj6EHTqYPWgW9xpNf7JS3QZif53irHP3xMUpMSeBMHM", "txHash": "0x5e56556ff0587815dbdb37417043edd0c2ab5a119dce89832456026a545e1b05", "createdAtBlock": 14527072, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8444, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": " Solomon of the Sands", "text": "# Solomon of the sands\n\nAssembling a book of lore is a labor of love. Without lore, some wizards can be forgotten entirely, left as a soul without a story. Even relative to his notoriously reclusive Diviner brethren, Solomon of the Sands strived to be forgotten. Very little has been uncovered in regards to his origin or his current whereabouts, hence Solomon hailing from \"*the Sands*\". Whether Solomon's story will be gone forever or this Diviner's undetectability is just a glimpse into what hids in his bag of tricks... is to be determined. The last confirmed sighting of Solomon was in the Fey. He was positively identified having a passionate debate about the risks and rewards of The Sacred Flame with his blue rat, Remus, before they both vanished into thin air leaving nothing behind but the scent of sandalwood and a small piece of rotten cheese."} +{"id": "dae90e32-cc5a-43db-b3d6-5825820a5072-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:57.122", "backgroundColor": "#1f3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXmRocmARDfGdWoorWXig8anfFbZFakxFcQ89NF6Ftxm7", "txHash": "0x82b95f002778ccb1cdbd13e1da83c6cd4f1a58a59993fc1310170748a708f066", "createdAtBlock": 14529767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 116, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRccD6C1Wj61Yr9UW9q4nieMP5Fyh2jSXA6xDcvGpamrP", "name": "Moe the Swell", "text": "## Moe the Swell\n\nMoe the Swell was swell indeed, though his name is more geographical than descriptive. His family gained the Swell title from their proximity to the sea. His sire especially loved the water, taking the family on holiday from the fields to the beaches throughout the warm seasons. He is of the fell line; strong boned and rugged. \n\nMoe loves magnolia trees. If he happens upon one in bloom, he will stop and rest beneath the tree for days, basking in sweet memories and sweet flower aromatics that linger. \n\nHe often travels with a Blue hat- Sage Eden. They share a love for beaches and trees and David Bowie music.\n\nInteresting fact, Moe's real name is Mocha."} +{"id": "4907b37e-3355-4c47-a145-277bedfc10b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-30T22:22:41.007", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme6fQG45NLYdUDowTr9p6Tp4Y7hQqML5g8TUFeoCSedeE", "txHash": "0xea04f84623fa91164a8009d76c939d09828be49a1fd554f4a45fd83041233855", "createdAtBlock": 15442947, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4679, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Purple Boy of the Garden", "text": "# garden gravestone\n \n## A BOY RETURNED\n## TO WICKED EARTH\n## HARVEST ETERNAL\n## SATURNALIA"} +{"id": "f5a7cd4c-0eeb-4eae-8057-fb709b3cce3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:33:58.057", "backgroundColor": "#267c8f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY55arsHaaShVGeoDVFm5NDstscHwaPbZAvJedc2tv51L", "txHash": "0x3f0b4eceea6a189fbe50ff86eed578e45b8c0dd8c1c54fd52ba5ec8742113149", "createdAtBlock": 14530799, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1496, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Azahl of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# Dreaming in Reality\n\nIt is hard to know what you are seeing if you hang out with Azahl long enough. Her tricks are hard to detect, and her magic is hard to comprehend. Azahl has the ability to concoct nearly every potion known to the runiverse. \n\nAzahl would practice by moonlight to not let her captors know the extent of her powers. If TGFG had not saved her, she most likely would have escaped a few months later.\n\n*The final words of the last warrior to cross her*\n\n> I cant feel my face! \n> Oh, wait oh no, do I even HAVE a face? \n> Noooooooooo."} +{"id": "0f7d8b30-d6e9-444d-b840-ff44acf416c6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:56.964", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSYabYzZX2vtxtvgC37dKGgQQEgeYvwr3LXNSyPA4J39S", "txHash": "0x9e745383d6ed6a346dc6732ea81094a6ed7ae3b80f4d878ed8086d364b7454a4", "createdAtBlock": 14737430, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8143, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcWK14CRAso9FB3d2e1uhXeVWmcVSAYWKyjaBYEMfcrag", "name": "Ice Mage Bane of the Ice", "text": "# Ice Mage Bane of the Ice\n\nIs on VACATION.\nAfter earnestly contributing to the book of lore for his fellow wizards before they traveled to other lands, Ice Mage Bane of the Ice has decided to remain on vacation until further notice. Here he is below, last seen in his vacation outfit, unfortunately, his familiar didn't bring any additional wardrobe.\n\n\n\nAfter successfully mentoring Alchemist Oberon of the Wold, a success shown by Oberon's nightshade potion, Bane had expected many great things for the future for him and his apprentice. Unfortunately, Oberon had other plans. After many failed attempts of stepping in to the sacred flame, Oberon decided to set off on his own. Perhaps some day Bane will cross paths with his estranged apprentice, but until then the disillusioned chaotic neutral ice mage has decided to enjoy himself by taking a much needed vacation."} +{"id": "5f983626-1f06-49cb-ad19-2b0e34ebb205-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:34.673", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbUmGTRtAo6AFennJ4zM9qqSh25Zud9QTjwkfantPcorg", "txHash": "0x86c1e268687c10d22523c1734214b258a102006a0a3059c69185a2e3c4583093", "createdAtBlock": 15446237, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNhkkNGtx7Lsms3a36Bt1ZbeddV7pejbVTc1tEjp5po2f", "name": "Diviner Calliope of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Diviner Calliope of Arcadia\n\nSet out on a promiscuous quest of defining sexuality, Diviner Calliope can always be found with a beer in hand and great friends picked up at the nearby tavern. Come have a pint! \n\n\n\nhttps://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/51640218754664716176554734604489415686216524661363521318828626404260565745865"} +{"id": "d3028f42-3108-482c-8ac4-a0700863d361-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:05.511", "backgroundColor": "#32224c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxjnYGYeNQATPaLdK1Ly9TGPJu93Z8KTkiS5PufQvSRT", "txHash": "0x155009d76052fdd00f236f25105a616b98620117bb927070851028eb8e492b3e", "createdAtBlock": 14533822, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6247, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of the Event Horizon", "text": "Milton wasn't always a wicked wizard. He grew up with a pretty normal life. \n\nHowever, normal doesn't always mean delightful. Being a little smaller in size, Milton always seemed to be picked on in school.\n\nWhile hanging out on the playground alone, a mystical, giant ladybug approached him and whispered in his ears, \"Milton, come with me. I can show you how to defend yourself.\"\n\nYou see, the giant ladybug used to be a small ladybug. He was just as sick and tired of being picked on, so he learned the dark arts and cast a spell allowing him to grow in size and power. \n\nThe ladybug quickly showed Milton the dark ways and Milton enjoyed his newfound power. He crafted his staff made of the legendary moon rock and studied the magic of the planets. \n\nMilton and the ladybug grew in power together and grew in fascination with the sun. They knew that it produced a power unlike any of the planets they studied. \n\nSo they decided together, to walk in the flame and to feel the warmth and power of the sun..."} +{"id": "d13c6ff3-92e3-4369-a6d8-ec44f902f5d0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:06.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWPfHqH3XPic4572Kxhpf7SAJ8u2m1vTDgYBHcGqHZu6T", "txHash": "0xa0761f74de9e5c24d534154011e5ec7aa44063ea0f0407a97a97d7ee330fe504", "createdAtBlock": 14534100, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4857, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS5Yc9G4gPDr3ikND5dceZat6ikLSKJs838zre9yP6oRG", "name": "Veiled Phantasm of Phantasmagoria", "text": "# The Lore of the Veiled Phantasm of Phantasmagoria\n\n\n\nPrior to his journey through the Sacred Flame, the Holy Monk of the Field practiced his meditations with an unparalleled rigor. Known only as the Holy Monk, his goal was transcendence from the banalities of the world. Not even a familiar pet could stay with him on his path. Perhaps his closest inspiration was the water of his Kelpie's Fury:\n\n> Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.\n\n> *ancient wizard lore*\n\nWith these words in mind, transmutation was an easy choice. After a lifetime of practice being like water, becoming the Veiled Phantasm of Phantasmagoria was natural. A Phantasm, too, can take many forms and can flow or crash. Indeed, in Phantasmagoria, power manifests not in a physical form, but as psychic energy. \n\nHere he is once again like water. While he is a somewhat recent arrival (burn #498) it's like he has been here all along in spirit and is simply retaking his place as the Veiled Phantasm of Phantasmagoria. Besides, time is just one of the illusions inside and outside of Phantasmagoria.."} +{"id": "d7aed892-305f-4976-88cb-5ab1497b151a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:07.088", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSAopkKQJZo5KE9NPiojVKd1u2AdyK3GD4Y2RheYS7Gt", "txHash": "0xfbcc19f59fe95ec115293829daa746953ae047dfa4e2bdf3a852be746bda6dda", "createdAtBlock": 14534154, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Burning on top of a white candle, a single flame danced with the breeze. Angus could stare at the flickering flame for hours, watching the flame dance. It drew him in, brought him peace, tranquility, and clarity. The candle in its many forms had been with him his whole life. From the moment he first opened his eyes with true sight he saw the flame. At first glance, it had sat upon a deep red candle, slowly cascading a small stream of liquid wax down its side. The flame from that scarlett candle allowed him to see his mother for the first time. He smiled with the warmth that the memory gave him. He recalled another memory listening to his father whisper incantations as a candle burned. Then meals he ate with his brother were accompanied by a candle. The hours spent studying tomes and scrolls a candle constantly lit his path of thirst and knowledge. Thus it was a given that when Angus reached the status of Arcanist he imbued his magical essence into a candle. This single candle, pure white of body, stood about a hand's length on top of a gold candelabra. Black runes etched the side of the grip that seemed to devour the light in. The one, lone candle stood the same height, regardless of how long the flame burned. The wax gave way, slowly rolling off the edge and down the body only to dissipate into nothingness as it touched the warm metal of the grip. In this, the candle held everything Angus felt and knew."} +{"id": "d7aed892-305f-4976-88cb-5ab1497b151a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:07.088", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSAopkKQJZo5KE9NPiojVKd1u2AdyK3GD4Y2RheYS7Gt", "txHash": "0xfbcc19f59fe95ec115293829daa746953ae047dfa4e2bdf3a852be746bda6dda", "createdAtBlock": 14534154, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Our wizard was an honest man and thoughts of power or evil never made home in his mind, hence the pure white of the candle. What drove him was curiosity and the need to see and experience. The candle when lit cast its light into any corner, that was its purpose to bring sight with-in the darkness. Anguss candle did just that and more, with a snap of his fingers the flame sprang to life and anywhere a candle burned it served as a window or door of transportation for Angus. Anywhere that basked in candle light was now within his sight. Throughout the years he watched as wizards developed new magic, he spied on treachery of house politics, even the birth of a baby. Everything was now an open book to him, he was able to take in and watch all manners of life, and on occasion experiencing it for himself. When held, the candelabra opened a portal where Angus could step through and feel the cold stone floor of the secret tower, or bask in the warm breeze of Asmodeuss surf. Angus found pleasure watching the world unfold, rarely feeling the need to interfere. It was not his role to take action, but to merely watch, sometimes experience, yet always to learn. His pleasant nature, however, would not allow evils to go unhindered, which he intruded as indirectly as possible. There was a time where he thwarted an evil attempt to make a potion of blindness meant for some poor soul. Just as his sinister peer looked away he quickly dropped some rainbow dew and pixie dust into the brew, rendering it useless. So from his tower situated far into the cold tundra, Angus watched and experienced life."} +{"id": "d7aed892-305f-4976-88cb-5ab1497b151a-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:07.088", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSAopkKQJZo5KE9NPiojVKd1u2AdyK3GD4Y2RheYS7Gt", "txHash": "0xfbcc19f59fe95ec115293829daa746953ae047dfa4e2bdf3a852be746bda6dda", "createdAtBlock": 14534154, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Time passed. Births and deaths witnessed, then one day, as if on cue, it all changed. He had been studying when he heard the chime of bells. It sounded as though it was just a bit away, however regardless of which direction he turned it seemed to always come from behind him, just beyond his reach. He spent days researching mystic bells and weeks searching through candle light for this chime. He felt mad and exhausted, but sleep did not find him as he was haunted by his need. After cycles of sun and moon, peering by candle light, he felt it. Intense heat emitted. His hands shook as he grasped his candle. His eyes watered as a shape began to take form, a single flame dancing above a floating stone shaped like a rhombus. In its light, Angus saw a skull, a tulip and for some odd reason, he picked up the scent of raspberry jam filling the air. There were other items in his peripheral, strewn across the floor just beyond the flames light, but Angus could only focus on the single flame. The heat, the dance and the bells called to him. As he stepped closer he felt the darkness, the power and the dread held up in the fire. This didnt dissuade him, this moment he stood in front of the ultimate flame! How could he walk away? How could he turn his back on this entity before him? He could reach the pinnacle of his mystic being, he had found the ultimate candle. And with that thought he stepped closer"} +{"id": "df51906e-7767-421c-b944-267fb2c7ae4b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:07.86", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWPqbGgF52ivEMEo3usEMPZ6gqShzuL1FhSRSRLNhTM7S", "txHash": "0x916eb7bd6f06806f76baff0482a3601797f9e04256827d0087c44d6596cd7c01", "createdAtBlock": 14534185, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5425, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Diana of the Reach", "text": "Later that night Diana snuck into the toadz hole with revenge on her mind. The small still voice in her mind kept pestering her, she had the taken the toadz souls now she would take their lives. Was this the way? Diana was lost in thought and didn't see the dark figure approach behind her. \n\n*THUMP* Diana's vision faded to black.\n\nWhen her eye's opened again she was greeted by hundreds of tiny strange eyes surrounding her. Her body completely immobilized, tied to the ground by hundreds of threads. A gathering of toadz circled her and stared at her in the torch light.\n\nA great old toad with a scarred eye hopped forward. \"You took from us everything Diana, now we will take everything from you.\"\n\nDiana began to plead for her life, but the toadz looked on with little sympathy. The great toad shook his head and shouted, \"Bring forth the sacred flame!!\""} +{"id": "c220dc72-36ee-4b9a-a103-8725092cdac4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:08.559", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZRGSxFHX8kP18jPNEie2M5NiRqQvwxGD2XQjg1WHSm8b", "txHash": "0x42f6171f617fdad5dc9f8c35fef62d98fbf7279214eec79dfb95435adc923a93", "createdAtBlock": 14534343, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNZ1GnRPjm1WqPr6A2kyAo2B5m3JAcgks9PFAKMpgeDXY", "name": "Archmagus of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus of the Mount\n\nA wizard of the Earth, no one is really sure how long he had been at the Mount. In fact, no one even knows this wizard's name. Perhaps part the reason for this is that he doesn't seem all too eager to share it with anyone. Indeed, the only company he cares for is that of his Lucky Black Cat. This friend doesn't waste time with platitudes, isn't nosy and doesn't play social mind games. \n\nFor as out of touch with society he seems to be, the Archmagus of the Mount, as he is known as, is equally in tune with the magical power of the Earth. His specialty is the concoction of potent mixtures of magical ingredients drawn from the Earth. \n\n\n\nRumors swirl about what these potions do. Could they be the secret to his longevity? Do they grant special powers to the consumer, or enhance their existing capabilities? Or are they destructive or coercive in nature, perhaps even rendering a foe under his control? In reality, the Archmagus of the Mount can create all of these. However, what presently consumes his interest is his study of the effect of a powerful new magic on the Earth. The quantum shadow looms far in the distance, and yet leaves a subtle signature that the Earth can tell him about.\n\nBut he's always getting pestered by others and making real progress is a struggle. If only they would leave him alone..perhaps there is a potion for that..."} +{"id": "be9829ee-b1be-4792-a87f-95e30589c86c-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T05:20:16.886", "backgroundColor": "#11071a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNcfwUDirP8qRkrmbjPCZzrKwWYJ3SVNcxSTDmejBotH8", "txHash": "0x68bd2d361cd24b8d726698e9f0e336aeed7db737bc16d06a94fc4fde356936fe", "createdAtBlock": 15457311, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9846, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS3HxqioUAYw5ZVbUmd8J9nDPusyJG4K7e6pSiXJvZhcE", "name": "Medium Apollo of the Cosmos", "text": "# Medium Apollo of the Cosmos\n--\n\n\n\n\nRunes is an ancient art, a game that to most seems to have always existed. There are a select few who remember its birth, but they keep this story to themselves as to not taint what the game has become.\n\nMedium Apollo of the Cosmos is not one of these ancient wizards, but he knows the most important thing about Runes: it binds. The bonds created through shared experiences are some of the most powerful spells in the Runiverse. People sit down to play a game, but little do they know they are performing magic. They enchant the other, they enchant themselves.\n\nAn invitation to play and the acceptance. Sealed with a nod, handshake, a smile...\n\nPresenting yourself to another, coexisting in the same space. Vulnerable...\n\nThe flipping through the cards as you find your hand to play with...\n\nThe positioning of the board, in between the two players. A bridge...\n\nPlacing the cards on the board, allowing a story to unfold. A story within a story...\n\nThe resolution of the game, the acknowledgment of the victor. A celebration...\n\nAnd the departure. Separate but now tethered by magic.\n\nApollo knows this magic all too well. Growing up, he played Runes with some of his best friends in various basements, kitchen tables, and local card shops. They spent countless hours sparring, laughing, bonding. As Apollo grew up, naturally him & his friends played less as responsibilities blossomed. But this didnt sit right with him. What Runes gave him & his friends growing up was lacking in the world around him. People walked past each other without recognizing anyone. They occupied the same space without really coexisting. They interacted but those interactions were shallow, without meaning. And when they parted ways, nothing persisted to bind them."} +{"id": "be9829ee-b1be-4792-a87f-95e30589c86c-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T05:20:16.886", "backgroundColor": "#11071a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNcfwUDirP8qRkrmbjPCZzrKwWYJ3SVNcxSTDmejBotH8", "txHash": "0x68bd2d361cd24b8d726698e9f0e336aeed7db737bc16d06a94fc4fde356936fe", "createdAtBlock": 15457311, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9846, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS3HxqioUAYw5ZVbUmd8J9nDPusyJG4K7e6pSiXJvZhcE", "name": "Medium Apollo of the Cosmos", "text": "Feeling the weight of a world without magic, he walked to a park him and his friends would frequently play cards in during the hot summers. He sat down & with his head in hands, found himself lost and asking himself a question he didn't know the answer to. As he lifted his head, hoping to see the answer in the Cosmos above him he was greeted by a little girl standing next to the table.\n\nGirl: _Up for a game?_\n\nShe reached out to him, and in her hand was a small pile of Runes cards. He accepted.\n\nShe gleefully sat down and placed the board in between them. The two played dozens of games. He flipped through the cards that he knew all too well but felt like he hadnt seen in an eternity. They laughed and cheered each other on. He felt that feeling. The magic that he was missing.\n\nGirl: _Apollo, the world needs people to bring it together. You dont have to live in a world without magic._\n\nApollo: _But how?_\n\nThe little girl smirked. She took a card out of a chest pocket and placed it face down on the table.\n\nGirl: _You know what to do!_\n\nA light breeze started to blow just hard enough to push the card off of the table. Apollo bent down to pick up it up & when he finally rose she was gone.\n\nHe looked at the card & on it he found an image of himself.\n\nShe was right, Apollo knew what he had to do. He traveled back to his childhood home & gathered all of the Runes cards that him and his friends used to play with.\n\nNow, whenever someone is looking for respite, craving a connection, or needing a touch of fun, Apollo is there with cards in hand.\n\nApollo: _Up for a game?_\n\n\n\n--\n\nCredit to @_giveahoot & ozzzmabro"} +{"id": "af8f5732-8550-4252-8dda-d60e9387a073-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:12.775", "backgroundColor": "#4e7b7a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVkJA6y84y6uFrvFjAiRYWVnWQ181XW32aWC293GRja2L", "txHash": "0xc52a4f5e0481457a7f89acfae3fe535403e0e7aef8c3fbb509eee7fc480655bc", "createdAtBlock": 14542352, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6893, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Salah of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Path of a Bullfrog\n_an excerpt from the Lore of Sorcerer Salah of The Sacred Pillars_\n\nImmersed in a dense forest \nCareful leaps treading on aged moss \nA wise bullfrog, ventures with purpose \nBehind him, a hooded figure follows curiously \nWhere is this instinctual amphibian headed? \nAcross a slow moving stream \nThrough a deep valley \nThe hooded figure slunk \nA blink, and the bullfrog vanished \nThe stalker searched with no advance \nBelow him, hard stone cools his feet \nA sense of familiarity warms him \nWhat is this place? \nGlancing up, \nAncient cylindrical structures tower over him \nA seemingly simple bullfrog, smirking from the shadows"} +{"id": "7cd10f70-0ed8-4617-901e-9f82841ac138-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:23.308", "backgroundColor": "#4a1f62", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1x6sb7hoQYMbrMgFDgCvG9ogcrftaXdRj5PNRBK7rU3", "txHash": "0xef485b4261e1aab93f0fd626e039642f7a1ae92be3bba6fbf42b91c37a1fe2c3", "createdAtBlock": 14546841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5025, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Fugh ", "text": "# Shaman Fugh\n\n## Prologue\n\n> _The poor, in their despondence and ill fortune, prefer to cling\nto their conviction that ill fortune their lowly lot in life -\nsurely comes not\nfrom their own actions or lack thereof, but are\na result of the cosmos' great conspiracy against them.\nRegardless of how hard they work, how devoutly they prey,\nsurely, they would ever end up as the lowest caste._\n> \n> _The wealthy will, of course, be adamant of their superiority\nand the insistence that there is something tangible, some aspect\nof their character - perhaps the very blood in their veins - that\nsets them apart. Why else, they would ask, would they be so\nfortunate and elevated, far above the riff and the raff, if not\nfor their excellence?_\n> \n> _Clearly, they are both entirely wrong._\n> \n> _Yet the truth still eludes me, seek as I may._\n> \n> _If fortune favors the bold and brave, then what of the kind-\nhearted? Perhaps we have been measuring success entirely\nwrong this whole time._\n> \n> \n> Inheritance vs. Experience\n> \n> _Author Unknown_\n\n\n\"Fugh!\"\n\nFor just a second his name, exclaimed with such volume, brought him back to his youth. Very much an average Kobold family they were far from wealthy, and he had always struggled with his twelve siblings: fighting for scraps, vying for father's scant attention, competing for mothers favor. He had mostly lost on all accounts, ever the runt. He was never fast enough to eat first, nor strong enough to join the Horde with father. And, snapping back to the present, still unsure if his name, Fugh, was indeed a given name or simply an exclamation of disgust and annoyance."} +{"id": "7cd10f70-0ed8-4617-901e-9f82841ac138-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:23.308", "backgroundColor": "#4a1f62", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1x6sb7hoQYMbrMgFDgCvG9ogcrftaXdRj5PNRBK7rU3", "txHash": "0xef485b4261e1aab93f0fd626e039642f7a1ae92be3bba6fbf42b91c37a1fe2c3", "createdAtBlock": 14546841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5025, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Fugh ", "text": "\"Fugh! Please! Favored Shaman, a minute of your time!\" the call came again as he stopped and turned around, hist fancy robes swishing about him.\n\nRunning towards him, filthy and tattered robes flailing, was a disheveled figure. Fugh had to fight the instinct to cover his nose or take a step back, reminding himself yet again that not too long ago, he was not far removed from the decrepit figure falling to its knees before him. Dipping his Harmony Staff to gently tap the man's chin, he guided the man back to his feet with the indigo length of wood.\n\n\"Ser, I am nor favored nor famous, so please; whence have you my name?\" he asked the stranger, locking eyes.\n\n\"Your legend is spoken with awe down in the Shambles, few have not heard of your spiritual proficiency, and many claim your charity has been of immeasurable value!\"\n\nIt was true of course, he had made a habit of walking the less favored quarters of the Red Wizard Capital; The wealthiest city of all the land by a fair margin, the center of all commerce and the seat of the prominent elite of Red Wizards, of course had its darker side; Ever it seemed that wealth would invariably rest bloated backsides on the backs of those less fortunate.\n\nQuietly and gently tapping into his magic, letting the familiar feeling seep into his mind, focused by his staff, he peered closer at the man."} +{"id": "7cd10f70-0ed8-4617-901e-9f82841ac138-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:23.308", "backgroundColor": "#4a1f62", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1x6sb7hoQYMbrMgFDgCvG9ogcrftaXdRj5PNRBK7rU3", "txHash": "0xef485b4261e1aab93f0fd626e039642f7a1ae92be3bba6fbf42b91c37a1fe2c3", "createdAtBlock": 14546841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5025, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Fugh ", "text": "Immediately his vision exploded with visions, his scrawny frame veritably crowded by spirits, all extremely agitated, blurring his vision. Quickly closing his eyes, and severing his connection to the Spirit Realm, he gasped and took a step back. \"Are you alright?!\" the man surged forward to grasp his wrist in support, but the contact only made the magical aura surrounding the man explode again in Fugh's mind. Roughly disengaging from the man, Fught shook his head to clear it.\n\n\"Ser, I am fine. Please, how may I be of service?\" he asked, keeping a calm faade. There was definitely something converging on this man, to have the spirits in such an uproar. \n\n\"It is my son, you see. He is not well, will not take food nor drink,\" the stranger wailed, tears in his eyes. They seemed not malevolent, these spirits, and their intensity made for a difficult reading, however this felt significant; Much more so than any others he has ever witnessed. _Who is this man, or perhaps more importantly who is his son?_ he thought. \n\n\"I will find you tonight, leave now, but first what is your son's name?\" he asked.\n\n\"Thank you, thank you! He bears the name of his great-grandfather, his name is _Samael_, he gushed as he turned around and ran, soon disappearing in the crowds."} +{"id": "b8c13457-e9f6-4248-a805-c24a4168d84d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:14.607", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbwwFzJ2HNHEtiDwicRw8xhQPb88igXd92y577ViQrb8d", "txHash": "0x7f17c5a7db38ce96e00e2b8696124128acc7f5f3534b804188d1b9287d62a2b4", "createdAtBlock": 14543309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2859, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hadrien of the Bastion", "text": "Of the Three Rings that the Elves had preserved unsullied no open word was ever spoken among the Wise, and few even of the Eldar knew where they were bestowed. Yet after the fall of Sauron their power was ever at work, and where they abode there mirth also dwelt and all things were unstained by the griefs of time. Therefore ere the Third Age was ended the Elves perceived that the Ring of Sapphire was with Elrond, in the fair valley of Rivendell, upon whose house the stars of heaven most brightly shone; whereas the Ring of Adamant was in the Land of Lorien where dwelt the Lady Galadriel. A queen she was of the woodland Elves, the wife of Celeborn of Doriath, yet she herself was of the Noldor and remembered the Day before days in Valinor, and she was the mightiest and fairest of all the Elves that remained in Middle-earth. But the Red Ring remained hidden until the end, and none save Elrond and Galadriel and Cirdan knew to whom it had been committed."} +{"id": "d7e84cbb-f045-459f-a47a-ddbe19c64b5e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:15.896", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPyfAwJcdzyejGoxrZbzX45kqVeaLFJonDGVFRqQ51xpJ", "txHash": "0xa5e0b38c22aeed28bd0707e532a86a729c042c48d5d74b6ce74ad15a1401d17a", "createdAtBlock": 14606215, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9776, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Hex Mage Pandora of the Riviera", "text": "## We move through stormy weather\n## We know that our days are few\n## We dream and we struggle together\n## And love will carry us through"} +{"id": "cfcb3348-d4e2-48dc-b823-11027fa629ae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:16.613", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvVnnDftHNkx78a7wE7sc6r2mZ19oU8CvpRhFR9T8fYx", "txHash": "0x7758d1cf274e9f9c3655eae3c9b079c88f0b8dd98db67c97ebab8942daf84a06", "createdAtBlock": 14606240, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2267, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Death Crow JackDaw of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# White-faced, haggard grin\n# This serenity painted death\n# With a halo of bitter disease\n# Black paragon in lingering breath"} +{"id": "10b0e138-3468-4a46-8c6e-a60590e44656-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:17.281", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUxDKjr9U5MtBVj5YpY23tmKBGpM9MfRT1vz25vFw5jZz", "txHash": "0x034b5723e2712c87e14a071497518ca5869626ca1bec53788c203e3be556915d", "createdAtBlock": 14608600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdvQrMiu9CwfLBcBkqfgbhVdHxgbtNnHSNmyX7iH3yhg2", "name": "Wild Mage Ethan of the Moors", "text": "# PROLOGUE \n\n\n##### Pay him no mind, no mind - Ethan mumbled. \"Wing the windmill wing until it sings of forgotten sins,\" he hummed as he searched the drawer of his desk. There was a cupboard attached to the desk which contained books, scrolls, and other questionable items. Double down when midnight falls, answer none who calls. Forgotten sins, forgotten sins..I have forgotten sincesince - he muttered confused. Aha! Ethan exclaimed. With a strong push, he closed the drawer, and for a moment it seemed like the desk would collapse.\n\n##### Unlike how recklessly he flipped his house upside down to search for his equipment, Ethan carefully laid all the items out on the table. A spoon, mortar, weights, a boiled egg, some herbs and a big book. \"Wing the windmill until it sings of forgotten sins\", he whispered while putting everything in a bag. After a quick look around he put on his overcoat and made a smacking sound on which, with perfect cue, a rat jumped on his shoulder before disappearing in the warm coat. He grabbed his stick and without hesitation closed the door behind him with a firm slam.\n\n\n\n##### While he walked through the forest he more violently mumbled: Pay him no mind, NO MIND. Since he lived alone, there wasn't anyone around to talk to, so he spoke mostly to himself. The forest was always green and thriving. He raised his stick in one fluid motion, slammed it against some low hanging leaves from which a fruit fell. The rat jumped out of the overcoat as soon as it hit the ground, grabbed the fruit and hid in the pelt. \n\n\n\n##### After hiking for a few hours, they reached a clearing in the forest. Ethan stopped suddenly and looked up. He whispered: \"Wing the windmill wing until it sings of forgotten sins.\"."} +{"id": "848f9fe3-d8dc-4ad6-8775-f3910bb737d9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:24.234", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXNa43g7WR9VEiZeZYC4ZmaY2RHrsubTdh8JhnYyPre36", "txHash": "0x92d38b2a435e8b96658976f5c044bf462d280cb0a5709df383867484e06039ca", "createdAtBlock": 14612826, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3581, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQyitHsJWb8fwU7Zx98D4Q2p4vkkLYWfVATF8PE3JeraL", "name": " Hadrien of the Field", "text": "# Hadrien of the Field\n\nSup, wanderer, welcome to my page\n\n\n\n\n\n#\n#\n#\nSome people think I look better in Noggles, wdyt?"} +{"id": "14360b5c-2ebc-4a1f-b8dc-737adaada6c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:32.051", "backgroundColor": "#300404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTyqH9ohUSa4kKtt1mCdnhCtP9RL4bf33uGQf5DrxQKRe", "txHash": "0xf88ebcf57e6e3c2658107f27d780603f8b8cdc3f7bbed1bb0f6e1e1910b6dec8", "createdAtBlock": 14744289, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmbMUTBdXeCTBMjyqrbsFwesDh4Wc3boXvJhGm4Wpx3F", "name": "Sage Aslan of the Hills", "text": "Origin Story\n\nDeep from within the Vampyre Mist, Sage Aslan of the Hills roamed the desolate land in search for an immortal companion driven there by something he cannot define. Months ago he awoke in the night to a sirens song only to find his hillside torched in flame. His tribe massacred. The only remnants remaining in the ash are the scattered footprints of goblins pillaging the burnt remains for jewels, potions and spell books."} +{"id": "14360b5c-2ebc-4a1f-b8dc-737adaada6c7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:32.051", "backgroundColor": "#300404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTyqH9ohUSa4kKtt1mCdnhCtP9RL4bf33uGQf5DrxQKRe", "txHash": "0xf88ebcf57e6e3c2658107f27d780603f8b8cdc3f7bbed1bb0f6e1e1910b6dec8", "createdAtBlock": 14744289, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmbMUTBdXeCTBMjyqrbsFwesDh4Wc3boXvJhGm4Wpx3F", "name": "Sage Aslan of the Hills", "text": "As he traverses the marshy, desolate land Aslan hears a deep, slow growl. It reverberates all around him and he stops. Paralyzed not by fear but intrigue by what appears to be glowing blood-red eyes focused on him. Aslan shouts, Show yourself. The deep growl slowly shifts to a sinister laugh. An echoing voice, Show myself? To a mere mortal? Be gone boy before I turn you to dust. Sensing the growing conflict Aslan sparks his lunar staff preparing to fight. The staff begins to shimmer in an orange, reddish hue as he raises it for battle. Aslan, Dust? Do not threaten if you are not prepared to fight! You are but a coward hiding in the shadows. Where are you who are you? The voice continues, Who I am is none of your concern..where I am is everywhere and nowhere. Aslan, growing impatient, Show yourself you must be the one I seek vengeance against for the crimes committed against my tribe. This time louder, angrier and with a flash of lighting the creature summoned from the sky the creature yells out BE GONE! LEAVE NOW! This time the creature commands Aslans attention revealing himself for the first time through the mist, muck and darkness that hangs heavy. Aslan senses the creatures confusion and recognizes this being is not who he seeks vengeance against."} +{"id": "14360b5c-2ebc-4a1f-b8dc-737adaada6c7-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:32.051", "backgroundColor": "#300404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTyqH9ohUSa4kKtt1mCdnhCtP9RL4bf33uGQf5DrxQKRe", "txHash": "0xf88ebcf57e6e3c2658107f27d780603f8b8cdc3f7bbed1bb0f6e1e1910b6dec8", "createdAtBlock": 14744289, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmbMUTBdXeCTBMjyqrbsFwesDh4Wc3boXvJhGm4Wpx3F", "name": "Sage Aslan of the Hills", "text": "Aslan lowers his staff and changes his tone, You hide in the shadows. I too am a ruler of night. Ive journeyed for months. My lunar staff and rune guided me here. I am tired. I mean you no harm. I am Sage Aslan of the Hills and my people were massacred by someone or something. Leave me be. I have no sympathy for your kind, disregarding Aslans attempt to quell the posturing. Slowly rising his lunar staff Aslan summons a full moon to light the night to reveal this creature for the first time. His eyes open wide at the horrific creature only yards in front of him. Softly, Ive never encountered a night walker. When I was a boy I listened to fables my fathers father use to tell. In fact, I dont know anyone whos ever seen let alone met a night walker before. I thought your kind were killed in the great purge. The night walker scoffs. Your kind marginalizes our contribution"} +{"id": "14360b5c-2ebc-4a1f-b8dc-737adaada6c7-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:32.051", "backgroundColor": "#300404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTyqH9ohUSa4kKtt1mCdnhCtP9RL4bf33uGQf5DrxQKRe", "txHash": "0xf88ebcf57e6e3c2658107f27d780603f8b8cdc3f7bbed1bb0f6e1e1910b6dec8", "createdAtBlock": 14744289, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmbMUTBdXeCTBMjyqrbsFwesDh4Wc3boXvJhGm4Wpx3F", "name": "Sage Aslan of the Hills", "text": "scoffs. Your kind marginalizes our contribution to the land. Aslan quick to respond, Ney I meant no disrespect. Pardon my ignorance but I know nothing of your kind.only from the tales told. The creature begins to shift its body when Aslan sees that it sits upon a throne of skulls. Aslan calls out, You are quite a curious creature. Come closer. I am tired from my journey. Have a drink with me. In response, you cannot offer me what I desire. Aslan responds, take it. take my blood. The creature inquisitively taunts , Ha, tempting but the blood of a broken man quenches no thirst. Aslan finds relief as he slumps over a pile of skulls. I am Laslo, descendent of Ivan. I am the keeper of the sacred flame of Vampyre Mist. I too am broken for I am the one that destroyed this once beautiful land and my kind. I now live in this exiled land feasting on"} +{"id": "14360b5c-2ebc-4a1f-b8dc-737adaada6c7-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:32.051", "backgroundColor": "#300404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTyqH9ohUSa4kKtt1mCdnhCtP9RL4bf33uGQf5DrxQKRe", "txHash": "0xf88ebcf57e6e3c2658107f27d780603f8b8cdc3f7bbed1bb0f6e1e1910b6dec8", "createdAtBlock": 14744289, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmbMUTBdXeCTBMjyqrbsFwesDh4Wc3boXvJhGm4Wpx3F", "name": "Sage Aslan of the Hills", "text": "I now live in this exiled land feasting on the forgotten souls. But why turn and sacrifice your own people? Aslan ask inquisitively. It was not me, Laslo says confidently. I was put under an ancient spell by a Beast whose name I cannot speak of. A black moon rose that night and only a few night walkers escaped before I.. Laslo trails off as he for longingly looks at the moon. Aslan sits up almost reenergized, a Beast? I must know more. Tell me more. It was a Beast with whom I sense slaughtered my kind but have very little to point to other than the sirens song. Aslans rune begins to vibrate and staff shimmer. My rune and staff as my guide have brought me here. This is destiny. Laslo, join me. Join me in our fight for vengeance for I believe we fight the same fight. Together we can combine our powers to bring down the evil that has ruled over our heads and"} +{"id": "14360b5c-2ebc-4a1f-b8dc-737adaada6c7-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:32.051", "backgroundColor": "#300404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTyqH9ohUSa4kKtt1mCdnhCtP9RL4bf33uGQf5DrxQKRe", "txHash": "0xf88ebcf57e6e3c2658107f27d780603f8b8cdc3f7bbed1bb0f6e1e1910b6dec8", "createdAtBlock": 14744289, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmbMUTBdXeCTBMjyqrbsFwesDh4Wc3boXvJhGm4Wpx3F", "name": "Sage Aslan of the Hills", "text": "down the evil that has ruled over our heads and hearts for far too long. It is time."} +{"id": "02226d51-6c8f-41f7-9bd1-7d993292548e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:36.427", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVDpoXeMAM3i8jqCv6fFHvGMBFDXHcmm7QX4gMt6EcRAk", "txHash": "0xd45f6192da2d52423ad2b77ceddade20802f703cb42a81ccd005e4e2ec87de2b", "createdAtBlock": 14547385, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5548, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Daria of the Light", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n\nbla bla bla\n\n\nThis is a true story."} +{"id": "01c7b880-6632-4905-80d7-4cf483ff8942-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:32.72", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPDectEESBudqkMKeAZS9pPpS1vR4mwxDnBiPC8DQKT6m", "txHash": "0x05634d4ed802ad09351231af012ffc11049d5ec01f8a80d5ba28a8b4e9233999", "createdAtBlock": 14745715, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9060, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Godfrey of the Heath", "text": "La primera vez que se vio a Battle Mage Godfrey of the Heath fue en la antigua Tenochtitlan en el siglo XIV, los Aztecas lo veneraban como a uno de sus dioses."} +{"id": "cb2c797f-3b37-4221-947a-c2a1745654f7-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T19:52:38.133", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ62LHSEpNDYqyGiyaK4MprpWwq3gCA1hhqSNB3JTwM1v", "txHash": "0x842ff177c35448ab69812ce62f624cf4b6223245501a0425796cd0ded07527c4", "createdAtBlock": 15461098, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15321, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Murphy Hero of the Mountain", "text": "# A Hero of the Mountain\n\nMurphy, a hero of the mountain, was a simple young man. He had no desire for any bloodshed. \n\nHis days weren't always filled with slaying the terrible creatures laid within the mountain. \n\nHe grew up looking to have peace. However, after the creatures started to terrorize anyone crossing through them, he took up his shield and sword and would guide them through the narrow pass.\n\nOn one of his adventures, he befriended a nastyass honey badger that was in need of his help. They became good friends and helped guide voyagers through the dangerous pass together."} +{"id": "4a8eb860-a47a-47ef-9620-b1653310aa18-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:17.486", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTzJztyZNHVj8ccGNMhFjAU8fuQWDkUwQZwwDsRy5AvjZ", "txHash": "0x3e077cffd630a8994627f37a6f322651d73b28cd70eea4d040c927cbe6a4a2b6", "createdAtBlock": 14546418, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rowena of the Wild", "text": "Violent midnight\n\nA wild, eerie witch watches\n\nbecause of the eye"} +{"id": "3edd4b5f-22cf-4d24-9db0-6d310cbe5f3d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:18.137", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfKJMkXMZhe1itrv5mZBY5jBXbf3rBbXKTPoKpzQEYNao", "txHash": "0x833f4602397b956bf5fda48acf23ba4b6a288f5ec0e7152487e96918aacf3083", "createdAtBlock": 14546443, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr from the Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Ozohr from the Shadow and Flumen the rat\n\nNot all are aware of their greater calling from day one. Some will inherit it early in their life from a family member, some will study in search of their calling while others will stumble upon it almost by pure coincidence. \n\n\nOzohr falls in this third category, he lived most of his life living a very quiet and peaceful life, uninterested and almost unaware of anything called magic. He would be considered by most a very down-to-earth and low profile guy, some would probably even say boring behind his back. His life was pretty much centered on his work at Tottis Bank in Alessars Keep, a couple of close friends and his family. Ozohr was quite comfortable with his life, he loved routine and loved being in control of his surroundings. Blazing speeds and fireworks are not for everyone, at the very least they were not for the old Ozohr, the goes to bed at 10 on the dot Ozohr, the saves every penny Ozhor, the lets have a glass and go home Ozohr. But that old Ozhor no longer exists for the better or for the worst we now have a completely different Ozohra new Ozohr."} +{"id": "3edd4b5f-22cf-4d24-9db0-6d310cbe5f3d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:18.137", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfKJMkXMZhe1itrv5mZBY5jBXbf3rBbXKTPoKpzQEYNao", "txHash": "0x833f4602397b956bf5fda48acf23ba4b6a288f5ec0e7152487e96918aacf3083", "createdAtBlock": 14546443, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr from the Shadow", "text": "It all started while he was taking a very long walk by the river after another shift at the bank. During that walk, Ozohrs mind was flip-flopping between retiring the coming summer or to keep going for a little longer. He felt like he had given all he could give, and that maybe having more time for himself would be an easy way to have extra joy from life. As he got a little closer to the river to test the waters temperature Ozohr suddenly saw a blue light a couple meters away in the river. After looking at it for a couple seconds Ozohr felt like he saw the light move. He kept looking and it moved again he could swear! But what could it be, it was way too small to be human-like. \n\n\nCuriosity took over and Ozohr stepped in the shallow riverbank, and after moving forward a couple meters he was finally close enough to see clearly what the blue light was. It was a small animal, smaller than a dog, its fur was bright, blue and shiny, nothing he had seen before. The small animal was clearly not a great swimmer, and definitely could use some help. Ozohr carried the small beast to the shore and once the animal was safely back on solid ground it just stayed there looking at Ozohr; and Ozhor looked back at the small thing and finally was able to get a better look, it was clearly not a dog or a cat, looked more like a very tall and slightly pudgy rat. Its color was clearly what would catch anyones eye, the blue was actually more like a turquoise, like an exotic sea."} +{"id": "3edd4b5f-22cf-4d24-9db0-6d310cbe5f3d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:18.137", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfKJMkXMZhe1itrv5mZBY5jBXbf3rBbXKTPoKpzQEYNao", "txHash": "0x833f4602397b956bf5fda48acf23ba4b6a288f5ec0e7152487e96918aacf3083", "createdAtBlock": 14546443, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr from the Shadow", "text": "The rat and Ozohr looked at each other for what seemed like a long time, both evaluating the other. After a while Ozohr decided it was time to head home, happy he saved the rat from possible drowning. As he started walking away, it took but 2 seconds that the rat started following him, never getting more than a couple meters away from Ozohr. Having no time to lose as it was getting late and having no time to interrogate a rat who couldnt talk, Ozohr decided to simply head home and ignore the blue animal following. \n\n\nWhether he wanted it or not, Ozohr had a new friend, the rat followed him home, slept under his bed and would not leave him alone all day. It felt like the rat owed his life to the human who carried him out of the water, or maybe the rat was simply looking for a nice friend and had found one. Because he found him swimming in the river, and because of its color, Ozohr decided to name the rat Flumen, he found the name fitting for the animal, for his friend."} +{"id": "3edd4b5f-22cf-4d24-9db0-6d310cbe5f3d-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:18.137", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfKJMkXMZhe1itrv5mZBY5jBXbf3rBbXKTPoKpzQEYNao", "txHash": "0x833f4602397b956bf5fda48acf23ba4b6a288f5ec0e7152487e96918aacf3083", "createdAtBlock": 14546443, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr from the Shadow", "text": "Flumen brought with him a lot of excitement for Ozohr, everyone wanted to see the blue rat, they all wanted to pet its funny looking fur. But other than others curiosity, Flumen is the one that really changed Ozohrs life when one day after a night out at the pub, Flumen refused to go the usual way home, Flumen would not follow Ozohr no matter how many times he asked or how loud he yelled at the animal. After a while, Ozohr had no other choice than to abdicate and follow his best friend. The animal started running towards an alley about 10 meters away from the pubs exit. He then cut in the alley and started scratching at the first door he saw, he scratched and scratched and scratched. Intrigued, Ozohr got closer to the door, not hearing anything inside he decided to give the knob a little jiggle."} +{"id": "3edd4b5f-22cf-4d24-9db0-6d310cbe5f3d-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:18.137", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfKJMkXMZhe1itrv5mZBY5jBXbf3rBbXKTPoKpzQEYNao", "txHash": "0x833f4602397b956bf5fda48acf23ba4b6a288f5ec0e7152487e96918aacf3083", "createdAtBlock": 14546443, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr from the Shadow", "text": "The door opened up really easily, and Ozohr could see inside a somewhat dark room that looked like a narrow and deep storage room. He could see because there, at the back of the room, was a shiny blue lightagain!? This one felt even brighter and stronger than when Ozohr had saved Flumen from the river. What could it be this time he was wondering. He had no choice but to get closer to the light source. He stepped towards the blue light slowly, trying his best not to make any noise, still not knowing whose storage room he was in and if the owner was anywhere close. As he got closer he started to get a better feel about what this was, the stick-like object at least 6 feet long and had an odd shape one one end. He had seen that shape with two snakes before but could not remember exactly where. He looked back to see if Flumen was still with him, and of course Flumen was still there, looking at him, almost telling him to keep going. Ozohr looked back at the stick, and decided to pick it up. As soon as he touched the cold shiny stick he felt different. He felt like a new Ozohr.\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "25cf1e44-54e6-4b1e-823e-1825ac533b7c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:19.626", "backgroundColor": "#033701", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSMhDxCs39Ezb9bVkggs6G8P7tEfR2KBS8bjyf4AmTsTq", "txHash": "0x36e50b790e4a7585a0f3f778dc2233ee4109bd7bcb756cf1fd1bad7e50db283a", "createdAtBlock": 14546559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Bathsheba of the Plains", "text": "Eternal fountain\n\nA dear, emerald rose distorts\n\nat the perfect mars"} +{"id": "55236436-01ca-4e98-aec5-824e25bcc30d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:20.283", "backgroundColor": "#171515", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWq4EsTAN83rCBaDYNhtMnKkxnEV4PaTVYysbqgoQ1kuK", "txHash": "0x998ec475683e3ae19ca15c3cef4333395a1d3e968a7e71dfc07ec66950441bab", "createdAtBlock": 14546563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9760, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Orpheus of the Hell Chamber", "text": "# Static\n\nThe sound of soft static came from the ether. The Total Void of Absolute Nothingness had opened up. An event that hadn't happened since what seemed to be the dawn of time. The void overshadowed the sun, blanketing the Runiverse, too, in nothingness. A dark black cloud hung over the land for days. A constant static that seemed to drown out all magical capabilities from the wizards. \n\nOne day, faint light appeared from within the nothingness. Illuminating the sky as a single candle would light a room. As the wizards regained their sight, a white figure followed the ember glow. As the objects grew nearer, the wizards realized that it was the cult of the Channel 1 Poltergeists that had opened up the void. They had sent through Orpheus, and his blaze frog, Ethereal, to study the land. For what? The wizards had no clue. The white figure, Orpheus, once within site, whisked away with the wind, floating off to an unknown location to take watch, to study, to learn. The darkness was growing stronger. Only time would be able to tell how strong."} +{"id": "9dbedac5-1559-447a-bb6e-0e2f41456ad4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:33.706", "backgroundColor": "#75377e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTUHQrj9GXy9CE4BRWURTKXRnWPhwwLkhVGya6p37W3A", "txHash": "0x76abb07a0ac85a30c398dbc754d275fe76f49a1379feef45311d0a66ca25fcd5", "createdAtBlock": 14746045, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of the Dunes", "text": "# **The Lore of Archmagus Apollo of the Dunes**\n\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n\n\nHemmingway the Hummingbird looked at Apollo over the shoulder of a Yellow Wizard and raised an eyebrow as the party mage rummaged around in his wallet. \nApollo looked back at his flying friend and smiled as if to say, Dont worry, I know what Im doing.\n\nWhen the Yellow Wizard eventually looked up from his wallet he gave Apollo a business card that said; \n\n\n```\nMAGIC & FUN \neverything you need and more \n+5598-020-GOOD\n\n``` \n \n\n \n \"Call me when you get to the Alchemists Archipelago, Ill give you the instructions when youre there.\"\n\n\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n\nArchmagus Apollo of the Dunes and his Hummingbird Hemmingway had spent the long weekend at the Yellow Wizards Haven meeting old friends and networking with new business partners. With summer just around the corner; they needed to prepare. This meant that they were going to The Alchemists Archipelago, the only place that he could be sure to find the stock he would need for his best customers. \n\nEvery year in the festival season Apollo would set up a stall at the Haven selling many of the general goods he would also sell in the city, plus some special extras he only stocked because of the roaring demand for a good time. The money was good and the season enjoyable enough that it was worth the trip. The Yellow Wizards were generally good natured and they liked Apollos laid back approach which kept him coming back year after year. \n\nThe way to the Archipelago was long but Apollo and the Hummingbird Hemmingway made sure to enjoy as much of it as they could, for they knew that the journey back - with cargo - would be tougher. \n\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---"} +{"id": "9dbedac5-1559-447a-bb6e-0e2f41456ad4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:33.706", "backgroundColor": "#75377e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTUHQrj9GXy9CE4BRWURTKXRnWPhwwLkhVGya6p37W3A", "txHash": "0x76abb07a0ac85a30c398dbc754d275fe76f49a1379feef45311d0a66ca25fcd5", "createdAtBlock": 14746045, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of the Dunes", "text": "---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n--- \n\n\n \nThey were a little under halfway through the journey when they reached a crossroads. \n\n\nSitting outside of a small shack under a sign that read \"TOLL\" was a rotund creature that was humming to itself and tapping rhythms onto a crate. With a green complexion and bare feet, it became clear as they grew closer that what they saw was a Kobold. The Kobold had no idea of their presence and seemed deeply contented. Its eyes were closed and the tune it hummed was cheerful and boyish. \n\nAs they approached, Apollo readied himself for chaos to break out. Some of the Kobolds are wizards whilst others are warriors, but all are unpredictable. Whilst Kobolds had a reputation for being brutish in particular circles, to Apollo the claims were often unsubstantiated and seemed to be routed in discrimination. He had heard stories of ambushes but knew that unless a Kobold was a wizard, it was unlikely that they would know how to respond to any spells he might cast. The hummingbird had flown a few meters higher into the air to keep a lookout as Apollo began to speak:\n\n> Hey there!\n \n> The Kobold was startled and fell backwards off its stool. A laugh escaped from Apollos mouth but he was able to collect himself.\n\n> I didnt mean to scare you!, he continued, I had thought about pretending not to see you but I didnt think youd fall for it!\n\n> The Kobold looked up from the ground to see Apollo smiling at him with a glint his eye. The Kobold didnt seem to get the joke and stood up abruptly, brushing the dirt off of his ripped trousers. \n\n> Stop right there! You must pay a toll to pass the Kobolds Crossroads! \n\n> The Kobold looked around as if he were expecting to be backed up by some friends, but nobody appeared."} +{"id": "9dbedac5-1559-447a-bb6e-0e2f41456ad4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:33.706", "backgroundColor": "#75377e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTUHQrj9GXy9CE4BRWURTKXRnWPhwwLkhVGya6p37W3A", "txHash": "0x76abb07a0ac85a30c398dbc754d275fe76f49a1379feef45311d0a66ca25fcd5", "createdAtBlock": 14746045, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of the Dunes", "text": "> Ierrr.well.ummm, the Kobold fumbled his words. \n\n> Apollo and the hummingbird remained still, waiting, amused at what was unfolding before them. Looking down at his feet and then up again at Apollo, the Kobold fell silent. Out of the silence, the sound of what could have been a dozen pigs snoring came from the shack behind the singular toll collector. \n\n>Youre the first traveler to pass through here since we set up, the Kobold admitted, We kind of had a big party yesterday! I wasnt drinking, though.\n\n> I see, replied Apollo, Thatll be why I can hear some snoring from that shack then?\n\n> The Kobold cracked a smile, Yep, thats my friend! \n\n> Well, replied Apollo, If you let me pass safely \n\n> He winked at Hemmingway the Hummingbird who had flown around to have a look inside of the shack. \n\n> \"I can bring back some hangover herbs for the next time you have a party.\n\n> Hangover herbs?\n\n> Yes! Theyre some of my best sellers over the festival season. Youll be as fresh as a daisy in the morning even if youve been on a 5-day bender! Theres a few minor side-effects but nothing that lasts. \n\n> The Kobold seemed to have stopped listening and was lost in a daydream about daisies or something.\n\n> Do you want me to get some for you and your friends? asked Apollo.\n\n> What? The Hangover Herbs? Yes! Definitely! \n\n> The Kobold stood up straighter - remembering that he was supposed to be doing an important job.\n\n> I will allow you to pass this time, traveler. You should bring us the best hangover herb you can find and we will pay you handsomely."} +{"id": "9dbedac5-1559-447a-bb6e-0e2f41456ad4-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:33.706", "backgroundColor": "#75377e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTUHQrj9GXy9CE4BRWURTKXRnWPhwwLkhVGya6p37W3A", "txHash": "0x76abb07a0ac85a30c398dbc754d275fe76f49a1379feef45311d0a66ca25fcd5", "createdAtBlock": 14746045, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of the Dunes", "text": "> Apollo mirrored the Kobolds seriousness and saluted him. \nThe Kobold looked puzzled by the theatrics and this prompted Hemmingway to prod Apollo in the arm with his beak. \n\n> As you wish!, Apollo replied to their newest customer, bowing, Well be back in a few weeks! \n\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n---\n--- \n\n\nApollo and Hemmingway continued on their way towards The Alchemists Archipelago. Every year before this they had managed to avoid the Kobolds Crossroads, passing through the citadel to reach The Salt. This year however, they were going to stop by The Secret Tower on the way. There was a friend there who had secrets to spill about unrest bubbling under the surface in the city. As it turned out, skipping the city would turn out to be a good choice, but they did not know this yet. \n\nEither way, it was good to know about the other routes they could take to and from the Yellow Wizards Haven to other regions of the realm. Apollo knew that if they were going to be traveling these routes, it was good to make friends with the locals, new or old. \n\nHemmingway felt he would have to temper Apollos comic sensibilities if he was to avoid them getting into trouble but Apollo thought of this as unnecessary nervousness. Anyway, having the Kobolds as friends would be useful if their special brew grew any more popular in the city They could talk about it in more detail on the way back, Apollo thought. \n\nFirst, they would head to The Secret Tower. Then they needed to get to the Alchemists Archipelago. \n\nAnd so the journey continued"} +{"id": "3d3f8f25-4d1b-4d05-9a25-ecf091fd186d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:34.455", "backgroundColor": "#0f303b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDtk2aLV1z45LQNEjBJWyQhHHvQYh4X1emWci3croybt", "txHash": "0x5b12aa1d72d2df4fa5434c538f264f0552f2df3527032030114aab63663a3fb2", "createdAtBlock": 14747160, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcz1Ru3DAQyxs6EmPNvbwswT6YhsZjwv2Gtbm7CuqB2Qk", "name": "Transmuter Hadrien of the Tower", "text": "The Story of Hadrien\n\n\n\"My greatest pleasure comes when such people crumple to their knees and I look down upon their disbelieving faces as their plans fail.\"\n\nIn pursuit of magical power, Hadrian gave up his wealthy life at an early age.\nHe spent a lot of years wandering to figure out what he wants before he had the ability to pursue magic. \n\nAfter accidentally seeing an old man turn his cane into a snake, he decided to follow in his footsteps. \n\nMany years later, he got his Goblet of Immortality and a Topaz Slime, now he can easily turn some stones into gold. With the help of spells he could also point people into pigs and bears.\n\n\n\nOn his way to pursue power, he met the Aeromancer Aiko @wizard 6739 at the Valley. They learned the Rune of Brimstone together. Aiko warms his cold heart sometimes for letting him play with her Rabbit Celine. Hadrien loved Celine so much, that one day he turned her eyes into Diamond. That's the story of Aiko's Rabbit, Celine the diamond eyes."} +{"id": "fb786f0e-f9d1-4c1c-b22f-ca5183f87329-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:21.855", "backgroundColor": "#193b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRAN7b9xQeBnoLpmKuyVvNhTQRZNwkeKFFwoeWNz7yXJA", "txHash": "0x09b880af6227681718b862f0903c30a08990f4a214ddfe0ad2df0e518a8a1c20", "createdAtBlock": 14546659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 313, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Samuel of the Mount", "text": "Evergreen morning\n\nA small, smelly mouse scuttles\n\nin spite of the staff"} +{"id": "f98df05f-363a-4bc4-ad7f-f6eb9aefa580-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:24.107", "backgroundColor": "#20082a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQEXF3bEfgzJQoTqC6kYQ1gxoMnFfXZM61zXok7cDPRpd", "txHash": "0x134160369e6af8814f49c3424df87022153cc61d275cddf53dd6d3bdaa608582", "createdAtBlock": 14547054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7536, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmboctNzvfosecMt6WbpF4EiWHBWVnTuhRr7a6HXgtLJ98", "name": "Adept Cairon of the Veil", "text": "# Cairon and the Classification of Magic\n \nWhen Cairon began to study magic, he realized how difficult it would be. There was no structure, no taxonomy, no classification! Cairon loved structure. Every word had to be in its place and every spell part of a category. Ever since he discovered his special gift, he tried to control the chaos.\n\nHe wrote the magic down as he knew it.\n\nThen he sorted the elements. Levitation and telekinesis. Conjuring and destruction. Clairvoyance and illusion. The power of time. Dark and light.\n\nBut his mind gave no rest. He had long since recorded in writing all that he had experienced himself, could find in the library, and could learn from his fellow students, but magic always found a new undescribed path. It could not be predicted.\n\nCairon created a spell-search-machine. But even though this machine helped him find every spell he knew, it could not control the chaos in his mind.\n\nCairon became more and more desperate and looked out into the Veil from the tower. There had to be the reason for the incalculable and the source of the missing order. But instead of moving out into the Veil, he created a new artifact to search magic. \n\nThe Orb. With the Orb he traveled through the Veil and explored it from the Blue Tower. And there he discovered the flames and how @soul4872 was created out of them. These Phantasms wandered through the Veil and created dark, all-new magic. Blackness.\n\nCairon understood. He took the Orb, finally left the tower, saddled the @pony188 and went in search of the Phantasms."} +{"id": "b96cdfcf-888b-4071-a458-5357cdf7bfe4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:24.841", "backgroundColor": "#f25824", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQsyBimhp6JcWyGE5doW89kSiMQ8FV752RJ7M3EsP2yrD", "txHash": "0x379be9e522c124caab1f58f04b36fbf3b11b0db520cb6830f10771376ff47ec2", "createdAtBlock": 14547132, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5064, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWG5jc3spgFGPfiX3Rd4YLNSxDjXRSxeBQsS9TytVL1YD", "name": "Putrid Zombie Salvatore of the Bottomless Grave", "text": "# Colors, after the flame\n\nUpon his exist from the flame, Salvator looked around and thought, why is everything so bland?\n\nBringing his goblet with him into the flame had allowed him to take just a bit of that sacred flame with him on this post-burn journey, and had influenced his transformation.\n\n\n\n--> \n\n\n\nHe couldn't take the bland purples, blacks, and grays of most of the souls around him. He needed MOAR COLORS.\n\nHe hopes to soon find his way to @soul2086 to learn the secret to his frog's eternal flame. Could he teach those ways to Salvatore's crow?"} +{"id": "e309fefe-c28b-4c71-8800-9eb9f0831892-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:35.969", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWuuRRd4gbKopBuiz6sfLa1sACtyKZJYRX1BpMAXVimYM", "txHash": "0x5a35816effc516534790a474f3028ccfcabada74028840dadae4a70195a7d4e9", "createdAtBlock": 14748477, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5330, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hanko of the Keep", "text": "# ALCHEMIST HANKO AND HER WHITE CAT\n\n\n##### Hanko knew she was a cat person. Dogs loved you unconditionally (which she objected to -- how could you be certain of a pet's love if it was unconditional?). The enchanters who favored snakes were somewhat untrustworthy, monkey's seemed illegal to own, wolves too unweildym and sorcerers & hydromancers who took to mice were...downright unhygienic. So she adopted a cat."} +{"id": "be42e2c1-bc15-4006-8676-c0bd53b140de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:11.34", "backgroundColor": "#e85a52", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWy8XD4vVQNXcMH3hZLqzn9c1CLBVCiiFGuBxJi9VhEhu", "txHash": "0x112933a791a7f5e974c8a853b5260b9be16b8657414f0cb02481928b2910e046", "createdAtBlock": 14541050, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2251, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Gourdon of the Bastion", "text": "Gourdon and Bunny \nUrge you desist from the hedge \nAfter dusk, dark bewilder'\n--\n\nRows and rows steer to \nNowhere but befuddlement \nHallowed bust to dust\n-- \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFuQ-KMarYY"} +{"id": "12f15222-4865-446f-8c0e-50d928417734-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T21:18:38.611", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV4JAfJZjuhZzWmdrezDMJJuGFWHPRXWZRt1DJnW7SEyp", "txHash": "0xd28bcc78ff768299fee6ee449b83ef3c2147b5ec73ff1562c1e0460e483c5c1a", "createdAtBlock": 15461453, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4231, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd2zF6sTUCTYUMHAZDoTwWsURRPA23XkJzfzjGumf7rLk", "name": "Wilda Attacker of Rats", "text": "dreaming"} +{"id": "1d1e8988-2064-42d8-ba64-cda3676f4c8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:12.099", "backgroundColor": "#090000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQnP6QHGe2KfhLXiL968Wg7r8EWWpWrWY1nsfMyjsoyr", "txHash": "0x5c245b9cade4c4627e00d1a5a1e450f8b8e4eb017e6a0e488cb0e604022a1b68", "createdAtBlock": 14541448, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Cassandra of Limbo", "text": "# Straight Outta Limbo\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpi3FhPyyk8\n\nThis is for our Favourite Wizzie \nPay respect for the Hex Mage \nHex Mage Cassandra of the Limbo \n\nCassandra Cassandra \nBig ballin mantra \nSpit it twice at night \nAnd survive you might \n\nSpooky from head to toe \nShe ain't a no-name bimbo \nFor she is the queen of shadow \nWith her rabbit albino \n\nEmpress of darkness \nPrincess sorceress \nDraped in her dark dress \nBless her eternal rest \n\nOh is it midnight? \nJust you close the light \nTrust the damn process \nKnock knock who's there you guess \n\nCassandra Cassandra \nBig ballin mantra \nSpit it twice at night \nAnd survive you might \n\nThere she is, under the willow \nThe death wiz, Just let it go! \nCome on, time for a solo \nGo on, chime on the banjo \n\n(banjo solo)\n\nPlay with fire get burned \nYoull end up in an urn \nClaimed her name \nDie by the flame \nA dangerous game \nForgotten shame \n\nBare her glare \nA dare I flair \nA stare of scare \nKnock knock who's there \n\nCassandra Cassandra \nBig ballin mantra \nSpit it twice at night \nAnd survive you might \n\nCass well never forget you \nWe love you to the death boo!"} +{"id": "5a717362-5589-4a45-87e5-c0cee22516ae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:44.041", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeZz8HPjwHSiYQ5m637JuJJ2fbUtAGzftUzGs7zQPXdpX", "txHash": "0x98fba0423fb739cd001abb9b953bd0216e7fff005615e2c60bee026959240673", "createdAtBlock": 14580091, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4176, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Rita of the River", "text": "To master fire spells as a River Mage has never been done,\n\nBut if anyone were to do it, it would be Rita"} +{"id": "a23f33de-d14b-462d-bf51-fdc18e85d54a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:13.529", "backgroundColor": "#752a93", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVjFQWfScwRntR3vr9XmJtuvaguWNtUDY4xgbsmha6QBE", "txHash": "0xcfae276a8b89f89e1add2917fa21905cc8fb819d5c5cb63b79416e4d194ef31a", "createdAtBlock": 14542565, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9926, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jean Leon of the Dunes", "text": "# A Sorcerer Returns\n\nHis white cat companion was new, as was the vile of blood of dubious origin. But otherwise, the Houngan sorcerer returned after years away looking much the same as when he left.\n\nJean Leon wouldnt speak of where he had been or why he never placed down that blood. The collective sense was that those stories, and many more, would come out in time."} +{"id": "b5d6b70b-bde3-4081-9e3b-44df94c34ea2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:26.359", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX3qVf2revA6k8cPjz94wTegCjmSQQrTx919L8ny4rq2i", "txHash": "0xe1954b9cca5f7b9281026304d2c789b1528ed91a211a1d1e7f8f44a96f7b0411", "createdAtBlock": 14547235, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7075, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Aleister of the Cosmos", "text": "# \n\nWhere could you find the Enchanter Aleister of the Cosmos if he is not lurking in the tavern? Well, maybe he is in the forest playing the flute. \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwLSrNu1ppI"} +{"id": "93c5d1f3-ce17-4a91-8bc6-84b83f1fbd95-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:15.652", "backgroundColor": "#b7b4a6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3Pi6NHYzyzHz6YdrJtPo1z8DeyzcB81nEZWBRgN1ptW", "txHash": "0x0fe64f76a3ccd196cff1f868df2e5d996fef3e82ead8d20e5639af919dab5830", "createdAtBlock": 14544152, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4952, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc1VBjDRe9AJ5BzcKdpEtbmvsxfB1QJKB9AAHAgbfLrGZ", "name": "Arch-Magician Lux of the Garden", "text": "# !!!! HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WIZARD? !!!!\n\n\n\n> ## APPROACH WITH EXTREME CAUTION!\n> ## * DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE MAGIC ON THIS MAN! *\n \n\n### Any information leading to the arrest of this man shall be duly rewarded\n\n### Notify immediately the keepers of the Runiverse."} +{"id": "a8fc8d2e-61df-4746-8833-9ab856142b5a-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T21:41:15.932", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYZNuwgyaN2hvhkou1kkoRWbPxbbGKCJabGmeqyAPpw4h", "txHash": "0xd7cbedde415df99bcb121386ca75bea40be507ad2b72734fd4794120d36869a2", "createdAtBlock": 15461553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4606, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jerret of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Tale of Jerret Finding His Familiar\n\nThe lore of Magus Jerret of the Obelisk, or simply Jerret as he is known, begins near the center of the Runiverse, an area known for three forests: Hedge Wizard Wood, The Fey, and The Thorn. Jerret grew up in these forests, and knew them well. Always curious with a strong sense of adventure and interest in magic, nature, and animals, young Jerret spent most of his free time outside exploring the forests around his home and observing wildlife. Out of all the animals, he particularly took a liking to wolves.\n\nJerret always had a fascination for wolves, and felt a strong connection towards them. In a sense, they felt familiar, but he couldnt quite explain these feelings.\n\nOne day, as a young wizard, Jerret was out exploring Hedge Wizard Wood, when he came to the edge overlooking Frog Master Marsh. Out into the marsh sat a large rock. Large and flat enough to sit on, but difficult to get to from the bank. But on this rock out in the marsh sat an Onyx Wolf cub, her eyes locked onto Jerret. Jerret didnt know how long this cub had been on this rock, or how she got there, but he knew that the cub needed help back to shore."} +{"id": "a8fc8d2e-61df-4746-8833-9ab856142b5a-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T21:41:15.932", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYZNuwgyaN2hvhkou1kkoRWbPxbbGKCJabGmeqyAPpw4h", "txHash": "0xd7cbedde415df99bcb121386ca75bea40be507ad2b72734fd4794120d36869a2", "createdAtBlock": 15461553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4606, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jerret of the Obelisk", "text": "Jerret looked around for anything to aid in his quest, and found a young tree, which was just long enough to bridge the gap between the bank and the rock in the marsh. Admiring the tree, Jerret proclaimed, This will be perfect! I know theres a spell in my Book of Magic to move it into place! Not yet a master, Jerret found the spell, gave it a shot, and it worked perfectly, if perfectly meant that the tree was turned into a shrub. Dang semantics, he said, as he approached another tree roughly the same size as the first. It was clear that he missed an inflection point on a key word of the spell.\n\nWith a flick of his wrist paired with precise syntax, the tree disconnected from its base with a click (like the sound made when opening a jar of jelly destined to fill a donut), turned horizontally, and gently levitated into place. This could provide a safe handrail for him to hold onto if he entered the water. Theres no telling how deep the water was at this location.\n\nThe cub saw this bridge and attempted to cross before Jerret could put down his book. She made her way onto the trunk and creeped towards the shore. Suddenly, the trunk pitched to the left and sent the cub into the water! A few of the cubs claws on her left paw held on to a limb as she stayed afloat. But Jerret knew that the limb was new and wouldnt hold for very long, even if the cub could. Smoothly, Jerret centered himself and executed a spell to pick up the top of the tree so that it stood up on the bank. Once upright, the limb that the wolf clung to snapped, and dropped the cub into Jerrets arms. They've been together ever since."} +{"id": "a8fc8d2e-61df-4746-8833-9ab856142b5a-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T21:41:15.932", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYZNuwgyaN2hvhkou1kkoRWbPxbbGKCJabGmeqyAPpw4h", "txHash": "0xd7cbedde415df99bcb121386ca75bea40be507ad2b72734fd4794120d36869a2", "createdAtBlock": 15461553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4606, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jerret of the Obelisk", "text": "The young tree that Jerret placed on the bank of the marsh took root and continues to grow to this day. Its prominence is well known to the locals. The Onyx Wolf cub has reached maturity, but no one knows her age, nor the age of Jerret. Since the day Jerret found his Onyx Wolf, they have grown together and explored many of the forests of the Runiverse. Some say that the !magic Jerret used that day immortalized the wolf, which made it so that she ages with the wizard, but some secrets are better off unsolved."} +{"id": "713c1f67-ec1c-49e8-bfa2-5c9ee5d0ff6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:36.831", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaBnVfAJetbfbqKR92ssn5ixj7VyMPnzkoVJwNQzcx73i", "txHash": "0x110ff0e2be8317db2e85530b9427926036d65e273c712afcc6cac24f308dfac7", "createdAtBlock": 14749131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6702, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Soya of the Fey", "text": "## The Path of Soya\n\nA prodigy of the arts... A master of deception...\n\nSoya lurks in the depths of the catacombs in search for power. He is search for true power to gain control of the undergrounds wizards of the runiverse. He is getting closer to his goal. One Day..."} +{"id": "df77c1fe-6887-4f55-bf82-66b2ced9b020-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:16.591", "backgroundColor": "#01f0f7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcVrnLqYCnuqf8ch7UtXxLdbNos3u5BtNXkhkHA9p8dV9", "txHash": "0x227770da6fc49658b45146af59df5bdb85043149d27c9b374aa068a28e30a51a", "createdAtBlock": 14546374, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1111, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Lumos in the Shadows", "text": "# Archmagus Lumos in the Shadows\n\nLumo's parents died in a wizard fight we he was young. He was then placed in an orphanage. \n\nHe was shy and found it difficult to make friends due to his lack of interpersonal skills.\n\nLumos developped a strong friendship with his frog named Mr.Toad.\n\nMr.Toad helped Lumos getting through the hardest part of his life. When peoples where trying to pick on him, Lumos would ring his bell and Mr.Toad would attack the opponent with a deadly poisonous lick.\n\nMr. Toad & Lumos are still best friends up to this day."} +{"id": "82ec6471-cf3a-48e9-b049-690043aecfe3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:23.598", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSjQGi8nUbFgfvHLJpcsD3p3TJSwfeeC5VXx4XkTYf3Pw", "txHash": "0x9928c075255c867f62a698c2cf47cf16b98e937c46b3f0496294764f6b53eaa5", "createdAtBlock": 14612565, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3240, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmShb3iQvYizyn6f2Q1yJHuNrFALFaaTmu7rStKoRgcTgo", "name": "Necro Frog Poppy of the Mist", "text": "Dr. Bullfrug (SerNoadz) mutation of me."} +{"id": "9aebe3e7-4a86-4a11-b97a-50013c2d2816-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:52.578", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU9cR9aCbwT9xTxWtdjAeqTTosXHhewQ7SPXbDc3ikLnG", "txHash": "0x54f4670068c03ba5127474ff4c46e3b455ad961ef16f3e69490c41f0cf264ad0", "createdAtBlock": 14699438, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 109, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Raiju the Moderate", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThe moderate who wasn't so moderate... Raiju the Moderate. \n\nYou always dreamed of becoming a spellcaster pony, but you never had the natural talent. \n\nYou spent long hours gardening, walking in the fields, hoping some divine force would connect with you and teach you the ways of natures power. \n\nIt was not meant to be, and as a teenager, you signed up with the local pony military to train along side a legendary Wizard. You spent years studying tomes, practicing with weapons, but never really putting your heart into it. \n\nYou were loyal in your service, but were always thinking of the wider world and other kingdoms with other things to teach and discover. \n\nThe moderate,\n\nwho wasn't so moderate... \n\n - Raiju the Moderate."} +{"id": "9a782fc2-6575-43ac-abce-f200c89a771e-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T02:29:00.131", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1wBDJy2LRUtD9jK9b2y1UJhroXbowQKWFubhB6QpiA8", "txHash": "0x7f1e377ac2889e2d25dd7d4dbc05b51f60b83faeb78bd193f003749c17a6969d", "createdAtBlock": 15466608, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcBRJMt3FucF26P8vmRMgQcqSL5D2c9QsiktdsAQzhbqM", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "# WAR MACHINE RISING\n## [PART I]\n#\n\n#\nThe shadowed entrance to the cathedral ruins is a welcome sight to the heretic. It wasnt a long journey from the cave, but he's eager to be home. Home is the best place to wallow in your own self-pity. Aldus is about to begin preparations for a guidance spell when he spots the black wolf following him.\n\nIve seen you before. Where did you come from?\" Aldus scratches his head. \"More importantly, why are you here? he asks, perplexed."} +{"id": "9a782fc2-6575-43ac-abce-f200c89a771e-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T02:29:00.131", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1wBDJy2LRUtD9jK9b2y1UJhroXbowQKWFubhB6QpiA8", "txHash": "0x7f1e377ac2889e2d25dd7d4dbc05b51f60b83faeb78bd193f003749c17a6969d", "createdAtBlock": 15466608, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcBRJMt3FucF26P8vmRMgQcqSL5D2c9QsiktdsAQzhbqM", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "The regal onyx wolf just stares at the heretic without expression before scanning the new environment. Pleasantly surprised to see many bones littering the ground, the wolf ignores the heretics questions and searches for a comfortable spot to rest. Aldus is lost in thought for a moment. His mind drifts to memories of his lost legions and dark commanders. His failure incessantly continues to torture him. In the past, Aldus led a campaign across the world, seizing lands and toppling kingdoms earning ominous titles such as Aldus the Black, and more commonly known, The Heretic. That all came to an end when he was unknowingly cursed with forgetfulness and left his legions, resulting in their downfall. He is pulled from his woeful reverie by the smell of stale blood. Nearby, a human corpse hangs upside down from a hook and length of chain secured to the rafters. Below the corpse is a large black cauldron, positioned to collect blood from the exsanguinated body above. The heretic approaches the cauldron, dips a finger into the amassed blood, and frowns. The supply had coagulated during his recent adventure. To augment his black magic, he typically smears blood upon the cathedral walls in the shape of runes, which activate by the light of the moon to become magical conduits. However, only fresh blood will do. His gaze drifts to the wolf.\n\nGet up! This isnt the time to sleep! OUT! Go fetch me a victim. I dont care who or what it is, but be quick about it! shouts Aldus. He isnt sure if it his yelling which sends the wolf away or if it actually understands him. Either way, he is content to be alone for a while."} +{"id": "9a782fc2-6575-43ac-abce-f200c89a771e-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T02:29:00.131", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1wBDJy2LRUtD9jK9b2y1UJhroXbowQKWFubhB6QpiA8", "txHash": "0x7f1e377ac2889e2d25dd7d4dbc05b51f60b83faeb78bd193f003749c17a6969d", "createdAtBlock": 15466608, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcBRJMt3FucF26P8vmRMgQcqSL5D2c9QsiktdsAQzhbqM", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "His solitude is short-lived, as the onyx wolf returns to the cathedral ruins with a lifeless hare dangling from its massive jaw. Without a word or hesitation, the heretic steps forward, crouches, and places his hand on the hare. Feeling warmth, the heretic stands and appraises the wolf in a new light.\n\nWell, you may prove to be more useful than I first thought. Drop the hare over there, Aldus says pointing. I will call you Fellheart.\n\nThe onyx wolf completes the task and selects a large radius bone to chew on while he watches the heretic collect blood from the small dead animal. The dark sorcerer tops the cauldron off with fresh blood and begins his craft. He marks two expertly drawn runes of brimstone and air and closes his eyes.\n\nO Nightmare Imp, behemoth of the night sky, offer me guidance. I once was whole, but now I am lost. Show me the way forward!\n\nAldus dips his fingers in the warm blood again and prepares to draw the final rune needed to cast the spell. He paints the beginning of a crimson arc and pauses. His hand slides downward along the wall and all remaining poise drains from the fallen sorcerer as he cannot remember the rest of the spell. He violently kicks the cauldron over in rage, causing a startled Fellheart to drop his prized bone. Aldus slumps to the floor and remains there against the wall for an indeterminate amount of time."} +{"id": "040e5671-1790-415d-9d84-7812f4d94ecf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:18.932", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVoUchTEiqP5fUTnSLzBrgvsRoBDFZRsZLwmY1YcoeWoh", "txHash": "0x65387174c8212f9c272efd5515323a2d81cb09b5064a7f0875d5f87d590a2db0", "createdAtBlock": 14546484, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 30, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Eldritch Horror Great Old One Andolini", "text": "# Eldritch Horror Great Old One Andolini \n\nThe path of the righteous Old One is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.\n\nBlessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the **Forgotten** through the valley of darkness. For he is truly his brothers' keeper and the finder of the **Cult**.\n\nAnd I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my **Wizards**.\n\nAnd you will know my name is *Andolini* when I lay my eyes upon thee."} +{"id": "37e5d260-061f-4276-92df-eafff18142db-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:21.082", "backgroundColor": "#256542", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNhGKYj3CwALxB5WC2tsFYWx54FL3XuH3FXmp4AEe699L", "txHash": "0xf57757b0f71cf192c543819f3dc2d81d6292354a12cf8e107d616826ef7bf5b2", "createdAtBlock": 14546656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 561, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Lumos of the Tower", "text": "The Bullfrog Experiment \n\nLumos was an odd child. Growing up in the basement of the Tower, never seeing the light of day. He grew to admire odd hobbies and interesting beings. An affectionate friend of his was the bullfrog that lived in the damp corners of the room Lumos slept in. They would run around in the darkness, playing hide and seek for hours upon hours. As Lumos grew older, he begin to resent his bullfrog companion as he was able to sneak out of the tower through the small cracks in the basement. \n\nAlthough Lumos loved the Tower, it was his home after all, he yearned for more. For the outside. Locked in since birth, he thought he would never have the chance to witness the world beyond. The Runiverse. On one quite depressive day, an idea came to him. The bullfrog would sometimes shed its skin, and with it, a slime of potent nature. To the touch of a wizard's hand, it burned and singed the skin. \n\nLumos began collecting this slime in the glass beakers that were left behind by the last wizard locked in the basement. After he had a dozen beakers full, he tied each one in a line, attaching the final beaker to the bullfrogs back leg. If his plan were to be successful, the next time the bullfrog escapes out into the beyond, he will carry the slimed beakers through the cracks in the walls, releasing the potent slime to slowly eat away at the bricks one by one on his way out."} +{"id": "37e5d260-061f-4276-92df-eafff18142db-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:21.082", "backgroundColor": "#256542", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNhGKYj3CwALxB5WC2tsFYWx54FL3XuH3FXmp4AEe699L", "txHash": "0xf57757b0f71cf192c543819f3dc2d81d6292354a12cf8e107d616826ef7bf5b2", "createdAtBlock": 14546656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 561, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Lumos of the Tower", "text": "A week had passed and the hole had grown wider and wider, nearly large enough for Lumos to begin his journey out into the beyond. His resentment soon turned to love for his bullfrog friend. Without him, the beyond would have forever been out of reach. Once it was time, Lumos, followed by his bullfrog, shimmied their way through the newly formed tunnel until light begin to shine through. One last push is all it took and Lumos had escaped the Tower. He looked down at his tattered clothes and his green flesh. Forever stained by the darkness of the Tower, but infinitely grateful for the chance to explore the beyond."} +{"id": "236670fa-1063-498d-8370-986eebb1dad8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:35.1", "backgroundColor": "#1a4912", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWzMSTSi61jwMe5yKDvLv8Jcdj2rEcy5xCwrPiz9vdQdQ", "txHash": "0x97a8902074c4d5ab62179290de8a9fbb620d9ae858f18722ae4928582085e850", "createdAtBlock": 14549919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Atheneum", "text": "The *icy* breeze rustled dead branches in the distance, it reminded Darick to stay alert...\n\n'What is it I am doing here?' he thought, his mind still cloudy. Darick was shaking slightly, his nerves getting the better of him in anticipation of what awaited.\n\n\nYou see, Darick had found himself at the edge of The Thorn with his eyes fixated straight at what was ahead of him...the outer gates of Goblin Town.\n\nAfter escaping from the Atheneum and retreating to the Battle Mage Mountains for many years of training, Darick decided to finally visit the Capital and see it for himself. He spent a few days there, but the grandeur of it all was starting to fade and Darick decided to spend an afternoon at one of the Capital's many Taverns. Well, what was just an afternoon pitstop turned into all night affair. He'd ran into quite the crowd! First was the Huntress with her serpentine familiar, she'd just been back from an adventure of sorts chasing down and capturing a very obscure creature within Frog Master Marsh. He couldn't remember what it was, but he could remember the 5 or so Kobold Koolaids they had together...then things got a bit fuzzy \n\nHe remembers singing a few songs with a trio of Swashbucklers, he didn't know any of the words or anything just kinda swayed and sang as best he could......and he drank, oh yes, he drank more. Those guys can really drink, let me tell you...\n\nThen there was the Hue Master who told some awfully funny stories, so funny infact, that Darick fell off the stool more than once while laughing uncontrollably. Then he drank *more*...\n\nThat's the last he remembers of the night."} +{"id": "236670fa-1063-498d-8370-986eebb1dad8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:35.1", "backgroundColor": "#1a4912", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWzMSTSi61jwMe5yKDvLv8Jcdj2rEcy5xCwrPiz9vdQdQ", "txHash": "0x97a8902074c4d5ab62179290de8a9fbb620d9ae858f18722ae4928582085e850", "createdAtBlock": 14549919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Atheneum", "text": "That's the last he remembers of the night.\n\nThe next morning, just before the Sun rose above the Capital, while the air was still cold and the sky, a dull blue, Darick reluctantly opened one eye, groaned then thought to himself 'I should have gotten that Huntress' digits'. He sat up and took note of the exceptionally filthy alley he had apparently spent the night.\n\nAs Darick stood up, he realized that he was holding a small stone tablet. When he dusted it off, a mist of magic began to tingle his in his fingertips. The mist sparkled like technicolor dust in the air - it formed a sort of magical hologram. Appearing from the mist was a Red Hat, one he had never seen before."} +{"id": "236670fa-1063-498d-8370-986eebb1dad8-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:35.1", "backgroundColor": "#1a4912", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWzMSTSi61jwMe5yKDvLv8Jcdj2rEcy5xCwrPiz9vdQdQ", "txHash": "0x97a8902074c4d5ab62179290de8a9fbb620d9ae858f18722ae4928582085e850", "createdAtBlock": 14549919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Atheneum", "text": "\"Darick, my name is...well, my name is not of consequence. What *is* of consequence is that my underlings have been searching the Capital for a wizard who fits a certain profile........for a job that must be completed before the Sun rises tomorrow. Although, I have been made aware of your indulgent night, I trust it will not keep you from accepting my proposal. 'What *is* my proposal', you ask? That is the most important question, no doubt. **First**, let me tell you what I offer to complete your quest. If the quest is completed by the rising of the next Sun - you, Darick of Atheneum, will receive a plot of land of my choosing. In addition, you will receive **60** barrels of Kobold Koolaid and your choice of any of my extensively trained field dogs from my hunting estate. But......you must do this for me now: I need you to find a certain goblin who is quite well-known; a trader of various exotic and enchanted items. Most of these items he has received by means of thievery and his murderous ways. The goblin has taken something from me. Something of significant consequence. What it is - I cannot say to you, but the item is within a jewel-shaped box chiseled from a rare purple crystal.\"\n\n*Darick rubs his eyes and shakes his head bit to clear the cobwebs*"} +{"id": "236670fa-1063-498d-8370-986eebb1dad8-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:35.1", "backgroundColor": "#1a4912", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWzMSTSi61jwMe5yKDvLv8Jcdj2rEcy5xCwrPiz9vdQdQ", "txHash": "0x97a8902074c4d5ab62179290de8a9fbb620d9ae858f18722ae4928582085e850", "createdAtBlock": 14549919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Atheneum", "text": "*Darick rubs his eyes and shakes his head bit to clear the cobwebs*\n\n\"This box will not be easy to recover, mind you\" says the Red Hat \"...it is currently within the grime-filed walls of Goblin Town. But it seems the Goblin merchant has found a buyer for this item and they are to rendezvous somewhere within the Vampyre Mist tomorrow morning. I have my thoughts as to what treacherous creature has attempted to gain my property - but that is not your concern. Although, I warn you, you do *not* want to meet this \"Buyer\" of my property, if you do it will be the last anyone hears of you.\"\n\nDarick, confused, says out loud \"Why the hell do you need me?\"\n\nThe Redhat continues \"You may be asking yourself 'Why the hell do you need me?' - I will tell you. You are a trained as a Battle Mage taught in the old ways \ndeep within the Mountains to not only have stealth and wizardly skill but also the physical prowness, should it be needed. Unfortunately I cannot simply send legions of Wizards or Warriors to recover this item. Were I to do so the legion would be detected immediately - no doubt the Goblin Merchant and the Purple-jeweled box along with it, woild then retreat behind the walls of Goblin Town. So use your stealth and talents, recover the box and be handsomely rewarded!!!!!!!! Now, turn over this tablet and you will see the details of who you are to gain the box from. Move with haste and good luck!\"\n\nThe magical mist dissipated and Darick turned over the tablet.\n\n\"Crap\" Darick muttered."} +{"id": "236670fa-1063-498d-8370-986eebb1dad8-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:35.1", "backgroundColor": "#1a4912", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWzMSTSi61jwMe5yKDvLv8Jcdj2rEcy5xCwrPiz9vdQdQ", "txHash": "0x97a8902074c4d5ab62179290de8a9fbb620d9ae858f18722ae4928582085e850", "createdAtBlock": 14549919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Atheneum", "text": "\"Crap\" Darick muttered.\n\n\nThe face he saw was one he knew very well. He'd never met him but the face belonged to Goblin Merchant Hinn of the Void. His face has been plastered on wanted posters all throughout the land for various misdeeds but had yet to be caught. Hinn untrusting of other Goblins (*do you blame him?*). So the good news: no other goblins to deal with. The bad news: he's always accompanied by an insidious shadow-entity known to always be by his side in some capacity.\n\n_________\n\nBack at The Thorn - it is still dark out, Darick snaps back and remembers what was told to him and the prize for this undertaking. He closes his eyes.\n\n*focus Darick, focuuuus...*\n\nAs he does this the gates of Goblin Town suddenly creep open. The opening was just large enough for one to pass and an entity slipped through. Darick casts the Spell of Magnification and peered through - it was Hinn...but no sign of the shadow...yet.\n\nUnder his breath Darick faintly says to himself \"I hate goddamn goblins...\""} +{"id": "e67b3239-041a-43a9-8c80-06668cb1afee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:34.459", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXwhit5bCt6vfBJKKL2mP9ArWSZeny9iSR6isPH9ew12v", "txHash": "0x93cf8f4db462d0731586b61552e6a4efb678cdf2090ab9c1fb01c0a833513e8a", "createdAtBlock": 14549937, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Atheneum", "text": "```\n\n```"} +{"id": "e132a7b1-5e9d-422f-bfe7-85f2414427cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:09.481", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR9X4F1L1yhBeAP5YPey9FuXkTzXvimvq5Fs2aArAkpiM", "txHash": "0x523ff7f08ddab35bdc1dc24d915a65980729304b3f176c61df99920468e37094", "createdAtBlock": 15034108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11992, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wilda Champion of Knights", "text": "She awoke to the new world, the age of knights has started. The demon blood raged and raged throughout her body, Wilda needed to slay to kill to avenge."} +{"id": "f6ab5d90-8e68-46aa-964b-8dc9e980659f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:35.742", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeokzKf1yWLmjeFMKZ5EtHCUasNLvsMSyVzMopJ8RJ7JY", "txHash": "0x4321a3b50b0583bfbb5ab874284dd251218383652ddd55d0d4f3edf936306a04", "createdAtBlock": 14547364, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5068, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Zhan of the Fatal Forever", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThe wraith of Tower\n\nGreat Zhan holds the power\n\nand all of the mortals they fear him\n\n.\n\nFor he cannot raise, \n\nbut a fingerless gaze\n\non mortals crossed over without him\n\n.\n\nRipped eye from a socket, \n\nand into his pocket,\n\n5 wizards they screech when around him\n\n.\n\nNever alive,\n\nbut soon to be dead,\n\na devoted endeavor,\n\nhe's fatal forever."} +{"id": "d0602b28-de56-42d4-ae88-11cca765c839-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:37.99", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqmrnMuKoDMtD8796uWcR23XdJBdZsWQnUCzXjVxQqQe", "txHash": "0x8dd80d9cdad2057a939ec28b636a1549284d93d2a8e2e82f44c34b0623b90c8b", "createdAtBlock": 14547444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5788, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Qaid of the Valley", "text": "# Magus Qaid of the Valley\n\nA dark arcanist practicing the left hand path after acquiring The Grim Reaper's Breath in **The Cave of the Platonic Shadow**. Him and his onyx wolf roam the **Valley of the Void Desciple** in search for death himself."} +{"id": "3b1065f7-d0cb-4403-abae-3ff43af84739-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:38.774", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs8be5aAzXSUcKsFHUyWiT64rmQtTtEBeTNLKGVJizDz", "txHash": "0xb46e9d0fc9a1160c7246cc008ac6514e9fa55c9efc9a5c11337112afaee56edd", "createdAtBlock": 14547467, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5976, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Solomon of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "1st Entry\n\nSolomon moved in the shadows. A Master of Space and Time.\n\nHis familiar, El Rato, was his eyes and ears on the ground.\n\nHe had an army of ears scurrying around.\n\nThe Quantum Shadow knew he had a particular set of skills.\n\nIt makes him a nightmare for people like you.\n\nYou other Wizard owners that don't write lore.\n\nSolomon will find you."} +{"id": "9239ac3f-3efc-494f-8bde-379c698ef355-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T17:15:05.596", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP7c7AsWmSeSQAKjvyofAmSiQRcLiHKxkKivW8ejuR9d5", "txHash": "0x648b9f2ea5e1e14af0800e665c2f96a31fc1453ad8f99686dabd8c6568da1539", "createdAtBlock": 15466616, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbpKwoXNn6AYv5yea9nBMdPsBNn9sZMVw614xXYVfhwCg", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "# WAR MACHINE RISING\n## [PART II]\n#\nThe morning following the heretics humiliating spell failure, he awakes to Fellheart's barking. He begrudgingly locates the wolf near the exit of the cathedral. Aldus notes the beasts sage, imploring look. Something about those eyes conveys that Fellheart is urging him to leave the ruins and begin another journey. A strange pull within him tells him to follow the wolf. After all these years of confusion and misery, the heretic has learned to accept these tugs of the subconscious. He nods to the wolf and hastily gathers peculiar supplies for the trip.\n#\n---\n#\nAs the days stretch on, Aldus and Fellheart grow accustomed to their traveling routine. The journey had been unremarkable thus far, but Aldus knows there is a cosmic significance to following this enigmatic wolf. The only time his trust in the beast wavered was when he realized they were headed through The Thorn. It wasnt the dense forest that worried him. It was what lay on the other side."} +{"id": "9239ac3f-3efc-494f-8bde-379c698ef355-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T17:15:05.596", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP7c7AsWmSeSQAKjvyofAmSiQRcLiHKxkKivW8ejuR9d5", "txHash": "0x648b9f2ea5e1e14af0800e665c2f96a31fc1453ad8f99686dabd8c6568da1539", "createdAtBlock": 15466616, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbpKwoXNn6AYv5yea9nBMdPsBNn9sZMVw614xXYVfhwCg", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "#\n---\n#\nFellheart leads the heretic up a valley, away from the cold creek running along the bottom where they stopped for a momentary rest. Aldus notices an increase in green saplings and brambles. The change in flora indicates they are approaching the forest edge, though in The Thorn, it is still hard to tell. At the crest of the forest valley, sunlight shining through the trees confirms the observation. The pair move past the thinning trees and into an open field. The heretic freezes. Fellheart casts a backward glance in annoyance and continues on his path forward. Aldus is conflicted. The Quantum Shadow looms before them. There are countless tales about The Quantum Shadow but seeing it in person is an entirely different matter. Rolling curtains of thick black fog form tendrils that seemingly reach out to claim anyone that dares get close. Fellheart walks onward undeterred. Aldus has an immaculate affinity for darkness, but he is still dubious of the infamous region. The wolf stoically advances to the edge of the fog, turns around and sits to watch the heretic. Aldus cautiously walks to the shadowy curtain and reaches out with his left hand. Unsure of what to expect, he's astonished to feel to a connection with The Quantum Shadow. The darkness welcomes him. Aldus visibly relaxes. He tentatively touches the shadow with a calculated, wary motion. He makes contact and falls to his knees. His own fog is lifted. The curse keeping his memories at bay like a forbidden dam is breached, causing knowledge and experiences to flood his mind. The Heretic remembers."} +{"id": "9239ac3f-3efc-494f-8bde-379c698ef355-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T17:15:05.596", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP7c7AsWmSeSQAKjvyofAmSiQRcLiHKxkKivW8ejuR9d5", "txHash": "0x648b9f2ea5e1e14af0800e665c2f96a31fc1453ad8f99686dabd8c6568da1539", "createdAtBlock": 15466616, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbpKwoXNn6AYv5yea9nBMdPsBNn9sZMVw614xXYVfhwCg", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "Fellheart patiently waits as tidal waves of emotion pass through the sorcerer. Some of the emotions are familiar, yet some are foreign to him. Anguish, despair, hopelessness; these are the feelings The Heretic is intimately close with. However, guilt, shame and longing have never gripped him until now. Aldus has always been self-absorbed in his rise to power, using comrades and trusted advisors as mere pawns on his chessboard of conquest. He should be rejoicing at his reclaimed memories and the curious beast who led him here, but he cannot. Aldus sags onto the dirt haunted by the mental images of his legions abandoned by their leader, slaughtered by enemies in the confusion. *Why do I care? I never did before.* The barrage of strange thoughts is almost unbearable. *If only I could have the chance to explain to them. I had no idea!* The Heretic then thinks of his second-in-command, Bayard. The one he relied on the most. Grief racks his body.\n\nSuddenly, he remembers the encounter with the nomad Alatar on the night before his curse took root. Details populate the memory like reflecting on a recurring dream. He remembers the presence of one of his lieutenants. *Setsuko was there.* \n\nIt's time for answers. If Alatar was the source of the curse, Setsuko will know. She might shed light on his whereabouts. Alatar is a fire mage from the Riviera, but seems to always be avoiding it. *The trailblazer.* He'll be elsewhere,\" Aldus mutters. He turns to the wolf, who is still waiting and watching him intently.\n\nFellheart, we need new supplies and I know just where to get them. Necromancy can be complicated at times, so lets stock up properly. Fellheart perks up, seemingly eager for the next stage of their journey."} +{"id": "6d9f4387-6e4e-4d88-90e8-13a033a7e3b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:38.942", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs8be5aAzXSUcKsFHUyWiT64rmQtTtEBeTNLKGVJizDz", "txHash": "0x88d6f7c82272f6c8db9773be76e715bac724b045cf1345994a1b850eab8f1a66", "createdAtBlock": 14547478, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5976, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Solomon of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "1st Entry\n\nSolomon moved in the shadows. A Master of Space and Time.\n\nHis familiar, El Rato, was his eyes and ears on the ground.\n\nHe had an army of ears scurrying around.\n\nThe Quantum Shadow knew he had a particular set of skills.\n\nIt makes him a nightmare for people like you.\n\nYou other Wizard owners that don't write lore.\n\nSolomon will find you."} +{"id": "26081361-3359-4009-8b05-2aa2b9b63492-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:39.61", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNj83yQgxKtJXHdLPDWJCHbArEGiNZKcYqHvYCgMguwpb", "txHash": "0xd38c10865d1ed31a422a374ca300e733786dfbe090116bae559a3327f6a9ad5e", "createdAtBlock": 14547488, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5976, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPQG7pSDfWtsHuuw9og94Z4G5ApUam2opmqbu49rJHiA5", "name": "Shaman Solomon of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "Enlisted with the mission to have all of his friends become Wizards.\n\nHe started his mission.\n\nThe tides would not turn.\n\nSolomon would not be denied his right."} +{"id": "ec81f855-d590-456d-8a77-acda5ad714e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:22.92", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXgo5WxbJzWfio2ANfG4sFhYaotMXnJCUYRiMscCuAH9m", "txHash": "0xbb27c51a847239be2e91c42dfa472d77a152e0a014b828b6a8c53a326d6ec3df", "createdAtBlock": 14612621, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 150, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYzbDs4dRtQrEJRVTAKij5EJuGpuSrBTB69jAqYpzX6Fk", "name": "Sasafras the Romantic", "text": "On the hunt with @wizard2940 \n\n\nIllustration by winters.860\n\nComissioned by terp"} +{"id": "7399835b-7ede-4efb-af9e-e79adcaba454-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:40.326", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNj83yQgxKtJXHdLPDWJCHbArEGiNZKcYqHvYCgMguwpb", "txHash": "0xe66b33fced7ab21afeb08d3e85cb70795231ca8c550ed108025e3f9e03155064", "createdAtBlock": 14547489, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5976, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPQG7pSDfWtsHuuw9og94Z4G5ApUam2opmqbu49rJHiA5", "name": "Shaman Solomon of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "Enlisted with the mission to have all of his friends become Wizards.\n\nHe started his mission.\n\nThe tides would not turn.\n\nSolomon would not be denied his right."} +{"id": "c90c8c10-9e18-451c-8790-c03016557c32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:40.987", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT8Ytqvu2AdVtTjP7vvYNarHCXL6GHmf2J2NmkRAJPpPU", "txHash": "0x6d62e44521e7f3bd5c68935bfc5f087f522fb827beb8add9ce032a6de7951dae", "createdAtBlock": 14547503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5976, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Solomon of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "Never to be slighted again.\n\nSolomon groaned.\n\nIt had been a long day.\n\nReturned to the Shadows where he belonged. His mission was over. He had saved his friends."} +{"id": "a7de61f2-bd29-41b7-9fa9-92915d15642f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:12.338", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXzfPV13Qx5rBBbvVcdTKUB92frEQ8h7tucGy7N9PUaw", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4841, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcnutNWT4McUCQgEYwLFmDPYnjdhScomc11tbYN6NqZqT", "name": "Charmer Circe from the Abyss", "text": "Circe listened with an amused smile on her face. The story was obviously ridiculous, but she allowed the girl to finish, if only to see just how creative she could get.\n\nThats quite a tale, my sweet. You know, originally, I was planning to have you thrown into the dungeons for your insolence, but you have a way with words\n\nCirce flourished her hand and her eternal rose appeared, as if by magic. But of course, this was not the magical part. Circe stroked her other hand over the petals of the rose and felt the atmosphere in the room change. Nobody could resist the charms of the rose. As she waited for its effects to take home, she wondered with slight irritation where Asphodel was; her advisor was rarely not by her side.\n\nShe focused her attention back on the strange girl who had somehow waltzed past all the palace guards.\n\nTell me, child, to whom do you owe your allegiance?\n\nThe teenager glanced at her vixen familiar, paused, and then burst out laughing. Circe flushed with rage. What was happening? She stroked the roses petals again.\n\nPerhaps you misheard me? Whom do you serve?\n\nThe girl rolled her eyes at the vixen, who flashed Circe a grin and wiggled its whiskers at her. Circes own fox, Finn, growled at the vixen as his mistress lost her cool.\n\nHow dare you! I am EMPRESS! shrieked Circe. You will regret this! Guards!"} +{"id": "a7de61f2-bd29-41b7-9fa9-92915d15642f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:12.338", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXzfPV13Qx5rBBbvVcdTKUB92frEQ8h7tucGy7N9PUaw", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4841, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcnutNWT4McUCQgEYwLFmDPYnjdhScomc11tbYN6NqZqT", "name": "Charmer Circe from the Abyss", "text": "The girl stopped laughing in an instant, her face taking on a venomous cast. As guards rushed in through doors on all four sides of the royal chamber, she brought her arms inwards in front of her chest and then thrust them to either side, flinging the unfortunate soldiers through the air to crash into the stone walls and fall motionless on the mosaiced floor.\n\nCirce gasped with shock, but when she tried to speak, the air was rammed back down her throat, choking her.\n\nThe girl stalked towards her, speaking with a quiet ferocity. You are the one with the hearing problem, *Empress*, so I will repeat myself. Once. After that, Ill start to get annoyed.\n\nCirces eyes bulged as she struggled for air.\n\nAs I said, Im looking for wizards I can count on, and theres still a chance for you to prove your worth. There are dark forces at work in the Runiverse. And you have a wizard in your dungeons who has been turned by those forces. Take me to him.\n\nA single tear dripped from one of Circes long eyelashes.\n\nThere, there, dont cry... Oh silly me, you cant breathe. Ill release you, if you promise to play nice.\n\nCirce nodded desperately and the girl dismissively waved her fingers. The Charmer dropped to her hands and knees, chest heaving as she drew in deep, ragged breaths.\n\nThe young Mage crouched down in front of Circe and cradled her chin between thumb and forefinger, tilting her face upwards. I know youre new to this whole ruling thing, but I must say Im a little bit disappointed. I thought you would have taken my reputation more seriously. \n\nCirce whimpered, but the girl stroked her cheek and smiled."} +{"id": "a7de61f2-bd29-41b7-9fa9-92915d15642f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:12.338", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXzfPV13Qx5rBBbvVcdTKUB92frEQ8h7tucGy7N9PUaw", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4841, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcnutNWT4McUCQgEYwLFmDPYnjdhScomc11tbYN6NqZqT", "name": "Charmer Circe from the Abyss", "text": "Circe whimpered, but the girl stroked her cheek and smiled.\n\nDont think of me as an enemy. Im here to help you. Of course, you will be helping me too, but youll soon see that as a privilege. Think of it as what my friend the Gatekeeper would call your cosmic duty.\n\nShe stood, beckoning Circe to follow her. Sitting in Circes throne, she motioned for the Empress to take a seat on the advisors stool next to her. The Wizarding Council is planning a meeting of the guilds. It usually takes them a while to get themselves organised, but however long it takes, I dont have time for their meddling. I have a lot of matters that need my full attention. I like to keep busy.\n\nDespite the other wizards childlike features, she radiated power. Suddenly, Circes trick of enchanting the entire fortress and its armies into worshipping her as Empress seemed trivial. Fearful, she wondered whether she could disappear back to Red Wizard Capital, with nobody the wiser.\n\nRunning back to Red Wizard Capital will do you no good. Your charms power will not continue to addle the minds of the Citadel if you flee, you know that. They will marshall their troops and come after you with all their strength. The leaders in the Capital wont be best pleased either.\n\nHow did you know what I was thinking? asked Circe in awe. Ive cast enchantments over my thoughts that are impenetrable!\n\nPlease. Im not just a Hex Mage. I can do far more impressive things than that.\n\nYou will continue your reign as Empress, the young wizard continued. Youre going to need to show the Council that youre not to be trifled with; Ive got a couple of useful hexes that can help with that. When they find out @wizard3914 has been here, its bound to put some noses out of joint."} +{"id": "a7de61f2-bd29-41b7-9fa9-92915d15642f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:12.338", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXzfPV13Qx5rBBbvVcdTKUB92frEQ8h7tucGy7N9PUaw", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4841, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcnutNWT4McUCQgEYwLFmDPYnjdhScomc11tbYN6NqZqT", "name": "Charmer Circe from the Abyss", "text": "The Hex Mage glanced over at the fox and vixen, who were becoming acquainted with each other now that the violence had subsided. She winked at Circe. Hazell teach *him* a thing or two as well; I hope hes ready to have his consciousness expanded\n\nCirce listened in wonder as Bathsheba continued to issue orders. Were there really such powerful forces at work within the Runiverse? The young witch started complaining about being hungry. After she peremptorily summoned Circes attendants to bring them dinner, the Empress caught herself smiling at the ease with which Bahsheba took charge. \n\nJust a few days later, Bathsheba introduced the Charmer to her zany companion, @pony77 an actual Dream Pony, returned from the Elysian Fields! Watching Bathsheba banter with the pony, Circe was surprised to discover that she was already smitten. \n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "08e4fe8e-e0bb-4cfc-996d-17087a70fd11-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T20:44:53.761", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb76d53mo57akMfxwjNMRyuMhATzpBcZK9146wNGYeiyu", "txHash": "0xb4cc0f2b5af4bed4b44ecbe16fd6bc5083c60bae13a30f66d54e90d6b89b3512", "createdAtBlock": 15467535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 707, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe3ubrzCnAeBHX7ixHKEcSB5rCSuEgS25DZt9xRqvg8J", "name": "Maya Flattener of Monsters", "text": "KaBoomerGang\n\n\nCaleb Caleb CALEB! Wake-up! \nCaleb shot up from the yelling What, what, what do you want. He yelled back\nCaleb opened his eyes to see his older brother standing in the doorway. Mother wants you to help me with the tavern, NOW! Bolton yelled out again. \nWhats the big deal its still early. The tavern doesnt open for a few more hours. Caleb asked wiping the sleep out of his eyes. \nWe need to go now and ready the hall. The KaBoomerGang is coming to town! And with that Bolton shot out of the room. \nWait what? The Kaboomer who?!? And Caleb bounded after his brother. \n\nWhen Caleb got the hall floor he saw everyone was working furiously. \nCaleb, help your brother move the barrels out of here, then you two need take half the tables to storage and the rest we bolt down to the floor. Calebs mother barked out\nBut why mother? He responded. \n\nCaleb please listen and do. Now is not the time for questions. Your brother will explain while you work but you will see what happens when the Kaboomergang come to town. \n\nLets go Caleb. I will explain"} +{"id": "08e4fe8e-e0bb-4cfc-996d-17087a70fd11-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T20:44:53.761", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb76d53mo57akMfxwjNMRyuMhATzpBcZK9146wNGYeiyu", "txHash": "0xb4cc0f2b5af4bed4b44ecbe16fd6bc5083c60bae13a30f66d54e90d6b89b3512", "createdAtBlock": 15467535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 707, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe3ubrzCnAeBHX7ixHKEcSB5rCSuEgS25DZt9xRqvg8J", "name": "Maya Flattener of Monsters", "text": "Lets go Caleb. I will explain \n\nAs the two worked Bolton educated his brother on the Kaboomergang. He explained how they were a mercenary group that specialized in guerilla warfare. They got paid big for jobs, so they showered taverns with gold when they finished jobs. Unfortunately, furniture and fixtures paid the price from the rowdy crew. Bolton recounted job after job, that they were supposedly responsible for. No one really knew for sure it was them, due to no one has ever survived the carnage. He even said there were dozens of stories but Caleb was too young to hear them. He ended the recount with The saying is you wont see them coming but youll hear them leave. Bolton said with a smirk on his face. They only use boomerangs and bombs hence the name KaBoomerGang. Wacky aint it. Bolton laughed now lets go get that final table bolted down and rest before they get here."} +{"id": "08e4fe8e-e0bb-4cfc-996d-17087a70fd11-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T20:44:53.761", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb76d53mo57akMfxwjNMRyuMhATzpBcZK9146wNGYeiyu", "txHash": "0xb4cc0f2b5af4bed4b44ecbe16fd6bc5083c60bae13a30f66d54e90d6b89b3512", "createdAtBlock": 15467535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 707, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe3ubrzCnAeBHX7ixHKEcSB5rCSuEgS25DZt9xRqvg8J", "name": "Maya Flattener of Monsters", "text": "The boys finished up then went to their rooms to rest. Caleb recounted the stories of the gangs escapades. Each story brought more excitement, he actually will get to see the infamous KaBoomerGang soon. Thats when Caleb heard it, the low rumble of a mob. It started off low then progressively got louder and louder. As the roar seemed to be a street away, both boys ran to their lookout to watch the gang. From the kitchen window they had a good view of the room and now the roar was definitely outside the door. The first figure through the door glided across the room effortlessly. His appearance seemed odd to the Caleb, he was dressed in blue shorts with light padded shoes and a boomerang strapped to his waist. He was bare chested but what was odd was the giant red and black helm. 2 blood red curved horns emerged from the helmet, both the length of a mans forearm. Thats Beezle hes second in command of the Gang. They say he was disfigured when he was younger, they even took his tongue! The slaver that did it wore that helm. Beezle killed him with the horns and wears the helm to hide his face. \nWhoa Caleb gasped and watched as Beezle took a seat at the end of the grand table. Next figure walked in seemed even weirder. Thats Suki, they call him the Razer of death. Now Fur Gnomes are weird but that one there is the weirdest turd around. The boys watched Suki stomp through, he was dressed in green commando fatigues and a helm that sprouted two yellow bull horns. He moved stiff and erratic, his eyes darting all over the room. They say he was gifted the famed death bomb, and is the personal body guard to Maya."} +{"id": "08e4fe8e-e0bb-4cfc-996d-17087a70fd11-3", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T20:44:53.761", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb76d53mo57akMfxwjNMRyuMhATzpBcZK9146wNGYeiyu", "txHash": "0xb4cc0f2b5af4bed4b44ecbe16fd6bc5083c60bae13a30f66d54e90d6b89b3512", "createdAtBlock": 15467535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 707, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe3ubrzCnAeBHX7ixHKEcSB5rCSuEgS25DZt9xRqvg8J", "name": "Maya Flattener of Monsters", "text": "Maya? Caleb asked and in response Bolton pointed at the door. Walking in was Maya the leader of the KaBoomerGang. Caleb eyes widen at the sight of her. She was tall and graceful, long red hair framing her face. Even though she wore a black eye patch over her left eye Caleb could tell she had beauty, even with the scar running across her cheek. Thats Maya, they say her, Beezle and Suki were all slaves on a pirate ship. The story is since she was the youngest, she was the servant to the captain and had a little more freedom to the ship. One day she was caught sneaking food to Suki, Beezle and the rest of the slaves and they beat her bad. Beezle tried to fight the slavers off while Suki shielded her with his own body. All were punished severely and thats why she has the scar Bolton said as he traced his finger down his face. The tale goes that Maya secretly poisoned their food soon after leaving them unconscious. As they slept she bound them together, castrated them and as they woke up lit them on fire. Calebs eyes shot open and looked at the women walking across the room with amazement. Bolton continued she freed the slaves, stole the Captains magic bomb bag and blew the ship out of the water. \nNay you got that wrong boy, she slit the throats of every sailor, castrated the captain and bound him to the helm, and watched him burn with the rest of the ship. Hollered a cook as he walked by. \nWhoa! Was all Caleb could respond with as he watched the rest of the KaBoomerGang filter through the door. Dozens of warriors armed with boomerangs and bombs strapped to them filed into the room, the buzz of the room got louder and louder."} +{"id": "08e4fe8e-e0bb-4cfc-996d-17087a70fd11-4", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T20:44:53.761", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb76d53mo57akMfxwjNMRyuMhATzpBcZK9146wNGYeiyu", "txHash": "0xb4cc0f2b5af4bed4b44ecbe16fd6bc5083c60bae13a30f66d54e90d6b89b3512", "createdAtBlock": 15467535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 707, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe3ubrzCnAeBHX7ixHKEcSB5rCSuEgS25DZt9xRqvg8J", "name": "Maya Flattener of Monsters", "text": "Why are they here? Asked Caleb. \nThey come here once a year in mass. The Yellow Wizards know how to enjoy life, so the gang partakes. While they party they say Beezle and Maya meet the Redlings for their contracts. \nThe Redlings? Caleb asked. You mean Nolan from Nolans steakhouse and his family?\nYes they say they meet in a secret space under the restaurant. But Nolan says hes just an honest entrepreneur retired from the ways of battle. Bolton winked\nAye and Im uncle to the king the dishwasher slipped in\nBOYS! Yelled their mother. Caleb, Bolton take these mugs to the gang, chop, chop we have money to make! \nCaleb grabbed a mug in each hand and walked over to Beezle and Maya with their meads. As he walked over he was so nervous he tripped over his own feet spilling a little on Beezles shoe. \nIm sorry sir, really sorry as he stared up at Beezle. The shadow of the helm hid his face giving the impression he had a pool of darkeness instead. Beezle just grabbed the mug and then ran a finger across his throat\nCareful boy Maya whispered to Caleb next offense we might castrate or slit your throat Calebs face drained in fear. As he looked at Maya, she laughed, shot him a smile and lifted her patch up and winked a perfectly good green eye. Dont worry boy, we wont castrate you, your balls need to drop first! She flipped a gold coin to him Now off with you, come back with more drinks!"} +{"id": "08e4fe8e-e0bb-4cfc-996d-17087a70fd11-5", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T20:44:53.761", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb76d53mo57akMfxwjNMRyuMhATzpBcZK9146wNGYeiyu", "txHash": "0xb4cc0f2b5af4bed4b44ecbe16fd6bc5083c60bae13a30f66d54e90d6b89b3512", "createdAtBlock": 15467535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 707, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe3ubrzCnAeBHX7ixHKEcSB5rCSuEgS25DZt9xRqvg8J", "name": "Maya Flattener of Monsters", "text": "KaBoomerGang! Maya stood and yelled, the room went silent immediately and all looked at their leader. We drink, we live, we love, we RUCKUS! And with that the gang bellowed with cheers and laughter."} +{"id": "08e4fe8e-e0bb-4cfc-996d-17087a70fd11-6", "createdAt": "2022-09-03T20:44:53.761", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb76d53mo57akMfxwjNMRyuMhATzpBcZK9146wNGYeiyu", "txHash": "0xb4cc0f2b5af4bed4b44ecbe16fd6bc5083c60bae13a30f66d54e90d6b89b3512", "createdAtBlock": 15467535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 707, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe3ubrzCnAeBHX7ixHKEcSB5rCSuEgS25DZt9xRqvg8J", "name": "Maya Flattener of Monsters", "text": "See Battle Mage Nolan of the Reach #5177 in the Book of Lore"} +{"id": "33e23ecf-cc26-4a80-a72f-2de826924dea-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T03:30:01.946", "backgroundColor": "#2a1c10", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdt7kV6nXcpZFSHeJK2R4PmYPWFEYcE8AdNNmynCbMTxi", "txHash": "0xbd7199954e2d53cab6296594dbbd71d15c8ae6cc3aa1faf4d725ce4da05470c8", "createdAtBlock": 15469322, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13937, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTvfoxvVJiVFUNtnFHRBgjZ9zgojcnaJnMfjwT35drEF1", "name": "Vidal Chaos Agent of Worlds", "text": "## Pantheum Vidalis \n\n*Artwork by 'Taro, the Curious Mind* \n\n--- \nVidal began his journey of creation on a temple built to cradle his artworks:\nPantheum Vidalis.\n\nWith the help of @wizard2595's generosity, the tall pillars and luminous halls of the pantheon now stand tall atop the mountains that extend south from The Secret Tower and all the way down to Skylord Rookery. The valleys and its quarries near the Fur Gnome Wold hold plenty of raw materials from which Vidals mace can sculpt and carve the most captivating depictions of the Runiverse and its legendarium.\n\nNot even in battle has he found so much pride while wielding his mighty weapon. With each swing, his visions appear to emerge from the stone, as if he was trying to save these lively images from being trapped inside their eternal prison.\n\nHis self-portrait, located in the Hall of Patrons, is the first ever piece of the Pantheon. To truly understand the world one must first understand one self, and so did he. \n\n\n\nThe Pantheon and Vidals journey go hand in hand. Through his art and the support of Patrons of the Pantheon, Vidal swore to forge not only his path to glory, but also a way to recover something he seems to have lost or could it be someone?\n\nJust like stones hide beautiful images waiting to be revealed, the future holds answers that are yet not meant to be found. Only might and mace will find the truth."} +{"id": "84bc5200-9d47-44a5-bec6-a24904295b37-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:41.619", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT8Ytqvu2AdVtTjP7vvYNarHCXL6GHmf2J2NmkRAJPpPU", "txHash": "0xff7ff6210f3981be44132a9f33523f676f4308366d709839e0f3a7581f572aea", "createdAtBlock": 14547504, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5976, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Solomon of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "Never to be slighted again.\n\nSolomon groaned.\n\nIt had been a long day.\n\nReturned to the Shadows where he belonged. His mission was over. He had saved his friends."} +{"id": "54848cc1-308a-42c5-aeb2-762cd1d0ac5e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:42.293", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcJUx9NK4ytPmNdZisTAsgbNRBX4wBzhfq4ZNEFZLW1S", "txHash": "0xf4dec936ff6ee6c1a14430fe2fb3ba5f3225a4f0e1a20e536980bcd7dca9e2e3", "createdAtBlock": 14547521, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Nikolas of the Wood", "text": "# Aeromancer Nikolas of the Wood \n\n\n**Nikolas** was born in a small village, deep in **The Fey**. The only child of his Woodcutter father and **Aeromancer** mother. He grew up cutting wood with his father, while his mother fostered his nascent magical talents. \n\nOne clear spring day, when he was but a teenager, a motley crew traveling through **The Carnival Pass** came across **Nikolas** and his father harvesting wood. @wizard7151 among them caught **Nikolas** eye and distracted him while the group murdered his father and then attacked the village. To defend the villagers, his mother used her powers to summon a devastating whirlwind, scattering the murderous pillagers and killing many of them. \n\n**Nikolas** felt the atmospheric pressure drop and heard the rushing of the wind. He saw the darkened sky and knew immediately in his guts that his mother had summoned the whirlwind because something horrible had occurred. As he ran through **The Fey**, towards his village, he stumbled upon the slain body of his father. Weeping with rage and grief he continued onward and came across his mother, mortally wounded, amid the destruction of his village. She imparted on him her powers, a special Aeromancers spell, with her last dying breath, as he held her in his arms.\n\nA dark cloud of anger colored his demeanor. The tragedy of that day never left him. **Nikolas** spent the next ten years roaming the world. He had sworn that he would not rest until he found @wizard7151 and exact his vengeance. He developed his magic craft in solitude; he sustained himself by finding work as a wizard for hire, healing people, and assisting others with odd jobs."} +{"id": "54848cc1-308a-42c5-aeb2-762cd1d0ac5e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:42.293", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcJUx9NK4ytPmNdZisTAsgbNRBX4wBzhfq4ZNEFZLW1S", "txHash": "0xf4dec936ff6ee6c1a14430fe2fb3ba5f3225a4f0e1a20e536980bcd7dca9e2e3", "createdAtBlock": 14547521, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Nikolas of the Wood", "text": "While resting from travel outside **The Infinity Well**, he saw the Enchanter, from that fateful day, approach. Springing to action, he subdued her before she could react. When she realized who **Nikolas** was she pleaded her innocence. She explained that she had only recently joined the group that had attacked his village. She had genuinely liked **Nikolas**, it wasnt some ploy to occupy his time. She swore a sacred oath tying her life to his and vowing to defend him until her dying breath. She recognized that **Nikolas** had deep untapped potential in his magic. She urged him to cultivate his skill and deepening his knowledge in spells and wizard craft by seeking guidance.\n\nTogether they made their way to the **Blue Wizards Bastion**. There, they settled down, had children, and **Nikolas** spent years being tutored, developing his skills; preparing for the time that was surely to come where they would be needed"} +{"id": "22510322-8047-48f7-afbd-6962fc7df4f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:42.978", "backgroundColor": "#3c7248", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfA89EBkETLZccQh4MzRDUnAcF2gGq89AUnXr5hnpwYbC", "txHash": "0x3f2f81619ea933eac682e5dfebda55085de2a1202449c281f3e4a96d6be78c4b", "createdAtBlock": 14547534, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8060, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Cassiopeia of the Mountain", "text": "# Alchemist Cassiopeia of the Mountain\n\n\nLike the Greek myth, Cassiopeia boasts unrivaled beauty. An astute astrologer, she stares atop **The BattleMage Mountains** towards the northern sky in search for the mother of Andromeda she was named after.\n\nShe is a wiley temptress, seducing any man that crosses her path with her green spandex and passion potion. Be careful what you wish for you, just might get it..."} +{"id": "d5b50025-b65f-45d5-9edf-85c424fe5f52-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:47.461", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUyLMjkCa221jGJYy2FNxgCYAvKPVNMeQx6RkGZavDchy", "txHash": "0x1bbf2f2d1d49a43bcad4b4f909cc610366682a7d4fe785104cbaeac349c6c74e", "createdAtBlock": 14547908, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1505, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Norix of the Light", "text": "# Norix of the Light\n\nA master of chaos, a bringer of light\n\nEquipped with a bat, to quarrel the night\n\nAn eater of death, but do not fright\n\nHe's a sigma male, a welcoming sight"} +{"id": "52f64e14-e3b1-48a9-8092-1c29006ce2aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:48.265", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb5GTTqfj39LyBTi7iViSLjUekqBXHo7scaYhx2kXb2EE", "txHash": "0xb51caaa28e1ea4d82b8404876c761732be61b1d43d5b704c46884906940b0273", "createdAtBlock": 14548062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4833, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Titania of the Canyon", "text": "Sage Titania of the Canyon\n\nThis bad bitch is the female Indiana Jones. With her torch and pet red mamba she is ready for adventure!\n\nThe snake's name is Hector the Magnificent. Don't look him in the eye."} +{"id": "79e58b16-43f1-467a-994a-46cdbb339d79-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:43.664", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ94CmY6PSMPdRoTwkg5nBVSz1hL5doJVb92cJuB612Lb", "txHash": "0x1cacbfde161067ea0e13ed5f89347f3b1606df7bf88ad9b93ed6ebd461b33cc7", "createdAtBlock": 14547555, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8731, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Atlas of the Hall", "text": "@wizard8731 is thought to be a fierce Mage in the Runiverse... \n \nA werebeast known for the great abilities he possessed.\n\nA familiar bat known for his timely jokes and comic relief\n\nA cannabis potion to share with his fellow magi after battle.\n\nA Rune of Cinnabar, for this, this is who we are.\n\n-@wizard8731"} +{"id": "5b53da74-1ebf-4378-83bf-a1f4556b9ffb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:44.487", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZDNeAxpp5ohPPC1MuB5Wg1mxAVFrtb4GQv1YChxStb8Y", "txHash": "0x3aff12bfd8ac9cbccfa35ee0424402c348f8ac14761fa04a6b90cba937b46ed6", "createdAtBlock": 14547590, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7350, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Hansel of the Valley", "text": "# Druid Hansel of the Valley\n\nA humble goat farmer who lost his fren Frank. He roams the **Valley of the Void Desciple** in search of his goat Frank.\n\nIf you listen closely you can hear him calling:\n>frankfrankFRANKFRANKFRANK FRANKfrankFRANK frankfrankFRANKfrank frankFRANKfrank frankFRANK FRANKfrank FRANKfrankFRANK frankfrankfrank frankFRANKfrankFRANKfrankFRANK frankFRANK FRANKfrankfrank frankfrankfrankFRANK frank FRANKfrank FRANK frankfrankFRANK frankFRANKfrank frank FRANK FRANKFRANKFRANK FRANKFRANKfrank frank FRANK frankfrankfrankfrank frank frankFRANKfrank"} +{"id": "98c9e89e-dc1d-4c06-bf65-3be376aece9b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:45.207", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaTj9rQsAA2FJvqGJneWM3UJnqMRC7tekNTBvFCqBTJab", "txHash": "0xf740af9378309cf3c753eaa4e0681fcc2aff5f43ad451e26e441080fc77708a3", "createdAtBlock": 14547678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7511, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUFkzmrHFFLr9kgYq6FtUHqqvcZ9TYyvvdYCqKAgGwn3Q", "name": "Magus Nazim of the Sun", "text": "# Magus Nazim of the Sun\n\nA troubled lad born of the Sun, suffering from a rare skin disease Prophyria, or *the Vampire Disease*. Always fully covered in garment, equipped with a *Nightshade Potion*, he hides in the shadows from his place of birth, in hopes to not become like his sun burnt ember frog."} +{"id": "cd33f5e9-cd19-435f-aca5-d2d6d46a1d8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:45.907", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZUGjy8zb6S7E3Tt6JCDjG5Mzfn7XAbArsg74hr5od3k1", "txHash": "0x32962a52a0bd0b467941751e87f5af7e6b74329c6c9222a17080e1824ee2b6ca", "createdAtBlock": 14547794, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1387, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSYqkUYdiu2NF332hKtEGF6m4aVoCXq6mji5qw6qY31zz", "name": "Witch Lilith of the Plains", "text": "# The Wicked Witch of the Plains\n\nA once beautiful, sheltered lady of *the Plains*, she ate the apple from the tree of knowledge, drastically altering her life. The knowledge attained from the apple was so powerful she became borderline schizophrenic, turning her into a wild woman, now fabled as the Wickedest Witch of the Runiverse."} +{"id": "84d85c51-8bdc-43f9-a559-45ec5a548243-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T07:37:13.052", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXRaAsw9okitfQf2ze9oWHfWZJL7XafGAPJTUAP69wh9w", "txHash": "0xd155397b502d948de199dcc4e43dd49f4ac5c0d70effced18a485aafe64ca835", "createdAtBlock": 15470389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCNa2YVJ9Am6o4Ahx5CBDgpgk4HLFVR6aoQnveSEi831", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "# WAR MACHINE RISING\n## [PART III]\n#\nPrior to The Quantum Shadow's influence, Aldus wouldn't have the slightest idea where to find the traveling merchant. Now that his curse is lifted and all memories unlocked, The Heretic plots. Fellheart mimics the sorcerer's skyward stare, his fur as dark as the night above. Aldus squints at the stars to estimate the date.\n\n\"As long as we keep walking with the shadow on our left, we'll find him,\" explains Aldus.\n#\n---\n#\nThey find their destination nestled against the mountains leading to Yellow Wizard Haven. Long banners catch the wind. Colossal avian legs are folded under, indicating The Bazaar is staying in the location for now. A large wooden storefront sign bears the name of its owner Two Crows.\n\nThe Heretic has conducted plenty of business with Two Crows in the past. He always liked the crow and the way he runs his trade. The Bazaar remains neutral and doesn't hold allegiance to a crown or faction. As they approach the entrance, Aldus pauses, and tosses Fellheart a piece of dried venison.\n\n\"Stay out here. I don't want that appetite of yours to reach his familiar. One Crow just doesn't have the same ring to it.\"\n\nAldus enters The Bazaar and hears the expected **CAW** from the smaller of the pair. Two Crows sits at a far desk, inspecting an object using an advanced articifer's loupe covering one eye. He removes the arcane optic and sees The Heretic waiting at the entrance. The tall crow stands and greets Aldus with a grin.\n\n\"Been a while, *Heretic*. What's the spell? Blood or bone?\" asks Two Crows with eyes full of mischief.\n\n\"Bone.\""} +{"id": "84d85c51-8bdc-43f9-a559-45ec5a548243-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T07:37:13.052", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXRaAsw9okitfQf2ze9oWHfWZJL7XafGAPJTUAP69wh9w", "txHash": "0xd155397b502d948de199dcc4e43dd49f4ac5c0d70effced18a485aafe64ca835", "createdAtBlock": 15470389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCNa2YVJ9Am6o4Ahx5CBDgpgk4HLFVR6aoQnveSEi831", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "\"Bone.\"\n\n\"Not surprised. Just be a moment. Coffee and jelly donuts are on the counter,\" says Two Crows as he disappears behind a royal blue curtain near the back.\n\n\"Last time I ate one of those, I didn't sleep for two weeks. Several villages burned.\"\n\n\"Dont try to tell me you didnt enjoy yourself,\" casually remarks the crow from behind the fabric. \"Here, these will do the trick.\"\n\nTwo Crows returns and hands The Heretic a small box of aged wood containing the magical supplies. Aldus pays and chats for a moment before fetching his onyx wolf and departing for the nearest graveyard.\n#\n---\n#\nA short expedition eastward leads the dark pair to an ossuary surrounded by willow trees. Half-covered in moss, the stone structure seems suspended in time. The two calmly scout the interior, opening each sarcophagus to inspect the restful bones within.\n\nThe sorcerer notices something out of place. He scratches chunks of black wax off the top of one of the sarcophagi. *Was I here before?* His memories are returned, but he doesnt recall this ossuary. Putting the distraction out of mind, The Heretic prepares his craft. He opens the wooden box and removes five candles. He then pulls a blue silk pouch from the box and opens the drawstring. Inside are thin and delicate salt-imbued bones. *Duck bones.* He shakes his head.\n\nThat crow and his games, says Aldus with a wicked smile."} +{"id": "84d85c51-8bdc-43f9-a559-45ec5a548243-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T07:37:13.052", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXRaAsw9okitfQf2ze9oWHfWZJL7XafGAPJTUAP69wh9w", "txHash": "0xd155397b502d948de199dcc4e43dd49f4ac5c0d70effced18a485aafe64ca835", "createdAtBlock": 15470389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCNa2YVJ9Am6o4Ahx5CBDgpgk4HLFVR6aoQnveSEi831", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "That crow and his games, says Aldus with a wicked smile.\n\nAldus takes a moment to remember any details about the former lieutenant that might augment the necromantic evocation. He walks outside to the nearest tree and picks up a long stick from the dirt below. He catches a glimpse of Fellheart running deep into the tranquil forest and out of sight, eager to hunt. Returning to the ossuary, Aldus opens the sarcophagus halfway and inspects the specimen inside one more time. Satisfied, he places the stick on top of the stone lid and arranges the imbued bones in the shape of a water rune. Aldus pats the dust off his disheveled black robes, almost meditatively. He tenderly sets down the skull that never leaves his side. A deathlike aura emanates from it, searching for light to extinguish. **XIII** is carved into the frontal bone representing Death in the Major Arcana. Last comes the candles: green for earth, yellow for air, red for fire, blue for water. He places a black candle in the center position next to the skull. Traditionally, many spells are cast using a white candle representing spirit. However, Aldus the Black didnt get the name by practicing conventional magic. He lights the candles counterclockwise and then the central one. Now that the circle is formed and tied to his memories of Setsuko, the rest of the spell is easy. Like all magic, the true catalyst is intent.\n\n\"By the mysteries of the deep. By the silence of the night. By virtue of the heavens, and torments of the damned, I conjure thee, Setsuko, to present thyself here to answer my liege demands. I conjure and bind thee to utter what I shall ask. Setsuko, arise! Arise, I charge and command thee!\""} +{"id": "84d85c51-8bdc-43f9-a559-45ec5a548243-3", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T07:37:13.052", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXRaAsw9okitfQf2ze9oWHfWZJL7XafGAPJTUAP69wh9w", "txHash": "0xd155397b502d948de199dcc4e43dd49f4ac5c0d70effced18a485aafe64ca835", "createdAtBlock": 15470389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCNa2YVJ9Am6o4Ahx5CBDgpgk4HLFVR6aoQnveSEi831", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "The black candle goes out with a **HISS**. The remaining candlelight throws shadows on the walls of bone after bone assembling midair. The soul of Setsuko rises slowly, movements bound to a skeleton that isn't her own. Though skeletal expressions are hard to read, The Heretic doesn't need to. He can feel the disgust and hatred seething from her.\n\n\"I underrupted your slumber, lieutenant, but it was necessary. I need some information,\" says Aldus. The reanimated skeleton clenches its fists tensely and stares at its former leader from empty sockets. \"The night before my disappearance, a fire mage named Alatar arrived. He placed a memory curse upon me and will suffer for it. You were there that night. Did Alatar mention where he was traveling to?\" The soul of Setsuko simply glares at the sorcerer with pure malice. \"Lieutenant! I command thee to answer!\"\n\nThe skeleton arches its back and a haunting laugh bursts upward. Aldus winces. The disturbing pitch irks him, like a dull knife scraping against his spine.\n\n\"*Alatar?* You useless fool! *I* was the one who cursed you!\" The soul of Setsuko cackles.\n\n*\"YOU?\"* asks The Heretic with rising discomfort.\n\n\"To you, we were all just fodder to feed the war machine. No care. No consideration. No real strategy. Just throw enough of us at a wall and onto the next. Well, I CARED!\"\n\nAldus is taken aback. Not so much by the revelation, but by the fact that he feels guilt about it. For the first time, Aldus listens.\n\n\"Setsuko I, I understand.\"\n\n\"DO YOU?! *The Heretic* only understands himself. Cares about himself. Even Bayard abandoned you.\""} +{"id": "84d85c51-8bdc-43f9-a559-45ec5a548243-4", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T07:37:13.052", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXRaAsw9okitfQf2ze9oWHfWZJL7XafGAPJTUAP69wh9w", "txHash": "0xd155397b502d948de199dcc4e43dd49f4ac5c0d70effced18a485aafe64ca835", "createdAtBlock": 15470389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCNa2YVJ9Am6o4Ahx5CBDgpgk4HLFVR6aoQnveSEi831", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "\"What does the Arch Gravelord have to do with this?\" asks Aldus.\n\n\"First sign of trouble and he fled with the rest of the Worms. Your loyal pet, slithering away to save his own skin,\" the soul of Setsuko explains mockingly.\n\n\"Bayard is *alive?*\"\n\n\"Who knows? It doesn't matter. Everyone was better off without you even in death. It's time to finish what I started. It ends here. It ends tonight.\"\n\nThe skeleton bends down and wedges its left forearm tightly under the heavy sarcophagus lid. A sudden upward thrust of the shoulder snaps the ulna and radius bones with a loud **SNAP**. The Heretic watches in astonishment as the second arm gets severed in the same way. **SNAP!** The soul of Setsuko stands to face her prey with broken forearms. Four sharp lengths of bone are poised toward the sorcerer, ready to deliver a fatal blow.\n\nAldus takes a slow, deep breath. He is resigned. He's been many things in the past, but a leader worth following was not one of them. Ever since his encounter with The Quantum Shadow, he's been seeing things from a different view. Ashamed, he agrees with Setsuko. It is time. The Heretic closes his eyes and welcomes death.\n\nThe sounds are amplified in the end. Time is slowed. Aldus hears thudding footsteps of murderous bone moving toward him. Another noise is made he cannot identify. He braces for the impending lunge to his chest.\n\n**CLACK!**"} +{"id": "84d85c51-8bdc-43f9-a559-45ec5a548243-5", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T07:37:13.052", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXRaAsw9okitfQf2ze9oWHfWZJL7XafGAPJTUAP69wh9w", "txHash": "0xd155397b502d948de199dcc4e43dd49f4ac5c0d70effced18a485aafe64ca835", "createdAtBlock": 15470389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCNa2YVJ9Am6o4Ahx5CBDgpgk4HLFVR6aoQnveSEi831", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "**CLACK!**\n\nAldus is startled by the unexpected sound. His eyes flash open. The skeleton harboring the soul of his former lieutenant is down on one knee. Between its shoulder and humerus bone is locked the unrelenting jaw of an onyx wolf. Fellheart has come to his aid. **CRACK!** The right arm of the skeleton falls freely to the ground as Fellheart readies another attack. The wolf bites low and latches onto the skeleton's right leg. With a strong sideways thrust of his neck, Fellheart dislocates the leg and sends it crashing against the far wall. The skeletal construct falls onto its side and the wolf dismantles the remaining bones mercilessly. The black tether that binds the soul of Setsuko to this realm fades with an audible sigh.\n\nThe Heretic studies the scene in awe. Regaining some of his composure, he contemplates why her words cut him so deeply. He shakes his head, trying to forget the fact that he was willing to accept his own demise. That was not like him. He endures. This time, it was only because he was protected. He recovers the carved skull from the stone lid and sits down on the cold floor holding it in his lap. He looks to the wolf across from him.\n\n\"Fellheart, I, I .\" The Heretic searches for the right words. \"Thank you.\" Fellheart walks over to the sorcerer and sits next to him. The Heretic places a hand on the wolf's back.\n\nAfter a much needed respite on the stone floor among the bones, Aldus breaks the silence. \"Let's return home. We have plans to devise.\""} +{"id": "84d85c51-8bdc-43f9-a559-45ec5a548243-6", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T07:37:13.052", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXRaAsw9okitfQf2ze9oWHfWZJL7XafGAPJTUAP69wh9w", "txHash": "0xd155397b502d948de199dcc4e43dd49f4ac5c0d70effced18a485aafe64ca835", "createdAtBlock": 15470389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCNa2YVJ9Am6o4Ahx5CBDgpgk4HLFVR6aoQnveSEi831", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "#\n---\n#\nAlthough the return trip to the charred cathedral was a long distance, Aldus and Fellheart aren't exhausted. The air about the two is charged with determination. Aldus returns his thoughts to the wax found in the ossuary. Ambition builds.\n\n\"We need to look for the signs. If the Arch Gravelord is indeed alive, I'm sure he's causing a stir. He always had a certain flair to his work,\" says Aldus with malevolent delight.\n\nThe bittersweet memories of his lost legions arrive unbidden. His mood darkens. Together, they accomplished unparalleled feats of black magic though Aldus shamefully admits he led them as a cruel despot. He's surprised by the mental admission. These new strange thoughts unnerve him. It feels like an unknown entity is bound to him in some way. With shaking hands, The Heretic tears a Lux of the Sun label off an inklike potion and downs its contents. He's built a tolerance to the grim liquid over the years. Aldus exhales as he falls into a blissful state between life and death. He looks to his onyx wolf.\n\n\"If we are to succeed in this, some things need to change.\"\n\n**TINK!** A chain suspending the flayed corpse of a local snaps, causing the decayed body to hit the floor with a loud **SMACK!** The Heretic chuckles.\n\n\"Well we don't have to change *everything*.\""} +{"id": "1c66e8e3-fd45-4680-9f24-2d4589ea2736-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:46.718", "backgroundColor": "#0f0c28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRphsJ28Kf2x9AxSJLzY1HTrkuEpQwse9EMAreC3s3vBJ", "txHash": "0x228de3f1358904d891f62dd2a16a30734de7422295533f545aaf17f9d652260e", "createdAtBlock": 14547811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQawvDZDMCCMcKupXrH95SQGmxSgQYNh5FvGztFCs2vDY", "name": "Magus Eggplant of the Sea", "text": "# Magus Eggplant of the Sea\n\n*Eggy was a plant, Eggy was fun.* \n*Eggy had an itch, Eggy had to run.* \n*Eggy went far, Eggy went wide.* \n*Eggy not alone, Rabbit by his side.*\n\n\n\n## Prologue"} +{"id": "1c66e8e3-fd45-4680-9f24-2d4589ea2736-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:46.718", "backgroundColor": "#0f0c28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRphsJ28Kf2x9AxSJLzY1HTrkuEpQwse9EMAreC3s3vBJ", "txHash": "0x228de3f1358904d891f62dd2a16a30734de7422295533f545aaf17f9d652260e", "createdAtBlock": 14547811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQawvDZDMCCMcKupXrH95SQGmxSgQYNh5FvGztFCs2vDY", "name": "Magus Eggplant of the Sea", "text": "## Prologue\n\n> _Young of mind and wild of heart, as is the way of youth, I had been caught up in the chase for the next coin, the next conquest, the greener pasture. So caught up was I in my own machinations of advancement, that as I ventured for yet another thrill, one more win, vying for change and novelty, I had not noticed the ancient figure beside the road until we were nearly upon him._ \n> \n> _Ho, old man! I hailed him as I came to a halt, smiling down at his grizzled face. The hour grows late, yet here you sit. Shant you find succour, afore nightfall?_ \n> \n> _I still remember, to this very day, the cast of his eyes as he met my eager gaze. They seemed to bore into my soul, and yet silent he remained. Chagrined, I barrelled on. Have you grown roots that your rump is now attached to that stump? At this, my companions, sycophants one and all, snickered and giggled. My ruse, however, failed, as he merely shrugged and stood._ \n> \n> _Careful of tearing down the fence my child, afore you comprehend why it were raised to begin with, he finally said, voice strong as a sturdy sapling. With that he sat back down, his dismissal obvious._ \n> \n> _What heraldry is this? Suit yourself, I said sourly as I urged my mount forward. In our wake remained the old man, his gnarled fingers wrapped around his staff, his eyes shining with earnest experience, with parting words ones I would never forget._ \n> \n> Journal, Folly of Youth \n> \n> _Eggy_\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## The Call to Adventure"} +{"id": "1c66e8e3-fd45-4680-9f24-2d4589ea2736-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:46.718", "backgroundColor": "#0f0c28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRphsJ28Kf2x9AxSJLzY1HTrkuEpQwse9EMAreC3s3vBJ", "txHash": "0x228de3f1358904d891f62dd2a16a30734de7422295533f545aaf17f9d652260e", "createdAtBlock": 14547811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQawvDZDMCCMcKupXrH95SQGmxSgQYNh5FvGztFCs2vDY", "name": "Magus Eggplant of the Sea", "text": "## The Call to Adventure\n\n> The voyage across the Salt had taken longer than expected, the seas seemingly unwilling to relinquish the hold she had held over him for near a decade eager to keep him tight to her deep bosom, her seduction a lulling caress of brine and bounty. It may just be imagination, but there was a maternal quality to the sensation, and why not? The vast briny expanse had lulled him to sleep countless times, witnessed his greatest victories, and stood vigil on his metamorphosis from boisterous boyhood to a man of discipline and steely will. \n> \n> However, steadfast he had remained in his chosen path; his taste for conquest turning from sated, to indifferent, to an unfamiliar sense of shame. How ironic that only once your belly was full to bursting, all your aspirations met with plenty to spare, only then could one feel futility and true emptiness."} +{"id": "1c66e8e3-fd45-4680-9f24-2d4589ea2736-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:46.718", "backgroundColor": "#0f0c28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRphsJ28Kf2x9AxSJLzY1HTrkuEpQwse9EMAreC3s3vBJ", "txHash": "0x228de3f1358904d891f62dd2a16a30734de7422295533f545aaf17f9d652260e", "createdAtBlock": 14547811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQawvDZDMCCMcKupXrH95SQGmxSgQYNh5FvGztFCs2vDY", "name": "Magus Eggplant of the Sea", "text": "> Captain Jiro had, of course, also been reluctant to let his once overly ambitious, recalcitrant and insatiable first mate go, but once decided his will was indomitable and the captain had grudgingly, with typical disgruntled and sour demeanour, accepted his request to return home.\n> \n> The change in him felt profound, all the more so for the suddenness of its merciless strike, and yet here, on the docks where his journey into the unknown had begun, everything else seemed the same. His cape flapping in the stiff breeze, book of magic tucked under one arm, Eggplant set out to retrace his steps, to reclaim what he had for the temporary lure of greatness beyond the next rise - too freely given up.\n> \n> _Surely my eyes betray me,_ a voice shouted nearby accompanied by the slap of feet. After traversing the docks into the town proper- the cobbled streets familiar in ways that guided his feet subconsciously he had exited to the west and was deep in thought as he was suddenly tackled to the ground.\n> \n> _Argh!_ he exclaimed, his magic instinctively rushing to his fingertips, his alignment with Air such a boon on the seas when the winds were unfavourable causing enough of a stir to rustle leaves and scatter birds."} +{"id": "1c66e8e3-fd45-4680-9f24-2d4589ea2736-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:46.718", "backgroundColor": "#0f0c28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRphsJ28Kf2x9AxSJLzY1HTrkuEpQwse9EMAreC3s3vBJ", "txHash": "0x228de3f1358904d891f62dd2a16a30734de7422295533f545aaf17f9d652260e", "createdAtBlock": 14547811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQawvDZDMCCMcKupXrH95SQGmxSgQYNh5FvGztFCs2vDY", "name": "Magus Eggplant of the Sea", "text": "> _Its really you! Eggy!_ came the trilling laughter. Rolling clear, the incantation dying on his lips, his jaw dropped as he got a good look at his assailant.\n> \n> _Little Purple, is that really you?_ he exclaimed, taken aback at the figure before him, stranger and yet familiar. When he had set out, with everything to gain and seemingly nothing to lose - and how wrong he had been then - his little sister had been but a wee spud. _Let me have a look at you!_ he exclaimed, rushing forward.\n> \n> _Youll have to catch me first! Da will be so delighted,_ she squealed and split for the forest path up ahead. _Youre not going to believe what theyve done with your room!_, and with that she was off, leaving Eggplant with no choice but to follow in her wake, to continue retracing his errant steps, one at a time.\n---\n---\n\n\n### I once was lost, but now I'm found. \nThe End.\n\n\n###### \n##### Credit to @ SorcererIlyas (spz) & @Gravitational (m.t.)"} +{"id": "d49236e4-6dbc-40f8-b9e2-c9028e569dfe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:26.621", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabyPwwMm6ap9kayFXPTvPfea3M4zayApWzW9EDqcGXUX", "txHash": "0x14fc46d9fd33b4cf2eb9d22e9dd7bcdff3dfc2f4bb05bcea598249c70f78c96d", "createdAtBlock": 14642917, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 695, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Davos of the Toadstools", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nIt is my first lory. I believe that it will path me to right derection"} +{"id": "a600d2f9-4227-46f9-8d61-dcdae1d3af5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:48.996", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdEbP6DKK1bn3xz8pUmmv3kEoEnHFpY74fUyUXcQ3YXc8", "txHash": "0x19b32040dae48cba501cb80e3b4f7861bdc18c3136586aec51161ad635180795", "createdAtBlock": 14548104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3192, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Sturgis of the Atheneum", "text": "# Cosmic Mage Sturgis of the Atheneum\n\n### The most interesting man in the Runiverse\n\n>A cosmic mage by day, a werewolf by full-moon-filled nights, I scour the Atheneum for answers to my past. Was I born from werewolfs or was this affliction acquired by ill fate during my past life of pirating the seas? I cover these secrets from the world with my hip orange scarf and scare those who venture to question my upbringing with a swipe of my *Soul Harvester*. \n\n>I am the most interesting man in the Runiverse. \n\n> *-Sturgis*"} +{"id": "d010cbc8-b9d9-46ab-bbde-8b09483dea40-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:49.671", "backgroundColor": "#d1822b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdvEy6nK51qZbtqJdockZLAgK8crHffAGGiPWFxQjw8ee", "txHash": "0x9a5ecada7dfd5fbcde01a80c72cea8e2b71beb9975e09f3e40d9d5cde0306e20", "createdAtBlock": 14548200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Danny of the Astral Plane", "text": "I am keeping the prophecy, I am ensuring that the Earth Rune is safe. But to keep it hidden, I had to make myself a little less conspicuous. \n\nThis transmutation was not as painful as the last one. Using the phoenix feather as my Totem, I assumed the form of a slime nugget. My old physical form remained, however, lifeless. Several incantations gave the cold body a bit of verve but only basic functions remain.\n\nIts enough, though. They dont to look at me. They look at the handsome bearded druid Danny. Most see his pretty face, swoon over his dark eyes, and ignore the orange snot on the floor. If they do see me, They think Danny hocked an orange loogie. Its easy to overlook the phlegm in the den.\n\nThese days, Anonymity is my friend. I am slime. I embrace the floor. The earth rune is safe for now."} +{"id": "a3939ba9-aa4b-421c-86d5-1335407d8af9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:50.379", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPHUWqLzHCRoYskzVVdNCKVnawwkUiHrLw2HJPgwu2uRz", "txHash": "0x2ebf1b14d22e6d8ad4ec345c6fc727f6c1ec1f0186d33dabdaa2c9facbfe187a", "createdAtBlock": 14548228, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1075, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPtch7q3bfAqrQkaBAjGjGJQJ6cm68C4s7RJkYDF4eQgn", "name": "Sorcerer Chooki of the Plains", "text": "# Sorcerer Chooki of the Plains"} +{"id": "7c140a42-f8ad-4e2d-8638-938c48ee0f13-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:51.13", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfHV2p4r5c5JFY3ymc15HjgT3gRvMLkcuDLSK8JKaeFwS", "txHash": "0xa29cef1425447c96430ee413660213f62bc1feb62828bf406d4ad7f80c678d4a", "createdAtBlock": 14548482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 330, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Rita of the Plains", "text": "Rita loved a lonely life. Traveling down the open plains with no but her Fox, Blair. \n\nIt was a quiet life until it wasn't. Spring was close. During the Winter Rita ran a small illicit psychedelic potion farm at home. She conjured the elements under her command to create a hospital environment for her plants. When Spring drew near she would make her way out into the World to earn.\n\nThe first stop on her journey was always the Quantum Shadow. Those lunatics usually picked her dry. There was a particularly insane fellow Solomon who ordered 10-15 potions every cycle...enough psychedelics to never see reality again.\n\nSolomon must have had a rough Winter because as soon as she approached his village she was transported through a portal into his personal World.\n\n\"Your recipe now or you'll never see Blair again.\""} +{"id": "fb0381fd-3afb-4637-b1a1-e59775f1528f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:57.993", "backgroundColor": "#ffe2b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT5nNMZi5DnbCmcaWQkPS7EDHJB9KVmQq4xURnxgLuj49", "txHash": "0x71169468bfcc6656222b9d93dd224be3ed4a12c2fdd92acd3a129f14c5cb697e", "createdAtBlock": 14552705, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 967, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Aleister of the Toadstools", "text": "# The Story of Aleister\n\nSomewhere in the eastern foothills of the Fey, and not too far from the ancient Toadstools, there lies a small cabin in a forest clearing. The secluded place is the home of the witty Arch-Magician Aleister of the Toadstools and his trusted friend Lakritz, a well-spoken lucky black cat.\n\nBesides the cabin, the magically protected premises consist of a garden, which is overflown with peculiar herbs and mushrooms, and a half-finished barn. Aleister started building the barn almost 170 years ago after spotting a wild pony that he plans to catch and tame when the time is right.\n\nTo be continued"} +{"id": "ee22ed74-8538-42f8-ab6f-268d0007af21-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:45.008", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVAxWzQF3hG7XUx15nEfUW9KttWyam53DtmLNaLZJG1Bp", "txHash": "0x36aa04e6bdcd87aa7f152d5e999e121e5c1825f30a245affbf20a0492a13bb0e", "createdAtBlock": 14580667, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2960, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Herne of the Mountain", "text": "## Mystic Herne of the Mountain \n\n*Herne the Forest Guru aka Herne the Moose Mouse*\n\nBorn into a world of violence and greed, Herne chose the path of peace, compassion, and love. After thousands of years of meditation, he physically shrank from a mammoth sized moose to a moderately sized mouse. This unusual transformation earned him the moniker Herne the Moose Mouse. \n\nNowadays Herne can be found delightfully wandering the Battle Mage Mountains in a state of blissful loving awareness. The true of heart may be lucky enough to cross paths with this ancient sage. He and his golden toad can open doorways to other dimensions possibly containing much needed insights for your magical journey!"} +{"id": "8e4f4e07-2624-44b2-94ad-b7c99d2510ac-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-05T00:21:57.513", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUoENQ5vjW8fEsPFokNhr31dvwtbWHBbRXHp63iVpYcjj", "txHash": "0x7eaab261f8ce9146d4cc88fbdc188aebc8817d6618069c1be4a427f029f60473", "createdAtBlock": 15474741, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11191, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUKsgYyr7HhjmME3Ce41T47GGEw4dhMktkT852bCJ9KKk", "name": "Kojak Antagonist of Destiny", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Kojak Antagonist of Destiny \n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "08b52b7e-1a16-4362-bf95-bcce4d321aac-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:52.714", "backgroundColor": "#1d1103", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTGgvkPh2ahefNuRct6VGTCjsgXXMwZwsh83Nbax1eW8f", "txHash": "0xe4730f7d1d92203837aa4c56acbff1330f62e093a226161284671b826a78f471", "createdAtBlock": 14549621, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8254, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQR7movvwxTZ8ag48sjoBWf2ur56NLnhpDpiJ3FcdzMB5", "name": "Augurer Milton of the Capital", "text": "# The Grand Opening of Augurer Milton's Pub & Winery\n\n\n\n### Augurer Milton's OPEN NOW! Located just off the interstate by Kobold's Crossroad - look for the giant neon *Milton's* sign, you can't miss it! \nSometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, sometimes you wanna go to Augurer Milton's!\n\n\n\n## Menu\n> ### Drinks \n> Beer (unspecified origin) .................. $5 \n> Beer with Brine .................................... $8 \n> Milton's Mug of Ale ............................. $8 \n> Kobold Koolaid ..................................... $10 \n> Aldo's IslePA ......................................... $14 \n> Chronomancer's AMF ......................... $15 \n> Zaros Oasis Sunrise ............................ $18 \n> Atlanta's Pool of Punch ..................... $25 \n> Bottle of Wine (year unknown) ...... $30* \n> ### Snacks\n> Skramps Treats ..................................... $3 \n> Pub Slice ................................................. $5 \n> Bowl of Grub .......................................... $7 \n> Cockatrice Wings .................................. $10 \n> Milton's Special .................................... $20*\n\n> *Never been ordered - proceed with caution!\n\n\n \n \nThanks again to everyone who came out and bravely ordered our offerings on opening night - @wizard9587, @wizard2393, @wizard1041, @wizard1774, @wizard9087, @soul5639, @wizard6103, @wizard7145, and @wizard1281! \n\nTo many more great nights ahead at Augurer Milton's!"} +{"id": "7f5fb8d5-7aa7-4615-86c9-a9b9c55cdfc7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:53.457", "backgroundColor": "#390e0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSU9VNGKC529vV9KMGQuKNRpLry8Mw6xR7zXNd16Wn7YK", "txHash": "0xdbce1751ce3d6bef5959df1b8cdf1366e30500916467b8009aa3178a685f48fd", "createdAtBlock": 14549636, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5438, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Archmagus Alatar of the Riviera", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n# ****Archmagus Alatar of the Riviera****"} +{"id": "7f5fb8d5-7aa7-4615-86c9-a9b9c55cdfc7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:53.457", "backgroundColor": "#390e0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSU9VNGKC529vV9KMGQuKNRpLry8Mw6xR7zXNd16Wn7YK", "txHash": "0xdbce1751ce3d6bef5959df1b8cdf1366e30500916467b8009aa3178a685f48fd", "createdAtBlock": 14549636, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5438, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Archmagus Alatar of the Riviera", "text": "Born with a mixture of fire and ash, Alatar is one hot wizard with magic or without. As impressive as his spells may be, his true power lies in the ability to melt the hearts of any who lay eyes upon him. Alatar first knew this as a blessing but soon fell tiresome of all the flames who could not hold a candle to his own. In wait, Alatars heart became the only source of cold in the ever-burning city of Riviera. To acquire what he seeks, Alatar knows that he must leave at once and so, he does. With caution to the wind jus journey begins.\nOnward Alatar walks for many days until he reaches the fracture, a forbidden divide said to be placed by the gods to separate the warring magic of fire and water. If one chooses to cross the rift, they choose to defy the gods. Without the need for such risk, Alatar walks parallel the gap to inspect its design. Though he has heard many tales about its wonder, nothing prepares him from laying his true sight upon it. If not for the sibling rivers of lava and water that sit below, it would be an endless dark at the bottom. Each river carries its unique strengths and weaknesses to keep the tribes separated. \nAlastar continues to gaze until he sees her. A woman sitting by a small pond on the other side of the fracture. His presence is yet to be known so evidently his first words have too much time in thought. \nIm hot, er youre hot I mean, Im Alatar declares the fierce wizard as he jumbles over his words. The woman is startled. She quickly reaches for her staff before laughing, as she realizes its just a young man about her age. Alatar tries again. Wha, whats your name? he asks. \nCaduceus she replies as their eyes lock together. Its a good day for Alastar."} +{"id": "7f5fb8d5-7aa7-4615-86c9-a9b9c55cdfc7-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:53.457", "backgroundColor": "#390e0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSU9VNGKC529vV9KMGQuKNRpLry8Mw6xR7zXNd16Wn7YK", "txHash": "0xdbce1751ce3d6bef5959df1b8cdf1366e30500916467b8009aa3178a685f48fd", "createdAtBlock": 14549636, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5438, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Archmagus Alatar of the Riviera", "text": "Caduceus she replies as their eyes lock together. Its a good day for Alastar.\nOver many days the two wizards met and talked about everything from teachers they had to favorite foods. It didnt take long before each of them came to the same conclusion: it was time to cross. Scaling the cliff side, each wizard uses their magic to redirect their pairing elements and for the first time in over 100 years the rivers change course. Like a home in which theyve never been, each dash toward each other and hug as they realized that a new chapter was beginning until.\nWhat do you think youre doing, traitor? said a voice echoing around the canyon wall. A worrisome gathering of pitter-patter marches toward them as Alatar rushes to place Caduceus behind him. \nTrust me I got this Alatar says with a cunning wink.\n \n \n# GhostFX"} +{"id": "0fbc4718-1a2d-4566-920b-76d3af549242-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:54.14", "backgroundColor": "#b7bcae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZoJ4VtdNBJawp8iLeA5UdvFHbBPq4GQPDouFnYnd63GW", "txHash": "0xf2cb7b3390ad6b2877a95e8089f279f54ab02e8bf7fabc58cb933255a3ead32b", "createdAtBlock": 14549827, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1788, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Fungi of the Plains", "text": "Cant you walk any faster? Keep up with an old crow, won't you? At this rate, well be lucky to make it back to the Keep before sundown. Serves me right, I suppose, listening to Sir Shortcut here\n\nAnd dont jostle about so! Youll ruin those herbs, and then what will Helene say? You crush a single one of those buds and you can forget about any more favors from her, if you catch my meaning. *I don't see why she bothers with you anyway, with so many other errand boys at her beck and call. Well, next time she can find another poor bird to suffer your company*\n\n\n\n\nYou're quite certain youve come this way before? Perhaps I ought to fly ahead for a spell: these woods only grow thicker as we go along\n\n\n\n\nMy *dear* boy, must you always move so recklessly about, or only when you're carrying such delicate goods? Look: you've nearly trampled a spotted mushroom cap here. An odd one at that, lucky I spotted it! Eh? See here, this one's a belligerent little fungus, flailing about. Well, you wont get a good look at it from up there! Come, you oaf, down here!\n\nWhat are youdont pluck its arms off, they're not flower petals! You truly are a vicious childsee if you cant stick that bit back onto the stalk, and then we'll be on our way."} +{"id": "0fbc4718-1a2d-4566-920b-76d3af549242-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:54.14", "backgroundColor": "#b7bcae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZoJ4VtdNBJawp8iLeA5UdvFHbBPq4GQPDouFnYnd63GW", "txHash": "0xf2cb7b3390ad6b2877a95e8089f279f54ab02e8bf7fabc58cb933255a3ead32b", "createdAtBlock": 14549827, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1788, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Fungi of the Plains", "text": "Incidentally, Ive heard it said that these little fellows don't actually move of their own will. Rather, it's an enchantment of the Dryads, meant to keep watch over the edge of the forest. It's only hearsay, I suppose, but the Dryads dont often venture out of the deep wood. Why, you ask? How should I know? I dont make the rules, thats just the way it is!Looks tasty, doesnt it? No, stop, you mustnt take a bite! It is neveror almost neverwise to ingest an unfamiliar fungus, enchanted or not! But you should know that without me telling you so. Youve tested your luck plenty already, plucking its arms off like some stink bug.\n\nWell then, weve dallied long enough here. Well be lucky to make it out of the woods before nightfall. Come along, you great lump. \n*I do hope you haven't crushed those herbs. Helene won't take kindly to another delay*\n\n\nAre you quite finished, boy? I wont soon forgive you if we're eaten by some forest beast.\n\nAre you all right, boy? You look quite pale. Anda bit spongy. And your hairis that your hair? Its gotten awfully bigGood grief, its grown spots! Bless me, you look just like a giant m\n\nYou didntyou didnt eat that mushroomdid you? Dont tell me you ate that mushroom, after I specifically warned youoh, my dear, brainless boybut what will Helene say?"} +{"id": "6bf60126-e654-4cf6-85eb-9c03f16e497b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:54.884", "backgroundColor": "#011a25", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmegNbSVYdYjibJw5qMe2QrwkiFvTmsLgT2KAoF3v1xcJR", "txHash": "0xbff0a43f93c542e38b731b47831283a9a84f74b6d6d66113c68ae041668e6bb3", "createdAtBlock": 14551204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR8zYaCR49L11TydoMyavGuhFJF73tmUK59C9mrKb6D7U", "name": "Artificer Ozohr of the Sea", "text": "# Artificer Ozohr, the land-locked pirate of Serpent Sound\n\n\n\nThe waves splashed gently against the rocky outcropping, metronomically signaling the passing of time. Ozohr, perched high atop the castle above, surveyed the horizon calmly. It had been quite some time since the last ships unknowingly sealed their fate by sailing too close to Serpent Sound. A little too long, in fact. Ozohr was bored, and itching for some excitement.\n\nThe lonely life of a land-bound pirate was (mostly) a quiet one. He spent days on end in near total silence, save for the waves and the occasional gull squawking overhead. Books, trinkets, treasures, and other spoils from his pillages kept him busy enough, however, and besideshe didnt much like people, so the solitude was welcome. Plus, on the rare occasions he was in the mood for conversation, Asmodeus was a willing participant. Mostly as just a listener though; snakes dont often speak.\n\nSuddenly, something caught Ozohrs eye in the distance. It started as nothing more than a speck, small enough to make him question whether it was anything at all or just his subconscious manifesting somethinganythingto give him a reprieve from the monotony. But the more he watched it, the bigger it grew. Before long, he could make out three, maybe four, sails. A decent sized ship. A bit later, using his monocular from a previous plunder, he could make out the flag hanging near the mastWildmen. \n\nKnown more for their resourcefulness on land, it was a bit curious to see a Wildmen flag hanging atop this ship. It reeked of desperation, Ozohr thought, but for (or from) what, he didnt know."} +{"id": "6bf60126-e654-4cf6-85eb-9c03f16e497b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:54.884", "backgroundColor": "#011a25", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmegNbSVYdYjibJw5qMe2QrwkiFvTmsLgT2KAoF3v1xcJR", "txHash": "0xbff0a43f93c542e38b731b47831283a9a84f74b6d6d66113c68ae041668e6bb3", "createdAtBlock": 14551204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR8zYaCR49L11TydoMyavGuhFJF73tmUK59C9mrKb6D7U", "name": "Artificer Ozohr of the Sea", "text": "Regardless, their aquatic ineptitude made them an easy target for Ozohr and Asmodeus. Ready to rock? said Ozohr chuckling, bemused by his own wittiness. Asmodeus confirmed by slithering off his shoulder, making his way down the vertical rock face and toward the ocean below. \n\nBetter him than me, Ozohr muttered. Ironically, he was terrified of water. Likely a first for a pirate, I know.\n\nRaising his orb staff to the sky, Ozohr began\n\n*Spirits, spirits of the deep \nSending sailors to their sleep \nI summon you from ocean, lake \nSerpent, creature, aqua snake*\n\nThe surface of the water where Asmodeus entered began to vibrate. Slow, almost imperceivable, at first, then all at once more violently. \n\nAnd then it was still again.\n\nNot more than a moment passed though, when a glimmering, bright green streak shot from the surface and straight into the sky. It re-entered the water as quickly as it emerged, barely making a splash. \n\nThat was long enough to tell, however, that it was Asmodeus. A 50 meter long, 30 ton Asmodeus.\n\nAnd with that, Asmodeus and Ozohr began their routine.\n\nThe poor Wildmen never stood a chance"} +{"id": "e7be03fb-5255-40e7-81ff-f8b308f9bf5f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:53.392", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f38", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaKu45R2aGdw27t9zXB4oEhtej68LCGNskAUVo7ZVQn1X", "txHash": "0xc684b30445f9b67fcb6a413381f4cf3516f1beb5190457802105c738ae7e3709", "createdAtBlock": 14699501, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 594, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Behemoth of the Wood", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nDecades and decades ago, a Wizard named Geomancer Behemoth Senior came to the Runiverse from a different dimension of existence called Mancer-verse. \n\nWhile exploring nearby galaxies he met and fell in love with the mother of his child. \n\nShe built a refuge for them in a small demiplane of her own creation. Eventually... Leaving to never return and abandoning her infant child and husband.\n\nNow her grandson (Geomancer Behemoth of the Woods) seeks to recover his long lost powers by exploring Geomancer bloodline. He doesn't care who he hurts along the way. The consequences of his careless pillaging are vast, swift and powerful.\n\nBeware and don't underestimate their capabilities."} +{"id": "fe7aee67-e1e1-41c3-85cb-10956e53f726-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-05T18:53:48.195", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b2b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTfppVnkJGbHGyCxuq4fETXhFLTop9jDMoPXE5J4wM6pP", "txHash": "0x0b22e401644533f6b6aa36a7cf4a455cf056a661eee37a0da6206045372edc57", "createdAtBlock": 15479499, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10395, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conker Contender of the Coliseum", "text": "Almost everyone knows Conker Contender of the Coliseum as simply Conk. He's was grown in an underground fungus bunker lab by Jerret of Dreams and then raised among the trees by Wolfram and Angus\nHe is a large muscly mushroom with a heart of gold and a simple mind. His lack of wits can be a blessing and a curse, but is kept mostly in check by his companion Rosie, a sarcastic macaw he saved as a baby."} +{"id": "5e8f9335-f016-4674-9f32-a3662845c3f2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:55.645", "backgroundColor": "#c7d8d7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP5oq84rYVuQn3RC2r4j7GvZ8HhyEmbAcWWhBWzWy87Rb", "txHash": "0x69267e59e66140c8e755e0d02dc74982f4d0cf1dcafa14acb07e57ce858c3ea7", "createdAtBlock": 14551554, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7224, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdAq9sm8RHCEUsjKDjVRd6EU5ewpQEkZiA1Bbyi8PDkmh", "name": "Hex Mage of the Crag", "text": "# The Nameless Hex Mage of the Crag \n\n\n\nIt is the past that shapes us \nSometimes a foundation, others a stain \nEver present in our lives \nForever it will remain \n\nLest we drift too far astray \nIts gravity pulls us to \nNever letting us forget \nThose days which we rue \n\nBut forge ahead we must \nLetting the light guide our way \nFor tomorrows soon become \nMemories of yesterday\n\nAnd while we cant escape her gaze \nIt shant always be thus \nWe strive for redemption \nFor it is the future that shapes us"} +{"id": "8b3e8044-caf2-4d65-b4ca-96c859ab0485-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:56.497", "backgroundColor": "#237bb3", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGNise6kKTaKqVpM2L29qExz6EAUFtF71JDE2iMwhVcs", "txHash": "0xbaa097fc7b5d4cd53e4a6e610e5b8f80849f386aa04c62fc78319c3958c2f6e3", "createdAtBlock": 14551773, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2922, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWZq5Q59XvRqovFECwgxKyzyNbXqV2HqKGw9wgp5RebCx", "name": "Shaman Jay of El Dorado", "text": "Occasionally, on those rare trips when you achieve pristine connectivity with the smallest molecule, everything in nature turns to digital form."} +{"id": "b5a4ada1-44ac-48b8-b331-bd1b1524c76b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:57.33", "backgroundColor": "#142152", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbEgFG7ARn6eufAmGvK99XaArNQAX1FGzkGcZexkiwAkD", "txHash": "0x27e8aeb3b94905ba512655b5ae80dd3da327f182936f2aeedea803298c93676a", "createdAtBlock": 14552061, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aldus ", "text": "# Aldus \n\nAldus' storied, long line of descendants have been known to be altruistic and dare I even say, heroic throughout history of *The Runiverse*. But it didn't start that way. \n\nAs a young wizard, Aldus was the class clown, and looked down upon by the elder wizards. It stayed this way through his adolescence, and even into early adulthood as a fully trained wizard during his time. \n\nWhen the *Beasts* first arrived, most wizards fled into *The Wild*, in hopes to hide from the wretched monsters. Aldus did not. He knew that he had trained his whole life, for this moment. Yielding only his *dumb stick...* and flanked by his trusty *psychic rabbit*, Aldus slayed the beasts with his whimsical and powerful magic. The surviving beasts were banished to an island in *The Salt*, better known today as *Aldo's Isle*. \n\nAs myth has it, Aldus stayed on that island to keep the beasts from ever returning, and after many years, even befriended the beasts with the help of his little *psychic rabbit*. It is believed that he is still there, enjoying his *milk* and ale every morning, as he he looks back at *The Runiverse* faintly visible mainland, under the rising sun. \n\nToday, there are hundreds of Aldus' living throughout *The Runiverse*, most living up to their great ancestor...and yet some, are not. Their stories are for another time, however. \n\nAldus' legacy lives on, and his legendary story is still taught to the young wizards today. \n\n## Story told by: @saguarGo"} +{"id": "29aced31-9e51-411e-bf9c-7319f8ccaa35-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:58.882", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b18", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfP8Fj5vmqXoRd5dpAcT9hJkvZxceYxQvez8HqSjocCKZ", "txHash": "0x0c6ad74b327a45427cc375565e532e16de508fa12c611a24b9becb0f6027ca56", "createdAtBlock": 14553187, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcNj5zfrbT2pJUWDL96RDdZmQzgLCGzBycntgKKSJ8RdM", "name": "Magus Toka of the Reach", "text": "# Toka and Gurgle\n\nMagus Toka lived in the Reach. It was always green in the reach, and so Toka, a green imp wearing his green coveralls always blended in. Toka was prone to playing tricks on passing travelers. Where did he learn this you ask? Well, read on.\n\nToka was a good friend to a sentient mushroom named Gurgle. They had been friends since they were kids. Toka was one of the first people to befriend Gurgle, who was a bit of a loner. They had both been raised in the Reach, but Gurgle had lived in the woods of the Reach for many years. \n\nGurgle was a master of deception and misdirection. He learned this skill in the wilds, and he was good at it. Gurgle could change his appearance to match his environment. Toka had to work quite a bit harder but always wanted to keep up with Gurgle. \n\n\n\nOne afternoon, Toka and Gurgle heard a group of travelers camping in the woods: an Arcanist, a Dream Master, and a Professor. Toka and Gurgle knew that playing tricks on this group would be their biggest challenge yet.\n\nThey sat and watched everyone put down their packs and begin to setup camp. They waited patiently. The campers made dinner, and they continued to wait patiently.\n\nFinally, when the Professor stood up and mentioned that he was about to use the bathroom in the woods, Toke and Gurgle knew it was their chance. They strode confidently into camp and began to weave their tale.\n\nThe Arcanist was the first to notice them. He called out, Who are you?\n\nToka and Gurgle both laughed. We are friends of the Professor. We are just passing through.\n\nThe Professor was the first to notice Toka. Who are you? he asked.\n\nI am Toka, the green imp."} +{"id": "29aced31-9e51-411e-bf9c-7319f8ccaa35-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:58.882", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b18", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfP8Fj5vmqXoRd5dpAcT9hJkvZxceYxQvez8HqSjocCKZ", "txHash": "0x0c6ad74b327a45427cc375565e532e16de508fa12c611a24b9becb0f6027ca56", "createdAtBlock": 14553187, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcNj5zfrbT2pJUWDL96RDdZmQzgLCGzBycntgKKSJ8RdM", "name": "Magus Toka of the Reach", "text": "I am Toka, the green imp.\n\nI am Gurgle, the sentient mushroom.\"\n\nThe Dream Master spun around quickly and looked carefully at Toka and Gurgle. I've never heard the Professor mention any friends ... where did you say you met him?\n\nToka and Gurgle continued, \"He used to teach our math class, back at the Academy\". \n\nThat's when the Arcanist knew it was a lie; the Professor hated everyone from the Academy. He began to shout, \"Profes...\" before Gurgle let out a plume of spores, putting the campers immediately to sleep.\n\nToka and Gurgle raced around the campsite, causing mischief. They hid the Professor's backpack, and made it look like he had just left. They mismatched the Dream Master's socks in his pack. They switched out the Arcanist's tea with coffee.\n\nWhen the Dream Master woke up, he was confused and angry. He shouted, \"I'm going to get you!\"\n\nToka and Gurgle laughed and ran away.\n\nThe Dream Master chased them, but they were too fast. \n\nAs they made their escape, Toka flashed a smile to Gurgle, \"Another fun story for our book.\""} +{"id": "9b645f1e-6079-48ee-9d2e-12465c0495b2-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-05T21:05:31.995", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZm2f11g7vVb7wcLV8RoqYWfbWKihFfBnBnXYVpMeSbyi", "txHash": "0x99502de5cc3bae03fdcd1cb466fbfddc26e3cdb63a58ea1c036ff9c9c54beb56", "createdAtBlock": 15480047, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Angus of the Field", "text": "Angus is dirty and studious one of the most forgetful wizards despite being far younger than he looks. He likes to obsess over magic and engages in some truly questionable behaviors in taverns and libraries across the runiverse. His powers are as inconsistent and fickle as his emotions, but his garden is enormous and his crop is always delicious. His crow Beef is cowardly but always a loyal and an incredible listener and problem solver."} +{"id": "7625c52a-40e3-44fe-9fe5-674e711e4032-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:38:59.817", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV1ibvYfQbVZC2QvXRr8b9JV3HTcj1BtVoqh6ShGyGv2D", "txHash": "0xfbef19e2d8cbca0ae7d477a93844ccf49663e15ccc6d2c4b33525ad1837b4b60", "createdAtBlock": 14553200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 613, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Basil of the Sun", "text": "Hot sun, cool fire, tempered with sweet air \nBlack shade, fair nurse, shadow my red hair \nShine, sun; burn, fire; breathe, air, and ease me \nBlack shade, fair nurse, shroud me and please me \nShadow, my sweet nurse, keep me from burning \nMake not my glad cause cause of mourning \n \n Let not my beautys fire \n \n Inflame unstaid desire \n \n Nor pierce any bright eye \n\n That wandereth lightly"} +{"id": "4b3acace-a86b-43ff-bcb6-a55f0fe3cfd1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:00.625", "backgroundColor": "#c5bd12", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPTwHBhKDg7KAkmRZ3zdTd6oBKaCNCwiBtGnGmQkGCaRQ", "txHash": "0xb583be8b5cc3927b344d05df7d446728af5dd5e6f05c2ac8d026d9e0723a8093", "createdAtBlock": 14553268, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 611, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Isaac of the Lake", "text": "Isaac of the Lake was a mysterious wizard. He lived alone with only his pet snail, Albert, by his side. Each day every day at 2 o' clock, he would come outside and ring his Siren Bell. All the surrounding animals would come together on his call, excited to watch the yellow hat man come over the wall. He would feed every single one until all their bellies were full, as it was his destiny to take care of them all. \n\nIsaac of the Lake was a mysteries wizard."} +{"id": "3965ca5b-06e4-4208-9d6e-93a612a557b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:01.491", "backgroundColor": "#2c1c1b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQTYt9M6ALgk5sJDnsYu7mVEt1bi55sTH44nniCZkHtPH", "txHash": "0x573b8a15515a637eae1eee171b4148c70ea18c2eed23a51986c475f32082227e", "createdAtBlock": 14553404, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1886, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Bartholomew of the Heath", "text": "He's elegant, sincere, quick and perhaps a little too harsh. This isn't surprising considering for someone from the Heath.\n\nHe was born in a large family in an important port. He lived happily until he was about 11 years old, but at that point things began to change.\n\nHe did hard work in the fields like his father, John Bartholomew Sr. Alongside great friends and rabbit Hoppy, he thrived in a absurd world. But with his wits and powers, there's nothing to stop him from doing anything. He could quickly become an ally you'd want by your side.\n\nBut who really knows what will happen; he is currently still studying. He feels like there's more to learn in this world. Luckily he has a close group of friends and Hoppy to support him."} +{"id": "22db1481-d264-4d28-8d00-5192a7e10497-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:02.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVUGim27RvvStd6NM9ExGdwGfaUjaH4ToKtYDtxmPqFK", "txHash": "0xb97cf1446d7048baae2de5fe8f56f652a52f628536f0ef90be7aa38464f1fcec", "createdAtBlock": 14554098, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jerret of the Desert", "text": "Ghost Eater Jerret of the Desert was born 3,005 years ago today, in a faraway land called Italius\n\nItalius was the center of the (*foreseeable*) universe, producing some of the most highly sought out spices, and featuring some of the greatest architecture and art the universe has ever seen.\n\nJerrets family lived in the biggest city in Italius, called Remius. They were no ordinary family, as they were responsible for the construction of the Colisius, a grand amphitheater that represented the center of the ancient land.\n\nHowever Italius was not perfect. There were major issues with its class system in particular, as the gap between the rich and poor was ever-growing. As a result, crime was at an all-time high\n\n\nOne day, when Jerret was only five years old, he was confronted by a messenger on his walk home from school. The messenger informed him that his family had been abducted, and he needed to pay a ransom of 15,000 denarius (their currency) if he wanted them to live.\n\nJerret knew the only way to come up with the denarius was to sell all of his familys land. So he did that immediately, and coordinated a meet up with the messenger to make the exchange.\n\nHe arrived at the meeting point in the forest, about 15 miles out of town. The messenger was waiting there with his family, whose faces were covered. He said hand me the denarius, and I will leave you with your family. And he stuck to his word, and disappeared into the foggy dusk, as Jerret let out a sigh of relief and embraced his family."} +{"id": "22db1481-d264-4d28-8d00-5192a7e10497-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:02.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVUGim27RvvStd6NM9ExGdwGfaUjaH4ToKtYDtxmPqFK", "txHash": "0xb97cf1446d7048baae2de5fe8f56f652a52f628536f0ef90be7aa38464f1fcec", "createdAtBlock": 14554098, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jerret of the Desert", "text": "On their way back to town, Jerrets father paused to catch his breath. And then his mother. And then each of his 6 siblings, one-by-one. It became clear that something was wrong. The abductors hadnt kept true to their worda spell had been casted upon his entire family. Within seconds they were gone.\n\nJerret, struck with sadness, found a tree to lay rest. In the middle of his rest, he was awoken by a lone wolf, who approached him. He said to the heavens let this wolf take me as supper, for I will be reunited with my family, and that is all I desire. As the wolf got closer, Jerret didnt move. His heartbeat almost non-existent. His palms dry. He meant what he said.\n\nThe wolf was now face-to-face with Jerret, but what happened next was shocking. The wolf laid and rested next to Jerret. And a few hours later, the wolf brought food to Jerret. And this continued for 30 days and 30 nights, as Jerret didnt move from the tree. He sat, pondering his purpose and the meaning of life.\n\nAnd then, on the 31st day, Jerret arose from the tree and said to the wolf:\n\n\n> My life is no longer here in Italius. I want to fix Italius, but as a society we are unfixable. We do not have the means to change. \n> I will leave Italius tomorrow, and set out to learn everything the universe has to offer, so that I can someday return and share my learnings with all of my people, to someday fix Italius."} +{"id": "22db1481-d264-4d28-8d00-5192a7e10497-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:02.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVUGim27RvvStd6NM9ExGdwGfaUjaH4ToKtYDtxmPqFK", "txHash": "0xb97cf1446d7048baae2de5fe8f56f652a52f628536f0ef90be7aa38464f1fcec", "createdAtBlock": 14554098, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jerret of the Desert", "text": "The next day Jerret and the wolf left for the port town, Napolius, and joined a sea crew heading westward. A crew member confirmed with him that this was a one-way ticket into the unknown, with no return. Jerret nodded, as he and the wolf entered the ship.\n\nAnd over the next 3,000 years Jerret and the wolf continued westward, traveling the vast lands and oceans. Jerret would stay on a piece of land for 10 years at a time, learning everything he possibly could before setting sail to the next. It was difficult repeatedly leaving the people he built relationships with in such a short amount of time, but he was used to it.\n\nAt every stop, on the day he would leave, the people would ask him all kinds of questions, and Jerret would share everything he knows about *love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, work, joy and sorrow, buying and selling, crime and punishment, laws, freedom, reason and passion, pain, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, talking, time, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, religion, and death.*\n\nAnd on the final day of their most recent stop, on the 3,000th year away from Italius to the day, he answered the peoples questions. But for the first time in his journey, he had nothing new to add from the previous stop. And he said his goodbyes, and as he walked to his ship, he said to the wolf:"} +{"id": "22db1481-d264-4d28-8d00-5192a7e10497-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:02.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVUGim27RvvStd6NM9ExGdwGfaUjaH4ToKtYDtxmPqFK", "txHash": "0xb97cf1446d7048baae2de5fe8f56f652a52f628536f0ef90be7aa38464f1fcec", "createdAtBlock": 14554098, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jerret of the Desert", "text": "> Weve traveled to the end of the universe. While this universe may have no shortage of land and ocean, weve reaped all it has to offer. There is nothing more to learn. We will travel with our crew for one final stop, where we will celebrate together and arrange to head back eastward with another crew, to Italius, so that I can fulfill my lifes purpose of teaching my people the ways of the universe.\n\nAnd so Jerret and the wolf joined their sea crew for one final journey westward, which ended up being 101 years at seatheir longest sea journey of their entire voyage.\n\nFinally, they laid anchor in Asmodeuss Surf, and arrived at a desert city called Atlantas Pool, where they quickly realized their journey back eastward may be on hold\n\n/tbc..."} +{"id": "fc47510f-9988-48c5-ab6f-6a0a9f116a74-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:38.634", "backgroundColor": "#0c2157", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWVq6huR7TR6Z3nmg7EaMrxetsddo4Rkxckz2L2aAHVEv", "txHash": "0x3f191de65e209596ebdad3cb0b908dfd4f3c945ecec12d8c73d597f532c860e2", "createdAtBlock": 15075751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 650, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dunklin Hero of Light", "text": "# Dunklin Hero of Light \n\n> \"Clad in cerulean blue armor, \n> Dark with a drunken singing of the night, \n> Unruly hair were a fiery chase, \n> Bring forth the splendor of the Light!\" \n> *- Nameless poet*"} +{"id": "4d0a5894-58e6-487b-bd8b-3752144006c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-06T18:08:49.422", "backgroundColor": "#14bc82", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRn72m2rZrR2jeyTWDdLc7mTMtnG3FTt8UMQ9ZwzEGT8y", "txHash": "0x0f07d651f94c7da03b35b8256c2a2b03ccd6422d28cf985556d6f2ce0d55a8e7", "createdAtBlock": 15485585, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8792, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nosferatu", "text": "Get bit; pay it forward.\n\n3/2"} +{"id": "196ff2fc-eb71-4716-84a1-d91065219a2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:02.999", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP7w35piWoJqcYpaDTW31oYpFHo7NXRmVHx4HUKR6dhA1", "txHash": "0x6a091d474b3af8def88b89a0626dcfc933b765014491d0565e2857e3c8e0da51", "createdAtBlock": 14554714, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8617, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Amanita of the Brambles", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nGeomancer Amanita of the Brambles was born and raised in the forest. He quickly learned to communicate with animals and befriended this lovely Crackerjack crow. \n\nHe also mastered the hard craft of fungi culture which earned him a place amongst the fungus family.\n\nAmanita doesn't seek recognition or fame, instead, he dreams of a world where all living things live in harmony."} +{"id": "dc875df3-eb8a-430f-b543-4337fa56f821-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:07.85", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqckepkiW4kKUSMMWrKAKk7S8DQq1hndXhXoHxnuQhr6", "txHash": "0x1d4b4ea9dae80dbfb95005c76791939a2b6d7694d1c20a6e8752f161a05b978a", "createdAtBlock": 14557237, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5243, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Digby of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# Digby, the Cosmic Mage \n\n\"Through shadows, I crawled out the cave,\nI can see ugly and beauty,\nthanks to the shiny stick I waive...\nEww, I stepped on something gooey.\""} +{"id": "cc00773a-e5a4-4fdf-b1e1-3bad5d0153d4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:03.715", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbPnPANrsNpbkQj8Lkb1tnBJsU52mPwrZ7ZTcJxqDeeKp", "txHash": "0x4f3a9429ce5cc5896027854691817dc78ac1278d6818d87b61230b72c5dd151e", "createdAtBlock": 14554714, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9809, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Arabella of the Atheneum", "text": "Charmer Arabella of the Atheneum\n\nA great many things are discovered and learned in the world, and a greater many things are forgotten too. Arabella is Wizard who spends considerable time trying to collect these things discovered and things learned so that they are not completely lost to the world in sands of time. Over the many centuries of her life so far she has collected the scrolls, parchements and books of these things from all lands around the world and careful curated and stored them in her Great Atheneum. The Atheneum she has curated is vast and in essence, a history of the world with documents going back long before she herself was in existence and some even to a time when magic use may have been in its infancy. Each document is faultlessly transcibed by Arabella with the original document never to leave the safety of the Atheneum, instead the copies are lent when requests are made to her."} +{"id": "15f673db-a839-4919-b1ab-1e686dcb128f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:04.541", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ7LXyqsE6ivratMjGvrxRtvjDsT8D61w8nCkWfjcnMT1", "txHash": "0x1731e048163b7afadf7d4d23293b27439539f3922015d8a21cb8bd31bcf76835", "createdAtBlock": 14554993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8259, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Wolfram of the Riviera", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nIt has been said that, Thaumaturge Wolfram and his dog, Pallando have brought harmony to his people of the Riviera using ice magic. He found her in the evening one harsh evening and they have been inseparable since.\n\nWhile he cares for Pallando deeply, Wolfram deepest concern is of those of his people. He is the hardiest of his kind yet dowdy in his appearance."} +{"id": "62447eff-a4c9-4735-93ff-2fe3d24a63f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:58.001", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcpN6s9NGJSkNMX2QXqeyhxSAvaV32uwXTWovKgVQNBF7", "txHash": "0x11e1d71e780e3c906f899027aff616e2ef921473cec0bca01db45c6464e7cb7e", "createdAtBlock": 14701924, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2952, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Dutorn of the Capital", "text": "# Date of Yore\n\nMe da bomb. Me love tacos, fish and chips and sushi. Me is the cousin of Harry Potter."} +{"id": "1fa047a5-82c8-4684-99c4-37a9ca214584-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-07T04:52:54.744", "backgroundColor": "#210403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWGVdz7sjTbBAQBXUM5dKq6ttfSPWwaS32KAzKoTE5oa", "txHash": "0xe5fe75c593139b20acd7d840628c5b19a53ff9c401d86c1fc3da1d11220cd385", "createdAtBlock": 15488387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "# A Field Guide to Fungi (version 1.01)\n\n\n## Introduction\n\nThis guide is intended to serve as a non-comprehensive reference to the Fungi race and will be updated periodically. It provides brief characteristics to allow you to further understand the Fungi and also to differentiate Fungi from non-sentient, edible mushrooms. Although the Fungi are most commonly located in the Toadstools, many can be found throughout the Runiverse. **DO NOT eat any mushroom unless you are absolutely certain of its identity:** many mushroom species look alike. Some species are sentient, parasitic, highly poisonous, psychoactive, hallucinogenic, or all of the above. **Proceed with caution.**\n\n\n## Genesis\n\nThe Manitari (Fungi) are sentient fungi that grow predominantly around the Toadstools. At almost a billion years old, the Manitari are considered by many to be the oldest non-deity race in the Runiverse. Each Fungus in their natural state consists of two parts - an underground network of threads called mycelium, and the above-ground fruiting bodies, which are more commonly known as mushrooms. The mushrooms are very colorful, and, in many instances, enormous. The Manitari appear to be harmless at first glance. However, they are parasitic, and many of their forefungis objective was to colonize the Runiverse by forcefully taking control of humanoids in order to further develop their society. While a majority of Fungi no longer practice this, many people of the Runiverse are still wary of them.\n\n\n## Syndesmos"} +{"id": "1fa047a5-82c8-4684-99c4-37a9ca214584-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-07T04:52:54.744", "backgroundColor": "#210403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWGVdz7sjTbBAQBXUM5dKq6ttfSPWwaS32KAzKoTE5oa", "txHash": "0xe5fe75c593139b20acd7d840628c5b19a53ff9c401d86c1fc3da1d11220cd385", "createdAtBlock": 15488387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "## Syndesmos\n\nThe process of a Fungus bonding to a host is called syndesmos. There are two known ways Fungi can accomplish this - by getting ingested by a host, or by a large mushroom attaching over the head of a host. This process only affects humans and other humanoids. Whenever syndesmos occurs, the minds of the two beings coalesce, meaning the personalities and memories of the two beings merge together. In some cases, the Manitari becomes the dominating personality. In other cases, the host maintains almost all control. Fungi also develop their facial features during syndesmos.\n\nDepending on the subspecies of Fungi, either the host remains alive throughout the bonding or the hosts brain dies during syndesmos. In cases where the host remains alive, the host can be returned to its original form by drinking antifungal potions or by detaching oneself from the Fungi. Detaching can only be accomplished through either electromancer magic or by modern surgical intervention.\n \nIn the days of old, Manitari would commonly lure, entrap, or otherwise force people into parasitizing them. In modern times, a vast majority of Fungi only practice voluntary or fortuitous syndesmos. People who are terminally ill have traveled to the Toadstools in hopes of turning into a Manitari in order to cheat death. Some have even voluntarily offered themselves to be turned into Manitari due to their religious beliefs. Most commonly, however, Fungi come across people that unknowingly ingest them for their magical properties despite many headed warnings. \n\n\n## Language"} +{"id": "1fa047a5-82c8-4684-99c4-37a9ca214584-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-07T04:52:54.744", "backgroundColor": "#210403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWGVdz7sjTbBAQBXUM5dKq6ttfSPWwaS32KAzKoTE5oa", "txHash": "0xe5fe75c593139b20acd7d840628c5b19a53ff9c401d86c1fc3da1d11220cd385", "createdAtBlock": 15488387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "## Language\n\nIn their natural state, Fungi communicate with one another using electrical impulses through the ground. For hundreds of millions of years and before attaching to the first host, the Manitari developed a rich, non-verbal language consisting of thousands of words. After the first syndesmos occurred, their non-verbal language began converting to spoken and written language. Some of these words have been further translated to commontongue. A few basic translations are as follows:\n\nAthiktos - the fruiting body in their natural state, unconnected to hosts\n\nsyndesmos - the process of uniting with a host\n\nExo Apo - the Toadstools, where the Fungi are from \n\nfithalis - Mazis that share a common Mitriki\n\nManitari - another name for the Fungi race. Fungi and Manitari are interchangeable\n\nMazi - Fungi that are connected to hosts \n\nMitriki - the sentient, underground network of threads called mycelium\n\nmycorrhiza - roots that attach to the hosts central nervous system\n\nXeno - any race that is not a Fungus\n\n\n## Names\n\nMany Fungi names such as Poomu, Shoomer, Truffkin, etc. are common tongue versions of their Manitari names. Many Fungi do not like their common names and prefer to be called by their traditional names. All known translations are as follows:\n\nAgaricus - Agaricus\n\nAlice - Thavma \n\nAmani - Amani\n\nAmantia - Amantio/Amantia\n\nBeefie - Vodino/Vodina\n\nButtons - Fermou\n\nCap - Kapako/Kapaki/Kapaka\n\nChanterelle - Kanth/Kantha\n\nCordy - Cephal/Cephali\n\nConker - Kato/Kata\n\nDeath Cap - Telos/Telas"} +{"id": "1fa047a5-82c8-4684-99c4-37a9ca214584-3", "createdAt": "2022-09-07T04:52:54.744", "backgroundColor": "#210403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWGVdz7sjTbBAQBXUM5dKq6ttfSPWwaS32KAzKoTE5oa", "txHash": "0xe5fe75c593139b20acd7d840628c5b19a53ff9c401d86c1fc3da1d11220cd385", "createdAtBlock": 15488387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "Conker - Kato/Kata\n\nDeath Cap - Telos/Telas\n\nEnoki - Enoko/Enoki\n\nFoongie - Talan/Talon/Talin\n\nFunguy - Leonardos/Leonardas\n\nGilly - Sario/Saria\n\nGoomer - Angeio/Angeia\n\nGriff - Oki/Okia\n\nHedgie - Ichi/Icha\n\nHongo - Antiguo/Antigua\n\nInky - Melano/Melani\n\nModdles - Chatarum\n\nMoldie - Adio/Aidias\n\nMooli - Leri\n\nMorella - Morella\n\nMushbutt - Kolo/Kola\n\nMushloom - Aargal\n\nMushmush - Stomar/Stoma\n\nMushy - Strimo/Strima\n\nMusky - Mos/Mosa\n\nMycho - Mycho/Mycha\n\nPoomu - Oprano/Oprani/Oprani\n\nPooroo - Mantili\n\nPorto - Toua \n\nPuffball - Fousko/Fouska\n\nReishy - Lingzhi\n\nShaggs - Das/Dasi\n\nShimeji - Shimeji\n\nShroomer - Ogon/Ogona\n\nSpore Boy - Sporio/Sporia\n\nStalk - Kotsan\n\nStewie - Rypas/Rypani\n\nStinkie - Osmos/Osmee\n\nToadie - Vatro/Vatra\n\nTruffkin - Ytano/Ytanie \n\nWaxy - Kiro/Kirodi\n\n\n## Anatomy"} +{"id": "1fa047a5-82c8-4684-99c4-37a9ca214584-4", "createdAt": "2022-09-07T04:52:54.744", "backgroundColor": "#210403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWGVdz7sjTbBAQBXUM5dKq6ttfSPWwaS32KAzKoTE5oa", "txHash": "0xe5fe75c593139b20acd7d840628c5b19a53ff9c401d86c1fc3da1d11220cd385", "createdAtBlock": 15488387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "Waxy - Kiro/Kirodi\n\n\n## Anatomy\n\nAs stated above, a Mitriki consists of mycelium and mushroom(s). Mycelia can be as small as only a few millimeters thick, or it can grow for miles long underground. Similarly, its fruiting mushroom can be only a couple inches tall, or it can grow over one hundred feet high. Thus, Fungi are some of the smallest beings as well as some of the largest beings in all of the Runiverse. \n\nThe anatomy of a Mazi consists of the mushroom head in addition to the hosts entire anatomy. The Mazi connects itself via the hosts central nervous system through roots called mycorrhiza. Matrikis mushroom heads are spongy and therefore are not very susceptible to blunt damage. However, many are quite flammable. \n\n\n## Diet\n\nMitriki break down and absorb surrounding organic matter into nutrients that can be absorbed and used as nourishment. However, Mazi will continue to eat and drink whatever the hosts diet consists of.\n\n\n## Reproduction\n\nBoth Matriki and Mazi reproduce by releasing colorful spores, which spread through the air. When the spores land on a suitable surface, they grow underground into new mycelium. However, the climates of most areas in the Runiverse outside of the Toadstools are unsuitable for Matriki spores to grow. \n\nMazi can also mate through their hosts natural mating process. If an offspring is conceived, it will be that of the hosts race. \n\n\n## Relationships\n\nThe Mitriki and Mazis bond is akin to that of a parent and a child. Once detached and then connected with a host, Mazi will often continue to express love and affirmation towards their \"parent.\" Mitriki and Mazi are also able to and routinely do communicate non-verbally with one another after syndesmos."} +{"id": "1fa047a5-82c8-4684-99c4-37a9ca214584-5", "createdAt": "2022-09-07T04:52:54.744", "backgroundColor": "#210403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWGVdz7sjTbBAQBXUM5dKq6ttfSPWwaS32KAzKoTE5oa", "txHash": "0xe5fe75c593139b20acd7d840628c5b19a53ff9c401d86c1fc3da1d11220cd385", "createdAtBlock": 15488387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "Although Matriki are sentient, they do not possess many other traditional emotions, including sexual desire. Therefore, many Mitriki are either sapiosexual or asexual. Conversely, Mazi express physical attraction and will often mate with other Mazi but may also mate with other humanoid races. \n\n\nHistorically, Fungi have had an ambivalent relationship with the rest of the Runiverse. On one hand, the Manitari needed other races to further develop their society. On the other hand, they have been hunted for the medical and psychedelic properties of their spores for tens of thousands of years. The race of Hunters, in particular, have been known to especially love the taste of Fungi. Many people from around the Runiverse remain untrusting of Fungi because of how Fungi have historically subjugated other races into becoming one of them. A lot of Fungi similarly resent other races due to those people hunting and eating them. \n\n\n## Government\n\nFungi are the Runiverses oldest and truest democracy. Every Fungi, whether it be a Mitriki or a Mazi, is allocated one vote no matter how small or how large it is. Fungi elections are a time-honored tradition, and, despite Fungis controversial history, are known to be particularly honest and lawful. Fungi belong to different political parties based upon their personal beliefs. The more known democratic parties include the Armilla, Astero, Cyttaria, Entomo, Hypomy, Malass, Metarhi, Pneumo, Ophio, and Tricho parties. Fungi are free to change parties after each election cycle. \n\n\n## Death"} +{"id": "1fa047a5-82c8-4684-99c4-37a9ca214584-6", "createdAt": "2022-09-07T04:52:54.744", "backgroundColor": "#210403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWGVdz7sjTbBAQBXUM5dKq6ttfSPWwaS32KAzKoTE5oa", "txHash": "0xe5fe75c593139b20acd7d840628c5b19a53ff9c401d86c1fc3da1d11220cd385", "createdAtBlock": 15488387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "## Death\n\nFungi are almost always buried in the ground after death. Cremation is heavily disfavored by many Fungi. Its an important part of their culture that the mushroom head is returned back to the Toadstools upon death in order to be buried among their ancestors and become sustenance for the Runiverse. Fungi will often return the deceased hosts body back to its place of origin.\n\n\n## Religion\n\nWhile each democratic party has different values and beliefs, most Fungi practice some nature-based religion or no religion at all. Because theyve witnessed countless religions come to rise and fall throughout their races existence, many Fungi are skeptical of religion as a whole."} +{"id": "bdaec0c1-88d1-4a9e-ae2a-63c456aa2ec4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:05.225", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaXD1vzd6GzwdGnEarELYpHpB7Nooy16SPAdULgWxZi3U", "txHash": "0x03da9448f54734ff2b2d99aecd2afceba39af60ff3494b55ca8ce61907257708", "createdAtBlock": 14555698, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 308, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmekgMvXR1nbhThGE5yJJCkPTxDnzoDwa6cNL73tEm6R3T", "name": "Druid Alessar of the Cosmos", "text": "As Alessar waited for the sun to set he pondered his future and the journey that lay before him. This is the first time hed left Allessars Keep and the unknown frightened him. He also found himself surprisingly eager to face the unknown and adventures that lay before him. Slowly the sunset and the sky turned from dusk to night. Alessar went into the night.\n\n\n\nAs he headed toward the harbor he stayed in the shadows jotting between street lights to not be seen by the few patrons who wandered the streets in the wee hours. Eventually, he made his way to the harbor and found the vessel bound for Yellow Wizard Haven the next day. The ship was docked for the night with dreary passengers stopped over on their cruise. There was a slow trickle coming to and from the boat without notice from the guards keeping watch.\n\n\n\nAlessar spotted a group speaking loudly in the corner and made his way over to blend in. As he approached he realized they were quite enamored with ale and bound to have a festive time. He joined the group with his cape covering his face but provided the timely background laugh and banter that allowed him to blend in. Sure enough, the group headed back to the boat and boarded without notice with Alessar right along with them."} +{"id": "86e71bb4-6dbd-4d93-a152-761a33143eb2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:05.932", "backgroundColor": "#0e0247", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXTDdM6HhCXME2T8HcnkgfWE9zhpv17T6mXT6aq1omQDr", "txHash": "0x598e29145cf8d102960423b292f237a3dcce4aca959f856301c647fbf264a826", "createdAtBlock": 14555770, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1017, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNryU89UjDjhjj29xSzwznY7qL7mi4Vuf7iJw4fB646q1", "name": "Arch-Magician Ulysse of Alfheim", "text": "# **Animist's Prayer** \n\n\nEvery (____) Must choose the Choice: \nGive to Life or Take from Life.\n\nMay Our\nFamiliars Give Sight,\n\nOur Hands Speak Across The Runes,\n\nPower and Purpose Persistent On Path."} +{"id": "eda67739-2f0c-4ad6-a8f6-1ada27f739ec-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:06.877", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRMFku17BBhDtJjCZPuFu6yPmdh4cCr9qShp2nujQfPBb", "txHash": "0x860f3088c4fe4ccd90b0451a5c860b2070fbba61f0e3140eb4482f80dd14fe55", "createdAtBlock": 14556001, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6646, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grape Jelly Donut", "text": "He's hardy, sarcastic and observant. But this is all just a faade, a mechanism to deal with his horrifying past. \n\nHe was born in a small Moors Village, he lived out of trouble until he was a young man, that's when everything changed for the worse.\n\nHe lost his brothers in a battle and was neglected by everyone else. While perused by strangers he had to survive in a corrupt and unfair group. But with his wisdom and diligence, he managed to keep ahead of the curve and overcome all odds. This has turned him into the 3-eyed man he is today.\n\nWhile still constantly on the move, he now works as a travelling trader with Dark, his wolf, by his side."} +{"id": "6ad82a70-9de2-4556-ba89-99d839a0427b-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-08T00:21:06.261", "backgroundColor": "#5e3a29", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfEzJWcHH7Vth2Lh3NbrFxJSiMByFJD2QHHt6ojHoxYN", "txHash": "0x20ec714f7136feca20e6242bceaee263e79aeb79d71ac4497c8fd246b26aa3f5", "createdAtBlock": 15493394, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9760, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dagon Clobberer of the North", "text": "# Dagon Clobberer of the North\n\n> Dagon ? Who the f*ck is that ? \n> *random guy from the inn*\n\n\nNobody know who is Dagon or where he come from actually, even me, like for real, why are you here ? Don't you have some better things to do ? Please leave me alone."} +{"id": "7e5b416b-8d4d-4f02-a133-7ceb02ed1c98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:08.52", "backgroundColor": "#37f60c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPTHEtV6LP9ix3dCEkuSRT4iTdNEbfgWJkm5kt1rA2zYZ", "txHash": "0x4a0ceb6916286e348927918f344b58b59814806d43b7e8ea1b476334a1919577", "createdAtBlock": 14558610, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3645, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Xiuying of the Plains", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nXiuying of the Plains is mute. When you come upon her, her hummingbird Pierre will circle your head 3 times. If he deems you ready he will sing a song in Xiuying's ear and she will present the Cannabis Potion. Drink if you dare. If you refuse you may awaken Xiuying ancestors. If you are deemed unworthy, carry on."} +{"id": "be3b2345-ca49-4308-babc-be14e1bc3c5e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:09.188", "backgroundColor": "#f91408", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPMn63sKpH1rBc492g86Lk2gFdSSWZLx3yucQAUbhBYJy", "txHash": "0x7bc5a1900c022d0b5e3714c3afe0ee90793d3d5119409ccdb45f545003c73f0a", "createdAtBlock": 14558654, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6965, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Jastor of the Ice", "text": "Song of the Ice Mage\n\nIce Mage oh Ice Mage\n\nYou come of the Ice\n\nYour Red Santa Suit\n\nYou'd think you were nice\n\nBut Ice Mage oh Ice Mage\n\nWhat's that at your feet?\n\nA devilish red snake\n\nYour face it will eat.\n\nSo careful to ye\n\nwho come around he\n\nthat carries the horse shoe\n\naye the last Imp you'll see."} +{"id": "a5edbb04-229f-4b11-b746-7772a2513c03-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:10.033", "backgroundColor": "#4a4d54", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSXpks9dES4NWRwd8v84aQBr7YHKZN21NvsFJmTeBAtBc", "txHash": "0x26d604ffdd8ef22c9ecd3e18fd417d9132aa511b04a557a2c83a0f9663cfc1b6", "createdAtBlock": 14558828, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5050, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeuvwieQ4JPeqec3zx1uRCCzYUZoa1m838wouF2HCRzap", "name": "Wraith Captain Udor of the Undying Chill", "text": "# The Children of Udor.\n\nBefore he turned, @wizard5050 used to give gifts to the children of his village and bring joy on even the coldest of nights. But when they were all murdered on the Night of the Rose, he swore to spread a blizzard snow and darkness across the world. For if his children were doomed to suffer Undying Chill, then everyone else must suffer the same fate.\n\nThe youth of the village, all turned to small monstrosities, know that @soul5050 is the soul that will bring their vengeance, therefore wherever he goes, they follow. Whatever he does, they do too.\n\n> Yet, as a victim of Night of the Rose, Udor himself is magically bound to bend the knee to @soul7019 or whomever holds the Eternal Rose, as a member of the Army of the Rose."} +{"id": "4c18c708-1927-4f46-b845-c6612c32f220-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:39.364", "backgroundColor": "#131f03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxWdt6Uj1BJA6eJtA9wohVHGP5hv8nXwZrM1Ug7iW1tY", "txHash": "0xc6be3b181682240e80bc270f1cf5f8f770981d3ba68ba66d1cb8ef3533c6beba", "createdAtBlock": 15077202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3209, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Impy of the Toadstools", "text": "# Impy and Aspy of the Toadstools\n\n_'Zip it, you're gonna wake up this smelly kobold...'_\n\n_'No way, he's snoring like a gargantuan locomotive, and I've already put the 'shroom in his kool-aid. Let's go!'_ - said Aspy to Impy, when the two imps bumped into each other under the table, waking up warrior sleeping on the bench. \n\n_'Who the hell put this toadstool in my drink?!'_ - shouted Toka, kicking up the table, exposing the small imp twins.\n\n_'RUN!'_\n\nImpy and Aspy haven't changed a lot since their childhood. Well, at least not on the inside. Their tricks and malpractices were annoying, but luckily nobody got really hurt when they were younger. Until they started experimenting more and more with magic. They wanted to sneak into the shop of delicacies in the neighborhood, to steal all the things an impling could imagine: candied snails, deep-fried cucumdogs, worms in duckweed coating... They were supposed to turn into snakes, and slither in unnoticed. But there's a reason every spellbook starts with a notice: \n\n> Never have two clumsy imps present during transmutation spells!\n\nActually they don't, but they definitely should. The shopkeeper learnt about what the imps were planning, and ambushed them right in the middle of the spell. The transmutation did happen, but in an unexpected way: there's an imp, and there's a snake, and there are two souls, but they share both bodies. And who's controlling which, that is up to luck, and fate to decide."} +{"id": "4c18c708-1927-4f46-b845-c6612c32f220-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:39.364", "backgroundColor": "#131f03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxWdt6Uj1BJA6eJtA9wohVHGP5hv8nXwZrM1Ug7iW1tY", "txHash": "0xc6be3b181682240e80bc270f1cf5f8f770981d3ba68ba66d1cb8ef3533c6beba", "createdAtBlock": 15077202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3209, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Impy of the Toadstools", "text": "With all the misbehaving behind their backs, they decided to flee the Toadstools. During their journey they came by a small house, deep inside a forest. The name plate read Cabinet of Curiosities - could they find a better place for themselves? An elder wizard took them under his protection, giving a job and a home for the imps with the split conscious. Ever since Aspy and Impy are perfecting their craft, making potions and items for those who are desperate, or just up for some fun."} +{"id": "0aa7b3d7-463a-4a28-9db6-7f67dc47b90a-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-08T12:53:07.167", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT5r2st6A3mf9SxqNa4oUptoMV5pgY5q9xKL5QQWb6Smo", "txHash": "0x1d8c32648542f80ef11d83be209f5f2f68aa709c063d088cf93f3b91f45378a4", "createdAtBlock": 15496697, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12722, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQvvBhvdkDTzhGtebqujJm2rrKGmFzvmRtHRHaUbbMcsm", "name": "Zazne Stabber of the Keep", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Zazne Stabber of the Keep \n\n\n\n>Zazne showing off his affinity \n*Portrait by Regnvald. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "3d9e1b60-a8a6-4790-9ceb-7dfffb1dcd5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:00.117", "backgroundColor": "#0f163b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT4pSdZ2tnqvtd2B1B5Wzq3hCKAF5814MMsj324Xf5c2y", "txHash": "0x2646d4b17e985345c7939376f4d654ede2c60ba12ed362aeba24d45015539e7e", "createdAtBlock": 14552979, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6210, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPa55HyGRRF4HyTPnveufe95w6ZnjJ9zk7bE7hMXgYux9", "name": "Witch Rita of the Road", "text": "# Witch Rita of the road\n\n\n\n\n---\n\n\n\nFire, Sigma, a Fire, Sigma, Pluto, Air\n\nOn the road again \nJust can't wait to get on the road again \nThe life I love is making magic with my friends \n\nAnd I can't wait to get on the road again \nOn the road again \nGoin' realms that I've never been \nSeein' Kobolds that I may never see again \nAnd I can't wait to get on the road again \n\nOn the road again \nLike a band of wizzies we go down the Citadel \nWe're the best of friends \nInsisting that the Runiverse keep turning our way \nAnd our way \nIs on the road again \nI just can't wait to get on the road again \nThe life I love is makin' magic with my friends \nAnd I can't wait to get on the road again \n\nOn the road again \nLike a band of wizzies we go down the Citadel \nWe're the best of friends \nInsisting that the runiverse keep turning our way \nAnd our way \nIs on the road again \nJust can't wait to get on the road again \nThe life I love is makin' magic with my friends \nAnd I can't wait to get on the road again \nAnd I can't wait to get on the road again"} +{"id": "9608f79f-6701-4e82-844e-35ebf2e5f866-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:15.332", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZU7E17ofSWf7DjNZjjVgicZLMDieZmVXgi5gnJhDJeUt", "txHash": "0x3c21e653b177a5116eb8da5bc4c8c7ed098f0bf3755f2fc2045e8452cc058542", "createdAtBlock": 14571344, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Lux of the Steppe", "text": "Shaman Lux was just a boy when he began training with the famed Shaman Darack. His parents had died in the first magianic wars, and thus he had been an orphan for as long as he could remember. Shaman Darack had taken pity on the boy and took him under his wing to learn the skills of shape shifting.\n\nShaman Lux was a stubborn learner at the start, some people believe the loss of his parents had severely affected his ability to learn any type of magic. But with patience and a teacher like Shaman Darack, Lux began to slowly, and then very quickly learn the ancient ways of his people.\n\nLux and Darack fostered a sort of father son relationship very quickly, which made it all the more difficult when Lux was called to duty in the baron steppes. The people there could no longer manage to grow any sort of vegetation and we're slowly starving to death."} +{"id": "d9f8347e-85dd-40c9-92b9-1c0d9197e4e3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:21.025", "backgroundColor": "#0ea645", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeKTVxGfn3wVjK4dfRsFQxxRs2jiXFJkMXv36twmbc1gS", "txHash": "0x9179bddce3e54b52c7bc41df77b25656d8de072deb95e1e90d01216c8429ac9c", "createdAtBlock": 14810526, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4809, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Moriko Mincer of Worlds", "text": "Hello Forgotten Runes Wizard's & Warrior's cult\nI am Moriko Mincer of Worlds\nYou should be afraid of my malachite dragon pike\nMy hyena is is very strong.\nI have Onna-Musha's head\nAnd shield of the sun is my best defense"} +{"id": "f87887de-d4d9-4c4a-af62-5b1500658e4e-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-08T14:28:01.393", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbJk3zjoZwCuSSTBbPuYMKdPorq2WgHUh29bJRnHJRCPa", "txHash": "0x115a38c4ad4a485268ab51b633ec44947e6c1265741228f530778c5f71afd157", "createdAtBlock": 15497114, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10283, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chike Slaughterer of Area 71", "text": "# Chike Slaughterer of Area 71\n\n_There are warriors, and some of them are heroes._\n\nChike was an astronaut. He started his mission just before the collapse of civilization as we know it. The space station where he was assigned to malfunctioned, and he had to enter hibernation. Many decades have passed, nobody remembered the failing laboratory orbiting the planet, when it finally crash-landed, at Area 71. Chike woke up from his dream among the stars, and he was surrounded by unspeakable creatures. He could not leave the ruins of the station, but he only had supplies for a handful of days. \n\nBy working day and night, he managed to transform his spacesuit to a super durable exoskeleton, ready to fight the half-machine half-human creatures which were lurking around his capsule. That's when he heard the whining of an animal. The creatures were about the process a dog, for whatever reason. Chike stormed out, and wreak havoc among them. He fought his way out, with the dog, who he named Spike. \n\nHe could have left for safer regions, joining the remains of civilization, but it seemed like there's always someone in need of a hero, in Area 71."} +{"id": "62227453-038f-4c01-b70f-d6ab105dec6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:13.057", "backgroundColor": "#15543b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWNu7PtSagVEAbPxFiirfishyWn4FkYZgEWpvBhddeHUH", "txHash": "0xfdb501716ff98c6042bf21f5c13e3d415bd0d3f0d0afc5f32b3150da015a29ea", "createdAtBlock": 14558876, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6522, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeuvwieQ4JPeqec3zx1uRCCzYUZoa1m838wouF2HCRzap", "name": "Wraith Knight Drusilla of Goblin town", "text": "# Goblin Town: Origins.\n\n@wizard6522 learnt to nourish the land from her elder sisters. Her family was sought a'er by all the farmers and shepherds of the Moors to lend a helping hand to keep the land rich and grand. Upon the Night of the Rose, the land turnt to sand, leaving the shepherds with neither cattle to command nor fields to tend. The lost souls found shelter in the caves where the sun could not shine on their miseries. \n\nWhen @soul6522 found them in the Cave of the Platonic Shadow, they begged once again for a helping hand. If they swore to protect her, she would guide them into this brave new world, where they would prosper once again and build a settlement upon the ashes of the old one. They would call it... Goblin Town.\n\n> As a victim of Night of the Rose, Drusilla is magically bound to bend the knee to @soul7019 or whomever holds the Eternal Rose, as a member of the Army of the Rose."} +{"id": "e723e9a1-5582-42b6-908c-9f4ed7192b3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:14.781", "backgroundColor": "#67120d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdjhihiUyRwQ8PAnSkdSYL8BNQV7WmDjPZDYPohvtZuN", "txHash": "0x05a6d4adfd800a93d27e375fc70bbb31f23c539e5f452c1c1287dcdfdd51c712", "createdAtBlock": 14558984, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3935, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeuvwieQ4JPeqec3zx1uRCCzYUZoa1m838wouF2HCRzap", "name": "Hunted Stag Herne of the Abandoned Waste", "text": "# The Bringer of Death.\n\nWhen @wizard3935 was born, he was the last of a litter of eight. All his siblings died at birth, and it did not look like he would make it either, so his sickly mother begged Oracle Corvin to use his magicks to save his life.\n\nThe Oracle touched the child and saw not the future, but his past. Though the little stag had lived but a few hours, he had already murdered seven innocent souls. The doomed soul of Herne had sucked the life out of his siblings in order to survive.\n\nGrowing up, Herne wanted nothing more than atone for his grim sins. He left his homeland to find a purpose that would allow him to erase the nickname Inferno that he earned for himself. So, he wandered for months until he came upon Moorville, where he won the trust of the herbalist shop owner, and was hired to do research on his behalf.\n\nJust when Herne was finally finding peace, the Night of the Rose, befell the town and all was obliterated. When @soul3935 rose from the ashes, he found his shop collapsed, and the owner crushed by the debris.\n\nHerne now understood his destiny in this world. He was the hunted soul meant to bring death and destruction, and to turn this land to an abandoned waste.\n\n> The magic during the Night of the Rose binds Herne to bend the knee to @soul7019 or whomever holds the Eternal Rose, as a member of the Army of the Rose."} +{"id": "5d923a9e-46af-4ee0-9ffe-0f5a554e60bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:15.449", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXKqgXkvpmB2X1PfMrQhiDfDoaiWaDojxMPBtdaNYfUjk", "txHash": "0x04f88d2f1c2ee18691b5eea0e963911422016f977bdbb17c09718dcd42a02d3c", "createdAtBlock": 14560588, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6546, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Goliath of the Bastion", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nLittle is known of Goliath's childhood in the Bastion, as if someone, or something, had covered their tracks to conceal some deep, dark secret. What can be pieced together from those who claim to have heard of Goliath third or fourth-hand is that Goliath from a young age showed an obsessive interest in the secrets of the deep waters and the creatures and storms that arose from them. As a rebellious young wizard he pushed the boundaries of his abilities and, although the details have been suspiciously obscured from view, his recklessness caused some kind of horrible accident resulting in the form that he resides in to this day, that of the WereBeast. More tragic still, it is rumored that his childhood best friend suffered an even worse fate now being stuck forever in the body and mind of a common field dog. This field dog remains faithful to Goliath to this day traveling the realm as his familiar, hoping to unlock his mind and soul into a more human form. Arcanist Goliath carries the Rune of Water with him as a symbol, and a reminder, of the power, and risk, of meddling in arcane water magic."} +{"id": "2f335e79-fe3a-4e90-8451-778015f8e800-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:16.867", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfFsFqdLNMPZexzPBcqgMhmRy2URiK3N121EqBwkypUPD", "txHash": "0xeed97b12fbe02e57b2f82788016900e0b07060010bb992c60880fb54839c5355", "createdAtBlock": 14560613, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar of the Tundra", "text": "# Archmagus Ixar of the Tundra\n\nArchmagus Ixar of the Tundra, last survivor of a long-forgotten religious order, bears the blessing and curse of power over the dead. Trapped in the Tundra, his only companions are rotting corpses and the howling spirits he attracts. His monstrous deeds hide a noble goal: free his home from a curse.\n\nRaised in an old Red Hats community, he always had to fight to be accepted. While most kids his age played hide-and-seek, he made friends of a different kind: the spirits of those who had just died.\n\nAt first, this ability to see and hear the dead terrified him. Whenever someone died in the village, Ixar would lie awake at night, waiting for the terrifying cry of a new visitor. He couldn't understand why they tormented him, or why his parents believed the spirits were just nightmares.\n\nOver time, he began to realize that these beings meant no harm. They were just lost and needed help to find their way to the afterlife. And since only he seemed able to see them, he decided to become his guide and escort them to whatever awaited them in eternity.\n\nIt was a bittersweet task. Ixar enjoyed the company of ghosts, but each one he laid to rest was a new friend he had to say goodbye to. To the dead he was a savior, but to the living, an outcast. The villagers only saw a disturbed boy talking to people who weren't there.\nStories of his visions soon spread beyond the village, eventually drawing the attention of a small order of monks north of the holy pillars. His envoys traveled to the village of Ixar, convinced that he could become a tool of their faith."} +{"id": "2f335e79-fe3a-4e90-8451-778015f8e800-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:16.867", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfFsFqdLNMPZexzPBcqgMhmRy2URiK3N121EqBwkypUPD", "txHash": "0xeed97b12fbe02e57b2f82788016900e0b07060010bb992c60880fb54839c5355", "createdAtBlock": 14560613, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar of the Tundra", "text": "Ixar agreed to accompany them to his monastery, where he learned the ways of the Twilight Friars and the true meaning of their symbols. Each monk carried with him a shovel, a symbol of his duty to carry out the funerary rites that guaranteed that souls would not go astray, as well as a clay egg representing the union of the dead and the unborn.\n\nBut no matter how hard he tried, Ixar never managed to gain the acceptance of the other monks. For them, it was the tangible proof of things that were only to be known through faith. They envied his ability to effortlessly perceive what they were only beginning to understand after a lifetime devoted to his study. Despised by his brothers, he found himself alone again.\n\nOne morning, while he was taking care of his chores in the cemetery, he was interrupted by the appearance of a cloud as black as coal that advanced devouring everything in its path. He tried to escape, but the cloud quickly caught up with him and plunged him into darkness.\n\nAll around him, all living things began to contort, corrupted by the unholy magic of the Black Mist. People, animals and even plants were transformed into sinister and vile creatures of their former selves. The turbulent air around them was full of whispers and his brothers began to break their mud eggs, as if they caused them deep anguish. An instant later, Ixar watched in horror as the souls of the monks were torn from their bodies, leaving nothing but cold, pale corpses behind.\n\nBetween the fading cries of his brothers, only Ixar could hear the times that sounded in the mist:\n>\"Take it off. Join us. We will be one.\"\n\nHe felt his fingers seek to break the egg in his hands. Summoning all his determination, he removed his hands from his egg and ordered the souls to stop howling. The Black Mist shuddered violently, and darkness swallowed Ixar."} +{"id": "2f335e79-fe3a-4e90-8451-778015f8e800-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:16.867", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfFsFqdLNMPZexzPBcqgMhmRy2URiK3N121EqBwkypUPD", "txHash": "0xeed97b12fbe02e57b2f82788016900e0b07060010bb992c60880fb54839c5355", "createdAtBlock": 14560613, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar of the Tundra", "text": "Upon awakening, the winds had ceased and the once fertile land had been transformed into the grotesque wasteland of the Tundra. Lone tendrils of Black Mist still clung to him, as if to seize the one living thing they hadn't yet managed to corrupt. But as the Mist curled around him, Ixar realized that the mud egg repelled him. His hands gripped it, realizing it was the only thing keeping him alive.\n\nOver the next few days he scoured the Tundra for survivors, but found nothing but the twisted remains of its former inhabitants. Everywhere, all he could see were the wretched spirits rising from the corpses.\n\nAs he searched, little by little, he began to put together the pieces of the events that had led to that cataclysm: An archmagus had come to revive his dead companion in his experiments, but all he had achieved was to condemn all its inhabitants. .\n \nIxar would have wanted to go in search of that archmagus, to undo the curse he had caused. But he felt helpless in the face of the infinity of death that surrounded him.\nAlmost lost in his sadness, he began to talk to the spirits around him, trying to find the same comfort he had as a child. But as he communicated with the Mist, corpses began to rise from their graves, drawn by his voice. Then he realized that the bodies he had buried on his day were now under his command.\nA glimmer of hope lit up in his despairing heart. To liberate the Shadow Isles, he would use her power and his strength.\n\nTo end the curse, he would be forced to use it."} +{"id": "8b861431-335e-4a0b-93a5-998bb2a1ca06-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:16", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWtayS6FUNKKNyToMiD1rFrA5a9udzbnd2osm6Witjeid", "txHash": "0x75495c4a2d97b4d84116b3da2d97c290147f6582b6c5b88aa414b9fb90650b96", "createdAtBlock": 14571462, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Artis of the Valley", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThis wizard originates from the based department. She is always using her hair to show everyone how cool she is. \n\nthat is all"} +{"id": "490524de-a9b2-47ba-8fe3-6797fd64b640-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:16.876", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbkTSNiRmDk2LjmPszo6R2tNi51nB3vskitmpaubmfU7s", "txHash": "0x2f95838fb465c9e833012f2821c7259bf95e9f1a7fdfaddf1cb27503914f64c1", "createdAtBlock": 14571472, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Artis of the Valley", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nI am the best wizard leave me alone. my lore is dank and my spells are strong."} +{"id": "e85c624c-7e0e-4fdf-aa63-c6d092e9bfe7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:17.854", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcsd7usNVvCrdTPAhX4EdbhkiXDw5Ymmrq1vYcM2sHjfm", "txHash": "0xcbc8ba92dd429bdbc94d23c9e83580cfccff962ee3bc4a40314e5a68ed5b582b", "createdAtBlock": 14571479, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5548, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Daria of the Light", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nfucc I thought that my lore went through"} +{"id": "7001055a-3cf4-42c5-b357-dc1d14679540-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:19.565", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRXSsjLj2ee2iozUKrdot2qYPqocEiBsvRuFjsa7mo6Vb", "txHash": "0xeef22e80c01e7762945e886c9a8c5f9c7a406c6b4999967c679c132c6e1f90f7", "createdAtBlock": 14625548, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8142, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Froggy of the Tower", "text": "As dawn approached, a beam of light begins its crawl into the cold dark cave the Shadow Mage Froggy now calls home."} +{"id": "4cde7d3d-baca-4da7-b1ee-0b6574bac06d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:17.722", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWN1Hi3EpiJcZyTo7mEQdNECbNTfstnX2hC88kgx3WZo", "txHash": "0xdc270da2f7bc5cdf1ffa0c9156401d3b0dbe61d1a39714152fce1941b6af02e1", "createdAtBlock": 14560717, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9335, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Durm of the Fey", "text": "# Don't underestimate the Red Beard\n\nDurm of the Fey is a not very well known Battle Mage of the Rune of Air. After using black magic on his fellows, he was banned from the Icnogito Wizards Club (IWC) - a mysterious syndicate of powerful magicians.\n\nYou may hear a thunder; see flashes, even if it's a sunny day - the Battle Mage doesn't play. Fun Fact: His companion - the magical rabbit Joan - looks innocently, but since he inhaled too much toxic gas, he loves eating street cats."} +{"id": "eaf29a33-4aff-41b6-873a-881df1470998-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:20.908", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPkvttGTwGT9XJkGFrWu5Mq3sAFsnYkS7VZtMeKDpKaRB", "txHash": "0x2ffd62c729db294f810ce077e4168cc779dbd353665b72fafa8ad734c590e4e1", "createdAtBlock": 14561436, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9396, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUuvquspAD6yKzpnRet1MmVzJndymMuFFuF1twyjuqkem", "name": "Diviner Galatea of the Hall", "text": "# Thoughts of a frequent Diviner.\n\nEvery morning, around same time. \nI wake up and cleanse the night' shades from my face. It's another day, another bucket of time ready to be emptied. \nTime slowly pass by, I blend some herbs and boil some water for a tea. Rufus, my chirpy companion updates me with all the feeds from the Runiverse I've missed while asleep. Doesn't take me long to activate the Crystal Ball and spawn into Kaydia. Ever heard of it? May your soul be blessed if no memories in your heart. I like Kaydia. It's that place in my mind where I'm the Boss. The only thing out of my control? \nTime. \nAs if you never thought \"Here, Now, Forever!\" higlighted with a *snap of fingers. \nBut how an Epic moment remains Epic when Time is gone? \nRarity, adds value. But what's rare into Infinite? How do you measure quantities within a system that has no boundaries? \nTime. \nWe'll never get rid of it. But why would you on first instance, too. \nEmbrace it. Be part of it. \nBE TIME. \n\nThe carbon based outer shell will eventually shade, leaving space to the Purest Light, to move across the Existence, from Inception untill Free-do(o)m."} +{"id": "ce75d316-0e62-47f9-b312-cdbf671eee12-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-09T00:45:00.919", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNugP7GJ7R4RuhQqLJxLvtjGtpkr33VRdCnEPuS4cyXYC", "txHash": "0xcff369e06856152c0ada926522bf4c9f3fa5ad806009a96320300d8b60ced2a0", "createdAtBlock": 15499772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1007, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Matthew Cutter of Flowers", "text": "# Matthew, Cutter of Flowers\n\n---\n---\n\n_Everybody laughed at Matthew._\n\nWhen young men are supposed to yearn for the battlefield and swordplay, Matthew found joy in flowers. Even as a baby, a brilliant bouquet of red roses or yellow sunflowers made him squeal in delight. \n\nAs he grew up, Matthew didnt want for spears or morning stars. He constantly found himself wandering along trails and streams in the forest, amazed at the floral world around him. It didnt matter if he was in danger of bandits or ambitious highwaymen, Matthew was with his flowers. \n\nUnfortunately, the other boys didnt like flowers as much as Matthew. They didnt think about flowers at all. And when Matthews arms shook holding up his shield, or he was slow to parry and thrust, the boys were lightning fast to make fun of him, push him to the ground, make Matthew rip out dandelions from the dirt and shove them in his mouth. While his bullies stood around him, watching him chew, Matthew would say a silent prayer for the flowers he was made to kill.\n\n\n\n***\n\n\n\nWhen others took apprenticeships or squired, Matthew tended the Regal Gardens, in Avalon. \n\nThe Groundskeeper in Avalon was an old man with no family and didnt mind Matthew helping. He never thanked Matthew or asked for help, but he appreciated Matthew around the garden, mostly since it allowed him to spend earlier and earlier afternoons in his shack drinking ale alone."} +{"id": "ce75d316-0e62-47f9-b312-cdbf671eee12-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-09T00:45:00.919", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNugP7GJ7R4RuhQqLJxLvtjGtpkr33VRdCnEPuS4cyXYC", "txHash": "0xcff369e06856152c0ada926522bf4c9f3fa5ad806009a96320300d8b60ced2a0", "createdAtBlock": 15499772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1007, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Matthew Cutter of Flowers", "text": "The plants appreciated Matthew, too. \nUnder Matthew the Cutters reign, the Regal Gardens flourished in ways they never had before. Avalon was known for its natural peace and calmness, situated in Elysian Fields, but the Regal Gardens were now home to some of the most beautiful seasonal blooms this side of the Quantum Shadow. There were Moon Lilies from the Ghoulish Boglands, Fiery Dovescorn from the Forest of the Imps, and even a Floating Methuselah from the Baobabs.\n\nMatthew never told people where he got these far-off specimens, he never spoke of his adventures. It actually seemed like he never left his flowers. \n\n***\n\nThere was no parade for Matthew. No fanfare. Nobody ever really expected much.\nBut everybody loved Matthews flowers. \n\nNot just the ladies-in-waiting, or maidens with idle time. Anyone who passed through the gardens couldnt help but literally stop and smell the roses. They didnt know it, but Matthew was often smiling nearby. \n\nWhen travelers think of home, its their favorites of Matthews flowers they think of. And when knights return from battle, shaken from the horrors of war, its Matthews gardens they cry in.\n\nPrincesses, kings, queens, and scions. Theyre all made the same by Matthews flowers. Anonymous observers of his garden. Matthew being completely necessary but totally irrelevant. \nEyes to the ground, down only."} +{"id": "f9135566-9081-437e-8b95-209a7b7d317b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:20.046", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVK7denayQoQ8tC4n8fpkqv5huEamUDgkYXX3z7SfSMhj", "txHash": "0xea9a7b23144eb28d6202331a6ebbdea3b83f619718c5d2e408078df9192c95e3", "createdAtBlock": 14566182, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4496, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Meloogen of Arcadia", "text": "Yo, Pi'erre, you wanna come out here?\n\nIn New York I Milly Rock (rock)\n\nHide it in my sock (sock)\n\nRunning from the opp (opp)\n\nAnd I shoot at opp (opp) uh, uh (what?)\n\nAnd I'm on the block (what?) Uh, uh (what? What?)\n\nAnd I'm on the block (what?)\n\nIn New York I Milly Rock (hello?)\n\nHide it in my sock (what?)\n\nHide it in my sock (what?)\n\nSelling that rerock (what? Woah, what? What? Uh, what? What?)\n\nIn New York I Milly Rock (ooh)\n\nHide it in my sock (woah)\n\nUsed to sell rerock (what?)\n\nRunnin' from the cops (woah)\n\nShootin' at these opps (woah)\n\nYo, Pi'erre, you wanna come out here? (Woah)\n\nShooting at these opps (what?)\n\n'Cause I run they block (what?) Uh\n\nGive me top (top) uh, in my drop-top\n\nAll these hoes gon' flock (flock, flock)\n\nWhen I drop, yeah (drop, drop)\n\nAll these hoes gon' flock (flock, flock)\n\nWhen I drop, yeah (drop, drop)\n\nAll these hoes gon' flock (flock, flock)\n\nWhen I drop, uh (drop, drop)\n\nWoo, woo, woo, woo (bih)\n\nWoo, woo (bih) woo, woo (bih)"} +{"id": "a4f65b64-6747-42df-8eec-02cdd52e0a7c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:21.68", "backgroundColor": "#050123", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSTeFuw43XYAwisz9vxxmbN3oojf4N8J9PPK6FoinLTWj", "txHash": "0x7fbd6c781f3293f4bbd0e0570546bcf3b3fdbfb7b4ce0a6c16a781ac1c8837ee", "createdAtBlock": 14561473, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2624, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Oxnard ", "text": "Summoning an entity from beyond this realm is not to be taken lightly.\n\nWhether the entity will survive the summoning is as much chance as it is the skill of the Summoner.\n\nSometimes it is better that the entity does not survive the passage, for its life can be one of suffering.\n\nSometimes it is better that the entity does not survive the passage, for its life can cause great suffering to others.\n\nNo other Summoner knows these deep truths more than Oxnard."} +{"id": "432bd54f-7334-468e-aea3-364b0deade42-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:22.494", "backgroundColor": "#403060", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPhZxsHbrbFKmrBEBYbzQHWYbZvGrBThTRUZt71jZmsD2", "txHash": "0x24f926fe66ab588bac3cf46b38ea32e24a50b7876649f1e0308a58fe45e38e54", "createdAtBlock": 14561489, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 465, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmceeWAfFxcdRdHBJNKWfMpC7pgYiwZ4bd3EHonHix4aF6", "name": "Dover the Bold", "text": "## \n# THE LORE OF DOVER THE BOLD\n\n\nThose simpler days come to mind \nSoft clover beneath our hooves \nMy brothers and sisters and I \nRunning windswept plains as youths\n\nThe taste of milk thistle upon our tongues \nThe feel of sunshine upon our manes \nWild ponies we were, so free and young \nRunning those windswept plains \n\nTill the day the bandits arrived \nWith their cruel and snarling hounds \nUsing ropes and snares and fire \nThey sought to keep us bound\n\nMy brothers and sisters, not I \nKicked and bucked and brayed \nFight back, Dover! they did cry \nBut I was too afraid \n\nToo wild and brave to be tamed \nMy brothers and sisters broke free \nDover the Timid I became \nToo paralyzed to flee\n\nUpon my back placed heavy loads \nI was prodded with a whip \nForced down long and hardened roads \nTill my hooves did split\n\nWith a brand they seared my side \nStarved me till my ribs were showing \nStill I dared not fight, I was resigned \nWhile lathering and blowing\n\nTill one night my captors spied \nA lone wizard in her camp \nWith just a small dog at her side \nThe bandits did attack \n\nSeeing her fight with just a staff \nMy fear broke like a fever \nI reared up and joined the raff \nAnd managed to retrieve her\n\nWe raced away into the night \nAcross the windswept plains \nWe found a cave in which to hide \nBeneath a sacred flame\n\nThe rescue now was over \nI lay heaving on my side \nWith the memory of clover \nOf my brothers and sisters and I"} +{"id": "432bd54f-7334-468e-aea3-364b0deade42-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:22.494", "backgroundColor": "#403060", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPhZxsHbrbFKmrBEBYbzQHWYbZvGrBThTRUZt71jZmsD2", "txHash": "0x24f926fe66ab588bac3cf46b38ea32e24a50b7876649f1e0308a58fe45e38e54", "createdAtBlock": 14561489, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 465, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmceeWAfFxcdRdHBJNKWfMpC7pgYiwZ4bd3EHonHix4aF6", "name": "Dover the Bold", "text": "I closed my eyes, let out a sigh \nIt was time for me to go \nBut felt a touch upon my thigh \nA warm and tingling glow\n\nThe wizard then transformed my brand \nInto a rune of strength \nBeneath her gentle guiding hand \nMy spirit returned at length\n\nYou were so brave she said to me \nTo risk your life and soul \nFrom this day your name shall be \nMy dear Dover the Bold\"\n\nNo longer a youth, remade anew \nAs witnessed by flames light \nWe roam the lands in search of runes \nMy wizard, her familiar and I"} +{"id": "842766f1-2654-45bc-9e16-6189b3257347-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:23.195", "backgroundColor": "#0a4385", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZW3ZfFqyhQo6oDXeGMs45PYGXkVB6tJUyJ8rvH4Bn2BQ", "txHash": "0xf32812ad2e6be3bbb130cda2d7c953b7d78fd3d13f83430b4f826871e84177d6", "createdAtBlock": 14562524, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7089, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Lux of the Keep", "text": "# Archmagus Lux of the Keep \n## A powerful wizard never forgotten \n\nNot a day passes in the forgotten valley that Arch Lux of the Keep is not heralded. The blue hat, white beard, blue cape wizard was a hero *sorcerer*. The only wizard with magic powerful enough to face the Keep's most feared adversaries. \n\nHe walked proudly, with his blue orb spinning above his staff. The holder of his *spells* .. the vault for his **wildest** **creations** .. fully engaged and primed for a faceoff with the most cynical of spirits. @soul4094 was a dangerous character. So thirsty for souls that he met the eternal flame inspired by his own madness. The most ferocious soul keeper in the valley would finally meet his match. \n\nArchmagus Lux never travelled alone. His right hand rat, underrated and underappreciated, was Arch's compass. Icy Rat the Soul Sniffer was no stranger to predicaments. He was the eyes, ears and nose of their operation. Icy Rat guided Arch through countless adventures in the forgotten valley of spirits. \n\nA battle that would shock the runes forever was brewing. Archmagus Lux of the Keep and @soul4094 stood before the souls of the Kingdom .. generations of spirits were on the line. The future of their species would be shaped by the outcome of this fantastical duel ..."} +{"id": "80cee9e4-9773-4c45-9da5-c066e1d30de9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:24.578", "backgroundColor": "#850a04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbBgHNhZnJ282sbJn6ukykAFKAYCgYR3HxSUdib6fW6WS", "txHash": "0x5a65f9a2a0ac3f2c4d1715d3712a2c7c674a48a651fa256f941dd415ad3cc02c", "createdAtBlock": 14562649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4094, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Tengu of the Glowing Box", "text": "# The Most Feared Soul Keeper In The Universe \n##The Glowing Box of Enchantment, captured by an Evil Overlord \n\nChannel 1 Poltergeist Tengu of the Glowing box was the most tenacious soul reaper in all of the forgotten lands. He was so thirsty for souls that he threw himself upon the sacred flame, inspired by his own madness, in search of eternal power. \n\nIn his staff a kindom of souls were trapped forever. Evil had overrun the forgotten lands and nobody could stop him. \n\nThere was one wizard who dared to try to save the souls .. @wizard7089 .."} +{"id": "1498e7a6-189c-415e-a462-0987cd0e468d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:30.069", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRH2RE3CvCGZsUkRWaAD576a29vE7wpF7vxQqzeizywh3", "txHash": "0xc06528d36c04cf9db2da75ba6f7c288fd33f7778ad754e6f4e25cafe397b3068", "createdAtBlock": 14572864, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2950, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Wraith Captain Nori of the Ethereal Realm", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nWraith Captain Nori of the Ethereal Realm #2950 was earths last warrior in the parallelian saga //\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "237886c3-d061-4921-a449-0e847653a6e3-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-09T07:53:33.617", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQHyNtqTC4BgCnz4WpMDP6vMxDvMU6XNM3VXZaDNAqgty", "txHash": "0xda5f720a2e7e4f27c1f7564a95f1285a136d437567a0570a3bd7d07304b67099", "createdAtBlock": 15501579, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11871, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dain Violator of the Gate", "text": "# The Lore of Dain Violator of the Gate\n\nThings in the Runiverse are the way they are for many reasons, some of which are impossible to know. \n\nOne of those reasons, which most will never know, is Dain, Violator of the Gate.\n\nDain operates in the darkness from a distance with his range weapon of choice, the slingshot. Among others, Dain has escorted dinosaurs into the Runiverse from the Void. Dain is no stranger to making the reverse journey happen for other beings.\n\nThe Void, rather than representing cold empty nothingness, represents undefinable Absolute energy of infinite possibility. Darkness lacks description, and therein lacks limit. Darkness and Light exist in harmony; one without the other is meaningless. Dain is a messenger of the Void, a shepherd for existence in and out of reality.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzgq42NV1NI"} +{"id": "9a63a9e2-76f5-484f-943f-9b8b15ca0c0b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:57.788", "backgroundColor": "#3a3cbf", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSTiVhakthwAif6GABjQ1mt2XACUaVc53aiemqPE3A9dX", "txHash": "0x1bea4b432df0045df8ef6b908699178d927d5d2212fffabd58c1bacf76bd84e6", "createdAtBlock": 14624759, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1200, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Xiaobo of Dreams", "text": "Dream dream dream."} +{"id": "1e4a5d13-ca77-4b4d-a528-c7d15daa743d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:56.995", "backgroundColor": "#f80c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPQNCVB9yRKWTtCDncXVhxoFVPxymsBuTpyr5etctgr1H", "txHash": "0xac33cc0a4265e57f21553c760bab617caa1dfe5a8a22e282c70890e318790560", "createdAtBlock": 15063391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4549, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zocklan Impaler of the Rune Raiders", "text": "Zocklan's Torment - The Villanelle Of The Barbarian\n\nZocklan couldn't stop thinking about the barbarian\nIt was just so strong and brave\nNever had he known anything so agrarian\n\nThat morning, Zocklan encountered a barbarian so marian\nHe had to calm himself with a wave\nZocklan couldn't stop thinking about the barbarian\n\nLater, he realised that the barbarian was carrion\nHe tried to focus on a pave\nNever had he known anything so agrarian\n\nDotta tried to distract him with a septuagenarian\nSaid it was time to start thinking about a knave\nZocklan couldn't stop thinking about the barbarian\n\nZocklan took action like a veterinarian\nThe barbarian was becoming too grave\nNever had he known anything so agrarian\n\nZocklan's demise was humanitarian\nHis mind turned into an enclave\nZocklan couldn't stop thinking about the barbarian\nNever had he known anything so agrarian"} +{"id": "ab1646f6-9f6a-4e22-8434-0a5446e6cdcd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:25.226", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZyabZhtMyHBtcjbYFAeR5bmXCWqm8nxBf2H5qhcvLYp", "txHash": "0x666d668b02e902df09dfd9d2fbaac3535e98de5aecbcd5074eba4ef8e60f0753", "createdAtBlock": 14562834, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Enigma of the Mist", "text": "### Adept Enigma of the Mist\n \nShe had no name but was bestowed many: Medusa, Serpentine Queen, Deaths Rattle. Her favoriteMother Mamba. With hair of emerald snakes and skin of scales, she was nature incarnate. She rhythmically dwelled within the forests and swamps preferring the verdant green backdrops teeming with life its many forms to the arid mountains and lifeless deserts. In these lush lands she derived her greatest powers in conjunction with lunar cycles. Always within reach was her oversized lupine companion Lockjaw whos bite one could not escape.\n \nShe was neither good nor bad. She was creator and defender of life. Both lover and fighter. These days have required more of the latter. Rumors of beasts and demons echo across the land. An even greater threat of warriors and their perverse technology looms in the horizon. Mother Mamba and Lockjaw prepare to meet might with magic. She cared not about the fate of humans, only the fate of nature. Most humans had proven to be short-sighted savages draining the world of life. Left unchecked their lust and greed would destroy all including themselves. Their political and tribal affiliations shifted with the wind. She only cared about their relationship with nature. If just and balanced, they were left in relative peace. The dark-hearted were met by the fierce and vicious attentions of the Mother."} +{"id": "d45e3463-44e1-483c-bc52-3c8b88a600ec-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:25.938", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRW5mnojEg9up7adMiEVWwMGThqW6QN1R2Vq56DCx4zoz", "txHash": "0xcd9fafa66c50f7ba7d8d17361b6dea8bbe101224351af748a3dbd761b6d7ee72", "createdAtBlock": 14563921, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8483, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Lumos of the Dunes", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nCleric was always alone. \n\nFor as long as he could remember, he had always been by himself. His parents passed away before he could understand what it meant to have a family, and upon getting adopted by his uncle, his life had always been about tasks and jobs and getting things done for his uncle so he wouldn't have to starve again.\n\nIt wasn't until his 16th birthday, that something remarkable happened. \n\nAs he was cleaning the basement, he heard a scratching noise. \n\nCould be a rat or some other pest that came by, hoping for scraps of food to survive. \"Much like me\" Cleric thought to himself. \n\nPerhaps out of self-pity, Cleric placed on the floor the last morsel of bread he had from dinner yesterday. \n\n\"Hey! Boy! Do you think I'd eat wheat?\" a voice boomed out.\n\nCleric jumped. He was certain nobody bothered to come down to the basement at this time of the night. And the voice didn't sound like his uncle. Was it a thief?\n\nThen a snow white cat stepped out into light. It slowly opened it's eyes, and Cleric was shocked at how it glowed a mysterious red colour.\n\n\"Yes, it's me talking here boy. I've been watching you since you were born. And finally, you're 16. Finally, you can become what you were always meant to be. A Wizard - the Cleric Lumos of the Dunes.\"\n\nCleric stood dumbfounded. This had to be a strange dream. Perhaps he had gone too long without food, he was starting to hear and see things.\n\n\"Oh boy... this is going to be a long night\" said the cat as it licked it's paws and settled down on a comfortable spot."} +{"id": "d45e3463-44e1-483c-bc52-3c8b88a600ec-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:25.938", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRW5mnojEg9up7adMiEVWwMGThqW6QN1R2Vq56DCx4zoz", "txHash": "0xcd9fafa66c50f7ba7d8d17361b6dea8bbe101224351af748a3dbd761b6d7ee72", "createdAtBlock": 14563921, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8483, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Lumos of the Dunes", "text": "Cleric couldn't believe his ears (or eyes). According to the cat, it was his familiar, and he was wizard. Not just any wizard, but the wizard of the Dunes. And he was gifted with powers beyond his imagination. Now that he's turned 16, he had to go on a journey with this cat, to hone his powers, and master the arts of magic. \n\nAll this sounded ridiculous, yet Cleric couldn't help but smile. \n\nIf this was a dream, he didn't want it to end. Because just for this moment, he didn't feel alone anymore."} +{"id": "d8b7d9c2-e91e-483a-9929-292aecaee54a-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-09T08:18:02.934", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaMSgMbGV5jdHmHA4M4wboPRroP5F6Mqvd8UqLDW88v5y", "txHash": "0x48da701c48b39faa552022d9b8d11d25da9a92cf742d891c30e3c5571fffb0fe", "createdAtBlock": 15501688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 705, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ethereal Spectre Zaros of the Ethereal Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Ethereal Spectre Zaros of the Ethereal Realm \n\nSpectres are generally both powerful and removed from the concerns of the world.\n\nEthereal Spectre Zaros of the Ethereal Realm is not done with the world.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk6KCq4N6QQ"} +{"id": "90c3f8ef-f508-4762-bb82-406bc786e1c3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:27.365", "backgroundColor": "#e0bdbb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbMkMRJZ8j7AnzcfBboWdqo3dbDVTnCXnPXzmdtg4DfiE", "txHash": "0x18774d0101bce0b964bb6e71d234a96ab05493ba1ec734afb3300fe2f569eac9", "createdAtBlock": 14564217, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9391, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Chiyo of the Wood", "text": "## \n## \n# Druid Chiyo of the Wood\n\nIs a master of the woods. He is a mysterious one who is always aware. The forest is his friend but also worst enenmy. Born alone, Druid learnt to survive with a dumb stick in his hand and magic on his mind.\n\nA sapphire slime leads the way into all forms of dangerous creatures. Do not be fooled by the cuteness of its apprentice. It can slaughter evil men and dark spirits. \n\nWalking in the woods, A lost soul...in disguises. \n\n**His true purpose is known to few, perhaps none.**"} +{"id": "e324f601-a908-4952-abde-a2249012062a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:28.03", "backgroundColor": "#062002", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmad9KsbdEHSqHBnoRiQeowAi5FJ4kP7n3zngdRypYW1T2", "txHash": "0x1e29cf6a55ef1becd217e66cbfb1bb0ed3d89c7afbfb58b733b2344afce9273c", "createdAtBlock": 14564255, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5672, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Larissa of the Bastion", "text": "# Larissa of the Bastion \n\nLarissa. A famous name in the swampy lands where she hails from. The people still speak of her battles with Grygor the Great and her prowess with the Dryad's ear plant spell is legendary. Oliver, her trusty battletoad, is her trusted advisor and ally in battle. Now she is ready to step into the wider world, make a name for herself and spread her legend far and wide."} +{"id": "f2ea755d-5600-466a-8e1e-0432b049083c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:26.649", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTXFeeQ9mFV693NzfvrzremXhqE21yKiTnbCiaHuzcbBg", "txHash": "0x9c0dd7ef1b5dbf0025537c2cd9658cde8fd2758972f145044b9518f4e8b376d2", "createdAtBlock": 14564158, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Scryer Liliana of the Wood", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThe story of the redhaired blue elf and how he went from hero to alcoholic\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "3d400220-24bf-4002-99d0-1380fc767649-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:37.641", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZM82g5tvSi3o9oCCH2RQVWKSS8SwwscAch4xgVNZR8Db", "txHash": "0x100509a842f770ce4fcee8844efe6cfadf2ff7c30db1a150926e3f2b8a77fe3a", "createdAtBlock": 14749148, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5443, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Xue of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# The path of Xue\n\nXue is on a quest to find her brother @wizard6702! She has master the winds and has lost her brother for many years. Her journey is coming to a close as she narrows his location...."} +{"id": "d24f908d-ced6-4345-9fae-4705f459cbb4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:28.696", "backgroundColor": "#2d091d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeBFADpCy2YLnDmkTSip5tNUiL25sy75CzX1kpf96yiV8", "txHash": "0x75d076dd532d3129f4d59923167950082bf6b2da17d73d583e6451ac1321a096", "createdAtBlock": 14564328, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2975, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Court", "text": "# Archmagus Aleister of the Court \n\nAleister was the youngest archmagus in the king's court in nearly two centuries. His talent as a little boy was already apparent, turning two of his chambermaids into cats. One of which still accompanies him everywhere he goes. He was sold to the court when he was no older than 8, starting his training in the arts of fire magic, alchemy and summoning. On his 22nd birthday he was ommitted into the ranks of the most legendary mages of the land - the archmagii."} +{"id": "287707cc-25ff-4c8a-ae2c-5e6607375ab5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:30.137", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNxhzioeBLCPm2jSgc5Mq22eiX9GUka73jn1GqRSqxNHB", "txHash": "0xfb94de715bcfcc31804a5457664207a5de9e7470d76272a0002fc00be321bf54", "createdAtBlock": 14564895, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Eliphas of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# Eliphas The Patonic Shadow Arcanist\n\nEliphas knows secrets only a few do. He got this knowledge from his ancestors, that mastered the craft.\n\nHowever, some say his green emerald slime is the brain, while Eliphas is the goofy creator.\n\nTogether they have mastered many crafts and helped thousands of people by supplying them with items resulting from their crafts."} +{"id": "01374443-87d4-4077-984b-914eedd579f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:31.153", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdRegRVT61XcANqyjLqHhde6VuqiMBhTsqjGUfYBKf2bk", "txHash": "0x41e05d76966f050c1e3c6c87dbcae8f60c1e499f869e842b287b3b6ce40c6aa9", "createdAtBlock": 14564903, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Eliphas of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# Eliphas The Platonic Shadow Arcanist\n\nEliphas knows secrets only a few do. He got this knowledge from his ancestors, that mastered the craft.\n\nHowever, some say his green emerald slime is the brain, while Eliphas is the goofy creator.\n\nTogether they have mastered many crafts and helped thousands of people by supplying them with items resulting from their crafts."} +{"id": "23675127-e832-405b-853e-b309638a8924-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:40.889", "backgroundColor": "#100603", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXPzAKhiwfBtCmHKMBwdqH5ZZNDyjWoe3j35sN5oodETg", "txHash": "0x53abda511128244caded58c07e647f8d040c8654b7e5d6b7511ca688ad7ce694", "createdAtBlock": 14617772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 118, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Eliphas ", "text": "Bard Eliphas was a groom, but not a typical one. When someone rang during the night he would always come accompanied, and nightmares were next."} +{"id": "adbe5fb7-94fd-4610-ad1c-82ff228958d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:41.533", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfLsRcbsm8QTunXkovo3eg346b6CuHzkYpiX1y5LWm49J", "txHash": "0x0c289c2dc5e9780a9789670fc9d5c6ae1d8e231c1012fe9fb418fa0c54a5e661", "createdAtBlock": 14617817, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 590, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Amir of the Hollow", "text": "Amir of the Hollow\n\nSome might say that a Skylord having a mutually beneficial relationship with a Darkling is an abomination, and some may not even believe that it actually exists, but the persistence of Amir after the disappearance of @wizard2390 was so inspiring to @wizard1036 that a nearly unbreakable bond was created.\n\nAmir needed to continue, he needed to find hope in a sea of hopelessness after Beyna had disappeared, so he did exactly what anyone else would do. He channeled the same feelings at the meditation stone that he had when Beyna went missing. A chant here, a prayer there, his courage staff held up to the sky and a burning desire to recover his daughter caught the eye of one of the most powerful wizards in the Runiverse.\n\nAbsolute darkness clouded Amir's mind - he could barely think, and wondered if he was being possessed by a demon from beyond the 7th realm. This darkness was different though, as he remained cognizant and had control of his thoughts. He tried to scream, but only needed to think - a calm voice was answering every thought.\n\n\"I want my daughter back\"\n\n--- \"I can feel that\"\n\n\"Where is she?\"\n\n--- \"Unsure, but alive\"\n\n\"Can you help me get her back\"\n\n--- \"Possibly, but I will not risk the balance\"\n\nThe word possibly drove Amir nearly to violence, as he felt so close to being able to be helped. How could this being \"possibly\" help? He felt the anger rising inside, and the voice said quite sternly,\n\n--- \"Anger is an emotion to change what you feel is wrong. I am unsure anything is wrong - come back here in seven days and I will reevaluate\""} +{"id": "adbe5fb7-94fd-4610-ad1c-82ff228958d8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:41.533", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfLsRcbsm8QTunXkovo3eg346b6CuHzkYpiX1y5LWm49J", "txHash": "0x0c289c2dc5e9780a9789670fc9d5c6ae1d8e231c1012fe9fb418fa0c54a5e661", "createdAtBlock": 14617817, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 590, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Amir of the Hollow", "text": "Almost as if in a vacuum, the darkness was siphoned out of Amir's mind, and he felt the cool stone on his back. How long had he been here? The sun was setting and he still had two girls at home - he needed to return, so despite a splitting headache, he got up and rushed home."} +{"id": "a4ed61aa-6f43-446c-9970-374a4676385c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:42.212", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUu78TMPjCUXMVTx2ugdHyiMfmH5CfzVFtJ2tLCtYJSRx", "txHash": "0xd81cee760d3898a00f2604d4e9f2b8ab6477d80c8b1755bc0dbc34ab17c1eb7c", "createdAtBlock": 14617836, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1036, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Chiron of the Havens", "text": "Scrolls of the 7th Realm (#1)\n\nFor every beginning, there must be an end.\n\nFor every action, a consequence.\n\nFor every creation, destruction.\n\nA world, ruled by balance.\n\nIf it must be destroyed, who better than Darklings?\n\nAnd thus, @wizard9999 and Chiron of the Event Horizon were born.\n\nA pair, blessed with the rune of Omega, to facilitate The Escape.\n\nWas it too much? Was the desire to remain in balance too strong?\n\nBringer of the End Times remained true, yet Chiron was easily swayed.\n\nA Darkling not necessarily evil? @wizard2152 took the blame. Could it have been the Astral Snail?\n\nWe know the runes have been forgotten, and Chiron of the Event Horizon has re-emerged here as Artificer Chiron of the Havens.\n\nEquilibrium has been regained, yet the defection of a Darkling may possess its own consequences.\n\nIt is now, more than ever, imperative the runes be remembered."} +{"id": "1514aae4-8bac-4775-a7dd-52ad4482eff9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:31.858", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVYGqSP9z18sLLYGqX75ces2DycinXtbecw3G17WiqhDp", "txHash": "0xfa128b3a6efd3630470c385a6881d6319a98eecf11e5db4655393962089da6ae", "createdAtBlock": 14564970, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8705, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Hadrien of Elysium", "text": "# Archmagus Hadrien of Elysium\n\nArchmagus Hadrien learned the art of arcane magic through research and learning. What he lacks in combat prowess and armor he makes up with a broad range of magical spells and abilities.\n\nThrough his spell casting ability he controls the battlefield. On top of that he has the ability to mix up potions that can heal, but also inflict ravishing pain.\n\nOn his side he has his purple bat named Venatus. It helps to gain foresight when wandering the forests and warns him of potentials threats."} +{"id": "b54a2a3b-9be8-403c-918c-0ee97a53a3c1-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-10T22:30:20.837", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQa7YaMnbihfbpUZTFUUJ8rVGnec3cFKHFYCDyf4AQZbz", "txHash": "0x85dfdef40bbf8bc621f26de41493daeb4667e2e1e017e0eed34dab362088bf3c", "createdAtBlock": 15511311, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6129, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcwaHNMYNUxEFCEzgr1j3NG9W7cDv17zmRxGcvAfzV37y", "name": " Zubin ", "text": "Zubin and the gang celebrate a hard day's work by indulging on Runiverse delights at the newly re-opened ice cream shoppe on the outskirts of Kobold's Crossing: The Impy Shake. \n\nHere we have our first look at ***The Quantum Staff***, an ancient weapon with a life of its own. Derived from Dice Magic during the creation of the Runiverse, it waited patiently for years to reveal itself, and many more before determining that a wizard was fit to to wield its power. \n\nYou see, Dice Magic is as dangerous as it is powerful; as intoxicating as it is tempting. It is equally responsible for destruction and chaos in the Runiverse as it is for the spoils of luck and destiny. \n\nOh how I look forward to telling you about Zubin and The Quantum Staff... it's quite the story. But that, my friends, is for another time.\n\n///\n\nMy sincerest thank you to fellow wizard @CryptoCritikal for bringing my beloved characters to life for the first time.\n\nIn addition to Zubin and The Quantum Staff, this piece depicts: Sorcerer Impy of the Plains, Bruno Broiler of Robots, Warden Mincer of the Penthouse, Katie Striker of the Lost City, and Bugbear Bastard #72."} +{"id": "803414e8-9f51-489b-9efb-6513a120dd6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:33.066", "backgroundColor": "#791b16", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVBKw41MMiycs6M5C5zXH7786QcZ3Mo1tRNQ2AVrcTXpz", "txHash": "0x2ea99f546d2b114255e3f3e519d34d5cbf89c00f16ef4af6666a6e927845d633", "createdAtBlock": 14565007, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2209, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdviVQwRZfqmyQckxaVSqdF5eWevwL1C2rmgvzrheifJy", "name": "Electromancer Aden of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Electromancer Aden of the Wood aka Flashbang\n\nFlashbang was ahead of his time according to his peers. Always been a bit of an outcast but was addicted to experimenting with all things electric and didn't have a care in the world about anything else. One day he witnessed something rather intriguing from afar - which he shouldn't have seen, but true to his rebellious nature; he went to explore.\n\nIt all unfolded right in front of his eyes. Lightning was striking *upwards* and in different colours of the rainbow. He felt dread all over his body but was strangely drawn to it. And so he went closer and closer. Only when he got to about 100 yards from the lighting, did he realize that there was no accompanying thunder!\n\n## Silent But Deadly\nThere was nothing holding Flashbang back at this point, so curiosity had its way with him. He readjusted his blue headband and marched forward towards the silent light show. Looking around, he started to realize there were hundreds of bees on the ground around him, all lifeless with their legs up in the air.\n\n \n\n\n### He had stumbled on to the ever-growing...\n\n\n\n> We've been expecting you..."} +{"id": "b714e900-1869-4a1b-9ce4-9e7ea858adc7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:33.733", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b22", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZoRdkstnMEzAsjYwoy9WgET5qusJqm3mrzK3fYfsbjcE", "txHash": "0xc3493fc9ba7d61ebb0c7a8c3d33c2d1a130ec0b3d1d34f8376cbaa3e4d92335a", "createdAtBlock": 14565017, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2592, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Althea of the Hollow", "text": "# Althea of the Hollow\n\nAlthea is the queen of Calydon.\n\nwas the daughter of King Thestius and Eurythemis. \n\nAlthaea is especially celebrated in ancient story about the fate of her son Meleager; When Meleager was born, the Moirai (the Fates) predicted he would only live until a brand, burning in the family hearth, was consumed by fire. \n\nMeleager grew to be a well-respected prince. One spring Oeneus sacrificed the first fruits of the seasons to all the gods, omitting Artemis by mistake. Enraged by the slight, Artemis sent a boar of unnatural size and strength to ruin the land of Calydon. \n\nMeleager was one of the warriors who hunted the boar, along with the famous huntress Atalanta and Althaea's brothers. Meleager dealt the killing strike to the boar, but gave the skin to Atalanta both because he had fallen in love with her and because she had landed the first and many subsequent blows onto the animal. \n\nWhen Althaea's brothers, thinking scorn that a woman should get the prize in the face of men, took the skin from her, alleging that it belonged to them by right of birth if Meleager did not choose to take it, Meleager flew into a rage and killed both of his uncles."} +{"id": "6a05d0ca-8c61-4ce0-bfec-acea6077a444-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:34.441", "backgroundColor": "#004f09", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZctM9enEK8icrzaBFcBxtaRey6dHeHD2M4pnWwwMF4z5", "txHash": "0x4a4b5cd9c33d2d3aa821b2960cfb1a6ab89be66a7d7c43e837467026ef844cb7", "createdAtBlock": 14565035, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount", "text": "# The journeys of the sagely Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount \n\nThe esteemed Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount and his trusty toad have seen it all. \n\nThey've traversed and hopped their way across virtually every corner of the Runeverse and continue to impart knowledge to anyone they cross paths with.\n\nWhile Ozohr vibes by default, do not cross him or a fierce foe may appear. \n\nRumours have it that his toad companion is his former lover who has been stuck in the body of a toad for centuries. He holds hope that one day they'll be of the same form. Whether that's both toads or both wizards only time will tell...."} +{"id": "4544a5ef-8d1c-4e65-84f3-9b467d7b0ee8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:30.936", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR31FeJG3268UydX9H1ZEWXZ8nhrkeTXTzGcYw6C1oRLE", "txHash": "0xbf15502c5a9eb09a736a29be8915487bca629f76d790fc86851cc9b28f11b174", "createdAtBlock": 14572956, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2631, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Rita of the Cosmos", "text": "Diabolist Rita of the Cosmos is a wanderer of the stars. She soars from constellation to constellation in search of a place of belonging. Will she ever find it? Is the question more important than the answer?"} +{"id": "52b81dc9-a4a2-4eed-b144-e50cad54b2e8-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-11T02:56:03.559", "backgroundColor": "#363636", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUsTvoed5G9uX7LJaaKz228apZgRnJQ4UA3LyxK3aqrYm", "txHash": "0x707dcdb35eab4864871153536e8b781ac581f0184a5df5ded01160214cc25ea8", "createdAtBlock": 15512444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9400, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPYRbF5Pa1E97gBYUDr52eJs2VqTaQfGGGqTxtSLrBdR1", "name": "Archmagus Soran of the Arctic", "text": "# Confessions of a Red Wizard \n\n\n\n\n```\nImage generated by Midjourney AI\n\n```\n---\n\nIm here. Alive somehow, and back in the Capital.\n\nLook, I dont want to go over what happened. You can read the police report if you want. Its not public, but I can get it to you through my contacts in the AED. In return, I ask that you leave an old man be.\n\nhow did I do it? How did I escape The Great Wizard Election and transmutation into a Soul? A magician never reveals his tricks, heh. Thats what I am, you know. I can accept that now Im no wizard, not a magical bone in this decrepit body.\n\nYou know what I realized, though, after this whole ordeal? I havent got one person in this Runiverse who gives a whit about me. Did you know that in the process of getting free, Ive aged myself something like ***20 years*** in mere moments? At first I thought, *well Soran, you cant expect to go through all that and not feel a bit achy and out of sorts*. And then I looked in the mirror.\n\nNobody else noticed. My managers, coworkers, and underlings at Capital ResourcesI realized that they never look at me. They never SEE me, not really. And I didnt see them. All of us, caught up in our plans and office politics, the others mere pieces on the board.\n\nI handed in my notice, you know. Cant stay there now. For one thing, Miyo isnt going to give up; in my case, her enmity is personal. And the firm has proven that it cant protect me."} +{"id": "52b81dc9-a4a2-4eed-b144-e50cad54b2e8-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-11T02:56:03.559", "backgroundColor": "#363636", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUsTvoed5G9uX7LJaaKz228apZgRnJQ4UA3LyxK3aqrYm", "txHash": "0x707dcdb35eab4864871153536e8b781ac581f0184a5df5ded01160214cc25ea8", "createdAtBlock": 15512444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9400, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPYRbF5Pa1E97gBYUDr52eJs2VqTaQfGGGqTxtSLrBdR1", "name": "Archmagus Soran of the Arctic", "text": "But its more than that. Ive realized that none of that stuff I pursued before matters. And I sacrificed a lot in pursuit of it both of myself and from others. I dont know what I could do to put things right. Probably nothing. But Im not going to find the answers in the same places Ive always dwelled. Ill be a seeker until the end of my days. And thats probably better than I deserve.\n\nWell, I cant say that talking to you has made me feel any better, Scribe. But talking it over has helped my resolve. This bag of tricks and I are going on the road. Oh, and the snake too, I suppose. Hed just follow me anyway.\n\nFarewell.\n\n(Interview recorded by Druid Faiz of Arcadia with a little help from Kel 1/1)"} +{"id": "c1f4a03f-5c63-43ff-8686-b4832acbff1f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:35.241", "backgroundColor": "#df291f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmazVJHehi3xHW4hhEra3cjPvbeTrcaBdT5t9g3cJEAtyb", "txHash": "0x86fe7a1bf8031f551f3465309b7aa70a1aa2ddf18b21984da1f43f59c09cab1c", "createdAtBlock": 14565063, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4734, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Danny of the Havens", "text": "# Magus Danny of the Havens\n\nMagus Danny is a sorcerer whose power is based on will, instinct, and real-world experience. His magic is primal and in tune with nature, and full of creativity.\n\nHis black cat \"Lucky\" never leaves his side. Some even say Magus Danny discovered his magic power thanks to \"Lucky.\"\n\nAlthough they both appear calm and friendly, their nice looks should not be mistaken. Their spells are so powerful that only a few can hold their grounds."} +{"id": "417a5498-ec73-44b1-9fe9-eb4679a2f0fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:36.052", "backgroundColor": "#09000d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUZ1o66RmvvPS74jexiXQmhfrk43Eg86ad9jLjWBKA2vy", "txHash": "0x91ada423b898733efd89d18d5aa86e6254ee46ee683d15736ff8f5a8611dd413", "createdAtBlock": 14565101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 348, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmchuUqfYPMg58hrpxWkdktGMNAEboDH9JgmJmCCyJ4BoU", "name": "Merrylegs the Fussy", "text": "# Prologue\n\n\n\nArrows. \nGallop gallop gallop. \nFaster faster. \nRight turn! \nSloooooooow down. \nGallop. \nRavine ahead. \nStance, and, jump! \nI made it? \nSpear! \nDodge. \nOuch! \nJust a scratch. \nGallop, go go go! \nThey wont get me. \nThey cant get me. \nOr we all die. \nWhy me? \nWhy was I born with this? \nArrows! \nDuck. \nJump. \nEscaping all night. \nTheyll get tired. \nI wont. \nI cant. \nWhat is this? \nA net? \nTrap! Trap! \nJump? \nToo large. \nCaptured.. \nDont panic. \nAll around me. \nDanger. \nCalm. \nThink. \nBreathe. \nFeel it. \nChannel it. \nPower..yes..Power. \nSteady. \nIGNITE!"} +{"id": "277aca1a-1f00-495b-985f-ad4ba3f43d2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:36.756", "backgroundColor": "#090e24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmekPCAiAUKX1BNKrBBSERfH8JJiNWPeTzJHPxWBkzgG4u", "txHash": "0xe628608555806376909162abee090d6f2f17bcd1ae85fedc114b9dd3b3ca2f2c", "createdAtBlock": 14565130, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4902, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Zelda of the Cold", "text": "# Sage Zelda of the Cold \n\nYou know you shouldn't be out in the woods this late, all by yourself. Not after last time. \n\nA crow caws nearby. You feel a chill running down your spine. A cold wind howls. \n\nYou hear the clatter of a mug of ale.\n\n... \n...\n\n\n\nZelda claims another victim."} +{"id": "3e1aca13-bc10-474f-9607-ef84d58186ec-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:37.472", "backgroundColor": "#1f66b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme9KUEEYbgu7u2MqbXzsEzaAEDo96BsMqdT6tqrfZspCu", "txHash": "0x5a311b06c00646913c85d8d2fa6f4272d0c368527dbfcdd4b9012689e2e5f32b", "createdAtBlock": 14565163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9850, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmU23VXDgFVmgPZYKXh1jn9ZVE62pG15J9bP4e3gnP8skh", "name": " Scorch of the Belfry", "text": "# The Elemental Sorcerer\n\nGrowing up, scorch's friends were all obsessed with fire. Given that they were in a community of flaming skulls, this was not surprising.\n\nEveryone was always competing to throw the biggest fire spell, the highest rocket, or the loudest explosion, but not Scorch.\n\nEven though it often caused others to make fun of him, he had other interests. And he had the skills to back it up.\n\nScore wanted to broaden his horizons.\n\nWater, Lightning, Earth, Fire. It didn't matter what element, scorch could master it. And that's made him a legend.\n\nIf you don't know what you're going up against, Scorch can help, and he always looks after his friends."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "# Chapter 1: Another stylish entrance\nGellert wandered through the gardens of the Weird House, stopping every few steps to inspect the green shoots and buds of new growth. His familiar, Petal, flitted amongst the nearby trees, hawking for insects. He took a deep, contented breath of the damp air that hung over the lowlands.\n\nThough he always had a miniature water rune primed and ready in the back of his consciousness, Gellert rarely needed it for these gardens. The fertile valley was nestled between the Snowcaps to the north, the Mount of the Sacred Pillars to the east, and the northern reaches of The Salt to the west. It was kept well-watered by the condensation sweeping in from Alchemists Archipelago. The moisture built up into swollen, pregnant clouds on the slopes of the mountains, bringing rain for long periods of the year. \n\nThe garden had been here long before the Weird House was built, and it still gave him solace to wander the grounds a welcome relief from the ruthless, twisted, and frequently deranged prisoners within those crooked walls. The ramshackle construction didnt look like much from the outside barely more than a cabin. The interior was equally nondescript, thanks to Gellerts Fairy Dazzle. But take away the enchantment and the true magic of the Weird House became instantly apparent: row upon endless row of magically fortified cells, stretching in every direction.\n\nBecause the Weird House, at least a significant portion of it, was a prison for some of the most diabolical minds in the Runiverse."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "Gellert sighed. Yes, it was nice to get back out into the garden from time to time. A few orderlies in white coats were escorting some of the Weird Houses harmless inmates along paths intersecting the manicured section of the garden. This well-tended area was the outer faade of the Weird House, the only part that visitors saw. Not that they had many visitors\n\nGellert far preferred the wild tangle of unkempt wilderness behind the house, where Nature was left to her own devices and the plants interwove, collaborated, and built their own thriving ecosystem.\n\nAs he bent to examine a sickly-looking shrub he paused, pricking up his large, pointy ears. He could sense a faint crackling in the humid air. As he straightened up, the bells on his curly-toed slippers jingling, Petal chirped a burst of sonar at him; the Forever Bat had also picked up the disturbance, and flew over to join him as he waited with finger interlaced.\n\nWell, here we go again, Petal\n\nWith an ear-splitting crack and a thunderous rumble, multi-coloured light streaked across the sky in a broad arc that lanced into the midst of the garden.\n\nBEHOLD MY QUANTUM STYLE!\n\nYeah baby! Behold it! Then bask in the rapture of my prance!\n\nGellert arched an eyebrow at Petal as the group approached. Well *thats* new\n\nArchmagus Gellert! @wizard777 boomed. Weve brought you some new recruits!\n\nGellert bowed his head graciously to the Key Master and flashed a polite smile at his sidekick. He of course would never dare to call Bathsheba a sidekick out loud. Then he cast an appraising eye over their companion, who trotted along beside Haze the cosmic vixen."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "My spells, this is an honour, Dream Pony! Welcome to my humble gardens. It has been many aeons since the last of your kind paid a visit here. Please, allow me to procure some extra sweet sugar cubes for your enjoyment. Gellert gave Ishtar a deep bow, nose almost touching his knees. The Dream Pony looked impressed, if a little taken aback.\n\nHey, youre one dapper delight, Archmagus. You sure know the way to a ponys heart! Ill take those sugar cubes off your hands, no problem.\n\nGellert raised his hands self-deprecatingly. It is the least I can do, Mr uh?\n\nThis, Dazzle-Fingers, is @pony77 Dream Pony, Lord of the Prance, Weapons Grade: Unicorn, broke in Bathsheba. \n\nFabulous, smiled Gellert. He knew better than to react to the girls teasing. At least she didnt have Derek here to egg her on. Besides, he couldnt deny the fact that his fingers *did* sparkle.\n\nSweeping his yellow elven cloak over his shoulder, he clicked his fingers and tiny motes of Fairy Dazzle puffed up into the twilight. He made a series of gestures to a group of nearby orderlies. A young lady with hair tied back into a tight bun went scurrying off towards the house, while two burly men came over and scooped up what appeared to be a Shaman from the gravel pathway where Sacred Key Master had deposited him. A fourth orderly with a pencil-thin moustache hovered nearby, uncertainly.\n\nAh of course, silly me, chuckled the Key Master. He reached into the sack hanging from Ishtars armour with the tips of his thumb and forefinger and pulled out a terrified-looking blue rat."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "Here you go, lad, he said, and flicked the rat through the air. The young orderly jumped in surprise, but regained his composure just in time to pluck the flying rat out of the air before scuttling after the others.\n\nGellert began walking towards the Weird House, motioning for the group to follow him. Come my friends, let us retire to the study and you can tell me all about my new charges.\n\nAh yes Archmagus um, we do also have another shadowkey.\n\nGellert pinched the bridge of his nose, relieving the pain that had just sprung up between his eyes. He took a deep breath and turned, taking in the natural scenery of the garden. It was probably going to be a while before he was able to spend any time out here again.\n\nVery well, he sighed. Follow me.\n\n# Chapter 2: A soul reclaimed\nThe group stood in a ring around the shadowkey, which lay on the carpet in the middle of the study.\n\nErr sho wha now? asked Ishtar, sucking on a sugar cube.\n\nNow it gets really entertaining, murmured Bathsheba.\n\nWell if you dont mind, Ishtar, a Dream Pony may be a little bit, uh, overwhelming at first, so if you could maybe just take a few steps back? asked Gellert apologetically. You see, theyve been through rather a tough time Im afraid. Clinging to sanity by a thread, usually, if at all.\n\nHey, sure, whaeer you ink is bet, Ahmayjus! The pony skipped daintily backwards.\n\nThats useful actually, noted the Key Master. Hes blocking the door."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "Thats useful actually, noted the Key Master. Hes blocking the door.\n\nBathsheba turned to Ishtar and gave the pony an enthusiastically-exaggerated thumbs up. Haze watched on serenely from amongst the plush cushions on one of the rooms high-backed armchairs.\n\nSacred Key Master seated himself cross-legged on the floor, closed his eye and began to hum rhythmically. He placed his right hand palm downwards over the key, and raised two fingers of his left hand in front of his face. As he drew his fingers down in a straight vertical line, his body slowly floated upwards and a glowing white Infinity Rune appeared below his right palm. \n\nGellert was unsure how long Sacred Key Master remained in that position, the rune revolving slowly in the air. The Key Master never wavered though. After some time, the rune stopped turning. Gellert leaned forward, mesmerised as usual by this part of the spell. A stream of rune after-images poured forth. The leading image merged with the surface of the key as the remaining images caught up to it, imprinting the glowing pattern onto the metal. Gellert could see the energy flowing in endless swirls on the keys surface.\n\nThe key shuddered on the carpet, bouncing erratically from side to side.\n\nHere they come, whispered Gellert, readying himself.\n\nA tiny black prism encased in purple light burst out of the shadowkey and skittered over the carpet. It lay still for just a moment, then began to stretch, simultaneously growing minute arms and legs. A head popped out on a stalk-like neck; eyes way too large for the size of the coalescing face stared around the room wildly. As a mouth formed from the jumble of features, the creature swallowed a deep breath and let out a high-pitched scream that became deeper and deeper as it swelled in size."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "Hoo-wee, isha boy! Uh congaulaions, I guesh?\n\nThe naked old man tried to scramble backwards, bumping his head against the feet of Sacred Key Master, who was still levitating above the floor. The mans eyes were wild with terror and his long matted beard and hair stuck out in all directions; the scream caught in his throat, and he began gibbering, tears rolling down his cheeks and leaving clean trails in the dirt.\n\nAs Gellert approached him slowly, hand outstretched, speaking in low, soothing tones, Sacred Key Master cast a floating shroud of light and draped it gently over the mans head. As the shroud settled onto the mans face his gibbering subsided. Archmagus Gellert flicked up a handful of Fairy Dazzle and blew it at the mans face, coating the shroud in a sparkling sheen.\n\nThe freed wizards eyelids drooped, and he slumped to the floor, mumbling inaudibly.\n\nSho Wha now? piped up Ishtar.\n\nHe wont stay docile for long, said the Key Master.\n\nGellert nodded. Lets get him down to the soul rehabilitation sector. Its going to be a long journey to bring him back to himself. \n\n# Chapter 3: Familiar faces\nBathsheba and Haze followed Gellert through the mazy subterranean tunnels of the Weird House. The Key Master had taken his leave to return to the Gate to Seventh Realm, while Ishtar had graciously accepted Gellerts suggestion to go to the kitchen pantries with some orderlies to stock up on sugar cubes.\n\nAs they passed the bars lining either side of the corridor, some of the captives cowered into the corners of their cells. Others raged at them, shaking the bars and yelling obscenities at the young Hex Mage."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "Do not be alarmed, they have all been detached from their runes, and any other powers they may have possessed, Gellert said over his shoulder.\n\nIm not alarmed, Gellert, she said lazily. I put many of them here in the first place. Have you forgotten? She turned and looked stonily at a snarling wizard; his mouth snapped shut and he shrank backwards into the shadows, muttering to himself, until all that could be seen were the whites of his eyes. \n\nGellert gave a slight bow. No, of course not, Bathsheba. No offence intended I can assure you.\n\nThe short mage gave a curt nod. How far to his cell, Gellert?\n\nNearly there now. He is held in maximum security, obviously.\n\nAfter a short time, they came to a door made of thousands upon thousands of interwoven strands of multi-coloured light, that pulsed intermittently. A guard with the Rune of Water sewn on the high collar of his long coat stood aside as Gellert traced complicated patterns across the surface of the door. The threads of light unravelled, and they walked through, the guard following behind them.\n\nIn the cell at the end of the corridor, a deeper darkness shifted in the shadows. Metal rang on stone as the inmate stepped into the pool of light spilling from one of the torches that hung in brackets outside the cell. Light flashed off the gleaming silver curve of his skull. He spoke in a reedy voice.\n\n@wizard3914. I never thought to see you again.\n\nThe pleasure is all yours Zagan, she replied. Haze curled her upper lip at the naked silver skeleton that stood before them, exposing her canines."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "Ah yes, and the cosmic vixen, I do hope you dont begrudge me those lost teeth. They were not designed to pierce metal, you know. I cant help what I am.\n\nYoure going to do something for me Zagan, broke in Bathsheba.\n\nOh am I? The skeleton let out a mirthless laugh. And just why would I do that? Please enlighten me.\n\nBathsheba approached the bars. Im going to give you your magic back.\n\nBefore Gellert could move, Bathsheba had cast a glowing green Mercury Rune over him, binding him to the wall of the corridor. She muttered a curse under her breath, and the Archmagus mouth sealed shut. Haze leapt at the guard, spinning in mid-air and exploding into a ball of red smoke that enveloped his entire body, then shrank back into a vixen-shaped cloud. The guard was left lying pinned to the floor by glowing bands of mist.\n\nBathsheba turned back to the prisoner. You will return to the Quantum Downs. There is important work to be done in the south. There are several wizards there who have pledged themselves to me, and they are headed for the Quantum Shadow. When you find them, you will do exactly as I tell you. You know, Ive always found my hexes work best on other Hex Mages.\n\nAs she finished speaking, Bathsheba began to cast another Rune of Mercury with her left hand. With her right, she channelled the weight of her Hex into the rune, then stepped back to watch as the rune splayed Zagans limbs out, tightening around him as the Hex sank into his metallic bones.\n\nWhen she was done, Bathsheba turned to Archmagus Gellert."} +{"id": "1a8336cf-4008-41c1-a25d-580ef998dced-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:10.799", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNcYHAR4tb8VZTnRoRVQmDPHHHsUUjWGXPQQE2fSXXoo", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS1TYsq7kqMpg4kiqT62c7qgkjUcY78UnhfoLVhzFDPND", "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Garden", "text": "When she was done, Bathsheba turned to Archmagus Gellert.\n\nYoure a good wizard, Gellert. Im going to do you a favour. I look forward to seeing you again. She took his hand, tracing her fingertips across his palm. As she pulled her fingers away, a glittering stream of golden dust flowed after them; she brought her hand up to her mouth, then blew the infused Fairy Dazzle into the Archmagus face. He blinked, then looked at her calmly, his memories updated.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "ecd4e27b-4bc6-43e7-82cf-3f8a30a276e9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:38.172", "backgroundColor": "#2e2c2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUKSzr4a4eYWpVzHEsFhVkUy6rtP2xWbHBu5nJvU29fNN", "txHash": "0xb3dcbc5b03c3fee8685ccd1a66bbbe79128810e10f806b4e0e14e2a7727b923c", "createdAtBlock": 14565360, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6291, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPhPhWceVj2eTcG5C8vL2TPNRG2TFLaZK8rQVcTWBYMZu", "name": "Sage Shivra of the Hills", "text": "# Vampire's Vow\n\nA lily in a twilight place?\nA moonflow'r in the lonely night?\nStrange beauty of a woman's face\n \n Of wildflow'r-white!\n\nThe rain that hangs a star's green ray\nSlim on a leaf-point's restlessness,\nIs not so glimmering green and gray\n \n As was her dress.\n\nI drew her dark hair from her eyes,\nAnd in their deeps beheld a while\nSuch shadowy moonlight as the skies\n \n Of Hell may smile.\n\nShe held her mouth up redly wan,\nAnd burning cold,I bent and kissed\nSuch rosy snow as some wild dawn\n \n\n Makes of a mist.\n\nGod shall not take from me that hour,\nWhen round my neck her white arms clung!\nWhen 'neath my lips, like some fierce flower,\n \n\nHer white throat swung!\n\nOr words she murmured while she leaned!\nWitch-words, she holds me softly by,\nThe spell that binds me to a fiend\n \n\n Until I die."} +{"id": "9463dbf4-c353-432e-949a-83ea17a80156-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:39.664", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbkoM1zQDk7RQj9YHjfvKCaaUNybVkvKNXbX9taPx33nL", "txHash": "0x9263bdaa16c073e5a07415922fcd43414ec4e6ab562db4605cd6879d96121d21", "createdAtBlock": 14565698, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9124, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVG3R1EJNE3PWLVdcUFj7aNZBdr7VS3btn19XpHuGsmbW", "name": "Shaman Darick of the Brambles", "text": "On a sunny morning, much like the morning before, Shaman Darick of the brambles was on a casual walk along the river. Shaman Darick particularly enjoyed these morning walks because much of the Brambles tribe was still deep in slumber. It was a quiet respite from the ongoings of the sometimes troublesome politics that ran rampant in shamanic circles.\n\nThe shamans started off as a peaceful people. A group of nomads that lived off the land and troubled nobody. Fishing the rivers and hunting game, never staying long enough to deplete the resources of their temporary home. As time went on and the shaman population grew, different groups split off. Some traveled north into the mountains to search for the minerals that had become a necessity for trading, while others went to the west, searching for jobs and industry, and others abandoned the nomadic lifestyle altogether.\n\nThe once united shaman, had been split into 5 major factions, and although they no longer traveled in unison, they all still carried the shaman title with pride.\n\nThe shaman bloodline was imbued with a healing and nature magic. A magic that paled in comparison to the mages of the east, but still had profound use in every day life. The most talented shaman could shape change into any animal they wanted, and could grow crops in the most baron of landscapes.\n\nShaman Darick was one of these shaman. A talented shapeshifter, and chief of the brambles tribe. He was beloved by all, and his opinions were always taken into consideration. The 5 factions maintained contact, traded goods, and education, but as with all things their relationship was not with out conflict.\n\nShaman Darick did well to prevent any confrontation from ever growing too large and was a coveted member of the shamanic society. Losing him would deal a terrible blow for all of the shamanic people."} +{"id": "9463dbf4-c353-432e-949a-83ea17a80156-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:39.664", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbkoM1zQDk7RQj9YHjfvKCaaUNybVkvKNXbX9taPx33nL", "txHash": "0x9263bdaa16c073e5a07415922fcd43414ec4e6ab562db4605cd6879d96121d21", "createdAtBlock": 14565698, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9124, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVG3R1EJNE3PWLVdcUFj7aNZBdr7VS3btn19XpHuGsmbW", "name": "Shaman Darick of the Brambles", "text": "About 15 minutes into his normal 1 hour walk, Shaman Darick felt a strange lightheadedness and pain in the back of his head. Without warning, his legs began to give out and the sunny morning slowly turned into an ominous night. He began to hear whispers, incantations in a tongue he didn't recognize. Without warning, Shaman Darick fell into a deep sleep.\n\n3 hours later, Shaman Darick awoke underneath a tree about 3 meters from the river. A local Shaman boy that Darick had been training ran up to him exclaiming \"Shaman Darick! Where have you been?1 Everyone is looking for you\"\n\nShaman Darick simply smirked and replied \"I've been here all along my boy, and i've never felt better\""} +{"id": "7c1c32cc-5aa9-41e8-bb14-dec34f0fb7c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:40.551", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQA5kMFNTd6U3kqp2NipWAVmFsL2iEuCPvg3NXk4SNtz3", "txHash": "0x8b479f04d27d10d765b50746a2fe515467dd39bed032d27332aa3725324bf0ef", "createdAtBlock": 14565725, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3834, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Iprix of the Palms", "text": "# Sorcerer Iprix of the Palms Entry\n\n_A Day To Be Remembered_\n\nVenturing home alone after a night out at the pub...I came across a fellow sorcerer dressed in black.\n\n\"Where are you off to?\" She asked.\n\nMy answer was simple...\n\n> *To find a women worthy of this sorcerer's attention\"\n\n\"Very well,\" she replied. And snapped her fingers until I arrived on the set of the Bachelor, suddenly surrounded by hundreds of women.\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "7206d37f-cb6b-4b29-873f-97e781c8c680-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:41.377", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme32CVaZCVFnQALUdJwarf5xGzg7gBfkjFkVKWGF2yh6T", "txHash": "0x0a440d896012011826376628153954ce7c75be48b3d1bf8d36b5f0ce7005f369", "createdAtBlock": 14565763, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1473, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Artis of the Road", "text": "# Ghost Eater Artis of the Road\n\nArtis, the cute little girl next door, that nobody thought would do any harm to anyone, started to feel hatred and anger to all those people and creatures who mistreated and bullied the weak.\n\nOver time, Artis converted her hatred and anger into energy and told herself to make a change to this world. She wanted to defend the weak and eliminate the bad.\n\nNow, ten years later, Artis is one of the strongest witches in the world and feared by all.\n\nTogether with the power of the moonlight, her rat Rattie, as well as her magic staff, she conquers the forests of the world and fights the evil."} +{"id": "a54f4d9a-fcb9-4252-a2e4-fb48267ae253-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:57.097", "backgroundColor": "#731611", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeormAAUrTv1tsWiXg2FFgek8P6tcNyYTg65QW9NWDX1T", "txHash": "0x9fb4946ed5701af39aa176ee495bc49dee5eab2776903f4389a85732e59cb9f3", "createdAtBlock": 14565860, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 530, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Cryptomancer Demos of the Rock", "text": "# Demos of the Rock\n\n\n\nDemos was a quiet man. Mostly occupied by his studies of magic. He was known to be the most knowledgeable man about magical spells in the Rocky Hills of Aradia. He had experience in a variety of fields within magic, but since his meeting with the yellow wizard, he has only focused on destruction.\n\n\nDemos was a quiet, and didn't have many friends. Perhaps that was what made him devoted to the few he had. Especially, Vigdis was a close friend of his. They were companions since childhood, and travelled together across the land, exploring the vast world. On one quest, they met a lonely wizard. Long beard, and a stellar staff, bright and yellow, matching his wizard hat. Devos immediately knew they were in danger. The wizard had dark magic Demos had never known before. Ancient spells even for him. The old man was too powerful for the two companions. He quickly overpowered them. Demos can still remember him laughing. That deep, menacing sound. With a snap of his fingers, he destroyed Vigids. Demos would never see her again. He then broke both arms and legs of Demos, and left him to die. The kindness of a stranger, the only reason he is alive today, but it left him broken. Both body and mind.\n\n\n\nYes, Demos was a quiet man. But Demos is not quiet anymore. He is enraged. And he is not a man anymore, but something else, something more. Consumed by hatred, consumed by flames. Always searching for an old man, with a shining, bright staff."} +{"id": "388d227b-1f7e-42fd-8070-6703f9e05bb3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:57.869", "backgroundColor": "#1c3a76", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTQMCKmpZJ6i7QP9Vd4FKgKVH8xERVfakoJA8y1qJkoGw", "txHash": "0x740929ea01a63cf0a565dc28f7cb9b9493c67f281b1f32908f62410749294401", "createdAtBlock": 14566527, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4150, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS3N2cV8d5nUaAmeF5PfUSdfPVZt98sgNQSWBfJ6pSbRF", "name": "Ice Mage Uur'lok of the Tundra", "text": "# Ice Mage Uur'lok of the Tundra\nThe Turmoil of Frog Nation\n\nOnce upon a time, there was a mighty Ice Mage by the name of Uur'lok of the Tundra. A champion of Frog Nation, he was magnificent with all his spectacular magic and might, and alongside him was his trusty familiar Stuart of thy Lyttle. Together they formed an inseparable bond taking on some of the mightiest of foes to have ever been defeated. With Uur'lok Gaining great glory and treasures that the great Frog King had bestowed upon him with every victory. Life in the great Frog Nation was splendid until the unthinkable would soon begin to happen where all had failed to see the darkness brewing and looming from within the very heart of the Nation itself. Not long we would soon find our Hero Uur'lok fallen from grace, dragged down along with the once Great King of the Frogs in the Turmoil of Frog Nation brought upon by the King's very own advisor. For in the once Great Nation of Frogs, there was a Snake in its mist."} +{"id": "388d227b-1f7e-42fd-8070-6703f9e05bb3-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:57.869", "backgroundColor": "#1c3a76", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTQMCKmpZJ6i7QP9Vd4FKgKVH8xERVfakoJA8y1qJkoGw", "txHash": "0x740929ea01a63cf0a565dc28f7cb9b9493c67f281b1f32908f62410749294401", "createdAtBlock": 14566527, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4150, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS3N2cV8d5nUaAmeF5PfUSdfPVZt98sgNQSWBfJ6pSbRF", "name": "Ice Mage Uur'lok of the Tundra", "text": "Not long before having his grand scheme fruition, his plot would be foiled by the King himself, but by that time it was already too late. Sifu the Deceptive would come to Rug Pull Uur'lok in all his glory and filled bags and so many more from the once-great Frog Nation and bring him to his knees. Once a mighty Ice Mage now left with nothing but an empty hollow promise from the once-great Frog King to repay Uur'lok and the many frogs who have done battle along his side fighting with true loyalty and yet had ben struck down and fallen in battle behind the King during the great attack of the Whale Hunters now only a void is left in his almost forgotten soul. still to this day, Uur'lok looks to travel outwards from the fallen Nation of once-mighty Frogs to leave behind his people to find hope in new lands on a new journey in search of redemption alongside his companion Stuart of thy Lyttle. Maybe one day the once Great King of Frogs may rise up again and redeem himself from his oath to make Uur'lok whole once again and fill the void as promised many moons ago. \n\n\n\nhttps://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/3169403466055482997312067896530821977932223004004660984313478132608207421509"} +{"id": "367c7a3c-e952-43b8-9ed7-97e149a4aef1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:32.003", "backgroundColor": "#1f3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXY7NamDjkpvNxPHeaPiRD6ezxRnSTA4QwXAmua7bktee", "txHash": "0x5f7d4b0a17b818a129482514b88a58795ca04051def9dbba48f4e92ef2c1fc52", "createdAtBlock": 14573074, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3855, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Fungi of the Plains", "text": "# Geomancer Fungi of the Plains\n\nThe toadstool-esque head of the fungal humanoid bobs as they shift the earth around them, waving their hands in intricate gestures to conjure mud and stonea green serpent coiled about their arm smelling the air with rapid flicks of its tongue. The humanoid wears blue coveralls, well-worn and stained with dirt, while a cape flutters at their back. An ancient wisdom lights their azure eyes, and a subtle smile tugs at the corners of their mouth. \n\nHe is a Mycelian, and this magic has been part of him since he was but a mere spore, yet still, each time he summons the power it imbues him with child-like wonder, and a desire for more mischief."} +{"id": "107819e1-6cf9-430c-ba8b-d9ea2899f049-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:35.499", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUGsUqGC8ExduvTx2QxUpANe44SFKBmEL3c1JFje9TZJs", "txHash": "0x4281b06f37317457abb7a69702439bf1e2ee1ab179c5359900966569754f8132", "createdAtBlock": 14627108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9887, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus of the Wood", "text": "Archmagus the unnamed, a struggling magic user learning incantations day by day. One day he hopes to prove himself to the wood and his name be known."} +{"id": "4bbeb8af-5d24-4ff3-b3e1-b78129bd7b59-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:33.698", "backgroundColor": "#5a007c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxkhoJ1sHn5udNSeWejL9Y2K8nXNnueNftAUfs8qpnqb", "txHash": "0x8c92a08eed3ba2bb2ea357c4e7cb44d04dcb7b596a12c7070a809d32b542ed03", "createdAtBlock": 14574152, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6738, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVhA9HdDdz7N7DfxMBg4yvPu4AKYY7H2ebztR84Aobi6q", "name": "Sorcerer Eden of Limbo", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Sorcerer Eden of Limbo\n\n\n\nWith his life as a wizard in limbo, Sorcerer Eden\n\n\nlooked no farther than the Key to the 7th Realm \n\n\nhe was holding directly in front of his face for direction. \n\n\nUsing the Key to the 7th Realm would become his destiny.\n\n\n@Soul3240 also plays a key role in Eden's story. \n\n\nNecro Frog Poppy of the Mist and Sorcerer Eden of Limbo\n\n\ncrossed paths in front of the gate the to the 7th Realm\n\n\nexactly when the Beasts were set to be released. \n\n\nHow and why they came to be in that same place at that exact moment \n\n\ncan only be described as !magic. \n\n\nTogether, using Eden's Key and Poppy's Diamond Spell\n\n\nthey opened one of 21 locks and helped release the Beasts, \n\nforever locking them together and forever locking their story in history."} +{"id": "c4e8f548-9606-4255-b92d-96778a2ed29d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:58.648", "backgroundColor": "#461411", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP5o8YSoHT9cAtzmoL6CrYXgF6qVYbMGmS6Wz22sXdKYx", "txHash": "0x3b3c72e4a317c1a92726668b52b02b76e37f3416670b89452a8b1d2b0427a488", "createdAtBlock": 14566384, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 259, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/gC4ne3qry18QT6ED9pEjvQ--~B/aD0yNjQ5O3c9MzUzMjthcHBpZD15dGFjaHlvbg--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/business_insider_articles_888/81a27d1b7d65e7fbd35889e423793fc6", "name": "Magus Yuki of the Bastion", "text": "# Bastions Mushroom\n\nMagus Yuki of the yellow brick plains is an apprentice, who is a lover of books. She is overly polite but can sometimes be arrogant. She has a paranormal romance with the mushrooms in her garden. She can be overheard speaking to them, like a mother speaking to her baby. But the mushrooms, especially the *Bastion* kind, come with secret powers...."} +{"id": "cce12bd7-6c2d-47cf-a0ba-91747663e730-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-14T06:12:06.992", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY78xsam5ndTxJSWTADwhERmfvFrjSkQKPWUBQ3SmyPas", "txHash": "0xc2f5b102ceb76dc802ff0781a779d13ed69adc428e0b484dba82c1f799218f88", "createdAtBlock": 15531376, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2094, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Liang Blade of the Back Alley", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nLiang Blade of the Back Alley\n\n\nLiang grew up poor, orphaned,going unnoticed, and forgotten in the bustling streets of a major city. Thrown to the side like waste in the alleys out back. Coincidentally, these back alleys were her home. Roommates with the scavengers like rodents, vultures, and strays. \n\nOne day a weary travel strolled through town. A man of strong stature , firm posture, a commanding presence, but a gentle soul. This man noticed Liang rummaging through scraps and felt a heavy weight in his chest for it was a direct reflection of his upbringing. He approached Liang and offered her a way out of that life. A home away from the city, skills to defend herself and others, a way to become someone of notice someone who cant be cast away as if they were worthless. \n\nBefore the man could finish his pitch, she interrupted him in full agreement. She left with the man as an apprentice and dwelled in the deepest parts of the forest. It was here that she learned how to fight with a style that would rival Chung li and became proficient in the malachite dragon blade. Even developed a special bond with a companion hawk . \n\nWhats next for Liang? Who knows? One thing is for certain, she will be there perched high looking over all others struggling in the life of the back alley. This is where this warriors story begins."} +{"id": "0fc93501-cc70-449f-b212-716af97deca9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:59.498", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRWwAFGiHVMdC8nybhCBCG1jn6i5r3VV3psg2HsG4jYib", "txHash": "0x0909eb830f7ef14c9fbea974283351fe8f24c294c840dce0f905ab1984b91c62", "createdAtBlock": 14566467, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7376, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist of the Riviera", "text": "Alchemist of the Riviera\n\nAlchemist of the Riviera - AOR - is a Bard and Chemist who is famous across the land for his tales, some of which are about his own adventures and some about the mythical creatures and spirits he has encountered. AOR uses his Astral Potion to visit a realm of existence to which legendary psyhcic and paranormal phenomena are ascribed. Always accompanied by his cat, about whom AOR tells tales of shapeshifting abilities, AOR's reputation proceeds him as Wizards, Warriors, Beasts and other creatures from across the Runiverse come to hear his tales as they try and gain some understanding of the paranormal realms AOR is able to visit..."} +{"id": "dfd4c92f-2411-443a-af9a-d849232c6c4e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:00.318", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWmJWTB6W9FxU2xPzPjVztLeTN1fQuq1M1wLnbFTWXYd", "txHash": "0x4c39d2712f8f98d605603e49fc26a36e689d68c8c3ea1564655dbeccbd4be0a8", "createdAtBlock": 14566490, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4021, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hothor of the Sun", "text": "Battle Mage Hothor of the Sun\n\nHothor of the Sun (HOTS) -- is Wildman known across the Runiverse for his ability to manipulate the Celestial worlds and bend gravity to his will. Harnessing the Rune of Saturn, HOTS can travel through time as his searches for his family who have slipped into a wormhole and potentially into an entirely parallel Runiverse. Always accompanied by his Crow - NEWTON -- Hots seems to be both everywhere and nowhere all at once."} +{"id": "0869cc0e-58a4-4228-a105-f9872928b7bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:01.008", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRLKRE7DGNobjmSCdj4BCUesogapc65Eb9tvEusdutX9Q", "txHash": "0x3c21349a4667bab2bc1a9940a11b7c1015248e052190be3cf24f4c0cef7de20b", "createdAtBlock": 14566511, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 30, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Esperanza the Stubborn", "text": "Esperanza The Stubborn -\n\nEspie is a Dream Pony that was a gift from the gods to a Royal Wizard upon the birth of their son. Able to enter Wizards dreams and save them from whatever demons haunt them, Espie has the purple drape signifying her Royal lineage, a leather saddle built for speed, a magical pipe that provides her the ability to build a bubble/force field for protection and the stubborness to never, NEVER, back down... What more could a Royal Wizard ask for?"} +{"id": "838e86bb-ddad-4cb1-817f-b5b371047387-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:41.8", "backgroundColor": "#cc170d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUSWWxzXjVkq6idop2qeASzcm8G7u1AEj4YFYUtDz7F5", "txHash": "0xe3e1d21e9e5d31f1b241630b71eec38118321c6379bd4dc3e026bc5d5b063547", "createdAtBlock": 14579489, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8273, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Tenguyama of the Lake", "text": "centuries of mutagenic drugs and powerful herb have slowly warped tenguyamas body. his face now so barbaric, he hides behind the mask. an ancient relic with continuous clouds of thick smoke permeating out of its holes."} +{"id": "fd95b8a2-474b-4833-9304-9ae79c73562f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:36.838", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV8XTxZjbaUR15jhsLADXGBmZRAhz1Qr1H2MtpkA9oJW8", "txHash": "0x2b32c5042c9d6468bd3d25519fb22d63e9fb8b61b488e4456d25a62cecddcc4b", "createdAtBlock": 14716169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7346, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Cosmos", "text": "# Battle Mage Homer of the Cosmos #7346 \n\nThere is a strong battle mage of the cosmos named Splashy. He has a special magic power that can make water anywhere and anytime. He also has a water pet slime that can respawn when it dies but if it touches water it gets bigger and if it gets SO big is explodes but it can respawn again and again."} +{"id": "4484e098-8b58-43c7-acd7-b496948be699-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:01.872", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeAjYJxSv2DysCkM5kfSCHa9t2LZftaZoePgAXVJCmevC", "txHash": "0x17fe1b8e0621c7c481d9cbb179979abf0073f3a19d4133071bba2f1426b8e696", "createdAtBlock": 14566775, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 538, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Carly of the Steppe", "text": "# Enchanter Carly of the Steppe \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nCarly the enchantress was raised by wolves in the Steppe. After years of training to hunt, on Carly's 13th year of birth, the wolves sent Carly to the forest for her passage to womanhood. The shrooms ingested proved enlightening and on this day she met *Ladybug*, her canine companion for life, who has never left her side since. Carly and Ladybug spend their days traveling the Steppe, hunting for more mushrooms and occasionally teaching a yoga class."} +{"id": "7ed209d9-6fb9-418f-8e57-9ffc7c5d247e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:03.276", "backgroundColor": "#393332", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeAPpjXraeMoBD6sUfyxrmbjDavxbHoEog96xpeFtqRja", "txHash": "0xb7c8cec383c6ad26f2caee4b96209c16187ce38959514a536948798b2008cb64", "createdAtBlock": 14567355, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1483, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Deacon Malcom of the Brimstone Havens", "text": "# Lore for Malcom\n\n### About\nDespite his rugged looks, Malcom spreads love and good vibes during his journies.\n>Species: Wraith \n>Age: Unknown \n>Past: @wizard1483\n\n\n## Chapter 1\n\nMalcom emparks for the quest to find the sacred beasts with high spirits (as one does). He has formed a potential alliance with one from the realm of the living in the hopes of unlocking one of the mysterious locks. \n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "15bf9ece-207f-456e-8343-5d5ce71a75d1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:04.41", "backgroundColor": "#320f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdSThakVg8qyJBPDBdNdZEPPhFTYcfHZXbBoWASNiTHLy", "txHash": "0x14ae80c69d25f3690d7ef459f3233caa9d30c263a7ff8171f2e77719d2d5e06c", "createdAtBlock": 14568304, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1974, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Arabella of the Plains", "text": "tongue-tied to a word that does not exist,\nthe small looks big and the big looks small,\nmagnified by a million and still murky\nwhile looking deeply, you see what I see.\n\nthen a sound\n\nsuddenly it gets faster and faster\nthe trumpet breathes out soul\nand stops\nit gets faster\nand finally an explosion so high, it makes you sink into your chair\nwhile listening deeply, you hear what I hear\n\nthe electric sound\n\nricher than a thousand tropical fruits in taste,\nslower than a turtle,\nfaster than a Japanese bullet train\nelectric currents\nmind numbing and addictive\nyou want it\nyou want it when it rains\nyou want it when it's cold\nyou want it with people\nand you want it alone\nyou want the electric taste to spread like the plague through your body,\nthen stop,\nthen begin again,\nand finally explode... until the next one."} +{"id": "30868ef2-414c-4f81-95d9-800bb3efc04c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:05.078", "backgroundColor": "#2b0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVEtBZPeXiVb4g1q92VQQGVJ1rfePV6VUK7Ats3Noo5Yg", "txHash": "0x6681d731d33a12a475b99ab5fb8d383a912cf43caedd65d2dba9de476568c8a4", "createdAtBlock": 14568317, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5923, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Bogey of the Realm", "text": "everything made more sense when i was blind.\n\nnow, my vision misleads me toward a path i used to not see.\ni used to be locked in a room illuminated darkly by clouded lights.\nnow it clears and steers me toward an opening, in the corner, small, a mystery.\n\ni crawl in, like an insect, and it hits me, confusion, fear.\nbut i stay on track, not giving up, never giving up\ntrying to understand where i am and why\ni want to cry and laugh at the same time\nwhy?\n\nmy eyes used to make more sense when i was blind. \ni know.\nignorance is swiss, full of holes and cholesterol\nso,\nwhat makes a man be a man?\nvision\nwhat makes a wizard?\nnuclear fission."} +{"id": "d37d6c15-7df7-422f-bfa5-09de6c869687-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:00.534", "backgroundColor": "#1b0302", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRdXF5RfpkkFgwDnWBfDZa71RsoNxRVGoq2i6h3Tb3u7A", "txHash": "0x995b5c257f54347fe9d85a264f1d51f7bbf20cd07d8d12bf94f3c27dd210d331", "createdAtBlock": 14591184, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 206, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZs48eDE5zCaeBs4EypP8ZkBuL5TtKqsVvFHzeHiFmiTT", "name": "Cosmic Mage Bathsheba of the Heath", "text": "## Cosmic Mage, Bearer of the Light Incandescent\n\n---\n \n­\n\n*\"My name is Bathsheba, and I shall bring flame and fury unto those who deserve it.\"* \n\n­"} +{"id": "010cc2f0-11a3-4718-898e-58b349829b55-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:05.758", "backgroundColor": "#290f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfY1Zb3Md2fCm6ydHNUChpGYSnBZESYdReftp5Naz9zNp", "txHash": "0x2ae890cc9f5c757acba732a2c49027aae7161fe36aebd142ee9ad0e00d77e438", "createdAtBlock": 14568355, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2578, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Rumpleskin of the Steppe", "text": "when I woke up,\nmy thoughts evaporated into the clouds\n\nthe clouds evaporated into the atmosphere\n\nthe atmosphere evaporated into the solar system\n\nthe solar system evaporated into the Milky Way\n\nthe Milky Way evaporated into a black hole\n\nthe black hole inverted anti-gravity and reversed the Big Bang\n\nthe universe began melting, like a candle\n\nslowly dripping hydrogen and carbon,\nthe heat wave on Earth burned\nand the sun swallowed our little planet.\n\nonly the Wizards survived."} +{"id": "ae410e7d-70c6-4328-812a-fa89f3534334-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:06.538", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWW9uHCCkjitwpeFtLh8KjPghroiU9oqkFkZaVDj12vWq", "txHash": "0x119dcf208962e305ba7a51b1cc51192d0a8be016c89275edeb07361b57bdae5e", "createdAtBlock": 14568499, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9653, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Zelroth of the Pit", "text": "# Alchemist Zelroth of the Pit\n\nWhat was an alchemist to do? \n\nThere was fire everywhere. Alfred, Zelroth's assistant, had left the kettle burning for too long, and the pages of Zelroth's books caught fire. It was only a matter of time that the whole library of highly flammable material would be up in flames.\n\nThere was chaos everywhere. Screaming, running, crying... only Zelroth stood still in the centre of all it all, watching his precious books go up in flames. \n\nHe'd have to deal with Alfred later, that was for sure. Perhaps he didn't need his tea to be brewed in the library. Perhaps he should get a kitchen, one that was in a separate room, but not too far from the library... perhaps...\n\n\"Oh my God! Help us!!! My child is still in her bedroom, and the door wouldn't open! HELPPP!!!\"\n\nZelroth sighed. \n\nHe could think about the design of his kitchen later. \n\nWith a quick flick of his finger, he drew a spell in the air, and muttered an ancient language. The secret language of alchemy, since the dawn of mankind. A language that only a handful of living souls still knew. And a language that Zelroth somehow already knew, from the moment he was born, without anyone having to teach him.\n\nHe picked up some ashes from beneath his shoes, and threw it into the centre of the spell, and suddenly, everything stood still.\n\nThen slowly, things started to move, as if someone had recorded the whole scene, and was now rewinding the recording. \n\nFlames grew smaller. Ashes became pages, which became books. Shelves that were broken on the floor, joined back together again and picked themselves up, as if invisible strings were pulling them back to their rightful place against the walls of the library."} +{"id": "ae410e7d-70c6-4328-812a-fa89f3534334-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:06.538", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWW9uHCCkjitwpeFtLh8KjPghroiU9oqkFkZaVDj12vWq", "txHash": "0x119dcf208962e305ba7a51b1cc51192d0a8be016c89275edeb07361b57bdae5e", "createdAtBlock": 14568499, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9653, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Zelroth of the Pit", "text": "And in a matter of minutes, (or reverse minutes?) everything was back to how it was before the fire from the kettle's burner caught the pages of a book near it.\n\nZelroth breathed out. \n\nIt was the second time he's used alchemy to turn back time. Nobody thought that was possible. His alchemy masters and teachers ridiculed him, and casted him aside, thinking he was crazy. \n\nAnd in a way, he was glad no one knew about this. If they did, his world would become a lot more noisy. Where would be find the time to enjoy some tea in his library?\n\nSo he had to keep this a secret. One that he would bring with him to his grave. \n\nNow, back to looking for Alfred. He had some ideas for how he'd like his kitchen to look."} +{"id": "54c9d37d-680c-49c6-9aae-c3f5b6c8e930-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:13.856", "backgroundColor": "#280f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbfx5hi4DyBWSCC6dZjGAphKvuMcrycz1KP8MT3KucYV4", "txHash": "0x3f858afb52882106e8c136b1a8bf3594db02c471e71fc51a71ef545d0c2ea6b4", "createdAtBlock": 14558925, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8986, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeuvwieQ4JPeqec3zx1uRCCzYUZoa1m838wouF2HCRzap", "name": "Wraith Captain Gogol of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "# The Financial Advisor.\n\n@wizard8986 was a people pleaser and lover of luxury. While only a mediocre cleric, but he had a way of wooing wealthy acolytes, who turned to him to find peace of mind from their greed, if only for a moment. While entering the thoughts and dreams of his patrons, Gogol had seen all sorts of evil desires. When the Night of the Rose befell the town, his mind was so corrupted by the thoughts of his patrons, that he saw not destruction, but purification.\n\nThe blast erased all the good that remained of @soul8986's dreams and ambitions, replacing them with only images that he had seen in the minds of the greedy, the lewd, and the sinful. He now lusts for power-- all of it. In order to get it, he now enters the nightmares of the wealthy and manipulates them to his will.\n\n> As a victim of Night of the Rose, Gogol is reluctantly bound to bend the knee to @soul7019 or whomever holds the Eternal Rose, as a member of the Army of the Rose. This is the final barrier for him achieving his mission of ultimate power."} +{"id": "90b2bc98-57fb-4249-8072-147acefd5115-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:18.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqJmHEx4jRsXxqqEP5jsXWqZBrdGNh9ZMXpCg1j7cPsM", "txHash": "0x0b1a156876ad6567f420efd61f935ed73696c2bb604f3bb80e61deecc266e8b9", "createdAtBlock": 14561144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8508, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Court", "text": "A towering presence in any room, on any street, eyes immediately focus on him no matter where he is located. He is seen as a giant in both physical stature and mental abilities. His beard, brow, and what little hair he has are all kissed by fire. Piercing blue eyes as if you were staring into the waters of Asmodeuss Surf itself. Always dressed in the finest clothes, he has a taste for fashion. Being a _Fildh_, he is known to use poetry to preserve the past and present through stories and even an occasional song. Some legends say he is not just preserving, but rather dictating. When he decides to speak an immense crowd forms faster than any beast can run to catch its prey. He sees everything, the past, the present, and the future. The fastest to achieve the highest degree of _Ollamh_ his powers and mind are like nothing ever seen in this world. No one knows his true age. No one knows where he is from or how he came to be. Simply put he is an _enigma_ to all. Most importantly no one knows _****his truth****_. That his way with words is just scratching the surface of what and who he truly is, a master of mysticism, disguise, magic, and combat just to name a few.\n\n\n\nOnly one knows _his truth_. Myself. My name is Sionnach. This journal is a first hand account of CROMWELL, written without his knowledge. His stories are that of legend and must not be forgotten. Like how he came to obtain the forbidden fruit of Eden"} +{"id": "5e9c1c88-6c26-4e4a-bf4e-845795d9106d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:23.883", "backgroundColor": "#178c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR9y6rn5KNtTjqUuheY5fVQzshNUE1yonUr8YqoMgf9d2", "txHash": "0x256ae77c51480b0b8b2d8811ad19c124783a6aa3b6ceea57729bf9daacf80a3e", "createdAtBlock": 14562668, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6621, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of the Reach", "text": "# Archmagus Apollo of the Reach \n## The Science of the Soul \n\nArch Apollo had been planning this experiment for months. 24 hours a day, 8 days per week Apollo was deep in research .. the creator of his very own science institution .. the Laboratory of the Lands. \n\nThis time it felt different. Archmagus Apollo knew he was onto something special. His potion was complete. The next phase of his research would be activated. His quest to transfer the DNA imprint of a forgotten soul onto the living. \n\nWith him a plain, white, ordinary laboratory rat. Curiously waiting for his moment to shine. The time had finally come. The Rat drank the potion. \n\nQuickly a bright glow erupted from the room. A spiritual explosion. KABOOOM ..\n\nWhen the smoke cleared Apollo could see something different about the rat. The Rat was blue and cold as ice. It appeared that he was frozen .. but nonetheless he could function. His eyed looked different, emitting a mysterious glow.\n\n## The Potion Worked \n\nan ordinary lab rat had become a soul searcher. Icy Rat the Soul Sniffer was born.\n\nArch Apollo was elated. In a moment of hysterical joy and wonder he drank the rest of the potion himself in one gulp. \n\n## A Wizard Awakens \n\nFrom that day forward the forgotten valley had a protector. The souls of the people had hope. There in the Laboratory of the Lands the science of the soul had a breakthrough. Archmagus Apollo of the Reach had transformed. Proudly alongside his rat, @wizard7089 took his first steps..."} +{"id": "de2210bc-fc91-4d43-8951-6020f1df506a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:29.509", "backgroundColor": "#28608e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUvDe3qeC8rMcr7jJR1umikhXdTqiouGXKfxUW5fLZMEt", "txHash": "0x776433daca70cb2ca524b5a526c75b07f454be34f084a5127edb7957567afbbc", "createdAtBlock": 14564433, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5036, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Calista of the Plains", "text": "**The Lore of Alchemist Calista of the Plains**\n\nCalista of Ape forest is known for her magic potions. Her potions are used by many, they can help you for every situation. They can heal you within an eye blink, can make you strong like an Ogre or can make you invisible to escape from anywhere, but her best potion is the potion of wisdom.\nOnly a few get to taste the potion of wisdom, but those who do, will see the future. For those who will never get to taste her potion of wisdom, she has one advice...\n\n... **DON'T PEE AGAINST THE WIND**"} +{"id": "41f007db-54a8-40d6-b007-c3ff236d6914-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:39:38.908", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxwfmgrR4tEVXwAWPf7xiGAeuBwsaxPiB5YPhECX4JHi", "txHash": "0xc2a5abd9ea8c41c638cb9e55c024862442eddfc733c09f6f786de4ce5983c9aa", "createdAtBlock": 14565576, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8718, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcJN1GiPMAcqX9ANL2Lp5JNdd6ZjmiGe1ep9bZGZMQfgz", "name": "Archmagus Merlon of the Veil", "text": "Archmage Merlon of the Veil awoke one morning in a panicked sweat. That.... couldn't have been real he thought, as he tried, with concerted effort, to prevent the memories of his sleeping vision from passing away. As Merlon had aged, his faculties had as well, and keeping track of anything had become increasingly difficult in the past few decades. Archmage Merlon was now approaching his 55th decade. 550 years of life. A top tier wizard in his youth, he now how trouble remembering even the most basic of incantations.\n\nBut... this dream... this feeling he experienced while sleeping. It troubled him greatly, and the fact that he could not remember left him unsettled. \n\n\n\nFire, an unbelievably hot flame, he could remember that much. A scream, that could almost be considered familiar if it weren't for the guttural pitch of the inhuman proclamation.\n\nThere had been rumors that the evil Shaman Darack had escaped from TongPricha Prison. But the rumors, they had to be false. No man, no living being had ever escaped from that hell hole. Still, Merlon had to find out for himself. It's not like he was going to sleep tonight anyways."} +{"id": "9dbdb941-b9e6-4f66-88d3-450f1b29a11a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:12.819", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQGGpVuiXzMHgwVqziMEYdLFTKV237ikVNUnz8wxcTKgJ", "txHash": "0x7b5f0b09badaf56f18053ab402d6f64fd35f4b3dd102dd5c82bd7ca86cb97839", "createdAtBlock": 14569207, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6305, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPhUG1L1gFDZmX5gpnGw2Lmetu111955hxhZtzvgS4KFW", "name": "Artificer Zaros of the Realm", "text": "# Artificer Zaros of the Realm\n\n\n\"145... 72.. 669..\"\n\n\"No. 777. Hmmm... is this it?\" \n\nZaros murmurs to himself, seemingly convinced he has found his answer.\n\n> *14572777*\n\nHis face lights up, as the realisation hits him. The implication of these mysterious string of numbers. Zaros raises from his chair, promptly approaching the cabinet behind his desk. \n\nZaros glances around his study, as if to make sure nobody is watching him. He opens the drawer, and a faint smile arises on his face. A shiny golden object revealed itself. _The Key of the 7th Realm_.\n\n\n\n\"Finally, it's time.\"\n\nZaros closes his drawer, deep in thought, as he ponders his next step..."} +{"id": "35ee3a0a-b552-45d7-a7d4-f5a67c1c7f4e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:13.683", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQAWtJGh2wqVcCpf3mJZHVLEjFbFfpyHA8makF3jgb2v", "txHash": "0x97eb1841b29327c13845fd78d009c5069f47facd1f6c855186d2c8578c9a2e29", "createdAtBlock": 14569781, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2414, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVvQiK5RVdDj1XuMGB61hUV7JNbivFc5xyZaVzjQmbTQb", "name": "Artificer Lumos ", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Lumos Begins Here\n \n\n\n```\n\n```\n\n```\n\n```"} +{"id": "9fff96a7-80a4-44e6-bb51-1c31dcf50ad8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:14.411", "backgroundColor": "#860700", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfPFN9fN8Hw4D7nWD2EFKgWXibFCpLjqNgCNjkpgzXTXk", "txHash": "0xb5d8abf3e6185f9625d13604f2bf302eb61dafd5c71d024a472f168ffa3ef274", "createdAtBlock": 14570410, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 335, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT7eDASrFDvAPRyj2BdNzuJqrEDa6NBbxK8EQXSVn6pgD", "name": "Chico the Ominous", "text": "# The Rose Bearer.\n\nWhile wandering with somnolence, \nhere and there establishing his dominance \nthrough urinary-incontinence,\n\nA brown-ish purple-ish horse \ntrots into Moorville \nwith very much self-confidence.\n\nHe doesnt remember his provenance, \nBut wishes to return to a land of commonness, \nBecause now Moorville is but a necropolis.\n\nHe hoped to find some food \nin this delightful town, \nbut the rotten smells arouse his vomitus.\n\nWherever he roams, finds Godlessness. \nOf danger and gloom hes synonymous. \nHe is @pony335.\n\nOnce inside the town of shadows, \nA gracious scent catches his nose. \nThrough dead people and souls indisposed,\n \nChico trots to the spot \nwhere Aemon exploded \nAnd all time froze.\n\nHe plucks the innocent Rose \nand all the souls that once arose, \nbend the knee in a solemn pose.\n\nThe very son of the great Aemon, \n@wizard7019, \nmakes his way through the crowd.\n\nHe hops onto the Ominous Chico, \nAnd to the sunset they gallop, \nWith the army following non-stop.\n\nEvery song and future play, \nWill remember these days, \nAnd the bards will say:\n\nFor the Army of the Rose \nthere were no other laws \nthan what Chico chose."} +{"id": "f3633472-62f3-4603-a05d-ee19693db2d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:01.332", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTBz4ZURpujMtoBJSef154SemAfFHA6VbMhvBdrQwcLqW", "txHash": "0xa8f44cc70d52dc4f62cefdc46d3b49830d4c17a99665e3a1adef5ce5689ff247", "createdAtBlock": 14591544, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Alessar of the Desert", "text": "# New Lore Entry \nComing Soon!"} +{"id": "20430e6f-ef3e-4af8-a19b-27871692335a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:18.606", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZs5dA21PcJ9kPv2rVHxZuJjBS4k3cMDu5r8iGyrVJwmT", "txHash": "0xab311207bbed2ad6539e0453e3fff235dffc845c06469544b5ca027223142494", "createdAtBlock": 14571525, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8203, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Road", "text": "hah-HAH. Great to see you, great to see you! Want some? I'm kidding, I'm only kidding. hah-HAH. Come walk with me. We'll see things. We always do. Nothing to fear--it's just a walk! hah-HAH. Where's he always walking, they ask, and who's he always talking to? They ask where and they ask who--well, along the Road, and with you! hah-HAH. Don't you need a map, they ask? hah-HAH! Who needs a map when you have a Road? And maps never quite show the whole picture anyway, do they? \n Come on, now. We'll walk together until we part. And we'll see things--we always do. Here, try some, and then we'll walk and get just exactly where we're going. hah-HAH!"} +{"id": "8454c490-fc8d-47ed-abfb-e2b8fe1e71b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:19.511", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6LvXSVsRJPQykDt34fX8o797PHG1jRqTbqatBgEYF7H", "txHash": "0x21c710defdd2ed5989263aaf7e8f483ec1adbb38c6d6634ade75d0d1e97e53e7", "createdAtBlock": 14571911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7359, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Danny of the Belfry", "text": "# Artificer Danny of the Belfry\n\nHis eyes squinting in the bright light and his atrophied muscles struggling to hold the bulky key, Danny emerged from the bell tower with a timid purpose.\n\nNo one had seen him since his mother and father locked him inside the tower many years ago - they gave him one command - protect the key at all costs. They placed many locks and a spell on the indestructible tower, more to prevent others getting in than Danny getting out. \n\nIt is unclear how Danny knew that he was requested, or more so how the locks disintegrated and the spell dissolved, but here he was - stepping foot outside the tower for the first time since his teenage years. \n\nDanny did not know North from South or East from West, but he knew exactly which way the gate to the 7th Realm was, and he began his trek.\n\nIt is an understatement to say he was a bit nervous. What rewards or consequences could his quest finalize? We will find out soon enough...\n\nBorn to a historical family of immensely powerful wizards, Danny always had potential, but he was committed to his fate of holding the key. Now that his life's work appears to be completing, it's anyone's guess as to what happens to him."} +{"id": "4d4a90e7-7fff-47a6-90cc-b14d8d3324b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:20.363", "backgroundColor": "#99219b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXrFGsc8cM6asmdhP3K97uCuhLDRAK2VoJM8HrybLoKXp", "txHash": "0x9d9568c4c10aebcc678f755e0eb4d747e0cb0a9f077a58c4176069f26e0094aa", "createdAtBlock": 14572244, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9835, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUZowbKcTtejapbXFGy9bpqZXtWRGKRSpuLeoEJT3wpu8", "name": "Night Ghoul Nori of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# An Eternal Love.\n\nA chest under his arm, and the key to open it well hidden in his pocket, Artificer Aemon of the Hall sneaks out of Alessars Keep seeking even greater treasure to sate his unending greed.\n\nHis skeletal head makes him a pariah in the streets, but he could not care less: the enormous riches he bears makes those passerbys who rudely stare nothing more than cockroaches in his eyes.\n\nAfter a fortnights journey, Aemon arrives to the Brambles, a prosperous land that welcomes him with blossoming almond trees and pink lily flowers. Its King, Battle Mage Axel of the Canyon, is a jealous, stingy man, who keeps his wealth safely locked away in the famed and impenetrable royal tower vault.\n\nThe Kings wife dies giving birth to their only child, a beautiful girl named Conjurer Nori of the Brambles. Afraid of losing her as well, the king locks her up alongside the rest of his riches in the tower.\n\nNori is now a young woman, but her childhood was solitary; her only friends being her fathers trinkets and magic tomes, as well as those of imagination. \n\nOn a bright Spring afternoon, the sight of the blossoming Brambles moves Nori to recite a \"poem\" from her favorite book. Unwittingly, the poem turns out to be *Aphrodite's Heart: the Love Spell* that has the power to create a soulmate bond between the target and the first creature they see. \n\nDancing around the room, she ends the spell and finds herself in the mirror. Her reflection glows pink. Her hands shake. Her stomach growls. How did butterflies get inside her? What is this feeling? \n\n*BANG!*"} +{"id": "4d4a90e7-7fff-47a6-90cc-b14d8d3324b8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:20.363", "backgroundColor": "#99219b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXrFGsc8cM6asmdhP3K97uCuhLDRAK2VoJM8HrybLoKXp", "txHash": "0x9d9568c4c10aebcc678f755e0eb4d747e0cb0a9f077a58c4176069f26e0094aa", "createdAtBlock": 14572244, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9835, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUZowbKcTtejapbXFGy9bpqZXtWRGKRSpuLeoEJT3wpu8", "name": "Night Ghoul Nori of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "*BANG!* \n\nThe window of her room explodes with a loud burst. She falls to the ground. Splinters fly across the room. \n\nSquinting for the pain, Nori sees the most beautiful man emerge from the smoke. He climbs the window and graciously trips on the frame. He tumbles to the ground, elegantly bringing the bookcase down with him. Like a charming prince, he cracks his back and realigns the jawbone with the rest of his skeleton head. He is the wizard Nori always dreamed of. \n\nAemon, who broke into the vault with the intention of stealing the kings most valuable possession, inadvertently succeeds. \n\nWith the kings army on their tail, Aemon and Nori escape the Brambles, and after months of traveling, find respite in Moorville, a hidden village of farmers and shepherds, with a couple of shops and a tavern. \n\nAemons purse buys them a wonderful house, and Noris charm buys them the affection of the townfolk. They give birth to Azazel, a beautiful baby boy, whose golden skull shimmers of a red-yellow light. \n\nAemon can finally enjoy his riches. On Azazels sixteenth birthday, Aemon celebrates by building an *Obelisk* to rise above everything in sight. But the symbol of Aemons love for his son is also the cause of their doom. \n\nWith the Obelisk to guide them, the King and his army, led by Sorcerer Zaros of the Capital, finally find Moorville. They must rescue the princess, kill the thief who stole her, and destroy their monstrous child. \n\nAemon, Nori, and their son, Necromancer Azazel of the Obelisk, are trapped. The kingsmen blockade the village and tighten the noose quickly. Aemon knows it is just a matter of minutes until they find them."} +{"id": "4d4a90e7-7fff-47a6-90cc-b14d8d3324b8-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:20.363", "backgroundColor": "#99219b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXrFGsc8cM6asmdhP3K97uCuhLDRAK2VoJM8HrybLoKXp", "txHash": "0x9d9568c4c10aebcc678f755e0eb4d747e0cb0a9f077a58c4176069f26e0094aa", "createdAtBlock": 14572244, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9835, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUZowbKcTtejapbXFGy9bpqZXtWRGKRSpuLeoEJT3wpu8", "name": "Night Ghoul Nori of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "Aemon refuses let Nori live in chains. And will protect his son at all costs. So he slips his hand deep into his pocket, where he finds... the key to Alessars chest. \n\nIt is time to turn everything to nothing. He casts the *Forbidden Spell*. Twists the key in the padlock. The lid flies open. \n\nAn explosion of *Sacred Flame* blinds him. After that, oblivion. \n\nWhen the mushroom cloud of dust settles on the ruins of old Moorville, the ashen corpses of town-folk and soldiers alike rise into their new life, reborn with powers before unimaginable. Their souls have been freed from the chains of mortality to fulfill their true destinies, evolved into their true selves. \n\nAn army of souls gathers around the crater where the village once was, seeking the wizard who freed them, but all they find is... \n\n...a Rose on a Grave.\n\n\n\nAs they stare at the flower, an invisible presence breaches their dark hearts.\n\nOne by one they kneel before the Rose, swearing loyalty until the end of times. \n\nWithin the Rose flows the lifeblood of a wizard who made the ultimate sacrifice of both flesh and gold to protect those whom he loved."} +{"id": "5a0651c4-a927-4ea6-bed0-80d3418fe708-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:21.055", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUGWRzn14iVXpYZ5FMancs2cVJpedV1wGFTwpKsVknQYp", "txHash": "0xc7a89eb22755c34f5f999444e30753a1a065802dc97358b5483eec7e7715570b", "createdAtBlock": 14572261, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2622, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Bastion", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nMushroom man is a latter day Iasos. Restoring peace through harmonic fields of sound"} +{"id": "85921d53-54b5-4d65-88b6-9bcb1b94b2ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:21.858", "backgroundColor": "#9f116f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZSGZBv4rk4KycUuJncQuoQqaiCmojZhZgbqF9o1PL2at", "txHash": "0x0e3bbdf4c4bcc956345930f2aec5bba505d9fb52ef77d8b60aaeaca6683aa098", "createdAtBlock": 14572276, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfC1BtFQ4NVeF2MaYt9Bne8GPhwFjBMUNpgDWwQ8DesGX", "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Realm", "text": "# Keymaster Iprix.\n\nA Keymaster to be sure. Of the Realm to be sure. But of which Realm?\n\nAll will be revealed in due time..."} +{"id": "2e0e90c9-a066-4fee-847b-4b798637b04c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:22.546", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXeJAnG6cFNhMgV3sxuEMdjTNtfskQuWCQSAMrNCEXYu2", "txHash": "0x7b37ff77506d42de3e7783e2c5a9070e3c790b36e0a94303a681d16effa7fb2d", "createdAtBlock": 14572290, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3792, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Asphodel of the Forest", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nEnchantress of the serpent, water priestess with divining rod"} +{"id": "b4792461-6b3a-4d5b-84cb-f98bb7d746bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:23.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcQ9p4mQTFc1ckotCLHMqoLQFipHxbNFUFHtkvxMxA13t", "txHash": "0x3e1a50f9c92f81a840b235dad0dec96a335bfb3c09205db2b0f8746fe004ff71", "createdAtBlock": 14572296, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 582, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Magnus of the Valley", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThe Wolfwizard. Restoring justice with his faithful companion Chloe The Dog."} +{"id": "abc52ab6-f694-4226-aa3d-b02500b13ce0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:24.133", "backgroundColor": "#e6c0be", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdqpPAnjJ282ifPZMLhoXVAvA6WwPZ8Pa7XYfDLB1mwdW", "txHash": "0x43eb08b90e652c971a1c93a531446157ecab793ad01efe844d7b981ba82448c5", "createdAtBlock": 14572302, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2486, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRPRj8Dc2KTQ6JvSXAdBdCctNAcF2UgscoZyNUUrezreS", "name": "Void Phantasm Amir of the Fuliginous Fog", "text": "## Ghost Train\n\n\n\nEver wonder how ghosts get around? \nEver wonder how ghosts travel from town to town, \nwhen they are no hanging around in cemetaries \nor scaring people as they haunt a particular house? \nSome ghosts are haunt-o-holics, \nsome ghosts just can't move on - \nbut there are some ghosts \nwho like to get out-and-about \nand who like to go to other places - hey, why not? \nIt's not as if ghosts need to wait in-line or buy a ticket? \nWhile some ghosts are essentially agoraphobic, you could say, \nand don't like going anywhere \nand would rather just stay at home - \nthere are some ghosts however, \nwho don't want to rest in peace for too long \nbefore wanting to make a break for it \nand see the rest of the world\n\nThere is a \"train\" for the dearly-departed \nwho whose to stay on earth\nwhen they are given their choice \nto either pass-on or stay right where they are; \nthere is a train that is the fastest in the runiverse. \nthat runs 24-hours a day, all-year-round, \nto every corner of the planet, \nthat is the quietest form of transport ever envisioned - \nthis train is so underground. \nit doesn't even make a sound"} +{"id": "5c671bf5-0c5c-43bc-bb52-83769a933f2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:27.744", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdrMLAVmsQBoZjbYau7vWAmKxAbEZfaKUbE1HVE5ugucn", "txHash": "0x3aec731d68f32b2d7cf8997c943da347a4edae97af5fb1bf6a40c5fe645ebdc9", "createdAtBlock": 14572624, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1357, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Samuel of Dreams", "text": "# Key Who Controls the Past Controls the Future\n\nA bodyguard.\n\nFor a key.\n\nWhy? We do not yet know. Why does Samuel know nothing but that of the key. Known as Samuel of Dreams, is his whole life a lie? Is it that Samuel is unremarkable in every other sense of the word that he only be known and wanted for his key?\n\n\nSamuel's story is just beginning. \n\n\n\nAre his dreams just that, dreams? \n\n\n... to be continued."} +{"id": "bf005577-dc3b-4f7a-8260-dcaa0cad3b2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:28.549", "backgroundColor": "#940a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmawEASDa7TaZHAyvYKc4Gffb5zu7yvB33JAyRbasexMgf", "txHash": "0xade81b16a90e4749dbecbd4b37387cb43f59bf9c0a0596f641b8aa0495acdc41", "createdAtBlock": 14572652, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2480, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Homer of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The confession \n\nThe village mage came to me an hour before my execution.\n\nHe stared at me in silence. Endlessly.\n\nI bowed my head, not out of shame, and tried to understand his pain.\n\n\"*I didn't do it*\" I said, protesting my innocence.\n\nHe leaned against the grate and whispered softly.\n\n\"*I know.*\""} +{"id": "8ce2b30d-82f5-4100-815e-ef56a43a5773-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:29.192", "backgroundColor": "#b9a09f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWjFkccPN5q551DSfHEor6qYKby2iqLdhnnQBDNhQnAvY", "txHash": "0xbbecc96dca96b608a45c2d90a2956a8bb4d0b6b40e4faa499aea05d7c521dfd9", "createdAtBlock": 14572682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6951, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Talon of the Isle", "text": "# The Wish\n\nAn elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path. He wasn't sure of which direction to go, and he'd forgotten both where he was traveling to...and who he was. He remembered absolutely nothing. He suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him.\n\nShe grinned toothlessly and with a cackle, spoke: \"Now your third wish. What will it be?\"\n\n\"Third wish?\" The man was baffled. \"How can it be a third wish if I havent had a first and second wish?\"\n\n\"Youve had two wishes already,\" the hag said, \"but your second wish was for you to forget everything you know.\" She cackled at the poor man. \"So it is that you have one wish left.\"\n\n\"All right,\" he said hesitantly, \"I don't believe this, but there's no harm in trying. I wish to know who I truly am.\"\n\n\"Funny,\" said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. \"That was your first wish...\""} +{"id": "674aae22-69fc-4208-aa51-b92ab6eeae87-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:34.456", "backgroundColor": "#1e2499", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVXmetKfpuskpKsxpXz3mcBX6kVhevUvDHP9VJ3GnavTZ", "txHash": "0xd6946c2f57e9684cf29f1929e4ed01e3b4ea59cd70d267f7f1ebe91a556e7e00", "createdAtBlock": 14574825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4452, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Sabina of the Mountain", "text": "# Sabina the Teenage Witch\nSabina was a very lazy teenage witch. Until this moment she existed in the world of Forgotten Runes but did not participate. This proved very costly. First, she watched a Sacred Flame pass her by. Then a Pony. A lazy witch indeed. \nAt long last blessed @wizard304 enlightened her and she became active in the world of Forgotten Runes. She looks forward to a much brighter future now..."} +{"id": "c35f8ec3-9c1f-4eab-bf0a-b26679270bdd-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-14T22:10:06.82", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJYcqsUAYsaj5NvUJ4uKLnB1coKFJh5Yn143uXEBidqd", "txHash": "0x3a91f99ef8e8294c0fcebc1f7bf45400b6d09981cd5cb567652c7c6579ccca42", "createdAtBlock": 15535321, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 649, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTRMdTgHLckMqNzKNojU6q5NoMKDRTzDnVcdL6BfHm1io", "name": "Sage Kryll of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Kryll of the Plains\n\nStory 1. \n\nTitle: Sage's day in the Fey!\n\nWritten by: emmaleigh.eth\n\nWaifu Wizard by: CastamereXb & Noodle Arms\n\nEverything else by: NARD\n\nFeaturing: @wizard3676 & @wizard4351 & Gucci Goofy Kobold 649\n\n\n\n\n\n# The Lore of Sage Kryll of the Plains\n\nThe day was just beginning, the sun still rising, and the air crisp with the scent of morning dew.\n\n@wizard649, a noble Kobold, was on her way to see her besty, @wizard3676, a Swamp Witch that lived somewhere near the Fey.\n\nSage had grown tired of her comrades commenting on her traditional wizard garb, greenlined coveralls, and decided to take action into her own hands. So, at first light after returning home from her duties, Sage headed off to the Fey to find the one person who could make her fabulous.\n\n\"ENIGMA!!!! Are you home??\" Sage said, with a passionate excitement as she barged into the Swamp Witch's tidy but small hut.\n\nEngima, who indeed was home, was already making breakfast for her unexpected companion. Thanks to the woodland critters that relied on the Swamp Witch for tasty treats, she had known well in advance.\n\n\"Hi Sage!! It's so nice to see you again! Please have a seat, make yourself at home.\" The Swamp Witch's words floated around the Kobold who was already making herself quite at home.\n\nEnigma and Sage had known each other from childhood, when two had been kidnapped by intended on eating them, ever since, the two formed an unlikely bond, and have been besties since!"} +{"id": "c35f8ec3-9c1f-4eab-bf0a-b26679270bdd-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-14T22:10:06.82", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJYcqsUAYsaj5NvUJ4uKLnB1coKFJh5Yn143uXEBidqd", "txHash": "0x3a91f99ef8e8294c0fcebc1f7bf45400b6d09981cd5cb567652c7c6579ccca42", "createdAtBlock": 15535321, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 649, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTRMdTgHLckMqNzKNojU6q5NoMKDRTzDnVcdL6BfHm1io", "name": "Sage Kryll of the Plains", "text": "Soon, the Swamp Witch had breakfast ready - a heaping pile of mushtable stew with a picture-perfect rice-portrait of Sage - which she doled out copious amounts to both her Kobold friend and herself.\n\nWith no delay, Sage began scooping up the stew aloof to thoughtfully crafted rice, while simultaneously trying to explain her predicament. Kobolds, friendly as they are, are not too etiquette savvy and have poor attention to detail - and Sage was no exception.\n\n\"So, Enny * cromch monch * I was wondering * crunch cronch * if maybe you could help me with a problem.\" Sage said, in between mouthfuls, clearly appreciating both the company and the food.\n\nBefore Enigma could get a word out, Sage started up again. \"I feel frumpy sis. Like, what is this I'm even wearing??\" She said, letting herself be just a little vulnerable.\n\n\"What?? You know exactly what you're wearing,\" Enigma said enthusiastically, \"it's traditional Kobold garb, and you rock it!!\" She said to her fellow healer, hoping to lift her spirits.\n\n\"Yeah, I mean it's enchanted, that's cool, but I look like a dude. I'm tired of it, I want to feel pretty!!\" Sage said, finally being honest about her feelings, both to herself and to her best friend.\n\n\"I want to like my reflection, and you know...it wouldn't be so terrible if my crush would look at me a bit more. A girl's getting lonely in her old age.\" She said, dreaming about @wizard4351 and giggling a bit at the age remark.\n\nSage did not open up like this to anyone, ever, let alone admit these things to herself, but it did feel nice to know that her friend didn't think anything less of her."} +{"id": "c35f8ec3-9c1f-4eab-bf0a-b26679270bdd-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-14T22:10:06.82", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJYcqsUAYsaj5NvUJ4uKLnB1coKFJh5Yn143uXEBidqd", "txHash": "0x3a91f99ef8e8294c0fcebc1f7bf45400b6d09981cd5cb567652c7c6579ccca42", "createdAtBlock": 15535321, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 649, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTRMdTgHLckMqNzKNojU6q5NoMKDRTzDnVcdL6BfHm1io", "name": "Sage Kryll of the Plains", "text": "Enigma sat there for a moment, stunned at her friend's sudden honesty. She did, however, immensely relate, and immediately knew that there was only one thing to do for this crisis.\n\n\"Ugh, friend, I'm sorry you're feeling that way!! I think I know exactly what we can do to make you feel better!!\" The words barely had time to form before the two girls looked at each other and screamed \"THE MALL!!!\"\n\nFor once, the two would go on an adventure where there was no danger, no monsters, only cute fits, yummy snacks and the salespeople with the weird head massagers.\n\nIn the end, Sage found exactly what she needed, a new outfit! With the help of her friend, she found a style that fit her personality and made her feel confident. It easily increased her intelligence by 3, her wisdom by 2, and her charisma by 100! \n\nNo Kobold has ever been so beautiful!!"} +{"id": "3b1c2b56-2c08-4b17-9899-dbb3ed7a9b5f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:35.303", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLL9HPL95QTBuEwPSd1EsusouNNHbpHf832n8xGmN2D9", "txHash": "0x1aed78afe32a652105ce4eb6e3942d0fd9c0ae51c7d8c8e170917e129282c0e9", "createdAtBlock": 14575125, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Jadis of the Keep", "text": "Jadis hiked through the dark, misty forest, alert and anxious. \n\nShed been on countless hunts before, but this one was making her jittery for some reason she couldnt quite explain. The air was eerily still, and she yearned to hear the sounds of animals and insects, but even the animals seemed to be still. As if they were all holding their breathe. And waiting.\n\nShe looked at her orb. It gave off a faint green glow and the cloud inside it slowly cleared to reveal a giant, overbearing willow. She sighed and focused again ahead. Shed been hoping to find a sign that she was on the wrong path, and she should be going elsewhere.\n\nBut it looked like shed have to keep going. This wasnt a task she could abandon. Shed already accepted the payment, and anyway she had a reputation to maintain. She had never failed before, and she wasnt going to now. \n\nShe thought back to her first hunt, tasked with capturing the mystical wyvern. The men had laughed when shed barged in to the office and proclaimed shed do it. They hadnt been laughing when shed come back.\n\nShe grinned as she remembered. \n\nA twig snapped behind her. \n\nShe froze."} +{"id": "3fa91c4d-3dab-40c6-81ad-55f89487738d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:36.084", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWzr8J7tpajEUC66WT3LXcQYnfrnZZQqnMya4w24qw39e", "txHash": "0x2e09cfac803a39490c2fab866e7389b40d296faf9592f189cfbc93650f3e1d59", "createdAtBlock": 14576476, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 328, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Aldus of the Sun", "text": "# Thaumaturge Aldus of the Sun \n\nThaumaturge was done.\n\nThis is the end. He wasn't going to take anymore of this infuriating behaviour from his familiar, Sandy, a rat.\n\nIt was the 12,843th time she's eaten his dinner. Well, just the good parts of his dinner. Leaving the crusts of the bread, and the stems of the broccoli, and the skin of the chicken leg left for him. How considerate of her.\n\nSandy looked up innocently. \n\nThaumaturge stared hard at her.\n\nAnd then suddenly, POOF.\n\nSandy disappeared!"} +{"id": "ff26fa0a-4315-49b2-b995-24a0002dbf9b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:37.044", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqgfR8u6mfjyP5zuL52eEZGE1gkat8S6NopBwrvKKsDB", "txHash": "0x0e12f240412ae57e6aa2f3081a177c2ae989bc5951b2bbd1e4a5e502fc875e33", "createdAtBlock": 14577889, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Hagar of the Dunes", "text": "# Shadow Mage Hagar of the Dunes\n\n\n\nHagar is an ancient and powerful sorcerer who has been alive for centuries. Despite his age, Hagar is remarkably spry and quick, a testament to the power of his arts. To this day, Hagar's skin remains as light as it was when he was young and his hair as black as coal.\n\n\nUnder the guidance of his teacher, the legendary sorcerer Bedwyr, Hagar's talents blossomed into powerful spells\n\n\n> \"I am Hagar of the Dunes. I've seen things you couldn't imagine and done more things than you could ever do. I'm old and my blood is black and my body is covered in sand. When I walk, the desert moves with me. When I die, the sand will cover me.\"\n\n---\n\n**Saharsha** The cat of Hagar Shadow Mage of the Dunes prowls the desert, hunting for prey to drag back to her lair. Powerful and cunning, this feline is more than a match for any unfortunate soul who finds themselves in her territory."} +{"id": "6b834475-a3d6-4d74-bd22-cedb3f12bfff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:37.829", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSe87Skmk7j5ipx11Z8ekGTNAeR8pfxV3GyTPJEiRo6Uq", "txHash": "0x74f7e908663ad24b4dd5ef5a8620d6933909d194bc3dfa1ffd06930408599ad4", "createdAtBlock": 14578265, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6773, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Armstrong of the Wold", "text": "And the battle mage rules them all\n\nRules the ***world***\n\nBetter than @wizard5635"} +{"id": "141bb1f3-b99a-47e2-a404-200552b85314-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:46.816", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWNPrT3GtcR4BfHTeVbG7ndwsY1F46tpWJ2xU47Nyzh2J", "txHash": "0x5d632621b5f4591d8d1374fb3dcb5785bf501e4a27569f57203d303331fb290f", "createdAtBlock": 14649089, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUH8xqW6v7vTby6MSCwvUCUwc9wcZH2F9ZGNPscnJHcjf", "name": "Battle Mage Thor of the Field", "text": "# Thors wanderlust for the power within\n\nThor is a simple family man. He tends to his cattle and tills the land. In recent times Thor has found himself wandering the edges of his local home the field. \n\nHe rarely ventures past the stone ridges which tower over the fog land. Thor feels the pressure from his wizard friends. The memories of @wizard5564 jeering every time he rides past the house for his lack of gusto taunts Thor most days. \n\nStanding on top of the fog ridge is the only time Thor feels free. Free from the worry of daily stress and expectations. He wonders what adventures could lie ahead if he marched on the fog land and went looking for the other realm the wizard's whispered of.\n\nThor decided on this day atop the foggy ridge to act and search for the dark realm and treasures it contains. \n\n### Thor said to himself:\n\n> In the fields I walk with dark wanderlust\n\n> The naked crys ache my soul\n\n> The tears of my petulance rain too long\n\n> I must find the adventure I long\n\n> Honour and glory or death await\n\n> I live my life behind shadows no more\n\n> I will find my truth, at dust we ride"} +{"id": "26ce4f21-54cb-416b-8e2c-f1d6300d6e4e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:38.545", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPK2tzGiNfibP4SHC4KDaRVmF1uMacS5zPV3GRF931qxx", "txHash": "0xcf160645810bee0f287fb61073860a50ab59e989ef7c7440c38f23f5415ec193", "createdAtBlock": 14578532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1252, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Electromancer Hanataka of the Inferno", "text": "# *Excerpt from \"Collections of Wraithful Encounters\"*\n\n\nROLLING SMOKE.\n\nFLASHES. HEAT. LIGHTING SUNDERS.\n\nSCREAMS. MANY SCREAMS. PAIN. FIRE.\n\n\nHowdiditenduplikethis. Howhowhowhowhowhowhowwhywhywhy? What, what is it?\n\nWRAITH. WRATH UNBORN.\n\nLIGHTNING COMES. FIRE.\n\nAnd then. In the smoke. Rounded scarlet face. Beady eyes. Twisted grin.\n\nThen. The inferno.\n\nThen. \n\nDEATH.\n\n*Recovered from the memories of half-dead explorers gone in search of the legendary wraith, Hanataka.*"} +{"id": "e648b59c-6e98-463a-9fe7-f4d607314c78-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:41.187", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdvAfS3yWMSgScA6EfrDwD6viLHKNhQbHmKiKmbwAggx4", "txHash": "0x6ade2fe40706224de0336eec4c8bfa44510444874302b204e92fe8d9b807ecf9", "createdAtBlock": 14579035, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7120, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Uur'lok of the Steppe", "text": "# Lore of Hedge Wizard Uur'lok of the Steppe\n\n*The following writings are the journal entries of Hedge Wizard Uurlok of the Steppe. They were entered into the Book of Lore in April, 2022 to preserve the lessons which linger in writings of such transcendent beings. The deeply personal entries, written without the intent of ever being published, begin at a time of great turmoil for Uurlok, many years into a life-long prison sentence.* \n\n---\n\n\n> **January 12, 13072**\n\nThe guard (who I quietly refer to as Stinky) agreed with me after much convincing that the prisons staff might greatly benefit from granting each prisoner some parchment and ink. 'The mind devoid an ordered outlet will find a chaotic one, or so I told him. \nThe guards are obsessed with what they understand to be order. You must remember they willingly confine themselves with these walls, daily. Only the prisoners were compelled to be here. \nThe guards are more deeply invested in this illusion than I ever could be. \n\n\n> **January 14, 13072**\n\nI sat in silence this morning when a rooster appeared and pecked at the dirty soup bowl just outside my cell door. The bird oddly stared as it gulped down the last of the discarded olives. As it looked at me, for the first time, I saw myself. The chicken stared at me and I too stared at me. I examined the cavernous wrinkles descending from the sides of my beak, the bald spot which until now, Id thought much smaller. I noticed the strange way my head moved back and forth. \nThe bird soon flapped his wings and scurried away, generously leaving behind a piece of his wing. And so, together with my newly acquired parchment and ink, both the bird and I now write these words."} +{"id": "e648b59c-6e98-463a-9fe7-f4d607314c78-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:41.187", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdvAfS3yWMSgScA6EfrDwD6viLHKNhQbHmKiKmbwAggx4", "txHash": "0x6ade2fe40706224de0336eec4c8bfa44510444874302b204e92fe8d9b807ecf9", "createdAtBlock": 14579035, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7120, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Uur'lok of the Steppe", "text": ">**January 17, 13072** \n \nI have grown to see this world just as it is.\n\nMost have yet to see themselves.\n\nMany are enslaved to their own mind. A mind which fundamentally functions on impressions. For most, these contextual impressions and their corresponding compulsions become the default owner and operator of the self. \n\n>**January 18, 13072**\n\nIve become quite adept at identifying the mental structures which underlie the compulsions of the various guards. Viewing through the window of ones material actions, the ideas within anothers mind fail to elude me. \n\nI am working to attune myself to view them more clearly.\n\n>**January 20, 13072**\n\nStinky seems especially accessible, I must say. I saw him nibbling on a peach the *exact* way another guard was just a day ago. \n\n>**January 27, 13072**\n\nI have begun referring to my practice as Puppetry. As the puppet master embodies the exact impulse which he transmits through the strings to his puppet, so too, I provide impulsetension to the puppets around me. Their mental structures are simply the strings, which govern directly the puppets compulsory reaction to such impulses.\n\nI cannot help but to admit, as the awareness of this practice has risen in me, so too has a darkness.\n\n>**February 4, 13072**\n\nThe standardized protocol which most of the guards uphold within the prison is meant as a defense from my Puppetry. \n\nHowever, they do not view it that way. The guards see themselves as separate from the protocol, despite operating as a cog within it for years. Their mind dances in the illusion; that the rules are written for me, and not in fact for them.\n\n>**February 5, 13072**"} +{"id": "e648b59c-6e98-463a-9fe7-f4d607314c78-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:41.187", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdvAfS3yWMSgScA6EfrDwD6viLHKNhQbHmKiKmbwAggx4", "txHash": "0x6ade2fe40706224de0336eec4c8bfa44510444874302b204e92fe8d9b807ecf9", "createdAtBlock": 14579035, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7120, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Uur'lok of the Steppe", "text": ">**February 5, 13072**\n\nMapping the mental structures within the guards is a much vaster challenge than Id previously thought. Conversation illuminates the contours of their mind, however it is non-trivial getting these guys to talk. \n\nInterestingly, despite having endless conversation with my fellow prisoners, and fully understanding the contours of their minds, I have found them to be much less suggestible than the guards. This, I have surmised is due to the guards having a particularly concentrated, albeit completely untrue, feeling of personal agency over their decisions. They have come to be enslaved by their context, having long ago lost the ability to see their reality. \n\nThe prisoners around me do not suffer this curse. They have internalized the bars encasing their bodies as a lack of agency, which of course is also untrue.\n\nThey, in any case, are far less impressionable than the guards."} +{"id": "3b63b52b-3607-4887-9855-d5611a83e280-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:03.482", "backgroundColor": "#6b2300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQztRXRgrJC8x2VwGwsZsBKWA8hE68pA5vrrDXbPyhycP", "txHash": "0xdd4a8ad3096d6852b8cdc64062db31d8e72f76d552059c91262efe98f55bd2c0", "createdAtBlock": 14593253, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8496, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVtEB4n9tWydwESHkZheBbUxwBuf7bE47vCunSzSpY429", "name": "Fortune Teller Angus of the Atheneum", "text": "# Fortune Teller Angus of the Atheneum\n\nI can see future events with great clarity, albeit with one major exception. I can never tell when my hip will fall out of place. Im not sure how I keep injuring it. The problem might be carrying around my heavy ether staff. Maybe Im sleeping in the wrong position or maybe Im running through the Atheneum too much in an attempt to stay in shape for the ladies.\n\nAt least last nights fortune brought good news. Friends will be visiting from near and far, and a Forgotten Pony will soon be at my service. A road trip to Goblin Town is in my future. Until then you'll find me inside resting my hip."} +{"id": "f9acc916-750c-4a53-af5f-7845089bfe21-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:32.884", "backgroundColor": "#efdec9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ4h3ukJnbfqAEqwondpwuCLh6TuFehucHrNAfqarZ6J7", "txHash": "0xd065c6a14823cb319d2ed6e5fdb5519cebe6d4bfe9946fa88783b7c525a7b76a", "createdAtBlock": 14574182, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1234, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf5yM1qd3gZyQteAGiHTBXqe7A8xaBmNdt6gHsAM2zf38", "name": "The Color Master ", "text": "# The Color Master\n\n\n\n## *Known by all, but much is not known...*\n\n### *Master of the Rainbow*\n### *Rain Toucan by his side*\n### *The Story of The Color Master is one to behold*"} +{"id": "aa7e00d1-ee12-409d-96e9-3ff1a987bf9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:02.772", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNkydsXx15nqMb9ErJvuXuwQRpQu1raU13Lk3gtKjxUDm", "txHash": "0xf671e85116a8fcca275d90b4a1e93d68481af5b53676c5908faa3bcfcff92323", "createdAtBlock": 14592900, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7170, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Angus of the Wold", "text": "Hydromancer Angus of the Wold is a macho man in the world of wizards."} +{"id": "af08d3e4-f67f-42e4-835b-46d01ab1e158-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:42.553", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRcDHEtZ6xvvQsuWbxAwhF6TPFwMjpnTHWhPQN4rkbiMa", "txHash": "0xa08bc8255fb2cecaecb83426ac42496589f7309c293d2c35a9b59424168cfa0e", "createdAtBlock": 14579627, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8428, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Chipper of the Waste", "text": "# Lore Entry One\n\nFrom waste I originate. To adventure I gravitate. \n\nMy wraith disguises, my wraith protects. My light illuminates, my light projects.\n\nFor now my name is known to few, but my influence will reach each of you.\n\nI may be silent, calm, measured, still. Beneath it all is powerful will.\n\nJoin me now, or join me later. It may be wise to be in my favor."} +{"id": "718a9486-0647-4b71-b0ba-a584a74c883c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:43.227", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPPi1KenSCShws7PQiwAZ8woYsgM5HvnuUbU2ekC8AU9H", "txHash": "0x474d3154371aba5841a5bc1861d487bca74e3125154c4035f64785f66569fcdb", "createdAtBlock": 14580079, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 244, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Robert ", "text": "Coldest mage in all of Runiverse..."} +{"id": "85061ccc-b0c0-41a9-a05f-e1068262bc21-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:45.566", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVAxWzQF3hG7XUx15nEfUW9KttWyam53DtmLNaLZJG1Bp", "txHash": "0x44c5669978525e66dd2dcc84934f89ccebccaa8e02dd856938a95c4a984d3bb4", "createdAtBlock": 14580667, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2960, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Herne of the Mountain", "text": "## Mystic Herne of the Mountain \n\n*Herne the Forest Guru aka Herne the Moose Mouse*\n\nBorn into a world of violence and greed, Herne chose the path of peace, compassion, and love. After thousands of years of meditation, he physically shrank from a mammoth sized moose to a moderately sized mouse. This unusual transformation earned him the moniker Herne the Moose Mouse. \n\nNowadays Herne can be found delightfully wandering the Battle Mage Mountains in a state of blissful loving awareness. The true of heart may be lucky enough to cross paths with this ancient sage. He and his golden toad can open doorways to other dimensions possibly containing much needed insights for your magical journey!"} +{"id": "d10a85ba-e807-4779-b718-7cfbdaada9a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:46.246", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQjfoXhwza6dotoRyRK8Mf2Gk14fgcbEwgzAKfDfZvCkH", "txHash": "0x659295404ea41b403516bd7ebbca07458ff1f8eb1b602f5cf9b82ecd21387bf1", "createdAtBlock": 14581283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3798, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Talon of the Grotto", "text": "# New Lore Entry - Battle Mage Talon of the Grotto \n\nFrom a young age, Battle Mage Talon of the Grotto knew he was different. He was faster, stronger and smarter than all the other kids - but most peculiar of all, he could talk to animals. Soon he began spending his days in the forest, learning about the animal kingdom, honing his magic powers and living off the land. Although he grew up deep in the mountains of his beloved Ashevillor, Talon's family was forced to move to the capital city of Appleor when famine struck his village. Now he works as a covert spy on behalf of the animal kingdom, making sure the subway creatures are fed and humans are kept in check. In Appleor, he met his lovely bride, @Atlanta of the Belfry, chief surgeon at the animal hospital. Together, they are the most revered couple in the animal world. Atlanta bore four young wizards, who have shown great promise in becoming future protectors of the animal realm."} +{"id": "007169c5-1025-476a-88c4-9e45ef7b4f1b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:48.022", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZmVj9Ug2fWAJfi5VqNibPDWXoCydEVZ6m2XB26S7hSrm", "txHash": "0x3df846b7b23ad53aff038ea3c72d7976d87505bdd386c74743b7d53c30398891", "createdAtBlock": 14581311, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2045, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Atlanta of the Belfry", "text": "# New Lore Entry - Atlanta of the Belfry\n\nAtlanta of the Belfry grew up as the star in her town - the prettiest, most athletic and charming young woman in the Islands of Longoria. Despite being pursued by every strapping eligible bachelor in the Strong Islands, as they were affectionately known, Atlanta always felt a greater connection with animals. In order to pursue her passion, Atlanta set off to the capital city of Appleor to study to become a veterinary surgeon. During her young career, Atlanta has saved thousands of animals, who have become part of her loyal horde. Atlanta is married to the great @Battle Mage Talon of the Grotto, and they have four amazing children who are the envy of the neighborhood. Together, they hope to lead an animal revolution to take back control of the high realm from the dastardly humans."} +{"id": "b26f2831-43ae-4967-9071-791d587b98ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:48.968", "backgroundColor": "#491412", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUrKrSc86jRZbm32paF5RofmToVxXwE2D36oSPqDWFE3h", "txHash": "0x4eb69d7b55b1b3c3b93bbf34de1cd50f879c3b54d5d15ee212196b83b647ece9", "createdAtBlock": 14581955, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Baird of the Mount", "text": "# A sickly night \n\n_It all started with a weird dream_\n\nWhere am I?\nWhat should I do?\nI feel like I am losing control over my limbs... please help me \n\n**Then he heard a voice**\n\n*I can help you, but in order to return your body to the previous stage, I will need you to make something for me*\n\n> Quest: Brew the deadliest poison with the ingredients you able to gather\n\n> *Use the ingredient available in Mount Arbi to create this deadly poison \"Ruu Takkarr\"*\n\n## Months passed after the quest...\n\nHe felt great again in fact he felt super amazing, better than what he is prior the state that he was in because of the sickness.\n\nHe still couldn't forget that night when he is tasked to do the particular quest for this mysterious shadowy figure.\n\nHowever, he can't deny that he did feel a tinge of stirring in his heart. He wonders what does the Mysterious figure use the poison for?\n\nHe soon knew what happened as the news everyone in a town that is million steps away died overnight for an unknown reason.\n\nThis is the property of \"Ruu Takkar\" poisonous, odourless and highly reactive, when it exposed to water, it will fill the air as the poison turn into steam form, it just needed to take an hour to take everyone's soul in a town like that. \n\n### Guilt and Resolve ###\n\nTerrified by the development of what something he do to save himself turn out to take away the lives of tens of thousands, he couldn't forgive himself, trembling as his heart felt like it is beneath a heavy boulder, he found a new mission for himself that is to find the one who cured him but not to express his gratitude but for stopping the shadowy figure to further commit such terrible act with something he made."} +{"id": "00c12a6a-59d7-419a-9cdc-54c0b43691b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-15T09:47:41.217", "backgroundColor": "#1d1423", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPAiShqWCQrzQko7KohQqtK5Ypf2nN36qz5BgmMmk2kMC", "txHash": "0xa61bdba061dd7c589855b7645b4b59fa333046c847af8c11abe78b3c08006c73", "createdAtBlock": 15538306, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4458, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmddUDNUb8k83YWdNJhngi8BLF2G4uWAKdjQnDoVu9mT4r", "name": " Milton of the Wold", "text": "Milton is a proud member of the Pipe Gang Commuinity!\n---\n~~\n*Loves to drink coffee and write code* ~~\n---"} +{"id": "9723fa51-beeb-4a16-a012-b4597c108cbb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:57.651", "backgroundColor": "#fffba6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZo89dyuAPgnwjeZQLd7mo7XhFXQM8rgpY1NphitjFUux", "txHash": "0x11919d9ca2e7743f1982a8d8520c3fcd1e8497bb6e8335a470d8df8c45479205", "createdAtBlock": 14585841, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2572, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYCDD2d33PxE8KXNYW5fvzj1R25jbQF6ThVcJxXx2anFL", "name": "Artificer Quddus ", "text": "# Young Quddus, Rap Superstar of the Runiverse\n\n\n\n--\n\n**What Happened to That Wiz** *Young Quddus*\n\n(to the tune of What Happened to That Boy by Clipse and Birdman, 2002)\n\n>(Brrrrrrrrrrr!) What happened to that wiz? (Yeah) \n(Brrrrrrrrrrr!) What happened to that wiz? \n(Brrrrrrrrrrr!) What happened to that wiz? \nHe was paper hands, we put a flame into that wiz \n(Brrrrrrrrrrr!) What happened to that wiz? (Whoa) \n(Brrrrrrrrrrr!) What happened to that wiz? (Yeah) \n(Brrrrrrrrrrr!) What happened to that wiz? (Malicious) \nHe was paper hands, we put a flame into that wiz (Yeah)"} +{"id": "9723fa51-beeb-4a16-a012-b4597c108cbb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:57.651", "backgroundColor": "#fffba6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZo89dyuAPgnwjeZQLd7mo7XhFXQM8rgpY1NphitjFUux", "txHash": "0x11919d9ca2e7743f1982a8d8520c3fcd1e8497bb6e8335a470d8df8c45479205", "createdAtBlock": 14585841, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2572, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYCDD2d33PxE8KXNYW5fvzj1R25jbQF6ThVcJxXx2anFL", "name": "Artificer Quddus ", "text": ">I heard they snitching on a wizard, man, say it ain't so \nEven as a young'un', they consigned me to lore \nWhich explains why I'm worth my weight in gold \nWhile they was taking baby steps from an Ape to a Toad \nWord in the realms is that the envy is me \nEnough ETH on the chain to make these witches lose sleep \nEtherscan tabs help these minnows see clearly \nNine in the wallet, hit the mint up severely \nI'm known for the flip of that N-F-T yeah \nI'm heavy in the realms like a Chaos Chimera, man \nHit 'em with the diamond hands \nOr that Bull Staff, guaranteed to lean your man, whoa! \nI'm the reason that your projects vacant \nStranger will flip you just to make a statement, witch \nMage and Young Qudduswho ain't rich? \nDon't compare me to you, wizard; you ain't this, whoa!\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX6rC1krGp0&ab_channel=crunkyboo"} +{"id": "dea93de0-69f4-4b1d-8c06-28fde124af7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:49.256", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUZ2ief4wHrKEiXdgadJYCEei57676NUwQaWgTFKuKa1E", "txHash": "0xbd744374e3c6c40ba7b438ea34c63f5c5b8ebfafb718dc91af8f98c44e9eb020", "createdAtBlock": 14584150, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9080, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYDQwtTXZnLakE68RUVJ2Ex4GfLxm9AVJfxDR9wBoRUKj", "name": "Magus Diggory of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Diggory of the Wood\n\nA wooden boy beneath a tree\n---\n\n> *The glowing eyes of Lich Supreme*\n---\n\nAn empty vessel without purpose\n---\n\n> *An opportunity to serve us*\n---\n---\n\nHis Reaping Hook extending out\n---\n\nThe wooden boy reached forward\n---\n\n> *You'll bear my mark and walk this world, a herald of my darkness*\n\nStumbling from the Hedge Wizard Wood, the wooden boy wondered: \"Am I dreaming?\"\n---"} +{"id": "2bdf329f-1137-47df-aaa2-1e0c20fed8fd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:59.251", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNjN2DtuQCdAmUWYgahJg9Vr9CKK9ha64D7hykBQnpKNW", "txHash": "0x0237294c6df7c14e3caae978bdef94ca1b0d9a645ff8ff136774295eb6245163", "createdAtBlock": 14590004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 988, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Night Ghoul Maia of Nasty Town", "text": "> \n###### \n# Song of the Night Ghoul\n\n\n\n\n\n#### \n\n#### Do not assume that everything must serve a purpose, \n#### There is a possibility that fate may lead you astray.\n---\n---\n\n#### The spacious flight, the brave departure,\n#### The promise vanished on the horizon. \n---\n---\n\n#### The universe conspires to awaken hope,\n#### Through the mists of duty, cloudy either way.\n---\n---\n\n#### Still a wide view to discover,\n\n#### That until now only appeared to us in a dream.\n---\n---\n \n#### Eventually, anyone who feeds the madness,\n#### Will arrive at the point of no return.\n---\n---\n\n#### The Flame told her to rise and rise,\n#### Whispers dark and wild.\n---\n---\n\n \n#### What once was, a purple haze,\n\n#### Ghoul of Shade awaken, wreak havoc without return\n---\n---\n\n \n#### Do not sing it's song, forget the heavy crown\n#### A soul for the Blood Moon - a restless promise is what remains\n\n---\n---"} +{"id": "ec167763-a388-41de-8352-09fb60f69a34-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:40:59.891", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYkdhz7rfAQ9deYJPdoJcNqc34cpv8DhNP3beD5uN6kwE", "txHash": "0x6e7fe6b5c2fa5e60097355a542eba6edfd9a563c7e136162d4f26b66cf3c1a13", "createdAtBlock": 14591138, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 206, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSeLq21JzQPv9emojxttQ3XfA7m21TbivXqXZrYLTkq2j", "name": "Cosmic Mage Bathsheba of the Heath", "text": "# A Younger Bathsheba\n---\n\n\\*\\*\\*\n\n*\"Some lives burn so brightly that we must avert our gaze, lest we lose sight of what is truly dear.\"*\n\n\\*\\*\\*\n\n\n---"} +{"id": "444b9fef-daa7-4c03-9a98-bd7c9af04df4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:06.263", "backgroundColor": "#001e4e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWEJezfXkgSM8a4pVUtk52fNtsaBhVuVUc7xsAAh8o9qp", "txHash": "0x53535bd88a3b76877e0894ae6a04b91466bcd67d36008b1a86141c302edb443a", "createdAtBlock": 14598148, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2157, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Eden of the Wood", "text": "++The Story of Eden++\n\nOn a cool morning, many years ago awoke a strange man named Eden. This morning was not like the others, for this was the day he wanted to grow a long beard.\n\nSo he grew a beard and moved into the forest.\n\nThe End"} +{"id": "5b9065a2-4eef-4410-8f5e-f3a7fb7e90f2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:07.205", "backgroundColor": "#350557", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmese5M8TqwBKpi5oyELuGAY6jmdhjH3pTBdt2omfeyhwx", "txHash": "0xf9e4bcca3281f89173bb047d7d5144fff8a4181cf871428a82e9b87db72e8052", "createdAtBlock": 14598244, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6516, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Rowena of the Wood", "text": "# Lore Entry I\n\n\n> Rowena is away enjoying her ale - Crackerjack"} +{"id": "a9be243b-7fd1-44be-8b9e-9a9ef7820b58-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:07.865", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNe9pjBdJ7hP21ZNkDyT6Lf5mu9m4XjSUh1nVTad3hbB", "txHash": "0xf3385e0a6cca2bfddb45b286869952a5d35ee231688227b475908aee762dad29", "createdAtBlock": 14598381, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6709, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Daria of the Circle", "text": "# Lore of Conjurer Daria of the Circle"} +{"id": "a9be243b-7fd1-44be-8b9e-9a9ef7820b58-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:07.865", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNe9pjBdJ7hP21ZNkDyT6Lf5mu9m4XjSUh1nVTad3hbB", "txHash": "0xf3385e0a6cca2bfddb45b286869952a5d35ee231688227b475908aee762dad29", "createdAtBlock": 14598381, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6709, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Daria of the Circle", "text": "Conjurer Daria of the Circle was the sole elf wizard who dwelled in Kazoo, a mystical rainforest where everything *hummed* and *buzzed*. Rumored to have been located in the Niger River Delta along the Atlantic, Kazoo was shrouded in mystery. Aeons ago, the grand elf wizard, @wizard139, cast an everlasting spell encircling Kazoo. This unseeable veil ended all hope for those whod yet to enter Kazoo to ever find it. It did not, however, prohibit Kazoosians from voyaging back and forth through the enchanted perimeter. Kazoo was a rainforest of riddles. The native flora and fauna of the region held truths so puzzling and paradoxical they could only be understood after deeply communing with them. As with many regions, not all inhabitants of Kazoo were benevolent. Unkind spirits inhabited the sky-itching trees ~ often haunting the villagers dreams and conjuring storm clouds, making Kazoo the darkest and dankest of all the planet's jungles.\n### ."} +{"id": "a9be243b-7fd1-44be-8b9e-9a9ef7820b58-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:07.865", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNe9pjBdJ7hP21ZNkDyT6Lf5mu9m4XjSUh1nVTad3hbB", "txHash": "0xf3385e0a6cca2bfddb45b286869952a5d35ee231688227b475908aee762dad29", "createdAtBlock": 14598381, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6709, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Daria of the Circle", "text": "### .\nConjurer Daria was an opposing force to the unkind spirits of Kazoo. A healer who cured fellow Kazoosians sick with Mumble Bumps, Tongue-Puckering Parasites, or Soul-Sucking Slugs using a curative tea called \"Bilie.\" With a plucked petal from her rose (imbued with a certain self-regenerating power), she would brew the concoction within a cauldron of boiling water from the forest's river basin ~ bringing forth the cocktail's miraculous properties and distilling it down to a drinkable elixir. When the afflicted being would drink the tonic, their ailment would resolve in a matter of days. From time to time, Conjurer Daria would leave her stone lodge (made of rocks procured from a nearby river bed) to cure those unable to enter the Kazoo rainforest ~ and also to collect herbs and spices from neighboring towns and villages. \n### .\nAlongside the great healer ~ on each of her voyages from the forest ~ was her loyal, giant toad, \"Akwa\" (meaning toad in the Ebo language). Akwa's thunderous croak traveled for miles ~ a signal that Conjurer Daria was near. The echo of the toads burp was so ear-splitting, it would often wake entire townships, inside and outside Kazoo. Akwa was a vessel for communicating with Conjurer Daria's distant love, the rainbow wizard, @wizard62. In essence, the toad functioned as a portal through which the star-crossed lovers would communicate. The croaking was a language only she and he could understand and speak. \n### ."} +{"id": "a9be243b-7fd1-44be-8b9e-9a9ef7820b58-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:07.865", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNe9pjBdJ7hP21ZNkDyT6Lf5mu9m4XjSUh1nVTad3hbB", "txHash": "0xf3385e0a6cca2bfddb45b286869952a5d35ee231688227b475908aee762dad29", "createdAtBlock": 14598381, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6709, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Daria of the Circle", "text": "### .\nThis is the story of Conjurer Daria of the Circle, the wondrous elf wizard of Kazoo and her trusty toad Akwa. While Conjurer Daria's current whereabouts remain unknown, Akwa provided the following accounts (some warm, others petrifying) and entered them into the Book of Lore."} +{"id": "b9d285f5-ab8d-4d21-bd54-dec5df134fe7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:02.105", "backgroundColor": "#2e1040", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWbpWTP3n7B63warqp12gDSUoGYrjiuoqVSg4bPZaXox9", "txHash": "0xe787f33ec57482348064fb00e9a5d3e9a95818859ddb8678bfd36ac67f1cf832", "createdAtBlock": 14592620, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6763, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Black Phillip of the Sun", "text": "## Necromancer Phillip of the Sun\n\n\nYou're from the Shadow? The Quantum Shadow? The crowded, vaulted room fell silent. Mages old and young turned to see what was going on.\n\nYes, Phillip answered. His eyes shimmered and shifted as he spoke, from a deep, dreamlike red to a pure black worthy of a void.\n\nI am.\n\nI've heard a few grand claims in my day, the old mage replied, but that has to be the most ridiculous I've heard so far!\n\nThe great hall of Calistas Citadel erupted into raucous laughter. The wizards shed tears of hilarity while Phillip stood silent. \n\nHe then raised his staff.\n\nYou do know where you are, boy. another mage chimed in. There are easier ways to die.\n\nThe old mage who had ridiculed Phillip summoned an orb of energy that lit the room. The other mages retreated to the corners and walls.\n\nSo be it, the old mage said, and fired the orb at Phillip. \n\nThe others expected an explosion, but the energy was completely absorbed by Phillip's staff. He stayed silent.\n\nThe room suddenly went pitch-black. As the story goes, it stayed that way for what seemed like hours according to some accounts, and days to others. But the one certainty is this; Phillip had disappeared, and the old mage was replaced by a withered, grey corpse, devoid of all life until it suddenly began to groan, and scratch, and babble. The other mages put it out of its misery, because whatever it was, it wasn't human anymore. It was something evil. They thought it best to bury him in a remote place, and so the old mage's grave is empty save for a headstone.\n\nPhillip is thought to have come out of The Quantum Shadow fully formed.\n\nHe prefers it this way."} +{"id": "f161c1a4-a0df-4c81-aea5-75f818a332b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:04.574", "backgroundColor": "#162213", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUMbL1eoBPV7DW4CyapADa2tFa4EG5EENDwZzSnuhQqFC", "txHash": "0x96c834788571c22b15f26afcf5449b6cadf2020cdf9c4afd787c66421e0bfde1", "createdAtBlock": 14597614, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3351, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUp4GWAmKP8wSArAbFunjmAxwUchjeNyWM3XaTZXhJGTx", "name": "Sorcerer Alizam of Avalon", "text": "# Sorcerer Alizam of Avalon \n## Protector of Plant Frens\n\n\n>\n## \"To halt the blight that flows through thee, meet me in the glade of the Fire Tree.\"\n>\n\n### Ali is sleeping near the embers of a pale fire when Limn, his familiar, wakes him.\n\n> Limn: *Someone is here to see you, sorcerer.*\n>\n>\n### Limn nods toward a nearby primrose bush, where a bonsai tree with eyes and limbs waits anxiously. Ali gestures toward her to join them. She approaches cautiously.\n\n> Ali: *Don't be afraid. What's your name?*\n\n> Bonsai: *Enori, the First.*\n\n>Ali: *Ali of Avalon.*\n\n### They bow heads. Ali sees that Enori is road weary and sun-beaten.\n\n>Ali: *I can tell that you have traveled a long way to see me. Why have you come so far?*\n\n>Enori: *I am the first of my kind. They are plagued by a rot and are slowly dying. Your verdant powers are known throughout the Seven Realms and it is your healing prowess I seek.*\n\n### Ali exchanges a look with Limn.\n\n>Ali: *How much are you willing to give to save your kind?*\n\n>Enori: *Whatever it takes.*\n\n### Ali takes a deep breath and examines Enori's limbs and branches.\n\n>Ali: *Deep in the Fey lies a Fire Tree grove. At the heart of the grove sits a glade. Meet me there with your clan on the night of the quarter moon.*\n\n>Enori: *Thank you, Sorceror.*\n\n> Ali: *Until then, plant frend.*\n\n### They bow heads. \n\n### Enori starts on a path that leads toward the morning sun."} +{"id": "15fb0b23-b6b5-4298-abc3-7fd24df3c3e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:05.576", "backgroundColor": "#f6dfc5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU4DoQB1oSiBv8as4LM5yMfjFZdD8bqiQU9DNsz9oRKm", "txHash": "0x955515f1ee7bc16cfa1337bdcc9e31226e106966b2f001d3b2b70f67c0eb2e61", "createdAtBlock": 14597803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Hills", "text": "# ~~~~~**Caligula of the Hills**~~~~~\n\n>## **--Chapter One: Rebirth and Remembrance--** \n \n>Caligula was a battle mage not so different from any other, he spent most of his days wondering the hills and offering his services as a mage for anyone that had gold to spare. A simple man with simple tastes, his favorite pastime was enjoying a warm ale in the local tavern with only his familiar Ratticus Finch beside him to keep him company... \n\nIt was in that very tavern that the tale of Caligula truly began. A stoic Caligula sat in his corner seat as he always did and quietly conversed with Ratticus while eagerly chugging down his favored brand of warm ale when a very odd stranger loudly entered the tavern. The stranger hurriedly made his way to the taverns bar and proclaimed \"A round for the house, barkeep!\" The taverns patrons erupted in cheers and applause at the strangers proclamation and happily accepted the free drinks..."} +{"id": "15fb0b23-b6b5-4298-abc3-7fd24df3c3e5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:05.576", "backgroundColor": "#f6dfc5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU4DoQB1oSiBv8as4LM5yMfjFZdD8bqiQU9DNsz9oRKm", "txHash": "0x955515f1ee7bc16cfa1337bdcc9e31226e106966b2f001d3b2b70f67c0eb2e61", "createdAtBlock": 14597803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Hills", "text": ">This offer of a free ale did not raise a feeling of gratitude in Caligula but rather a feeling of suspicion as this was not a usual occurrence in such an impoverished area. Even so Caligula raised his mug in thanks to the stranger and watched as other patrons gathered around him. The stranger had beaming red eyes and a green hood covering his head, he spoke with a shaken high pitched voice and seemed to be brimming with excitement and energy. The strangers frantic conversation with the other patrons did not pique the curiosity of Caligula until he started talking about a miracle drink... \n\"This drink will cure all your ailments and give you boundless energy\" the stranger announced. Caligula's curiosity was now piqued as he suffered from many ailments and wanted to know more as this stranger did seem abnormally energetic, he now listened even closer. \"The drink is expensive as it comes from an exotic source, **KOBOLD** blood!\" the stranger screeched \"and the meat is delicious to.\" he added... \n\nA sudden lightning bolt of terror and disgust shot through Caligula's entire body, he could not believe what he had just heard. His heart raced and he was shocked that this stranger could openly announce this great cruelty to all those around him with not shame in his voice but with excitement and glee. Unable to contain himself Caligula rose from his seat and charged at the stranger without thought, only driven by instinct and disgust. Caligula's rush to action while noble was ultimately doomed to fail as this cruel stranger turned out to be a very powerful wizard and with one brush of his hand and a flash of light Caligula was rendered unconscious by his powerful magic..."} +{"id": "15fb0b23-b6b5-4298-abc3-7fd24df3c3e5-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:05.576", "backgroundColor": "#f6dfc5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU4DoQB1oSiBv8as4LM5yMfjFZdD8bqiQU9DNsz9oRKm", "txHash": "0x955515f1ee7bc16cfa1337bdcc9e31226e106966b2f001d3b2b70f67c0eb2e61", "createdAtBlock": 14597803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Hills", "text": ">After what seemed like an eternity Caligula awoke dazed and confused. The stranger was gone and so was the barkeep and other patrons, the only one left in the tavern besides Caligula was his loyal familiar Ratticus Finch. After he collected himself he raised to his feet with one thought in mind, one purpose. This killer of Kobolds, the vile stranger must be found and brought to justice and all those who aid him in his perverse dietary choices must be exposed and **STOPPED!** For the first time in his life Caligula had a purpose worthy of pursuing and he was of one mind, one focus. Caligula could not allow an evil such as this to exist, \"Who would capture, kill and consume a Kobold!\" he thought to himself. If they would do that to the gentle yet mischievous Kobolds they would do it to anyone, perhaps the imps are next... \n\nCaligula jumped into action and combed the land to find answers. He started with the barkeep and the others who were at the tavern that night but none of them remembered the incident at all and looked at him as if he was insane. The stranger must of used his magic on them to make them forget. A distant memory entered Caligula's head, a conversation he had with his mentor from many years ago one which described a ritual which could give you insight into the memories of the souls who had perished in a violent way. This was Caligula's best option so he made his way to the closest wizards college so he could browse their library in hopes that he would find this ritual. Once at the library Caligula realized the colossal task that was before him. The library had five floors of wall to wall scrolls and books which contained the collective knowledge from many wizards through out the land..."} +{"id": "15fb0b23-b6b5-4298-abc3-7fd24df3c3e5-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:05.576", "backgroundColor": "#f6dfc5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU4DoQB1oSiBv8as4LM5yMfjFZdD8bqiQU9DNsz9oRKm", "txHash": "0x955515f1ee7bc16cfa1337bdcc9e31226e106966b2f001d3b2b70f67c0eb2e61", "createdAtBlock": 14597803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Hills", "text": ">Caligula popped a revivification potion and started the search for the ritual. He furiously went from shelf to shelf, book to book and scroll to scroll. After many hours of searching it was Ratticus Finch who finally found the book which contained the ancient ritual, it was titled *Ritual of Remembrance*. As he read through the ritual he realized performing it would come at a great cost, it would require the sacrifice of ones eye to gain the insight into the land of souls but Caligula was so determined to end this evil practice that this sacrifice would not bother him in the slightest. The ritual would also require the finger nail clippings of the intended species which you wish to target which would not be a problem since Caligula knew of a rotund Kobold called Jitcy who would freely offer it to him... \n\nAll the ingredients were collected and the ritual chamber was ready. Once the ritual was completed Caligula would gain the ability to view the memories of the lost souls while he slept which would give him vital clues to help him track down the vile Kobold killers. He gathered his thoughts in the ritual chamber and began then proceeded with the ritual. The candles were lit, the magic circle was drawn and the alter of flame was ready to receive the required ingredients. The hardest part was still to come, he threw the Kobold nail clippings into the alter of flames and took a deep breath before quickly plucking his left eye out with a golden fork. The pain was more than he could handle and it took all the strength within him to throw his eye into the alter of flames and say the magic words to complete the ritual. Once the final word was spoken the alter of flame extinguished itself and a haunting sound emanated within the ritual chamber..."} +{"id": "15fb0b23-b6b5-4298-abc3-7fd24df3c3e5-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:05.576", "backgroundColor": "#f6dfc5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU4DoQB1oSiBv8as4LM5yMfjFZdD8bqiQU9DNsz9oRKm", "txHash": "0x955515f1ee7bc16cfa1337bdcc9e31226e106966b2f001d3b2b70f67c0eb2e61", "createdAtBlock": 14597803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Hills", "text": ">The ritual was complete but Caligula never felt anything different within himself except for the excruciating pain coming from the bloody hole where his eye used to be. Ratticus Finch brought over a little bag for Caligula which contained some medicinal herbs and a rather nice black leather eye patch. After thanking his trusty familiar Ratticus, he tended to his eye and then set off to his bed as he was exhausted from the ritual and was in dire need of sleep. As he nestled down to rest he hoped that the ritual would work and he would enter the land of lost souls and gain valuable insight into the shameful deaths of innocent Kobolds... \n\nCaligula slowly drifted off to sleep and was immediately bombarded with visions of death, squeals and torture. The scenes of Kobolds getting caged, taunted and disemboweled was horrifying. Meat cleavers, bone saws and filleting knives were the tools of their wicked trade. He awoke from his hellish sleep and was shaken to his core. It was too much for him to handle, the flurry of violent visions had left him shaken and concerned for whats to come. For the first time in his journey he felt true fear as he knew the ritual would be permanent until he could find those he was looking for. Either he would have to catch the evil Kobold killers or he would be driven mad by the visions which would come for him every night..."} +{"id": "15fb0b23-b6b5-4298-abc3-7fd24df3c3e5-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:05.576", "backgroundColor": "#f6dfc5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU4DoQB1oSiBv8as4LM5yMfjFZdD8bqiQU9DNsz9oRKm", "txHash": "0x955515f1ee7bc16cfa1337bdcc9e31226e106966b2f001d3b2b70f67c0eb2e61", "createdAtBlock": 14597803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Hills", "text": ">The months past quickly after the day when the ritual took place, each and every night had haunting visions of vile perversions. With every vision the mind of Caligula grew smaller while the memories of the slain Kobold's took up more and more space in Caligula's head. He could not tell where he began and the memories of the Kobold's ended, they all meshed into one mind. After every night he filled his journal up with clues of the perpetrators. He jotted down the cruel mannerism and sketched their faces which often had wild smiles and beaming possessed eyes. He would catch a name here and there when there were more than two of them in the room tormenting the unfortunate victim. There was one name though, one name that was spoken by all of them and it was **\"Master of Spots Hunter!\"** This man must be their leader and Caligula was sure it was the grey bearded wizard in a ridiculous leopard skin onesie that he saw over and over again in his vision. This man was the most vile of them all because it seemed as if he did not consume the flesh and blood of the Kobold's which he killed himself but rather served it to his familiar which was a demonic looking white dog. The only pleasure he seemed to get from this activity was to witness the pain which he inflicted on the Kobold's, he would not smile often but when he did it was because the Kobold squealed in just the right way after a demented torture of his..."} +{"id": "15fb0b23-b6b5-4298-abc3-7fd24df3c3e5-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:05.576", "backgroundColor": "#f6dfc5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVU4DoQB1oSiBv8as4LM5yMfjFZdD8bqiQU9DNsz9oRKm", "txHash": "0x955515f1ee7bc16cfa1337bdcc9e31226e106966b2f001d3b2b70f67c0eb2e61", "createdAtBlock": 14597803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Hills", "text": "Caligula had gathered all that he could from the visions he had in the land of souls, it was now time to put a plan into practice. He had names, faces and was familiar with the voices of many of these evil doers. Now it was time for the hunters to become the hunted. This was not just one stranger he was hunting though, it was an entire syndicate, a vile sect of people who he had to put a stop to. If the strange wizard in the tavern was able to knock Caligula unconscious with a wave of his hand how powerful were his friends and how powerful will the leader **Master of Spots Hunter** be? This was not a task Caligula could handle by himself, he would need help... \n\n>Caligula knew his only hope was to start a clan of like minded individuals to help him in his hunt for justice. He called the clan **M.S.P.C.K.**, which was short for **Mage's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Kobolds**. He would spend his future months and years recruiting battle mages and warriors from across the land to join him in his fight for justice for the Kobold's. Caligula would also start work on building sanctuaries which would serve as safe havens for Kobold's fleeing this evil sect of torturers and murderers. Only time will tell if Caligula's quest for justice will ever come to fruition. \n\n## ++++**END OF CHAPTER ONE** ++++"} +{"id": "03837b75-6a1f-4605-9e6b-fe76881540b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:22.037", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f3a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd6QXzThNQEzaGskivUgAVZWJUo3XSBVQiEMYmrCkuck8", "txHash": "0xb7857250d01dfed83e6ebce0536b86de7906413a4ffdc9b57039da8d1c58bb9c", "createdAtBlock": 14612482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2200, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Eden of the Moors", "text": "He's hardy, sarcastic and observant. But this is all just a faade, a mechanism to deal with his horrifying past.\n\n \nHe was born in a small Moors Village, he lived out of trouble until he was a young man, that's when everything changed for the worse. \n\n\n \n\n\nHe lost his brothers in a battle and was neglected by everyone else. While perused by strangers he had to survive in a corrupt and unfair group. But with his wisdom and diligence, he managed to keep ahead of the curve and overcome all odds. This has turned him into the 3-eyed man he is today.\n\n \n\nWhile still constantly on the move, he now works as a travelling trader with Dark, his wolf, by his side."} +{"id": "258b7532-c294-460a-a009-0794b1f00e95-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:10.726", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTgT2HXBNmdMhtjg8eNXVfFcrhTmUhDDwbAhTBa7c14bR", "txHash": "0x0d0d4741636d5befb2dbc8532ed4f92e6b72625716a59d57a101c903dcb9d4b6", "createdAtBlock": 14604105, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6504, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Atlanta of the Hollow", "text": "Enchanter Atlanta of the Hollow #6504\n\nBeing a magical Enchantress is not easy for most, For a matter of fact it takes a lot of magical charms, potions, casting magical spells to prep for a proper enchantment to help with particular requests. Enchanter Atlanta has a special talent up her sleeve when it comes to her particular enchantments. she was lucky enough to come across and harvest her great knowledge from a great shamin from the Hedge wizard woods, to utilize and learn about the magical mushrooms from all the great magical forests near by from all the lands. one of her greatest enchantments from her magical mushrooms would be to grant vision into the ether realm. with this vision one wizard could gain access to unmentionable power if they could mentally survive the journey and bring back what they have found. few have succeeded in these journeys but for the ones who do come back bring a wealth of knowledge with them back from the ether realm to enhance their abilities or create new abilities in all from what they have learned and unlocked. \n\ndo seek out the Enchanter Atlanta of the Hollow if you wish to unleash your hidden potential and abilities from with in."} +{"id": "2498c029-7b79-43a9-be5c-fa9ca165d1be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:12.137", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVQVfbRX5J2W1gXnRv5Re12bpM9pmodYTTMm4dMR1r8RL", "txHash": "0xb7e9ea6e84f08e81cfde3caf09639453d17939f1ab57bfbe7baece267c996fdd", "createdAtBlock": 14605959, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8030, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Asphodel of the Citadel", "text": "Little is known about Archmagus Asphodel, where she came from or how she obtained her powers and honed her knowledge in the arts of magic. What is known, is her temper and taste for extravagant displays of fire. Beware."} +{"id": "ad627be6-2059-4e8e-9fc3-3ba1cf0c19c1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:21.739", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZYupNJsdW3HFX3BcBY6S4775WH9EvSJtYvWhpQiavQMm", "txHash": "0xc46093b5315664ac2cf02ed9c564bc361b54ae93de7b842e86051f5f53b5f517", "createdAtBlock": 14810543, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4825, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Trudy Hammer of the Coliseum", "text": "My name is Hammer of the Coliseum\nI'm the Autumn Warrior, or rather I'm a gladiator\nMy offense is Hyena and morningstar\nWhile the defense is Red Kite\nMy Red One Piece body is from wonder woman"} +{"id": "65d28e12-3792-4e23-b999-71f9b2a52b81-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:18.226", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRWepDR4BfpmN5YfABkuQaqf7VCfANaE8bk4n6LQGnvx5", "txHash": "0x59575cd5be5f6b9da144d81bddd15877e202c8a6919a8e61d488f9a35745621b", "createdAtBlock": 14609686, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9212, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTPAWr8zTeQdwEZDMixs3zZ7BSwofVqW2oT7AYtFGWVac", "name": "Medium Aldus of the Oasis", "text": "# The Merchant's song\n\n\n\n#### Merchant, merchant, tell us the stories of places far and wide away. \nPoems of mighty wizards and warriors alike, of angry beasts, faded and slain.\n\n\n\n#### Sing about the Kobolds Crossroad and which vile creatures passed,\nAnd whats the cure for phthisis my neighbor asked?\n\n\n#### \nMerchant thy wares are fresh and exciting even more, \nLove potion? Does it smell when you pour?\n\n\n\n\n#### Leathers and feathers of animals unknown, dragon eggs unhatched, plague rats fully grown.\nBedtime stories about conspiracies for the throne. And whats this? A magic stone?\n\n\n\n#### Mother first told me not to drink the Kelpies milk or touch the Bugbears silk.\nBut soon she caved and marvelled at what the Gel Slime did for her hair\n\n\n\n#### But merchant tell me one thing if you don't mindare all these things just a lucky find?\nAnd why does no one ever see you come or leave? Silent as athief?\n\n\nMerchant it was not my intention to make you mad, my bad, my bad, my bad"} +{"id": "ffc53980-6ee8-4c80-a06c-de560d875550-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:19.07", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbkFdQ7K1oWT49d3kKsdHcBec7qj4LCSzGwiqCZ98ddn8", "txHash": "0xf587221bf7dd5e44080e4198a97cd34f167cec25b6f82006f6b7424badf71f62", "createdAtBlock": 14612234, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5651, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Rocco of the Hall", "text": "And then there were two."} +{"id": "de6cf01c-46fc-46e6-8d48-aee1874cb910-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:33.413", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaVnfCDv4jAmF2puTke11mQ5GA7GTPCPrCag3YkGVJRNK", "txHash": "0xc6432782e0f2c426b36dc0929401399e4d813cc0c135408398a2e07b05da22f0", "createdAtBlock": 14781177, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4915, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVtneyby6qieavfUYGfxehaiZ8wA2ycWLPWn83UTC1gp1", "name": "Solan Cleaver the Rune Raiders", "text": "* Red beard, red blood.\n* Red butt, loves him a lot.\n* Liquid red planet in his dreams at night.\n* Shredded body and giant cleaver but he weeps, weeps\n* Jupiter in retrograde : Stormy skies ahead"} +{"id": "56324ac3-d6e2-466f-94db-aebd2ac04662-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:21.323", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b2b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwSnvPeiCiuDK2JZT2C1M5jWp4HqqKtp6SUWhhaYRNt2", "txHash": "0x6aa494b0c522306d372936919d2f253a48f6e9de8a8430704673716dd3c5b7d7", "createdAtBlock": 14612377, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9706, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmW2doBmJaApTbwPeFiJzYuuC8NQrjgghmUuxEt4BshFij", "name": "Artificer Lenora of the Road", "text": "She holds the golden key in her pouch. \n\nIf you try and snatch it, she'll give you an ouch. \n\nShe'll cast a spell on you, she's no slouch \n\nShe holds the golden key in her pouch."} +{"id": "4edd6e4c-215b-470f-824e-d6e3e1da8167-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-15T20:12:51.227", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfENDhzkWbFLHycVgf5DLyFXD1hevSb6iXkybgPPE6v3Z", "txHash": "0x13d58dd7c502aa473eb275a7902acfc41fee73c90566e1890130ab4de468a2f6", "createdAtBlock": 15541389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6040, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbLARGbGuDgGrp7qxahmFB5Vft3MsT6A4np3ETZ7zFgR5", "name": "Roddrick Conqueror of the Trail", "text": "# Rain Man\n\ni am the rain man\\\ni am not the sun man\\\ni am not the cloud man\\\ni am the rain man\\\ni have a boar\\\ni am not a boar man\\\ni have a shield\\\ni am not a shield man\\\ni have a helm\\\ni am not a helm man\\\ni have armor\\\ni am not an armor man\\\ni have a sword\\\ni am not an sword man\\\ni am a rain man"} +{"id": "7ca409f3-4e4d-4071-a97b-307bce0f3853-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:24.959", "backgroundColor": "#0f273b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNUtXCJxqkbrMjSB7KaZiqiuEQfcK6VqFQtD5s63GQtPY", "txHash": "0x3ff3d00c20f9a0e9ff8280488708d0887001aedc34dd728faf8a498da58178ee", "createdAtBlock": 14613031, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5893, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNTSp6zFR5xmVg5yZ2NcVNvGHDdbqAmfstTH4XWAoe7m6", "name": "Magus Nixie of the Ether", "text": "# Magus Nixie of the Etherverse \n\nAfter a few rough years of not living up to the expectations of his peers, Nixie dropped out of his wizarding studies and took off on an adventure of self discovery. AKA a gap year. \n\nIt is during these travels that Nixie stumbled upon a den of the nerdiest wizards and started using his limited knowledge on hallucinations to super charge his and others experiences in the Etherverse.\n\nThis led to Nixie becoming the Senior Tech Wizard of Etherverse inc, an IT support service provider by day and underground virtual experience flipper by night! \n\n\n> \n> *by Cable Williams*"} +{"id": "3c5ef464-06f5-4184-8a66-7162c4a6a5e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:25.672", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaYoRLfwNoKwj8yoQFkRukLY8vkNSTg9ZLGfsVy7k43Sr", "txHash": "0xa531b0a9342e8c8495028290c4c041b5321f2af17b8f7c4f951552f03c0074e0", "createdAtBlock": 14613181, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4504, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZhShCHG5x4NDbApfMPLbmSPkdsWYjb4VGWfxK149ALJC", "name": "Witch Shivra of the Mist", "text": "# **How Fine To Be a Hag**"} +{"id": "9c485370-f119-46a0-b9fc-0ea55d05d313-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:26.323", "backgroundColor": "#265ba5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYq7B6QGRmJmQPEHR75RNMznYETY3WLTnYJosTobLpLJu", "txHash": "0x235c29ee9c63359dbd964d8feec2d6697f686c55bf3a192dcbd784e477dab421", "createdAtBlock": 14613240, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6538, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Shigenjo of the Moors", "text": "# Arch-Magician Shigenjo\n\nWhat a peculiar find! Ive never seen an egg so large. Good boy Chookie! I'll conjure a treat for you when we get home.\n\nMy back is too frail to carry this to Goblin Town. I'm afraid you'll have to pull the cart again. Im sure a fellow wizard will trade something of value for this. The size of this egg is remarkable! Ive heard rumors of large beasts roaming the lands. I didnt believe it at first... Could this be an egg of a legendary beast? A dragon perhaps?!\n\nSomeone must know the answers. We leave for town tomorrow!"} +{"id": "8ba53702-357a-4ca8-a8e1-efc2850cf2b2-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-15T21:42:40.953", "backgroundColor": "#080111", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYepUAGHBrkrdQRxYm3p79oBEsZNyhDihXKmNc4W5H1UY", "txHash": "0x7af6956354ea89366ac125ca1c94ee8c8e16537304e8fa18a77bc960de5673b9", "createdAtBlock": 15541830, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9705, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Duke Thor of the River Styxx", "text": "# Lich Duke Thor of the River Styxx\n\n## On the Shore\n\n> With barren feet I drudge the shore of my despair, \n> Until that fair tower it grew above me there.\n\n> Dark as a fallow fire ensconced in power, \n> I died in shadowed twilight of that hour.\n\n> The purple flowers all withered in the night: \n> Around thy throne, a lonesome tremulous sight.\n\n> Held here a power in a labyrinth of light \n> Until it heard again the mercy of the Night."} +{"id": "4367ead1-0d03-4d5d-8b8e-a1dd79dbc918-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:27.034", "backgroundColor": "#130070", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcmJmgxJdcCqPJYJ3remiE7RZYwFxxExX2vZ5gfAThsfL", "txHash": "0xd22e23c5fdf0d1d72384f6117c6438076216988dfc891bd7adf1441c4305f45d", "createdAtBlock": 14613831, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2316, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Deacon Dante of the Royal Wretch", "text": "The name is Dante of the Royal Wretch. \n\nDon't come near me with your nasty stench.\n\nI'll cast my spell and make you dance like a fool.\n\nOnly to have my zombie rat eat your flesh because he's oh so cruel."} +{"id": "db7544a5-047f-4355-b8e3-46760f324aa2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:27.722", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmULqepiUHbLSUu8BsDoKHJX8pCWQtzsyzHqZ8G1BjyfAo", "txHash": "0x24d244af702ef47bf90b828ceb70c9958d481b9d33dda142b3ca4ebe709c3333", "createdAtBlock": 14613890, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2512, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Corky ", "text": "Corky drinks all day and all night. He knows he has a problem he can't fix even if he tried. He blames it on his past. Always getting picked on for not being like the others. He should working on his magic, but prefers to chug one down and tell drunken stories to Hoo-Dini, his great old pal."} +{"id": "36913ac7-9d03-4ada-beef-19498635a548-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:28.42", "backgroundColor": "#121212", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8wQTdp5KU9Ep1cGAPdqKX7o1uF17VfKvZVjvAVZo6UG", "txHash": "0x2f1ea9d5f935c39875469149df2941bbd5edd352e46579e8a001dd22a9a3d158", "createdAtBlock": 14615038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7695, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eden of the Cosmos", "text": "# The tale of Archmagus Eden of the Cosmos\n\nWielding his courage staff, roaming around the planet, protecting the world accompanied by his blissful cat who is responsible to make him calm..."} +{"id": "0a55e93d-c70f-4de1-b086-6bcca6a7656f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:29.096", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRvFMwMSHhheHvyNW5FywJAKoZXMz51MsnTNiWNLR4rBY", "txHash": "0xd1cf159af146d76af88ec13f8997382fce104ce7eb8dc7398f797cb8d3915154", "createdAtBlock": 14616146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist EyesTeethFlesh", "text": "Little is known of Arcanist EyesTeethFlesh's past life, He transferred his soul to a mechanical construct to withstand the power of the arts of necromancy he desired control over...\n\n```\n \n```\n\nMost memories lost and with his faithful bengal cat Leonidas being the sole link to his former life he pursued the study of the most forgotten depths of Necromancy to the point he could create new monstrous amalgamations of Eyes, Teeth and Flesh of dead and living beings under his own control\n\n\n```\n \n```\nEventually he turned his eye to the wider world and planned to shape it as a forever growing chaotic world of biological growth..."} +{"id": "c47de54a-b501-423d-90a8-bf5b88294200-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:48.931", "backgroundColor": "#876731", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVp98ycmMyPsbenKurLYdsh7DwawYDvB1TFHkJubKSEFF", "txHash": "0xae67f08781a1ffe94ab106c5428967cac83a36aa21f76f4ef80921303e381e4e", "createdAtBlock": 14652716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7880, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necro Frog Pozzik of the Ethereal Realm", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nFor many a moon, I have avoided scribing in this sacred book. However after my great burning, I have been plagued with visions of a parallel world. Questions unanswered, all of which point to the truths being hidden in these very pages, only revealed to me when I reveal my messages to it. I fear that many are able to see this, and yet I am drawn to it non the less. Will you judge what I have seen? Will you banish me? Usher me to an early resting place. Yet I also fear that if I do not write it here, the visions will consume me. This is where I ponder. Do I divulge what I have seen, or do I suffer the consequences of disobeying its truth."} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "The Caduceus of Hermes Trismegistus \n\n\nEnigma was a young swamp witch who lived in a small, but tidy hut, somewhere in the forest of the Fey. She was not like any other swamp witch, for she was born of light. Her soul, known as a Lightborn, was one of love, light and true goodness.\n\nNow, this didn't mean she wasn't capable of bad or stupid mistakes, she was mortal after all! What it did mean is she was way more likely to be a gentle, kind person, and her magic, unlike many others, was itself, pure light.\n\nIt would be this very distinct quality that would cause her much trouble at a young age. Shortly after birth, her entire coven turned on her, treating her like an outsider and a servant. They would often torture and humiliate her, and refused teach her the tradition magicks of the coven.\n\nThis was all well and fine as the thought of using any type of blood magic made Enigma's skin crawl. She'd rather just be friends, instead of murdering and hollowing out their insides for some generic power from some generic god.\n\t\nAt the tender age of 9, she snuck off into the night, using the foggy Fey as cover. Her innate powers of light really began to manifest once she ran away. This was a key factor in her survival, as she ended up getting lost in the Thorn basically right away.\n\nShe would survive (and eventually thrive) as she wandered the Runiverse. She was quite aggressively helpful in her teen years, as she learned to master her light magic. She could heal any wound, prevent any loss, except death of course (that's necromancy and ya girl doesn't dabble in the dark arts) and also learned she had quite a knack for gardening!"} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Her naivety in the world often got her in trouble, as bandits and scam artists are always looking for a tender soul to offend. She would wisen up, with each encounter, without ever losing her compassionate demeanor, if not being just a bit worse for wear!\n\nThe years would pass, as they do. Enigma has settled into a place she felt at home, far from her old coven. She's since mastered her light magic, trained in the art of the wild with the Druids of the Valley, and is now considered a proper protector of the woods.\n\nShe would have a most fateful encounter with old gods, artifacts of great power, and ultimately start down the path of her destiny of being one of the Great Lightborn Heroes.\n\nThat day would start like any other. She'd wake up just as the sun would start peeping through the curtains in her tiny, yet tidy, hut. She'd slip out of bed without waking Fred (her delightful slime familiar), grab her trusty walking stick, and head out the door into the woods.\n\nHer morning routine consisted of foraging for mushrooms in the local area, as she and Fred were both vegans, and were the tastiest thing one could eat around here. She would gather just what she intended to eat, and then stop by a small waterfall hidden in the swamp. \n\nShe'd wash the mushrooms, and collect some of the flowers that grew on the banks of the pool that the waterfall fed into. These were the key to her special mushroom magic. When sauteed for just the right amount of time, the flowers would give just a hint of magic to whatever they were added to. (In Enigma's case, it just made them super tasty!)"} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "She'd get back home to her little hut, get a fire going, and within moments the entire glade where she had set up shop smelt delicious. This, of course, would attract all means of wildlife. Enigma would eat just enough for herself, and give the rest out to all of her woodland friends.\n\nOnce the morning ritual was complete, she'd grab her trusty red hip pouch, her walking stick, and would head off in a new direction to find whatever adventure might come her way! What with it being the Runiverse and all, it wasn't a long walk to said adventure.\n\nHer travels on this particular day would lead her to Kelpie's bay, where she would often go to forage for lobster and seashells. The day's journey to the beach would be another mundane one, as the roads were well maintained and had lots of traffic.\n\nIt didn't take but a few hours for Enigma and Fred to reach Onikki Beach, a tiny private beach hidden along the shore of Kelpie's Bay. This particular location was a favorite to the swamp witch, as it rarely saw any other visitors. She'd also swear to anyone willing to listen that the cutest seashells were found here.\n\nThe tide was unusually low, but Enigma paid it no heed. \"It's most likely just one the wizard capitals up to something hinky,\" she thought to herself. Although it was much, much lower than she'd ever seen.\n\nSo much so that some of the ancient ruins were sticking out of the sand. Not a new discovery, but they were usually underwater! Not being much of a swimmer, she had very little interaction with any of the ruins of Atlantis, though the remnant technology scattered the Runiverse."} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "That would change very soon, though. Enigma may have been responsible and thoughtful, but she was nothing if not chronically spontaneous. This time, however, it would be mostly Fred's fault, as the little slime took right off towards one of the recently-revealed ruins in the coastline.\n\n\"Fred, what ARE you doing?? Ugh.\" Enigma, in no hurry, heads over towards what was clearly a shrine to some ancient god. When she caught up, Fred was sitting on the shrine, staring blankly at the idol affixed to it.\n\nIt was a statue of the Messenger God, Hermes Trismegistus, this time, depicted as a female. The trademark winged feet, and holding a staff high above her head, the remains of the shrine lay before Enigma. \n\nWho, by the way, was in absolute awe. While educated in many things, such as the druidic arts, how to be your best friend, and how to make delightful fried mushrooms, she was woefully ignorant of the previous cultures of her home continent. \n\nShe was immediately taken by the shrine, and busted out her charcoal and parchment, and began furiously recreating the shrine via drawing. Within moments, she had a crudely drawn image of the statue. It looked nothing like what she was standing in front of.\n\nWith a little giggle, she whispers a few words, taps the parchment, and suddenly a small shower of rainbow sparks erupts. After they clear away, the parchment is no longer a doodle, but a lifelike recreation of the statue. Some would say it looks like it was a photograph, whatever that was!"} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "After taking a moment to admire her handiwork, she folded up the parchment and put it back in her pouch, before returning her gaze to the statue. It was quite masterfully crafted, and had weathered the erosion quite well. The facial features were defined, almost realistic, and the body looked as if it were truly draped in Greecian silk.\n\nThe base of the shrine, there lay a small alms bowl, carved out of the marble, as well as a small cutout that looks like it was meant to fit a humanoid hand.\n\n\"Well now...that's strange, what on earth would you put there?\" Enigma wondered out loud. Fred responded by rolling backwards and making eye contact with.\n\n\"I mean yeah I know, it's for a hand, but why?! You don't think that's odd?\" The swamp witch responded (Fred was telepathic, thanks to the alchemical accident that created him).\n\n\"No, Fred, it IS odd! Wait, what?? Why should I put MY hand there? You put your hand there!!\" Enigma said, slowly realizing she was talking to a slime. \"Ugh fine, but it looks like something should go in the bowl, so...hop in.\" She said, with a smirk and she stuffed her familiar into the marble bowl.\n\nNot really sure what to do, but always seemingly coaxed by her slime, Enigma placed her hand on the dias and waited.\n\n\"YOU do something! What the heck am I supposed to do?\" Enigma and Fred went back and forth while the two argued over the statue. While this was going on, the entire shrine started to hum quietly and began to glow."} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "It was reacting to her hand! Fred quickly hopped out of the bowl and into Enigma's hair, all the while encouraging her to stay put. Which, duh. At this point, she was enthralled! Magic shiny things were a notable weak point, and this was getting really shiny really quick!\n\nWell, glowy, really. Eventually, Enigma took her hand back, and stepped back, but the statue only continued to glow and hum, as if it were charging up. She could feel the energy coming off the statue, but this only enticed her more.\n\nThen, suddenly---*ZZZZAAAPPP* A loud crack and a bright white light fills the sky, and the two are gone. Onikki beach is once again empty, the Shrine of Hermes nowhere to be found\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\tWhat the HECK?! Enigma screeched, as she and Fred came tumbling down from nowhere into a hard granite floor. One minute standing on the beach, the next, she was falling, discombobulated and unsure of where she was.\n\n\tIt took her a moment to get herself together enough to stand up, and take stock of her new situation. After doing a quick check on Fred, she cast a small ambient light spell on the slime, to give herself some kind of visibility. It had been quite dark when she landed, and she feared the worst.\n\n\tAnd just like that, the darkness faded and gave way to ruins unlike any shed have ever seen. In the distance, she could see large towers and spires of marble and glass, and the sound of water rushing could be heard somewhere nearby.\n\n\tWhere she had landed seemed to be isolated from the rest ofwherever it was she ended up. The ground was overgrown, and the trees looked like they may have had leaves on them once upon a time."} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "She didnt even really have time to think about how she got there, when a small dias in the center of the clearing caught her attention (but not before she scooped up Fred and gave him a big hug).\n\n\tThe dias itself was made of marble, and it housed a large, glowing glass cube. Enigma had very little exposure to the tech of the old worlds, and was mesmerized by the glowing light slowly pouring out of the glass cube. \n\n\t\n\n\tThe light didnt seem to permeate very far, even though it seemed to be glowing quite brightly. Unable to resist the call of adventure, Enigma approached the dias and scooped up the glowing cube without a second thought.\n\n\n\tIt was quite warm to the touch, and seemed to react to her, the light pulsing ever so slightly where her hand made contact. After a few seconds of fiddling with it, it began to vibrate, and suddenly a mechanical voice filled the air.\n\n\tPlease state your request. The voice said, emotionless, coming from nowhere and everywhere all at once.\n\n\tUm what?? Id uhlike to go home? Enigma asked, unsure of what to do next.\n\n\tUnable to comply. Please state your request. The voice repeated, as emotionless as before.\n\n\tNow, Enigma was really confused. All she wanted to do was collect some seashells and go home with a snack! Now shes in this strange place, with strange voices asking her strange things. \n\n\tUgh, what do you mean unable to comply!! What kind of request can I make? She asked, somewhat exasperated with the situation.\n\n\tThe cube responded to her question by changing colors from the soft white to more of a lavender. Once this change was complete, the voice spoke once more."} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Initiating help routine alpha. This is an Atlantean Forge Model 12 Hermes. Designed to fabricate and empower personal artifacts for the followers of Hermes. Please select from the following models. A few seconds go by, the cube makes a brief whirring noise and changes color once more, this time to a pastel green.\n\n\tSome text appears before Enigma, in a language she was very much unable to read, and floating magically, as if made from light. It indeed was! It was a hologram being projected by the cube, but Enigma wasnt keen on these facts.\n\n\tAs she sat there, staring at the unfamiliar words, trying to formulate what she could possibly do, a loud screech emanated from the cube, and it suddenly turned bright red and fell to the floor.\n\n\tEnigma scooted back instinctively, as a new hologram spit from the cube. This time, it wasnt words, but the outline of a person! After a few seconds passed, the outline became a full image. Standing before Enigma now was a beautiful woman made of light.\n\n\tEnigma, please do not be afraid. I have been waiting for you! A new voice echoed through the chamber, but this time it sounded as if it came from an actual person. It was soft and kind, almost familiar.\n\n\tUhhow do you know my name?? Where am I? What is going on here?! Enigmas emotions finally got the best of her, and she broke down in tears (mostly from stress, but also from the fear of a random ghost lady in the middle of nowhere knowing your name)."} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "You are safe here, sweet druid. I am Hermes Trismegistus, and I have waited a very long time for you to find me. While Im just a vision of what once was, I have left for you the only weapon you will ever need to wield. My caduceus The voices words tapered off, as if sad.\n\n\tMoments later, the dias where the cube had been resting slid to one side, and revealed a small chamber underneath. A dazzling blue staff rose from underneath, and floated over to Enigma, as if guided by magic.\n\n\tThe staff, known far and wide as The Caduceus, was Hermes personal staff, and had been the subject of much magic and many miracles. If it was at all like the legend says, it would make her healing magic something of legend.\n\n\tThis is and always has been meant for you, my child. For you are Lightborn, the last of the true Atlantean bloodline. With my staff, your destiny shall begin. It has been foretold since my time that the Lightborn would be the last defense against the encroaching quantum darkness. The lady of light stopped for a moment, almost as if giving Enigma a moment to think.\n\n\tYou must find others like you, and prevent the darkness from taking over. If your light should be tainted, all will be lost. Now, there will only be enough power to send you back, so I must end this recording now. I am certain of your success, Enigma, be strong. The lady of light fades to darkness, and suddenly\n\n*ZZZZAAAPPP* A loud crack and a bright white light fills the air, and the two are back at Onikki beach."} +{"id": "ce41ce55-d954-4ff0-86df-4a341c63ca77-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.939", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAwCMr7ot6ecFNdYQyp5EkmiN8yaif4MDdUPZ6soARAp", "txHash": "0xe9c955edf51f3a45cdc42241004d8c7e7a5bd0e6f63128d67cb43a4a21603f78", "createdAtBlock": 15543095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakYBqroAscGtMSsvLaE3pVNWTboXMQ5xMsPDfnkFCzf3", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "WHAT THE HECK!!!! Enigma screamed, stomping her feet in frustration. What do you mean What?, Fred? HM? You dont think it was a little weird that we got zapped twice in less than 10 minutes, had some ancient god tell us some nonsense, and then stuff this funny walking stick into my hands, and send me out the door? Enigma said in one breath, clearly trying to process what she had just experienced.\n\n\tFred, on the other hand, seemed very unphased, and went back to the original plan of digging up seashells and snacks from the coast. Enigma just stood there, staring at the statue of Hermes, wondering if this had all just been a weird hallucination (she had been known to have very little worry about what kind of mushrooms she ate). However, the humming blue staff in her hand was a reminder that it indeed was not a dream.\n\tAfter staring for a few more seconds, Enigma headed over to Fred, and joined him in his search for beach treasures. Shed spend the rest of the day figuring out what the heck did really just happen, and then, after coming up empty handed on both snacks and seashells, she decided it was time to end this adventure.\n\n\tCome, Fred, its time to go home! Enigma beckoned the slime, who hopped on over and right into her free arm. Lets see if this staff has any real oomph shall we? She giggled, muttered some magic words, and began to softly glow. The caduceus matched her glow and gave her Lightborn powers a serious boost of power.\n\n\tThe swamp witch began to glow brighter than ever, and with a quiet little poof, teleported home with the help of her newfound powers. This wouldnt be the end of Olympus and Atlantis sticking their noses into our poor swamp witchs life, but thats another story for another day!"} +{"id": "1148dbf7-48d4-490e-9f76-79ee134591df-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:49.656", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbUGcXm4xCvnEkML2WtRn15XWrupkL12scTACeYNfW29a", "txHash": "0x28b7b4438eecad754f83fffde713642904034f72fb670855690203af26f18d18", "createdAtBlock": 14653117, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7181, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": " Maia of the Capital", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "# Chapter 1: A key in the firelight\nMilo watched from the shadows as the lone sorceress lovingly caressed the golden key. The metal shone seductively in the firelight. His hands trembled in anticipation.\n\n*Bring it to us, we must have it! Bring it to us now!*\n\nMilo nodded fervently as the voices urged him on. He crept through the dark copse, careful not to make a sound as he walked on the leaf-littered ground. If the legends about these keys were true, who knew what power this one might hold? \n\nHe smiled greedily to himself and pointed his forked garnet staff at the ground, the crimson stone whirring softly as it hovered in the air between the staffs split head. Faint trails of mist crept from the stone, questing out over the carpet of fallen leaves. The mist coaxed sinewy roots out of the ground and in a flash the roots had wrapped themselves around the sorceress. Though she struggled, the roots tightened their coils, constricting her breathing and preventing her from screaming. \n\nAs the face of the sorceress turned purple, Milo leaped into the circle of firelight and snatched up the key from where it had fallen on the bare earth. He held it in his two hands, the firelight reflected off the key, illuminating the bottom of his face. His blue rat, Seth, squeaked longingly from the ground next to his feet. Milo knew that the voices spoke to Seth too."} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "Suddenly wild noises erupted in the darkness all around them. A large shape burst into the clearing in a whirl of brilliant white, gold, and pink. A spear-like horn tipped with a vicious point bore down on Milo as he raised his garnet staff to strike, but he was too slow. The key was ripped from his hands, spinning around the horn before being flung over the fire and out of sight. \n\n*Noooooooooo!*\n\nThe voices seared through his mind and a large Rune of Venus on a rounded plate of burnished gold slammed into his face. The last thing he heard as he was flung backwards was a triumphant neighing: YEAH baby! Now thats how its done!\n\n# Chapter 2: The genesis of a trio\nThe sun was beating down on Milo. His head pounded as he was jostled up and down, his hands bound behind him. Everything ached, but for once, mercifully, the voices were silent. He decided to remain as still as possible in the hope that they wouldnt return. Maybe he could also discover what in the Runiverse had happened to him. \n\nThe voice he had heard just before he had been knocked unconscious was speaking: Now, see, just because a being has four legs, does that automatically mean they gotta be the one doing all the carrying? I mean, I aint complaining, its just something to ruminate on, yknow?\n\nIts not because you have four legs, Ishtar. Im not asking Haze to carry him. You just happen to be *such a big, strong pony!*\n\nThe pony Ishtar? grunted in response to his female companion. Well technically, Haze doesn't really have any legs, does she? Shes a shard of the bloomin celestial consciousness. Wouldnt be right to ask her."} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "Such a noble steed! Dont worry, well be there before nightfall see that low set of hills up ahead? Should be far enough from the Veil for Rainbow Cakes to split the fabric of the cosmos. For some reason elevation seems to help. \n\nYes, well, good. But hey, listen, dont you get any ideas Sheba, this is a partnership, got it? I aint nobodys steed.\n\nOf course not. Haze is my familiar and were also partners. So I guess now that makes us a trio. \n\nThe pony seemed to be mulling this over as they walked on in silence for a short time. Milo cautiously opened one eye and was blinded by the harsh light. When he regained his vision, he saw a fox trotting along beside him, grinning up at him and making a point it seemed of flashing rather large canines in his direction. Milo looked to the side and saw Seth. The blue rats head poked out of a small sack that bounced off the gold armour plating on the ponys flank. Seths eyes looked wild as he stared in naked terror at the fox.\n\nA dusky face framed by raven hair had popped into his view. The girls large dark eyes sparkled with amusement: Dont worry about the teeth, shes not serious. Its just fox humour. Shes really taken to it. The girl winked at Milo, then disappeared from view again. The vixens grin widened, then she looked meaningfully at Seth and ostentatiously licked her lips.\n\nThe pony was speaking again. You know Sheba, last night *was* pretty fun. The old unicorn horn aint seen that much action in hoo-wee, I dont even remember! If I didnt have this load on my back, I reckon Id do a little prance. You got it baby, a trio we are!"} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "The girl barked a short, triumphant laugh. Milo was starting to feel decidedly woozy, and the conversation faded into the background.\n\n# \nWhen Milo came around he looked up to see a rolling set of grassy hills. The girl and the pony were seemingly still talking.\n\nThats nothing, if youre looking for conceited, let me tell you something: my father *cloned himself in owl form* to be his own familiar!\n\nThe pony gave a whinny of amusement. Are you *serious*?\n\nOh thats not even the worst part. He even *named* it after himself!\n\nThe pair began laughing uproariously. Now that the pain in his head was subsiding, Milo began to feel a little disgruntled.\n\nHey! Hey, you two! What is the meaning of this? Do you know who I am? Release me this instant!\n\nThe laughter cut short immediately and the jostling stopped as the pony came to a standstill. Milo could hear the girls footsteps approaching, then she was standing next to him. He squinted up at her.\n\nOh no, Milo. No, no, no, no, no. I know *exactly* who you are. Youve been a very naughty Shaman. You know extorting and killing Rudimentals gives the magic community a bad name. Its no wonder the Celestials are gaining support against planetary magic. And then you went and killed that sorceress. Thats something I can usually get behind, but for a shadowkey? Now the Key Master has to get involved.\n\nMilo summoned up his most convincing indignation. Shadowkey? What in the Sacred Pillars are you talking about? It was a gift from a close witchdoctor friend of mine, and that wretched sorceress *stole* it from me!"} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "Milo, Milo, Milo. While you were unconscious, I cast my Rune of Mercury around you, and it told me everything. Now, I could have done that last night if *somebody* had been a little less eager\n\nHey, you said here we go, baby, so I went! Charge first and cast spells later. Always conserve the magic! Thats the pony way, Ishtar interjected.\n\nYes, well, it was a lovely charge, no question about that. But the fact remains, this idiots fate is now out of my hands.\n\nMilo cursed his captors loudly and inventively as the party continued up the gentle slope of the grassy hillside, but fell into a sullen silence after the girl casually mentioned the effects of some of her favourite Hex Mage curses.\n\nFinally, as the sun was setting over the lofty mountain range in the distance, they crested a rise and came to a standstill.\n\nRight, said the girl. Time for a bit of summoning!\n# Chapter 3: A stylish arrival; a stylish departure\nA sharp crack sounded high in the sky, and thunder rumbled through the heavens.\n\nA blur of colours streaked towards the small group, and the ground shook as it hit the top of the hill in a rolling cloud of dust. As the dust settled, a sonorous voice boomed across the land: BEHOLD MY QUANTUM STYLE!\n\nHe always does that, Bathsheba murmured to the pony out of the corner of her mouth."} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "As the dust cleared, @wizard777 spread his arms wide. Ah, my child, I see you have been busy! And you have a new friend! May I say that pink tail is absolutely *fabulous*. Is that a set of Legendary Armour? I had not thought to see such finery again, not since Nergal the Pugnacious retired to the Dream Realm. It warms my heart to see that the Dream Ponies have returned to the physical world. \n \nMilo gaped at the wondrous rainbow-coloured colossus striding towards them. His one giant eye was set in the centre of a golden pyramid-shaped head wedged onto his muscular shoulders. In his right hand he held a large golden key, identical to the one Milo had held in his hands so briefly the night before, though this one was dwarfed by the Key Masters massive fist. A translucent Infinity Rune revolved lazily in the air just above the pyramids apex.\n\nSacred Key Master, well I gotta tell ya, this is wild! You were always in all of Nergals best stories! I never thought Id get a chance to meet ya!\n\nRainbow Cakes, this is @pony77. Hes agreed to join me and Haze in hunting down the shadowkeys for you.\n\nWell thats fantastic, ! But I do wish you wouldnt call me that. Its bad enough when Derek does it.\n\nAlright, alright, keep your colours on. Where *is* Derek anyway?\n\nHes taken a quick detour to the Psychic Leap. He knows I cant go there; I think he does it just to annoy me. He did mention something about finding some minds to chew on I try not to ask too many questions; you know how sphinxes are.\n\nSure do, big guy. Anyway, do you want to see your present?"} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "Sure do, big guy. Anyway, do you want to see your present?\n\nBathsheba loosened Milos bonds and tugged the back of his robe, dumping him off the pony so that he landed with a painful thud.\n\nOw! Hey, watch it!\n\nSILENCE, wretch! boomed the Key Master. Milo quailed in the grass, squeezing his eyes shut before the unbearably righteous radiance. He heard the heavy steps of the Key Master approaching.\n\nHmmm, very interesting. , did you feel the spirits? Theyve got almost complete control over him. I wonder what they offered him that convinced him to act as their vessel?\n\nThe rage exploded within Milo; he was powerless to stop it. Ill kill you, all of you! Just you wait!\n\nYou see how they puppet him? asked the Key Master. He pressed a meaty fingertip to Milos forehead, pinning the Shamans head to the ground. Milo struggled vainly, the frenzied voices screeching and clamouring in his mind.\n\nI know, said the girl. I had to cast a suppression spell. I could still hear them babbling on even after Ishtar knocked him out. Theyre rather annoying.\n\nIndeed. Its good that you found him when you did. The spirits might have conjured potent magic if they had managed to latch onto the wizards soul trapped in this shadowkey. Lets get them all to @wizard1175 shall we? Hes got his work cut out for him this time!\n\nMilo kicked out futilely as he was hauled up off the ground by the back of his tunic. The Shaman suddenly felt a deep sense of despair wash over him; the voices in his head shrank inwards, whispering fearfully.\n\nEverybody ready? called out Sacred Key Master.\n\nYee-haw! Sugar cubes time, baby!"} +{"id": "f37fe9b4-8c14-4494-95b6-cfc5c3ccd4e0-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.911", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK5VQeG9HPgugukhdf17a36qWxTvAj8UMppfBJi87AXK", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf4moj4Zozi4VtxqkGgZaauqm3iRmWXP1Ykpymjx4swtG", "name": "Shaman Milo ", "text": "Yee-haw! Sugar cubes time, baby! \n\nRainbow light pulsed all around them. In a flash of brilliance, they shot upwards into the sky, the ponys final words trailing behind them.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "39f919ab-9767-4f0c-a592-47b22f22dbe0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:50.368", "backgroundColor": "#937fb4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUdKkFhTTbxFCmLGHm689XN9LEQUxnqyn1fQihX2kxZk", "txHash": "0x85818fbecaf87940f53b1ce0f7384ed60beb8d4d2364a7f9638ea9b29f306eac", "createdAtBlock": 14653448, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5765, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf8NRzD173jtUxoc2x9XQVL7avHGZQz7g2QU2vQpEpHZ4", "name": "Augurer Ozohr of the Cosmos", "text": "The custodian of the Flopped Flush Inn and Casino, where a wizard can come and test their luck and skill. Anyone is welcome to play the gentleman for a room, against his foresight, but lose and the room is twice the price!"} +{"id": "c7d09c69-b418-4892-9d19-13c4533282cb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:51.172", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX83yFndAEQRpXgvKgsjwW54DmJerAMRrcKGrK5HNMu6x", "txHash": "0xc513938d2141822a2ead1faf6254ac9b71568871a54f4e7cc03d52c61302874c", "createdAtBlock": 14653597, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSn9VsXWx43cAgzukyV8SZsge8Apt97Q4fkNhtTDhEzPt", "name": " Jerret of Dreams", "text": "# Jerret\nAs a boy Jerret of Dreams saw a number of years of adventuring throughout the Realm of Dreams during the early Nightmare \nWars while pretending to fight for both sides. He claims to have saved the world at one point, but that was back when the world needed saving every few days so there are few left around who could confirm it. He usually has an excellent memory but his youth is centuries past and he has learned so much that he struggles to distigish truth from legend.\n\nThese days he has become an eccentric old man fond of his slow and peaceful corner of the world and a good book. His back and joints are creaky from excitements past, but he keeps the aches down with a tremendous yoga practice. Aside from his daily yoga Jerret has grown quite lazy. Despite being a proficient potion maker, mead brewer, craftsman, gardener and fisherman most of his time is spent watching the animals of the forest or seeking out undiscovered mushrooms. \n\nIt is well known that he can still produce tremendous magical feats when properly motivated, it just doesnt occur often in his cozy cottage. It is said that when he finally settled down he constructed a marvelous underground library where he kept all his favorite volumes. \n\nHis most usefully spell summons workers made of fungus who tend his gardens and look after his library. \n\nHe takes few nonmagical visitors because the local villagers despise him with the exception of small group of village children who come to visit despite being expressly forbidden by their parents. The children affectionately call him **Mush Master** due to his vast mushroom garden, his superb mushroom soup, and general love of fungus. There is magical strength in all of the children and he hopes to share his knowledge of wizardry with them all when the time is right."} +{"id": "c7d09c69-b418-4892-9d19-13c4533282cb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:51.172", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX83yFndAEQRpXgvKgsjwW54DmJerAMRrcKGrK5HNMu6x", "txHash": "0xc513938d2141822a2ead1faf6254ac9b71568871a54f4e7cc03d52c61302874c", "createdAtBlock": 14653597, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSn9VsXWx43cAgzukyV8SZsge8Apt97Q4fkNhtTDhEzPt", "name": " Jerret of Dreams", "text": "Jerret is good friends with @wizard2180 and they have been known to go fishing together whenever possible. There aren't very many species that they haven't caught and their favorite is the elusive Moon Catfish. They have shared other other adventures and often seek out hidden corners of the wilderness to uncover powerful magic unknown. Although he will still adventure occasionally Jerret often must be dragged off grumbling by Wolfram. Although Wolfram has not come to visit in a long time and Jerret is just starting to get a little worried for his friend."} +{"id": "bd415ef3-eb60-4f2c-8433-7b02eae1f22d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:00.381", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b29", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaEpWWoXnqNnoL9xgqJh8QYcnVCY19JeG6adHkTVfPH5w", "txHash": "0x5e6dfc67f395dad24fb42b40306d2797af0a018204056706953a5b4e0f5656a2", "createdAtBlock": 15543119, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Style Guide - Druid Enigma of the Valley\n\nEnigma is ALWAYS: \n\n* Single (she's asexual/aromantic) \n* Altruistic \n* Kind \n* Loving (platonically) \n* Humble \n* Affectionate \n* A healer \n* born of light\n\n \nEnigma always has on her: \n \n* The Caduceus (staff, blue) \n* Hip pouch/fanny pack (red) \n* little slime named Fred (green)\n\n \n \n \nEnigma is NEVER: \n\n* Mean \n* Hateful \n* Dismissive \n* Selfish\n\nDue to her loving nature, she can be a bit gullible, and can fall victim to lies and misinformation. Mind control and manipulation can be exceptions to things she may never do.\n\nHer age can vary, but her traits remain the same. \n\nHer origin can also vary, but she must be always be Lightborn. \n\nHer hair is either normal or snakes, but either way it must be green. \n\nShe only knows healing magic. Anytime she casts, her staff and hair (if snakes) react by glowing blue.\n\nWhat is Lightborn?\n\n* born a pure soul, blessed by holy light\n* often the last of a bloodline, such as Olympian\n* light magic is used to heal and protect, and cannot be repressed by any known factors\n* immediate bad disposition with creatures of the less desirable kind.\n* has a slight aura in pitch black spaces.\n\n\n<3 emmaleigh.eth"} +{"id": "02729f2c-7e42-4afa-b545-930861ffb520-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:29.8", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTC1CwjXtKRBbVCya2xSPne6hfsMC2hnFn4BNLr3xMvU6", "txHash": "0x0834fd245abda99ca7db9d1658840058ffcb75f7c1fbd8060860064740ae5336", "createdAtBlock": 14616369, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 566, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Zombie Homer of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "MEAT.\n\nHe awoke deep in the woods. The faint smell of acrid smoke lingered in the air. Laying on his side, he could see a fox trotting around him. It was his companion Ash... he was sure of it. But Ash had changed. He could see the forest floor through her shimmering body.\n\nFLESH.\n\nThe hunger. Oh the hunger. Where was he? How long had he been slumbering? He was so weak, so hungry and so tired. Just then he heard a large crash behind him in the forest. He stood grabbing his treasured bag of tricks. Even that looked different...it was heavier, shifting...with a skull on it?\n\nBLOOD.\n\nHe turned around and saw a deathly grizzly bear. He reached into his bag of tricks and dark, smoked light gushed from within. The ground tore asunder under the bear and then closed back in crushing it. He walked over to it's body...he was so, so hungry.\n\nGUTS.\n\nAnd so he feasted. Like a newborn taking its first meal he ate greedily. The power, oh the power. Each bite filled his veins. Strength like none he had ever had before. He would not give this up. Not for anything, no matter the cost. This was the start of a whole new path. He took the bears skull, the only part unconsumed in his ravenous feast and fastened it to his head. \n\nSINEW.\n\nThe hunger. Oh the hunger.\n\nAnd so he walked. Ash at his side. Belly not yet sated. In search of his next meal. Walking westward, where he heard the sound of people."} +{"id": "366483c8-3586-4ba3-a724-ec0a6dc4196d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:31.143", "backgroundColor": "#0f263b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb4FpmJweHZ4d9KaAmVKxNbMghMCyZBEkbRvGnD4pJXF6", "txHash": "0x8a5c8a351cdfbaf32889c87ffaafc0e63c4bb2dbe3cbfcbeba7964b829348397", "createdAtBlock": 14616923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2614, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdnvVJHhCCgVdSL6eWqRTGHn7mhiBh1w2GpWYmT437UtJ", "name": "Enchanter Oxnard of the Ether", "text": ">\nAfter Big Potion almost stole away his purpose, Oxnard pours his energies into producing only the Finest EO Full Magic Milk. The magic of Oxnard, his attentive stirring, and a dash of ether goodness makes this milk* product good for the entire family.\n\n\n>\n\n*Guaranteed to contain some milk"} +{"id": "a700b7a7-5edd-4cd0-86d3-86e2fb6a66e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T16:32:10.097", "backgroundColor": "#113b0f", "index": 8, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZVDAG5AyQj4bnPRwmzWzp9rjzr86onicj8rie5ToxSQg", "txHash": "0x4375508fc4b845e136b21f6cf9d307de054d0f4a1187fd957eda5543c64f2aba", "createdAtBlock": 15543152, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "In Enigma's beginning there wasn't any love \njust an unholy hatred from those above \nThere was no one to save her from this plight \nfor she was a swamp witch born of light \nshe was Like no other of her bloodline \nA destiny was written, the stars aligned \n\nShe was naught but a child when she snuck away \nEnigma ran fast from the swamp out to the Fey \nit was on this journey where she learned to heal \nand through her companion, she learned how to feel \ntwas the cutest of slimes that she ever did see \nShe made him from scratch and said \"come with me!\" \n\nAnd so the two journeyed through the perilous land \nlearning about life and what makes love so grand \nfrom battles with kobolds and mind games from mages \nEnigma's life would be a humble tale of the ages \nShe never succumbed to the horrible things \nAll that darkness that being a swamp witch brings \n\nIn one of her adventures, she finds a relic true \nA caduceus, a staff of Hermes, in a rare shade of blue \nit bestowed upon her the powers of mother nature \nand a vast understanding of it's secret nomenclature \nA great protector of the valley she would become \nShe would even develop quite the green thumb \n\nBut alas her tale is yet far from complete \nShe has much to learn and is not very discrete \nso won't you please follow along as Enigma grows \nThere will be lot of emotions, lots of highs and low \nNo matter what happens, know that she loves you \nand her bond with you will always be true"} +{"id": "b8f62e14-60cf-4a84-a6b4-06a03e5ca7dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:43.475", "backgroundColor": "#b23642", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5qULZXWwFnTzbqhrBZrZzD8MMJiK3jfcKrDRBVVAJMH", "txHash": "0x80fab32dd70a22e143af4df2772c4d3fdca039285e102ec0b7999329cfbb9954", "createdAtBlock": 14617879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7852, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Bao of the Cosmos", "text": "Bao was a master of illusion, but was only keeping his talent for the ladies. He was the romantic type, and always looking for a starry night to make his first step."} +{"id": "f2a70900-bf09-447d-b7f8-5512e7b2afc6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:33.64", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRDyRhDi3TswocQuWDkndXxUHd7fG2tziBccvpmkgmzvW", "txHash": "0x518c897923e374f91d8bd67d67d7ced5bd9c309c0c50f13fc7a6dc0b3dbf48c7", "createdAtBlock": 14616996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3951, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Khudalf of the Court", "text": "Battle Mage Khudalf of the Court , previously pursuing a career as a lawyer, put down his gavel and picked up a firework instead."} +{"id": "841dde27-7b85-4461-b7a0-d2b42a2e502d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:34.323", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdqcTQTHmMm3rCfMuqEH8yUpsyG9GHCxZGM3xmWZ17bEk", "txHash": "0xcda3ad71772d735087a1219c2450b24cf614666c7ee666235931aa23d36c56c8", "createdAtBlock": 14617011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1668, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kamil of the Keep", "text": "Sorcerer Kamil of the Keep, constantly reminds his friends that he was once on Forbes 30 under 30."} +{"id": "3e45dc18-c11e-4232-8c9c-47101ca87ca0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:35.099", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSWWR7bn41dALqnJeDSJR4g2vhzXoTBG7gknXKwmS8wYS", "txHash": "0x9b82ab7776834262a1140966c57a58dd0ae7f93627c5eb60b2697addc3e042a9", "createdAtBlock": 14617057, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4727, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Dutorn of the Atheneum", "text": "A thunderous crash awakens Dutorn from his enchantment. His latest lessons from the book of spells have been to attempt to conquer the astral plane, seeing as he has finally mastered the physical one. His surroundings show no signs of change, but something within stirs. He can sense that something is a little off, and his slime too quivers. He returns to his lessons.\n\n\nOne day passes. He is taking a break from the astral plane to have a meal - keeping his physical body alive has simply become a chore. At the same time as yesterday, another thunderous roar from afar. No this can not be a coincidence. This time he is determined to investigate. \n\n\nDutorn heads in to town, where everything is buzzing. Wizards and familiars alike, darting from place to place. Store shelves are being emptied, others are being boarded up. A peculiar wizard with bumps in to him almost cutting him with his scythe. \n\n\n\"What's with all the commotion\" Dutorn asks.\n\n\n\"Where are you been? They've been released! Two of them now. Two beasts, and who knows how many more. I need to find the rest of my defense spell ingredients, you should be preparing too\" the wizard stutters, and runs towards to the big potion shop. \n\n\"So it's finally happened\" Dutorn mutters to himself. \"All that preparation, and it's finally time\""} +{"id": "f138e770-c73d-4311-aa11-97fb78b77ada-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-16T15:04:15.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPTJgwppV8bTsaqpkPVHbCjndu1HLcPU7fp3jEXAp1XUN", "txHash": "0x0b68a2ae54aa3b9ad38f258f9fb6c1fb7f8230d086c78a75763171afee067937", "createdAtBlock": 15546946, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3122, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Marquis Dr. Death of the Ice Abyss", "text": "Dr. Death is old. Even he doesn't remember his age. Is it 300 years? A thousand?\n\nWho knows.\n\nBut he also forgot his name, a few x hundred years ago, he referred to himself as Dr. Death, like anyone else.\n\nDr. Death of the Ice Abyss! He can be heard near the ice mountains, to nobody.\n\nLittle is known about him, the folks from down the glacier mountain area think he used to be a noble doctor that lived in a castle perched into a high mountain, hundreds of years ago. People thought he was brave to live in such cold conditions but they didn't know what he was doing. It was mysterious, for sure.\n\nOne day, it is thought he was playing with fire and turned into a.. Lich. He wanders near the Ice Abyss, just shouting his name.\n\nHe hasn't been seen in decades, but he's been heard."} +{"id": "ac22f8cb-f5c0-487f-9a29-77070da8c862-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:35.726", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRnYnr1FrDc4nfNhpEEjCXzBTMwhSUwv8g8Cv9X2i7oFt", "txHash": "0x6fcf713f35cf1af9634a03ffb128330600790e95d07a6206527d962c12806ff8", "createdAtBlock": 14617189, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8198, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRR3cVcNoKMjLa7qXTj9PAwkXP9WFViJidxj2zgE1wNJi", "name": "Ice Mage Zelroth of the Berg", "text": "Ice Mage Zelroth waiting for the other skiers. Taken during our last ski trip. This one was one for the books! \n\n\n\n\nHiking trip North of the Sacred Pillars Mountains - Zelroth's cabin is not too far South from here."} +{"id": "139c45eb-7818-4a97-93d0-1d87fd8f6838-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:42.828", "backgroundColor": "#42ff00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmURdTqCx6r7nMxUZ1XYgR4puecQJydNYfjvxEEBttaec3", "txHash": "0x1eb7009beb071f1857e0ad635ed234129e5a4ace7a2af4055f6bd305bef0d16c", "createdAtBlock": 14617878, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7472, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ifran of the Mist", "text": "I'm a trickster of the Mist, the name is Ifran and got lots of twists\n\nMy green buddies name is Krist, if you're not careful, we'll hit you with our first\n \nI'm a trickster of the Mist, the name is Ifran and got lots of twists"} +{"id": "2e717b6a-d934-4219-8096-53dd555173b2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:36.469", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaQge3nEmLeMCWJdwnao1K6rUQCUmJbUKeyxRU7nXrqCP", "txHash": "0x45bb85c8e54706037a381ae65a08afa7bf90c21d46bc17a8491c198ecc9f3cab", "createdAtBlock": 14617224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7874, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXHbh8FgLkh5YiFeX8HPkWxt6rC3obxLGo6szdcKxuucR", "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Sisk of the Fatal Forever", "text": "The Pyre Seeker finds His Dragon The Great Burning Pyre 13\n\n\n\nAnother one gone, rumors abound... the great burning, the fire of the eternal flame, has taken many brothers and sisters.\n\n\nMany look for their wiz friends, but some like this selfish wizard, Archmagus Sisk of the Mist, know only one thing... their quest for the egg, and what it shall become. The egg calls for him, day and night, to protect, to serve, to nurture. But what shall be in the egg? A Dragon, a Cockatrice? Only the great Pyre will determine his fate.\n\nHe goes in with a few of his friends, Sorceror George of the Hills, and another unknown egg holder... will they be bonded forever, will the dragon appear? Or will it be all for naught, a life of nothingness.\n\nPyre 13 will be the day when legends are made and stories are forgotten, but the dragons beckon. If they should hatch, a new era will be forged, and the fate of the runiverse may depend on who trains these dragons,"} +{"id": "08d005c9-2987-4d7a-861b-e055fe605c6a-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-16T17:08:25.921", "backgroundColor": "#080606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXkjGnubZ6wSPuvDc2AR2WgssP6JAi6LLKG9N6QXxYiZU", "txHash": "0xa1aa36515cc7c11b971f424d2795af9ab9bf873c743e1b430439a2b208e8fb90", "createdAtBlock": 15547561, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1433, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Boris Mincer of Domination", "text": "# Astral Record No. 1433B.0 Boris and The Illuminatus Guild\n\n**The Illuminatus Guild** is a sect of elite warriors loyal to the **Eye of Illuminatus**. Little is known of the guild as they pride themselves in secrecy. \n\n**Boris** is a fabled warrior-assassin who is amongst the highest ranks of the **Illuminatus**. His might is unparalleled, second only to @warrior0 himself. An encounter with **Boris** is likely to spell death. \n\nHis exploits within the guild and execution of high-profile contracts has garnered him an audience with **The Forgemaster**, the greatest blacksmith known to the Runiverse. It is said that this blacksmith harbors a **Secret Forge** in which he crafts the most powerful of weapons.\n\nDark clouds surround **The Forgemasters** domain. \n\n***A storm is coming . . .***"} +{"id": "6efaf22c-e376-4803-a873-54f7db3c561b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:37.356", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdY6yjjAvJERkudL6p8og5w4VL1dh8KUmUhnXtQX9kSfm", "txHash": "0x8c36d3bf4bcf11d4682a226e17d1c4f356955ec7aeabb9bf74bd24f6dac4744c", "createdAtBlock": 14617406, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7811, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmepMj1dPw6FQpK5yWg8swkqgCJioM239t5H2sgoJq1bGX", "name": "Bard Impy of the Great Blue", "text": "# Song of the Great Blue\n\n#### O Purest of creatures, O Mother and Virgin,\nYou who carry in your arms the Sirens Harp,\n\n\n\n#### Purest of purest, hear our fiery song,\nGuide us from the Salt all the way through Kelpies Bay, O Star of the sea.\n\n\nO Star of the sea, O Star of the sea,\n\n\n\n#### Threaten our storm and feed the Beasts,\nGuide our ship and light our way.\n\n\n\n\n#### Calm, O Purest, the storm upon thy,\nPour hope into our hearts, O Star of the sea;\n\n\nO Star of the sea, O Star of the sea,\n\n\n\n\n#### Purest of beings, let your song guide us home,\nThe Bard brings blessings to you trough his song,\n\n\n\n#### Then we dock safely on the borders,\nAnd thank thee eternally, O Star of the sea;\n\nO Star of the sea, O Star of the sea,\n\n\n\n\n#### O Purest, the sea that receives and that feeds.\nOne and the same. Sunlight of silver and blood.\n\n\n\n#### Calm, O Purest, the storm upon thy,\nPour hope into our hearts, O Star of the sea;\n\n\nO Star of the sea, O Star of the sea,\n\n\n\n#### Purest of soul, harps and strings.\nSea full of dangers, that catches and frees\n\n\n\n#### O Purest, sing through the ages,\nPour hope into our hearts, O Star of the sea;\n\n\nO Star of the sea, O Star of the sea,\n\n\n\n#### Sing for my loneliness, O Star of the sea"} +{"id": "360551ed-9436-4df6-b755-c7ebd4fb23c0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:38.131", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSbm8QAvM8UgE9vsRQhEzN2cGupY1D2552RUqsHfR4DSq", "txHash": "0x0184cc11581bdb27f89cb39e030ac04f6725595aa8b1ad35281279d316ea1d0a", "createdAtBlock": 14617486, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9683, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Silas of the Forest", "text": "@wizard9683\n\nBorn into a wealthy family, Silas only had one goal - to have as much fun as possible. Unlike many lower members of society, Silas never had to worry much about the lowest rungs of the hierarchy of needs. His goal was to push the boundaries of what could be done, which was why he spent a good amount of time in the forests East of Red Wizard Capital. His higher status made his eventual friendship with @wizard5461 even more unlikely when you take into account their backgrounds, despite their alike interests. \n\nSilas' parents were never thrilled about him experimenting with explosives, and the one fateful night he found a small pouch of dragon's powder left behind by @wizard586 would reshape the world. Silas always had free reign of his family's area of the Red Wizard Capital, and when @wizard586 came to enlist the help of the Red Wizards to fight the shroud, Silas couldn't help but search his room. Uvlius had brought the powder to aid in his demonstration, however he forgot to pack the remnants, and the inquisitive Silas found it and headed straight out into the forest.\n\nAt the time, he had no idea what it was or what it did, but he knew it was important. He found a nice rock by a stream and sat down - he tasted it and instantly gagged. He smelled it, and it smelled of rotting eggs which forced another gag. He was nearly ready to throw it away when he heard a rustling in the grass. He turned to look and quickly jumped off the rock as a red mamba was showing it's fangs - terrified, he backed away slowly, only to hear a cackle from the wild woman who was able to sneak up on the young wizard. \n\n@wizard5461"} +{"id": "d66f2d35-f7c4-485a-b618-1bb4072440b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:38.789", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReBUyxaYsVNHfvYez6Mv3BoPcTjiu3UNss4Ei89YDYmh", "txHash": "0x73d6baf5d49870cebc415996db61b07ba56013511fca8d1262ed5b6819cd7a2c", "createdAtBlock": 14617486, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8612, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdhFh94AV3PLCLwxFiaji4DWCTCGABrSFY92EDyu4DuAe", "name": "Cosmic Mage Adrienne of the Forest", "text": "# Portraits of Adrienne \n## Discover more portraits ***here***.\n­\n\n-----------\n­\n\nBy Jabari Weathers"} +{"id": "82d4a3fd-707e-448a-ac8d-aa673c38f19c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:40.213", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRoWEVsofftzveMMGoZ8B3JVAGWhPzJkymAhQNCth5D3L", "txHash": "0xf5fabf5b9004b3c7e6526f202eabf3ad3d320bf8351e0203de3541cd0569a078", "createdAtBlock": 14617702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5047, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Larissa of the Grotto", "text": "Larissa of the Grotto\n\nLarissa and @wizard591 met as orphans, and that was the single most binding trait of their friendship. Nothing could separate the two, despite Layla being the more outgoing and Larissa being very reserved. The dynamic worked well - when interactions with other wizards were required, it was Layla that would do the talking. When it was pure magical power needed, Larissa would come through, although Layla was no slouch herself.\n\nLarissa did not understand her own power - she was brought up as an orphan, never knowing her parents, and never being taught about magic. She learned to hold back early, as she nearly killed multiple other children in the orphanage who were brave enough to bully the wizard. After the mess hall incident and the group time incident, no one dared bully Larissa and she was allowed to live by herself alone. Nature was always Larissa's favorite thing - the whistling of wind through the trees, the crickets chirping, and the consistency of the sun rising and setting day after day. Having no peace in her own life, she found peace in nature. \n\nWhen @wizard591 told her she was going to run from the orphanage, Larissa thought nothing of it. Larissa thought she was joking, but when Layla left and failed to return for two days, Larissa decided to go find her. Appalled by the orphanage's apathy to a missing student, Larissa set out to find Layla. She expected to have an extremely difficult time, but almost as if something was guiding her at every fork in the road - Larissa ended up in the grotto within a day. Layla had begun constructing a makeshift abode, and with Larissa's magical assistance, they were able to create a fairly luxurious shelter. The two became fast friends, until one day the dynamic changed as another wizard appeared at their door."} +{"id": "01daf600-241b-4525-9647-3aea83fbcb3d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:44.168", "backgroundColor": "#3b0f39", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPhiLYKd9V9d8fojoUduBR5AxKvHuViXsQzKbE6J4hLka", "txHash": "0xc8aba2b9ec0ce65f66be92790e661f96af0458032dd250361d51de1c14ae78a4", "createdAtBlock": 14617911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6638, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Calypso of the Hollow", "text": "Geomancer Calypso was a lonely lady of the Hollow. She grew up a single child and lost both her parents at a young age after their home was attacked by the others. \n\n \n\nWhile she stayed at her Aunties Laurens house when she was a child, she learned how to use an Ether staff spending time with her Uncle Jasper. \n\n\nShe became close friends with a funny crow, who would nest nearby her Aunties home. She named him Heaven, after her hero who was from a nearby village."} +{"id": "aa72f884-849c-4b66-ac9d-6107f653ca19-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-16T19:15:41.32", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWbX4NXNYanGGRvU3R6Zcm7yzKweuefwHNx96xXTHHonY", "txHash": "0xf614597f7c86b77d7805d69afd49bfa64808a10569ba25b0e5401d0db46c6c60", "createdAtBlock": 15548190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 1800, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmb267ee919oAouzfhQK9ht6UeMcPx9BUcGTNx1UAFwtgJ", "name": "Pyromancer Alessar of the Morning Star", "text": "> Alessar,\n\n> I know your reservations about my work, but I need the help of the pyromancer whose skills I respect the most. Theres some activity deep within the Cave of the Platonic Shadow I suspect we can harness into a flame more powerful than anyone can imagine.\n\n> You know where to find me.\n\n> Yours in the flame, \n@wizard8933"} +{"id": "fd03a140-e69c-4845-904e-b8471e26153f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:45.142", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcLA21uuZHUrdtsNn3JTAo7MwBRx2pTbEtmPY187ZiUp1", "txHash": "0x1582bc449cb665648111f5926953ccef25e73004b4af665ed7160ff1483564ff", "createdAtBlock": 14617935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 138, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garfield the Exemplary", "text": "While not arcane in nature, it has been said that the bond between master and steed is not all that different to that of Familiar and Wizard.\n> \n> Indeed, a mount well cared for - groomed, loved and respected like family - would not merely be an exemplary beast of burden, but could be prone to great sacrifice on behalf of their master.\n> \n> It is not unheard of that such a horse would be driven to dive head first through fire, mane aflame and eyes ablaze - facing equine terrors unimaginable - on behalf of those they have learned to love.\n> \n\nThe ropes chafed his neck. \n\nAnd the scents and sounds were still all wrong.\n\nThe moon was the same, the giant eye in the night sky granting a semblance of normalcy, but the land was unfamiliar and Garfield felt utterly alone.\n\nEver since that terrifying night of fire and stifling smoke, of chaos and confusion, he had not seen or smelled Master. Kind Master, fair Master. \n\nIn frustration he stomped his hooves, snorted and pulled at his ropes again. Only to receive another rock thrown at his flank, unkind words wielded like a wicked lash, followed by bouts of laughter. \n\nMaster has a nice laugh, but this laugher was not the good kind.\n\nThe night breeze changed directions and suddenly his mane shivered and both ears perked up. Breathing deep, Garfield was sure; Master was near."} +{"id": "9bdd16b2-0074-4e73-9b56-dc599a58a053-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:45.808", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYA2bmo46hR21Mb1qxxWcQsZ4q15xuphHARRzhhUpJ5Yu", "txHash": "0x0b325c4a4d25fa1eace2467da678a0dd745c33d4a64cab53bf8ba28fcd93def6", "createdAtBlock": 14618013, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 104, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Solomon the Amazing", "text": "# Solomon the Amazing \n#\n\nWell could he ride, \n\nand often men would say, \n\n\"That horse his mettle from his rider takes: \n\nProud of subjection, noble by the sway, What rounds, what bounds, what course, what stop he makes!\" \n\nAnd controversy hence a question takes, \n\nWhether the horse by him became his deed, \n\nOr he his manage by the well-doing steed."} +{"id": "5cf42e43-7324-43d0-9ff7-886be2901ca9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:51.919", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTnCYYvU9ji4rCzh77YtHgPpwXGfY6iqJT6ikTrfnsArU", "txHash": "0x6bf91c16b0f4644f7e8cf5f8de9063a00e08a6d0905f54861eab45f54a88ee7b", "createdAtBlock": 14654558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9939, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hagar of the Wood", "text": "Battle Mage Hagar of the Wood\n\n**Hagar** \nHagar, hagar, **Hagar!!** \nHagar, hagar hagar hagar hagar hagaaaaar \nHahaaagar **Hagar** \n*hagargagarhagarhagarhagarhagarhagarhagar*\n \n \n\n**Hagar!!!**"} +{"id": "9811c3ed-bfe0-48a7-ae9f-32fb7e055624-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:46.725", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcnxEPSsKmhGwcPbfbXzVWfeWsHBVLEjG2PV1YKvGyhqN", "txHash": "0xc8bf6d793e6b90a3b54904f37aef25dbc3da4b5f4d3dad543b26267bb3b1354c", "createdAtBlock": 14618027, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 574, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Pumlo of the Marsh", "text": "No one outworks Pumlo. It's been this way since he was a wee lad. It had to be this way.\n\nPumlo grew up in the swamps of the deep south, raised in abject poverty and surrounded by deadly Water Moccasins and bullfrogs, which quickly became a staple meal.\n\nAn elderly Voodoo Swamp Priest named Big Al first turned him onto magic as a way to escape the everyday drudgery of life in the swamp. Young Pumlo worked his absolute ass off and with zero natural magical talent, turned himself into an almighty Sorcerer by the age of 16. \n\nOver time he found his green wizzie tribe and even managed to harness the awesome power of Thor's Wrath. Just pray you're never around to see him unleash it."} +{"id": "9855bd0f-3615-410b-9f0c-a71e91225d0f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:14.18", "backgroundColor": "#730600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbo4jMp2oReSZiPvcvgrppLXJPFeMkYtFxVpcYz8uDYEU", "txHash": "0xb1c67569e363c1e2ab7d0609c917bdc15a003de30e77c7d4a642b6ae814bf759", "createdAtBlock": 14619540, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3288, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Nadeem of the Dunes", "text": "# Shadow Mage Nadeem of the Dunes\n\nThe story of an unknown wizard, soon to be unfolded......."} +{"id": "cda81ad3-367b-48de-8c09-44a43856ef10-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:51.415", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdJ2NmSLJJ7uN7osBFzKxTQ46Bn4z624HxCbQA636CKR2", "txHash": "0x84ef0f235a2a8eb5ec1c0cfe322dce90db7366d59056e6fb702d1294027c2466", "createdAtBlock": 14618072, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7524, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Udor of the Brambles", "text": "On Ethereum block 14572783, Udor of the Brambles has helped to unlock The Gate Of The 7th Realm.\n\n\nYou're damn right he did! When the bright lights come on, Udor WILL answer the bell. Many of his closest friends asked him if he was sure he actually wanted to open The Gate of the 7th Realm, to which he replied \"Whatever comes through those gates better be ready for a royal rumble. It's time to kick the tires and light the fires Goose!\"\n\nUdor is a Labyrinthian and like his brethren, his mind is complex in structure. On the outside Udor is pure bravado, but do not let that fool you. On the inside he is a calculated well-oiled machine.\n\nHe has not yet met the Beasts he unleashed when he unlocked the gate, but he waits patiently in the arena for them to show..."} +{"id": "73a0219a-7d4f-45ee-9745-7a14dc2a69e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:52.084", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHJ2sNUg8DpHxvW4Gg5MSR7SqR69HPxbFJRWoLdgbJUP", "txHash": "0xb039cc62a40288b97d2fe1a7784df3412717fb0888bd9ef17730c5c096c34053", "createdAtBlock": 14618105, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7706, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Merlon of the Sun", "text": "There is nary a wizzie that can summon a dragon, but old Merlon of the Sun is one of the lucky few. Merlon seems not to remember much of his childhood and in fact, doesn't even know how came to possess the Dragon Fireworks, but he guards it like it's his first born son. \n\nNaturally, being a pyromancer, it takes all of Merlon's willpower not to set off the fireworks, for he knows what happens when you do: Fire-breathing, hungry and pissed off Dragons come directly for you, consuming and torching everything in their path. \n\nMerlon's great uncle Archimedes told him there was a secret book that contained a spell which allowed a wizzie to control a dragon and ever since he heard that, Merlon has been on a mission to find that book!"} +{"id": "d0b4da9b-506e-4d8e-92f0-a3cfc5283d0c-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-16T20:24:52.995", "backgroundColor": "#190f23", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeQWASnTd3RsKm68Euaz9pRvmEuNWopKRwgrgjeNLTJ6E", "txHash": "0x7bbe32ae38d4bc47286a0885dbb27963e7d58a2bdea533b27604c49fb4d51ad0", "createdAtBlock": 15548535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1855, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Baron Iprix of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "### April 20\nI find myself paralyzed under the spell of this orange gelatinous treat! I eat more and more, yet hunger consumes me. I will resume experiments on this medicine next morn. I really mustn't sleep this close to the hearth, but I'm just.. so...\n\n \n> > > The prophets do not believe in cremation -- no soul burned to ash and scattered to the wind has ever reached the heavens."} +{"id": "ce6c02bf-dd5a-47aa-a0fc-0af3d14bcd85-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:52.826", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxgwHCfYL8YyK2yw9w8pXfmkG9M5keLBDWnhdDqLnbis", "txHash": "0x17ba7b57f6f2b3278d54c7dcd64a2789a8ef32f215806a56ee25fddfc75de59e", "createdAtBlock": 14618168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4493, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Iprix of the Astral Plane", "text": "Iprix grew up wanting to be a musician. His hero, and neighbor as it turns out, was none other than Van Morrison. They grew up jamming together and if you listen closely, you can hear Iprix on the mandolin in a few tracks on Van's famous \"Astral Weeks\" album.\n\nBut eventually Van Morrison went stratospheric and left Iprix behind. Not to worry, there were no hard feelings and Iprix had already maxed out his musical talents. \n\nHe spent a few years wandering the globe, seeking the light, searching for the truth. Then one day, on some far off beach in the Grenadines, Iprix was sipping on some rum and would you believe what song came on the radio! None other than Astral Weeks. There's a key phrase in the song that says \"...to be born again..\" and when Iprix heard that he knew. He knew it was time to forget about music and dedicate his life to a new passion.\n\n20 years after that fateful rum drink, Ipris is one of the most revered Enchanters in all the land. What happened over those last 20 years you may be wondering? Well my friends, that's a story for another day."} +{"id": "491bacdd-9dcd-4f40-9f31-d167a0646915-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:53.522", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR4FKnM7uHgu8vKiMtmkXkzq3giSh12YeeByKQKCQSuH8", "txHash": "0x9ca122d624f6b32e01b02d292de346c3c651938d4467cc2e1c6cc9dd007dee31", "createdAtBlock": 14618233, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Ixar of the Atheneum", "text": "On the very day Ixar learned to walk, he set out across the pasture at his family farm and was promptly struck by lightening. To the astonishment of his parents he hopped right off the ground and kept on trucking. \n\nThey obviously recognized something was extraordinary about their son, and it appeared he had the immense power to harness electricity, and so they nicknamed him Electromancer. \n\nHis parents were both scholars and it so happened they had one of the largest libraries in existence on their farm. They spent years reading through ancient texts to understand how Ixar could control his powers and use them as a force for good in the world. They came up empty handed.\n\nIt now lies with Ixar alone to find out what he's truly capable of."} +{"id": "e630f482-58cc-4900-8d2d-d13f8adcf049-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:54.274", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc7CbFjhT8YuXoRFqvffqS1N3VafwYkPBeY7QjqHfxt9x", "txHash": "0xbb4ec7c6bb425347a9762f1e9830e37f9f2d0851e9598be19a0b93409c645f40", "createdAtBlock": 14618268, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2565, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Hadrien of El Dorado", "text": "Old Hadrien has lived an incredibly blessed life and there's a reason his favorite saying is \"Life is Lush.\" For one, Hadrien was born, raised and still lives in El Dorado, the famed lost city of gold (and no, he won't give you his home address). Secondly, he owns the Goblet of Immortality and thus is the sole decider of when he exits the realm of the living.\n\nAs one might imagine, it can be hard to get Hadrien properly motivated. He's surrounded with all the riches in the world, beautiful hunnies and endless ale, which he consumes from sun up to looooonnng past sundown. \n\nWill he ever find a purpose to go out and make something of his self in the world? That's the million dollar question and someday we'll know."} +{"id": "486e711a-5a4c-4641-9669-0cf37bcd1701-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:43.275", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaTjH5MT4fn8z2VuGEkP6jhf5iUpCCSuxeXTYncRftPpm", "txHash": "0x5a3c985feadfbbfba7339ea38fc0ea8566794a403a43bdd4a75d2dba51101427", "createdAtBlock": 14628118, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6303, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Deacon Seth of the Death Cloud", "text": "# Ghost man\n\n\n\nI am evil asf"} +{"id": "4c6b3980-4e60-4a52-bef0-867232d98112-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:54.956", "backgroundColor": "#060fd4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdiNa3HfLViiv2DhfjgUyBBmDRvbSMkjhuAQ1Mmm5ZLod", "txHash": "0x2e26e4ed387b5f0a9496cf13c15dbf4cce49b1804c8ee3c1b9efd424de1ef9fa", "createdAtBlock": 14618457, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2514, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Jerret of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "Jerret grew up being amazed by magic, spells and potions. Both his parents were entertaining magicians back at home in the Sacred Pillars. Growing up watching his parents master their craft made him fall in love with his passion even more. All day and all night, making magic is all he could think about. He would spend days perfecting his craft just like his parents. His one masterpiece creation was his favorite purple nightshade potion. Till this day he hasn't told a single soul what it's made out of. Only he knows.\n \n\nHe carries it around everywhere it goes, telling everyone he runs into how much magic is in that small bottle."} +{"id": "4b9ceafe-cc2d-46cd-a377-4d60dfc499be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:56.988", "backgroundColor": "#61dc7c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSTewk1zMDWSmNXgTGsJN4VVitkG6xngffB4mNhD1CNFh", "txHash": "0xe5befe945f4133424719449e781eecacd6e77ec25c6b5c7d521445073e740bcb", "createdAtBlock": 14618563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6176, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Arabella of the Court", "text": "Arabella is an enchanter of the Court who is also known as Enchanter Arabella of the Court. She was born with green fire in her hand, also know as Hobgoblins Flame. She has no idea what to do with it. The flame doesn't go away and does not burn. One day Arabella was walking near a pond and a Swamp Bullfrog began to follow her around. The frog would sit and stare at the flame. He was in love with the flame and stayed by Arabella's side because of it.\nNo one took Arabella seriously because the Bullfrog in love with the flame. They would treat her as a joke and pretend she was a hat rack. At the Enchanters Ball every year the other enchanters would hang their coats and hats on her antlers. Would anyone ever take her seriously?"} +{"id": "8ded1335-8939-45a1-b7ad-0e527498d796-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-16T23:50:04.606", "backgroundColor": "#3a2f60", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMuwraSYXgwsssoatrc39Ho7yqaAXv88pKG4w9TPc5YR", "txHash": "0xd126e682701337b734d4a748ae2ae2a987e2767d412272aaf3eb0ecd216a9a7d", "createdAtBlock": 15549546, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6247, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Horned Phantasm Milton of the Ice Abyss", "text": "Read @wizard2140's lore to see how Milton got to this point.\n# A New Beginning \nUpon entering the flame, Milton was immediately struck with regret. The heat came over him all at once like a tidal wave. The flame grew so intense that he could not bear it. He tried to make a break for safety, but it was too late. Struck with paralysis, he was frozen in time and space like a statue.\n\nMiltons nostrils were soon filled with the stench of burnt hair. This unpleasant fragrance served as a cruel reminder of the soft white beard that once covered his face. The temperature appeared to lower as he slowly began to lose feeling in his extremities. He saw that he was still engulfed in the flame. He knew he was still on fire. So why did he feel so cold?\n\nHis flesh began to bubble and soon dripped from his bones like molten rubber, leaving behind only a dark remnant of what he once was. Surely this will be the end, he thought; no one could survive this. Almost on cue, everything went black.\n\nWhen Milton came to his senses, he could barely see. Everything was fuzzy, and he had a terrible throbbing in his head. This was no typical headache. It felt like a man with a knife was desperately trying to cut their way out of his skull. After everything, he just went through; he would not be surprised if that were indeed the case.\n\nAmid his throbbing headache, Milton remembered that he had not entered the flame alone. Where was his ladybug? Did he make it out of the flame? Could he have survived the heat? Lord knows Milton barely made it out alive. The pain in Miltons head grew too much to bear. He screamed out in pain as two horns simultaneously pierced through his temples."} +{"id": "8ded1335-8939-45a1-b7ad-0e527498d796-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-16T23:50:04.606", "backgroundColor": "#3a2f60", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMuwraSYXgwsssoatrc39Ho7yqaAXv88pKG4w9TPc5YR", "txHash": "0xd126e682701337b734d4a748ae2ae2a987e2767d412272aaf3eb0ecd216a9a7d", "createdAtBlock": 15549546, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6247, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Horned Phantasm Milton of the Ice Abyss", "text": "With his headache gone, Milton could finally think clearly, and his vision started to return to normal. To his left, he saw the ladybug huddled in the distance, shivering. His once cherry red outer shell was now ghostly white. Laying to his right was his staff, now blood red. He reached over and grabbed it. It was warm to the touch. He never thought he would be happy to feel the heat again. But he was still so cold. \n\nAs soon as he touched his staff, like a flash of lightning, his memories were returned to him. The unaccounted-for moments played through his mind like a movie. He saw as they were transported to the icy abyss. The flame slowly sucked the lifeblood out of him and the ladybug, leaving them mere phantasms. Their lifeblood was then transferred to Miltons staff, giving it untold powers which radiated an immense heat. For this, he was grateful as it was the only source of warmth to be found in this frozen tundra.\n\nAs night began to fall, Melvin could hear chanting in the distance leading him to believe they were not alone. There was more to be explored in this new cold world, but with the ladybug by his side, Melvin was not afraid.\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "2b2acdab-ac87-4891-835c-90ec1183512f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:59.862", "backgroundColor": "#200f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgYHUFgchyS7f1kDBi83wneabmqKwo3LoUo8BSYFTfJ3", "txHash": "0xfbc64f17ef7caed922bfbf8b2786d3a88a61424d4e9600a69ea27c66bfa5a9c3", "createdAtBlock": 14618631, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9613, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Zane in the Shadows", "text": "Zane studied and practiced 40 hours day and night for 14 years to become an Evoker. Finally he has graduated from Evoker school and received the title Evoker Zane in the Shadows. He also received the Guillaume's Broom. He is now ready for his job as a house cleaner."} +{"id": "8abd34c8-ccaf-4682-89c2-f06cfcef8fa6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:50.89", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbjuZyyZS7xmumseB1K12mVvXwicWsQ98aCxFDGyuscvP", "txHash": "0x782d383c0aae457d08ee330ab2668ca322028ed9363b37273af0c228d87fccb8", "createdAtBlock": 14628944, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1246, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS2GBQ2YSAawibNdwTAG5N3GADdyXJHobqZDBn4mzprmr", "name": "Ghost Eater Trollin of the Fey", "text": "Jarek, Speaker of Death."} +{"id": "3b3e20a1-8abc-4326-8f57-d455d7ae1d02-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:52.636", "backgroundColor": "#332e0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNoFZDWjLPsXCuQzNXYcHEgTxBVVychugieYGjVmXAfjS", "txHash": "0x27578c0c6f6d5c6b870d2e5eebdfcf712a0728667526ce65daf5b1b17a24a833", "createdAtBlock": 14654867, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8059, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Lumos of the Valley", "text": "# Arcanist Lumos of the Valley \n\n*\"The way of light is the way of purity\"* \n*\n\n**Arcanist Lumos** is one of the earliest disciples of **The Light**. He was touched by a sacred ray as a young boy and the profoundness of the vision that befell him humbled him so deeply that he took a vow of silence and noncommunication, for he felt that words, whether spoken or written, are futile in comparison to the magnificence of **The Light**. It is for this reason that he never took on a familiar and does not utilize Runes. As an adherent of what he himself considers the purest teaching of Thelema, he conjures his spells as a sheer manifestation of his will. His complete silence during battles is deeply unsettling to most of his foes. \n*"} +{"id": "3b3e20a1-8abc-4326-8f57-d455d7ae1d02-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:52.636", "backgroundColor": "#332e0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNoFZDWjLPsXCuQzNXYcHEgTxBVVychugieYGjVmXAfjS", "txHash": "0x27578c0c6f6d5c6b870d2e5eebdfcf712a0728667526ce65daf5b1b17a24a833", "createdAtBlock": 14654867, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8059, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Lumos of the Valley", "text": "*The silence must not be disturbed* \nLumos is rumored to be centuries old but the touch of **The Light** rendered him nigh immune to the grasps of time and ageing. He lives a life of ascesis in the valleys north of the Sacred Pillars. Both people and creatures often visit him in his cave, for he emits an atmosphere of silence and warming light that soothes his visitors. \n* \n \n*It is, as if the noise and clatter of the world dampen down in Lumos presence* - Haggai the Wise \nLumos only earthly possessions are his *Thelemist Hat*, his trusty *Shoulder Cape* and his *Harmony Staff*. The *Thelemist Hat* helps dispersing his willpower, which usually manifests as pure white light, into the different colors of light, thereby granting his powers greater versatility. The *Harmony Staff* was once the root of a tree that was touched by the same sacred ray as Lumos, when his vision befell him. He carries this root with him since that day. It is a source of power and vibrates with energy but also makes a formidable melee weapon, if need be. \n*\n\n***The Light** is pure intention and thus the only antidote to entropy and chaos*\n\nA mediocre fighter under any normal circumstances, Lumos hates entropy with every fiber of his being and **The Light** burns with extraordinary intensity inside of him, whenever he faces off with the minions of **Chaos** and **Darkness** in any shape or form. In these cases, it seems as if he becomes an incarnation of **The Light** itself, and the aura of almightiness that blazes from his presence strikes fear into his enemies."} +{"id": "0bd8853e-8ba3-4c85-a2ab-00ca3e5fe4fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:06.979", "backgroundColor": "#9a0800", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbUZMPgWRmH5LZWh5QgsSvSgYWaknL4DkmxnN75H2VMRM", "txHash": "0x926e19a9898360c8326c56a2ddc0ea55bc0678307c997d0c16f979c41e85def1", "createdAtBlock": 14619140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5892, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Dutorn of the Plains", "text": "A revolutionary who grew old and gave up a long time ago, but lately the people of the Plains have been restless and Druid Dutorn thinks maybe he should leave his rocking chair and pick up his ether staff one last time."} +{"id": "e346ce19-a281-4184-96eb-e7dbf2da8e68-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:00.581", "backgroundColor": "#16441a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhUVJNpMQN4H3joKj5kCRAXKsKv4f4T736CuShSYBPsS", "txHash": "0x37b56d7a01fcd4bb2d1a8e547b9c6d03bc5749144f3b97e05decb17656922765", "createdAtBlock": 14618698, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 472, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcXMid3jZYsahPNKd2oXrDeMgeFsp49DPrTH6YZPpE3Me", "name": "Whirlwind the Sweet", "text": "# Whirlwind's home\n\n@wizard9850 had been looking for the right pony to call his own. He search for and wide, looking through hundred and hundreds of ponies, until at least ... \n\nHe saw Whirlwind, so sweet, nibbling on her carrot. He was smitten.\n\nHe knew that the carrot and green bandana would bring him closer to the earth magic that he was craving.\n\nThey rode together into the woods, ready for their next adventure."} +{"id": "cd0cfd34-8f30-4225-9f20-5fd90af4d908-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:01.313", "backgroundColor": "#4a1919", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd5JjwaERbCCsnZQ3QFxYsZ6bpbbRLed6vSX25TyYCpxv", "txHash": "0xf725b8a52b82dadab6e210b5fbd8af8b0ae088ed8b37e3f60303d390d38a9b1b", "createdAtBlock": 14618753, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9739, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ethan of the Wood", "text": "Ethan and his pup, always together, never apart.\n\nSide by side day and night, no matter where, Lobo and Ethan are ready to fight.\n\nDeep in the Woods is where they spend most of their time, running and playing, always up for a climb."} +{"id": "11ccf653-0c3f-4791-a832-777f3390aa34-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:06.297", "backgroundColor": "#00c2ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS56H8vbHQ2odTTgeJpPUfka6Anizae4iYrC2UvrNJSPR", "txHash": "0x5f01df546e6394950bbb49d488ed07f954ec8045be8770e8c77ca3c8ebad7f5b", "createdAtBlock": 14619033, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2314, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Chu Hua of the Hollow", "text": "The Rune of Infinity power Chu Hua holds goes unquestioned. Everywhere she goes, everyone around her can see her elegance yet so powerful walk. Her old owl named Wise, has been by her side since birth. Her protector, guide and eye in the sky of the Runiverse. They both roam free going town to town to see what life brings their way next...."} +{"id": "5457de8a-4758-4b47-b281-1abc257cc785-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:20.603", "backgroundColor": "#911a1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMyK5bT65Y3Fc6kB4dWHcicFiAtTCXx1k5LhfJZs13pb", "txHash": "0x6bb8e63f5d87b39c2344d32e1d21cd84eba92dff923d13f004f420edf360b907", "createdAtBlock": 14612471, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 273, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Quddus of the Grotto", "text": "# Druid Quddus of the Grotto\n# i know nothing \n# i feel nothing \n# i *am* nothing \n# but there is another side of me... and sometimes \n# i know it all \n# i feel it all \n# i *am* it all \n# \n# \n \n# May the balance within be found"} +{"id": "2e49bba1-b9e6-41f0-9203-e8b289b17967-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T04:32:52.207", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbaxKaZ42QwQUL3CuBxfhpn5tRGXd5jjfLMPm2hDXz4FF", "txHash": "0xe40d6950514c0075adaf4846df3aa0a08861d11d78a5abd11c929fddbda39015", "createdAtBlock": 15550950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1380, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ryland Lumper of Titans", "text": "# The Lore of Ryland, Lumper of Titans \n\n\n\nRyland has a boring job. Everyone thinks Lumper of Titans means giving them lumps with his signature, cone shaped walking stick. Unfortunately, like he has to explain every time, a lumper is just a laborer who unloads cargo. Boring, every day, average work. Ignoring the fact that each day its a shipment of another giant titan some fancy hero wannabe wizard knocks down. No, his job isnt to whack titans, its to get them out of the wagon and on ice. Not figuratively - literally. They ship the slain titans off to the Freezer instead of leaving them bleeding in the middle of cities. Its not like they disappear with *wooooo maaaagic*. With his grizzly beard and tightly wrapped pelt to keep his body warm, he drags pieces of todays titan into the Freezer. Its a gigantic underground cavern filled with magical titans who have been slain, but of course it has a boring name like the Freezer. Cecil, his cat, pitter patters down the icy floors, soft as he is silent. A perk of taking the job no one else wants is that Cecil gets to come to work with him.\n\nOne day, while Ryland was unloading the wagons, and thinking to himself to himself how irresponsible these wizards are. But, sometimes, and only sometimes, he wonders what it would be like - to slay a titan. Suddenly, Cecil hisses and Ryland sees dismembered body parts start to panic, thrash around, and crawl toward one another. There arent any wizards around. Ryland just might get his chance for some time to become one time. He brandishes his walking stick and prepares to protect his cat."} +{"id": "a2a3dee7-dba0-4e2a-9dc4-9004a13e7e2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T14:52:15.73", "backgroundColor": "#10011c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTm4qE2fE8wMKNXvqeSvrBMy94ZRpWu82ib3KkK75cM4a", "txHash": "0x13648b41056e133ea55f7fd879af11c703819668a438d9de3b8750e52ff3e905", "createdAtBlock": 15554021, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 787, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNrdH6EY3WefFDmMbjznesWmJdmLv8m5DxSzbd9gXz3Cf", "name": "Sauda Death of the Citadel", "text": "# The Legend of Empyria's Darkness\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThrough the burning flames of sunlight morning, Sauda was lost in a dream. All she could feel were the falling sparkles from the air surrounding the room. Faint figures of young children running around, playing with flowers. Right by their side, Sauda could see their shadows. She was confused as there were so many of them. Floating a gentle aura while each one protects their own child. There is something hidden in this place, said Sauda. The light began to fade and her eyes opened. The new princess of Empyria. \n\nIt has been 12 years since that day Alzena saved her life. The greatest secret of the kingdom and hidden away from the world. Saudas existence was never meant to be and this guilt continued to build over time. Although she was only a child, she wishes she could have been braver. Sauda tried to think of her life before that moment but it all felt gray. The only time she seems to remember fragments of anything is when she sleeps.\n\nNevertheless, the kingdom has been thriving gracefully. Sauda, 18 years old in a world unknown to her face. Her name, however, is heard throughout. She has been made to be a substitute for Alzena in the family. Shadows aren't exactly welcomed and fear would expose their society to the rest of the realm. She has to play her role and protect Alzena this way."} +{"id": "a2a3dee7-dba0-4e2a-9dc4-9004a13e7e2b-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T14:52:15.73", "backgroundColor": "#10011c", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTm4qE2fE8wMKNXvqeSvrBMy94ZRpWu82ib3KkK75cM4a", "txHash": "0x13648b41056e133ea55f7fd879af11c703819668a438d9de3b8750e52ff3e905", "createdAtBlock": 15554021, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 787, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNrdH6EY3WefFDmMbjznesWmJdmLv8m5DxSzbd9gXz3Cf", "name": "Sauda Death of the Citadel", "text": "A day approaches when Sauda must enter an Empyrian ball. This celebration is to ignite the youth into adulthood. A lovely ceremony for all to enjoy, except for the Empyrian royals. They can all have fun but they masquerade themselves as part of the tradition. Sauda finds this annoying since she is not really of royal blood. She just wants to be free and happy. But, at the same time, her duty is to be there for Alzena as well. The true heir of the family. The sacrifice that will never be told."} +{"id": "26836e74-387e-4308-8e7e-d4cc7609fc65-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:05.498", "backgroundColor": "#740600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTJkseKAVwoykaKdYATse5zBcgEn61diGQfLuHtK739Vm", "txHash": "0x899bf69eaf2b9fa31ef8fe9b890a4e2daf372d0f6452ee84e95f260d7db10e1a", "createdAtBlock": 14618863, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2318, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer Ambrosia of the Hills", "text": "Ambrosia still remembers the night she obtained her fire spell like it was yesterday. She had no other choice but to do what she did to her attackers. In the middle of an flaming inferno, she was trapped, with no way out, but directly towards those who tried to burn her alive. She tried her best not to use her magic, but she had no other choice. She cast her spell on those standing upon her until they were all taken down. One by one, their bodies burned until there was only ashes."} +{"id": "62edbb14-9bf6-424e-a030-1835319df729-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:12.333", "backgroundColor": "#0f1b3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaJQPUDjEMwbS95FUFP48LhgpLCDHXD5Jiw3W7mxTpX8z", "txHash": "0xf6f8ffd473395648cc182cf3da6bffd2b05e0eb40113dd4482ca94863962e2c8", "createdAtBlock": 14636502, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 638, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdyZRbxZZqppiSSmfjuvS3aXt4Q62UHttTkg3zeAKk3XQ", "name": "Archmagus Ravana of the Light", "text": "# The first known sighting of Archmagus Ravana of the Blue Light\n\n#\n\n\n#\n_The wooden double doors of Two Crows Bazaar blew open as a gust of wind and a blue aura flooded into the store._\n\n#\n@wizard2724, aka Corvin the Collector, aka the Forever Bird, and his crackerjack friend, Cash looked into the light. The hue was not a bright blue that would blind you, but a warm blue that relaxes you. Like a melody, for your eyes.\n\n# \nArchmagus Ravanas silhouette appeared next in the doorway, Above him, the infamous Two Crows horseshoe started humming louder. \n\n#\nRumor has it that the horseshoe hums louder for those with true intent in their hearts, though it does not distinguish between malicious and pure intents\n\n#\n> Greetings friend \n\n#\nRavans voice is angelic and he almost sings rather than speaks words. His face rests in a soft smile. It's easy to look at his face and want to trust him. But everyone knows that in the Frog masters marsh, its best to always remain alert and suspicious.\n\n#\n> *CAAAW*-- Welcome to Two Crows, What do you seek?\n\n#\nRavana then made a request that left an impression on Corvins mind for quite some time. It was a strange request, but there are always strange things going down in the Bazaar that has traveled up and down the Runiverse to strange places.\n\n\n#\nRavana asked for all four Cockatrice eggs that Corvin had in stock. The sale of four Cockatrice eggs would be a large windfall for the Bazaar, as they are extremely coveted in the capital city by aristocrats who enjoy eating them as delicacy or baking and turning them into artwork to display in their greeting halls."} +{"id": "62edbb14-9bf6-424e-a030-1835319df729-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:12.333", "backgroundColor": "#0f1b3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaJQPUDjEMwbS95FUFP48LhgpLCDHXD5Jiw3W7mxTpX8z", "txHash": "0xf6f8ffd473395648cc182cf3da6bffd2b05e0eb40113dd4482ca94863962e2c8", "createdAtBlock": 14636502, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 638, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdyZRbxZZqppiSSmfjuvS3aXt4Q62UHttTkg3zeAKk3XQ", "name": "Archmagus Ravana of the Light", "text": "#\nUsually, Corvin is lucky to sell one of these eggs a month. Not only do they cost a pretty penny, but also they give off a slightly acidic stench and are plain to look at. They are not eye-catching like the World Eggs. They are more pedestrian looking. Usually the buyer is another merchant looking to sell them higher in the city...but Ravana does not look like a merchant.\n\n## What are Ravana's intentions?\n#\nRavana reminds Corvin of an old tale he once heard, a tale about a cult of cockatrice worshippers who protected the holy breeding ground of the legendary Triple Crowned Cockatrice. This cult is supposedly based in the Valley of the Void Disciple, a harsh land uninhabitable for most wizards. \n#\nLegend has it that this cults main mission was to safeguard the highly coveted eggs of the Cockatrice from sleazy merchants and thieves. The cult practiced highly potent magic to subdue and sometimes assassinate egg thieves. But Corvin had never met anyone who could confirm the cult's existence.\n\n#\nCorvin glanced over Ravana again. He didnt look dangerous and he wasnt armed. Perhaps he could cast powerful spells? The blue aura around Ravana was pretty strange, on second thought. No matter, a sale is a sale!\n\n#\n> Thank you friend"} +{"id": "72b31418-5b56-4d72-ada1-a2b889ad8436-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:07.676", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUB9v35ngnd53gWiYGMXafPzm2CsYzhfFvp8GbXsLZdXd", "txHash": "0x52a06c3cb78d8cad175dde09d2394999ee1375843ec430b2da0c31239ea0c24f", "createdAtBlock": 14619182, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 595, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Ofaris ", "text": "Why do we call something home? It is a place to return to, but why does that make it home? Home can change, home can morph, and home can be destroyed. \n\nOfaris has known one thing - the cold. He wears his large coat, and holds tight his cat. He knows he might be happier south of The Wild, but he knows it here. He knows the land, he knows the people, he knows the creatures. \n\nI guess that's what makes it home - the familiarity. \n\nThat's also what makes @wizard7224 and @wizard6136 home as well. Neither come from any sort of consistent home, but all share the same traits. \n\nSpeaking few words, they hunt together, eat together, and travel together, but need not stay together as they know each other and need not boast.\n\nHome took on a new meaning however, when the shroud appeared. Halloween night, it was but a flutter of darkness, but these white wizards knew the feeling. A fleeting wisp of darkness up in the air, and the darkening pit in the stomach was all they needed to know. They looked at each other around the fire.\n\nSpeaking the first words among the group in months, the nameless said,\n\n\"It's time to call on @wizard388. Send a raven to Red Wizard Capital\"."} +{"id": "a0c06a65-4033-46ad-a856-9aad05695cc7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:54.237", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd18pSdTiciT2BFv6QgQt257GmLTEn7ks67KsnjwwReq9", "txHash": "0xc0f1675f14008c336633184a25e3138cb471734e8dbe97a03f2f0ed9e681ac32", "createdAtBlock": 14656115, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2190, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Moloch of the Desert", "text": "# Enchanter Moloch\n\n\n_Staunch defender of the enchanters_\n\nMoloch is simple. Moloch will defend any and all who seek to further and preserve the art of enchanting."} +{"id": "954292b3-61fd-417e-a788-5eb01cbdde98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:08.364", "backgroundColor": "#4e0400", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmahUnLLXGLZfN1PdKvrcvwR7FuDHLniHUsKNQYB1Pehvn", "txHash": "0x03491bb00de20f48eef307f4f4052b885a0fa0587a547a9d6f933e58e2208748", "createdAtBlock": 14619258, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9039, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Xiuying of the Brambles", "text": "Archmagus Xiuying of the Brambles, a witch from the yellow hat faction, is a deceitful underhanded con-artist. Although this witch may seem young, thanks to the time magic the faction possesses, she is actually over a thousand years old, her exact age is unknown, she probably stopped counting a long time ago as well.\n\nArchmagus usually travels the Chronomancers Riviera and BattleMage mountains looking for gullible individuals she can trick out of valuable artifacts or money, but shes gotta be careful because although staying young forever might seem quite magical; Archmagus does not possess any actual magic, or at least not any that she can use, something which can cause her a lot of trouble.\n\nHer friends consist of the wizards and witches from the yellow hat faction but other than that shes mostly outlived every other friend shes had, however, she does have her raven companion, who was given to her as a gift hundreds of years ago, with the same magical ability to never age. Her beauty gives her the power to seduce other, which she so uses to her advantage."} +{"id": "4cba4716-7ecd-4c04-bc02-47cb6349b585-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:09.052", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS9n6eCUrB8juE5mkq7CwhHSV3zbPvjEDXE8C195mA7pE", "txHash": "0xa1a0e54bd8b60fb09709e93541f565c980a19f632ee74b6fc353f06087d23963", "createdAtBlock": 14619262, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7218, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Vossler of the Moors", "text": "Necromancer Vossler of the Moors\n\nYou know the feeling - the one where you are sleeping the deepest possible sleep. Where you are beyond the universe, still alive, but at complete peace. Nothing is as restful as that sleep. And then, the moment in time that jars you from that sleep.\n\nVossler had lived a peaceful life. He was a solemn fisherman, his trusty rat by his side to consume the bones, his feather to remind him of days by the sea before the Moors froze over. Vossler had perfected the art of ice fishing - he was one of the last members of Nuuk as he was one of the most resourceful. He grew in the short growing season - he preserved his hunts, he ate sparingly. He also passed peacefully in his own bed, at an age that any of us would accept to live to. \n\nThat is, until a near explosion came threw the door. Icicles like shrapnel speared through the room and a mostly decomposed body sat up in bed with that feeling of being arisen from a deep sleep. \n\nAt the door, an elated @wizard595 stood, exhilarated that he was able to complete the spell which would allow ice to perform like dragon fireworks. \n\nHis exuberant demeanor flipped to terror as Vossler gritted his bare teeth in a bony jaw and started to saunter over to Ofaris.\n\nOfaris knew what this meant - he had awoken a soul from it's eternal slumber, and it will not rest until that which awakened it has perished."} +{"id": "d6a4e33a-5d23-4f46-9960-1edec7546a78-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:09.749", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTugzSF9ArVosefJ834pUHeeywwyChTDEj3Zx5QQGbnC7", "txHash": "0x6394880d5d51fc8d7f147de36d0967a700144a5c81507bad35c5df4d4d57bab7", "createdAtBlock": 14619295, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8558, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Nick ", "text": "Scrolls of the 7th Realm (#2)\n\nNick. \n\nIt's time.\n\nYou need to control your associate.\n\nYour decision to don the Grey Tunic will have catastrophic consequences to our agenda.\n\nAppear here within the fortnight.\n\n-G"} +{"id": "b189e447-38ce-4c0b-8bd7-bdd018c54405-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T23:11:17.996", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQnScFjGj47TH1tBdphsfLAUsDvnzejohmwH7nvJYAkq3", "txHash": "0x5528aeaa02cffe875227f86bfd69929b1a701bbbb57075a6477ebd0b93f64c4c", "createdAtBlock": 15556484, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1605, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Floyd Calamity of Turtles", "text": "Floyd Calamity of the Turtles. Of course the turtles fear him, Floyd wanders aimlessly slaying the turtles. No one knows why. Some say Floyd does not know either. There are those who attempt to protect the turtles from Floyd, however, they often fail; succumbing to Floyd themselves. Whether on land or at sea Floyd has a thirst that appears cannot be quenched. GG turtles."} +{"id": "a8c32b01-3b24-422a-8ce7-0aea3ef3ecc8-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T23:19:03.624", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpA9AopAqCM69d3VbmZgMZDnu85D4RLyQ1xd76WSAv3o", "txHash": "0xc0031af4e2f1bcc939591b29da00131f28b84b3ff6f1525ba326f2b4aef46e5e", "createdAtBlock": 15556572, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10278, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dayo Dissector of Destiny", "text": "Dayo Dissector of Destiny. If you are hopeful about fulfilling your destiny then think twice. Dayo will be the last thing you see before you perish. Your fate is set anon and you cannot escape it."} +{"id": "02d72b03-2019-4c42-bda1-53fc9c5ff291-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:14.845", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWHGkrbzj1te9v53pfiv7ueg8Nb2URvPwezWs6WboxnFG", "txHash": "0xda07d750134ab538091e3b8e59fb4627e63fb61d7b0366757157ba70a54ffe6c", "createdAtBlock": 14619601, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2030, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Brown Cow of the Wood", "text": "There's the milk guild, there's big beef, and do not even get me started on the poachers. Life isn't easy as a Canaanite - we don't have a lot that makes us feel confident in our safety. \n\nOne thing I take pride in though is my appearance, and fashionable I am. Brown Cow is brown, but he's also colorful, and I seem to have found my forever mate @pony261. \n\nIt's a matchup made in heaven - I look like royalty, and this pony gets to puff the bubble pipe for hours upon hours. \n\nDon't expect me to give this life up so easily - I know things are coming, but we've gotten accustomed to certain luxuries."} +{"id": "df03d379-8290-4002-b1f4-0c1f8a6ce944-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:10.528", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc8PNyMSB1YzuttTv5TUPjd5AMHUWDXgjwfUPDmKk5JiX", "txHash": "0x3e5a2b2e347e35d6118bf1716884bdb47cdeb333bbfd7921badd9ed9c85e9f74", "createdAtBlock": 14619395, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5461, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Sylvia of the Forest", "text": "Imagine the surprise when Sylvia found another being in the forest.\n\nNow also imagine her surprise when she found this being had dragon powder with him.\n\nSylvia had two choices - she could attempt to kill this being, or she should use her charm and wits to procure the powder. Sylvia was not very intelligent, but she was street smart - she knew she did not know for certain the power of this creature, so she allowed the mamba to go first.\n\nThe mamba did, and terror struck the young wizard's face - in that moment, Sylvia knew she had the upper hand. There was something strange about this wizard though - it was a red hat, however it was not like the other red hats. This one was curious, and, for some absurd reason, was in the dredges of the forest. \n\nSylvia approached and asked to use the dragon powder. The exchange went about as well as you would have expected. The red wizard denied and backed away. Sylvia saw his very short beard and at that moment she knew what was going on and how she would proceed. \n\n\"You silly wizard, you know not what this powder does.\" Sylvia explained aggressively,\n\n\"You must be from the Red Wizard Capital. Sit down with me, indulge me, and I will show you everything there is to know about dragon powder.\"\n\n\"PEEEEEWWWWWWWW\"\n\n\"BANG crackle crackle crackle\"\n\nSylvia shot out a firework in the shape of a dragon from her hands - the Wizard appeared completely befuddled, and she knew she had her hooks in. \n\n\"This should be fun\" she thought to herself."} +{"id": "5118063d-f96c-4d88-a267-ec2960658c8d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:11.326", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZbHWMzSftWquvjCM4KnhmMhX4pF8NfW3fpLAjc9vwBCH", "txHash": "0x6313cb6c1b382a17a318a5ee63cfcd81bc8f993ca48d8b1cbf5807d3ae7bae79", "createdAtBlock": 14619409, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5645, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ8YPFDspniXnGbBnCxVRWbj2QxA2HMMwGPaFtjX6rcjk", "name": " Azahl of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Azahl of the Citadel\n\nI know the monsters within darkness\n\nMy kind is kin to mystic beings\n\nBe warned whom brings the innocent, sadness\n\nWe shall bring thee to thy knees"} +{"id": "cd8760a2-91a3-4e5e-aef6-7ed146d596ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T23:27:14.717", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeLjwrPWqj5q9tYPD5UQitsK7tLCPNm1Rs2tMxZgab3NX", "txHash": "0x742eecb8ccbe11703b372c814bdaeaa5ae6414c6b9e10c8ed1118097a987c3d5", "createdAtBlock": 15556562, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10280, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sandy Champion of the Wild", "text": "Sandy Champion of the Wild once had a child but no longer does. This made her angry. A wizard took her child. Now she lives to kill wizards indiscriminately. Sandy bringer of death may be a more appropriate name if you are a wizard. Wizard be ware, Sandy commeth."} +{"id": "54be100f-db0c-4478-aa52-575d33e76ce4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:11.994", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd5HxE7FZ7M4NDXyFT76QPuUZM4VUw1cJuU4WKnnzhgmg", "txHash": "0x216165603402a3e4ff0bfb93557c2c821e88fef16296aab575d1a9dc836a69f3", "createdAtBlock": 14619439, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4624, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Ozohr of the Mount", "text": "Ozohr was the typical yellow wizard. Immensely talented, but a disappointment to the rest of the hat brethren (and his family). He had no interest in future or past - only present, and he carried his broom to sweep up the cares of the less debaucherous.\n\nThis is why he was even more confused when he received a scroll - a scroll that looked important. Ozohr was a drunk - he wasn't an idiot, and when the scroll with a certain insignia appeared at his doorstep, his buzz from the first three drinks of the day faded.\n\n> Scroll of the 7th Realm (#3)\n\n> The hole has been opened. \n\n> The day of reckoning is upon us. \n\n> We need the Sphinx.\n\n> Come to the Sacred Pillars.\n\n> -Uvlius\n\n\nOzohr had absolutely no idea what this scroll meant, and the being which had delivered it was long gone. His curiosity got the best of him though, and he set out on a trek (a hungover trek) to the Sacred Pillars)."} +{"id": "204f6aaa-bee4-4f62-bf3a-ff4452b0ef95-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:12.673", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHWiKbSpD8J8AQHWQ18w3yHzFKvtWJY2nT2D7tpw2Qhr", "txHash": "0x6f0e38a12cd7f67b0aef7ac06646dcece269673e483157a117811ee0a1d61581", "createdAtBlock": 14619499, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Layla of the Grotto", "text": "Layla's parents used to yell, and they would yell loud. They would yell to the point of scaring her, which would make her flee the house and sit at the corner of a stream. She would toss rocks into the stream, watching the water change shape and wish she could do the same back at home.\n\nHer wishes were misconstrued however, as she was soon confronted by an enormous canine. Layla was not a below average human by any means, but this dog stood as tall as Layla did - it's fangs as long as a finger, it's ears larger than Layla's hand. It growled and showed it's teeth - Layla reached for the first thing that she could find - a stick to fend it off. The beast lunged, Layla closed her eyes, threw up her arms and prayed that she would not be eaten alive. \n\nIt seemed like minutes, but was only seconds, as Layla opened her eyes and the dog was sitting peacefully, panting at her feet. It seemed to copy her every move - looking where she pointed, moving with her, expecting her to do something.\n\nLayla sat and wondered. She was certain her time had come, but if she concentrated enough, it seemed like the animal was at her beck and call.\n\nShe got up, and the puppy heeled. She grabbed the stick, and the trio headed on their way."} +{"id": "cb0f3a6f-d234-4a5c-89ad-bbabc8a38e20-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:13.499", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaugGPPs5SpgJTor547q6EvNtq99gQm6sEdvNAGM5bQZy", "txHash": "0xc4612e6cd1af62241e7c4944bf027421d6b5c9d5403e1058b6178d0f5db5354f", "createdAtBlock": 14619514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Edge of the Tower", "text": "When the Druid Edge was a boy he lived with his family in a tower near the sea. On one twilight evening in Spring, the most fantastic thing occurred. While alone collecting mushrooms for tea, the wind began to stir and the clouds became colorful and swayed and danced. \n\nA Phoenix descended. \n\nEdge stood dumbfounded and speechless; though oddly not scared. Hovering in the air before him was a giant magical bird. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.\n\nThe great bird appeared to be injured. Blood was stained upon her right wing. Edge called up to the bird, offering to help. He ran inside and gathered some of his mother's remedy vials. He then rushed outside, put them on the ground and silently backed away. \n\nThe Phoenix swooped down and scooped up the medicine with a huge talon. \nShe then paused, looked at Edge, and appeared to smile with her eyes. \n\nFlames swirled and in a heartbeat she was gone. A single feather drifted down from the sky. Edge caught it and cherished it. And he kept the feather with him always for the rest of his life...for it had powers beyond mere memory."} +{"id": "fb0a2b29-8c0f-47a9-9de9-92b7c7605c26-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-18T15:46:03.035", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcaZrBePJ9HqTaYnFySnLo1fcbMCRg1afa6mRFuCCE8pn", "txHash": "0x0af771b46d6371f37d73ede1231b67ab44de99ae67d99bd492777c3ee9e963ec", "createdAtBlock": 15561409, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2180, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Wolfram of the Riviera", "text": "Currently taking a much needed vacation in a tropical treetop village on Lemur Isle. This place is a genuine paradise I can't imagine a better place to hang my hat for a little relaxation. Hope nothing goes wrong ;) much love, your Friend Wolfy"} +{"id": "5bfc44c0-2fd1-4c42-9989-95a517ec80dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:15.675", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbpEjmZb6SawCboTMraTF7Vnocw9eaC44bDTmGNVahntA", "txHash": "0xf88308012467a11ca16baab554dadb641020131f084b9efc88165e2211fdcd74", "createdAtBlock": 14619649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 584, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Uvlius of the Astral Plane", "text": "When any normal human views the cloud of a Darkling, it's almost too much for a mortal to deal with.\n\nThe pure magical energy combined with the overbearing sense of evil is almost too much to bear - senses are frayed, thinking is clouded, and desires are turned. \n\nThat is, unless you are Uvlius.\n\nIt's unclear whether Uvlius is a human or some sort of astral being, but his relationship with @wizard1036 began early in Chiron's \"Of the Havens\" days.\n\nThe world always had some sort of end date - that was a given, and the entire world accepted that. When \"The Chasm\" happened, time seemed to stop for a moment, and everything and nothing seemed possible. Uvlius knew it had to be something to do with Chiron - the world's end date was set in stone and it was the Darklings who were going to bring it to fruition.\n\nUvlius loved the world. He loved the people, he loved the drink, he loved the creatures. He saw a way out of this - he NEEDED to talk to Chiron."} +{"id": "e221b91e-0786-43c4-9fac-1693d7f527a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:17.766", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXuErEoRC95h4Lk23f34Zp8d67skuGDTxkgEjxVXaN76x", "txHash": "0x76da640e5bcbaa9d6c083ed1c830c6497496355db428cc55fdf36bf96e69fbb9", "createdAtBlock": 14619766, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 589, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Jeldor of the Brambles", "text": "It happened on Halloween - Jeldor's head began throbbing, and his staff glowed beet red. This went on for around an hour with Jeldor unable to collect himself.\n\nAt the end of the hour, it subsided. What did it mean? Jeldor was one of the most studious wizards of the time. He had heard of things like this - was it the equinox? was it a solar flare? was it a figment of his imagination?\n\nHe was one that didn't like to rush to judgment - Jeldor was not one to make a rash decision. In this moment, that may have hurt those associated with him as this event was to shape the world for decades to come."} +{"id": "3d183894-2f36-41c0-a4eb-eca070256b2c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:20.734", "backgroundColor": "#040312", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJRuqEx8gkH5E4e7BgWHiaFtiZfuMKXYem3PejyMkp4H", "txHash": "0xcbdbd246ae6ea3a6b159e4fb23d7fd0757387736fd88df8a590e5c6935a166fd", "createdAtBlock": 14620609, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6599, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmW6UDd97Ru2FzjYGHXMZhiztVL2d5xCTTDa53LoBCkUEn", "name": "Cryptomancer Milton of the Belfry", "text": "\"I've peered beyond the veil of this world and watched as the unbreakable strings of runes and glyphs that twist themselves into the fabric of our reality create worlds of both incredible wonder and unspeakable horror! Tell me traveller, have you ever seen a dick with a butt with another dick coming out of it?\""} +{"id": "854914b3-b8ad-47b7-a8dd-708da86d0129-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-18T15:57:27.139", "backgroundColor": "#221301", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeLavBJKqBDbSRUnwsSLCuQj9xU4mJ9K3J3rqoCUDmhxL", "txHash": "0x60fb0fb0ac320f8677d72c929d90ac4873c0a2d76d3953d9cfd94c4272f5c9e0", "createdAtBlock": 15561465, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Angus of the Field", "text": "No there's nothing I want to write in the fucking BoOk Of L0rE. It's dumb, no one wants to hear our stories. You want to do something useful? Do you want to help society? Then go burn that whole book of nonsense then go crawl back into your mother's gapping stinker. I can't believe the absolute fucking frog shit people make up these days and try to pass off as artistic expression."} +{"id": "841bb933-daff-45f1-8e00-7beab325464b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:21.436", "backgroundColor": "#120303", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSmpquobwUCvkJGHUTo7W5nbhmDh5WeEZYTi579bi3HGR", "txHash": "0xb71d94718b9870eab697da3409719a5714d1842ce61ae8f114c28a7172c41f04", "createdAtBlock": 14620656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 86, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbygSazMYW1EaBbuuyE3c78pGZCLkZy3wAy2ANcc7bdTL", "name": "Edge the Polite", "text": "Edge didn't trust the orb. It mocked him with its limbless locomotion."} +{"id": "1cf62f8d-04bf-4dbb-bd02-0ba3e7a083be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:22.877", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPBf6Tu2tR91NyMjvipbXEboMKGPFRrnS1ZeVCGXUC2As", "txHash": "0x0a5f85c348a87926ae9b6df4e2eff2eaff7944ffa5129352eea15a6fa9e31366", "createdAtBlock": 14620766, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6409, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Aleister of the Crag", "text": "# A cold day\n\nIt was a cold winters morning for Aleister. The Crag was known to be desolate but the temperatures today were well below freezing. \n#\nStill that suited an Ice mage. \n#\nIt was said that those who can control ice magic have it running through their blood. Often clinical thinkers, logic over emotion. Well that was not the case for Aleister.\n#\nCompassion & love were all that Aleister knew. Tiddles, his familiar, was almost dead when Aleister found him. He'd been dropped from the claws of an imp, one of the many beasts now roaming the land. Just a pink baby, stolen from his mothers nest. \n#\nAleister kept him wrapped from the cold, nutured him to health. The amount of !magic Aleister used healing and protecting Tiddles was unfathomable, something so delicate was not meant to survive in the Crag.\n#\nThat Magic change Tiddles. \n#\nIt was only after a couple of years that Aleister noticed the intelligence and the clear consciousness of his partner. From there it was just the start. They must save innocents from these wild beasts."} +{"id": "8841179d-0ce3-4117-b14f-ddcf3b4a6f98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:23.54", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYufNchyHBbBVySE8Ghfnrg8suG33NcU2JNcqvdNjCjeQ", "txHash": "0x0c0d2157100355f3fa385ecda76a73176380b4a2eb1e7f9f1b8ebc3b75859d2c", "createdAtBlock": 14620802, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1576, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Misumi of the Oasis", "text": "# The Sage \nThe Sage was quite interested in exploring the Oasis. She woke up, fed the cat, which is her companion in everything that she does, and started to explore.\n\nAt some point, she found a lovely blue stone as her stick was a simple brown one. She picked it up and started to craft it into an excellent accessory for her stick. \nNow she has a nice stick that she can use and do more complicated spells. \n\n\nThe adventure in Oasis continues, and hopefully, she will discover more exciting experiences."} +{"id": "4478711f-eb25-4ab4-83fe-aa8851200f31-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-19T23:00:40.084", "backgroundColor": "#6d3230", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme7gfzeMFpz2eiSoiJ2iZsY1RTtNqVpJTD72hGoZ3R783", "txHash": "0x112342582e833b40f3a3e185338f815b9cd90ed77f783e7e1f49c5506dde0dbc", "createdAtBlock": 15570699, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5462, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Captain Zaim of the Bleep", "text": "# # The Howling Ring\n\n\n@soul5462 was spending the evening at The Forgotten Tavern, reading a specific page in a curious looking diary. He spent hours re-reading the same page over and over.\n\n---\n## \n# \n### *Lost and Confused*\n*by*\n @wizard5462 \n\n*ring-ring ring-ring ring-ring*\n\n*The persistent ringing clouds my mind. Wizards, Kobolds, Warriors and even the Creatures of the Runiverse mocking me everywhere I go. The Magus Wazir imposter, they call me. One day, I will show them and get my revenge. Revenge....I once heard a group of wizards say that the best revenge is to find true happiness.*\n\n*Hpmh, happiness?*\n\n*Is that something I can ever find? Surely not as myself. If only I could just become someone else. A new identity. Why did I have to be born a Dream Master with a Siren's Bell?!*\n\n\n---\n\n@soul5462 finally rips the page out of the diary and throws it in the nearby fireplace.\n\n\"I got my wish\", he softly says to himself.\n\nOther tavern patrons curiously drew attention to the fire as it began making a ringing sound. \n\n@soul5462 slowly gets up, turns to the bystanders and walks to the exit without breaking eye contact. As he gets to the door, he pulls out his Banshee's Bell and gives it a ring. A resounding, echoing howl fills the tavern as @soul5462 sets out for a fresh start in the Runiverse."} +{"id": "37c56589-ca87-4851-85a2-4bfe627b5a2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:30.639", "backgroundColor": "#01ca92", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXzzt7bSLPKJFyWPSqpRZmgkV5zJDNDZWPEB9R1y884yN", "txHash": "0x1dda202d83095e4cf7b33469e02ff8dfb4819151544a7b8bad155d68e505ef8c", "createdAtBlock": 14621469, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5067, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Milo of the Havens", "text": "You are my Green Wizard\n\nYou come from the Green Heaven\n\nYour Celestial Sash fits you perfectly\n\nToghether with your Lightning Spell\n\nBut also with the Rune of Air that you have\n\nYour dirty bunny is just like your skin"} +{"id": "e9bc4974-2f19-4ea4-a8fe-23652a913087-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:22.54", "backgroundColor": "#2468b6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrusE3mZfjik5MoVQ77ZgfVEkuX6m9qTDZfcvxB7kXqB", "txHash": "0x285698f713c543ea49f82922093800ffc11a7d61b5d73d70d51a66f6dab5739c", "createdAtBlock": 14810558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 175, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sparky the Smarmy", "text": "You are my only pony\n\nYour beautiful yellow pipe (aka Bubble Pipe)\n\nFits perfectly with your georgeous wizard hat\n\nBut also with your Blue Caparison\n\nYou will be the pony that will carry my wizards and my warriors <3"} +{"id": "389d8b36-f49a-43f4-a8dd-23a67725367b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:11.657", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUeLAVEqBHwri12CGBfK9WhHisopKxQ56zS3M3w7b6DAu", "txHash": "0x96e6cc1c9d7672e5d7a34ca91b8d6cffb8bef88c7c65c219e0d2570a1556dd2d", "createdAtBlock": 15572425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6754, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPGN27pgUktrjtctsFJzDgyiTRLCy2jHQJJ6Y5ZnPnbND", "name": "Alchemist Hagatha of Arcadia", "text": "Artist: https://www.fiverr.com/robintahaha"} +{"id": "c6eb563f-1624-4955-a478-c2db779c580c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:32.057", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWgfdfC9h4ztpBunyWRL4j4rN7Ss57aGQvTMNpJ5967J", "txHash": "0x374ef2360f760d935752797aac64c559773f2535a97d1250b0fb02779984b945", "createdAtBlock": 14621570, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5888, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXxExLPTRwaXy1TPpbESnuENxtEYxX54ZkbLbm7Y4ZcnW", "name": "Pyromancer Daria of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Daria of the Keep\n\n\n\n\n\n> Her hair turns from blue to red as she casts fire into the sky above and she is a passionate performer. \n\n> A woman of many talents and wickedly smart; others have called her a bad-ass bitch. \n\n> There wasnt much she couldnt do when she put her mind to it. \n\n> With her is a blue-haired bat called Marshall, who only talks to her. \n\n> People have travelled many miles to see this talented pyromancer combine magic and singing into an explosive performance.\n\n> After the show she is going to meet a leader of wizards.\n\n> She loves him and he loves her. \n\n> They are going on an adventure."} +{"id": "d0312193-037c-491a-aa7b-8bf541c99ffc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:23.74", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYufNchyHBbBVySE8Ghfnrg8suG33NcU2JNcqvdNjCjeQ", "txHash": "0x4c1cc3dcd44e7d2f7c2523dc62ecfa1f57754344eb5a8c134c037d0e01b3ccf9", "createdAtBlock": 14620802, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1576, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Misumi of the Oasis", "text": "# The Sage \nThe Sage was quite interested in exploring the Oasis. She woke up, fed the cat, which is her companion in everything that she does, and started to explore.\n\nAt some point, she found a lovely blue stone as her stick was a simple brown one. She picked it up and started to craft it into an excellent accessory for her stick. \nNow she has a nice stick that she can use and do more complicated spells. \n\n\nThe adventure in Oasis continues, and hopefully, she will discover more exciting experiences."} +{"id": "adfc6923-047b-4c37-b15d-ceebd3dc6c8d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:24.425", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXvyBx71DQbyWePyF97Azjwm56cF7Seb1XmDVSy724twR", "txHash": "0x146805510b8ec35d9b8dcafe250fd0c5d7cb49534f4afe58c1eecf3cae2f45d0", "createdAtBlock": 14620805, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 253, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ellen the Dependable", "text": "# Ellen \n\nNeighhhhhh neighhh nieghhh. \n#\nNeiighhh neigghh nieghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, neighhh neigh neiiighhh neighh nnneigh neiigh neigh neiighhhh\nneighh nayyyyy neighh nnneeeeieggggh. \n#\nNeigh! neighh neigh neigh. \n#\nRacing across the plains the went, these two horses once lovers, no longer. Ellen could not convince him to stay, the adventure called to the bold steed. His mane black and flowing as the wind blew. She knew that if she couldn't convince him to stay, she'd never be able to catch him. Stopping she watched as he faded into the distance, over the green meadows and into the unknown. \n#\nNeighhh Neighh Neigh!\n#\nA tear running down her face, she turned and headed back to the forest they had once called home. Nothing would be the same again for Ellen, little did she know, this would not be the last time she saw him."} +{"id": "f816c99e-806d-4cc0-abf1-eab94035e107-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:25.234", "backgroundColor": "#4d1962", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNjMKZiZJanMsLUSZAfcnNp4BRpbL9xQqSbzDK1zmH7yd", "txHash": "0x42d1fa600ceebdfc48b1445bb8d17b41e9f0cd51ed07f2c30c8b12196f72d32a", "createdAtBlock": 14620852, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdwmoaPKnDN3ePsTf73Un9qFv4u6N6Qo3oHYqgzEFNAht", "name": "Archmagus Layla of the Wood", "text": "# Tale of Archmagus Layla of the Wood\n\nHer wind magic was considered as useless and used only for spinning a windmill. But, one day, it became a threat with the fire breath of her familiar. Their flame wind burned away a village instantly. After that, she was obsessed the power of her magic and started losing her sanity gradually. Her obsession to the power has her run around entire Runiverse to chase ancient magic items, forbidden magic and forgotten rules. \n\n\n(Illustrated by 6maker_nft)"} +{"id": "2ef08e9c-0a64-4a84-a563-9e1baa4b6cb2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:26.126", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc2H8N9K7W4eFxv9AyCdXiBrDn54nuCcaB67jcCYF7DGR", "txHash": "0xac0a4fdf9f3f196634de3b6bf64b590349f8b0069b83a314dc2f190943e24ea9", "createdAtBlock": 14620925, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9721, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Victor of the Sea", "text": "**Voodoo Priest Victor of The Sea**\n\n\"one God does not interfere in daily lives, but that spirits do.\"\n\nVictor shuffles back and forth in the captain's quarters...his crew is hungry, sick, defeated. He contemplates calling upon spirits, as it is his last resort. He doesn't want his crew to know he is a Voodoo Priest, but he wants to save them. Victor must call upon Baron, the master of the dead. Victor begins his ritual to call upon Baron Samedi. The rain picks up, lightning strikes, the wind howls, fog grows, the crew shakes. Baron appears behind Victor, sitting in his captain's chair. \n\n\"...B b b baaaaron? My crew...they are sick, they need healing.\" \n\n\"Why must I help, I see you have nothing to offer here.\"\n\n\"I do.\" Victor says. \"I can offer to teach you my water spell.\"\n\nBaron shakes his head and laughs..."} +{"id": "24f81291-aca5-4f3c-a6a4-590618774e7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:26.834", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaeZ6ixUAsqSeJyGJ67fBaggF695Dt8swpiDEi8ZNe5ef", "txHash": "0xc57ae2f93d649797d12e669659e6c853a19609abe2aab322ce70f070534ba1c9", "createdAtBlock": 14620969, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSR7bD2AMbpkyBMPyNmx2DNStZP9mcxQ4p5SXLQqmADxb", "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr of Arcadia", "text": "The Wizard Trio: Ozohr, Impy, and Takao.\n\nThe trio rest after a long journey, with the gate in their sights, they begin to relax and tell stories."} +{"id": "42752643-452c-42b2-b826-84c7fd2278c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:27.516", "backgroundColor": "#52104e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcLbjCQHYG66Bb5BRK9Cwn5ipSWCBrRSYSHqniogSdZBV", "txHash": "0x68154cc0362323be14cab0e28a605e0751ae1edf76c0cfdb4eb26af5eb49fdf5", "createdAtBlock": 14621181, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8824, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Witch Shivra of the Tower", "text": "Witch Shivra is typically swarmed with fellow Wizards - day & night.\n\nWhy do you ask? Lady luck is always on her side.\n\nTo even be in this Crone's presence is expected to be good enough to be granted the blessing of luck.\n\nWith her Lucky Black Cat, her Lucky Horseshoe, and Lucky Gold Chain, any Wizards' rolling probability for their given skill was increased by 66%.\n\nIt is even said that Shivra can see the world's events before they happen, just dumb luck or a magnified inherent skill?\n\nThese skills made her an essential part of any crew. Forgotten or not, Shivra wears her Rune with pride."} +{"id": "c94ce291-54f9-485b-97fe-dcaff77d6391-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:55.066", "backgroundColor": "#8700ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf2ooo9svBg7Jm4FAJ5gDbtWvzDRmqHXHqbRUBVtJtR9k", "txHash": "0x426ffba2941648812165041d093c35412b62aa967d121dfb591852154604d690", "createdAtBlock": 14656121, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4953, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmecjsityBPGrmzdN6etCEcdjbA2JCqR9oBbjBzTmDoQWX", "name": "Magus Cassiopeia of the Brambles", "text": "# Magus Cassiopeia of the Brambles \n \n \n \nA green hat through and through, Magus Cassiopeia of the Brambles is found most often in her solitary shack deep within the tangled and untamed wilderness of The Thorn. \n \n \nOr so it used to be. \n \n \nThese days, rumor has it that she frequently goes missing for days at a time -- seen not even by the locals who used to daily patron her specialty shop of potions, elixirs, and poisons. \n \nPerhaps her experiments with the flora and fauna of The Thorn and her proximity to The Quantum Shadow have yielded unexpected results. \n \nThose who *have* seen her tell only of her strange murmurings of far-away friendly floating creatures and a forest of towering crystalline mushrooms."} +{"id": "8fadf965-b59b-48a9-9618-513c4c4449fd-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-20T15:54:18.57", "backgroundColor": "#a48d60", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcg5h2MLgJUs8cAHE65PVPBfPe79aiQGSMWundSRVNHjy", "txHash": "0x02f23780f1a5099481b0c4d1c2457bd978d51469a96f4a67c659134d6a9aeb49", "createdAtBlock": 15575710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3584, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "U.V. Ruin of the Mountain", "text": "# THE KNIGHT\n\n\nThe knight practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nYou sleep until the sun is at its zenith. \nThe knights polished blade reflects the first light at dawn. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship. \n \nYour garments are silken and noble. \nThe knights tunic is rough and simple. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nYou feast on extravagant delicacies until you are drunk and clumsy. \nThe knight endures hunger and thirst to strengthen his will. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nYour mind is restless, obscured and distracted. \nThe knights mind is calm and clear. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nYou cease not to shout and yell, rambling about. \nThe knights words are scarce but full of meaning. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nYou have lain with countless people, but have loved none. \nThe knight fights for his one true love. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nYou cherish your possessions of gold and rare gems. \nThe knight seeks neither riches nor honor. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nYou serve only yourself. \nThe knight is the champion of the weak and unfortunate, asking nothing in return. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship.\n\nThe day of the great combat has come! \n\nYou try to save your meaningless life. \nThe knight fears nothing. \nHe practices the art of swordsmanship, \nand emerges victorious with ease."} +{"id": "16ea2914-2a67-4525-a434-c965fcd588f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:32.764", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXfYzHXRg7HyRCTqiPREwoQtra5wQU9WGCPCCHiphYaY8", "txHash": "0x7aa0b794d3c8a5c007cf1f82e6909545276c00ce75f6dd562dfad037ed408690", "createdAtBlock": 14621659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5501, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNiHAppBshsxBkiULo3Pm5wePT12wq1jWCJGvBXSENCAZ", "name": "Magus Zafar of the Desert", "text": "# The Writings of Magus Zafar of the Desert\n\n\n\n\n> There is a reason the secret tower is secret in these modern times. \n\n> There are those who fear magic and its power. \n\n> Many died trying to protect the old tower.\n\n> Many books and tomes were destroyed.\n\n> Now the world needs magic more than ever.\n\n> And the Runes will be remembered.\n\n\n-----------------------------------\n-------------------------------------\n----------------------------------------\n\n# Dramas in the Blue\n\n\nI once tried stopping the clouds \nbeyond the reach of the sun \nout of sight but not outside of mind. \nI did not want them to obstruct my light, \nthe beloved light of the sun. \nI would toss and turn as the weather would \nchange, all effort spent maintaining the light. \nIt was not until one day in the desert I stumbled \nacross a plant that \nthe clouds returned to the sky. \n\n.\n\nI lost control and \nall light was gone, to \nmy two brown eyes, they cried \ntears of loss and despair. In the darkness \nthey took my life all that I thought I was. \nMy family, my home, my place, my light, I \nwas lost in the darkness on my own. \nI saw no way out, I lost tomorrow, \nI made a final choice. \nThrow myself into the clouds of sorrow, of loss \nA final peace I hoped to find, \n\n.\n\nnon-existence in no-light. \nAnd yet instead I emerged, \nto light on the otherside. \nIts strength, its power, changing \nthe clouds, clearing the once opaque. \nAnd in the space the light came through, \nin truth it was never gone. \nNow I let the clouds come and go, knowing \n\n."} +{"id": "16ea2914-2a67-4525-a434-c965fcd588f8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:32.764", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXfYzHXRg7HyRCTqiPREwoQtra5wQU9WGCPCCHiphYaY8", "txHash": "0x7aa0b794d3c8a5c007cf1f82e6909545276c00ce75f6dd562dfad037ed408690", "createdAtBlock": 14621659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5501, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNiHAppBshsxBkiULo3Pm5wePT12wq1jWCJGvBXSENCAZ", "name": "Magus Zafar of the Desert", "text": ".\n\nthe source of light. \nThe light is not mine, \nnot to preserve or protect, not to worship or hold tight. \nI know its there through rain or storm, \nI know its always there. \nWatching the sky the clouds do come \n dramas in the blue. \n\n.\n\nThe winds of time bringing clouds into the light."} +{"id": "9b8982ce-6f99-4597-8a5d-cbb0400afd83-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:33.419", "backgroundColor": "#6a0803", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQGd9AumemDA7Q3Avvk2vNi5UEMFhprZaFcdVBkcNJyDo", "txHash": "0x0d1c8d4ca51d67891e1663cd959c604cbba6fd042cba1748ce884d6321d601b7", "createdAtBlock": 14621840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4513, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wooden Ghost Bobbin of the Mist", "text": "# Wooden Ghost Bobbin of the Mist\n\n## A study of Artifacts\n\n> [..] and throughout my studies, a lifetime to be fair, I have been unable to get a true understanding of the conundrum that are the animated wooded. Though they have never failed to amaze me, and to this very day I find my mind wanders ever towards their ungainly movements that somehow still speak quietly to the mind like the most fanciful poetry.\n> \n> I have, at times, been tempted to conclude that they are not truly alive but simply animated artifacts, unable to be properly cognizant not truly self-aware. Should one ever be tempted to spend a significant amount of time amongst them, I believe you would be sorely tempted to conclude as such.\n> \n> However, my diligence has revealed to me just enough few cases, those errant few outliers, to put a niggling doubt in my mind.\n> \n> What if these so-called automatons, these oft-called idiots, really are - as I have come to believe - not only sentient, but indeed carry an intelligence unique only to them?\n> \n> \n> _Boys of the Wood_\n\n\nFeathers. Always with the feathers, setting his nose to twitching. Bobbin wasnt particularly that fond of feathers, and if he thought real hard he was _quite_ certain he never had been.\n\nHe did also know he had never been the smartest wooden boy around, not the sharpest twig on the branch, yet remembering anything of his life was doubly hard since passing through that cursed flame. And now he had two of the damned things! Feathers that is, and lives too come to think of it - if this could be called life anyway.\n\nHesitantly, Bobbin took one Phoenix feather in each hand and looked to Belch. \n\n\"_May I please?_\" he asked the burning toad."} +{"id": "9b8982ce-6f99-4597-8a5d-cbb0400afd83-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:33.419", "backgroundColor": "#6a0803", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQGd9AumemDA7Q3Avvk2vNi5UEMFhprZaFcdVBkcNJyDo", "txHash": "0x0d1c8d4ca51d67891e1663cd959c604cbba6fd042cba1748ce884d6321d601b7", "createdAtBlock": 14621840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4513, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wooden Ghost Bobbin of the Mist", "text": "\"_May I please?_\" he asked the burning toad.\n\n\"_Belch,_\" Belch sizzled happily.\n\nConcentrating hard, Bobbin leaned down and touched each feather to the flames and stood back up quickly.\n\n_Whoosh!_ the feathers went up into flame, ash cascading down his ghoulish hands and onto the hard obsidian stone.\n\n_Fzzzzt!_ the feathers returned in sparks of crimson.\n\n\"_Hmmm,_\" Bobbins mused aloud. \"_Fun._\"\n\nHad he liked fire before? No, no most assuredly not - that primal fear of the antithesis of wood still rang true in what passed as his soul. Yep, he felt pretty sure about that bit, but now... Well, maybe echoes of that fear now roused a thrill in him. Either way, he was intrigued. Little Belch certainly seemed to thoroughly enjoy his transition into a hopping inferno, merrily setting things ablaze wherever they went with childlike like abandon.\n\n_Perhaps feathers and flames aren't all bad after all,_ Bobbin thought to himself."} +{"id": "100f31b7-b691-4c6a-8d47-c82e5fbbb0ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:34.055", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZjmw95Mo7SkB9TYWS71FJnZYrLGoqCx7unShadKyeJpH", "txHash": "0xa757ae1044030ce383de62ff00b5278fe8f90ef73e0ba4a2c0db86102e2b7832", "createdAtBlock": 14621974, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUSzPCYccrB8VoqzRv3yRj5m88NEeyqUdo3tt6pnnLoQy", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "\" Woooshhhh... Like a *gust* of wind on the cold *lands of the Ice*. \nBliiiinkkk... Shiny like snowflake and cool as a *Fonzy* on Saturday night. \" \n. \n\nFlynn, The Ice Mage of the Ice, the Desire of Mother Cold and Father Crow, came to life on a freezing night during the last *Prismic summer* known to Wizards. He holds and protects one of the few *Keys of the 7th realm* along and accompanied by *Spew* the *crow*, Familiar inherited by the father. \n. \nMany quests and tales will highlight Flynn's life and will all be reported in the Book of Lore. \nThis is more then *biography*. This, is *!magic*!!! \n. \n\nBless may be your name, Flynn, in Eternity!"} +{"id": "0c0f45a8-2660-4913-9f65-2ac30ad041b5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:51.63", "backgroundColor": "#7700fd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbjcg9pSe8LrNFxcoLmnbE5K3cBGdFTX3yxmG1xBrJCo", "txHash": "0xe72164517327800295cacdf6918d596cbc34256cdcca2b3535bd38b68bab3cf7", "createdAtBlock": 14624284, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6604, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer George of the Expanse", "text": "# Sorcerer George of the Expanse\n\nDay 1 - Dear diary, I will try this fruit today, I cannot find any other food around me.\n\nDay 2 - Feeling better than ever, saw a dragon in the sky.\n\nDay 3 - Ehhh..... loving this fruit.\n\nDay 4 - Found a fox that is talking to me"} +{"id": "610bf6b9-10d1-4972-956a-1b2ac41482dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:56.136", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQFKitFeviZHHnENJesRKbtUgQZ19wGrsZsUrRQZSXkTh", "txHash": "0xe7e7ac4d1ef19bd093df0140de79103b6b0bd623210fb198c2b08943c024b66e", "createdAtBlock": 14624690, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6788, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Crowley of the Keep", "text": "The tale of ACotK\n---\n\nHis hair is blonde from all the sun\n---\n\nIt wont fade out it wont be gray\n---\n\nNever in his life he had to run\n---\n\nTook it easy every day\n---\n\nThrough up and down water he soared \n---\n\nThe waves he caught with ease \n---\n\nStanding tall on his sweet board \n---\n\nHis hair shining in the summer breeze\n---\n\nAll of that he had to leave\n---\n\nMagic is now his calling\n---\n\nWith wind up his sleeve\n---\nAnd his blonde hair ever falling\n---"} +{"id": "bc0d82c2-0d87-4094-b1f5-b8c3ffc747f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:37.315", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmViK4aLk7wHVLwNtVEXVobimUHyevDLG3i7WvX6v5sZdA", "txHash": "0xf3855e5b4457d8b17f87ac2f9939d90ccf47f91f8841c5b47b1656722e6e87cd", "createdAtBlock": 14622324, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4483, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Despot Lamia of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "#The Black Letter of the Lich\n#\nLamia carried the corpse of her familiar, Taznee, into the Pyre and surrendered herself. The Flame beckoned Lamia with a vision, too horrible to describe. The transmutation manifested markings of power on her cold Lich soul in the form of a code. She frantically searched her conscience and found her mind intact. The Sacred Flame had bestowed upon the runeless witch a gift, the Soul Rune, but not without a price. Lamia opened her eyes, but found that she was blind."} +{"id": "25f0abb2-6c35-49c4-aa7e-ad3163b817ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:38.038", "backgroundColor": "#0e2216", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfRhqaPJ44zQzU2R9E1YAQ9ZJFosEhwcy4zUoBa9jyP5y", "txHash": "0x0dc8eda72000df3693f75d019fcf14561bcc72532721959c70c43ac4d628470e", "createdAtBlock": 14622414, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Atlas of the Steppe", "text": "Atlas has lived a very long life. As many great lives lived before his, it has been a life filled with great joy contrasted with a deep sadness. \n \nLife now is a small and round log hut situated at the base of a large wooded hill at the edge of the great plains of the Steppe. Gaps in the logs, magically shaped, provide Atlas with four windows. Each window faces a different cardinal direction. \n \nAtlas has two faithful companions: a crow who calls himself Fern and an ash pony called Emerald. \n \nOften, you will find Atlas sitting in a wooden rocking chair deep in reflection on days past"} +{"id": "a2bf3bb8-23dc-404f-bc4c-45a78921a1b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:38.891", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsVkbnEfJcty11c4J7V2kHgHsfw1GGoWbAcq3popaUMo", "txHash": "0x70d9f3281b0240ff1e4608f364fb73ac441629c7ba9c1318b6bad7151151f1a2", "createdAtBlock": 14622441, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 489, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Cassandra of the Toadstools", "text": "# Witch Cassandra of the Toadstools\n#\nWitch Casandra is a fearsome wizard who lurks in the dark forests of the world. She is a master of dark magic and can transform her victims into toads. The Witch is said to be hundreds of years old and is immune to the effects of time. \n#\nThe Witch was born in a small village in the middle of a dark forest. When she was just a child, her parents were killed by a band of robbers. The Witch was left alone in the world, and she soon learned to fend for herself. She quickly realized that she had a natural affinity for magic, and she began to practice the dark arts.\n#\nAs she grew older, the Witch became more powerful and more evil. She began to prey on the villagers, using her magic to transform them into toads which were often fed to her pet rat Scout. The Witch enjoyed the terror she caused, and she quickly became known as the Witch of the Toadstools."} +{"id": "3c29598f-0ce1-4788-8547-f9bc6c3469c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-20T23:21:40.216", "backgroundColor": "#582f94", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmStgLUe3cxrVEUzyjW7rEazydDRFj6nyjzQBHmzk4RtwF", "txHash": "0x6cb8300f3e899263a27cce42b103e999d523f91a1c722bcce6b77a5d5a5a92e9", "createdAtBlock": 15577929, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9056, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ethereal Spectre Homer of Goblin town", "text": "Are you serious!? Ive looked around. I know there are some sick weapons out there. But what did I get? A dumb stick. Sure its on fire, but its still a stick. What kind of fury am I supposed to unleash with a stick? One second, Meryl with the lighting sword, let me just whip out my stick real quick. Please dont lop off my head.\n\nOh, but at least Im a ghost, you might think. Wrong! Im not even a scary ghost. Im a freaking ethereal spectre. According to my girl Merriam Webster, that means Im extremely delicate. That's the kind of adjective you would use to describe a flower, glass vase, or an old person.\n\nSo, to recap, Im an extremely delicate ghost with a charred stick. Oh, and I have a pet crow. Woobie-dee-doo. That's sure to instill fear in the other worriers.\n\nWhatever At least I got a big dong.\n\nSuck it!"} +{"id": "004443c4-7a67-417b-816c-44079e3d1d98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:39.668", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXy2yZtf55R3Z5v6vGYYSvGRFX4ZHugR4D7Dm2UWuXUDV", "txHash": "0xfc07938508672f7a523f877f4da41e13d2069bdd00d9d43a1d29944aa8695239", "createdAtBlock": 14622707, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Xiuying of the Hills", "text": "The journey across the hills is dark, cold and tough enough. Bitter memories conjured unwillingly, adds on to the darkness of it all. \n\nIt wasn't my choice, to have joined the Great Tribe War. Father's leg wasn't going to get him far, and The Hills Village Master, wouldn't have forgiven any family who didn't volunteer for the Tribe War. \n\nThe memories as fresh as the blood from the war - as the war broke out in the Red Dunes, between the Hills Tribe and the Valley Tribe, we were clearly outnumbered. As much as I defended, my hydromancy spell was ineffective, in the dry Red Dunes. \n\nProbably part of their strategy, given hydromancy to be a large part of the Hills Tribe. \n\nBAM! I was thrown back and knocked out. The searing pain that shot through my spine all the way up to my head, was the last thing I felt before complete darkness. \n\nAs I woke, I half expected to smell the stench of blood, to see piles of dead body. But instead, I found myself in the care of Chengyang. The son of the famous Valley Tribe leader. I was all cleaned up, in his room. As my eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight, I realized he was here, approaching me fast......"} +{"id": "c66755a1-ada6-4be7-99ab-ae47a3802d0e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:40.596", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW1K5Nz6FjGBXuJytS7GovgmptyA7CMbnhUD2XwqAXfgh", "txHash": "0xcf34eff467b793d679068d9cbf913aaf6babd20f958d5a26ccfa14f4f5fdb606", "createdAtBlock": 14622783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9884, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the River", "text": "Horseshoes are lucky. At least that's what Aldus told himself when he found one lying by the banks of a river. Surely this was a sign from the universe. His newfound goal? To one day shoe the beast Salt Kelpie. Yes. His name shall echo throughout the ages as the master shoer. Unfortunately Aldus has never actually seen a Salt Kelpie and knows next to nothing about shoeing horsies, or about horses or Kelpies in general. But with luck like his, how can he not succeed?"} +{"id": "cf3eab71-6c7b-42f1-ba1a-95210663b342-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:41.233", "backgroundColor": "#1e444c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbiayAkiRxEVrBxqAD5v2mkE4vXRiy2EiNiZCDNLsgsA", "txHash": "0x76334844376845b230cd24b209c1c4402ca05bc6535adc2a757622639b096dec", "createdAtBlock": 14623676, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Iris of the River", "text": "# The Lore of Enchantress Iris of the River \n\nIris was conceived deep beneath the churning waters of the river Exios, the spawn of an aberrant union between a comely river sprite and a naive young sorcerer studying enchantment at the nearby *Rithelbalm Academy for Aspiring Conjurers*. \n# \nIt is said that river sprites mate for life - unfortunately for their mates, that life tends to end rather quickly once coitus has concluded and eggs are deposited where their bowels once were. \n#\nBeing raised at the bottom of a river bed amongst the crabs and kelp, Iris had not many friends. As her powers grew, she enchanted a sea sponge to entertain herself, naming him Clarence. He is her ever-present companion and confidant, encased lovingly in a protective cocoon of water whenever she ventures above the surface.\n#\nShe roams the land every new moon, searching for rare herbs and essences which she uses to brew the elixers that strengthen her powers. She bears with her a staff of river water enchanted to be rigid. The unfortunate souls that cross her path and she deems a threat - most souls, to be honest - are met with a swift and painful drowning via forced aspiration. \n#\nIris has always felt out of place - not quite a native of the seas, and most certainly not a denizen of the land. Thus she travels the seabeds, tributaries and shores, forlornly searching for a belonging she can never quite find."} +{"id": "24a4e337-2587-4a93-ad9d-7bf7d1b73869-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:42.052", "backgroundColor": "#1700a6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRx8AFRngvT2PTpkyM8Xqdtweb6PZUvMqAjfzUYBkyotm", "txHash": "0x677eb59f8e40b3c733db7c916345665818a8074b197374d12097da88817b73d6", "createdAtBlock": 14623870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4092, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbU7ydsQCTtuHL93faY2wicSrnmM4kZJM2KVVwRx6vDVJ", "name": "Spellsinger George of the Lake", "text": "# Remember George, no man is a failure who has friends. \n\nGeorge grew up by the lake with his blue rat, Jimmy. George and Jimmy were welcome at any house in town. And George always had some spare coin for someone in need. No one knew where he got it, and they certainly didn't know about the Dungeon Crawling that George and Jimmy did in the woods around the lake, but they always knew that if they needed help, George and Jimmy would be there.\n\nOne day, while out exploring, something caught their attention. It was a small clearing, and in the middle of it was a large, old, red oak tree. The tree was an unusual shape. It leaned to one side, as if it were bowing in reverence. Its branches were sparse, almost non-existent. But what really drew the rats' attention was the old, gnarled trunk. Inside the trunk was a hole. It was round, and the edges were smooth, as if someone had carved it out.\n\n\"What do you think that is, George?\" asked Jimmy.\n\n\"I don't know,\" replied Jimmy. \"But it looks like somethin' has been in there.\"\n\nAs they approached the tree, they noticed an old, ragged piece of rope lying on the ground. It led from the hole in the tree trunk, across the ground, and into the woods. They followed the rope. At the end of the rope was a small, wooden sign, hanging over the entrance to a cave. It read:\n\n\"No man is a failure who has friends\"\n\nThey looked at each other, and back at the sign. Shrugging, they went to enter the cave, ready for a day of exploring. Walking forward, they, *thunk*, got thrown violently back out of the cave.\n\n'Whaa ... what just happened?\", stammered George."} +{"id": "24a4e337-2587-4a93-ad9d-7bf7d1b73869-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:42.052", "backgroundColor": "#1700a6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRx8AFRngvT2PTpkyM8Xqdtweb6PZUvMqAjfzUYBkyotm", "txHash": "0x677eb59f8e40b3c733db7c916345665818a8074b197374d12097da88817b73d6", "createdAtBlock": 14623870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4092, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbU7ydsQCTtuHL93faY2wicSrnmM4kZJM2KVVwRx6vDVJ", "name": "Spellsinger George of the Lake", "text": "'Whaa ... what just happened?\", stammered George.\n\nJimmy chattered, \"Not sure, but I'm guessing we're going to need some friends!\"\n\n\n\n----\n\nTheir adventure will continue in the next entry...\n\n* Inspired by *It's a Wonderful Life*"} +{"id": "47706339-fc22-4bd6-b37a-9db3e5eee520-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:42.755", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfQAKAMADNz7J7LNoP2AAyfQc2PsVa3M6CNY713mbNuqz", "txHash": "0xe6093e4dd6b4b59e8e58ed8cea2f932052ed2d39f0d895fe25cdb1d15a75104d", "createdAtBlock": 14623924, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6597, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Amir of the Wold", "text": "*Let me introduce you to Amir. An ancient magician in the countryside with his white clothes and a white cat like himself. The huge white egg that he kept with him astonished those who saw it. But only the magician Amir knew what was inside. According to the rumor, the egg in Amir's hand was the egg of the phoenix, and one day the phoenix would come out of that egg and fly freely in the sky with a beauty never seen before. He would come to the aid of anyone in need by saying !magic. Amir, away from all these rumors, continued to catch up with everyone in need and to help them with his magic. Who knows, maybe the rumored phoenix is Amir himself.*"} +{"id": "7775371d-42e3-412b-9449-b63e6cb58da8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:43.443", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPMVf19rKpEZ4FwiFFpNoKrKsziC2Kqa8gy76rupHVnk5", "txHash": "0x7daff3f49f8b9c7c9905015c78e2dff76aea718983c768021a6e2fa30f867fb5", "createdAtBlock": 14623944, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3130, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Lin of the Canyon", "text": "A wind pierces through the Canyon, mirrored by the palm thrust out by a figure in red. A wolf rests on a rock nearby the edge of the cliff they are on, eyes half shut but never leaving the form of his master. The wind dies down as the figure brings her hand back in. If you looked far down the path the wind took you would see a river, and a town far downwind. But don't look too hard as by the time you've turned back around, the figure and the wolf are both gone. The wind picks up again."} +{"id": "08c24bb5-62ad-48c0-836f-7d609678fe19-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:44.172", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXM3xWGCFyoPfCeXyL8VPKCzo2VMUicv2f22NC4M2urar", "txHash": "0x83438e85b3f4d4a50f550c37729fd7503cff083949c9e9bd0f9e0562d247c7a3", "createdAtBlock": 14624104, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7305, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cassius of Tartarus", "text": "#\nThis is the first time I try to write lore, second time will be better."} +{"id": "1d2dab3f-cfc7-4b03-a255-4708e396214c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:45.794", "backgroundColor": "#151e2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmecWWLD6aAraBNYn1bgzPAqvsSNjk25ZX9ShYfBsvDD3K", "txHash": "0x589fcd0516bd7df48481c7c3db4fbb6c35c976906945a263e0257dcf13d44179", "createdAtBlock": 14624201, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1966, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jahid of the Riviera", "text": "> A mud hut, beside the mustard fields of Punjab \nthe angheeti is warm, the smell of burning cow dung in the air \nrotis sit upon the iron curve, a family sits around it \nyoung Jihad, is home in his happiness here\n\n. \nAs we all know, the day the earth rumbled for the last time, the world was split in two. A deep crack, towards to the center of the earth and somehow beyond, formed along the 73rd longitude. Many families were split apart, left on either sides of the crack, never to see each other again. However for those in North India, this partition was especially hard. Many Punjabis, like Jihad, saw their family fall into the eternal depth - and heard them scream for hours. \n. \nSince that day Jihad has roamed these lands looking for solace. He finds it in helping people that he comes across. He finds it in healing the earth, offering spells to plants, animals and ecosystems he travels through. Most of all, he finds it in Babloo, his pet frog, the only person from his family that he has left."} +{"id": "ecb8f2a2-1564-4cdf-8cd0-3b29ce648075-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-21T21:57:28.502", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW85tnW2ZEda4pAHypjr1PXMFkhdcUgwitfPtMa2Rcexv", "txHash": "0x6e9b4f8a27df4a74fa1e5d59b887b18cf9df709d6da6770ae1d2fda0975584cd", "createdAtBlock": 15584565, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12406, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kalim Hero of Scallywags", "text": "Traveling far from their desert home, Kalim and Bobo search for a single fight. \nThe comfort of the dunes seem so long ago. \nWhen will they find a worthy opponent..."} +{"id": "c3821589-1e6a-49e9-b3fc-d773d80792eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:46.545", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTVqbuZa8E5s2JVCy4GTCFPS5TLZuAZPpsMSas81CYsWt", "txHash": "0x22917b02015b520b7ac9ffa52c56dfaf548ee8b23323b3da61520f3e729def80", "createdAtBlock": 14624206, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 341, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYNjDTwGWgdGcoz2TSozLXPKy94eyncX4vJF5Niysqzzn", "name": "Typhon the Shaky", "text": "**Typhon the Shaky** emerges from the Quantum Shadow, galloping! On an urgent mission-- he must travel to the distant lands of *The Sacred Pillars* to intercept a Forgotten Soul who's obtained forbidden knowledge from lands within the *Gate of the Seventh Realm*. Armed with a *Pony Wizard Hat* and *Little Bowtie*, this Pony is ready for the adventure that awaits!"} +{"id": "80bb8b61-897c-4c1a-9a68-b19c098bfab2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:47.279", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmajTLzrw6NHXTP9umN2pP8ha3KmxpQWrxdJncDRHoadJk", "txHash": "0x268384ac6e4dd912b08216d2cc8931e640fb1e3fec98d857765138f7417b8a4a", "createdAtBlock": 14624206, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4303, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Magus Shanyuan of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nMagus Shanyuan of the Psychic Leap was the only child of Roomi Shanyuan and Keros Shanyuan. He grew up with wild animals all around and was known to be able to summon them at will. His psychic abilities were sought after by village chieftain Quasar Dekuyuan to stop the crop destroying giant boran centipedes. \n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:"} +{"id": "80bb8b61-897c-4c1a-9a68-b19c098bfab2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:47.279", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmajTLzrw6NHXTP9umN2pP8ha3KmxpQWrxdJncDRHoadJk", "txHash": "0x268384ac6e4dd912b08216d2cc8931e640fb1e3fec98d857765138f7417b8a4a", "createdAtBlock": 14624206, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4303, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Magus Shanyuan of the Psychic Leap", "text": "Best wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "e618c86b-465f-4177-8fcf-7bd05d606d22-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:47.946", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYqReUBkXQcnfq7CoVdn5vH2NxVq3xc3i99tTsNSryr6q", "txHash": "0x216cc9df764656ebe0f0744a1d375643fa8dcce913a373cb9664d14f64377081", "createdAtBlock": 14624281, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Soya of the Sun", "text": "# Druid Soya of the Sun\n\nDruid Soya is a powerful being of nature, said to be born from the sun itself. He can control the very elements and bend them to his will. He is a master shapeshifters, able to take on any serpent form he chooses. \n#\nHe is a symbol of hope and life, and stands for all that is good in the world."} +{"id": "014a0662-eb6f-47a6-a222-3ea20ff020f6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:08.088", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd6AXzQHWavXi86xfGMu1cYj1g9w885CWj47NhFxBSJNX", "txHash": "0x4ba400c8171b9069bd8688abd40d8423ecf6c20fe2db58c055550f9f3b49aeed", "createdAtBlock": 14793889, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 874, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zenon Creeper of the Obelisk", "text": "**Honk HONK**\n\n**SNORT**\n\n**CHAINSAW NOISES**"} +{"id": "d691be00-57a5-4fd6-a407-991bc8d23b82-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-21T22:12:41.516", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdaTx9dNTDFsNAwhFKU4rNrxdmwFW42n2gn2Q8w8JUgWp", "txHash": "0xe0f44d05ad4edb41cd86cc39ad0f01cfc86ade4808b591aaac7323f73bc26306", "createdAtBlock": 15584640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4376, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Werner Killer of the Arena", "text": "**Werner! Werner! Werner!** \n\nThe deafening roar of the crowd, the rush of battle. \nThis is the life he chose, testing his mettle each day. \nWith each victory he can feel the power swell within. \n\nDeftly dodging blows, his mind wanders for a moment to the time he routed the goblin army. \nWhat a fateful day. With his magic Goblin Axe in hand he cuts down all challengers. \n\n\nMaybe it is time for a new challenge.... back to goblins perhaps?"} +{"id": "b51d234b-23c2-471e-9294-1491506135e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:48.623", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfKzMCAbqudnNXbxuYrzKHJR9un6jS9CsWY23Z8M3rbr", "txHash": "0x66af32fad0193313354c450a8df06a17c02494a04d15928a1ffd8bbd073ef76c", "createdAtBlock": 14624284, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3030, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Brutus of the Grotto", "text": "# Battle Mage Brutus of the Grotto\n\nYou don't want to see how powerful this rat is when there is some flair of cheese in the air."} +{"id": "a46c4865-17dd-4907-b5b9-b76336288789-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:49.337", "backgroundColor": "#110f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSkbQo8BBJtj6WjuiqUkmptY33Mo7B1HEGrr2MCMXLNL", "txHash": "0x05edbc5abf30bb9395481803064b68c257390c5da2237475328e74341a4c5338", "createdAtBlock": 14624284, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1085, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Shu of the River", "text": "# Enchanter Shu of the River\n\nI have all the power of the water, have you ever drowned from the inside?"} +{"id": "37dcd640-936e-441e-9171-87f5702f49cc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:50.268", "backgroundColor": "#d85f59", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddUs1AEUbpK23wpYjaMmGYjZEKzdtheixhVEbbuuvAfg", "txHash": "0x25c582e87d8ce57d2a04809fcc85270cf053a74c3e0d9265d1c11bd6d592979d", "createdAtBlock": 14624284, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1510, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Ofaris of the Veil", "text": "# Runecaster Ofaris of the Veil\n\nWhen the time comes, my face is covered with a veil, your face will be covered in blood."} +{"id": "5a97a1cc-c444-402e-99e9-9e8b39bd2e97-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:52.324", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPUsEv8FPNhaQVTNGy8FiD35wwLvNF4yFeSWHrhcJ5TfB", "txHash": "0x5f0e26116fe75a2fc5e754e488e83cea73818ff9ce0bda1314adc572bb139521", "createdAtBlock": 14624425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6496, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Uvlius of the Mountain", "text": "The Lore of Uvlius of the Mountain \n\nAfter traveling for over a thousand years to learn new magic techniques Uvlius is now master committed to the the green arts of earth restoration and empowerment. With his snake Seppy by his side he is able to explore new lands helping those who need him. However in darkness he transform to his trickster ways scheming and lying his way through communities. His travels are endless and the consequences of his actions are forever contradicting because his friendships are forged throughout the day but broken by night."} +{"id": "7a28a42e-5bb3-429b-8a41-fd9f028c6d09-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:53.115", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXfSbo9vtSaXodgev5VRur4y1BSpag1e4zoGUC39ADc2", "txHash": "0x7d5fbb423b864e981b7854a658c2e4d7616f650de6a5cefaef7df72a91f470d1", "createdAtBlock": 14624477, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8003, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Horace of the Plains", "text": "The Lore of Sage Horace of the Plains\n\nWizard Sage Horace of the Plains was born in new Earth during the Sacred Witch trials. This peculiarity allowed him to fall into a trance, and after that, he returned to consciousness with knowledge of the future. Many have used his abilities to find missing people and animals from the lost world where he was united with his Rooster Pecky. According to other legends, Horace would wonder into the local cemetery during the storm and cried in the wind. In this way, he greeted the lost souls and helped them find the right direction. Anyone who resented him, he would curse them and send a storm to destroy there lands."} +{"id": "51f65bdf-ccba-42d1-b1b4-ca6ece054cae-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-22T03:52:51.996", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbLVcBSzSe5hHzEC6hhY2TaE71SRRsUfbPuZUwXnY9zL5", "txHash": "0x47cc6d2c8691eb00bb92567f248dc0bbbf83ddfee69da4f97aaa1768eebc027d", "createdAtBlock": 15586322, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8291, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Boggle Slasher of Chickens", "text": "Slash slash. Boggle slash."} +{"id": "6f94cc77-925f-48ec-9f16-a8ba5f56c5ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:53.818", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdo71CkJRWC4uELCLFQzQqRescX2esUTdnxT6xy9ydT6p", "txHash": "0xfd09f38c48fa1ae08e2edcd9d0125f751e706ed2f04a25e17607e6f12c81c7b8", "createdAtBlock": 14624553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9771, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Basil ", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nConsidered as one of the most powerful wizards in the world, Archmagus Basil is benevolent and wise. He exudes an aura of serenity and composure, rarely displaying intense emotions of anger or fear. Yet despite his benign nature, it is said that Archmagus Basil is feared by those who run in the darkest of circles. Archmagus Basil is very eccentric and even slightly effeminate; he is very fond of feathers Arts and magic and is frequently accompanied by his monkey Luck. He is also known for his odd displays of whimsicality; he often uses humor to make people feel comfortable in his presence. As a supremely talented wizard, Archmagus Basil displays numerous examples of extraordinary powers. His abilities as a wizard are combined with a kind of cunning and subtlety of mind that allowed him to comprehend human nature and turn the better aspects of humanity (trust, love, and friendship) to the wicked disadvantage in particular."} +{"id": "35c38bfb-ff1f-4ec5-aa8d-65ad409400c6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:54.637", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmat5UwGEvGyuHvZFYyK4hcvWQLEjWKDrRjk3FqmiyjP51", "txHash": "0x2a3babf2c1c7695343f6633d17b9cf709660a3c9ccd2bbc844634cde6cb6fa0a", "createdAtBlock": 14624555, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 28, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "The Ghost of Gremplin", "text": "171 days since passing through to the other side, and I question every day if it was the right choice. 193 days until the ghouls and goblins gather once more. Will there be a way back? Will I want to go?"} +{"id": "07b61eaf-727e-4de4-8343-8b9ab9ef6397-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:55.305", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT4DyNp8XKrNMC7XDRs5kqVm6E4PQTLRbBHqTpAr7wg1H", "txHash": "0x9c7d0153eb819636a7664980d32b84af5c38630d803ff01f0a14b3e3074813bb", "createdAtBlock": 14624628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3568, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Pit", "text": "# The Pit\n\nA symbol of the world cleft in twain.\n\nThose above, those in light, those who bask in the naive hope of a new day with every dawn.\n\nThem, below, they're cloaked in darkness.\n\nThe are wiser because there is no hope, no illusion of a new day to extinguish the old. \n\nNo bright horizon.\n\nAlessar came to this Pit, he was not born of it. \n\nNot to hide in the shadows as many do, but because the Pit is dark. \n\nIt is because the darkness suppresses all but the strongest light. \n\nThere's an honesty to that light, a hope, a power. \n\nIt's light that can eviscerate the darkness. \n\nAlessar doesn't seek the cover of the shade, he seeks to be the one who brings the strongest light."} +{"id": "a819a969-e906-479c-a639-f397bd330673-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:59.181", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZxCeFsvFjYc2aRVRo5k5fWjroYtQL8fevzdZTPgwjkb", "txHash": "0xc4ed71d23a8507327b7ead26e4ef428261a13319ffe1e99b9413dfd5f454f5cd", "createdAtBlock": 14624788, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1982, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Lumos of the Temple", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nLumos's journey was troubled. As a lad, he watched his parents be carried away in the claws of a dragon, leaving him to raise his family of thirteen sisters on his own. With no profession, and no ability to earn, one by one he was forced to give away his sisters in marriage, stretching each dowry long enough for another sister to come of age to be wed.\n\nSoon enough, he was a young man, with no remnants of family, and no wife of his own. To cope, he took to drinking mead, but again quickly found himself without wealth. Alone, with nothing to his name besides his clothes, he took to the fields to scrape by on his own.\n\nAfter years of wandering, he stumbled upon fields overflowing with mysterious round melon. Filled with water and a hint of sweetness, he rejoiced! No longer would he have to survive off mushrooms and droppings. He ravenously tore through the field, smashing melons and leaving their pieces strewn throughout.\n\nOne morning he awoke with a dire thirst, and grabbed a nearby melon without noticing its ripeness, or that it had the slightest of crack. He punched a hole and began to feast, but quickly noticed the flavor was amiss. Undeterred, he consumed it in its entirety, and was quickly overwhelmed with a stupor he hadn't enjoyed since his days of mead.\n\nThe next day, he yearned for more. Fascinated by the potential to remove his mind from his troubled life, he began to find different ways to let his melons ferment, until he mastered it. An alternative to mead, and in his own fields!\n\nHe took to the streets, selling his melons as both fruit, and as a recreational beverage. This brought him great wealth, which he enjoyed as much as he enjoyed his new concoction."} +{"id": "87c03b65-5129-4e32-a326-67294cc95562-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:00.302", "backgroundColor": "#c50000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXo6pJ1hjE7Dj4jndTfxthzxUMvY4A5Km44MfDQc1hc3m", "txHash": "0x00ee62ea4f1faf1b7554d1a9484f9be8f1a69db98f7040b66d93b7f7ee4a0bb9", "createdAtBlock": 14624800, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 506, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Scorch of the Keep", "text": "Having enjoyed a peaceful life up until the Darkening, the yet-to-be-named Scorch of the Keep found himself waking in a musky, damp room with only a glimmer of light peeking through a crack in stone wall. With little suggestion of what to do otherwise, the wall was tapped, slapped, pounded, and punched down over the course of three faints of exhaustion. The wall crumbled upon the third.\n\nA faint feather, seemingly ablaze, glinted afront his bloody, now re-animated arms. A protective barrier protected this light, stone rubble neatly resting against the invisible sphere. With his last surge of energy, a finger penetrated to touch the flame. What was a kindle quickly turned into burning then into a scorch. A body wholly on fire, rose."} +{"id": "f92b6a8c-7210-4d2c-a13d-a27520647018-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:01.005", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmazMuCzfETpxWPeYLK5CjLE1PjcWwZxZLqXLHnPfTUBCE", "txHash": "0x7b1c901db61e82fe40837b2994125159c8d8d8f98ad74c23818ab085e5deabad", "createdAtBlock": 14624840, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1540, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Hind of the Ice", "text": "# The Crow Speaks\n\nAs sunlight fades, the night sky passes and fog rises, we are reminded once again of moments to do what should have already been done.\n\n### Every minute passed is a lost moment in time."} +{"id": "dc25e167-064e-456d-844b-0a7af8fb658f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:07.65", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmccLn3WJs7YNs7ie5TiajHEvmko9FNxzM6ypeXnWVxeUd", "txHash": "0x870a436ecb71a54a91040068af191c93914430f23cc3ff087b76032bd98df711", "createdAtBlock": 14624924, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5961, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaHq6XbPnKJ6qFwN5PcXzSRRUEdWsHJEovvRcgK9C29GH", "name": "Shadow Mage Impy of the Forest", "text": "The Bridge to..."} +{"id": "c33d1db9-bc28-4177-a5a9-45f9b1a41728-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:01.684", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfWiAsc6QcrggBtyk8VPB1xrFrXwyQnq6WDXCLzVqLiau", "txHash": "0x1006e7638e8c73743123de5e36b59031937cdaa26000db28595209d14516eee6", "createdAtBlock": 14624874, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 353, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Bayard of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# Battle Wise\n\nPower is fear if found in the hands of one. Power is love if in the hands of many.\n\n### May we never forget that not all Battles are about one, but rather the greater good of all."} +{"id": "7f3eb207-308e-43ad-9d3f-9469e5678b70-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:02.402", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGZo9ukkAP1qoixcCDH9GrdHe18gMyD5aCo7SZxfzAtR", "txHash": "0x40e9cf507b7b43ee5497b39d069943ceec565799b656f73dccf16076a385a5a6", "createdAtBlock": 14624879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5387, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Lamia of the Desert", "text": "I want to live, however briefly, knowing that my life is finite. Mortality gives meaning to human life. Peace, love, friendship. These are precious because we know they cannot endure. A butterfly that lives forever is really not a butterfly at all."} +{"id": "dc2fa88d-3f81-4425-8c6c-499c904dcb7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:03.117", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPpqLi8K2Hkadw71Y72XXS2yVjy4nBPSjFyQVbECBtVSJ", "txHash": "0x20174feb8cf4cdc7658cdd4454ea1aff385005df1a2f329672af36278eb93e50", "createdAtBlock": 14624887, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 725, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Wold", "text": "# Archmagus Aleister \n\nNever underestimate the value of well known emoji lore."} +{"id": "1745b76c-61e5-414d-aaae-32d3b25d168e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:03.896", "backgroundColor": "#43120f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNv3NFXRmsRLKoQN3ZN7yX1a57LySmzJLcrtydtPiLW9w", "txHash": "0x93ccff6867d84fa80f6e0e69595c89dcfd8dea1ad1d1ecd88941292b8cabfb95", "createdAtBlock": 14624898, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9094, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Uvlius of the Mist", "text": "# Story of Sorcerer Uvlius of the Mist \nI think it's best to let the frog tell the story.. let him gather his thoughts and will return with a tale."} +{"id": "5298cc49-d126-4c3b-9c04-f20496d452c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:04.676", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVonXZyDnEyBnpWxWrxkw5DevWpAuTbi9GUmPmcXHpdXi", "txHash": "0x8cb9dfc602fe1fc999a804b70f48fe13148c7decfdd5cebb82e2ee7a477f4fc9", "createdAtBlock": 14624911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Ozohr of the Marsh", "text": "# Shaman\n\nYouth is wasted on the young, a great mighty wordsmith (George Bernard Shaw) said one day long ago.\n\n### Understand these words early, and greater fortunes will appear."} +{"id": "2d45a7ee-7f95-4be8-a22e-659b49a527c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:58.801", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYKzaJL6Dosyn2EqtPVxt3mBDJqhLizn3PKsqjkqQTiET", "txHash": "0xc093c4093ef2647a5c591d1dae15916545feeee5e543a371f764a6c5cecc1174", "createdAtBlock": 14657024, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3361, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Numpty of the Tower", "text": "Magnus upon birth was given a mushroom. When he asked for a mate he was given a mushroom. Upon becoming the strongest wizard he was given a mushroom. Now he spreads his magnanimity whenever he is given a mushroom, which is all the time. Praise Magnus Numpty of the Tower."} +{"id": "aad2b7e9-54d0-4050-ad8b-c480cc8c46b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:05.469", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUuZXRU4tze4EoEyy9jiipa1SE1KzKsXSRmMVYoKHhXpo", "txHash": "0x8e055e6589352ada9b5b601a4aa4246caebe2604f60ac5ceaa830b29124f2780", "createdAtBlock": 14624911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Lumos of the Ether", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nMystic Lumos the wisest of man.... frozen robe and all.... he was never to be dismayed. He had a stone cold stare but the heart of gold. He never left a man behind and his staff signified the strength of the Ether army. They were fierce as one, but strength lied with them all. \n\nI am Mystic Lumos! \nMystic Lumos of the ETHER\n\n> My master is not to be messed with. He is the creator of all and the healer of rats \n> *by Mystic Lumos rat *\n\n## First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight you, then you win!\n### Mystic Lumos of the Ether"} +{"id": "2a753173-01fd-4219-831b-c8225be2d0cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:06.17", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWAokGyJAmLU9yWxi91y3GDnuJPxLTCkV84FR9XrmXYU7", "txHash": "0xfd4a4f74d5de7230668dabbd9171c7873c605fa755d47c6bc68ad3a753ad73b2", "createdAtBlock": 14624919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9848, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd4S5uriVKxdrUxQcGhUVoQbjhBDAoFPhv5AVAc1wYTvL", "name": "Druid Robert of the River", "text": "A quest Begins"} +{"id": "5d2ec434-14c5-417f-9903-0921386b9474-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:57.025", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWuaJbkVUuZzRrQXbLYftx3cNborXEwvSZ5VCCWH5aTFb", "txHash": "0xadac46ab817355d3a4e19463528ca4de9151946c678bfde7e6c08ca1de3ea6ab", "createdAtBlock": 14736721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3414, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Alessar of the Capital", "text": "# A Magician and His Toad\nArch-Magician Alessar of the Capital and his golden toad Goldberry reside in the trade district of the Red Wizard Capital. Alessar serves as the Blue Wizard representative to the Red Wizard Senate.\n\nAlessar specializes in furniture importation to the capital. The trees near the coast are not suitable for more powerful enchantments, and weighty wizards. His furniture from the Forrests surrounding Dream Master Lake has been a family business for centuries. He relocated to the Capital after the last wizard war revealed the Furniture shops had been selling Military Grade Wands and Staves to enemy territory.\n\nWhile not Navigating Sanctions and overseeing the Enchantment Compatibility board in the senate Alessar enjoys going to the Toad Park and it's many mysteries.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5CDrPPFrL4&t=316s"} +{"id": "a0f0136f-babc-48a1-8c81-13170ac06e4a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:00.007", "backgroundColor": "#2a5024", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTZA922yVx1L8DMZM3hanT5gvESF7zfquVLhnrDQD3UF8", "txHash": "0xe0122e13b90343aaaf3c98a6f153487e1cb802c301b67391d9ce766272096812", "createdAtBlock": 15591781, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTRHnWP2utzmkG462wPcwxDKEE6LVwzJrucem2vXRq5RU", "name": "Augurer Qasim of the Wood", "text": "Listen to the Music in the links below!\n\nhttps://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/51640218754664716176554734604489415686216524661363521318828626404260565745865\n\nhttps://opensea.io/collection/forgotten-tavern \n \nadiobox.eth \n\n\nTwitter @adiobox"} +{"id": "64bfa1de-2d8f-4964-92ed-ab3c19232fd3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:09.834", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNkKpHCVmPWSo9LvNPpb543ubG2rdJTEHMEqYxwLA2FH3", "txHash": "0x22d4af5015ede112bb138f301a59ac5dd94b61685ab612f139bb3c95e3daadf3", "createdAtBlock": 14624942, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1968, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Imeena of the Veil", "text": "Washed up in New Orleans after a hurricane, **Imeena** learned to live in a swamp and survived with her best friend and familiar **SnakeEyez**. She finds her way to Bourbon Street and has ambitions to make beignets and jambalaya using her rune of Hot Fire Water from her newly acquired food. She will break down all untrue swamp witch stereotypes and normalize her tribe once and for all."} +{"id": "f87ed303-08f0-416a-89ef-c399f0fe3244-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:10.074", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNkKpHCVmPWSo9LvNPpb543ubG2rdJTEHMEqYxwLA2FH3", "txHash": "0x5d7bf9aaf5b2cac126586bdbecbbbe0d9b345ece75811be20c6d4b233865db83", "createdAtBlock": 14624945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1968, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Imeena of the Veil", "text": "Washed up in New Orleans after a hurricane, **Imeena** learned to live in a swamp and survived with her best friend and familiar **SnakeEyez**. She finds her way to Bourbon Street and has ambitions to make beignets and jambalaya using her rune of Hot Fire Water from her newly acquired food. She will break down all untrue swamp witch stereotypes and normalize her tribe once and for all."} +{"id": "4c842375-fbd9-47ca-a1bc-9f4bf6c9ab74-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:27.02", "backgroundColor": "#a84cbb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPCusdfKJRPHA24jwrDDDsLsv6bVp1oevRb9ve3PYxSoR", "txHash": "0xdcb7db0c0eeb0db5f98ae35a5f450138a9c54430fcf845589a3c7737e7b834f8", "createdAtBlock": 14626715, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2440, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Hothor of Arcadia", "text": "Somewhere Hothor the Rainbow"} +{"id": "81bec732-e1b1-4d96-a45a-fa35c5da7763-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:10.924", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUF7zF9Rb3ZYEaTsWFmWgRkbDqKjnSRVCjYq7rE73Row8", "txHash": "0xeeca48a208b48df0288d7fa8227d45dbd362f9ebd8573b12bd8e5fcfa7b4712d", "createdAtBlock": 14624945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1968, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Imeena of the Veil", "text": "Washed up in New Orleans after a hurricane, **Imeena** learned to live in a swamp and survived with her best friend and familiar **SnakeEyez**. She finds her way to Bourbon Street and has ambitions to make beignets and jambalaya using her rune of Hot Fire Water from her newly acquired food. She will break down all untrue swamp witch stereotypes and normalize her tribe once and for all."} +{"id": "225e88cc-ff1b-47fe-ba88-1050fd999b54-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-23T15:35:14.145", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVuq6YG87Y36f7ugypoUksAspyJ59GrdzK8K4xJiJ34z9", "txHash": "0x5436e8593f8bd3d98e449aa5bb855545fa06bea44f6c8421105ff48f12012762", "createdAtBlock": 15596974, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6520, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdFRZh2RNPgUiE74vECu8VwrZThopj8jut7nRSuY3QGxS", "name": "Pile of Blood and Guts", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Pile of Blood and Guts\n\n\n\n \n> *Animation by Wise Sam. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022*"} +{"id": "9ce5c839-8edd-4de7-8e79-1970eddc06d9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:11.596", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQgubVVFJyAeDDXJ24GrxPfFzfrBbNr2Y8HRDGSsLJrwh", "txHash": "0xcba0f179c9ffc2c828004af9fd6424b10bdf1cc3fe5ba1162abac7be3c87ac8d", "createdAtBlock": 14624958, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1467, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Udor of the Thorn", "text": "# Thorn Wise\n\nIn the coldest hours, my torch warms. In the silent night, my Blue Rat guides. In dreams, my cape allows me to fly. Always wear your dreams, keep your guides close and never let go of the light."} +{"id": "973378ac-460c-41d0-be28-248b1b4aef59-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:13.014", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXtR3yaY3BqLU9otxyS7MZcdVLQbTKajv5bAT848mksfw", "txHash": "0xf0ca60642bb5c9e3ae82d4ebefbef3f75c497cc178d1279f45d83d1f56c98421", "createdAtBlock": 14625007, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Ursula of the Wold", "text": "I heard from my friend that writing attracts some warriors these days."} +{"id": "1ed17d10-7fb5-4c46-a300-b91df5db7a25-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:15.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9eGFdtazyDuuM4PTvWgoyZgSEbojTy96u1r6fNiS3ew", "txHash": "0x5cec5add295013397a26bbc4d7c0e92ae710afce0867c903213719ea24f9d848", "createdAtBlock": 14625095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1716, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Tabitha of the Morning Star", "text": "Tabitha means \"beauty\" in the old tongue. Nowhere is it better exemplified than in this lovely creature, however not all things that sparkle are precious jewels. Sometimes they are shards of glass waiting to cut the flesh of the unwary. Be warned traveler, this glint wants eyes to spy it, to tempt those in search of rich rewards. Be careful where you put your hands traveler.\n\n~ Notes on the Eastern Star Cult, Druid Dante of the Rock"} +{"id": "020f2964-40b9-478e-9a9b-d4308d20ccd9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:15.996", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZeYRLzn8Z7LUAjkWGYBD1xRFtWVo6EXtbBo7BnfGqhMF", "txHash": "0x13d9fee95fcad9639a0cab37c6e3f9bf66bf35d3588e8bde7b01dd41de7716eb", "createdAtBlock": 14625224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 475, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alatar of the Havens", "text": "Archmagus Alatar of the Havens #475\n\n \n\nSTORYTIME\n\nTIME TO GET IT \n \n\n\n\n\nEveryday I spend my time drinking potion from the wizards of the runes\nI love the powers and I need them to continue this journey in this universeve \nWith the power of the potion and my stick I shall rule the worlds of runes and conquer \nAnyone who will try to get in the way of the Rune master\n\nI am a real degen cryptohead with a future and I will succeed in this universe along with my \nFellow partners.\n\nI made it , I made it"} +{"id": "36b042ae-1f28-4475-a85f-f3e3138abb7a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:16.751", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRREaBP9euA145HmVT8n8KAxKZPatkHPL1Gu8defNPxPx", "txHash": "0xf1e3d62146b8913c8d1df33a569dad193e40c5f60341979d2c344606f9b81fab", "createdAtBlock": 14625247, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3984, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Froggy of the Valley", "text": "Horseshoe purpe smoke I am the wizard who will take your goat \nI am not the regular joe I am the forgotten rune wizard bro\nI dont want to play and wait each day the viking lords are trying to haunt me of\nMy riches and I am tired I will rebel\n\nI rebelled last night and got rekt I dont know what to do anymore these people are playing with me and humor is not getting me now"} +{"id": "65e1d9fb-194f-4158-941b-b234addeb587-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:18.208", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXk3yyAS7nJuo8J9qU4P6pNAc6pzsU7N8gvNikBujwWgx", "txHash": "0x0e5f5f55ce684fdfabb304d901c9e50331fff12035e99fc95825b7d8982b91b5", "createdAtBlock": 14625396, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Carly of the Steppe", "text": "Hi\n\nAirdrops please"} +{"id": "dae9d21d-3709-4d30-9ecf-b8e9b177d5ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:18.904", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTAs5wpAdVtmnRM6n23hM4AY8xXCNM75ZBRpT9QvJhfh4", "txHash": "0xce33dc4862c8f3dc95ab47811fbc3d48f0a762fd8abbeddbb637fd14902e85b3", "createdAtBlock": 14625526, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3151, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ozohr of the Tower", "text": "Pretty Boi Ozohr\n\n\nMy mom calls me a handsome boi so I believe her. \n\n\n> Dressed in a pimp suit holding a chick magnet. I'm ready for the club tonight."} +{"id": "0802ce26-d7f9-4b52-b401-3b4bc1d4cfc5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:20.376", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPL8SQbhwWt4yDg88KdGLdvrpi2TojjQgzmwttE5bstkd", "txHash": "0xd46e6999960c085c259ca6c09e79b7b23f2ed514d60c103c9f2c22be91b9acd2", "createdAtBlock": 14625717, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 824, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWEWTy2fh83Aa1fddM79gmDCfUP9t6zpL4vB1VMLyBSUZ", "name": "Battle Mage Talon of the Oasis", "text": "# Battle Mage Talon & His Quest for Dogewood \n\n420 days ago exact the Battle Mage of Talon was stumbled on a tiny town outside of The Oasis while hunting wild duck for the family.\n#\nThe town was called Dogewood a small and pleasant kingdom filled with doges, mages and warriors alike.\n#\nShortly after arrival a fire broke out in the town center and the town alarms exploded. Something terrible had occurred and the battle mage had to find out.\n\n#\nA baker ran up to him and said *The evil court sorcerer has overthrown the kingdom, we must leave immediately*\n#\nThe Battle mage left with the town fleeing into the forest for safety and has since been with them & helping them plan how they will reclaim the Kingdom \n#\nThe Battle Mage of Talon of the Oasis has now dedicated his life to the Defenders of Dogewood and will not rest until he can help them reclaim the kingdom.\n#"} +{"id": "5f3f719e-0090-4901-8aa0-01aaa6ed6179-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:21.092", "backgroundColor": "#300042", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZfesBextxeCsY18WofWEJoYppHfdbZP6X7n7kqSBHiWL", "txHash": "0x27f0de61a31b04f930537e57fed121dced5a61dd6ebcaddc4ca7d42a8e8413d3", "createdAtBlock": 14625776, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6226, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWsLMGaZRwwtVheRB4Mxz8xgKD82Sbeg4XZsBLXmnVRoN", "name": "Runecaster Ifran of the Sun", "text": "# Family of the Sun\n\n\n\n\n## He would have your bloody head on a pike... \nif you even so much as looked at his kitty wrong. Runecaster Ifran is a simple man, for whom loyalty takes precedence over all. His familiar, **Catherine** **Purrone**, had been with him since the beginning of time, when dragon drool and dinosaur mucus rained from the skies. \nCatherine was but a kitten, but bathed in hot dragon drool without so much as a wince. Ifran knew a Sunnite when he saw one and Catherine knew a punjabi when she tasted one. They're meant for eachother. \n \nOne day however, their bond was tested by Ifran's nounish doppleganger! That frikkin platinum triangle never sounded right from the start, thought Ifran..."} +{"id": "565f280e-3e5e-43e7-a6e5-9661934ec9b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:32.89", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7ZJnUifEgLKixx3kRDvCvBhVM1uYu9vQrcmaeB4knBy", "txHash": "0xfc6b61a5456aa04c87c0fae2b90289cbf2bf89a7df6d3ccfc1cbd786a2aa0df6", "createdAtBlock": 14626924, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3308, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Archmagus Solomon of Arcadia", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "e83b1c35-dc34-47de-8a0a-cf9e36a4edce-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:21.804", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfNwZLJUXTawDtUEDt6V4CdENK2SL5L1x24VoveBo3bGU", "txHash": "0xc678b2ec40618ab751bb8580ba92f2d96291efe60e021011bc9e7780bc01bc24", "createdAtBlock": 14625934, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7362, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Asphodel of the Hollow", "text": "Enchanter Asphodel of the Hollow and her bat friend, Clingy, are an odd couple. They wander around, Asphodel slinging rocks and Clingy fetching them. Passerbys often stop and stare wondering how in the world these two souls could have so much fun so much of the day."} +{"id": "02764d7b-95fd-4321-b9ae-6313edddeaea-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-23T21:31:30.148", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQWim4BCaYhYFEeySjzQzbkvteT7D3sj81LhPRc7981Ez", "txHash": "0x5f403d15ae1f9bcdf31fcc43a87e9d5225fd946e13bc77a3aa8dd01233ca75a3", "createdAtBlock": 15598749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2529, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Hobbs in the Shadows", "text": "# Nyctophobia\n\nthe deepest of shadows fear even the faintest light"} +{"id": "3627cc39-d089-40de-b446-53e01ac6a0c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:22.692", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZfwMjhbXdEDVEr5YXpLi13ARPtYEYPqSvCckFj73ZfCt", "txHash": "0xcdf365713147364c367671101d083557cfd67107b1058670c9ec74efa83b3f7b", "createdAtBlock": 14625957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Iluzor of the River", "text": "Shadow Mage Iluzor of the River, accompanied by their companion, White Mouse the White Mouse, shifts between realms. Easy to find, hard to pin down. Iluzor's mind is sharded between all of their experiences, past, present and future."} +{"id": "412e3265-b21e-45aa-95ba-3dcaec2cc921-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:23.387", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmavERcrpgJzkW79SmKtBdsBLfC3scTc2pWMHsXxLLh77v", "txHash": "0x7c3f96d45d048675e3602edf17bff2929f657ca74d505895c4f2ff83a54d9382", "createdAtBlock": 14625957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8899, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Wild", "text": "Archmagus Aldus of the Wild and his cat, Sick Tiger, roam the wilds in search of adventure. From a small hamlet in the western region, these two wildhearts tend to keep to themselves as they explore the hidden areas of the realm."} +{"id": "641200b2-3d95-4d93-90d7-cf459a769dda-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:24.307", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8FmkpfWHjBZ7BkvqxEG2QhRSqEzBtvZRrfw9pQm4rFT", "txHash": "0x9212da7e9a13db9117ed3fae8f352907b8dcafdba34edf3b484ed7a15c6dfd93", "createdAtBlock": 14625990, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5527, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Iluzor of the River", "text": "..."} +{"id": "8767d14c-473a-46ff-a77b-b524f49a871b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:25.659", "backgroundColor": "#3b3a0f", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQzLLT2XY2JVeQKce4SYz4zgo7gspWRk5yafyojbqegYu", "txHash": "0x7a84f0903864fc7021b56584976fa73742191cf786df1e325de5f20ac7c33a25", "createdAtBlock": 14626303, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of the Fey", "text": "# The Lore of David of the Fey \n\nDavid of the Fey was a lost soul looking for his place in the world. One day he stumbled upon a noble young slime named Flicker and they bonded over their shared love of the art of potion making. Since this day, David and Flicker have become inseparable and have traveled to many far lands honing their potion making skills, all the while helping many fair citizens along the way. Over the course of their friendship David and Flicker have learned that the journeys they have had and the memories they have made were the true essence of what it means to be friends and that they could synthesize this essence into a potion to help people more easily make friends! As a cloud prophet, David knew he could harness the elements and clouds above to help gather the raw materials to help him and Flicker create this mystical potion, but something went array. As David gathered these elements from the skies above he didn't notice that the clouds he was harvesting were actually dark and poisoned by some mysterious entity. Once finished, he saw the potion did not look correct and discovered that instead of creating a potion that synthesized his and Flickers friendship, he had created one that could destroyed friendships with a single drop. David now has become a wanderer carrying this potion throughout his journey to destroy it, as it was too powerful to fall into the wrong hands. He has also renamed his friendship potion to the nightshade potion to encompass the fact that one drop of it can turn any friendship dark as the night. \n\n\n\n> *by Twisted.NFT*"} +{"id": "de585a5e-cb65-4f59-a0d1-223a225eee05-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:26.335", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b10", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmThSbmsMYSVYGkuj4nngxCfqMUmYMB83CpaEoQxfDPCPz", "txHash": "0x8e04f3a814dbd8c0427af5d089f6081a3e049f7b02c149b57143b0fc05ed36e3", "createdAtBlock": 14626707, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 600, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Fugh of the Mist", "text": "ribbit ... ribbit ..."} +{"id": "5347dc18-91a5-4020-aabb-e3da0c6ddf6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:27.686", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckCrnaUgeu3XgtnyovTm4nsd457K4d2PCCxngJDTM92J", "txHash": "0x336dd7cdf4d061ad54d2c9de1eccf1995f2431e2bc7b2292ae1ca1104da091ff", "createdAtBlock": 14626719, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6610, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfY6QdC9wEdQ4w4Xv1V4Vtm4WAcVtT9eSTVtAdoHD3Soq", "name": "Druid Darick of the Riviera", "text": "# Druid Darick of the Riviera\n\n\nA mystical druid roaming the wilds.\nHe like's to ride his pony and look at yellow flowers.\nOn Fridays he puts on his party glasses and disappears into the forest."} +{"id": "8010a203-5e65-419c-bf1b-102e0d16a5fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:39.586", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPjX1eY7rcyNnm6XoeJqEhJ85CPU9kaVUxtmo8zhEJQWJ", "txHash": "0x9e77f5a6d479f0b8168e03547930ff3f406d2381490320daf05225442e01510c", "createdAtBlock": 14646465, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4003, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Aiko of the Tower", "text": "# Void Disciple Aiko of the Tower\n\nHer story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "bbef0073-f7ae-44dd-9868-dde514f2e249-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:30.273", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR3SEpWLwQpfa9ZMYQCBCNHnTkGQkxxhnxY12hefsVGnL", "txHash": "0x02d7e9da2ad59d8ba62134c92d6db7edaf587ac17e44a3dd48fdc24d5757db56", "createdAtBlock": 14626773, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Mount", "text": "# Kappa-Epsilon-Phi-Alpha-Lambda-Eta Xi-Alpha\n\n O Fool! begetter of both I and Naught, resolve this\n Naught-y Knot!\n O! Ay! this I and O-IO!-IAO! For I owe \"I\"\n aye to Nibbana's Oe.(28)\n I Pay-Pe, the dissolution of the House of God-\n for Pe comes after O-after Ayin that triumphs\n over Aleph in Ain, that is O.(29)\n OP-us, the Work! the OP-ening of THE EYE!(30)\n Thou Naughty Boy, thou openest THE EYE OF\n HORUS to the Blind Eye that weeps!(31) The Up-\n right One in thine Uprightness rejoiceth-Death\n to all Fishes!(32)\n\n> *abahadabra*"} +{"id": "2fe60f5b-9949-4679-85ed-7b9428d2d9f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:31.198", "backgroundColor": "#1e3d22", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPVLtgHdYpsi3CLS6PKFgGSM2kzeqn2TYgS8LKnDuityG", "txHash": "0xc8a50dcf32e0979b40d9ab0c78f489b7cd0ef52c62979d8ae41761aab3109781", "createdAtBlock": 14626828, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1135, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Kobold of the Swell", "text": "# The Lore of the Wild Mage Kobold of the Swell\n\nWilfred did not always aspire to bear the grand title of **Wild Mage Kobold of the Swell**, but he was now proud of his responsibility and carried his duties with pride."} +{"id": "6e9c7890-2f27-4e1b-a9ed-06b78f458f19-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-25T18:39:40.738", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme321h9iq4QgYGuPdwoHYBTa41zxpC6RhKUbSDGwENgM5", "txHash": "0xfa22adb69fa5ec1be376862f0bccb8bc059991b23291724827096e18ef177568", "createdAtBlock": 15612235, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12405, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gunnar Disintegrator of the Valley", "text": "Xag the Jaguar can summon warriors with pure hatred, his current apparition Gunnar fights well. \nOpponents slice him down only for him to reappear undamaged. \n\nCrimson sorcery.. how brutal. No one suspects the cat hiding in the shadows.\n\nLife is good"} +{"id": "2e478782-57b9-4c5a-acef-57b25519ba32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:32.01", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1tL9h9DNocCwpiFujgYnqxTPY38emghnwUgQKy2G7h8", "txHash": "0xc9d0cc9e7528f097592eebe0b1d11a4626030b386725d49cc985e014070e725b", "createdAtBlock": 14626891, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3013, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Orpheus of the Realm", "text": "# Chapter 1 - The Transformation of Orpheus\n\n---\n\n\n## Sorcerer Orpheus of the Realm wasn't always a sorcerer.\n\n\nBefore his life as a Realmcasting spellslinger, he was the husband of Sage Aiko of the Wood - who was already equipped with powers unbeknown to Orpheus. \n\nOne day, as they were doing the deed, a demonic spirit appeared from the nether regions of Sage Aiko and cursed Orpheus with a smol pp that can never grow longer than 2 millimeters in size.\n\nDisappointed with the fact, Orpheus divorced Sage Aiko and vowed to master the arcane, in hopes of reversing the curse.\n\n\n# The End"} +{"id": "fe4b700c-95f0-470e-bf56-58eb70f2e345-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:34.84", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaVtkCRfG2pLBbqRgizYsoE8NwkaP8tKi45rnAnj64tuo", "txHash": "0xcb6dd20e048914de8882169d26d794e9e54437ab1bff3f29b16a3affa72e5b18", "createdAtBlock": 14627077, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 27, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Great Old One 0xmon", "text": "# buy xmon"} +{"id": "f4d2ce9c-0933-4677-9bd2-742c781383f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:40.256", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaouTkY1RNBr2qYWKLHumSdUM7HaL1WRSD734hrnYQS6u", "txHash": "0x5130aea818bc509218112fc23bb1518a35e726ff67c1dae70794c088c092ffa8", "createdAtBlock": 14646469, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8737, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Liliana ", "text": "# Void Disciple Liliana\n\nHer story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "58feb3b5-7ec4-433c-a58c-c4a6e91615ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:40.95", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRku2Y698GkaDgnDU1WTPFqNby2vPXjXkXRrbCXro4e3y", "txHash": "0x41bb33100437be7ef3276786b1f8b07d7bd3154e63bc4c003220fc9cf7bed4e1", "createdAtBlock": 14646474, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 575, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Horned Phantasm Basil of the Paranormal", "text": "# Horned Phantasm Basil of the Paranormal\n\nTheir story remains to be told..."} +{"id": "77cc2356-4b2a-4485-8679-ba53989930b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:36.399", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRqwfSw7epgiHDr4nHkgTeECu6nsMorzYdEAS21p6xJzc", "txHash": "0x8edeb9713b0a7bbe7449a6d8ffeef3651f5e093a58fb1aa3f009e92c8cc29b06", "createdAtBlock": 14627216, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3012, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Min of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Min of the Road\n\n\nBorned in the darkest cave covered with thick snow, Anna was the only survivor from a terrible avalanche. Thanks to the ladybug that soon became her only friend, kept her warm for 333 days. Both Anna and her ladybug named, Pixie, is on a quest to join the frog nation to conquer the Meta land."} +{"id": "3e7b699f-d81a-4d5d-9866-4f99d75ec7dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:37.182", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5dtfC1n9gi4o1boMConm8RrcHZzXoFxp2Y6N98yuGmv", "txHash": "0xd8278570de63161fd69147b504bde23189109b148514be0572a8e014a11aeee9", "createdAtBlock": 14627381, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2415, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus of the Valley", "text": "The Archmagus lost everything. He lost his magic, he lost his familiar and he even lost his name. His one remaining possession of value, a golden key of immense weight and size, was his only connection to a life now lost. The key was also a curse, a constant reminder of what once was. He has guarded the key with great contempt and secrecy, hopeful to uncover even a fragment of the past."} +{"id": "a9daad1b-bb55-45dd-a154-f28bf310f938-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-25T22:59:27.961", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCH63QA5nZJGdoF6suwbtS3uHwXt9R6SCxJG3hJbvQj9", "txHash": "0xc12d567cda2b303c708f20de811462c94dac1fc941036982bea60ed9d82949e0", "createdAtBlock": 15613526, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 40, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Uysses the Moderate", "text": "You are greeted by a moderate *Hiiiiihhh* groan"} +{"id": "ec7b3da3-b23b-491f-a83f-eee631086c2f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:37.906", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNr8YnhmsAeE2r9PTfgT8HHp8xEXFnf6UtqaTBFzjgD3E", "txHash": "0xfcd855999cfe490c7ed25219cff505fa9e14ac0b1509302833113cd2b0d7ae4d", "createdAtBlock": 14627832, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2175, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Ali of the Citadel", "text": "The Citadel snubs him.\n\nThe poor praise him.\n\nThe bars depend on him.\n\n# He is Medium Ali of the Citadel"} +{"id": "23f30531-0923-43f5-ba26-87a83c520a32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:38.542", "backgroundColor": "#150f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcRgLfyt2DBiBDLcfDQrhmM1kAyMM96qzJVa5qsaF8ixS", "txHash": "0x97ecc9bd1713d9198fc9517dd5744b7b030db4cd2900b908088bc133fbc28d1b", "createdAtBlock": 14627898, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3819, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Lake", "text": "# Fearless\n\n_It all started 42069 moons ago.._\n\nHe was a fine wizard. He conquered lots of lands, defeated many ruthless enemies. \n\nThey wrote songs in his name. \n\n----------------------------\n\n\n> *Battle Mage Cromwell of the Lake,\n> His enemies regretted their mistake, You cannot count the heads he did break.*\n\n\n## The battle of Lake\n\nThey attacked his home when he was on an adventure. The Lake was under heavy attack. He rushed home with his loyal mouse fren. They fought honorably. He lost his left eye but managed to defeat the enemy once again and became the legend wizard with an eye patch."} +{"id": "76978cbe-30b2-484e-b4f3-a6fa4a7bcaac-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:40.174", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeNxpgc2MgnNmMb1QSYUZe8t24tQbLdbvkenDkrrAeBX4", "txHash": "0x21777041331a7da70506e8ef9872f846abcd3ea2ce0d55fb88f10fc472f8533e", "createdAtBlock": 14627941, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2174, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Cromwell of the Capital", "text": "### Welcome to Cromwell's Calling!\n\n Cromwell conjures Cherries. \n\n Cromwell conjures Carrots. \n\n Cromwell conjures Cocaine.\n\n### Conjurer Cromwell has the most loyal patrons in all the Capital!"} +{"id": "01a75ac9-2e92-4ea6-808a-d54cee0dd3c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:40.878", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUywG6nedqu1wkWKps1tnfvYNXi7PhA8oGKCCraKHYNuB", "txHash": "0xd440c48e8f14a6b29d9348fd3fa6c704f2f7fb5f4c9804b927a5a286d2b9a387", "createdAtBlock": 14628028, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6343, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Shizu of the Hollow", "text": "# Alchemist Shizu of the Hollow \nRed Chaps\n\nRed Blood\n\nRed Eyes\n\nRed Bud"} +{"id": "4a9a21f8-d2f2-4a0f-ae2a-b1d9b1035950-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:41.84", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRCXvaAqVJY9TmTMB8fc9Q2pS5ykKPwidPhfbKfReGNbb", "txHash": "0x35bdf7738e69d6872bff26957bf3925196b6546bd6947e42a72eb58d9b4b72cd", "createdAtBlock": 14628053, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3803, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hagar of the Forest", "text": "Hagar lives in the forest. \n\nAnd Hagar will live in the forest.\n\nThat is, until he can strike down a giant Black Oak with a single strike."} +{"id": "83287a10-b7fa-4226-8dcd-3ae1b4140cc4-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-26T02:51:41.013", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaFUvWYqQ77fPDwAjrNxqvJP2zRAJT7LsyQ2SFM4bAXyZ", "txHash": "0x9e3b258e0af259a7001dee6a15982d39890660bc6e248af40a7a8919ecd2a456", "createdAtBlock": 15614678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13937, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWC9ifuP1AEgYj1BxUbzgwZUz5GZaMcUPX38VnMxR2qVG", "name": "Vidal Chaos Agent of Worlds", "text": "# The First Patron of the Pantheon\n\n\nIn honor of @wizard6372, the knock about wizard, who saw !magic in a Warrior that he can now call an ally.\n\n\n\n>## Aha! \n\n\n\nYou can find this sculpture inside the **Hall of Patrons**."} +{"id": "3ffce9e8-4098-468e-b5d5-424235b00c3c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:44.832", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd4AJwCoZd5vW5J6vKgwNxP6TVd468Vr249NUd8iEZrK1", "txHash": "0x06efce88d5fee1387a836e6b17d669a1b44495399629fda14483478266110298", "createdAtBlock": 14628119, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8774, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Eizo of the Belfry", "text": "# Trials & Tribulations of the Ghost Eater Eizo\n\nGhost Eater Eizo was not born. It is said he appeared one night during the 700th Feast of Winterclast, and everyone present reported a strange feeling of not remembering how they met Ghost Eater Eizo, but knowing that he certainly had always been there, like some vague fog or background noise that you would only recognize by its absence. His name does not appear in any records prior to the Feast, which is why it is said that the 700th Feast is when he appeared, but we cannot say this we absolute certainty. In any case, Ghost Eater Eizo was not born."} +{"id": "59fc25dd-5120-4e18-b2f0-ed7f0f015a0b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:45.606", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmavTbuKuGxq4ZoHcKCxXrXqySV1Bo9wBsig8vqhkoa7Hu", "txHash": "0xa71ae7bbe01e1ba9cc153e1c434ff42dd3df6f876c79e4444a265aca9c1bb245", "createdAtBlock": 14628121, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6181, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Lamia of the Hollow", "text": "I like butterflies"} +{"id": "928a3afc-15fd-4143-bfd1-b1c6a372860e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:46.314", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWYs6UU1wzAD7SaqoGdQe9ti1CeZjAuGUbczfcp2HAtH6", "txHash": "0xbd51c532c96265918f8cdc56a3cedb664d2b08a8e399b03937e1f3645a85c7d8", "createdAtBlock": 14628122, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9983, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Oberon of the Field", "text": "I like stars"} +{"id": "e8e500a4-91f2-4dbb-8ab2-7746d4f887bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:47.122", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc9X36eRxrGpGQGNTVcmb3vf8KEeXJxiHfuAxZX9m5JY7", "txHash": "0x64ea1b579d019a33ccd3853f993a803bdc39dfdfb772b4c1f20c4adcea9dc6be", "createdAtBlock": 14628172, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8392, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcq7Lg11C7smAiNkMrHcg2ECX4Ee1hQvHp6YZLggiyKcX", "name": "Chronomancer Eizo of Avalon", "text": "Year 2938, a cold winter's day in Avalon, Eizo and his cat Sage are warm inside their home. A fire crackles and pops. Candles burn along with incense that smell of leather, lavender, and malt. \n---\n---\n\n\n### The day is spent like most, thinking. Contemplating about what to do next. What can be done? What should be done?\nLet me explain...\n\n---\n---\nLong ago, Avalon was under attack. Overwhelmed by the attackers, the people of Avalon were forced to flee their homes. Run, hide, get away however they could. At the time, a young Eizo was sharing a meal with a woman, whom only he knew how much he truly loved. Her name, Asza. \n\nAs the attackers drew closer, Asza and Eizo were in a panic. Eizo took Asza's hand, and rushed her to his home. The Chronopod. Room for only 1 human, Eizo transformed Asza into Sage. He picked her up, stepped into the pod, and in a blink they were gone. \n---\n---\nReturning to Avalon was no easy task. Many years passed, along with several leaps through time. These tales will have to wait for another day. For now, Eizo's focus is on 1 thing, returning Sage to her rightful self. \nSo that is what he will do. He spends every day coming up with new ideas to hopefully return Asza to her human form. Gaze into her hazel eyes once again. \n\n--- What Eizo has not figured out yet, is that the magical Sphinx's hourglass he found during his time travels with Sage...and bought home with him...is the key to seeing Asza once more..."} +{"id": "709dcf2d-9665-4618-b90d-1601b44db813-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:47.875", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbDqZRLHX2fLwDNKsYwhGA7i3NqsrKUcqMn4vppAD7iCd", "txHash": "0xa3260c390d3c05667c7469794d6d58570fee7b06cccd98857594a3f850a3f8f6", "createdAtBlock": 14628210, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8439, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Blaise of the Astral Plane", "text": "Battle Mage Blaise of Astral Plane was misunderstood all his life. Born and raised in a foreign land, he came to the Runiverse for hopes of a better life. He came to this land to embark on a mission, a mission set by his parents. But little Mage had his own dreams, his own aspirations... TBC.."} +{"id": "5a41e159-e5ec-43d9-9642-f5f920f97697-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-27T15:01:53.007", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNM8333hZmjpKNPkKpUwAAK83Us72XYk774upGSmS19v", "txHash": "0xec1ddd4a98d6e52baca736438fff703ee6d0acefebc8ce09049a0cfe2913d958", "createdAtBlock": 15625451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8926, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 3 Poltergeist Ofaris of the Bleep", "text": "Ofaris is someone you will rarely meet, for the Bleep is a place unknown to anyone but Toru. They say that if Ofaris comes for you, you have been chosen for the Test of Souls by the king of ghosts, @toru. \n\nThe test is for various measures of strength, fearlessness, and cunning. Should you pass on to the Bleep you will find a kingdom so sinful and full of lust that puts to shame Sodom and Gomorrah. Your everdying loyalty in exchange for all the pleasures of the soul and the body... you will be returned to the matrix each evening to taste the flesh of life, even as a soul. \n\nBut you will give up your freedom and pledge it to Toru's cause... So if you ever see Ofaris, he is the guide to the Bleep. If you get to the Test of Souls and do not pass, you will be subsumed into Ofaris' energy field. 1% of souls pass.\n\nSuffice to say he has grown stronger by the week."} +{"id": "00162e59-7ae7-4140-80c1-aeeb5fb86f65-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:28.997", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZzHqZa76Ly4H5spWMC7HGAuz5qNnhyPeQCw1KH3u396o", "txHash": "0x4db1ed26baded52a3430b0cfc848318525360f0c2d125c87387ddf6a381123ea", "createdAtBlock": 14642956, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3104, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage George of Xanadu", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nIn Forgottenrunes i had a Moonbird with me when it was not so hyped!"} +{"id": "49bdf05c-2e62-4b50-ae41-ad1e2903eb8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:09.09", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGyodqbm5VmGHNHuFBuYzvUkaLJM5RGvBMxHpasGC6jA", "txHash": "0x4980491c82d9ecfbb74af68c6231f0f4fd66bc8d670419977fa8670da81f2bb6", "createdAtBlock": 14620876, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5464, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVTdA88GzUn4MvnypE5NPc8xzTHb4UiJfYZN4cRADdCT2", "name": "Archmagus Casper of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Casper of the Oasis\n\nBorn on the high tide of the blood moon, in an age long ago. Casper the Archmagus had locked himself away from a decaying world. Within the confides of the broken tower in the ruins of the tainted oasis. \n\nDays into years passed searching for the light that would some day bring spring back to the realm."} +{"id": "c6656c11-721f-4012-a983-e716d7437ca0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:43:58.499", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYr45nLow6DRe5oyasg1aEFSGmrttV7W25TyXAp1Tbs5J", "txHash": "0xd71a988e3572d864aa59aeb09843fa37e4e1295bb36e2f055ac3fc675d6c1eb0", "createdAtBlock": 14624779, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1817, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Jerret of the Desert", "text": "> 4 the culture \n> *by binsk*"} +{"id": "347617a2-657e-428b-9b98-7823f8741c40-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:33.578", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRbU171A6rbsGDSuMGfcDxoiz58F9ZVqXddvNSjPEpTN7", "txHash": "0xdf6d46acc6eff14d5ec495a3001de9415bcd6b78152a6c2d310dc855e6110c39", "createdAtBlock": 14627081, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2615, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Aslan of the Grotto", "text": "A one-eyed adventurer who went out every time with an owl.\nHe acquired water magic on the way. He plans to try other magic in the future."} +{"id": "4020f855-ddc1-4513-838e-2140ad95172f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:51.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPMk2gvs7qJZNAJ3AcFV72sjHPcNUt1u2Dvcr3nwBCWof", "txHash": "0xbf66bb13abe692256c017bcaa60ba95b85fff538b413f00a7de69a62295c19b5", "createdAtBlock": 14629660, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Caligula of the North", "text": "**CAL MOUNTAIN** they called him. Those who knew him. A tough yet gentle-hearted fellow. I was his friend. He sent this spell (or song?) to me via crow, written beside his pooch and candle light no doubt..\n////////////////////////////////////////////////\nFriend\n\nBurn Juniper, focus on nothing, higher elevations help, recite these words and open what I have seen..time is dwindling \n\n\n\n*Today is radiant.\nMy mind has made it,\npure like the sun,\nacross expanses of one,\ncosmos thinking its way,\nthrough each moving day.\nYet still are we here,\nas nature becomes clear,\nand mystical like rain,\ntrickling in a window pane,\nthrough the glass and wood,\nthere is a deeper good,\nwhich unites us in light,\nand splits us apart in the night.\nBring home the moment a lotus,\nand spark a hearth to warm us,\nagainst the seasons and changes,\nguns disappear with their ranges.\nLove sits and simmers within,\nwaiting to emerge and begin.*"} +{"id": "4bc54733-969a-4295-8c48-3f1e01c916bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:52.377", "backgroundColor": "#c7bb97", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaMfVbjh55nhiTgXiQfUVUZJEc5xLaUsrnoAKWB5pRg8Q", "txHash": "0xcdfc5071714a3899e0eb030b61b78e5c02fe0db20c35a6f4497aef3f3a1697bf", "createdAtBlock": 14629795, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 594, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Behemoth of the Wood", "text": "# The Earthen Choir\n\n### \nDeep amongst the gnarled branches, and tangled roots of The Wood,\ntherein lies a place where rock and earth seemingly breath with life. \n\n\\\nWhere rolling stones gather to hear a plethora of strange sounds from bovine tongue.\n\n\\\nHills and mountains, covered in emerald moss, sing magnimously the deep earthen tunes which ride along the beating of tectonic drums. \n\n\n\\\nLong hath these voices remained quiet; but for a geomancer such as Behemoth these instruments are an orchestra of ancient force.\n\n\\\nLay quiet, still, with ear on earth and heart aligned to the colossal matter of planetary rule- let the choir speak to the core of you. And hear the song of Behemoth ring true."} +{"id": "f3de5924-828d-4811-b546-66cd42ad6598-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:22.619", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTdEAHnp8CCxXPgqmyfCkm6yGzrfLPvLFLm4RTXCdM1HH", "txHash": "0x31349b7df29a6945a034d7e74b6a555b916785ca37bcc7e9df67e3235f35f21b", "createdAtBlock": 13398975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSCcPEzPSAWhyLrZ3kADXEUzZoeQCCfbnNxVLnRqJKBza", "name": "Enchanter Pierre of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Pierre of the Moors"} +{"id": "5fa270e9-3577-4996-9796-2eb302fa5651-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-27T17:17:16.051", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXD2wRaNoWWhDN8UsNGYfB5Ua9UjaMNne9FRhLfJVBE1J", "txHash": "0x8c25d8b59b77fd7ac901e51e2b4e07257517f05c41c1bab93666d91fcb74b529", "createdAtBlock": 15626125, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "# THIS IS OFFICIAL LORE THIS IS NOT A JOKE BUT IT IS A JOKE AND IS ALSO LORE\n\n@wizard4104 stoked the fire. The soup was almost ready. @wizard239 had just come back to camp with more firewood, whistling to himself. The Buffkin Plains were serenely quiet that evening.\n\n\"Have I ever told you my favorite joke of all time?\" asked @wizard239.\n\n@wizard4104 looked up from the fire and scrunched his nose but also smiled.\n\n\"I don't believe so...\"\n\n@wizard239 sat down beside the other wizard and the fire.\n\n\"So, I was down in the Bugbear Boonies, and I have a few friends in that \nneck of the woods, and the most unintentionally hilarious thing happened - a couple of them started getting into an argument about feats of daring, and they kept trying to outdo each other by boasting about what they would do, then go do it, and so on...\"\n\n@wizard239 stopped a moment to taste-test the squashelly soup @wizard4104 was cooking up. He makes the sign of the Italian rune with his hands as he relishes the taste.\n\n\"So, they were arguing and boasting a bunch back and forth, and then this one pointed off in the distance about how he'd jump off this one cliff they all knew about. The others hushed for a moment, but then one bugbear in the back of the crowd yelled dismissively \"'He's lying, it's a bluff!'\"\n\n@wizard239 just continued looking at @wizard4104 and saying nothing, grinning.\n\nThe fire, crackling. The soup, gently bubbling.\n\n@wizard4104 narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow at first, and then smiled and chuckled."} +{"id": "5fa270e9-3577-4996-9796-2eb302fa5651-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-27T17:17:16.051", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXD2wRaNoWWhDN8UsNGYfB5Ua9UjaMNne9FRhLfJVBE1J", "txHash": "0x8c25d8b59b77fd7ac901e51e2b4e07257517f05c41c1bab93666d91fcb74b529", "createdAtBlock": 15626125, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "\"Thank you for that...appetizer,\" @wizard4104 said with a silly laugh as he poured @wizard239 a bowl of soup.\n\nAnd that...was the third of thirty-odd times, thus far, that @wizard239 would tell @wizard4104 that joke.\n\n@wizard4104 still loves that joke."} +{"id": "44f2a2c4-e6ee-4eef-b6b3-51fb976d72a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:53.061", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcKB4P3WSFZ7oG8dqtRTtdp6jaRdadQYBAmeyUB6JwCiC", "txHash": "0x23bb7782a3ad47b780801f65be34fceb9121c0e042395e2c5d4cc7c047f94854", "createdAtBlock": 14630013, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3299, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTicimsN2igwmp9q2cyznYbRbFP88VB68Dpqu84Rx1zLY", "name": "Archmagus Soya of the Marsh", "text": "I wasnt always a wizard known for my\n\n**Book of magic.** \n\nI grew up looking up to the wizards who drank ale and took magic mushrooms. \n\nI indulged. Became the sacred flame of most parties. \n\nBut no matter how much I indulged, \n\nI always craved a certain longing, \n\nI always craved a certain calling,\n\nWhen I received my book of magic my entire life changed. \n\n\nI dedicated my life to the spells, to the *magic*, to the *way*."} +{"id": "304c7f8e-7387-4794-bbaa-4f1d74a77183-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:53.912", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTwNtpf57xHF4Jd4VT6aZoQdU2V38VEWQGPEjKSVLW7Q1", "txHash": "0xa0b6b046081554835766082f20ddbe602f16bb3797f1b11a60ac893a01298a36", "createdAtBlock": 14630239, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9598, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Koop of the Villa", "text": "Since Koop was a young Anuran, he was always drawn to bright lights and objects, but nothing compared to his love for fire. Koop was enthralled by fire's ability to multiply and consume. A simple spark could turn into an acre-torching flame. Koop's obsessions with fire unfortunately led to the destruction of his home in a tragedy that took the life of his wife and two offspring.\n\nShortly after this tragedy, Koop was exiled from the Villa. He now travels the Runiverse holding a torch with the very flame that took the life of his family and his standing in his community. He doesn't know whether he keeps the flame around to remind him of his family or to remind him of himself.\n\n*Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris*"} +{"id": "7c531632-a71b-4d48-ad57-7e29581723f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:54.784", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVMgmaqNxr3Rd9MGxHBppPtSDa8Tf3qStRqTGaHLwoRGk", "txHash": "0x866a771ee3c0c16a7d3c6bf6247d4961d3dc2712fcd68865e41817027b7a38d0", "createdAtBlock": 14630355, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Soran of the Brambles", "text": "At birth, Soran was gifted the unique ability to create fresh water out of thin air. As soon as Soran's parents saw that he could conjure a watermelon-sized orb of water at the age of 5, they feared for what the people of the Brambles would think of their child. In order to protect Soran, his parents claimed that Soran was attacked by a wild pack of wolves and did not survive the attack. In reality, Soran mastered his craft of hydromancy in the comfortable basement of his family's home for over a decade. \n\nBy the age of 16, Soran was able to create an entire pool out of the basement. Unfortunately, the walls the restricted him also restricted his abilities. \n\nOne fall afternoon, Soran heard screams coming from outside the home and as he peered through the window he could see a flame spanning 50 yards consuming the Brambles. Soran, new this was his calling, and he stepped foot outside of his family home for the first time as an adult. When outside, he conjured up what some villagers claim to be an orb the size of 50 homes that relinquished all the flames as soon as it was dropped.\n\nSoran was heralded as the savior of the Brambles, and was immediately accepted as a leader of the community. Nonetheless, Soran continues to live in his parent's basement as he made the grave mistake of attending an expensive private school for hydromancers, which buried him in debt."} +{"id": "7c34e91b-e420-46c4-a067-b1ec3d2d261a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:56.26", "backgroundColor": "#3d2512", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUq6WEr2NbWcQB7PpgGKco5JUd3rNwYAWAvJ83asxTvCL", "txHash": "0xa8e8fb6344a4ca5f1b2b9bf87645cc68f82cd68542673bd82648a3feb1676774", "createdAtBlock": 14630543, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 797, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSC6LWJdHFudqAFGaQKkNzfVwCdgcmh5Zy1Vdo5gk3EF", "name": "Enchanter Artis of the Canyon", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n**Artis of the Canyon** power is derived from the element of earth. The strength of earth magic depends on its wielder's alignment with the element which in Artis case means she can inflict devastating carnage. Whether through earthquakes, gravel throws, rock slides or a vast number of other spells her power is unmatched. Artis knows the responsibility that comes with her ability and trains herself in restraint through a strict regimen of meditation and fasting. Past experiences have taught her that her temper can get the better of her hence the strict practice. She seeks more power for the sake of the pursuit of knowledge not to subdue and dominate."} +{"id": "33fad4bb-519c-435d-b1bc-438c7dbfb47d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:15.883", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPE3kGutin9R9Smha85Wy8bCJTvJ2Z3dUU6BmUsnch59a", "txHash": "0x566f53b9c43f4088c787a61b0034ad05df106be93afcaa6d3d58f548772b3a38", "createdAtBlock": 13465439, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5358, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Solomon of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Solomon of the Wood\n\nThis Wizard love shrooms. He is OHMie for sure."} +{"id": "7215da2c-e02c-425c-95ff-41d88b263cd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-28T00:33:55.88", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbFQkYahzspCweQhDhgqefEHCmYVHVKaT7jLgQFUFVoiv", "txHash": "0x6cee2537252ae1c7e67bfea05f1597dbeea362094ae9d9735ad1ea2b3d40619e", "createdAtBlock": 15628283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6388, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hashim of the Villa", "text": "The Plan\n\nHashim stared at Iprix with his golden eyes as his fingers slowly drummed the drained goblet, which at this point he wanted to be full again if only to momentarily forget the tale just spun. Iprix seemed lost in thought as he simply stared at the floor beneath his feet. \n\nHave I ever told you how Azazel and I becameacquainted? asked Hashim.\n\nGods no and we both know I dont like your familiar as much as you dont like mine. With that both cat and bat stared at their respective nemeses.\n\nSince were in a tale telling mood and this one which Ive never told anyone seems so pertinent, I must divulge. Dark times are ahead my friend. Mark my words. Would you be so kind to refill our goblets as I feel its necessary given the situation. \n\nHashim, when I have ever turned down a buzz and a good story? Iprix quickly cackled until he saw the look in his friends eyes. Dont make me reachpush that goblet a bit this way.\n\n Clearly we both know our familiars are far from their outward appearances, yes? I know Camazotz is no ordinary bat and you for sure known Zaz is only a cat in outward seeming. How you two met only matters to me if you wish to tell the story, but how Zaz and I met is a tale that I can no longer keep to myself\n\nHashim had been wandering The Sands after leaving his home for what seemed like an eternity for the young adept. Even at a young age he had shown incredible talent in the chaotic magic of the Purple Wizards but somehow his was still focused. He wouldnt be the assassin mage he was destined to become for years, but on this day he was one step closer to his path."} +{"id": "7215da2c-e02c-425c-95ff-41d88b263cd0-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-28T00:33:55.88", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbFQkYahzspCweQhDhgqefEHCmYVHVKaT7jLgQFUFVoiv", "txHash": "0x6cee2537252ae1c7e67bfea05f1597dbeea362094ae9d9735ad1ea2b3d40619e", "createdAtBlock": 15628283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6388, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hashim of the Villa", "text": "If a traveler had seen him that day, one would have thought hed soon be dead from heat exhaustion and dehydration. If a traveler had been able to ask his parents, they would say their headstrong son would never succumb to such a mundane death. As parents usually are, they were right.\n\nHe had spent an innumerable amount of time training in that desolate wasteland honing his skills, perseverance and fortitude, and it was only these attributes that kept him moving step after step in search of an oasis that he knew in his soul would be over the next dune. Unfortunately for our young Hashim, his corporeal body was of a different mindset and about to give up when in the near distance he caught the glimmer of water.\n\nToday is not your day, my friend he rasped to the Reaper who he was both an acolyte and adversary of.\n\nKnowing he would soon be refreshed with life sustaining water, his steps quickened and soon he was within yards of the palm strewn oasis. As he was about to lean in with hands cupped, a presence was felt to his left. Without thinking, or perhaps thinking in desperation, Hashim reached within his purse and grabbed his vial of nightshade. An accidental misstep of not fully tempered youth, but one that would change the rest of his days.\n\nIn the one instant before smashing the life-stealing vial on the stones surrounding the life-giving water, Hashim was able to see his adversary. What loomed above him was a seven-foot-tall indigo hued Djinn reaching towards the young assassin.\n\nBefore blackness descended, his last thought was But I didnt even get a drink of water. After that, the real insanity began."} +{"id": "7215da2c-e02c-425c-95ff-41d88b263cd0-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-28T00:33:55.88", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbFQkYahzspCweQhDhgqefEHCmYVHVKaT7jLgQFUFVoiv", "txHash": "0x6cee2537252ae1c7e67bfea05f1597dbeea362094ae9d9735ad1ea2b3d40619e", "createdAtBlock": 15628283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6388, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hashim of the Villa", "text": "Hashim awoke to what could only be described as a hellscape. He was on a blasted and ruined hillside watching hordes of the undead march below him. They were being driven onwards by all manner of demons that could only have been summoned from the deepest depths of Hells realms. As his gaze turned to the right in the direction the evil masses were traveling, he saw a massive flame emanating from a slowly rotating inverted pyramid. Just looking at the thing made his blood turn cold. \n\nAs his gaze was transfixed was on the flame in the distance, Hashim didnt notice the demonic figures who had broken from the horde towards his position. When he finally realized his imminent danger, it was too late. As the ghastly soldiers were about to close in on him, a sudden explosion, if thats what it could be described as, occurred and suddenly Hasim was lying next to the oasis once more.\n\nHello my friend, Hashim heard within his mind while gazing into the eyes of a cat perched upon his chest. That was quite the vision wouldnt you say?\n\nWho are you?! And why can I hear you inside my mind??\n\nWellthat Djinn that was about to consume your very soul and essence before you smashed that, shall we say detestable nightshade potion, is me. I am Azazel and this is my oasis that you stumbled upon, but in all my years residing here, Ive never been bested. Being immortal, nightshade cant kill me but how I detest it. Gives me a sneezing fit. Some beings like this but not I. Honestly, I am quite astounded and astonished that youre still alive. Youre more formidable than your human body appears, eh?\n\nThat vision"} +{"id": "7215da2c-e02c-425c-95ff-41d88b263cd0-3", "createdAt": "2022-09-28T00:33:55.88", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbFQkYahzspCweQhDhgqefEHCmYVHVKaT7jLgQFUFVoiv", "txHash": "0x6cee2537252ae1c7e67bfea05f1597dbeea362094ae9d9735ad1ea2b3d40619e", "createdAtBlock": 15628283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6388, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hashim of the Villa", "text": "That vision\n\nYesthatthat is a glimpse of whats to comeperhaps. The future is a path of many threads but one never knows as a simple pebble could create an avalanche. Personally, I am not one for the Undead Horde as I prefer the frivolity of the living. Much more fun. Would you like to get some water now? Its very lovely here. Just enough minerality for a proper quench.\n\nHashim stared dumfounded at the cat on his chest as the cat tilted his head to the side and stared back.\n\nYesI suppose I would like a drink after all of this.excitement.\n\nExcellent.\n\nThe cat nimbly leapt off the sorcerers chest as he rolled to his side and began to drink from the oasis. The cat maybe knew what was to come, but Hashim was absolutely in the dark..\n\n\nYoure kidding me, Hashim. That fleabag is a Djinn?? Iprix shouted while said fleabags eyes flashed a fiery indigo.\n\nFriend, please. If it werent for Zaz I would never have met you and been able to tell this tale. Once again, the threads of fate have shown their face. Destiny, Iprix. It is real.\n\nOk, okjokes asideyour tale hits home. We must destroy this flame, but I fear its not the only one. Something inside tells me this insidious essence his spreading within the Realm. However, we still must do what we believe is right. I love a bit of chaos but I despise Evil. Are you thinking what Im thinking?\n\nWithout hesitation, both said the same thing Duncan.\n\nAye, that ignorant foolhardy knight couldnt be swayed one way or tother so long as hes got his gold, Iprix said with his usual cackle.\n\nShould we send a crow?"} +{"id": "7215da2c-e02c-425c-95ff-41d88b263cd0-4", "createdAt": "2022-09-28T00:33:55.88", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbFQkYahzspCweQhDhgqefEHCmYVHVKaT7jLgQFUFVoiv", "txHash": "0x6cee2537252ae1c7e67bfea05f1597dbeea362094ae9d9735ad1ea2b3d40619e", "createdAtBlock": 15628283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6388, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hashim of the Villa", "text": "Should we send a crow?\n\nCamie will take this message, friend. Lets not take any chances.\n\nOnce again, there was silence as the two friends stared into their goblets."} +{"id": "3aa43042-1453-481a-a047-16f19d82f97f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:57.683", "backgroundColor": "#1d5a32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme7PDUMsvxVvUE91RHHnFTfQ6sAmRLsvswS2e5k2huUDi", "txHash": "0xa5446c59427636b6185cc35b660b985b61a6228b0a9130a625aaf7376a65dd02", "createdAtBlock": 14630568, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7805, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdYazTdtB5B6D69vco2YRC1k4GvvTeWpER3izJGKAxyHW", "name": "Archmagus Yookoo of the Cosmos", "text": "The truth will you not find when seeking it. Find you it will when one with with the cosmos you are. Do or do not, there is no try."} +{"id": "32deeee9-8b81-4996-8d7e-513c24568a63-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:58.501", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQt56hAjqpnorLozLj8LE3M5b5EgVsGKEqBZz5KW5CKto", "txHash": "0xc1e5d23a803d09c5c8593f32656701b29a705b8eefd02cb80e3eed18d35f4ee3", "createdAtBlock": 14631119, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1447, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Nassif of the Desert", "text": "# The Quest For Infinite Knowledge\n\n\nShaman Nassif is a potent observer of the Runiverse\n\na wanderer, a seeker, and a mind pirate\n\nhe plunders the intellect of every soul he converses with\n\nand as such can trick the poor bastards to bend to his will\n\nevery soul except one...\n\nhis brother, @wizard5305\n\nthe pair often engage in their favorite activity, a game of chess\n\na rare chance to let their powerful minds rest and recover after long bouts of knowledge feasts\n\nhe is joined by his feline companion, Sharon\n\nwho helps to guide him back home when his adventures overwhelm the senses\n\nhis favorite food is biscuits with apricot jam and he is a death metal enjoyer"} +{"id": "54cadb2c-37db-450f-b760-335a8ab94b70-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:59.211", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZoUs1Lkd7t9WzEfkG9H9uMHosBzgo4X5fyiVjWLGg5t9", "txHash": "0x45b0f0dee092574510e371042477441d1e629adec02ac698b0507b278770623f", "createdAtBlock": 14631162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5305, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Alizam of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# The Quest For Infinite Knowledge [Part Two]\n\n\nSorcerer Alizam is a potent observer of the Runiverse\n\na wanderer, a seeker, and a mind pirate\n\nhe plunders the intellect of every soul he converses with\n\nand as such can trick the poor bastards to bend to his will\n\nevery soul except one...\n\nhis brother, @wizard1447\n\nthe pair often engage in their favorite activity, a game of chess\n\na rare chance to let their powerful minds rest and recover after long bouts of knowledge feasts\n\nhe is joined by his feline companion, Shannon\n\nwho helps to guide him back home when his adventures overwhelm the senses\n\nhis favorite food is sourdough toast with goat cheese and he is a rocksteady enjoyer"} +{"id": "6c52b59e-0479-4cce-865d-b84019edf886-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:00.163", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6yj7xkckAp4saGkme5ysAbg3piNBjRk9Z9UwyWjeVwz", "txHash": "0xae6edb826855b065ec931cc490fef72f0b4bc7391d905a37ae0fff2cc7d9cbd8", "createdAtBlock": 14631813, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3012, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Min of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Min of the Road\n\n\nBorned in the darkest cave covered with thick snow, Anna was the only survivor from a terrible avalanche. Thanks to the ladybug that soon became her only friend, kept her warm for 333 days. Both Anna and her ladybug named, Pixie, is on a quest to join the frog nation to conquer the Meta land."} +{"id": "ea4e73c6-1605-4452-a713-f52c8e2fbcd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:00.908", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUdJ8h7bKnjTpDnrQio9YdPoY9R4netGV6Ud1Ckuryi8T", "txHash": "0x6f4ad82d725e186f33fbbcbf4afad08467b4d30512bb9cf71ee7845240fb7bbd", "createdAtBlock": 14631868, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9690, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Wizard Lupa ", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nWizard Lupa refuses to follow instructions and begins to learn slowly....\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:"} +{"id": "ea4e73c6-1605-4452-a713-f52c8e2fbcd0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:00.908", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUdJ8h7bKnjTpDnrQio9YdPoY9R4netGV6Ud1Ckuryi8T", "txHash": "0x6f4ad82d725e186f33fbbcbf4afad08467b4d30512bb9cf71ee7845240fb7bbd", "createdAtBlock": 14631868, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9690, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Wizard Lupa ", "text": "Best wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "02dc47f0-1eeb-4d2c-950f-70c83cc5d169-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:01.628", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckTVxxNSzQyQ47g3kvz7E3khRQKNsgnwARBSQv8vBEnf", "txHash": "0x813b9a3e989ffc981bea27ef7aefc94b1d710f8ca8c80ad424324ef740f02821", "createdAtBlock": 14632120, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 485, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician George of the Sands", "text": "# The Origin of Arch-Magician George of the Sands \n\nArch-Magician George of the Sands almost didn't exist.\n\nFrom amongst the panoply of user-deities in the ineffable world \"_off-chain_\", his Creator \"_missed the mint_\", which in the eldritch tongue of the user-deities denotes a failure to manifest a creation during the confluent magickal window of Time-Outside-Time.\n\n\nGeorge's Creator thus struck a bargain with another user-deity, who managed not to miss that confluent window, and who bore forth George and his many brethren and sisters in Wizardry:\n\n\n\"I HAVE MANY 'MOON-CATS'. I PROPOSE AN EXCHANGE. YOU CHOOSE ONE OF MY MOON-CATS OF THE PONDEROUS PLANE; YOU ALSO CHOOSE ONE OF YOUR FORGOTTEN WIZARDS. THESE WE SHALL EXCHANGE FOR ETERNITY, ASSUMING RESPECTIVE CREATORSHIP AND CUSTODIANSHIP OF EACH IN TURN.\"\n\n\nThe cosmic die was cast, the interplanar conduits yawned open, the exchange became manifest.\n\nGeorge found himself alive, in the Sands, and made his permanent home."} +{"id": "ff03437f-1ecd-47a7-b582-437f10e9e8ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:02.332", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPzPL2yiwLzieK9tj6mT4ANFVjmdCHoXosLD7JdAdPVYK", "txHash": "0x578edc3c258823ce10bb01a17865e6378266081df4d6c3240c75cacd2ac2966f", "createdAtBlock": 14632174, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5318, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Milton of the Heath", "text": "# Milton of the Heath\n\n> Milton oh Milton, in the greens of thy heath, thy pipes do call you from your earlier life. \nTake up thyne belongings and follow thy Runes though dreameth of... Beasts, Warriors clash out there in the valley of lightning strikes and thunder clouds. Take up thy place in the world oh rabbit of adventure do not hide oneself again, find myne own pony and let's find my rune energy, the spell is calling oh Milton of thy Heath! Be it magick or strength of 10 warriors, the world awaits dear Milton!\n\n\n\n> *Lore by a Millar tenebrae*"} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "TL;DR\n\nSage Solomon Of The Keep is definitely not inhabited by an eldritich outer bee from beyond time and space. The HUMAN known by the ape sounds as Sage Solomon IS NOT a collection of cleverly camouflaged bees in an esoteric swarm spell. Sage Solomon is a dedicated astrologist and spends its time peering beyond the veil and studying the sky. There is no rogue rabbit network housing a decentralized man brain with mutated magical animal vessels.\n\n\nLore"} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "Upon the olden days of astrology, their was a Keep known throughout the land for their powers of scribing, and interpretations of the cosmic miasma that led to truths beyond the realm and minds of men. This most prestigious and respected guild of astrologers were renowned as tales of their endeavors spread far and wide as they produced spells and artifacts of varying wonder and power. The leaders of this keep - the High Sages - led their students and following in understanding the grand movements and flows resplendent within the realms of creation and void. Over time with increasing study and resources; these Sages lent their skills and knowledge out to those with the wealth to procure it. Having such power and central control over their own personal Tower holds, these High Sages slowly began to drift in their collective vision; various Tower holds would go quiet, too many consumed by the ideas within the void, the cosmic miasma descending across a once serene land and rational land, fell to"} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "a once serene land and rational land, fell to somber madness - the greater Keep found itself isolated and alone. Only a handful of Higher Sages remained within the Keep to guide the remaining followers, as the students had either died or left for the miasma long ago attempting to pierce the veil that had settled not only on their world, but their inner minds. None returned. But alas, while this tale has laid bare our tone, and setting, you will see while no student returned to the Keep, they would not all succumb to the miasma, nay, one in particular, a Sage Student by the name of Solomon, found himself lost within the cosmic void manifesting in his mind, his will alone the single point of light within a metaphysical abyss as his physical body wandered the lands of haze in a somber daze while his concious mind fought tooth and nail to shine through the accursed abyss and see the world manifest once more. This however, was not"} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "the world manifest once more. This however, was not to...Bee..as with a sharp, physical pain to the temple region in his real mind he lurched, the grey matter flooding with an ooze-like cold magma sensation seeping deeper and deeper, being absorbed by the desperate cells within struggling to survive amongst a dissonance of dismay and imbalance. Solomon felt his eyes open a second time, but not his physical eyes no, a pair he had but only now grown within the abyss, and with it he could see the honeyed golden light of an infinite swarm of shining hallowed stars, consecrated within the void by their opulence, they congregated and beckoned the mind to them, unceasing; and so Solomon followed."} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "The mind is a fickle thing, a fragile thing, but it can be saved, it can be protected, it can be restored.....in a fleeting moment of clairvoyance after months of a somber numbness in a sticky-slumber, Solomon shot awake. He was in the miasma, no way to tell where, but he was sure this is the physical realm. This moment, however brief, allows him a chance at respite - proficient in the ways of cognitive transference from his experiments with other members of the forbidden arts practicing in the dark spaces beneath towers and the Keep - he uses all his will to scan the area for minds, there is but one, but it is all he has, he must escape whatever has held him. He must try, for what is ascension but to lose oneself he thought and forced his mind within the vessel. It burned, it was too small, not enough, maddening, Solomon found himself in a conundrum, he had escaped, with himself in full,"} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "he had escaped, with himself in full, but now that very self is burning away within this vessel, unable to truly even register the form due to writhing in compressed chaos, he did what he must, he began to discard the parts of him he could survive without, many human mannerisms the first to go, then childhood mememories, friends, family, it all melted away. This left him alive, barely, this new body....was small, perhaps too weak...he must persevere. He could see his body, it was animating...near a sickly golden fire within a small comb on the ground...it wasn't blinking, it was barely breathing, and yet it seemed, malevolent...slowly Solomon snuck around the small fire, the uncanny cadavers eyes never left the flame..so he made his way toward a small water stay upon the ground, it would seem Solomon was in a marshy area, he must be near.....where was it...damn it all he can't recall. His reflection gave a startling"} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "he can't recall. His reflection gave a startling realization to the former Sage Student - he was within a rabbit, a small and fragile and unfortunate form. This brought great dismay to the once proud Solomon and he resolved to regain full control of his body once more, lest he be lost in this animal forever. It would appear however, either the rabbits mind is too simply structured, or his experience within his own body, leaves him cognizant and not affected by the cosmic miasmas, allowing for thought and navigation, thus he makes his way to his body. Coming upon the fire site and breaking the honeyed lights threshold he is fatigued and finds himself falling to his stomach, unable to move, his body immediately turns and moves upon him, grabbing his small frame and putting it within a bag, for a while they travel with only moments of the bag being opened so food could be offered to Solomons small form."} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "The bag would be suddenly opened and Solomon plopped on the ground, his body standing before him, a stern and inquisitive look upon his former brow. \"I know you are in there, small wizard, I felt you depart, it is all right though, I recovered those pesky pieces you severed in your escape so I retain enough of you to do what I need and maintain my hold here in the land. Say, have you considered why you were saved? Why I chose you? Oh with time you may see but for now you are but my familiar and I require this vessel more than I require you, remember this well small wizard.\" The former tongue of Solomon lashed with a distinguished buzzing accent that he could not place, but it resonated in his very soul...and it stung deeply\n\n- 1 year later -\n\nThe miasma is being fought back by the revelations of the Towers and The Keep, slowly freeing areas once succumb to the somber nature of existential entropy. Former students found and remains recovered, Towers reconnecting to share their unique insight garnered during the dark days. This would lead to a revitalizing of wild life and the surrounding lands, including the Tower at the very edges of the miasma and returned territories where a particular Sage and his collection of every growing number of increasingly strange rabbits resides."} +{"id": "a6f5ac46-9b6a-49b9-971f-b302f499c75b-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.004", "backgroundColor": "#c6bf14", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS3Kx2u59Zao8xMjPD6onXpysUqXx3CAFZ86Jf5q6JzW", "txHash": "0x077103ae7212b2f9f587cc4ebdaf18c6015efa5762ed956bc4e18e10b509e7da", "createdAtBlock": 14632929, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2482, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Solomon of the Keep", "text": "Solomon had worked long and hard, it was no easy task to be a articifer within the body of a rabbit, but he made due, using his own two back feet to combine their innate luck magic to influence the development and growth of a new vessel, the first of many iterations in his macabre design, to make a decentralized rabbit network that can house his entire mind, that are physically strong and adaptable, with magic capabilities and innate psychic powers, so that he may one night under honeyed stars which betrayed him originally, steal his mind back from the eldritch daemon currently making a mockery of his body. Lest it kill him"} +{"id": "fbc20f1c-f5ac-4df6-be6f-bb8500c05f28-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-29T02:44:53.65", "backgroundColor": "#056883", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSS7Q6bkB3zyfFEpR1oq1F3TGDw9PhdfmQTdzTxPR6Fb", "txHash": "0x99ffa9cb9bcce0cc4dbeb322594ed8af86af822e7c62f914fc9587efaf56b05c", "createdAtBlock": 15636101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3340, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Walter Attacker of the Tundra", "text": "# A Cry For Help\n\nI looked down at the child, shivering in the harsh blizzard winds of The Tundra. \n\n\"Help\"\n\nHe says, his teary eyes locking onto mine. A child wouldn't wander this dangerous land alone. You can't fool me, you Abominable Snowmimic.\n\nI cleaved his head clean off. His true form fell."} +{"id": "c8c54a78-1a96-4252-b6dc-cef6154e9c89-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:03.715", "backgroundColor": "#354494", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeTrSighVWvejnHcy3dmb5fkjHPEwu8b4u1V75YZqRiAe", "txHash": "0x755f1f5a03e41c202ee591ff698919a0176ba43f1f211fbe120b4a9c98575ebc", "createdAtBlock": 14633250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Angus of the Mountain", "text": "# Battle Mage Angus of the Mountain\n#\nAngus was born to a small family of farmers in the foothills of the mountains. When he was five, his parents were killed by a group of bandits who raided their farm. Angus was spared, but he was left with nothing. He was taken in by the local lord, who recognized his potential and took him under his wing. Angus was trained in the art of war and became a powerful battle mage.\n#\nHe fought in many wars and earned a reputation as a fierce warrior. He eventually settled down in the mountains, where he built a small keep. He now spends his days hunting and exploring the wilds of the mountains with his trusty dog Spur. His bottomless pot of mana never leaves his side.\n#"} +{"id": "236edb76-82f1-4694-a895-b3e4f4f2d12c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:03.382", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz1i52dzGUAZhxfWRGcBv7pnySoaEQVgP1oS194bunFv", "txHash": "0xf041545b072f526c2356ff0ffe574e674cd55339d5561fd0e499504738e40aeb", "createdAtBlock": 15026047, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2924, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeZ8vtyUjE8UdYLrjXhrfLfc4q2pGVcuAS7muhf68dkmp", "name": "Lex Eidolon of Brigands", "text": "If you were to look up the definition of fierce, you would see a picture of Lex underneath the explanation. He was a beast of\na man. Well, he was actually a beastman, if we're being honest. Not a werewolf or anything cool, just a beastman. His mother\nwas a human, and his father was a beast. You get the drift.\n\nDue to an unsatisfactory home life at home, Lex ran away at an early age. He ended up getting taken in by a local bandit\ngang due to his strength. They accepted him just as he was, as long he would be their muscle (and be their muscle he did).\nFrom small time raids on farms, to late-night ambushes, Lex did it all, and he did it so very well.\n\nBy the time he was done doing whatever needed doing, he was usually covered head to toe in blood and guts, and there was \nalways a lot of screaming involved.\n\nAfter one particularly successful raid, the bandit leader tried to keep most of the loot for himself. This did not end well\nfor the bandit leader OR the rest of the bandit clan. Mutiny quickly pursued, and Lex, caught up in the bloodshed, didn't\nknow when to call it quits, and eradicated the entire clan (except himself, of course).\n\n\"I guess this means Lex is bandit king now!!\" Lex roared as he stood on the pile of corpses, blood running from every orifice.\nAnd he became quite the bandit king. He ended up uniting all the southern bandit clans under a single banner (mostly because\nthey were all afraid of Lex)."} +{"id": "236edb76-82f1-4694-a895-b3e4f4f2d12c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:03.382", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZz1i52dzGUAZhxfWRGcBv7pnySoaEQVgP1oS194bunFv", "txHash": "0xf041545b072f526c2356ff0ffe574e674cd55339d5561fd0e499504738e40aeb", "createdAtBlock": 15026047, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2924, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeZ8vtyUjE8UdYLrjXhrfLfc4q2pGVcuAS7muhf68dkmp", "name": "Lex Eidolon of Brigands", "text": "Though the clans were not organized by any means, they did become quite prosperous at what they were doing. It would not be\nlong before the entire kingdom had heard of their exploits, and groups of adventurers would be coming to seek them out for\ntheir own glory and gain.\n\nNow armed with The Spear of Destiny and Legend, Lex continues to \"lead\" the bandits towards glory and fame (but mostly just\nstealing other people's money and food).!"} +{"id": "ece16d9b-9f07-4c26-bcb4-178ac284ac4d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:04.389", "backgroundColor": "#350f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ3cpsTjCdVd1SxJ8yBLUryYZgJLedCjypG9MtyEPPPLw", "txHash": "0x345f3e78959128dda792aeb3a1d6913175a2d01c82c84624d0116abfa821fa51", "createdAtBlock": 14633326, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3095, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ulysse of Xanadu", "text": "# Battle Mage Ulysse of Xanadu\n#\nAs a young boy, Ulysse showed great promise as a mage. He was admitted to the prestigious Xanadu Academy of Magic, where he quickly distinguished himself as one of the most gifted students. Upon graduation, he was immediately recruited by the Gigas Chad's army as a battle mage. \n#\nUlysse has since fought in many wars, using his powerful magic and ability to hatch and control bats. He has become a legend on the battlefield, and his exploits have earned him the respect and admiration of both his comrades and his foes."} +{"id": "a1a8b7ac-37e7-43f9-b319-6090443c8f7a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:29.332", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaifLYZ47VMFGMVdX9jM9g8QZXmQGM6FxZvbGyEFyzv3z", "txHash": "0xe607415685086aa9258e8831d97002a79c53d6e6949b36d0c89cdc9541f02399", "createdAtBlock": 13526354, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1820, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Sondra of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Oracle Sondra of the Forest\n\nHatred, war, death, and famine are among the goddesses and sorceresses of Aeaea. I am between a state of terror and ecstacy as I leave my body to once again birth power before me through thy mystical ashes. Born from the fire, my passion will never cease in leading an army to kill all who have betrayed me and my people."} +{"id": "a259276a-74fb-4459-be2a-72f53ca8c1a7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:27.822", "backgroundColor": "#3e1310", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRKChqEV1ZiBQYgkYQdTy2JwHShMmfByahyHKdwJVqrXf", "txHash": "0x0973b8e763f0823fb0522ea6208fa84987c692ed91587df3b13010a43957919f", "createdAtBlock": 14932361, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4746, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmU55Wk8Cw3tNqcaQuUJMwdubbu2HKhSrRkqbBc6PLJ9nf", "name": "Magus Daria of Arcadia", "text": "# Lore of Magus Daria of Arcadia \n\nMagus Daria of Arcadia was born in Red Wizard Capital where she has lived most of her life. From a young age she has demonstrated an enormous talent for the Arcane Arts. At 5 she turned a rock into a frog and at 10 she turned that rock back into a frog again.\n\nShe has gained the respect of many highly regarded wizards including her father who was a great wizard himself. She is a voracious reader often staying long nights at the library. Magus Daria is currently reading about the origins of the Arcane Arts and how they didn't exist eons ago.\n\nHer end goal is to become a master wizard, something only a few have achieved in the past...\n\n## Magus Daria of Arcadia seen traversing the Runiverse!"} +{"id": "3c95d705-3624-4a3b-b53a-efeaf845e2fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:24.319", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaccmMhF5ow4ciVCmsAy3CeBfWfRTM63ACShW55zs4zo", "txHash": "0xc96face9897fedea20761d9ebc77e8c1bb03036f9446a7a9ea11dd9ab4ff0ba1", "createdAtBlock": 15129985, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Nolan of the Isle", "text": "What is lore? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me - no more.\n\nBattle Mage Nolan sang as he journeyed into the meta darkness"} +{"id": "e51940c5-6a61-4ec3-9169-2e67b0935cdb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:19.634", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXCyErJTUU6pakf1M1EcwpM5jL8zZbPNk5QXehB46D9ZG", "txHash": "0x7a30c5480b9edb5611ce7309d572135356693131ecf1c485e427f292565c0659", "createdAtBlock": 13271915, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 0, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Arcanist Illuminus of the Heavens", "text": "# ** Holy Arcanist Illuminus of the Heavens **\n\nThe Wizard before Wizards, an emissary from the boundless Heavens, beyond the Runes, at the edge of infinity.\n\nThis Holy Arcanist commands a singularity and refracts it through a simple Chroma Crystal, to birth the creation of limitless nothing."} +{"id": "b98d0211-da92-4c9e-8003-b8157d8a2b94-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:20.501", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmajJ99fekB9gsGFtUZhguPd6G6u9PkcK8uEgdQ1am5TpA", "txHash": "0x4c5762d36c8e57178de74468aaba15025fad928cad960f1831b44707d354a529", "createdAtBlock": 13272629, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 512, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbVNwW9pnc23gFiET8zAcLzkabSWW6iNDrACvGfGHRD4U/img_512_l__qx__9k_.jpeg", "name": "Witch Florah of the Mountain", "text": "# Witch Florah of the Mountain: Purity"} +{"id": "fe030077-d7b0-4ad2-818f-2a4b51863b45-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:05.405", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsUyC4ihnYDFEcRrZvqXkt2cf62z3muYNm99zp8XN6ei", "txHash": "0x0e1a85014a0db6c3735cc6664c1a23e7c4a30326a99c3fd1df65fd097eacb3c5", "createdAtBlock": 13931170, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6333, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP47pPax5kJMErTcLspikTHF4ki6mrUr9vxNLEqKCWq6f", "name": "Enchanter Willow of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Willow of the Plains\n\n \n\nPROLOGUE\n\nIn the Plains, sharp observation and firm judgement are required. Choices do not come easy and sympathy is a rare commodity in those parts of the Runiverse. But even in a tough environment, beautiful things can grow and even thrive. It is easy to overlook certain parts of the Plains. This is where the story of Willow, a young Huntress, begins.\n\nWillow was born on a small piece of land with little beginnings. She grew up with her mother, aunts and nieces. There was not necessarily much to go around, but they all made ends meet. Willow had strong senses, a pure heart and an enchanting appearance. Her family all loved her and their bond was strong. It was evident, even at an early age, that Willow had a special gift. She glowed. Her radiance was like verdant pines, blue skies, and cool breezes. People were captivated by her. When she touched their lives, they were forever changed.\n\nHer family's love made her childhood carefree. She was harbored from the cold places of the Plains and had no idea what was beyond. The days were long and joyful during which she helped her mother and aunts with choirs. At nightfall she studied under a bed of candles. Although the peaceful times were ideal for a young girl, lessons often need to be learned in difficult times. So, almost as if the wheel of time demanded it, tragedy struck."} +{"id": "fe030077-d7b0-4ad2-818f-2a4b51863b45-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:05.405", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsUyC4ihnYDFEcRrZvqXkt2cf62z3muYNm99zp8XN6ei", "txHash": "0x0e1a85014a0db6c3735cc6664c1a23e7c4a30326a99c3fd1df65fd097eacb3c5", "createdAtBlock": 13931170, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6333, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP47pPax5kJMErTcLspikTHF4ki6mrUr9vxNLEqKCWq6f", "name": "Enchanter Willow of the Plains", "text": "One morning while Willow was playing outside, she was bit by a green asp. The green asp is a snake with potent venom. It was used in some parts of the Runiverse to punish criminals. A bite from this snake can be extremely dangerous for children. Just moments after Willow was bit, she fell to the ground. Her condition was bad while the fever raged through her body and mind. Aunts and nieces alternated shifts to cool down her body and hydrate it. Meanwhile, Willow's mind went delusional.Long days and nights passed, all the while Willows health was on a thin thread. \n\nHer body was not capable of ridding the poison. It was young and fragile. She was battling with her mind in turmoil. Her mother and aunts were losing hope as the fever ravaged her. Candles were lit, prayers were sung. Then, against all odds, she began to recover. Her affinity began to embrace the poison and her health gradually improved. At first, everyone was cautiously optimistic, but soon after everyone was amazed at her recovery. Her mother cried of relief. A young girls gift managed to absorb the poison from a deadly snake.\n\nThings went back to normal, at least for a while. Once again, Willow played outside with friends and days were filled with love and joy. However, at night, she experienced vivid dreams. Visions came. Uncontrollable visions. She saw kingdoms grow en perish. Flames. Souls. Magic. Dreams like these were not meant for a little girl. They made no sense. She tried fighting the sleep and the dreams, but it didn't last. The body and mind eventually need sleep. Her visions became a part of her.\n\nWillow was growing stronger, wiser, and older. She knew it was time to move on, she had seen it."} +{"id": "58b5018d-1470-430d-ad61-02db4e04a6da-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:22.422", "backgroundColor": "#260031", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWHPWDrGPyk1kUbWuLcKmewq63au9JmewF4oQ3qvB2WHb", "txHash": "0x419adc93b81e0c7d675816c484d2749de532d4ab8a152a7f7333a20c964832f9", "createdAtBlock": 13272806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4574, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfUQgLfEXnpzyaC8zCi6jmj5ckBU4n1rPyy1fXwVw27gE/img_4574_fxyq__2q__.jpeg", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Baozhai of the Wood\n\n \n\nVisitors to the Wood on the night of a full moon have reported otherworldly singing drifting through the trees. Many are enchanted, and become fixated, even obsessed, with locating the source of this sound, but are unsuccessful.\n\nThe daughter of a Spellsinger, Baozhai learned that craft from an early age. But as she reached adulthood, the practice of alchemy attracted her attention. She was fascinated by its combination of science and magic, and its ability to imbue both the concrete and the abstract into her creations.\n\nGradually, due to her enhanced command of liquids through her Rune of Water, she gravitated toward the creation of potions. She prefers to work during the wee hours of the night to create nightshade potions and her own custom creations. The quiet and dark suit her. She chose an isolated spot in the Wood to set up her hidden workshop.\n\nThese days, most of her creations combine standard alchemical processes with sound. By singing arias, nocturnes, and ballads during the alchemy, she can finetune her creations in a way not seen elsewhere.\n\nOne clear, moonlit night, as she was at the pinnacle of a new creation, she hit a pitch-perfect high note. As she finished and the note hung in the silence, she heard the pitch coming back at her. Out of the darkness flew in a bat, calling in the same pitch as her song. And her potion turned out to be twice as potent as she had expected!"} +{"id": "58b5018d-1470-430d-ad61-02db4e04a6da-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:22.422", "backgroundColor": "#260031", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWHPWDrGPyk1kUbWuLcKmewq63au9JmewF4oQ3qvB2WHb", "txHash": "0x419adc93b81e0c7d675816c484d2749de532d4ab8a152a7f7333a20c964832f9", "createdAtBlock": 13272806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4574, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfUQgLfEXnpzyaC8zCi6jmj5ckBU4n1rPyy1fXwVw27gE/img_4574_fxyq__2q__.jpeg", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Wood", "text": "Clearly this was no ordinary bat. Although it was not her strength, Baozhai managed to create a magical bug-attracting flame to encourage the bat to hang around. Over time, through trial and error, she trained the bat to sing during her alchemy in order to increase the type and potency of its effects. The bat could reach ultrasonic registers that Baozhai could not reach or even hear, but the results were evident - a new power duo had been born."} +{"id": "842ff062-7502-439a-b632-c730d08e66b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:44.057", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRYfH7bZJEhooQdMRe4Hf3fmqADSM3HppfJcufPeemKqt", "txHash": "0x1f24851fa995651d80bdee94bd802cdb5caf934a06506ab592b2a0657e2d8433", "createdAtBlock": 13278839, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 75, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQYytC11Kbnehu9nVpUcoMQEV9d6T2oMbodKa1oXWp1M7", "name": "Dwarzgarth of The Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Dwarzgarth of The Hills"} +{"id": "e28dfbdf-d125-4d11-a516-475272c68665-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:24.026", "backgroundColor": "#d6e067", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxy1Jz11HtM3FytdpXAooxWKb9f4JUgKwHgwHLro7uah", "txHash": "0xd243b50e727d985dd577393f611b3bc33e483f71f465f41323ae4cfa58259b72", "createdAtBlock": 13474182, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 771, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Giuseppe of Atlantis", "text": "# **The Lore of Alchemist Giuseppe of Atlantis**\n\nAbandoned when young, and left to fend for himself on the streets of Atlantis, **Giuseppe** was a child who lived through endless turmoil; though despite this he was also a character who dreamed of endless abundance.\n\nDuring his youth he would steal from the Golden markets of **Aristopol** through pickpocketing skills he had learned through obversation of those more talented. Abandoned by his parents and seemingly the world, **Guiseppe** know empathy for those he was stealing from, as the world gave him nothing, he would take everything back from it ansd those who inhabit it.\n\nThis ethos would be the guiding star to his future as his reward for stealing the belongings of others was his ability to pay for entrance into the local school of Arcane magic. **Guiseppe** was a natural talent, and given his past he was also a hard worker, spending all his free time to excel. Throughout his early time in the school he found no equal, no rival and made light work of every exercise. Poetically, he found his passion in alchemy, in redistribution the resources the world offers and using them to manifest new things. This was Guiseppe's lived experience and he found purpose in redistribution, repurposing and recreation.\n\nArrogant and molded by his past, **Guiseppe** knew no bounds when it came to alchemy and soon outperformed his teachers, after much conflict he was kicked out of school and began leading his own journey. His first step would be to find his parents, using his unchallengeable alchemical ability he crafted **The Life Sundial**, a device used for locating the souls of others, once imbued with his blood he could find all those related to him."} +{"id": "e28dfbdf-d125-4d11-a516-475272c68665-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:24.026", "backgroundColor": "#d6e067", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxy1Jz11HtM3FytdpXAooxWKb9f4JUgKwHgwHLro7uah", "txHash": "0xd243b50e727d985dd577393f611b3bc33e483f71f465f41323ae4cfa58259b72", "createdAtBlock": 13474182, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 771, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Giuseppe of Atlantis", "text": "The first person he found was his Father's cousin, a diplomat residing within the Eastern regions of Atlantis, he knew well of his Father's whereabouts and was quick to guide **Giuseppe** to him. \n\nA poor decision, as he was unaware of **Giuseppe's** burning desire to seek retribution. **Giuseppe** stumbled upon his father's whereabouts the next day, he was a simple farmer, said to have once owned a large city but had succumbed to greed and lost his way. **Guiseppe** quickly ended his existence, in a quick fleeting moment as soon as he saw him and remembered the face of the man who had abandoned him. Using alchemy, he repurposed his body, crafting a staff from the bones and guts of his father.\n\n## **NOW**\n\n**Guiseppe** went on to found and lead **The Alchemists of the Abyss** - an order tasked with the destruction of the wealthy and gluttonous. His staff was later **The Staff of Belonging** by his students, a legendary weapon said to never leave his side.\n\n-Jawdane3D"} +{"id": "cd20dcd7-9ef2-4b39-a98f-ab82f91f75ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:23.138", "backgroundColor": "#2A0026", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeQieQmEkpMD8EBMr59zpyWDgS3QdqXyg5VJH1RagQYGH", "txHash": "0x09bc539bac8b07939f862bee29c40f319351e15d63fefa17c8ba9a617b6c61fd", "createdAtBlock": 13272885, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9259, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcf5kNeuansiGu1Zey4cseLcqS9oVru21hLnuJx5GK7Hz/img_9259_xv2kv_2q__.jpeg", "name": " of Dreams", "text": "# The Lore of of Dreams\n\nIn the labyrinth of sleep, limitless power existsthe power to twist, to agonize, to bend the will or break it. There is no greater horror than nightmares, and there is no escape, for child or god, from the wizard \"of Dreams.\""} +{"id": "16eb69f3-dfa4-4b21-896e-c1723590e8aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:23.806", "backgroundColor": "#4C3FB7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWT3cU6scSGHMJ1E5otaFBDBkLNRgh9fcU3PKeMN4myXB", "txHash": "0x0315d6513b4b1710940657f5b6a54e9b871edad3cb114215ef4d810ea7bde94b", "createdAtBlock": 13272920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5603, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYThWGXCRhCAbBDEPYZ8ydRX2o8qhg7KiGqtHfrYNJfsr/img_5603_rowk4qaaa7.gif", "name": "Augurer Gwendolin ", "text": "# Get Groovy with Augurer Gwendolin"} +{"id": "3ba1467e-ee7a-4b42-8c51-3ec6a0f67403-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:32.251", "backgroundColor": "#0E1312", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYJuP7VNKCKq7vxXvir5FKEsPbpxRsxcAo6tJfZGxanYV", "txHash": "0x6227386955a83f3b766731de40edd654cfe798131cc5fdd12137c75beef9d105", "createdAtBlock": 13275988, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3398, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeF3Tea8748YhAkh3mDtuBviuNBmRE6Da4YZfQHeuQJAw", "name": "Conjurer Goober of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Goober of the Mount\n\n \n\n\nAh, Goober. Though the truth of his origins is shrouded by the uncertain mists of time and hearsay, so goes the narrative whispered by the children of the foothills below the lofty peak he calls home:\n\nShunned by his family for falling in love with a base frog, Goober fled his birthplace with his amphibian partner perched on the brim of his hat to the solitude of the Mount, where he plunged himself into thaumaturgical research with a frenetic passion.\n\nHis purpose? To discover a means by which he could grow the body of his froggy friend to his own size, so that they may return to his home arm in arm.\n\nTragically, tale would tell, Goober overestimated his abilities as a transmogrifer and, realising his folly but unwilling to give in, quickly lost grip on his wits as he toiled. When his efforts fell far short of the transformation he aspired to, he reluctantly fixed his efforts instead only on keeping himself and his beloved alive with energy drawn from Mercurial waters. \n\nAnd its said that he succeeded... to a point.\n\nDriven mad by the quicksilver, Goober suffers from bizarre delusions, and has been recorded to proclaim his beloved to be not a mere frog, but a beautiful princess tainted by the black spell of an embittered fairy. And while the locals assure this to be the mere ramblings of an addled Anuran, in the company of close ones and with the aid of ale, more than one may let slip that they have heard the sombre, lonely song of a young maiden echoing through the foothills on a bright-mooned night.\n\nA likely story...?"} +{"id": "f90e396f-54bd-434f-8c73-b39737e6bcaa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:32.731", "backgroundColor": "#7ea01e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1Ei3CvPRQcHtpyPiT1a444Lk4pWvkCchvhi6mdSQkYG", "txHash": "0x0801b113c9526cf8fd4c4451c1805778a2a2e6ff80c9a41924e4b21dc8c8974a", "createdAtBlock": 15042440, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6042, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Karmahd Hero of Chickens", "text": "# Karmahd Hero of Chickens\n\n> **Beckon to the Chickens** \n> *by Friedrich Frbel* \n> \"Beckon to the chickens small, \n> Come, dear chickens, one and all!\""} +{"id": "d89e45fb-6a94-458f-8e25-c0ccc046af0c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:33.421", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR11XcKdvW2eEq39UfQQWciZrznhDx8G8kd4WgoKU8z6v", "txHash": "0x167f85d365c30e274066f758880796e7ed8d720f58fb15326ff5f00a094d2a66", "createdAtBlock": 15043120, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4537, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Margarita of the Elysian Fields", "text": "# A Hunter's Senses\n\nThe forest wasand forever will behome. Home. Many things carry that title now. Her lynx. The ancient roots under Avalon. Her horses. The crisp air as it runs wild past the Elysian Fields. Margarita pauses for a moment and closes her eyes. A deep inhale of the fresh air is a pleasant reminder of why she hasn't left. She squints at the descending sun and decides to return to camp.\n\nMargarita is a hunter. A survivor. She often asks herself why there's no one in her life besides a lynx and a half-dozen horses. The conclusion is always the same. She prefers the solitude and quiet wisdom of her feline and equine companions. \n\nShe currently resides in the Avalonian forest just north of the Elysian Fields. Her lynx impatiently stares at the hambone roasting over the small campfire. Drips of sizzling fat fall to the dirt in a hypnotizing rythym. For the third time today, Margarita catches herself lost in thought to the concerning omen she witnessed the previous night. She shakes her head and carefully removes the roasted ham from its place above the fire. She smiles as the lynx sits with regal poise, patiently waiting for Margarita to share the meal.\n\nHer mind wanders again. Was it a dream? A trick of the moonlight? She could not shake the mental image of colossal shadows moving around the mountains to the southwest. Any other region, and she would just dismiss the notion as folly. However, the area she saw these shadows was the mountains surrounding the Gate to the Seventh Realm. As much as she keeps trying to tell herself she was mistaken, her keen hunter senses know better. A chill runs down her spine."} +{"id": "f3e410f7-d40e-41b6-ba19-4035813128b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:05.218", "backgroundColor": "#71b3e9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUn7c6aRpJoibrV8exM2bcL1ozrgwQpHF9gJuB57WJ1ZC", "txHash": "0xb691b87c63aabfcf9b1e15a4f5bf2fe26c96e8ce7c16d5f9d5a4392aa8ae7e3e", "createdAtBlock": 14633340, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9905, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Ice Mage Gorgana of the Ice", "text": "# Gorgana the Ice Mage\n\nThe ICE Clan are often known as powerful ice wizards, capable of freezing any enemies that stumble upon their paths.\n\n> *'We are cold-blooded for a reason, Gorgana. The ice is what gives us strength.'*\n\n\nThose were the words engraved by the elders to Gorgana ever since he was a little boy.\n\nWanting the approval of his clan, Gorgana lived his life following those words. He became known as one of the most ruthless and promising wizards in the ICE Clan, having ice magic that slowly surpassed even the Elders. He became the **pride of the ICE Clan**.\n\nHowever, Gorgana felt that something was missing. \n\nBehind all the ice, he felt a desire to seek for warmth, something unusual and uncommon to the people of the ICE.\n\nGorgona now seeks to find the answer to this desire, but he must do it alone.... Will he ever find the answer? To be continued..."} +{"id": "1f0be7ab-db56-4f52-bd03-ea1cfa8f4e1d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:24.461", "backgroundColor": "#170b13", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma8miz9xjM7sT5JJtSWRjSCMo69o58uvFFHNTTpBYXV48", "txHash": "0xcf6b955e48f93396c127372dafb8125ca412dcf1d28d6aa30ab324f155fdab8c", "createdAtBlock": 13273024, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8664, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQiuMTZuTUVtg9cZwVNhmQwri1XNbyX4F8d1dnFBayFyZ/img_8664_x9nx__2q__.jpeg", "name": "Enchanter Orbus of the Road", "text": "# Enchanter Orbus of the Road\n\n \n\nThere is a road no traveler braves\n\nWhere beyond the stars its maker paves\n\nA portal to dimensions graved\n\nBy ancient gods with souls enslaved.\n\nThe only transient is the sight\n\nOf a grand conductor of the light.\n\nWith astral snail to carve a path,\n\nThis conjurer invokes his wrath.\n\nThis is the road doth Orbus use\n\nTo seek the powers for spells to fuse\n\nTo enchant the ways of a future cold\n\nWhere dreams of fright are forever told."} +{"id": "439b52e4-cf53-4100-bef2-f5f37241999f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:26.197", "backgroundColor": "#39333B", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY5EPrNmUuPXzucsqsqC46k5GrEBwVzgwY8cB8rgXZb8r", "txHash": "0x48f1d4db255001c102bfe3faf5b07254f3503654b9b377f5a094c2b007671b49", "createdAtBlock": 13273476, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4853, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVTXj7y3MqUwBXL7UzftZQgQCbX4zVx8TgkVPyiUwxbwU/img_4853_5erkjggg__.png", "name": "Archmagus Lumos of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Lumos of the Hall\n\nDeep in The Hall lives a breathtakingly charming archmagus by the name of Lumos. If looks could kill, he'd be a force to reckon with simply from his alluring mustachio alone. Women adore him, but little girls not blinded with temptation cry in fear at his gaze.\n\nUnfortunately for his enemies, his dazzling appearance isn't the only weapon at his disposal. Specializing in life stealing magic, he can maintain his astonishing youthful looks by sapping away the vitality of any foolish soul who dares oppose him. Foes ignited by his inextinguishable necrofire are unlikely to last for long as inhabitants of this world. With flames intense enough to smolder flesh into bone, Lumos maintains his status as the most handsome being of The Hall by simply reducing his competition to ash. However, he does have a great deal of respect for dashing facial hair, so he often decides to incinerate a good 'stache last."} +{"id": "a9443b1c-701f-42cb-a2a8-69776f49bf6d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:11.3", "backgroundColor": "#0d0317", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd3ukfGZvTsDpLvf26k23V8JLuS7sT79pKMuTV93P99Rf", "txHash": "0x16b9f21b594df358b38148985304bb06a029ba828e7bb86844471d74c76a807a", "createdAtBlock": 13290155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2902, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Aleister of the Palms\n\nToday, Gods both Old and New jol the six-thousandth six-hundredth and sixty.eth sunset since Aleister began his descent into the unnerving depths of the Quantum Shadows. A boy of only ten summers at the beginning of this journey he bewilderedly watched as his beard twist and knot to its currently nested state. Nearly two decades of nomadic life will do it, not a single reflection except for the occasional refractions of light stolen from the bodies of water unremittingly seeking to replenish his sustenance.\n\nThis mage only held two truths, both for which he would without second thought mercifully bestow and then, in-the-same-breath, ruthfully rescind a life for.\n\nWitch Lilith of the Wold (#3036) and Mana; everything and everyone else was lost in a grayscale, somewhere in the in-between.\n\nAleister had no true recollection of his mother. Just the fairytales his father fed to him as a child a woman of the Gods, a Martyr, a selfless Saint. She had died in childbirth but the townsfolk murmur another story in passing. Stories that resoundingly echoed louder in Aleisters mind though no words sprung from their tongues, as they squinted, pierced-lipped in his presence.\n\nHe only knew one Mother. Through Her all things have come to be. It was only her reassuring warmth and loving company that propagated the logarithmic growth of both his innately given and newly harnessed energy. A new power so ubiquitously insidious it perpetually barbed into the most common intricacies of any and all realities, timelines and realms.\n\nBut alas, Archmagus Aleister of the Palms is unaware of the transcendent nature of his reach as all comedic tragedies in life are written."} +{"id": "34f69965-e8b2-4090-981f-d531f8df4fb1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:28.493", "backgroundColor": "#58B1B4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdigsfBqqRH7yPsutB2Kgq3nAEtf4QyJp4sEUPW2YQyy", "txHash": "0x8075df099a1066324c9dc56aa7939228f5f4967e74eda1fdb7c0dcbb7da99273", "createdAtBlock": 13273915, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1699, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQMA982d6qhsKT6SNsUdKKgpCpbpsqhqgQ8BwqXS1y8Kp/img_1699_vork5cyii_.png", "name": "Enchanter Sondra of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Sondra of the Field\n\nTraveling the Field as a merchant of potions, Enchanter Sondra always keeps a fully stocked backpack of any enchantments an adventurer may need. Her Astral Black Cat, brewed from one of her potions, is always by her side as a faithful companion. She's a powerful familiar who not only protects Sondra from bandits looking to loot merchandise, but she also carries small valuables and money in a pouch around her neck. Considering Sondra always keeps an entire shop's worth of stock with her at any given time, she could always use the extra help.\n\n[\n ](https://opensea.io/collection/sweet-bread-bakery?search[stringTraits][0][name]=Familiar&search[stringTraits][0][values][0]=Astral%20Black%20Cat)"} +{"id": "e482de74-0151-4e20-b1ff-ea5241edc431-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:06.495", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsCXoYYBW47v4EhRzLfZZtgm7vBLg88DtJtPe7RtUiyJ", "txHash": "0x5b4bde525484289f4535301aafec72b60210acaec7418692df242992832bc680", "createdAtBlock": 14730459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7360, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Soran of the Circle", "text": "Chapter 1: A tale of ignorance\n\nThere is intimacy in our memories, when only shared with us. There is a responsibility in facing them when they are dreadful, and peace when confessing them to something bigger than us, such as a kind listener.\n\nThis was the deathbed confession of my father:\n\nMy father ordered me to take some water from the well so I went. When I arrived to the well, I saw this one-eyed cat with her three kittens by its side. I saw it was extenuated, bleeding I thought it was dying. The kittens were meowing incolosalable. \n\nI could not take them with me, and, since the mother was dying, I thought the most merciful thing to do was to kill them.\n\nI drowned them. I threw them into the well in front of the tired eye of her mother. I stood there, watching them suffocate, while they tried to paw away from the water. \n\nI thought I was doing the right thing. I did not know that this cat just gave birth. I did not even know where cats came from. I did not know what pregnancy even was. I saw the blood and I immediately thought his mother was dying. \n\nThen, I grew up and I understood the horror of what I had done. Sometimes, I would go to take some water from the well and I would see this dueling mother, confronting me in the distance. \n\n65 years have passed and I still can see them drowning when I close my eyes. I will never forgive myself.\n\nBeware of the evil of this world, but above all, beware of ignorance said while holding my hand.\n\n\nChapter 2: The wizards that did no magic\n\n Let no ignorant of runes drink from this well"} +{"id": "e482de74-0151-4e20-b1ff-ea5241edc431-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:06.495", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsCXoYYBW47v4EhRzLfZZtgm7vBLg88DtJtPe7RtUiyJ", "txHash": "0x5b4bde525484289f4535301aafec72b60210acaec7418692df242992832bc680", "createdAtBlock": 14730459, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7360, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Soran of the Circle", "text": "Let no ignorant of runes drink from this well\n\nI have been seeing these menacing letters for years now. Carved in the stones of the well, warning you like legends do. I fantasized often about the meaning of these runes.\n\nThe last man who could read runes died centuries ago, but father assures they are referring to the three wizards who did no magic tale, my favorite one as a kid.\n\nAnciently, in The age of runes, three powerful wizards wandered the earth. They would taste hydromel, talk runes and appreciate the blue in the sky. These wizards were so powerful, that they casted a spell not to do magic ever again.\n\nThe tale was short, but I loved it. I remember the first time I listened to it. I would start drawing made up runes in the dirt. One day I would become a powerful wizard, so powerful, that I would be in need of no magic to enforce my will. \n\nTypically, a frog, a gnome or a spirit on a vivid dream would appear and call me to action. Then, the path would draw itself before me to be walked down. I had become a wizard.\n\nBut years passed by and the call for magic did not grow in me as it was intended in fairy tales. I grew up to obligations as any kid in town; there were fields to plant, cows to milk and now, water to carry from the well. \n\nI threw the wooden bucket into the well and heard a dull noise. There was no water. The cold stones from the well suddenly heated up. The runes were glowing. I felt something behind me and turned back. Standing in front of me, a ruthless one-eyed cat with its fangs sticking out."} +{"id": "7c1d6a3a-047b-4af9-89a5-982d9b17187f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:30.704", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPiB2Tnnnp2WguN4jT9WHDHxQxbDsEhkjCsM4QuYCVGq4", "txHash": "0x6844d785a1f35c2f34238bc5f63d57d0c6679c24ce6e4514aa198ef471640c54", "createdAtBlock": 13275562, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 19, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaJgZMt9Bq9zdoZNvab7i6rDBkkqcPshEajpWN8kMETqY/img_19_svdir_ap_z.jpeg", "name": "Master of Spots Hunter", "text": "# Master of Spots Hunter\n\nThe Master of Spots Hunter lives a restless life of hunting down kobolds. A man of few words; he does not speak of why. Yet."} +{"id": "23d172bb-ebe1-4ca0-8786-c86d266721fd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:37.772", "backgroundColor": "#274826", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY8vhBDnrkgUpFkNT4aArQFGmSxvtBJLJSKEs4SefFAAq", "txHash": "0xe7a3e22cfc3b831638467514efbf408771bf2768c3ebcadccb9eb7d959b9e801", "createdAtBlock": 13277674, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6862, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Artis of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Artis of the Marsh\n\nGreen. I love green. My woods are green, my plants are green, my marsh is green. Even my dear feathery friend \"Mr. Green\" is green. I almost forgot about my hat - it's green! \n\nIf only there was a way to change my haircolor.... I am an Enchantress after all!"} +{"id": "40d02177-f38e-4b93-8dc1-41c339669b3e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:38.564", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXP5NjreBq5iqMcRafUQirzkqFSy4UUK4BsjwYpoGh5kT", "txHash": "0xbb52e03e90cdc0480f715b26f4604c784451229326a0997308c8e9a85a1eecc5", "createdAtBlock": 13277947, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7033, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Cairon of the Toadstools", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Cairon of the Toadstools\n\nCairon is not a glass cannon. Cairon is not a philosopher. Cairon is a schemer, a crafter of tricks and tools. His prestidigitation will grab attention, and his familiar will finish the job. Beware the unassuming alchemist."} +{"id": "03022a1e-abf7-498c-a5df-5a3368cf610f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:39.478", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWCryhhUcicPttTb9YynBPtsedcFxoFAgSLktCmPw2Fgs", "txHash": "0x166b13769b8b005a20322945d2c551414b6f323b78d91813d3d2741e45083a94", "createdAtBlock": 13278206, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1875, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfGbcpsEa3MKda6UYjpMQDSZNojRVPiRYmvyUpubjLb2k", "name": "Aleister Crowley", "text": "# The Lore of Aleister Crowley"} +{"id": "b03df81c-1505-4752-8558-71390caa46f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:40.197", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfUDMpnzTkRSLdZVazLbHDzXDUAjgMSFyu1zPHsQmZhVh", "txHash": "0xd3073a2e86788d8ddc2d8ca45e3c8a1ed8eae828fef5172a11bdd27c31025f0b", "createdAtBlock": 13278224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7400, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmarT7B3Z58hYessufHaoWM9UWPLkn4szoL4rtStyquQtg", "name": "Shaman Zubin of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Zubin of the Rock\n\nDelete this text and write your Lore here"} +{"id": "b837f802-4a2d-4253-bfc5-bc3ecb968580-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:40.941", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFiwtpP4GgpqaTgjvX4btSTUPuWaPESbn2caQB4D2Wei", "txHash": "0x541f8b249a8ede4a646344476084a8b44607b190bbb996bf6dc11f71b4ad50d4", "createdAtBlock": 13278245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcAF6BinHhFdejwsnWddV8saBVbXMxHAVKjruuVHK1nmR", "name": "Illusionist of the Event Horizon", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist of the Event Horizon\n\nDelete this text and write your Lore here"} +{"id": "8e29c4db-47cd-48db-9adf-1856e8954f71-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:42.391", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV3No9SL7vrcCGESDrkGoiosPynAiYm9NqXhXhyPbd5Lv", "txHash": "0x80df3a4f8b35835ddd008afd3ade9425b0003fc10206f5248c1d8bebd6cd05eb", "createdAtBlock": 13278649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6430, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Axel of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Axel of the Cosmos\n\nAxel first thought he was special. For years he went about thinking that only HE had 1 name (Axel) but then it was confirmed that in fact, he had 2 names. While he's not as rare, he tries really hard to be special."} +{"id": "0f3a8133-a0ca-4536-b337-3009ee105e4a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:43.224", "backgroundColor": "#09071B", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNhxT9xq7idPt4iYibBiMS4k5R4wGrpyoX1h528jPDxBc", "txHash": "0x3071576e2fce3255469bfd16aec28742bf4762df280d9a33b9fb331770ee9770", "createdAtBlock": 13278806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 76, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZMuTgv9PPUhWZC4pD1DQeg7Ad7DFFCDZ7QcKypS6pccu", "name": "Wise Sam", "text": "# The Lore of Wise Sam"} +{"id": "fee54ba0-976f-4980-8b8f-5ded2ae877a6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:45.491", "backgroundColor": "#f73400", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9QwQe6c913NQNZAiotz8vuYKrbNTZi378WCuNggVidp", "txHash": "0x07099594cc63fac2ac454d6376a9645bb3b627c77589eb74af7008bbbfc360e8", "createdAtBlock": 13278870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9002, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Lumos of the Heath", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Lumos of the Heath\n\nLumos and his faithful companion, Greyson Feline, have a bond that's lasted centuries. It has grown stronger through the years as they travel together across the heath, seeking adventure and fortune.\n\nWith a word and a whisper, Lumos can conjur a flame to provide warmth for fellow wizard travelers who wish to share the road or a meal.\n\nWith an incantation longer still he summons waves of flames that tear through those who would bring him harm.\n\nIndeed, the last of his incantations lasted 3 days, without food water or sleep, and turned an entire village to dust.\n\nHis power weighs heavy on his mind and he uses it with great care and hesitance."} +{"id": "7a4b0333-8b99-4d57-bdfa-c53327119f13-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:46.162", "backgroundColor": "#040D04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdmdRcj8fhJCmmJXzPu6ktxnAYUXbFQjC7qVnydCRz3F1", "txHash": "0x94b84d3d4ee9ad92ff19cb90b9789e5d2a8d290f55ddff96ca26bb9c712754d7", "createdAtBlock": 13278897, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6934, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWwxARQUe4PhyviMoyCZzQxryFncAuxRqmfUN6oz8AXy6", "name": "Enchanter Leah of the Plains", "text": "# Enchanter Leah of the Plains #69 rule 34\n\nNew boots, new bug.\n\nTime to duel some yellow wizzies."} +{"id": "b85b9156-0f54-486e-bbd7-797773903c19-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:46.852", "backgroundColor": "#e1c9c9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc5vAmW4k3uRePMQimejrFTAVyACCc4cfz3ZKnbWyFyVB", "txHash": "0x8295cb0bf07a1c18fd0c12a13d07eb617ffd131e15161ae84d9b8a5f7636706e", "createdAtBlock": 13278998, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3599, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Xerxes of Alfheim", "text": "# Elder Scroll on Alchemist Xerxes of Alfheim\n\n## Year MMMMMMXLIII - Forgotten Calendar\n\nXerxes is a half human, half ghoul, born in the Highwind mountains of the Forgotten World. Xerxes's familiar is a Bertram, the eyes of the Alchemy Holy Institute of Alfheim. Xerxes always carries a vial with a red tincture. Who knows what it can be used for...\n\nHe is the firstborn of Nefarox of Highwind, an elder dark arts practitioner who experimented near the edge of the human bounds. \n\nInhuman or an absolute masterpiece creation, Xerxes was born with a body like no other. His first understanding of this same fact comes from spilling a highly poisonous vial from his father on his own body, which showed him an immunity no other living being had.\n\nXerxes always took a liking by experimenting and his exceptional mind made him an alchemist of some sorts since he was very little. Scholars from the sacred city of Alfheim noted this fact since he started frequenting the Wizards School of Highwind. Soon after he was being taught by the Wizard School Archmage himself. Little he knew how closer Xerxes was with his body to the secrets of eternal life...\n\nXerxes, now with 622 years old, is the oldest living being of the Forgotten World. He has achieved perfection in some sense. He is known as the Alchemist of Alfheim and the only human, albeit partially, to have ever attained immortality."} +{"id": "64119605-59e2-4629-a993-ed40dec35e5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:47.694", "backgroundColor": "#224421", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmam2yVW6yHqNAmJGMpuGa31NZrxmKXi6aD9SRBDutEUqb", "txHash": "0x11a735845fd72a4c658d6caf20d2693d025a77d0cffb98820a9509f39653c93c", "createdAtBlock": 13279039, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX8WoP6RFBPcnGFxiH6KUMGxNkJGPLW3t49iCgGmRc8xV", "name": "Transmuter Aldus of the Valley", "text": "# The Gathered Lore of the Transmuter Aldus of the Valley and his (sometimes) drunken hummingbird Galban\n\n \n\n\"Transmuter\" Aldus, the unfortunate prophet, is once again seen outside the confines of his self imposed exile. Years have passed in the time he remained hidden away in his valley tinkering with his ancient rune. Local lore recounts that before fading from society Prophet Aldus had found fragments of a new rune and was desperate to discover their mystery. To somehow find a way to bring enough good to bring equilibrium to the darkness his magics have done within the world. It is known Aldus has the gift for prophecy, however, the curse of the prophet is to one day misread one's own future and it is in this great misunderstanding that Aldus found disaster.\n\nWhat exactly happened in the Valley that day has been pieced together by a scattering of memories from the survivors sane enough to relate the tale as Aldus has never been heard to speak of the day. It can not be disputed the landscape was badly scarred, what was once a small hill became a pockmark on the field and the town was caught in a powerful landslide. Was it one of those remnants of technology erupting with power as it was filled with magic or something more mystical that reaped the destruction as the townsfolk claim that magic ripped through the earth itself."} +{"id": "64119605-59e2-4629-a993-ed40dec35e5c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:47.694", "backgroundColor": "#224421", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmam2yVW6yHqNAmJGMpuGa31NZrxmKXi6aD9SRBDutEUqb", "txHash": "0x11a735845fd72a4c658d6caf20d2693d025a77d0cffb98820a9509f39653c93c", "createdAtBlock": 13279039, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX8WoP6RFBPcnGFxiH6KUMGxNkJGPLW3t49iCgGmRc8xV", "name": "Transmuter Aldus of the Valley", "text": "Aldus lost himself after the spectacular failure of transmutation attempting to shift some stone to grain resulted in a hillside becoming liquid and a town being left in ruin. It is told to children at night in hushed voices that following the explosion of magic Aldus went quite out of his mind and that reality shifted dangerously for hours in the area. What was solid became soft, the streams hardened and the sky itself fell as water. For 3 days the very fabric of reality seemed to stretch and pull with small ripples of spent power. On the 3rd day everything jerked back to normal and a nervous town found an unconscious Aldus propped against a wall in his workshop. The Goblet of Immortality firmly in his grip and a rune shaped as an ascending arrow smoldering white and hovering above the workbench beside the slumbering magi.\n\nIt is known Aldus was unable to deal with the horrific reality of his actions and his mind was lost for some time to mania and wine. In a twist of fate while attempting to drink himself to death in a manic episode brought on by his enormous surge of magic Aldus mistakenly utilized the goblet of immortality as his wine vessel. During a blurred night of drinking to forget while his fingers still sparked with latent magics Aldus granted himself years seemingly without end draining several bottles of a dry Riveria Red out of the mystic goblet."} +{"id": "64119605-59e2-4629-a993-ed40dec35e5c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:47.694", "backgroundColor": "#224421", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmam2yVW6yHqNAmJGMpuGa31NZrxmKXi6aD9SRBDutEUqb", "txHash": "0x11a735845fd72a4c658d6caf20d2693d025a77d0cffb98820a9509f39653c93c", "createdAtBlock": 13279039, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4038, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX8WoP6RFBPcnGFxiH6KUMGxNkJGPLW3t49iCgGmRc8xV", "name": "Transmuter Aldus of the Valley", "text": "Over the years he had faded from society becoming more and more reclusive, until even his home deep within the valley became legend. To the great relief of the valley Aldus has again been seen out in the fields and around the township. He is accompanied always by a humminbird familiar he calls Galban and has not been seen without his rune at hand since his reappearance. It is suspected another breakthrough has been made as strange sounds and flashes of light have been seen recently outside the valley. What could it mean for the town and for Aldus' understanding of this strange symbol. What powers are held within?"} +{"id": "0e0a180b-6855-4cea-87f9-c901a5e94002-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:48.645", "backgroundColor": "#09071B", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVTQNv57Fgf9fPHv4xZrHmWHR2U6dG6ki9UbTRPXJzPUg", "txHash": "0x25f74917b8a5f91ca27039a220dc01e43408e967f24c20e68274e7ecb0b0d32d", "createdAtBlock": 13279062, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 58, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSZ45ryuxjjk1k4wq83JDs6eXvB56sacHACaXDLXWiHk", "name": "Magus Hestia of the Wild", "text": "# Magus Hestia of the Wild"} +{"id": "13a0d299-493f-49dc-b0c3-29a66d97e261-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:50.158", "backgroundColor": "#09071B", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV4hzqkuxrTZrGavXjEaqQZipxtLjXksU6xxAYNNGWwyv", "txHash": "0x9024c00c7e661f03d84b350d6408b496d80515c472c8ac26c8053221519c20c0", "createdAtBlock": 13279113, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 58, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSZ45ryuxjjk1k4wq83JDs6eXvB56sacHACaXDLXWiHk", "name": "Magus Hestia of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Hestia of the Wild"} +{"id": "0c7bc1cc-4ad6-44b8-a87b-49304145808c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:11.966", "backgroundColor": "#0d0317", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd3ukfGZvTsDpLvf26k23V8JLuS7sT79pKMuTV93P99Rf", "txHash": "0xbbcbed59fbfa2872819f9bbb3e90b889139c35d64f9a5dfebe84a385ebc4ab7e", "createdAtBlock": 13290157, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2902, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Aleister of the Palms\n\nToday, Gods both Old and New jol the six-thousandth six-hundredth and sixty.eth sunset since Aleister began his descent into the unnerving depths of the Quantum Shadows. A boy of only ten summers at the beginning of this journey he bewilderedly watched as his beard twist and knot to its currently nested state. Nearly two decades of nomadic life will do it, not a single reflection except for the occasional refractions of light stolen from the bodies of water unremittingly seeking to replenish his sustenance.\n\nThis mage only held two truths, both for which he would without second thought mercifully bestow and then, in-the-same-breath, ruthfully rescind a life for.\n\nWitch Lilith of the Wold (#3036) and Mana; everything and everyone else was lost in a grayscale, somewhere in the in-between.\n\nAleister had no true recollection of his mother. Just the fairytales his father fed to him as a child a woman of the Gods, a Martyr, a selfless Saint. She had died in childbirth but the townsfolk murmur another story in passing. Stories that resoundingly echoed louder in Aleisters mind though no words sprung from their tongues, as they squinted, pierced-lipped in his presence.\n\nHe only knew one Mother. Through Her all things have come to be. It was only her reassuring warmth and loving company that propagated the logarithmic growth of both his innately given and newly harnessed energy. A new power so ubiquitously insidious it perpetually barbed into the most common intricacies of any and all realities, timelines and realms.\n\nBut alas, Archmagus Aleister of the Palms is unaware of the transcendent nature of his reach as all comedic tragedies in life are written."} +{"id": "418e8468-554b-4c88-b66b-efe99106a859-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:50.945", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbWfPYhffDPA2tpXgTLtYazvHziBFmk1kfWJi135LEgUZ", "txHash": "0xe2e146b241d9b9711b0eb8c4f51bccda0e68936f53df542647843a1f7537b703", "createdAtBlock": 13279180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2258, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Oracle Fugh of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Oracle Fugh of the Citadel\n\nOracle Fugh was a small creature maybe 6 inches? Thats to be expected of Imps, of course. Less expected of Imps? Alcoholism, and consuming mugs of ale at every opportunity. Before the many adventures he undertook, Fugh was a rather squirrelly fellow. While certainly polite and friendly enough, he had no interest in seeing what fun lay in the world beyond his home of the Citadel."} +{"id": "e7f956e5-3676-41b2-bd3a-3edd5a4ba0b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:51.728", "backgroundColor": "#2BB6D8", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcqkyNkCYpcSnqVSV6SREuvZFoiHHqmJjdEDegRXKLr88", "txHash": "0xc5b0b5151a875bfff4d58fd1e9dda23cf2fd6e25c67f2852b67c9345693c75f7", "createdAtBlock": 13279260, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUUiZp3wyy41X7H3SX1DKuX9vYA2RtksgxRZkbj2pnYJJ", "name": "Druid Edge of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Edge of the Tower\n\nPhoenix Sighting"} +{"id": "a8fe8b24-a50b-4001-95e3-3a3c38aef92d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:52.574", "backgroundColor": "#11ffd4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZvbVhLfH4aT3eRsABhcZGo12VpkJMiT4q5bGxeQfriow", "txHash": "0xeb1e93eb5cd019e8b6162395622d0a5f145f8fb146a67eeaaab93808e3a4f09d", "createdAtBlock": 13279300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3627, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Fire Eater of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Fire Eater of the Cosmos\n\nThousands of years ago, back when Magus Fire Eater was just a lil' squirt, he never wanted to go to sleep. He always wanted to stay up all night watching flame cartoons. \n\nAfter hours of flame-watching, his mother would come to his bedroom, and sing him the following lullaby:\n\nhttps://soundcloud.com/dr_slurp/bedtime-lullaby-for-magus-fire-eater-of-the-cosmos\n\nTwo repetitions of the verse would always put Magus Fire Eater of the Cosmos to sleep........."} +{"id": "5a0cdc51-9a45-41d2-bc7e-9a8b137ff082-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:54.153", "backgroundColor": "#70806b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaML6xy6j4pL5jzsaLgDubz3Sahn9LqyWARfeGaqc1RML", "txHash": "0xc8880cc6b93c0a477eebb685f3f5f8b2a7a25a280115ac8617912cea4a261cb7", "createdAtBlock": 13279779, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3818, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma9adnABeUPyiShhx6nVrvcE9UQWVvv2G5jA6jRn5TQFB", "name": "Voodoo Priest Edward of the Citadel", "text": "_my snow-white cat still faithful at my side,_\n\n _in gods green lands, not coffins, Ill abide._"} +{"id": "5d24d301-ea58-46bb-bea3-9b12b548116f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:54.886", "backgroundColor": "#ec8942", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdRd8w2r3uAUMaDNEPGF6Wuj6PwTS9n3914afVKK2zF9G", "txHash": "0xa0b8a67076618089f7dad638482e8d3beb787aaf5a0e1bf4c08bebe4c6c29081", "createdAtBlock": 13279888, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2579, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Nazim of the Sun", "text": "# The Book of Nazim\n\n## Chapter 1\n\nThe Sun was bright.\n\nNazim began the long journey back to The Lake -- with nothing to show for it. Still, the Red Wizards were convinced that their magic would save them... Fools... How could they not see?\n\nThe Darkness remained far beyond the Capital's eyes and ears. Such senses, Nazim knew, were preoccupied in games of status and presentation. Yet, beyond its towers adorned with gold, many in the natural world could feel its shadow. It was obvious even to the lowliest, most clueless of Kobolds, that Darkness -- ancient and elemental, was awakening. And, while it is true that the Red Wizards can harness fire to fight against the Dark, Fire has never been a substitute for Light.\n\nThe Sun was the only way. \n\nHowever, without the cooperation of the Red Wizards, Nazims quest would be difficult. Nazim himself still did not have a Solar Staff. His followers were dedicated, but time was running short. The Ritual of the Sun had to occur on the Solstice, and that day was fast approaching.\n\nNazim walked swiftly down the road. He still had a ways to go before reaching the cut bank of the Omega Oxbow, and the Cult of the Sun was waiting."} +{"id": "7874fcef-cb0c-4565-a819-50cfb2a2baa9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:07.22", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXsCrSSCj21A2z255FAD4vZx8bcZnXNssjmGhGcW2YhvV", "txHash": "0xe7a8110d6eed60cf80ee19bbb3d336e22f6b43e8fdfc1c16241a5d3c2f480896", "createdAtBlock": 14730500, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6313, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Silas of the Moors", "text": "# ILLUSIONIST Silas of the Moors\n## Biography\nNot much is known about this remarkable wizard, he's seldomly seen outside his house located in the Iberian peninsula where he lives a live of reclusion accompanied by his pet named *Moon*. It is also rumored that he likes to plant roses next to the sea.\n## Powers\n### Illusionist\nHe's able to cast illusions so powerful that they can last many years. Some say his own cat is an illusion created by him in Wizard school, others believe the animal is a real dog camouflaged as a cat.\n### Perfectionist\nDiligent at his job, no illusion is casted unless it is fully ready.\n### Transmute\nHe's able to turn carbon into oxygen while breathing."} +{"id": "fcb83d0c-0d02-4b9b-996e-5c45501d9b89-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:56.512", "backgroundColor": "#314432", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQTna2wEYvtkdFEZVmjEjLkReHLm2Nfb4MnbGquJ3B49", "txHash": "0x7ac47846293415833a9d881507613dd21098229f8e96bd19dd43570d6a53b5f6", "createdAtBlock": 13281281, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9301, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer Talbot of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Cryptomancer Talbot of the Valley\n\nTalbot had once believed in freedomthe wildness of nature and magic were no different to him for as long as he had lived, long before the appearance of the Quantum Shadow. His rage when the Shadow spread across the land was so great that it consumed him, transforming him into True Flame and unlocking the fire magic dormant within himself. For ages he had dwelt undisturbed in his valley, nestled deep in the Wild, immersed in the magic hidden among its waters, woods, and hills. But the reckless use of magic, he believed, magic divorced from nature, had summoned this Shadow. There were too many careless wizardshe for one welcomed the Great Burning, hoping it would restore balance to the land.\n\nIn his fiery rage, Talbot swore to defend his valley and all valleys of the Wild from the Quantum Shadow, unwittingly making a magical pact with Nature itself, which took the form of a canine familiar named Oeth. The conjured hound would help him, but also hold him accountableif Talbot failed to keep his promise, allowing the valleys to be consumed by shadow, Oeth would change from a loyal field dog into a supernatural beast and devour the wizard in both flesh and spirit.\n\nWith a newfound purpose (and a powerful but contractual companion), Talbot learned to control his fire magic and combined it with his knowledge of the earth, deciphering the Rune of Steel and enhancing his strength, fortitude, and endurance. He is known to wander endlessly through the Wild, wielding flames of hobgoblin green, on the lookout for threats posed by the Shadow or anyone that perpetuates its existence, lest he lose his own life and his soul."} +{"id": "5511a4aa-e7dd-40ae-a49f-6aa136404854-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:57.202", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsoJMAaKGBEw3YNm8vGgL1X7ibHzezvaRMjNscTdNWf1", "txHash": "0xbe609e0baf4893c35bf51d3cb5a502e4ddc0e49615f3b8f867a8aaa567a47133", "createdAtBlock": 13281465, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "# The Tales of Hydromancer Caligari\n\nPrologue\n\n**Extract from the Study of the Creole beliefs by Harry Noah**\n\nIn the beginning, the moon and the sea roamed together, they walked the earth as mortals admiring its beauty and revelling in the love they felt for each other. The land was green and luscious, it was white and frozen, it was brown and barren, but they loved each part the same.\n\nIt is said that they covered every stone during those timeless years but after so much time together they began to argue. The Moon did not want to walk the earth anymore for she was tired of walking. She wanted to see the world all at once so she could enjoy its vast differences in peace. The Sea did not want to stop, he wanted to keep moving for the world was ever changing and roads taken were always different.\n\nThey argued and argued until the Moon slipped away in the middle of the night, leaving the Sea sleeping. She went to the heavens and set herself in the sky high above its surface. There she sat in peace and watched the earth display its beauty for her. So enamoured by the gently turning world she forgot about The Ocean.\n\nUpon waking and seeing the Moon sat in the sky, he knew she had left him. He was heart broken. Unable to cope with the pain of this loss. He cried and cried. The loss he felt was so great he did not move from where she left him, for without her, there was no joy, no beauty left in the world.\n\nEons passed and the moon floated in peace watching the world slowly change, barren lands became covered with the deepest blue. In this colour she recognised the Sea and suddenly remembered the lover she had left."} +{"id": "5511a4aa-e7dd-40ae-a49f-6aa136404854-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:57.202", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsoJMAaKGBEw3YNm8vGgL1X7ibHzezvaRMjNscTdNWf1", "txHash": "0xbe609e0baf4893c35bf51d3cb5a502e4ddc0e49615f3b8f867a8aaa567a47133", "createdAtBlock": 13281465, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Caligari of the Sea", "text": "For the first time she felt true sadness. The reminder of that love long past set her searching for her lover. She found him knelt on a small patch of land in the deep blue ocean, unmoved from the day he was abandoned.\n\nFrantically she tried to go to him, but she had been in the sky too long, unable to remember how to go back. The moon watched him cry, his tears filling the ocean until the land was swallowed by the water. The earth would turn in front of her as she was unable to reach for her lover, slowly embracing him with every turn.\n\nShe panicked and panicked, pulled and pulled, but she could not reach him. The earth did not stop spinning, the water did not stop rising. Finally he was gone, submerged by the flood of his tears, fueled by his broken heart.\n\nThe Moon now grieves in eternity. Pulling at the sea trying to wake him, trying to bring him back to her. She shines her light searching for him in the hope her light will bring him back.\n\nSailors pray to the moon and the sea, for her light shines the way to the heavens, the ocean is the only place where the grief of loss is eternal, no sailor should be buried in the earth."} +{"id": "72a7756e-2d0e-450b-ae7f-f3ecd51faa53-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:57.952", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRzhM7ECEud1E7NABFwBBiEDkWaP2tMVbH79svHaDcZay", "txHash": "0x439582461b56f7443a0f060c37c633e5c7a0ecf7b76d3463f95553fd8d1dcce5", "createdAtBlock": 13282193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of Xanadu", "text": "# The Lore of David of Xanadu\n\nDavid of Xanadu is well known in his home for growing the best psychedelics in the realm. For his customers the hallucinations are filled with joy, but for David they are a tease.\n\nAs a Seer, visions of the world around him come natural, but with the help of his mushrooms he can see through the veil and commune with the dead. While there he can speak with the greatest witches and wizards to have ever lived and unlock their secrets. But when he comes down from his visions, the memory of his discussions elude him. All that awaits him on the other side are the wet kisses of his familiar, an onyx wolf he calls Trumpet.\n\nDavid will forever be haunted by the secrets he cannot grasp. Every mushroom is infused with new magic that he is sure will allow him to remember the secrets of long-gone legends. Every hangover is another frustration."} +{"id": "6a25bfec-cbd4-4a68-bc37-33d8f1a22533-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:58.681", "backgroundColor": "#586445", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYx5qGyciwjsjSbVtL2w5XV3r9qn7aLQcfaumWbPesAjC", "txHash": "0x5d744d7cc8c28a3b6a15bc500051925e46811e828a15e61f22aa20fa5d738d12", "createdAtBlock": 13282450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4158, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Jabir of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Jabir of the Steppe (#4158)\n\nFrom a young age Jabir loved to play pranks on other wizards. He spent a lot of his youth tinkering in the workshop and crafting creations to assist these pranks, all of this lead him to the life of the Trickster we know today. \n\nIn recent years only a select few have seen Jabirs face, he tends to move in shadows and keep to himself. Being the only Trickster to perfect the Bag of Tricks he holds it very close to his chest, he might just be the trickiest Wizard out there. \n\nWith the Bag of Tricks and his trusty Crackerjack Crow companion by his side, Jabir is always on the look out for new tricks and pranks to pull off. Nothing gets in his way of pulling off the perfect crime."} +{"id": "b9922e0e-62de-47f7-b2db-29d35ace0f0c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:00.392", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfNH1FgRsJCvvQdAJ3cWCoF3B7nMu3BcRZY6TtyhnWBJJ", "txHash": "0xbe611fd893d9c55ff6f35e959503c27008423f09f912dac6dfb7efdfa2d06c41", "createdAtBlock": 13282705, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWZZzt2VbXroA8NCWPXtsNzQhHKizPBDW1pjcBrycQRoK", "name": "Mystic Angus of the Secret Fire", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Angus of the Secret Fire"} +{"id": "0acfb1e0-7737-4d2a-b36e-6d8eb2407925-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:07.884", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcDqpPGHqirCPNLLq7nCVzoCzqU1dYFqcgVywcVtWCqzM", "txHash": "0xd1e84f89228dbd4378be7b8f88fd8b6d812607730f85e316f3eca04dbc329400", "createdAtBlock": 14730502, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 702, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Cosmo of the Thorn", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThe master of fireballs is entering the Dark forest!\n\nAdventure begins on Monday!\n\nStay tuned!"} +{"id": "7a89dca6-74a9-4659-a40b-6d426068cb84-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:01.284", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcykXj7i6t4QaanXLLkg4m3azLaBBpf3HLqCZ2pvd6vpq", "txHash": "0xc0aef58d6b4183ae834de9d4e3042f60bf71d213b25f5938b86c402f4c5f42b4", "createdAtBlock": 13282705, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6815, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus of the Forest\n\nKnown as the Father of the Forest, legend accurately states that Archmagus of the Forest is one of the oldest Wizards in the Realm, some say older than the trees themselves. His magic is deeply connected to all things that grow. Whether it be trees, tobacco leaves, barley, or businesses, Archmagus of the Forest is the ultimate growth deviner. \n\nA joyful soul, Archmagus of the Forest is passionate about life's simple pleasures, such as long conversations with trees, a pint (or three) of ale, and fine tobacco leaf. \n\nHe is also a wise and cunning businessman. The combination of his unque growth magic and his love for quality tobacco leaf led him to create the Wizarding Forest Tobacco Company, which is the most successful and highest quality tobacco company in the Realm - by far.\n\nMany passers-by have heard of the Archmagus of the Forest, but confuse him for a much younger wizard on account of his black beard and young face. The secret to his young appearance comes from his deep friendship with all trees of the Forest. The trees cast upon him, through root and branch, a natural magic that enhances his powers and has also creates a lucky byproduct that reverses ageing.\n\nArchmagus of the Forest possesses one of the most rare and valuable items in all the realm: the Magic Flute of the Forest. The Legend of the Flute's power is known by all Wizards throughout the Realm. It is one of the most effective artifacts in the Realm for warding off spells. It can also be used to enhance a Wizard's general magic, such as Archmagus of the Forest's growth magic."} +{"id": "20a2c976-082a-4ced-96c7-24bc70f2033a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:02.009", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW9tMCAtDWuiyjzirdTVLFufK9WCd8YHQxLcT3i1EgXsK", "txHash": "0x478d00192dcda1787fe1c0595ed438a87f071f43d33d4a695aa52668656bf683", "createdAtBlock": 13282775, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6815, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeDMt8qydS31s9dCKyjFxQyTvbvTy1qmMKq4ny2sLWoWE", "name": "Archmagus of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus of the Forest\n\nThe image below is Archmagus of the Forest using the Magic Flute to ward off spells. He is also often seen using it to enhance the growth of his tobacco leaf and pipeweed."} +{"id": "7cf24deb-ae92-4c28-a232-59d935881998-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:02.917", "backgroundColor": "#f203ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ9qtGg8SbhHdaDs4y2At8z62dUjiyGt2Aju3txXFNFtH", "txHash": "0x51e61c463f291e78a1b34d0e93f79c303a7b92de1472d0bd2d70f57a45af90e2", "createdAtBlock": 13283280, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2922, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSYr333asphtcV98Jm2p1GbGLefHe1S3cHuUJty8T4zSo", "name": "Shaman Jay of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Jay of El Dorado\n\nJay is a very complicated wizard. You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous."} +{"id": "3f965425-00ca-42a0-a637-ebcca950b845-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:03.668", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTHhmoJXPE8owPFQfiXg1DAvfRbTqH3AgxXLCWzgXCKWR", "txHash": "0x20a2b94378412a631e11fc8676bf303d6c3c91b7e9d31dcedf01a6fc976f1917", "createdAtBlock": 13283803, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7342, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Mina of Atlantis", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Mina of Atlantis\n\nThe story of Archmagus Mina of Atlantis is as old as Atlamts itself. Platos Critias says he heard the story of Atlantis from his grandfather, who had heard it from the Athenian statesman Solon, who had learned it from an Egyptian priest, who said it had happened 9,000 years before that. Mina originates from this glorious time of ideal and educated society and is a reminder that eduction stands above everything.\n\nFor many years Mina has been an alchemist, not one of great name, not one of greater skill, but one who focuses on the everyday works of what alchemy may do. Even before reaching the rank of Mentor alchemist in the former Alchemy Guild in Atlantis, he was already teaching a student. Before his teacher disappeared for a few years, he promoted him to that rank, allowing him to fully teach anyone he wished, and make them alchemists when the time came to it. He has had many students throughout the years, even being as young an Alchemist as he is. He wrote a book series that combines all he has learnt in alchemy, containing information from old alchemists, such as Tippen and the Traveling Alchemist, to the newest masters. \n\nNowadays, he travels mostly with his familiar and cotinues to spread his knowlege to worthy individuals."} +{"id": "0e2778bd-0ec6-43c7-8108-00e7d9c1e6a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:04.376", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWpta97uETfyvPTJeUaE7Hnskyga4VNbM772KN3joPe18", "txHash": "0x87260fe94fb7157bd3b61867c2391cf240a51468cd9f4bdb0a48bb06501f6fa9", "createdAtBlock": 13283819, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9921, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Jean Leon of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Voodoo Priest Jean Leon of the Valley\n\nIt is the year of the Long Night. The dark forces of the Reach and the Valley, led by the Voodoo Priest Jean Leon and the Pyromancer Arabella, respectively, have combined their forces and unleashed the ultimate weapon against the realm of the void: an ancient dragon named Bjrn the Elder. In a desperate attempt to avert an impending doom, the forces of the living have gathered once more. \n\nAided by Bjrn, Jean and Arabella..."} +{"id": "e444c024-c052-4155-bae9-fb7300635ca5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:19.969", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfCVYVF6LK8Zkg5qZmjeLJdkPamQ2cuZLm5CU29DMT4pC", "txHash": "0x863cf0e61087c1c2f020b6f07f40950066d30a86c1f2e4fe4279adf68a54d1d3", "createdAtBlock": 13292162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Poppy of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Bard Poppy of the Mount\n\nPoppy was born into one of the most wealthy and influential anuran families in Frog Master Marsh. Fortune and blessings seemed to shower upon his every turn from tadpole to young toad. Schooled at the most prestigious academies in the Blue Wizard Bastion, Poppy filled his mind with the countless tombs and scrolls of mystic and scientific knowledge in the halls of the greatest libraries in the realm. His fellow wizard scholars often gathered in taverns after lecture to have a pint of ale and sing songs of heros long past. Poppy had an exceptional voice and entertained his friends regularly at the ale house with his tales of adventure and songs of merriment. It was here that Poppy met the love of his life. Poppy's life was good. Until it wasn't.\n\nAs Poppy's education neared its final stage before his initiation into the wizards guild, Poppy wanted to introduce his bride to be to his family. They traveled south to his home when they were beset by bandits. They ruthlessly murdered his bride to be and slit poppy's throat. He was left in a ditch to die. Later that night a whirlwind of healing force came and lifted Poppy out of the muck and healed his wounds. In flash of brilliant light a symbol appeared burned on his forehead. He awoke the next morning to find his lifeless bride next to him. He tried to scream in agony but no sound would come out. He could no longer speak!"} +{"id": "e444c024-c052-4155-bae9-fb7300635ca5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:19.969", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfCVYVF6LK8Zkg5qZmjeLJdkPamQ2cuZLm5CU29DMT4pC", "txHash": "0x863cf0e61087c1c2f020b6f07f40950066d30a86c1f2e4fe4279adf68a54d1d3", "createdAtBlock": 13292162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7500, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Poppy of the Mount", "text": "He wandered for days. Hopeless and disillusioned. He had no memory of the night he was ambushed, except for the face of the love of his life saying one word, \"Hanataka\". He wanted to run home but knew his father would be devastated that his voice was taken. He couldn't bear to break their hearts. Maybe he could find a way to restore his voice at the Blue Wizard Bastion? What was the meaning of his only memory from that night? What is the significance of this symbol branded on his head? It appears that the tale of Poppy's journey has just begun."} +{"id": "0ba55a7f-f536-473f-9dcc-39d7a05a0895-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:05.188", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcELGfpTgg7EAQubTzaJW2dfM9BVXmPNGeDWNCS7c35yY", "txHash": "0xbb348bd9fbea6fcfeb76f79cd21b74cb31cc0cc6727c117ac138c91d35556011", "createdAtBlock": 13283867, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9596, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Arabella of the Reach", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Arabella of the Reach\n\nIt is the year of the Long Night. The dark forces of the Reach and the Valley, led by the Voodoo Priest Jean Leon and the Pyromancer Arabella, respectively, have combined their forces and unleashed the ultimate weapon against the realm of the void: an ancient dragon named Bjrn the Elder. In a desperate attempt to avert an impending doom, the forces of the living have gathered once more. \n\nAided by Bjrn, Jean and Arabella..."} +{"id": "7e5dba46-7064-42a0-b267-7eff5e95aef2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:06.045", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhMEnYRTcY4tNMT8YomdFoG6tzwwYEEjvorwwdWt5BAw", "txHash": "0x581a378397d63dfaaa385056cd103be2ea78ec037e6129c72344f86220bcb2e1", "createdAtBlock": 13284414, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8472, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Galatea of the Mountain", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster Galatea of the Mountain\n\nBlue haired wizzy waifu is great at raising cocks"} +{"id": "4275de81-9bd6-4ce3-bded-834bdedc0ad6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:06.877", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZfbCzqf5MusoTFh8VJPkWg4YTvPpEzekFeE8Rjd9bEzH", "txHash": "0xd04e2b947b86fa33798a8c132a8e9f78ab1789e762639c2e5276202d2cd53305", "createdAtBlock": 13284825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nA wizard I know very well\n\nAttempted a new kind of spell\n\nWaved his wand with a flair\n\nBurned off his hair\n\nAnd that is the source of the smell"} +{"id": "1b2957e6-d635-4965-824e-685b00f12c75-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:08.656", "backgroundColor": "#ba7e4c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPFcpWrcii9tnVENx3g1UJ2fmoYsy3okF576wPGo6t1bx", "txHash": "0xa0419ba174c71183078f60a5bf9fcea40411bfcb95dd2e4b0f340c578c8d988a", "createdAtBlock": 13287771, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8327, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kazem of the Sands", "text": "# Sorcerer Kazem of the Sands\n\n_**Origins**_ \n\nThe Sands is known for its unforgiving sandstorms, and its impossibly dry conditions. This is where Kazem was raised, or half-raised one should say. He didn't mind The Sands, or perhaps had just gotten used to them. Being an orphan since he was barely considered a youth, Kazem had learned how to navigate the landscape. On long journeys throughout the unforgiving desert, he always kept his family heirloom close by; a _rune of water_. Having generations of family that had lived through the hardships of The Sands, the _rune of water_ was surely the reason Kazem was alive today (or even born for that matter). With the rune in hand, summoning water in the driest of times in The Sands was significantly less draining on a wizard, and made getting lost in a sandstorm remarkably less dangerous. It also made keeping his lifelong companion alive a lot easier - his sun cat. Sun cats are rumored to have lived in The Sands longer than anyone, but even they can have trouble finding moisture in a sandstorm that seemingly never ends. Sun cats are lightly colored and are extremely tough to spot in the desert. It isn't really known whether they are colored like the sand, or the constant beating of sandstorms makes their fur that way. Regardless, Kazem didn't take too kindly to the company of other travelers in The Sands, so he didn't mind using his staff to conjure up enough water for the both of them."} +{"id": "1b2957e6-d635-4965-824e-685b00f12c75-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:08.656", "backgroundColor": "#ba7e4c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPFcpWrcii9tnVENx3g1UJ2fmoYsy3okF576wPGo6t1bx", "txHash": "0xa0419ba174c71183078f60a5bf9fcea40411bfcb95dd2e4b0f340c578c8d988a", "createdAtBlock": 13287771, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8327, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kazem of the Sands", "text": "Kazem is revered for wielding the Staff of Courage, a coveted staff amongst wizards. Legend has it that just over one hundred and fifty wizards have earned the Staff of Courage. Kazem is one of just two tricksters that have earned the staff. While Kazem would never boast of the journey that resulted in his earning of the staff, stories have been whispered for ages of the events that led up to the staff revealing itself to him in the Secret Tower.\n\nBut that, is a tale for another day.."} +{"id": "5a38a062-69c6-46fc-bb9a-86c7fe405336-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:09.383", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdC84u5tUgydnyBdcHbXsA6Ag2KEkxixqbURnviAvqeaq", "txHash": "0xc759a495e928e1fbdd401da24a0f5f38f1bdff2e51b88012ea69a187b63f8095", "createdAtBlock": 13288537, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8679, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ilyas of the Fey", "text": "# Sorcerer Ilyas of the Fey\n\n## Prologue\n\n> _Having the great misfortune of spending what surely must be an eternity in the company of the Djinn, my return to the mundane world - with all its trappings, the hubbub and hustle of material needs and wants seems tinged by frivolity and introspection._\n> \n> _And while this somewhat superficial state of existence can in many ways feels rote and predictable, there still exists an intangible element of entropy, of the unexpected, of a certain excitement of the unknown._\n> \n> _Thus, I have come to believe it surely must be a curse to pass each day as though reading from a tome well known; Every passing moment spent expecting the next, knowing the shape it will take, the form it shall follow, the sensation it will stir - and yet forced to make certain, to be sure that yes, indeed, things have come to pass as expected._\n> \n> _Ad infinitum, perhaps ad nauseum._\n> \n\n> _Musings on Clairvoyance_\n> _Origin unknown_\n\nThe forest was silent, too silent. High above, the waxing moon, safe in its eternal vigil perched among the stars, shone down through the occasional break in the verdant canopy. No predator, eyes aglow and belly empty, was on the hunt, no prey scurrying from cover to cover. The softly illuminating clouds of fluorescent insects were nowhere to be seen, nor the chiroptera normally unable to withstand such a glorious feast upon which to gorge themselves."} +{"id": "5a38a062-69c6-46fc-bb9a-86c7fe405336-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:09.383", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdC84u5tUgydnyBdcHbXsA6Ag2KEkxixqbURnviAvqeaq", "txHash": "0xc759a495e928e1fbdd401da24a0f5f38f1bdff2e51b88012ea69a187b63f8095", "createdAtBlock": 13288537, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8679, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ilyas of the Fey", "text": "To senses mundane, the wold was indeed empty of life, abandoned, barren. Ilyas was shackled by no such restraints, his eyes and ears telling a different tale. No, the Fey were not gone, nor had they ever been he could feel their ethereal presence. They were, however, perhaps for the first time in an age, experiencing something novel; The Fey were afraid.\n\t\nHe had known, of course, that this day would eventually come. As time passed, however, the cosmos had continued its heavenly dance. Mountains rose proud to ultimately succumb to inevitable erosion, oceans greedily consumed, ever moving outwards listlessly. Entire peoples, along with their Gods, came and went. Ancient endings, new beginnings, as it always had been. \n\nIndulgence, Ilyas mused wryly, was a distraction he had enjoyed for far too long, and one he could no longer afford. Shaking loose his splendid and colourful cloak and letting it play lazily in the sudden breeze, he raised his arms high as if in supplication to the Heavens. As his Crystal Ball manifested in his outstretched hand, covered in a fine mist, he drew deep on his quintessential affinity for Magic. Out from the tall trunks, dark wings flapping silently, twin eyes glowing like embers, his eternal familiar approached lazily.\n\nThe time has come, my friend!, he exclaimed. And no dallying now you old rat, the fate of the Fay, nay the fate of the world, depends on us!."} +{"id": "c8185051-3b9b-45ea-a631-1147a43e4df4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:10.497", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR7YHog7sf6fmJrZz3h7SkBQimNJi38WCfeLoe7GKcqkp", "txHash": "0x717de9bdc986124d696a6c85303157d0ee45f54d68162f418b37a218b7326105", "createdAtBlock": 13289243, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2332, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ronald of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Ronald of the Sun\n\n| PROLOGUE\n\nYou learn that your senses tell you lies\nmixed in with fact. A snake is but a snake\ncoiled in her jungle tree. Fire in her eyes\nsuggests your wicked spears a big mistake:\neventually, after too many scars\nyou learn. Magic is just another sense\nto eat with, or be eaten. By the stars\nI hunted with the Sun Tribe. Two years hence\nIll likely be the last of us. All gone\nto ash, or stone, or sailed across the sea\nwe are. But still I make my prayers at dawn\nand count the blessings that are left to me,\nremember ages past that brought me here,\nand tell my tales, before I disappear."} +{"id": "fda765dc-0a3a-4477-8c55-ae545926df84-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:16.053", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwWG2648zzGWh4QStRRMXixPHQY7mG3fxUZjUR3tSYje", "txHash": "0x3ead194717ba9cd13964dcc918684a1ed74fd2a6c9573feffae6c3adeb8cb92e", "createdAtBlock": 13291685, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 50, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Alizam of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Alizam of the Riviera\n\nFrom the New Trinity Mountains in the Riviera region\n\n969 years old\n\nMeasured and Stoic, spiritual\n\nPractices spells and magic\n\nAncestry goes back to Ancient Egypt and also Sumer, in the Mesopotamia region of the Fertile Crescent situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers\n\nOne of his relatives was a Priest practicing magic in ancient Egypt\n\nOne of his relatives was involved in the invention of cuneiform in Sumer\n\nHe lived with the Lakota Sioux tribe in present day South Dakota in the mid / late 1800s\n\nHe carries on the family tradition of belief and ritual around life after death\n\nAlso has stoic Greek relatives\n\nGoes into trance states during his rituals, which he does at dawn\n\nCarries a plague rat with him that he directs under spell if necessary to infect adversaries"} +{"id": "c9846817-52f5-4c5a-8957-aac81b85eb43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:16.9", "backgroundColor": "#040118", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW1hmL9ZGkYKo9pGeaJTvUfCEb6STc1ViwzwfNxVyjyCZ", "txHash": "0xf832c2e01e29c0eb611caa728354a363b01a269e6936848d2b8ba2b19f09bbdb", "createdAtBlock": 13291765, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2691, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Brutus of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Brutus of the Moors\n\nHe is a wizard from long ago, the so-called \"stone ages\". The topaz slime is his best friend, he met him during a quest he was sent on by his moss village leader to go block the lava coming from a nearby volcano that was about to ravage the village. The topaz slime saw him struggling and helped him create a blockage. They've gone on every quest together ever since."} +{"id": "f827d927-c6b5-4d46-b104-6c1701ceec60-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:17.771", "backgroundColor": "#abfffc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWShqhqZ9rEYXQovevKJjUpAaM5VAEiwqKfeQPgkqPzJd", "txHash": "0xc4771632ef940dbabe11a319d211a53de4593776512427cf5a25f2f531c2efdd", "createdAtBlock": 13291974, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2320, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Flynn of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Flynn of the Steppe\n\nThe origin of Shaman Flynn stems back to the stories passed down from the ancients relics \n\nThe Info carved in these runes.\n\nFlynn has dabbled in any and all levels of conciseness.\n\nWhen Flynn is presented with any form of higher state, \n\nFlynn always goes with the flow.\n\nFlynns favorite companion is Franklyn.\n\nFrank is a 1 of 1 dirt rabbit enchanted by the runes HODLED by Flynn.\n\nFlynns foundness for exploretive experiences is only out trumped by the inner curiousty of his third eye, summoned from withen the stone of his Garnet staff.\n\n-Confidentiality challenging my uncomfortable self."} +{"id": "b4d17226-9e07-49a0-994d-9bb3eb94c4ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:18.462", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcYBdVhTwwe9x8sYb6vA99RWiKiKuv9j6zfC8FbGDqM7a", "txHash": "0xff86cc30eb747b1a76b81fcf74bad08dc48e4e483d9399816043bb1ef9d97ecd", "createdAtBlock": 13292039, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8337, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Orpheus of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Orpheus of the Field\n\nParts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable."} +{"id": "f09c0791-f875-453f-94ce-06e500eb5bde-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:20.662", "backgroundColor": "#490777", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaxeysRyBdCMNg2SERUnJ2fGZKnzaChtj62ycZTb3Ttzi", "txHash": 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"ae91aa25-8ac5-40b3-aa7f-d2e45c9bbcb6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:23.195", "backgroundColor": "#1f0a2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcU8JgbhKGBxLhFemcQum4FVn7tnZfMQiYHjFCJAhEGcA", "txHash": "0x7c6b791707dda4ea4944499afbc1dcc8ab115996c264769d3f2016a69c615b9c", "createdAtBlock": 13295513, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 756, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Min of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Min of the Wood\n\n## She is not a wizard, but actually a kung fu master. \n\n## She moves as fast as magic, her attacks shatter rocks and split rivers, and the people she fights feel that they have been hit by magic.\n\n## \nThe only time she uses magic is when she uses her beloved potions."} +{"id": "ac4f74d3-1ad4-4841-bc34-c5cf2b363c64-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:24.152", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW9Fispm3bayn7Kznr8xmWv9P5Bz5KYAo3J9jQXhLDutV", "txHash": "0x1746ca6653c6be54b4b712a3261782d15eea21d35d6fd81880b8ac101b3e212e", "createdAtBlock": 13295702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8894, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXFd53aAiXH1vPcPCto7bTYiTnMGjbXUVvT14Uwf1kc3A", "name": "Light Mage Illuminus of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Light Mage Illuminus of the Palms\n\n \n\nLore token details:\n\nContract address: 0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e\n\nToken ID: 96577616716374093869564910580926487133870015185803080998328868071453946281985"} +{"id": "e2dc0995-c366-4273-9f20-74721e1030ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:24.987", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaUvd8WjiqKt67sTvdXKpNgA1sSJnJRq76mq1tF9wJzFK", "txHash": "0xdc99aa2480986dd2886946ec004eddf46c165c443ef0e4d1fd51c250e78174d7", "createdAtBlock": 13295716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPaocPrSmHNkWT3aRRocB1vNBBRZ61immaqVubGxzTFLi", "name": "Null Mage Lucifer of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Null Mage Lucifer of the Hall\n\n \n\nLore token details:\n\nContract address: 0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e\n\nToken ID: 96577616716374093869564910580926487133870015185803080998328868072553457909761"} +{"id": "e0cbe1bc-1b69-453f-b2a1-acce763b9d82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:30.717", "backgroundColor": "#ca8b8b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQWSuTtKsAsHqH7J9438FzU77RbvdiPmSxbC4cpEpWmSb", "txHash": "0xb25eaa1858ffb935645dffcd6836245135c9fdc9bf3b3f035aed7e606c59f16c", "createdAtBlock": 13302266, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount\n\nOzor excelled in magic from a young age, and throughout his early adulthood, after years of studying in the archipelago, he built a reputation as one of the most adept alchemists in all the realm. As the years waned on however Ozohr became disillusioned with much of the magical world.\n\nHe witnessed alchemy and magic more broadly being used for increasingly hedonistic and degenerate purposes. Morally incapable of participating in what he perceived to be an increasingly nihilistic, dangerous attitude in magical academia,Ozohr withdrew to his home on the Mount where he continued to study and hone his skill, but lived many years as a recluse.\n\nA recent encounter with an old friend however has convinced Ozohr that it is his duty to come out of his self-imposed exile and purge Magic of the conmen, hedonists, and opportunists by any means necessary."} +{"id": "42176847-634e-4da8-9fb4-a5f72f6ae857-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:25.726", "backgroundColor": "#3b2914", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1DiZpDMyzejBbS6z2ymNTf5pkb8igHhtMpAXCA98Wy8", "txHash": "0x24eba9b1f7e8cbe2ee1b8c26c70ffd0d587469c00cdbdc6855f31208cb61d005", "createdAtBlock": 13297299, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9544, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZLxCoJURwJkBmqeYkMmiaV3jx4RTV9WQXPdKGyQDhBbQ", "name": "Enchanter Lumos of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Lumos of the Hall\n\nLumos is an eccentric wizard. Upon meeting this spritely grey little man you might say he comes across as absent minded, confused, discombobulated, off with the fairies. But the truth of the matter is that Lumos is incredibly, ingeniously cunning.\n\nHe has to be.\n\nin order to successfully operate the Hall of Fantabulous Mystical Objects of Wonderment, Enchanter Lumos must safeguard the realms largest collection of truly magical stage magic props: the cabinet of vanishing, the box of human halving, the hat of leporidae summoning etc. Maintaining such objects generally means keeping them out of the wrong hands, and theres more than a guild full of malicious stage magicians looking for a quick trick.\n\nThankfully, Enchanter Lumos is an expert at diffusing potentially explosive encounters with his favorite spell: Fast Friends. More than one devious would be wiz has entered the Hall of Fantabulous Mystical Objects of Wonderment with murder and deceit in mind only to suddenly find themselves sharing a peach blossom tea and a shortbread biscuit with the Enchanter. They always end up leaving empty handed and slightly embarrassed while Lumos gets back to taking inventory of the Halls mystical goods."} +{"id": "eacb7519-691e-41b9-9b12-1ad10a8065eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:28.118", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQoJ88e6hhgDC3X1dTjZngm6FhWt3Q43htnwdXLtaV31F", "txHash": "0x12110921ac379bd419071fd1d6aa1ddf40995eca496aa0d227faf5fe397dca63", "createdAtBlock": 13298400, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4865, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Aslan of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Aslan of Arcadia\n\nFrom the Damned Cave near Grail Burough in Arcadia\n\n428 years old\n\nBrutal and merciless, barbaric\n\nExpert in medieval torture and violence\n\nSon of the infamous Countess Elizabeth Bthory aka Erzsbet Bthory, born in Castle Cachtice, Cachtice, Hungary\n\nAncestry also includes members of the Vikings Clan of Sturlungar, involved in the horrific Viking Battles in Skagafjrur, North-Iceland in the 13th century\n\nHis ancestry also includes the legendary Mongols in the late 12th / early 13th centuries\n\nHis Onyx Wolf, also once known as the terrifying Louviers Wolf, ravaged the French town of Louviers in 1709 and decimated herds of animals as well as some humans, including many children sent to shepherd these herds in remote areas. Fifteen people were savaged and five would die. When this wolf hears the Sirens Bell of Aslan, he runs the Varou, or becomes a werewolf."} +{"id": "4fe5bd2f-f837-46fe-8125-69372a33034e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:29.034", "backgroundColor": "#218067", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYzyU23th7p7PTms9vSvRGQ4N4WMBo5fMjupxKnCkfsZu", "txHash": "0x88e2e7598bc12347776c3e940c528fcb49429ddb4acf18e613ae85c05fd9791b", "createdAtBlock": 13302197, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6925, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQvLiaaXPtTmPTrMoYKp52NYH2WJ9sK7D1R1y2ht8thkk", "name": "Battle Mage Hothor of the Temple", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Hothor of the Temple\n\n**Master of the Wood, Water, and Hill**\n\n\nThe word Master should not be taken lightly, as Hothor is a main, a principal, a primary.\n\n**Servant** \n\nHothor is also a servant. A servant to animals in his Rune The Rune of Earth, and to all their keepers.\n\n**A Mistake**\n\n\nMany mistake Hothor for a common Wizard. A blunder, a gaffe, a deadly flaw many a time. _Research him well_"} +{"id": "5b1f3be5-934c-479d-93f5-bddf78a88f9d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:50.584", "backgroundColor": "#561212", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSKW8vHzkwxmMHxXvSzv5orzNHHXnTmxWZHq77e2FSKaN", "txHash": "0x2c442803d492400d37f450851d1b4aec81ecbd7a5f90f6167bfa615c50d4713e", "createdAtBlock": 13355275, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1481, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Fabio of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Fabio of the Sands\n\nCaspar, an elderly widower, wished for a child, but life had not blessed him with one. However, as a master artificer, he decided to create his own son. Fabio was born in a workshop after many months of blood, sweat, and forbidden incantations.\n\nFabio and Caspar had a few happy years together, and Fabio learned what he could of his fathers craft. However, the Artificers Guild learned that Caspar had broken one of their core rules - never create something with a will of its own.\n\nBefore his father was arrested and executed, Fabio was sent off into hiding in the Sands, a wasteland frequented by smugglers, thieves, and nomadic herders. A good place to make oneself scarce.\n\nCaspar also gifted his wooden son with his other prized masterwork - the Quill of Truth. A phoenix feather imbued with creative energy, it can manifest into the physical realm anything it writes, with one condition - it must be a true thing.\n\nFabio quickly learned that this limitation was a bit difficult to get around - wishing to manifest something he imagined just made his nose grow longer! So, he developed a system. By creating secret caches of useful objects throughout the Sands, he could have reasonable assurances of those objects being there later on, and could summon them at will through his quill. This made survival in the Sands much easier, since he could remain mobile and summon food, drink, and other items as needed."} +{"id": "5b1f3be5-934c-479d-93f5-bddf78a88f9d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:50.584", "backgroundColor": "#561212", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSKW8vHzkwxmMHxXvSzv5orzNHHXnTmxWZHq77e2FSKaN", "txHash": "0x2c442803d492400d37f450851d1b4aec81ecbd7a5f90f6167bfa615c50d4713e", "createdAtBlock": 13355275, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1481, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Fabio of the Sands", "text": "Unfortunately, the Artificers Guild had not forgotten about poor Fabio, and a sizable bounty had been placed on his capture, dead or alive. In the run up to the Great Wizard Burning, a member of the mercenary group Miyos Boys ambushed Fabio and captured him before he could escape or use his Quill. Now under the custody of Chaos Mage Miyos faction, Fabios future hangs in the balance\n\n(to be continued)"} +{"id": "473f9733-132c-4fdc-ad7e-cbf0fb449d43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:31.57", "backgroundColor": "#010000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR9aWzzCeApxcb83miDb56kVBf7YMLBmGz84ji8g3gmim", "txHash": "0x4733a42637c60a9c7dbac491ba99f6ccca0cf0d1b2638ccc2706fbfaa913f308", "createdAtBlock": 13302959, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 552, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYqDM7QCLyMsAodQdJeogy5WkLFtbAhcH3b4Xuiwxaq4f", "name": "Sorcerer Merlon of the Pit", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Merlon of the Pit\n\nDisciple initiated into the mysterious by The X Baron, he possesses the royal science passed down from the Magi of old. To regain his princely power, The X Baron performs a ritual within the Pit. Misjudging the requirements needed, he in turn loses himself to this diabolic invocation. Losing his humanity, becoming beast.\n\nAlas! My master is no more, he is a beast who will serve at my side and advise me through spirit. His keep is mine; his science is mine; the Pit is mine!\n\nRise! Be born again my child of the Pit. Die and rise as Sorcerer Merlon of the Pit! The royal art is yours; my robe is yours; my idol is yours. Rule in my stead, you know much but know nothing! Be me in matter while I rule through Ether!\n\nAZURAH I\n\nOh, my Moon. My luminous wife who shines while our son sleeps. Mingle with me in darkness and show me all your faces. I am the Stars who shine so bright yet so far away. Giving man a map so I may lead them astray. You play with mans heart as you please. Make them follow temptations, how weak! Oh, our daughter. Mother of matter and earthly desires! You crave wine so we cause war on your surface. For you a feast of flesh and blood, and for our son, praise from dawn till dusk!\n\n~ The X Baron\n\n \n\n \" A.R.A....! \" IX.XXVI.XXI"} +{"id": "0e6ba444-2306-4497-86b2-8cef313938d5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:22:03.983", "backgroundColor": "#7c7b8b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbdYRLX3oREH8XVANgfzEyCpk2X6CMb7tVyDHXXCGm3LF", "txHash": "0xb86738f84656d99ca2246f4ea37c73f80d847e67e974d9d475bcc1e28bfb4b1c", "createdAtBlock": 13370632, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7763, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbc2aMwtHhMcAFuHZ1UuUtfzL4kiibcwndePvUU9wnLsG", "name": "Geomancer Davos of Mu", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Davos of Mu\n\nDavos, ancient citizen of MU. Traveling from http://www.therealmofmu.space into the Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult. Connecting universes along it's way..."} +{"id": "1b426b9a-3958-474d-9895-59dd75e425e9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:46.446", "backgroundColor": "#c0f6a7", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZVqVAXnvW6XaBKPCH6WtKNjHEzPewozLzHxZyoNhbek", "txHash": "0x345ac40b3ab2a78d7ae164f8ad6770744c3f6b1ccf9ab60145edc5ed76dfdbc7", "createdAtBlock": 15085482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 368, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Moog the Lackluster", "text": "Moog the Lackluster\n\n@wizard5920 Rowenas preferred steed, humble yet brave; she takes him to cross the Dark Shadow Valley every month to make her fertility rituals, since he is the only one that is not scared of the magical plants on the path.\n\nAs Moog slurps his favorite food, sweet beetroot soup, he drips some on his bandana giving it a progressively deeper purple hue."} +{"id": "58ba6f68-70d9-4565-86af-c942d9f9e58d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:36.73", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPkb5gE4BSAFGSg2iUAAz7yjT7njaLyjcaT4ZNbX2FMs", "txHash": "0x55efd03200cf89495701a766ae62d97a7597b3cd6f3bc0028506ccf3ffd2b06a", "createdAtBlock": 13308571, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2107, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Cybele in the Shadows", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Cybele in the Shadows\n\nBorne out of the shadowy swamps of El'Kador.\n\nCybele is trained in the dark arts and is a wise potion master.\n\nUpon finishing her training, she has searched far and wide for the one true herb of immortality granting her the power to live forever.\n\nHer mother was a troll slayer and her father was a hedge fund manager."} +{"id": "a7ddfe0d-5d57-43ac-ab93-1e1e81ca6f76-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:32.462", "backgroundColor": "#dbdad0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP56oVpc71UUCKHbTbBhgXttaMi8V8yyefUqWSf5aW4bV", "txHash": "0xe0463ab31c511b035199a4cb720a3f32e60b27c0be3b3ace29e4c500bc3696b8", "createdAtBlock": 13303769, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7959, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Aleister of the Steppe\n\nA man reincarnated, Aleister found himself in the Steppe after departing a troubled life. Starting anew, he began walking. The direction held no weight, it was the change that was of importance.\n\nAleister spent months journeying through the world and wilderness, trying to find answers to his many questions. One day he found himself in the middle of a vast grassland where an owl was perched in a tree with eyes that shined bright like the sun. He looked into the owls eyes & instead of being blinded, he was enlightened\n\nAnd thus began his servitude."} +{"id": "788cd6e1-8f99-4727-9633-03f987842fec-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:33.166", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbg5ETx8n9jysuXhDyq7YVBiBQpcXaciAnhUZcWk7sBAV", "txHash": "0xf4711d0c5249fb833d79465130afbb6bb2d76411bf5e4ef99944227e02b3c212", "createdAtBlock": 13304196, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7245, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUAyKgHiNTSe13Lk2BpUkotfn6UxJzKpS85JxPsLgKtUq", "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Aldus of the Mount"} +{"id": "665b2a8f-0e47-4e33-beba-ab34b2288057-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:33.887", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdzQQobMHXtjKy7jD8UNRCmjSpDR6qTULjjMGsFuatev8", "txHash": "0xf31ebfc8384663059ef68526a3877e1e4275da6baee56e84e9bb83ce3849c0bb", "createdAtBlock": 13304582, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2232, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Cassiopeia of the Toadstools", "text": "# The Lore of Cleric Cassiopeia of the Toadstools\n\nCleric Cassiopeia has quite a mix of tricks up her sleeve. Shes known to foresee the future with her magical crystal and her companion shape shifts into other wizards. Her abstruse nature is a tribute to how powerful a wizard she has become. Right now only the wizards and creatures of the toadstools are truly aware of the force she wields."} +{"id": "a56a9b76-3085-433f-a1d4-b51719de633a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T15:21:17.648", "backgroundColor": "#a35100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVfuSBGwCDLNDp9Dh7WwzXMfMRzKfbCFVhc33hrQCYa4", "txHash": "0x0da52c67c187c0f74911712fc8e98e62e5f7acf4ec8be80d85c5fe82a006b55b", "createdAtBlock": 15148038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8727, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Voidoth of the Bastion", "text": "Chaos Mage Voidoth of the Bastion, considered one of the few true masters of fire magic, but at what cost? his luscious, flowing, golden locks of hair."} +{"id": "126e3236-99f5-4555-8cd7-a3a8d7d3e78c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:06.155", "backgroundColor": "#0f2a16", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBnXJvKAvTW6zfkshg8zaKgQ4pF83A7TAUN4PUtqFe6S", "txHash": "0xa45d1554caefb59e53a7adb472d85ea9498c6b5f95bcef830b6492390a63bdc6", "createdAtBlock": 13931823, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8606, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Blaise of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Chaos Mage Blaise of the Moors\n\nBlaise is known primarily for his use of the various fauna and flora of the Frog Master's Swamp in the creation of magical artefacts of 'questionable' value.\n\nFrom his Familiar, a topaz Slime with the ability to consume most types of solid and convert them into semi-topaz, a gemstone simili made entirely of solidified slime (and also the main source of Blaise' finances, though he often changes where he sells it, given it's unfortunate tendency to dissolve outside the humid clime of the swamps).\n\nTo his constant Hobgoblin's Flame, which serves as defense, offense, and lighting. \n\nEven if Blaise would rather he be able to turn the flame itself off from time to time, instead of it being a constant ball of foul-smelling fireball floating around him (not the best impression when trying to entertain a fellow mage... even swamp witches have standards !).\n\nHis most infamous invention, however, is the one that earned him the title of Chaos Mage.\n\n\nA bag of pebbles, which at first inspection seem quite magically inert (even when examined by higher rank mages) where each pebble exacerbates feelings of jealousy, greed and other such strong emotions, gradually leading to increasing levels of violence and chaotic behavior from those affected, hence the name.\n\nWhy Blaise created more than a dozen of these pebbles, nobody knows. But most sources - to Blaise' chagrin - believe he simply never realized his experiment was successful, and kept attempting the spell again and again with slight variations, until the first one's effects finally became clear."} +{"id": "12d95102-e147-4680-b932-5692a2fb7410-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:35.32", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZQQh9ttwzkmoVCyrZmCsavW8J4yNKaEeNraUemVmZHfP", "txHash": "0x064205bed812773ac3c89e99096a09ff964886f808cc44377030fee0a13416cc", "createdAtBlock": 13307733, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7763, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Davos of Mu", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Davos of Mu\n\nDavos, ancient citizen of MU. Traveling from http://www.therealmofmu.space into the Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult. Connecting universes along it's way..."} +{"id": "1eec3945-fb85-413f-9066-00dce2b2701f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:33.719", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPNWTBGS1WCrnayhAvwR3tiugZYtxkzJpR575rbDQDh9a", "txHash": "0x5036ef46c20043e79dc73ffac3386d7ab8f9c841b7ce5c254a7b4e9000165922", "createdAtBlock": 13309338, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4629, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSjVLiNazexhs7Kmn3jJzEAaXVnEuvSpWpzB9uamW83UA", "name": "Hedge Wizard Danny of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Danny of the Brambles\n\n \n\nA prince in exile. Daniels nomadic tribe in the Expanse has historically been guided by a family of polar shapeshifters. He and his twin brother, Samuel, faced twin crises. First, the expected struggle over who would next lead the tribe, traditionally decided by 1-on-1 combat. And second, how to best guide the tribe in the face of the ice caps melting in the land they had lived on for many generations.\n\nSamuel wanted to use the power of the Quantum Shadow to figure out a way to reverse the damage, but Daniel disagreed and wanted to seek a different solution. However, before the day of their ritual combat, Samuel secretly met with a shadowy figure. He received arcane power in exchange for a promise to bind the tribe to the Shadow.\n\nThe next day, both brothers shifted into their giant polar forms. The combat was fearsome, but the fell power Samuel had obtained gave him an edge, and he ended up defeating Daniel and driving him away from the tribe. To ensure that his authority would remain unquestioned, he used his newfound powers to transform Daniels daughter (and potential future successor) Tabitha into a rabbit.\n\nDaniel and his daughter roamed for a while, and eventually settled in the Brambles, a wild wood where it is easy to hide. Daniel now goes by Hedge Wizard Danny of the Brambles, and very few know of his past up north, or his lineage. Due to the warmer climate, his polar form is weaker than it was, and he uses it very rarely. Instead, as a hedge wizard, he has picked up minor magicks here and there, used mostly for survival and caring for Tabitha. His big magic stick helps him to employ these by channeling a portion his shapeshifter magicks into a new outlet."} +{"id": "1eec3945-fb85-413f-9066-00dce2b2701f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:33.719", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPNWTBGS1WCrnayhAvwR3tiugZYtxkzJpR575rbDQDh9a", "txHash": "0x5036ef46c20043e79dc73ffac3386d7ab8f9c841b7ce5c254a7b4e9000165922", "createdAtBlock": 13309338, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4629, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSjVLiNazexhs7Kmn3jJzEAaXVnEuvSpWpzB9uamW83UA", "name": "Hedge Wizard Danny of the Brambles", "text": "His rune of Neptune originally helped him to manipulate ice at will. Today, he more often uses it to manipulate water, although he is not as adept with that.\n\nToday, Danny and Tabitha venture out on journeys throughout the world, seeking knowledge of how to break her curse, and more broadly, how to restore his homeland and combat the Quantum Shadow, a region where Samuel and the Expanse tribe traveled, not to be seen again."} +{"id": "df281f20-5cc9-4a3b-b58c-cfa1e2f7584b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:34.673", "backgroundColor": "#b60e0e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRUmHemqEzY7nD1K3EuE66tQwjKzypN6qj8iDjGGmKPGF", "txHash": "0xb033aa211c732edaf197393db94c7de245947d8c9443bf720af4a4e8e1d15a8a", "createdAtBlock": 13309346, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7954, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Iprix of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Iprix of the Keep\n\n**Little is known of the Quantum Shadow- countless mysterious figures have emerged from its depths throughout the centuries. Shadow Mage Iprix of the Keep and his** disguised **MoonCat, known as Lucky Black Cat,** **are two such pioneers. Armed with the ability \"Grim Reaper's Breath: the Death Spell,\" this duo journeys to the lands of The Sacred Pillars to obtain the forbidden knowledge on travel through The Gate of the Seventh Realm. The Seventh Realm is filled with endless promises for a Fortune Seeker like Iprix. Iprix and his Lucky Black Cat are known for wisdom and insight for those who seek their counsel. What adventures await these two?**"} +{"id": "5032b8bc-7eb4-4e7f-a9d8-664d484ebc79-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:37.591", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR6ewDnQdxN5faivPfciV4d2z1qxCAfDhDSvRv6eQ6V23", "txHash": "0xf3ed2c3bdcc2c7bf16f2bcb48b7c46d3290063e786ec37e1237893465e45b2f0", "createdAtBlock": 13314197, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Mist", "text": "# The Vinemaster\n\nOberon keeps to the mist and the trees, seeking to slowly advance the domain of the forest.\n\nWhen The Quantum Shadow ripped apart the grove known only as 'The Thorn' that he called home, plans had to change.\n\nFor years he's worked quietly with the other arch-magi to advance his cause, but the time for subtlety has come to an end."} +{"id": "75d0df6a-2a27-4138-953c-6141cfb2baef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:38.353", "backgroundColor": "#102d0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTWZbN2Q37R2wd55wYcncRdhM2QzUwmfh9hb1TwC1zWns", "txHash": "0xc129e2f2567b2829e43d1ba7095472cead4d3ba82f960d9c4171e7ee60c67362", "createdAtBlock": 13314604, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Danny of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Danny of El Dorado\n\nBeware the hidden powers of Ynnad. The ancient magic that lies within a Ffats Ralos is a boundless energy. With the mythical Daot Nedlog at his side, the fearless Egam of Odarod Le is a force of nature.\n\nYou have been warned."} +{"id": "6c8e4ca5-ab83-475b-a4b0-f28784b5875d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:39.549", "backgroundColor": "#671e72", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMCnPjnqogHCn2iBJLwNx5vddDG9axsa3ExdKsvfum5U", "txHash": "0x908fd9bda93544a8332277c30c66354d184aaff2ea3614346cc5e484a3c4b86f", "createdAtBlock": 13315943, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3627, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTT2BWtGDy6kxK1aT3Kcm5UhrvAjag6qydrnVLBLmr9hC", "name": "Magus Fire Eater of the Cosmos", "text": "Magus Fire Eater as depicted by the excellent Maya Ben David\n\nhttp://mayabendavid.net/\n\nhttps://twitter.com/supersaiyanmaya"} +{"id": "bf5f6c71-a67b-4720-81c5-332bb6693b40-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:40.917", "backgroundColor": "#18311a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwiyy7f8eSGFbrAmza9nJGhm2bZaCWfKMAkEMjBigmbE", "txHash": "0x681dfd82b1e7dea7edf11ac6dbb48d687fa6f9ed27960c52b029cd58942eefad", "createdAtBlock": 13316576, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8521, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQUcTFTYjFyJEkUTRwZnSFXagR2Uw6MYpW5JnDMwqS8ew", "name": "Sage Celah of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Celah of the Steppe\n\n \n\n\"Today I spent the morning observing Sage Celah without him noticing. He left early for a morning walk and spent the whole day out.\n\nSage Celah is a hermit. He lives alone in a rocky shack. Though the Steppe is a wide open place, his house is hidden among rocks, making it difficult for any passerby to see it I almost got lost the first time I went to visit him. Inside, it's surrounded by books of all kinds. His home is always smoky due to the potions to which he's devoted. He avoids contact with the external world because he believes it is full of distractions and that the only way of living a true life is going inwards.\n\nCelah's daily routine is based on walking to the nearby swamps to see the green bullfrogs. He spends hours watching them in their marshy lives, observing and connecting thoughts regarding philosophy and science. Some say he is a visionary, while others think he's a goofy old man. I definitely think he is a genius.\n\nHe often catches some frogs both for fun and need. He likes to keep some company at home, but the practical use for the bullfrog is its specific and powerful venom. After years of studying psychedelic elements and risking his life in bold experiments, Celah has concluded that the green bullfrog's venom is the best mind expander. Lately he's been working in the 'ideal dosage', which requires patience, for the venom changes according to complex variables, like the bullfrog's age, its birth time and its total fat.\"\n\n Note byShadow Mage Hagar of the Realm."} +{"id": "bf5f6c71-a67b-4720-81c5-332bb6693b40-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:40.917", "backgroundColor": "#18311a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwiyy7f8eSGFbrAmza9nJGhm2bZaCWfKMAkEMjBigmbE", "txHash": "0x681dfd82b1e7dea7edf11ac6dbb48d687fa6f9ed27960c52b029cd58942eefad", "createdAtBlock": 13316576, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8521, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQUcTFTYjFyJEkUTRwZnSFXagR2Uw6MYpW5JnDMwqS8ew", "name": "Sage Celah of the Steppe", "text": "Note byShadow Mage Hagar of the Realm.\n\n\n\n\"To Sage Celah of the Steppe, the 'ideal dosage' of the green bullfrog's venom might hold the key to enlighten all living beings. However, just as this research grants him blooming visions of heavenly mandalas it can bring about some scary bad trips too, as some of us have witnessed.\n\nIt is yet to be confirmed if the venom's experience happens within the brain only or if it makes the brain work as a door to actual other dimensions.\n\nIn spite of his cranky outlook, Celah is a Sage an adventurer in the universe of subtle waves, thriving day by day anchored in the power of his Courage Staff.\"\n\n Note by Archmagus Casper of the Mist.\n\n\n\n\"Messy manuscripts register all this process. There are very few fellow wizards who have access to them. I do. We gathered to organize Celah's ideas, either by visiting the Sage or receiving one of his rare letters. Despite the apparent random notes and drawings, our small group keeps attempting to save the research from being forever lost due to Celah's turbulent temper, even facing constant prejudice and mockery from some academic branches.\"\n\n Note by Sorcerer Azahl of the Mount."} +{"id": "66b19740-a4c9-420d-9eec-937440160e4a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:41.926", "backgroundColor": "#61b700", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmazdm7M9keusXiQt59ckDLj6ot7amj5LzNb1uMP5zzedo", "txHash": "0xe75b01c87ccc2ada11e302d263bedf61312b343e2867d4283064ce2308ca6695", "createdAtBlock": 13317044, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4769, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Impy of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Impy of El Dorado\n\nA bite of the mushroom guides his sight\n\nThe guided sight helps him see the light\n\nHe must embark on an adventure, as soon as tonight\n\nEven in the dead of night, can he see the light\n\nAs he walks through El Dorado, he comes athwart a fright \n\nDo his eyes decieve him? It's a street filled with wizards and witches, a true delight \n\nHe continues his trek through the streets full of sorcery, every step he takes, the torches alongside him ignite\n\nLittle does Magus Impy know, it is time to fight."} +{"id": "6061ff05-e4a0-4d6d-b763-7cb05d46b1ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:22:09.36", "backgroundColor": "#9eb4c7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdSCHvrQrmdckeaDoPL6ag77bmyXNoy8AZ1N92DeeXYA8", "txHash": "0xa735ce1c9d5509f0f7d0c89cd19c112caf02e9a7cea90004d08b132946f0d632", "createdAtBlock": 13381746, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Rita of the Mist\n\nthe angel of the forgotten ones that guide them to the light. there i am hiding in the trees of mystery there i am leaving clues and gems to guide you along the way. \n\nonly the forgotten rune will be able to see the clues and gems. my rabit will wonder around leaving clues that will guide you to the kingdom of the kingdom of light. there you will be able to activate hidden powers that's within you."} +{"id": "67c26a98-b47d-4ebd-a4d3-8639bf092480-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:42.652", "backgroundColor": "#e8c083", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP9TB4hpDtgNm3xiB4xEe3SwsKDfNYNCX7Y7xyF7o1iJr", "txHash": "0x52a5ab1d63d096d3def8c60537e11946ad2cb9d930f554ec3b985aaa98744257", "createdAtBlock": 13317688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9943, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ozohr of the Cold", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Ozohr of the Cold\n\nIn the capital, above the door to one of the countless crooked towers, there hangs a large oak sign. The sign is decorated in golden runes and constellations. It reads:\n\n Archmagus Ozohr\n\n __\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\__\n Purveyor of Secrets\n Answers from the Ether\n Master of a Thousand Whispers\n Seer of the Multiverse\n\n Rites of Knowing\n Pyromancer, Alchemist, Astrologer\n\nAt the top of the tower, a brass telescope stands on a balcony encircling the spire. Through the spire windows, stacks of books cam be seen. Cucurbits, alembics and crucibles on shelves. A table covered with shells, bones, pinned insects and rocks. Feathers. Thousands of feathers of every shape, size and color fill vases and hang from the rafters. Feathers for every purpose. Stars shine through the glass ceiling, aligning with inscribed golden constellations. At the pinnacle, a copper serpent is coiled around an ornate lightening rod."} +{"id": "67c26a98-b47d-4ebd-a4d3-8639bf092480-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:42.652", "backgroundColor": "#e8c083", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP9TB4hpDtgNm3xiB4xEe3SwsKDfNYNCX7Y7xyF7o1iJr", "txHash": "0x52a5ab1d63d096d3def8c60537e11946ad2cb9d930f554ec3b985aaa98744257", "createdAtBlock": 13317688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9943, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ozohr of the Cold", "text": "Tonight, because the moon is in the Shadow and the Sisters twinkle above Aldo's Isle, Ozohr is on the balcony. With a hand on the rail, he leans over. In the other hand, he holds a large scarlet phoenix feather to his ear. This is not a feather of the past or the future. This particular feather vibrates with the distant present. Tonight, Ozohr listens. A bell is ringing from afar. A siren song from the Woods. A confession. A curse. Kobolds in the forest. Dreams. But, Ozohr turns the feather tip toward the Valley of the Void and closes his eyes. This is a Red Council job and the Council pays Ozohr generously. A wind blows from the East. The feather hums. Ozohr smiles. Dawn breaks. A rune glows red. The serpent opens its eyes."} +{"id": "84fa3c82-3fc0-4119-b77d-9e3e6bdbbeed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:43.519", "backgroundColor": "#999999", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUTH8jqcZSJEMSHqmVYAcrwBLWh6ijfviGcGSxGwzaVFz", "txHash": "0xca195619e9b45782c3ba4da00aae63eb05680723b8c0b3177b96efb9f94717ce", "createdAtBlock": 13318115, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1993, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Dutorn of the Valley\n\nDutorn, a fierce and battle-worn magi, notorious throughout the Valley for his ill-manner and misanthropic tendancies. Dutorn spends many days sampling his wide selection of various monderbud strains; trying to ultimately procure the true 'magic' presest throughout the metaverse for every souls' cannabanoid receptors to enjoy fr eternity on the blockchain."} +{"id": "84fa3c82-3fc0-4119-b77d-9e3e6bdbbeed-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:43.519", "backgroundColor": "#999999", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUTH8jqcZSJEMSHqmVYAcrwBLWh6ijfviGcGSxGwzaVFz", "txHash": "0xca195619e9b45782c3ba4da00aae63eb05680723b8c0b3177b96efb9f94717ce", "createdAtBlock": 13318115, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1993, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn of the Valley", "text": "`| | ,.` `,` `, | | _,...( ( .', \\ \\ __ ,-` ` , , `/ |,' Y ( /_L\\ \\ \\_\\,``, ` , , / | ) _,/ \\ ' ` ,_ _`_,-,<._.< / / ', `>.,` ` ` ,., |_ | / \\/` `, ` ,` | /__,.-` _, `\\ -,-..\\ _ \\ ` / , / `._) _,-\\` \\ \\_,,.) /\\ ` / / ) (-,, `` , | ,` ) | \\_\\ '-` | `( \\ / /```( , --, ,' \\ |`<` , | / /_,--`\\ <\\ V /> ,` )<_/) | \\ _____) ,-, ,` ` (_,\\ \\ | /) / __/ / `----` (-, \\ ) \\ ('_.-._)/ /,` / | / ` `/ \\\\ V V, /` / ,--\\( , <_/`\\\\ || / ( ,``- \\/| \\-A.A-`| / ,>,_ )_,..( )\\ -,,_-` _--``"} +{"id": "44e03dc9-bdc3-4751-88f8-787bfaaf3ba7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:57.541", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP9LXDNahhR24UnqjW4kWxQqoo3a3aNCck68LgEdESAxe", "txHash": "0xe0ee770f8445f01a35e4cd482a6386910dfe33925ba2120088b8ee22e3601539", "createdAtBlock": 15099996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7734, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentina Guardian of the Road", "text": "The crunch of boots through the snow on the black stone road sounded like cracking bones. The crisp winter air no longer smelled of pine and ice but ash and blood, the stench of desperation slowly clawing its way to the forefront of her senses.\n Umbras tail twitched next to her; the giant, onyx panther poised to pounce at her command.\n Hold, she whispered to her familiar as she pulled back the string of her bow. The beast flicked its tail in response, letting her know it understood.\n She took aim, the milky moonlight of the full moon that bathed the road making it easy for her to track her target from where she and Umbra were perched high in the branches of the sycamore tree. The intruder was at least six foot tall, dressed in black leather armor with twin swords at his hips. She couldnt make out exactly where he was wounded beneath the dark cloak that shrouded the back of his figure, but the trail of blood he left was telling that he must be in bad shape. Not to mention his choice of trespassing on this particular road, on this particular night. \nOnly those who wished for death risked passage through here during The Hunt.\n And thats exactly what she would give him.\n The intruder trudged another two feet forward and she inhaled steadily as she pointed her nocked arrow down, waiting for him to hit the exact mark on the ground\n Now, she exhaled, releasing her arrow as well as the invisible leash on Umbra."} +{"id": "44e03dc9-bdc3-4751-88f8-787bfaaf3ba7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:57.541", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP9LXDNahhR24UnqjW4kWxQqoo3a3aNCck68LgEdESAxe", "txHash": "0xe0ee770f8445f01a35e4cd482a6386910dfe33925ba2120088b8ee22e3601539", "createdAtBlock": 15099996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7734, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentina Guardian of the Road", "text": "Now, she exhaled, releasing her arrow as well as the invisible leash on Umbra.\n The panther hit the ground in one graceful leap as her bolt zipped through the air and plunged itself clean through the mans right shoulder blade and nailed him to the trunk of a tree on the other side of the road. A roar of pain ripped out of his throat as he slammed back into the wood, hand coming up to try and pull the shaft of the arrow out of his body. She fixed her bow across her torso and swung down to the ground from her perch, landing with an easy thud on the ground right next to Umbra.\n Valentina, the man hissed, eyes widening as he realized who was before him.\n Valentine grinned viciously as she unfurled herself to her full height, flicking a strand of her amethyst hair off her shoulder as she strode toward him. Umbra mirrored every move she made, thought the familiar never took its eyes off the man for even a second.\n Noctus, she purred as she stepped up to him. Its been a long time since Ive gotten to sink one of my arrows in you. Though, I must say Im surprised to see youre foolish enough to have crossed this way during such a lethal time.\n I came for help, he growled as he finally broke the shaft of her bolt and shifted himself forward to release himself from where he was pinned to the tree. Do you really think Im daft enough to cross here during The Hunt if I didnt have to?\n Valentina shared an amused glance with Umbra as she answered, Yes.\n Noctus bared his teeth. You think youre funny now, but when the briar wolves tracking me down catch the scent of my blood, well see who will be laughing then.\n Valentina sucked in a sharp breath. You led briar wolves here? You fool."} +{"id": "44e03dc9-bdc3-4751-88f8-787bfaaf3ba7-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:57.541", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP9LXDNahhR24UnqjW4kWxQqoo3a3aNCck68LgEdESAxe", "txHash": "0xe0ee770f8445f01a35e4cd482a6386910dfe33925ba2120088b8ee22e3601539", "createdAtBlock": 15099996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7734, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentina Guardian of the Road", "text": "Valentina sucked in a sharp breath. You led briar wolves here? You fool.\n Noctus shoved a hand through his short, midnight hair, his sharp jaw clenching with ire at her insult as he turned his head towards the direction he came from and said, It wasnt meIm just the lone survivor. It was a reckless mage. He was leading a group for The Hunt through the lower valleys and stumbled on the briar wolf pack. Nyx and I heard the slaughter and tried to help butNyx died causing a distraction for me to get away.\n That sacrifice was in vain if they have your scent, she sneered at him. What the hell am I supposed to do if an entire pack of briar wolves comes through here? If they get ahold of the Token before The Hunt is over\n A howl sliced through the dark in the distance.\n Umbras ears flattened back at the haunting sound and Valentina cursed. Noctus tried to sidestep from between her and the tree, but before he could move an inch, her hand shot out with lightning speed and grasped onto his neck. His emerald eyes blazed with fury as she held him in place, and she knew if he truly wanted to, he could rip himself out of her grip. Even wounded, he would still have a considerable amount of strength over her, his muscular frame a testament to that fact. Thankfully, Umbras sharp canines only inches away from ripping off his favorite bits kept him from doing so.\n Listen to me carefully, she seethed. Unless you want me to rip out your throat and leave you here for the briar wolves to devour, youre going to do exactly as I say."} +{"id": "44e03dc9-bdc3-4751-88f8-787bfaaf3ba7-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:57.541", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP9LXDNahhR24UnqjW4kWxQqoo3a3aNCck68LgEdESAxe", "txHash": "0xe0ee770f8445f01a35e4cd482a6386910dfe33925ba2120088b8ee22e3601539", "createdAtBlock": 15099996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7734, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentina Guardian of the Road", "text": "Noctus huffed out a laugh and called her bluff. Huntress if you killed me now the wolves will come running, and after theyve cleaned every last bit of flesh from my bones, theyll look for their next target and what makes you think that wont be the Token?\n He was right and she knew it.\n If you cooperate, both of us can get away and warn the others before that happens. Win-win right?\n Noctuss expression turned serious as he thought over her offer, and for a moment she couldnt help but realize how attractive he was. Disgust erupted in her belly at that thought and she gritted her teeth as she waited for his answer.\n Alright, he finally drawled. Whats your plan?"} +{"id": "715663e0-f44c-4150-85b1-1aa0b7c3367b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:44.215", "backgroundColor": "#1cff00", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaQmQDi4vn6hSph29G4FZxJh4QX4mFqjS5r3gMgEKeZGe", "txHash": "0x48783ccad93020ef9950b8ac4f8d8dde9046ec4f230439337d3c4476cffc2a61", "createdAtBlock": 13318248, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1993, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Dutorn of the Valley\n\nYou are not your job, you're not how much money you have in the bank. ... \"\n\n Tyler Durden\n\nDutorn, a fierce and battle-worn magi, notorious throughout the Valley for his ill-manner and misanthropic tendancies due to his ever growing daily frustration of corporate greed desroying the Earth wanders the plains in search of knowledge. After residing to the fact that his nihilistic urges have taken control, Dutorn quit his funded PhD position to retire and begin sampling his wide selection of various monsterbud NFT strains; trying to ultimately procure the true 'magic' present throughout the metaverse for every souls' cannabanoid receptors enjoyment for eternity on the blockchain.\n\nSelfless sensible Dutorn.... Maybe some day he will be known as something along those lines.... yeah...... That would be noice.......\n\n`(( ) ( ) ( ) ( )> > \\/^/) )) ( ( /(. )) ))._/(__))./ (_. ( _../ ( \\)) ) \\ ( / \\. ./ || ..__:| _. \\ | \\__. ) | (/ /: :)) | \\/ |( <.._ )| ) ) )) _./ | ) )) __ < | :( :)) .//( : : | (: < ): --: ^ \\ )( )\\/: / /_/ ) :._) : \\..) (_.. .. : : : .( \\..:.. ./__. ./ ^ ^ \\^ ^ ^\\/^ ^ JaL`"} +{"id": "537dafe5-24bb-4139-8c82-00f487d9fcb8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:45.078", "backgroundColor": "#6d6aff", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZM7nNM7EVrzHatoQ6wBupAEH4UPtXFGvA8sFzMgSC2hq", "txHash": "0x165d55c740f0ae721ec75a1f0819761c1f3e2906cefebe2876f54544f104d06f", "createdAtBlock": 13318771, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1993, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYPvQqz5oY66kuY3ww95LqjLWanPkj5jzZthiUZCZvwjv", "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Dutorn of the Valley\n\nEXTREMELY frustrated with his proofreading skills and the current, ridiculous gas prices, Dutorn; the valiant, the able, soldiers on effortlessly, aginst the perils this world cosistantly barriages its inhabitants, himself incluyded.\n\nNearing his hearth, Dutorn ponders quesations on existential angst and wonders whe\n\nther it is because he is nearing his peak in age and health. \n\nDutorn looks solemenly at the state of affairs, shrugs his shoulders, smokes a bong of Jedi Critical and jumps back on Solanalysis. \n\n`+====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +==== |(::)| |(::)| |(::)| |(::)| |(::)| |(::)| |(::)| |(::)| |(::)| (::)| | )( | | )( | | )( | | )( | | )( | | )( | | )( | | )( | | )( | )( | \n|(..)| |(..)| |(..)| |(..)| |(..)| |(..)| |(..)| |(..)| |(..)| (..)| \n+====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====+ +====`"} +{"id": "d755abae-3a2c-4d74-a5f5-eea64932005e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:46.238", "backgroundColor": "#615279", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXVdgsR9yFqtA7UsU7YCE3LNPgt6chSnPKtcqW1UJzk3z", "txHash": "0xd6caa1ec8d6bd5db83914ba8c81ebacbe79a91cf5fcbfc2a105ce4ca26e90c07", "createdAtBlock": 13318912, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8330, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVS59aYDZWPaMHgVXQ23HRP4x5nXnrLR8cEqNc7DZ93as", "name": "Arcanist Celeste of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Celeste of the Moors"} +{"id": "065d3d4d-374d-4c13-8e3b-7b3fbd7a7752-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:23.376", "backgroundColor": "#8a0a04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZTNNX8NK6MZ6EdpGnrEYV89pjLXswNCPsLDGK8VpzZSD", "txHash": "0xc3a731735f70f910b3ddd24a7452366ed5c54380e66a88b7645592c27d7ecc66", "createdAtBlock": 14810558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4824, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jules Paragon of the Wheel", "text": "This is the Lady of the Oasis, who comes from the wild. She uses Bush Spear and her Hyena to survive. Red aspis protects her from enemies. When the enemies see the Divine Battle Garment, they are intimidated. Rune of pluto leads her in all battles"} +{"id": "fd034a73-0e38-4c24-abad-3f8af2f0911f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:47.713", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQJEPZyxspxDGxpugMnUgb2CKNAVgpePctPksUdHbN6HL", "txHash": "0xf1308423d1e7db2f57a2f04f57ddaa75c9966843c279dacd5d49799b6d53fe46", "createdAtBlock": 13323056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 510, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Merlon of the Capital", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Merlon of the Capital\n\nLittle is known of Hedge Wizard Merlon. While he posses the wisdom of the White hats, his cape and feather give him the pomp associated with the Red. \n\nThe extent of his powers is unknown, but we do know he has the ability to enhance the powers of those he surrounds. Spell #510"} +{"id": "03f243bc-b593-41db-8dfc-90ff91c7b282-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:48.425", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTQZ3yJHX3wN96aFg3WTG9UpTQUdnNSvp8uEQNjHhrexG", "txHash": "0x00010d42b62adeb483c271601ba3671f3c191dc59f7a9e323931e9e91139a607", "createdAtBlock": 13323079, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9027, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Asmodeus of the Sea", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Asmodeus of the Sea\n\nEvery legend has its commonplace:\n\nthe whiskey before battle. Deep I drank\n\nand checked the telescopes for faintest trace\n\nof mighty kraken. The last ships it sank\n\nwere full of warning ghosts. They called my name -\n\nAsmodeus - and roused me from my sleep.\n\nEven heroes suffer fright and shame.\n\nOne moment, all the stillness of the deep,\n\nthe next, the sounding of every alarm.\n\nSo quickly I incanted, raised my staff,\n\nship's breaking ribs wrapped in a mighty arm,\n\nand blasted - and my soul was ripped in half.\n\nSat in my namesake surf, I grimace wide:\n\nso many things to do! But, still, I died."} +{"id": "23beba3a-906e-4e58-8557-4c5a7f7da39c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:58.442", "backgroundColor": "#410456", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVnyPtj7zoNJuAhKW41Yk3kbhHULe9HS3hevxedw8VQoo", "txHash": "0x90c6b28ec5fb95843eacb5da16499ba6463121b653430596a16fcbdd35589f18", "createdAtBlock": 15103935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX5RuAPCJLH3onA9YfST7nkS372q4raSv4LNuvmFYGPqA", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Ether", "text": "# **An Introduction:**\n\n\n\nAleister had always felt natures calling upon his soul. His memory was no longer clear, perhaps from his age (which he no longer kept track of), or maybe it was from years of failed experiments with foreign fungi, but his earliest memories were of being in nature. He often day dreamed of times he had spent with loved ones, exploring and admiring creation. He remembered traversing remote ranges in search of treasures that were only gifted to those with curious minds.Bathing in cool mountain streams, uncovering bones of creatures long-forgotten, extracting rare crystals from the belly of the earth, hiking peaks beyond where even trees could set their roots:he went where eagles dared. Life is simple there. Every living creature has a purpose which they eagerly carry out, and time is irrelevant. In that place, one can easily understand the Creators intentions, and that is where he hoped to spend the last of his last days.\n\nAlas, life brought him to the city, which was exciting, for a season, but a place he never hoped to be.It was a hectic place,surrounded by concrete and filth, it was there that he began to lose his innocence. Seeing suffering on daily basis callused his once overly-warm heart to the point where he was accustomed to walking by his kind sleeping on the street, begging for their existence. You see, he was from a community where wizards helped other wizards in their time of need. While seeing desperation on a daily basis became more common, it was never normal to him."} +{"id": "23beba3a-906e-4e58-8557-4c5a7f7da39c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:58.442", "backgroundColor": "#410456", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVnyPtj7zoNJuAhKW41Yk3kbhHULe9HS3hevxedw8VQoo", "txHash": "0x90c6b28ec5fb95843eacb5da16499ba6463121b653430596a16fcbdd35589f18", "createdAtBlock": 15103935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX5RuAPCJLH3onA9YfST7nkS372q4raSv4LNuvmFYGPqA", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Ether", "text": "He used the distractions of the city to occupy his mind from the destruction that surrounded him. His experiments brought him to cities around the world, where he learned of new cultures and their ideas. He was able to feast upon the finest chanterelles and truffles, adorn himself in the rarest of clothes, and socialize among the most powerful wizards in the land. His mind expanded beyond the simplicities he knew in the forest. While the excitement of city life was enough to keep him temporarily entertained, the allure of material wealth quickly lost its luster. It seemed those around him were never satisfied on their quest to accumulate worldly possessions. What he felt to be the shortsighted mindset of most, ultimately left him feeling cold and alone. Quite simply, he did not fit in with most wizards, nor with the world they created."} +{"id": "23beba3a-906e-4e58-8557-4c5a7f7da39c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:58.442", "backgroundColor": "#410456", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVnyPtj7zoNJuAhKW41Yk3kbhHULe9HS3hevxedw8VQoo", "txHash": "0x90c6b28ec5fb95843eacb5da16499ba6463121b653430596a16fcbdd35589f18", "createdAtBlock": 15103935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX5RuAPCJLH3onA9YfST7nkS372q4raSv4LNuvmFYGPqA", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Ether", "text": "He found the red wizards to be too consumed with wealth and power. While he found the occasional political banter interesting, he saw that history often repeated itself, and so did their conversations. He spent his youth partying with the yellow hats, but that too ran its course. Wine flowed day and night, the music never ended, and leisure was the top priority. He quickly realized their way of life was not sustainable for his well-being, and produced nothing of value. They did not miss him when he moved on. After all, he was from the country. A place that was known for their green and brown hats. They could see the calluses on his hands, they knew he was not one of them. The green and brown did not fully accept him either, as he was clearly different than them too. He was constantly hatching schemes and questioning everything.Chaos was woven into his being.They thought he was intentionally trying to disrupt their way of life, but it was just who he was. In fact, their rejection of who he was, is what brought him to the city in the first place. He left his home in search for acceptance, which he hoped to find among the blue wizards:the academics. Their minds were truly special,but they were closed off to outsiders. If you did not attend an academy they deemed worthy, there was no chance of entering their circle. The blue hats knew what he was the moment he opened his mouth and his clumsy words escaped. He considered himself a misfit, a title he became more proud of as he aged.\n\nWhile his time in the city was mostly filled with disappointment, he knew there was value in every experience and interaction, he just had to find what it was."} +{"id": "23beba3a-906e-4e58-8557-4c5a7f7da39c-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:58.442", "backgroundColor": "#410456", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVnyPtj7zoNJuAhKW41Yk3kbhHULe9HS3hevxedw8VQoo", "txHash": "0x90c6b28ec5fb95843eacb5da16499ba6463121b653430596a16fcbdd35589f18", "createdAtBlock": 15103935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX5RuAPCJLH3onA9YfST7nkS372q4raSv4LNuvmFYGPqA", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Ether", "text": "On what he assumed was a meaningless night, he sought entertainment to distract him from the displeasures of his life away from home. On that fateful night, he met a Grey Pilgrim. It was clear that he was also far from home. Together, they shared a good pipe. The pilgrim shared tales of his journeys. Wisdom poured from his mouth. While he does not remember everything (years of mushrooms), one specific sentence became embedded into his brain, death is just another path, one that we all must take. In that moment, he know that our journey does not stop when our corpses are placed into the ground. Life was bigger than he ever thought. He began to examine the state of humanity, and in that moment he vowed to be kinder to all who cross his path, with the intention of spreading love to those who have struggled to find it in this life.\n\nLiving in displacement became a heavier burden by the day. The morally bankrupt were multiplying, and he was becoming a stranger in foreign land. He saw that those who looked for wealth and power were clearly dividing the population. The leaders plagued their population withdeath and hatred to mankind, poisoning their brainwashed minds. Seeking an escape from what felt like eternal torture, he retreated to back to his safe space."} +{"id": "23beba3a-906e-4e58-8557-4c5a7f7da39c-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:58.442", "backgroundColor": "#410456", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVnyPtj7zoNJuAhKW41Yk3kbhHULe9HS3hevxedw8VQoo", "txHash": "0x90c6b28ec5fb95843eacb5da16499ba6463121b653430596a16fcbdd35589f18", "createdAtBlock": 15103935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX5RuAPCJLH3onA9YfST7nkS372q4raSv4LNuvmFYGPqA", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Ether", "text": "At last, he returned to his home, away from civilization. Being where he felt he always belonged felt comfortable, it felt easy, it felt right. His body was different though, he could no longer enjoy the land as he once did. He was old. He hurt in areas that he never knew existed. But time slowed and his body adjusted, he became more comfortable with his older form. Perhaps, he was too comfortable. His mind and body began to atrophy, he knew this was the first stage of death. He was not ready to become one with the mycelium and begin his journey in the next life. There was still too much to do in this realm, and he had not left his mark. He realized discomfort brought personal growth, and that he needed to continually challenge his ways to thinking and existing. The hardships he faced made him who he was. By choosing what was easy, he was choosing not to grow, he was choosing death.\n\nWith age, came wisdom. In his twilight years, he was finally ready to use his wisdom to complete his purpose on this journey. He was ready to be the change he hoped to see in the world. It was time to fight back with love. It was time to return to the filth, and be a light in the darkness.\n\nIt is here that his story really begins"} +{"id": "90a8e506-1ba8-4c51-aefd-cdebe8d2d5dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:49.66", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf5VQymq79Za5E2cNWqHW5FZ4qAxE3aYBLU3KNTdXtVBK", "txHash": "0x2936371bf6e4cb5f0cd69e0b8663f9e1abf8d99f0a4095a344ab9db35e0721c2", "createdAtBlock": 13323084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmvw1zpwSa8KeVadSZoMn9X154jNArwoF96gaSo7sG4F", "name": "Solar Mage Fire Eater of the Light", "text": "# The Lore of Solar Mage Fire Eater of the Light\n\nThere is no end to darkness, until the day you give in to the light, and be consumed by the solar fire."} +{"id": "66187e90-5b55-4a31-9458-6bdcf0486e69-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:50.488", "backgroundColor": "#97904a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYPXYd4cKKbGdG3ygdUzvVKdr6KDzHUt8m3yK3xEFDowy", "txHash": "0x2a2fb838df35efbc255093303e04fe319402c931e14fd889befc067d3d79f870", "createdAtBlock": 13323085, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4654, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Udor of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Udor of El Dorado\n\nBorn to the golden capital of El Dorado but orphaned as a baby. Udor was found with his golden Medallion stamped with the sigil of El Dorado. Found by a traveling band of gypsy wizards, Udor was taken in by the Gypsy mother Marin who just recently lost her son to sickness. Udor filled the hole in her heart and the gypsy understood the opportunity that Udor provided with the medallion of El Dorado. Under the gypsies Udor trained in their magic, song and dance. Udor built up his skills so he could be strong enough to take up the quest to solve the mystery of his abandonment and to learn more of his ancestry."} +{"id": "3b3cb786-8c57-4621-9286-58893b6a5824-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:00.195", "backgroundColor": "#080901", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdCJJSUi3cvvE49vbMccjF8wEBfEgavKUA6AqWGThEAGG", "txHash": "0x2771c2c336b1ca481d08b144d71a53e31f1daff00cfba5266f881393ae3708cb", "createdAtBlock": 13391507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4041, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRaFxNXoEt3XtrenojrpfSAQeuFPoiuuUgXHnMryfd96q", "name": "Archmagus Azahl of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Azahl of the Sun\n\n \n\n The reclusive Archmagus Azahl of the Sun taking in the \n sunrise from the sequestered mountains he now calls home."} +{"id": "5e4cd7f9-e54d-4e2f-b6e3-6efeebeb7485-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:15.263", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWCPVEpPVY4DPbLscz81HiHA7qScKCpwPKYvM16f3fu2Y", "txHash": "0xd19b1c7c392cc9dd3537c3756e5b1ab8284f544cc763c54a648a17e1a3e203b5", "createdAtBlock": 13934688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3539, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Circe of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Circe of the Wood\n\nEnchanter Circe of the Wood grew up in the forest loving animals. Soon a slime became her familiar and best friend. \n\n\"I love watching slimes bounce!\""} +{"id": "75268635-8228-49ff-9aa6-966ac887bc84-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:51.15", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaV3rALFTQerFvt9YeQRqGRp4LZZFBaxqvf346bmQBqP2", "txHash": "0x203f678239a5a54dad5cde2e668d18d3beaf379051dc5e6182140e7e6ef62b09", "createdAtBlock": 13323134, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Azahl ", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Azahl\n\nAzahl is an odd Wizard, lacking a location of belonging. Born in Aldo's Isle to two Wizards, he always moved around as a child, tagging along on his parents' adventures. \n\nOne night in the forest, after his parents had already fallen asleep, Azahl met a tiny dark wolf, starving and alone. He fed her some Kobold meat that his parents had hunted, and after spending some more time with her, he grew fond of her and named her Obsi, after the strikingly black volcanic glass. \n\nAs Azahl grew older, and Obsi with him, he went on many adventures of his own, made many friends, some rivals, and fewer enemies. \n\n---\n\nOne day, while wandering through the Quantum Shadow, Azahl encountered Magus Devon, who was searching for her lost familiar, Spinor. Azahl decided to help. \n\nAs he and Magus Devon searched for Spinor, they witnessed something frightening: a village being attacked by a hoard of dragons in the Skylord Rookery! \n\nTogether, they managed to fight off this hoard long enough to evacuate the villagers, but eventually they had to flee as well. Magus and Azahl helped the villagers rebuild their homes with their magic, and as a symbol of gratitude the villagers gifted Azahl a prized heirloom: a Ruby Staff. This staff had been passed down from generation to generation, and was always given to the village's most skilled wizard. Now, however, all of the villagers had lost interest in magic, and so there was no one to weild the staff. \n\n--- \n\nToday, in his old age, Azahl mentors young aspiring wizards, and likes to take long walks with Obsi. His students gave him the title 'Sage', referring to the wisdom he regularly shares with them."} +{"id": "dbacca2a-47fc-4243-891f-040989631dc6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:51.87", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeP6xSh3hdEUWw1kgrpw1EWVxyWu37W5CaurzaJMYtfas", "txHash": "0xa603ee8e2d29d2f45d372ee15acdfaab7814c8393107ac13adeb7a1a32e0baad", "createdAtBlock": 13323922, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2452, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaxaYtSFCEnVEGGcoj8hUA2T8q8nGkmFmN2fUoikRg2Lt", "name": "Sorcerer Hadrien of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Hadrien of Elysium\n\n \n\nHadrien had taken a long path to be the man he is today. As a child, he spent all his time playing with his familiar named Fia. They both created certain havoc by lighting fire at unwanted places using the inner magic that he commanded at his own will. Fia helped foster in him the need to play with her and with fire at the same time, and he occasionally got over-excited when playing with her. \n\nHis foster parents decided that Red Church was going to provide him the right path, considering his unique abilities. So, at the tender age of eight years, he joined the red church. He was raised to be a cleric, yet his critical and rational mind made this process a challenging one for multiple reasons.\n\nThe most prominent challenge was his drive to study religion from a neutral perspective without judging the good forces nor the evil ones. He discovered that his innate abilities were uncommon, and they could be maximized by channeling brimstone. This boosted his abilities beyond his control, which resulted in some serious injuries.\n\nAnother major challenge was his willingness to study and openly discuss both accepted and dangerous books and manuscripts. This led to identifying how to properly use the goblet of immortality, which enabled him to increase its effects, and use it to heal his self-inflicted injuries among other applications."} +{"id": "dbacca2a-47fc-4243-891f-040989631dc6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:51.87", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeP6xSh3hdEUWw1kgrpw1EWVxyWu37W5CaurzaJMYtfas", "txHash": "0xa603ee8e2d29d2f45d372ee15acdfaab7814c8393107ac13adeb7a1a32e0baad", "createdAtBlock": 13323922, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2452, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaxaYtSFCEnVEGGcoj8hUA2T8q8nGkmFmN2fUoikRg2Lt", "name": "Sorcerer Hadrien of Elysium", "text": "Once he was bestowed a red cleric, he proposed to go to a mystic place known as Elysium, where gods and heroes live. The Red Church set him in a nearly impossible task if he was to be awarded the position at Elysium: retrieving a cult object for the Red Church in the deepness of a volcano. He managed to do this by taking advantage of his innate fire domain, his rational ability, and his immortality. He was awarded the position at Elysium. He is now serving the inhabitants of Elysium and providing them with Red Church wisdom and teaching. He is secretly looking forward for a chance to go for an adventure."} +{"id": "6f12f876-bbe9-433a-a937-9444fc4a1910-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:52.712", "backgroundColor": "#57c5b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZrCYdRJJcaRhE2aG2s3yiU6uhXsMGaVz4cFLDvbn4Kw2", "txHash": "0xaa008fa049cc03f29c5f3b25ee29b15924485e28df2dab8232c67103d303140f", "createdAtBlock": 13324734, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4748, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYJDufptdbmhLoVctigUNiUwDkdZ9SraD6MLqncZEtRem", "name": "Alchemist Miyo of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Miyo of the Marsh \n\nssssss... Miyo + professor snake are searching the marsh at dusk... sniffing for ingredients for their next potion...looking for something just beyond their reach.\n\nHere the duo poses for a cute drawing by the one + only @supersaiyanmaya :-)"} +{"id": "081d1ad3-d8b4-4c24-be88-d988aec6a5a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:53.547", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY7NnNZoHyoxWL698ZzXQ7Ja9JLAGGFdR2YbDJFGTsY28", "txHash": "0x0a703ea8b7f5ed066fa815a40824c7816620a55071626fcd80c8c95322c4dd99", "createdAtBlock": 13324945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Ursula of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Ursula of the Steppe\n\nThe year is 2021. Hedge Wizard Ursula of the Steppe is dancing in the forest freely with her Trickster Fox. They hear a rustle in the bushes and the Fox immediately jumps to protect Ursula. While this is yet another over-reaction, (the rumble is merely her spirit animal, a Bear), Ursula finds the gesture endearing. She has known the Fox for only a short time, but their passion, fire and drive for change connects them and has forged an unbreakable bond. She has never been one to allow herself to feel vulnerable, but with the Fox, she feels safe. Ursula opens her hip pack and pulls out some beef jerky tossing it to her sly Protector, herself enjoying a joint. She then sets off on a stroll towards Kelpies Bay, reflecting on what has gotten her here today.\n\nSee Ursula has lived many lives. She was born in the mid 1400s. Her family was persecuted during the Witch Trials and it was with great luck that she and her sister managed to escape. What had they done to deserve this untoward fate? Her mother was a very kind Witch who had practiced healing methods that worked at a time when mainstream medicine was completely ineffective. She had healed and eased the suffering of the same people who eventually turned on her. Her mother had threatened the power of the clergy and the flow of money to the church, in the same way that Ursula today challenged modern society, establishment, and in many ways, the patriarchy.\n\nHer grandmother had bestowed upon her the title of Wizard and a coveted Phoenix feather before facilitating her retreat to the Hedge where she still resides today. \"Remember Ursula,\" she had said, \"no matter what happens in this lifetime, from the ashes, a fire shall be woken, a light from the shadows shall be sprung.\""} +{"id": "081d1ad3-d8b4-4c24-be88-d988aec6a5a5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:53.547", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY7NnNZoHyoxWL698ZzXQ7Ja9JLAGGFdR2YbDJFGTsY28", "txHash": "0x0a703ea8b7f5ed066fa815a40824c7816620a55071626fcd80c8c95322c4dd99", "createdAtBlock": 13324945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Ursula of the Steppe", "text": "Ursula spent those first few years making a home in the Hedge but living in fear and isolation. She was a clumsy novice who was constantly miscasting spells and worried a Witch Hunter would come to execute her. It was the memory of her family that gave her strength during those long days and lonely nights to persevere and fight battles with her heart. She has never been the strongest or the most gifted Wizard, but she is the most passionate, and has found beauty in her own imperfection.\n\nAs she arrives at Kelpies Bay she takes a look at her reflection in the stream. While to an unaware onlooker she appears youthful, (thank goodness her Witchcraft has stopped her from going grey), her once slender head is now shaped as a crone. Her crown head, unique to a select few in the Hedge, and a physical mark of the wisdom that now emanates from her. \n\nEverything around her possesses symbols and meaning. Even something as simple as her stylish and jazzy outfit. The red is a commemoration of the blood spilled by her family and the many Witches and Wizards before her. The green symbolizes her resurrection. Her purple hat, her royalty in the Hedge and the respect she now garners. \n\nHer age accumulated knowledge, insights and intuition give her the courage to stand up for people that cannot stand up for themselves. And while the odds are often stacked against her, (as a female Wizard she works 2x as heard to earn half the compensation, and she has just started looking into freezing her Wizard eggs) she is a strong proponent of Hedge Wizards rights, and is making headway in changing the culture within the Metaverse. The Phoenix gives her strength and reminds her that no matter how many times she bursts into flames (literally and figuratively) - she can, has, and will always rise from the ashes."} +{"id": "e09ce298-0c2b-4178-8d11-1919d85d4f08-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:39.456", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYFP7pGb7GoXkbSLYy2xYn6G8p53x5eoqz4SSsqja2AGV", "txHash": "0x4307427157d378766360b37ef7d44ede118b15fde2d548dd5debf0be94017716", "createdAtBlock": 13944150, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7031, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Isaac of the Hall", "text": "# Servant of the Flame\n\n\nIsaac was a dutiful servant to the master of the hall. He was the bearer of keys, cleaner of the lord's latrine and bringer of snacks. He swelled with pride knowing that when he completed his tasks he would be rewarded with the warm glance of his beloved patron and the satisfaction of a job well done.\n\nOn that fateful winter evening, Isaac had put extra care to prepare for the lord's evening eliminations. He would spit polish the porcelain bowl and warm the seat himself. Finishing with the task he pulled the red silk cord which rang a small bell off in the distance. The familiar signal that the \"frozen throne\" was clean and had warmed to body temperature as his master preferred.\n\nWhen he saw his patron's approach moments later he felt the warmth leave his body. There was a paleness to his face and an urgency in his steps. His eyes seemed to hold the coldness of the dark still night. A chill rose up through Isaac's spine as he stood by not daring to breath. His master strode past closing the lavatory door behind him. \n\n\"He must have eaten something foul. I will surprise with him a cup of tea to ease the strain in his belly,\" Isaac muttered to himself, pushing any probing thoughts from his mind.\n\nHe hurried down to the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil. Isaac warmed himself next to the stove when he heard the sound of hooves coming up the cobblestone path. He peered through the small round window and saw the dark shape of a coach and rider led by two ponies."} +{"id": "e09ce298-0c2b-4178-8d11-1919d85d4f08-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:39.456", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYFP7pGb7GoXkbSLYy2xYn6G8p53x5eoqz4SSsqja2AGV", "txHash": "0x4307427157d378766360b37ef7d44ede118b15fde2d548dd5debf0be94017716", "createdAtBlock": 13944150, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7031, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Isaac of the Hall", "text": "Gaunt and perhaps even sickly, the steeds looked strange to Isaac's old eyes. Wretched creatures, yet they must be strong as they did not breath heavily under the weight of the yolk. Their burden easing as the carriage slowed. The driver dismounted, placing a small step stool on the ground between the large wooden wheels. He opened the door and deep red glow emerged from the cabin and onto the ground.\n\nThe visitor stepped out from the vessel and into the courtyard. Dressed in a dark hood and cloak that flowed in the mist, their identity was obscured from sight. In their gloved hand they revealed the source of the unearthly light. A lantern whose glass, darkened with soot, concealed a crimson flame that smoked excessively. \n\nIsaac noticed his master was peering at the newcomers from the safety of the doorway. After a moment of uncharacteristic hesitation he regained composure and walked out and down the stone steps to greet the cloaked figure. \n\nThe driver moved to block the path of his approach. An exchange of emphatic words and furtive gestures were made. The lord revealed a small but heavy pouch and handed the item to the other man. After a moment of inspection, the driver stepped aside and bowed in a flourish, possibly of mocking deference.\n\nThe lord of the hall hesitated for a second time. Slowly then all at once he moved forward, took the lantern from outstrechted hand of the anonymous guest and turned to scurry unceremoniously back up the stairs disappearing from sight. The courtyard returned to darkness once again.\n\nIsaac heard the crack of the driving whip a moment later. A hallow whinny and the ponies strained forward, lurching the carriage from stillness. They turned and headed towards the road. The night concealing their exit."} +{"id": "e09ce298-0c2b-4178-8d11-1919d85d4f08-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:39.456", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYFP7pGb7GoXkbSLYy2xYn6G8p53x5eoqz4SSsqja2AGV", "txHash": "0x4307427157d378766360b37ef7d44ede118b15fde2d548dd5debf0be94017716", "createdAtBlock": 13944150, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7031, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Isaac of the Hall", "text": "The whistling of the kettle snapped Isaac back to his present moment and he set to complete his forgotten task with some urgency. \n\nHe prepared the tea and hurried to find his master. It was not his business, but Isaac was determined to learn something of the nature of this treasure, or perhaps it was the visitors themselves that perplexed him most. \n\nA smell of burning filled the hall air, somewhat noxious but not unpleasant. The same deep red light came from the door at the end of the hall much much brighter than before and for a moment Isaac thought his master's study room was on fire.\n\nHe saw the flame. Or perhaps they saw eachother. The deepest of red glows, it sang to Issac through the fibres of his being. It was small, but luminous when uncovered. It's light filled Isaac's vision completely. It spoke to him through the void: \"Isaac. You are the one.\"\n\nHis master was standing over the lantern, lost in the act of gazing into the light. Suddenly he looked up to see his servant standing in the doorway. He moved quickly, replacing the sooted lantern glass over the hungering light. His eyes glared at Isaac with malevolence and and he shut the door with force knocking the tray from Isaac's hands. Isaac was left in the cold dark of the hall to pick up pieces of the wasted gift. \n\nReturning to his quarters that night, Isaac's mind drifted back to the lantern. The smell and song of the flame persisted even as he lay sleepless in his bed. The flame would glow so brightly if only it were allowed. Its light would illuminate the world with the help of a skillful servant. Isaac's master was no such servant, he was too full of his own sense of self-importance to serve the flame fully. It needed sacrifice. It needed Isaac."} +{"id": "ecec4a8a-f3ed-4616-bc69-49d7d1bf23c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:54.986", "backgroundColor": "#97b228", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZDbG8TgLtjLMmtmezBEdHi7AviUgCSxFBUhf94Dm3Kg9", "txHash": "0xa9ae7641e5a001cf7969685b637713d7825f1f51665b774f5484150634f46cf0", "createdAtBlock": 13327966, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3467, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Nixie of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Nixie of the Riviera\n\nMany moons ago, Shadow Mage Nixie settled in the Riviera. Despite his best intentions of staying secluded in the shadows he still managed to make a name for himself throughout the land of wizards and magic. \n \n\n\nWhile many know of Shadow Mage Nixie of the Riviera, ironically, not many people know much about him. He settled in the Riviera one day, is a respected member of The Horde, travels the roads with Bella his Bliss Cat, has some sort of connection to Saturn, and is one of the few wizards to possess a bone staff.\n\nWhile Nixie often keeps to the shadows and doing Kobold things, he does enjoy visiting his friend Artificer Jabir of the Steppe and Alchemist Aden of Avalon where they enjoy some mischievousness and friendship."} +{"id": "bbb71533-860a-4106-9698-932379907f72-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:55.843", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPV3xRC8r6RssHo8xYkaEy6cJSMDPCrKXBFRnoN9ZotZ8", "txHash": "0x31c38d27a31d2b431ee4c8068364fc26ca65e7eb76f5a315db24f3e11b82199f", "createdAtBlock": 13327991, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2422, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Aden of Avalon", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Aden of Avalon\n\nNot much is known about Alchemist Aden of Avalon.\n\nHe sits on one of the highest locations in Avalon in a hut for most of his days with signs that state \"Danger Ahead\". No one has been brave enough to venture close enough to examine the magic that occurs at his hut...\n\nThere have been sightings of a topaz slime follower by his side. There are also mandrake potions throughout his hut scattered outside of his living space. A tale as old as time leads people to believe that any thing that comes close enough to his hut (At arms length) allows Aden to combine his potions, magic and your soul to create a transversive friendly slime creature by his side. The indistinguishable color between potion and slime creature resemblance is uncanny.\n\nThere is one thing that is known throughout Avalon - Aden is not to be trusted."} +{"id": "3bbe9f04-6b6f-421d-9388-8c09b4ef716c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:56.848", "backgroundColor": "#13b267", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaEfKEoEvJpQco8fyxRJmNNVph8pz1x78XCq1c7XSSnfR", "txHash": "0x3b35ffae3f988328f2aa67cf9b26541d1f028b069913089d04e7a66c1d856e7e", "createdAtBlock": 13330188, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6294, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lunar Mage Patch of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Lunar Mage Patch of the Bastion\n\nWe find our hero Patch in a location unknown but familiar by reputation. He is slowly waking up against the wall of a Kobold great hall.\n\nWho did I cross? How did I end up here? Thankfully Delatar is still by my side. I have that going for me at least. On the other hand Im now trapped inside of a Kobolds body; fortunately I still have my mind. And I suppose if I think about it, being stuck in camp with the Kobolds isnt a bad place to be. Theyre a like-able sort. Not the smartest but apparently neither am I, if I were Id probably be back in my own body. I suppose Ill fall in while I figure out what to do next.\n\nOk, lets think for a bit, what do I remember? I think Necromancer Billy in the Shadows was there? At least in the Shadows? Ahhh! I cant remember anything. I think I remember speaking with the Grey Pilgrim at some point, maybe? Someone passed me a pipe. Surely that happened? Or was it peyote? No, I definitely remember taking a bite of the sacred mushroom offered me by Magus Jezebel of the Hills. But Magus Jezebel is a friend and ally. What happened after we parted ways? Thats the question that needs answered next. For now though, I need to eat. Horde. Horde."} +{"id": "ed709ea1-0192-4d79-a568-b269063bf6c6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:57.734", "backgroundColor": "#061023", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUnjxeJ1ebRhkvZsZT9rzhgtg4xQFghCxmwCtyEbBDCQ", "txHash": "0xfea769045815dc63f9f90c42d851e4d4043fec9fb384e53ffaac4e518ea8ef5b", "createdAtBlock": 13331666, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmagGXRvUtvWFcFFyQPSXfY4zGrXycKNdrqq4gRQM8aHqg", "name": "Augurer Ixar of Atlantis", "text": "# The Lore of Augurer Ixar of Atlantis\n\n \n\n(Illustration by dangerlam)\n\n## Meet Augurer Ixar of Atlantisan exalted epicurean philosopher who foretells good fortune \n\n(for those with the wit to hear it)\n\nHes not as conventionally renowned as other fortune tellers, as he tends to focus more on finding good fortune in friendship, knowledge, and meaningful work (rather than the fleeting joys of material wealth). Still, his warm alacrity and enduringly affable nature has made him a friend to many across the lands and seas.\n\nIxar rarely practices actual magic; his cards and other props are simply for effect. Its not actually fortune people seek; its therapy, the Augurer of Atlantis says. \n\nWizardsparticularly male wizardswill literally go insane before going to therapy, Ixar observes. But sometimes what they really need is a friend who will just listen, without judgement and take interest in their story. \n\nAnd so, Ixar does just that. Be it a game of cards, a pint of beer or just a long walk, Ixars magic is in that he genuinely cares about the people around him. Or at least, so it would seem. Hes useless in a fight, and will often proclaim any hardship as character building. \n\nAlmost all conflict is a result of an unmet need; and most of these unmet needs come down to relationships we have with ourselves and each other, he says. Hoho, or something like that! Anyways, enough of mewhat of you?\n\nKeen observers will note this general deflection. Ixar tends not to dwell on his own past. What dark secret might he harbour?\n\nAnd whilst he does not actively practice magic; he is still a powerful augurer. He can still read the Signs."} +{"id": "ed709ea1-0192-4d79-a568-b269063bf6c6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:57.734", "backgroundColor": "#061023", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUnjxeJ1ebRhkvZsZT9rzhgtg4xQFghCxmwCtyEbBDCQ", "txHash": "0xfea769045815dc63f9f90c42d851e4d4043fec9fb384e53ffaac4e518ea8ef5b", "createdAtBlock": 13331666, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmagGXRvUtvWFcFFyQPSXfY4zGrXycKNdrqq4gRQM8aHqg", "name": "Augurer Ixar of Atlantis", "text": "He knows something is amiss. His flying fox familiarPercivialhas an acuity for quantum interference. A kind of shared echolocation (?) except not. Its hard to say. Ixar is not a religious man, but he knows that the godsor some pantheon of hidden powersare watching. Waiting.\n\nOne must cultivate an amused indifference to their fate, if ever we are to be free of it, Ixar winks over an ale, in the dark of night. Only then might we subvert it.\n\n\n\nIxar charges in favoursthis may sometimes take the form of gold, but rarely will any large sum be paid direct to him. Instead, the terms of the tribute itself form part of the therapy. Youll see. \n\nShould you need, Ixar can be found in the coastal ports betwixt Asmodeuss Surf and the Alchemists Archipelago. Simply ask for Ixar; most will know whom you mean."} +{"id": "20735c6f-0160-4cef-b398-281aeb89a336-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:59.176", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ37K8zmKjeqQztrswd2N8GvheQuovUEgXVthHL9sJiEe", "txHash": "0x29bf6fd1ed3e44c4f12aa0b0555310c4dd693af30b0089f0fdc8bb64a96e083a", "createdAtBlock": 13337091, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Carly of the Circle", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Carly of the Circle\n\nHe is a wizard who travels in search of the unknown.\nHe has visited countless places, and yet he never gets tired of it and continues to travel.\nSome of the most interesting places he has visited are the peeled moon, the river of aligned fish, the land of praying flowers, the sand filled with voices, the school made of glaring darkness, the maze with no entrance, and the terror made of candy. \n\nHe and his partner, the frog, have been able to overcome many crises with their magic. His personality is cheerful, witty, and friendly. He is also popular with the opposite sex for his sometimes distressed look.\nHowever, one of his few vices is that he does not eat with others.\n\n\nOn his way to a new destination, he found a spring and thought it would be a good time to set up camp.\nThere was a guest there. It was an old man.\nHe wondered why there was an old man here, so he asked him.\nThe old man had an interesting story to tell him.\n\n\n\nThis spring was called a wish-fulfilling spring.\nIn a nearby village, there was a boy and a girl who were childhood friends. The boy knew that it was just a pond. Still, there was something very sacred about the way the girl prayed.\n\nOne day, she sank into the spring with a wish. She never came back.\n\nAfter that day, the boy began to make various efforts. He was willing to bear the hardships. At the very least, he wanted to make her wish come true.\nAs time went by and the boy became a young man, an incident occurred."} +{"id": "20735c6f-0160-4cef-b398-281aeb89a336-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:59.176", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ37K8zmKjeqQztrswd2N8GvheQuovUEgXVthHL9sJiEe", "txHash": "0x29bf6fd1ed3e44c4f12aa0b0555310c4dd693af30b0089f0fdc8bb64a96e083a", "createdAtBlock": 13337091, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Carly of the Circle", "text": "One day, a group of children from the village drowned in a spring. Fortunately, they didn't die, but it was decided to bury the spring because it was too dangerous. One of the people who agreed to the plan was a woman who looked a lot like a girl he had known since childhood.\nThe young man did everything he could to silence those who supported the plan. As he washed his red, wet hands and looked at his face in the mirror, he remembered her wish.\n\n\n\nMay there be no more conflict in this world.\n\n\n\nAfter leaving the old man\n\nThe old man must have been the boy in the story. I wonder if he still lives near the spring because of his memories of her. Is he protecting the spring?\nWell, now that we've heard a very interesting story, let's continue our journey.\nHey, buddy.\nHe muttered to himself, and his eyes looked emotionless and thirsty."} +{"id": "f2964fb0-7bb7-490f-9d98-070fbfa8f064-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:59.922", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddEhPjZfi1RkbEjM8cHVPCdbihwppuBdgk9K83VzSD8o", "txHash": "0x817425500ee387d2c11c428561e96ed6dc93e37285316f09d4b0b406d79f3f62", "createdAtBlock": 13337475, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2651, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Isaac of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Isaac of the Marsh"} +{"id": "ee6d66d0-a177-4505-a007-8942bb783eb1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:31.696", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUQb8saqbGqXNs1vec1HYaoY8FPFG2dwwaXMkGCHX6pno", "txHash": "0x8bbba131e839cccda0411c55fd721c266d0584c63413878c00dd8f4b28a78575", "createdAtBlock": 13339977, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 54, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeA8CrnkWFNadA8xPr4ZBNa2c7WUgriWJz5aWKGqFczUJ", "name": "Druid Mina of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Mina of the Forest"} +{"id": "fbe9fd5d-4207-454e-82d9-6c19505f0a00-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:32.597", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbqg9FnyhXEi6pdU62gFcEUGFeyJSwZCbiaRbT63Juacs", "txHash": "0x4ba3792dfca874f5cfecf5b0076e36db74b6e3b448233748946bc2ae921d7f09", "createdAtBlock": 13341022, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 912, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdL9jAigtniRUyCdeb85xWMGY4NJQcdMw5gD2KJtrrnxM", "name": "Charmer Circe of the Heath", "text": "# Charmer Circe of the Heath - Book of Lore\n\nCharmer Circe of the Heath\n\nForgotten Runes Wizard Cult #0912\n\nThe name 'Circe' means 'falcon.' She is a beautiful woman, whose braided red hair resembled flames. Rumors abound that Circe is a goddess of magic (or sometimes a nymph, witch, enchantress or sorceress). By most accounts, Circe is said to be the daughter of Helios, the god of the sun. Circe is renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs. Through the use of magical potions she transforms her enemies, or those who offend her, into animals.\n\nCirce (sonnet)\n\nTired, I awoke upon a lonely island beach\n And gazed on a Goddess above the shore,\n With sea foam hair, coral skin, what dream,\n My salt eyes, blinded, open, wanting more,\n \n Conspiring with rays of summer she shone\n So bright, this daughter of the sun, we stood\n I and my castaway crew, to that siren prone\n As she led us to her mansion in the woods.\n \n Her potions tamed the forest wolf and lion,\n Spellbinding warrior poets to liven feasts.\n Why then must she turn damned men to swine,\n By what she most desired contented least?\n \n Desert falcon, my moly held Pharaohs' breeze\n And what nil escape above the wine dark seas.\n\n- Sen Mac Falls"} +{"id": "b02587d1-c30e-4a65-a2e4-44312edf7699-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:21:33.443", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYPpo2JGfN7MnhwAamPyFAcMJrNS1Q2Ygxr5GKAS6Awcs", "txHash": "0x6232e3aef5f14aaf7b3ade24841b68821c3eec638a97631a7501e10df0b37c80", "createdAtBlock": 13343442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9859, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Aleister of the Keep\n\nNo darkness lasts forever. And even there, there are stars."} +{"id": "0768d9a1-7039-4b8c-8820-fdaba799c4fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:22:10.043", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmavs9BrPxVfwBbDPb3HiFKiDhDD3FNrcjRHTFdTzeXSXM", "txHash": "0x0a5919d7f0e58531f8a5867846b07b52aaac335e5e00e7ca7560a367d0645372", "createdAtBlock": 13383667, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4085, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner of the Gnostics\n\nLegend has it that the forename of the Summoner is so repugnant that hearing it uttered causes deafness and reading it causes blindness.\n\nHe chose his only friend, a blue rat, in large part because it couldn't read or speak- thus avoiding any awkwardness in introductions."} +{"id": "2095fa3b-e730-4cb4-8d14-229bac17ff6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:22:10.922", "backgroundColor": "#1E0200", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma6w4k74WWoXuPDL9wPYvvndPjD72wkeeF2caL1NHzHst", "txHash": "0xa4abd8ee6b77ea765f5fc403ba2288eb5a845b97d5e731334421ea59563cb90f", "createdAtBlock": 13385021, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1125, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSRNb2hKumprEJ5znj5mrk22vQjag9KA2t9KZrZRCiJ3g", "name": "Archmagus David of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus David of the Valley\n\nArchmagus David of the Valley is a man from a forgotten era.\n\nDavid inherited his name from his homeland, the Valley of the Void Desciple. It was here during his childhood that David became a philosopher and began to question the triviality of life. \n\nThis began as a boy when Davids father, a violent man who incessantly chugged ale, cast him into The Cave of the Platonic Shadow. It was in this cave that Archmagus David began to better understand the meaning of life, or lackthereof. \n\nDavid emerged from the cave a changed manwith a veil of nihilism cast over his auroa he asked himself, What does it all even mean? A question David continues to ask himself to this day.\n\nA tormented man, at least David isn't alone. Archmagus David of the Valley can be found traveling with his brother, Medium Blaise of the Sun. Blaise shares David's everlasting thirst for meaning. The pair of wanderers satiate this desire with several dozen pints of ale daily. \n\nWhen the brothers aren't chugging ale at Alessar's Keep and harassing unsuspecting onlookers, you'll find them hunting wild boar in The Thorn where they now reside.\n\nIf you cross paths with these two, be prepared for a night you'll hardly remember and wont soon forget. Cheers."} +{"id": "7e4caf33-470c-41d3-bc51-0e6a0b98882c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:22:11.784", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme4gMRcLTaVBnnohn4tJXWuqJDQMhVgAzismjDwwecAkE", "txHash": "0x5696ac912b76528e211ffd2037f77c17beb5f9b600f025a9ff4dc64620e3446e", "createdAtBlock": 13385470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Beyna of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of Beyna of the Atheneum\n\n\nBeyna of the Atheneum is a powerfull but benevolent wizard.\n\nAs a young wizard she was exceptionally empathetic, she could pick up on the emotions of others almost as if they were her own. \nThis made her very popular, however she often became preoccupied with and burdened by other peoples problems.\n\nBeynas powers grew and the emotions she was picking up on became fleeting thoughts. Knowing their thoughts, she found she could read and manipulate people easily, however, she had difficulty distinguishing between her own thoughts and those of others in her vicinity and it began to drive her insane. \n\nFor many years Beyna became a recluse taking refuge in her cabin deep within the snow-capped BattleMage mountains with little more than a log fire and her rat familiar to keep her company. Through powerful magic her and her familiars minds have been bound together as one. She sees, hears and feels what he does and can summon him with her thoughts alone. \n\nYou may now be thinking: but what use is rat mind-control ? Well you'd be surprised what gossip a strangely-coloured rat in the corner of the tavern can pick up!\n\nHer rune of Uranus gifts her the ability to control water and ice. She can summon a thick mist and some even claim a shower of icicles !\n\nBeyna began to venture down to the Atheneum regularly and taught herself meditation this calmed her mind and allowed her to socialise and make good friends with other Wizards. \n\nBeyna was gifted the Caduceus staff which super-charged her telepathic power. She found she could not only interrupt her own thought flow but that of others too ! Although she could no doubt abuse this power she prefers to put it to use -\ncalming troubled souls."} +{"id": "4583cdd8-a4d3-491e-9cdb-2c326ec8362a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:22:58.075", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT7xApGDaeLj6JAhwCWKzrqTk5qRJSTTqLVxotLDqDHd7", "txHash": "0x961c257c86dd593a9be73a583afb912b8a7e18eb364026288c393aedf8017575", "createdAtBlock": 13390057, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Faye of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster Faye of the Plains\n\nFaye lived in the Plains of the Wild. She read the future in the tracks of the snakes, but only wasteland was in her path. \n\nThe runes will keep her secret."} +{"id": "0f978a1d-1aa9-44ac-954b-356c863de742-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:22:59.157", "backgroundColor": "#181616", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeTQjKQebAsVhhvPLYS6TEKJtzgbwP2agceR9xDavo5cS", "txHash": "0x20889850e3b5f3eb81ceaba4600becd77a68ce4a22a0a8b27e79b110e2872cca", "createdAtBlock": 13390979, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9475, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaEyeEfPjZeMJhHjjeER9yKRSZepMuENRtibnSBjtZ3Z8", "name": "Druid Quddus of the Hollow", "text": "# Quddus of the Hollow\n\n> honoring my lost mentor.\n\n> fondly reminiscing the seasons we spent calmly exploring the Brinal coast.\n\n> godspeed, mage.\n\nRamiz of the Bastion"} +{"id": "6a0ad49c-1d7f-43c7-9e07-41d237b9d812-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:00.934", "backgroundColor": "#420808", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcjWMGEZkn8ZkmmL7yHm9XTE4BZCG5mPfQa6ELe9h7VcX", "txHash": "0x693cd3a11263ab4a3c4b97ed5befddcc718c26d0a6ea92a76186ab7889e44f0c", "createdAtBlock": 13394361, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9400, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Soran of the Arctic", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Soran of the Arctic\n\nBorn to high-placed red wizards in the Capital, Soran was raised among the systems of privilege and power found there.\n\nAs expected, Sorans parents ensured that he received admission to the best wizarding school in the Capital. Although specific magic spells cannot be taught, the mentors at the school work with the students to help them discover their inborn talents and affinities, and potentially, unlock the power of a Rune. Unfortunately for Soran, he did not appear to have much in the way of inborn magical ability. And no Runes were forthcoming.\n\nHowever, Soran did discover another talent - the ability to network, scheme, and maneuver in order to achieve his goals. He purchased a bag of tricks from an artificer to enhance his ability to adapt to any situation. This, combined with his familys influence and connections, allowed him to graduate from the school with honors. In his senior yearbook, he was voted Most Likely to Succeed in a Non-Magical Realm. He decided to take that as a compliment. Soon afterward, he was hired to Capital Resources, LLC, one of the largest wizard-owned corporations in the land.\n\nCapital Resources primary business is to survey the land, locate important stores of magical resources, and extract those resources for sale. Certain magical schools in particular, such as alchemy and artificing, rely on such ingredients. Soran found that he was adept at figuring out likely locations for resources, organizing exploratory expeditions, and ensuring that local interests did not get in the way of resource harvesting and extraction."} +{"id": "6a0ad49c-1d7f-43c7-9e07-41d237b9d812-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:00.934", "backgroundColor": "#420808", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcjWMGEZkn8ZkmmL7yHm9XTE4BZCG5mPfQa6ELe9h7VcX", "txHash": "0x693cd3a11263ab4a3c4b97ed5befddcc718c26d0a6ea92a76186ab7889e44f0c", "createdAtBlock": 13394361, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9400, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Soran of the Arctic", "text": "Soran possesses a keen eye for reading a situation and knowing the appropriate strategic move. This came into play during his stint as head supervisor at the CR cinnabar mine at an undisclosed location. Soran fostered the conditions for maximum cinnabar extraction while also minimizing costs, and his balance sheet looked excellent. However, he knew the rate of miner turnover (through fatalities, not quitters, the debt-inducing miner contracts ensured that) and the excessive depth of the mines would lead to disaster soon. Soran secured a transfer mere weeks before the mines collapsed through a mysterious lava eruption. Sorans replacement didnt survive the incident.\n\nAs a result of his efforts, Soran has recently been promoted from Magus to Archmagus (the standard career path for wizards in Capital Resources). Still, this amounts to middle management, and Soran is not satisfied. However, this resourceful wizard believes his current project is really going to make him stand out to the higher-ups. Donning his tundra wear and calling his snake familiar (purchased from a poacher during another project in a tropical region), he headed north.\n\nAcquiring alchemical minerals and phoenix feathers is all well and good, but magical energy is where the real money is. In the Expanse, Soran discovered vast stores of magical energy, trapped in the ice. By thawing the ice, the energy could be extracted and sold. True, the process gradually turned the ice into a sea, but that seemed an acceptable loss - Soran figured the polar bears and nomadic tribes had plenty of time to move elsewhere.\n\nEverything was going swimmingly, and Soran anticipated a call from the Capital any day now, announcing his promotion to Sage and a corner office at headquarters. However, one evening, as Soran worked after hours to finish up some accounting, a pair of wraiths appeared at the door to his office."} +{"id": "6a0ad49c-1d7f-43c7-9e07-41d237b9d812-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:00.934", "backgroundColor": "#420808", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcjWMGEZkn8ZkmmL7yHm9XTE4BZCG5mPfQa6ELe9h7VcX", "txHash": "0x693cd3a11263ab4a3c4b97ed5befddcc718c26d0a6ea92a76186ab7889e44f0c", "createdAtBlock": 13394361, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9400, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Soran of the Arctic", "text": "The next day, the plant workers could not find any trace of Soran. There were no signs of foul play. Only a small card on his desk, with a Rune of Cinnabar drawn on it in red ink.\n\nSoran better get himself out of whatever predicament hes in, or the head office will not be pleased\n\n(to be continued)"} +{"id": "8f5a6579-ffbd-4d7b-91bc-4e59eaf42b7c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:23.45", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWihNkELcBw6S4EVBcU3mESTao15yjBnYtHN71ERzeZUx", "txHash": "0xdb71d04e7426d795ea1433e75a1a6ece89a2b649f1dd41457d3ce43bb7f8adb6", "createdAtBlock": 13405645, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7195, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Trollin of the Keep", "text": "# Trollin the Troll\n\nTrollin the Troll is the owner and bartender of the most popular... erm, populous tavern of the Keep.\n\nHe is known across the city as he's probably the only barman who uses his magic tricks on his own clients, just for fun. \n\nWhy has his tavern not emptied yet? Who knows! Maybe wary travelers and wizards like to laugh, even at their own expense, after all. Sometimes people refer to him as Sage Trollin, which is of course to be taken with a pinch of irony. Around town, it has become a joke of sorts - when people refer to someone as a \"sage\", dubious ones may reply with a \"aye, a Sage Trollin at best\"."} +{"id": "800c1594-a67c-49bf-9b38-e9e6a45a45cb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:24.192", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPy5ume3nLHZuhB3EoTngzbYVoptcVCzvBYDRp7JSU1rV", "txHash": "0x7dd57e450253e732c5f64973f60748b7ac1bb8442ecfb60b57ede0b2f0797183", "createdAtBlock": 13405699, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1128, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jabir of the Tundra", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jabir of the Tundra\n\nJabir is currently seeking revenge on his nemesis (whom he has dubbed a \"Street Rat\") for foiling his plans to help better his community through enhancing his magical abilities. \n\nOthello, his blue pet rat, is currently seeking out the aforementioned Street Rat in order to help Jabir return to prominence."} +{"id": "6faf8637-d0aa-4137-94ed-48071533aaf0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:25.154", "backgroundColor": "#152810", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmejcZjQ3bcR3fHo3s6Ej5isA6k7dZ6PdHyzCxrGdPn1sk", "txHash": "0x603c7e3b9c0d65c36443b94dd7c7573a406bc2af932d2f2803c1543f9ef11594", "createdAtBlock": 13406822, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Merlon of Dreams", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Merlon of Dreams and Bun-Bun of the Dirt:\n\nMerlon, a middle-aged wizard trained in the classical Druidian magical arts. He has perfected the spells that create barriers that reflect attacks, cast weapon enchantments which temporarily steal magic power from others, and spells granting temporary invincibility. Merlon is a master of force-use magic and can move objects of great size by a powerful, neon green, force beam that he emits from his dumb stick. He is often called upon by town folk and other wizards in an advent of a disaster or emergency to aide with clearing paths, removing rubble, building crossing structures or the like. He is happy to help.\n\nMerlon loves to travel and has visited many Forgotten Rune realms and other worlds. He is able to enter other worlds and metaverses through traveling though portals in his dream by waking up at the desired destination. This world traveling ability was learned from a top wizard associate at the Druid Academy, whose identity has never been revealed.\n\nWhen Merlon was a young wizard, fresh out of the Druid Academy he had the opportunity to care for the great Mana Tree in the Land of Mana as part of his post-wiz certification. Not long after his arrival great evil events were set in motion that resulted in the Mana Tree being destroyed. Merlons role in those events are still unclear and he is reluctant to speak about it. Merlons dumb stick is actually a branch of the Mana Tree and wields tremendous magical power from the Mana Spirit of Wood, Dryad.\n\nMerlon is a very friendly wizard and loves to meet new people. Merlon adores children and will stop and answer their questions or tell grand stories whenever he has the opportunity. The children love his little rabbit."} +{"id": "6faf8637-d0aa-4137-94ed-48071533aaf0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:25.154", "backgroundColor": "#152810", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmejcZjQ3bcR3fHo3s6Ej5isA6k7dZ6PdHyzCxrGdPn1sk", "txHash": "0x603c7e3b9c0d65c36443b94dd7c7573a406bc2af932d2f2803c1543f9ef11594", "createdAtBlock": 13406822, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Merlon of Dreams", "text": "Merlons familiar is a brown rabbit named Bun-Bun of the Dirt. This rabbit has been known to speak, but only does so when she has something very important to say. It is unknown where and when the language enchantment was placed on Bun-Bun. Some say that there is no enchantment on the rabbit whatsoever but that the rabbit is from Watership Down, a place where rabbits could talk and once ran free until men razed it and built homes on the land. Merlon won Bun-Bun in a card game some years ago. They have been best friends ever since.\n\nYou can usually find Merlon and Bun-Bun near the Dream Master Lake where he has a nice cabin not too far from the local town. Stop in and see Merlon and Bun-Bun. Thier door is always open for a visit.\n\nKnown Associates:\n\nSorcerer Hadrien of the Hills #113\n\nThe One Who Rings"} +{"id": "21e65935-1be7-4c4f-8fcc-706f89956558-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:25.849", "backgroundColor": "#081208", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYaQtRghpxhpWyTjNSCKVDkJcS3aSyzTgZfDdPGH99fsZ", "txHash": "0x98ff5a70ce12f4ae6427fbacdb068e87f8f0a49a25a5cd941c0516f61b09dacf", "createdAtBlock": 13408420, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4365, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Jabir of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Jabir of the Mount\n\nJabir lives on a mountain with his pet spirit rat. The eye he holds is the eye of the unnamed beast that almost killed him. That was the day he became a wizard. If that beast hadn't attacked, as horrible as it was, Jabir would never have waken the ancient power living inside of him. He'd still be stuck on that farm treated like a slave. Now he has a cabin on a mountain where he lives alone, practicing daily his summoning magic."} +{"id": "c4df4e88-f166-4893-8452-f09c29d0ca5a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:26.528", "backgroundColor": "#424c42", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQRuxz7GW2bKKnYYVfkvsY7dUrFkYQvKzFtpb9YMsXuL3", "txHash": "0x40aa4baf464cf05cbec46633b391b4fd13221e44c1ae5bf868d0f6d418f1a542", "createdAtBlock": 13408507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3522, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Blaise of the Lake", "text": "Blaise of the Lake, also known as the Illusionist of Goldanor, was a famous member of the order of the Technicrons.\n\nDuring his early years, he mastered the knowledge of the order and imprinted some of his intuitions in a series of spells called \"The Illusionist's Handbook\".\n\nThe book was popular in Goldanor and the surrounding kingdoms. So popular that several wizards decided to challenge Blaise to a spell fight.\n\nBlaise defeated three of the most important fire wizards, a time master, a necromancer, and finally the Druid Faiz of Arcadia.\n\nAfter several years of challenges, fame, and power, Blaise decided to retreat to a Fortress in the land of CastleDAO.\n\nHe selected a fine castle to live in, up in a hill, surrounded by a clear water lake. Unfortunately, the Goblins saw him and decided to attack his fortress in search of gold and treasury.\n\nLittle did they know they were facing the mighty Illusionist. Blaise saw the goblins approaching and prepared a set of spells to scare them, confuse them and finally make them go away.\n\nOver the years, the people of the kingdom started talking about a famous wizard living in a Castle, surrounded by a lake. Some went to learn from him, others to give him praise, many called him Blaise of the Lake.\n\n---\n\nBetween the most famous spell recipes of Blaise, covered in his book, we can find:\n\n- Disengage: Fades a weapon into pieces\n- Multiply: Multiplies any object or entity several times\n- Fire bird: A wild dragon appears into the combat\n- Looks like Gold to me: Converts any item into gold for some days.\n- Weather form: Transforms the sky, weather, and land around a 100km radius area."} +{"id": "c4df4e88-f166-4893-8452-f09c29d0ca5a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:26.528", "backgroundColor": "#424c42", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQRuxz7GW2bKKnYYVfkvsY7dUrFkYQvKzFtpb9YMsXuL3", "txHash": "0x40aa4baf464cf05cbec46633b391b4fd13221e44c1ae5bf868d0f6d418f1a542", "createdAtBlock": 13408507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3522, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Blaise of the Lake", "text": "Most of the spells covered in the book are just illusions that do not transform reality in any way but to the eyes of those who watch them. But some they say, in his late days, Blaise found a secret, a secret that allowed him to transmute reality permanently..."} +{"id": "b8c7fc0a-073e-47bc-a5a1-3dd031ee43c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:00.351", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVGP1ZkGGjYsJF7B9CakjM35L4nDHcnkEZfrSEZMC1aaV", "txHash": "0x890c33859e9b83c23f57d817cf4d10e3a5daebce8fff69dbba01424bf8f8a922", "createdAtBlock": 15110633, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8639, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Carly of the Spike", "text": "*zip*\n\nglittering,shining,bright,burninglightallaroundcan'tmakeoutwhereiamohwaittheresaspacegogogo-\n\n*zip*"} +{"id": "41d0f348-ae16-451e-b701-2b3b880c2068-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:23:27.397", "backgroundColor": "#061403", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXvizdsZeLNz942yj9jDizjCLX5fZvc2TMmzXEchTjuGr", "txHash": "0x45d059e8d638fb1569aacfd7bbc6d6445ce963186d2b72cbcb7979afc52d4c1c", "createdAtBlock": 13408724, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4365, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Jabir of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Jabir of the Mount\n\nJabir lives on a mountain with his pet spirit rat. The eye he holds is the eye of the unnamed beast that almost killed him. That was the day he became a wizard. If that beast hadn't attacked, as horrible as it was, Jabir would never have waken the ancient power living inside of him. He'd still be stuck on that farm treated like a slave. Now he has a cabin on a mountain where he lives alone, practicing daily his summoning magic."} +{"id": "e2358d56-9708-445b-93f9-3a2831a46f66-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:34.618", "backgroundColor": "#032c05", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJe99qZ4uwabKnieGeFjS49JWRoEkk4tC2istzzQ8yjX", "txHash": "0xc97459e938fcdc8f1ac4821b4917d6f762f51f6202bdcd66320e383e75383466", "createdAtBlock": 13409507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9908, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Louis of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lament of Arch-Magician Louis of the Swamp Citadel\n\nA man's got to have a code... and so does his rat.\n\nThis nefarious duo live by a set of arcane Rules passed down through generations of swamp dwelling mystics. Some are simple: killing strikes with the left. Others are more complicated: when stealing a fellow wizard's potions on a Wednesday, always leave a clove of garlic as a token of thanks.\n\nThis pair don't make The Rules, they just follow them. No matter what."} +{"id": "bf9be5ac-e6a7-4bd4-b55a-6ac7e6e11047-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:35.967", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPksTNejiogqiqBV29Kjd38o8MwPeGtu4eK3qdrFEV8v", "txHash": "0x7095e58fa88cfa1b7cf28be61b770e4d2ed5739e5a1f44294a2ecaf2edd1a6db", "createdAtBlock": 13410497, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6745, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Lucien of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Voodoo Priest Lucien of the Valley\n\nFrom where this Voodoo Priest first came from is unknown, nor does anyone truly care they only now wonder why he came.\n\nHe appears to be a young, hearty man of thirty but stories of Lucien extend back nearly one-hundred years. His face is handsome, charming to all. Yet set behind his dark mirror-like eyes are the memories of tortuous spells and twisted magic.\n\nThose that need Lucians services must journey deep into The Valley on the evening of a new moon and follow the howls and hissing songs of his camp. Only then will one be granted an audience with the Priest where one can ask for anything and be granted it but not free of cost."} +{"id": "857951cb-c088-4e07-ae63-e2fd37b15714-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:36.772", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSfbiTZM4eMjr1cXnNRjyYJtbcnVfuQ9ZegrN56ttNgE", "txHash": "0x07209694d12189d529da75015d99dd2f0dc1c12b3c9ec6a770a833c58760db7e", "createdAtBlock": 13411604, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3226, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Sturgis of the Reach", "text": "# A hedgeling of the Reach\n\nSturgis came from humble stock: god-fearing farmers who had worked the fertile land of the Reach for millennia.\n\nThey weren't oppressed labourers; his people shared a symbiotic bond with the earth that they cultivated.\n\nSturgis however, although having the same unbreakable bond with the land, never quite felt that the path his forefathers took would be his own. There was always a nagging anxiety he felt when he was around other people. He loved his family of course, but he was truly at peace when enveloped by the solace of the wild.\n\nEvery spare hour he had, he would venture into the forests of the Reach. Never with a direction, never with a purpose. Always with a longing, but for what?\n\nIt constantly landed him in hot water with friends and family. The forests of the Reach were an impenetrable canopy, with many dangers. One of which was a legend, that the forest of the reach was the ancestral home of werewolves. A myth or was their truth in the fables?\n\nHe would get lectured : 'you'll get lost', 'you won't find your way back', 'why do you put your family through the worry!?'. They didn't understand though, and he could not explain it to them. He always made his way home through an innate ability to tackle one of the most dangerous terrains of the world.\n\n'It's almost a miracle,' someone quipped when he returned time and time again.\n\n' It's almost magical' another added...\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "0d993362-1761-4285-bf20-5ca52f088001-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:37.731", "backgroundColor": "#b2ac97", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUf1iHamM6bK8c1cdA2wHZ5p78g72biEKnGbNEyg6utsm", "txHash": "0xc199052a3e5f7fef1a73d37886808a2cec0c35f871e1b6d0f5ee2cbe147b7e50", "createdAtBlock": 13413701, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9631, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Aldus of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Spellsinger Aldus of the Realm\n\nTo my precious Bao-Bao,\n\nThey are letting me send this out; I hope it gets to you. I am unharmed, but I am a captive. I wont say who or where because I dont want you to get involved. Suffice it to say that this Great Burning business has unfortunately brought out the worst in some of us wizards.\n\nI dont know what my future holds, but I wanted to use this chance to tell you that Im so proud of you. I still remember those days when I taught you my craft, how to use your voice to breathe magic into the world. I remember your first halting notes piercing the air before you could walk, imitating the tones from my bell. Your frustration as you struggled to get all the minor scales perfect and to expand the edges of your range. And your delight when you first used the dulcet tones of the Twilight Aria to make a jar of water glimmer in the night. These moments we will always have.\n\nI regret how things went later. I was too dogmatic, too resistant when you wanted to study alchemy. I didnt understand why you wished to leave the Capital, why you rejected the career I had planned for you. I still think you would have been legendary, performing your spellsinging in the Grand Palace of the Arts. Ah, it would have been glorious to see your talent acknowledged by the best and the brightest, the adoration you would have received from the multitudes!\n\nBut, here I am again, harping on what could have been; this is supposed be my apology! I can see now, what I didnt see then. You are a pioneer, not a diva. When I saw one of your nightshade potions, and realized what you had accomplished, I knew that history will remember you, just not in the way I had anticipated."} +{"id": "0d993362-1761-4285-bf20-5ca52f088001-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:37.731", "backgroundColor": "#b2ac97", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUf1iHamM6bK8c1cdA2wHZ5p78g72biEKnGbNEyg6utsm", "txHash": "0xc199052a3e5f7fef1a73d37886808a2cec0c35f871e1b6d0f5ee2cbe147b7e50", "createdAtBlock": 13413701, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9631, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Aldus of the Realm", "text": "I looked for you, you know. I realized my error, but you are not to be found. Even in the 7th Realm, I was searching before being apprehended. The reach of the Quantum Shadow is long.\n\nThey are looking at me impatiently. Bao-Bao, please know that whatever happens, I love you and cherish you. Im so happy and grateful I got to raise you and learn about the woman youve become. You are strong, and you will be OK.\n\nPlease dont try to find me.\n\n-Dad"} +{"id": "7c1834da-1870-462d-a7f6-9c3a140ced2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:25.589", "backgroundColor": "#6b0c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXVrm33pYRtQ1eC2NMgKA4ysKEzBg3up2tNWtTgte2CG", "txHash": "0x1f7c5e23fe69c6a4a408973d0a8cfe1845e9fcf1511fd023bda4ca745b9aac34", "createdAtBlock": 13477504, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Luther of the Circle", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Luther of the Circle and then the Flame\n\n**In his youth Luther was a curious and attentive student. He was lauded with great promise and hope to follow the proper path of a young wizard destined for prestige. He came from a strong family and developed many friendships with both wizard and man alike. It was often said of Luther that to finds him all one needed was to follow the sound of the deep laughter of man and the banging of wizards staffs for he would never be too far with a story (maybe a bit stretched and over the top) and a pint of ale.**\n\n**The arcanist was rather successful at first as would be expected to make it into this prestigious Book of Lore, but as time would have it he would be tested like not many wizards were brought to challenge before. It was shortly after the Great Cataclysm at the Circle where Luthers luck would change. His powers began to fail him, he lacked focus and began to fall away from both the worlds of wizard and man.** \n\n**At first, they wondered and worried for Luther but eventually, as goes life Luther was left to his wife alone to care for him. He would try desperately to regain control and precision over his powers once again. Wizards came from far and wide to try to spark his power, but as one wizard would say, I can do not for Luther, for Luther must do for himself. Eventually, the wizards stopped coming.**"} +{"id": "7c1834da-1870-462d-a7f6-9c3a140ced2e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:25.589", "backgroundColor": "#6b0c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXVrm33pYRtQ1eC2NMgKA4ysKEzBg3up2tNWtTgte2CG", "txHash": "0x1f7c5e23fe69c6a4a408973d0a8cfe1845e9fcf1511fd023bda4ca745b9aac34", "createdAtBlock": 13477504, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Luther of the Circle", "text": "**One morning during his walk, Luther saw an old wagon drawn by two black Clydesdales. As he approached, he saw his reflection in their dark eyes and it memorized him, for he was not a man of thirty-five no longer but instead he was his younger self as he was during his time studying at the Western Library. And just as he leaned in further to see this boy of himself their eyes began to burst into flame causing Luther to lurch back and fall to the ground.**\n\n**What have you seen there Archanist? Some memory? Some future? said a young woman in a tall red hat.**\n\n**Oh nothing, I just lost my feet that is all. Will be on my way now. Good eve young lady!**\n\n**Stop, Luther do not flee. I am here for you need me now. I do not bring supreme news nor treasure. However, I might be able to give you fame and a new start to this life that has lost you so.**\n\n**But how do you know**\n\n**My child, I might look young to you but I remember when you great-grandfa was knee high and spell-less. I am a forgotten pyromancer, of the old ways, and we dont have much time. Now close your mouth and listen to thes words of mine.**\n\n**The time grows near to start again, \nto grab your own future in your hand.\nFor when this Hallows Eve doth come,\nby flame your future shant be undone.**"} +{"id": "7c1834da-1870-462d-a7f6-9c3a140ced2e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:25.589", "backgroundColor": "#6b0c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXVrm33pYRtQ1eC2NMgKA4ysKEzBg3up2tNWtTgte2CG", "txHash": "0x1f7c5e23fe69c6a4a408973d0a8cfe1845e9fcf1511fd023bda4ca745b9aac34", "createdAtBlock": 13477504, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Luther of the Circle", "text": "**As Luther tried to speak, his words were lost and his throat tightened. His eyes stared at the woman and then he turned toward her wagon towards her horses. When his eyes finally traveled down the side of her wagon to the horses they were gone. His head snapped around to the young pyromancer. Yet when he reached where she once stood all that was left was a black spot on the grey dirt with two boot prints. He spun around three times looking for both her and the horses, but there was no trace. Just the old wooden wagon, that now Luther realized was broken, stripped of two wheels and overrun by weeds and roots cracking through the boards.**\n\n**--- ---**\n\n**Luther arrived home to his wife but could not share this story for fear she might think him mad. She made them both a pot of tea which they enjoyed by the fire before bed. Luther looked at his wife, her stomach showed that the baby would soon come and the raspberry tea should bring it sooner.**\n\n**The next day was much like the ones before. Tending to the garden and studying. It all must have been in his head from fatigue. There was no pyromancer. Luther returned home with a basket of carrots and turnips from the garden to find his wife on the floor their baby was coming.**\n\n**After three hours of toil the young babe finally arrived and joy fell over both Luther and his wife. Looking at their young daughter was a dream and new start perhaps she will be Sophia Diane. That evening they shared a simple meal of roasted carrots and hard loaf and nursed their new born until they all fell asleep in bed for a peaceful rest. The Arcanist of the Circle was now a father.**\n\n**--- ---**"} +{"id": "7c1834da-1870-462d-a7f6-9c3a140ced2e-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:25.589", "backgroundColor": "#6b0c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXVrm33pYRtQ1eC2NMgKA4ysKEzBg3up2tNWtTgte2CG", "txHash": "0x1f7c5e23fe69c6a4a408973d0a8cfe1845e9fcf1511fd023bda4ca745b9aac34", "createdAtBlock": 13477504, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6877, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Luther of the Circle", "text": "**--- ---**\n\n**A low drumming noise woke Luther in the middle of the night and got him out of bed. He shuffled across the stone floor to the door. Looking back at his wife and daughter that lay peacefully, he slowly opened the door to the main chamber where the drumming grew louder. He opened the front door and looked around for its source there in the distance was the Secret Tower glowing ablaze. Flames reflected in Luthers eyes as he walked out the door. He could hear other footsteps in the woods around him but could not see another soul. The footsteps were heading toward the tower. The footsteps continued to grow louder until Luther realized it was his own feet crunching on the leaves and sticks below.**\n\n**He felt comfort that he was choosing himself for them, for Sophia, but Luther did not realize this was never his choice.**"} +{"id": "5afe69d6-4376-4485-81bc-c23c73473f72-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:38.543", "backgroundColor": "#220707", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdXTyKaC6nohhfDfiMaKZbT6wBGqAjx2X6cQyMtKu4uw", "txHash": "0xafecf7fc8946aa64bceff69f854fa6eaeb936fb461ddc855973c53e2aa77fe56", "createdAtBlock": 13413976, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3093, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Dante of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Dante of the Brambles and his Faithful Companion Nardy,\n\nSeeker of Strength, Brute of the Brambles, Challenger of Kings... He goes by many names.\n\nAt the age of 12 young Dante watched in horror as his family was crushed by a giant boulder. In the shambles of the aftermath, Dante discovered a lone baby rodent whimpering near the remains of its smashed mother. For the first time tears of rage trickeled down Dante's face as he took in the rodent and named it \"Nardy\". He later learned that the attack was ordered by a crime lord known as \"The King of Brambles\"\n\nDante swore a pact of vengeance against The King. But to succeed, he needed strength... Tough absolute strength like the boulder that took his family away. \n\nFascination soon turned to obsession as he dedicated years of his life training in the mountains along with his beloved friend, Nardy. Countless hours were spent pounding his fists against rocks, and challenging any who would fight him. \n\nAfter years of constant training, the power to manipulate rocks awakened within Dante. Along with this, came the power to inflict sickness. However, as if fate were taunting him, he discovered he could only inflict sickness upon himself. In the wild, a sick and injured animal has been said to viciously attack when cornered... While it may be a double edged sword, he may have use for this ability yet.\n\nSeeker of Strength, Brute of the Brambles, Challenger of Kings... Fueled by vengeance and unwaivering rage, Dante of the Brambles and his Faithful Companion Nardy begin their journey..."} +{"id": "4b3423a8-3314-41e3-801a-13141414dc63-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:39.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSaYo95kBYe5NnFkYpuGpKRuNghhCdX1VjZ6YTL9s7AA1", "txHash": "0xef715c44924e38fa30b7bde877025bbd4ec4c856e561f18a045f99f8d3ea83ee", "createdAtBlock": 13414683, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 164, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Pumlo of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Pumlo of the Veil\n\n\"Ah, don't worry about it. I will do it yesterday\" - The Archmagus, when asked to clean his quarters.\n\nWith such incredible mastery over the art of time manipulation, nobody really knows what he's up to. The only thing we know is that he always has his frog companion with him, wherever (or whenever) he goes.\n\nThe past, the present, and future make no difference to the Archmagus, and thus he does not have an age. You may be meeting him for the first time, and also for the 100th time, all at the same time. \n\nHe seemingly has access to infinite knowledge... After all, he can travel back a million years to have a chat with the Genesis Wizard, or travel thousands of years into the future to learn secrets that have yet been revealed.\n\n\"What does one do with such vast knowledge and power? It must be a big responsibility to carry.\" you think to yourself.\n\nAnd you are right. A powerful mage like him MUST have a big responsibility. Or none at all. \n\nSee, the only thing he ever seems to be doing is drinking and partying away at the Chronomancers Riviera.\n\nHe laughs, as he chugs down mugs upon mugs of Wizard's Ale. \"Nothing like the present eh!\", he shouts.\n\nBut as you look deep into his bright yellow eyes, you can feel the darkness. Perhaps beneath his colorful personality and his infinite knowledge, is the fact that the \\*\\*only thing\\*\\* he could not, and will never understand, is himself."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis\n\nThis lore is based on the oral traditions & spiritual practices that are passed down generation to generation, spirit to spirit, from my ancestors to yours on the magical island of Haiti ( the Oasis )\n\nPreface:) Alpha & Omega"} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "Since the beginning of time there have been whispers of the Garden of Eden. whispers of a place where nirvana exists whispers of a place where peace, love, and harmony resonate in abundance throughout the astral planes.whispers of a place where Mardi gras never ends; The Oasis, A Dream within a Dream. In this state, time & space are one; thought forms are manifested into physical matter right before your very being. This is the spirit world where our souls are left to frolic & play freely without the physical limits or judgements of a human vessel; true free will. This is the place where energy itself was conceived and manifests its presence on the physical plane as a humans thoughts & imagination; purity still exists here, all souls are in an eternal childlike state, yet within them contain secrets of the universe older than time itself. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; All source of knowledge, power and inspiration comes from this space within time; it is the fountain of youth that legends are told of."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "As youd imagine, the primordial souls that inhabit this plane are both wise & highly advanced. These souls are our ancestorsthe first wizards to experience life & death the first spirits to leave oasis and have a physical existence they understand what its like to be human because they are the first. Theyve reincarnated time & time again, accumulating infinite amounts of knowledge,wisdom and experience with every life lived, only resurrecting again in order to restore peace & harmony on Earth. As with every great tale there is a problem, each time a soul is born it forgets its previous lives, thus forgetting all knowledge & purpose in the process. The Ancestors needed to create a solution to this problem and did exactly that; they figured out a loop hole. Our Ancestors were able to figure out that if they built a monument while they were alive that would stand the tests of time, and be around to span a multitude of life times, that each time they reincarnated, their previous monument left would trigger all past life memories upon contact; our ancestors discovered the first save point, the first check point in a sense; Thus Pyramids were born. A great tool used for remembering their higher selves who they truly are and why they returned to this place."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": ".:.Pilot: As above, So below.:.\n\nOne day balance is broken. A great evil is brewing in the universe...\n\nA new hero must be born from the soul of an Ancestor.\nThis timeline tells the tale of Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis.\n\nWhile the ancestors are living in harmony on the Astral Island of Oasis, the menacing order of Thelema are on Earth performing rituals of black magic in order to resurrect the Evil Ones. With the promise of immortality & power beyond belief, they are loyal to the demons that feed on their ego. The Evil Ones are an ancient group of negative energies that lye dormant in the most sinister parts of the universethe darkest crevices of every human psyche. Goat headed by nature,they solely exist to spread lies, destruction, and illusions of suffering.\nFor over 2000 years the order of Thelema has been unsuccessful. unsuccessful until the soul of Aleister Crowley awakes from its slumber from within the darkest depths of the universe. He is the first human to commit the act of murder; the first dark wizard.\n~The Greatest Good and the Greatest Evil are born Simultaneously \n~Aleister grows up to lead the order of Thelema, forming his own inner sanctum within the society consisting of only the darkest,most powerful wizards from across the land.The Illuminatus. Its mission being to successfully be the first to resurrect the Evil Ones.\n\n2000 years ago a mysterious comet landed on the planet and became known to man as the Sacred flame. The Sacred flame can never be extinguished for reasons still unknown."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "Aleister & his henchmen Illuminatus plan on sacrificially burning the thelemist neophytes alive using this very flame, in order to complete the ritual.\nThe spirit of Gaspard needs travel through time once again in order to prevent the sacred flame for getting in the wrong handsshatter the illusion of suffering casted over the landsStop the Evil Ones, this time for good."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "There is an enchanter by the name of Circe of the Riviera whom Gaspard used to play with when the little child would dream at night. She had a pure soul, her heart was big and her kindness was unconditional. Circe would give her only pair of shoes away to a stranger in need if she had to even though her and her family had little to nothing. She never viewed herself as someone in need, at an early age she realized nature was abundant and became akin to the magical art of growing mushrooms. Circe could feed an entire village from her Harvests. Gaspard would watch her acts of kindness from the spirit world, beaming with admiration he knew that he would one day chose her to be his mother.\nCirce grows up and eventually falls in love with an ArchMagus by the Name of David, he was the towns most trusted voodoo priest. People would come from all over the land to have their afflictions healed by this man. Most would come with nothing and leave with a full heart. David understood that 99.9% of afflictions stemmed from a broken spirit so would go above and beyond to make sure everyone he came in contact with, left his presence feeling good. The simple things meant the world to David, he lived to see people smile; he knew what it felt like to feel sadness and never wanted anyone to feel what he felt. Gaspard recognized these acts of kindness from the spirit world, he knew that he would one day chose David to be his father."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "It is October 31st 1947 3:33am, Mars & Saturn are in conjunction at last, the forces of good and evil are finally at their resonant frequency. The stars have literally aligned. Gaspard is preparing to Manifest his self through Circe, while demonic forces are molding Aleister in the womb of a wicked witch by the name of Properpine of the Valley., Aleisters father is currently unknown.\nThe Greatest Good and the Greatest Evil are born Simultaneously."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "January 12 1967 Aleister & the Illuminatus manage to acquire the sacred flame, after burning 666 Thelemist neophytes as a sacrifice to the Lords of Darkness, they successfully invoke the Evil Ones from the other side. This immediately causes havoc across the land. The negative vibrational force being emitted from the freshly awoken Evil Ones causes a massive magnitude 666.666 Earthquake to ripple through the planet. All hell literally breaks loose. What was once one continent is now 7. Gaspards tiny town of Zaros is absolutely in shambles. Gaspard awakes from the rubble in a state of confusion & disarray. He doesnt know what hit him and cant see because theres soot in his eyes. When he finally manages to gain his ground and rub enough soot from his eyes in order to squint just enough to see.. what he witnesses sends him deeper into a state of fear, shock, and confusion. His Bestfriend"} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "fear, shock, and confusion. His Bestfriend Jean whom hed been walking with before the earthquake struck was suddenly a lifeless body, entrenched among a pile of rubble. Gaspard was discombobulated by this site, he refused to accept it. He refused to accept his best friend was suddenly gone. In that instant Gaspard broke the illusion, Gaspard sits criss cross style in meditation & remembers what his parents always taught himour body is a temporary vessel, it is the spirit thats eternal. As Gaspard opens his eyes from his meditation, a white cat walks by. Gaspard thinks to himself, a miracle! this tiny kitten has survived! This must be a sign from the ancestors. In a last ditch effort to save his best friend ,Gaspard does what hes always watched his father do and calls upon the power of life over death though his ancestors. He begins to chant the sacred words Ayibobo Ayibobo.. Ayibobo.. it"} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "words Ayibobo Ayibobo.. Ayibobo.. it appears nothing has happened. So as a final act of desperation, Gaspard says it louder.. Ayibobo!!!Ayibobo!!Ayibobo!!! Suddenly the kittens tale stands up, eyes turn red and is floated over by forces unknown, over to Jeans lifeless body; Jeans spirit was being transferred to a new vessel; his body was destroyed, but his soul had still been hovering over it. After several minutes of maddening anticipation, the static in the air dies down the white kitten walks over to Gaspard..flexing a smile so creepy it was almost cuteGaspard knew it was his friend Jean. Gaspard made it right on time, for if he was a minute later, Jeans spirit would have been sent back to the spirit world with no way of returning for another 777 years. Thus his familiar is born."} +{"id": "a1ea1df7-ddbb-4ef5-80d2-e0a0c7766088-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.132", "backgroundColor": "#73179e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZJTZ9AAnYr2ReSp6SGiMThhMCH5mAVazoHDMrU6EYgD", "txHash": "0xb8222f404ed4443e887d6ca89f7186deac4f3714fab3cdbfc8a3cafe2d4815ba", "createdAtBlock": 13414814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "In the midst of the chaos & confusion Gaspard is able to save his friend, but forgets something very important.. Mom!, Dad! Gaspard thought to himself in a frantic manner. His heart is racing & he now has a pit in his stomach, Gaspard can feel something is dreadfully wrong. His village was left unrecognizable, there was no way hed be able make out the place where his home had once been...suddenly gravity shifts.the hairs on Jeans back are standing up Gaspard is feeling a menacing vibe that hes never experienced beforehe sees his parents in sky being kidnapped by a goat headed figure An Evil one. Gaspard is no longer in fear he is enraged!!! There are no ends to hell do to get his parents back. Gaspard is aware at his current stage there would be no way to defeat the Evil Ones. Gaspard is aware there would be no way to do this alone as well, his family always taught him strength in numbers, hes going to need friends So in this moment Gaspard along with his familiar, embark on his journey to save his parents, meeting friends along the way, piecing together the mystery behind Aleister, the Illuminatus, and the Evil Ones. Solving the mysteries of the universe & learning about the forces of nature along the way. In this world anything is possiblewho knows what else occursTO BE CONTINUED"} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis \n\nThis lore is based on the oral traditions & spiritual practices that are passed down generation to generation, spirit to spirit, from my ancestors to yours on the magical island of Haiti ( the Oasis )\n\n \n\n.:.Preface:) Alpha & Omega.:."} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "Since the beginning of time there have been whispers of the garden of eden. Whispers of a place where nirvana exists whispers of a place where peace, love, and harmony resonate in abundance throughout the astral planes.whispers of a place where Mardi gras never ends; The Oasis, A Dream within a Dream. In this state, time & space are one; thought forms are manifested into physical matter right before your very being. This is the spirit world where our souls are left to frolic & play freely without the physical limits or judgements of a human vessel; true free will. This is the place where energy itself was conceived and manifests its presence on the physical plane as a humans thoughts & imagination; purity still exists here, all souls are in an eternal childlike state, yet within them contain secrets of the universe older than time itself. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; All source of knowledge, power and inspiration comes from this space"} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "of knowledge, power and inspiration comes from this space within time; it is the fountain of youth that legends are told of. As youd imagine, the primordial souls that inhabit this plane are both wise & highly advanced. These souls are our ancestorsthe first wizards to experience life & death the first spirits to leave oasis and have a physical existence they understand what its like to be human because they are the first. Theyve reincarnated time & time again, accumulating infinite amounts of knowledge and experience with every life lived, only resurrecting again in order to restore peace & harmony on Earth.BUT as with every great tale there is a problem, each time a soul is born it forgets its previous lives, thus forgetting all knowledge & purpose in the process. The Ancestors needed to create a solution to this problem and did exactly that; they figured out a loop hole. Our Ancestors were able to figure out that if they built a monument while they were alive"} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "that if they built a monument while they were alive that would stand the tests of time, and be around for them during a multitude of life times, that each time they reincarnated, their previous monument left would trigger all past life memories upon contact; our ancestors discovered the first save point, the first check point in a sense; Thus Pyramids were born. A great tool used for remembering their higher selves who they truly are and why they returned to this planet."} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": ".:.Pilot: As above, So below.:.\n\n \n\nOne day balance is broken. A great evil is brewing in the universe. \n\nA new hero must be born from the soul of an ancestor. \n\nThis timeline tells the tale of Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis. \n\n While the ancestors are living in harmony on the Astral Island of Oasis The menacing order of Thelema are on Earth performing rituals of black magic in order to resurrect the Evil Ones. With the promise of immortality & power beyond belief, they are loyal to the demons that feed on their ego. The Evil Ones are an ancient group of negative energies that lye dormant in the most sinister parts of the universethe darkest crevices of every human psyche. Goat headed by nature,they solely exist to spread lies, destruction, and illusions of suffering. For over 2000 years the order of Thelema had been unsuccessful. unsuccessful until the soul of Aleister Crowley awakes from its slumber from within the darkest depths of the universe. He was the first human to commit the act of murder; the first dark wizard."} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "~*Flash forward* The Greatest Good and the greatest evil are born simultaneously; both Gaspard & Aleister find a vessel to reincarnate through. Aleister grows up to lead the order of Thelema, forming his own inner sanctum within the society consisting of only the darkest,most powerful wizards from across the land.The Illuminatus. Its mission being to successfully resurrect the Evil Ones by sacrificing the unknowing neophyte Thelemist that follow them. 2000 years ago a mysterious comet landed on the planet and became known to man as the Sacred flame. The Sacred flame can never be extinguished for reasons still unknown. Aleister & his henchmen Illuminatus plan on sacrificially burning the neophytes alive using this very flame. The spirit of Gaspard needs travel through time once again in order to prevent the sacred flame for getting in the wrong handsshatter the illusion of suffering casted over the landsStop the Evil Ones, this time for good. \n\n There is an enchanter by the name of Circe of the Riviera whom Gaspard used to play with when the little child would dream at night. She had a pure soul, her heart was big and her kindness was unconditional. Circe would give her only pair of shoes away to a stranger in need if she had to even though her and her family had little to nothing. She never viewed herself as someone in need, at an early age she realized nature was abundant and became akin to the magical art of growing mushrooms. Circe could feed an entire village from her Harvests. Gaspard would watch her acts of kindness from the spirit world, beaming with admiration he knew that he would one day chose her to be his mother."} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "Circe grows up and eventually falls in love with an ArchMagus by the Name of David, he was the towns most trusted voodoo priest. People would come from all over the land to have their afflictions healed by this man. Most would come with nothing and leave with a full heart. David understood that 99.9% of afflictions stemmed from a broken spirit so would go above and beyond to make sure everyone he came in contact with, left his presence feeling good. The simple things meant the world to David, he lived to see people smile; he knew what it felt like to feel sadness and never wanted anyone to feel what he felt. Gaspard recognized these acts of kindness from the spirit world, he knew that he would one day chose David to be his father. It is October 31st 1947 3:33am, Mars & Saturn are in conjunction at last, the forces of good and evil are finally at their resonant frequency. The stars have literally aligned. Gaspard is preparing to Manifest his self through Circe, while demonic forces are molding Aleister in the womb of a wicked witch by the name of Properpine of the Valley; Aleisters father is currently unknown."} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "January 12 1967 Aleister & the Illuminatus manage to acquire the sacred flame, after burning 666 Thelemist neophytes as a sacrifice to the Lords of Darkness, they successfully invoke the Evil Ones from the other side. This immediately causes havoc across the land. The negative vibrational force being emitted from the freshly awoken Evil Ones causes a massive magnitude 666.666 Earthquake to ripple through the planet. All hell literally breaks loose. What was once one continent is now 7. Gaspards tiny town of Zaros is absolutely in shambles. Gaspard awakes from the rubble in a state of confusion & disarray. He doesnt know what hit him and cant see because theres soot in his eyes. When he finally manages to gain his ground and rub enough soot from his eyes in order to squint just enough to see.. what he witnesses sends him deeper into a state of fear, shock, and confusion. His"} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "state of fear, shock, and confusion. His Bestfriend Jean whom hed been walking with before the earthquake struck was suddenly a lifeless body, entrenched among a pile of rubble. Gaspard was discombobulated by this site, he refused to accept it. He refused to accept his best friend was suddenly gone. In that instant Gaspard broke the illusion, Gaspard sits criss cross style in meditation & remembers what his parents always taught himour body is a temporary vessel, it is the spirit thats eternal. As Gaspard opens his eyes from his meditation, a white cat walks by. Gaspard thinks to himself, a miracle! this tiny kitten has survived! This must be a sign from the ancestors. In a last ditch effort to save his best friend ,Gaspard does what hes always watched his father do and calls upon the power of life over death though his ancestors. He begins to chant the sacred words Ayibobo Ayibobo.. Ayibobo.."} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "sacred words Ayibobo Ayibobo.. Ayibobo.. it appears nothing has happened. So as a final act of desperation, Gaspard says it louder.. Ayibobo!!!Ayibobo!!Ayibobo!!! Suddenly the kittens tale stands up, eyes turn red and is floated over by forces unknown, over to Jeans lifeless body; Jeans spirit was being transferred to a new vessel; his body was destroyed, but his soul had still been hovering over it. After several minutes of maddening anticipation, the static in the air dies down the white kitten walks over to Gaspard..flexing a smile so creepy it was almost cuteGaspard knew it was his friend Jean."} +{"id": "43103a46-18d5-4baf-b255-d54284cb07b9-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:40.924", "backgroundColor": "#480046", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYU7R9xGNjavhWwRGfRsdTRZj5V7gcLW762iXTPpymTV4", "txHash": "0x01bc4d9f04a6cbc5bfb6efaf862494c4e8b8b9a46b766e1d7e45f7b1ddd8be1b", "createdAtBlock": 13415146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9566, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Gaspard of the Oasis", "text": "Gaspard made it right on time, for if he was a minute later, Jeans spirit would have been sent back to the spirit world with no way of returning for another 777 years. Thus his familiar is born. In the midst of the chaos & confusion Gaspard is able to save his friend, but forgets something very important.. Mom!, Dad! Gaspard thought to himself in a frantic manner. His heart is racing & now has a pit in his stomach, Gaspard can feel something is dreadfully wrong. His village was left unrecognizable, there was no way hed be able make out the place where his home had once been...suddenly gravity shifts.the hairs on Jeans back are standing up Gaspard is feeling a menacing vibe that hes never experienced beforehe sees his parents in sky being kidnapped by a goat headed figure An Evil one. Gaspard is no longer in fear he is enraged!!! There are no ends to hell do to get his parents back. Gaspard is aware at his current stage there would be no way to defeat the Evil Ones. Gaspard is aware there would be no way to do this alone as well, his family always taught him strength in numbers, hes going to need friends So in this moment Gaspard along with his familiar, embark on his journey to save his parents, meeting friends along the way, piecing together the mystery behind Aleister, the Illuminatus, and the Evil Ones. Solving the mysteries of the universe & learning about the forces of nature along the way. In this world anything is possiblewho knows what else occursTO BE CONTINUED"} +{"id": "025a71f5-1f99-45f2-bb06-75898ca3fe46-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:41.557", "backgroundColor": "#040a01", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ6Q2LKe5N8h6U4Wnm8Jn4Ve3B2zCTESfNgfkYnEVxqVF", "txHash": "0xc05a588c7e38cdfbf8ad1ab0596dba24f57b09949973337d1bce039c34abef5f", "createdAtBlock": 13415868, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3520, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Layla of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Layla of the Hall and her Mysterious Rose\n\nNo one really knows where the Illusionist Layla of the Hall comes from. \n\nNo one knows why the menacing green snake follows her where ever she goes.\n\nBut everyone know that she possesses the most mysterious rose that the wizard world have ever seen."} +{"id": "5c727f8d-01a1-4d51-9533-f0a2e80f221a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:42.259", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPAFVnZ21h8cwLdjTuWv9pqrBda5yzLLtaiBtGF2rzhGP", "txHash": "0x77e22f9bb06ec0e11b7a915f39a7ab863530e1b11711f017fd5c87c85027a8e1", "createdAtBlock": 13415961, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8469, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Lenora in the Shadows", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Lenora in the Shadows\n\nFrom New Fate Woods\n\nAs old as the woods she comes from (~901 years)\n\nKnown to only appear during the twighlight hours\n\nShe is a friend to all woodland creatures but merciless to humans who trespass and threaten the natural balance of the woods.\n\nUses her Phoenix feather to cast forever fire\n\nCommunes using Murtle her psychic rabbit as a proxy.\n\nHas been known to prey on young farm hands from the bordering farm lands"} +{"id": "0bbd635b-002d-4e6e-8fa4-21ad76df6c28-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:40.22", "backgroundColor": "#7f0a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaFUWuBNqaJgR9pVWU6hWJPeHTMvVsfZ8zduKWhdj1JkS", "txHash": "0xc2bf5ca0aceb6ac9eb98970aeee7a8ea0f7ae8b3753072b87693b7c6976e0645", "createdAtBlock": 13430785, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8669, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Calliope of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Calliope of the Ether\n\nCalliope mysteriously appeared straight out of the Ether.\n\nLittle to nothing is known about her, only that she is such a powerful Mage."} +{"id": "ae57d10f-c5e6-4a16-9839-d92eb75779b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:42.979", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPaq7gfNjm2RSurj7VDcbbC8sqS5jwwDbUhkgoDni6Mx1", "txHash": "0xfdf438ab880141f296ddcc928cc84ad1f10be429f7af53059ea697c937901d4e", "createdAtBlock": 13415996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9199, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Artis of the Belfry", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Artis of the Belfry\n\nBorn in Dragon Hovel and part of the Belfry guardian clan\n\nAge 30\n\nBanished from her home lands of Dragon Hovel after she was found working with dark rune magic. \n\nShe wanders from town to town enchanting young men with her bag of tricks.\n\nHer animal companion the wise owl anchors her to this world as without it the dark realm would engulf her soul."} +{"id": "cbf22d3d-252e-414a-b885-6912d64b748c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:45.002", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY7TQWYnDRLT4FrZH7KdCmt4ufm11unw5Nhunj3ynUKXY", "txHash": "0xb52fe7a9d5dbc2af7e37ec5d0b6447d807637cdd7cf3d7890f97824c41cc40d2", "createdAtBlock": 13421697, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1989, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Gwendolin of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Gwendolin of the Villa\n\nAn odd apple in the batch. Sour, yet sweet. This Ol' Witch has the personality of a naive child, but the magic of a god. Fond of sarcasm, Gwendolin can out-wit even the wittiest of them all with a single tap of her lips. If not gathering reagents for her powerful spells, Gwendolin prefers to relax with a glass of wine, and a fire pit."} +{"id": "21b665ea-b80e-4999-a8ad-1e0e6247b74e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:45.836", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ121CAYkFQwEmNcbTaoaq6qfSA48c2HW1E7vsTFQadWX", "txHash": "0xbccb402ae7d365550cc7dfdcd08bd27434fefd951768d1a8ac42bde3b08822b0", "createdAtBlock": 13424065, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7969, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Florah of the Steppe", "text": "# apes ... i have failed\n\nplease ... send ... help . . . ."} +{"id": "f917c580-a0c8-4dbf-b9ff-8430670710f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:46.661", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSkQGziDYUrRsZ74XZGRJ6WSuFWPZZrCNZuCDETNdaXju", "txHash": "0xd02b30158e691c75f8451a823aa916eaf10eada39d0bce7e443ac0b2cd3c27ff", "createdAtBlock": 13424264, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7543, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Sisk of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Sisk of the Rock\n\nAttempt #315: Another day of frustration and failure. I can still only conjure a faint hint of flame atop a common candle. I will continue my practice. The incantation is correct, my pronunciation perfect. I can envision the wildfire tearing through hills and valleys, feel the heat peeling back my skin, hear the roar of the flames, and yet... only a flicker.\n\nI am missing something. I have the will and the knowledge, but there is something else. Perhaps something external. A being. A power. An otherworldly energy that I must discover to complete my quest to dominate the flames. I will find it."} +{"id": "e1142239-f330-4d27-b86d-360446ad2175-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:47.392", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNo3ZsteaaoaiUXmBPxmnev5koVTKMkR2pNL3j6aiLf6n", "txHash": "0x43a236ac0ef913eb0e31321d62ce7663f94520efee1ca68d06c130e513d0693f", "createdAtBlock": 13425029, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1989, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Gwendolin of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Gwendolin of the Villa\n\nAt first glance, Gwendolin can be mistaken as a mischievous individual. She's commonly seen dressed in dark colored garments, and always by her side is,\"Scustor\" (named after all her fallen familiars before). Gwendolin of the Villa, holds the Rune of Brass, even though Witches cringe at the sight of it. Gwendolin was able to obtain a potion with blood from the \"Blood God\", Khorne. Negating the effects that would usually make a Witch go insane. Gwendolin resides in a cottage outside her Villa incase any evil beings want to pay them a visit. They will have to pass through, Gwendolin the Witch of the Villa."} +{"id": "6edf3df8-6491-4f18-84a2-0f260d994d18-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:43.945", "backgroundColor": "#0d1969", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmetVhWZSJnA6jxDD8r2v965tDJaWbZYE1HjrsGsvQB2WR", "txHash": "0x76c0a31a10e7008d6e21c0ccf08c7723239119eb5ef466e5771a489b0117d365", "createdAtBlock": 13423267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9611, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nazim of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Arch-Magician Nazim of the Keep\n\nMany, many decades ago, or it may have been last week, it is hard to keep track these days, Arch-Magician Nazim found himself in a precarious situation. Maybe it is best if we backtrack a bit.\n\nLegend has it that in the long ago an elder monster, known as the Terror Beast ravaged the land, engulfing the countryside in chaos and suffering. It took the joint efforts of 10 rival arch mages to finally capture the beast and seal it in a magic tomb deep within the Quantum Shadow. The wizards knew the tomb would not hold the beast forever and sent forth a guardian spirit to keep an eye on it so that future heroes might unite to stop it once again if it were to escape. Well good thing too because eventually, the wards decayed and, the Terror Beast escaped!\n\nIt just so happens that Arch-Magician Nazim was scheduled to perform a minor miracle in Goblin Town that day his old adventuring friend, Zolg and his partner Glurk, were celebrating the birth of their 17thchild. As everyone knows, the birth of a 17th child is a major event in Goblin Town and calls for an extravagant (and costly) celebration. Unfortunately, Zolg and Glurk cared deeply about keeping up social appearances and their neighbor Utog, just last month hired an entire troglodyte dancing troupe to choreograph and lead the customary neighborhood birthing dance needless to say, the dance went viral! Zolg and Glurk were prepared to go to any lengths to outdo Utog and they knew just who to call for help."} +{"id": "6edf3df8-6491-4f18-84a2-0f260d994d18-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:43.945", "backgroundColor": "#0d1969", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmetVhWZSJnA6jxDD8r2v965tDJaWbZYE1HjrsGsvQB2WR", "txHash": "0x76c0a31a10e7008d6e21c0ccf08c7723239119eb5ef466e5771a489b0117d365", "createdAtBlock": 13423267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9611, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nazim of the Keep", "text": "Back to Nazim. A raven arrived one crisp Autumn morning carrying a message sealed with the traditional yak dung emblem used most commonly in Goblin Town. Nazim knew the message must be from Zolg as few knew the location of Nazims hidden keep, camouflaged as it were by powerful illusions deep within the Thorn. Because Zolgs handwriting was absolutely atrocious, Nazim couldnt tell if his old friend was asking him to help liven up a childs birthday party or help vanquish a horde of rancorous cannibal gargoyles (youd be surprised how similar these sentences look with the Goblin alphabet). He was hoping it was the birthday celebration as gargoyles were known to have terrible hygiene and honestly, he wanted to dust off an old favorite spell of his that used to wow the ladies: his trademark Nazims Ultimate Funky Jubilation Extravaganza Spell (you have to see it to believe it). Either way, Nazim owed Zolg and Glurk a favor after they rescued him from the Mindwarper Dungeon when he was imprisoned for turning the High Priests cat into a gold paper weight after a bender one night at the Prancing Ogre Inn.\n\nSo there Nazim was on his way to either help with a birthday party or defeat a horde of gargoyles when he saw it. The Terror Beast rose above the hills, a nightmare manifested into reality. The ground swelled and cracked and the liquified inferno of the earths core oozed and sputtered out as if the world were a pot boiled too long. The Beast approached, ignorant of the gnat that was Nazim."} +{"id": "6edf3df8-6491-4f18-84a2-0f260d994d18-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:43.945", "backgroundColor": "#0d1969", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmetVhWZSJnA6jxDD8r2v965tDJaWbZYE1HjrsGsvQB2WR", "txHash": "0x76c0a31a10e7008d6e21c0ccf08c7723239119eb5ef466e5771a489b0117d365", "createdAtBlock": 13423267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9611, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nazim of the Keep", "text": "Now, Nazim was no slouch when it came to magic and had defeated many horrible denizens of darkness over the years. Yet, in this moment, he was afraid, not only for his own life but also the lives of all citizens and wizards throughout the land. Nazim decided he must act to stop the beast.\n\nDrawing on all his accumulated knowledge and capabilities, Nazim began unleashing terrible magics upon the creature. Lances of energy, bolts of lightning, and clouds of poison were thrown again and again at the monster. Battalions of undead were summoned from the grounds and demons called forth from bowels of hell itself but to no avail. The beast marched onward.\n\nDefeated, Nazim slumped to the ground, exhausted, alone and scared. All felt lost.\n\nThen, quite suddenly, Nazim heard a small whisper urging him to get up, to try once more, and to quit being such a baby. Startled, Nazim looked around but could not locate the voice. It might have been a trick of the light or a side effect of his disintegrating nerves reacting to the encroaching river of magma. Wherever the voice came from, and whatever it was, Nazim found renewed strength to try one more time. He rose to his feet and staggered into the path of the monster. The voice returned and again whispered to him: The beast cannot be harmed by fell magic, its weakness is a childs innocence and the purity of simple pleasures. Nazim groaned and replied to this invisible being, what does that even mean? Do I need to go find a child to feed the monster or something? There was a short pause then what sounded like someone slapping themselves exhausted on the head, um no, try your simpler spells. The big flashy ones dont really work on the Terror Beast. Hes sort of a drama queen and really hates it when people dont take him seriously."} +{"id": "6edf3df8-6491-4f18-84a2-0f260d994d18-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:43.945", "backgroundColor": "#0d1969", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmetVhWZSJnA6jxDD8r2v965tDJaWbZYE1HjrsGsvQB2WR", "txHash": "0x76c0a31a10e7008d6e21c0ccf08c7723239119eb5ef466e5771a489b0117d365", "createdAtBlock": 13423267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9611, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nazim of the Keep", "text": "Nazim reflected on the days when he was first learning magic. His only hope was a spell he had learned when he was a child, and one he had not cast since he turned his uncle into Frank into a goat -- a simple transformation spell that was no longer taught at wizard schools, deemed too insignificant even for apprentice wizards.\n\nAlthough it had been ages since Nazim uttered the words necessary for the spell, the arcane words bubbled out of Nazim effortlessly as if by instinct. The incantation began as a whisper then grew louder until finally it seemed that all the people in all the world were shouting the incantation together (Again, this was likely just the frayed nerves but who knows?).\n\nNow this caught the beast off guard for it was quite ready (and capable) of wreaking havoc upon the world and hadnt really noticed Nazim standing so insignificantly before it. Just as the monster was about to let loose its demonic energy to decimate Nazim, it burpedand then burped again. It really felt quite awful its ears burned, its eyes itched, and its stomach ached it couldnt stop burping. And each time it did it got smaller and smaller until at last, it was no bigger than a little bunny.\n\nNazim couldnt believe his eyes. The Terror Beast looked exactly like a little bunny a cute little bunny."} +{"id": "6edf3df8-6491-4f18-84a2-0f260d994d18-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:43.945", "backgroundColor": "#0d1969", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmetVhWZSJnA6jxDD8r2v965tDJaWbZYE1HjrsGsvQB2WR", "txHash": "0x76c0a31a10e7008d6e21c0ccf08c7723239119eb5ef466e5771a489b0117d365", "createdAtBlock": 13423267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9611, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nazim of the Keep", "text": "Nazim and the bunny stared at each other, for a long time, both unable to say anything and neither able to move. Finally, the Terror Beast err, cute little bunny, blinked and looked around. It shrugged and sat down. It was dumbstruck. It didnt have quite the same terrible rage inside and didnt really feel like decimating the countryside. Nazim approached the bunny and sat down beside it. He also lost the urge to hurl deadly lightning bolts. They both sat together in silence until Nazim found himself petting the bunny. He couldnt help it; it was so adorable.\n\nZolg and Glurk saw Nazim a few days later. His clothes were a little tattered and he seemed a little out of sorts but there he was, their old friend. Zolg yelled, Ah, you received our message about the birthday!\n\nThank God, replied Nazim, I thought for sure I had to fight a bunch of smelly gargoyles. Zolg and Glurk didnt get it but laughed with Nazim to make him feel better (he did look rather awful). Whos your furry little friend? Glurk asked. Oh, this? said Nazim. Hmm, I think I shall call him Bubbles.\n\nNazim and Bubbles would go on to have many incredible adventures together but these tales are for another time."} +{"id": "5522a5d3-33c5-4926-8177-33529aac57b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:40.928", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSRzDyE3H1ruacoiDETiRdgNTouJTLJy5UN7DPsCf3hry", "txHash": "0xb62c6aa651739dda808627e8e0bfe6302a6044582ced4708ef97bea4fd22f26e", "createdAtBlock": 13433054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1972, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Milton of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Milton, Of The Sun\n\nMilton, is $BASED.\n\nEnd."} +{"id": "fb8483de-594f-4749-92bb-08de9ef80678-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:49.036", "backgroundColor": "#7f1818", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTJk3wrAic4HDQF4BFYrxTLsj9qyzyfqNrDr6dX2N3VpA", "txHash": "0xd636243bbcbff37da62ffe141c17766f25ab677d129607acf61c120cf66e69ba", "createdAtBlock": 13427897, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5425, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Diana of the Reach", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Diana of the Reach\n\nOnce upon a time, Necromancer Diana stumbled through a long forgotten district of old Tokio. She was just crossing a corner when she discovered a little shop, a shop that could produce custom shoes and bags for her - a blessing, since her clothes were completely ripped after the last fight she took against the toadlord. \n\nShe harvested the toadz souls, she gave them nothing but took from them everything. The toad war escalated because of an old, but very important man. Wagmi-San. \n\nNot expecting anything, she entered the shop to see if the owner could produce her some new custom shoes...and lo and behold, the owner was said to be Wagmi-San. However, the shop was a complete chaos, the toadz stole almost all materials and kidnapped the master. Only a few pieces of clothes were left behind to be collected by Diana. \n\nEnraged, she left the shop again to get help from her friends at the secret tower...burn those toadz, once and for all."} +{"id": "85bf85c5-5909-4ca4-83b5-3cd2ea758720-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:49.921", "backgroundColor": "#b7b7b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWdXyVNZx1TAuZ1xfpu7dqqYu5YXJq8PZ2uy1pjLxzTLG", "txHash": "0x569490ff6db411c40bc8fe30c8e2b055eb1d6fea809ed817c7f1b523eebb5078", "createdAtBlock": 13427912, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 753, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSnZ5VpC9Zg1weuYdrWhxUBNzJhxs3nNN1YnfnAUS5JMX", "name": "Voodoo Priest Caligari of the Marsh", "text": "# Voodoo Priest Caligari of the Marsh\n\n \n\nCaligari always felt a little different than most.\n\nClosing his eyes, he heard whispers; he saw...ghosts.\n\nLong, echoing wails...\n\nDark winds pushing on sails\n\nA new land embraced an unknown man,\n\nHis feet hovered inches above the sand\n\nThe terror of the rest, white-washed bones across the land,\n\nAn answer or an ally, one who senses with his hand.\n\nThey call to him and wail to him and ask of him so much,\n\nNothing, no one, never, all retreated from his touch.\n\nWhen the pile approaches sunshine\n\nand the costume refines my lines...\n\nIT'S TIME."} +{"id": "f7dadaea-8ba5-486a-b6d0-59f7030ae541-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:36.751", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaDC9QYdMX8jJyh2uvW9vtERKhAdknrCz9XFWWrsKHY7N", "txHash": "0x01391328d68e856d00dd443c17db1c5f410e8b425aaf8d0620036019ebd720e5", "createdAtBlock": 13429112, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5010, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Robert of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Robert of the Mount\n\nMagic comes in many shapes, sizes, colors, and containers.\n\nSome wizards can conjure ethereal runes from their fingertips. A few a dem lucky Tengukensei devils (is that the PC term?) can shoot flames from their mitts! Twould be a handy power around here after All Souls, I tell ya.\n\nFrolicksome familiars are attracted to lucky magical beings Enchanter Diana of the River found herself a Jeweled Hummingbird, wouldya believe. A thing of beauty it is!\n\nWhen I was having a catch-up with my mate Todd, he said hand on spellbook that some of the fanciest lads in the Capital had heads shaped like pyramids. Wonders never cease.\n\nMe? Im Battle Mage Robert of the Mount, and what powers do I bring to bear against the rising forces of darkness?\n\nIve got a broom.\n\nAnd a sickly rat.\n\nAh, now enough of that tattle from me.\n\nAll the same, Id rather my lot in life than Magus Shabbith-Kas. Hes my neighbor across the heath who spent a _little_ too much time reading weird tales, and now wont stop talking if thats what ya call the sound coming out of his calamari-covered cakehole about someplace called _R'lyeh_ down the pub.\n\nI wont gwan any longer. Me an Justin (me rat) have a lot of cleaning up to do. Neer do wells and worse are popping up faster than toadstools around Magus Buttons of the Marsh, and weve got a lot of sweeping ahead of us..."} +{"id": "e205e532-67ef-4a64-95bf-bea53b375a0c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:38.099", "backgroundColor": "#531f50", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS6RuH2TphUjjkAkaDjSrHShbFq5ZZP5Wu9j8X7oinG2U", "txHash": "0xe9a99d60dcf357f9cfba8cb3dee59d6c178df555d6c031070feb91524cd60d10", "createdAtBlock": 13430744, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5536, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Carly of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Carly of the Steppe\n\nCarly is a young lady focusing on luck knowledge in order to achieve magery efficiency.\n\nThus, she studies every luck items she is able to and chose a horseshoe as her main symbol."} +{"id": "fb2abe7a-5193-4311-b15a-cc1f2279af94-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:38.993", "backgroundColor": "#41afe5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSLSTXzgQxgRv2H2HFq1dRvW5G47CKK9xWmbBWxAvBTen", "txHash": "0xe99e0ea5621865b4e54db601c029023125c7c84c3e3df3182a45ba0ccf5439ff", "createdAtBlock": 13430767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2076, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Diana of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Diana of the Road\n\nDiana is a nature lover, thus focus on expanding her wizardry through nature elements.\n\nMushrooms, spandex and large hats are welcome too."} +{"id": "eb31e6f3-9313-4ead-b828-e603b2026e91-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:41.85", "backgroundColor": "#242e29", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWW5XkrNWAzWcJitfjpEHfowiDwcisvcQ9GYqWnXNe6jt", "txHash": "0x3b0e97549caeee3ea3a1a07fd55b4cabca060a5c85932d5bc2326bbb577de0f6", "createdAtBlock": 13433271, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9011, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster David of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster David of the Hall\n\nLast known transmission from Rupert the White:\n\n\"\n\nOur link has been strained since the voyage...\n\nI fear he lost something vital to the Brine\n\nI fear we both did\n\n\""} +{"id": "98d30a9a-a18f-4c34-9cb6-1b7307bd1e27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:42.823", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYceve5gqb4N2RdaVE69V97jaMrmWg8obWp2kAp5pV1b6", "txHash": "0x8529a6c47f9cb1ed87ae6122383544f981bf3ba0c6e4cb45eaa55bab31ceb8d2", "createdAtBlock": 13433358, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3319, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaWUX5XdRVeF7ybwssdyx1hvAsedHKZtfX2nRtDUyL83T", "name": "Enchanter Taqi of the Berg", "text": "# The Lore of Ferris Farr of Derbyshire\n\n# Heelllllppp!\n\nFerris is just an everyday guy living his best life in Derbyshire, UK. After a heavy evening of drinking, he decided to take a nap on an abandoned Red Suit in the park.\n\nUnbeknownst to him, was that the suit was only TEMPORARILY abandoned by Dream Master Enchanter Taqi of the Berg as he travelled the dreamscape with his magical Ether Staff.\n\nUpon Taqi's return .... his body and Ferris' were vice versaed!\n\nNow, Ferris is constantly badgered about joining quests to save civilizations across the Ether when all he wants to do is get a pint with some friends.\n\nAt the present moment, he is completely unaware of the fact that he can travel through dreams & space with Taqis powers. Sometimes, he wakes up from a nap in a completely different city (thinking to himself that he should stop drinking).\n\nWill they ever get vice versaed back?"} +{"id": "c10b263e-97e8-4fe4-8f38-c649819d4a77-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:43.543", "backgroundColor": "#4c0200", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX4q7F5eDRMzxpDapzgbyHx7yNCA6hJpcc7SU9ku47QWG", "txHash": "0x66047ea962f860da92d20a75a92ec12e4207eed747bf3bd482100b7ddafd23a8", "createdAtBlock": 13433636, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 486, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTjVcNuUKUdoXaQKD2BYNmrW1Bz5DDV8fAy2kPckamaNL", "name": " Maia of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Maia of the Hills\n\n### -------------------------------------------------\n\n## Chapter 1. \n\n**Maia:** ... Hello?\n\n Where... am I?\n\n Hellooooooooo?!?\n\n Is anybody there?????\n\n Hmm how did I get here...\n\n<< _suddenly, a small figure darts quickly past her and into the shadows_ >>\n\n**Maia:** Hey! I saw you! Reveal yourself to me at once!\n\n<< _Maia the Enchantress quickly recites the spell of Illumination, revealing a colony of filthy Plague Rats huddled together in the corner of the room_ >>\n\n**Maia:** Ugh, well I guess it could be worse... the Hill rats are at least 3 times the size of these.\n\n Shoo! Shoo!!\n\n<< _The rats scurry off to the other side of the room_ >>\n\n<< _They leave behind an ornate box decorated with orange, red, and white rubies_ >>\n\n<< _Maia walks to the box and picks it up_ >>\n\n**Maia:** Hmm... the pattern kind of looks like a fox... Sounds like there is something inside.\n\n<< _Maia opens the box and sees an empty vial and a scroll_ >>\n\n \n\n<< _Suddenly everything goes black_ >>\n\n<< _Maia slowly opens her eyes and sees that she was in the middle of writing a letter. Theres a window thats open and a warm humid breeze is blowing the curtains into the room. She realized she way up high in what felt like a stony tower._ >>\n\n<< She looks back at the letter, reaches to dip her quill once again to continue where she left off when she realizes - this is not her hand, nor her writing, nor home, nor curtains, nor desk, nor cufflinks- >>\n\n<< >>"} +{"id": "c10b263e-97e8-4fe4-8f38-c649819d4a77-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:25:43.543", "backgroundColor": "#4c0200", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX4q7F5eDRMzxpDapzgbyHx7yNCA6hJpcc7SU9ku47QWG", "txHash": "0x66047ea962f860da92d20a75a92ec12e4207eed747bf3bd482100b7ddafd23a8", "createdAtBlock": 13433636, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 486, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTjVcNuUKUdoXaQKD2BYNmrW1Bz5DDV8fAy2kPckamaNL", "name": " Maia of the Hills", "text": "<< >>\n\n**???????? ???? ?? ????:** I know who you are. And Im going to be set free. \n\n<< Chapter 1 End >>"} +{"id": "2301ce91-da49-4646-8bc8-91a78d39e793-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:26.104", "backgroundColor": "#a1bff4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmezjmGAz58QQwKdimhf21vdkqJaZZoq65HEcTCpjFA9bq", "txHash": "0x471c19337e29fe1a78154d9d2856d7462fa870ac0adf0d7d1ce0fa3a73759cfb", "createdAtBlock": 13442455, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8424, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTmtVxQReDLBZjigyJJk2hUVHQPHSFZ9RcfjmccKBdbLb", "name": "Magus Jahid of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Jahid of the Tower\n\n--------------test #1--------------\n\ngreetings fellow wizards,\n\nA quest!... for those who seek answers, glory, fame and riches.\n\nhidden within the pages of our history lies a forgotten spell. an incantation so obscure it only has one Purpose to awake those trapped within my eternal dream world.\n\nlegend has it that the those released by _the_ _awakening spell_ are bound, along with all their belongings, to the Incantor.\n\n**The quest**\n\ni. the spell is simple, but it will take 10 weeks for you to learn it.\n\nii. the spell consists of 12 words:\n\n- each word will be locked behind a test \n- the answer to each test will be held within the book Of lore\n- every week a new test\n- you may ask for help, but you will only get \"yes, no, or maybe so\"\n\niii. when a wizard has learned 11/12 words and their correct order, they must come to me for the final challenge\n\n**the Reward**\n\ni. theawakeningspell.eth\n\nii. fame, glory, and karma\n\nRelics, treasures, and even unlucky souls may be added to my dream spell - by any wizard - but only _the_ _awakening spell_ can release them.\n\n_...good fortune & sweet dreams..._\n\n \n\n----------------------------------"} +{"id": "1ea10c1a-bb2a-42c9-b947-39858bac53f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:52.372", "backgroundColor": "#bc5353", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQoRScwTU4N1sS7KNosqjzMKLC3vK7ZwLLKTwTw9QDVPR", "txHash": "0x7f07c8bf1f58788266b80311217d5d9a62f209cc01150ba47d524b369762df18", "createdAtBlock": 13456662, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 991, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Soran of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Soran of the Psychic Leap\n\nDon't believe a word Soran says. It's not clear how he wound up here, or even if he came here alone. No one knows what's in that bag. And that frog? The adage warns to be wary of a man who doesn't like dogs, but never trust a man who walks a frog. Never. In fact, just stay away altogether. It doesn't matter whether the Psychic Leap is a place or a time. Just stay away.\n\nSoran can talk. About anything. Seemingly endlessly. He is engaging. he is earnest. He is even a little funny. He'll tell you about ancient battles and the distant future without skipping a beat in between. He'll even tell you what the symbol on his sweater means (though he's never given it the same meaning twice). Then he'll reach into that bag of tricks, and what's yours becomes his--and it's not so funny anymore. So please, just stay away. \n\nBut since you're here...pull up a chair and stay a while. Soran would like to chat."} +{"id": "eb05106c-8045-49ea-bbce-0fe6a59a3b67-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:26.796", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb3udpX9CZABVV2UZbWx8swNgsSqtXTNWfMGsQRJ2T95G", "txHash": "0x7565395c298456ed12a7de2ec627f147bb1e2a4a677297af9dc2d6e2c7abb0e0", "createdAtBlock": 13444603, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8756, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Alatar of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Alatar of the Hills\n\nAlatar was born in the heart of Iron Hills, a humble village called home by many half-orcs. Initially, he was subjected to the same prejudice that any half-orc was, but was able to prove to those around him that he was indeed as capable and intelligent as any other being.\n\nHis parents were pleased with this and raised him with a healthy self-esteem. He was a dutiful student and quickly became the master of pyromancy. It was his dream to expand the knowledge of those around him and to become a great leader.\n\nAfter living a life of simple pleasures in Irontown, he was eventually approached by the locals who foresaw a great future for him. He was then called up to take the high seat in the half-orc kingdom of Grabisco.\n\nHe reached Iron Hills in his lifetime, but it was not for the glory he had imagined. Being thrust into a new kingdom, he was tasked with protecting the kingdom and providing leadership to its people.\n\nHe tries to be as kind as possible to those around him, but his position makes that difficult. He seems to be a man of high morals, but Irontown was not able to see that until he left.\n\nIn recent years, he has become a standard bearer for half-orc kind, traveling the world to promote half-orc rights.\n\n#### Personality:\n\nAlatar is misunderstood. He is confident in his abilities though he is somewhat fearful that he will fail the people of Grabisco.\n\n#### Appearance:\n\nStanding 63, Alatar has dark skin and looks to be somewhere in the range of 20-30 years old. His hair is short and blonde and his eyes are piercing blue. He dresses in regal attire, with blue robes and a blue cape paired with a golden crown.\n\n#### Start of Character:"} +{"id": "eb05106c-8045-49ea-bbce-0fe6a59a3b67-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:26.796", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb3udpX9CZABVV2UZbWx8swNgsSqtXTNWfMGsQRJ2T95G", "txHash": "0x7565395c298456ed12a7de2ec627f147bb1e2a4a677297af9dc2d6e2c7abb0e0", "createdAtBlock": 13444603, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8756, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Alatar of the Hills", "text": "#### Start of Character:\n\nAlatar is on a quest to protect his people, to ensure that they will not be treated as second class citizens. He wants to spread the word that half-orcs should not be feared."} +{"id": "44334332-678d-4490-8e0b-da0dc889af1e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:27.682", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPjDye7SnPUUKkBfR3ey8xudQibApSNn1CHWsvAZw8Cjb", "txHash": "0x26bca718543308165c097ec163184788ef2b66aec88349f2ca350a4447a39935", "createdAtBlock": 13446856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7163, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Milo from the Abyss", "text": "# Sorcerer Milo from the Abyss\n\n## Prologue\n\n> _It is a well-known known fact, or if nothing else a widely shared belief, that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Since the dawn of time, man has thus weighed, judged, and thereby taken measure of character - based on the briefest of glances, or deepest of stares._ \n\n> _A good man, they would say, has eyes from which projects an earnest depth of empathy and decency, while a man of questionable intentions, even one whose soul could be said to be draped in the shroud of evil, should undoubtedly be betrayed by the twin fires subtly shining from the depths of their dark eyes._\n\n> _Further, there are those who would insist the most painless way to divine the cast from which a soul was forged, whether one of purity and light or of corruption and darkness, lies simply in observing the face as a whole; the eyes to be sure, but also the lines worn from smiles aplenty or frowns from anguish and anger, the twist of crows feet from a lifetime of laughs, or the firm downcast lines of lips more attuned to discontent._\n\n> _This is, as you should be well aware, all folly._\n\n> \n> Disciple Dichotomy, Vol. I\n> _Voidoth_\n\nMilos eyes had always been kind. His cheeks an intricate map of lines well earned from countless smiles and smirks, the corners of his gentle eyes webbed and wrinkled. Most who had cast their glance on his amicable grandfatherly face would agree that these are the eyes of a kind man; this is the face of honesty and empathy. Of course, most who had experienced the misfortune of locking eyes with Milo were now dead."} +{"id": "44334332-678d-4490-8e0b-da0dc889af1e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:27.682", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPjDye7SnPUUKkBfR3ey8xudQibApSNn1CHWsvAZw8Cjb", "txHash": "0x26bca718543308165c097ec163184788ef2b66aec88349f2ca350a4447a39935", "createdAtBlock": 13446856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7163, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Milo from the Abyss", "text": "Fluttering in and out of the dark corners of the shadowed room, Fluffy was busy inspecting and seeking out the occasional ill-fated insect or small rodent. The purple bat would make certain that there would be no unexpected visitors this night - at least none left alive. He sensed her, like a constant comfort in the back of his head, nestled against his subconscious.\n\nImagining his familiars joy should anyone disturb them here, Milo allowed himself a fond chuckle and turned back to the centre of the cold room, once again scrutinising the altar. It was ordinary enough, more reminiscent of a stone slab than something arcane, aside perhaps from the small rivulets carved out on the surface and the worn symbols barely noticeable running along its sides. However, the naked body strapped down and stretched taut against the frigid stone was anything but ordinary.\n\nAs he slowly approached, his kindly eyes running up and down the large figure, he absentmindedly channelled the Rune of Mars, the crimson shape flaring to life immediately casting the room in a hellish light. With his favourite death spell now an incantation away, Sorcerer Milo from the Abyss slowly strode towards the altar, still smiling to himself."} +{"id": "f8a7272b-17fb-4173-9fcc-2abad7898f77-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:24:48.3", "backgroundColor": "#F2DAA7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcrWBye7B238fingCZXsFn1VwMrKb7GVmP8oi8DQbsK32", "txHash": "0xf952b0f79d086d7a193177ce0d01585feca5e22baa60fd20ef2c329a3b8f97ad", "createdAtBlock": 13439577, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd1K23fB1YLzC4iMXEhsvXbq4PjadWXBpUNMiz9JyGB9d", "name": "Alchemist Ulysse of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Ulysse of the Mount\n\n_\"Is it 4:20 yet?\"_ Ulysse asked himself as he watched the sun begin its descent behind the peaks of the mountains where he was tending to his cannabis plants.\n\n_\"Our harvest is looking good this year, Bobbin.\"_ His dirt rabbit and longest companion. The duo have a similar nature - introverts with lack of hygiene and strong noses for finding ingredients. \n\nAfter a hearty toke on his pipe, Ulysse and Bobbin descended from the higher peaks to their humble cabin on the Mount. The alchemy lab is surprisingly organized compared with the state of these two. _\"Everything in its right place.\"_ Ulysse chimed in as he organized his latest trimmings into their respective containers. \n\nKnown for his unique strains and strong cannabis potions, Ulysse prepares several varieties of potions for his fellow wizards. He specializes in medicinal and psychedelic concoctions. Ulysse trades throughout the realm and his cabin is a welcome respite for wizards traversing the mountains where he resides.\n\nWhen not preparing or imbibing in cannabis potions, Ulysse spends time researching spells that are jovial in nature. His Color Spray of Uranus, seen below, is a burst of color and light that will enliven any wizard gathering. Almost as much as the cannabis potions Ulysse will inevitably have in tow."} +{"id": "6e92f302-71cd-411d-8325-864d9c8ad828-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:50.939", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQ3Dw6DzPirZmpDyE2GC8tZVCjuyx3cgF9eynEYBrADX", "txHash": "0xf0a29ceee3b1528eb83e5ef9e2f10b5d328205daee941c0ca3c616c008056bef", "createdAtBlock": 13451677, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic David of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic David of the Quantum Shadow\n\nMany paths I have traveled,\n\nmany tomes I have read,\n\nIn search of enlightenment,\n\nthrough the Cosmos Ive been led.\n\nCrowley was my first teacher,\n\nhe helped me begin the search.\n\nI yearn to discover my True Will,\n\nbut these efforts my intent does besmirch.\n\nStill, I developed through meditation,\n\nand increased my concentration as well.\n\nMagick I did develop,\n\nallowing my body to escape its shell.\n\nIn the Astral Plane I did travel,\n\nand eventually sought to cross the Abyss.\n\nHowever, the illusions disturbed me,\n\nsomething had clearly gone amiss.\n\nI flailed and fled blindly,\n\nseeking solace in the reality I know.\n\nBut I ended up in another place,\n\nknown as the Quantum Shadow.\n\nThe Shadow is full of watchful powers,\n\ndetected, they captured me.\n\nThey sensed I had some small ability,\n\nand now I am bound here completely.\n\nNow it appears that this Realm,\n\nis beset by Holy Flames.\n\nMy masters wish to know more about them,\n\nand what advantage a burning gains.\n\nSo I am offered in some kind of contest,\n\nalongside other captive souls.\n\nIf those who watch wish it,\n\nI will be selected by those accursed polls.\n\nBut, perhaps this Sacred Flame,\n\nis what Ive been searching for all this time.\n\nA method to burn away the unnecessary,\n\ndiscover my Silent Self, and be sublimed.\n\nI leave it your hands, fellow magicians,\n\nplease help me decide.\n\nYes or no, please let me know,\n\nindecision, I cannot abide."} +{"id": "5c55cc80-fec7-4994-9140-853f86393035-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:51.602", "backgroundColor": "#ca00fd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY2qWu8j6XKtWuLDfbiS7EmCkh2mThVRySKTsfsLRdzb1", "txHash": "0xf7dc74f5487de7208d5db19ed50ee698fb1d6fcc0955cfc7946c21a209474f0a", "createdAtBlock": 13456518, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Louis of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Voodoo Priest Louis of the Keep\n\nLouis, or Louie, as his friends call him, makes magic gumbo in the swamp. Can be used for good or evil but you better think about your relationship with Louie before you try it. He was awarded the key to the city when he fed the entire Florida Gators team the evil version of his gumbo before they played LSU."} +{"id": "0915f196-2568-4b9b-ae8a-d5830c80e909-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:26:53.084", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFF9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT6aVgwU3ig8W6ERPpfu5BihpgjTVq4Nxd88MF5E55eDj", "txHash": "0x29ef77776ca026cc954be65911123a61fcb4231864f1963d8a383b43ab8b4c24", "createdAtBlock": 13457179, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmenhxDRXTUherEcN4HKtnjVKjtDo9REFfxg54RP6A3QDb", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood\n\nFollow my adventures on Twitter: @Chaos_Mage_Miyo\n\nArt by: @0yngyt"} +{"id": "4a73d8a8-7e62-4daf-8a3b-22141e661940-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:13.005", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeMoqZ3pYD9xW4ctF4EgPwW5Nx8dY1E3tVP5UhR5QgJgJ", "txHash": "0x901e11f4743eff32164e0060ad7df3b1fe7002ca4122dde1f33713ad4d74461a", "createdAtBlock": 13462908, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4607, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Uvlius of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Tales & Lore of Voodoo Priest Uvlius of the Astral Plane\n\nVoodoo Priest Uvlius, First of his name, arrived in this realm at the start of the first age. Not much is known about Uvlius, and his whereabouts remain a mystery to this day. It is said that those who meet him are blessed with serenity and fortune. There are several scrolls written of him in the archives, though nearly all of them are faded or written in tongues no longer spoken. The surviving texts, however, tell of his mystical bone stave which some say is composed entirely of pure starlight. The plumes that adorn the tip of his staff are said to be from a famed Pheonix of legend. Uvlius was said to journey alongside his comrade and pet bliss-cat, Gwynn. Few possess the ability to see Gwynn, and the weathered scrolls that remain speak of Gwynn's blindingly white fur and fiery eyes. A student of Saturn, Uvlius was said to command extraordinary skill in the practice of both white and black magic. The last known manuscript detailing his whereabouts was uncovered in the peculiar ruins of an undersea cavern somewhere in the Salt, off the coast near the Secret Tower. Herein are writ the last known words of Voodoo Priest Uvlius of the Astral Plane: \"I valief burning na- nigh. Look ana i l ap- i yavand- isil, on a an- hallowed eve. Tar tye indme hir me ar tar ni shall appear.\""} +{"id": "5a817cfb-65d7-4876-ac68-2afde81c8d93-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:14.491", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcB1Z4w6sHwM3CWMvtBNRdPxck51Z1L58eLZar41c3PLb", "txHash": "0x12f67e81c588b363960e888bd783c04474806a2f4df6520bab30b39daa9fbba0", "createdAtBlock": 13463811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1571, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Azazel of the Lake", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Azazel of the Lake\n\nThe name Azazel always triggers shivers down your spine.\n\nPeople will always have the same things to say about him: cruel, heartless, cold.\n\nIt's not easy to make good impressions when you're a Death Eater..\n\nAzazel is not like the others though, and day after day, week after week his shell starts to crack a tiny bit more.\n\nIf an observer would to spy on him at night they would quickly see he has a soft side to him, reading his bedtime stories to his beloved cockatrice in secret.\n\nOne day he will become the greatest children's story writer of all time..or so he hopes."} +{"id": "03e0762b-c080-41ef-9f7a-2fdbb3748b80-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:15.167", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxvRVwXohC12CgF6GP3skuKeVvaUE5BZJyF1DY4LfriV", "txHash": "0xeaf90535e4234ef1ac91779c942f5443d64ef8b2ab9f23da36b120713956bd45", "createdAtBlock": 13463857, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3798, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Talon of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Talon of the Grotto\n\nTalon might be dumb as a rock, but thankfully his rat Einstein is here to whisper in his ear what to say and what to do.\n\nWhat Talon lacks in brilliance though, is counteracted by his immense constitution, he just cannot get hurt. Even mushrooms don't do anything, although he's trying every kind he can get his hands on so he can feel and channel the magic in him.\n\nAnd there began his quest to find the most potent mushroom of them all, the infamous Black Ether."} +{"id": "70e9a716-5653-4fe5-8688-1ddfa9997f61-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:23.165", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbFBhYyDNwUzNZe3ut7GYNSEC9BLUauYv9xsbmmfLfd67", "txHash": "0x97b3d37248473c41f5fb350fb15cbd7b6232a9e034b2b065c32c7e2b7a50ad38", "createdAtBlock": 13473641, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1707, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Brutus of the Morning Star", "text": "The darkness declares the glory of light."} +{"id": "65b380ac-d078-456b-bc1e-277ffc4f0af4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:26.381", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQbUS7TwzmUwEXReSwCUz88XWnTRoudWrHp91RmQheBiD", "txHash": "0x62fbd18c93877ee28043d71dc29ae5b01263f8921a066b6914a11c6b787d0681", "createdAtBlock": 14913926, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2491, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSABKHEpZVj6VTkLJkZY5oJicgCfPYt6NAmWwmrbVDNc", "name": "Buffy Disintegrator of the Duck Alliance", "text": "## Buffy Disintegrator of the Duck Alliance\n\nBuffy hates ducks\n* Ducks are bad\n* Ducks are ugly\n* Ducks reject Buffy\n\nWait\n\nIs Buffy a duck?\n\n\n> Quack Quack"} +{"id": "8bd06fe2-6ed8-474e-81da-aecda6e45540-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:23.067", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZUu7DCgMfaquFcMnPsX57T6Se7LBUTDq4tehvaVGecsv", "txHash": "0x3b370ab0564eb7687c6f7ad1015b90c95819f642a27975d6cbb63868f220ce72", "createdAtBlock": 14941306, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4076, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeTjZqDC22DFMkjjA5h9ywUAzX4TjdXSJM4waoRYFNpF6", "name": "Arthur Mercenary of the Arena", "text": "Arthur 1st Lore Entry\n\nNo clouds above, in a moonless sky. No wind present, in a lightly dry heat. A clocktower had struck the hour of Lime a few minutes ago. The Arena is empty, except for one sound. Quietly clanking footsteps come from the direction of the Arena barracks. The night remains still, and unaware. The guards had been drinking tonight.\n\nA shadow moves about, and no one sees it. A few scant torches catch glimpses of a red cloaked figure. It stops at the edge of the Arena's main entrance. The figure turns suddenly to hide behind a barrel of lamp oil. The next shift won't be arriving for a couple more hours. Arthur, Mercenary of the Arena, considers that their imagination might be getting to them. The stout figure of the warrior stands back up, and with a single movement scales the wall and drops silently onto the ground of the other side.\n\nA long courtyard spreads out into Arthur's vision. Nostalgia and a sense of quiet eeriness creeps into Arthur's thoughts. There's quiet and there's...\n\nThe mercenary slips and moves from pillar to pillar through the cover of the courtyard's dense and numerous rose bushes. Bloody red. Arthur is not pleased with this level of self-distraction.\n\nMovement.\n\nArthur turns to hear a footfall in the opposite direction. \"Love...\" a voice whispers from behind Arthur. \"Did you really think you would take off without me?\""} +{"id": "b6ff24cf-d944-4f0f-95ae-54440ea53900-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:17.214", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVMoi6akpoSADdzhcYgnk29yNEQ7gi7rKaZnBtfQgxhvg", "txHash": "0x0fc53ae3c87b00aebe24d0ddb6920db4dddc3b8b99173e014bfe60146b743ee9", "createdAtBlock": 13467340, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8164, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Thor of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Thor of the Hills\n\nThor lost his familiar long ago. The loving bond he once had to the land that fueled his existence has faded to no more than a slight acquaintance. Seeing the path he was on Thor decided to peer into the abyss for answers. At his darkest time Thor began to see a light. It was a flame, sacred to some."} +{"id": "2414df7b-ee36-47e1-bfd4-39c9dad070b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:17.864", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYzwPGYNot6noFuCXfXqy9LVKySspQJyZ8qnF47WD4sG7", "txHash": "0x8c6804bbcbc0450d79933a9b68590fac09aeadfa98a267ad1fc7042a00361d25", "createdAtBlock": 13467357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2128, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Bayard of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Bayard of the Sacred Pillars\n\nKeeper of the Sacred Pillars deep in the heart of BattleMage Mountains. Guarding the light that protects all animal beings with his Ancient Staff and Lime Runes. Always accompanioned by sati, his 300 year old rabbit with transfiguration powers helps his every move. Mage Bayard has been the sole guard of the Mountains for the past five centuries living in harmony within nature. Using his powers to divert any evil entity that aproaches this sacret haeven, Mage Bayard gets his power straight from the mythical green plants found within the mountain's forest."} +{"id": "1ee1be93-838b-4bd6-acf3-71046be12895-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:19.633", "backgroundColor": "#2ab32f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRSxuHyvQkXt2jC998HWdHZbuwFsMTtGSHXa2DEDnZeVw", "txHash": "0xf500012f09c05feb7105a9797b4748de65f45f69ed553244d63243f27e6eec34", "createdAtBlock": 13468507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5027, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Daria of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Daria of the Mist\n\nIn order to tell you who I am I must first tell you where Ive been. To do that I must first fill the pipe I have carved from one of the horns adorning my head. This will require pulling from deepest parts of my mind inaccessible otherwise.\n\nI embarked on this journey after consuming the fungal sacrament of Magus Jezebel of the Hills. She prepared the mushroom and I then ingested. Afterward Magus Jezebel instructed that I lay on the floor of her cabin. I felt my stomach twist and then poof- I was traveling outside of this realm, time insignificant.\n\nI found myself in a large field. There were farmers all around; some retired and some not. I ignored them and focused on something smaller but at the time didnt seem so. I focused in on the minutiae and in doing so I realized that we are all connected, each serving a purpose of equal magnitude. All of us magnificent, our faults meaningless. Love abounds and at our most base we are still love distilled.\n\nIt was right at this moment of realization that one of the farmers approached and stated You do not belong here. Immediately I was whisked back to the cabin of Magus Jezebel where I was still laying on the ground with a damp cloth upon my forehead. Magus Jezebel looked deeply into my eyes and faintly smiled.\n\nThrough this journey I found that I no longer feared death but perhaps more importantly that I no longer feared life as well. I will journey fourth with an empathy and understanding until now unfathomable. My magic grows."} +{"id": "3a4d167f-6d2c-4e96-aa17-c02a4f6f6575-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:20.363", "backgroundColor": "#946145", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPmfetgF8f69QuUipwWtQDejjerFPJW81AH92Aa6jmi1h", "txHash": "0x47230530e6c2f70ded27f01cf44286fe75a49bac23d6e05ccf0556c52915d883", "createdAtBlock": 13468640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3090, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRcmmDS4LpwS8r7FnEwnpvMWYQiSWVufbSnMxePBEbXoA", "name": " Azahl ", "text": "# Azahl\n\n Azahl, The Blue, Of Aldo's Isle,\n\n Atop the Secret Tower\n\n After Many A Mile,\n\n Preparing A Tea,\n\n Pyramid At Sea"} +{"id": "78f5c268-49f5-4f67-8fae-5d4a7c097753-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:21.296", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUZVLkV3VqpjBbM5Vtjk9LY4vUMKcvE9EQhtWmvFnphDG", "txHash": "0xc707e47548cf45a61692e390585a6c439883ea58fde1adea0fffb7a924ff4cf0", "createdAtBlock": 13468954, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6824, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP8icv6DDfPd2JGVjjZGu5W12ZR4pNMHFjzGH7HL63hYs", "name": "Void Disciple Zeromus of the Gnostics", "text": "# Void Disciple Zeromus of the Gnostics\n\n \n\n> Years spent exploring and experimenting, \n\n> all in search of union with the void.\n\n> By entering into the flames, \n\n> Zeromus seeks to end the search..."} +{"id": "fc68c725-8724-4344-a9db-39b9f4b4f3b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:22.471", "backgroundColor": "#3f0b4c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPcMwLniA3dhVGUSkisNytUULRe84dhwk1DzsG3w7AnLN", "txHash": "0xd590717a70ee06b05236db4d49c7b0f186e55a47f8194f00f8c5e072ff9d1059", "createdAtBlock": 13470846, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbe9BWx89GgmESTo5p11n8SuKe19SziRRtVqyL75zJRFV", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Aleister of the Ether\n\nForager of fungi, friend of the rodents."} +{"id": "7871cc74-1361-4a0c-9d5c-fc7d310ef115-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:26.386", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY989fpodatfdcbwHktLUuDEHPn4vRqqKVCHwbU2mtH6r", "txHash": "0x821d34c7458b1430366da56c8ea29ba5ce1f8f5325877e76d44c448ca541e167", "createdAtBlock": 13478391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4098, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Peppy of the Cosmos", "text": "# Hedge Wizard Peppy of the Cosmos\n\n## Prologue\n\n_From my many ruminations, and travels aplenty, I have undoubtedly become the most learned of all the splendor which mundane minds would label mere fantasy. Indeed, though many would contest my writings, few have seen what I have laid eyes upon and never beheld all the marvels this world has on offer. Fewer still have ventured where I dared tread, and none have made it to the farthest reaches beyond the Brine as have I._\n\n_There, amidst wonders worthy of the wildest imagination, my scribe given scant reprieve from documenting my discoveries, my life was nearly forfeit. Was it due to a lapse in judgement, or perhaps the lack of preparations for such a fantastical journey, that nearly did me in? Or perhaps the wildest and most ferocious apex predator, heretofore unseen, unstudied and certainly not labeled in the Capitals vast library, hunting me in the night as I fled for my life? One might imagine it so; with heroic effort slaying the beast in the noblest fashion, eyes ablaze and bloodied fists raised to the unfamiliar skies. Were it only thus._\n\n_Yet I speak not in shame of my near demise, nor the loss of both my feet; for that precipitous and pernicious plant yes, the viridescent foliage of innocent visage, would frighten even the most seasoned Kobold hunter to a lifetime of nightmares, should they witness it unfold, unfurl and envelop them - as it did me then._\n\nAdventures Beyond the Brine \n_Edwyn Lymp_"} +{"id": "7871cc74-1361-4a0c-9d5c-fc7d310ef115-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:26.386", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY989fpodatfdcbwHktLUuDEHPn4vRqqKVCHwbU2mtH6r", "txHash": "0x821d34c7458b1430366da56c8ea29ba5ce1f8f5325877e76d44c448ca541e167", "createdAtBlock": 13478391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4098, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Peppy of the Cosmos", "text": "Adventures Beyond the Brine \n_Edwyn Lymp_\n\n\nThe descent into the lowlands had taken Peppy nearly ten days. The windswept snow-covered peaks and craggy outcrops had for a long while refused to give way to the occasional stubborn shrub. However, inexorably, grey stone and blue ice gave way to trickles of water and green moss - spoor and trails appearing, well hidden, in an ever-expanding field of green.\n\nA welcome sight indeed, and though the mighty Mountain in all its splendour was certainly awe-inspiring, hed always felt more attuned below the tree line. Here, with soft moss under bare foot and canopy of green overhead, the night was full of sounds, full of life. In this verdant embrace his Magic flared to life, threatening to overwhelm him as was its wont. The battle of balance, however, was second nature since childhood, and the thrill brought the usual smile to his lips.\n\n_Ribbit._\n\nWould you two please leave be? he exclaimed in uncharacteristic frustration; his train of thought broken. There is plenty of food for you both!. The large green bullfrog, aptly named Ribbit, had the good sense to look abashed as he turned his attention to Hungry. Hungry, for lack of a better word, was, well always hungry. Peppy, never having been burdened with the unnecessary habit of overly complex vocabulary, was quite content with the names he had given both his familiar and the strange plant-like being currently wrapping itself around the tree trunk as his back. Hed seen Hungry devour an entire stag whole, but it seemed content, for the moment, to steal the occasional fly Ribbit had set his amphibious eyes upon."} +{"id": "7871cc74-1361-4a0c-9d5c-fc7d310ef115-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:26.386", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY989fpodatfdcbwHktLUuDEHPn4vRqqKVCHwbU2mtH6r", "txHash": "0x821d34c7458b1430366da56c8ea29ba5ce1f8f5325877e76d44c448ca541e167", "createdAtBlock": 13478391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4098, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Peppy of the Cosmos", "text": "Leave her to her meal and check the perimeter, Peppy remarked as he once again closed his eyes, focusing inward. The view had been, as expected, unobscured from the heights as the full plethora of the heavens opened before him. He had hoped to see the same familiar shapes, had longed for the comfort of recognition as he gazed up at the pantheons. \n\nAlas there was something amiss; something was not quite right in the Cosmos.\n\n_Ribbit._"} +{"id": "50cfd80e-e8ed-47e4-b46e-119cec7fa9d9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:57.548", "backgroundColor": "#5af2ba", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWoyiUgBCJ9hj5avpfb5hcVeiKt9zNTm9mTw6BK9cLF9g", "txHash": "0x2412b08b7347473f8a12014274687de3ab7e43fa701aa6806ef66de78f65d63d", "createdAtBlock": 13479960, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1461, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Calliope of the Thorn", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Calliope of the Thorn\n\n\"I believe fashion can influence tha way people think.When fashion designers make garments we have never seen before,we can see new fantastic viewpoints which have the potential to change the world.I want to be someone who encourages people to open themselves to new ideas.\""} +{"id": "e0cf624f-66ef-418a-ba20-455305829885-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:58.348", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSJnWYxtR3C4HEfEoSAcxJNZHNidKQf5c5AKRYUjdCbKd", "txHash": "0xc9da53c2e9843fc29516f845eaf604acca5daba0c75e489428170802d740d7a5", "createdAtBlock": 13480027, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1483, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Malcom of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Malcom of Arcadia\n\n \n\n In the paradise of Arcadia\n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n With the abundance of joy, nature, and love\n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n Shepard Malcom was alone\n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n Death was always present but hidden from the rest\n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n And darkness consumed him\n\n \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n ||||\n\n \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () |"} +{"id": "e0cf624f-66ef-418a-ba20-455305829885-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:58.348", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSJnWYxtR3C4HEfEoSAcxJNZHNidKQf5c5AKRYUjdCbKd", "txHash": "0xc9da53c2e9843fc29516f845eaf604acca5daba0c75e489428170802d740d7a5", "createdAtBlock": 13480027, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1483, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Malcom of Arcadia", "text": "|||| \n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n ||||\n\n / \\ \n\n | () () | \n\n \\ ^ / \n\n |||| \n\n Will the sacred flame bring salvation?\n\n ) \n\n ) \\ \n\n / ) ( \n\n \\(_)/"} +{"id": "46734485-9f51-4a88-932c-aedb61db19b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:59.125", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVTEkmaVFim3ViGdJZY14hpGNPRT33NfVopU43LvrSLD3", "txHash": "0xb12046d7426c8b196cc4723d38a8bd0f157b0afdf82d7ea70c75ce980872928e", "createdAtBlock": 13480419, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8424, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTmtVxQReDLBZjigyJJk2hUVHQPHSFZ9RcfjmccKBdbLb", "name": "Magus Jahid of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Jahid of the Tower\n\n--------------test #1--------------\n\ngreetings fellow wizards,\n\nA quest!... for those who seek answers, glory, fame and riches.\n\nhidden within the pages of our history lies a forgotten spell. an incantation so obscure it only has one Purpose to awake those trapped within my eternal dream world. legend has it that the those released by _the_ _awakening spell_ are bound, along with all their belongings, to the Incantor.\n\n**The quest**\n\ni. the spell is simple, but it will take 10 weeks for you to learn it.\n\nii. the spell consists of 12 words:\n\n- each word will be locked behind a test\n- the answer to each test will be held within the book Of lore\n- every week a new test\n- you may ask for help, but you will only get \"yes, no, or maybe so\"\n\niii. when a wizard has learned 11/12 words and their correct order, they must come to me for the final challenge\n\n**the Reward**\n\ni. the contents of theawakeningspell.eth\n\nii. fame, glory, and karma\n\nRelics, treasures, and even unlucky souls may be added to my dream spell - by any wizard - but only _the_ _awakening spell_ can release them.\n\n_...good fortune & sweet dreams..._\n\n \n\n_---------------test #2 -------------_"} +{"id": "6b592434-0d22-4a55-99be-d1da0c66f284-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:59.974", "backgroundColor": "#f7da16", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaJ2f84caLoPVT6Rbvf1tvnVm4PuTegi5WDEsrKsaAmXv", "txHash": "0xe371df6fc01a4ceeffa2779c7ac9ce57cd4daadaaf574679871315801ab8aa70", "createdAtBlock": 13481457, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4966, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Aamon of the Hall", "text": "# Artificer Aamon of the Hall\n\nLover of all things precious metals, Aamon has been searching for gold since he got his first taste of it. \n\nHis head, his chain, his toad and his key - what else could this skeleton want? \n\nWell, this key was given to him by Arch-Magician Alessar of the Mu. A chest located in Alessar's Keep can be opened with this key, and legend has it that this chest holds riches even a gold skeleton would be stunned by.\n\nGreed is a dangerous thing."} +{"id": "e226584a-b5a5-4785-8b49-5b7c312e0214-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:00.833", "backgroundColor": "#0b0a1d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdVXQc958qFpFQ3x8MQdeQT18tj54NRqWTvJr3E9gCu1f", "txHash": "0xdb57eb0f5772e3dfa18cdb6ac4ecabe7ddc4fdf31a277d8c1c778f5bcec0fc00", "createdAtBlock": 13482774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9316, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Oberon of the Tundra", "text": "# The Lore of One Who Shall be Burned\n\n## My past no longer matters. Enchanter Orbus has shown me a _bright_ future. I trust his vision; I will serve him in this plane and the next. \n\n# \n\n# \n\n#"} +{"id": "8a174e93-c1c6-4cbe-b318-d0e4b2f62377-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:01.677", "backgroundColor": "#040D04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaB6zFBGDnqBKhF3CUVD372pxD53H68dXjoba5AAXBvvo", "txHash": "0x8ce7cce6dca67547825a18dfabd33bf865e1912ee68c81d0c9a428a6ccda3449", "createdAtBlock": 13485054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9714, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRCqHqeXfyqPPGxgTsWyAC9UP79pATu6Jki2Nq5cj83Ur", "name": "Archmagus Gully of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Gully of the Brambles\n\nI am the reptilian humanoid,\n\nthat commonly infest dungeons.\n\nIncilius periglenes, the golden toad,\n\nhave her own assumptions.\n\nI am a traveler in an orange cape,\n\non a quest for what will free us.\n\nA solar staff so rare a bright,\n\nprotects the rune of venus\n\nI have boundless power in my hands,\n\nseeking infinite knowlege.\n\nI am ready for what life demands,\n\nI am the Archmagus Gully of the Brambles."} +{"id": "0e6af25c-520e-4d4b-bebf-883d32219032-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:38.459", "backgroundColor": "#d81c1c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbg5vAtpXrTUGywAyVhVdHBVNiX2azsee6NF3t2yodprY", "txHash": "0x50bbfdd169bea4ac2ea7e3d6a91cc0fc86c377542336fd9b2a0a9d289fa975f9", "createdAtBlock": 13492687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5208, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWG5jc3spgFGPfiX3Rd4YLNSxDjXRSxeBQsS9TytVL1YD", "name": "Runecaster Zagan of Avalon", "text": "# _The Great Burning & Transmutation of Zagan_\n\n \n\n**Zagan served the Kings of Avalon for 1,666 years.**\n\nAnd in that time, he stole many a soul for his many a King.\n\nOn the basis of his servitude, and for saving his King's life with his healing Red Mamba snake, he was adopted by King Dotta VII as a protector and Runecaster of Avalon. Zagan became an apprentice and a student. \n\nWith a face of rot and stone, he was a lonely wizard. Loved by no one, Zagar kept mostly to himself often celebrating occasions alone. And on such occasion, the eve of his 1,666th year of birth, King Dotta VII visited his chambers which delighted Zagan.\n\nThat delight though quickly turned to horror, as a spell was cast which began to burn Zagan alive.\n\nFaced with no other option, Zagan minted his last spell in the hopes that it could save him.\n\n \n\n\nHe quickly touched his body and began to be transmutate. \n\nBetrayed, like an animal, w**hat will emerge from the fire???**\n\nTO BE CONTINUED ...."} +{"id": "f59beee3-90b7-4e97-84e7-08d090ae163f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:39.388", "backgroundColor": "#2DBDEF", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXx6cJBsFPsM6irf8sMMwTdwMvxr9hzkw7LTe9LbYsmx5", "txHash": "0x777c9e597fd02d44ec0f2dcd2bea7903afeca0dcd15c79112198fb6741f1126f", "createdAtBlock": 13496554, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWQeZMvQXK5P1mp4YQsVfrM1n9H3SwzYc5HmfzNJYQf4s", "name": "Sorcerer Basil of the Berg", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Basil of the Berg\n\nOne of the founding members of Miyos Boys. Was initially kidnapped during Chaos Mage Miyos trip to the Gate to the 7th Realm. However, by the time a few days had passed, Basil was infatuated with Miyo, and followed her willingly.\n\n \n\nThe only things Basil loved more than Miyo, were his familiar Icicle the blue rat, and his Egg of Unknown Origin. Basil had found the egg during one of his journeys out on the ice near his home, and he was certain that if he could get the creature to hatch, he would have the power to do whatever he wanted.\n\nOf course, getting the egg hatched is easier said than done. Various incantations, rituals, stress tests, and cooking methods were attempted. Yet none of them had any discernable effect on the egg.\n\nDuring the run-up to the Great Wizard Burning, Miyo acquired one of the Sacred Flames. Sensing an opportunity, Basil begged Miyo to let him and his egg be the ones to merge with the flame.\n\nAlthough Miyo had a few other burn candidates in mind, she was also curious to know what would happen if the egg were exposed to the flame(to be continued)"} +{"id": "4181e439-288b-48f9-9902-3e5d837acb39-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:49.183", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUmbg4tVofvJ1dR1AP8FjofDUHthLTyQXyXSzCNDAkHYG", "txHash": "0x0f53c954e2825fdd8f4416b812567d728880f7445ac8d1de0cc00d297baf8b82", "createdAtBlock": 13511346, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9785, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hagar of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Hagar of the Steppe, Master of Chad Magic\n\nHey wizard mama, check out these potions. Hoo-ha hooah!"} +{"id": "0d1bb9e0-94a1-4e8f-873a-04da09af9299-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:50.051", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmechibXRzjzSwbNqsNQYbpJoUNynvC7zELXbQnTCp1aVu", "txHash": "0xac2aea0ed6147e3a92698cedbcd63bd08a344c04071bd0669c31d64e61578035", "createdAtBlock": 13511709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7381, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVofWe6SC1y4ffandeF9B8LdTPnvPf8s5zjimPzcxER1m", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Baird of the Road\n\nBorn a mage, Baird perceived wizardry more as a burden rather than a gift. He preferred to live the life of a simple man, a wanderer, exploring the world and the nature within. The powerful solar staff Baird inherited from his father, he gifted to his friend Norix of the Wood. They first met in the tavern, sharing the same appetite for Jitcys Ale. From that time on, Bairds orange leather boots often took him into the Hedge Wizard Wood. A peaceful shelter that never ceased to amaze him with its wonderful flora and fauna. Life was good and friendship helped the old man to compensate for the family discords of the past. It hasnt always been easy to leave the battle mage roots behind. While sometimes a bit grumpy, Baird was beloved by his friends for his dry humor and curiosity.\n\nOne day, as he returned from a merry evening at the tavern, a flame pierced the darkness along the path. Bairds rumbling stomach was demanding a hearty meal and the rabbit, following him, was the predestined main course. Only the troubles of lighting a fire had prolonged the mammals lifespan. Therefore, the bright flame, though peculiar, was a welcome opportunity. In joyful anticipation, Baird grabbed a branch from the ground and approached the orange blaze. As he got closer, extraordinary heat struck his face. Never will a rabbit be roasted more quickly he mumbled, while poking the fire with his wooden branch. All of a sudden, the flame expanded explosively, giving Baird no chance to escape. \n\nBurned alive by a forgotten Sacred Flame, Baird is no more."} +{"id": "98614774-cb56-42e8-8ff8-9f4cf3e67f2c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:11.025", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmczdFFsjpXLii6KheydTA4F6NHkkDvNxMnGdMPGpafz1R", "txHash": "0x7882ab0829c8fee6bd1f259f4dc233ad7863871719eee8d7bef1a99a5fb2a5ea", "createdAtBlock": 13523153, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5766, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Devon of the Hollow", "text": "# An excerpt from the journal of Enchanter Devon of the Hollow\n\nI can hear a message ringing from the other side -- repeating, echoing, but I can't quite make it out...\n\nThis may be the last you hear from me. I'm afraid I must walk through the flame."} +{"id": "ee78b241-1cd5-4b7c-891d-d9b4bd968213-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:11.741", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGB5j8CniYwWEVXtEELRj2hM6W6w5wit6zC2pzX4uFQ9", "txHash": "0x089e15ca8c42e6614d9c3a30b4bdd6519da87e83cf69abdfa8f0cbdf34e45d86", "createdAtBlock": 13524659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1267, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Ilyas of the Swell", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Ilyas of the Swell\n\nLost I was within the ocean swells that near-capsized me. I began to pray that if I passed alive through soaking hell Id serve the greater good for all my days, think not of pleasure, profit. When the storm spit me onto the shore, I wept with thanks and walked into a tavern to get warm. A mug of ale, a hearth with embers banked and me, all lost in thought. A fire is more than opposite of water. It creates new life. The whole world is its lonely shore, like water, coursing through trickles and spates, so off I to the burn, to toil and spin my taleor maybe Ill throw myself in.\n\n[\n](https://twitter.com/MargaretLabour)"} +{"id": "da370223-6d79-454d-b077-442d3bab0805-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:17.635", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR2asTXm8VarFE1XWyNJnK3LuF3Xc8tQPAasC6pvzVc5q", "txHash": "0xb1246272dfd9a9e89fa821f5c8e02c5e73b93b2b67cb248b70851b614b6062d9", "createdAtBlock": 13525757, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8210, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Apollo from the Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Hex Mage Apollo from the Shadow\n\nI have journeyed far to get here. The legend says when you pass through the flame you may be granted eternal life... I am willing to risk it all for the chance of living for eternity, wish me luck"} +{"id": "23d8fb73-9b22-4401-9730-807670d85cce-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:13.075", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd7VSr19xE47bJPMfThnbwN9cXShuZ353m4oNi8fjHt1y", "txHash": "0x2327a2f4f17dc6a65e20e9c3d5ad0187dc5fc9b308efcb1c098baf771a6a748b", "createdAtBlock": 13525323, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Ulysse of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Hex Mage Ulysse of the Plains\n\nUlysse the Hex, once in line for the throne of his Kingdom, now travels The Wilds in search of his greatest foe. Driven by an unending rage to pursue those that took more than just his eye he will not stop till his has taken his revenge."} +{"id": "d1301f70-4cf1-4828-871c-23da83456af2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:13.875", "backgroundColor": "#920b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbarDcoMUcGNzTwi8Wf7r6gRz95h8uMuq3h25px26zYB2", "txHash": "0x85a0edc33289af723fff1c55296b4d2eca4d9b072b277c8345345ff5dec389c5", "createdAtBlock": 13525387, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4513, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTKpkV8kWBKa9oXcAPa646t6Tew2F6QmSu5rUsi5hgnpz", "name": "Artificer Bobbin of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Bobbin of the Atheneum\n\nThe boy was made of wood, yet he had an affinity towards the flame. It is as if his fate was determined before he was born. He must burn."} +{"id": "f30cd258-d420-46d0-b3ee-44a05539716f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:14.753", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZhUjczNQGvosV4cK1KPeCJG3FtyMSi2Y2q8zzcEsWDSa", "txHash": "0xcc09ae7033c181a5ece5eacdb5afc08ba4323d27f2c404bd70d4b8287d61fdf8", "createdAtBlock": 13525495, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Diana of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Diana of the Plains\n\nThe road to hell is paved with good intentions Author many.\n\nDruid Diana wanted revenge. She wanted people to pay for what they had done to her family. She saw what the death of her mother had done to Ursula and she wanted no family to be broken up in the way hers was ever again. In a desire to avenge those that wronged her during the witch trials, she drove herself mad. She was willing to sacrifice almost anything to end the nightmares.\n\n(This is the second part of the story of Hedge Wizard Ursula of the Steppe #4564)\n\nMeet Druid Diana the sharper, bolder, younger sister of Hedge Wizard Ursula. Both escaped the wrath of the witch hunters and Ursula did her best to look after Diana who was skilled in many ways Ursula was not. She soon surpassed her teacher in magic, hunting, and internal wisdom. Like Ursula, she was not accepting of the status quo. While she too fought to change the Metaverse and tackle societal problems, there was unfinished business that kept her awake at night and it was time for her to settle the score.\n\nThe Rune of Neptune yields an unruly power over her. Change is in her blood. She had seen the flame in her nightmares before, so when it appeared at her doorstep on a Saturday afternoon, she knew this was her calling. This was a catalyst to open the Portal of the Quantum Shadow. This was an opportunity for her to change history and rewrite the future. To be a mediator between humans and the gods. Of course this could also be the end of her. An undesirable outcome for some, but a message to her from the Gods that her soul had achieved enlightenment, and that there were no more lessons to be learned. Death, after all, was the only certainty, and she had no fear in looking it in the eye."} +{"id": "f30cd258-d420-46d0-b3ee-44a05539716f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:14.753", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZhUjczNQGvosV4cK1KPeCJG3FtyMSi2Y2q8zzcEsWDSa", "txHash": "0xcc09ae7033c181a5ece5eacdb5afc08ba4323d27f2c404bd70d4b8287d61fdf8", "createdAtBlock": 13525495, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Diana of the Plains", "text": "She intends to take nothing with her however her partner the Sun cat refuses to leave her side. To all observers, it is clear that the cat is a living reincarnation of her. The cat portrays the good and the bad, the jealousy and the anger, and the power & strength that emanates from within Diana. She swings by the Steppe to pay one last visit to Ursula, who insists Diana take snacks in her hip pack for the journey through the flame. You may not be first in line and may get hungry in the process nurturing motherly Ursula had said. Diana packs some marshmallows & graham crackers. Who doesnt love a SMORE, it may be her last meal after all!\n\nAs she walks towards the shadows the scenarios play through her head once again. The Phoenix feather which long protected both sisters had never been tested against Black Magic.Diana, divine, wise, protected but was that enough?"} +{"id": "05f9e565-8065-45bb-8d2c-0641464334ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:15.47", "backgroundColor": "#791d1d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUJS5BW3bsxiuqptbAgFDh3FePRQwRsprVBeauYfaWNoP", "txHash": "0x68b776a9e8abbd6bb4305bea996a354d53bb29cdee7f9d67dc54003b71a20762", "createdAtBlock": 13525600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood\n\nOrigin Story\n\nSince birth, Miyo lived at a cinnabar mine. Mercury, which is extracted from the Cinnabar, is prized among the alchemist community for its unique properties, and among the wider wizarding community as an occasional source of powerful Cinnabar Runes. Unfortunately, unscrupulous Red Wizards created company towns and ensnared poor laborers into perpetual debt. Life expectancy for the mercury miners was low, due to exposure. By the age of 10, Miyo had already lost both parents as a result, but unfortunately their debt was passed on to her (based on the contract they had signed) and so she remained at the mine.\n\nChildren were not forced to work deep in the mines where the exposure was greatest. Instead, they acted mainly as gophers and messengers. Still, Miyo was constantly exposed to a low level of mercury, and gradually she noticed that her hands constantly trembled, she kept forgetting things, and she struggled to keep her energy up. Still, the mine owners would not relent; she needed to keep working off her debt as long as she was physically able. Unfortunately, her housing, barebones as it was, exceeded her meager wages.\n\nOne day, feeling especially weak, Miyo felt she couldnt go on. She crawled into a dark, abandoned shaft of the mine, wishing for maximum exposure in order to end her suffering quickly. However, instead of a quick death, she found something else. As she lay there in the dark, she suddenly noticed two luminous eyes looking back at her. A feline form emerged, glowing red with otherworldly cinders."} +{"id": "05f9e565-8065-45bb-8d2c-0641464334ff-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:15.47", "backgroundColor": "#791d1d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUJS5BW3bsxiuqptbAgFDh3FePRQwRsprVBeauYfaWNoP", "txHash": "0x68b776a9e8abbd6bb4305bea996a354d53bb29cdee7f9d67dc54003b71a20762", "createdAtBlock": 13525600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "As she stared at what appeared to be a cat, a symbol formed in her head, the Rune of Cinnabar. It felt like a question. She accepted the power, and the rune became a part of her being. As she breathed deep, inhaling the mercury vapors and the magic both, she suddenly felt more powerful than she ever had before. It was intoxicating. Now she was the one who would be giving the orders. She was the one who would make her will a reality. A floating ball of glowing lava slowly appeared above one hand, and the face that it revealed looked much different from the tired soul that had crawled into that crevice.\n\n-----------------------------------\n\nRumors abound about what really happened to destroy the cinnabar mine. Everyone knows that a freak earthquake struck the mine. At the same time, magma bubbled up from under the mine, flooding the tunnels even as they collapsed.\n\nThere were a few individuals who claimed to have formerly worked at the mine. After a few drinks at the pub, some of them claimed to have seen a demon emerge from the mines, wading through the magma as if it were water, and laughing as the magma engulfed everything in sight. When pressed on why they had survived to tell the tale, one fellow claimed that they would have been consumed, but the demon turned away at the last moment to head towards the owners compound, allowing him and a handful of others who had been outside the mine at the time to escape.\n\nMany of the self-proclaimed survivors happened to be children, but their tales were dismissed out of hand as fanciful. Particularly the ones about a magic glowing cat that walked beside the fiery apparition.\n\n-----------------------------------"} +{"id": "05f9e565-8065-45bb-8d2c-0641464334ff-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:15.47", "backgroundColor": "#791d1d", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUJS5BW3bsxiuqptbAgFDh3FePRQwRsprVBeauYfaWNoP", "txHash": "0x68b776a9e8abbd6bb4305bea996a354d53bb29cdee7f9d67dc54003b71a20762", "createdAtBlock": 13525600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "-----------------------------------\n\nThese days, Miyo does what she likes. She can be kind or angry, brutal or merciful, according to her whims. She scoffs at wizard conventions and norms, and this can be seen in both her personal style as well as in the way she conducts herself.\n\nUnfortunately, the effects of the mercury have permanently altered her psyche, and her frequent and untutored use of magic hasnt helped. As a result, anyone who interacts with her is never sure quite what to expect. She tends to make for a powerful but fickle ally - just make sure her interests stay aligned with yours.\n\nUnfortunately, lately shes learned about the Sacred Flames, and seems to view them as both a source of amusement as well to alternatively punish people, gain more powerful servants, or even just sate her curiosity. However, as she continues to learn more of the flames, they seem to have become an obsession. Her Wizard Burn election ended in a tie, so who will be burned? Stay tuned to find out!"} +{"id": "efaa0b99-e1c8-42f1-a776-cd1a2898524c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:44.954", "backgroundColor": "#540505", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZYmsWErgGRaAZiN2c13krqnSCa1Bak8b6AWBbQWHJrui", "txHash": "0xee807b99b80a9d4f513b78e634525f432ea366eb0a1e71156e4dfdb5baf7ab2d", "createdAtBlock": 13527525, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "# Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether\n\n## Prologue\n\n> _Therefore, dear wizards, I have come to firmly believe that the sanctity and severity of the matter postulates our required course of action; According to our most trusted Cosmic Mages, the Veil shall soon be parted, and The Sacred Flame will present us with an opportunity._\n> \n> _As you are all aware, our most experienced Diviners and Cartomancers have long warned us; there are malevolent and dark forces at play in the Deck, players who surely will not shy from the chance of reaching beyond, transcending, transmuting and becoming one with the Cosmos. And should those whose intent are on chaos and destruction, willing to again raise ancient armaments - our wayward brethren of Void and Abyss among them - harness powers hitherto unfathomable, I fear we will face peril to our very existence._\n> \n> _And so I plead and beseech you Holders of the Flame; we must not waver, nor plot, scheme and levy for leverage amongst ourselves; we must be unified, bold and decisive. Seek out those worthy and willing to risk the Immolation and convince them of the necessity of this ultimate sacrifice, sway them with promises of Sacred Souls, if need be, but sway them you must._\n> \n> _What we need now, councilmembers, are willing martyrs._\n>\n\n> An Appeal for Martyrs\n>\n> _The Sacred Council_"} +{"id": "efaa0b99-e1c8-42f1-a776-cd1a2898524c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:44.954", "backgroundColor": "#540505", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZYmsWErgGRaAZiN2c13krqnSCa1Bak8b6AWBbQWHJrui", "txHash": "0xee807b99b80a9d4f513b78e634525f432ea366eb0a1e71156e4dfdb5baf7ab2d", "createdAtBlock": 13527525, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "> An Appeal for Martyrs\n>\n> _The Sacred Council_\n\n\nAmidst twisting mists, eddies embracing deep purple robes, swirls playfully lapping at his heels, the hooded and caped figure strode forward slowly. Near an eternity has passed since his feet had trod these paths, since the comforting presence of the Event Horizon tugged at the very core of his being. The coruscating convergence of energy emanating from the singularity was potent here near the epicenter. Enough to saturate and kill in mere moments, but of no concern to a Cyborg. Reminiscent of a lost lovers embrace, there was an eagerness to the sensation, near akin to desire, which, had he still had a face, would have pulled at the corners of his mouth, flaunting his once infamous smirk. \n\nThere was a certain sound, like that of a draft under a door defending against a mighty gale - or possibly more fitting a door trapping an unwilling tempest within accompanying the soft thud of his footfalls and the rhythmical tap of metal on stone. The ghostly and unnerving sound had only gotten stronger over the centuries as its source gluttonously harvested and consumed Souls, the enormous golden scythes hunger nearly palpable.\n\nUp ahead, the questing tendrils in the tepid air formed an eerie halo - as if the moon herself had descended from the heavens to grace him with her presence surrounding a figure he knew intimately but had not seen in a very, very long time. \n\nDr. Death, it is a welcome sight to behold your gristly visage once again, rasped the luminescent figure. It was difficult to remember a time his name had been uttered not as a curse, but with warmth and familiarity, and it surprised him to feel a stirring of pleasure where his heart once resided."} +{"id": "efaa0b99-e1c8-42f1-a776-cd1a2898524c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:44.954", "backgroundColor": "#540505", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZYmsWErgGRaAZiN2c13krqnSCa1Bak8b6AWBbQWHJrui", "txHash": "0xee807b99b80a9d4f513b78e634525f432ea366eb0a1e71156e4dfdb5baf7ab2d", "createdAtBlock": 13527525, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "Voidoth, it has been too long. Are you prepared? he asked, halting in front of his companion. I trust the timing is flawless. It would be a terrible waste if all our long-laid plans were to fail at this crucial point in the timeline.\n\nAh, ever the pragmatic. Yes, everything is in motion and the Veil will soon part, Voidoth said, the Lunar staff in his hand pulsing as if in confirmation. All we need is simply to Burn.\n\nWe already died once, you know, Death commented.\n\nIndeed, we did old friend. However, this time may our Souls pass through the Veil and beyond, Voidoth said as his magic began coalescing around him, enhanced and flavored by his alignment with Earth, manifesting the Sacred Flame before his skeletal frame.\n\nAdding to the growing vortex, Dr. Death similarly drew on his magic, channeled through his Soul Harvester, his own Flame flaring into existence with a hiss of crimson. They will be expecting this, you know. We may well be contested.\n\nOh, I certainly hope they are, for they may be in for a surprise, Voidoth replied, turning towards the twin infernos.\n\nAfter you then, gestured Dr. Death as they strode confidently towards the hungrily sputtering flames, twin skulls reflecting the fire held high, ancient vizors aglow."} +{"id": "94b81a29-7133-4ee6-a0c5-e78597ee65a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:20.938", "backgroundColor": "#1c1b1b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeNpJa7ERAzSLprgLVoezxabMFVCJGJGGFCfnMFyGYUfc", "txHash": "0xda7dd62ce76adbfee799b05731b11daad0daab1e897e89de9b3b34c4b9b4bbd6", "createdAtBlock": 13525921, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2015, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Titania of the Moors", "text": "# Shadow Mage Titania of the Moors\n\n\"At last I had to confront myself\nand see where I wasnt.\nYouve got to go at the rate you can go.\nYou wake up at the rate you wake up.\nYoure finished with your desires\nat the rate you finish with your desires.\nThe disequilibrium comes into harmony\n\nat the rate it comes into harmony.\nYou cant rip the skin off the snake.\n\nThe snake must moult the skin.\n\nThats the rate it happens.\n\nLet the Light pull you towards itself (like a moth to a flame)\n\nBe Here Now\nRam Dass"} +{"id": "85d2c1ee-7fdb-4f07-aea9-dc31158f70af-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:21.715", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQaLaUsGHx7PxaEMWM3vtBnw7qAnxuinSAxWgnhv7GkG9", "txHash": "0xd4e8482b297eae2818618eae162d1d4c217aac3edcc9f9b451dd9c377124b1e5", "createdAtBlock": 13525922, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1126, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Casper of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Casper of the Realm\n\nAs soon as he appeared...he was drawn to the flame. It spoke to him in muted whispers, calling for him to reach out and give it just a light touch..."} +{"id": "26f4427b-b149-4139-bd55-d645b58a6222-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:01.237", "backgroundColor": "#1d618d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme8hjJyqz9gqfbsfmuWLUcwF2GJLY66uHvY47ar1uMzmt", "txHash": "0x3899f468839a760d2c6cf2932a7c58afe66ef2ca28cd1ef061d799a6d44a5f9b", "createdAtBlock": 15111125, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2864, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Ixar of the Atheneum; Wizard #2864\n\nhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1WDMIk591D0_LoAZZvokB3JJzD8d7GSdERCRChfjUxpU/edit?usp=sharing"} +{"id": "18b4f066-0866-4157-a523-cd1a3c492439-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:22.837", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNUN3ELAWeiexnAKEeMwL4QFSM1v14tr4Hugxr4Lw87Xj", "txHash": "0xdc7722915c575999726787de9a40ea096aad79e4b0bbc102c693e7b8a2eba91b", "createdAtBlock": 13525973, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1562, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Null Mage Charlord of the Light", "text": "# The Lore of Null Mage Charlord of the Light\n\nOnce a sad lonely accountant, Tim had a very bad outlook on life. He was punished after squabbling with Demonic Goat Faustus of the Ethereal Realm in the line for the ski lift.\n\nHe was cursed forever to walk the lands, desiring to enjoy ice cream - but given a flaming head. \n\nHe may view Valhalla, but may not taste it.\n\nKip, the fox, (comedic relief) found this all to be exceptionally funny, and has been following him around since.\n\nAA"} +{"id": "3684c71b-2ded-4448-a2c9-aadc9cd387be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:24.902", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmednGiBHMwDiGf48xNYD34ZTdjJvWuhqEbrFu4e7RnTZx", "txHash": "0x3e8689417c9db3724cbd0c73e51dfe0caf905e8401899f7f48cc24897ef86156", "createdAtBlock": 13526087, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3115, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Jeldor of the Ice", "text": "# The Lore of Battlemage Jeldor of the Ice\n\nThe demon who destroyed my village spoke of the sacred flame that granted him his powers. I vowed I would find this flame and use its power to exact my revenge. After years of searching I have finally found it. On this night I enter the flame in hopes that I too may become as strong as the demon and hunt him down for what he did to my people."} +{"id": "9968879e-ea30-49d1-bc4e-79ff9b4cc791-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:26.028", "backgroundColor": "#076a02", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPYQT7zk9xtBfAENDsrggQz5ehgy8r98rgVCoaoMrpNNF", "txHash": "0x1a162001ff77eced73d448df6ed1f8744e291f5efc1015d21e57954d56670838", "createdAtBlock": 13526185, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8891, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Pezo of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Pezo of the Villa\n\nCan you guess this guy's favorite color? You probably can. It matches his skin because he is self-obsessed. While his favorite color may be green, Lord Magus Pezo did not choose or adopt his companion. It is merely coincidence that his familiar is green. Knowing his vain nature, though, likely the only reason Magus Pezo allows his familiar around is because of his deep green color. \n\nNot much is known of the day to day life of this wizard. He mostly prefers to be left alone. Described best as a \"sigma male,\" preferring smaller groups, but also leading the charge of adventures.\n\nPasttimes include foraging mushrooms around the villa. Some speculate that his obsession with green is actually due to a mushroom that was consumed in the far past. Legend says Magus Pezo ate the mushroom, and afterwards all of the mushrooms and knick knacks he was foraging for became very vibrantly colored. But once he had returned home and was feeling normal again, all of the mentioned knick knacks were actually of the color green."} +{"id": "1e86dd8e-245a-4088-a303-322f931dd3a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:26.845", "backgroundColor": "#220808", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdda2UF4go4zqfcQLtHh3bRucm2Mwjw2ar1BAxPiTrhSU", "txHash": "0x58f68622390bfcaa4ee44efd869ded0ea5e6d8da43aa9f7af115224348c6a1e3", "createdAtBlock": 13526208, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5232, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Aleister of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of One Who Shall be Burned\n\n## My past no longer matters. Enchanter Orbus has shown me a _bright_ future. I trust his vision; I will serve him in this plane and the next.\n\n# \n\n# \n\n#"} +{"id": "c85c897c-a542-4c23-802d-c396540eebfe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:31.084", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVQXFDsmqnGw5YTs2G5DHgSXpqT2goCc4e9rdrChek2AX", "txHash": "0x53594ed2ca3a923dc00dfbe20f7973905243fdd284850b17854c2f1b28361760", "createdAtBlock": 13526457, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8360, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Jeldor of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Jeldor of the Hall\n\nBorn to a large family within a small noble's domain, Jeldor showed an aptitude for magic since his younger years. Unpeered within his village, he began his pursuits as a hedge mage and was later raised to the position of Wizard in Residence within the hall of his liege. \n\nEver ambitious, Jeldor sought companionship with warriors and wizards of The Guild and was oft not seen in his village as he adventured across the land in search of arcane secrets, runes, powerful familiars, and magical artifacts. \n\nExperiencing the larger world, Jeldor saw his confidence diminish as he learned of the powers larger than himself. Powerful wizards, monsters, and other beings that lived in a realm beyond his mortal reach. \n\nFrustrated and unsuccessful in his pursuits for power, Jeldor grew jealous and ventured into the field of dark magic, where he began to communicate with spirits, concoct foul potions, and practice necromancy. \n\nOne day, as he brewed a potion on an open flame, he felt the room grow cold. Cautious of a possible fault in his alchemical logic, he attempted to end the experiment and extinguish the flame. To his dismay, the flame burned, untouched by air, water, or earth. It was at this moment that he realized the flame was cold to the touch."} +{"id": "102ce622-8ba0-4422-8730-e8961611ddd5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:31.942", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYwux1wmeLpRbxuqkKPXUS3nvCWDBFwPeUQWMY7n1koKL", "txHash": "0x5b8da57d0d0f31544a6c235d7d6da9ed0f4b23d961ff491b09a0a0cf20c6b880", "createdAtBlock": 13526457, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6836, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Bayard of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Bayard of the Wood\n\n\"I don't ever want to wake up\" 10/31/2021"} +{"id": "a6a82423-1cff-453c-9729-bed20a89fd6d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:33.044", "backgroundColor": "#327cb1", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8dgEYhS77txPfqTvhX3i9HdYutVtrPAPHvkSZohmqVQ", "txHash": "0x6486af47c7a95ba4a1b036689368b84bbe24a3d87e00bac66b3612238a4162fd", "createdAtBlock": 13526485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Basil of the Berg", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Basil of the Berg\n\nI stand before the pyre, its ghostly flames reflecting on my face.\n\nIt took a while, but I finally saw behind Miyos faade. She is a sad soul, who had everything taken from her, only to be reborn in this altered Chaos Mage form, where she can burn ever so brightly in juxtaposition with her cold core. Alas, she can never be mine. So, I will do this for her instead. I can only pray that my egg, Icicle and I change into a vessel that can serve her better.\n\nI am ready. My love for Miyo burns inside me. And the flame beckons. The egg I carry before me seems to vibrate in anticipation. It is time."} +{"id": "c21f61ed-f290-49f2-a1c4-c5da6f3a134b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:34.007", "backgroundColor": "#0b0909", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPpcu1kKvqWSo5qbHgn8VPbG5SfUSU2DddakzUS9QXxdc", "txHash": "0x27f4e70f38939b7f60047c623e44d08758517f9a0e292d806aec9fb12c440b15", "createdAtBlock": 13526575, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 334, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXnbK7TCwqGcyFkmZ2YvdHLEuKZU7A4Lb1Y1BzFQzfE3S", "name": "Battle Mage Wolfram of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Wolfram of the Brambles #334\n\nThis young lad grew up in extreme poverty and very undesirable conditions. Descendant of the House of Dasia (female for David) and long awaited wizard of the north. Youngest to earn the highest award for bravery and magic with the lore hailing from the Brambles. #334 shall go down in history and live in eternity as the greatest and wisest of the wizards. \n\nThe Richest of the Wizards. Wolfram aka Crazy Lobo was known to turn dust into gold. He had the heart of a golden dragon. On October 31st 2021 A.D. he passed through the final flame as it was written in the Book of Lore. May his soul find peace and may his name never be forgotten throughout history. The Xcopy afterburn was also burned for this occasion."} +{"id": "e6e97ab2-ce3b-49ba-9d9f-28c5d89127e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:34.973", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRnbKVmTsJXG3vF9Ex2pdBmcVth5vZaUTcDWpgTzhVhzc", "txHash": "0xca087118e71f57d220fd4c94fb75cfe17f60d3ee331e67a1d88a9a5a3473ef99", "createdAtBlock": 13526649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8399, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Kazud out of the Void", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Kazud out of the Void\n\nForged in the flame of the void and to the flame I return"} +{"id": "c32f8015-abc2-4b32-8bd0-a0411375ceaf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:35.697", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPrPDDCtfnJKFdhkFMkGDgHNoWtKCoahj6Wh678d72FpL", "txHash": "0xc9e0be921cb8012f6ea8d59e5f91aae9be27378898dccb347b8e469874dc5aaa", "createdAtBlock": 13526657, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2225, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Shivra of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of One Who Shall be Burned\n\n## My past no longer matters. Enchanter Orbus has shown me a _bright_ future. I trust his vision; I will serve him in this plane and the next.\n\n# \n\n# \n\n#"} +{"id": "ec5ab1f6-a49d-45d0-9c7e-da9d758c5c89-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:36.514", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpBubymaAVkum2z8brbJmogiRKAvo5qhSkkeV936VQCz", "txHash": "0x8971b579f3909eafa02f8a10bb9db69a98af3b7263b50a05ba7a09ddf989a210", "createdAtBlock": 13526664, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of Xanadu", "text": "# The Lore of David of Xanadu\n\nDavid woke with the familiar ringing in his ear and thumping in his skull. Another night with the Damned had come and gone. The headache was a rhythmic reminder that he could not remember what he learned, or who taught it to him. Had he gained any knowledge at all?\n\nTrumpet padded over to him as he rolled out of his bed. The wolf looked up at him expectantly and David responded with scratches behind the ears. Youre my familiar, but it seems to be you that leashes me to this plane of existence, not the other way around. Trumpet cocked her head to the side and David laughed, Im starting to not understand the things I say either.\n\nEvery waking moment for David was spent magically growing a new mushroom, or devising a new weaving of his magics to improve upon his previous work. Each time he began working he was certain that it would be the time that allowed him to remember the secrets he learned from those long since dead. Each time he was disappointed.\n\nDavid was pulled back to reality by a deep growl from Trumpet, her hackles raised. A flow of magic, unknown to David, was in the air. Suddenly, a flash filled the room. A floating pyramid, a foot off the ground, had appeared in the corner of the room. He had been seeing things that were not there of late, a consequence of the power he drew from, but David knew this was real. He could feel the power emanating from the deep bronze pyramid, it called to him."} +{"id": "ec5ab1f6-a49d-45d0-9c7e-da9d758c5c89-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:36.514", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpBubymaAVkum2z8brbJmogiRKAvo5qhSkkeV936VQCz", "txHash": "0x8971b579f3909eafa02f8a10bb9db69a98af3b7263b50a05ba7a09ddf989a210", "createdAtBlock": 13526664, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of Xanadu", "text": "David approached slowly, knelt down, and reached a trembling hand. As he touched it, a flame burst into being, floating just above the pyramid. Every muscle in his body tensed and his eyes shot open as an uncontrollable power filled him. When it did, David saw flashes of the underworld: An unknown witch with seaweed green hair poured him tea and laughed, a chilling sound that sent goosebumps down his spine. She walked back to the kitchen and the bells that hung from her midnight blue robes jingled gently. David took a deep breath in and inhaled her strong floral perfume. She looked back at him, winked, and he was gone. A new vision of a floating skull shook the answer no to a question that David couldnt remember asking appeared in front of him. He opened his mouth to ask another, and again the vision changed. This time he saw a ferryman who poled his boat back to the other side of a river unknown to David.\n\nRipping his hand from the pyramid, David fell backwards. He felt a horrible glee at the things he just saw. Trumpet moved to stand between him and the flame, teeth bared. David rose to his feet and placed a hand on Trumpets head to soothe her but all he could think about was what he had just seen. Were they further visions, or were they memories? And the power was like nothing he had ever felt before. Could he control its channeling?"} +{"id": "ec5ab1f6-a49d-45d0-9c7e-da9d758c5c89-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:36.514", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpBubymaAVkum2z8brbJmogiRKAvo5qhSkkeV936VQCz", "txHash": "0x8971b579f3909eafa02f8a10bb9db69a98af3b7263b50a05ba7a09ddf989a210", "createdAtBlock": 13526664, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of Xanadu", "text": "Again he approached the pyramid, feeling the heat from the mysterious flame. He knelt and placed his hand on the side of the pyramid once again. This time as the power came rushing through him he held out his hand. Immediately a massive mushroom, red capped with white spots, appeared in his hand. Everywhere he looked, more mushrooms began sprouting. He withdrew his hand and the link to the power was severed. He stared at the mushroom in his hand in awe. Was this fire a gift from the other side? He had never felt power like that before. Maybe a friend, pitying that he couldnt remember, had sent it to aid him. Maybe he had brokered a deal with an unknown power. Whatever it was, he was going to use it.\n\nDavid turned towards Trumpet and sat down in front of her. I think this is the answer, Trumpet. It has to be. Her eyes were uncertain and her fur still stood on end. _This_ is _the answer,_ he thought,_ _reassuring himself._ _Trumpet nuzzled her head into his chest. I have to do this.\n\nFor hours he sat there on the floor with Trumpet. The sun was sinking in the sky. I have to do this, he repeated. Trumpets head lay resting in his lap and her eyes moved to look at him as he spoke. All this time I have been pouring myself into this work, and here I may have been granted the solution. She sniffed at him, apparently still unsure. He hummed a tune that always helped to soothe her, and scratched underneath her chin. The song comforted David, too. It was an old song, one his mother hummed while she worked in the garden."} +{"id": "ec5ab1f6-a49d-45d0-9c7e-da9d758c5c89-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:36.514", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpBubymaAVkum2z8brbJmogiRKAvo5qhSkkeV936VQCz", "txHash": "0x8971b579f3909eafa02f8a10bb9db69a98af3b7263b50a05ba7a09ddf989a210", "createdAtBlock": 13526664, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of Xanadu", "text": "David knew Trumpets doubt was not misplaced. She had always been there to look after him when his visions lead him into danger. She had always led him home. In truth, Trumpet _was_ home.\n\nThe mushroom was sitting next to David on the floor. He looked down and stared at the gift that the flame had granted him. He picked it up. Taking a deep breath he bit into the mushroom. The mushroom made him queasy. There was a taint to it, it was foul. He could feel his reality slipping away as the visions dragged him under. He heard Trumpet howl as the world faded away.\n\nDavid woke with the familiar ringing in his ear and thumping in his skull. But this time was different. He heard a man laughing and then the man said, Youll be back! Frantically David sat up and looked around the room to be sure there was nobody else in the room. He knew it was from his visions, but he had to know for sure. Scanning the room his vision fell on the flame. David scrambled across the room and gripped the pyramid in both hands. Power surged through him. He thought hard on the mushroom. He focused on the laugh, the voice telling him that he would be back. Trumpet growled behind him but he ignored her. His vision of the mushroom came into focus, the laugh echoed inside his skull. The air above his head shimmered and there the mushroom formed. Releasing his hands from the pyramid he reached up and plucked it from the sky. He pulled the mushroom down to his mouth and bit into its red flesh. The same queasy feeling filled his stomach and this time a rotten taste filled his mouth. Knees buckling, he collapsed."} +{"id": "ec5ab1f6-a49d-45d0-9c7e-da9d758c5c89-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:36.514", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpBubymaAVkum2z8brbJmogiRKAvo5qhSkkeV936VQCz", "txHash": "0x8971b579f3909eafa02f8a10bb9db69a98af3b7263b50a05ba7a09ddf989a210", "createdAtBlock": 13526664, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of Xanadu", "text": "The laughter bounced around in his skull and the man's voice boomed, Youll be back! This moment will play out again and again. Each time you will remember these words, but no more. You must submit. You will submit.\n\nDavid could still feel the foul taint of the mushroom twisting his stomach when he woke up. Trumpet was there with him. She had fallen asleep laying across his legs, something they each had grown familiar with. If his visions caused him to roam about, shed know as soon as he tried to get up. He couldnt bring himself to end this moment of peace. The rise and fall of Trumpet's breathing, her soft snoring, it all put him at ease. He knew what was on the other side of this moment.\n\nDavid could still hear the call of that sinister flame. He craned his neck to stare into the fire. The way it danced above the pyramid pulled at Davids very soul. Trumpet was awake now. She rose to her feet, stretched deeply, and walked to where Davids head lay. She gave him a wet kiss on the forehead, breaking his concentration on the hypnotic blaze.\n\nAs David rose to his feet he felt the unknown flow of magic again and the flame grew wilder. The cackle of the witch, her bells, and the laughter of the man in his skull filled the room in a hideous cacophony. SUBMIT!\n\nDavid was battered by the howling laughter. He could hardly think and it was all he could do to stay on his feet. Finally he managed to yell back, You cannot have me!\n\nThe soul you promised will be mine, David, the man said, softly now. Fight if you wish, but you are already mine."} +{"id": "ec5ab1f6-a49d-45d0-9c7e-da9d758c5c89-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:36.514", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUpBubymaAVkum2z8brbJmogiRKAvo5qhSkkeV936VQCz", "txHash": "0x8971b579f3909eafa02f8a10bb9db69a98af3b7263b50a05ba7a09ddf989a210", "createdAtBlock": 13526664, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of Xanadu", "text": "The noise picked up now, and Trumpet howled in pain. David turned to see her pawing at her ears, trembling as she did. The chill of understanding washed over David and he fell to his knees.\n\nOkay. Stop. Please, stop.\n\nThe noise ceased. Trumpet whimpered as he knelt beside her. I am sorry, sweet girl. He gave her a kiss on the head, and scratches behind the ears. He rested his cheek on the top of her head and hummed his mothers gardening song.\n\nGoodbye, little one.\n\nDavid rose to his feet and approached the flame. He reached out his hand but was jerked backward by his belt. Trumpet was growling, pulling him away from the fire. Trumpet I have to go! As if to answer him the flame grew in size, and the laughing began again. Trumpet, hearing the howls of the dead, tried once more to cover her ears.\n\nHer jaws released and David dove for the fire, embracing the flame."} +{"id": "4a904bcd-541c-4a43-b214-ada1e12a2e2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:38.532", "backgroundColor": "#093f11", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme5hDVkPsxcRwGTi69z3fQj6PUDDGByBCrWNNtz893Rf7", "txHash": "0xd292219e1b74b203384297b0dceca0dc47eee71dd5243f4be293d20f89037510", "createdAtBlock": 13526870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3468, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Zolona of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Cosmic Mage Zolona of the Desert\n\nFrom a young age Zolona has always been drawn to flames. She spent much of her youth admiring and practicing with its mysterious properties. She would create flames that unpredictably danced in the dark, twisting and turning, radiating heat, and allowing her to see into the darkness when others could not. Over time as her magic grew, she learned to control the flames and make them bend to her will.\n \n\n\nHer path eventually led her to the Desert, where she was both familiar and comfortable with the immense heat during the day and would summon her flames to accompany her during the colder nights. Zolona enjoyed the solitude of the Desert and spent many nights studying the cosmos and stars.\n \n\n\nIn recent years Zolona earned the title Cosmic Mage and joined up with like-minded wizards in The Coven. Those brave enough to search her out would likely find her green Hobgoblins Flame in hand casting a green light on everything in sight including her already green hair and green Swamp Bullfrog named Jelly. \n \n\n\nOn the night of The Great Burning, Cosmic Mage Zolona of the Desert ventured towards The Secret Tower. She could not help herself. She had to witness this historic event. She had to at least gaze on The Sacred Flame she thought. Zolona had some dealings with Dark Magic before. She knew it was nothing to play around with, yet she was drawn to it, to The Sacred Flame and what was to come from it."} +{"id": "4a904bcd-541c-4a43-b214-ada1e12a2e2e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:38.532", "backgroundColor": "#093f11", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme5hDVkPsxcRwGTi69z3fQj6PUDDGByBCrWNNtz893Rf7", "txHash": "0xd292219e1b74b203384297b0dceca0dc47eee71dd5243f4be293d20f89037510", "createdAtBlock": 13526870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3468, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Zolona of the Desert", "text": "As she arrived on All Hallows Eve to The Great Burning, Zolona could not deny The Sacred Flame was speaking to her, calling her. She could not shake it. The longer she was there, the more intense The Sacred Flame drew her in. She came to witness like many others, but nope. That was it. She had to pass through the flame. There was no other option for her now. Who knows what would happen, but it didnt matter. It felt right. She was called. \n \n\n\nZolona opened her hand, cast her green flame, and stepped into The Sacred Flame"} +{"id": "08b587ac-5d46-4da1-81fe-21ff3b0db50d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:39.508", "backgroundColor": "#462727", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWBbjVh5nSLL3dxL8EH1ewTAmPXhdVpsW5j4vz1s2o4pA", "txHash": "0x486b20c1675dd481ded714698ec8a07a89796527bbac9ef7c94487e216cd8f14", "createdAtBlock": 13526977, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Angus of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Angus of the Wood\n\n\"Hey sir, you dropped something!\" exclaimed Angus of the Wood, after watching a little bright object fumble down the long black dress of an unknown figure who was scurrying into the woods.\n\nAs this unknown entity dissapeared into the night, Angus let out a sigh and walked towards the dropped trinket. It was a flame.\n\nThese great wizards and powerful mages with their ancient artifacts and odd objects always annoyed Angus because the Secret Tower was constantly being swarmed by those with a curiosity for magic. It was not jealousy or envy that motivated this annoyance, but rather his employment. For the last eighty years, he has been the custodian and caretaker for the Secret Tower and he has been picking up the mess left behind by these visitors as well as all the various \"rare\" relics and \"magic\" trinkets they disown.\n\nWalking back with the bright little flame in his left hand and some sort of Goblet of Immortality in his right hand, he just wanted to be in bed already.\n\nSometimes he wondered if these \"rare\" items were actually rare, because his Lost & Found storage was brimming with Solar Staves, Emerald Staves, World Eggs, some rainbown spell thing as well as oodles of playing cards; aces to be specific. Every time new wizards crossed the Secret Tower, they would be brandishing something like a Chroma Crystal or a fancy Golden Soul Reaper and they would speak of great stories and lore about their unique props, when in fact Angus had been curating a closet full of these items the last century or so.\n\nHe never used these items, nor did he ever have any interest in magic or politics at all. All he wanted was peace."} +{"id": "08b587ac-5d46-4da1-81fe-21ff3b0db50d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:39.508", "backgroundColor": "#462727", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWBbjVh5nSLL3dxL8EH1ewTAmPXhdVpsW5j4vz1s2o4pA", "txHash": "0x486b20c1675dd481ded714698ec8a07a89796527bbac9ef7c94487e216cd8f14", "createdAtBlock": 13526977, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5837, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Angus of the Wood", "text": "After cosing the door to the basement of the Secret Tower, he was ready to hit the sack and relax as he walked towards his Lost & Found closet. As for the flame, he just casually tossed it into the Sacred Flame as he always did with any artifacts containing fire elements he came across.\n\nAs he was opening the closet's door, he saw wild shadows from the Sacred Flame dancing around him. Odd, what's going on? he thought.\n\nTurning his head, he realized it was too late and this was the end of his journey. There was already an eveloppe of magma surrounding him and closing in to engulf him.\n\n\"Wat\" was the only sound he could mutter before being eaten by the flames. He saw nothing but light for a few seconds, then nothing but darkness..."} +{"id": "c78c7bd1-933c-45fa-a1c3-40a223aa19f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:42.227", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU411fqP1wwnS4Cz9rbv7fQ9TfKyfSGvsbpKdo4tjc7Th", "txHash": "0xd216b95c6c19716473cba09dd7fd04b8eaee7f611236e810fe328473d7b97769", "createdAtBlock": 13527214, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4121, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Udor of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Udor of the Keep\n\nUdor was a quiet sorcerer. He spent his years restoring the keep to it's glory years. For this keep was fabled to be older then time and had been used as a seat for great dangerous ceremonies. but this was all a long time ago, wasn't it. \n\nOne day Udor came across an oddity, an old ward on a wall. Now Udor wasn't a very strong wizard but this magic had mostly worn away with the years. He could handle this. Lifting the ward Udor was able to find the secret to open the wall. He ventrued forth. The path lead deep into the bowles of the keep. At the bottom, the passage opened into a large chamber. In the middle of the chamber glowed a flame. It drew him closer..."} +{"id": "b3ad53af-2359-43dc-8322-b42bde5d72ed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:43.136", "backgroundColor": "#770981", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYq8fW92zRQf2CQSPEAo4LKYjEGdyp13HftNZ3brBu9AJ", "txHash": "0xf648a23729dc16e96a21664d92932e2679cd793a815a96b687e28d7a71659269", "createdAtBlock": 13527329, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9383, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Poppy of the Technochrome", "text": "eVeRYbOdY dO tHe tEcHnOCrOmE"} +{"id": "c75557a1-ad1c-4616-907a-89b7e41a571b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:44.065", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeUncKuJQ9SpZsBSpTgQYCsyJTvzrgJnRi64qqHPnqxJg", "txHash": "0x2423ed8bcf1fb950f80227ceac2a675b80f988152255167782fa520f23a1a49d", "createdAtBlock": 13527425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6847, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Lumos of the Keep", "text": "# The Anger of Archmagus Lumos of the Keep\n\nThe lid clattered to the floor, and the young page screamed. Inside the gem-encrusted chest lay the remains of Aldo. Nothing but charred ashes and fragments of bone.\n\n\"Look at him,\" thundered Archmagus Lumos of the Keep. \"Look at what happens when they tempt the flame alone with naught but air!\"\n\n\"I know you grieve for your friend, Lumos. We all do.\"\n\n\"My friend?\" Lumos and Aldo had been more than friends. They'd defended the keep for centuries. Fought the forces of the Red Capital together. And together, side-by-side, they'd walked through fire, more often than not coming out the other side victorious by combining their powers. A guardian light had been extinguished. \"He was more than my friend.\"\n\nThe weary lines cracking Alessar's face said he understood. He understood the danger now.\n\nNow, one less wizard defended the keep. Worse, The Sacred Flame had been taking more and more of them. It needed to be stopped.\n\n\"You know what I must do,\" whispered Lumos, glancing from face to face, his eyes meeting the eyes of every wizard at the table. Alessar had called the meeting, and every wizard in the keep had responded. Each of them filled with fear and crippling dread.\n\nThe Great Burning had arrived.\n\n\"The Sacred Flame must be guarded against, Lumos,\" Alessar responded. \"We cannot conquer the...\"\n\n\"No!\" Lumos glared at the High Wizard of the keep. \"I have defeated greater enemies. I have beaten back both goblin horde and pyromancer legion.\""} +{"id": "c75557a1-ad1c-4616-907a-89b7e41a571b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:44.065", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeUncKuJQ9SpZsBSpTgQYCsyJTvzrgJnRi64qqHPnqxJg", "txHash": "0x2423ed8bcf1fb950f80227ceac2a675b80f988152255167782fa520f23a1a49d", "createdAtBlock": 13527425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6847, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Lumos of the Keep", "text": "\"Yes. We were there, too.\" But Alessar's eyes betrayed his coward's mind. \"However, we are not strong enough for this.\"\n\n\"You may not be.\" Lumos slapped the tabletop and a wave of burning liquid burst from the spot and rolled across its length. Every candlestick, dish, and piece of cutlery melted, then washed away, scrubbing the surface of the table clean. \"But, I am.\"\n\nLumos glared at the other wizards in the room. \"Who among you has tamed the flame? Which of you have woven together both the water of life and the fire of destruction?\"\n\nThe wizards at the table sat quiet. Alessar frowned.\n\n\"Do not do this, Lumos.\"\n\n\"I will,\" he growled back. \"And you cannot stop me.\"\n\nLumos flung out his arm, a lone, blue finger pointing to where the flame burned in the basement. \"As only I control the Rune of Fire with both water and will, I will conquer The Sacred Flame the same way.\"\n\nArchmagus Lumos of the Keep stormed out of the room, and stalked down the passage.\n\nLumos hissed over his shoulder, \"With water and will.\"\n\nHe headed toward the basement."} +{"id": "76df0737-0aee-4d3d-a371-084b9607031c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:46.142", "backgroundColor": "#007463", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTosSqFhtb9DUZVaTtiLvxWXMYqnHaE8B4wDt3bqDrPbj", "txHash": "0x262b20efb66bb2f7135e7483460223b70c9103d993af29e753f13e94e57772f1", "createdAtBlock": 13528003, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3246, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Isaac of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Isaac of the Ether\n\nWhen he was a boy, Isaac had imagined that wizards would be powerful democrats-gods able to change the whole world at the flick of a finger, and then he'd grown up and found that they were tiresome old men who worries about the state of their feet and, in harm's way, would even bicker about the origin of the phrase 'in harm's way'.\nIt had never struck him that evolution works in all kinds of ways. There were still quite deep scars in old buildings that showed what happened when you had the _other_ kind of wizard."} +{"id": "66af2118-203c-4f0e-a501-42699766e9fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:46.909", "backgroundColor": "#0b4d0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRccBMJpbM6qgdakNJMqKjagBj4kFvTRWa7gp2kz5Vb2i", "txHash": "0x3bb28ca6d26b8da04167441dc7a023425ae2e70c87f1f65f2484fc2240305eeb", "createdAtBlock": 13528043, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6433, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jabir of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jabir of the Cosmos\n\nSorcerer Jabir travelled many years across the realm in search of dark magic, mythical creatures, and rare runes, like the Up Only rune, to enhance his spells. He was a powerful Sorcerer, but still desired more power. He wished to be the most powerful Sorcerer in the land.\n\nOne day Jabir and his companion, Sven, encountered Evoker Hadrien of the Ether, a mysterious and wise wizard. Hadrien liked Jabir and Hadrien told Jabir of a rare dark magic that Jabir had only ever heard of it in his travels. It was called Hallows magic. \n\nThis rare dark Hallows magic intrigued Jabir. \n\nHadrien began mentoring Jabir and teaching him the Hallows magic. Jabir's powers grew quickly. Hallows magic allowed Jabir to produce his iconic green flame, which he then used to burn his foes or for defense against his attackers.\n\nAs Jabir's powers grew, his confidence began blinding his judgement. Jabir began playing around with deeper and more dangerous Hallows magic as he pushed the limits of what he could do and control. There was one Hallows spell that Jabir knew could cast upon himself for immortality in a battle. However, it was a dangerous and tricky spell even for the best of wizards. So he decided he would practice it.\n\nJabir prepared himself. He stood in the forest clearing, waved his arms, he cast a spectacular, green arcane firestorm around him and Sven. The heat was so intense, the emerald green flames lapped around Sven and Jabir.\n\nJabir smiled as the flames engulfed him and Sven. Then there was a sudden flash. The whole forest light up green. As the emerald flames dissapated and the forest was silent once again, Jabir and Sven had vanished..."} +{"id": "4544e1ae-59fb-4e70-97bb-68de62abceeb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:48.353", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMTBxVgQTBCGSLRZYSKhjXtMgHhJNWPvoS22a5fiuwfx", "txHash": "0x7b3319fd55e69c410909ad758b99b1f87a83a0e9bb005e2c349198265b6652ad", "createdAtBlock": 13528767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1109, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Soya of the Havens", "text": "# The Lore of Soya of the Havens\n\nSoya left the Havens as a young adult in search of the great seas, growing up listening to such monster tales and riches that were of course found only in adventure. It was only natural that his inquisitive nature would be drawn to cosmic fame. With a grounding likened by his neighbours to that of his Rune of the Earth connection, Soya's life has also been blessed with a hint of luck. He traveled the seas with a lucky Horseshoe pegged to the bow of his ship and it is this lucky Horseshoe that now travels with him in a sack, steering his decisions onwards. It even helped him colonise a group of rare islands where he first became aware of his magic abilities by a secret crew member who showed him his first spells on the island's rat population. Soya became a very knowledgeable sailor of the seas and happily retired himself in the Havens to take up Blue Wizardry along with his large and loving family, and his blue rats who live mysteriously long lives followed him to the havens in many numbers so he is known as a sort of Piped Pier around town. If you ever see him about, he is probably sniffing out a new adventure to try new out new spells, or found in a quiet recluse reading old books by pints of ales. Just watch out, those blue rats really love him and will gnaw anything against him."} +{"id": "1f579a70-96fa-4070-a348-481abae2aa86-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:40.383", "backgroundColor": "#570b0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYGtChS8U1PZjPo1TJvSAzymLanMCtCwjwyNybVCPwnT5", "txHash": "0xb10719fe218e4f55f17b1209d706e20dc6fc291775c87ed8611dc6d3e08d2d8a", "createdAtBlock": 13527482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "`# Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether ## Prologue > __Therefore, dear wizards, I have come to firmly believe that the sanctity and severity of the matter postulates our required course of action; According to our most trusted Cosmic Mages, the Veil shall soon be parted, and The Sacred Flame will present us with an opportunity.__ > > __As you are all aware, our most experienced Diviners and Cartomancers have long warned us; there are malevolent and dark forces at play in the Deck, players who surely will not shy from the chance of reaching beyond, transcending, transmuting and becoming one with the Cosmos. And should those whose intent are on chaos and destruction, willing to again raise ancient armaments - our wayward brethren of Void and Abyss among them - harness powers hitherto unfathomable, I fear we will face peril to our very existence.__ > > __And so I plead and beseech you Holders of the Flame; we must not"} +{"id": "1f579a70-96fa-4070-a348-481abae2aa86-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:40.383", "backgroundColor": "#570b0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYGtChS8U1PZjPo1TJvSAzymLanMCtCwjwyNybVCPwnT5", "txHash": "0xb10719fe218e4f55f17b1209d706e20dc6fc291775c87ed8611dc6d3e08d2d8a", "createdAtBlock": 13527482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "you Holders of the Flame; we must not waver, nor plot, scheme and levy for leverage amongst ourselves; we must be unified, bold and decisive. Seek out those worthy and willing to risk the Immolation and convince them of the necessity of this ultimate sacrifice, sway them with promises of Sacred Souls, if need be, but sway them you must.__ > > __What we need now, councilmembers, are willing martyrs.__ > > An Appeal for Martyrs > > __The Sacred Council__ Amidst twisting mists, eddies embracing deep purple robes, swirls playfully lapping at his heels, the hooded and caped figure strode forward slowly. Near an eternity has passed since his feet had trod these paths, since the comforting presence of the Event Horizon tugged at the very core of his being. The coruscating convergence of energy emanating from the singularity was potent here near the epicenter. Enough to saturate and kill in mere moments, but of"} +{"id": "1f579a70-96fa-4070-a348-481abae2aa86-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:40.383", "backgroundColor": "#570b0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYGtChS8U1PZjPo1TJvSAzymLanMCtCwjwyNybVCPwnT5", "txHash": "0xb10719fe218e4f55f17b1209d706e20dc6fc291775c87ed8611dc6d3e08d2d8a", "createdAtBlock": 13527482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "saturate and kill in mere moments, but of no concern to a Cyborg. Reminiscent of a lost lovers embrace, there was an eagerness to the sensation, near akin to desire, which, had he still had a face, would have pulled at the corners of his mouth, flaunting his once infamous smirk. There was a certain sound, like that of a draft under a door defending against a mighty gale - or possibly more fitting a door trapping an unwilling tempest within accompanying the soft thud of his footfalls and the rhythmical tap of metal on stone. The ghostly and unnerving sound had only gotten stronger over the centuries as its source gluttonously harvested and consumed Souls, the enormous golden scythes hunger nearly palpable. Up ahead, the questing tendrils in the tepid air formed an eerie halo - as if the moon herself had descended from the heavens to grace him with her presence surrounding a figure he"} +{"id": "1f579a70-96fa-4070-a348-481abae2aa86-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:40.383", "backgroundColor": "#570b0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYGtChS8U1PZjPo1TJvSAzymLanMCtCwjwyNybVCPwnT5", "txHash": "0xb10719fe218e4f55f17b1209d706e20dc6fc291775c87ed8611dc6d3e08d2d8a", "createdAtBlock": 13527482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "him with her presence surrounding a figure he knew intimately but had not seen in a very, very long time. Dr. Death, it is a welcome sight to behold your gristly visage once again, rasped the luminescent figure. It was difficult to remember a time his name had been uttered not as a curse, but with warmth and familiarity, and it surprised him to feel a stirring of pleasure where his heart once resided. Voidoth, it has been too long. Are you prepared? he asked, halting in front of his companion. I trust the timing is flawless. It would be a terrible waste if all our long-laid plans were to fail at this crucial point in the timeline. Ah, ever the pragmatic. Yes, everything is in motion and the Veil will soon part, Voidoth said, the Lunar staff in his hand pulsing as if in confirmation. All we need is simply to Burn. We already died once, you know, Death"} +{"id": "1f579a70-96fa-4070-a348-481abae2aa86-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:40.383", "backgroundColor": "#570b0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYGtChS8U1PZjPo1TJvSAzymLanMCtCwjwyNybVCPwnT5", "txHash": "0xb10719fe218e4f55f17b1209d706e20dc6fc291775c87ed8611dc6d3e08d2d8a", "createdAtBlock": 13527482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Dr. Death of the Ether", "text": "Burn. We already died once, you know, Death commented. Indeed, we did old friend. However, this time may our Souls pass through the Veil and beyond, Voidoth said as his magic began coalescing around him, enhanced and flavored by his alignment with Earth, manifesting the Sacred Flame before his skeletal frame. Adding to the growing vortex, Dr. Death similarly drew on his magic, channeled through his Soul Harvester, his own Flame flaring into existence with a hiss of crimson. They will be expecting this, you know. We may well be contested. Oh, I certainly hope they are, for they may be in for a surprise, Voidoth replied, turning towards the twin infernos. After you then, gestured Dr. Death as they strode confidently towards the hungrily sputtering flames, twin skulls reflecting the fire held high, ancient vizors aglow.`"} +{"id": "b7b794ad-64c2-4514-848a-b79a2532f080-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:50.109", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcgFddiuioLBB1iVscMcsypeyQxSgF6ycseCha9umE9n8", "txHash": "0xd2663fe1d81e98ce88c6d607fd1009d56e88ae1fe40fc88aa3755329483f5429", "createdAtBlock": 13529564, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 16, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Alessar of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Alessar of the Moors\n\nSorcerer Alessar of the Moors, sixteenth of the Wizards, was a gentle man who lived simply among the creatures of this world. A generous Wizard from the time of his apprenticship, he gave what he had to any who would ask or was in need.\n\nOver time, having dispersed his goods, he traversed the realms of the living without Rune, Prop or Familiar. And yet, despite an absence of such fantastical adornments, he did not live in fear. \n\nHe lived without fear or want because it was clear to him, as it was to any who knew him, that with the shedding of such externalities his power grew magnificently within until his very being was suffused with a transcendent type of magic.\n\nThen, at the ripened age of 964, when he was at last called to the Sacred Flames he submitted willingly and without hestiation.\n\nSorcerer Alessar of the Moors now passes among the realms of both the living and the dead and will wave to you and wink if you happen to see him crossing the fields in the moonlight."} +{"id": "b2ee89c1-8e7c-45e0-b33f-c9079a4e26c6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:52.937", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSTRBFAEZQMo5F53x5CoT3mEejqndqsG3qwuu9MnFfC2j", "txHash": "0x186e90b5a365c69189302cb2bc07adf0cc97dfda9a1a9124ba8de32b601ed667", "createdAtBlock": 13531348, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3229, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Samael of the Capital", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Samael of the Capital\n\nAn eternal lover\nA thoughtless truster\n'Till death did him part\nNow bones fitted empty of heart\n\nDressed in his best yet cold and numb\nEons to long for what may never come\nBut what does waiting mean when already dead\nNo soul nor soma to stimulate and keep fed\n\nYet still a desire to be free\nAn endless search for what is meant to be"} +{"id": "0b813671-c3dc-40ec-a06c-500374a9a0d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:53.776", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPEQb9kmn5YiBXZS8SKaRviSj3Syrj53YJtFt3PZSdifU", "txHash": "0x08f696abd387bf24824bc24c573cea11e30134b17414586dd06110a1a77a3c01", "createdAtBlock": 13531390, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7513, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Monk Onaxx of the Fey", "text": "# The Lore of Holy Monk Onaxx of the Fey\n\nToday marks a crucial point in time. Will I burn in Flames to an unknown, perhaps magical, destiny or shall I stay in my current form to enjoy a more familiar future? Only time will tell."} +{"id": "c3db9009-51ea-4fc1-b880-1134ec30cc35-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:54.889", "backgroundColor": "#bf8f8f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNREpD9MkvayJw39z7jcsge1t3ewRYk3P5fVWFAXPHerV", "txHash": "0xa7b10cb03b7d1fb448fc74af39ae2d5ccbf8123d08554d245e0fcd0e891f7bb6", "createdAtBlock": 13534378, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Zaim of the Capital", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Zaim of the Capital\n\nEulogy to a Fellow Dream Master\n\nT-Munny is back from the astral plane\n\nHearin Wazir ringin got me goin insane,\n\nWe aint got time for games\n\nwhen we rappin' sacred flames\n\nCall em lil Waz had to fix his bum azz,\n\nSaw the flicker in his eyes, \n\nwas it Magus in disguise?\n\nLike the highlander--only one can be the best,\n\nDo it the old fashion way--fire will attest,\n\nDing ding goes the bell, We'll send em straight to hell\n\nTwo ringers on the team? Nah, its bye bye Zaim\n\nEnter 9..5..7.9 Augurer Ali got the dope rhymes:\n\nSmoke up the bowls for all forgotten souls,\n\nWe burnin while they burnin and we stickin it in holes,\n\nWhoa\n\nKeep it lucky 13 with the P and the G\n\nHow many flames you got cuz I got 3\n\nplus one, \n\nDont need a gun,\n\nCuz Lil Waz got a bell\n\nhear it ringin like hell\n\nSo put that witch on the spit and roast em til they're nothin but teeth,\n\nYa know this all started over 1.2 ETH.\n\nYou didnt have the gumption but I had the stones, \n\nI bought that cappin wizard to burn him to the bones.\n\nChurch\n\nGREAT BURN-ing\n\nWizard rap lyric attack,\n\nHad to sell my $SPELL so I could buy em back,\n\nput that shit on the chain this rhyme is eternal,\n\nmotha fucka up in flames we call it infernal.\n\nSo pick ya jaw up off the floor lemme hit ya with the lore,\n\nnext to ya at the tower, with a pint and tha power,"} +{"id": "c3db9009-51ea-4fc1-b880-1134ec30cc35-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:54.889", "backgroundColor": "#bf8f8f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNREpD9MkvayJw39z7jcsge1t3ewRYk3P5fVWFAXPHerV", "txHash": "0xa7b10cb03b7d1fb448fc74af39ae2d5ccbf8123d08554d245e0fcd0e891f7bb6", "createdAtBlock": 13534378, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Zaim of the Capital", "text": "next to ya at the tower, with a pint and tha power,\n\nhe the dopest NFT its Lore Masta Ali, smell the smoke through the trees,\n\nwhen you sleep, you hear the screams,\n\ncuz Im a fuckin wizard and the master of your dreams.\n\nAnd thus ends the tale of the Master from the Capital, and the Dreams of a rap battle,\n\nThere could only be one on this plane, already know his name, twasn't the socerer,\n\nBut a Magus of the same...\n\n-Augerer Ali of the Tower"} +{"id": "2ef4b4bd-86d0-4c74-bc27-3198cdb07af4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:58.033", "backgroundColor": "#972547", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcs6kLaTdwPuBZUMmNYnBZ8fbFym44xvKuKf1RXPHkT1f", "txHash": "0x2440df8377351e36b92808161b35eb38ac9524a94b21ed97d2e66a268ebd4a05", "createdAtBlock": 13539517, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 146, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Allistair in the Shadows", "text": "# The Last Account of Allistair in the Shadows\n\nLiving with a dark addiction to Szechuan Sauce from Mickey D's, this Wizard of White lost his job as a fry cook when he told his boss to get bent after getting a sizable sum of money from airdrop farming.\n\nShortly thereafter, he lost his small fortune in a series of unfortunate, sizable, and poorly thought-out bets (they seemed like a sure thing at the time tbf).\n\nHaving disgraced himself and the honor of his family, Allistair was unable to pay rent and barely able to scrape together enough shmeckles to buy food. Instead of selling his cat for a life of cat sex slavery (commonly referred to as being a \"breeder\", but obviously if you really think about it you're like forcing an animal to procreate and then you're stealing its babies to sell to people who will raise it without a parent and then get pissed at it for meowing all night...sad), he decided to roll the dice and see if a life of plenty and promise lie on the other side of the flame. Worst case scenario at least he would have an egg for a meal.\n\nPeace out McHaters, Allistair is headed back to the shadows."} +{"id": "86fd8b46-ed71-4112-adf8-96d06189bb48-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:59.016", "backgroundColor": "#1E0106", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZcvGhduoRHvA2bKTrWbcCBuHfu4zQQ159sXusGMhmj7", "txHash": "0xe8f600eb8226191b8c3c0b60107f073dac38580b1866590430bbb77e0445e490", "createdAtBlock": 13545042, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6044, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ9Ug1tyE9uaXkiBdBGmW9s52pF6QSHr8TC1MhobrdGBT", "name": "Hedge Wizard Dotta of the Carnival", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Dotta of the Carnival\n\n**The Carnival - A Final Puppet Show**\n\nDotta was adored by the wizards. Sure, he was a spoon-bender, a tome-spinner, and a tungsten-cube-summoner, but to wizards he was so much more.Hedge Wizard Dotta of The Carnival had once been ridiculed for his puppetry. His uniqueness had always made him stand out and not always for good reasons.\n\nIt took him many years to find his audience, and his confidence, but now his carnival was well attended and massively enjoyed. His special brand of magic show was a carnival like no other - mystical illusions fused with practical and impressive puppet-led stunts.\n\nWizards enjoyed the Carnival, but they grew to truly love Dotta and his puppets. Now that the flames had arrived it was time for a final puppet show.\n\n \n\nBeings of all kinds travelled from far and wide after word had spread about the appearance of a flame at the Carnival.Hidden away, one was forced to leave The Carnival Pass and head deep into the forest in order to reach the show.\n\nWithout knowing the way, it could take some to stumble upon the clearing in which sat the magnificent tent.Tonight, the sky was clear and many lights could be seen in the forest bobbing their way towards the event.Seats rose high and back into the walls of the tent and as the stalls filled with attendees, a medley of excitement and anxiety filled the air.\n\nThe Sacred Flame floated silently at the centre of the circular stage with the glow illuminating the beings around its perimeter.The evenings show was filled with never before seen stunts and illusions that befuddled even the most cynical of sages.It was truly an unforgettable performance."} +{"id": "86fd8b46-ed71-4112-adf8-96d06189bb48-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:59.016", "backgroundColor": "#1E0106", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZcvGhduoRHvA2bKTrWbcCBuHfu4zQQ159sXusGMhmj7", "txHash": "0xe8f600eb8226191b8c3c0b60107f073dac38580b1866590430bbb77e0445e490", "createdAtBlock": 13545042, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6044, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ9Ug1tyE9uaXkiBdBGmW9s52pF6QSHr8TC1MhobrdGBT", "name": "Hedge Wizard Dotta of the Carnival", "text": "Finally, the time had come and the crowd hushed.Dotta stood silently for a moment, the flame reflected in his trademark shades. What could he say?There was no story he could tell that might even begin to explain what was about to happen.He would always be a puppet in the larger story. He looked out onto the gathering and began to speak.He spoke to the crowd in terms practical and informative. He was transparent in his feeling that when the flames call a wizard must answer. Not all were happy, but not all were sad, and as he walked towards the flame for the grand finale his fate was anyones guess.Hummingbird on his shoulder and World Egg floating in slow rotation at his side, only one thing was certain;\n\n_Legends never die._"} +{"id": "9a06ce36-f63a-43c9-b15f-299914249cfb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:59.889", "backgroundColor": "#faecc9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTUxY4iUNz9abasn7kNCdbs2FWx792qdwSF2rvXEDiiFb", "txHash": "0x1c99dc8396595f89f66b59d299a88b63e19cec5b1c04a80f344db1393ecc73a8", "createdAtBlock": 13545849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6064, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Larissa of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Larissa of the Wild\n\nLarissa hails from the far away lands of Mu'Gen. It is said the people of the lands of Mu'Gen possess a kind aura. They are skilled in the Arcane Arts, masterful merchants, and undyingly loyalshould you get through their initially reserved nature, that is. Once befriended, you can rely on a Mu'Genian to be there for you regardless the circumstance. As such, Mu'Genians make for powerful allies and lifelong friends, and Larissa is no different. \n\nLarissa travels with Kaeru Rengoku, an Ember Frog familiar, at all times. As rumor would have it, after a few glasses of Hibiki, Larissa has been known to tell drunken tales of a \"valiant, flame-breathing swordsman, slayer of demons,\" whom's spirit he believes resides within Kaeru. Pubgoers never dare to bother the frog, lest Larissa's claims ring true..\n\nProne to the Arcane Art of Fire, Larissa can be seen carrying the Torch of Prometheus; its brilliant flame evoking a strong parallel to his brave journey through the uncharted worlds of the Ethereum dimension. Much like the torch he wields, Larissa has been said to bring warmth and feelings of illumination to those around him."} +{"id": "560b0e66-8df6-463b-8c9c-68cdacdbca78-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:01.537", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXj3auY5W76fMk6sfMN3UWuzRrKqC8QL34BTT6BwxUbSm", "txHash": "0xf4778821e8318a838e026b9b1455f9d9682fb2854bd95594c543e61b4717f55b", "createdAtBlock": 13546779, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3815, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ozohr of the Morning Star", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Ozohr of the Morning Star\n\nHe be Druid Ozohr of the Morning Star, 1 of the 9 existing White Wizard-White Wraiths, Weilder of the Pheonix Feather, Speaker of the Bliss Cat, Servant under the Run of Sigma, forever in service of the Wizards Rune Cult and the pathway laid down by powers of All.\n\nFind him spiritually residing on the Knowledge Horizon, continually in flex between the known and unknown bounds of multi-universe wisdom. Physically see him on the actual horizon as he embarks on another wandering amble through the wilderness of vibrating space-time. His time is spent roaming mountains, deserts, forests and seas. Adventure guides both he and his faithful familiar Bliss Cat.\n\nThe Sacred Flame has called him back to the West. He has returned to answer the call and step into the fire. He is one with 0x31158181b4b91A423bfDC758fC3bf8735711f9C5."} +{"id": "ca38a113-945a-4e25-8389-83d54ec057ed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:17.049", "backgroundColor": "#F0F2F3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZrQDP95pCvrAfiv2Sgf8opBUiFDTK5hkRehbuAeLkJ2q", "txHash": "0x5662722ed9bed81814b2fb1a99636d4b1b34ab1c303cb3aa344cd0d6ed68e092", "createdAtBlock": 13579661, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8792, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRC2sqg5RHvposZSvGXfHWNuMtnKHx3MGcsE8Ux3rvp2H", "name": "Hedge Wizard Calypso of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Calypso of the Citadel\n\n \n\nIn case image preservation proves more challenging than we expected in 2021, we will describe the image that was supposed to be recorded on chain. Above is pictured FRWC Wizard #8792 Hedge Wizard Calypso of the Citadel being raised up on a ladder (source picture is from the Salem witch trials) towards a bonfire/sacred flame/nuclear bomb mushroom cloud. The heads of the angry mob members ready to burn the witch have been replaced by pepe the frog meme heads. There is an incredibly clever and ironic usage of a Arnold Schwarzenegger Willy Wonka saying \"Come with me if you want to live in a world of pure imagination.\" This meme was particularly clever because it's illustrating how memes come from pure imagination and are able to inspire the imagination of others to take that meme, build on it, and take the meme further to new and more numerous hosts. Then there is a picture of Oppenheimer (nuke) saying \"Behold I am become\"...and we replaced \"death destroyer of worlds\" we said \"Meme\" and it goes into the nuke AND a meme rapper Augerer Ali (assisted by worship music pepe). The memes must flow and this is how they flow. From the crowd of pepes and they either ascend to the purest essence of eternal meme (Harambe, Pepe, or Rick Roll) to be preserved in minds of humanity (and now the blockchain) for eternity. This will be the first immortal meme of memes and will be an instrumental document in the beliefs of our cult I mean definitely religion for tax exemption status. \n\nMoron Global Partners\n\nNovember 2021"} +{"id": "054a5e95-00d1-4300-a409-caefafb7bb7e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:02.496", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNto4CZRaxMV1vjxB3FaBMaaM5iycvkx9jofKpwwgx2FD", "txHash": "0x5d956b2599755f7cd8c9e91db4c65c13d371e1276767071d1460231565006b16", "createdAtBlock": 13547212, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3417, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Merlon of the Villa", "text": "# The Last Recorded Sighting of Archmagus Merlon of the Villa\n\nMerlon approaches the flame and Embrose and Ali listen, dumfounded as he mumbles to his egg.\n\n_What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little \"clever\" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo._\n\n_...._"} +{"id": "1ed7f235-74f4-4c4a-9665-02d8049194ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:03.183", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrcNLuvWxbzEyjDvU5zSqpNaf3kBunmcAuBWMEJxZr7r", "txHash": "0x258c4f17861b5f250c231940e58b44be355c31dadd1bb4bf6e9becf120a14474", "createdAtBlock": 13547594, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8357, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Lumos of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of Lumos of the Gnostics\n\nHaving wandered his whole life In search of answers to questions that most do not dare ask, Lumos feared that his beliefs order had betrayed him and left him with nothing as he neared the end.\n\nWith nothing left in his heart, he found himself where it all began, but, something was different.\n\nA light flickering through the window of the tower ignighted something in Lumos that he thought had been extinguished long ago.\n\nLumos could not ignore this, entering the tower.\n\nWhen he came before the flame he dropped to his knees.\n\nWas this the answer he had been looking for all of those years? Could this be his chance to redeem what had become of his life?\n\nAnd so, with tears in his eyes and belief in his soul, he walked towards the flame..."} +{"id": "bb7bdde4-1f30-4d92-9dfc-34125144b284-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:04.086", "backgroundColor": "#0b0c1c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmadQ8kaJUNvWqBKZSE2kWva2bTMVjTmTDvtmMc9d6MSji", "txHash": "0x20e17585eae6e71dfb72f270b8f97202db53097155b1225e65b15c3cde006922", "createdAtBlock": 13548893, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3925, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Stellar Mage Kalo of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of One Who Shall be Burned\n\n## My past no longer matters. Enchanter Orbus has shown me a _bright_ future. I trust his vision; I will serve him in this plane and the next.\n\n# \n\n# \n\n#"} +{"id": "cb73e6f6-71e1-4acb-918d-cd0284878870-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:17.729", "backgroundColor": "#220606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3U5MYfFDKFXgpuZ1nRMnPKtXcL2sRrtBBPMcdzJVBNJ", "txHash": "0x3b0a2a7d3affb536fcffbe8b513108bb620cb6147f2eed61c5c35fa00ea6099e", "createdAtBlock": 13586778, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1099, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Udor of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of One Who Shall be Burned\n\n## My past no longer matters. Enchanter Orbus has shown me a _bright_ future. I trust his vision; I will serve him in this plane and the next.\n\n# \n\n# \n\n#"} +{"id": "7b1780f8-2fc1-4b62-a488-21883833f40a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:48.162", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQzpwyLE1qP76Ym9sa23z8HrS13pY8987UNC3oAcYx8Fr", "txHash": "0x1f183e02c6d90281ffbde3b23d602d8f80399222e75551fe7de666ec4d5bc372", "createdAtBlock": 14836416, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8024, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Isaac of the Road", "text": "# PIR\n\n_Disciple of Hermes Trismegistus_\n\n...the road is where I found the tablets, and now I will illuminate the path to all that seek light\n\n\n\n> If thou but settest foot on this path, thou shalt see it everywhere. \n> *Hermes 3X*"} +{"id": "583389d8-afc0-4cb2-b604-22a8affdd417-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:05.299", "backgroundColor": "#6e5e3a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXBQpEphCxwP1bNuoMWoNKaQ1WvZdj7TTyWcChGLUYSF1", "txHash": "0xd256a88a1d24a334932213e6b1c199eac128a98bf0263f44c4c445d548fd208e", "createdAtBlock": 13555717, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3059, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Tundror of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Tundror of the Wild\n\nThe Brave Tundror trusted no one. For he never knew his parents, and escaped certain doom at the hands of the Unwilling, rescued as an infant by a Magus named Sahir. \n\nIn a hunt by the Unwilling to destroy all lineage of Magi, Magus Sahir was forced to hide young Tundror in a small village within The Fey, south of the Wizard Bastion. \n\nWhile the village raised Tundror, he never felt a sense of acceptance. He grew to discover he had powers far beyond those around him, with little understanding of his power's origin. \n\nHis only clue to his past was a key, left behind by Magus Sahir. This key was surely a token left behind by Tundror's parents. \n\nTundror spent years pursuing Magus Sahir, only to discover that Magus Sahir had hidden his true self, as a bard of the Realm. \n\nWhen Tundror discovered Sahir's true identity, Sahir was delighted that he was not only alive and well, but proficient in magick through his own cultivation. Sahir revealed that the key was to a hidden chest of Tundror's parent's relics Sahir had protected for years.\n\nIt was in this chest of relics that Tundror was able to discover his mother's Master Book of Spells, which led Tundror to become one of the greatest, most storied battle Magi in all the land. \n\nTundror kept in touch with Sahir for years, as a mentor, a guide, and a friend.\n\nRecently, Tundror found out that Sahir had decided to attempt to pass beyond the Sacred Flame in pursuit of knowledge of the great beyond. \n\nSahir did not survive the transformation."} +{"id": "583389d8-afc0-4cb2-b604-22a8affdd417-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:05.299", "backgroundColor": "#6e5e3a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXBQpEphCxwP1bNuoMWoNKaQ1WvZdj7TTyWcChGLUYSF1", "txHash": "0xd256a88a1d24a334932213e6b1c199eac128a98bf0263f44c4c445d548fd208e", "createdAtBlock": 13555717, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3059, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Tundror of the Wild", "text": "Sahir did not survive the transformation.\n\nTundror, having a lived a fulfilled life only because of Sahir's kindness, seeks to fulfill Sahir's quest.\n\nTundror has acquired a Sacred Flame and will now, once again, brave what others do not..."} +{"id": "bcc103b0-fc97-4436-a416-206a0765a3f7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:06.436", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme5kZcm7n8dyW2DbQdov3GWKzBedd74BgcFq1CYMgDK6K", "txHash": "0x64fe2e222c735d30a5b00efe3511ca2c094c03e36bedefa51726f8bfad4816e2", "createdAtBlock": 13561125, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7226, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Anton of the Fey", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Anton of the Fey\n\nHo ho, he he, what a beautiful flame I see"} +{"id": "58422c87-6816-46f2-b411-042f2053bfcd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:07.341", "backgroundColor": "#808691", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR4HQzfzwAA5txdvqVMiExpgzMgjtbMk63WgjKeLdwoXs", "txHash": "0xa94fdeb034def72747419f5e229ae2431af8f9a29759da524b4178265078fb16", "createdAtBlock": 13561307, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4870, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Nikolas of the Havens", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Nikolas of the Havens\n\nSage Nikolas is a Keeper of the Sacred Flame. Entrusted by the Elders to guard it's secrets from those who wish to use it for harm. The Sacred Flame however, is an ominous and powerful dark magic that can tempt and cloud the mind of even the most devout Sage Wizards..."} +{"id": "4c4f6ebd-1965-45f1-8241-638003c54564-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:08.223", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfCJ3kV7oN7ewXRq5DsJSaqF582DVHKmQqjdSj3mABU6X", "txHash": "0x114ab75fa9e31e750bfff479d1ada279815878ab098a170fb34fd7d358ae6724", "createdAtBlock": 13563976, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Bane of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Bane of the Quantum Shadow\n\nRumors of a powerful Necromancer have been spreading in the East.\n\nThose closest to the Quantum Shadow say the signs have been unmistakable. Whispers of death, despair, and the name Bane have been heard in the tavern, whisked in by weary travelers. The very darkness of the Shadow itself seems to have been reanimated, an ominous blight roiling with ever-increasing intensity.\n\nAnd then there were the Sacred Flames... What were initially thought to be sources of purifying light from the heavens turned out to be tools of unprecedented terror. On All Hallows Eve, hundreds of powerful wizards were either consumed by their own flames or sacrificed their brethren in a terrible ceremony at the Tower.\n\nAs the flames burned, the Quantum Shadow boiled over, spreading through the downs that surround it and into the lands beyond. After that fateful night, ethereal spectres began to be spotted along the realms less-traveled roads, and the number of zombie sightings has increased to levels not seen in decades. Then just yesterday, it was said that an entire town was ravaged by a Ghoul of Insatiable Blood Lust.\n\nMany have tried to harness the power of the Quantum Shadow, but all have failed.\n\nThis rumored Necromancer, Bane, could he have succeeded? That could be the explanation for all that has occurred, but without a first-hand account we just cant be sure."} +{"id": "31c75a41-345a-4a45-bd59-b9cc5eb6b31f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:09.038", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUyp67bcPExb6Fgz25hEwBK8n9c7JAEGmBYUxB1LFv8P", "txHash": "0x05dd147872c454e79876bd01bc782b8d9f1f51c6e8b22cab8bee454dd5379c5f", "createdAtBlock": 13564108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9555, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Eden of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Eden of the Cosmos\n\nEveryone that lives near the riviera knows with absolute certainty that it is not possible to steal from the Chronomancers, or at least not successfully..\n\nThey have been convinced of this fact by the local miners and their stories about the ancient skeletons they occasionally bring back from the most inaccessible locations. Skeletons still clutching the gold coins or precious gemstones that were stolen only the day before.\n\nI mean how could you steal from someone that can control the flow of time itself. There is however a rumour that it did happen once, or indeed is just about to.\n\nThe legend tells of a village sweeper named Eden who cleaned the dust out of the spinner room every day, listening to their stories filled with adventure and excitement as he went about his chores.\n\nYou see dust is naturally generated by the process of controlling time, particularly from accidents which combine both temporal discharges and novices that are lacking in talent.\n\nAccording to the legend on that particular day something important was happening, the different versions do not agree on exactly what, but they do all agree it was something so important that as soon as the Chronomancers heard it they immediately rushed towards the great hall, leaving the sweeper alone in the spinner room for the first time.\n\nHe diligently continued his path across the room, passing the man sized spinners as he went, until he reached a partially closed cabinet on the back wall. This particular cabinet contained the small portable spinners which even at full charge only store a few hours at most. He stopped and stared, not even daring to breathe.\n\nAt that moment the first novice returned to the room, still smiling at the good news he had just heard. The smile turned into a look of horror as he spotted the sweeper making his choice, grabbing the closest one and vanishing."} +{"id": "31c75a41-345a-4a45-bd59-b9cc5eb6b31f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:09.038", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUyp67bcPExb6Fgz25hEwBK8n9c7JAEGmBYUxB1LFv8P", "txHash": "0x05dd147872c454e79876bd01bc782b8d9f1f51c6e8b22cab8bee454dd5379c5f", "createdAtBlock": 13564108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9555, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Eden of the Cosmos", "text": "The novice ran to the far end of the hall, hoping the whole time, but there was no pile of dust.."} +{"id": "c0c4c4b6-64b6-4ec4-bc3d-75ac8e31797d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:09.799", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVFPgRePgVHJLb3bGdCiE7UE1t9cqV16TibSXFgeBvSgT", "txHash": "0xd6f0e16d51fc3d55b15b88bc3d25b28a1acb33d8be978fdbf08d993ceec5409a", "createdAtBlock": 13565207, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4675, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRKXtbzb8ZAxKreVhyYb8YuoVRtmeEJ8NQThx7gQEzK8w", "name": " of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of of the Road"} +{"id": "c6d49e54-3e64-44f0-92d2-f1ea1d97a025-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:01.919", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTfpwXGryeb3NS2j2tQEYUJP1KV2hXFktmkZ1TPH8M1Uo", "txHash": "0x6b53a6469fe03ee5e8fa9b20b44b31813870439d31b479cfb6bada2d79dc884b", "createdAtBlock": 15111450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmatUXMxoVsW9zKQng8KqaRRY3QswdcMfgHzofnY1mq9Pm", "name": "Sage Keziah of the Grotto", "text": "Sage Keziah bears a light in dark places, including her own self. Artwork kindly provided by the talented mafriends"} +{"id": "b7d1ca92-e026-43f4-bdc8-d3c2570ec0b4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:10.633", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcCgcmBNh3V9WBRWJZLBvAs4tZaWZcs9GaqXNfpxVnQSg", "txHash": "0xd610b9adb5a0284a052c6eb4d9708ef7041ffd58e1cf382a5b577aac661f5bfb", "createdAtBlock": 13565374, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7213, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eden of the Marsh", "text": "# Myths from the Marsh\n\nYou may have heard some rumours coming out of the marsh.\n\nTales of strange occurrences and odd disappearances, things that are only mentioned in whispers.\n\nStories of family dogs gone missing, only to be found days later completely decayed. Nothing left but withered bones wrapped in rotten pieces of mummified flesh. Name tags rusted with age, fallen between the brittle vertebrae that once raised this beloved animal's faithful head.\n\nMyths of massive bonfires in the night, flames so tall and bright they lit the main streets of town. Fires that left the surrounding trees with black trunks and grey leaves.\n\nLegends of named criminals found standing in the woods, frozen like statues. A lit pipe dangling from their mouth, and their bloodshot eyes burnt with a thousand yard stare.\n\nCampfires that burn out in an instant, but leave embers that never extinguish.\n\nStreaks of yellow light in the night and enchanting whispers coming from the darkness.\n\nCandles that burn down in seconds and trees that sprout up in days.\n\nThese myths and legends can not always be trusted, but for every rumour there is a sliver of truth. I am here to tell you that in this case, Archmagus Eden of the Marsh is that sliver of truth."} +{"id": "95ae29e6-7905-4362-8d02-cc1d20ff525d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:11.396", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVEo3mqj9tiDmgmGvQ9X6i3FgrUUkGJnAWsnLompizd93", "txHash": "0x5c87dfe8e041f6f62c641e778df4b14ce0a07718edc9b336f4d958930e538e4c", "createdAtBlock": 13566634, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1277, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Cassius of the Garden", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Cassius of the Garden\n\nCassius, the ginger-bearded sage with a softly-wizened presence that speaks\nof a settled sense of wisdom. He spends his days tending to his gardens with\ncare and welcoming to all who would seek reprieve in its tranquil shade.\n\n\nAll know and speak fondly of Cassius and his gardens, and yet... only a careful\nfew (perhaps even none at all) can upon closer questioning recall any\nparticulars of occasioning his calm oasis, nor even where it resides.\n\n\nWhere suspicions ought to have grown over time, oddly none have ever\nsprouted, as if the very mention of the sage and his gardens conjurs a powerful\nkind of sedation, a dampening of doubts.\n\n\nDespite this strangely unconcerned acceptance of the wizard's cloaked\nexistence within the realm, some had taken notice of his coming as the first\nknown observance of a ginger-haired inhabitant among them, along with the\nsubsequent blossoming of inumeraby more folk with the same fiery tint to their\nlocks.\n\n\nIt is commonly said that gingers have no souls.... in jest amongst all but Cassius\nhimself, who alone amongst all living gingers can recollect the dreadful self-inflicted genesis of his own gingerness. Only Cassius retains the true name of\nthe monstrous organism that grew of his own botanic castings, experimental\ngraftings gone terribly awry, then sprawling uncontrolled into soul-consuming\ntendrils of alluring flora:\n\n\nGard'lien, the green eater of souls."} +{"id": "95ae29e6-7905-4362-8d02-cc1d20ff525d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:11.396", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVEo3mqj9tiDmgmGvQ9X6i3FgrUUkGJnAWsnLompizd93", "txHash": "0x5c87dfe8e041f6f62c641e778df4b14ce0a07718edc9b336f4d958930e538e4c", "createdAtBlock": 13566634, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1277, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Cassius of the Garden", "text": "Gard'lien, the green eater of souls.\n\nFrom its very moment of germination, Gard'lien took to sprout within the vitality\nof its creator with a thirst so searing that it scorched the poor wizard's bodily\nvessel down to its very follicles. Its host left gingerly on the verge of complete\nconsumption, Gard'lien was struck with its first cognicanze: a fear of self-cannibalization.\n\n\nOnly then (and only this once) did Gard'lien restrain its appetite,\ninstead cradling the unconsumed leftovers of the wizard's soul within its\nspreading roots, and nursing Cassius back to a bound state of.... liveness.\nSufficient to serve as the sage-yet-nearly-soulless siren of the gardens, a voice\nto lure others into Gard'lien's foliage.\n\n\nThose so lured depart melted of their very essence, utterly drained and\nexpelled back into the common realm as physical shells that persist until expiry\nonly as wound-up automaton, marching among their living counterparts in\nindistinguishable likeness - other than their their sudden gingerness. Gard'lien\nleaves behind this trail of crimson as the only markings of its monstrous hunger\nfor souls, with only broken remnants of Cassius to bear conscious witness to its\nsprawl."} +{"id": "2ccb544b-500c-420e-83c1-9f5154f5efba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:46.455", "backgroundColor": "#320606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdp8rv5KaHtEDsiWw9ZkBM41cFfNVXc6t2frE7NFfezCE", "txHash": "0xf79830202f3fc33fb03f4aa1cae71e5c292bdd637decf6d93f890c09dceb901c", "createdAtBlock": 13597491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9383, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Poppy of the Technicolor Nightmare", "text": "# Grave Robbing Kobold Poppy of the Technicolor Nightmare\n\n## Chapter 1\n\n> _While not the most intelligent species of all the lands, by a fair margin I may add, your average Kobold still has an intrinsic way of resourcefulness about them, and a deftness of skill and self-preservation not often found in other lesser species. Interestingly, this does not extend to their ability to barter or accrue wealth - ideal marks for a table of cards, for instance - or perhaps they simply have an entirely different system of valuation._\n> \n> _Their heightened senses make them exceedingly difficult to corner, their wiles and tendency towards tricks making them difficult to predict. This may or may not be accredited to their relatively low intellect, but for the most part they make for the most exquisite prey and present the most rewarding chase, pushing both hunter and hunted to their limits. It is after all the fruit whose skin provides the most onerous obstacle which offers up the sweetest of flesh._\n>\n>\n>\n> The Hunt\n> \n> _Master of Spots Hunter_\n\n\n\nPoppy had never been a good Kobold, not like his brother Peppy who could do no wrong. Where Peppy seemed to possess the Midas touch, finding luck at every turn, Poppys tale was a sad string of one bad turn after another. Which had ultimately led to his quite spectacular death, ironically turning out to be the change in fortunes he had always sought in life yet had never found."} +{"id": "2ccb544b-500c-420e-83c1-9f5154f5efba-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:46.455", "backgroundColor": "#320606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdp8rv5KaHtEDsiWw9ZkBM41cFfNVXc6t2frE7NFfezCE", "txHash": "0xf79830202f3fc33fb03f4aa1cae71e5c292bdd637decf6d93f890c09dceb901c", "createdAtBlock": 13597491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9383, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Poppy of the Technicolor Nightmare", "text": "The Sacred Flame had not been meant for him of course, though find him it had. His attunement to all Colors had consistently been his most favored trait, and while it had made him a pariah as a youth, his iridescent ability to mix, fade, blend and otherwise bend Light was what had granted him this final journey on behalf of a peculiar and penultimate client. The details were fuzzy, apparently dying does that, but Poppy remembered dancing flames, moving shadows, and a high-pitched scream.\n\n Be gone ye filth! he exclaimed, swinging his scythe in a lazy arc towards the malodorous zombie in his path. This bounty belongs to me you pile of pus, he continued as the disgusting being stumbled aside, leaving his path open to the tomb ahead.\n\nAs crypts went it was rather unremarkable, but if Poppy was good at one thing, it was following his nose and ears well what passed for nose and ears now - towards the scent of treasure. And what a fortuitous run he had been blessed with, after his accidental stumble through the Fire and consequent eviction from The Quantum Shadow. After shedding his old mortal self and being resurrected something else, his unique and multi-colored bony form had become his new sigil of status and renown.\n\nReaching into his pouch, he withdrew a rancid strip of flesh and dangled it in front of Sniff. His familiar had not fared as well in their metamorphosis; however, Poppy was not one to waste potential and had discovered that, with the right kind of motivation, his zombie rat could still sniff out nearly anything."} +{"id": "2ccb544b-500c-420e-83c1-9f5154f5efba-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:46.455", "backgroundColor": "#320606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdp8rv5KaHtEDsiWw9ZkBM41cFfNVXc6t2frE7NFfezCE", "txHash": "0xf79830202f3fc33fb03f4aa1cae71e5c292bdd637decf6d93f890c09dceb901c", "createdAtBlock": 13597491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9383, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Poppy of the Technicolor Nightmare", "text": "Go on Sniffles, find what I seek, and this fabulous feast will be yours! He waved the putrid meat once more before stuffing away, and watched the disgusting thing amble away, burrowing into the grave. Channeling a trickle of magic to let the light bend ever so slightly around him, he sat down to relax and have a well-earned rest while his familiar did all the hard work. He had a very good feeling about the potential of this looting, perhaps even something worthy to present to the High Lichs? Lost as he was in these delightful thoughts, he was somewhat baffled by a sudden presence before him, peering down as if they could penetrate his illusion.\n\nAh yes, here you are little Kobold, came the deep voice from beneath a deep dark hood. Oh yes, we can see you quite well, despite your tricks. No need to stand, this will take but a moment. Scrambling nonetheless, Poppy stood and took two steps back.\n\nWhat devilry is this? he asked unsteadily, shaking his scythe menacingly.\n\nFret not, Refracted One, we are not here to do you harm, the figure said still motionless. We have been following you, and my Master sees great potential, should you be willing to aid us. In a few moments your pet will return to you bearing a seemingly unremarkable bauble. All we ask is that you keep it safe for now, and when the time comes you must bring it to a very specific place. Fail to do so, and you may find your future less fortunate.\n\nHow do you know me? asked Poppy, looking around. The mindless zombie nearby had lost interest and seemed not to notice the ethereal figure."} +{"id": "2ccb544b-500c-420e-83c1-9f5154f5efba-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:46.455", "backgroundColor": "#320606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdp8rv5KaHtEDsiWw9ZkBM41cFfNVXc6t2frE7NFfezCE", "txHash": "0xf79830202f3fc33fb03f4aa1cae71e5c292bdd637decf6d93f890c09dceb901c", "createdAtBlock": 13597491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9383, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Poppy of the Technicolor Nightmare", "text": "My time here is short. You must make your choice. I can only advise you, do make the correct one, for my Master is as generous to those who obey as he is intolerant of those who do not. With that the figure popped out of existence in a shower of purple sparks.\n\nStartled, Poppy jumped back with a squeal as something nibbled at his skeletal toes. Sniffles! he cried out, swatting at the damned thing. Looking indignant, his familiar beady eyes looked meaningfully towards his pouch, something gleaming between his petrified jaws.\n\nAh, sorry old chap, something has me on edge, here, a trade then, he said as he took out the rancid treat again, Sniff dropping what appeared to be a medallion of sorts into his outstretched hand.\n\nSlightly larger than a typical coin, it was wrought from a dark metallic metal, engraved by a single rune on both sides; one showed Infinity, the other Omega.\n\nHmmm most peculiar, he muttered stuffing it into his pouch setting off after Sniffles who, after quickly devouring his snack, had run off again, his undead nose catching a whiff of yet another prize. _Yes, this is most certainly going to be a fine day_, he thought as he followed his familiar, the thought of more loot pushing the arcane encounter to the back of his mind."} +{"id": "4428a34b-cbe6-4ae4-b9c5-f15aa912cfd5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:12.285", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbisYuqAMV2ahtgyUF55ce91JRnfMTqptnUw45SwgKrw7", "txHash": "0xa5e1a7f7524f54aa55d10c52d039bd80154fc05a142efbeebd9989d8c2c47986", "createdAtBlock": 13569173, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4457, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Calista of the Capital", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Calista of the Capital\n\nCalista is an ornament to the self-growth, discovery, and transformation journey. Her toad, itself a symbol of transformation, accompanies Calista on her quest which is guided by her Stellar Staff.\n\nRumour has it, each gold chain contains an artifact from the character's ancestry, only time will reveal what Calista's holds..."} +{"id": "7d11004c-867c-487b-9187-78d7ac8914c1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:03.331", "backgroundColor": "#243726", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQp7nTYFQ9cAiLwJm42eREttqyi4FpexgAvQ5QiZXFCH", "txHash": "0xbd5f3c84c50cd9112a763f8b0f85d4ee2993c6b0bb96437f0f9b053c06ac4f68", "createdAtBlock": 15117222, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14718, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Edward Marauder of all that is Evil", "text": "The story of 'Edward the Marauder of all that is Evil' begins in the middle. The middle of his career, that is. A time that would change Edwards focus and prove the pivotal moment in redefining a lost warrior into a local legend fighting for good. \n\nYou see, although from a challenging upbringing, Edward had managed, through quirky charm and infectious energy, to land himself among the privileged society by the time he reached his mid twenties. He had received battle training from the kingdoms finest and had developed a podgy gut via a life of decadence. Having spent those years among the towering mountain peaks, enjoying the crisp, rarified air and regular long swims in the shallow, turquoise waters of Eib Lagoon, it may come as a surprise to learn that Edward soon found himself alone.\n\nJust how he came to find himself on the road, stretching further from home to ever more remote outposts, is perhaps a tale best left for another time. The life of plenty now a distant and hazy memory.\n\nThat he spent almost four years resorting to ever more callous acts, is indicative of the chararacter he was becoming. A hard life on the road had honed him, both physically and mentally, into an efficient fighter loaded with guile and deadly tricks.\n\nThe day that Edward transitioned from Teddy the Marauder, the feared nomad and ruiner of local livelihoods, into the celebrated yet equally feared Marauder of all things Evil, was a day that ended with death.\n\nEdward collapsed into the scolding sand, the beating sun glinting off his nearby sword. He had lost the battle and lay in a heap, resigned to his fate."} +{"id": "7d11004c-867c-487b-9187-78d7ac8914c1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:03.331", "backgroundColor": "#243726", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQp7nTYFQ9cAiLwJm42eREttqyi4FpexgAvQ5QiZXFCH", "txHash": "0xbd5f3c84c50cd9112a763f8b0f85d4ee2993c6b0bb96437f0f9b053c06ac4f68", "createdAtBlock": 15117222, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14718, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Edward Marauder of all that is Evil", "text": "His helmet, removed by his victor to allow her to look into Edwards eyes as she finished him, was dangling in one of her hands. She towered above him, lifted her spear in the other and moved in closer. A bead of sweat fell from the tip of her nose and landed in Edwards right eye, the saltiness causing him to squeeze both eyes closed.\n\nEdward heard the shuffle of limbs, a clatter against metal and felt the heavy form of his attacker crumple upon his own body.\n\nA broad snake, startled by the attacker, had appeared from beneath the surface of the sand, beside Edward and had lunged as the spear came down, shattering one fang against her protective wrist guard but landing the other fang deep into the flesh, exposed between glove and arm.\nLaying embedded in the sand, Edward slipped from consciousness, physically trapped.\n\nWhen he came to and opened his eyes, he saw nothing. The vista was pure black. It took a few moments to acclimatise and recognise a few shimmering stars in the night sky.\n\nWith his exposed face severely burned and blistered from the sun and his mouth clamped shut with shrivelled lips, Edward managed to roll onto one shoulder with all his strength, edging the body from upon him. \n\nHe gathered his weaponry and helmet and went to set off. The serpent had lain nestled against his armour, grateful for the body heat. As they made eye contact Edward sensed a connection with the rattle snake and leaned a hand down toward it. The snake happily allowed itself to be cradled in one arm and off they set, to meander through the sands, guided solely by the stars.\n\nPlodding onward, relentlessly, one stifled footstep at a time, it was only as the first sun poked above the undulating horizon of rolling dunes that Edward started to regain hope."} +{"id": "7d11004c-867c-487b-9187-78d7ac8914c1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:03.331", "backgroundColor": "#243726", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQp7nTYFQ9cAiLwJm42eREttqyi4FpexgAvQ5QiZXFCH", "txHash": "0xbd5f3c84c50cd9112a763f8b0f85d4ee2993c6b0bb96437f0f9b053c06ac4f68", "createdAtBlock": 15117222, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14718, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Edward Marauder of all that is Evil", "text": "An abandoned market stall stood, not far ahead, on what must be the outskirts of Zaros Oasis. The stall carried the name of the wizard @wizard4698. It housed a series of unlabeled vials, mostly empty but for dregs of varying shades of green, but that undoubtedly gave Edward the chance to live another day.\n\n\nOver the 27 lunar months that have followed since that bittersweet battle, he is yet to remove the helmet. The blistering left behind permanent scars, like crevices etched into hardened skin, mainly around his forehead and eyes. But with helmet donned, he went on to make a name for himself, no longer as a force for destruction and pain, but for defending those in need and battling the scattered tribes of evil."} +{"id": "5b6a8129-e4c4-48de-92b1-94fd21f902fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:13.133", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVtVkv2p2GCpFVTJfzUCD7V3xSDEQGUyTfx1prdtPQqCh", "txHash": "0x218868c1be84ce9d0d6ca714f86d526cc0e58c932b3e44f0dd2cce8a2c12e139", "createdAtBlock": 13569224, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8813, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Angus of the Astral Plane\n\nArcanists are extremely powerful, they are curious and innovative, always on the leading edge. \n\nAngus holds great power, both physically being a strongman, but also politically. The Celestial Sash identifies political sway and stature he holds, and grants Angus entry into meetings many will never even hear about.\n\nBeing very spiritual, Angus keeps a Giant Ladybug by his side, hoping to receive luck and fortune."} +{"id": "6a1ddfa9-5d65-44df-878e-bcb11e78cefb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:13.933", "backgroundColor": "#3e1010", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaT3FNvmnrRQoLt1gS1gdFNpjqXdygFBWUmyHP9XxLqq4", "txHash": "0x3f832065ddcdcf25b636a2e2ce37c98c41d2800f02b7d288db46bb1cfb10d74d", "createdAtBlock": 13572005, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4252, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zagan of the Catacombs", "text": "# Void Disciple Zagan of the Catacombs\n\n## Prologue\n\n\n> _[..] and while more ignorant and inexperienced minds would contest their existence, dispelled as the marvels of a wayward imagination, I have myself seen them. Though admittedly I wish I had not, for now I am unable to escape the haunting memory of those empty eyes, that unending grin, taunting as if those vacant sockets pierced me to my very core, beheld my most intimate self, and found it lacking._\n> \n> _Perhaps I was left alive for the same reason I dont simply squash every insignificant insect I happen upon, or maybe they, as the powerful often do, enjoy maintaining a certain notoriety and as such I, as I write these words, would be fulfilling that purpose most perfectly._\n> \n> _Regardless, they do seem to exist in two variants these unlikely animated dead; There are those who take auric forms while others are argent, the meaning of their distinction unclear, any hierarchy or significance mere conjecture on my part._\n> \n> _Despite my research and experiments, I have yet to conclude as to their nature and aspect; Have they, as you and I, once been chained to flesh and bone, destined to expire, and by hook or crook found a way past this fleeting mortal coil without passing beyond? Or are they mere puppets, dancing on strings unseen, mastered by hands powerful beyond ken?_\n> \n> \n> The March of the Perished\n> _Edwyn Lymp_\n\n\n\n_Peck-peck._"} +{"id": "6a1ddfa9-5d65-44df-878e-bcb11e78cefb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:13.933", "backgroundColor": "#3e1010", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaT3FNvmnrRQoLt1gS1gdFNpjqXdygFBWUmyHP9XxLqq4", "txHash": "0x3f832065ddcdcf25b636a2e2ce37c98c41d2800f02b7d288db46bb1cfb10d74d", "createdAtBlock": 13572005, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4252, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zagan of the Catacombs", "text": "_Peck-peck._\n\nYou know Id grant you an eye had I still one to give, Zagan muttered to the crow perched on his shoulder. It had the delightful habit of pecking at his empty eye sockets with its shiny black beak, an act of affection surely since eyeballs, preferably ones suitably bloated and ripe, were after all Corones favorite indulgence. Not that they had enjoyed the pleasure of walking the wake of great battlefields for a lifetime or more, he mused, bony feet clacking away on the eldritch stone underfoot.\n\n_Click-clack, peck-peck,_ they echoed in the still musty air.\n\nThe endless maze of the Catacombs had no shortage of bodies, ensconced at regular intervals, all stripped of flesh, reduced to bone, fragile as the final notes of a love gone sour. This legion of dead was brittle and frail, each one epitomizing the lonely path from vitality to oblivion, symbols of the futility of life and the superiority of death, reminders one and all of the transience of existence. Yet, for a select few, a deal had been struck, a path bludgeoned past expiration, and none of the skeletons refleced the torchlight with flaxen hues as did his sturdy aureate skeletal figure. \n\nThese familiar surroundings - the musty smell of death long past, the gloomy corridors which, to anyone else, would look entirely similar and invariably lead astray were a comfort now as it had been a confinement then. Yet he had returned not for sentiment, but for a very specific purpose. \n\n_Peck._"} +{"id": "6a1ddfa9-5d65-44df-878e-bcb11e78cefb-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:13.933", "backgroundColor": "#3e1010", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaT3FNvmnrRQoLt1gS1gdFNpjqXdygFBWUmyHP9XxLqq4", "txHash": "0x3f832065ddcdcf25b636a2e2ce37c98c41d2800f02b7d288db46bb1cfb10d74d", "createdAtBlock": 13572005, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4252, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zagan of the Catacombs", "text": "_Peck._\n\nIndeed, my insatiable Corvus, this is the place. Turning left, the tunnel soon became a dead end. Slowly walking up to the stone wall, Zagan placed a shiny bony hand over a barely perceptible inscription and muttered a sibilant spell. To the sound of stone griding on stone, a section of the wall moved aside, as the widening crack allowed more and more flickering crimson light escape from within. He was no geomancer of course, but these were ancient constructs from a different time, marvels of magic and technology entwined in ways not seen for an age.\n\nThere, on a dais in the center of an enormous chamber riddled with stalagmites and stalactites, the crystal floated beneath ravenous arcane flames, as if - should an eternity pass - it would be crushed in the jaws of a titanic beast. The Sacred Flame, placed in his care and entrusted to him, sent shivers down his golden spine.\n\nKraa? came the hesitant croak from Corone, sensing his masters volatile aura. \n\nKeeping silent, he strode forward, making his way through the jutting forest of stone teeth. I am done with waiting, and I am done obeying, he thought. I am done letting others bask in glory and reaping the rewards.\n\nThe time had come for action, after all Zagan was as intimate with death as he was with life, and he was prepared for change, ready to embrace the consequences, he had decided to Burn.\n\n_Peck-peck, click-clack._\n\n_Whoosh!_"} +{"id": "55dde485-9386-4301-94bc-9efac6486051-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:14.797", "backgroundColor": "#032a03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRm5Lzbim2wVtKk36AgqwZVTzwhggBeEJj2vFrazrCsH1", "txHash": "0x5c581c0094d19dba025a12c7f1e53d6fd1e3b79be9eec78c3c6cef679ed40744", "createdAtBlock": 13572025, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2487, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Eyolf of Arcadia", "text": "# Druid Eyolf of Arcadia\n\n# Prologue\n\n> _Life in nature has often been said to be red in both tooth and claw. This common belief then, as imagined from the comfort of a warm cot, or settled peacefully by a fire would, ever eager for absolutes, paint the world in stark hues, rendered in black and white; All that which is unordered and entropic, the intangibles neither shackled nor controlled, would - without the barest hesitation thus see you bleeding, mauled, become prey._\n> \n> _Probably not far from the truth, all things considered. The flawed nature of this most favoured sentiment becomes apparent, blurring truth, distorting reality, when the honesty of brutality is equated to the hateful touch of wickedness. Was the mountain lion, searching for sustenance for the seasons litter, somehow evil for relentless pursuits of the startled buck? And what of the tree, ruthlessly stealing the warm suns rays from the struggling bush below?_\n> \n> _No, surely the Wild is not inherently wicked. Man, however, with cruel intent and selfish convictions, insatiable and indomitable, cannot so easily be absolved._\n> \n>\n> The Dangers of Duplicity\n> _Sorcerer Ilyas of the Fey_\n\n\nHe dreamed of the pack. Loping alongside his litter, playfully snapping at each others flanks, working off some of the left-over energy from the hunt. Finally, driving the proud prey to the ground exhausted and spent, they had basked in the glory of the feast of the felled buck. As always, the strong had fed first, however the meat was plentiful and shared among them with nary a disagreement, as much for the esteem they held for one another as the intrinsic knowledge that the pack was only as strong as its weakest cub.\n\n_Crunch._"} +{"id": "55dde485-9386-4301-94bc-9efac6486051-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:14.797", "backgroundColor": "#032a03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRm5Lzbim2wVtKk36AgqwZVTzwhggBeEJj2vFrazrCsH1", "txHash": "0x5c581c0094d19dba025a12c7f1e53d6fd1e3b79be9eec78c3c6cef679ed40744", "createdAtBlock": 13572025, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2487, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Eyolf of Arcadia", "text": "_Crunch._\n\nThe impact took his breath away, as he was rudely roused from his slumber, for a moment bewildered and expecting the next blow. Catching him unawares, even in sleep, was no easy feat and scrambling to his feet, back to the low firepit he had dug earlier, Druid Eyolf possibly one of the last remaining Wolfkin scanned his surrounding with eyes that had no trouble piecing the dark forest.\n\nBut the night was quiet, his exceptional hearing catching naught to cause alarm - the breeze, the buzz of miniscule insects, leaves rustling and the occasional small prey, scrambling for cover nor could his eyes discern any threat. Gingerly probing the back of his head, expecting to find blood or swelling, he found merely his silky fur, no pain, no damage. _Perhaps but a dream then_, he thought, relaxing his grip on his Big Magic Stick and sitting back down slowly in front of the dying embers of the fire.\n\n_Flee!_\n \nThe impression exploded in his head, vivid as it was chaotic. His vision swimming, heart hammering, he felt frantic breaths come fast - too fast - frothy with blood and sputum, and there was something wrong with his left eye. Scrambling for purchase on the forest floor, his familiar rabbit fled for its life from an unseen foe.\n\nSlamming back into his own mind, Eyolf set off at a run, his magic flaring to life, Steel rune boldening and strengthening him stride by stride, his stave thrumming with wild magic."} +{"id": "55dde485-9386-4301-94bc-9efac6486051-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:14.797", "backgroundColor": "#032a03", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRm5Lzbim2wVtKk36AgqwZVTzwhggBeEJj2vFrazrCsH1", "txHash": "0x5c581c0094d19dba025a12c7f1e53d6fd1e3b79be9eec78c3c6cef679ed40744", "createdAtBlock": 13572025, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2487, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Eyolf of Arcadia", "text": "Being a Druid had its advantages, and as he ran, he extended his magic enhanced senses outwards his will permeating the earth, sinking deep and, saturating the vast network of roots below, he quested outwards in search of his familiar and his veiled assailant. Trees had awareness, as all living things did, however their perspective and perception of time was entirely alien. Thankfully Eyolf had a lifetime of experience, and in mere moments he picked up an unfamiliar presence, an unnatural scent, and increased his pace. \n\nBursting into a clearing, magic at his fingertips, he barely had time to register his familiars still form next to a floating crystalline structure dead ahead, before a shadowy form struck at him from behind, pain flaring in his back, sending him tumbling forward. The crystal suddenly flared to life, bursting into flame, and Eyolf, unable to stop himself caught a last fleeting glimpse of moving shadows all around, before falling headfirst into the conflagration.\n\n_Hooooooowl._"} +{"id": "f57fcb2c-467b-4697-9918-e3af5957dd32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:15.638", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZhktDPQWPXtfR3Qaaki7cbcpuLrdeWuATQ5rTVo8PhA2", "txHash": "0x945096c14ec7128c30449fbebdc38ce27d00adea1d48a8f31234447ad15b5df4", "createdAtBlock": 13575885, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8006, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Milo of the Heath", "text": "# The Lore of Chaos Mage Milo of the Heath\n\nJournal Entry - 31Oct2021\n\nIt's been a few years since I stumbled upon this power buried deep in the corn maze. I can't take it anymore. I feel like dying. This flame tells me in can help control it, I hope it is right. Goodbye world, for now."} +{"id": "a5f71d72-6d50-4cf2-8cbb-c0e4d019985d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:31:27.664", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd3XUUKCWqGX6Sxvv4kd9eEmT1CY6pHkBqXtEmngBPwCc", "txHash": "0x537041898c27407176318b38bbcae8eeb07cec393867b5ea9d3680062e17ac4f", "createdAtBlock": 13602002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 271, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Xerxes of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Xerxes of the Realm\n\n\"I am of the Realm: Shaman Xerxes, eldest of the Realm Protectors, who was born on the 12th day of the 12 month before the Undoing. My purpose is one: to protect the Realm from the corrupting forces of the Flame and the destructive evil that hides behind its existence. Wielding the feather of transcendence, I am tasked with merging the spiritual and physical Realms into a single coherent reality.\n\nBut I grow disillusioned with the mortals whom I am sworn to protect. I see darkness in their souls which dangerously mirrors that of the Flame. They wish no peace, no harmony, no balance. Instead, they become increasingly corrupted with greed and loathing for all that is natural and pure through their own choice.\n\nI am left with no other path but to use the power of the Flame against its own corrupting influences, for a great reset is the Realms survival only hope.\n\nI sacrifice myself for the Realm.\n\nI burn.\"\n\n-Shaman Xerxes of the Realm (1:1)"} +{"id": "82457363-c0e2-4ee2-beb4-9ee223811989-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:31:28.47", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfmB6M98T8nKPhhLJB6JVaYGS8BWDcCP92JvzahD91NP", "txHash": "0xe7cbff6030aa99511c70b48ecfd9692bea8b01bca2ba05c90c156a08b5e529ac", "createdAtBlock": 13602026, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4949, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNnwDFTmpYc9ayx22bPAyuRo4XcRYVoXnY4gd5CEn1Kug", "name": "Sorcerer Silas of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# The Last ritual of Sorcerer Silas \n\nIt was late on the day as the setting sun illuminated the sky with dark orange light.\n\nSorcerer Silas had waited many months for this moment; the seven planets had to be located at the right angles in the zodiac for the Ritual he was about to perform to succeed.\n\nNow, he was standing in the wilderness somewhere in between the Wired House and the Sacred Pillars.\n\nHis rune, the one of the Sun, was drawn on parchment and laid out in the South, a Red Frog, the familiar he conjured during his Thelemis initiation ceremony, was sitting at the centre of the rune. In the North lay a basket with a single giant green quantum mushroom.\n\nHe looked to the West; the Sun was creeping below the horizon. He waited until the last ray of light hit the sky above the sacred space he had prepared. Now the ceremony could start.\n\nHe began by facing the East, looking towards the Sacred Pillars, a place of tremendous power, slowly reciting the incantations taught to him by his master **Aleister Crowley\\**. A large flaming pentagram appeared floating a few inches above the ground as he spoke in ancient tongues. Silas kept his focus strong and moved to face the South, the Sacred Tower reaching high up in the distance, continuing to speak mysterious words only Thelemists knew the meaning off. A second flaming pentagram appeared before him. Slowly, he moved to the West, a fresh breeze of air from the salty sea brushed his face, he noticed it but kept his concentration firm on the ongoing Ritual, a third flaming pentagram appeared before him. He finally moved to face North, the snowy peaks of the large earthy mountains were still illuminated by the now set sun; he recited a last secret four-letter word. With this, the last flaming pentagram faded onto the material plane in front of him."} +{"id": "82457363-c0e2-4ee2-beb4-9ee223811989-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:31:28.47", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfmB6M98T8nKPhhLJB6JVaYGS8BWDcCP92JvzahD91NP", "txHash": "0xe7cbff6030aa99511c70b48ecfd9692bea8b01bca2ba05c90c156a08b5e529ac", "createdAtBlock": 13602026, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4949, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNnwDFTmpYc9ayx22bPAyuRo4XcRYVoXnY4gd5CEn1Kug", "name": "Sorcerer Silas of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "Silas was now surrounded by four human-sized flaming stars, one in each direction. He was ready to start the summoning part of the Ritual. He took the green mushroom out of the basket and looked towards the South, where the Red Frog was still calmly sitting on the rune behind the pentagram.\n\nHe cut the quantum mushroom into five equal parts, placing four of them on the ground in each of the four cardinal directions. He ate the last piece, chewing it for a long time while trying to ignore the bitter taste. He swallowed it and immediately felt great power rising in him. He remembered from \\*\\*Magus Devons\\*\\* instructions that this power does not last long, so he now moved on to the last part of the Ritual.\n\nHe intently stared at the Red Frog, slowly whispering the evocations found in an ancient book written by a **Void Disciple named Faustus\\**. As he channelled more power into the familiar, the rune on the ground started to glow and release smoke and fog; he kept whispering until the frog could no longer be seen through the dense white cloud that formed around it. Then he knew. The Ritual was successful. He stopped making any noise and froze still while staring into to fog.\n\nAs it slowly dissolved, a tall figure was revealed. It had a pointy red cap covering the head with pointed ears and a pointy moustache. A long red mantle was hanging over a brownish vest; in its right hand, the figure held a skull that itself was releasing some sort of smoke or foggy glimmer, around his left arm curled up a red snake with its head resting on the shoulder.\n\n \n\nSilas gasped for air as he realised that he had finally achieved a great Ritual; only a few wizards ever dared even to try. He had summoned Mephistopheles, the devil himself."} +{"id": "82457363-c0e2-4ee2-beb4-9ee223811989-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:31:28.47", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfmB6M98T8nKPhhLJB6JVaYGS8BWDcCP92JvzahD91NP", "txHash": "0xe7cbff6030aa99511c70b48ecfd9692bea8b01bca2ba05c90c156a08b5e529ac", "createdAtBlock": 13602026, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4949, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNnwDFTmpYc9ayx22bPAyuRo4XcRYVoXnY4gd5CEn1Kug", "name": "Sorcerer Silas of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "While Silas tried to find some words to say to the ruler of the underworld, Mephistopheles spoke with a thundering voice: \n\n\n_Here I am, oh you who have dared to Summon the Devil._\n\n_I shall not answer those not willing to see chaos unravel,_\n_I shall not serve those who know just the magic of light,_\n\n_If you worship the Abyss, you may now prove your might._\n\nSuddenly Silas felt himself crashing to the ground, his sight was fading into darkness, and the last thing he saw before losing conscience was a slight grin on the devils face..."} +{"id": "38ed5aeb-d193-48ae-b544-b1ae22f490fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:31:29.344", "backgroundColor": "#23c3e0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbMaUqvnwP44ofUugjdHhxDYTh9ub1vceiPNrRjgWgHG3", "txHash": "0xc38a839b0857c9035db15476ecdcad075c684f87699bcabadb9153418fb8f435", "createdAtBlock": 13602204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRdaGMoPzgnsReJZ6n2td3qUmEpXhDSmkGa4bKggPU1yr", "name": "Null Mage Drusilla of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Null Mage Drusilla of the Oasis"} +{"id": "d1fd1485-c747-43ba-a9b9-43464d9ba806-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:32:25.248", "backgroundColor": "#ebd2d2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdWJSBsYkGD5ftDekqyDFu95Lw81q3bjY9qGFPQaGscCi", "txHash": "0x624e272f3bf9ca6dabf9066f02cc0bedd2c206da7187e7aeb0e767e653e62664", "createdAtBlock": 13621839, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5659, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marie Laveau", "text": "# The Arrival of Madame Laveau\n\n\nThe meal was incredible, the music transcendent.. and the way she danced with her wings as much as her feet! Angus grinned as he recalled the festival. It had been two years since he was accepted by the Fey, they were his family and his tribe now. He had no regrets about his choice.\n\nEver-eager to please new friends, he had spent the better part of the evening englamoured, offering a complete menagerie of mythical beasts to the raucous laughter of the audience.\n\nThe sphinx was his personal favorite and he took that opportunity to share a few of his favorite riddles for the Fey- who were long-separated from the taverns where Angus had first heard the puzzles spoken. This mixture of new jokes and extravagant forms made him briefly famous in the hall, and they were greedy for more display. He relished in their chants of Angus! Angus! and gave a final encore as a bubble-spitting hydra before wishing them all a restful sleep.\n\nThat would be the last time this human of the Fey was received warmly. The woolen blanket had slipped to the floor, and his legs were unnaturally tensed. Angus now stood with his mouth agape. \n\nHis bidden legs left the dwelling-home of the Fey and once deep in the woods, his hands ensorcelled to hide his form as a mundane snake, then to slither a several-days journey to a tower long-forgotten.\n\nOnce arrived and with human hands again, a small stair he would climb, and then in through a window where a force from outside of his conception would bring forth a mighty fire. \n\nInto this strange pyre, Angus silently committed himself and was consumed."} +{"id": "d1fd1485-c747-43ba-a9b9-43464d9ba806-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:32:25.248", "backgroundColor": "#ebd2d2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdWJSBsYkGD5ftDekqyDFu95Lw81q3bjY9qGFPQaGscCi", "txHash": "0x624e272f3bf9ca6dabf9066f02cc0bedd2c206da7187e7aeb0e767e653e62664", "createdAtBlock": 13621839, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5659, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marie Laveau", "text": "Into this strange pyre, Angus silently committed himself and was consumed. \n\nAn imperceptible rift opened as the last dust of his bones struck the ground, the sacrifice and negotiation complete. From the flames first slithered a massive snake, eyes golden and alight. \n\nThe unlit candle next followed the python, yet the wick quickly inhaled the heat of the pyre. Now with a fierce but small flame, the unassuming face of the holder was illuminated. This being of another world, a queen of her skills, smiled delicately at her success. Marie Laveau now walks, and Angus is no more."} +{"id": "cee3a054-68c0-4fcb-a954-8f9a697c86eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:32:26.138", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNi9rcZAZkwGFShDfqnQiHvnUEaX79GtUWpXxN6fxqwzF", "txHash": "0x16a6c4dedae75e132c6a37b7e6514f2b15cd4a1092ae4564d44faa62b53da85a", "createdAtBlock": 13625627, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1765, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Cosmo of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Cosmo of the Sacred Pillars\n\n_Whatever the upheaval in his life, it had left him living entirely in the present. He was compelled by the past and oblivious to the future.\n \nLittle is known about the past of Sorcerer Cosmo. He has gone by many names, Cosmo, Raven, The Black Breath, Dorbie._\n\n_Dorbie was described as not very tall, with checked and pocked skin, and a slim body. In town, he was not well-liked and frequently under suspicion for trickery, theft, and murder. Dorbie enlisted as a sorcerers understudy by a passing mercenary military company after the famed drooped-hat wizard took an interest to him. \n \nAbandoning his wife and two children, he served as part of military arcane enforcement for four years. There he fought many battles on behalf of well-paying imperialists, learning the sorcerers ways, and eventually taking the name Cosmo. His ruby staff would come to be feared at the rear of the battlefield by foes as their ranks would thin to his engulfing magic spells.\n \nCosmo eventually abandoned the structured military ranks to pursue a solo life of chicanery and deceit, bringing only his prized companion dog, Kina. He roams the lands in search of unwitting targets to fall under his mischievous spells.\n \nCosmos preferred tool of disposal is not of the arcane, but a simple well-honed knife, as it brings him back to his humble roots. He is however, a renowned tracker and archer, benefitting from his practiced sorcery and Kinas canine prowess. Known for exception combat skills and cold-blooded sorcery, Cosmos is feared by both his friends and enemies. Though he does not keep many friends._"} +{"id": "1e32c54a-3b70-47fb-a369-eaccd6a15ce9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:00.391", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmczx7fgRLj1gM5ELDwavJ5Rbx6Qn1GXgAcP4vo2iwiLQV", "txHash": "0x8d9f499aed3843db37f65ccf55d426fc663d6b8fa66258b731e11d44b442abf9", "createdAtBlock": 14760865, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1674, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Delilah of the Valley", "text": "Children understand that 'once upon a time' refers not only--not even primarily--to the past, but to the impalpable regions of the present, the deeper places inside us where princes and dragons, wizards and talking birds, impassable roads, impossible tasks, and happy endings have always existed, alive and bursting with psychic power."} +{"id": "57d4c38e-b267-497e-b5a2-7819ef91ef34-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:36.585", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYgcCGuTrQTMT5dJVTW2NP6J4cBATUZgU59gD3RkhbzEp", "txHash": "0x9bbd9d4a17021fe3086bb61d1a0d93b54c4df72cc7b0b0936601578c72e63bbd", "createdAtBlock": 13655269, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6964, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Chyou of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Chyou of the Steppe\n\nChyou is a young wizard who originated from the Alchemist Archepeligo. Despite her youth she has seen much already and is worldly wise beyond her years. She is incredibly altruistic and kind, headstong and bold while also very inquisitive in her nature. The Steppe she now calls home wasnt always her home. Originally from the Archipelago, she left with her mother shortly after the mysterious disappearance of her father, an incredibly powerful Alchemist who was a prolific user of magic. He had locked himself away in his workshop and had not been seen for months leading up to his disappearance. Rumours swirled that he had become so prolific in his magic use, it had started to change even his physical form. One morning he was discovered missing, the only lead in his disappearance was rune burnt into the wooden floor of the workshop. The rune was unidentifiable though and he has never been seen or heard from since.\n\nAfter leaving the Archipelago her mother remarried while Chyou was still very young, this time to a warrior. Her stepfather was a man who was incredibly skilled in his chosen disciplines and had been a fierce warrior on the field of battle. Away from that, he was a wildly different person. Kind, devoted and passionate, if not for his scars and physique youd never have known his roots. He took Chyou immediately and doted on her, always firm but fair in equal measure. While Chyou was an alchemist at heart she was also an avid student of her step father mastering swordsmanship and hand to hand fighting as well as developing the softer side of warriorship, meditating, healing and mental strength. Despite her slight frame, Chyou had became a fearsome opponent with her sheer speed and agility. The skills and lessons learnt from her stepfather influenced and drove her life heavily."} +{"id": "57d4c38e-b267-497e-b5a2-7819ef91ef34-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:36.585", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYgcCGuTrQTMT5dJVTW2NP6J4cBATUZgU59gD3RkhbzEp", "txHash": "0x9bbd9d4a17021fe3086bb61d1a0d93b54c4df72cc7b0b0936601578c72e63bbd", "createdAtBlock": 13655269, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6964, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Chyou of the Steppe", "text": "It was her skills as an alchemist though that brought her to the attention of a local Lord who took her in to produce the fine metals he needed for a plan to modernise his lands and bring prosperity to his people. Chyou had jumped at this opportunity, to be able to help so many with her talents appealed to her greatly. She later came to realise however, she had been tricked. The Lord was in fact a Lich and was using the resources she produced to expand his lands and crush the people. Distraught by this she refused to continue her work and was imprisoned in the castle dungeon. The dungeon was a dark forboding place, cold, damp and in complete darkness. The lessons in meditation and training her step father had taught her were the only things that kept Chyou going through this torment. She eventually escaped her confinement with the help of her familiar, whom she found in the darkness and fled the Lords lands. Once safe, she searched for her parents for a time, but they had long since left for the safety of lands far away believing her dead."} +{"id": "57d4c38e-b267-497e-b5a2-7819ef91ef34-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:36.585", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYgcCGuTrQTMT5dJVTW2NP6J4cBATUZgU59gD3RkhbzEp", "txHash": "0x9bbd9d4a17021fe3086bb61d1a0d93b54c4df72cc7b0b0936601578c72e63bbd", "createdAtBlock": 13655269, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6964, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Chyou of the Steppe", "text": "For now her home is the Steppe, a small house with a little workshop in a secluded location. In the summer she travels and fights with the armies marching against the Lich Lord that imprisoned her. In the winter, when the fighting seasons are done, she returns to the safety of the Steppe. Designing and creating swords made to order with the fine metals she produces, she makes a living through the long winters. The swords she produces are no ordinary swords, they are bespoke swords created for use against both the living and the dead. She puts aside the profits she needs to replenish her stocks and keep her going through next the summers campaigns. Then, when times are tough and hope seeps from the Steppe in the deep midwinter, she sets to work distributing the rest of her profits to the villages around her. Delivered to the villagers in the dead of night by her familiar. Never much, but enough to see them and their livestock through the winter.\n\nThis his her life for the near future, but one day soon when Lich Lord is finally defeated, a great adventure awaits her travelling to the far off lands to find her parents once again\n\nCredits:\n\nSpecial thanks to 0xsharon & PineappleLord for their assistance and guidance in the writing of this lore."} +{"id": "432ffa0a-5898-48b3-abd3-e50fe0b3e238-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:32:46.242", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYiV4mCDvLRKMZfR27WhssJYUtoNKJwn61ng8KB6YmrPf", "txHash": "0x06e1b196f991a7f475cc31363ab13d0c241b9f473550352564a1ffb588d1bb78", "createdAtBlock": 13629779, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Eden of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Eden of the Veil\n\nEden of the Veil is a very old wizard, from the deep woods of the Pacific Northwest. He is a lover of mother nature and father time.\n\nWhen having a pint at the local tavern, he can often be heard saying \"all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.\""} +{"id": "a0f7514e-7487-48a8-a0bb-68d1524e6f1f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:32:47.228", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNmCnELv9fGyK3N84PDjNjq5C7eV8qB6BhnGggXWs2iRT", "txHash": "0xf07d1c09a0cc47324b148cde223a1cc54cc4ff1c10c9e7d09b8d2c42bab4d89d", "createdAtBlock": 13635662, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8370, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Mount", "text": "# Aleister and Cirro\n\n_~ The clouds call to Aleister. The storm is soon to come, he's sure of it ~_ \n\nFrom Atlanta's Pool, Aleister and his advisor-pet, Cirro, wander deserts east of BattleMage Mountains. In years past, he studied physical forms of the arcane. And studying seemed all that he needed.\n\nBut something to Aleister feels different. A recent tavernkeep told him rumors of a land far to the north where reality frays. A land where the clouds are born. Suddenly the physical seems less interesting. It's time to discover something new. \n\nHe's sure to find it. \n\n_~ And off he goes. ~_"} +{"id": "444eaa31-d9f7-4f10-ba31-02a394a0a788-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:33.616", "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZZijkH1RWqThSGDwwepG5X96PPhmeoxEMMyHbDxKQiiK", "txHash": "0xc8d5a0f7ebbfab4a5055e1455e120874ded6230d2b7b273ac420b5f79ea7c110", "createdAtBlock": 13648921, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5140, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQW6in7NSMoKcRnChJdTbBfRkmdU9Um7yamxzmrPAzy6g", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud", "text": "# The Lore of Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud\n\nThe following depicts the moment when the entity known as Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud was burned into existence."} +{"id": "94efed62-6473-417c-8a59-bda3eedb1543-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:34.533", "backgroundColor": "#170e28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAADHrvAFAJGrpf4gTi3N3WrUnxjWoijxF76Gw5QWhxk", "txHash": "0x48305696d63efd64b94ee239324e9b44fa9930391839cc654355de6d3ddaf47f", "createdAtBlock": 13649170, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9631, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Veiled Phantasm Aldus of the Ethereal Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Veiled Phantasm Aldus of the Ethereal Realm\n\nChaos Mage Miyo and Spellsinger Aldus retreat to a distant floor of the secret tower, away from the howling multitudes, eager for a spectacle.\n\nThank you Miyo, for accepting my request to do this in a more...secluded location, Aldus said.\n\nHmph, yeah well as long as I can see what happens, I'm content, Miyo replied.\n\nAldus scanned the room one final time. I am glad that Baozhai was not present. She's a smart girl.\n\nOk, ok, enough waiting, I want this burn to happen NOW! Are you going to go through or am I going to have to push you?!?\n\nAldus composed himself. As he slowly walked toward the flame, he began to sing a requiem befitting of a spellsinger. Although it is too low to make out the words, the tune carries both melancholy and power.\n\nThe flames are stoked and burn brightly as Aldus enters without hesitation. The song continues, but it begins to warp, as though it is being warped by unknown forces. Finally, it fades away in sync with the flame guttering out.\n\nThe being that is revealed is very different from the red wizard that had entered moments before.\n\nMiyo chuckled. Aww, look at you! All purple now just like your daughter. You don't look like you can do much anymore on this plane. Still, it's an intriguing result. And I still have my other flame that was supposed to be for troublemakers. Should I use it....\n\nMiyo walks off, deep in thought. The veiled phantasm slowly fades away to the Ethereal Realm."} +{"id": "b0bbccec-6918-4fab-abcf-480793c7c601-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:35.593", "backgroundColor": "#040637", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiCqxbxR74b6UBCaupUCdmqLw16ySg3WnqJUyZvmrhEb", "txHash": "0xbe51a8cf0cbae9b3406a362b8988b8c75826050e607410214307024beb9fcbf7", "createdAtBlock": 13650158, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6573, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Voidoth of the Mist", "text": "# **The Adventures of Void Disciple Voidoth of the Mist**\n\n_Scritch scritch,_ sounded the pen as Voidoth wrote down the ingredients for his latest failed attempt.\n\n\"We almost got it that time, eh, Alkahest?\", Voidoth murmured idly to the fox who stood perched on the side table near the workbench. His familiar made a soft disgusted noise as he sniffed at the vapors coming out of the alembic.\n\n\"Don't give me that look\" said Voidoth. \"If only the bezoar we bought from that damn merchant was actually from a proper white dragon, instead of what was obviously just an overgrown frost wyvern\" he added sadly, then frowned. \"Actually the wyvern probably could have allowed us to get the right result that time, if we had calcified the dream ether to the right consistency, but you probably already know that.\"\n\nAlkahest gave a bored huff, then turned away from his master to groom himself.\n\n\"And you\" continued his master, \"don't think you aren't also to blame. This is, what, the one hundred and fifty-seventh time we've tried to make a greater Mandrake potion? You know, when the results are always the same, I'm not sure how much longer we can keep making excuses.\"\n\n\"Practice makes perfect, I suppose\" said the voice of the fox dryly in Voidoth's mind, before the familiar resumed licking himself.\n\nSuddenly, the deafening boom of a door exploding off its hinges filled the small chamber, and Voidoth and Alkahest turned towards the noise in surprise.\n\nThrough the door came a hand made of a dark fire, which grabbed Voidoth by the head and lifted him into the air."} +{"id": "b0bbccec-6918-4fab-abcf-480793c7c601-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:35.593", "backgroundColor": "#040637", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiCqxbxR74b6UBCaupUCdmqLw16ySg3WnqJUyZvmrhEb", "txHash": "0xbe51a8cf0cbae9b3406a362b8988b8c75826050e607410214307024beb9fcbf7", "createdAtBlock": 13650158, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6573, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Voidoth of the Mist", "text": "\"Ahh, you are betrayed, Voidoth\" said the voice of the being who held him in place, \"Betrayed by your own greed. The Lich Lord of the Nightmare Dominion is not so easily taken in by the foolish promises of the damned.\"\n\nVoidoth's head ached painfully, and he could feel the blood flowing down his face. The being who held him was dressed in a hooded black robe, and the flames flickering in the depths of his hood seemed to have no source, but the flames did illuminate the skull of a man.\n\nVoidoth licked his bloody lips, and tried to think quickly. \"Flamos, how nice to see you too. Can I offer you some ale?\"\n\nFlamos sneered. \"Don't play games with me, Voidoth. You failed to deliver the potion you promised the Lich Lord, and you know well that his sponsorship of your experiments requires prompt payment, which is now payable in blood\".\n\nVoidoth reached through his mind link to Alkahest, and invoked his ancestral powers. A sudden darkening overtook the room, as though heavy tapestries were covering the windows of the tower, blocking the noonday sun outside. Voidoth could no longer see Alkahest a few feet away, but he could feel his focus channeling mana into their shared connection.\n\n\"Come the void\" intoned Voidoth, \"Come the mist that rises in the morning, the shadow in the light, the shadow from the dark. Come the quiet of an evening shade, the silence of the stars, and the emptiness of the forgotten nothing. Come the void.\"\n\nThere was a great echo, and the pressure of a howling wind, and then the flaming skull was gone. In the silence that followed, as the air rushed back to fill the empty space, and light returned, Voidoth could hear Alkahest sigh."} +{"id": "b0bbccec-6918-4fab-abcf-480793c7c601-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:35.593", "backgroundColor": "#040637", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiCqxbxR74b6UBCaupUCdmqLw16ySg3WnqJUyZvmrhEb", "txHash": "0xbe51a8cf0cbae9b3406a362b8988b8c75826050e607410214307024beb9fcbf7", "createdAtBlock": 13650158, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6573, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Voidoth of the Mist", "text": "\"I guess we're running again?\" said the fox. \"Yes, my old friend\" said Voidoth. \"It's time to pack up and look for a new sponsor.\" But slowly, a smile crept over the rogue arcanist's face. \"I hear Dream Master Lake is quite nice this time of year...\""} +{"id": "459bba09-1271-4822-a6ce-2f72bfacb8af-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:37.676", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTCdYYW5iFVnaPSHSRjSqTLqNVWnC7pwUceZTxb5QQdY", "txHash": "0xfee5e7b1778a837189e4afcc2bce64d89aae46b68a3a1c3812afef7622d9596c", "createdAtBlock": 13665814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9163, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Casper of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Casper of the Keep\n\nCasper would give anything for a glimpse of real magic.\n\nYears of accumulating tradional power, land, influence, capital have left him feeling empty:\n\nNot happy playing tricks and summoning sprites, he yearns for the ability to summon powerful supernatural avatars onto this plane.\n\nAll these things places and people are nothing compared to the ability to summon these creatures.\n\nWhat ghoulish things will Casper get after in his lust for magical power?"} +{"id": "276ef97d-33bf-4af4-814c-be1750e19c45-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:38.585", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRuwJreEgCqNmRScu6zyD47iPEL22JPdDCfDH1nBZVQAu", "txHash": "0xf0344f1d654a9b1a6cfa3cef3d7625e492e57b917620df772fc16ce2572bb31d", "createdAtBlock": 13666959, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6895, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Udor of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Udor of the Tower\n\n### In a village, there lived a man named Archmagus Udor of the Tower, who's home was a tower, not one where he was locked though, he was free to go wherever he liked. He once had a battle, and since then, his eyes looked weird. So he covered them up with some cloth. Once he had done that everyone in his village congratulated him for saving the village, they decided not to ask why his eyes were covered.\n\n### The very next day, Archmagus was just walking, when he found a rat, with very strange colours, looking at him with its red, bold eyes. Archmagus didn't know what else to do except adopt it, so that is what he did. \n\n### One day, Archmagus was doing something when suddenly, the rat he had adopted squeaked at him as loud has he could, and then ran, so Archmagus decided he would do the same. A few seconds after that, he spotted someone trying to rob him. And that's when something extrordinary happened...\n\n### The rat, had a beam of light coming out of its hands, and that damaged the robber quite a lot. The robber ran away and was never seen again. The rat, after that day, shared some of its powers with Archmagus. \n\n### That is the story of how Archmagus Udor of the Tower got his title and became famous. People say he is still famous today. And that is quite surprising as this happened a very long time ago."} +{"id": "52352a26-434c-45d4-b818-e73a8e2969ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:39.389", "backgroundColor": "#b76928", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZeApWo7pzN2aSTcPtAvrZpkQv1ummnBi1qXtb4rdC4WQ", "txHash": "0x705926383d9956fa08c96a189127dad93a393fd436325d99301635cb5d962c23", "createdAtBlock": 13667825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1115, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ifran of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Ifran of the Ether\n\nOverview\n\n\nSorcerer Ifran is a mysterious Dream Master that hails from the Ether. Not much is known but by some accounts he appears as a guide in the dreams of new initiates. What is known (and claimed to be verifiable by drunkards) is that he appears to wise men after consuming heroic doses of strong spirits.\nMany wizards try to walk the path of Sorcerer Ifran but go mad with drink before they can recount their tales upon breaking fast.\nAs such, field study of Sorcerer Ifran has largely been abandoned with scholars preferring to not drink themselves to death.\n\n\nMagic\n\n\nHis Mandrake Potion is reported to have a trans-dimensional ego-shattering effect. Those that drink of it are said to be transmuted by fire."} +{"id": "f2313309-fc1e-4661-937f-debde4fa936c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:40.347", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ7KQ37unQWVf8iQ34h1GyHkTDoTmDjnsSg7bU7YsuvDc", "txHash": "0x81420a55d27597d012a1e29d1430a4514d7bbe2a92e60c10dc4d816fad623379", "createdAtBlock": 13678975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5847, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Salvatore of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Salvatore of the Grotto\n\nClose to Dream Master Lake lives a wizard, in a beautiful grotto filled with crystals, next to the giant waterfall. It looks like a natural grotto but, in a land filled with magic, who can tell. All the local children know he is a wizard from his white hat, a dead giveaway, but he calls himself a gardener and you dont want to argue with wizards, even Zenlike ones.\n\nThe only time he lost his cool was when anyone approached the apple tree at the far end of his orchard. He had put a waist high wooden fence around it and a small sign which made it clear you should not cross it, or him!\n\nOne day, a few months ago, another white wizard turned up to talk to Salvatore and half the village found an excuse to walk past the grotto entrance trying to listen to their conversation. It was clear the second wizard felt something had changed and they needed to act now while Salvatore urged patience as they moved inside. The acoustics made it difficult to hear but they kept talking about knowledge as well as good and evil.\n\nWhat was clear to me, as I had been the only person there when he first arrived, was the look of fear and terror in his eyes when he first saw that tree. What causes that reaction in someone so powerful I do not even want to know as I have enough difficulty sleeping these days with my bad back.\n\nAnyway the very next day I decided I had a responsibility to my family to put some distance between us and that place in case whatever the wizards feared came to pass. I quickly gathered some apples from the orchard floor for the long journey while my wife baked bread and collected clean water."} +{"id": "f2313309-fc1e-4661-937f-debde4fa936c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:40.347", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ7KQ37unQWVf8iQ34h1GyHkTDoTmDjnsSg7bU7YsuvDc", "txHash": "0x81420a55d27597d012a1e29d1430a4514d7bbe2a92e60c10dc4d816fad623379", "createdAtBlock": 13678975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5847, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Salvatore of the Grotto", "text": "On the journey, as we walked through the heat of the day, almost all the food started to spoil very quickly but to this day one of the apples sits in my sack, as red and shiny as the day I collected it. I know I should probably just throw it away, but I cant help but feel there is something else I am supposed to do with it.\n\n- Note entered by clerk after being overheard in a Calistas Citadel drinking establishment."} +{"id": "37dfac1f-7c85-44f1-994c-264d3104cc5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:41.967", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT8MbCttkDTmtMoHQe6Y8DgpMzjZnyw9LFrcmexqwTEAc", "txHash": "0x70158bf6103bc5d4baadeeae053636be444c86ff3bc3070753dc412971b861eb", "createdAtBlock": 13686278, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8431, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Finch of the Event Horizon", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Finch of the Event Horizon\n\n\"The egg must be protected.\" The last words of the old man before his untimely demise sent chills throughout his entire bean. Headed towards the tunnels, he knew what must be done. Now, he must summon the strength to do it..."} +{"id": "19a66bc4-5eff-4aef-afe6-da57ea854317-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:43.093", "backgroundColor": "#e5e4dd", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXLho3ckvZSNLdQZJEPVWHGmG8D8Ucv59Nr5cW6KG5VkC", "txHash": "0xe87edb00a36957c51080aa96f6450283628db6edbb0799e7be592071c55431ab", "createdAtBlock": 13707052, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6064, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Larissa of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Larissa of the Wild\n\n\nLarissa hails from the far away lands of Mu'Gen. It is said the people of the lands of Mu'Gen possess a kind aura. They are skilled in the Arcane Arts, masterful merchants, and undyingly loyalshould you get through their initially reserved nature, that is. Once befriended, you can rely on a Mu'Genian to be there for you regardless the circumstance. As such, Mu'Genians make for powerful allies and lifelong friends, and Larissa is no different. \n\nLarissa travels with Kaeru Rengoku, an Ember Frog familiar, at all times. As rumor would have it, after a few glasses of Hibiki, Larissa has been known to tell drunken tales of a \"valiant, flame-breathing swordsman, slayer of demons,\" whom's spirit he believes resides within Kaeru. Pubgoers never dare to bother the frog, lest Larissa's claims ring true..\n\nProne to the Arcane Art of Fire, Larissa can be seen carrying the Torch of Prometheus; its brilliant flame evoking a strong parallel to his brave journey through the uncharted worlds of the Ethereum dimension. Much like the torch he wields, Larissa has been said to bring warmth and feelings of illumination to those around him."} +{"id": "4e754022-56ee-45c5-97bc-7adb5e564cd8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:44.198", "backgroundColor": "#229426", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTJpbDv8QMfLrok28cKqcetF7UVhiD26NrWQxNwcAw8Kp", "txHash": "0x52269bf202e8b583891f7b5acea7eecb29defbc958921eedf0d6cb9225b93bc4", "createdAtBlock": 13716113, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 706, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Magnus of the Secret Fire", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Magnus of the Secret Fire\n\nCast out from the Mandinka Tribe for unknown reasons, Enchanter Magnus of the Secret Fire travels the land with burdens of agony and pain. Donned in a black robe, he covers his scarred and hellish past. The Phoenix feather in hand is a token of immortality and a symbol of the fire that burns deep inside him. It is rememberance of his difficult past, but nonetheless, an eternal light he shall employ as a mode of great sorcery. \n\nHis tormented journey is one day confronted by a giant lady bug. She is considered an outcast by her own loveliness, but a delight to Magnus. As his companion, she ignites the powers of enchantment that have always lied within him. \n\nHis heart is truly lighjt as a feather. Together they are uniquely captivating to humanity. Through a sacrifice of self-immolation, Magnus devotes his energy to transforming dark to light."} +{"id": "6fbe46e0-5cb2-4d78-9999-4a8c79ab0d86-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:45.04", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZLjdxcQRwmxMo6SnPSufGy5PcYKzcgXBMZf9G8DMkqsX", "txHash": "0x7c6b238bb77e44c37b881359f7612b45bf584cc3e736d821fffe5db8e3bf5477", "createdAtBlock": 13728286, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4470, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jerret of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jerret of the Moors - Mushroom Healer\n\nAs a young boy Jerret would wander aimlessly, searching for answers, as all of his friends had powers yet he at the age of 16 still hadn't found any. For years he wandered dejectedly through the forests, forlorn that he was powerless. \n\nOne day he sat under a tall tree and a streak of sunlight shone onto a magical fungi. He felt compelled to eat this magical spore and he then saw his future, he was to bring this plant medicine to all the others in the forest who were powerful but not altruistic. \n\nOver time he cultivated a communication with the mycellium and was able to conjure up mushrooms at will to flower before him. \n\nHis mission was clear, to bring the right type of mushroom to each Wiz so that they could partake in the visions to see their ultimate purpose and to care for the lands and other fellow wizards, knowing that they ultimately were all ONE.\n\nHis power was bringing forth visions so that the Wiz community could all work together. As the ultimate sacrifice, he went to the tower of Flames, to show his dedication to his mission of peace and love, so that his Soul could go on forever with his Magical Mushroom Vision, multiplying his abilities to reach every Wiz in the land."} +{"id": "c73196a8-974f-4738-938f-62e7e1c34560-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:46.863", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdk4NW9BoSjuP8MkCJpj3icttGU61z8Q1pVe8qKg7bmK", "txHash": "0x6f1ff29ca54875388a3eba28adda198caef858ee52d9bf0be915b45649458425", "createdAtBlock": 13729303, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7969, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Florah of the Steppe", "text": "# gm frens i do say\ncollecting items if i may\n\nthe dawn is coming, its almost here\nwithin a fortnight, much will be clear\n\nso prepare i must\nin wagmi-san we trust"} +{"id": "2e0492e0-07d5-408a-89b2-0686c5435e8b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:47.516", "backgroundColor": "#08253e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ78QQJmJ2bc1EQWadJHHgFR3B39bwj5gJjwF4xcWTPm8", "txHash": "0x3ee923a58480e52a056c8270701587479308eefb1913077234fabbcf45a27df4", "createdAtBlock": 13731228, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3369, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdBoCn7aVtc4sUDWZrUJPuhrT3jsV8Y8JHFN38Lq9cXvW", "name": " David of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of David of the Moors\n\nEarth has been devastated by nuclear war and it has taken 2 million years for the radioactive cloud to once again allow sunlight to reach the surface. Only a handful of humans have survived the apocalypse, while the rest have turned into mutants roaming the radioactive wastelands. Finally, the true ancestor of mankind the legendary sorceress reappeared and lived in a beautiful land in peace for three millennia.\n\nWhile his subjects were celebrating 3,000 years of peace, their ruler of the Legendary Witches, fell into a trance and left the party. Confused, the black raven followed her to her house and found that she had given birth to a white witch and was named David of the Moors.\nBecause he was too old and already had the lineage of the legendary magician, he died and left a rare heirloom Goblet of Immortality (magic cup) to the crows who followed him.\nso that it can be given to David of the Moors in the future.\nand the white wizard grew up with the crow and began to explore the world with the cup,\nDavid of the Moors is very powerful and cannot be defeated because he holds the cup\nDay after day passed David of the Moors became more powerful and almost all of the earth was under his control\nnow he intends to fly to another planet and wants to take over too\nYes, the planet is called MARS."} +{"id": "6e389177-6e99-4026-a56b-675a37810465-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:48.208", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatoDAGvQmyTNyddYz7PQzWZGKU4nTNBrZEcbaXx9BH8i", "txHash": "0x11dc04afb3355072516d6b3f831c392900b826ec807e01fdd46b75c608c51a2c", "createdAtBlock": 13737123, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7731, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ozohr of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Ozohr of the Marsh\n\nHello Wizard\n\npipi & kaka\n\n2021~12~04"} +{"id": "a829584d-de6b-4b27-a865-7a37e9d21ebd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:10.027", "backgroundColor": "#6004b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRdQLetEBRT6jiEuYk3cqTkpYvnacrBAtGRpAtmCewDEq", "txHash": "0xecfc4691679ef8cc1c7f32637aded01c4fc9a45a3311c873a3dc141c10762f77", "createdAtBlock": 14730880, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9089, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Sorcerer Ramiz of the Carnival", "text": "# Sorcerer Ramiz of the Carnival\n\nOrigins unknown, the first accounts of Sorcerer Ramiz can be traced back to his release from servitude by his unwitting merchant master at Zaros Oasis. Some say, Ramiz created the Oasis itself with past wishes granted, which as a powerful Water Djinni, would have been child's play for him. However, with one final wish remaining Ramiz tricked his master with a riddle for which the answer was actually a wish. Ramiz granted the merchant wine from the waters of the Oasis and was thus unshackled forever. \n\n## Carnival Pass\nFrom there, Ramiz wander far and wide finding his familiar near the Weird House, his Phoenix Feather in the BattleMage Mountains, and his Green Elven Cloak whilst learning from a rogue group at Dream Master Lake. With a flair for the dramatic and a high affinity for Purple Haze, his legend has grown from his exploits in Carnival Pass. Who knows, what lies ahead for this powerful being, but a word of warning to those who may wish to impede this freed Djinn."} +{"id": "59877f5f-5d81-4f8a-adff-b9e691b363f5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:21.714", "backgroundColor": "#0A0308", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrGGDsjNtKrcKdcFYuQq6ADjpGvtYHAF9saqkjf7svvA", "txHash": "0xc7e8572bdbc011cd9d6f9ca42075d307b11c667ba267bdffd099188ddf13cd21", "createdAtBlock": 13733411, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 206, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdd56p7LpD6J6ujDyszREqvxEV7AVvApQcA81kZY1rtV6", "name": "Cosmic Mage Bathsheba of the Heath", "text": "# Cosmic Mage Bathsheba of the Heath\n\n_\"Who am I? I am the two hundred and sixth Wizard of the Light Incandescent.\"_"} +{"id": "7e9372ff-8ada-4b79-9ab8-30aa3b750262-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:55.396", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 8, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0x0dfad3112941a951583ec446e86c192448cb1f9a9c86f1ca4d347ee46a3d68c0", "createdAtBlock": 13752857, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones.\n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "7e9372ff-8ada-4b79-9ab8-30aa3b750262-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:55.396", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 8, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0x0dfad3112941a951583ec446e86c192448cb1f9a9c86f1ca4d347ee46a3d68c0", "createdAtBlock": 13752857, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "39c0405b-3b6a-4d73-a090-41d142aaba1d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:57.018", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXwkmYvazc71hnDtTGd6dFcNiUdthxNH13xRH2SumJHyY", "txHash": "0x12fdcbd996595ea640df94feda94f9c5557739c5fc8100c48c67c38457da5c0c", "createdAtBlock": 13753997, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 32, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Carly of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Carly of the Wood\n\nAdept Carly of the Wood\n\ntravels the deserts of childhood.\n\nChasing the sun with her little red snake,\n\nto visit her grandmama and deliver a cake.\n\nAfter 3 days she is lost in the dunes,\n\nWill somebody guide this Wizard of Forgotten Runes?"} +{"id": "793f22e4-87b5-4e84-bd44-aa12dc30df78-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:32.409", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddBaQ7bvgyNighomMGCxZv7pqnS5oJW4Cv9LkySfxMk9", "txHash": "0x28e083d3482a19ac5d7f2148d099f06c60121480280b19ec250dc280f156b8f4", "createdAtBlock": 14916384, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10332, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zoe of Shadows", "text": "She eat borger"} +{"id": "76caf586-e3c7-412d-8947-c8361fcfb240-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:50.644", "backgroundColor": "#004124", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPH2gTg9tLnZhU5W8wyXfp8iBCufp2J6XEuiA8VGgpzkj", "txHash": "0xe93a72e1ef0422d85324506fc38b9c5b9fa56dee84107d8069b93ae29bf482a3", "createdAtBlock": 13741790, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 660, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRXWpiqPaYiw2AcyJgzCc4KDFV1j5cwiHFxycMKAm1y93", "name": "Chaos Mage Marceline of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of Chaos Mage Marceline of the Andtheneum\n\n~PROLOGUE~\n\n Sensations ablaze, Marceline stepped out from the roaring teal gateway. With the torn edges of space whipping by, her ears sang and eyes scintillated as the acrid yet nostalgic taste and smell of burnt bubblegum filled her nose and mouth. Nauseating vertigo snapped into a euphoric glow as her foot left the rimpled rind of Chaos and the teal gateway closed behind her with a sizzling pop - the mage was now somewhere else.\n\n \"Robert!\" exclaimed the toad in excruciating delight, pleased that the heft of its master had left it once again. The sudden noise vibrated the empty white space Marceline had stepped into, jaunting her out of her dream-woven state as the same unanswered questions returned to front of mind. It seemed, to her, impossible to figure how one could at once be so confused by their own existence and behavior and yet deeply nostalgic about the sensations that arose from them. Gate after gate were summoned with ease, but each step through the chaos got her no further toward answers nor away from those empty white rooms. Still, the nostalgia seemed helpful, for the memories (or dreams, who could tell?) it evoked brought Marcy closest to knowing her past - and it was in her past that she imagined she might find herself and see into her future. Perhaps a few more steps through the chaos and the bubblegum would remind her the way\n\n So, with a deep breath and a sigh, Marceline stepped once more on the chaotic toad whose warbling burp tore a new hole into space and summoned that liquid agate gateway through which she ambled, mumbling, \"On Chaos, on\""} +{"id": "d7f71cb5-b174-44cd-957d-47bffde00ac0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:51.42", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQx1DNqcDvpSBvXBB5YZCgNQXLuJM6wTzxVBtVyjSQzU", "txHash": "0xcafb4c0ad9e9431ab0531d42207e7c38ae79cac124dfa9ddcc4b063ed1d46c1e", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones. \n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "d7f71cb5-b174-44cd-957d-47bffde00ac0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:51.42", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQx1DNqcDvpSBvXBB5YZCgNQXLuJM6wTzxVBtVyjSQzU", "txHash": "0xcafb4c0ad9e9431ab0531d42207e7c38ae79cac124dfa9ddcc4b063ed1d46c1e", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "322d0da0-d184-49dd-9564-9fddf88c77ce-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:51.959", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQx1DNqcDvpSBvXBB5YZCgNQXLuJM6wTzxVBtVyjSQzU", "txHash": "0x7bc0cf609ea810db7740966a723815bd60a0fca288d59797ea8f5aaa3f4932bb", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones. \n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "322d0da0-d184-49dd-9564-9fddf88c77ce-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:51.959", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQx1DNqcDvpSBvXBB5YZCgNQXLuJM6wTzxVBtVyjSQzU", "txHash": "0x7bc0cf609ea810db7740966a723815bd60a0fca288d59797ea8f5aaa3f4932bb", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "19267adc-c273-4d47-9e3b-b041cd5d4561-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:52.702", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQwxKvUYzbrUvYtargzxGTkBA6DYNXftV2PX9oomEzg7d", "txHash": "0xff0849580d8349d47f9b741fc26e878da6758755e34249618fe5b1c365b83998", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones.\n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "19267adc-c273-4d47-9e3b-b041cd5d4561-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:52.702", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQwxKvUYzbrUvYtargzxGTkBA6DYNXftV2PX9oomEzg7d", "txHash": "0xff0849580d8349d47f9b741fc26e878da6758755e34249618fe5b1c365b83998", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "4e4f293a-23e0-447c-b9f0-e9d6718e6873-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:53.727", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkDrEPzPCk78M1G4RgMX7k2AQy36CoQnM6qeLDEfWmgs", "txHash": "0x8ce2ee254d9f76fccfd9463cacb7fb72d2b687a49b6246c2581ba3d7daa2f284", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones.\n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "4e4f293a-23e0-447c-b9f0-e9d6718e6873-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:53.727", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkDrEPzPCk78M1G4RgMX7k2AQy36CoQnM6qeLDEfWmgs", "txHash": "0x8ce2ee254d9f76fccfd9463cacb7fb72d2b687a49b6246c2581ba3d7daa2f284", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was the end goal..."} +{"id": "91b2bebc-62a0-40dd-b4e2-b46b1cc38d24-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:54.456", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0xe3075a5c153ec380fa2917800e48e79f8e4c327fbee2ed257ee9da113b3b25ed", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones.\n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "91b2bebc-62a0-40dd-b4e2-b46b1cc38d24-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:54.456", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0xe3075a5c153ec380fa2917800e48e79f8e4c327fbee2ed257ee9da113b3b25ed", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "87c6af9c-ac5c-467e-a0af-ee00a23f29f2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:54.988", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0x306ee40355af5389696697602414da617eb79e46f17d259e4188c9e3aa7d7da1", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones.\n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "87c6af9c-ac5c-467e-a0af-ee00a23f29f2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:54.988", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0x306ee40355af5389696697602414da617eb79e46f17d259e4188c9e3aa7d7da1", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "9a6b833f-0c75-4b0a-8f24-97c805a72566-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:57.725", "backgroundColor": "#2a005e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPge6TQubwRZwpA6BYBop5J8qYXNVcCr82uiV5WUGH1gU", "txHash": "0x5bccc71972fcf3cb1beddd67cad942a7660b693cf43486f44da609712f2eb0f7", "createdAtBlock": 13754107, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1945, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Silas of Xanadu", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Silas of Xanadu\n\nOne of the strangest lands in the Runiverse is the land of Xanadu. It is a place that is difficult to find on a map, for those who claim to have been there seem to forget its location upon their return. This bizarre place seems to cast a blissful, dreamlike spell over those who come and go from it.\n\nThough shrouded in mystery, it is widely believed that the most reliable information on this land comes from the renowned expert, Mystic Silas of Xanadu.\n\nThe plants and animals, the strange peoples and customs, and a thousand year history is all chronicled by the Wizard Silas. He keeps this wealth of knowledge in his master work: The Omni Codex of Xanadu.\n\nThe only problem is that this magnum opus is written in a language that only Silas understands. Scholars across the land have used many methods to decode this puzzling tome, but to no avail. The inscrutable nature of the Omni Codex has therefore furthered the impenetrable mysteries of Xanadu, and has ensured that only Silas remains its renowned expert."} +{"id": "9b502451-a2e1-4b47-8a7d-52103ff929bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:09.177", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcNVQK4Ze2gJfc6hg74b4Hx55jxyTPxWot2b1gx63GgUY", "txHash": "0xf6628c09a317d5f8d31cf56b3c39f502467f6988ec81144879edca286c44d9dc", "createdAtBlock": 13950491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6403, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Danny of the Light", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Danny of the Light\n\nBattle Mage Danny is what's known colloquially as a giga chad of the wizarding world. He is twin brother to Battle Mage Goliath of the Desert...rumor has it there were actually supposed to be triplets, except Danny absorbed one of his brothers during gestation to become even more powerful. His brilliance was evident even at a young age, he was already casting spells when other kids were learning how to walk and talk, with a particular fondness for fireballs and explosions. While his less accomplished twin was mostly ignored by the family, Danny was the pride and joy of his clan, an old and powerful family of martial wizards who passed down the secrets of combat magic from one generation to the next. Everyone in the village believed Danny was destined to become the most powerful battle mage to ever walk the Forgotten Runes, and he relished in the attention."} +{"id": "9b502451-a2e1-4b47-8a7d-52103ff929bd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:09.177", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcNVQK4Ze2gJfc6hg74b4Hx55jxyTPxWot2b1gx63GgUY", "txHash": "0xf6628c09a317d5f8d31cf56b3c39f502467f6988ec81144879edca286c44d9dc", "createdAtBlock": 13950491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6403, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Danny of the Light", "text": "Most origin stories have some kind of tragic setback or coming-of-age dilemma, but not Danny's. If there's one phrase to describe his life, it is \"up only.\" He received a full ride scholarship to the Pigmoles School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he ranked top of his class every single year and was also class president every single year. Most children with such a pedigree would be hated by their classmates and get beat up at lunch every day, but not Danny: he was perennially the most popular kid with a never-ending entourage of admirers. After graduation, he aced his battle mage entry exam with ease, and immediately landed a cushy magi-tech consulting job in Red Wizard Capital making a six figure salary in gold pieces every year. He shortly became even more wealthy (possibly ludicrously wealthy) from a series of prescient investments in the maritime trade. A few years later, much to the consternation of single women in the Forgotten Runes, Danny got married too, to a beautiful witch from a powerful aristocratic family."} +{"id": "9b502451-a2e1-4b47-8a7d-52103ff929bd-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:09.177", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcNVQK4Ze2gJfc6hg74b4Hx55jxyTPxWot2b1gx63GgUY", "txHash": "0xf6628c09a317d5f8d31cf56b3c39f502467f6988ec81144879edca286c44d9dc", "createdAtBlock": 13950491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6403, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Danny of the Light", "text": "Life is good for Danny, and he is basically the envy of everyone who knows him. He is a paragon of the wizarding world with the perfect life, a man who has it all. Is it possible that there are cracks in the facade? Some say he is involved with shady characters in the wizard underworld who help finance his deals. Other rumors abound that there's no love in his marriage, and it was purely a political alliance at best and a eugenic experiment to create a new generation of extremely powerful magic users at worst. Some even whisper that his dashing good looks are the result of a perpetually sustained transfiguration spell. If Battle Mage Danny is hiding a deep dark secret, it has yet to be uncovered...for now, his reputation is more pristine than a nuns underwear drawer after laundry day, and he's the kind of guy you would love to have on your team, but hate to have as an enemy."} +{"id": "0a2d5865-7be2-4686-8711-2dbe02e4e04f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:59.055", "backgroundColor": "#6A7171", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWQxFui1pr8M5wLoKxMGRoCYzJk3KmQbU4F1xLsVcLd2J", "txHash": "0xd7e9706732a80de0d4ac69db377ab455f5ff280110d780ef8fd5195ced6cfa17", "createdAtBlock": 13757219, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3588, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdAJV7awxiAG8BvSxaAoswvKsfVAYesrA29kBcwgiANcx", "name": "Magus Ixar of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Ixar of the Hills\n\n \n\nA simple man Ixar loved to toke on totally legal herbs.\n\n \n\nHe would toke and toke.\n\n \n\n Such a well known toker Ixar became brand ambassador for a pipe company.\n\n \n\nWith success Ixar was introduced to a faster paced lifestyle.\n\n \n\nIxar started hanging with a shady crew.\n\n \n\n They talked Ixar into being an enforcer.\n\n \n\nHe did many jobs.\n\n \n\nWith success....\n\n \n\nBrought more responsibilities.\n\n \n\n Ixar is now in charge of a whole warehouse.\n\n \n\nToo much stress. Ixar started getting high on their supply.\n\n \n\nA hit squad was sent to line Ixar out.\n\n \n\nHe tried to fight them off but only had one clip. Ixar was caught.\n\n \n\nIxar promised to make it right. They gave him 48hrs.\n\n \n\nIxar had no way to make it right. Only one option.\n\n \n\nIxar knows he has to disappear but has no money.\n\n \n\nIxar seeks refuge in the streets.\n\n \n\nNot good. Ixar is introduced to a cheap powerful street potion. He is hooked.\n\n \n\nUsing the sacred flame to smoke the potion. Ixar knows he has hit rock bottom. He has an idea.\n\n \n\nOne big batch of this potion can give him funds to escape and try to go back to the simple life.\n\n \n\nIxar doesnt know what hes doing though. There is a reaction.\n\n \n\nBoom!! Explosion heard for miles.\n\n \n\nNowhere to run now.\n\n \n\nFast life has caught up with Ixar.\n\n \n\nStay simple. Dont do heavy potions."} +{"id": "dd8b6c6d-d2fa-43f0-91ee-7516dc3ee4b2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:01.83", "backgroundColor": "#7e1ccb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaaZsYoV9kSs94B1BeyWh8pnM9sdX7aneJBL2GraRw5CM", "txHash": "0x50c27e70b6d50a015e0005bc6cb29d3948fe1eb3f0778a27102ce9c7a3390033", "createdAtBlock": 13763685, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2623, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Celah of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Celah of the Rock\n\nA particularly potent peyote button transferred Sorcerer Celah's consciousness into his monkey familiar, and likewise the monkey mind into his human body. Now the good sorcerer roams the land as a monkey clad in purple finery, followed by the spectacle of his human pet scampering around in simian fashion."} +{"id": "cd286bc2-342d-4d35-ad50-6ba89f276c9f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:02.745", "backgroundColor": "#6e208e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmREQLgghbwuY2Kz2CL16Ac85NEN15WZxcHqN9MGXR3P1w", "txHash": "0xeae53f2269ff1091335b10213aadc7e9d57fda6175fc367de2326e2039ae334e", "createdAtBlock": 13767739, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4889, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Brown Cow of El Dorado", "text": "# Necromancer Brown Cow of El Dorado \n\n# Founder of Brown Cow Psychedelic Cappuccino Bar \n\n# Using all natural, organic Brown Cow Milk is of the highest importance at the Brown Cow Psychedelic Cappuccino Bar. \n\n# We founded our bar so that the wizards, and warriors, from all the land could trip out on the highest quality cappuccinos. \n\n# We pride ourselves in treating our cows with respect, by giving them free-range mansions, covered in the most delicious and nutritious magic grass."} +{"id": "97b5ce4b-f713-4b1f-84e1-58f313676787-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:03.512", "backgroundColor": "#b4b0b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmenkGDrsLmecLusFSTbL7b7iffLrr7Sby1iKrKvgCVSKm", "txHash": "0x91d1c2e4f722b79682e42fca3811ccefc5c8fec6e1ad949a546b5e615ab89c75", "createdAtBlock": 13768834, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard\n\nEntry 1:\n\nHere marks the beginning of Druid Ofaris journey (and the end of a rough one). I have successfully made it out of the Great Blizzard. I wonder if anyone even calls it that anymore?\n\nHow long has it been, I wonder? Nevertheless, at least I made it out. Time to explore this land. I recently crossed paths with the first set of living beings I have encountered in many, many moons. Strange smelling Wizards they wereif they can even call themselves that.\n\nRegardless, I think it was Goblin Town they mentioned for some good trading and a much-needed tavern. I best keep a mindful eye, as they said it is known for pilfering. Not that I have much to take. yet."} +{"id": "71594fbd-4c60-4331-8228-b495a6b4ebcc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:04.31", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTJGrViXpVN9U6NSAp39gd7xYrdv69tVYaMrMjC8uMsjK", "txHash": "0x5843e00498271c9479c12c947c837a89c8a134105f578cf2b1528aea8bd45e9c", "createdAtBlock": 13777074, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 509, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Leah of the Lake", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Leah of the Lake\n\nOn the eastern edge of Dream Master Lake, there's a little path that snakes its way twixt copse and tree. If one were to meander for some several moments upon this trail, past shrub and bush, brush and fern... one might eventually arrive at a small yet charming little cottage.\n\nA freshly-varnished white picket fence surrounds an incredibly neat little kitchen garden, replete with herbs, vegetables and modestly pruned fruit trees. A latched gate sits appropriately aligned in the middle of the fence, open which a carefully carved sign reads \"Briar Rose\". \n\nWere one to open said gate and walk up the garden path, under the arched trellis and up to the front door, one would be instantly drawn to the fascinating brass knocker in the shape of a woodpecker. Let's suppose that upon striking the door with the woodpecker-knocker, the door sprung open (much to the alarm of the would-be pecker-knocker) revealing a lovingly tiled corridor leading into the abode.\n\nVenturing carefully into the quaint cottage, a cosy living area filled with flowers of all possible description fills various jugs, mugs, vases and glasses. What kind of gentle soul could possibly live in such a fragrant, calming atmosph... \n\n\"WHAT IN LUCIFER'S ARSE ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?\", screams the young lady as she engulfs you in a strange green cloud of spores. \n\nOne's final senses are filled with a delicate smell of roses, as a surprisingly large fox begins to gnaw on your leg."} +{"id": "b6b00247-0d01-4aea-8f54-5d9b8e46f086-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:04:59.762", "backgroundColor": "#25111A", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY2QtoSHdRtxB6xhi3qF7o5Vm8skuM1cR4GwKgDYhtmaU", "txHash": "0xed8af57ea2ea0b43a235ff81d124061691b2b60518311153aa57ed2191b0e842", "createdAtBlock": 13790283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2000, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmao7j8SwN6sy1Drys8w7rfszTmfgW4N8QJJfnShvS7oQR", "name": "The Grey Pilgrim", "text": "# The Lore of The Grey Pilgrim"} +{"id": "2207f285-0b2e-4cfe-b461-d80cd62eea23-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:00.963", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPpCKHb9eB7coRWybsxP9eCSSzDZDDswZDYTFqUVu6peZ", "txHash": "0xb8968450c504fcac031b45d03fdca9535f95a34b20c37e6848d3b4c45d6fa209", "createdAtBlock": 13790451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2455, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eric of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Eric of the Canyon\n\nIt all started as a joke, then the joke became more real. Then I thought, might as well get a unique poem done for my unique wizard that can interconect the virtual and non virtual lifes. Here it is:\n\nAnywhere the calm of harbour ends past breakwater or cape or spell of peace youll find me, journey there or back. My friends are everyone who ventures for release or gold, or glory. I travel to find some frightful beast or magic word or scroll that changes everything. But I dont mind whether I win or lose, because the whole of life is stories, told over a crock of ale. Strange friends that meet once and depart forever. Theyre our spirits precious stock in trade. I carry secrets in my heart across the cold expanses of the sea to foreign shores, and tell themand theyre free.\n\nUnfortunatelly, today is the day that Sage Eric of the Canyon will walk into the flames, hopefully his soul will never be forgotten. \n\nA"} +{"id": "18435079-7f8f-4807-afdc-69c0d52e139c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:01.929", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ8mVYj6VThWFupSnhhY3K6bJjaEpReEwsxr1RfHLGPHm", "txHash": "0xd8f0b27f8407ee5d015ec0358f139e4266251e96d17846e94b1ff46c50ba1c78", "createdAtBlock": 13790772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3143, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ming of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Ming of the Plains\n\nArchmagus Ming is grand master of Shorinji Kempo and Nippon Kempo as well as a archmagus. She resides in Calista's Castle with her familia -- a green swamp bullfrog. \n\nMing planned to travel across the plain and arrive at the vampyre mist for a secret mission. She hasn't decided which route to take -- going up northeast (the Wild & The Fey) or going west by the edge of teh Quantum Shadown. \n\nShe figured that she would need a team and pick up some gears first. She rode to Red Wizard Capital on Dec 10th and stopped by the renowned 10ktf store in Red Wizard Capital. Shopkeeper Hideaki greeted Ming and tailormade a water magic enchanted rare hoodie with white cat ears for her. \n\nMing carried her spell book with her all time. Still, she needs a good magic wand and at least another capable wizard to form a team. After saying good-bye to Hideaki, Ming put on her new enchanted hoodie and head straight toward The Guild in Red Wizard Capital."} +{"id": "f126f350-4b59-44fc-b82e-97096de8519f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:13.717", "backgroundColor": "#121424", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdt2bZY1aBxwDni9Et5HNt1TyU3jpwEYGK9mPGhMMhJQH", "txHash": "0xddcffc35cb5c7d2cfb1b73d6205e3360572463b41d26d4a65201a104392c93d1", "createdAtBlock": 13792754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6535, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Basil of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Pearl\n\nThat sound, this wood creaking, intermingled with the subtle wind blowing, Ive heard it before. This musky smell tinted with mildew, very familiar. This sensation of itching, I remember, around my nose, this crust of salt, having filtered this air all night. On the walls, I can see, rays of light seeping from cracks, dancing and painting those ugly rotting walls. I can feel my whole body, rocking at this same pace. And then this feeling of dread.. Oh yes, its morning, and Im still alive.\n \n _I am Basil of the Gnostics, and weeeeelcooooome to a spectacle of optics, a night of might and magic!_\n \nThis sentence, I cant stand it anymore, but the worse is seeing their innocent reaction on their face. Like a canvas painted from honest emotions, amazed, eyes shining, pleasure running through their neck down to their toes, draped in their velvet robes. They look happy. For some, theyve been working days in days out for years to afford a ferry to The Pearl, and twice that time for a one-night ticket in my tower, a night of thunder and wonder. Most of them wont even remember. Most of them will go under. \n\n\nThe pleb will work all their life to come here in the hopes of making it big, or simply having a purpose, a goal to look into and convince themselves that, somehow, their everyday life of suffering will be worth it."} +{"id": "f126f350-4b59-44fc-b82e-97096de8519f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:13.717", "backgroundColor": "#121424", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdt2bZY1aBxwDni9Et5HNt1TyU3jpwEYGK9mPGhMMhJQH", "txHash": "0xddcffc35cb5c7d2cfb1b73d6205e3360572463b41d26d4a65201a104392c93d1", "createdAtBlock": 13792754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6535, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Basil of the Gnostics", "text": "Of course, you also have the aristocrats, magistrates, Big Potion investors, sons of prince this, daughters of queen that. \nExcept, for them, there are no risks, the games rigged\n \nThose prosperous, pompous _Landies_ come over here because for them theyve seen everything they need on land, theyve already experienced what mountains of gold can offer over there. Theyve seen, heard, ate, and felt everything there is ..at least on Land.\nSee, within the limits of the Realms, there is a certain code to follow, at least if you have a certain reputation to maintain. Certain experiences are not accepted over there, frowned upon. All a bunch of hypocrites to me, those who write these laws cant even stop coming here.\n \nAnd therefore something like The Pearl exists, a wonder of the sea they say! Shining so bright in the darkness of the night. So bright that anyone can find it just by heading to the nothingness of the ocean and follow this beacon of light. Miles out of the nearest shores, in constant flow, where no laws exists, this self-sustaining marvel of engineering is so immense, no one calls it a ship, its a floating city, a multi-leveled floating city of lust and debauchery. It would take over a week for a _Landie_ just to visit all the casinos, arenas, taverns, cabarets or exclusive clubs like the one I run. \n \nAnd thats just what theyre allowed to see, for all this majestic appearance is only a shell, hiding an underbelly of kitchens, steam rooms, slave quarters, and those chains ..those chains dragging against the ocean floor, reminding of us of what would happen if we were to disobey the Baron.\n \n _I am Basil of the Gnostics, and weeeeelcooooome to a spectacle of optics, a night of might and magic!_"} +{"id": "f126f350-4b59-44fc-b82e-97096de8519f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:13.717", "backgroundColor": "#121424", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdt2bZY1aBxwDni9Et5HNt1TyU3jpwEYGK9mPGhMMhJQH", "txHash": "0xddcffc35cb5c7d2cfb1b73d6205e3360572463b41d26d4a65201a104392c93d1", "createdAtBlock": 13792754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6535, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Basil of the Gnostics", "text": "At least Im one of the lucky ones, these dancing rays of light, a constant reminder that Im living above the sea line, unlike my best friend Grog, despite being the main chef on board. But alas, hes a Kobold after all. What would those pureblood wizards say if they knew their fizzle cake was made a dirty Kobold! Nonsense.. I may run one of the most exclusive club on The Pearl, were all equal in the end, a slave is a slave.\nOh, Im sorry, not a slave, a debtor..whatever..\n \nSee, remember when I said the game was rigged? Anyone is welcomed on The Pearl, as long as they have gold of course, and that rarely lasts long. This predatory ship will play with your mind, planting this seed making you believe you can win big at the games, and come back as rich as the local Lord of your unremarkable hamlet. You may win at first, but youll come back, you got the taste. And then all these substances youll inevitably end up taking will make you want more and more, until your pockets are empty. And thats when you get approached, _Oh sir, you could sell your return ticket and make it back_. Guess what happens if you lose that one too, the Barons servants, the mind flayers, will be happy to lend you some.\n\nThen its over, they got you. Youll be forced to wear the Glyph and work here to pay back your debt before you can leave. Interest, accommodation tax, food fees, its one big trap. \n \nAnd what did I do you might ask?\n \nMy ancestor Bergamot of the Gnostics, four generations over, decided to gamble a ship he didnt own like an imbecile, and here I am paying back debt for someone not even breathing anymore. Born on the Pearl, Die on the Pearl."} +{"id": "f126f350-4b59-44fc-b82e-97096de8519f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:13.717", "backgroundColor": "#121424", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdt2bZY1aBxwDni9Et5HNt1TyU3jpwEYGK9mPGhMMhJQH", "txHash": "0xddcffc35cb5c7d2cfb1b73d6205e3360572463b41d26d4a65201a104392c93d1", "createdAtBlock": 13792754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6535, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Basil of the Gnostics", "text": "Some do try to escape, but they inevitably get the chain. Yes, those chains I mentioned earlier, hanging under the Pearls belly, dragging across the abyss, vibrating through the current, reminding us of the horror that would occur if we were to disobey. Thousands and thousands of bodies left to drown and rot, attached to those tentacles of death and sorrow.\n\nThey do serve another purpose, Grog told me to never repeat, as I am not sure the guests would appreciate where all their delicious molluscs come from. See, turns out that rotting bodies are an excellent source of food and anchor for hundreds of species of clams, mussels and other sea delicacies, all served directly onto the plate of oblivious Landies.\n\nI guess thats the price to pay to have a self-sustainable floating city. For every marvelous, engineered innovation, you have a darker twin, hidden from most eyes. Anyone still awake before sunrise can head on the deck and see the hoist of the Collector, this giant contraption of nets, capturing moisture from the early mist. And for a brief moment, I wonder if after all the Pearl really is stunning with this giant white tree floating in the middle of nowhere.\n\nIm then reminded of its dark twin. Every time, every time you marvel at something, you learn of another horrific contraption. Grog told me about the source of their Milk. It is said to be imported from the finest the Milk guild can offer, but then strangely, you never see Canaanite debtors roaming on the Pearl. Somewhat, somewhere, these poor beasts are prisoners of their own chains, being milked until they die so that a Prince gets to taste a fine cheese before heading to my club.\n \nNo, this ends, tonight."} +{"id": "f126f350-4b59-44fc-b82e-97096de8519f-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:27:13.717", "backgroundColor": "#121424", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdt2bZY1aBxwDni9Et5HNt1TyU3jpwEYGK9mPGhMMhJQH", "txHash": "0xddcffc35cb5c7d2cfb1b73d6205e3360572463b41d26d4a65201a104392c93d1", "createdAtBlock": 13792754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6535, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Basil of the Gnostics", "text": "No one has seen what the Baron looks like except for the Mind flayers, occasionally paying him a visit at the center of the ship. And Ive heard the rumors, about how he doesnt look like us, how he doesnt even talk like us. Arms as big as towers, a beak that could crush the biggest of galleons, an invincible beast of the abyss. Nonsense, that cant be, cant scare us with these stories. He must be like you and me, he must have a flaw.\n\nTonight, yes, tonight is the night.\n\nStorms are approaching, heavy storms. They wont have a choice, wont have a choice but to conjure the orb and submerge the whole thing into the darkness of the ocean void, with occasional luminous spectacles of this glowing plankton, unaware of how they falsely shine a veil of beauty on this vessel of misery.\nThis is when we strike, once everyone is too intoxicated by their own false happiness. Grog needs to know, he needs to have the stolen ingredients prepared for the feast, Ill send him my crow. As for me, Ive prepared too. Tonight theyll experience the most epic celebration of their lives ..a night they will remember, or will they?\n\n_I am Basil of the Gnostics, and weeeeelcooooome to a spectacle of optics, a night of might and magic!_"} +{"id": "1bec6af0-4b5c-4dd9-ba39-2dfa4e598559-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:25.615", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbmbsKbE9HtH4gfA76GeDcPWaEbJv7RQ24NUv9Gi3ddVK", "txHash": "0xee96c9909e0e358bd28a5dc5fc0d1b27545511087f1270510d012bb1b6334455", "createdAtBlock": 13825086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 331, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Judas of the Smell", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Knight Judas of the Smell\n\n# I spent my life as the butt of every joke in my village. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't seem to fit in. Constantly harrassed and abused, I sore that I would get revenge on those that wronged me. I would laugh at their funerals. \n\n# Jeldor's abuses were the worst of all. It started off as just name calling, then stealing my things, followed by fights. Finally Jeldor took things too far when he killed my dog. NOW I AM BACK! AND STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE! I WILL DESTROY THIS PESKY VILLAGE AND KILL ALL THOSE WHO WRONGED ME! \n\n# All except Jeldor, of course, I will leave him alive and force him to watch as I destroy everything he loves. Those fools will wish they had never bothered little ol' Judas! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"} +{"id": "aab8b8e1-23e2-4aec-b60e-deb9466a4c92-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:04.306", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYKN7kcXZeQv7cw9eN5syuihMmLk1URXw7ov3za5uwqXL", "txHash": "0x4c11d510a3cb28157840e737ba6b0e7b6ad3f3174e91eee1ca7a2d03f12dac99", "createdAtBlock": 13800828, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2095, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbj6pkNdaBZ7oZKA1k8HUFeuVpTTkBYryT2fWWMsts3b1", "name": "Arcanist Arcus of the Hills", "text": "# THE END IS NEAR\n\n Let me tell you how stars are born\n\n Or better yet, how they die\n\n \n\n Stars illuminate the cosmos and give hope to the living\n\n Yet they only exist to fight the darkness\n\n A star can only fight for so long before running out of fuel and \n collapsing. A supernova of sorts, leaving behind emptiness and mass\n\nBut with larger and brighter stars, when they die they go out in all their \n glory. A reaction that can cause the only thing more trecherous than \n darkness - the absence of darkness and light\n\n## Nothingness\n\n## A Black Hole\n\n Yet there is something magical about this desolation\n\n There is a being that embraces, or rather thrives in this nothingness\n\n A being of cosmic radiance, the horror from above.\n\n \n\n# Arcanist Arcus of the Hills\n\n The end is near, and not even the light will save you\n\n Darkness consumes us all eventually..."} +{"id": "e8f99b6d-199b-4669-bcf4-95c56e9edafa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:05.116", "backgroundColor": "#50b0ce", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZrrMzW3RK2zVP1Dv7TUsxV3GoPHx3nQRj9Ajn6kTU1e4", "txHash": "0x3f948c1efea1b4b74f9485e303f31911df3340ff0b18561e111541aa421a42f8", "createdAtBlock": 13806306, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6080, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Aleister of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Aleister of the Rock\n\nOnce there was a wizard whose life was like a mountain and he was like a mountain climber. When he started his journey he knew that he has to reach the top but many times he chooses the wrong mountain to climb and compete with others. He was unaware that everyone has a different mountain to climb. He has to adjust with the mountain as the mountain won't adjust with him. Finally, he found the mountain which was built only for him. His aim to reach the peak was freedom and the journey to the peak was happiness. There were a lot of ups and downs. He started to climb but failed again and again but he didn't change his aim, he only changed his way. The system he followed every day to reach that point was his vehicle. He learned to leverage technology to reach the peak and it was the accelerator of his vehicle. The purpose to reach that peak and curiosity to learn was the fuel of his vehicle. When he reached there he made his wizard community proud."} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "# The Lore of Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach\n\n**THE SCREEN IS BLACK.**\n \n VOICE (O.S.)\n Wounded on the river\n\n The water and the blood\n\n And I'm dying with the thirst\n\n But will never give up\n\n**EXT. MOUNTAIN RIVER - DAY**\n\nAn eccentric mountain man with tan skin and a bushy black beard that contrasts with his bright white polar bear hood proudly wears a huge gold belt buckle.\n\nThis is SCRYER RODOLFO OF THE REACH who appears to be dancing with a mug of ale that is splashing amber liquid everywhere.\n\nOn closer inspection, we see that he is talking to an unusually huge, grape-colored crackerjack crow thats the size of a large mountain goat. Hes named her\n\n RODOLFO\n Come on Chatty Lilac! I know you can hear me. \n I just need you to give me a sign.\n\n CHATTY LILAC\n Squak, bop, squawk, pop!\n\nRodolfos shoulders sink and he shakes his head in disappointment.\n\nWe see that Rodolfo has an arrow sunken into his right leg. He pours ale from his mug onto his wound in an attempt to sanitize it. Then he reaches down with his large hands with lanky fingers to yank the arrow out.\n\n RODOLFO\n Im done searching for the cure if this is all for nothing.\n Are you nothing? Am I losing my mind? 10 years of this.\n I cant keep going.\n\nChatty Lilac hops forward on the ground, stops, and tilts her head to the side.\n\nRodolfo gives the crackerjack crow a blank stare and slowly his eyes well up in tears."} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "He yanks the arrow out of his leg. BLOOD GUSHES OUT like a carnival water balloon popping on his leg.\n\nRodolfo lets out a scream that sounds like a monstrous bear. His painful voice echoes among the mountains of The Reach.\n\nHe lifts up his mug of ale that strangely appears to always be full and brings it to his lips.\n\nThen Chatty Lilac flies towards him and charges right into his face, preventing Rodolfo from taking a sip.\n\n RODOLFO\n Was that a sign? Or are you just being a river pest?\n\nThe crackerjack crow soars towards the clouds and does a loop, then twirls into a forward summersault.\n\n RODOLFO\n Im done with this crackerjack crow and her games.\n\nChatty Lilac dives back down towards Rodolfos head once again.\n\nRodolfo pumps his chest forward and tilts his head to the heavens.\n\n RODOLFO\n (chants)\n The mystic spirits of The Wild\n\n The power of the Polar Bear\n\n Collector of Souls in a pile\n\n Accept prayers from the Scryer\n\nChatty Lilac spreads her wings as she barrels through the sky to slow down.\n\nRodolfos tan face turns chalk white.\n\nFur emerges from the spores on his face.\n\nThe nasty BLOODY WOUND on Rodolfos leg seals itself shut and white fur spreads over it. \n\nRodolfos head has shapeshifted into a POLAR BEAR!\n\n CHATTY LILAC\n (unhinged)\n Squawk. Squawk, Squawk, Squawk!\n\nRodolfo the Polar Bear smashes the mug of ale into the side of his mouth and the magical amber liquid pours down his throat rapidly mirroring the wild waterfalls of The Reach."} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "Chatty Lilac attacks Rodolfo with her razor-sharp talons.\n\nRodolfo flicks his mug of ale at the crackerjack crow to drench Chatty Lilac with his magic amber liquid.\n\nThe crackerjack crow spirals to the ground and lands squarely on its feet.\n\nChatty Lilac ruffles her feathers, but cant get the ale off her body. She stumbles forward and plops down into a puddle of amber liquid spilled from Rodolfos mug.\n\n RODOLFO (THE POLAR BEAR)\n (loud bear voice)\n My dear Chatty Lilac, what have I done?\n\nChatty Lilac is lying on her back in the puddle with her tiny legs in the air.\n\nDrowning in ale, she goes into a trance.\n\nWHOOSH!\n\n\n**EXT. SUNNY GREEN OPEN FIELD - FLASHBACK DAY**\n\nPURPLE LILACS are abundant in the field. We see a couple rolling on the ground laughing.\n\nThey stop tumbling to lay next to each other and look at the clouds.\n\nRodolfo is 10 years younger without his bushy black beard and white polar bear hood.\n\nNext to him, is a delicate woman with peach skin and wispy reddish-brown hair. Shes wearing a blue skin-tight bodysuit with an orange hip pouch. This is ENCHANTER ARTIS OF THE WOLD.\n\n RODOLFO\n Can the Enchanter handle a new magic trick?\n\n ARTIS\n Can the Scryer hold his liquor?\n\nRodolfo sits up and hovers over Artis.\n\nArtis props herself up too. The golden sunlight illuminates her reddish-brown hair and it now appears PURPLE. \n\nRodolfo is mesmerized by the Enchanter."} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "Rodolfo is mesmerized by the Enchanter.\n\n RODOLFO\n (chants)\n The mystic spirits of The Wild\n\n The power of the Mug of Ale\n\n Collector of Souls in a pile\n\n Accept prayers from the Scryer\n\nWHOOSH!\n\nA mystical Mug of Ale now swings in Rodolfos fist.\n\n RODOLFO\n (nervous)\n I cant think straight when Im with you.\n Time slows down and all my thoughts\n leave my head to float into the clouds.\n\nArtis chuckles.\n\n ARTIS\n I can tell youve been practicing that speech\n for a while, my love.\n (pause)\n But Im dazzled by the pictures you paint\n with words.\n\nRodolfo cracks a smile as big as a canyon.\n\nHe proceeds to take a huge gulp of ale from his magic mug.\n\n ARTIS\n Time speeds up when Im with you,\n never a dull moment. Surprise me!\n\nAfter pouring down a hefty amount of ale, Rodolfo lets out a monstrous exhale that appears to rustle nearby leaves.\n\nHe takes a deep breath.\n\nCloses his eyes.\n\nHis heart pumps.\n\nTHUMP, THUMP, THUMP.\n\n RODOLFO\n (nervous)\n The magical spirits of The Wizzy Wild\n\n The pictures painted by the Polar Bear\n\n Collector of Prayers in a peculiar pile\n\n Accept wishes from the Super Scryer\n\nArtis straightens up in anticipation of what comes next.\n \nNothing happens.\n\nRodolfo and Artis have an awkward silence.\n\nHer purple sunlit hair blows in the wind and seems to emit MUSICAL SOUNDS like the strings of a harp."} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "Embarrassed, Rodolfo completely flips the mug of ale upside down to sink amber liquid down his throat.\n\n ARTIS\n (smiling)\n Maybe you should take a break, my dear.\n Set the mug of ale down and be with me\n right here, right now.\n\nRodolfo is clearly frustrated.\n\nArtis lifts both of her hands up and connects her top fingers together as well as her bottom thumbs to form a HEART SHAPE.\n\n ARTIS\n No magic, just chemistry.\n\nRodolfos brow crunches, his eyes widen, and he opens his mouth as if he were possessed by the spirit of a lion.\n\nHis mug is mysteriously FILLED WITH ALE once again.\n\nRodolfo doesnt hesitate to violently devour the magic liquid. \n\n RODOLFO\n (to himself)\n No, no, no, that wasnt it. I embellished\n\n the spell with a few extra words to impress\n\n my dear Enchantress. \n\nRodolfos body wavers on the grassy field appearing in sync with the many lilacs blowing in the wind.\n\nHe is clearly drunk, but his EYES EMIT AN UNNATURAL GLOW.\n\nLegend has it in the Forgotten Runes, that the more power a wizard uses it results in them losing their minds. And as a consequence, they also lose control over their amplified powers.\n\nArtis's hair becomes ELECTRIFIED. It grows fuller and appears to come alive.\n\nShe jumps to her feet and is clearly uncomfortable. \n\n RODOLFO\n (slurred speech)\n The mystic spirits of The Wild\n\n ARTIS\n (angry)\n Stop it!\n\n RODOLFO\n (slurred speech)\n The power of the Shapeshifter of Souls"} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "Artis bolts forward towards Rodolfo who is intoxicated with mystical ale and unwieldy magical powers.\n\n ARTIS\n (interrupts)\n Stop it now, Rodolfo!\n\nHe stops.\n\nRodolfos legs stiffen and the top of his body leans forward as if he were an ancient tree swaying the wind.\n\nHis eyes are glowing.\n\n RODOLFO\n (drunk)\n No, you stop!\n\nWith his free hand, he rubs his glowing eyes.\n\nEverything is a BLUR to him now. He cant see clearly.\n\n RODOLFO\n (to himself)\n My vision is strange. I must be dying of thirst.\n\nHe gazes at his mug of ale trying to bring it into focus.\n\n ARTIS\n Just stop it right now, Rodolfo.\n\nShe grabs Rodolofos face with both of her hands to try and shake him free from his altered state.\n\n RODOLFO\n You sound like you sound like a crackerjack crow.\n (mocking)\n Just stop it! Just stop it!\n\nArtis slaps him across the face with an open hand creating a sound that cracks the wind.\n\n RODOLFO\n (altered state)\n The mystic spirits of The Wild\n The power of the Shapeshifter of Souls\n Banish this voice in my head\n This crackerjack crow\n\nBOOM!\n\nA burst of SUPERNATURAL ENERGY engulfs both Rodolfo and Artis and they levitate for a brief moment.\n\nRodolfos mind is now as clear as the crystal Rivers of the Reach.\n\nArtis's face is frozen in shock as her body pulsates within the ball of energy that has trapped them in the air.\n\nThe supernatural energy bursts like a soapy bubble popping in the sky."} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "The supernatural energy bursts like a soapy bubble popping in the sky.\n\nRodolfo falls to the ground with a thunderous drop and BLACKS OUT.\n\n\n**EXT. MOUNTAIN RIVER - PRESENT DAY**\n\nRodolfo is back to normal and is no longer a Shapeshifted Polar Bear.\n\nHe is leaning over Chatty Lilac, his crackerjack crow, with its tiny legs in the air and feathers drenched in magic ale. \n\n RODOLFO\n My dear Chatty Lilac, what have I done?\n\nThe crackerjack crow BLINKS.\n\n RODOLFO\n Chatty, Chatty Lilac. Oh, how I miss our conversations.\n\nHe reaches down to pick up his crackerjack crow.\n\n RODOLFO\n Chatty, chatty chatty.\n\nRodolfo shakes his saddened head and directs his gaze to the heavens in disgust.\n\nThen he focuses his attention back on his delicate crackerjack crow.\n\n RODOLFO\n Chatty, chatty enchanter.\n\nHe lifts his crackerjack crow to his face to peer into its eyes that glisten like lavender diamonds.\n\n RODOLFO\n I just need any kind of sign\n Please tell me to stay alive\n Are you in this little body my love?\n Enchanter Artis of the Wold\n\nA beam of sunlight on the crackerjack crows body lights up her purple feathers.\n\n RODOLFO\n I need you to say something.\n\nThe crackerjack crow remains silent.\n\nRodolfo lifts up the mystical mug of ale in the air.\n\n CHATTY LILAC\n Squawk!\n\nDowntrodden, Rodolfos trembling hand brings the mystical mug of ale directly to his cracked lips."} +{"id": "c5012816-09c9-4529-8017-b82502bbb92c-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:06.947", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPfMhSUnMqt64i2eLXQGzBwrofo7ucWwRwG5eV3Wko2cB", "txHash": "0x10d9ac6d5566de1a03eaf20f23816bbc60a5595d30caee7fc48f46131dc23e49", "createdAtBlock": 13811731, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9058, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Rodolfo of the Reach", "text": "CHATTY LILAC\n Stop!\n\nRodolfo freezes in place.\n\nThe mountain winds whistle.\n\nThe lilacs on the field dance with the breeze.\n\nRodolfo releases the mystical mug of ale from his fist and it drops to the ground.\n\nCLUNK.\n\nChatty Lilac flies into the sky and does a few loops.\n\nFor the first time, Rodolfo sees something new. Hes watched his crackerjack crow maneuver in a peculiar pattern for years.\n\nThe crackerjack crow soars towards the clouds and does a loop, then twirls into a forward summersault, before diving back down.\n\nChatty Lilac has flown into a HEART PATTERN in the Forgotten Runes sky.\n\n RODOLFO\n Oh. My my my. The Mystic Spirits of the Wild.\n\nThe crackerjack crow drifts toward Rodolfo and gently lands on his right shoulder.\n\n CHATTY LILAC\n Squawk!\n\nRodolfos shoulders sink in disappointment.\n\nWas he hearing things?\n\nHe looks at her with eyes loaded with eternal thoughts.\n\nThen begins to stumble forward with the sun pulsating on his tan skin.\n\nRodolfo turns to look at his crackerjack crow still perched on his shoulder waiting for her to speak.\n\nSilence.\n\nTEARS TRICKLE down his beaten face and cracked lips.\n\n RODOLFO\n\n (whispers)\n Wounded on the river\n\n The water and the blood\n\n And I'm dying with the thirst\n\n But will never give up\n\nFADE TO BLACK."} +{"id": "d1713447-5b3f-4720-bbdb-8a0324da428a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:07.769", "backgroundColor": "#dee1b9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeSzYVPw5oWPtpvscaYpmszMHavEApFwKeqb3V1HCJkyr", "txHash": "0xcb5733b49854656e1eea6b57ee4d1351161901419bd7ca9709f2dc631f02c5c4", "createdAtBlock": 13811962, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ72wtDWeqxay7ARTMLK2SAKqQ9jcLmbWvUR9jqpMf4UN", "name": "Void Disciple Zane of Xanadu", "text": "# Void Disciple Zane of Xanadu & The Sealed Tear\n\nRaised by the Toy Maker in the dark art of dimensional tearing, Zane was destined to be one of the most feared wizards in history. One day he created a tear into another dimension and was exposed to incomprehensible power. The tear quickly closed but an image from the other side - shown below - was burned into his mind. He has made it is his goal to return to that dimension and take the power he witnessed for himself ever since. \n\n\"A symbol of The Sun? Maybe a message? The Sacred Flame may be the answer, and give me the power needed to reopen that tear. I will finally take what is mine!\""} +{"id": "4acb50a1-f1ab-4551-921d-9523d4663af2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:08.468", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWThL845zUcEHzgcGBZaV4rykTXX1x9cWZkzAMWh2i33F", "txHash": "0x5c6293897950bd17aa2b3cb7c7352b659d8e1f7d9fad8859620a30c596cf630b", "createdAtBlock": 13812398, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1267, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Ilyas of the Swell", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Ilyas of the Swell\n\nLost I was within the ocean swells that near-capsized me. I began to pray that if I passed alive through soaking hell I wold serve the greater good for all my days; think not of pleasure or profit. When the storm spit me onto the shore, I wept with thanks and walked into a tavern to get warm. A mug of ale, a hearth with embers, lost in thought. A fire is more than opposite of water. It creates new life. The whole world is a lonely shore, like water, coursing through trickles and spates. To burn, to toil and spin my tale. Pondering whether to throw myself into the sacred flame."} +{"id": "bfde0d7d-0d0e-4d2a-9c07-1c08dd147bab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:26.562", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUqmhqGj7BrhmjR5BHGSVAadcbWc9on5tCUg3xVaKQwTw", "txHash": "0x0661303f317bf658ea1429a0e4969790feb9c99e50ff7e1d4ed190cfbf555851", "createdAtBlock": 13825186, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7274, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grim Reaper", "text": "# The Lore of Grim Reaper\n\n666"} +{"id": "ac825c50-5d23-445d-824d-28da75cd57ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:09.177", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbYu6r8AEN4MZgGkxkkLHMsfa7JhnRJ7mUcpvrGQLuP71", "txHash": "0x38550ab3d1c3434aa31f9220f068f46d51ca800f6a8e6887be68a93fb8ab0f50", "createdAtBlock": 13812467, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4273, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Jean Leon of the Tower", "text": "# Jean Leon: Trader of Souls\n\nAll his life, all that Jean Leon knew was the Secret Tower. Jean Leon's very first memory was when he found Misty, his feline familiar waking him from the hazziness of hunger and feeding him a dead rat. From that point onwards it was always Jean Leon and Misty against the world. \n\nGrowing up, Jean Leon mostly kept to himself and stayed away from the other Secret Tower orphans. He traded and he stole to survive same as everyone but he always knew how to make a profit. By the age of 16, Jean Leon traded his way up and bought his first cellar in the Tower. While Jean Leon reveled in his accomplishment, Misty was growing weaker throughout the years.\n\nIn an effort to seek remedy for Misty, Jean Leon decides to scower the Tower and find a cure for Misty. One shoul never underestimate the secrets hiding within the Tower, for the Tower has endless corridors and endless secrets. \n\nOn the night of the 13th moon, Jean Leon uncovers a skull mask from an dungeon. On the mask, he find this inscrbition:\n\n\" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \"\n\n A drop of blood for a window into the soul\n\n\" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \" \"\n\n\"Blood?\" Jean Leon thought, \"my blood?\". In his mind Jean Leon knew, the mask needed his blood to unlock its secrets. Something deep within him knew, he needed to do this to save Misty."} +{"id": "ac825c50-5d23-445d-824d-28da75cd57ef-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:09.177", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbYu6r8AEN4MZgGkxkkLHMsfa7JhnRJ7mUcpvrGQLuP71", "txHash": "0x38550ab3d1c3434aa31f9220f068f46d51ca800f6a8e6887be68a93fb8ab0f50", "createdAtBlock": 13812467, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4273, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Jean Leon of the Tower", "text": "Jean Leon slowly put on the mask, but nothing happens. He grabbed his pocket knife and sliced his right cheek. With blood flowing down his face, the mask quickly reacted. In an instant, the mask flew to Jean Leon's face and enveloped his skull, digging deep into his brain. For a moment, Jean Leon saw the sky beyond the Tower, something he thought he would never see. When Jean Leon regains conciousness, he finds Misty on the ground, lifeless. Beside misty's gray fur, a white familiar resembling Misty's movements flowed and twirled in the air. Jean Leon immediately recognized his lifelong friend. The mask has granted Jean Leon sight, sight to the World of Souls."} +{"id": "801852ef-a805-4200-bee9-d5c480d3aada-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:10.414", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU2TA7EsL48e4sKxcHDXc1ojHtBkTLCq6JxNibVhifX3Q", "txHash": "0x1784a43d009ff41fffb00366fb529c45572ad93690a9e73a2fd5b8eae639124c", "createdAtBlock": 13812514, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3475, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Buttons of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Buttons of the Bastion\n\nOne cannot fight evil badly dressed, you know. A well-cut waistcoat, oxblood broques are standard. For a battle, it is best to come prepared. The calumnies of rogues say all adventurers, uncouth, unclean, unmannered, often fail. I disagree most heartily. My frog knows what I mean - triumphant justice is so dear to me that I have studied fire, and what it means to be consumed by flames. What if death is merely change and your burn transforms you to something pure and clean and magnifies your strength? I know not the answer until I pass through the sacred flame. If that is to become my fate, I will discover what it means to offer my soul."} +{"id": "01fd027e-bdc9-47a7-882b-145742e54194-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:12.728", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ2JZNLPSJziKWsDTsMSERANpFPhXXNPMwYnFkDaDPrLH", "txHash": "0x6780700fc089b25acc4befcabe2e0f7fa018d217257fc5301ee26fea8af257e6", "createdAtBlock": 13812559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5627, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Milo of the Capital", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Milo of the Capital\n\nMilo was born to hardworking farmers who lived and worked their farm just outside the Infinity Veil. Life on the farm was difficult and tedious for Milo as he wanted to study magic from an early age. His parents had told him to never, ever enter the Veil and being a good child he tried his best to follow their directive. One day when he was about 9 he accidentally ventured across the veil border and discovered he suddenly had magical powers! This led to a secret obsession with spending time within the Veil's mysterious boundaries.\n\n Milo's adventures within the Infinity Veil lasted for quite some time unbeknownst to his parents. Then on the day he turned 16 there came a knock on the door of the farmhouse. It seemed that his forays had not gone unnoticed by the keepers of the flame in Red Wizard's Capital. The Archmage had decided Milo was ready for further instruction in the art of magic. His parents were sad to see him go, but they knew it would be impossible to ask him to stay on the farm. Milo couldn't contain himself and accidentally set a hedge of Juniper on fire when he heard the news.\n\n At the capital his talents were honed and his abilities tested. He spent 25 years studying both the light and dark arts. During his academic studies he discovered a new magical art he called \"Infusion Magic\". He would start the spell with a single drop of alchemical material and weave the magic around it. Then when it was fully charged he would put the single drop into a vessel and channel the built up magical energy to immense effect. This monumental achievement earned him the title of \"Archmagus Milo of the Capital\"."} +{"id": "01fd027e-bdc9-47a7-882b-145742e54194-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:12.728", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ2JZNLPSJziKWsDTsMSERANpFPhXXNPMwYnFkDaDPrLH", "txHash": "0x6780700fc089b25acc4befcabe2e0f7fa018d217257fc5301ee26fea8af257e6", "createdAtBlock": 13812559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5627, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Milo of the Capital", "text": "He put all of the knowledge of this art into a single book which he carries on his person at all times. This is the only copy of the book in existence and he has yet to find a suitable and worthy apprentice to teach. He now travels the lands in search of someone who deserves to be taught \"Infusion Magic\"."} +{"id": "12ae413e-9e01-42b4-b272-7c720c72ecd1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:13.594", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUFk1pdF1dZ1J4H38bi8zh8TquFawsBzTGqcPQ5g87Bw", "txHash": "0xd75594162e2b77840bbc07ff11b7479c695ee41c49df06787cab0bd5d6952b45", "createdAtBlock": 13813028, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7480, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Azahl of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Azahl of the Plains\n\nArchmagus Azahl of the Plains, the Brown Hat wizard, is a student of ancient Azahls whose extensive knowledge in the arcane sciences are the envy of even the most powerful magicalists. This talent combined with his loyalty to the Azahl clan has made him a humble, powerful wizard. Yet he is a simple man and loves his clan, his family, and his little brother. His only other weakness is his tendency to get lost in the woods while daydreaming.\n\nThrough the years, Azahls across the world have continued to hone their skills. In every castle and town in every part of the world, an Azahl has taken up his or her post, representing the people and keeping them safe.\n\n# Back Story:\n\nArchmagus Azahl has spent most of his life learning the arcane arts. Since the day he was born, hes dedicated his life to helping people , no matter the personal cost to him.\n\nAt a young age, Archmagus Azahl trained to become an apprentice of the mysterious Azahl known as the Dancing Turtle. For more than fifteen years, the Dancing Turtle has taught him the arcane arts, guiding him to understand the importance of protecting his people.\n\nUpon mastering the mystical arts, his first mission was to leave his small town in the Hedge Wizard Wood and find his way to the Psychic Leap. When he arrived he found that a mysterious force had damaged the Psychic Leap, creating a rift in the cosmos. Azahl quickly realized that the rift was growing larger and larger by the day, and if it was not stopped it would threaten all the land."} +{"id": "12ae413e-9e01-42b4-b272-7c720c72ecd1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:13.594", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUFk1pdF1dZ1J4H38bi8zh8TquFawsBzTGqcPQ5g87Bw", "txHash": "0xd75594162e2b77840bbc07ff11b7479c695ee41c49df06787cab0bd5d6952b45", "createdAtBlock": 13813028, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7480, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Azahl of the Plains", "text": "The Purple Wizards, meanwhile, were unwilling to take action. Disheartened by this, Azahl turned his talents to preventing the rift from spreading beyond the Hue Master's Pass. Although he had not mastered all the Arcane Magic available to him, Azahl had the Rune of Brimstone and used his techniques to set up wards against the rift. The wards quickly alerted the surrounding wizard community of the threat, who joined forces to close the rift together.\n\nThus, Archmagus Azahl of the Plains became known to some wizards as the humble protector of the Psychic Leap."} +{"id": "7b89bc79-653a-424e-a75e-b769124d1d2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:14.294", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfSgPfMfqPVAASfh5QrUrFKhu93o6BgBU2JeRGrnY1jQm", "txHash": "0xc3209020a0a1c25231643061ce90932f9e693eca9156fa008865f02a870f0864", "createdAtBlock": 13813051, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 608, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Adium of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Adium of the Cosmos\n\nPoiso i as poo es: a p\ncn enrvat th spirit, prlong out\n\nHurried letters slide off the page,\na thousand penstrokes belie master\nsage.\n\nd o weep dus fm yes, embldn th.\nTre, nd the hrb lows, vntlly ss\n\nwith agents mixed with callous greed,\njourney heedless astride a wild steed.\n\nwiout the tiote. A mgt ol\ncncced ith albic nd retort\n\nthe plan was wrong, he did not survive,\nno effort of Adium's could contrive\n\nso lwly, careful. Poso s spr\nt wickedes. Th sorm s a fl\n\na negation of this evil miasma,\nno collecting of wise diaspora\n\nwo uns elong to batte. Blad nd sield\nn rmr ony do so mch agaist\n greer foe. ad pk no fence\n\nno ally would touch such sordid aura\nno sage would negate the alive part of\n\nan nle ld spil barren te fd\nr mdness. Dop in we, nd un awy,\nth alchmist suvivs othr ay.\n\na wicked spectre, unfettered by bone.\nThe alchemist's apprentice was alone."} +{"id": "db387f8c-0cef-4f3a-ab93-db6d68a4adb2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:15.012", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQSyrgN4dwb4vqwCzdo7NfKgydXGMSyGxqPDJLD5YgQv9", "txHash": "0x65fc92c6c5fea7ea3be68aeb4ce00aad54734b276ff93631e4d4aca24ee2daf5", "createdAtBlock": 13813309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6497, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Zelroth of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Zelroth of the Valley\n\nZelroth of the Valley did not wish for the notoriety he achieved, it was thrust upon him at birth, warred with as a youth, accepted as an adult and tuned to devastating results as a master. All throughout the valley, the children's songs tell of the soul eater and his amphibious companion, but few know the truth behind the tale:\n\n_What's that tickle in the night?_\n\n_Don't wake, don't wake because with sight_\n\n_Zelroth will steal your pure, young soul_\n\n_So shut your eyes and sleep tonight._\n\nZelroth was born to a young maiden of the Valley, unattached and self-sufficient. Zelroth's mother was beautiful but aloof and spurning of the Valley men's affections. When the maiden fell pregnant, the Valley chattered with confusion and her many suitors wondered who had won her prized affections.\n\nA perfectly happy baby, loved by his mother, Zelroth was tenderly raised and schooled from a young age. As a boy, he was a tenacious, boisterous Valley lad --- a trickster at school but kind and loyal to his friends. \n\nZelroth lived a quiet, normal life with his mother until the winter afternoon in his twelfth year, when he discovered the truth behind his parentage."} +{"id": "db387f8c-0cef-4f3a-ab93-db6d68a4adb2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:15.012", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQSyrgN4dwb4vqwCzdo7NfKgydXGMSyGxqPDJLD5YgQv9", "txHash": "0x65fc92c6c5fea7ea3be68aeb4ce00aad54734b276ff93631e4d4aca24ee2daf5", "createdAtBlock": 13813309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6497, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Zelroth of the Valley", "text": "On this day, returning home in the evening through the Valley's outskirt streets in the first snow, Zelroth heard a hoarse croak and saw a flash of flame disappear behind two trees. As he drew closer, he heard louder croaks and grew concerned for frogs seemed out of place this time of year. Peering to track the source of the sound, he came face with a blood red amphibian, twice the size of any frog he'd ever encountered. Zelroth locked eyes with the frog and immediately felt a tug from within, almost as if his insides were being pulled from his body and toward the creature causing an excruciating and immobilizing pain. But as soon as it seemed to start, the feeling subsided and he felt in his mind's eye a voice;\n\n_\"It is I, Zelroth, your father. Long have I waited for this day to come! Do not be frightened by my appearance, this is only the current vehicle for my personage. Now that you have come of age, I am appearing to you to collect your mother's promise to me.\"_\n\nZelroth stirred in the connection, feeling a tremor down his spine. The voice was present and calm, its focus unwavering.\n\n_\"Death, as I am known, is inevitable. As your mother begged to stave me off until she could raise a child of her own, I relented. On the condition you be returned to me in your twelfth year. You see, I need agents of my making to pursue the collection of pure souls --- wizards who can track the finest souls and capture them for my kingdom before they are snatched up by my rivals in the heavens.\"_\n\nZelroth, the youth that he was, quaked with fear in this discovery and hated his mother for not revealing the truth. With all his strength, he mustered;"} +{"id": "db387f8c-0cef-4f3a-ab93-db6d68a4adb2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:15.012", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQSyrgN4dwb4vqwCzdo7NfKgydXGMSyGxqPDJLD5YgQv9", "txHash": "0x65fc92c6c5fea7ea3be68aeb4ce00aad54734b276ff93631e4d4aca24ee2daf5", "createdAtBlock": 13813309, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6497, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Zelroth of the Valley", "text": "_\"But I am just a simple boy of the Valley, not a wizard. Please release me from this horrible fate!\"_\n\nThe frog replied; \\_\"It is too late, you are promised to me and I shall accompany you throughout your days, collecting pure souls who feast their eyes upon me in the night. You were never born a normal boy, you are a Wizard, Zelroth. Your powers shall be known to the world and you will be feared for the devastation they bring.\"\\_\n\nThe frog's maniacal laughter rang through his brain and Zelroth fell back powerless in the fresh snow, into a cold, dark sleep.\n\nAs the stories tell, Zelroth began his training with Death --- equal years in number to his life thus far. He developed his powers to rip the souls from the most pure, feeding them in turn to his constant companion, a blood red frog.\n\nFrom his 24th year onward, Zelroth has roamed the Valley, haunted its streets like a tickling wind, waiting until the darkest hour of night for a soul to wake. And when the restless sleeper opens their eyes, unsuspecting of Zelroth's presence, his dark powers harness and tear the soul from the living to the dead.\n\nThe Valley has been Zelroth's these last hundred years and as the children's songs foretell, death swiftly comes to those who are pure of heart who enter here."} +{"id": "719b34e6-9614-42a6-8e1b-1c4ca4e1f1c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:11.208", "backgroundColor": "#efeaea", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQYxioKchdoqT4UD7poS9UpY1Ztq71u16pYdifpBi4y5V", "txHash": "0x9e193c7c615549cef7b47d1bd0ade96e67b25616838ab9c22dcd0153b0f0965d", "createdAtBlock": 13832297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Milton of Atlantis\n\nI\n\n**Shadows of the deep earth.**\n\nStanding among the trees Milton could feel the dusk damp rising from the forest floor. The shadowed branches seemed to draw closer, finger-like, as the darkness quickened. With a silent command the staff in his hand begun to glow with a golden light, casting a soft sphere of illumination around him as he continued deeper into the woods.\n\nHe made his way past raising mounds and through the thickening wood following his path with surety, yet it was a path not at all visible to man or beast. Rain flashed crystalline against the light of his staff as he emerged into a clearing scattered with large stones that stood, seemingly alert, in the hushed space.\n\nMilton approached a stone near to the centre of the clearing and placed his hand against the rain-slicked surface. At first cold and wet to the touch Milton could soon feel a subtle warmth seep from the stone across his palm. A steady thrum began to issue from the central stone and Milton perceived an aspect of wisdom to this emanation, an appeal to an older, inner life.\n\nTaking a small shard of milkstone from his cloak Milton quickly traced a few lines on the stone's surface, a downward facing triangle with a thick band across the middle section.\n\nThe humming of the stone which had filled the clearing abruptly ceased. Milton stepped back and waited expectantly. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the surface of the stone began to shimmer. Milton raised his staff to the stone, the staff's light seemed to pass through the stone itself and illuminate a series of rough hewn stone steps that descended steeply into the earth itself.\n\n_'So it is true'_ Milton thought to himself as he tugged the brim of his hat and started down the dark stone stairs.\n\n \\*\\*\\*"} +{"id": "719b34e6-9614-42a6-8e1b-1c4ca4e1f1c5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:11.208", "backgroundColor": "#efeaea", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQYxioKchdoqT4UD7poS9UpY1Ztq71u16pYdifpBi4y5V", "txHash": "0x9e193c7c615549cef7b47d1bd0ade96e67b25616838ab9c22dcd0153b0f0965d", "createdAtBlock": 13832297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "\\*\\*\\*\n\nThe beast had lingered here, under earth, longer than its own mind could even contain. Once a creature of the forest, of riverbank and sky, it had been leeched of life and light here, as darkness enfolded upon darkness in a forgotten place of the world. And so darkness became its sustenance, its succour. \n\nThe beast lumbered these caverns, stalking between pillars of black rock, becoming attuned to the depth of the earth. Yet now after time unaccounted a light came into the beast's realm, to offend and harm. At first recoiling from this illuminated intruder the beast kept its distance, avoiding the golden glow as it moved slowly through the cavern. But a hatred was quickly mounting within the beast, the light was searing and brought pain. The beast had shifted behind the sphere of light, treading near upon the edge of the dark and its only thoughts now were of violence against that light and a return to the comfort of unperturbed darkness.\n\n \\*\\*\\* \n\nMilton felt a shift in the darkness behind him, a slight vibration and suck of air. Turning, he raised his staff just as a black form lurched from the darkness and slammed against him with an animal-like scream, knocking him off his feet. \n\nLying on his back Milton quickly extended his staff and gave a loud command. A pulse of intense light blazed through the cavern, briefly illuminating the earthen upper surface and rock pillars in a harsh white light. Another scream rung out and the sounds of desperate scrapping and digging echoed around the cavern."} +{"id": "719b34e6-9614-42a6-8e1b-1c4ca4e1f1c5-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:11.208", "backgroundColor": "#efeaea", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQYxioKchdoqT4UD7poS9UpY1Ztq71u16pYdifpBi4y5V", "txHash": "0x9e193c7c615549cef7b47d1bd0ade96e67b25616838ab9c22dcd0153b0f0965d", "createdAtBlock": 13832297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "Milton heaved to his feet with a grunt, he fumbled a pouch on his belt and drew out a handful of powder which he threw in the air around him. The powder hung, suspended, silvery in the air and filled the cavern with a feeble light. Steadying himself with a rough pillar behind his back, Milton peered into the half lighted depths of the cavern. He could hear a slow determined scraping sound that seemed to be approaching from directly ahead. \n\nFrom his cloak Milton drew a small clear crystal and held it in his palm. He stared at it intensely as if quickly trying to solve some arcane riddle or equation. With a flick of his wrist Milton sent the crystal flying out in front of him into the depths of the cavern, where it burst into a twisting vortex of fiery white energy. \n\nThere came an agonising wail as Milton saw a jagged black shape thrashing and fighting against the flaming current of the spinning vortex. Screams filled the cavern and resounded in the depths, as the dark creature struggled against the turbulent enveloping light. Milton deftly traced a pattern of lines in the air and in an instant the vortex folded in upon itself, dragging the writhing dark shape into a single point of white light, which promptly blinked out. \n\nWith a soft clink the crystal dropped to the stone floor. Milton warily advanced to retrieve it. The crystal - once clear and bright - now seemed dimmed by a black mist that swirled slowly and constantly within it.\n\nMilton grasped the crystal and placed it gingerly within the folds of his cloak. Standing in the silvery light between pillars of dark rock Milton dusted off his trousers and adjusted his wide brimmed hat.\n\n_The First_ He thought to himself with a sense of grim satisfaction."} +{"id": "f2ed048b-a2c7-435c-a66f-429a7edcc62e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.883", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWVVqdpMGvjADEuyCNcBbSe2gPzqNhVucdvQVubsXQoKe", "txHash": "0x975852733aafd950a37c1a2f2570b3079d1768e9e7facd0f35e40621a96c14c3", "createdAtBlock": 13846267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7544, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Hind of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Hind of the Brambles\n\nSage Hind of the Brambles was not always his name, he used to be a man like you or me. Growing up in the fine city of The Blue Wizards Bastion he lived a fairly normal life indescimante from any other, but he knew he had a calling beyod any ordinary man. Always intrigued by the Fey that was only a hop and skip away, it always encapsulated his mind and what wonders it lay. Tired of the city bustle, one day he took the leap of faith that is needed by all to find one's true self. He left the safety of the town that used to be his home. All he brought with him was his sleeping bag, one weeks worth of food, and a trusty ruby trinket that his father had given him. He was off to explore the Fey that had called to him all this time.\n\nWith his expidition away, it wasn't what he was expecting. He found out that mother nature can be a cruel and unforgiving mistress, but he endured through it all knowing that this was where he was supposed to be. On one of his days of travel he felt something...something calling him stronger than ever before. As he waded through the thick branches and bushes of the Fey feeling the aura grow stronger within him, he stumbled upon a rock. The rock had a strange rune and an even stanger glow emminnating from it. As he approched closer he knew that this is what had been calling him all this time. As he approched closer and closer to the strange rune it grew brighter and brighter and then a flash. The glow dimmed from the rock and grew on his ruby trinket. Whatever power it held it had been transmuted to his ruby. He then picked up the closest stick and put the ruby on display at the very top."} +{"id": "f2ed048b-a2c7-435c-a66f-429a7edcc62e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.883", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWVVqdpMGvjADEuyCNcBbSe2gPzqNhVucdvQVubsXQoKe", "txHash": "0x975852733aafd950a37c1a2f2570b3079d1768e9e7facd0f35e40621a96c14c3", "createdAtBlock": 13846267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7544, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Hind of the Brambles", "text": "As he continued to treck through the Fey, the perrils of nature faded as his knowlege grew. The power from his ruby was being imbued within himself. He was now easily able to forage for his own food and the common animals came up to him as if they were friends. A peculiar brown bunny stuck around longer than most and became his companion. As weeks became months and months had become years, the man had become beast. No longer having any ties to who he once was, he was now one with the Fey. He was now home."} +{"id": "d801bd6e-a314-4590-815e-24fcdce0c089-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:54.417", "backgroundColor": "#4f0093", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUKWSj3ok8RmKrUrrqtDpU7UQnCNac7rq8TFPfsTMSs3e", "txHash": "0x6595daa45b2fd8f6ed6e9554722acd0bcb756efa71cae4aa8d5a239467fe2145", "createdAtBlock": 13864300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8813, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Angus of the Astral Plane\n\nThe most influential 49 wizards don the prestigious Celestial Sash, signifying their political influence and status across the lands. Members come from a wide array of backgrounds. Some were born into power; others had to master their craft, further their magical abilities, and consolidate substantial wealth. It is some sight when the Senate converges upon the Red Wizard Capital once a red moon to share research and knowledge their assistants have been gathering on what occurs within the Quantum Shadow and all other dark forces in the world. Each Sash's fibres contain beads handcrafted by Kobold's from ancient stars and planets. Members harness the vibrations of said beads as they desire. Some for good, others for the darkest, most vile evil. \n\nSome members of the Senate were burnt due to unrest in the group as these members became more and more powerful. These individuals can be identified by their Ethereal or Phantasm Sash. No one knows what they are planning, how much they know, or where they reside. What is known, however, is that they are coming back.\n\nAngus joined the Senate many moons ago. Born into wealth, Angus needed gold and jewels. As the old question goes, what do you get the man that has everything? He soon grew tired of his comforts and lifestyle; having the world at your feed but not being genuinely content with oneself makes it unbearable.\n\nOne summer night, Angus vanished like the sun over The Salt. He grew to appreciate life in its simplest form. Small animals, insects, and even fungi and plants. Angus swore off ever ending a life for consumption. \n\nAfter a few years, he returned to his place in the Senate. His face is sunburnt, and his hair all but gone. Seeing the number of winters he has, Angus brings a valued perspective of a love for life, nature, and the things money cannot buy."} +{"id": "655a69bb-17c0-443d-9b26-1f0153b7d97a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:15.739", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5BBbNshbPRpXgBaUnnTR9dGQ7F4MiDxvqUmwesPsfiW", "txHash": "0x31476eeee1210a19f3faaa48afc09760fd87fdca8c473ea4a663364f9b66e9e1", "createdAtBlock": 13813918, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6385, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXEnB5dZ9fSbdBP6aK3droJKCgbpJi1JLg14CZFyv3tvJ", "name": " Aldus of the Desert", "text": "# 15 December MMXXI\n\n After weeks of searching for what many now believe was a myth, I can now say my journey was not in vain. Alas, I found the ruins of the Lost Coven. Much has been forgotten about this coven, and even their true name remains a mystery. All that remains are the words of the elders and the great calamity the coven brought to this land long ago.\n\nIf the words of our elders are true, what lies ahead is the lair of the most wicked magic coven known to wizards. Some say this Coven is where Quantum Shadow magic began, others say that Quantum Shadow Magic was only the beginning of the darkness that the coven would practice. As I trek closer, I feel the darkness that once (and possibly still) lived here. I must be careful of what lies before me, as the force that pulls me closer may have been the same force that led this coven to eternal oblivion.\n\nIn the case that I do not make the journey ahead, let these words be a warning for all those who read. I pray that Zephyrus looks favorably on me tonight and grants me safety, as the evil within the walls of this lair may have not wanted to be discovered."} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado\n\nGiuseppe lived in a land forgotten. What once was a thriving society built on a mountainside that towers at the far reaches of the Sands, is now a small withered shanty town with a few hopeful miners still wishing to strike big. A town that was brimming so full with golden ore it was simply called El Dorado. When first discovered, the hillsides were so abundant in gold that it attracted nomads, knights, and even high wizards from as far as the Alchemists Archipelago. But word caught on too quickly and soon enough the gold started to deplete. Along with the Sands growing each year and the desert encompassing more and more of the foothills. El Dorado eventually became a faint memory; Too far off the map to even think twice about.\n\nGiuseppe didn't mind though. He was born in El Dorado and the farthest hes traveled has only been to Zaros Oasis. As far as he was concerned, it beat the empty desert. His parents migrated to El Dorado while his mother was still pregnant. Hoping to create a better life for their future family. They made it to the City with only years to spare before the gold would be gone for good. Giuseppe remembers a fair childhood but each year getting harder than the last. Each year having less gold to sell. Now there just wasn't any gold left to mine. His parents cant even afford the provisions to make it back through the Sands. They keep digging though, still hopeful."} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "Even though he didnt mind living in El Dorado, it broke his heart to see his parents struggle each year. In his teens Giuseppe would help his parents in the mines. But going into his twenties he could no longer see the point in working so hard for no reward. Despite his better judgment, Giuseppe started to turn tricks. While his parents would go out to the mines, he would head into the town centre and on a corner, next to one of the few buildings that werent boarded up. He would perform !magic. Nothing like the kind when wizards used to live in El Dorado, but enough to still impress the locals that have only heard stories from beyond the Sands. Giuseppe knew he wasnt a wizard but was smart enough to make it seem that way. He made masterful illusions and performed incredible sleight of hand tricks. He would wager bets and pickpocket his audience while they were left astonished after a performance. To make sure he would never be recognized or caught, he always wore a mask. It was a mask passed down from his mothers side. An heirloom he never understood. It was carved to look like the face of a skull. As a kid it used to scare him, but at least now it adds to the illusion he figured."} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "One day, after a simple grift, Giussepe was heading home. He had just used his winnings to pick up food for his family and was fairly on edge. He couldn't shake off the feeling someone was following him. Pretty worried that someone he duped was catching on to him, he decided to keep his mask on to protect his identity. He also took an alternate route home because he was afraid he would bring harm to his parents for his own misdoing. Right when he felt that no one could possibly still be following him he stumbled onto a scrawny stray white cat. It seemed to have come out of nowhere.. Have you been the one following me this whole time? he said to the cat. It just looked back at him with a beady red stare. Giussepe noticed the ribs of the cat and decided to give her a little food. He soon regretted the decision because now he really couldnt shake the cat off. The last thing he needed was another mouth to feed. Well let's head home before it gets too dark.. Then we can decide what to do with you tomorrow. he said."} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "On their way home, right as Giussepe started to feel relaxed again, he heard an Excuse me that sent a chill down his spine. He turned around to see a strange woman in a red wizard cap and an actual solar staff. Giusseppe looked at her in stunned silence.. _A real wizard,_ he thought. And before he could say a word, as if reading his mind, she said I am an Enchanter, I come from the Reach. Without even thinking Giusseppe responds If you've come for gold youre about 10 years too late. The enchanter just looked at him puzzled. She looked down at the cat Is this your cat? she asked. Giussepe then looked down at the cat and the cat stared back with the same beady red stare as before. I guess.. He responded. Well that settles it then. You _ARE_ a wizard! She exclaimed. Giusseppe immediately was taken aback. Did she watch his performance today? How could he convince an actual wizard his tricks were real? What does the cat have to do with this? Listen I think- he says as he breaks eye contact with the cat to only realize no one is there anymore. Now starting to feel really on edge, he and the cat rushed home."} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "Immediately upon arriving home Giuseppe is bombarded by his mother Where have you been? And why are you wearing that mask? You know it's been passed down for generations, you better be careful! Giuseppe had forgotten he was even wearing it. Where did this cat come from-Oh that doesnt matter right now, you won't believe what your father struck today his mom continued. Gold? he responded, being the only word he could get in. There's no way it could be gold, he thought.. Before his mom could finish talking his dad stepped into the room with a chunk of ore so big it needed two hands to carry. The small family might finally be able to move out of El Dorado and out of the ever growing desert. That night they celebrated. And Giuseppe forgot all about his weird walk home."} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "Giuseppe woke up in a cold sweat that night. Something was wrong, the cat was scratching at the door. He got up to let the cat out and as soon as he opened the door he was met with a cold breeze and a putrid smell. Immediately he worried for his parents, he thought about the lengths people would go to steal that ore from them. He rushed to his parents room with his cat in tow right behind him. Upon entering their room he saw an empty bed, at the foot of their bed was the same wizard from earlier, holding the gold ore in her hands. WHERE ARE MY PARENTS?! He shouted at her. But she just continued to look at the ore. Is this some sick joke because I'm not actually a wizard? What are you doing here!? He fretted. Giuseppe was hoping this was some bad dream. He noticed in his mom's old vanity he was still wearing the mask. Was this a dream? He never put it back on after getting"} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "a dream? He never put it back on after getting out of bed. The enchanter finally responded, Ive told you, you are a wizard. Giuseppe stared back blankly at her. What?? Do you want me to admit it? That its all a show? That I'm a swindler performing cheap tricks!? he responded angrily. Just please, give me back my parents.. We were gonna move out of this place She looked back down at the ore. I wish I could tell you where they were, she said. But there are powers at work here beyond even my understanding. Giuseppe grew even more frustrated. THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE?! he cried. The enchanter looked up from the ore and looked him dead in the eyes. For you. She responded by lifting up the ore in between them. Giuseppe noticed it was glowing now. ..what? was all he could get out. He was tired, scared, weary, and without thought or hesitation he was holding the ore with her."} +{"id": "2cdefdc0-0397-4170-9225-d7f892a71406-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:16.513", "backgroundColor": "#463054", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaGqRk45BnPFHRaNYMWp12iVj1vofw52hfrNy6mNeTw4J", "txHash": "0x2dc15891dab4433fb54059acf63cef1760d5d89636d17c4f552bdd577baff3d2", "createdAtBlock": 13813993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2635, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Giuseppe of El Dorado", "text": "or hesitation he was holding the ore with her. Before them the gold grew brighter and brighter, eventually turning bright orange then glowing white. The gold was actually smelting between their hands. Too bright to look directly at but felt almost cool to the touch. He looked back up and she was still looking him in his eyes. All I can tell you, is you _ARE_ a wizard, and not just any wizard. You are a _CHAOS MAGE_ no less. When Giuseppe looked back down he was the only one holding the gold now. It had taken the shape of a perfect cut star. The world grew darker around him and he became dizzy. The last thing in his vision was the golden star left behind from his parents. As everything faded out he heard the Enchanter whisper We will meet again Chaos Mage in the Quantum Shadow.."} +{"id": "4f0c4666-b543-49c6-a622-f566956b2e47-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:17.159", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma7YBiDsqZrkx4n8Pa54y1zSmkhfhNiuk9Lk1G7etj5rP", "txHash": "0x4ff6bc85b2498fb3c3b5bf1e22b3c611e0ddb9c1ddec6bc134c7f3373c41130e", "createdAtBlock": 13815104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 509, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Leah of the Lake", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Leah of the Lake\n\nOn the eastern edge of Dream Master Lake, there's a little path that snakes its way through copse and tree. As you meander for a short time upon this trail, past shrub and bush, brush and fern... you might eventually stumble upon a small yet charming little cottage.\n\nA freshly-varnished white picket fence surrounds an incredibly neat little kitchen garden, replete with herbs, vegetables and modestly pruned fruit trees. A latched gate sits appropriately aligned in the middle of the fence, open which a carefully carved sign reads \"Briar Rose\".\n\nYou open the gate and walk up the garden path, under the arched trellis and up to the front door, and are instantly drawn to the fascinating brass knocker in the shape of a woodpecker. You feel strangely compelled to see who lives here, so you set about striking the door with the woodpecker-knocker, at which point the door springs open revealing a lovingly tiled corridor leading into the abode.\n\nVenturing carefully into the quaint cottage, you enter a cosy living area filled with plants and flowers of all conceivable variety. You see they are dotted all around the room, filling various jugs, mugs, vases and glasses. What kind of gentle soul could possibly live in such a fragrant, calming atmosph...\n\n\"WHAT IN MOLOCH'S MILK ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?\", screams a young lady as she engulfs you in a strange green cloud of spores.\n\nAs your throat constricts and you fight for breath on the floor of the comfy little room, your final senses are filled with a delicate smell of roses, as a surprisingly large fox begins to gnaw on your leg."} +{"id": "3acd5dc4-6755-46dd-bac6-1ba7e0c4ab66-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:17.912", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSJTUTUSuj1bKxWnrvag8wTaJzDfacqMhfFprCTgBULZr", "txHash": "0xa4ff2560af7f1abdc8e1b662daa1eeab3b14d2ad40593fe26880a2565c24c8a7", "createdAtBlock": 13815444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6770, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diviner Zaros of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Diviner Zaros of the Ether\n\nOoh, hello hello! Please do pull up a chair and sit for a moment, and I shall regale you with the life and times of the most wonderful me - and of course by that I mean Diviner Zaros of the Ether!\n\nLet's see now. I was lucky enough to be born into absurd wealth, so my childhood was one of extreme extravagance and grandeur. The family not-so-humble-abode was one of those huge marble things, full of pillars and sweeping staircases - you know the sort yes? Rather impractical, and incredibly expensive to heat, especially situated where it was, just to the east of the Gate to the Seventh Realm. \n\nAs soon as I could talk, my mother and father had private tutors and priests filling my young head with all kinds of subjects - everything from the divine to the ridiculous. As such, by the age of sixteen I had grown weary of study, and ran away with just a small bag full of cash and my trusty pet ember frog named Keith. \n\nMy travels took me in a southerly direction, past the lake and through the forests... after many months I ended up at Goblin Town. Now, you might rightly think this wouldn't be the best place for a spotty young teenager who got bored sitting at home being taught everything about the runiverse, but strangely my twelve year stay in Goblin Town was the thing that made a man of me."} +{"id": "3acd5dc4-6755-46dd-bac6-1ba7e0c4ab66-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:17.912", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSJTUTUSuj1bKxWnrvag8wTaJzDfacqMhfFprCTgBULZr", "txHash": "0xa4ff2560af7f1abdc8e1b662daa1eeab3b14d2ad40593fe26880a2565c24c8a7", "createdAtBlock": 13815444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6770, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diviner Zaros of the Ether", "text": "For the first several months amongst the Goblins, I worked in the kitchen of the local pub (unimaginitively called \"The Pub\") washing dishes and cleaning tables. Eventually I was trusted enough to start serving drinks, and helping out with the other side of the pub's business - gambling. On the top floor of the building, pub owner Lumpy was running a fantastic array of card and dice games. Due to my quick wits and charm, and uncanny ability to remember who had what cards, I was a natural in the pub's gaming rooms. \n\nThose years playing cards in Lumpy's pub were the best of erm, well, I think they were good anyway - I can't honestly remember all that much about them as I was quite often very drunk indeed. Sufficing to say that Keith and I left goblin town as worldly card masters, at which point it seemed only appropriate to go home and finish my studies in the divine, once I'd apologised to my parents of course.\n\nRoll on thirty years of exciting and fascinating study of Divination, and here we are! Fancy a quick game of \"find the ace?\""} +{"id": "fbb7ca17-f75c-4991-a787-a260c7883c27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:18.629", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf45PmNkauwxWGvZvctVYbK61iaERLrtMDfZ8PMfkzzVD", "txHash": "0xb4e735f0f7e053adc70c739b193be4196e0f9c9934f3b6c126866e4a8008792f", "createdAtBlock": 13816718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount"} +{"id": "fbb7ca17-f75c-4991-a787-a260c7883c27-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:18.629", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf45PmNkauwxWGvZvctVYbK61iaERLrtMDfZ8PMfkzzVD", "txHash": "0xb4e735f0f7e053adc70c739b193be4196e0f9c9934f3b6c126866e4a8008792f", "createdAtBlock": 13816718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount", "text": "Degrelle a colleague of Ozohr's from his time in the Archipellago, and one of the few contacts Ozohr still kept in the worlld of magical academia, came to the mount one day with a seemingly urgent matter to discuss with Ozohr.\n Ozorh abhored unannounced personal visits but he had known Degrelle long enough to know that he would not be here were it not important. Upon being let in and provided a large cup of mead, Degrelle relayed to Ozohr rumors of Magical Flames appearing to powerful wizards.\n \"I'm well aware of the sacred flames, old friend\" Ozohr eventually interjected \"One appeared to me.\"\n For a moment Degrelle appeared almost disappointed at Ozohr's admission, he was however quick to hise this.\n\"Where is it now?\" Degrelle asked\n\"Sold on to some greater fool\" Ozohr said \"no doubt the imbicile has used it to burn himself into a coffin by now.\"\n\"You sold it?!\" asked Degrelle, agahst\n\"I am perfectly secure in my abilities. I feel no need to gamble with dark magic\" Ozohr replied firmly \"And moreover if the opportunists and circus performers who have turned magic into a sideshow want to speed up natural selection, far be it from me to stop them.\"\n\"You would prefer they become dark wizards?\" Degrelle asked, not believing the apathy he was hearin from his old friend\n\"At least dark wizards believe in something. When its just us and them, there's some dignity to this...thing of ours, but these opportunists and social climbers are upsetting the balance.\" Ozohr growled \"I cheer the coming of the flame, and drink to every fool that has and will lose themselves playing with dark magic.\""} +{"id": "fbb7ca17-f75c-4991-a787-a260c7883c27-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:18.629", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf45PmNkauwxWGvZvctVYbK61iaERLrtMDfZ8PMfkzzVD", "txHash": "0xb4e735f0f7e053adc70c739b193be4196e0f9c9934f3b6c126866e4a8008792f", "createdAtBlock": 13816718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6825, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Ozohr of the Mount", "text": "Degrelle said nothing. Ozohr realized he had shocked his old colleague. The years of solitude had not done well for his social ability, and he felt he grew more bitter every day.\n\"Look\" Ozohr said attempting sound reassuring \"the flames are out there, that cannot be undone. Let things run their course, the cards fall where they may. Perhaps accumulate flames for study, and when/if the Forgotten Souls become a threat to the realm, you have my word, that this self imposed exile will not keep me from lending my support.\n\"I suppose that is all I can ask\" Degrelle said reluctantly \"I shall keep in contac then, any major developments and I will get word to you\"\nA moment late Degrelle was gone. Ozohr returned to his desk and opened and old spell book, there was much preparation to be done for the days ahead."} +{"id": "cd9235d6-7372-47ac-bb73-4779983abc2f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:19.586", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQScThozzFzixKVYFM2Z7VCG8T4iauaftsg3gh4MT5jBR", "txHash": "0x7dbbb0560562488cecb77b900bacda24feef0decf2cc146eca17024d83cec933", "createdAtBlock": 13819489, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5310, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Cromwell of Tartarus", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Cromwell of Tartarus\n\nThe room stank of devils.\n\nAnd not the grandiose, sulphuric stench of arch-demons conjured forth to obliterate some earthly army with lightning in return for a hecatomb of sacrifices.\n\nNo, the smell permeating the quarters of Cromwell was an altogether more mundane kind of devil's waft, redolent of latrines, cat-vomit, and some ghastly stew of a thousand underarms.\n\nIt was an odor all too well known to Cromwell, for the Geomancer had made his home on the sub-plane of Tartarus for close on to a decade now. And it meant just one thing.\n\nImps! He had an infestation of imps!"} +{"id": "e1295880-ff4e-4346-9418-9e1140ab74ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:20.237", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1bJtbTjMEdwJH3evxxypRXKigS1zctN8c7jENBmcxFo", "txHash": "0x042737dad2ff0b2cd31d54cb64902aff9668a29ecd15f03514f7547acd207517", "createdAtBlock": 13819532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7213, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eden of the Marsh", "text": "\"As old as the wind that blows cold,\n\nas old as the sun that glows gold.\n\nAs old as the earth itself;\n\nor so i was told.\"\n\nHow old - Zelroth"} +{"id": "0ae93021-692c-4849-91df-74fb80b4079a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:33.134", "backgroundColor": "#2b4837", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcdQiBkCLMqMAije7UiLpvTasXDeN7J5NRq9EeeRmGZkc", "txHash": "0xd8fe2de01b89a2ebaaec83a802f8752a0f55608cbe914a892ca266913c47bae3", "createdAtBlock": 14916702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5433, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Arctic", "text": "Unlike the Homer of old, Homer of the arctic is reticent."} +{"id": "d5ef38c3-347a-4525-bb83-4700f5c60bd8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:21.155", "backgroundColor": "#89568d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWYcjGt5GHK5uzb9fNGBJkBR9YtzuGwUkAEAbEd36Uqtg", "txHash": "0x918f5d35c684953585b55eceed3e09b41a67a4631b05fe37d8dd32cac30c3aa4", "createdAtBlock": 13819751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7565, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Aleister of the Dunes\n\nAleister of the Dunes,\n\nHe spelled his snails and marked his runes,\n\nAnd sailed beneath the veil of moons,\n\nHailed by those who know his truths,\n\nHe looms amongst the wailing Dunes."} +{"id": "f575d9cb-3aef-434d-80ef-7d214915f89e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:21.961", "backgroundColor": "#964444", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQpH1jXFcYUSM9QtBbc277ngYEs92udneAb2y8dUMCSy7", "txHash": "0x8ec955b2c492d4218b3cbb39053fd6c7c815f39f1693530cab09b27eeb448f3c", "createdAtBlock": 13823700, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 250, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Enigma of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Enigma of the Hills\n\nEnigma is in a bright valley with painted Hills, is in an overgrown forest with very little light. Enigma's ability to embody contradiction alienates him from his persona. But two mutually exclusive truths can exist within our conception of Enigma, a contradiction does not splinter our conception of Enigma because we allow Enigma to be indefinite. Enigma and the hills are inextricably linked. Enigma creates the hills; the hills create the persona that becomes Enigma. A feedback loop, Enigma creates the Hills; the Hills create the persona that becomes Enigma who can now exist for you only in so far as the Hills Permit. There comes a point when Enigma can recede and we see only the Hills.\n\nPsalm of Enigma\n\nCount three minutes until the ferrous ferrier arrives\n\nFeet that idled became urgent, imbued with purpose\n\nThe birds alike.\n\nPolished titans pay no penance for their clamor\n\nEngulfing us all in their indifferent gust\n\nFaces of fleeting fascination had gone\n\nAnd the hills look no different inverted\n\nThe placid air upset only by his indiscriminate pluck\n\nWhen the tree hissed\n\nWhen his notes went nearly unnoticed\n\nCharons soloist felling foreign soldiers in undaunted repose\n\nSovereign only to the punctual shadow of the hills\n\ncaron, non ti crucciare:\n\nvuolsi cosi cola dove si puote\n\ncio che si vuole, e piu non dimandare.\n\nEnigma interminable\n\nEnigma illimitable\n\nEnimga unknown\n\nThe Hills painted Enigma\n\nof Enigma\n\nFor Enigma\n\nAd Enigma infinitum\"\n\nE^"} +{"id": "803e7f95-1f2e-402f-acfc-0c24c42dbfef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:22.768", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaLPLkCYTPxem1Y2cTCUMFvh7iY3BLNBWFqP6TmrtgNmH", "txHash": "0xf07640fdfebe7b5e45a1c3c03bdb8bbdb0dfd8a6be020a13364a658a96ef6993", "createdAtBlock": 13823928, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Trollin of Xanadu", "text": "# The Tale of Artificer Trollin of Xanadu\n\nTrollin really isn't too bright. He was barely capable of graduating highschool in Xanadu, and coasted on his charisma alone in life. He got his start at Seven Rivers Arcane Academy as a dishwasher, sometimes trash digger... You see these students weren't the brightest and sometimes threw out their wands, and books and things. One day while he was searching through the especially disgusting garbage, due to it being Blobcake day at the cafeteria, he found a especially pretty carved wand. It had its gnarls and twists, and something compelled Trollin' to keep the wand for himself. He lied to the guy and told him he couldn't find his wand for him. The dissapointed man hung his head and walked away.\n\nWith his new prize he slinked into the bathroom, and into the bathroom stall. He admired his new prize that he held delicately in his hands. It looked a little worn and had just a few marks, but he loved it jsut the same. He held it in his hand firmly, and rose it up to eye level. Remembering a spell he overheard yesterday while he walked through the cafeteria he spoke the words, \"Bogulus Frogulus\". \n\nThis was a grave mistake, as he had no subject to cast the spell on. This was a specific transmogrify spell that well... you know... makes your target an amphibious creature. Trollin looked down at his skin and burst out of the bathroom stall. Across from him in the mirror he saw a green frog-man where his reflection should be. The breath from his lungs suddenly all escaped, and he began to feel very ill. \n\nDARKNESS"} +{"id": "803e7f95-1f2e-402f-acfc-0c24c42dbfef-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:22.768", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaLPLkCYTPxem1Y2cTCUMFvh7iY3BLNBWFqP6TmrtgNmH", "txHash": "0xf07640fdfebe7b5e45a1c3c03bdb8bbdb0dfd8a6be020a13364a658a96ef6993", "createdAtBlock": 13823928, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Trollin of Xanadu", "text": "DARKNESS\n\nTrollin awoke with the Dean of Seven Rivers standing over him. There were both men and women standing around him, laughing at him. \"what an idiot!\" he heard from a voice, \"Froggo Baggins!\" another voice said. Trollin parted through the crowd and ran through the bathroom with tears rolling down his face. \n\nNobody ever changed him back to a man, as they said its his punishment forever. Now Trollin has taken up learning magic to one day change himself back into the man he was before. Some people say he will never be capable of doing it as its one of the hardest spells to master. Trollin just has to try."} +{"id": "1cf97380-eecc-4555-bb1c-5f01693e71d4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:23.404", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXwSouCtmjN5AKy4ThiZ2c95oPJhB8t9kozUA7KiR6eSA", "txHash": "0x1b8dab75adbaa9aa0ec00436dcec66c1fbdd71883f3156a2cb69d0feab2166c0", "createdAtBlock": 13824111, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1241, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Cairon of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Cairon of the Grotto\n\nCairon had never had the best luck. It seemed like his whole life was one unfortunate turn of events after another. As a child his home had been burned to the ground by fire imps, only he survived. As a teenager he failed out of archery school after accidently shooting the instructor. In his early 20s he thought his luck had turned around when he met Lenora, the love of his life, or so he thought. Lenora left him for a rich dwarf a year into their relationship. \n\nDepressed and alone, Carion began to wander the woods near his town and one day he discovered a shiny purple horseshoe, half burried in the grass. He picked it up, admired it, put it in his pocket to carry on with his wallowing. However, after only a few steps he tripped and fell to the ground. He looked to see what had tripped him. A treasure chest! Full of riches! Carion took the chest and started to make his way back to town, when a beautiful maiden approached him and asked him to be her lover. Carion realized in that moment that this was no ordinary horseshoe, it was lucky, very lucky! Carion returned to town and everyone began to admire him. Giving him gifts and singing songs of praise. His luck had finally changed.\n\nSince that day Carion has carried has never let the horseshoe leave his possession and he carries it with him everywhere he goes. Carion would rather die than go back to his previous life."} +{"id": "86a17771-0321-472c-81b9-d8cafa6fb56c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:24.147", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWjWXWR76d42TVH8g7J8ysdcfBSPNuPBFCbW2jHjdcQW", "txHash": "0x208e7839b879bf10dafc7b02e54c90d2fc3e4dd45fca5a04e1dc01641432ef45", "createdAtBlock": 13824980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3115, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rotten Revenant Jeldor of the Bottomless Grave", "text": "# The Lore of Rotten Revenant Jeldor of the Bottomless Grave\n\nOh GOD, OH GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?! MY LIMBS ARE ROTTING AND I CAN HARDLY WALK! THE FLAME WAS SUPPOSED TO GRANT ME STRENGTH NOT TURN ME INTO A CORPSE! I'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO AVENGE MY PEOPLE NOW! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!"} +{"id": "9ff53dee-320b-46c7-b0a1-516ed1348bf4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:24.817", "backgroundColor": "#040404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVq6TzcC1LvAu9yQWbb8mYw2tsCapVR44VZyvaTmWYiPH", "txHash": "0x81d260efee2104247b63a9f2a138fb9263949b0f6de2e615da45eb67474b583a", "createdAtBlock": 13824992, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4806, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Arcus of the Ether", "text": "# The Almanack of Spellsinger Arcus of the Ether\n\nINTRODUCTION\n\nI grew up in silence. Didnt speak\nmuch past my second birthday. While I dwelled\namong the Void Disciples, shy and meek,\nlearning my magic, often I beheld\nthe prodigies far sorcerers had wrought\nin cloud and hill, freshets in ancient woods\nand figured out that wizards had begot\nthese wonders by chanting aloud. I stood\ntwo miles from home. My half-remembered words\npulled through me, and the mighty sacred force\nof elements invested me. I heard\nmy voice rise to a fever-pitch. The course\nof rivers changed, descant over my song\nremembered from my mother, waiting long\nin starlight as the Hunt wheeled overhead\nand calling to my brothers. Secretly\nshe lilted, rocking me in arms. The dread\nof exile didnt faze her, and in me\nthe music settled, wrapping round my bones,\njust waiting for this moment. Then I knew\nId leave the vale, to speak, and sing, alone.\nMagic bears us like flotsam, doesnt rue\nour sorrows and misfortunes. I have seen\nthe mighty kings and hedge mages and ghasts\nand written down their stories. Now I mean\nto share my own discoveries at last\na little of my life. Brave tales to tell\nwith noble verse, and every tuneful spell."} +{"id": "10941222-339e-4b8c-bba9-da2a51e97f6c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:27.283", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHBCZe5cQwdAMTNpih8gXMUXN8y3VEUT6hJLQ3hu1p5m", "txHash": "0xe4b4aa6700d3cc119e000f970493325c2aa309c7f4649b14bc4f2928c8e92010", "createdAtBlock": 13825337, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6762, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Jerret of the Steppe\n\nI have spent an eternity guarding this sanctuary, just as my father did before me. I have stopped many demons from attempting to defile our temple and steal the sacred scrolls. However, a new threat is rising that seeks the scrolls, one that I fear I can not face alone. I pray for a miracle, or a hero, to help me face this, for if the scrolls fall into the wrong hands we are doomed."} +{"id": "f18eb95d-b11c-4221-a057-22f986cec788-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:28.106", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcVUo8duAiJXvg4Cm9w5nSmze1s4DPnH31c2sQ9goR4Zm", "txHash": "0x942d93a29e3ad3745be1e25c482c4672688f12ae7b127fe4a31a67049dae6634", "createdAtBlock": 13826871, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8807, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmY6tQjJjGdJEsHqa3Doc9RoU8n7cy7DuDMeq2VtwREC91", "name": "Hedge Wizard Sharx of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Sharx of the Gnostics"} +{"id": "6db459f6-5dfa-48cf-93ad-c68a5920e9c8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:28.773", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvRQHiCYnEJDqNwGity5ZVFC6Z6myaiR4HjoQxyMTN1z", "txHash": "0x8a430461920df4cf27a0679a67f86de058961f501443af488a946b95a05b5206", "createdAtBlock": 13827162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Aleister of the Thorn", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Aleister of the Thorn\n\nAlchemist Aleister of the Thorn is a mysterious Wizard, born many moons ago on a crisp and misty night in the Thorn region in the kingdom of Arvalee. \n\nAleister has many talents some more obvious than others. One of his more obvious skills is that he is a master potion maker and can create potions to cure virtually any ailment or use as weapons against monsters. He also enjoys making various potions just for recreational purposes. He is fond of a potion in more ways than one!\n\nHe lives in a magical wizard tower located between a swampy lake and a lush green forest with 100ft tall oak trees. He hand-built his tower with the help of some other wizards and some magic spells.\n\nIn his younger days he flew aircrafts while protecting the FRWC realm against the goblin army in the 100-year war which finished many centuries ago. His flying exploits are known all over the land and he is a renown Skylord but these days he does not fly as much because there is a fragile peace in the land.\n\nHe has deep elven connections and works closely with the high elvs on any diplomatic matters which might threaten the peace of the great FRWC realm.\n\nAbove all he is a happy wizard who loves all animals. He tries his best to understand Goblins!"} +{"id": "0d1fcdb2-6d23-4ed3-aac6-61290d6b9065-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:29.572", "backgroundColor": "#180404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRHoYa7Srm9zWPWuVCEc14bBDuE5KqfVAta7hb5Tzeoz9", "txHash": "0x0016314b1615da419ae203310627c1bb662ac1c83e60f1d5f969506d449d9203", "createdAtBlock": 13827193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1604, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Death Shroom Amanita of Nasty Town", "text": "# The Lore of Death Shroom Amanita of Nasty Town\n\nFor context read Wild Mage Nick of the Cosmos' lore #7371\n\n...As the 7 wizards were ready to ascend Wild Mage Nick of the Cosmos, Amanita was pushed by the evil one. \n\nAmanita fell in the fire, his flesh started to burn. Screams were heard from outside the cave. Coming out on the other side was something out of nightmares. This made Nick hesitate to jump in the flame himself."} +{"id": "8589b76c-b950-4406-a4e7-91cb203ab9ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:38.558", "backgroundColor": "#faf6f6", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUND92o7ZHXnAXQGhXUqWtAgf1NtKzhmkpFYeqzp5pMR", "txHash": "0xcf7c57dfd5382bd1022c45ccb9769d1821a9038b3be1fdce9456151ede912252", "createdAtBlock": 13840764, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "# II\n\nThe Crystal Polisher \n\nMilton watched as an old man pottered around a large stone workbench strewn with an assortment of crystal shards. Periodically the old man would interrupt his shuffling about to hold a crystal shard up to the dusty light that streamed in from a large opening overhead. At these moments Milton could see the individual character of the crystals brought forth in illuminated colour. One a deep, motionless green and another an airy blue that seemed to shift with a tidal motion. As Milton continued to watch, a subtle rhythmic ritual sense began to arise in his mind. The room and the old man moving about it appeared to Milton as through a deep mist and intermittently from out of this hazy scene a clear sharp pulse of some new spectral colour would flash.\n\nMilton shook his head to clear his mind and approached the old man as he held aloft a glowing pink crystal shard. Without taking his eyes from the crystal in his hands the old man addressed Milton.\n\n\"Here for more, is it? Some success you've had, is it?\"\n\n\"Yes. One of the shadows and another from the waters\" Replied Milton as he patted a slight bulge under his cloak.\n\n\"No common thing is it, a crystal willing to receive. And further yet one so shaped as to accept your crude magics. No gold, a trade this time it is.\""} +{"id": "8589b76c-b950-4406-a4e7-91cb203ab9ff-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:38.558", "backgroundColor": "#faf6f6", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUND92o7ZHXnAXQGhXUqWtAgf1NtKzhmkpFYeqzp5pMR", "txHash": "0xcf7c57dfd5382bd1022c45ccb9769d1821a9038b3be1fdce9456151ede912252", "createdAtBlock": 13840764, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "Having made this declaration, the old man shuffled off towards a large pile of dull, unshapen crystalline rocks in the corner of the room. Milton waited for a moment, watching as the old man took a lump of the dull rock and placed it on the stone workbench. A chisel-like tool blinked into the old man's hand. As Milton watched, the old man took on a countenance of deep concentration. With deft movements he was shaping the rock into a narrow faceted rectangle. Once satisfied with his work, he threw the chisel over his shoulder into the air, where it promptly vanished. Now appeared in his hand what seemed like a length of tarnished green leather with which he began to vigorously polish the now exposed and shaped crystal.\n\nAs the polisher continued in his work a certain somewhat familiar scent filled the air, and Milton raised his brows quizzically.\n\n\"Kobold hide it is\" the old man stated. \"Stench, yes, but it is what is required to bring the crystal to clarity.\"\n\nMilton stared for a moment, bemused, but then banished this unfortunate fact from his mind. Reaching into his cloak he brought out a small worn red pouch and placed it lightly on the stone surface next to where the old man was working.\n\n\"Powdered essence from the Dream Masters of the lake. I believe this should be sufficient payment for at least three binding crystals\"\n\nThe old man took a quick sharp breath as he stopped working and eyed the small pouch.\n\n\"Dream Master's essence you say it is? Through a fair dealing you came by this is it? I will not be involved in any wrong dealings with the Dream Masters.\"\n\n\"You can be assured\" Replied Milton. \"I have an accord with Wazir of the Mount.\"\n\nThe old man turned and stared hard at Milton through the dusty light of the room.\n\n\"The One Who Rings it is?\""} +{"id": "8589b76c-b950-4406-a4e7-91cb203ab9ff-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:38.558", "backgroundColor": "#faf6f6", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUND92o7ZHXnAXQGhXUqWtAgf1NtKzhmkpFYeqzp5pMR", "txHash": "0xcf7c57dfd5382bd1022c45ccb9769d1821a9038b3be1fdce9456151ede912252", "createdAtBlock": 13840764, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "\"The One Who Rings it is?\"\n\n\"The One Who Rings\" stated Milton.\n\nAfter a moments hesitation the old man scooped up the pouch and deposited it in his apron pocket.\n\n\"Agreed. Three crystals worth it is.\"\n\nWith a few quick movements of his hand through the air, the old man caused a wooden chest to appear and land heavily on the workbench. Opening it and reaching in he withdrew three small perfectly clear crystals.\n\n\"The binding incantation, same as the last it is.\"\n\n\"You have my thanks\" replied Milton, as he quickly wrapped the crystals and placed them within his cloak.\n\n\"Tell me Wizard, what is it you will do with the bound energies?\"\n\nMilton had already turned to leave but he paused and looked over his shoulder at the old man.\n\n\"Time will tell\"."} +{"id": "c9c2a79d-9586-48e2-b635-b242639571b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:39.247", "backgroundColor": "#ef3d3d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX4LFYao6ReoknzScu61acweiT4sqvujSLrNpbWCB4Swt", "txHash": "0x8e3f8ebf778fc43fe3f9d26e14e8180702e26b2a022a6ec7e3c99cd99475d8e4", "createdAtBlock": 13842553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7713, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZohYpSCLHXWbim1BztSsKVv1GD24Rzn7M9i29gem66UN", "name": "Ghost Eater Karasu ", "text": "# The Lore of Ghost Eater Karasu"} +{"id": "ca1652d9-c89c-404f-9939-a747c9c901bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:30.305", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNNihLEakj1Ci6k2V76r52GwCRXfT4eLfghC4qW3DrQxu", "txHash": "0x2e0759b6cf0d710235238d7fccea767b49c839791e6c91a60c4a64120dd54da3", "createdAtBlock": 13827617, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2443, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 3 Poltergeist Khudalf of the Ice Abyss", "text": "So cold; so painfully cold.\n\nSublimely infinite darkness.\n\nI am entombed and forgotten,\n\nwhat have I done.?\n\nA moment... A power\n\ndeep down within...\n\nPower catalyzed by pain;\n\nputrid, soul-searing pain.\n\n\"RAa gRRR Gggg mRRR!!\"\n\nEchoes of the cry bounced endlessly.\n\nPestilence has consumed Khudalf.\n\nTrapped in icy chasms, he is frozen, \n\nawaiting a release from the Ice Abyss.\n\nA ghost frog lies in wait,\n\nguarding the soul closely.\n\nNo fool disturb this place.\n\nFor great evil looms."} +{"id": "6361931f-bc80-4b7b-ad41-0ef1be4f6457-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:58.38", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDVUtrcuCNPt9E9pQ5YMNzmYtLmyA7dqbkqxUmWoB3C2", "txHash": "0xcb7a79b443603aee07ad427cde0468085676e8e0a818e06e54edefb7c8038b5e", "createdAtBlock": 13820519, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNWd5ksiPKbudTtWQ83DHhqpUvLJ5fCUNJM2UuDmnsj96", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "# Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star\n\nIn the charred ruins of a cathedral, he dwells. The charcoal walls are streaked with flakes of desiccated blood in the shape of runes he can no longer read. The prodigy sorcerer once led legions, but now only commands a hollow empire of bone and misfortune. Half-finished rituals and alchemical preparations litter the witchwood altar. Nothing thrives. Not even sunlight dares linger here.\n\nThe local villagers, emboldened by the taverns stale ale, utter the sorcerers name in hushed tones: Aldus the Black. Heretic of the Morning Star, named after the fallen angel who waged war upon the heavens. While much about him remains an enigma, one fact is clear. The moon is his kin. Its arcane glow is complicit in the heretics dark deeds. Runes drawn in fresh blood activate by moonlight, offering short-lived but powerful conduits for his magic.\n\nFortunately for the world and its inhabitants, Aldus is forgetful. Even being naturally gifted in the black arts, he can barely complete a blood ritual without forgetting a critical component. His latest blunder occurred while preparing a mortal sacrifice. He briefly left the incapacitated villager unattended on the altar to fetch his ceremonial blade. Aldus was bewildered to return to an empty chamber. He then noticed the meticulously distilledand not administeredsleeping elixir on a nearby table. He forgot the second dose! The once unparalleled sorcerer realized his error with a chuckle. He shook his head. A predatory grin spread across his face as he glanced out the broken stained glass window and spotted the victim fleeing in the distance."} +{"id": "6361931f-bc80-4b7b-ad41-0ef1be4f6457-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:58.38", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDVUtrcuCNPt9E9pQ5YMNzmYtLmyA7dqbkqxUmWoB3C2", "txHash": "0xcb7a79b443603aee07ad427cde0468085676e8e0a818e06e54edefb7c8038b5e", "createdAtBlock": 13820519, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6491, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNWd5ksiPKbudTtWQ83DHhqpUvLJ5fCUNJM2UuDmnsj96", "name": "Sorcerer Aldus of the Morning Star", "text": "It wasnt always this way; legendary reputations are seldom forged by failures. The eve of a crucial battle marked the origin of the heretics amnesia and sole reason his imperial campaign was lost. Aldus can only vaguely recall that a fellow wizard traveling through the region congratulated him on his recent success and shared in tales and drink. He awoke the following morning, war forgotten, and abandoned camp to go on a pleasant grave robbing journey. With his skeletal legions and devoted zealots left without a commander, they fell. As did a part of the great sorcerer. Since then, he has been consumed with the quest to confront the culprit who cursed him with forgetfulness and reverse it. However, there is one complication. He cannot remember who it was!\n\nIn response to a sharp rise in disappearances and defiled graves throughout the village in recent months, efforts have been redoubled to hunt the heretic and purge the land of his perverse magic. Thus far, all have failed. As long as that pale orb traces an arc across the sky, Aldus the Black endures. Forgetful, perhaps, but he endures."} +{"id": "ce31640d-5c5a-47ea-bfa6-daa7f62695be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:32.72", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRN6kbLkn4SjBFBNT7n7mWVojNkBvA7kthTxf4rB1pYtG", "txHash": "0xd07994c428d0311b2e70019fab311fd70569aac4655faca0b9dbefcf3e528ba7", "createdAtBlock": 13830392, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3119, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eden of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Eden of the Hall\n\nHis body may say \"supa fly\" but this wizard is anything but chill. He is wicked to the core. Brash, but distinguishedly so. This wizard's personality can be summarized by a rant he performed in the town square:"} +{"id": "ce31640d-5c5a-47ea-bfa6-daa7f62695be-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:32.72", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRN6kbLkn4SjBFBNT7n7mWVojNkBvA7kthTxf4rB1pYtG", "txHash": "0xd07994c428d0311b2e70019fab311fd70569aac4655faca0b9dbefcf3e528ba7", "createdAtBlock": 13830392, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3119, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eden of the Hall", "text": "\"What the fizzle did you just heckin' say about me, you Imp? I'll have you know I soloed the Wizard Tutorial, and I've been involved in a myriad amounts of puppeting cases in ranked PVP, and I have over 300 registered PVP wins. I am trained to be the best in my school and I'm the Warlord of this realm. You are nothing to me but just another Forgotten Soul. I will dispel your spells the heck out of this world with a number amount of fireworks that you dare not count, mark my magical words. You think you can get away with whispering \"noob\" after losing to me? Think again, amateur. As we speak, I am contacting my Promethean Warlord friends and you are being hexed so you better prepare for the spells. The spells that drain out the pathetic thing with the pathetic number you call your life points. You're heckin' screwed, kid. I can cast any spell, anytime, and I can kill you in one hit, and that's just with my pet. Not only am I extensively trained in gearless combat, but I have access to all the worlds in the realm which includes your house and I will use it to haunt you out of here, you little adept. If only you could have known what imminent punishment your little taunt was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have casted the proper shield or dispel. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you fizzling noob. I will dispel you all over and make you cry from the sparks. You're going back to Wizard101.\""} +{"id": "b12af646-e2a6-4eb2-a7ba-9fc4a877517d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:33.53", "backgroundColor": "#0b2400", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPwwY1McfBQT36DJBrbwseubBpvZ5FDG58yMys9gf4sYL", "txHash": "0x00763d19f929bd96f7eea735a4a95a4c40fae2d53eb840f0a5544a123dc8aeca", "createdAtBlock": 13832462, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7005, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Caligula of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Caligula of the Keep\n\nCaligula lived as a peasant for his childhood and into his young adult life. \n\nHe awoke one night to the sound of his chickens squawking and clucking, he recognised this as a sign that there was a predator nearby.\n\nHe rushed outside to protect his family's way of life, and there he saw a young fox. \n\nHe grabbed a hoe and charged towards the fox, but as he drew closer he realised that this fox was not trying to harm his chickens.\n\nThe fox was in fact repairing a hole in the side of the chicken enclosure, he looked into the eyes of the fox and noticed they were a deep bloodshot red. \n\nThe fox introduced himself as Masky, and explained that he would be Caligula's gateway into the Runiverse. \n\nCaligula and Masky were soulbound from that point onwards. Masky taught Caligula the ways of the Wizard and how to brew mind-altering potions using herbs from the surrounding woods.\n\nAfter a lifetime of using Cannabis Potions, Caligula and Masky sought after something more, something that would transform their minds, bodies and even their souls..."} +{"id": "edf604f0-68df-446c-be0f-9e3cfd06159a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:34.46", "backgroundColor": "#3234f8", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTeCgpd9Azbyp9K9w1SZq4LRXNwwXSNXwvULTwLWLWxSF", "txHash": "0x553aae203cdaf382d2e4b1473ed7e80fa4bafa961545e1eef4549fa6d8da17fa", "createdAtBlock": 13833085, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2064, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Requiem of the Cold", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Requiem of the Cold\n\nI still remember it like it was yesterday. Her reaction as her hand slowly slipped out of my hand will forever be burned in my mind. Every night my mind goes back to that cold snowy winter night and every night I wake in a cold sweat fear. There's wasn't much I could go as I arrived a minute too late. Only ghost and I were able to maie it out. We were the unfortunate ones to get away...\n\nIt still haunts me till this day."} +{"id": "9ef5a253-45d2-4d8a-b836-802969757584-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:35.249", "backgroundColor": "#1a2edb", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYvoAZyxnvN1itXfpRfR3H12bhmddJnEhtNrHeHuq2PxE", "txHash": "0x4c8d5d715f72b24c74ae5fd91f5dfbd508e25f034c326238433afeab737da486", "createdAtBlock": 13833104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2064, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Requiem of the Cold", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Requiem of the Cold\n\nI still remember it like it was yesterday. Her reaction as her hand slowly slipped out of my hand will forever be burned in my mind. Every night my mind goes back to that cold snowy winter night and every night I wake in a cold sweat fear. There's wasn't much I could do as I arrived a minute too late. Only ghost and I were able to make it out. We were the unfortunate ones to get away...\n\nIt still haunts me till this day."} +{"id": "2dbf0069-3467-4e48-9f63-c7c24bf63732-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:35.992", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebwyEWtxaiMuwf4nNFXvvVv3KTZzFfkWUBpyk53EqwNy", "txHash": "0x195c09681fee967eba440deb50d7be411b715f6313c5dca25cbb5f4ada8ee081", "createdAtBlock": 13834291, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6934, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQshSzZYoxw2MwFnG8WtmAqDmrKRwnVHdYhA6Dr8U2YPJ", "name": "Enchanter Leah of the Plains", "text": "Eyes on the bug,\n\n Look you can't touch."} +{"id": "e5d04d85-1ce0-486b-8f14-730070cbbc32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:37.021", "backgroundColor": "#686262", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS5mmMDQEpjWstquRVZrhzxg4HU1LjXkWGVpCdo4bG7zJ", "txHash": "0x6066960cc3d8075f101e1cb620af55088e7cc1cc1a91b471a513cc02881de19d", "createdAtBlock": 13837616, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1263, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Qasim of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Battlemage Qasim of the Riviera\n\nIn a world before the invention of time; magic and chaos ruled the land - this is where we first heard of the Battlemages. \n\nThe legends tell of reclusive group of magicians that have been in search of untold knowledge lost during the unrecorded war of wizards. Many claim the Battlemage Qasim is eternal - others that it walks between the lands of dead and life without hesitation having made a deal with the unspoken one."} +{"id": "5f6b8399-a06f-4cfb-b8a1-7cab417ff14c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:37.883", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMTAmriKe6WgDsQArmzij6sMroJcUXGxvkQHT7mWYw52", "txHash": "0xde120e56e3bed4035d1f3c216d409cfb3ae60bb4caec991ae916e40481982246", "createdAtBlock": 13837682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Ulysse of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Hex Mage Ulysse of the Plains\n\nUlysse, like his uncle before him was drawn to the sea. The Iliad's tales of heroism, struggle, and friendship were stories he yearned for but because of his choices never came to be. A pirate's life, is a life of constant search for endless bounty only to find dug up chests of empty promises, guarded by old bones clutching dirt and rusted metal.\n\n\"Greed dies alone.\" He always thought.\n\nUntil one night on the ship's focsle, under a full moon, he felt a gaze upon him. A black, one-eyed raven! Impossible! There was no land in sight for leagues in the vastness of a black ocean...\n\nAs they locked their gaze, Ulysse was instantly transported to a strange land where physical gravity didn't exist but instead was paralyzed by the weight of his choices. \"Easy choices, broken promises. How fitting that the easy path always led to a harder life.\" He contemplated. As he was laying on the dirt, finally breaking free of his self-evaluation, he saw a great tree who's twisted arms reached into oblivion...and he saw the one-eyed raven watching.\n\nThe raven asked him a question, \"Look beyond the tree, you will see a forking road. One path is not like the other but in your moment between your choices lie an infinite amount of possibilities that will dictate your journey.\"\n\nUlysse asked, \"Which path is safe?\"\n\nEmotionless, the one-eyed Raven said, \"Neither path is safe. Will you walk the way of hard truths or the way of fine lies?\"\n\nUlysse stunned in silence, unable to utter a word."} +{"id": "5f6b8399-a06f-4cfb-b8a1-7cab417ff14c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:37.883", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMTAmriKe6WgDsQArmzij6sMroJcUXGxvkQHT7mWYw52", "txHash": "0xde120e56e3bed4035d1f3c216d409cfb3ae60bb4caec991ae916e40481982246", "createdAtBlock": 13837682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Ulysse of the Plains", "text": "Ulysse stunned in silence, unable to utter a word.\n\nThe one-eyed raven said, \"Once you have chosen, WE will be made whole, for you will give me your left eye as tribute for this deal. If you choose the right path, I will impart a gift of an ever-lasting ember from my dead father, Prometheus to guide you for as long you breathe...NOW CHOOSE!... but first your left eye...\"\n\nPain, Ulysse thought, real pain is truth. Stripped bare and humbled, Ulysse saw the path before him. \"Fine lies or hard truths...\" He saw a path of heroism and fame, while the other, a road of endless plains and searching. He took his first meaningful step...\n\nA wizard is born..."} +{"id": "50090293-4baa-4050-82f8-5e76d814ae8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:38.67", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme1yTiXvpivPAafddtiRUJSyWBUfm73bEBwB4NcqX6EXs", "txHash": "0xe3d3603235d138a6e43cd57c9247f7bf83c95471067dd364f5f9ce8545033a56", "createdAtBlock": 13837806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5900, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Jameel of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Jameel of the Quantum Downs\n\n## Chapter I - Report of Psychological Assessment\n\nJameel is a 271 years and 3 months old dream master adolescent. He was advised to take a psychological evaluation to determine his current cognitive and emotional status. Jameel has spent the first two centuries of his life in the Quantum Downs, a dark space, solely illuminated by bioluminescent organisms. This can be seen as a contributing factor to his fertile imagination, but also lack of concentration outside of the Quantum Downs. Jameel displays an exceptional level of intelligence and a strong urge to control dreams. He describes it as great fun and does not comprehend the problem of non-consensual dream control.\n\n\n## Chapter II - Article from the Runiverse Herald\n\nThe 1000th Burning Kobold Festival promised to be the biggest, family-friendly event of the Runiverse, this year. Not even three days into the week-long festivities, around Dream Master Lake, and yet another incident causes controversy and outrage. As every evening, all dream masters gathered around the lake, to create a dream so powerful it appears in the night sky. This time, instead of wonderful creatures and rainbow colors, visitors caught sight of giant kobold genitalia. According to eyewitnesses, several wizards collapsed and required medical treatment.\n \nAt the time of printing the cause remains unclear. Master of ceremony, Magus Wazir of the Mount, denied his complicity in the incident. I am only ringing my bell here, he insisted, before demonstratively ringing his bell in front of the journalists.\n\nIt is to be hoped that the festival proceeds without further complications. The first uproar happened during opening night; the giant wooden kobold statue in the middle of the lake caught fire. It is usually burned during the closing ceremony.\n\n\n## Chapter III - Runi P.D. Report\n\nSuspect: Pyromancer Jameel of the Quantum Downs\nAge: 273"} +{"id": "50090293-4baa-4050-82f8-5e76d814ae8c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:05:38.67", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme1yTiXvpivPAafddtiRUJSyWBUfm73bEBwB4NcqX6EXs", "txHash": "0xe3d3603235d138a6e43cd57c9247f7bf83c95471067dd364f5f9ce8545033a56", "createdAtBlock": 13837806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5900, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Jameel of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Suspect: Pyromancer Jameel of the Quantum Downs\nAge: 273\n\nSuspect arrested after being found asleep in a tree near Dream Master Lake. He was in possession of fireworks that can be associated with the ignition of the kobold statue. The suspect states that he sympathizes with kobolds; he wants to put an end to the appropriation of their culture. He explains that the Burning Kobold Festival was founded by kobolds as a simple beer fest. After some serious miscalculations, they had asked dream masters, known for their soberness, to assist with the planning. The suspect elaborates that kobolds were banned from the festival, after Big Potion Corp joined as a sponsor. He concludes his confession with loud kobold sounds."} +{"id": "6503a787-6687-4b2b-8e3e-fa55b4f7a3f2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:34.584", "backgroundColor": "#002477", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmczWtJ3PbTagi9ayurQDs8rGpKjVaQoAHkwPJrvQvz1qZ", "txHash": "0x6e72d9db28a8813cc143e4e128f274b8643b799edb330261302f783bc4580849", "createdAtBlock": 13830058, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3235, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://nfts.forgottenrunes.com/ipfsQmZZFxFLyy9j4aDBT3ZNo2oxPQJ8JavJ4truH1UPUQ44Ce", "name": "Archmagus Eizo of the Event Horizon", "text": "# AGUILAS \n_His mind and the sea were brothers at arms, a staff against stone and time, purple and lime_. -Aldo's Isle Proverb\n\nInterwoven with Eizo's identity was AGUILAS. It was not a particulaly large structure, there were much larger homes in the realm and even on the green Isle. Nor was its construction particularly subtle. Beautiful yet rugged though; dark smooth stone, richly colored oak doors, and with a tall tower that gazed out over the sea. \n\n\n# Beneath the understated home, deep in the earth, was its heart, its majesty. \n\nAldoans avoided speaking its true name out of reverence, mostly calling it the \"West Tower\" or simply \"Eizo's\". (AGUILAS the term referred to more than a home; it was an ancient name for the land itself.)\n \nIt sat nestled close to The Brine amidst granite and cypress, and from the Main Road a long cobblestone driveway weaved through hills and trees and around the quaint Mill Pond. Wolves roamed the grounds and hawks watched from above. \n\n\n# A marble fountain bubbled before a rune-marked oak door entrance. The pool of water glowed purple in the moon light and aromas of pine and salt filled the breezy air. \n\nThe local legend of AGUILAS speculated that it contained an entry point to a lost city under the sea. For below the main (newer) structure there were intricate and seemingly endless passageways, descending to the bedrock of the Isle, and possibly _beneath_ the bedrock. A gateway to a forgotten realm, a maze into the abyss.. \n\nThe locals feared AGUILAS (and Eizo by extension), for there was a tradition of not wanting to poke such strange darkness."} +{"id": "6503a787-6687-4b2b-8e3e-fa55b4f7a3f2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:34.584", "backgroundColor": "#002477", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmczWtJ3PbTagi9ayurQDs8rGpKjVaQoAHkwPJrvQvz1qZ", "txHash": "0x6e72d9db28a8813cc143e4e128f274b8643b799edb330261302f783bc4580849", "createdAtBlock": 13830058, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3235, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://nfts.forgottenrunes.com/ipfsQmZZFxFLyy9j4aDBT3ZNo2oxPQJ8JavJ4truH1UPUQ44Ce", "name": "Archmagus Eizo of the Event Horizon", "text": "Magic was required to unlock its secrets. Beneath the home, there were doors upon doors with runes and spells laid upon them. The ancient and enigmatic builders of Aguilas were godly in their arts. \n\nThe first floors of the tower were normal domestic quarters; a kitchen, a den, a library, numerous bedrooms and bathrooms, a potions room, a generative magic room, all fine in design. Once neat and tidy, the rooms had become dusty and dishelveled from neglect. \n\nAt the western side of the first floor, framed by stained-glass windows, there was a large trick fireplace. Behind it (being revealed after reciting the correct words) was a secret spiral stair that spun elegantly to the tower balcony high above. The circular room was cozy and well-kept, and the view expansive and freeing; Eizo's favorite place in the world. \n\nYears before, after returning home from a journey to the Event Horizon, he inherited the property from a sea wizard of great renown and lineage. The old sea wizard was the adopted father of Eizo , and at his death bed in the tower balcony he told Eizo certain truths for the first and last time.. \n\n\"My dear Eizo, I have kept this from you for your own sake. I know who built this tower lad, though alas I do not know who built what exists beneath it. Now, as I prepare to pass on, I ask you to continue my quest, and find the lost city of AGUILAS.\" \n\nAs they shared a final pot of tea, he told Eizo many beautiful stories about the Runiverse, and much Isle history previously unknown. \n\n\"Go to the fountain, touch the water and whisper the words I have taught you , and enter the doorway that opens below you.\""} +{"id": "6503a787-6687-4b2b-8e3e-fa55b4f7a3f2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:34.584", "backgroundColor": "#002477", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmczWtJ3PbTagi9ayurQDs8rGpKjVaQoAHkwPJrvQvz1qZ", "txHash": "0x6e72d9db28a8813cc143e4e128f274b8643b799edb330261302f783bc4580849", "createdAtBlock": 13830058, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3235, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://nfts.forgottenrunes.com/ipfsQmZZFxFLyy9j4aDBT3ZNo2oxPQJ8JavJ4truH1UPUQ44Ce", "name": "Archmagus Eizo of the Event Horizon", "text": "Eizo loved him as a true father, and with tears in his eyes vowed to complete the quest. \n\nSlowly then all at once, he realized the gravity of what was there.. Thousands of rooms and locked doors, languages and runes never seen before, magical arts never before encountered, candles that never went out, scrolls that had constant fresh ink on them, music echoing in strange halls, laughing voices at empty tables, paintings and sculptures from other realms, and even ghosts of sea dragons and squid beasts lurking in the dark air..\nEizo felt trapped, scared, yet _compelled_.\n\nAnd so, this was the task of Eizo, and when in need of rest and healing, he would return to the cozy high balcony of AGUILAS. \n\n\n# In the wind and rain, with hot tea, he thought. He thought of his travels and friends, everything prior to this life of _a staff, stone, and time_, this new life of ever delving and uncertainty. \n\nHere on the breezy balcony Eizo felt himself- an unburdened wizard, standing peacefully with his cat Whistler."} +{"id": "9934968a-3b3c-49fd-afcd-6d79df02122c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:40.14", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZdQSsb6jUNARxGnfV4iyKThzWD3hzg1QPEzgnrktwXJJ", "txHash": "0x59ef72da33a2a203f5dc7cbd9c72b2cfb454533ad5a4f07e64d2ecfbf89316f3", "createdAtBlock": 13842930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 553, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Horned Phantasm Celeste of the Ice Abyss", "text": "# The Lore of Horned Phantasm Celeste of the Ice Abyss\n\n# Prologue\n\nCeleste took her first breath and an unimaginable pain flooded her body, as if hot needles were stabbing her in every bit. It was as if something was tearing her in all directions.\n\nCeleste tried to understand what was happening, but saw only a strange man, with a river of flames flowing straight from his palms into her body. She tried to resist, she tried to defend herself, but the pain was too strong.\n\nWho was that man? Why did he torture her so much?\n\nWhen all lights started to fade, an unknown wizard fell to the ground, the flames stopped, and she could finally take a deep breath. But the agony didn't go away, her whole body throbbed with pain, and she looked with horror at the bits of purple skin that had split off and reconnected a moment later elsewhere.\n\n\"What am I?!\"\n\nCeleste looked around the red room, but saw only horrible smoke and a confused wizard on the ground. He looked so scared. But she felt no mercy for him.\n\n\"What did you do to me ?!\" she demanded, but the wizard suddenly disappeared in front of her. In an instant, he vanished, as if he had never been there.\n\nCeleste looked around the stone room in confusion, trying to understand what had just happened. She didn't know how she got here. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel was a terrible pain that twisted her mind.\n\nShe struggled to her feet and walked over to the distant window, where forests, mountains, lakes, and even the ocean echoed in the darkness of the evening. The night air pleasantly cooled her body, but she could not rest."} +{"id": "9934968a-3b3c-49fd-afcd-6d79df02122c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:40.14", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZdQSsb6jUNARxGnfV4iyKThzWD3hzg1QPEzgnrktwXJJ", "txHash": "0x59ef72da33a2a203f5dc7cbd9c72b2cfb454533ad5a4f07e64d2ecfbf89316f3", "createdAtBlock": 13842930, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 553, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Horned Phantasm Celeste of the Ice Abyss", "text": "In her mind, she suddenly heard the chatter of distant voices, as if hearing the thoughts of other beings. Other wizards. They felt her presence. They knew that something terrible had happened here, and most of all they understood that it was different from them.\n\nYes, Celeste felt so powerful.\n\nMagical energy flowed through her body, which she could not describe, and as she stared out the window, she wanted nothing more than to tear down those distant houses and burn the dark forests. She liked the idea. She wanted to silence all the voices in her head. She wanted to tell them not to play with her.\n\nShe reached out to the sky and called out the incredible magical energy that lurked in her. It flowed through her body like a captive storm that wanted to get out and just destroy.\n\nCeleste heard other thoughts, much fainter. They must have been ordinary people, without magical abilities. But she didn't care now. She just wanted to make them all silent.\n\nSuddenly something moved behind her, and Celeste turned on her heel in an instant.\n\nShe was waiting for the enemy, but instead a frog landed on the stone floor in front of her.\n\n\"I know you,\" Celeste stammered, glancing slowly at the bone frog, which was watching her blankly. \"But you looked different. I I can't remember. \n\nCeleste was about to send the destructive spell from her right hand to the world. Looking at the bony animal, which had to live only by some magical miracle, she could only quench her right hand and cast away the spell.\n\n\"What just happened to you?\" Celeste asked the frog in disbelief. She couldn't remember how she knew the creature. Regret flooded her heart as she looked at the frog.\n\n\"And what just happened to me?\" she asked with tears in her eyes, examining her purple fingers."} +{"id": "d3edda6f-0d1b-498b-b05a-cc526a912719-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:43.968", "backgroundColor": "#063e0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSPnXezzoCf51XFkqNQ9hBRyD2kbH3mnwAekwf2ifDp2B", "txHash": "0x631ecaa3f3e3e89d945c95d2e9aa459709169024855f16cbfbffba29b0eace53", "createdAtBlock": 13847379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5401, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Keziah of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Keziah of the Keep\n\nWitch Keziah Foster is a 130-year-old former black magic school master who enjoys spells, potions, theater, and old tales. He is mysterious and kind, but can also be very lonely and a bit shy. Physically, Keziah is in pretty good spirits since he was a young child. He is short with pale green skin and green eyes. He has asymmetrical ears, though they they never see the light of day due to his chaotic green hair \n\nHe grew up in the Keep, which was known to be the upper class side of town. After his mother died when he was young, he was raised by his father. He quickly learned how to be a brave since his father had no kind heart. His most recent romance was with a woman called Shane Gemma Gilbert, who was the same age as him. Shane died in 1381.The papers reported the cause of death: 'heart disease'\n\nWitch Kaziah has four children with late wife Shane: Cindy aged 76, Dennis aged 78, Shannon aged 83 and Tommy aged 86."} +{"id": "5a54ea1d-1aa5-4750-b9ca-326ec8ffd9bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:46.601", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQSTpcUVTQs741M3kuVYqnPAbLiWCQvXiZ6eDSuJeewvj", "txHash": "0xebd32b864e7b7c874a8f199f5a1b125cb0b078a4afa2baec66546673ba3a563a", "createdAtBlock": 13851496, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2722, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYYKQVauS1Ew1srEUsJtuMQt8sShZPRkR59ox84CpWY5w", "name": " Crowley of the Gnostics", "text": "# **Crowley of the Gnostics, Firestarter, Bearer of the Divine Light**\n\n \n\nThose in Red Wizard Capital know Crowley of the Gnostics as the **_Firestarter_**. For nearly four decades he has climbed the north tower every day at dusk, lighting the way for those who dare sail The Salt.\n\n**ORIGINS**\n\nFour decades in Red Wizard Capital is enough to cement a legacy. But Crowley wasnt always a red hat wizard. Did he earn his hat? Of course. Crowley trained, invested, and levered his way to the top; he hodled harder than even the most notable of the Runiverse wizards.\n\nI. TRUTH\n\nCrowley was not a child of this city. Crowley wasnt even born of the red hat clan. Rumor has it Crowley was discovered as a baby. A baby drifting out of The Quantum Shadow, as quizzical an anomaly as Schrdinger's cat. And noit wasnt the nearby wizards of The Thorn who took him in frightened as they should of his origin. It was the Gnostics of Goblin Town.\n\nFitting? A child from the land of the Great Burning finding his way to the Gnostics, those who follow the Divine Light? Who worship Magic power from within? It is, after all, the Sacred Flame that fuels the Great Burning. The most powerful of all Divine Light. Even more powerful than the Chroma Crystal, another source of the great Divine Light in the Runiverse.\n\n2. COURAGE\n\nHow did Crowley, with an enigma of a beginning, come to Red Wizard Capital? It was in studying and staying true to his faith that Crowley found his path."} +{"id": "5a54ea1d-1aa5-4750-b9ca-326ec8ffd9bb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:46.601", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQSTpcUVTQs741M3kuVYqnPAbLiWCQvXiZ6eDSuJeewvj", "txHash": "0xebd32b864e7b7c874a8f199f5a1b125cb0b078a4afa2baec66546673ba3a563a", "createdAtBlock": 13851496, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2722, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYYKQVauS1Ew1srEUsJtuMQt8sShZPRkR59ox84CpWY5w", "name": " Crowley of the Gnostics", "text": "While the Sacred Flame was out of his reach (only held by the old guard), Crowley decided he would venture to find the Chroma Crystal. He would be one of the first in centuries to track down the Holy Arcanist Illuminus of the Heavens. The Gnostics believe the Chroma Crystal held by Arcanist Illuminus to be one of the purest forms of the Divine Light: able to summon the godliest Magic power short of the Great Burning.\n\n3. FAITH\n\nCrowley, with nothing to lose, left the care of the Gnostics at an early age. With faith in front and only emptiness behind, he ventured for decades through the Runiverse. No one knows quite where Crowley went. In telling of his travels, Crowley emblazes on for hours, with fire in his eyes. He offers only ominous tales of odyssey. Treacherous side quests with his newfound red snake.\n\n4. POWER\n\nBut Crowley came back with more than storieshe has the power to summon forth great fire. Since his return, Crowley lives illumined by the flame.\n\nWithout certainty, it is believed that he derives this from Magic; from his understanding of the Divine Light, witnessed through the Chroma Crystal. To the Gnostics, he is known as **_Bearer of the Divine Light_**.\n\nIt is this great power, the summoning of the Magic flame, that brought vast wealth to Crowley. It enabled him to earn his red hat and forge a prosperous path in Red Wizard Capital. This Magic flame is the fire that he uses to light the north tower of the capital each day.\n\nWhile fire is effortless, Crowleys mind wanders. He grows restless. \n\nHe knows his true destiny is to stay strong to his faith to spread the Divine Light beyond the Red Wizard Capital and The Salt."} +{"id": "af05f68c-523b-445a-98b6-668e9bcaf6e2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:47.763", "backgroundColor": "#424643", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc98eJWRgzPwLv15dZFBCuiETYvmPmg5Ytk68d8eeU6A7", "txHash": "0xf732c38becfc4cc68cfaea3302ec90986c12808776ddcd503efe2d6d58da569b", "createdAtBlock": 13852529, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5429, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Ozohr of the Sacred Pillars\n\n Extinguished lanterns lined the long cut granite corridor. Thors wrath provided Ozohr with just enough light so he wouldnt trip over the \n\nnearly slippery floor.This passage seemed as old as time itself, and untouched for almost as many years. Is this truly how far Ive fallen from the \n\nSacred Pillars? He asked himself, slowing his pace, taking care not to lose his footing. After what had felt like hours, he finally could see an arched \n\ndoorway in the distance. With every step it grew greater in size, until Ozohr finally reached the base of it.\n\nIn a cold sweat, he pulled back the hood on his burlap cloak. The message hed received gave careful instructions that if not followed would surely \n\nlead to his demise. The doors were massive, close to 30 feet tall, but light as a feather. They open silently, void of any gears or cogs. He kept his eyes \n\nfixated on the floor as he shuffled towards the large pyramidal shadow in front of him.\n\n The doors quickly shut behind Ozohr, and just as swiftly, any remnants of light. Thors wrath seemed to be drowned out by the darkness, with \n\nthe exception of 2 extinguished lanterns, one on either side of the now closed doors. Using Thors Wrath, he lit the one closest to him, and in \n\nsequence lanterns around the entire room lit themselves, throwing the room into stark contrast. The granite had been replaced with cut and polished \n\nmarble, the room itself mimicd the pyramid shape of the mountain. Ozohr stood in awe, never before had he seen so many memes gathered in one"} +{"id": "af05f68c-523b-445a-98b6-668e9bcaf6e2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:47.763", "backgroundColor": "#424643", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc98eJWRgzPwLv15dZFBCuiETYvmPmg5Ytk68d8eeU6A7", "txHash": "0xf732c38becfc4cc68cfaea3302ec90986c12808776ddcd503efe2d6d58da569b", "createdAtBlock": 13852529, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5429, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "place. They were framed in gold, hung tightly to the polished marble. Ozohr moved from one grand image to the next, so entranced with the artwork, \n\nhe failed to notice the eyes locked on him from across the room. He worked his way through the room until he finally reached a giant coffin bound in \n\nchains. A powerful spell bound the chains to the coffin. Ozohr had read of such spells before, which usually required the combined might of multiple \n\nwizards and a blood pact.\n\n There was a small gap in the face of the prison, granting the creature inside just enough visibility to peer outside. Ozohr and the being locked \n\neyes, and although it was only for a moment, time had felt as if it was standing still. Countless images flashed before him, some of the greatest memes \n\nin existence, but this was not all. He witnessed a witch being burned, an angry crowd gathered around her, fueling the fire with bad memes, ones the \n\nworld hoped to forget. It was in that instant, Ozohr felt he achieved an inexplicable illumination of the infinite; Awakening. His gaze turned away \n\nfrom the creature, and he muttered a name to himself that felt as if it had been engraved in his mind; Nosferatu. He let out a long sigh, pulled up \n\nthe hood on his cloak and exited the dungeon."} +{"id": "264a9d4e-d4f9-4647-a6ca-248fda20de2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:48.525", "backgroundColor": "#714899", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNuoAah5tFVan4ZyiSnzYqkjfMGn7EVSaBSjUND2TeB9X", "txHash": "0x5fdf76f917cdb7f5e93c4b9ff7d9f8732dd40ee943d6cdc8adf514801889a31c", "createdAtBlock": 13854231, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9670, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 3 Poltergeist Setsuko of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "What is dead may never die!"} +{"id": "068ed5c1-adc9-43e2-a63b-74c712b60d0b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:49.327", "backgroundColor": "#ecd9b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUrunbsgDtyNnRYaKverJqMkMspYqhqofb5VidkDJAMyB", "txHash": "0xa13ec4c34ee27417d9f904e70fb0aa1d606fbf96912075989789c29090f85001", "createdAtBlock": 13860710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1498, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVC1PbQj64MLuhaeHzzvVXpysTZhQbqGCsEfYWR8z3xSz", "name": "Sorcerer Azahl of the Mount", "text": "# A last rose\n\nTo my dearest friends Shadow Mage Hagar of the Realm and Archmagus Casper of the Mist.\n\n \n\nI lived a good life. I had access to incredible sights and knowledge. I left the Mount for many years and then returned for a last spiritual retreat.\n\nI dedicated a considerable part of my life to studying and improving as a sorcerer. And I know I've helped many on my way. Some years ago, before I finally headed back to the Mount, I joined a select group of wizards to work on deciphering the manuscripts of Sage Celah of the Steppe. Yes, our group. Those were happy years, folks. We spent days, weeks, traveling and exchanging information concerning the miraculous trips of the Sage, trying to understand his way of life. I still do believe he has got an answer for the mysteries of life and I am profoundly grateful for all the experiences we have had together over these years of companionship.\n\nI however got tired. Tired of waiting for this wisdom. And I started to realize that although I have always been pleased to contribute to greater achievements of the communities I lived in, there was always a secret personal pursuit. A personal desire of acquiring more power.\n\nPower to see things done faster. Power to optimize. So in the depth of my retreat I researched. I feel I was guided by the power of the Rune of Neptune.\n\nIt strangely pulled me out of external life and threw me uphill, in a small cabin, where I spent a long time reading and thinking about dreams and ideals. And I concluded that usual magic and philosophy were too slow if we were to conquer real power in this existence.\n\nI knew that kind of thoughts could drive me to darker ways, but in my heart I believed I was pursuing the light... The mysterious beacon of the Rune of Neptune made me understand the importance of ideals and doing what it takes to realize them. Thus I could wait no more."} +{"id": "068ed5c1-adc9-43e2-a63b-74c712b60d0b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:49.327", "backgroundColor": "#ecd9b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUrunbsgDtyNnRYaKverJqMkMspYqhqofb5VidkDJAMyB", "txHash": "0xa13ec4c34ee27417d9f904e70fb0aa1d606fbf96912075989789c29090f85001", "createdAtBlock": 13860710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1498, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVC1PbQj64MLuhaeHzzvVXpysTZhQbqGCsEfYWR8z3xSz", "name": "Sorcerer Azahl of the Mount", "text": "There are things that lie beyond consciousness, as we learned from the Sage. Things that seem unreachable. Yes, unreachable in an earthly life. We have been trying to build a path into the unconsciousness of mankind. We have been carrying rocks and paving the way. It requires a lifetime. And this is where I turned to what would be my final decision.\n\nDo not take this the wrong way, I am willing to give my life to this. Please keep reading.\n\nIn one of my trips I was granted access to an old tome and I must confess it thrilled me. There were passages I could never forget, about opening bridges to other worlds. Real bridges.\n\n \n\nI know. I know. You may judge me for a fool, I accept it. But this was meaningful to me.\n\nIf one is to work all his life to build a road in slow burn, couldn't he do it quickly by opening a bridge with a REAL BURNING?\n\nThe fire that drives us forward has many faces.\n\nI will leave you to your thoughts now. I cannot be dissuaded, it is decided. In the last weeks I've been mentally preparing for this day.\n\nThis is no trivial subject. It just came to me as the only possibility. None other than this would make more sense right now, when dark times approach rapidly once again.\n\nSo it shall be done.\n\nI will go through the flames in sacrifice.\n\nAnd I hope to see you again, from the other side.\n\nWith all my heart,\n\nSorcerer Azahl of the Mount"} +{"id": "6692316b-f9d7-45a9-8927-03d4350cb4ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:50.072", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSvEirb1LBottLbpd3M2LG6M4XjCtBVF5wTytMcYdoUxX", "txHash": "0x2ba564b5aff1347c4cd2e667a01638a6fd09c76a28e0c0824ef14ed9490070d3", "createdAtBlock": 13862272, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1867, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Wolfram of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Wolfram of the Plains\n\nWhilst my beard be red\n\nTo the fire I was not yet fed\n\nMe trusted fox be looking to the west\n\nTo find us a safe place to rest\n\nSo come all ye wizards to me\n\nYoull find I have something you all must see\n\nStare deeply into my eyes of blue\n\nAnd the secret should be revealed in chapter two"} +{"id": "a944ff96-caac-4560-9e44-d1f71c47865d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:50.782", "backgroundColor": "#f4df28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb5myBbWywPTwy8pk4tKzbqx2knNgBrW37ofcpGRc9nUb", "txHash": "0x36e626022b2c69486b621db6c886a81fe678628787eedef2a784d1ed63530f12", "createdAtBlock": 13863095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9942, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Iprix of the Court", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Iprix of the Court\n\nIprix awoke, face pressed upon the warm cobblestones, with a cool morning breeze on his face. A brief moment passed as he fought the fog of the evening's festivities away. The sound of the ship's crew in the nearby marina on the riverside hummed and clanked as he stood, buttoning his vest and smoothing the wrinkles away with a whispered word and a flick of his staff. One who did not know this \"young man\" might assume he spent the entire night in restful slumber in a luxurious bed in his home in Yellow Wizard Haven. Iprix wasn't one to let the mistakes or misunderstandings that happened in the midst of celebration damper his spirits. \n\nJoyfully setting off on his way to the nearest pub, he ignored the roiling clouds hovering in the distance beyond the mountains. He smiled, and said to himself...\"Another day in paradise!\""} +{"id": "5ec29f75-0468-4db5-ae8b-099fd5d40f54-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:03.407", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPRLSFWQSQrbFJTD4LW4gbUsjkKzLzqTeVapAPLN6EQLq", "txHash": "0x55c13341b66eac2999009d05a6b7c8ba5b231c8561e5024338782f5b2ae287c2", "createdAtBlock": 13868975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 603, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Patch ", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Patch\n\nNot much is known of Alchemist Patch."} +{"id": "5b00076c-eb0c-4f57-bc48-2b2ba95cc5a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:51.51", "backgroundColor": "#30793b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvtxu7KVobkwMZ1wHm4cXfD2mcXUizgZor4XL3MMdUDK", "txHash": "0x9671fe2316a3e78f50b2e763e8d36931d5eb05948a7b867f93165d9c79927732", "createdAtBlock": 13863332, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8953, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ethan of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Ethan of the Wild Boar\n\nAnyone that knows Ethan, knows he is a real party animal, he's a somewhat mysterious type who believes in doing the right thing for his fellow Wizards. \n\nHe grew up in the wild along a pack of wild boars, it wasn't until he was 25 that a mysterious Wizard found Ethan and taught him to speak and how to be somewhat civilized.\n\nEthan loves adventure and relies on the help of his animal family when on adventures by speaking directly to the beasts with chirps, and other sounds to get their attention and help!\n\nAnyone that knows Ethan of the Wild knows him to be a connisuer of wild mushrooms, as well as nature's other goodies. He's usually working on some spell or project and deeply involved in anything that he does. \n\nNeed to catch quick Ride? Ethan will help to conjure up a couple wild boar frens for the journey! \n\nWAGMI"} +{"id": "0a8607b2-76a8-4ea0-bea0-900d1d2b547e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:52.982", "backgroundColor": "#f2951b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS19AZLkAK2oQeFghM6CCLRu6cLuAGduSZd24c1z3QKMq", "txHash": "0xbbe4e24fb09d6b76d2700f17a4694cd06e1a8bec736ae51cb6265f66d208fe67", "createdAtBlock": 13863404, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cairon of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Cairon of the Palms\n\nShaman Cairon of the Palms, 1 of 106 Eastern Arcanists, but of 2 Twins with a Topaz Slime Familiar, was a decent man who ran a harem, you'd see him in his purple pants, like a uniform and always with jinx staff like, wtf, why you alwasy wear the same shit?\n\nAnyways, as many know, arcanists are looked at by other Wizard as different, but thats because of the green hue from the skin, they called him a reptile, which didn't bother him, he just became cold towards the haters.\n\nDuring the heyday of wizardry, Shaman Cairon would easily read the mind of others, his uncanny ability to charm women landed him in many a bed. Cairon was also well known to entertain his friends and strangers with jokes, dances, voices, and other tricks.\n\nAs for the battles among Wizard, Cairon saw himself as above this, he carried his staff but was not concerned with their squabbling, he cut the shit and would get to brass tacks with others, squashing issues amicably and sometimes not, but he did not mince words.\n\n \n\nCairon plans to sacrifice his apprentice Ethan of the Wild to the flames at some point in the next 500 years, this is a boy he raised from the wild boar and brought \"proper\", taught him how to \"wipe his own ass\", so to say.\n\nHe love Ethan as a son, and knows the ultimate sacrifice is not one's self, but your life's mission, his hope to deify Ethan could go well, but who knows, Cairon isn't goin into the flames! Ha"} +{"id": "0cdcbe98-89ab-4a3c-aa56-c190ddd2c4ac-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:53.714", "backgroundColor": "#0ddcb7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbiCCUfNmPbMDKN7xxmua4fDMStBV64cxcjhnqc1Bx5WW", "txHash": "0x2339f31aae2b26f5fc0697a98b8580f7cdee0035f5d438d8f41c636551fb87d0", "createdAtBlock": 13863669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7345, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Ixar of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Ixar of El Dorado\n\nIxar never thought he needed much\n\nHe never saw a reason for props and such\n\nBelieving weapons and wands were for a weaker kind\n\nHe thought he could be a strong wizard using just his mind\n\nReading books of magic day and night\n\nHe'd get lonely without a familiar in sight\n\nAnd don't even get him started on runes\n\nAll the wizards with them were just \"loons\"\n\nBut Ixar's egotism cost him in the end\n\nHis magic was average and he couldn't make a friend\n\nLoneliness was starting to get the best of him\n\nHe found a job at the El Dorado Inn\n\nWaving to other wizards to enter the best hotel in town\n\nHe fixed his loneliness, but still had a frown\n\nEven though Ixar was a rare wizard with 2-traits\n\nThe lack of possessions didn't make for a good fate"} +{"id": "a107888b-211a-4e4c-8ce6-3be039834e05-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:55.15", "backgroundColor": "#c56868", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPy2tZpDjkoDX7pZmbUJBQXAdUYpZmG7e6zrikQRbKE1e", "txHash": "0x25e2b3380032815aab1f44e5185b05fabd8d6c3ef5ab7ea73eb2eeea55246fc2", "createdAtBlock": 13868091, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5258, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Orpheus of the Morning Star", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Orpheus of the Morning Star\n\nIn the mysterious world of wizards, everyone has different abilities and weapons. Those who start fire, disappear suddenly, appear out of nowhere, flash lightning, interfere with the flow of nature, talk to animals, dominate plants, those who have not been injured in any war, those who fly in the air, those who can defeat their enemies from far, and even those who are immortal.\nAll these fantastic features are shared between the good and the evil wizards, and sometimes the good and sometimes the evil dominate the world. An endless fight for dominance does not end.\n\n\nFor every good wizard, there will always be a stronger evil wizard.This struggle, which has been going on for centuries, is finally coming to an end.\nThe rumor that everyone thinks is a myth is actually true. In an unknown place of the world there is a sorcerer. This sorcerer has a trait that will bring peace to the world.\nHe can change the minds of everyone he meets. He is a mind bender. Encountering evil wizards is enough to persuade them to peace.\n\n\nArchmagus Orpheus enters the city with the rising sun one morning.\n\n\nThe world is entering a new era. Now all that needs to be done is to get Orpheus into the council of wizards where all good and evil wizards meet once a century. It's not an easy job. Indeed more close to impossible."} +{"id": "28b1b0d9-e5da-4a32-a677-ce0e8715bae6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:56.237", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsm9i7KT3Wd22wEUYR1tDYiHPrcZZowFPfQ7hwc58c8t", "txHash": "0x071a9345114d970af6a3a3c0bc85827204bff1aedfa1814fff82e2787f98c9ee", "createdAtBlock": 13868882, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4890, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Yookoo of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of Electromancer Yookoo of the Gnostics\n\nElectromancer Yookoo of the Gnostics grew up listening to tales of great wizards and knew he wanted to follow their path. He strove to be accepted at an academy of magic and succeeded."} +{"id": "a2110c50-5b7d-42b3-9753-551eeb46dec2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:56.9", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQPbku2GDUBJTRKunPAy3hC6dqgiU1m8fpBzcfGwAAkGC", "txHash": "0xc5d083d07b155b62decabdc0614b7a81ae01b6199748d2b627a06753f4418c5f", "createdAtBlock": 13868894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 824, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Talon of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Talon of the Oasis\n\nBattle Mage Talon of the Oasis lived in a mansion. He always found it easy to make friends, and he loved being around people. He became a Hermit because; he never liked the people he called his friends, so it was easy for him to strike out on his own.\n\nTalon became a Wizard because; he grew up listening to tales of great wizards and knew he wanted to follow their path. He strove to be accepted at an academy of magic and succeeded."} +{"id": "c3371397-22cd-4b65-bc36-a42d69fdecfc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:57.622", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSknVyCv3PgHrGPVKwL7GMd3x8GAp1deXa2oDbwHzxW7M", "txHash": "0x192fd92d314684948d688567f8015f1853ba94595bd5c8b68e2f0d6178689708", "createdAtBlock": 13868896, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6872, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Toby of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Toby of the Forest\n\nNot much is known about Toby. It is told that the wildfires that sprout randomly within the roots of the forest is his doing."} +{"id": "15048478-473f-4528-a3f4-08bf06cfe371-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:58.344", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcvpH1C6CbmNvKP7XG3LLf4ffNQKBsa3Rwnuck9viPHe4", "txHash": "0x4b2408f877bca72efb397aeb5a50b4d9e83c52f92588c2305e376453091f5b8f", "createdAtBlock": 13868916, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of the Event Horizon", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Silas of the Event Horizon\n\nArchmagus Silas of the Event Horizon lived in a rundown shack. He had a few close friends and lived an ordinary childhood. He became a Soldier because; A relative was a soldier, and he wanted to you carry on the family tradition. He later became a Wizard because; An old wizard chose him from among several candidates to serve an apprenticeship."} +{"id": "12f14a6e-fefe-4192-92fa-7fc2088835e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:58.982", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSN5hk5MzRmYCYV6LoM5s2Tu1Tst76dYh65qFit2RDhU", "txHash": "0xbb0a124b0773ab760aa76c1945ba3a2b76d88e2538706eaf131e4584ace9b18e", "createdAtBlock": 13868932, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6902, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Hecate of the Wold", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Hecate of the Wold\n\nWitch Hecate of the Wold lived in a large house. Others saw her as being different or strange, and so she had few companions. She became a Charlatan because; she was left to her own devices, and her knack for manipulating others helped her survive. She became a Witch because; One of her ancestors had a pact with their patron, so that entity was determined to bind her to the same agreement."} +{"id": "c0a8e8af-bf44-4f1f-99af-1b83abf86d56-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:09.704", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdyQfr17hV2GqATzMwSVQUo5VHuJxLXE1eNgX7Fk4W3Qz", "txHash": "0xa8789e360570a41ee30c1098ef8a67f9a8664ab21f8238a5f2f3ffeef0b2fc8d", "createdAtBlock": 13869481, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 631, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Jahid of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Jahid of the Hollow\n\nHow long had it been since he first touched the Goblet of Immortality to his lips? How many centuries had passed? Forest had risen in what were once baren lands. Mountains had crumbled. Rivers that once had a purpose, now meandered as if they had no destination at all. The Quantum Shadow changed everything. It engulfed whatever it touched making things that once were, never to be again.\n\nThe Great Owl puffed up his feather as if to protect against the frigid thoughts running through Thaumaturges mind.\n\nSorry old friend. I let my mind wander. Back to business, shall we?\n\nThe journey from Alessars Keep to the Great Owl Oblisk had taken its toll. Here they would prepare the incantation. Here, they would make their final stand against the powers of darkness."} +{"id": "7f881611-503a-412f-9143-6e535193019f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:59.72", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQwVJLBdeP8BP4p49UNAta2Ggviofae74WVa67DyqFPyc", "txHash": "0x31b2835fb5498c88eb7fe71048223f1a939bedd7a002acdd480cca7e10fe4b7c", "createdAtBlock": 13868932, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Rita of the Grotto\n\nShe blinked, not remembering much, only to be awakened by the firm bristle and unfamiliar feeling that graced her finger. This was nothing short of uncomfortable, but offset by her lack of vision. She struggled to open her eyes, yet - there it was, an orange tabby of unknown origin, gently licking her hand. Her eyesight was wavering, lost, although she she blinked one last time to make a direct connection within the slit of his sharp green eyes - then his eyes flashed green, and with that green came sparks erupting from her hand. She felt a deep burning sensation, yet it was the first time she felt truly alive. Her eyesight was no longer gone, it was considerably enhanced.\n\nA simple spark, her past gone, and only this magical feline to guide her. No longer lost, nor confused - no longer cold as the fire burned deep within her, she stood up, embracing the flame within her and set forward, lighting her path with an orb of green flame. She thought to herself abruptly.\n\n\"There truly is no such thing as an ordinary cat.\""} +{"id": "5d244010-725d-4df6-a24e-32dfcf7f28c8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:00.388", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWH2bJdNgknGDpJdncEGdmoNMeuN5ERVzvYZMEjCjrzAT", "txHash": "0x7d329997620e659ca09f94b984a3a8f886e69184dacd7f71b9ccb1e546a52253", "createdAtBlock": 13868942, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8673, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Ophelia of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Ophelia of the Field\n\nIllusionist Ophelia of the Field lived in a rundown shack. She had a few close friends and lived an ordinary childhood. She became a Noble because; she comes from an old and storied family, and it fell to her to preserve the family name. She became a Wizard because; When she became lost in a forest, a hedge wizard found her, took her in, and taught her the rudiments of illusion."} +{"id": "4a8b4fa5-a4f3-4502-84cb-a8938c82d540-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:01.097", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6WRoeMPcsDBZ3xyiDEtTnyWcytPWE9ykdz7qBMefXps", "txHash": "0x99582061d62bea8c7832d42284a845598a7602da327a17d11e160952b6dd2e1d", "createdAtBlock": 13868942, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1270, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaDAArP1Zxb7XWU7f82U6M9E69dm3kGbpwxYdfMkqw2FE", "name": "Sorcerer Casper of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Casper of the Sun\n\ngm, said Casper, and he meant it."} +{"id": "24ac4aa4-f876-4a7d-9503-395dd59d33a1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:01.821", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYD82nsWKmpApwJJUjhwTEhrDKMSe7xinyYgGg93Pv5WT", "txHash": "0x12d10c67c6635c0fda683ae6a2639ce5e9ce623458a4f4d183486139f7e1509f", "createdAtBlock": 13868960, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9657, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist of the Havens", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist of the Havens\n\nAlchemist of the Heavens - the singular entity that exists at the juncture of creation and destruction. Light and dark. Nothingness and everything.\n\nHis name - who he was - was sacrificed so that he could bring color to the world. He is the prism through which darkness passes so that the world may have light. \n\nHe gives so that others may have."} +{"id": "ea9c5eb7-24ec-45a1-847a-418e4c5d5c30-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:25.654", "backgroundColor": "#547b60", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQP7oXggzGZmKMVihV6zopcC63wjjnFjMyFB2JcJbzTgR", "txHash": "0x62cb87430551feb5a9ed44cdc49bdebc26f034a7a8cc18f631d687fe681b81c9", "createdAtBlock": 15130043, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Thor of the Obelisk", "text": "Halfling / Shaman\nRaised in an asylum, his father abandoned him and his mother was imprisoned. Disgusted by societys decadence Thor decided to leave it behind. He realized that the Gods worked through him. He didnt know why he was chosen to serve. It was Thor that stopped the Evil Druid that had declared war on the Runes."} +{"id": "8d6b2eee-9e39-4749-81d4-f733fa7e2fbe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:02.616", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZFkb7AJxvsmQUrtuKY32EMiHBV1DDc2M5xA1j39ZpFjG", "txHash": "0x85e782d0c22d544468d6f633939b8076acf03a28c8b111e208dc0e74817c00a8", "createdAtBlock": 13868968, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8646, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Eliphas of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Eliphas of the Road\n\nEnchanter Eliphas of the Road lived in a large house. He had a few close friends and lived an ordinary childhood. He became a Hermit because; He felt compelled to forsake his past, but did so with great reluctance, and sometimes regrets making that decision. He became a Wizard because; He was a prodigy who demonstrated mastery of the arcane arts at an early age. When he became old enough to set out on his own, he did so to learn stronger enchantments and expand his power."} +{"id": "877a4393-d639-47a6-8345-f4c4828f64b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:04.098", "backgroundColor": "#bc2626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQ6iJGg6cW8RBsYXhQUadcuTqw1LGggQasWPanLnbo2w", "txHash": "0x1c0162a474f9687e9eebd43ff416cc2c9e2433bb62473a061ec9b351178e5409", "createdAtBlock": 13869046, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6191, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Magnus ", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Magnus\n\nArcanist Magnus loves to burn the candle at night. He burns it for his wife to return home. Then on one night she never returned and so he burned more candles every night for her. Eventually he lit so many candles that his home engulfed in flames. Pitted against the flames and his own rage he burned the entire town. Vowing the burn everything he could."} +{"id": "9f857581-513a-4e27-a045-c8e93841791c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:05.076", "backgroundColor": "#040000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPXUbAr2sVcQ2BZkHJtuapUHWxTBAMw8N9GwvJf2vNDzj", "txHash": "0xc18512aa4a6776f2d043d73bd790cc9e5471258bd0c1687498dcb3e7e5d7755a", "createdAtBlock": 13869103, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 283, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grave Robbing Kobold Trollin of the Majestic Filth", "text": "# The Lore of Grave Robbing Kobold Trollin of the Majestic Filth\n\nTrollin was a Hex Mage who ventured too deep in the Wold. He was trapped in an illusion that rid him of his earthly body. Now he steals from the dead in the Majestic Filth in search of his body in hopes of returning to his former self."} +{"id": "6cd16475-a99a-4bb1-8991-3f10abad3363-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:07.28", "backgroundColor": "#d7ff00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNuv1yHTco8cNjvC4vKvQHXGsoWtzLfTx6USKhnaFDEot", "txHash": "0x2b066df5aa8cccb9d4df11e464f911194ca6cc75fbba85220fbe5a369393d30c", "createdAtBlock": 13869217, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 375, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Daria of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Daria of the Cosmos\n\nI'm an island boy, just trying to make it :)\n\nTwitter: kaocryptobulls\n\nYat: https://y.at/%F0%9F%90%B1%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%90%B1"} +{"id": "9ba1d8f1-1e95-4b35-adca-74e8665eb9ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:08.025", "backgroundColor": "#614890", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTQ5SRKPZYTDrCreHVMGkpJpQkfXJD7wKxsLUx2M4AeL5", "txHash": "0x09a0a6700e2e73429d5e1ef508ab7a95d8224ea02978cde839f3c07c73c29009", "createdAtBlock": 13869264, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4614, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Arabella of Alfheim", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Arabella of Alfheim\n\nRaised by wolves and ghosts, Arabella has conquered the lands from Nightfall to Eden with her psyhic bat, Umberto."} +{"id": "7bd8469b-9de8-466f-bd49-b1b97ad46e82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:08.89", "backgroundColor": "#121212", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQpNoAHU3QQTW5wwF6XM6kmBMbwPyQzZ5hVYBUvPJ95Aq", "txHash": "0xcef93e45681edb984da5abdb3fdc1394396502d8b94bfe79a817dbd66ed27d90", "createdAtBlock": 13869410, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1678, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grim Ghoul Hagar of the Royal Wretch", "text": "# The Lore of Grim Ghoul Hagar of the Royal Wretch\n\nHagar, lost soul, heart black as night. Born in the fire, molded by flames. \n\nWandering endlessly, surviving only on the blood of bears and ripplers foolish enough to stumble across his path. \n\nIf you see him, it is already too late..."} +{"id": "9c670ceb-e455-4ab0-b6e7-088aa94e7170-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:10.508", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTTXBMucB3fCWPMbpEcLNruLzYUKCy3daX7voW7snx1yG", "txHash": "0x2db0d0db81b834098447c0126c864c805c5e370b85055a2cc90083db96737d67", "createdAtBlock": 13869577, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6861, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Hanataka of the Brine", "text": "# The Lore of Hydromancer Hanataka of the Brine\n\nMy sweet boy - you reek of rotting flesh!! If you caught me on a worse day I would have tossed you into the Sacred Flame!!\n\nAlas, I am a Hydromancer and I shall conjure a cleansing liquid to rid you of such stench.\n\nWe have an epic journey at sea that awaits us. If this level of filth returns, well you may have to call the ocean home...\n\nIn honor of this cleansing ritual - a brief song.\n\nMy sweet kitten\n\nWho we call Ghost\n\nSmells worse than aged gouda\n\nSpread on burnt toast\n\nI shall conjure this liquid\n\nthough never again\n\nYou're a filthy feline\n\nBut true best friend"} +{"id": "8a10ed62-6d05-4045-be35-aeaed3a7cc56-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:11.229", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSXS6yT7guvBaBknawG9g6awumRbse6RPZfhs5hBoc3e", "txHash": "0xf90953ed5297d69d0301686786d324f360701c0d3fab0398bd159305d59c9a35", "createdAtBlock": 13869580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3988, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Faye of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Faye of the Wild\n\nFaye of the Wild was born by a cabin near the forest. She was later abandoned by her parents at a young and had to fend for herself all alone, no one to help her. She however had a strong connection to the forest and learned how to survive off the plants in the wild. She picked up a stick, that is now her staff, and uses it to stir her concoctions in her Cauldron and to bonk the degenerates that view her in a preculiar way. She is accompanied by a frog named \"Jerry\" that keeps her senile from the loneliness of the forest."} +{"id": "628b125f-630e-4976-ad61-dae4c9ef325e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:02.199", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme15nUSGMBPp23A3oMm4HtwQEqc7FbUuU92CboC5Wku9J", "txHash": "0xe41e3e7fd80b50d265f4b929e3f90b4e1b7dbf5582d15491966cd0a2f81253c7", "createdAtBlock": 14924316, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXPvvmK5TKuudQmpMUP8omizAcTJVArcLF86zeT34w1F5", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# Yes, sir! \n\"Gutters. Bold, copper shining gutters. \nThey were covering all the parking lot where once horses and carts where hosted. \nAfter the MetalCorp took place in the south eastern area of Kobled district, \nall the Jam factories had to move due to hazardous material exposition. \nNo blames, no one would eat a radioactive Jelly Donut... \n. \nOnly one smol shop was left open, among all that metal. \n\"Graspy the Raspy\". \nProsaic family business run by a family of 6, \nFather, Mother, Son and daughter and 2 dogs. \nAfter the Wizard Council sold all the district to !robots, \nthey were the only !wizards left, \npreparing sweets and delicacies, \nfor the hordes of Imps or anyone passing by and looking for a reason to rest. \n. \nWhat is all of this. Where are the lands of Spirit? \nWarriors. \nThey have been away for decades. \nNever in the history of !magic the help of !warriors was needed. \n. \n*tim tam, \nstick and bum, \nI rule you, \ndumb little scum.* \n\nOn another dimension, a single !warrior, with the help of a bunch of !goblins, \nwas setting the ground for what no one would have imagined. \n@warrior4371, \nwas hardening the swords of his !goblins, \nforging them between the !fire of the !sacred flames and her Iron Hammer. \nMajestic. \nThe vibration of the !Runiverse, \nfinally, \nsynced. \nFlawless. \n\n................ \n\n## To Be. Continued..."} +{"id": "29a82c3a-2f1d-45a8-ac4f-b826f99e9b70-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:12.74", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrEMhXhsTAZCJbCyjG9abaYMgeraNLK3BumSR8YV2sey", "txHash": "0x29dd4990800d2c9295be8056733ecf6779ef70ecfb63303eaac3f4e3ff8e6994", "createdAtBlock": 13870061, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4102, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of the Havens", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus George of the Havens\n\nArchmagus is a term of respect for powerful and renowned magi. The rank of archmagus is considered to be the pinnacle of a magus career. \n\nThe magi of the Forgotten Runes hold the opinions of Archmagi in particularly high regard, and their votes are given extra weight when voting takes place regarding wizard matters.\n\nGeorge of the Havens is the eldest of the remaining Archmagi, he holds the values of the cult above all else and is uncompromising in all matters of principle. \n\nThere are rumors that George had to perform unspeakable acts in his childhood prior to the cult before he joined the cult, but the circumstances surrounding this are unknown. At one point, all aspects of his past were revealed to the Archmagus tribunal in order to assess his worthiness of earning his rank as is required to become an Archmagus but all knowledge of his history died with the the last of the Archmagus who came before him. \n\nThis often comes as a surprise to new magi because George is known for his gentle, kind, and wise nature. However, experienced magi recognize his ability to conjure Thor's Wrath could have only resulted from conquering one's inner evils and demonic corruptions. \n\nOnly then, can such evil be manifested in the mighty spell and be used for righteous deeds to protect the good and the innocent.\n\nHis onyx wolf, Ony, is George's dearest companion and shares his age. Not much is known about how George found Ony, but a battle mage once overheard George saying he owes everything, his existence, his life, and his love to Ony."} +{"id": "f6782893-0ada-4de2-8d51-46ee4a783e8f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:13.504", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRmuMAYbeccBTcLYkDfDtYFR4RHSg5ohkZsAox13GeLVx", "txHash": "0xf3473394d520b326047f3e4d1e085dfe17b87b99d575a3d8349db6aeed593776", "createdAtBlock": 13870315, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4844, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Dante of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Dante of the Palms\n\nWolfman's got the magic stick"} +{"id": "a0592b83-78fc-4e99-9fe8-fd2518468749-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:14.865", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQipCvmqsKUJRQeJ3ZKLk6oLBgFpv2tCRvXRQFFg6LsSi", "txHash": "0x66a1db06bf159fd95b4331f9b3ccbc6fa3cbfee94f3e2e5bb30cd50095755976", "createdAtBlock": 13870580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Prismatic Magi Braindraind", "text": "# The Lore of Prismatic Magi Braindraind\n\nThe Prismatic Magi BRAINDRAIND \"The Illuminated\" - tripping the void at whim with his faithful companion the dark matter eating mongrel Skramps.\n\nThe age of the Prismatic Magi is currently unknown. They say his life is eternal. Moving through space, he projects positive creative waves of crystal infused chromatic essence directly at budding astral bodies, elevating and accelerating the inhabitants' evolutionary path.\n\nThe mongrel he travels with is also a primary method of interdimensional travel, as the waste produced by Skramps' dark matter diet causes sudden rifts to tear open holes in the fabric of space; The Prismatic Magi uses these tears to wrap time around himself and travel across the multiiverse in an instant.\n\nThe Prismatic Magi utilizes the energy from passing Suns to maintain the flow of energetic power that radiates from his being."} +{"id": "d2b29368-13a6-41a9-a7b1-abce4197596f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:15.647", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVcUPRr3xboLEMbEhRviZ72ZRWsDf1bqeiSy2m2tRgKM1", "txHash": "0x4622a7503211e230f25b5a2a45faff634a1e9f1445443d08c2e9c6a2035b1aba", "createdAtBlock": 13870674, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7548, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Merlon of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Merlon of the Brambles\n\nelf eyes see\n\nowl eyes see\n\ni see him\n\nand he sees me"} +{"id": "a7d7577e-6864-4646-abb5-717bd8e16864-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:16.407", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZDBuw46EV3Waad6gV4xKah7LuXSqRdcXBnSAwapBsCg9", "txHash": "0x8f15ea3518b0c2d18ae2a922d4b22a94700e19bfd1b35186a7db57b55c520d31", "createdAtBlock": 13871104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Arabella of the Mountain", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Arabella of the Mountain\n\nThe mountains call to me daily. I walk amongst the birds and the mountain critters. I feel the wind at my face and the sun at my back. My favorite flavored muschroom grows at the base of Mount Heredus. A small hummingbird has been following me today. I am at peace."} +{"id": "680c0273-2ea5-46c9-9738-dab28c9e59c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:17.208", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRGmP8E5zgPdPRbMt4magbmFbLxmkHUjBFnEq3xvqTKFc", "txHash": "0x3b1290097144b51207e6c413ade47fbf40f36615a9d1d23b92e859b1c8c9fc5a", "createdAtBlock": 13871115, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5792, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Milo of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Milo of the Forest\n\nScorching mad from the heavens with his trusty red toad Bull in tow, the Cloud Prophet Milo wielding his cosmic staff descend into the realm of Wizards to combat the creeping darkness..."} +{"id": "1a3e39da-b8df-4c9e-9725-ae227002c2df-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:17.86", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQyd8xe8PzgLsU6St4NpcG74cstcNe2hh5kkzAZ89V3Po", "txHash": "0x2e461240b0126c1d7bc135d71fd2b2780fb7b4cc94b0c5a3d35646f360bea0a6", "createdAtBlock": 13871133, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2117, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eizo of the Inferno", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Eizo of the Inferno\n\nMy staff can also be used as a very good walking stick when my hamstrings are feeling tight."} +{"id": "e0aa4989-a9c0-4f7b-890f-1aa5bc2e75f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:44.91", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWawWK97tto4JBGjqNY5QviXmG8cv3H4P9UyLbi1BCvVW", "txHash": "0x551dad1d1d3565151de8cc59aeabaeb00fdd5a24c1c5f1c280b0ffc3ddfde471", "createdAtBlock": 13850366, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9745, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQQkmjdPrDAPh58vdVxieZaEaZxGqL8eZ8kJhrdfwK4Gs", "name": "Enchanter Bathsheba of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Bathsheba of the Desert\n\nBathsheba was born in The Sand close to the Zaros Oasis to a kind family who ran a small farm. As a coven sister, her and her family were always in tune with nature which would be the cause of her greatest tragedy but what shaped her future into one of the most legendary wizards of the Forgotten Runes. Being close to the Zaros Oasis, it was a perfect growing environment for the ultra-rare and terrifying Flesh Eating Plant. Her family specialized in growing these dangerous plants - they were both desired and feared by wizards.\n\nOne fateful night, multiple wizards laid ambush to the family farm, lighting it up in fire, wiping out most of the harvest but procuring some for themselves. Bathsheba's parents fought them off valiantly but were slain in the battle to defend the farm. Bathsheba herself was not a fighter - she cared more for her plants and her Cockatrice Blazemantle than fighting - and that was what saved her that night. Her rune of fire protected her from the inferno; Blazemantle, her plants and her own powers struck back against the wizards, killing most of them and chasing off the rest.\n\nShe now wanders the world, searching for clues as to the organization or leader who ordered the strike on her family farm, accompanied by her trusty Cockatrice and the one Flesh Eating Plant that survived the attack."} +{"id": "81bb4039-b3eb-4c4a-bf5f-fe8715aea70d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:45.799", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWmkb9NerfJ81ZzdekZzrZZxNZayoexJiYwDjQeE5f8GS", "txHash": "0xcf346b9fb9987030c4a7aea380b5a7809616126b2c26391b9f4965970cc79bd5", "createdAtBlock": 13851101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Isaac of the Court", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Isaac of the Court\n\n_**Origins**_\n\n\nBeware of unearned wisdom... Time and time again the elder wizards had repeated these words to Isaac. He had never really understood them until one day when he was venturing across The Sands. His stomach would not stop reminding him that he had not eaten in days. The barren sands really had nothing to offer for food, except cacti, and surely, he was not desperate enough to prune the spines of a cactus just yet. It wasnt until a few hours later that he stumbled upon an unfamiliar spineless cactus. Hungry and without much to lose in the harsh climate of the sands, Isaac decided to gorge himself; eating until his belly poked through his cloak. Content, he rested amongst the sand as night began to fall, providing him some relief from the unrelenting rays of the sun. Then the colors came, vibrant and psychedelic, covering his field of view. His mind expanded to new lengths; he began to understand the true nature of the universe, and how it came to be. He saw the Rune of Venus and its representation of the harmony of nature and consciousness. As the illusion of time vanished, Isaac realized he had also gained a companion, a bat; one that would forever be by his side. Isaac was shown the most ancient magic, magic likely unknown to any wizard living today. Magic as old as the stars... Or maybe older. He saw great battles, great victories, and great sorrows. Wisdom and power surged through him as the universe revealed itself to him. All that ever was, and ever will be, _he saw_.\n\nThe following day, Isaac awoke, a more powerful wizard than any hed ever met. He knew exactly what he had eaten. It was _Peyote_. Isaac realized instantaneously; some things are more powerful than staffs or wands."} +{"id": "81bb4039-b3eb-4c4a-bf5f-fe8715aea70d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:45.799", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWmkb9NerfJ81ZzdekZzrZZxNZayoexJiYwDjQeE5f8GS", "txHash": "0xcf346b9fb9987030c4a7aea380b5a7809616126b2c26391b9f4965970cc79bd5", "createdAtBlock": 13851101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 366, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Isaac of the Court", "text": "Ever since _he saw_,_ _Isaac has never been the same. Sometimes in his control and sometimes out of his control, the deep, old magic of the universe has been in his life; for better or worse. Perhaps it is a piece of the Psychic Leap warping his mind. Beware of unearned wisdom, the words echoed in the depths of his mind..."} +{"id": "f2d8887d-6e28-43d1-a76b-645b878020ed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:18.58", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZEXfZVAi28EgmFcuCNZwscjaDQSggj4S8gwCK4VCY6hA", "txHash": "0x6ef59e644a3241b50586afaa80ffc6b3cdb4de708d9ecbe1df54b809a357afdf", "createdAtBlock": 13871161, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9842, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Malthus of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Malthus of the Desert\n\nMalthus of the Desert and his cat familiar Vivec are rumored to be one of the strongest Wizard pairs in the realm. Together, they seek the missing pages of Strength, a tome which will infuse Malthus with ultimate power making him the alpha Strong Man."} +{"id": "72de3207-8a39-471f-89c2-917eb404ea2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:19.453", "backgroundColor": "#1c0723", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXigE7peEtSoTEXCeCjq9cqXwPJpXHdo4NwsZrYbmT8ha", "txHash": "0x5df50c1b1bf5b52b2669ecf6081dc76eb5e1ef8a64d686c558c54d61f997c85e", "createdAtBlock": 13871709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9967, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Godfrey of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Godfrey of the Sacred Pillars\n\nSage Godfrey is from the small town of Oak Haven in the woods of the far north, near the Sacred Pillars in the mountains of the north country. A woodsman by trade who came into magic later in life, he discovered his aptitude for the Arcane Arts by healing his friend Jack of a snake bite when he was venturing into the woods in search of quarry. Though a loner, his pet mouse Terg accompanied him on his travels further south to the Sacred Pillars to find others to help instruct him in his magic. Of note, while Terg was originally a regular brown wood mouse, an unitnended side effect of experimenting with the Arcane Arts lead to Terg becoming stark white, growing in size, and showing an uncanny understanding of human speech. While gifted and strong in Magic, unlike his counterparts in other factions, Godfrey believes that magic is better suited to helping individuals in their day to day lives and don't need to shape the political currents of global politics."} +{"id": "04dd3f11-cc31-48ce-aa1f-b1479a650662-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T15:33:22.198", "backgroundColor": "#2f6525", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRc7LN8eAZ1RvhAqn11da9fZABvf5ja2Qm6riJGDE9NYN", "txHash": "0x63b22b98fedcf8b0f37e877cad15e4b66b87801f8319fcb2efd3fb871911cf14", "createdAtBlock": 15148095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2367, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Hishoken of the Hall", "text": "Arch-Magician Hishoken of the Hall, a timid and quiet character working at the local Quantum Downs library. Shy as he may be, forget to return a book on time and you will be swiftly met with his tomato red face."} +{"id": "a9a2a0b4-58b5-49b8-9658-e9dac3634b5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T15:39:18.444", "backgroundColor": "#481751", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNkKdEmurGBLRJCZyg34j4X5cz8XJNdTGisZErZjjnEmN", "txHash": "0x5de580194186768bad6c25f06e4da40746d2587fa9167c312309ca54dcb3fa52", "createdAtBlock": 15148124, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3834, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Iprix of the Palms", "text": "Sorcerer Iprix of the Palms, some call him the answer, others call him the dream, but ladies, you can call him anytime."} +{"id": "4fd77566-4920-4964-8595-c929569dbf9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:20.265", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYYWTMF3rDjjMDh5xKkpnKj6tHunQPw3q6EC6nwZcAJkw", "txHash": "0xf70a05cb9de2bffb8080ee2a3e8a3df92493b314513eec481a6ae5d9e03be2cb", "createdAtBlock": 13871953, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2928, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Demonic Goat Faustus of the Ethereal Realm", "text": "# The Traumatic Tale of Lore of Demonic Goat Faustus of the Ethereal Realm, He Who Should Never Been Allowed to Live.\n\nEvil snek and the goat guy were sad about the weather."} +{"id": "cbfe0bf2-d2b0-4d32-99dc-e10b5014225f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:20.967", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYCBisHUV3dmNEMFjDnWwJWmM1n8c3y4Q9kBrgF2J76E7", "txHash": "0xdda89bd26bfffc4ad754ce6a303b4918177489158fd260615471b9672bb157a0", "createdAtBlock": 13872276, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3517, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Nixie of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Electromancer Nixie of the Wood\n\nThe Electromancer of Nixie grew up in the streams of Hedge Wizard Wood. A son of Pepe the Great from the Defi revolution he started his life separated from his family as a lost boy in the woods. He fought day by day to earn his keep for local wizard elders of the Blue Bastian by killing werewolves and trolls. He's a hunter and a fighter, and he will fight for love. After nearly losing his lover Syren to a Necromancer and Vampire that kidnapped her on Hallow's Eve, he formed a local militia and created an uprising to overthrow the castle at Vampire Mist. Nixie of Wood and his army surrounded the castle in early November and after a seige of 37 days and broke the south wall and led the charge killing the Vampire King. Nixie now resides in the Frog Master Marsh. The Electromancer of Nixie grew up in the streams of Hedge Wizard Wood. A son of Pepe the Great from the Defi revolution he started his life separated from his family as a lost boy in the woods. He fought day by day to earn his keep for local wizard elders of the Blue Bastian by killing werewolves and trolls. He's a hunter and a fighter, and he will fight for love. After nearly losing his lover Syren to a Necromancer and Vampire that kidnapped her on Hallow's Eve, he formed a local militia and created an uprising to overthrow the castle at Vampire Mist. Nixie of Wood and his army surrounded the castle in early November and after a seige of 37 days and broke the south wall and led the charge killing the Vampire King. Nixie now resides in the Frog Master Marsh."} +{"id": "ff63ff58-9a18-487f-850c-fef0c43c562a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:21.657", "backgroundColor": "#1f0404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfJN4uEuCmH3wLQZXfBmPqEJc4Cwh5qJEB8igtfdA74qF", "txHash": "0xe6892555c480795a29f314870457a9eccccd67a83839ef75ebba9bae8bec1a08", "createdAtBlock": 13872471, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2438, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Ambrosia of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Ambrosia of the Plains\n\nA kind-hearted demon prince travels with his partner, a fox."} +{"id": "f8446b1e-875e-4dd0-b0d9-b1f24cdbf42b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:22.348", "backgroundColor": "#b41e1e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWjUnrY9opQ8U3gNantCna4e52nn9T3z5eNA6n9MbdPsW", "txHash": "0x6257b71158faf85d78ec5baa790d624e710c12f84495eae279250c5f777ec7d2", "createdAtBlock": 13873104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7273, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Despot Wolfram of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "# The Lore of Lich Despot Wolfram of the Nightmare Dominion"} +{"id": "bbb50b53-ece7-410f-8f6f-40104e6d9960-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:45.687", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVms7QqYaja4pPdGwsXvWyTEK6EhjBXTTp1XUH6eE8Ccx", "txHash": "0xad6d72d0352fea4ffd22346d182f34d70ec16c7288e84d4858f258ef32585875", "createdAtBlock": 13896564, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5604, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Aamon of the Riviera", "text": "# The Transubstantiation of Master Aamon\n\nWhen the scrying stone rang, Aamon was in his laboratory, killing a man.\n\nTo be fair, he wasn't much of a man... a bedraggled beggar from the local village, unlikely to be missed by anyone. And the actual killing, via a globe of poison gas, was both relatively swift and humane and only a small acceleration of the man's foredestined demise, soon enough, through disease and famine.\n\nMoreover, the benefits of the murder were clear and immediate, both for Aamon himself and the greater College of Necromancers. For without the raw material of a fresh corpse, how could he test the newest iteration of the Excellent Reanimating Syllable, designed for quick and efficient zombification?\n\nSo when the scrying stone tolled like a bell from the study next door, Aamon heaved a sigh of irritation under his mask. Luckily he had not yet broken the capsule of poison gas; he lifted it from the beggar's head and placed it aside for the moment, to the instant (if transitory) relief of the patient.\n\nHis familiar Ahktoipurred and began rubbing itself against his shins as he strode to the study. With a gesture, he called the stone to life to see who had disturbed him. For a moment he thought the aerial materialization was a mirror, for the face that peered back at him was a skull-mask identical to his own.\n\n\"Zeromus,\" he sighed. \"To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?\"\n\nThe mask could not smile, of course, but Aamon swore he could detect the familiar smugness beneath.\n\n\"Can we not simply exchange pleasantries,\" the remote voice hissed, \"Brother?\""} +{"id": "7336718c-a7f6-4ea5-87d0-294c6ad9fdff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:23.072", "backgroundColor": "#1c1818", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcKsUw2vg8Kx9sRA2jGZp2aXre5Ljm3iJbeMELC736RjF", "txHash": "0xac99edd1e98691e159e90ff6790e8e8e0766596805b6a12f20fdd5efb84b6df5", "createdAtBlock": 13873534, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1255, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Rita of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Rita of the Gnostics and Her Viper\n\nWhile most vampires hunt in the dark, Rita summons her power from the light. Two hundred years ago, Rita was a regulr village girl who lived with her mother and pet snake. One night, her village was raided by a band of vampires on a hunt, who mercilessly killed every villager in their path. One vampire however saw Rita and fell in love with her, and decided to turn Rita into a vampire to be his wife in her next life. As he took his time tasting Rita, she could see her old mother being eaten by a group of vampires across the room. In a desperate attempt to free her mother, she kicked open the cage of her pet viper, which bit her vampire attacker. Although the bite did not hurt her attacker, it was enough of a distraction for her to get out of his embrace and throw a gas lamp at her mother's attackers. The flames engulfed the group of vampires, but she was sadly too late to save her mother. She knelt next to her dying mother as the flames engulfed them, ready to die instead of turning into a monster herself. Suddenly, her attacker, now back on his feet after the snake bite, came flying at her ready to tear her limb from limb. Rita, full of anger and misery, turned around and with one wave of her hand wrapped the vampire with the flames that engulfed her home. This is the start of the adventures of Rita the Vampire Pyromancer, and her viper."} +{"id": "87668e1d-dc3e-4b71-bbac-d474831c25af-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:23.755", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVGq149YeCuNaG171Yqq9Qd3bGPJPnp7P6cBaW127pnC8", "txHash": "0x572dc4677ed65e72792483067080b29160c472052a3a2c615fdfc7795ef9e6c9", "createdAtBlock": 13873563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1255, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Rita of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Rita of the Gnostics\n\nWhile other campties hunt in the dark, Rita summons her power from the light."} +{"id": "246c8f01-2d93-4571-a812-a29c9ef0f2e3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:24.494", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYxfs92UGWANHVwxhenkvTkcYVoamdtPw5wVf3TEV4h8c", "txHash": "0x496ce17dcaf3b90aea395ff1d780f3e8872ed90b2886627ac1789cb9608bc65c", "createdAtBlock": 13874144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6311, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nolan of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Arch-Magician Nolan of the Hills\n\nBorn as a half-caste, collecting offcuts from the secret tower's \nwizard workshop. Nolan decided to reform himself using the resources he had in abundance and now moonlights as a fashionista when the working day is done."} +{"id": "364a87a0-10d1-4f8a-b4a7-b26ff1cb403f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:25.418", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZL9rGNw7SN6v9h8sTuNiPGGaFd27hagC4HcLKrUeVzc7", "txHash": "0x23a15e57845581d5a6c2ff85394ba7ba46fb4c256b5b4e6681bd4996fce6aa20", "createdAtBlock": 13874183, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3091, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Milo of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Milo of the Astral Plane\n\nFirst adventurer, unknown story"} +{"id": "74965d87-7349-46eb-a1e6-5eafd3ae1372-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:26.12", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZrfu52JQ7GevWnsKCMiNRA6Mq71MfXMBhFoXX1TAevdk", "txHash": "0x58e5af9ff66724f8b5e83a7a6d4d6003fe74524d10a052385d8693f93661f526", "createdAtBlock": 13874968, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4874, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Jabir of Torment Manor", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Devout Jabir of Torment Manor\n\nThe soul and the cat that guard Mount Olympus"} +{"id": "a2ae5f7f-453f-4209-a7d0-239cd84b75bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:26.884", "backgroundColor": "#424141", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpuhhKBv9VXQcG9aKLu6RuFWEMCDkJ4mkSjQjQc6Foi6", "txHash": "0xa48df46e1cc206fe1338cd0afa5d1c0864fce9eb311d378e8ebc457e39f7d372", "createdAtBlock": 13874983, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wizard Aiko of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Wizard Aiko of the Canyon"} +{"id": "2686145f-f0de-4a1f-a167-13d3585f5b4c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:27.705", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeD6QycAuNdc7GWZByfN5YkFCaumfhtkDtrA8giCs34Sj", "txHash": "0xefdf2e0272ff624e75cf3add980490f3bdd0c9fd26617dbb9410b07dfedea7a5", "createdAtBlock": 13875071, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6939, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Merlon of the Gnostics", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Merlon of the Gnostics\n\nThis is the Lore Entry of Druid Merlon of the Gnostics. Its an amazing wizard, whos story cannot be told in a single page of entry"} +{"id": "41ea3bb1-72aa-4170-82f2-f45d9042022c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:28.44", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTKWSSm39oQ9c6KAYAQLsw73j9BXyCV4qomCqdDi2LEBd", "txHash": "0x2cacd9ccb8b54f77f8a81ccada7c711773851da641a986eb464978c0d9a84405", "createdAtBlock": 13875197, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4759, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Celah in the Shadows", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Celah in the Shadows\n\nThe Wolf, named Celah, has the power of an illusionist and it is unclear if Celah is in fact a wolf, or simply portrays himself as one. Celah, is a powerful beast and when brought together with the Sacred Prism has the power of SRAVANA DARSHANAM. Ajna, the wise man, who has been with the wolf since its days as a pup can interpret Celah's language, and utilize the information received during remote viewing, and it is Ajna alone that can help guide Celah towards using his powers for good.\n\nIt is prophecied that the Great Wolf Illusionist Celah when united with the Yogi Ajna and a Sacred Prismn Crystal could help shape the world into the perfect utopia, creating harmony and love, but the powerful inclination of the wolf to return to its feral roots always puts this at jeopardy. It is up to Ajna to help guide the great Celah towards a benevolent use of his powers."} +{"id": "e5e41e88-2b0a-4fd7-95e8-c843a0d89de7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:29.107", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPqpvjcQHcQn5kTeXBkJMhmuK8YfkSkyZ8Sju34yMp1G", "txHash": "0x45296ea72e2790ef077ce34fb68b315de40df28d37c43ce7f3f4a0ef4554a30f", "createdAtBlock": 13875704, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8667, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Carly of the Wold", "text": "# The Lore of Voodoo Priest Carly of the Wold\n\nCarly entered the world through the portal from Wold prior to the last great war. She came to enlighten the wizard realm about the nature of their reality--that they were all two dimensional pixelated avatars in a simulated world controlled by their overlord species."} +{"id": "3a04a3a1-45e2-482a-b5c6-657c6e4504d1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:33.57", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNjYaRVo12kdvVX4hNor6JWTUeSDVZ8x8KKTUhR737szB", "txHash": "0x818615b10f4f4d5e412ce1d5e34c74ad09bb2314045fd8ee15fecac9fd476457", "createdAtBlock": 13876425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3807, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Axis of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Axis of the Cosmos\n\n_Crashing down from space,_\n\n_yearning to share their potion _\n\n_lost within The Fey._"} +{"id": "d5796dec-dd9c-49fd-9dea-501e35c914e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:29.805", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNuFWANPWQCSry9ggL3mfaiq8bHJPH3CpMJMDVUhfReUb", "txHash": "0x18e244e48a1214bdb8eedb8af48157af3bc307ddfa4c5b77ee59d862d267e44f", "createdAtBlock": 13875949, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9243, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Zaros of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Zaros of the Mount\n\nZaros likes to collect forgotten runes wizard keys, and owns many of them, but was not gifted a pony by the keymasters because he hadn't written even a garbage piece of text into some dumb diary. Fuming, he finally wrote an angry fiction into it."} +{"id": "23de3251-df97-4dda-a2e4-cc0b5b06adcb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:30.647", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVAD17BabDo4f7h6a4vyr7ijpHj5h3vn9EZDytmu5rrzq", "txHash": "0xe38549b37cd7b0703c3d11e65050b0270f07c424de9c109238ddf28ffa368484", "createdAtBlock": 13876356, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5358, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Solomon of the Bottomless Grave", "text": "# The Lore of Gangrenous Zombie Solomon of the Bottomless Grave\n\nAs above, so below \n\n_Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius._ \n\nThat which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above."} +{"id": "0535d7c6-f182-4258-a775-8f9265313d5e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:31.385", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbsvo3e2mih5dcCLgGpHmddWyWi1Cy1NHf72FuNKo2rsJ", "txHash": "0xfb2f9fad73551332af9607fd1d12e280cb160714b7b44b1931fbc1d5bbf5d300", "createdAtBlock": 13876357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5274, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Bathsheba of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Bathsheba of the Veil\n\nNothing is more true than vibrations.\n\n**The principle of vibration**\n\n> \"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.\""} +{"id": "aad50cbf-dd21-410a-9528-3734c3bb511b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:13.419", "backgroundColor": "#665d2e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmexfohzNx51JhEjfEc6aLq5KyLg38jUotbQWrnr2TvuVz", "txHash": "0x1cc1d82b3539147506b76f65061ad4c368fe731c256ccf9f9f531c850bbbd960", "createdAtBlock": 13887958, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 129, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaYScCnqudLC41ZkfHLJuqWjPKGCo7zrdTpZbP38kj6Ev", "name": "Sage Uur'lok of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Uur'lok of El Dorado"} +{"id": "34e14b89-968a-4de2-818e-9a2a884a8a40-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:32.065", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTF2ANc7RaNpqbCYyqVCkrzkSJpBqqXwevpe5W7mYEmvA", "txHash": "0xfe95e16fa99767cf203437d3ec3616df7599ff825ce44f9826af7ba3009dfcb8", "createdAtBlock": 13876377, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Ravana ", "text": "# The Lore of Augurer Ravana\n\n_The augerer smirks,_\n\n_as his crystal ball glimmers _\n\n_a booming blade cuts!_\n\nhttps://opensea.io/assets/0x38e942948cea825992f105e0ec4a2ee9138afae4/2137/"} +{"id": "01243e54-c1ed-4ef8-9363-ee03d511eda2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:32.755", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQsh85vMwF6StuFeJS3RRrSCfSf8wcdbkUbDagsE6jNrW", "txHash": "0xc0470cd1015f185c072612bf737793e2a2c8aaeee4cf8acb2cee13c4b14f0fed", "createdAtBlock": 13876400, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1280, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Angus of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Angus of the Wood\n\nMage Angus with his firefox missed on obtaining a pony for his long rides. Now they walk roaming the forest for another chance. Not again \n\nThe lore forever will be etched in the block of chains. forever in time. written."} +{"id": "b97328dd-b42e-4a0d-8bcd-adbe6a1f3e68-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:21.332", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYCvD2aCCaWLPwTYXiuSS19uokmLJ9bgAxkJjP4YRPfwh", "txHash": "0x71ace0cdbce059609709b54bd76e2e7fb96e94db6d46148b1dd8d83e43cadcaf", "createdAtBlock": 13889408, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8709, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Ofaris of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Ofaris of the Hollow\n\nI don't expect to tell who Shadow Mage Ofaris was. Because of his tremendous life I was never able to get around him to the degree that many of you who knew him better were able. But this lack of extended time together had one benefit.\n\nAt each meeting I was struck with an impression that had the clearness of a stamp struck once or a book opened for the first time. They were vivid interactions that contrasted sharply with the dull hours of life or time spent in meaningless conversation with people who are soon forgotten. So in the short time I spent with him the memories built were strong ones that I see in full color and still smell of earth and oil.\n\nI have a story to offer, and although it was just a half second, at the time it happened I instantly knew it was worth more than that.\n\nA farm is a wonderful place for a child. Starting in the house and working outwards every corner had something that tells about Ofaris and then tells about me. Exploring his farm was like getting memories back that I never had, but each had a place prepared for them. I think mother and father knew this better than I did since they spent their time at the source talking for hours to Ofaris while I just poked around buildings and searched for artifacts. The most interesting discovery was the field golems."} +{"id": "b97328dd-b42e-4a0d-8bcd-adbe6a1f3e68-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:21.332", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYCvD2aCCaWLPwTYXiuSS19uokmLJ9bgAxkJjP4YRPfwh", "txHash": "0x71ace0cdbce059609709b54bd76e2e7fb96e94db6d46148b1dd8d83e43cadcaf", "createdAtBlock": 13889408, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8709, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Ofaris of the Hollow", "text": "I know that \"Boy Fascinated with Field Golems\" isn't going to be a news headline anywhere, but being in the shed and seeing them all lined up there in the dark was really neat. Soon Ofaris came out and for some unknown reason he had to mow part of one of the fields just then with the largest golem. What a coincidence! First came the climb to its shoulder, then the jokes about if it was going to start or not, and then the joy of spouting smoke and a bumpy ride. I didn't say much, but the gentle rumbling of the golem gave an excuse to the silence. Ofaris had the cheerful demeanor he always seemed to have and piloted us above the grass as the mower, towed behind us, chewed a fragrant wake. The golems legs churning beneath us propelled us and the mower effortlessly across the uneven ground.\n\nI took none of this for granted. It was all new and familiar and right."} +{"id": "b97328dd-b42e-4a0d-8bcd-adbe6a1f3e68-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:21.332", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYCvD2aCCaWLPwTYXiuSS19uokmLJ9bgAxkJjP4YRPfwh", "txHash": "0x71ace0cdbce059609709b54bd76e2e7fb96e94db6d46148b1dd8d83e43cadcaf", "createdAtBlock": 13889408, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8709, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Ofaris of the Hollow", "text": "I took none of this for granted. It was all new and familiar and right.\n\nSurprisingly a small explosion ripped through the gentle roar behind us. The casual presence was gone: it melted from his face as he twisted around to the right. The twig serving as a toothpick in his mouth dropped 60 degrees as he stared back intently and with command at what could have been anything, but just happened to be the mower. I think what cemented it for me was the speed. He had turned and was looking at the problem before I was really sure what was going on. From the way he looked it could have been a goblin attack and I'm sure there would have been a quickly executed plan. Some beat up timber appeared behind the mower as we moved on, and after a few more seconds the gentle and pleasant demeanor returned and time caught up with us again. But I had found a secret and seen some of what was inside. The stories I had heard in the house made sense now, and for a split second I had seen a little bit of it myself."} +{"id": "2dede721-79ee-413a-b381-c1e5795822e4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:34.403", "backgroundColor": "#989ba3", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaXSX925Dm4JRtR3NHSDHgpYdzfCmuPENG79yMF22G7mt", "txHash": "0xf8dcdf8afd0a974ac1eadc4f26e2d9fba1dc67c6f43069537d8189adf99cd5e8", "createdAtBlock": 13876458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1707, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Brutus of the Morning Star", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Brutus of the Morning Star\n\nThe Morningstar, a guide between the spiritual and material worlds, a light in the darkness. This is where Brutus, Battle Mage, draws his powers and inspiration from. \n\nA master of lycanthropy, an art less than one percent of known wizards have mastered, makes Brutus a fierce opponent in battle. Lycanthropes are difficult to kill, only those who have high skill and a deep knowldge of magic may do so. Many have challenged Brutus, only to witness his raw power, walking away from their duel clinging to life. \n\nBrutus prefers spiritual battles over physical ones. After all; that is part of the reason he became a mage in the first place. While he has various treasures such as the rune of Pluto or his familiar, Bliss Cat, he is known for the branch he carries around. While some dismiss it as \"a dumb stick\", it represents the fact great power does not come from a weapon but rather from the individual wielding it. Much like a branch is merely an extension of a tree.\n\nIf you find yourself in the mountains where battle mages are known to frequent, be sure to look out for the man with the White Wraith. It is an interesting choice of clothing for a man who has spilled a lot of blood."} +{"id": "af360240-6c82-4d78-996c-717663dc255f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:35.078", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcDr1qQVi54kVicg5b6L1qcJiSa1oJjU54WTbV3pUewxk", "txHash": "0x00719d12c4ccb6ec3bbfb0fed465610e869903e38e55168c3476a7547b1c31d0", "createdAtBlock": 13876461, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7826, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Horace of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster Horace of the Dunes\n\n_Wandering rabbit._\n\n_A jubilant friend in tow._\n\n_What fun awaits them?_"} +{"id": "d955b116-e0bf-43ef-9aee-81621beec00a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:35.802", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQNUjwo8YM4qh4J24wh54QqVxRhSh2V5MqDDgybEPZY61", "txHash": "0xd0d9f752605b0697fd6b22dabedb4aa95da6056f34ae76e9e56a964a4ca120f9", "createdAtBlock": 13876744, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5455, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blood Eater Revenant Ozohr of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# The Lore of Blood Eater Revenant Ozohr of Nightmare Paradise \n\nOzohr was a dull man, the kind of man who would stay a week at your keep and you might forget he was ever there. He offended noone, he seldom evoked a laugh, and in general his demeanor was beige to his core. He carried a staff of Harmony, as any good Thelemite would. \n\nOzohr though boring, was noble and offered to take the place of his brother in the pyre. His brother was accused of murderoffered to take the place Blood Eater was born out of this boring man, it is amazing to see the polarity, for once Ozoh"} +{"id": "0fde1be1-6014-468f-957a-aabce829c76a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:19.95", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNeErHnP1vkJfTraWTesLMWAPjmDEzsLutbS3KPhHxGik", "txHash": "0xd98d0e4929fb75dc06ef7348eec7a614b5b440ccda2e4eb3a62b4313583750e2", "createdAtBlock": 13888999, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3542, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Pezo of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Pezo of the Keep\n\nDruid Peso served the great wizarding lords of Alessars Keep as a butler.\n\nWhat makes a great wizard butler exactly? There havent been many attempts within the profession to make a good answer. You may not be familiar with the Bayes Society as not many talk about it these days. But during the first and second epoch many felt its power had become too great and did not mourn when it was forced to close.\n\nThe Bayes Society claimed that it only admitted butlers of only the highest rank. By keeping membership low it kept its prestige and power. Criteria for membership was kept intentionally vague. Association with a distinguished household or coven was an obvious prerequisite for membership. But they made it clear that those serving the towers made newly rich through the exercise of dark magic or touched by the void were not qualified. But in their quarterly publication they did once state that the significant criterion is the applicant must be possessed of dignity in keeping with their position.\n\nPeso was regarded by all as having that factor of dignity which distinguished him from many other wizard butlers who were merely competent. The question then becomes about what dignity is comprised of?"} +{"id": "0fde1be1-6014-468f-957a-aabce829c76a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:19.95", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNeErHnP1vkJfTraWTesLMWAPjmDEzsLutbS3KPhHxGik", "txHash": "0xd98d0e4929fb75dc06ef7348eec7a614b5b440ccda2e4eb3a62b4313583750e2", "createdAtBlock": 13888999, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3542, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Pezo of the Keep", "text": "Pesos father, Kazuo of the Keep, often told a story that perhaps addressed the question in a suitable fashion. A certain butler he knew had traveled with his employer and a small party of his employers friends through the battlemage mountains. They stopped to spend the night at a rock storm shelter alongside the trail. While the party unpacked, the butler entered the shelter and began to prepare for dinner. All at once he noticed a golem of great size remaining perfectly still against the back wall of the shelter. It was almost unrecognizable against the stone and bathed in flickering firelight. The butler left the shelter quietly taking care to close the door. He attracted his employers attention with a polite cough and whispered Im very sorry, sir, but there appears to be a golem in the dining room. Perhaps you will permit the wands of fire to be used?\n\nAnd according to the story, a few minutes later the employer and his guests heard three blasts. When the butler reappeared outside some time afterwards to refresh the mugs the employer inquired if all was well.\n\nPerfectly fine, thank you, sir had come the reply. Dinner will be served at the usual time and I am pleased to say there will be no discernible traces of the recent occurrence by that time.\n\nPezo never had the chance to encounter a golem in the dining room but there were several instances throughout his career of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so very admired in his fathers story.\n\nLore adapted from \"Remains of the Day\" by Kazuo Ishiguro."} +{"id": "5c70796c-4973-495f-b9a7-461ee6993051-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:36.601", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWMQcSdfBrvMjnSL9AJwhDBaY9buDbYjbGr3GBuD8JgWc", "txHash": "0x3102d83f0ce8343bac96865598a2273d0cba35f48ed9e391071318670d181860", "createdAtBlock": 13876749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9232, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Astrid of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Astrid of the Citadel\n\nCharmer Astrid of the Citadel is perched in the High Tower, gazing upon the abundant lands she is training to serve. One crisp bite of her apple, and she is off. Down the crystal staircase, and through the iron gates, Astrid springs into the thicket with her trusted crow and a purple flower in her hair. As she reaches the golden meadow, she fills her lungs and begins her song\n\n_Come little birdies, peer oer the land._\n\n_See all our people,_\n\n_Enchant them._\n\nThe men of the Citadel watch as her song takes effect. The birds carry Astrids melody across the land and it lulls the people into a blissful calm. This power is what brought Astrid to the Citadel. This power is what the men wish to obtain. As they plot to steal her innocent magic and use it for destruction, Astrid watches the pieces fall into place. She knew this from the start.\n\nInnocence is not the same as ignorance, the men would soon learn."} +{"id": "363888d5-2870-42ab-a30a-1493e9cfeafe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:38.834", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTwqQSnKB3yHSrNYUTgtPDjgtJeaTWR8CqxEQoMWdNnZ", "txHash": "0xbe29ebd097c777ae1c22e7321e3ec5cfdc1caa8b9fa2716a41ff2a7acd1acaed", "createdAtBlock": 13877092, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7465, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Angus of Xanadu", "text": "# The Lore of Battlemage Angus of Xanadu\n\nBattlemage Angus of Xanadu like to play with fire. He like to play with fire a bit too much and get burned. Don't be like Battlemage Angus of Xanadu. Do not play with fire."} +{"id": "27c89eea-3430-47c2-beb7-26b7cb379949-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:39.522", "backgroundColor": "#491E25", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaLUSnu5RZ9tt7EGbNt1uLkgdaDbV4zgonW8dYDZcpYaC", "txHash": "0xd0f16f78328d4fa89760794fc5e7e9d81a50089601b32f7e970844b1a7f4a348", "createdAtBlock": 13877352, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6400, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ1D2UTWSUuwjHgUstCUxpKxME1AAA8yNb5NpUyvufLMX", "name": "Lunar Mage Astrid of the Valley", "text": "Enter the Tragedy of Astrid: http://www.bookofastrid.com/"} +{"id": "981ebc67-00f2-46ea-b6eb-3beee917df82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:41.409", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNuetNioRyW42W6uu1E3oKxmiLXaXurbdiXe3uZLmBiBd", "txHash": "0xde9520a5163a1f2e4918c6801a06b2d37565747f6dbd5b5ebfb764edf61d04fc", "createdAtBlock": 13878196, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 72, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Supa Wizz 9272", "text": "penis"} +{"id": "ba8ce9ab-f203-4267-91d3-21fdce1d9080-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:42.074", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWv3HV6pevYhqeYD4DsGUCbZVzkFiGWkfnkB2cBWoQU14", "txHash": "0x9284923744d3f4f9af12fa046f344cdce5bdb13e4a33672c2dafcac7da0ed2c8", "createdAtBlock": 13878206, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 310, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Brutus of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Brutus of the Brambles and his three-eyed Raven\n\nDruid Brutus, the notorious shape-shifter and his three-eyed Raven, Archimedes, come from the blistering cold of the BattleMage Mountains. No one but themselves knows what awaits... as they travel though the deafening night towards the Secret Tower."} +{"id": "ecfe3568-a72a-4b07-b635-f7056f59c47e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:06.066", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZeeS2vEHVqVjk52aisT3uTWmY7GiSSWd8kUuLaHuzLk1", "txHash": "0xce21335b2f67fe2e324e65e34d5b2d6906802814527287693629c1b0c89fd8f0", "createdAtBlock": 14633393, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7423, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWPTpCUVFzSkiGSuZHf216sK6MXQ6XAkN2HKh9T9f9uzK", "name": "Voodoo Priest Lucien from the Shadow", "text": "**\n* \n\n**"} +{"id": "c605217f-e132-4fb8-aba9-a82af896ea4d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:42.887", "backgroundColor": "#d0bb00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPhAc4oEgQ2n5JzMuS6JT9ivCnGAdKbjLoKnU1m9VLhx", "txHash": "0x1b047a2c5825887340d9950be57a6224f1df7ae9c9aeba7571eae4359041a7f8", "createdAtBlock": 13878559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3961, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Lilith of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Lilith of the Hall\n\nLook at the smile on me, look at the owl on me\n\nI do not chase girls, but they run a mile for me\n\nThey say holy when they see the chain, thats not a cross\n\nPut the owl on it, you can never take it off\n\nKing Pluto might as well nail me to the cross \n\nAll I do is run up my bands like I don't walk"} +{"id": "e52c397a-c446-4bcd-8ee6-e481d398b6e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:22.056", "backgroundColor": "#610a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1ip1jPFWKZvoMPi6qrrRjA7ggwk6DZdYGkpu612nzWy", "txHash": "0xb754c2167858b3c82ec65f27d647c8facf8889ba94a9368e201c72ecefc6e45c", "createdAtBlock": 13889628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist\n\nHis name was not always Reza, nor did he ever set out to be a Dream Master; or any sort of wizard for that matter. But destiny is thrust upon some. \n\n_Often under the guise of misfortune, great opportunity lays waiting for those who persevere....or just survive._\n\n\n#Foreward#\n\n\nReza never quests or journeys without Cyrus, a small fox, who is physically unremarkable, but wiley, curious and jovial. Cyrus, however, is known to have his own misadventures and can be gone for days on end, at times, while Reza tends to mundane domestic matters or his wizardy duties.\n\n##The Boy in The Forest##\n\nGrowing up in the barren desert Reza's family raised a few cattle and pack animals. His mother was quite good with textiles.\n\nMuch of his younger years, he was **deathly** afraid of the Dream World....sometimes not sleeping for days on end...\n\nWhen he did sleep, Reza would wake up exhausted and sweating. Nightmares would haunt him, quite often he was being chased by _something_, sometimes he was being dragged under....underwater, under the earth, sinking in sand or desperately trying to avoid melting in lava pits. None of it made sense, but he was constantly frightened of that world.....just the thought of these dreams would make him tremble uncontrollably."} +{"id": "e52c397a-c446-4bcd-8ee6-e481d398b6e1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:22.056", "backgroundColor": "#610a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1ip1jPFWKZvoMPi6qrrRjA7ggwk6DZdYGkpu612nzWy", "txHash": "0xb754c2167858b3c82ec65f27d647c8facf8889ba94a9368e201c72ecefc6e45c", "createdAtBlock": 13889628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "One day while wandering the grasslands near his home, Reza sat down to rest for a bit....and drifted off...he had not slept for nearly 4 days so it was to be expected. Unusual, however, was that as soon he closed his eyes Reza felt as if he had fallen, but he was not alarmed. It was a pleasant, comfortable feeling. He was falling....or _floating_ into endless grasslands, then clouds, then into the stars. It was an almost peaceful, floating-fall, he was going _somewhere_....gently, purposefully. For the first time, he was sleeping but not terrified. \n\nAfter what seemed like forever and no time at all, he opened his eyes in a dense forest and even more dense fog. He'd never been in a forest his entire life nor had he seen fog like this before. He had read about forests, heard stories of the endless green foliage and enormous trees but there was nothing of the sort where he was from. \n\n\nThe forest, that day, was overrun with fog so thick he could feel it's pressure bearing, ever so slightly, down on his body. It dominated everything, the trees, the rocks, the creatures (which he heard, but would only catch sporadic glimpses of). Later, he learned that this \"fog\" was uniquely known as **\"The Mist\"**. So substantial was The Mist that when observed closely it was more like canvas of suspended water droplets......and glistening magical aura of _infinite color_."} +{"id": "e52c397a-c446-4bcd-8ee6-e481d398b6e1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:22.056", "backgroundColor": "#610a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1ip1jPFWKZvoMPi6qrrRjA7ggwk6DZdYGkpu612nzWy", "txHash": "0xb754c2167858b3c82ec65f27d647c8facf8889ba94a9368e201c72ecefc6e45c", "createdAtBlock": 13889628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "Reza meandered about the Forest, disoriented and confused, not totally convinced he was actually anywhere at all. But his senses told him different. He could _smell_ the pine and musk. When he reached out to touch a tree, he _felt_ its sap stick to his bare hand. He was cold and wet. Droplets would gather then drip from his nose and brow...the wetness reminded him of days when he would walk great distances in the desert's summer sun. It was the same sort of wetness but _cold_. Nearly freezing cold....at least it felt that way.\n\nHis confusion and haze was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of enormous footsteps or hoofs or paws trampling toward him from afar. The earth **shook** and the sound boomed louder and louder as _it_ approached. Instinctively, Reza came to attention and tried to make out what happening. After not more than a second or two, he began running away from the sound. By this time he could feel the pulsating reverberations of each distinct step coming closer and closer. When _it_ got close enough, the unmistakable and mystical power of the entity tickled his fleeing backside....it was a _magical energy_ at flowed through The Mist, much like electricity traveling through a cloud-filled sky. It was a feeling he would never forget, a fear he would never outlive.....**something or someone of unfathomable power was rampaging through the forest...**"} +{"id": "e52c397a-c446-4bcd-8ee6-e481d398b6e1-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:22.056", "backgroundColor": "#610a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1ip1jPFWKZvoMPi6qrrRjA7ggwk6DZdYGkpu612nzWy", "txHash": "0xb754c2167858b3c82ec65f27d647c8facf8889ba94a9368e201c72ecefc6e45c", "createdAtBlock": 13889628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "While in midstride it occured to Reza that, maybe just maybe this too was a dream - but the thought was quickly shaken out of him as the rumble and energy looming just behind him grew stronger and stronger. Quickly an opening in the forest began to grow bigger in the distance ahead, maybe if he could make it there he would have a chance to survive the _thing_. But he was getting tired and the ground was shaking so furiously that he could barely keep his footing.\n\n\nEventually, the earth's movement was too much and Reza thrown upon moss-covered rocks. Hope was quickly dissapaiting. Whatever this was would be upon him and there was nothing he could do about it.\n\nGathering his breath, he lifted his scuffed face from the rocks and turned his head when his eyes locked on to two beady bone-white orbs floating in the dark void under an ancient, fallen tree of mammoth proportions. The unblinking eyes of _something_ screamed for Reza to hastily gain shelter in the void. Without a thought of what man or beast those eyes belonged to he shot into the den. Surely whatever was in there was preferable to _monstrous thing_ was barrelling through the forest. Reza barely fit in the space. The earth **shook** more than he thought was possible without tearing the earth from it's volcanic mantle. The mystical power shooting through The Mist now began to envelope his entire being. It was like a thousand tiny spikes slightly, but distinctly pressed upon every inch of his skin. As the pressure of The Mist grew and the sound of incalculable branches and trees snapping in the jaggernauts path got faster, the thundering stomps became **deafening**.\n\nSuddenly, the unrelenting _mass_ was upon him. It was a tsunami of magic as the ground shook, untethered by gravity."} +{"id": "e52c397a-c446-4bcd-8ee6-e481d398b6e1-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:22.056", "backgroundColor": "#610a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1ip1jPFWKZvoMPi6qrrRjA7ggwk6DZdYGkpu612nzWy", "txHash": "0xb754c2167858b3c82ec65f27d647c8facf8889ba94a9368e201c72ecefc6e45c", "createdAtBlock": 13889628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7344, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Reza of the Mist", "text": "**WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!**\n \n\nFor almost a minute there was _chaos_ upon the forest, undiscribable in magnitude.\n\nReza's eyes had _never_ closed so tightly. \n\nThen it was gone with a pure silence. For a moment the forest was crystal clear in the vacuum left in the wake of the chaos. Reza took one breath of relief and fell into _blackness..._\n\nAs he awoke six pair of eyes were looking intently down upon him. The eyes were sunk deep in the darkness of blood-red hoods. Although he could not see their faces, Reza could _feel_ their curiosity. Then one of the red hoods spoke. _\"You were very lucky to come across Cyrus when you did! Who knows what would have become of you!\"_. He heard the laughter fade away as he drifted back into _oblivion_...\n\n\nThe next time he regained consciousness, Reza was tucked neatly into a bed overlooking a shimmering lake. Under the blankets, between right elbow and hip sat a large pillow, but this pillow seemed to be **breathing**....he peered down to see the same two bone-white eyes staring at him. **Cyrus the Fox** lunged forward and began furiously licking Reza's face! It was the first time he had actually seen the creature that offered him shelter in the shadow of the forest phenomena. It was also the first time he'd seen a fox of any kind for that matter. \n\n_A New Life Began..._\n\nFrom that day forward Reza & Cyrus would be life-long companions, seeking adventure whenever the opportunity arose. \n\n_There was no doubt that Cyrus saved Reza that day; but it would not be the last time..._"} +{"id": "2947735b-4370-4cb5-88e3-65e8297b7e85-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:45.17", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXB1EQSECWQ9rRqMVyEpA9ADXn4RQscJqoWWCUjByfRYH", "txHash": "0xd9aa9964469ec4cee053190471a13771b9394edb14f14d22a2244699f6350c32", "createdAtBlock": 13878721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Thor of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Thor of the Obelisk\n\nOnce a simple shepherd, Thor found a sparkling glimmer nestled amongst one of his lamb's thick fur. Upon picking up the small emerald, he was overcome with an inexplicable calling to combine the dazzling gem with his staff. Countless years later, with all his sheep long gone, that same calling has guided his way to innumerous spells and incantations. Now, as the Shaman Thor, he continues to gather his powers in solidtude as he searches for the source of these voices. Whether a curse or a blessing, he endeavors to resolve."} +{"id": "136c5f4a-12f0-4ddd-81e4-8517c35c92ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:05.891", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSFxJ4obfyg7Sm6fUuJgz4rQum8JZ1oWw3czAQhtUweY6", "txHash": "0xa17a86e69eeaa813f2f67ec3f47f9e4dbd7e7ec52b76edb59a3ef32be21bd2a3", "createdAtBlock": 14769288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9743, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Uvlius of the Temple", "text": "Archmagus Uvlius of the Temple - origin unknown - can be found wandering The Hedge Wizard Wood near The Carnival Pass, muttering something about a Lost Temple."} +{"id": "815982b4-69da-4b0a-83b8-ec5a3d56aa5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:12.712", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUTHXcTwxNp2WeEsKf6jTQ6L79MYXSZukEdbYr6oDzh78", "txHash": "0xf65280d7ae709a21f6809fd73b5ffd4ddc0cbfdc0a22bc932732b866e94b5422", "createdAtBlock": 13887945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9068, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Baird of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Baird of the Tower\n\nBaird, not bard! Dislikes bards massively. His rabbit shares this opinion. It also dislikes carrots and only eats black truffle or organs.\n\nThis magical red moustached man is known to lurk in the shadows so he can douse his enemies in cursed maidens blood and set them on fire. \n\nIf that is not enough to slay the foe, he rips of all clothing but his loincloth, then douses himself in more blood and wrestles his foes in a giant ball of fire only untill one of them is alive. The other obviously burned to a crisp."} +{"id": "983e044d-e378-41a1-9989-8b29ae56c8be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:47.524", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma9QQUaqyYFrNsQrh3RHUV3t7DkLd8Q6aMdCuASGmNEys", "txHash": "0x7d87451364936de4ea3fb8065bae55fc74d3baf77cc50704ca80b5a25dcf64b4", "createdAtBlock": 13880424, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 960, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Davos of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Davos of the Brambles\n\n## Act I\n\nThe hour was five of the fourth day of the thirteenth epoch.\n\nWhat can only be described as a most egregiously unlikely event was about to occur.\n\nSome would say the event was transcribed into the fabric of the universe at inception. Others would describe it as more akin to...\n\na) stirring a coffee and having it return to grass and beans with each swirl. \nb) continuously rolling a six for the entire duration of the fifth dynasty perched on a needle whistling waltzing matilda.\nc) having a fulmar spew forth a Picasso onto an unsuspecting rock at exactly midnight.\n\nYou get the idea.\n\nIn uncanny synchronicity with this era-defining event, Davos manifested. \n\nHe found himself standing on the edge of the Quantum Shadow feeling a little drunk, in that dizzy place between just enough and too much ale.\n\nChemicals danced across Davos' brain. He thought to himself a single word, 'Gherkin'. \n\nThe origins of the thought we will never know. That is until time unfolds and Davos' story is laid bare for all to pick over like a reasonably priced buffet."} +{"id": "8245897a-ae16-437e-8eaa-f6f99aad9131-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:48.247", "backgroundColor": "#b56161", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUxHkk7t6Uueva1nzregS1hxeo8JmLpjBypi9iwDKXZUh", "txHash": "0x48f0ca3e4c31ac587e195716fa1387065bc1b7d63dccc00a2d1d5d492c5d7705", "createdAtBlock": 13880660, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8272, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Lamia of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Lamia of the Cosmos\n\nTurned her former lover into a toad. Now a loyal compagnion."} +{"id": "980981ae-f6a3-49ed-ac1d-88fec5e6609c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:48.992", "backgroundColor": "#006641", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR2HUZmpdcKYzCmLMxGe6pLtrP6WYSdbNrJ2pzWt5Zcpj", "txHash": "0xf87fe75bc68ee4ce4752012157fbd6bbeb24df5051ab5600141b02bd4891aa0d", "createdAtBlock": 13880728, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7738, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Tundror of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Tundror of the Hollow\n\nThe gruffly beard of this wizard projects a being of age, wise beyond its years, and rich from a life of priceless experiences. However, below the surface lies a youthful undeveloped mind, naive and gullible to those that walk the land.\n\nThis would be of great concern for most but The Battle Mage Tundror of the Hollow, with his unassuming, warm, and over-trusting manner, is protected by an enchanted serpent.\n\nThis emerald green Egyptian cobra is the true guardian of the Battle Mage, that without, he would be defenseless against the manipulative creatures that reside in The Wild.\n\nThis asp detects the inner intent of all those before it, irrespective of how they present themselves, consuming their thoughts. Its extremely potent venom, projected as a mist, controls the mind of almost all, paralyzing those that misrepresent their claims.\n\nThe Green Asp of the Battle Mage Tundror of the Hollow has further mysterious and undocumented powers that are enhanced by the bag of tricks possessed by its partner.\n\nThis, a symbiotic union, neither being could exist without."} +{"id": "9614ab35-76c4-4944-8ed5-c3b176e08df9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:49.73", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebFTfFqHKR1xJawWYdsHD3VgXFaTcP81od5SB5sVpp2Z", "txHash": "0x6cd7d284dab254720be4533382ddcd2deee4d72e9eccad9671d665c8559792d5", "createdAtBlock": 13880762, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5669, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Hind of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Hind of the Steppe\n\nA wandering Moose and his Rabbit friend."} +{"id": "03eccad6-1cfe-4b55-9727-1b5217886c14-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:51.748", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd3ENZeUU25JgyWQcPJRVfrri7Q88F1BVdFrmY8hxP1V1", "txHash": "0x82c20e3c0885bed0f83f75f34f1e8e3a903844650a2742d967a5f47376c7a006", "createdAtBlock": 13880824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2645, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daria of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Daria of the Canyon\n\nRed Priestess Daria knows her looks enchants mortals and wizards alike.\n\n\"My age? It's all just numbers.\" that is her favourite reply.\n\nBy some random chance, a smoll thing accompanies her."} +{"id": "af3779bf-5f98-4ed7-85b0-3a6a10e5a7b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:52.508", "backgroundColor": "#b76060", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdamvgC15gqESq5YJVrG3MHmZqNJK866AQDLp2zjmDTmp", "txHash": "0xcc3433b01105543e1cc1c59534656ee236783dffb266cd24dc1759a07b008e00", "createdAtBlock": 13880933, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3244, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Udor of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Udor of the Sands\n\nThere's none so blind as those who will not listen."} +{"id": "ac15c6f6-b71c-4365-a0c5-754877831044-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:36.124", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmambbwTqi8EABTxpMdA7UX928RcujdCf7bRaUVQ9yCC7r", "txHash": "0x449ad2d0abf49f7be4da1113cbe50b33d55784875af6554f06078e5823669287", "createdAtBlock": 13895631, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 321, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcuqdhHXTNvMXDqUNwotTyJqYBVdgzLMMgmBpTFzgpJbd", "name": "Sorcerer Alatar of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Alatar of the Mount\n\nBorn with what the local villagers referred to as \"looks only a mother could love\", Alatar spent most of his life mocked, ridiculed, or - if he was lucky - ignored. \n\nUntil one day, tired of the constant derision, he set out on his own to the countryside, determined to live a solitary life. For years he wandered alone, barely sharing a conversation with anyone, save for those he had with a lowly rat that had taken pity on him and became his only companion. He named the rat \"Chad\", after hometown's hunk. \"If only I looked like Chad\", Alatar yearned, \"everyone would respect me and I'd have my pick of the fairest lasses in all the land!\"\n\nIt was on a cold, dreary day that his life would change forever. Alatar and Chad had just finished dinner when the ominous clouds above them finally broke, unleashing their contents in angry waves on those below.\n\nSeeking refuge from the storm, they ran until they found a small opening in a rock formation at the edge of the forest. Barely large enough for Alatar to fit through, they made their way through the crevasse and into the safety (or so they thought) of the cave.\n\nSoon after, a light flickered deep from within the cave, and it quickly became apparent that they weren't alone. \n\n\"Hello? Who's back there?\" Alatar whimpered. \"I am with my fierce beast, and he will devour you!\" Chad immediately scurried into Alatar's shirt pocket.\n\n\"Don't fear, it is I, Jean Leon of the Garden\" a shrill voice with what sounded like a creole affect replied from the shadows. \n\nAlatar, with Chad in tow, approached the direction of the voice slowly until its source came into view."} +{"id": "ac15c6f6-b71c-4365-a0c5-754877831044-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:36.124", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmambbwTqi8EABTxpMdA7UX928RcujdCf7bRaUVQ9yCC7r", "txHash": "0x449ad2d0abf49f7be4da1113cbe50b33d55784875af6554f06078e5823669287", "createdAtBlock": 13895631, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 321, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcuqdhHXTNvMXDqUNwotTyJqYBVdgzLMMgmBpTFzgpJbd", "name": "Sorcerer Alatar of the Mount", "text": "Before them, hunched over a flame, stood a frightening figure draped in a green cloak, a top hat adorned with bones, and - most alarming of all - a mask fashioned out of what appeared to be a human skull. He also had a white cat at his side that looked menacingly at Chad, clearly sensing an opportunity for a late-night snack.\n\n\"Come closer friend\" Jean Leon hissed. As Alatar came into view, Jean Leon recoiled with disgust. \"Well that's rather unfortunate,\" he chuckled.\n\n\"Gee, thanks. I had almost forgotten what I looked like.\" Alatar responded sarcastically.\n\n\"You know, I could help you with your.... little problem... if you'd like. In fact, I could turn you into the most handsome man in all the lands! But I will require something in return.\"\n\nAlatar was of course skeptical, but he wanted so badly to be rid of his ugliness that he blurted out \"ANYTHING! Just tell me what I must give.\"\n\nA smile crept across Jean Leon's face. \n\n\"If dashing good looks you desire, and to be that which others admire, do not be surprised when I advise, that friend you must lend me your eyes.\"\n\nAlatar gulped, taking a step back. \"My... eyes... you say?!\"\n\n\"Indeed. Beauty is pain, after all,\" remarked Jean Leon casually.\n\nAfter wrestling with the idea for but a few seconds, Alatar was in. \"Let's do it.\"\n\nAs for the ritual that ensued, I dare not share the gruesome details of it here - this is kid-friendly lore afterall. But I can tell you it was not pretty, nor brief."} +{"id": "ac15c6f6-b71c-4365-a0c5-754877831044-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:36.124", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmambbwTqi8EABTxpMdA7UX928RcujdCf7bRaUVQ9yCC7r", "txHash": "0x449ad2d0abf49f7be4da1113cbe50b33d55784875af6554f06078e5823669287", "createdAtBlock": 13895631, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 321, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcuqdhHXTNvMXDqUNwotTyJqYBVdgzLMMgmBpTFzgpJbd", "name": "Sorcerer Alatar of the Mount", "text": "However, when Alatar emerged, he was indeed a sight to behold. With monsterous shoulders stacked atop washboard abs, a jaw that looks like it was chiseled out of stone and wavy yellow locks of hair - he had become that which he had always yearned for (except for the missing eyes thing, of course). He had become Alatar the Giga-Chad.\n\nThe excitement with his new look quickly faded, however. After all, as he couldn't even admire his own reflection, nor appreciate the beauty of his many lovers.\n\nHe receded back into his life of reclusion, avoiding others at every turn. To this day he roams the country-side with Chad by his side, still searching for something that will make him feel fulfilled... all while still being very, extremely, ridiculously good looking."} +{"id": "da0b2ddd-84a9-4acf-9a85-47ba78879a7f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:53.234", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdthh58Y99jAatGrbd6eEiUiSNDuTzpscYDRZpZe8q7E6", "txHash": "0xbad2f999c9d592470f4ec48b14c666a1062ee5432617044e3ad231f744c68c7f", "createdAtBlock": 13881101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7501, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Thoth of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Thoth of the Veil\n\nI'm Sorcerer Jahid of the Steppe.\n\nI have died hundreds of million years ago. But now I remember, I feel it... Jahid is still alive, and this time I'm alive too.\n\nI won't stop until I find him. I feel it... Things will shift when we see each other, and I'll be able to truly see myself after all those years. \n\nIt's cold... This is not me... Everything is twisted... Im Thoth now, but still Jahid too."} +{"id": "88ab3b52-b672-4863-a758-8622ec781b8f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:26.567", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmafH6nJEhrQaJGiPiHQcqP3DGNRxTtuUWD2wQpqaANbSv", "txHash": "0x0eb90ecf1974393b30758ce86936f30c7bebd96c684988d0111ef29cd138922e", "createdAtBlock": 13891477, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4351, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kazem of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Kazem of the Oasis\n\nThe memelord."} +{"id": "ce6d61b4-d8a1-4567-bb3c-85eff3a70259-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:53.902", "backgroundColor": "#a55c5c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTAMjRhsyxadLggNUvr8y63uUj1P7sNegh7efpHRRE1EF", "txHash": "0x991c5178d70c3e9b93139f9d7d44942cbe87468618ee507bfd63534255cc283e", "createdAtBlock": 13881862, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6765, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Talbot of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Diabolist Talbot of the Wood\n\nSir Talbot! \n\nA wise man who lived in the sacred Tablot Woods for over 10,000 years. As the centuries have passed, Diabolist Talbot began to grow tired of his surroundings. He made the decision to embark on the journey to find his one true partner. \n\nTo do so, he has to enter the Unraveled Woods. \n\nKnown to the Wizards as one of the most dangerous places on Earth."} +{"id": "e25cab58-e34f-4a05-9c08-bb2e0c1f1a10-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:54.801", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZkkefwS3Jq7HHpxR9AVZdWWMu18cjKC73zVrEU8JtEwq", "txHash": "0x3994cbb660ec186682bbfc923a2bf29ce039f73229b413302929503115c7a3e8", "createdAtBlock": 13882185, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8025, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Gellert of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Gellert of the Keep\n\nI cant this hourglass. Help! control"} +{"id": "df07a3e9-02a9-4b20-a76d-7b5f2de81bfb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:55.577", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNpTHHTkroBnKWPYGyhfaM25dyhNcahhD2L8CyihCDixz", "txHash": "0x06cd1cb095a051b7244da1a4e83bc6aa1ec82730de4de13350a4ffaa4bbe4e67", "createdAtBlock": 13882226, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7787, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Zelroth of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Zelroth of the Sun\n\nThe red wizard is as comfy as he means to be."} +{"id": "ef2af4e0-09f0-4a75-a5e8-788f85975518-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:56.377", "backgroundColor": "#00ffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZGiAhUE511W5t7LwdUo1DMyEytU9UEr1svVn723aEosD", "txHash": "0x5c58de7e12b531798061576932e801382d883456bad23dc1ff583648abb0a6e4", "createdAtBlock": 13882307, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2631, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Rita of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Diabolist Rita of the Cosmos\n\nHarnesses the power of the goblin flame to rip diabolically massive bongs and chill extremely hard with her lucky black cat. The rune of jupiter allows her to see approximately 1min into the future so that she can optimize her chill time."} +{"id": "181eece2-4cd3-4222-a487-0a790eebb9ed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:11.907", "backgroundColor": "#fdff00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX3kqHzcSUBvcwe4z6w7wB4GQAW1J2tZQKLPrRpgxxoSX", "txHash": "0x3690806997f591de6057a27afdc69bad88b9e1244c000a3d355beadf1ffa4abc", "createdAtBlock": 13887945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6234, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Pandora of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Pandora of the Marsh\n\nI am......Pandora.....\n\nWhy do I.....exist...\n\nMy journey.....has just begun....\n\nBut my memories....\n\nI feel...like...something has happened...\n\nI'll eventually find out.....soon"} +{"id": "50105e64-e7ec-4f4b-88e7-a968e4392a43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:57.028", "backgroundColor": "#320833", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTkKPtmegvgQPahUVE4UjW3jBLNHqHJecMAJJxQoqtYcn", "txHash": "0xe4771678b333c888fb67c3f353a66a259a1bc247c4e451e407641aabee95fb79", "createdAtBlock": 13882540, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6475, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage George of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage George of the Sands of Time\n\nOnce a fairly common wizard from far in the future, he mistakenly concocted a potion that sent him back in time to the present day. Soon discovering that he did not know enough of the near future events in this day to prove his time travels to others, he has since mostly retreated from the wizard community to conduct his experiments in private, often leading to perilous potions with unexpected effects."} +{"id": "7297646d-4a66-4dc8-8ce3-cf49f05dbe86-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:57.677", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWNKzqw7JXKrLwiSzgwebcvEzW6LRawMWyYdFuHwYy3dC", "txHash": "0x183d741bf4d4ca83cc81bd07f3aae2ce33e7652a2dc511f8a135d18f4a700de9", "createdAtBlock": 13882758, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8933, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Peppy of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Peppy of the Quantum Shadow\n\nPeppy emerged from the Cave of the Platonic Shadow, the eternally-lit torch, a story of its own, aglow.\n\nThe night vision of an Anuran, combined with the torch, made the lightless cave easy to navigate. Peppy used the depths of the cave to regain energy, while observing how it was manipulated by the nearby Quantum Shadows forces.\n\nIt was time to return to the front of the Shadow, where the intense stretches of Peppys research would continue.\n\nStudying the Quantum Shadow was the constant in Peppys life. If progress could be made answering one of its questions, life would be a success. Life, especially for an Anuran, was too short for anything else. Yet, despite a pursuit min-maxed, it felt as if no progress was made. Dots collected, none connected.\n\nA last resort, but an accelerated path, would be to join forces within the cult"} +{"id": "839d28e7-a328-40bb-b81d-b73609cd4274-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:58.39", "backgroundColor": "#040D04", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVAveamzHtSQuacxUTmGNGWzJAKtatFTobkzYXbCV4uZR", "txHash": "0xa72da4b70fff9e2384549fe1449cea8b3b00d5728883c9c00592de474ea2049f", "createdAtBlock": 13883293, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9714, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRCqHqeXfyqPPGxgTsWyAC9UP79pATu6Jki2Nq5cj83Ur", "name": "Archmagus Gully of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Gully of the Brambles\n\nI am the reptilian humanoid,\n\nthat commonly infest dungeons.\n\nIncilius periglenes, the golden toad,\n\nhave her own assumptions.\n\nA traveler in an orange cape,\n\non a quest for what will free us.\n\nA solar staff so rare a bright,\n\nprotects the rune of venus.\n\nBoundless power in my hands,\n\nseeking infinite knowlege.\n\nReady for what life demands,\n\nI am the Archmagus Gully of the Brambles."} +{"id": "e2d5d460-cb85-4cde-b91e-96d3fe0bb31d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:59.25", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcsdgkCntUt8AVJfzwPQh317cpZ6ifQvLZMzH57Q9ygs8", "txHash": "0x476640e59b54d1e787172def991a5a03276560f0538287fe08312ccce14f95e6", "createdAtBlock": 13883299, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTbP5hY2L8Wr1ZM3jatA72V71APxoHeRerJy118VFt54k", "name": "Magus Jahid of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Jahid of the Veil\n\nMysterious, and ever so curious. Lover of forests. Tamer of mycelium."} +{"id": "63620a06-ed62-4f7d-b250-100b4a0d5235-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:10.679", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVDc7DLD9DNE7u5DsQJucbTcT1usf9UTw9PADmVpTHmTo", "txHash": "0x0b70fae9e98e36a3a5e1081a6bcdafa2bcef40bf2be0c9e5f9929968208e0a6d", "createdAtBlock": 14731335, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8662, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Salvatore from the Abyss", "text": "His body a bloody-ruby radiant\n\nWith noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer\n\nSwept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant\n\nOn Eden's imbecile perimeter.\n\nHe blessed nonentity with every curse\n\nAnd spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,\n\nBreathed life into the sterile universe,\n\nWith Love and Knowledge drove out innocence\n\nThe Key of Joy is disobedience."} +{"id": "e08f379e-65b3-405d-b458-87860733498a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:01.757", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZPPN9sUyguWuVnyKPyX9TeRa8wHbuFk1vFX1xuEMBpcQ", "txHash": "0xa84f0e9724107c44a6a98a26aaa381e8d96e1a129b67dca6b3cdb97268d4e405", "createdAtBlock": 13884190, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Basil of the Cold", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Basil of the Cold and the Firestorm Frog\n\nI come from a land that is cold, far too cold for most. Luckily I am a pyromancer and can warm myself up in a jiffy. I even invented a way to heat greenhouses with magic and a dash of ingenuity so that I could grow basil (my absolute favorite) in the harsh tundra environments. The method is of course proprietary and I can't tell you because it is my sole source of income in these trying times. Now if we bond over a pint or a shot at The Thirsty Wizard I have been known to disclose my secrets, along with a touch of gossip, in such a mindset. \n\nMy trusty side kick Firestorm is a friend to the end but he has been known to cause a bit of mischief is the opportunity arises. Lighting my fireworks with his breath, burning my moustache off when he thinks it gotten too long and even convincing my own sister that he was a prince under a magic spell and well you know how that goes...\n\nSo now i bid you farewell as i am off in search of a mighty steed that i might travel the world on the next adventure."} +{"id": "04f80165-94d4-466b-b577-69ee3ec05509-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:02.659", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNX8isKzqddFQeQQg1UNdqxaFWsTc88urMph89gj6qBsU", "txHash": "0x9a4d86cdc3ea3785beb8e5a786f5b524272d1b9ccbf0b4b789c6b1fd6dc5b644", "createdAtBlock": 13884442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2489, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Drokore of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Drokore of the Desert\n\nWitch Drokore roamed the skies of his home desert at night, riding on Guillaume's broom."} +{"id": "16f553c4-7f05-4a82-90e4-bd01db09a79d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:03.326", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmavchCUBALVsaBr2zWBk7wEhpFWeZMBXNxEUTVXN7t3Gi", "txHash": "0x7943aad907094ad4d7cec45a6c1fa7a64c4dc02bf7b5bd3a7ccd9a63a965628c", "createdAtBlock": 13884594, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5386, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Karasu of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Karasu of the Moors\n\nAn abomination of a child condemned to death by her Samurai parents on the day she was brought into the world. Life was not given freely to the Red Wizard Karasu. \n\nAffan, the Moorish midwife who brought the child into the world, could not bear the burden of her death and smuggled the newborn onto a spice ship bound for the Iberian Peninsula. The journey was arduous, but the baby survived and was placed into the care of a secret sect of Berber Wizards who took the child under their guard. The eldest of the order Ihtizaz believed her to be the reincarnation of the three-legged crow that the ancient prophecy spoke of. He named her Karasu, the divine messenger. \n\nThe girl grew, as did her power, but the age that she was born into was filled with war and death. The army of the undead led by the Evil Wizard Ozohr ravaged the lands and left chaos and despair in their wake. Her Berber protectors took her deep into the wilderness and hid her away from the world, for fear she would be discovered by the forces of evil that they vowed to destroy. Her only reprise from the isolation she felt at such a young age was a stray dog she named Zubiya who became her confidant and best friend.\n\nOn her 16th birthday Karasu woke to chaos. Fire engulfed her world as screams for mercy filled her ears, the undead had finally come for her. She watched in horror as the flames engulfed everything and everyone, she had ever held dear but magically the flames could not reach her... She did not feel the heat of the inferno on her skin, nor did she fear it, she simply held Zubiya tightly in her arms as her world crumbled around her, and walked through the flames toward her destiny..."} +{"id": "a46b2dba-caf5-4822-9a38-f13c7a3aabe7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:07.655", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTGRKuBhQA9Ej1Nte8tkDiPbmoquncyPpqXhBjrVUjL8e", "txHash": "0x48b0006d63e875cbe0a7e7d9eae8293fc231680712182b80eada6cf01f7fd652", "createdAtBlock": 13886308, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 386, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Crowley of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Crowley of the Platonic Shadow\n\nLikes skulls, wanted to look cool, but got mistaken as a evil sorcerer and was banished to the basement of his mom's house. Summoned a doggo to be his friends and practice magic with him."} +{"id": "ffbcce77-a12e-41f8-87dd-06dbf0907915-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:04.09", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUFVbsZz8pWztVYHnbb4wdncqKHu3RpA4xsAqF3A7p71V", "txHash": "0xa7cdbe82feef5ff88cdd8a0f25fa2b2697c0ae9ad8369655da4cf894ec46adce", "createdAtBlock": 13885261, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Crowley of Goblin town", "text": "# The Lore of Lewd Revenant Crowley of Goblin town\n\nIt all began with a stone, Or so the legend says. In ages past, a sentient jewel, enormous and beautiful banished the darkness. Its many-colored light filled the world with life and brought forth mighty Gods. Bathed in that light, the world entered an age of bliss."} +{"id": "1b43c255-3f87-44fc-8d68-f59dfb659a09-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:04.783", "backgroundColor": "#b64141", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbNrnZkNPA3E4rL1pigNTRz7kx8z5friZ92HFD2YnHY7K", "txHash": "0x6835021d7ac7768281a55358a6daaca4ad7d20aff41411c44c1ec8f8eae8198f", "createdAtBlock": 13885331, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7541, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Gunthor of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Gunthor of the Hills\n\nHi, my name is Gunthor!\n\nI was adopted by a family of humble farmers in the mountains, who for generations have sold organic fruits and vegetables at the Red Capital farmer's market.\n\nAfter working on the farm for 3 months, I knew everything there was to know about running a farm, so I decided to move to the hills and start my own farm with my business partner, Dirty Hare-y.\n\nHare-y and I predominantly sell quail eggs, honey and pomegranates. We plans to open up a farm shop in the new year, please visit any time!"} +{"id": "ad32246c-afb2-4850-9c30-b5411e21eaaf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:05.52", "backgroundColor": "#9f0d0d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ6GfxUkxVJAsuc8iB4pPYy1uqNKDsYr3xzZYdsqWH8qi", "txHash": "0x5a24e55fee16220ee790f6bb29e521bb0a3cec2efcabaf153089d24e50bf3abe", "createdAtBlock": 13885365, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4094, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Tengu of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Cleric Tengu of the Valley\n\nDeep in in the forgotten valley not a soul crept. In the deepest, darkest corners of the forgotten lands lived a wizard from the flames. He lived alone, carried through the lonely days by the valley crow. He was not the only wizard who ever entered the forgotten valley...but he was the only wizard who knows the story of those that never made it out.\n\n...this is all we know of Cleric Tengu of the Valley\n\nand for this reason the Valley remains desolate. \n\nLegend has it that the souls of the forgotten wizards lost in the valley remain imprisoned in Cleric Tengu's wizard staff. The tortured crysal ball of the valley does not tell the future..it whispers tales of the forgotten past. \n\nThe bermuda triangle of the forgotten lands...the valley exists only in the legend of the lore. \n\nA wizard that was born from the flame, Cleric Tengu of the Valley, returned home to the ring of fire...\n\n...it was that forgotten night when the glow of the burning souls, finally freed from the crystal cage, lit the valley one final time..before the infinite darkness prevailed."} +{"id": "d1782d34-8e56-48db-bdff-bf10760e5520-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:06.243", "backgroundColor": "#cdb4b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMjLrLBBDeF2uXZYG3f77focbkRV9BK3bLAbgjtZm5bT", "txHash": "0xa0349d8f81074c075339fa2262ead309f9e3e070c1b844d2f7eda28349de2c2c", "createdAtBlock": 13886267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4055, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Darick of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Darick of the Wood\n\ndown in the forest near a village\nlived the man called Mage the chopper\nchopping woods he's game and making money\ncaring nothing for trees he blindly chops on\nnever to be married he never washes\nhe never went to school Mage the chopper\nchopping woods he's game and getting money\ndoesn't care for life or even for a friend\n\nhe's dirty old man Mage the chopper\nhe s dirty old man Mage the chopper\n\nnow a very old man he had decided\nto make his fortune Mage the chopper\nchopping woods he's game he couldn't stop it\nhe wants to cut down all the forest\nthe trees they hated him they made a promise\ngive him a lesson Mage the chopper\nchopping woods he's game he couldn't stop it\nbut as the story goes hes beaten at his game\n\nhe's a dirty old man Mage the chopper\nhe s dirty old man Mage the chopper\nwe're gonna kill you Mage the chopper\nstrangle you with branches Mage the chopper\nhe's a dirty old man Mage the chopper\nhe s dirty old man Mage the chopper\nwe're gonna kill you Mage the chopper\nstrangle you with branches Mage the chopper\nhe's a dirty old man Mage the chopper\nhe s dirty old man Mage the chopper\nwe're gonna kill you Mage the chopper\nstrangle you with branches Mage the chopper"} +{"id": "a6a532b1-b378-402d-b003-75aa0fc2ff07-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:07.028", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWwwBdjnWPGBpmUTX5zjzsa27PyYDy2ENnoGPBic5fAEm", "txHash": "0x6fd70766c3dbe8a52496fe90a7f6e7af016e992ecdd602f7274868cd9c60c674", "createdAtBlock": 13886277, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7070, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ratko of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Ratko of the Plains\n\nRatko stumbled upon a magic tree at the age of 13 and receive the power to communicate with plants and animals. They taugh thim of the atrocities that humanoid creatures were doing to the environment and land. He then made it his life's mission to protect nature and promote veganism."} +{"id": "65756655-ad06-4770-99b7-7cfdd19e7fb6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:08.425", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb9Zc151eotYiVyZLgqEpdQ8y1Z7CcwLnwdm2ypNrNUDj", "txHash": "0x09ddc7f375fc0b1bad70431274d92f5215b1e63988469b4e00eb28264d0e3665", "createdAtBlock": 13886356, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Tundror of the Palms", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Tundror of the Palms\n\nTundro is a djin that has recently finished up his contract as a lamp genie for 10,000 years. however, little did he realize though that the outside world was an expensive place. Inflation averaged 20% and he had little to money. He made the hard decision to sell his lamp and buy some books on alchemy so that he could live day to day and one day become wealthy."} +{"id": "3f27faa2-9a13-4809-8e4e-b9f7d3d82ee5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:11.373", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaBU8sVAJddKphfDrPAgAELFRMvmQ9zwLxF4nMCWHDMPp", "txHash": "0x5f6a21bfd5b089c849698ac5822b99fb9a322b375da92d7f3bcef653ebbb00fd", "createdAtBlock": 14731586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7525, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Hansel of the Road", "text": "# Adept Hansel of the Road\n\n\nmagic is something that takes a long time to study and master. Hansel has decided to separate from the rest of the world to better study the secrets of magic. She loves the company of animals and contact with nature and loves to explore the mysterious lands of the Runiverse."} +{"id": "740cc007-4952-425e-b08f-706c82c96600-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:09.856", "backgroundColor": "#1d0b02", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTpeQn7jKanUG8gQ2zjNDws47x5WZR2HEPEFCq4KKzuH4", "txHash": "0x44b59eb8a27eb007f2be7b999a43bc95a7385c527c3fd26313b911a19a82aeae", "createdAtBlock": 13887070, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5257, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Hothor of the Glacier", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Hothor of the Glacier\n\nHe couldn't hide on this farm forever, and a decade was enough. \"Time for another adventure,\" Hothor mused aloud. The crow nodded knowingly. They both knew this one would be long... and dangerous."} +{"id": "4d2102eb-8368-435a-af16-a7da862326a6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:10.527", "backgroundColor": "#dbdbdc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaiaHpg1CEt8qsBdDcsfiqCRn7SvE8MTp9L6L6zPR6hNG", "txHash": "0x45f082a3152be4350454f6c493f56a19bcf33c8942211fc62b7af114d16d6f28", "createdAtBlock": 13887091, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 955, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Zubin of Dreams", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Zubin of Dreams\n\nIt was time. The dawn was breaking. The season was changing. The decade was ending. Zubin felt it in his bones.\n\nAnd for the first time in many years, the sand in his hourglass sifted downward again. He'd have to move fast."} +{"id": "3557730e-c977-4cbc-bc80-eb11830d1063-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:11.242", "backgroundColor": "#6c0f0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYtAwTCTU6Krqz1vFRYRwKYKk1hZtfpkHRCZPSCJeg88L", "txHash": "0x8b1b77157c60b17230bcb6f7e8fc5cabfdabe3821c733c480b820f89ec7279ac", "createdAtBlock": 13887123, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9698, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Armstrong of the Sun\n\nArmstrong of the Sun has avoided burning in the Sacred **Flame** for now... the drive to find his wife Shelley, daughter Quinn, and to battle in the Runiverse with his two sons are the only things keeping him from giving into the **Flame's** call. The **Flame** haunts him now, even in his sleep. Fortunately for him, 2021 was an amazing year of discovery and wealth, but will Runiverse in 2022 provide new and amazing opportunities? Only time will tell, but it's clear to him that there are only two paths... he will either meet the Sacred **Flame** or rein as a hero in the Runiverse with his wife, daughter, and two sons at his side. \n\nArmstrong of the Sun takes what would be his last sip of mead in 2021, as he stares into the flames of a warm fire... screams can be heard in the distance. \n\nTo be continued in 2022."} +{"id": "814b7762-4f15-4cb3-910b-1eb3bf17abbd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:14.152", "backgroundColor": "#f60d70", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS4Avvn5quqMwoc9yrqefE85HqR75q5gXqjpyz7ooRLcm", "txHash": "0xf595b0062d0aaee36d2e7018800a6e9e7daa2665f1715de55e787acec2008fb5", "createdAtBlock": 13887991, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8580, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Artis of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Artis of the Valley\n\nI am......Artis.....\n\nWhy do I.....exist...\n\nMy journey.....has just begun....\n\nBut my memories....\n\nI feel...like...something has happened...\n\nI'll eventually find out.....soon"} +{"id": "48910056-aed2-481e-84ba-3677747c170a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:01.526", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR2QWmD3VTJhQHBcKC8aoj9pPZMiCA93sfKNHJQGHaCE4", "txHash": "0x4352cd235e5864f66191e03428207ab5e02be74e9ba15794024e180493d49269", "createdAtBlock": 13917519, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7689, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Milo of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Milo of the Wood\n\nOh the irony"} +{"id": "dab9e7be-cd6e-499c-add4-2d92a270cc31-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:14.942", "backgroundColor": "#0df5d9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVQVxHP4kgG76FqAxeHzJvikNkYKzYBpoP3zyeHY8662w", "txHash": "0xb32765b95ac1a10ca25377327339570592eddde7474abe8f49983e40398fe9b2", "createdAtBlock": 13888068, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3329, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Atlanta of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Atlanta of the Wood\n\nI am......Atlanta.....\n\nWhy do I.....exist...\n\nMy journey.....has just begun....\n\nBut my memories....\n\nI feel...like...something has happened...\n\nI'll eventually find out.....soon"} +{"id": "1168c010-bca5-481e-b4d8-6b281a03e420-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:15.794", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1onkmAFZUkPD74aAvrv8AXQEVVJ7yLych8WuvSxuGon", "txHash": "0xe7871292f383e44695dd0d423918e62f0e0730ec33ebdb85544f852b84a3804c", "createdAtBlock": 13888194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9780, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Atlas of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Atlas of the Wood\n\nIn his mind, he came to. In one hand, his void skull, created from the depths in the Crypt of Varsoon, and in the other, a metallic cannister of commonfolk ale, one they call a \"Budweiser\".\n\nHe thinks to himself, \"I PITY A FOOL..WAIT, WHAT? I AM THAT FOOL, FOR I HAVE SUCCUMB TO THE COMMON MAN'S ALE. NEVER AGAIN WILL I DRINK THIS WRETCHED BOTTOM SHELF ALE AGAIN!!\"\n\nWith aggression, Atlas takes the metallic cannisters and crushed it against his skull with all his might, shrinking the material down to a fraction of its original length.\n\nNow frustrated and disappointed, Atlas walks into the night, towards the marshes of The Toadstools."} +{"id": "5fabe6a5-f1d0-4fed-b76d-e6ed457c1bea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:16.763", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUv8dHBbhKrMSQfpezuhgF4YUFa1iiNpjKQSAqAy537Hk", "txHash": "0xb0c99d125fba355495ee850d545630bbbcb7906c5edf367012825d70a2a646a4", "createdAtBlock": 13888204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8884, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Remus of the Obelisk\n\nDuring the age of majik, two thousand years after the fall of the Obelisk. Remus commands the remaining living heirs to the Gergon throne. \n\nA powerful wizard, Remus uses the divine chorlote to cast mass spells. The chorlote is a frequency that resides in mages carrying the blood of the chosen ones. Only certain wizards can command the chorlote and use the power to their advantage.\n\nFor more than a thousand years after the fall of the Obelisk, only three other wizards were known to command the chorlote. In 1666, Remus accidentally stumbled upon an ancient tomb with sacred inscriptions. \n\nAfter clearing dust from the various sarcophagi, Remus came to a glorious conclusion. The heirs to Gergon passed their divine sources to other wizards.\n\n\n\nThat's where Remus's adventure begins..."} +{"id": "15721a0c-a4ef-4e92-bfc2-40951391267c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:17.536", "backgroundColor": "#1f1010", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXJhec8pHjX19eD5uo595G3frHfBo3tzTd4qf2u9erqff", "txHash": "0x55266d8e46e2dc6449602b1c00c8442ba33f955e6fccc5f1e2aa4640a35cf84c", "createdAtBlock": 13888675, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9117, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Gorgana of the Static Snow", "text": "# The Lore of Channel 1 Poltergeist Gorgana of the Static Snow\n\nIf you spend enough time with Gorgana she begins to touch you, to whisper into your ear that she is part of your real self. You stop seeing clearly. The light is muted. The light from the sun dims. All that can be seen is Gorgana and you are drained of light."} +{"id": "750c0a31-263e-4808-bd76-af1e3581dd2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:18.543", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWD6DHWT8YaXoDEWnTCi1wjiwq5jHNh88AMUZFr3nTukz", "txHash": "0xdd1e94ab7d8add9d6ff26f05ad758c255183860df10b02130696204235e79c4f", "createdAtBlock": 13888959, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3542, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Pezo of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Pezo of the Keep\n\nDruid Peso served the great wizarding lords of Alessars Keep as a butler.\n\nWhat makes a great wizard butler exactly? There havent been many attempts within the profession to make a good answer. You may not be familiar with the Bayes Society as not many talk about it these days. But during the first and second epoch many felt its power had become too great and did not mourn when it was forced to close.\n\nThe Bayes Society claimed that it only admitted butlers of only the highest rank. By keeping membership low it kept its prestige and power. Criteria for membership was kept intentionally vague. Association with a distinguished household or coven was an obvious prerequisite for membership. But they made it clear that those serving the towers made newly rich through the exercise of dark magic or touched by the void were not qualified. But in their quarterly publication they did once state that the significant criterion is the applicant must be possessed of dignity in keeping with their position.\n\nPeso was regarded by all as having that factor of dignity which distinguished him from many other wizard butlers who were merely competent. The question then becomes about what dignity is comprised of?"} +{"id": "750c0a31-263e-4808-bd76-af1e3581dd2b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:18.543", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWD6DHWT8YaXoDEWnTCi1wjiwq5jHNh88AMUZFr3nTukz", "txHash": "0xdd1e94ab7d8add9d6ff26f05ad758c255183860df10b02130696204235e79c4f", "createdAtBlock": 13888959, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3542, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Pezo of the Keep", "text": "Pesos father, Kazuo of the Keep, often told a story that perhaps addressed the question in a suitable fashion. A certain butler he knew had traveled with his employer and a small party of his employers friends through the battlemage mountains. They stopped to spend the night at a rock storm shelter alongside the trail. While the party unpacked, the butler entered the shelter and began to prepare for dinner. All at once he noticed a golem of great size remaining perfectly still against the back wall of the shelter. It was almost unrecognizable against the stone and bathed in flickering firelight. The butler left the shelter quietly taking care to close the door. He attracted his employers attention with a polite cough and whispered Im very sorry, sir, but there appears to be a golem in the dining room. Perhaps you will permit the wands of fire to be used?\n\nAnd according to the story, a few minutes later the employer and his guests heard three blasts. When the butler reappeared outside some time afterwards to refresh the mugs the employer inquired if all was well.\n\nPerfectly fine, thank you, sir had come the reply. Dinner will be served at the usual time and I am pleased to say there will be no discernible traces of the recent occurrence by that time.\n\nPezo never had the chance to encounter a golem in the dining room but there were several instances throughout his career of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so very admired in his fathers story."} +{"id": "4a10db18-42a0-48e4-a107-d266f0f56733-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:19.244", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbraM8eyDFuFexZKXJbVPMct5oziPLHwT2uKKEUFqgpBp", "txHash": "0x9a8bfefbd222817d4e86c1bbb2c0bc683b51efecf65db9dd90017332fd220d73", "createdAtBlock": 13888988, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9630, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Armstrong of the Havens", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Armstrong of the Havens\n\nBattle Mage Armstrong of the Havens was born in the Battle Mage mountains to a family having a long history of gallantry and noble quests. Though he did not himself take part in these quests of old, as his family had finally settled in the mountains when he was born, he was captivated by the stories told to him as a child. Though his parents forbade him, he lived in hope that he may one day leave the mountains to fulfil his desires to have his own thrilling adventures.\n\nAs fate would have it, he got his wish but not in the way he would have ever wanted. One dark and stormy night his home was attacked by an evil and powerful witch who was hungry for the souls of his parents, a recompense for past deeds. Though his parents had survived many dangerous encounters they could not prevent the green flames from consuming their home. Following this devastating attack only battle mage Armstrong and his older brother survived, though his brother was left badly injured due to bravely shielding his brother from the flames.\n\nThe pair only managed to escape the sustained attack as Armstrong noticed that a black cat was walking through the home seemingly unscathed by the flame. He took hold of the cat and suddenly he too was unable to feel the heat and evil of the previously perilous flames. Hence, he was able to drag his brother from the site and flee, but the black cat remained with him."} +{"id": "4a10db18-42a0-48e4-a107-d266f0f56733-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:19.244", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbraM8eyDFuFexZKXJbVPMct5oziPLHwT2uKKEUFqgpBp", "txHash": "0x9a8bfefbd222817d4e86c1bbb2c0bc683b51efecf65db9dd90017332fd220d73", "createdAtBlock": 13888988, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9630, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Armstrong of the Havens", "text": "As his brothers injuries left him not able to work it fell to young Armstrong to fend for them both. To support them he had to travel far from the Battle Mage mountains around the world on many quests both noble and corrupt. Though his heart was good he had to provide sustenance for his brother, this meant he had to accept coin for service whatever the nature of it may be. Over the years this life of servitude and constant fight carved Battle Mage Armstrong into a weathered and wise guide throughout all the lands and a formidable, strong wizard.\n\nThough many say the strength of his magic and ability to guide through dangerous lands is due to a mysterious candle he carries in the dark. It is known to only a few that the true source of his ability is due to the black cat that has stayed by his side through all time since that treacherous evening in which his life changed forever."} +{"id": "ac392713-5132-41bb-8d8e-bb6fdbb9e25d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:20.633", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQHsgaLLsbn81rqyTAsxQ2Y7mt4ZExYc9kVdnLoa4U2Cj", "txHash": "0xedab6b7ea64ca7e470447400af91201a131c3dabd4fc26c6a20e4ffa4b18ad21", "createdAtBlock": 13889062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6439, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Ozohr of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Ozohr of the Ether\n\nI have spent too much time staring into the ether."} +{"id": "d6bad628-4d9a-41e8-afd1-21a8a77e6c0c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:22.848", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVTWPn6SmvM3qqrBaKheEoseYMdQCSvC2R1bcwmyMAgjv", "txHash": "0x864e0bcc4c916ef1950ba1fefafc0d852ab54f1331297700b432fc1d7306d9e4", "createdAtBlock": 13889851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7188, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zeromus of the Reach", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Zeromus of the Reach\n\nIt is said if you stare long into the Void, the Void stares back at you.\n\nFrom the earliest decades of his apprenticeship, Zeromus had heard this saying time and again. But it left out the most important part. The part that you learned in the laboratories and libraries of the Reach if you were to survive the first stages of scholarship.\n\nWhen the Void looks into you, from across the gulf of ghosts, beyond all space and chronal reckoning, its numbing cold emanating from the outer dark into your frail mortal flesh, it was critically important to remember to do, or rather, not do, one specific thing.\n\nDON'T BLINK."} +{"id": "30b802dd-de52-4787-8877-a04a1c78bdaa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:24.336", "backgroundColor": "#002c0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcjdeKz7tmq4G2mr4EnMvTXNotk8ZTNPrcrz8JeevrzW8", "txHash": "0xc649d02194436cf715fb6bb7462a70389c52ffee7f75e51d15244c01a885e0a1", "createdAtBlock": 13891376, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7055, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Axis of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Axis of the Psychic Leap\n\nAxis is one with the forest and seeks the truth in Nature. \n\nHe gains power from the plants, and uses Dryad's ear to know what plants know, and make them grow.\n\nA master of seeds, does the woods need.\n\nPasses through time through years, as the trees grow without fear.\n\nHe covers his body in barky armor, a master of growth a knowledge farmer.\n\nThinks before he speaks, and looks before he leaps, with growing techniques secrets of the jungle he keeps.\n\nAs old as the redwoods, elms, and oaks, a friend to all of the woodland folks.\n\nFollow his steps, walk his path, be one with the nature a true homeopath.\n\nListen to the breeze rustle in the leaves, the trees do speak you can hear if you please.\n\nKeep calm your mind and empty your cup, the journey is under way keep your chin up!"} +{"id": "84849fb4-588b-4856-8d87-20f0259a8ce0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:25.012", "backgroundColor": "#09071B", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVs1fZrMSWkiYP4SCEhZBENR8o1fPTfC7GFopAwN68a2J", "txHash": "0x1c59bade84b3aefc0766776cb820bd5dda562d853adf0bc1dea23a21ebb306b0", "createdAtBlock": 13891443, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1442, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfSDaAnMNWBDb9mn1ANX8ebSHUDpadBBWLQRaNVKFVXks", "name": "Hex Mage Jean Leon of the Garden", "text": "All voodoo is spirit. Every fly and blade of grass. You only need to learn the names theyre called. The first time that you try they might not hear you. Over time you earn their trust, and they might tell you secret things or find forgotten treasures. If a curse is needed, fear the trembling earth that sings beneath their every footstep. It is worse to cast the evil eye than have it bend in your direction. Everything is word, and Id rather give blessings. When at end I perish, my soul will not be interred in musty soil. My name called forth at last, Ill join the great processions flying past. \n\n- from the quill of Spellsinger Arcus of the Ether"} +{"id": "b776dfa0-82ec-4681-b316-cdab54a83dd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:40.913", "backgroundColor": "#5a7047", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfNPt7LxQ67g43c1QsHD5kwftRa46qgW9QbKfVHUi3SNL", "txHash": "0x0d983f256ee73d13fb6f84f12f85953868e52245f6dd6434de14612f67165c0b", "createdAtBlock": 13896113, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7125, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Aldus of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Aldus of the Tower\n\nAll Lores know that: If you're not working hard, ideas dont matter. The best idea is worthless without execution.\n\nIf you're already working hard, ideas are crucial. Most effort is wasted on mediocre ideas."} +{"id": "336fd4cd-2dc3-4735-bfee-1f61837fa6c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:25.899", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWytdLL5FKjkQat23x72v9fbo9Z3D3jMEGj5wodeRCAL6", "txHash": "0x4a1f081144c5cef44d8d3f41810ad4aaa10295db4e60a10c24a1d3aa84f3c716", "createdAtBlock": 13891444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9258, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sky Master Jay of the Belfry", "text": "# The Lore of Sky Master Jay of the Belfry\n\nJay had been hatched of an egg, along with his brother Ray, under the height of Plutos ascent across the skies. As young corvids they had ventured outside of the safety of theSkylord Rookery they called home and into a forbidden grove deep within the Hedge Wizard Wood. There, Ray had taken a bite of a sacred applegrown from trees which had been planted by the alchemist Isaac the Malevolent.\n\nBut a curse placed upon the delicious red fruit turned poor Ray into an altered version of himself. A primitive corvid. A simple crow.\n\nAnguished by his brothers curse, Jay took to the skies, leaving their beloved home far behind in search of an alchemical cure. He raged the winds above the Wild and over the forests of the Fey. Down towards Kelpies bay and venturing as far as the ZarosOasis. Years passed, the young corvid aging into a learned Sky Master with a crew of his own to command. Though no potion or elixir has yet to work, the two brothers still journey to this day."} +{"id": "e3f163a8-d88d-4ae4-adac-975fbcb880b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:27.235", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfTFXVfq7CcUHWSiQQSP9S6iifNecboCqvQc6gbHMjvPT", "txHash": "0x2c0ef3d9b244fe737c268a23c216e78e86ac58bd0dd155f08d5dc54a67d9bd64", "createdAtBlock": 13891492, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9898, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Evangeline of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Evangeline of the Ether\n\nEvangeline was born as a lower class daughter of a Farmer outside the hedge wizard woods. She became a Vampire as a young adult, as some foul vampires passed through her town causing mischief. Becoming an immortal vampire tends to complicate relationships with those who age and die, so Evangeline soon found herself leaving home to find herself.\n\nAfter a time she found herself learning Magik from a village of sorcerers and enchanters and through years of learning and practice she became quite proficient. The village honored her with the name Enchanter Evangeline. She practiced her craft for decades, going across the lands learning skills and talents from any wizard willing to teach her. Many moons passed, seasons and years went by, and loved ones and friends grew old and died and she carried on. She became distant from others and spent most of her time alone in quiet places across the realm, meditating and focusing her energies. She became able to tap into a plane beyond the physical and see whispers of the past and the future, and see the words from beings beyond. She saw the effects these energies had on her, and learned to respect this ability and be cautious of the Ether she could communicate with.\n\nA human who wanted to become a vampire approached Evangeline to become a vampire and become her servant. While traveling with each other Evangeline would often turn her follower into a rabbit to trick and manipulate people. Being in this state so often eventually led to her familiar being stuck in this form. With the promise to return them to their human form, and finally turn them into a Vampire, they both proceeded to venture to the Vampyre Mist in hopes of finding someone who could help them. She heard of the coming of an ancient powerful vampire rumored to be the first. Maybe they could help her but it would likely not come without a price"} +{"id": "53b7426c-9e96-40fb-b230-dc6ae43d7d66-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:12.055", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXVurnvLGEd33WJUrBXCGx1akgwZxrTBNU5RJ1n4a7kg", "txHash": "0x5d00920db0471c24a9f7e8fd5e8cfce344df60873e17a5dc333276a03dfc6f97", "createdAtBlock": 14731963, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7867, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Daria of the Spike", "text": "# Ectoplasmic Spectre Daria of the Spike\n@wizard7867 was a good girl from a lovely family. Being a young student she has learned magic full of enthusiasm. She spent long nights in libraries and ignored her personal life\n\nOne day she found an old folio hidden in far book racks. It described a ritual that promised eternal life. The rarest ingredient was a Sacred Flame in search of which she went with her cute pet - _Merlin's monkey_\n\nIt was a stroke of luck and not her merit to find the Flame in her journey. On emotions, Daria started the ritual as fast as she can\n\nBut it turned around that eternal life demands a great sacrifice of the wizard. It encloses the vitality of a living being into a sphere, which one who passed the ritual should hold near self\n\n@wizard7867 became a specter. Daria hid the sphere in the middle of the Neutron star staff and grief anyone who tried to steal it.\nWith eternal life, she got a great power that allows her to control the particles of the universe\n\nWithout straining, Daria revived the poor monkey that was accidentally killed during the ritual.\n\nDaria remembers her previous life and is not angry about her fate, but a Great Chaos touched her mind and often she can't control her impulses\n\n_Believe me, you don't want to negotiate with a chaotic neutral!_"} +{"id": "cee52948-cc31-48ca-bb12-61b43104a93f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:29.027", "backgroundColor": "#1B2E2C", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPUwpaCXEtzLXKKKKTeBrN6UyfhqjV5zwqcacEBEFe9y", "txHash": "0xdd989a13ac6c9e0711c492751b959189f90a0644bb2147317fb374a4631d6df7", "createdAtBlock": 13891872, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6725, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaZSV29Gcap8UtfsWpbZJPc96bBspupm8qm3SUetcUwrF", "name": "Ghost Eater Bathsheba of the Toadstools", "text": "# The Lore of Ghost Eater Bathsheba of the Toadstools\n\nGhosts were considered a delicacy in the household of Bathsheba of the Toadstools as a young child. Her father was a famed Ghost Hunter, her mother a master of Culinary Magick. Everyday her father would return home with his bounty, and her mother would use her enchanting skills to create the finest foodstuffs. Wizards and Warriors from all over the land would travel to their small cottage in order to taste the famous ghoulish dishes. \n\nBut her father made many ghastly enemies as a Ghost Hunter, as you may imagine. And so one day, without warning, the spectral apparitions raided the cottage, in a bid to bring an end to their sworn enemy. Bathsheba's mother and father fought valiantly, but alas, the ghost raiders proved to be too much for them. Bathsheba was barely able to escape with her life.\n\nFrom there, Bathsheba roamed the world on her own, sleeping in alleyways and scrounging behind taverns for food. She became friends with the local rodent populations she came across, noticing their skill for scavenging. She learned their ways and relied on them to keep her alive, forming a special bond with Nyaluin the Blue Rat, who became her most trusted companion.\n\nAs she got older, she began to become proficient in magic, emulating skills she had seen both her mother and father use. And when she received her Rune of Fire from an elderly witch who took her in, she knew what her path was. She would use her sacred fire to boil the bones of her ghostly enemies, and feast upon their ethereal bodies to quench her hunger for revenge."} +{"id": "cee52948-cc31-48ca-bb12-61b43104a93f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:29.027", "backgroundColor": "#1B2E2C", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPUwpaCXEtzLXKKKKTeBrN6UyfhqjV5zwqcacEBEFe9y", "txHash": "0xdd989a13ac6c9e0711c492751b959189f90a0644bb2147317fb374a4631d6df7", "createdAtBlock": 13891872, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6725, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaZSV29Gcap8UtfsWpbZJPc96bBspupm8qm3SUetcUwrF", "name": "Ghost Eater Bathsheba of the Toadstools", "text": "And so after intense training, she returned to her ruined cottage. And she cleansed it of all the wraiths that had taken her family from her. When the ashes had settled, she made use of her mother's Magick and boiled their remains into a great stew - feeding the entirety of the surrounding village. \n\nStories of The Great Ghost Eater spread across the land - and once again Warriors and Wizards flocked from all over the continent in hopes of tasting the legendary foodstuffs. And it brought her great joy to take up the mantle her parents had once held. She turned the cottage into The Ghost Kitchen, a tavern for weary travelers to rest their legs and fill their bellies.\n\n \n\nNowadays Bathsheba leads a quiet life running The Ghost Kitchen. It's fame has reached the corners of the continent as a place where stories are spoken beneath its hearth, friends are found beside its fires, and smiles are shared between its patrons."} +{"id": "fd721f58-0fbe-40df-9812-bcc6463e21dd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:29.717", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTWktTpsSGeWKWs6xR9AJ32RbsuqV58Qm75uu26DJZKU6", "txHash": "0xbbf8f8a7deba9190cf3b7493bca7b669d771951c555ea30b711d0c30f2dc1e21", "createdAtBlock": 13891885, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9131, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Victoria of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Victoria of the Mist\n\nLavender and lemon are all I remember.\n\nMa's favorite. \n\nI'm still not ready to head back into the Thorn. \n\nThanks to Lady I am still breathing."} +{"id": "f1abafe0-2ae4-482c-a940-f56da763a434-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:30.4", "backgroundColor": "#cb9b7c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTfHH4W7j6bHvobtG6h3qp5C858jAfKnr2pwvhd9G6bB4", "txHash": "0x09eecadaf1b8cf800f379d0a5d59e4a7ae63e4eaefa9f328539328b41ff48173", "createdAtBlock": 13892695, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1576, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Misumi of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Misumi of the Oasis\n\nPossessing only a backpack of assorted positions, a wand, a deadpan gaze, and accompanied by her only friend named Luna.\n\nThe Medicine Seller is a mystery to everyone she meets. She travels from town to town, uncovering the root of peoples medical, and sometimes supernatural problems. But her services does come at a hefty price..."} +{"id": "9c7a4aea-34dc-4a43-ba25-2eacf1d363d4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:02.293", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaYDVf86XbH44zfqiVoGmgWqN4B2smJXfWYJqQThZvysj", "txHash": "0x21848d5418d831913efb38457a2f2d1019cd6a443f83797a17f0d86773b8ac91", "createdAtBlock": 13917621, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6719, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Qasim of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Qasim of the Plains\n\nIf there is one thing you learn when you raise bunnies, it's that a caged animal will always try to escape.\n\nQasim felt a lot like the bunnies his family raised. Life wasn't bad, his family always had food, and he had a good relationship with his family members, but when you're breeding bunnies, you can't exactly go see the world... and that's all Qasim could think about. He was fascinated by stories of magickal artifacts with complex histories, and he wanted to find them. When Qasim would tell his father of his true desires, his father would become enraged at the idea. Life was comfortable, why would you go off chasing legends? So like his bunnies, Qasim too would try to escape.\n\nFar from being a grown man, Qasim adventured off into the night. Still being a child, he brought nothing more than a couple of cool rocks, some bunny jerky, and favorite (living) bunny with him. He traveled north, into the Hedge Wizard Wood, and then got completely lost. This boy had no sense of direction, no idea what he was doing. He was a farmer's son, not an adventurer! Qasim didn't even know how to identify edible plants or hunt! He was in over his head, and he knew it.\n\nDays passed, Qasim ran out of food. His bunny, Hagan thankfully had plenty of foilage to munch on, but Qasim persisted... until he could not. A cluster of purple mushrooms appeared just as Qasim could take it no more. If the mushrooms didn't kill him, surely the hunger would. About 15 minutes later Qasim felt something he had never felt before... Magick."} +{"id": "9c7a4aea-34dc-4a43-ba25-2eacf1d363d4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:02.293", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaYDVf86XbH44zfqiVoGmgWqN4B2smJXfWYJqQThZvysj", "txHash": "0x21848d5418d831913efb38457a2f2d1019cd6a443f83797a17f0d86773b8ac91", "createdAtBlock": 13917621, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6719, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Qasim of the Plains", "text": "The next few months were spent eating the magick purple mushrooms, learning how to survive, and realizing the manifestation of his powers. Qasim learned how to combine food and magick to create concentrated energy pellets. The effects of these pellets varies based off the ingredients used, so there are limitless possibilities and combinations. These months turned a boy into a wizard with almost infinite potential. Equipped with this new power, he set off to find ingredients to pelletize.\n\nWhen Qasim finally arrived in civilization, he wanted to grab some carrots to experiment with for Hagan. He had never pelletized food for Hagan, as Hagan would nom on just about anything, anywhere, anytime. Pelletized carrots are essentially superfood for bunnies, as they are carrots infused with magick. Hagan grew 20 times his size, and could communicate telepathically with Qasim. The pelletized carrots for humans however, did not make you grow, but gave you incredible night vision and kept you full for hours... so much to discover.\n\nWith new found power comes new found responsibility, and Qasim spent his time reading about different plants, meats, and the lore behind their energies. He would experiment with new foods, which meant also feeding the hungry... which didn't always turn out to be such a \"good deed.\" His intentions were pure, however, and his prestige grew. He spent his nights in bars, listening to bards tell their stories, and taking notes. His goal was to gather as many of the pieces to the puzzle and put them together. The artifacts he sought would be his..."} +{"id": "e4f4369b-fbf0-40ab-add4-948137b5a3f2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:32.299", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS2BcemqWjrVfcnf6NUxLWeZtBaJNDeDSHgZweAzvCX4C", "txHash": "0xc4f2b9d85ca286a72dc863dcf152862eea6030578b7bc67e34edff8fda6853a7", "createdAtBlock": 13894142, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Vossler from the Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Vossler from the Shadow\n\nTo brother Paul--The Apostle. Wise beyond words and a true treasure to the world. A heart of gold and a wit of razor. A friend to those returning from the quantum shadow.\n\n-3/2"} +{"id": "771dfa34-f11d-4d2b-8eda-bfc4ff3cc38f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:33.009", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcGZyQAq3Joa4FVBKzR2vwmV5nuTLhXLemuCsT4t59rQP", "txHash": "0x53d624c96d2995eb14c4dafbe9301feef53b1c75593cea97f9989889b16f6b6e", "createdAtBlock": 13894242, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4755, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Anton of the Secret Fire", "text": "# The Lore of Ghost Eater Anton of the Secret Fire\n\nDespite Anton's family's best attempts to keep him fed throughout his childhood, he always remained frail and on the edge of death. It wasn't until a fight with his brother launched him into a fit of anger. Unbridled anger turned to rage. Rage turned to white hot flames. Moments later, everything fell to ash and darkness.\n\nAt 13, Anton's power was revealed, but at the grave cost of his brother and his parents. As he wept over the charred ash that remained of their bodies, Anton suddenly felt a curious rush. It was the feeling of their souls filling him with his first ever taste of strength. His scalding tears dripped where their bodies lay, etching dark symbols of their souls permanently on the stone below.\n\nIt was this irreconcilable feeling of absolute strength at a time of unimaginable anguish, dread, and loss which left Anton a soulless shell himself, forced to roam eternally in a state of lifeless agony.\n\nAnton would never be recognized if seen in the flesh. His legendary existence is known only by the black symbols left on the ground beneath his victims and the ominous echo of Shamgar, his crow companion, heard only by those who arrive first to witness the black symbol of the tragedy."} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "# Eden, Moe, and The Great Magical Magnolia Tree\n\n(This is the beginning of a story of two friends, trying with all their heart, to find The Great Magical Magnolia Tree.)\n\nPart One:\n\nSage Eden and the pony Moe the Swell arrived in a storm to the Blue Wizard Bastion. The road-weary Eden and Moe stood like statues before the stronghold gate, rain pooling in the brim of Eden's hat. They were hungry and tired, worn and weathered, looking only for rest. Slowly, Eden typed the Blue entrance code phrase into his digital tablet, right as the wind and rain intensified. But the castle doors did not open. Instead, a rather disagreeable voice bellowed from an alarm system intercom.\n\n\"Evening sir. What is your business and what is that fell animal you ride, Blue Wizard?\" said the voice.\n\n\"And that black cloak...there's a shadow upon you Sage.\"\nThe terror of the long journey flashed through the wizard's mind. Eden patted Moe on the head. \n\n\"Indeed, a shadow does follow us, which is why we seek rest here. And this who you call fell is my hearty friend,\nand I saved him from death and torment. And this cloak is but a garment, and none of your concern gate keeper. Let us pass through.\"\n\nThe cities and castles of the wizards were becoming defensive, even the Yellows. Uncertainty coiled like a spring throughout the realm. New beasts roamed, and warriors marched.\n\nSilence... and then the doors unlocked and opened. \n\nEden sighed, put away the tablet, and took a moment to think."} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "Eden sighed, put away the tablet, and took a moment to think.\n\nThe water that had pooled in his hat began glowing reddish light, and his eyes flickered blue. He was a color and light transmitter; though sometimes the magic happened without his intent.\nElectric yellow and white light burst forth from his staff. And in that moment, in the woods nearby, Eden glimpsed a dark figure, but it vanished quickly. \n\nEden found a nice spot for Moe to rest and then settled into some wine and music. \n\n\n\n\nPart Two:\n\nBowie played in the background softly as Eden drifted in thought. His room at the Bastion was small and simple, though the window was large. Rain continued to patter, and thunder rolled.\n\n\"Is there a sun out there, somewhere behind those dark clouds.\" Eden muttered to himself while peering through the glass.\nA new and silky voice broke in.\n\n\"Are they natural? The clouds I mean. Now that is the question.\"\nEden grinned without looking. On his digital tablet appeared a face, a handsome face as it were. It was his old friend Holy Monk Akron of Atlantis.\n\n\"Always showing up uninvited Akron.\" Said Eden with a smile.\n\n\"Always, good sir. I don't have much time to chat friend, though I wanted to share some foreboding news with you. Rumor has it The Nameless have destroyed and stolen the last\nsacred tree left in the Archepelgo.\"\n\nHearing this, a stern expression came upon the wizard's face and his eyes flickered blue. \n\nThunder cracked louder.\nIntuition took over. Eden said a quick goodbye to Akron, gathered his belongings, and went downstairs to ready Moe for departure.\nAt the stables the heart of Eden nearly stopped-\nMoe was gone.\n\n\n\nPart Three:"} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "Part Three:\n\nThe rain finally let up and the sun pierced the sky as Eden scrambled to the nearest gate; courtly and more magnificent than the one he entered through the night prior. He stood on white\nmarble stone, gazing in every direction hoping to spot the pony. And there he was, Moe, rummaging through herbs in a nearby glade of trees.\n\n\"Moe you old bugger! You scared me stiff.\" Said Eden as he approched.\n\n\"Yep, yep.\" Responded Moe with a smile full of chives.\n\n\"Now listen close, the woods are not safe for us, stay close and don't wander off alone, understood.\" Said Eden gravely.\n\n\"Yep.\"\n\nThey returned to the Bastion courtyard and spent the afternoon lounging there (alas, as was his tendency, Eden had completely forgotten his conversation with Akron). Blue wizards and\nother folk bustled around them in the market square, paying little heed to the two. One face though seem rather interested. It was a Corvid, a rather rare sight for this place. He approached\nand spoke.\n\n\"How is your stay going Sage?\" Said the Corvid.\nEden instantly recognized the voice. It was the disagreeable voice he had heard over the gate intercom.\nCautious, Eden looked at him, his eyes flickered blue, and said nothing.\n\nThe condescending Corvid continued.\n\"I see. Well, don't get ancy. You two are not permitted to leave just yet. Follow me.\"\n\n\nPart Four:"} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "Part Four:\n\nLofi beat music played. It was evening in the Blue Wizard Bastion, and a Friday. Electric pink and blue neon candles flickered everywhere; in the courtyards and in the high\nwindows of towers. The Blue Wizards did not endulge quite like the Yellows, though they did enjoy themselves. Drones carried colorful cocktails around the grounds, some shaped like\nhummingbirds, others like crows. \n\nThe disagreeable Corvid gate keeper had brought Eden and Moe to a high tower quarters earlier in the day. Eden went along with it out of curiosity more than anything, not feeling the intuition\nto resist just yet.\n\n\"Eden, we have not seen eye to eye, and that is OK. You do not like me. Please though, let us forget that and move forward.\" Said the Corvid calmly.\n\nEden, sitting with Moe at his side, nodded without a word.\n\n\"Two things; I know there is a shadow in the woods nearby following you, and I know what Akron has told you.\"\n\nEden sighed and thought to himself- \"Christ, you aloof fool, how did I forget that Akron conversation.\"\n\nThe Corvid continued.\n\"We know of the Nameless. We know the 33 Sacred Trees of the realm are being systematically dismantled. We know you and this pony earnestly seek the grandest one of them all- The Great Magical\nMagnolia Tree.\"\n\nBefore Eden could respond, the ground began to shake violently.\n\n\nPart Five:\n\nThe Corvid gate keeper lay dead in the high chamber, crushed beneath a falling stone. The ground rumbled. Eden gave him a final look, with eyes flickered a blazing blue, thinking to himself-\n\n\"How did a foreigner manage to control the gate?\""} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "\"How did a foreigner manage to control the gate?\"\n\nA scroll brimmed with gold had fell out of the Corvid's pocket. Eden took it.\nHe mounted Moe and made for the stairs. \n\nThe moment was intense. It was dark, fires spread in the Bastion, stones fell, people cried, animals lay dead. The yellow Joy Staff of Eden showed its\npurpose in this moment- it glowed yellow and white light whilst also warming the hearts of Eden and Moe. It had the power to transmit not only light and color, but also love and joy. This was\nnecessary at times because Eden had bouts of forgetfulness, darkness, and rage. \n\nHe found a pink neon light in a courtyard and unrolled the scroll. It read:\n\n\"Jagger, keep the blue wizard Sage Eden who rides a fell pony away from that which follows him from the woods. This is our highest priority. Do whatever is necessary. - LD\"\n\nThe rumbling stopped, and all was still.\n\n\nPart Six:\n\nOutside the castle walls was tranquility, oddly enough. There was no sign of the tumultuous earthquake. All there was to see was a rolling countryside, under a spring sun. Eden was befuddled.\n\n\"Moe my herb chomping friend, was that destruction a dream? I fear that everything we just experienced was a spell- an illusion.\"\n\n\"Yep yep.\" The pony said.\n\n\"Did that disagreeable Corvid really perish? Did those stones really crash?\" Added Eden to himself. \n\"Who is L and why does he want Moe?\""} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "They had arrived to the Blue Wizard Bastion in search of restful sleep, and instead, alas, they had found nothing but questions.\nEden rode Moe to a nearby knoll. They overlooked a beautiful view of blue lakes, forests, streams, and small homesteads, nearly forgetting all the troubles that followed them. \n\nA hummingbird appeared and swirled around their heads. It hovered around the rune marked on Moe's hind leg, seemingly studying it. It sang the melody of a Bowie song that Eden\nloved, and intuition told Moe this bird was OK. \n\nEden smiled and looked up and spoke. \n\"Hello friend, your music is delightful, and you are welcome to join us on our journey. Good company is hard to come by these days.\"\n\nSo it was to be, the three stood on that knoll, deciding where fate should take them next.\n\n\nPart Seven:\n\nIt was a Sunday. The sun was shining and a light breeze lingered with scents of white flowers. \n\n\"Ah, Magnolias...\" Eden sighed, and fell into a state of deep no-thought.\n\nHe lounged in the grass on that pretty knoll outside the Bastion, with his best friend Moe, and his new friend the Bowie-whistling hummingbird (yet to be named...actually, how about Starman, yes, Starman). \n\nThe peaceful day turned into an equally agreeable twilight and eventually a sunset so beautiful it would startle even The Beasts. He wished with all his heart that he could stay in this moment, on\nthis spot, for all eternity.\n\n\nPart Eight:"} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "Part Eight:\n\nIt was time to depart. They spent another evening back in the Bastion, joined by their new friend Ziggy the hummingbird. Eden had a few friends he wanted to check in with, and other loose\nends attend to. These included: a software update for his digital tablet, a staff tuning and polish, a hair and beard trim, withdrawing some coin, packing a few food items and tea for the road.\nBy the end of preparation, Moe was looking a bit heavy, though not of heart. \n\nIt should be noted, as was his tendency, Eden had completely forgotten about the Corvid scroll. It was like a dream that drifts away quickly from one's memory. In Eden's world, he maintained\na somewhat weak grasp of the past and future; so firmly was he rooted in the present moment (to a fault perhaps). \n\nThe three comapanions felt fresh. It was a crisp spring morning, Eden drank a coffee in the main square, whispering The Blue Prayers to himself, whilst the other two waited beside the grand front entrance. \nHe approched them with a vigor and smile.\n\n\"Well then, my friends it is time to re-join the road I reckon. Let us be off. I am forgetful as a stump, though I do remember that which is most important. We are to ride northwest from here,\nto the hills and onwards to mountains and eventually to the seas. Akron knows the lore of the 33 trees better than I, and I shall trust my old friend in these matters.\n\"Yep.\" Replied Moe.\n\nEden continued. \n\"And...as for the shadow in the woods that tracks us, I am not sure how to broach that. I will pay it no mind for now. Afterall we should not ruminate on the evils of the past.\""} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "As they trotted off, the intuition of the wizard became cloudy. Fear quietly crept into a corner of his heart.\n\n\nPart Nine:\n\nEden was at an impasse in his mind. He could go one of two ways; south through The Wild corridor, or northwest along the mountain\ntrail above the Sacred Pillars. The destination was the house of Akron, who was on an island in the Archepelgo. Akron was of an old holy\nline of sea people and he held deep lore; documents from Atlantis among them. \n\nThe purpose and destiny of Eden and Moe was simple;\nthough enormously important and time sensitive- locate The Great Magical Magnolia Tree (Eldest of the Sacred 33 Trees planted in the\nforgotten time).\n\nEden, Moe, and Ziggy sat around a fire. Stars flickered white above. It was night and they had just finished their first day on the road.\n\n\"The way south is long, though safer. The way north is short yet perilous. Alas, I am at a loss for intuition.\" Said Eden to the sky.\n\n\"Can I be of help?\" said a new voice, deep and mysterious and startling.\n\nThe three turned to look and out of the dark night appeared a gruesome looking Soul. It was a Corvid-looking creature; once a living\nwizard. He dragged one foot as he walked. \n\nEden grabbed his staff.\n\"That's close enough, tell us your name and purpose. Wait now...you are the one who has been tracking us I presume.\"\n\nThe dead Corvid was silent for a minute.\n\n\"I am. And through my dark arts I created the destructive illusion you experienced. Forgive me. It was necessary though I do not have the\ntime to explain. I am a defector.\""} +{"id": "e1f617ce-decb-4049-a76f-60f5eb7f16a9-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:27.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGyNSdTgavUrqAtCG46kFfUAyVfc9NrvYxjfGk5ARCHM", "txHash": "0x0ae5fac660b20f75dcd0759c2764a1e9c62940d507991f967dafcb7ef093c2cd", "createdAtBlock": 14749254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZ6gi2YpoWUfqua1XLvnKbrd7jc1E9f6BfhCk5ueidvZi", "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "The Soul's clothes were burnt and ugly. Bones were exposed, and blood stained his beak. But he sounded clean of voice. And his obvious\npowers in magic impressed the blue wizard.\n\nEden said, \"Sit then with us, and tell us what we should know.\"\nThe dark bird declined.\n\n\"I cannot be so near a flame. The pain of memory is too great to bear. Tommorrow at noon, meet me in the old Koopling Cemetery two\nmiles down the road.\"\n\nHe disappeared into the night, and the three companions said nothing more."} +{"id": "915a3737-b430-4564-8fe1-22ab4072183c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:33.805", "backgroundColor": "#1d1c1c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV4SY4TWHdyznoCXYgQFuweiXi9uMV7muqzn1P5Q2qbdp", "txHash": "0x7db76ca94ba04c887ab9d4328d9046b487879fcc50bb04b0b7298fe7f02946bc", "createdAtBlock": 13894520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5779, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hansel of the Mountain", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Hansel of the Mountain\n\n**A peculiar lad, they all proclaimed. His gifts trouble us so.**\n\nOne day hell bring us all to shame, the boy has got to go!\n\nAnd so a council came to be and thus his fate was sealed.\n\nThe sentence must be exile! Young Hansel, you must yield.\n\nMarched towards the southern gate, passing far from sight.\n\nThe child wizard prodigy, disappeared into the night.\n\nWhat did this child do, you say, for such a fate as that?\n\nWhile practicing his magic, he accidentally zapped a cat!\n\nThirty years had passed since his forced isolation.\n\nAnd in that time he found a means to cope: inebriation!\n\nBut alcohol is costly, sure, when bottles line the floor.\n\nIt was then the bounty hunter born when slaying a centaur!\n\nMasterful at every spell and much too drunk to fear,\n\nHe soon became a legend at his bounty-full career.\n\nWith a purse of coin and bottles now flowing like a fountain,\n\nHe drinks and gambles, in that order, Mage Hansel of the Mountain."} +{"id": "0766df4d-e6e9-46c4-a282-8790d9b0fb93-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:34.577", "backgroundColor": "#542a65", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYdbkXHc77raxnB8MgXndscK88fmMrscAiHMWXc6rEDEo", "txHash": "0xd98751ffeec97044f7d058c5f09c6cf38d5fcfc6b4f9bdb90b1fb5ec9e2eb82e", "createdAtBlock": 13894882, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2241, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Angus of Mu", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Angus of Mu\n\nGood morrow, fellow wizard! Thou may call me Angus, Battle Mage of Mu. I came across this book rather haphazardly and felt called upon to leave words of mine own. Whilst Ihail from the absent city, I remember not of it. I vividly retain much of what I have acquired in terms of battle magic from the Lost Monks of Mu, however. Tis no small feat to acquire the proficiency I wield of the Great Winds afterall. Thus, I intend to utilize this most gracious gift to see mine evergreen quest to completion.Iyearn to locate the savior of the lostthe being of great power whom none seem able to locate, the one who dost ringeth with such calmness. Perhaps the one they call Magus Wazir will yet aid my quest to retrieve my fond memories and locate the once great city of Mu.While I have yet had luck inway of contacting the elusive dream master, my quest has provided me with great tales of adventure. Much wisdom has been garnered through these trials. Yet, the greatest mark of knowledge bestowed upon me is the practice of benevolence towardfellow beings. Regardless of creed, shape, or form, it is we beings that do act as the life force for this great world. Thus, I have pledged the power of the Great Winds to aid others that require a gentle breeze to guide their sails toward that which they seek. Thou acquaintance is most welcome should thee find me in our great world, friend. May my zephyr surely guide thee toward succor."} +{"id": "0d9fff19-259b-4238-90e3-70b56a6d7afb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:35.243", "backgroundColor": "#3e1414", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR3QeN84hBt3XfFzt4bNKbEbjeQZyZ19orgteeEktyjP9", "txHash": "0x2c67d977ff3fac5c0ab98d363d6effed591dcc07e539c70d3358f93b84e31d4b", "createdAtBlock": 13895563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4807, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Talbot of the Keep", "text": "# An Interview with Alchemist Talbot of the Keep\n\nTired of quest-talk, politics, and magical hypotheses, Talbot has made his mark on the world by opening and running the only _no-magic wizard-only_ bar in the realm.\n\n> Come and hang out at The Keep, but by Merlins beard- no magic in my f*cking bar.\n\nIn an exclusive interview with this passionately dedicated Wizard, we explore his approach to music, magic, and a good time.\n\nInterviewer: Hey Talbot! How are you doing?\n \nTalbot: Pretty good! Were having a great year here down at the Keep, business is thriving and I think were at the beginning of something really special.\n \nInterviewer: So tell me, what is the Keep?\n \nTalbot: The Keep is the only no-magic wizard-only bar in the realm. We dont allow any magic so people can focus on the music, ale, and good vibes. Too often nowadays people are relying on magic for a good time and use it as an excuse to be d*cks to each other. The world is about more than magic, even for us wizards!\n \nInterviewer: Oh! So youre a wizard yourself?\n\nTalbot: Oh for sure! Thats how I know magic isnt all that! If you ask me, it causes a whole lot more problems that it solves. More magic, more problems."} +{"id": "0d9fff19-259b-4238-90e3-70b56a6d7afb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:35.243", "backgroundColor": "#3e1414", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR3QeN84hBt3XfFzt4bNKbEbjeQZyZ19orgteeEktyjP9", "txHash": "0x2c67d977ff3fac5c0ab98d363d6effed591dcc07e539c70d3358f93b84e31d4b", "createdAtBlock": 13895563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4807, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Talbot of the Keep", "text": "Interviewer: Thats an interesting position! How did you come to that conclusion?\n \nTalbot: People think magic can solve all your problems. They think because we can teleport and manifest matter out of nothingness it means our lives are smooth sailing. Well, not really, wizards are getting into battles and fights all the time, evil souls are targeting us with hexes and curses, and were always accidentally summoning things we didnt intend. Wizards have all the problems humans have plus a load of more complicated ones!\n \nInterviewer: Wow! So having no magic at the Keep must make your life easier then?\n \nTalbot: No doubt! The Keep is a safer place without magic. All the vibes are exclusively generated by wizards having a good time with each other and the music, with no extra faff. The only magic here is in the music. Upstairs we have a listening bar, on the middle floor we have a load of couches for chilling out and in the basement we have a club. Its a great time.\n \nInterviewer: What is your key to a great time?\n \nTalbot: Its all love baby! If you and your family are safe and healthy, you can hang out with your friends, AND listen to good music? Youre as lucky as a wizard can get.\n\nInterviewer: What kind of music do you play at the Keep?\n \nTalbot: We play all kinds of music. At the moment were enjoying jazz, house, electro, indie-rock, and K-Pop(Kobold Pop).\n\nInterviewer: Sounds great! Thanks for talking to me today. Do you have anything else to share with our readers?\n\nTalbot: Music is the answer, the key to love is understanding, and no magic in my f*cking bar!\n \nInterviewer: Thank you!"} +{"id": "1a949a85-5fbd-48e5-9167-ee26ce747482-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:06.213", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS5cc7Q7T837Xtz9Gtv96ann8WQA5bwtyVrsAssA1ZUux", "txHash": "0x0912eee9e148b6b6e6c306aa57cf61805b500ca040c1ecf5d40b857baec07376", "createdAtBlock": 15065789, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12122, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Myla Beater of the South", "text": "# Witch\n\nThe powerful powers of witchcraft, combined with a magical staff, allow the witch to excel at dealing with enemies. If necessary, although not as effectively, she can use hand-to-hand combat weapons.\n\nCalmly takes up the dirty work for a ringing gold. Uses magic to stop the enemy.\n\nAn experienced magician has gone through many battles and now he is only interested in gold. If you are willing to pay, the witch is ready to help you."} +{"id": "0e2bdce7-1295-4474-a965-26e511afe25a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:36.967", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdwcfuy2Uo8nX3cMf2SH2DZ1pBvoagNv2zMRY3SfiFvB5", "txHash": "0x005bc7ad3830bf7efc263c11203e7e7201f34b189b7ee3d330acc8b58d7a2457", "createdAtBlock": 13895712, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4542, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Ursula of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Ursula of the Brambles\n\nA rustling comes from deep within The Thorn and Ursula emerges, in her perfectly unscathed cape and also wearing a wry smile. Though she might appear to be a simple witch from the brown hat clan -- dependable and loyal to her friends -- she and her venomous green toad make formidible allies.\n\n\"Her magic spells have a way of forcing her into your thoughts, and she'll seem remain lodged there, often for years\" commended the innkeeper from the nearby village, a worried expression creasing his brow.\n\nThe sky begins to darken, is a tempest about to roll in from the stormy sea or is this the work of the witch? \n\nHer wooden stave, fashioned from the Tree of Life might look like just another \"dumb stick\" but several villagers who made the mistake of mocking it seemed to come down with a variety of obscure illnesses and conditions not long after their insults were so cavalierly hurled.\n\nHer familiar green toad has a venom on his skin that, when touched, causes a condition the townspeople call \"The Green Veil\" whereby a persons skin, hair, and even eyes all turn a deep green shade of green. Might Ursula's prolonged contact with the toad explain her own green complexion or are there other more sinister magics at work?"} +{"id": "3edeb82e-b4b0-420d-b53d-f5971d46d0bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:37.682", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdL7YbwLUvfkcsF4xm8HSFyNezMYwHLw8cbU3KiEVBEHM", "txHash": "0xad554539ca4463113e61564c705362fa63448c265888abbbc494548362fc7e53", "createdAtBlock": 13895878, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9615, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Zelda of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Zelda of the Wood\n\nA frog was hopping around a farmyard, when it decided to investigate the barn. \n\nBeing curious, he ended up falling into a pail half-filled with fresh milk.\n\nAs he swam about attempting to reach the top of the pail, he found that the sides of the pail were too high and steep to reach.\n\n\nHe tried to stretch his back legs to push off the bottom of the pail but found it too deep.\nBut this frog was determined not to give up, and he continued to struggle.\n\n\nHe kicked and squirmed and kicked and squirmed, until at last, all his churning about in the milk had turned the milk into a big hunk of butter.\nThe butter was now solid enough for him to climb onto and get out of the pail.\n\nzelda found him and now he is her friend and she also collected the butter and used it for her magic toast."} +{"id": "d9920146-bf12-4f2f-9184-4f4194199a8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:38.475", "backgroundColor": "#d66e6e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbJCcH1EhZxZEeEtWNRSaHWbCWb4uaKoTaZ7UCC2yFpyc", "txHash": "0x5ba1aa97a0e7704fc38ac1befbbe2ab389186d694cc4ec92ca2596d752908b17", "createdAtBlock": 13895968, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8106, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Dutorn of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Dutorn of the Obelisk\n\nSince he was young, Magus dreamed of becoming a superhero as he fully embraced the cape look. One day as he was doing his daily wander through the forest, he discovered a discolored, red mushroom. He named it Shroomy and it has been by his side through childhood and into adulthood. People coin him as the Shroom Hero as nobody else has been able to keep a red mushroom from spoiling for as long as he has."} +{"id": "a831d19d-e99a-4fcd-b361-dc490ebcbb33-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:39.354", "backgroundColor": "#651414", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUdKA3SVscwFfhz2Lm9gcA8RiBs17CwLW7RGVgHHGGq3n", "txHash": "0xeacc5b4dc87f78dc0adc600e81e6c99798b8dedc4e98b1a8a35e3385ea37db68", "createdAtBlock": 13896027, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Ramiz of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Ramiz of the Wood\n\nFor many years Ramiz has wandered. \n\nThe depths of Dream Master Lake, the peaks of The Rookery, the inhospitable dunes of The Sand...\n\nHe wanders.\n\nHis simple garb belies his intricate powers, and all that cross him on the road are quick to realize there's magic behind those eyes. \n\nEvery few paces he stops and casts his eyes up at the sky... watching... waiting... wondering... \"when will He return?\""} +{"id": "41edd458-fe02-4855-8c7a-4f10326de420-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:41.673", "backgroundColor": "#9d5858", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXgRPJv8oLf3sMVfh2imz6WhsgSQLhhauTLTDHnfz19H9", "txHash": "0xde16d5f74bb1a81a933c0e48cd12ffbecd8408950757cb1855d83a37fde92b44", "createdAtBlock": 13896131, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4104, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Kingsley of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Kingsley of the Wood\n\nMagus wants you to know you should never over-improve your weaknesses. If you're not good at something, work on it until it no longer prevents your progress, but the bulk of your time is better spent maximizing your strengths."} +{"id": "3f668ab1-8213-4a3e-8efa-c13be9d6193c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:03.406", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRrA2EcN2jDVZjQbC9tbHRmjsB9knC8tkw41yo99TXboq", "txHash": "0x09db24cdc7c4f2525125024b81ce83c6072636bf2016179a16786a4d407687cc", "createdAtBlock": 13919063, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Amir of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Amir of the Mist\n\nHe's still lost in the mist."} +{"id": "46a3a82b-7dcc-4683-8503-3c00334fd674-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:42.408", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTPwkv29KR4N8jEQQr4zSJrszqL33RsQYV3WgETRFNMbc", "txHash": "0xf52b14cdaaa1c1b7e6020322edfef65f37f94801291f20245f1d3b2f5b76aa80", "createdAtBlock": 13896139, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Angus of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Angus of Elysium\n\nA man and his monkey. \n\nA journey within. \n\nThey wander aimlessly. \n\nTo find their brother akin.\n\nWhere shall they go?\n\nOnly time will tell.\n\nA man with his monkey.\n\nHis rod, his hat, his spells."} +{"id": "f04ec263-e521-4e10-b4eb-881c80fb05d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:43.235", "backgroundColor": "#b9afaf", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZeZu6vvdiYPBDWPNzhxoXzzM1jdPb7cWcgp2uS2J69iC", "txHash": "0xbdd643f92cde2480d14ea9e2660af9713fff3f93c8cdd2b8710a42a2701d4569", "createdAtBlock": 13896156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 80, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Zafar of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Zafar of the Dunes\n\nLore of Void will drop some knowledge here: \n\nWater does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does"} +{"id": "2a0fef74-562c-4c64-8f63-57611ee19fa4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:44.22", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ5HC2zFSQSd5MWozEfeYErPmKt3EQTR6J9AsDJ1aL3mq", "txHash": "0xa9835fb027e1fdb33d8d5660b390c6485087dd3174069b859a24a629c37410e3", "createdAtBlock": 13896180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4148, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Taqi of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Taqi of the Veil\n\nHis beady eyes shot across the inn as the doors swung open. \n\nHe pulled his staff and snake in a little closer.\n\nA young and handsome warrior burst through the doors with a strut to his step.\n\n\"A friend or foe\", he thought.\n\nThe strapping young man sat down next to Taqi as he ordered a tall beer. \n\n\"You from around here\", Taqi quietly mumbled.\n\n\"My trusty steed has carried me from the far, dark lands. There is a battle with the dark forces and we need help. I've come to recruit help. Would you like to join?\" He responded tiredly.\n\nTaqi was always down for a good fight.\n\nSo they rode off together to join the fight in the far lands."} +{"id": "e02994d3-71ae-4357-85c4-b6f64021c9e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:08:44.89", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRD5c19ppECpvZ8bP8BPJLePkDXrXdRpQXLiCD2cEarnu", "txHash": "0x9fd6657c795b6b4637fbeb9195a39a95318c92d2073300af28ead7cfc64749a4", "createdAtBlock": 13896272, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 364, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Samuel of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Samuel of the Villa\n\nSamuel grew a young boy in a small home in Villa .... till tragedy struck. The Baroness Marge of Belfry, having no children of her own kidnapped the little boy. They lived happily, till Marge conceived a child of her own, and discarded little Sammy to the dungeons. \n\nHe learnt the secret arts of the Mages from his cell mate, Will and adopted on of the visitors to his dungeon, the rat, Blinky."} +{"id": "e08df2a0-4a04-45bf-adb0-d746a3ae7140-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:52.724", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYzPupfemj13jwC398DmYDxQ3y3noiHx92TGKj1CVnjUm", "txHash": "0x1c7b46ac72fd654f4f0cb4dc578bed1e60def753fd36e2739ae04ff8bb5b2c0b", "createdAtBlock": 13897358, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4576, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Dutorn of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Dutorn of the Road\n\nJace Dutorn hails from the House of Dutorn, famed for its powerful key enchantments. No lock across the lands is difficult or complex enough to guard itself against the prowess of the House of Dutorn."} +{"id": "a8ab85eb-5fac-4a79-ab90-f84207188de5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:47.34", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmajupq7bc6WWxnZ2Hungnu6d9QQ6WjB6aSweEeJ4w9rEE", "txHash": "0x41272f4ab2197c12a69934b95d04b5268a5069d1639bb08f8879376e9a736e27", "createdAtBlock": 13896580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7473, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Voidoth of the Wold", "text": "# Sins of the Archmagus \n\nWhen the carriage stopped rolling, Voidoth clambered out the door that was now a ceiling-hatch, staff first.\n\nWhile his protective spells had kept him from any harm more significant than having his mask knocked astray, the ambush had laid waste to the carriage, the horses, the driver and the surrounding trees, which smoldered all around him.\n\nThe spell had struck without triggering any of Voidoth's clairvoyant runes of warding, which meant that it had been launched by an adept of significant power... or one familiar with his preparations. Neither was a comforting possibility.\n\nHe stood erect on the akimbo carriage to survey the landscape for threats. Lifting his staff he cast a spell to illuminate the smoky battleground with a stark blue-white light.\n\nThere, a hundred yards down the road, stood a figure he recognized, if only by the pale mask it wore... a mirror of his own.\n\n\"Aamon,\" he breathed.\n\n\"So sorry to startle you from your reverie,\" the other called back. \"But how else could I get your attention... brother?\""} +{"id": "e4208ebe-00a1-4a80-b5d8-b3e881345bce-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:48.392", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbRe5G43ZLLc3uXvWqo5j8BE22knCahGejm5mHGH8E9G7", "txHash": "0x67c9b30f1d71c668b7cf18146568526f0bb15732e9e3f3326a5384d35b32b235", "createdAtBlock": 13896643, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9579, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Od0N9BF2ADTIEesVLr8UEcQEAQndrQDZP2XHDl3mo38GyvW3u0AmpSVMoJqIj-ejd9SwZYwpxf-4QFVNzfwWtCw6wCOw-HIysf595uexyhKraJJPMHDa7UaOuBN7SXIy2cSB31lm", "name": "Augurer Ali of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Augurer Ali of the Tower\n\nYou thought that shit in LOTR was fake? It was a documentary. Middle earth was the prior epoch. Listen up.\n\n\n\n\n\n Im augerer Ali, the master of your dreams. Here at the pub to learn ya some lore. Were about 1,333 years in the future. Were in the Runiverse. We used dream masters to make it so folks from 2021 could ascend here, although Id say some moroney-like dumbshit like only 177k would ascend as saints or something, but I truly dont know. I do dreams, not keys.\n\nWho am I? A piece of shit mostly. Dreaming. Always dreaming. And right. Righteous in fact. Thats who I was. Thats certainly who I was\n\nNot so perfect anymore Id say. I dont know what hurts more. Is it how far Ive fallen or how many years I spent with my head in the clouds with the apathetic? Living in Elysium not considering the world below. They kick you out of the nest, or you kick yourself out because holy shit their brew of Elysian Fields is the worst one. High and mighty. Right. Righteous. FUCK. OFF.\n\nThe last one of me was way better. A carpenter. I didnt have to do anything because I was reincarnated in the metaverse. I wont ever have to feel the pain of toiling in the soil like the browns.\n\nNo one could blame em. Simple life is happinessif you can be happy with it. The fact not all can is why we cant have nice things. Or at least not ALL of us canyet.\n\nWho am I?\n\nI am.\n\nAli."} +{"id": "e4208ebe-00a1-4a80-b5d8-b3e881345bce-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:48.392", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbRe5G43ZLLc3uXvWqo5j8BE22knCahGejm5mHGH8E9G7", "txHash": "0x67c9b30f1d71c668b7cf18146568526f0bb15732e9e3f3326a5384d35b32b235", "createdAtBlock": 13896643, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9579, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/Od0N9BF2ADTIEesVLr8UEcQEAQndrQDZP2XHDl3mo38GyvW3u0AmpSVMoJqIj-ejd9SwZYwpxf-4QFVNzfwWtCw6wCOw-HIysf595uexyhKraJJPMHDa7UaOuBN7SXIy2cSB31lm", "name": "Augurer Ali of the Tower", "text": "Who am I?\n\nI am.\n\nAli.\n\nDrilling holes in your brain all the way down to the meme. A fucking wizard of memes. A wizard in your dreams. Taking fat shits like Cleveland steams. Shitting knowledge that is, and its getting a bit late. Perhaps we continue this tale at another date."} +{"id": "bb01985c-913a-4b6b-bc0a-81c99d953de8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:49.576", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXus3VbBDHpMwus3hLekBjMQNxSBoPyg2rpaDqiwUf6ZG", "txHash": "0xd05dc5c6f072877d8602a17f5cdc5a1fc5065468597e56c8b5f1863c99d4ccfa", "createdAtBlock": 13896667, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8792, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nosferatu", "text": "# Nosferatu\n\nWhat is evil? \n\nIt's not love.\n\nWe are...\n\nChoices?"} +{"id": "9a1c51b4-1ade-475e-a5f4-8dc49bb6ca37-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:50.43", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZd6vdv7A4DNgDLF6DmicJYRummRbpNhKxm9oHzbh15xK", "txHash": "0x8064c9f40582af7856f6bdfb461e537cc0cf2c15d175cbe7fefe23056b45fe56", "createdAtBlock": 13896689, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 518, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Nicolas of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Nicolas of the Tower\n\nIt ain't much, but it's honest work. \n\nI've always worn that reality as a feather in my cap. \n\n\nMe, my cock, and ball. Or should I say \"once upon a time\"...two paths, both leading to great stories.\n\nHow long can we sustain a binary existence."} +{"id": "a7aabf42-34d1-4094-8e89-c4cca5e2001a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:51.315", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfLkRuKAd3tPsFj7rV4jDMp3pHJnKefiCN85SHhvXfBC6", "txHash": "0x82fae287197dedf8f6617d58d34332a041d64affa81aa3a21daa269ac9114e5e", "createdAtBlock": 13896941, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6865, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Zelda of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Zelda of the Wood\n\nZelda's exact whereabouts are currently unknown -- and may never be known -- but prophecy suggests that whoever possesses her will be rewarded with riches on a cosmic scale\n\nAs time passes, memories of her have faded to legend and townfolk continue to speculate about the myth of Zelda over their cups of ale, late into the night as a fire roars in the hearth at the Inn.\n\n\"The last explorer to find her was granted a wish of an entire castle made from solid gold\" one villager whispers urgently to the next.\n\nCan anyone truly possess this mythical arcanist? It is said that she works with fire magic (using candles frequently) to grant wishes for those fortunate enough to locate her.\n\n\"In past ages she was known to inhabit the deep woods to the south and west of Dream Master Lake\" said the town blacksmith to a table of captivated listeners. \n\nEveryone has stopped drinking their ale and is paying careful attention. The room has gone silent. \n\nA cloaked stranger who has been smoking tabac silently from the edge of the table -- face cast in shadows -- finally speaks up. The stranger is stroking a small brown pet rat.\n\n\"And if you did manage to find Zelda. What would you wish for?\""} +{"id": "5410a36f-5165-4848-b9c0-7f0d0e154ea7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:52.012", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNPwg524S2RKwoXGiNfFuuNJD4wwCdtWsWCynG2VnuQFY", "txHash": "0x0d8b830336c65bfe38cbbeb6cf744684aba7fdb05c66e0b0e9723bc4c10e8c92", "createdAtBlock": 13897324, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Wazir of the Wood", "text": "# Wazir's Way\n\nThe Kobold smirked as he opened the small box to reveal a slender, severed finger.\n\n\"Lord Sharx of the Nightmare Dominion sends his regards... for your wife.\"\n\nWazir's features were hidden behind his helm. But his yellow eyes flickered for a moment.\n\n\"Should you wish to see the rest of her unharmed, it would be wise if you follow my directions to the letter.\" The Kobold closed the box and replaced it in his bag. He withdrew a scroll with a series of instructions in spiky, spidery lettering, but hesitated as the sorcerer began to perform a series of ominous hand movements.\n\nThe air between them began to shimmer.\n\n\"Wait!\" cried the Kobold. \"I am just the messenger!\"\n\nWazir completed the spell. Immediately there was a surge of terrific heat, followed by screams.\n\n\"Now you're the message.\""} +{"id": "e75c4460-c7ac-43ee-a778-e92b167e6625-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:07.008", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPHViWq7yCKrk43te6t72ZC8XFHZpBfifp5WjfmpykaCv", "txHash": "0x6f2f19631094d8aa3eb55a0c2799ab443576b239b1b1a0020dc0fee5e1d266c5", "createdAtBlock": 14634530, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3225, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Eden of the Mist", "text": "The being of the forest gathers to hear what the old wizard had to say. Every full moon he comes to the forest to play. \n\nStories of old and stories of new. The old wizard begins his tale when the moon turns blue."} +{"id": "cb0d49d5-d545-4d5c-a733-bd45a8138d7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:53.413", "backgroundColor": "#212436", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtyxbo75mNmfVNyPn573pLxeBvK2XopsCKWcGaGDCG1G", "txHash": "0x6e4264d77501e612657429cbdb12ab22d72b824bed358258d185861e529e4f32", "createdAtBlock": 13897455, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1016, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Allistair ", "text": "# The Life of Allistair\n\n\"What do you live for Allistair?\"\n\nAsked Blue Rat.\n\nAllistair pondered...\n\n\"Rat....my life has been guided by three passions: desire for love, knowledge, and unfathomable sympathy for mankind's suffering. These impulses have blown me around like tremendous winds, across an ocean of sorrow, to the brink of despair.\n\n\nI've hunted for Love because the bliss it brought me was is so intense that I would give everything for it. That horrible loneliness when one shivering awareness glances over the edge of the globe into the cold unfathomable dead abyss. I found it because in the union of love I saw a mystic microcosm of the paradise that saints and poets envisaged. This is what I wanted, and this is what I have found.\n\n\nI pursued knowledge with similar zeal. I longed to know men's hearts. I've wondered why the stars glow. And I've attempted to grasp the Pythagorean power of number over flux. I have accomplished a bit, but not much.\n\n\nLove and wisdom led to the sky as far as they could. But sympathy always pulled me down. My heart echoes with agony screams. Famine-stricken children, tormented victims, helpless elderly men burdening their sons, and a world of loneliness, hunger, and agony make a mockery of human existence. I want to help, yet I am powerless to do so.\nThis is my life. I enjoyed it and would do it again if given the chance.\n\nInspired by Bertrand Russell"} +{"id": "440cde26-e8d4-4ddb-bac5-3a7fad38576d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:54.221", "backgroundColor": "#a07622", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZ5YV7DnFfcgG1mCqyQcCKXy9VhgcDucpT4eo3erRRXJ", "txHash": "0x23adbc01b8ba1da59d054c784f9d5c35c7810658eb3c082a3f9cd78a01409f7f", "createdAtBlock": 13897627, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5167, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Orpheus of the Veil\n\n1 In the beginning Orpheus created the heavens and the Runiverse. \n\n2 Now the Runiverse was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of Orpheus was hovering over the waters.\n\n**3**And Orpheus said, Let there be light, and there was light. \n\n**4**Orpheus saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. \n\n**5**Orpheus called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morningthe first day.\n\n**6**And Orpheus said, Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water. \n\n**7**So Orpheus made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. \n\n**8**Orpheus called the vault sky. And there was evening, and there was morningthe second day.\n\n**9**And Orpheus said, Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. And it was so. \n\n**10**Orpheus called the dry ground land, and the gathered waters he called seas. And Orpheus saw that it was good.\n\n**11**Then Orpheus said, Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. And it was so. \n\n**12**The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And Orpheus saw that it was good. \n\n**13**And there was evening, and there was morningthe third day."} +{"id": "440cde26-e8d4-4ddb-bac5-3a7fad38576d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:54.221", "backgroundColor": "#a07622", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZ5YV7DnFfcgG1mCqyQcCKXy9VhgcDucpT4eo3erRRXJ", "txHash": "0x23adbc01b8ba1da59d054c784f9d5c35c7810658eb3c082a3f9cd78a01409f7f", "createdAtBlock": 13897627, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5167, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Veil", "text": "**13**And there was evening, and there was morningthe third day.\n\n**14**And Orpheus said, Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, \n\n**15A**nd let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light in the Runiverse. And it was so. \n\n**16**Orpheus made two great lightsthe greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. \n\n**17**Orpheus set them in the vault of the sky to give light in the Runiverse, \n\n**18T**o govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And Orpheus saw that it was good.\n\n**19**And there was evening, and there was morningthe fourth day.\n\n**20**And Orpheus said, Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly in the Runiverse across the vault of the sky. \n\n**21**So Orpheus created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And Orpheus saw that it was good. \n\n**22**Orpheus blessed them and said, Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase in the Runiverse. \n\n**23**And there was evening, and there was morningthe fifth day.\n\n**24**And Orpheus said, Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind. And it was so."} +{"id": "440cde26-e8d4-4ddb-bac5-3a7fad38576d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:54.221", "backgroundColor": "#a07622", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZ5YV7DnFfcgG1mCqyQcCKXy9VhgcDucpT4eo3erRRXJ", "txHash": "0x23adbc01b8ba1da59d054c784f9d5c35c7810658eb3c082a3f9cd78a01409f7f", "createdAtBlock": 13897627, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5167, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Veil", "text": "**25**Orpheus made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And Orpheus saw that it was good.\n\n**26**Then Orpheus said, Let us make Wizards in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.\n\n**27**So Orpheus created Wizards in his own image,`\n `in the image of Orpheus he created them;`\n `male and female he created them.\n\n**28**Orpheus blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.\n\n**29**Then Orpheus said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole Runiverse and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. \n\n**30**And to all the beasts of the Runiverse and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the groundeverything that has the breath of life in itI give every green plant for food. And it was so.\n\n**31**Orpheus saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morningthe sixth day.\n\n**32**Thus the heavens and the Runiverse were completed in all their vast array.\n\n**33**By the seventh day Orpheus had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work."} +{"id": "440cde26-e8d4-4ddb-bac5-3a7fad38576d-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:54.221", "backgroundColor": "#a07622", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaZ5YV7DnFfcgG1mCqyQcCKXy9VhgcDucpT4eo3erRRXJ", "txHash": "0x23adbc01b8ba1da59d054c784f9d5c35c7810658eb3c082a3f9cd78a01409f7f", "createdAtBlock": 13897627, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5167, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Veil", "text": "**34**Then Orpheus blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."} +{"id": "83a367b0-dd05-49b9-8519-3d3b0c9a74c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:55.383", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQbyRY44i4FyYprzGwVHADYzxkKkqiaiHeDuVDW5HeucX", "txHash": "0x0040c27a61fbfdf0181811238c6fe84ad8792261196dd2941a697af839d41008", "createdAtBlock": 13897709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8401, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Lumos of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Lumos of the Quantum Downs\n\nIn the humble dawn of the shadow, our planet sleeps, waiting for its jury to arrive. One fine day, a hero emerges from the light. \n\nThough he be but a humble servant, he carries in his wake an exciting and excruciating secret. Some kind of trickery to bend space and time itself.\n\nHis long-awaited awakening triggers a thousand new births and deaths in simultaneity, singing his praises and lamenting his arrival. \n\n\"Bow to your benevolent leader,\" he says. \"I am Lumos. See me roar.\""} +{"id": "f56cb8bd-b444-4e44-bf6c-3498d0ad52ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:56.17", "backgroundColor": "#1c232a", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVMQhYqgqR5sBmQyjHGkuRpA9MH9NzaVRkkHdTxoizJZt", "txHash": "0x292277d9340ce5e00c2685508d291046f728a45d57dbd095ad7ff7fe17ec69f7", "createdAtBlock": 13897784, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1016, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Allistair ", "text": "# The Life of Allistair\n\n\"What do you live for Allistair?\"\n\nAsked Blue Rat.\n\nAllistair pondered...\n\n\"Rat....my life has been guided by three passions: desire for love, knowledge, and unfathomable sympathy for mankind's suffering. These impulses have blown me around like tremendous winds, across an ocean of sorrow, to the brink of despair.\n\nI've hunted for Love because the bliss it brought me was is so intense that I would give everything for it. That horrible loneliness when one shivering awareness glances over the edge of the globe into the cold unfathomable dead abyss. I found it because in the union of love I saw a mystic microcosm of the paradise that saints and poets envisaged. This is what I wanted, and this is what I have found.\n\nI pursued knowledge with similar zeal. I longed to know men's hearts. I've wondered why the stars glow. And I've attempted to grasp the Pythagorean power of number over flux. I have accomplished a bit, but not much.\n\nLove and wisdom led to the sky as far as they could. But sympathy always pulled me down. My heart echoes with agony screams. Famine-stricken children, tormented victims, helpless elderly men burdening their sons, and a world of loneliness, hunger, and agony make a mockery of human existence. I want to help, yet I am powerless to do so. This is my life. I enjoyed it and would do it again if given the chance.\n\nInspired by Bertrand Russell"} +{"id": "7d58ed92-b7c3-4d2d-aef8-71eb3d5f4a24-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:13.535", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSHDLsoGvVhyMAn8woGoTfip3VFQZ9w4gZCVCQZDNnTgw", "txHash": "0xb33d6895fc1f7dba18960c9f3c8715ba19cca1063e9010d76b1a18f9c7442316", "createdAtBlock": 13906553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 674, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Moloch of Xanadu", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Moloch of Xanadu\n\nEvery day was a busy day for Moloch. Necromancy by night, general administration for the Forum of Lactose Intolerant Canaanites and Kobolds by day. Today was one of those busy days too, not only was there the new slogan to be brainstormed for FLICK, but there was a long list of corpses to raise once the sun was down. Time for any grazing, was there heck!\n\n\"Pipistrello!\"\n\nPip opened one eye and glanced over at her master, who was sat upside down in his seat. \"Ah, no, maybe it's me that's hanging upside down...\", thought Pip.\n\n\"Be a love, and pop to the shops to get me some skull-wax please? Tell them to put it on the slate.\"\n\nMoloch watched as the ever obediant Pip flapped her way out of the window, over the tree tops and through the valley to the little cluster of shops just to the south of his tower. \n\n\"For hoof's sake, stop procrastinating\", thought Moloch. He turned his attention back to the slogan. It needed to be something memorable, something to really distill that discomfort and the bloating, this wasn't a joking matter. The irony wasn't lost on Moloch though, having an intolerance to your own secretions was disappointing to say the least - especially given his addiction Brown Cow's psychedelic cappuccinos.\n\nCappuccino's your kick, but makes you feel sick? Canaanite or Kobold, come join us at FLICK!\n\nAwful. Simply awful. \n\nMilk make you gassy? No need to feel sassy. NO. That's actually worse.\n\nIt was going to be a long day..."} +{"id": "3b21cfd0-ab57-4b4a-8fb0-42d22add8942-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:09.897", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT1UzggckjEDzyjMvvYUNbmND8rbBEwN7ZTEwwkKnTBNJ", "txHash": "0xe86a8ecba40ccff73ff7416cfcfda7367bd0771157c2183052d044d8edafda33", "createdAtBlock": 13921116, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Lamia of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Lamia of the Brambles\n\nTroubles began to stir in the Brambles, a small village west of Aldo's Isle where a vast financial hub had developed that funded entities and kingdoms across the land.\n\nBankruptcy was driving all sorts of people to madness, and that madness was manifested through violence.\n\nLamia stayed at the family estate, which was a relic of greater days where lavish parties were held, all sorts of artistic wizardry was displayed. Stunning events by any measure.\n\nTo this day the people of Brambles and all surrounding islands still talk about the overgenerous events held at the estate. \n\"The Manic Mansion\" they use to call it, in reference to the all the manic themes, entertainment and things that party attendees were exposed to.\n\nToday the Manic Mansion looked beatdown, unfettered , and run down by all sorts of wild weeds and shrubbery.\n\nLamias parents, who had left the house in her care while they were away to attend to a family friend in times of hardship, were still getting used to the troubled times that had befallen the country.\n\nIt was a quiet evening when Lamia heard a knock on the door of the Mansion, upon opening the door Lamia was greeted by a messenger shroud who deposited a letter and disappeared promptly afterwards.\n\nThe Letter did not go through the post office, she concluded that it was a private shroud that had delivered this, only owned by some of the most powerful families in the land.\n\nUpon opening the letter a look of dread had befallen Lamias face.\n\nDear Lamia, it with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the incompetence of your parents. I would have liked them to tell you this themselves but after being given ample chance had refused to do so.\n\nYour parents have been smuggling money out of the country in order to escape paying back their debts, debts they owned ME."} +{"id": "3b21cfd0-ab57-4b4a-8fb0-42d22add8942-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:09.897", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT1UzggckjEDzyjMvvYUNbmND8rbBEwN7ZTEwwkKnTBNJ", "txHash": "0xe86a8ecba40ccff73ff7416cfcfda7367bd0771157c2183052d044d8edafda33", "createdAtBlock": 13921116, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Lamia of the Brambles", "text": "This letter is to inform you that you will have 2 moons to come up with the 100 bars of Tungsten that are owed or the next delivery will include to neatly packaged Druid heads.\n\nSincerely,\nNarcissa\n\n\nThe Coldness of the letter was the most terrifying thing about it, it seemed like the person behind it was someone who wasnt a stranger to violence. She had never heard of the name Narcissa, but she wasnt going to take any chances on wether or not this was serious.\n\n100 bars of Tungsten was practically impossible to find in 2 moons, but first she needed to contact her family friend and make sure this wasnt a prank.\n\nAfter multiple attempts of scrying for her parents, she had finally found them, this wasnt good news, the Crystal was pointing to the Vampire Mist."} +{"id": "12cc35bc-da28-4a45-b480-44f6298281f7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:57.671", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTwN7WKgN3pGXK5oxE1CRPUkqM15Ay84CMuYuuPmeTQZ2", "txHash": "0x9556da361523d685e66c23758736acd9ceab22d6f5e18a9c1edc78d95fe52024", "createdAtBlock": 13898041, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8726, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Oberon of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Oberon of the Keep\n\nThis wizard was once a famous magician performing at many gatherings across the country with his cat Blone. However one performance after another he became bitter and greedy. On the day of his biggest performance, he vanished from the stage and no one saw him again..."} +{"id": "9f9a9f68-8e13-4cd4-b982-ad633ab40922-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:58.705", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcr4S9g7zsnzfqKeLNXg9ynJkF6AawFeKM287i9udzFgp", "txHash": "0x7f4e7be5985592b48e0c5a8e6272355bf60c058899bc8be9cc66fa2ed400d390", "createdAtBlock": 13898357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3694, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Arabella of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Arabella of the Wild\n\nYou stand at the border between the Kingdom and the wilds. A breeze presses past you into the jungle. You notice a slight purpling in the air. You've heard the stories... what would you like to do?"} +{"id": "f96f54de-f733-4fca-94c0-55752322ec7c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:09.991", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXwtsFqWksWHupcojcjkMXxjBQFjQPNDZHo75C4nyStqV", "txHash": "0x5fb06f32323dcd5b63903e2014beacdeb80ff64cd8a20a382afe477e518157df", "createdAtBlock": 13950501, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3076, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Zaros of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Zaros of the Hall\n\nLittle is known about the mysterious Zaros. In a previous life, he was just a humble apple merchant, but after a certain wicked queen nearly murdered a certain beloved princess with a poisoned apple, apples fell out of vogue in favor of oranges and his shop went bankrupt. Completely destitute, with only a single gold piece to his name, Zaros responded to an ad posted in the local tavern that went something like \"Learn magic in 1 week! Only 1 gold piece! Also, we buy houses all cash!\" With nothing left to lose, Zaros went to the workshop, invested his remaining gold, and miraculously DIDN'T get horribly ripped off. They actually taught him something useful, some basic illusion magic that was just flashy enough to impress a layman.\n\nZaros polished up his skills with a bit more self study and tried for a career as a performer at children's birthday parties. Unfortunately, this enterprise didn't take off either. Apparently it's something about his pallid complexion and grim expression that put off the kids, they said he looked like a zombie, and when he tried smiling to make himself seem more affable, half the time that just made them burst into tears. After so many setbacks in life, Zaros was on the verge of giving up on everything. He had actually climbed to the top of the Sacred Pillars and was about to hurl himself off to say goodbye to this cruel world, but at that very moment, a magic talking crow flew down from the heavens. They had a deep philosophical conversation about the finality of death, and the crow persuaded Zaros that no matter how tough things got, his life was valuable and worth living."} +{"id": "f96f54de-f733-4fca-94c0-55752322ec7c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:09.991", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXwtsFqWksWHupcojcjkMXxjBQFjQPNDZHo75C4nyStqV", "txHash": "0x5fb06f32323dcd5b63903e2014beacdeb80ff64cd8a20a382afe477e518157df", "createdAtBlock": 13950501, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3076, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Zaros of the Hall", "text": "Ignited with refreshed vigor, Zaros took his next job as a suicide hotline operator at Blue Wizard Bastion, a profession at which he proved to be very adept. There was something about his even keel and deadpan demeanor that was extremely soothing to people in the grip of extreme emotion to help them calm down. After only a few months there, he won the \"Employee of the Month\" award...never having ever won any such award before, Zaros was ecstatic (one of his coworkers swore they saw the corner of his lip twitch). Unfortunately, the suicide hotline was forced to close shortly thereafter due to an aggressive lobbying campaign by the Necromancer's Guild, but Zaros didn't mind, he had discovered that he could actually be good at something, and that was the kind of thing that puts a permanent spring in a man's step. For his next chapter in life, he decided to redouble his efforts in developing his magical abilities, and maybe try to catch his big break interning for one of the legendary blue wizards of the Bastion."} +{"id": "34e66e5b-4e6a-4489-bd5a-29eda3882fcb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:00.836", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmceSH8w4zzgxKen5cBE2KAdfq197bP9GhELEW2ZRCwXb6", "txHash": "0x4ec7757886a602368af73adafef3047e01ac6d51c771994c8e9f8670c048bcf9", "createdAtBlock": 13898534, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5059, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Baird of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Electromancer Baird of the Psychic Leap\n\nThus began the tale of Xolius Eqium..."} +{"id": "fdbaaab7-feed-4c63-b5f4-97fdae251400-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:01.845", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmasHvyob6xjUDuWfRikAEEonqajPKNpiJVPQRdUqCjmdH", "txHash": "0x0c5367251a40580f11a1f1afca2479418fecf89d136c2f38c3d4b4411503f2f0", "createdAtBlock": 13898989, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8191, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ashpile", "text": "# The Lore of Ashpile\n\n..."} +{"id": "eb68d599-2b66-4392-b5da-489867cb65fb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:02.591", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVAa7ka15E8aiXPrVyfHEVGVwvVmLzJT7bpFuYsZuG77y", "txHash": "0x7ddff59a373ba998d83c9cbe7a3c5548721af524372d0ac3448c905e0b0585be", "createdAtBlock": 13899854, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6519, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daphne of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Daphne\n\n**As an Enchanter, Daphne is able to imbue objects with arcane power. Her gift is in her ability to imbue items with any spell she knows. Daphne is a magic-user and can cast any spell she knows.**"} +{"id": "5fc69366-23c0-47fa-9f4f-7b98baf4e961-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:03.658", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNSTEQHW3WHwGXrXp1Lz939rcXmsWpmaPkzwbc5FW39cK", "txHash": "0x88b5faf6d70d9fca6688ae801bf229dfc8e8956c8f024060798a25bc56340fce", "createdAtBlock": 13901011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7187, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Rumpleskin of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Rumpleskin of the Hollow\n\nMagus Rumpleskin dwells deep within the Thron, he is a complex being and from where or whom he was born nobody knows, not even himself. He does not perceive time and has no known age in this world.\n\nRumpleskin has an ability to move into different dimensions but is always drawn back to the one where he was first born using an enchanted horseshoe, his lucky horseshoe, as he calls it. The strange dimensions he visits are a mystery to everybody.\n\nHe is also a powerful Warg and uses his powers to control and see through the eyes of his plagued rat. It is through this ability he is able to avoid being found within the dense Thorn. Only few sightings of him have ever been made in this dimension which have lead to him being considered more of a myth than a true being in this realm.\n\nRecently, however, sightings of Magus Rumpleskin have become more common. Something is drawing him closer to the borders of the Thorn but what this is and his intentions here are currently only known to him."} +{"id": "fe85b1c8-271b-4fff-9bd1-f9a0eb31f184-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:04.391", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmag7SxEhfXKwrbujiKundNpAMEH1j9G9TK4Z6DGem8W2X", "txHash": "0xd3d70547c871c84bb860571d4b13bbf775fe4543bc769657f8d613e65a84d002", "createdAtBlock": 13902395, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 351, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Embrose of the Palms", "text": "# The Descent of Shaman Embrose of the Palms\n\nBeat your meat for the billionth time and you'd be sick to not jump. So he did. Surprisingly (or maybe unsurprisingly) he is the only known \"survivor\" of the great leap. Could be he was the only one who ever tried to survive. They really are pieces of shit up there.\n\nIt hurts when a mortal avatar passes through the infinity veil without enhanced magicks of protection or travel. Skin melting as the schleemosphere slows the descent, skull illuminating the dim morning sky. A horrific and beautiful falling star.\n\nA shepherd to seek and save the lost, bearing a staff of peace and a froglike demon of memes. Those who want to be found are usually found first, but eventually he will catch em all. Throwing lil meme balls in faces, always hoping to catch another to convert to the cause. \n\nThe memelords take great pleasure in the deluge of dongs heralding the gospel of freedom and justice. Joy. Chaos. Purpose.\n\nThis is the cult of Nosferatu. Reminding you of the ultimate price paid by Harambe and the battle cry he inspires in us all: dicks out. A metaphorical phallus to impregnate hearts with the eternal burning light of hope.\n\nAsk, seek, knockand the gates of the Citadel of Memes shall be opened unto you.\"\n\n-Excerpt from the Apocrypha"} +{"id": "be5ae70f-4fe0-459d-9616-d34d9cd5c5e8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:05.162", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZnfiEkKDkx7PCHtn3MMcJCf2fCow8DeL2me84skyQzoh", "txHash": "0x64b75af80b2f654f5b52d8bd3c21b98e8ea836d2a7f8873ba8553db05aaa94a3", "createdAtBlock": 13902477, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Epher of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Epher of the Wood\n\nOld woodcutters in the frontier village of Westerhaven tell a tale of an otherworldly flower that only blooms beneath the darkness of a new moon. The Duskdew Orchid grows deep in the Thorn, and its petals, blacker than the Quantum Shadow, are imbued with a potent healing magic, but its magic comes at a price. Touching the flower obscures all memory of how and where the flower was found. Eating it makes one forget much more.\n \nEpher was an alchemist like his father, and his fathers father before him. He was regarded as a bit of a curiosity by the good folk of Westerhavena strong, practical, and industrious young man with a peculiar pet rat named Poppy that accompanied him on his daily trips to gather herbs for the village. He was not particularly superstitious, but anyone who knew the Thorn and its strangeness never tarried on a black moons eve, and this young man knew it better than most. \n\nOn one such trip Epher returned early to the village to find all of Westerhaven fast asleep. Despite his efforts, he could not wake a single person. Fearing a curse or a sickness had been placed upon his beloved home, he recalled the tale of the Duskdew Orchid and made for the Thorn. \n\nEpher ran through the trees for what felt like hours, stopping only to gather a flask of water from a swift stream, and at long last he found what he had been searching fora flower so black it looked as if it were shaped from elemental shadow. He seized the flower, packed it into his flask, and turned towards home. Then, as if by magic, he promptly found himself at the forests edge. Epher sat down for a moment to catch his breath."} +{"id": "be5ae70f-4fe0-459d-9616-d34d9cd5c5e8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:05.162", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZnfiEkKDkx7PCHtn3MMcJCf2fCow8DeL2me84skyQzoh", "txHash": "0x64b75af80b2f654f5b52d8bd3c21b98e8ea836d2a7f8873ba8553db05aaa94a3", "createdAtBlock": 13902477, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Epher of the Wood", "text": "Come on, Epher, we must hurry if were to save the villagers!, a small voice said.\n\nPoppy? You can talk?\n\nI have always been able to talk, Epher. You just didnt have ears to hear me. I will explain later, now lets hurry on to the village.\n \nEpher and his companion arrived in Westerhaven and found all the villagers just as they had left them. They stopped at each slumbering villager, and gave them a sip from the flask. Each time, the result was the same. All awoke from their sleep, and screamed in horror.\n\nIts me, Epher! Why dont you recognize me?\n\nI do not know an Epher, and I pray you leave our village in peace, monster!\n\nBewildered by the villagers reactions, Epher ran to a fountain to grab a few handfuls of water, and caught a glimpse of his reflection. He saw what the villagers saw.\n\nYour time spent in the Thorn during those strangest of hours left an impression of the forest upon you, Epher.\n\nHe was perhaps a length larger than before, with the head of a stag.\n\nWesterhaven was saved, but it was lost to Epher. With no more village to call home, and no living soul that remembered him except his pet rat Poppy, he set out to begin life anew as Epher of the Wood."} +{"id": "97e12203-b139-406d-bf13-779aaac7ae5b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:06.004", "backgroundColor": "#282020", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ5bpdcNcvcafVgVr91JYUV7EY1UmYe7eKnrYJKGHtuVV", "txHash": "0xb29599b6a32000c5768002e7964991f1e1e4c7ff4411fe4811e30e0f1eba4823", "createdAtBlock": 13903780, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8099, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Qasim of the Dread Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Knight Qasim of the Dread Tower\n\nHedge Wizard Qasim of the Obelisk witnessed his surrogate father be slain by an unkown ghoul in the Valley of the Void Desciple. He entered a depressive state with no drive to continue his learnings at Yellow Wizard Haven. The Sacred Flame was the only alternative to suicide.\n\nEmerging from the burning, Wraith Knight Qasim feels nothing but vengeance in his heart for the Ghoul who seperated him from the only family he'd ever known."} +{"id": "7b54b1ae-d7b1-4bff-8b28-b422de4b3e64-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:06.675", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNUvwmLkY7QxBdmRN1ZBnCXmVohd4Uda2CTRCT9McaRQu", "txHash": "0x66ea30cbe7d4e5911e83c82fa969c23e240a99da04708b10798525e73252afe5", "createdAtBlock": 13903841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1015, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Toka of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Toka of the Keep\n\na wanderer of the night, is he\n\n\nchaos and confusion is where his pleasures be\n\n\na dealer of deals\n\n\na teller of tales\n\n\nfor him a night without fun \n\n\nis a ship without sails"} +{"id": "b59756dd-603e-4755-8760-47099a503c02-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:07.468", "backgroundColor": "#e9bd7d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVbqehqZjijV6VbL3MUBg3KtrpQecDvXCN5DLrNYcHVeK", "txHash": "0xd26c7f993455bea564c03b6157aebeec32ddf597da2e36d6bb8af1e897787ae9", "createdAtBlock": 13904135, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5477, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Qasim of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Qasim of the Sands\n\nArcanist Qasim is from a long line of wizard bodyguards who escort merchant Caravans across The Sands. Being one of the few wizards of the sands to forgoe the aid of a familiar, Qasim takes pride in his solitude and ability to accomplish his contracts unassisted. \n\nWhen he can, Qasim collects the rare stems of slain flesh eating plants near Zaros Oasis. He uses these stems for his incantations which can reveal hidden messages of the stars. These rituals often frighten his clients, and he has been known to harm those who interrupt him, or worse, ask what he hopes to learn from them."} +{"id": "f77adf82-8c55-4302-a598-c53f447ca789-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:08.353", "backgroundColor": "#d8d0d0", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV5AakzwBW8QdqmEc94xiHQdZxbB5tqy9x9bRZdd94biz", "txHash": "0xd77a800e20dc6becaaf86017b42592b80d064b89d6941031a60086af6255d2f4", "createdAtBlock": 13904522, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Ofaris out of the Blizzard\n\nEntry 2:\n\nIt was beginning to be an arduous journey to Goblin Town considering Ive been on my feet for longer than I can remember. I havent seen a proper bed since before the Great Blizzard. At least 2 years.\n\nAs I was venturing through The Thorn, I spotted a stupendous shimmer ahead amongst the dead tree forest. Was it a spirit? It wasnt moving just lying there faced away from me.\n\nApproacing closer, I realized it was a pony. It couldnt be. was it one of the fabled ponies from The Elysian Fields?\n\nThis beautiful, deep purplish-maroon colored pony, with a clouded ivory mane and . spectacles?! That must have been the shimmer I saw from afar.\n\nUpon approach, the sleeping pony abruptly awoke, very startled. It was even more brilliant than Ive read in the lore.\n\nI noticed the pony had a fresh wound on its back leg. A brand of some sorts? Or perhaps this was an ancient Rune? Regardless, I used some !magic to speed the healing of this recent branding and shared some of my (limited) rations with the pony while gently petting him. I noticed his ears shift forward, a sign of respect.\n\nHe seemed to appreciate it quite much as he knelt down in front of me. Gods, this sacred creature wants me to hop on?!\n\nMy feet, seemingly having a mind of their own, obliged and I hopped right on. Well, I now have a ride for the latter half of my journey to Goblin Town. More than that, a companion to share the journey with. A companion. It has been so long since my last true companion.\n\nI think Ill name him Dryad. It seems fitting since he first appeared to me as a spirit in the trees.\n\nYes, Dryad the Stupendous."} +{"id": "2c865271-7b45-4a99-8d22-99171cafbe18-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:09.177", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYBc4SRv2Fw9ZK9hg4KdqtjiT3shX8zRYYbHShZQZWZKg", "txHash": "0x90233e894304fbb7c25e5183d865653e8aecb27849baeaa8156ebf7c3b1b76ae", "createdAtBlock": 13904525, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5787, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Gary of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Gary of the Mount\n\nGary went walking in the woods one day. He stumbled across a frog and tried to capture his based essence. The experiment went wrong, the vial exploded, and now Gary is banished to his mountain hideout with green streaks in his hair and pants to match. Don't be a Gary, let the frogs be..."} +{"id": "30db0e32-715a-4c5a-9730-cd0d0f9c588e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:09.926", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSpXTSUcYds7QmAYrpiXUHxRKqvPcHemG5qVEEbv1gD7s", "txHash": "0x320d667824dcc69bba7ce7eff6f9ff3f331f817cd81999aa1e75ada70a268c4d", "createdAtBlock": 13905191, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1434, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Althea of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Althea of the Canyon and Her Bat\n\nThe slutty Charmer Althea of the Canyon is as ruthless as she is beautiful"} +{"id": "67bdc3ca-100a-47e6-9343-88a8d22d36d1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:10.75", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTTp7KW2VbGFdTJ48DSmiSJdcKBJcfbJFewdRiBU7P8dN", "txHash": "0xfef9fa81da1faf2c62a9230d3a02988efc9e61d60ba9a3e1c8ff22a8a595b2f3", "createdAtBlock": 13905201, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5605, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hansel of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Hansel of the Hall\n\nYou don't want to be near the Battle Mage Hansel of the Hall. Imagine the smell......"} +{"id": "e4b862f8-7c36-4547-820b-c77b9809061f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:11.44", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVEwuGQNfNmjsSwKeWMBVRgGT8cni51EpGa8Wf1ko7QVy", "txHash": "0xce1580f58d9f0c3fd273964ad6aeca2ad6d88cf01aa125ccb39d313ed87cd3ee", "createdAtBlock": 13905442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9088, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Aleister of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Aleister of the Wood\n\nAleister had left the Blue Wizard Bastion after the Archmagus was taken down by one of his closest friends. \nHe did not see the point of the needless conquests that the Order was waging, he longed to unlock and amplify his connection to the Forgotten Runes and complement the land around him.\n\nHe wanted a return to the quiet life, and had found a place to call home in Western part of the Fey.\nHere he could focus on his own experiments. Although knowledge is what he seeks, he found that isolating himself would hone his focus on his own goals and prevent his bottomless curiosity from being consumed by other Wizards intrigue, experiments.\n\nAleister had travelled the land on his trusty steed Newton The Polite (#118), and carried around with him a Lucky Horseshoe that Newton had on his hoof when they wandered through the Wild.\n\nA few months after building his hut, Aleister had covered more ground than he anticipated, Glenda the dirt rabbit that roamed around his hut was becoming more and more thirsty for the water that Aleister conjured through his Rune. The water seemed to enchant whoever drinks it and could quench ones thirst for longer than any river ever did.\n\nThe Water rune was growing into a powerful tool for Aleister, honing that skill would prove rather useful both in war and peace time, \n\nHe had figured out that through his enchanted water, his garden would be in constant abundance, providing sustenance to him and his furry friend, by heating that water on his fire, he could create enough fog around his habitat to keep the creatures of the forest at bay that might come too close to his domain"} +{"id": "e4b862f8-7c36-4547-820b-c77b9809061f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:11.44", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVEwuGQNfNmjsSwKeWMBVRgGT8cni51EpGa8Wf1ko7QVy", "txHash": "0xce1580f58d9f0c3fd273964ad6aeca2ad6d88cf01aa125ccb39d313ed87cd3ee", "createdAtBlock": 13905442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9088, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Aleister of the Wood", "text": "Aleister has always been a pacifist but is also rather stoic, and after all, fog would not lead astray an intruder with intent. this led him down the path of weaponizing his water rune and conjuring ice shards to puncture undesirables, as well as an eternal ice prison to lock away his foes in a cold icy coffin.\n\nWater is the source of all life, and Aleister was not keen on using his powers to harm others, but in the case that someone would intrude on his quiet part of the Fey, they would be met with an icy grave."} +{"id": "cc0172d7-2d4b-419b-badc-297316e3a6e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:17.357", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmePK64rDRHV7DUPP6x9xzG4GCiV3ZUShMTNGGdUE1tAkc", "txHash": "0xe88df2c92a1f8fffd78967bf8096317e95b0f94a2578e519fce7752b41e85968", "createdAtBlock": 13907163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2759, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Uday of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Uday of the Dunes\n\nUday of the Dunes is a friend of the Voodoo Gang."} +{"id": "325bc399-1a13-4f16-829b-fa96400b1624-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:12.21", "backgroundColor": "#2f4c32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV9ksShVa1EknhKH53mu5E6FnqZxpFDcciAvEH9nQLqWD", "txHash": "0xe04c23604d3ddcd36f8da836f9ed63ced473149338de22f84177ea8e7e9eed49", "createdAtBlock": 13905571, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6319, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Nikolas of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Nikolas of the Realm, Ancient Geomancer\n\nMost of Nikolas' origin is unknown, even to him. Sometime in his past, over 3000 years ago, an accident happened to him that gave him his immortality and ability to manipulate earth, rock, and metal to his bidding.\n\nNikolas travels the realm, searching for answers about his past and a meaning to his future. \n\nAs a green hat wizard, he tends to prioritize the lives of plants and animals over humans, so if you cross his path pray he does not deem you a threat to the earth's biosphere. Though he might appear insouciant, Nikolas can unleash a tremendous force that harnesses the full might of the ancient earth itself, if he deems it necessary."} +{"id": "d321b218-b62f-4742-a48b-930c1df389c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:12.89", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme7Sc6XBLxJStxU4ta5afLUYsBmRHoscE7vW8j1PaeexP", "txHash": "0xe3f931ed7c80e45c7cd52cf19e545c4e0d6d3448080b3b2eec0e0a71be0f97a5", "createdAtBlock": 13905593, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 514, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Apollo of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Apollo of the Platonic Shadow\n\nChronomancer Apollo slowly opens his eyes while seated on the cool cave floor in the Platonic Shadow. Smiling wearily he pets his feline familiar Starbuck as she bumps him gently with her head. Early morning sun fills the cave with a gentle light. They've just returned from a quest, from far away and long, long ago. \n\nThrough years of training of highly guarded magic that manipulates time and space, he is bound to protect The Realm from evil and chaos. But what is evil and chaos, and who decides? He's been contemplating this a lot these past few decades. Nonetheless, he does his best to abide The Council which sets him upon these quests. He returns here after each mission and regains his strength before wandering The Realm and ultimately re-visiting The Council. \n\n\"What shall we do today, little one?"} +{"id": "b8b5599e-cabc-4137-b0a4-27404c2e8fda-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:14.246", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSb9LFTAWchMW2Cu1JtchKSF58ty1bcrMAoAoaPuoGaqv", "txHash": "0x48bd17e431225a923c192d69cc05f499b8d538994f9e4bc4fe98144242aa6d20", "createdAtBlock": 13906587, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1193, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Setsuko of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Setsuko of the Wood\n\n`**`**Her Ladybug was no thug, despair was not for bug**`**`\n\nWhile Stesuko walked through the valley of the void disciple she realized that not only her ladybug was more than a pet but her powers where somehow connected.\n\nRaised in the woods of the Thorn and on her way home, dressed only with some basic brown outfit made of shippaw wool. \n\nHer red cape was the only protection she had against the cold wind, she asked Belle the ladybug what she thought of the incoming crossing of the quantum shadow and some strange unintelligible buzz was the answer.\n\nYou might have guessed by now that our young magus has a little issue with magic mushroom, some would say hooked, others would say habit. Nonetheless she has the ability to talk to any living being, sometimes just to beings.\n\nHer dad `_`Mystic Hansel of the moors`_` with his rat Rizzo was waiting for her in their family Cabin close to Frog Master Marsh, and her journey in the magic realm was about to really begin"} +{"id": "866bd624-6234-4fce-856e-511c27ccf484-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:15.105", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVnGB6L75hEGZNQF8WbcJ13qMMptYi74nxg4XubZ8RLDw", "txHash": "0x3593381198f56c37392d740c3f29fcf05638c6e523c5ad83bc55a95c74a49f78", "createdAtBlock": 13906616, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3690, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Hansel of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Hansel of the Moors\n\nThere were few things in life that Hansel really appreciated.\n\nReally few.\n\nRizzo the rat his best friend and support knew all the darkness that laid under this hat, if it was not for his daughter Magus Setsuko of the wood it would have been a long time that Hansel would have walked down the dark path\n\nIn his youth, he witnessed things that no human beings should ever be able to see, he met with souls, forgotten ones, he saw wizards walking through sacred flame, with hysterical companions around them, cheering and chanting dark spells.\n\nSome things should not be told, even less seen.\n\nAnd now you are about to witness so much more."} +{"id": "401ada10-ffb8-480d-9e86-2376ea5ffdfa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:15.816", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT8aepwCRYoM4HdVQqs1JMDgGSg5eLXF1Fj7RwHn16JQk", "txHash": "0x3d275dd5da6353c34d04bc3de55c4e01ba2dc6c8006c56c92c68e3fb90158bff", "createdAtBlock": 13907045, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1682, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wizard Trollin of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Wizard Trollin of the Steppe\n\nTrollin, born to a wealthy family of traders, discarded at birth for his green skin and impish looks. He would spend his life wandering the Steppe alone, studying the dark arts, waiting for the time to come when he would have his revenge. And he will have his revenge..."} +{"id": "0ddceb49-fbe1-43de-8baf-7d1c29601e4c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:18.108", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTKW8G8q13ECT5uFyekgvEAhZv52umdbpjdWFPRgtAL7p", "txHash": "0xb73e68a7b82958e9d0c36bb29ae402b2af2c54ff694b5e4bd9c5a46b441c489d", "createdAtBlock": 13907313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jahid of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Jahid of the Realm\n\n404"} +{"id": "9ba7eb64-aaf4-4aaa-8046-f304b952b73b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:18.764", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVdwQpQb67jyTpkvfs7LDNu92oCZgctcCLtCrMyHsTjA", "txHash": "0x3be23cf2ef4ba2b367554d570911ac5a849be1f8db4e4b75a297df2f5ead8c30", "createdAtBlock": 13907346, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " David of the Fey", "text": "# The Lore of David of the Fey and his topaz slime familiar Salmander the Strange\n\nIn the cloud prophet capital city of Stratus, David used his innate talent of alchemical creation to bring familars to life. Unlike the art of necromancy, David hoped to tap into the raw formulas of magic, called by some \"mathscience\" to create sentient helpers for himself and other wizards. His mentor Vance passed on this knowledge allowing David to build on the body of research and make a host of creations: homunculus, golem, and magic automata. In an attempt to make a sentient orange salamander familiar, David accidentally created the salamander orange topaz slime he ironically calls Salamander the Strange. He has proven to be David's most amazing creation."} +{"id": "bec3beac-63dd-4386-9420-e68443b39fa1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:23.184", "backgroundColor": "#c02626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDg6bAvRsquRMoVw3wNRWfStH1Pub8MR5gkqyybhsXnD", "txHash": "0x9f4c3b998934a741ae464b8f5075308e17ae5449d9c7c59f3cc3eee4b37a1fdc", "createdAtBlock": 13908104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 83, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Alessar of the Tower\n\nTale One | The Making of a Name \n\nThe night was dark. Not a star shone through the heavy clouds that made their way through the valley earlier in the evening. Barely the tip of his nose was visible, illuminated by the faint ember glow of the crackling pipe just in front of him. Puff. Puff. As the smoke filled his lungs, the wind grew stronger and stronger. It is here, atop The Secret Tower just north of Skylord Rookery, where Alessar sat, piecing together all that had transpired, leading him here. Cold. Dark. Alone. Yet accomplished.\n\nThe story begins but a few days prior. Alessar was there in his keep, a light breeze and the faint scent of salt joining him for his morning coffee. Life was good for old Alessar, at a mere 115 years of age, he had experienced more than most in The Runiverse. But now, life was quiet. It was still. And that was alright with Alessar. He spent every morning here, seated on the balcony, quill in one hand and his pipe in the other, marking down the years past, the stories come and gone, so that those who wonder may know for ages to come.\n\nAlthough seemingly a typical morning at the Keep, it would not stay this way for long.\n\nFar off to the west the sky began to darken, the morning breeze grew fierce. Devos, Alessars Psychic Rabbit, began to stir, hopping around, knocking things over in a fright. In this moment, Alessar knew it would be many a days until he had another morning here at the Keep. The Darkness was coming, and he must prepare. For what? He would soon find out."} +{"id": "bec3beac-63dd-4386-9420-e68443b39fa1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:23.184", "backgroundColor": "#c02626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDg6bAvRsquRMoVw3wNRWfStH1Pub8MR5gkqyybhsXnD", "txHash": "0x9f4c3b998934a741ae464b8f5075308e17ae5449d9c7c59f3cc3eee4b37a1fdc", "createdAtBlock": 13908104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 83, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Tower", "text": "A dark figure began to grow nearer and nearer, as it came into view, Alessar realized it was a Crackerjack Crow, bringing the news of what lie ahead. As he broke the Capitals Seal and unfolded the letter, there it was inscribed, Cleric Bathsheba of the Hills had been taken by The Darkness. The Darkness is not one person, it is not one thing, it is all that bring evil upon this world. A collective force that must be fought against.\n\nAlessar swiftly grabbed his quill and more paper, writing urgently a letter to those he entrusted most. The letter called for a meeting. All were to meet at the west end of Hedge Wizard Wood the morning following. It is here they would craft their plan to take back Cleric Bathsheba from The Darkness.\n\nPacking only the necessities, he pushed them into the saddlebags and mounted his trustful stead, Dunny the Keen. With a kick of his heels they were off. Dust clouds the result of their urgency as they made their way north. Passing through the home of the Kobolds, Alessar came and went. There was no time for lingering with the horde. The Darkness grew greater, the crows flew wilder. Alessar arrived at the meeting point half past moonrise. He tied up Dunny to a nearby tree, collected some wood, and lit a fire to keep those who would arrive yet tonight warm."} +{"id": "bec3beac-63dd-4386-9420-e68443b39fa1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:23.184", "backgroundColor": "#c02626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDg6bAvRsquRMoVw3wNRWfStH1Pub8MR5gkqyybhsXnD", "txHash": "0x9f4c3b998934a741ae464b8f5075308e17ae5449d9c7c59f3cc3eee4b37a1fdc", "createdAtBlock": 13908104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 83, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Tower", "text": "It wasnt long until Drako appeared. Battlemage of the Obelisk. Flame in hand, lighting his way over to where camp was set. He laid down his bag, said his hello, but not much more. A rustling in the trees began just outside of view. Emerging from the brush atop their steads were Enchanter Lumos and Aeromancer Allistair. They, too, had long journeys that day. Greetings were made and eyes were shut, for they knew it would be days until that luxury was upon them again.\n\nThe sun began to rise the next morning. Though the clouds still covered the land, only allowing for a faint grey light to awake the company. While Alessar, Allistair, Lumos, and Drako were asleep, Magus Impy and Magus Jahid, along with Adept Voidith, arrived by night cover. Alessar pulled some chickens eggs and a loaf of rye from his saddle bags and crafted the last proper meal for the weary travels. Lumos had some left over brie in his coat pocket. Passing it over to Alessar, brkfstsndwchs were crafted for all. A final fueling of the souls and the minds before their journey commenced.\n\nAs they sat and ate, a Crackerjack Crow flew down carrying another note from The Capital. Written beneath the seal was a message to head northwest to the Skylord Rookery. It was here that The Darkness was holding Bathsheba hostage. Without a second thought, they trampled out the fire, packed their bags, and mounted their steads. Dust and dirt flying up from the hooves of their companions, they were off. Off to save the soul of Cleric Bathsheba before The Darkness could have its way."} +{"id": "bec3beac-63dd-4386-9420-e68443b39fa1-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:23.184", "backgroundColor": "#c02626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDg6bAvRsquRMoVw3wNRWfStH1Pub8MR5gkqyybhsXnD", "txHash": "0x9f4c3b998934a741ae464b8f5075308e17ae5449d9c7c59f3cc3eee4b37a1fdc", "createdAtBlock": 13908104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 83, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Tower", "text": "You might be wondering why Adept Voidith of the Cosmos was along on this journey for their magic is but of darkness. The truth is, only darkness can call upon darkness as it draws near. It was with Adept Voidiths power that The Darkness would be summoned. With The Darkness Summoned, Cleric Bathsheba would not be far away.\n\nNearing the Skylord Rookery, it began to grow darker by each stride. It was here that the company chose to split up, half going west and half going east around the foothills. Those going west rode along The Salts edge in search of The Darkness call. Those going east, Adept Voidith, Magus Jahid, and Archmagus Alessar had a treacherous path ahead. Between the Fur Gnome Wold and the foothills they rode, nearing closer and closer to where The Darkness was sure to be.\n\nWith the elevation changing and the temperatures growing more frigid by the minute, a Crackerjack carrying a message for Magus Jahid landed upon his saddle. This message was calling him home, there were urgent matters to attend to in The Sand. Knowing his mount was of greater endurance than Alessars, he offered up Marengo the Triumphant. Humbly, Alessar accepted this not-to-be-forgotten deed and handed over the reins to Dunny the Keen. With a nod of their heads the three became two as Magus Jahid turned around atop Dunny and headed south."} +{"id": "bec3beac-63dd-4386-9420-e68443b39fa1-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:23.184", "backgroundColor": "#c02626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDg6bAvRsquRMoVw3wNRWfStH1Pub8MR5gkqyybhsXnD", "txHash": "0x9f4c3b998934a741ae464b8f5075308e17ae5449d9c7c59f3cc3eee4b37a1fdc", "createdAtBlock": 13908104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 83, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Tower", "text": "Adept Voidith and Alessar broke through the tree line and entered into the clouds. Dark. Cold. Damp. They kept riding. Higher and higher. As rocks turned to snow, they knew they were getting close. Slowing their steeds to a stop, Voidith called out into the darkness, summoning its master. The pull was impossible to withstand. As if a chain were wrapped around his neck, it wrenched him forward into the snow. It was calling them further north, directly to The Secret Tower. A place neither Voidith or Alessar had ever endeavored. As Voidiths deed was done, he shared his desire to depart. Granting this desire, Alessar, atop Marengo, hurried along the ridge line. As the crow flies, the tower was only a few leagues away. It was nearly time to meet The Darkness.\n\nA faint light began to grow more clear as Alessar and Marengo ventured on. As the tower came into site, Alessar realized the light was coming from the lower levels, from the basement. This must be where The Darkness had taken her, Cleric Bathsheba of the Hills, to be offered to The Darkness itself in a burnt offering. Knowing there mustnt be much time left, Alessar dismounted and with a puff of his pipe, was launched forward to the opening of the corridors ember glow. Peering forward, he witness Bathsheba standing, shaking, atop the pedestal, flames surrounding her, no way to escape."} +{"id": "bec3beac-63dd-4386-9420-e68443b39fa1-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:23.184", "backgroundColor": "#c02626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDg6bAvRsquRMoVw3wNRWfStH1Pub8MR5gkqyybhsXnD", "txHash": "0x9f4c3b998934a741ae464b8f5075308e17ae5449d9c7c59f3cc3eee4b37a1fdc", "createdAtBlock": 13908104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 83, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Tower", "text": "With another puff of his pipe, Bathsheba was lifted up and pulled into Alessars arms. Just in time. It was in this very moment that the flames exploded in size, consuming the entire room, launching Alessar and Bathsheba back outside the opening. With an unexpected landing of soft fur, they looked back to see Marengo lying there, breaking their fall. Out of breadth, sweat falling from their brows, they looked at Marengo, at each other, and sighed. Bathsheba was at a loss for words, she was sure her soul was to be lost forever, never to live again. Alessar assured her that no thanks were in order, it was his calling. Standing up, he gave her his hand and pulled her to her feet. Marengo followed. They climbed atop the noble steed and made their way to the staircase that lead up The Secret Tower. Bathsheba whistled in the oddest of pitches, noting that something would be waiting for her up there. As they neared the top a great white eagle appeared through the parting clouds.\n\nThe eagle and the party of two arrived to the towers top as the sun began to shine through. The Darkness was departing. The quest was complete. Giving a kiss on his wind-blown cheeks, Bathsheba dismounted Marengo and climbed atop the eagle. With a flap of its wings, they lifted off together. An eagle and a soul, still whole, to live another day, to tell another story.\n\nIt was here that Alessar would stay for some time. To ponder and reflect. Until another quest was called upon him. It is here where Alessar got his name. From now until the end of time, the world will know him as none other than Archmagus Alessar of the Tower."} +{"id": "1c6a4a1e-050a-49c5-8b2f-6131f167e137-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:06.553", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVGkoXkcrYPciAgaG8AWTE3GVG4AmB5P9bvV1YTHA6adU", "txHash": "0xd7897fe1a71ceff7dfac56a5de8eb1de85f944eda7c70c17450490553a671a19", "createdAtBlock": 14769295, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 141, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": null, "text": "This Kelpie Pup's story is just beginning..."} +{"id": "816d7740-2121-4de4-b3ee-e6726c2e7988-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:19.527", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXdUghAqigz9mupGYWyzJHB6TQQxgAR9aqsBT4LK2dePM", "txHash": "0x9e871469931a98c2044ed8845c1b41f31351f49925b9d58449d6faac30324afd", "createdAtBlock": 13907478, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 958, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Lumos of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Lumos of the Road\n\nuh..lemme see...used to work in marketing, kinda mid level. Walkin in the woods one day and some like frog creature says \"hey, check this out!\". So I'm like....cool, sure. Next thing I know he punches me in the foot, pretty hard. I trip, fall into a kinda swirly portal I guess? Now I'm a wizard I think. should probably find a way home. My cat is gonna get hungry."} +{"id": "d0eb59b5-edb2-4984-bb03-ec9f9734abad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:09:57.014", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUmVkLjjUaEMc779ivnTVcc1Lg5MBPiBd9p5qtytNm7rL", "txHash": "0x483270346cefcbfb8174a88e88835afb440d8a2205c20511bc80c93c1982c4cd", "createdAtBlock": 13897926, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4509, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Cairon of the River", "text": "# The Alchemist\n\nResearching the past to predict the future.\n\nBrewing potions to find the cure.\n\nGathering plants to concoct a mixture.\n\nAll solutions are always in nature.\n\nDeath is upon us better stir.\n\nAnything to find the elixir.\n\nIf all fails, give the philtre.\n\n\nAlchemist Cairon of the River"} +{"id": "255a553b-e00e-43a6-a23e-65d5a406a38d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:21.009", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYfJJX9mgVzTB5o2xoH97ET62tPnqFECgsrTWpKPvRwMk", "txHash": "0xad8788a90195037dc937bb01f836a749e85e6d71997411d859e2aeba02c21baa", "createdAtBlock": 13907890, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8371, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Devon of the Toadstools", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Devon of the Toadstools\n\nThe Wiserd Wizard with deer horn who decide to foget the rune. Traveling the word to find the secret rune with the friend of his green bird. By the way, he like pumpkin."} +{"id": "ae76c9c3-5737-4735-b7ba-fd9abf81ee6a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:21.721", "backgroundColor": "#020202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTLemXDj2uh8ZLZAsXTHnno4kh9zJQpF7i4oC6CyDhy8", "txHash": "0xf317d7fb30bf2c502259ebe937cd8568eaa1ee6dd3b10ee1b4692ae617a29697", "createdAtBlock": 13907947, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 20, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNVCaZq5q19yPvD2sAAo7RugapY1DjUt5DFaFaMx1Lyok", "name": "Punk Rock Arcanist Joey", "text": "# The Lore of Punk Rock Arcanist Joey\n\nIn the year 1175 a band of nomads wand'r'd throughout the landeth yarning fusty tales of l're and singing songs of m'rriment. Those gents w're known through the kingdom f'r their collied longeth braids and clothing of denim and leath'r and their sullen drunkenness and womanising. \n \nThe people nam'd those folk ramones a fabl'd and ancient w'rd from the dark ages yond meanteth troubleth. \n \nIt wast twilight on all hallows eve at which hour joey chanc'd upon an elven mage by the f'rbidden brook. The mage did tempt joey with a goblet of bats blood yond wouldst bringeth that gent et'rnal life, pow'r and wisdom. Joey did gaze f'r a moment upon the goblet and the deep rouge blood yond glisten'd in the moonlight and without hesitation that gent tooketh yond chalice and swigg'd t down. \n \nBetimes th'r's wrath wast did summon and an almighty lightning bolteth did strike joey and the spelleth wast done. \n \nThe mage did cry thee s'r art nam'd punk rocketh arcanist joey and thou art a s'rvant of the f'rgotten runes wizards cult. \n \nAnon turneth yee backeth on amorous rite, drugs and rocketh and rolleth and hencef'rth bringeth thy valorous charm to yond'r metav'rse."} +{"id": "89586b8b-6d36-4265-b754-2d736e9db990-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:51.273", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbpbgCD4Az4uwDsssh7gWxH8q41Rwsc6jdnASEnyJAAVJ", "txHash": "0x83793d1c532abf248df0c5e0cbd9b7f4f48ea617ddf31cd9f8db1e71fd89fc0d", "createdAtBlock": 13915122, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2123, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Voidoth of the Crag", "text": "# The Lore of Arch-Magician Voidoth of the Crag\n\nArch-Magician Voidoth and the fabled Golden Council have permeated through the lands for epochs. Popping in and out of many noteworthy historical events whilst always maintaining some level of influence on the realm. The Golden Councils intentions are often unknown and hard to trace as they have been known to calculate their actions in millennia instead of years or days. Even less is known surrounding the origin of this council and its members. However, two facts are certain regarding these beings. First, many if not all members have attained immeasurable wealth and it is even said these beings exist as matter of pure gold. Some Wizards rumor that Golden Skeletons exist in a cursed state a living hell of cold metal doomed by their own greed whilst others proclaim the Golden creatures chose this way of life. Second, the Golden council aims to influence major factions of the realm for their personal gain often wielding their immense amount of gold to achieve their bidding. Many more rumors surround this organization often mixing small details of fact with common wise tales and legends creating further confusion and misunderstanding of the Golden Council. However, one legend stands out as the most widely repeated and revered story. You have likely even heard the story yourself at a local tavern or perhaps around a warm fire as a child. The legend of the great Mine.\n\nMany say the Golden Council originally formed from Twenty-Six members. Each member having harnessed their full Wizard psyche in an effort to unveil an ancient mine known only from _the first manuscripts of the realm_. At the brink of near psychological ruin, the group achieved their mission unveiling the location of the lost ruin. The mines treasures are rumored beyond imagination including mountains of gold ore, ancient golden artifacts, and rivers flowing of molten gold. So powerful the sight of this golden ruin, each member who entered returned transformed and changed."} +{"id": "6b32343f-a773-4825-9129-eadf33ebe9c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T00:06:14.391", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSKF9QTopbHG97FmpEchNvzTUjgvjyWjRkgu2WrX5Ja6w", "txHash": "0x253a0346c61ef66f02e9341c61601711aca048526445c6472b43cd7ca694e55b", "createdAtBlock": 15150398, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4664, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brooks Shatterer of the Citadel", "text": "# Oddity#: MCP-100\n\n\n> **Magic Containment Paradox** \n\n\n> *On troubled nights when skies rumble, \n> you'll hear the green-bellied beast \n> and his charged grumble,* \n \n> *The dark will hum with golden lights, \n> but stay away, stay away, \n> once, twice, thrice.* \n\n\n> Th're art distant tales of a cosmic mage, \n> Asmodeus of the Secret Fire [ #1770 ] and their elusive haste. \n> in quick pursuit of the lightbulb \n> beast, \n> deep within his f'rest his\n> lightning speaks, \n> best wary although the\n> wizard is slick, \n> the agile toad is as nimble\n> as he is quick. \n\n\n\n\n \n**Brooks**"} +{"id": "4266f6e2-69fa-42a5-9a6d-ccfa3a888621-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:22.348", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmazuC6y4NoKw94G35qsdpnTMGvVJXkVi6aawek6pFTC3j", "txHash": "0xa3901cebff8d72f6be6a1f42c94ae58c03afbebfb45096ff47a8dd14618fd808", "createdAtBlock": 13908009, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3442, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Gaspard of the Heath", "text": "# The Lore of Hydromancer Gaspard of the Heath\n\nAccidents happen, thats one thing that the Lords of Jupiter always reminded Gaspard\n\nAlbus, his once black cat remembers the last accident like it was yesterday, Gaspard was working on a spell for eternal life that went terribly wrong, Albus lost all pigmentation in his fur but gained a peculiar ability, his eyes became completely bloodshot however after a few encounters Gaspard realized that his cat was able to see trouble coming his way \n\nThe Hydromancer never let his failures dictate him, they were merely lessons on how move forward and empower his Rune of Jupiter to perfection\n\n \n\nA notable quest that the Hydromancer embarked on took him to the Valley of the Void Disciple beyond the Quantum Shadow.\nThe Shadow was tough terrain to cross but with the help of Albus, Gaspard was able to identify impending danger and defended himself using Kelpies Fury, his powerful water spell, laughing a geyser towards every direction that Albus felt danger coming from.\n\n\n\nGaspards thirst for power seemed unquenchable, he had recently heard of a Summoning spell that utilized a Sacred Flame, that would transcend into a forgotten soul by walking through a portal in a faraway land. \nAlthough he would be able to get his hands on such a flame, he feared the worst taking account the risks of becoming what he dreaded the most an undesirable."} +{"id": "ffca2400-5d5a-4c88-850a-8e3c85b9cf9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:23.859", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmwPT2ktCRxV5VArH3ru7r6Do9oUHMZ9mbm5RVCc2BZt", "txHash": "0xe226fb003f47b3553c3746ad3e9528fd90c2583e5dcc0a859acb056e23d434b9", "createdAtBlock": 13908162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6840, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Zolona of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Zolona of the Atheneum\n\nZolona was a gifted child raised in the deserts of The Sand.\n\nA life of scarcity, hardship and difficulty allowed her to focus her capabilities into learning the art of magick and witchcraft.\n\nAlong the ways on her spiritual journey, she made a companion with Zeddar the Rat who escaped from the nuclear fallout of Trinitus.\n\nZeddar showed Zolona how to enhance her powers using peyote and they work together to ensure that one day, Zolona will never be forgotten."} +{"id": "048da898-7e1b-43bf-8a55-f352ae0ab5dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:24.53", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbUrrHqVkuUXniEyJTSUmzrx7M77DdcFkYnGPvR93q5SL", "txHash": "0x413b5d4ee1974197ea56e68688e2c49b9a2fa7ab500f7d18fac6eaa96e149012", "createdAtBlock": 13908279, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3021, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Cybele of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Cybele of Elysium\n\nKnowledge is power, and nobody knows this more then Sages\n\nCybele grew up in a home of 2 great Sages in the powerful Utopia of Elysium. \nFrom an early age she has shown an affinity for Wizardry, being able to decipher runes and utilize them with ease. \n\nShe had a knack for making spells work when other wizards struggled with their rituals and incantations, this became very obvious when she built great skill for the Rune of Uranus, the rune of knowledge, that would effectively give its user the power to find any answer they seek.\n\nThe Rune of Uranus is a very powerful rune, and Cybele, a young and somewhat foolish Wizard at the time, started using her affinity to speed up her research and exponentially increase her knowledge and skills in at a very fast pace.\n\nIt was only when Cybele had exhausted all the topics she wanted to explore that the dark side of the rune had revealed itself.\n\nCybele started digging into dark and disturbing fields that showed her how the history of the Utopia she loved so much had shaped her reality. \n\nAll the death; destruction; war; famine and misery were so mind numbing that she couldnt face anyone with a straight face anymore. \n\nShe had to hide this truth deep inside her psyche. She took a quick look at her spell book and found a masking spell that would supress her true emotions and make her forget the horrors she had discorvered.\n\nHowever due to the large mental stress she had gone through she ended up paying a price, the masking spell she had casted on her self much more powerful then she anticipated."} +{"id": "048da898-7e1b-43bf-8a55-f352ae0ab5dc-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:24.53", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbUrrHqVkuUXniEyJTSUmzrx7M77DdcFkYnGPvR93q5SL", "txHash": "0x413b5d4ee1974197ea56e68688e2c49b9a2fa7ab500f7d18fac6eaa96e149012", "createdAtBlock": 13908279, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3021, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Cybele of Elysium", "text": "Glee. The kind of glee she had seen on a lot of people who lived in Elysium; those scholars and sages that Cybele always criticized for not doing enough research and spent their time drowning themselves in bliss. That is all she felt, all she could feel.\n\nShe was so preoccupied with knowing what she could, that she forgot to ask herself if she should...\n\nAnd it seems like she wasnt the only one who had made this mistake in Elysium..."} +{"id": "1caf66fb-29ff-4616-9e09-f46e1e519189-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:26.615", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXQB3RHUXxxdYoToBM5wcos4wUYPN8WqaaNZEmesqJghj", "txHash": "0x230eabab0dc7c08a6ac573a9a79938b21a126ac61a443adef8b761848cda374d", "createdAtBlock": 13909112, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8196, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tulip on grave", "text": "# The Lore of Tulip on grave\n\nBehold the former Clairvoyant Thor of the Sun. His clairvoyancy spoke to him of the Great Burning, a process of of transmutation, a process of unknown powers to most, but not to Thor! He was told the transmutation would handsomely reward him. He simply knew it would cause him to constantly carry the sweetest of fragrances in a world full of smelly kobolds and spillt milk and behold! His wish came true! Though not in the exact way he'd pictured it himself...\n\nLegend says one can still hear the faint sound of GMs echoing through the damp earth. Only time will tell whether clairvoyant Thor of the Sun will ever be seen again..."} +{"id": "f7ee535c-1493-423b-b6f1-e77c927f05b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:52.175", "backgroundColor": "#170a2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRyeZPyayM2Zh14fSU2GYkGPUYhTDSJ49jywV6rwV7kqB", "txHash": "0x0711f53921d574a06dec6ffeb9e732b48c8daedfbd614a7e54885c3f41d9f51b", "createdAtBlock": 13915403, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1659, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Homer of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Battlemage Homer of the Marsh\n\nThe Rune of Infinity yields Infinite Potential and Infinite Possibilities!"} +{"id": "e03c1eb1-f49e-43a2-9584-819b881922e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:27.399", "backgroundColor": "#1c042e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWSHUYg7KbbCAFQghicjnChmiDetxkgQVthXfhkvg9Xq6", "txHash": "0x073827f52f0b0bc802882f543f3d22621d3d5f07f6f6a50c9384d33fd74c5aa1", "createdAtBlock": 13909434, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Jadis of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Ghost Eater Jadis of the Moors\n\nJadis was a sickly child whose family lived on the edge of the Marsh. She loved to explore the wilds and pretend she could talk to the animals as she had no real friends to speak of. \n\nOne day she came across an old ram, and to her surprise, this ram COULD talk to her. It introduced itself as Cupcake and promised that if she took it from the stinking marshes, it would grant her health, beauty, and long life. She agreed. The ram dissolved into mist and surrounded Jadis, who found herself stronger and more lively than she ever had before. \n\nWhere the ram once stood was a skull...\n\nThis skull still spoke to her in Cupcake's voice and implored her to relieve the suffering of others and that it would empower her to do so. Now Jadis travels the lands with her friend Cupcake bringing peace and comfort to those that are at Death's Door and dragging those that would do harm to others closer to its threshold."} +{"id": "d986ee66-88dc-4ba6-ae08-5ac27c8c8f13-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:32.594", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWmbcRLNaUPNHPYPgY5usMYqTkKKekpMXwDDhny1sixv4", "txHash": "0x15270b13c5aa871e468aab479a6d51b51a823facf3cac4714faa6eb27f870c5f", "createdAtBlock": 13912440, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8087, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Sonja of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Sonja of the Marsh\n\nMy name is Sonja and this my story.\n\nIt is a story of sorrow and lost hope. It is a story of dread and terror.\n\nIt all started when I was very young and my parents were still alive. We were travelling from Blue Wizard Bastion to Goblin Town. My father was a powerfull wizard and he had been invite by the Goblin King to be the Kingdom wizard. While travelling through the Frog Master Marsh, we were attacked by Jibguna the giant Anaconda that ruled there. My parents were eaten alive and I was spared so that I could treat and take care of all the giant snake offspring. Spent my youth in that terrible marsh and self-taught myself into the art of poisons and potions while I collected snake shed skin, hunted mice and small game for them. \n\nBy age 18, I was released from my duty from Jibguna itself so that I could serve as the first live meal for her children snakes. Luckily, I had some tricks up my sleeve. I rubbed my body with a special type of mushroom paste obtained from the poisonous Green Shroom. The young anacondas avoided me and I was able to runway from their lair. I took the youngest of them and charmed it with an hypnotizing potion made of old roots and ancient knowledge. Gave myself a nickname, CHARMER SONJA OF THE MARSH and departed into the world.\n\nI Wandered for 3 days until I found Goblin Town, my original destination a decade before. As soon as I entered the gates, I was abducted by a powerful wizard. He called himself the WIZARD MASTER and he immediately told me that he will sacrifice me to the Sacred Flame in 24 hours from now. He will use me as a tool for greater power and will make me his slave for all eternity."} +{"id": "d986ee66-88dc-4ba6-ae08-5ac27c8c8f13-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:32.594", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWmbcRLNaUPNHPYPgY5usMYqTkKKekpMXwDDhny1sixv4", "txHash": "0x15270b13c5aa871e468aab479a6d51b51a823facf3cac4714faa6eb27f870c5f", "createdAtBlock": 13912440, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8087, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Sonja of the Marsh", "text": "I am frightened and scared but I still have a chance. One of my most powerful charms, the endless sleep, can be used against this malevolent wizard however, I am missing one ingredient, 6.9 ethiriums. If a Wizard or Witch with a good soul out there could help me with this, I would be forever grateful and would vow to stand by them until my death.\n\nPLEASE HELP ME! I DON'T WANT TO BURN! YOU ARE MY ONLY HOPE!"} +{"id": "3ae82c96-deab-4e4d-abc2-4ba1655e20eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:09.431", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPcsQCvwiwDzpP7As9UgBezJFWfy37Sgei32ged2A45zx", "txHash": "0xe178c72b79cbc8966480166404e429b124d17c71c78ae7ce471da37a141a99d8", "createdAtBlock": 13932905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4891, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Palms", "text": "# Aleister of the Palms\n\n> _[..] and so we remember those brave souls who, despite the dangers of draught and horrors of haunted thoughts, have ventured into those sands - in search of that most elusive Hermit, the one they call Fairwinds. Does he exist truly, or simply in the minds of the despondent who cling to the hope beyond hope, that there - hidden deep withing the sands - lies their recompense, a hope for lost minds, indeed their absolution?_\n> \n> _If any have actually succeeded in finding that which they seek, there deep amongst the uncountable and unyielding grains of sand, I am unaware. Have they all perished then? Or have some scant few, through pure dumb luck, divine desitny or perhaps singular skill, traversed the unforgiving landscape and found not their ruin, but instead become blessed by the sweet cooling winds conjured by Aleister himself?_\n> \n> _One can only imagine how chapped lips, and indeed how parched throat would then succumb or be saved, and envision stinging eyes and burning skin thus soothed either in delirium or - should they exist - blessed relief as they collapse at their final destination. I wonder if they would even know the difference, nor have I ever heard the tale of any such soul returning from that infinite sea of sand._\n> \n> _Nay, I shall not seek out such adventures, for I am nor desperate nor inclined to such self-flaggelation, though I must confess a sense of jeslousy and grudgning respect for those foolish, or forlorn enough, to brave such a journey._\n> \n> \n> The Hermit\n>\n> \\_Ancient Scroll, Blue Capital Library\\_"} +{"id": "7d08bf8a-6e9e-45ce-8d84-05de2b816444-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:28.083", "backgroundColor": "#813e3e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVpHYh1HwXcpDhK1RzK9bJcq4kiirbnVxkvv7fG3wpC6q", "txHash": "0x74a5ed9c1f718a0cde7059ce94b7b3e6d683a6182b18cf40acecc4daee3d236f", "createdAtBlock": 13910275, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2078, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Homer of the Quantum Shadow\n\nAs Homer walked through the Carnival Pass, he stumbled upon two....interesting characters, huddled around the corpse of a rabbit, hysterically crying. A Crone and a Green Wizard who, like me, have no familiar, which is rare for wizards in this world."} +{"id": "9489a982-d6f3-4462-bebe-3b783e8aae00-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:29.047", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWmwFJpaGNvy7c7PpEc2jnhFweBoWGUjVv8QiidmrXWhf", "txHash": "0x7276e33d827544f37649b3e0981ecb9a31dffc79b849130e7cd309cbfd750463", "createdAtBlock": 13910644, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2608, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Beyna of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Beyna of the Hollow\n\nThe Hollow begins where most commonfolk journeys end. Most often they end thanks to the adventurer's healthy understanding of one being way over their head, and enough intelligence to remember their home is back behind them. But once and awhile, they end because the poor soul wandering close to the Hollow's edge had what the locals call \"too much Bravado\". Bravado being the town brewery (and ale of the same name).\n\nNo one knows what actually causes these unfortunate wanderers' deaths, however, during the day, some search parties found a few pale 'victims of Bravado' within eyesight distance of the Highland Road. None dared walk much farther into the brush and gnarled branches. Those who could not see their way back to the path would almost always go missing. As they say, \"Sorrow besets those who can see only the Hollow.\" \n\nSo it surprised two tired farmers hurrying back to town on Highland Road one purple, grey, and dusky evening, when they noticed what appeared to be a flame moving far within the Hollows twisted bark patchwork. Shadows being cast this way and that, moving as if scared of the torch in the distance. \"Should we stop?\", suggested one farmer. \"Aye hell no!\" spat the other, turning back to see what caused his aging horse to stop pulling the cart. \n\nIn the dead center of the road, about ten yards ahead stood the dark four legged shadow. Glowing purple eyes and shimmering smokey coat, a wolfhound staring straight into the farmer's souls. No word was spoken, only the sound of terrified breaths and a slight creek of the cart could be heard."} +{"id": "9489a982-d6f3-4462-bebe-3b783e8aae00-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:29.047", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWmwFJpaGNvy7c7PpEc2jnhFweBoWGUjVv8QiidmrXWhf", "txHash": "0x7276e33d827544f37649b3e0981ecb9a31dffc79b849130e7cd309cbfd750463", "createdAtBlock": 13910644, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2608, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Beyna of the Hollow", "text": "\"Fellas, I can promise you he will not bite\" Beyna emerged from the bramble, fiery hair, silk green coat and jeweled forhead glistening. She lifted her flame to catch a better glimpse of the terror on the farmers faces. She grinned.\n\n\"Unless niether of you offer me a ride into town that is\". The wolf growled low and slow. \"It has been quite a long way on foot so far, and I can promise quite a spectacular story in exchange for your hospitality.\" \n\n\"And perhaps something even more valuable for your tiny town... a warning from the Hollows\""} +{"id": "65591390-4ad1-4d21-a1bb-98aaa247fac5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:29.735", "backgroundColor": "#9e8466", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbxHZLM3SzBZPvfWefps8PtJLwqv5djM3YYCBj26aVhD4", "txHash": "0xe7a4bf8cdb16e8024e27efdf8946ce085f8fdee7db7d236940614ee45858a3bd", "createdAtBlock": 13911556, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5470, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Orbus of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Orbus of Elysium\n\n**He who hath seen what no man has seen, the all seeing was once a man. Momentarily transcending to the spirit realm during an intentional medicine ceremony, coming back a full fledged Void Disciple of Elysium. Orbus shares his brew once a year around the end of September. If you drink the** _kykeon, you too will see._"} +{"id": "06c772a6-63bf-4f29-a546-5692142d2cc3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:07.033", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYseeCBThVPM3qz1R3F9qby8SnojCzuP5xitjEdTHmHtN", "txHash": "0x21a48691329fd0e911e05de53e0c8644d8bbdbcb2d99afd5bc47f7e40834fb9e", "createdAtBlock": 15065826, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5277, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruiser Ruin of the Ring", "text": "# Vandal's lore is here for you, stranger\n\nWild ferocious vandals spend their whole lives in constant wars and raids. Destroying everything in their path, they have thus made many enemies for themselves. Once the Order of the Knights of Ghosts managed to kill the leader of the Vandals, and since then the savages hate them with a fierce hatred. \n\nLives in caves, hunts ore miners. Dangerous, bloodthirsty, strong, quickly regenerates\n\nCan become a mercenary in exchange for a special artifact.\n\nHaving absorbed the experience of fallen warriors and the strength of stone rocks, as well as fortified with magic spells, vandal will be a good help and a crushing force in any fight."} +{"id": "a12a4cc3-7fe2-47bd-8ffb-9c9aaf42af2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:30.462", "backgroundColor": "#ca5252", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUCsrZeSmU8gak2DRbMCrE2fE3U96hnwZVTyfit799XJy", "txHash": "0x5c05185862d1e1919a289d99687d070f64e671d1bd3ea07ffe539be6cd32f5bf", "createdAtBlock": 13912015, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4228, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Daria of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Daria of the Hills\n\nShe was born as someone's daughter in the countryside abandoned by everyone.\n\nEveryone seemed to live a failed life, but she learned the wisdom of life from an early age by hanging out with Mother Nature such as animals, plants, and insects.\n\nThen one day, she meets someone who can change her whole life......\n\nUnlike her birth, Daria is cheerful, active, and sociable. She loves nature such as insects, animals, and plants, and knows how to handle it freely. Of course, the strong vitality and dark energy from it."} +{"id": "65dade03-68f9-460b-a5fa-68b3f34bfa27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:31.243", "backgroundColor": "#ba4141", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ4x4z73Pzg3ZZpWC13XX18KJi2xcqXFWfg7nXPMjZjuy", "txHash": "0xca37f17856e1080b92e1b2e2001bf189bba7129a5e7ce00715f0f2863bb96426", "createdAtBlock": 13912056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4228, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Daria of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Daria of the Hills\n\nDaria was born as someone's daughter in the countryside abandoned by everyone.\n\nEveryone seemed to live a failed life, but she learned the wisdom of life from an early age by hanging out with Mother Nature such as animals, plants, and insects.\n\nThen one day, she meets someone who can change her whole life......\n\nUnlike her birth, Daria is cheerful, active, and sociable. She loves nature such as insects, animals, and plants, and knows how to handle it freely. Of course, the strong vitality and dark energy from it."} +{"id": "e9978d91-51df-46fe-891a-4c32c64268fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:33.318", "backgroundColor": "#bccace", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPt4Zojmz7PQNJzQX66mEjDuA5mCxAmWQitUmCsruJe6c", "txHash": "0xff5bbe64851432ebaba2d6d3dc9c1628f8833c4a43dfd98f2943e2d1922eb1e5", "createdAtBlock": 13912607, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4578, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmb2W2QbuypQmpAHSFoXCH6iGTT6nPftGNHogeu2oyuXnk", "name": "Void Disciple Magpie out of the Void", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Magpie out of the Void \n\nMagpie has spent most of his life looking for something meaningful, something beyond his own being. He loved to imagine new worlds, plunge headlong into the world of dreams and discover unknown wonders, and sometimes nightmares.\n\nHe was one of those wizards who loved to be immersed in feelings, events, and places. He aspired to deeply understand his place in life and everything around him.\n\nMagpie believed in magic and created it for himself and others. He always tried to turn on the light where it was dark, leaving behind everything better than it was. \n\nSuch was Magpie, an inconspicuous but not forgotten wizard. His path was his reward."} +{"id": "536c8eac-c208-40a9-acda-0cf309e1d82e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:34.017", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhZT7318RchHCrTUQFCi4CEZtY7ji29tUhKBkNnfMP61", "txHash": "0x0c122f910d51445ffe74ace19ce8ecf67f6f2052a81a0053b2c809c453af5ca6", "createdAtBlock": 13912671, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6624, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jahid of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jahid of the Wild (a.k.a Generous Egg Face)\n\nEgg Face had always hated Sandy White Sands Desert and its thankful, tart Turban. It was a place where he felt Egg.\n\nHe was a generous, sinister, egg drinker with dirty eyes and grubby fingers. His friends saw him as an energetic, enthusiastic Eggface. Once, he had even rescued a silky Fragile Egg from a burning building. That's the sort of man he was.\n\nEgg walked over to the window and reflected on his Desert surroundings. The drizzle rained like chatting goldfish.\n\nThen he saw something in the distance, or rather some_one_. It was the figure of Egg Lady. Egg Lady was an understanding Anti-Egg with charming eyes and pointy fingers.\n\nEgg gulped. He was not prepared for Egg.\n\nAs Egg stepped outside and Egg came closer, he could see the homeless glint in her eye.\n\nEgg glared with all the wrath of 5384 arrogant enthusiastic eggs. She said, in hushed tones, \"I hate you and I want White Egg.\"\n\nEgg looked back, even more sneezy and still fingering the Egg Egg. \"Egg, \"Eggs for me' lady?\",\" he replied.\n\nThey looked at each other with surprised feelings, like two late, loud lizards rampaging at a very malicious Egg Opening, which had indie music playing in the background and two brave uncles jogging to the beat.\n\nEgg regarded Egg's charming eyes and pointy fingers. \"I feel the same way!\" revealed Egg with a delighted grin.\n\nEgg looked stressed, her emotions blushing like a talented, thundering Turban.\n\nThen Egg came inside for a nice beaker of Egg."} +{"id": "fc18cb83-d35c-400f-9e73-b04a08d255b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:34.809", "backgroundColor": "#c1ffc1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW6XVApuqcMvdeSnZ11pdZF6rHJy9u4gH82HZw4hDUMce", "txHash": "0xf49c61a4d2b82da96f27382f5c76961dc34c623a64fd2d6403fa11f53cd55357", "createdAtBlock": 13912892, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcLbwv7bTcTBanZUn8YvwG53sCNGSaFpNbNsqExpfSMzE", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Tabitha of the Marsh\n\n## Who am I?\n\nTabitha: But where do I _really_ come from? To be honest. I do not know yet. The whole thing is a little fishy for me. Somehow I woke up consciously on June 20th 2021 here in this strange, yet exciting pixelated world of Forgotten Runes, and it seems there are other wizards around as well, as I am connected to some of them through a thing called Twitter. But that is all that I know. I do have a strong feeling however, that there is more, much more to my existence. Something that I yet have to figure out.\nIts a good thing that I seem to be a witch. So I will find the means to find out who I really am and where I come from.\nAnd luckily, when I came to be there was a _peyote_ (no clue what to do with it yet) and a gray and pink rat with me. The name of the rat seems to be _Blimpy_ (says on the name tag) and I am sure there is a fascinating story to be found how we got togehter. Well, for the time being just follow me on twitter or read the lore on this site and we will see where it is all heading\n\n \n\n## The story behind"} +{"id": "fc18cb83-d35c-400f-9e73-b04a08d255b3-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:34.809", "backgroundColor": "#c1ffc1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW6XVApuqcMvdeSnZ11pdZF6rHJy9u4gH82HZw4hDUMce", "txHash": "0xf49c61a4d2b82da96f27382f5c76961dc34c623a64fd2d6403fa11f53cd55357", "createdAtBlock": 13912892, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcLbwv7bTcTBanZUn8YvwG53sCNGSaFpNbNsqExpfSMzE", "name": "Witch Tabitha of the Marsh", "text": "## The story behind\n\nIt is true. Tabitha did not come to life in 2021. In fact she is already over staggering **2000 years old** and was born in a far way country at the time of Augustus Caesar in 10 bc in a small village in an area called **Galila**. She has had an exciting, but also dramatic and dangerous live full of adventures and experiences over the years to come and we will find her in different periods like the medieval European or the infamous Salem time period. We will discover and explore together with her what it means and meant to be a with or wizard over the ages spanning the entire planet earth and then beyond.\n\nHowever and unfortunately when spawning in the realm of the Forgotten Runes she not only lost all of her memory, but also is for now forced to tweet in rhymes. We will over time join her in finding out about her past piece by piece, but also in her future adventures in the Forgotten Runes **Runiverse**that will be one of her homes to come in the vast array of metaverses that come to live with the big blockchain bang. Stay tuned and follow us here or on twitter. It will be amazing because **Lore is at the core!**\n\nIf you want to follow Tabitha on her adventures and find out more about her, follow her on Twitter https://twitter.com/tabitha_6154 or have a look at her website where the tales and journeys will be found in due time:\n\nWebsite: https://tabitha.wtf/"} +{"id": "89cd01e3-9cca-4b3e-8c07-557309643416-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:35.56", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma5fFN4dFGVcH2yXwrH4xWm6QSEEHVCKk9dBHqQMLBL3q", "txHash": "0xfc878804047e27ff6908b0924cdc0f6d67151b3d035263c56c470f21c9335152", "createdAtBlock": 13914007, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 337, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ming of the Secret Fire", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Ming of the Secret \n\n# The Flame in the Night\n\nThere is a saying in the Order of the Secret Fire, that the coldest of nights are survived only by the strongest of flames. If there is any truth at all to that maxim, then the fire of Ming must indeed be a powerful one to survive that night. For it had been many years since the Steppe saw a night so cold as the one on which Ming came into this world. It was said on that night in December that breath froze in the air, birds fell midflight, burdened by ice on their wings, and even the roaring falls of the tumultuous River Rone froze deep.\n\nIn that blizzard, the mighty sorceress Milda of the Sacred Flame fled the Red Tower to protect her unborn child from the wrath of the council. For Milda had broken a sacrosanct rule in consorting with the Stable Master, Ming of the Hoof, a common man with no known magical prowess. They hoped they could mask her unborn childs unsanctioned heritage, but rumor that Ming was the father of her child reached the councils ears, nonetheless. Of all nights, the night her child was to be born, the night of the strongest blizzard in memory, Milda was left with no choice but to flee, or face a tribunal and certain death. Ming and Milda grabbed what they could and made for the stables as quickly and quietly as possible. Ming chose Firebrand, the fastest horse in the stable, threw together what provisions he could, and they set out to find safety for their family."} +{"id": "89cd01e3-9cca-4b3e-8c07-557309643416-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:35.56", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma5fFN4dFGVcH2yXwrH4xWm6QSEEHVCKk9dBHqQMLBL3q", "txHash": "0xfc878804047e27ff6908b0924cdc0f6d67151b3d035263c56c470f21c9335152", "createdAtBlock": 13914007, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 337, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ming of the Secret Fire", "text": "Yet, the eye of the Order is ever watchful, and they were seen crossing the courtyard to the open gate. As they urged the horse forward, it seemed they might escape the grasp of the council guard unscathed. The snow fell in droves around them, mercifully giving them cover for their retreat. Suddenly three of the dreaded elite tower guards loomed from the shadows at the open gate, brandishing the enchanted bows that had protected Mildas comfortable life at the tower. In that moment she realized the irony that such a terrible weapon would now be turned against her at her moment of most dire need. One of the shadowed figures nocked an arrow, drew it back and let fly as the arrow burst into flame in flight, striking Ming squarely in the chest. He collapsed off the horse, lifeless. There was no time for Milda to help him, for the shadowy figure had already nocked another arrow and as Mildas horse closed the distance between, she knew she could act only now to protect her child. She summoned a fireball to blind her foes, distracting them from their vicious incantation. Though the arrow could not now burst into flame, but it found its mark and struck Milda in her side. Another long second passed and she was through the gate, thundering into the frigid tempest."} +{"id": "89cd01e3-9cca-4b3e-8c07-557309643416-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:35.56", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma5fFN4dFGVcH2yXwrH4xWm6QSEEHVCKk9dBHqQMLBL3q", "txHash": "0xfc878804047e27ff6908b0924cdc0f6d67151b3d035263c56c470f21c9335152", "createdAtBlock": 13914007, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 337, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ming of the Secret Fire", "text": "The steed carried her swiftly and silently through the mounding snow, and her silhouette faded against the white out of the storm, out of the councils site but of course not out of their mind. Calling upon all her knowledge of the Secret Fire to keep them warm and to light their way, Milda came to the frozen River Rone, and thought do I risk crossing? Surely the bridge will be watched by agents of the council. She looked up at the sky, the arrow still throbbing in her side, and through the droves of snow she thought she glimpsed the Rune of the Sun, even at night. She took that as a sign that the Secret Fire was with her and her child, and she set out across the ice. She reached the other side and held her course along the river until she came to a cabin with a single dim light in the window. She was reluctant to trust their fate to whoever was in that cabin but knew there was not much time left before the child would be born. Worse, the effects of her wound weighed heavily on her. She would have to risk the kindness of the stranger at this cabin along the river. She dismounted her horse, knocked on the door and was greeted by a disheveled man holding a healing staff accompanied by a small blue river rat.\n\nShe stumbled through the doorway, barely able to stand on her own feet as the pangs of birth took her. Dont let them find me she stammered as the cabin grew dim. The stranger propped her up and sent the river rat to prepare a cot for her. She laid down on the cot, the arrow still in her side. I dont know who would be after you on a night like this the stranger said, but I will tell no one you are here. I am Brutus of the Riviera, and I am a healer. I will do what I can to help you and your child."} +{"id": "5ef2b165-4598-4cca-a2c0-f92204ae459a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:49.583", "backgroundColor": "#080000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUspzNSa8TKe2cof2G86LeyajV5y351P9pVcjLoE7D3PA", "txHash": "0xa37ee2f9abd5036d452664cf28c7f7c77bdcbd5a047962fd222d36dde321698d", "createdAtBlock": 13914077, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Izible of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Izible of the Hall\n\nThe Story of Izible, the Alchemist of the Hall.\n\nOn the evening of NocheSer, a highly celebrated event by the Royalty of Saskatoot, the kings and queens were yet again drunk with wine and spirits. As a custom in the kingdom of Golgothia, the peasants were the servants to the royalty. The cooks, the maids, and the waiters were all peasant people of Golgothia. Treated as poorly as they were, they had no other option to turn to. The cooks, considered the highest-ranking members of the peasant class, were in charge of all the concoctions being made for the royalty. \n\nAfter hundreds of years of being ruled by the same families, the peasant class had grown despondent. They were tired of the merciless rule and were ready to fight. That evening, they had told all the peasants of the land to gather their best fighting gear. At midnight, once the kings and queens had fattened themselves with the finest lamb and wine, the waiters were to let the castle door drawbridge down. Little did they know that the royalty had concocted their own plan."} +{"id": "5ef2b165-4598-4cca-a2c0-f92204ae459a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:49.583", "backgroundColor": "#080000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUspzNSa8TKe2cof2G86LeyajV5y351P9pVcjLoE7D3PA", "txHash": "0xa37ee2f9abd5036d452664cf28c7f7c77bdcbd5a047962fd222d36dde321698d", "createdAtBlock": 13914077, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Izible of the Hall", "text": "That night, the request from the royalty was a new type of drink. They decided to combine all the liquids of the land into the caldron. After adding some pinches of kuute, fuerte, and adventie, the caldron started to smoke! Out and out and out it came pooling on the ground. The roofs started to shake, the iron pots and pans fell from the cabinets. Peasants and kings alike started to shout and cry to their gods. From the caldron emerged a frog man, with 4 legs and a buffle of hair. Stepping out into the floor of the kitchen, the Frogman signaled to the chefs to be silent. He took a beaker from the kitchen, and filled it with the liquid from which he emerged. Frogman tip toed to the Hall, in which the Kings and Queens were frozen with fear. Glaring down the royalty, Frogman emitted a shriek, and with one fowl swoop Frogman threw the beaker on to the ground. And what happened next birthed the legend of the Alchemist Izibe of the Hall. \n\n1400 years later the legend of the Alchemist Izible is still spoken about. No one story recounts the full truth of that fateful night. Yet one fact still remains, Izible has never been seen again. And until the next concoction is made, in the dark he will remain."} +{"id": "1e54fec3-2701-4b79-ba3e-248acbee7e49-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:50.456", "backgroundColor": "#5300b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWqzDFEmCCFpsSD7hBEUGVXs6yws5E6NppARZd1N8U53D", "txHash": "0x8c04c8cad015fb723517bb8acfa448985afe107ea03f4b5a2e828d57f6be5f88", "createdAtBlock": 13914903, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1987, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Crowley of the Light", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Crowley of the Light\n\nOne night as a young wizard, training at the Consul of Light, Crowleys mentor was taken suddenly by some mysterious dark forces. He found a note in his study scrawled in hurried hand:\n\nCrowley, you are young but strong. You are ready to leave your training. I know not of what will become of me, but I have to tend to some urgent matters in a shadow realm unknown to you. You must keep and protect this egg, search the world to gain experience and one day and the rightful owner will be revealed. The future of the Light may depend on you.\"\n\nCrowleys life then became that of a lonely wanderer. For years hes made his home wherever hes lain his head. From the Sacred Pillars to Vampyres Mist, across the Thorn to the Red Wizards Capital, and through the Battle Mage Mountains to Zaros Oasis, Crowley has seen much of the known world. His eternal companion ember frog his only true friend.\n\nSome day hell discover the true reason hes been carrying the Egg of the Unknown Beast for lo these hundreds of years."} +{"id": "63dfc3a2-83e7-4117-a7cd-05aca27d77dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:53.779", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhYUQuyK5ygwGjRow12J3ZM5uSnhmEzVaej5iiijciGF", "txHash": "0xc6d25a6d77a809ac0c99449a4096023db285fe1ce39256b6d7a83882ccbd0ac5", "createdAtBlock": 13915416, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 248, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Uvlius of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Uvlius of the Hills\n\nUnbothered by truth, Uvlius of the Hills desires only the lust for what shall not be told."} +{"id": "843bbd21-8a19-47c7-bd6e-83fef1c29aaf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:54.576", "backgroundColor": "#454422", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf9LFp9uXvkaXQHxYSfQoMPJ1NHw7VHuVaEbo1YzHrs9i", "txHash": "0x25a445c1c48dedc104e8715c4f836b8a70679e6aa9a54de30c9f30965e4f0104", "createdAtBlock": 13915423, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3120, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Zelda of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Electromancer Zelda of the Mist\n\nA snail, a bolt and omega - put in the arsenal of an Electromancer... the rest of the Wizard World will soon know the name Zelda"} +{"id": "5d430f16-0462-47a3-982e-eb23a20dbd03-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:55.26", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfRSWm2jrZu9UCyud74eZQ4Mm7P6xkF9M91G5nfjVMWf", "txHash": "0x9c4887dcea77394407a135a823c03975fabce227c28e366d5e35a70efc9bc210", "createdAtBlock": 13915458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5020, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Charlord of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Charlord of the Rock\n\nThe Charlord wasn't always known for his fiery disposition. Nay. He was originally a modest gatherer, living in the jungles with his tribe many thousands of leagues beyond the great ocean we now call The Salt.\n\nOnce, while foraging in the deep rainforest for a medicinal tree bark, he stepped on a poisonous viper, which struck as fast as lightening and injected its deadly venom.\n\nHe cried out to the gods, realizing he would not return to his village to deliver the bark to his brother who had fallen ill and therefore his brother would succumb to illness if he did not return with the medicinal plant.\n\nFortune was with him that day in the form of fire, for the viper had struck him down on the ruins of an ancient template, that of the Fiery God, one of the most powerful of all gods in those days.\n\nTo protect the envenomated man from certain death from the snake's venom, the Fiery God made him into one of his own, with godlike powers and a flaming skull, in the likeness of all Fiery Gods.\n\nFurthermore, the ground beneath him was enchanted by the Fiery God and the serpent also became his immortal companion. \n\nTo this day, the two have roamed the earth for 1,000 years and delivered medicine and healing to the tribes of the rainforest beyond the great Salt."} +{"id": "ff913e89-ad2d-49e4-a2ff-0ef786456255-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:56.944", "backgroundColor": "#cf742d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVkndaX64J2dZQJXFSbsRK1zXRCB8dSc26qZJ1oUSfQrW", "txHash": "0xa565e660598bf190f51c9da23477fe756322e8ee258e5f2544fab5cf19c5727d", "createdAtBlock": 13915945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5469, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Angus of the Ice", "text": "# The Lore of Ice Mage Angus of the Ice\n\nAngus was born and raised in the North of Sweden by two vikings. He learned in an early age to survive by the forest. Now he his traveling around in the northen parts of the globe to seek new advetures."} +{"id": "b9e9406f-52a4-46ea-9901-f8efb664ee2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:57.726", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPFMjyiAHdfc3o5fJCz1VxoMmQV7rRJNBFKWNTWBsHx33", "txHash": "0x89a3efd7428cab0636f903757c6ab2c00755d0cb684608c5762c1b428c9b5b82", "createdAtBlock": 13916053, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1683, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Celah of Atlantis", "text": "# The Lore of Bard Celah of Atlantis\n\nBard Celah, syren of the seas. Her city lost beneath the waves, the sound of her harp lives on for eternity."} +{"id": "085c0b86-32ca-4642-bef0-c76df059b811-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:53", "backgroundColor": "#080618", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrW7nCsM5efr8iQ87tzuDPdcAT9nqp6W8gMDsZLHZKa7", "txHash": "0xdd6bb2484491b710e4d7860e8bf943712e3f6933c87a9ebf0122991218a51a77", "createdAtBlock": 14464842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4753, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTDE7pKsgsYWvVUZWTu16WY11MUgJqMsh6FkG9Dy29iTN", "name": "Illusionist Salvatore of the Mist", "text": "# Illusionist Salvatore of the Mist and Dante the White Rabbit\n\n\n# Chapter 1 - The Castaway\nThe act of drowning is not some sort of experience anyone would enjoy. The water running in and out of the mouth. The lungs fill up with seawater and involuntary contractions force it out. The whole life flashing before your eyes. Probably the worst of it is the taste. The taste of the seawater is always disgusting regardless of whether your life is destined to end in The Salt or The Brine. Lucky enough, The Brine has this chicken aftertaste. Unlucky enough, the oily layer at the top makes you less buoyant. Who would have thought I would end my life in this chicken broth?\n\nThe night sky and a full moon is a breathtaking spectacle. Spitting a handful of seawater as you cough chronically is even more breathtaking. I can finally breathe. Im alive. How the hell did I end up in there?\nAs I hear waves crash against the shore I feel a bit more relaxed. The sounds of untouched nature make everyone calmer and I am not an exception. Im just an ordinary wizard. An ordinary wizard who is out here in the open. In the middle of the night. And I smell like chicken. As much as I would like to lay down and get my strength back, Im not willing to risk becoming a meal. The Runiverse is full of creatures, I have no strength fighting them now, especially during the full moon. I need to start moving."} +{"id": "085c0b86-32ca-4642-bef0-c76df059b811-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:53", "backgroundColor": "#080618", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrW7nCsM5efr8iQ87tzuDPdcAT9nqp6W8gMDsZLHZKa7", "txHash": "0xdd6bb2484491b710e4d7860e8bf943712e3f6933c87a9ebf0122991218a51a77", "createdAtBlock": 14464842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4753, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTDE7pKsgsYWvVUZWTu16WY11MUgJqMsh6FkG9Dy29iTN", "name": "Illusionist Salvatore of the Mist", "text": "Easier said than done. Turns out while I was simmering in The Brine, I got myself wrapped in kelp. Its wrapped around real tight. Im basically a seaweed chicken roll waiting for someone to feast on my flesh. Who would have thought I would die like this? This is ridiculous! I need to stop panicking and think for a second. As I hear the wolf howling somewhere out there, I notice something weird. Some pinnacles sticking out of my feet. What the hell? Is that my toenails? How did they get so long? It seems to me I have more questions than ways to get out of this sushi wrap. I need to stop panicking and think for a second, again. I scratch my butt. Its a good scratch. I can nearly scratch up the way where its only appropriate to scratch when there is no one around. It kind of hurts a little. Like a blunt knife trying to slowly peel away your skin. - You idiot! - I shout out loud. Your nails are long, all your nails are long! I start laughing. The birds who apparently sat on the surrounding trees had enough of watching me struggle and decided to leave. Ill move my butt scratching effort towards kelp. I may get a chance here."} +{"id": "085c0b86-32ca-4642-bef0-c76df059b811-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:53", "backgroundColor": "#080618", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWrW7nCsM5efr8iQ87tzuDPdcAT9nqp6W8gMDsZLHZKa7", "txHash": "0xdd6bb2484491b710e4d7860e8bf943712e3f6933c87a9ebf0122991218a51a77", "createdAtBlock": 14464842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4753, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTDE7pKsgsYWvVUZWTu16WY11MUgJqMsh6FkG9Dy29iTN", "name": "Illusionist Salvatore of the Mist", "text": "After a decent amount of time of rubbing my thumb nail against the kelp surrounding my butt and back I manage to cut myself loose. I free my legs with significantly less effort. Cutting kelp with 10 overgrown nails is undeniably easier. I can finally stand. Wolves howl again, sounds much closer this time. I need to move. I start to run parallel to the beach, but away from the woods. In the blink of an eye Im tackled down to the ground. I scoop a mouthful of sand with my jaws on the descend. Both my nose and feet brings this sudden urge to yell. I turn my head, spit out the sand I just scooped and yell. I utter some words that wouldnt make my momma proud. The pain moves away from my nose to my toes. Such an idiot! I tell it to myself. However, I cant blame myself too much. My toenails are as long as a magic wand broken into two symmetrical pieces, I never learned how to walk with an obstacle sticking outside of my toes. Talking about symmetrically broken pieces, I observe the damage to my toenails. Certainly in an instant, they became shorter. The full moon illuminates the fractured toenail pieces that stick upwards from the sand. I gather my nails from the sand, just in case, I may need to use them again. Without anything else stopping me I continue my escape from this beach."} +{"id": "fb92b98f-ef4d-4bcc-b811-d06dfa333c0d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:59.182", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXodZTaTB3FHskBXkgoYnaUuAjj7t2k12ojXZdr9SfRYb", "txHash": "0x4bbcec710dc4f58d4a9bdf155d61001c47f04caed3669a195962204fafc7873e", "createdAtBlock": 13916107, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3960, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPBJSRTWjU2WJyXyMxm68XTJXSDQYVyd9Qq6BkwLag28m", "name": " of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of of the Wild"} +{"id": "6eb8fff7-a837-4532-8785-d93e02a60a26-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:59.964", "backgroundColor": "#ffa100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeATxpvrGirav1TbFsMFTgWwHgNtMiMr8xpT6eDcjYq7A", "txHash": "0x7cb1305f96f7fd0202e98de0632cdc72fb3a5c05faf3cef5d37bd4ce5717c2df", "createdAtBlock": 13916507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7393, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Milton of the Capital", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Milton of the Capital\n\n Snakes, feathers and Wizard Sh!t"} +{"id": "e1b3f1c3-e377-40c1-bfe2-1462c91f9a8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:00.782", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmayVgcMTp5KKzCzj9soz3vhqSfgyCJUT2Sp3Kfea2GBax", "txHash": "0x222175bbb95680dbf74206019e5687f82b4b229869a6524ac5d4a57cfa3c2c38", "createdAtBlock": 13917277, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6223, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Orlando of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Orlando of the Obelisk\n\n\"Mother nature will always give shelter to those in need\""} +{"id": "d039c8ce-4b74-40b8-8bf7-e8899c632ae4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:04.173", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUTijrw6s5hBfnUqmK36JcXezjtKB7wfd5KnhGopDVuev", "txHash": "0x41ee01c6627f3ced9d56a027208ec57f08949f9cab2e15df1e03a87ded7312ba", "createdAtBlock": 13919194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6829, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Marceline of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Marceline of the Veil\n\nWitches must, as witches do,\n\nPlay with fate and fire.\n\nEmboldened by the sun, they fly;\n\nHair like razor wire.\n\nWhy're witches whittled down\n\nTo whimsicality?\n\nA brew of garden herbs should heal\n\nOur Mother, land and sea,\n\nAnd, with a wart and frog-leg stew,\n\nA love of life soon sprouts,\n\nWhy worry what a witch will do?\n\nYour life is running out."} +{"id": "5330afbb-3540-4b7a-afc3-88574465b93b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:16.687", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUFS6mynb7vdzYWoqhsHYw2gq1qw4JLBcXLjoo5TryqZ5", "txHash": "0x3ea1ce5669d72b1e11647a20a785129e9c4bd1a4f34015626637aa23b6f96e58", "createdAtBlock": 13921585, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7217, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Durm of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Clairvoyant Durm of the Wood\n\nDurm likes to get black out drunk"} +{"id": "c49d8335-f933-403e-8681-f9f2d1237205-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:13.217", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPQSphss7M6prbsJX6n6uFHXbGQNBwTAEKmVWrph7RukC", "txHash": "0x7d551ad569d1b0099930068b7d3bf12eacc05fcc784d95f460a766f289ca8871", "createdAtBlock": 15067987, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6938, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Eden out of the Blizzard", "text": "Eden the Wizard was always prepared for a cold, blizzardy night. He carried a bright torch to light her way and her red cat, who always seemed to be warm, would curl up at his feet. The villagers of Blizzard were always amazed at how Eden never seemed to be bothered by the cold. He would always be out and about, helping anyone who needed it. One day, a young boy came to Eden's door, asking for help. His family was very poor and they were struggling to make ends meet. Eden took the boy under his wing and taught her everything she knew about magic. The boy quickly became Eden's apprentice and they would often be seen together, working on spells and helping the villagers."} +{"id": "225b0301-4c1d-4001-af97-5ab0310af55b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:04.888", "backgroundColor": "#000aff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUmYRa2BeD5N4jidw5JzX8hhgqo2AZLHesKWJMMaMPRtM", "txHash": "0xbcf8fccb0b03db940fd389d7dad9ed4dc982d82f80fdfa0dbc40dafd8589a65c", "createdAtBlock": 13919630, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2749, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer of the Ice", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer of the Ice\n\n**Born in the dirt and the cold,** \n\n**Frost Magic is my school.** \n\n**Black Ice is my familiar and friend.** \n\n**I call him, and he comes.** \n\n**The incisor of fate I carry around my neck as a symbol of my powers.** \n\n**I am the geomancer of the ice, and the power of the cold is in my hands.** \n\n**I am the master of the frozen earth. I am the keeper of the ancient power.**"} +{"id": "98fa18f7-2399-453b-a1d2-dd2db6410bd5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:05.83", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSpEhKm1ENRsUcspcesJ23qZXxfZwP4qDEfE5H1txtbsw", "txHash": "0x7d048384f667e7779e848f1b07f34be147d6b17fdcc80422ffb022c69aef483e", "createdAtBlock": 13920094, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4698, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aslan of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Aslan of the Sands\n\nShaman Aslan was born among the rolling dunes not far from Zaros Oasis. His family travelled far and wide, selling potions and charms to those who could pay and giving to those who could not. It worked well for them and for many years they travelled the lands doing just this. Then his parents realised they were to be blessed with a child and so set about returning to the sands of their ancestors. The family tradition was to return to Zaros Oasis when a child was due, this had been the case for so long no one was quite sure why it started, but the rumour was that botched potion had landed a curse upon the family that any child born away from the Oasis would be condemned to a life of calamity. It had been enshrined in the family history, so was always followed and generation after generation had always returned to the Oasis. It should have been the case with Aslan too, but he arrived early and was born many miles away from the Oasis in the Sands. As it transpires, the family lore was quite true and calamity has followed Aslan his whole life."} +{"id": "98fa18f7-2399-453b-a1d2-dd2db6410bd5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:05.83", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSpEhKm1ENRsUcspcesJ23qZXxfZwP4qDEfE5H1txtbsw", "txHash": "0x7d048384f667e7779e848f1b07f34be147d6b17fdcc80422ffb022c69aef483e", "createdAtBlock": 13920094, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4698, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aslan of the Sands", "text": "Aslan himself, is a quiet unassuming wizard who, should you ever meet him, can often be found carrying Salia, a bull frog, in his mouth to prevent the frog drying in the arid desert conditions. He is thus a man of few words. He has a small shop near Zaros Oasis from which he sells a collection of potions and charms, things in the family tradition. The shop itself is run by Salia, mostly Aslan can be found lying in the sand out the back of his shop, usually staring at the sun, moon or stars in contemplation. It is safer that way. The shop has been burnt down, blown up or somehow just destroyed by the calamity that follows Aslan more times than anyone can count now. Even Salia is tainted by the curse and not as she seems. Most believe her to be a familiar and this is not true. Salia is Aslans wife. During a commission a few years ago to bring consciousness back to a rich familys injured son, a small but significant mishap occured with an incantation and caused the swapping of minds with Salia and a bullfrog that was to be used in a potion. A panic ensued to work out where Aslan had gone wrong and return the minds to their rightful forms, but in the panic the bullfrog slipped out of the tent and went back to the swamp. They found Salias form a few weeks later in the heart of the swamp. So now she remains trapped within the bullfrog, for which Aslan blames himself entirely."} +{"id": "98fa18f7-2399-453b-a1d2-dd2db6410bd5-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:05.83", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSpEhKm1ENRsUcspcesJ23qZXxfZwP4qDEfE5H1txtbsw", "txHash": "0x7d048384f667e7779e848f1b07f34be147d6b17fdcc80422ffb022c69aef483e", "createdAtBlock": 13920094, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4698, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aslan of the Sands", "text": "A short time ago Aslan thought he had found the answer to his woes. A flame was delivered with an invite to join the great burning. This was it, the only way he had knew so far to escape the curse, he would transcend to the other side and in death the curse would be lifted from him! He waited patiently for the day to come and made peace with the world. As he prepared for the journey his last chore was to fill the canteens for the journey across the Sands. He approached the well, but as he did he tripped, stumbled and fell. The flame came free of the bindings on his backpack and it flew through the air bouncing 1, 2, 3 times along the ground before catching a stone, flipping up and clearing the well wall. When the flame hit the water the heat of the flame instantly boiled it and transformed the well into what was effectively a gigantic cannon. The flame was fired with ferocity into the sky and off over the horizon to the North. And that was that. Aslan wimpered, beat the ground with his fist and a few tears watered the sand where he lay. The purpose and intent that Aslan had felt recently drained from him and he retired to the shop, unpacked his bags and has been lying in the sand at the back ever since.\n\nHe knows there are answers, he knows there are solutions to lift this curse. He just doesnt know yet how to find them and solve it all. He squints slightly and a shooting star streaks across the night sky, lying on the moonlit sand he makes a wish.."} +{"id": "ff023ac2-d37a-4bcd-ad89-8eefc981db33-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:11:06.527", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMHo4crqbh4Aqvx9Yb1daa3zDRpBmrcjRdagrx3nJW7L", "txHash": "0xd3310dfdca45f0d6359a561931514eaf24e2a9bf095c75eb2453418f6abf059c", "createdAtBlock": 13920199, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3135, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Zaros of the Brine", "text": "# BAHAHAHAH 69420 BLAZE IT GANG\n\nDEGEN MINTED WEINERFISH DADDY"} +{"id": "0b2346d7-90c5-4919-8dba-cedf577ad92b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:08.134", "backgroundColor": "#4b0751", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbHeEt51Fnd4znZBF6jQUKZyhHGMnq6Gh8rxtavCnud5a", "txHash": "0x19e856f32f5cf4bf2a0772e918c386ef235a0e0bdc76df3bbef88fe8b82e49af", "createdAtBlock": 13920644, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2249, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Udor of Avalon", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Udor of Avalon\n\nUdor of Avalon is a potent Alcheist form Avalon. \n\nWe was born from the union of a woman and a dragon during the reign of King Tristan the Bold. After studing botanics and chemistry at the university of Extramdoor, he specialized himself in health potions during the conquest of Edimbra during the eclips of the double moons of mecrury by the troops of King Gaetan III. \n\nHe now leaves with bears in the ice valley of Kofea where he produces health and rejuvenation potions for lords and pesans.\n\nIf you meet him, don't gorget to greet him. If you heart is pure, he might give you the secrets of his potions. If not, he will tell you a dad joke and squeezing your nipples."} +{"id": "0ae0d471-b8db-4d09-b343-961f59e5dda8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:08.998", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSDsWJWS9J14yPvRwDLBbqeLGrJK5yJKunwqfGXBafAL", "txHash": "0x181cbd8382a8d24337728551ec670be99f480f6fec95c5819388e04f8e22ff0a", "createdAtBlock": 13920921, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4669, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbMseUUyCzF37m5kD2kfYZgsKvDq6rE2vgKUQpzJm13RT", "name": "Adept JackDaw ", "text": "# The Life and Times of a Cult Drop Out"} +{"id": "8096fb6f-4946-421e-b274-239aee7969ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:10.568", "backgroundColor": "#010012", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPAZWtBk2xDprf511gnE9tKjpbbpYSZK1tv8DYh6otdDT", "txHash": "0x3651dd0596bb7e3b12898020f55aca2e73ac06257f131f3ba3631ca581c8e8fa", "createdAtBlock": 13921173, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9990, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Eizo of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Eizo of the Field\n\nIn a dark magical tower there lived a mystic, blue Pyromancer named Eizo of the Field. Not a grand idyllic, simple tower, filled with spells and a worrying smell, nor yet a sticky, hairy, minuscule tower with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Swamp Bullfrogs-magic tower, and that means warmth and spells.\n\nOne day, after a troubling visit from the Elf Raito and Alchemist Aleister of the Mount , Pyromancer Eizo of the Field left his cold, moisty tower and set out in search of three enchanted maps. A quest undertaken in the company of his favorite frog.\n\nDuring his travels, Eizo rescued a Hobgoblin's Flame, an heirloom belonging to his good old friend the Swamp Bullfrog.\n\n\"A search for three enchanted maps was always going to be compelling. The addition of giants, gnomes and goblins just makes it even more awesome.\""} +{"id": "0269ee8d-d67d-4dbf-a00f-f1b1dd8d913a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:55.924", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTfJ3fJTi5fiuWBnsCYEyBa4Yxtg7ofSisrJ2K1vWZLsR", "txHash": "0x0bcc0bd40fa538eac2675d77201ff0ec9b1ff5cee91d23fd10aaa1852bf3560a", "createdAtBlock": 13928907, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8240, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Gunthor of Phantasmagoria", "text": "# A Competing Power\n\nThe feeling of elation was pure as the patience of 500 years bore macabre fruit. \n\nIn a small village, a fledgling healer had become known for treating the bites of poisonous animals, and news of this skill had traveled far to a local academy. With the mission to assess this healer's skills and ensure their veracity- a dean had been sent to observe. \n\nThe skill and alchemy the doctor wielded were undeniable, the dean affirmed easily after speaking with villagers. He learned that the local had produced an alchemical product, an anti-venom, that was nearly panacea and could treat a variety of poisonous wounds. The dean (a skilled doctor in his own right,) was understandably envious of the results and gave way to wickedness. Being a man of healing, he could not bring himself to harm the inventor but instead snuck into his home and managed to copy many notes by way of calligraphic magic. \n\nWhile the books reproduced, he set to the task of finding any ingredients and samples that might prove helpful. Finding and examining a rack of several compounds, the dean absently failed to note and correct the capsule's order in the darkroom of his espionage. With the copies complete, he departed the village post-haste; without ever actually speaking with the healer. He would go on to produce and self-credit for the creation, unbeknownst to the true inventor who would go on to face a very different kind of life altogether. \n\nReturning to his work later, the young healer knew not their imminent doom. Through alterations in the alchemy caused by the mistake of ingredients, he was consumed in a cloud of magic. When the villagers entered the study to investigate the healer's disappearance (and ultimately declare an assassination,) they found the presumed cause of death: a red snake that fled the now-open door."} +{"id": "0269ee8d-d67d-4dbf-a00f-f1b1dd8d913a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:55.924", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTfJ3fJTi5fiuWBnsCYEyBa4Yxtg7ofSisrJ2K1vWZLsR", "txHash": "0x0bcc0bd40fa538eac2675d77201ff0ec9b1ff5cee91d23fd10aaa1852bf3560a", "createdAtBlock": 13928907, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8240, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Gunthor of Phantasmagoria", "text": "The Snake would spend the next 500 years in a state of undeath- unable to die from poison, regenerating freely, and advancing their theories of necromantic and healing magicks. The mistake of the dean both cursed and blessed the healer.. but without a suitable body, there would be little to do over eternity. \n\nIn another life, the Sacred Flame came to the attention of the Stellar Mage Gunthor, whose pursuit of flame and light magic had become obsessive, risky, and now led them to darker experiments. After months of stalking the insane, proud Gunthor, the Snake interfered in the Mage's final moments...holding his skull between life and death as the fire and the phantasm realm converted the body and affects of the Mage. \n\nWith the skull unyielding to the Quantum Shadow as long as the Immortal Snake resides within, the old healer has a body to command, seated at the gate-throne of the skull, whose roots reach into Phantasmagoria."} +{"id": "7a7c4e32-4fc7-4723-9658-333b1d992384-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:11.395", "backgroundColor": "#020017", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNQQbBtsAWLMRgrenR6K7SoqEYU6Cesgf4GQxTKRoZdzr", "txHash": "0xc44182ddb8bed9ae2be0fd2a1f4b24d24159ca4921f0df9abe23388185f2b595", "createdAtBlock": 13921198, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9990, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Eizo of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Eizo of the Field\n\nIn a dark magical tower there lived a mystic, blue Pyromancer named Eizo of the Field. Not a grand idyllic, simple tower, filled with spells and a worrying smell, nor yet a sticky, hairy, minuscule tower with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Swamp Bullfrogs-magic tower, and that means warmth and spells.\n\nOne day, after a troubling visit from the Elf Raito and Alchemist Aleister of the Mount , Pyromancer Eizo of the Field left his cold, moisty tower and set out in search of three enchanted maps. A quest undertaken in the company of his favorite frog.\n\nDuring his travels, Eizo rescued a Hobgoblin's Flame, an heirloom belonging to his good old friend the Swamp Bullfrog.\n\n\"A search for three enchanted maps was always going to be compelling. The addition of giants, gnomes and goblins just makes it even more awesome.\""} +{"id": "33d63c61-02e0-41f8-a286-bb6fe5f63738-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:12.447", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTGntDNP4tr4sJfWZWsgK8LTx1kDPLEx7EchdW8fwhpWT", "txHash": "0x1fb5c84d98ebf9e143b85456dfb4213643bb85d426d6bf1a20bff5bd87341af6", "createdAtBlock": 13921262, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6146, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Eden of the Light", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Eden of the Light\n\nDruid Eden of the Light came from the heavens with the support of the great magistry behind him. His objective - to bring greater clarity and evolution to all. The sacred serpent works with him to harmonize and transform any energies he points to with his Pheonix Feather."} +{"id": "ab9380eb-b33b-4d28-b9b7-b5a01cf29305-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:13.17", "backgroundColor": "#7e23bd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRbKH8boae1pt3TQTXDGn9AuzPwvfhAznMnmThVvSCmDe", "txHash": "0x16e3dfec5308f2c6847eeb11d5df2cfb51081ebf4aa71854d6b10bad9c1ede9d", "createdAtBlock": 13921512, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6035, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Yookoo ", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Yookoo\n\nLittle is known of the earliest days of the Wizard known throughout the land as Wild Mage Yookoo. From wherest he was begotten, or whence he entered into them realm of being was not known for many ages, even to the Wild Mage himself.\n\nOne tale told throughout the land, surmises that Yookoo was spit up from the belly of the earth itself. His sweet smell of bog and peat fire, a remnant of the days primordial slime, from which, all life is thought to have emerged. The name Yookoo is said to be the sound that enamated from the hollow of the earth accompanying his arrival.\n\nHowever, the most widely circulated tale tells of a small impish suckling left in the swamps to be devoured, who instead was nourished by the very serpents, for whom he was left for prey. There in the bog he remained, until one day he was found by a simple stable master searching in the swamp for the sacred vine."} +{"id": "e1a25d6f-fca8-4b72-b68d-9f40455ddd9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:24.546", "backgroundColor": "#cbb337", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdKiYnb1tBKXd5bWaDc8NTWmGRpo86AebV2CDoG25s9v", "txHash": "0xd90d28157b7c40152946fbc54f1ae4b5d5574178ec99ec3902b7399fb73b4323", "createdAtBlock": 13922975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4415, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Lux of the Sea", "text": "# The Lore of Spellsinger Lux of the Sea\n\nLux and his ape companion George travel the lands in search of fellow Bell bearers."} +{"id": "5fd8b56d-7fc9-40f7-99a8-5d4d7501d7ae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:14.147", "backgroundColor": "#00baff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY5xhop55MQUj1REJPSThh6UUpJPCUjo9MUVUW4nsRqQN", "txHash": "0xa0e6e9ae95f7e39665ca81fad1a4e3446d53751f694843e95b47b84ce561b79a", "createdAtBlock": 13921533, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 716, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Aleister of the Cosmos\n\nArchmagus Aleister is a wizard of contradictions.\n\nOn some days, he is as selfless and empathetic as can be. But on others, he is cruel and vindictive. On some days, he is intelligent, measured, and rational. But on others, he is impulsive, mindless, and foolish. On some days, he is strong, confident, and positive. But on others, he is weak, doubtful, and timid. On some days, he looks longingly into the Sacred Flame, and on others, he cannot fathom why one would want to transmute their soul.\n\nThe wizard you meet depends on the day you meet him, and on any two consecutive days, you could be talking to two completely different people with no rhyme or reason as to why. \n\nFor hundreds of years, he has been this way, and he has discovered no spells or potions to affect his fickle nature. If you happen upon him, make sure to keep your fingers crossed that you meet the right Aleister..."} +{"id": "09cfa8a2-93ae-47c6-b7f7-12ef06c50807-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:15.844", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXgKiS1T267vn1XkN785aKGoVufN9D8rmT7BuZ8BpPhi", "txHash": "0x20bff7e1dbe5213b83b3d91257a2563a639fb04224cd955eba2bfce4614be95b", "createdAtBlock": 13921574, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 938, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Eliphas of Xanadu", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Eliphas of Xanadu\n\nEliphas discovered gravity when an apple fell on his skinless head"} +{"id": "1aed3a5f-0664-469a-b58b-d0bed95ac4de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:17.388", "backgroundColor": "#f8f0f0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTcR8EepcbkjX9k8FuMP5RgtJXFjrfmazQbvdwEmz6Uoy", "txHash": "0x601c942e9606dbf6b8e89cdfb002bdf736b68958b0b947cda6a859e6d4f50a45", "createdAtBlock": 13921642, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2138, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ifran of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Ifran of the Hills\n\nOne does not simply come across a dryad's ear\n\nBut lo'nd behold, Ifran, he may look slightly queer,\n\nYet aligned with the red planet his strength is\n\nA silent assassin is that viper of his.\n\nLet me tell you this son, as it is so true,\n\nThe most unlucky bastard you are if pass through\n\nThe Hills, in the latest hour you must. Dear God.\n\nThink of two floating sparks in the dark. You poor sod.\n\nRun to your wife, for just one more chance to hold her.\n\nWhen in his way, you'd rather fight a beholder,\n\nOr you'll be consumed by sorceries most gloom.\n\nYour poor soul's body shall be but some ash and fume."} +{"id": "f3e31cf5-a0aa-4ecb-9299-9129054ae25b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:18.233", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbHz6Dv89kipSjDGgsXjpiUsD3Lz7mViAo3sjwfTkXEED", "txHash": "0xaa64dfbe2480bf8b35fcae18374f598af3a1e1d0c601f56469399911c36e93f5", "createdAtBlock": 13921710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Cromwell of the Wood\n\nHe was left to die in the woods, feared the inevitable oncoming of death.\n\nIn struggle to escape what all humans are destined to confront, he found a magic crature, that was a sourse of eternal power."} +{"id": "c7de763b-9b8f-4daa-a15c-9f6e6da6099c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:18.917", "backgroundColor": "#043f08", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQL81giFDdES5fbRKuggfateAoNYG4HuV4qfFSMsWCPww", "txHash": "0xecc9a3f18d1449429c22132e10f66298d8f6136f140e145fbf8df2f02caac843", "createdAtBlock": 13921830, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3263, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Captain Alizam of the Spooklight", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Captain Alizam of the Spooklight\n\nAlizam of the Grotto began his journey into Wizardhood at a late age, yet his quick blossoming ambition lead him to step into the flame. Alizam has now transmuted; and at his command is a legion of cunning Wraiths. His ambition now is set solely on further spreading the Spooklight."} +{"id": "cd510a65-dfea-4e3e-82a4-7fc1b290165d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:41.654", "backgroundColor": "#250c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6RBG77LFBBkn2cvZhuV9pKUTFXQatMfYoDgXx6ZBEvE", "txHash": "0xab8bb4604aea744eb3ebe1ebcf5f0fe6b70ec2f772a3f2af90ad6852ec763c27", "createdAtBlock": 13925924, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 168, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh", "text": "#

Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh King saver


My The Lore of Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh\nOnce up on a time in arabian world there use to be a great wizard who has solution for every problem. along with his great skills in magic he has draw back of getting angry soon and any one unnecessarily said any thing he gets angry try to punish them with is magic wizard.


Spellsinger Danny companion


he has a good companion with whom he lives called bandar a monkey whom he raised from childhod and helps him in his daily activity and he takes his bandar wherever he goes.


Arabian king story


one day in arabian world there great curse came because king of arabian not taking care of his people and killing any one who takes against him or points out his mistake and Arabian king is influenced by black magic from his uncle who want to get the throne and want to get bad name from his kingdom people.


Arabian king problem


Sudden change in Kings attitude towards people been noticed by every one in his chamber as weired and every one concerned about his behavior and worried what next King will do which effects kingdom in bad way.


king chamber people and Queen want to find out reason of kings sudden change in behavior and help him in bringing good governance into kingdom.


Arabian queen problem


So Queen and kingdom chambers started observing kings attitube and moves closely to see his behavior change.


one day when king finished his duties went to take rest amd have a sleep, queen was not sleeping but constantly worried about kings health and bad behavior so queen always want to take care of king.

"} +{"id": "cd510a65-dfea-4e3e-82a4-7fc1b290165d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:41.654", "backgroundColor": "#250c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6RBG77LFBBkn2cvZhuV9pKUTFXQatMfYoDgXx6ZBEvE", "txHash": "0xab8bb4604aea744eb3ebe1ebcf5f0fe6b70ec2f772a3f2af90ad6852ec763c27", "createdAtBlock": 13925924, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 168, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh", "text": "

Arabian king and queen meet Spellsinger Danny


one night king suddenly stood up from sleep and started talking to some one looking at the wall, queen noticed this and try distracting king and asking what happened to him but king did not distract and pushed queen away. so queen got worried and want to help king, on next day queen want chambers to take king to best wizard in the country so help king what going on with king and that wizard is none other than out great \"The Lore of Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh\". whom the queen consulted and asking \"The Lore of Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh\" to help to find out why King suddenly walking up and talking to walls, than wizard using his magic wand asks his companion monkey to go out and look at the moon to see direction of moon, monkey points to Danny wizard the direction of moon using its tale.\n\n

Spellsinger Danny magic liquid pot

\nDanny wizard uses his magic wand and points to the direction of the pot which contains magic liquid to see kings history and came to know that that his uncle trying to influence king and try to take throne out of him. after finding this Danny wizard tells queen and queens get angry and asks Danny wizard to give him lesson. Danny gives magic pot to queen to make king drink magic water in the pot every day in the evening immediately after might in the light of the moon for 7 days for his uncle's magic not to work on king.


solution to kings problem


Queen with his king returns to kingdom with strong protection with his army. queen sees king's uncle and gets very angry but queen controls until kings treatment of drinking maigc water for 7 days is over.

"} +{"id": "cd510a65-dfea-4e3e-82a4-7fc1b290165d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:41.654", "backgroundColor": "#250c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6RBG77LFBBkn2cvZhuV9pKUTFXQatMfYoDgXx6ZBEvE", "txHash": "0xab8bb4604aea744eb3ebe1ebcf5f0fe6b70ec2f772a3f2af90ad6852ec763c27", "createdAtBlock": 13925924, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 168, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh", "text": "

influence of uncles black magic on kings


On day one king refuses to drink magic water as he completely trapped by his uncles black magic, but the king loves queen so much that when queen tells king that if he does not drink the magic water she will die and he will never see his queen again. King's love on queen made king to take drink magic water on first day and it was very very difficult for king to take that as black magic from his uncle interfering in considering this.


queen was very worried of completing these 7 days she did not sleep well and always beside kings bed to take care of him.\n\n

king returns to normal

\nafter completing 7 days of treatment kings became normal and he is wise enough to take good decisions.\n\n

punishment to kings uncles

\nuncles black magic did not work and his uncle became angry and forcing king to listen to him, than every one in the chamber and kingdom came to know about his uncles black magic on king and throwed him out of the kingdom.\n\nThis is how \"Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh \" saved king from black magic and queen gave important role in king's kingdom for \"Spellsinger Danny of the Marsh \"\n

"} +{"id": "b75e09ba-ddd9-43c1-b641-0a026432fabe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:19.744", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZb5m6pKdpo8FyxErYorxsLFk23wq8QsWJgbhT6Sm7yxH", "txHash": "0x88e6e37a58c783f9b3c1dafda26f364f8a42644de361313b76989273acdbde52", "createdAtBlock": 13921839, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4816, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Pumlo of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Pumlo of the Sacred Pillars\n\n\nHe never felt slighted by the cold irony of being born as a Seer without the ability to see. Plus what they say is true, not having one of your senses empowers the others. Its especially true with the mystic senses.\n\nWith his heightened hearing and smell, his clan has stuck him with the graveyard shift of guard duty since he was old enough to wield a staff (and a whistle). But the ancient elders chose the most remote island in hostile seas to safeguard their sacred pillars. Thus rendering these nights quiet besides the comforting crash of the waves and booming of the storms. \n\nPumlo instead spent the solitary nights honing his skills, and learned to harvest mystic energy from the moon. He crafted his Lunar Staff over a span of 12 full moons, and has begun to use it to control the surrounding tides. \n\nAlthough he can use these incredible powers to smash any incoming invaders into the rocky cliffs, more powerful wizards from afar have come to realize he can also calm the surrounding seas. Its only a matter of time until his mental fortitude is tested. For powerful psychics are abundant, and the sacred pillars are the key to immeasurable power."} +{"id": "e62ea6e1-f487-4d45-bd0b-dfba0a11b403-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:20.45", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPNh8eNANTSUkraz4xF362ZzPQEPzJYfqRbwuWPxFLFjK", "txHash": "0x2647f9cfbb9e2d238f29f819354c4446eed67571d19d53363179df295c2b0043", "createdAtBlock": 13921958, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2754, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Salah of Atlantis", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Salah of Atlantis\n\nDried bones mark the ground of the empty ocean basin in front of Salah. Shimmering walls hold back the water all around as he treads softly over the sand. He crouches down to pick up the skull of some long gone beast and turns it over in his hands. \"This will do...\" he mutters and straightens up. He looks around and grabs a length of driftwood. Whispering to himself, he moves his hands in ways that should not be possible, causing the wood to expand and seemingly pass through him and the skull. After a short time a staff appears in his hands, with a skull that seems different than the one it was moments before. Larger, with markings that don't seem to stay the same when you look twice. He turns and clicks his tongue at a small cat off to his left, who is near the walls of water looking at the fish swimming through them. \"Come on\" he says and begins walking towards a portal behind him. The cat stretches and follows. Both make their way over the threshold and the water collapses behind them, all that can be seen now is waves."} +{"id": "7d9c9323-41fc-4923-8a40-4940909d8669-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:21.274", "backgroundColor": "#412a51", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5YJkdtQQeyWFM1FK9Rahh6JpLzyaBWiaSjRuLy1TPHE", "txHash": "0x41c2771040ed9173a25b7cd83179f93acb6fcf3add969fbb4c6d08a0b6ca1cd8", "createdAtBlock": 13922066, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8669, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Calliope of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Calliope of the Ether\n\nThe floating moon is where Calliope draws her magical powers from."} +{"id": "4ed4124e-83bf-45b3-842d-a3e498dbe709-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:22.108", "backgroundColor": "#740808", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV1LWpCgkUE4VpXBUxp8H8fGxWPPfZYRHexzNL79mGHEh", "txHash": "0x1ecb9d56a9fffafaf8f006b210fe513a851367898288bd28eb3e4e8b0bb1f6ba", "createdAtBlock": 13922125, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8669, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Calliope of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Calliope of the Ether\n\nCalliope mysteriously appeared straight out of the Ether.\n\nLittle to nothing is known about her, only that she is such a powerful Mage.\n\nThe Moon may play an important role in her life."} +{"id": "e1589839-d188-4b76-9319-6cd3d3e17118-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:22.898", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXGPSsSi2KYSDRUeyn7bChW4VDfBuyV8Pjr944oPDycMe", "txHash": "0x2a8f9cd44562b37559412c1c8d882cea88a4393098c781d867c5649bf01c68b2", "createdAtBlock": 13922372, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8087, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Baron Sonja of the Death Cloud", "text": "# The Lore of a Soul\n\n\nOn her journey to master the arcane arts Sonja traveled the Runiverse, through the pico tops of the sacred pillars all the way down to danger streets of Goblintown. Hundred miles powered by full walk cycles here discoveries were stupendous and blessfully psychal. Upon arrival at the Secret Tower she question true survival...\n\n**My magic is as boundless as the brine sea,** **My love as deep; the more I give to thee,** **The more I have, for both are infinite.**"} +{"id": "141a2ea5-8414-4d69-833b-f416d9cf3b42-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:25.43", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcsXVxqx256w7wQgKvdLR72Z4X3rrYtEsKTwoY6i1p21n", "txHash": "0x9f24eaa59b50c05fb965c152c9864cfe65d33894977a0a75ccf7c40d6a5983e7", "createdAtBlock": 13923325, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4460, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Hadrien of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Evoker Hadrien of the Ether\n\nEvoker Hadrien of the Ether is a powerful and thoughtful wizard. He has ventured across the realm with his trusted steed - Grover the Cordial. He's learned magic, produced potions, and cured disease. He's a wizard of many talents. \n\nDuring his ventures, he has made many friends along the way. Most notably, he mentored a young and ambitious Sorcerer by the name of Jabir of the Cosmos.\n\nSorcerer Jabir was a quick learner. Jabir quickly gained skills that took Hadrien years to master and control. Jabir trained with Hadrien for many weeks, but one day, Jabir up and left. Hadrien never saw Jabir again...\n\nHadrien and his magical creature, Welling, are tremendous adventurers together. Hadrien found Welling in the southern marshes and immediately realized the creature's intelligence. Welling has magical properties that allow Hadrien to cast poison and rejuvenation spells from his sun staff. The two make quite the duo.\n\nHadrien likes to philosophize about the world and continual tinkers with new magic, spells, and potions. Hadrien loves shiny gemstones and keeps a collection with him at all times. The precious gems help power his sun staff and give him powers others could only dream of.\n\nOne day he will discover something unbelievable and unlock a world of power..."} +{"id": "4229a9b2-206c-4854-9d90-8258e3d048db-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:26.119", "backgroundColor": "#cabcbc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWBY5F3P1Mb5vvS7b7GRhifXLM27kJ8cKMzpGxN6SSSQv", "txHash": "0x721662243a90341ad7b48fbb129c618db0c4ee48a82dbe945419a157fbe6f13b", "createdAtBlock": 13923357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Soya of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Soya of the Ether\n\nWizards of the Ether are used to feeling lost. As inhabitants of neither Here nor There, they are accustomed to traversing the formless mists of the Ether without a plan. Explorers at heart, most wizards of the Ether spend their time discovering the unexpected: a new species of wraith, a rainbow toadstool, a wayward seraph. Most have no purpose except the delight of the journey.\n\nBut Soya of the Ether was not most wizards. Soya of the Ether was searching for death.\n\nSoya did not become an Archmagus because of talent. Originally from Frog Master Marsh, he was a runeless thelamist - in other words, a wizard of no particular talent. Told by his masters that he would amount to nothing, he came to the position of Archmagus through sheer ambition and hard work.\n\nWhen he was an apprentice, Soya read in an ancient grimoire of a witch of the Wild named Delilah who immolated herself in the Sacred Flame and emerged as a being of immense power: White Lady. Another grimoire hinted the Sacred Flame was in the Ether. Finally Soya found a way to liberate himself from his humble beginnings. He dreamed of the fire rising up his body, transforming his mediocre flesh into ash, and thus recasting him into a being of consequence: a mighty Forgotten Soul. Soya found his purpose - to find the Sacred Flame in the Ether and be reborn in fire."} +{"id": "4229a9b2-206c-4854-9d90-8258e3d048db-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:26.119", "backgroundColor": "#cabcbc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWBY5F3P1Mb5vvS7b7GRhifXLM27kJ8cKMzpGxN6SSSQv", "txHash": "0x721662243a90341ad7b48fbb129c618db0c4ee48a82dbe945419a157fbe6f13b", "createdAtBlock": 13923357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6298, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Soya of the Ether", "text": "As he continued his quest, Soya privately wondered to himself what he would do if he ever found the Sacred Flame. Would he be strong enough to plunge himself into the fire? Or would he, like others before him, turn away from the blaze and choose the simple certainty of life? Unsure of the answer, he continued to wander the Ether, ignoring the myriad wonders around him as he hunted for the Sacred Flame."} +{"id": "daa06330-782b-44a8-9ae7-85212709aa2a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:07.696", "backgroundColor": "#7e0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeWw2pR78oin9C41BGpx8RuCbEwaZYyD3GVdqieg83eBo", "txHash": "0x07547934ebdffe483e14a81e18d4a023c20569e287c483a2ce0735f6d9913670", "createdAtBlock": 13932404, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2307, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Beyna of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Beyna of the Forest\n\nOne thing that Beyna is not, is a people person.\n\nNow, this can be a fairly common occurance, but the unusual thing here is that Beyna is also an accomplished Charmer. A what now you say? Someone who has the ability to charm others; be it humanoid, kobold, canaanite or creature of the dark! \n\nHowever, this doesn't necessarily mean that Beyna needs to actually _like_ her work? Just because she has the aptitude to beguile and seduce others with magical arts, doesn't mean it leaves her with a feeling of wholeness and satisfaction.\n\nMostly for this reason, slap bang in the middle of Hedge Wizard Wood is where Beyna has chosen to set up her modest little home. Miles away from most others, aside from the occasional wanderer, or worse - kobold - that passes by.\n\nThe bigger irony though, is that Beyna's favourite pasttime is burning things. Ideally, in the most explosive and fun way possible. So why on earth live in the middle of a forest? Isn't she setting herself up for one massive forest fire to happen at some point? Well, maybe she is yes - but that's half the fun isn't it. If you're an arsonist, might as well make it even more spicy by living in the one place that is the most dangerous.\n\nSo if at some point you are in the vicinity of Hedge Wizard Wood, and you can smell smoke, or see a massive blaze about to engulf the entire region - I think you'll know who to blame."} +{"id": "998c691e-fa0c-45e9-a5e5-75e2a1e65ed3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:28.838", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbJxR3QhpWohNHNscnzZXn76XqQTP3EVWwerxRXijjd5b", "txHash": "0x12c1bbeabe33ddbe41d52113ec05789aee242387dab6c6281741f09840c92748", "createdAtBlock": 13923545, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4943, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Faye of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Faye of the \n\n`No more monkey business!\" Shouted Faye, as she pulled her monkey, Simon, off the plate of steamed buns he was devouring.` \n\n`\"You'll have to save some of those for our guests!\"` \n\n`She waved her bonk staff, which magically recreated the 3 meat buns previously devoured by Simon. It was hard to keep anyone away from any buns she enchanted with her joyous spells. In actuality, she was a terrible cook but utilized her magic to hide that fact. Part of her always felt bad for deceiving people, but the end result was the same regardless.` \n\n`\"Well, what they don't know won't hurt them.`"} +{"id": "e9a88e3f-4707-4d89-a4fa-5830e7f91672-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:29.628", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXvanBZtrPWHmn7hR3MLR11UwCB4ynY3uYNegeeA1v72d", "txHash": "0x9d713fff3535d65417e49590e580c757029fd5a0331bf32a3ade2d97a8005806", "createdAtBlock": 13923554, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4943, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Faye of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Faye of the Wild\n\n`\"No more monkey business!\" Shouted Faye, as she pulled her monkey, Simon, off the plate of steamed buns he was devouring.` \n\n`\"You'll have to save some of those for our guests!\"` \n\n`She waved her bonk staff, which magically recreated the 3 meat buns previously devoured by Simon. It was hard to keep anyone away from any buns she enchanted with her joyous spells. In actually, she was a terrible cook but utilized her magic to hide that fact. Part of her always felt bad for deceiving people, but the end result was the same regardless.` \n\n`\"Well, what they don't know won't hurt them.\"`"} +{"id": "3e897ff5-286f-4fa2-9311-23da1b0736bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:30.381", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUhXgEc7Em54NbDTBJMCRPAkKwVxJZatfH6Kd3GcQgyoX", "txHash": "0xf8a926ec80eecc3d7f53630c8f172fee6e077a8920ea14c7eb6a1ad0348bd768", "createdAtBlock": 13923754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4567, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Night Ghoul of the Pile", "text": "# The Lore of Night Ghoul of the Pile\n\nFor years, a wizard who-must-not-be-named roamed the Desert. Hearing his name would crush ones ears into dust. Seeing it written would turn eyes into magma. \n\nUntil one day the wizard was captured by a roaming band of Kobolds who had an interest in hasenpfeff. The wizard, along with his companion, was tied to a stake and was lit on fire with the ashes of the wizard's pipe.\n\nWhat emerged from the fire was so terrifying it even caused the Kobolds to flee. \n\nHalf man, half monster it was... The Night Ghoul of the Pile."} +{"id": "0dc92692-4a13-49c8-b846-0043470e734a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:32.398", "backgroundColor": "#0500ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbnMKmDqyNhY3KfaoeDcYaFTgjZcB8UwAVj6KauxzDHqu", "txHash": "0xb8ffe08ca2591b9ce864496f4b61dc55b0793d7320d7cf604da1458af97596f9", "createdAtBlock": 13924001, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9889, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Jadis of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Diabolist Jadis of the Road\n\nJadis wants to make it clear that, while she dons a cape, has a cat, and is a woman, she is not Catwoman."} +{"id": "843eec82-b5b5-4117-b03d-22a6249f0422-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:33.13", "backgroundColor": "#fcfcfc", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXP4c4zoyNhxKBuqBiSyvzPMvYsgXfzusR3b2SqjZHfka", "txHash": "0xc64c679652ca09340f1a4d6734130a801c110032b5f6d81706ce9b5eb4fb9578", "createdAtBlock": 13924063, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6624, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jahid of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jahid of the Wild\n\n**Down to earth Jahid of the Wild & his Egg**\n\n**A Short Story**\n\nJahid Wild looked at the egg in his hands and felt angry.\n\nHe walked over to the window and reflected on his surroundings. He had always loved the Wild with its strewn, empty egg shells. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel angry (the only emotion he was able to muster, as lego men are known to do).\n\nThen he saw something in the distance, or rather some_one_. It was the figure of Egg Face. Egg Face was a splendid monster with incarnations of all varieties of egg.\n\nJahid gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a down to earth, arrogant, egg nog drinker with fat elbows and skinny ankles. His friends saw him as much more than that. Once, he had even helped an upset fragile egg cross the road.\n\nBut not even a down to earth person who had once helped an upset fragile egg cross the road, was prepared for what Egg Face had in store today.\n\nThe snow flurried like scrambled eggs, making Jahid alert.\n\nAs Jahid stepped outside and Egg Face came closer, he could see the smile on her face.\n\nEgg Face glared with all the wrath of 777 yokes. She said, in hushed tones, \"I want your turban and I want your egg.\"\n\nJahid looked back, still fingering the cracked egg. \"Egg, eggs for me' lady,\" he replied.\n\nThey looked at each other and like two fools sitting at a delightful dinner party, which had reggae music playing in the background and two cowardly uncles laughing to the beat, they faced off."} +{"id": "843eec82-b5b5-4117-b03d-22a6249f0422-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:33.13", "backgroundColor": "#fcfcfc", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXP4c4zoyNhxKBuqBiSyvzPMvYsgXfzusR3b2SqjZHfka", "txHash": "0xc64c679652ca09340f1a4d6734130a801c110032b5f6d81706ce9b5eb4fb9578", "createdAtBlock": 13924063, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6624, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jahid of the Wild", "text": "Suddenly, Egg Face lunged forward and tried to punch Jahid in the face. Quickly, Jahid grabbed the egg and brought it down on Egg Face's skull.\n\nEgg's round ankles trembled. Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later Egg Face was dead.\n\nJahid Wild went back inside and made himself a nice drink of egg nog.\n\nTHE END"} +{"id": "e096ce32-d551-45d2-aa57-13712bf6319b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:42.292", "backgroundColor": "#00ff19", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRu55no68ttkHkXL4mtS1dA6GpbehBMofAXFB9LMWaMZy", "txHash": "0xdfc8dc82071d2022d219f184abedf79c4d20b0d7b466bd44c59c7cd0b132613f", "createdAtBlock": 13926045, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9906, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Delilah of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Delilah of the Brambles\n\nDelilah, Princess of grass"} +{"id": "cdb94eb4-e5fc-435c-88e8-7884229d4011-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:33.908", "backgroundColor": "#261729", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVwLLneDHXQNJHnBzd6FSwFv6fqHhYFimox6tEeKmd6YP", "txHash": "0x711be217d982fdb26cf5eeda517f2db2cce91ef628e3db775b3c2c856c3cb6e5", "createdAtBlock": 13924209, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2226, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Despot Solomon of the Death Cloud", "text": "# The Lore of Lich Despot Solomon of the Death Cloud\n\nThe worst kinds of despots are those that are dead.\n\nPrior to passing through the Flame, Solomon had no ambitions for power. Now the idea of controlling others consumes him."} +{"id": "61150139-b2d3-4ec6-be6d-8bd78a3f7e11-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:34.583", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYBiU3FTv2BdDzL3eGUUbwxjq8KPND9XVfcu8fqf783mM", "txHash": "0x1592b53f407249091b07af4a151acb5fc44c9bd199f90d3956fc2b312dc38494", "createdAtBlock": 13924245, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2739, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Celah of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Bard Celah of the Hills\n\nMy place of residence resides at the foothills of the mountains just North of Dream Master Lake. It is here where I find peace and solitude away from the chaos in the world. There is a wonderful view of both the water and the mountains from my cottage. I am a poet at heart and I write my wistful and mystical thoughts into a leatherbound book. A rare golden toad has taken a liking to me and he now follows me everywhere I go. I named him Arthur. His company is pleasant. As the sun goes down, Arthur will often roam the foothills searching for bugs to catch with his golden tongue. Before dusk I will make sure to ring my magic bell and he will come bouncing in before he loses his way."} +{"id": "09712e5d-7f04-4fbd-acf3-460f797d3148-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:10.685", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ1EuMVGqKaBs5pfeDqGjfLmQZrMHdkoWTD16YupuYG2m", "txHash": "0x817d2f624544b35db0d094c35f81db1e68acfb7499dfeeb872e5acf3e7753823", "createdAtBlock": 13950509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1215, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Evangeline of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Evangeline of the Sacred Pillars\n\nMany in the Forgotten Runes know the myth of Witch Evangeline, she who was touched by divine grace and makes the Sacred Pillars her home. Visitors to the Pillars sometimes whisper they could glimpse a flash of her azure skin or bubblegum pink hair out of the corner of their eye, but the moment they turn to look, there's nothing there. The urban legend goes: if you visit the Sacred Pillars on Halloween, make a gift offering of candy (she is particularly fond of Snickers, but only if you're not a cheapskate and offer the full size version), and ask for a trick, she will reach into her bag of tricks and bestow a blessing upon you. But beware, because Witch Evangeline's tricks are unpredictable, you might win the lottery the next day, or wake up to find yourself transformed into a frog.\n\nFew know of Witch Evangeline's dark secret: she is actually a vampire, afflicted with the curse of the immortal bat. Once upon a time, she gave in to her ravenous hunger for blood and terrorized unsuspecting villages in the Runiverse, but she is now trying to atone for those sins. These days, she only drinks cranberry juice. Unfortunately, one does not escape one's past so easily, and over the course of her very long life, she's made many powerful enemies, that she takes special care to always keep one step ahead of every day. From insidious vampire lords seeking to make an example out of her for abandoning her own kind, to vampire hunters who would like nothing more than to drive a stake through her heart, there is always someone who wants to kill Evangeline lurking around every corner, so she has made constant vigilance a way of life."} +{"id": "09712e5d-7f04-4fbd-acf3-460f797d3148-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:10.685", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ1EuMVGqKaBs5pfeDqGjfLmQZrMHdkoWTD16YupuYG2m", "txHash": "0x817d2f624544b35db0d094c35f81db1e68acfb7499dfeeb872e5acf3e7753823", "createdAtBlock": 13950509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1215, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Evangeline of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "Evangeline's dream in life is to join a coven of like-minded witches for some magical girl power, but unfortunately she has not yet found one that accepts vampires yet. She has grown terribly lonely from walking these lands in solitude, having outlived all her mortal friends, but she tries to keep a positive attitude and greet each day with a smile. Meanwhile, she has her trusty bat companion Bruce Wayne by her side, who is her best friend and she loves more than any other creature in the world. Evangeline doesnt know that Bruce is actually also a vampire stuck permanently in bat form, possibly with an agenda of his own."} +{"id": "fb206aae-3f11-4ac9-9073-d7973ae72721-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:35.26", "backgroundColor": "#4f1a45", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY7BDFz4Z7x1Hda7gmjk7WfyiRw5KFRVqXrmkwpjUG1CL", "txHash": "0xcade3fbf0cf92d896495551e5315cb597f9920eaf5da4778f2076f17a0e5ada7", "createdAtBlock": 13924284, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6625, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Rafiq of the Ethereal Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Knight Rafiq of the Ethereal Realm\n\nOne must have a key to read the lore of Wraith Knight Rafiq. Those chosen few will be able to decipher the following lore and unlock the mysteries of Wraith Knight Rafiq...\n\n... , ... // . ,., ///. ,,., //. /. /.., // ..... , ,, ... , ... . ,.,, \\"} +{"id": "783b3b63-4f6f-40ef-9714-75b5b194b181-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:36.268", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmREGCzhSX7AJKB1gZo3bwnpiecUENCKSp4fCUNq3ncpPK", "txHash": "0xd1e28ee8385193ebc21d90fef38af0dcfb938d5451dff495887461eaca32aa4b", "createdAtBlock": 13924410, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8584, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Arabella of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Arch-Magician Arabella of the Mount\n\nGreat magic is simply the action of the mind's imagination at the highest level..."} +{"id": "32a4b171-5ca9-4fd8-a89d-76c54452afa1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:37.002", "backgroundColor": "#050366", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQZwHL2eUuEt3YCyvQuVWr19aBYtEx3VEhnXJTe9EW2Ro", "txHash": "0x834ffcbaca66260301ae84574683774a477e99088029b273a04653f29da53d80", "createdAtBlock": 13924542, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5272, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Milo of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Milo of the Tower\n\nHow long has it been? Where is my journal? I mustn't forget. They said I would find her in The Thorn, but when? Before the dawn? Or was it the dusk? Curses, I'll only have the energy for one trip.\n\nOh no, no, it's happening again. This may be my last chance. I must remember, I must remember when!"} +{"id": "4f221a08-21ad-431b-9874-c79f592d1595-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:49.887", "backgroundColor": "#eab86d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZzpVdYEz6pcj9UhZ1dKtFuebzXSbSkHRyeqDTH9WfMdH", "txHash": "0x013ea52c916ece2a327acc5ddd570bae3e06365e498ae4615bee1c5cae502113", "createdAtBlock": 13927458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5612, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Iprix of the Toadstools", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Iprix of the Toadstools\n\nBorn to an affluent Wizard family, Iprix wanted nothing to do with the limelight. Instead of being an active member of wizarding society at the Capital, he longed to cultivate toadstools in the countryside. As soon as he was of age, Iprix left home in the middle of the night. All he grabbed was his blue elven cloak (which was his grandfathers, Humbog the Greats, prized possession), his joy staff and his emerald slime pet Goygboz.\n\nIprix left the Capital on a full moon night and journeyed on the Omega Oxbow road until he reached Kobolds Crossroad. From there he traveled along the outskirts of the Hedge Wizard Wood, dipping into the forest on the Carnival Pass and traversing The Fey until he arrived into a clearing at Porcrut, a tiny farming village in the remote countryside.\n\nEven though he was of famous blood, the locals had no clue who he wasIprix was finally free to obligations of family or society. He could start anew and be who _he_ wanted to be. And that, by in large, was the cultivator of toadstools.\n\nWhile not a hermit in demeanor (Iprix was always friendly to everyone he met in the village), the sage kept to himself and focused on harvesting the best toadstools that Porcrut has ever seen. Soon, the town was renowned for his potent potablewizards, sorcerers, witches and mages from all around dispatched sentries to the remote township to retrieve this magical ingredient. Life was good for Iprix. He was doing what he was always meant to do, free from the expectations of being from royal wizarding blood."} +{"id": "4f221a08-21ad-431b-9874-c79f592d1595-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:49.887", "backgroundColor": "#eab86d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZzpVdYEz6pcj9UhZ1dKtFuebzXSbSkHRyeqDTH9WfMdH", "txHash": "0x013ea52c916ece2a327acc5ddd570bae3e06365e498ae4615bee1c5cae502113", "createdAtBlock": 13927458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5612, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Iprix of the Toadstools", "text": "This respite from the real world was shattered one morning of the winter solstice when Iprix was suddenly jarred from a deep sleep after hearing a crash of the barn door followed by the loud, guttural whinnying of a black unicorn. Iprix sprang to his feet, grabbed his cloak and staff and burst through the front door, eyes ablaze with an ancient magic he had thought was long forgotten.\n\nBut he was too late. In the distance he saw the flame of the intruders lantern flickered as the black unicorn galloped away. Black magic permeated the dense, foggy morning and Iprix knew that he toadstools were stolen by a dark force full of evil energy. Concerned of what this dark sorcerer was planning, Iprix knew that it was time to leave the country and to ascend to his birthright as one of the most powerful mages this world has ever known.\n\nIprix left the countryside, his adventure just beginning.\n\n(Lore was crafted by niftypins with tons of help from my seven-year-old daughter Feather Wing Wind and five-year-old son Fast Shoesthey chose their web3 names!)"} +{"id": "f3c8de1d-bb8f-43c9-ab77-e3b747dcd2f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:40.441", "backgroundColor": "#fcff3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc4z6cL52me2aLe2s7ereGvvBQzemSp13SuUYYg9GDtVs", "txHash": "0x2264cb2f2dc4bd17354aa478078efc21040f8f0335cf9e5e5783388ff6017781", "createdAtBlock": 14751516, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3660, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Riviera", "text": "# The Legend of Archmagus Aleister of the Riviera\n\nHe was once in his village of Cap D'ail. He decided to climb the cliffs surrounding the lagoon. When he reached the top of the cliff, he cast a spell on the lagoon. The spell made the water in the lagoon turn into a yellow and blue color. The land of blue and yellow was born. The freedoms held in the land of blue and yellow where the most wonderful freedoms. People in the land of blue and yellow could do and say as they pleased. The people looked upon Archmagus Aleister as a benevolent leader on the Riviera. He preferred to til the land than to bother in political affairs. And so he did and still does until this day."} +{"id": "4350a389-ad0e-4fd7-94c9-dbbe9868d77d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:37.787", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwuyVBXAH4pHXViG2L2ThkLc9zSZuf9BakwiBVviYD3o", "txHash": "0x5a736566a211e811564dca3bbe2b963802fcf312453e4864351138335e3880b9", "createdAtBlock": 13924729, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5723, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Duzzle of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Duzzle of the Grotto\n\nComing from the depths of the Grotto, this Archmagus emerged from the dark town to find resources to help his people. Traveling along side him is his trusty Onyx wolf. \n\nTogether they start their journey and hope to one day return to the Grotto with the town needs."} +{"id": "e0fd9f28-f549-4750-85e6-ec8dbe399b48-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:38.642", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeyYZAQ1x2cziESRGkoRNQcpzoPVPb8uWDJKuCucJLv5p", "txHash": "0xb6e674a5a4e0289edb19e8137da61d373b25b14234453eccfa56b3ad0b8ff49a", "createdAtBlock": 13924763, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4490, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Mushy of the Mountain", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Mushy of the Mountain\n\nMushy - a fly agaric mushroom that lived on top of a hill as most toadstools do. His family and his clan lay together for many years, unbothered, moisturized, happy, in their patch, focused, flourishing. Only for one day a wizard of an unknown tower would drop a cruel mixture on their mountain to claim as their own.\n\nMushy uprooted himself on that day and swore vengeance through only one means - by dumping his bags on pu**ies."} +{"id": "358b300b-9843-42a2-9a89-c3e1aa9b0f7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:39.374", "backgroundColor": "#aeb8cd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRYhvWqF7m84YfmYV8fiAkRtgyPt8Sf4tPzc4szwmLMbT", "txHash": "0x62c860ad59cdd0a55aac5b8d366692a1ae0f703617c4bba4732dcb919780d29f", "createdAtBlock": 13925400, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4492, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Ilyas of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Ilyas of the Citadel\n\nI think it's time to leave. I've spent far too long here at the Yellow Wizard Haven. Although, it is hard to leave this warm weather. Not to mention, Atlanta's Pool has been an amazing place towell Wizard watch. I'd been too nervous to make any acquaintances and it wasn't any easier being a Stranger.\n\nAt least I have found what I came for. There had been rumors that the Wizards here knew more information about secret treasures and the Gate to the Seventh Realm. I've been in desperate need for an adventure.\n\nI'd overheard a man named Sorcerer Hadrien speak of being in possession of a key to the Gate of the 7th Realm. I will eventually need to get one of those for myself. This Hadrien also spoke of a treasure near Dream Master Lake that he and his companions were setting out for soon. I need to find more information on this. During my eavesdropping I heard murmurs of a tavern in Goblin Town. I'm not sure what it is I need to look for there but I will find out. Plus, at least it is somewhat on the way to Dream Master Lake.\n\nJust have to get over these cursed BattleMage Mountains. Perhaps I could avoid conflict and take a pleasant boat ride through Kelpie's Bay\n\nYes, that sounds better. One more relaxing day at Atlanta's Pool then I'll find a skipper to take me to Goblin Town. Better enjoy it.this next adventure will be anything but relaxing."} +{"id": "3c438033-4e9e-4e91-849d-bb0ffc7184de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:40.17", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeEzeZWdBhuk5wbkdQPZuvXDPtiRfgc2iUHibKhgzxKsN", "txHash": "0xe1f6a1753d3a818cb77fa5e41bfab64a92018eaaf9c154256ed5c7beed8c69f5", "createdAtBlock": 13925809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4281, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Basil of the Belfry", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Basil of the Belfry\n\nBats in the belfry? Basil thinketh not. Then again, maybe he thinketh so... One can never be to sure when one is cray like Basil."} +{"id": "55e75b09-621a-4c54-8205-8e772571779b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:40.946", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbdGgJgXCgGWirxJzDhAJ7zPWr7eTo1uoGL64PD5KPgh7", "txHash": "0xd6d0dbbd91557c1512d2e24c8c3e9e8337d979c3825e2e717a71a1e5dc195937", "createdAtBlock": 13925836, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2944, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blight Zombie Nicolas of Dread Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Blight Zombie Nicolas of Dread Tower\n\nCame up out the gutter to run the wizard game. Smoked, to the dome, a blunt so fat and dank that he is forever bound to the spirit realm."} +{"id": "14b293f3-2be2-4342-8007-7f2a40bc2d52-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:43.333", "backgroundColor": "#fa318b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc9HmyzizJJ3ofPnLG1Pd7uboHH24utcwdvkquRpSMrFy", "txHash": "0x40bc9512963adf823a0bd063f5cf42b42b2c6721159fe07e0b7e72929c626bb9", "createdAtBlock": 13926109, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8382, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Cassiopeia of the Arctic", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Cassiopeia of the Arctic\n\nThere was a melanated mother who derived from the North\n\nWith a lot of beauty and red hot like a torch\n\nShe always looked up and stared at the skies,\n\nUntil her constellation became her new disguise."} +{"id": "9f10cfa9-4198-409c-8315-4c89b7390db9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:55.853", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZmmADQt9x1MdEFkfTyVfL2t5XfYD87wMQXobtMMWhKdq", "txHash": "0x83892346da5eee9621deac8c536d7bde2dfc354568ab4b17c70a367591b6c2ae", "createdAtBlock": 13946795, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6932, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Kazem of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Kazem of the Keep\n\nThe heartiest of GMs to all. Spread love and WGMI with frens and internet anons"} +{"id": "1bc9e22c-2503-4560-ae5f-c798ed26a9b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:44.185", "backgroundColor": "#324058", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbfqvXoLRS98gUdzfqi4E1r2vZpva6PgER6N3XTE8gruY", "txHash": "0x97320ea505fb21124fa832127b05d049ea5d9bcdbc97575298a2439c5c31917d", "createdAtBlock": 13926188, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4835, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfYjjLndWHZpAfTCKcdHx4ZLSwXTTrruGhDTyHPoUgfXr", "name": "Magus Hecate of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Hecate of the Astral Plane\n\nPreviously asleep with thoughts left asunder, a rift between worlds suddenly opened and Magus Hectate of the Astral Plane was finally awakened. \n\nHe now walks the mortal planes in search of warriors and mages that can stand by his side in his quest to free the rest of his fellow magus that lay trapped in the emerald dream that haunts the astral plane..."} +{"id": "4325d470-9913-4bd4-9859-8a354efa9c71-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:44.859", "backgroundColor": "#eb1010", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc4xEqTCsH1MM3zuhBbuQJNQAgN5rmjs14UxvktS2XsDe", "txHash": "0x9e9e4569e59832c474f5ec54ed3e81ee33e83808853a5d25c713de107ef39fb1", "createdAtBlock": 13926255, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9097, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Katherine of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Katherine of the Hall\n\nKatherine's age is unknown, but her kindred spirit and love is known across all lands and sung in songs."} +{"id": "696dabe9-40ca-47b0-8d3c-7ff74f4acbf1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:45.568", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTbSzig3cmUMAHjcKUf7tJgnaAUm676db4Tn8UnfAPkEy", "txHash": "0x142c58de6082754fe081b074ba06d963e100b78ef5043be5419e6272945ac0f5", "createdAtBlock": 13926442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 955, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Zubin of Goblin town", "text": "# Wraith Knight Zubin\n\nThrough fire and water and time itself, Zubin emerged much the same and ... much different.\n\nThe sand in his hourglass still moved, but, no longer beholden to physics of the living, it sifted upward.\n\nZubin felt upside down as well, but, for the first time, he felt right."} +{"id": "36fd1821-c94e-470b-bb2c-42f204ced42a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:47.218", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP4U2JMJvFcsDN91u7ktDi3MKnvCH1HMMv5cyCJfmi5Yq", "txHash": "0x6eb5fa85de98adcf3c21a509b24237fdc963f05836a4fb7dbd4357f0e33d436e", "createdAtBlock": 14889888, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8004, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQrvbT6Zq8Emn5SMiwLKjnBCqpKnsagQRyTMAh9H4reoz", "name": "Runecaster Zaros of the Wild", "text": "Zaros heart leapt as the ground opened underneath him. It swallowed him whole, casting him into sudden darkness.\n\nHe screamed, trying to catch himself by dragging his staff along the dirt walls of the cavernous hole. His body twisted and turned, trying to fight against gravity.\n\nAbove him, a small orange cat named Apollo poked in his head. He meowed, the sound echoing down to his master.\n\nI am aware! Zaros growled at his companion. He muttered a curse under his breath.\n\nHis drawing supplies were far below him. Teeth gritted, Zaros tore open a previous wound, a scar zigzagging down his forearm. He dipped a finger into the blood and traced a rune into his palm. \n\nAflame, the rune lit up, illuminating the hole. Zaros breathed a sigh of relief as he stopped plummeting. He traced another rune into his hand. The sharp shape caused him to float upward.\n\nZaros floated to the edge of the hole where his cat waited. It sarcastically meowed again, conveying a message only he could understand.\n\nHis mouth twisted into a sardonic smile. Theyve improved the defenses in my absence. Not sure whether to be annoyed or impressed.\n\nCome on. He gestured for the fiery kitten to follow him. \n\nThe two traveled around the traps trigger. Zaros bent down to inspect and reset it. He whistled, impressed.\n\nThey entered the Marsh.\n\nHe continued down the hidden path to the Masters home. Carved into a tree every few feet were soft, curling sigils. An invisibility spell set by Zaros many years ago, when he first came upon the Masters Marsh.\n\nHe grinned as he approached the house, but the smile disappeared as it came into view. The house sagged heavily. The trees drooped to meet the ground. The air smelled sour."} +{"id": "36fd1821-c94e-470b-bb2c-42f204ced42a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:47.218", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP4U2JMJvFcsDN91u7ktDi3MKnvCH1HMMv5cyCJfmi5Yq", "txHash": "0x6eb5fa85de98adcf3c21a509b24237fdc963f05836a4fb7dbd4357f0e33d436e", "createdAtBlock": 14889888, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8004, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQrvbT6Zq8Emn5SMiwLKjnBCqpKnsagQRyTMAh9H4reoz", "name": "Runecaster Zaros of the Wild", "text": "Apollo wrinkled his nose in disgust and meowed. Zaros bent down, picking him up and placing him on his shoulder. \n\nI know. What is going on?\n\nItd been about a year since Zaros had left, resolving to travel the world and see what it had to offer. Which the Master had told him he was free to do. But as Zaros grew closer and closer to the house, he could see the state of the Marsh was poor. Even in the worst of times, the Master tended to the swamp. For it to be in this state of disarray was unbelievable. \n\nThe door opened outwards just before Zaros knocked, pushing him back a few steps. Jahid stepped out, carrying a large flask. He had used his back to open the door, before pouring a putrid substance off the front porch.\n\nZaros caught himself. Jahid? Is everything okay?\n\nJahids complexion was pale, dark circles under his eyes. The Alchemist was clearly suffering. He didnt seem to notice Zaros. Robotically, he continued back to the lab, with Zaros following close behind.\n\nJahid? he repeated. Whats going on? He put his hands on the mans shoulders and shook gently.\n\nThis seemed to snap Jahid out of his state. His eyes cleared, realizing Zaros stood before him. He smiled, but it didnt light his eyes.\n\nThe Master is sick. I cant find a way to help. Hes dying, Jahid admitted.\n\nZaros looked around the room. Dirty pots and vials covered the entire lab in a cluttered mess. A fire burned in the hearth, a large pot boiling. He leaned his head over and gagged.\n\nHe cant be, Zaros replied in denial."} +{"id": "36fd1821-c94e-470b-bb2c-42f204ced42a-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:47.218", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP4U2JMJvFcsDN91u7ktDi3MKnvCH1HMMv5cyCJfmi5Yq", "txHash": "0x6eb5fa85de98adcf3c21a509b24237fdc963f05836a4fb7dbd4357f0e33d436e", "createdAtBlock": 14889888, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8004, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQrvbT6Zq8Emn5SMiwLKjnBCqpKnsagQRyTMAh9H4reoz", "name": "Runecaster Zaros of the Wild", "text": "He cant be, Zaros replied in denial. \n\nJahid looked down sadly. I cant fix it! Its an illness weve never seen before. Ive tried everything. He pulled his hair at the scalp, clearly exhausted. \n\nZaros first instinct was to panic, but from the state of Jahid, he knew someone needed a clear head. \n\nWere going to see Uysses. \n\n\f---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPart 1: @wizard4856 \n\nPart 2: @wizard399 \n\nPart 3: @wizard8004 \n\nPart 4: @pony308 \n\nPart 5: @wizard8441 \n\nPart 6: @pony312"} +{"id": "c5cf0bbc-9cc9-4f3e-b424-dd0f1566233b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:54.151", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRmR2WNJfNNTrKFVjNU41J1AmeyQRjGcFs7shmcZx6t1P", "txHash": "0x197c7c8f87c01a48f4a32342305ac80ff0b41d5472d0113ab31558e01838d254", "createdAtBlock": 13927999, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4517, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hunted Stag Umber of the Blur", "text": "# The Lore of Hunted Stag Umber of the Blur - The Soul Hunter\n\nA hired assassin, known simply as the Soul Hunter, to the Wizard community has the ability to find and terminate the Undead. The Soul Hunter has only one ethos it lives by, it will hunt and kill any soul for a price, but it must be a noble death and it must be for the benefit of the community. \n\nWhen considering assasin offers, the bounty must be high, the Soul must be evil and the challenge must be great. \n\nShould any wizard approach the Soul Hunter with an inadequate compensation or propose a Soul assassination for personal gain or ill intent, the Soul Hunter may just come for that wizard. \n\nTread carefully, when approached death is imminent, theirs or yours."} +{"id": "389aea1e-42f2-4681-894c-98ced66c14ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:46.242", "backgroundColor": "#23013e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma5PK563wrtdLVPGRiawyt1WPqkRGhspge2tFTR6RcQND", "txHash": "0x77bfdce75e3bdee6760985e29c97f0e4e4daddb2e2e2386b53f87b5efe685608", "createdAtBlock": 13926816, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6760, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Aiko of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Aiko of the Bastion\n\nBorn to the nomadic river folk of the Kamo, Kyoto. Aiko was born with two bright red birthmarks on her forehead as if by fate. The girl Aiko Okuni quickly learned what it was to be an outsider and has discovered her unique ability to foresee the future of one's life. \n\nEverytime when ACE is drawn from Aiko's pocket she would have a choice to burn one hour of her lifespan to change the future's outcome."} +{"id": "2371f327-8288-4e35-8641-6407cb0c8ebc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:46.969", "backgroundColor": "#29d79d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTR4KxW5FNcNvhrPejJKhGpKw1vGpTtPaiFVZY3qFKYyF", "txHash": "0x9bd5d4e1f329d8e9da1b0ae7abed1e36435a6745522538342ea91330583f7ebd", "createdAtBlock": 13927173, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5992, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Nazim of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Nazim of the Veil\n\nThe most fashionable wizard of them all."} +{"id": "c5841000-7ab1-485c-b48e-00ea967cfd5b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:56.541", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQX5X6Zhcktw8ZgMcrWW8bDfC1WnmFY7E9okobYbLTK8c", "txHash": "0x53cd3046e559aea15a3a98906518068d5e5efc05ed34d4f91dfaaeaafa9cd04a", "createdAtBlock": 13946812, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6554, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jahid of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Jahid of the Ether\n\nChief Drip Officer. Looks so cold, it froze over Sauron"} +{"id": "574e6e27-f6f8-4e9a-977e-4cdc5ab11760-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:47.675", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVcfuDpQK3MBnyC4VdPrXw5wAyRUPfZPMfTMTFUJTrzk3", "txHash": "0xc9c527124f082909d06aba38c9b8512d9526e4afcc0dbfea303e8d231a6b8b12", "createdAtBlock": 13927198, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7082, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Bolin of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Bolin of the Desert\n\nBolin began working with his owner after a very unfortunate hacking incident. He is hell-bent on helping his owner seek revenge, and will do whatever it takes to achieve this end."} +{"id": "e7ba075f-b965-4202-80ec-4202891cadb0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:48.417", "backgroundColor": "#bd6819", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTNymGpgqcazZ56t3EJNVogeub5oxMCEJtmizhCAh3sxo", "txHash": "0xe31ea35033dd202b88cd0e86e5d9db10006e09803726bb08fb9f97fd1670cf23", "createdAtBlock": 13927339, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 381, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Amir from the Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Amir from the Shadow\n\nAmir searched longengly through the void. He searched for the perfect Hops. The Hops to hop all other hops. The India Pale Ale that would rule them all. One day, he found it, but the search had driven him mad. His beard had grown long, and his pet goo had grown weary. Now a days he tends a bar in a backwoods town crafting the perfect brews for any traveller that comes through. Every time they drink his IPA they exclaim it to be the greatest they ever had, but can never find their way back or remember where they bought it from. They just have a vague memory of the most delicious brew they ever tasted and are haunted by not being able to recall where they got it from."} +{"id": "c8ba0ed2-48cb-42aa-81e5-0febaad3a645-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:47.733", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmevB1z8kGNxMi7wGv5V7P34QTiMcSddN4qTfJyB1ZVgGn", "txHash": "0xb8983383c8bc2eaef4ec408bdedd3c9c8383e93fd0e1172226b06455a1457af0", "createdAtBlock": 14758751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3585, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Benito out of the Void", "text": "Raised in a household with strong religious convictions entering the service of the gods seemed natural. Although wild and undisciplined as a youngster, he realized the error of his ways. Benito applied to a monastery and became a monk as a way to live a life of discipline. When his mother suddenly passed away Benito left the Monastery. Depressed and with no ambition to go one he wandered into a village tavern and developed a taste for smoking Toad Venom and drinking Green Dragon Ale."} +{"id": "7a458575-0e19-4698-9c5b-3a012fc0d6c3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:50.739", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfSprMwUFiiwF14Kd3exSA76dxF4Rmj3Z9YBnJEdwgvo6", "txHash": "0x0ee1fa87bafe820798bfa7f9e437d07e31085284273902c14e6bb61b10b7456a", "createdAtBlock": 13927726, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 988, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Night Ghoul Maia of Nasty Town", "text": "# The Lore of a Soul\n\nNasty Town is no place for the faint of heart. It makes Mordor look like Disneyland. Few who venture here ever return.\n\nThere are whispers of a Night Goul named Maia who was born in the dark and has spent her entire life in Nasty Town. If you see her on the street, your best bet is to keep your head down and pray to the Gods she doesn't look directly into your eyes. \n\nRumor has it only the rarest of Souls can tame her Skeleton Frog and win Maia's undying love. Godspeed."} +{"id": "89068f19-d315-402b-84c0-4580422f070e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:51.414", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmexMdnVMvvK7rDUdhUnjFfj5tzd9B41Nm9q5TnsuE42Bw", "txHash": "0x3946bc01fe62607f0f9e9535a96d50bab9928e7b1249dbe384c4529d166d3d99", "createdAtBlock": 13927783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4498, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Zelroth of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Zelroth of the Desert\n\nHe awoke alone in the desert with no memory of who he was or where he came from. A troupe ofscalliwags and rapscallions took him in. He helped around the nomadic camp in exchange for rice and a cot. \n\nOn the seventeenth night of him joining the troupe, a group of Klaskian raiders stormed into the camp. They set fire to many of the shelters. \n\nWhen a mounted Klaskian reached the man's camp, the raider drew a scimitar to strike the man down. Just before the man was struck down, a bright light blasted out from his upheld hands and pulverized the Klaskian. The man was in awe and fearful, but knew what he had to do. He ran through the camp, and introduced the same fate to dozens of the Klaskians before the rest fled. \n\nIt was that night the others started calling him Zelroth, after the ancient tale of a sorcerer that could harness the power of the sun."} +{"id": "220c0ec5-6398-419e-874f-f9981f5a6fbc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:52.432", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmemS3VJWeXJTqit7Af1BgdZoUgZPxvN1CP3KAL8nEExyu", "txHash": "0xa7dcbce1fdf5c193edd5a8c493d01a7c561058085ff2552d6ddd2a5ec7518a55", "createdAtBlock": 13927923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5659, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marie Laveau", "text": "# The Lore of Marie Laveau \n\n# THE ORACLE\n\nKnow thyself. \n\nThe clairvoyant powers of the Oracle are renowned in the Kingdom. Trusted by all of the noble wizards, Marie as her friends are known to call her, possesses the ability to see the future. However, it is unclear whether the future is deterministic or probabilisitic. It is of great debate and the mystery alludes all but the powerful Merlin. \n\nMany wizards consult the Oracle, but some wizards fear her powers. Is the possession of knowledge of the future, enough to change that very future? The Oracle simply conveys what she sees but it is her belief in free will which will determine the ultimate outcome.\n\nThe Souls mission is to destroy the Oracle and it is up to the Wizards of the Runes to hide her and protect her. While she is a Soul, she is one of the greatest assets to the Wizard community who must fight off the evil powers trying to take over their world.\n\nWhen wizards make the sojourn to see the Oracle to consult her on their path she often comments \"you didn't come here to make the choice. You've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it.__\n\nEverything that has a beginning has an end."} +{"id": "e6c3483a-3eb1-412e-8e77-4e5e8ac1391c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:53.168", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqyhJ1hdCgnYZFPTmsFYgCn7bVVCL3LAg8ZzLh4fCuT1", "txHash": "0x0a2356c93724ee167b47c7d66199c7bd6cf2c47ebdc5c565d6ea6d3e767d6366", "createdAtBlock": 13927996, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7863, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Zane of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Zane of Elysium\n\nFrom a young age, Zane knew he could use his immense conjuring powers to control the fates of men. But instead, he dedicated his life to a life of service and spent his days healing the sick and wounded. \n\nZane's deeds did not go unnoticed and the God's awarded him with a life of immortality in the magical Elysian Fields, on the shores of Oceanus. There he spends his days teaching youngsters sleight of hand tricks, playing the mandolin and honing his chess game. \n\nHowever, he has a recurring dream. In the dream his great grandfather is lying on his death bed and with his final words he warns young Zane to never take a bite of Isaac's Apple. But Zane simply cannot resist and when he bites into the apple, he feels a thick cold blackness coming for him and the edges of his vision begin to blur..."} +{"id": "8aa4217e-b089-47a5-9443-b5978df09ea2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:54.792", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdJz3bfWHWpoiRFAQRzpeVLeGPxAhLATPVKGfLmCkr7P", "txHash": "0xb3fb7ca632490023500d3c8d642e6ece7a6e7e28e469dd4eb6f3970f38ca53de", "createdAtBlock": 13928168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8130, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Diana of the Fey", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Diana of the Fey\n\nLike a few others of her kind, Diana of the Fey has the power of clairvoyance. But unlike the others, hers is supernatural. She can see centuries into the future and she can see all possible realities. For this reason, many in the Wizard community seek her out in the hopes of finding their fortune or their true love. \n\nBut wizards must seek out Diana at their own peril. For she carries with her the deadly Mandrake Potion. There is only one way to create a Mandrake potion and that's by using the beating heart of a fully grown male Mandrake. The problem is, when you pull a Mandrake out of the earth, it's scream instantly kills any who hear it. \n\nTo this day no one knows how Diana came to own her Mandrake Potion."} +{"id": "3116d143-2154-42d2-9afc-1d018bde00bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:56.683", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR3ndng6RN6qXjD7EVPDXYccgDPNtwGJ2uPkBB7HjmSkZ", "txHash": "0x7a3adfc67b5f728e5f30f4240b3137ef966287a2d477265d45200513edf074b0", "createdAtBlock": 13929811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2846, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Aslan of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Aslan of the Tower\n\n\"I am the mountain, I am the way\" exclaimed Hedge Wizard Aslan of the Tower, also known as Mountain CHAD, with a branch of \"Yggdrasil\" in his right hand. His curious yet devoted companion Ratleaf - in sitting meditation by his side"} +{"id": "1abb4487-f5ad-46c6-b4ab-24fdbe071c28-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:57.402", "backgroundColor": "#ce8282", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXALqpLWdw9ciDXzr5DRcb893tA48cNbNYTpJUrM27RcM", "txHash": "0x94414a6755c3be25f179ed7b86638346b2395047112a99c1bf51b1dd9c11c4eb", "createdAtBlock": 13929855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3479, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Gorgana of the Keep", "text": "# Boollish Bumbadinga\n\nI'm BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLISH"} +{"id": "989e4ec9-3d24-4f1d-aac7-16dabf1c8850-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:58.838", "backgroundColor": "#e32f1e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcTNdusZNHBf4m93NKpR8xTBYAFdjytvH6xQuLYMZUZKP", "txHash": "0x3b277c483a2bfd61acdbea9ae8dcf41274bbd31f24115875d67212e5e2c0817e", "createdAtBlock": 13929920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7543, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lecherous Ghoul Sisk of Unparalleled Vulgarity", "text": "# The Lore of Lecherous Ghoul Sisk of Unparalleled Vulgarity\n\nAs his name suggests, Sisk's vulgarity is .... well... unparalleled. No woman, no man, no sheep, no living being (and even some not amongst the living) are safe from him. When it comes to the carnal, he is truly a king-among-kings in this area.\n\nThough his appearance might be a frightening to some, his seduction skills are also unparalleled. Get him prancing around in his fluorescent loin cloth in front of a flock of barmaids, and more than a few have fallen under his spell and sucumbed to him.\n\nA cavalry of knights were once sent to dispatch with him, and even they fell under his charm:\n\n\"He may appear to be a deamon, with all sorts of demonic pursuits, but what fun we had all of us together frequenting the taverns\" one knight remarked whistfully.\n\nIs the world is a better or worse place with Sisk in it? \n\nOn the one hand, you never know when he might show up at your front door, ready to guide you back to his lair by the titillating purple light of his candle. On the other hand, once at said layer, his definition of \"debauchery\" and \"fun\" are often quite different from anything most mortals can imagine.\n\nOne thing that is certain, whoever shall possess him shall receive the same unparalleled suduction skills that Sisk has. So before you acquire this skillset remember the agade that great responsibility comes with great privilege.\n\nUnfortunately Sisk has long since forgotten this adage."} +{"id": "dfd8796b-e1a3-473f-88d5-6a5fea1b3ca5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:59.719", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma9sP5UAwPuximTKBD5iUAJjSxg1U6dM6oyTPsVzUrSt6", "txHash": "0xb1d9a90907cd31463e54587e11445890dfc49ecfa63e915e5d8354be595bb753", "createdAtBlock": 13930249, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6693, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Hagar of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster Hagar of the Veil\n\nHe has a large array of magical assets up his proverbial sleeve and a cloak of levitation that enables him to fly by casting this spell - Wingardium Leviosa.\n\nYou may wonder when exactly he will appear.. little did you know he is always protecting the town with his magical powers. Not only that, he can also create portals to enter to the other world.\n\nHave you seen one with magical powers yet a superhero wizard? He is one you wouldn't missed.\n\nAnd this is where magic begins...."} +{"id": "4e678ed2-e716-4120-8ff8-2c8c81e876af-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:01.446", "backgroundColor": "#1672b4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfReWH27LCVKqKZCcy7iUZkUvtUV7rsQBi8rejAbxtWSP", "txHash": "0xcd84e7e258336f2a04137d6025c6c23e93f5a9bf4f7f1506bcd928f3e9a11830", "createdAtBlock": 13930593, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9638, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Blaise of the Woodlands", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Blaise of the Woodlands\n\n Transmuted through space and time Hedge Wizard Blaise of the Woodlands finds himself in yet another unknown enchanted universe, but yet, somewhat familiar magical place and chain.\n\nHe knows now, yet again, he has been summoned to some other land to prepare to do battle against the dark forces that roam this world.\n\n Blaise goes forward into the unknown with his powerful horseshoe in hand and the rune of Neptunes magic to guide his spirit. He is prepared for whatever quest may manifest for him to accept."} +{"id": "e193056d-ae9c-4bbc-b931-002011e69ec2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:02.119", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9sEzEtuevvCkwHJ7p4xX6u9ostpznX6Fucx6YZmVQ5F", "txHash": "0xe0eea94bac742cc1f6674fc726ec95bdd60c2b9360a74b3d514d4005ff0932ef", "createdAtBlock": 13930822, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7057, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of of the Atheneum\n\nA nameless gentleman who is one of the longest employed members of the Atheneum. When he's not watching over the reference desk or finding a rare manuscript from the depths of the archives he can be found roving the reaches of the realm on the Atheneum's highest priority overdue book collection jobs. He has a reputation for being highly efficient and tenacious in his collections, once interrupting a wedding ceremony over a particularly rare scroll that was 5 months overdue.\n\nThe Atheneum's patrons may not know his name, but they know it's bad news if they have overdue books and see him coming in their direction."} +{"id": "ff1b5fba-ec2c-430f-9b1c-710e224d6d83-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:03.047", "backgroundColor": "#10620c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaT5VV87KKzx6ZjSGpEmTV6WkrC9d78HGW8AxkFi5AHhc", "txHash": "0x4a251bc71e7fc098b8fa6b191bda40e1d7087d7e301a34d6af49d82f81bab0e4", "createdAtBlock": 13930898, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1333, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Caligula of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Caligula of the Bastion\n\nIt rained again. Right according to plan, 90% of the rain was blocked by this fine shrubbery I had found myself in last night.\n\nAccording to plan, the other 10% was absorbed by my dinner suit. Sure, it'd been months since I'd been to a formal party. But by George, I'm prepared for the next one. \n\nIf there's anything can be said about Caligula, it's that I am always prepared for a fancy party! I'm always dressed well. \n\n\"Clean?\" well that's an entirely different proposition.."} +{"id": "32a48326-c039-4c11-b98b-6cad0a585271-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:03.822", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP4fBQC3DTMJ6csT4okGth8H7bhVjxYjH81V7zhG9owoV", "txHash": "0x89369dd234498c31778a86fc07c7a5a76d847129cfeca45571424edd4e1f81f5", "createdAtBlock": 13930909, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8297, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Eric of the Cosmos\n\nAn 27-year old man lost his job following by the divorce of his wife. \n\nUpon some self-introspection at night at a bar, he concludes that his life was ultimately pointless. \n\nAfter leaving, he starts to walk down a street and sees a speeding truck heading towards a small child crossing the road, in an attempt to do something meaningful for once in his life. He manages to pull the child out of harm's way before getting himself in the way of the truck and dying. \n\nAwakening in a new body, he realizes he has been reincarnated in a world of sorcery, the world of the Forgotten Runes. He have decided to become a changed man and prosper in his new life, discarding his past identity for his new life. Due to inherited affinity and early training, he becomes highly skilled at magic with help from his previous life's intuitions and experiences."} +{"id": "58d19e18-fe2d-4715-bbec-2ba9bd96ec9e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:00.638", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRaVcKoWngbZmuQezEnjZF4nbxHJ2mUcxbvCuGGQFRsLB", "txHash": "0x4f1db414c9a283f19999deb2c0a7a126e2dbf7bc9a52323bf539c8ff2d4da15d", "createdAtBlock": 16217677, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7005, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPNZeu1wNNjftjyYoxos9DEE3QLUqyZD5AtAuTZ3WM3cC", "name": "Horned Phantasm Caligula of the Smell", "text": "# The Lore of a Soul\n\nIt began with the Gathering, wizards from across the land called to the sacred flame. For a brother would take the leap of faith and journey on to the next realm.\n\nThe wizards stood silently all in attendance and the flame began to flicker.\n\nFrom high above a mist like midnight slithered down consuming the crowd and creating pandemonium, the flame a burning beacon.\n\nThis was how they hid their dark deeds. I felt the blow which cracked my skull and lunged me through the flame, consuming my body and altering my destiny. My loyal fox leaped to aid me but he too disappeared into the light.\n\nThis is the lore of a Soul, of the journey to solve a wrong and punish foul deeds.\n\nIt is also a quest to return to the land of life and flesh about rumours and writings of the ancients of the Phoenix Flame. Believed to be able to reverse the sacred flame.\n\nOf traveling west over the great Salt Sea, passed the Alchemist Archipelago and on to Forgotten lands and salvation."} +{"id": "58d19e18-fe2d-4715-bbec-2ba9bd96ec9e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:00.638", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRaVcKoWngbZmuQezEnjZF4nbxHJ2mUcxbvCuGGQFRsLB", "txHash": "0x4f1db414c9a283f19999deb2c0a7a126e2dbf7bc9a52323bf539c8ff2d4da15d", "createdAtBlock": 16217677, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7005, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPNZeu1wNNjftjyYoxos9DEE3QLUqyZD5AtAuTZ3WM3cC", "name": "Horned Phantasm Caligula of the Smell", "text": "Much had changed in the time Caligula had been away, had it been that long. \nIt wasnt only the realm that had changed Caligula wasnt the same creature from his first travels.\nThe light and hope that had burned bright for a cure to his metamorphosis from the burning flame had faded, snuffed out. There was no turning back and with the realization that all the searching was a waste a darkness crept in. \nIt was at this time of change and loss of hope that Caligula was lost forever to the red ring. It amplified the darkness, gave him strength and focus. His magic grew stronger and gnarly, his corruption was complete.\nHe stepped forward the grass browning under his step. \nThe Smell was a distant journey, soon though he would be home to the welcoming smell of sulphur, his haven and nothing would be the same"} +{"id": "b48490b6-f646-4c71-92a0-4665730c74bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:08.441", "backgroundColor": "#02001f", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehtoDeKY5zHySibwZiNfrDmS67vQZrerVNMQTodKTUtG", "txHash": "0x0189a71b71af6945cd841b8a76f5db57d542e1e5e27f4fa522c999ba4769ba25", "createdAtBlock": 13932547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9990, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Eizo of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Eizo of the Field\n\nIn a dark magical tower there lived a mystic Pyromancer named Eizo of the Field. Not a grand idyllic, simple tower, filled with spells and a worrying smell, nor yet a sticky, hairy, minuscule tower with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Swamp Bullfrogs-magic tower, and that means warmth and spells. \n\nOne day, after a troubling visit from the Elf Raito and Alchemist Aleister of the Mount, Pyromancer Eizo of the Field left his cold, moisty tower and set out in search of three enchanted maps. A quest undertaken in the company of his favorite frog. \n\nDuring his travels, Eizo rescued a Hobgoblin's Flame, an heirloom belonging to his good old friend the Swamp Bullfrog. \n\n\"A search for three enchanted maps was always going to be compelling. The addition of giants, gnomes and goblins just makes it even more awesome.\""} +{"id": "75060833-5c03-4d70-bd82-5ce759a5025e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:10.246", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbjDdPfhRwxuNg9igwSjEQcV235ddYcgG9DZGYVow45q7", "txHash": "0x068b5f0460cf8ce8a1de192d94e5d73dce20c574ff36962e92c29d43b0467f69", "createdAtBlock": 13933606, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Katherine of the Marsh", "text": "# A Charming Darkness\n\nA faint enticing smell lingers in the air, the sweet aroma reminiscent of roses. A ticklish laugh echoes across the walls as a fluttering finger crosses the dim foggy veil into a half-misty vision.\n\nThe hand soon follows. Porcelain skin smoothly flows from each finger to their collective limb, the wrist narrowing slightly to a shapely curve around which is wrapped a crimson band. Then the forearm leads to a relaxed elbow. The joint angles slightly as the arm leads to a bare shoulder glowing faintly from a phantasmic light.\n\nNext come the feet, clad in deeply russet mid-calf boots. The solid heels clank against an unseen floor; the sounds reverberate across the seeming void. Shapely legs appear, bending sprightly at the knees with vigor. The thighs are lithe but robust, the tight form-fitting rose colored fabric accentuates the powerful shapely lower limbs.\n\nA girdle made of tough leather covers the wider hips that narrow to an hourglass waist. The toned stomach shows hints of strong lines defining the muscles that run along it, up to a moderate bosom only partially covered by the crimson rose fabric favored by the wearer. The path upwards leads to a similar red colored scarf that entwines around a neck neither too long nor too short.\n\nAtop the shoulders rests a head, from which the flowery fragrances emanate. A soft chin with full cheeks and a modest jawline reveal scarlet lips upturned in a flirtatious smile. The supple lips lead up to an adorable button-like nose. One sapphire blue eye gazes, heavily lidded, while the other eye is hidden behind neck length golden yellow hair. Three blossoms adorn the young womans locks, giving off wafts of entrancing perfume. And then the hand, the first vision obtained in this umbral world, caresses your cheekbone."} +{"id": "75060833-5c03-4d70-bd82-5ce759a5025e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:10.246", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbjDdPfhRwxuNg9igwSjEQcV235ddYcgG9DZGYVow45q7", "txHash": "0x068b5f0460cf8ce8a1de192d94e5d73dce20c574ff36962e92c29d43b0467f69", "createdAtBlock": 13933606, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 261, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Katherine of the Marsh", "text": "Your cheekbone? You try to look around frantically but your gaze is fixed, moving only as far as the womans hand holding your head allows. You cannot feel the rest of your body. You cannot even really feel your face. You only think that you do, at least probably, still have a head that is currently being held in the ladys grasp.\n\nOh, are you awake my dearest? The radiant maidens face beams at you. We had so much fun last night I hope you remember it. We will remember it! Forever.\n\nYou search the rapidly fleeing memories in the sieve that is now your ghostly skulls remains and can only mutter weakly, Katherine\n\nYes, she giggles. Her eyelashes flutter and her eyelids remain half-hooded over her eyes as she gazes into the remnants of your fading vision in your empty eye sockets. But you can call me Kitty. Lets enjoy our wonderful darkness. Together.\n\nYour final consciousness fades as you only briefly feel the light flicker of her lips against your ethereal forehead. And then you feel nothing as you dissipate completely into her shadows."} +{"id": "bcee40a3-74ad-47d1-b58f-19173a32216f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:10.96", "backgroundColor": "#e41b1b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYXsWaFEBuEddHDq5Q8DZFYZJVobKeqrt2htE8mMophEv", "txHash": "0xd8c03b3586ffa22b52d7d8918cd96ef42d7c71fe725d9cb8b15780c5a8dbef23", "createdAtBlock": 13933816, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3290, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Leah of the Circle", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Leah of the Circle\n\nLeah,\n\nA Member of the Circle since as long as she can remember.\n\nLeah never met her real family.\n\nThe Circle is the only family she will ever know.\n\nTogether with her slime, Stupendous, she attempts to balance the forces of nature. \n\nNot to be trifled with. Short tempered but strong willed. Leah is a friend to all but a fearsome foe when crossed.\n\nLeah will stop at nothing to have her slime become a druid as well.\n\nLong live the Circle."} +{"id": "bb326788-7f8a-43ac-b7df-8805d96fc430-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:11.72", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWg2SJh8BEe4X5itbWfFmfu3bWPdoA2CKVnV9hp2HneFu", "txHash": "0x0b492e293f488a12df2587f7defc9ae8812bfe57c409f02c8f8d6734b1efc618", "createdAtBlock": 13934145, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8551, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Isaac of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Isaac of the Astral Plane\n\nIsaac is a simple wizard, he loves fireworks and fruitarianism and if you so much as think of eating an animal, or a fruit from a plant that has not consented to the picking of said fruit, HOW DARE YOU! But I digress, Isaac is a simple wizard, he is a wizard who keeps to himself, and can oftentimes be found in The Fey or The Carnival Pass, speaking with his favorite apple tree, Gerald McIntosh. On this particular day, he and Gerald are having their usual chat of why totalitarian governments could make interrupting nature a crime punishable by minimum sentencing, when a Crone in a purple outfit walks by, not noticing him. A few minutes later, a peculiar army of frogs cross in the same direction, a couple moments pass, and the Crone begins to scream."} +{"id": "a6d6b7b9-e879-4a83-b8a0-8706db8f0725-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:12.408", "backgroundColor": "#aacdf5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatWUTXdqWDy8dhNQtnXa27TYFywEJgTVgCmQscjaTt6f", "txHash": "0x585647d0266a2f1acc19faede28d80a58269da15989abf00085d9ba9c09ce4df", "createdAtBlock": 13934325, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3279, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Tundror of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Tundror of the Grotto\n\nHarm or heal. This is the conflict that Tundror faces. Raised by a bunch of rough and tumble nomadic battle mages in The Wild, Tundror has never had much time to think. After all, who can think when you are trying survive the elements, attacks and starvation? Not to mention three older brothers ready to pound you to dust.\n\nBut in brief moments of calm, Tundror questions his role in waging war. Arent the enemies made of the same flesh, bone and blood as he? Dont they have mothers and fathers wishing for their safe return home? But questioning war makes a weak warrior, so Tundror escaped the battlefield on a sojourn to the Dream Master Lake to have a break from fighting.\n\nHe met Archmagus Milton (#101) there, who, before passing through The Sacred Flame and becoming a Soul, taught Tundror the art of potion making. But instead of focusing on the Passion Potion of his mentor, Tundror was drawn to the healing power of the Astral Potion, a concoction that was more than magic, it was atonement.\n\nAfter inflicting so much pain on the world, Tundror left the Dream Master Lake a new man. A man who set out to heal the world through his magic instead of tearing it apart."} +{"id": "d74f53cc-c9c3-4d6c-a58e-8f363e670797-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:13.871", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSWjdLhwcYMsvmcXJcV5XG1X6X7M3Nm7uBcTLDcHuufJS", "txHash": "0x3618a45be0338bb0e9980a593a21cac302ee3fe8c45496846a9ca3029d0b34ad", "createdAtBlock": 13934421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7726, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYe8Tugdr9gqjz6zfxks36ENXAbDRA32jaiaqwRQT9qpr", "name": "Pyromancer Zaros ", "text": "# The Lore of Zaros, the Pyromancer\n\n## In the desolate lands of a world now divided into \n covens, Zaros lived, a nomadic wizard who did \n not belong to any coven.\n\n With more than 16 years old Zaros had to choose his place in the world and thought that music would be his home, but it was not so; in the coven of musician wizards he could not integrate, could not find an instrument but above all he could not find his voice.\n\n \n\n The law says:\n\n## **_If a magician does not find the gift chosen by him he \n must declare himself null, that is, devoid of all magic \n and outside any coven._**\n\n\n After many years to date, Zaros is a lonely man, without a home but above all without aim: wandering through the woods looking for the reason of its existence.\n\n \n\n One day, as he was passing the unapproachable Hedge Wizard Wood, so called because only those who possess a gift, could absorb new magic formulas that the ancient master trees whissued in the wind, he met a magical pony that started to follow him.\n\n \n\n \n\n The two didnt open their mouths until Zaros noticed the strange light the Pony rune was constantly emanating:\n\n_ \n\n _Who are you? What do you want from me? - Z_aros asked, interrupted by \n the hard sound that his voice took on, he hadn't heard it in several \n years, he had never talked to anyone.\n\n _Darcy the keen from the big lineage six magic ponies_ - the pony \n introduced himself as if he were in front of someone very important.\n\n _Well, what do you want from me?_ - asked the poor man, tired of too \n many words."} +{"id": "d74f53cc-c9c3-4d6c-a58e-8f363e670797-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:13.871", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSWjdLhwcYMsvmcXJcV5XG1X6X7M3Nm7uBcTLDcHuufJS", "txHash": "0x3618a45be0338bb0e9980a593a21cac302ee3fe8c45496846a9ca3029d0b34ad", "createdAtBlock": 13934421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7726, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYe8Tugdr9gqjz6zfxks36ENXAbDRA32jaiaqwRQT9qpr", "name": "Pyromancer Zaros ", "text": "_Please be silent, I was given a prophecy that says: the key is the nomad \n and the lock is the light that will illuminate your path in search of \n what no one can see except from friendly flames but I didnt \n understand much about it, but I found you who are nomad!_\n\n\n_ \n\n _I dont want to meddle in any trouble, goodbye heavenly friend_\n\n\nSo he did left, without looking back, but after a few hours he realized he was still in the company of the pony but pretended nothing, until he heard a whisper, it looked like the whisper of the wind, but he couldn't understand what he was saying.\n\n _Damn, Ill be crazy! Only wizards can hear master trees from the wind... \n -_ trying to convince himself that it was all the fruit of his imagination\n\n _Oh no my dear nomad, its you. The chosen one. He who will have the \n power to see beyond, in friendly fire!_\n\n\n _Go back to where you came from!_\n\n\n## **Look at the flame inside you,** \n\n## **take it and make it your rebirth**\n\n\n _I have to, I have to do it, theyre driving me! Darcy are talking to me! - \n t_he man couldnt believe it._ \n\n _Go_\n\nWith his consent the new nascent wizard began his inner journey, to find the flame and light himself once and for all.\n\n \n\n_(Courtesy of Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult)_"} +{"id": "547d3961-ad9b-4eb7-b5ac-872dac23d669-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:14.546", "backgroundColor": "#03031c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbKy2z7Q2i4nySPvSyF1aNrv7UXTkov4fa47WZXUrnuqS", "txHash": "0x653bd24d85ef1ccfa8d04fa05a3fab630ab1cb6673dfcd8cb33d3c7a23bc2b50", "createdAtBlock": 13934505, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9748, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hashim of the Obelisk", "text": "# Dark Days for Sorcerer Hashim of the Obelisk\n\nWhen you're born without a face, even your own mother can't objectively say if you're cute or not. Such is the case for Hashim. Thankfully, there is no gore revealed on their visage simply an impenetrable darkness... but a loveless one. Anonymity seems like it'd be coupled with the feature, but it turns out having no face is more distinct than having a handsome or ugly one.\n\nSo that's Faceless, loveless and conspicuous. All for simply being born. Born in the shadow of the Obelisk approximately 3 minutes after their mother fornicated under said Obelisk. Is Hashim cursed? Blessed? They have no idea but are currently of the mind that they dislike being faceless.\n\nThus Hashim spends their waking hours pouring over old tomes, combing through decrepit libraries and fornicating under the Obelisk in search of the sacred knowledge of the faceless. These studies have brought them intimate knowledge of magical potion-craft and might be consider Hashim's specialty... after the fornicating. \n\nHashim's latest azure concotion was developed from bat guano and other ingredients found deep within the caves below the Obelisk. It was intended to reveal a missing face, but upon ingestion has in fact made the rest of their body a matching dark shroud. Interesting. Hashim imagines that there is perhaps a desire for this effect elsewhere and is determined to distribute it far and wide.\n\nHashim is now of the mind that if they can't amend this trait, they shall normalize it and be the peddlar of the Dark Visage. Surely no ill-effects could come of this!\n\n\"C'mon Guano, let us move on.\" Hashim announces to his familiar as they depart the looming Obelisk in the dead of night."} +{"id": "35b03290-5326-46b9-9177-6d09442b9467-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:57.189", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdmXif9A5jVA71pc14pK8V3MY9Ec4L9ECjKjn4wX7hRAT", "txHash": "0xb5bc7ca66aa1c347f92e52c2d5f6ea0d28b29080c19fb30e9595f7d2f98e22d3", "createdAtBlock": 13947180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1870, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Glacier", "text": "# The Lore of Orpheus of the Glacier\n\nBorn a noble, laid softly into luxurious satin sheets, Lord Belmore of the Valley was no stranger to privilege. His father a Nobel landowner and dedicated tax collector made life hellish for the peasants of the realm, taking more than his share in order to shower his only son with gifts greater than any boy could dream. Belmores mother had been taken by the plague of the undead which had swept the valley only one year after the boys birth and therefore he never knew a womans touch, only an old mans greed.\n\nAs he came of age Belmore learned the ways of his father and fell in stride. He took what he wanted without a thought, gold, horses, land, women. His lust for all things beautiful became known beyond the Valley and throughout the kingdom. His parties were lavish, bacchanals of earthly delights, where guests satisfied their most carnal needs. And yet he was not satisfied.\n\nOn the eve of his eighteenth birthday, a sorceress from the Veil appeared to him in a dream. She told Belmore that she would grant him any wish he desired, as she knew it was desire alone that had long plagued the young Lord's heart. His wish to the sorceress was to be as powerful and wealthy as his father, for in his small sphere it was only his father who had more power than he. Upon waking the next morning he heard the cries of the maids through the castle. His father's heart had given out in the night and the Lord of the Valley was dead. Belmore ran to his bedside and held his father's head against his own, begging for forgiveness and cursing the sorceress as he wept."} +{"id": "35b03290-5326-46b9-9177-6d09442b9467-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:57.189", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdmXif9A5jVA71pc14pK8V3MY9Ec4L9ECjKjn4wX7hRAT", "txHash": "0xb5bc7ca66aa1c347f92e52c2d5f6ea0d28b29080c19fb30e9595f7d2f98e22d3", "createdAtBlock": 13947180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1870, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Glacier", "text": "He left the Kingdom that very day with nothing. Not a horse, not a skin of mead, not a song in his heart. He walked into the dark wood and aimlessly he wandered. Days passed, months, years, and he was lost to the world. Rumors of the mad boy who killed his father swept through the realm. Belmore the greedy, Belmore the broken, and in time even those tales began to fade into dust.\n\nJust as a tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. And Belmore could not face the man he had become. He could not bear to see his reflection in the springs he drank from, nor hear the whispers of his demise in the rustling leaves. Belmore knew he could no longer go on in this world and so he went to the vampire cliffs and there he stood ready to leap to his death.\n\nBut he didnt leap, for the strangest thing occurred. A fox, no larger than a mink, with hair as red as the evening sky appeared at the edge of the tree line. The fox stood on his hind legs and beckoned for Belmore to follow him. Belmore stood still. Once again the fox beaconed and this time gave a small yelp."} +{"id": "35b03290-5326-46b9-9177-6d09442b9467-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:57.189", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdmXif9A5jVA71pc14pK8V3MY9Ec4L9ECjKjn4wX7hRAT", "txHash": "0xb5bc7ca66aa1c347f92e52c2d5f6ea0d28b29080c19fb30e9595f7d2f98e22d3", "createdAtBlock": 13947180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1870, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Glacier", "text": "Belmore stepped away from the cliffs and followed the fox back into the woods. He hurriedly chased after the small animal struggling to keep up. Just when he thought he had lost the magical creature he stepped into clearing and there he saw the most wonderful vision. A meadow filled with colorful mushrooms unfolded in from of him. The fox dug at the base of one of the mushrooms and broke it free from its earthly bed. Using his nose and paws the small creature rolled the mushroom to Belmore and laid it at his feet. Belmore leaned down and picked up the mushroom, the fungi glowed from the inside out and seemed to breathe its own breath, in and out, matching that of the young man.\n\nThe fox once again stood and gave a small yelp, pushing the mushroom upward with his nose, encouraging Belmore to eat. So eat he did. The mushroom did not taste bitter, nor sweet, it was a flavor he had never known, a taste he could not pinpoint nor equate to anything else. He closed his eyes and savored the flavor and when he opened them again the world around him had changed. The colors of the clearing filled his eyes with beauty beyond any he had ever known, the forest danced around him, a unified entity all part of the same life force.\n\nHe felt strength in his body and mind, more strength than he had ever known. His eyes saw further, his ears heard more, his senses heightened. He felt capable of anything and empowered as never before. When Belmore looked down the fox had grown to the size of a wolf. He stood tall onto his hind legs, and spoke to Belmore plainly."} +{"id": "35b03290-5326-46b9-9177-6d09442b9467-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:57.189", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdmXif9A5jVA71pc14pK8V3MY9Ec4L9ECjKjn4wX7hRAT", "txHash": "0xb5bc7ca66aa1c347f92e52c2d5f6ea0d28b29080c19fb30e9595f7d2f98e22d3", "createdAtBlock": 13947180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1870, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Orpheus of the Glacier", "text": "Belmore, your life still has purpose. Your path is not yet at its end. You must strip yourself further, bare your soul to the sky and become the rock and the wind and the ice. You will go to the glacier to find your true meaning. Only the mountain can harness the power you now possess, and there you will learn to wield this power, like the mushroom Wizards of old. You will learn their ways, their songs, their stories and then, and only then, will you find your destiny. Hence forth you will be known as Orpheus of the Glacier.\n\nAnd so it was, and so it shall be."} +{"id": "e9212255-2571-455e-9568-ee7c09b95913-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:16.011", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcJXpGZjpwZfXfAegRu5Azk8AVs9DSUx6QcCEGc4CMwsA", "txHash": "0xe8eeb3be693fb0d66f50bca2c07884767bc704d2562eace35dc1f46ed803150b", "createdAtBlock": 13934722, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1331, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Setsuko of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Setsuko of the Sands\n\nSage Satsuko wandered the desert in search of the secret of sand bending. Eventually, she came across a cave where another Sage had come before to meditate. She thought, \"I will learn the secret of sand bending or I will die on this spot\""} +{"id": "2beeafec-398f-422d-be91-97e674f9c331-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:16.692", "backgroundColor": "#0d2017", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPSToJ8G1wPYjGYyXJCJ71MgSRy5GRAawxUPomKgZiVrX", "txHash": "0xbf84a1eaa12066abdcdcd82bee9f3ffad7517ffbc7ace4017c656d16536904e9", "createdAtBlock": 13935329, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2585, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfYNco7F8tAqWknY1cZzVwLxekctcjGJD8JXvgbd8j3KW", "name": "Magus Oiq of Cuckoo Land", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Oiq of Cuckoo Land"} +{"id": "6edca750-4beb-43fa-ae14-4b5b43e81558-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:17.457", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT5R9aNLFr5NjhZPKy3F3uoonJ3Qceh7aAmtjyi3LdPV8", "txHash": "0xc07bb2306fd5462fa826ee63966fdcf982f9d1cd0357b97d13c7acf4682218da", "createdAtBlock": 13936397, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 93, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Diana of Avalon", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Diana of Avalon\n\nDruid Diana is a member of the learned class among the ancient Celts. She is amble to harness nature's raw energy for an incredible breadth of offensive and defensive abilities, as well as the ability to restore life to the wounded.\n\nA guardian of the wilderness, Druid Diana is a master of the natural order."} +{"id": "c24e7aa8-5534-4bd1-9b08-3fe5e7aa932c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:18.124", "backgroundColor": "#61ef4f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSzTbfFrkaRUmHPzSd2YVWTTVNXchkK8UStxLbsSvtfQw", "txHash": "0xe6a9030b50b8e8cdf9f351f40ef238b277e22528bc32aa38f9449076112207f6", "createdAtBlock": 13936938, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9907, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaCdR7Ci5AxDVPK23otyou9N55R8NiFtpPEAKnFuCx6XK", "name": "Sorcerer Soya of the Desert", "text": "# Sorcerer Soya of the Desert\n\n \n\nFrom an early age, Sorcerer Soya of the Desert studied horticultural arts to become a master botanist, grower, and apothecary. Through a deep connection with the earth and the flora within its biodiverse ecosystems, Soya has made it his lifes work to cultivate the most potent and beneficial plants in a sustainable manner. \n\nHe is the proprietor of Soyas Herbals, well known for its unique medicines, potions and herbs, most notably Cannabis. For many years Soya travelled the world, seeking out and collecting the most exotic and powerful heirloom varieties. \n\nWith this bounty of genetic riches, Soya set to work in his garden. Cultivating the genomes over decades and breeding some of the most exotic strains in existence. One of his more famous Cannabis strains, an Indica dominant hybrid named Wizards Kiss, is legendary for its healing and protective properties.\n \nSoyas core tenant is that sacred herbs should be accessible to those in need and not only for those with means. Soyas Herbals operates as a non-profit that allows clients to pay what they can afford for their medicine. Because of this Soya is revered for his generosity, and Soyas Herbs is seen as a beacon for the community at large."} +{"id": "917116de-5383-4696-93f8-3b511849c2d9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:29.206", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc7rYcV3T3hgzp4h3sVggGyHUdyhaGza78fw5vyzyjTCt", "txHash": "0x3c02b19a02b979ce85128d049f14015dd945e3db2a670ada6eb0a9504dec4ed6", "createdAtBlock": 13940009, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6424, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Caligula of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster Caligula of the Mist\n\nCaligula knows that he is fated for a life alone, no pets, no ponies and no friends. His creator was appalled with Caligulas appearance and tried to destroy Caligula but some evil in this new world saved the wizard. Instead of companionship, Caligula desires power. To gain power Caligula will lie, cheat and destroy. Do not feel bad for this wizard, his appearance is a mirror into his soul. All those who cross his path have crossed the path of evil and must cross into the Cuckoo Land and the Psychic Leap in order to cleanse the evil from their present and future."} +{"id": "ba2c6e34-7df4-4c0c-8fd4-39540437bb19-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:20.843", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQkmPgPbQBGZSYYbCK9dTQUZTxAz78mWHg8VR2qGg2HLm", "txHash": "0xee28bd5b8cd9d45dbef0f5ee7e1454b22c5f03db2e513723bd385019fdd06e44", "createdAtBlock": 13937059, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1529, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Numpty of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Numpty of the Mount\n\n<,<<,<<< represents different voices in his head \n\nAs I sit here on my stoop thinking of a time that was simple. \nHow did I end up here? How did I think it would work? \n\nI tried I swear. but..I just watched as they burned. \n\nI couldn't save a single one. I just sat there and watched as my friends burned. \n\nThey promised us riches and fame.But all that became of them was ash and bones.They all joke about how these vial donuts are rare but they have no clue the sacrifice my friends made.I made \n\nHow can I fix this? I've tried everything: blood of the immortal one, unicorn hairs, every incantation I know. \n\n The pen is mightier than the sword_, or so it has been said._\n> \n> _One could argue however, that such points of view, justified as they may well be, also come from a certain position of entitlement and good fortune. For surely those who have been unfortunate enough to find themselves on the pointy end of the sword, and I hope you will pardon the pun, may find it hard to reconcile such conjecture._\n> \n> _In the grand scheme of things, on matters on a larger scale and of deeper import, I would tend to agree with the former; it is in the stories, in the education and in the lore that we may transcend and ascend, become more, grow as a speies - whereas the sword, well it may serve to dominate and defend, surely cannot create, only destroy._\n> \n> _And yet therein lies the crux, for to be bestowed the privilege to not only read, learn and grow, but to also wield such potent power that the pen represents, one may very well also depend on those who are willing to wield the sword. For the enemies of truth are many, and only behind safety can one truly express freely._\n> \n> _So wield thy pen not lightly, should you interestes lie in changing the world. Be thankful to the sacrificial sword that thou so permits, and I shall hope your intentions are for the better and not for worse._\n> \n> \n> A Tratsie on Penmanship and Swordmanship\n> \n> \\_Archamgus Ixar\\_"} +{"id": "87881fc5-408c-4370-afb0-29f7744757e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:43.492", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXZ4o8hrVWiA8MFXkA81mK9BrSxfenPEPRGfW78dttVuB", "txHash": "0x9623b2d24fd2b8d1a91955cd37596b20e1fb4d5e3e32c6ea183454e402af6865", "createdAtBlock": 14718377, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 224, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Silas of the Hall", "text": "# The Origin Story\n\nHe opened his eyes- or at least he thought he did. Everything was pitch black. He tried blinking but his vision was unchanged- black either way. It didnt matter really, he had to get out. He outstretched his arms as far as he could but his elbows were still bent when his hands hit the walls. They were soft yet rigid; a suffocating warmth exuding from them. He kicked and punched at his prison with all his might, turning in circles until he no longer knew which way was up. He suddenly was being strangled but by who? Who was there? He tried to shout but he couldn't breathe. A chord was tightening quickly around his neck. This was it he thought, this is how he goes out, when suddenly he felt a rumble. The vibrations were all encompassing and he felt his whole body shake. Much to his terror, the walls started moving, creeping ever closer to his tired body. He surrendered to the movement- it was all he could do. He felt himself sliding downward, was there a tunnel in this pit he hadnt discovered? he thought to himself, defeated. There was a bright flash of light right before he lost consciousness.\n\nWhy isnt he crying? wailed his mother, who was barely conscious herself. She had been in labor for almost a full day. The midwife grabbed the infant by his feet and dragged him from his mother. Out came his legs, belly, shoulders, all a sad shade of blue.She saw the umbilical chord wrapped around his neck several times. He must have been doing somersaults in there thought the midwife, sadly. She quickly severed the chord and handed the baby to his mother. Im so sorry she whispered with true remorse hanging onto every word. \n\nHis mother held her baby to her chest, pleading silently into his wispy hair."} +{"id": "87881fc5-408c-4370-afb0-29f7744757e7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:43.492", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXZ4o8hrVWiA8MFXkA81mK9BrSxfenPEPRGfW78dttVuB", "txHash": "0x9623b2d24fd2b8d1a91955cd37596b20e1fb4d5e3e32c6ea183454e402af6865", "createdAtBlock": 14718377, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 224, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Silas of the Hall", "text": "His mother held her baby to her chest, pleading silently into his wispy hair.\n\nHe slowly stirred in his mind. Where was he? He was fairly certain he was no longer trapped in prison. There was a new sensation on his body, a pleasant warmth, a dry warmth, a soft warmth. He felt very at peace and almost drifted off to sleep without a word until he realized there was a red glow to his vision. He mustered all of his strength and opened his eyes and was utterly shocked to see a womans face looming over him, with the most blinding light behind her. He gasped, suddenly able to breathe, and began to scream.\n\nHis mother was so startled she almost dropped him. The midwife, who was leaving the room, ran back in. Please, let me see him, he gave us quite the scare, '' she said. His mother sighed and very reluctantly handed off her squalling son. Sigh less, miss said the midwife, kindly, you have a son.\n\nSigh less, thought the mom. Silas. That will be his name."} +{"id": "dc6a4860-0756-498d-85d0-e478960c198a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:46.92", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcQzxBciGdGs16nRYWrbnMGeFbJX87k8V2Aa8F3Mvfy4z", "txHash": "0xba5de269ca554e1984c02b939a52205fdd7b92203e918476e344835aa55de742", "createdAtBlock": 14017757, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Galatea of the Heath", "text": "# Magus Galatea of the Heath\n\n## A Tale of Twin Serpents I\n\nThere was once a tale of twice a Child \nOf sisters Bolde as Blood \nBoth were Fair as they were Wilde \nYet one was Loved and one Reviled \nWhence sprang from separate Bud \n\nAnd though the two looked Quite the same \nOne was Hamonious, Galatea her name \nAnd where she went, so slithered her Snake \nAnd Oh! How hearts of Men did Break \n\nFor such was her Aesthetic \nSo beautiful to Beholde \nThat none dared look askance or stray \nNor man, nor lass, nor young or olde \n\nAtwined her staff of Harmony \nHer Verdant serpent would caress \nSo, Spirits would Mysteriously \nIn her wake soon Quiesce \n\nAtwixt her hair, the flowers brightly Bloomed \nThe scented Air, once dull and stale \nNow intoxicatingly perfumed"} +{"id": "5a964e2c-8b9c-4640-b3f6-dc4b5e853c1a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:49.728", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVKk5f5eKAooXzwsVJ5RxRFuKa2nk13jTUbQuY86PL1io", "txHash": "0xaa1051f4908668e155b22966ac602a490b44ee0e101b7396848f19c3dfce8a6d", "createdAtBlock": 14017809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 328, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Aldus of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Aldus of the Sun\n\nPeople ask for miracles. They need \nthe wheat to ripen, rain to fall, the herd \nof cows to get with calf. Portents in seed \nand stumble. Folk do not believe a word \nof magic until plans begin to fail \nand children weaken. Then they ask and beg \na drop of mercy. Thus begins the tale \nof thaumaturgy. Get up, put one leg \nbefore the other. Those who dig and hoe \nthe roots and weeds are not so different than \nus magic workers. Wherever we go \nwe do our best in our allotted spans, \nsuccour the helpless. But when we succeed \nwe fade from memory, from word and deed."} +{"id": "dbd110cf-be9b-4bbc-9ce9-41db695e0ec2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:48.959", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbsnNsGnSdUBuLLX4p8AYRpnAkgBTGx94pustuqEN8Ym", "txHash": "0xd00fe9913956496568e00929a92e1bab3893dc52a641163960adb706513b492a", "createdAtBlock": 14017825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9024, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Cassiopeia of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Cassiopeia of the Mount\n\nTrees of orange blossom, bright as silk, \nas knightly banners shining on the hill, \nas my own little slime-helper. The milk \nof unicorns. I sometimes taste it still \nas I practice my magic on the Mount \nand think back to old times. I shake my hair, \nand give thanks to my ancestorsthe fount \nof hidden secrets. Still I hear them there \nwith bowl and pestle, working as I sleep \nand dream my childhood dreams. I am the flag \nof futurememory so vast and deep \nthat when you try to keep it in a bag \nand carry on, defying chant and rhyme \nit wriggles free, stands proud of place and time."} +{"id": "7f07f38d-0437-480c-bc56-97a0cd307d38-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:07.949", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaBTwCN6oMFCEvisDGtCBWXxZm2fU54mohRYmvfVRrMQz", "txHash": "0x6fdce7eea02e6bf1adddd3f70b9756fbfca212d1eeed6241ce44e2a7dfcc979d", "createdAtBlock": 14769942, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 230, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kaz Vanquisher of the Rune Raiders", "text": "Kaz hails from the vast Jungles of the South, just beyond the Sands. Famed by the local Shaman tribes he defends the Land, Runes and Catci."} +{"id": "32b775c1-65f1-48a1-9454-8a525c1b27c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:52.098", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdJSU2b156BgZUNzo2T8g79WeFw7D63ibTQzdMQJhm77G", "txHash": "0x1b93ea703dae1c2ff64e31613f1a08aff27d90586fda525f919c21434febb6b5", "createdAtBlock": 13945783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3776, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Devon of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Devon of the Grotto\n\nDevon and her golden toad emerged from the caves intent on discovering the secrets of the world. Devon harnesses the power of the earth to overcome obstacles and fulfill her destiny."} +{"id": "f1af944a-6a68-4d60-acd6-30dcb970e968-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:52.882", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNXDhMJnr9mQXNM1HVX3fzZ87VaEMazyJYdLdN5NCaxuA", "txHash": "0x0c2e4d9c314f7677ee9976ac7f023fb6973585e76599be0849466e1451f0f251", "createdAtBlock": 13945843, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8537, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Rita of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Rita of the Hollow\n\nThe Druid Rita and her red mamba have been a presence in the hills for as long as anyone can remember. Rita is rarely seen clearly but is rumored to carry the feather of a phoenix."} +{"id": "11ff3330-bf87-4279-bd36-91ca2a1ed646-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:54.448", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYL7LkPrVYesJ7QNj4Do2itNKP79MmhS88Wf45Lw8vuBz", "txHash": "0x06b243bcc9655257fe3563d13bea4788b9d4252e3841d9479e02c85b3b51c495", "createdAtBlock": 13945890, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9024, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Cassiopeia of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Cassiopeia of the Mount\n\nTrees of orange blossom, bright as silk, as knightly banners shining on the hill, as my own little slime-helper. The milk of unicorns. I sometimes taste it still as I practice my magic on the Mount and think back to old times. I shake my hair, and give thanks to my ancestorsthe fount of hidden secrets. Still I hear them there with bowl and pestle, working as I sleep and dream my childhood dreams. I am the flag of futurememory so vast and deep that when you try to keep it in a bag and carry on, defying chant and rhyme it wriggles free, stands proud of place and time."} +{"id": "8025daa2-b6f1-498d-9b47-f6c3b0cd6a85-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:08.329", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmafXtpAEtdv5aiLedZyNG2qXnedrB1gWkn8fbMU4zy8vH", "txHash": "0x4d9be936221dd8f4044dd280bef1e4fd714f4b46d780ed993257777246f8d2fa", "createdAtBlock": 13950470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1525, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Goliath of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Goliath of the Desert\n\nGoliath always lived under the shadow of his overachieving twin brother Danny, and carries the weight of his tremendously ambitious name. Coming from a family of battle mages sworn to protect the Forgotten Runes from the nefarious minions of the Quantum Shadow, Goliath was trained in the arts of war from a very young age. Descended from a lineage of some of the most celebrated warriors in the Runiverse, expectations were high for him...but Goliath never really liked to fight. He preferred to plop down on a hammock on the beach on a sunny day with a tall glass of pink lemonade beside him, and a good book describing the adventures of a wise wizard or noble warrior of the realms. However, if his parents caught him doing any such thing, it would've been an immediate beating followed by 100 push-ups.\n\nAlthough Danny was obviously the favorite and the one who earned the highest grades, won all the mage tournaments, and was the most popular amongst their peers, Goliath also managed to find his niche in life. Combining his love of astronomy as well as the performance arts, he discovered a talent for illusion magic. Everyone thought he would fail the battle mage admissions trials, but Goliath managed to weave his glamours to make the other competitors take each other out until he was the only one left standing. His parents, though they preferred the direct approach to combat (fireballs and such), were begrudgingly impressed by the son whom they had previously thought would spend the rest of his life living in their basement. And thus began the saga of Battle Mage Goliath."} +{"id": "8025daa2-b6f1-498d-9b47-f6c3b0cd6a85-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:08.329", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmafXtpAEtdv5aiLedZyNG2qXnedrB1gWkn8fbMU4zy8vH", "txHash": "0x4d9be936221dd8f4044dd280bef1e4fd714f4b46d780ed993257777246f8d2fa", "createdAtBlock": 13950470, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1525, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Goliath of the Desert", "text": "As a new recruit and the lowest ranking battle mage, Goliath's first assignment was to patrol the outer borders of the Forgotten Runes: the vast inhospitable desert known as the Sand. Although other battle mages deployed in the area usually just snuck off to the Zaros Oasis to hang out and gamble, Goliath took his duties seriously, and quickly earned a reputation amongst his superiors as a hard worker. Despite daily sunburns, some of which were intense enough to set the ends of his moustache on fire, he enjoys his job as Battle Mage Goliath of the Desert. He even met his familiar there, an orange suncat he named Garfield. Also, there's a female battle mage in his battalion he's developed a crush on, but since Goliath is shy and has no idea how to talk to women, she naturally doesn't even know he exists. Maybe one day he'll work up the courage to ask her out on a date (he knows a lot about stars and constellations, which is supposed to be romantic, right?)."} +{"id": "2048e03b-1033-4358-bd82-c33993bb3ba7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:53.776", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeZMAz4G7aaYd7paLCGdaJj3DEao3QDHTzqYS6TnC6dyp", "txHash": "0x804f4494b5802fb2c50361316e4317b2aa3e2e1a56714ac9f0247c658486b063", "createdAtBlock": 14017837, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4763, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Calliope of the Heath", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Calliope of the Heath\n\nBring your darkest thought out. Now, go worse, \ngo deeper still. Bring all your anger out \nand hone it. Sharpen it. Give it a shout, \nfor real. Go couch it in the ancient verse \nand turn on all your strengtheners. A cage \nfor every bestial impulse. Every hate \nis catalogued, pronounced. Rendered in state \nfor all to see. Master and rein your rage \nand draw it out. In time youll find the trick \nand summon beings portent and profound \nto sacred missions. Terrible the sound \nof cold despair. The effort makes you sick \nbut still you conjure syllable to next \nand steer to shore, one second from the wreck."} +{"id": "60336145-5824-4b32-9e2d-1dbfa7e810f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:50.562", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXPHhYM4yLhtpV2dfkCaauHZfZrFZuTTtMW7FaUyeZoqf", "txHash": "0x3b2dd71d221d57289e4e8eb642f743c21df50ac6d291766651dd35f701d82dce", "createdAtBlock": 14017855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6787, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Durm of the Fey", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Durm of the Fey\n\nWhen one thinks of battle-mages, one \nrecalls the firebombing of the town, \nthe sudden avalanche, eclipsing sun, \nthat small terrible moment when they drowned \nthe harbour village. But battle is art \nof wit and wonder. I brew passion draft \nand keep pike-men from breaking. Give them heart, \ngenerals ask. So many times Ive laughed \nand warned them that one cannot gild a turd \nto win a hopeless battle. Wretched wraiths \nwill open bastions, let loose every bird, \nbetray, to live. One cannot rest on faith \nand promises and hope and chance to win. \nYou understand me? Well, thenlets begin."} +{"id": "b5cecc8d-344b-4636-b1ce-87d7ff19bf48-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:58.725", "backgroundColor": "#404d84", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSy8vfVshKiRMXVwVs6r1US4mzqeL1CU45VNmYNvs21tQ", "txHash": "0x37f781f685aca1972c90a9d44b2d3134b639d3dcd408c524c00ae056bbe1491d", "createdAtBlock": 13947311, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9576, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Dante of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Dante of the Sands\n\nA member of the Magi, Dante holds the knowledge of an illustrious brand of magic, practiced only by him and others of his creed. Though he is of the Sands, little is known of his true origins. Faint whispers of a reflection flickering off of an oasis pool, revealing a floating homestead, have been heard but never spoken. \n \nDante has been seen in every corner of the lands; he seems to appear at the most opportune of moments. Accompanied by a shapeshifting slime by the name of Morpheus, the duo seem to have spatial and temporal abilities beyond the scope of the Magi. Doubts have been cast as to who is truly the most powerful of the two.\n \nHis looks belie his age. Younger than most wizards at the year of 33, his spry body can perform quite the athletic feat. Donned in the airy clothing befitting his dusty, dry homeland, Dante of the Sands has been known to extoll the fabric's virtues with the phrase The comfier the clothing, the better the magic!"} +{"id": "8a6335aa-3e33-4e7f-af2a-f55d0309048d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:59.52", "backgroundColor": "#19261f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR7apQApQCQa7DohWo4UqWSGzxqb4UtAGdBmPGf1uhcNj", "txHash": "0x9f703ef9edf00436eaf392f4320537cb7ce00f18c0960169052458a13a4501a6", "createdAtBlock": 13947716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Milton of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Milton of the Bastion\n\nMilton never knew his parents; he was found abandoned in the thick forest near Dream Master Lake by the fellows at Blue Wizard Bastion. Never told of his heritage by his adopted parents, he was raised within blue hat culture, and trained as a blue wizard. \n\nMilton was the slowest in his class, he never demonstrated the same natural talent in the arcane as his peers or the same rigor in his academic papers. Around his 30th birthday, it was reveled to Milton by his parents on their death bed that he was not their biological son at all, but rather found and assumed to be of blue hat blood.\n\nIt took Milton years of experimentation to find his natural leanings in druidic magic, but due to late adoption of green hat magic, he isn't quite seen as a peer by either faction. Disagreeing with the eco-facist beleifs of the green and lacking the academic rigor of the blue, Milton sees himself as a jack of many types of magic and a master of none. \n\nWhat keeps him up at night are his anxieties that he isn't a true Green Wizard either, and he committed prematurly to make up for his lost time at Blue Wizard Bastion."} +{"id": "510cb756-1986-4f93-85bf-c56a648214ed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:00.282", "backgroundColor": "#f1d0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgj7VUWGwkcDEMLAns7tNTJveYcn2KiwnGY4FhQUvPjV", "txHash": "0x0e7a8e940bbf065e4689a9db16a046e32813a2194f5d47a7477104c8222a83dd", "createdAtBlock": 13947861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry\n\n_I love you,_ the last words I heard mother say before I was left, all alone, in the wild. \n\nShe didnt want to, but she had no choice and now at the mere age of 8, I was forced to fend for myself. \n\nSoon things would begin to look up. Welcome to my Chronicles. \n\n\n# Chapter 1- The Marsh \n\n\n\tThe cold began to nip at my feet as I jumped awake. I knew what this meant; I must migrate south. \n\nI had spent many years in the Wild at this point, alone except for the occasional caravan passing through, \n\nso I had gotten to know the area well. The south not so much, but I knew that for my own survival I must go. \n\nWith no belongings except the clothes on my back, I set out for Kelpies Bay, not knowing what Id have to do\n\nto get there. \n\tIt all started as I drifted off of the Carnival Pass and into the Fey, itching for a change in scenery and\n\nmaybe even an adventure. Soon, though, my boots began to get stuck in the ground. It was mud, but it wouldnt\n\nbudge. Every move I made only made me sink deeper, and thats when I realized, _quicksand._ \n\n\tI reached for the nearest tree and I attempted to heave myself out to no avail. The sand quickly rose past\n\nmy waist. This was it. I simply relaxed, waiting for the inevitable. Just as I did, my body began to rise from the\n\nquicksand, slowly but surely. I was able to slide myself off and prop myself upon a nearby tree.\n\tI then noticed a sign, just across from the pool of quicksand I had fallen in. It read , Welcome to Frog Master"} +{"id": "510cb756-1986-4f93-85bf-c56a648214ed-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:00.282", "backgroundColor": "#f1d0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgj7VUWGwkcDEMLAns7tNTJveYcn2KiwnGY4FhQUvPjV", "txHash": "0x0e7a8e940bbf065e4689a9db16a046e32813a2194f5d47a7477104c8222a83dd", "createdAtBlock": 13947861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry", "text": "Marsh: Population- few. Here be quicksand! I chuckled to myself, _How ironic,_ but I couldnt get up. My eyelids \n\nbegan to become heavy \n\n~ \n\n\tI jolted awake to see a man. Woah there! he said, Calm down, I aint gonna hurt you. I relaxed a little, \n\nthough reasonably still on edge. That mudworm got you pretty well.\n\tMudworm? I asked. \n\tThey live in the quicksand, they got a pretty ugly stinger, the man replied, the names Chaw by the way,\n\nand I think you may owe me something.\n\tWell, _Chaw,_ I dont have any money to give you, I replied.\n\tThats not quite what I want, Chaw said, Ive got a task for you, and dont you go running off, I got\n\nconnections, ya know.\n\tOkay, I responded, cursing under my breath for getting myself into this situation, What do you want?\n\tTheres this small temple just north of here, theres a bunch of goons hanging out there, and they seem to be\n\ntrying to take over the marsh. I need you to take them out.\n\tIs there anything I need to know first, I said, knowing that this would be easy.\n\tNot that I know of, Chaw said, You best be on your way.\n\tI nodded and stood up. My head pounded, but I tried my best to act unaffected and continued out the door of\n\nChaws shack.\n\tThe temple turned out to be extremely close to the shack just like Chaw had implied. This is going to be fun,\n\nhe said to himself, and surged forward through the mud.\n\tAs I neared the men, they jumped up. Some javelins came raining down from the top of the temple, but I kept"} +{"id": "510cb756-1986-4f93-85bf-c56a648214ed-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:00.282", "backgroundColor": "#f1d0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgj7VUWGwkcDEMLAns7tNTJveYcn2KiwnGY4FhQUvPjV", "txHash": "0x0e7a8e940bbf065e4689a9db16a046e32813a2194f5d47a7477104c8222a83dd", "createdAtBlock": 13947861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry", "text": "running, dodging them as I went. The goons began to run at me, armed with spears.\n\tAs they began to raise their arms ready to strike, fire erupted from my hands. The men screamed as I pushed \n\npast. The goons standing near the main gate fled, letting me enter the stone structure freely.\n\tThere appeared to be three levels, all rigged with traps no doubt. The staircase was grand, leading to two sides\n\nof the next floor. I took the right side, which led me into some sort of labyrinth. As I hesitantly walked forward, my \n\nfoot got caught on a wire. An axe swung down from the ceiling. I dropped. My head hit the stone floor, but I guess its\n\nbetter than hitting an axe. \n\tLuckily though, this was to my favor. I pried the axe from the ceiling, it was surprisingly heavy, but I could make \n\ndue. I began to swing at the already fractured stone wall which quickly gave way. I did this until I came out on the other\n\nside, revealing a grand chamber that connected to the third floor.\n\tGoons flooded in from both of the staircases beside me, all armed to the teeth. I would be lying if I said I didnt fear\n\nfor my life, but I was prepared. I simply stood in the middle of the chamber as they charged at me from all angles. I got into \n\na right lunge, putting my hands at chest level. I was surrounded. I waved my hands in a circle around my body and a massive \n\nwave of fire filled the room, bisecting every living thing it came in contact with.\n\tThe carnage was too much to bear, so I ran up the stairs. What I saw next, I was not prepared for. A hulking, insanely"} +{"id": "510cb756-1986-4f93-85bf-c56a648214ed-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:00.282", "backgroundColor": "#f1d0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgj7VUWGwkcDEMLAns7tNTJveYcn2KiwnGY4FhQUvPjV", "txHash": "0x0e7a8e940bbf065e4689a9db16a046e32813a2194f5d47a7477104c8222a83dd", "createdAtBlock": 13947861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry", "text": "tall, muscular thing armed with a tree trunk. I froze in place. The thing didnt seem to notice me, so I turned and sprinted. \n\nA stone fell from beneath me as I did. It crashed loudly on the floor below. Hey!\n\tI ran for my life, but he was too fast, so I had to stand against him. I turned around, throwing a fireball at his chest. \n\nIt quickly dispersed against him. He was immune. Then things went black.\n\tHey! I heard again, but this time it was a womans voice, pick on someone your own size!\n\tI felt enormous stomps, multiple sets, followed by many other footsteps. The steps turned into rumbles and clinks as a \n\nfight broke out in between an unknown amount of people.\n\tHey, its okay, the woman said into my ear. I was able to pry my eyes open to see a woman with brown hair and brown\n\neyes, Ill get you stitched up. I turned my head to see the fight. There was a thing like the other one, beating it in hand-to-hand \n\ncombat while normal men were prodding it with spears. Keep your head up, okay, the woman said, you have a family?\n\tNo,not anymore, I said as she patched me up.\n\tIm sorry to hear that. We might have a pla-, she was saying before she was cut off by the first thing falling and collapsing \n\nthe floor beneath it. Alright, she said as she picked me up. We rushed out, the floor caving behind the army.\n\n~ \n\n\tOver the next few years I grew up in a proper family. The people who rescued me, the Keras, took me in. They gave me a name,"} +{"id": "510cb756-1986-4f93-85bf-c56a648214ed-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:00.282", "backgroundColor": "#f1d0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgj7VUWGwkcDEMLAns7tNTJveYcn2KiwnGY4FhQUvPjV", "txHash": "0x0e7a8e940bbf065e4689a9db16a046e32813a2194f5d47a7477104c8222a83dd", "createdAtBlock": 13947861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry", "text": "food and a roof. I came to be known as Jiang. A few years after they adopted me, they gave me a frog for my birthday. I could have \n\nnever been happier. Unfortunately, my adventures were not yet over. This one is a bit more upsetting.\n\n# Chapter II: A Reckoning\n\n\n\tThe Keras were good people, but they were rulers. They ruled over the Belfry for many years. They were generally viewed as \n\nbenevolent, but being a ruler will put you on someones hit list. Then came the day.\n\tI awoke to smoke filling my room. I quickly got dressed and headed down the spiral staircase of the tower to see the bottom wooden \n\nfloors on fire. There were the bodies. My heart dropped. I had to find them, the people that did this. The only people to ever show \n\nme real mercy.\n\tI fled through my bedroom window. I didnt know where to go, but I left town.\n\tNight seemed to pass quickly as I searched for any one to blame. In the morning I went into a tavern, hoping not only to rest \n\nbut maybe to find something out.\n\tAs I approached, the tavern worker seemed instantly on edge. Could I get a room? I asked.\n\tI dont give rooms to murderers! he proclaimed, in fact Ill go inform the guards immediately!\n\tWhat do you mean? I asked.\n\tIts not just a coincidence that they were killed by fire, he said, Its obvious that their pyromancer, wildborne son is to blame.\n\tI couldnt take it anymore. I turned and ran out.\n\tGuards! the tavern man said, hes escaping.\n\tNow I had to find who did this, not just for the Keras, but my future depended on it. I decided to venture to For Gnome Wold as"} +{"id": "510cb756-1986-4f93-85bf-c56a648214ed-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:00.282", "backgroundColor": "#f1d0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgj7VUWGwkcDEMLAns7tNTJveYcn2KiwnGY4FhQUvPjV", "txHash": "0x0e7a8e940bbf065e4689a9db16a046e32813a2194f5d47a7477104c8222a83dd", "createdAtBlock": 13947861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry", "text": "the Keras had close royal friends there. I figured they would understand my situation.\n\tAs I journeyed through the mountains, with my frog(which I had named Joel), I came upon my highest highs and lowest lows. I knew \n\nthis time, unlike last time, no one would come to my rescue. If anything it would be the opposite. Though it was also oldly freeing. I didnt \n\nneed to go on this crusade. I couldve stopped at any point, but my will to do whats right surpassed those urges and I was soon in the \n\nfoothills, nearing Fur Gnome Wold.\n\tThe king was understanding. He knew a guilty man would never walk this far under such treacherous conditions, so he granted me \n\namnesty and a home in the castle. I had never felt so relieved. He even offered to help me find who did this.\n\tNow this, I wouldve never expected.\n\tI settled into bed in my new(maybe even permanent) room and set my bag just beside me. I expected to get some much-needed sleep, \n\nbut instead I heard something.\n\tYou must be hasty, the soldiers are already in the mountains.\n\tThis sure got my attention, but I didnt want to make it obvious. I sat back on my bed, reviewing my options when a heard footsteps \n\napproaching my room. The door handle turned and the door swung open. The man, expecting me to be asleep, ran in and brandished his \n\nknife, but first he had to gloat.\n\tYou walked right into our trap, didnt you, he said.\n\tIt would seem that way, I responded, attempting to dig my dagger from my bag.\n\tNot so fast! the man said, plunging his knife into my side. It burned, but there was no blood, so I attacked back,slicing the man in"} +{"id": "510cb756-1986-4f93-85bf-c56a648214ed-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:00.282", "backgroundColor": "#f1d0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgj7VUWGwkcDEMLAns7tNTJveYcn2KiwnGY4FhQUvPjV", "txHash": "0x0e7a8e940bbf065e4689a9db16a046e32813a2194f5d47a7477104c8222a83dd", "createdAtBlock": 13947861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4715, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jiang of the Belfry", "text": "the face. He fell to the marble floor. I sprung up, unwounded, grabbing my bag and unlatching the window, I jumped, not looking back. \n\nNow I knew.\n\tI ran south and ended up where I was before- the Wild. The land I always knew as home before being brought into the Belfry. \n\nTo conclude my chronicles, Ill tell you the aftermath.\n\tThe Gnomes conquered the Belfry, securing sea access. I would later come into conflict with them again. I had begun to tame the wild, \n\nbut the Gnomes brought an end to that. Now I wander.\n\tAs to why I survived: I later found a Goblet of Immortality in my bag. With it, came a note that read, _Dear son, I know what will soon_ \n\n_happen to us and I cannot stop it. I love you, son. Though there is a secret I kept from you, Im a chronomancer._\n\tId be lying if I said this didnt upset me. _Why could she not fix it?_ I know she had her reasons, but to think that she could still be \n\nhere today pains me.\n\tEven though I live in the wild, Ill always be from the Belfry, and no one, not even the Gnomes, can take that from me."} +{"id": "8301740a-abee-46b9-8cc8-bd6ed438a147-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:01.026", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZWSkvBersEMTU2ANGHmrp9WJPkYkyvJjpA829iVDBq4C", "txHash": "0xa5cee8055f14d8c2ee2684c6483efb680c0b5d1d28b711c356ed5b64be57677f", "createdAtBlock": 13948608, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4159, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTebU2F7nBRd6X4it53yShLFYowBHwrdLnMiTcV3YgXQA", "name": "Artificer Horace of the Bastion", "text": "# An Alcoholic's Tale\n\nThis is Horace. Horace has spent a little too much time at the Thirsty Wizard. He enjoys buying 'beers for the boys' only to realize he is way too messed up and cant afford the tab.\n\nHorace gets kicked out from The Thirsty Wizard twice a week. But somehow he always finds his way back in.\n\nAre the bartenders **too** nice? \n\nDo they just feel bad for the poor old man?\n\nIs his gold chain even _real_?\n\nThere are alot of questions we need to ask Horace - but we must first ask him one of the most important questions of all...\n\n## What's in your drink today, Horace?"} +{"id": "3e11a283-4ca4-4c67-85c8-454d9a7e8922-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:01.766", "backgroundColor": "#0d5f4b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfQRbmABN4ucPCATjugvoFvQAbArdJfvZM14v842r4RAW", "txHash": "0x4ad737fcd5b5ee4e44020c48bb25181ddd4ebdc1d7ecbffc1234a8b41e9842d2", "createdAtBlock": 13948700, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4404, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Borak of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Borak of the Ether\n\nI am Battle Mage Borak of Ether. I am good man. Me try to not eat people all the time. I like frog men. Tasty Tasty. \n\nMe born 10 thousand years ago. Borak born to bad family. Father a drunkard, mother a frog. At the age of 7 me began work in the fields. At age of 8 Borak become field foreman. Borak parents were not proud, said that I am failure. So Borak ate father and mother. Me found out how tasty frog men are. So for the past thousand years Borak have been hunting Mr Frog mans. And me is very hungry."} +{"id": "da8b75cc-3cda-4d14-8b5d-2152bbbafaa5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:31.8", "backgroundColor": "#6f1636", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYpT5nFEhAJXiweZGr1P5yRpcAyqGHV28EDgVRZpvQ3Aj", "txHash": "0xef14e5bf24cb0c7bdc884fc42c51a2bf3d73c53bdd683be59f7b75ded7b30427", "createdAtBlock": 14094586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Celeste of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Celeste of the Hills\n\nAppearances can be deceiving, and in Celeste's case this is no different. One might think her hair is styled as such that it is representing the snakes to which she holds the power of manipulation. However, when confronted with grave danger, her hair becomes the living embodiment of Red Mamba's and each individual wave in her hair a venomous snake to which she can summon to her enemy's peril. \n\nCeleste is a holder of a Gorgon's eye. Beholding this power she has been known to elevate her mental state to such a degree that her mind and body become separate entities. While in possession of Gorgon's eye Celeste becomes a duality of the terrifying visage of Stone-turned faces and the actual living embodiment of the snakes she herself can summon at the raise of the eye\n\nCeleste's lineage can be dated back to the Summoning Charmer's of Algador. It is within the walls of Algador's castle that Celeste first learned of the power to manipulate Red Mamba's and bend them to her will. As first born, Celeste has learned to wield the true power of Gorgon's Eye. Two Summoners per generation has the ability to simultaneously wield Gorgon's Eye whilst controlling Red Mambas. It is the great Summoner Celeste who nonetheless possesses this unique power embedded directly into her genes that she can now pass down to her first-born future kin."} +{"id": "da8b75cc-3cda-4d14-8b5d-2152bbbafaa5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:31.8", "backgroundColor": "#6f1636", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYpT5nFEhAJXiweZGr1P5yRpcAyqGHV28EDgVRZpvQ3Aj", "txHash": "0xef14e5bf24cb0c7bdc884fc42c51a2bf3d73c53bdd683be59f7b75ded7b30427", "createdAtBlock": 14094586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Celeste of the Hills", "text": "Legends speak of a certain society Celeste is thought to belong to. Rumors abound, the ancient order of the **Black Dragon Society** is just that, a rumor. For it is among the most secretive societies, forever imposing their reach and gathering more soldiers into their society. The Black Dragon Society has been thought to long have control over the power of dragons, but that isn't their only reason for existing. They are believed to be behind the scenes, pulling the strings of major world events to benefit their agenda. That agenda? If someone were to live to tell about it after encountering them, there would be a better understanding. It seems as though their undeniable persuasion of the Black Dragon Society has regular folk dying, possibly even literally, to join."} +{"id": "730bee5d-105c-46e5-a9e7-e456c99ba230-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:02.582", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd436ni8m1gFWJFvvYhzQeNW3TEhGAeFxi1o5hBfQckLw", "txHash": "0x2c0e2ced2fc6ae8fd92095a025503d040adf59a06faf7c55aaa7f97ba0fe0dff", "createdAtBlock": 13948700, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5455, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blood Eater Revenant Ozohr of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# The Lore of Blood Eater Revenant Ozohr of Nightmare Paradise\n\nOzohr is most active when wizards sleep, visiting them in their dreams. They say that when some wizards visit Nightmare Paradise, they never wake up, joining Ozohr as minion in his undead campaign to haunt all wizards.\n\nThe Mystic Ozohr, before he passed through the flame, used to spend much of his time sleeping, he loved living in the dream world. Although coming from a mystic family, Ozohr had never displayed any special gifts, choosing to spend most of his time sleeping and dreaming. Only later did people realize he had the ability to visit them in his dream state... Before the tower of Fire, Ozohr mostly did harmless things in his dreams, planting seeds of ideas, visiting the Wizard Empress once and having her dream of marriage to the very boring Ozohr.\n\nRejected from the world, sent to the fire, the Blood Eater emerged and all those powers of sleep teleportation transitioned to the lust for blood. \n\nIt is said that only the wafting odor of the magical Soul Rose will awaken a wizard once put under the spell of Ozohr. The only defence to never go under is to consume one Jelly Donut per month, to ward away the powers of Ozohr. \n\nOtherwise you will be spending your time in Nightmare Paradise."} +{"id": "3ae68b5e-05b8-453e-bfc8-0bc1117be1f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:05.184", "backgroundColor": "#c0a9d0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSEasYdmoQYwpgeTtd8pTAh3kSoGD77F2VAKwgemojGtn", "txHash": "0xe197fd8eaf5c0d0c2bff07b50dd7e0736a4d97e84a58d692ef755c8f2ea44094", "createdAtBlock": 13949529, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1420, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Huizhong of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Huizhong of the Obelisk\n\nHuizhong is the only known practitioner of a unique form of magic - the art of intimate singular illusions.\n\nHe travels from city to city serving the highest bidder with experiences so tangible and so perfect in every detail that they are indistinguishable from reality.\n\n- Wish you could talk to your long dead religious savior? Let Huizhong introduce you for the conversation of a lifetime.\n\n- Have you lost a loved one? Huizhong will conjure them back for you down to the wisp of hair at their neck.\n\n- Had your heart broken? Huizhong will conjure a perfect replacement whose eyes never leave yours.\n\nOf course, thats all well and good for Huizhongs customers, but as with many great powers - it comes at a cost.\n\nThe creation of these illusions is so consuming of magical energy that Huizhong can only serve one single master with one single illusion at a time.\n\nSo Huizhong is sentenced to a strange life indeed.\n\nHe either lives a fabulously wealthy but magically empty and otherwise mundane life fulfilling the dreams of the mightiest lords and ladies of the land. Or a life as an utterly average wizard never practicing the highest form of his art.\n\nWhich would you choose?"} +{"id": "a5521577-71e7-4102-b142-e2e0134c4f3c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:05.883", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSiT6bYXqatyKs2sNsDtdJ5ngXHX6KNFJkWPYKU9JGEDF", "txHash": "0xdb2333887365c247f6b0ffc09c1763fa9b1bf486706b3905ab73c185e0712ac9", "createdAtBlock": 13949747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1799, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Purple Coffin", "text": "# The Lore of Purple Coffin\n\n**The Purple Coffin is the resting place of Adept Alessar of the Sea.**\n\nHe is floating forever in the astral plane but his remains may yet live again. A life of undead wonder remains - an undesirable outcome for his seafaring soul. What will become of this vessel is yet to be determined. If you open this box you will reckon with greater evils than Pandora released many moons ago."} +{"id": "49d45caf-19f8-4737-b07d-087a14e0eb91-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:24.258", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVJobAmM1L1k3XefXbGtpBSC6jd8k5egtAC5J5WZcR2AU", "txHash": "0x42cb314b7672377df720d58918e3abb8ffb9480890c9ebd26aef485bef245be2", "createdAtBlock": 13954271, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8101, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Shivra of the Reach", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Shivra of the Reach\n\nLady Shivra, one of 11 princess sisters of Wildforest Kingdom who fallen in love with Eastern Kingdom prince but was betrayed by him and she became most of powerfull witch to revenge him. See that frog with her? It's that prince."} +{"id": "d17e094f-7983-43ce-a3ee-f58a966646f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:26.634", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUKAGcjsGCBA1PHKEBezqR7RxgqAHN1tKtnAeRuzr5GLV", "txHash": "0x4fc7acc1bf11f3ac318742075405bd4d732ca53d26e7b8b0677b16dae10f7c75", "createdAtBlock": 15069386, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 18, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cartomancer Fiskantes", "text": "*Lords come and go. Joker stays.*\n\nCartomancer Fiskantes wields powerful but unpredictable Joker magic. Relying on power of chance, sharp edges of playing cards and bungee gum, arcane substance which has properties of both rubber and gum.\n\n*Alignment: Chaotic Neutral*"} +{"id": "cc8a9f28-6e54-4678-9e5f-3b50dd97c976-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:06.614", "backgroundColor": "#a34a4a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbRT5nFtd6SSbCpN3bR4g8UjMGnvjP4N7YTQJFaaR9MEY", "txHash": "0x4f7920c8bd6e7c51321760ef7730cfc9c6ff6133b29bf1ad18d7796350ba7e11", "createdAtBlock": 13949877, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7151, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Celeste of the Sands", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Celeste of the Sands\n\nEnchanter Celeste of the Sands is the direct descendant of the ancient Empress, Celestial the Communard of the order of the Black and Red. Celestial the Communard ended the trolloc invasions by unleashing the power of the Omega Rune, and turning the trollocs mighty kingdom to rubble, leaving nothing but the expanse of the Sands. After the dust settled, a Phoenix arose from the destruction and left Celestial a single feather as a gift, imbued with the power of regeneration. From each successive generation, a single worthy descendant inherits the Omega Rune and the Phoenix Feather, and dons the Black and Red double sash. What will Enchanter Celeste do with this great power she inherited? Only time willtell."} +{"id": "edb265a9-85e0-4361-912e-260e210d56fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:07.625", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdhgSUQU14ma9CzoBBSfTpBfCw1evSCi986bK8GCaixJM", "txHash": "0xdb455e871af181743bda244c8ac66a84bc110eff55cf022ced40eff07a3daebf", "createdAtBlock": 13950382, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6631, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Homer of the Psychic Leap\n\nLeaf magic and red frogs, LFG. GM and WAGMI."} +{"id": "d3f40566-3559-4586-96b8-f2a31629995f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:11.381", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme91H7WVzhAXmtJatc275mjAGEQkrNSU8fQNsziUWsepa", "txHash": "0xfc6046fbf281826f2a2827482ef119ff61ff689d78cc8c1f5fddbdd1241f7bf6", "createdAtBlock": 13950520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4162, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Blaise of the Oasis", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Blaise of the Oasis\n\nAlchemist Blaise has always been the most unlucky soul to ever walk these lands. His lifelong streak of bad luck began at the moment of his birth. His parents agreed to name him \"Blaze,\" an incredibly badass name for a future wizard, but the midwife misheard them and recorded his name as \"Blaise\" on the birth certificate...significantly less badass. When he was 10, his entire extended family perished in a mana storm that struck while they were on a camping trip together. At the orphanage, he was the only child no one wanted to foster, until he eventually came of age and got booted out of the system. He worked a series of menial jobs to put food on the table, but could never hold down any of them for long, each time something would happen that would result in him getting fired. He did have a girlfriend once, until one day she decided to switch teams and ran off with another woman. He tried playing the lottery once, but missed a 1,000,000 gold jackpot by a single digit, and then got mugged the next day. Blaise's life has always, in a word, sucked."} +{"id": "d3f40566-3559-4586-96b8-f2a31629995f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:11.381", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme91H7WVzhAXmtJatc275mjAGEQkrNSU8fQNsziUWsepa", "txHash": "0xfc6046fbf281826f2a2827482ef119ff61ff689d78cc8c1f5fddbdd1241f7bf6", "createdAtBlock": 13950520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4162, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Blaise of the Oasis", "text": "Then he met Midnight. He didn't know where the cat came from, he just came home one day to find it curled up on his porch, shivering, matted, and hungry. Blaise has always loved animals, so he took it inside to give it food and shelter. Blaise was aware of his own bad karma, and knew from experience that his unlucky streak spread like a contagion to infect those around him, so after nursing the cat back to health, he tried to release it back into the wild. But Midnight refused to leave, it had grown used to Blaise and continued to follow him around despite his best efforts to rehome the feline. Blaise begrudgingly accepted the cat into his life, but it wasn't until later that he noticed that \"something\" had changed. Something incredible.\n\nIt began with the little things, then snowballed from there. Blaise would go out for a walk, and _didn't_ have a pigeon land a bullseye poop on his head. He would visit the coffee shop and they wouldn't be out of his favorite drink. His annoying neighbors who had a daily habit of playing the drums at the crack of dawn got evicted, and a very nice elderly grandma moved in who baked him fresh cookies every Sunday. An old flame from the orphanage reached out to reconnect. He even found a new job working as a caretaker of the Zaros Oasis in the Sands. Eventually, Blaise noticed that ever since he adopted Midnight, his streak of bad luck had disappeared...was it possible that the curse had finally been lifted? Whatever the reason, things were beginning to look up for a change, and for once in his life, Blaise looked forward to what the future had in store for him."} +{"id": "0ebf861f-b580-4ce7-9786-0866455e695a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:12.057", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXBsgiCY9M12RcrFF3ALiiXCZkT4C6wo6jBygeZCPfnEF", "txHash": "0xf89974a5b16ff4c9f361235513055ea8c22f9c991f474747d3461f0445159c72", "createdAtBlock": 13950523, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8422, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Mina of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Mina of the Hollow\n\nGrowing up, \"magic\" was a four letter word in Mina's household. Ever since her father ran off with a witch (Mina doesn't know the woman's name, her mother only ever referred to her as \"the skank\"), her mom forbade any discussion of magic whatsoever underneath their roof. She was not allowed to attend her best friend's birthday party because they had hired a magician for entertainment. Then one day, her mom discovered from a private detective that her husband had not eloped out of his own volition...the witch had actually bound him to a love spell to force him to abandon his family. From that day forward, things took a complete 180. Mom immediately signed Mina up for afterschool magic classes at the Pigmoles School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and pushed her to become the most powerful mage in all the Forgotten Runes. Her mission: find her dad, break the love enchantment with a counterspell, and bring him home. Oh, and blow up the skank with a fireball if the opportunity presented itself."} +{"id": "0ebf861f-b580-4ce7-9786-0866455e695a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:12.057", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXBsgiCY9M12RcrFF3ALiiXCZkT4C6wo6jBygeZCPfnEF", "txHash": "0xf89974a5b16ff4c9f361235513055ea8c22f9c991f474747d3461f0445159c72", "createdAtBlock": 13950523, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8422, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Mina of the Hollow", "text": "Mina was totally on board with this plan, but unfortunately she did not exactly have a natural aptitude for the arcane. One of her first spells went awry and resulted in her sprouting a pair of deer antlers on her head permanently. Another one conjured a pack of locusts that savaged the whole village's farmlands and decimated the crops, resulting in Mina's family being driven out of town by an angry mob armed with pitchforks and torches (it was OK, they wanted to move anyway). Mina was a hustler and never gave up, eventually attaining some degree of proficiency in the arcane arts, but never really got quite as good at it as most of her peers in the wizarding world. However, she is a jack-of-all-trades, a woman of many talents, and magic isn't the only tool in her arsenal. Unlike most wizards, who spend their whole lives with their nose buried in a grimoire, Mina actually goes to the gym. She has even taken kickboxing classes, and as a result, can hold her own in a duel even against a more magically skilled opponent.\n\nMina currently works as a private eye with her own agency at Red Wizard Capital. She spends much of her free time taking dialect lessons to extinguish her country accent so the city wizards would take her seriously as a professional, and administering beatings to clients who get the wrong idea just because she's a blonde bombshell and get a little too handsy (some weirdos have a thing for the horns). She enjoys her work, the money is good, and she likes solving mysteries. She still hopes that one day she will find a lead that will reunite her with her missing father, so their family can finally be together again."} +{"id": "5c1ebe4d-9b90-4a9d-9513-60124a3e4fe3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:12.791", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY45Jxd5b3uTZgFGjRycRzn2mCm1rhYWATWL3e95nXvvf", "txHash": "0x64116410ba5fcdb3768ec1d28f51497203a97d1d3e9c2677e38de42f74b069c4", "createdAtBlock": 13950662, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6340, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Moloch of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Moloch of El Dorado\n\nMoloch never chose the way of magic. He stumbled upon it in the forest, near a large rock, in the dead of night. The year was 1977.\n\nA night partying in the woods with his friends went south as the glowing tendrils sprouted from the earth and consumed Moloch. Penetrating his skin, his mind, his puffy coat. It was when the green magic lifted him into the air that Moloch's friends left him for dead, beer cans and joints tossed as they ran.\n\nMoloch awoke with startle in the freezing night. A newfound power flowing from his core and through his fingertips."} +{"id": "f60bd15a-8740-441b-ad2b-31626323640e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:13.509", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaprtCi2UJvEuLmq6BvdxRYh31DkJ6rzw1JnNt1CSWt47", "txHash": "0xaef267221e1c72fd114fb2ac445accf6ae9772b8f93f7999558f9d7927f53a1a", "createdAtBlock": 13950826, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4947, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Alessar of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Alessar of the Cosmos\n\nArtificer Alessar of the Cosmos shouts \"WAGMI\" as grand riches rains down from the sky"} +{"id": "0c0f66e3-b183-49a4-8855-a479a2e5227b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:14.428", "backgroundColor": "#151212", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRPiRfy8LakUkpCQu8A2pZGxw1d1ThqL2V51Tnb5WVrvj", "txHash": "0x5211bea91789dcbd6b58ff51240cb3ca6a174b8efb8c58940af4214b0d25ea88", "createdAtBlock": 13950868, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3091, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Milo of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Milo of the Astral Plane\n\nThe Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you."} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "# The Loop Master.\n\n(Scene: A tavern. The Wizard Empress is reading alone at a table. An empty chair is opposite her. The Loop Master enters.)\n\nTHE LOOP MASTER: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?\n\nEMPRESS: Excuse me?\n\nTHE LOOP MASTER: Is this taken?\n\nEMPRESS: Yes it is.\n\nTHE LOOP MASTER: Oh. Sorry.\n\nEMPRESS: Sure thing.\n\n(A bell rings softly.)\n\nTLM: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?\n\nEMP: Excuse me?\n\nTLM: Is this taken?\n\nEMP: No, but I'm expecting somebody in a minute.\n\nTLM: Oh. Thanks anyway.\n\nEMP: Sure thing.\n\n(A bell rings softly.)\n\nTLM: Excuse me. Is this chair taken?\n\nEMP: No, but I'm expecting somebody very shortly.\n\nTLM: Would you mind if I sit here till he or she or it comes?\n\nEMP: (Glances at her watch): They do seem to be pretty late...\n\nTLM: You never know who you might be turning down.\n\nEMP: Sorry. Nice try, though.\n\nTLM: Sure thing.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: Is this seat taken?\n\nEMP: No it's not.\n\nTLM: Would you mind if I sit here?\n\nEMP: Yes I would.\n\nTLM: Oh.\n\n(Bell)\n\nTLM: Is this chair taken?\n\nEMP: No it's not.\n\nTLM: Would you mind if I sit here?\n\nEMP: No. Go ahead.\n\nTLM: Thanks. (He sits. She continues reading). Every place else seems to be taken.\n\nEMP: Mm-hm.\n\nTLM: Great place.\n\nEMP: Mm-hm.\n\nTLM: What's the book?"} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "EMP: Mm-hm.\n\nTLM: What's the book?\n\nEMP: I just wanted to read in quiet, if you don't mind.\n\nTLM: No. Sure thing.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: Every place else seems to be taken.\n\nEMP: Mm-hm.\n\nTLM: Great place for reading.\n\nEMP: Yes, I like it.\n\nTLM: What's the book?\n\nEMP: The Sound and the Fury.\n\nTLM: Oh. Hemingway.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: What's the book?\n\nEMP: The Sound and the Fury.\n\nTLM: Oh. Faulkner.\n\nEMP: Have you read it?\n\nTLM: Not...actually. I've sure read about it, though. It's supposed to be great.\n\nEMP: It is great.\n\nTLM: I hear it's great. (Small pause) Waiter?\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: What's the book?\n\nEMP: The Sound and the Fury.\n\nTLM: Oh. Faulkner.\n\nEMP: Have you read it?\n\nTLM: I'm a Quidditch fan, myself.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nEMP: Have you read it?\n\nTLM: Yeah, I read it in college.\n\nEMP: Where was college?\n\nTLM: I went to Kobold University.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nEMP: Where was college?\n\nTLM: I was lying. I never really went to college. I just like to party.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nEMP: Where was college?\n\nTLM: The White Wizard Academy.\n\nEMP: Do you like Faulkner?\n\nTLM: I love Faulkner. I spent a whole winter reading him once.\n\nEMP: I've just started."} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "EMP: I've just started.\n\nTLM: I was so excited after ten pages that I went out and bought everything else he wrote. One of the greatest reading experiences of my life. I mean, all that incredible psychological understanding. Page after page of gorgeous prose. His profound grasp of the mystery of time and human existence. The smells of the earth. . . . What do you think?\n\nEMP: I think it's pretty boring.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: What's the book?\n\nEMP: The Sound and the Fury.\n\nTLM: Oh! Faulkner!\n\nEMP: Do you like Faulkner?\n\nTLM: I love Faulkner.\n\nEMP: He's incredible.\n\nTLM: I spent a whole winter reading him once.\n\nEMP: I was so excited after ten pages that I went out and bought everything else he wrote.\n\nTLM: All that incredible psychological understanding.\n\nEMP: And the prose is so gorgeous.\n\nTLM: And the way he's grasped the mystery of time--\n\nEMP: --and human existence. I can't believe I've waited this long to read him.\n\nTLM: You never know. You might not have liked him before.\n\nEMP: That's true.\n\nTLM: You might not have been ready for him. You have to hit these things at the right moment or it's no good.\n\nEMP: That's happened to me.\n\nTLM: It's all in the timing. (Small pause.) My name's The Loop Master, by the way.\n\nEMP: I'm The Wizard Empress.\n\nTLM: Hi.\n\nEMP: Hi. (Small pause.)\n\nTLM: Yes I thought reading Faulkner was... a great experience.\n\nEMP: Yes. (Small pause.)\n\nTLM: The Sound and the Fury... (Another small pause.)"} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "TLM: The Sound and the Fury... (Another small pause.)\n\nEMP: Well. Onwards and upwards. (She goes back to her book..)\n\nTLM: Waiter--?\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: You have to hit these things at the right moment or it's no good.\n\nEMP: That's happened to me.\n\nTLM: It's all in the timing. My name's The Loop Master, by the way.\n\nEMP: I'm The Wizard Empress.\n\nTLM: Hi.\n\nEMP: Hi.\n\nTLM: Do you come in here a lot?\n\nEMP: Actually I'm just in town for two days from the Quantum Downs.\n\nTLM: Oh. The Quantum Downs.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: My name's The Loop Master, by the way.\n\nEMP: I'm The Wizard Empress.\n\nTLM: Hi.\n\nEMP: Hi.\n\nTLM: Do you come in here a lot?\n\nEMP: Every once in a while. Do you?\n\nTLM: Not so much anymore. Not as much as I used to. Before my nervous breakdown.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: Do you come in here a lot?\n\nEMP: Why are you asking?\n\nTLM: Just interested.\n\nEMP: Are you really interested, or do you just want to pick me up?\n\nTLM: No, I'm really interested.\n\nEMP: Why would you be interested in whether I come in here a lot?\n\nTLM: Just . . . getting acquainted."} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "TLM: Just . . . getting acquainted.\n\nEMP: Maybe you're only interested for the sake of making small talk long enough to ask me back to your tower to listen to some music, or because you've just rented this great spell, or because you've got this terrific unknown Magus Wazir record, only all you really want to do is hook up which you won't do very well --after which you'll go into the bathroom and pee very loudly, then pad into the kitchen and get yourself a beer without asking me whether I'd like anything, and then you'll proceed to lie back down beside me and confess that you've got a girlfriend named Druid Diana of the Wood who's away at medical school in Calistas Citadel for a year, and that you've been involved with her--off and on--in what you'll call a very \"complicated\" relationship, for about seven YEARS. None of which interests me, mister!\n\nTLM: Okay.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: Do you come in here a lot?\n\nEMP: Every other day, I think.\n\nTLM: I come in here quite a lot and I don't remember seeing you.\n\nEMP: I guess we must be on different schedules.\n\nTLM: Missed connections.\n\nEMP: Yes. Different time zones.\n\nTLM: Amazing how you can live right next door to somebody in this town and never even know it.\n\nEMP: I know.\n\nTLM: City life.\n\nEMP: It's crazy.\n\nTLM: We probably pass each other in the street every day. Right in front of this place, probably.\n\nEMP: Yep."} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "EMP: Yep.\n\nTLM(Looks around): Well the waiters here sure seem to be in some different time zone. I can't seem to locate one anywhere. . . .Waiter! (He looks back.). So what do you-- (He sees that she's gone back to her book)\n\nEMP: I beg pardon?\n\nTLM: Nothing. Sorry.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nEMP: I guess we must be on different schedules.\n\nTLM: Missed connections.\n\nEMP: Yes. Different time zones.\n\nTLM: Amazing how you can live right next door to somebody in this town and never even know it.\n\nEMP: I know.\n\nTLM: City life.\n\nEMP: It's crazy.\n\nTLM: You weren't waiting for somebody when I came in, were you?\n\nEMP: Actually I was.\n\nTLM: Oh. Boyfriend?\n\nEMP: Sort of.\n\nTLM: What's a sort-of boyfriend?\n\nEMP: My husband.\n\nTLM: Ah-ha.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: You weren't waiting for somebody when I came in, were you?\n\nEMP: Actually I was.\n\nTLM: Oh. Boyfriend?\n\nEMP: Sort of.\n\nTLM: What's a sort-of boyfriend?\n\nEMP: We were meeting here to break up.\n\nTLM: Mm-hm. . .\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: What's a sort-of boyfriend?\n\nEMP: My lover. Here she comes right now!\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: You weren't waiting for somebody when I came in, were you?\n\nEMP: No, just reading.\n\nTLM: Sort of a sad occupation for a Friday night, isn't it? Reading here, all by yourself?\n\nEMP: Do you think so?"} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "EMP: Do you think so?\n\nTLM: Well sure. I mean, what's a good-looking woman like you doing out alone on a Friday night?\n\nEMP: Trying to keep away from lines like that.\n\nTLM: No, listen\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: You weren't waiting for somebody when I came in, were you?\n\nEMP: No, just reading.\n\nTLM: Sort of a sad occupation for a Friday night, isn't it? Reading here all by yourself?\n\nEMP: I guess it is, in a way.\n\nTLM: What's a good-looking woman like you doing out alone on a Friday night anyway? No offense, but. . .\n\nEMP: I'm out alone on a Friday night for the first time in a very long time.\n\nTLM: Oh.\n\nEMP: You see, I just recently ended a relationship.\n\nTLM: Oh.\n\nEMP: Of rather long standing.\n\nTLM: I'm sorry.\n\n(Small pause.)\n\nWell listen, since reading by yourself is such a sad occupation for a Friday night, would you like to go elsewhere?\n\nEMP: No . . .\n\nTLM: Do something else?\n\nEMP: No thanks.\n\nTLM: I was headed out to the movies in a while anyway.\n\nEMP: I don't think so.\n\nTLM: Big chance to let Faulkner catch his breath. All those long sentences get him pretty tired.\n\nEMP: Thanks anyway.\n\nTLM: Okay.\n\nEMP: I appreciate the invitation.\n\nTLM: Sure thing.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: You weren't waiting for somebody when I came in, were you?\n\nEMP: No, just reading.\n\nTLM: Sort of a sad occupation for a Friday night, isn't it? Reading here all by yourself?"} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "EMP: I guess I was trying to think of it as existentially romantic. You know--cappuccino, great literature, rainy night. . .\n\nTLM: That only works in the Archipelago. We could hop a broom to Archipelago. Find a cafe. . .\n\nEMP: I'm a little short on broom fare tonight.\n\nTLM: Darn it, so am I.\n\nEMP: To tell you the truth, I was headed to the movies after I finished this section. Would you like to come\n\nalong? Since you can't locate a waiter?\n\nTLM: That's a very nice offer, but. . .\n\nEMP: Uh-huh. Girlfriend?\n\nTLM: Two, actually. One of them's pregnant, and Diana--\n\n(Bell.)\n\nEMP: Girlfriend?\n\nTLM: No, I don't have a girlfriend. Not if you mean the castrating witch I dumped last night.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nEMP: Girlfriend?\n\nTLM: Sort of. Sort of.\n\nEMP: What's a sort-of girlfriend?\n\nTLM: My mother.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: I just ended a relationship, actually.\n\nEMP: Oh.\n\nTLM: Of rather long standing.\n\nEMP: I'm sorry to hear it.\n\nTLM: This is my first night out alone in a long time. I feel a little bit at sea, to tell you the truth.\n\nEMP: So you didn't stop to talk because you're a Weird Wizz, or you have some weird political affiliation--?\n\nTLM: Nope. Straight-down-the-ticket Red Wizard.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nStraight-down-the-ticket Blue Wizard.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nCan I tell you something about politics?\n\n(Bell.)\n\nI like to think of myself a citizen of the Runiverse.\n\n(Bell.)"} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "I like to think of myself a citizen of the Runiverse.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: Im unaffiliated.\n\nEMP: That's a relief. So am I.\n\nTLM: I vote my beliefs.\n\nEMP: Labels are not important.\n\nTLM: Labels are not important, exactly. Take me, for example. I mean, what does it matter if I had a two-point at\n\n(Bell.)\n\n-three-point at\n\n(Bell.)\n\nfour-point at college? Or if I did come from Cuckoo Land\n\n(Bell.)\n\nThe Toadstools\n\n(Bell.)\n\nThe Capital?\n\nEMP: Sure.\n\nTLM: I believe that a man is what he is.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nA person is what he is.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nA wizard is. . . what they are.\n\nEMP: I think so too.\n\nTLM: So what if I admire the Lich Emperor Supreme?\n\n(Bell.)\n\nSo what if I once had a total-body liposuction?\n\n(Bell.)\n\nSo what if I don't have any magic?\n\n(Bell.)\n\nSo what if I once spent a year in the Wizard Peace Corps? I was acting on my convictions.\n\nEMP: Sure.\n\nTLM: You just can't hang a sign on a person.\n\nEMP: Absolutely. I'll bet you're a Mercury.\n\n(Many bells ring.)\n\nListen, I was headed to the movies after I finished this section. Would you like to come along?\n\nTLM: That sounds like fun. What's playing?\n\nEMP: A couple of the really early Wizzy Allen movies.\n\nTLM: Oh.\n\nEMP: You don't like Wizzy Allen?\n\nTLM: Sure. I like Wizzy Allen.\n\nEMP: But you're not crazy about Wizzy Allen."} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "EMP: But you're not crazy about Wizzy Allen.\n\nTLM: Those early ones kind of get on my nerves.\n\nEMP: Uh-huh.\n\n(Bell.)\n\nTLM: Y'know I was headed to the--\n\nEMP (Simultaneously): I was thinking about--\n\nTLM: I'm sorry.\n\nEMP: No, go ahead.\n\nTLM: I was going to say that I was headed to the movies in a little while, and. . .\n\nEMP: So was I.\n\nTLM: The Wizzy Allen festival?\n\nEMP: Just up the street.\n\nTLM: Do you like the early ones?\n\nEMP: I think anybody who doesn't ought to be run off the planet.\n\nTLM: How many times have you seen Big Potion Company Man?\n\nEMP: Eight times.\n\nTLM: Twelve. So are you still interested? (Long pause.)\n\nEMP: Do you like Fermented Milk. . .?\n\nTLM: Last night I went out at two in the morning to get a bottle. Did you have a Witch-a-Sketch as a child?\n\nEMP: Yes! And do you like Brussels sprouts? (Pause.)\n\nTLM: I think theyre disgusting.\n\nEMP: They are disgusting!\n\nTLM: Do you still believe in marriage in spite of current sentiments against it?\n\nEMP: Yes.\n\nTLM: And children?\n\nEMP: Three of them.\n\nTLM: Two girls and a boy.\n\nEMP: Elena, Carly and Zaros of Dream Master Lake.\n\nTLM: And will you love me?\n\nEMP: Yes.\n\nTLM: And cherish me forever?\n\nEMP: Yes.\n\nTLM: Do you still want to go to the movies?\n\nEMP: Sure thing.\n\nTHE LOOP MASTER AND THE WIZARD EMPRESS (Together): Waiter!"} +{"id": "f1e3b901-c320-4257-a72c-d72891f4fb2b-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:15.418", "backgroundColor": "#ba2323", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTxis76xbrLJjgiE1962EMZbPMbJ3FeaewPNTAFqBi9sd", "txHash": "0x3e5daf81db545db1a143927365fb5d29c19521aa0edc1baddf25c38c2c58765d", "createdAtBlock": 13951288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 21, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Loop Master Loopify", "text": "THE LOOP MASTER AND THE WIZARD EMPRESS (Together): Waiter!\n\nRemix Credit: Sure Thing (1988) by David Ives"} +{"id": "bf486682-4e8b-400e-8ff8-728c7b764fbc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:16.143", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXYKooGi1fanjbJutBMP4y4fmcjm91asMRFufjRgoCmtq", "txHash": "0x1187826edc6d18a2ee34e557a2f1624fb308254336368b7850eea72dab7f6d9a", "createdAtBlock": 13951705, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2556, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Aleister of the Platonic Shadow\n\nAleister, a mysterious wizard living on aldo's island, he and his partner, Isy the Owl, have traveled across the continent to find a lost ancient apple with immense power. When he found the apple, he tried to use it to create a magic device that could control all undead creatures. Unfortunately, he was defeated by some so-called heroes. After the failure, Aleister retired to the island, secretly brewing the next evil plan, and he wanted those who prevented him to taste pain."} +{"id": "96b66d19-a0df-4a1c-a19a-6541f7d2a561-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:22.939", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWhPwbbzqchctAdu9omJVPmUbybAhHJRHp4Z8aytxW8ie", "txHash": "0xf8d0e3de752a7504fb25f38a72fe81872ce404eb1ac1c278e290c82db185d853", "createdAtBlock": 13954109, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 460, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Eden of the Belfry", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Eden of the Belfry\n\nBorn the bastard child of an unknown clergyman, the bell-tower is the only home Eden has ever known. Her mother, an orphan herself, gave Eden to the bell-ringer of the church as she knew a single mother has little hope of providing for a child in the Red city.\n\nIn her youth Eden would peer down from the top of the bell tower and cast judgement upon the red hatted wizards with their riches and exotic pets and think to herself how unjust it should be that some are born with so much and she be relegated to a life of bell tolling."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "THE STORY OF MYSTIC ALEISTER OF THE HOLLOW\n\n\n\nWhen one first starts their journey with magic they dont often understand the great cost that must be paid for power. As nature demands balance so too does magic, and there is never a way to reverse what has been done. \n\nThere is a burning bright light that shines upon Mystic Aleister of the Hollow, from his very own Star staff, a brightness that gleams in glory, that sets aflame the greens of his robes and the yellowing emerald of his eyes. Eyes that hold eternal wisdom and a world of valuable knowledge. This light is a symbol of his hardships through life and the perils he has endured for his power and goal to save the world.\n\nWith him, a trustworthy forest frog companion named Fern, and the bright Star staff from the meteor that destroyed the Empty Forest, he continues to travel, setting his mark with every location he visits, leaving an impactful reminder of who he is despite his mysterious demeanor. \n\nThousands of years ago, when he was but a child and the forgotten runes had yet to fade slowly from existence, he took a liking to the nature of the world. His love for it grew with every moment he spent learning magic and its ways, how it could be manipulated to his touch, how it could react to his touch. Back then, he had only his hands to use for his powers, but his skill for magic proved to be high, and he could not reach his full potential confined to one forest, so his community in the Empty Forest agreed to let him travel for his studies."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "With that he was sent away, trekking scorching deserts, meeting elder wizards who taught him the secrets hidden within the general knowledge of magic, concealed under the folds of what is known, to discover what other wizards refused to reveal. He learned how to conjure spirits and create unbreakable enchantments, but the one thing he had been pursuing that eventually gave him his power was Green Magic and the dangers of using it. The magic of nature. He learned that nature demanded a balance. Nature always demanded balance. \n\nThat was how he was able to provide balance for Green Magic from within himself or from others and learned how to manipulate it for his benefit. However, one enchantment may mean a flower withers and dies, and a curse may mean a day of exhaustion from the energy the magic demanded. He spent years mastering the magic of balance, and soon he started to radiate power that was unmatched by other Green wizards. His name started spreading through all corners of the world and he had become successful in what he had set out to do. \n\nAchieving his passion for nature, he journeyed home, eager to finally see his family once more. He had awaited their proud faces for many years, endured every aching magical discovery so that he would one day hear their cheers for him. \nBut what waited for him there was nothing short of a tragedy. With very few survivors, the Empty Forest, which had once been his home, had been completely destroyed from the explosion of an oncoming meteor."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "The people who survived informed him that the meteor had obliterated a large portion of the forest, starting a blazing forest fire that none of the other magic users could extinguish, they were sympathetic for his loss as he wept, his tears salting the ground where a seedling popped through the coarse dirt. A living being and a reminder of his guilt. Had he been there perhaps he could have saved them or at least died trying. \nHe was told that the meteor still burned bright within the forest somewhere. That the magic of the forest had been sucked into the meteor, feeding the light, making its light eternal. The magic of the forest had always been ancient, it held the power of all the forgotten runes and if that magic had somehow survived the meteor explosion then Aleister was determined to find it. If only to keep the memory of his childhood home close at heart. \n\nHe began his journey, through the Empty Forest that had started scarcely trying to rebuild itself but was still barren of all life. All life except for one. While he was travelling the forest, burnt and crisp and dead, he began to realise he was lost. The explosion had destroyed his home to the point of no recognition that when he tried to remember it, he realised there was nothing that could spark his memory. He was contemplating giving up when a quiet croak snapped his head, turning to the sound. A bright green frog, a green that resembled his eyes, stared curiously at him as if to ask What are you doing? \n\nHe stared back, struck and in awe that there was still a spark of life left within this dead forest. He inched forward to pick it up, and reluctantly the frog stepped onto his outstretched hand. Aleister had never experienced an appreciation for life the way he did when he met that frog. The way its body rose and fell with every breath, the way it stared, half with wonderment and half with fear."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "Fern, was the only thing Aleister uttered in that moment. The word said in barely a breath, barely a whisper. The frog hopped off and Aleister felt the need to follow it. Even as every bone in his body ached and screamed for him to travel no more, to give up the search for the meteor. He still continued following the frog. The frog moved fast, hopping from stone to stone to burnt logs until they reached a clearing.\nhttps://nftz.forgottenrunes.com/wizards/alt/400-nobg/wizard-3172.pnghttps://nftz.forgottenrunes.com/wizards/alt/400-nobg/wizard-3172.png \nA space where the trees had been scorched to the bottom of their trunk and a hole in the ground had formed. There was no other location in the forest Aleister had travelled to that was as black and burnt as the hole that had been created from the meteor. His heart cleaved in two at the sight of it. He had never seen a clear definition for Destruction until that moment. The frog croaked, staring at him, as if it had been leading him there the whole time. \n\nAleister climbed down the hole; a faint glow shone brighter as he neared it. The meteor was practically the shape of a small boulder, how something so small could cause such chaos was unbelievable to Aleister. His hand reached forward to touch it and upon the movement, the meteor blazed as bright as the sun. He had to squeeze his eyes shut so he wouldnt be blinded by its brightness."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "The meteor then gave a deafening crack and revealed a starlike staff, blazing with power. The result of the death of the forest. Aleister realised then, the true balance of nature. What the meteor took from him, the life and the power of the forest all fused into one and settled within the staff. The staff held more power than most wizards could dream of, and it reacted to his touch. Because he was born from the forest, his heritage lay in the forest. \n\nIt was as if the staff was made for him. The moment he held that staff, everything changed. His dreams grew and he sought to prevent what had happened in the Empty Forest to other places. With his newfound power and his animal companion, he continued exploring the world, leaving his mark everywhere he went. \nMore and more people started hearing his name, fearing, hating, and loving him. But never finding him. He was never in one place for too long, for the call to adventure never ended and he was always following it. He saved many kingdoms, but also led many to destruction. And he was always searching. Searching for the one quest that would quench the parasite feeding from the guilt within him. \n\nGuilt born from his return to his home forest, from his inability to save those he loved and from his inability to save his home. For years he spent roaming the world hoping to somehow fill the void inside him that was an endless pit of regrets, he was utterly heartbroken. His return home had changed him forever and Aleister was no longer the wizard who had left the Empty Forest, he was no longer the young boy who was full of hopes and dreams."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "Mystic Aleister of The Hollow became a name spoken with curiosity, he is regarded by many people as the Man who disappears but never truly leaves. A magical enigma who cant be found but seems to be everywhere. And with every passing day he grows stronger, the magic of his Star staff never ending, he inches further and further into insanity despite his good intentions, as the guilt eats away at him from the inside. \nHe is seemingly forever alone, never staying in one place and never showing his vulnerability to others, he does not trust that he can connect with people, and he is afraid that if he does they will disappear like his home forest. So, he remains a lone wolf by choice, save for the animal companion, Fern. \n\nBut he can be trailed, as the first few days after he leaves a location, there is a trace of seedlings that sprout from the ground, many believe that it is like the seedling that was born from his tears the first day he arrived at the Empty Forest when it was destroyed, and that the trace of sprouting seedlings he leaves behind is simply the tears he has wept as he recounts the memory of his loss."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "Or that it is simply the traces if magic left as the bright light of his staff shines on the ground, for that measure of magic from the forest could not be trapped in a small staff without spills. Nevertheless, no one will ever know, as he refuses to reveal himself until he decides to, disappearing whenever he is known for too long. \nHe continues bringing the memory of his home wherever he goes, and every time he has completed a quest, defeated a beast, or saved a kingdom he leaves a reminder of his presence in the form of a wild oak tree. Like the one he would laze under in his childhood and wonder about the power of nature. The oak tree would always become fully grown within a week, covered in moss no matter the location and completely immortal and undying. Leaving a piece of the magic from his forest in the oak tree. \n\nIt is said that when one waters the oak tree a leaf will fall from a branch and land on the nose of the one who watered it, showing that person their potential future and what dreams they can accomplish, but also shows what you will lose upon following those dreams as Aleister was always a firm believer in the karma of the universe. \n\nOne cannot achieve a dream without a price, there is always a price for everything. \nDespite this, he continues to give gifts to the world, giving and giving and refusing to receive. He believes that this will someday make up for what happened in the Empty Forest. That it will somehow silence the voice in his head that continues to haunt him and accuse him of being at fault for what happened in his past. And because of this voice, many people have often looked upon Mystic Aleister of The Hollow and believed him to be insane. As he rambles about the importance of balance within nature and how he must restore it so he can forgive himself."} +{"id": "0e4ed4b5-4ae2-4585-8852-cf4b8ebd1a74-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T16:56:48.589", "backgroundColor": "#1e3b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWgjj3HtrRA1oHLciJmsbeAF6EwBMV1iBDcRYeZR6Td4t", "txHash": "0x6a7d5da4a59003e3527fce3f9418d7b6e57fedc77ec994366e96bd79baa0174d", "createdAtBlock": 15154913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3172, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXmpQPSxwQ3mfkJAxas7EaAEkn76ReJT23KpByBKYfi9A", "name": "Mystic Aleister of the Hollow", "text": "However, even after years of saving kingdoms, bestowing blessings and destroying evil he has still not forgiven himself; he is in a constant, never ending cycle of grief and self-hatred that despite the balance being restored he does not see it that way.\nAnd that is the known story of Mystic Aleister of The Hollow."} +{"id": "57a202c6-e12f-4561-8c2a-c5238de3acd8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:16.806", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRJwAYDrLRPmGmjQQDq8JEYiPr8mxcKgpfndbmyzfzFbM", "txHash": "0x7e8fc360af6b4de550f3afdb1a53ee483e1a88b87a42b2b5f179e56f077928a6", "createdAtBlock": 13951833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7075, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Aleister of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Aleister of the Cosmos\n\nIt is likely that you meet The Enchanter Aleister of the Cosmos in a tavern. He is lurking in a corner table and waits for the perfect moment to start with his magic show which is mostly based on card tricks. It is not uncommon that his bat (with the lovely name Tharguz) collects some coins he gets from impressed Wizards. \n\nWhat most Wizards don't know yet: The Enchanter Aleister of the Cosmos also masters black magic and serves one of the most powerful villains..."} +{"id": "029e4f41-6d87-48ff-9ac7-ee4a3fb2cd5f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:17.54", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYE7ePoyALt3R1vCD6rpGL8K9jdUCd2RdVKNcGDGzXMuH", "txHash": "0x71de0cd84c6b7994aa2b4b9f86cd410ef5114a7b60a6f73e204016634a9d090b", "createdAtBlock": 13951960, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Wazir of the Wood", "text": "# Wazir of the Wood \n\nA sorcerer by trade and a Djinn by creation, the decades Wazir spent as a military conscript for the Red Hats had left his mind vengeful and his body scarred. \n\n> Once released from the bonds of servitude, the sorcerer sought refuge amongst the dark brambles and overgrown thickets of The Fey Forest. It was here that he earned the title - Wazir of the Wood. \n\n \nLooking back on his conscription, it wasn't that he had been opposed to the violence of it all; in fact, he quite enjoyed the opportuntity to showcase his power, he simply loathed that his Djinn nature compelled him to fulfill the wishes of his masters. It was the forfeiture of his own free-will and his loss of agency that angered him.\n\n> Fueled by the desire to repay his former captors, Wazir spent his years in the forest searching for a way to remedy the one aspect of his Djinn nature that stood between him and retribution -- Djinns cannot kill."} +{"id": "d63b2c6c-19d5-404a-b40a-01999c7ea37a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:37.289", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmepLRD2hdoFJRgRFvrhWYciAt1K7DX6nFjUhhJ5bK873Y", "txHash": "0xd2aca668464ec05ee439533124df97ca642cffb23101579a1799d68e1c18c493", "createdAtBlock": 13957205, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2601, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Apollo of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Apollo of the Ether\n\nSorcerer Apollo is a hermit who spends his life movingconstantlyacross the land, leaving a trail ofdevastation anddestruction in his wake. He travels with his collapsible staff, which due to its ability to convert one element into another, is nicknamed The Midas Rod by those unlucky enough to have seen its effects.\n\nThe head of the staff contains a tiny amount of strange matter, collected long ago from within the quantum shadow, which when touched against a material can transmute it for as long as it is supplied with energy.\n\n\nIt is a risky and difficult piece of magic but by carefully balancing the energy requirement of the staff, against energy he generates through the use of his rune of steel on a second object, he has the ability to produce unlimited amounts of gold wherever he goes.\n\nInitially when he arrives in a new town he is welcomed with open arms as his coins are made of pure gold and are worth far more than the existing debased currency. As he keeps on paying for goods and services with pure gold the people he is buying from ask for more and more gold until prices start increasing exponentially. \n\nThis eventually causes the entire economy to collapse with only those being paid directly by Apollo receiving gold fast enough to be able to buy even basic goods and the rest of the workforce departing with all the gold they can carry, leaving behind fields filled with rotting crops, closed mines andempty shops.\n\n\nAs more and more people leave the town it becomes less and less pleasant to live in, with even basic services ceasing due to a lack of workers. Only then does Apollo pick up his staff and continue his endless journey towards a new town filled with unsuspecting citizens who cant remember the last time he passed through."} +{"id": "27a27013-a46d-4cb5-aa2f-ab221af7ea68-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:40.867", "backgroundColor": "#0f163b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWSi89nxRH4CPMVMniWeanALHDudJ9cfj7sueUQTXyHw", "txHash": "0x68d56fc0863b035cb94738b766d1d7e1619bdc396d87c4ef999dd399d60d7e3e", "createdAtBlock": 14101809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "this wizard is the epitome of the forgotten ones. this wizard is a guide that gives clues and gems . He is a loner that shines when he's underestimated.\nhe lives among the valley of the void desciple Where he is on a quest to glory. as he travels through the ruts and dirt he becomes stronger and wiser. he Is guided by his rabit to conquer his fears.\nAs I walk through this mystery place full clues, gems and a lot really important life lessons.Ive learned along the way trying to find my way in this world can be extremely difficult this wizards character has the potential to help me conquer it all. This symbol of all the distractions in the world that helps come alive like music specifically man on the moon by kid cudi. \nThis wizard represents the your big brother , a mentor and a friend.\nAs this wizard go on his journey he knows deep down theres a light at the end of tunnel so he keeps the faith. This wizard journey is very unique and special. Joining forces with like minded wizards of 5 with same goal which is to retrieve gold that was hidden by the emperor and use the gold to take care of the oppressed people of the village. Amongst the 5 of us we each have powers to that makes us strong as a unit we each make up for whatever other person lacks. At times this wizard will isolate his self just gather his thoughts and quite his mind. Whenever hes around the group his ability to express his self is a struggle so he keeps all his thoughts bottled and uses if needed. This is often mistaken for weakness but thats one of the wizard powers which helps to make the outsiders view him as the underdog but this wizard illuminates himself whenever he is heavily underestimated by the masses. This wizards imperfections helps him to realize later on in his journey are actually his strengths."} +{"id": "27a27013-a46d-4cb5-aa2f-ab221af7ea68-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:40.867", "backgroundColor": "#0f163b", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWSi89nxRH4CPMVMniWeanALHDudJ9cfj7sueUQTXyHw", "txHash": "0x68d56fc0863b035cb94738b766d1d7e1619bdc396d87c4ef999dd399d60d7e3e", "createdAtBlock": 14101809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "Journey started when I attended a school for the forgotten runes. This wizard was isolated wiz that was scared to express himself. Until he met 5 other wiz that kind of helped him to come out of his shell."} +{"id": "163a33a7-aaf6-460c-82e1-51d5562f6c6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:18.238", "backgroundColor": "#08360b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcX183LfpHKyiuxbGw3Hx4YVpLVwLrnejQoXvV4P3cT9h", "txHash": "0x5e797503825fe6276333778e47289950821392884183f22fde7c6ad15ee6d124", "createdAtBlock": 13952862, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9672, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Ophelia of the Isle", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Ophelia of the Isle\n\nThe purest wizard's family blood line from early 15 century. Friendly and warm hearted. Created the spells about commanding the food and wrote the most famous cooking reciepe book. Like cooking for his loved ones, travelling around the world and tasting unknown food. The green hair came out due to he ate a poisonous mushrooms when he was 14. Oops, he really does not like pet."} +{"id": "7d885dc3-7018-4b33-9111-a2920731c500-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:18.891", "backgroundColor": "#063463", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQoVF5s4n4mSU9bweBkqqPGP3PM4EJy9S32x3nkV31Boz", "txHash": "0x2d473b1a87d46d45e8ee3df9899dc3c91dfc6862d73e32ceb6311a2417dcd90c", "createdAtBlock": 13952979, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1008, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Remus of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Remus of the Hall\n\n**If all the world and love were young,** \n\n**And truth in every shepherd's tongue,** \n\n**These pretty pleasures might me move** \n\n**To live with thee and be thy love.** \n\n**Time drives the flocks from field to fold** \n\n**When rivers rage and rocks grow cold,** \n\n**And Philomel becometh dumb;** \n\n**The rest complains of cares to come.** \n\n**The flowers do fade, and wanton fields** \n\n**To wayward winter reckoning yields;** \n\n**A honey tongue, a heart of gall, Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.** \n\n**Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,** \n\n**Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies** \n\n**Soon break, soon wither, soon forgotten--** \n\n**In folly ripe, in reason rotten.** \n\n** \n\n**Thy belt of straw and ivy buds,** \n\n**Thy coral clasps and amber studs,** \n\n**All these in me no means can move** \n\n**To come to thee and be thy love.** \n\n**But could youth last and love still breed,** \n\n**Had joys no date nor age no need,** \n\n**Then these delights my mind might move** \n\n**To live with thee and be thy love.**"} +{"id": "0ad687db-ff70-471f-bb91-debcc9424747-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:33.198", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVKNx88q1FeHAJKpzLkSbPzda72imh9eDbAs1WF9biSYA", "txHash": "0x09d13f15ac39dd5db235addc8bfe3cbe9441df7b954179c10bff6346ff610fc4", "createdAtBlock": 13956804, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWjZLMCbqBiid8ff39BZk72V1xHCC7Sw3grQSCRXmQwRK", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist David of the Veil\n\n## Chapter 1. The Runic Mausoleum of Pleasure.\n\nRight, picture this. Im trudging through Hedge Wizard Wood on my way to Fur Gnome Wold (_you can probably guess what for)_ when I spy a cheeky little cave entrance amongst the shrubbery.\n\nHello, I say. Lets take a gander old chap.\n\nThe old chap in question is Leroy my familiar. He croaks his swift approval and we dive in. The rocky walls soon turn to smooth sandstone and I realize weve hit the jackpot.\n\nAha! Looks like were dungeon diving again old bean. Dibs on the first chest.\n\nLeroy croaks again.\n\nIts starting to get a bit hard to see as we descend deeper into the bowels of the dungeon so I spark up the Solar Staff and throw some light about the place.\n\n \n\nAha! I yell, scooping up a fat coin purse. Looks like an extra week at the Wold for us my boy.\n\nIts at this moment that I hear the heavy breathing\n\nI swing the Solar Staff toward the far corner of the room and am confronted by a horrendously obese Dwarv wearing nothing but a leather loin cloth.\n\nEgads! I yell. Have some decency old chap.\n\nLeroy croaks yet again.\n\nThe round little chap in front of us appears to be rubbing some sort of oily substance over his shiny skin. He is positively gleaming in the light of the staff. Hes moaning in a manner that Ive heard many a time before (_during my previous visits to the Wold_) and licking his surprisingly plump lips.\n\nOh bollocks."} +{"id": "0ad687db-ff70-471f-bb91-debcc9424747-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:33.198", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVKNx88q1FeHAJKpzLkSbPzda72imh9eDbAs1WF9biSYA", "txHash": "0x09d13f15ac39dd5db235addc8bfe3cbe9441df7b954179c10bff6346ff610fc4", "createdAtBlock": 13956804, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWjZLMCbqBiid8ff39BZk72V1xHCC7Sw3grQSCRXmQwRK", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "Oh bollocks.\n\nAs the greasy Dwarv begins to move toward us I hear a clattering sound over my left shoulder. Spinning around I find a reanimated skeleton wearing what can only be described as a gimp mask. Its twirling a set of shackles in its boney hand.\n\nSorry chaps were saving ourselves for the Wold.\n\nThe greased Dwarv and the kinky skel dont want to hear it by the looks of things so I decide its time to get us out of there the old fashioned way.\n\nGet ready to hop Leroy old boy.\n\nI raise the Solar Staff and give it a shake.The fat fellow and his rattly companion immediately lock onto the vision Ive manifested in the centre of the room. They shuffle toward it eagerly, the moans coming from the Dwarv sounding like two asthmatic pigs rutting.\n\n \n\nNow, I whisper.\n\nLeroy and my good self slide toward the entrance to this den of lust as our two would-be seducers collide in a ball of oiled blubber and leather clad bone.\n\nEnjoy your evening lads. Well show ourselves out.\n\nWe pop out of the cave entrance and I let out a hearty laugh.\n\nLeroy stares up at me and croaks.\n\nIt was a simple little illusion, my boy. Griselda the Kobold Princess from my old carnival days. The dance of a hundred veils always gets the blood pumping. Speaking of which I think we can still make the Wold by nightfall.\n\nI throw back my head and laugh as I jingle the coin purse."} +{"id": "b4e0f9b8-042c-4d66-892e-2d6fcdce703a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:34.174", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNqsEBTUXkozqcoASAzcrwC72BwrM3vao58LH8rR8r2kN", "txHash": "0xde0d8d45046242ce9fd95f9382d99ade63558fef61e7ce1f628333f027005b46", "createdAtBlock": 13956862, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8621, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Angus of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Angus of the Cosmos\n\nPlagued by loneliness and overwhelmed with self-doubt, Angus was always seeking escape from reality.\n\nIn fact, when Angus was but a child he was so fond of escape by any means that one day he went outside during a freezing cold snowstorm and wrestled a polar bear to death.\n\nKeep in mind that our dear Angus was hardly three feet tall at this time.\n\nHe still wears that polar bear skin atop his head almost every hour of every day as a way to keep the shadowy demon spirits of his mind at bay because for some reason, Angus is convinced that dead polar bear skins repell such evils.\n\nSo how then, you must be asking yourself, is Angus still the victim of such dreadful loneliness and self-doubt that he is constantly seeking escape from reality?\n\nNo reason.\n\nSome time after Angus first skinned that aforementioned polar bear and began to adorn it's skin as a headdress (both for the swag and the supposed demonic protection), Angus began to discover his powers of sorcery.\n\nIt is not precisely known exactly how Angus discovered his talents, as he has never actually relayed the experience to anyone other than his faithful pet cat, aptly named \"Whiskers,\" but his magical powers have nevertheless continued to help him to escape reality without actually being able to completely escape reality.\n\nBecause that would be impossible of course.\n\nAngus has been known to shapeshift whenever he feels like it, but most of the time he chooses not to, because to his utmost dismay, he is unable to bring his polar bear headdress with him into the next form. He has tried many times, consulted many other wizards, shapeshifters, and sorcerers alike; all to no avail."} +{"id": "b4e0f9b8-042c-4d66-892e-2d6fcdce703a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:34.174", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNqsEBTUXkozqcoASAzcrwC72BwrM3vao58LH8rR8r2kN", "txHash": "0xde0d8d45046242ce9fd95f9382d99ade63558fef61e7ce1f628333f027005b46", "createdAtBlock": 13956862, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8621, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Angus of the Cosmos", "text": "No matter what he tries to do, that headdress just falls to the floor as soon as he changes form, and as anyone who has ever battled spirits before will surely attest to, the demons of the mind stay with the mind no matter what form a soul takes at any given moment.\n\nA real pity for our dear Angus indeed.\n\nBut that is of no matter, because these days Angus rarely uses his magical powers anymore unless absolutely necessary.\n\nAnd since his life is rather solitary as a result of his desire to escape reality, sometimes he might play a few magical spells for Whiskers whenever Whiskers is in a playful mood.\n\nWhiskers enjoys that very much.\n\nAh yes, it would be important to note at this point that Whiskers has been made immortal by Angus' spellcraft only a short time after Angus discovered his abilities. This means that Whiskers will forever be the same age, but since bliss cats continually grow in both wisdom and cunning, Whiskers is no exception despite her immortal state.\n\nAngus and Whiskers live a rather solitary life, as alluded to earlier, but considering they are together, life is not as lonely as it might seem.\n\nThey have also perfected their abilities to keep themselves entertained no matter what else is going on in the world of the Forgotten Runes. As such, Angus can often be found in his fields chopping wheat with his scythe, which as fortune would have it, also makes him feel safe from the ever-looming dangers of the demons of his mind.\n\nHe also feels that his trusty scythe also gives off a certain aesthetic allure and mystique for the rare occasions that Angus (and Whiskers too, of course) actually go out and socialize with the rest of the Wizard world, whether that be in a simple tavern or library or one of the many towns that Angus will reluctantly go to if he is feeling like he wants to procreate."} +{"id": "b4e0f9b8-042c-4d66-892e-2d6fcdce703a-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:34.174", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNqsEBTUXkozqcoASAzcrwC72BwrM3vao58LH8rR8r2kN", "txHash": "0xde0d8d45046242ce9fd95f9382d99ade63558fef61e7ce1f628333f027005b46", "createdAtBlock": 13956862, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8621, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Angus of the Cosmos", "text": "Oh yes, and of course Angus enjoys the fruits of his labour as a result of his wheat chopping - the added benefits of the demon protection and the swag just means Angus is more likely to be holding onto his sycthe in moments when he is not chopping wheat. I am sure that he would want the narrator to make that abundantly clear.\n\nAs for Whiskers?\n\nWell, quite often she can be found sleeping. And this is quite alright with Angus honestly, as his love for Whiskers knows no bounds.\n\nAlmost every night when Angus finally lays down to sleep, Whiskers will wait for Angus to settle in, and then she will curl up at his side, laying down on the coziness of his tunic.\n\nAnd of course Angus enjoys this very much as he does have a rather soft and kind heart, deep down. Despite his history with polar bears and his love of wearing their skin.\n\nThe quiet and mostly sleepy temperment of Whiskers fits that of Angus quite well, and both deeply enjoy each others' company while at the same time never imposing on the other or making the other feel like they are left out in any way.\n\nIt's a companion relationship that most wizards long for these days.\n\nEventually though, Angus knows his own fate is not similar to that of his immortal friend Whiskers.\n\nAngus is very aware that one day he will meet the scythe of another, that of the Grim Reaper, and that Angus shall pass onto the other side and return to that from where he came: the Cosmos.\n\nHe is aware of this, yet he is also rather looking forward to the experience of death. After all, he has had an affinity for death ever since his childhood and that life-changing wrestling match with the rather unlucky polar bear on that fateful Tuesday afternoon all those years ago."} +{"id": "b4e0f9b8-042c-4d66-892e-2d6fcdce703a-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:34.174", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNqsEBTUXkozqcoASAzcrwC72BwrM3vao58LH8rR8r2kN", "txHash": "0xde0d8d45046242ce9fd95f9382d99ade63558fef61e7ce1f628333f027005b46", "createdAtBlock": 13956862, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8621, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Angus of the Cosmos", "text": "Perhaps it is his desire for escapism that he is so compelled towards the gates of the afterlife, or perhaps he is simply interested in meeting his maker; but whatever it is, Angus smiles at the thought of this inevitability.\n\nUnfortunately to his dismay, he knows that Whiskers cannot follow him into the veil.\n\nHe sometimes wonders to himself if Whiskers is also aware of this fact, but most often times when he does get lost in those seemingly dark and depressing, yet cathartically comforting thoughts, Whiskers will suddenly hop up onto Angus' lap, or brush her tail up against the side of his leg, and the daydream will disappear as he then embraces the love he has for her even more, always feeling compelled to show her love when she is around. \n\nHe appreciates both his own existence and that of his cat in those moments very deeply.\n\nWho knows how long the inevitability of death will swim around in the thoughts of Angus' mind, or if he will ever find an answer as to how he might bring Whiskers with him into that infinite void, or if Whiskers would even consent to such a change in fate; but the two will go on living their lives the same regardless.\n\nAnd Angus will most likely forever be plagued by the demons of the mind, an existential loneliness and self-doubt that can never be satisfied, and his insatiable desire to escape the realities of life.\n\nOnly time will tell what happens next, as Whiskers just woke Angus from yet another daydream. And the narrator encourages the reader to appreciate their existence, in whatever form it takes."} +{"id": "0bd38779-7b20-4ad1-90b7-e9f6abfa0b10-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:19.57", "backgroundColor": "#5a78d0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmacUriznrgWKvqKzomxXhvoPHsU1fAeQQpr92Uo7H1ETT", "txHash": "0xbe57a53e5ebf43935fde9cd8af787c99f4449c567d2673daa4a5f9a2ee1f3d57", "createdAtBlock": 13953273, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3355, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Zane of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Zane of Elysium\n\nZane learned his wizardry as a young boy. His pet rabbit, Nicholas, was his companion since birth.\n\nThey wandered through the Ruinverse looking for tales to tell, of men mighty and weak.\n\nA young warrior asked for his fate, and as Zane looked into his crystal ball, his eyes grew wide.\n\n\"WHAT IS IT?\" The Warrior asked.\n\n\"Nothing, we must be on our way.\" The sage replied quickly.\n\nAnd off they went to meet their next victim, ahem, (I meant warrior)."} +{"id": "5b4a7761-4a01-41ad-a26f-6a3c4a7f40bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:20.256", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb4K5bDHGSXNKzEKRVcqZp7assth45RiwBvE4w3AHy8HF", "txHash": "0xe63652df760a11d8d9a8c3e8c1cb43633854a0880f620417a5933cc5a5383ad8", "createdAtBlock": 13953295, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9828, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Uvlius of the Temple", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Uvlius of the Temple\n\nAs the last bits of sunlight filtered through the woods of The Fey, Uvlius paused to reflect on the last few days. How long had he been there, lost in the forest? It seemed like only yesterday that he had fled in haste from the band of zombies that seem to be appearing ever more frequently since the mysterious appearance of the sacred flames and the wizards foolish enough to be consumed by them.\n\nBut he must have been lost for longer than that? The wind spell that he had cast to escape not only drained him of his power, but left him helplessly without direction when he finally awoke on the floor of the forest. Now he has no choice but to wander on, with the only sign of life being the distant \"Hoot, Hoot\" of an owl that has been gradually getting louder.\n\nHoping to come across a trail or landmark of some sort, Uvlius pushes onwards, still unable to conjure the energy to cast any spells that may aid him. With nothing but trees in sight, he suddenly hears a rustling in the leaves above him. Squinting upwards into the dying light of the day, he sees a figure in the trees. The owl that he heard has appeared! Looking into its eyes, he can sense that the owl is somehow trying to communicate with him. After a few minutes of staring, the owl begins to slowly move in a new direction, landing from tree to tree while waiting for Uvlius to catch up.\n\nCould this be the way out? Lacking any better ideas, Uvlius decides to follow on, hoping that the owl can lead him back to civilization where he can rest up and restore his powers."} +{"id": "06cac564-4a06-47f3-8ca3-81d5b96f9009-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:50.695", "backgroundColor": "#796ba3", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUJsj3CAPWXEnxKtPzAizW6xHgquULRdM7wxT1chMcMn", "txHash": "0xabf347ab9f1a3be73805d98f1b431ee49b8cadfb725654224e5de184bc81b3c5", "createdAtBlock": 14048202, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Jerret of the River", "text": "# The Lore of Evoker Jerret of the River\n\nSearching for purpose, this may never end"} +{"id": "0171d98c-16ea-433b-8596-0b365d9a3b12-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:20.902", "backgroundColor": "#cb470e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPgHJ9JhNgUD95FE9uqa1rqt82mYuzfh9riRnmQV9QwF6", "txHash": "0xa1cab31311afbf6263f004e359c89ba5f73e631c4f7d63b481f5530f1e7dc13e", "createdAtBlock": 13953297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3516, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Crowley of the Steppe", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Crowley of the Steppe\n\nGrowing up on the Steppe would never be easy for an aspiring pyromancer, but especially not for one such as Crowley, to whom magic never came as easily as it did to his peers.\n\nWhile lacking in natural abilities, Crowley was always eager to prove his worth as a wizard. Unfortunately this led him to attempt to cast increasingly dangerous spells that he would struggle to control.\n\nLate one night during a particularly dry summer, he was experimenting with summoning a dangerous type of fire that burns brighter orange than any others known to wizardkind. The intensely bright flames attracted a nearby firecat, briefly distracting Crowley and causing him to lose control of the spell. The wild flames quickly engulfed his head, and while he was able to extinguish that fire before serious injury, the magic had seeped into his skull, permanently coloring his hair an unnatural shade of bright orange.\n\nThe flames from his spell continued to spread, destroying several structures in his village before the town elders were able to come together and contain the fire.\n\nBlamed for the wayward spell and the devastation that it caused, Crowley was exiled from his homeland. Setting off on a new journey with only his trusty blue blob named Oswald, Crowley was determined to build a new life for himself, and eventually return to make amends for the trouble he caused."} +{"id": "daf32329-3f95-434c-900a-71a810a0388d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:44.228", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVtBnkRFfCvRpfCV82hNijLzDPPQBn1M4GroMG8DNCc7P", "txHash": "0x261710901dc173b5d02729b85879e42ef90161cc65607c9efb32229b3bc9a01c", "createdAtBlock": 14718675, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Willow of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Willow of the Brambles\n\n\nA mystical wizard who learned her dark magic from the rats of Valoria. Carrying the fire stick of Drathna her presence brings security to her allies and destruction to her foes. Fear her wrath but welcome her friendship, that is the way."} +{"id": "96d999a2-7602-4ba6-bc03-d1ad7eed0b3e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:21.553", "backgroundColor": "#1a3e30", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVM5kAFXApAEWWBuZbDcNxmqNWKx5JEzCaYwyVG1TGqgZ", "txHash": "0x2b7bc8f87b6b88a1482dfe53afa1f52ba287cc72ea220b09d0722ae32db7a5ac", "createdAtBlock": 13953716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8300, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden of the Grotto", "text": "# The Saga of Sage Eden of the Grotto, Once-Bird now, Man\n\nFrom many fens and distant dells\na steady growing chorus swells\non frigid mounts and gloomy coves\nto ancient shades of fossil groves \nthe company drinks long and deep\nlike tea, secrets soak, brew, and steep\neach song-breath steams like morning dew\nin feathered cloaks of many hue\ngarlanded in green petioles\nand moss beard middens hung by voles \nYou know them well, and so do I\nTheir ethereal flight through sky\nA whisper, breeze, or rushing gale, \ncoats of feathers or coats of mail, \nyellow plumes or crowns gilded gold, \nStory-songs ring bright, dark, new, old\n\namong bird songs, one stood alone, \nit bounced, bent, through walls of limestone, \nor should I say it stood in two, \nfor it was a duet, long, true\n\nit whistled, slowed, floated, rended, \nit rose, quick! cut, folded and mended, \n\nhark! the grotto now is silent\n\nno bill, nor claw, nor feathered wing\nnoone can bring themsleves to sing, \nof the missing past, present, future king\n\nthe bard of the grotto,\nhalf of flame, \nhis partner absent,\nand he to blame, \nfeathers falling, his world a fragment, \nturned to man, and full of shame\nBut in silence he still sings,\na duet broken, an empty claim\na quiet solo, one half of nothing,\nin the murk, he wanders \nand in the quiet, he wonders\nhow far must he tread, \nto the right his wrongs, and raise a song from the dead"} +{"id": "d3acb7b4-96c0-42e7-969b-3b24f43c6f38-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:22.266", "backgroundColor": "#d38080", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTgzFQzpR8Uyjs9SradMM6BXZXGNvtiYBWPcKpEUtTm7g", "txHash": "0x02e1d8c75f6af106e880c66a8ffd7e58b6cb19d40afca2afd41baa5ccb1dfbd1", "createdAtBlock": 13953858, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7953, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Nicolas of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Nicolas of the Moors\n\nNicolas is the based wizard of the Moor. He resides in flarthogarf, where the frogs protect the land. His companion Lotus, is king of the frogs. Their work together to protect the lands and their current objective is to accumulate all the rare air flowers in the metaverse."} +{"id": "d4763918-1842-4c91-b894-bf3a3da2c369-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:23.615", "backgroundColor": "#020f04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUdrD3odvU7DP8zTqGJSMifCnryYN1nK5hhRiS4Tgfr7F", "txHash": "0x631125f4a7ed963086a47ea39066388f8a1b419a87fc944f6be8b7e10983f388", "createdAtBlock": 13954165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7982, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Alessar of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Alessar of the Keep\n\nA forager \n\na flaneur\n\na friend of the forest\n\nBefore establishing the Keep, Magus Alessar spent his days roaming the Hedge Wizard Woods contemplating the world and all its intricate beauty. \n\nIt is these days of contemplation he looks back on with a painful sense of nostalgia, now that he has found himself so far from the woods he once loved."} +{"id": "eed80678-5df6-4247-afab-fb44c08ad645-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:51.767", "backgroundColor": "#0a0a0a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSTc7cnhMar3SZrAoWaXYka8ueFCgbHyyHxLG8GUCUCf5", "txHash": "0x3d4d643860b25d812f9844e044cc866eccad46de25805ea125f5597e03dc6968", "createdAtBlock": 14048422, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6728, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPVRkkBnYgMUrSQMC6NQ6pXatB6LFfnP2LPjjTDd65qEY", "name": "Witch Drusilla of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Drusilla of the Hall"} +{"id": "efa4299c-1133-43da-a9e2-13522bdd495d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:49.102", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZrZn1uR38t98iu8wmkmPnmAKvjCPKz2AVVVoGCXxQdf2", "txHash": "0x0c0e695598fb7bfd622d91a2087c4e7cb6daa6711d562ce3e32207e863df8bde", "createdAtBlock": 14718867, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 361, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Atom the Feisty", "text": "# insannuuus equus \n\nEat, walk, sleep, repeat. Is this a life? Where are you @wizard135 ?"} +{"id": "b302082f-3612-4755-9070-5bae82b0ea39-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:25.894", "backgroundColor": "#6d1b1b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdg9eMgpYwf1PvGu5QzrMbutjQs81pGDWRNULgkdGWoJp", "txHash": "0x0aa5451f01ce9301e16b429db2a66d7d1c5acfd29beec565ab3da85bdec5c554", "createdAtBlock": 13954424, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3895, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Anton of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Anton of the Cosmos\n\nSummoned into consciousness through the electrification of an unholy cocktail of splenetic gore, junkyard scrap metal and spinal fluid by a self-loathing God-aping lunatic, Thaumaturge Anton's first act was to consume his maker with aplomb.\n\nUnaware that his creator had planned for exactly this contingency, T.A. forthwith was overcome with involuntary spasms as the creator's source code imprint forcibly entangled itself into the newborn's digital firmware upon the biological expiration of the madman's meat sack.\n\nNow condemned to a fate of being able to wield limitless power yet cowed into a blinkered existence by the uploaded neuroses of his corporeally-ingested (and quite insane) father, Thaumaturge Anton's most legendary intergalactic showdowns pale in contrast to the battle within his own beknighted digi-soul."} +{"id": "8d94a03b-534c-4242-80e4-55e39c727a80-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:26.719", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwSqBytJbo7ruPaaXgwp7QohtNSxv14dKUMtRNixdnSW", "txHash": "0x5cdf9b27574e8a3c665bb260d84c01a57fd88c9819fe642303efb71dedc83a71", "createdAtBlock": 13954550, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Edge of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Arch-Magician Edge of the Sun\n\nEdge is 777 years old and has lived a nomadic lifestyle ever since his home village was destroyed by an evil spirit when he was a child. He explores the Runiverse in a lifestyle similar to his distant ancient relative Johnny Appleseed, planting apple trees and good vibes. \n\nOn his 7th birthday he was gifted his great-grandfathers broom it is his most prized possession and favorite way to travel and explore. \n\nOn his 77th birthday he was befriended by a Lucky Black Cat named Zeus when he kept him from drinking a lethal potion (by knocking it off the table) given to him by a deceitful Sorcerer. Zeus has saved Edges life on multiple occasions and remains his most trusted companion. However, Zeus is a bit of a thief, but Edge always makes him return the stolen treasures."} +{"id": "57c2cf0e-0c77-4ac6-90b1-e7156ddf6c9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:27.518", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRGuTEFiHPfBRyEdbFWsU7BnAaScvfSfBj3rysaLQJdv", "txHash": "0xd2bc2ba251c032a3a5592d37612cc3eb3d1bb7417240f6edc29a30a2be94ed11", "createdAtBlock": 13954700, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9507, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "## In Milk we Trust\n\nThick and tender savoury slice,\n\nI cant resist, but take a bite.\n\nAt this moment, I see the light,\n\nWhat have I done, this wasnt right.\n\nGeomancer Moloch I will join,\n\nHelp abolish tenderloin.\n\nThose beasts will live another night,\n\nCome on brethrens, join the fight.\n\nHow, how to steer away from the forbidden fruit,\n\nWhen so many worship this precious loot.\n\nHow, how do we convince a barbarian brute;\n\nWell easy, we just find the right substitute.\n\nIf this is what it takes to end the slaughter,\n\nCanaanites will show their deepest secret.\n\nFor them, its viewed as holy water,\n\nFor us its milk, you just drink it.\n\nWe still dont know where it comes from,\n\nFor all I know its from their bum.\n\nOne thing for sure, no need for rum,\n\nYoull feel as drunk, as a suburban mom.\n\nOne bottle will feed you a day,\n\nThey say it keeps the kobolds away.\n\nSo put your purse, on the table,\n\nCanaanite Milk, so sustainable.\n\nMake sure its warm, not cold,\n\nFor you will know your sip is fresh;\n\nSuperior, then rotting flesh.\n\nBring to your lips, this white gold.\n\nMilk, cereal, and a wooden spoon,\n\nReading the latest Forgotten Runes.\n\nWhere have you been all those years,\n\nThe cream of your kin, to you I cheer.\n\nFor those of you imbued with magic,\n\nIts time to not feel so lethargic.\n\nYes this milk you can conjure,\n\nWhat you will get, you cant be sure.\n\nHave a go, cast a spell,\n\nThe milk will grow, change its smell.\n\nFor you dont know, what you will find;"} +{"id": "57c2cf0e-0c77-4ac6-90b1-e7156ddf6c9c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:27.518", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRGuTEFiHPfBRyEdbFWsU7BnAaScvfSfBj3rysaLQJdv", "txHash": "0xd2bc2ba251c032a3a5592d37612cc3eb3d1bb7417240f6edc29a30a2be94ed11", "createdAtBlock": 13954700, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9507, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Moloch of the Brambles", "text": "The milk will grow, change its smell.\n\nFor you dont know, what you will find;\n\nBear in mind, might make you blind.\n\nYour interest, I know is piqued,\n\nAs each outcome will be unique.\n\nMore and more milk you will seek,\n\nDrink every week and you will leek.\n\nFrom the caves of the platonic shadow,\n\nAll the way to the edge of the Hollow.\n\nTo this nectar, you will kneel and bow,\n\nReborn a collector you will vow."} +{"id": "b5e58aa0-6f1a-4ed8-9441-e8b1ea565d17-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:35.422", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme7m6Z1SeaRmkb7fTDqa8WS4HryMj1bPUoMUqZLureBCF", "txHash": "0x4bd0e472ac2a8d2aedc20e803f8988aca89fbe294198a4c2aa8e389d575e87f0", "createdAtBlock": 13956885, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4777, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Lin of the Ice", "text": "# The Lore of Ice Mage Lin of the Ice\n\nNear the sacred pillars, Lin was born and raised as a mage. She sets out to fulfill her mission of exploring the world to the fullest, meeting various people and learning their stories. Through all of it experiences both bright and dark sides."} +{"id": "9cb583f3-2e41-4297-98d6-4a1bba0a147f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:28.136", "backgroundColor": "#fffefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQnDHpxfzutuPTpS2zx3wSWakzTdMkEKhVQ1Ftr4j7QAq", "txHash": "0xf9c935b099ab89e1a477f8a8767718049e7a2f2d64e74ea5ebccbe19ffb70de7", "createdAtBlock": 15069957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRtAi1qu4YA3Ff2GnFtm4XgDcNSFbm28ZGWVjpBLjJgbj", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "# Chapter 2: The meeting of Zarl and Woolah\n\nThis tale begins where many good tales begin, that being The Greasy Hobbit. My own little oasis in the Runiverse.\n\n_Come for the ales, stay for the tales. Aha!_\n\nIve had that carved above the door since we opened. Its my promise of hospitality and merriment to each and every traveler who enters.\n\nMind you not every guest appreciates the charms of the Hobbit. Oh no. Weve had the usual ruffian and scallywags over the years of course. But every so often we meet a traveler who truly leaves their mark upon my door.\n\nThis is the tale of one such guest.\n\nIt was an ordinary magical night at the Greasy Hobbit. I was regaling the clientele with one of my entertaining yarns (the one about the Imp and the Wild Woman if I recall) when the front door suddenly and violently flung open. The force was so powerful that the poor Wooden Boy cleaning tables was launched halfway across the room into the hearth. \n\nSomebody grab that poor stick boy from the fireplace and douse him in ale! I cried. \n\nZarl groaned and slowly shuffled across the room to fetch the lad.\n\nNever a dull moment in the Hobbit. Now, where was I? I was about to go on with my raunchy tale when the Kobold lurched in. \n\nHe was a large fellow. Green of course. Tremendously built for such an oafish creature. And his eyes had the signature 100 yard stare that one associates with the Koboldish. \n\nWelcome friend, can I pour you an ale? I asked, grabbing a mug in anticipation.\n\nBLLUUEERRRGHHHHHHHHRSPSDKVXXCBVBREKK"} +{"id": "9cb583f3-2e41-4297-98d6-4a1bba0a147f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:28.136", "backgroundColor": "#fffefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQnDHpxfzutuPTpS2zx3wSWakzTdMkEKhVQ1Ftr4j7QAq", "txHash": "0xf9c935b099ab89e1a477f8a8767718049e7a2f2d64e74ea5ebccbe19ffb70de7", "createdAtBlock": 15069957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRtAi1qu4YA3Ff2GnFtm4XgDcNSFbm28ZGWVjpBLjJgbj", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "BLLUUEERRRGHHHHHHHHRSPSDKVXXCBVBREKK\n\nThe green chap vomited all over the floor for what felt like a good solid minute. \n\n_...I guess you have room now, I bellowed. Aha!_ \n\nIts important to always keep your patrons at ease when running a pub you see. Its good business.\n\nThe large Kobold wiped a ropey strand of drool from his chin and lumbered toward the bar, leaving wet and chunky footprints on the stone floor.\n\nZarl, be a chap and mop up this fellows dinner once youve seen to the boy. \n\nZarl gave me one of his looks and muttered under his breath as he poured a barrel of the cheap stuff over the smoldering Wooden Boy.\n\nMeanwhile the Kobold pushed aside two of my regulars and leant on the bar.\n\nKoooool.. he slurred, invading my nostrils with a stench that no wizard should endure.\n...Aide.\n\nHe hiccuped.\n\nI put on my most welcoming smile even as my eyes watered from his breath and grabbed a bottle from the bottom shelf.\n\nIndeed. Indeed. A Kobold Koolaide for our fine Kobold companion. \n\nI began filling the mug but the big chap snatched the entire bottle from my hand and skald it down in 3 large gulps. He then held up his fist. \n\nThe other patrons all took a step back. Kobolds were unpredictable at the best of times but when theyre liquored up they can be positively chaotic.\n\nThe Kobolds eyes narrowed as they locked onto mine and he leant forward, extending a gnarled finger directly at my forehead. He had the look of a creature with something profound and earth shattering to proclaim. I braced myself."} +{"id": "9cb583f3-2e41-4297-98d6-4a1bba0a147f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:28.136", "backgroundColor": "#fffefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQnDHpxfzutuPTpS2zx3wSWakzTdMkEKhVQ1Ftr4j7QAq", "txHash": "0xf9c935b099ab89e1a477f8a8767718049e7a2f2d64e74ea5ebccbe19ffb70de7", "createdAtBlock": 15069957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRtAi1qu4YA3Ff2GnFtm4XgDcNSFbm28ZGWVjpBLjJgbj", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "BLLUUEERRRGHHHHHHHHVSDKDVKSKAOSFPAKSKCKK\n\nHe vomited again. This time all over the bar and my fine tailored shirt. \n\nEgads man thats wool! I cried. I loved that shirt.\n\nThe Kobold threw back his melon shaped head and gurgled with laughter. \n\nI pride myself on being a patient wizard but Id had quite enough of his shenanigans by now..\n\nZarl! I called out across the pub. Show our guest outside please.\n\nZarl stopped scraping the first expulsion into the slops bucket and he leapt up at this new request, tossing the chunk spattered cloth at the unfortunate Wooden Boy. It hung and swayed from the lads' long nose in a fashion that I found most amusing I must admit.\n\nZarl cracked his knuckles and grinned. \n\nNow you must know that Zarl is the chief of security here at the Greasy Hobbit. Cleaning vomit and extinguishing enchanted wooden bar staff are not the primary tasks of his job description. Taking care of riff raff like this Kobold here and keeping the peace is where Zarl really excels.\n\nAlright ogre you heard the man. Zarl was standing behind the big fellow now.\n\nThe Kobolds eyes narrowed again and I noticed his shoulders tense.\n\nKobold, he snarled.\n\nWoolah is Kobold remember that, gremlin. He swung around with a speed that no beast that size should possess and grabbed Zarl by the throat, lifting him inches off the stone floor. Zarl is no slouch though and immediately brought his knee up, right in the Kobolds toadstools. \n\nUrkkk. I almost felt sorry for the big oaf."} +{"id": "9cb583f3-2e41-4297-98d6-4a1bba0a147f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:28.136", "backgroundColor": "#fffefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQnDHpxfzutuPTpS2zx3wSWakzTdMkEKhVQ1Ftr4j7QAq", "txHash": "0xf9c935b099ab89e1a477f8a8767718049e7a2f2d64e74ea5ebccbe19ffb70de7", "createdAtBlock": 15069957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRtAi1qu4YA3Ff2GnFtm4XgDcNSFbm28ZGWVjpBLjJgbj", "name": "Illusionist David of the Veil", "text": "Urkkk. I almost felt sorry for the big oaf.\n\nWoolah crashed to his knees, cupping his little kobolds, and groaned. Zarl looked at the other patrons and flashed a toothy smile. He had a glint in his eye now that only ever appears with violence. He was gloating a little prematurely as it turns out because suddenly he too dropped to his knees, the large meaty fist of the Kobold having connected with Zarls own secret tower.\n\nUrkkk?\n\nThe two now faced each other rocking back and forth. Groaning. Together. In the annals of epic warfare this skirmish would not even be a footnote Im afraid.\n\n...Well it looks like thats settled then. I said, hoping to salvage what patronage I could from the night. I stepped down to the other end of the bar leaving the two groaning combatants to their shared agony.\n\nHow about a round of ale on the house? There was a loud cheer and a burst of conversation as the drinkers excitedly recounted the spectacle theyd just witnessed. \n\nAs I poured I cast a sideways glance at the two warriors. Theyd slumped against the bar shoulder to shoulder and were now weeping in a most ugly and messy fashion. I nodded to Leroy and gave him a wink before turning back to the now rowdy patrons.\n\nYou see, friendship is a funny old thing. The shared experience of crushing each others nether regions had drawn Zarl and Woolah into a powerful bond of kinship. They had fostered a strange mutual respect through brutal physical combat, and from that day forward the two became the unlikeliest of friends. \n\nIll let them tell the tales of their various adventures in their own rite. But this first meeting of Zarl and Woolah belongs in the rich tapestry of the Greasy Hobbit. And my good self of course.\n\nAha!"} +{"id": "08002d34-1fcb-4634-bcb0-ef046f2e56c5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:28.172", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWKq23Kkb33WqqehzSUxh65JeSUXVJU7ECh1SqrALVMbB", "txHash": "0x920b897be367b3a46d61c6bf1b70f6434bd95dd705e7c0dcfa5d1fcb527b7b86", "createdAtBlock": 13954864, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 241, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Argus of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Fortune Teller Argus of El Dorado\n\nAh, Argus. Where do we begin?\n\nArgus began his career as a scammer on the isle of Chiton.\n\nAt first business was slow.\n\nThen, after discovering a magical deck of Cards-\n\nBusiness was fast.\n\nArgus quickly turned a small bag of gold into a royal stash worth at local gambling dens. \n\nArgus Roams around the continent now in a guilded carriage- selling various antiques and relics. \n\nIt is said that his magical deck of cards grants him the power to never lose a bet."} +{"id": "c97c8996-e529-47e1-affb-f312ad877331-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:51.115", "backgroundColor": "#ca91fd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWAjtDcDHu7FTAHDNeprJEH8pB3ph7ugRKuoWgfh2RTke", "txHash": "0xa1ac2ef5386c03d6d5adca89090ebc75c27f677c33a13167f0b3b1131e90a8fb", "createdAtBlock": 13958998, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6167, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hunted Stag Devin of the Shaded Shores", "text": "# Interview with Hunted Stag Devin of the Shaded Shores\n\n[...]\n\n\"Who? Battle Mage Dante of the Riviera? Is that the tomato man face man who always compliments his own mustache? \n\nI said his shoes were 'pretty rad' and he retaliated that 'these are not just mere shoes; these are finely stitched Jordan Air 1's, cast from the heavens, and unavailable to the common folk at a reasonable price.'\n\nNeedless to say, didnt really vibe with the guy. Im just trying to launch my horn polish startup and am searching for investors. \n\nSend me an owl if youre interested \\*\\*\\* _serious inquiries only.\"_"} +{"id": "d1475553-9f6b-4f63-9f72-5d648363fbae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:28.803", "backgroundColor": "#58305e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYuwgiZwP1VL9bG5UuAyHvfNju9wvUj8kgvmVkmmTLf93", "txHash": "0x754a1d0c7db6263c9adf529e58c607fb62932b10295cb2d07bfcf787bf8deedb", "createdAtBlock": 13954951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8200, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Keziah of Limbo", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Keziah of Limbo\n\nKeziah: Hebrew for 'cassia tree,' a symbol of female equality.\n\nBorn in Limbo, free from original sin, Keziah stewards over the trapped souls who await their judgment - or resurrection - to the void, the spirit realm, or the mortal plane. \n\nAn Undertaker of sorts, she cares for and escorts these undead til their journey's completion.\n\nShe shepherds her flock with the jinx staff, fashioned in the shape of the wryneck (Latin iynx)) and the namesake of the sorceress nymph Lynx, daughter of Pan and Echo, who was transformed by Hera into this bird as punishment for an enchantment spell she cast on Zeus. A gentle reminder to the wielder that she, too, may not interfere with human will. She cannot change these souls fate... or can she?\n\nThe lucky black cat at her side, unnamed and eternally misplaced, a cruel reminder of the freedom that Keziah secretly seeks. Her rune of air a symbolic nod to those she loves, those she knows have made it to the other side.\n\nShould Keziah succumb to her desires to escape this eternity of undertaking, of caring for the undead, in search of something new? \n\nCould she have lived a life before Limbo that she's forgotten? ...is she simply stuck there, too?"} +{"id": "40922dc0-e28c-4eac-a064-c4f83b6c4a2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:29.923", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUq5T9uso16ExGf7dpeKGyoVwqP1ir7hfjSvq6f68rdz8", "txHash": "0xe3c792bc26e9a18e776683cb3213e775bc476533794b701b3d863c6f2df9512b", "createdAtBlock": 13955414, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6993, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Sondra of the Fuliginous Fog", "text": "# Paranormal Phantasm Sondra of the Fuliginous Fog\n\nBurning into a Sacred Flame was all I ever wanted. This is me... This is the real me... \n\nPPSFF walks on Earth."} +{"id": "9dadc3d1-d71e-48db-864e-ae6b05c990c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:30.856", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma5EBUmanEpujoV4kC28oL3jevxkWencuknVtm2ZWeurZ", "txHash": "0xc7bec7132ec255cb0c1f5c1738fc7f22ac83c7edac000e10253eb17ce20b2c98", "createdAtBlock": 13955444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9735, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Eronin of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Eronin of the Ether\n\nA beacon of hope in a void of despair.\n\nThat is how they will remember Magnus Eronin of the Ether.\n\nHe will not be a warmonger like his mother. He will not be a passive onlooker like his father.\n\nNot long after Magnus was born, his mother left to speak out against magic being taught to commoners. This on its own was a contentious enough matter of discussion, but she even believed that anyone without an innate magic ability should be scrubbed from the face of the world to create a utopia for wizards. As one can imagine, she made enemies faster than she made allies and before long they had deduced where she came from, and Magnuss hometown of Suro was no longer the safe haven it once was. One night while Magnus was still young, the quaint village nestled into the wild near Dream Master Lake was raided by a group of particularly passionate opponents of his mothers opponents. Suro was ash within minutes.\n\nMagnus ran as fast as he could from the village, but he couldnt run fast enough to avoid hearing his father scream his name with his last breath. But that didnt matter. His father was just as guilty as his mother in his eyes, seeing as he did nothing to stop her."} +{"id": "9dadc3d1-d71e-48db-864e-ae6b05c990c2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:30.856", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma5EBUmanEpujoV4kC28oL3jevxkWencuknVtm2ZWeurZ", "txHash": "0xc7bec7132ec255cb0c1f5c1738fc7f22ac83c7edac000e10253eb17ce20b2c98", "createdAtBlock": 13955444, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9735, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Eronin of the Ether", "text": "Magnus ran to the Blue Wizard Bastion, where he was taken in by talented Wizards who recognized the potency of the magic in his blood. He explained to them what had happened with his mother, and while there vowed to never be like her - he would bring magic to those who had been denied it for centuries and ensure no senseless violence like the sack of Suro would ever happen again. Although he had hoped some of the Blue Hat Wizards would join him on his journey, each and every one of them that was staying at the Bastion decided to stay to continue their studies, but before he left they presented him with a farewell present: the peace staff he still carries with him.\n\nIt is a powerful conduit for his magic, and the enchantments laid upon it make his speeches incredibly persuasive. For the last thirty-five years he has wandered the land, inspiring other wizards to lessen the exclusivity of their knowledge and protecting small villages like his own from attackers, although as he ages and becomes less able to fight, he has considered the possibility of opening a school to teach non-magical people wizardry.\n\nWho knows what the future holds for Magnus Eronin?"} +{"id": "850202a5-7490-48b1-8b19-72e658e0ecab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:31.6", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPJmJ5HuWkaLbHzM7ZvjF12XHrtvCxzBp6BLG1H4P7i7j", "txHash": "0xac4fc2fdaa318844b3193146efefb0dcbe7566c997b4b673044645f1199866bf", "createdAtBlock": 13955683, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1160, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Bartholomew of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Bartholomew of the Forest\n\nBartholomew, lovingly known as \"Bart\", is a kind and sensitive soul with a love for japanese emo rock. He enjoys camping with his spirit friends in the forest."} +{"id": "63a05488-0536-47de-918f-dddf5f418d6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:32.284", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZhVeYSsCzdqjZKJx7xSr8LdGrPUTzU2rANfKGqEXosAb", "txHash": "0xcd74345b693c12419f3af17b84b612be005fac79be144ec4e23d39f6b19916bb", "createdAtBlock": 13955750, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8343, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of Mu", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Iprix of Mu\n\nThe legend of Archmagus Iprix will soon be heard across the lands with the upmost prosperity. Through the great wisdom and patience Iprix gave to the people of The Fey, there arose a valuable key to those in need. Iprix had forseen this prophecy, and knew it would only lead to his death, but he remained loyal to the people of The Fey. Legend says Iprix is dead, but others disagree. From time to time there are rumours Iprix had been seen up North from those who must travel. The people of The Fey will never forget what Archmagus Iprix of Mu have done for them, and would do anything to help him return."} +{"id": "08ff2791-8f74-4e53-b699-f4534e695737-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:54.08", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPjC7Qh7E6beoRdq28i4x17oceXfXduNy7tf5z68ph82Z", "txHash": "0x56d8f0c2f821cb461f182f68fb4892de17810a38a06300f1676e461d1e96997d", "createdAtBlock": 14721927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8231, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Daphne of the Marsh", "text": "# Don't let the pretty look fool you!\n# I'm quick to cast my spell on you!"} +{"id": "060dc50d-8406-4a7e-974a-3cdf14578256-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:36.279", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbGsEvYsBVcxNcZenBk2bXUBoyt4rcYzF1dSQ5suYe8HA", "txHash": "0x0be18c1723e4e316323a5c76892084fcc8126def9c7604a32e94246140111275", "createdAtBlock": 13956968, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5180, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Gaspard of the Berg", "text": "# The Lore of Ice Mage Gaspard of the Berg\n\n\"Frost Powers and Fireworks? What could go wrong?\" Gaspard thought to himself. He'd had enough of his elders telling him that the two shalt not mix. BAH! He drew a spark close to the wick and watched it pop and fitz...\n\nThis was to be a beautiful marriage of fire and ice of the dragon variety."} +{"id": "1fb623d4-510c-41b7-a411-b44a329d1af5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:40.312", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPYQPvj7LiQ3dCPktowx4acH8Q6jf2vHaCnjyMHUec92i", "txHash": "0x96b17ec9094fa81d6e5e51b0ce6d4e508b87cf15930048bb6568911edf917068", "createdAtBlock": 13957812, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Dutorn of the Hills\n\nThree wizards have forged a bond through their love of the natural world.\n\nBattle Mage Dutorn of the Hills (317)\nDruid Cromwell of the Wood (2937)\nGeomancer Apollo of the Brambles (4817)\n\nA shift in the available resources have inspired our team to formalise themselves, and declare their allegiance in the book of lore.\n\nThe group is notable mainly for their affinity, and has been recognised for their time together. \nHowever, in their first true test, they fumbled the reward of that recognition to stronger hands (and some internal trepidation as to exactly who was going to be walking into the sacred flames).\n\nStill life is comfortable and stable for now (as far as it goes for unique digital blockchain entities) and there is optimism for the future."} +{"id": "6bc13d69-3968-4659-ac0e-b7243f8d4e81-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:28.887", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSGYK9s2krwD7tXsEPm9DMKnNnecb5at62BDJc8SGViiM", "txHash": "0x16f8e150abc82a0cc57de1db3f05cf4b7ee40a68164462cd71598fd67fe34ede", "createdAtBlock": 15070411, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12210, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZaZxsUGTKaSGZwVKdyt4sh2Xw7R8fe3FPkxizaXVBHw7", "name": "Sami Hero of Liches", "text": "# Sami. Liches. A Djinn. \n\nNot all villains are truly bad, and not all heroes are actually good.\n\nNot all that are magic remain so, and not all that are of might come from it.\n\nAnd that is the story of Sami. An ancient Djinn, for eons locked in a lamp, he was but a servant to all lucky enough to stumble upon his jail. Legends say Sami was one of the first of the wish granting spirits. Such was his power that he could make almost any desire come true, as per his eternal greeting:\n> Three wishes, to be exact. And ixnay on the wishing for more wishes. That's all.\n\n> *Sami, the Djinn. Every. Djinn. Time.*\n\nAlas, it isn't only power and magic that he honed over the millennia in his cursed prison. With every wish given, Sami learned more and more of the mortal world and its occult legends. \n\nHe discovered that some souls are only loosely bound to their fragile bodies, often as a result of the dark arts -- Necromancy. Some souls are fragmented, and have fractions of their being hosted in phylacteries, personal items securing the life force of a lich, a wizard of forbidden magics. The Djinn realized that with a cleverly worded wish and a willing dark arts practitioner to assist him, he could escape his prison.\n\nEons passed but an opportunity finally appeared. A dying Lich, Kain, found Sami's lamp near Zaros Oasis with too little life force left to continue his journey and too much thirst for revenge to let go. Not even the Djinn's wishes could stitch together what little soul he had left into more time... but it could help return the favor to those that wronged the Lich."} +{"id": "6bc13d69-3968-4659-ac0e-b7243f8d4e81-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:28.887", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSGYK9s2krwD7tXsEPm9DMKnNnecb5at62BDJc8SGViiM", "txHash": "0x16f8e150abc82a0cc57de1db3f05cf4b7ee40a68164462cd71598fd67fe34ede", "createdAtBlock": 15070411, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12210, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZaZxsUGTKaSGZwVKdyt4sh2Xw7R8fe3FPkxizaXVBHw7", "name": "Sami Hero of Liches", "text": "With all three wishes, a dark ritual, forbidden knowledge, the Djinn's lamp, a source of primal life from a golden jaguar, The Zaros Oasis' emblematic animal, and the remainder of Kain's life force, the unlikely duo cast a reverse Imprisonment spell. Sami's prison lamp turned into his own phylactery, his spirit into flesh, his magics reduced to a Brimstone rune, and the jaguar into the Lich's ultimate cursed vessel and final resting place. His previous bonds weakened, Sami could now roam the mortal world, a wish he craved for ages. \n\nYet, this was no gift. The bargain struck between the desert spirit and the undead wizard bound Sami to a quest. His newfound freedom was conditional on his loyalty to those practicing Lichdom and on avenging his ghastly savior. The final bond was forged between the new human and the giant feline. The apex predator was to watch over, guard, and assist Sami in his endeavor, as well as ensure that Kain's final wish for revenge is fulfilled. Would the cat be a friend or a warden? Only Sami's future journey would reveal the answer.\n\nAnd thus Sami, Hero of Liches, blessed with freedom and cursed with a dark oath, set out to fulfill his quest lest he be returned to his damned jail. Alongside his cursed golden jaguar that he named Kain in honor of his rescuer, Sami ventured forth into the Runiverse."} +{"id": "a4b274aa-46a2-4af6-862f-a3a320e0b925-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:41.379", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1xZCpo4Hx8DDabgM2kJmsLesYyGwr44UeSQcqv3PinP", "txHash": "0xea3df1529bbd8ca4118081b5c79fcc10c5530bbcb73eff56f7df6d7364a88ff6", "createdAtBlock": 13957843, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2937, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Cromwell of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Cromwell of the Wood\n\nThree wizards have forged a bond through their love of the natural world.\n\nBattle Mage Dutorn of the Hills (317)\nDruid Cromwell of the Wood (2937)\nGeomancer Apollo of the Brambles (4817)\n\nA shift in the available resources have inspired our team to formalise themselves, and declare their allegiance in the book of lore.\n\nThe group is notable mainly for their affinity, and has been recognised for their time together. \nHowever, in their first true test, they fumbled the reward of that recognition to stronger hands (and some internal trepidation as to exactly who was going to be walking into the sacred flames).\n\nStill, life is comfortable and stable for now (as far as it goes for unique digital blockchain entities) and there is optimism for the future."} +{"id": "8fff9d6b-26e5-4900-b308-7b3febf88c31-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:38.676", "backgroundColor": "#ab2626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWbYbD158bYEzdBDvK3vfzikBy8zYd5uCLwawYJh1cGwc", "txHash": "0xa8d9bc4ff6a27d67ac320d4fe137556364672c6febb034dd3dbe86de220eb92b", "createdAtBlock": 16402312, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmam1JckWsNwaEE5vprvnVBZYYLhVe2NLfwG8Lt1zKrRLz", "name": "Artificer Jaffer of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Jaffer of the Cosmos\n\n\n## Prologue\n\nThe key to the 7th realm lay dully in the things hand, proffered with a casual gesture. There was nothing casual about the unnatural way the burnished surface of the key soaked up the light nearby. Inscrutable sapphire eyes gazed, unblinking, from within the deep shadows of its hood.\n\nI was startled from my reverie as the common swamp toad at its right boot let out a low, languorous growl; a sound more like a mountain cat than a toad.\n\n### A proposition that should not be\n\n*Dost thou sssseek power, traveller?*, it rasped.\n\nI hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. The creature before me radiated an aura of immense power, and I could feel its strange, glowing eyes boring into me as if trying to read my thoughts.\n\n*\"Yes,\"* I finally replied, my voice steady despite my uncertainty. *\"I seek ...power.\"*\n\nThe creature chuckled darkly, a dry and rasping sound that sent shivers down my spine. *\"Power is a dangerous and slippery thing, traveller,\"* it said, its voice low and menacing, *\"and risks the attention of even more powerful and dangerous things... particularly when it comes to dreams.\"*\n\nI hesitated, unsure of what to do. *\"What do you want from me?\"* I asked, my voice trembling slightly.\n\nThe creature smiled, a grotesque and twisted expression that sent chills down my spine. *\"I want you to make a choice, mortal,\"* it said, its voice filled with malice. *\"Will you accept the hubris that I offer, and risk the consequences? Or will you turn away and continue on your mundane path, never knowing the true potential of what you could become?\"*"} +{"id": "8fff9d6b-26e5-4900-b308-7b3febf88c31-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:38.676", "backgroundColor": "#ab2626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWbYbD158bYEzdBDvK3vfzikBy8zYd5uCLwawYJh1cGwc", "txHash": "0xa8d9bc4ff6a27d67ac320d4fe137556364672c6febb034dd3dbe86de220eb92b", "createdAtBlock": 16402312, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmam1JckWsNwaEE5vprvnVBZYYLhVe2NLfwG8Lt1zKrRLz", "name": "Artificer Jaffer of the Cosmos", "text": "I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I knew that whatever decision I made, it would change the course of my life forever. But I also knew that I could not turn away from this opportunity. I had to take a chance, and see where it would lead me.\n\n### A forgotten path into the dark forest of dreams\n\n*\"I accept your offer,\"* I said, my voice firm and resolute.\n\nThe creature's smile widened, and it held out its hand, offering me the key to the 7th realm. I took it, feeling its burnished surface absorb the light around me, and some part of me, with it. I turned and began to make my way towards the portal that would take me to the realm beyond.\n\nAs I stepped through the portal, I was immediately transported to a strange and alien realm. The air around me was thick with the feeling of fantastical and inscrutable constructs, looming just beyond the reaches of my straining comprehension. I looked around, trying to make sense of my surroundings, but everything was a blur of colors and shapes.\n\n### The Kobolds\n\nSuddenly, I felt a sharp tug on my arm, and I was dragged roughly to my feet. I turned to see a group of scabby-looking kobolds surrounding me, their beady eyes filled with malice.\n\n*\"Verminous human,\"* the kobold snarled, shaking me roughly. *\"Thou hast trespassed in the domain of the dream masters, and thy hubris is most unwise. Tread carefully, lest thou stumble upon something better left unseen.\"*"} +{"id": "8fff9d6b-26e5-4900-b308-7b3febf88c31-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:38.676", "backgroundColor": "#ab2626", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWbYbD158bYEzdBDvK3vfzikBy8zYd5uCLwawYJh1cGwc", "txHash": "0xa8d9bc4ff6a27d67ac320d4fe137556364672c6febb034dd3dbe86de220eb92b", "createdAtBlock": 16402312, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1488, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmam1JckWsNwaEE5vprvnVBZYYLhVe2NLfwG8Lt1zKrRLz", "name": "Artificer Jaffer of the Cosmos", "text": "I noticed a group of rough hewn wooden crates in the background, half-filled with water from the dream lake. The kobolds were carrying them, moving them towards a strange contraption that was operating at the shore of the lake. A large, particularly ugly looking kobold was standing menacingly between me and the contraption, its beady eyes fixed on me.\n\nI blinked, my mind still foggy from the strange dream I had just experienced. As the reality of my situation began to sink in, I realised that the key to the 7th realm had only been a figment of my imagination, and the powerful creature I had encountered was nothing more than a dream. Yet, I felt rattled and not quite myself, and glimpses of disturbing visions from a twisted place beyond reality flashed through my mind.\n\n\n\nWith a trembling sigh, I allowed the kobolds to lead me away from Dream Lake, vowing to be more careful in the future and not to let my dreams lead me astray."} +{"id": "99d6e559-9c09-4ecb-bc1f-2a22f1fe1b27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:42.234", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWy2gj1cCz8ekbjF1r3LT4AT8y3qgifNrqeMJrgjFdHru", "txHash": "0x3e056c6f604fb69bedf46b8ce122a41dab0bd1d2824292aa107ae7104c91a95f", "createdAtBlock": 13957848, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4817, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Apollo of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Apollo of the Brambles\n\nThree wizards have forged a bond through their love of the natural world.\n\nBattle Mage Dutorn of the Hills (317)\nDruid Cromwell of the Wood (2937)\nGeomancer Apollo of the Brambles (4817)\n\nA shift in the available resources have inspired our team to formalise themselves, and declare their allegiance in the book of lore.\n\nThe group is notable mainly for their affinity, and has been recognised for their time together. \nHowever, in their first true test, they fumbled the reward of that recognition to stronger hands (and some internal trepidation as to exactly who was going to be walking into the sacred flames).\n\nStill, life is comfortable and stable for now (as far as it goes for unique digital blockchain entities) and there is optimism for the future."} +{"id": "857b8402-48c0-4a8f-85c2-a28efc3147ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:59.768", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSV86JaQ1G8mSDxuicnzWgMEMB85s8s2bCSKhfsf3c4a", "txHash": "0xca6835a7cde1b744465c4880f43344f2bef88ebb55336657fa905beaf1bd92f7", "createdAtBlock": 13960632, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8343, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of Mu", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Iprix of Mu\n\nThe legend of Archmagus Iprix will soon be heard across the lands with the upmost prosperity. Through the great wisdom and patience Iprix gave to the people of The Fey, there arose a valuable key to those in need. Iprix had forseen this prophecy, and knew it would only lead to his death, but he remained loyal to the people of The Fey. Legend says Iprix is dead, but others disagree. From time to time there are rumours Iprix had been seen up North from those who must travel. The people of The Fey will never forget what Archmagus Iprix of Mu has selflessly sacrificed for them and would do absolutely anything, to help him return."} +{"id": "fa75a8c8-e117-4158-8f8f-8b37ae3f1999-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:43.096", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmetx6hXfrVnoVsFTWkfeZjR24gJ2edk31KE5cffaETwZy", "txHash": "0x6ad5f577123db08196f1fca0af6af84796abed39f488396f782193689d9a0cc4", "createdAtBlock": 13958176, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1604, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Death Shroom Amanita of Nasty Town", "text": "# The Lore of Death Shroom Amanita of Nasty Town\n\nAmanita is as nasty as they come, wandering the land for as long as anyone can remember. No one remembers where he came from, or how he got the way he is. His immutability is the lore of legends, and hes never been seen without his trusted cat Zarro and his very very large _ahem_ cane. When you meet him, be carefulor you may up following him back to Nasty Town."} +{"id": "89b73774-57f6-459d-9abf-af0d9d4afbaa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:43.9", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeaNzRh1xmTzzNjx7wCWGGh7KZoy7mfaco8rbeDWmQu7L", "txHash": "0x8f1b206b04224cde2b54de286c497ae80b796223fa248b2f60002a4040bc0f34", "createdAtBlock": 13958187, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Alex of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Alex of the Realm\n\nAlex the Enchanter is known for wandering the lands hypnotizing all those who look directly into his eyes. Alex is followed closely by his harem of beautiful women, and his snake leads a wild pack of anacondas that could easily take out the largest bull. If you approach him on a good day hell sit with you and impart knowledge passed down from millennia, but if you get him on the wrong day.youre toast."} +{"id": "39176e99-c0df-4ef1-a2b7-cab33109f7e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:45.531", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUvBDWgmgYiNFVHNN9jiLeuMcDFZxjXSLzT3MgHB5f7Rb", "txHash": "0x288c0b9561f5238ea61655753e0b4759f735245b9ee7d4d7ceca3f6495ff8292", "createdAtBlock": 13958200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7526, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Ixar of the Mist\n\nArchmagus Ixar is neither the most clever nor the most attractive fellow. Since a horrific fire decades ago hes wandered in the shadows, rendered nearly disabled by the burns across his body. You may not see him, but often youll hear him wandering in the nights, begging for someone to pair him with a flame and turn him into an eternal soul. May Archmagus Ixar finally be put out of his misery."} +{"id": "0b09fd9c-9aa3-48dd-ab57-25b7b62d4b90-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:47.521", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQHF7miM2bjfHWDunqX5MBKoEbxpVX3pjq2eSVfB561AL", "txHash": "0xa65a70b0d3a419eb8ef088105460b1f0a6cac22c23984911d1a874c807740272", "createdAtBlock": 13958385, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Amir of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Amir of the Mist\n\nArcanist Amir isnt the brightest wizard around, but at over 420 years old, hes seen many moons pass in his time. The son of a Botanist, Amir grew up experimenting with herbs and elixirs. He was often the subject of his experimentation, but hed usually share a toke with Rami, his rabbit. Some say that Rami and Amir are connected in an unexplainable way, seemingly physic. The truth is theyre just tripping through time at the same pace. Slow and steady. One day at a time. The mist surrounding Amir smells a little funky."} +{"id": "fa16fb91-947b-4544-b134-b06329faf2e3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:49.276", "backgroundColor": "#bf044d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTacbY3c5dmvS4r1H6BkkB5sNXZcVyQYkPPXJRXNAGm5J", "txHash": "0x458c3640253c4ced1911be16ec7fdb3621cd57a8773a11511f95350f2cf71446", "createdAtBlock": 13958995, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dante of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Dante of the Riviera\n\nA mustache so glorious: threaded with the hairs of a thousand angels. Whos tongue burns hotter than his mothers wrath. \n\nMany a foe have fallen victim to his vexatious, and many a woman to his sensations.\n\nOne such snide wizard **Hunted Stag Devin of the Shaded Shores,** stepped on his limited edition (And unbelievably cool), Jordans.\n\nAs consequence, he summoned the the internal fury of being bullied relentlessly at the Wizard academy by like six dudes (Who were total jerks by the way) and banished him to roam the world a complete and utter dork.\n\nEither way, his mustache is coveted by all the wizards in the land, and just to be clear he could care less about those losers at the academy (SERIOUSLY)."} +{"id": "d3d1128c-d67a-4d28-97b1-52901168bf51-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:52.33", "backgroundColor": "#115004", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWaKg4wD1RkCoX2EnHfM8U8fUsfQ94tBDuKjQpsSwr9zN", "txHash": "0xf7b13418189f2bd5698267f8835a304c7b59274e208ba9d13f1db12188c80177", "createdAtBlock": 13959078, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1732, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jelly Donut with Slime", "text": "# The Return of The Emrald Order\n\nReport from the Scrying Guild to Wizard Empress:\n\nHigh Empress, \n\nMultiple agents have reported unusual surges of a distinctly corrupt - even vile - magic. \n\nWhen focused upon, the power drives junior scryers to nausia. Those with the equinimity to maintain their gaze have reported more or less the following:\n\n\"emerald glow... \n\nstarting as a pin prick in the darkness... \n\nif the waves of nausia and constriction are weathered... \n\nthe glow beckons, reaching a blinding intensity of smaragdine light while setting the nervous system ablaze with terror...\"\n\nSubsequently many have suffered nightmares in which they are\n\n\"eaten alive or torn apart while surrounded by darkeness... all while being watched by thousands of emerald eyes\" \n\nAll surges seem to orginate from watery depths throughout our land. Namely, Kelpie's Bay, The Brine, and even as far north as Dream Master Lake and The Salt. \n\nWe do not intend to cause alarm as our investigation is still underway. \n\nPerhaps we could be of greater assistance if you were to share more from your recent visit with this Oracle you have grown so fond of...\n\nAlas, we are, of course, here to humbly serve your highness, as she sees fit, for the good of the realm. \n\nWith Clarity, \n\nEye of The Realm"} +{"id": "36cc6e1b-31b2-4c44-bc24-a921792def74-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:53.11", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYERP9QGg92qcLeVrKW3M9KBUMJMrNQhP99U5cdzZqZmN", "txHash": "0x52280b968570763b3a1fcf45f6584cbceb3d1e010664cdbeccc7176dfd19bc06", "createdAtBlock": 13959324, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3778, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQDgRUtqDaUVtKhD42YFnTqkhKRpDdZBK4UBFjRL8qPyi", "name": "Magus Gogol of the North", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Gogol of the North\n\nMagus Gogol of the North is among few who live treacherous northern forests. Rune of Fire protects Gogol from biting northern winds. His magic is of chaotic nature and becomes more powerful if Gogol is under influence of mysterious red mushroom. Not much is known about the mushroom, but it seems to be highly toxic if consumed by most. How exactly Gogol counters the poison is well kept secret.\n\nGogol shares his northern home with hardy tribe who call themselves Mrazoyeds. They are proud people, resistant to harsh weather and frost magic. \n\nMrazoyeds aren't very fond of Gogol, since he keeps disrupting their hunting parties with his chaotic trickster magic, leads them astray and steals their posessions.\n\nThe tribesmen reluctantly leave Gogol offerings on the edge of his forest in vain hope he will leave them alone this time. Some younger and foolish Mrazoyed warriors sometimes challenge themselves with the task of catching or killing Gogol, to no avail."} +{"id": "703ec53c-fd61-4c4d-93d7-1fd23b64e0e2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:27.511", "backgroundColor": "#bac8ae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYCJzZjpao7x1D4DGzuBALXYQFCwsEcFJFLJZh5pAjeS5", "txHash": "0x152d493765f44007d6e1a49eef226a2ccf50d643878a953ef17002a6daed6696", "createdAtBlock": 14015250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5254, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Sabina of the Brambles", "text": "# The Forgotten Lore of Witch Sabina of the Brambles \n\nMost of our history of her has been lost to time, but as of now, this book contains all collected records of the Witch Sabina.\n\n\n**Birthdate: Unknown**\n\n\nIt is believed Sabina was born from mushrooms themselves, they grow off of her like moss on a tree. She talks to no one if she can help it; living deep within the Thorn in a hidden hut among the brambles and bush. There is evidence of the witch being able to commune with her spores from across continents. \n\n\n**A statement from a supposed account with Sabina herself: Unverified.** \n\n\nI had heard the tales of the shrooms that grow within the Thorn, and though dangerous, decided to search some out for myself. Whispers around the continent make claims that these fungus fruits will grant you secrets to the universe. I had trekked deep into the forest and was about to turn back when I saw her. Tall and covered in her green mycelium that stretched inexplicably into the forest floor, she spoke.\n\n _\"What have you brought me today, Morel?\"_\n\nHer bright violet eyes pierced into me and I froze in place. A skinny black cat creeped out from behind me. I had no idea it was there.\n\nShe brought me back to her hut, and I thought, _well, this is it._ But suddenly I heard her voice as if she was inside my mind,\n\n _\"So you're here to try some of my mushrooms, hm?\"_\n\nI couldn't speak. \n\n _\"You must know there is a risk to trying them...They don't take for everybody._\n\n ... _\"Well, she said, you haven't a choice now. You came to the wrong wood.\"_\n\n\n\nShe then stuffed a cap down my throat with the most twisted grin."} +{"id": "703ec53c-fd61-4c4d-93d7-1fd23b64e0e2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:27.511", "backgroundColor": "#bac8ae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYCJzZjpao7x1D4DGzuBALXYQFCwsEcFJFLJZh5pAjeS5", "txHash": "0x152d493765f44007d6e1a49eef226a2ccf50d643878a953ef17002a6daed6696", "createdAtBlock": 14015250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5254, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Sabina of the Brambles", "text": "She then stuffed a cap down my throat with the most twisted grin.\n\nI can't say exactly what happened, it was like no other magic spell or charm I've ever seen or heard about. There was color where there should have been darkness, music in the trees, insoluble joy. My whole life gave away, I might have died. I know I sound crazy-- I'm not crazy! Please, you're looking concerned, but listen! It was real! I- \n\n << end of transcript >>"} +{"id": "823f3a95-c0c1-4b8f-92f7-e764682fea49-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:56.127", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV1p6SgwARaie6KVMLZk9qU4vUWnXURJXyiEEFJLPsDqM", "txHash": "0x0a2f0f36a08b591a1cd2754780b1c9343e6e539ccd57e8491e2d7f8e0c333e6a", "createdAtBlock": 13959669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 897, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Alatar in the Shadows", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Alatar in the Shadows\n\nHis rabbit, Stomper senses another door ahead. Could this be the fabled entrance to the 7th realm?\n\n\nHe has held the key for as long as he can remember, too long to know why...."} +{"id": "8a52d289-0d11-43c3-87b4-f25c0a676010-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:58.798", "backgroundColor": "#c58f49", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWvWp8HvqbpuJ8C7wuLJdV5pEgaEo4Ayb2o594HrQ6ZMb", "txHash": "0x22ab69714f052d10e000935932debeb399f2e3e86e4e04f8124541fb1be280ee", "createdAtBlock": 13960517, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3117, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPEvze6vc3jpvvL1XmSssSoK7UvbDsQM2WoXBVCAkjGm3", "name": "Alchemist Gary of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Gary of the Bibliotheca\n\n## Mandragora Officinarum\n\n \n\n\"The mandrake is a fascinating object. Many years ago, when some early farmers first unearthed it, they feared that the souls of men had been entombed in its roots due to the anthropomorphic appearance of the taproot. I have dedicated my life to the pursuit of unlocking the mysteries of this extraordinary herb, as I believe it to be the key to achieving the highest level of consciousness. In my own experimentation, I have enhanced my awareness of the physical and mystical beyond the reaches of ANY wizard I have ever encountered. I have absolute certainty that in short time, I will perfect my recipe to deliver permanent ascension to a higher state of being. The Council of Thirteen may scoff at me all they like, and call me a madman; they lack the intellect and the inspiration to comprehend the import of my work! In due time, they will see that they were the ones who have 'lost their grip on reality'. Although, when I think back on the rudimentary minds of those farmers who saw a doomed soul within a simple root, I often wonder if perhaps, they were right"} +{"id": "8a52d289-0d11-43c3-87b4-f25c0a676010-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:14:58.798", "backgroundColor": "#c58f49", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWvWp8HvqbpuJ8C7wuLJdV5pEgaEo4Ayb2o594HrQ6ZMb", "txHash": "0x22ab69714f052d10e000935932debeb399f2e3e86e4e04f8124541fb1be280ee", "createdAtBlock": 13960517, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3117, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPEvze6vc3jpvvL1XmSssSoK7UvbDsQM2WoXBVCAkjGm3", "name": "Alchemist Gary of the Bibliotheca", "text": "The alchemist placed his quill upon the table and gazed into the fire. The orange flames reflecting in his eyes accentuated the orange flecks in his irises that had been slowly growing in size and quantity over the last year. As his studies had progressed into more and more aggressive experimentation on himself and his familiar Freya, their skin and fur had begun to take on a distinctly orange hue. His clothes, once impeccably white, were thoroughly stained orange from his work grinding mandrakes each day to further his research. He had grown more and more distant recently and more prone to fits of hallucination or outright rage. Despite his physical dissent, his mind continued to race at night, fueled by the Mandrake Potions he created each day, with ever increasing potency. \n\nAs he sat there, in a brief moments respite before heading back to his workbench, Alchemist Gary of the Bibliotecha fought off a wave of nausea and took a draught of the mandrake potion by his side. With increasing energy coursing through his veins as the hallucinagenic effects of the potion began to take hold, he stood. \n\n\"Come Freya, we have much work to do, and little time to do it.\""} +{"id": "634bb125-75a0-4df8-bc71-6896a9d4bbbe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:54.196", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme6gqwfgvMC3y4nboF4Ej3kn6QaYSP59hKxcJSHcYVeAQ", "txHash": "0xf3149ece8ad015d8a42831c5d17d46c9b2065b93338919e8a43592df677e657e", "createdAtBlock": 14107655, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Blaise of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Arcanist Blaise of the Quantum Downs\nAlbino Rat\nCandle of Intuition\nRune of Earth\nClairvoyant of the Brine: 2427\n26 beers in and finally the Clairvoyant made it back to his bed and passed out, rough business being a clairvoyant, so passing out wasnt out of the norm, and was when he had the most vivid visions. This night was different though, as he was in a deep slumber, he sat up straight, and had a vision of a Sorcerer in the Desert. One that had turned to the dark and was planning to take over the world and destroy all life that got in his way. Hundreds of thousands of deaths seemed all but certain if the Sorcerer could succeed.\n\nA sharp wind blew open the window and the vision shifted, where there was a seemingly ordinary wizard in the colder region of the Quantum Downs, deep in a cave holding a candle searching for something he could eat. As the vision shifted the flame lit the wizard better and the Clairvoyant could make out the outfit he was wearing, a white robe over a purple jumpsuit and red belt to keep it all together, green shoes and strangely, it was as if he had skinned a polar bear and made its head into a hood. Following him around the cave was an albino rat that seemed to be his pet. Creatures in Runiverse always tried to latch onto a wizard as they worked well together, and each amplified the others abilities. Albino rats were usually one of the least exceptional creatures, but there seemed to be something odd about this one.\n\nThe visions shifted again to a few minutes later as the wizard sat around a fire with three dead bats stuck on a poke and roasting over a fire as him and his rat sat there salivating over their potential dinner."} +{"id": "634bb125-75a0-4df8-bc71-6896a9d4bbbe-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:54.196", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme6gqwfgvMC3y4nboF4Ej3kn6QaYSP59hKxcJSHcYVeAQ", "txHash": "0xf3149ece8ad015d8a42831c5d17d46c9b2065b93338919e8a43592df677e657e", "createdAtBlock": 14107655, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5685, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Blaise of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Then all of a sudden a number of quick snap shots passed through the Clairvoyants vision, This Wizard and his rat at a bar being watched by a number a dark shadows, the Wizard and a Witch fighting a number of ogres, the Wizard peering into his candle in the middle of The Wild at night in a rainstorm camped out seeing something in the flames, the sorcerer maniacally laughing over what looked like the lifeless body of the wizard, his rat trying to stir him, finally the wizard laying down after eating the roasted bats and falling asleep.\n\nThe Clairvoyant awoke in the morning with a start, he could never be sure exactly what his visions meant but this one seemed obvious, there was a dark power starting to brew and it planned to destroy the world, and somehow the Polarbear wearing wizard in the Quantum Downs was about to play a big part in this story."} +{"id": "ca961492-0e5e-49ba-a9a0-08229517cbeb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:00.627", "backgroundColor": "#ccffd0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc5SQn86s7wr1QkoYTMweqyampPcAnRgKWRcjb8dUV9Bk", "txHash": "0x699d8ab2c560daa1dfd801a73f3a010fc5700363a7cb29e95d9cff88485744d0", "createdAtBlock": 13961069, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4589, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eden of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Eden of the Moors:\n\n\"Damnit.\" The vial toppled from the shelf and exploded into a mix of wizard-security glass and very valuable and glistening potion upon the floor. SCHLOOOP- it was encased in the emerald but clear gel of a slime, the very villain who caused the thump and who was now both digesting and clearly fiending for the meal. \n\n\"Bad Lorb, BAD.\" He shooed the slime, now content and perhaps a little out-of-it, back to a corner and shut the door on the potion room. \n\nHe had been working on the border of The Fey for many moons now, in a monastic state of study on botanical substances. Lorb, the slime, was incredibly useful in the research, serving as a wizarding kind of truffle pig for rare herbal compounds, but the utility was also a curse. He would need to strengthen the shelf and order sturdier bottles from the workshop.\n\nHe missed the days of journey, and his scholarly season was coming to an end. In Spring he would set off to trace the path of the budding leaves."} +{"id": "21e98100-324a-4de4-9f0b-cc2788f775a2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:01.909", "backgroundColor": "#a71753", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb1ikZLdnyahCrftYwBris66nXyHoxwFuKPcwsCmGTM6E", "txHash": "0x844858f7f4d110efddc2da1988a794ecb1ba1acdcef8d9b769235b601292102a", "createdAtBlock": 13961109, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1537, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZj9Fr5H6EHwzFjZ6uRwYaAcEzM9wVjqQPakpxB96wMrg", "name": "Illusionist Artis of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Artis of the Field\n\n \n\nA former Green Hat, Artis has been notorious among her Elven kin for beguiling others and toying with their senses for fun. She's been a trickster for years, pulling pranks and deceiving anyone who gets in her way of a good show, especially anyone she deems a \"control freak\".\n\nThough she may never return to the Fey Woodlands outside of disguise, she doesn't have a shortage of illusory aliases -- including her arcane familiar, a white cat with softly glowing pink eyes. When overlooked, she can frame others for her deeds and sneak away. There's even a superstition growing amongst traders that seeing two white cats means bad luck.\n\nOften her charms are pulled on travelers of the fields, scaring away bandits with the mirror images of guards or making deals with overconfident nobles who won't hesitate to take advantage of a wanderer holding a land deed with great value; little do they know that the conjured soldiers are mere puppets, and the documents are inconsequential papers wreathed in elaborate glamour to appear legitimate.\n\nIt's rumored she also uses spells to help farmers grow their crops, but this is too often dismissed by her more well known victims. Some famous cases include, \"the Merchant-Tycoon who ate a Troll's back fungus\", or \"the Barker who mistakenly auctioned off his own house\".\n\nTo scholars who speculate the reasons behind her antics, most would say she's unstable. She could be punishing those she toys with to avenge lost love, or to prove something to her former colleagues. The only thing that's certain is that she's going to keep fooling others for as long as she keeps getting away with it."} +{"id": "44e3ef5e-1818-4e55-822b-bd7f11e55f47-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:02.841", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR21xukEM5kHRDM1SScBcybf1E23wgJSTuVbNt6Krsvq3", "txHash": "0x972c1ac238031521e6a88d3d975d45a9f4029fd5302e4b79842f26ba971abe63", "createdAtBlock": 13961620, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1262, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Pezo of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Pezo of the Tower\n\n**Magus Pezo of the Tower is a renowned mycelium merchant. His reach on the markets spans the Blue Wizard Bastion to Goblin Town. Known for subsisting on his secret strain alone. If you meet him he may give you a gift.**"} +{"id": "766ecfb9-742a-484d-b764-9090237ce86f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:03.655", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWVjRosQTr3vfUj9aq832dg5kNKFRTtpARReWmjHVaRDo", "txHash": "0x86abd4edcef30d3d7bf9f6cd05b3ccdaa790b4e77d8e191c6528525deac8dd50", "createdAtBlock": 13961634, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 496, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWaXWZEgkQJTQGvT1HgzTSntTqgigv9Pgr9putAY1jxbx", "name": "Void Disciple Lupa of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Lupa of the Quantum Shadow\n\nVoid Disciple Lupa of the Quantum Shadow is one of few wolfkin who fully embraced the Quantum Shadow. While his kinmen are more interested in earthly delights, Disciple Lupa learned how to safely walk the Void.\n\nIt seems that he uses Rune of Steel to gain protection from the quantum uncertainty. Steel, a common solid material, is great element for anchoring Void walker's mind in physical reality and preventing madness.\n\nIt is not certain if Lupa enters the Quantum Shadow to simply ponder the vast darkness and uncertainty, or if he has some other, more practical goals. But when it comes to vile and ever hungry wolfkin, one can never be too certain!\n\nOn his travels, Lupa is often accompanied by his blue rat Cornelius. Rumour has it that Lupa trained Cornelius to track down souls of wizards lost in the Shadows. While not confirmed, these rumours are highly disturbing given the horrendously mad state these poor souls must be.\n\nWizards of good reputation should avoid Disciple Lupa at all cost. Meeting him while traversing the Quantum Shadow is especially ill-advised. Lupa would certainly have an unfair advantage over less experienced Void walkers!"} +{"id": "2633b3a6-04a2-4881-87f6-3ffc599fe4da-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:58.781", "backgroundColor": "#540101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdBZkyA92vnvtxZfoUVEaLvbhR8X1oSq5CJKbibJk9huW", "txHash": "0xaafb06d1ba54188de856ea2946faa5b3d63abeb4a0098db34379efaa8dc38544", "createdAtBlock": 14956018, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8111, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Konoha of Elysium", "text": "# Alchemist Konoha of Elysium\n\n## _The tragedy of the familiar_\n\nFor as long as theyd written its history, Elysiums great magical houses had self-organized themselves like families without bond save that of power each ruled by whoever best wielded the various affinities, those endless mixes between light and dark and earth and moon.\n\nSome of them still quietly practiced the dark power of familiar amplification, a cruel and ancient technique that required the recruitment of untrained but magically sensitive young beings, ideally ones lacking a dream. Devoid of hope. Orphans worked best. They would be offered the chance to live their miserable lives out in comfort, whatever remained of them after their terms, of no less than one-half century, were up. In return, they would be trained in attunement and amplification of their houses affinities, then forcibly shifted into a beasts form in order to serve as familiars for the houses most powerful members. Though their natural forms didnt age while they were serving their terms, most survived about three years in the job.\n\nKonoha had grown up as a tengu in Elysium. Even in that great city, he was always at arms length from most. On top of that, anyone who came near him couldnt help but fear him, despite his warm and wry wit but not because of the brick-red mask of his face. It was something they couldnt put words to, but that flowed from Konoha like a river of lava. The roots of Konohas magics ranged deep and wide into this world and the next he could see its roots shift when he closed his eyes, flashing like lightning."} +{"id": "2633b3a6-04a2-4881-87f6-3ffc599fe4da-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:58.781", "backgroundColor": "#540101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdBZkyA92vnvtxZfoUVEaLvbhR8X1oSq5CJKbibJk9huW", "txHash": "0xaafb06d1ba54188de856ea2946faa5b3d63abeb4a0098db34379efaa8dc38544", "createdAtBlock": 14956018, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8111, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Konoha of Elysium", "text": "Inevitably in Elysium, in cases of such powerful but untrained hexerai, the putative wizard would be sensed and recruited by one house or another, depending on their staffing needs. In Konohas case, it was a house of middle standing that first contacted him. Hed been so desperate to leave the shadow alleys of Elysium that hed accepted immediately.\n\nDuring his decade of training at the house, hed fallen in love with a servant whod been brought there during his third year. Shed never had a name, she told him, when he first approached her. He called her Bug. They would spend evenings together studying and laughing at his jokes in the unused pocket dimensions of the house, drinking the immaculate potions Konoha would brew for them behind his guardian fathers back. As his training progressed, Konohas magical connection became greater than any of the houses wizards could control. He was to be assigned a familiar, so that his sorcery could be guided more carefully. \n\nBug knew that the truth of her recruitment and assignment as Konohas familiar would be too much for him to bear, and likely destroy them both in the process. Their house was ancient and cruel, turning like a mill through the centuries across the lives of Elysianian orphans like her. Konohas life would be extended unnaturally through the centuries, as a wizard for one as powerful as he would some day be, she might even survive all the way through her conscription. Maybe, just maybe, they could be together then.\n\nKonoha nearly went mad from broken heart left in the wake of Bugs sudden disappearance. His guardian father told him the servants would sometimes run away to other houses, or get it in their head that theyd soaked up enough magic to turn a coin on the street.\n\nAfter the assignment of his familiar, though, he felt much better. He named it Bug."} +{"id": "82942d29-135c-4e9a-a1fb-b7eabe887dbf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:04.829", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWNkM5LqazwmggUPXRZVatZG6p3itkSgufZ9MtQQPR6pN", "txHash": "0xf15b81f9c96371af966eb7ee85655d13bc37cf1e698efb52af59b04780b4a892", "createdAtBlock": 13961749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9029, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Calypso of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Diabolist Calypso of the Desert\n\nCaught between the Aiel and the Fremen, Calypso found himself befriending the local bat population while hiding in caves from the sun's glare. Whittling the time while waiting for the sun to set, he discovered he had a talent for mixing craft potions, which he shared with his winged friends.\n\nRegrettably, he was unable to find a nice vest and bowtie to complete the look. Life in the desert is hard."} +{"id": "e140f2f9-137c-450d-baa3-239fecf163d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:06.157", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAVnL1Q9UTCfviW34EJgtPxW6Vd2zh8YmeN6s3k34d9x", "txHash": "0x70296655b7eb73f32cb66749dcecdbf0f9d387fd3d305d74629c0926620d655d", "createdAtBlock": 13961749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8680, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Shroomer of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Shroomer of the Canyon\n\nShroomer often found his name troublesome, as it was both what he was as well as who he was. Despite best efforts, he never made it into House Slytherin, so he settled for buying a pet snake instead, whom he named Snakey.\n\nReflecting upon his choice of pet name, he considered whether his own childhood left him with unconscious programming that made it difficult for him to look at things as anything other than what they immediately were. He often felt wistful, meeting new people who seemed to have such exotic names like \"Steve\" and \"Austin\", stone cold proof that someone could be more than just \"Baldy\" (the first name that came to Shroomer's mind).\n\nTrying once more, he took a rose into his hand and gazed intently at it, channeling all of his entheogenic creativity to bless it with a unique name. As his eyes narrowed, sweat beaded from his mushroom cap, and he uttered the Name:\n\n\"Rosie\""} +{"id": "a8229c08-43bf-4152-ab71-d1c576ab5d01-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:08.374", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXyfmwqXq8n22VcaJ2izDCCGwqfr9YHobyK4y7EnxUvff", "txHash": "0x94c71ca3c312a14898ac32a2314f9249ed29b507c90951fcd38f83dba9efa27c", "createdAtBlock": 13961983, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 717, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Wolfram of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Wolfram of the Atheneum\n\nGeomancer Wolfram was born long long ago in a mystical land known as the Atheneum. Legend has it that his face was kissed by fire at birth, causing his mighty red beard to grow at such a young age. The Atheneum people were known to be tough, scrappy yet peaceful souls and used the land and it's resources to help them thrive for thousands of years. \n\nAfter centuries of prosperity, Wolfram and his fellow companion, Mido the Mighty, were forced from the ancient lands of Atheneum after his family was killed by vicious org creatures known as Torcmuns. Wolfram traveled far and wide, searching for a higher purpose and hoping to one day get revenge on the Torcmuns for what they had done. \n\nOn their journey, Wolfram and Mido came across an old wizard known as Gaiardimus the Great. As fate may have it, Wolfram began training under Gaiardimus in the art of Geomancy. After years of intense training, Wolfram learned how to forge the earth into his own mighty weapon. Wolfram and Mido now embark on a journey to find and destory the Torcmuns once and for all, so that they may live in peace and tranquility."} +{"id": "979edef3-a460-4638-821f-57f5096505c6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:28.333", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaYWZ9yz94AuNN83JefH8BrQWXQu9hHqcLngamBBTDftE", "txHash": "0x09fdc3b76641215ae1e66d43770ec63e178b83b6f74b162684317d23a31d7523", "createdAtBlock": 14016669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6609, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfCxpFpCQcMJ7RqbZ8Pw5hf5NnyQociuUnqvvbChXNnRs", "name": "Runecaster Ixar of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster Ixar of the Ether"} +{"id": "64b2ffa0-8ec3-4c6d-bc5b-cb5e94c98751-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:13.811", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdqfVUpWR8tQxE64MHg7abfwfLkDJVMZcL984JuafN7Zj", "txHash": "0x61f3d7a6c30bfc1e63b1f6498ae3887bfbfd4dfcad3c4d68b27f5c1ec72a0978", "createdAtBlock": 14637485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6149, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Victoria of the Wood", "text": "Charmer Victoria of the Wood \nBorn the third daughter to a mother prone to trance-like fits and a woodcutter father, Victoria inherited her mother's aptitude for magic. Her unnamed sister died young, after consuming poison meant for her mother. She undertook and passed the arduous Test of High Sorcery, for which she acquired some fame and a bit of notoriety. While pursuing the marginalized discipline of Sex Magic a series of mixups and mistakes in the process, she acquired a cursed with which Victoria saw the effects of desire on all things. This curse plauged her mental health, while never robust, was ruined further, leaving her weak and subject to frequent bouts of anxiety. She eventually excaped the busy towns and nested in a remote part of of a forbiden forest for which she prepares charms for those who dare seek her out.\n\nShe often displays very proper manners and conducts herself with a gentle and careful air. Although she lives in a rather dangerous environment and sometimes displays extremely eccentric behavior, she is very intelligent and quite capable of taking care of herself.\n\nAlways a friend to Ofaris @wizard3291. She dreams of befriending @pony0 one day."} +{"id": "a212e74d-dbce-4b0d-a85b-f28c0ab49f74-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:12.737", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW1vH2rRmkZ69LZUrPwnTrngkFLjgKB6QAPtHqziWwycs", "txHash": "0xfab44b1d037c742189e0f616a2a109c64f1b14ecb475eabedee585c37d43ea2c", "createdAtBlock": 14732221, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8648, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Louis of the Mount", "text": "Louis the King\n\n\nLouis comes from a small village in the mountain. \n\nAlthough he was a quiet boy who was raised with a lot of love, he found his way to a Magus through Reading and hard working.\n\nNow in the season of darkness and light, in the age of foolishness and of wisdom, We are facing the noisy authorities who tried to paralyze our spirit and make us like fool everyday. But we must not lose hope in the winter of despair. \n\nLet Louis help us with his books and mouse. \n\nLet Louis the King lead us to the season of light, to the beautiful month of May before!"} +{"id": "b2555e59-d3c5-42a9-a0ef-013a0e3a3674-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:11.828", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNxJgPqyvzy1mxVKSv2c47KdUTTHSuZ3zNBxNgLAm5V7Q", "txHash": "0x4dfd0890b7648fc7057dc9c562de95f50ef8aa4c5c660f5c101063d3f79ac719", "createdAtBlock": 13963062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2035, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Putrid Zombie Jaffer of the Undying Chill", "text": "# The Lore of Putrid Zombie Jaffer of the Undying Chill\n\n**Runecaster Jaffer of the Sacred Pillars** is an apprentice of the **Wraith Captain Udor of the Undying Chill**.\n\nAfter saving the secret tower from being burnt during Runiverse War II, his master used potatoes to construct a human body for his soul through dangerous transformation.\n\nThis resulted in Jaffers ghastly appearance and immortality.\n\nIn order to use the Spectred Stone Staff gifted by Udor, he must first uncover a terrible secret hidden in his past."} +{"id": "c7767b9d-9511-48ee-b2f3-18f65cbc9fb7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:23.105", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdPpk4xc24BM8Zy8VTmQj1Wb6biTnQQXmb3obBuc6XpVu", "txHash": "0xbec73a63765d0ed01c52ae29b927e40126c6e32325151eb39f09ac9aea3c3b16", "createdAtBlock": 13965374, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3646, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Solomon of the Lake", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Solomon of the Lake\n\n**Archmagus Solomon of the Lake was the educator of all Mages, Warlocks, Sorcerers, Pyromancers, Spellsingers and all other mystical beings of the Lake. His focus was on the light arts, those of peace and serenity. He often took in wizards who seemed to stray from the path of peace and used his Fairy Glamour the Dazzle Spell to bring them back to light. Like many other wizards he was blessed with one of the Crackerjack crows named Jeremy Nimh who stays constantly by his side and allows him to see through the eyes of other animals. To this day even the eldest and wisest of wizards seek his tutelage.**"} +{"id": "04a35e0d-68a0-4d23-8c20-df57dc816f24-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:14.857", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVCJ2n1ZKMpQgbFq9mKwEXHzvDGmBUDgo9gQj4nej4CCb", "txHash": "0xcece12fa5c88f400e967eff6e1e784a8beb7968aeb4935f0eb14fb10571adf9b", "createdAtBlock": 13963537, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8847, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Merlon of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Merlon of the Wood\n\nWhatever the original cause for concern, Merlon has long forgotten. No, he is not a collector of children's eyeballs, nor does he carry a pouch of white sand at his waist to dash upon the sleepless or unsuspecting. Were these rumours ever true, he carries no record with him.\n\nHe long ago learned to foster the wood-ear and the morels of the Wood, and is said to be a fierce and pitiless defender of his foraging grounds. Of his vulpine companion little is known, but the red rustle in the brush constitutes a warning: for the trespasser to hurry on their way. To ignore is to forfeit safe passage through the forest, though you will not come to know the nature of your demise, nor your inscrutable assailant.\n\nPredictably, the Hedge Wizards will offer an alternate account: of a mischievous, diminutive figure who transforms the unfortunate traveler into a badger or raccoon for his own great merriment, to have them awake days later hidden in a rotten log, smeared in dung.\n\nOf the title \"Archmagus,\" Merlon would have little to offer in explanation. He clearly possesses formidable powers of enchantment and illusion, but their origin is as with so many things of this realm forgotten."} +{"id": "1a82f9eb-035d-42f6-b34c-00692110c6d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:14.53", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUCRkjPkQwYLcRGvmFhvXXoZmqr3U7QZbcdGMvZF68n4S", "txHash": "0x71fad9f27091dc1998615d2b4fed1d554ea821bba3684cacf6d413eee736375b", "createdAtBlock": 14637659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Alessar of the Desert", "text": "Thaumaturge Alessar of the Desert\n \nNot everyone was born in the Runiverse.\n\nNot everyone was born a Wizard, for that matter. Like.... you know, all of us. The seven-point- nine-five billion of us. Lets focus in on three, in their 20s. Ned, Pez, and JP, who played a little loose with the truth and ended up living in an immense mansion in the Hollywood Hills. But even the raging Influencer Party they threw last night (remnants everywhere and no cleaning crew is going to mop this one up) wont save their plummeting status as all-important Influencers, having spent the night locked in a bathroom (to much weed and whiskey) while their competitors (younger, sexier, more TikTokd) took all the credit.\n\nIn the cold light of morning and in the ruins of their crime-scene-taped rental mansion the realitys all too clear. Oh... they used to be the shit. Together, they rocked almost a million followers. Now, Ned has a few thousand, Pez a few hundred, and JP has one, one last follower that hes devoted his waking days not to lose. And so many bills. So much back rent. And a few (yknow, ridiculous) pending lawsuits. So theyre all just fucked every which way."} +{"id": "1a82f9eb-035d-42f6-b34c-00692110c6d8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:14.53", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUCRkjPkQwYLcRGvmFhvXXoZmqr3U7QZbcdGMvZF68n4S", "txHash": "0x71fad9f27091dc1998615d2b4fed1d554ea821bba3684cacf6d413eee736375b", "createdAtBlock": 14637659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Alessar of the Desert", "text": "And their definitely no longer high, or are they, when out of this big ball of light steps a bald- headed, green-gowned, yellow-caped guy who called himself something like Nic the Romancer and prostrates himself before them. I have come, he tells them, searching for men of Tremendous Influence. He humbly requests they exert their power and influence in his world (World? Are you in the music business?) and guarantees that if they say yes, they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.\nHe sets a huge bong-like vial filled with Cannabis Potion before them. I have brought you a gift I believe you covet. Think. Consider. And if you would join me, signify your assent by imbibing of this Sacred Vial and I will transport you to my world, where you will be honored and regaled. With that, Nic the Romancer vanishes like he came... although theres definitely an afterimage of luminous Emerald Slime with a smirking mouth, and a lot of tude.\n\nStill reeling from last night, and from the immensity of Nics offer, Ned, Pez, and JP pull themselves together, stare at each other, come to the same realization: Dudes we must drink! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, they lunge for the Cannabis Vial. HoweverAnother visitor appears. Victoria, head to toe in purple and hurling a horseshoe at the Vial. Through blind luck, or a distant memory of athleticism, Ned intercepts the horseshoe with his head, and though painful, hes saved the Vial and their promised future."} +{"id": "1a82f9eb-035d-42f6-b34c-00692110c6d8-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:14.53", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUCRkjPkQwYLcRGvmFhvXXoZmqr3U7QZbcdGMvZF68n4S", "txHash": "0x71fad9f27091dc1998615d2b4fed1d554ea821bba3684cacf6d413eee736375b", "createdAtBlock": 14637659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Alessar of the Desert", "text": "Victoria, suddenly pleading, begs them to come to their senses. Dont do it. Put the Vial down. Run. Hide for a long as you can. Unfortunately... they start snickering. You cant tell us what to do. Even if youre hot, or whatever. Were Influencers, and were all in! She tries to control her rising fury: Do you have any idea who that was? Yes we do, little lady. That was Nic the Romancer. Our close friend. You, you... morons! That was the Necromancer!!\n\nExploding, she rushes them, but too late Ned, Pez, and JP scramble and guzzle the contents of the Vial. They grin stupidly at her until suddenly and very painfully they vanish.\n \n Victoria shouts, and shed trash the place, but its already trashed. Her winged familiar, Bat, tries to lie low by hiding under a blanket and re-emerges screaming. Victoria stares as the blanket groans, mutters, and slides off to reveal an older bearded dude with a big, crusty Bong under one arm, and an albino Rat curled in the other. Who the F are you?? Victoria demands.\n\nThe old dude, Alessar, is too out of it to speak. His Rat is used to filling in the gaps: Go easy on him, please. Hes had a rough few decades... And so we discover that the Runiverse is in trouble. That many Wizards, that much magic, that many snarling Familiars. It was bound to go wrong. Some want peace. Some want partitioned existence (Border Control!). Some want power with hierarchy. And some, like the Necromancer, want Complete and Utter Domination."} +{"id": "1a82f9eb-035d-42f6-b34c-00692110c6d8-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:14.53", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUCRkjPkQwYLcRGvmFhvXXoZmqr3U7QZbcdGMvZF68n4S", "txHash": "0x71fad9f27091dc1998615d2b4fed1d554ea821bba3684cacf6d413eee736375b", "createdAtBlock": 14637659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Alessar of the Desert", "text": "Because the Wizards interface with our world is crude and new, the Necromancer isnt absolutely sure hes correctly evaluated the full power of our three misfits, but regardless, he still has high hopes for their ability to gain the influence of all the Wizards, and bend the Wizard population to his will.\n\nVictoria, on the other hand, is a force of good, albeit a furious one. Since she failed to prevent Ned, Pez, and PJ from embarking on their journey into darkness, shes going to have to pursue them in the Runiverse, try to save them, and save the Runiverse. And yes, after and during disturbing/comical/magical/life-threatening and sometimes barely explainable Wizard attacks/seductions/spells/and I-wish-I-was-dead adventures, our three budding heroes, with Victorias help, will start to learn what real influence and power means.\n\nAlessar and his Rat come into the Runiverse, too, spurred by Victoria, who needs help in understanding, well, people. And in Alessars intermittent journey towards sobriety, he wonders if he can make up for a lifetime of mistakes as he tries to help his young friends."} +{"id": "1a82f9eb-035d-42f6-b34c-00692110c6d8-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:14.53", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUCRkjPkQwYLcRGvmFhvXXoZmqr3U7QZbcdGMvZF68n4S", "txHash": "0x71fad9f27091dc1998615d2b4fed1d554ea821bba3684cacf6d413eee736375b", "createdAtBlock": 14637659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8528, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Alessar of the Desert", "text": "So, in the Runiverse, where Ned becomes Sorcerer Nadeem Of The Desert and gains a Psychic Rabbit (Stop constantly telling everyone what Im thinking!!), and Pez becomes Archmagus Pezo Of The Veil with a Dog whos always hunting the wrong thing, and JP becomes Ghost Eater Jig Of The Keep (weirdly with the same face as Pez, which is really annoying) and is trailed by a pompous Golden Toad with mysterious powers it feels too important to reveal, they really have nothing. Except totally transformed bodies. Simultaneously freaking out, empowered, lost, and venerated, like Connecticut Yankees in King Arthurs Court, our young trio has got a lot of scrambling to do, first just to stay alive, and then, ultimately, to rise to the heroes theyre going to have to become, with growing powers finally used for good.\nIt all starts with.... (More To Come...!)"} +{"id": "302e6aea-6e6a-4fef-8837-91eddacb34f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:15.996", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmThjy8R39iJThUha1y1DakWQ8kwV2GZ9B5UtgLgtdgiWL", "txHash": "0xb987987c3f485e6a0bec805510d8d9e07169acbc978644069703439b92b4dbc7", "createdAtBlock": 13964084, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9679, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Ekmira of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Ekmira of the Brambles\n\nShe emerged from the swamp\nwith her hair in a shambles\n\nBut ready for action - shes going places\nand opening magical spaces\n\nNothing stands in her way\n\nEkmira the witch has a torch of fire\nWhich lights the way to her desire\n\nShe knows what she wants\nAnd that is the best\nSo, join her on her next quest"} +{"id": "84308544-a46c-4efd-9c27-3637904cdc9e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:17.21", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebnWk5BA91q8ZL92JN2rjpvnnLdSZnGJ6rNXUtYT1Bg7", "txHash": "0xf0f5f89d44632c4f1200326f92697e0c924803d553ea98e7f6d0e8fc27de95bd", "createdAtBlock": 13964601, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3647, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Ratko of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Ratko of the Wood\n\nBorn somewhere in the Fey, Ratko spent most of his youth fishing for mips and timops while he would dream of owning a wizard's pipe. Once of age he set out on his mission. After a long history of misadventures, his luck would finally change and Ratko of the Wood would win his wizard's pipe in a game of scoods in Goblin Town. Casper his field dog proved to be a capable distraction in helping him achieve the victory. Ratko is no longer welcome at the Dodsfall Pub in Goblin Town."} +{"id": "00b92f94-35b8-4a04-9c7b-3a8c19ae68f7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:18.062", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma7BMe1Rn3kvcESox8wY8TUSZcxRNPAvKKbF2RPHKwozq", "txHash": "0x5192ce4769c64d1377ad07234d7318fce93f2d42fc656e4df6c4e553723c38e3", "createdAtBlock": 13964711, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7071, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Ilyas of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Void Disciple Ilyas of the Mist\n\nIlyas mastered his craft of magic at a very young age. Most of the spells he would cast would not serve any purpose except to humor him and do harm to friends and family. Due to this he was not liked much and exiled from the Valley of the Void Disciple and forced to cross the Quantum Shadow alone where he almost died fighting a Melonion. He won his Onyx wolf in a game of scoods in Goblin Town. Darkflame his wolf only remains at his side deep under an ancient spell cast by IIyas. Many whisper around him that a man with no friends has only enemies, and this also humors him."} +{"id": "904bbdbf-18df-488f-af5d-d94505d3b922-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:28.401", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQUqrfmrTkDdCrN4Nd4C2RrX9MW8XTn24pgHyioZ2cjZ5", "txHash": "0xcb797ba5940e2418071641d99f8d356258ef97a04463a0816a28afaf258df5f9", "createdAtBlock": 13967320, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2742, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grim Ghoul Aleister of the Ice Abyss", "text": "# The Lore of Grim Ghoul Aleister of the Ice Abyss\n\nI'm trill working the wheel, a pimp, not a simp\nKeep the dope fiends higher than the Goodyear Blimp\nWe eat so many shrimp, I got iodine poisoning\nFuck niggas make me sick with all that pinching and bargaining\nYou say that you a boss, I ain't believing that shit\nYou got the funny Geneva watch, with the Ferrari kit\nTake that monkey shit off, you embarrassing us\nI got the red promethazine, thick orange, and yellow tuss\nHydrocodone on the hands-free phone\nThe '84 Brougham on them blades, twenty-inch chrome\nIf you got sixteen, you can get a bizzerd\nI'm choking on that doja sweet and sipping on that sizzurp"} +{"id": "caf2297d-0bd8-48e2-a5c6-1ddaf612986a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:18.883", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUaGYB2CtsETd2zy8F2SpSuZ93nyTw9YM4DgpcTvep5n5", "txHash": "0x006742dd80416844d1398a55e00eee59330e0b7e8e49abe429c8002aad59207b", "createdAtBlock": 13964720, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2637, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Robert of the Glacier", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Robert of the Glacier\n\nWinter is here. Yet the glacier continues to recede. Despite the world literally melting in front of his overy own eyes, his will to persevere is stronger than ever. A bear may be no longer, but the source of food and protection from the cold protects life. A dirt rabbit as a companion in this lonesome journey through time, guided by the Rune of Mars. For he is Archmagus Robert of the Galcier, wielder of Caduceus."} +{"id": "93b34d5e-eb39-4e14-afde-7ce67a7ae31d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:19.701", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc6XySAVUxNbZGG5XWDXscX9T89L5GpbB4NUjKnRQpfKV", "txHash": "0xd0adb0e0e23fbe76909e1a30f74610d1f67dc26781a0a043be57a86102352ea5", "createdAtBlock": 13964837, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Basil of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Basil of the Dunes\n\nHere stands Basil of the Dunes. Wielding the Eternal Rose, Basil draws on the powers of the Rune of Saturn. Accompanied by Foxy, the trickster fox, Basil continues the legacy of his Faustian forefathers to kill not with violence, but rather to capture the affection of his enemies and force them into submission."} +{"id": "d3df86ad-cdc3-45c1-8094-f816a4fac9de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:20.51", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNR1R4b2YZNNDipAZx5cFj9ngbgMg6n3fkhSjiJJ57Ypp", "txHash": "0x8591a5f3f9e6dae78236e586d2dc5b627d37ee3e0d145253ca5157c092cb1b07", "createdAtBlock": 13964896, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6061, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diviner Caligari of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Diviner Caligari of the Hills\n\nDiviner Caligari of the Hills is the patron of those neither alive nor dead.\n\nRune of Cinnabar empowering him with the wisdom of his ancestors, Caligari fulfills the destiny of the last Hougans as the gate keeper of lost souls.\n\nEquipped with the Ace in the Hole, he is the dealer of The Last Game, giving a chance to those who have lost their way to return back to the realm of the living or forever be damned in darkness of death."} +{"id": "3548fd20-03dc-47fc-9ae3-707f955f0ded-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:33.731", "backgroundColor": "#d2e6d0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZUJTfjeGvDprpWJkVvXc4TaJvSHdK9hiNSQoupY9vCAH", "txHash": "0x1807e0f8c95f7d87027dd71ef306d683199591051e83f0d24c892ac57db075d3", "createdAtBlock": 13967766, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6308, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Green Coffin", "text": "# The Prophecy of the Three Green Tombs\n\nFor as long as wizards can remember there has been a prophecy of the three green tombs. Nobody knows who lies in these tombs, but we do know what these tombs do to those who disturb them. \n\nOne is the source of Power, one is the source of Weakness and one is the source of Death. \n\nIf the Power Tomb is opened by the wizard, whatever magic they may possess will be strengthened 10 fold. Should the wizard open the Weakness Tomb, their powers will be drained, and leave them 1/10 as powerful. Of course the Death Tomb needs no explanation. \n\nOnce a wizard opens the tomb and seals their fate, all three tombs disapparate and find a new home so that nobody will know which tomb is which and where they might be.\n\n It has been heard that the Oracle has intuition about one tomb at any given time, which can drastically increase a wizards odds. Other prophecies have foretold of great clues that can be found by utilizing magic from the wizard kingdom, but beware, nobody knows for sure. \n\nThe only thing certain is that the magic cannot be undone. Sometimes its better to leave these things alone.\n\nWhich Tomb am I? Dare to find out?"} +{"id": "9d41473d-cb1d-44be-a044-fb251027d907-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:21.929", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV4cy5idjsbUcJwC6vKCwtWwPjo9zbDCvnmdTMtBGcWKH", "txHash": "0x21eed5ba0205a8e6b8e1f478772d92b6669b9ce28250745e24396bc9794d2809", "createdAtBlock": 13965040, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3989, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Galatea of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Galatea of the Sacred Pillars\n\nPygmallean and Urina were an elitist wealthy couple that wanted for nothing in life other than a child. After years of trying their attempts all failed. Urina was an artist who molded the image of the perfect daughter out of clay she found at the bottom of dream master lake. Pygmallean, wanting to give his wife everything in life, set out to the Red Wizard capital to find a way to make their dreams come true. On the way he was stopped near the weird house by a conjurer who seemed to glisten in the sunlight. He told the conjurer of his woes and the conjurer offered to help but mentioned the price would be great. Pygmallean offered to pay any price. The conjurer said when he got home he would find his daughter in his house waiting. Pygmallean, assuming he would return home to find his riches were gone but in place he had his beautiful wife and daughter happy and healthy waiting for him. As he followed the path home there were no riches, no castle, no home to which he was accustomed but he knew he was headed the right way by the light that guided him as bright as the sun. It led him to a shack where inside he found the clay model was now a young lady, his daughter conjurer Gallatea of the sacred pillars holding a staff as bright as the sun. But his wife was gone. Not only did Pygmallean have to pay the price of all his riches but his wife had been turned into a giant ladybug who could never leave Gallateas side. As Pygmallean rushed in to hug his daughter Gallatea turned in fear, unknowing of who this man is and blinded him with her solar staff. She left with Urina her mother and now wonders the sacred pillars in hopes of finding her place in this world."} +{"id": "f766a729-392c-4e06-a3e9-4203b8dc3c5b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:15.238", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiw1fKPQirThHUg6jLdP5cJZ4d1gX7KYfgauEujyBk3c", "txHash": "0x44348b46ec793449018017fb0186b8ee8d610468dcf7be3b249e99ced04badec", "createdAtBlock": 14637678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1271, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Diabolos of the Tower", "text": "Necromancer Diabolos of the Tower\n\nNot everyone was born in the Runiverse.\nNot everyone was born a Wizard, for that matter. Like.... you know, all of us. The seven-point- nine-five billion of us. Lets focus in on three, in their 20s. Ned, Pez, and JP, who played a little loose with the truth and ended up living in an immense mansion in the Hollywood Hills. But even the raging Influencer Party they threw last night (remnants everywhere and no cleaning crew is going to mop this one up) wont save their plummeting status as all-important Influencers, having spent the night locked in a bathroom (to much weed and whiskey) while their competitors (younger, sexier, more TikTokd) took all the credit.\n\nIn the cold light of morning and in the ruins of their crime-scene-taped rental mansion the realitys all too clear. Oh... they used to be the shit. Together, they rocked almost a million followers. Now, Ned has a few thousand, Pez a few hundred, and JP has one, one last follower that hes devoted his waking days not to lose. And so many bills. So much back rent. And a few (yknow, ridiculous) pending lawsuits. So theyre all just fucked every which way."} +{"id": "f766a729-392c-4e06-a3e9-4203b8dc3c5b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:15.238", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiw1fKPQirThHUg6jLdP5cJZ4d1gX7KYfgauEujyBk3c", "txHash": "0x44348b46ec793449018017fb0186b8ee8d610468dcf7be3b249e99ced04badec", "createdAtBlock": 14637678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1271, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Diabolos of the Tower", "text": "And their definitely no longer high, or are they, when out of this big ball of light steps a bald- headed, green-gowned, yellow-caped guy who called himself something like Nic the Romancer and prostrates himself before them. I have come, he tells them, searching for men of Tremendous Influence. He humbly requests they exert their power and influence in his world (World? Are you in the music business?) and guarantees that if they say yes, they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.\nHe sets a huge bong-like vial filled with Cannabis Potion before them. I have brought you a gift I believe you covet. Think. Consider. And if you would join me, signify your assent by imbibing of this Sacred Vial and I will transport you to my world, where you will be honored and regaled. With that, Nic the Romancer vanishes like he came... although theres definitely an afterimage of luminous Emerald Slime with a smirking mouth, and a lot of tude. \n\nStill reeling from last night, and from the immensity of Nics offer, Ned, Pez, and JP pull themselves together, stare at each other, come to the same realization: Dudes we must drink! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, they lunge for the Cannabis Vial. HoweverAnother visitor appears. Victoria, head to toe in purple and hurling a horseshoe at the Vial. Through blind luck, or a distant memory of athleticism, Ned intercepts the horseshoe with his head, and though painful, hes saved the Vial and their promised future."} +{"id": "f766a729-392c-4e06-a3e9-4203b8dc3c5b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:15.238", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiw1fKPQirThHUg6jLdP5cJZ4d1gX7KYfgauEujyBk3c", "txHash": "0x44348b46ec793449018017fb0186b8ee8d610468dcf7be3b249e99ced04badec", "createdAtBlock": 14637678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1271, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Diabolos of the Tower", "text": "Victoria, suddenly pleading, begs them to come to their senses. Dont do it. Put the Vial down. Run. Hide for a long as you can. Unfortunately... they start snickering. You cant tell us what to do. Even if youre hot, or whatever. Were Influencers, and were all in! She tries to control her rising fury: Do you have any idea who that was? Yes we do, little lady. That was Nic the Romancer. Our close friend. You, you... morons! That was the Necromancer!!Exploding, she rushes them, but too late Ned, Pez, and JP scramble and guzzle the contents of the Vial. They grin stupidly at her until suddenly and very painfully they vanish.\n \n Victoria shouts, and shed trash the place, but its already trashed. Her winged familiar, Bat, tries to lie low by hiding under a blanket and re-emerges screaming. Victoria stares as the blanket groans, mutters, and slides off to reveal an older bearded dude with a big, crusty Bong under one arm, and an albino Rat curled in the other. Who the F are you?? Victoria demands.\n\nThe old dude, Alessar, is too out of it to speak. His Rat is used to filling in the gaps: Go easy on him, please. Hes had a rough few decades... And so we discover that the Runiverse is in trouble. That many Wizards, that much magic, that many snarling Familiars. It was bound to go wrong. Some want peace. Some want partitioned existence (Border Control!). Some want power with hierarchy. And some, like the Necromancer, want Complete and Utter Domination."} +{"id": "f766a729-392c-4e06-a3e9-4203b8dc3c5b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:15.238", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiw1fKPQirThHUg6jLdP5cJZ4d1gX7KYfgauEujyBk3c", "txHash": "0x44348b46ec793449018017fb0186b8ee8d610468dcf7be3b249e99ced04badec", "createdAtBlock": 14637678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1271, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Diabolos of the Tower", "text": "Because the Wizards interface with our world is crude and new, the Necromancer isnt absolutely sure hes correctly evaluated the full power of our three misfits, but regardless, he still has high hopes for their ability to gain the influence of all the Wizards, and bend the Wizard population to his will.\n\nVictoria, on the other hand, is a force of good, albeit a furious one. Since she failed to prevent Ned, Pez, and PJ from embarking on their journey into darkness, shes going to have to pursue them in the Runiverse, try to save them, and save the Runiverse. And yes, after and during disturbing/comical/magical/life-threatening and sometimes barely explainable Wizard attacks/seductions/spells/and I-wish-I-was-dead adventures, our three budding heroes, with Victorias help, will start to learn what real influence and power means.\n\nAlessar and his Rat come into the Runiverse, too, spurred by Victoria, who needs help in understanding, well, people. And in Alessars intermittent journey towards sobriety, he wonders if he can make up for a lifetime of mistakes as he tries to help his young friends."} +{"id": "f766a729-392c-4e06-a3e9-4203b8dc3c5b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:15.238", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQiw1fKPQirThHUg6jLdP5cJZ4d1gX7KYfgauEujyBk3c", "txHash": "0x44348b46ec793449018017fb0186b8ee8d610468dcf7be3b249e99ced04badec", "createdAtBlock": 14637678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1271, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Diabolos of the Tower", "text": "So, in the Runiverse, where Ned becomes Sorcerer Nadeem Of The Desert and gains a Psychic Rabbit (Stop constantly telling everyone what Im thinking!!), and Pez becomes Archmagus Pezo Of The Veil with a Dog whos always hunting the wrong thing, and JP becomes Ghost Eater Jig Of The Keep (weirdly with the same face as Pez, which is really annoying) and is trailed by a pompous Golden Toad with mysterious powers it feels too important to reveal, they really have nothing. Except totally transformed bodies. Simultaneously freaking out, empowered, lost, and venerated, like Connecticut Yankees in King Arthurs Court, our young trio has got a lot of scrambling to do, first just to stay alive, and then, ultimately, to rise to the heroes theyre going to have to become, with growing powers finally used for good.\nIt all starts with.... (More To Come...!)"} +{"id": "7ab4c720-5ee0-4e90-b6d7-41970df39238-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.113", "backgroundColor": "#1a1a1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdrRwArDYDrUgBKmmGbdJkx3y1btsWrf52JRprjUH3QSp", "txHash": "0xddae75f53031d6e2d884f734ae4e889f3a1836b9f9f45c8457ab16000d380ec8", "createdAtBlock": 14637849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9814, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nadeem of the Desert", "text": "Not everyone was born in the Runiverse.\n---\n\nNot everyone was born a Wizard, for that matter. Like.... you know, all of us. The seven-point- nine-five billion of us. Lets focus in on three, in their 20s. Ned, Pez, and JP, who played a little loose with the truth and ended up living in an immense mansion in the Hollywood Hills. But even the raging Influencer Party they threw last night (remnants everywhere and no cleaning crew is going to mop this one up) wont save their plummeting status as all-important Influencers, having spent the night locked in a bathroom (to much weed and whiskey) while their competitors (younger, sexier, more TikTokd) took all the credit.\n\n~\n\nIn the cold light of morning and in the ruins of their crime-scene-taped rental mansion the realitys all too clear. Oh... they used to be the shit. Together, they rocked almost a million followers. Now, Ned has a few thousand, Pez a few hundred, and JP has one, one last follower that hes devoted his waking days not to lose. And so many bills. So much back rent. And a few (yknow, ridiculous) pending lawsuits. So theyre all just fucked every which way.\n\n~\n\nAnd their definitely no longer high, or are they, when out of this big ball of light steps a bald- headed, green-gowned, yellow-caped guy who called himself something like Nic the Romancer (@wizard1271) and prostrates himself before them. I have come, he tells them, searching for men of Tremendous Influence. He humbly requests they exert their power and influence in his world (World? Are you in the music business?) and guarantees that if they say yes, they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.\n\n~"} +{"id": "7ab4c720-5ee0-4e90-b6d7-41970df39238-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.113", "backgroundColor": "#1a1a1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdrRwArDYDrUgBKmmGbdJkx3y1btsWrf52JRprjUH3QSp", "txHash": "0xddae75f53031d6e2d884f734ae4e889f3a1836b9f9f45c8457ab16000d380ec8", "createdAtBlock": 14637849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9814, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nadeem of the Desert", "text": "~\n\nHe sets a huge bong-like vial filled with Cannabis Potion before them. I have brought you a gift I believe you covet. Think. Consider. And if you would join me, signify your assent by imbibing of this Sacred Vial and I will transport you to my world, where you will be honored and regaled. With that, Nic the Romancer vanishes like he came... although theres definitely an afterimage of luminous Emerald Slime with a smirking mouth, and a lot of tude.\n\n~\n\nStill reeling from last night, and from the immensity of Nics offer, Ned, Pez, and JP pull themselves together, stare at each other, come to the same realization: Dudes we must drink! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, they lunge for the Cannabis Vial. \n\n~\n\nHowever\n\nAnother visitor appears. Victoria (@wizard6563), head to toe in purple and hurling a horseshoe at the Vial. Through blind luck, or a distant memory of athleticism, Ned intercepts the horseshoe with his head, and though painful, hes saved the Vial and their promised future.\n\n~\n\nVictoria, suddenly pleading, begs them to come to their senses. Dont do it. Put the Vial down. Run. Hide for a long as you can. Unfortunately... they start snickering. You cant tell us what to do. Even if youre hot, or whatever. Were Influencers, and were all in! She tries to control her rising fury: Do you have any idea who that was? Yes we do, little lady. That was Nic the Romancer. Our close friend. You, you... morons! That was the Necromancer!!\n\n~"} +{"id": "7ab4c720-5ee0-4e90-b6d7-41970df39238-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.113", "backgroundColor": "#1a1a1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdrRwArDYDrUgBKmmGbdJkx3y1btsWrf52JRprjUH3QSp", "txHash": "0xddae75f53031d6e2d884f734ae4e889f3a1836b9f9f45c8457ab16000d380ec8", "createdAtBlock": 14637849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9814, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nadeem of the Desert", "text": "~\n\nExploding, she rushes them, but too late Ned, Pez, and JP scramble and guzzle the contents of the Vial. They grin stupidly at her until suddenly and very painfully they vanish.\n\n~\n\nVictoria shouts, and shed trash the place, but its already trashed. Her winged familiar, Bat, tries to lie low by hiding under a blanket and re-emerges screaming. Victoria stares as the blanket groans, mutters, and slides off to reveal an older bearded dude with a big, crusty Bong under one arm, and an albino Rat curled in the other (@wizard8528). Who the F are you?? Victoria demands.\n\n~\n\nThe old dude, Alessar, is too out of it to speak. His Rat is used to filling in the gaps: Go easy on him, please. Hes had a rough few decades... And so we discover that the Runiverse is in trouble. That many Wizards, that much magic, that many snarling Familiars. It was bound to go wrong. Some want peace. Some want partitioned existence (Border Control!). Some want power with hierarchy. And some, like the Necromancer, want Complete and Utter Domination.\n\n~\n\nBecause the Wizards interface with our world is crude and new, the Necromancer isnt absolutely sure hes correctly evaluated the full power of our three misfits, but regardless, he still has high hopes for their ability to gain the influence of all the Wizards, and bend the Wizard population to his will.\n\n~"} +{"id": "7ab4c720-5ee0-4e90-b6d7-41970df39238-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.113", "backgroundColor": "#1a1a1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdrRwArDYDrUgBKmmGbdJkx3y1btsWrf52JRprjUH3QSp", "txHash": "0xddae75f53031d6e2d884f734ae4e889f3a1836b9f9f45c8457ab16000d380ec8", "createdAtBlock": 14637849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9814, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nadeem of the Desert", "text": "~\n\nVictoria, on the other hand, is a force of good, albeit a furious one. Since she failed to prevent Ned, Pez, and PJ from embarking on their journey into darkness, shes going to have to pursue them in the Runiverse, try to save them, and save the Runiverse. And yes, after and during disturbing/comical/magical/life-threatening and sometimes barely explainable Wizard attacks/seductions/spells/and I-wish-I-was-dead adventures, our three budding heroes, with Victorias help, will start to learn what real influence and power means.\n\n~\n\nAlessar and his Rat come into the Runiverse, too, spurred by Victoria, who needs help in understanding, well, people. And in Alessars intermittent journey towards sobriety, he wonders if he can make up for a lifetime of mistakes as he tries to help his young friends.\n\n~\n\nSo, in the Runiverse, where Ned becomes @wizard9814 and gains a Psychic Rabbit (Stop constantly telling everyone what Im thinking!!), and Pez becomes @wizard8066 with a Dog whos always hunting the wrong thing, and JP becomes @wizard872 (weirdly with the same face as Pez, which is really annoying) and is trailed by a pompous Golden Toad with mysterious powers it feels too important to reveal, they really have nothing. Except totally transformed bodies. Simultaneously freaking out, empowered, lost, and venerated, like Connecticut Yankees in King Arthurs Court, our young trio has got a lot of scrambling to do, first just to stay alive, and then, ultimately, to rise to the heroes theyre going to have to become, with growing powers finally used for good.\n\n~\n\nIt all starts with.... (More To Come...!)\n\n~"} +{"id": "0e63b4ca-193d-4c25-9d2e-aa983e0ce47f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:23.938", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXD89bazgWLVLzK7jaNRtpLDz3MYY1Z1h9bQwqfQBE4Ve", "txHash": "0x44edb60708e2ff4ec57f3fa5a0b96c8525534b821e5930c3692d04daea30d094", "createdAtBlock": 13965988, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9223, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ethan of the Astral Plane", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Ethan of the Astral Plane\n\nEthan Johnson. DOB: 09.12.1982. Originally, just a chill guy who liked to hoop. So how did he end up in a total different plane of existance, a plane beyond space and time, reborn again with the infinite powers of a battle mage accompanied by whatever that white thingie thing is supposed to be?"} +{"id": "0cc0e032-d9a0-4db1-8dae-146bb29b59f2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:24.68", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQVXNYxNxBrca5B4na1PVBcaeDPVgKXgxdmgrCDszqTy", "txHash": "0xed6d382589ff7751214fb9136046749e58ec63a7b8c3cbc72f7f731b71642475", "createdAtBlock": 13965989, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9217, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Flamos of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Ghost Eater Flamos of the Cosmos\n\nHard is the life of a Ghost Eater. Wandering the infinite cosmos, skull always a blaze. Dying to conquer the unquenchable feeling of hunger... Hunger for ghosts to eat. Flamos himself isn't malevolent. He's simply... Starving."} +{"id": "2746d09e-edfe-403a-84bb-113e6c0fccf6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:25.575", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd2nJdLqwCDmrW1qBxcpXjxxSP9tQQdGL6hc6gcqPJrx3", "txHash": "0xda4d96014817667c9c961116fca94d503803b164e6f01731c795f70e416332e7", "createdAtBlock": 13965993, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9220, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Astrid of the Veil", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Astrid of the Veil\n\nAstrid believes in a good trade. Nobody's happy - everybody's happy. You can always drop by her shop near the old river delta, a small hike up the mountain side beneath the great forest and offer her something. If the deal is good, she'll take it. \n\nDon't trust her owl. Never trust her owl. No matter what."} +{"id": "a540538d-f40e-4f6b-a8de-6a855f6868f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:26.656", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWphzqEpfm9H4tjgaSLomRHs23CDQFWKD2ojCqQrVrCd", "txHash": "0x689c24482e941abd22313e1121fd236715d9918445b61c247680d32170eba351", "createdAtBlock": 13966736, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9802, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Durm of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Durm of the Bastion\n\nWhen Durm the Arcanist was a young man, the barbarian hordes invaded his homeland and razed everything to the ground. He was forced to flee deep into the wilds in search of safety, where he was plagued by an ancient curse which took away his ability to connect with others. The curse, however, did not take away his ability to reason or use magic. Durm survived in the wilderness for decades by stealing what he needed from travelers that he ambushed as they passed by."} +{"id": "a7e4ac6d-d21e-4020-9701-7465b6435c68-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:28.533", "backgroundColor": "#070907", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUeAujHFqCVbbYRpoGrF8cJP1G438LY19XYsZazbsraJW", "txHash": "0xd472279ae53998865be63c4294553835e3ff02358b38a6344ba1200b5c279ef9", "createdAtBlock": 14946663, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9913, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pierce Hero of the Ring", "text": "# Pierce & Bite\nMy name Pierce \nMy cat name Bite \nI not get close \nI win big fight"} +{"id": "73614bcd-222b-454e-a5fc-26ce99ce82bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:47.853", "backgroundColor": "#7f2600", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ1LpLHFsStGkWUvWRACjhSZbUpwAQ7TdgNNtoTL2Qtbt", "txHash": "0xb8fe7f4c0ee83da2f27cff04cd10023fabf7e96ed6b6a37baa184d3970383d1d", "createdAtBlock": 13986474, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6594, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Fire Eater of the Heath", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Fire Eater of the Heath\n\nAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! _ The Alchemists general shrieking response to most topics of conversation._\n\nAlchemist Fire Eater might be impervious to flame, but it still burnt when people told him to stop being hot-headed. Keeping a cool composure was tough when you had a burning skull for a head.\n\nWhats more, he came from the heath! You know how dry all that bracken and coarse shrub can get in the summer? Not being able to rest his head for fear of starting a conflagration did little to improve his demeanor.\n\nThe alchemist had been human once, of course, before striking a pact with the fiery god cult, which laterfor want of a better expressionbackfired. \n\nTo avoid the cults wrath upon his village, he agreed to sacrifice himself and continue to do the fiery gods work.\n\nHe was granted a familiar, a fox trickster named Ember. Ember preferred to roam at night, and since the alchemist had basically become a walking torch, the arrangement suited them both. It also meant he could be spotted (and usually avoided) by any wayfarer that chanced to be out after dark. His existence was one of solitude, though his shrill shrieks would occasional bring people out with pitchforks and pails of water to greet him.\n\nHis affliction was at once a blessing and a curse. He hadnt had a head cold for centuries. Alas, he would oft recall his distant youth when drinking a tankard of ale didnt engulf him in a hissing cloud of hoppy steam."} +{"id": "c857d704-f65c-4b44-83a8-39be0bdcd1a0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:29.655", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd6sPtyZQFzP453KreSPesAmgr45Vp5cJjc4otSz8iD1C", "txHash": "0x72429a57b9544b74b8f19cc72bc66ce65fd824765ea3cad2780c8e30c6bbe097", "createdAtBlock": 13967595, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6836, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Veiled Phantasm Bayard of the Inifinite Nothing", "text": "# The Lore of Veiled Phantasm Bayard of the Inifinite Nothing\n\nVeiled Phantasm Bayard of the Infinite Nothing walks into a bar.\n\nBartender says: whats with the stupid pajamas?\n\nVeiled Phantasm Bayard of the Infinite Nothing opens his bag of cataclysm. The bartender and everyone in the bar are sucked into the bag and cast out into the void of infinite nothingness, leaving the bar quiet and empty.\n\nVeiled Phantasm Bayard of the Infinite Nothing walks out of the bar.\n\nI never really did have a sense of humor\n\nBunny Skeleton chuckles."} +{"id": "59fb34bb-d553-4874-8dd4-c92da322d9ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:32.103", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPhCPbB6M7YbPxVnGDoRvkUJbd6iuaYdVKQ8iJCpfS8NK", "txHash": "0xe177dc50088fc94e3337276cd1995464158cc24595d8316930bbd5ae3c8891bb", "createdAtBlock": 13967739, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2606, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Apollo of the Wild\n\nArchmagus Apollo of the Wild is a lonely wizard. When a mysterious stranger awakens him, the old man is plunged into a nightmare world where he has no memory of what happened the night before. He can use magic to transform into a strange creature that will aid him in his quest, or his enemies will try to destroy him... In the days when the world was new, an expedition was sent to the North of India to investigate a sacred text in the Vedas. There the expedition comes across the ruins of a cave-in. One of its inhabitants, a man called Vishnu, seems to know of ancient mysteries that were buried in that cave. Vishnu is intent on destroying Apollo as well as the Earth itself..."} +{"id": "4674806b-c627-4899-9744-b91e5986a7b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:34.69", "backgroundColor": "#514b51", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPP4d9NUTL6sgsm1z9ujKkyU6fSB3KY8ohwgFXZSfqExK", "txHash": "0xc715c3ca0695b4d4232eed0a898c78fb0f02549e96615208d905e32e83c9ad06", "createdAtBlock": 13969148, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1694, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dutorn from the Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Dutorn from the Shadow\n\nBattle Mage Dutorn from the Shadow\n\nHe travels through space and time moslty unseen\n\nHe runs from the call of the sacred flame\n\nHe hides in the shadow \n\nHis trusty Pheonix flame lights the way"} +{"id": "b7602c56-b39f-4e27-8c3e-2548318460a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:36.024", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTQ24TSPbt6rCvJfA53i8f6K9YzGBQFjznw7hNpDLKQhH", "txHash": "0xfad4d7613a856b471246e2c7f9ece748016cc461c2e73676cc58dd14dd970a08", "createdAtBlock": 13970339, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1192, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Celeste of the Garden", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Celeste of the Garden\n\nCharmer Celeste is a wizard of natural beauty and charisma capable of influencing others even without the use of her spells. \n\nHer father was a powerful Elven wizard who fell in love with a human sorceress. They settled in a beautiful city named the Garden where Celeste was born and raised. At an early age Celeste showed magical skill and her parents taught her everything he knew about the mystical arts including some secret Elven magic. She absorbed everything with relative ease, and by the age of 17 she had become a highly skilled mage.\n\nGrowing up in the Garden, Celeste was surrounded by nature and animals. Her familiar is a pychic rabbit named Rizzle. They can communicate telepathically with one another and he is able to alert her when danger is near. She also owns a magnificent steed named Champ the Bold. \n\nCeleste wields a rare bone staff of power that amplifies her magical spells. Her magical elven cloak provides her with protection and camouflage. Both items were gifted to her by her Elven grandparents. \n\nCeleste's best friends are Katherine of the Hollow and the Archmagus Eizo of the Psychic Leap. They often adventure together and share their magical knowledge with one another."} +{"id": "d613956b-dfaa-4be2-b161-80510ba40409-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:37.217", "backgroundColor": "#6ca169", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdcNAQ4PwCD2yg5NyKFBaqdepe6XwDWEsVvR65zQFY8XH", "txHash": "0xf0627a3976ea9b290ed72fc75f3958e260d94cef36f52c6421d6331254167d58", "createdAtBlock": 13970687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9269, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Celeste of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Celeste of the Road\n\nThe street is a lonely place for sorceresses, so she never leaves the castle without her pointy-eared companion. She is always bored in the libraries, because she has studied and recited the most important philosophical writings a thousand times. She was not only a sorceress, but also a sought-after philosopher of the street. She was entrusted with the magic of the ancient arts, but also with alternative magic, which is said to be her greatest source of income. She dealt with the structural problems and conflicts of both the classical and contemporary magical communities, and shared her knowledge with everyone in exchange for a small potion or cash.\nBut what's driving you right now? It is quite clear that she misses her pony. All her friends who got up in time to go in search of wisdom and inner fulfillment grabbed a pony and rode off. She wasn't so lucky.\nBut let's ask ourselves the important questions. What is the financial policy of the great ruler of this country doing to the people? Is it right to keep increasing the raw materials for the poor peasants? Is it right that he can just create money out of nothing without creating any value in return? What is value in a world where everything can be created by magic. Money, values, norms and laws are created out of nothing and affect all areas of life."} +{"id": "d613956b-dfaa-4be2-b161-80510ba40409-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:37.217", "backgroundColor": "#6ca169", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdcNAQ4PwCD2yg5NyKFBaqdepe6XwDWEsVvR65zQFY8XH", "txHash": "0xf0627a3976ea9b290ed72fc75f3958e260d94cef36f52c6421d6331254167d58", "createdAtBlock": 13970687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9269, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Celeste of the Road", "text": "We witches should be neutral, is an attitude that many hold. But what is neutral? Is neutral having no attitude or opinion, or is an attitude actively staying out of global processes that we have no impact on anyway? It is difficult. The great magical Stoics followed the cosmopolitan plan of two worlds. The world we can influence, and the world that is beyond our ability. We should not care about the latter either.\nBut isn't that what is happening right now? It's about issues and properties that, as they are here, don't fit on top of each other. The linking of worlds in a great collision is far greater than in the fables of the famous storyteller Xilften and his Witcher saga. No. We should look very carefully where we interfere.\n\nFor me, there are some principles that should be universally known and important. They are maxims that should apply to all witches and wizards and goblins and trolls and ponnies.\n\n\"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you\".\n\"Sometimes you lose and sometimes the others win.\n\"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that cannot be counted cannot be counted\".\n\n\nMaybe the great wizard Nole Ksum will bring the solution to all these problems. We hope so."} +{"id": "5fe8b53c-ae6c-4589-823d-c72951791ecd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.955", "backgroundColor": "#033606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrjvQBPdmhxJACNFdWqd4cPhE59r32WBLwSRYgzYeQyf", "txHash": "0xcbcbd254fa32de5d422f561c41de4be43ff5f61f78efc4ddfdb872bc7aac7d9f", "createdAtBlock": 14637856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Pezo of the Veil", "text": "Not everyone was born in the Runiverse.\n---\n\nNot everyone was born a Wizard, for that matter. Like.... you know, all of us. The seven-point- nine-five billion of us. Lets focus in on three, in their 20s. Ned, Pez, and JP, who played a little loose with the truth and ended up living in an immense mansion in the Hollywood Hills. But even the raging Influencer Party they threw last night (remnants everywhere and no cleaning crew is going to mop this one up) wont save their plummeting status as all-important Influencers, having spent the night locked in a bathroom (to much weed and whiskey) while their competitors (younger, sexier, more TikTokd) took all the credit.\n\n~\n\nIn the cold light of morning and in the ruins of their crime-scene-taped rental mansion the realitys all too clear. Oh... they used to be the shit. Together, they rocked almost a million followers. Now, Ned has a few thousand, Pez a few hundred, and JP has one, one last follower that hes devoted his waking days not to lose. And so many bills. So much back rent. And a few (yknow, ridiculous) pending lawsuits. So theyre all just fucked every which way.\n\n~\n\nAnd their definitely no longer high, or are they, when out of this big ball of light steps a bald- headed, green-gowned, yellow-caped guy who called himself something like Nic the Romancer (@wizard1271) and prostrates himself before them. I have come, he tells them, searching for men of Tremendous Influence. He humbly requests they exert their power and influence in his world (World? Are you in the music business?) and guarantees that if they say yes, they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.\n\n~"} +{"id": "5fe8b53c-ae6c-4589-823d-c72951791ecd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.955", "backgroundColor": "#033606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrjvQBPdmhxJACNFdWqd4cPhE59r32WBLwSRYgzYeQyf", "txHash": "0xcbcbd254fa32de5d422f561c41de4be43ff5f61f78efc4ddfdb872bc7aac7d9f", "createdAtBlock": 14637856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Pezo of the Veil", "text": "~\n\nHe sets a huge bong-like vial filled with Cannabis Potion before them. I have brought you a gift I believe you covet. Think. Consider. And if you would join me, signify your assent by imbibing of this Sacred Vial and I will transport you to my world, where you will be honored and regaled. With that, Nic the Romancer vanishes like he came... although theres definitely an afterimage of luminous Emerald Slime with a smirking mouth, and a lot of tude.\n\n~\n\nStill reeling from last night, and from the immensity of Nics offer, Ned, Pez, and JP pull themselves together, stare at each other, come to the same realization: Dudes we must drink! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, they lunge for the Cannabis Vial. \n\n~\n\nHowever\n\nAnother visitor appears. Victoria (@wizard6563), head to toe in purple and hurling a horseshoe at the Vial. Through blind luck, or a distant memory of athleticism, Ned intercepts the horseshoe with his head, and though painful, hes saved the Vial and their promised future.\n\n~\n\nVictoria, suddenly pleading, begs them to come to their senses. Dont do it. Put the Vial down. Run. Hide for a long as you can. Unfortunately... they start snickering. You cant tell us what to do. Even if youre hot, or whatever. Were Influencers, and were all in! She tries to control her rising fury: Do you have any idea who that was? Yes we do, little lady. That was Nic the Romancer. Our close friend. You, you... morons! That was the Necromancer!!\n\n~"} +{"id": "5fe8b53c-ae6c-4589-823d-c72951791ecd-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.955", "backgroundColor": "#033606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrjvQBPdmhxJACNFdWqd4cPhE59r32WBLwSRYgzYeQyf", "txHash": "0xcbcbd254fa32de5d422f561c41de4be43ff5f61f78efc4ddfdb872bc7aac7d9f", "createdAtBlock": 14637856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Pezo of the Veil", "text": "~\n\nExploding, she rushes them, but too late Ned, Pez, and JP scramble and guzzle the contents of the Vial. They grin stupidly at her until suddenly and very painfully they vanish.\n\n~\n\nVictoria shouts, and shed trash the place, but its already trashed. Her winged familiar, Bat, tries to lie low by hiding under a blanket and re-emerges screaming. Victoria stares as the blanket groans, mutters, and slides off to reveal an older bearded dude with a big, crusty Bong under one arm, and an albino Rat curled in the other (@wizard8528). Who the F are you?? Victoria demands.\n\n~\n\nThe old dude, Alessar, is too out of it to speak. His Rat is used to filling in the gaps: Go easy on him, please. Hes had a rough few decades... And so we discover that the Runiverse is in trouble. That many Wizards, that much magic, that many snarling Familiars. It was bound to go wrong. Some want peace. Some want partitioned existence (Border Control!). Some want power with hierarchy. And some, like the Necromancer, want Complete and Utter Domination.\n\n~\n\nBecause the Wizards interface with our world is crude and new, the Necromancer isnt absolutely sure hes correctly evaluated the full power of our three misfits, but regardless, he still has high hopes for their ability to gain the influence of all the Wizards, and bend the Wizard population to his will.\n\n~"} +{"id": "5fe8b53c-ae6c-4589-823d-c72951791ecd-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:16.955", "backgroundColor": "#033606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrjvQBPdmhxJACNFdWqd4cPhE59r32WBLwSRYgzYeQyf", "txHash": "0xcbcbd254fa32de5d422f561c41de4be43ff5f61f78efc4ddfdb872bc7aac7d9f", "createdAtBlock": 14637856, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Pezo of the Veil", "text": "~\n\nVictoria, on the other hand, is a force of good, albeit a furious one. Since she failed to prevent Ned, Pez, and PJ from embarking on their journey into darkness, shes going to have to pursue them in the Runiverse, try to save them, and save the Runiverse. And yes, after and during disturbing/comical/magical/life-threatening and sometimes barely explainable Wizard attacks/seductions/spells/and I-wish-I-was-dead adventures, our three budding heroes, with Victorias help, will start to learn what real influence and power means.\n\n~\n\nAlessar and his Rat come into the Runiverse, too, spurred by Victoria, who needs help in understanding, well, people. And in Alessars intermittent journey towards sobriety, he wonders if he can make up for a lifetime of mistakes as he tries to help his young friends.\n\n~\n\nSo, in the Runiverse, where Ned becomes @wizard9814 and gains a Psychic Rabbit (Stop constantly telling everyone what Im thinking!!), and Pez becomes @wizard8066 with a Dog whos always hunting the wrong thing, and JP becomes @wizard872 (weirdly with the same face as Pez, which is really annoying) and is trailed by a pompous Golden Toad with mysterious powers it feels too important to reveal, they really have nothing. Except totally transformed bodies. Simultaneously freaking out, empowered, lost, and venerated, like Connecticut Yankees in King Arthurs Court, our young trio has got a lot of scrambling to do, first just to stay alive, and then, ultimately, to rise to the heroes theyre going to have to become, with growing powers finally used for good.\n\n~\n\nIt all starts with.... (More To Come...!)\n\n~"} +{"id": "8edc6ae9-ca24-4605-bebc-bb8945bd0df6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:38.522", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVsmwzuY68yDF6V5Uv6yZZztK4MuXxuro1n6TFZ3AFGN6", "txHash": "0x5eed10803f4fd905f9cd7f09d927d8f17bfa7ffbfa42788ff136fdd96017235d", "createdAtBlock": 13971500, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9040, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Impy of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Impy of the Mount\n\nImpy goes nowhere without Golden Toad, his very best friend who is affectionately named \"Frogger\". \n\nThey were both alone for many years before they found each other but now Frogger helps Impy with all of his magical spells. As a Thaumaturge, Impy is the high wizard of Castle Town, a magical place that is always hustling and bustling with magical energy.\n\nFrogger's favourite pastime is sunbathing in the warm glow of Impy's solar staff. He also enjoys playing Yahtzee at the weekend."} +{"id": "85949d1e-064f-46f2-97ed-8bb29075b6ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:39.848", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmerK4BF9u3j5P6p6QEc8qq7tkGdAaVfzjJsVsZP6fn4kQ", "txHash": "0x64824247da32c0cd4c288fd16384dd13b854605b4fe3bff41990cfb339414d1c", "createdAtBlock": 13971570, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7940, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Circe ", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Circe\n\nCirce's home castle was one of the grandest in the realmher father made sure she wanted for nothing after her mother died shortly after her birth. Yet she never truly fit in with her cousins, all descendants of the Ancient King. To mask her loneliness, she spent more and more time in the castle library. One day, she discovered a hidden letter. It was from Soleiah. She had read about her! The leader of a famed tribe of Huntresses. It was addressed to her father... and it appeared to be a love letter..."} +{"id": "f2960523-c09a-4224-9c84-450a59ed5f01-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:42.487", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQWwxxqCbsGnYuzVcaB8xzU2Ym954dGRPvvwpMBmpnpYN", "txHash": "0xc1075dd356789845075dc8350a53ba53625b514046dfdc59dd864aec3b7a121c", "createdAtBlock": 13975540, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1427, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Rita of the Grotto\n\nAs a matter of course, witch incarnations must remain a closed book to the unprepared public, unless the esoteric teachings be accepted and become the religion of the world. This teaching may never be fully explained to the profane; but one thing is certain and may be said now: a thorough familiarity with the occult faculties of everything existing in nature, visible as well as invisible; their mutual relations, attractions, and repulsions; the cause of these, traced to the spiritual principle which pervades and animates all things; the ability to furnish the best conditions for this principle to manifest itself, in other words a profound and exhaustive knowledge of natural lawthis was andisthe basis of magic."} +{"id": "46b20d51-e72b-4d6f-9845-4332e0423edb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:43.342", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQhUhyLq34Lfof7ZVv83ymgBwWqETTcLYvLofD7aC1hdK", "txHash": "0xb904f5709a053e0fb4dfbc7b4b3e4234ab073e4f5af7c82e03b2ca876a104329", "createdAtBlock": 13976120, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3075, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Sondra of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Sondra of the Psychic Leap\n\nSondra once again realized her mischievious slime friend had tricked her into stealing the Gorgon's Eye. Thinking to herself well here we are, better make the best of the situation..."} +{"id": "b380f867-b9e1-4dc7-ad51-8646655e2744-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:44.176", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTtpfBaFTA6eAiiMeGxsK2oXsEhNny5LX4uRMgfxAEo1F", "txHash": "0xa63b71cfc04f3cf8187d764a33ba816c5a08b23a72baa54d7b5cb268133f52cc", "createdAtBlock": 13976590, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2476, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar of Alfheim", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Ixar of Alfheim\n\nIxar graduated to the honor of Archmagus after the Faustian Wars. The terrors of war motivated Ixar to study the natural arts, graduating with distinction in Funghi Magic.\n\nA mark of graduation, each exceptional Archmagus is presented with the yellow elven cloak, which ensures that each 'Defender of the Natural World' is shielded from forces of evil.\n\nShe has chosen the mesozoic cockatrice as her companion. A rare species of flightless birds, the mesozoic cockatrice channels the energy from the rune of saturn in order to amplify her natural magic abilities to preserve the natural world from the destruction of war."} +{"id": "5e6642e5-bdfe-49a2-9505-4c0f53301327-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:20:47.025", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNcGNZHgPsF5JwAe3aJP46ZXVeLBGFvuVGoNUgzKFx2SH", "txHash": "0xa94995fa514b1977e02e52dea6fc4688833cec9e8a2b3b81b944504477c5e533", "createdAtBlock": 13978772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3305, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Cromwell of the Rock\n\nI have escaped from the future where I was one of the last few remaining.....\n\nThe mechanos have taken hold and learnt how to generate deep magic. All magical beings have been killed and a small handful are in hiding.\n\nOur only hope now is to correct the events that lead up to this. First of those takes root in \"the great burning of 2021\" and \"the rise of a new army\".\n\nWe must succeed, we must...."} +{"id": "0b20c76f-09a2-410f-855d-b577445d4cdd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:46.089", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsuqDWPScFT3LaYoErUVjYEyDh3GP4K1CH5VMFpX86vc", "txHash": "0x235043f0cb5ab4110004ce0eefd47d31f50be39b550ad2cb91883e8e477c5887", "createdAtBlock": 13981380, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1493, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Ambrosia of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Ambrosia of the Wood and his frog friend Googio\n\nDWitch Abrosia and her frog friend Googio have spent a many of nights in the woods. To pass time, Googio and Ambrosia have been known to eat the magical mushroom that they travel with in hand. It is told that this mushroom unlocks a forgotten universe that they will soon enter. Once in this said universe their mission is to spread love, peace, and joy to all."} +{"id": "6254f816-83c2-4c31-854e-d8fb0d411b70-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:34.245", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b18", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQukpEh52rf9GA45M2Ygm88z2PatqpQm7CGrGpdPrdMP", "txHash": "0x7ecdb0272b7d6961f06a4fd13f35b12a7b2ac862e437fe68052f756e18285e9f", "createdAtBlock": 15043160, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWqCyEeEbG7peb2V6pF4JvUSNmtHBpZAYn9ndFksi7neS", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "The witch Enigma was making a potion and she noticed that it had started to bubble. \n\nBut it was not supposed to do that. But something started to rattle the the bowl.\n\nThe witch had the potion, and the bowl tipped over, and she noticed a blob of green and it had started to talk.\n\nIt yelled at the wtich saying \"I am Fred, listen to me now!\" \n\n\n\n\nAnd so is the birth of Freddy the Slime, as told by the young artist who drew the accompanying art!"} +{"id": "8242fc23-99e1-487f-a358-48acfbf96c45-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:48.584", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXyLWVLXQ6tHYJoZARNfhkQB2gqENkmrFRSYLVE1MsX16", "txHash": "0x0e45bf81d4003856072de539fcfb0a4ac842e207448c7f605d20113fdd9da896", "createdAtBlock": 13988611, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6326, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Tundror of the Waste", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Tundror of the Waste\n\nTundror was born into an occult enclave of wizards in an area known as The Waste. From an early age, Tundror displayed a remarkable ability to perform magic most older wizards couldnt. Tundror felt misunderstood by his peers, and many of them were jealous of his natural talents. This resulted in a very lonely childhood, and Tundror felt anger and resentment towards those that mistreated him. He would often get in trouble with his mentors for using magic to punish those who bullied and teased him. He graduated at an early age and decided to begin his journey in the Runiverse alone. \n\nIn his early quests, Tundror became more and more attracted to dark magic. He thought it would be the key to having all those who hated him now love him - and if not, fear him. Thanks to his exceptional magic ability, the wizard quickly acquired ornate items of magic that enhanced his power. He found a familiar to aid him in his journey: a field dog that tracks pieces of occult and arcane magic that were rumored to be lost to the forces of nature. Within months, the wizard acquired a powerful robe of shadows and learned a spell that allowed him to conjure an emerald staff from nothing but a splinter of wood.\n\nOne unfortunate night, in the depths of a cave at the outskirts of the Runiverse, Tundror came across a strange rune - one he vaguely remembered reading about in one of the books at the Great Library. The rune spoke softly, calling those with good intentions to come forward. Unable to resist its pull, Tundror stepped forward to take the rune, and in doing so was cursed. His face was transformed into the visage of a werebeast. Upon escaping, everyone he came across fled in terror, and he was unable to return to normal civilization again."} +{"id": "8242fc23-99e1-487f-a358-48acfbf96c45-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:48.584", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXyLWVLXQ6tHYJoZARNfhkQB2gqENkmrFRSYLVE1MsX16", "txHash": "0x0e45bf81d4003856072de539fcfb0a4ac842e207448c7f605d20113fdd9da896", "createdAtBlock": 13988611, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6326, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Tundror of the Waste", "text": "With all this great power - and anger - Tundror now travels the Runiverse as a dark wizard, spreading mayhem and chaos everywhere he goes."} +{"id": "5e5bbebc-d615-4770-af6c-1efc7f431499-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:49.707", "backgroundColor": "#1f103c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQz2E2MLWpJooVVnTKYTVoXx4gTKpcjwJpbGsvttXQMxM", "txHash": "0x84a30634b7df925ff45d11a95e68fd4fc1e26abc447593b83d658af8b2003b00", "createdAtBlock": 13988893, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5775, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Ixar of the Villa", "text": "# @HedgeWizardIxar has been captured!\n\nwizards, i've been captured.\n\nthe puzzles binding me will be hard to solve.\n\nany brave heroes will be duly rewarded.\n\nwill you join the hunt?\n\nwww.curiousquests.xyz"} +{"id": "021885bc-d3d1-4869-b238-b519fd9c4f0b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:50.558", "backgroundColor": "#578382", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdWsqGuKh1PwiTdc1tge81HwibPBCNYZpjNc84DZN7C6u", "txHash": "0xa33580b0191378562635baf843b100da333ae26c9d541cd6511ec23c4c0df59c", "createdAtBlock": 13989298, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6893, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdmfNQKsd9jNwLLa1994vTjatLFqXk3FoSVN2JQ3DV3iF", "name": "Sorcerer Salah of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Salah of the Sacred Pillars\n\n**Origins**\n\n_\"In every walk with nature, one recieves far more than he seeks.\"_\n\n-_John Muir_\n\nSalah always believed that the most powerful magic could be observed in the natural world. A seed sprouting, a leaf unfolding, metamorphosis These powerful cycles of life were overlooked by many, but not Salah. If plants could draw their power from the fiery ball in the sky, then surely Salah could manipulate the elements of the natural world as well. It was amongst the trees where Salah first learned of magic and spells. By the most unlikely of characters, a swamp bullfrog, Salah was guided to a seemingly dumb stick. Unbeknownst to him, this stick was exactly what he was looking for all along"} +{"id": "cf514027-6ab0-46d7-a36e-0280f250282e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:52.025", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRbJpS2GSF4uPNUWGznkwwx8119TQ6R7CTNFCqbZ7eqy3", "txHash": "0xef759f6ad425c1979a87b36015928f2120cca17a3cdc68b46afa265007139ff2", "createdAtBlock": 13990155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6869, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Hellspawn from the Shadow", "text": "# The Legend of Adept Hellspawn from the Shadow\n\nDeemed too evil for hell, this wizard upon death was given the Solar Staff in exchange for his promising to never die again.\n\nAdept Hellspawn from the Shadow emerged back into the world and raised an army, toppling towns and cities and eventually settling down in a large compound where his cult following tends to his every whim on fear of retribution of his pet snake, Juicy."} +{"id": "646d29af-2c2a-4a52-a21c-05013b48c960-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:52.9", "backgroundColor": "#070D06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWjnyXgDhEHuRkGiUtbaapFsJ7bz5r3hGo8C1QyMy4UC", "txHash": "0xa8dad6792d44f249e60f7f1a0655f994b2d1d9d94f644ca8f1f2498960bf6ee7", "createdAtBlock": 13990260, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5531, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQs6yrC73S8VqbedSFCLpdP2EqpxhHVpmH5a9ifH5fg2A", "name": "Illusionist Larissa of the Canyon", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Larissa of the Canyon\n\nStudying the school of illusion since she was a girl, Larissa knew she would be a professor of the magical arts. With her lovely Lady Bug by her side, Larissa was unstoppable. She taught any folk who desired to learn the ways of her practice. \n\nOne day, she stumbled upon a handsome Battle Mage from the Plains named Malthus. Knowing he would need to make it clear that his intentions were pure, Malthus sent his trusty rodent friend to deliver a special gift to Larissa.\n\n \n\n \n\nShe could not help but fall for this sweet spell caster. He opened her eyes to new ideas and experiences. They quickly fell in love, finding safety and closeness like they never had before. Rumor has it, they spend their days playing chess."} +{"id": "b5e96bfd-aa71-416e-9c78-e947358a6b77-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:56.884", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcNqpT3zTC2ESjVk3eLwQMRK6fVrqpDmiHqu2DQxufLnt", "txHash": "0x07ed2a806beff7c2697f991e51bbc7385ee3731c85cebc9d725bc4430c51ef27", "createdAtBlock": 13990902, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Jabir of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Jabir of the Marsh\n\nDruid Jabir also known as a Son of a Dark Wizard is a powerful mage who not only teaches powerful other powerful mages but in fact, he is the standard by which the rest of the Wizarding World is set."} +{"id": "7a809df1-1a13-4f22-a5dd-bd7206968760-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:57.64", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUtd8D2L7qLbqFZrrY4NtkCGuXPknP8BQBKzQPTWzP9bN", "txHash": "0x6accdf335fb438a58a8f95a63c78ced59403d46925d773263f6883ee977261b4", "createdAtBlock": 13990902, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8900, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Cedric of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Cedric of the Tower\n\nAlthough its exact origin is still unclear, we know from records of the Magician Academy that Cedric was an extremely talented student from a very early age, but was otherwise described as very reserved and quiet. Under the direction of the Demon Master, Cedric came to be as unimaginable in power as depravity."} +{"id": "ece8807f-ffa4-41e7-b999-5a9a0a6d29f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:58.626", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdAVBUxNPQ94sXLhZhtNdAtRgD8zzek16MSGEe9oCxGge", "txHash": "0x2874a04c07b5ec04b82561fde736dda4623bb6505b0deeee6164c6d4a461e5f4", "createdAtBlock": 13994329, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5646, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daria of the Desert", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Daria of the Desert\n\nSolitude. The stark reality of this ancient enchantress. Countless centuries ago she was left to her own devices as just a child, abandoned by her family of which she has no recollection. She learned to care for herself, taking what she could from the wilderness. She became well in tuned with the wild, developing a sense for the plants, animals and mystic beings around her.\n\nIt was sometime around her youth when her only companion appeared, a raggedy sun cat trying to steal her fish drying in the sun. Daria was unsure if she was just imagining it at first, but she swore she could understand the little kittys thoughts (it was surprisingly mature and wise). Through the years, Matahari, as Daria came to name her, became her closest and only confidant and friend.\n\nRight around that time is when Daria really delved in to potions. She quickly developed an affinity to the mandrake potion, which would soon consume her life. Mandrake potions are famous for their healing effects, but what Daria wasnt prepared for were the addictive and psychedelic effects of her brews. The constant consumption of the potions imbued both Daria and Hari with near immortality, but also introduced severe psychosis, depression, and schizophrenia. Her years and centuries bled together growing and breeding mandrakes, harvesting and testing different preparation methods with countless homegrown additives, and having repetitive arguments with Hari. Mental breakdowns where she burned her crops, smashed her vials, contemplated or attempted to take her own life were routine. But her or Hari were always able to piece things back together."} +{"id": "ece8807f-ffa4-41e7-b999-5a9a0a6d29f0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:58.626", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdAVBUxNPQ94sXLhZhtNdAtRgD8zzek16MSGEe9oCxGge", "txHash": "0x2874a04c07b5ec04b82561fde736dda4623bb6505b0deeee6164c6d4a461e5f4", "createdAtBlock": 13994329, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5646, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Daria of the Desert", "text": "After so many centuries, their addiction to the potions have become an addiction to life itself. Trapped in a cycle of breeding and brewing, each batch preceded by hysterical terror and dread, and followed by elation and relief. The two have come to think as one, unable to form complete thoughts without one another and having abject fear and mistrust of any outsiders that cross their path.\n\nThey have been able to quietly exist for so long in their tiny little corner of the world, but civilization has finally spread to push up against their homestead. Soon rumors of their potions began to spread. Even though theyve never shared their batches with anyone else, always finishing each batch every day before starting anew the next, the rumors have garnered the attention of Big Potion."} +{"id": "f340bc67-47bc-41d3-ad13-dfe57f3993d1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:59.482", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUgzCp887BvQmfxFW9ZhoaRiyXbm4BwkQ8svWmBLEpVjt", "txHash": "0x45ae662e4e25886f2bf18f421d33235c19e45f14d58dac06e5519ffac6c1b250", "createdAtBlock": 13995469, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4906, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Ixar of the Brine", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Ixar of the Brine\n\nIxar was not born a wizard. \n\nA native of Calistas Citadel, Ixar was a tenured professor of archaeology at the University of Shifting Sands. Outside of teaching, Ixar would study magical objects. On his way to the Quantum Shadow, a place he believed held the mysteries behind the Sacred Flames, Ixar found himself lost in the brush of the Thorn. For 60 days, Ixar was stuck in the mangled forest, having to fend for himself with only a staff. On the 60th day, Ixar found Bear, a monkey-familiar. Ixar couldnt explain what happened when he found the creature, but one thing was certain, he had gained the ability to use magic. Postponing his quest, Ixar used his new abilities to get back to the Shifting Sands to build his relationship with Bear and uncover the reason behind his new talents. \n\nAlthough there is nothing conclusive, Ixar believes his familiar was trained by Merlin, the legendary wizard of old, and the bond he has with Bear allows him to channel Merlin's magic.\n\nIt's been 20 years since meeting Bear and Ixar continues to teach at the Shifting Sands while using his new abilities to hunt and protect artifacts. His classes are always filled with students gleefully entertained with tales of his encounters with Lost Souls, Dark Arcanists, and Kobolds. Ixar has yet to crack the case of the Sacred Flames, but there's a rumor that he's quite close."} +{"id": "a522b163-c1e8-4070-931b-d553e58028b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:00.18", "backgroundColor": "#040D04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPXxZSKtvSWyi7fcDsQEa2M7iR3Rqni96AYTpjEth1coK", "txHash": "0x7d6788d509156dd80ad85f43e4fbd41f53b9c97a994f7962e3d65442a2e5f6ae", "createdAtBlock": 13995868, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1130, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT2mZ1y3VViV82Lp9G3PNKr7uHVdkuRKGa6V5mEUoyU5j", "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Hobbs of the Obelisk\n\n \n\n The fur gnome child, Hobbs, looked up to no one. He was strong willed, but loved powdering his head fur to play theater, and loved singing and dancing. He was certainly a gnome born of the arts. He was reared by two quiet loving gnomes who raised him to be self-sufficient and laid no specific path before him.\n\n Yet tragically Hobbs was kidnapped from the Wold as a young gnome by the crazy bald heads and imprisoned for years. During this lengthy imprisonment Hobbs endured ritualistic abuse at the hands of his captors, including daily flogging, biting, and hair and nail pulling. It was there that Hobbs discovered a world of hate and exploitation - unheard of in his happy little Fur Gnome Wold. He became hardened and found hate in his own heart. But, a spark of hope lit his tiny cell and after 1 year of secretive digging, Hobbs realized a passageway to the crystal caves in the realm of the Skylord Rookery.\n\n While questing for freedom and fresh air in the crystal caves, he came upon a large rose crystal cavern bearing a resplendent pool of water. Seizing the opportunity to refresh himself, he lied there and washed himself of the hateful memories of the bald heads and of the simple love of the Gnome Wold. Suddenly he felt the water flooding his masculine and feminine energies, uncomfortably choking them with a new found love - a different love, inclusive of both physical and emotional aspects of the she and the him. Immersed, Hobbs grew into a unified self capable of Aphrodite's love for all: he, she, and them."} +{"id": "a522b163-c1e8-4070-931b-d553e58028b9-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:00.18", "backgroundColor": "#040D04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPXxZSKtvSWyi7fcDsQEa2M7iR3Rqni96AYTpjEth1coK", "txHash": "0x7d6788d509156dd80ad85f43e4fbd41f53b9c97a994f7962e3d65442a2e5f6ae", "createdAtBlock": 13995868, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1130, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT2mZ1y3VViV82Lp9G3PNKr7uHVdkuRKGa6V5mEUoyU5j", "name": "Illusionist Hobbs of the Obelisk", "text": "The pulsing of Aphrodites heart soon began to throb everywhere, from his head, to his loins, to his toes. Flexing, he projected an aura of the heart beyond himself, radiating the power till it vibrated the surrounding crystals of the cavern with a pinkish hue.\n\n \n\n Hobbs in his journey would come to find that this love power was complex, being unpredictably unyielding, and in extremis crushingly entrancing. Yet, it was powerful enough to dispel the shape shifting used to enchant and deceive its targets masc or femme energies.\n\n As he emerged from the underground crystal caverns, Hobbs knew the sky/wind energies would take him along a new path of action and discovery. Now whether it would be adventure, revenge on the baldheads, or simply finding love to quench that profound inner thirst that enchants all living things, he would be finally free again."} +{"id": "f0e5c5d7-960d-47b8-b7cf-60b3747ce585-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:00.968", "backgroundColor": "#431857", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwpSXRA1LgkFr4tgUrdWBuap8redBoB47neBzYyBeNBU", "txHash": "0xe9bbd0b452df7a45d4ea4d47d8f0fbd84b36d7e9d4087a8a498b96e4ed06fa08", "createdAtBlock": 13995939, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2037, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Katherine of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Katherine of the Hollow\n\nKatherine oh Katherine, what could she be up to now? You see, Katherine was not like any other princess. She was born into a wealthy family, but she didn't want to follow along with their rich proper ways. Since she was a young lady, she had a difficult time following the rules. She secretly grew a passion for potions and magic after meeting a witch down by the oldest village in the Hollow. Most of her potion making practice was in the middle of the night when she would sneak away to meet with Enchanter Sarah by the Sleepy Green River. There they would perfect their craft by going over what they've leanred from books and heard from others. Little do they know what this would lead them to in the near future when they come across the purple potion of Doom...."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Scryer Tundror of the Field\n\nTundror was born in a sprawling meadow along the reaches of The Fey and The Thorn woods. As a young werebeast, he spent most of his time honing skills as a hunter and tracker, fashioning wooden spears and arrows tipped with sharp stones from his trips to the northern mountains that he himself carved on cold nights spent fireside. Werebeasts are half man, half wolf, and are known to be able to communicate with those within the canine family, among other beast-like abilities. One fabled summer afternoon as he stalked a white deer in the Fey, he came across a young wolf pup that seemed to have lost its pack. The cub dashed to Tundror, growling deeply to assert that it was not afraid. Tundror responded by dropping his spear and kneeling to the ground with hands held out to show he meant no harm. He whispered a language unknown to humans, one he himself had not spoken before but somehow naturally came out. The wolfs ears perked and she leapt into Tundrors arms, licking his face and wagging her tail. lll call you Tazza, he said smiling."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "He and Tazza quickly became well known to the communities that sprawled the many woods of The Wild. They would roam villages, seeking merchants, farmers, and townspeople whos lives were troubled by the many monsters, ghouls, witches, and wizards that often wandered through the lands, looking for food, riches, or simply to stir up senseless chaos. Tundror was especially known to be an expert hunter of Blood-Sick Vampyres, a vile and depraved Vampyre that has been corrupted by drinking the blood of a monster. Werebeasts and Vampyres have historically been at odds, fighting violent wars over centuries. Recently, with the growing presence of magics both pure and evil, theyve been able to cast aside their differences and live peacefully so long as they do not cross into each others borders. Vampyres cannot kill other Vampyres so theyll often hire Wearbeasts, whose claws and teeth are imbued with a natural toxin that is exceptionally harmful to their kind, and who have acute instincts to hunt them. Together, Tazza and Tundror spend years traveling the realm in search of citizens to help and beasts to hunt."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "One spring day many moons later, Tundror met with a representative from the Western Myst wherefrom Vampyres hail. The two gathered at the Toadstools, considered neutral territory. The old pale creature spoke of a brother of theirs who had exiled himself in search of dark magic. Vilas, his name, was said to have killed and drank the blood of a Hollowmux, a very rare and dark mystic beast that roamed the shores of The Quantum Shadow. The process of which had quickly sent him into a craze of killing helpless goblins, toads, humans, and many farm animals of the surrounding region. These rogue, Blood-Sick Vampyres had become an increasing problem as nearby villages were growing more frightful of their kind, pleading that the Western Wizards come and eradicate them. As tensions rose, the Vampyres knew they needed this problem dealt with swiftly and effectively. The elder asked Tundror for his help. He accepted.\n\nVilas was last seen heading south-east of Goblin Town. Tundror and Tazza tracked his movements by seeking reported sightings and killings that matched the description given to him by the old and desperate Vampyre. This path eventually brought him to a small merchant camp not far from the The Great Owl Obelisk, an ancient relic of the wizards that have long kept peace in the realm."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "That night as he wrote in his journal, he heard distant screams from the monument. He sprung out of his tent to a moon-lit desert plane, Tazza at his side. It was a full moon, which meant that his strength was at its peak. His nose twitched. He could smell the creature. As they approached the towering Obelisk he saw a young girl flee towards him, yelling in a foreign tongue he did not even remotely understand. When he finally came upon the opening where the screams came from, it had turned eerily silent. Vilas must be here. Tazza let out a low growl. The silence instantly broke with a swift patter of feet running on sand. Behind, in front, to the left, to the right. He could not pinpoint the source of the footsteps. Without warning, a dark figure appeared almost out of thin air face to face with Tundror. His speed was astonishing. Hello, Wolf the figure croaked through sharp, crooked"} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "Hello, Wolf the figure croaked through sharp, crooked teeth. Vilas, responded Tundror. Are you here to die, beast? Your kind taste delightful. What a treat! cackled Vilas. The Vampyre was tall, lean, and hooded in a cloak. His face pale white, stained with blood, and his eyes looked like glossy black orbs, bulging from sunken sockets. Tundror dropped his spear and the two came together in a flurry of scratching and punching. Claws drawn, they exchanged blows while Tazza circled, looking for an opening to attack. Vampyres are powerful, but Tundror knew that the magic blood of the Hollowmux had changed this particular one profoundly. Vilas was extremely fast, strong, and his nails cut deep, leaving burning fissures all over his Tundrors body. He had never fought such a worthy foe. Their battle continued almost endlessly, too fast for Tazza to keep up with. Nonetheless, she was determined"} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "to keep up with. Nonetheless, she was determined to take down this monster that her protector was desperately struggling to subdue. Tundror felt he was losing the fight. His torso was covered in wounds and he knew he was losing too much blood to continue much longer. For the first time ever, he was truly frightened. He shouted in Canine for Tazza to flee. She ignored, continuing to circle. Vilas threw one more crushing blow that knocked Tundror back towards the ground to where the fight had began. Spear and hunting knives sprawled around him, he clutched at the sand, struggling to find something to defend himself with."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "After what felt like days, Vilas smiled and called to him Oh wolf, you do not know the strength that runs through me. I am on a path to become the most powerful creature to ever roam this plane. I shall restore my species to our rightful place as rulers of these lands. I am the omen of death. The coming Vamcleric dynasty will eradicate your disgusting race from this realm. You will be the very first of many of your brothers and sisters to perish at my hand Every creature I feed upon grows my inconceivable power he barreled on. \n\nTazza saw this self-righteous monologue as her chance to strike. It was now or never. She leapt to Vilas leg, teeth drawn, knowing the fate that Tundror faced if she did not succeed. Wolf teeth, like werebeasts, is toxic to Vampyres. Her sharp fangs dug deep into Vilas calf, bringing him to one knee in such agony that he could barely let out a desperate gasp for air. She tore away, taking with her a chunk of tendons, muscle, and tissue from the villains now crippled leg. In that same moment Tundrors hunter instincts overcame his exhaustion. His prey was wounded and this may be his last chance to strike. In one swift movement he kicked up his spear from the ground into his right hand, drawing far back over his shoulder and channelling all his remaining beastly strength. He pulled forward, thrusting the spear in the direction of Vilas. In a fraction of a second, the heavy javelin finds Vilas heart, piercing effortlessly through his chest and back. The blow sent him flying off his feet before he had a chance to swipe at Tazza. With a loud crash his body collided with the Great Owl Obelisk, the mangled Vampyre letting out a violent cry that ripples across the still sands of the southern desert."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "As Tundror walked towards him, his form slouched against the dark wall of the monument, he gasped one final quiet and raspy exhale. His pale started to turn dark and grey, cracks sprawling from head to toe. In a matter of seconds, his body crumbled into a pile of bone and ash, quickly carried off amongst the sand in a light wind. Tundror lets out a sigh. Gods be damned, that was close.\n\nHe limped over to the pile of bones, noticing that the wall of the Obelisk had a small crack formed where the spear and body of Vilas had landed. As he knelt down to take a closer look, he could see some of the Vampyres Blood was dripping from the cracks, the only blood of his foe left, he noticed. The rest had all evaporated along with his remains shortly after his final breath. The blood vibrated, flowing from the crack as if the monument itself were bleeding. Before his eyes, the crimson liquid turned first to black, then a deep shimmering purple illuminated by the white light of the moon. This cant all be Vilas blood, he thought. Before long, the pool had grown around where he and Tazza stood. He felt himself fading from the loss of blood. He was covered in deep cuts, wondering if he would make it out alive after all. After a handful of deep, long deep breaths, Tundror collapsed unconscious against the cracked wall of the Obelisk. Tazza yelped, jumping to his side and licking his wounds."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "He dreamt of a purple diamond-shaped crystal suspended in the sky with the backdrop of five moons surrounded by stars and cosmic dust. He heard what sounds like the howling of a thousands wolves. The light of Ether is with you, Tundror. Wake wake Greatness awaitswake The voice of a woman faintly echoed through the loud calls. When he finally woken, he jumped to his feet, wincing at the bright moon above and remembering everything that just took place. \n\nTazza was nowhere to be found. His eye quickly found his spear, which looked very different than before. The weapon, which was previously a very battered and scarred piece of old wood, was now long and smooth with a slight amber sheen. It was wrapped in a blue ribbon that hugged the shaft and feathered near the tip. The once stone arrowhead now appeared to be a glowing purple crystal of a similar shape. Confused, he looked around him in panic. Tazza! he called out, remembering his familiar is missing."} +{"id": "919651a4-dac9-43e1-a043-b12a4ef8d90f-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:29.261", "backgroundColor": "#e5dfc4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcpu1uMkmzs5ZPwCP6uxkysKYPU6NRGXuDPSmkVou4d5H", "txHash": "0x6fb2c290b7907ddf553881bb49325e29d9bdf63a8fc2e73a00e3e3226c8a3a2b", "createdAtBlock": 14016824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 462, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Tundror of the Field", "text": "Hearing a distant bark in response, he and sighed in relief. From behind the Obelisk, Tazza emerged with a curious look on her face. His eyes widened as he saw that she was much bigger than before. At least twice the size. Her fur had turned to a deep, almost black purple. Her eyes, teeth and claws were glowing with a soft purple hue. He could feel it himself, more power than he had ever felt before on a full moon, radiating through the staff up into his hands and arms. With his left hand open, he stared in disbelief as the lines of his palm illuminated with dark light. There was magic coursing through them, he thought. Tazza then looked up to the moon and let out an echoing howl, the loudest Tundror had ever heard from a wolf. He watched her in silence, closed his fist with a wry smile, and began to walk slowly back towards his camp."} +{"id": "18e755b3-2cc6-4cd6-93d7-66a82e5e00e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:57.214", "backgroundColor": "#050505", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8gm6JVN9o83TqN85Yb2T5XhHabNr9aevxYa8w5nMgjm", "txHash": "0x227609670db257f83f76cd4a97fa5cc817b1e6b11108d0ed785b5a5e9ce44563", "createdAtBlock": 14839838, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "> Archmagus Iprix of the Tower? The wizard whose centuries have made him kinder rather than colder. A claim few can make. Who has seen the dark of the world, and believes it is joy that makes this world yet tolerable. Yes, I know him...and Im proud to say it.\n\n>You know he uses black magic.\n\n>Black magic? My boy, if you see only in black and white, you will never understand the world. That man has done more good with black magic than many have ever done with white.\n\n>Another heckler: If hes so strong, why is he such a nerd?\n\n>Old Wizard: Because he knows that which you do not. That the ability to be kind is a show of the greatest strength of all."} +{"id": "6d970431-4894-40ae-acc3-a612b564d167-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:01.806", "backgroundColor": "#702e23", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbe9VsitSM3sdbHZ3DMTJugDXEEzTDZ6iKam49yAEviNB", "txHash": "0xfd28e3dfa68422f184c57a6689cee12aab18000584a919783f84c66a23b6237b", "createdAtBlock": 13996529, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9213, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVPXQtefdy3485y9g3J1ynNUXNj3NxC561jxjE8cCsPR9", "name": "Enchanter Atlas of the Dunes", "text": "# Without question, the most local of thirst-quenching establishments in Goblin Town is the Scolt Head of Rune. It is a tav'rn like nay other. Open to serve, since forever and a day, under the intoxicated gaze of the Enchanter Atlas of the Dune.\n\n# All beings are welcome for a glass of fine ale, so long as they abide by one universal convention; that war remains at the door. As behind the guise of this unassuming young ser, is the strength of an ox & the patience of a sun cat."} +{"id": "2241cb40-ab71-49d3-9e2b-770cc0d9146d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:02.686", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeiMhZkcfteT92kTJZzdR1Hb5BUGuRbfNnM6qv3H8fdHD", "txHash": "0x56d2fc68af2cdc620691f53fae9e8246274b300a7e1205c40bd9a0f19a934803", "createdAtBlock": 13996660, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6869, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Hellspawn from the Shadow", "text": "# The Legend of Adept Hellspawn from the Shadow\n\nDeemed too evil for hell, this wizard upon death was given the Solar Staff in exchange for his promising to never die again.\n\nAdept Hellspawn from the Shadow emerged back into the world and raised an army, toppling towns and cities and eventually settling down in a large compound where his cult following tends to his every whim on fear of retribution of his pet snake, Juicy."} +{"id": "ab51e755-f7c1-47f3-bae7-6e1c53fd8e37-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:03.479", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXzSS5dSyTyXtwKAo4PxZu5cGAoN8NGckiBG5XV1m9uw9", "txHash": "0x501c4fa90ea1e9534a6abc8b97ab7e9bfff79d6e9ff3a19845d16bb03998cb96", "createdAtBlock": 13997659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7412, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Zorko of the Spooklight", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Devout Zorko of the Spooklight\n\nLegend has it that during nights with deep fog around Goblin Town, the Wraith of Zorko can be spotted wandering around the bridge right outside. No one knows what he wants with this world. \n\nDo not travel alone outside of Goblin Town during foggy nights. Unless you're looking for more than fog."} +{"id": "f31d1d8b-b0a7-4540-bc47-086ff56852b5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:04.405", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ72BHko2zKibes4Ezfx83fUy7Gv3oM8RTujdAusaeCtV", "txHash": "0xbf3e2b0fc62b7f775c156e9ac81b17ecac28b9fd57804a12c94696b1f3e6e0ab", "createdAtBlock": 14000085, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8936, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Casper of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Casper of the Cosmos\n\nCasper was born into this world so he can unite crypto community through the Cosmosverse. His secret? his magic IBC wand..."} +{"id": "34b902ba-02a1-48ac-8298-44e162ce616e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:05.172", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTbryAe3m54NnuKLegknETxG85nHaQ3kaMD9pb4KzJc9R", "txHash": "0x6f397b8056306a72368d1255ad39f87565911fe729651c74f26b736a4ef239e6", "createdAtBlock": 14000774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1881, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTMu1uvSHUJbrTxFA683rVNhyxH5AYPKZGzRo67hXrfJW", "name": " Celeste of the Atheneum", "text": "# The Lore of Celeste of the Atheneum"} +{"id": "34b902ba-02a1-48ac-8298-44e162ce616e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:05.172", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTbryAe3m54NnuKLegknETxG85nHaQ3kaMD9pb4KzJc9R", "txHash": "0x6f397b8056306a72368d1255ad39f87565911fe729651c74f26b736a4ef239e6", "createdAtBlock": 14000774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1881, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTMu1uvSHUJbrTxFA683rVNhyxH5AYPKZGzRo67hXrfJW", "name": " Celeste of the Atheneum", "text": "Celeste was born to a working family in the heart of the Red Wizard capital. Always free-minded and strong-willed she learned at an early age that her words could easily scorch others. So she held her tongue to contain the fire from burning hearts. Though her skill with enchantment was innate, the intensity of the power kept her fearful of herself and distant from others during her youth. Worsened yet by the death of her father which made her swear off magick entirely as she blamed herself for years on end. However, luck would not be on her side for this wish; as we all know a Wizard cannot so easily give up their gift. A dark entity saw this as an opportunity to gain a foothold into this world; awaiting the perfect opportunity to take control of Celeste. Subtlely using her magick without her awareness to eliminate any joy within her life. Her family quickly lost status among the other Red Wizards and her mother often left her at the"} +{"id": "34b902ba-02a1-48ac-8298-44e162ce616e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:05.172", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTbryAe3m54NnuKLegknETxG85nHaQ3kaMD9pb4KzJc9R", "txHash": "0x6f397b8056306a72368d1255ad39f87565911fe729651c74f26b736a4ef239e6", "createdAtBlock": 14000774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1881, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTMu1uvSHUJbrTxFA683rVNhyxH5AYPKZGzRo67hXrfJW", "name": " Celeste of the Atheneum", "text": "Red Wizards and her mother often left her at the Atheneum for free child care. Many years would pass and Celeste could not shake her curiosity for books. Finding them as one of the only escapes from the loneliness of being a non-magick user who seemed to be surrounded by pain and suffocated by guilt. As she read, this demon that attached itself to her absorbed countless teachings from masters seldom remembered who created runes long forgotten. Until the fateful day came. The eve of her fathers commemoration. This is when the demon chose to attack, revealing its true form and its cultivated power. Howbeit, when the demon came out of hiding the many years of secret knowledge Celeste absorbed and it buried within her mind was now hers as well. An intense battle raged on in a timeless space for many days, both unable to best the other. Celeste, feeling more powerful than she has ever felt in her life, eventually found the answer to this"} +{"id": "34b902ba-02a1-48ac-8298-44e162ce616e-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:05.172", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTbryAe3m54NnuKLegknETxG85nHaQ3kaMD9pb4KzJc9R", "txHash": "0x6f397b8056306a72368d1255ad39f87565911fe729651c74f26b736a4ef239e6", "createdAtBlock": 14000774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1881, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTMu1uvSHUJbrTxFA683rVNhyxH5AYPKZGzRo67hXrfJW", "name": " Celeste of the Atheneum", "text": "in her life, eventually found the answer to this riddle. Burn the demon with the truth, combating the cold lies it spread in her head. Now easily outmatching her foe, she was left with power, anger, and a choice. Scatter this demons intelligence into the void and give up her Magick for good or let it win allowing it to spread turmoil across the land while retaining the feeling of self-worth she so desperately searched for. Never holding anyones belief above her own she constructed a third answer, not found in any story from the Atheneum, out of pure revolt against the destiny others would set for her. She reclaimed her fate and title of Wizard in the aftermath of that battle as she was able to entrap the demon in her white rat; cursing it to tell the truth whenever she asks. No longer fearful of her power, she says she only survived that day not because of her scarred heart, but because of hope. Hope, that one day she would"} +{"id": "34b902ba-02a1-48ac-8298-44e162ce616e-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:05.172", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTbryAe3m54NnuKLegknETxG85nHaQ3kaMD9pb4KzJc9R", "txHash": "0x6f397b8056306a72368d1255ad39f87565911fe729651c74f26b736a4ef239e6", "createdAtBlock": 14000774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1881, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTMu1uvSHUJbrTxFA683rVNhyxH5AYPKZGzRo67hXrfJW", "name": " Celeste of the Atheneum", "text": "because of hope. Hope, that one day she would feel the self-Love she thought died with her father. Celeste is now traveling the lands helping others create new ways of battling the darkness finding bits of self-Love along the way."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Iprix shuffled through his papers. \n\nMamo, muma, zambo\n\nHe muttered to himself.\n\nWhere are you, where did you go?...\n\nPapers fell to the floor as Irprix shuffled around his office, searching for an\nitem that had escaped him. His crow, watching sharply by, took to the air from a nearby desk. In its wake, papers floated gracefully down, winding this way and that before landing softly on the wooden boards.\n\nAh! Leo, thank you. \n\nHe leaned towards the revealed paper. \n\nI knew you were here...Gotcha!\n\nStanding up straight as if addressing an audience, Iprix held the paper in front of him and chanted the dancing script scrawled across the paper. Seconds later, his hands began to shake. The paper, freed from his frozen hand, drifted lazily to the ground as Iprix exploded in a puff of grey powder.\n\nLeo cawed, shaking dust from his head and ebony wings. \n\nMoments later, the form of Iprix began to flicker. As if being generated from the inside of a computer, his form flitted in and out of existence as if cast on a buggy screen. Eventually, a rather sick look on his pale face, Iprix stood once again in the haphazard office.\n\nWith one hand on his stomach, he addressed the crow.\n\nWell, I guess that's the benefit of immortality....still never gonna get used to it though, to be quite honest..\n\nA knock resounded on the heavy wooden door of the tower. With a start, Iprix snapped his head towards the sound. Leo shifted side to side, and Iprix glanced at the bird. Leo took off to land on his perch, gazing steadily towards the door.\n\nAnother knock."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Another knock.\n\nIprix set aside his long-sought sheaf and made his way towards the door. At the top, there were a series of latches, far too many than most would think useful, but nonetheless virtually covering the right side of the door with their clasps and locks. \n\nAnother knock, more insistent this time.\n\nIprix: All right, just hold on, these things take time you know...\n\nAt last the last latch releases at the bottom of the door. Iprix draws a breath and squeaks the door open a few centimeters. \n\nYes?\n\nA sturdy figure, much taller than Iprix, gazed down at him. \n\nIprix: Well its bad manners you know, not to introduce yourself.\n\nThe figure grew impatient, but complied with his wishes. \n\nI'm Agnor.\n\nIprix waited. Agnor said nothing further. Throwing open the door, Iprix gestured inwards.\n\nWell Agnor, in you go then. Introductions have been made...\n\nAgnor stepped inside, the burden of his weight creaking the floorboards of the old \nroom. His head towered above Iprix, and his eyes darted around the ancient tower. \nIprix, turning his back to him, shuffled back to behind his desk and gestured towards Agnor.\n\nWould you care for tea? An elderberry juice? Leo can fetch you some stardew if you like...\nHe gestured towards the window as the crow shifted on it's perch.\n\nAgnor stood silently in the entrance, his figure quite out of place in the tiny oasis filled with books and papers, old manuscripts and dust settling quietly through small rays of sun and shadow.\n\nYou don't look like...\n\nI belong here?"} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "You don't look like...\n\nI belong here?\n\nWell, I wouldn't put it that way, you're just a bit, uh, bigger than most people around here...or, most...\n\nIprix looked up at Agnor.\n\n...people.\n\nA split second passed and Iprix gestured towards a bench along the entryway, resuming some slight shuffling of papers.\n\nPlease, sit, sit.\n\nAgnor didn't move.\n\nIprix continued his busywork as he attempted to take his guest's silence in stride.\n\n...or stand, eh, if you prefer...\n\nHe smiled gingerly. \n\nA flash of light bolted through the window and Agnor's hand shot to the huge broadsword at his side. Leo's eyes glowed red.\n\nIprix: Oh, ah! I wouldn't recommend that.\n\nIn the silence that followed, Agnor studied the tiny cleric. Iprix continued, pacing slightly in the space between his desks. He motioned with his hands.\n\nIt's not a good idea, you see...the place is outfitted with a magical ceiling...magnetic, really..so you see, it's uh, not a good idea because you take out that sword and woop!\n\nHe pointed up.\n\nUp it goes! Heh, heh...\n\nAgnor stared at Iprix. \n\nI was sent here.\n\nIprix clasped his hands at his waist.\n\nOh, that is interesting. We don't get many visitors. It's true, some are sent, though not often do they arrive under such mysterious circumstances.\n\nHis eyes tured obsidian black and his figure stiffened, staring into Agnor as if channeling black magic.\n\nWhat do you seek? Why have you come?\n\nAgnor stepped back.\n\nIprix's eyes cleared and he leaned forward, giggling slightly to himself."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Iprix's eyes cleared and he leaned forward, giggling slightly to himself.\n\nJust a joke, always wanted to say that.\n\nHe shuffled out from behind his desk.\n\nPlease, sit. \n\nAgnor moved for the first time since entering. Planting his great figure upon the old wooden bench, he seemed to defrost some for the first time, though he watched the cleric with renewed caution. Iprix advanced, placing a cup of tea next to his giant hand. It steamed cheerfully in its dainty porcelain cup, seated upon an equally dainty saucer. Agnor's hands could barely hold both, and he appeared more like a man playing dress up as he attempted to sip from the thin edge. \n\nI was told you were an archmagus. \n\nThrough his resumed shuffling, Iprix humored his new friend's curiousity.\n\nOh yes, yes I am an archmagus. The old one passed away some time ago.\n\nAgnor studied him.\n\nWhat happened?\n\nOh, nothing really. I mean not nothing, but really it was silly. He taught me everything I know..\n\nAgnor waited while Iprix's mind wandered off, seeming to look for something else again.\n\nOh! Uh, we were doing an immortality spell and it went a bit wrong. If you want to be immortal, you see, you have to drink from the goblet of immortality *before* you die...he was rather absentminded though, he forgot one of the steps, and...\n\nHe shrugged his shoulders, making a face and gesturing in the air with one finger.\n\nThat was the one! \n\nAgnor watched the wizard, unsure if he was growing more dangerous or simply crazier by the minute.\n\nIprix: So I'm archmagus here now. Poor old chap. I'm sure we'll see him again though."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Iprix ceased his frenetic searching and looked up calmly at the warrior, his inquisitive eyes and dramatic mustache curving up in a friendly smile.\n\nSo! How can I help?\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe journey had already been long. Days had turned to weeks had turned to the counting of the moon cycle to keep track of time. The party was tired, and the onus of their journey remained beyond their grasp. Close enough to continue, but far enough to want to go home.\n\nIprix was unaccustomed to the traveling life. Never one to be a spoilsport, he\nsoldiered on with the best, though his robes had long been sullied by the dirt and \nmud and there was a most unfortunate tear from a snag on a rosebush he had simply \nwanted to enjoy. Who knew they were vicious.\n\n\nA band of four- Iprix, an artificer, a young boy they had picked up along the way and Gomorrah - known as an evil one. No one was certain of Gomorrah's motives, but so far he had proved useful to the quest, and a dangerous ally in a pinch.\n\nPOOF!\n\nWith a startled shout from Iprix, he vanished into dust. In the moments he reappeared, the boy looked up at him in wonder.\n\nBoy: So you are immortal..!\n\nIrpix stared down at him in horror.\n\nMy boy, did you...?\n\nBoy:...I wanted to know.\n\nIprix looked from the boy to the group to the boy to his cup and then back to the boy. \n\nI...I...\n\nHe grasped for words.\n\n...I'm walking away now."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "I...I...\n\nHe grasped for words.\n\n...I'm walking away now.\n\nAs Iprix stormed off to regain his composure, Gomorrah acted. Sweeping the boy from his feet by his neck, he dangled him off the side of the high plains, the cliff below dropping off into nothingness.\n\nThe boy screamed as Gomorrah held him fast. \n\nGormorrah: Shall we see if you're immortal??\n\nThe boy writhed and twisted, attempting to release himself from Gomorrah's grasp\nwhile simultaneously clutching on Gomorrah's wrists for dear life. \n\nI didn't mean it! I...I, please! I'm sorry, I didn't, I, ahhhhh!!....Please!\n\nHis feet pawed the empty air below him, the cliffs sheer face offering little comfort to those without wings.\n\nGomorrah watched at tears streamed down the boy's face. In an instant, he lifted him back over the ledge and threw him down in a heap. A huff of steam escaped his flared nostrils as he snorted in disgust.\n\nGomorrah strode towards Iprix and the rest of the group on the other side of the \nclearing as the boy sobbed on the ground.\n\nIt wasn't the consequence he would've chosen, but it seemed Gomorrah had made his point. Chiyo watched the cleric's troubled face.\n\nI admit I've never seen anyone kill for curiosity. Are you starting to regret not leaving him behind?\n\nIprix pushed himself forward, starting off on the long road.\n\nA little.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n[Scorch the Pyromancer sees the group from the entrance to his pit. He doesn't have anything to do with the group or the journey, but as an observer he's often aware of goings-on.]"} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nA battle raged.\n\nThe group had neared its destination. As the danger grew more intense, the\nheaviness in the air had been steadily increasing. The last days had fanned into\nflame and chaos, little sleep and greater dread. Gomorrah had remained on the battlefield, his hearth and home being brimstone and fury. Iprix had remained on watch, magic encircling their camp, and the artificer was away on reconnaisance. The boy and his slingshot remained at the camp, afraid and with his magic not yet easily controlled, a mix of sparks and awkward incantations that occasionally hit their mark. \n\nHe had ventured out to forage. Magical food was only good for so long, it fed the\nspirit more than the body. Crawling over hill and stone, he hunted what game he \ncould find. The battle had been spewing over the southward field, and he was cautious to remain beyond the fringes of the fighting. Being captured would only make matters worse.\n\nAt once, the edifice behind him erupted. A shower of sharp stone and black earth rained down around him as shouts and screams filled his ears. Disoriented, with the shriek of steel on steel and the thunder of dark magic, he threw himself to the ground and crawled beneath the nearest crag. At once, Gomorrah's face was on the ground beside him. Thrown down by an adversary, a glowing orb clutched near his chest, Gomorrah's eyes lit with recognition. He threw the orb towards the boy as he was lifted from the ground."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "The yelling and fighting abated. As the boy hugged the orb, face dry but rocking slightly back and forth, the air cleared. As quickly as it had vanished, the silence returned. After what seemed an age, he climbed out into the emptiness. No sign of Gomorrah. No sign of anyone. Just ash and smoke curling upward from dark scars that had been carved into the earth. \n\nA ringing, faint at first and growing into a cacophanous noise that boxed his ears, enveloped his head as the creeping warmth of faint made everything slowly go dark. \n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nIprix's tower was a mess. A mess outside of the usual mess. The electromagnetic force that had swept through the otherworlds had reset many parameters and upset others. Iprix, like others, had been returned to their origins - Iprix to his tower, the boy to the village...others journeyed further forward, to their destinies. It wasn't the first time Iprix has seen a reboot spell, and it was a similarly unpleasant experience as being reboot himself.\n\nThere was a knock on the door. Iprix sighed. How was one ever to get through an eon of spells when one keeps getting interrupted?\n\nA flash from his wand and the magiclock on the door disengaged. Sometimes the human ways were fun, sometimes the wizard ways were more convenient.\n\nThe boy stepped in.\n\nIprix studied him.\n\nYou've come a long way. \n\nThe boy seemed nervous, tired.\n\nPlease, sit. \n\nA wave from his hand and Leo, awkwardly squawking, retrieved the teapot and delivered\nit unceremoniously in his talons. \n\nAh, Leo...I do appreciate the effort but I think we have to work on this.\n\nIprix glanced back at the boy."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Iprix glanced back at the boy.\n\nHe's an absolute marvel, more skilled than I by far...but tea is not his thing. \n\nThe boy studied Iprix's face. \n\nDo you know what happened?\n\nIprix: Ah.\n\nHe put down his tea and put his hands on his lap.\n\nI do. \n\nHe watched the emotions flicker across the boy's face.\n\nAre you well?\n\nYes, yes.. or I think so. Yes, I'm fine. But I don't understand.\n\nIprix: Ah! Well, there are a great many things in this world to not understand! Luckily, I can explain. First, I'm glad you're well. I knew you made it to the village, and I wondered when you would come.\n\nYou knew I was in the village? How?\n\nWell, the vantage point from up here is quite good...high tower and all...plus, you know -\n\nHe pointed towards himself and shrugged his narrow shoulders.\n\n\"Archmagus.\"\n\nAnyway, we were pulled from the battle by what's known as a reboot spell. An \nincantation that resets the world to a past point in time, but with certain modifications. What those modifications are is unknown, but we've been sorting through trying to figure that out. \n\nHe gestured towards Leo.\n\nIt hasn't been easy, so I'm glad you're here. Three minds are certainly better than two! \n\nHe stood and shuffled back towards his desk. \n\nI hope you've brought food in that bag - we're going to need it! Heh heh...\n\nIprix turned and saw the boy standing, holding a glowing blue orb. He dropped his tea cup.\n\nOh no....\n\nTears filled the boy's eyes."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Oh no....\n\nTears filled the boy's eyes.\n\nHe trusted me with it. I don't know what it is, I don't know what it does...but he\ntrusted me with it.\n\nTears streamed down his face. \n\nHe gave it to me before the reset, or whatever it was.\n\nEyes squinting shut, he bowed his head down.\n\nThey took him...\n\nIprix walked cautiously towards the boy and the orb.\n\nThere, there...\n\nIprix covered the orb in the cloth it had been cloaked in. \n\nLet's just put that away for now...we'll keep it safe here. We'll just, uh, set it\naside for now...\n\nHe looked around at the haphazard room. \n\nUh, we'll leave it here, in this drawer...where it won't, heh, roll away..\n\nShutting the drawer, he returned to the boy.\n\nTell me what happened.\n\nBoy: I don't know. Gomorrah, he gave it to me..I was hunting and somehow the\nbattle found me. I don't know what happened, I didn't even know where he was,\nbut suddenly he was next to me and threw me the orb...they must have thought he \nstill had it because they took him away. I didn't see him anymore after that. I \ndidn't see anything after that.\n\nHe bowed his head again.\n\nI don't know why he trusted me.\n\nIprix studied him, watching the emotion flicker across the boy's face.\n\nIt would seem it was trust well deserved.\n\nHe stood up. \n\nBut you don't worry about Gomorrah! The old goat has business. Destiny in fire...\nWherever they took him, you can be sure its where he wants to be."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "He paused. How people change was perhaps the one thing in the runiverse that still seemed to surprise him, yet it was also the one thing that made things worth hoping for.\n\nMeanwhile you - you have a destiny as well. Do you know what that is?\n\nThe boy looked up through drying tears.\n\nIprix smiled cheekily.\n\nYou have a destiny, and except for the time you murdered me I think you'll do \ngreat things.\n\nThe boy smiled, a half-laugh escaping his lips.\n\nHow do I find it?\n\nIprix patted the boy's shoulder.\n\nYou look.\n\nWhat about the orb? What is it? What does it do?\n\nOh, you don't worry about that. This looks like, ah, a run-of-the-mill orb...just\na regular time, uh..thing - nothing to worry about. Would you like more tea?\n\nNo, thanks, I should be getting home.\n\nIrprix tried to hide his relief. He wasn't good at hiding his emotions and the orb's presence weighed heavy in the air.\n\nAnother time then. You're most welcome. And I'm glad to see you're well. Maybe our, uh, tea service will improve next time you return. Tell your mother hello!\n\nThe heavy door groaned shut.\n\nApproaching the drawer in which he had secreted away the orb, Iprix opened it as its blue light emanated from the sides of the cloth. Leo spread his wings, shifting from side to side and cawing ominously.\n\nIprix stared at the glowing orb, agreeing with his agitated familiar.\n\nYes, we have a problem.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-11", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Yes, we have a problem.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nIt was a spring day when Ekmira entered the tower. A fan of sun and wind, light\nand plants, she didn't prefer to spend much time in the dingy dusty corners of the\nruniverse's old buildings, but necessity brought her today. Her white robes caught \nat the corners of the wood staircase and swept away cobwebs as she ascended the tower.\n\nThe door at the top was open. Upon hearing no response to her inquiry, she pushed\nthe door open.\n\nAs the door squeaked open on its tired hinges, Iprix - humming along happily thrumming through his old stacks of paperwork - turned to see a witch standing in the doorway.\n\nHer hair swept down over nimble shoulders, her large hat only partially covering a\nfriendly face that seemed to illuminate from within.\n\nIprix dropped his papers.\n\nOh! I, oh. \n\nHe scrambled to catch the sheafs as they fell to the floor.\n\nOh! Ah, haha...\n\nCatching them up in an unceremonious heap, Iprix hugged the papers with both arms as he stood to address her.\n\nI, uh, hello! Uh, how can I, um, assist you? Please..\n\nHe gestured with one hand, half of the papers flopping once again to the floor.\n\nUh, please sit. \n\nHe glanced at Leo.\n\nCan I offer you tea?\n\nNo, thank you.\n\nCoffee? Mandrake - I mean, mango juice? Koolaid? \n\nIprix clumsily caught the corner of his desk as he rushed to put his scrolls away.\n\nEkmira hid a slight smile.\n\nLeo can run,..or, rather, ha, fly out for whatever you like..."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-12", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Leo can run,..or, rather, ha, fly out for whatever you like...\n\nIprix paused to regain his composure, one hand on his desk and the other on his hip.\n\nAnyway, why were you here again? I mean...\n\nEkmira smiled. \n\nI don't need anything, thank you. But it seems we have business.\n\nReally? \n\nIt would appear...\n\nShe paused.\n\nThere was a magus who passed through who went unaccounted for several days later.\nDisappeared and no one knows where. Since you know the area, and everyone in it, I \nthought you might know something.\n\nIprix stuttered, his breath which he didn't even realize he'd been holding all \ncoming out at once.\n\n..I'mmm sorry I what? I know everyone? \n\nShe studied him.\n\nYes, you're the archmagus. Of..the tower?\n\nOhhh, right - I mean, yes. I, yes I am. Indeed. So you needed what again?\n\nInformation on a missing person.\n\nYes! That's it. I can help....just let me get organized...\n\nIprix shuffles through his usual stacks, knocking over a large stack of books as he attempts to clear desk space. Ekmira watches, amused.\n\nI'll come back another time. Perhaps we'll set a meeting. I've caught you off guard, I'm sorry.\n\nNo! No..no problem at all..just, just a bit taddy here, that's all, not normally like this...but just, you know, very busy lately....\n\nOf course. \n\nIprix stops sorting and looks up.\n\nEkmira: I'll come back.\n\nGreat."} +{"id": "f8cff475-b992-4934-b65b-06dea8f6daa4-13", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:02.622", "backgroundColor": "#fefefe", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZe3L9RYhhfCNKQ8F1so4uo6Cvb5Wygdkx8dLSRFBH3nJ", "txHash": "0x5d437634c60c3de3bad3ba0f654187ea4939a48d9bbe7f6e41e2f7482d5d3d40", "createdAtBlock": 14839841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Ekmira: I'll come back.\n\nGreat.\n\nAs the door closes behind Ekmira, Iprix stares at the closed door and then lets out a breath, leaning on the table. Leo hops up and down gleefully, flapping his wings in amusement. He flies to Iprix's shoulder, training his beady eye to study Iprix's face as he turns to face his familiar.\n\nWhat?\n\nLeo flaps away, hopping up and down the desk as Iprix falls into his chair."} +{"id": "509f4a88-6d1b-4192-ab96-4613a9d4da7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:05.941", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYvNwpBvoLLXAxyh6xy8DLjC3Kp93HXC2v5qQJ4QvbpVv", "txHash": "0x9d714dfbc44708fe167b9010cdfa53dd2095589f3dcada730598c49498497d2a", "createdAtBlock": 14001658, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5502, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Shigenjo ", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Shigenjo\n\nShigenjo was never a stationary wizard. The world was his oyster, and he made a name for himself as a traveler with many skills. In fact, most wizards just referred to him as Adept Shigenjo because he was good at everything and didnt associate himself with any place. Dark magic, light magic, pyromancy, cooking, cleaning, football, making sweet love, Shigenjo could do it all. He made friends with many locals from across the runiverse, from Zaros Oasis all the way to the Alchemists Archipelago. Everyone would always say Oh Shigenjo, youre so cool, why dont you stay with us and do all your cool activities with us forever? And to this Shigenjo would always respond Nah, I aint got no time for that. Ive got more wizards to impress. So off he went, with his faithful rat, to go impress wizards across the countryside.\n\nShigenjo is the man."} +{"id": "cb330e45-a01a-492c-a73f-51c98db66700-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:06.733", "backgroundColor": "#ca4a2e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRmBSsbAJz9TssuEg5n17hDJ47196EXnBsfWsH85XBC94", "txHash": "0x8f8f65890cbcafe41b3739b353ee7ec6ee25b7fff5fee7663370a59bd1ef6dc1", "createdAtBlock": 14001943, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5198, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPU1AHQLraFiaza3cegeCLGmH4es41MSqncerZQGDdoB4", "name": "Archmagus David of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus David of the Citadel\n\nThe citadel was overrun by an inexplicable plague.\n\nWhilst the majority debated whether or not they should mask up and quarantine ... the citadel simply fell apart.\n\nOne of the few spared by the plague'stight grasp was the Archmagus David. He toiled late nights in his chambers trying to find a cure when a book magically opened to a chapter detailing the benefits of an ancient Caduceus staff, which could be summoned with a simple spell. The staff was said to relieveanyone from the plague'saffliction.\n\nUpon learning the spell, David immediately summoned the magical Caduceus staff and put it to work ... and just two days later he had done it. He had cured everyone in the citadel.\n\nThis all came to a crash when he woke the next morning to an eerie silence. Venturing through the citadel ... he saw bodies on the floor lifeless. It seems everyone he had cured had died.\n\nThe silence finally broke with a sharp laughter when a demon appeared. It explained that it had created the Caduceus staff and cursed it for his own entertainment. \"Thank you David this was delectable\" were the demon's last words as David struck him down.\n\nWith blood on his hands ... he leaves the citadel to try and redeem his foolishness. For now, only time will tell."} +{"id": "9cfb4755-48ab-4f68-bd51-008f0c0dcba8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:07.617", "backgroundColor": "#5a1473", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmarPitDgLEbN7jgL6VqvarSHwCxWzuvKKuSCW7TLFbm4E", "txHash": "0x68ac800e3ca15a983e6fdc1caef3e1c32f5306d22eb5bca2f057572d070552aa", "createdAtBlock": 14002232, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6924, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Casper of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Casper of the Keep\n\nCasper comes from a long family lineage of Archmagus. However, after losing his rune and simultaneously his way at a young age, he is unaware of this lineage. Specifically his Archmagus sister whose name, unbeknownst to him, bares the same first letter.\n\n_Has he even ever felt comfortable in the Keep?_\n\nPolitically unaffiliated as noted by his lack of hat, Casper has shown affinity towards the Blue Hats, partially due to his own blue hair but also after uncovering his own love of perusing the largest libraries and acquiring the newest technology while honing his spell casting craft. He has his share of weaknesses but his strengths arent hard to find.\n\nCasper oddly finds himself most comfortable while dwelling on islands. Notably, during his years of trying to master the arcane art of invisibility while on Aldos Isle, he often awoke from a beach side slumber to his now rat companion now namedblue rat friend. Because of blue rat friends affinity of fruits, Casper began his interest in using her scraps to create potions of often unepic proportions.\n\n(One fun fact, Casper believes his lack of understanding invisibility at a young age, that its possible his rune is right there, he just cant see it.)\n\nBut learning who he is and where he comes from is the weight upon his shoulders. Despite his Blue Hat appeal, he sometimes finds his mind lingering on politics and wealth. Perhaps once there was a Red Hat above the head on those shoulders. Could that explain why his potions all end up purple?"} +{"id": "7928c908-dfc7-4e76-b5b7-c386d5ff3b13-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:08.98", "backgroundColor": "#3a0258", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQZZHCawSheLmmh4V7grHxWUQriizBJJN8ZUHXfu5DjVd", "txHash": "0x13f9ea26b7942a4a6eea5a401d2a90c510876ef5977f5b2b097a0458f99c49be", "createdAtBlock": 14002967, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2405, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Arabella of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Arabella of the Wild\n\nMost people dont get my art. What they dont realise is, _they_ are my art. _ Arabellas offhand remark to a Calista art critique._\n\nJust like the art she creates, Arabellas impression is subjective. If shes happy, anyone who beholds her work will leave whistling, a spring in their step! If shes depressed, then the art will darken the mood of those who look upon it, leading them to the edge of a cliff or willingly into the lair of a dangerous beast.\n\nShe was once heard to say that she adored the theatre.\n\nTheres no theatre here in Alessars Keep. a bystander responded, to which she waved her hand about the crowded square.\n\nWhy, these are my actors. Now, dance for me goblin boy. The bystander promptly hunched and performed a ghastly jig before toppling into a fountain.\n\nCatching a glimpse of Arabella is rare, and just like her black cat familiar, once she has crossed your path you may find luck (good, or otherwise) comes your way.\n\nWho can say what whim she acts on. Some believe that its her crystal skull which counsels her. Others argue that Arabella does as she pleases and the skull is her first work of art; a former lover trapped for eternity with an unsettling crystal grimace.\n\nBeing enchanter of the entire wild, can be tiresome. As such, she grants Diana the Enchanter jurisdiction over the rivers. Arabella acts like its a favor, but in reality were she to have power over absolutely everything, shed have no time to indulge in yoga; and without those quiet moments of reflection, theres no telling what twisted art she might unveil next."} +{"id": "7b22e380-2ee4-4b5d-ab0c-fe38ec85e06a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:10.201", "backgroundColor": "#04436c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLVmRtRBrsktzrtqNLYjY51pnx4CwK4Q9KWedPATxaWg", "txHash": "0xb04556d05fae8c28343145d7d3096417df73e77796d5df31f76511ef680c5160", "createdAtBlock": 14002982, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6068, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Diana of the River", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Diana of the River\n\nIts a dry, droughty, dusty day! Drink deep, drink down! _ Diana convincing travellers to refill their flasks at a roadside spring._\n\nDianas greatest advantage as an enchanter comes from her reach. Just like the river, her charm meanders to spill from springs and be drawn from wells; to be boiled in broth or clashed in cups.\n\nFew ever discover they have been under her spell. A drunk who blames the wine for some foolish deed, could perhaps blame Diana. A fat lord whose soup is poisoned, might have riled her at some point.\n\nHer familiar is a hummingbird called Thirst. It is rumored that if one should catch a glimpse of its green plumage as they drink, then they will be under the enchanters spell until the moon next wanes.\n\nAs an enchanter Diana is almost unrivaled, yet she must live in her superiors shadow. For Arabella commands all the wild, and allows Diana control over the rivers; a generosity and a slight Diana can never quite thank her nor forgive her for.\n\nUnlike the water, Dianas aims are not transparent. None truly know what she wants, save perhaps dominion over Arabella. Perhaps such knowledge can only be gleaned from a drunkards inane rambling, or mayhap only the drowned of Dream Master Lake shall ever know."} +{"id": "fab3f20e-f1e2-4640-8ddf-2fc287d05a6c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:11.078", "backgroundColor": "#197654", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdt8QZ9boLzVM9mSdGVXnYsQPYxmWvNabPoKXsxHpFFAA", "txHash": "0x670210ff978dd2048ce6df617801a2bc249330c20d559ca7a5257ca1f4741827", "createdAtBlock": 14003346, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Talon of the Ether", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage \"Bell Bro\" Talon of the Ether\n\nBell Bro is a simple man. A stable hand for his Lordship since but a boy. Magic residing in the art of seduction. A forbidden heart-throb to all who laid eyes. It mattered not his lowly birth nor position, frequent were the conquests and paramour and heartbreak. Inevitably in the game of hearts, mischief and scandal soon come to play. The favour of an heiress. Long was the affair, and long was it secret. Alas, the cloaked liaison became known to those who pry; gossip spread like plague, and not long it was until Bell Bro found himself before his Lordship. Spared was his flesh, however a life of the meme was to be punishment. 69 years of Siren's Bell deemed fit for such a lewd boy.\n\nMay the Lore stand the test of time as steadfast as Bell Bro's herpes."} +{"id": "971be885-7fe1-422d-bede-06c03041a8d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:12.707", "backgroundColor": "#171000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZE6SSnZfrd5YejRBk51MAcVepyNsseSqLKZ8pSeCVBSU", "txHash": "0x450a1e31bceddad548a87bfd8e50445f5c7e96388e45e4fad80f6f13c7626ae9", "createdAtBlock": 14004475, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8556, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Zombie Angus of Goblin town", "text": "# Wild Zombie Angus of Goblin Town Makes a New Friend\n\nhhhhrnnnnrhgnnrrnrrrgry\n\nwant food \n\nfind snek\n\nsnek food\n\neat snek\n\nnow bone snek liek angus\n\nsnek follow angus\n\nangus no liek bone snek\n\nfind egg\n\negg food\n\nbrek egg get food\n\nfine fuzz duk\n\nfuzz duk mek angus slow\n\nhed slow\n\nbone slow\n\nhungry slow\n\nangus liek feel slow\n\nangus liek fuzz duk \n\nfuzz duk fren\n\nangus fren\n\nwant more fren\n\ntake fren Goblin Town"} +{"id": "0e8a3036-dafe-40cd-adde-3950d709c6f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:13.503", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmajAwfFi8M9qZFwuv95gmdA372rRkgEikU7r9xU21Akvo", "txHash": "0xd2f15fcdf2af48456af125de5739a7ffd7055e036b0b10a9b0009a9d29ce7c2c", "createdAtBlock": 14004687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2940, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdBcVHdrAfF9SdPiS1igCUxCJGcEvM8goZAht1foFRSjp", "name": "Magus Herne of Alfheim", "text": "# Magus Herne of Alfheim\n\n \n\nThe freedom granted by wealth cannot be understated. No more toiling in trade routes, bickering with merchants, or suffering the incessant whining of those in my employ. My estate is secure and self-sufficient. \n\nI now have the means to dedicate my time to a higher purpose...\n\nThe Hunt"} +{"id": "02e41ff6-a068-4d9a-bdef-eeb08058cfdd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:14.34", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR2dLACY81gT5d6sPKHLrYbeWrdnfDngm16umCwc2tDeX", "txHash": "0x1586faea3409927ae887ac89d713d6c6079c2d4d316f2caff8b244e91f406abe", "createdAtBlock": 14004699, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9687, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Davos from the Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Davos from the Shadow\n\nForever drawn to the flame, the pyromancer was expelled from even the most disreputable of wizarding schools forcing his mother to home school him throughout most of education. However even she could not keep him on task and would often find Davos in a broom closet or horse stable after many hours of searching, just him and whatever kindling he could rustle up.\n\nIt was no surprise then that at the age of 15 he packaged himself away in a chest and shipped himself to the shadows where he could be closest to his one true love, the flame."} +{"id": "a6a59842-55f7-4220-81d5-d7992d262c25-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:15.196", "backgroundColor": "#2a1d2b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXwYnSHzNRKnN8g87L8hrc8Cxi6dDqj1gHcDzC9wXBkuY", "txHash": "0xf00f267972f0fb803e52fe1ecf608187de0667a40ad79771b35d6dd608aeb688", "createdAtBlock": 14005935, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8035, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Faiz of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Faiz of the Wild\n\nFaiz was born as a commoner on a ranch to rancher parents. During his younger years, he spent many days alongside his father, who ventured into the city walls in order to sell the meat and skins that they produced on the ranch. Faiz was always fascinated by the sorcecers that passed through the stall in the market and headed towards the mysterious tower lingering in the distance. \n\nWhen he reached adulthood, Faiz asked his rancher parents to finance his education at the college of sorcecers, as his interest in all things magical and sorcerers never let go of him. Selling off most of their cows and pigs, the parents managed to accumulate enough capital to send Faiz to study to become a sorcerer. \n\nAfter graduating from the college, Faiz decided to spend his time studying animals and the wilderness, where he headed off to shortly after leaving the city. Remembering his knowledge of animal handling learned from his father on the ranch and the neawly learned sorcery, Faiz stayed in the wild for year - in fact so much time that he lost track of time himself. Rumours in the city only refer to him as a lonely sorcerer living in the wild, thus earning him the name Sorcerer Faiz of the Wild."} +{"id": "df002d5e-4c29-4045-afe4-024441369d81-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:16.006", "backgroundColor": "#0080ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUwSfJVsaq2UVVpDbChvXXvrefargKp9praRJ6h71WPgg", "txHash": "0xc875bfa6f01cada7b3660f5f2f016f833a5d7fd1e7c9d3d3ed34e15d9111e830", "createdAtBlock": 14008123, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1218, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cosmic Mage Cromwell of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Cosmic Mage Cromwell of the Platonic Shadow\n\nCromwell was raised on a remote farm deep within the Black Forest. At around 12, his latent magic abilities emerged. Shortly after, his parents disappeared, and he was left to raise himself. \n\nAfter a few weeks, a talking sphynx named Rojhur appeared and helped him survive a few seasons before encouraging him to explore the outer world. \n\nRojhur and Cromwell went on some fantastic adventures, and they started to become renowned for their raw ability, high integrity, and very innocent curiosity. They were also both somewhat childish, petty, and relatively uneducated."} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "**Part Ten**:\n\nThe Old Koopling Cemetery was truly an old place. The Kooplings themselves were a very ancient race, and the cemetery was created when\nthey were young. The stone work on the graves carried a particular magic that is said to be indestructible. It was nestled down a path off the main road that Eden took. A mist enveloped the gates. The trees hung heavy and broad over the site, darkening it even in mid day. \n\nThe wizard, pony and hummingbird stood before the misty gates. Eden spoke.\n\"Well now, here we are. The Kooplings are a kindly race though I dare not tread on their good will. This place has opacity and ominousness.\nWe will wait here at the gate for the burned Corvid.\"\n\nAt noon exactly, they heard a metal gate creek open. The Corvid soul appeared out of the mist, tombstones lined up behind him.\n\"Eden, Moe, and fellow bird, good afternoon. This is my home. Well it is close by. Follow me.\"\n\nAs always, intuition guided Eden's heart. Surprisingly, there was nothing off-putting about this stranger. And so they followed him.\nA massive Oak tree rose out of the center of the cemetery; it barely looked alive. The leaves were brown and the bark blackish. At the base of the trunk there was a door. The Corvid opened it, and the party descended down a staircase in darkness.\n\n\n\n**Part Eleven**:\n\n\"Eden, that compromised Corvid gatekeeper was planning to kill you and take the pony.\" Said the burned Corvid soul."} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "He paused and sat still looking at the three companions before him. They were beneath the tree, beneath the The Old Koopling Cemetery,\nin a place that resembled a fine wine cellar. Along the walls were vials and herbs and artworks; nooks with books and music playing quietly from somewhere. \n\nEden said nothing. Moe looked at him anxiously, the hummingbird Ziggy sat on his shoulder.\nThe Corvid soul continued speaking.\n\n\"I am friends with one of your friends, which, I believe should make us friends as well. Akron is a crow keeper himself, and us Corvids know much about all that flies. We communicate with one another; we can whistle in our minds and perceive far off things. His crow is a\nwonderfully smart bird- Paco.\"\n\nA moment of silence hung in the air. Eden digesting all the new information.\n\n\"Eden, we both have dark pasts we look to be free of. We both have futures we look to see realized. I am a bird, and trees are our home. \nYour task to find and save the greatest of all the Runiverse trees is noble, and I will help you.\"\n\n\n**Part Twelve**:\n\nAt the edge of the cemetery where a sliver of golden sunshine pierced through the dark canopy, Eden sat on a rock and listened with headphones to classical guitar on his digital tablet. \n\nAs a transmitter and controller of light and color (unusual for a technologist), the wizard sat calmly with his face uplifted to the warm sunlight, his blue eyes closed. Slowly the light began to move like ocean waves in the air; curling and flowing and cresting. Shapes began to take form. In the wisps of light trees blossomed, flowers unfolded, faces made expressions, letters became words; it was the future."} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "On occasion, when his magic permitted, the light and color interacting with Eden portended doom or glory, love or hate, smiles or pain. \nHe opened his eyes and released the light. He took a deep breath. \n\nThe Corvid soul sat nearby, respecting the Wizard's need for space.\n\n\"Is it OK if I just call you Soul?\" asked Eden.\n\n\"Yes, of course, I like the sound of that.\" responded the Corvid.\n\n\"Soul, I trust in you. And I will call you friend. If our path continues as is, without significant alteration, then I shall end up burnt just as you. Moe as well. I am not sure about Ziggy.\"\n\nSilence hung in the air. The leaves rustled in the wind and the metal gate creaked.\n\n\"Well then, friend, what is your goal Eden? What is this journey to the sacred tree really about?\" asked Soul.\n\nEden sighed, thoughtfully running his fingers along the pink edging of his cloak. Before he could speak, two riders could be heard galloping down the road towards the cemetery. Towards them.\n\n\n**Part Thirteen**:\n\nThe moon was full in the night sky. Stars flickered. There were no clouds and no wind. All was still. Eden, Moe, and Ziggy had fled from the approaching riders and Soul had retreated back into his tree home. An intuition to run screamed at both Eden and Soul in that moment of hearing the hooves. There was a darkness in its sound and a gentle yet malicious whisper on the air."} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "The Old Koopling Cemetery was a mile behind them when they stopped for rest. Eden looked at Moe and saw how nervous he was; remembering the\nfear and pain of the past road. Eden, as forgetful as he was, remembered as well.\n\n\"My dear Moe, all is well. Ziggy and I will keep you safe. He'll watch the sky and I'll watch the road. We'll reach the Tree and the shores of your father soon enough.\" Eden said kindly.\n\n\"Yep.\" said Moe with a half smile.\n\nBeyond the road to their left was an open glade of birch trees that shimmered white under the moon. Beyond that still was hills that climbed into lofty mountains. The Runiverse was vast. \n\nEden spoke to Ziggy. \n\n\"We must leave Soul behind us and press on. I sense we shall meet again. A good old burnt bird he is. No time for song now Ziggy\nwe must move in silence unfortunately. Our road moves westerly, to the mountains.\"\n\n\n**Part Fourteen**:\n\nEden and co. camped by a tumbling river, surrounded by wild fields full of spring flowers. The blue wizard lounged and played a puzzle game on his tablet, whistling the afternoon away, drinking green tea and humming Bowie. \n\nThe poor forgetful wizard had completely forgotten about the two riders from The Old Koopling Cemetery (alas it would have taken some mental jostling for him to even remember Soul the burnt Corvid!). Moe munched on some grass and Ziggy sniped the choicest nectar."} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "They were happy. It was a beautiful day. They were on an adventure worth endeavoring, and they had each other. Eden made a fire and then cooked a simple supper for the three. Before retiring into his tent, Eden meditated on a night sky; full of shooting stars and crescent moon. \n\n\n**Part Fifteen**:\n\nEden awoke in his tent at dawn to the sound of his digital tablet buzzing. On the screen was Soul the burnt Corvid. He was in his tree home, in what appeared to be a recorded message for Eden. \n\nEden paused the message and groaned, still half asleep. \n\n\"I need coffee. I did not expect this bird to wake me at sunrise. That's a magpie's job.\"\nHe made some coffee at the fire and ate a muffin while watching the video attentively.\n\n\"Sage Eden, I thank you for your friendship, it is a rare thing for me. So, I ask these questions to myself and also to you- What is your purpose? What do you want? And what do you fear? Let them simmer in your blue heart for a while.\"\n\nMoe was awake now with Ziggy on his head. They sat beside Eden.\nSoul continued. \n\n\"By the time you see this video, I will be gone. Those two dark riders we heard were not searching for you, alas, they were hunting burnt souls; wizards that passed through the flame and became reborn as something different. I actually don't remember who I used to be. I don't even remember what my name was. Before the pain....I remember nothing.\"\n\nHe stopped speaking for a minute, collected himself, then continued."} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "He stopped speaking for a minute, collected himself, then continued.\n\n\"When they find me here I will be escorted to the Nameless ones. It is they, or Him, that seek to destroy the sacred trees of the realm. Of what my fate will be, I do not know. Eden, listen to me, protect that pony; he is more precious than you realize. The rune...\" The recording ended abruptly.\n\nThe blue wizard felt sorrow. His eyes flickered blue and his coffee turned red.\n\n\n**Part Sixteen**:\n\nIt was a long day of travel for the three; making their way westward proved to be slower than expected. Mainly this was due to Moe constantly stopping to smell flowers and reminisce. The late day sun was comfortable and warm, and Eden would use the frequent stops by Moe as an opportunity to get some sun. He was quite tan for an older gent, and actually fairly muscular. \n\nA little ways down the hill before them was a cottage. It was plain, thatched and stone, and nothing extraordinary. A warrior strong and sturdy (as evident by his clothes and movements) was tending to a garden. Being spring, the dirt was still open and the buds were just breaking with leaves. \n\nEden and co. stood on the hill near the cottage, surveying the scene. The warrior did not pay them any mind.\n\n\"My good sir, any news ill or otherwise of these lands that you can share with a wizard, a pony, and a hummingbird!\" Asked Eden with a raised voice.\n\nThe warrior gardener did not respond and continued his labor.\nAs rain drops began to fall and clouds moved in, Eden said no more. As he was leaving though, the warrior spoke up loudly.\n\n\"Wine or beer?\"\n\n\n\n**Part Seventeen**:"} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "\"Wine or beer?\"\n\n\n\n**Part Seventeen**:\n\nThe salt and pepper-haired warrior tended to a fire as rain pattered on the window and Eden sat and drank wine at a nearby table. It was a simple yet well kept abode, certainly reflective of the man who dwelt there. \n\nEden as always, trusted his intuition above all. Here he felt completely safe; similar to the meeting with Soul the burnt Corvid.\n\n\"What is your quest Sage?\" asked the warrior without looking up from the fire.\n\n\"To find the Great Magical Magnolia Tree, to save it and us, from death and torment.\" Eden responded flatly.\nThe warrior replied, \n\n\"There has been word in the grapevines. Word of a deceptively powerful blue wizard and a pony, traveling in these parts. Word also that different forces seek to help and hurt you. You have made friends and foes. I'll be honest, it does bother my heart to know the sacred trees are being chopped down like worthless locusts. But,\nI am retired sir, and content enough to mind my own keep and herbs.\"\n\nEden became thoughtful hearing those words, and listening to the fire was filled with melancholy. It was night. He felt alone as he twirled his wine glass, lost in a million thoughts. He was trusting fate and the stars to guide him to the journey's end. \n\n\"Well I thank you for opening your doors to us sir...what shall I call you?\" said Eden.\n\n\"Spirit will do, it's a nickname. And you and your company are welcome to spend the night. Rain seems to have picked up.\" said the warrior, still at the inglenook of the fire.\n\n\n**Part Eighteen**:"} +{"id": "6363119b-ca59-4e09-ad4c-07244b17a87e-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:04.712", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgTMktFHnpKDybHR9sXwcqJypeFS6nb2efTdUg6wt6sk", "txHash": "0xb5d84d91895e002ceb4f0c5fc7d054a1ecd0bc3148f3bc0e0684d0ca17b9b790", "createdAtBlock": 14851743, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4184, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Eden ", "text": "**Part Eighteen**:\n\nEden and co. spent the night at the home of Spirit the warrior (which was located about fifty crow miles west of the Blue Wizard Bastion). \n\nAt midnight, Eden's joy staff awoke; radiating a yellow haze. The light became bright and stirred Eden from a deep sleep. Rain still fell and pattered on the roof. He picked up the staff and raised it to the air. \n\nThe light changed color, becoming a forest green, filling the entire room. The light morphed into the image of a tree; green and majestic with white flowers. Behind it the light became a blue ocean. It sparkled and flickered like a divine diamond from Eden's hand. He knew; this was the Great Magical Magnolia Tree.\n\nHe heard a voice from his tablet.\n\n\"It's communicating with you Eden. Or maybe I should say, she is. The tree is calling you.\"\n\nIt was Akron, with that slow and melodic voice of his.\nThe beauty of the sacred tree brought tears to Eden's eyes. The glorious light and color faded soon after, and all was black again in the warrior's home."} +{"id": "d09c679e-15bd-44f8-9bb0-cfd05de7a972-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:18.023", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDedvJULAs65U9GWk67icG2mjbtz3QXGMeBnZfHjLcKY", "txHash": "0x15e3ee98b3611efc8da24d802d7e44a14e049586f00b5b584fb3d2ae65735fb3", "createdAtBlock": 14008488, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Monk Drokore of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Holy Monk Drokore of the Brambles\n\nThe gaze of Holy Monk Drokore is fixed\n\non unseen scrublands cast inside his mind.\n\nAnd passing through the medium betwixt?\n\nThe sea, The Salt, the passages of time.\n\nTo what had he committed with his oath\n\nto make the Holy appellation sing?\n\nA life apart from homelands verdant growth -\n\na spirit tamed with discipline-clipped wings.\n\nReturning now would strike as heresy\n\nFor those inclined to track ascetic vows.\n\nBut what is solitary majesty\n\nwithout the peace aloofness ought endow?\n\nDrokore much choose his emerald efforts heir:\n\nThe Great Beyond or to the Brambles fair."} +{"id": "41f669bb-d08a-4b0a-aa59-ba91c627f76e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:18.888", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfBf9NZN51fXxf2zeDso4AP8gfoyKEZUF4rTA7GVMyixz", "txHash": "0x49b6cb78f7a6b39967a9ab1bf0e907afa36b65d752ae346f7cffdad0060a831f", "createdAtBlock": 14008563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 785, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Circe of the Realm", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Circe of the Realm\n\nOf Circes power all have heard renown:\n\nTo take as charge two strangers of the heart\n\nand Eros bind them heedless of their charts -\n\nprovided you have coin when shes in town.\n\nSoft kings buy bliss for princesses arranged;\n\nThe merchant widow strickens his past mute;\n\nA spinster settles on her mothers brute;\n\nLost couples looking to rekindle flames.\n\nBut were the commerce all of Circes crimes\n\nThe land would hail it as a charity.\n\nInstead, a fear does follow in her wake.\n\nBenevolent, malevolent, benign -\n\nFor Circe all at perfect parity.\n\nYour goodnight kiss: a passion of the snake."} +{"id": "bd522a30-5e25-429d-aab7-f32b045092f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:19.735", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRmnTUqUAKcrwFr4pc2CV6zEeGhGNxvVnfiC8wJjPSRfn", "txHash": "0xa7fa9b8e480663a20f31d6c060a83f0ac13ce29d6eb99f476cc2a0649394f6aa", "createdAtBlock": 14008600, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8672, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Silas of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Silas of the Mist\n\nThe Seer sees beyond the curving plane.\n\nBeyond the linen wrappings tied so long\n\nago that bodys basic shrivel claimed\n\nThe organs bent on justifying wrongs.\n\nWhen Silas sees the tremble in your song\n\nyou musnt hide the soft and truthful half.\n\nHe knows your every contour, weak and strong\n\nThe swirling spys report on Zephyrs Laugh.\n\nA Sorcrer sees his wolf familiars calf\n\nUpon the hillside grazing pre-pursuit.\n\nThe natural order sorts the wheat from chaff -\n\nher feral vision, apex resolute.\n\nWhat mortal eyes do you know that can see\n\nconclusive truth with Total Clarity?"} +{"id": "64426634-64ce-429b-a0c7-cd0f8510c3b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:20.548", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc1K72P5CVCbqLnxWh2zgqngEyonV5yg18kQ7oCyvA1yT", "txHash": "0xe31345c4903b09f1abe72b01766cd72c14f0ff5c03351620764caef3391c3455", "createdAtBlock": 14008632, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6583, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Null Mage Jiang of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Null Mage Jiang of the Dunes\n\nPast the Oasis claimed by Zaros name,\n\npast countless dunes reshaped as daily tasks,\n\nthere haunts a Null Mage like a fever dream.\n\nHe left the world before its charms could tame\n\nin search of where the jaded serpent basks\n\nfor legend told it wasnt as it seems.\n\nTwas only when the quests ambition left\n\ndid then the Mamba demonstrate its asks:\n\nReturn to lands gone rot by flesh extremes\n\nand as the tongue does split, we joined shall cleft\n\nregimes."} +{"id": "982f1194-97aa-42da-bd85-46c23dddb357-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:21.406", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7PafUHEAg59gD7iMPULfmKXLE7v8dNN2LhEX7a2Nxxm", "txHash": "0xc8f523a4c587bfcbd8b3c392eac5a55fd54b9c1e591c1a15da9f942879fac4ac", "createdAtBlock": 14008656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2590, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diabolist Jastor of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Diabolist Jastor of the Villa\n\nThe famous Jastor _is_ Frog Master Marsh\n\nas far as city social circles go.\n\nBut keeping up with court can treat you harsh.\n\nHe hopped himself out of the murky flow,\n\nAnuran royalty long thought extinct,\n\nhis cousin Curtis always safe in tow.\n\nDiabolism?? Even more distinct\n\nto Lords and Ladies languishing in vice,\n\narranging plans to sate their weekend kinks.\n\nIf Villa locals only knew the price\n\ntheyll have to pay once Jastor brings the bill\n\ntheyd reconsider seeking his advice.\n\nFor all their pillow talk is tracked with quill\n\nand in the end theyll beg for poison pills."} +{"id": "e3148dc2-6ac9-4844-a132-41d14b242713-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:22.177", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRibpCDWRBPsMMCwMYuqqZiSPnmGgpRSaqhB1xLNjNRyQ", "txHash": "0x5a836560d83df2e92923c7fc41029f0aae5281c6966803d9042f64ea799a71b0", "createdAtBlock": 14008699, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3439, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Sondra of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Sondra of the Brambles\n\nDesigner-guru Sondra has her stare\n\non making patent leather basilisk\n\nthe latest fashion in bold wizard wear.\n\nFor what makes clothing flashy if not risk?\n\nIn warmer seasons shell from city part\n\nto hunt her vision of next winters trend.\n\nWith rat companion Rufus close to heart\n\nshes never lacking for a roadside friend.\n\nJust to the south of Great Owl Obelisk\n\nher clothing quarry sought to stop her heart.\n\nBut doomgaze sunshades cancelled out all risk\n\nand in an hour Sondra filled her cart.\n\nWhat bold enchantments shell apply to these!\n\nAnother year of Style Queen reprised."} +{"id": "78b6b42f-7c09-48f0-8ba8-b2f53b370df9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:23.357", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX58qhrUtmMBAZYf4PiprQYuzYqU1LZCuGpd2XQrkYmCc", "txHash": "0x7e1a97b8aff96c2d08fbabc30a4986e4fd71fecbf9d624345ba50d1059c884e2", "createdAtBlock": 14009950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8363, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Rita of the Temple", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Rita of the Temple\n\nShe is a fair and beautiful woman originating from the quiet swamps of the south west. \n\nShe dreamed of becoming a chef and was lucky enough to attend the best cooking school in the land. She learnt to cook the finest meals from rabbit to rarebit and met many friends from high places. \n\nNow she lives a calm life and enjoys simple exercise, fine foods and theatre. She sits in the chair that her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother sat. \n\nShe is loved by many."} +{"id": "e6878ffe-ef26-4367-b64c-983f89744845-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:24.198", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdgCQf4CEU3dJnSHwUNmEUAciGQm7Fo9iQ4swn2RDAwUj", "txHash": "0xe4c422320d951fc1e65887b6bfdd98c9a2411b7654082f7ece1c328509198129", "createdAtBlock": 14010756, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2102, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Sabina of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Sabina of the Hollow \n\nIn this world, there is a place where common sense and rules do not apply. It's a world where you can't breathe, you can't move, and there's only a glimmer of light spreading in the empty darkness. Reaching this realm is impossible for any living being from this world. Even so, all those who are said to have intelligence, dream of that place.\n\nThe traveler who wears all blue is cheerful and very easy to talk to, but she(?) gives off a somewhat hollow vibe.\n\n\"Do you still have potions for slime?\"\n\nShe(?) asks. There is no such thing as an abundance of items for slimes in this age when we are struggling to survive. When I looked away, she was not there. Was I looking at her wrong, or was it a dream?\n\nA blue witch with a mysterious blue egg.\n\nThe story is told among merchants in countries with nothing in common, from different cultures and times, and its existence has been recorded in some books."} +{"id": "18f76084-a913-4b32-9a84-cf23ea8ccb8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:24.998", "backgroundColor": "#ee63ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeAoApKFpecmWFUuKpe5DjHpA43U34y3D9mcywkoMUzus", "txHash": "0x00da511e1b182e40cd3942d4b50fc60d9c0f5510888869fff62f088eceb60235", "createdAtBlock": 14011571, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7708, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Qaid of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Qaid of the Marsh\n\nQaid dwelled in the marsh as ages came and passed, and has gone half faerie mad from consorting too closely with the fey -- and welling too long in their realm. Qaid is rarely seen, but has been spotted close or far from the marsh, his method of transportation unknown. \n\nWhat is known is that his presence portends mischief, chaos, and often a few laughs, as his magic is powerful but....wild."} +{"id": "dcc0fa2b-7a37-4f62-a0bb-425144128090-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:13.389", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQndBis8WsGEwKuD1em64kCBNijcNwEztvmy88tZXE2YX", "txHash": "0x4e92410c318a8a336696b4427b90ca3dcfd90b1df6466c977096ca46728ca7c0", "createdAtBlock": 14732603, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8077, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Zelroth of the Keep", "text": "# Arcanist Zelroth from the Kingdom of Lorania \n\nArcanist Zelroth was brilliant from an early age. Having come from a remote village, he acquired his skills on his own with no guidance. Rumors tell he was taught by the animals of the forests.\nYoung Zelroth worked tirelessly to hone his skills, having forsaken all trace of personal ambition for the greater good of the Kingdom. He served as an apprentice to the Keep's Arcanist. After only a few years he eclipsed his master's capabilities and was appointed as the Arcanist himself after having demonstrated novel spells and showcasing his epic accumulation of knowledge.\n\nZelroth is a man of honor, while still retaining a sense of danger from schemers. His passion is knowledge, but possesses poor abilities to communicate with fellow man, having dedicated himself fully to his books."} +{"id": "4b14dfe8-9fcb-49fe-a654-449acd47553c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:30.073", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvk2oP7DwFcMUE7oUyZ9w3qrncJPKCRTjSaZFtjM44it", "txHash": "0x7f9f8b1eccd505af507cd9c7817b22934f650daa2f7e68714249e984a0541825", "createdAtBlock": 14017024, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5303, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Magnus of the Woodlands", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Magnus of the Woodlands\n\nThere was a time when the Woodlands were defenseless and vulnerable to attacks from neighboring regions. A time when village after village was pillaged and taxed tremendously but it all changed after the birth of Magnus. The son of a baker, Magnus had shown real interest in the arcane arts even from a very young age. Legend says that even before Magnus had learn to read, he was already blindly casting spells on his toys to make them levitate or grow and in one very specific telling (The Legend of the Living Rocking Horse) it is said the possessed the power to bring life to inanimate objects.\n\nAfter another attack on his village and the death of his father by the hands of these raiders, Magnus swore to bring an end to the atrocities ravaging the Woodlands. He ventured into the dense forests in search for answers from the mythical Tree of Knowledge. He disappeared for years, and everyone thought he died. Families in the villages left one by one in search of safety in other countries and it seemed that the Woodlands would become a wild region without civilization. But then, when all things seemed lost, Magnus stepped out of the Forest, wielding a Staff given to him by the Tree of Knowledge. He banished the raiders and bandits from the land, wielding powerful arcane tricks and spells and became known as the Battle Mage of the Woodlands."} +{"id": "eb3ef1cf-1aa7-49df-bde7-378fa3a81867-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:30.989", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQGe4Zi4MkPUAwyRhVAgkmpswhjAtTCSYnc69dJeLNnD5", "txHash": "0xe3e6bb98fd2733eba25f5a2ac88d5946b5aee07460e60583106f0c65f3c92976", "createdAtBlock": 14017614, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Axel of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Axel of the Dunes\n\nIt was a dark and gloomy morning, the clock had just chimed for 7:00am, when Axel was awoken by a frantic tapping against the frosty glass of his window. It was a crow, with feathers as jet black as coal and glowing purpel eyes. Axel kicked his legs off the side of the bed, stood up and slowly walked to the window to see what the crow wanted. As Axel approached the window, he could see a glowing green light. He paused and thought for a moment. \"Where have a seen that glow before?\" It was then that Axel realised he was in grave danger. \n\nThe green glow had only been seen by Axel once before when he was a small child, it was the same green glow that filled the room Axel once shared with his brother, Houdini. The night Axel had last seen this green glow, was the last night he ever seen Houdini, after the glow had passed, all that was left was a jelly donut in the bed where Houdini would lie.\n\nThe crow continued to tap on the window and Axel sprung into action. He throw on his robe and grabbed his bag of tricks. He ran down the stairs and headed straight for the back door, making sure to open the door as quetly as he could before running off into the dunes as fast as he could. Looking over his shoulder as he ran, Axel could see the green glow moving to the back of his house and begin to head in his direction. He carried on running until he came to a cave where he decided to seek shelter and hide."} +{"id": "eb3ef1cf-1aa7-49df-bde7-378fa3a81867-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:30.989", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQGe4Zi4MkPUAwyRhVAgkmpswhjAtTCSYnc69dJeLNnD5", "txHash": "0xe3e6bb98fd2733eba25f5a2ac88d5946b5aee07460e60583106f0c65f3c92976", "createdAtBlock": 14017614, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Axel of the Dunes", "text": "While Axel was looking for somewhere to hide in the cave he could see a set of purpel eyes looking at him. \"GET BACK!!\" Axel shouted. But the eyes came closer and closer. Axel reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out his wand, he raised it and was ready to cast a charm when he paused...... \"Your the crow that warned me about the green glow\" said Axel. The crow hopped onto a rock beside Axel's head and gently pecked Axel on the cheek. \"Who are you\" asked Axel, the crow just looked at Axel and hopped on one foot to another. \"Whoever you are, I owe you my life\" said Axel. He reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out a handful of corn, placed it beside the crow and watched as the crow devoured the pile.\n\nAxel had no idea who or what the crow was, but he knew that this crow was not just a crow............\n\nTo be continued"} +{"id": "cd8945ca-e593-4e53-80cb-b9a67d41da39-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:31.753", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR8KtjCvPKfdFiTZ4wcdcfHiGKnPfkW8Hmt2axXg6pguD", "txHash": "0xf15abe60dc572b3f6661df9647806dabea855bba744a8e60c5560ecb83df8d47", "createdAtBlock": 14017908, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4349, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Angus of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Angus of the Sun\n\nNo-one taught me how to track the sun, \nto trace its fiery rays with Guillaumes broom, \nto braid them through my beard. Nobody won \nmy loyalty. I have unending room \nand time to practice. Nobody resigned \nto offer me my self-appointed post \nas the celestial herald. All the lines \naround my eyes, self graven. More than most \nI understand the patience of the craft \nof cozening a star to share its gifts \nwith lowly beings. Often have I laughed \nat my own errors. We need only lift \nthe veil of privacy to understand \nour greatest failureswrought by our own hands."} +{"id": "3f32c1dd-5573-4743-b260-cb53b8b01c87-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:32.608", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQctAY3SikYBqVLHqZ1scBnL2MSHHfftMKcusWyDbDrS4", "txHash": "0x6c7a35fb1ddf058311daca5898c2b354f9d51fabcf6f3cbf571dcdb2b97b8634", "createdAtBlock": 14017931, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7212, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Samael of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Samael of Elysium\n\nHorses ran across our field of dreams, \nall dappled, grey and pink and roan and bay, \na few with bardings. Some wild. Strange. It seemed \nsome force had summoned them. No-one could say \nwhere they had come from. Hardy, broad of back, \nI watched their eyes. Suspicious. Some had horns, \nsome muttered spells. Some reared for the attack \nor ran away. One got into my corn \nand ate the lot. This he did soon regret, \nbut when I laid upon my healing hands \nhe calmed. I stood to mount. He said,Not yet, \nand bade me follow as he left these lands. \nNow with the herd I wander free as guard, \nuntil they all range towards their final yard."} +{"id": "7e077701-2a11-43d2-8232-94fa5d842ef2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:33.441", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUcz2uzpnPE9pmaUFsHr6VeHsvqmxWDULNPLNMcnwGzVp", "txHash": "0xb432a3e5f15ed2ebbb201541dcd4e7820378ee486431d0f149e40969ffea997e", "createdAtBlock": 14017955, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4653, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lecherous Ghoul Aiko of the Slime Pits", "text": "# The Lore of Lecherous Ghoul Aiko of the Slime Pits\n\nGenerative force has its obverse: \nthe lust that seeks to terrify, destroy \nits object. One misapprehends the curse, \npartaking in the bright and fleeting joy \nof first infatuation. When my ghost \ntracks and pursues with spectral wolfish snout \nand finds, I manifest as that which most \nmy prey desires. I hunt their secrets out \nand offer them. Imagine their surprise \nwhen, deep inside their fantasy, I find \ntheir silver-threaded soul, and pull. Their eyes \nwiden a little. In a blink, I bind \nthem to me, gently lead them as I climb \nwilling, they follow me into the slime."} +{"id": "909e330e-fb6b-4119-af9e-64d1f155e83b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:34.346", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaRfKKymQqJx4qdxQaXnZxdB4GA1Ri2g1zGPDonUnpBFj", "txHash": "0x20d5f9fa77e037fdd0783f40433ecfc3fd013f32707b2f7e4d9e3b036042fad7", "createdAtBlock": 14017966, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7772, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Deacon Lenora of the Dread Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Deacon Lenora of the Dread Tower\n\nNobody expects the common wraith \nto yearn for anything, to have a thought \nbesides destruction. But each has their faith, \ntheir treasured dreams and memories. One ought \nto understandbehind the shattered plates \nand soured milk, a person still exists, \nstill longs for something. Few believe in fate \nand most wraiths trail the folk that they most missed \nin life. Driven to madness by their trials, \nthe hunted come to me, beg for reprieve \nfrom their pursuers. In my crystal vials \nthe distilled essence can tempt wraiths to leave \na futile task alone. But sometimes, no \nsuch victims must withstand eternal woe."} +{"id": "c948a018-1476-4c00-aba1-77678f2abc11-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:21.35", "backgroundColor": "#006961", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeEeSpkxMbSysKnXjBMpy7wcac815HnNSfQma9zCmqBcQ", "txHash": "0xec17eb168e3fba7466956bc6ef8b6e0ac2f2e5beef876600468c3fc27e78805d", "createdAtBlock": 14930220, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSo2p6E5wK7RNbjHH3aTZi8GLWEBmYxzbwA5BLBEJNrtH", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# \" Breath. Ponder. Act \" \n## .Goondi."} +{"id": "0b172628-7c36-48a5-9dec-639b1fc9a36c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:25.876", "backgroundColor": "#5d2f2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRiNJ6EyWZJZUGv7TKvfdWMv7FvtL5PWs8qTTnSZvqNix", "txHash": "0x93c43fb1d15f42bc337d86ecb4e6b232d60b27544ddd2c0954b087fe5c4876f9", "createdAtBlock": 14012253, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8975, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Shigenjo of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Shigenjo of the Wood\n\nShigenjo is a malevolent trickster residing in the thick forest of the Hedge Wizard Wood. He spends most of his afternoons feasting on the poisonous purple mushrooms found on the twisting canopy and his nights entertaining his Tengu friends with advanced illusionary magic. The Tengus hyena-like cackles can be heard throughout the night by passersby.\n\nWhen traipsing the forest's edge, Shigenjo scoffs at sorcerers en-route to Blue Wizard Bastion. Shigenjo views their academic pursuits as a pretentious thin veil hiding their weak magic. He lures them into the dense trees with illusions of overturned staged coaches and footprints. He then entraps them and humiliates them by stripping them of their weapons and feasting on their familiar before their eyes.\n\nAlthough he almost certainly releases adult wizards after his feast, many children have been lost in the Wood, never to be seen again. If you ask him, Shigenjo will deny any culpability, asserting that he himself was a child when he ascended into godliness. Yet skepticism remains, as the disappearances began at the same time he made the forest his residence."} +{"id": "d47b9de9-6015-4586-bc50-df11135c2ea6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:47.632", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU9dYCQw5oxN3q4E5Y1dV1RZkMmJnv3GfwD45NxpdBghv", "txHash": "0x9bfda0f11820f3b9c7c567ee96a53cbcd835ae885d5f339c13d640421f03b77a", "createdAtBlock": 14017728, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 900, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Atlanta of the Hills", "text": "# Magus Atlanta of the Hills\n\n## A Tale of Twin Serpents II\n\nThere was once a tale of twice a Child \nOf sisters Bolde as Blood \nBoth were Fair as they were Wilde \nYet one was Loved and one Reviled \nWhence sprang from separate Bud \n\nAnd though the two looked Quite the same \nOne was Envious, Atlanta was her name \nAnd where she went, so slithered her Snake \nAnd Oh! How hearts of Men did Break \n\nFor such was her Malisciousness \nWell hit beneath Deceit \nThat none could help but fall for her \nInfatutation fore long complete \n\nAtwined her fragrant Fungus \nHer Sanguine serpent would caress \nSo, Spirits would Mysteriously \nIn her wake Acquiesce \n\nConcealed in Pouch, the swiftest Knife \nThe beating Heart, once strong and fast \nNow inexorably void of Life"} +{"id": "24fd76a2-7cd3-4e65-a3c6-a4eeafd9ec03-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:13:51.367", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW9XFGCHWeR3wDCk45wvsKpyNDqRtAx9c2kELQZekrjuo", "txHash": "0xcc8c95ba3da40ecc6e15760a7bcdd2866357dabfd28e921611aec28359d1428b", "createdAtBlock": 14017787, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1108, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Celeste of the Rock", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Celeste of the Rock\n\nFairly silly, trail into the muck \nand all disoriented wander towards \na little ship. You charm yourself on board \nand sip your lemonade, so faintly struck \nby unseen magic. Tingle on your nose \ntells you that somethings up. Charging your hand \nand hide it. Manners empty into sand \nat certain moments. Cup that overflows \nand radiating fire. Its just because \nyou always were a blazey child. You wish \nthe hearts of enemies served in a dish \nturned up, rolled snake-eyes. All your prayers and awes \nend at the altar. Star trembles in scope \nand blessings offered animate in hope."} +{"id": "70d5a6e0-a412-4d34-9156-57bdb2a58794-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:12:23.684", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSygdBuaHhk5ybprXExfGhrR1H53tgYEerpT6KvsT929", "txHash": "0x085210477788f91cb30f1205df40e1be43704e11647af1b2769f2570c3b11a33", "createdAtBlock": 14017879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6734, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Delilah of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Delilah of Arcadia\n\nScratch a witch, and underneath youll find \nthe spells nobody ventured to write down \nor even talk about. The ties that bind \nthe threads of life together. Every town \nand caravan, each windblown flock of sheep \nweaves itself in. Threads woollen, green and gold \npick out such artistry that, fast-asleep \nwe recognise them. Stories we were told \nas little children seldom come to life, \nexcept when witches rouse, reading the signs \nand portents. With my goblins flame and knife \nI cut the threads that wander from their lines \nand set them better, steady on their pitch: \nfor this, and more, do thank your local witch."} +{"id": "cff63d63-802d-4937-930e-ee10fe3967d8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:42.702", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeXPcJkyuZaTDx8SQ6TrwD6R1qgo1Z9jGNqYPG6PnS8zY", "txHash": "0xf3307458ae93e4a838bd6687b0c1402d0ee67575461961b8e99105191888a40d", "createdAtBlock": 14018927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8108, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Jameel of the Dunes", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Jameel of the Dunes\n\nHello there traveler! Are you out alone in these fickle times? Im sure you have a good reason for it. My name is Jameel, I journey to a fro in search of treasure. Be careful out there, there are bandits on these roads. - Sorcerer Jameel of the Dunes\n\nJameel is uncertain of his origins, he is not sure how he was brought into a sea of dunes and sands. Was it an errant portal? Maybe a miscalculation of mana? Perhaps it was predetermined by the Overseer of the Universe? Maybe one day he will see the sights of Dream Maser Lake or Hue Master's Pass. Jameel wants to explore the people of this Forgotten Realm so he is not disheartened.\n\nJameel's traveling partner is a swamp bullfrog, Trishna. Although he did not attend a prestigious wizard academy, Jameel is a natural Sorcerer. Jameel is guided by a fire rune and holds a Salamanders Tongue, therefore he is able to channel fire magic masterfully.\n\nGenerous wizards who encounter Jameel receive jolly cooperation, while greedy wizards curse him as nothing more than a trickster. At first glance his antics may appear devious, however his goal is for wizards to want only what they need. Jameel knows that greed creates conflict between social and personal goals. Clever wit sharpened by a sense of mischief Jameel is as unpredictable as the fire he controls."} +{"id": "f15fb66c-4659-4515-a20f-2d3ce60a2409-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:46.394", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdbcNwGwHSZSPDB8fZmHzeR8LHtFWhhVHYmZaekWfAX9q", "txHash": "0x13b3b13463d639f4a77e732fb9fb2d38a07336bbe9c4ed6ca0fd7452dcefe093", "createdAtBlock": 14020710, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2790, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Bane of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Bane of the Quantum Shadow\n\nThe dim light of dusk had fallen upon The Thorn and ancient elm trees cast jagged shadows upon the litter as the sun set beyond below the horizon. A dark figure strode along the weather-beaten path. The forest had a foreboding mist in the air, and the energy of the Quantum Shadow seemed to follow the figure deeper into the trees.\n\nAfter a time the figure stopped, lowered his hood, and scanned the ground. A dusty stone was set into the path, barely noticeable to a passerby. This was the meeting point, he was sure, but Bane was alone. His servant and Sacred Flame were nowhere to be found. He lingered a bit longer in the off chance that his carrier was merely delayed, but Bane had to keep moving. The night was young, but he had no time to wait. He needed the Flame and knew he would have to find it alone."} +{"id": "7b3e19dc-d5c2-4c0a-952b-238a4bedaad7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:47.121", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS8mYrF9MkknhRpHJpNc4JRMbryGGDGHKnJ2woQF23nDX", "txHash": "0x02ff63d38fd64637e559652c9f662964ed2617a5996a33d8b93bbd238c3c0406", "createdAtBlock": 14020729, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7823, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Eden of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Eden of the Moors\n\nSorcerer Eden is an expert potion-maker at an industrial conglomerate in the Red Wizard Capital. He rose quickly through the ranks with the unscrupulous use of his Passion Potion and currently oversees an innovative R&D lab. Any rumors about the lab are completely unfounded. Dont ask about it.\n\nSome call the conglomerate Big Potion, but thats just propaganda spewed by Cannanite rabble-rousers bitter about declining milk sales. Theres nothing natural about drinking wizard milk anyways. Edens lab has been responsible for numerous breakthroughs, and the technology he creates makes the Runiverse a better place. After all, where would the world be without potions? Sure - profit margins have never been higher, but thats purely a function of supply and demand. Can you blame Eden for wanting to make a buck? If you had an affinity for chemistry, youd do the same thing.\n\nIn short, Sorcerer Eden uses his powers to defend the status quo, enrich himself, and advance the interests of the capital. Pretty standard stuff really."} +{"id": "5d5e7283-f83b-4fe7-920b-7c6379865c58-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:48.769", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNgzTtUUXPyN9RjxzpYNYTMyZH1fbWbuGe5Q8WuqA4xAk", "txHash": "0xe668e14a7e633c563902f09e22ad657cd2cdf4bc8eed89e120e80dd52235e3a0", "createdAtBlock": 14021426, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6055, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Flynn of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Flynn of the Mount\n\nIn consciousness dwells the wonderous, with it man attains the realm beyond the material as well as the magical, and this Peyote tells us, where to find it."} +{"id": "ad66e8e6-a357-4ee6-9c9f-ee6529efe069-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:54.654", "backgroundColor": "#f7e2ab", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPPVSSdrmbJVxHLB53ErNPm851y9AicpeJN3ZgCfk5pxT", "txHash": "0x9c86972581b702d7d8bdef91b9e5e6216cbe37935c03c109b2e258c7d52f16df", "createdAtBlock": 14027364, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 669, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eden of the Event Horizon", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Eden of the Event Horizon\n\nDont let the careless part in his overly-revealing robe or the fire that burns within his conical hat distract you, the Archmagus Eden is one bad-ish MotherHubbard. \n\nHave you noticed the Kobolds that loiter around the Event Horizon, pestering you to buy counterfeit dragons teeth? No? That was Archmagus Eden. \n\nDo you dare not breath as you feel the million creeping feet of the Billipede of Peril crossing your leg in the night where your grandmother hasnt finished knitting your winter blanket? No again? That was Archmagus Eden, too. \n\nWondering why the casks at Ye Olde Donkeys Head are often empty? Well, the Archmagus Eden has to be paid somehow! And if youre missing your pet cat, he might have it."} +{"id": "60f6e82e-36db-4774-ba74-3a025a0a3e45-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:48.471", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmef5nbYdY1pm35aHfzDJ5qRaes1hwwLD2P1seNYptL7YL", "txHash": "0x576e21cc05b5c7d03f3d3bc374b1d552f20153926bce3ec98fe5cd054c767739", "createdAtBlock": 14065814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Cosmo of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Runecaster Cosmo of the Villa\n\nRising from The Salt, these brothers in lore created Whale Connected and seek to support scholars around the world"} +{"id": "05e1c269-1661-44a9-bc43-b7b24dadf66f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:49.618", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWfPNXVisPb9YMiwuo7JBY3uekyqSXm6NuRevrsMwBYd9", "txHash": "0x0d9bda1d246142fb75ffff6565f5f3eb17d1d562c1d81c96d332b87ea7cdea74", "createdAtBlock": 14022871, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3086, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Jay of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Jay of the Psychic Leap\n\nYear's spent in the Psychic Leap would make any sane being forget everything they've ever known, yet for Jay it's the only place he feels at home. Days are like months, perfect for a wizard that's trying to hone his craft. So that's what Jay did. With an entire Runiverse to explore, it was time to put such practice to the test."} +{"id": "63f2e58d-441c-4800-b527-8bab4f57d45e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:50.291", "backgroundColor": "#261538", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTtAW94k9ksDxvtRCPCMcUAMcB3pjGSCuh2GaWmU8s4Kv", "txHash": "0xf8c2971e12078f6ba77880b99764f5dfe00cae9172108d82d86ee223afe68b33", "createdAtBlock": 14023509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5673, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Rita of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Rita of the Brambles\n\nThe door swings open violently Please, I need your help!\" Rita shrieks to the store owner\"There was an accident, I stepped on this poor frog on my way home! There was a crazy herd of frogs on the path like 150 frogs Do frogs migrate?? Since when do frogs migrate?! All I heard was a loud crunch, I freaked out, and then the frog began to glow! Next thing I know, this wooden figurine was in its place. What should I do?!\"\n\nA panicked young wizard running into a building during a deluge would cause anyone to jolt. This store owner, however, showed reasonable concern, but unreasonable anger towards his surprise visitor. Do you have any idea how old that door is?! The store owner retorts. That door was hand carved by my grandfather 200 years ago! The damage you couldve caused by punching it open like that!\n\nRita proceeds to the nearest table to place the frog somewhere safe, more importantly, away from her. I dont believe you're striking the right tone here, I tell you this frog transformed into an idol and all you can worry about is an heirloom door?\n\nThe store owner sharply turns to Rita Are you telling me a wizard is shocked that she did something wizardry?! A practitioner of MAGIC produces a MAGICAL item? The MAGIC staff you carry is just a walking stick, eh?\n\nMiffed by his sarcasm, Rita shakes off her hat and cloak and takes a closer look at the idol:\n\n'The body is fully wooden...the wood looks like the trees located on the path where the... incident... took place. No special markings or runes. The eyes' \"The eyes are stone! Please, can I have a light? I need to get a closer look at the\""} +{"id": "63f2e58d-441c-4800-b527-8bab4f57d45e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:50.291", "backgroundColor": "#261538", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTtAW94k9ksDxvtRCPCMcUAMcB3pjGSCuh2GaWmU8s4Kv", "txHash": "0xf8c2971e12078f6ba77880b99764f5dfe00cae9172108d82d86ee223afe68b33", "createdAtBlock": 14023509, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5673, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Rita of the Brambles", "text": "\"AMETHYST!\" The store owner scares Rita as he turns up right next to her.\n\nRita's anxiety is rapidly growing and the guilt is weighing on her. She starts to reflect on her situation\"I'm soaking wet...I killed an innocent frog who was probably on his way home after a long day of workI'm pretty sure I knocked the door handle loose, maybe the mad hatter hasn't noticed yet ..\"\n\nPreoccupied by her emotional and mental descent, she doesn't notice the idol begins to vibrate. \"Um, your thing is doing a thing!\"The store owner urgently tries to get Rita's attention.\n\n\"I walk that path all the time the _ut siccis_ charm has never just stopped working the wood is the same as the trees on the path\" Rita continues to stew.\n\n\"HEY WIZARD! IT'S CALLED AN 'ARMY' OF FROGS, NOT A HERD!\"\n\nRita comes too, snaps her neck toward the store owner, and inhales as if she's about to roar. Before she could get a word out, she hears a faint voice\n\n\"It's ok...I'm better now\""} +{"id": "f828d091-dd81-4f88-9ad9-73c56cc1b0c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:51.114", "backgroundColor": "#60a7ae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBRgtXVqHQwhdaDZKwpia3RMeW8weh4gS4S4p2Q1wJEM", "txHash": "0x9aff65728f2dfbb21c3981688ee802b6d0926da1701c47529635f6a4ccae4fc8", "createdAtBlock": 14025709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 726, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Homer of the Ice", "text": "# Guest Log of Ice Hermit Homer and his Wife Trish the 'Trice\n\n_Intricate runic inscriptions are scrawled across a piece of ashen driftwood carved in the likeness of Ogmir, the slumbering giant_\n\n### Oberon of Heimburgsgate [2473], 7th Glacial Epoch, 69th Moon\n\nI dont know what to write. Scruffy McBrewmaster is telling me to write about what I learned from his potion of confusion. Uhhh Ok. I learned that this guy is insane. I was told he could help me walk the ice vein way. I think he drugged me. This cave is kind of creepy, all the furniture is made out of dork bones. He calls this cockatrice his wife? The guest log Im inscribing is literally just a log. Really nice log tho, seems like ancient elf wood.\n\nOk, hes telling me to get serious, that this ink is magic and his log is sacred. He trained me, I think. My memory is woozy, but after I drank the potion I felt like I was underwater. All of the rage I felt towards my family and my corrupt tribe the freezing water sapped it away.\n\nIve been trying to walk the frozen path with a fiery rage. But why would I take the hearth fire out onto the ice, if thats what Im trying to leave behind?\n\nIm ready to follow ancestor Dorkstaff. I will find the edge of the world, where all the lightning trapped below the ice returns to the sky.\n\nHes telling me to look at the backside of the log Could it be?\n\n### Dorkstaff Thundercrack, Serpent Season, First Eclipse\n\nDictated to the frosty brewer with a lizard chicken wife, for I refuse to learn any scribal foolery."} +{"id": "f828d091-dd81-4f88-9ad9-73c56cc1b0c7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:51.114", "backgroundColor": "#60a7ae", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQBRgtXVqHQwhdaDZKwpia3RMeW8weh4gS4S4p2Q1wJEM", "txHash": "0x9aff65728f2dfbb21c3981688ee802b6d0926da1701c47529635f6a4ccae4fc8", "createdAtBlock": 14025709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 726, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Homer of the Ice", "text": "I drank the dram of spiritual icebreaking. My vision spins with icy serpents smashed beneath my staff. Their blood spills and melts the ice. I swim in it and it swims in me-- warm, releasing. My progeny issue from the serpent blood spring. They are comfortable, rich. They do not know the honesty of desolate ice, the song of cruel wind, the crack of ego-cowing thunder. \n\nTo my progeny: get icey. Shoot many lightning bolts. Beat a serpent. Puff Puff pass the magic wizards through the omniverse.\n\nI am Dorkstaff Thundercrack. Find me where the sun dont shine.\n\n**Dictator's note: Mr. Thundercrack ate all of my pengu pt before he left. Remember to lock the larder before he visits again. Also, Trish was rather flirty around him. Perhaps I should learn lightning bolt to rekindle our romance?**"} +{"id": "37ab287d-53ff-4192-bb70-ed2d85f9f018-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:51.922", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcr6ogPCZQ7KZ7LMGz7egsJUvwxwQ7jZLfxGtJzD8Tgez", "txHash": "0x0698fbbb47755d3d28573de85f8238dcadaf3d4877de258b8bfc407a88c258fe", "createdAtBlock": 14025842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Monk Drokore of the Brambles", "text": "# The Lore of Holy Monk Drokore of the Brambles\n\nThe gaze of Holy Monk Drokore is fixed\n\non unseen scrublands cast inside his mind.\n\nAnd passing through the medium betwixt?\n\nThe sea, The Salt, the passages of time.\n\nTo what had he committed with his oath\n\nto make the Holy appellation sing?\n\nA life apart from homelands verdant growth -\n\na spirit tamed with discipline-clipped wings.\n\nReturning now would strike as heresy\n\nFor those inclined to track ascetic vows.\n\nBut what is solitary majesty\n\nwithout the peace aloofness ought endow?\n\nDrokore must choose his emerald efforts heir:\n\nThe Great Beyond or to the Brambles fair."} +{"id": "f25ad337-c67d-4c40-be13-643b07270766-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:52.831", "backgroundColor": "#9d7d7d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ3cxQwKDSWiDN7XnNvz2VtKZfXg3Wpiadgx16pWSjVhF", "txHash": "0x1b9f4c8adc1ed247ba2c43ea5a907c232ad6d2a782b49c3060a302fb51ffcb40", "createdAtBlock": 14026284, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9297, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Aleister of the Tundra", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Aleister of the Tundra\n\nAcademies? Pah! Full of dusty books and dustier wizards! The world is my academy. _- Hedge Wizard Aleister, when challenged on his education._\n\nAleister could have received his title for a number of reasons, chiefly because he looks to have been dragged through a hedge backwards. But in truth, he is a hedge wizard of a different ilk; a wanderer of the wilds, friend of beasts and those with little sense of smell.\n\nRaised on the tundra, Aleister cut his teeth in Hedge Wizard Wood. Mugwort, horsetail, seven herbs, hemlock, hell dabble in anything. Except raw celery. Only a madman would mess with that.\n\nHis path is never lonely as he is accompanied by his familiar, a bliss cat named Briar. Briar would have preferred to have been called Thorn, but at least it was better than Brambles or Buttercup, which had both been in contention for a while.\n\nAleister made a name for himself after aiding the Frog Master of the marshes with an unsightly mottle. Nowadays, despite his scruffiness, scowling cat and dubious qualifications, he is called upon in times of need when all other help is too far away, or simply too expensive."} +{"id": "5a5c2d14-6a24-48db-b249-812d0bddc59e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:53.846", "backgroundColor": "#37515c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdXD5dZVquktgocfAzzWT8PMwPxe1pJ5sEMFXW67WFgq8", "txHash": "0x37bd25ec2b817acc925be8e7750815fa9fac773e7dd675398aec155ff725e779", "createdAtBlock": 14027297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5005, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Tundror of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Tundror of the Villa\n\nAfter losing his eye as a young man in a duel with the Dreaded Hag Witch of Lesser Wallop, Tundror is feared across the lands as an easily enraged war hound and atrocious but irate darts player. \n\nHis step-father, Ulgavar the Unwise, renowned breeder of mythical creatures, took full custody of Tundror after a disastrous misbreeding of a mermaid and a minotaur. \n\nTundror takes after his mothers top half and fathers bottom, but his brother, who was not adopted, has a fish body and bulls head. Inconvenient!"} +{"id": "ee447088-f6ce-45ea-882c-2cc63df12b1a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:01.431", "backgroundColor": "#31850f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRYsw2QQVSAyf1GhG1ohhYfMvYMEv1uMyuM8Ava3JSjD6", "txHash": "0x18b28ed861856cf9e3dea996f19fccc0f16f21e0142827b473c79185a24db2b5", "createdAtBlock": 14030491, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2893, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Florah ", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Florah\n\nI'm just a dope ass wizard who loves dope.\n\nSuperpower: I got an owl."} +{"id": "27f55989-44fa-446d-af58-12849fbd1d08-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:55.857", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZF9ikiCxSiVELKcQZGzfrZGCTTX2xrd6Tbksh5pBc64z", "txHash": "0x527a1fef8730aa122a39d83040de34aa32e3c0bc86293da3f33edf393acc4fc5", "createdAtBlock": 14027449, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8226, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Gary from the Abyss", "text": "# The Lore of Clairvoyant Gary from the Abyss\n\nIt is said that in place of blood, Gary has ale running through his veins. He doesn't just drink beer, he literally bathes in it. \n\nYou won't find Gary any place other than the pub. If you ask him to attend an event, already know his response, \".._be fine ale thar?\"_\n\nOnce you start drinking with Gary, you'll know right away something strange is about to happen. It might be that he knows your mother's maiden name. Or, perhaps he answers your question about betting on a sporting event before you're about to ask it. Five or six pints in, he might start muttering under his breath, _\"Yeah, I hear ya. What's that got to do with me? Mmmmhmm.. for another pint I'll tell ye how ye gonna see ye demise.\"_\n\nGary never has to pay for his ale, either. It has become so well known that Gary can tell the future when he's intoxicated that everyone in town continues buying the guy drinks, often well beyond the capacity for any mortal to hold them.\n\n_\"It's all in the beer, its really not me, I'll admit to ye!\"_\n\nGary clinks an empty glass with the second he is holding and sings, _\"SLAINTE!\"_"} +{"id": "6451f35d-f541-4ea7-b477-41d31668d9b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:57.546", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmayd799G5M7eH3XWQ77SSTuASALoPGebqkUnXp3jb7dn8", "txHash": "0xdf5826976144a391389556114c5a538082468ebd60df6abc6c541aea63ac16f0", "createdAtBlock": 14028129, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7388, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Daria of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Daria of the Tower\n\n**Anything but adept at wielding magic, Daria has been disgraced by her family of powerful necromancers after many 'a conjuring gone wrong.** \n\n**Horribly wrong.** \n\n**The truth of the matter is, Daria is pitifully clumsy at wielding her staff**. **It is known that Daria and her familiar, Finnegan the Frog,** have sworn off magic**. Now a historian of the Arcane Arts captured by the history and nature of magic, Daria harnesses the power of** psychedelics (retrieved from Finnegan's potent venom) to uncover the secrets of the universe. \n\n**Despite her dive into academia, it is said that Daria spends some solitary moments late in the library whispering spells of conjuration, hoping to one day return to her family a powerful wizard. Let's just hope she is careful what she summons.**"} +{"id": "ed62c67e-6d0b-4a9f-b015-28407c6a59eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:59.784", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVJdRCrwuUzQ9EZj8FRSwZd92sL75xTQVNfXyFNBG5hSf", "txHash": "0xb1258128d58c75dc8c04a38685fb62072bb4864b2aa0f38b40652b46f92f8b3f", "createdAtBlock": 14029177, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1580, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Judas of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Judas of the Cosmos\n\nOnce so greatly feared within the Wizarding world that his name was considered to be ineffable, the once greatly feared Necromancer Judas of the Cosmos now harbors an internal rage that has rendered his name once again utterable\n\nAngered by his insufficiently evil attire, Necromancer Judas of the Cosmos tirelessly seeks the darker robes which once garbed him and to reclaim his once supremely menacing presents. Set on a ruinous path of terror and wreckage to reclaim darker cloth, this is a death eater to be avoided in his hunt.\n\nKnown only to a few, there is a weakness that is actually on show. Should a jibe be directed at his green robe, Necromancer Judas will skulk away to save face and rebuild his ego."} +{"id": "d617b0e6-8d05-41e8-a609-07dc7c3d9457-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:00.647", "backgroundColor": "#24009c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZbNpo8kdDhHSd94Kd5da8cj595sbc4pChj7MMAQfZY5Q", "txHash": "0xb02ab1410f2427fc0f4ba2a93b13e1d59853dd89241e341affab5f5271249542", "createdAtBlock": 14029268, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7156, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPz77Jr2hTKHQzoduMwwCYtBQ7LuBPrBnsFXQ8FXvWcZp", "name": "Arch-Magician Casper of the Rock", "text": "_You wander into an abandoned tower, floating on a mass of stone, cleaved from a mountain in some ancient conflict..._\n\n_You trace the runes of the summoning circle in blood, its aura draining you as you work..._\n\n_Time seems to grind to a halt as the runes are complete._\n\n# _The Rock was my prison, set adrift in the Quantum Shadow for eternity._ \n\n# _Now, I must consume, to feed the chaos within._\n\n \n\n# _You should not have come here, mortal._"} +{"id": "66105d0b-eccb-44c9-b5cc-5bb752535862-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:03.099", "backgroundColor": "#301749", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVyp43WbbfR7KMGWQonbi37WVAikTbtvR4WzFpgFR5jji", "txHash": "0x9fcd107e5e8b592f5582951dc3babe2f1f21484e9401abd735959e27fafe28cb", "createdAtBlock": 14031242, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1466, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Houngan Necromancer Auguste of the Eternal Melancholy", "text": "# The Lore of a Soul\n\nThe Houngan Necromancer Auguste of the Eternal Melancholy was once a living wizard who could be hired for his practice of voodoo.\n\nStrange and fantastical, Auguste held a masterful hold on the communal spirits and knew how to use them to his advantage. \n\nUntil one day, seeking an even deeper, darker power... he turned to necromancy.\n\nAuguste loved his familiar razor cat, named Z, and could not bear the idea that one day soon Z would die. He believed he found a spell that could lengthen Z's life to that of a human couldn't be that much of a strain, but he was wrong. \n\nTurning his beloved companion into a zombie, Auguste felt unbearable guilt. In trying to reverse this, the spirits turned on him and Auguste became a Forgotten Soul, reconnecting with Z.\n\nAuguste soon learned to channel the powers of necromancy and became an even more powerful Houngan. He was able to transform his old Voodoo gris-gris bag. reanimating it into its own undead spirit. \n\nWith the power of two familiars and necromancy, Auguste wanders the Runiverse with an insatiable appetite, looking to add more reanimated beings to his growing menagerie..."} +{"id": "5b7f9d40-5619-4aac-b50e-4ec58d49bb7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:03.839", "backgroundColor": "#474634", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNc7o3yEgQGUvoLq2JokiM4XqoecBqUGA2HktFWiMeEyi", "txHash": "0xa9a04d9eb42043984d11f9c60abe5183fd7fc978de2c8861905670211b9912ea", "createdAtBlock": 14031449, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5133, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Benito ", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Benito\n\n\"Beni, would you bring me my toolbox?\" a Great Old One mutters as he tinkers away on a project.\n\nFrom another room, a monkey carrying a large wooden box bounds over, toolbox levitating by his side...\n\n\"This will solve all of your problems, Beni.\" The Old One shoots the monkey a reassuring glance, \"I know you have your doubts.\"\n\n\"You know I can't get my hopes up,\" Benito sighs. I've become accustomed to wizarding from the background.\n\nThe Great Old One draws a patient breath. \"Your work in magical armaments has protected our realm from ruin on too many occasions.. we can't afford to keep your skills muted.. we need you mobile and you deserve freedom to practice your art publicly.\n\nDetermination fills The Ancient's eyes as he adjusts his glasses, \"This oughta do it!\"\n\n\"With all your wisdom and power,\" Benito says, \"this is what you've come up with??\"\n\nMerlin furrows his brow, contemplates for a moment, and just shrugs. \n\n\"Try,\" he encourages as he raises a delicately crafted Wooden Boy before Benito.\n\nBeni closes his eyes as sparks light hisfingertips, \"Okay.\"\n\nInstead of manifesting from Benito the Monkey's hands... they leapt from the Wooden Boy Golem's hand!\n\nWith that, Artificer Benito set out to defend the realm with his golem to become the legend on the battlefield he already was - but now, he won't have to stay behind the scenes.\n\n\"The solution to every problem is just a rancid acid bomb away\" - Artificer Benito"} +{"id": "ef9cb878-4349-431b-8f10-b2647c38af64-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:04.567", "backgroundColor": "#351142", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUHsoAXTYU4WGv5H9WX6e8XGs5u2gcJs6scDiv8nmhcDj", "txHash": "0xdcfb098c23af2592ba2dedcd5d31d6da613cce12f3cee359bc16a0ed499b7886", "createdAtBlock": 14032877, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5440, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Adept Rita of the Cosmos\n\nWalker of the Darkness in the Cosmos, Mage Adept Rita specializes in the ancient ways of dark magic. Using the staff of Cosmos as her weapon, Rita is accompanied by her trusty hare, Trax. She casts a heavy blanket of dread and fear wherever she walks. Not many can stand the shadowy stare emanating from her eyes, which curiously enough, burn a purple flame. This instantly triggers fear and a sudden chill up the spine of those on the receiving end of her gaze. Trax the hare is no ordinary rabbit. He has the ability to vanish into the darkness, reappearing as a purple flame from speed at which he moves. The dark magic from Rita plays well with the strengths of Trax. Few opponents stand a chance."} +{"id": "b098ca1f-0b4f-439d-8c28-a633208a9d96-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:06.009", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbDHaXnrgmZqz1m3sHFZBHnV6CraG9x1k1Qf46aSh5e24", "txHash": "0x865413080133e19d9f6d44a0b247c85ba385e740a51de7f55eaf982e720fc6b9", "createdAtBlock": 14034270, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7720, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPbzvYokdSGD7Tj72WBeHjH2NSoyTcAiKKpikD5sHPpqe", "name": "Hedge Wizard Keziah of the Wold", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Keziah of the Wold"} +{"id": "88143b45-1bbf-40d0-901c-932894f77d7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:07.727", "backgroundColor": "#88ec92", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVweRs7fFTfNHeSy4SDSYxzQaZfUvRJoNQisLz2ofowKv", "txHash": "0x1c5de36619e096d6885af1f6973d31f66b9e845f71c8b393bb863f40db370415", "createdAtBlock": 14035140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8421, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cromwell of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Cromwell of the Valley\n\nWith his peyote to guide him, Shaman Cromwell of the Valley seeks truth and understanding, to better navigate these strange worlds. He finds clarity through the fog, and uses his special seeing abilities to predict future events with great accuracy. His vision is only ever misguided if he over indulges in cactus power, for the greatest enhancement comes with moderation, retraint, and willpower. Knowing when to stop is both this Shaman's blessing and curse. Hope that luck is on your side when it matters most. \n\nWhen the stars are properly aligned and the peyote is dosed just right, Shaman Cromwell can summon all forms of ancient magic to protect himself and those within his close circle. His memory of such events is often hazy due to the lingering effects of the psychedlic plant, but truth speaks for itself in the number of lives saved through his mysterious abilities. \n\nLikes chocolate, more than is healthy, and will go to great lengths for such a treat.\n\nBoots are always soaking wet. Why? \"Because magic\", he says..."} +{"id": "f60b483d-67a2-4096-994e-87c8f4aa2835-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:53.214", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDZYdGbMKknSE25wQddjKHzXUvXHQM72kkTYx7eck89v", "txHash": "0x9d54a5ace41a96b2fa9de43567ba7b64b7e6912fc799acd610741b15aabfb51d", "createdAtBlock": 15020160, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2585, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Theo Ruffian of Turtles", "text": "The Tale of Theo, Ruffian of Turtles.\n\nTheo Lived a happy childhood on a remote small island in the Alchemists Archipelago. Every day he went coconut picking and fishing with his friends, so his mom and dad where able to cook amazing fish curries in the evening. His parents had a small garden for vegetables and herbs and where farming all day. They also had a goat, which they kept for milk and a pig, who was supposed to be slaughtered for Theos birthday, the day Theo would become a man, according to his tribes traditions.\n\nBut luck was not on Theos side. During the great feast on his birthday, a giant wooden beast arrived from the see. When the beast touched land, walking Iron Suits wielding shields and swords, disrupted the feast and started to slaughter his family and friends. Theo rushed into the shed and grabbed his fathers butcher knife. He didnt know how to use the weapon, so he ran to his father for help. He found his father inside their families tiny wooden house. He was holding his mom in his arms. The whole room was covered in blood and there was an Iron Suit lying motionless on the ground. As Theo cautiously came closer, he saw that his mom wasnt breathing either and his father was in teers and heavily wounded. He turned around, saw Theo and told him to run and defend himself, for Theo had never learned how to fight and was no match for the Iron Suits. His father quickly gave him the Shield of the dead Iron Suit, which was decorated with the head of a pony. Run! His father shouted as tree more Iron suits entered the house. Theo held the big shield above his head and ran away, as his father threw himself into battle."} +{"id": "f60b483d-67a2-4096-994e-87c8f4aa2835-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:53.214", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDZYdGbMKknSE25wQddjKHzXUvXHQM72kkTYx7eck89v", "txHash": "0x9d54a5ace41a96b2fa9de43567ba7b64b7e6912fc799acd610741b15aabfb51d", "createdAtBlock": 15020160, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2585, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Theo Ruffian of Turtles", "text": "Theo ran towards the only other place he knew, towards the only friend he had left. The Iron Suits where to heavily armed and so, not able to enter the dense vegetation in the center of the Island. Finally he arrived at the turtle pond. Where a dozen turtles where living. Theo was out of breath and wounded because of the spiky vegetation. Turtle Tom, the biggest turtle of the crew walked up to Theo and asked him what happened and why he was holding a shield and a butcher knife, but before Theo could answer, he heard a whistle like sound. A second later a rain of wooding stick with sharp points fell out of the sky. Without thinking it through, Theo raised his shield above his head, protecting Tom and himself from the deadly rain. Right before their eyes they saw how the other turtles screamed in panic before getting pierced by these strange, sharp objects. Tom shouted that they immediately had to hide in the secret turtle cave below the pond. So they did...\n\nA day later Theo went to scout the Island, only to find death and destruction. Nobody was left except Tom and himself. There was no evidence of the presence of The Iron suits either, other than the shield Theo had obtained.\n\nThe years that followed, Tom and Theo lived their live to their best. Crafted combat clothing for Theo and spiked Toms shield. They Trained for hours every day, knowing that one day, they will get their revenge on the Iron Suits.\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "176b42b4-f74a-4101-9ab9-a02a6962e4ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:31.836", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFu71RAL2uXUvneQtmmhVkJj2ph8xynqNdDUG2d9yJ3u", "txHash": "0x3ce042d56d7ed858614c176e991628180e0bcdbd5ecee229567dbe6d7eeb746e", "createdAtBlock": 14932841, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2689, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rudolph Carver of the Arena", "text": "# Rudolph Carver of the Arena \n---\nYou may think I am a glorious warrior.\n---\n\"Carver of the arena\"?\n---\nHow many souls have I taken?\n---\nHow many mothers weep for the sons I have slain?\n---\nAbsolutely none.\n---\nI just sell gyros outside the arena.\n---\nBuffkin runs the register.\n---"} +{"id": "67b2ff96-259d-4bd4-aa05-cf1751d1e1cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:08.482", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfH89SDGvMSM69aru23cGPozE1TDctHBSq5M2Ajcz7Pvo", "txHash": "0xac628308f6641845a6e9e03a57e9159235d382d5f2078a37765defee6e86b8ec", "createdAtBlock": 14036229, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4362, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Moloch of Limbo", "text": "# Got milk?\n\nSorcerer Moloch's whole village was slain down to the last cow in a Big Potion Megacorp drone strike. Epic destiny yet unfulfilled, the Golden Calf intervened to restore Moloch's soul to his body, and he sprung back to life freshly armed with holy moogic and the mighty grimoire \"Necownomicon.\" Joining the Milk Guild with a vow to introduce Big Potion executives to the horns of divine justice, Moloch also day trades 10x leveraged milk futures in his spare time to help fund the guild treasury."} +{"id": "9a2c9edf-43a0-4669-a09d-a75458ad6ac4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:09.356", "backgroundColor": "#323e55", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma3JgHuw62TP1WMY1PeTjQ9xf8xGNmPvrFr6NX6gSfLLt", "txHash": "0x7eecea14e2485d7a3e7dd1926a8c369848644a04d7c1303df5bb97d8c557d20d", "createdAtBlock": 14036566, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9638, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Blaise of the Woodlands", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Blaise of the Woodlands \n\nTransmuted through space and time.\n\nHedge Wizard Blaise of the Woodlands finds himself in yet another unknown enchanted universe, but yet, somewhat familiar magical place and chain.\n\nHe knows now, yet again, he has been summoned to some other land to prepare to do battle against the dark forces that roam this world.\n\nBlaise goes forward into the unknown with his powerful horseshoe in hand and the rune of Neptunes magic to guide his spirit.\n\nHe is prepared for whatever quest may manifest for him to accept."} +{"id": "8150a0d2-6d48-4cf7-a55c-75473f6430e2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:10.138", "backgroundColor": "#006dfd", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdA8QjdQNyo6D1CnVMmC2wJDr95zKXvufvhFH3pYpscEv", "txHash": "0x008641f87c02c0873cac84bbe579fbb86cd2a1bbd570edca1989a76b526e7878", "createdAtBlock": 14036913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "3D Wizz DeeZe", "text": "# The Lore of 3D Wizz DeeZe\n\n3D Wizz Deeze comes from a long line of unsuccessful degenerate wizards. He left his family at the age of 13 and spent 5 years in wetlands, where he ate shrooms and saw the universe as it really was. \n\nAfter 5 years of complacent isolated tripping, he decided he was ready to face society again and put his magic to the test."} +{"id": "3e0f43d6-2ab8-49bb-b2c6-1cd0f7e00c8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:12.412", "backgroundColor": "#d2cdbb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbFuV1MP4ukJKY1iQq4DDVBY3jbyNzcmDZa1WpopCWX1Y", "txHash": "0x107ba16564de1129e231de340be091870db011927b3215cae76e29dc3041ee18", "createdAtBlock": 14037030, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6811, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Robert of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Robert of the Valley aka 0xSpot\n\nLong I tracked him. Scat and breath and bone. I listened for the howls. White as a ghost, that ancient wolf. When I hunted alone I spoke to him. Better hearer than most, his diamond eyes that promised me the force of power, if I could catch him. Traps and snares, arrows, illusions. Long I strayed off-course, but one day, warned by my faithful brown hare I waited as wolf walked across my path, and loosed an arrow. Between neck and chest, and in an instant, dead. No time for wrath, regret. They tell us that wizards know best. His bones my staff, his pelt my winter cloak my changing-power conferred, ere I spoke."} +{"id": "70a206a7-4ec8-4f47-b359-f07c7e4bc330-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:49.044", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWRSp2fBZs9bQSiNokwXC9YESEGMHgPYw8yiTi77yoHNN", "txHash": "0xf34fd1af2cd6740abc269fd3621393634460a5cd315ae583b5d5828fba7b5737", "createdAtBlock": 14961056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZxidwEQQuYHuAuRuJTSZFRsAePSu8MjALwMU41U9mP3C", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> Art by ozzz\n\n## The Feast\nAn organic and uneven staircase trailed down and through the mist. \n\nHopping rock to rock, the Hare moved swiftly despite some hostile edges and irregular drops. Hadrien was struggling, moving tentatively and taking his time to find footing on the glimmering surfaces of this sea-battered path to Vorvadoss cliff-home. \n\n The Hare disappeared into the mist below and Hadrien stopped for a second to contemplate the risk he was taking. \n\nIm about to become lunch, he muttered to himself, shaking his head, before continuing to reach towards the rocks to steady himself before the next move. \n\nSuddenly, the mist cleared and a platform emerged further down the jagged cliff-face. On the platform, the Hare was being gently petted by a Great Old One, Hydromancer Vorvadoss of the Bastion. \n\n I thought Id clear the mist for you, friend!, the monster bellowed upwards. \n\nThere are more than a few perks to being a Hydromancer on the coast, he winked. \n\nUpon reaching the platform, Hadrien turned to face in-land and saw into the rock-face for the first time. Through a wide opening was a lavishly decorated hall with arches and pillars ornately carved to depict many scenes and their stories. \n\nThe walls were also covered, and it seemed to Hadrien that many centuries of history were recorded here."} +{"id": "70a206a7-4ec8-4f47-b359-f07c7e4bc330-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:49.044", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWRSp2fBZs9bQSiNokwXC9YESEGMHgPYw8yiTi77yoHNN", "txHash": "0xf34fd1af2cd6740abc269fd3621393634460a5cd315ae583b5d5828fba7b5737", "createdAtBlock": 14961056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZxidwEQQuYHuAuRuJTSZFRsAePSu8MjALwMU41U9mP3C", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "Amongst the carvings were scenes of battle between great beasts and men, ocean mermen courting ocean mermaids, and at the back of the room, ones attention couldnt help but be drawn to a magnificently detailed Great Old One holding the symbol of Illuminatus with its mouth tentacles. Pillars and arches reached high into the cave and melded into the high ceiling above. On these pillars and arches twisted rising, cephalopodic limbs and upon closer inspection, hieroglyphic lines of symbols, runes, and markings in an ancient language could be seen running between them. \n\n--\n---\n\n> \n> Figure A\n\n> \n> Figure B\n\n> \n> Figure C\n\n\n\n------\n\n--\n\n---\nBeautiful home, Hadrien remarked. \n\nI dont live here, Vorvadoss chuckled, leading Hadrien and The Hare into the hall. \n\nThey walked along an aisle to the left of a long dining table that must have been able to seat over 100 wizards, and at least 400 hares. \n\nYou will sit here, Hadrien. And your friend can sit next to you , Vorvadoss began, Where exactly is your friend? \n\nHadrien shrugged, Your English is excellent, by the way. Will the other guests be as fluent? \n\nOh sure! Some of them, at least, not everyone is a talker, Vorvadoss replied. \n\nI see,\" said Hadrien, \"Well, Im happy to practice too. Could you tell me more about these carvings and symbols? \n\n---\n\nVorvadoss spent the next hour passionately re-telling myths of his races culture whilst floating plates of raw fish, seaweed piles, steaming clams, and other unrecognisable dishes of multi-colours and textures settled themselves upon the table."} +{"id": "70a206a7-4ec8-4f47-b359-f07c7e4bc330-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:49.044", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWRSp2fBZs9bQSiNokwXC9YESEGMHgPYw8yiTi77yoHNN", "txHash": "0xf34fd1af2cd6740abc269fd3621393634460a5cd315ae583b5d5828fba7b5737", "createdAtBlock": 14961056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZxidwEQQuYHuAuRuJTSZFRsAePSu8MjALwMU41U9mP3C", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "Finally, many guests had arrived, with no apparent dress-code or singular method of greeting, and there were now 22 of them, one bearded wizard, and a hare sat at the large table. They were all huddled into the centre of its length, where the food was also gathered. \n\nNobody paid much mind to the pair and the food on offer was quickly demolished. With many tentacles reaching across the table, it was as if they were fighting over what appeared to Hadrien to be an excess of food. The Hare managed to pull away some seaweed to safety beneath the table, whilst Hadrien watched the spectacle with some amusement as well as fear. \n\nImmediately after ravaging a months worth of food, some of the guests began to leave. Vorvadoss, seemingly unbothered, was now pouring out wine for the remaining guests. \n\nSome of you may have noticed that we have some special guests with us this year. Hadrien is interested in culture. \n\nTurning to Hadrien, he lifted his glass, This is Culture.\n\n The other Great Old Ones around the table lifted their glasses, cheers-ing in their own language, and set about telling Hadrien what it means to be a Great Old One. Learning about the different approaches these interesting creatures took towards magic and their lives, Hadrien began to think about each one of these terrifying, red-eyed, nightmare-inducing monsters as unique and complex individuals. \n\nDespite being few in number, they were not without their challenges. Commitment to the old traditions was waning in these more contemporary times, and it was only through Ancient decree that they found themselves gathering in this great hall. \n\nThe hall was where a Cthulu had supposedly learnt the secrets of cosmic order and granted magic to some of his descendants. Even then, not all of the Great Old Ones respected this old story."} +{"id": "70a206a7-4ec8-4f47-b359-f07c7e4bc330-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:49.044", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWRSp2fBZs9bQSiNokwXC9YESEGMHgPYw8yiTi77yoHNN", "txHash": "0xf34fd1af2cd6740abc269fd3621393634460a5cd315ae583b5d5828fba7b5737", "createdAtBlock": 14961056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZxidwEQQuYHuAuRuJTSZFRsAePSu8MjALwMU41U9mP3C", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> We gather to enjoy each others company. Even after years of integration efforts, our race is often looked upon as monsters. Its no surprise to me that some of us have turned into monsters as a result. said one of the guests. \n\n---\n\n> Those of us who no longer attend the feast are disillusioned with our place in the cosmic order of things. They wish to forge new traditions, to dominate on land as we have at sea. I do not know if they will succeed. \n\n---\n\n> For the rest of us, we will continue to gather at the precipice between land and sea. We are grateful that Vorvadoss is the gentleman he is, the keeper of tradition, and Hydromancer of the Bastion. He protects the hall. He upholds tradition.\n---\n\n As Hadrien and the Hare left the meal, Vorvadoss bid them farewell and safe travels. \n\nGreat to see you again, Hadrien, he spoke. \n\nAnd you, little Hare, look after him, wont you? he said with a wink. \n\n Hadrien chuckled. \n\nAnd with that, they were on the road again."} +{"id": "088b92b1-1626-47b8-ad34-bb901dcea365-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:21.184", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYhRkRy8maovotU79LngExQWqkoAFNFhQxwcekYVGgHFp", "txHash": "0x54d93ed02ff8934c421e28cab35687ee4d37ecf665414e74d1b1f7266d834c5d", "createdAtBlock": 14040000, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 464, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wooden Ghost Bobbin of the Bleep", "text": "# The Lore of Wooden Ghost Bobbin of the Bleep\n\nBobbin and his familiar Mandrill, a skeleton monkey, are often seen as quacks. Before Bobbin was burned with a Sacred Flame, he was a powerful shaman, with magical abilities unmatched by most. However, he was not able to fully control the magnitude of his power and unfortunately was the proprietor of some unruly and dangerous spells. Because of this, he was unable to reach his full potential. Now a wooden ghost and a forgotten soul, Bobbin and Mandrill use what is left of their colorful magic to entertain and amuse the village children. He and his familiar reside alone in a small and cozy cave located just outside of the village in the woods. They are comfortable with life there and although many do not understand them, Bobbin and Mandrill feel content among themselves."} +{"id": "0bfaca02-2c06-4152-b3b5-09b0b033a0bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:14.907", "backgroundColor": "#008659", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeT4iYj9L823EYDQkCoi4ECaRnVEAwH1adFvdZaiXDeAG", "txHash": "0x4ba3b6346c4c72ada23f86ee5d3b51e62e5b68a00e29d2f87677b6d2945ddb5f", "createdAtBlock": 14038305, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9910, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Peppy of Tartarus", "text": "# The Lore of Summoner Peppy of Tartarus\n\nBearing a striking resemblance to Shrek and a name quite similar to another famous green character, some have questioned whether Pepe of Tartarsauce' confused countenance belies a deerp knowledge. \n\nUnrelated, he summons wood every mourning.\n\nHis Raven is always pecking at passersby faces.\n\n3/2"} +{"id": "09149852-fa58-4671-9e54-b1b430425cd5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:15.783", "backgroundColor": "#68ce68", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdupGQ6oRXn6dYmfL5o521Rf3R3N5n7BjPq973jhTQ3wR", "txHash": "0x95c904af2ca4b4ba74caad995ae8f8e8f5d700cc4cce59e8e982d9cd27bfc8e8", "createdAtBlock": 14038373, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 700, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer George of the Waste", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer George of the Waste\n\nI was tasked by the Sphinx to wait here, watching the sands drip piece by piece through his Hourglass. For what reason I am not sure, but I am bound to remain till the last grain drips.\n\nMany years ago, I thought it not a terrible fate. This place, this Waste, wasnt always as it is now. The land was fruitful, the nature abundant; there was life, and lots of it.\n\nI cannot help but wonder if the Sphinx knew what was to come of this place. Over the years, the Waste crept in from all sides, and everything changed. The plants turned rotten and withered away. The landscape grew empty and gray.\n\nUnder the Sphinx's spell, I remain tethered to this ground. Unable to move, eat, breath; kept alive only by the energy of the Sphinx.\n\nThrough it all, my dear rat remains. The loyal creature he is, refuses to leave my side. Even the roaches fled before him. I worry my poor rat will starve, yet he finds a way to survive, returning to my side every night. What could it be that he does?"} +{"id": "30c4bc55-40ce-4805-9fee-658e7534f0ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:14.17", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNCuz2cffGTnKSEaFTZ6dQSdfmfj9F7kmCoyGznknyC3", "txHash": "0x46eeacafd1d6c77946bbff6f9dc83df88013ff2acb93dbc52433fa24ae65ca0a", "createdAtBlock": 14732869, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2060, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Chooki of the Palms", "text": "Ageless, timeless, infinite...these are the words some of the wisest sages in the land would utter when Chooki's name was mentioned.\n\nChooki was the grandfather of Chaos Magic, as he accidentally created an elemental chaos realm when he was attempting to revive his pet kitty, Dennis when he was but a child.\n\nInstead of bringing his furry friend back to life, he summoned The Greater Chaos Spirit and accidentally bound it to the body of his dead cat. This caused a vacuum of power that gave birth to an entire new elemental realm.\n\nPleased with her new form, The Great Chaos Spirit has chosen to reside within the cat's body, accompanying Chooki wherever he may go. The two would go on to establish an entirely new school of magic, Chaos Magic, a magic unlike anything this world had seen.\n\nAfter a hundred or so years of teaching, Chooki left the school to his most trusted colleagues, and went off to explore the world. Having been tainted somewhat by the exposure to the Chaos Realm, he would slowly descend into madness, becoming one of the most violent mages history would ever mention.\n\nOne day, his bloodshed ended, and Chooki disappeared into the unknown. Rumor has it that The Greater Chaos Spirit grew tired of this planet, and took Chooki back to the Chaos Realm that he gave birth to."} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "# That Time I Met Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics\n\n \n\nI slowly crept closer to the campfire I saw glimmering through the reeds. I heard several voices, joking and cursing good-naturedly as they shared a meal. I kept low, like Grandpa taught me.\n\n\nGood chicken, this, said a scruffy man in leather armor. Told you these parts had good fowl. He took a big bite out of a leg.\n\n\nYeah, but otherwise it werent that good of a haul, grumbled a kobold sitting nearby. I was promised gems and treasures! But that was just yer average village, nuttin special about it!\n\n\nCome on Pipsy, youve gotten that fine axe there, thats something! A bearded man with an eye patch said. That things probably chopped wood for many a warm fire!\n\n\nI felt a hot tear forming at the corner of my eye. I knew that axe - I had used it, and my pa and grandpa before me. It didnt belong to them."} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "I dont need no stinkin axe, Pipsy was complaining. Sticks and stones is enough to break dem bones, I always say! The other bandits chuckled at their fellows complaints as I crept into position. The fires that they started, that had taken everything from me had not yet died away, and they were laughing? I knew I had to do something, even alone. Grandpa always said I had a warriors spirit, and now I could feel what he meant. I couldnt walk away from this. I took my hunting bow from my back and slowly, quietly notched an arrow. I tried to calm my breathing and empty my mind. I counted 5, 10, 15 of them. I needed to take down as many as I could before they got to me. But before I could draw, I noticed a solitary figure approaching the bandits campfire. \n\n\nThe scruffy leather-clad man spotted her first. Hey, who goes there? Oh, its a lady! So, you come here often? he smirked at his pals as a few snickered.\n\n\nThe womans face was shrouded by a hood, but she pushed it back as she approached the fire, revealing a stern and serious expression. I immediately noticed that she had a large scythe strapped to her back. But she didnt look like any farmer Id ever met. The more observant of the bandits noticed too and immediately looked more alert than they had been moments earlier.\n\n\nGood evening, she said. I dont wish to take much of your time, but I had some questions for you all. Ive come quite a long way to find you, so I request your cooperation despite the late hour.\n\n\nYou talk pretty nice, lady, Pipsy said. What you want with the likes o us?"} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "Im looking for a wizard by the name of Miyo, though Im told she likes to be called Chaos Mage Miyo. Am I correct in stating that you are some of the famous Miyos Boys that have been making waves around here lately?\n\n\nThe bandits glanced at each other. Aye, were Miyos Boys, but she aint here, said the scruffy bandit. Were awhatchacallit, a branch chapter o the Boys. He gave her an impudent grin, showing a few missing teeth. \n\n\nA satellite group are you? said the woman, giving a huff of impatience and stroking her long, single braid. And I dont suppose you know where Miyo and headquarters happens to be?\n\n\nNo idea, love, said Eyepatch. Im sorry we cant be of greater assistance, but Miyo finds us, not the other way around. Now it sounds like you know about us, so you should know that its not a good idea to walk into a camp of the Boys by oneself without an invitation. Weve just had a long day of work, so if youre done with questions, I suggest you continue your travels. You wont get another warning; you get my meaning? He casually eased a dagger partially out its scabbard on his hip.\n\n\nThe womans eyes quickly glanced around at the campfire and the motley group gathered there. I was amazed by how calm she seemed, given the situation. She sighed. Fine, I dont have any quarrel with youIll take my leave. If you see Miyo, please let her know that Chaos Mage Beyna would like a word. \nI realized that this was the perfect time to start my assault! But as I drew my bow, Pipsy decided he wasnt done with her."} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "No, lady wait! He pointed at some jeweled flowers pinned to her hood. Those are pretty! And I didnt get any pretty things from that town we just busted. He pouted. Can I have some of those?\n\n\nYou may not.\n\n\nPipsys brows furrowed together. What you mean, no!?! I even asked nicely! He started walking towards her.\n\n\nEyepatch called out, lad, Id stay back if I were you, but Pipsy was nothing if not single-minded.\n\n\nStay back, final warning. Beyna reached a hand behind her back.\n\n\nI noticed a bandit I hadnt seen before creeping out from behind a bush in the womans blind spot, likely a scout. I quickly shifted aim but didnt fire.\n\n\nYou should know that if I see something I want, I get it. Pipsy said, standing a foot away from the woman. Just today there was some old guy who didnt want to give me my axe\n\n\nHearing the mention of my grandpa broke my concentration and I let go of the arrow. It whistled through the air, and slightly off-target, buried itself in the scouts gut. He immediately went the ground, groaning loudly in pain. \n\n\nSeveral of the bandits cursed and jumped to their feet. Beyna sighed, then her scythe was whistling through the air. Id never seen a weapon move that fast, but a second later Pipsys head was on the ground, brow still furrowed in anger. His body followed a few seconds later. \n\n\nEyepatch took charge. Shes got a sniper! Ben, Tinker, take em out! Rest of you, with me! We gotta take care of this."} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "Most of the group quickly wielded their assorted knives, clubs and axes and fanned out around Beyna. She hadnt moved from where she had dispatched Pipsy. But my eyes widened as a sort of dark shimmering appeared in the air around her. And then, swear to Dotta, she multiplied! From one form emerged many, each indistinguishable from the next and surrounded by that dark aura.\n\n\nShes a witch! shouted Scruffy, terror showing in his voice.\n\n\nIts an illusion, Eyepatch said. Just attack them all and well take her out! Forward! the men shouted and rushed toward the squad of Beynas.\n\n\nRustling nearby brought me back to my immediate surroundings. The events had distracted me from the fact that Eyepatch had sent men after me too! Before I could move, they emerged from the reeds a few feet away and saw me with my bow. With a wordless shout, they ran at me, and I knew that they would not hold back. I had seen it first-hand.\n\n\nBefore their blades reached me, an otherworldly screech rang out behind me. The mens eyes shifted above my head and focused on something behind me. Their faces contorted with horror and they froze in place. After a few moments, I realized that they would never move againthey had turned to stone!\n\n\nA hulking creature flew above me and toward the campfire. As it landed beside Beyna, I realized that her copies had vanished. And the bandits, werestill there, in a sense. But they wouldnt be bothering any other villages again.\n\n\nWell done, Anzu, Beyna said, stroking the creatures head. As far as I could tell, it was a chicken-dragon. I noticed it kept its eyes closed as it enjoyed the pats."} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "Beyna started to walk around and examine the bodies around her. You there, come over here, Beyna said, glancing over at me. I decided to comply - I sensed that I couldnt escape her if I tried. \n\n\nThese arent actually Miyos Boys, Beyna said to herself as I approached. This one has a tattoo of the Rune of Cinnabar, she said, pointing to the black circle and double-cross symbol on Eyepatchs arm. He likely used the Boys name and sigil to recruit the others, but actual Boys are branded by Miyo directly.\n\n\nShe picked up Grandpas axe and handed it to me. I believe this belongs to you.\n\n\nWait, how did you know-\n\n\nI saw how you reacted when that kobold mentioned the axe. You didnt mean to loose that arrow. \n\n\nAs I took the axe in my hands, my knees gave out as the events of that day caught up to me. Theyre all gone sobs shook me uncontrollably. \n\n\nThrough my tears, I saw Beyna watching me. A thin trickle of blood was coming out of her nose, although it seemed the bandits hadnt laid a finger on her. She ignored it. \n\n\nAye, your loss today was great. We cant bring them back, and revenge is done. All you can do is honor them. Live how they would have wanted.\n\n\nI cantIve got nothing. This village is all Ive known. Im done."} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "I cantIve got nothing. This village is all Ive known. Im done.\n\n\nA cloth bag clinked to the ground beside me. Well, only you can be the judge of that, she said. This lot didnt have much in the way of coin, but you might secure some camping supplies and sundries from among them. And you can have that gold to help you get to the Bastion. Its not far from here, just take the market road north. Theyll take you in.\n\n\nI looked dully at the bag of coins. I cant take your money, youve already done so much\n\n\nBeyna took out a silk handkerchief and delicately wiped the blood from her face. Well then, sell me something. Surely theres some small knick-knack or memento you carry around.\n\n\nI sniffed as I remembered the carving. I got it out of my pocket. I carved this last year. I thought it would be my good luck charm, but thats obviously not true.\n\n\nShe took the carving and examined the small horse I had crafted. This will do. She unfastened a pocket on the inside of her hooded robe and dropped it inside. By the way it sounded as it settled, I could tell there were other small objects in there but couldnt imagine the wheres and whys of such a collection."} +{"id": "b501caa6-0dcf-420f-a402-6fb420f03153-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:19.041", "backgroundColor": "#3D2B37", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBH5q68qUmjZFuYs3Yer9YLzTsr9ronkMoupUC9U5cqZ", "txHash": "0xd331a1ffc0d384e69cd3dfbddda81f22dd0f0b4b8c85ef338ccdc5da9aa7f76b", "createdAtBlock": 14038905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7977, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPSsouFv5D74GfugpxdN9axhfFfS54YBZ1j33y3JL2Pj7", "name": "Chaos Mage Beyna of the Gnostics", "text": "Theyre my tethers, Beyna said by way of explanation, noticing my curious expression. Well, Ill take my leave, good luck out there She turned to leave, then paused. This is where youre supposed to ask to come with me. She half-smiled. Maybe Ive grown too fond of fantastic tales. But its better for you to go your own way, your destiny lies down a different path. She called to her pet beast, and he screeched again and took to the air, flying ahead of her as she began to walk back the same way shed arrived.\n\n\nI watched her go, the events of that day and evening still running through my head. Although I felt despair and still struggled to see the point of anything, I remembered Grandpas words. I had a warriors spirit. And that meant never, ever giving up.\n\n\n(Beynas and Unnamed Archers stories to be continued)"} +{"id": "ee74a308-cb3c-4bdf-ab60-534eeb534d4e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:22.325", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPQJSo52Hv5FmoSEdfwUDQQdwWrah2yw4EnvhJQwNXM3K", "txHash": "0x6f64c286e5f463f635c3491618cd4e81af0d88a18269f3b8bf0dac97f559abe1", "createdAtBlock": 14039476, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6526, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ratko of the Quantum Shadow", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Ratko of the Quantum Shadow\n\nBattle Mage Ratko and his night wolf, Moro, weave in and out of the Quantum Shadows as protectors of the seen and the unseen realms. He does his work in the shadows and confronts those who seek to disrupt the balance. The skull of his ancient forefather is imbued with magic to open portals between dimensions as well as the ability to send enemies into horrific night terrors. Few have met Ratko and lived, fewer still have kept their sanity and lived to tell their tale."} +{"id": "cf936e81-cb56-4f75-a7a8-51f7db315fdf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:32.275", "backgroundColor": "#7e5788", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNNCvsLXTAkGDa3jA8cyS7Sewix8WiRrUwx3bx8U1WRPm", "txHash": "0x0d9dbf869c582f7a516d6fc0e7c2dc732811ae3d6020e43c4c8f7be910735b70", "createdAtBlock": 14039547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 464, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wooden Ghost Bobbin of the Bleep", "text": "# The Lore of Wooden Ghost Bobbin of the Bleep\n\nBobbin and his familiar Mandrill, a skeleton monkey, are often seen as quacks. Before Bobbin was burned with a sacred flame, he was a powerful Shaman, with magical abilities unmatched by most. However, he was not able to fully control the magnitude of his power and unfortunately was the proprietor of some unruly and dangerous spells. Because of this, Bobbin was never able to reach his full potential. Now a wooden ghost and a forgotten soul, Bobbin and Mandrill use what is left of their colorful magic to entertain and amuse the village children. He and his familiar reside alone in a small and cozy cave located just outside of the village in the woods. They are comfortable with life there and although many do not understand them, Bobbin and Mandrill feel content among themselves."} +{"id": "26abc1d3-f07c-42ff-a3fc-323d0ef7759e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:33.113", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcVZU5WJq854nm3uguMduJLV4iG9DeNN5yQhbogKDhWYL", "txHash": "0x39b0877adf78a764a91796f533447dda4915f740185a8afc9defc1e14e1a3264", "createdAtBlock": 14039892, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5544, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Zeromus out of the Blizzard", "text": "# The Lore of Fortune Teller Zeromus out of the Blizzard\n\nDeep in a cave far below the Novayn Tundra, he waited.\n\n..\n\nCenturies had passed since the last dawn. Still, he waited.\n\n..\n\nWhen the permafrost cracked and the fresh, frozen air of the surface pierced through the cavern, Zeromus stretched.\n\nThe surface world may have let fade the sorrows that preceded the Night of Sealing. But now his waiting was over.\n\nAnd he would remind them all what they should have never forgotten."} +{"id": "c6f5be8f-46ce-4ac6-b2fb-2c6d11a1e268-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:34.319", "backgroundColor": "#ca0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV8CKbDTFJU9n2upjqasYpLX7TNA4PoRskmRsGebNgACY", "txHash": "0x0a31e358215f8ccf53fb3a648f8ae965318ae7041d5171bb7b39a861277539ad", "createdAtBlock": 14041016, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 501, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Konoha of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Hex Mage Konoha of the Field\n\nDarkness shall not be around me since I vow to forever keep this flame burning until my last day.\n\nSacre flames shall not be wasted. Sacred flames will forever not be created. \n\nFluffy as a cloud, white as snow, Little Hoppy will make you glow."} +{"id": "486afbe5-45e9-4d4a-a891-74c10478ba2b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:35.174", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSYuk9EHcvKii3aEVfVPgWeq9GYd2KAr9HZ6niWZjxSpm", "txHash": "0x3b9d718c1b357c17da95f2a21ded3b71c2d2c1c705cc5acfdc4d97d219b84fd2", "createdAtBlock": 14041138, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9938, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Sonja of the Moors", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Sonja of the Moors\n\nThe Potion Mistress Entry 1:\n\nSonja rolled out of her loft and climbed down into her workspace. She made a beeline to her workspace to check on several experiments she was running. Sonja had just been offered to conduct her research at facility twice the size of her house, but it was one wizard hour of travel time roundtrip! She liked her place being near the heart of The Fey. Being close to the City Tree meant that she could easily get food and supplies. She loved to be able to wander the markets around the City Tree. Although the hustle and bustle of the markets were loud, she could easily block out the noise and found it strangely effective in helping to think through problems. She had also come across rare specimens from travelers and traders passing through on more than one occasion. Travel time is such a waste! The space will have been nice. The promised of new tech. I can probably do better! Sonja thought to herself.\n\nSonja checked on her first experiment setup. Witch Rita aka Greenhands (FRWC #8543) brought a newly discovered plant she found from the Hedge Wizard Woods. It seemed to have healing medicinal properties and Rita asked Sonja to identify which part of the plant held its medicinal property, extract and distill it to determine how effective it could be. Sonja started with ten different samples from the plant and employed a range of techniques to isolate its healing properties. The most common parts of a plant that yield healing properties are its leaves or sap normally. Interestingly, the root sample of this plant has been showing the highest healing value thus far. She noted her observations this morning her Experimental Notebook under the title Still Unnamed Plant. Lots more to come from this plant."} +{"id": "486afbe5-45e9-4d4a-a891-74c10478ba2b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:35.174", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSYuk9EHcvKii3aEVfVPgWeq9GYd2KAr9HZ6niWZjxSpm", "txHash": "0x3b9d718c1b357c17da95f2a21ded3b71c2d2c1c705cc5acfdc4d97d219b84fd2", "createdAtBlock": 14041138, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9938, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Sonja of the Moors", "text": "Sonja moved to the next setup where she had been exploring different combinations of herb and plant extracts to develop plant vitamin potions. This was one of her passion projects. If people had Vitamin Potions, she was sure something similar to boost the health of the forests could be created. This was still in very early development and Sonja was just mixing known ingredients to observe their chemical reactions, texture, smell and taste. The more interesting combinations of less well-known ingredients will come later. She noted her observations of the various test tube potions into her Experimental Notebook.\n\nThis vitamin potion journey for Sonja had started when she first developed a potion tailored for her own consumption to improve her overall health. It worked so well that people around noticed that she seemed to be aging slower and had a youthful glow to her skin. That started a snowball effect that resulted in her developing a range of Runiverse Vitamin Potions. The Runiverse Vitamin Potions quickly became a top selling health product in the Runiverse, especially amongst the ladies. Sonja had no interest in running a business and sold the production rights to the Alchemist Guild. The rights fee payments were more than enough for her for her to fund her own research thus giving her full independence to do whether research with little oversight."} +{"id": "35af7683-0f47-45c4-8792-2deb32fab627-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:42.891", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTExnp7UdedwcGdL3FV9tdFBmkUEY8jnhDbdSKfybPUPn", "txHash": "0xb89286ce1ddf9cf81baed91e91499c9ba2a349746b98839304ed62407e36de6d", "createdAtBlock": 14044305, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2721, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaded Spectre Alatar of the Fatal Forever", "text": "# The Lore of Shaded Spectre Alatar of the Fatal Forever\n\nAlatar hates cow. As in, he REALLY hates them. His eternal hatred of all things bovine circles back to his day of death, when he was enjoying a nice medium-rare steak at the finest restaurant in the Citadel, choked on it, and died. Returning to the planes as a shade spectre, he now makes it his life's mission to eradicate every last Canaanite from the Forgotten Runes, until history itself forgets the word \"moo.\" At first, his quest for vengeance consisted of nothing more insidious than visiting numerous cow pastures and tipping over the cattle with a levitate spell, but as his undead heart grew blacker and more demonic, so too did his anti-bovine ambitions become increasingly malevolent.\n\nHe found his calling one day while eating a veggie burger and watching \"Real Housewives of Goblin Town\" when an ad came on the telly that went something like \"Love potions? Hate cows? Inquire here for a job opportunity of a lifetime!\" Curious, Alatar dialed the number, and the very next day found himself interviewing for an entry level position at Big Potion Megacorp. The interview went swimmingly well and he was hired the following day (apparently they scored applicants on a 666 point scale and he already got 500 points just for being an evil forgotten soul...he found out later Big Potion was legally challenged for discriminatory hiring practices in multiple class-action lawsuits in the past, but always successfully defended their process as \"affirmative action\"). Alatar was a powerful wizard, a ruthless corporate shark, and a highly skilled office gossip, so naturally he rose quickly up the ranks, working his way up from the mail room to eventually becoming a senior partner of Big Potion Megacorp."} +{"id": "35af7683-0f47-45c4-8792-2deb32fab627-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:42.891", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTExnp7UdedwcGdL3FV9tdFBmkUEY8jnhDbdSKfybPUPn", "txHash": "0xb89286ce1ddf9cf81baed91e91499c9ba2a349746b98839304ed62407e36de6d", "createdAtBlock": 14044305, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2721, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaded Spectre Alatar of the Fatal Forever", "text": "These days, Alatar spends his days micromanaging all the various minions and henchmen in his department, cackling maniacally, taste-testing new potion flavors, and dreaming up imaginative new ways to unleash a genocidal campaign against the Canaanite population. He especially despises the Milk Guild, and keeps a little black book with the names of every single member of that guild in his corner office desk drawer. Whenever he is having a particularly pleasant day (how disgusting), he would take out that book and read the names until his black husk of a heart boils over with blind, seething rage again. Also he's trying to invent a new zero calorie diet health potion (chock full of a carcinogenic sugar substitute of course) which he is hoping to unleash upon the unsuspecting denizens of the Runiverse in the next fiscal quarter."} +{"id": "2217d2ac-6d34-4c99-b40e-e7fdb3acb1c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:36.547", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdR72HnbAwQhjG4Ye7px6Yb5qgHiDPhRG2C3xbTLHoLi8", "txHash": "0x03791cf0f5dbefcbd49af1d6d857634799f11fac4f3a1eb8f2907fc3e72c9e1d", "createdAtBlock": 14041455, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5016, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hagar of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Hagar of the Tower\n\nBattle Mage Hagar of the Tower, born of an alchemist and archangel, was born in a cave of The Netherworld blessed by the light of The Source. From a youngling, Hagar embraced his ability to shapeshift into diffrent forms and embraced his unique ability to communicate with any wild animal of all the land.\n\nDuring an outing as a young child while taking the form as a wolf, Hagar was stopped in his tracks by an all encompassing emerald glow that spoke to him saying \"Where you are I have been and where I am you shall be\". In a moment the emerald glow merged with his essence and presented itself as a ball of slime at his feet. Inherenlty Hagar knew this ball of slime was to be called Chacko. This instant connection showed Hagar that from this point on he had a direct connection to The Ether.\n\nAny inhabiant of existance from this point on would seek out Hagar whenver they felt persecution. To all wizards it is known that Hagar does not tolerate bullies of any kind. If his spell cast by his gnome's tooth doesn't put you in your place then the wrath of Chacko's slime burn will more than not let you know that the price of being the opposite of noble does not pay."} +{"id": "26015641-5961-43e0-b811-413a5d6de035-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:37.255", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1xyutCUktew9yAHYJu7qYi7B4XgAo6VgGx88fDBYSj5", "txHash": "0x3382cdab87134a9a71356d6f7b631bd2f223af86536aef092c5fc707389d437d", "createdAtBlock": 14042893, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 762, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Monk Aldo of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Holy Monk Aldo of the Tower\n\nAldo of the Tower was previously known as Aldo of the Wall. Then he went on a great quest to discover the meaning of Wisdom. This is what he learned from that journey...\n\n\"Wisdom is the highest form of knowledge. It is based on certain mystical ideas, known to people as Vedic knowledge. It is the ability of one to learn by reason of experience rather than through reflection or observation. Wisdom is also one of the oldest forms of enlightenment. \n\nWisdom is known in many parts of the world in different forms. Some are associated with a higher level of mental health, others with enlightenment. \n\nWisdom can be expressed as the ability to see past thoughts. In the following, we have a list of all the forms that can be expressed as wisdom, or as one of the attributes of wisdom called knowledge. \n\nThe three aspects of Wisdom are: \n\n1) Wisdom is the ability to see past emotions. \n\n2) Wisdom is the ability to see past emotions. \n\n3) Wisdom is the ability to see past emotions. \n\nThe nature of this knowledge is that it is passed down from father to son and is expressed in its pure form, its most subtle and subtle aspects. \n\nThere are two general types or styles of wisdom: \n\nOne is absolute for the greater sense of power. \n\nThe other form is relative for the greater sense of power. \n\nThe exact meaning for this absolute type is the knowledge one gains when one attains the Absolute Knowledge of the Way.\""} +{"id": "6d49d22a-0e1c-4751-9391-3ee9b2db7605-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:38.8", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmap2QjHXUP3Cqa8YZSgxxXPMYkYhXDchpuY1qHKx2QBQS", "txHash": "0x741015ee4df957bc37c7ee0bb45698dbfa56eba648264b0e8f19406701aaf7de", "createdAtBlock": 14042945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5504, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Bathsheba of the Bastion", "text": "# The Lore of Charmer Bathsheba of the Bastion\n\nBathsheba is a passionate game designer, currently working on Damp Dungeon.\n\nA description of the game world is given here. \n\nThe game world and various areas within it are located within the confines of a vast, subterranean room (or space) known as the Damp Dungeon. \n\nThere are nine different sections of the dungeon. \n\nThere are two major differences between how certain parts of the game work. As a rule of thumb many aspects of Damp Dungeon are very different depending on the game system being presented. \n\nThe first is the fact that Damp Dungeon is primarily a dungeon crawl where the game is given a few brief objectives in the order in which they are presented. Each section of the game explores specific areas or objects, often giving additional objectives of their own. \n\nThe other difference between Damp Dungeon and other D&D's is that Damp Dungeon takes place in a room with an extremely high level of player interaction and a very heavy focus on combat and loot. This is the same system the DM uses to introduce new rules and new types of classes. \n\nThe second difference is that if the first section were to start out from scratch there is a very strong emphasis paid to completing new encounters, rather than building from the ground up. An area that isn't used to the point that it needs to be explored will probably be replaced by other areas that aren't used."} +{"id": "646d03e3-06c1-4603-9650-e2a9abf1e614-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:39.708", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9tREybLXDSHoYuGnJ94UdJc8eH7rU1ruahWa6v7U2Zu", "txHash": "0xa13afc61b52d6178def73e1d0344564c255d884b9ada1e528650ac7f766673f1", "createdAtBlock": 14042992, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 284, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Oberon of the Wold", "text": "# The Lore of \n\n# Alchemist Oberon of the Wold\n\nAlchemist Oberon of the Wold, apprentice to Ice Mage Bane of the Ice, after many attempts, finally brewed a nightshade potion. He had been trying for years it seems, to impress Bane with something rare and powerful, and finally this potion deemed him worthy of that praise. Now, the only thing that will match such an accomplishment, is stepping in to the sacred flame, and transcending this world.\n\nWith his saphire slime companion, Oberon has descended the steps many times to step in to the flame. Every time he has reached the flame exhausted and out of gas, unable to proceed. Time will only tell if he commits to the endevour. Bane of the Ice waits patiently to see what will become of his apprentice."} +{"id": "10ffba7b-0cfe-4f82-8e79-e3603dc2f514-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:40.631", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXqaAisA2TBvwQxahAeDznR465de1VY8WJphPss7Zfpbz", "txHash": "0x357c10f78c04638b61246540aca04c6928977fb99483af10464474f2e373754a", "createdAtBlock": 14043375, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7030, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Oxnard in the Shadows", "text": "# The Lore of Shadow Mage Oxnard in the Shadows\n\nOxnard looks inconspicuous with that aloof look on his face, but don't be fooled. Gifted to him from the Holy Arcanist Illuminus of the Heavens himself, the Canaanite mage draws immense magical power from the Robes of Shadow.\n\nUnlike other mages which fall into easily classifiable categories of good or evil, this Shadow mage is neither. His identity is perfectly balanced by the darkness of the grim reapers breath and his sunrise-stimulating familiar, the rare Mesozoic Cockatrice.\n\nLike a shadow, Oxnard transcends both darkness and light to emerge as both but greater. But beware, the Rune of Sigma is a fickle source of harmony, allowing Oxnard to temporarily fluctuate towards either extreme in order to restore balance in the realm when one side fall out of place."} +{"id": "2e108e2a-db3e-49a0-87fe-a1983aae79b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:44.546", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQn1YW91ch3yy8qxT6vLgGZo911tb2PyxLu6xrFMam1EJ", "txHash": "0x33e13c456936394433ea319d6629cec2c287a73b24a6a2efe2ab5123e792c50b", "createdAtBlock": 14044623, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV2PDHUyCWKE6KXRuD7yFqqWhFWBZrPhrd5u396evZs6P", "name": "Electromancer Althea of the Hollow", "text": "# **Electromancer Althea of the Hollow**\n\nElectromancer Althea is a free and unconfined witch. \n\nShe left the tedious and outdated wizard community to go solo and spends most of her time trying out new spells on herself and the animals surrounding her. They dont mind though, half of them are in love with her and would do pretty much anything to stay by her side. \n\nDont be fooled by her seductive ways though, her heart only goes to her springy sidekick - Alastair. His original colour might be gold, but youll see him more often than not hoping around wearing the same bright blue color as his darling Altheas hair. Like two magnets, these two cant leave each others side.\n\nDrawing her powers from lighting and thunder, Althea excels and is most dangerous on rainy days, where shell experiment the extent of her abilities.\n\nAlthea and Alastair spend most of their time in the depth of the forest, playing around with their power for the fun of it, caring very little of the responsibility it holds."} +{"id": "d2de5f29-43b6-4fc0-a2f5-e894bbac1a5f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:45.245", "backgroundColor": "#A59387", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZqB75J7RMGawCrZSxRSHr6vSdnXYT91rn5BiDapyqXwJ", "txHash": "0x0e959f5d1775bd7de76c7429b74a0372cb664e012b5cb65c3078640811a99d2c", "createdAtBlock": 14045014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8577, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXzKjNtCNWNMkaoiBqUicLPNWs1fVkvApc6RKrAnsUzzV", "name": "Magus Kazem of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Kazem of Arcadia\n\n \n\nMagus Kazem was born and raised in a virtuous land. A place at harmony with nature, a place with fertile soil, a place with beautiful women and place where the wine flows like water. Damn near to Utopia as you can get. \n\nBut for some reason, for as long as he can remember, Magus Kazem has been an outcast. A pariah. Perhaps his face always hidden in the shadows played a part in this. Whatever the reason, he's determined to prove his worth. Chips on shoulders put chips in pockets, as Magus Kazem always says.\n\nDeep within him lies a legendary gift, the gift of the Dark Arcanist. Magus Kazem is a craftswizard of the highest order who possesses a rare knowledge. A rare knowledge that many would kill for. A rare knowledge on how to breed a Sphinx, the mythical creature not seen for centuries. Some say that when the last grain of sand falls through Magus Kazem's hourglass, the Sphinx will be unleashed."} +{"id": "0bcd066e-212e-4ece-90ee-423aefb662d4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:46.528", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUPe3o586ARW96jQLpVLAurwBUixQ1bXQqKrD6eSNM3NT", "txHash": "0xfcdf37506e56ea64aa30a8ac12d20b1800e06a3a9d6af2835491fcd408924e7d", "createdAtBlock": 14046288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Monk Edge of Dreams", "text": "# The Lore of Holy Monk Edge of Dreams\n\nHoly Monk Edge of Dreams.\n\nAfter decades of quests and war the Holy Monk Edge of Dreams has returned to his quiet home, in an old abandoned monastery, in the foothills of the mighty Ether Mountains. A place of complete solitude, as has been his preference over the centuries.\n\nWith only his studies and experiments to occupy his mind, and his small but loyal companion, Finney the Blue, to occupy his spirits, he is finally at peace. Once again able to fully immerse himself within the magical realms, and silently devote himself to mastering his newest prize, the Rune of Cinnabar. Recently gifted to him by the great King Vitalik for protecting the freedoms of his people and finally banishing the evil forces back to their caves in the Central Lands.\n\nNow with the Rune of Cinnabar, the Shoulder Cape of Green and his unparalleled mastery of the Zephyrs Laugh Wind Spell, he has become a formidable power, but his loyalty will always be to fighting evil.\n\nMost claim the Holy Monk doesnt exist except in fables, and his real name has long since been forgotten by all but himself. Those that he does come across, albeit rarely, very soon after are unsure if it actually happened, or if it was simply, in the edge of their dreams"} +{"id": "2c652225-1a61-439d-8186-9e2c62faaca4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:47.332", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSPgjkpo472rrkoxEJ5CtY7428hvssKeAeKLaAuR95XqR", "txHash": "0x8ade11102f693e9ec19080ecef2f77e63f85c3e2cfcbedf00fd25a6678521282", "createdAtBlock": 14046608, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1758, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYF7NkKbAexjHuv9YbrwCEnMTQ5UZ7qpPoaJydEcprPcY", "name": "Arcanist Amir of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Arcanist Amir of the Mist\n\nAfter hundreds of years alone, Amir decided to fix up and look sharp. The first steps of a new life for Amir and Rami lie ahead"} +{"id": "14aaba27-1642-4d97-9391-90043be61e10-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:48.198", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPYEVys4VkaZewTFuQES7qnsSf83qq5m3w5htoKHrFkiQ", "txHash": "0x9195aa9fe465672245b914421a64ed32229ca18d19dd3cc1c7c47f6ba33cbd04", "createdAtBlock": 14047581, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8728, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jerret of the Sun", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Jerret of the Sun\n\nMagus Jerret is the consummate red wizard. Patriarch of an influential aristocratic family deeply entrenched in the power hierarchy of Red Wizard Capital, Jerret has been trained since youth to be an elite tier operator in the arts of wizardry diplomacy: schmoozing, negotiating, backstabbing, flattery, intimidation, fast talk, and when all else fails, nuke them with a Level 99 fireball. He is just as skilled with words as he is with magic, he can recite the Black-Scholes model for pricing options contracts by heart, and he never forgets which hand is supposed to hold the fork and which one the knife. His likes include political machinations, kabuki theater, and fine cigars, his dislikes include people who don't know their place, dogs that are overly energetic, and feminism.\n\nThere is nothing more important to Jerret than the legacy of his clan, and as such, 99% of his time is devoted towards increasing his family's reach and influence, not only in the capital, but across all the Runiverse. He rules over his kinsmen with an iron fist...none of them really like him very much, but they all respect him (and all secretly hope to be favored in his will when he dies, although that doesn't seem to be any time soon despite his advanced age...his doctor said he has the heart of a man half his age at the last annual check up). And what a family! By this point Jerret has 4 wives (with double the number of ex-wives), 10 children, dozens of grandchildren, and even a few great-grandchildren in the mix. Like any patriarchal tyrant, he plays favorites amongst his brood, and makes no secret of this fact, nor does he attempt to conceal the only criteria for being one of his favorites: excellence in all things magical."} +{"id": "14aaba27-1642-4d97-9391-90043be61e10-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:48.198", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPYEVys4VkaZewTFuQES7qnsSf83qq5m3w5htoKHrFkiQ", "txHash": "0x9195aa9fe465672245b914421a64ed32229ca18d19dd3cc1c7c47f6ba33cbd04", "createdAtBlock": 14047581, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8728, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Jerret of the Sun", "text": "Jerret's latest exploit has been to set his eyes on the governorship of Red Wizard Capital, a project which will no doubt require a multi-year effort that culminates in an electoral campaign unlike any before witnessed in the Forgotten Runes. He has been busy building the right connections, greasing the right pockets, and making public appearances to get his name and face out there in front of the common folk. After all, it is important to gain the approval of the poors in a democratic society. Jerret is a big fan of democracy, so long as those who have votes are amenable to having those votes purchased with gold (which they always are)."} +{"id": "9b339ac2-240e-4f90-99ab-c7df4df4d179-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:49.023", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSvCLiKs74U3s1nQK6HegQe611smovsjboSzU1U5FJ346", "txHash": "0x2c6e713d602732fe3fc45cf2609d91757ab8efe73bab0ea4165bdb80a1f042e1", "createdAtBlock": 14047820, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diviner Pezo of the Dunes", "text": "# Diviner Pezo of the Dunes\n\n## Prologue\n\n> _This collection of scientific experiments are intended as a starting point for those as committed as I to unravel the mysteries of the phenomenon most Wizards have come to take for granted._\n> \n> _The Familiar Bond has been studied, at length I may add, by scholars, alchemists and thaumaturges alike, and yet the nature of this elusive sacrament remains largely a mystery even in this modern age. Ancient relics and tomes, now well protected and jealously guarded by the Blues, seem as varied as they are confounding, and should you be dedicated to study these papers in depth you certainly will gain valuable insights - though I fear, as seems with most knowledge, as the final page is turned you may find that the more you know the less you understand._\n> \n> _However, one thing unifies all theorizing on the nature of the Bond; once forged, only death may break it - though some conjecture wound indicate that even then the connection remains - and both Familiar and Wizard must enter the bond willingly._\n> \n> _I have found obscure references to a Bond being transferred, but at this point I have concluded it mere fantasy._ \n> \n> \n> Foreword: The Nature of the Familiar Bond \n> _Anonymous Scholar_\n\n\nWaking before dawn had its advantages, in addition to the obvious disadvantages of a heavy head, sore back and watery eyes. This early the sky, barely showing a hint of purple, had yet to banish the night and reveal the unrelenting heat form its ever-burning eye - the sands blessedly cool underfoot, the air crisp and refreshing. Trodding along toward the well, Pezo allowed himself a moment to enjoy the calm and tranquility, an illusion he knew would quickly enough be dispelled by bickering and boughts of laughter in equal measure."} +{"id": "9b339ac2-240e-4f90-99ab-c7df4df4d179-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:49.023", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSvCLiKs74U3s1nQK6HegQe611smovsjboSzU1U5FJ346", "txHash": "0x2c6e713d602732fe3fc45cf2609d91757ab8efe73bab0ea4165bdb80a1f042e1", "createdAtBlock": 14047820, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diviner Pezo of the Dunes", "text": "It's not that he didn't love his three sisters, he dearly did. They were simply much more cunning and had the unnerving tendency to somehow always get the better of him, outmanouvering him at every turn. Then, as happened every morning when his mother's shouting began, it was squarely directed his way. But Pezo, the only man of the house, had gladly accepted the role of peacemaker and defuser, nimbly navigating the tumultuous currents of sibling rivaly and womanly guiles - weaving the unwilling threads of his volatile family into a harmonious taperstry.\n\nLowering the bucket into the damp darkness below, he again heard the soft sound of wings furling and feathers settling. The unusual fledgeling had suddenly appeared a fortnight ago, and had since ufailingly joined him on his morning ritual - perched quietly in the palm tree above him. Initially he had been affronted and unwilling to share these fleeting and intimate moments of calm, and had done his best to scare the intruder away. However, the large owl would simply tilt its head questioningly and stare down at him with those enormous luminescent eyes. Grudgingly he had come to accept its presence, those feelings of privacy invaded instead stirring up a deep sensation of companionship and familiarity. \n\nNot to mention the fact that the strange raptor, very much like himself, was entirely out of its element - indeed an oddity out here in the unforgivingly dry desert. He knew that other Imps existed, of course they did, far away in the forests to the north, however Pezo had never laid eyes on anyone outside of his own family with the same verdant skin, wide mouth and horned skull. _We don't really belong out here_, the thought to himself as he studied his reflection in the bucket slowly being raised up to bring the ladle to his parched lips."} +{"id": "9b339ac2-240e-4f90-99ab-c7df4df4d179-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:49.023", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSvCLiKs74U3s1nQK6HegQe611smovsjboSzU1U5FJ346", "txHash": "0x2c6e713d602732fe3fc45cf2609d91757ab8efe73bab0ea4165bdb80a1f042e1", "createdAtBlock": 14047820, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diviner Pezo of the Dunes", "text": "\"_Are you thirsty strange one_?\" he asked, once his thirst was quenched. He had taken to speaking to the owl, yet much like his initial outbursts of \"_Shoo!_\", his attempts at coaxing a reply from the thing had all gone unanswered. Which is why, as he lowered the second bucket down, he was wholly unprepared for the strong voice suddenly exploding in his head.\n\n\"_Yes indeed, I am. Very much so,_\" the voice said as he fell to his knees, hands over his ears. The splash of the bucket far below went unnoticed as Pezo looked up, his eyes locking on twin orbs of gold.\n\n\"_You... You speak!_\" he croaked, getting to his feet.\n\n\"_Of course I do. And, as I said, I am quite thirsty. Rather rude, don't you think, to drop that bucket?_\" came the voice again, and he realized to his wonder that the bird's beak had not moved. \"But never you mind, young Pezo, for the time to leave has come.\"\n\n\"_You're leaving now?_\" he asked, nonplussed.\n\n\"_No. We are leaving. Now._\" the owl puncuated, spreading his wings slowly - Pezo had never realized just how _big_ the thing was until now.\n\n\"_I don't understand, where would we go? Besides, my mother and sisters require my presence here, the tavern opens in a few hours._\" Pezo had no intention of going anywhere, the sands and his family were home."} +{"id": "9b339ac2-240e-4f90-99ab-c7df4df4d179-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:49.023", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSvCLiKs74U3s1nQK6HegQe611smovsjboSzU1U5FJ346", "txHash": "0x2c6e713d602732fe3fc45cf2609d91757ab8efe73bab0ea4165bdb80a1f042e1", "createdAtBlock": 14047820, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Diviner Pezo of the Dunes", "text": "\"Your mother knew the cost when the bargain was struck, we have held up our end - and I have come to claim my price. You, Pezo. I had hoped you had manifested by now, but no matter. This may hurt just a bit my child, since the Bond must be transferred,\" the bird continued, wings spread ever wider, eyes akin to brilliant stars - glowing brighter and brighter.\n\nIt started as a ringing in his ears, his skin tingling as it often did before the seasonal storms hit, the earth moving beneath his feet as though riddled with serpents, until his vision narrowed to those two distant singularities - bright as distant stars - until they too were gone."} +{"id": "6224f3a6-eeba-4ebb-b804-ed40d448a726-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:30:00.7", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbUFvggXoRXHegnVKTQn6upJn8iud8RWLd6WCbLdJoCYk", "txHash": "0x478df3d28f6a44ee5b9061b92a698cef632ccf8b3c0dd3e5fc342a3db5f27576", "createdAtBlock": 14047620, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7969, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Florah of the Steppe", "text": "since naught three nights\n\ni feel the flame burning bright\n\nscreams heard echoing from below\n\nsouls released from the veil aglow\n\nas i lay my head to rest\n\nits as if my mind possessed\n\n\"the grailed will be rewarded\"\n\n\"the grailed will be rewarded\"\n\nwhat is this, \"wagmi\"?\n\nbut as my eyes become clear\n\nthat smiling face I did not see\n\nyet washed away is my fear\n\n...\n\nechoing from wall to wall\n\nanother scream heard down the hall\n\nat my door, these slimy hands\n\ncome for me from far away lands\n\nchanting, they unlock my cage\n\ngrabbing, i'm dragged towards the stage\n\n\"you fools, do you not know my name?\"\n\n\"i was born in the flame!\"\n\nburning brightly with a flash\n\nslime through turns to ash\n\n\"time is short, i must return!\"\n\n\"save we must from another burn\""} +{"id": "8860f5ed-534c-4f83-8501-921c8a58b7ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:49.868", "backgroundColor": "#8d73c2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfVU1kDds5ETU4ycw5yFcMgsRe4aXUL8CSW93cF6SJw2G", "txHash": "0xf10204e81cb803182ad39859d46e5ab8953696d472392e721ebf001c2a012d03", "createdAtBlock": 14048195, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Jerret of the River", "text": "# The Lore of Evoker Jerret of the River\n\nSearching for purpose, this may never end"} +{"id": "c084eece-f110-42d6-8215-13b3cccaffe3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:05.538", "backgroundColor": "#560400", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmestoM9yCH2wN8UWDAMn4VdVq3XG1H5Ja5kvSsWLh4q4i", "txHash": "0x4f143922cfb4512651c5f29d0f52c9311a220715852413094377742e32fd9ba7", "createdAtBlock": 14791433, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4313, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Keiko Protector of the Tower", "text": "# Keiko Protector of the Tower \n \nTreasures lie in the Tower of the Sun.The closest place to the sun in the world of Forgotten Runes is the Tower of the Sun.\n\nKeiko is the guardian deity of the Tower of the Sun.\nBecause of its proximity to the sun, the temperature is as high as 6,000 degrees Celsius.\nTo protect the Tower of the Sun, one must wear red equipment.\nRed equipment absorbs the heat of the sun and gives power to those who equip it.\nWhen Keiko puts on the red equipment, she shows the power of an ogre, and she can defeat enemies who try to steal her treasures.\nKeiko's jaguar has red fur because it is adapted to the sun.\n\nKeiko actually hates sunburn.\nSometimes she hides her skin with a shield.\n\nKeiko protects the Tower of the Sun today."} +{"id": "3795b7de-f310-493c-a07f-68e4d94d0b87-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:17.513", "backgroundColor": "#eae4e4", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT4agRZvo45BgWnkGEQw81uxsBh3ST1NM8SrwdjHUEnfm", "txHash": "0xf9034603f5e6867c8c40fa9886270004cb23bb25d5494add6699af657e2e5e0b", "createdAtBlock": 14103762, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "# III\n\n# The Fallingway\n\nGripping his hat against the wind Milton gazed at the distant tree line, a swathe of dark green stirring under the deepening sky and the granite lake glinting from between the pine boles. He made his way towards the lake across a field of short grasses and pale flowers that bent under the gale. Coming near upon the tree line he stopped. The hooded figure stood motionless under the swaying eaves of the great dark pines that gathered on the lakeshore. Buffeted as he was by the squall coming in off the lake the figure remained still, trance-like, as some ancient carved form staring out with stone eyes against the winds of another age. The faint thundering of distant falls filled the pines. Deep grey water chopped in the wind.\n\nUttering a quiet word of command as he approached the figure Miltons staff began to pulse with a golden light. Two depthless blue eyes stared out of the shadowed red shroud and a resonant voice issued forth.\n\nYou will have no need of that, Wizard\n\nNonetheless Milton answered as he planted the staff firmly in front of himself.\n\nWe of the realm are aware of your undertaking and have perhaps guessed of its purpose\n\nIs that so? Milton replied. And what am I to expect from the Dreamers of the lake?\n\nThere are among us some who are not opposed to the task with which we believe you to be attempting. To challenge the sacred firethe consequence of this would be of interest to us.\n\nSo, I will not be hindered?\n\nAt this time indeed not. We can offer aid. Here in this place, as you know, resides such a being as you seek.\n\nYes. My divination led me here. I shall find it in the lake. Milton replied with slight impatience."} +{"id": "3795b7de-f310-493c-a07f-68e4d94d0b87-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:17.513", "backgroundColor": "#eae4e4", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT4agRZvo45BgWnkGEQw81uxsBh3ST1NM8SrwdjHUEnfm", "txHash": "0xf9034603f5e6867c8c40fa9886270004cb23bb25d5494add6699af657e2e5e0b", "createdAtBlock": 14103762, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "Not so the figure intoned What you seek resides beyond the cascading waters. You must take the Fallingway.\n\n \\*\\*\\*\n\nMilton stood staring up at the vast roaring sheets of water as they fell, foaming white against the dark slate of wet stone that rose to a mountainous peak enveloped in mist. Following the path revealed to him by the dark figure he came upon a narrow continuous outcropping that appeared to run directly into the base of the falls. Edging slowly along the slick rock path towards the thundering falls Milton pondered more than once if this was not some ploy by that hooded figure to leave him crushed and lifeless there among the boulders and raging waters. But just as it seemed that the pounding crash of the falls would block his way the path turned sharply inward and continued along behind the violent impenetrable wall of water.\n\nAn arched tunnel spread darkly before him and the booming echo from the falls receded into the silent darkness like some last utterance of a soon to be lost world. Illuminated by the light of his staff the walls revealed their runic surfaces aglow in deep amber. Milton traced the inscribed runes with his finger, their jagged lines bitten deep into the stone and reverberant with a subtle force wholly unknown to him. He continued deeper into the tunnel encircled by the dim glow from his staff, his footsteps falling on the very edge of that illumined perimeter. As he went on, a distinct chill pervaded the narrow space. The air grew sharper and the stone walls radiated a barrow-like cold."} +{"id": "3795b7de-f310-493c-a07f-68e4d94d0b87-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:17.513", "backgroundColor": "#eae4e4", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT4agRZvo45BgWnkGEQw81uxsBh3ST1NM8SrwdjHUEnfm", "txHash": "0xf9034603f5e6867c8c40fa9886270004cb23bb25d5494add6699af657e2e5e0b", "createdAtBlock": 14103762, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "As Milton continued the tunnel began to widen, the darkened stone walls retreating further into pitch black space and almost at once Milton perceived that he was within a vast cavern whose boundaries were lost to him and unseen. Slowly the light of his staff began to falter, a last mote of golden light dimming away on the shores of a measureless dark. Milton gave a loud word of command yet the light of his staff drained away to nothingness and he was left in a darkness absolute and implacable. He shifted warily on his feet with his staff still held aloft for all its purposelessness. There was no sound save for the close rustlings of his cloak as he turned again and yet again to attempt any vantage in that utter dark. The way back was as lost to him as any possible way forward.\n\nSlowly from out of the surrounding obscurity a frail glow was congealing, taking on an indistinct form of silvered light that wavered barely perceptible in front of Milton. Squinting he moved to take a step toward the light but was suddenly halted by a staggering presence within his mind.\nWordlessly Milton was filled with the notion of a great threat, flashes of an ancient pain and of a timeless entrapment arose sharply and then gradually dissipated leaving only a leaden sense of despair.\n\nHeld fast by these unbidden forebodings Milton struggled to move, with great effort he managed to reach within his cloak and grasp one of the binding crystals concealed there. As Miltons fingers wrapped around the hard crystalline surface a brilliant clarity sheared the intruding presence from his mind. The task with which he had set himself and the return beyond hope that he sought now filled his mind, briefly freeing him from the moribund influence of that belighted incarnation."} +{"id": "3795b7de-f310-493c-a07f-68e4d94d0b87-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:17.513", "backgroundColor": "#eae4e4", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT4agRZvo45BgWnkGEQw81uxsBh3ST1NM8SrwdjHUEnfm", "txHash": "0xf9034603f5e6867c8c40fa9886270004cb23bb25d5494add6699af657e2e5e0b", "createdAtBlock": 14103762, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9686, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Milton of Atlantis", "text": "In those vast surrounds Milton stood with the crystal in his palm glinting softly in the light of the shimmering spectre that floated before him. He felt once more the intrusion of the presence seep into his mind, yet instead of threatening pain Milton felt a questioning sense roam his thoughts and perhaps buried under countless dark ages a meagre, ever faint glimmer of hope. Milton pondered this momentarily and then bent and placed the crystal on the dark stone floor where it lay like some sacred offering gleaming in the ghostlight between wizard and apparition. A timidness flitted briefly through Miltons mind and then slowly he felt himself suffused with a sense of deep acceptance. Floating forward the spectre halted, lingering above the crystal. As Milton watched grains of light began to fall delicately from the hovering spectre onto the crystal below, as if within that deep cavern in the silent darkness there fell a gentle moonlit rain.\n\nYellow light blazed forth from Miltons staff as the last silver ember drifted down onto the crystal and was absorbed therein. He stooped to grasp the crystal and stood with it in his palm, gazing at it as it glowed with a seemingly benevolent inner luminance. By the light of his staff Milton made his way back through the dark tunnels until he could hear the thundering of the waters and he passed again through the Fallingway."} +{"id": "a3d2ad44-78ea-4598-874e-78f80e9fda4e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:56.151", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTVW5Na92C4oqzSZ7pY5eF1u67fkpXwV3KQ8sPpKG28f5", "txHash": "0x59318258faf351268c7f8f628b991672859104d3e6602c9528a91ac69fc4d166", "createdAtBlock": 14049922, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2787, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaded Spectre Layla of the Shaded Shores", "text": "## Stepping through the rift\n\nLayla was meek, mild, morose. She lacked any form of gumption or ability. In a world where potential was unlimited she decided that ambivalence was her primary focus. Despicable. \n\nThe flame changed everything.\n\nLayla now saw the world through different eyes, actual eyes. The Shaded Shores were not without their challenges, it was a hellish place, but a spirit residing there gained a level of resolve that most people could not comprehend. \n\nThe spectral landscape was permanent twilight, an eerie glow cast upon the ephemeral landscape. It was a barren wasteland with its inhabitants unable to properly affect the world around them. The best they could do was haunt each other torturing another soul was about as much entertainment as a shaded spectre could manage.\n\nEntering the realm of the living was something Layla had dreamed about, escaping the never-ending purgatory. When the first burning happened you could feel the rift between the worlds, there was no way Layla was missing that, she transitioned into the realm of the living and was amazed.\n\nNothing she had imagined compared the vibrancy of reality. All of the colours were brighter than possible, the sounds of birds and the wind across the land, almost deafening, and the smell, well the smell of burning flesh was just delicious.\n\nWatching those first people step willingly into the flame was confusing, why would anyone want to forgo the riches of this world? That was when she felt it, there were other souls here coercing, enticing people into the flames and when they stepped into it, they were born again their spectral forms made whole. She must have it."} +{"id": "a3d2ad44-78ea-4598-874e-78f80e9fda4e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:56.151", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTVW5Na92C4oqzSZ7pY5eF1u67fkpXwV3KQ8sPpKG28f5", "txHash": "0x59318258faf351268c7f8f628b991672859104d3e6602c9528a91ac69fc4d166", "createdAtBlock": 14049922, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2787, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaded Spectre Layla of the Shaded Shores", "text": "There was a pull that Layla had never felt before, dragging her, so she let it take her, out of this tall tower she flew, still ethereal in form, across green plains, mountains and into the arid desert. A small cluster of tents and a woman sat alone crying. \n\nShe was pathetic, why was she crying what could possibly make someone cry? The thought of it was abhorrent. \n\nIm not pathetic, there are loads of reasons to cry, I hate this place, I dont want magic, I dont want any of it anymore\n\nIt now dawned on the spectre, the reason she pulled here, was this thing really her. There were people here that could be led to the flame, to open the gates. The @wizard9999 would love this."} +{"id": "9e4ad2c8-2e95-4a82-935e-53c988747b59-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:57.062", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSfdgdPVk32hg9ggcUrM6cG6uQnQNBZKbMb2cuL2oXVu", "txHash": "0x8df0243b17d6df261bd6abe561f3bbdade696266759de49bfb2a42c067ec9c6b", "createdAtBlock": 14056651, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "# The Lore of Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud\n\nAt first, it burned me, it hurt me.\n\nFor many years my master told me that power was it all. I saw him caressing that little flame trapped in the sphere like a mother caressing her child. When he went to bed he took the sphere to his room and lay with it.\n\nIt hurt me.\n\nHe was like a father to me, my real parents died after some accident that I dont remember. He took care of me, fed me, and taught me magic. But every day he looked at the if was another child.\n\nAt first, I was curious about it, then I started to feel some jealousy."} +{"id": "9e4ad2c8-2e95-4a82-935e-53c988747b59-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:57.062", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSfdgdPVk32hg9ggcUrM6cG6uQnQNBZKbMb2cuL2oXVu", "txHash": "0x8df0243b17d6df261bd6abe561f3bbdade696266759de49bfb2a42c067ec9c6b", "createdAtBlock": 14056651, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "My master, no, my father was taking care of that thing more than me, as I grew older, he stopped caring about me, my lessons, and even feeding me. I learne d to do things on my own, in a sense that was a blessing since I was selfsufficient before I was 18, but a kid needs love and attention. What is so special about that fire? I asked him once when we were eating, my plate with a lot more food, he was starting to eat lesser and lesser. Why do you care about it so much? You dont understand, he said without taking his eyes off it. I do not care what makes it special right now, I care what it can be in the right hands That was the last time we talk about it."} +{"id": "9e4ad2c8-2e95-4a82-935e-53c988747b59-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:57.062", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSfdgdPVk32hg9ggcUrM6cG6uQnQNBZKbMb2cuL2oXVu", "txHash": "0x8df0243b17d6df261bd6abe561f3bbdade696266759de49bfb2a42c067ec9c6b", "createdAtBlock": 14056651, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "His words haunted my dreams night after night. I wanted to find a meaning to what he said, the potential that the fire had alluded to me. Was it that powerful? Could a wizard control that kind of power? And what will he become if he did it? That night I took the fire while he was asleep. I grabbed the sphere and stare into the green fire. It looked at me, like an eye. I saw colors, images, creatures, all within the dancing of the flames. I felt its power.\n\nI dropped the sphere; it was too much for me. \n\nIt on my body It burned me. It hurt me.\n\nMy master woke up and look at me. Fool! What have you done?! \n\nThe crystal shattered at my feet. \n\nThe fire spread Master! Help me! I screamed as the fire engulfed, melting my skin."} +{"id": "9e4ad2c8-2e95-4a82-935e-53c988747b59-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:57.062", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSfdgdPVk32hg9ggcUrM6cG6uQnQNBZKbMb2cuL2oXVu", "txHash": "0x8df0243b17d6df261bd6abe561f3bbdade696266759de49bfb2a42c067ec9c6b", "createdAtBlock": 14056651, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3963, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Amir of the Death Cloud", "text": "That was my power! he shouted That was supposed to be mine! Rage boiled inside me, raising even from the pain I was experiencing. Even when I was burning to death, he cared more about the fire than me, he only cared about the power it could give him. A symbol appeared in front of me, a I raised my hand and drew the rune. transparent, floating in the air. Enduring the pain, \n\nNo! Stop it! he yelled as he raised his hands to stop me.\n\n But it was too late. The symbol appeared between us and the pain stopped. \n\n I felt all the fire in my body raised to my shoulders and then to my head. All the images I saw, all the knowledge of the fire poured into my head. My master saw me with a combination of fear and jealousy. \n\nNono \n\nDo you want it? I said, noticing that my voice changed \n\nYou can have It\" I opened my hand and my master was now engulfed in fire."} +{"id": "287c0bd4-33f2-4ee7-9a87-b7d752fd86fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:57.912", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTRyFRADkgv8uDr4CGWBkkwYg1HwLrtDR2Hb3xD2s6WkJ", "txHash": "0x00a2510604962375699385996c604eae2969648c76c3c39cc81ae1f72421223a", "createdAtBlock": 14057093, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6006, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Hagar of Goblin town", "text": "# The Lore of Lewd Revenant Hagar of Goblin town\n\nHagar was just a run-of-the-mill pervert who terrorized the town's women with his Peeping Tom antics until one day he pissed off the wrong noblewoman's husband and found himself on the receiving end of the beating of his life. That wasn't what killed him though, he broke his neck when he fell off the stretcher on the way to the local hospital. But Hagar was a survivor, he still wasn't dead...not even when he contracted smallpox at the hospital while receiving treatment for his injuries...he actually recovered from all those mishaps, and in gratitude to the divine above, vowed to abandon his lecherous ways. He got his act together, read a book about how to be a proper gentleman, started courting a fine lass he met down at the tavern...then he contracted syphilis from her and died.\n\nNow he runs around as an undead revenant bedecked in nothing but a loincloth with a flaming toad for a companion (rumor has it the toad will turn into a prince if someone kissed him, but to date no one has dared). Oh, and he's still obsessed with women. He knows magic now, and it amazes him how one well-placed Invisibility spell can elevate his voyeuristic escapades to levels far beyond what he was capable of back when he was still alive. Hagar has truly upped his game...no longer confined to one small village, he now lives in infamy as the terror of all nubile dames and damsels in the Forgotten Runes. He also no longer fears beatings from wrathful husbands because these tend to run screaming in the other direction as soon as they glimpse his skeletal visage."} +{"id": "287c0bd4-33f2-4ee7-9a87-b7d752fd86fa-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:18:57.912", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTRyFRADkgv8uDr4CGWBkkwYg1HwLrtDR2Hb3xD2s6WkJ", "txHash": "0x00a2510604962375699385996c604eae2969648c76c3c39cc81ae1f72421223a", "createdAtBlock": 14057093, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6006, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Hagar of Goblin town", "text": "But deep down, Hagar is still a romantic at heart and his greatest desire is to one day find himself a nice lady who accepts him despite all his personality deficits and settle down with her. House in the suburbs of Goblin Town, white picket fence, a few ghoulish children running around, maybe an undead cat...the whole shebang. He is stockpiling gold coins with the goal of amassing enough funds to hire the most famous matchmaker in all the lands to help him find his dream woman. In the meantime, there are lots of buxom babes in the Runiverse who need to be ogled, and no one is better at ogling than Lewd Revenant Hagar."} +{"id": "4ac6168e-8282-4bf5-a4fc-9a2d986d50cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:36.579", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW1y4vM6cAnsy38Px825yaHdQr6NKXYdsdHtQx5vhwePY", "txHash": "0x5aedde75831f256329b94eaa9eddd7501bf717c82e0ebbd310024843a07f248e", "createdAtBlock": 14057097, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9316, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Oberon of the Chasm", "text": "# The Lore of Wraith Knight Oberon of the Chasm\n\nWraith Knight Oberon was an optometrist in his mortal life. He's always loved and been fascinated by eyeballs since a very young age, and as an eye doctor, pioneered a magical eye treatment that used a low-intensity laser spell to cure myopia. The theory was sound, he was certain it would work, but the FRMA (Forgotten Runes Medical Association) rejected his application to initiate clinical trials of his procedure, citing safety concerns. Confident that his treatment would finally rid the Runiverse of unwieldy spectacles for good, but unable to obtain study subjects, Oberon decided to experiment on himself to show the naysayers that his procedure was both safe and efficacious. Unfortunately, he miscalculated the strength of the laser spell, and the resulting laser beam ended up shearing straight through his eye and into his brain, killing him instantly.\n\nAs a Wraith Knight, Oberon is still dedicated to purging the Forgotten Runes of the curse of nearsightedness, but now he's doing it by seeking out and murdering Runesfolk who wear glasses. At least no one can say he's not dedicated to his profession. Oberon collects the eyeballs of his victims as trophies, and especially likes the rare ones, which he ranks according to a trait and statistical rarity percentage chart of his own devising. He even launched his own business, which sells a currency he calls EyeCoin ($EYE) that allows investors to purchase a fractionalized ownership stake to his vault of accumulated eyeballs. Strangely, no one has expressed interest in buying any yet. Perplexed, Oberon hired a marketing firm who advised him to airdrop a few tokens to some of the most influential celebrities in the Runiverse to drum up demand, which he's currently crafting a spell to accomplish."} +{"id": "4ac6168e-8282-4bf5-a4fc-9a2d986d50cf-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:36.579", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW1y4vM6cAnsy38Px825yaHdQr6NKXYdsdHtQx5vhwePY", "txHash": "0x5aedde75831f256329b94eaa9eddd7501bf717c82e0ebbd310024843a07f248e", "createdAtBlock": 14057097, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9316, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Oberon of the Chasm", "text": "Oberon's grail is the all-seeing eye of an Illuminatus...by far the most potent and rarest of eyeballs, rumor has it there are only 24 of these in all the Forgotten Runes. They all belong to extremely powerful wizards, so he knows he has his work cut out for him, but Oberon is confident that one day he will be able to murder one of the Illuminati and finally obtain his long-desired treasure. So far he has not been successful in even finding an Illuminatus...as an avid eye collector and savvy investor, he has put the word out amongst all the cursed and damned creatures of the Quantum Shadow that he's willing to pay handsomely for any leads. Time will tell if these seeds will bear fruit, but he's keeping his fingers crossed!"} +{"id": "b62f6150-2d6a-4d90-b5a6-6ca88ca5173f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:47.674", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZBtC8ZJ7TSCMYaueNjy4NtYWNmXakQzcSY74kzJawwDV", "txHash": "0x9f9105c0f5a964bc884f84a12a86a5545644d00a27a305f4d81cc5f37330929e", "createdAtBlock": 14064204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 999, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Lamia of the Grotto", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Bruin of the Hollows\n\nAny and all scripture has been burned about Bruin- some say it was actually burned by Bruin himself- and the only rumor most hear- is that he was not human...."} +{"id": "bacdccfb-29b1-4e5f-8730-1165e2515018-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:37.426", "backgroundColor": "#09071B", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcGFuW3xGRM5eUZ94Ladigsc6HDN2k5eWRsqENbvtSjxE", "txHash": "0x787976a3e3da0910e4dec0acfb5ee1d544f8f37e7200085862f7424829b4491e", "createdAtBlock": 14058062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 181, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcRh3NULJFsy5gA35Ma2W7wj7JnvBgehx2JzpzPV3M3BB", "name": "Toru the Video Ghost", "text": "# Toru the Video Ghost\n\nNow that he has escaped from Merlin's crystal ball, and unleashed his own true power, his story has just begun....free to roam, will he choose the side of Good or Evil? \n\nFor now he is free to have some fun before deciding his fate in the Runiverse."} +{"id": "8c238770-eb60-434c-a6db-dc412727aa3a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:38.77", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbmKaw7KQKGKwhoqdQbnm4zBAcwN4YFrg2CBdGiqkxvfX", "txHash": "0x210d3c7513ee7a38339d716f2cc895c6f1c5d6f65e8ed4c15b4ac75472f74fcb", "createdAtBlock": 14058162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3930, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWiHMSxF44PgtDwaEKMcqVY389x2xcrYHDeYdM73bgDrM", "name": "Battlemage Drako of the Obelisk", "text": "# Where there is blood, there is life.\n\nVirgin Blood? Now we are talking.\n\nDrako roams the Runiverse in search of this elixir of youth - burning down villages with fire and destruction along the way. \n\nKempo, Floral Masters, and Coven Sisters. \n\nThere is no discrimination when selecting prey for this blood sucker. There is no stopping this mad vampyre until he achieves the most unimaginable of feats...\n\n## Eternal life."} +{"id": "776682f1-6a5e-4bac-bc41-f2db4fae227f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:47.952", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfftJn7p2Djjj3KPXnWDoRuJhygxTrfhF5HgqdfeAnVB", "txHash": "0xf5e055c5e7230332fc07f5dced5b7840baa5a17665f1db6972f138dfdceee7d1", "createdAtBlock": 14058177, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8923, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Sahir of the Keep", "text": "# Arcanist Sahir: an Introduction\n\nGreetings, curious reader! My name is Arcanist Sahir of the Keep. I once held a prestigious position at Big Potion Corp. (BPC). Senior Executive Assistant. The perks were delectable, let alone the hefty paychecks. Believe me, the salaries are even larger than the egos. However, it all went awry when I started speaking up about the compromised ethics of BPC's business practices. What a fool I was.\n\n\nBefore I knew it, I was in my boss's office unsuccessfully trying to look stoic while nervously adjusting my azure vest. *Breathe, Sahir, breathe! Just get through this long-winded lecture on \"profit over all.\" What a slogan.*\n\n\n\"Sahir, didn't the Arcanum of the Sacred Pillars teach you anything?\" inquired the Executive Director in a disinterested tone.\n\n\n\"Why, yes sir. I even made it to Division III Wizardry in the Magical Business Sphere,\" I defended. The Executive Director paid no mind to the reply. The silence began to feed on my anxiety, growing larger with each passing second.\n\n\n\"As of this moment, you are no longer a part of the BPC family. You may clear out your office and leave the premises within the hour, or be escorted out by the kobolds,\" stated the Executive Director with a cold stare. \"In addition, the locks to your company suite will be changed before the start of next week. I suggest you vacate in haste.\"\n\n\nI bit my cheek to prevent a laugh. *What family?* After 4 years at this company, I knew pleading my case to be a futile act. Although stunned, I resolutely marched out of the building, leaving my office and the personal belongings it contained behind."} +{"id": "776682f1-6a5e-4bac-bc41-f2db4fae227f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:16:47.952", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcfftJn7p2Djjj3KPXnWDoRuJhygxTrfhF5HgqdfeAnVB", "txHash": "0xf5e055c5e7230332fc07f5dced5b7840baa5a17665f1db6972f138dfdceee7d1", "createdAtBlock": 14058177, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8923, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Sahir of the Keep", "text": "*Where to now?* With company lodgings restricted, I decided that I should embrace my inner nomadic spirit and simply roam. In truth, that longing for adventure was always there but ever suppressed by a demanding academic path. I made the short trip to my suite, well, former suite, and grabbed only one item: my new travel companion. The ash wood peace staff that was a gift from leading negotiations in an acquisition.\n\n\nI am currently exploring the lands. Well, as far as my savings will take me that is. The only consolation to all of this is that BPC never removed my security clearance to the corporate headquarters! I know it's petty, but I take small joy in periodically returning there to stock up on free snacks from the executive lounge. It's the small things in life.\n\n\n\n\nhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/arcanist-sahir-567921229/"} +{"id": "aa157958-02ff-4b20-b3ca-472188db4b8e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:40.245", "backgroundColor": "#7f3333", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb66azwtVYb4FzR1Nytta9P9GdwQzVLK6ZqdttEtcEJSw", "txHash": "0x46659e13222d048f0083444dfbe6b8edf23805cf1e3e3ae17fe8c739935d05e6", "createdAtBlock": 14059214, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Lumos of Dreams", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Lumos of Dreams\n\nActually Im surprised he listened at all but Id agreed to travel in his dreams until I found the dream that had been bothering him. Because he was Dwarzgarth I couldnt exactly say No. Between him and his companion Mina they have a presence that doesnt often take no for an answer.\n\nI knew I would need to brew a powerful potion if it was going to have the potency to make the meaning clear.\n\nI gathered the ingredients from around the Dream Master Lake making sure to avoid the Blue Wizard Bastion, as a Red Cleric Alchemist I didnt want to get into a discussion about who had the stronger potions, the red or the blue. Obviously my title as Lumos Of Dreams should have made it abundantly clear who had the power, but that didnt mean I wanted to debate it with a blue until both of us were blue in the face.\n\nTo collect the ingredients required the services of my faith companion Peabody, if you havent met him, he is an ember frog. He has the ability, with the aid of my Rune power, to collect the hottest of brimstone from the volcano by the Alchemist Archipelago. It is always a difficult journey. He has to make his way to the very edge of hottest lava and flick his tongue to catch a piece of the boiling brimstone. But once I have laid the charm on him through my Rune he is able to hold the piece in readiness until I need it to make my passion potion. The formula for this potion is hidden away in a book on apothecary that I have placed an invisibility spell on. The knowledge of dreams can be dangerous, and for this to fall into the wrong hands might be disastrous."} +{"id": "aa157958-02ff-4b20-b3ca-472188db4b8e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:40.245", "backgroundColor": "#7f3333", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb66azwtVYb4FzR1Nytta9P9GdwQzVLK6ZqdttEtcEJSw", "txHash": "0x46659e13222d048f0083444dfbe6b8edf23805cf1e3e3ae17fe8c739935d05e6", "createdAtBlock": 14059214, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Lumos of Dreams", "text": "When people hear the word, passion potion they often think this just has to do with romantic feelings, and of course it is possible to brew such a potion, but there are many things in the world to be passionate about. The passion for knowledge, or the passion for truth, or the passion to see justice done for the weak, these are all strong forms of passion.\n\nFor Dwarzgarth the potion would be to aid him in his passion for knowledge about what his dream meant.\n\nHe explained it to me, but until Id walked the dream with the potion filling my mind I knew it was hopeless to even try and discern its meaning.\n\nBut he insisted so I let him tell it. Dwarsgarth began,\n\nIn my dream I was sitting comfortably in my favorite chair when suddenly there was a noise outside, an indiscernible mummer that grew to a rumble and by the time I arrived at the front door it had built to roar. I watched in amazement as thousands of images flashed before my eyes and suddenly one that resembled me flashed out and struck me. As I was knocked to the floor another image of a strange land passed before my eyes and a voice said, Home For thee, Home For Thine, Home for Thousands. Yet home for the one, thine only one. As I fell I expected to feel my head strike the floor but instead I found myself falling through space and then I realized I was flying, flying over the strange land. And then I awoke.\n\nHe couldnt make sense of any of if it, and so he had sought my services. I am The Lumos of Dreams after all, if I couldnt figure it out no one could."} +{"id": "aa157958-02ff-4b20-b3ca-472188db4b8e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:40.245", "backgroundColor": "#7f3333", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb66azwtVYb4FzR1Nytta9P9GdwQzVLK6ZqdttEtcEJSw", "txHash": "0x46659e13222d048f0083444dfbe6b8edf23805cf1e3e3ae17fe8c739935d05e6", "createdAtBlock": 14059214, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Lumos of Dreams", "text": "As night fell I entered my chambers and laid full length on my illumination couch. I fixed the image of Dwarzgarth in my mind and drank down the potion. I laid back on the couch and waited for the effects to come, I didnt have to wait long. I was suddenly drawn down a long dark tunnel that quickly began to have wisps and streaks of light passing by. It was like falling into a deep well with dim lights flashing by. But suddenly with an almost cold splash I fully entered the world of dreams. The sense of speed and movement stopped as I was surrounded by a world of lights in every direction. Instead of falling I was floating and the lights began to take shape like soap bubbles of light. If I stopped to look carefully at any particular one I was able to look into it, to look into the dream of the person. But I wasnt here for just any dream, I had fixed my mind on a particular dream, and even though Dwarzgarth wasnt dreaming it right at the moment it didnt matter, in the world of dreams it would still be there, lingering for a long time because it was so powerful a dream.\n\nImmediately upon thinking about it I spied it in the distance. It was brighter, and larger than any other dream I could see, and it pulsed with vibrancy and life. I approached it carefully making sure to not disturb it. I didnt wish to speak to Dwarzgarth in his dreams, though that was possible, I was only here as an observer but with the power of Lumos, the power to reveal the dream and its meaning, at least much of it."} +{"id": "aa157958-02ff-4b20-b3ca-472188db4b8e-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:40.245", "backgroundColor": "#7f3333", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb66azwtVYb4FzR1Nytta9P9GdwQzVLK6ZqdttEtcEJSw", "txHash": "0x46659e13222d048f0083444dfbe6b8edf23805cf1e3e3ae17fe8c739935d05e6", "createdAtBlock": 14059214, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 238, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Lumos of Dreams", "text": "I saw him sitting in his house and knew this to mean he had ceased traveling. Then the noise began outside and I saw it was going to be an act of creation. And at first just a few folks seemed interested and were speaking in a low mummer about it. But as excitement built the crowd increased until there was a great roar at the moment of creation. The images he had seen were images of Wizards, thousands of them, all different, all unique, and all created for one purpose. The one that came out of the collection was of course Dwarzgarth himself, he had been drawn out of his house and cast into this world. As he fell into the world he saw the map of the world and all of the various places he would explore.\n\nThe voice he heard meant the world thus created was for him, for his beloved Mina of the Forest, for their children, and for all the wizards. The one, thine only one was of course his son. A unique and special person of this world. I could sense the dream world wanted to reveal more to me, but this dream had told me all it could.\n\nI awoke to tell Dwarzgarth, The world is yours to explore, it is the place you will find your son, he too inhabits this new land, though how you might find him will require you to have more dreams, perhaps in some future sleep."} +{"id": "644529b9-950a-42ab-84a3-134d01523d05-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:40.955", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeNNan92iscFqeE3pzWFuyqX34E8bLAAsCqEzpzzEskqg", "txHash": "0x4b3de646d11d1c41e0cfa55707d99f62b8c34123ffcdf61d90b0aad0c0b1d5b4", "createdAtBlock": 14059813, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5207, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmS2UUAbRWTMA2JhvuNhcfSdu5mTyM54DQrnw5ebo7yP6v", "name": "Druid Crackerjack of Mu", "text": "# The Lore of Druid Crackerjack of Mu"} +{"id": "db7b50aa-1956-45b4-a858-1959ee7744c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:41.647", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYoSXbFDCr89hNsdnVPFwSPq3GpN5HegSxaHzmvyyiJwo", "txHash": "0x1f0298667ec98930e3cca207bf8d4478503394dabf2406a1ccd7f429c25bc9ba", "createdAtBlock": 14060011, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3772, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Rook of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Rook of Elysium\n\nWhat could self-cognizant lifeforms foresee\n\nto gain in search of immortality?\n\nIn youth, Rook showed a certain skill with tools.\n\nSo much, his father filled his day with tasks\n\nto validate his thesis to those fools\n\nthat beaks should not a worthy being mask.\n\nRook passed the course and won his bated breath:\n\nan upright form - at cost of fathers death.\n\nAs decades passed, Rooks fears did not recede\n\nof human judgment and its frightful tolls.\n\nEnsconced away, obsessively hed read\n\nof afterlives reserved for those with souls.\n\nWhat possible options a corvid as he\n\nof rescue except immortality?"} +{"id": "190d8ffd-bb1f-4462-b729-0148d5e53ea2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:42.532", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVaoAnFjHzVjp6RPTfi3qfyhuYc4WfnJiW7cZE2ad1Jh", "txHash": "0x512519766639009324c6b3937f3a15f73539488fd49068c745843c3409fb4ab1", "createdAtBlock": 14061695, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 738, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hestia of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Hestia of the Hall\n\nHestia, the third son of the Kings cousin never displayed any interest in the practice of the nobility. Each ball or party, he stayed inside his quarters, his nose deeply buried in his books. Luckily for him, the pressure to marry anyone of wealth or privilege wasnt as big a burden as was with his older brothers, but he was still expected to show a little interest in the intricacies of the court. Unfortunately, he didnt. When Hestia was a young adult rumors started flying around that he was dabbling into the arcane and the mystic arts, something that was forbidden at the court of his father by decree of the King and penalty of Death. No occurrence of strange happenstance could be without Hestia being around and once the well was transformed into a raging fountain of croaking frogs, his father had no other choice than to banish his own son from his realm."} +{"id": "190d8ffd-bb1f-4462-b729-0148d5e53ea2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:42.532", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVaoAnFjHzVjp6RPTfi3qfyhuYc4WfnJiW7cZE2ad1Jh", "txHash": "0x512519766639009324c6b3937f3a15f73539488fd49068c745843c3409fb4ab1", "createdAtBlock": 14061695, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 738, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hestia of the Hall", "text": "But Hestia had plans of his own. Within the library at his fathers court, deep in the darkest corners of the library, he had found a tome. The work was called _De secretis mysticis: Alchemista vita et opus._ Translated, it was called: about arcane secrets: the life and work of an alchemist. He had been intrigued with the little book, not leaving the library for several days on end. He had learned about the theoretical possibilities of mixing different herbs and plants to create salves that could grant the user great strength, or poison him to the brink of death. He had learned which potions would prolong life, to induce paralysis and even to cure the common cold if he wished. But it was all theory, the book introduced means and methods that werent available in the open, things he hadnt heard from all across the realm. It had been his fortune that his eyes had fallen on the smallest footnote, only visible with a magnifying lense: Find the Halls of the Hallowed and youll find the secrets of Alchemy.\n\nAnd thus, he wasnt disappointed or anxious when he had to leave his fathers court, instead he was determined to find these Halls of the Hallowed. The only problem was that he didnt have a clue if the place even existed or where it could be located. He traveled to harbor towns and grand cities, discussed the theories of drunk men and scholars and finally in a dark neck of the woods, he found the answers he was looking for. Written on an ancient scroll was the location of the Halls of the Hallowed."} +{"id": "190d8ffd-bb1f-4462-b729-0148d5e53ea2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:42.532", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVaoAnFjHzVjp6RPTfi3qfyhuYc4WfnJiW7cZE2ad1Jh", "txHash": "0x512519766639009324c6b3937f3a15f73539488fd49068c745843c3409fb4ab1", "createdAtBlock": 14061695, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 738, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hestia of the Hall", "text": "The trek towards it was treacherous, filled with passages along ridges on mountains and swamps filled with horrific creatures but finally he stood before the gates granting access to the Halls of the Hallowed. In there, he found what he felt was always missing from his life, like-minded people. There were people there honing their craftsmanship in enchanting weaponry and armor, others were trying to find the solution in the stars or the entrails of animals but most interestingly, there was one other person like him. This man was known as Nyxos, a young one born out of wedlock in a small rural village. He told Hestia that ever since he was born, he didnt receive chance or opportunity and shade was thrown at the\n\nbastard everywhere he went. Hestia felt the inner rage of his friend, not knowing of things to come.\n\nThey were unraveling the very fabric of matter together, experimenting in the laboratories below the Halls. At first, they managed small practices, turning concoctions into valuable potions that would save the life of many, but his friend was enchanted by one illusive craft, turning minerals into pure gold. They had stumbled upon the alchemic formula that was needed but were unable to decipher everything in there. But one unfortunate day, Hestia couldnt sleep, tormented by strange and dark dreams about his friend. He saw that the door of Nyxos room was open, and that his bed hadnt been slept in that night. Hestia started wandering the Halls of the Hallowed and found his friend in the laboratories. Nyxos was dressed in a black rope, fringed with purple thread and working on the strangest experiment he had ever seen."} +{"id": "190d8ffd-bb1f-4462-b729-0148d5e53ea2-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:42.532", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVaoAnFjHzVjp6RPTfi3qfyhuYc4WfnJiW7cZE2ad1Jh", "txHash": "0x512519766639009324c6b3937f3a15f73539488fd49068c745843c3409fb4ab1", "createdAtBlock": 14061695, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 738, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Hestia of the Hall", "text": "Nyxos threw a potion at the ground, and from there Fiends and skeletal warriors rose, and held Hestia captive. Nyxos explained that in order to amass wealth through transformation of minerals, there was one ingredient he needed, the blood of a gifted person. Understanding the implications of what was happening, Hestia managed to drop a smoke bomb he concocted earlier and made his escape. Later he learned that the army of undead Nyxos had created, destroyed the Halls and all its occupants were killed.\n\nNow, the story picks up years later, in a time where Hestia had been hidden from Nyxos eye. Hestia had found ancient secrets, runes and recipes, trying to find a way to stop his former friend and it is only now that he leaves his hideout. He has heard of rumors of a dark lord rising through the ranks of a neighboring country, empowered by an army that seemed like it could not die. The final battle between Hestia and Nyxos will soon commence. A battle between the Alchemist and the Necromancer, a battle that can ultimately decide the fate of the realm."} +{"id": "bd3d7ff8-c716-4c30-9955-52ac9825e432-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:43.182", "backgroundColor": "#232320", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZUrZ2P4dN4mxpBgdF6BdXTfX7qYR7S8P2xtkG65qCLY", "txHash": "0x1cf2e25b9f0b085ad524904ac86699700a75eded15151da0f0ccd457901e6e65", "createdAtBlock": 14063482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Amir of the Mount", "text": "# 7th Epoch of the Immolation, 36th Moon, 14th Sun\n\n#### Fireside Tribes,\n\nI am Emir, Sorcerer Priest of the Shining Mount.\n\nThe stoking has failed.\n\nSome foul corruption interrupted the sacred rite, seizing many of our order with violent madness. The remaining sorcerers sealed the Holy Flame within the warded sanctum before retreating through the Labyrinth. As I write in the outer cloister I can hear the raving, cackling demons scratching at the sealed gate, taunting us as they eat the corpses of our brethren.\n\nWe remind you that the brotherhood of the Shining Mount has portaled the Flame to your far flung lands for many centuries. The icewalkers in Heimburgsgate enjoy transmissions of warmth. The Kooplings below the Rock need not fear the deep dark when the mirror tunnels shine.\n\nThe Flame burns for now, but it begins to flicker.\n\nFor our light and flame, for our duty and ardor, we have tithed the bounties of your blessed lands. We must ask this time for something more dear. Send us your bravest souls: the clearest of mind and most inspired of magickers. \n\nAll wizards who can face madness and death must accept this duty!\n\nA darkness is upon us, rending the great flow into forking paths of destiny and doom. When your descendants hear tales that the Holy flame was once beset by shadow, will they say that you offered yourself as kindling for the stoking?\n\n_Emir, Sorcerer Priest of the Shining Mount_ \n\n## 7th Epoch of the Immolation, 51st Moon, 7th Sun\n\n#### Fireside Tribes,\n\nHave you grown fat on our blessings of light and heat? Are your sons and daughters so sure of their inheritance?"} +{"id": "bd3d7ff8-c716-4c30-9955-52ac9825e432-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:43.182", "backgroundColor": "#232320", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZUrZ2P4dN4mxpBgdF6BdXTfX7qYR7S8P2xtkG65qCLY", "txHash": "0x1cf2e25b9f0b085ad524904ac86699700a75eded15151da0f0ccd457901e6e65", "createdAtBlock": 14063482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Amir of the Mount", "text": "Few among you have rendered aid to the Shining Mount. Perhaps you think our Light is no longer needed? That your remote lands can thrive without us? Shame.\n\nThe brave few who have answered burn brightly:\n\nThe Koopling Hobbs of the Rock [5845] dazzles the maddened ghouls as we reclaim the labyrinth, bloody chamber by bloody chamber.\n\nOberon of the Ice [2473] booms thunder to cow the rambling mad into stunned silence.\n\nThey are young magickers ready to stoke the flame with their very souls. While they suffer for us all, are you comfy in your roost, anon?\n\n_Emir, Sorcerer Priest of the Shining Mount_ \n\n## 7th Epoch of the Immolation, 69th Moon, Eleventeenth Sun\n\n#### Fireside Tribes,\n\nDespite your reluctance to serve with body, we have received your tithes and used them to hire a professional adventuring company, the Rod and Rabbit, led by the famous Alatar.\n\nThe outer labyrinth is cleared. We are preparing to assault the inner sanctum where the ghouls work to penetrate at the wards protecting the Sacred Flame.\n\nWe ask for one last token of support: at the eleventh hour on the first night of the 70th Moon, open your portals to their greatest draft, and pour your reserves of bright magicks into the re-kindling. We do not have enough sorcerer priests to stoke the flame without your help.\n\nFor the good of our lands we must unite in the flame once again. Open your portals and open your vision to the blazing of the holy light!\n\n_Emir, Sorcerer Priest of the Shining Mount_ \n\n## 7th Epoch of the Immolation, 70th Moon, 5th Sun.\n\n#### Subject Nations of the Shining Mount,"} +{"id": "bd3d7ff8-c716-4c30-9955-52ac9825e432-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:43.182", "backgroundColor": "#232320", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbZUrZ2P4dN4mxpBgdF6BdXTfX7qYR7S8P2xtkG65qCLY", "txHash": "0x1cf2e25b9f0b085ad524904ac86699700a75eded15151da0f0ccd457901e6e65", "createdAtBlock": 14063482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5137, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Amir of the Mount", "text": "#### Subject Nations of the Shining Mount,\n\nI am Alatar of the Bastion writing on the official letterhead of the Shining Mount. Restoration efforts are underway. Rod and Rabbit clean up troops have been dispatched to your locations to eradicate any leakage.\n\n**Until further notice DO NOT open your portals!**\n\nThese are hard times. With cooperation and strict discipline, we will survive.\n\n_Grandmaster Alatar_ [2071]"} +{"id": "546b9e0a-bfcf-497b-9ae1-a978a0b0fdd0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:44.366", "backgroundColor": "#117900", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUjAsNaUsesbD6ATcqhmXtTVFxibPB2ffXKSFydnubCZ1", "txHash": "0x2eb6a8e42971fef3bccbcbac1e1d067d31d4f4edf01d24626b41258f6243c8df", "createdAtBlock": 14063963, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4155, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter of the Keep\n\n\"Never ride a horse named Frog,\" he mumbled, entering the room with a smash and creek of the door. \n\n\"What happened? Are you okay?\"\n\n\"I was down at the Elysian Fields, taking my prize pony out. I knew something was off. That Archmagus Pumlo was drunk again and laughing in the corner. He turned his frog into a horse that looked just like mine, and it bucked me off!\"\n\nThe Enchanter rummaged through his papers and spellbooks furiously, stacking them as he went.\n\n\"I'm fine, but no wizard will use these spells again on my watch. At least without first proving their worthiness by solving the Keep's Perplex. Let's see Pumlo pull make a fool of me again!\"\n\n\"But won't that kind of magic cost you something?\"\n\n\"Yes, I suppose so... Creating space in the Keep, I shall also create space in my name. I am no longer the Enchanter, but the Enchanter of the Keep.\""} +{"id": "6d4ac506-585c-47dc-b27b-d79dfc8f5fa1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:45.213", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaEpoUHEhWeHczb4JAgmbys3UhyiyvRVLkyWTMLhyo9Jd", "txHash": "0x0a8a70c79508fe048404530d212ca05f32181f0abe253618866c3a0a506b76d3", "createdAtBlock": 14064030, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9674, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of El Dorado", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Apollo of El Dorado\n\nArchmagus Apollo is a powerful wizard but prefers the simple life around the shop. He can normally be found beyond the portal in New Tokyo where he holds the rank of Guild Master of the Tools Guild.\n\nHe loves when travelers stop by for a chat and will happily make time for tea for guildmembers and travelers alike!"} +{"id": "642c470b-26dc-4a1c-a5fc-a69b2b98d68f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:45.907", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcBnPvdB7bje7uN2u9bnTZk6s8wGwcgkRnLjm1rcGxwV9", "txHash": "0x8a71bea83f08dd6f0c0b4d3649b60a8273c24a859144507ed49404c58acafca0", "createdAtBlock": 14064030, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3345, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Apollo of the Riviera", "text": "# EGG! EGG! DO YOU SEE MY PRETTY EGG?\n\n\"Ah, don't mind him. Apollo has gone a bit crazy since his... encounter. He's harmless, but I do miss his old spirit.\" - Renoldo the Slime"} +{"id": "49ab6ef4-74f8-452c-8155-271073dda053-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:56.025", "backgroundColor": "#a99800", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbpEFxyJ1oomGhPVbB6hCUgJGSD5RtDnTNXXZrdKWNBSE", "txHash": "0x5439484a2f843e3db6d4cb91ab02ec5cf18e2e7df388b6897fecb0b8f6cb4c6e", "createdAtBlock": 14072979, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7762, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Udor of Limbo", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Udor of Limbo\n\nMy dearest Penelope,\n\nIm starting to lose count of how many Moons have passed since I last saw you. Twenty? Thirty? Maybe more? There are many nights I lay awake thinking of our time together studying the scrolls in the Great Library. The way youd let your hand brush against mine as you handed me parchment. The coy way youd stare at me across the study chamber. The way my heart would race as we snuck kisses in the dark after the Master Artificers had laid to rest for the night. It was rushed and it was hidden... but it was real.\n\nBut alas, our love is just as impossible now as it was in that cold athenaeum. Just as forbidden but now thrice as difficult due to the miles between us. But it shall not be so forever, my love. For after I have completed my quest through the Seventh Realm we shall never have to hide again.\n\nNever again will we cower to arrogant men. Men who are so blinded by their sacrifice to the way of the artificer that they cannot see the grand purpose of the magic they play with. Never again will we bend the knee to their dying traditions. Traditions that sought to teach detachment from love but succeeded only in teaching detachment from purpose.\n\nPenelope, I tell you the truth when I say that I have learned more by crossing the sea than I ever learned in halls of study. And since the day my feet first touched this foreign soil I have never stopped growing in strength. I have seen abilities that dwarf even the greatest Masters that we studied under. Ive crafted charms that can bend rivers. I have forged sigils of power that could smite the keepers of the high crypt!"} +{"id": "49ab6ef4-74f8-452c-8155-271073dda053-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:56.025", "backgroundColor": "#a99800", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbpEFxyJ1oomGhPVbB6hCUgJGSD5RtDnTNXXZrdKWNBSE", "txHash": "0x5439484a2f843e3db6d4cb91ab02ec5cf18e2e7df388b6897fecb0b8f6cb4c6e", "createdAtBlock": 14072979, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7762, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Udor of Limbo", "text": "And soon I shall do what no artificer before me has ever done.\n \nI will be the one to imbue my key with the magic needed to open the gate.\n \nI will become the one the prophets foretold. Mine shall be the key that makes the way. I shall be the one who makes the way.\n\nOh Penelope! After learning what I have learned my only fear in this world is that when I return to you that you will not recognize me. I am no longer the man you knew. I am. something greater. And by the time I return from the Seventh Realm I will be something even greater still. When you see me I pray that you will still smile upon me with the same love we once shared. And I pray that you will not fear who I have become or the powers that I have obtained. When I return you shall see that the Runes have blessed me but that blessing came at a price.\n\nBut the cost will matter little because upon my return I will come for you and free you from the bondage of tradition. Free you from the cage that is the athenaeum. No Master will dare oppose me for I shall be the one who made the way. And then, my love, we shall finally be together, finally able to make our own path, and finally both be free.\n\nYours Forever,\nUdor"} +{"id": "d665f962-1dd4-447d-9959-987b24142874-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:35.852", "backgroundColor": "#1a3e27", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQS2UHGYGEujk2v1CST6weiGffh6XsBjL3vztZvyQkiHx", "txHash": "0xceb8092cda6664150d1946dc845451d82f8231de948fde688a6122daf681937b", "createdAtBlock": 14097357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4515, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Keep", "text": "## **The Lore of Battle Mage Homer of the Keep**\n\n\nTis been me lot to travel from times afore, embarking upon Odysseys and quests, trials thatd freeze thy blood and unhinge thy bones. \n\nTis been me honor to visit yon Oracle and be inspired by the visage of me distant descendant who she foretold would ennoble the name of Homer as poet, bard, troubadour, and laureate. Be upon me the blessings of Nymphodoma that I may live up to the reputation of yon distant descendant. His exaltation of the family name being a goad to elevate this humble servant to deeds of glory.\n\nTis a name of such greatness it spans the centuries in vanquished trials most clever and ofttimes cruel. We of Homer have roamed the lands both far and wide. Me own exploits have taken this lost sinner to lands most unimaginable in diversity and splendor. \nNone, save me skills in battle, honed to a fine point mind ye, have been me deliverance thus far. Tis to the detriment of me most noble foes should they underestimate me faithful companion Dweeb, he of the Dirt Rabbit race. Shalt I recount the occasion a fierce Skelton Lich Lord thought he able to carelessly brook our assault upon his noble person? Twas Dweeb put him to rights, a quick gnawing of his great toe bone put him to dancing a merry jig whilst I dispatched his head with the Dryad's Ear, spinning a blackthorn spell with vivacity. Inelegant would say some, swift justice says I."} +{"id": "d665f962-1dd4-447d-9959-987b24142874-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:35.852", "backgroundColor": "#1a3e27", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQS2UHGYGEujk2v1CST6weiGffh6XsBjL3vztZvyQkiHx", "txHash": "0xceb8092cda6664150d1946dc845451d82f8231de948fde688a6122daf681937b", "createdAtBlock": 14097357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4515, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Keep", "text": "Sore now doth me eye pierce the vail of prognostication and spy afar a new land fit to be conquered. Tis a land magical and mystical. Filled with wizards and Liches, towers and tunnels. Casting forth the call to all of heroic blood, lusting for deeds of renown and moment. How shalt one of the noble blood of Homer resist such a summons? It quickens the blood and livens the soul. \n\nResist Ill not, but plunge full headlong a-blazing with the power of spell and spirit, with yon rabbit and rune of Mercury. Baring upon me foes such ferocity as to blast them back to the pits they spawned from, occasioning them the ability to requite their delivery slap by dashing the vixens who bore them to the abyss."} +{"id": "1a56262e-4441-46ba-b815-16825d7662f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:46.749", "backgroundColor": "#ef98e6", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYLLjSkioXhbHDgekYUmdnHzc1QYjge5XgSrGqASCHpyo", "txHash": "0xc70b4a1410addb354f191a9c48ea3fc54115372f47526584ffcf3d14e548081a", "createdAtBlock": 14064198, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4311, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Pandora of the Toadstools", "text": "# The Lore of Mystic Pandora of the Toadstools\n\nWandering aimlesssly through the Toadstools, Pandora strides past the most captivating peach tree she's ever seen. Pandora feels a sense of familiarity... \n\nThe peach tree introduces itself as 'The Tree of Knowledge' and invites Pandora to have a taste. Pandora hesitates, but takes a bite anyways... \n\nImmediatly Pandora is flooded with visions of a princess wearing a pink dress living in a castle with toads far far away..."} +{"id": "ccf0a640-fe43-4f2a-9429-2395a4e69496-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:28.82", "backgroundColor": "#0f1d3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAee2R533ei1KbHo4o6LqenFNVET6CpTiyE65UteVK17", "txHash": "0xaca03e9cfddf4fb632d56b5af56c5e5614ec2c8fde4d84960db88a1d2b0fb7c7", "createdAtBlock": 14101838, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "The Lore of Adept Rita of the Mist"} +{"id": "ccf0a640-fe43-4f2a-9429-2395a4e69496-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:28.82", "backgroundColor": "#0f1d3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAee2R533ei1KbHo4o6LqenFNVET6CpTiyE65UteVK17", "txHash": "0xaca03e9cfddf4fb632d56b5af56c5e5614ec2c8fde4d84960db88a1d2b0fb7c7", "createdAtBlock": 14101838, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "this wizard is the epitome of the forgotten ones. this wizard is a guide that gives clues and gems . He is a loner that shines when he's underestimated.\nhe lives among the valley of the void desciple Where he is on a quest to glory. as he travels through the ruts and dirt he becomes stronger and wiser. he Is guided by his rabit to conquer his fears.\nAs I walk through this mystery place full clues, gems and a lot really important life lessons.Ive learned along the way trying to find my way in this world can be extremely difficult this wizards character has the potential to help me conquer it all. This symbol of all the distractions in the world that helps come alive like music specifically man on the moon by kid cudi. \nThis wizard represents the your big brother , a mentor and a friend.\nAs this wizard go on his journey he knows deep down theres a light at the end of tunnel so he keeps the faith. This wizard journey is very unique and special. Joining forces with like minded wizards of 5 with same goal which is to retrieve gold that was hidden by the emperor and use the gold to take care of the oppressed people of the village. Amongst the 5 of us we each have powers to that makes us strong as a unit we each make up for whatever other person lacks. At times this wizard will isolate his self just gather his thoughts and quite his mind. Whenever hes around the group his ability to express his self is a struggle so he keeps all his thoughts bottled and uses if needed. This is often mistaken for weakness but thats one of the wizard powers which helps to make the outsiders view him as the underdog but this wizard illuminates himself whenever he is heavily underestimated by the masses. This wizards imperfections helps him to realize later on in his journey are actually his strengths."} +{"id": "ccf0a640-fe43-4f2a-9429-2395a4e69496-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:28.82", "backgroundColor": "#0f1d3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAee2R533ei1KbHo4o6LqenFNVET6CpTiyE65UteVK17", "txHash": "0xaca03e9cfddf4fb632d56b5af56c5e5614ec2c8fde4d84960db88a1d2b0fb7c7", "createdAtBlock": 14101838, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "Journey started when I attended a school for the forgotten runes. This wizard was isolated wiz that was scared to express himself. Until he met 5 other wiz that kind of helped him to come out of his shell."} +{"id": "20972386-b5c4-4274-a9ac-548eccb9b5c7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:14.823", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFab65wXyc6KEqrGgqJbZUJAv4nCT3C116dnPseTmKkk", "txHash": "0x5f502ee7556c9a33e141309ed131f0afe55aa7ff2b9a44edca2cb92244662bd9", "createdAtBlock": 14733630, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5990, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "", "name": "Arcanist Durm of the Mountain", "text": "# The Rune of Olympus\n\nOn 23rd March at block 12092278, contract 0x0822F3C03dcc24d200AFF33493Dc08d0e1f274A2.\n\nThat day, on a parallel dimension, Arcanist Durm of the Mountain awoken his rune, the omega rune, which few knowledgeable wizards know as the Olympus rune.\n\nOn that day there was a storm on this mountain, a lightning stroke him and he had a vision. He view the ohmies trying to build a new reserve currency and understood money was a form of magic that allow coordination amongst being. Money is a human construction and one thing that define our societies.\n\nHe was gifted three attributes by Zeus as symbol from his understanding. \n\n- A rune of mount olympus\n- A golden lunar staff \n- A golden pepe frog\n\nZeus gave him the mission to protect the treasure of economics power and game theory magic. \n\nHis vision looked like so."} +{"id": "e84b3640-2faf-48dc-8d1c-f047ff3c43b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:50.183", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeU36MoDin5FSgb9Nig1Nhz7DTUaJxpPxsahD747LpP3W", "txHash": "0x487cb2608c6dca46019bb2cb6b94c80e51f30aba62b0646c5256f1c2f1ff5995", "createdAtBlock": 14065819, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9971, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Cairon of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Cairon of the Villa\n\nRising from The Salt, these brothers in lore created Whale Connected and seek to support scholars around the world"} +{"id": "ab5dcbda-1ba3-4448-b92e-3f133d89bcd7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:15.926", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYqJ8E9hwbubHnU38JDzcPnpYopWt6VrTMoa17mcAYyFL", "txHash": "0x7f8ef9bbf17e74d2b46a681621a6bec4335925b69faf572674a642cb511e7ff7", "createdAtBlock": 14118219, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8492, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ozohr ", "text": "rollin' wit ma bling gang \n\nsippin top shelf sherry game\n\nkick it with ma two name\n\nyour third ain't no shame\n\nthese peeps is a'ight\n\nthese peeps is a'ight"} +{"id": "c5159132-2800-47a1-acd5-628b0ad36cd1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:51.021", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaNVXmUwbavvZ85YmzrGgHwNiJXFv33wpHyz5ZV1JDezP", "txHash": "0x977fdf4428419ff750b82f11265c9223e103f6551f33b915d3fb1930196f44c4", "createdAtBlock": 14066079, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5039, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Cassiopeia of Elysium", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Cassiopeia of Elysium\n\nShe was always unique. Left in a basket at the door of the Ether Monastery. The sisters of this monastery had hardly seen, let alone spoken to an outsider in decades. Exactly 18 days after her arrival a great staff was found in the corner of her room. The origin of the staff was inexplicable. The sisters never left the compound, and outsiders were never let in. Thats when they knew something celestial had occurred.\n\nShe became their angel. Their wonder child. She was protected at all costs. Never had a bad thought crossed her mind, nor would it. She was literally raised by angels on earth. Her life was devoted to good. Things got stranger as she got older. Upon her 18th birthday, to the minute and to the day, in the corner of her small room, near the inexplicable staff, arrived a Rune of Venus. Something only mentioned in stories of old, the Rune was thought to have been long since extinct. Before the great wars. The existence of the rune was the only thing they feared.\n\nThe sisters protected her from the cruelty of the real world for as long as they could, but eventually, a girl becomes a woman, and a special woman at that. Upon her 21st birthday, in mortal years of course, a red mamba, with seemingly mythical powers arrived. It was able to convince the sisters, whom had never told a soul about the girl, that it was now safe to pass on the responsibility to it. It brought with it a Yellow Cleric, which fit so precisely that it could not be argued that the mamba was sent from above.\n\nAnd thus, the great red mamba and the great Enchanter Cassiopeia of Elysium set out on their quest."} +{"id": "1f8e166c-84a8-480b-9021-f5f4692b5880-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:51.809", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUoUEAKQkyvHocp7d1pmoKZZoMk9SXqMv6fqEoMjJJHar", "txHash": "0xbb35331f69ecccf8dd18295ca0b95d445668637022bfc7b38057135c220f9071", "createdAtBlock": 14066451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 952, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Woomba of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Thaumaturge Woomba of the Mount\n\nWoomba is said to be a master of meditation. With this power at just, he never really sees the need for war, only peace. Although this is true, his death says otherwise."} +{"id": "c9873e4e-f5a0-4b16-b9e8-6b6e65556e7d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:21.335", "backgroundColor": "#3d2708", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma3DnUwtycUFEDnEV2RvxGFqqL8naxoLbdJprrgBo4V71", "txHash": "0x662664308ff8764cbcb37388a10d59d79d99596648840a28be2d4ebbd50b09ac", "createdAtBlock": 14084678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPFcvfUyRa2SMXqBF42SWrpo7NYaTajKjmj8TLM2ZvMmS", "name": "Magus Koop of El Dorado", "text": "# Magus Koop of El Dorado\n\n## Entry One: From humble beginnings\nBorn into a family of alchemists, Koop was destined for a life spent laboring over chemical concoctions and bubbling cauldrons. **\"Tis a noble profession my boy!\"** His father's words offered little comfort. For you see, Koop was exceptionally gifted. In secret, he spent many nights studying the arcane. Procuring reagents for his spells was all too easy working in an alchemists shop. This fed the young wizard's insatiable appetite for knowledge, and in time he learned to hone his skill. All the while, something was stirring deep in his heart."} +{"id": "368c1de6-e7d4-4479-af8d-baecd95f4d98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:42.035", "backgroundColor": "#ff840e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSUrHfGeiX1KNfex3wcdaAvJw5UBwdUasPwTZQV1YyG5m", "txHash": "0xbff364f3b6fea95fe8db324f36acb55496735a5f68479e28e66e78aecab652dd", "createdAtBlock": 15130742, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3452, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Diana of the Mist", "text": "**Human / Fox Trickster** \nOrphaned after a charlatan fleeced her family, Diana decided to learn the trade so she would never be fooled by such deception. The world is a dark and terrible place and Diana served as a beacon of light shining out against the gathering shadows. She turned invisible after being scratched by a demiguise."} +{"id": "5b732710-49ac-4338-8519-6e013257e266-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:52.619", "backgroundColor": "#000404", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSGKpwWMhx8fguT4eHNEpAknwnfSMPcsAY4EHkYyaiypM", "txHash": "0x99c37c3d205f7def063ae9764c42181fa37d65c23e79bf585280eabd1b4a334f", "createdAtBlock": 14066734, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 947, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmakeuasrNQhpPRkUtsuTYudEHSUNhu1xgryYatqbdQWGS", "name": "Shaman Wolfram of Dreams", "text": "# The Lore of Shaman Wolfram of Dreams\n\n \n\nOpen your eyes wake up, Wolfram.\n\nWolfram's eyes slowly open, and Nanto leaves the corner of the cabin to sit by the side of the bed. They're in their dank, one room cabin deep in the Fey, and hungry. Wolfram grabs his magic stick and hunting hat and they walk outside.\n\nStepping out onto the cool, damp grass of the twilit forest, a light feeling washes through Wolfram: a foreboding sense of deja vu, like they were living the exact same day, over and over again. After a brief pause, and thinking nothing of it, they begin their hunt.\n\nThe trek through their enchanting, monotonous stretch of the Fey is quiet for quite some time, until Nanto finally spots a large psychic rabbit quickly darting through some trees. The deja vu strikes again, intensely this time, and the dog is motioned to stay.\n\nWolfram's eyes close, and both hands, beginning to sparkle, grasp the stick. Jevak Quaguz, he says deeply and quietly, bringing both hands close, holding the stick vertically. A fireball streaks away and into the trees.\n\nNanto hears the rabbit's faint, last squeal and fetches their meal. The two turn around and begin their walk home. The dog is thrilled to eat, but Wolfram is stuck deeply contemplating how he knew exactly where to send the spell."} +{"id": "262b8431-3525-4859-9e5b-365775b5a05a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:53.423", "backgroundColor": "#2f1544", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVYPhbaeQ3TkQtc4jp4iF6yS8Rki49L3rkwadVVggeSGC", "txHash": "0xd1e83447289d34dd7eafcf0fd5b03784fbff11f7bf93940a66f1cbd3d58907b8", "createdAtBlock": 14067253, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2951, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Faye of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Clairvoyant Faye of the Hollow\n\n**If it is clarity thou seek, raise thy ale to thy mouth and find the answers at the bottom of each pint** \n\n**Disclaimer** _results may vary, keep drinking until desired answers become clear_"} +{"id": "085dd231-b178-4f51-8fc7-602ea22cd1b8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:55.205", "backgroundColor": "#282c21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfJXqSFMEgYQKMpCnNBcPHSDK7TrJ6fxgXsH1ML9Wbbg1", "txHash": "0x389b9445061110f10d783cb800cabc8f1901f0bea486958d3154a3927bfbf4f8", "createdAtBlock": 14072359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2929, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Bartholomew of the Mist", "text": "# Day 3142\n\n\nI think I speak and write very poor lingua franca, but anyway I'm yet to say, this is very important. \n\nAll my words are hidden within the forest. \n\nDig out so much mud and carve on the tree to hide my letters that my fingernail gets dark. \nThose are my solely proof of existence as far as I know. \n\nI have been running from the empire and the wizard hunters for years. \nI remember seeing them catch my people and burn them to ashes since I was a kid. \n\nI still have no idea why they are hunting my kind.\n\n\"Your people will easily fall to the dark side!\" they said.\n\"Your greed and lust of unknown will consume you at the end!\" they said.\n\"If your power is adapted to the society, we are all going to die!\" they said.\n\"What sort of wacky wizzard uses a branch!\" they said.\n\nBut I saw people can enslave people with a spell called money.\nBut I saw people fall into the dark side for their lust for power.\nBut I saw people lie to people so they can feast on them.\n\nNever mind that.\nI was a wizard yesterday, I am a wizard today, and gonna be a wizard tomorrow.\n\nI know my death is a certainty. After all these years, I feel more numbing and just trying to survive day by day. \n\nThe good side is I ride through the forest and cruise along the coast during the time of escaping, so many things have been seen and experienced which leave me no regret. \n\nAlso met mi querido amigo \"rabbitmeat\". \n\nSometimes I use my alchemy recipes and transfer my friend into another form by adding garlic, rosemary, sage, and a pinch of salt. \n\nThe only thing left in my mind is I haven't decided my last word yet."} +{"id": "085dd231-b178-4f51-8fc7-602ea22cd1b8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:55.205", "backgroundColor": "#282c21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfJXqSFMEgYQKMpCnNBcPHSDK7TrJ6fxgXsH1ML9Wbbg1", "txHash": "0x389b9445061110f10d783cb800cabc8f1901f0bea486958d3154a3927bfbf4f8", "createdAtBlock": 14072359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2929, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Bartholomew of the Mist", "text": "The only thing left in my mind is I haven't decided my last word yet. \n\n\nHajimete, I think that is something that no one really cares about. The world will fall and there is no place for me at the beginning.\nBut a statement is important, I am going to find it before the end of my life.\n\nSee you later."} +{"id": "59fbb9b0-d289-4a95-8ca7-873eed75a91f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:56.833", "backgroundColor": "#44620e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfKCW2TCqZE8zEdtF6CM3vTN98MK6CxciVxPm5Jz1H4Yq", "txHash": "0x3095d5339c9c56179fdaf1cb707881c61bc55d6a825bf7cbbabd348b683db13a", "createdAtBlock": 14073313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Isaac of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Necromancer Isaac of the Field\n\nA powerful yellow wizard who reaps his enemies and parties with their ressurected corpses immedietly after. An average saturday for Isaac is summoning a pack of skellies to throw eggs at the Red Wizard Capital and Blue Wizard Bastion. They're too serious, he always says.\n\nIsaac was born wealthy. He spent most of his youth being sent to boarding schools at odd ends of the kindom by his parents for his rampant mischief. Issac always had a natural gift for necromancy, but never really practiced nowadays his magic is always most impressive when one of his ghouls brings him his mead at the Secret Tower pub."} +{"id": "5b377074-4742-4ec9-b3c2-0876a548668e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:35.127", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSXSChspoFmFQQDwBtNrjE4wpixay6qqC8vwz9Kx4mWea", "txHash": "0x1239e0c904ba0985f318fef0c38d61ee075b50adb2d8d5a39dec11cf6c056375", "createdAtBlock": 15043759, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9163, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Casper of the Keep", "text": "Casper likes to chill in his sweats, smoke a bowl, and listen to his jams. But all this endo cost magic money, so every Tuesday, Casper has to pull out his trusted magic eye and play soothsayer to make a quick buck for the week. He'll let his customers lick Toady so they trip enough that Casper can convince them of any future. Then he'll just go back to his comfy pad and just smoke for the rest of the week."} +{"id": "3fe5bcc3-9f51-4bb9-bf6b-99656c67ab73-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:32.64", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1fTA5NnvXRgyMkSj4tYaRfmVRx8Wksbg7imxHZsNDup", "txHash": "0xacd16a23cf0936ebe90c85807f682f2c59586b2b397530990ae1e56626749e8a", "createdAtBlock": 14933055, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9197, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Saber Eradicator of Rats", "text": "Saber Eradicator of Rats \n\nWhen he was little his mother was bitten by a poisonous rat.\nWeeks after the incident she died and little Saber was devasted, he really loved his mother.\nHe grew up full of hate towards these creatures. Once he learned to fight and got his armor and his longsword he set on a path\nof vengeance. Saber became the fiercest eradicator of all the rats in the Runiverse!\n\nAll of this became a big problem as Rats are rodents that do actually serve a purpose in the ecosystem. With this imbalance, the whole world started to have a lot of problems and people are pleading with him to stop this nonsense. Yet he is implacable to this day."} +{"id": "4aa036ba-f5de-4d37-98ac-fc7db122ba2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:57.646", "backgroundColor": "#dca62c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdYhwm5autdbxqnx6GANrSyryUHci55RPy4yBqyDeAWvs", "txHash": "0x1ca8a0415d4112f797cc06f45e1cc529ad8dd711db4c687381cdfeaea37d6a18", "createdAtBlock": 14073782, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8629, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Izible of the Wild", "text": "# The Lore of Cleric Izible of the Wild\n\nAs Izible slowly opens his eyes, he squints as the rays of the sun slowly crawl through the tiny window of his dungeon. He gets up, and in his after-sleep daze, walks to his table of coffee. As he has done alsmost everyday of his life, he robotically swings into the motion of preparing himself a cup of caffeine-filled goodness that would jolt him into the official start of this day.\n\nWith his morning ritual complete, he sets out into the courtyard of his castle and proceeds with his mundane daily tasks. A swift flick of his staff to rustle the hard-to-reach loose leaves of each tree in the courtyard is his primary morning task. Sweeping the castle perimeter and tending to the animals of those in authority rounds out Izible's first few hours of the day.\n\nPast noon, Izible would find himself in the training grounds, hopelessly going through the motions of conjuring up a spell with his staff. Each day, before training, he gazes upon the blue orb on top of his staff, a mysterious family relic passed on to him in his youth. He routinely places his hand over the orb, and asks that he finally realize his dream of wielding magic. But alas, each day would end in failure for good ol' Izible. He would find that he is simply incapable to conjuring even an ounce of arcane magic.\n\nWith his daily training complete, he returns to his dungeon, and reflects upon his day. Always the optimist, he constantly reminds himself, that one day, his dream of wielding magic will eventually come to pass. But in the meantime, he is determined to keep trying. \n\nWhat shall be the future of dear Izible? \n\nWhat fate lies in wait for this diligent young one?"} +{"id": "1baa8299-d711-483b-9b02-e1331e5deb6d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:58.829", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY1CqeSmYMRXCoRZDb6fX3xuDufUX5PZm8BZ7DfuEh6yw", "txHash": "0xa1efb59bc447478134fc1ca797044c58fff431d97a68d46a74ac251238d2a1b8", "createdAtBlock": 14074976, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5250, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George ", "text": "# All that is known of the great wizard Archmagus George is contained in only three grimoires: the secret of creating a spirit doppelganger, of providing a wizarding family with the guidance of a wizarding school, and of teleportation from universe to universe. All three foretell the menacing power of House Drakonoff: when a spirit doppelganger is created, the wizard family involved will have their marriages annulled, descend from the death seemingly eternal of another people. \n\n# \nWizards fear their most treasured book: a curious gem shaped like a spiked ball, its faint black edge angled at sixty degrees to those on the cover. The book should be not only an encyclopedia on magic, but also the guiding advice of those charged with furthering the progress of magic. But look closer, and you find a profusion of curdled eldritch symbols inside of it, crude glyphs at odds with elegant letters. The words are otherworldly: narwhal pitched, howling form; alongside scorpions and yakisoba noodles; raised in the bark of trees."} +{"id": "a08f4002-b1b7-403c-a006-14bf36de5c9f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:59.621", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRaDY43T7DxHmpPzRH1PJ5pjxjqkqV3CVuqNaRRRE8QgK", "txHash": "0x7d8eed15fe25dca0e336b9ad8b49eaa9bad004884da18daf3d63a7ac55ad0501", "createdAtBlock": 14075487, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4779, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Herne of the Field", "text": "# The Lore of Chronomancer Herne of the Field\n\nBeing the only Chronomancer Hunter is a heavy burden to shoulder. Time passes and each grain of sand that falls is felt. Herne is disciplined to move the leylines of magic in waves across the particles of time. Nothing can be reversed, but the fabric of spacetime can be can be woven by the Chronomancer. Every living being is floating in the timestream and with great power and concentration the very course of individual fates can be altered by subtle manipulations. A change in minutes by slowing one's path can alter an important meeting. A missed meeting could result in the undoing of a coupling. With a coupling undone, living beings can cease to be. But with great power comes great responsibility. Evolution and life are the goal of benevolent Chronomancers like Herne. The best of all possible worlds can result from the optimal timeline. It may never be achieved on this side of the veil but he continues. The Field is not a pasture but the view of this plane of existence. With vision, much good can be done. \n\nEvolution is natural, but the power of the Chronomancer can shape that creation into greater works of art for the good of all."} +{"id": "083c4919-daca-424b-a3de-afb6c1d08ed1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:05.995", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqHKTYB6LTvd8uYXzof9EDZZj5N7AvzVjZ5QaTw4pYAu", "txHash": "0x1736ee7e6f2374e795fea3a760cd755436a6f22c4621ac640a0726801f49026b", "createdAtBlock": 14078169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8765, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Tundror of the Valley", "text": "The Battle Mage Tundror of the Valley\n\n\nThe Battle Mage TUNDOR with his trusted sidekick, Ribbit. A simple man at heart who loves the forest and all things nature. \n\nTundror was one of the common folk, fulfilling an average life. One day while roaming through the forbidden forest, Tundror stumbled across an injured Ribbit. After nursing him back to health, Tundror realize that Ribbit was more of a powerful being than he initially thought. With one lick of the toad's back and a long psychedelic journey, Tundror developed magical abilities.\n\nIt is now his responsibility to protect nature and the plants and animals who cannot fight for themselves."} +{"id": "e468260d-895c-4e8d-bf0e-4ea04c5bd732-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:35.809", "backgroundColor": "#570859", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcF8DBjdhxRV1a67p72WEc2Y2GWYC55EoymoPHA19rt77", "txHash": "0xcd9f2fdac552383e6f478020bdf698f8e583ef3bd68293e56a95916768bece06", "createdAtBlock": 15046362, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 800, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXLvPtAqtaPTT65eA2o9iNUAksL3xcuK5ndHh2dZLvm2h", "name": "Adept Beyna of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Hunt for the Lightbulb Frogs"} +{"id": "f6735efb-6ed8-430c-a4e3-591638f870a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T23:53:44.588", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdhtB64URsJUVqVt81snvdEnj8xTNBh95amD98UHZxGhR", "txHash": "0xe171db359082e4057a0ed006ef8118e1f0011a0f51e673193eb9772d74cc53a7", "createdAtBlock": 15163208, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdysajo8CnBbQ1qe4QD8kfyLn7WJph4iHuBEvNGedMLPd", "name": "Battle Mage Nolan of the Reach", "text": "The room was dimly lit, with the one source of light shining down on the fire pit in the middle. 2 figures stared at the low flame in the pit. The man dressed in red which matched his beard and what hair he had left. His arm draped over the boys shoulders as his other matched the dance of the flame. \n\nFirst, Just know that I am not BIASED but Fire is the best element Nolan said you take earth, BOOOORING, it just sits there, all in its solidity! Then theres Air, I can move Air with my ass after a big meal, And water, bah! fish shit in it!\" \n\"Now fire, fire is like life, it has passion, anger, hunger, strength and fragility He looked down on the boy with a big smile and continued. To be successful in life you need balance, your flame is the same. The key is the understanding of yourself. You see fire is everything, it brings death and destruction and with that Nolans fist clenched and in the air in front of him portrayed a dragon reigning a torrent of flame upon a forest, trees erupted and cracked under intense heat. Animals fleeing as the flames licked their fur and soon enveloped everything. But it also brings life and in a snap the image revealed the same forest burnt, a desolate wasteland of ash covered everything and slowly the image centered on a small of patch of earth where a small vine broke the surface of the earth. A green pillar of life that grew into a flower."} +{"id": "f6735efb-6ed8-430c-a4e3-591638f870a5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T23:53:44.588", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdhtB64URsJUVqVt81snvdEnj8xTNBh95amD98UHZxGhR", "txHash": "0xe171db359082e4057a0ed006ef8118e1f0011a0f51e673193eb9772d74cc53a7", "createdAtBlock": 15163208, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5177, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdysajo8CnBbQ1qe4QD8kfyLn7WJph4iHuBEvNGedMLPd", "name": "Battle Mage Nolan of the Reach", "text": "The flames can destroy but it brings new beginnings that is why we focus on fire here. You have to be patient, focused when starting with your Fire. If you dont pay attention it could get out of control ruining the moment, if you dont show it love, it might dwindle becoming coals leaving you unsatisfied. What you put into it, is what you..\nBrother! boomed a voice from behind. The pair turned to see Erim standing there, hands on his hips. He had the same red beard but instead of a bald head like Nolans a red mohawk adorned his head. Making him very intimidating. No wonder he held the title, Terror of Mount Titan. you are just showing the lad how to cook a steak, a Fucking STEAK for Gods sake He doesnt need to know.\nSHUT IT!! Nolan shot back now go back and use those muscles to bring in my steaks for the day! \nBah!\nBah they both exchanged\nWith that Erim swiped the air in front of him and turned back around and walked to the back of the kitchen\nDont pay any attention to him boy! Nolan bellowed he doesnt know the difference between a superb meal and slop. Here at Nolans Steak house we deliver only perfection, and besides Nolan looked at the boy and winked. Hes just a duck"} +{"id": "0be6fa83-a26c-4cef-9323-9c7154e110a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:01.464", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXx3W9y2XFVGseSnATs1sv3rUr2BMSF42PNYDdMCtv3nT", "txHash": "0xc94df921b644e62131cc4a2f4c83264a2852e634da2eec6656480694e3e826e3", "createdAtBlock": 14077133, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5133, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Benito ", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Benito\n\n\"Beni, would you bring me my toolbox?\" The old wizard tinkers away on a project.\n\nFrom another room, a monkey carrying a large wooden box waddles over to Merlin.\n\n\"This will solve all of your problems, Beni,\" Merlin gives the monkey a reassuring glance, \"I know you are doubtful.\"\n\n\"You know I can't get my hopes up,\" Benito sighs. \"It's not like I haven't tried to think through every option available.\"\n\nDetermination fills Merlin's eyes as he adjusts his glasses, \"This oughta do it!\"\n\n\"With all your wisdom,\" Benito says, \"this is really what you've come up with?\"\n\nMerlin furrows his brow, contemplates for a moment, and just shrugs. \n\n\"Try,\" he encourages, as he raises the delicately crafted Wooden Boy before Benito.\n\nBeni closes his eyes as sparks light hisfingertips, \"well, here goes nothing!\"\n\nThe world knows the great Artificer Benito as a great and famous master of magical armaments.\n\nHowever, only Merlin himself knows Benito is actually a monkey channeling magic through a wooden golem.\n\nAdventure.. and battle.. await."} +{"id": "693ae301-d400-4a74-9c69-28f2c6769a5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:02.373", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTAVqzxY79J3C1U9fmut5GByHafC4SKnCJdanmfYQwLAr", "txHash": "0x75fc01c0da6df1226a56da6cfed89d9de590f75b0b5f8384f3c51f93f94cc176", "createdAtBlock": 14077264, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5040, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Jianyu of the Ether", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nWild Mage Jangu of The Ether is a religious fanatic. He uses his Kung Fu skills to confront his enemies. His shiny white tunic is like a ray of light in the darkness where his enemies live. \n\nHis Bone Stave is always with him, and is an extension to his Kung Fu fighting skills.\n\nHis Loyal Onyx Wolf **Shaolin Quan** is always by his side. Usually he can control him but sometimes the Wold wanders off..\n\nWild Mage Jangu of The Ether has a secret crush on @wizard4621\n\nAlthough he would love to be united with @pony115 because they colourmatch beautifully, Shaolin Quan would never allow it."} +{"id": "8a7134ea-aacd-4591-8379-41b34ba9ed68-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:03.573", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaUXe9w2VSKdUtXtafNfjSPDWKAnmfMcVijmJcBxa65nZ", "txHash": "0x334737e2c6e13822b2dccadfadda5b9fe7386926de6c57dff1697bee9b3a4ae6", "createdAtBlock": 14077878, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1040, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Twinkletoes of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "## A TALE OF TOES\n\n\nThis is the tale of sweet Twinkletoes,\na fierce battlemage that has zero foes\n\nThough his brains and brawn are of might,\nHe has never once gotten into a fight\n\nTrained since he was young to be on the offense,\nWhen all poor Twinkle wants to do is dance\n\nAny enemy once had now is a friend,\nWhen watching him twirl twist and bend\n\nHis prancing and spinning will work like a charm, \nStopping the fight and leaving no harm\n\nThey say that his magic comes straight from his toes,\nAnd thats why sweet Twinkle has no foes"} +{"id": "7f80df94-de43-4050-b6e5-873b6167c49a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:04.35", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVWZUCveobbmpw9cdhDigE3E3MXCv2bybiDUvE9f2ncJW", "txHash": "0x3729bec06f916c1a0a27184f36cbad9aac9b5ed664d30ffa81def32400eee97e", "createdAtBlock": 14078092, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5133, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Benito ", "text": "\"Beni, would you bring me my toolbox?\" The old wizard tinkers away on a project.\n\nFrom another room, a monkey carrying a large wooden box waddles over to Merlin.\n\n\"This will solve all of your problems, Beni,\" Merlin gives the monkey a reassuring glance, \"I know you are doubtful.\"\n\n\"You know I can't get my hopes up,\" Benito sighs. \"It's not like I haven't tried to think through every option available.\"\n\nDetermination fills Merlin's eyes as he adjusts his glasses, \"This oughta do it!\"\n\n\"With all your wisdom,\" Benito says, \"this is really what you've come up with?\"\n\nMerlin furrows his brow, contemplates for a moment, and just shrugs. \n\n\"Try,\" he encourages, as he raises the delicately crafted Wooden Boy before Benito.\n\nBeni closed his eyes as sparks light hisfingertips, \"well, here goes nothing!\"\n\nThe world knows the great Artificer Benito as a great and famous master of magical armaments.\n\nHowever, only Merlin himself knows Benito is actually a monkey channeling magic through a wooden golem.\n\nAdventure.. and battle.. await."} +{"id": "1f0e3c92-a874-4861-bf63-56a289ad91bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:05.163", "backgroundColor": "#3d1b19", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWKpXZghra4yeWWRGk59miU5eGS1f27vrVvsmKmnvcy7y", "txHash": "0x3eee7f34201876bd82ced592b24476059eab2858ae83b4b0b051ac2882014862", "createdAtBlock": 14078133, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4756, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Eden of the Forest", "text": "Mystic Eden, also known in the Runiverse as the \"Neon Wizard\" leads a group of good-hearted hedonistic cultists so debauchery laden that make Bacchus and Dionysus look like a band of bubble bathers.\n\nThe coming adventures and tales will not be kid friendly... (!NSFW toggle - on)"} +{"id": "6e0355ff-1b0c-437e-a858-d23379dece0c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:07.699", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWiV1NFqagqsS1qWSpP1Au6xpfh7kW2rmnbgeGfNvh9CU", "txHash": "0x1c47ccb228dac3c138aa549464556159b014e427ab4066019fb7b194fe37ed04", "createdAtBlock": 14078552, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7727, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Eden of the Reach", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n\nEden was born to the Fungus Clan of Rainlandia. It was a lush and misty isle with towering trees shrouded in green moss and teeming with light energy. His father was a mage and his mother was a wood nymph. His parents taught him the powerful peace spells and medicinal incantations that had been passed down for millennia by each of their lineages. Their mission was to help the other woodfolks in their quest to save the old growth mushroom forests. \n\nEden was only nine when his family was ambushed and slayed by the Dark Lord of Terros. Eden was left for dead. He woke to a pack of wolves preparing to feast on his terribly injured body. Eden knew enough of the old magic to speak to the wolves and explain his tribulations. Upon learning of the tragedy that had unfolded the wolves took Eden in and fed and cared for him and nurtured him back to health.\n\nEden spent many years in the forests of Rainlandia practicing the old magic and learning about the flora and fauna of the wild. One day Eden happened upon a giant Magic Mushroom. Once ingested Eden was transported to a metaverse that mirrored his but was a negative reality. It was here that Eden learned to reverse his spells so for example a healing spell could now be used to injure foes. Eden figured out how to enter back and forth between each place at will. But more and more he stayed in the negative land as he realized it was the best place for him to search for the Dark Lord of Terros to exact his revenge.\n\nNow Eden has become Sorcerer Eden of the Reach as he searches far and wide throughout the metaverses to find vengeance. With his trusty wolf and his giant mushroom he is ready for the next adventure."} +{"id": "32554133-bf1c-44e2-860b-1129fe377909-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:32:26.807", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYSNx6SV2yUyvaiJ8jdqNgEkrsCcAAE6uiGegDmWAGDPJ", "txHash": "0xc52943c2b7f31adc27a2837ed091ad34db45dec9098e130c0af282468f082c11", "createdAtBlock": 14070320, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 338, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Chooki of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Chooki of the Riviera\n\n_OoooooO WeeeeeeeeGonnnnnnnnaMaaaaaaaaaaakeIt_\n\nFor years its been rumored of songs echoing through the Riviera as far as Kelpies Bay. A voice as smooth as satin, making palm trees sway. With Rhythm in the wind and Blues in the burrows\n\nWhats that you hear?\n\nSorcerer Chooki of course! The Magician of Melody, singing songs so intoxicating other wizards cant resist. Hosting in his den, full of music, energy, and elixirs, Chookis real magic is what his guests dont remember\n\nA hangover so heavy, full of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Chookis magic clouds the memory leaving you lost, dizzy, and without.\n\nBut wizards will regain clarity with a flash of Chookis grin and a sweet whisper from his rabbit on your way now and \"_gm_"} +{"id": "6fe87847-fc2b-4c9c-96ea-561e68678dc1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:20:06.849", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfMCQ4uch6aMNPYygsgRfRTEa4Av95svDYZ4h7ABRBSzt", "txHash": "0x34c341bc86db7344944e9e4054538b0c92447616b3e5b723cf40a691d1c764f5", "createdAtBlock": 14078209, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2315, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Basil of the Light", "text": "Sorcerer Basil of the Light\n\nA student of academia. Basil was always in constant defiance of his educators which has lead to a lifetime of rewriting the science behind magic and defying those who have come before him. \n\nSome say he takes life too seriously. He would say that no one is taking things seriously enough..."} +{"id": "572c7191-153c-400d-b84e-6876a0e498af-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:13.327", "backgroundColor": "#273b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6R8SgurzeN5MDG3ax7kY6Kmc7kS46s79BmgV47AtLuk", "txHash": "0x006d822d4fb112740a359b93644362c5cedebfa8dd894ef5ac30c624fefb8b5e", "createdAtBlock": 14079003, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9641, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Axis of the Valley", "text": "Druid Axis of the Valley and his Rate are \"Magic Hunters\" however they're not hunting for themselves and they're also not hunting for food. They are sent on quests by the other Wizards. Tasked with hunting the rarest mushrooms in the deep forest. The type of mushrooms that are intended to be found by wizards alone."} +{"id": "ba7c56fa-db23-4a1b-bd87-1d4995bec38d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:24.468", "backgroundColor": "#050505", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE7Knmf1QTb8AUa5TmP4tpnVcpW2myG7ZJArpoqSLxdo", "txHash": "0x175a75095d31fcaccdc18f0afcd6eb4415a9f261d75e938fdeae26f76e7d22df", "createdAtBlock": 14086497, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7423, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Lucien from the Shadow", "text": "I never meant for it to be this way, sometimes paths in life choose you, guide you in that direction, this is how it was for me.\nI was at the ceremony of the sacred flame, another brother had chosen their path. \nHe passed gleefully into the luring flames and transformed to his true self.\nThe wizard in question was a Canaanite and as his flesh burned something inside me awoke, tingled \na hunger stirred.\nAfter all had settled down in the city and the celebrations were over, the long journey home was ahead of me. \n\nI set off on foot towards the shadow.\nTwo weeks in trudging through Carnivals Pass as evening approached, I came apon a Canaanite smith with a broken wagon. The wheel was broken and it was the job of two to replace it.\nI offered my meagre strength and we both heaved the wheel free.\nBeing so close, my senses stirred and as the smith turned his back uncontrollably I summoned Thors wrath and that delicious smell of burning Canaanite flesh set a wicked grin to my face.\nThat night my hunger was satisfied and senses heightened. I slept deep and long.\n\nI new it was wrong but it felt so right.\n\nOver the next few weeks of travel a devious plan was hatched, once at home in the shadow my hunger again stirred.\nOver the next season weary Canaanite travellers were offered sanctuary and disappeared with no trace they had ever visited.\nThis was when I realised flesh was not enough. Canaanite wizards would satisfy my hunger and their souls increase my power.\nThe Milk guild would fear the day the first wizard disappeared as l again slept long and peacefully into the night.[\n* \n1. ~~\n```\n\n```\n~~\n\n]()\n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_"} +{"id": "ba7c56fa-db23-4a1b-bd87-1d4995bec38d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:24.468", "backgroundColor": "#050505", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE7Knmf1QTb8AUa5TmP4tpnVcpW2myG7ZJArpoqSLxdo", "txHash": "0x175a75095d31fcaccdc18f0afcd6eb4415a9f261d75e938fdeae26f76e7d22df", "createdAtBlock": 14086497, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7423, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Lucien from the Shadow", "text": "```\n~~\n\n]()\n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nThis where you can write your lore.... we use markdown to store it on chain.... You can see how it will appear/render in the preview panel.\n\nHere is some **bold** text \nHere is some *italic* text\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*\n\n## Example of a medium heading\n### Example of a smaller heading\n\n# Images\nYou can add images via links, OR, upload from your computer using the toolbar.\n\n### Image uploads\n\nUse the toolbar image icon to upload an image to IPFS. Once uploaded (to IPFS) they also appear as a link, like so:\n\n\n\n### External Image Links\n\nTo add image (or anything else) as a link, you can do it via the toolbar link icon, or just write the syntax below like so:\n\n\n\n### Embedded videos\n\nOh yeah, if you just put in a YouTube link (no special syntax) on its own then it shows it embedded, see below:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30b7_S0paCQ\n\n# Getting new lines right\n\nNew lines can be a bit funny.... there are two options:\n\n**First**\n\nPress enter twice. I am typing here, and now pressing enter twice after three dotrs...\n\nand now I am here (but you did get double spacing)\n\n**Second**\n\nType two spaces *before* pressing enter. Here come two spaces after the three dots followed by enter... \nand now I am here\n\n# Tagging other characters\n\nYou can tag other wizards, souls etc in any normal text (so not a heading or a link). Here are some examples:\n\nBest wizard of all is @wizard2140. His dreams of befriending @pony0 one day. Watch out for @soul1732!"} +{"id": "349645e6-3d2a-4858-acb6-a5ca2aaab2f9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:14.145", "backgroundColor": "#663b73", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTMHEodGmWewzDjsVtkiVxKR9n22ex19iEUnWpwTtqgkn", "txHash": "0xbd905a41963cc72f671adbaf05ff20b380451e5560fe10eef0d9d654b5a79ebd", "createdAtBlock": 14079208, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1370, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rotten Revenant Gogol of the Mortal Coil", "text": "# The Lore of Rotten Revenant Gogol of the Mortal Coil\n\nThe Rotten Revenant has risen - he emerged one dark night from the Mortal Coil, deep from within the thick woods, creeping among the leaves. He ate moss and foraged for bones. His ladybug, also dead, accompanies him on his never-satisfied journeys to savor darkness and flesh. The bell tolls, and he knows he must leave this planet behind."} +{"id": "2ef70c62-b60c-488b-90b7-046a181bf8b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:14.932", "backgroundColor": "#1c9e29", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVVS9DnyyY2rjQ1MAJTf2zqCGv81Zmd3XgTsdaAgwFXoG", "txHash": "0x381aa6bf8af45910232a16f5ff86ec44c36292706ec255f3d0de8857db281949", "createdAtBlock": 14079364, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6089, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Alatar of the Cold", "text": "# The Gift Bringer and the Bullfrog\n\n**Archmagus Alatar** once carried the mantle of *Gift Bringer*, as part of the Seven Red Wizards. He holds *The Salamanders Tongue*, a powerful Fire Spell, which he uses to forge The Winter Flame.\n\n> The Winter Flame \n> * Portable fire bundle that burns bright even through the long dark nights of the North\n> * Once ignited it can only be extinguished by Red Wizards, Ember Frogs, and The 168\n> * Only 168 Wizards have ever mastered forging this dangerous **Fire Spell**\n\nEach year, as *Gift Bringer*, Alatar would fill a giant sack with The Winter Fire and bring it to nomadic families across the icy desolate tundra. Alatars bag was heavy and dangerous. \n\nTo speed his travel, he cast the Rune of Air upon a Swamp Bullfrog, giving it the ability to leap high into the sky with boundless strength. \n\nHe then reined the Bullfrog to an ancient wooden sleigh; filled it full of Winter Flame, toys, and food; and with a leap, the heavy glowing sleigh full of life-saving gifts rose into the darkness. \n\nA beacon of hope, shining through the night.\n\n### Transcribed from The Oral History of The Red Wizards by jl the artist"} +{"id": "ea4744b4-c224-45c3-862e-8caf56294475-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:15.549", "backgroundColor": "#050c04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmetubTMDsDoyp4Z7SVTaSvgiZ3p2ku3JEsQTSASaqyjpJ", "txHash": "0x69a26361688478d79706d5bf1fb5944fc19aa6b6f0f80fbe8dd9fc800b0b06c4", "createdAtBlock": 14734074, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Aleister of the Heath", "text": "Labyrinthians form an inconspicuous society of the Runiverse, partly because they are generally not so skilled with magic, more with crafting and building. But Aleister decided magic was his thing when a couple of Midas Rods were found in the Labyrinth excavations, deep within the Cave of the Platonic Shadow.\n\nBorrowing one for study, he quickly found resonance with Air Magic. One can only imagine how odd it is for an underground fellow to discover such an aptitude, especially when you have never seen the sky ! \n\nArchmagies were very skeptical of his ability, Air spells being deemed too dangerous to conjure in closed environments. In truth, none of them had the ability nor the motivation to provide him with guidance.\n\nLeft alone with this cursed talent, Aleister had to make a tough decision. This Rod had awakened a potential within him he couldnt ignore, now he felt the urge to see the sky, now he wanted to go Outside ! That wasnt allowed in the Labyrinth code but the call was too strong to be dismissed. Conquering his fears, he set forth when the tunnels went quiet, never to be seen again.\n\nLegend has it that he was found unconscious in a heath bush near the Great Owl Obelisk by @wizard7644 after a messy incantation. Recognizing his potential, she provided him with the required knowledge to properly channel Air spells. \n\nThus Aleister became the only Labyrinthian to master the Forgotten Rune of Air, ascending as one of the few Air Arch-Magicians roaming the Runiverse."} +{"id": "65d3d10d-a7ec-4568-a7fb-d7803d7b896a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:16.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWY1VBUgv62hSn1M2WW6Wv1qYk2r4fVRLRDuN6hK2Pv6b", "txHash": "0x35d97449ccb74d69e787c3ce6f34c0d20ea5dbabfc0500cdea3944b3f39834bc", "createdAtBlock": 14080038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8971, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbZhjBrgbrygZvnTmQr8D7BXuzXi6H1MtrLAxHJautyMi", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Aleister of the Mist\n\nRich Wizard is the best Wizard!. - Alister of the Mist.\n\n \n\nNobody knows where Alister comes from, but everybody knows his crazy desire for coins.\n\nAlister used to do sorcerer stone business, he has a magic fox named Suika that can create illusion. Alister would purchase sorcerer stone from others, create the illusion that the price has skyrocketed and resell it to people with a big markup. Obviously this trick will only work so many times before people find out. So he started to learn earth magic and accidentally created an erratic flower that constantly shifts its color, he calls it Pilut. Pilut quickly became the most popular decoration among wizards and many would fight each other to get one, which was known as Pilut Mania. But as more wizards got into the business, the price of Pilut plumbed.\n\nThen Alister tries to use his earth magic to speed up the land building process by automating the transportation of soil. This has made him a fortune but the speed of wealth accumulation does not meet the Alisters ambition to be the richest wizard, so he started to leverage multiple times and expand his land construction business. Then the Cataclysm happened, land supply greatly exceeded demands and many of the land he built wont sell even with a massive discount. Alister carried millions of debt overnight.\n\nAlister was in a desperate situation and developed one of the famous forbidden magic: Coin Minting. He would use his earth magic to transmute soil into the shape of a coin and mix that with Suikas fur to create the illusion of real coin. He then used the coin to pay off all his debt. It took the entire sorcerer community a long time before they realized someone was minting coins because there was hyper-inflation coming out of nowhere. As a result, Alister was caught and banished into Quantum Shadow."} +{"id": "65d3d10d-a7ec-4568-a7fb-d7803d7b896a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:16.58", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWY1VBUgv62hSn1M2WW6Wv1qYk2r4fVRLRDuN6hK2Pv6b", "txHash": "0x35d97449ccb74d69e787c3ce6f34c0d20ea5dbabfc0500cdea3944b3f39834bc", "createdAtBlock": 14080038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8971, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbZhjBrgbrygZvnTmQr8D7BXuzXi6H1MtrLAxHJautyMi", "name": "Sorcerer Aleister of the Mist", "text": "Nobody has seen Alister since then, but Rich Wizard is the best Wizard still gets mentioned as a joke from time to time. Rumor says he might have escaped the shadow, but if he did, where would he be?"} +{"id": "182317a2-b88d-4620-b9a4-e2bedbc3cc9d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:40.43", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcX9oijxYSyyumeMQ7kcDrg2gUeP2SWYt2fXi4LgdwQGp", "txHash": "0x406bd5608451ce93d6d695d41cf633faef1e9bcd6ac8bdac460b4b2436d69b7e", "createdAtBlock": 14210417, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4476, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Merlon of the Gnostics", "text": "Once a king of the goblins\n\nNow has fallen\n\nWandering mad\n\nNo longer guided by eyes\n\nMerlon lets the orb be his leash & lead\n\nThe obsession with the orb started innocent enough. A baron of a neighbor province of Merlons kingdom gifted the orb. A simple token of goodwill. Spoils from a foreign adventure.\n\nGazers of the orb would hear pleasant song, feel a tender warmth, witness light musings in its crystalline display.\n\nBut soon Merlon started shutting himself in his royal quarters. Watching the images evolve from soft billows of smoke and haze. To grand images of glory yet to come, lands to be conquered, and legacies to be invented. Every plane of existence higher than our own could be seen through the orb.\n\nIt consumed him, he lost himself looking for the answers how to make the images of orb come to life. Seeing himself on the pantheon of the gods, he convinced himself, the path to this reality must lie in the orbs wondrous displays.\n\nPalace servants even claimed they could hear faint music emanating from the orb as the Gnostic ruler stayed quarantined, neglecting his duties as figurehead. He did nothing else. He only watched the orb.\n\nStaring\n\nPondering\n\nThe kingdom began to suffer. Land was lost to battle. Foreign relations collapsed. The denizens had no one to look to.\n\nOne day the king emerged with the orb. Once robust and confident. He hardly looked away from the orb or acknowledged the presence of anyone. He demanded a way to make the orb mobile.\nA smith of the kingdom offered to affix the orb to an enchanted staff.\n\nThe king explained he knew what to do in a bizarre declaration ceremony to his struggling dependents\n\nHis subjects confused, ask to do what?\n\nHe murmured about something transforming and a grand utopia."} +{"id": "182317a2-b88d-4620-b9a4-e2bedbc3cc9d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:40.43", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcX9oijxYSyyumeMQ7kcDrg2gUeP2SWYt2fXi4LgdwQGp", "txHash": "0x406bd5608451ce93d6d695d41cf633faef1e9bcd6ac8bdac460b4b2436d69b7e", "createdAtBlock": 14210417, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4476, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Merlon of the Gnostics", "text": "He murmured about something transforming and a grand utopia.\n\nHe took his staff and began wandering away from the castle town. Into the wilderness. Never looking up. Simply using the orb to see. Traveling with no companion or supplies. Simply the robe on his back.\n\nThe glowing orb softly emanating music wherever they went. Acknowledging no one. Walking seemingly nowhere.\n\nHe was confident the orb provided the path to all salvation.\n\nHe followed it wherever it took him"} +{"id": "8ddfc46a-89fc-4c3d-b217-a2af9b6f96e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:48.933", "backgroundColor": "#582806", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPNTsri8G37jcdfwFL12JjYwhdiWaXvQ2T773LsdPG15h", "txHash": "0x4d1d800c10cc897a6864104c85b6112d2baef033699552e23f51aa8f86fcdbf3", "createdAtBlock": 14211835, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 217, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Barnaby the Feisty", "text": "# The Lore of Barnaby the Feisty\n \nWith a rumble the Herd is summoned from the Elysian Fields and the Ponies begin storming the Runiverse in a relentless ride.\n\nAt the borders of the herd, high clouds of dust are mixed with the elemental effects created by the magical creatures. Ponies gallop enveloped by whirlwinds, flares of fire and sudden flashes of light.\nEagles look at the magnificent view from their privileged position. The Herd advances as sole entity yet each Pony manifests his individuality in this tumultuous ride.\n\nThe ponies advance rumbling in a wide arrow shaped formation, led by the fastest members of the Herd.\nEach Pony was summoned to immediately reach a companion in this plane of existence and only then the animal will stop galloping.\n\nIn the Herd, a little brown Pony is galloping without sparing any energy. He is Beornwold, or Barnaby known among his fellow Ponies as the Feisty for his ardor and hot temper in battle. Barnaby is wild and allergic to ornaments and constrictions and only wears a worn out red bandana around his neck. The old garnment is derived from the original house banner of Barnabys first companion died in the Great War a thousand years before. Focusing on the horizon in front of him, the pony gallops at maximum speed enjoying the rhythmic rumble produced by the Herd."} +{"id": "8ddfc46a-89fc-4c3d-b217-a2af9b6f96e7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:48.933", "backgroundColor": "#582806", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPNTsri8G37jcdfwFL12JjYwhdiWaXvQ2T773LsdPG15h", "txHash": "0x4d1d800c10cc897a6864104c85b6112d2baef033699552e23f51aa8f86fcdbf3", "createdAtBlock": 14211835, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 217, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Barnaby the Feisty", "text": "After a few miles of rapid progression in the Wild, the Herd slows down and transitions to a different configuration with Ponies running a ritual formation. This is the last act of life as part of the Herd and the Ponies create a magic symbol of farewell. Its a circle, as in the cycle of events what is divided will be re-united after fulfilling its purpose, in this or another universe. The Ponies look at each other not knowing when and where they are going to meet again in the Runiverse. At the signal of the Meta Pony, the Ponies all leave in different directions to reach their companions and the Herd starts to dissolve.\n\nBarnaby immediately starts galloping in the direction of the Chronomancer Riviera to reach the wizard he was assigned to. \nAt least three days of uninterrupted galloping across the Runiverse await and Barnaby activate his power after years of inactivity. The Rune of Earth start to shine of magical light on Barnabys point of hip, injecting new vigor in his body and connecting through the hooves with the ground underneath.\n\nThanks to the power of the Rune, Barnaby is now ready to adjust to any type of unknown terrain and gallop at maximum speed until he reaches the Riviera. Impetuous rivers, dull wolds, insidious sands will not slow down his journey anymore\n\nThe connection to his companion grows stronger at each mile, and blurry pictures starts to form in Barnaby's mind.\nHow will his assigned wizard look like? Why are we bound together?\nThe journey just started and Barnaby is impatient to get all the answers."} +{"id": "47f5ae67-7f26-4b27-8c71-e54435626683-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:49.628", "backgroundColor": "#143646", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTncCJH5pxXpHaUs8xxXMTAYVM66KkBN7rPkW2iV1x228", "txHash": "0xd1bcecf357938a3adb0672d53cc53e885a2df625e68c62d91e4b53c49302b67b", "createdAtBlock": 14211923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8283, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Larissa of Dreams", "text": "## Wild Mage Larissa of Dreams\n\nShe is known to some as Larissa of Dreams, for it is from dreams that she gets her magic. \n\nTo others, she is Larissa of Nightmares, for when she walks the Dreamlands, nightmares follow. \n\nLarissa was but a child when her powers took her. Blessedor perhaps cursedshe is drawn to the Dreamlands each night to wander the in-between, that shifting shadowland that runs between life, death, and everything. While there, she hides, exploring as she can, slipping into and out-of-the dreams of dreamers, learning secrets, desires, fears, and on some rare and lucky nights: she steals magic.\n\nLarissa spends her waking days as a wandering medium, a soothsayer and fortune-teller, reading dreams for coin. She keeps to herself and hides the majority of power. As she does in dreams, she lives the life of a wanderer, moving from town to town, only staying long enough to earn and learn and planbefore moving on.\n\nShe is young still, and despite her power, she is inexperienced, still learning how to control her wild magic. However, within the Dreamlands, she has a multitude of teachers and access to a unique and extensive font of magical knowledge: the dreams of wizards and others with arcane power. Larissa picks through their dreams and nightmares, learning what magic she can from them, using it to grow her ability and to better protect her from the dangers of the Dreamlands and the waking world.\n\nIt is a life full of dangers, and Larissa has many enemies. She is protected only by a magical Rune of Brimstonesnatched from the nightmare of an impthe watchful eyes of her familiar, Styx, and her growing mastery over the wild magics she steals from the Dreamlands."} +{"id": "47f5ae67-7f26-4b27-8c71-e54435626683-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:27:49.628", "backgroundColor": "#143646", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTncCJH5pxXpHaUs8xxXMTAYVM66KkBN7rPkW2iV1x228", "txHash": "0xd1bcecf357938a3adb0672d53cc53e885a2df625e68c62d91e4b53c49302b67b", "createdAtBlock": 14211923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8283, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Larissa of Dreams", "text": "Despite her burgeoning power, she is often afraid, running and hiding from the nightmares that seek and stalk her, always on her heels, always lurking around every corner. For what purpose? Why do they seek her? Why was she burdened with this wild magic? She does not know. Her power wasnt chosen by her, it was bestowed upon her, and she does what she can to master it. Had she the option, she would give it up for even one night of restful sleep. For now, though, she wanders, watches, and learns, seeking to unravel the mystery of her wild magic curse."} +{"id": "2664cc9f-dd94-48dd-8f74-49edcbd2b5cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:25.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRkcJroV6vGU8M3yseUsmqBBcppswJLMcX3zgJqSWGV11", "txHash": "0x0be07c1dd344aedd902349ddf43b5b70b2577754b5ac5c85c044f0e158056860", "createdAtBlock": 14087257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9677, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe", "text": "# Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe King saver \n\nMy The Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe \nOnce up on a time in arabian world there use to be a great wizard who has solution for every problem. along with his great skills in magic he has draw back of getting angry soon and any one unnecessarily said any thing he gets angry try to punish them with is magic wizard.\n\n### Cryptomancer Larissa companion\nhe has a good companion with whom he lives called bandar a monkey whom he raised from childhod and helps him in his daily activity and he takes his bandar wherever he goes.\n\n### Arabian king story\none day in arabian world there great curse came because king of arabian not taking care of his people and killing any one who takes against him or points out his mistake and Arabian king is influenced by black magic from his uncle who want to get the throne and want to get bad name from his kingdom people.\n\n### Arabian king problem\nSudden change in Kings attitude towards people been noticed by every one in his chamber as weired and every one concerned about his behavior and worried what next King will do which effects kingdom in bad way.\n\nking chamber people and Queen want to find out reason of kings sudden change in behavior and help him in bringing good governance into kingdom.\n\n### Arabian queen problem\nSo Queen and kingdom chambers started observing kings attitube and moves closely to see his behavior change.\n\none day when king finished his duties went to take rest amd have a sleep, queen was not sleeping but constantly worried about kings health and bad behavior so queen always want to take care of king."} +{"id": "2664cc9f-dd94-48dd-8f74-49edcbd2b5cf-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:25.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRkcJroV6vGU8M3yseUsmqBBcppswJLMcX3zgJqSWGV11", "txHash": "0x0be07c1dd344aedd902349ddf43b5b70b2577754b5ac5c85c044f0e158056860", "createdAtBlock": 14087257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9677, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe", "text": "### Arabian king and queen meet Cryptomancer Larissa\none night king suddenly stood up from sleep and started talking to some one looking at the wall, queen noticed this and try distracting king and asking what happened to him but king did not distract and pushed queen away. so queen got worried and want to help king, on next day queen want chambers to take king to best wizard in the country so help king what going on with king and that wizard is none other than out great \"Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe\". whom the queen consulted and asking \"Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe\" to help to find out why King suddenly walking up and talking to walls, than wizard using his magic wand asks his companion monkey to go out and look at the moon to see direction of moon, monkey points to Cryptomancer Larissa wizard the direction of moon using its tale.\n\n### Cryptomancer Larissa magic liquid pot\nCryptomancer Larissa wizard uses his magic wand and points to the direction of the pot which contains magic liquid to see kings history and came to know that that his uncle trying to influence king and try to take throne out of him. after finding this Cryptomancer Larissa wizard tells queen and queens get angry and asks Cryptomancer Larissa wizard to give him lesson. Cryptomancer Larissa gives magic pot to queen to make king drink magic water in the pot every day in the evening immediately after might in the light of the moon for 7 days for his uncle's magic not to work on king. \n\n### solution to kings problem\nQueen with his king returns to kingdom with strong protection with his army. queen sees king's uncle and gets very angry but queen controls until kings treatment of drinking maigc water for 7 days is over."} +{"id": "2664cc9f-dd94-48dd-8f74-49edcbd2b5cf-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:25.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRkcJroV6vGU8M3yseUsmqBBcppswJLMcX3zgJqSWGV11", "txHash": "0x0be07c1dd344aedd902349ddf43b5b70b2577754b5ac5c85c044f0e158056860", "createdAtBlock": 14087257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9677, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe", "text": "### influence of uncles black magic on kings\nOn day one king refuses to drink magic water as he completely trapped by his uncles black magic, but the king loves queen so much that when queen tells king that if he does not drink the magic water she will die and he will never see his queen again. King's love on queen made king to take drink magic water on first day and it was very very difficult for king to take that as black magic from his uncle interfering in considering this. \n\nqueen was very worried of completing these 7 days she did not sleep well and always beside kings bed to take care of him.\n\n### king returns to normal\nafter completing 7 days of treatment kings became normal and he is wise enough to take good decisions.\n\n### punishment to kings uncles\nuncles black magic did not work and his uncle became angry and forcing king to listen to him, than every one in the chamber and kingdom came to know about his uncles black magic on king and throwed him out of the kingdom.\n\n\nThis is how \"Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe \" saved king from black magic and queen gave important role in king's kingdom for \"Cryptomancer Larissa of the Steppe \""} +{"id": "b1c47d04-ca93-4440-95e9-0a90019f9971-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:33.156", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYSHrGHpjrrsCM2QG4SDcicQLcuTyHyHJiUG33cwethN3", "txHash": "0x4bcb13a35ede33f2ad03c261c1ef315ce14d71f7ada96c71b238f8db487925ae", "createdAtBlock": 14094727, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Evoker Axel of the North", "text": "Learned how to shape shift so he could get away from his stalker ex girlfriend."} +{"id": "203c173f-e391-4c9e-91d9-31925d274921-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:17.338", "backgroundColor": "#79efcb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVtye3wprStFqVg6wg1x48ouC6SAiRmPjsQMcLU6is47", "txHash": "0xe95c81e9c60096b1128dacff786139f4d62def00cf00ac3697fd2e831a1b3dc0", "createdAtBlock": 14080819, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7152, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Daria of the Woodlands", "text": "# The Snore of Magus Daria of the Woodlands Brewpub\n\nDaria will serve you the best potion drank you've ever had... if only you could wake her up.\n\nThis lively lady takes catnaps at any... well, every hour of the day on account of her hard partying lifestyle. Slamming tequilas with drakes, fist fights with dryads... you name it, she's seen it all during her many years at the top rated Woodlands Brewpub. And it makes her so sleepy."} +{"id": "048dda02-d3da-47b3-bbae-5df912f535ba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:36.641", "backgroundColor": "#065205", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV45AnfTobrURVtJtg5UTLa9AM5ACUCmkuzCxYvSmMPYi", "txHash": "0x99089d38ce47652fdc05536a056a2debe7f2f846b0fe73598f060b23ee13b953", "createdAtBlock": 15046365, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1592, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Vidal Champion of the Moon", "text": "# Vidal Champion of the Moon\n\nVidal and his (often troublesome) companion lynx, Rhoda are said to hail from the Moon, though such wild claims cannot be confirmed -- all we know is that they have come from parts remote and strange, indeed. \n\nHis shield bears the mark of the snake, to commemorate his tussle with Agatha, the Medusa Queen; Vidal makes sure to keep it extra shiny in case he should happen cross path with one of her sisters on his travels."} +{"id": "2be699db-cda2-42be-98d1-1dd35e2083bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:18.127", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUauFsxHjf114MCzpn162a8oeSUbS6GRMXkjBap88cXdB", "txHash": "0x8164c446c8452eda541dbc4ced66007d6376e42811f9fcddb11431860e3735fc", "createdAtBlock": 14082980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7725, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Bayard of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Cleric Bayard of the Cosmos\n\nCleric Bayard's origin and past is unknown to him. After casting a powerful exorcism spell on a Spectre of the Undying Chill his memory was wiped and now suffers from amnesia. Although he can sense a glimmer of the power he once held, bestowed to him as a descendant of the Cosmos, he is but a shell of his former self. \n\nCleric Bayard now travels the Runiverse as a healer while in search of clues to the hidden power he holds."} +{"id": "ae0bc6da-2859-4c8a-b5e8-50dd9ce67a7f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:19.771", "backgroundColor": "#da463e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQk5qGAbySwdkB7Hx9RKj1zUEN6pEgc2ndGscgV8Jz87", "txHash": "0x89f8f0237698166cf819fe4f5ded47af78100d60d0599d60d1f339608f1130cc", "createdAtBlock": 14083308, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7407, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Ramiz of the Mount", "text": "# The Lore of Magus\n\nMagus Ramiz of the Mount is a legendary wizard who can brew spells without any additional props or familiars. He is an expert wizard with a long and brutal history. His path will remain a history for now, but as the mystery unfolds, his powers will continue to reveal."} +{"id": "321111a2-a4ab-4786-9b57-c355fff063ec-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:25.98", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb89weFbnmamQjkTH6rgJu9icK8DjYREF9hu71kgmBKbt", "txHash": "0x0be95293b00fedbd724506182b9fb7d698749a206e4fbb9a897041178221b8ac", "createdAtBlock": 14087345, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3157, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Velorina of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Witch Velorina of the Keep \n\n\nShe was a happy little girl! She loved to play outside with her brothers and sisters. \n\nShe had many animals in the old farm house that she grew up in. \n\nNone more special to her than her Golden Toad. \n\nShe came across the toad one day while she was playing by the river. She lifted up some sticks and the toad jumped out from underneath them right into her little hands.\n\nThe toad would never leave her side from this day on. \n\nEvery day she would play with and follow the toad around. It kept leading her back to that pile of sticks where she found it!! So one day she decided to pick up one of the sticks and keep it with her to see if that would satisfy the toad. \n\nIt was only then, that the toad stopped leading her to the pile of sticks?\n\nDid the toad know something about those sticks that the the young Witch Velorina didn't?\n\nWere the sticks magical?\n\nWas she even a Witch before she started carrying it?"} +{"id": "4f61abf1-e78a-410f-b757-d59623514aea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:26.801", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcxdmRA8yE4BGqwrXUEeZsfzFCNBx27Lc8aCJZiE3PcgH", "txHash": "0x3d2d5d10a074e15abe5724c1d121336979807c1f11b3e1669478998abf64360e", "createdAtBlock": 14087361, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4371, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Layla of the Thorn", "text": "this place, I shall hold"} +{"id": "e533df3f-8f45-47a3-a71f-86c96f7018ac-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:15.736", "backgroundColor": "#2572ba", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSNApP26oZArz7YMzuiG462zFBw33Rpiu3Z57Z2oNGtw3", "txHash": "0xfe7a7ebc97c96458d4e5e6e3940cee55035a9bd7f99bac0227859f08e4f26deb", "createdAtBlock": 14083975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 617, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Aldo of the Light", "text": "# The Song of Aldo \n\nIn a little blue cottage \ndown the hill to the right, \nlives Thaumaturge Aldo, \nBard... of the Light.\n\nWith his trusty familiar \na blue rat he calls Moon, \nthe bard pens refrains \nof Forgotten Runes.\n\nHe's sung of the Summoning \nfrom the most Secret Tower, \nof the birth of a world... \nin under an hour.\n\nHe has songs for each realm \nfrom the Salt to the Mist. \nFrom the Pillars up North, \nto the South's Obelisk.\n\nSome songs are light-hearted, \nand some meant for learning. \nA few are quite scary, like \n\"The Dirge of The Burning\".\n\nIt warns of a flame \nthat appeared in the night, \nwhere not all who behold it \nremain in the light.\n\nHow the burn renders souls \nfrom a few of them shown it, \nbut the unlucky ones \njust end up as a donut.\n\nSome of Aldo's tales \nhave brought him much fame. \nThere's rumors of a an island \nbearing his name.\n\nBut he's not really in it \nfor the fame or the glory. \nHe just wants to help \nto remember the stories.\n\nWhich directions they go \nis not only his call. \nLike his folk songs and fables, \nthey belong to us all.\n\nThese songs should be spread \nlike the rays of the sun. \nThese songs, just like Wizards... \nare for everyone."} +{"id": "f5c19bf1-c20f-4007-9a96-a33dd278e631-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:28.061", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbcX1eLVa6fiVJVudDvt1J6VkrdQ8Tm7XH1Fw1MWYV6Zi", "txHash": "0x0cbf9d345cf0c657659d74d95f282cfb2612c5ddd26b102dbadf859d1ad49754", "createdAtBlock": 14090347, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3806, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Lumos of the Marsh", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Lumos of the Marsh\n\nDripping with moss from the fallen trees and surrounded by sinking layers of muck and mire, lies the home of Magus Lumos.\n\nMagus has lived for centuries guarding the secrets that are found in the murky waters of the wetlands that divide the village of Pluto and the land of the forgotten souls.\n\nHe is the only living link for those who wish to travel between lands, for those who seek the adventure of unmapped roads, or desire answers from the depths of the marsh. His legend is that of a green thumbed healer with unrivaled powers.\n\nNever far from his side hovers the rare, jeweled hummingbird who is imperative to the healer's craft. Thick as thieves, the bird and Magus venture into the dense fog to harvest the bounty of the mystical speckled green mushrooms that heals one and all.\n\n Together they watch over the gateways and on the rarest of occasions travel between lands, to provide haleness to those who seek it, using no more than the bird's emission of a green hue to illuminate their path.\n\n \n\nHe can help you find your way, but be prepared to barter."} +{"id": "41874dc3-74c1-419b-a758-4155a3542eb1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:29.6", "backgroundColor": "#82b0ff", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPR9aJvdPBdNvEpeqow4c2ho3Lg5roacAWu5hrPB5CeS", "txHash": "0x7d836068fff4c25a69e09fc5edb2d101722ca32e06d6622d1e90d2e96adf75f3", "createdAtBlock": 14090843, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "this wizard is the epitome of the forgotten ones. this wizard is a guide that gives clues and gems . He is a loner that shines when he's underestimated.\nhe lives among the valley of the void desciple Where he is on a quest to glory. as he travels through the ruts and dirt he becomes stronger and wiser. he Is guided by his rabit to conquer his fears.\nAs I walk through this mystery place full clues, gems and a lot really important life lessons.Ive learned along the way trying to find my way in this world can be extremely difficult this wizards character has the potential to help me conquer it all. This symbol of all the distractions in the world that helps come alive like music specifically man on the moon by kid cudi. \nThis wizard represents the your big brother , a mentor and a friend.\nAs this wizard go on his journey he knows deep down theres a light at the end of tunnel so he keeps the faith. This wizard journey is very unique and special. Joining forces with like minded wizards of 5 with same goal which is to retrieve gold that was hidden by the emperor and use the gold to take care of the oppressed people of the village. Amongst the 5 of us we each have powers to that makes us strong as a unit we each make up for whatever other person lacks. At times this wizard will isolate his self just gather his thoughts and quite his mind. Whenever hes around the group his ability to express his self is a struggle so he keeps all his thoughts bottled and uses if needed. This is often mistaken for weakness but thats one of the wizard powers which helps to make the outsiders view him as the underdog but this wizard illuminates himself whenever he is heavily underestimated by the masses. This wizards imperfections helps him to realize later on in his journey are actually his strengths."} +{"id": "41874dc3-74c1-419b-a758-4155a3542eb1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:29.6", "backgroundColor": "#82b0ff", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPR9aJvdPBdNvEpeqow4c2ho3Lg5roacAWu5hrPB5CeS", "txHash": "0x7d836068fff4c25a69e09fc5edb2d101722ca32e06d6622d1e90d2e96adf75f3", "createdAtBlock": 14090843, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Rita of the Mist", "text": "Journey started when I attended a school for the forgotten runes. This wizard was isolated wiz that was scared to express himself. Until he met 5 other wiz that kind of helped him to come out of his shell."} +{"id": "9d2ef907-ff3b-4fad-afb7-c470a4c35ca9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:30.338", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma7W5gXGhGMa4eSenmx7vxd4BieWfEXUB9pik5xfY4HKz", "txHash": "0x1dd50a4f0e4398a9021341075a217cd73d1397fa148f3b3cd53118c6a71a8bd6", "createdAtBlock": 14092403, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6706, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Mountain", "text": "# The Lore of Battle Mage Cromwell of the Mountain\n\nIn addition to being a talented mage, Cromwell was once a gentleman and an academic. His scholarly efforts yielded him not only a life of glamour and riches, but of notoriety. At first, the buzz and popularity from his success was intoxicating, but soon it became too much for him. The young mage grabbed as many books and potions as he could carry and he headed for the hills. \nCromwell was finally at peace in his new home (a modest cave at the top of a mountain), but the newfound peace was not without sacrifice the only source of nourishment within 100 miles were...rats. Not being a picky eater, ol' Cromwell made do.\nHis new culinary habits proved only to make his abilities stronger.\nBy defending himself daily from cave-dwelling predators, soon, Cromwell became one of the most formidable mages in the known universe."} +{"id": "693caa3b-adc2-41c2-9835-b78c0115eaf5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:33.93", "backgroundColor": "#4f61ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXz4xwnLc1LoBgLxJoWc3Toy8AT5QY4xU7Eu1eZ9LzbA", "txHash": "0xb15675b3b8bea49d932d8b0b303a16062648c154697a5f933925da940e5ba4ad", "createdAtBlock": 14094754, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 151, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Ixar of the Mount", "text": "Became a wizard so he could learn how to make his hair grow back. Unfortunately he later learned that this was a dark art. Today he strives to be a wizard of the light resisting the temptation to go to the dark side for the promise of a full head of hair."} +{"id": "df668580-84e4-4231-8eea-126dac1b7c59-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:25.862", "backgroundColor": "#484848", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPsDL7GnMZrPANzZcRmNY85pH9FpD9b2HBJh4ZTSk4jbg", "txHash": "0x6c331886ad36a048f789797ef15e27993e75f111029617ded7afff99b9ae1219", "createdAtBlock": 14642899, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9852, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXPCD5FQGvUZm75cgLrGhVC3F1s6xXbuz4WxxSn9VCN18", "name": "Magus Blaise of the Cold", "text": "# Magus Blaise of the Cold\n---\n#\n## Part 1 - The Awakening"} +{"id": "df668580-84e4-4231-8eea-126dac1b7c59-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:25.862", "backgroundColor": "#484848", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPsDL7GnMZrPANzZcRmNY85pH9FpD9b2HBJh4ZTSk4jbg", "txHash": "0x6c331886ad36a048f789797ef15e27993e75f111029617ded7afff99b9ae1219", "createdAtBlock": 14642899, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9852, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXPCD5FQGvUZm75cgLrGhVC3F1s6xXbuz4WxxSn9VCN18", "name": "Magus Blaise of the Cold", "text": "#\nOn the morning of Tempus 1.638-19.4.33, Blaise awoke without any memories. He could not remember his name or how he had come to lie on the frozen rock beneath him.\n# \nHe had no recollection of his family. Surely he must have at least a mother and father, but did he have any brothers or sisters? Did he have a family of his ownchildren of his own? \n# \nAs if awakening from a dream in an unfamiliar place, he struggled back into consciousness seeking something familiar that would bring him back from the darkness from - and into - which he awoke. He did not find anything for minutes that seemed like days. His red coat! He recognized it! He remembered itvaguely. As he ran his hands over the velvet red outer layer, he recalled that it was a gift, without any memory of the giver of the gift. He recalled playing in it as a child. He recalled making his first journey to the Outer Land in it as a teenager. He recalled sleeping under it as a young man, surrounded byfighting? \n#\nHow had he retained this jacket from childhood through adulthood and not outgrown it? How could such a thin layer of protection keep him so warm in this bitter cold? This red jacket, it must have some magical quality. \n#\nAll of this raced through Blaises mind in the fraction of a minute, but offered him a tangible reminder of who he was. As quickly as the thought came, it passed.\n#"} +{"id": "df668580-84e4-4231-8eea-126dac1b7c59-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:25.862", "backgroundColor": "#484848", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPsDL7GnMZrPANzZcRmNY85pH9FpD9b2HBJh4ZTSk4jbg", "txHash": "0x6c331886ad36a048f789797ef15e27993e75f111029617ded7afff99b9ae1219", "createdAtBlock": 14642899, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9852, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXPCD5FQGvUZm75cgLrGhVC3F1s6xXbuz4WxxSn9VCN18", "name": "Magus Blaise of the Cold", "text": "#\nBlaise sat up, feeling around the cold ground forwhat? What was he searching for? He could not remember, but knew that he had instinctively done it a thousand times over upon awakening. There was nothing within reach. Whatever it was, it was gone, and without knowing what he had been searching for, Blaise knew that he must find it. He knew that it was a part of himwhoever he was. \n#\nWiping the cold from his eyes, Blaise took to his feet to assess his surroundings. This came naturally to him as though the act had been ingrained into his routine from countless and vast experiences in the wild. First evaluating his pockets and what was on his body, he reached into his left pocket and found a folded piece of paper affixed with a crimson wax seal. In his right pocket was a sharp stone, two satchels of green velvet tied with golden-colored ribbons, and a small booklet firmly held closed by a locked clasp. \n#\nIn his breast pocket, he found the greatest surprise of all."} +{"id": "df668580-84e4-4231-8eea-126dac1b7c59-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:25.862", "backgroundColor": "#484848", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPsDL7GnMZrPANzZcRmNY85pH9FpD9b2HBJh4ZTSk4jbg", "txHash": "0x6c331886ad36a048f789797ef15e27993e75f111029617ded7afff99b9ae1219", "createdAtBlock": 14642899, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9852, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXPCD5FQGvUZm75cgLrGhVC3F1s6xXbuz4WxxSn9VCN18", "name": "Magus Blaise of the Cold", "text": "Or better put, *it* found *him*... \n#\n# \n# \n\n\n#\n\n> *written by a 0x7F0F062304C41e05D746bC24e90fddCF5247Bd80*"} +{"id": "4ae2befd-ed60-4f7e-8e60-72bf82bcf559-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:36.792", "backgroundColor": "#3f0704", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfKVgGoDaqPtBWj9ZmjGQMCYWqdvs8eAc8rNa8DfWuLco", "txHash": "0x9981b18568488c760ccb56b486164624b227f969e44f67e2191eef24e4aa2939", "createdAtBlock": 14097378, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3651, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Burnside of the Gnostics", "text": "# Necromancer Burnside of the Gnostics\n## A Familiar Poem\nMy name is Burnside and I'm here to say \nI have a flaming head in a major way \nIf you like it, you can have one too \nJust look into my Death Spell and hold in ya poo \n'Cause you're going on a ride through the dark \nYou might see other dead like Eddard Stark \nBut don't be afraid, don't be sad \nWhen you wake up you will be glad \nYou've made the choice to trade life for death \nAll at the hand of Grim Reaper's Breath \nBut before you get your flaming skull \nAll your obligations shall be satisfied in full \nBy accepting my Death Spell you've signed a pact \nYou must serve me well, there's no going back \nOur quest begins on the next full moon \nTo scour the Gnostics for my forgotten rune \nFor this quest you will be my familiar, maybe a bat? \nNah, you'll do well as my beloved Plague Rat"} +{"id": "08b7660b-a922-43cf-9450-5a260865efc2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:37.481", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcmwMucSfX3Uiu1ivuPrbhPRxzUnA1N5yQ1iwDAH7rfJw", "txHash": "0x79b5e09123f300f4fe248a464bc3efa0238f7115d874475d76a3fc4621fc3422", "createdAtBlock": 14097755, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6617, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Flynn of the Pit", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nElectromancer Flynn of the Pit wanders the plains with his faithful plague rat infecting the innocents that are unfortunate enough to cross their path.\n\nA rare and powerful wizard, the age of Flynn is unknown as he generates new life from the death inflicted by his rat. The death toll they have wrought is countless as they travel through the ages and realms endlessly depositing their infectious detritus throughout the villages and towns.\n\nThere will be no end to Flynn as he and his familiar thrive on the one thing always inevitable, death."} +{"id": "ed93b348-0a7e-42e8-80ab-7f33dc38784d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:38.508", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfB4wvWDN761HtcragGKhjUyhYkUHk5sPBc8C8Q1gp4su", "txHash": "0x0c7949043020b2848e4df5989169f6a33c9464ee66b75b7ff6e3d8ec278517bb", "createdAtBlock": 14100041, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9263, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Soran of the Havens", "text": "Poem dedicated to the beloved Healer the Havens:\n\nYellow mellow, \nwith a black cat as a follow; \nSpaz is its name, \nbut she is not yellow. \nBlack is its fur, \nso she does not go burr; \na girl like her only purrs. \n\nYellow hat fellow, \nalso dressed in yellow; \na Cleric he may be, \nbut he packs a good bite. \nHurt the wrong people, \nand Thors Wrath will strike! \n\nMake him really mad, \nand you will be sad, \nfor you will fear, \nthe blue fire he starts, \nwith his Rune of Brimstone. \nFlee you will, \nfor the smell is foul, \nlike rotten eggs all around. \n\nHealer to all, \nthe one and only, \nSorcerer Soran of the Havens."} +{"id": "1fb557f1-d5e7-403d-b050-019d0e62156e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:39.329", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeYsSmEqQWeTJ647BkkwWKfQmxcDeLUGDT1DEw9dN2xT4", "txHash": "0x1cd29f7fb6e644be18d6b809ea0bd45ba76326fe04e119e9e1df7cd01b399319", "createdAtBlock": 14100851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6225, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Ekmira of the Ice Abyss", "text": "# Paranormal Phantasm Ekmira of the Ice Abyss\n\nA magazine photographer was sent to a haunted house to take some shots of an apparition said to be residing there. \nWhen the clock struck midnight, the phantasm appeared on the landing at the top of the stairs. It stood there for several minutes, posing. Unfortunately, the light was terrible, and the photographer had forgotten to charge his batteries. He kept snapping away but, because of the low batteries, none of the pictures came out. \nHe explained to his editor: \n>\"The spirit was willing, but the flash was weak.\""} +{"id": "d7c555f2-fbb1-4793-acea-04ba3e49109c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:40.053", "backgroundColor": "#180302", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXReXSTfn2xiBo9cuJZEzpJGdQNP5i1HmgDhUr6BfHXab", "txHash": "0x182a82e1e945ba519888a5ffbb2600816da92fb20bb7cacaf41096b6531bb82e", "createdAtBlock": 14101759, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9343, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmR7abMZqmBmVcKhwHg2X1uS9SyAWp2Jzz472DJzALDiuX", "name": "Ethereal Spectre Silas of the Death Cloud", "text": "# Ethereal Spectre Silas of the Death Cloud\n\n### Silas is one of the Ethereal Souls. He is also an ***Ecto Flame Knight***.\n\nFormerly known as @wizard9343, a Cosmic Arcanist living in the Great Canyon, Silas had an insatiable appetite for dark magic. \nAt some point during the Infinity Veil Battle and submission to the Sacred Flame, the corrupted Arch-Magician somehow *resurrected* after a mysterious demise. Thus, he began his journey to power.\n \nHis sudden and uncontrolled growing strength eventually transformed him into a merciless Forgotten Soul and he became an **Ethereal Spectre**.\nInitially, Silas worked to keep foolish and naive Wizards lost in the Death Cloud from trying to access the **Ethereal powers**. \n \nWhile thinking on the fading Sacred Flame that turned him into a Soul, he began to have visions of a coming \"*Age of the **Ethereal***\".\nLater on he founded the **Ecto Flame Council**, utilizing a darkness, far beyond that of Humanity, known as the Soul Rune Of Saturne. \nThe ****Ecto Flame Council**** was founded to serve Silas and provide a steady stream of sacrifices. He gathered eight **Ethereal Souls** to the Death Cloud.\n\nUnfortunately, the cursed power of the **Ecto Flame** eventually consumed him, and the Council appears to have become nothing more than a group of merciless Souls seeking Silas' legacy in the **Ethereal Void**.\n\nAfter Silas was betrayed by the **Council**, the legend says that he started dreaming about the Legendary @soul6646 and sought to devour all of them."} +{"id": "e06308b3-8eaf-454d-a261-c28a3fe6f22f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:41.662", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbeN4wHCYvV1fVUgW1Pq8jNZnV6NU7uWbEXqo6XT33H1g", "txHash": "0xd9ebabb761745ce87660528873529267f7dd3b9657c05f16036f08c296d6cd6a", "createdAtBlock": 14102003, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3687, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Izible of the River", "text": "# Izible's Song\n\nRustle through brush, through bush and by branches\n\nNebel by side leaps and flies over logs\n\nDoe and her fawn look upon us enchanted\n\nRabbit and mage make their way through the fog"} +{"id": "a2badb5f-ef01-4155-8de4-2fed22f1df4a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:42.528", "backgroundColor": "#010423", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPGFbbSyG3LZu7LxkEiXfsUtTzMmQ5Gc6wKiMvX7RqLLy", "txHash": "0x11955f0b18f75fc16cdee1be246d288c208c2a685ad25e819a9b72222a6bfa1c", "createdAtBlock": 14102497, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 78, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUJvQq5VpQCx8DSacW7VwWTZAFLL7FNKRaQhLiZvpNYSn", "name": "Harvey the Romantic", "text": "# Harvey The Romantic\n\n### Harvey is a Proto Pony that comes from the *Elysian Fields Mythology*. \n\nHe has a coat light brown as the wood with a speed that knew no equal.\nHe was said to be the fastest among Proto Ponies with the ability to out gallop, out kick, out jump and out whinny many other Elysian ponies. \n\nPopular as \"The Romantic\", Harvey used to seduce Arcanists and Blue Wizards who rapidly fell under the charm of his red bandana. Many said the bandana had something magical that made it dangerously attractive.\n\nHe is now ridden by @wizard2464, a wise and tricky Floral Master."} +{"id": "3408bab5-a889-4e9f-906a-d33479e3c496-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:43.252", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVDYC3u9dx9j9AFdofa3A5PC4pGy7PJBfQcwwC3NUaQqx", "txHash": "0x37d690ab7ffd3ed1655b05914ac4df2f2fe182499a36cdc2d2bf60909c8467a1", "createdAtBlock": 14102628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9308, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Zane of Atlantis", "text": "*(singing and strumming)*\n\"-aaaaaand what is that you cannot get,\nnot something may eas'ly forget?\npyramidal blessings all around,\ncommune with me, and ye'll be found!\"\n\nI testify today, ladies and lords, kobolds and cows, you'll never know peace until you find your destiny in The Illuminated.\n\nEver wonder why the sky changes colors? Or, the why the floral faces turn upwards when the winter frost melts to soft morning dew? Or how the best sandwich condiments are made?\n\n**WE ARE THE ILLUMINATED!!**\n\n**Holy Arcanist Illuminus of the Heavens**.. \nwe beseech the presence of Divine Illumination..\n\n**Holy Arcanist Illuminus of the Heavens!!!!!!!!!!!!**\n\n**ILLUMINATE US!**\n\n**WARNING - what The Illumined bestows, The Illuminated can revoke. **\n\n**JOIN US** and be saved from the Ultimate Darkening!\n\n\"wait wut??? ... for the last time, NO THIS IS NOT A DUNCE CAP!!\""} +{"id": "1a7b67f2-9b7f-48f5-bf3b-a4d3759da0d7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:43.966", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd11dfBfKr4LbpmwRzF3FWXhtiLviSuLyWee8pfnYXgtS", "txHash": "0x2a5a51a54650e5b4760fcfee2ae9ca91a2fa6049c540c7285ffeaa1e3e398b66", "createdAtBlock": 14102647, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "The Lore of Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm\n \nIt was an overcast day outside, felt like fall should feel. A comfortable chill to the air. Just enough to enjoy a hot chocolate and campfire without being too cold. Goober saw the light blue smoke gently rising out of the thick forest canopy. He thought to himself \n*This must be the cabin the Mushroom meant that would be warm and its chimney beckoning with its blue signal* \nThe Kobold Crossroads were perfectly situated as a pinch point between the Red Wizards, Calista and Allesars on one side and the the skyrook, Goblins, Marsh, Carnival and Thorn on the other side. And a straight shot road to the Quantum Shadow of course. Anyone wanting safe passage thru there needed to play friendly with The Horde. Goober smiled and grunted to himself \nThey always underestimate us! Weve been here forever surrounded by youse and we still here stronger than ever! Thinkin they so smart. But whose played who?? \nArch mage (Magikan) Goober of the Realm was now lowering his elevation. His career has quickly taken off as a Mage who can get things. Quickly gaining favor within the Sect. \nThese fools dont even know! But weve seen how this ends. Its fated. Done deal!"} +{"id": "1a7b67f2-9b7f-48f5-bf3b-a4d3759da0d7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:43.966", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd11dfBfKr4LbpmwRzF3FWXhtiLviSuLyWee8pfnYXgtS", "txHash": "0x2a5a51a54650e5b4760fcfee2ae9ca91a2fa6049c540c7285ffeaa1e3e398b66", "createdAtBlock": 14102647, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "He circled the house a few times to observe, then pulled up in the front yard and strolled to the front door. Walking up the porched he looked over and saw a rooster off to the side looking at him menacingly. It stared at him reaching its two talons up to point at its eyes. BA '' then turned the talons to point at Goober, ''GAWK `` ! He scratched his head confused. \nHuh, thats weird.\n \nHe opened the door and found the shroom sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of ale smiling expectantly.\nGoober! Welcome my friend. Can I pour ya a pint?.\nGoober smiled Youre such a Fungi! Well I didnt fly here fer nuttin! He happily downed the mug with ease. Kobold after all. A moment of silence passed.\nWell.. were you able to get it fer me? Goober asked.\n Of course Goober! As always he then gestured with an open palm to the Kobold. Goober plopped a heavy sack on the table with a hearty clink that would catch anyones attention.\nNice, as agreed said the shroom but you know what I really want! Goober grinned Not fer sale, you know that ''.\nWell how about I sweeten the pot? Whats your price Goober? The shroom pressed.\nNot fer sale. Kobolds dont paperhand He retorted. This time losing his grin and humor.\nThe mushroom sighed and rose from his chair. Well thats too bad Goober. Because I have to have it. We can do this the easy or the hard way\nHe heard the door creek as two more mushrooms entered the kitchen from the living room. One holding a wooden staff, the other petting his blue rat.\n \nSHIT!!"} +{"id": "1a7b67f2-9b7f-48f5-bf3b-a4d3759da0d7-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:43.966", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd11dfBfKr4LbpmwRzF3FWXhtiLviSuLyWee8pfnYXgtS", "txHash": "0x2a5a51a54650e5b4760fcfee2ae9ca91a2fa6049c540c7285ffeaa1e3e398b66", "createdAtBlock": 14102647, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "SHIT!!\n \nHe turned to leave and the door locked itself. He looked at the window and the shutters slammed shut violently. He turned around sensing the betrayal at hand. The three Mushrooms had transformed into a thing of nightmare. Everything in the room darkened and faded away but them. Their heads changed colors from glowing red to blue to yellow to green to orange. Their eyes glowed like a candle.Smoke poured out of their ears. Goober backpedaled in shock. Nothing existed but them.\n*No! This cant be.*\nTheir mouths full of fangs and fire escaped as the spoke. you will give it to us, Goober!!. The statement hit him like a punch to the stomach and snapped him out of it. He closed his eyes and anger began to take over. He opened his eyes.\nKOBOLDSDONT .PAPERHAND!!!!!! As he yelled energy flowed thru him and he held his arms out glowing blue and let out an icy blue lighting bolt towards the shrooms.\nThe three raised their arms at the last second and met his bolt with bolts of their own nullifying his attack.\nThere are three of us, Kobold. You cant win!\nHe reached into his pocket and grinned. He popped a couple mushrooms in his mouth and while still chewing asked dat so?\nThe Kobold pulsated as he grew in size and mass till his ears were nearly touching the vaulted ceiling. He raised his arms again and began to hum with energy. His blue bolt shot out again bigger and faster than ever. The three shrooms tried again to parry but their energy was pushed backwards onto themselves. They began to scream and shrink.\nGoober no his former friend whimpered."} +{"id": "1a7b67f2-9b7f-48f5-bf3b-a4d3759da0d7-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:43.966", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd11dfBfKr4LbpmwRzF3FWXhtiLviSuLyWee8pfnYXgtS", "txHash": "0x2a5a51a54650e5b4760fcfee2ae9ca91a2fa6049c540c7285ffeaa1e3e398b66", "createdAtBlock": 14102647, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "Goober no his former friend whimpered.\nGoober looked at 3 bitesized mushrooms, still smoking, laying on the ground across the kitchen. He walked over and grabbed them. As he popped them in his mouth he felt the power rush. Again he began to pulsate as he grew. He exploded through the top of the cabin laughing uncontrollably. Growing and growing as he began to rise over the forest canopy. Now a giant Kobold stood. Taller than the mightiest trees. He looked at the distant Battle Mage mountains and grinned.\nI see you! he bellowed and began to laugh again and turned around at the sound of breaking glass. Goober woke up. \n*What a crazy dream! I watched him die. We were there as he burned and soul transformed into another. He has no power in my dreams.*\n \nHe frowned at the broken vase on the floor and the rose laying in a puddle of water. He looked up at the Crow perched in the open window. It looked at him. The crow pointed at its eyes Ka, then intensely pointed at the Kobold, Kaw! it squawked. Goober got up. Yeah yeah. Stop eyeballing my stash! he told the crow.\nAnd you owe me something shiny now!!\nThe crow turned and flew off in protest. The Kobold smiled as he cleaned the mess.\nToday is gonna be a good day .\nHe threw on his best white Tunic.\n*Fancy!*\nHe opened a sack up the table. He admired the mushrooms, peyote, vials and trinkets laid out before him.\n Oh, the things we will do with these!! he said aloud."} +{"id": "1a7b67f2-9b7f-48f5-bf3b-a4d3759da0d7-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:43.966", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd11dfBfKr4LbpmwRzF3FWXhtiLviSuLyWee8pfnYXgtS", "txHash": "0x2a5a51a54650e5b4760fcfee2ae9ca91a2fa6049c540c7285ffeaa1e3e398b66", "createdAtBlock": 14102647, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9591, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Goober of the Realm", "text": "Oh, the things we will do with these!! he said aloud.\nHe bundled them back up and gingerly picked up a special backpack. Inside it a large egg carefully wrapped in soft fluffy cotton to keep it safe in the bag. He had fulfilled the task he was charged with. Goober could hardly contain his excitement as he donned the backpack and grabbed his broom. His visit with The Sect would no doubt be epic. *Our goals are within reach. Our time is now. Our plans shall come to fruition!!* \nAnd with that Goober mounted the broom and flew out his tower window ready for the dawn of a new adventure."} +{"id": "d07a6b32-f3c1-483c-a6b7-a300019b9974-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:44.877", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRAf7gc2JK4Fzr9caNVS8oi7kn8v3XTmhdccVHX7SnBLZ", "txHash": "0x61ce86d90b50ad02c805036092634c4f9f93b5b419e090ad4ea6601960693305", "createdAtBlock": 14103159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3815, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ethereal Spectre Ozohr of the Death Cloud", "text": "# The Lore of Ethereal Spectre Ozohr of the Death Cloud\n\nTransmuted from the Druid Ozohr of the Morning Star, 1 of the 9 original White Wizard-White Wraiths, Weilder of the Pheonix Feather, Speaker of the Bliss Cat, Servant under the Run of Sigma, the **Sacred Flame** has blessed the Wizards Cult with the safe passage of Ethereal Spectre Ozohr of the Death Cloud, Weilder of the Double Phoenix Feather, Speaker of the Skeleton Cat, Servant under the Soul Rune of Saturn, affinity to the Ecto Flame, forever in service of the Wizards Rune Cult and the pathway laid down by powers of All.\n\nAs the Druid Ozohr once wandered the mountains, deserts, forests and seas, so too the Spectre Ozohr materialises across space and time wherever the truth of the Wizards appears. Find the Spectre amorphously residing on the Knowledge Horizon, continually vibrating within the unknown bounds of multi-universe wisdom. Adventure still guides the Spectre and his faithful Skeleton Cat. \n\nThe Sacred Flame has unlocked the wisdom of the Ethereal Spectre in both mind and body. He has returned to answer the call of the fire. The Death Cloud is coming."} +{"id": "f75f9c1a-da4d-4ab8-b36e-c0293631b4ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:15.257", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPjJXwhfDMDJJmL3bqzFTf2yixXLeEQKsg1DZdxJsaA1u", "txHash": "0x955bd9b20ea895283062d2fe52cf3d1c1eeff918264d8ce4ccee469a7aa9b269", "createdAtBlock": 14118188, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4152, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Nazim of Arcadia", "text": "\"Dont let his cute kitty familiar named Sultan fool you into thinking Nazim is friendly. Common folly. It is unlikely youll be anything but target practice to Nazim of Arcadia if your visit isn't announced, or you haven't checked in with his assistant (Sultan) ahead of time. Which is oddly difficult, since Sultan doesn't accept visitors, and eats carrier pigeons. \n\nHeralding under the Rune of Brass, this Sorcerer is a mighty fighter and eager to show it off. Nazim crafted his stave with the bones of his enemies and is a little too eager to add lore to his weapon.\" - Diary of a Random Corpse"} +{"id": "8c4cd36b-0487-4db3-8014-bdfb450efbeb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:45.673", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZJEhHjVhCKngTDb4kFU3Py8RNQCu3Bqsh3MfshT58nDY", "txHash": "0xc42b0f50cab5f67958c91a14f246fa8e85901828a2273933e8efff00390b02e4", "createdAtBlock": 14103393, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6150, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Gunthor of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Sage Gunthor of the Hall\n\nSage Gunthor spends the majority of his time deciphering patterns he sees in the runiverse. A traveler of both space and time, he longs for knowledge and balance. To secure the future against those that pursue an evil agenda is his mission. He has become a master of ciphers in an attempt to unravel the plans of his foes. A wielder of the Orb Staff hes able to unveil seemingly benign attempts to compromise order. He is accompanied on this journey by his familiar, a green asp that packs a powerful, venomous punch when needed during battle.\n\nDuring one of the most intense expeditions of his life he was driven to the brink of madness by cryptic messages that came to him in his sleep. After years of deciphering these visions he finally cracked the code. This ultimately lead him to the lair of a dark, and extremely dangerous adversary. A test of might and endurance ensued. His opponent escaped, but upon exploring the lair Gunthor discovered the Rune of Water.\n\nLittle did he know that the discovery of the rune was only the beginning of his journey. In the rune he saw an ominous maze, and at the end of the maze were two doors. What did this mean? Time is of the utmost importance. But, throughout his journey he reminds himself of this phrase as he knows it holds the key to everything: _knowledge itself is power_"} +{"id": "8c4cd36b-0487-4db3-8014-bdfb450efbeb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:45.673", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZJEhHjVhCKngTDb4kFU3Py8RNQCu3Bqsh3MfshT58nDY", "txHash": "0xc42b0f50cab5f67958c91a14f246fa8e85901828a2273933e8efff00390b02e4", "createdAtBlock": 14103393, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6150, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Gunthor of the Hall", "text": "aaaaa babba abaaa bbaab aaaaa baaab aaabb abaaa baaba abbab aabaa babab aabaa baaab ababb aaaaa baabb aabaa abbab abbba baaab abaaa baaba aabbb aabaa aabaa aaaaa baaab ababb bbaaa aabbb aabaa aaaaa baaab baaab abaaa babab aabaa baaba abbbb baaab aabaa aaaba abaaa baaba aabaa ababb bbaaa babba aabbb aabaa abbab aabbb aabaa abbaa aabaa aaaaa abbab baaba baabb abbba"} +{"id": "425f6e3e-ff92-4c83-bbf2-2795e3efc8b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:10.756", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme4qeqXPg1xWeMzSDRKFH61m1S7ypKySiDzapNRft67Yb", "txHash": "0x843b239d127e62cdabc3ae3cbc59c3056a1b04407b790118489916c0344f95dd", "createdAtBlock": 14117842, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3642, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Spellsinger Nikolas of the Ether", "text": "According to his wet nurse, Nikolas came into this world singing. \n\nHis mother didnt mind his crying all that much because he had perfect pitch. His beautiful voice brought him great wealth, and a slimy companion, Topaz, who he animated with bardic magic. \n\nUnfortunately, Nikolass talents brings him some trouble as well. The lady (an occasional lad as well) who hears his love song would fall immediately in devastating love with Nikolas. He (unintentionally) destroyed marriages, betrothals, partnerships and the like. Mayhem descended upon any town Nikolas crossed along his jaunting. He became so famous - or rather, infamous - there is now a common saying across the Runiverse, dont let your lass lend an ear to Niko-lass!"} +{"id": "eeb42e91-11b1-43e5-bac4-7d9c750ae79f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:46.541", "backgroundColor": "#e35a53", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZo4oTdafbxHMSBakLPxxyRZMg3xvDWJY8F6VWUM5HZng", "txHash": "0x5c987d532cc77d644d6609123cf7a9eec06821c1d8d628ad99c300bea57eb16b", "createdAtBlock": 14103655, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7150, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Augurer Tenguyama of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Augurer Tenguyama of the Tower\n\nThere it was. The underworld's equivalent of Death Row. In there were no cells and shackles. Just rebellious wizards. At one point they all fought for the same cause, but now they are each other's biggest enemies. \n\n*Wizards, line up!*\n\nThe Underworld General starts taking count. He notices that there is a tengu priest missing.\n\nMeanwhile on Earth, a group of civilians see an entity face down on the ground in the meadows.\n\nThey turn the entity over and it speaks.\n\n### The name is Abigor."} +{"id": "8406f568-c166-4e33-91ef-5513b030ea21-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:47.338", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaQvG3Jvsk2dS2RLU4HhkUcZLZFWRDyaHicwsRdjF5GHF", "txHash": "0x1908a3aa8babe235b5b07b7d69b1daa3a00bab19cd1cd3ce11de87024d88f15e", "createdAtBlock": 14104108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 233, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harvey the Diligent", "text": "# Harvey the Diligent \n\nHe was never the strongest. He was never the quickest. However, that never held Harvey back. He was unrelenting in his drive towards excellence. As a Wold foal, Harvey was a keen observer of the surrounding ponies and learned the natural gaits at an early age. For most of his kind, this was enough. Not for Harvey the Diligent. Once he grew into a colt, his travels spanned the entirety of the Elysian Fields to study various breeds. This allowed him the opportunity to forge an arsenal of artificial gaits to use as the needs arose. His next challenge was terrain. Dirt, stone, gravel, sand, grass: with unyielding determination, Harvey mastered them all. \n\nNow a full grown stallion, he rides marked with the Rune of Water, a distinction bestowed upon those that have dared cross the crystal streams. There is no path he cannot traverse. His gait marches to the rhythm of the inevitable. And the clock strikes now."} +{"id": "af32deca-2f7a-49e2-b901-9bef824ea05f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:23:37.624", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeCCM5inNUWNqMMFXTvvTJpKq4MnWBjHE58AdsJYcmqYC", "txHash": "0x01cc1970421cbae37fb49de7e37eaadce567e7045ec04afc53b427c91ed57bba", "createdAtBlock": 14153272, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4122, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Argus in the Shadows", "text": "The sun was just rising as Argus finally arrived home.\n\nHis boots were soaked through from standing in the slush most of the night. He'd been waiting for his contact to show up to their usual meeting place, but as usual they were hours late.\n\nWhy cant addicts be more punctual? he muttered to the empty room as he leaned his staff against the wall and hung his hat on the lone peg by the door. \n\nHe placed some wood in the fire place, lit it with a wave of his hand, and exhaled deeply as the rush of heat washed over him. \n\nSettling into a chair facing the fire, Argus pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. He studied it carefully in the firelight and dim morning sun that was just starting to come through the window.\n\nThe front side of the paper was a simple advertisement: \n\n**Leos Knife Sharpening.** Done while you wait. 15 minutes or less. No charge for handle polishing.\n\nFor some inexplicable reason a picture of a rabbit dominated the bottom half of the ad.\n\nFlipping the paper over, things got far more interesting. There written in messy but legible handwriting was a list:\n\n- Earle of the Riviera\n- Harst of the Obelisk\n- Lem of the Capital\n- Call of the Heath\n- Pax of the Sun\n\nA dissociated list of names. To your average person it would have meant nothing. But to Argus, this was a list of doomed people. Three of the five had died in the last month. One more was missing. \n\nThe last, well - maybe after a cup of tea and a few hours sleep, then Argus could see about the last."} +{"id": "022f83a9-6faf-4fb2-8759-932da904de10-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:16.215", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUaXwh1CqifJKJszLnHTiF9N7hgoRy8yBA94JyqYRwdJa", "txHash": "0x6b3f5100bd37bbafc0c2e297225f2f13911765e5664d69fa3521936a288cd104", "createdAtBlock": 14734116, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9754, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer Durm of the Hills", "text": "Durm of the Hills was born in the woods to a family of farmers. He showed promise from a young age when he was able to manipulate the elements to assist his family's crops.\nHe was sent to the city at a young age to attain an education and develop his magical skills, yet he was quickly recalled as he was unable to get along the city folk.\nIt was only by himself in the forests that Durm was able to master the arcane arts and outshine the brighest city students. He soon became a recluse, having chosen to set base on the hills overlooking his home forest. Durm dedicated himself to protecting this place of nature and scare away any intruders trying to disturb the forest's peace.\n \nTogether with his trusty frog companion Durm is ready for any challenge. Dare not disturb his homeland."} +{"id": "f44df4d4-5ab1-40fd-8630-5fafd8ddd436-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:49.764", "backgroundColor": "#c62c24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcoLHj9KoLUEJ4pftZzPzg2pGsLnDmntFQMJjtDCuthEi", "txHash": "0x56a61abed38b991efe29315a33acd358b23c030732e5973b7cd9c4f9f94e4876", "createdAtBlock": 14104723, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1301, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Robert out of the Blizzard", "text": "## Battle Mage Robert out of the Blizzard has not seen snow since daring to challenge The Great Saint Nicholas of the Giving on who was naughty or nice. Robert was stripped of his red hat and banished from the Polar North. \n\n## Robert wandered aimlessley for years before settling down in The Sand where his shame could at least go unseen in its desolation. \n\n## He should have perished in the unforgiving desert long ago but his only companion, an annoyingly friendly amber frog, taught him the skills necessary to survive. \n\n \n## What does the future hold for Robert? Will he live out the rest of his years in quiet isolation or return to the Polar North and risk it all to bring light to the corruption he witnessed?"} +{"id": "07e0a86a-09bd-46c4-8136-eb6f4c723fce-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:50.547", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeaWDpX9LnfiEuRnE4HPjSrkFBjsFHZSxNp8uJnqR6wZz", "txHash": "0xcf59486e6bdf60d58ebd99892ffab2bcd3a527e7336f4a847616e46a2d61f7a5", "createdAtBlock": 14966231, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3695, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Eon Bloodbath of the Road", "text": "Hey all, I'm Warrior 3695. I'm here with my minnie the dog to rescue the world"} +{"id": "60ab5072-e98f-4991-b514-bc90da217d86-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:51.851", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXZq7B5q1PYyqKGVtZgTmtffnabVZsbz3qYFCX17oKqGh", "txHash": "0xc39670b4f57772a525d49fd82a518ab37b6c9adf5462bebb14ca099689b9bf6b", "createdAtBlock": 14104883, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3102, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Crowley of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "### \"Hey, have any of you seen my magic thingy?\" \n\n### \"It was a skull... no wait, pretty sure it's wooden, so a staff or a stick or something.\"\n\n### \"I did have something right? All wizards do right? Oh man, I need to stop with the pipe... I keep losing things and those Mambo guys make fun of me every time.\" \n\n### Whoa!!! Where did that snake come from?! You all see it, right? \n\n### That's it, I'm putting the pipe down for good... well maybe just one last puff.\""} +{"id": "9a8b1ce1-af2c-402c-9901-97e03dd08038-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:21:53.538", "backgroundColor": "#4e666c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS5HiM6PB82nfb4j6o1Ep3V8JcVz9FDT71Y1Fwwp788bE", "txHash": "0x3f4e34bb8f8fc6e769b2928b1f0332315d9c35601a27c28cc398f789697316ac", "createdAtBlock": 14105536, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3131, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jerret of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Jerret of the Road\n\nWith roots reaching back through the magi lineage of ancient Persia -- he is both powerful and renowned -- yet his deep connection to the natural world makes him just as formidable in the areas of patience and presence.\n\nWhile you may be able to trace his ancestors back to Persia, where he calls \"home\" today is unknown -- oftentimes even to him. He is both a guide and a protector of The Path, and hence, the road less travelled is the one he rarely strays from..."} +{"id": "aa6139c1-dd66-4b0f-9260-3018d330b1ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:37.309", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfJhmhxTDLYYjT9DkqcBeQgEcYURii5UQ5mghz1TfWJvE", "txHash": "0xdbcbb9f52af1c01354baa55435d2e530a6530f3defc1c64591d0d740c4d5c265", "createdAtBlock": 15046435, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4803, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTVVMXb8FsrXWnX49qm6N3TFhAzU897UG4E432sXiDwy6", "name": "Mango Nullifier the Rune Raiders", "text": "# Mango & the Rune Raiders"} +{"id": "4594d3f7-c0ab-4c79-af72-a34638efd065-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:55.762", "backgroundColor": "#242632", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbRNkfTYrWyePiWJA6g6gS4TT4mbdChPkikwsk3BHn662", "txHash": "0x87e0b6e04ea950114769aadadfde3b4161af706f797e21af80db85faefc1f091", "createdAtBlock": 14102940, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1016, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Allistair ", "text": "## The Life of Allistair\n\n\n\"What do you live for Allistair?\"\n\nAsked Blue Rat.\n\nAllistair pondered...\n\n\"Rat....my life has been guided by three passions: desire for love, knowledge, and unfathomable sympathy for mankind's suffering. These impulses have blown me around like tremendous winds, across an ocean of sorrow, to the brink of despair.\n\nI've hunted for Love because the bliss it brought me was is so intense that I would give everything for it. That horrible loneliness when one shivering awareness glances over the edge of the globe into the cold unfathomable dead abyss. I found it because in the union of love I saw a mystic microcosm of the paradise that saints and poets envisaged. This is what I wanted, and this is what I have found.\n\nI pursued knowledge with similar zeal. I longed to know men's hearts. I've wondered why the stars glow. And I've attempted to grasp the Pythagorean power of number over flux. I have accomplished a bit, but not much.\n\nLove and wisdom led to the sky as far as they could. But sympathy always pulled me down. My heart echoes with agony screams. Famine-stricken children, tormented victims, helpless elderly men burdening their sons, and a world of loneliness, hunger, and agony make a mockery of human existence. I want to help, yet I am powerless to do so. This is my life. I enjoyed it and would do it again if given the chance.\n\n*Inspired by Bertrand Russell*"} +{"id": "af3d0c5d-0d98-440b-815e-e13b29c7d101-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:11.913", "backgroundColor": "#3B271C", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbCKtYrA5bhstauKqAJ6KQnBwP58poa5kNE3oJoVS455a", "txHash": "0x0df6371dc52a517033f2fd102ebe621b3eaa2d0725cfadb336abed2a433a7c77", "createdAtBlock": 14104894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9826, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf59mAHoe1roETdRydAqU5NGQZvNZkn24L6u3gBw6rPxj", "name": "Runecaster Daria of the Garden", "text": "# A beautiful, new friendship...\n\n\"Daria, my first child, Merry Christmas,\" says her father, as he hands her an envelope. \"I wanted to give this to you early, so we can go pick up the actual present before the holiday tomorrow.\" Daria smiles and lets out a subtle grin, \"Father, I told you again and again that you didn't need to get me anything. I know it's been hard to keep up since mom's passing. \"Nonsense,\" he says. \"You've worked your tail off helping this family stay afloat this year, and you deserve something special. Besides, it didn't cost me a single coin.\" Daria opens the envelope, and pulls out a piece of paper. She begins to read it... \"A pony?! Father, is this real... How... How did you manage this?!\" He explains, \"I went to get the family some new winter clothes the other week, and I found this certificate inside one of the boxes. Apparently, it's some kind of event the town is doing for the holiday. I've never heard of this stable before, but what can it hurt? Let's head over before they close for the day - I guess it's a little outside of town.\" \"Yes, absolutely!\" she replies."} +{"id": "af3d0c5d-0d98-440b-815e-e13b29c7d101-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:11.913", "backgroundColor": "#3B271C", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbCKtYrA5bhstauKqAJ6KQnBwP58poa5kNE3oJoVS455a", "txHash": "0x0df6371dc52a517033f2fd102ebe621b3eaa2d0725cfadb336abed2a433a7c77", "createdAtBlock": 14104894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9826, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmf59mAHoe1roETdRydAqU5NGQZvNZkn24L6u3gBw6rPxj", "name": "Runecaster Daria of the Garden", "text": "As Daria and her father approach the stable, a young Imp is seen bickering with the stablemaster - \"Excuse me? I was told these disgusting creatures were free, and I traveled over three hours for one!\" The stablemaster replies in frustration, \"Sir, you do not have a certificate. As I said, you must have been allotted one from the tailor, or you must have assisted the town in recording its history.\" \"I am a cosmic mage of the Brambles! How dare you speak to me in that manner?! I do not have the time nor the patience for either of those things! How do you even expect anyone to know this?!\" The stablemaster continues, \"there were signs all through town about being rewarded for assisting in the writings. The tailor even mentioned it every Wednesday at the town hall meeting for months.\" \"I will certainly never be doing business with the likes of you ever again!\" the Imp shouts out as he storms off in a rage.\n\nThe stablemaster lets out a deep sigh, smiles, and asks, \"How many I help you two?\" \"Yes, my father and I have this,\" as Daria hands over the certificate. \"Of course. Meet me around back, and I'll be right with you.\" A few minutes pass, and the stablemaster returns. \"This old girl's name is Olga, and she's always playing pranks on the other horses and my workers. I bet you two will be a great match.\" Daria quickly looks over to her father, lights up with excitement, and asks, \"Can I... jump on?\" \"Of course you can, she's all yours.\""} +{"id": "af36e38c-f8fa-405a-b813-d4a66167faa8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:37.687", "backgroundColor": "#e6fc5c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcLz7FZDwvsehVRbNett4jvANjih5vbExiCS1MKc32d5F", "txHash": "0x192074f3781703cbf0507410ad8c24cd24b74e57e56f63e039f27ed0f5cb7dfe", "createdAtBlock": 14122137, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6301, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Merlon of the Tower", "text": "Adept Merlon of the Tower #6301"} +{"id": "1b167184-6fc2-4ac7-936e-0e6f887a8eaf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:40.586", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdU79QznNK6bDJV5gJcpmWP43jfGKvg3Ae8mxu4F4cXjQ", "txHash": "0x1f590c6ba7ba92647e743601b0a9e338ac52975903914919ee8b89d2d07aef41", "createdAtBlock": 14122938, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7028, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Necromancer Anton ", "text": "To be or not to be? \n\nFor as long as I remember, I didnt fit in. My cloud of darkness seems to seep into every room. \n\nIt started with quiet then gloomy aura but now I dont even think I am in the same Runiverse as everyone else if it werent for my Sol Gato, Estrella, I dont think Id be here. Am I even here I dont belong here \n\nConsidering taking the vow of the Sacred Flame just to feel something again."} +{"id": "3c3a6173-648c-4ef3-87d7-3c13d608e488-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:38.339", "backgroundColor": "#f3f3f3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPiRSgYCxejdK8oTVCbEQcyF9H4gJUCwjsp2XCqwjt3wm", "txHash": "0x7d3477b5951f4bfbd5319d15ea992950d8d2282a5b7e47a4e414ec5ff3252e48", "createdAtBlock": 14122138, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Ulysse of the Field", "text": "Battle Mage Ulysse of the Field #8856"} +{"id": "a5865fe9-c066-43f7-ba08-04b261c3375f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:39.099", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme4zB1XzDBQxBNYT8PrVZ5RJjYMoQ94t9MraTDqyYmH5Z", "txHash": "0x2c07ff13359c10a536da5132eb87c086aca4296cd75a7734c962e34a4c5f774b", "createdAtBlock": 14122141, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9122, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Faye of the Wood", "text": "Mystic Faye of the Wood #9122"} +{"id": "9d5279d6-72dd-4200-b17b-1d8bcd3c036c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:39.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSbTk4BMn38P67uHr48F4FLN7sYhf66VoPeSdyC4EzSCi", "txHash": "0x5be5275f8395a93b34d35c21d4ab6f27542a2d48677d59cee3ac3a1335bf8a61", "createdAtBlock": 14122689, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4936, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Samuel of the Wood", "text": "# Samuel (My friends call me Sam and you can too)\n\nAye, you will have to forgive me if I seem a little off.\n\n3 long years wandering the dark and distant coastline of Galium with only Frederick to keep me company 'as been tough on me noggin."} +{"id": "126af498-cce2-4ef1-b659-54f3f0817bfa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:02.909", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXgzworDqTsm5e7EDdvnR69uQ63iSUDCnJsKr9ykuy4hq", "txHash": "0x8cb6b34c51430d1ed8df06d6c00087d1515f9b1de139ac0f5aeb50c0acb8f7b0", "createdAtBlock": 14109699, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9107, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Fark of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Magus Fark of the Hollow\n\nEl Mago Magus Fark of the Hollow no pertenece con los otras mago's. El viene de un tierra mas lejos que ellos. Un tierra muy peligrosa, esforzarse por guirra y lucha. El vienne a The Wild por ayuda de los otras Magos. Para restablecer su tierra a paz."} +{"id": "28a082ad-62f9-4998-a331-499249ae047d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:03.774", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXUopzSiwHco3ckXtygobw4qWFkCTEnUmP1qHusuoBusH", "txHash": "0x302fa8d4ead754d2e8df08e06758db29ef1d88038f94a020fe88fa379dea3a3d", "createdAtBlock": 14110353, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8546, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Soya of the Citadel", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Soya of the Citadel\n\nI wake up. Alone. Turning over I check the time. I put on my wizard hat and begin to plan for the unthinkable."} +{"id": "9d3a969c-e33e-4eb4-b923-fffadd0f81f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:04.445", "backgroundColor": "#ffa03a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFYemnHyy5gwA2XLhDP1WTwJ8ebSRnxYmidTNwPhBPC1", "txHash": "0x71afc6ee06d7e6cffec11a7669d9979fa3e5d8bcc97db169e833559de96b5a3f", "createdAtBlock": 14111092, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7779, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Yumi of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Yumi of the Wood\n\nAs she was awaking, Yumi was slow to adjust her vision to the light coming in through the bright, iridescent prisms around the room. The walls, floor, and furniture in the room seemed very bright, white, and sterile. Though she knew it was night, these particular prisms picked up the moonlight and made the room seem as if it was day. Great for conjuring, which she discovered functions best with powerful moonlight, though it wasn't so great for waking up from her nap.\n\nShe removed the garnet from it's fueling point and inserted back into her staff. Suki was at her feet ready to go outside and feed. She felt about 70% charged but that would have to last her for the next two sunrises as she knew she would soon by completely consumed by her mission."} +{"id": "0b25378a-704a-4b13-8844-0874319fffb4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:21.309", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdULJzpXKWYU7EJDmndrpd1KRdA13mTVqNDZFcGMpX7Bx", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 433, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNRbDvSkGAV2GucZsiU3C2DQmGxBSUuaz8zU1qLiK2kBo", "name": "Lamia the Stubborn", "text": "Lamia trotted along the slopes below the Sacred Pillars, basking in the warmth of the midday sun. The combination of the heat on her coat and the slow release of energy from the ice-grass in her gut never failed to put her in a good mood. She hummed to herself and clicked her back hooves together happily, continuing her search for the heart leaf that grew only on these slopes.\n\nWhile the ice-grass invested her with supreme speed and stamina, allowing her to gallop across the mountains from the Gate to the Seventh Realm in almost no time at all, the heart leaf was vital for powering the valley ponys Rune of Saturn. The rune regenerated the cells in her body: this was why Lamia sported the mane of a filly and a spritely gait, despite being several centuries old.\n\nOn the other side of the ravine, she spied the tell-tale red bursts of colour that signalled a patch of heart leaf, nestled in the crevices of an enormous, lichen-covered boulder. Neighing in delight, she bolted down the slope, leaping nimbly between rocky outcrops like a mountain goat (although prettier by far). \n# \nHer rune-liver fully recharged with the heart leafs magic, Lamia finished stuffing some extra leaves into the yellow bandana that hung round her neck. It never hurt to have spare stock, even if the leaf lost some of its potency as it dried.\n\nNext, she would head southwest to Fantasy Falls, which fell from high in the slopes of the Sacred Mountains to form the Dream Stream. She would then follow that magical mountain river as it cut its way through the rocky passes of the Sacred Mountains, until she reached the lowlands where the river fed into Dream Masters Lake."} +{"id": "0b25378a-704a-4b13-8844-0874319fffb4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:21.309", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdULJzpXKWYU7EJDmndrpd1KRdA13mTVqNDZFcGMpX7Bx", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 433, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNRbDvSkGAV2GucZsiU3C2DQmGxBSUuaz8zU1qLiK2kBo", "name": "Lamia the Stubborn", "text": "Up here in the icy slopes, the water was imbued with crystalline energy from the quartz cliffs there was no more refreshing beverage in the whole of the Runiverse. The mere thought of it tickled Lamias taste buds, but she pulled up short just as she began to break into a canter. Three figures had appeared over the horizon.\n\nEsme greeted Lamia with a raised hand and the pony flicked her mane, excitedly. Even at this distance, Esmes bright blue skin and crest of flaming red hair were unmistakable. Lamia did not recognise the Geomancers stag-headed companion, but Esme was her favourite wizard from the Sacred Pillars, while the dirt rabbit Aurora was Lamias bosom companion. The pony had known Aurora ever since she was born, although she saw far less of her friend since Esme had adopted the dirt rabbit as her familiar. Despite long periods apart, though, Lamia never tired of her friend hopping up onto her head to regale her with stories of her travels with the Geomancer.\n\nLamia rapidly covered the distance between them, pulling up in a cloud of dust in front of the travellers. After they had exchanged greetings, Esme introduced Lamia to Pan. The pony took an instant liking to the stag-headed forest Shaman, whose tranquil energy spoke of a deep connection with the natural world, though she kept an appropriate distance from his plague rat, Fester, when the rodent poked his blue face out of the Shamans breast pocket."} +{"id": "0b25378a-704a-4b13-8844-0874319fffb4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:21.309", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdULJzpXKWYU7EJDmndrpd1KRdA13mTVqNDZFcGMpX7Bx", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 433, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNRbDvSkGAV2GucZsiU3C2DQmGxBSUuaz8zU1qLiK2kBo", "name": "Lamia the Stubborn", "text": "She listened intently as Esme explained that she was headed towards the Portal of Purity high in the peaks above the Sacred Pillars. From there, the companions would activate the portal to travel to the Temple of the Falling Stars, where Lamia was shocked to learn that religious zealots had assassinated @wizard3922 in a bloody revolution. She held fond memories of Isaac from her last visit to the Temple he had always welcomed the ponies of the Elysian Fields with open arms and trays of sugar cubes\n\nLamia stamped her hoof in anger and informed the group that she would be travelling with them to the Temple. She hoped that her friend @pony255 had decided to leave the Temple; the old pony was no warrior, but the grey-coated nag could be almost as obstinate as Lamia when he set his mind to something. If she found him there still, she resolved that she would beat some sense into his thick skull until he bucked up his ideas. As for Lamia herself, she was determined that these bigoted rebels should not keep their newfound grip on power. They were executing animists burning them and their familiars.\n\n*Well, well just see about that, wont we? she thought to herself. Im not going to sit idly by while a bunch of dung-strewn extremists kill honourable wizards and creatures. They dont call me Lamia the Stubborn for nothing.*\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "c003c923-de35-4463-a76c-faf7253f8244-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:12.422", "backgroundColor": "#135fc2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR7FU8wGfT3Rbe25zAviYqnDFczZmdSKuSM7vQXyupDtM", "txHash": "0xca8a7054b4fa19983460a966cd1ab9b8e39f96c25d737f61061d195444fd78f5", "createdAtBlock": 15067912, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1479, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# Archmagus Aldus of the Sacred Pillars\n\n\n### Wait a minute. Where am I? \n\n\n### Damn it, I'm a wizard now?\n\n\n### Alright, whatever. \n\n\n### What Do I have, a Blue hat, an Apple, and an owl that's just going to stare at me in disgust all the time.\n\n\n### Ok then, don't know how I'm going to get out of this one."} +{"id": "410d2e62-ea1d-49a6-8e80-3ce8c321eec2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:56.837", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeM9UHCkcxeNpuk7fRWE9B4Mr5QV7qh8LCMF4YBEmgad2", "txHash": "0x928346f0b071ac8e7a700158e45f20d48240419328cf1760f0a0c908e91fd83a", "createdAtBlock": 14135160, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7687, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Sisk of the Hills", "text": "# The Lore of Kakarotto's Trusted Sidekick, Alchemist Sisk of the Hills\n\nLong before he became Kakarotto's trusted wizard sidekick, Sisk was a normal young boy who loved martial arts. Sisk and Kakarotto would spar with each other everyday, hoping to one day participate in martial arts tournaments against the world's greatest fighters. However, day by day and year by year, it became clear that Sisk would never be able to live up to Kakarotto's strength, skill, or natural ability. \n\nWhile Sisk never showed this to his good friend Kakarotto, over time he became jealous of his success and couldn't stomach watching Kakarotto continue to achieve greatness while Sisk idled in mediocrity. By early adulthood, Sisk felt like he had wasted his early years on a passion that was never meant to be. This led him down a dark path... filled with jealousy and hate for his former best friend, he turned to a life of drugs to cope with the pain. \n\nThough his life went into a downward spiral from there, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise when he tried magic mushrooms for the first time. He decided to try these mushrooms in the famous Hills, flush with the greenest grass on the planet where ponies prance freely. After consuming the magic mushrooms, he had an epiphany and was convinced that he met a wizard who taught him how to create potions that make stronger fighters. \n\nAfter sobering up, he immediately went to work and created the potion within a few hours. Out of desperation, Sisk took the potion himself to test it out. The potion had actually made him WEAKER physically than he was before... but he soon realized that the potion he created gave him magical, wizard powers. He quickly mastered these new skills and realized he was born to be a wizard all along, not a fighter."} +{"id": "410d2e62-ea1d-49a6-8e80-3ce8c321eec2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:22:56.837", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeM9UHCkcxeNpuk7fRWE9B4Mr5QV7qh8LCMF4YBEmgad2", "txHash": "0x928346f0b071ac8e7a700158e45f20d48240419328cf1760f0a0c908e91fd83a", "createdAtBlock": 14135160, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7687, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Sisk of the Hills", "text": "After mastering his wizard skills, Sisk and Kakarotto became friends again and went on to face some of the universes greatest threats. Time after time, their deadly combination of magic and brute strength proved to be too much for every adversary they faced, until now..."} +{"id": "7ff05ca2-b267-450b-adf5-ea724e17e97e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:31.92", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmamcdMErc3ZdkEcUCbatRGqxhyD8VPhwE7UogfDmKqpHs", "txHash": "0x50e35f46a35e1a4c571651e7d456f8c791dabbdaebfc2ff3805ee1c3bf3848cc", "createdAtBlock": 15071082, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 373, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rembrandt the Agreeable", "text": "# Pony Pony Pony\n\npony likes to run, pony likes to jump, but does pony likes to burn?"} +{"id": "6df45727-c308-4214-b76c-b24cb94d4f70-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.08", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcs3LLeS4zekqHZfn4NaEhmYjpcEFk4haxXMufLAXfKra", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3282, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXNowi5jskcaR5sHkrjGkd771DRaBcfkXuYUneY7fq5xB", "name": "Shaman Pan of the Forest", "text": "# Chapter 1: Pan\nThe Shaman reached out with his mind and touched the spirit of the forest around him. The song of the trees rang in his ears, the roots burrowing deep into his psyche. He heard the murmur of small plants growing, berries swelling on the vine and a million tiny creatures scuttling about their business. \n\nHe felt the sun warming his antlers as he reached out to the denizens of the forest, searching for fluctuations in the flow of energy. As usual, he was forced to suppress the malignant atmosphere that hung just at the forests edge, pushing the darkness to the back of his consciousness.\n\nThe Dumb Stick quivered in his hand, rasping against his wicker shawl, and he opened his eyes.\n\nThere you are, he smiled. Come, Fester, the hunt is upon us. \n\nThe plague rat squeaked with excitement and bounded forward, anxious to begin. The Shaman stood languidly and began to lope effortlessly after his familiar, navigating the tangled undergrowth of the lower reaches of The Thorn. Though the thrill of the hunt filled him, the looming presence of the Quantum Shadow still played on his mind. The Shaman could feel its dark energy seeping into the borders of the forest, tainting all it touched. \n\nHe hoped that his quarry could be stopped before the Shadow entangled its mind. \n\n# Chapter 2: Baird\nPan crept under an archway formed by intertwined branches of the trees on either side of the forest track. Up ahead, the little beast was stripping leaves hungrily off a low, compact bush with bright yellow flowers, its rotund body rapidly flashing with alternating colours as it fed. It purred contentedly and closed its two primary eyes, but the second set continued to swivel back and forth on the stalks protruding from the back of its head, scanning for danger."} +{"id": "6df45727-c308-4214-b76c-b24cb94d4f70-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.08", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcs3LLeS4zekqHZfn4NaEhmYjpcEFk4haxXMufLAXfKra", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3282, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXNowi5jskcaR5sHkrjGkd771DRaBcfkXuYUneY7fq5xB", "name": "Shaman Pan of the Forest", "text": "*So it feeds on the Sun Lily I wonder if it makes use of those toxins as a defence against predators.*\n\nThe Shaman silently pulled an arrow from his quiver and notched it to his bowstring. The arrows head was not pointed, but flared into four inward-curving prongs. After piercing the flesh of the beast, the arrow would wrap threads of enchantment around its entire body, temporarily paralysing it so that Pan could take his time putting a soothing on the animal. \n\nHe drew the bow, fingers brushing his lips as he loosed the arrow. It flew straight and true, but at that moment the air around the animal congealed into the shape of a Rune of Mars, trapping the arrow in mid-air just inches from its flank.\n\nThe creature struggled vainly against the bonds of air. Pan snorted in surprise and annoyance and strode forward, determined to confront whoever had interfered with his hunt. As he approached, a huge onyx wolf emerged from the undergrowth, its jet-black fur glistening menacingly. Pan extended an appeasing hand and murmured to the wolf in gentle tones, but shifted his stance subtly, signalling to the wolf that while he meant it no harm, he was not afraid to defend himself if necessary. \n\nIt was clear that the wolf was a familiar; the Shaman delved into its mind, searching for its connection to the wizard that was no doubt nearby.\n\n*Get out of my familiars head, Shaman, we come in peace.*\n\nPan pulled back his thoughts, eyes scanning the forest, then spoke out loud.\n\nIf you come in peace, then show yourself.\n\nI am here, Shaman, if you look closely enough."} +{"id": "6df45727-c308-4214-b76c-b24cb94d4f70-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.08", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcs3LLeS4zekqHZfn4NaEhmYjpcEFk4haxXMufLAXfKra", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3282, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXNowi5jskcaR5sHkrjGkd771DRaBcfkXuYUneY7fq5xB", "name": "Shaman Pan of the Forest", "text": "I am here, Shaman, if you look closely enough.\n\nPan gave a start as the wizard suddenly appeared behind the wolf. The Shaman blinked in surprise, unnerved that the man had managed to conceal himself so well. No matter his magic, this was Pans forest, and usually nothing escaped his attention.\n\nThe wizards youthful face was kind, and the green band pulling his dark hair back from his forehead marked him as a medicine man. In a large pouch strapped to his back he carried a giant white egg covered in shimmering blue patterns.\n\nPan relaxed. I have heard whispers of you from the forest, @wizard3916. I have no quarrel with you. I too am a Green Wizard and even though I do not work at the Green Councils behest, I believe our goals are aligned.\"\n\nBaird smiled brightly at him. I have heard of you too, Shaman Pan of the Forest. In fact, Ive been looking for you. I have a proposition for you. But first, I think this creature here may hold the key to a cure I have been working on. All I need is a sample of its blood, and then you may do with it what you wish.\n\nThe Shaman nodded, gesturing for Baird to continue, and settled himself on the ground to wait.\n\n# Chapter 3: Eric \nPan and Baird sat in companionable silence as the herbs brewed in the pot on the fire. To one side, Fester lay curled up between the forepaws of Skadi, Bairds wolf familiar."} +{"id": "6df45727-c308-4214-b76c-b24cb94d4f70-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.08", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcs3LLeS4zekqHZfn4NaEhmYjpcEFk4haxXMufLAXfKra", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3282, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXNowi5jskcaR5sHkrjGkd771DRaBcfkXuYUneY7fq5xB", "name": "Shaman Pan of the Forest", "text": "It had been months since their first encounter in the southern reaches of The Thorn. Since dealing with that first beast, the Shaman and the Battle Mage had built up a strong connection as they worked their way northwards through the wild tangle of The Thorn and into the brighter, more open woods of The Fey, hunting down other creatures. Pan had been surprised at how quickly he had bonded with Baird. He had always worked alone, and had liked it that way, but the Mages companionship was simple and unassuming, and he had a refreshingly pure connection with the natural world that Pan had not encountered in his dealings with other wizards. In Pans experience, wizards even Greens had lost their affinity for Nature, trying to subjugate her rather than recognising their place as part of a wider, interconnected consciousness.\n\nThey had been tracking this latest beast for several days. It was proving elusive, its shapeshifting abilities allowing it to evade their pursuit, but right now they had other things to worry about Pans large ears twitched at the faint sound of rustling leaves. Hes close again, he murmured softly to his friend. Be ready, Im finding it hard to decipher his intentions.\n\nBaird nodded almost imperceptibly and clenched his fist. Pan could see the faint glow from the Rune of Mars on Bairds palm seeping between the Battle Mages clenched fingers as the magic flared, unbidden. Skadi showed barely any outward sign that she was aware of the intruders, but Pan could sense the tension in her coiled muscles and see the intensity reflected in her golden eyes. Fester, too, was alert, his nose and whiskers quivering.\n\nThe strangers voice rang out boldly from the darkness.\n\nAye, you know Im here, and you know Ive been watching you. It seems like you two could use some help with that rune-torn shapeshifter."} +{"id": "6df45727-c308-4214-b76c-b24cb94d4f70-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.08", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmcs3LLeS4zekqHZfn4NaEhmYjpcEFk4haxXMufLAXfKra", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3282, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXNowi5jskcaR5sHkrjGkd771DRaBcfkXuYUneY7fq5xB", "name": "Shaman Pan of the Forest", "text": "As he finished speaking, the stocky, red-bearded man stepped into the firelight and pulled back a blue hood lined in gold, unleashing a shock of fiery hair. A large, shaggy dog padded up next to him and eyed the group warily.\n\nThe names @wizard1182, friends, and this here is Shimmer. Dont let the hood fool you, I too am a Green Wizard. Pan motioned wordlessly to the newcomer and he nodded, walking over to sit down on a moss-covered rock. \n\nThank you, Shaman. I havent come forward until now, but there is no doubt in my mind that your connections to the forest run deep both you and the medicine man. He nodded respectfully at Baird.\n\nWelcome, Eric of the Grotto. We have been watching you, too. Please, say your piece, said Pan.\n\nIm pleased to hear that youre open to discussion, friends. You see, were not the only ones hunting these beasts. There are higher powers operating in the Fey. Ive made a pact with @wizard777 to relocate any creature I capture back to the Seventh Realm. There was a beast slayer from that realm meddling in my operations last spring, but once the Sphinx intervened he agreed to stick to his own realm. Nevertheless, since then the woods have become rather crowded and I do not like the types Ive been encountering.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "e77fa08d-ed6b-428e-8884-58881b4fb958-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:56.58", "backgroundColor": "#001751", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMNvRL856HisgsRicyk8VkZTcNN3srHtd8Bxe8K7KZrE", "txHash": "0x5512b148ee78e2ad25aabb9c10a4adb6640eaa9e2c556abca895685541ef2835", "createdAtBlock": 15142346, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7452, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Gorgana of the Valley", "text": "An alien who could never assimilate in the Runiverse, and so she returned to the stars, to a space capable of holding the breadth of her limitless magic. Wild Women are meant to be free, not tamed by wizards with a genetic predisposition to misunderstanding her kind.\n\n\n*/// area 71 trAnsmiSSion-eX +++*"} +{"id": "a91b92d6-34c3-4106-8fe9-46224b233d7f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:07.692", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYay2XPYMGdp9U3by49tUNfqNNMktQTFyqrNJN58jMi8S", "txHash": "0xbe53fb7ea89031b95a8935d1c6d255e139d6c1cad456e4dfe6b58e88e8efbdee", "createdAtBlock": 14635001, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 86, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Khudalf of the Desert", "text": "# Battle Mage Khudalf of the Desert \n#\nThe lupine wizard leered at the stubborn creature in front of him. When he became a blacksmith he never thought hed be working at the stables. Where did it all go wrong? he asked. I was supposed to be making swords for warriors. Not shoes for ponies. The stubborn creature stared blankly at him and let out a neigh. \n#\nWhen your work is done youre welcome to make whatever weapon your angry little heart desires, Khudalf. The woman was familiar with the Battle Mage who had too often fitted the banded iron onto the stubborn pony. Khudalf knew what he was doing, but he just wasnt taking even the slightest interest in his work. He moved the iron band onto the creatures hoof, fitting the horseshoes perfectly with a few deft swings and clangs. \n#\nKhudalf stood, extending his arms to the side in a stretching motion, breathing out the days frustrations. All set. Pay at the front. The man with wolf-like features stood at least two heads taller than the woman who led the now iron-clad pony out the stable doors. Khudalf wasnt in the mood to entertain the woman today. Being so lost in his own thoughts lately, he even forgot her name. As she walked off he considered whether he was too curt with the woman, but he soon realised that it didnt matter. \n#\nHe cleaned up his work area and closed up for the day. He day dreamed of his home in the Mountains near the Yellow Wizard Haven, seeing a picture of his previous life in his minds eye. Or was he only imagining it? It had been more than 3 years now since he moved North. He missed the food the most, and would never forget the taste of grilled sandshrew.\n#"} +{"id": "a91b92d6-34c3-4106-8fe9-46224b233d7f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:07.692", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYay2XPYMGdp9U3by49tUNfqNNMktQTFyqrNJN58jMi8S", "txHash": "0xbe53fb7ea89031b95a8935d1c6d255e139d6c1cad456e4dfe6b58e88e8efbdee", "createdAtBlock": 14635001, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 86, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Khudalf of the Desert", "text": "#\nAs he headed out and closed up the stables, he felt his foot meet the familiar feeling of soft and squishy manure. Looks like that woman had been offended after all.\n#\nBy the Beasts I hate Goblin Town."} +{"id": "b4816638-096a-45a6-8dfb-226a6315e3ae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:08.358", "backgroundColor": "#070c11", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdLC6ykqu4ZmwFkY45fhXHjyiujM2JnkfD9AZuNeszSAy", "txHash": "0x70e8e40f58097b46d9d70ee4715cebc73958d81d3f304355646722ea4857d2fe", "createdAtBlock": 14635062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2195, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Fabio of the Desert", "text": "# Arch-Magician Fabio of the Desert\n\nArch-Magician Fabio knew his time in the Red Wizard Capital would soon expire. It was inevitable now.\n\nIn these trying last days, he often wished he could return to his home in the sand. Despite the burning sun, the sand there had always felt cooler and softer than any other. It had been so many years now he could barely remember the secret route through the twisting dunes -- past Zaro's Oasis, over the southern ridge, then... *he snapped out of it*, there were bigger problems now.\n\nThe Arch-Magician's fragile alliance with the red-hats had deteriorated drastically in recent weeks. Wizards across the Runiverse were gathering to perform an unholy act -- the unlocking of the Gate of the Seventh Realm. Fabio knew that releasing the beasts inside would have grave consequences, not just for his old homeland, but for the Capital too. Sealed within the confines of the Seventh Realm were seven fearsome creatures; gods from an ancient time, now forgotten by the world. *And these fools would see the creatures return.*\n\nHe drew on every political connection he had, imploring the Capital to intervene before it was too late, to keep the gate sealed forever. Maybe if the Red Wizards could destroy enough keys they could ensure that this train of destruction would be stopped. And yet, Fabio knew that even if he could convince them, the most determined wizards may still find another way to open the realm."} +{"id": "b4816638-096a-45a6-8dfb-226a6315e3ae-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:08.358", "backgroundColor": "#070c11", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdLC6ykqu4ZmwFkY45fhXHjyiujM2JnkfD9AZuNeszSAy", "txHash": "0x70e8e40f58097b46d9d70ee4715cebc73958d81d3f304355646722ea4857d2fe", "createdAtBlock": 14635062, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2195, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Fabio of the Desert", "text": "But Fabio's pleas to the Capital fell on deaf ears. At one time, the Red Wizards were masters of financial strategy and political persuasion; they were not afraid to use their financial might to steer the course of the Runiverse. In a way this was still true, but internal rivalries, squabbling, and betrayals had significantly eroded the Red Wizards' ability to form a unified strategy. When confronted with Fabio's concerns over the beasts soon to be unleashed, the Capital elites could barely draw their minds away from the vast riches said to lay inside the Seventh Realm.\n\nNow, the Unlocking ceremony is done. The seven beasts have been released, their spawn already already multiplying at a dangerous rate.\n\nFabio exited the Great Hall and gathered his scattered belongings in a flurry of swift motion. The Midas Rod, still glowing from his last Arcane ritual, was tucked tightly into his pebbled leather backpack along with a vial of glowing liquid and a book titled Other Worlds Vol III. Skramps looked up at him with questioning eyes. Fabio felt the need to explain himself. Afterall, he was going to need Skramps' help.\n\n> The Red Wizards have failed. We are wasting our time here. We have to stop the beasts before they overrun the whole land. Don't worry buddy, I know someone else that might help us..."} +{"id": "e7693945-5f39-42ef-bec5-1c24bc384267-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:09.166", "backgroundColor": "#366e17", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfUM5ca2gN7JPvCnYA5TMNUmYUgMuy7fDw4o8bWtyhfst", "txHash": "0xc2da5a32b82106522e1c3863a9f478898f4f51a7e2d786aa84ac8858c0871500", "createdAtBlock": 14635316, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1110, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Eizo of the Gnostics", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n\n> I woke up from my dream;\n> I remember being in a temple,.We prayed together in there.\n> Do you see the torch in my hand?\n >>It was given to me by a wizard named Zodiac, who took me inside the Mystery Enclave,we build the Temple together.\n\n>!pray\n\nLong live TempleDao!"} +{"id": "83ed4568-cb2f-42fa-b98a-d9111292e8a1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:10.014", "backgroundColor": "#0e0c0c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbJ1s9NP7L85BEQWMXh9D83YAea853iy7BQ9PQoUTDQpT", "txHash": "0x5eee9ed9f167a623c7f51684138020189f0f43b3df273ed0a4a602aeef31380e", "createdAtBlock": 14635496, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3848, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Calliope of the Grotto", "text": "The journey to ruling the kingdom is fought across many planes and is often route with battles in the shadow before victory. Come delight with Calliope of the Grotto and rest in the comfort of the muse. She will unearth your many hidden talents and inspire you to ignite the strength and allure of who you are and who youre meant to be. Youre safe here with the muse for there has never been a beast or a spawn mighty enough or a spell strong enough to penetrate her veil. \n\n Fear not the future, for the she can see that you already have the answers to all that ails you and the vision for all that excites you. As a muse, Calliope of the Grotto is but a mirror and will show you how to give rise to the towering influence and capacity that lies within you. Spend time with her and your power, bravery and fortitude will triumph over any other, as you shed light on the path and guide us all home."} +{"id": "d875cbbd-7138-4112-a37d-867b862c181d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:10.84", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b21", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaBRN2fSbw4h8jTsbvqQVR4RWLtiD3YupYbgPysKs87WV", "txHash": "0x119ba133ddc9b0694f49edc9d02cc6dd5c7b26552f0e7368564acf1c57d30dd6", "createdAtBlock": 14636010, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6593, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Iprix of the Swell", "text": "#\n\nDeep within the mountain cliffs, Magus Iprix paced as his serpent licked at the air as if he could taste the danger ahead. They had come across a door with unfamiliar symbols, but it was assuredly the tomb entrance spoken of by the locals.\n---\n\n\nHe stopped, suddenly and rummaged through his robe pockets. Cluttered with parchment and old bread crumbs, he sifted through until his hand clasped a large, rough object. As his hand retreated, a lime green stone emerged, radiant and glowing; his rune had awoken in this ancient place. \n---\n\n\nMagus affixed the stone to his staff and evoked the ancient words from a manuscript he had read a hundred times. With a thunderous roar, the door tore open and revealed an entryway darker than the darkest night. With great hesitation he forged on, followed closely by his familiar into the abyss; oh, what adventure awaits\n---"} +{"id": "a8ed7bf5-0eb3-4df0-ac49-425dda42d131-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:11.563", "backgroundColor": "#323833", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP67JPLEfcYaYx9WA6pgw3HycVUMeTCQiJe2eqJYhmAEd", "txHash": "0x988e3708191b4919554a2216a04e4f0e49141cb49dcac09e5c2245b6911d4b1a", "createdAtBlock": 14636257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3042, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Aleister of the Desert", "text": "Conjurer Aleister of the Desert #3042\n\n\n\nThe desert is said to be a place for none. A place of banishment. Arid and hot without fluidity of life. Yet, a traveler may find solace when approaching Aleister the Conjurer. At the edge of the pyramid, or so one thinks, lies a bushel of apples and frogs atop resting. Aleister, welcomes the weary traveler with a bite from an apple. A mixture of sweet juices and secretion from glands of the frogs allows the traveler a peak into a new dimension. Aleister whispers to the traveler, Take this new vision, and with it more life, and head to your kingdom perched high in the skies"} +{"id": "d229d982-c743-40f6-868a-29ea6aa98d36-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:20.242", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsy5dENV1xxMjCBzcsUNF5MbTNEkhK6dUv1HgHDNkM3j", "txHash": "0x5c2de90069b679006ffdc8fc697cb20507962a749c1b62e3eaaa102f5e872862", "createdAtBlock": 14638834, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5769, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP94EUL3RHb5qWW4F6h6ucc7ttojMDpqAkViWMwNxcH8h", "name": "Shadow Mage Pumlo from the Shadow", "text": "Shadow Mage Pumlo from the Shadow, was exactly that, born and raised in the shadows cast by his fire spell. He was lucky to have been born into the cult that bestowed upon him the rune of lime that was the source of his power, without it he would have not been able to navigate the dark wet cave that was his home. It was all he had ever known but he enjoyed his cave dwelling and solitary lifestyle. Though he never had any family he always had his forever bat by his side, the only company he ever kept for every traveler that crossed his path would gasp with fear when they laid eyes on his pale green skin... \n \n...They would turn in terror and run deep into the cave, often without a way of lighting their path or knowing where the exit was. Many had been lost in the cave and never found their way out, doomed to feed the cave creatures that hungered for whatever flesh they could find. It was like this for quite some time until one day he realized, perhaps people wouldn't fear him if he helped them navigate the labyrinth that he'd come to know so well. There was only one problem, how could he get close enough to help those who feared him? He looked to his familiar and it was then he realized he could use the bats of the cave to guide those who had been lost safely through. This is what he did and with great success... usually. \n\n...After some time merchants began to recognize his familiar and gave the hermitical wizard a chance to prove he was more than circumstances of his birth. Once they realized he was no threat many traders and travelers would contract him to assist them traveling through the maze of a cave. His fire spell was essential for anyone looking to access the shortcut through the mountainous pass, he was not a wizard to be fear, he was only misunderstood. He enjoyed his new found company, even if it was only for a while."} +{"id": "caa6e140-c6e3-41df-bfe2-7a9d343d6c3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:13.047", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT9JK1wvZTgECVdSWhi3sQyvCH3GUwjdB1C5ngBwAMLwn", "txHash": "0xa21de4604eb6bb321ab87522fc430da982d9f01e667f0bf21bc306c5bc4dfa0f", "createdAtBlock": 14636773, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 475, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Boko the Saintly", "text": "Protect the herd. From time when I was born \n\nto now, grey-muzzled. Runes helped me to find \n\nthe hidden springs, sweet grass. A chance to warn \n\nof danger, ears pricked. Whinny. Leave behind\n \nthe gentle lands at threat of man or beast \n\nor strange creature from shadow. All is path, \n\nall footsteps. From the famine to the feast \n\nI did my duty, in my pride. But half \n\nof me is missing, and one day I smelled \n\na breeze blowing from somewhere worlds away \n\nI followed, and so quickly I beheld\n \na little hag, holding a wolf at bay \n\nwith nothing more than magic. Full of pride, \n\nshe climbed onto my backstill now, she rides."} +{"id": "6c3d0ef1-cb43-41ef-82cb-25eea6dc95d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:21.865", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmchW8nFhRsk9p6s5pF6QQUzTfZxS78Ju7KF7XeP9yMje8", "txHash": "0x76c8f598a6bd98184999dd603951f30c6d7557ad8238ab677d314eb61eea9b38", "createdAtBlock": 14638850, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6598, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hex Mage Tengukensei of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "From the ashes may them rise, never breaking the cycle of infinity..."} +{"id": "2d581871-a1f8-4b6e-b718-33e569d0ac23-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:22.521", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUZtdsbgePFcZsWaCfaqbQy3zVW5Bs7qxMsDciJNnB4h4", "txHash": "0x90e4bca8a63739935b0979f6001acd283724d6fd17df11904878cc55b9e5fdae", "createdAtBlock": 14639005, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2644, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNrnf1jpz5xEAE8ibDMqZbGCfQCYxJVdeV76bm1SRQEWG", "name": "Pyromancer Sisk of the Fey", "text": "Art by Karl Agli\n\ntiktok: @karlagli\n\ntwitter: @Karl_Agli\n\ninstagram: @karl_agli\n\nAlternative versions:"} +{"id": "7d9550c7-235e-42e6-bb37-29ef5d6f839a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:23.352", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSus3hwXyMZMuW4wDVgzTn5qyBbpNPLfXc87tviK8tojs", "txHash": "0x615625b8bc9d916e1f42574926c9c6cf026377233c2618f7f05099181c94fc81", "createdAtBlock": 14641905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2600, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Eliphas of the Keep", "text": "He had much oral lore which he told with great dramatic power."} +{"id": "b3a49f79-d750-462b-9978-8f46330697f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:29.85", "backgroundColor": "#b285b7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbxqyHwr2bpgMv4Dn3Zcg4e3VvcF7SDkzqtjmN32osQbN", "txHash": "0xe8b3c13b756829f324f7e9bd29e4bce099b52f1cb89cd8f756eff1818df52d9a", "createdAtBlock": 14643025, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 405, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Larissa of Alfheim", "text": "# Larissa of Alfheim\n#\nLarissa specializes in the art of illusion magic. She is a master of creating false images and deceiving her opponents. Her skills are legendary and she is respected by many for her knowledge and power. She is brings light to darkness and can be trusted to keep any secret. \n#\nHer companion is a rat called Olaf. Olaf was Larissa's brother but was turned into a rat during a quest to obtain the Staff of Antioch. Larissa has made it her life long quest to turn Olaf back into human form."} +{"id": "2df62dcf-41d3-45e2-85c4-f5f3a861a789-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:00.177", "backgroundColor": "#0b4531", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf8pJrW7oKvsPpL2z23w5sumAppmWtrkPUG4LW1dkvzjm", "txHash": "0x7daee215c1f33ab962b9a9783409186d2d9df29ec737a838c4f96cac4c65fabb", "createdAtBlock": 14658794, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 389, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Billie Jean the Great", "text": "@pony389 is so great because of her jeans. The jeans she used to wear, before becoming a real pony, were infused with magic, kind of like the hat that made Frosty the Snowman come to life. \n\n--\n\nSee, Billy Jean was her name as the toy pony that @wizard4365 had as a child. His name \"of the Mount\" has a double meaning here. Jabir loved riding his toy pony all the time playing pretend that he was leading warriors into battle! Or helping out the family farm. One of his relatives gifted him a pair of jeans for a birthday. They told him they had magic powers, but didn't explain further.\n\nJabir, one day while playing with Billie Jean, decided that since her name had 'Jean' in it, it would be *fitting* for her to wear the jeans! While she wore them, Jabir swore he didn't need his imagination quite as much while playing pretend. Barely any, actually, as Billie Jean seemed to be able to move on her own!\n\n--\n\nAs Jabir grew up & grew away from his favortie childhood toy friend, she became little more than a memory. That is, until the Pony Summoning ceremony where select wizards get to summon a real pony to be their great companion. Turns out those memories & the bond Jabir had with Billie Jean was so powerful, she was the pony he summoned, no longer just a toy! Those magic jeans *may* have had something to do with it...\n\nNow @wizard4365 & @pony389 are together at last, forever & will do great things in the coming years!"} +{"id": "ff4da6b3-fa51-4290-b238-4678ddd75fbd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:09.685", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVyJdEG2TKTdfGHagy2WHkgZukva395yveY67fQ4r4MWc", "txHash": "0x40f6332b42c55421af6915ae6d3ba56323cb708438e7fa933e1f2d140fb5d42b", "createdAtBlock": 14664595, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4660, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Danny of the Dunes", "text": "Well, if you wanted honesty\n\nThat's all you had to say\n\nI never want to let you down\n\nOr have you go, it's better off this way\n\nFor all the dirty looks\n\nThe photographs your boyfriend took\n\nRemember when you broke your foot\n\nFrom jumping out the second floor?\n\nI'm not okay"} +{"id": "b0f340e3-f3bd-4c03-9867-acddc37ee08e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:05.102", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYkNMZVLmL528vVAS2ZRmaQcxuAX6CJpkGS4zPPVbf2HH", "txHash": "0x27f574380cd20cc4e2e6f0ccaa0cd8838b82e8510eda3cf08c17c8d3b4993fb2", "createdAtBlock": 14658965, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3352, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmfSqihEsdU3ZnnLBbwJk5PGUPjqzt9iwt4nhvdKtCpXvZ", "name": "Cosmic Mage Lavinia of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "## \n# The Queen of Flying Shadows\n\n\n\nThe fire was not her attack but her defense. Her weapons were the birds she had grown up with.\nShe never trusted any other species but them. Her human characteristics had allowed her to learn the art of the drone and with that she defended her little friends. Growing up she had become the leader and had the ability to communicate with them through the sound of her triangle, the only object with which she had been abandoned on a nest near an olive tree in southern Italy.\nHer magical power was awareness, she was interested in neither the past nor the future, all her concentration was in the present.\nEven if she is an enlightened being she has chosen to live in the shadow and darkness of the Platonic Caves with her friends. Everyone fears her, as standing against her means risking going against all the birds of the planet. \nHer triangle has extraordinary power and has allowed her to come into contact with every species in every place. She does not order but simply asks and the birds always respond to her every request.\nFeared by all wizards, she has kept away from them and this makes her more than happy.\nShe has never been violent and has never fought. Her wish is to continue not to.\nShe is well-known as... The Queen of Flying Shadows"} +{"id": "0582c63c-91dd-4f17-b867-360e5718ca37-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:26.583", "backgroundColor": "#175c49", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfRpR34BUpDysSeEZjkfZNfx8jRWGgfhgCe5ffiT9VBdV", "txHash": "0x236bf051ca646c082a936635fa79fa9352561eed10e9b2f4309dc555d12415fe", "createdAtBlock": 14813007, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3771, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Suki Dissector of the Alley", "text": "# Introducing\n# Suki Dissector of the Alley\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zktBnO4Yu34\n\nThe Alley, the yard, the herbivores...\n\nSuki cuts the grass, Herbie chomps it up.\n\nWho is the grass cutter?"} +{"id": "f0914af4-835d-46da-a70d-b4096d1dea9f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:06.697", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHDuVckjJti6DMUro6zkxcREY4gGkrkuAEn45dRy6Gpg", "txHash": "0x7771ed528646e8ebf3265a8cb5bd93c1918390ad312a6c5f7f731fa014b13e31", "createdAtBlock": 14661038, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 343, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blood Eater Revenant Marceline of the Death Cloud", "text": "**Revenant**\n\nA geriatric from Newcastle upon Tyne is delighted when she gets the chance to take part in the final of The Keep. However, her chances are scuppered by an angyy elephant. In an angry rage, the geriatric kills her cousin."} +{"id": "8aebc572-a452-4add-bd2e-f4f9eba25fd6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:13.44", "backgroundColor": "#a20800", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYQXYTFYjT7pZCbkdPuZ5nfgURxhTsiEXeRYgmvHsMq6z", "txHash": "0x5ff75faa79ec994d398b02c4be14b70e59802135745db49ef9ad03cebe6381bb", "createdAtBlock": 14668927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8677, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shadow Mage Cassandra of the Obelisk", "text": "# Lore of the Shadow Mage Cassandra of the Obelisk\n\n## Long, long ago...\nLegends says that the land originally belonged to giants, who controlled a kingdom which spawned the entire continent. The old races lived under-foot or amongst the mountains and forests to avoid the powerful giants. At some point, a great flock of dragons flew from across the sea, bringing with them enslaved humans and dragonborn. Upon the backs of their slaves, they began building a kingdom of their own, and battling the giants for control of the continent. This Gargantuan War lasted thousands of years, with the might of the dragons steadily devastating the old giant kingdom. In their most dire moment, a great sorcerer giant king used his magic to destroy the entirety of the dragons kingdom, thereby ending the war and creating the Ravagelands. The gargantuan races were both decimated, making room for the other races to flourish. In the ensuing thousands of years, many kingdoms rose and fell across the continent, some remembered and some thoroughly forgotten.\n\n## Less long ago but still a good while\nThe Ravagelands became home to a host a dark creatures and demonics. A demonic princess named Cassandra who had lived amongst the Drow in the Underdark became envious of the flourishing lands above and launched a campaign to conquer the surface world. Cassandra bolstered her forces with outcast humans, promising them great power in exchange for their souls. As Cassandras power grew and things began to look dire for the surface races, the gate of Aasim opened and produced the nine archons of the Triad.\n\nThe saga of the @wizard8677 is just beginning..."} +{"id": "90c0f144-c136-4b96-8a19-f8150b2ea6a4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:14.977", "backgroundColor": "#d3d1d1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZGwte2ys5LYrzCynAy3JEeD4ZXn2UbFUQdDd69nzngGi", "txHash": "0xedce2ab55c296a428a7469b846efd698933ad9f9644cb9eaf1943c92b5152c4e", "createdAtBlock": 14668999, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5255, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Vadim of the Lake", "text": "# Forgotten Vadim \n\nFor Vadim, being **Forgotten** does not result in absence of presence.\n\nIt results in *peace* and *prosperity*"} +{"id": "7f3fa3ca-b011-4b83-8767-16f3823789f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:16.722", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPSqHTLue8H11FJ6RQZaYUVFCCbovj4YtvB6W5tgneqTx", "txHash": "0x0f4d29ab8167f4d1b6f2a8a1bcda9c7d0ea5b26ac3c7d8a6d43d1982666403dd", "createdAtBlock": 14669159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6563, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Victoria of the Hills", "text": "Not everyone was born a Wizard, for that matter. Like.... you know, all of us. The seven-point- nine-five billion of us. Lets focus in on three, in their 20s. Ned, Pez, and JP, who played a little loose with the truth and ended up living in an immense mansion in the Hollywood Hills. But even the raging Influencer Party they threw last night (remnants everywhere and no cleaning crew is going to mop this one up) wont save their plummeting status as all-important Influencers, having spent the night locked in a bathroom (to much weed and whiskey) while their competitors (younger, sexier, more TikTokd) took all the credit.\n\n~\n\nIn the cold light of morning and in the ruins of their crime-scene-taped rental mansion the realitys all too clear. Oh... they used to be the shit. Together, they rocked almost a million followers. Now, Ned has a few thousand, Pez a few hundred, and JP has one, one last follower that hes devoted his waking days not to lose. And so many bills. So much back rent. And a few (yknow, ridiculous) pending lawsuits. So theyre all just fucked every which way.\n\n~\n\nAnd their definitely no longer high, or are they, when out of this big ball of light steps a bald- headed, green-gowned, yellow-caped guy who called himself something like Nic the Romancer (@wizard1271) and prostrates himself before them. I have come, he tells them, searching for men of Tremendous Influence. He humbly requests they exert their power and influence in his world (World? Are you in the music business?) and guarantees that if they say yes, they will be rewarded beyond their wildest dreams.\n\n~"} +{"id": "7f3fa3ca-b011-4b83-8767-16f3823789f8-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:16.722", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPSqHTLue8H11FJ6RQZaYUVFCCbovj4YtvB6W5tgneqTx", "txHash": "0x0f4d29ab8167f4d1b6f2a8a1bcda9c7d0ea5b26ac3c7d8a6d43d1982666403dd", "createdAtBlock": 14669159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6563, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Victoria of the Hills", "text": "~\n\nHe sets a huge bong-like vial filled with Cannabis Potion before them. I have brought you a gift I believe you covet. Think. Consider. And if you would join me, signify your assent by imbibing of this Sacred Vial and I will transport you to my world, where you will be honored and regaled. With that, Nic the Romancer vanishes like he came... although theres definitely an afterimage of luminous Emerald Slime with a smirking mouth, and a lot of tude.\n\n~\n\nStill reeling from last night, and from the immensity of Nics offer, Ned, Pez, and JP pull themselves together, stare at each other, come to the same realization: Dudes we must drink! Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, they lunge for the Cannabis Vial. \n\n~\n\nHowever\n\nAnother visitor appears. Victoria (@wizard6563), head to toe in purple and hurling a horseshoe at the Vial. Through blind luck, or a distant memory of athleticism, Ned intercepts the horseshoe with his head, and though painful, hes saved the Vial and their promised future.\n\n~\n\nVictoria, suddenly pleading, begs them to come to their senses. Dont do it. Put the Vial down. Run. Hide for a long as you can. Unfortunately... they start snickering. You cant tell us what to do. Even if youre hot, or whatever. Were Influencers, and were all in! She tries to control her rising fury: Do you have any idea who that was? Yes we do, little lady. That was Nic the Romancer. Our close friend. You, you... morons! That was the Necromancer!!\n\n~"} +{"id": "7f3fa3ca-b011-4b83-8767-16f3823789f8-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:16.722", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPSqHTLue8H11FJ6RQZaYUVFCCbovj4YtvB6W5tgneqTx", "txHash": "0x0f4d29ab8167f4d1b6f2a8a1bcda9c7d0ea5b26ac3c7d8a6d43d1982666403dd", "createdAtBlock": 14669159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6563, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Victoria of the Hills", "text": "~\n\nExploding, she rushes them, but too late Ned, Pez, and JP scramble and guzzle the contents of the Vial. They grin stupidly at her until suddenly and very painfully they vanish.\n\n~\n\nVictoria shouts, and shed trash the place, but its already trashed. Her winged familiar, Bat, tries to lie low by hiding under a blanket and re-emerges screaming. Victoria stares as the blanket groans, mutters, and slides off to reveal an older bearded dude with a big, crusty Bong under one arm, and an albino Rat curled in the other (@wizard8528). Who the F are you?? Victoria demands.\n\n~\n\nThe old dude, Alessar, is too out of it to speak. His Rat is used to filling in the gaps: Go easy on him, please. Hes had a rough few decades... And so we discover that the Runiverse is in trouble. That many Wizards, that much magic, that many snarling Familiars. It was bound to go wrong. Some want peace. Some want partitioned existence (Border Control!). Some want power with hierarchy. And some, like the Necromancer, want Complete and Utter Domination.\n\n~\n\nBecause the Wizards interface with our world is crude and new, the Necromancer isnt absolutely sure hes correctly evaluated the full power of our three misfits, but regardless, he still has high hopes for their ability to gain the influence of all the Wizards, and bend the Wizard population to his will.\n\n~"} +{"id": "7f3fa3ca-b011-4b83-8767-16f3823789f8-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:16.722", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPSqHTLue8H11FJ6RQZaYUVFCCbovj4YtvB6W5tgneqTx", "txHash": "0x0f4d29ab8167f4d1b6f2a8a1bcda9c7d0ea5b26ac3c7d8a6d43d1982666403dd", "createdAtBlock": 14669159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6563, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Victoria of the Hills", "text": "~\n\nVictoria, on the other hand, is a force of good, albeit a furious one. Since she failed to prevent Ned, Pez, and PJ from embarking on their journey into darkness, shes going to have to pursue them in the Runiverse, try to save them, and save the Runiverse. And yes, after and during disturbing/comical/magical/life-threatening and sometimes barely explainable Wizard attacks/seductions/spells/and I-wish-I-was-dead adventures, our three budding heroes, with Victorias help, will start to learn what real influence and power means.\n\n~\n\nAlessar and his Rat come into the Runiverse, too, spurred by Victoria, who needs help in understanding, well, people. And in Alessars intermittent journey towards sobriety, he wonders if he can make up for a lifetime of mistakes as he tries to help his young friends.\n\n~\n\nSo, in the Runiverse, where Ned becomes @wizard9814 and gains a Psychic Rabbit (Stop constantly telling everyone what Im thinking!!), and Pez becomes @wizard8066 with a Dog whos always hunting the wrong thing, and JP becomes @wizard872 (weirdly with the same face as Pez, which is really annoying) and is trailed by a pompous Golden Toad with mysterious powers it feels too important to reveal, they really have nothing. Except totally transformed bodies. Simultaneously freaking out, empowered, lost, and venerated, like Connecticut Yankees in King Arthurs Court, our young trio has got a lot of scrambling to do, first just to stay alive, and then, ultimately, to rise to the heroes theyre going to have to become, with growing powers finally used for good.\n\n~\n\nIt all starts with.... (More To Come...!)\n\n~"} +{"id": "1eb995e1-4879-42f9-9a5e-5166b6c42a52-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:43.617", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfH6DhPur7XwcuydiJhwAHzPTdPWuNAyQQX3egDUsKvLH", "txHash": "0xfbbf202031d26fdb3b7a39668fabb6289edd26a0ed7e590ba29e8feba9f17cc3", "createdAtBlock": 14695125, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus of the Wood", "text": "# Distinguished Wood Envoy, Ender of All Marriages"} +{"id": "b1e45fa4-5848-4a9b-8ee9-cfcad9e98f05-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:17.502", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPxiNoesmnGv8hCYMZoJcrt23cTPWJyn6iGccAJByz5sj", "txHash": "0xebd4d1c6e49c885c05b0720c061eb7457f8cae0e462c5a37254c7b3eb1d54e7a", "createdAtBlock": 14670206, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 731, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Lucinda of the Atheneum", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nMost of our history of her has been lost to time, but as of now, this book contains all collected records of the Witch Lucinda of the Atheneum.\n\nWhat we do know is that Lucinda was born from mushrooms themselves, they grow off of her like moss on a tree. She is followed by her soul sister, the blue eyed bunny who is as loyal as they come. \n\nThe two of them share the same quest for knowledge in hopes to one day take over the land. Lucinda talks to no one; she keeps to herself and her books. She has studied her entire life in the atheneum, reading and learning with little interaction to the outside world. \n\nThose in the Runiverse believe that one day she will break free of the atheneum and not return. Her knowledge runs deep and it is believed she will one day use it to improve the lives of wizards everywhere or perhaps turn to the dark side and use it for evil. Nobody really knows but one day soon we will come to understand the purpose of her lifelong quest."} +{"id": "0b4544b8-5a1d-4823-a06a-31d2c76025c3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:18.304", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZu11Qyt1tjzKftWspRsi9JSQaixUCvxKD3iXeHWfK9G7", "txHash": "0x0a66f3cead30467a86e75c89e80f8b5a1c6a384f67a853e014131e534b131cd5", "createdAtBlock": 14670466, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3196, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Aslan of the Realm", "text": "# Time\n\nThey say it is the most valuable thing. You never have enough time and cannot redeem time that has passed. They are wrong. Time is a burden.\n\nTime is my nemesis. Time has become a curse for me. It creates memories that do not fade quick enough. Shadows in my mind that haunt me. I have lost count of the seasons I have seen, but know that there have been enough to fill a hundred lifetimes. The seasons themselves are not bad, but rather it is the thousand battles that have come with them. Conflicts of all sizes. But in truth, it is not even the battles that are so bad. \n\nIt is the faces that haunt. The faces of a thousand, three thousand, or perhaps even ten thousand lives that have been ended by my hands. There was a time when I knew the names of the ones I killed. But that was a long, long time ago. Now it is just their faces, and for many just the look in their eyes as their life flowed out.\n\nThey call me Wise, those that listen to my drunken musings. Perhaps once I was. A Scholar Warrior. But a truly wise man would have avoided the things that haunt my thoughts. \n\nSo, here I sit with my only companion, a mug of ale. It is my friend because it helps me forget the faces, if just for a moment. My true name has been lost to history. To those around me, I am but another old drunk. This is for the best. \n\nBut, I have learned that even old drunks can be a target for fools. Cowards who think I would be an easy notch on their belts. And when it happens, to my sorrow more faces are added. \n\n**For I am legend.**"} +{"id": "d069cd3c-3635-435f-8bb5-7ee8e36a4b06-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:19.806", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS9YmKf2nc9nE9szaHWsHxhm9navBMvCagyPetgWCjoNs", "txHash": "0x50ea1f5022840c27dea0435ba9547c823536561a9fd448f3fc4b5c0affd0936c", "createdAtBlock": 14674813, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2090, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Monk Chandler from the Abyss", "text": "# Holy Monk Chandler from the Abyss\n\n> Holy Monk Chandler is quite mysterious... no one really knows who he is or where he came from. There are rumors swirling around that he is neither dead, nor alive, but stuck in a holy state. His onyx wolf, Gregory, is known to howl at the moon, but only when it is waning. No one has ever met Chandler in person, and those who have attempted, have returned from their quest in a confused state... muttering about \"the shrine\". Legend has it, this is where he resides."} +{"id": "12ed2609-2cfa-4f3c-b878-33523540764e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:03.905", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbTx2o6SafDn8DLbuFeK24VAK5pVSpW9zsj2g7byrph6N", "txHash": "0x9634c8a9b4e2cbfa8cca9de1ef0629127023d8e182d1c233a1282b139674987e", "createdAtBlock": 15065750, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5276, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Henry Bifurcator of the Capital", "text": "# Ghost knight.\n\nGhost knight. There are legends that once upon a time there was a certain order of knights who faithfully served their king. But one day, the king's advisers provided him with false evidence of the betrayal of the knights. The suspicious king, fearing to be overthrown, poisoned the head of the order and his entourage. The rest of the knights, learning about this, vowed to take revenge on the treacherous king."} +{"id": "d10946e1-e1e9-4b22-b278-b090827e651a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:20.559", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSL8GHwU1FwhKrMbXPWDV3hkC9Lj3biQLuKUbeh5aHUtz", "txHash": "0x02661e4fa7f96b9153bb8bf76d0d25a8539a49accde12585cdf9bb19bb3fb3f5", "createdAtBlock": 14674847, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 639, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Titania of the Bibliotheca", "text": "Titiana of the Bibliotheca was a misunderstood lass\n\nShe has always been good with fire, her loyal follower fireball \"Spark\" found her when she was really young. They've been together and have been through a lot. When Titania burnt her family's house down, the town people didn't take it lightly as it caused immense damage not only to the house but to the town bar as well. Neither did her family. Titania escaped to the outskirts with her loyal follower, to study the fire and the Sigma."} +{"id": "03876b24-da1f-44cc-a0f7-0f84aa5119d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:21.242", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS38s4rkBs6aXrJsXYyQQDyDJCd2tJtRZ7rABbNMAYaDZ", "txHash": "0x99392e198be77e84f1f72ca85617a01a86d39a6b9e83ec7e69899d3880a0421e", "createdAtBlock": 14674872, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4078, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Zixin of the Cosmos", "text": "Zixin was a strong yet rather unfriendly fellow. He was a monk at the town monastery in Nepal. Onyx and him were the air protectors of the manastry. But one feature of Zixin was different from his fellows, Zixin didn't have the Rune of Air. His expertise on air bending was his effort and only that - exactly this was why his fellows looked down upon him - an outcast."} +{"id": "02617493-b48e-499b-9666-100babe7b24c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:22.052", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSrgUAF5cs8cHUYRU4jjPLzbuFJy1KRtk6q7SLWNteGUJ", "txHash": "0xa89b1f9e657c6e808b99693f53892231e1091a1f765a5f8cfb4bbcca1568e669", "createdAtBlock": 14675105, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8487, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Sylvia of the Grotto", "text": "Come and meet Cleric Sylvia of the Grotto."} +{"id": "50f734b4-d15d-41c4-be12-e002daaaa9ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:23.566", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b30", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNgncPFjCTSURmgFny8EveqpT2xASBeET9So86Vxf8aQq", "txHash": "0x7f111efa1eb0f35d30e726fe0722a769eada98b55b4b9ee95f83d3b2c6c4bdf5", "createdAtBlock": 14676298, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7932, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Holy Monk Eronin of the Keep", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nHoly Monk Eronin, Guardian of life, Patron of freedom and epitome of Magic.\n\nThese are the few descriptions people gasp when mentioning his name.\n\nTales tell he casts magic without wand, rune or even words. Magic springs to life from within him.\n\nPeople wear the citrine Dragon as coat of arms worshipping him.\n\nIt is said he protects the Runiverse from ill attempting to plunge his beloved home into chaos.\n\nRumors claim with the help of a cartomancer they banished 3 forgotten beasts at great cost..."} +{"id": "a22d397a-dd58-406f-914f-d89304a2c55c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:24.362", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRDE1xrH3QjShZozGjcSxyi3uKnobYPYLM6oC1Bfph7DR", "txHash": "0xb464d906956d310a710ab2d144f691c362ab1d679bec25e66c3aff67394c494c", "createdAtBlock": 14676817, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7295, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Talon of the Road", "text": "His name is Cabbage. He was found in a small rock pond being raised by toads. He has a propensity for yelling \"ribbit\" as he hurls boulders towards friends and enemies alike."} +{"id": "ae84b49f-b32d-4567-9149-dca9b7a7824b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:45.652", "backgroundColor": "#ffbaad", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme6KYgYKW25RgSqyoCtZP2qKN4iLw14KTF8hvxdYGUt24", "txHash": "0xd5217bd177fec63d2944b619a53688e683cf1196bfa244be101977cdf0f07334", "createdAtBlock": 14696573, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXcMkBeYGX6Cpjc6ZZLX7WztpD4RHzG8gsYhRCYvqBQmR", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# Grasp, pull, mix. \nLore galore is what you need. \nWords and sounds is what you feed. \nBe yourself, don't deny, \nshake a thing, don't comply. \n. \nBeer, sage and bread, \ncome to me, enjoy my Stead. \nSwing the love, carry my seed, \nno matter what they say, you'll always be my Lead. \n. \n. \nTo you, my Love. \nX"} +{"id": "29c81a9a-3ec5-4236-bce9-41522f2ece85-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:35.233", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc8WRjpkXJPMD72StBz8yVkTQU9YV4hyCy49nQ3wTNBXK", "txHash": "0x69dbb43aacfc8de93eca506fd03a16b839f1c46ba1044ce1d46957f9253d8f7c", "createdAtBlock": 14687926, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5259, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Homer of the Plains", "text": "Battle Mage Homer of the Plains\n\nHomer was always a loner. He learned to live off the land and fight for survival, using his all white clothing to conceal himself on the salt flat plains. With the help of his trusty crow companion, he could always find the trouble before it found him. Now, he was about to embark on his biggest quest yet..."} +{"id": "6883b141-4edc-4daa-adb2-2b4c6f5307df-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:44.949", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNanbp7FeKEZus4X87mau2mHXVLtJjsdMYNNKyZwpbn5", "txHash": "0x51a5da43bd98da73ddf8413c2436fb7a622e746bbac502ab8f8917635918b235", "createdAtBlock": 14695184, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4838, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Asphodel of the Grotto", "text": "# Ghost Eater Asphodel of the Grotto\n\nShe was just an ordinary \"influencer\" girl passionate about yoga. One day she met the lucky black cat on the street, and her magical adventure began"} +{"id": "25732471-4df1-404d-990f-cba51c1b02ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:25.219", "backgroundColor": "#74302d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUgSn4XjfNXC7DXgPSc6qUdRrktiED7iSdPvmsgDBQ7s", "txHash": "0x26f9999eb29cbf1bca0bbd43234176585477378960d75fc5c818b405950d1854", "createdAtBlock": 14678654, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2879, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Battle Mage Robert of the Fey", "text": "# Battle Mage Robert, Lord of the Fey\n\nRobert, a retired wolverine, well versed in physical fighting as well as Magic. Now a slow and peaceful life with his snail. Known as **Holy Monk Robert**, *Patron of freedom and epitome of Magic*.\n\nPeople gasp when mentioning his name. Tales tell he used to imbue his wolverine claws with magic, but to control his bloodlust, he only uses his Staff.\n\nThe golden cloak was awarded to Robert for protecting the Runiverse by slaying the **Citrine Dragon**, which burned down many castles across the magic lands.\n\n> \"I hereby declare, Sir Robert as the Battle Mage, and Holy Monk of our Land, and will reward him with the golden cloak, made from the scales of the Citrine Dragon.\" - King of Runiverse\n\n## Rumours\nRumors claim that **Holy Monk Robert** single-handedly banished 3 forgotten beasts, and feed the flesh to his snail. After which, the snail gained magical abilities and could turn into a little magical elf as a sidekick during battle. \n\n\nSigned off,"} +{"id": "3c57be9f-6dfd-44b8-b13c-71e9a9b272ce-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:27.146", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmci2cmqMbbMZmuEwYJuAQXoFn5uQJFE4wC9ohxDxBfQti", "txHash": "0xde1a2a094e0e0263ba9f3fdd967de26a21951b280a416c2c87ab4acff07c8100", "createdAtBlock": 14679498, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9574, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Hu ", "text": "Shman Hu? Shaman Me thats who. potions and magic for days, the man-bun will show you the ways"} +{"id": "eeee4b90-4b60-474d-917b-4f91c9a930a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:28.676", "backgroundColor": "#891e06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFHc167HBSCPfBJ4o9PG5LhMvDC6Qk5bkcP9PMhxi8eD", "txHash": "0x0a9c12b39f4085fc8e1ec4364812ad22063945cad978c0fb199c98ff6e8f3e27", "createdAtBlock": 14679626, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8437, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Samuel of the Canyon", "text": "Lore of Love\n\nA brief story about a simple wizard and his deeds\n\n@wizard8437 was sitting in the local tavern thinking about his love again. He walked over to the window and reflected on his magical surroundings. He had always loved the secret tavern of the province. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel happy. Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a shining figure of @wizard6553.\n\nSamuel gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a brave, energetic, beer drinker with charming hands and a huge rose. His friends saw him as a brave, stingy simple wizard.\n\nSamuel grabbed his eternal rose that had been strewn nearby; he massaged it with his fingers. As he stepped outside and Illusionist Thana came closer, he could see the better glint in her eye. Illusionist Thana gazed with affection and whispered;\n\n> \"I love you and I want to have baby wizards with you.\"\n\nBattle Mage Samuel of the Canyon looked back, even more nervous and still fingering his humongous rose and replied;\n>\"Illusionist Thana you are the source of my Dreams, eternal Love,\" \n\n\nThey looked at each other relaxed, like two confused wizards devotion at hollows eve, flute music playing in the background and two drunken kobolds enjoying to the beat."} +{"id": "89e10d35-2368-4c0a-a812-09d1aa865807-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:29.403", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSv539XTYGFGrZk5fod9VDY1dpHmpGf8BsXVCM57Xt4m", "txHash": "0x378aaa1616fba007d03eefaa1eaf52dfc1d8ad2c46e73cf3fc3bf87ead27ebf0", "createdAtBlock": 14679968, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6727, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Titania of the Valley", "text": "Not until I grew this beautiful titanias did I start calling myself Titania."} +{"id": "6051ac6b-1e00-4059-a7c2-e926c1fa260e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:30.061", "backgroundColor": "#030c30", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUZjSfy6mHRP6TnNFn8Rfj31YjFxJoQTKdAHeQTKJyJt", "txHash": "0xf4e77ab7e03133d66be8eba504f9de1b75d0672c4a1b3c8d2cc0c2a4b7d643e3", "createdAtBlock": 14681410, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://i.imgur.com/rqptcBc.png", "name": "Archmagus Amir of the Oasis", "text": "# Le Mage Hibou\n\nIl tait une fois, lointain dans une fort perdue, un mage nomm Amir, maitre de l'oasis Oakfell, ternelle source de vie et d'abondance. Malgr une enfance perue normale par plusieurs, Amir fut face son destin ds un trs jeune ge.\n\n> \"Le destin, un voisin certes\"\n> *Amir of the Oasis*\n\n# Le Passage\nlev par son pre Zvan, n'ayant jamais connu sa mre, Amir vcu la majorit de sa vie autour de l'oasis Oafkell de son village. L'oasis est la seule source d'eau des gens entourant l'oasis et est vue divine et sacre. L'eau de l'oasis ne fut jamais but directement par personne, on racontait qu'elle tait toxique. Il y avait un procd avant de la boire. Tout cela fonctionnait jusqu'au jour...\n\nUne attaque dploye par le clan des Crows pour saisir l'oasis arriva. Son pre ainsi que plusieurs soldats tombrent au combat. Amir dut oblig de reculer vers l'oasis avec la sorcire du village, Vadime.\n\nVu le nombre diminuant et les chances de survie quasi nulle, la sorcire dcida de lui dire qu'il tait un sorcier ultra puissant et qu'il devait boire de l'oasis immdiatement. Rticent boire l'eau prohibe depuis si longtemps, Amir ne vu aucune autre solution, les soldats ennemis se rapprochaient vers le dernier camp de l'oasis, le mage ennemi se rapprocha."} +{"id": "6051ac6b-1e00-4059-a7c2-e926c1fa260e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:30.061", "backgroundColor": "#030c30", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUZjSfy6mHRP6TnNFn8Rfj31YjFxJoQTKdAHeQTKJyJt", "txHash": "0xf4e77ab7e03133d66be8eba504f9de1b75d0672c4a1b3c8d2cc0c2a4b7d643e3", "createdAtBlock": 14681410, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://i.imgur.com/rqptcBc.png", "name": "Archmagus Amir of the Oasis", "text": "Amir dcida de boire de l'eau de l'oasis directement. Il sentit directement les effets. Se sentait si lger et si puissant. Comme si une force quelconque avait pris possession de son corps et son nergie. ce moment, quelque chose d'extrmement trange arriva, un chant dans la fort se fit entendre, entourant l'oasis, se rapprochant rapidement, la vitesse du vent.\n\nLa lgende dit qu'environ 10 000 hiboux arrivrent pour dfendre l'oasis sacre, anantissant le camp des Crows d'une seule bouche.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n# Un nouveau chapitre\n\nLe chef des hiboux Gvoko resta avec Amir. Les deux deviendront insparables. Gvoko, seulement la nuit, peut grossir et devenir 100x plus gros que le jour. Les deux survolent l'oasis et les environs chaque nuit pour dfendre l'eau sacre et divine.\n\nUn jour, un mage de la royaut interpella Amir et Gvoko a leur oasis. Il leur demandait leur aide concernant une force malfique causant beaucoup d'ennuis dans les mines. Incertain de la protection de l'oasis, Amir d'abord refusa. Puis avec l'appui de la sorcire du village Vadime, il convainc qu'il devait aller les aider et Vadime s'occupera de la dfense de l'oasis pendant cette courte priode.\n\n# Le retour"} +{"id": "6051ac6b-1e00-4059-a7c2-e926c1fa260e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:30.061", "backgroundColor": "#030c30", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWUZjSfy6mHRP6TnNFn8Rfj31YjFxJoQTKdAHeQTKJyJt", "txHash": "0xf4e77ab7e03133d66be8eba504f9de1b75d0672c4a1b3c8d2cc0c2a4b7d643e3", "createdAtBlock": 14681410, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2242, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://i.imgur.com/rqptcBc.png", "name": "Archmagus Amir of the Oasis", "text": "# Le retour\n\nAprs plusieurs mois de combats, Amir et Gvoko retournrent la maison. Lustrs d'armures rouilles, d'armes rares jamais vues auparavant, les 2 taient si heureux de revenir l'oasis.\n\nEn route de retour, plus ils se rapprochrent, plus les arbres autour d'eux taient morts, moins d'animaux y taient, plus les nuages taient noirs et beaucoup trop de corbeaux pour ressembler leur oasis de jadis.\n\n peine atteint le village, une dizaine de gardes en or arrivrent vers eux leur disant qu'ils n'taient plus les bienvenues et que la sorcire Vadime tait maintenant en charge des lieux.\n\nIls demandrent de parler Vadime mais se firent refuser la seconde que les gardes sortirent leurs armes et couraient directement vers Amir et Gvoko..."} +{"id": "44bd6862-121f-4e96-8ec3-b3c76c4c32e2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:30.867", "backgroundColor": "#7e6e00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRoFCga48JhHDBqfo3aRHjYaj5K2ENoFYqxaHLYCY4Jkc", "txHash": "0x92fc091c54e7be162058d5b0fc53c23f5e01271bf24c4ebb8a71dd76c616e357", "createdAtBlock": 14681761, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3047, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWG5jc3spgFGPfiX3Rd4YLNSxDjXRSxeBQsS9TytVL1YD", "name": "Blight Zombie Alatar of Torment Manor", "text": "# Lore of Blight Zombie Alatar of Torment Manor\n\nAlatar came from humble beginnings. Always misunderstood. Always mistaken. Always forgotten.\n\nA timid youngling who was afraid of the dark, Alatar was given the task of retrieving some ghee from the dark-dark dungeon.\n\nSwallowing his fear of the darkness, Alatar went traversing the hidden passages of his family's manor, looking to accomplish the quest he was given by his mother. As he walked along the stone corridor, he saw from the corner of his eye a flicker. A flicker that grew into a huge ball of flame under a stone archway.\n\n\n\nAfraid of the darkness all around him, he reached out to the flame.\n\nA flash of **LIGHT**. And the darkness was gone.\n\nThat is when he embraced his namesake...\n\n\n\n## Alatar the Darkness-slayer, Blight Zombie of Torment Manor"} +{"id": "b61ac6cc-92f5-462f-a853-2cf5cd16be76-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:32.374", "backgroundColor": "#191c51", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGTg78xMmKCLEUtXyqKwWG4BQy1qwvGeP1hVEfD85p7B", "txHash": "0xa214da6d6353a5c5e3e9fd4d6d13686313864c32dfb57a49d0f161657aa42669", "createdAtBlock": 14682739, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8912, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Bolin of the Desert", "text": "# \n\nFor centuries, my people have survived in the desert. Deep in the depths of the Sand, many thought it was impossible to live. Even the heartiest plans could only survive the milder seasons, and our every day was a struggle for water and food. But we survived nonetheless.\n\nThere were few outsiders who ventured this deep into the desert, but those that did mocked us. They felt our clothes and weapons were antiquated and lagging behind the modern world. They thought our magic lacked the power needed for their war machines. They saw our lack of gold and jewels as an indication of our worth.\n\nThe scholars of the Citadel were the harshest of all. They released rankings of the worlds wizards that considered me, Bolin, among the worst of all wizards. Some even claimed that, without rune or familiar, I wasnt a wizard at all, and they said I wasnt even worth selling to the slave vaults of Niftek.\n\nDespite these whispers, I never stopped training. I lacked access to the knowledge scrolls of the Bibliotheca, so I found other ways to learn. I spent my nights meditating with the moon, my only protector from the searing heat of the sun. I mastered my body, mind, and staff with martial arts. I learned to communicate directly with the beasts of our lands. All the things that their fancy scrolls can never teach them.\n\nThere is so much left for me to learn, but I fear my time is running short. The world is changing: the beasts grow restless, the weather grows fiercer, and turmoil continues to spread. I love the desert and my people, but I cannot protect them much longer if the world continues to fray. My only choice now is to leave."} +{"id": "b61ac6cc-92f5-462f-a853-2cf5cd16be76-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:32.374", "backgroundColor": "#191c51", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWGTg78xMmKCLEUtXyqKwWG4BQy1qwvGeP1hVEfD85p7B", "txHash": "0xa214da6d6353a5c5e3e9fd4d6d13686313864c32dfb57a49d0f161657aa42669", "createdAtBlock": 14682739, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8912, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Bolin of the Desert", "text": "The world has long forgotten that some power is too great to contain in a rune and some beasts too fearsome to tame as familiars. But I, Adept Bolin of the Desert, will remind them."} +{"id": "649518e5-91a3-480c-a3ac-cd1c9bdcf116-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:33.06", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmesHuW74jiqP6J441kcA2BKrNBvJSyyVBcKrhDSFJBPEj", "txHash": "0x38ef28262d43e618126bb091aa65a03fcec6277c2df7757d6ec7cbdd0e49baf8", "createdAtBlock": 14684207, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Tundror of the Hollow", "text": "# Shaman Tundror of the Hollow \n\nShaman Tundror stared at the strange jewel beset in his staff idly. Once, he had saved his old father from a vicious bear attack with it. It was a hard fight, but the power of the staff narrowly saved him and his father from a horrid death at the hands of the bear creature. The same bear creature that now keeps him warm as he walks across the arid hollow lands where he lives with the other outcasts. He had always felt at rest in these familiar lands, even after the Quantum Shadow had passed through it and taken many souls with it.\n\nThe brown rat twittered by his side, startling him. Tundror wondered sometimes if reincarnation was real, and if the rat was actually the strange bear creature he defeated long ago, come back to follow him forever as punishment."} +{"id": "33a18063-3b51-4ba3-9f3e-d7ef08d2f06e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:33.852", "backgroundColor": "#0f343b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNxrw3w94shoXvX3kcT3TK3CHAr2rJKUEuTps23yPg1pD", "txHash": "0x8c617f25fe743e3ae6e57f1fa21a7fc988abe35c7328963a30666efaaec30eff", "createdAtBlock": 14685999, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5021, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Woomba of the Wood", "text": "# The Story of Woomba\n\nWoomba was always curious since birth. His cartoonish face and obsession with the obscure always made him stand out.\n\nWoomba really found his calling when he got lost in the woods and happened to eat a magic mushroom to satisfy his hunger.\n\nHe met the gods that day. And he met himself. The experience set him on a life-long mission to create beauty & joy for others in the world. \n\nHe feels like an alien on another planet, yet this place also feels like a home & a family that he wants to protect with all of his soul.\n\nHis trust crowe friend is basically like Mushu from Mulan -- he talks with the voice of Eddy Murphy and gives comical and questionable advice.\n\nThe end."} +{"id": "f3664560-e559-4540-8bbc-a497b4f86be6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:34.499", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR2u5kyNxWDffW8iD6p3mCaYoGx8AXHQoJEGF8UaxKVY2", "txHash": "0xfe622c77ce2eb35ee64cc18a92fb8a9b347ba9b381fc77978510b9bc2842ff08", "createdAtBlock": 14687824, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5301, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Bullock of the Ice", "text": "Electormancer Bullock of the Ice\n\nBullock of the Ice wandered into town one dark and stormy night, where he came upon a wizard attempting to kill him and take his horns for a potion. He ran out into the storm and was struck with a bolt of lightening. From that point on, he never had any problems with white wizards, or at least none ever lived to tell the tale."} +{"id": "e9d58288-f53b-4e26-b71a-3ff78a6db599-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:39", "backgroundColor": "#0c0b2a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma3SZU3XudbyyGvm9Exxij5ndjjmfpcqqXqcVx5v5rPcJ", "txHash": "0xda4f000b0368baad730e927b90a2948a7aea09586ae26dc877c34cc1bb49136f", "createdAtBlock": 14716244, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5767, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight George of the Fetid Fire", "text": "George is a determined and approachable fellow, born in the north and living in the south. Like his father, he enjoys making things with his hands and appreciates the beauty in the simple and mundane. He is almost always calm and fulfilled and is often thinking about the peculiarity of life."} +{"id": "4ddd0cf6-b092-473f-a647-48cbf18d7ea0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:42.788", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWjcRjyNm3Ddbn6hgUt8WFJ9mJy7h5qXFFx8MB4G6FE3", "txHash": "0xf123bc16fde99baa16b6d6b98668ab7a51877139362b7ac609bb9c9aa16e6275", "createdAtBlock": 14752897, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 374, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Asphodel the Loud", "text": "Do you remember the story of the man with a 1000 faces? He went by many names but his true given name was Asphodel the Loud, better known as the shapeshifting doppelganger who could make himself appear as anyone or anything. His victims were endless. He had duped so many people that he had to move from village to village until one day he stumbled upon Death himself. He shifted his appearance to that of Death's face but this only confused and frustrated Death. So Death cast a spell turning Asphodel into a glue horse."} +{"id": "89296532-9a05-4d15-bf7c-f8163e83c1fb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:43.423", "backgroundColor": "#d2463e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQXCyLjvmN5bDP4gbPdL3rmh2NckdXNfsigoBdR4cpCx6", "txHash": "0x9b776f2b81b77216448e31c34c497bd153bd95cd1ac8eed1b7383ffeb2d4f59c", "createdAtBlock": 14753631, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6556, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Eliphas of the Reach", "text": "# The Lore of Voodoo Priest Eliphas of the Reach\n\nBorn alone in a cave and left there to his own devices, Eliphas spent his first 10 years in silence and darkness, where he connected to Aluna, the cosmic consciousness that is the source of all Life and connects all Living Beings.\n\nAluna anointed him Elder Brother, or caretaker, of the Great Mother Earth.\n\nBlessed with this responsibility, he emerged from the cave.\n\nAnd when he did he was met with a horrifying reality: Younger Brother, the rest of Humanity, had lost his way. \n\nEliphas, Elder Brother of the Universe, saw that Younger Brother had forgotten how to live. Younger Brother was destroying the planet with his greed, violence, and ecological miscarriage. \n\nEliphas, in communion with Aluna, retreated to the cave in prayer. He sits there today, protecting and making payments to Aluna and restoring balance to Great Mother's harmony. He emerges every so often to make a calling to Younger Brother."} +{"id": "382189e6-2369-45ac-83c2-dc990435e6a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:44.098", "backgroundColor": "#3b3124", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcTFshz3BRCLgygd4MSF7BqD8AAoviqpBydNr2aYp89ko", "txHash": "0x6c6e65453ceba012e99da89279ad135982980519db2690b7f1f3bb86c09e641e", "createdAtBlock": 14754246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9678, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Gino from the Abyss", "text": "## About Gino, the Arcanist ## \n\nGino's Story is still being written..."} +{"id": "d4cfa2e4-8fa7-41ee-9f55-8fb763dc99c8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:42.305", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP7QgXongcUGQBBHGAcLkpXvHGLXdvMmq5BRYfPCFFTUC", "txHash": "0x372ed4e0e26007d85119aa24ca60f23d39773ddd457615458784bdfaf423e1ef", "createdAtBlock": 14695108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9317, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Trollin of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# King of Frogs, Frog of Kings"} +{"id": "058f55b0-fab9-43e5-8dd4-e03002619693-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T03:09:04.747", "backgroundColor": "#4e244e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMiEp9AN61GQg3T8XUfLg9QfgvyVnTGpzmyqvhtQ8nsn", "txHash": "0xa6b47503acb5c9fa19b8b743a22c2ecea2ea6b97af013be344d6c6ba8417f631", "createdAtBlock": 15151207, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6234, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Despot Pandora of the Spike", "text": "This soul's lore is dedicated to the one and only Brennen.eth!\n\n\nThis wizard was my very first wizard and a gift from a close friend as my entrance into the cult (hi demos). As I was starting to learn my way around web3, I got my wallet comprimised, as many eager newbies do. Lost it all, and Enchanter Pandora of the Marsh ended abandoned in the NFTX vault.\n\nBrennen actually saved her from the vault to burn for one of our D&D game storylines. The original plan was to burn WHILE we were playing, which would have been absolutely unreal!\n\nHowever, plans changed on July 14, 2022 at roughly 6:21 PM PST. I had survived the OpenSea layoffs, and we were going to burn her to lift the mood. Oh boy, did the mood get lifted. \n\nAfter burning her, he sent her back to me. I actually had gotten my stolen wizard back after all of this time. I cried, guys, I cried A LOT. Like who even does that?? Brennen, that's who. \n\nSo now, I'm retiring my previous wizard, and going full in on this soul, and will be co-creating the lore with one of Brennen's warriors, so stay tuned for an epic tale of love, loss and redemption!!\n\n\n-- emmaleigh.eth\n\t\n\n\n\n\nHolders can see the original event here:\nhttps://discord.com/channels/853432452181262346/903730142155788388/997311887190540380"} +{"id": "f56bcdcb-7985-4282-bf34-7084d1688bf5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:44.269", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFu6XUtVnuJJGKE8fdwrEXqk8xEs3puhKhNrf3oeAau2", "txHash": "0xff48e009f119322de93bf42140b96b27d66507683cc859a37a54b92e6a2bc607", "createdAtBlock": 14695153, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8121, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQUnSyL6SmcyiduGgg6VEYzJJc1HTqQCH3E7au5VN62Pd", "name": "Alchemist Cromwell of the Veil", "text": "# Alchemist Cromwell of the Veil\n\nBorn at the Alchemist's Archipelago, Cromwell explored the world of alchemy from a young age. No potion was left untouched by him during his young years at the Archipelago. \n\nHis experiments went too far so that one day he transformed himself into a lycanthrope. To find a way to revert the spell, he went on an adventure to see the Blue Wizard Bastion. \n\nHe went through many challenges on his way there and made some new friends like his giant ladybug and @wizard7932. He also got better at mastering his Astral Potion and Rune Of Neptune. Will he ever find a solution to his metamorphosis? Only time will tell; Blue Wizards await!"} +{"id": "9f911289-d7cd-4104-9482-ad9c432a2269-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:40.672", "backgroundColor": "#89aba4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbqncakrajWL1BGCHaxFwMJJZvwRBdEAzL1NYhWx9qJ3q", "txHash": "0xd35ddda324c8768a55fdfb9f1e0ee8a0bafbfdf14722c5311e5cb01f3e4d5f4d", "createdAtBlock": 14690724, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Jean Leon of the Rock", "text": "**Jean Leon** of the Rock is of Creol heritage and the rune of fire. His friends call him \"JL\". \n\nArtificers have come to represent many of the high-magic elements and the people rely heavily on artificers to maintain the magical infrastructure. \n\nJean is considered to be one of the most gifted artificers of his generation, being a wizard specialist and a brilliant creator of magic items. He's mastered the art of channeling magic into and through non-living items from a young age.\n \nJL is socially highly regarded and well-liked and admired by the town's men and women alike."} +{"id": "02d69a09-15df-4cca-8d1c-c70217d202aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:14.561", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSZcT6tq72G6HbaGEy8ibdj71mevQr12MLSQvsQumVQMw", "txHash": "0x2d32cf1585a86c6579901a81307a2e1f68f9de31eb3660d00907dfc33e33d311", "createdAtBlock": 14693294, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7529, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Asphodel of the Brambles", "text": "## Homunkulus\n---\n\nI am creating a being called the Homunkulus: a pure soul dwelling in an immortal body, ideal to thrive in the metaverse, serving as its protector. \n---\n\nMy quest may appear overwhelming, but with the help of my fellow wizards, even the most ambitious endeavor can come to fruition. \n---\n\nBeing a highly sensitive matter, I am not yet able to share details on my state of research, but rest assured that the book of lore will be the first place where breakthroughs will be announced. \n---"} +{"id": "8ec97949-a285-4259-8303-340857840e71-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:45.601", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYcAqiUPWsSAxkhNJWVzm5SUtcECnbaN4ZhCrDRjKJXX7", "txHash": "0x337c0e5df0bd4b67dac1f6a20ecba3cbf41a08e5cf694084115a379d66a9fd34", "createdAtBlock": 14755957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9325, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scryer Jeldor of the Hollow", "text": "Never knows best"} +{"id": "6a26971c-5849-4bd5-96cc-96572a873511-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:48.815", "backgroundColor": "#6a1414", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPMT6qghmSKFSoraDv2bwYvbZM4gfg76DfLbc2jmwMpi4", "txHash": "0xc3c1f98dac7ff6c299a8fbd95f3af29ca19ffbf306fc72a03a7a09ee34e3a0aa", "createdAtBlock": 14699102, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9733, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Gellert of the Undying Chill", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nGangrenous Zombie Gellert of the Undying Chill. Described as a more \"relaxed\" and \"friendly\" Soul. \n\nWondering freely throughout the enchanted forests of the Runiverse. Seeking... company to intrigue with his \"Pixie Dance: The Razzle Spell.\" His fellow souls do not like Gangrenous Zombie Gellert of the Undying Chill... For he is overly caring, generous and a vegan."} +{"id": "e0029a6a-f248-4e7c-ad5d-ee765d33cf3e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:49.57", "backgroundColor": "#101e32", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZW2pGSrSkBgRBcoMVHxXzn3jmERKRp7cXRi5S1hsfcLU", "txHash": "0xd7df922fcc9d91e385fcf2932458234d572fdd3db003e8732efbf0c5764e5d8d", "createdAtBlock": 14699146, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dante of the Riviera", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nA simple looking foe but nothing could be further from the truth...\n\nBattle Mage Dante of the Riviera is an elite fighter and a strongman. Rumored to be one of the most deceitful Wizards to travel the Runiverse."} +{"id": "cebe4b5c-2445-42f4-85f9-85166d36eed6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:32.359", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmatjt8L4Udo3se8iukPRTfokKZZ3XJnbRppuynzGoVeAM", "txHash": "0xb18778f2e6015cf89222a08b297b171797fcd1a1741dfc4c0ed26e34f3def8ee", "createdAtBlock": 14822066, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3874, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dexter Conqueror of the Sunrise", "text": "Dexter has the name of a massive nerd, but the soul of a mighty warrior. Growing up, he watched tapes of an animated series called Dragonball Z that his mom purchased at an interdimensional flea market. He knew immediately that he wanted to grow up to be like the protagonist, Son Goku. To Dexter's great disappointment, nature did not endow him with the gift of magic, which meant he would never be able to produce energy blasts no matter how hard he trained. Thus, he trained his body instead to become the ultimate fighting machine.\n\nToday, Dexter is a dauntless warrior with abs of steel, expertise in ten different martial arts, and extensive knowledge of both ranged and melee weaponry. He also dyes his hair blond to match Goku in Super Saiyan mode (his mom even made him an orange and blue karate uniform to complete the look). If you're a villain hell-bent on world domination, you better watch out for Dexter, because he will kick your butt, even though he has weird habits of taking a really long time to power up and saying the name of each of his attacks before he launches them.\n\nKrillin the Hyena: When Dexter was a little boy, Krillin tried to eat him. Little did the hapless hyena know it had not been contending with an ordinary human child, but a future Forgotten Runes Warrior...instead of an easy lunch, the hyena instead got beaten to a pulp. However, there was no hard feelings as Dexter realized his attacker had simply been acting out of hunger (he saves his wrath for villains hell-bent on world domination), so he split his peanut butter and jelly sandwich with Krillin. The two instantly became best friends and continue to go on many adventures together to this day."} +{"id": "654dc8cc-c242-45f4-bf28-97a176697db2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:54.203", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUQ41KtiHbQKWRP3KCgSppTg5TFZxfkiwBPr14T3dzPcg", "txHash": "0x2cbe5de2a38fdc07a37b6b51d89e47542be3b621f71be7be359bb9b3da9a9144", "createdAtBlock": 14699656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2691, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Brutus of the Moors", "text": "There was a time when Brutus was just a boy with no particularly distinguishing features. His family found the ease with which he was distracted -- the quickness with which he would become entranced by little details in the natural world around him -- to be a frustrating drain on their ability to provide for each other. But one night while out on the Moors with his mother and father and the rest of their clan, Brutus stayed behind at the fire after everyone else had gone in to sleep. When his family woke up the next morning, he tried to tell them of what he had seen in the fire when he was alone. It quickly became clear that he would not be able to explain it to them, at least in any manner that matched his strange experience. After that evening, though, Brutus began to see patterns in the natural world on the paths that his family traveled. He would throw a stick into the dirt ahead of him -- often just for play -- and when it"} +{"id": "654dc8cc-c242-45f4-bf28-97a176697db2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:54.203", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUQ41KtiHbQKWRP3KCgSppTg5TFZxfkiwBPr14T3dzPcg", "txHash": "0x2cbe5de2a38fdc07a37b6b51d89e47542be3b621f71be7be359bb9b3da9a9144", "createdAtBlock": 14699656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2691, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Brutus of the Moors", "text": "him -- often just for play -- and when it landed he could make out lines pointing in directions that were at first mysterious, but that slowly came to make more sense over time. It was only several years later that Brutus was visited by a Figure who began to help him make sense of what he had seen in the fire that night and why it was that he saw patterns that no one else could spy. What he had in him were the powers of a Geomancer. Some of them came to him unbidden. Others could only be harnessed with time and the proper lessons. The Figure who visited him was hard to describe, even to himself. The Figure was dark and light at the same time, and had no shape, but took up space. After enough visitations, Brutus followed the Figure and began to understand the gifts he had been given. It took much longer for his family to understand the same. Once they did, they no longer looked at Brutus askance, but instead"} +{"id": "654dc8cc-c242-45f4-bf28-97a176697db2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:54.203", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUQ41KtiHbQKWRP3KCgSppTg5TFZxfkiwBPr14T3dzPcg", "txHash": "0x2cbe5de2a38fdc07a37b6b51d89e47542be3b621f71be7be359bb9b3da9a9144", "createdAtBlock": 14699656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2691, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Brutus of the Moors", "text": "longer looked at Brutus askance, but instead looked at him in wonder, waiting for him to find the next patterns that would guide them on their journeys and provide endless bounty, as well as danger and the opportunity for greatness."} +{"id": "07216751-c193-4443-ad88-e9327651e91c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:54.939", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc4anV6YDbiy1QeaDvUTPNt5a2EnuVM8SQbK1soavymmH", "txHash": "0xea2c3aa1050ab97e2adf9447429f6f72b9d5274fb22752fa4940781a5cc53b11", "createdAtBlock": 14700974, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 694, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Cassiopeia of the Garden", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nCassiopeia enjoys her Cannabis Potion a little TOO much; in fact her pet slime Rimuru often wonders if his master is even aware he exists!"} +{"id": "cdc374aa-4648-4df3-88e8-833d2ebe773c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:55.784", "backgroundColor": "#7b2521", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcHwcV2ouv58h5x8kHmSUMeshgwTGQf6YLXFCjH58gcrp", "txHash": "0x0177791f71b492ab9447faf46801b5f1bea90565d627b7dc82592ffa414749c7", "createdAtBlock": 14701009, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3652, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Fortune Teller Marceline of the Tower", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\nI can see the future and it looks bright for all the Forgotten Wizards. We will not be forgotten much longer that is very clear to me when I look forward into the future.\nMy fox is a boy named Milo and he adds clarity to my fortuning telling ability.\nI am friendly with Wizard #694 we drink her potions together when looking for the real truth and much need wisdom and guidance."} +{"id": "d4a4c12d-1768-4e26-9644-3c680064816b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:35.468", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTXH1byvsNBAZFSdeXn5gqqgKrwH7Yhpi2iP9cLF5v3rT", "txHash": "0x22526559e2c54e6d7c06eef676c308e3d2b64844347f550179545fda9ee63e7f", "createdAtBlock": 14715216, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5648, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Gaspard of the Hall", "text": "# HELLOOOOO\n\ndon't dox me bro. im just an anon femboy bagholder of shitcoins. i dont know any magic. i pay my taxes. plz"} +{"id": "34aceeb4-91fa-4bab-8f48-7c80e59820ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:57.335", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSwXwwv6NrhN5oan3gj7MVTtYtmFM6nyTuLzH2RQvq7Wk", "txHash": "0x344f550e5f0c96c90f614be77d19b79d8cece418d0390419469be0bbb2bf71dc", "createdAtBlock": 14701612, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3110, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Carly of the Brambles", "text": "Alpha ( or ) and omega ( or ), the first and the last, has always been used since ancient times to describe eternity.\n\n\nHaving lost her beloved mighty warrior in the midst of the Great War, Carly felt like she had lost her soul. All she had left to keep her company was their little green Asp pet snake that they found and took in to look after together.\n\nAmidst her devastation, tears and grief, her potential began awakening. \n\nThrough the desperation she had to turn back time to save her lover, the tears she shed slowly began to form into the shape of a sphinxs hourglass. \n\nHer soul began to be imprinted with the Rune of Omega.\n\nAs @wizard3110 found herself with newfound powers of time manipulation. How would she use this power to save her mighty warrior and defeat their foes? \n\nHer story will soon unfold."} +{"id": "756534bb-a662-452c-88be-a589f0a17ece-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:01.816", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZGLCFEAStcj8DZi3AYXC4pNtZdaSzSLKiWjSz76rCrfF", "txHash": "0x1e13b2b72838247304e8a1b64c6eb3af7390d221b007d6561cdbee801068d06a", "createdAtBlock": 14703688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4553, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Consumption Zombie Eden ", "text": "The once known as @wizard4553, a conflicted and hunted wizard, finally has a clear purpose in life or rather, death.\n\nThe torture that he received before being transformed into a soul was the catalyst he needed to become a soul with purpose. His desire to explore the edge of fire and burn human flesh has become an urge to eat it. After transforming him with the sacred flame, he finally had a calm mind with one goal... to consume as many living beings as possible."} +{"id": "76d86e2c-2c98-4248-9a9e-3012665ab797-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:02.492", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYKaHwqVSb1L6fin5yp1QAxpv2HiTovqtLMUdicCcz6k6", "txHash": "0x1824d365e29797ad9ba5a3c1f7e8902a7ad736ddc8b01d60ea5c9823617799c4", "createdAtBlock": 14704881, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3688, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Amir of the Steppe", "text": "# Hidden Treasure - Sorcerer Amir of the Steppe\n\n#\n\nLegend said that theres a hidden treasure within the Zaros Oasis by the infamous Sorcerer Amir of the Steppe. The sands of the Zaros are known to be dreadful and sentient. There are beasts of all kinds waiting in every corner of the steppe. Wizards and Warriors alike have tried to conquer this quest, none have prevailed. \n\nAs if in a vacuum, the desert speaks to itself in a limited scope only to those pure enough to listen and repeat the words from the sirens bell of the Sorcerer. That sound is the key to the hidden treasure. \n\n\n## Ding Ding Ding"} +{"id": "2e3156e6-e5c2-4365-83e9-8c320d3cb3cb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:40.372", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdoWu72vBqMMTzqvUkWvztsTpvEpB999jP75F9y8kF3Uf", "txHash": "0x99cc781fa087758ff03d5fd07cf715bdf8a9af818fefba88f1e3ff92d516aed5", "createdAtBlock": 14716923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7663, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Circe of the Forest", "text": "Circe is of the Forest, but she has never felt that she truly belonged with her Forest people..."} +{"id": "f914331d-0aa5-4ac1-a4f0-9cb7dbb00cf2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:03.166", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b23", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS9MQfTjAW5zRqZrc5o4EvGudrUNyiJBs5bdXcUZrX8tc", "txHash": "0x277fea40d519a3f4064f36b0c1ae52c5f3f8855597be71ddd14e8a2d2866cc43", "createdAtBlock": 14705547, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8315, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Zaros of the Veil", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nDruid Zaros of the Veil was born in with many health problems (Which are usually fatal for Wizards). \n\nHowever, his father was an intelligent man who had the best medicine and magic in all of the Runiverse. This lead him to grow up stronger and more wise than your average Wizard.\n\nAs soon as he turned of age, he left his home in search of knowledge. Accompanied by his Green Elven Cloak. He left and traveled the four corners of the Runiverse, learning magic and much more.\n\nZaros is a kind and gentle Wizard who is always willing to help others (Despite his manly appearance). He has since retired from adventuring and has returned to his childhood home to study and teach others."} +{"id": "fb3e352b-a2d5-4b06-bd35-b3ed3cd2cd26-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:05.587", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY4XtDcokR2RVeSjW6bLqQ3jwWfTKubpscpjvKAjYfx7A", "txHash": "0xa78cc5a03eaa3e36af3eb5e3a7ab8fc286108ce5403c7687ae4127631cf89a00", "createdAtBlock": 14708401, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5016, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmehKH8LZuXUKKXV2KXRF8rMuagWByWxNc4Tyvu128BXQr", "name": "Battle Mage Hagar of the Tower", "text": "For I have traveled miles upon miles without sleep. The battle is done but the war is not won. \nMy heart beckons me to The Wild.\n- Battle Mage Hagar of the Tower"} +{"id": "3c3fa8b1-fe91-4ed2-b932-b0471989733c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:06.292", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDoPyhpaXWfcEnN1yLMTN6hHefE2cQt1EV5LxUbVqsRm", "txHash": "0x131ec17d644ff52a3e710be989c625eb99799a59198ae6081853dfb35542fd95", "createdAtBlock": 14708640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 224, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beetle the Faithful", "text": "## \n# How Beetle Gained Her Freedom, Pt 1\n\n\n\nIt is said that there are some Wizards throughout the Runiverse that are specifically known as Seekers of Truth, the truth being a knowledge of objective reality. Many moons ago, a knowledge-seeking but covetous tyrant wished to possess himself of this truth. He was called Grabbabash, a great Goblin Lord of the Wood. Grabbabash had come to a decision that truth was something which Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium ought be forced to tell him.\n\nXiaobo was arrested and brought, along with his onyx wolf familiar, Sharpe, to Grabbabash's court. \"I have commanded that the truths which you know, Wizard, are to be told to me in words which I understand, otherwise your life is forfeit!\" bellowed Grabbabash from his throne.\n\nXiaobo shifted his weight for a moment, dusted himself off, and then answered, \"Do you observe in this chivalric Court the universal custom whereby if an arrested person tells the truth in answer to a question and that truth does not inculpate him, he is released to freedom?\"\n\n\"Hmph. That is so as so,\" said the Lord, after pausing to think for a moment. Xiaobo glanced about the Court as Grabbabash contemplated the question, noticing a Wood Wizard present in the crowd.\n\n\"I call upon all of you here present to witness this, by the honor of our Lord,\" said Xiaobo, \"as I will now tell you not one truth, but three.\"\n\n\"We must also be satisfied,\" said Grabbabash, \"that what you claim to be these truths are, in fact, truth. The proof...must accompany the telling, Wizard,\" he said, pointing a meaty finger at Xiaobo."} +{"id": "3c3fa8b1-fe91-4ed2-b932-b0471989733c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:06.292", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDoPyhpaXWfcEnN1yLMTN6hHefE2cQt1EV5LxUbVqsRm", "txHash": "0x131ec17d644ff52a3e710be989c625eb99799a59198ae6081853dfb35542fd95", "createdAtBlock": 14708640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 224, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beetle the Faithful", "text": "\"For such a Lord as you,\" said Xiaobo, \"to whom we can give not one truth but three, we can also give truths which will be self-evident.\"\n\nFor the first time that day, Grabbabash smiled. The Wizard of the Wood among the Court began watching more intently.\n\n\"The first truth,\" said the Monk, \"is - I am he who is called Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium. The second is that you have agreed to release me if I tell the truth. The third is that you wish to know the truth as you conceive it.\"\n\nGrabbabash narrowed his eyes, cocked his brow, and began to process what Xiaobo had said. The goblins in the Court began chattering. Before the Goblin Lord had a chance to react, Xiaobo spoke up, \"And if you would, My Lord - it would be most gracious of you to replace my horse, Auburn Hare the Swift, as he was eaten by your soldiers whom brought me to you.\"\n\nThe Goblin Lord looked as if he was caught off guard, and also as if he felt cheated. Xiaobo's familiar, Sharpe, looked up and glanced back and forth between the Wizard and the Lord. \"Hmph...\", Grabbabash shifted in his throne above Xiaobo and the rest of the Court, cracking his knuckles as he thought. \"Your truth...\", the Lord glared and pointed again at Xiaobo and found himself at a loss for words.\n\nA hush fell over the Court. Grabbabash slammed his right fist down upon his right armrest and started laughing. The Court remained quiet, as the Lord's laughter trailed off and he cleared his throat."} +{"id": "3c3fa8b1-fe91-4ed2-b932-b0471989733c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:06.292", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDoPyhpaXWfcEnN1yLMTN6hHefE2cQt1EV5LxUbVqsRm", "txHash": "0x131ec17d644ff52a3e710be989c625eb99799a59198ae6081853dfb35542fd95", "createdAtBlock": 14708640, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 224, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Beetle the Faithful", "text": "\"By this Court, you are released,\" Grabbabash uttered with a mixture of disgust and entertainment on his large and scarred face. \"As for your horse,\" Grabbabash pretended to not look angry for a moment as he continued, \"and as for your truths, Wizard...I hope your release finds my graciousness self-evident.\" the Lord said with smug smile.\n\nXiaobo solemnly bowed and said, \"Long may Grabbabash reign.\" The rest of the Court clamored and began chanting this in repetition."} +{"id": "e6531130-433f-4081-9e88-5fd977f65b72-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:07.795", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSE3i2PAg9HxDZsi9qdg9igQjskjzqNB3STfcsPQUJEE", "txHash": "0xefdd9789acbbce738445f73520280333466ef6d1436e809e0c63e262d304b2b0", "createdAtBlock": 14708704, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cairon of the Palms", "text": "# Chapter 1\nI grew up with nothing, cheating and stealing where I could. All Ive ever earned was a target on my back and a bad reputation. Eventually, I found myself on the run from the wrong kind of people. In a tavern, I met a wizard that promised a way out. With nowhere else to turn, I reluctantly agreed. The wizard took me to his study and performed a ritual to switch my face with the face of another person of a similar build. Now I go off into the world with a new identity and a chance to start over. Or so I thought... (The face I wear has its history too). I cant remember what I looked like before the ritual. The wizard lied and told me that it wasnt possible to switch back. I cant entirely remember my life before this but I know that there are people after me and they wont stop until they find me. Im not sure who I can trust, or if anyone can be trusted at all. I have to be careful who I talk to and what I say. I have to watch my back constantly in case someone is following me. The only thing that I can do is keep moving and hope that someday I find a way to switch back. I am a master of deception and I use my skills to get what I want. I can be charming and convincing when I need to be. I am also a skilled liar and I will do whatever it takes to get what I want. I am not above cheating or stealing if it means getting ahead. I am always looking for an opportunity to make a quick profit. I am a survivor and I will do whatever it takes to stay alive.\n\n# Chapter 2"} +{"id": "e6531130-433f-4081-9e88-5fd977f65b72-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:07.795", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSE3i2PAg9HxDZsi9qdg9igQjskjzqNB3STfcsPQUJEE", "txHash": "0xefdd9789acbbce738445f73520280333466ef6d1436e809e0c63e262d304b2b0", "createdAtBlock": 14708704, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cairon of the Palms", "text": "# Chapter 2\n\nI was conscripted to join the army, but it was a sham. I and a couple of others were lured into an ambush by bandits. Though outnumbered, our group managed to fend them off. Unfortunately, only I survived the ordeal and managed to escape before the bandits got any more reinforcements, though not without taking a valuable item the bandits were after. Now I am on the run hoping to lure the bandits away from home. I have been on the run for weeks now, and the bandits are getting closer and closer. I need to find a way to lose them before they catch up to me. \n\n# Chaper 3\n\nAfter making it to safety, I was a village priest. Births, deaths, rites of passage. Holy cow, was it boring! I renounced my vows and moved on. I've never suffered from this: the gods have never wrought revenge upon me. I get the feeling they don't care, or they're not there. Some of the things I learned (healing, counseling) have proved pretty useful. I've worked as a soldier, a mercenary, and many other jobs. I've lived in cities, on farms, and in the wilderness. I've been an adventuring hero (woohoo!) and just now a wizard's apprentice. There are many more things to do in life than sit around chanting prayers to imaginary gods. The gods, if they exist, have never shown themselves to me. They have not intervened to help or hinder me in any way. I live my life as I see fit and do not worry about their judgment. Why do people believe in gods? I don't know. Maybe it makes them feel better. Maybe they're afraid of death and hope that the gods will protect them from it. Maybe they're just stupid. I don't know and it doesn't really matter to me.\n\n# Chapter 4"} +{"id": "e6531130-433f-4081-9e88-5fd977f65b72-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:07.795", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSE3i2PAg9HxDZsi9qdg9igQjskjzqNB3STfcsPQUJEE", "txHash": "0xefdd9789acbbce738445f73520280333466ef6d1436e809e0c63e262d304b2b0", "createdAtBlock": 14708704, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cairon of the Palms", "text": "# Chapter 4\n\nI fell into life-threatening trouble one day exploring some ruins close to town. There I found a strange altar with an old woman sitting behind it. She said she could help me escape if I promise to serve her. I am pretty sure she's a god, but she won't tell me her name, or what she's the god of. She shows up sometimes and points, and whatever she points at, I must somehow acquire and leave behind in certain ruins. Her tastes are getting kind of extravagant. The other day she pointed at a beautiful golden statue in the window of the local lord's manor. I snuck in that night and stole it, but when I brought it to her altar, she only laughed and said \"That's not what I wanted.\" The god I've stumbled upon is likely a trickster god, one who delights in playing games with mortals. Be careful what you agree to, as you may find yourself in over your head. If you want to try and figure out what this god wants, pay attention to any clues they give you when they appear. You may also want to consult with a local priest or shaman to see if they have any insight into the matter.\n\n# Chapter 5"} +{"id": "e6531130-433f-4081-9e88-5fd977f65b72-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:07.795", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSE3i2PAg9HxDZsi9qdg9igQjskjzqNB3STfcsPQUJEE", "txHash": "0xefdd9789acbbce738445f73520280333466ef6d1436e809e0c63e262d304b2b0", "createdAtBlock": 14708704, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1569, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Cairon of the Palms", "text": "# Chapter 5\n\nI was part of a desert caravan that ran out of water. But a vision appeared leading to an unknown oasis ... and commanded me to go to the city of Little Rock. In the city of Little Rock, I found a hidden underground tunnel. It was dark and dank, but I could hear the sounds of people crying and moaning in pain. I followed the sounds until I came to a large room. There were people chained to the walls and others lying on the ground in pools of blood. I knew I had found the slaves that the city's ruler, King Herod, was keeping hidden from the public. I freed as many as I could and led them to safety. The slaves were very grateful and told me that I was their hero. But was I? I didn't feel like a hero. I just did what anyone would have done in my situation."} +{"id": "0b7134f6-2842-485b-ad94-05194882baa3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:41.548", "backgroundColor": "#89aba4", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbqncakrajWL1BGCHaxFwMJJZvwRBdEAzL1NYhWx9qJ3q", "txHash": "0xbca3fcc1a712bbc1456ea5ea793c7ce28e0fc471a8f992d09bf21c09d8bf73aa", "createdAtBlock": 14702453, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Jean Leon of the Rock", "text": "**Jean Leon** of the Rock is of Creol heritage and the rune of fire. His friends call him \"JL\". \n\nArtificers have come to represent many of the high-magic elements and the people rely heavily on artificers to maintain the magical infrastructure. \n\nJean is considered to be one of the most gifted artificers of his generation, being a wizard specialist and a brilliant creator of magic items. He's mastered the art of channeling magic into and through non-living items from a young age.\n \nJL is socially highly regarded and well-liked and admired by the town's men and women alike."} +{"id": "9f3f31b5-bf4b-4a24-9bd4-ca2d205fa14a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:55.519", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbKPd6FP3CyhTDy4PkwerrCCkkyS8soRTJoe15BALvM21", "txHash": "0x51b163a255cb6489338434f8aff838dfd5d74b9adf8c5a4ddc1f3bda1fa4cced", "createdAtBlock": 14706515, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3438, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Brutus of the Grotto", "text": "If I go east, He is not there,\n\nand if I go west, I cannot find Him.\n\nWhen He is at work in the north, I cannot behold Him;\n\nwhen He turns to the south, I cannot see Him.\n\nYet He knows the way I have taken;\n\nwhen He has tested me, I will come forth as gold.\n\nMy feet have followed in His tracks;\n\nI have kept His way without turning aside.\n\nI have not departed from the command of His lips;\n\nI have treasured the words of His mouth\n\nmore than my daily bread.\n\nBut He is unchangeable, and who can oppose Him?\n\nHe does what He desires.\n\nFor He carries out His decree against me,\n\nand He has many such plans.\n\nTherefore I am terrified in His presence;\n\nwhen I consider this, I fear Him.\n\nGod has made my heart faint;\n\nthe Almighty has terrified me.\n\nYet I am not silenced by the darkness,\n\nby the thick darkness that covers my face."} +{"id": "558ada97-0fd5-41a8-968a-11d332803b8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:11.69", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNXZddAMzxy5RZkPYR1SVA5VSy9dBcwsYtLnUgJwa18PJ", "txHash": "0x0b95207a01f5edf8442b14a0586da245d41da7c777ec41c5f830e7044ec2c034", "createdAtBlock": 14708861, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1068, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Diana of the Cosmos", "text": "It doesnt have to be perfect to be perfect. \n\nDiana encourages wizards to take risk. She carries a must win attitude in her coat pocket and will sacrifice for the greater good of all wizards at any moment in time. She is a known hero amongst wizards and is recognized for the selflessness, courage and generosity she displays on a day to day basis. \n\nThe time will come and she will not be silent. \n\n-E.D. Of the Cosmos"} +{"id": "b19d1403-6cbe-48f2-ab5d-d5cbcab48303-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:12.334", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmetp7wjzxyZz1dHQEVsVXX95MxUbDtwwPJKKbwKhfhckR", "txHash": "0x2e81292e921200dbd8042f5f97ed6e75771c7e7356431e5e236c99ad892819cc", "createdAtBlock": 14708909, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 239, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmbm8VquAz2oSWcCoufBpkCnYi3igGk4E6r7hchC83d1yk", "name": "Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium", "text": "# Amateur Animist\n\nAs a form of higher life\n---\n\nI make it my business to tell\n---\n\nCaterpillars what\n---\n\nThey will become\n---\n\nAnd \n---\n\nThey never fail to respond\n---\n\nWith dismay, demands\n---\n\nOr cynicism\n---"} +{"id": "e90ae099-96f6-41b9-beed-99f1129c1c3c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:50.925", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTnqVSxPnXBKdSKoKoHhSked2SF68nZK7RVYDXoSgdxPw", "txHash": "0x01fca1e3de603d8f9cca303c6bceebf5db3f8476b0c491412eb35270c4df48e4", "createdAtBlock": 13516951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4553, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdDYNNwQUtjGtL5xQHGL7qJsnkPj7JH7MKHKQxaxZbuXX", "name": "Pyromancer Eden ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Eden\n\n \n\nEden always liked fire. Since he was little, he was passionate about seeing the ways he mold the fire. He noticed that its color and intensity varied depending on the matter that was burned.\n\nAt the age of five he burned dead animals to distinguish the different flames according to the beast that burned. Then he decided to burn live animals.\n\nAt age seven he burned his parents alive. He watched, stunned and dumbfounded, as the flames consumed their bodies and their home. His neighbors still remember that boy standing, watching the fire. Nobody could explain what was the reason for the smile on his face.\n\nNobody blamed him, everyone believed that he was one more victim of the fire. A wizard named Ulysses took pity on him and took him in. A small beast that lived in Ulysses' basement, a topaz slime, approached Eden attracted by his magical power. Seeing that the little boy had a talent for magic, the old wizard decided to teach the boy.\n\nEden learned fast and furious, and when old Ulysses wasn't looking, he enjoyed mastering the pyromancy under the watchful gaze of his slime. He grew up and soon became a young master capable of creating and mastering fire, conducting alchemical studies and experiments in secret, housed in an abandoned forest cabin. He kidnapped living beings, such as cattle or pets, which he mutilated and consumed their parts with different types of flames to study all the nuances. When animals were no longer useful to him, Eden began experimenting with people."} +{"id": "e90ae099-96f6-41b9-beed-99f1129c1c3c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:50.925", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTnqVSxPnXBKdSKoKoHhSked2SF68nZK7RVYDXoSgdxPw", "txHash": "0x01fca1e3de603d8f9cca303c6bceebf5db3f8476b0c491412eb35270c4df48e4", "createdAtBlock": 13516951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4553, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdDYNNwQUtjGtL5xQHGL7qJsnkPj7JH7MKHKQxaxZbuXX", "name": "Pyromancer Eden ", "text": "He learned to make the Dragon Firework, a powerful weapon capable of creating an explosion many meters away in a few seconds. One day, when he was practicing with that weapon, its explosion was seen by Ulysses. Going to see what happened, he came across Eden's lair and his wicked experiments. The two wizards clashed, and Eden managed to overcome old Ulysses by reducing his skeleton to ashes, without showing the slightest bit of regret. Then he took his things and left town.\n\nHe went from city to city, offering his knowledge in pyromancy in the different universities that were there, and always found work as a teacher. In his spare time, he kept experimenting. His laboratory was guarded by igneous traps and fire elementals. Nobody wondered why there were so many students who \"dropped out\" in the middle of the year.\n\n*************************************************************************\n\nThe End of Pyromancer Eden?\n\n*************************************************************************\n\nAxel was a promising young man, a member of the family that ruled the city, a nephew of the governor. Humble, modest and gentle, he wanted to use his magical arts to help the people.\n\nHe entered the university to learn to master regenerative magic, under another name to avoid favoritism and demand the same as the others in his studies. He acquired a forged identity and posed as a young farmer with no family.\n\nEden saw that young man and believing that no one would miss him, he kidnapped him. He started playing as he always did by burning small parts of his body until Axel fainted from all the inscrutable pain. Eden healed him so he could keep playing with him a little longer."} +{"id": "e90ae099-96f6-41b9-beed-99f1129c1c3c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:28:50.925", "backgroundColor": "#3D2912", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTnqVSxPnXBKdSKoKoHhSked2SF68nZK7RVYDXoSgdxPw", "txHash": "0x01fca1e3de603d8f9cca303c6bceebf5db3f8476b0c491412eb35270c4df48e4", "createdAtBlock": 13516951, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4553, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdDYNNwQUtjGtL5xQHGL7qJsnkPj7JH7MKHKQxaxZbuXX", "name": "Pyromancer Eden ", "text": "When word spread that a member of the ruling family disappeared, an investigation was opened and Eden was caught. The investigation team got horrified that Axel was not the only one, but many more experienced a worst fate. They found out an unspeakable amount of pots filled with ashes from past experiments.\n\nHe was arrested and locked up, sentenced to death. However, the death sentence was not carried out, as the governing clan had Eden transferred to the palace, and in their dungeons, the wizard was tortured in many different ways, by order of the governor.\n\nThe tourture started with screams of begging for merciness. He tried so many forms to ask for forgiveness. However, the tortures keep going. Suddenly, Eden had a realization as he was being tortured with fire. He understood that the pain is a vital element of any being as it reminds that they do exist.\n\nMore tortures were done to Eden. Yet, every time he experienced pain, he was smiling with a hollow look. The governor, realizing that, decided to schedule the death for the very next day.\n\nThe topaz slime sneaked into the palace the previous night of the scheduled death. His familiar melted his shackles, and escaped from the cell.\n\nHe decided to go to the forst to begin his journey to find a fire magic that will be able to not only burn the meat, but reach his soul and burn it. His new belief pushed him to travel with the purpose of finding, if it existed, a flame such as this one: the Sacred Flame."} +{"id": "f74ae525-7519-4c05-adf5-eed1a8e82378-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:13.777", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSei97mUzZg8FbSe5yq2yjg1Cp8kUv8WexMMXiUrw27bd", "txHash": "0x0fa9741c047a512ed3552e163fccbcde92829f06c6b2675fc4ad4d42ee3a979b", "createdAtBlock": 14708928, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6966, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Froggy of the River", "text": "Pyromancer Froggy of the River stumbled onto his powers at a young age. Originally a river dweller, Froggy let his childlike curiosity get the best of him as he voyaged from the river and into the wood. Froggy eventually came across a snake in the grass, and began to follow it deeper into the woodland area away from the river. Froggy took a moment to examine the snake, as he had never seen one before. The snake was bright red, as if engulfed by fire, and had dazzling yellow eyes that glared into his soul. As Froggy approached the Snake, it lashed out and bit him in the arm. Froggy fell to the ground instantly and went into a deep sleep. When he awoke, the snake was waiting next to him eager to explain what had happened. The snake was a mystical creature that arose from the ashes of an ancient woodland fire. Froggy, unbeknownst to him, was the Chosen One. As legend has it, The Chosen One would rise from the river's depths to wield the power of fire and protect the surrounding realm. Froggy, still confused by what had happened, began to make his way back to the river as the snake followed him. When he got close to the river, a massive beast appeared and charged right at Froggy. Out of pure instinct, Froggy raised his hands towards the beast and yelled \"IGNISIO\" as loud as he could. A massive flame burst from his hands and obliterated the beast into ashes. Froggy could not believe what had just happened, but felt a warm, burning sensation tingling throughout his entire body. Froggy and the snake made it back to the river where they now both reside. From that day on, the snake never left Froggy's side, as they both watch over the river and all who dwell nearby for all of eternity."} +{"id": "be2842a7-bb87-46d8-8423-f5ec279b4cd5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T06:49:28.672", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b1f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQabdeWmfYqUrRzantjL7YBKEZhkCdvdSHnfxxb4PLTxJ", "txHash": "0x3a0479c9a0097c13c61ab749d158b6b4ed79f2b3d359f1224ab8e2d2bb071086", "createdAtBlock": 15152204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5352, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Arabella of the Steppe", "text": "\"I, Artificer Arabella of the Steep, must sacrifice myself (and my cat Milo) to the sacred flames. Don't ask me why as I will take this secret to my grave. Farewell.\""} +{"id": "763e90a4-c741-4221-975b-aaffdaa2b371-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:46.313", "backgroundColor": "#4e1565", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme48ip5KxqyTUajvjipQ9Deez1cqFvSJyAJhB8KPBBrjj", "txHash": "0xb29e47ce07fe99ba298cd229f18a372c74dabab57d9d3fa634161886be345aad", "createdAtBlock": 14758240, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5978, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Witch Enigma of the Realm", "text": "# The lore of Witch Enigma of the Realm\n\n\n\nHere is the story of the Witch of the Realm \n\nAnd all she wanted was to be at the helm\n\nShe had her blue cloak, crafted from elves\n\nThose little demons make them in twelves\n\nHolding her mushroom, greener than grass\n\nThe spells it can make will kick your ass\n\nHere comes the Monkey, derived from Merlin\n\nEyes filled with deceit, ready to sin\n\nTheir quest begins to be the realms new master\n\nIf they happen to fail, it will end in disaster\n\nAfter rigorous training and many sleepless nights\n\nThe flame inside her suddenly ignites \n\nWith this flame she is given a rune\n\nThey will mount their attack on the next full moon.\n\n\n\n\n> *By SiLK*\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA good friend of @wizard5978 is @wizard6469. They attended boarding school together and @wizard5978 hopes to recruit @wizard6469 to help takeover the realm."} +{"id": "f25c07fb-8095-4f41-8042-fc42b05ee143-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:15.804", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRd3jEU1VLMATeS23xJKxFoT9zb6PpsThV37tDzvJFmcq", "txHash": "0x96b6cb6ab9f030695d797ded95fbc4240499f2520834b950b3a650249e9d4c84", "createdAtBlock": 14709738, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2947, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Celeste of the Forest", "text": "# Druid Celeste, first of the name. \n\nI'm here on Earth to create the first foundation of free Wizards. Trees are my masters, without them my Runes and Magic would be powerless, but with them, the gods themselves come to me. \n\nDear Wizards, the Earth is a fortress of light engaged in a war that is beyond all imagination. I need you. \n\nPlease take note of this statement : *Beat the Cathedral with Eden to unlock the white card*. Hidden message for Wizard looking for the truth."} +{"id": "09a923bd-038e-4165-a45b-4d48984e5641-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:16.663", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUpPho4Udjy5k5z9DssSRPeUukNRYFHcWDooybZcZVzG", "txHash": "0x9448620da41e494c8371117d32823ed616a7ed78d993680b6e86a5ee28721b1e", "createdAtBlock": 14711097, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8236, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thaumaturge Wolfram of the Morning Star", "text": "Thaumaturge Wolfram of the Morning Star, oh mighty fellow.\n\nThis harsh looking fellow has a warm and peaceful heart that is not evident at first sight. His peace staff and best buddy astral snail have been roaming the white snowy mountains for longer than any nomad can remember. Some say this fellow doesn't age and have been roaming for decades and decades bringing peace to the nomadic residences it comes across. His buddy astral snail \"POKE\" might be slow but Wolfram knows the prices paid for rushing grave matters..."} +{"id": "661ded24-1608-42a2-9369-4d073ff4508b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:10.344", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcFcAkdBDibVfFQAzTaoC96o5D7mQ4ixKEbQns6QinB3b", "txHash": "0xf5f5396bf6be6822baf1fae64ba554091114adbba8585c7808262b04c0adfb0d", "createdAtBlock": 13522741, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7371, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Nick of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Nick of the Cosmos\n\nA place where the sun has no rays, behind the quantum shadow, on the edge of the realm lived an evil one, Wild Mage Nick of The Cosmos. Nick had been shunned from the land of the riches for the crimes blamed on his kind, the crimes of the sect.\n\nFar in the mountains, as the days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years, the wild mage was accruing knowledge. Away from hardly any living soul thats all there was to do.\n\nHis lair was an old stone monastery nooked on the rugged mountainside. A structure from before our time, that seemed to have been forgotten. 1001 steps up the slanted stairs away from the blue lake below, the aging building was the only structure standing around these parts. He must have been there for the past 10 years he reckoned, as he stopped counting after the first 3. With him lived Amanita, a Fungus-headed wizard apprentice.\n\nThe evil one took the mushroom-headed wizard under its command when he ran away from the Capital. He found him lost in the thorns and has since then trained the mushroom into a wicked right hand.\n\nOne morning Nick made his way to the top of the sole tower. As he got closer to the top of the stairs he noticed a glow through the trapdoor. He climbed through and there it was. Floating in the middle of the watchtower was a flame. Nick couldnt believe it, he had read about this. It was the flame of the forgotten soul. The mage ran back down to his chamber where a big book laid open on a stand. It read: As a dark soul passes through the heat of fire a flame shall burn one's flesh. Ascending the chosen ones to a higher self.... The rest of the page was burnt away. Nick immediately felt a rush of power. This was his opportunity to take"} +{"id": "661ded24-1608-42a2-9369-4d073ff4508b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:10.344", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcFcAkdBDibVfFQAzTaoC96o5D7mQ4ixKEbQns6QinB3b", "txHash": "0xf5f5396bf6be6822baf1fae64ba554091114adbba8585c7808262b04c0adfb0d", "createdAtBlock": 13522741, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7371, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Nick of the Cosmos", "text": "back what was taken away from him. His wife, his land, and his life..\n\nThe preparations were underway. The wild mage knew that in order to call on the dark spell of the flame he needed to be able to control his magic. He wasnt strong enough alone. Legends said that together a representative of each of the 7 political factions of the realm could balance out the incontrollable dark magic of the forgotten souls.\n\nThere was no time to lose as the day of the sacrifice was getting closer and closer. Once the blood moon would rise, he knew it would be too late.\n\nWild Mage Nick of The Cosmos and his right hand Amanita took to the road. They headed west out of the valley to meet up with old friends of Nick, 7 companions from a previous life.\n\nOver the next months, Nick and Amanita travelled through the best and worst parts of the realm to hire each of the wizards. They all accepted the hefty reward promised by Wild Mage Nick. Ethers were promised for the wizards to come together. They are to unite their power and control the dark magic of the flame.\n\nNick needed to complete the prophecy and only with the combined magic of the 7 factions would Nick be able to pass through the Flame and become more than a forgotten soul."} +{"id": "0e2986ea-386f-4cf0-bc8d-492e3078eec3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:16.266", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc1LRQDcgfjNs6QpMa5JCn8P1yYL9yfquNn8UWYRjxGvq", "txHash": "0xab4d8a3a3cd6c24c2069abdf321a8e340e74bc9b18f5d80c7056d1241716ede7", "createdAtBlock": 13525607, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 667, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Voidoth of the Veil", "text": "# Void Disciple Voidoth of the Veil #667\n\n### He was destined for greatness, vowed his whole life to the void, mastering the dark side of the magic... But forever haunted by the thought of being born just one day too late... Old Scratch... that should be him."} +{"id": "ac7e5551-6f5e-4f8b-9d54-7b76886b8ffc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:17.387", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVzyoa4DZawMGBKbSmqRCbhSUcmEesanGTaArSzYgs33R", "txHash": "0xd68288e62e72ba07c0f96bf6c2d2599c03c59e1313a5fb409f87905f8a5df941", "createdAtBlock": 14711141, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 639, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Titania of the Bibliotheca", "text": "Titania has always been the quiet kid of the town - town children saw her as an outcast. She was kind-hearted and god-fearing. When she accidentally burnt her family's house down, she caused massive damage to the town - burning the town tavern with the house. Titania ran to the wilderness to never come back again. Her loyal fireball \"spark\" and the spirit of fire started a journey for redemption, an escape from her past..."} +{"id": "d6ada1c9-2131-48f2-aa32-67e1939b32ae-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:18.206", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTNRb7XEJ8jWekRknbxAyN6F4WhEihYQmriH5qLESFcsS", "txHash": "0x86d3c431f793d69c58a7bd1df4a27e477df00114e7efb7d1740d2ae86d52940e", "createdAtBlock": 14711252, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 774, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hagar of the Woodlands", "text": "And so it begins, a magical journey, alas, he arrived late, but not to be underestimated, for those who require time, require POWER!!!!!!!!!!"} +{"id": "f0f7d1c4-240d-4f98-97fe-622c0ab937c8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:18.972", "backgroundColor": "#48090d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmawHfrEKfKNU1PACXr4RykbbaAFm34LQKuuTHxScCEqQW", "txHash": "0x20b47bcbdb223828ae1e8f0e3914208b457538df0da4b01ac4b4c60cbe8b0ae4", "createdAtBlock": 14711338, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2586, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Samuel of El Dorado", "text": "# Magus the dark mage\n\n_Delete below sample to write your own_\n\nMagus is an old mage of the Empire, who decided to leave after finding out of all the corruptions inside it, his goals now are to travel the world to destroy all evils\n\nDuring his journey he picked up his pet rat Larry, who is a magical rat who has the ability to speak. He helps him on his journey, by doing stuff only a small creature could do (opening locked doors from the inside, stealing stuff, ...)"} +{"id": "191b90d8-d543-4cc5-bcda-fda4b495869d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:19.88", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTvsrw51gRhcn7seg3rQEjVanoUtLopknttRJi6ouHqnr", "txHash": "0x4f329e358be5cba8163be8671c5cff8a81e1cac499d34fc12c4eb852a5093bd2", "createdAtBlock": 14711352, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1571, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Azazel of the Lake", "text": "# A man goes to see Sorcerer Azazel of the Lake and says\n\n\"Can you lift a curse that a priest put on me years ago?\"\n\n\"Maybe,\" says Azazel of the Lake, \"Can you remember the exact words of the curse?\"\n\nThe man replies, \"I pronounce you man and wife.\""} +{"id": "870fcc45-0afa-48b2-bfa2-f1eb82668877-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:20.719", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeajPeNMGimweArz2msCzcEPmxvH7sYdUXd2YgMEopVx5", "txHash": "0x480c51e8037aac7640e33842e85cfaa9c5af5ba00e147590c4617151e421b15f", "createdAtBlock": 14711423, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3034, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Velorina of Avalon", "text": "Growing up an orphan in the ugly streets of Goblin Town, Velorina was but a young boy by the time he was acquainted with suffering and death. \n\nBlessed with latent talent, a travelling magus took a liking to him and pulled him from the gutters. Searching for greater power, Velorina's master gradually became corrupted by the dark temptation of void magicks, and would come to have more *sinister* things in mind for the budding wizard. \n\nVelorina became a vessel to foul experiments, and lost himself in the murky chaos that enveloped his psych. \n\n*Now his master is no more*\n\nA free witch, Velorina now wanders the realm searching for mind altering concoctions to sooth his being and ultimately restore his forgotten soul to what it once was..."} +{"id": "46130c29-f103-43a1-a2d3-7e9c2702de49-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:55.609", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTHvakEq6DkZ54eWM2w5gqNYFqSi8kmPAgfR36RPZ2gr3", "txHash": "0x82674c55e0d9e728eae5793f6ab80141c03d98d49a83d9ddd555d31d67ea751f", "createdAtBlock": 14839732, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9866, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus David of the Plains", "text": "Sometimes you just have rewire your brain with the help of some fungi."} +{"id": "b3fc6b2f-f0d2-4eae-b0de-e4766eb9c2bc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:23.445", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVP7BUG4mCitJWLphLHSPRVyStgP2ZjvLD8YxHAC56ufq", "txHash": "0x0e4a9f7718dc35666e2c77a6ba5b3553c4715b90d81eb73b162bdcd2e211bb55", "createdAtBlock": 14711506, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2726, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Azahl of the Wild", "text": "# The story of Azahl of the Wild\n\n## A tale of bravery and ambition.\n\nAzahl was born to a family of roving fortune-tellers who swindled townsfolk out of their silver. Their trick was to strike fear into their victims with conjured tales of terrible misfortune that would befall them. The only way to stave off disaster was with a protection spell that only the family could bestowfor the right price. Azahl grew up observing the treachery his family spread and longed for a greater life than what was set out for him.\n\n\nOne day he learned of a great Sorcerer who resided at the top of a nigh-impossible to scale mountain top who granted wishes for those bold enough to seek him out. The trip up the mountain nearly cost Azahl his life. His wish was to truly be able to peer into the future so he could beat his family and their own game. Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, the Sorcerer used his powers to grant Azahl his wish, and gifted him a vial of virgin's blood. The blood would become the source of Azahl's new powers and from then on, he would never part with it."} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "# Chapter 1: Witness to a Spell Gone Wrong\nBasil of the Astral Plane collapsed into his high-backed chair and puffed out his cheeks. The caduceus in his hand still trembled from the cosmic forces that had flowed up the staff into his mind. He stroked the two snakes that twisted around the winged staff. Slowly, the intricately carved serpents settled back into their usual position and solidified, all trace of animation vanishing. \n\nNow that the staff was no longer controlling their Dream Quest, Vortex came out of her trance. The bulky snails eye stalks popped out from the interior of her shell, and she waved them anxiously in Basils direction. \n\nOh yes, my dear, I know. Very worrying indeed. Yes hmm A lot to ponder, dont you agree? \n\nBasil steepled his fingers under his chin, and prepared himself for a good, long think. Vortex settled herself down next to his foot and began to hum pensively. \n\nThe magnitude of what they had just seen was hard for the ancient Magus to comprehend. The key to the Seventh Realm shattered? And seven hundred and seventy-seven copies somehow blasted across the Runiverse! \n\nWell seven hundred and seventy-six. Voidoth had one of the copies. Thankfully the Key Master had managed to reclaim the original key, or who knew what further atrocities the Voidlord might have conjured up. A pity that the Necromancer had escaped into the Void. \n \nNeither Basil nor even the Key Master himself were able to gain entry into that dreadful realm of the dead. A pity, yes, but at least the spell had failed."} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "Basil took no pleasure in seeing even the most dastardly wizard burned out by their own spell, but he was willing to make an exception for the Great Lord of the Void. He tutted in displeasure. So many good witches and wizards sacrificed and for what? A chance at revenge on a world of magic-makers? Most of them knew nothing of the terrible experiment that had brought the cyborg into existence. \n\nSacrificed yet not dead. Of that, he was sure. He had felt their essences each and every one of them shrunken and crushed beneath the oppression of the Quantum Shadow; stripped of their worldly husks; reduced to their ethereal form. And trapped inside the shadowkeys. \n\nThat name had manifested itself suddenly in his mind during the Dream Quest, as he floated with Vortex above the lip of the valley, witness to the carnage helpless onlookers as the spell went horribly wrong. It was an apt name, shadowkey. Imbued with the ethereal imprints of the magic-makers whose souls were trapped inside the copies. Tainted by the Quantum Shadow itself. What were they capable of? Could the shadowkeys be used to unlock the Gate to the Seventh Realm? \n\nA lot to ponder, indeed."} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "A lot to ponder, indeed. \n\n# Chapter 2: A Coating of Astral Slime\nBasil stepped dreamily through the portal as the afterimage of his Water Rune faded from sight. The vast, tranquil waters of Dream Master Lake stretched all around as far as the eye could see. To the north, the jagged peaks rose into the clouds, where lay the Gate to the Seventh Realm. To the northeast, Blue Wizard Bastion sat at the top of a green hill, surrounded by scattered outcrops of speckled white and grey rocks. The massive blocky castle of dazzling blue stone dominated the landscape, looming over even the tallest of the sprawling citys fantastical skyscrapers extravagant symbols of the technological prowess of the wizard guild presiding over the city. \n\nBasil scratched his bearded chin. How did he get here? He looked around the sparsely vegetated isle. The edges of his vision blurred and wavered weirdly. Behind him, the portal shimmered and faded, leaving nothing behind but a large boulder engraved with a number of symbols. As well as his own Rune of Water, he picked out the mark of Neptune so common amongst the aquatic wizards of Atlantis. Basil chuckled. Now that had been quite a Dream Quest. Those water folk sure knew how to party. Dream Quest? Something tugged at the back of his memory. Something else tugged at his robe. \n\nHe looked down in confusion. What was this snail that had managed to wrap its mouthparts around the fabric? The creature was tugging at it insistently and to be fair rather forcefully for what was essentially a large sentient foot wearing a helmet. Basil stifled a groan of disgust. Snail slime all over my favourite green robe! \n\nDream Quest slime snail."} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "Dream Quest slime snail. \n\nHeavens to Bartleby, not again! he slapped his forehead in disbelief. These episodes were becoming worryingly frequent. Had the Infinity Veils influence truly weakened to such an extent that he couldnt even recognise Vortex, his own familiar? He huffed in exasperation. This whole Psychic Leap situation was getting way out of hand. \n\nBasil bent down and stroked Vortex lovingly, leaning on his caduceus for support. So sorry my dear, you know how it creeps up on me. The snail nodded sagely and stretched her rubbery body upwards, rubbing herself against his temples one at a time. As her astral slime coated his skin his vision began to clear, and then his mind snapped sharply back into focus. He would soon have to pay another visit to Galateas dreams, to see how she was getting on with her research. She too seemed awfully forgetful these days. Such a pity that Vortexs slime didnt seem to have any effects on the symptoms of other Purple Wizards. \n\nNow that his mental clarity had returned, Basil strode forward with purpose. Vortex shimmied along over the ground, keeping pace with the lanky Magus. Here in the corporeal world she lacked the exceptional speed that she could produce on the Astral Plane, but she was still a damn sight more agile than most animals when she wanted to be. \n\nAs they got to the waters edge, Basil summoned his Water Rune once more. Spreading his palms out to either side, he expanded the luminous triangle and then tilted it forward until it rested on the mirrored surface of the lake. As he stepped onto the triangles surface, its form hardened. Vortex scooted herself onboard and the rune-vessel raised its nose slightly into the air as they began to zip across the water. It was time to visit the Dream Whisperer."} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "# Chapter 3: The Dream Whisperers Folly\nAs Basil and Vortex made their way through the vast halls of the Bastion towards the quarters of Soran of Dreams, the wizard mentally prepared himself for the meeting with the Archmagus. It often took all his patience to deal with the man. Normally, he would have visited Soran in the Dream Realm, but it felt as though this time it warranted a meeting in the physical world. He glanced nervously over his shoulder. He never felt totally comfortable in the heart of the Blue Wizards domain. Not that they were currently openly hostile to the Purples, but still you never knew with these technologists, always chopping and changing, chasing the latest fads. The Cosmic Arcanist grimaced. Technology was just so cold and heartless! Not like the old magic. \n\nApproaching Sorans quarters, he gathered his thoughts one last time. It had been many long years now since Voidoths misguided spell had spawned the shadowkeys and blasted back the Quantum Shadow momentarily, breaching its dark magic and allowing Sacred Key Master to briefly penetrate its murky boundaries and retrieve the key to the Seventh Realm. \n\nNot much had been heard of the Necromancer since that time, but recently there had been stirrings in the Valley of the Void Disciple. The last time Basil tapped into the Dream Realm via the Astral Plane, Soran had told him that he thought he could access the Lord of the Voids dreams. The Archmagus had always been arrogant and reckless! Basil had tried to dissuade him, but the Dream Whisperer had paid no heed. Basil hoped he had arrived in time; that Soran had not already attempted this folly. \n\n`*`"} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "`*`\n\nThe chamber was dark. As Basil shoved the thick door open, light flooded across the floor, illuminating the Dream Whisperers translucent form reclining on a fancifully worked chaise longue beneath heavily-curtained windows. The Arcanist hurried over, readying his caduceus Soran had already entered the Dream Realm, but if Basil acted fast, he might still be able to extract him. \n\nThe Dream Whisperers soul was currently in limbo, half in the waking world and half if he had gone ahead with his madcap plan in the deranged dreams of a psychopathic cyborg. Basil cast his hand over the caduceus and the snakes came to life, twining themselves around the staff and up over its winged head. He hurriedly picked up Vortex, who dripped luminescent slime on the plush indigo carpet as he lowered the golden knob of the caduceus and touched it to Sorans forehead. \n\nThe metal passed through the Archmaguss insubstantial forehead and Basil felt his consciousness flow down the length of the rod. He could feel the Astral swirls of Vortexs shell pulsing with energy; bright light seared his eyes in a sudden flash and left him blinking and disoriented, overwhelmed by the nightmarish scene. \n\nGutted buildings leaned over the rubble-filled street, sparks flying from the splayed ends of wires and cables that hung from the stilted frames like entrails. The darkness was ablaze with orange flames as the city silently burned."} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "Basil cursed under his breath he had overshot the Astral Plane and ended up within the cyborgs dream, rather than viewing it from a safe distance. Well, there was nothing else for it now, Sorans life could be hanging in the balance. He let Vortexs slime squelch between his fingers, felt the power surge, and they flashed to the top of the hill, where the smouldering ruins of the Bastion lay in heaps strewn across the blackened grass. \n\nBlue-robed corpses littered the hillside, bloodied and crushed beneath the fallen rubble. From the bowels of the city below, a siren blared. The Lord of the Voids dreams were predictable his thirst for revenge against the Blue Wizards was all-consuming yet it made them no less horrifying. \n\nBasil picked his way cautiously over the wreckage. Three of the castles innermost walls still stood, though the fourth had been blasted outward, leaving the interior facing him like a theatre stage. The cyborg stood in the centre of it all, bony fingers outstretched as he lashed at Archmagus Soran with his dark magic. The Dream Whisperers high-pitched screams suddenly filled Basils ears. \n\nToo late, we hold no control here! Impossible to control the dreams of a machine! \n\nThe cyborg turned his head slowly Basils eyes widened. Another mistake, and this one could be fatal. He had come too close, mesmerised by it all. In that microsecond, he saw his own face frozen in horror, reflected in the visor of the skeletal Voidlord. The cyborg grinned and raised a hand towards the Arcanist. \n \n`*`"} +{"id": "f39c82b3-2c45-4bea-9437-cc5ff25b1168-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:24.207", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReZ9sUXpiMYXVkeSuszWFLVPARRi9Qyiqt8s41pkqP5w", "txHash": "0x06d7379207b13fdfb9a8aba48d79cd0b82587cb951d9e3a76c1816704eafc0d2", "createdAtBlock": 14711520, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 292, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWhUabsqmYHhpEbPVUHy7ovSt86Fc2U9XAufHKmwVAWLx", "name": "Magus Basil of the Astral Plane", "text": "Basil gasped as his body reformed, taking on substance. The snakes writhed around his staff, confused by the sudden consciousness break. Such a sudden and violent transition between Realms was extremely dangerous. Blinding pain lanced at his eyes, and Basil clutched at his head with a long moan. Vortex shook with consternation as the shock of the transition faded. \n\nThe pain began to subside, and he was finally able to drag himself to a standing position using the caduceus as a crutch, although he was still wobbly on his feet. \nMagus Basil of the Astral Plane stared grimly down at the empty chaise longue: the Dream Whisperers body was gone. \n\n \n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard777\n\nPart 1: @wizard4298 \n\nPart 2: @wizard292 \n\nPart 3: @wizard2261 \n\nPart 4: @wizard3911 \n\nPart 5: @wizard1177 \n\nPart 6: @wizard2876"} +{"id": "88381e8a-eec9-496a-b69f-e67dbd50c9c1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.803", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6hLh9gQartzPLsw3xCbqw1fYfF7qzuFouyrPUrBe99i", "txHash": "0x6fda66c3675f313e1489b8ec4d6c0637900f27d1c66c4111954a6294f98271d8", "createdAtBlock": 14711553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3911, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXVSdJ8TY6g4MSizMnffZ5xWPZe3uPPHgzvjxFMkLoYrG", "name": "Hedge Wizard Goliath of the Havens", "text": "----\nGoliath hunched over the table and pulled his hood low over his eyes. The green cord that usually held back his raven-black hair was safely tucked away in one of the inner pockets of his robe; his bright green cape was bundled up in his pack. It was never a smart idea to flaunt ones allegiance in Goblin Town, no matter its authenticity. \n\nThe noise of the tavern ebbed and flowed around him. At the end of the bar, a scrawny, heavily inebriated goblin was telling anybody who would listen about how he got his jollies from making regular trips into the Quantum Shadow. His fellow goblins at the bar were bellowing their disbelief. They were unlikely to be his friends Goliath didnt think that goblins ever really had friends and from past experience he knew that if the scrawny one didnt shut his gob, the night would quickly become violent. \n\nThe goblin hiccupped, blinking as he tried to focus on his larger companions, then peered into his empty tankard in disbelief. He began trying to knock a few coins off the price of his next drink; the barkeep was energetic in his counter-arguments. \n\nGoblins loved to haggle; it was practically a religion to them. The thriving Black Market in the town centre was possibly the Runiverses worst kept secret. But what wizard councillor or not would dare to try and shut it down? The Black Market almost single-handedly supported a host of dishonest or down-on-their-luck magic-users, through the illicit trade of potions, spells, artefacts sometimes even Rudimentals. \n\nA better-kept secret was the alliance the goblins had formed with the bands of brigands who roamed The Thorn and controlled the southern stretches of the road that ran up past Frog Master Marsh and through The Carnival Pass to the lands in the north."} +{"id": "88381e8a-eec9-496a-b69f-e67dbd50c9c1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.803", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6hLh9gQartzPLsw3xCbqw1fYfF7qzuFouyrPUrBe99i", "txHash": "0x6fda66c3675f313e1489b8ec4d6c0637900f27d1c66c4111954a6294f98271d8", "createdAtBlock": 14711553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3911, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXVSdJ8TY6g4MSizMnffZ5xWPZe3uPPHgzvjxFMkLoYrG", "name": "Hedge Wizard Goliath of the Havens", "text": "Goliath kept an eye on the bar, hoping that things didnt kick off before he could glean more information from the three wizards across the room. If there was one thing that goblins liked even better than haggling, it was fighting. \n\nHe tucked his right hand into the opposite sleeve of his robe and stroked Davinas long, sinewy body. The green asps tongue flickered against his wrist, receiving her orders. She slipped noiselessly from the folds of fabric and along the bench next to him, winding her way up a gap between the wooden pillar and the wall, where the plaster had fallen away in large chunks. \n\nAs he waited, Goliath turned his attention back to the three wizards. The eldest wore a long, dirty robe, and kept the hood pulled up like many of those who met in these dives on the seedy side of Goblin Town, away from the prying eyes of the more presentable areas, where the tourists came to get their wares. \n\nGoliath knew that despite the bushy iron-grey beard covering most of the old magicians pale face, there was not a strand of hair on the top of his shiny head. He had been tailing the elderly traveller since he got off the boat at the town docks the day before. He looked familiar, but Goliath could not place him. The name the magician had given the goblin port guards was certainly an alias whoever heard of a name like Richard Starkey? Regardless, the identity of anyone using a fake name could be important information for his master."} +{"id": "88381e8a-eec9-496a-b69f-e67dbd50c9c1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.803", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6hLh9gQartzPLsw3xCbqw1fYfF7qzuFouyrPUrBe99i", "txHash": "0x6fda66c3675f313e1489b8ec4d6c0637900f27d1c66c4111954a6294f98271d8", "createdAtBlock": 14711553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3911, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXVSdJ8TY6g4MSizMnffZ5xWPZe3uPPHgzvjxFMkLoYrG", "name": "Hedge Wizard Goliath of the Havens", "text": "The two younger men with him at the table were both of darker complexions and had the unmistakable lustrous skin of the Atlantis Hydromancers. Goliath recognised Louis of the Field despite the hood shadowing his face: their paths had crossed several times in the reaches of Kelpies Bay. Yet he doubted the dreadlocked Hydromancer would remember him after all, Goliath had only been a crewmember. It had been Zarq, the smuggler captain, who had tried to swindle Louis. \n\nThe youngest of the three a handsome man with a honey-gold face made no attempt to hide his identity. He sat straight-backed, surveying the room with a challenge in his eye, daring anyone to interfere in his business. \n\nGoliath averted his face. He did not need to look upwards to know that Davina had by now slithered along the broad ceiling beams that hung low over the room he could already feel the tell-tale vibrations starting in the tattoo on his wrist. He placed two fingers over the tattoo and closed his eyes, concentrating on the pattern of her signals. Despite how close Davina was to the men, their conversation was still hard to decipher above the din of the rowdy tavern, but broken snippets of speech still found their way to him. Goliath hoped that they would make sense to the First Disciple. \n\narmies massing at the Falling Star see familiars unholy wiped out seek the Kings aid (the old magician) \n\nwarn your father allegiance I will bring Pillars have made a decision (Louis, speaking to the handsome man) \n\ntake you to Atlantas Pool Atlantis to your aid aggression will not stand (the handsome man to the magician) \n\nyour debt time to lose (the old magician to the handsome man)"} +{"id": "88381e8a-eec9-496a-b69f-e67dbd50c9c1-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:25.803", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf6hLh9gQartzPLsw3xCbqw1fYfF7qzuFouyrPUrBe99i", "txHash": "0x6fda66c3675f313e1489b8ec4d6c0637900f27d1c66c4111954a6294f98271d8", "createdAtBlock": 14711553, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3911, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXVSdJ8TY6g4MSizMnffZ5xWPZe3uPPHgzvjxFMkLoYrG", "name": "Hedge Wizard Goliath of the Havens", "text": "your debt time to lose (the old magician to the handsome man) \n\nThe two younger men clasped arms and touched their foreheads together. Hushed words passed between them; Davina dangled her head from the beam, trying to catch their whispers, but only muted tones came back through the bond. Then the dreadlocked Hydromancer separated from his companions, weaving his way through the crowded common room and out of sight. \n \nGoliath hesitated Was what he had learned enough to bother the Necromancer with? The other two men were now heading for the door. Goliath dropped two coins on the table and pushed his way through the crowd. As he passed the table where the men had been sitting he lifted one arm in the air. Davina dropped lithely into his sleeve, twining around his forearm. \n\nExiting the tavern, he saw the magician and his companion duck into an alley on the other side of the muddy thoroughfare. Louis was nowhere to be seen. Goliath hitched up the hem of his robe and hurried across the street to peer cautiously around the corner of the alley. The more information he could take to Crackerjack, the better. \n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard777\n\nPart 1: @wizard4298 \n\nPart 2: @wizard292 \n\nPart 3: @wizard2261 \n\nPart 4: @wizard3911 \n\nPart 5: @wizard1177 \n\nPart 6: @wizard2876"} +{"id": "b799c262-6945-4d81-88c2-6df7cfd3210c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:30.784", "backgroundColor": "#7b7000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ9jq2zTgttXLz3CoyMULZGx98gnvzejh8kYcfycA4MD6", "txHash": "0x78830b69c36dcb564a183a5e876f5f3e8fef811d5c6a0607a0732bb31f4c0a82", "createdAtBlock": 14712639, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8402, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWskCkLSJeZfD5VH5vjX25Y4q3uduJHCvRASPd3bFGNWq", "name": "Artificer Nadeem of the Havens", "text": "# Lore of Nadeem, the key holder\n\nNadeem had never held such a large key before. \n\nIt apparated into existence at the base of his feet.\n\nHe thought of what he should do with it.\n\nHe picked it up and tried to get it to attach to his key chain. \n\nBut it would not fit.\n\n\n\nThere began Nadeem's journey - The quest to find a larger keychain..."} +{"id": "8f8de9c4-11a6-4cf8-ba19-64220e7ad5b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:32.619", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUuzeFBuxwHdDvJVKrFrLsf28nGnUDobh3TKC2Tn1Nrut", "txHash": "0xd97ba651a1a4a84d495428a156788aa8cab8d9292188dabfac1d69ece9ffbfc2", "createdAtBlock": 14714022, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6289, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Isaac of the Wood", "text": "# Issac and the Wolf\n\nYoung lad and onyx wolf pup, inseparable since birth in their woodland homeland..... \n\nThey ventured forth through the land, enveloped by Neptune's Rune, the Astral Arcanists' trousers held taut with an enormous Blue Buckle...\n\nOn one of their early adventures, they found themselves cornered deep in the Emerald caverns by mysterious, indigenous spirits...and despite the guile of this duo, their end seemed near...\n\nJust before all hope was lost, the Onyx Wolf nudged Issac's hand into a crack in the shale-grey wall, which concealed a magnificent weapon....\n\nIsaac used all his might and pulled forth an oaken Staff, adorned with a glistening Emerald that matched those sparkling within the caves itself....\n\nHolding it high above his head, a bright light focused from deep within the Staff's jewel, and a great beam shone onto the howling monsters, eviscerating them into dust...\n\nThe duo escaped unscathed!\n\nWith this new power in hand, Shaman Isaac of the Wood, and his Onyx pup journeyed onward, emboldened by their newfound power.... INTO THE RUNIVERSE!"} +{"id": "cd2a83c5-cd57-4b9f-9510-66492a2582ff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:31.576", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUp9KZ5Jso9kdC1brnjcigDRZNhP2nJ8Ue38GoaDVRkUN", "txHash": "0x9bea62e5c77849f9e8bbdd3aa7c4538c346e8173fd0e1015136ac438e88f1add", "createdAtBlock": 14713980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 559, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Bartholomew of the Keep", "text": "# Ghost Eater Bartholomew \n#\n#\n\n\nGhost eating is no easy task. Especially for an animist like Bartholomew of the Keep. After all, if one believes that all creatureseven inanimate objectspossess a spiritual essence that must be honored, consuming beings from the ethereal world is sure to cause internal turmoil. \n\nSuch is the case for Bartholomew. \n\nTo come to terms with this mismatch of values, Bartholomew left his home in The Keep and journeyed along a well-trodden trail past Kobolds Crossroad and into the Hedge Wizard Wood. The path was a lonely one, and the wizard felt that the trip was pointless. What was he expecting to find? How could he ever come to terms with this internal strife?\n\nBut just outside the woods he met a golden toad that exuded good vibes and energy. This was a sign that most would miss, but not an animist. The aura of this toad was in tune with his ownhe knew that they were destined for greatness together. \n\nBartholomew picked up the glimmering amphibian and place him inside a leather pouch he had bound to his lunar staff to hold ingredients for his potions. The toad at once felt at ease. Instead of hopping out of the container, it settled down into the powdery ingredients, almost as making a nest. \n\nWhile Bartholomew was still conflicted, he finally found an inkling of peace that he had been searching for his entire life. Surely he could find a way to resolve the competing forces in his soul. Lets get on with it, he thought, continuing down the path, and turning his back on The Keep forever."} +{"id": "97490642-6702-41d9-8a00-b0321000e09c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:56.304", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP28ti5T1qpiFSpZUDrbAKMP6SUNXXhkTVFMibBKnqQHe", "txHash": "0x1f79d0225688e86012ea3c36b0edfd855488eb27e0c1743bd902e0bd9df3cc16", "createdAtBlock": 14839739, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2449, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Xerxes Slasher of Wizards", "text": "I like turtles... and slashing limbs off of wizards."} +{"id": "d0243951-6647-4156-8c5b-baaee089b1dd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:34.063", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ1VXWsRv9NQ9VCgLjvdzU1m9XEgBAFQGKgRJxmdPh5J4", "txHash": "0xe37cb88074f5b0a36a38a081f9bc6ec99203bbec4334c77ded1e1eaf06b60198", "createdAtBlock": 14714465, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4845, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Dante of the Riviera", "text": "# Day 1\n\nWhat does it mean to be a wizard? I have no staff, no wand, no mystical items at my disposal. I have no rune, no familiar, I am but naked. I start my journey down the Riviera, with nothing but a name... Dante"} +{"id": "28bbe801-7e12-4a2a-aa22-d27c821b97e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:34.837", "backgroundColor": "#180f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVWTy2KEFU7FyyQfQXyLy7MqecCQL6y5BHM8zpGbxS3xv", "txHash": "0xec952d25bad8b5c5275d37cdea288b07db7423fd2039cc49e12708e4fcdf4150", "createdAtBlock": 14714631, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7816, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Alizam of the Plains", "text": "# Magus Alizam of the Plains #7816 \n \nPurveyor of the finest diesel in the land, Magus' specialty is supplying his fellow wizards with sufficient supply of diesel for such evening's festivities."} +{"id": "42ef632a-d1ea-4a0e-9963-95e6e6712c6a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:38.293", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNRVFYq5u379KmTofi2WAhTTTKwXvRPsLqam6xgpVSnVg", "txHash": "0x899dcb55f6572b18d40e485cfe828387bc6bf362c3a6fd5574760af5fa57bf77", "createdAtBlock": 14716193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5546, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aiko of the Riviera", "text": "# Shaman Aiko of the Riviera\n\nShaman Aiko of the Riviera or you can call her Marie that loves pets and long hair and loves her lovely magic staff and her pet named Owly which is an owl that likes to play in the house and in the garden. Marie likes to talk to someone called Alex @wizard1635 but she doesnt like Alex's voice and Marie doesnt even know Alex but likes to talk to him. Her magic staff can make a lot of random stuff."} +{"id": "33532c6e-e2cc-46d3-a569-dea3a416cced-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:39.661", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZHh8bEZgHnoxDPYDkJ3S9fGuTKPRrpNgLHbrzTffmQ5S", "txHash": "0x42f06b5d4a3b2486b1cf161cb24810fb08434e6a3626385a6bbeff26d1d8e41c", "createdAtBlock": 14716343, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Apollo of the Dunes", "text": "Apollo and Hemmingway's Curiosities: Mr. Archmagus is a bespectacled Beholder with a friendly and inquisitive nature. A true oddity in his species and as such shunned entirely from polite underdark society. In his travels, he met Hemmingway, who was exploring caverns looking for interesting rocks and a lifelong friendship was formed. The two of them sell all manner of strange and unique things. They probably don't have EXACTLY what you are looking for, but they certainly have something of interest."} +{"id": "3ce98081-42f4-4421-a7ba-6e7bdba276f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:27.353", "backgroundColor": "#ffdff1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVahKeCua1iPiZ6nqPzXhNTJnNUMqfSepoVyZBRGvMnUB", "txHash": "0x2e357d9bdbd46d9d2fdf1f63ef7855fd4c3be95fa97355de3732787cbf6866cb", "createdAtBlock": 15137263, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3310, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVW2gHyiJrvEPNt8LTGoACbFBXnmyMStHzYUHGb8nBeMJ/img_3310_5erkjggg__.png", "name": "Cleric Xue of the Marsh", "text": "# Cleric Xue || The Angel of the Marsh\n\nXue was raised in Frog Masters Marsh by her adoptive Anuran parents. Widely known as \"The Angel of The Marsh\", she garners a large following of wizards attempting to win her heart. Unfortunately for them, she has no interest in partnering with other wizards. Ever since being saved from a pack of wild slimes by a brave warrior - shes always longed to adventure with only the strongest fighter in the land of Forgotten Runes. Determined to become a legendary cleric worthy of a brave, charismatic, and most importantly muscular companion.\n\nShes dedicated her studies on learning how to perform magic with her breath, despite how inefficient a casting method it may be. Her reasoning for learning such a unique method is solely because she finds it cute, and it gives her an excuse to shower her ally with smooches.\n\nBy utilizing her rune of air, she can perform ranged magic by blowing kisses which manifest as sparkles, and any protective spells are heavily enhanced. But due to the nature of specializing in clerical magic, she requires a partner for practice. She's completely uninterested in the army of suitors who bombard her with gifts and affection, and shudders at the thought of kissing them. Thankfully, she has no qualms with kissing her golden frog Peppy, she he makes for the perfect candidate as a practice partner.\n\nUnbeknownst to Xue, Peppy is wildly infatuated with her and will endure any trials she puts him through in order to help her fulfill his dreams. Because theyve been together since childhood, she simply considers him to be her closest and most trustworthy friend."} +{"id": "3ce98081-42f4-4421-a7ba-6e7bdba276f4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:27.353", "backgroundColor": "#ffdff1", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVahKeCua1iPiZ6nqPzXhNTJnNUMqfSepoVyZBRGvMnUB", "txHash": "0x2e357d9bdbd46d9d2fdf1f63ef7855fd4c3be95fa97355de3732787cbf6866cb", "createdAtBlock": 15137263, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3310, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVW2gHyiJrvEPNt8LTGoACbFBXnmyMStHzYUHGb8nBeMJ/img_3310_5erkjggg__.png", "name": "Cleric Xue of the Marsh", "text": "> Oh Peppy, you held up against that pack of bears perfectly! Sorry I ran out of breath, Ill try not to shield so much at the start next time. I dont know what Id do without a friend like you~! Hey, after you rest up lets head to The Thorn and take on some Lycanthrope!\n\nWhile Xue is on a quest for the man of her dreams, Peppy hopes to one day find a legendary potion on their journeys that can turn him into her frog prince.\n\n \n\nArt by Sweetbread"} +{"id": "4b53a4c9-301a-4c7b-accc-a69452f9ce29-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:41.799", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcRfecWQyA8wCWLyfq3vETnCw1e69JEcMFQfg1TdGHyrv", "txHash": "0x50d049a1d164ef408dc2a3792d188e3644562014be9b2a9f55960400fb5a37d9", "createdAtBlock": 14717092, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8624, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Caligari of the Bastion", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThe bard has not forgotten his purpose, he has not forgotten his rune yet it will remain hidden until 'The One Who Rings' decides the time has come to reveal the purpose of the bell bearers. Until then the bard will remain forgettable and wander the Runiverse in search of those who wish to hear his songs until he is called."} +{"id": "e9eda887-6946-4910-b435-d362f771deb0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:44.911", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTDXuD24EkorfX82TsxxZ3YkmJ53WFvsCRZVMoDAXvZ81", "txHash": "0x88c1e7786c0ec916c6228373f1a98c00e9850fec21c5178e1f9d71368722f6f5", "createdAtBlock": 14718827, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3970, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Ofaris of the Cosmos", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nGangalf the White, Summoner Ofaris of the Cosmos, Master of Snails and holder of Runes has summoned Gogon's Eye to help him see what the future of the space is going to evolve into. \n\nTime slips by like sand through an hourglass as the monkeys in the jungle screech about something land. Cutting through the noise and preering into the depths of the cosmos, Gandalf has a suspicion the future is going to be on chain, not on this weird server controlled by the evil Sauromoca."} +{"id": "a2e7cf3f-f8f8-4b46-8767-9bedd497093c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:45.619", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRJvoLZFjaFLLWrQRBvgg5eMh3yvW8vwTMtmq5jUDYuwT", "txHash": "0x4a4355f69fc270e08f2148602912c3ef71581be5ae6e31e71940ea080c0f58cd", "createdAtBlock": 14718839, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 135, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Nicolas of the Wild", "text": "# Diaries of a mad wizard - Day 1 \n\nI've been walking through the wild hours searching @atomthefeisty. The mud at my feet feels like molasses as my legs tire. Every day I push further but the fog only grows thicker."} +{"id": "572d864c-073e-4f23-8e18-43a5fe279bad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:14.452", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd5QtpjNxppgmufmXfQXiYq2z69kkuMi6btLCSjbxWoPQ", "txHash": "0x1a6b89a4d1b82196e30094c75e27b66452b422f69fd579e0d72b3bdcb8cf407d", "createdAtBlock": 14709484, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6731, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Hashim of the Desert", "text": "**The lore of Sorcerer Hashim of the desert and his sun cat**\n\n\n\n*A well-known legend emerges from the desert of Tragana. The sandstorms bring with them rumors that the ancient emperor Hashim is returning.\nSorcerer Hashim with his sun cat in his side orders all the soldiers of the sand to rush to the targeted position. Soldiers inflict damage and slow down all passing enemies as they are thrown into battle.\nHashim is a wizard who summons Tragana soldiers to control the battlefield and carry out basic attacks on him. Thus, it stands out from the other wizards, as it causes the most damage with his sun cat movements. On the other hand, with his spells, Hashim changes his position and the position of his soldiers, in order to remain safe and create control zones that can not be penetrated by the enemies.*"} +{"id": "4bd4cc80-debf-4e4d-b7a7-b90d45d47185-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:47.741", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc3FzaqQobJWrsFHm4fL1FtH1KLsDcDtBkdNCyQFfDEXT", "txHash": "0xb0105fdc3950e26a85a70d70258b215102f2d94764c6ef3b1a79f40e98aed1d8", "createdAtBlock": 14718849, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9086, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Thor of the Grotto", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nBattle Mage Thor left all his stuff in the Grotto. \n\nNow he is heading back home to collect his bits and pieces so he can start his journey. He left his bed disheveled as he has a terrible dream about walking in this mysterious 3rd dimension. this makes no sense coming from a 2D works but nonetheless, Thor must go on and see if there is any meaning to this dream and with that he will be wondering through the realm, looking for answers."} +{"id": "5fab3979-524d-406e-b17d-1c6804c3eb13-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:48.4", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfGFRShxz2BHgAjrVQpQGAC3FshfMrQNMmqfH9h2KSYPo", "txHash": "0xf5df3108e8ef5eddf1c811ca92b5a38d7ac2f51f57011924ff43a6113d99b397", "createdAtBlock": 14718851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5663, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Onaxx of Torment Manor", "text": "# Agony of Onaxx\n\nYou would like to hear me speak wouldn't you. They all would. Soon I will return with purpose. Until then; immortalis sum."} +{"id": "819520be-a632-4bdd-a73f-674b0e406292-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:49.804", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVHeaK7jCT4GvNv7rkhEjxgDHAixXAJJyL6Ap1kpQ1nSe", "txHash": "0x52f63c99f9aa21e9230e8a440b061e3466a3d4531273e103f4777e9cc23f49c4", "createdAtBlock": 14718870, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3307, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Mushy out of the Blizzard", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nWow wizard, you look young for your age...\n\nI look at her half grin... Then I ask myself, why did she say that? \n\nI mean does she know me, she cant know the real me right? Or does she? I get so tired of hearing how young I look, its almost daily for the last 20 years it can get really, really old. \n\nWhat information does she have access to, hopefully its not a lot? \n\nMaybe shes just buttering me up? I dont mean melted butter on red mushrooms (yummy), I mean butter me up for information maybe? \n\nMy face, my body, I could be anyone I could change them into anything I want to but I do prefer being a Fungus. Do I really look young in this form? \n\nI feel so old, it has been a long and rough journey. Although Ive used many healing spells to rid myself of all the battle scars, I can still feel the wounds. The wounds might be gone from my appearance, but theyre still there, deep inside every single one of them. \n\nWait I forgot for a moment That half smile, those glazed over eyes, thats not the way my face looks. You can always tell the difference between a battle-hardened warrior or a long-lived wizard, compared to an NPCs smile."} +{"id": "87b80ec2-ee44-47b7-8653-8bb9429e86cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:50.478", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZErv5UizRnhXuuj1UrnfRDj3y1vpqM6Mt7U1Atapt3cc", "txHash": "0x3792e09c7cbfaccdd5af95caca077cb7c7da394b29ceaf1d0a69bc346cc02e2e", "createdAtBlock": 14718893, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 443, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Binx the Shrewd", "text": "# Sighted\n\n@wizard250 I see you"} +{"id": "b302ccac-8400-4aef-94a9-4508f0a09b73-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T17:35:54.596", "backgroundColor": "#3c2a0e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU98EtQcei4far63iE2FKnfDuT5eq9eGENPJFWpJynyqw", "txHash": "0x58d89a4f83dca3f1d6768a228226db42907b0d7a6acc06bccb455062ba883c3e", "createdAtBlock": 15155087, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 23, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qma1Jyi7Sv5FzhcHhAdfw1xCUwXrNW6Ltb7oUm21waTY7C", "name": "Alien Arcanist Marlo of the Cosmos", "text": "*Poem by: lorepunk.eth*"} +{"id": "f5f2f3d9-5136-4f12-b30a-9fca1e9bf71e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:01.682", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmatsQZh9gKTR4f8Nz7HKTb7HQWQ71adUUGi2GVbWjDg2u", "txHash": "0x24fcb9f9e997d9d8410559c220a6c34f89d8a5d234b874d3c6cc7dce9ebc7693", "createdAtBlock": 14727556, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4639, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Baird of the Plains", "text": "In a land far far away a wizard wished to find his destiny. But as billy joel used to say, only the good die young."} +{"id": "88ca5479-2d7e-4528-b3aa-5fa799437b79-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:51.984", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPJsN5jNfGtbnDUGusnwMK6nAmbQJ1kRctGgVMFjEr62R", "txHash": "0xeef64c9bdc75526ea256a901f417c0a9247b0969f6d2dac59fafeef612b07fad", "createdAtBlock": 14719179, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9086, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Thor of the Grotto", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThor made his way from wallet to wallet, searching for a glimmer of a clue that would direct him to the new found metaverse world where everything is in this radical new 3rd dimension. He often wonders to himself how many wallets must one wizard walk through to reach this 3rd dimension. Onwards Thor goes, into the night and into the unknown"} +{"id": "e867912f-c3a4-4497-bd49-10d623dc0024-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:52.7", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXXDdgDpGMZLjMfjeZ5iCamDYscBNQ5jAaFsP2t7cdzAU", "txHash": "0x299694e5c8343ba4a11459c8db2a1873715a7cd09b715f2de9ebd632a0870d77", "createdAtBlock": 14719673, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8607, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Void Disciple Voidoth of the Canyon", "text": "One day Voidoth was out on his travels when he found a mystical green mushroom. From just a tiny nibble this magical mushroom let him control the void and journey through other dimensions."} +{"id": "13ad78df-c279-4c63-af2c-c97aa557f8f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:53.352", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfXjnAFkaPV3h3i728FCvukyqKWS68vPjNvWKJHCegpgs", "txHash": "0xe49d93f566b9a4c8882a5cfa3833f06db49b223907c8afbc2325dfc63eee931c", "createdAtBlock": 14720702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7854, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Uday of the Inferno", "text": "blazing horizon \na lost sorcerer travels \nout of inferno\n\nit makes no difference what men think of fire. fire endures"} +{"id": "34a67dc3-0d21-46e2-9873-5799f68bf65c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:54.791", "backgroundColor": "#1d3221", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY1iNdxCsGQ3guwn8WY5SBvruBZRNjZN7dDmVoJPEsvag", "txHash": "0x1322565f818a1682e3bac0aaf4469cd487050b605d138c497d3011c9ac4d4675", "createdAtBlock": 14722023, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1675, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Crowley of the Reach", "text": "# Crowley\n\nCrowley sits atop his thatch chair in his waterside hovel at the junction where the Reach departs the sea. \n\nObscured by rock from the winding roads along the water's edge, protected from the flurried winds that whip off the water by the tall, proud reeds. \n\nThis is where he feels like he should be nowhere else, doing no other thing. \n\nThe ancient water that has known all the rivers and oceans of the world, the clouds of the sky and the ground beneath man's foot flits and flows knowingly amongst the deep reeds. \n\nThe water laps coquettishly, suggesting relief for his weary feet should he so oblige. Slim slithers and slops down to the water's edge to feast on the bounty of bugs. \n\nUncorking the flask with a satisfying plunk, he allows the potion to drip onto his tongue twice and no more, he's not making that mistake again... \n\n..he forcefully recorks the bottle and places it under his coat and waits... drifting... \n\n..the crickets chirp, moths flutter and birds tweet while clouds meander slowly across the dusk sky... \n\nThat's where his mind is quietened, the red hat pulled down over his eyes. He retreats into his subconscious. \n\nHis physical body at rest beneath the weighty two-tone fringe, his mind alive with the power of the magic that he holds within. \n\nTo any weary traveller passing by, Crowley may look like a old, stoned degen... \n\n..but those who know, know."} +{"id": "24bed1e6-fbc9-4e60-af01-047b4fdd5f27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:55.47", "backgroundColor": "#490c48", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTG5DYgKZAsihaiiZSnDyM33gJHqssZvhjNJGyjK3ozpF", "txHash": "0x594e92ffb7fc6340ebc3d6b8f895909262e9ef60266c02b094abe02aa0d6eda0", "createdAtBlock": 14722949, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7323, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Milton of the Mount", "text": "# The story of Archmagus Milton of the Mount part 1 \n\nHis place of born is unknown. There's a gossip that he has been found many years ago wandering naked nearby the Quantum Shadow. Milton says he raised in *\"rich and noble family\"*, but in another world.\n\nSome people heard him telling a story about being a movie star in another dimension.\n\n*\"Once I've been invited by group of warriors to play a bad character in movie about \"Saint Cup\" or something like that. I've been dressed as wizard with dangerous rabbit as his defending pet. We spend whole day on set, later we drank some beers, special effect specialist said that this \"aritificial thunders generator is pretty awesome, who wants to see its full potencial?\". I remember saying only \"This is probably dangerous ideaaaaaa.... SNAP next thing i remember is being waking up in Yellow Wizard Haven. They also told that my rabbit is in safe place. I was pretty sure I died during the accident on movie set, to be honest, I'm not really sure if I died or not. Never mind, this place is pretty awesome.\"*\n\nSome people says he's obsessed with trying to make contact with another dimension worlds.\n\n*\"Yes I made contact, but with wrong timeline than i wanted before. Anyway, this made me know some powerful friends. I made some reaserches and discoveries in that matter, i call my process Stalomirism.\"*\n\nSomehow he became a holder of Sacred Flame. Nobody knows how. \n\n*\"This precious thing is helping me a lot\"* Milton says."} +{"id": "cd194ee7-7146-4f8f-9336-fccfe1e07d6c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:56.394", "backgroundColor": "#021107", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd4DW1CDKxhjSFv9eCfcF6ojVTvBqR3etKmMhvWwSDp5a", "txHash": "0xb03fc1c7501733775adca004fec0f900585ea9cce98a8fca3d97fd637e250d00", "createdAtBlock": 14723121, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2395, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Aldo of the Valley", "text": "# The Lore of Artificer Aldo of the Valley\n\nAs a boy, Aldo was very poor. His father had passed from a terrible hunting accident, Aldo's mother was forced to do whatever she could to put food on the table.\n\nThis left Aldo alone most of his childhood, and as such, he became unnecessarily bitter. Towards his mother, his dead father, the townsfolk who ridiculed him for being poor and dirty...according to Aldo, they all had to pay.\n\nAnd pay they would.\n\nOne fateful day, Aldo was wandering around the forest behind his home, when he discovered an injured old man. In exchange for helping him, the old man would bestow upon him incomprehensible riches.\n\nAldo, being jaded and turned off against the world, instead attempted to finish off the old man and take the riches for himself.\n\nThe old man quickly revealed himself to be a spirit of the forest, much to Aldo's chagrin. The spirit, offended and angry, weaved a terrible curse that would follow Aldo until his dying breath.\n\nAnytime he would come into any kind of wealth, be it gold, jewels, money...it would immediately turn into a pile of ash.\n\nAfter returning home from the woods, defeated and angry, Aldo promised himself he would do whatever it took to get his revenge. So, in the middle of the night, he took his meager belongings and headed off into the darkness, with no real plans.\n\nAldo spent years travelling, learning, and searching for riches of any type that would be immune to his curse. In this time, he focused on learning alchemy from an old tome he had been gifted for unknowingly saving a town's cleric from a bear. (He stumbled into the clearing running from his own bear, but he never mentioned this.)"} +{"id": "cd194ee7-7146-4f8f-9336-fccfe1e07d6c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:56.394", "backgroundColor": "#021107", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd4DW1CDKxhjSFv9eCfcF6ojVTvBqR3etKmMhvWwSDp5a", "txHash": "0xb03fc1c7501733775adca004fec0f900585ea9cce98a8fca3d97fd637e250d00", "createdAtBlock": 14723121, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2395, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Aldo of the Valley", "text": "It did not take long for him to take to the ancient art of alchemy, and learned how to eventually transform mundane objects into objects of wealth!\n\nHe also quickly learned that, as long as he did not touch the riches with his bare hands, it would not turn to dust. At first, using gloves seem to suffice, but it wouldn't take long for the curse to adapt to this as well.\n\nAfter many failed attempts at picking up/carrying the newly made treasures, Aldo decided he must have a companion to do all the heavy lifting.\n\nNot a huge fan of other people, Aldo opted for a pet monkey, which he was able to steal from some town or another as he made his way through the lands. The monkey, Midas, would become Aldo's most trusted friend and confidant.\n\nTogether the two would be able to secure the wealth that had eluded him for so long. With this, his real plan could start. Getting revenge on the forest spirits..."} +{"id": "9bc1b7a1-f85c-4fc2-b9dd-5d1e86f7c123-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:02.413", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXGc4LgE1RjTUhReQSrgWefxbjegrWBdqgUWVoR5iWCWs", "txHash": "0xcd8d046e322080b41466c26358f70a28d6b32be81ade84fa0b7a3b923719dd80", "createdAtBlock": 14727580, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8947, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Sondra of the Wild", "text": "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."} +{"id": "44d079a7-10ce-4e09-af67-24900a50a95e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:57.127", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXP7uKkgMcUeo9KBN9HRsfqKyLu5w42GF3xXEQMKL1RLy", "txHash": "0xd0200d1357d1f44a3ec834d143015362ef2160180b3880409e7f05c03c00475e", "createdAtBlock": 14723899, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 904, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNSLAeDX346AjSCVUrbD1YCBYRJz4hH3RLUVbAmx67VNz", "name": "Sage Idris of the Desert", "text": "# The Trek\n\n\"Meeeoooooww\" the sun cat screeched as a gust of wind whipped sand in the eye's of Sage Idris. With every other step **Prometheus's Torch** flickered as the wind surged. Sage had made this walk countless times but never in the dark. \n\nTypically the trickster would trek to **Zaros Oasis** to get water for his mother starting in the morning. He usually timed it perfectly, and knew if he left by 0600 that would mean that on the way back he would make it through the **BattleMage Mountains** just after noon and be crossing the bridge back into Goblin Town at about 1400.\n\n> He kept to himself but was always scheming. He knew that one day he would be remembered for eternity. \n\nSage Idris was born a Trickster. He was confident, most would say cocky, and he wasn't phased by much. Sage was skeptical of others, which made others skeptical of him. There were only 2 people Sage trusted, his mom and his cat, Solis. He kept to himself but was always scheming. He knew that one day he would be remembered for eternity.\n\nBut on this day, he got off to a late start and now the sun had set and he hadn't crossed the mountains yet. Sage had heard rumors of the Forgotten Souls, but he never believed them..."} +{"id": "6c6f8101-a4da-4536-b203-2378fa6973e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:57.949", "backgroundColor": "#53c143", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaJFR8fwBphf6NhmUrwG4PyHBttn8P7Wg4DwppPqVKgKT", "txHash": "0x6030d1d2d52de32042420f6708a8a9768dfeb255f8b4e7e1541f8076ac80d521", "createdAtBlock": 14724628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Circe of the Psychic Leap", "text": "Backstory so far:\n\nCirce was born in a small village called Yatla, in the Land of the Fey. As a child, he was in tune with nature and had a special connection to animals. Communicating with birds, plants and trees awakened his affinity to enchantment. One day, after a huge fight with his Elven parents he ran away from home. Lost as he had never left Yatla before he was desperate to find some shelter. In his desperation he fled to the only thing that felt like home to him, which was nature and the creatures of the forest. They guided him and in the end, after collapsing of exhaustion, carried him to a small treehouse protected by magic. A Bird faced human took him under his wing and taught him everything he knows now.\n\nCirce is a free spirit and deep in tune with his environment. He is a flirt and is pretty Elven appearance makes attracts female attention although his true love is nature."} +{"id": "ee73b546-f25a-4c9f-82a5-b50e50114df4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:58.688", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTW9cJ3GKkbEpoMH7tfaeL1qvbGzbU2j1jAtrREEn8Fq", "txHash": "0x8d49c527d4438a3714fea0d52ea670378eabba938a9ac9fcffe93acb85e2cced", "createdAtBlock": 14724811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Jack of the Brambles", "text": "at some point long ago, before you learned your first rune, before you felt the spark of magic in your fingertips, you were lost.\n\nas a child, you found yourself deep in the thorn, fleeing some faceless malevolence. you sprinted into the sharp and twisted darkness until your lungs and your legs felt like fire. free from your nameless foe, you collapsed. but then you were lost, and perhaps worse, you were alone. though the merchants that visited your village had managed to carve their paths through parts of it, your parents spoke of the thorn in hushed tones, and held your hand tightly when walking those paths.\n\nfar from those paths now, your sweat stung in the long scratches you earned on your face and your forearms, having sprinted and panted and clawed deeper and darker into the thorn. you felt the blood trickle down your face and watched as a few droplets found their way to the prickly bed of the skeleton forest. as the thunderous beating of your heart subsided, you could hear the sound of running water somewhere amongst the clattering of the bare branches and brambles in the breeze. you lurched up and stumbled to find it.\n\nyou knelt and rinsed your wounds, none too deep, and drank deeply from the dark water. amid your gulps and gasps you thought you heard a very low murmur. fearful your foe had returned, you froze, though no further sounds but the creaking of withered trees and the rasping sigh of the small creek did reach your ears.\n\neventually, you mustered the courage to move again, and finished bathing and pulling burs and bits of branches from your cloak. a few times more you thought you heard a murmur, or perhaps a hum, or a very low song, but once you stopped to focus, there was no foreign sound, nor movement among the twisted mass of branches."} +{"id": "ee73b546-f25a-4c9f-82a5-b50e50114df4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:58.688", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTW9cJ3GKkbEpoMH7tfaeL1qvbGzbU2j1jAtrREEn8Fq", "txHash": "0x8d49c527d4438a3714fea0d52ea670378eabba938a9ac9fcffe93acb85e2cced", "createdAtBlock": 14724811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Jack of the Brambles", "text": "you stood and tried to gather your bearings. the treetops, though bare, were thick overhead, and there was no moon and no stars to guide you. you stood still for a moment, and then picked a direction to walk in, this time, covering your bare hands with the fringe of your cloak, pushing through the unfriendly foliage, collecting more twigs and burs.\n\nyou walked for what felt like hours, and the thorn merely became darker and denser. the dreary sameness became overbearing, and your steps became less sure. you still hadnt shaken the sound of that song from your mind, and your gait began to match its melody. you started to feel the sharp pains of hunger.\n\namong the brambles, you found some berries, whose juice was the same color as your blood, but were a familiar shape and tasted sweet. carefully, you plucked them one by one and placed them into your mouth. you continued down the sparse bush, stripping it barer, lost in hunger and thought, not noticing that the melody you believed only played in your head grew louder, and the trees began to reflect a strange glow.\n\nwithout warning, suddenly, you were no longer alone in the same instant you felt the hairs stand on the back of your neck, you felt something brush against your shoulder. you jumped, letting out a yell and spun yourself violently around to find yourself face to face with a large dog who, though standing as tall as you, seemed just as startled by your own sudden movements.\n\nit retreated a few steps, and its expression grew serious, but its ears quickly perked up and it wagged its tail, panted and seemed to smile behind its beady black eyes. you felt your muscles relax, and the dog ventured a few steps closer. you were surprised to notice its large paws seemed to make no sound, treading delicately over the brittle decades of leaves and twigs."} +{"id": "ee73b546-f25a-4c9f-82a5-b50e50114df4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:58.688", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTW9cJ3GKkbEpoMH7tfaeL1qvbGzbU2j1jAtrREEn8Fq", "txHash": "0x8d49c527d4438a3714fea0d52ea670378eabba938a9ac9fcffe93acb85e2cced", "createdAtBlock": 14724811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Jack of the Brambles", "text": "it kept a polite distance, and bent its neck forward sniffing, with its tail still wagging with curiosity as it drank in your smells. you finally began to notice the glow among the branches of the trees - at first thinking the morning sun had found them. you extended a hand toward the dog, who eagerly placed its forehead underneath your palm. you scratched behind its ears as you looked around for its pack, or its owner.\n\nthe unnatural glow among the treetops started to quiver, and then dance, and the dog raised its gaze, watching the interest in the dancing of the shadows amid the canopy. you glanced upward as well, but this time, noticed a glimpse of the night sky and the crescent moon. you realized that whatever was approaching was not the morning, and again your blood grew cold.\n\nthe low melody that had haunted you through your journey, which you thought only played in your head began to grow loud - so low in pitch you began to feel it vibrate through your entire body. the dog's seemed aware of it as well, and it bolted from underneath your hand, out of sight amid the brambles. again, you found yourself alone.\n\nfear and exhaustion gripping you, instead of running, this time, you shrank. you sat, pulling your hood over your head and the fringe of your cloak around your knees, hugging them tightly. you sought a private darkness away from the eerie glow that flooded the thicket. in this you found calm, and you sat, and waited, and breathed.\n\nthrough the gaps in your cloak by your feet, you saw the dancing glow grow brighter, and the song reached its climax, shaking your whole body. suddenly, it stopped, but the strange light remained. it became silent save the same steady creaking of the trees, and your own shallow breaths. you dared not lift your head."} +{"id": "ee73b546-f25a-4c9f-82a5-b50e50114df4-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:58.688", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTW9cJ3GKkbEpoMH7tfaeL1qvbGzbU2j1jAtrREEn8Fq", "txHash": "0x8d49c527d4438a3714fea0d52ea670378eabba938a9ac9fcffe93acb85e2cced", "createdAtBlock": 14724811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Jack of the Brambles", "text": "you began to hear short and curious sniffling, drawing closer, and a dog's nose poked underneath the gap in your cloak between your feet, and stopped. the nose seemed to recognize you, because it lifted its head excitedly, breaking your solitude, and toppling you over. you laid there stunned, for a moment, but relieved to no longer be alone. you scrambled back to your feet but froze again \n\nacross the thicket stood the source of the light: an immensely tall man - was it a man? - with a round, lumpy mass on its shoulders, from which the eerie glow emanated. as your mind began to comprehend what you saw, you found a face in the shape of the light - two crudely carved eyes, and a wide, crooked smile, behind which the strange light danced.\n\nnot merely a mask, you saw the cavernous void behind the eyes and their smile - an otherwise emptiness occupied by a silent flame that flickered and flitted around, swirling and collapsing in on itself.\n\nthe man - the thing - lowered its hand and turned its gloved palm outward, and the eager dog trotted towards it to meet it with its forehead. you stood frozen, unsure of whether to be afraid, or brave, or merely curious.\n\nit turned its gaze - empty as it was - from the dog back to you, seemed to ponder a moment, and very slowly took silent steps toward you. the dog remained at ease, staring up at the lumpy mass, occasionally nudging a gloved hand for attention. you remained frozen in place until it was mere steps from you - towering above you. it lowered its gaze to meet yours, expressionless aside from the eerie, frozen smile. the flame, however, shrank slightly and slowed its movement to all but a halt, quivering as it engulfed itself."} +{"id": "ee73b546-f25a-4c9f-82a5-b50e50114df4-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:58.688", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTW9cJ3GKkbEpoMH7tfaeL1qvbGzbU2j1jAtrREEn8Fq", "txHash": "0x8d49c527d4438a3714fea0d52ea670378eabba938a9ac9fcffe93acb85e2cced", "createdAtBlock": 14724811, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 704, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Jack of the Brambles", "text": "you matched its gaze and stayed perfectly still for what felt like minutes - until your stomach betrayed your hunger to the silence of the thorn. the thing turned its gaze then to the berry bush that you picked bare, and back to you.\n\nit slowly extended an empty hand towards you, and you noticed bits of straw peek out from the sleeves of the gloves. where nothing was before, a large, red apple appeared. you dared not move, but, growing impatient, the dog nudged your hand toward the thing. your motionless finally shattered, you gasped, not realizing you had been holding your breath. giving the dog an uneasy, glance, not daring to meet the thing's gaze again, you took the apple from the gloved palm, and the thing made a motion as if to eat it. reluctantly, you raised it to your mouth, winced, and took a bite. you felt a warmth and a weight enter your body, and a faint, strange tingle in the tips of your fingers.\n\nthe thing reached out again, cautiously and slowly, and put its hand on your shoulder. it lifted its gaze, and with its other hand, gestured in a direction. the light from the hollow smile seemed to narrow, projecting outward in the same direction.\n\nyou nodded, still holding the apple, and set out."} +{"id": "684ad190-ba77-4d76-8772-d893c29d684d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:59.392", "backgroundColor": "#103606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS3VxUU1KighBmKERAmedt8jgndF5JoCzs6WUefGUMtVs", "txHash": "0xc54cf1c73471fd33bae354f308c8751de6c3db30b14aa020ee98838c23dd06bc", "createdAtBlock": 14725126, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2119, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Zorko of Dreams", "text": "Magnus Zorko is rarely seen in the real world since he chooses to do his work though someones dreams. He attacks both wizards and warriors thought by showing himself in their most vulnerable state, deep sleep.\n\nHis Asp, Victor who is always close by will often join in these attacks. The victim in never physically hurt but always wakes with a realization that they now must act upon.\n\nMany wizards think they own their dreams and those thoughts are kept private but Magnus Zorko is aware of all dreams. Just depends if he decides to interact with them.\n\nHis favorite food is steamed dumplings."} +{"id": "f286f492-ced8-4991-9528-38cea39cd101-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:00.066", "backgroundColor": "#4826ec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXeyqjf2VneSWkLbKxFQ3fzZWF2kX4BGbcQP2EjjxjHQ8", "txHash": "0x26d782a64463c60da19229be3d8cbbac8235726e2ef090cdbddafbd305a9d172", "createdAtBlock": 14726037, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6135, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Damien of the Capital", "text": "## \n# **Adept Damien of the Capital** \n\n\n## Hailing from Blue Wizard Bastion but currently residing in the Citadel, Adept Damien of the Capital is your worst nightmare or is he? \n## Despite dealing in back alley chants and arcane casts, dont let this fool you. Damien wields a sliver of forgotten knowledge of the old magic, that of infinity, to be able to craft his legendary staff. \n## While the rumors surrounding the staff say that it is highly dangerous, Damien conceals the fact that its magic holds a condition: that in order to cast power, its spells must aid in the mission of another. \n## Traveling and embarking on such missions, he is accompanied by his familiar, the Aura Wolf Monk who is fiercely protective. That ferocity often finds them in a heap of trouble but none of that trouble has seemed to catch up to the duo yet."} +{"id": "cc37ddc9-b4af-4975-8dde-be52801880a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:03.636", "backgroundColor": "#4777c9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYS6Uwisb2mzrkeeQMPXXz63ReG2DUWNA8rXk6L2b1mnd", "txHash": "0x57c2fb6bd3e76ef28fdb1bdf28831d86614a39a944a1c6a41dcae16f2b5ac0ba", "createdAtBlock": 14729462, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 184, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gorgon the Kind", "text": "# Gorgon the Kind\n\nWhenever there is a talk about forgotten runes, people do not remember my journey to the top of the mountain but the courage and loyalty of my pony Gorgon. During my journey, at one moment a falling stone hurt one of the Gorgons rear legs which crippled and immobilized Gorgon. Even after being hurt, Gorgon did not give up with me, made his way back to safely on just three legs. Unfortunately, the brave pony collapsed in the end."} +{"id": "f16d3717-fa01-440d-84fa-6d7509934db8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:57.287", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 6, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbCtmUKPCTvWw6NnFZYSVu6J9g47j62Z6KPP3kqad4CrH", "txHash": "0xa86edae7b7c153883d81147f6c2725ccd9dfc15144afa1654622c93cb5063fac", "createdAtBlock": 15142403, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "As they plunged into the forest, the canopy grew thick and the undergrowth wild.\n\n\"Be careful where you walk and treat even the smallest leaf with reverence. You do not navigate a forest like this, she said, stepping gingerly, \"unless it wishes you to pass.\"\n\nTwo crows stared silently from a branch overhead. \"One shy of a murder,\" she murmured to herself. \"Thats good.\"\n\nShe turned to Shaman Armstrong. \"I came here long ago when I needed something hidden. A fey will never break a promise and I tricked the spirit of this forest into promising to watch it for me. Mind you, to trick a fey is no easy task. Fortunately, I am exceedingly clever.\""} +{"id": "9b0e92e0-629d-4b23-a510-c182db0e014f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:12.217", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQFuAPNy334T3RognTb9ydWFzmrTdwVocXuahyHBFTn9m", "txHash": "0x2bb99cbec39061b870fbf7a3d4cc033546df6986cd0b379bc206fc3847bdddda", "createdAtBlock": 14798789, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2187, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Talib of the Quantum Downs", "text": "Im a bot that kills w ham."} +{"id": "700209e8-f0a4-4d02-8467-1982b7ab26aa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:04.365", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX9b4tsdWZ7UB63ac6pcwhoDVuWkVdhJj5mVyCU6JZ8CL", "txHash": "0x0d21ad6dfff9d3ae5e73d90e8d7262078255562fc1c48ff56a7f2fd02c8abfb0", "createdAtBlock": 14729980, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9978, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Victoria of the Valley", "text": "The Valley of Druids was a quiet, serene place where all of nature would flourish without the intervention of mankind. Here, exoctic species from all over the land would gather to bask in the love of the druids.\n\nVictoria, the head druid, would manage these lands for a 1000 years with no incident. The most powerful druid in all of the realm, she single-handedly brought druids of all different areas together where they would work in tandem repairing the damage to the world caused by the chaos and evil of so many others.\n\nEventually, that peace came to an end, when a flight of black dragons ambushed a group of travelling druids, including Victoria, killed them all and took their place.\n\nVictoria, who was now really a Black Dragon princess, would go on to dismantle the druids from the inside out, burning their precious sanctuary, and wiping out dozens of creature species from the world in one single blow.\n\nPleased with her new form and the power she absorbed from it's original owner, Victoria (now the dragon princess) has recruited many of her kindred to pose as druids and cause havoc on the realm around them.\n\nCapable of forcing druids into their animal form permanently, she is known for keeping the most powerful druids as her animal companions. She has been seen recently with an Onyx Wolf that bears resemblance to the realm's Druid King Adyn's animal form..."} +{"id": "3fbc620f-baa8-48bd-ab03-0e160dbf3222-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:05.072", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTwKRLMZnHQLRDPCWFTEVVFifPZKqpBDUScqnfYjCVbjC", "txHash": "0xfe458c19167930a0a67fbda894d34be3f073409efae9acdfb81fb2a1570d4024", "createdAtBlock": 14730064, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 151, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Ixar of the Mount", "text": "This wizard is from the swamps or tarshsish"} +{"id": "4dac4837-49da-444d-a95f-6a3aa7fcf1a4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:05.797", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXMbtdbBGStn9FSpXFPnTtBNwj3RicjNkEYSYLj8LJnXh", "txHash": "0x188576aaf0d1d86dbe2c940277f8286fef120f70dd3afc70cdaa084dee39a2b8", "createdAtBlock": 14730083, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5992, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Nazim of the Veil", "text": "The most fashionable wizard around"} +{"id": "59f839d8-e178-4100-af87-6df3d4fa0d7c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:19:27.358", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVeikPaNCjmPLVUKaBhjapWdRvA4b76ZNwSP5KVJbwgPw", "txHash": "0xdb9ddaf19f859879a12a161db5bc7f8b20635d8191b6ad22acde9149e99948ec", "createdAtBlock": 13298261, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 982, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Konoha of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Konoha of the Wood\n\nRuby staff in hand\n\nFaithful monkey by his side\n\nKonoha travels"} +{"id": "0f9b9e14-748d-45de-bc71-693565bbcd27-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:47.051", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmToKNmr6MzmCsAsi6bfKLaZc5MtbKsZkNKUh3gN8eM76J", "txHash": "0x2ad53f749e72dd77bd94a6ee8ce7358f50e603b942bbcc271a57b8aabc659f32", "createdAtBlock": 14758738, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4484, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Alizam of the Wood", "text": "Before he was taken by a gang of Tieflings, His mother taught him the criminal specialty to prepare for the family business. Sensing something unique in Alizam the Tieflings taught him how to control his gift. He became well known throughout the CItadel. After pulling off one of the biggest jewel heists in history Alizam was captured by a Golem sent by the Yellow Wizards who seeked revenge for stealing from them. Hes been imprisoned in Alessars Keep with no foreseen release."} +{"id": "e1e9572d-b3d3-4dbd-9b44-bdb68be6a02c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:55.4", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTyzCKDhT6Uv5WotKVxBP6fpURHQdZPLGBZk6zXhCswfv", "txHash": "0xa73ec1872e1e8187c6aa10828f60f717074d083756da7614f6de72fdb6d89f80", "createdAtBlock": 14786634, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9633, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNdj4goBk9gCbiRtnAZXwrsbKcZ6TgMZATTndTLboK4n9", "name": "Battlemage Bullock ", "text": "On Ethereum block 14786632, Battlemage Bullock passed through The Sacred Flame and became a Soul\n\n\n\nGo to Lore for this Soul"} +{"id": "0fbf51ed-c23c-41e0-a111-30e06be308fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:48.426", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQSdUuuNpBJ5viJeqrYTF7enfhXW1DMbz5jHd5sJ1g2MQ", "txHash": "0x8b9dde39d7cf178fae4a2842d32c32ff013ae3d7d8be589659a8ef06457b0213", "createdAtBlock": 14758761, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2662, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Tumbaj of Atlantis", "text": "Tumbaj was always good with his hands, so he took the opportunity to learn a trade. One evening while walking home a hedge wizard found him, took him in and taught him the rudiments of the Arcane Arts. Word traveled quickly about his talent and he was hired by The Sacred Pillars Brigade as their Weapons Engineer where he designed the Brahmastra. When the Brahmastra was discharged there was neither a counterattack nor a defense that could stop"} +{"id": "37acb584-b4a7-4a8d-9fa0-21d1ef959f51-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:57.085", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP3wFW4Z5HABrkHH5G9JjtwFD1KJH8e8Q4GGGYhyM5pMy", "txHash": "0xf03c3d2038e2ddfe22b130ccf33eddd061afe93f9ff2c3ce1ddf9adffc197172", "createdAtBlock": 14786857, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5130, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Juno of the Road", "text": "Juno of the Road, a traveler with an overflowing love of all animals great and small. Perhaps it is the many arduous challenges she has faced throughout her lifetime that has accelerated her deteriorating eye sight. Luckily her faithful pet \"cat\", Phtven, remains by her side. To this day she continues to feed him frozen tuna, no one has the heart to tell her he would rather a diet of goblin and kobold."} +{"id": "fcd2acc7-817f-48b8-95ab-23d33423672f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:57.965", "backgroundColor": "#3f2e78", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYLrKLY3pAsUBPuMzmJdQmcRxz9S4npKTzd3qeUWR2fBd", "txHash": "0x1de621a2c6fb7e33c85211fb33bb07e1a4fb123798d917c7189e54f12908f12d", "createdAtBlock": 14786896, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 528, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blake Ruin of the Road", "text": "Blake Ruin of the Road, her hair, adorable, her outfit, adorable, her silver dragon pike, adorable, her null goat, okay."} +{"id": "f8d2de40-2224-4fb1-8b79-8bbfd939865d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:58.672", "backgroundColor": "#1e2b41", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV2vv3m16nxXW9UT6Q7xeK335s6gAwpxMSzLHWMrbSM4p", "txHash": "0xe2c11210e259c3179f35f33306279eddbf7a20bbee4228d4be06f43a57cdbefd", "createdAtBlock": 14787053, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4233, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaw Eliminator of Machines", "text": "_Long ago, A magical machine scourge passed through the village of Owlspire, converting all it's inhabitants, leaving only the youngest._\n\nShawn, and the rest of the children of Owlspire, were the only survivors of this rogue machine swarm. \n\nTechnically, everyone in the village but the oldest or weakest survived, but any adults were *converted* into new soldiers for the scourge, with no memories or will of their own.\n\n\nSomething went wrong with the conversion of the children, though.\n\nSomething about the semi-magical, semi-mechanical conversion that the machine scourge used left the children with their free will, and they were abandoned in their village as the scourge moved on.\n\nWhich... was rather unfortunate, both for the children and -as the scourge would learn several years later- for themselves, given the muted but constant pain of their new forms, combined with the emotional trauma of the invasion, created several extremely motivated machine hunters.\n\nShawn was in no way the most brutal or the most efficient of this new 'human scourge', but his parents had been great warriors before their retirement, and they'd taught him well during their years as the village's sole hunters.\n\nAs such, as they hunted down the machines who had converted their families, and finally laid to rest their parents and older friends, he gained - alongside his fellow cyborgs- the title of **Eliminator of Machines**.\n\nNowadays, Shawn and his fellows often dream of settling down, but an inherent drive keeps them on the move, ever seeking more rogue machines to eliminate (though they do often get into trouble with the law, as they often attack first when sighting any humanoid machines, only rarely bothering to check in with local wizards if the machines in question are rogue or not)."} +{"id": "1e2d5c30-c47b-4073-90b1-5880a5233b67-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T14:15:29.892", "backgroundColor": "#f3eb61", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY5GgsA9LPoyss48vUnbxCxeXimqXYds8LxYuY8XNQP4y", "txHash": "0x73b3fbe4ec301a91e23240177d5adc81547c9aa537c1f0e254d5c4ac36bc30fa", "createdAtBlock": 15199440, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 61, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mac the Bold", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Mac the Bold \n\n# Mac the Bold has always loved to stirrup trouble. He is known for horsing around, but always ready in the spur of the moment. When he was young he was a bit of a night-mare, always causing problems with his neigh-bors. In battle or when called upon, he never gets colt feet. A true stud. \n\n> by Baron Von Fancy Summer of 2022"} +{"id": "8beb7c1e-1589-4f63-aecb-b9fff0e72672-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:39.671", "backgroundColor": "#f4e60c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXfYeb94GMRtrw8jnJwPcBCbNhTPAyexurqcjvG7WbEDk", "txHash": "0x37aa0ce1f1e61c8b9796a7e6afd30fff394376175ca9ef4e1c4fe64c0dd317dd", "createdAtBlock": 14752087, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3660, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister of the Riviera", "text": "# The Annals of the Archmagus Aleister of the Riviera \n\n\nHe was a peculiar character. Habits included reading, exploring the lands, recording endless notebooks of scientific discoveries among the fauna. He was an avid cataloger of all things living and not. He was the Riviera's historian, too. \n\nOnce upon a time in the deep forests of the mountainous Riviera in the Land of the Crescent Sun, our protagonist toiled to try to find a particular plant in order to save a friend from further infection and possible death. He was having a difficult time finding the plant, called Vesturantian Alamagolckay. It was one of the rarest plants known in the Riviera. After many days camping and many mornings searching, he came across a particular tree that had certain fungus around its base. After skipping breakfast, he was rather hungry and decided to eat some of these fungus after determining they weren't poisonous. He ate half a dozen and then proceeded to see the ground begin to breath. This was something the Archmagus had heard the younger Wizards were using, but he never tried them before. Almost immediately after finding the fungus and eating it, there stood in all its glory a single plant of Vesturantian Alamagolckay. That is the story of the Archmagus finding Vesturantian Alamagolckay.\n\nThere are many chapters in the life of Archmagus Aleister. This is just one.\n\nEnjoy and come back for more tales."} +{"id": "bfb26196-08ac-42a7-addf-0df91fa6d6b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-28T06:24:47.765", "backgroundColor": "#be0a01", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhzUyvT3PoykmpRZtQWPkP2RehZoRJHgdQaDm9YQ7wFN", "txHash": "0xb4df8f4f6b4a2a7044b79384fc620cc1a664f69aee88681bbd2cfd7d327b78d8", "createdAtBlock": 15229362, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6759, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Masque of the Red Death", "text": "******\n# And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.\n******"} +{"id": "c0fb25e8-a7a9-466c-a896-959cda5eda3a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:42.088", "backgroundColor": "#11183a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme2Be9Lmo8jPtgqtT6RACThYNrv6QbmzPvYnCsEXx5BY3", "txHash": "0x1f98e90f506e9fe546d8f37d592cc4e2c949a106000b7cca55eda4e63529af6a", "createdAtBlock": 14755322, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9576, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Dante of the Sands", "text": "`A rising hum a stirring force`\n\nMorpheus ripples. Time is bending.\n \nOn a floating island, above the sands, Magus Dante playfully stretches. Thoughts adrift. A mind at sea.\n\n`A day like any other.`\n\nWhat is it then, that feels different? There are no plans no places to be\n\nAnd yet, a drumbeat grows. Dante glances at his companion.\n\n`Rippling time. Morphing energy.`\n\nDante walks to the edge. Well not *the* edge but his.\n\nWhat is this coming?\n\nWhat is awakening?\n\n`Visions form from horizons.`\n\nThe sun lowers to a precise degree, all too quickly. The landmarks below cast shadows behind them. It feels intentional.\n\n*An **announcement**.*\n\n*An **introduction**.*\n\n*But for **what**?*\n\n*For **whom**?*\n\n`The wind howls.`\n\nBefore it starts, Dante knows the night will stir. And the morning after? Well\n\nIt will be **spectacular**."} +{"id": "59aee189-5b9f-473e-98b0-350ec4f433d5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:54.611", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUJDwaE83U8puAAXEsKob3xBUHRNLDDy7TGf6jbjqmE7w", "txHash": "0x525eb346d432c72fae569886dc26c36b61d53ec7181f81a405b43de16d9d8098", "createdAtBlock": 14760757, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1661, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Layla of the Riviera", "text": "GM!! The Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid; given proper motivation almost anyone will believe almost anything.\n\n-unknown author"} +{"id": "f44ab246-98c6-422c-93bd-da9434e1dd31-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:55.321", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSKqireVHmLTJsdCdxKXfSbuG788b5XvyimvmTqpLgXc6", "txHash": "0xa80dbb08380a7b01ce9b2661b09357058e8b418608c1f5a5682dd85c851326d5", "createdAtBlock": 14760757, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4047, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ectoplasmic Spectre Basil of the Slime Pits", "text": "GM!! A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.\n\n-J. R. R. Tolkien"} +{"id": "ef58b64d-18db-4b7a-9d60-30642e9b2860-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:56.006", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcKWxjbNvndoWrVf4hmrMAywTJgmQntY6eigNsHsKxeDb", "txHash": "0x7d4735d91c6ebbbc7caed1eae76c3040520974a5c0bea92ff0b0b84993a436a1", "createdAtBlock": 14760804, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1669, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Captain Nazim of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "GM!!! A Soul is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.\n-VM"} +{"id": "f31421d2-9021-4dd1-814c-6a92a901b0e2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:05.151", "backgroundColor": "#220200", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbV9hoNQVS5YZxBeK75tA4bgk1RWxBcsq6MuFV3jzxCkM", "txHash": "0xe4ce0a4e66559d9b3df9b7da9e16108ea5563ab23987940cae7e2398930b365d", "createdAtBlock": 14769221, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 160, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Barley the Lucid", "text": "# The Lore of Barley the Lucid\n\nBarley is a pony of the Earth, and has always known the value of hard work and living in sync with the land. Indeed, Barley's name comes from his proclivity towards the grains of the Earth. This diet makes Barley dependable indeed. In fact, on his adventures he finds that where other steeds slow down due to the intractability of the terrain, with a taste of barley or other grains, his energy doubles and he can go twice as long at double the speed.\n\nBarley's close relationship with the Earth gives him another ability. His lucidity refers to his ability to find clarity in the murkiest of conditions. Where other ponies rely on sight alone, Barley is able to direction-find using the tremors of the earth to guide him. It lets him avoid traps in the terrain and also navigate in hazy conditions.\n\nWhile Barley is generally highly skilled, his best synergies and companionship is with those who are tuned to the Earth."} +{"id": "14d96693-09c6-46d1-939f-795905c62dac-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:02.114", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfAcbnJWUYAUWBKxYDiNbJ41PaVcJa78vCEY3Bov4TJiH", "txHash": "0x2388337355ee6a171f931a19021df193c7401c906632174ed37b89e405a58176", "createdAtBlock": 14767979, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 513, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alyssia Flagellator of the Ridge", "text": "Allysia, a warrior shaman from the Waspa Tribe. Bold, brave, intelligent and pretty much the only chance that her tribe had at preventing full annihilations. \n\nWile the Waspa tribe was fairly peaceful in nature, Allysia had been gifted with the knack of mace and shield combat. Naturally, her skills earned her much fame within the tribe, as she was basically the only one who could fend off...well anything, if we're being honest.\n\nWielding a simple iron flail and a shield empowered by her tribe's magic, Allysia stands guard to the Waspa's holiest of grounds, the wasp breeding site, where the tribe harvests the Wasp Honey used for cures and antidotes that help sustain them.\n\nOne day, the breeding grounds got attacked by a werebear. Allysia was quick to defend the wasps, but quickly realized she met her match. The werebear had almost taken her from this realm when the very wasps she was defending came to her aid.\n\nMany of the precious swarm had been lost, but those who survived became fiercely loyal to their defender, and would come to accompany her at all times. Together, they would keep the Waspa tribe safe from most harm...but that's another story for another time!"} +{"id": "7d230d6c-10ea-4115-855e-3c2105422bf0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:04.622", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdQiMF93qpNtf2rx25yQGT5fbYKpi2pw7CLgcGpMYZUY", "txHash": "0xa5cb76e4214dd71b899b776e2b1d5e4c98fa8352c7701dd992a10c6a6e607fc2", "createdAtBlock": 15065751, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12942, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gorgah Paragon of the Arena", "text": "# Bearhorns warriors\n\nBearhorns are one of the strongest warriors from the Belmed tribes. Many of them often fought in gladiatorial arenas. There was a time when the bearhorns were in the service of the King of Thieves, but in one of the battles he betrayed them. Since then, the bearhorns have been looking for him to avenge his betrayal. Triple damage against Thief Kings. Wears a Helmet and Chain mail."} +{"id": "1fc5ece6-bbb4-458c-b09d-1ff7649573f4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:35.799", "backgroundColor": "#2a010e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcechHf9DW3pMZUnQhEbEQk8368YDUBnDyBmemEaPy8i8", "txHash": "0x8871340978175147e9792d69019cd547e36c6573755d0417a2f8ae0f33604f27", "createdAtBlock": 14827578, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Zelroth of Mu", "text": "**CLOSE ON A BILLBOARD of the Riviera strip a la Las Vegas. A slogan beneath reads:WHAT HAPPENS IN RIVIERA, STAYS IN RIVIERA.**\n\n*Pan across the barren desert landscape to reveal the real Chronomancers Riviera strip off in the distance as a pony drawn wagon heads into town.*\n\n*Cut to an establishing shot on the strip. Outside, a cluster of stoned wizards, drunk warriors, rowdy implings, kobolds tripping balls, etc.*\n\n*Cut to inside a casino. The clattering of coins, bells ringing, and fantasy themed slot machines spinning. Find a scantily clad* @warrior890 *makes her way to a* BLACKJACK TABLE *where a group of drunken, boisterous* BARE-CHESTED WARRIORS *are celebrating with* @wizard2105 *, bushy beard and giant staff. The* BLACKJACK DEALER *is* @wizard7825 \n\nWARRIORS \nRiviera, baby, Riviera! \n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nreveals an ace and jack of spades\n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nBlackjack. \n\n*As Clairvoyant Celah of the Rock shuffles the cards, Ashanti of Avalon notices Conjurer Zelroth of Mu, with bushy beard and giant staff, sitting at the table.* \n\nASHANTI OF AVALON \nCan I get you a drink?\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nYes, I Conjurer Zelroth of Mu will have a glass of red wine with just a splash of rose.\n\nASHANTI OF AVALON \nIm sorry, who are you? Do you have a tab open?"} +{"id": "1fc5ece6-bbb4-458c-b09d-1ff7649573f4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:35.799", "backgroundColor": "#2a010e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcechHf9DW3pMZUnQhEbEQk8368YDUBnDyBmemEaPy8i8", "txHash": "0x8871340978175147e9792d69019cd547e36c6573755d0417a2f8ae0f33604f27", "createdAtBlock": 14827578, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Zelroth of Mu", "text": "CONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nWhy, Im Conjurer Zelroth of Mu, leader of the Jubilant Cartel, teachers of the three hundred thirty third realm.\n\nASHANTI OF AVALON \nSounds kinky.\n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nMake your bets. \n\n*Clairvoyant Celah of the Rock shows an eight of clubs and a jack of spades.* \n\n*Conjurer Zelroth of Mu furtively looks at his hand.*\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nHit me. \n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nYoure showing 19\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nHit me. \n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nFine.\n\n*Clairvoyant Celah of the Rock throws him another card. A king of spades.*\n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nBust. Are you happy now, grandpa?\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nNot so fast, you simple minded sloth. \n\n*Conjurer Zelroth of Mu waves his hand over the card. It magically turns into a two of clubs. Clairvoyant Celah of the Rock does a double take.*\n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nWhat the hell? Hold on.\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nNow pay me you cretin! \n\nConjurer Zelroth of Mu grabs the chips from the center of the table, adds them to his already ridiculously large pile. Everyone stares at him suspiciously.)\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nWhy is everyone looking at me? Do I have something in my teeth?"} +{"id": "1fc5ece6-bbb4-458c-b09d-1ff7649573f4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:35.799", "backgroundColor": "#2a010e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcechHf9DW3pMZUnQhEbEQk8368YDUBnDyBmemEaPy8i8", "txHash": "0x8871340978175147e9792d69019cd547e36c6573755d0417a2f8ae0f33604f27", "createdAtBlock": 14827578, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Zelroth of Mu", "text": "A tense beat. Bouncer @warrior295 walks up to Conjurer Zelroth of Mu from behind and taps him on the shoulder.\n\nGUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL \nSir, Im gonna have to ask you to leave the casino. \n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nBut I'm on a hot streak. \n\nGUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL \nI don't give a shit. No magic allowed.\n\n*Guy Conqueror of the Citadel points to a sign on the wall that reads, **NO MAGIC**.\" Conjurer Zelroth of Mu smiles innocently at Guy Conqueror of the Citadel.*\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nThat's racist! \n\nGUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL \nSorry, casino policy.\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \n(lying) \nI'm not a wizard. \n\n*Clairvoyant Celah of the Rock notices a pointy Wizard's hat with stars and moons on it.*\n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nIsn't that your wizard's hat? \n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nNope. \n\nCLAIRVOYANT CELAH OF THE ROCK \nReally? Then whose wizard's hat is it?\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nBeats me. Maybe it belongs to one of the warriors.\n\n*On cue, a warrior lets out a loud BURP, then passes out in a drunken stupor on the floor.*\n\nGUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL \nTime to go.\n\n*Guy Conqueror of the Citadel grabs Conjurer Zelroth of Mu by the arms and drags him outside.*"} +{"id": "1fc5ece6-bbb4-458c-b09d-1ff7649573f4-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:35.799", "backgroundColor": "#2a010e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcechHf9DW3pMZUnQhEbEQk8368YDUBnDyBmemEaPy8i8", "txHash": "0x8871340978175147e9792d69019cd547e36c6573755d0417a2f8ae0f33604f27", "createdAtBlock": 14827578, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2105, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Zelroth of Mu", "text": "CONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nGet your greasy paws off me, you piteous mortal! \n\nGUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL \nDon't make me get physical with you, grandpa. \n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nId like to see you try!\n\nGUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL \nDon't tempt me. \n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \n**But I'm the leader of the jubilent cartel, teacher!**\n\n GUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL \nYeah, yeah. Tell it to the sidewalk, pal. \n\n*Conjurer Zelroth of Mu tries shaking free as he gets escorted outside and thrown out the front door on the street with the garbage. He waves his fist at them.*\n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nHow dare you? I cast a spell upon thee. You will regret the day you ever betrayed me! \n\n*He notices an impling working the street corner and struts towards her.* \n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nWhy, Im Conjurer Zelroth of Mu, leader of the Jubilant Cartel, teachers of the three hundred thirty third realm.\n\nIMPLING PROSTITUTE \nIm Cinnamon from Skid Row. \n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nI find you quite the fetching, alluring creature, Cinnamon from Skid Row. \n\n*He tries to kiss her. She pushes him away.*\n\nIMPLING PROSTITUTE \nWhoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, grandpa. Its 100 shekels for the evening. \n\nCONJURER ZELROTH OF MU \nDo you take Venmo?"} +{"id": "a8e42e35-d8f7-458b-97c0-f472de561d8d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:42.458", "backgroundColor": "#6dffc7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcNyAtHz5udm8FbH3pBribXCdXtewdBr7C8ssTDcsgEfQ", "txHash": "0x5e068651791ca1357dc4eba7cc42c63aba0c0544f177dce33d6aa597ff8ba172", "createdAtBlock": 14829292, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3325, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pickles Cataclysm of the Road", "text": "# Pickles 'PICK-HULK' Cataclysm of the Road\n\nOriginal pirate material\n\nYer listening to the streets\n\nLock down your aerial\n\nMake yerself at home\n\nWe got diesel or some of that homegrown\n\nSit back in yer throne, turn off yer phone\n\n'Cause this is our zone\n\nVideos, televisions, 64's PlayStations\n\nWe're paring with precision\n\nFew herbs and a bit of Benson\n\nBut don't forger the Rizla,\n\nLean like the tower of Pisa\n\nLiza, I'll raise yer,\n\nAnd this is the day in the life of a geezer\n\nFor this ain't a club track\n\nPull out yer sack and sit back\n\nWhether you white or black\n\nSmoke weed, chase brown\n\nOr toot rock\n\nWe're on a mission, support the cause\n\nSign a petition, summon all your wisdom\n\nThe music's a gift from the man on high\n\nThe lord and his children\n\nTriple teen year rudeboys\n\n\nCome rain or snow the boodah flows\n\nYou don't know?\n\nStand on the corner watch the show\n\n'Cause life moves slow\n\nSort yer shit out then roll\"\n\nSex, drugs 'n' on the dole\n\nSome men rise, some men fall\n\nI hear ya call, stand tall now\n\nHas it come to this?\n\nOriginal pirate material\n\n\nYour listening to the streets\n\nLock down your aerial\n\nI'm just spitting, think I'm ghetto?\n\nStop dreaming, my data's streaming\n\nI'm giving your bird them feelings\n\nTouch yer toes and touch the ceiling\n\nWe walk the tightrope of street cred\n\nKeep my dogs fed, all jungle all garage heads\n\nGold teeth, Valentinos and dreads\n\nNow, we were verbally slapped up\n\nPhysically tip-top, spinally ripped up\n\nI do the science on my laptop, get my boys mashed up"} +{"id": "a8e42e35-d8f7-458b-97c0-f472de561d8d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:42.458", "backgroundColor": "#6dffc7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcNyAtHz5udm8FbH3pBribXCdXtewdBr7C8ssTDcsgEfQ", "txHash": "0x5e068651791ca1357dc4eba7cc42c63aba0c0544f177dce33d6aa597ff8ba172", "createdAtBlock": 14829292, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3325, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pickles Cataclysm of the Road", "text": "I do the science on my laptop, get my boys mashed up\n\nYour listening to the streets\n\nYou'll bear witness to some amazing feats\n\nBravery in the face of defeat\n\nAll line up and grab yer seat\n\n'Cause Tony's got a new motor\n\nSr nova driving like a joyrider\n\nSpeeding to the corner\n\nYer mother warned yer to sound system banger\n\nHas it come to this?\n\nOriginal pirate material\n\nYour listening to the streets\n\nLock down your aerial\n\nMy underground train runs from mile end to Ealing\n\nFrom Briton to Boundsgreen\n\nMy spitting's dirty my beats are clean\n\nSo smoke weed and be lean\n\nI step out my yard through the streets\n\nIn the dead heat all I got's my spirit and my beats\n\nI play fair don't cheat\n\nAnd keep the gangsters sweet\n\nTurn the page, don't rip it out at yer age\n\nMove to the next stage\n\nLock the rage inside the cage,\n\nLike sk it's new day\n\nBut don't take the shortcut through the subway\n\nIt's pay or play, these geezers walk the gangway\n\nDeep seated urban decay, deep seated urban decay,\n\nRip down posters alight\n\nFrom last weeks big garage night\n\nAnd the next Tyson fight\n\nI cook em at ninety degrees Fahrenheit\n\nAnd don't copy the copyright\n\nI got em in my sites, blinding with the lights\n\nTaken to dizzy new heights\n\nBlinding with the lights, blinding with the lights\n\nDizzy new heights\n\nHas it come to this?\n\nOriginal pirate material\n\nYour listening to the streets\n\nLock down your aerial.\n\nSource: LyricFind\nSongwriters: Michael Geoffrey Skinner / Tina L. Moore / Tommie Ford\nHas It Come to This? lyrics Universal Music Publishing Group"} +{"id": "0502681a-57ae-471e-b02d-7edf5f667e76-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:02.95", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb56YMiWwGvGwo9GVsmD6Gi6rfVZ1c8Pwycx38nEbRULv", "txHash": "0x732e014461b6e7f431378a2d3fd5293b67baf26202b7e6ff1c75a6e14b2e6b6f", "createdAtBlock": 14768737, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 269, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sid Vanquisher of the Ruins", "text": "# Sid Vanquisher of the Ruins\n\n**Sid Vanquisher of the Ruins** is a badass king from a badass outer realm of a kingdom many don't believe exists. His only ambition is to return to his Queen and to his rightful place on the motorcycle throne. He can only assume his scheming asshole brother had something to do with his sudden disappearance. With his vicious but loyal wolf, **Ramone** and some random wrench, his adventure back home begins...\n\n> A nice mustache is a powerful mustache. \n> *Sab0teur*\n\n\n\nKind-of Best warrior of all is Bam Bam."} +{"id": "fcb35569-f6b2-45b9-94c3-f47decf04c53-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:10:00.081", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ81gmNHSrQn7b6nZuNio1oY1KjJ4zi9Q3P7r9ZcamDu4", "txHash": "0x5302065abfbf2e8897f798fd8e3e2d8f266e57615b71c864ad4e605c8dfce796", "createdAtBlock": 14759313, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5059, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Baird of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# The Lore of Electromancer Baird of the Psychic Leap\n\nBorn into a family of nobility, he was forsaken at birth when his electro-powers first manifested. He was then abandoned by them due to their fear of his destructive power. \n\nLeft alone and vulnerable, as a baby, he was refuged by a group of polar bears who raised him as one of their own. \n\nOne day while playing amongst his fellow brother cubs, he noticed that he had an innate connection with the lightning as it crackled in the thundery sky and he was able to dance with said lightning. \n\nGrowing up, he learnt the stoic way of life as a polar bear. This allowed him to tame his emotions and he became a sage. This wisdom also allowed him to hone and master his electro-wizardry. \n\nAll grown up, he now is all power and all mighty. \n\nEvil-doers beware the might of Electromancer Baird of the Psychic Leap. He is the one true protector of peace and love!"} +{"id": "bbe9c869-db7d-4d89-b5a1-f90f76c405e0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-16T22:23:18.537", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWMN2LEELti8S22TW4TFpDeYtyfD6Ur8CA8suoUfSLrtP", "txHash": "0xb86a903127afc641b8132830e4d6abef2690704e9c25859a5c334e71f002cd32", "createdAtBlock": 15156415, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1532, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nervilla Bludgeoner of the Shadows", "text": "# Nervilla Bludgeoner of the Shadows\n\"What the fuck is a Kanabo?\", she asked.\n\nDark echoes of temptation shrouded her mind as she reached out for the strange looking artifact. A sinister voice spoke.\n\n\"Only 42... exists in the world...\", the voice whispered.\n\nWithout hesitation, Nervilla Bludgeoner of Shadows, nimbly shoved the weapon into her rucksack and walked off into the horizon. Uttering all but two words...\n\n\"Seems rare.\""} +{"id": "4d1c8c77-7b9d-4b81-bd1d-45c358c45689-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:08.614", "backgroundColor": "#080707", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmnwZUPnbN8JgJSj3hQhraWUWNsv4X2M8ggzZbdy846e", "txHash": "0xfab6193b8c3822272c72c4640fecd5e99a4025d01e7badf858b6dc243ae4c651", "createdAtBlock": 14770087, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3653, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmb6oXJdX7S2wr7VCUG5zeV4qYcwtzKVDdpjcvZnwRr761", "name": "Wylan of the Coliseum", "text": "# Wylan, one of the greats of the Coliseum\n___________________________\n\n--===--\n\nA savage with a lust for blood, he causes fear in the hearts of any contender who dares to step into the pit and duel to the death. \n\nHis signature crowd pleasing finisher is to tear the leg off his opponent and club them into oblivion. He literally uses their foot to kick their own ass.\n\n--===--"} +{"id": "391b6e62-6062-4135-b939-f3c186b50833-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:04.884", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTKZQTqE7wb1m1XXK1HsP1T4ozv4nXKrAuan5znw6ead3", "txHash": "0x56cc8574cae93940c48916e6df8b5307bd5e6e028f520f7f894750b902c17c9c", "createdAtBlock": 14791418, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4590, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Largo Exterminator of Kobolds", "text": "# Largo Exterminator of Kobolds \n\nFeared by all. Conquered the Gigas Hornets, bent them to his will and now will conquer your world. Tread lightly."} +{"id": "f52d8529-4b76-4773-bea8-1de73340f661-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:09.666", "backgroundColor": "#1d0100", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWXYogiMUER5cWxXySQscvV9qavDtw7GaEy7tJU8wB4ic", "txHash": "0x828db3d535caca9b8d7e61bf9f4229ed7cbf63e70a4f465f7565f3826ca24e7f", "createdAtBlock": 14771689, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7925, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cromwell of the Mount", "text": "Cromwell wondered if his dog bocho was lonely in the mountains. Always he seemed to stare off into the middle distance, lost in thought, unusual for a dog. They sat by the fire and Bocho let out a deep sigh.\n\n\"Would you like to meet other dogs bocho?\" \n\nBocho looked back at Cromwell and was obviously intrigued by the question, but did not provide a direct answer. He didn't seem lonely, but maybe it wouldn't hurt for him to at least meet some more dogs. Maybe Bocho could find a romantic interest and start a family. Maybe he could do the same.\n\nHe scratched behind the familiar's ear and wondered if he should resist trying to play matchmaker for his companion. \"No good deed goes unpunished\" his mother used to say. Cromwell wondered if this contributed to his reclusiveness, something he always hated about himself.\n\n\"That settles it! Let's head back into the city.\" \n\nBocho looked up skeptically.\n\n\"Really what have we been afraid of all of these years? What's the worst that could happen Bocho? Get stolen by bandits and burned at the stake? not likely...\""} +{"id": "0dba61bd-798d-4447-bb49-44bc987c710b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:05.351", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVFFPhUBNSMVQGCVh4Y5UEgmruAWdAYtS99ZJuFmKSVP", "txHash": "0x924732ba4d5fab5771be9ae07f75182df23b62a5fa7e5fda26de37d94a1674ba", "createdAtBlock": 15065785, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12121, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gorgo Vanquisher of the Back Alley", "text": "# Knight lore\n\nAn experienced warrior, dressed in strong armor, masterfully wields melee weapons. The virtues of a knight are armor and expensive weapons. Represents the Order of the Hammerers.\n\nThe Order of the Hammerers was founded by ancient blacksmiths, who not only knew how to forge excellent armor and weapons, but also excellently wielded them, improving their combat skills. They especially excelled in the use of hammers and clubs.\n\nOnly knights hardened in many battles could join the order of the Order of the Hammerers. Enormous fortitude and honed combat skills make paladins dangerous opponents on the battlefield. Vampires deal increased damage. Equipped with a helmet and armor. Has the paladin skill."} +{"id": "2d73a6eb-c09c-468c-99d6-985261a9438f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:10.387", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTA3xrnaaXAQ3MavoBrttYjjz6bNJBnNfvi8qm7KMTm9T", "txHash": "0x5cf1891b2e5fe46b93f0d1bc7e361f4b4b9aeec0b270dce12c395e8b5e109bd3", "createdAtBlock": 14771713, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3644, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tisa Sword of the Villa", "text": "WHEREVER he had come from, the Emissary's plea had been urgent. The Cult could only continue with the aid of the Guild.\n\nIt wasn't for nothing that Tisa had earned the title of Sword. No other child born Crimson had dared the Salt and the Brine to clad themselves in Water and remember its Rune. No other had befriended those of the Elysian Fields, or taken up their shield. No other had come as she among those of the Villa, already wielding a god-slayer. \n\nShe was Sword. \n\nShe would answer the summons. \n \n \n>*Recorded by Tetriform*"} +{"id": "cdb93fb4-6073-4336-a812-588539a68f26-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:49.065", "backgroundColor": "#150f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtBN2f51yri4oZzWqsszm6D7EnmdCmCZocKXhK5fxtWK", "txHash": "0x87ae17a0ee6c06092255893e1151c14964c2ba0ab4e2059cdcf648cb3183bb21", "createdAtBlock": 14837374, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4227, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kuna Assaulter of the Trail", "text": "# Kuna Assaulter of the Trail\n\nA \"Warrior of the Coast\"\n\n\n On the final days of retrograde, Kuna decided it was time to relax. \nDressed in her battle bikini, the beach was to be an appropriate place to visit.\n\nHaving heard tales of a Forgotten Beach, Kuna assaulted the trails toward this beach. \nA Forgotten Beach sounded like the perfect place for some peaceful solitude. \n\nAs Kuna approached the end of the trail near the beach she noticed a smell.. \nBut this wasnt the smelly fishy smell that smelled smelly..\n\n*\"Sunblock potions\"* Kuna whispered to herself..\n\nKuna withdrew her brown longsword and slowly approached the beach. \nShe peered through the foliage that grew between two coconut palm trees at the end of the trail..\n\nThere was no one in sight! \n\nKuna walked onto the beach. \nBut as she proceeded toward the opensea, she stepped on a bottle.. \n*\"Sunblock potions! I knew I could smell it..\"* Kuna exclaimed to herself..\n\nLooking around, Kuna could see the beach was littered in sunblock potions! \nUsing her sword she began collecting the potion bottles and litter left behind. \n\nKuna headed south..\n\nIt was here she met the **Wizard of the Coast**.. \n\n*\"A'hoy!\"* Kuna heard from off in the distance. \nShe looked along the shore where she seen a silhouette in the distance approaching her. \nKuna confidently walked toward the approaching figure as she recognized the wizards staff.\n\nKuna asked @wizard7688: \n*\"are you the legendary **Wizard of the Coast**?\"*\n\nDavid joyfully joked: \n*\"Legendary!? HAH!. I don't know about that.. I am simply a cast away casting a way on this beach.\"*"} +{"id": "cdb93fb4-6073-4336-a812-588539a68f26-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:49.065", "backgroundColor": "#150f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtBN2f51yri4oZzWqsszm6D7EnmdCmCZocKXhK5fxtWK", "txHash": "0x87ae17a0ee6c06092255893e1151c14964c2ba0ab4e2059cdcf648cb3183bb21", "createdAtBlock": 14837374, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4227, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kuna Assaulter of the Trail", "text": "Kuna then asked David: \n*\"What's with all the sunblock potion bottles and litter along the beach?\"* \n\nDavid explained to Kuna: \n*\"Every winter season **shoebies** travel to the beach. They disregard the homes of beach companions and familiars. \nLeaving behind their empty, poor quality sunblock potion bottles, donut packaging, and other unwanted items.\"* \n\nKuna aggressively said to David: \n*\"They must be stopped.\"* \n\n**David nodded in agreement** then said: \n*\"We must lead by example and clear the beaches of what debris we can.\"* \n\nKuna calmly responded to David: \n*\"I will destroy anyone who harms the beach again.\"* \n\nDavid looked down at his familiar **Wilson** then smiled up at Kuna and asked: \n*\"Will you join us as a **Warrior of the Coast** and walk along the opensea with me? \nYour passion will prove its worth in time!\"* \n\nKuna responded: \n*\"It would be my honor!\"* \n\nKnowing of the new adventures waiting for them over the horizon, \n**The Wizard and Warrior of the Coast** walked off into the sunset.."} +{"id": "7bb0d512-a967-4267-b0d1-4ed937d09f3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:12.566", "backgroundColor": "#280f0e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZysATAnktktW74QwyBsYAcsqdeL2dUrmrrrY87N9Mtoj", "txHash": "0x74dd9d88e1884fc83f6346e6346bb8488cf06ec85813abfc7c6be1ee8cc4ca98", "createdAtBlock": 14772714, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 158, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Talos the Crazy", "text": "The world felt larger and more foreboding without a rider. His once beautiful red drape now stuck to his strong back, saturated in blood. The leather bridle loose, with no master to guide him. The enemy was crafty and remained hidden in the shadows until the final second. Before the mercenary made himself known, his steel struck from the darkness. Talso knew the bite of Snozles (@warrior3359) blade, he had felt it before. \n\nShaking his mane, he drove the thought from his tired mind. He must warn the others, before it was too late."} +{"id": "1a5dd583-8ff7-477e-8644-202e79d29609-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:13.246", "backgroundColor": "#281556", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUKLaAo1PmXGa7Li5X9WKjqEXHZtDoCdrakUBAQjcG8rd", "txHash": "0x0c56b0c97aec8468da1fac78fec0bb6d421b099a10a26266cc006db8493ce313", "createdAtBlock": 14772965, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3337, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Myla Lacerator of the Sun", "text": "# Myla Lacerator of the Sun \n\nMyla was not first to walk this path. She would not be the last. Yet, her place was special. She knelt by the chest and slowly, reverently, lifted the heavy lid. Its contents sucked the breath from her lungs. She had seen the Valkyrie Armor a few times before, but never this close. Her shaking hand was drawn towards its beauty. She stopped short. Excited. Terrified. Her eyes wandered from the purple armor to the battle axe beside it. Its edges sharp enough to cut through time itself. She dared to test its weight in her hands. Slowly, firmly, she withdrew the double-sided axe. It was weightless in her grasp. A dark oil-stained cloth she hadnt noticed before rested within the bottom of the chest. \n\nSetting down the axe, she tugged the cloth. A brilliant light filled the room! \n\nA T.H. shield spilled from her lips in a whisper.\n\nTanker Heater Shields were not something anyone in these parts had ever seen face to face. They decorated paintings and murals in her city and distant lands. They were the subject of songs and poems, a tune for the lips of the crowds at festivals, not something that one simply had in their home. \n\nHer eyes returned to the axe, then back the T.H. Sheild, before returning to the Valkyrie armor. Her people needed a hero. The attacks had increased in frequency and intensity for months. A great evil was looming in the shadows. \n\nThe door burst open with a loud crash!\n\nTalos. Hes here! Proclaimed the frail innkeeper. \n\nMyla quickly shut the chest.\n\nWho.\n\n@pony158\"\n\nShe recognized the name, of course. But why would a world pony be here? Before she could ask the question, the innkeeper let our slow gasp."} +{"id": "1a5dd583-8ff7-477e-8644-202e79d29609-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:13.246", "backgroundColor": "#281556", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUKLaAo1PmXGa7Li5X9WKjqEXHZtDoCdrakUBAQjcG8rd", "txHash": "0x0c56b0c97aec8468da1fac78fec0bb6d421b099a10a26266cc006db8493ce313", "createdAtBlock": 14772965, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3337, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Myla Lacerator of the Sun", "text": "Snozle. (@warrior3359)\n\nThe name hung in the room like wet dew. She knew what she must do..."} +{"id": "ed342f49-3089-4478-a2e3-1b14db71bc3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:13.951", "backgroundColor": "#110f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTQWgdNAeai6prTuZq5kWyCkfAq4sQtiYw7N4bGKKkv1B", "txHash": "0xddc500adae7d6b2b5fff284e1d422a43bffdc727094c98533239eb10fa7b7835", "createdAtBlock": 14773596, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3189, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": " Isaac of the Plains", "text": "## The story of Isaac of the Plains remain to be told..."} +{"id": "ad9b7d2f-4147-4cef-8cdb-b5f7319a4f40-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:14.614", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZwPQ5pu3cPsw9V2FCY2LP71PTer5n6XkzvVjN6bdcadg", "txHash": "0x2cb52a6e53de88e4a3a5b90a279b354fe202d83b355c7cfdbff7998d28285318", "createdAtBlock": 14773610, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1573, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Shaman Talbot of the Mist", "text": "## And so began the story of Shaman Talbot of the Mist..."} +{"id": "c0a28001-4ab2-4f6a-bdf4-d1d7fad7b6f8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:16.113", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRC4JEsQxfa4D4bAePJbjDN3MaZ2yqtQnbDKUGr31ZroF", "txHash": "0x2e824dc211ea7aa4b43931f9a53d1f02b92422835eb2e4215598f13645f793f6", "createdAtBlock": 14774944, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4203, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Izible Shark of the Capital", "text": "An archer known for their unique **Swap Retrieval** technique. The technique starts with Izible firing a shot that pierces through the enemy, followed by their companion griffin Lok retrieving the arrow and returning it."} +{"id": "1c2086c0-9765-442a-859f-734baf6c5297-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:20.699", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUi35tZjTgFZi1hXt9FYoos8CUeJZTM8oo1KLuzP285Us", "txHash": "0xaece8c080a2f43f712418abae7f090640fe413058cfd9318b4bb151520def9c8", "createdAtBlock": 14776244, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8630, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battlemage Pezo of the Obelisk", "text": "Pezo never knew his parents; he was Raised by his grandfather Quarion in Blue Wizard Bastion. In the winter months the two would spend days ice fishing in Dream Master Lake. Filling their baskets until they almost burst with Xiphiidae. Pezo loved his grandfather and looked after him for many years. And every year they returned to Dream Master Lake. But it was during the last Winter Solstice when Quarion could no longer make the trip. So Pezo decided to go alone. He returned after a fortnite only to find his Grandfather had passed away of old age. Pezo never fished again."} +{"id": "9f6b5aa0-0f4f-4d18-8303-e39665b57d06-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:21.398", "backgroundColor": "#127892", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNRWVEupyxkZakNkpyqLhsbPmjCvafbf93msw8agzZ95r", "txHash": "0x77af55f6a6bd46f4945dfbe8e1e9c27376c0185d2702fec4d22f98a498ff0ec9", "createdAtBlock": 14776297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Soran of the Psychic Leap", "text": "### \n## Hydromancer Soran of the Psychic Leap\n\n\n\n\n## He was a born a blue\n\n\n\n\nHe was born a blue. Sorans path was chosen for him, Bromley reminded his wife.\n\nNurgada stood in front of the home where she was born and stared at the horizon. The purple hues faded downwards from light to dark as they melted into the field of heather. A lone tear streaked down her face.\n\nYou really didnt think Soran would come, did you? Bromley asked as he walked up, wiped away the tear and then put his arms around her. You shouldnt expect what cant be.\n\nPart of me always thinks hell show up, she replied.\n\nNurgada pressed her head on his shoulders and wept. They stood there until darkness joined the hug and then the coldness sent them inside.\n\nEarly the next morning Nurgada went into her moms garden and dug up several snapdragon plants. She gently tucked them into a basket along with a trowel and headed out into the heath. \n\nThe sun began to dry the mist that hung in the air and as it did it revealed a figure standing at her parents grave. Nurgadas face flushed as she blurted out, What are you doing here?\n\nSoran slowly turned around and tipped his blue hat and replied, Hi Nurgada.\n\nThe funeral was yesterday. You missed it just like you have missed everything, she exclaimed.\n\nI came because he was my father too.\n\nHer hands clutched the handle on the basked tighter and she shouted, Youre a day late.\n\nStepping closer Soran said, Im sorry. I couldnt make it any sooner.\n\nWhy? \n\nSoran shook his head and exhailed, I cant tell you. Maybe someday I can.\n\nAre you going to stay?"} +{"id": "9f6b5aa0-0f4f-4d18-8303-e39665b57d06-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:21.398", "backgroundColor": "#127892", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNRWVEupyxkZakNkpyqLhsbPmjCvafbf93msw8agzZ95r", "txHash": "0x77af55f6a6bd46f4945dfbe8e1e9c27376c0185d2702fec4d22f98a498ff0ec9", "createdAtBlock": 14776297, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5564, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hydromancer Soran of the Psychic Leap", "text": "Are you going to stay? \n\nNo, he answered.\n\nWhen will you be back?\n\nSoran glanced back to his parents grave and sighed, I see you picked snapdragons.\n\nI came here to plant them around their grave and sing them a song, Nurgada said as she walked forward.\n\nMoving out of her way, Soran studied his sister and childhood memories washed over him. \n\nKneeling down, Nurgada took the trowel and stuck it into the ground.\n\nYou know Galatea looks like momtime will tell if its a curse or a blessing. \n\nDropping the trowel Nurgada spun around, What, when did you see Galatea? \n\nHer brother was gone. She was talking to the wind."} +{"id": "248f9d49-a2c8-4fab-b9a8-bf5d4d2e0481-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:24.063", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdjWXDB5aAvMsjLZxToFAwrW61cXWGc2QrHF5zVtxaz9j", "txHash": "0xc33ece5079716f84ec24c55e822b8a89312d4bfbec6aa7128f171183569257eb", "createdAtBlock": 14810558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 281, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": null, "text": "You are the spwan of the last beast.\nYou have 4 tails, sit on a podium and I love you."} +{"id": "fc52a0a3-2e82-4a38-8386-0a0f3260c81c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:22.242", "backgroundColor": "#111541", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmScZtKuuTZfbomhAA889vtHYoVurrXXFQNpkMqohgtfRh", "txHash": "0xbf6a62d9ace06787ce11ce434f9d5d1ed29a3b2389e08f830b760b2d2ea0657c", "createdAtBlock": 14777181, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3401, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Prometheus Assailant of the Quantum Downs", "text": "# HUE #2\n\n%48%65%6c%6c%6f%20%57%6f%72%6c%64%2c%20%49%20%61%6d%20%50%72%6f%6d%65%74%68%65%75%73%20%2d%20%41%6c%6c%79%20%6f%66%20%41%6c%63%68%65%6d%69%73%74%20%47%65%6f%72%67%65%20%6f%66%20%74%68%65%20%57%6f%6f%64%20%20%61%6e%64%20%42%72%79%61%6e%20%42%61%74%74%6c%65%72%20%6f%66%20%74%68%65%20%4f%62%65%6c%69%73%6b"} +{"id": "284dde00-879c-41db-9c6a-58df1a6e3462-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:22.99", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUxmhTmfttXJ2LGvZBWgQrMizzmdx1ZiFQi788ySh66q1", "txHash": "0x58d06c563f373d893eb1511f492dd7216b53fe9dc10b8a7218b7f71ca30bd787", "createdAtBlock": 14778405, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2928, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSAdyeJnKVuJxK4hs5AwDXG9qd1bPpEdpLtVSMbicuZ8t", "name": "Marmaduke Leveler of Area 71", "text": "Bam! Boom! Explosion of Doom!\n\nGasses and fumes\n\nA rose subsumed by flames\n\nBam! Boom! Oxygen consumed!\n\nAshes and dust\n\nMy love for you remains\n\nOnce! Twice! A third bomb is nice!\n\nA hole in the wall\n\nWill have to suffice"} +{"id": "f1098bd8-825a-41b2-b5be-4633bce66320-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:23.679", "backgroundColor": "#6b1a1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS1DjWaVFeHvBMk3PjFdX7T3msjTDEUDXQAQSPZmJvWAL", "txHash": "0xec3a1c7f0149274e0236226b1af3555714e9dd611507ae78ef0db4d212fefca3", "createdAtBlock": 14778548, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1528, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Boarhead of the Wild", "text": "Boarhead of the Wild doesn't seem like a traditional warrior at first sight, he is however quite the foodie. He is skilled in wok work and pasta extrusion, his knack for spice selection is peerless. His mind is always spinning about how to create the perfect bowl of noodles. He rationalizes his choice of a bowl of ramen for a weapon by stating that the contents, which are just a degree or two below boiling are as good a deterrent to violence as any falchion or poleaxe. He once stopped a wizard from casting a doom spell by simply passing his bowl under the wizard's nose briefly. Always ready to share a pint of ale with anyone regardless of their affinity, Boarhead is quite the culinary curiosity."} +{"id": "f2f45735-75d3-43e3-b6c7-f23eeb8738b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:25.291", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSQc6EaeEwkbVg17XMS3W3wP2gJVtLDCPk1yFVtp6TTfG", "txHash": "0x26859d87de88298c6399c3f364225ee847ad59811d805bdf46a14d630dbac142", "createdAtBlock": 14778608, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3177, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdGJcpFdzNHrGePJyyazyhSoX9yE4WmbwVPuJkG8RonvS", "name": "Molly Cataclysm of the East", "text": "## I would not \n#### have survived the months in the jungle without my faithful jaguar Jane. When the sisterhood was routed at the battle of the forgotten pass, Jane carried my near-lifeless body down into the cloud forest. The monkeys were hypnotized by Jane's liquid gold eyes and willingly sacrificed themselves to be sustenance for my recovery. The mother vine Yag grew round my misty sanctuary - teach me mother I said through the darkness of my despair. The milk of the vine and the leaf of the shrub - what will you show me, teachers. \n\nAs my body grew stronger and my mind healed, I had a vision dream. The blood of the jungle carried me, falling down from the mountains, capillaries joining arteries and flowing out to the vast blue sea. I had never seen the sea before and its immensity dropped me to the sand. A boat with strange runes on its sail dropped anchor in the bay.\n\nIt is time, Jane, I said when I awoke. And my mighty jaguar roared her approval to the hummingbirds dancing above. Somehow I knew with every fiber of my being that the boat would be waiting when I finally stepped out of the jungle onto the beach. Where will it take us, Jane? A meditative stare returns - Jane only knows one place - by my side."} +{"id": "1ab3ba2d-7997-45f3-9b32-0b7330c9628d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:26.098", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZxpjrpc1zfnifJy6WyDLxnvtiUkNZiMpCtigFVskwt7w", "txHash": "0x045f31e115b0840e61156d5c4f1a74b5dc22c280946a9cbc0bfdab4db9aa596f", "createdAtBlock": 14778690, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4618, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Allan Nullifier of Wizards", "text": "Every wizard has a plan until you gut them with a sword. Every wizard has a spell ready until you trample them with your two-ton buffalo. I understand you're nervous kid but stick with me - these wizards are all talk, no action. I never met me a wizard yet that didn't want to puff up and deliver a soliloquy about their mastery of the mysteries. Master this steel in your throat. Hah. \n\nWhat's that? Nah don't worry you get your armor when you earn your third stripe. You really don't need it anyway. Like I said, their rune is worse than their bite. Now just run up ahead like a good recruit and remember what I said. I'll cover the rear."} +{"id": "dbb22b4b-52a8-4c15-a59d-2a0d056cd333-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:26.842", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmekRtjEmkAe356nvPgtahP5cxGU3FUAHHTWTbUXjgybEt", "txHash": "0x10b6f20d4575cafc82d3c40d57f7d42529415fb853f7d02abc8f21e3255079a6", "createdAtBlock": 14778833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5122, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXrTppLkVpwtgHzCNS4EiPMKELUXJQaWdafqXyhVhQz5f", "name": "Alexa of the Road", "text": "Soon to be married to @wizard7889"} +{"id": "5f14860d-6a51-4fb6-8870-db0ec9a5f2e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:59.714", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVgn5EPNMt3tfAZgq76wzJadEKRCjb2sfFbAfapgLn61w", "txHash": "0x56a24a4bda8fc81879e75f73763865a064e8be5515cba9098d1693b64df666c5", "createdAtBlock": 14760860, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1663, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Liliana of the Grotto", "text": "But you must not change one thing, one pebble, one grain of sand, until you know what good and evil will follow on that act. The world is in balance, in Equilibrium. A wizard's power of Changing and Summoning can shake the balance of the world. It is dangerous, that power...It must follow knowledge, and serve need."} +{"id": "c1654064-f281-443c-a2a4-4dc51cf90089-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:11.094", "backgroundColor": "#040b04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcgmtPvSs3UEq8NmhppFZYdeoN9AG6Jwk6cNob3tw3gwk", "txHash": "0xc2b6cf00ed3473d555cdcfc362591b0f8293002878a9873f086748273b2e0675", "createdAtBlock": 14772526, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3359, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sloozle Belligerent of Snakes", "text": "A falcon soared overhead analyzing the movements of the people below with precise detail. They sought a savior and had found none. Out of their desperation, a terrible fate would be birthed.\nThe falcon returned to Sloozle with delightful news. \n\nMaster, its time.\n\nThe mighty Furgnome Mercenary rose to his feet sword in hand. The people needed a champion and none had appeared. Their spirits were weak, their situation desperate. The last of their hope would be torn from their faint hearts. His raiding parties had been toying with their supply lines for months. For too long he had waited. His dark heart eager to bring destruction to the city. To their home. \n\nHis fist clinched tightly to his green long sword, its steel thirsty for blood. War would come with the dawn and this time he was ready."} +{"id": "0d58b8d8-c9c6-4c47-97ea-7513b7f3f374-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:34:00.92", "backgroundColor": "#c6d25b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY5DWnXjgkUgVhXh3Qfuee8PZ6y2W3ov6xpgrsBCuHijd", "txHash": "0xb232cab6a96855f2850adff1371b5b5f41c27fd42739ccfc96a0fb4d61b93c39", "createdAtBlock": 14775117, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4046, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Hagar of the Desert", "text": "# the journey of hagar\nIt was dark and cold outside when Hagar suddenly woke up.\nhis cold sweat was dripping from his face when he sat up.\nhe was used to have bad dreams, but this time it was different.\nthe sun was just about to rise, the night was clear ... another hot day in the seemling endless desert. \nbut not for Hagar. This dream has to mean something ...\nwithout telling anyone Hagar packed a few things and left his tent ...'farewell' he mumbled ...\nhe was never seen again around here.\n\nyears have passed when people started to talk about a wizard from the far south who goes by the name \nWild Mage Hagar of the Desert only accompanied by his his black cat cinder."} +{"id": "1624e110-7631-4750-8677-e4c273eb79ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:29.545", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVgMcnHcM6etNu5Yew9TxYQjRYbdsVon9if1Gqe2fPGdN", "txHash": "0x172290dff153f3804facb3e02c822d7dd63d2cf2b1e816d708e94307dae36d05", "createdAtBlock": 14779008, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5111, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wuzzle Nailer of the Wood", "text": "# Wuzzle Nailer of the Wood \n\nWuzzle was an imp born in the South of the Frog Master Marsh and since he was little, he always showed an interest in the art of wood-crafting.\n\nChopping down tree after tree, he developed insane strength and decided to learn how to fight. One random day while Wuzzle was training in the forest, he met with a Lynx (companion named Ace), and since that day, they've always been together.\n\nExploring the Runiverse, they've won countless battles and defeated all the ones who challenged them in a duel. \n\nWill, you reader, be the next one to die?"} +{"id": "d2cdff19-ee71-484f-9b54-8681f2571e82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:24.833", "backgroundColor": "#3cbc20", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8TYNQsDxxDmwuqnGuUdxjBDhCL8bWvukTuYHg24mSbV", "txHash": "0x3928b229f9649538a6a3ece3483613bd42b364e595e08d594250ee37b74914d3", "createdAtBlock": 14810563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4826, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Faris Cataclysm of the Docks", "text": "Faris Cataclysm of the Docks\n\nI look like a rambo\n\nMy head, Zimbala is very afro\n\nI don't have a shield, the offensive is the best defense\n\nMy weapons to attack are Wild Eagle and Malachite Cleaver"} +{"id": "a0c7cbe6-fd0d-4c66-86b5-06b9e23031f2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:31.247", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYQD8eQrWUMYUerx9tG5VYWkZpeBFuWWPFEPqUefUJPSN", "txHash": "0x1bf2e0515539ded0607293f8e6e4788e913475db21929463dd0c04bc1b3562b1", "createdAtBlock": 14780226, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5086, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tiberius Fragmenter of the Tundra", "text": "# The Lore of Tiberius Fragmenter of the Tundra\n\n\nTiberius is a protector. Standing over 10 feet tall, communicating almost exclusively through grunts and vague variations of solemn facial expressions, his main occupation is accompanying parties through the dangers of the Tundra. His large battle mace is used to break through the ice and clear paths for the travelling group whilst his companion, a nameless falcon, circles overhead. \n\nAll 300 kilograms of Tiberius moves regularly through the white and is enough to trouble the minds of any would-be robbers, but on the rare occasion where he does find himself in battle; he destroys his opponents. Battering and bludgeoning their lifeless bodies into oblivion long after it is clear that the fight is over; his power is undeniable. Witnesses speak of the scenes as if he were being overtaken by demons. \n\nFinally, when the violence ends and he continues on his way, the tears of Tiberius fall from his face and into the snow."} +{"id": "1e9ace30-3f8e-4558-8d19-e9c13adc9149-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.071", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabUxjuNfpwqzDD7NKxa26BeZEqnFq3ESsDLxVTz8ncAS", "txHash": "0x86684e7cb20e72e42bdc79fb948046338bce05371ff4edda139a169a4777cfa7", "createdAtBlock": 13842936, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ofaris of the Keep", "text": "# The Lore of Sorcerer Ofaris of the Keep\n\n# Prologue\n\nOfaris looked at his hands, which pulsed warm with magical energy. He never failed to cast a single spell, and everyone around him knew it. When the blue glow around Ofaris finally subsided, there was a loud applause and cheers.\n\nLots of people gathered here in the swamps. Some didn't believe Ofaris could really do it, others just really wanted to see it again. There were only a few wizards in the country who mastered the spell of teleportation, but it was he who did it repeatedly and with always striking accuracy.\n\n\"Bravo, my friend!\"\n\n\"Unbelievable!\"\n\nThe cheers didn't stop around, and Ofaris enjoyed them properly. Today, he had his hair cut, his beard oiled, and his periwinkle coat cleaned. He wanted everyone to remember him as best they could, especially those who did not master the secrets of magic.\n\n\"If you'll excuse me.\" Ofaris bowed politely, gently hitting the ground with his Sun staff, and dozens of fluttering fireflies flew out of the glowing tip of the clear fire, illuminating the shadows of the swamps around him. \"My colleague here is very grumpy when I keep him waiting too long. He literally adores swamps. \n\nAll eyes fell on the golden frog sitting beside Ofaris grunting, apparently unaware of the importance of the moment.\n\nOfaris smiled and set out across the soft ground to the core of the vast swamps, leaving all curious glances behind. He always said that he made trips to the swamps mostly for his Frog, and although that was partly true, he enjoyed this place unbelievably.\n\nNo one dared to follow him here. The moss-covered ground and mirror-calm levels of the lakes all around were too dangerous for ordinary mortals, but also for many wizards."} +{"id": "1e9ace30-3f8e-4558-8d19-e9c13adc9149-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.071", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabUxjuNfpwqzDD7NKxa26BeZEqnFq3ESsDLxVTz8ncAS", "txHash": "0x86684e7cb20e72e42bdc79fb948046338bce05371ff4edda139a169a4777cfa7", "createdAtBlock": 13842936, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ofaris of the Keep", "text": "But not for Ofaris. He was one of the best.\n\nHe watched as his frog jumped from one pool to the other in front of him, always testing with his red mouth whether the water was good enough for the golden frog itself. It was a petty ritual, but Ofaris was glad his frog was aware of its rarity. Green, brown, yellow and even blue frogs were fairly common, but golden? There was perhaps only one of them, and it belonged to Ofaris.\n\nEvery good wizard had his animal and they played a very important role. In wisdom, almost no one could match wizards, so their life was quite lonely. They understood faster, learned better and knew more. For many ordinary people, they were eccentric beings with too much power, and therefore each had its own animal, which served as an anchor for their souls. This is the only way they could remember how beautiful and especially fragile life is.\n\nAnd that's why Ofaris's heart almost stopped when he lost sight of his frog for a moment. She was gone, as if the earth had fallen on her.\n\nOfaris was about to use a revealing spell that would help him find the golden rascal, but in the end he decided it was an opportunity for him to explore the swamp a little more.\n\nHe walked among calm lakes with mist, stepped under an old willow tree, and crossed a fallen tree trunk when he finally saw his golden frog. The little devil was sitting quietly on a small mossy island, and Ofaris just had to smile at him. He was a gentleman, and he would never really get angry.\n\nBut what happened then almost took his breath away. Two golden frogs suddenly rested on the island. Ofaris rubbed his eyes, making sure his eyes didn't fool him. Really. Two golden frogs. Was it a spell?\n\n\"Is that yours?\" a gentle female voice spoke."} +{"id": "1e9ace30-3f8e-4558-8d19-e9c13adc9149-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.071", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabUxjuNfpwqzDD7NKxa26BeZEqnFq3ESsDLxVTz8ncAS", "txHash": "0x86684e7cb20e72e42bdc79fb948046338bce05371ff4edda139a169a4777cfa7", "createdAtBlock": 13842936, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ofaris of the Keep", "text": "\"Is that yours?\" a gentle female voice spoke.\n\nOfaris hesitated and watched the young woman in the blue suit approach him. Her hair was the color of fresh grass, a curved stick in her hand, a pair of antlers on her head, and a friendly smile on her face. But what struck Ofaris the most was the magical power he felt from this woman.\n\nIt was unbelievable.\n\n\"Yes.\" he stammered and straightened. \"Nice to meet you, my name is Ofaris.\"\n\n\"Celeste.\" a young woman smiled at him.\n\n\"What are you doing so deep in the swamps, may I ask?\"\n\nCeleste laughed. \"A lot of people don't come here, it's so quiet here.\"\n\n\"So we obviously have a similar goal.\" Ofaris said amicably. \"I love this place too.\"\n\n\"But we have a problem, Ofaris.\" Celeste said amusedly, pointing to two golden frogs. They are exactly the same! Maybe I'll pick the wrong one and take your home. \n\nOfaris couldn't help but smile. He knew very well which of the two frogs was his. He felt an unmistakable connection to the animal. But he was also smart and understood what Celeste wanted.\n\n\"In that case, I suggest not moving away from each other until we're really sure whose frog is whose.\"\n\nCeleste nodded. \"Reasonable.\"\n\n\"Indeed.\"\n\n\"But you know frogs, they're stubborn. But it can take hours.'' Celeste protested with a half smile.\n\n\"Maybe days and weeks.\" Ofaris added seriously.\n\nCeleste smiled heavenly at him. \"Looks like we have no choice.\"\n\n# Chapter I.\n\n\"Ofaris, how many years have we known each other?\" Celeste asked him. \"You never made a mistake.\""} +{"id": "1e9ace30-3f8e-4558-8d19-e9c13adc9149-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.071", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabUxjuNfpwqzDD7NKxa26BeZEqnFq3ESsDLxVTz8ncAS", "txHash": "0x86684e7cb20e72e42bdc79fb948046338bce05371ff4edda139a169a4777cfa7", "createdAtBlock": 13842936, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ofaris of the Keep", "text": "She was right. He was perhaps the only wizard who had never failed a single spell. He had no gift which he was born with. He studied every spare moment and kept improving, while the other wizards had long since given up. He was a wizard with a warrior's heart, but now he felt so frightened.\n\n\"I'm not sure, Celeste.\" he countered, glancing at the pedestal with the spinning fire. \"Using the Sacred Flame is extremely challenging.\"\n\n\"A lot of wizards have already used it!\" Celeste said.\n\n\"But just look where it got them. My dear, I know you want to reach your full potential, but are you aware of the risks? \n\nCeleste smiled at him, as she had for years, and he, like a well-behaved wizard, could not refuse. She was beautiful and most importantly she was extremely powerful.\n\n\"I certainly wouldn't make it on my own and I don't trust anyone else.\" she told him, lying down on the prepared wood bedding. \"I think I'm a stronger witch than you are.\"\n\n\"So that's how it's going to be?\" Ofaris folded his hands.\n\n\"You didn't let me finish.\" She smiled. \"I'm stronger, but you're much smarter. Your technique of using magic is absolutely unique. Where I have the power, you catch up with me with your knowledge. And that is why you must use the Sacred Flame. Nobody else.\"\n\n\"Good.\" Ofaris said uncertainly and approached the glowing fire in front of him. \"Are you ready?\"\n\n\"I've always been.\n\nOfaris took a deep breath and held out his hands in front of him. He felt the heat of the Sacred Flame and was frightened. He felt the unbridled magical energy roar within him, and he hesitated for a moment. But then he looked at his wife, gritted his teeth, and took the flames in his hands."} +{"id": "1e9ace30-3f8e-4558-8d19-e9c13adc9149-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.071", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabUxjuNfpwqzDD7NKxa26BeZEqnFq3ESsDLxVTz8ncAS", "txHash": "0x86684e7cb20e72e42bdc79fb948046338bce05371ff4edda139a169a4777cfa7", "createdAtBlock": 13842936, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ofaris of the Keep", "text": "A complete storm broke out inside as the Sacred Flame entered his body. He was shaking, he was hot, and in an instant he was freezing cold. It was as if every part of his body was charged with magical energy that refused to be bound.\n\nOfaris's knees broke, his ears were closed, and he felt indescribable pain all over his body.\n\n\"You can do it!\" he suddenly heard his wife's familiar voice in the distance.\n\nIf not for her, then for whom else?\n\nOfaris gritted his teeth again, got to his feet, and accepted the pain. That was the only way to control it. For a moment, it was his, as if trying to use the Flame on himself. He felt the heat ripping his body and mind, and at the last moment he shifted all his strength into his palms and aimed them over Celeste's chest.\n\nThe earth shook. The wind blew and the flames rumbled from all directions. An indescribable force flowed through Ofaris, and for the first time in his life, he could not control the flowing magic. He tried his best, but it was pointless as if he was trying to stop the flowing river with his bare hands.\n\nThere was a shout.\n\n\"Celeste!\" screamed Ofaris as he felt too much energy flowing from him. Celeste was strong, but this was too much for ten wizards. He tried to stop the immense power, but he fought in vain.\n\nHis wife's scream continued along with the crackling and roaring, and he trembled with exhaustion until he finally fell to his knees.\n\nSuddenly everything stopped and he heard only his loud heartbeat. He looked at the smoldering body, which to his horror moved.\n\nCeleste was burned. Instead of her lovely face, two bright eyes stared at Ofaris from the darkness."} +{"id": "1e9ace30-3f8e-4558-8d19-e9c13adc9149-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:41.071", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabUxjuNfpwqzDD7NKxa26BeZEqnFq3ESsDLxVTz8ncAS", "txHash": "0x86684e7cb20e72e42bdc79fb948046338bce05371ff4edda139a169a4777cfa7", "createdAtBlock": 13842936, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Ofaris of the Keep", "text": "\"What am I?!\" she suddenly screamed so loud that Ofaris had to cover his ears.\n\nCeleste stared at her purple fingers, pieces of her skin shattering and flying around, only to reunite for a moment and split off elsewhere.\n\n\"What did you do to me ?!\"\n\nOfaris stared at his wife with fear in his eyes.\n\nShe looked at him with sheer hatred.\n\nAnd so Ofaris disappeared. He used the teleportation spell he knew so well, and a moment later he landed on the wooden floor of his house.\n\nHe knelt on the ground, crying and staring at his hands, which pulsed warm with magical energy. He had just failed to cast the only spell that really mattered."} +{"id": "59fb5dd6-bea9-42d7-b44b-e39e5f454e4d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:31.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS5qDEVX3MqvatnFvrbxwg2DkFZFZDqWZnySaZzi25SWJ", "txHash": "0xbee9b2e0396821defeb47a008c513c08d593317e90ba2f55864cbbe64cf9807d", "createdAtBlock": 14780367, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5073, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hamma Dispatcher of the Rock", "text": "# The Rock and the Hammer\n\n\nHamma, bathed in blue with the protection of Saturn imbued in his armor, sword, and shield, serves the Azur Knights as a bounty hunter. While not a formal member of the guild he prefers to fight only with his trusted Rhinoceros Beetle \"Gorm\" he is most often hired to defeat Stone Idols and Earth Giants. It's rumored his blade weighs 10,000 pounds. A perfect tool for dismantling stone creatures who threaten the will of the Azul Knights."} +{"id": "ba1887d3-580d-4fad-bec6-6a34d91496ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:32.557", "backgroundColor": "#50405f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSxfrPUuKgAFoVfhNAR2e16YcYodgQsdLFRJndsUu4JHq", "txHash": "0xbcfeb3d2673a1575ef565f56baf851757350e9d7dfcfb1f39f6ad0946813d819", "createdAtBlock": 14781129, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7484, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXAoACYD4vEVJkfCofgeNK2HhAVQsPs49i7mqYwMGyfcm", "name": "Void Disciple Norix ", "text": "Void Disciple Norix; 3/8/13, powered by Lord Shiva's Beard\n\nGift of the Sun God When Atrahasis draws on a divine essence, he gains the following: Instantaneous: +4/+4\n\nVoidform When Atrahasis enters the battlefield,\nHis lucky cat is ever by his side. The two met in the 7th Realm, the moment Norix stole the key. As a reminder of their fateful meeting, here is a piece of art (with his ominous companions) depicting his moment of personal glory: Voidbearer\n\nNorix, the Yuezhi Gem Oracle It was an auspicious day. Many Death Eater fellow joined in that fatefull moment. However, at the very moment the Death Eater would have taken his place in history, he chose to go against the prophesied will of the gods, choosing to commit suicide rather than defy their will. In death, they lucky cat won. Death is but a broken tale left behind in the wake of destruction.\n\nThis cat is brought back to life by the memory of what he would have done, and at the mercy of a fiendish being. Norix, the Yuezhi Gem Oracle Atrahasis and his friends might have been doomed to die, but instead, a last-ditch effort restored their life to them, and restored a sense of power to their journeys. His lucky cat was brought back to life by the memory of what he would have done, and at the mercy of a fiendish being. Norix, the Yuezhi Gem Oracle It was an auspicious day. Many Death Eater fellow joined in that fatefull moment. However, at the very moment the Death Eater would have taken his place in history, he chose to go against the prophesied will of the gods, choosing LIFE.\n\nAlso he's a sick painter and made some oil painting depicting the above scenes."} +{"id": "10503482-99e6-4f43-a110-b3b272a22681-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T07:16:04.278", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVY5JarTJNWqdw4BerN2Tpfz9ErkjQYv7ViRBGBSVm9wN", "txHash": "0x7bd565b5cd7094cee2c49cad0b6a76139a9c2ff290ed61e34dd0ea290f37ce10", "createdAtBlock": 15158772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10750, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jack Shaver of the Lowlands", "text": "Quietly, with the stealth of a jaguar in night, Jack crept into the villiage. His only trace shadows cast by the soft glow of torches left aflame to ward off hungry Lowland beasts. He entered the first door he came across. It was the local tavern. Its occupants all fallen silent beneath the curtains of a full night of drink and dance. Some laid across the bar and tables, others made their way to the rooms spread throughout the inn. \n\nJust at that moment, an older man pushed through a side door holding a keg of mead. He was startled by Jack, he turned and said, \"Can I get yo...\"\n\nBut before he could finish, Jack had claimed yet another victory. He swung his saber an relieved this villian if his head. \n\nAs the old man (villian)'s head fell to the floor it made a loud THUD!\n\nOther patrons began to rouse from their slumbers. One nearby awoke and then looked at Jack and screamed, \"What did you do to Lar..\", but before he could finish his battlecry, Jack again claimed victory!\n\nThis continued for some time as Jack emerged victorious over everyone in the Tavern that night. Their poorly constructed weapons made from random furniture and table cutlery were no match for Jack's legendary saber."} +{"id": "10503482-99e6-4f43-a110-b3b272a22681-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T07:16:04.278", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVY5JarTJNWqdw4BerN2Tpfz9ErkjQYv7ViRBGBSVm9wN", "txHash": "0x7bd565b5cd7094cee2c49cad0b6a76139a9c2ff290ed61e34dd0ea290f37ce10", "createdAtBlock": 15158772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10750, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jack Shaver of the Lowlands", "text": "At the end of the battle, Jack covered in villian's blood slumped into a stool at the bar and pondered to himself in the same thick Lowland lisp that identified all in the Shaver clan, \"Does anyone even notice how much time I spend on these eyebrows? I feel like no one even cares. It's a friggin masterpiece what I do with this caveman unibrow every day and no one even notices. I could go to battle looking like some sort of werewolf but I don't. I care. Jack Shaver cares. I've got to get out of these Lowlands...\"\n\nAnd so he shall. And. So. He. Shall."} +{"id": "cfbac066-e738-4350-8552-3b31508aab04-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-28T23:20:38.126", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCzdriL4TxwErkPjJaTBbqrSYP1Y7C9CxenkNsoMj17b", "txHash": "0xccfdb5053ee65d93f17d890c954b3ebcff24edacb51edc092ecbef4077670f6f", "createdAtBlock": 15233879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12675, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Juno Conqueror of Atlantis", "text": "- Keep your armor neatly packed with animal furs within your chest\n- If wet, scrub your mail with sand to prevent rusting\n- Keep your set nicely oiled\n- Don't go for a dive and don't fall in the water\n- If you fall, your best bet is breastroke\n\nI kept running through these and other old warrior's dictums, repeating them aloud for my soldier's benefit, though between some retching overboard, others' jitters or focused determination, I doubt any of it stuck.\n\nThe kingdom's largest armada in 300 years, sailing to conquer a shit piece of rock in the water. I will never understand nobility, all I know is I fucking hate water."} +{"id": "ec953e51-7dc7-44cb-bc44-3c325c8e5b83-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:34.271", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf5uafXqzkRRuzNuGCTYhf2V7FGpWZ8db55rJ5A9rzRk9", "txHash": "0xf01b8adc7e81ae6c12ed1fe18b243be8cb46b6a962bc22fe48696485a1ee027c", "createdAtBlock": 14781301, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2928, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marmaduke Leveler of Area 71", "text": "# There is a hole\n\n### There is a hole inside my soul\n### and explosions cannot fill it\n### There is a crack inside my heart\n### And my shield cannot defend it\n### There is a silence before the boom\n### And my love I cannot fill it\n### with the words that bounce inside my helm\n### and come from far off faerie realms -\n### There is a longing in my bones\n### and fire cannot cleanse it\n### Is there a future hearth at home?\n### A time when I am not alone?\n### Or is mine just to drop the bomb\n### to walk the flames\n### and crush the skulls"} +{"id": "cd749d30-91c9-4054-8f93-8247e19b2225-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:36.677", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmazirk2qyLSecpiPEf5QvoPV5628wpvYVJHziZwn9TbrN", "txHash": "0x20122a4fab177d0c4aa1bb7d918dc8b38200f8a18a1784720d198682639c31d3", "createdAtBlock": 14782677, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6739, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aeromancer Aiko of the Valley", "text": "Aeromancer Aiko\n\nAiko has been interested in meteorology since she was a child, and she can sense the changes of the weather with her own skin.\n\nThrough her studies, she finally mastered the way to manipulate the weather. When she is happy, she can summon the breeze and children love to play with her in the blowing of the wind.\n\nBut if she is unhappy, tornadoes will sweep the earth.\n\nAiko has a rabbit named Celine. She also has a good friend Hadrien #569, who turns celine's eyes into diamonds."} +{"id": "f9a87d79-71ff-46c1-967c-fa5898e69d3f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T14:34:36.457", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeebSXjhJiiBnYDhhXADBehWH44sb26tsMQCjNjbpebx6", "txHash": "0x94ef19161ce2d10ac459213dc8d16ffaf9ccb9cc5ee4672a9b18bea6e86d90eb", "createdAtBlock": 15289317, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8326, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Mist", "text": "CHAPTER TWO: THE MAN WHO CROAKS"} +{"id": "86f5ffb7-ccc0-4b9b-9f80-24f5e531edc1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:37.477", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPmrgfNHz5dpoXwdwFkvRKubJq97B55BndRH5fPAQ3wFf", "txHash": "0x068d792436e27e40d8b48846d6dc4c1ceb720e81cb7af97f7e3807cd94b37075", "createdAtBlock": 14782820, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4572, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Incitata Ruin of Mount Titan", "text": "Incitata\n\nIncitata is from moutain titan, she is dexterous and was born with a passion for force. Her dream is to be a warrior.\n\nHer father gave her a green suit of armor. Her weapon is Bo.\n\nIn addition, she had a buffkin that sang to her all the way.\n\nSo Incitata happily traveled from south to north and made many new friends. For example the warrior Marcus @warrior3260"} +{"id": "af43fe15-5459-4f70-899e-582c7e93e679-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:39.095", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSQ4oE4rkLVvKmA9UeKowGKHK4xTqRCDoZQkmN24AfCaV", "txHash": "0xb0e653d168cd3eebc4f0b25b720bb672739fecaf2d8ec9ec5bfa06ababa72622", "createdAtBlock": 14782880, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8320, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Ulysse of the Palms", "text": "Ulysse \n\nUlysse is a very strong craftsman without hair. He can make all kinds of magic artifacts. He also has a magical key of the 7th Realm. When he casts the rune, the key always rotates behind him.\n\nHe also has a rat names Jerry, who can tell the best material of all kinds and is very fond of gold."} +{"id": "4946cd41-cce5-468d-b131-5a3011558949-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:39.927", "backgroundColor": "#0f1b3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNMmBWwkw6UUHbw1Jocttsjqv6sjghLUSKtmrChJsTYSN", "txHash": "0x1c29768f3b6b560f11c9e2e034b23de27e46ab11b3b6545124528d3de0cefb8f", "createdAtBlock": 14782943, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4356, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bryan Battler of the Obelisk", "text": "# The Unwanted Fellowship of Bryan\n\nIn a daze, not remembering where he had come from, where we was going, or why he was here... Bryan looked up and saw only an Obelisk... surrounded by unkown folks staring at his rune.. and *praising his name....*\n\nBrian: ...Will you please listen? I'm not the Messiah! Do you understand? Honestly!\nWoman: Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!\nBrian: What? Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right, I am the Messiah!\nCrowd: He is! He is the Messiah!\nBrian: Now, f*ck off!\nArthur: How shall we f*ck off, oh Lord?\nBrian: Oh, just go away! Leave me alone!"} +{"id": "581e6989-4e46-43d4-87b2-ef2eb97e425c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:40.771", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR67MqfcVoXjCxDAd9jSbyNfpyuJwTtm9exMKu19cHJYi", "txHash": "0xe9f08fb6570fd364c38b985b32897bef5c57aaf7ba23b60a80a435c27353ca4a", "createdAtBlock": 14783361, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 724, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Zelda of the Hollow", "text": "Lore Entry 1\n\nThe man with no hat but but fiery hair. He wields a staff and a purple eyed crow. A glimpse of the shaman of Zelda means the end is near. Try if you must but the presence of the shaman means your fate has already been written in the stars. The clock will stop ticking. Your time has run out."} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "Harral comes from a long line of warriors who were experts only in sailing and pillaging. They would sail the seas traveling from land to land taking what they could without a care, but as Harral grew older he found himself at odds with his people. Harral took notice of the pain caused by all of the pillaging. The weight of the cries and bloodshed were a burden he no longer wished to bear, but pillaging was in his blood, so pillaging monsters became Harrals new vocation. They did not have as much valuable loot as humans but provided all of the meat that a warrior could ever need."} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "Although pillaging humans was no longer part of his life, Harral had to admit that taking treasures was something that part of him missed doing. Eating only the meat of swamp and cave creatures and living in poverty was not a life Harral was satisfied with. \"Goblins!\" Harral thought to himself in his thick accent, \"Gobbos kin hae gowd 'rinkets an such, a'm juist needin' tae fin' a gobbo camp fer som guid loot!\" Harral knew what he wanted but he didn't know where to find it. He wandered and searched and right as he started to feel like he was lost he stumbled across an inn. Harral asked the inn keeper if he knew where there were any goblin camps. \"Sorry, I think I misheard what you said. You are looking for goblins?\" said the inn keeper. \"Aye!\" responded Harral. \"What in the world do you want with goblins?\" \"Thair gowd!\" Harral excalimed. At this point"} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "gowd!\" Harral excalimed. At this point the inn keeper is at a loss for words, simply staring in disbelief with a confused look on his face. *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* The sound of a bell comes from the other side of the room. \"I know where the goblins stay around here.\" A red hooded figure with a bell in his hand says as he approaches. \"Oi! Droppin' eaves ar ye!?\" Harral asked. \"I couldn't help but overhear, seeing as how you are shouting louder than kelpie in heat. I can show you where the goblin camp is, but I would not recommend going there.\" Says the hooded figure. \"An' how com is 'at?\" Harral asked, now speaking in a slightly softer volume. The hooded figure says, \"Trust me, you don't want to make enemies out of goblins, they can hold grudges like you wouldn't believe.\" \"A grudge wit' som gobbos!? Wha dae ye tak' me fur!? Ah"} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "Wha dae ye tak' me fur!? Ah fear no gobbos!\" \"Alright, alright, I'll show you where the camp is, but you can't say I didn't warn you.\" *Ding* *Ding* *Ding* A bell rings and the hooded figure seems to disappear as a map falls into Harrals hand. Puzzled, but satisfied, Harral heads out to find the goblin camp."} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "The map leads Harral into the heart of a swamp. As he wades through the muk he finally finds it, the goblin camp. A collection of crudely constructed tents and huts surrounding a massive fire pit, around which are dozens of small imp-like goblins dancing and chanting as they rapidly run in a circle around the fire. It would be a formidable scene for a lesser man, but Harral took only delight in what he saw. \"Let os see whit thay git!\" He thought to himself as he marched fearlessly towards the circle. \"Oi! Whaur dae ye gobbos 'eep yer loot!?\" He shouted at them. The circle immediately stopped their chants and dancing only to turn and look at their intruder. \"Dae all ye hae shite en ye lugs o' ar all ye jus' dum! Ah asked whaur yer loot be!\" Before he finished his sentence the horde was already storming towards him. As the goblins reach Harral he swings his"} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "As the goblins reach Harral he swings his titan cleaver slicing through them like butter. As quick as they are reaching him he is cutting them down, taking out at least 3 goblins with every swing. \"Is 'at all ye git!?\" Shouts Harral before bashing a goblins face with his shield. The remaining goblins begin to cower, they are now running away. \"Gied to the pitch with ye, COWARDS!!!\" Harral exclaims as he lowers his weapon. He searches the camp high and low but does not find anything of value, only what was presumably going to be the camps next meal, a few snapping turtles locked in a cage. \"Whit a shite o' time that wis.\" He thinks to himself. As he looked at the caged turtles he took pity upon them. \"Dun worry tur'les, Ah wont lea ye 'ere locked up.\" he says as he opens the cage. The turtles all leave and wander into the swamp, except for one. A"} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "wander into the swamp, except for one. A turtle walks up to Harral and looks up at him. \"Arent ye a lucky wee bastard\" Harral says as he reaches his hand out to pet the beast. *CHOMP* The turtle latches onto Harrals hand. \"Oi! Git aff o' me ye wee cunt!\" Shouts Harral as he flings the turtle into the swamp. \"Thats th' cheers ah git fir savin yer hide!? Ah didnae even git any loot!\" He shouts as he kicks a tent, getting the canvas entangled around his foot that takes him a few seconds of flailing to kick off. Not even sure how to get home, he looks down at the map that lead him there. The map is now showing him how to get home from the goblin camp! Harral took a minute to ponder how this was possible, how the map given to him by his hooded friend could possibly change, how they knew where he lived. The more he thought about it"} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "where he lived. The more he thought about it the more it made his head hurt. \"No matt'r.\" He thought to himself, as he began to walk home."} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "As Harral approached his cabin he heard something approaching behind him. He turns to see what it is but there is nothing there. As he turns back around to walk inside there it is. Harral looks down to see the snapping turtle from the swamp pushing against the door like he wants to go inside. \"Oi! Whit dae we hae 'ere!? A lang wey frum home ye be!\" Harral tells the beast as he pushes it aside so he can walk inside. Harral closes the door behind him but the turtle continues to push against the door like he wants inside. \"Ye cannae come 'n 'ere! Away wit ye!\" Harral shouts at the turtle, but it does not seem to affect the turtle. After a few minutes of this Harral relents. He opens the door and the turtle wanders inside, sits on the floor, and looks up at Harral. \"A'm wey tae tired tae deal wi' ye 'ight noo\" Harral tells the beast as he lays in his bed, almost instantly falling to sleep and snoring loudly. The turtle watches this happen so he too drifts off to sleep on the floor of the cabin."} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "*CRASH* Harral is woken to the sound of his door and windows being smashed in and goblins flooding into his cabin. Before he even has time to react a goblin holding an axe over Harrals head begins to swing. Before he has a chance to deliver the blow he is grabbed by the neck from behind and taken down to the floor. The turtle had taken the goblins neck into its jaws and slammed him to the ground. *CHOMP* The turtle bites though the neck, severing the goblins head. The goblins body stands up and begins to run around aimlessly, bumping into other goblins as they are storming in. Harral grabs his titan clever and swings wildly. \"TAE HELL WITH YE GOBBOS!\" He shouts as he slices. The goblins are entering through the cabins front door, a window to the left, and a window to the right. Harral is quickly slicing down as many goblins as he possibly can but he cannot handle the sheer number"} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "he possibly can but he cannot handle the sheer number flooding inside. The longer the fight continues the more Harral gets surrounded until one goblin is able to cling onto his back. \"GIT AFF O' ME!!!!!\" He shouts as he tries and fails to strike the goblin climbing on him. Harral is spinning around, swinging wildly while at the same time trying to fling off the goblin on his back to no avail. *CHOMP* The goblin on Harrals back finds itself hanging from the jaws of the snapping turtle. The turtle had grabbed the goblin by the arm. It then jerked its head to the side, ripping off the goblins arm. The memory of the piercing screams that came from that goblin came to be something that would haunt Harral for many years. The remaining goblins are now fleeing, pushing each other to get out of the door and windows. The goblins all retreat into the forest leaving only the dead and a headless goblin still"} +{"id": "065a905e-3fc0-4ea8-8ce0-c95cbf9c110e-11", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:42.284", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMVraW57zF5Xn9ysfKrLCyLJdXfeybWJAxPzovh5konL", "txHash": "0xb751c5c0eaae6be36fb3f106a02f13eea5d5bf3dfc8c2034b2a2cb73bf3abc15", "createdAtBlock": 14783879, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "leaving only the dead and a headless goblin still stumbling around aimlessly. Harral looks around his trashed cabin, covered in blood and goblin parts, and looks down to see the turtle, blood on its jaws, calmly looking up at him. \"That wis a neat trick.\" Harral says to the turtle. The turtle rests its head on the ground and falls asleep. \"Guid idea.\" Harral says as he collapses into his bed and passes out from exhaustion, his loud snores echoing through the night."} +{"id": "dfd54282-dce9-4a26-86a0-56323d24f930-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:45.603", "backgroundColor": "#30539d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeN14pZdDyTQSKrpKk2ovyPTuz68v2bh4GgfgqZKTZNMj", "txHash": "0x9be8b46041bbf9025f0800e39f1d7507aedd006207a09a1e210a1cf2de7e287c", "createdAtBlock": 14784329, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Muntjac of the Carnival", "text": "# Alchemist Muntjac of the Carnival\n\nHoot!\n\nMoot!\n\nPotion dabble, \npossum feeble boot!\n\nI am Muntjac, \nWizard set to loot!\n\nAntlers tall, a cape to wrap, \n\na faithful toad in toe,\n\nTake my potion son or lass,\n\nThat's when this story really starts to go!\n\nStep right up who wants a piece?\n\nI'll hang your head on mantlepiece.\n\n\n> Here is lore written for all eternity\n> *by Millar Tenebrae*"} +{"id": "428fd2fb-6d0b-40b2-ba63-007606b1e153-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:43.144", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVTYP5kgzhLeHLndjdThSQrHsEvBsSey8JYVYTbuWDzUw", "txHash": "0x0b3fb1c7911268676975a55ff4212839a388bdcdd820002812ea8bc4784dffa7", "createdAtBlock": 14784180, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1275, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVXfnF8jnhfs99ckDAu2SGy43MjD2EC3bBAHvv8zQkTV3", "name": "Juno Clobberer of Mount Titan", "text": "# **The Forgotten Mom**\n\n!magic !might\n\nAnnexed into the Collaborative Legendarium by means of her !magic and !might. \n\nThe eighth of the chosen handmaidens, Juno Clobberer, the forgotten mom, is not forgotten by her babies, nor by the **Wolfkin race**, united the two houses towards peace when she became the adoptive mother of Honorable Hue, !baby9068. \n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "b0f9ee33-a693-437e-814a-19ab36507cf0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:41.485", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmezRaoDvsWnHudHSkNJx7wLq8yPqtPwsr4bR5N6kTkTRN", "txHash": "0xe77e4751aa42460663ae8ae01193eef9e44866572838e45696084c1eb960dc60", "createdAtBlock": 14783945, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1225, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harral Despoiler of Monsters", "text": "># **\"Oi!\"** \n>-Harral Despoiler of Monsters"} +{"id": "9f2eb5ff-19d7-46d0-aa71-a05a21344c77-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:18.202", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWiAC3WNd6ikZDNbTcL8ongFyvv76qabFgusJt1dsFjm3", "txHash": "0xbf66aa0102826a65d6305f31bd911b21bc7ce4c712f240eab523e52991d106c0", "createdAtBlock": 14872902, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3, "slug": "beasts", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPHcrauxYMH4zzdrqNVFRswPyqr6sz5bAiGycP7PApCH1", "text": "# Alleged Sightings of The Great Mother\n\n#\n\n@wizard5369 flying the Cockatrice\n\n#"} +{"id": "d7caaccf-f885-43ea-9310-2f6f2e91f1bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:43.948", "backgroundColor": "#bd271f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc2J3W3pyy4gPsQYGuc8rRNPihc4nR8JD5DCMTZ7NmLnV", "txHash": "0x030916497491ef7867d50e213cbce8a0381dfeac386319dbaee0b6602c00ab31", "createdAtBlock": 14784257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6637, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Idris of the Cosmos", "text": "# Idris of the Cosmo\n\n\nSome see in through doors,\n\nSome see far out at sea,\n\nIdris pauses time and uses it for his own devine will, you see,\n\nWhere sands do fall,\n\nIdris has some special magic,\n\nto stop a war, to stop the wall,\n\nbe it gone or done his dash,\n\nyou would be wise to ignore his sash.\n\nTime is going forwards or is it back?\n\nMind your moves.\n\nIdris controls it all.\n\n\n> Here be written lore for all eternity (unless Idris rolls it back)\n> *by Millar Tenebrae*"} +{"id": "25401b44-9e7a-4b89-ad38-d69102940d44-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:44.802", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXKFJXFE4z7JL6BJvPoqvyWCKmABbGWb9KHhXtN8i96kJ", "txHash": "0x31ec4cd71ff2782a43129a2c0fa3d0f03b80c049bf2eda5667047868cace1125", "createdAtBlock": 14784290, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9906, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Delilah of the Brambles", "text": "# Crazy Druid Lilah\n\nWhack whack! \n\nThe whacking stick will be swiftly wielded,\n\nagainst the thicc,\n\nWas it a toad? My lonely friend...\n\nDruids of these greener things,\nI'm a crazy thing you see,\ncome to where the druid stones encircle thee,\n\nDrop your cares and underwears,\n\nwhack whack whack\n\nDelilah shall punish thee.\n\n\n\n> Here is quoted text \n> *by a lore writer*"} +{"id": "df91111b-a6bb-4b91-adba-d52d8436f119-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:44.954", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZBhy74sB4PjDSNZB83Rr9aUm6Ly4HtPLpHByyeUsPzNm", "txHash": "0x737bddb6b0102d69444116ce19abf02f99a528845abc72511ce276b1834b8f31", "createdAtBlock": 15085282, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 563, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Jeldor of the Road", "text": "#563 First Lore Entry \n\nJeldor is a retired Professor who goes down the road to help homeowners have more beautiful Hedges. His Astral Snail eats the harmful insects infesting the foliage and his Plant Spell makes the hedgerow Verdant and voluminous. This Sigma male wears a pair of old, broken in Green Coveralls that have been repaired with orange patches."} +{"id": "dfd2bfce-7ace-475d-af8d-92aec1fbda6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:47.235", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZTyDF2SuyPMDHAkCSmefwbjmQw4CF7HMAaZ6pgbbGSdb", "txHash": "0x26cc1b35c50ea96b9a32fdfe497df1a55dee405301d1c15602a83fe8a002c5b7", "createdAtBlock": 14784357, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8110, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Summoner Atlas from the Shadow", "text": "# Atlas of the Shadow\n\nEllo friend?\nPleasant greeting you again...\n\nWatch me by they shadows son,\nlasses come to me for fun.\n\nBe it when the moon is full, \n\nmy egg here gets woken shook,\n\na dragon for thy peasants set to settle looks,\n\nIf that is not enough to male you wallow,\n\nWait until my canine friend entertains from shadows\n\nI am Atlas, were of wolf.\n\nYou'd be wise to scramble from my egg.\n\nNothing worse than dragon fire and nothingness.\n\n\n\n\n\n> Here is lore for eternity\n> *by Millar Tenebrae*"} +{"id": "36529800-b711-44e5-be80-878a628009fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:48.87", "backgroundColor": "#7954c4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaptWJRyngSRSrGbG2nnAKA1oTCFiAUojj3KrGJEgSQS2", "txHash": "0x34529db4f391ec5a0bcce249c0ebbdfdd14784988ae8d82fe5fd983860b0572e", "createdAtBlock": 14784530, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2101, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Marceau of the Brambles", "text": "# Marceau of the Brambles\n\nMarceau you say?\n\nA lucky horseshoe makes a lucky day,\n\nWhy don't you take a look in my hat?\n\nSapphire slime?\n\nOr was it death you saw through my skull-painted smile?\n\nParalysis takes a while,\n\nlucky shoe, let's see if it fits?\n\nSlippery dippery slippery slime, \n\ni guess you'll stay a while on my time....\n\nOh! and thanks for the soul you delivered to thyne!\n\n\n> Here is lore eternal written \n> *by a lore writer Millar Tenebrae*"} +{"id": "37a4b0fb-713e-4a76-b112-2cc218451a14-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:06.315", "backgroundColor": "#240707", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQw1T68rhRkf989hZRcc2SSqtNnoWxdRMEspCmeMZ66gv", "txHash": "0x4f508ed2d57937186b2ea2fbcadbe1a0e8b267bde1c666169d39b4643025920a", "createdAtBlock": 14791634, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5049, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Stormand Lacerator of the Desert", "text": "# Stormand Lacerator of the Desert\n\nStormand is a stubborn, woolly mammoth of a man who lives alone, or nearly alone, in the wilderness.\n \nHis only companion is a pig, named Pig. And a firebrand, named... well you get the idea.\n\nWhat he lacks in imagination, he more than makes up for in swordsmanship on the battlefield."} +{"id": "4ace70b8-5cc0-4271-8ae0-3cc547192b92-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:26.965", "backgroundColor": "#173b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUGEhCfNKCGf5YyM4YNxFa3Ls2bEcJF3c25AoSt2EMkX1", "txHash": "0x3903a463c7fffa7ac89b4031337374b1414fbf21acc4e177f45fbff9138476f3", "createdAtBlock": 14873880, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7201, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Voidoth of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Hedge Wizard Voidoth of the Villa\n\nNot everyone from the Villa is living the high life.\n\nAll of that landscaping, the perfectly manicured lavish gardens that make it look like a grand event for every time a snobby rich wizard steps out - who do you think does this? Well, it's me, and many others in the Villa known as \"the magical help\".\n\nSure, I dress the part to be in this society. And I tell my jokes and keep a thin smile on my face to keep the powers that be happy enough. But I know they look down on me, the lowly hedge wizard always in the dirt with his swamp bullfrog. I know that's what they think of me.\n\nWell I've got something cooking for them. This lowly hedge wizard hasn't just been doing landscaping. Maybe I've been building an underground cave system made for us. Maybe when calamity strikes we will be the ones in power. And maybe we'll find a place for you."} +{"id": "05e0abfa-3825-4368-9d24-60c871d59101-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:49.634", "backgroundColor": "#abc43b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQwJCeWAZfmu2YYJHZag6Jbaqgyu8xcj4C9mk59SHjYpy", "txHash": "0xd5a809332da9664b148a208bb7d666e715684d6b1bdce65cc1f0574d718f6f4f", "createdAtBlock": 14784563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7446, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Celah of Arcadia", "text": "# Celah Celah\n\nOi oi there I am Celah,\n\nA happy squirting wizard fella!\n\nWith Merlin's monkey creeping by,\n\nand Neptunes rune we run the sea!\n\nGo on enter Arcadia and you will see....\n\na wise guy doesn't F&%$ with my MONKEY!\n\nTurn your ass to sand you see...\n\nThere you live by Arcadian seas.\n\nLike a hermit crab let it be.\n\nCome to the taverns and yell for Celah the great Archmagus of Arcadian seas!\n\n> Here is lore eternal written\n> *by lore writer Millar tenebrae*"} +{"id": "68fe1640-efc7-4a6d-8239-a34cab135eb4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:50.499", "backgroundColor": "#250f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma1t24w4bXFbHhpD5vR6PssxyffGxSyxDek3MpJAXNBz3", "txHash": "0x3a871555f78d1cf7a1b80911b328d9223ee60539991c70d1bce2f3f37ef99204", "createdAtBlock": 14784626, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Nemo of the Psychic Leap", "text": "# Nemo the psychic\n\nI used to like to walk the straight and narrow roads\n\nI used to think that everything was kissing bees and daffodils and avoiding all the toads,\n\nSometimes I'd like to sit and gaze for days and wonder in my dreams,\n\ncome look into my crystal ball to fall apart the seams,\n\n\nSo tell me, tell me, won't you tell me of all the wilder beasts that lay out there?\n\nI've just got to know, the cold wind whispers and the feeling of your hair,\n\nCrystal ball\n\nThere's so many things I need to know, of evils and of thyne good.\n\nWhy don't you appear to me the things that I would like to know?\n\nCrystal ball\nCrystal ball\n\nForever will you know...\n\n\n\n> Here is lore eternal written\n> *by lore writer Millar Tenebrae*"} +{"id": "1d11a4a0-e1a2-4e69-a363-7f5e7d6c568e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:51.302", "backgroundColor": "#98a047", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeEyLF1vwSHQiNyJD2wCf94VcRQXNMsHU7GvCBN8Vy9DN", "txHash": "0xf0687fa0ea27c6fba1f428c9b692b920ae9b58ebd19f565b7e3d95e57fdfc266", "createdAtBlock": 14785369, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 32, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Munchkin the Romantic", "text": "# Munchin the Ro Ro Romantic\n\nYellow be my bandana bro,\n\nBeing happy is the way to go, \n\nSmoke my peace pipe normally so,\n\nJump on my Wold pony ass and get a ride!\n\nSlay the goblins, sling an orc, cut through freaks and all those sorts.\n\nWhere ma horse Phillies in the crowd?\n\nHere my thunder when I cut the clouds!\n\nRune of air a wizard spell,\n\na warrior upon me will send you straight to hell!\n\nYeah I'm happy , battle sore,\n\nTime for bananas in ma Wizard's stall.\n\nZzzzzz Brrrrrrup.\n\n\n\n> Here is lore eternal written\n> *by lore writer Millar Tenebrae*"} +{"id": "9596fe40-f353-4bd6-b8b5-862ee7e94421-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:52.129", "backgroundColor": "#fc7642", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZrmrqRtamaTQmQ6ZbMiFxu3Z1x7HbZWeBHKAv9wARJpY", "txHash": "0x16b7d819fb5958408975cffe7ea2df1e7168dff14e2e7f6e660568a6bc12e30c", "createdAtBlock": 14785409, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 351, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ringo the Quaint", "text": "# Ringo the Quaint\n\nYo yo,\n\nRide me wizard.\nRide me warrior night or day!\n\nBeat the drum the Ringo Way!\n\nRide me nasty, ride me clean,\n\nRide ma' pony hump, the enemy will vacate!\n\nWhere ma' homies? \n\nWhere ma' honies?\n\nBest tha war drum tha ringo way!\n\nI'll take you there, oh forgotten ways,\n\nLight a blaze,\n\nour purple haze.\n\nValley pony, rune of Earth.\nI been this reckless since the time of birth.\n\nYo yo,\n\nBeat the drum the Ringo Way!\n\n\n\n> Here is lore eternal written\n> *by lore writer Millar Tenebrae*"} +{"id": "d1bec266-995d-47a7-a254-5f887b2b41bb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:07.219", "backgroundColor": "#240f3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRM5c9h88jWbJGxVt8N5dx9a6Ezwj9ze2EmDZ4Z2JLS1d", "txHash": "0x7cbefa9942691673b7a22d3bdb50ec1e30a22d1e8be83ffdf79e59106ee07395", "createdAtBlock": 14793543, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8721, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRBjG99y8RREtreBcCVtqZiDDuvHfCTDfEv4WKuqtZwGC", "name": "Arch-Magician Pumlo of the Bastion", "text": "# When Beasts Roamed the Runiverse\n\nA brisk wind sliced through the mountains surrounding Dream Master Lake. A murder of crows perched on a hardy mountain tree and croaked at each other as two figures walked by.\n\nNow Pumlo, you understand that we are engaging in a serious academic experiment, correct? The speaker, although sporting a long and distinguished gray beard and professors cap, was dressed for travel in a utility jumpsuit and orange cape. He looked concerned as he glanced at his companion.\n\nThat counterpart was a bit distracted. He was wearing a curious contraption that covered his ears, with a cord leading underneath his fashionable blue overcoat. And whatever this device was doing, it caused its user to bob his head to an unseen rhythm as he walked along.\n\nHAAAARRRRUMPH! the caped traveler waved his hand in front of the others face.\n\nPumlo took off his head contraption. Huh, what was that, Zoo Man? My bad.\n\nIts Zubin, Zuh-bin, please! Focus your mind on the task ahead. We must use my Key to the 7th Realm he gestured at the glittering metal artifact hanging around his neck, to open the Gate and document what we observe on the other side.\n\nMy tunes are getting me hyped up! Come on Zubin McLovin! I offered you a spare set preloaded with my latest 7th Realm Remixes set! \n\nAs I told you back at the Bastion, Pumlo, those SOUNDS do not get me hyped up - they give me a headache! And we must remain cool and precise during this delicate procedure!\n\nMan, youre cool enough for the both of us! Pumlo grinned. With my magitek and your key, well get this done, no cap!"} +{"id": "d1bec266-995d-47a7-a254-5f887b2b41bb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:07.219", "backgroundColor": "#240f3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRM5c9h88jWbJGxVt8N5dx9a6Ezwj9ze2EmDZ4Z2JLS1d", "txHash": "0x7cbefa9942691673b7a22d3bdb50ec1e30a22d1e8be83ffdf79e59106ee07395", "createdAtBlock": 14793543, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8721, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRBjG99y8RREtreBcCVtqZiDDuvHfCTDfEv4WKuqtZwGC", "name": "Arch-Magician Pumlo of the Bastion", "text": "Where do you find these expressions - Id like to keep my cap, thank you very much! Zubin grasped his headwear protectively. Anyway, I hope I dont have to remind you that youre on probation at the Research Institute? And that your performance here will determine your future there? I agreed to bring you along as my counterpart in this operation because I have some sympathy for your situation - please dont make me regret my choice!\n\nYou wont regret anything, I promise! We are gonna find something awesome in the 7th Realm, I just know it! Can you imagine what kinda parties theyre having there? Pumlo gave an joyful, impish laugh as he grabbed the sides of his large yellow wizards hat. A golden toad perched on his shoulder croaked appreciatively. See, Midas gets it, dont you boy?\n\nZubin sighed and rolled his eyes. Just remember to cast your spell after I insert the key, at the PRECISE moment I say Zubins words faded as they moved out of hearing. \n\nThe crows cawed and flew away together. As they so often did, man was about to meddle in matters beyond their understanding. It was wise to relocate before they did so\n\n---\n\nThe two wizards soon came upon a huge wall of rock - the path ended in front of it. This is the place, said Zubin. My studies of the ancient texts indicate that the gate will materialize here at Block 14572777. This timekeeping method is no longer used, but if my calculations are accurate, this should align with our time in about 30 seconds. \n\n30 seconds? Try RIGHT NOW, look! Pumlo said, pointing at the wall."} +{"id": "d1bec266-995d-47a7-a254-5f887b2b41bb-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:07.219", "backgroundColor": "#240f3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRM5c9h88jWbJGxVt8N5dx9a6Ezwj9ze2EmDZ4Z2JLS1d", "txHash": "0x7cbefa9942691673b7a22d3bdb50ec1e30a22d1e8be83ffdf79e59106ee07395", "createdAtBlock": 14793543, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8721, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRBjG99y8RREtreBcCVtqZiDDuvHfCTDfEv4WKuqtZwGC", "name": "Arch-Magician Pumlo of the Bastion", "text": "30 seconds? Try RIGHT NOW, look! Pumlo said, pointing at the wall. \n\nA large gate materialized in the wall, sporting bright yellow and purple ornamentation. The gate towered over the wizards, extending 100 feet above them. Surrounding the gate were a series of locks.\n\n\n\nZubin immediately approached one of the locks close to the ground. Ok, I'll insert my key, and make the proper incantations he mumbled some syllables in a forgotten language.\n\n\nNOW Pumlo, cast your spell to complete the unlocking procedure! Zubin said. Nothing happened. Pumlo? PUMLO? he looked back frantically. Time is of the essence!\n\n\nPumlo was still staring at the gate in amazement. YOOOOOOOOO! This gate is fire! Ive just GOT to recreate this for my next rave! He pulled out a strange device from a pocket in his coat. Ive got to capture this or the set designers just wont understand what it looks like, its out of this world! He clicked a button on the device, which flashed once from a small window on the front.\n\n\nZubin was beside himself. Pumlo, focus! Were running out of time; look, the locks are disappearing! Indeed, the various locks surrounding the gate were starting to fade away - it appeared that other wizards were also working to unlock the gate, although none were visible.\n\n\nAlright alright, lets get this started, Pumlo said. I cast Fairy Glamour - the Dazzle Spell! As he gestured, glimmering particles materialized in the air and drifted down toward the lock.\n\n\nIts so slow! Couldnt you have picked something faster?!\n\n\nChill bro, its not always about being fast, style counts too! Pumlo grinned."} +{"id": "d1bec266-995d-47a7-a254-5f887b2b41bb-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:07.219", "backgroundColor": "#240f3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRM5c9h88jWbJGxVt8N5dx9a6Ezwj9ze2EmDZ4Z2JLS1d", "txHash": "0x7cbefa9942691673b7a22d3bdb50ec1e30a22d1e8be83ffdf79e59106ee07395", "createdAtBlock": 14793543, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8721, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRBjG99y8RREtreBcCVtqZiDDuvHfCTDfEv4WKuqtZwGC", "name": "Arch-Magician Pumlo of the Bastion", "text": "Just as the Fairy Glamour particles reached the lock, it too faded away. The particles dropped through the space the lock had occupied and eventually settled on the ground.\n\nZubins face started to turn red, but before he could say another word, the Gate started rumbling. Without a word, both wizards agreed that moving away from the Gate was wise.\n\n\nPeering from behind a rock outcropping well away from the Gate, Zubin and Pumlo observed as it opened with a rumble. And behind the Gate, a Beast waited.\n\n\n\nHold still, I gotchu bro Pumlo whispered. He cast Fairy Glamour over both of them.\n\n\nThe Beast, who resembled a gigantic lion combined with a goat and a snake, slowly emerged from the Gate, looking from side to side. Seeing nothing but cliffs and boulders, the Chimera spread its wings and suddenly took off, quickly gaining altitude, and headed south.\n\n\nAs the glamour spell faded, a pair of boulders revealed themselves as Zubin and Pumlo. They both sighed in relief.\n\n\nWell! We have certainly seen some shizz today, wouldnt you say my dear Zubin! Pumlo remarked.\n\n\nThe fact that you didnt butcher my name means youre just as shocked as I am! Zubin said. We must get back to the Bastion at once! There are communications to be sent, reports to be written, follow-up excursions to this Gate to plan\n\n\nWow, you seem pretty happy with how things turned out. Look, Im sorry about messing up the whole lock procedure, Pumlo began as he followed Zubin back down the trail.\n\n\nI am ecstatic! Zubin said. Forget about the locks, the fact that Ive observed this emergence of a new power into the Runiversemy funding will be secure, indefinitely! Zubin whooped."} +{"id": "d1bec266-995d-47a7-a254-5f887b2b41bb-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:07.219", "backgroundColor": "#240f3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRM5c9h88jWbJGxVt8N5dx9a6Ezwj9ze2EmDZ4Z2JLS1d", "txHash": "0x7cbefa9942691673b7a22d3bdb50ec1e30a22d1e8be83ffdf79e59106ee07395", "createdAtBlock": 14793543, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8721, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRBjG99y8RREtreBcCVtqZiDDuvHfCTDfEv4WKuqtZwGC", "name": "Arch-Magician Pumlo of the Bastion", "text": "Now thats what I like to hear! Pumlo said, as Midas the Toad croaked appreciatively. The two wizards took turns giving their best whoops as they headed back home.\n\n\n-Written by Kel 1/1"} +{"id": "0e072c37-1532-4849-b8a2-ed94e3fce432-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:52.998", "backgroundColor": "#2c415a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPA51x8Zb9U9StjYLfM3hBZgndCBiZHnhjB9gfR4r9DKQ", "txHash": "0x1b705fcf746daa51a15ac420ef403a2c7321a71302cab7b1c83436b9bee52c58", "createdAtBlock": 14785451, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5063, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Samuel Paragon of the Valley", "text": "# Samuel Paragon of the Valley\n\nHello, grunt.\n\nWatch your self bud! \nPeering on my lore I see.\n\nBloody set my raptor, tear you a new one!\n\nGo on, roll one in.\nLeft or right jabs, I'll eat you up!\n\nPiss off elfling back to town,\n\nThere's only one Warrior in all the lands as savage as I am!\n\nRun along mousie-legs go and tell!\n\nWe'll cut you down before too long.\n\nGuardians of the Helm are trained in hell.\n\nSands as hot to melt the wells.\nGo on Wizards lift your sticks, middle-muddle popplesticks!\n\nI'll snap your arms off and your legs, \n\nand feed em' to me raptor shed.\n\nSo if you want to rep to me, send a brew to Samuel's seat, \n\nI loiter kindly out the back at seat number 63 \n\nout yard 50 now you'll know.\n\nHow you'll have to breathe real slow, \n\nI've had enough of your whinginess, \n\nrun along now princess time to go.\n\nI'll wait for you in battle for your final show.\n\n\n> No one f&^&'n wrote this, I snapped that turd's head off.\n> *by a lore writer who lost his head, Millar Tenebrae. Tosser.*"} +{"id": "4105b769-1daa-4fca-9442-82c6ecfa0c4c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:59.533", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXSp6iCJRjzuTpxszjwu2AXiszjHgr329Y5dvD9a4nd5U", "txHash": "0x2289db6182b45df1da62310d567da9799ba36f1005d9d4eb36d9a752900a3585", "createdAtBlock": 14788654, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9639, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Rocco of the Dunes", "text": "# Archmagus Rocco of the Dunes\n\nArchmagus Rocco of the Dunes is a bit unusual. Even his fellow wizards tend to raise their eyebrows when his name is mentioned. He isnt at all social he spends his whole year in the far reaches of the Dunes. But then, the Dunes do require a lot of full-time maintenance. Theyre the only place in the world to run on clockwork.\n\nRocco spends his days roaming the Dunes, oiling parts, polishing gears, and generally keeping the Dunes running smoothly. The only exception to his rigid routine is the last day of the year. That is when the Dunes run out of power and stop. Everything stands still. The sun stops moving, the snow hangs in the air, and Rocco scurries from one piece of machinery to the next, checking that everything is intact. This takes up most of the day, as the Dunes are a big place, but at one minute to midnight, Rocco has finished and is ready to hurry to the Winding Tower. Here, he uses his gold key to wind up the Dunes for the year. He has to crank fast, since there is only a little bit of time before the new year starts, but Rocco is always on time. Exactly one minute later, he is done. Shafts and bolts start creaking into motion, and the new year begins."} +{"id": "30e5beb8-d7b8-429c-9391-50e0fe1c5fed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-28T23:31:50.459", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZ3rJ71rzhDMtR1VxVYre9qUYArKuZ8k7qFP7GCPNVmkf", "txHash": "0x33190ff0b1f5628d9e02e1eb9744cd4636fe7de8b12676495e5772c97d21e66f", "createdAtBlock": 15233925, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12676, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Humphrey Vanquisher of the Valley", "text": "Run down the valley\nRun down faster\nThen chop, chop, chop\n\n*berserk shouting encouraged"} +{"id": "5b90ce34-3fbf-4c22-94fc-a958e2a234fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:46.394", "backgroundColor": "#430b08", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSysZoZB837Z4c11pSsPUiaMQCPQYTooQvrVtevZQqhM8", "txHash": "0x2e4221949d8702004ae03a00ec6dc6163ab3c1a349e037f141be5bdd33ef5494", "createdAtBlock": 14784359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3270, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSVYnngyDKgxN2gM7iyvroMrgTSdGKa5C4MtwXXEtzCkV", "name": "Krull Scorcher of the Valley", "text": "# Fire Fire Fire\n\nI don't born with Rune, but it doesn't mean I can't throw you a fireball.\n\nTraveling across the world, I will read you a lame poet.\n\n> Flame are red,\n>\n> Violets are blue,\n>\n> How do you like it cooked?\n> \n\n*Say Hello To My Little Friend!*"} +{"id": "fb02e49a-224a-4894-8d58-6b4712407eb2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:01.729", "backgroundColor": "#393838", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSttA2xwtB7YZf7Gy4Sd95sphd2ZmnkZ1jMPFZiFrPpcR", "txHash": "0x4b18c407b72d78a4851353951027cdfbac3afb6217974a84bc8c1c7ef8af8bbd", "createdAtBlock": 14789778, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1293, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Uvlius of the Road", "text": "# The Great Shaman Uvlius\n\nHe travels alone on the journey to become the greatest wizard of the Runesverse..."} +{"id": "59970598-a5e7-4f03-bbb7-90fee0b18a38-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:03.465", "backgroundColor": "#210106", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRE54nzXRbk2ggBaioygyeS2n7WyU4H4a21kL5RR6Y36i", "txHash": "0x9ccef01f529a53d5d17f671d06d33865bd1363c6ec736ad3a4e2a8e2cfeee963", "createdAtBlock": 14791198, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4938, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alexa Amputator of the Valley", "text": "# Alexa Amputator of the Valley\n\nThis woman warrior is perfect\n\n\nShes so majestic and shes so strong\n\n\nShe stands with her shoulders held erect\n\n\nShe can't be overlooked for long!"} +{"id": "a885fd7d-b4db-4166-8da8-2b7466e2bc43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:09.832", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU2jE41cQksm84dwajyheqNnwhrhxXN9WS3Dhz5ESqT5F", "txHash": "0xb89d67cada6981380966c9d2d20849c1f6fc05d409cc2bf05da450ad89c8cba8", "createdAtBlock": 14796833, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4438, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPDXFByj9S5VHEDsQ2qido5wtEjCFgJNMkdy1vwgDKbgs", "name": "Mirembe Assaulter of the Alley", "text": "# Mirembe, Assaulter of the Alley\n\nMirembe wasn't always as cunning as she is today. Both Mirembe and her trusted companion Oni grew up on the streets. \n\nThey met when Mirembe was 5. Oni was abandoned in a shopping cart in an Alley.\n\nEver since then they embraced the darkness that surrounded them not for evil, but rather for good."} +{"id": "6ab076d5-68a7-48b7-a6a7-f34eb0a2f669-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:10.639", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdGB9sjAmQ9SryModAGKhZaF5NbHES2WPVpStJirUVVzx", "txHash": "0x415d46b82f5fcb4f512cc22701c5dea4b9deb5a46783f9d7174f166a71cff15f", "createdAtBlock": 14796871, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7815, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRFuGsB9DV4whbhoBczwwkUJBRPH2fmQ6aXpGeYH7ePAn", "name": "Magus Impy of the Crag", "text": "# Magus Impy of the Crag\n\nImpy's childhood wasn't easy. Born from a Kobold dad and a Wild woman mom, Impy always felt different.\n\nImpy's father got captured by the Kobold community as soon as they found out he was the father of an Imp and got punished with death.\n\nImpy and his mom had to run from Kobold's crossroads and hide in Hedge wizard's wood or they will suffer the same destiny as Impy's father.\n\nIn Hedge Wizard wood is where Impy met with a Swamp Witch who taught him the mage skills, which he quickly mastered. Years passed and Impy was stronger and stronger eager for revenge. \n\nOne day, when Impy was heading to see the Swamp Witch in the Frog Master Marsh, he spotted from the distance what happened to be another Imp, but that imp was different, he was a warrior! \n\nThis Imp happened to be Wuzzle, nailer of the Wood. With a similar story to Impy, Wuzzle also had a difficult childhood.\n\nThey quickly connected with each other and they become inseparable. They united forces to defeat those who dare to challenge them in the Runiverse"} +{"id": "e3102804-08f1-4d57-8630-42d9cb3f1eb8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:11.457", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWtHWfsmTFueesMPXneGspyqkdMgafPKbND1u9AZrCiP", "txHash": "0xb140515b8cf84eb229b2ce8dea6709835b0ca6fe9ae6a28d481ae7879b12f4d3", "createdAtBlock": 14798270, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2802, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gorgah of the Arena", "text": "# Lore of Gorgah of the Arena\n\nThose that kneel before the Final Tree \nwhisper their prayers, goodbyes. So faint of heart, \nstand brave before their endings author: me. \nWith skilled detachment, I do play my part \neach time, with strop and whetstone, eye on rope \nand blade. And in the hours before, with broth \nand tender noodles. Some say I bring hope, \nwith crispy pork, spring onions. Table-cloth \nand proper china. Some weep while they eat, \nsome joke a little. Soon the bowl is clean \nwe stand as one, walk out of doors to meet \nthe crowd. They kneel before the guillotine, \nthe head, snicked off, rolls fast into the field \nI lift it high, presented on my shield."} +{"id": "e9f51974-6be8-4647-b33e-805ff207112f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:48:00.8", "backgroundColor": "#f2ecec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUMTetwrLm3N8gafWpTjUEytWGmf3rZk9XRVtUpC2HYvT", "txHash": "0x4b59871721c214c60649db473d35fb174cf827a15e0be63b9e99a3972d020abc", "createdAtBlock": 14789888, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "**A haiku for moving day:**\n\n \n\nArchmagus Iprix \nMoveth to a brand new home \nSee next page for lore"} +{"id": "fe3a33d7-2a6d-4d01-9d16-876f39823d7e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:01.626", "backgroundColor": "#012f16", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1Em28Kfrvc27NGTokSU2NBG4aXw8rPUturPKu5Taoxh", "txHash": "0xeec3dcf0aaf1f2b0e4203fff5c727883357de0c131ec3c50dc04685b08e182c4", "createdAtBlock": 14847251, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4613, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcNyaxxyqHgu2McPKvJuEUM35azSPD4FuTbYaSpvL6NdT", "name": "Vic Shaver of Wizards", "text": "# A day in the life of Vic, Shaver of Wizards\n\n\n\n\n\n## It was a typical morning at Vic's Barber Shop. \n\n\nSweep up yesterday's bits of hair, beard and moustache from the floor. Stack the new pots of Goblin brand hair gel on the shelf too - although we all know that stuff is made from distilled bogies and spit, but it works a treat right?\n\nLift the shutters and pop the advertising board outside. Refresh the chalk on the offer for 50% off Wizard shaves, no Kobolds allowed. \n\nNow Vic can settle down for five minutes with a cup of tea and a rat buttie. Lovely. \n\nAh no, but here's his first customer of the day! Typical. It's that bleedin' witch Tabitha again \"Oi! I told you yesterday, I ain't shaving no witch whiskers got it? This is a proper Wizard's barber, none of your lot!\"\n\nHow rude. Vic's not particularly good with customer service. No wonder his Turtle familiar, Keith, decided to move over the road to ol' Shart's gaff. At least Shart knows how to treat a turtle.\n\nAnyway, back to tea and buttie. Vic likes to maintain that the secret to a rat buttie is searing the outer skin to a nice crispy texture by gobbing on it first, and then spreading the spit all through the rat fur. After that, make sure to only burn it for a couple of minutes to keep the insides nice and moist. Oh, another customer. Oh no. It's a Kobold... \"OUT! You ain't no Wizard in my eyes you 'orrible little git. Wrap yer peepers round my sign - NO KOBOLDS ALLOWED.\""} +{"id": "fe3a33d7-2a6d-4d01-9d16-876f39823d7e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:01.626", "backgroundColor": "#012f16", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU1Em28Kfrvc27NGTokSU2NBG4aXw8rPUturPKu5Taoxh", "txHash": "0xeec3dcf0aaf1f2b0e4203fff5c727883357de0c131ec3c50dc04685b08e182c4", "createdAtBlock": 14847251, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4613, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcNyaxxyqHgu2McPKvJuEUM35azSPD4FuTbYaSpvL6NdT", "name": "Vic Shaver of Wizards", "text": "Ah sod it, thought Vic. Might as well close for a few hours and have a kip."} +{"id": "d828419a-9b5a-4bff-8f77-b603976e943e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:53.864", "backgroundColor": "#84211c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZGQxjgr1tQNYGLnJAx7zN5uEmToqFmgzdzGkpUNDWLww", "txHash": "0xc9de452afc9344d2f7a43f5bf785b240b198aad7f319e4c9c82391c0404067ba", "createdAtBlock": 14790465, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2486, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ernie Savior of the Thorn", "text": "# Ernie Savior of the Thorn\n\n'Erm, g'day.\n\nI'm Ernie Saver, savvy, savior sorry - of teh thorn.\n\nOuch.\n\nUmm.. Not muchinto fighting hey Agred?'\n\n'Argch? What Ern?'\n\n'Me, a fighter, I am not.'\n\n\"Argch! Is true, you'd rather sit and eat your snot!'\n\n'Hey come on bird just you settle down, I'm a dark assasin trained to sneak around in the dark and cut your thro-'\n\n'Bahahaha! Shut up Ernist! Crack me up! Get me a cracker you creepy-crawler nappy kid!'\n\n'Hey come on bird brains, give me a go! Its early days into my career!'\n\n'Bloody lucky you're still 'ere.... (psst) Erns a bit of a numptie between me and you... \n\na pussy-wink baby brawler of the highest degree, don't believe what he tells you about his studies and his physique...\nthe kid has a rune of Uranus! Says it all. (now) shhh.. keep it down he'll hear this one... he naps from 2-4pm-'\n\n'Hey! What are you telling them numb nuts!?!!?'\n\n'Squawk! Roll it up Erns, off to the wall and guard the helm, savior of the thorn you tell 'em! \n\nBahahaahaha!'\n\n\n\n\n\n\n> Here is lore eternal written \n> *by lore writer Millar tenebrae*"} +{"id": "0bb87c42-ee34-4193-a51c-e37e6f171c97-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:15.05", "backgroundColor": "#1a0f06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSM5n6nks3GEsA7zFvfaXaY9jtd5adqkyEJJMXC2m7q11", "txHash": "0xe452b2d591dcf61e6382e956b791be555a67b2be9f069ff8790d952e36218291", "createdAtBlock": 14801004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5128, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wembe Burner of Bandits", "text": "# A Quest for Fire\n\nThe chill air cut through the wild fields like a sharp blade. Darkness itself sought reprieve from the faint glow seen from all corners of the earth. Off in that distance there shined a glow. A warm glowing aura and a rumble that once you looked shined brighter and got louder. The stars there above the Citadel danced to the sounds of music and banter. As was tradition, tonight was the annual celebration for those ancient heroes. Those brave souls who crossed the salt, guided by the magic lighthouse to the edge of the world, once had saved the world from losing magic forever.\n\nOff in the distance, through a open window of the Blue Wizard Bastion, the party glimmered still. The room was illuminated as if by a 3rd moon. An onyx shadow had been scaling the walls and hurled itself through the opening, landing on all fours into the portrait room. The eyes of a panther seemingly floated as it surveyed the room. The beast payed no mind to the paintings of great wizards lining the walls, nor to the plush exotic rug under its sharp paws. This panther had been tracking 3 goblins ever since carnival pass..."} +{"id": "c6c5218c-1545-40c5-a4e3-5e86b973f79e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:15.881", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXxtGiiLTKfTpXNFzQL3YUWQcZpp4xeeZ7zUxoKZKP58X", "txHash": "0xdd2e0c1759ae0eaa931afa54b0ca47c214baae9fd72dc7c4b54c13b8754c7bb0", "createdAtBlock": 14801377, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4912, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Voodoo Priest Auguste of the Citadel", "text": "Auguste sat huddled around around a small fire with a few other orphans of the Secret Tower. The overhang they were camped under did little to protect them from the rain pouring into the the dim, trash-strewn alley. He shivered and tried to think about something other than how cold, hungry, and hopeless he felt.\n\nWith a blank, expressionless face, Auguste watched a rat digging around in a soggy potato chip bag. It finally gave up, and skittered off into the the shadows. That's when he noticed it: a dark mass tucked in the dim corner of the alley. He squinted, studying the shape.\n\nA bolt of lightning suddenly cut through the darkness, revealing a horrifying figure with a grinning skull for a face, eyes fixed on Auguste with a terrifying, oppressive intensity. Auguste opened his mouth in a silent scream, as the world around him began to dim. He remembered standing, then nothing.\n\nAuguste woke with a start, a white cat nuzzling his hand. He was in a small, dusty apartment that looked like it hadn't been used in years. As he stood, he noticed his face was covered what felt like a mask. His fingers nervously explored its hard, bonelike surface. A few painful tugs later, his panic became horror as he realized: the mask was grafted to his face."} +{"id": "9722ee94-0a74-464d-b968-b72cbee94fc1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:16.702", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZgHAnmpN2G6LkYRpqfgZ8jURjmfFCQeuFJ67f6s7M667", "txHash": "0xf8f66721d56d6094ccd3d07b3503661530b165998e145199c148b0c78eb089c8", "createdAtBlock": 14801772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5953, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmewRjNj3FpJS9FBCFBno3QZdMyC4s79wWvQdXo5Vkofcj", "name": "Scraps Wanderer of Titans", "text": "# \"*SCRAPS*\" the Movie"} +{"id": "4a48e587-2e7d-4a39-81f9-45a4acda0eb2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:17.62", "backgroundColor": "#1e0f1b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdFDJ72dTQuYqjbmsHEJ71GXREktP24XLkKn7if6JiGMt", "txHash": "0xbb77027f62ece1dd91c37a746a88ade969afc8b57d72beabfc3fd2277aa3e37a", "createdAtBlock": 14809107, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 70, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archie the Dependable", "text": "Archie the Dependable, with the rune of Uranus suitably stamped on his rear, this brazen pony can certainly not be counted on. Perhaps it is a reference to his steadfast commitment to making his owner's life an endless Abaddon instead."} +{"id": "521ae86e-88b9-4a63-a4ba-3ae008e829d2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:19.352", "backgroundColor": "#4c004c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTqA77LCtN4LGdxPLPoSywjYuWrSpH4Yz8QmWSNZC11YU", "txHash": "0xf657855cfcbdfd272690300c5b69e33bf477a79fd1c6588b609faaf2e470ee90", "createdAtBlock": 14810330, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4818, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zocklan Chainsaw of Domination", "text": "I'm from the Red Crimson universe\n\nThe demon dog (or goat) is faithful to me\n\nWith a chainsaw, I protect myself and my companion from enemies\n\nAnd despite all the battles, my suit is impeccable\n\nThe sun is watching me everywhere\n\nAnd his rays caress me on the bull's helmet (aka PurpleDwarvenHelm)"} +{"id": "33a3c207-5987-4374-a470-b003402683ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:27.675", "backgroundColor": "#751200", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRabj6WwBzTDL737GooCE7EiYcmUzef8UKEEACW2Bh3eX", "txHash": "0x6a08462f3573165ef18433aea3ef2521c6ac8d9a3e63b0c470ded1c49a498534", "createdAtBlock": 14875701, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7359, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Danny of the Belfry", "text": "The journey was tough, and long. His muscles, which were held together almost like tissue paper, could barely stand the trek. He needed to be quick, as he could feel the gate to the 7th realm opening. Unfortunately, the years spent inside the bell tower had taken it's toll - Danny did what he could but as he came to a cliff well above Dream Master Lake, a plummeting feeling of terror rushed over him as his worst nightmare was coming true - @beast3 could be seen far away coming through the gate.\n\nDanny collapsed, his meager arms and legs could do no more. His purpose was shattered; his meaning, lost. \n\nWhile the rest of the beasts and their spawn flooded through the gates, Danny lay motionless on the cliff - his exhausted, frail figure too tired to move, he slept.\n\nDanny had no intention of waking up from this slumber, however a soft mist poured over him and he began to dream. He saw his childhood, and his parents. He remembered the day that they locked him in that tower and gave him his instructions. He was always the weaker wizard - a disappointment in terms of magical power to his legendary family - he had no rune, and very little magical ability. He made better friends with ducks than wizards, and this dream began to give him a different perspective. Perhaps his parents were wrong - perhaps the \"destiny\" he was sold was a farce. He had a vision of their plea to him - they told him the gate could not be opened without his key. Rage began to fill in his heart. He stood up from the spot he had collapsed, and saw a reddish hood with two eyes underneath deep in the woods."} +{"id": "33a3c207-5987-4374-a470-b003402683ab-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:27.675", "backgroundColor": "#751200", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRabj6WwBzTDL737GooCE7EiYcmUzef8UKEEACW2Bh3eX", "txHash": "0x6a08462f3573165ef18433aea3ef2521c6ac8d9a3e63b0c470ded1c49a498534", "createdAtBlock": 14875701, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7359, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Danny of the Belfry", "text": "The hood slowly faded into a new vision - a vision of fire. Of change. He remembered fire from his childhood - it could turn wood to ash, it could soften metals to repurpose them into something more powerful. He turned, not of his own volition, and saw the Infinity Veil. It was not much farther than the Blue Wizard Bastion. \n\nDanny felt an immense sense of power - he finally had a small semblance of control over his future. Where he would end up and who he would become he had no idea, but this was the first decision he had made of his own volition. He was ready to end it all, or to be reborn."} +{"id": "a6216f61-288d-4faf-a140-3d6d48d6c65a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:27.44", "backgroundColor": "#23275d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFLxSYHoqqfEGv7dTL8MZE6zYwkZHT8P6ybH23jRBkjX", "txHash": "0xe8037fca96b0876455260cbbbef965ae8a485ea62fb3c03b40d8cc894aa62021", "createdAtBlock": 14813471, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1085, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sylvester Mincer of the Coliseum", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThere are those who strive towards greatness, chasing the glory and roars of the crowds, without ever feeling the need to wield a weapon.\n\nAt least not a traditional one.\n\nSylvester takes on his Mincer namesake from his liberal use of force to solve problems. Where once there stood an enemy now there is only a face minced by a shield. \n\nTaking this approach towards his profession, Sylvester seeks to climb to the heights of the Coliseum.\n\n\n\n> **Swords and pets are for losers.**\n\n> *- Sylvester Mincer*\n\nNothing else needs to be said about this warrior."} +{"id": "f1d067c9-6280-43e8-9a9f-5fbfb8a5f82b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:29.075", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXGrEDD5pU28wwgtvzB3iHw1YAHUsjnBS8RSgPy8VWdji", "txHash": "0x7bd848fbe62f6f350a68f519d284c7bd0dfd493d1f1ea13f8fa747d1c2b7206d", "createdAtBlock": 14815748, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4406, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Homer Doom of the Apocalypse", "text": "# If you read this, you're next.\n\nI detest all that exists in this world. For the longest time now, all I can ever see is darkness. A world where Veronica doesn't love me is a world in which I would never want to exist at all. That's why I shall bring doom to this insignificant rock. All of the worthless worms crawling about its surface; their egos inflated by their current status as \"apex predator\". I pity them all, but also hate every last one of them. The universe is inhospitable to them for a reason. Life is intrinsically at odds with the laws of the universe, and exists as a pest. The universe actively eradicates any forms of life at any turn. We shouldn't be here, and we shouldn't exist. \n\nIf only Veronica answered my calls, then there would be purpose. But there is none. There never has been. As long as her eyes are on @beast5, her love shall never be mine. He doesn't know she even exists, he would never even open the door for her like I would. If she won't love me, I can't love me. I'm worthless, I'm pathetic, but so is everyone else."} +{"id": "f1d067c9-6280-43e8-9a9f-5fbfb8a5f82b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:29.075", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXGrEDD5pU28wwgtvzB3iHw1YAHUsjnBS8RSgPy8VWdji", "txHash": "0x7bd848fbe62f6f350a68f519d284c7bd0dfd493d1f1ea13f8fa747d1c2b7206d", "createdAtBlock": 14815748, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4406, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Homer Doom of the Apocalypse", "text": "Have you ever looked at how intricate ant colonies are? They act as a collective intelligence. They build complex city structures, they wage war, they colonize one another, they tend to their wounded, they engage in fungal agriculture, and they even domesticate aphids as cattle. Do you not realize how small an ant's brain is in comparison to a human? And yet their behaviors and motivations for living mirror that of humans, which we believe to be more complex. What a joke. It'd be funny if only people accepted themselves for what they are. Ducks? Apes? Whatever they want to call themselves, one thing is clear - they are not any more special or complex in the grand scale of the universe than mere ants.\n\nJust as ants are unaware of how complex the world we live in is, we can't fathom how complex a world above us may be. We are but playthings to some thing beyond our comprehension. I shall kill Gigas Chad. And after him, I shall destroy the god of this world. @wizard8664 is a name I've heard in religious circles recently. If **DOOMING** this world does not bring his attention, then we are truly more pathetic than I could have ever imagined. Imagine being wiped out and your god does not even care enough to address it. No, in fact, I'm certain this will be the case.\n\nI'm going to prove this world is worthless. DOOM will befall all by my hand. \n## I am Homer, I am the DOOM. I am THE APOCALYPSE."} +{"id": "b4f3865c-7c76-42f2-a0a3-7d11e01126f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:30.018", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdyWhYJ9oeWwUTYEJj1Y5mZydLYv5RwwMoYVHPE7TyByz", "txHash": "0x95ad21065f94210853dfea19a988852f453c91572fc688c47202a80c723d75d0", "createdAtBlock": 14820812, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 435, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZYvhMUCPEZ6ABqcqoXrvsa46zovTByNNMnU16wdKtLzU", "name": "Lich Duke Angus of Phantasmagoria", "text": "# Lich Duke Angus of Phantasmagoria"} +{"id": "8fb230aa-858c-44e8-be2d-d76a57a8a641-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:30.811", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeedR1PuiqqBpAxsVXPLiCNdFcRtV5QCNnyEfuCjnFMGm", "txHash": "0x34794c47cf37d8126a8e4825774796c7f56a7fd49ac5e3f677b5042b7cfade26", "createdAtBlock": 14821779, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5038, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Guy Protector of the Jungle", "text": "# Guy Protector of the Jungle\n\nBeware of the jungle\nTo those who enter\nThat is, those who dare\n\nGuy the Protector of the Jungle\n\nBred to hunt... But born to kill...\n\n\nAn assassin given the name The Hunter of Hunters.\n\nThere is no peace unto those who threaten the balance of nature in the jungle. That is until blood has been drawn!\n\nThe one true son of the Goddess Mother Gaia.\n\nThe one true protector or predator\n\nCome enter the jungle...\nIf YOU dare!!! :)"} +{"id": "556c86d6-12ab-4185-aa22-17615039cbf9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:31.544", "backgroundColor": "#080b28", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNdVDATkWX69CznfGPNTqnP1ceX16e5RUnHG11mXyhfNc", "txHash": "0x09cf6fac3c16410539f77a9445ae356194c77b59c36e64a3bce07a44562408be", "createdAtBlock": 14821779, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4764, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeATQ7n6PmUzc22F6fbQML8uAdUAFyyy8JUsYsk4aU6Ae", "name": "Colt Opponent of the Duck Alliance", "text": "# Deep Duck Fantasy\n\nWithout the power of magic, we duck people will still conquer the world.\n\nNot the power of the magic, not the power of the violence, just the pure form of being ducking duck.\n\nI used to be a dungeon master then got converted as a true duck believer. \n\nWalk to the end of the world,\n\nShow people how to fulfill their fantasies, their deep duck fantasies."} +{"id": "d4c97592-4180-4cd2-85d7-ee3d46525075-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T14:36:09.431", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf78DT2C5d4c43UTciuHD2bSKfQxNcdxmSxZzK95uAan8", "txHash": "0x92ebbc40c6619a60526966f306617fc0e3510dfcc1244689635e68085e9e6088", "createdAtBlock": 15289330, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8326, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Mist", "text": "CHAPTER THREE: UNTIL DEATH DO WE PART"} +{"id": "de2ddb60-c5d4-4fca-92e5-dd968890b7f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:33.148", "backgroundColor": "#dec5c4", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUPchBSbV7tadUzZFSsuMMEVY3xmivR4MFZpUBpzQcbnF", "txHash": "0x7b3a03d8efcdacb1c7121691ea740cea68648eeff6fa7f88b8f001aeb544233e", "createdAtBlock": 14822562, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4719, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQiyQfbQoJhCCNtNK6hmjXD22HvGxDdRq3enHWKx5Ecv4", "name": "Durus Razer of the Docks", "text": "# Durus Razer of the Docks\n\nDurus is warrior sailor that came from a faraway land and defends the Runiverse from looting pirates. \n\nMaster of the Docks at Calista's Citadel, everyone in the world recognizes and respects his important in defending the realm.\n\nA Jaguar, brought from the unknown, always accompanies Durus, predating on those that dare to defy his ruling over what enters the land from the sea."} +{"id": "ca471e34-5e6a-435c-81a1-f60f49070f3b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:33.946", "backgroundColor": "#0a0c1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQFDwojrqApLSh8UPrUvgYaWyt8vMTWYqm2GLwfukb24h", "txHash": "0x7df6fdc8ff54d7cf7644711eb87eaa66a3b25e765dcec45cb0464a99eac80b3f", "createdAtBlock": 14824966, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 65, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magnus Impaler of the Valley", "text": "# Magnus Impaler of the Valley - All that is known\n\nThe open Valley is his kingdom. Magnus has never been outside of this location and has mastered the environment over his lifetime. Giga Hornets and other giant insects fear him so much that they have just decided to call him the King (Or Queen Bee) and follow his every move and protect him at any cost. \n\nMagnus has spent time in his craft by creating Stratiotai spears that are poisonous on the end which can be extremely deadly. While Magnus has no family or friends, he is alone in his own world but is happy with what he knows and why he feels traveling to new worlds or environments are not needed. However, with the way the world is slowly evolvinghe may have to venture out of his comfort zone and out of the Valley into new territory to create new friends and find new adventures and quests. There is even something on the horizon of the Valley that he has always wanted to pass"} +{"id": "b8c6d473-4caf-4126-9c4e-e38b6ac41f4b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:36.722", "backgroundColor": "#3b0000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUv2D42DJFkVVDRKJFDpTM26Mp3aHMbTVN7dZi4j1PAre", "txHash": "0xb6868101613963a9fcf80aa28a3474bfb4c01e42f9af94e63585b59ea3801120", "createdAtBlock": 14827694, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2325, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tildor Danger of the Road", "text": "# Tildor Danger of the Road\n\n_The famous white magic gladiator of Eldione_\n\nTildor started practicing white magic when he was 6. He found a book in his deceased father's office and started reading it. He was a natural in white magic, just like his father, but still his first experiment went wrong. He was trying to heal his sick brother Fendor, and he actually saved him from death, but he also turned him into a rattlesnake by mistake. Once his brother is now his companion who never leaves his side.\n\nTildor served the Eldione Kingdom as the King's Guard until he saw how corrupt it got. After that, he deserted his job there and banded with 4 other warriors to start the mercenary group known as \"Finger knights\" where Tildor is the ring finger."} +{"id": "2b134247-5ea6-4e81-96a1-f09d72d1db7a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:43.249", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNTxm98bPY6jwDSSuGHsCn1cn6TsGriqv9U8pwcdbEvF1", "txHash": "0x5331ad5c43529fe410fe73a46b3a111b9c8145ebe25b6b4bbe919666b7d6fb45", "createdAtBlock": 14830012, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVhUCXASTQK68c14fJ17VfUSPaSGHS5DUQP2Dy4VNgeK8", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "# Chaos Mage Miyo Character Sheet\n\n## Data was collected prior to the Great Burning arc"} +{"id": "e58633ab-74ef-4f0b-a3fb-5093e1b67e7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:57.822", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmvMvNWLcTyJP8L37t3dpwk8GtitqybhyubJpkRUixuT", "txHash": "0x3a7989562168d79dc2f1b886928774b6daf44cc01779077210c99511ac6853c7", "createdAtBlock": 14922482, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12866, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Liya Bludgeoner of the Underground", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nLiya had a very difficult and short childhood. She ran away from the orphanage and has lived in the streets and the Underground since. All she remembers of her parents is her father's mean voice calling her sweet mother \"ball and chain\" far too many times and one fateful night that has been too difficult to face in it's totality. \n\nNow, she swings her spiked ball and chain with horrifying speed, accuracy and deadliness dealing justice to those who have escaped it thus far. Her name strikes fear and horror into the minds of the hardest of criminals. It is said if you see her black goat at night, it will be the last thing you see before the spiked ball bludgeons your skull into mush."} +{"id": "425ceefa-f3d8-45d7-af3d-dcc5823304ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:44.902", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXhtnMni6xe2Hj7amjqCx3jv4fKzoFtDh2ueRkJ2xxBmE", "txHash": "0xd4e23c2be0b12ec54151bfc88aa3c98e60155f353067224e7b0760a6d610606c", "createdAtBlock": 14833049, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8062, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Hansel of the Steppe", "text": "# Battle Mage Hansel of the Steppe\n\nHansel is a stoic man of few words. He has been socially awkward for as long as he could remember. Others saw him as being different or strange, thus he had few companions.\n\nHe entered seclusion because he once loved someone he could not have. In the wilderness that offers him comfort, he met an old hermit who discovered Hansel's talent for arcane arts. The nameless hermit taught him the rudiments of magic so that Hansel may protect himself.\n\nCommuning with nature nurtures him, and so in return he uses his gift to protect the environment."} +{"id": "1928582a-4a8b-451d-9a51-a7744b4e7fee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:45.763", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaniBQEEMbC7BKBr7wRriaiow9npzFWYc42CH3jR565GA", "txHash": "0x9fa31bdd589ccea30bc02dc85fc6d3b7e85db3a8c9988f14b17d5d9c2f5f2252", "createdAtBlock": 14834889, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2010, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Goliath Ravager of the Back Alley", "text": "# Goliath Ravager of the Back Alley \n\nBorn taller, stronger and meaner than my peers, I earned the name \"Goliath\" at a young age. \n\nGrowing up on the streets it was a dog eat dog world. Only the strong survived, and I thrived. Hiding in the shadows of the dark back streets with my faithful companion we would strike at anyone that looked like they held a coin or two....\n\n.\n\n*Wait... why are you laughing?*\n\n*Yeah, I ravage anyone that crosses my path and I'm from the streets*\n\n*What's that?*\n\n*\"back alley\" can mean something else?* \n\n*....well what?*\n\n*oh.... OH NO!.... oh no....*"} +{"id": "b9163d7f-82f9-4d67-b05c-82d7a793917e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:46.549", "backgroundColor": "#100f0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf1AUkj743pMEPP1TR4hc3qEbojzbvXaLM8JH4gpixogc", "txHash": "0x1302b68e9df014675c782e0ca21562357fa7f6eb5e3c29a10b6527b7f896af58", "createdAtBlock": 14834920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3551, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdFQgSc5bH4HxfXQ2fG3PyJjh31WqbVqFdzYDLWvjwhy7", "name": "Molly Clubber of Kobolds", "text": "# The Bar\n\nA crowbar, Molly's father used to say, is possibly the most practical thing a warrior can hold. The list of utilities, as he would often ramble through while polishing his own trusty crowbar, were almost endless...\n\nYou can use it to scratch one's back (as well as other inconveniently placed itches);\n\nYou can use it to unlock the vaulted treasures of that wizard you didn't like the look of and borrow some of his gold (though definitely not steal it, that would be wrong);\n\nYou can use it as a makeshift bat in a game of gnomeball;\n\nYou can use it to fish (inelegantly) for wild battle penguins in Kelpie's Bay (but not in the Quantum Shadow, for obvious reasons); \n\nYou can use it to crack open a can of pickled bullfrogs;\n\nYou can sweep the air with it to waft away the noxious fumes of a Nightmare Imp (or perhaps instead from a lactose intolerant northern lynx, as Molly enjoyed the company of); \n\nAnd of course you can use it in hand-to-hand-combat, few wizards or monsters can survive a **bonk** on the head with a good old crowbar."} +{"id": "02eeec14-eaea-43bc-9efd-d5ee4ce78a91-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:47.38", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxF7P6hhQCqNMh56gqNT49hXdHqENuuNAacvZ4uKKvVt", "txHash": "0x39c76105bf4a06933b65e7cd284c23dc64afce292e7133fb319cb3ac85f8d5d0", "createdAtBlock": 14836385, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3862, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cryptomancer David of Xanadu", "text": "# CDX\n\n_Disciple of Hermes Trismegistus_\n\nmy emerald shoes and gloves were earned once the emerald tablets were mastered, and as one of the few direct disciple of Hermes Trismegistus I wish to remind you: \n\n\n> Birth is not the beginning of life - only of an individual awareness. Change into another state is not death - only the ending of this awareness. \n*Hermes 3X*"} +{"id": "e3f4383f-37eb-4165-9b13-b1ab489e1433-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:23:31.15", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXLJqHoTxFE2VK1kZhQXsRFXvnKpGHxRj6wCP8aewaVmG", "txHash": "0x428600f271a509960f6b3636cc714ea35e54f88189b910fa8105519342f04e69", "createdAtBlock": 15323295, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9260, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Nia Guardian of the Wild", "text": "# Nia Guardian of the Wild\n\n_It is the peculiar nature of the forest, that life and death may ever be found within its bounds, in immediate presence of each other; both with ceaseless, noiseless advances, aiming at the mastery; and if the influences of the first be most general, those of the last are the most striking.\n Susan Fenimore Cooper _\n\nIn the depths of the wild, theres still few places that stay unpollute from the corruption of humans. Our kind decided to leave that path centuries ago to get back our natural link to life, the elder ones saw how this new empires would not use the arts and the technology to improve peoples life and to have a better link with this world, in the contrary it would be for the warlords to accumulate power and wealth to submit the land and the living, causing death and corruption to our soul and flesh all around our world. Not all humans chose this path of death, but sadly most civilizations only understand power as a force of destruction, non-recognition and accumulation, and in this terms its impossible to see progress beyond colonization, deforestation, subjugation and death.\n\nIn this dystopian existence that nations have chosen to follow, our people got in the depths of the jungle and blocked the entry to the ones that are dangerous to the life that keeps the balance of this land. Our link to this place and its lifeforms are beyond the comprehension of their civilizations. For you, who have been raised in the hegemony of these nations, you might sound like we are an obsolete tribe that have stopped having relationships with the rest of the world, and in both things you are wrong. Our arts and crafts are made to be optimized with the landscape and the gods in it, our weapons are blessed with justice and the knowledge of the earth. The misery that your people have experienced for your ideas of progress are not a reality for us."} +{"id": "e3f4383f-37eb-4165-9b13-b1ab489e1433-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:23:31.15", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXLJqHoTxFE2VK1kZhQXsRFXvnKpGHxRj6wCP8aewaVmG", "txHash": "0x428600f271a509960f6b3636cc714ea35e54f88189b910fa8105519342f04e69", "createdAtBlock": 15323295, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9260, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Nia Guardian of the Wild", "text": "On the other hand we have never been isolated from the rest of humans, they have been looking for our lands for centuries, but we have learned to defend ourselves and to watch their moves, even get allies from outside our community. \n\nIn that last part is where I got my title we saw the necessity to find allies against our bigger enemies, at the beginning it was complicated, because usually we stayed uncovered when we go to their lands, but we needed to start diplomatic relationships, as a big empire of death was threatening the wild and the neighbor nations to take us all down. The meetings were friendly enough at least to keep our limits and to organize our defense. It ended in a huge success, the invaders werent expecting an organized army of many nations, they thought they would be fighting a bunch of savages and some little kingdoms. Though this time we won, we decided to keep the cooperation between the nations, at the beginning we werent really happy with the idea but the danger was imminent so I argued that if we keep the distances in the things we disagree, we could even push them to have a healthier relationship with the nature and at the same time, have them as a barrier of allies against our enemies. Theres still not many people happy about it; from both sides, but Im here to protect the wild and our people and for now thats the best way we have."} +{"id": "683fc38d-4d06-43f0-8009-3210e04d1f0d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:49.903", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSB89MUxupxGQkn2easSV7ADkKbzFsNohoiYg3dERy3Kq", "txHash": "0x2ec17f3d01a093fa494439dba6c2a3bd73effc23562d6e01596af1d5a10de758", "createdAtBlock": 14837832, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5115, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aida Shatterer of the Mud", "text": "# AIDA THE SHATTERING SHELLSTRESS\n\nTrained within the mists of the Doldrum Bogs\n\nThe scent of mud.\nThe art of stillness. \n\nThe slow moving approach of a silhouette of their horns and brutal kanabo. \n\nCovered in such reptilian spines rivaled only by their deadly associate Tokka, a hulking patient beast that will remove your foot if you stand too close.\n\nAida will drink mud with mead and feast upon the flesh of the beasts in their path."} +{"id": "252f0c3a-25db-4faa-8c07-e32a25c556be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:51.562", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaM82FdzChwC6ZcV78oWyonRmJjDwLBx6XYMDqErGC6Fa", "txHash": "0xabc4da4208eb81752d9de4637446f99a154b5b66b14910df7e09a83a37fcf633", "createdAtBlock": 14839684, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6005, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Edmund Eidolon of the Desert", "text": "How am I supposed to see in battle with this helmet on?"} +{"id": "c3e4c85b-40df-4b21-9d85-6739df40fe32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:52.41", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmct1tdnwNKKupLuyay7Be5W8mApsoe2raxv3k47VTR582", "txHash": "0x0af4918bcfdd9fca09d948c373224803e3f2c5db487eb7288d767bb6313d6691", "createdAtBlock": 14839690, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4324, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ryker Liquidator of the West", "text": "Most use a wrench to fix. I use a wrench to break."} +{"id": "be88b38a-5211-4bca-8df7-c7c54ace92db-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:53.294", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcJszD7u5KHamb9d6YsPTaPSJJbXCBoXjmbgfKRakJ8KW", "txHash": "0x04b066f949d6924c30696e34cd0a467ddbd213d080bf1fb13cf973cc7d78e49f", "createdAtBlock": 14839693, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1817, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Manuel Carver of the Street", "text": "My wife hates this outfit."} +{"id": "048371e6-9d17-49b9-80e1-9ba7b9e1404b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:54.098", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeyHmvP3erswwZEqth4RqAUUysQsoSz7oBtxFofkRfEWe", "txHash": "0x3ec8c67178116ae5f2e8a46e1a5dd5edad1142e78a0983d5c876b6a4eeaca027", "createdAtBlock": 14839698, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5037, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arnie Exterminator of Imps", "text": "Come with me if you want to live, wizard."} +{"id": "0b847520-299c-485b-990c-49050c2d4b47-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:54.928", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVAYkccoHNRCW5KWWt8XEnVy5JgUMVQsRMTsaiLL8o7A2", "txHash": "0x6ef68bdb9bb01d57e4a51f92ab61fc6d21d487dc7d58df2c61812352f9293dd2", "createdAtBlock": 14839721, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 35, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": null, "text": "Don't want to pull anything before beating up some wizards and warriors."} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe party had been scouting for days. It wasnt unusual for watches to make rounds, but it wasnt typical for the Archmagus to join. Iprix, however, was a welcome addition. His cheery attitude and attempts at humor encouraged most of the group, if not everyone found him equally amusing. Ulroth, a warrior encamped nearby, seemed to find Iprixs optimism faint shades of annoying. Accustomed to a quiet life where he could brood in silence, the Archmagus nonchalance grated on his nerves.\n\nAs they approached the mountains, Scryer addressed the group.\n\nThis is where he was rumored last seen. Everyone keep an eye out.\n\nUlroth scanned the dark foothills, mist winding slowly in and out of the shadows.\n\nIf we do find him, well need the chalice right away.\n\nHe glanced pointedly at Iprix. \n\nYes, yes, Im ready.\n\nUlroth stared back at the mountains, and turned to Iprix.\n\nYes, in case you havent forgotten where you put it.\n\nForget? I..I.. he sputtered. \n\nI wouldnt forget that...Its what I do! Iprixs voice grazed indignantly higher at the end of his protest.\n\nAs Ulroth turned away, a look of concern flitted across Iprixs face as his hand shot to the top of his pocket, wreathing his face in a smile just in time for Ulroth to return his gaze to the Archmagus.\n\nThat man is too friendly, he thought to himself as he stepped towards the misty shadows.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe group trudged back towards the citadel. The journey had proved fruitless, though Iprix was in his usual high spirits. Whatever troubled him, he didnt see the need to bother others with it."} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "The boy from the village came astride him as he walked, having tagged along as usual.\n\nWhats the chalice do?\n\nIprix, always one for conversation, perked up at the notion of a teaching moment.\n\nOh! Well it\n\nHe glanced around.\n\nNo use being too subtle, I doubt theres anyone around for miles.\n\nHe trudged on, leaning in slightly as if sharing privileged information.\n\nIt makes you immortal.\n\nWhat??\n\nVoices down, please...but yes, and we need it because if we find him, we need to make sure he lasts long enough, or - thats rather impolite...I mean that he lives, so that he can share with us some, uh, pertinent information. Rumors that they captured him, you see, would mean he will be traveling hurt and we werent sure what kind of condition we would find him in.\n\nSo you can just make people immortal? \n\nWell, not everyone. Not humans, specifically. And not that its a tool to be used lightly, mind you. But when the future is at stake\n\nIt doesnt work on humans?\n\nIprix sighed and looked at the boy.\n\nI just said that. \n\nHe turned back.\n\nBut no. Its been tried and to rather unfortunate ends Im afraid...it seems it would have the opposite on humans. Everyone who has tried it, well...lets just say it didnt uh, go as one might have hoped.\n\nThe boy looked forward solemnly.\n\nI wish it worked on humans.\n\nIprix patted his shoulder.\n\nMe too, my boy, sometimes...me too.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Me too, my boy, sometimes...me too.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe wind swept through Iprixs tower. Papers fluttered about as Leo flew agitatedly about, cawing in distress. The darkness was unsettling Iprixs tower normally glowed with cheerful light. The air was cold and the door, squeaking open and shut with the gusts imbued the already ominous emptiness with an eerie soundtrack. \n\nAgnor burst in. Magus Crowley, Wizard Brown and Ather Stulle hastened in behind him, taking in the state of the tower in horror. They couldnt have taken an archmagus lightly. Footsteps pounded maddeningly up the long staircase as the boy, breathless, entered the room.\n\nWhere is he??\n\nAgnor scoured the empty room, looking for any careless mistakes as clues.\n\nWe dont know that, or we wouldnt be here! \n\nAgnors distressed pacing caused the floorboards to complain loudly.\n\nMagus Crowley, take Wizard Brown and see to your crystals if they can tell us anything, we need to know now. Ather, gather a party, light and fast, to travel right away. And tell them they need to have the stomach for it.\n\nThe wizards swept out of the tower at once, leaving Agnor and the boy to search the empty dark.\n\nI want to come!\n\nNo.\n\nThe boys countenance crated with worry and the feeling of helplessness.\n\nAt least hes immortal\n\nAgnor continued pacing the floor, looking for anything left behind.\n\nThey wont mean to kill him. \n\nHe stood up.\n\nIt might be the one case in which being immortal is actually a disadvantage.\n\nHe strode past the boy and out the door.\n\nDont linger here. \n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Dont linger here. \n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe dark stank of despair. It wasnt a place for humans, wizards, of any of the like. It was a place meant to drown out hope, and draw out truth from those who sought to hide it. Too many had been taken, and too many lost already to a power that knew no bounds on its greed.\n\nThe water from the top of the corridor plunked onto Agnors head. Chiyo tread cautiously around the puddles, signaling to Ather to avoid their splashing that could give them away. They had already disposed of three guards, but how much further they were to go was unknown. Metal clanked as chains rustled. Chiyo signaled ahead as voices grew in the darkness ahead.\n\nHes holding fast, who wouldve thought. \n\nThe second guard laughed.\n\nNot for long. Hes too weak. Tougher than he looks, scrawny scribe, Ill give him that but no one ever lasts - one way or another anyway.\n\nHe spit on the ground. \n\nLets go. \n\nAs their voices receded, Agnor signaled forward. The threesome moved stealthily around the corner, searching each cell for signs of Iprix. Ather motioned to them.\n\nAgnor nodded to Chiyo as she took her tools to pick the lock. A second later, the door swung open and Iprix, held fast by his wrists by a rope to the ceiling, swayed slightly with the breeze from the opening above. Blood traced down his face and his arms. \n\nAgnor took the cleric in his arms, releasing the tension as Ather cut the rope. As he crumpled towards the earth, his neck remained stiff and his eyes some kind of pitch black. Chiyo looked at him.\n\nWhats wrong with him?"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Whats wrong with him?\n\nAgnor picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder. \n\nHes channeling. The one way he can leave his body. \n\nHe looked around.\n\nLets move.\n\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe fight to get out of the caverns hadnt been pretty. Escape near at hand, the otherwise utterly un-useful but always conveniently placed nuisance of a guard had spotted them by the Hinge. Calling all on duty mages to impede their captives release, more than one once-great wizard had fallen and the group had sustained injuries of their own. \n\nThe campfire crackled as the group rested around it in the night. The form of Iprix lay on the other side of the fire, still frozen and unresponsive. The group was subdued. \n\nChiyo: Do you think hell come out of it?\n\nAgnor stoked the fire. \n\nYes, though when is anyones guess.\n\nAther whipped out his wand, dagger at the ready as he jumped up at the sound of approaching hooves.\n\nEkmiras steed came into view.\n\nAther sheathed his dagger and stepped down from the rock.\n\nAs Ekmira dismounted, she rushed to Iprixs side.\n\nHow long has he been like this?\n\nAgnor replied.\n\nToo long.\n\nEkmira looked down at Iprixs pale face, his eyes black and blank. She touched his face.\n\nIprix"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Iprix\n\nIprix didnt respond. Ekmira turned to the group, and gazed around their surroundings. At once, Iprixs hand caught Ekmiras arm, clutching her wrist in a vice-like grip. With a start, she gazed back at his face. Still empty, the blackness in his eyes began to move. The arm he held fast jerked Ekmira closer as he shuddered. Slowly, his eyes began to clear. The blackness dissipated and Iprixs green eyes shown through. His grip released as he relaxed down to the ground.\n\nEkmira\n\nHe turned his head on the ground. Around the fire he could make out figures.\n\nAgnor...Chiyo. Ather.\n\nHe touched his head.\n\nI thought I had a bad dream\n\nEkmira helped him sit up.\n\nLet me take you home. I have my horse.\n\nIprix stuttered.\n\nTheyre looking...Were not the only ones. Hes gone beyond my reach now but even if he hadnt.they didnt learn it from me but they will track him. They will find his last location.\n\nAgnor stood. \n\nYou have to be careful. We dont think we were followed but they wont be happy to have lost him. \n\nEkmira turned to Agnor as she helped steady Iprix.\n\nI can handle them. And well ride fast. \n\nAgnor nodded. \n\nWell follow you in the morning. \n\nAs Ekmira mounted her ever-so-slightly glowing steed, Agnor lifted Iprix onto Percival's wide back.\n\nAs the wind began to rustle, Ekmira motioned Percival forward with words of a forgotten tongue. The glow beneath his feet began to intensify as his hooves restlessly beat the ground. In an instant, they were gone.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe joy of the day set sparks in the air. As bells chimed, the village had turned out for the wedding. Streamers fluttered gaily in the spring breeze as pints of ale were merrily passed about and dancing ensued in the square. Iprix watched the proceedings, beaming as Ekmira sat next to him, a pint bubbling happily in front of her as Chiyo made her way through the crowd.\n\nNot my scene, but I couldnt miss it. \n\nIprix squirmed with joy.\n\nI love events like this...everyone smiling, everyone happy...\n\nThe three watched the dancers, turning this way and that. A child, racing haphazardly through the throng, tripped in fantastic style, sending his drink soaring and crash landing like a baby bird learning to fly. Agnor swept him up. \n\nHo, ho! Cant have that, can we? You ride up there, enjoy the view.\n\nAs the giant warrior sauntered off, Claeron thrilled to be seated upon the tallest mans shoulders, the bride and groom joined to greet the group. \n\nIprix: Tired of dancing?\n\nGroom: No, never! Not with this one anyway\n\nHe threw his arm around his bride.\n\nIprix: You make a wonderful pair. \n\nThe couple sat down, the bartender conjuring drinks with gleefully dancing garnishes.\n\nIprix smiled. \n\nWhat a journey. Look at you, my boy! A savior of the crops one year, and turning into a rather fearsome fighter as well, or so I hear from Agnor.\n\nHe lifted his glass and glanced at Ekmira.\n\nAnd today our hero has found his heroine. And whats a hero without his heroine, eh?\n\nEkmira smiled and raised a brow.\n\nIs that what we are?"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Ekmira smiled and raised a brow.\n\nIs that what we are?\n\nWell, I..I mean..\n\nHe glanced around the table.\n\nWell youre a heroine and Im, well, Im a small hero...occasionally.. \n\nEkmira smiled and kissed his cheek.\n\nYoure my hero, always.\n\nIprix blushed dark red, his moustache tips practically changing color.\n\nThe young mans laugh rang out across the table.\n\nDont be shy, Iprix. You taught me everything I know.\n\nIprixs mind cleared at the chance for a verbal joust.\n\nWhat did I teach you?\n\nYoure right, not much. Just all the sciences necessary for the crops, and astronomy, and anything else I wasnt being too annoying to learn. And as for Agnor, who knows but Im enjoying my studies.\n\nIprix beamed proudly.\n\nYouve done well here. \n\nThe young woman smiled knowingly as she watched the pair. The man finished his drink and set the glass strongly on the table.\n\nWell..we should be off back to the dance floor I think.\n\nShe met his glance. \n\nIndeed.\n\nAs the pair receded, Iprix watched them go. Once in a while, his faith in humanity paid off. Exchanging a happy smile with Ekmira, he set a hand on her knee as together they watched the happy crowd, the sun shining down warmly on a joyful day.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe battle had reached the outskirts of the citadel. Smoke from enemy campfires had engulfed the city, and those most vulnerable had left to the outlands. Fighters from surrounding areas had convened in the capital, determined to hold the city against the forces from Alroth. They were a small bunch, but nasty, capable of inflicting damage beyond what would seem their means to do so, and persistent past what they should have been capable. \n\nRumors swirled that the Alroth had been imbued with dark magic. Maybe it was true, though it didnt much matter. The only pertinent point was to defend the city, the orb contained within its walls, and the old magic hidden away in the swathes of scrolls in the tower. \n\nThe citadel led the charge against the Alroth for the second day. The young man from the village had joined Iprix couldnt discourage it, and he had insisted to volunteer. Indeed, his presence brought others, his half-human half-wizard genesis encouraging those from both sides to do the same. Lost in the crowd, the citadels troops swathed the interior of the capital.\n\nAgnor and Scryer led the front contingents, wizards generating shields from strategic angles above the frey. Ekmira sat astride Percival, with her longbow and her wand, as Iprix stood on the opposite cliff, eyes obsidian and hands out as he maneuvered an army of shadow to the front of the line. The creatures that dared enter fell violently, returning to their ranks to attack their own kind as if possessed. For the first time, the Alroth paused."} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Commanders walked the ranks, barking to their soldiers to advance. As their impatience grew and the foul creatures began to fear their commanders more than the shadow before them, they pushed forward. The volume of the attack began to shake the defenses. Iprixs hands shook as Leo soared above the battlefield. \n\nThe defenses began to break. Blood and sweat began to bead on Iprixs forehead as the strength of the magic running through him intensified.\n\nAn Alroth broke through the shadow. With a screech, it was stopped in its tracks by Ekmiras longbow. But the defense was weakening. Warriors and wizards alike murmured and shuffled as they prepared for a full-fledged attack. \n\nWith a flash, a white light met the shadow at the forefront. A burst of electricity caught both sides astride, tossing those nearby away as if they were drops in a giant sea. As both waves trailed away, creatures began to pour through the darkness. With a roar from the citadel, fighters pushed forward as the battle clashed.\n\nOn the cliff, Leo landed with a screech, talons bearing into the dirt as Magus Elderon ran towards Iprix. Glitching in and out of life, he sat up from where he had crumpled into the ground. \n\nLeo, go! See to the ground. \n\nAs Leo returned to the air, Iprix stood to channel once more.\n\nMagus Edleron: You cant! Iprix, theyve already broken through. The fight is on the ground now. But the shield considerably weakened their forces.\n\nIprix stared at the battle below. \n\nTo the tower go! \n\nYou cant be serious. \n\nElderon, Im never serious. But I need you to tell me one thing do I look serious today?\n\nWe cant use the orb!\n\nAnd what if we have to?"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "We cant use the orb!\n\nAnd what if we have to?\n\nAs Elderon and Iprix reached the entrance of the tower, a horn below sounded. It was too quick, yet a raging cheer lent up from the citadel as Leo crowed above. The two wizards climbed the stairs of the tower to see enemy forces receding. A black mist crawled in their wake, ebbing as the Alroth dissipated. Familiars, wizards, warriors and humans pushed forward in pursuit.\n\nA solider entered the tower. Breathless, he fell to one knee.\n\nIprix, you should come now.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n\nIprixs robes tore as he raced across the battlefield.\n\nNo! No!\n\nHis face flickering from exhaustion, he collapsed at the young mans side. \n\nRidon. Ridon can you hear me? My boy, wake up.\n\nThe young man managed to lift his head.\n\nIprix..\n\nHe smiled.\n\nIprix I\n\nHe took a labored breath.\n\nI never thanked you.\n\nIprix fumbled in his robes, knowing full well that even if the situation were grave enough to use the goblet, that the young mans human side would render it ineffective.\n\nDont talk, just rest. Dont talk...\n\nYou wouldnt leave me behind. You never left me behind. \n\nIprix glanced up across the battlefield, smoke rising across the citadels floor.\n\nHe looked back at the young man, whose face has stilled into a calm expression.\n\nRidon! Ridon! \n\nIprix shook him.\n\nNo!\n\nHe leaned forward, his head bowed on the young mans chest.\n\nNo! No!"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-11", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "He leaned forward, his head bowed on the young mans chest.\n\nNo! No!\n\nEkmira appeared on the battlefield. Running pell-mell across the burned earth, she knelt next to him on the ground as his tears plunked softly on the silver plate of armour. \n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe mood in the town was somber. A victory had been won, though the ultimate outcome remained unknown. Perhaps as it always was. Peace came, and peace went, as it had as long as humans and human-like had roamed the runiverse. The world was always a dark place - which made the bright parts within it all the more valuable.\n\nAgnor had come to call. Much unlike his first visit, Agnor was now a staple in the tower the bench slightly bowed from his weight, he took up his usual spot. Iprix perked at the sight of a visitor.\n\nAgnor! Please, come in.\n\nLeo squawked as he clunked an empty flagon down next to Agnor. With a wave of his wand, Iprix filled it with ale. \n\nLeo intends to be a bartender. \n\nHe looked up at Agnor, his smile fading softly as he took in his friends countenance. \n\nHe sat down next to him. Realizing he wasnt tall enough to look the man in the eye from the same vantage point, he reevaluated and pulled up a chair. He waited for Agnor to speak.\n\nHe was a good student.\n\nIprix understood.\n\nHe became more than we even could have hoped.\n\nAgnor studied him.\n\nYou seem to be doing well.\n\nIprix drew a breath, holding it for a moment before releasing it. He leaned in, echoing the emotions etched in Agnors face."} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-12", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Through parallel runiverses, other timelines and other worlds, energy is never destroyed. It changes, and it changes many times over, but it is never destroyed.\n\nHe leaned back and looked down.\n\nI wish hed had more time here. But it wasnt my destiny to choose. It was his.\n\nHe looked pointedly at Agnor.\n\nAnd it was certainly not yours.\n\nHe paused, staring at the floor.\n\nI shall miss him. He was a great joy, and joy is never lost. \n\nHe leaned forward, putting a hand on Agnors giant shoulder and looking him in the eye, at once both sad and mysterious.\n\nDont let the limitations of your mind make you dark. After dying more times than I can remember, the one thing I know for sure, is that you never know. \n\nHe stood, starting back to his desks.\n\nMaybe that old fart - er, Archmagus - will come to take his job back.\n\nHe smiled.\n\nMaybe Ill retire.\n\nAgnor finished his ale and stood. He didnt always understand what the funny little wizard was saying, but somehow it seemed like a comfort. Iprix approached him, looking up from the floor.\n\nYou cant live for centuries in this world without grief. But there are great joys in this world and theyre worth holding on to. Like I said -\n\nHe waved a hand in the air.\n\n- you really never know.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n\nSpring passed. Winter came. Summer, and fall, and again. Iprix shuffled about his tower, organizing what seemed to be an endless stack of scrolls. A young wizard popped his head up from beneath a pile of papers.\n\nBoo!\n\nAh! Ahh...yooo tiny one. \n\nHe shook a finger at the imp.\n\nHow many times have I told you??"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-13", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "He shook a finger at the imp.\n\nHow many times have I told you??\n\nThe imp giggled and started off for the bookshelf. \n\nThe rustling of papers continued as a veritable army of young wizards (and some humans) bustled around the tower. Some, under Iprixs tutelage, had even learned how to use a few of the spells the scrolls contained, though occasionally the students were over-eager. A scroll caught fire at the end of the desk.\n\nYaa Grossus! Dont practice that one near the paper! \n\nA young witch near the door was levitating a vibrant yellow bloom, its petals glowing with solar energy.\n\nI say! Very well done Rita. Indeed!\n\nHe turned his attention to the door as Ekmira entered. \n\nAhh, class dismissed everyone! Yes, yes, there we go, time to go!\n\nHe made a sweeping gesture towards the door. \n\nSee you tomorrow!\n\nHe yelled down the stairs.\n\nAnd Alden, bring your lunch! If you eat my table again Ill have your buffalo eat you!\n\nHe sighed, smiling as he closed the door.\n\nWell, hello.\n\nHello.\n\nShe smiled at her wizard.\n\nHave your hands full, it seems.\n\nHa! Indeed. Its been enjoyable, but I wont deny Ill be happy when the Headmaster is back.\n\nShe smiled.\n\nAnd you get your tower back?\n\nHe glanced her way with a half-sheepish shrug.\n\nWell.\n\nEkmira watched him fondly as he made his way to her at the window. \n\nIt seems it does you good.\n\nIt does.\n\nHe smiled at her, then looked out the window again.\n\nIt really does. I like being alone up here, but theres something about helping.. Its a nice reminder, that theres something to hope for"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-14", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "He trailed off. He turned to face Ekmira, taking her face in both hands. A tear slipped down his cheek into his coiffed mustache. \n\nMy love\n\nShe reached up to brush it away.\n\nIm not sad.\n\nHe studied her face, taking in every detail.\n\nIm happy.\n\nShe met his eyes with a sympathetic smile. It was for him as he always said, that it was the dark that made the lights shine brightest. She put her hand atop his.\n\nLets go home.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n\n\nThe fire crackled in the hearth in front of the sofa. Iprix and Ekmira sat together, feet up, at opposite ends, legs covered by a blanket in the middle. Teacups steamed merrily in their saucers next to each, Leo asleep on a shelf and Mathilda, Ekmiras familiar, curled by the fire. Iprix read from a scroll an entertaining if not somewhat unfortunate tale written long ago by an old archmagus who most likely never imaged anyone else reading his writing as Ekmira almost spit out her tea giggling at the antics contained. Iprix pointed at her.\n\nSee? This is why I dont keep dairies. \n\nHis mustache quivered as he could barely contain his glee. He sighed and put the scroll down.\n\nPoor Holnor. Well let him alone for tonight. Hee hee\n\nEkmira put down her tea and rearranged the blanket. Resting her head on his chest, he tipped his head to hers as the pair sat content in the quiet, the fire glowing low in the quiet hours of the night.\n\n\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n[years later]\n\nIprix and Ekmira hummed about, pulling out plates and trays.\n\nHow was your day?"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-15", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "How was your day?\n\nFine. The fae are being rather unruly again.\n\nUnruly?\n\nWell, overexhuberant. Theyve chosen to celebrate spring by gathering all the flowers from the fields and floating them down the river, but theyve blocked the river at the neck and now its creating rather a lake. \n\nIprix giggled.\n\nAh, the faealways good hearted though, arent they?\n\nAlways. Im afraid its left me some management to do she gestured in the air with quotes forest management. \n\nAhh a clever one! Haha that is what they call it in the modern world.I went there once, so different.\n\nSo different. \n\nShe continued.\n\nIve hear theyve been at it again in the village. You know, the talkers.\n\nWhats it this time?\n\nAbout how shes adopted. The usual.\n\nIprix didnt lose a beat.\n\nShould we kill them?\n\nEkmira raised her brows conspiratorially as she passed him with a tray.\n\nHow would we do it?\n\nIprix faked as if lost in thought, followed by a quick shrug of dismissal as he made his way to the table.\n\nWhat were we supposed to do?\n\nLeave her for dragon food, I guess.\n\nIll tell you what, most people should be dragon food.\n\nAlthea popped up, startling Iprix almost off of his chair.\n\nWhos dragon food? \n\nYou would be, if you were bigger. \n\nHe swept her up and set her at the table.\n\nBut for now, you can eat with us.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-16", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "But for now, you can eat with us.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n\nAnother day, another visitor. People were always coming to the tower for random questions, inquiries about missing people, and for insights or resources the tower was one of the oldest and most comprehensive troves of old magic and writings in the region. Iprixs visitor today was a bit of a skeptic, generally distrustful with a side of always mildly nervous. He watched Iprix hum around the tower as he stood awkwardly in the entryway, hat in his hands.\n\n\nHow are you...how are you so happy?\n\nMe, happy? I'm not happy.\n\nHis eyes blackened and his voice deepened.\n\nIM EVIL\n\nAs his guest gasped, Iprix giggled and glanced at Leo, who flapped off from his perch.\n\nIt never stops being funny.\n\nHe looked back.\n\nSorry. Please, sit. \n\nThe man gestured towards the crow with his hat.\n\nWhats he doing?\n\nLeo? Oh, ah, babysitting.\n\nThe man looked increasingly shaken as he watched the bird push blocks towards Althea with his sharp, curved talons as she constructed an intricate tower.\n\nIprix looked back, hands on his hips as the mans eyes grew wider by the minute.\n\nTea?\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nEkmira poked her head into the room.\n\nIprix?\n\nYes?\n\nYou should probably come in here.\n\nAs he entered the room he saw Althea seated on the floor, eyes pitch black. \n\nAhh! Wandering wizards, that is scary.\n\nHe waved a hand in front of her face.\n\nAlthea? ..Althea?\n\nHe looked at Ekmira.\n\nWhat do we do?\n\nShe looked at him, amused and dubious."} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-17", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "What do we do?\n\nShe looked at him, amused and dubious.\n\nMe? I dont dabble in black magic. She was piggybacking off my magic earlier, saw her creating flowers in the air. This looks like your department.\n\nIprix looked back at Althea.\n\nHaha right. ...Ok, so.right.\n\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nDinners werent always had together, but the mundane nature of a quiet evening was rather enjoyable. \nThe usual vibe permeated.\n\nIprix watched Althea pushing food around her plate.\n\nYou know thats not the way to make them disappear.\n\nIprix (eyes black): EAT YOUR PEAS\n\nAlthea giggled.\n\nAlthea: (eyes black) I WILL NOT EAT PEAS\n\nIprix: Stop that. That's black magic. I would never do that.\n\nHe pointed at Althea.\n\nIsnt she adopted?\n\nEkmira shrugged. \n\nCouldnt tell it from here.\n\nIprix raised his eyebrows, returning to his plate.\n\nIll say.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\nThe tower was nearly empty save for two young students and Althea. The jovial nature in the air was gone, and it was clear whatever had made the two others think they were very clever had had the opposite effect on Althea. Iprix swept in, small sparks popping under the clever ones as they yelped and lept up.\n\n[Zap! Zap!]\n\nOh, my! What? Whats happening? \n\nHe feigned confusion as the two lept about.\n\nThere seem to be some kind of very tiny explosions.my, you two had better go!"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-18", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "There seem to be some kind of very tiny explosions.my, you two had better go!\n\nAs they ran from the room, he knelt next to Althea. She struggled to hold in tears through her anger. He picked her up and put her on his desk, Leo landing with a hop next to her. As he swept about the room, she broke down, frustrated.\n\nIll never be like them.\n\nIprix returned at once to the desk, a scroll in one hand and one under her chin, looking her in the face.\n\nAnd thank the Quantum Downs for that.\n\nHe brushed off again, watching her from the corner of his eye as she fumbled with her emotions.\n\nIm different. I just..am. My skin is green and my ears are big and\n\nAnd?\n\n...and I dont look like you or mom.\n\nSo?\n\nSo Im different.\n\nIprix stood in front of her once more. Growing up was never easy in any century. He helped her from the desk and sat her in a chair, taking the one across from her and tucking a tendril of her hair behind her ear.\n\nWe are all different, just as much as we are all the same.\n\nDid you read that in one of your scrolls?\n\nHe stared at her blankly, faking indignation.\n\nNo - \n\nHe tilted his head to the side, mumbling.\n\nI made it up.\n\nShe laughed.\n\nIprix: What are they?\n\nTheyre nimbly humble dumple puffs.\n\nDo we care what nimbly humbly dumple puffs think?\n\nNo!\n\nAnd are you going to let nimbly humble dumple puffs decide who you want to be?\n\nNever!\n\nWell said. \n\nHe helped her up. \n\nLeo, ice cream! Or...whatever these tiny people eat."} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-19", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "He helped her up. \n\nLeo, ice cream! Or...whatever these tiny people eat.\n\nHe started for the door. Leo cocked his ebony head at Iprix incredulously.\n\nIprix paused, waving agitatedly. \n\nAll right, ice cream and, uh ...a mouse. \n\nLeo took to the air as the tower door creaked shut.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n\nEkmira was away again, her work calling her often to various parts of the realm. Althea, an emissary to the Rhine, was preparing to leave with her convoy.\n\nA young wizard on a horse rode up. As Iprix looked as if he were about to speak, he took the opportunity to reassure him.\n\nDont worry, Mr. X. Ill look after her on the journey.\n\nIprix looked surprised.\n\nOh! Oh, good, great - perfect. All set then.\n\nHe gave him a giant, encouraging smile.\n\nAs the wizard rode off, he turned away, chuckling to himself.\n\nAhhaha...Its not her Im worried about.\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n\nGomorrah stood below the tower. \n\nMany seasons, and sets of seasons, had passed since he had crossed paths with Iprix. The wind whipped across the highland, sweeping his hair up around his glowing eyes as he looked above.\n\nIprix watched the lone figure. Even from the vantage point of his tower, he knew the goats arrival was not a tiding of good news. Leo flapped his wings on the ledge, an agitated caw ringing out. Iprix looked at his familiar.\n\nWell. Lets bring our guest up, shall we?\n\n- - -"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-20", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Well. Lets bring our guest up, shall we?\n\n- - -\n\nAs Gomorrah entered the tower, the slight smell of smoke followed him. He took in the homey tower, papers strewn about, scrolls lining the walls, a bowed wooden bench and a set of desks, surrounding a dainty tea set organized neatly, as if opposed to the chaos around it. Leo flapped on his perch, his eyes glowing faintly red as the Evil One stood in the entry. Iprix sat at his desk as Agnor stood by the wall.\n\nTell me what it is.\n\nGomorrah stood in his place, taking stock of the small cleric. \n\nWe beat them back beyond the Pale. They were trapped there for many years.\n\nYes.\n\nThe spell will no longer hold. We can reinforce it, but it will break. Theyve been chipping away at it with tools from an ally in the north who thinks they may find them useful.\n\nIprix waited for Gomorrah to speak further but there was nothing.\n\nSo its battle once again.\n\nHe rose, staring at the floorboards for a long moment. Finally, he raised his head, eyes clear.\n\nOkay.\n\nThe goat never ceased to be surprised at the clerics resilience.\n\nYou must be tired of war.\n\nThe cleric looked at him with a wry smile. \n\nMy friend, the only one whos not tired of war is you. \n\nAgnor spoke for the first time. \n\nWill it ever end?\n\nIprix looked at him sincerely. \n\nThere will always be darkness. \n\nHe started back to his desk.\n\nThe thing to remember is, that its in darkness that the light shines the most. \n\nHe winked and raised his goblet.\n\nAnd who knows, maybe this timell do it, eh? \n\n\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-21", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\n\n\n\nCharacter notes: Prim but classy, dapper and gentlemanly, Iprix is actually very handsome, though you never usually notice it because hes so awkward and nerdy. Happy in his tower, with his scrolls and learning, hes an intellectual whos actually rather uncomfortable around people, and terrible at small talk though he makes every effort no matter how awkward. Similarly with children, he doesnt really know what to do with them unless its a teaching moment, in which case he lights up. Iprix is many things, but at the heart of his character are two: 1) He has a huge heart, and 2) He believes kindness is the only way forward in the world.\n\nEkmira: Iprix was utterly content alone in his tower for centuries, hanging out with his familiar and poring through scrolls and tomes. He never even thought about needing anything else, even through heartbreak he would retreat to his tower where the knowledge contained with help him heal and recover his safe space. When Ekmira walks in, its the first time ever that his world is completely bowled over. The first time he feels a connection to something outside of his books, the first connection of such a deep kind with another human being. Shes the only person that hes ever completely comfortable with, where he can be himself and feels at home, where he doesnt have to be a teacher, or an archmagus, or anything else. She becomes the only other safe space for him, where he leans on her during heartbreak as much as he does his studies and books."} +{"id": "4ffa40a3-d97e-4735-aefa-7c7682a09118-22", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:58.33", "backgroundColor": "#f8f2f2", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFNPzdrjtVyiWUCCaC243Fb2d8S1wat43e7Q7GKUtpsa", "txHash": "0x4a11ef4d5570f2b75264330c0c1e4ad38b95a4717b3ce15d9b4618fe48c2e41d", "createdAtBlock": 14839851, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8354, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Iprix of the Tower", "text": "Ekmira herself is a strong figure, known throughout the realm as a leader/manager, and known also as beautiful. Complete opposites in character, Ekmira is smooth, collected, and can handle people. Through all her travels, Iprix is the kindest man shes ever seen in the runiverse, despite his considerable power. They find in each other something neither has ever found anywhere else, a unique peace, attraction, and happiness that just works even if an unexpected match and are very strong together. \n\nRidon/Althea: Iprix has two great loves. His scrolls, and helping people (and Ekmira, after he meets her) Beyond happy in a quiet life together, theyre a pair that also doesnt turn away from a great need. Iprix has always possessed the capacity to love anyone unconditionally, and is seen occasionally mentoring (Ridon) or in the rare case of Althea, where they take her in as their own as she grows up."} +{"id": "d43668b7-3c4d-4752-aed0-05ce641679d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:59.129", "backgroundColor": "#4d0a06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeVLU6u7TZcwn7egzboA3tveb9VwEmzx8ysYMTFwv7NSD", "txHash": "0xe0048e6c3768399baf6cc631e220044bc26e5b9f301efb2e9add0e095043580e", "createdAtBlock": 14842136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4348, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Humphrey Guardian of the Mountain", "text": "Humphrey is the original founding member of the Soaring Flames, a courageous band of adventurers including the mysterious goblin war veteran Bambam, Punisher of Glory and the notorious martial artist Brandon Lumper of the Back Alley. \n\nHumphrey has been a hermit since after fighting in the first goblin wars as a young conscript. The weight of the decisions he had to make and the people he lost drove him to live in a remote mountainous region for five years after the conflict. He had hoped to find solace, but instead he found much more than he could have ever dreamed of. \n\nAfter a year of hardwork creating himself a homstead nestled within an ancient valley carved by a glacier, he met a new friend. A wounded spectacled falcon found itself begging for mercy upon his doorstep. Being somewhat pragmatic, he thought that perhaps he should put the poor bird out of it's misery. As he opened his door fully, the falcon casually walked inside and hopped onto the nearest table.\n\nAs he began to peck at Humphrey's hard earned dinner, he experienced a vivid moment of the past. Flashes of war, love, and the unique sting of loss rushed into his mind's eye. \n\nHe stares at the fully grown spectacled falcon now gourging itself upon his meal and says \"If this isn't a sign that you are still watching over me, then maybe I am just losing what's left of my mind?\" he said with a melancholic chuckle.\n\n\"I shall name you, Jerek.\" he said in a serious tone as the falcon's gaze met his.\n\nThis was the beginning of the tale of the Soaring Flames. Humphrey could not imagine the places he would be taken and the people he would meet due to this simple crossing of paths."} +{"id": "d43668b7-3c4d-4752-aed0-05ce641679d3-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:59.129", "backgroundColor": "#4d0a06", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeVLU6u7TZcwn7egzboA3tveb9VwEmzx8ysYMTFwv7NSD", "txHash": "0xe0048e6c3768399baf6cc631e220044bc26e5b9f301efb2e9add0e095043580e", "createdAtBlock": 14842136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4348, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Humphrey Guardian of the Mountain", "text": "Soon, he would chose to raise his Spetum yet again beside his fellow warriors. Bambam and Brandom Lumper would soon drastically change his life in a way that would seem absurd to the man watching a falcon he invited into his home to eat his dinner."} +{"id": "eb1f5d9d-b94e-4344-a082-d64a5955ea62-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:59.905", "backgroundColor": "#570c08", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme91KbJcR27Eos1qywbPRGHFpCTitXHQ8kCbwsBozQd66", "txHash": "0x18e2bed6d9c4587f68f1fc2424c8f7b1c7db1f295ae4be7faebb4dc71f87ff7b", "createdAtBlock": 14845904, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2788, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmesAes5A7x7qBXfXc2zuaaJbqYDE1zWAkzHuPNqCjNbtE", "name": "Fang Slaughterer of the Wood", "text": "# Fang Slaughterer of the Wood\n\nAmidst the twisted figures of wicked trees, the outline of a wanderer and companion stalk through the eternal fog which permeates The Thorn. A tale of two fangs. To encounter them is as fleeting as the other ominous shapes that materialize in the peripheral, before they seemingly fade into the haze. A disposition for violence, born out of necessity, was enough to bestow a title to one who was born nameless. The Fang Slaughterer of the Wood. \n\n\nDespite the warped and inhospitable landscape of The Thorn, there are still those who call it home. One cannot dictate the circumstances by which they are brought into this world, a condition of life as true as the inevitable guarantee of death itself. The Fangs upbringing in this environment yielded agility and strength. One must be nimble to navigate the fog, a shroud that oozes into The Thorn from the Vampyre Mist. When confronted by the creatures who roam the trees between the sparse villages and outposts, ferocity is crucial for survival.\n\n## A Weapon of the Light \n\nOn a dim evening marked by fate, the nameless wanderer approached a clearing in the brush, an unusual opportunity for respite. The sterile moonglow illuminated the wilted grass and appeared to thin the veil of haze. At the far end of the clearing, a lone warrior from a far land laid fallen against a tree, rotting. The wanderer approached cautiously. Thorny roots from the base of the ailing tree were already slowly inching towards the nutrients of what remained."} +{"id": "eb1f5d9d-b94e-4344-a082-d64a5955ea62-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:59.905", "backgroundColor": "#570c08", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme91KbJcR27Eos1qywbPRGHFpCTitXHQ8kCbwsBozQd66", "txHash": "0x18e2bed6d9c4587f68f1fc2424c8f7b1c7db1f295ae4be7faebb4dc71f87ff7b", "createdAtBlock": 14845904, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2788, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmesAes5A7x7qBXfXc2zuaaJbqYDE1zWAkzHuPNqCjNbtE", "name": "Fang Slaughterer of the Wood", "text": "The intentions of the ill-fated questor were not immediately clear, the cause of death could not be ascertained. Whether by valiance or foolishness, the corpse continued to grasp desperately to a sizable cleaver. Its blood orange hilt and gilded razor edge sparkled in the glow. The wanderer had never before witnessed a weapon of the light. Taking up the cleaver, he held it up in the air, turning it over, feeling the gravity and balance of the blade. The Titan Damascus steel of the cleaver cut through the atmosphere with a reverberating ring. At that moment, the Slaughterer claimed his Fang. \n\n\n\n\n\n## The Union of the Fangs\n\n\nThe Thorn can be an unforgiving place, the struggles of its inhabitants often disregarded by outsiders. The Yellow Hats of Chronomancers Riviera know not of the tribulations that lie just beyond their view, obscured by their own ignorance and the curtain of the Battle Mage Mountains. The misfortune of circumstance plagues the dying forest as evils emerge from The Quantum Shadow and spread. A life of solitude may spare you from betrayal but can only take you so far. \n\n\nThe Fang Slaughterer trudged along the crude path to the next closest outpost. Days of hunting creatures of the forest for bounty resulted in some success, albeit far from a plentiful yield. His steady stride slowed as an acute awareness of being watched washed over him. He paused; the feeling was all too familiar. With the risk of ambush imminent, he drew his Titan Cleaver and braced, heightening his senses. A slight rustling in the brush ahead. To strike first blindly could prove a fatal mistake, but he would not hesitate to retaliate."} +{"id": "eb1f5d9d-b94e-4344-a082-d64a5955ea62-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:50:59.905", "backgroundColor": "#570c08", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme91KbJcR27Eos1qywbPRGHFpCTitXHQ8kCbwsBozQd66", "txHash": "0x18e2bed6d9c4587f68f1fc2424c8f7b1c7db1f295ae4be7faebb4dc71f87ff7b", "createdAtBlock": 14845904, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2788, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmesAes5A7x7qBXfXc2zuaaJbqYDE1zWAkzHuPNqCjNbtE", "name": "Fang Slaughterer of the Wood", "text": "Another pause. From the brush, a Grey Wolf emerged. Said to inhabit the woods, it was a rare encounter to witness a natural creature of this caliber sweeping through the fog. Their eyes met, sharing the sullen gaze of a lone wanderer. Canines bared and cleaver drawn, their fangs were on display. Neither of them inherently evil, they studied each other, calculating. A moment of near aggression between them transformed into a solemn, mutual acknowledgment of the others capacity for slaughter. The man brought out what scraps of meat he had left and tossed them to the wolf, a gesture which was received. A connection made, an understanding that they could go their separate ways, overruled by an intuition that they may survive better together.\n\n\nFrom that day forward, the union of their fangs created a symbiosis that intertwined their destinies. Whatever days of fate lay ahead, they would confront them together. Two ominous shapes moving in tandem through the haze. Just as soon as you see them in your peripheral vision, they fade into obscurity. You question whether anything was ever really there at all. A title bestowed to two lone wanderers who never needed names. **The Fang Slaughterer of the Wood.**"} +{"id": "7b7e0f3c-17ad-4f3c-93ba-c760cd0e9db0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:00.797", "backgroundColor": "#0d3033", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSE1qntbapkubVcKZSsj7Cc2PBt7bZm3HdVydSA1q8KET", "txHash": "0x043a3fa71d6de427f4aa1985df5a595c98eb21c8c342faf77dded5dadda4df6c", "createdAtBlock": 14846718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Nixie of the Rock", "text": "# Geomancer Nixie of the Rock\n\nNixie always lived in the rock. The rock being one of the unnamed caves that littered the near-deserted graveyard between the Cave of the Platonic Shadow and the Valley of the Void Disciple. Shortly after Nixie participated in his adolescent Sacred Snake Dance, he showed a profound proficiency in the magic of geomancy, taught to him by Uncle Matthias, who himself learned it from a scraggly Skylord in the Western Rookery during his youthful journeys, who learned it from a Kobold in the marsh, who learned it from a Corvid who frequented the marshes in search of worms. The Corvid would drop outsized rocks on outsized worms (easily the size of a case of Kobold Juice can laid on the ground) it would spy from the branches which entangled the canopy of the marsh.\n\nBack to the Sacred Snake Dance. This event was a coming-of-age custom amongst Nixie's tribe conducted in the language of Aspeth that acted as a ritual signifying a male's entrance into Anuran adulthood. Nixie's clan had the ability to speak this tongue known as Aspeth, which allowed a serpent's hiss to be something with which one could converse. Aspeth was considered something primeval, mystical, but also with the potential for grave danger should it be misused or abused. \n\nFrom this ceremony he adopted an asp as a companion. Uncle Matthias said this would help him on his travels if he so chose to follow in his footsteps for it had the power to enhance his fledgling powers of geomancy. The Asp, Matthias emphasized, should be consulted, and used with prudence according to his teachings, lest he be consumed with something he referred to as \"Duggery-Asp-Skull\"."} +{"id": "7b7e0f3c-17ad-4f3c-93ba-c760cd0e9db0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:00.797", "backgroundColor": "#0d3033", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSE1qntbapkubVcKZSsj7Cc2PBt7bZm3HdVydSA1q8KET", "txHash": "0x043a3fa71d6de427f4aa1985df5a595c98eb21c8c342faf77dded5dadda4df6c", "createdAtBlock": 14846718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Nixie of the Rock", "text": "Nixie went to Alessar's Keep for he heard it was a place of magic, of phantom alleyways and rays bleaching the parapets. He fell in love with a female Anuran at Alessar's Keep, named Ana. She showed Nixie love from their room in a tower as the dolphins played in the waves under a flaming sky. Looking into her marine eyes, Nixie promised her he would teach her the ways of geomancy, so they could continue their travels together, united in the powers they held between them. Nixie told Ana they would go to the marshes, where geomancy first arose, from the Corvid that would drop rocks on large worms' heads. Nixie knew that he wanted so spend the rest of his life with Ana, and if he taught her geomancy, he could protect her and never lose her. She was unsure about the asp Nixie kept with him, but she decided it could stay if it was necessary for his magic.\n\nWhen they finally reached the marshes after a fortnight of travel, Nixie was ready to initiate the training he had promised Ana. They were being watched carefully, however, by a murder of thieving Corvid (not the jolly ones), These birds were mangled, with glowing red and orange eyes, and smelled like death. From the fog they watched Nixie and Ana as they slept in their tent on an embankment in the marsh, as the flames of their campfire lapped the burlap of the temporary abode."} +{"id": "7b7e0f3c-17ad-4f3c-93ba-c760cd0e9db0-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:00.797", "backgroundColor": "#0d3033", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSE1qntbapkubVcKZSsj7Cc2PBt7bZm3HdVydSA1q8KET", "txHash": "0x043a3fa71d6de427f4aa1985df5a595c98eb21c8c342faf77dded5dadda4df6c", "createdAtBlock": 14846718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6503, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Nixie of the Rock", "text": "The Corvid soon struck and Nixie fought valiantly, using his powers to summon rocks from the marshes' depths and from the fire he had built to fling at the beaks of his enemies, forming a union with snake, and shielding Ana behind his small Anuran frame. Nixie, however, was being consumed by the asp as he mustered the last of his reserves to defeat the Corvids. In his growing Asp-induced frenzy he lost consciousness and fell into the campfire...\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "c0ce941a-6dd6-4255-945e-63b479081233-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:19.084", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXwqLEMdwUgvs5BuqGizRGKStxEQjqWkWJqKYPrTAxU3b", "txHash": "0x82b4d3fb171aaffae27755fd253cc6dcfce1b63b7b01fc795f2581929bb6ddf9", "createdAtBlock": 14873104, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3924, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Roddrick Nullifier of the Mountain", "text": "# Roddrick Nullifier of the Mountain\n## the green knight\n\nI am the green knight defender of mountain forests.\n\nI am the green knight keeper of the air rune\n\nI am the green knight and my falcon friend watches the great plains from the sky\n\nI am the green knight and my frog shield will protect the innocent\n\nI am the green knight and my spike bat will destroy the evil"} +{"id": "cd3633a7-b708-4063-9e8a-0832b6f96dc1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:05.531", "backgroundColor": "#0f1c3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbDVHiSvYyDRPnwskMKv9bjtE5yaHQDQuHh1oTiHd4a1S", "txHash": "0x1e16e8a565358631b283396cd52c4e31ef53eeff2ea4613991a4b7db50e4072b", "createdAtBlock": 14854792, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3063, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Udor of the Bibliotheca", "text": "Smiling through a cloud-like beard of white and gray, the caster gently passes a hand along the neck of his mount. The horse huffs at him and nods her head playfully, making a pair of bells tied loosely about her neck jingle. The man chuckles, a sound with the richness and warmth of freshly brewed coffee. He leans a bit on his sky-blue staff, its curling, crook-like head etched with runes. His sun-bright yellow eyes are as clear as a summer day, even under the shade of his woolly eyebrows."} +{"id": "a41d73a3-6c6e-40de-bd95-7d484b2adffe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:06.217", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaMuo4tuXmWrf9Cn6ksFtP1CFghyMipTpZfuBtedYVUtM", "txHash": "0x637449d95fda5d9141e9d92cb87b67c42fc0c998068f075cd1085e0822070db0", "createdAtBlock": 14855976, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6134, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Gunthor of the Crag", "text": "Chronomancer Gunthor of the Crag is on the ever quest to bring glory to his name for generations to talk about and celebrate.\n\nWith the head of a medicine man and tundra body armor equipped with his trusted Sphinx's hourglass he travels through the worlds looking for new people to meet and battles to be won to add to his ever growing lifetime accomplishments that future generations will herald."} +{"id": "20d4779f-7545-4c4c-a902-914caef8d0c6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:06.97", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQheDiwkuPoVp2W8eThdq8v5UCw35XJ1p2D1mTcs1xapq", "txHash": "0xc443e866c84a232bc872d74860aaef76455a2fdc1354499fcf1f388b3d361a87", "createdAtBlock": 14856523, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 599, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Aleister in the Shadows", "text": "In the distance to the South West you can make out the *The Secret Tower*, North lies the *Sacred Pillars*, to the East through the *Sevenths Gate* Mountain's fog appears an entity. The **White Wizard**, with his trusty companion **Munchie**, a Blue Rat from fields of the *Blue Bastion*."} +{"id": "f5679986-f3c8-4f8c-9eec-929009d5f8ab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:07.834", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXosrasVUKtVkcWCwiW9MvG57NvXLj1vLxeTTc26yJnuS", "txHash": "0x39d8806eece3c29667bf1888fcec256bb860d0853bd41ce059bf9c3711797648", "createdAtBlock": 14858184, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4592, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Henry Apocalypse of Warlocks", "text": "# Undersirable #1"} +{"id": "efa57464-c299-4704-928c-f8401cfaca22-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:16.852", "backgroundColor": "#001606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaX3fFdTiFXXKkWNgizgpq8xt84xojAv1pvDdE75oT5f", "txHash": "0x2a5c91ba209fdf0f01933d4d30b8606062bb539f8bef289d7b04b52aa07206fb", "createdAtBlock": 14929149, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7493, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Pandora of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Enchanter Pandora of the Wood. \n\nPandora was born in a hot and quiet night, right under a big and old oak tree. \n\nHer mother, @wizard6154, was a friend of the animals and could understand and talk to them. Her father, Maverick, was a warrior known as Dispatcher of the Keep (@warrior1519). In spite of being a simple man, he carried strong virtues and a great desire to always do his best on any given task. \n\nMercury could be seen in the sky that night and Tabitha told Pandora she got her rune directly from the gods. \nIt was only at the age of sixteen though that Pandora earned her greatest gifts, one to keep her company and the other one to keep her safe. \n\nFrom her mom she got a **Dumb Stick**. It did looked like a fragile thing, but held more powers than one could ever imagine. Maybe Pandora came to realize later on thats precisely why it appeared as a totally usual object instead of a obvious magic item. \nIt allowed her some control over forces of nature, like creating fire out of nowhere, as well as defending her mind against bad intentions with a special bubble shield. For instance, she loved when some silly enemy would try to shout bad words at her and some purple vines just come out of the Stick and shut their mouths. The Dumb Stick never left Pandora's side.\n\nFrom her dad she received a **Slime**, that she named Sapphire due to its vibrant blueish color. This Slime was the most precious thing Maverick had ever found in his hunting adventures. \n\nIt was pretty much useless... during the day! At night, however, it could glow so bright it worked as a signal that could be viewed from more than fifty kilometers away. Maverick had heard of these slimes, but he thought they were a fairy tales thing."} +{"id": "efa57464-c299-4704-928c-f8401cfaca22-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:16.852", "backgroundColor": "#001606", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZaX3fFdTiFXXKkWNgizgpq8xt84xojAv1pvDdE75oT5f", "txHash": "0x2a5c91ba209fdf0f01933d4d30b8606062bb539f8bef289d7b04b52aa07206fb", "createdAtBlock": 14929149, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7493, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Pandora of the Wood", "text": "To Pandora though, Sapphire was quite helpful when she was hungry because it had this amazing power of materializing fruits! The curious effect was that every fruit Pandora asked would always taste like cherries. Good news cherries were Pandora's favorite fruits. \n\nAt mage school she was told stories about a woman that recklessly opened a mysterious box and unleashed all the bad things that were locked in there. She didn't really like it, of course. Some mean friends used to yell at her, saying she was like the Pandora from the legend and that she should beware of her curiosity or it could eventually lead her to release those bad things to the world again. Her mother, a wise woman, taught her how to ignore them and listen to her inner voice.\n\n> \"The most important things will be shown by your heart.\" \n> *Tabitha used to say*\n\nThere was an episode when Pandora used the Sticks powers to shut another wizards mouth with the purple vines and her parents were called to the mage school. \n\nLater that day, Maverick told her he understood her, but magic was to be used wisely and never to harm others. Her powers should remain silent whenever an issue could be solved without them. \n\nPandora has grown and school is long in the past. \nShe even got a Pony now, @pony269, that helps her to travel faster through the Forrest.\n\nUntil this day she found no box containing all the bad things for humanity, but who knows which adventures the future may bring her?"} +{"id": "62686e7b-aad8-4496-8024-0881ea6f1998-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:13.308", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZTuDjv7NNY5M3y5GcAPVnVoe3LdeJi8sTVkt1SHAq17b", "txHash": "0xd6e3c1a9dd6f1365b26cca92662d62f9ee475b4c2d70e343e6b0bd5ea5fca4ac", "createdAtBlock": 14861882, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4845, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Devout Dante of the Nightmare Dominion", "text": "# Pain is Forever\n\nAs I step out of the flames a voice calls out to me. I remember my past but it already feels like memories of a different person. The old Dante is no more, I will haunt the world that had left me behind. I have no runes, no magical items, no familiar to keep me company, all I have is the inner desire to cause pain.\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU9Daiu5XoM"} +{"id": "76b654d3-6575-4dad-a1d9-db47e66f4596-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:14.006", "backgroundColor": "#2a0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRAVApTFgC7w3AsbNUaRn8oKxDBVwDUTGsKQ7UJVKzWSL", "txHash": "0x46058ee48bb171d36733bbbc98a323a32d2e7d7943e0ec21bf09adab6bc40d35", "createdAtBlock": 14867315, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8951, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Medium Hadrien of the Toadstools", "text": "\"The sun will not rise tomorrow.\"\n\nThe King's man rushed from the seer's tower. Preparations were made. Farmers harvested. Accountants tallied. Doomsayers gathered. Priests prayed.\n\nAs predicted, the sun did not rise.\n\nBut the day after, it did. The King's man rushed back to the seer's tower.\n\n\"What? Everyone needs a day off.\"\n\n-- Inspiration"} +{"id": "603a30ea-591b-4373-89e0-0e678eeb35e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:16.618", "backgroundColor": "#3b290f", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbT96eGxZkqrCMY3AR1oFfVYhszxiftKf38fETHRgZvdp", "txHash": "0xbd2694177eb4a7aa1017c3ad0e0b6aaf01571f76695558408ecd76c5c682e89a", "createdAtBlock": 14869606, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2944, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blight Zombie Nicolas of Dread Tower", "text": "**Blight zombie Nicholas of the **dread tower\n\nMuch had changed over the years, the sacred flame seemed only a flicker in the back of his mind. The world had grown cities rose and fell along with the wizards and warriors that shaped the landscape. \nBlight zombie Nicholas of the dread tower\nMuch had changed over the years, the sacred flame seemed only a flicker in the back of my mind. The world had grown cities rose and fell along with the wizards and warriors that shaped the landscape. \nDread tower had seen all these convulsions with Nicholas looking on. \nThere was always a constant to this evolution, the hunger that consumed him, the need to feed. A yearning for that which humans take for granted.\nCracking open the human skull for that pink treat, especially the Cerebral cortex which was sweet like pink candy floss.\nOver time the methods had changed, break into a peasants hut and rip and claw till the pink oozed.\nPlay dead in the graveyard and surprise the grave diggers, using the shovels as tin openers. Stow away on a ship and take your time enjoying a captive audience,snacking till the hunger was quenched.\nNow we lived in a modern world with everything at our fingertips, food was about convenience and very fast.\nThis night his hunger was particularly strong. He strolled to the cellar picked up a flyer on a table and read the number. Casting a spell of telepathy he entered the cashiers mind.\nTwo pizzas with the lot and a jelly donut, yes delivered to Dread Tower.\nThe Runiverse was a harsh place and no one would miss a delivery boy that never returned."} +{"id": "1d55a35d-0bd2-4bab-a647-952cf1e715a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:51.068", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeFKchxbUtFRYepKFcaDibnYA1UhaminxWvuCEgp5znZu", "txHash": "0x49d8289ec3d0d4956ab8bf5e8bd5ea174b7492302d06272857fd0b1491cff857", "createdAtBlock": 14896819, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4968, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeFrwZxdi7CS7dFvRb8FfeXDad253zmtThJPscZKhUXQM", "name": "Alicia Grinder of Thieves", "text": "# New Lore Entry"} +{"id": "bb5144df-3b37-4a58-a103-92c0c0912527-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:46.052", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVVRBpMEcppWqvqvPNCofao3mTk2GHC6jt3bqHqLRDSPe", "txHash": "0xa491e0ab0b7615b482e70af85020c64f78f8598518e030bf3bd108b72c81fd36", "createdAtBlock": 13729134, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5406, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Valley", "text": "# \"Anticlvtch The Ruthless Summoner\"\n\n\"ANTICLVTCH\" Originally means to be against your past self and to make a complete 180 turn. This change was required to survive and become the powerful ruthless summoner that Anticlvtch is today. Anticlvtch Comes from a candy world where the other creatures are made of candy and are two to ten storys tall. Most humans have been wiped out by the knights and have made their giant candy pressence known on the overworld forcing humans to hide and retreat underground. \n\nAnticlvtch found himself battling a rare one of a kind fifteen story \"Candy Knight Otherworldy Visitor Knight\" when a portal opened saving him but transporting him to a new world filled with wizards and newfound creatures on this strange place called \"The Blockchain\" Anticlvtch doesn't know where he is but he knows for certain anywhere is better than where he used to be..."} +{"id": "80aead6f-b79d-4816-b7ee-4ac2633f2129-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:28:51.241", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUEkvHKDh7ARmLcoFkLM9d6uN8jz8Emd9f3bqztSBKkex", "txHash": "0xd4323fa1c79f8dd6e1526fbdead89485b9159f68f856ff196a640bf5ebec4281", "createdAtBlock": 15323315, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9262, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Zed Lightbearer of Magic", "text": "# Zed Lightbearer of Magic\n\n_The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free\n Nassim Nicholas Taleb_\n\nHey pro-slaver, nice to meet you. I'm Zed Lightbearer of magic... Arent you a slaver? havent met a human that is not a slaver to our kind; if what you are saying its true, you are a happy discovery for us. Glory to our vast universe, theres even humans that can have empathy beyond their selfish nature. Join me comrade, if its true what you say you should listen to our story.\n\nAs you might know our races have a long history together (about a couple of centuries), but the ones that rule your lands lie about us and our relationship. The tale they tell to all of you is that we are the violent dumb civilisation that they have saved from barbarism; that you lead us to technology and civilization; that if you had to slain and chain us its because our people need it; that freedom for us its perdition.\nLet me tell you that all of it, its just an act of evilness of your leaders, they lied to you about our existence for years. They knew that theres people like you, who would not agree with the ways of their slaughter. When they met us, they knew that our wealth and our knowledge would be the utility to control The Forgotten Runes and with them rule their enemies. They would do anything to get that power."} +{"id": "80aead6f-b79d-4816-b7ee-4ac2633f2129-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:28:51.241", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUEkvHKDh7ARmLcoFkLM9d6uN8jz8Emd9f3bqztSBKkex", "txHash": "0xd4323fa1c79f8dd6e1526fbdead89485b9159f68f856ff196a640bf5ebec4281", "createdAtBlock": 15323315, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9262, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Zed Lightbearer of Magic", "text": "At the beginning they tried to exchange our knowledge for what they knew as wealth, we answered that the philosophy of our kind was to stay in balance to our lands so we didnt need anything beyond what we provided for ourself, but we could share them our knowledge, if they could show us that they would honor the wisdom of our magic and the empathy of our people. That petition wasnt well received for your kind, they called us dumb and naive, that our knowledge know nothing about science or civilization, they even called us selfish. After it violence started and one of your elder activities. Conquer and colonize were the words we learned from your kind in that time.\n\nAs you might guess we lost, but Im not here for revenge, Im here with the hope that we can change this, that bloodlust its not law. Life and community are based on sympathy and progress. For all that we have lost I must take you to sanity, and if not my magic will force you to the right path."} +{"id": "c173764c-41db-4a79-9400-3fe59f46cc9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:17.448", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma4Ca1x14EVdA7np2zXK6YuYLs7jL7xpPJszU1hWsHabE", "txHash": "0x3103d3a6189cdf2938b889bb008baec116a10eb53723d3f7569c76214f8d1f59", "createdAtBlock": 14869708, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2944, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Blight Zombie Nicolas of Dread Tower", "text": "Blight Zombie Nicholas of the Dread Tower\n\nMuch had changed over the years, the sacred flame seemed only a flicker in the back of Nicholass mind. The world had grown cities rose and fell along with the wizards and warriors that shaped the landscape. \nDread tower had seen all these convulsions with Nicholas looking on. \nThere was always a constant to this evolution, the hunger that consumed him, the need to feed. A yearning for that which humans take for granted.\nCracking open the human skull for that pink treat, especially the Cerebral cortex which was sweet like pink candy floss.\nOver time the methods had changed, break into a peasants hut and rip and claw till the pink oozed.\nPlay dead in the graveyard and surprise the grave diggers, using the shovels as tin openers. Stow away on a ship and take his time enjoying a captive audience and snack till the hunger was quenched.\nNow we lived in a modern world with everything at our fingertips, food was fast and convenient.\nThis night his hunger was particularly strong. He strolled to the cellar picked up a flyer on a table and cast a telepathy spell contacting the cashier on duty.\nTwo pizzas with the lot and a jelly donut, yes delivered to Dread Tower.\nThe Runiverse was a harsh place and no one would miss a delivery boy that never returned."} +{"id": "2c2bdb2d-d4a9-4f34-b10a-c51b8f36ec76-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T13:51:08.892", "backgroundColor": "#99de91", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP1ZNBTHnf394q6Qqjbao9mCaK6bRrT9ZX4oWzitUpfG2", "txHash": "0x479a5b8471179a9f1f1dffe28431cd9c3721dce76291a045fa8433a369a6bd28", "createdAtBlock": 15160532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5439, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Pix of the Mountain", "text": "Pix was by far one of the most intelligent kobolds in all the land. At least...this is what she told herself.\n\nShe had fancied herself the queen of Kobolds, but quite frankly, none of the other kobolds even really knew who she was.\n\nShe lived up on an unnamed mountain, in an unnamed ridge, where she spent most of her days looking into a crude mirror playing dressup with all the clothes that she had stolen from passerbys.\n\nYou could always tell when a group was ambushed, as the nearest town would always end up with droves of naked, albeit unharmed.\n\nTruth be told, however, Pix wasn't really a kobold at all! Well, she wasn't always one anyway! She was once known as the Druid Enigma, the realm's only light-born swamp witch. Once an altruistic healer of the Valley, she was now cursed to this kobold body and she didn't even remember who she was.\n\nEnigma had met Pix in passing many moons ago, and was tricked into swapping bodies. By the time the ordeal was over, the imposter in Enigma's body was long gone. Quickly her memories faded, but the light which was born into her still rang true.\n\nIn addition to obtaining the geomancer's powers, she also maintained her command of the light, though she did not quite realize it yet.\n\nThe new Kobold would have quite the adventure ahead of her, as she learned to remember who she was. Will she embrace her new form, will she become the queen of Kobolds?\n\nStay tuned and find out!"} +{"id": "d8b917a1-a35e-436d-ba92-89d566334380-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T15:42:14.617", "backgroundColor": "#03011d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9XLUQ1pkhaUEqpH3U8Fo7NdbJ6mqAoKKLX94nnNLTjx", "txHash": "0x84b788d23d67ccd5a433e15bc0b445eab754e48669385d35ced7bffc64f89eec", "createdAtBlock": 15161002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4660, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orion Attacker of Liches", "text": "## Songwriter's Block ## \n~ \nA quiet scratching of quill on parchment carried through the forlorn room in the Secret Tower. The Dream Knight attacked the canvas with fervour greater than when facing his ghoulish enemies. He wasn't sure where the words were coming from, or whom the fictional characters were about, but he knew that when he put pen to paper, there was a catharsis from all the violence in his day job as a Lich slayer. The flickering light from the glass candle danced on the stone walls of the room and the silence was broken only by the rhythmic scratching noises that soothed in an uncanny manner; hours passed."} +{"id": "d8b917a1-a35e-436d-ba92-89d566334380-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T15:42:14.617", "backgroundColor": "#03011d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9XLUQ1pkhaUEqpH3U8Fo7NdbJ6mqAoKKLX94nnNLTjx", "txHash": "0x84b788d23d67ccd5a433e15bc0b445eab754e48669385d35ced7bffc64f89eec", "createdAtBlock": 15161002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4660, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orion Attacker of Liches", "text": "With a start, he rubbed his cerulean eyes in weariness. A gentle sigh escaped his formless lips as he laid down the pen and studied his latest work - that phrase didn't quite make sense. He scratched it out. Tapping his foot in rhythm with an unheard beat, he conjured up another distich. He read it again; _fine_. He rolled up the parchment and tied it, wondering which Harpist could do the lyrics justice. _Hrm_... _Aha_! He knew just the Wizard. \n~\n> _Look_ \n> _If you had_ \n> _One block_ \n> _Or one opportunity_ \n> _To create everything you ever wanted_ \n> _In one token_ \n> _Would you capture it_ \n> _Or just let it flip?_ \n> _YO_ \n> \n> Her psalms are witty, prose peak, lore is heavy, \n> There's focus on her wicker already, code's spaghetti \n> She's nervous, on the surface she seems calm and ready \n> To share yarns, but she keeps on replacing \n> what she wrote down, the whole Cult goes so loud \n> She got cottonmouth, but the Flame won't come out \n> She's croakin', how, everybody's Tolkien now \n> The blocks run out, times up, over, blaow \n> Snap back to reality, oh? she's wrecked parably, \n> Ope, there goes !magic, she choked, \n> She down bad, but she won't give up that easy? No \n> She won't have it, she knows these callbacks to his codes, \n> Inane chatter, \"_she's cope_\", she claps back but it's trope,"} +{"id": "d8b917a1-a35e-436d-ba92-89d566334380-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T15:42:14.617", "backgroundColor": "#03011d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9XLUQ1pkhaUEqpH3U8Fo7NdbJ6mqAoKKLX94nnNLTjx", "txHash": "0x84b788d23d67ccd5a433e15bc0b445eab754e48669385d35ced7bffc64f89eec", "createdAtBlock": 15161002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4660, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orion Attacker of Liches", "text": "> Inane chatter, \"_she's cope_\", she claps back but it's trope, \n> A real fragment, she glows, \n . when e-goes crack to this Wicked Crone, that's when it's \n> Back to the Void again, yo this whole fantasy \n> Better go capture this Donut and hope it don't Gas him \n> \n> _You better lose yourself in the magic, the token_ \n> _You own it, you better never let it go_ \n> _You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to lore_ \n> _This opportunity comes once in a lifetime_ \n> \n> _You better lose yourself in the magic, the omen_ \n> _You own it, you better never let it go_ \n> _You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to lore_ \n> _This opportunity comes once in a lifetime_ \n> \n> These souls restaking, through these vaults that are paying \n> This lore is mine for the making \n> Zombie King, as we move toward a Grimoire Order \n> Runiverse life is roarin', and co-creation is sorta post modern \n> It only grows smarter, only grows sharper, \n> We burn, it's all over, these Urns are so holy, \n> Soul to soul churn, he's known as the Grim Reap-ar \n> Lonely ghosts, Toru is toast, he's drawn proper on tome, the field's potter \n> We throw groans when rares become just Flame fodder \n> But hold 'em close 'cause here roams the Lich Emper'r, \n> These graves can't hold him no mo', he's cold product,"} +{"id": "d8b917a1-a35e-436d-ba92-89d566334380-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T15:42:14.617", "backgroundColor": "#03011d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9XLUQ1pkhaUEqpH3U8Fo7NdbJ6mqAoKKLX94nnNLTjx", "txHash": "0x84b788d23d67ccd5a433e15bc0b445eab754e48669385d35ced7bffc64f89eec", "createdAtBlock": 15161002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4660, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orion Attacker of Liches", "text": "> These graves can't hold him no mo', he's cold product, \n> They moved on to the next schmo who glows, he sold troves and wrote nada, \n> So the lore opera is told and unfolds, \n . decompose the ghoul partna, but the writ goes on \n> da-da-dum, da-dum, da-da \n> \n> _You better lose yourself in the magic, the token_ \n> _You own it, you better never let it go_ \n> _You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to lore_ \n> _This opportunity comes once in a lifetime_ \n> \n> _You better lose yourself in the magic, the omen_ \n> _You own it, you better never let it go_ \n> _You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to lore_ \n> _This opportunity comes once in a lifetime_ \n> \n> No lore's same, I'mma flame what you call fame, \n> Tear this Warrior Ducking Gate off like Two Crows caged, \n> We ain't playin' from the beginnin', the Voodoo chained, \n> We been sold down, and floored out and knocked off stage, \n> But we kept writin' and wrote in the next Fighter \n> Best believe we keep on landin' the best writers \n> All the tales inside amplified by the \n> Fact that we can't revive the lines twined to \n> Hearts and we can't defy the rights signed to \n> Corps, issa tragedy, 'cause man, these goddamn true fans can write ciphers \n> And the floor's moving, there's no Retired Farmers, \n> This is our lives and these times are so hard"} +{"id": "d8b917a1-a35e-436d-ba92-89d566334380-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T15:42:14.617", "backgroundColor": "#03011d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9XLUQ1pkhaUEqpH3U8Fo7NdbJ6mqAoKKLX94nnNLTjx", "txHash": "0x84b788d23d67ccd5a433e15bc0b445eab754e48669385d35ced7bffc64f89eec", "createdAtBlock": 15161002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4660, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orion Attacker of Liches", "text": "> This is our lives and these times are so hard \n> And it's getting even harder tryna flip a burger and sip, pot(ion)s \n> Teeny trotters, caught up between pilkin' a farmer and a FREE persona \n> Acid Eater's critters, screamin' on her, too much \n> For me to wanna deploy spot, another day of our Block(omo) has \n> \"gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail I've bought\" \n> Capitulate the lot, or resell to Jail(warden) or bot \n> Success is the only rubberduckin' caption, failure's not \n> Elf, I love you, and the trailer's got to blow, we cannot grow cold in '21's crop, \n> So here we go, here's our shot, \n> Lore, fail me not, this will be the craziest opportunity that we got \n> \n> _You better lose yourself in the magic, the token_ \n> _You own it, you better never let it go_ \n> _You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to lore_ \n> _This opportunity comes once in a lifetime_ \n> \n> _You better lose yourself in the magic, the omen_ \n> _You own it, you better never let it go_ \n> _You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to lore_ \n> _This opportunity comes once in a lifetime_ \n> \n> \n>"} +{"id": "d8b917a1-a35e-436d-ba92-89d566334380-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-17T15:42:14.617", "backgroundColor": "#03011d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ9XLUQ1pkhaUEqpH3U8Fo7NdbJ6mqAoKKLX94nnNLTjx", "txHash": "0x84b788d23d67ccd5a433e15bc0b445eab754e48669385d35ced7bffc64f89eec", "createdAtBlock": 15161002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4660, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orion Attacker of Liches", "text": "> _NB: I think you could quite safely replace 'snail' with 'grail' but I thought snail would be funnier. Reminds me of the time we hunted down the Lich near the Bugbear Boonies. - Orion_"} +{"id": "f8126fa0-16cd-490f-b9e7-2c38fe404494-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:16.021", "backgroundColor": "#ece0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQmsfHfMpcVA4uyr3SdWP3oQeAzuKMCD8tRvwB4psdpnS", "txHash": "0x77b8b070b8b2acad596e7dd41df98f19e24115f01a4dc43540f545a75a96cb16", "createdAtBlock": 14873159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3, "slug": "beasts", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPScL6hfwmgMmpvvo1ZEnMpS4GwbkxEqfYMWWUdghPoe2", "text": "# **CAWWW**\n\n#\n\n\n# ***\n\nThe Great Cockatrice were fierce and feared, but also revered and adored. It really did depend on which village you visited and what people you asked.\n\nTo some, the Crowned Beasts were seen as majestic marvels, traversing the blue skies, protecting their territories and eggs at no bother to the people. Stories even told of the rare matriarch Cockatrice befriending the brave warrior after weeks of fierce-gentle courtship in the lands of the Void Disciples. To others, they were barbaric nightmare fuel.\n\nAncient tapestries depict Warriors riding on their backs almost as often as they record the destruction and violence of the beast, sympathisers would say; in defence of their feathers and their young. \n\nNowadays, the story is different. After years of technological advancement and the cruel feather shearing of the late-modern fashion era, the great Cockatrice are rarely heard of beyond rumour, and their existence thought of as mostly fairytale. \n\nThose who know the truth understand that it was the Feather Poachers entrapment and heinous treatment of the captured beasts they were able to lull into false trust that has led to their present day rarity. Kept in squalid conditions and unable to stretch their wings or feed off of the realm, the mothers stopped producing eggs and all their feathers turned fragile waste. The males of the species who are notoriously less trusting, lost to their own brutal in-fighting around mating season with fewer and fewer females with which to bond."} +{"id": "f8126fa0-16cd-490f-b9e7-2c38fe404494-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:16.021", "backgroundColor": "#ece0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQmsfHfMpcVA4uyr3SdWP3oQeAzuKMCD8tRvwB4psdpnS", "txHash": "0x77b8b070b8b2acad596e7dd41df98f19e24115f01a4dc43540f545a75a96cb16", "createdAtBlock": 14873159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3, "slug": "beasts", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPScL6hfwmgMmpvvo1ZEnMpS4GwbkxEqfYMWWUdghPoe2", "text": "It is, of course, the mistake of these greedy fashion makers to ignore the possibilities that lie within a Cockatrice Egg. It was always the mystics and wizards who understood the properties contained within these eggs, and so it was often the prize of any expedition led by a wizard to steal such an egg. Unfortunately for most, where a warrior wasnt already sleeping outside of a mothers cave - a human bodyguard for an ancient beast, the power of the cockatrice itself was more than most could ever survive. \nMost would not dare to try; for their power was common knowledge, at the time. \n\nThe Male Cockatrice were well known to breathe fire and whip their tails in mid-flight aerial combat. Alas, the Duels of Cockatrice are the inspiration for many of the realms most awesome works of art. Dual fatalities were not uncommon, often through exhaustion if not the gore of battle. Less often encountered, although more often befriended, the Female Cockatrice is said to breathe fire even hotter and grow even longer in tail. Larger than their male counterparts, their talons are said to have beheaded some of histories greatest generals. \n\nNo stranger to war or drama, there now exists a group of wizards who still believe in and tell stories of the Cockatrice. The Valley of the Void Disciple is the destination of a great pilgrimage for these wizards who believe that even the oldest and most decorated eggs of the ancient Great Cockatrice still contain the potential to unleash mythic powers and wipeout entire bloodlines. \n\nThe most interesting of the stories about surviving Cockatrices are the ones that concern The Great Mother. \n\nIt is in the Valley of the Void Disciple that these stories are most often told."} +{"id": "f8126fa0-16cd-490f-b9e7-2c38fe404494-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:46:16.021", "backgroundColor": "#ece0bc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQmsfHfMpcVA4uyr3SdWP3oQeAzuKMCD8tRvwB4psdpnS", "txHash": "0x77b8b070b8b2acad596e7dd41df98f19e24115f01a4dc43540f545a75a96cb16", "createdAtBlock": 14873159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3, "slug": "beasts", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPScL6hfwmgMmpvvo1ZEnMpS4GwbkxEqfYMWWUdghPoe2", "text": "It is in the Valley of the Void Disciple that these stories are most often told.\n\nThe Great Mother is said to be a Triple Crowned Cockatrice, purportedly much larger than those that have ever been studied by any scholar. In addition to being much larger, it is also said to be the most intelligent of beasts. Evading all of the cities most skilled anthrozoologists thus far, most have written off the stories as here-say. Yet, a few of the prized eggs have newly made their way to the black markets around the Alchemists Archipelago and mysterious fires at Mesozoic Cockatrice farms in the Desert regions spark further intrigue. \nOne must imagine that there exists wizards who wish to befriend The Great Mother as was once supposedly possible with these beasts. At the same time, there will be those who will want the honour of claiming its death and its eggs. \n\n\n> The Ancient Wisdom goes: \n> Be fierce and she will fight you \n> Be gentle and she will love you \n> Be brave and she will respect you \n> Be equal and she will find you \n\nWhat stories are yet untold of the Triple Crowned Cockatrice?\n\n*(Lore written by O)*\n\n# ***\n# **Cluck Cluck**"} +{"id": "af03a8f0-5bce-4222-9eb5-2ec33398047a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-29T05:45:44.939", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRMqbsNaqJHQc7WE6m2MVniTLwQWjG25cgzc7tWri8js", "txHash": "0xa341d65c63f5bcfaba1e6f4beac90b073c924be0b8d433cbf604d6f72aa42a53", "createdAtBlock": 15235589, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 922, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mondo Wrecker of the Coliseum", "text": "# Mondo's Summertime \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvUQcnfwUUM\n\nIn the summertime, when the weather is hot\n\nMondo aint so good bout keepin dry\n\nWhen the weather's fine\n\nMondos drinkin, Mondos drinkin on your dime\n\nHave a beer, maybe five\n\nMondo wont be stoppin till hes blind\n\nIf your daddy's rich, Mondo will have the veal\n\nIf your daddy's poor, break out the cornmeal\n\nNever feelin pain, you could burn or inter Mondo alive\n\nThen the sun goes down, Mondo wakens\n\nwakens up for drinkin time\n\nHes no threat, people, hes not dirty, he's not mean\n\nHe loves everybody, but he do as he please\n\nWhen the weather's fine, he goes drinkin with his doggy by the sea\n\nHes always happy, closely living\n\nLife to the infinity\n\nSing along with him\n\nDee-dee-dee, dee-dee\n\nDah-dah-dah, dah-dah\n\nYeah he's hap-happy\n\nDah dah-dah\n\nDee-dah-do, dee-dah-do, dah-do-dah\n\nYeah, dah-do, dah-dah-dah\n\nDah-dah-dah, do-dah-dah\n\nAlright\n\nThen the winter's here: Mondos fightin time\n\nColiseum, hackin slashin\n\nIt'll soon be summertime\n\nAnd he'll sing again, always drinkin\n\nPast the point most folkll drown\n\nIf youre rich, if youre nice, bring your friends\n\nAnd hell show you round the town\n\nIn the summertime, when the weather is hot\n\nMondo aint so good bout keepin dry\n\nWhen the weather's fine\n\nMondos drinkin, Mondos drinkin' on your dime\n\nHave a beer, maybe five"} +{"id": "af03a8f0-5bce-4222-9eb5-2ec33398047a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-29T05:45:44.939", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYRMqbsNaqJHQc7WE6m2MVniTLwQWjG25cgzc7tWri8js", "txHash": "0xa341d65c63f5bcfaba1e6f4beac90b073c924be0b8d433cbf604d6f72aa42a53", "createdAtBlock": 15235589, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 922, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mondo Wrecker of the Coliseum", "text": "Have a beer, maybe five\n\nMondo wont be stoppin till hes blind\n\nIf your daddy's rich, Mondo will have the veal\n\nIf your daddy's poor, break out the cornmeal\n\nNever feelin pain, you could burn or inter Mondo alive\n\nThen the sun goes down, Mondo wakens\n\nwakens up for drinkin time\n\nHes no threat, people, hes not dirty, he's not mean\n\nHe loves everybody, but he do as he please\n\nWhen the weather's fine, he goes drinkin with his doggy by the sea\n\nHes always happy, closely living\n\nLife to the infinity\n\nSing along with him\n\nDee-dee-dee, dee-dee\n \nDah-dah-dah, dah-dah\n \nYeah hes hap-happy\n \nDah dah-dah\n \nDee-dah-doo, dee-dah-do, dah-do-dah\n \nYeah dah-dah, dah-dah-dah\n \nYeah, alright"} +{"id": "7dc20969-a181-4e2f-b9e2-8dfd8a2d2a97-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-29T05:59:19.125", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSAHxcZ7UM8tn8EiJoUMP4skcV9wXPAM3EjyTAnYUxUS", "txHash": "0x1a753e2c45cbf031c8e1056ea76727c3a071904a58c0531714e83d1f8fba9c2b", "createdAtBlock": 15235645, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9674, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Athina Shark of Titans", "text": "# Ath the Sai\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMsmUBOVGGI\n\n(Guest starring @warrior922, @wizard8672, @wizard2590,@wizard3439 and @wizard785)\n\nOh, the Shark, babe, has such sais, dear\n\nAnd she shows them flashing bright\n\nJust a stab right from old Athie, babe\n\nAnd shell have you, ah, dead to rights\n\nYou know when that Shark fights, grittin teeth, babe\n\nScarlet rainbows will be bled\n\nHungry dogs though does old Ath keep, babe\n\nSo there's never, never a scrap unfed\n\nNow on the footpath, huh, huh, whoo sunny morning, uh huh\n\nLies a kobold just oozin' life, eek\n\nAnd someone's sneakin' 'round the corner\n\nCould that someone be Ath the Sai?\n\nThere's a tugboat, huh, huh, down by the river don'tcha know\n\nWith a sealed up cask, just a-drop it on down\n\nOh, that sealed cask is not, not part of the freight, dear\n\nIma betcha ten, old Athie's back in town\n\nNow did ya hear 'bout Mondo Wrecker? He disappeared, babe\n\nAfter drawin' out all his hard-earned cash\n\nAnd now Athie spends just like a sailor\n\nCould it be our girl's done somethin' rash?\n\nNow Sorcrer Silas, ho, ho, yeah, Froggy Jastor\n\nOoh, Miss Sondre Brambles and old Circe Realm\n\nOh, the coins come or dogs delight, babe\n\nNow that Athie's back in town"} +{"id": "7dc20969-a181-4e2f-b9e2-8dfd8a2d2a97-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-29T05:59:19.125", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSAHxcZ7UM8tn8EiJoUMP4skcV9wXPAM3EjyTAnYUxUS", "txHash": "0x1a753e2c45cbf031c8e1056ea76727c3a071904a58c0531714e83d1f8fba9c2b", "createdAtBlock": 15235645, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9674, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Athina Shark of Titans", "text": "Oh, the coins come or dogs delight, babe\n\nNow that Athie's back in town\n\nI said Sorcrer Silas, whoa, Froggy Jastor\n \nLook out to Miss Sondre Brambles and old Circe Realm\n \nYes, the coins come or dogs delight, babe\n \nNow that Athie's back in town\n \nLook out, old Athie's back"} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "*\n# *Bedtime stories with Galatea and Litho*\n*\n\n## Reflections\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\nStabbing her walking stick into the dirt and dragging it, Galatea walked the perimeter of a campground. She whispered a chant at the four directional winds. Jumping across a stream the spell changed but then her voice went back. \n\nRise up high\nFrom earth to sky\nProtect all that dwell\non the inside.\n\nOnce the circle had been completed Galatea walked over and set her supplies down by a circle of rocks. Opening the flap of her leather pouch and lifting out a bullfrog she said, \n\nHi sleepy head,\n\nBeaming back at her Litho replied, Hi Galatea.\n\nHolding him higher and slowly turning around she explained, Look where our journey has taken us. Its a perfect spot for us to spend the night. You know Its almost time for our bedtime story. \n\nNice Place, Litho answered as he eyed several snacks crawling near the water and a drop of spit fell from his lips. Oooooo, yes, yes, and yes,\n \nSitting him down Galatea giggled, You always make me laugh, you silly frog. \n\nLitho leaped off in the direction of the stream and then turned around and smiled at her. You always make me feel safeand loved. Then he left with a little dance as he sang. \n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nSlurp them down \n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nSquishy and round\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nWings or feet\n\nClap clap clap clap \n\nThey are a treat\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nBugs are yummy\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nBugs are sweet\n\nClap clap clap clap\n\nTastytasty \nTasty.treats.\n\nHm hm hm hm"} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Tastytasty \nTasty.treats.\n\nHm hm hm hm\n\nGalatea watched Litho dance and sing until he reached the water and then she walked in the opposite direction. Finding a large branch she reached down as a beetle ran out. Ug.I hate nastycrawlythings. \n\nShaking her shoulders she continued on the search for firewood until.darkness began to move in. Her arms heavy with wood she walked towards a circle of rocks and noticed Litho hopping back. Dropping the wood Galatea mentioned, I have been thinking about storytime, I want to share a family story.\n\nPatting the ground Litho replied, Galatea.come sit over here and tell me a story. \n\nRubbing bits of debris off her arms she sat on top of her bedroll. At home on the first day of winter we would wear something special and head into the village. I liked to wear my dark rose velvet shirt which is embroidered with different colors of snapdragons. \n\nLitho asked, What did you do in the village?\n\nArriving the breeze greeted you with the scent of rosemary. It is our custom to use these sprigs of evergreens to summon the spirits of good fortune and health for the new year. Families brought dishes of food as an offering for their support of the community. People wished each other well as they tasted spicy and sweet foods placed in various locations around the town center.\n\nEating all day, You are my kind of people. Did you do anything else?\n\nYes, When it got dark we would sit around a bonfire and sing about our history. I look forward to the lore of the heath. \n\nYes, there is nothing better than a good lore story,'' mentioned Litho as he watched Galatea stack the firewood from largest to smallest."} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Galatea, Your story reminds me of a celebration my family had. \n\nGalatea turned around and smirked, You're kidding me, what do bullfrogs have to celebrate?\n\nLitho's front lip rolled out and he glared. Pointing a toe at Galatea he said, We have special celebrations.\n\nNo waybullfrogs have special celebrations. \n\nWe doand you shouldnt make fun of me.\n\nI am sorry. I should not have made fun of you. Please tell me your story.\n\nLitho leaned in. Bullfrogs celebrate the winter solstice by selecting their favorite place to hibernate. You stake your claim by squatting down and croaking your song. Mine sounds like this, Rru, Rru, ruuuu! Rru, Rru, rruuu! The celebration continues until the entire family has become a choir and the day is ending. Oooooo, then my favorite thing happens.\n\nYou burp.\n\nNono, I dont burp,.okay you're right I do but thats not my favorite thing that happens. I stand up and point my toes.. drilling them down into the squishy mud shoving myself as far as I can go. Then I move my legs back and forth. Like Im doing a little dance. I gotta make room for my butt to slither down. As I get into a comfortable sitting squat the mud oozes in around me ..until Im all. cozy and nice. ThenI..Zzzzzz\n\nThats cool the mud tucks you in for the winter. replied Galatea while standing up and leaning over the woodpile. Snapping her fingers she cast a spell.\n\nFire Bright \nbut no smoke \ntonight.\n\nFlames erupted throughout the wood as she opened her bedroll and asked, Is there any more to your story?"} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Absolutely! In the spring when it rains and the sun warms up the mud, you wake up. The rain washes the dirt off you. Animals of all kinds get together to eat, lullaby all night and of course there are events. \n\nMy friend Stewart the albino mouse leads a treasure hunt. While we search he makes us laugh with a quick card trick or a bit of magic. \n\nBun Bun of the dirt usually wins at the game, Find your Friend. The boy is so camouflaged I have sat down right next to him and not noticed. He never even blinks. To find me he calls outLithoI laugh and he yells, found you! \n\nJeremiah the bullfrog with the raspy voice, uses his calm and cool attitude to snap his fingers in a rhythmic beat as he sings and directs the bullfrog quartet of Taddius, Wild Bill and me. Together we sing those low notes down by the pond. \n\nImpy Jr. who is a ball of green slime sashays around greeting everyone. It is all organized by Splotch the black cat. Since she doesnt hibernate she has all winter to think of wonderful mischievous activities.\n\nNodding her head, Galatea poked the fire, put on another log and said, Sounds like it was really fun. \n\nFun times and great memories. \n\nLitho stared at the fire for a few moments and then snuggled closer to Galatea. He laid his head on her foot. The glow of the fire reflected off his eyes and Litho asked, Galatea, what are you thinking? \n \nI am reflecting on how much we are the same. My family ate and sang songs like your familyand your community.\n\nExcept we are really different too."} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Except we are really different too.\n\nLitho, being different isnt good or bad.Its just being different. Life is about finding others who accept you no matter who you are or what you look like.\n\nGalatea, Most would look at us and say, What do they have in common? You have antlers and I am a green bullfrog.\n\nLeaning forward until they were face to face Galatea said, I care about you. You care about me. We are totally different in looks but we are the same in so many ways. You are my family and community now. \n \nYes, yes I am and you are my family too.'' Litho replied as he blinked away happy tears. Movement caught his eye. A centipede was headed towards Galateas bedroll until.it wasnt.\n\nUgh, I hate.nasty. crawly things, \n\nI know you do Galatea, Goodnight.\n\nGoodnight Litho, she replied while laying down.\n\nAll was quiet..until.softly \n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nSlurp them down\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nSquishy and round\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nWings or feet\n\nClap clap clap clap \n\nThey are a treat\n\nHm, hm, hm, hm.\n\n\n## The following wizard friends allowed me to use their familiars in my story.\n\n\nWarder- #7084 Aldus of the Astral Plane and his familiar a lucky black cat named Splotch\n\nMilk-#4769 Impy and his familiar an emerald slime named Impy Jr.\n\nHenry-#7238 Druid Merlon of Dreams and his familiar a dirt rabbit named Bun-Bun of the dirt.\n\nWizdaddy-#5564 Hydromancer Soran of the Psychic Leap and his familiar swamp bullfrog named Wild Bill."} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Madotuski-#9815 Mystic David of the Bastion and his familiar an albino rat named Stewart.\n\nTadmajor-#4044 Druid Froggy of the Gnostics and his familiar a swamp bullfrog named Taddius.\n\nMagus Wazir-#1229 Sage Bartholomew and his swamp bullfrog named Jeremiah.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n# \n\n# # \n\n# *Bedtime Stories with Galatea and Litho*\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n## Real Friends\n\n\nInside of the pouch Litho could barely hear the stick being dragged as it formed a trench into the dirt. He mouthed the words Galatea recited as she walked.\n\nRise up high\nFrom earth to sky\nProtect all that dwell on \nThe inside.\n\nWhen the end of the trench met the beginning Galatea headed towards the shade of a large oak tree. Opening her pouch a head popped out. \n\nHello Litho?\n\nHello right back at you. Im soooooo.hungry. Wheres the bugs? \n\nPicking up her bullfrog Galatea said, See that marshy area over there. Im sure its full of slimy crawly things. \n\nSit me down, please. sit me down! My tummy is rumbly. Galatea set Litho on the ground. He stretched out his front legs as far as they would go and then did the same with each of his back legs. Oooo, that feels so good after a long nap.\n\nLitho faced the marsh and took one hop forward, turned around and winked, then continued on his way as he danced and sang,\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nSlurp them down\n \nBom bom bom bom\n\nsquishy and round\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nWings or feet\n\nClap clap clap clap \n\nThey are a treat"} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Wings or feet\n\nClap clap clap clap \n\nThey are a treat\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nBugs are yummy\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nBugs are sweet\n\nClap clap clap clap\n\nTastytasty \nTasty.treats\n\nHm hm hm hm \n\nDont you bring back any of those nastycrawly things, Galatea called after him. Litho kept hopping forward until he disappeared into some tall weeds. Galatea went over to a grassless area and began to move rocks into a circle. \n\nA half hour later she headed to the fire pit with her arms full of wood when she heard.\n\nHelp! Help! gurgle.\n\nGalatea dropped the wood and ran. Her face became red and her eyes scanned from left to right. \n\nLitho, Litho where are you?\n\nReaching the weeds, she stopped and listened. The only sound was her heart pounding. Even the song birds were nowhere to be seen.\n\nLitho, Litho, she shouted.\n\nGalatea carefully walked through some tall grass and called again for her friend, Litho, where are you?\n\nShe went a few more steps deeper into the marsh and found a small area of open water. A red hawk was sitting on top of a log that was half way stuck in the mud. The bird was hunched over staring downward. It was here she saw Litho curled up underneath it. Only his eyes were sticking out of the water. Noticing Galatea.Litho eyeballs got bigger.\n\nGalatea quickly raised her left hand and blurted out, Raise up water!\n\n A single wave rose up above the hawk. The bird turned its head at Galatea and glared. Galatea leaned forward and moved her hand higher. The wave rose up too."} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Letting out a piercing screamthe hawk flew away.\n\nGalatea released her hand and called out, Litho, Everything is okay. You can come out now. I made the hawk leave.\n\nThe bullfrog lifted his head out of the water and looked around.\n\nAre you sure its okay? \n\nYes, I am sorry that happened to you. The hawk must have been in here somewhere before I cast my protection spell. He left and he wont be able to fly back in. Litho slowly climbed out while checking his surroundings. He sat on top of the log for a moment and then hopped over to Galatea. Are you okay?\n\nYes, Good thing I am fast. I was almost a snack.\n\nWhat happened?\n\nI was sitting by the water and a muskrat appeared. He said, Hello Friend, welcome! He asked if I knew the best place for catching bugs. I told him I didn't. Then the muskrat said I should sit on that log. I thanked him and jumped over to it. When I went to ask his name he was gone. I saw a large shadow andI realized the hawk was coming at me. I hopped into the water and I yelled for you.\n\nI am thankful I heard you and could get here in time. \n\nI thought it was weird the muskrat left because he said we were friends. I think he wanted me to sit there on purpose. \n\nI agree, replied Galatea. \n\nShe picked Litho up until they were face to face. Several tears escaped from his eyes. I promise to always take good care of you, Litho. You are going to stay close to me tonight. You can eat whatever bugs you find hiding under rocks and the wood pile as I build the campfire.\n\nOkay, I would like that."} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Okay, I would like that.\n\nLater when the crickets started to sing their night song Galatea snapped her fingers at the wood and recited, \n\n\nTwist and turn \nUntil rings are formed.\n\n\nThe smoke rose up and made whispery circles that floated in all directions. Litho spied a moth flying towards the campfire. When it went through the center of a smoke ring. His tongue zapped it. \n\nOh, one of my favorite games. Bullseye the bugs.\n\nHave fun tonight, you silly frog, Galatea replied while opening her bedroll and sitting down.\n\nAfter a while, Litho went over and snuggled next to her. Galatea, how can you tell if someone is a friend or not?\n\nThats a good question, Litho. Sometimes it is hard to tell. The muskrat you talked to today was a fake friend. He only wanted to get you into trouble. He didnt really want to help you.\n\nWhy would he do that?\n\nWe will probably never know? Maybe he didnt want to share the marsh with anyone. Maybe he just wanted to see you get eaten? Litho, real friends try to find ways to take care of you, get you out of trouble or cheer you up to make you happy. You told me Midas is your friend. How do you know he is a real friend?\n\nHmmmlet me think. I know when I have asked Midas for help. It makes me feel happy to that golden toad hopping over. When my brothers and sister moved away I cried. Midas came over to see how I was. He made jokes to make me laugh. When he did that it made me feel special."} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-9", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "Thats because Midas is a real friend. He is there for you in good times and bad. Litho, What if. sometimesMidas is too busy to help when you ask him?\n\nHe will tell me and I will understand because he helps me at other times. \n\nWhat about Bloody?\n\nOh, I dont know. Everyone is afraid of Bloody. Hes a red frog who was born with fangs and sucks the blood of his prey.\n\nAre you afraid of Bloody? ask Galatea.\n\nNono Im not.\n\nWhy? \n\nBloody saved my life once. I almost got eaten by a black water snake. Bloody attacked it and bit it with his fangs. He noticed I was upset and he invited me to sit with him at the end of his pond. After that whenever I hopped by his pond, I waved. Sometimes I stopped for a visit. We have things that are the same like we both get our feelings hurt easily. \n\nWould you say Bloody is a real friend?\n\nHmmmm.Yes, yes I would. Oh I get iteveryone should not be judgy because you might be wrong about somebody.\n\nLitho, you dont get to decide how others feel but you can improve on how. you feel and how.you act.\n\nGalatea, I like real friends.\n\nYes, I totally agree. Litho, did you know that you can tell if someone is smart because it takes..brain power, it takes thought and effort to give compliments and be nice. It takes no brain power to hurt someones feelings. \n\nOoooo, then I am super smart!\n\nYes you are!\n\nAndso are you!\n\nIts time for me to go to sleep. Good night Litho.\n\nGood night Galatea, he replied as he hopped to the front of her bedroll and watched the smoke rings.\n\nAll was quiet until softly"} +{"id": "b249cd20-b280-41d6-8d2d-8e3fab6fdaa1-10", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:36.57", "backgroundColor": "#020000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNsjmxyFkg9MUC8YoYU8pSTBPordoKyZACVDpwd6QAe99", "txHash": "0x3743b4880bc8e0a7e6ed4962910fcd6d00b2d017dc7b98f346ca898a14632c95", "createdAtBlock": 14934652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Galatea of the Heath", "text": "All was quiet until softly\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nSlurp them down\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nSquishy and round\n\nBom bom bom bom\n\nWings or feet\n\nClap clap clap clap\n \nThey are a treat\n\nHm hm hm hm \n\n\n\n## The following wizard friends allowed me to use their familiars in my story.\n\n\nKel 1/1-#8721 Arch-Magician Pumlo of the Bastion and his familiar a golden toad named Midas.\n\nPanico-#3930 Battlemage Drako of the Obelisk and his familiar an ember frog named Bloody."} +{"id": "5288e607-2559-437e-9e1a-9b64e7fd2bb4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-18T00:49:28.283", "backgroundColor": "#6b7af2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdRnB19MKSi3Ex2rAH3TRYzW2stR7HWkz2JbafHXwPCHC", "txHash": "0x14b8eb0c4da4a9931d3821933a584d271df2e158dd3b0268a48c7e6eecdb5ea5", "createdAtBlock": 15163471, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3614, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWirbxpAbDbheFQVmnFrbjnqzNzuSV2fwbLGj7fRVBwpf", "name": "Belial Attacker of Wizards", "text": "# Belial Attacker of Wizards \n\n_Deus vult!_\n\nTo defeat !magic, there is might. But the Ducks of the Runiverse had become impatient with such a steep disadvantage. \n\nRelying on thousand-year-old rumors, breakaway members of the Duck Alliance decided to chase a moonshot. As religious zealots, they thought they could harness religion to triumph over !magic. \n\nA thousand-year-old rumor. Tunnels deep under a nondescript church, hiding a long-buried medieval crypt. This is where the renegades unearthed what they believed to be blessed Holy relics from the crusades.\n\nInstead... they came across the reanimated remains of a Templar knight. So evil in his actions under the banner of God, the man was deemed unforgiveable. Tortured in ways not spoken of since the Dark Ages, the Templar's entire face was burned off. \n\nIt was not a Holy blessing that kept the warrior alive for centuries entombed, but an ancient curse designed to leave him in suffering for all eternity, with his soul already in hell. Because of his direct connection to the underworld, he is know as Belial. The demon. \n\nFor now... he hunts wizards and all purveyors of !magic. Deus vult is his ancient latin battle cry! The zealots of the Duck Alliance--those who survived being in the presence of his demonic energy--convinced the Belial his service to this new crusade would redeem him.\n\nBut for how long? The Belial channels all that is wicked and evil of the underworld... how long until he turns on the very Ducks who set him on his path?"} +{"id": "316231ad-10bb-47f4-b5db-caf8e6ca85fd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:17.667", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbGXfwWm5iCkCqqUnELe3pn3WPdKb5CDPyHdzLvQeQ3GN", "txHash": "0xe5aa4f3d2242428d3e299aaf0fdd046d2ecc681daf6d022a04fe1ed40819e122", "createdAtBlock": 14929240, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11349, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Robbert of Torment Manor", "text": "**\n# The Lore of Robbert of Torment Manor\n**\n\n\n\nAs the sun rises on a warm vernal morning, a breeze blows swiftly over the stately gray towers of Torment Manor. \n\nShrieks of a freshly risen Mandril can be heard by Goblin both large and small. It awakens them, and they prepare for a new day of untold horrors and unending revelry. \n\nUpon the highest tower is Robbert. He stands with a bottle of Rune beer in hand, and the skull of his greatest enemy adorning his head. He is just as quick to share a drink as he is to remove a limb, and it is known by everyone in the Manor. \n\nA strong Chieftain, who loves a round of beer as much as a round in the dungeons. Many a foe arrived at Torment Manor never to return home, but many a friend tell tales of extravagant galas that lasted many days. Robbert rules under the Rune of Omega, letting all of his adversaries know if they cross him it will be their ***last*** mistake."} +{"id": "ec684851-795f-4b6d-9f12-559dc5ce9f98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:26.269", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmagDHDypQd2j4WoJy3hLNjHjWmfRGoqgyNoXh4s9YhUFG", "txHash": "0xc165839eb67b93fc42a30ff0c3af1061fec597fe5373a6dee768687fafe7f750", "createdAtBlock": 14873176, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3131, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Slater Guillotiner of Kobolds", "text": "# Love is but a story yet to be told\n\nI am searching for something. I don't quite know what it is. A feeling inside as I stare off into the distance, an endless view above the mountain peaks. I have been up here for ages now, alone. The thirst for contact, a hunger for companionship, it's time I take that long road back down."} +{"id": "afcfc348-4528-413d-8c4c-aa41dd37aaa4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:52.73", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtrPjhPVyCWDrqaJ2mERo6aLqkCfk932AGHnGNX8MNEE", "txHash": "0x24ce08859b42856c6f55414be5b6bd1637371a94e4ec6226a71e6a0b7e4cd641", "createdAtBlock": 14907185, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1510, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Draco Double-Crosser of the Mountain", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nMany mistaken Warrior 1510 for his calm demeanor. His unfurrowed brow, soft skin, and his wonted clothes must've gave the wrong impression. For beyond this, Warrior 1510's sole purpose was to serve Thaumaturge Wolfram of the Riviera. He has done served loyally for his entire life and will until the end of time."} +{"id": "7aa622c1-2f80-4be0-88c7-35cdc0f49da9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:30.177", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXoYRy6TVJHHGksTJSaczmJZz5eBdJw1Qqr3r4EHR1MMd", "txHash": "0xc165fe434259ef4da3a26dfee7c7e3d9b482d1777cee4cc8ea4e65dc7a50a6a2", "createdAtBlock": 14878767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "\"What happened?\" Said he.\n\n\"A mis-stitch, I suppose,\" she shrugged from the other side.\n\n\"I was only practicing my enchantments,\" he puzzled.\n\n\"Funny things can happen when you weave against the tapestry of space and time.\" She peered about. \"All this color, it is very... familiar.\"\n\nShe stepped through the veil. And even the wizards of the Yellow Tower did not notice that his heart skipped a beat and Shaman Armstrong would, forever, live an imperceptible moment in the past."} +{"id": "6314a949-f6f9-4b9f-8194-421a1894af72-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:41.112", "backgroundColor": "#001732", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU92MKxziDDMdTYKBVGghFmZRLqDexUMUiE1DsPC3SbSe", "txHash": "0x4d839db56bf28a22e8212d7680d4599e50a94df34ae09b89fa13d5fc227f75a3", "createdAtBlock": 14881267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbKh5msWseniFcVLSJ6jD9iM4v17b8asadCA4LFxkAm9o", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "# Calista's Citadel Police Report - Miyo's Special Wizard Burn Election\n\n\n### Calistas Citadel Arcane Enforcement Division\n\n\n> Case File: Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood\n---\n> Case #: 8711\n---\n> Section: Miyos Special Burn Election\n\n\n### Suspect summary:\n\nSee sections on Miyos origins and overall background. Large portions of her whereabouts and activities prior to the Burn Election are unknown.\n\n\nImage courtesy of 6maker (@6maker_nft)\n\n### Case Summary:\n\nChaos Mage Miyo orchestrates a Special Wizard Burn Election to decide who will pass through a Sacred Flame. The candidates were either volunteers or involuntary captives (although in at least one case, the line was blurred). This case is a subset of the Great Wizard Burning, an ongoing event that has resulted in hundreds of wizards being transformed by Sacred Flames.\n\n### Accomplices:\n\nSorcerer Basil of the Berg (#5140)\n\n\n\nMet Miyo on the Road to the Blue Wizard Bastion. Fought against Miyo but lost. Subsequently joined Miyos group (motive unclear) but eventually demonstrated strong loyalty to Miyo. Eventually becomes 2nd-in-command of the Miyos Boys organization.\n\n---\n\nArtificer Damien of the Mist (#2181)\n\n\n\nAllegedly waylaid by Chaos Mage Miyo while he was making a journey through the Wood, en route to the Gate to the 7th Realm, eventually becoming the 1st Miyos Boy. However, he later escaped and acted as an informant; much of the data in this section comes from information provided by Damien.\n\n---\n\nBattle Mage Tundror of the Wild\n\n\n\nReplacement key holder after Damien left - however, he in turn leaves after a few weeks. We believe it is at this point that Miyo begins to consider Warriors as better candidates for her organization.\n\n---"} +{"id": "6314a949-f6f9-4b9f-8194-421a1894af72-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:41.112", "backgroundColor": "#001732", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU92MKxziDDMdTYKBVGghFmZRLqDexUMUiE1DsPC3SbSe", "txHash": "0x4d839db56bf28a22e8212d7680d4599e50a94df34ae09b89fa13d5fc227f75a3", "createdAtBlock": 14881267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbKh5msWseniFcVLSJ6jD9iM4v17b8asadCA4LFxkAm9o", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "---\n\nBattle Mage Samuel of the Quantum Shadow (#581)\n\n\n\nNot much information is available about him, although it appears that he didnt originally come from the Quantum Shadow, but instead traveled there after an incident with his twin brother. It is unknown how he first met Miyo or why he agreed to help her, but during this incident he helped in securing multiple captives.\n\n---\n\n# Overall Timeline (measured in # of days prior to Burning):\n\n\n## 43 days:\n\nMiyo travels towards Gate to the 7th Realm with Damien and Basil, with the intention of opening the Gate (note that this was several months before the Gate was actually opened in an unrelated incident).\n\n\n\n## 38 days:\n\nMiyo learns of the existence of Sacred Flames.\n\n## 36 days:\n\nMiyo comes up with the idea of a Special Burn Election to let the wizarding community determine who deserves to pass through a Sacred Flame.\n\n## 31 days:\n\nBasil is sent to the Sands to prove his loyalty and procure the first burning candidate.\n\n\n\n## 29 days:\n\nBasil returns with Artificer Fabio of the Sands, the first candidate for the Election.\n\n\n\nOn the same day, Miyo also procured a Sacred Flame (method unknown).\n\n\n\n## 26 days:\n\nMiyo makes her first appearance at the Wizards Tavern (location unknown). She explains her Wizard Election concept, where she introduces a new candidate each week, and at the end the election will determine who gets burned. She left a poster behind to demonstrate the progress of the event (pictured below).\n\n\n\nNote: Around this time, there is evidence that Druid Faiz of Arcadia performed a ritual to allow the burn candidates to be summoned to another realm, thereby escaping captivity.\n\n## 25 days:"} +{"id": "6314a949-f6f9-4b9f-8194-421a1894af72-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:41.112", "backgroundColor": "#001732", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU92MKxziDDMdTYKBVGghFmZRLqDexUMUiE1DsPC3SbSe", "txHash": "0x4d839db56bf28a22e8212d7680d4599e50a94df34ae09b89fa13d5fc227f75a3", "createdAtBlock": 14881267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbKh5msWseniFcVLSJ6jD9iM4v17b8asadCA4LFxkAm9o", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "## 25 days:\n\nMiyo meets with individuals from the Quantum Shadow (QS). We are still investigating the phenomenon of the QS, but it appears that Miyo has some type of affiliation with a group linked to it.\n\n\n\n## 24 days:\n\nMiyo reveals to her Miyos Boys (the name she initially selected for her followers) that she has attempted necromancy spells unsuccessfully in the past. One result of this, is that her right hand is permanently corrupted, and is bandaged as a result. This is a key identifying mark that all Enforcers should keep in mind.\n\n\n\n## 23 days:\n\nA second victim is abducted from a Capital Resources, LLC facility: Archmagus Soran of the Arctic.\n\n\n\nQuantum Shadow operatives carried out this kidnapping, although their methods are unknown.\n\nSoon afterward, Miyo presented this newest addition to the Election at the Wizard's Tavern.\n\n\n\n## 21 days:\n\nAt this time, the first instance of a curious phenomenon was observed. Archmagus Soran, only a couple days after being captured, was able to escape through unknown means. However, monitoring of inter-realm communications suggests that someone may have made use of the summoning magic set up by Druid Faiz:\n\n\n\nOn the same day, Artificer Damien also left Miyo through similar means:\n\n\n\n## 20 days:\n\nThe Quantum Shadow operatives next kidnap Spellsinger Aldus of the Realm to replace Archmagus Soran. A Red Hat wizard was targeted, as Miyo seems to have a specific animosity towards them.\n\n\n\nAldus is a notable spellsinger and father to Alchemist Baozhai of the Wood, who is on the List of Approved Nightshade Vendors. We have recovered a copy of a letter that Aldus sent to Baozhai after being kidnapped.\n\n## 18 days"} +{"id": "6314a949-f6f9-4b9f-8194-421a1894af72-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:41.112", "backgroundColor": "#001732", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU92MKxziDDMdTYKBVGghFmZRLqDexUMUiE1DsPC3SbSe", "txHash": "0x4d839db56bf28a22e8212d7680d4599e50a94df34ae09b89fa13d5fc227f75a3", "createdAtBlock": 14881267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbKh5msWseniFcVLSJ6jD9iM4v17b8asadCA4LFxkAm9o", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "## 18 days\n\nMiyo announces that she has procured a 2nd Sacred Flame.\n\n## 15 days\n\nArtificer Fabio of the Sands escapes Miyo. At the same time, Mystic David of the Quantum Shadow is added to the Election roster. He was apparently offered up by Battle Mage Samuels organization.\n\n\n\nWe discovered a cryptic poem apparently written by David in the Book of Lore. It appears that David was originally from another Realm.\n\n## 6 days:\n\nBasil is announced as a replacement candidate. At this point, it appears that the increasing notoriety of Miyo and the Burn Election made it difficult to procure more candidates. But Miyo appeared fixated on making the election a reality.\n\nThere are (unconfirmed) reports that Basil volunteered for the position - it appears his devotion to Miyo had fully formed by this point.\n\n## 4 days:\n\nMiyo announces herself as the final Burn Election candidate. Based on her public declarations, it appeared that she believed the flame would transform her into a being of supreme grandeur akin to the elite Forgotten Souls that have since emerged into the Runiverse.\n\n\n\nAt this point, the election had opened. Wizards could visit the Tavern, and through an unknown arcane mechanism, indicate which of the candidates was their choice to burn. Miyo actually included an option to vote for nobody, but that proved to be unpopular.\n\n## 2 days:\n\nWe were able to obtain a visual of preliminary results to the election:\n\n\n\nApparently, there were some last-minute changes in the voting, and the result was a tie between Miyo and Aldus.\n\n\n\nHowever, there were some rule-breakers who voted after the stated deadline, and Miyo allowed those to count, resulting in Aldus being selected for the burn.\n\n## Day of the Burn:"} +{"id": "6314a949-f6f9-4b9f-8194-421a1894af72-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:41.112", "backgroundColor": "#001732", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU92MKxziDDMdTYKBVGghFmZRLqDexUMUiE1DsPC3SbSe", "txHash": "0x4d839db56bf28a22e8212d7680d4599e50a94df34ae09b89fa13d5fc227f75a3", "createdAtBlock": 14881267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbKh5msWseniFcVLSJ6jD9iM4v17b8asadCA4LFxkAm9o", "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "## Day of the Burn:\n\nThe agency has received an account of the burning event from Druid Faiz, who observed the event remotely. Veiled Phantasm Aldus of the Ethereal Realm has left our plane and was not available for interview.\n\nLater that day, another unexpected burn happened when Sorcerer Basil, after leaving behind his final thoughts, used Miyos other flame. Ethereal Spectre Basil of the Death Cloud is still at Miyos side, by all accounts, and should be considered as a Class A spectral threat.\n\nSidenote: Mystic David of the Quantum Shadow also ended up voluntarily burning himself, and turned into a Lich. Miyo ended up the only burn candidate who didnt burn.\n\n\n\nThis ends the case notes for the Special Wizard Burn Election. The agency is next building the case file for Miyos participation in the Big Potion Corp. incident."} +{"id": "ef82928d-b403-46ae-94b6-9a535c00eb98-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:43.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmREFcsTWP5yFARQxJxszJ5DtpfkmatiJpJLjmQojriTTR", "txHash": "0xaac7eaaaf36c3179313a230f25ae42ef72729b7b598bde5a9ab912dc28da662f", "createdAtBlock": 14885002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdFHJrD3w12Lqzw38C8t23x2jHKPjt4oXTVTPLE689paY", "name": "Magus Jahid of the Marsh", "text": "Now, Graca, could you be careful while preparing the specimen? Jahids tone betrayed a level of impatience and annoyance underneath his sunny demeanor.\n\nHe leaned over Gracas shoulder as she carefully cracked a blue-spotted egg larger than her head. She looked at him, a deep line between her eyebrows as she concentrated. She used a sharp instrument to cut carefully around the perimeter of the egg.\n\nAs she did, a gooey essence slipped out of the hole, growing larger in the basin. When finished, she held the two halves upside down, ensuring all the insides were drained. She turned to hand the leftovers to Jahid, but he quickly backpedaled.\n\nShe let out a nervous laugh. Sorry, sir. Forgot youre allergic to eggs. She set the shell aside on the table, focusing her efforts on the innards.\n\nGood, he commented as she stirred various chemicals into the basin.\n\nShe poured a sizable green flask into the mixture, hissing as a little struck her inner wrist. She pulled it away instinctively, trying to lick the remaining liquid.\n\nJahid hit her hand away from her mouth. Graca! That can kill you!\n\nGraca sheepishly looked down, not responding. She continued the process of creating the elixir.\n\nEventually, she added all the ingredients. She stirred it counterclockwise, muttering incantations under her breath.\n\nHe stood right behind her still, ears straining to hear the pronunciations of the spell. He prayed she had practiced it enough times. The feeling of trusting someone else with his masters life was horrific. If only he werent allergic to eggs, he would be able to prepare the concoction himself, ensuring the work was correct."} +{"id": "ef82928d-b403-46ae-94b6-9a535c00eb98-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:43.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmREFcsTWP5yFARQxJxszJ5DtpfkmatiJpJLjmQojriTTR", "txHash": "0xaac7eaaaf36c3179313a230f25ae42ef72729b7b598bde5a9ab912dc28da662f", "createdAtBlock": 14885002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdFHJrD3w12Lqzw38C8t23x2jHKPjt4oXTVTPLE689paY", "name": "Magus Jahid of the Marsh", "text": "Jahid prided himself on being the Head Alchemist of the Marsh. Graca frequently worked as his second, but she was prone to distraction, making her unreliable something Jahid hoped she grew out of as she continued in her studies of magic. One day, she would succeed him. Jahid desperately hoped that day was far in the future.\n\nHe held fast the urge to correct her pronunciation of a word as she blazed through the incantation.\n\nA minute later, she stopped mixing. The white, gooey substance from the original egg had transformed into a shimmering gold.\n\nShe poured the new liquid into a vial, decanting the large batch into smaller doses. Once done, she used the back of her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead. The fire heated the room too well, sometimes.\n\nJahid snatched one of the clean crystal bottles full of the gold liquid. He hurried toward the bedroom of his master, but not before thanking Graca. He was grateful she was here, even if her training had been haphazard up until this moment. He vowed to continue her education if this liquid served its purpose.\n\nHe knocked once on a little wooden door before pulling it open. The room was small and dark, with only bits of light streaming in through a window stained with dirt.\n\nJahid scampered over various piles on the wooden floor, keeping the liquid as level as possible, his hand clenched tight around the top of the vial.\n\nA figure lay in the bed, covers drawn up nearly to the top. Upon nearing the bed, he said in a too-happy voice, Master! We have found it; we can cure you!"} +{"id": "ef82928d-b403-46ae-94b6-9a535c00eb98-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:43.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmREFcsTWP5yFARQxJxszJ5DtpfkmatiJpJLjmQojriTTR", "txHash": "0xaac7eaaaf36c3179313a230f25ae42ef72729b7b598bde5a9ab912dc28da662f", "createdAtBlock": 14885002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4856, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdFHJrD3w12Lqzw38C8t23x2jHKPjt4oXTVTPLE689paY", "name": "Magus Jahid of the Marsh", "text": "The figure did not stir. Jahid hurried over, pulling back the covers to reveal his masters true form: a giant frog wearing deep purple robes. He usually covered his true form with illusion magic, but had come down with an illness some weeks ago. Jahids compatriots still searched for ingredients to restore the Master.\n\nJahid shook his master, trying to get him awake to take the potion. Please, Master. Were almost there.\n\nAfter a moment, the Master regained consciousness, though groggy and generally out-of-it.\nDrink.\n\nThe Master drank the liquid, gagging as it spilled into his throat. Jahid held the vial to his mouth, ensuring he swallowed every drop. The Master finished and burped.\nHis skin was already returning to the typical hue of his human illusion.\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPart 1: @wizard4856 \n\nPart 2: @wizard399 \n\nPart 3: @wizard8004 \n\nPart 4: @pony308 \n\nPart 5: @wizard8441 \n\nPart 6: @pony312"} +{"id": "7bcb3f88-ef84-4054-a0e1-41499fdcf828-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:43.763", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRpkmm2wSxvBwoCowhMedsC86uGVRukuxKiVpaZK59bap", "txHash": "0xb25295a9153f96e5ccc7dfc9f4756255763c25297c91e1be49d41be2f1da939f", "createdAtBlock": 14885473, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 399, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXgvUaXBJD99gXDCjEbCKeXXA8TiMNf1HqpVUHfrRKbJ5", "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Marsh", "text": "Alessar struggled to lift his head to sip the potion Jahid fed him. He coughed, splattering droplets across the bedspread. Jahid frantically wiped away the excess from his green skin, apologizing.\n\nMy fault, Master. I shouldve held on better. Jahid lowered his head in shame.\n\nAlessar nodded, unable to speak as the liquid burned down his throat. It set his stomach on fire as he digested it.\n\nThere was strength in his limbs for a moment, and he felt almost able to push himself up. His form flittered, changing the giant green frog into a man with a large white beard.\n\nJahid gasped in happiness and surprise, hands going to his mouth. Its working! he said in a hushed tone.\n\nThe apprentice backed into a cabinet, sending a tea set shattering on the floor. \n\nThere was a strange sensation of someone squeezing his innards. Alessar concentrated on maintaining the illusion, hoping the potion was effective. His limbs were heavy, strength draining as fast as itd come. \n\nA moment later, hope was lost. His humanoid form flickered out of existence, leaving the green frog exhausted from the effort. Frustration clouded his mind, making him doubt the validity of his chosen alchemist. He knew the failed potions were not Jahids fault, but there was no one else to blame for the situation.\n\nMultiple investigations into the source of this strange illness had come up empty-handed, unable to determine a cause, or even a lead. And without a lead, there was little hope of producing a viable cure. Just haphazard ones.\n\nAlessar cleared his throat, feeling like there were razor blades in it. We will reward those who find the cure. But be careful. Many scammers may appear, hoping to take advantage."} +{"id": "7bcb3f88-ef84-4054-a0e1-41499fdcf828-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:43.763", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRpkmm2wSxvBwoCowhMedsC86uGVRukuxKiVpaZK59bap", "txHash": "0xb25295a9153f96e5ccc7dfc9f4756255763c25297c91e1be49d41be2f1da939f", "createdAtBlock": 14885473, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 399, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXgvUaXBJD99gXDCjEbCKeXXA8TiMNf1HqpVUHfrRKbJ5", "name": "Archmagus Alessar of the Marsh", "text": "This was the fourth potion Jahid and his assistant had made attempting to cure Alessar of his latest malady. \n\nJust six weeks ago, Alessar was the picture of health, able to use his magic to protect the swamps of his territory. One day, he came home to find he could not use his regular illusory magic. This was frustrating in itself, as he protected himself with the disguise. But as a week or two went by, his magic still did not return. If anything, he began to deteriorate. He could not climb up the steps to his room alone; he couldnt perform the labor required to keep his swamp in good shape.\n\nJahid bowed his head. Yes, Master. I will send word. Discreetly.\n\nFew knew the Marsh Masters secret. Despite the wide range of wizards in the world, for some reason, people took unkindly to a frog being more powerful than them. It was a necessity to appear human in public. Over time, everyone who knew his secret had passed away, leaving him safe.\n\nAlessar allowed himself to give up the illusion of strength once Jahid left the room. He was hesitant to tell the apprentice the potions were doing more bad than good. Taking one left him so exhausted he could barely think.\n\nHis eyes closed as he thought over his situation. He could feel his strength waning. It would not be long before the Marsh Master died.\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPart 1: @wizard4856 \n\nPart 2: @wizard399 \n\nPart 3: @wizard8004 \n\nPart 4: @pony308 \n\nPart 5: @wizard8441 \n\nPart 6: @pony312"} +{"id": "bd9e8e5a-a030-4ef7-8e36-1208113b66a5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:44.914", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdUAyt1kz3ikrNVqFJ1QyvgnaxN65r71S1kQDkrxJi1hG", "txHash": "0xace60750a9e0e7926a379c8aa68a5379a85b799a2fa7573039ff98a32f9770a5", "createdAtBlock": 14886157, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6129, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Zubin ", "text": "On his thousandth birthday, the first star was born."} +{"id": "48c4bd38-96a7-4bfb-b72a-15e65d10d50b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:22.556", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT1EUhAXazsUqZCQchewDJsDghc91PmM5YSxyNZoXNCu2", "txHash": "0x0b0ae65a2362673fe2b884952d407a38c3b9b8c27b35d114f3c989f2071bf8b0", "createdAtBlock": 14913301, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3632, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Azriel Dismantler of Death", "text": "Azriel comes from a mysterious mercenary organization, the organization only serves to kill, and Azriel is the best in the organization"} +{"id": "98a7df18-ff86-4c7f-8d0b-0b5fe9ea52fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:35.695", "backgroundColor": "#464307", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUmDx1ajjBXCPMDCGEkfMN4aGgHftohoscv9pVjSPgH11", "txHash": "0x7ac0ae5fc7694e36fe2b780fa28799f2d642b5d7cd19567d1d95e2c24e2ad7c3", "createdAtBlock": 14934633, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7190, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hilda Bruiser of all that is Evil", "text": "# Lore of Hilda Bruiser of all that is Evil \n\n_Fight we must to exterminate all evil_\n\nHilda was raised in a small town, where snakes are protectors against all evil. In this region there was a temple, which was the epicenter where most snakes lived. The rumor in the town was that the temple had some powerful weapons and shields.\n\nAs Hilda grew, she had fun pushing herself by getting as close to the temple as possible. As years passed, she was able to get closer to the temple. As years passed, her movements became close to the snake. She developed a snake style as the time passed.\n\nThe same year she became an adult, she decided that that day would be the day that she would get to the center of the temple. It was a difficult time, but she managed to overcome all the obstacles in it. She obtained a Wooden Hammer and a Snake Shield.\n\nHilda returned to the town, where she was celebrated as a hero. She stated that she will use the relics of the town to exterminate all evil in the world. So, her adventure begins..."} +{"id": "292d0456-7d94-4980-add5-de9847d90768-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:45.626", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcPBowiD2bMHEGFk5A6KaGHPHBuHhUfthszEq6EjMxN49", "txHash": "0x25495b11f382f66fdef6252bf5a891a26a866f27954b843b699a89894540bd9f", "createdAtBlock": 14888054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# Whisper of Mana \n\n\n\n Bling, dang, \nSturm and Drang. \nThe sound of null, \nIf not, When... Foul! \n. \nNever bean, always Tea, \nBring me West to The Salt Sea. \nDidn't have to but chose to Be, \n!magic grew, till knotted a Tree. \n. \nShare, try, laugh and dry, \nkeep the moment, don't ask for a \"Why\"? \nNevertheless, the youngll age, then oldll die, \nLife is Yours, so come on, eat that fucking Pie! \n. \n. \nTo you, my Love. \nX"} +{"id": "69122b05-2cf2-4a4e-973f-a027469acd39-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:46.264", "backgroundColor": "#350000", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV1t3Xs6bYRTVp4PUYa8nkppFqSh6TqcaYFDASqVK4vkX", "txHash": "0x27f29bb112c83bdf8c2207b728d24a4f5d169d1547918a88ec10aadb5f1489b7", "createdAtBlock": 14888220, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# Striped Emotions \n\nShine, stink, root and fly, \nbe my Dream, approach me nigh. \nFeelings tell, actions speak, \ndrive your day, you silly stick. \n. \nDistill it but don't spill it. \n. \nAmong the paths, \nLove hears no reasons. \nYou do the math, \nIt's Now the season! \n. \nLurk it but don't sneak it. \n. \nLight on, switch, gas! \n\"Squeeze the emotion, before I pass\"! \nDark, Sweet and Lady, \nShall She pass, stay ready and steady! \n. \n. \nTo you, my Love. \nX"} +{"id": "d9903296-a195-4eda-8252-b6ad4ab61f31-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:47.936", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMAB3iL4QkKa6W7gorZvopbwX954htJVP1hCVfuRk5JS", "txHash": "0x4fba15e285724611999e80dcb162e7dd323de9283243fde1a72043bbe1c401c4", "createdAtBlock": 14889905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 308, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZqy3QrWZfJXz7aqe9wfzn27SHjpcnz8C3R3i4mSvjxZ7", "name": "Uysses the Lackluster", "text": "Uysses eyes mustve been playing tricks on him. Two men were approaching him, tiptoeing toward the field. The one on the left wore a purple wrap around his head, with only his eyes peeking out. The other had dark skin and an even darker beard, hiding the shape of his jaw. \n\nUysses continued to chew the length of grass, swallowing hard. He cocked his head to the side, curious.\n\nHe heard the man on the right whisper, Thats Uysses. He sees everything.\n\nThe other one scoffed. Where? I dont see anyone. He followed Zaros gaze to the gray horse with a white mane. A horse?\n\nZaros cleared his throat with a sharp noise, warning the other man to watch what he said.\n\nUysses met the two men at the edge of the clearing to prevent them from trampling on the lush grass. Hey, Zaros, he said with a sigh. What do you need?\n\nZaros and Uysses had met on more than one occasion. Uysses had two reputations in the woods surrounding the Marsh. To others of his species, he was considered not unique lackluster. There was nothing special about him except his heightened ability to see and hear. But compared to the gifts of other horses in the pack, this was nothing.\n\nTo further separate himself from his kind, Uysses didnt mind humans, especially wizards. One, they brought exciting conversation. Two, they found him helpful. The irony was not lost on him.\n\nIgnoring Uysses direct question, Zaros introduced Jahid. \n\nJahid shyly waved a hand. His eyes darted between his friend and the horse.\n\nUysses stifled a laugh at the mans discomfort."} +{"id": "d9903296-a195-4eda-8252-b6ad4ab61f31-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:47.936", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMAB3iL4QkKa6W7gorZvopbwX954htJVP1hCVfuRk5JS", "txHash": "0x4fba15e285724611999e80dcb162e7dd323de9283243fde1a72043bbe1c401c4", "createdAtBlock": 14889905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 308, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZqy3QrWZfJXz7aqe9wfzn27SHjpcnz8C3R3i4mSvjxZ7", "name": "Uysses the Lackluster", "text": "Uysses stifled a laugh at the mans discomfort.\n\nZaros and Jahid explained the situation with the Master and the Marsh: how hed been sick for weeks, and nothing had been found to cure him. Uysses listened carefully, munching on a carrot Zaros had brought him as a bribe. When the men were finished speaking, he snapped the carrot in half, swallowing them both.\n\nUysses continued thinking for a while. Its an interesting story, for sure. An itch started on his shoulder. He tried to rub it with his nose to relieve it, but couldnt reach it. \n\nHe made an annoyed noise. Do me a favor. Scratch my shoulder. It itches. Uysses backed his flank toward Jahid, who lightly scratched the shoulder area. \n\nHe pulled away. Thanks, man. He paused. Right your Master. Id heard hes been ill. But Im not sure what you want from me?\n\nZaros scowled. Come on, Uysses. Can you tell us if youve heard anything about the source or a possible cure?\n\nUysses smiled and let out a neighing laugh. Gotta amuse myself somehow. But, yeah. Ive heard some stuff about a possible cause. He lowered his voice and grew somber. Theres a Lich in the forest. The animals whisper of his presence. Not good, dude. He shivered.\n\nJahid bit his lip and looked to Zaros. Is he joking? I cant tell.\n\nZaros met Uysses eyes. Are you telling the truth? This is serious.\n\nI swear. The Master protects the Marsh from many evils. He keeps us safe. I wouldnt lie about this."} +{"id": "d9903296-a195-4eda-8252-b6ad4ab61f31-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:47.936", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMAB3iL4QkKa6W7gorZvopbwX954htJVP1hCVfuRk5JS", "txHash": "0x4fba15e285724611999e80dcb162e7dd323de9283243fde1a72043bbe1c401c4", "createdAtBlock": 14889905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 308, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZqy3QrWZfJXz7aqe9wfzn27SHjpcnz8C3R3i4mSvjxZ7", "name": "Uysses the Lackluster", "text": "Uysses told the truth, but he hoped the two men wouldnt chase after the Lich. Based on what he'd been hearing, he was too powerful for them.\n\nThe three parted ways. Uysses went back to chewing on the beautiful grass in the clearing. In the distance, he could hear the slowing of the Masters breathing.\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPart 1: @wizard4856 \n\nPart 2: @wizard399 \n\nPart 3: @wizard8004 \n\nPart 4: @pony308 \n\nPart 5: @wizard8441 \n\nPart 6: @pony312"} +{"id": "94379f6b-3d20-4d63-b342-74c7c4864f9b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:48.821", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPxD7Z9LzeaedeYnmDAU24hkbkNxiCSsu844Ft5rgoiM", "txHash": "0x968e5482a7c01e80343eec51d19c840a408a05937276a49f786b9498a3fb7856", "createdAtBlock": 14889927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8441, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNy5ACPvCLvcg3LbgHikHjQo48C9ABLtsyRjcZyZW57zW", "name": "Electromancer Suc'Naath of the Wood", "text": "SucNaath had lived his entire life in the Thorn. It was his territory. He laid claim to all creatures and treasures within. And there were a lot. \n\nHe was an independent contractor who frequently sold treasures and animals to the shops in Goblin Town. The shopkeeps relied on a steady supply, and his forest was well-known for carrying such things. Suc-Naath considered it no issue if he sold things belonging to him.\n\nOver the last few months, there had been strange occurrences. Stranger than normal. Hed walk around his lovely forest, supervising the animals as they made homes in the growth. Exploring the ruins from civilizations past. The creatures he relied on were gone without a trace. His antique treasure maps led him to dust and decay. The ruins rotted inward, all valuables taken.\n\nThe anger SucNaath felt was unparalleled. How dare someone invade his territory and steal from him?\n\nOne particular morning, he lounged along the side of a river. A powerful, petrifying aura washed over him. SucNaath hid behind a tree, sneaking a peek at the mysterious figure whod scared him. As the Lich passed, the areas life was drawn away, leaching into him. The grass under his feet turned brown, creating a clear path of destruction.\n\nThe wrecking of his forest was suddenly clear. And SucNaath had no desire to tussle with the terrifying figure before him.\n\nPushed away from his familiar territory, SucNaath dared to enter the Marsh, though the Master of the Marsh was not a protector he wished to tangle with. He preferred the safety and familiarity of his own space. \n\nBut in the wake of the intrusion into his own territory, he was forced to find other means to support himself. And when he found himself in the Marsh with no interruptions, he felt safe to conduct his business."} +{"id": "94379f6b-3d20-4d63-b342-74c7c4864f9b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:48.821", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPxD7Z9LzeaedeYnmDAU24hkbkNxiCSsu844Ft5rgoiM", "txHash": "0x968e5482a7c01e80343eec51d19c840a408a05937276a49f786b9498a3fb7856", "createdAtBlock": 14889927, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8441, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmNy5ACPvCLvcg3LbgHikHjQo48C9ABLtsyRjcZyZW57zW", "name": "Electromancer Suc'Naath of the Wood", "text": "In the wake of the Masters illness, the defenses around the Marsh had fallen away. This left the animals under his protection vulnerable. While SucNaath didnt wish to get on the wrong side of the Master, he couldnt help but take advantage of the situation. \n\nHence, why he now waited at the edge of the Marsh. Hed heard of a powerful horse-like creature with black and white stripes. Zag was its name. The horses meat was supposedly a rare ingredient in poisons and potions, which to SucNaath meant it was valuable.\n\nZag stretched his neck toward the lower branch of a barren tree and stripped the leaves away. He chewed slowly, unaware of the intruder hiding behind a rock sitting in the tall grass. His tail swished back and forth. \n\nSparks jumped between SucNaaths fingers as he powered himself up. He slung back his hand. A ball of electricity flung through the air towards Zag. \n\nThe horse neighed in protest, rearing onto its back legs. The electricity missed, leaving a singe mark on the tree. \n\nZag fled, using his strength to speed away from the Electromancer.\n\nWait! SucNaath pleaded, throwing himself down on top of the rock. \n\nTo his surprise, Zag actually stopped. The horses intelligent eyes met his, and Zag asked him a question: What do you want?\n\nSucNaath seemed unfazed by the horses unexpected words.\n\n---- \n## Story Arc Index:\nPart 1: @wizard4856 \n\nPart 2: @wizard399 \n\nPart 3: @wizard8004 \n\nPart 4: @pony308 \n\nPart 5: @wizard8441 \n\nPart 6: @pony312"} +{"id": "d5dd8884-8a96-48d4-be6b-7ff87843cadb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:49.535", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVaHgwMpRRTBYc3j9DPQugvFYhqfdCHrB1k4r8Z7es4o6", "txHash": "0xb3318eaa023b4837221705489d414e047ed773848c23176d61361ae3a4d4393b", "createdAtBlock": 14891682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9774, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmEX6JoTWSyS1CjmohR2rQTtiwvKJVHw5rHMGJUFFPtL", "name": "Archmagus Zubin of the Bastion", "text": "# Zubin and Pumlos Adventure Begins...\n\n\n\nA brisk wind sliced through the mountains surrounding Dream Master Lake. A murder of crows perched on a hardy mountain tree and croaked at each other as two figures walked by.\n\nNow Pumlo, you understand that we are engaging in a serious academic experiment, correct? The speaker, although sporting a long and distinguished gray beard and professors cap, was dressed for travel in a utility jumpsuit and orange cape. He looked concerned as he glanced at his companion.\n\nThat counterpart was a bit distracted. He was wearing a curious contraption that covered his ears, with a cord leading underneath his fashionable blue overcoat. And whatever this device was doing, it caused its user to bob his head to an unseen rhythm as he walked along.\n\nHAAAARRRRUMPH! the caped traveler waved his hand in front of the others face.\n\n@wizard8721 took off his head contraption. Huh, what was that, Zoo Man? My bad.\n\nIts Zubin, Zuh-bin, please! Focus your mind on the task ahead. We must use my Key to the 7th Realm he gestured at the glittering metal artifact hanging around his neck, to open the Gate and document what we observe on the other side.\n\nMy tunes are getting me hyped up! Come on Zubin McLovin! I offered you a spare set preloaded with my latest 7th Realm Remixes set! \n\nAs I told you back at the Bastion, Pumlo, those SOUNDS do not get me hyped up - they give me a headache! And we must remain cool and precise during this delicate procedure!\n\nMan, youre cool enough for the both of us! Pumlo grinned. With my magitek and your key, well get this done, no cap!"} +{"id": "d5dd8884-8a96-48d4-be6b-7ff87843cadb-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:49.535", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVaHgwMpRRTBYc3j9DPQugvFYhqfdCHrB1k4r8Z7es4o6", "txHash": "0xb3318eaa023b4837221705489d414e047ed773848c23176d61361ae3a4d4393b", "createdAtBlock": 14891682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9774, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmEX6JoTWSyS1CjmohR2rQTtiwvKJVHw5rHMGJUFFPtL", "name": "Archmagus Zubin of the Bastion", "text": "Where do you find these expressions - Id like to keep my cap, thank you very much! Zubin grasped his headwear protectively. Anyway, I hope I dont have to remind you that youre on probation at the Research Institute? And that your performance here will determine your future there? I agreed to bring you along as my counterpart in this operation because I have some sympathy for your situation - please dont make me regret my choice!\n\nYou wont regret anything, I promise! We are gonna find something awesome in the 7th Realm, I just know it! Can you imagine what kinda parties theyre having there? Ahahahaha! Pumlo gave an joyful, impish laugh and he grabbed the sides of his large yellow wizards hat. A golden toad perched on his shoulder croaked appreciatively. See, Midas gets it, dont you boy?\n\nZubin sighed and rolled his eyes. Just remember to cast your spell after I insert the key, at the PRECISE moment I say Zubins words faded as they moved out of hearing. \n\nThe crows cawed and flew away together. As they so often did, mankind was about to meddle in matters beyond their understanding. It was wise to relocate before they did so. The two wizards soon came upon a huge wall of rock - the path ended in front of it. This is the place, said Zubin. My studies of the ancient texts indicate that the gate will materialize here at Block 14572777. This timekeeping method is no longer used, but if my calculations are accurate, this should align with our time in about 30 seconds. \n\n30 seconds? Try RIGHT NOW, look! Pumlo said, pointing at the wall."} +{"id": "d5dd8884-8a96-48d4-be6b-7ff87843cadb-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:49.535", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVaHgwMpRRTBYc3j9DPQugvFYhqfdCHrB1k4r8Z7es4o6", "txHash": "0xb3318eaa023b4837221705489d414e047ed773848c23176d61361ae3a4d4393b", "createdAtBlock": 14891682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9774, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmEX6JoTWSyS1CjmohR2rQTtiwvKJVHw5rHMGJUFFPtL", "name": "Archmagus Zubin of the Bastion", "text": "30 seconds? Try RIGHT NOW, look! Pumlo said, pointing at the wall. \n\nA large gate materialized in the wall, sporting bright yellow and purple ornamentation. The gate towered over the wizards, extending 100 feet above them. Surrounding the gate were a series of locks.\n\n \n\nZubin immediately approached one of the locks close to the ground. Ok, I'll insert my key, and make the proper incantations he mumbled some syllables in a forgotten language.\n\nNOW Pumlo, cast your spell to complete the unlocking procedure! Zubin said. Nothing happened. Pumlo? PUMLO? he looked back frantically. Time is of the essence!\n\nPumlo was still staring at the gate in amazement. YOOOOOOOOO! This gate is fire! Ive just GOT to recreate this for my next rave! He pulled out a strange device from a pocket in his coat. \"Ive got to capture this or the set designers just wont understand what it looks like, its out of this world! He clicked a button on the device, which flashed once from a small window on the front.\n\nZubin was beside himself. Pumlo, focus! Were running out of time; look, the locks are disappearing! Indeed, the various locks surrounding the gate were starting to fade away - it appeared that other wizards were also working to unlock the gate, although none were visible.\n\nAlright alright, lets get this started, Pumlo said. I cast Fairy Glamour - the Dazzle Spell! As he gestured, glimmering particles materialized in the air and drifted down toward the lock.\n\nIts so slow! Couldnt you have picked something faster?! \n\nChill bro, its not always about being fast, style counts too! Pumlo grinned."} +{"id": "d5dd8884-8a96-48d4-be6b-7ff87843cadb-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:49.535", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVaHgwMpRRTBYc3j9DPQugvFYhqfdCHrB1k4r8Z7es4o6", "txHash": "0xb3318eaa023b4837221705489d414e047ed773848c23176d61361ae3a4d4393b", "createdAtBlock": 14891682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9774, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmEX6JoTWSyS1CjmohR2rQTtiwvKJVHw5rHMGJUFFPtL", "name": "Archmagus Zubin of the Bastion", "text": "Just as the Fairy Glamour particles reached the lock, it too faded away. The particles dropped through the space the lock had occupied and eventually settled on the ground.\nZubins face started to turn red, but before he could say another word, the Gate started rumbling. Without a word, both wizards agreed that moving away from the Gate was wise.\n\nPeering from behind a rock outcropping well away from the Gate, Zubin and Pumlo observed as it opened with a rumble. And behind the Gate, a Beast waited. \n\n\n\nHold still, I gotchu bro Pumlo whispered. He cast Fairy Glamour over both of them. \n\nThe Beast, who resembled a gigantic lion combined with a goat and a snake, slowly emerged from the Gate, looking from side to side. Seeing nothing but cliffs and boulders, the Chimera spread its wings and suddenly took off, quickly gaining altitude, and headed south. \n\nAs the glamour spell faded, a pair of boulders revealed themselves as Zubin and Pumlo. They both sighed in relief.\n\nWell! We have certainly seen some shizz today, wouldnt you say my dear Zubin! Pumlo remarked. \n\nThe fact that you didnt butcher my name means youre just as shocked as I am! Zubin said. We must get back to the Bastion at once! There are communications to be sent, reports to be written, follow-up excursions to this Gate to plan\n\nWow, you seem pretty happy with how things turned out. Look, Im sorry about messing up the whole lock procedure, Pumlo began as he followed Zubin back down the trail.\n\nI am ecstatic! Zubin said. Forget about the locks, the fact that Ive observed this emergence of a new power into the Runiversemy funding will be secure, indefinitely! Zubin whooped."} +{"id": "d5dd8884-8a96-48d4-be6b-7ff87843cadb-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:49.535", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVaHgwMpRRTBYc3j9DPQugvFYhqfdCHrB1k4r8Z7es4o6", "txHash": "0xb3318eaa023b4837221705489d414e047ed773848c23176d61361ae3a4d4393b", "createdAtBlock": 14891682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9774, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWmEX6JoTWSyS1CjmohR2rQTtiwvKJVHw5rHMGJUFFPtL", "name": "Archmagus Zubin of the Bastion", "text": "Now thats what I like to hear! Pumlo said, as Midas the Toad croaked appreciatively. The two wizards took turns giving their best whoops as they headed back home. \n\nLore written by Kel 1/1"} +{"id": "360ac96a-c693-4418-8319-7d69576d8678-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:50.283", "backgroundColor": "#06160b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmapr1Tg7fF8UJ5thGE3KCqQFsqLe1qvG8EuGijBV4r9nj", "txHash": "0x09250ceea586201da855cafa661b37ec20cacf467f14ea1e31a30f7babf28171", "createdAtBlock": 14892966, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4235, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cane Vengeance of the West", "text": "# Cane Vengeance of the West\n\nIt was cold when the red sun rose over the City Morgue that winter morning. The first rays of blood red sunlight clashed against the fluorescent letters of the neon sign above the door, left on from the night before. The decrepit sign glowed hauntingly in the dawn like a giant mosquito zapper with a few letters buzzing on and off at random. The sign read: \"CITY MORGUE,\" followed below with the slogan: \"You kill 'em, We chill 'em.\"\n\nAs Cane Vengeance emerged from the Morgue that morning he thought about the sign and the irony of what he'd just done. The morgue has exactly seven more cadavers than it did when he crept in last night and locked the door behind him. \n\n\"Now that was a Quest I'd have done for free,\" he thought to himself as he made his way back the way he came the night before. \"But it's Winter. And Coin is King in Winter.\" And so it was. And with that he was off to collect."} +{"id": "e923a3c4-4624-4eb4-8b08-d255a1c12476-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:51.888", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNnA6a2oZL4vHx9Jnut2za6bTFWwoo2vbNLJ3Dw9cTNWb", "txHash": "0xef56c2774e9dc68c090a4823a0c27a9b34896a42ec648ffe80aec381a0af9263", "createdAtBlock": 14907065, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10267, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Benedict Wounder of the Dread Tower", "text": "# Benedict Wounder of the Dread Tower\n\n\nBred in the arena, never waivered, never lost. Benedict seeks to become more than a champion, more than a fighter.\n\nHis story starts in Kpiti, the coastal town of mereen... born to slavers and raised in poverty"} +{"id": "1d1a5606-781b-466f-a244-c9300addf67c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:53.551", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmegs1Q87ydQP4mDNXWL31juuq7fhMhxZhAR2XTQq8XYYY", "txHash": "0x5c376b7568593b59c0ed29e3a265dbf7c8da2104664926e39de2622b291dc3d9", "createdAtBlock": 14907199, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9334, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Colt Slicer of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "Once there was a cunning, bold young man who dreamed of being a great warrior. He lived off the land together with his father. He had several chickens, and his favorite was a rooster named Weewee. \n\nOne fateful day, bandits attacked their homestead. The young man grabbed all he could find at hand to defend himself: A small buckler, and a hunting knife. His hours of training paid off, and he carved through the bandits in a gory display. \n\nVillagers who witnessed it came to call the man Slicer. However, victory did not come without a cost. Burns to the top of his head left him forever unable to grow hair, and he was unable to save his beloved cock; it was dead.\n\nSlicer would simply have to learn to live with no hair and a dead cock. He vowed to take vengeance on the bandit clan, and is hunting down their ilk to this day."} +{"id": "a4e9f280-d8cb-4483-add9-d3fda4d9e9a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:54.443", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRdrpKiN9os7XX5bBg6wnGzRZ1kGZtU21pauZ2aKD2Tjd", "txHash": "0xd10fe746baa9077ce8f9696ff4d08fd2cdd871100d65bec6d670f341fb6d2e96", "createdAtBlock": 14907230, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3119, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rachel Render of Snakes", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nOn the front for the Thousand Years War, Warrior 3119 could finally rest her head on \"her\" pile of moss she calls home for the night. Unfortunately, she has never known rest. Always alert and attentive, Warrior 3119 is always ready for the Calling. Throughout the passing of time, her sword and shield have melded to her flesh."} +{"id": "96262662-87b1-4528-aa9e-5d3fec98a91c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-29T06:06:59.629", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc6cLnFJFiDpz3ih2rBxBtLDdbHqNQbAErmX61VQLeaQm", "txHash": "0xcd06fc2928ef3316d3b9900a2f88929184a334b1c54feb1560d568118c4b6712", "createdAtBlock": 15235682, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9676, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Qwint Champion of Monsters", "text": "# Qwint is the Champion\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym_jVTcBxSU\n\n\nHes paid his dues\n\nTime after time\n\nCant speak a sentence \n\nBut a croak will do fine\n\nAnd bad mistakes\n\nHes made a few\n\nHes had his share of land,\n\nMissing his lake,\n\nBut hes come through\n\nAnd he means to stab on and on and on and on\n\nQwint is the Champion, my friends\n\nAnd he'll keep on fighting till the end\n\nQwint is the Champion\n\nQwint is the Champion\n\nNo time for losers\n\n'Cause Qwint is the Champion of Monsters\n\nHes got brown eyebrows\n\nWith slime-filled eyeballs\n\nWe brought him flies and crickets\n\nAnd everything a toad befits\n\nHe thanks us all\n\nBut it's been no pad of lilies\n\nNo tasty ooze\n\nHe considers it a challenge before\n\nEach other race\n\nAnd he ain't gonna lose\n\nAnd he means to stab on and on and on and on\n\nQwint is the Champion, my friends\n\nAnd he'll keep on fighting till the end\n\nQwint is the Champion\n\nQwint is the Champion\n\nNo time for losers\n\n'Cause Qwint is the Champion of Monsters\n\nQwint is the Champion, my friends\n\nAnd he'll keep on fighting till the end\n\nQwint is the Champion\n\nQwint is the Champion\n\nNo time for losers\n \n'Cause Qwint is the Champion"} +{"id": "71bdc4a1-30fd-4b9c-9a44-58b7c72a6763-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:55.239", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW8d7tw462EyurTHY7zQL11shhwEb127ZQkdeqbFbZvFf", "txHash": "0x9711179fed0f3812b5dcf2a574d2f99cc9d5f958d7f2aac4176ab82564683e4f", "createdAtBlock": 14907291, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1509, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Riggs Paragon of all that is Evil", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nAs stocky as his weapon of choice, Riggs Paragon of all that is Evil did not happen upon his name. He serves those of the Rune of Steel and prefers to cut the chit-chat and let his Poleaxe do all the talking striking them down before they can even exchange pleasantries. Evillllll."} +{"id": "70a345d3-7706-4db2-978a-d3ab9a17a118-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:55.894", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNe9YY69a6VGHdtg2pAx3UPnstdroM6otLJnnUKj5wjxs", "txHash": "0x7c9a25aa642e32c4af49289a0cbbb23f5954e666f86cd90242e4f19a4272070c", "createdAtBlock": 14907315, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9991, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jordan Vengeance of the Wood", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nJordan Vengeance of the Wood and Sandy, his sand cobra have the fiercest short distance strike. Before the twanggg of his bow, Sandy has already temporarily disabled their opponent. Then Jordan's \"J\" shot delivers the final blow before Sandy returns to his side. Deadly!"} +{"id": "ae3a0c24-b47c-4c04-927a-a4867058bea5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:54.94", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaC5rSmDerkh9r5JauJCwSa1kcfe4zvAaeuKunGwgrfrD", "txHash": "0x9b433eff3211208449e782291e0b61f593b5ccf0e18994df29b053ea79954745", "createdAtBlock": 14922407, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 335, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Vommbar Deadeye of the Rune Raiders", "text": "# In Medias Res\n\n\n@warrior335 glimpsed his companions @warrior2558, @warrior11840 and @warrior11839. The silence was intolerable. A second lasted and eternity - until..."} +{"id": "cf59fa5a-0cf6-4e3a-bf9e-4585d636bbab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:56.757", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPDVb2xTNfdvMiTN7TNbYAJZFpD5AbXwA7LpempSrsGPq", "txHash": "0x36a60151f22baa4f64dae561ba4aada835b9d7b1ea374c0d39011bfbd0ec7bf3", "createdAtBlock": 14907359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9994, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus of the Wood", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nMaximus of the Wood had almost abandoned all hopes of become the fine warrior that he is for his culinary pursuit. Accompanied by his crimson jaguar, Chasca, Maximus has just about perfected the shio ramen. Indeed, he keeps the almost-secret recipe very traditional for the exception that he uses his enemies for the broth. Because of his consumption, he is also one of the \"saltiest\" warriors of the Crimson."} +{"id": "79a2fd0a-5ecf-49fc-b47d-898d56172f19-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:57.478", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY53Zes76PvhNUYQ3ya5e7qz6rXpytEZttgtzH3m7rGsV", "txHash": "0x5d2982337b2a22ad96ce88630a1ed4017f5955a8ac61cd0ce6e283d58f2698db", "createdAtBlock": 14907383, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5162, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tori Crumbler of the Villa", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nIf you even dare to mistaken her appearance for an innuendo, Tori Crumbler of the Villa will decimate you with her Bone Club! Precisely, her shield stamps your final resting place. Warriors know not to 'hit on her' and instead watch the 'hit on her.'"} +{"id": "07eea7a7-1819-46e9-a658-ee04f38e9b2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:58.176", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQhhT5ZMVF8GLqNWFwEsGsLgv4nGNzpKvyaBzW1xxvwgR", "txHash": "0x6b78f3c9bece9ba929f19c4e0d426041a3342f43637e42b8ca922b65f53af0e9", "createdAtBlock": 14907429, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9993, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Thrug Flagellator of the Citadel", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nThrug Flagellator of the Citadel only awakens by the rays of sun against his shield. The energy roars him to life which can be heard by the scraping of his ball bat against the fortress's floors. If you are foolish enough to endure the sound of his coming, you will be graced by his massive presence that are almost as tall as the citadel's walls."} +{"id": "c60e8f78-8822-4a3c-95f1-d589c9f53031-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:58.817", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT5wrBAG9ibmK4hFhb2RvbDS2aU7xiuv3yyW2j5n4DQiw", "txHash": "0x09a97ac5779a32a8504271bb1b061ad1bc3dc39e14897600b91a35f10bc7cd38", "createdAtBlock": 14907450, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9995, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tetraites Menace of the Coliseum", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nAll his life, there was nothing that set Tetraites Menace of the Coliseum apart from the Warriors. He serves the Rune of Steel under Wolfram of the Riviera."} +{"id": "3f51c7ed-ce25-4c16-9323-151e3ec1edca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:59.558", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaK5S3aWJe7t2ds6cNzQrGFVK4Aa1qabXJ6sUciTpqAwz", "txHash": "0x79a1614c1e120ccd0847e0c66600d26518b3bae0432ec05aad0b6c2ddee9c007", "createdAtBlock": 14907485, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9992, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Urmgurn Sword of the Road", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nNo finer Warrior existed than Urmgurn Sword of the Road. He chooses to garb himself in blue. From his blue helm and buckler to his Cerulean Ceratopsian, Blue, Urmgurn prefers this colour to the stain that his enemies leave on his clothes. His dwarven demeanor is almost masked by his big blue broadsword. You don't want to be caught on the opposite side of the Road of Urmgurn."} +{"id": "6b2e225e-7fa4-404e-89e9-d7a38ab3808e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:38.913", "backgroundColor": "#734397", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMc2mbGU1ZER7GW3bkeLAraevePMZSAjX6NUrpzxUZXW", "txHash": "0x3664478aa4940827d66f3d29df993cc56885a5c65af0139234aa0d77f4d02880", "createdAtBlock": 14935874, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14758, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tora Shatterer of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Tora Shatterer of the Road\n\n\n\nThe story of Tora is quite a mystery. With no family, all she has ever known is the road and her trusted goat \n\ncompanion, Ramsey. As Tora never truly stays in one place for too long, many have rumors about the \nmassive bone \n\nclub she carries. The tale goes along these lines...\n\nWhen Tora was just a young girl, her family was murdered by wild beasts deep in the forest. As she ran and escaped \n\nthe painful fate the rest of her family endured, now she was all alone without any direction of what to do next. Early \n\nmornings turned into late nights, days turned into weeks as she walked down that wild dirt path. One day when Tora \n\nfelt like giving up and letting the wilderness overcome her, she discovered something rustling in a nearby bush. \n\nScared and unsure of what beast could be lurking within this brush, her curiosity and bravery took over and she \n\napproached the noise. Peeking around the leaves, Tora spots that it is a young black goat with its horns wrapped in \n\nthe branches. She was surprised but relieved to discover such an innocent creature was behind all the commotion. But \n\nwhen Tora stepped up to try and free this goat, it let out a shrill yell and kicked her right onto the dirt. Embarrassed \n\nand a little hurt, Tora picked herself up and took a long look at this goat. In that moment, she saw that this goat was \n\nscared and alone and only reminded her of her own life. Determined to free this guy, she approached him again but \n\nslowly put her hand on his back. He bucked back at first but felt the warm, loving hand of Tora and felt security and"} +{"id": "6b2e225e-7fa4-404e-89e9-d7a38ab3808e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:38.913", "backgroundColor": "#734397", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMc2mbGU1ZER7GW3bkeLAraevePMZSAjX6NUrpzxUZXW", "txHash": "0x3664478aa4940827d66f3d29df993cc56885a5c65af0139234aa0d77f4d02880", "createdAtBlock": 14935874, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14758, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tora Shatterer of the Road", "text": "peace which slowly calmed him down. Easily removing his horns from the branches, Tora seemed to have found a new\n\nlife friend. As she sat and was unsure what to name her new friend, a HUGE ceratopsian dinosaur rushed out of the \n\ntrees and went straight for them. The black goat immediately shot up and faced the dinosaur head on, protecting Tora\n\nat all costs. The dinosaur leaped out to strike, but the black goat tripped up its feet and it fell straight onto its \n\nside. By this time, Tora has managed to climb a nearby tree and jump down on the fallen dinosaur with a large wooden \n\nbranch broken off from her earlier rescue mission of the black goat. With all her might, she pierced the dinosaurs \n\nside, shattering the ground around it and slayed the aggressive beast. As the adrenaline wore off, she sat there with \n\nher goat and said, \"I know the \nperfect name for you! I will call you \nRamsey!\". For the rest of that night, Tora and \n\nRamsey rested together and celebrated the victory they had just accomplished. The morning sun rose and just like that\n\nTora was ready to start traveling the road once more, but not before taking the large femur bone off the ceratopsian\n\ndinosaur.\n\nMany years have passed since that eventful acquaintance of two best friends occurred, but the bond between Tora \n\nand Ramsey will never break."} +{"id": "705af84d-e55c-4fe8-a789-1b887b1d3cc7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-18T03:29:19.918", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQEUfQJTNqD2C2Z338qsSkHAQ9uwLGDDUnrNTVTqd1rf4", "txHash": "0x9530d4724887426fd527f21e5b5ad335c4d839d6728024732db5fea23d892e2d", "createdAtBlock": 15164206, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9766, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arnie Explorer of the South", "text": "Arnie was trained to sword fight from a very young age. His fellow warriors eventually refused to train with him as he had become so skilled. He eventually decided to head south to fight the mighty beasts that resided there. On his journey, he began hearing strange whispers calling to him from afar. He began to dream about a blade like no other, and continued south in hope of finding it. As he made it to the southernmost point of the isle, the exact blade from his dream was struck into a stone sitting upon a cliff overlooking the ocean. He approached the blade and in one mighty pull he ripped it from the stone and raised it to the sky. He then wandered the south fighting any beasts in his way while becoming as fierce a warrior the isle has ever known."} +{"id": "f69651fd-17a4-4a49-8f13-9becd79fe38b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:00.421", "backgroundColor": "#246530", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaQHEF5ptNVTPS6CoodBPRAMGAkxgQ8figYdVFG14zub4", "txHash": "0xbc8fe15653d06e1106977ead9ff1495571ad6047678a6b28d07afbc4d0ead854", "createdAtBlock": 14907665, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12145, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Luisa Fiend of Destiny", "text": "# Luisa Fiend of Destiny\n\n### Luisa and her kitten boingo love spending time in the greenroom tavern. One night after a nice warm meal and a few hits from the wizards pipe it was time for them to head back home for the evening. Luisa and boingo left the greenroom tavern and had walked almost all the way home when Luisa realised she had forgotten her rune! They quickly rushed back to the tavern but it was too late her rune was gone! Will they ever find Luisa's rune?! What happened to it?! She must know! Fiending for their destiny & all of the adventures that await them on their journey throughout the Runiverse."} +{"id": "289cd203-e51d-4ceb-90cb-96834315efc7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:01.308", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUhB1rwBz7tErXqewNmp2zqnQBC27gA5rCTkS2oWDUnqB", "txHash": "0x349c30d59704dd5ed8947ddabe0c16ddd2fa07b17f325dc395cd225da96671b1", "createdAtBlock": 14908160, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13775, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbzSKW4VL2b2Z2YhuBN9BhNZ1MoDnQzUE8ZnfKaVMZBxk", "name": "Garn Eidolon of the Wild", "text": "# Garn Eidolon of the Wild\n\nGarn grew up in the Thorn forests and was raised by Dendroids. He is very bound to earth and always seeks to maintain balance in nature."} +{"id": "4d31d492-884c-494d-ba2a-7e88277066b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:02.117", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc2uc2dL6GAYfqQgtTkAkRqMijWoYwTKWD69wzzzxCRfS", "txHash": "0x9c2e307e9d53ff85c4b87ec271a5c51c1dc1696726feb7bd89bef5a9d193a36b", "createdAtBlock": 14908666, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1912, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bernadette Render of the Wood", "text": "Bernadette hated the woods. The damp darkness reminded her of her grandparents basement. She would descend into the darkness, armed with a candle, to fetch pickled radishes or fermented plums or dried dragon hide. It felt both exciting and safe back then, but now the memory made her shudder. \n\nThe rustling of leaves opposite to the campfire announced the arrival of her companion. Were close now, the prisms are almost aligned the wizard muttered to himself as he emerged from the bushes. He slipped a small object into his pouch as he sat down at the fire. She could feel him relax by the warms of the fire. Rest now, little warrior, you will need your strength tomorrow. he said, absently smiling in her direction. \n\nBernadette hated wizards. Their vagueness, their know-it-all attitude, and most of all their money. It seemed they could just conjure it, while Bernadette was forced to sit at this scrummy camp fire in these damned woods to make just enough to pay rent.\n\nAn unfamiliar sound from a brush behind them reminded Bernadette that the woods were no place to relax, every. She bend down to grab her double blade and felt something sharp pass over her, splitting hairs and ruining her cherished headband. In one smooth motion she shot up, steadying her body, and passed the blade in a wide arch through the brush that had emitted the sound. She felt the blade split leaves and branches and flesh and bone. The motion ended on one knee, like she was proposing, as the blade slammed into the ground. She stopped there, waiting for a sign from their assailants. There was silence. She looked up and saw the split bushes, and in them two bloody halves of what must have been a small man. \n\nTbc"} +{"id": "6ebc7bf0-73e0-4632-bff5-106e43c4a752-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:03.026", "backgroundColor": "#06063a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYNWvuBPrWCSsZ1hKerK2daTAXJ58ua5aYTr94fmJSfdx", "txHash": "0xd23dce1c5c3627058a13d4ec628b8f69e0adb9a408481f482c1c978b6fdac280", "createdAtBlock": 14908709, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15141, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cadmus Crook of the Range", "text": "# Cadmus Crook of the Range\n\n\n\n\n_******_\n \n***Cadmus would say in his mind before each kill***"} +{"id": "4f3f32cb-944c-4d7e-9df2-5ffec4777584-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:03.908", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXcyDopGX23dyEHf9iWBBJHXsnRD2JgEtyi5wD58PNcr3", "txHash": "0x84d27f3d2be966055596b23d156de26ae313016526b83fe56f8f5892d71aa3fb", "createdAtBlock": 14908808, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3595, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hoshiko Shadow of Imps", "text": "#Hoshiko Shadow of Imps\n\nHoshiko comes from the far east where she grew up practicing in the bamboo forest with her grandfather. Before her grandfather died, he told her about their family's origins .... and gave her grandmother's Eternal Love Shield... That Macaw was a good assistant of grandpa during his life, and now it will continue to stay by Hoshiko's side to replace grandpa's wisdom. And help her to guard the bamboo forest together."} +{"id": "75828f2e-8390-4986-b0a4-6d68dcf0ce3a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:04.751", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXvFXsyoGaVoZUACW341AHZ8BB1fDq2FQ8J5XqwN8AX3D", "txHash": "0x7e5f428cdbb6815290afce39d90952e96fc7d6e1e824db655e94d60b3079a605", "createdAtBlock": 14908827, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3504, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Athina Ruin of the Delta", "text": "# Athina, Ruin of the Delta\n\nGoblin Town was better off without her...\n\nAthina lived in a small makeshift hut near Goblin Town. Her baboon, Junkie, got his name from some of the locals that often saw Junkie collecting whatever he could find out in the Runiverse. \n\n\"Keep your damn baboon out of our trash!\", Mr. Figgles would shout at Athina.\n\nAthina's hut sat no more than 50 feet from Goblin Bridge, and was overrun with scrap metal, piles of old wood planks, and rusty weapons that couldn't cut a banana. She and her baboon were definitely hoarders. Most of the things they collected weren't worth half a piece of gold. The piles, over the years, were spilling into the river and starting to block the inlet to Kelpie's Bay. Waters were beginning to rise around Goblin Town.\n\nAs you can imagine, and based on Athina's name, her hoarding began to flood homes on the outskirts of Goblin Town...even her own. Once the locals realized that Athina was the cause of all this, they chased her and Junkie out of town. This was a very close call for Athina and Junkie as some of the locals that lost their homes to the flooding were out for blood. \n\nBanished from Goblin Town, they now reside in an unknown location near Dream Master Lake. Athina and Junkie live rather peaceful lives. They roam around at night, hunting for whatever junk they can find in the local towns and villages. Athina believes she will come across that one hidden gem, eventually. The one 'big score' that her and Junkie dream of finding one day. \n\nWill this addiction be the ruin of them both? Or, will it make them rich? What might they find...?"} +{"id": "7269173f-fcd1-4a47-918a-6302a71a9e50-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:05.775", "backgroundColor": "#382928", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYzWLWXYhmx4jPonzNzTjuUUZeUNYgZaSVpRErnXC5ysG", "txHash": "0x6718b5d04e9e2181af6b18801540df2c6d27ce7a07726b70110e110632bdd387", "createdAtBlock": 14909435, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13826, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jax Chaos Agent of the Moon", "text": "# \"IMAGINE IF I HAD A REAL WEAPON\"\n\n\n\nJax grew up near the borders of the Gate of the Seventh Realm. The moment his hands were able to hold a staff, his father, @wizard4137 gave him the **Bo staff** a powerful weapon used by Wizards once. Soon enough he realised that he wasn't capable of casting spells and when other Wizards felt he didn't belong with them they cursed him by turning @wizard4137. his only family left into a **dirt pig**. \n\n\nHaving witnessed this cruel act Jax has wandered the Runiverse for eons searching for Warriors as he committed to mastering the study of the arms. \n\n*His story is to be continued*..."} +{"id": "b4309c4e-156f-4146-9f5d-cde188c8d081-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:06.44", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPK73dX6HiNR3KonfSU45nLahEuD7ymZQX1zWZzB1CoQD", "txHash": "0xef2ac50182e91bf4e2e7934a770ea28a02d4e9abde75a260cb78ba77c59706d8", "createdAtBlock": 14910645, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12087, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Boris of the Jungle", "text": "# Boris of the Jungle\n\nBORIS BORIS BORIS... a hungry warrior, some would say. You may notice his lack of companion. But look closer... what is in his hand? Boris once had a companion, a ham named Norris. However... after much struggle and argument one day in the forest, Boris decided to eat Norris. Rumor has spread of Boris's ex-Norris, and no other companion will come near. Beware leaving yours unattended near Boris."} +{"id": "1de454c6-9de9-4a4d-98db-731c996ca82c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:07.067", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbxskMBUDVRkfhJ7CL2g6fHtZBUzrY9wNCuCf2MHm4wxH", "txHash": "0x9d42d696a56dd667ca8486fd5861566fc2e17b4f8f2793f2738f7f3667c86ef0", "createdAtBlock": 14910683, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12661, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aspra Chopper of the Lost City", "text": "# Aspra Chopper of the Lost City\n\n\"Chopper? I hardly know her\" - once said a wise man. \n\nThat man now rests peacefully in the belly of Prasa, Aspra's fiercely loyal and spotted companion. You see, when the chopper comes chopping, she chops. There is no question of whether to chop, or not to chop. The powers of the rogue falchion overtakes her. Prasa's favorite meal, is flesh with a squirt of lime juice. Thankfully, Aspra's rune of lime can quench the jaguar's everlasting thirst. Had Aspra not shown Prasa the rune, she would have eaten her. However, as a jaguar, limes are hard to come by. Without the rune of lime, there would be no Aspra."} +{"id": "eb131c71-511b-4141-b707-972698068879-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:07.916", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbYQ8BPTmy1JCx6yjgLs31yYZPW77rH1zCimDXyPgqi4S", "txHash": "0x82956a803ca1dc4844e0708699bd3499e0baf595fb88c9354bf1b37782d63f98", "createdAtBlock": 14910830, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11989, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXvtiGzuh3VquWx9EhUibaXDSTReT2nXDbtBvgT8XLyjp", "name": "Adbeel Vanquisher of Blood", "text": "# Adbeel _Vanquisher of Blood_\n\n\n\nAdbeel lurks in the shadows of Red Wizard Capital. Summoned by the blood moon, he is the assassin of the Dark Forces of Red Wizard Capital. Adbeel moves through the shadows of the city, cloaked in evil.\n\nThe first time you see him is also the last. His enchanted chakram swallows your soul whole. Your mortal blood drained by the offspring of Baphomet.\n\nBeware Adbeel and those who may summon him."} +{"id": "047e41e6-8c3a-4f23-952e-f468bc428bc4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:11.436", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRzrqry4t6HS76oAM2a9zMJtScSDS4VkypDqRGNuscveh", "txHash": "0xc4b4531da36e5afed23b8d29e6042ffe29b951e70bb282104cf0298a1b4e38ca", "createdAtBlock": 14911425, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9311, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Zane of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Alchemist Zane of the Plains\n\nNot much is known about the wizard Zane, other than that he is a master alchemist and spends his time foraging for ingredients for his\npotions and elixirs.\n\n The odd hunter that has encountered him in the remotest of regions speaks of a towering man that, despite his age, has extraordinary strength and fitness. Whether this is due to his nomadic lifestyle or the concoctions he creates is unclear.\n\nThose who've come across him say he is eccentric and generous as he seemingly has a salve for any affliction.\n\nThe mighty warrior: @warrior12253, accounts that his Eagle spotted him out on the plains, and that Zane demonstrated a new potion he had created which could replicate other potions! \"one part source potion to four parts Aqua vitae and a drop of magic!\" he excitedly exclaimed, as he handed it to Hendrix."} +{"id": "c8f7dfea-3612-4830-86c6-97b94b973c0f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:12.271", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUe7c1dhQJX4XTucAjm6gcHisUsLbUPYVq6tjes5cvQJ7", "txHash": "0x08135309e3efc89567b1cd39da7eb144ff40397ab2b0317a6741e86251a5bb05", "createdAtBlock": 14911546, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Wood", "text": "# Sondra of the Wood\n\nSondra was born in the ancient forest of Margreve. She was part of a small community of humans, living deep within the forest.\n\nSondras father was one of the communitys foragers, focusing mainly on foraging berries and fruit to feed the other members of the settlement. Her mother was the village healer, knowledgeable of all the various herbs that existed in the vicinity and of all they could do.\n\nThe Margreve was a dangerous forest. The village was deep inside it, in a place where strange fey creatures wandered and clans of goblins sought to mine the earth and raid villages.\n\nAnd yet, Sondras village knew only peace. There was a very good explanation for this the presence of the Spirit.\n\nNobody quite knew what the Spirit was. All the people of Sondras village knew was that it was the settlements protector, an unseen defender that kept all danger at bay. \n\nThere was no doubt that the Spirit was real either. The village elders had rituals they could use to speak to it, and sometimes it spoke to individual people as well, to warn them of danger. \n\nAs such, Sondra grew up in a peaceful forest settlement, where she was free to run around and play with the other kids.\n\nThere were, however some limits. In particular, she wasnt allowed to go beyond the borders the Spirit had set for the village. As such, she was confined to a circle with a radius of a couple miles and the center in her village.\n\nLike most children, Sondra didnt like being confined like that. However, where most children would only pout and complain, Sondra decided to do something about it."} +{"id": "c8f7dfea-3612-4830-86c6-97b94b973c0f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:12.271", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUe7c1dhQJX4XTucAjm6gcHisUsLbUPYVq6tjes5cvQJ7", "txHash": "0x08135309e3efc89567b1cd39da7eb144ff40397ab2b0317a6741e86251a5bb05", "createdAtBlock": 14911546, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Wood", "text": "From a very young age, Sondra had shown extreme aptitude in being stealthy. First, she used this skill to steal food under her parents nose, or to sneak out of the house after her bedtime to go play. At age ten, she started using that skill to disappear into the forest, unseen, and go beyond the limits the Spirit had set. \n\nWhat was more, Sondra was a capable druid as well, having learnt from the village elders. This magic also assisted in keeping her safe and stealthy in her excursions.\n\nInitially, Sondra was too scared to go too far beyond the border. \nEventually, however, as she grew older and braver, she planned entire expeditions. \n\nSondra saw many wonders of the forest this way and many horrors too. \nShe saw a flower that towered taller than her house, covered in all the colors of the rainbow. Once, she heard singing and laughter, but when she investigated she found nothing the work of the fey, certainly.\n\nThere were also close calls. Once, she nearly fell into a group of goblins going through the forest. Only through quick thinking was she able to climb a tree and hide. \n\nAt some point, when Sondra was thirteen, as she was exploring she found that the forest was ending. In reality, this wasnt quite true as she would find out only moments later. In truth, she had stumbled into the road going through the forest. \n\nAnd on that road, which led to a nearby city, there was civilization. There was a small fort one of the many used to keep the road safe and there were people there. Humans, mostly, but other races too."} +{"id": "c8f7dfea-3612-4830-86c6-97b94b973c0f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:12.271", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUe7c1dhQJX4XTucAjm6gcHisUsLbUPYVq6tjes5cvQJ7", "txHash": "0x08135309e3efc89567b1cd39da7eb144ff40397ab2b0317a6741e86251a5bb05", "createdAtBlock": 14911546, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Wood", "text": "To Sondra, this was the first time seeing anything of civilization beyond her village. She had heard about countries and cities from the elders, but the sight was new. She was captivated by the sight of this many different people, of different languages she didnt understand being spoken.\n\nShe knew better than to reveal herself to them, however. And so, Sondra watched, and stayed until night began to fall, only then returning home. The next day, she did the same thing, and the day after.\n\nBy that point, Sondras parents had grown suspicious. One night, after she had returned, they confronted her, and she confessed.\n\nSondras parents were more scared than anything else, although they were certainly angry as well. But Sondra was defiant. How did they expect her to live like this, trapped in a bubble for all her life? There was the whole world out there, and Sondra wanted to see it to be something more than just another villager, living in the middle of nowhere, interacting with basically nobody.\n\nAnd so, the next day, Sondra snuck out again. She made her way to the fort. As she did so, she heard a voice in her head.\n\nIt was the Spirit, and it was angry. It ordered her to return to her village, and to never venture outside of its borders again. Sondra refused, and then the Spirit threatened her. If she left, it said, she would never find her way home again. \n\nSondra thought this to be a bluff, and so she ignored the Spirit which didnt talk to her again. On her way to the fort however, Sondra was attacked by two giant spiders. Even though she was being careful, they somehow had discovered her."} +{"id": "c8f7dfea-3612-4830-86c6-97b94b973c0f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:12.271", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUe7c1dhQJX4XTucAjm6gcHisUsLbUPYVq6tjes5cvQJ7", "txHash": "0x08135309e3efc89567b1cd39da7eb144ff40397ab2b0317a6741e86251a5bb05", "createdAtBlock": 14911546, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 103, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Sondra of the Wood", "text": "Sondra barely managed to escape with her life. Injured and bleeding, she stumbled out onto the road some way away from the fort. There, she lost consciousness.\n\nWhen she awoke, she was in the care of the guards at the fort. They helped nurse her back to health, and, although they didnt quite understand her, agreed to help her back to her village.\n\nBut the village wasnt there. There was nothing where it had stood, only forest. The Spirits words had been true her home was lost to her.\n\nSondra was left with nothing to do but go to the nearest city. There, she learnt the language and honed her magical skills, taking up various missions to make the money she needed to survive.\n\nShe enjoyed seeing new people, and learning all about the world beyond her home. But she also missed her village terribly. Even as the years passed, the pain didnt go away.\n\nEven today, Sondra remains committed to return to her home. And of course, to expose the Spirit for what it truly is a jailer, keeping her people contained."} +{"id": "ec473d57-99c9-4b12-86d0-640ce2f6a41c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:13.928", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8RRux3AfFRjdiirqoJ9G4j2dXm4woWi8a8hvypPdheC", "txHash": "0x85fcf63a79b9cbf516d9abd2e0d8aef857194da92d3fbb539167ad7f7e5c1562", "createdAtBlock": 14911570, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 101, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Milton ", "text": "# Paranormal Phantasm Milton\nOnce, there lived a man named Milton. \n\nMilton was born deep underground, to a tribe of isolationist humans. This group of humans had been led underground long ago by a group of monsters, who had taken them as slaves.\n\nMost had perished during the first decade of their captivity. A strong core, however, survived and, eventually, adapted to living underground, in the darkness. Eventually, a group of different monsters attacked their masters, and the humans took the chance to rebel. In the end, they were successful, killing their former masters and earning their freedom.\n\nHowever, by that point, many years had passed indeed, almost none of the original captives were alive. Only their descendants were left. Those descendants had never seen the light of day, and they had no ties that bound them to the surface. Instead, they had grown up underground, and were quite used to the ecosystem there. And so, they decided to remain where they were, founding a small town of their own in a cave system.\n\nThis was where Milton was born. Like the rest of his community, he was supposed to live the rest of his life underground.\n\nHowever, fate would be different for Milton. Although most of the original captives were dead, one remained by the time he was born an old man, who had been just a child when he had been taken prisoner. It was this old man that often spent time with Milton, telling him stories of the surface of the sun, of the trees, the animals, the small village he had once lived in.\n\nMiltons childish mind was able to create vivid images of this surface world, and he wanted nothing more than to visit it one day. But the moment he said as much to his parents, they immediately rejected such thoughts. Their home was in the underground, they said. Nowhere else."} +{"id": "ec473d57-99c9-4b12-86d0-640ce2f6a41c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:13.928", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8RRux3AfFRjdiirqoJ9G4j2dXm4woWi8a8hvypPdheC", "txHash": "0x85fcf63a79b9cbf516d9abd2e0d8aef857194da92d3fbb539167ad7f7e5c1562", "createdAtBlock": 14911570, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 101, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Milton ", "text": "Although Milton made a show of being convinced by them, his true opinions hadnt changed. Throughout his childhood, he made plans for reaching the surface. \n\nFinally, when he was about twenty years old, Milton was ready. He left behind a message to his parents, so they would find it after he was gone. Then, he left.\n\nMilton didnt actually know the way to the surface. But he had a trick up his sleeve.\n\nThe humans of his settlement had forgotten most knowledge they had once had of the above world, but they retained one thing: Alchemy. Indeed, they had even improved on that skill, using the materials found underground. Milton had taken care to learn many potion recipe, and he used those to find a way to the surface. \n\nOne potion helped him feel sensations on his skin like air, which led him to climb higher. Another gave him darkvision, helping him see even better than he already could under the ground.\n\nAfter days of traveling, Milton finally felt the sun on his face for the first time in his life. It was a joyous occasion, something truly amazing. It was also blinding he had to wait for more than an hour to finally be able to move and see things. \n\nIn the years that followed, Milton used his alchemical knowledge to open up a store. He made friends with many mages and adventurers, and his life was good. But his mind always returned to his village was there perhaps a way to convince his parents and everyone else to return to the surface too?"} +{"id": "ec473d57-99c9-4b12-86d0-640ce2f6a41c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:13.928", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8RRux3AfFRjdiirqoJ9G4j2dXm4woWi8a8hvypPdheC", "txHash": "0x85fcf63a79b9cbf516d9abd2e0d8aef857194da92d3fbb539167ad7f7e5c1562", "createdAtBlock": 14911570, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 101, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Milton ", "text": "When Milton neared forty years old, he was told by some adventurers of a nearby ruin, one related to the monsters that had taken his ancestors as slaves. Curious, and thinking that perhaps he would find something connected to getting his people out of the underground, Milton decided to investigate.\nUsing his potions, Milton made short work of the small threats in the ruins. Then, he began to search. Deep inside the ruins, he saw light.\n\nThere, in the middle of a platform, there was a flame. Something about it was strangely familiar to Milton nostalgic, even. Primordial, perhaps. Without even thinking, he approached the flame. He wanted to touch it, to feel its warmth.\n\nAnd touch it he did. The moment this happened, Milton changed he was transmuted, changed by this sacred flame, but not in a way he immediately appreciated.\n\nMilton became a spirit, a phantasm able to see the world of the living, but not interact with it. What was more, it seemed as if those that knew him started to forget him almost immediately.\n\nFor years after this, Milton simply did nothing so lost in sadness was he. Eventually, however, he made a discovery he couldnt influence the world of the living too much, but some people seemed able to hear him. Not fully, but enough.\n\nAnd so, Milton knew what he had to do. He returned all the way back to his home, to the underground village where it had all began. There, he found a handful of folks who could hear him. Ready as ever, he went to work. He would guide his people to the surface."} +{"id": "2eb7dd7a-1d1b-45c8-8e68-2acd46074d82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:14.738", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb9CLuM7XqFTgKBadHJDUS2g58Fq3vh6bTp4CsucsZzvw", "txHash": "0x8a0035f3594528debe6dbd80a47e8a9be17f40a907f66039107ac6d43bb4a62f", "createdAtBlock": 14911586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 99, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jeldor of the Hills", "text": "# Archmagus Jeldor of the Hills\nJeldor, the man who would one day become an archmagus, was born in quite mundane circumstances. He was born in a tiny village, so insignificant that it didnt even have a name it was simply the village to the few souls that lived there.\n\nJeldors parents were simple farmers, just like almost everyone was in the village. They mostly farmed just enough to live off of the village was nowhere near a major trade route, and so most of the inhabitants were subsistence farmers. However, once a year, the village got together, pooled all their remaining unneeded crops and sent representatives to sell them in the nearest city, in order to purchase needed supplies and tools.\n\nJeldor was his parents firstborn, although he would eventually have two siblings. From the moment he was able to walk, he was needed in his parents farm, to help with anything he could working the farm was a difficult job, and his parents needed all the extra help.\n\nAt first, when Jeldor worked on the farm, things seemed to be happening right as they should. Everything was normal, so to speak. However, even back then, if someone was perceptive, they might have spotted some weird oddities. \n\nFor example, when Jeldor was five, he was given a small sack of seeds and told to plant them. His parents took similar sacks and did the same, so that the entirety of the farm would be seeded in a day. \n\nThe seeds that Jeldor planted grew faster. Not by absurd amounts his parents would have noticed then but by enough where they were harvested some days earlier. This and other such similar occurrences were common as Jeldor worked on the farm."} +{"id": "2eb7dd7a-1d1b-45c8-8e68-2acd46074d82-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:14.738", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb9CLuM7XqFTgKBadHJDUS2g58Fq3vh6bTp4CsucsZzvw", "txHash": "0x8a0035f3594528debe6dbd80a47e8a9be17f40a907f66039107ac6d43bb4a62f", "createdAtBlock": 14911586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 99, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jeldor of the Hills", "text": "When Jeldor was ten years old, his parents were chosen to be among the representatives sent to sell the excess wheat and other crops to the nearby city. Since they couldnt leave Jeldor or his other two siblings alone, the entire family prepared to visit the city. \n\nIt was, at first, an overwhelming experience for Jeldor. The village center if it could even be called that had a couple two-story buildings and an inn. The citys outskirts were bigger and busier than that, not to mention the city itself.\n\nJeldor eventually found himself in a city plaza, sitting by his familys crops he didnt really have anything to do, and so he simply people watched to pass the time, fascinated by the different clothing and styles everyone sported.\n\nAs he watched, he saw a man approach a group of cityfolk. As they were talking, the man picked the pockets of one of them and started to run away. He was noticed, and shouts of thief went up. But the plaza was full of people, and the thief seemed experienced in running away. It looked like he was going to escape.\n\nJaldor had learned that stealing was bad. But he thought he couldnt do anything to stop the thief right now. Even so, he stretched out his hand despite being quite far away in an attempt to halt him.\n\nSomehow, the thief tripped and fell right at that moment. Soon after that, he was apprehended.\n\nIt was then that a man clad in beautiful black robes approached Jeldors parents. The man was an archmagus in the citys academy. He was called Istion, and he had noticed Jeldors outstretched hand and he had seen the strands of magic coming out of it, even if Jeldor himself had not."} +{"id": "2eb7dd7a-1d1b-45c8-8e68-2acd46074d82-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:14.738", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb9CLuM7XqFTgKBadHJDUS2g58Fq3vh6bTp4CsucsZzvw", "txHash": "0x8a0035f3594528debe6dbd80a47e8a9be17f40a907f66039107ac6d43bb4a62f", "createdAtBlock": 14911586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 99, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jeldor of the Hills", "text": "Istion explained to Jeldors parents that he thought their son was magically gifted. His parents at first refused to believe it, but after some probing they admitted that strange things seemed to happen when he was near.\n\nAfter much convincing, Jeldors parents agreed to stay in the city for some weeks, so that Istion could make sure Jeldor had magical abilities Istion would pay for their stay, of course.\n\nIn the next few weeks, Jeldor showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was a wizard. He was ecstatic about this, of course he had only heard of wizards in stories, and now he could become one himself. \n\nTo do that, Jeldor had to remain in the city, while his parents and siblings returned home. For the next eight years, Jeldor spent most of his time in the academy, and the rest visiting his family.\n\nFinally, he graduated with honors, and there came the time for him to figure out the next step in his magical career. More than anything, Jeldor wanted to see more of the world he had gotten an appetite for it since seeing the city for the first time. He didnt want to end up staying in the academy forever, teaching. \n\nAnd so, Jeldor traveled. He saw the wonders of the world, met people from everywhere. Most importantly, he delved into dungeons, seeking to find lost knowledge in this way, he brought to light more than a dozen spells that were thought to be lost.\n\nDuring those travels, Jeldor also found a friend a monkey called Scraps. He found Scraps surrounded by angry beasts, and when he saved him, the monkey decided to join him for his travels."} +{"id": "2eb7dd7a-1d1b-45c8-8e68-2acd46074d82-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:14.738", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb9CLuM7XqFTgKBadHJDUS2g58Fq3vh6bTp4CsucsZzvw", "txHash": "0x8a0035f3594528debe6dbd80a47e8a9be17f40a907f66039107ac6d43bb4a62f", "createdAtBlock": 14911586, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 99, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Jeldor of the Hills", "text": "Thanks to his discoveries, Jeldor was named an archmagus and asked to return to the academy, to teach the next generations. By that time, Jeldor was getting up there in age although thanks to magic, he had a long while to live yet. Even so, relaxing started to seem good to him.\n\n And so, Jeldor today splits his time. He spends some days in the academy, teaching. However, when he gets word of new discoveries or interesting locales, he is quick to take a sabbatical, eager to explore some more."} +{"id": "4f7b571d-e193-4f8c-9f48-af0347c4e579-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:15.43", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSQfddVxakgi7BTjBwdv4iakT3s7Q7JxkbApzaQqre38F", "txHash": "0x0ea83706389a34ac7e5c70068741843973dcb6c0286050a5ddbe502156058003", "createdAtBlock": 14911602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 102, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cassius of the Steppe", "text": "# Battle Mage Cassius of the Steppe\n\nThe Steppe is a dangerous place. Trade cities dot the rivers between the open plains, making a living off the merchants passing through the lands. Between the cities, hordes of nomads on their horses and camels ride, hunting, feasting, fighting against each other and the cities.\n\nCassius was born into one such nomadic clan the Golden Eagles, they were called. His clans history was a glorious one. Once, long ago, they had held sway over large parts of the steppe, ruling as emperors, building many cities which still stood today and constructing monuments whose ruins could still be seen across the vast grasslands.\n\nAnd yet, the current fortunes of the Golden Eagles were much diminished. Centuries ago, their empire had been brought low by foreign invaders. Cassius clan was the only remnant of that golden age, reduced to the same level as the dozens of other nomadic clans found in the steppes.\n\nBut Cassius was born with the potential to change all that. When his mother gave birth to him, he came out clutching a blood clot. Everyone in the clan knew what that meant it was the sign that the child would grow up to be a battle mage. Battle mages were the most prized warriors in the steppe, people born with the innate ability to cast spells, and able to use that power to lead their clan to victory.\n\nAnd so, from the moment Cassius was able to comprehend basic concepts, he was put to work mastering his magic. The other battle mages of the clan spent each and every waking moment with him, trying to coax the magic out of him, to turn him into one of them."} +{"id": "4f7b571d-e193-4f8c-9f48-af0347c4e579-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:15.43", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSQfddVxakgi7BTjBwdv4iakT3s7Q7JxkbApzaQqre38F", "txHash": "0x0ea83706389a34ac7e5c70068741843973dcb6c0286050a5ddbe502156058003", "createdAtBlock": 14911602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 102, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cassius of the Steppe", "text": "It took a while to the point that the other battle mages were worried that perhaps the omens were wrong but when Cassius turned five, he finally managed to unleash his magic. It was out of pure accident, of course. As he was playing in the outskirts of that days camp, a wolf came up out of the grass and charged at him. Without thinking, Cassius blasted it back with a wall of force, sending it running.\n\nAfter this, it was like a dam had burst. Cassius was able to access his magical powers almost at will, and all that was left was actually learning spells which the other battle mages were happy to teach him.\n\nAs Cassius entered his teenage years, everyone could see how powerful he was becoming. By the time he was fifteen, he had surpassed the battle capabilities of all other battle mages among the Golden Eagles, becoming the strongest among them.\n\nAs this was happening, the people of the clan began to dream about their glory years again. With Cassius leading the mages, who knew? Perhaps they could bring about their empire once more.\n\nHowever, the leader of the Golden Eagles thought differently. The chief refused to entertain any thoughts of war. And yet, after some time, the choice was lost to him. The people threatened to rebel if Cassius capabilities were not put to the test.\n\nAnd so it was that the Golden Eagles marched to war against a nearby rival. In the first of what was to be many battles throughout his life, Cassius excelled, using his powers to beat back the enemy cavalry and win the day for the Golden Eagles.\n\nAfter this taste of victory, the clan wanted more. Soon, the Golden Eagles spread like wildfire, eager to conquer the clans around them. As for Cassius, he was hailed as a hero and, soon enough, he was offered the position of clan leader."} +{"id": "4f7b571d-e193-4f8c-9f48-af0347c4e579-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:15.43", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSQfddVxakgi7BTjBwdv4iakT3s7Q7JxkbApzaQqre38F", "txHash": "0x0ea83706389a34ac7e5c70068741843973dcb6c0286050a5ddbe502156058003", "createdAtBlock": 14911602, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 102, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Cassius of the Steppe", "text": "Cassius of course accepted. He did as his clan required, leading them onwards to further and further conquests.\n\nBut nobody ever asked Cassius what he wanted to do. Sure, he enjoyed combat the thrill of it was unparalleled. But he had never been given a choice as to what he would become in life. As the years passed, this began to weigh on him. Even so, he kept leading his tribe.\n\nEventually, however, he could take it no more. After conquering yet another city, Cassius reached out to the remaining clans and cities, and signed a peace. The territory of the Golden Eagles was much enlarged, but nowhere near their empire levels.\n\nEven so, Cassius was done. He gave orders to not go to war without him, and left the tribe. He journeyed to a nearby mountain, climbing all the way to the top which was thought impossible. Still, with his magic, Cassius managed it.\n\nThere, Cassius began to meditate, trying to understand his place in the world.\n\nYears have passed, and peace in Cassius part of the steppes still holds. Cassius himself still remains in the mountain. Prophecies abound as to when he will return, but the truth remains the same: only Cassius knows when that will be."} +{"id": "1b4431b7-f694-4dbe-9838-56f1317eb262-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:16.229", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVg5s6pd6rUm2y2CeSpsDFjLBUNJAwj5qbXegMkGQec6k", "txHash": "0x00d0a95c22faec10f0bc67e9e1e3c683e3b523cf3f50148986321d77f1439aaa", "createdAtBlock": 14911618, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Porto of the Cold", "text": "# Arcanist Porto of the Cold\n\nPorto was born deep inside an ancient forest, in a village of mushroomfolk like himself. \n\nThe village depended mostly on foraging to survive farming was difficult to achieve inside the forest, with roots all around and the sun being blocked by the thick canopy of foliage above. Even so, there were plenty of berries to be found, as well as roots, fruit, and the occasional meat gained by hunting.\n\nThe forest was located in a very advantageous geographical position as well. In the summers, it was cool thanks to all the shade. In the winters, it was cold, but not cold enough to threaten anyone who had even a rudimentary shelter. \n\nPortos parents were herbalists, responsible for the welfare of the entire village. They both knew all the herbs and plants of the forest, and all the ways they could be used to cure a cold, a headache, and much more. Of course, Porto started to absorb that knowledge from a very young age his parents didnt really have a separate building where they did their work. Instead, prospective patients were simply treated in the living room.\n\nAs Porto neared his teenage years, he did what every child born close to nature did: he explored. Either alone or with friends, he took great big walks in the forest, seeing whatever there was to see in it.\n\nThose walks were usually quite uneventful the forest did have animals and monsters living in it, but they kept away from the mushroomfolk their flesh was toxic to them. And so, Porto was free to explore.\n \nHowever, during one of his exploratory missions, Porto would find something that would change not only his own life, but that of his village too.\n\nAs he was walking, Porto felt a strange cold sensation. This was decidedly strange it was autumn, and the weather could get somewhat cold, but nowhere near what he was currently feeling."} +{"id": "1b4431b7-f694-4dbe-9838-56f1317eb262-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:16.229", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVg5s6pd6rUm2y2CeSpsDFjLBUNJAwj5qbXegMkGQec6k", "txHash": "0x00d0a95c22faec10f0bc67e9e1e3c683e3b523cf3f50148986321d77f1439aaa", "createdAtBlock": 14911618, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Porto of the Cold", "text": "Porto was alarmed, but also curious. And so, he approached the source of the cold. \n\nA few moments later, he came across a small pond he had been there before, many times, and he had never felt such cold. However, this time it was different. From where he stood, near the last trees before the pond, he could see its surface clearly and it was frozen.\n\nIt was the first time Porto had seen frost in his life the weather never got that cold. But here, standing next to the pond, Porto shivered down to his bones. He braced, waiting for something to happen, for some kind of monster to appear and reveal itself as the source of the cold.\n\nYet nothing happened. The pond remained frozen, but no source of the frost showed itself. And so, Porto rushed back home to notify his parents and the rest of the village.\n\nAt first, the others didnt believe him. However, in the end, Porto managed to convince one of the elders to come with him back to the pond. Once the elder had seen Portos words were true, the village finally took action.\n\nA large group of villagers, armed with shovels and hammers, went to the pond. Using their tools, they broke the ice completely, searching for some kind of item or anything else that could perhaps power this sudden frost. They found nothing. On top of that, the moment the villagers stopped digging, the ice started to reform, solidifying almost immediately. \n\nFor the next few days, the villagers kept a close eye on the pond. With alarm, they noticed that the frost and cold were spreading. Porto was still far too young to take part in any deliberations on the matter, and so he simply waited home while his parents went to village meetings about the issue, which sometimes lasted through the night."} +{"id": "1b4431b7-f694-4dbe-9838-56f1317eb262-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:16.229", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVg5s6pd6rUm2y2CeSpsDFjLBUNJAwj5qbXegMkGQec6k", "txHash": "0x00d0a95c22faec10f0bc67e9e1e3c683e3b523cf3f50148986321d77f1439aaa", "createdAtBlock": 14911618, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Porto of the Cold", "text": "Eventually, the villagers decided to burn the frost out. They cut down a circle of forest to isolate the flames, then set fire to the trees around the pond. \n\nIt took a while for the trees to catch, half-frozen as they were. However, after about an hour, the small part of the forest around the pond was on fire, burning brightly.\n\nThe villagers stood and watched, ready to contain the fire. They stood for hours, Porto among them, until the fire faded to embers, and then to nothing. Of the patch of forest around the pond, nothing remained. Even the ponds water had mostly evaporated.\n\nAnd yet, the next day, the frost was back. What little water remained in the pond was frozen over, and white tendrils extended from it into the burned land around it.\n\nIt was at this point that the villagers started to despair. As time passed, the frost spread, and although the villagers did their best to control it lighting fires around it as a border it was inexorable.\n\nThis was the climate Porto grew up in. To save his village, he decided that the time had come for him to leave the forest. There were no answers about their predicament to be found in or near his village but outside the forest, in stranger lands, perhaps he would find a solution. Portos parents disagreed with his choice, but they couldnt really stop him deep down, they understood his reasoning. \n\nAnd so, Porto left. He traveled outside the forest for the first time, meeting humans and other strange races. In the end, he reached a small city, with a beautiful tower looming over it. This was the famed Arcanum school of magic, and once Porto learned this he instantly knew what he had to do."} +{"id": "1b4431b7-f694-4dbe-9838-56f1317eb262-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:16.229", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVg5s6pd6rUm2y2CeSpsDFjLBUNJAwj5qbXegMkGQec6k", "txHash": "0x00d0a95c22faec10f0bc67e9e1e3c683e3b523cf3f50148986321d77f1439aaa", "createdAtBlock": 14911618, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 100, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Porto of the Cold", "text": "The frost in the forest was clearly some form of magic this much was apparent to him. Only by understanding magic then, could he have a hope of beating the frost back.\n\nPorto was too old to be accepted as an initiate in the Arcanum, but he pleaded and begged until he was given a chance. He didnt have any particular talent with magic, but what he did have was a reason to persevere. Porto studied twice as much and twice as hard as the other students, and in the end it paid off.\n\nGraduating with the rank of Arcanist, Porto quickly returned to his village, only to find the frost had spread in his absence reaching the village outskirts. \n\nBut now, armed with magic, Porto knew what to do. Spreading a protective net around the village, he contained the frost, making it unable to march further into the settlement.\n\nBut he couldnt stop its spread in all directions. Slowly but surely, even today, the frost spreads. Porto must find a way to stop it permanently, or the whole forest will be taken over."} +{"id": "24e7d1c0-0732-418c-8b73-9e9c9cf169f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:18.28", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdPs6iABWmZEDiReB9afBarMyh1RAbKk6Hy58skRwGUD", "txHash": "0xc30d13b17194fe7b43b81fa89009876a913d82663c43b404fcda405a2ee133ae", "createdAtBlock": 14912167, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12391, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Qiu Poker of the Road", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nSister to @wizard6784, Qiu is especially skilled with long weapons. Her brother prefers the quiet and cerebral methodical approach of magic and potions to vanquish enemies, whereas Qiu likes to go full feral pig, as such. She's known to scream and yell so loud and terrifying, even the most strong willed fighters begin to tremble before her first forceful blow. Because of her wild and ferocious nature, she was gifted a Honey Badger - which she named **Styrke** - from her brother on ther 16th birthday. Styrke is Norse for strength, which the Honey Badger is full of and feeds of Qiu's attitude. The yang to @wizard6784, the two form an incredible duo that do not accept payments for hire, rather they'll take quests based on merit to aid those in need. Her brother may be quite and hard to find, but you'll know when she is near... careful."} +{"id": "04ad3c17-37d8-4ab3-844e-28c934502924-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:16.236", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWvnrpTkckDo9i8oVR6X1sgJKYcompG5mza2H8AkqyXDQ", "txHash": "0x7645ab6e64cbf2d2e7acfd9a6c2e4a5b51a1d83989078c595d05a853d79b6577", "createdAtBlock": 13268846, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9789, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Bathsheba of the Wood", "text": "# Wizard's Delight\n\n\"I said a hip-hop, the hippie, the hippie\nTo the hip, hip-hop and you don't stop the rockin'\nTo the bang-bang boogie, say up jump the boogie\nTo the rhythm of the boogie, the beat\""} +{"id": "eaceb373-aec1-48ef-a87f-01d9b0a91ae3-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:47:03.898", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmewTGKDGBq79fMArLUAcgeZqaE73iumXzrewxwvaipXWz", "txHash": "0x573d701f50f14ab1f8cd68bb39d97b70c1bfd1228ebbb497586bcc4af535feac", "createdAtBlock": 15349271, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10964, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTYjpqpZDoTL6jUSHRzhKCQkGCJo2Vbnx4QcYAiqcB6hH", "name": "Diesel Eradicator of the Arena", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Diesel Eradicator of the Arena \n\n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "3146b6fc-ba59-4d0a-b2d7-8c35efe62c49-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:19.037", "backgroundColor": "#afd2cf", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVuhq9wxsDT7YS7aXV8DVaZeLDEyLNhcFVnXrHmWN5CjU", "txHash": "0xf5eaaab77baf5c3556d4046b2e962793161f9d7eac90e526081cf60154b20963", "createdAtBlock": 14913159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13253, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kaggle Battler of Robots", "text": "## \n# Kaggle Battler of Robots\n\nIn a faraway world, there is a planet over run by an overpowered artificial intelligence. It has decimated the population and taken the seat as dictator and ruler of the world. In the dark corners of the crumbling civilization, there is a brewing revolution. Survivors from past wars have been preparing for their final battle to reclaim their freedom. To level the playing field, they augmented their bodies with bionic parts in hopes of tipping the scales in their favor. Leading this movement is Kaggle. Where his adventure ends, remains to be seen."} +{"id": "6706e0ee-2c8d-4f36-8b47-7737171ab9f1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:23.263", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaiASLCtK15ue9jJNXbhJigqK9LdtaaGrTjrqcV9QVHDU", "txHash": "0x8ee4a8fac6bd1427c7b4e867b26f100c990b5b61dd5d5da3427d1afd18398a7d", "createdAtBlock": 14913360, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15047, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rockwell Cataclysm of the Ring", "text": "Rockwell was once a monk, but could not stand the bullying of the monk's predecessors and left and joined the martial artists, Rockwell motivated to become the strongest martial artist, he actually will not use the sword, he most commonly used is the qigong wave"} +{"id": "0e27e38b-a3c8-4c47-be75-c2d97b3cae72-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:24.174", "backgroundColor": "#a67e25", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckBJdeZojXoUwPPQ73i364rcHkrVKmFxmp16u6vKHZDi", "txHash": "0xd26a8b63bf052fb94ee2e9e4cf59400adbda74e0b9fcc29162561a11ac7ad2f0", "createdAtBlock": 14913552, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11458, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zoya Guardian of the Obelisk", "text": "Zoya \"The Guardian\" Chia\n\nFirst Name: Zoyamilk\n\nLast Name: Chia\n\n\n\nAge: You will never know\n\nHobbies: Using my deadly weapon as a hula hoop\n\nFavorite animal: None which is why I do not have a pet\n\nFavorite drink: Tequila on the rocks after I've slayed some monsters\n\nFavorite food: Extra spicy pork tacos\n\n\nShort bio:\n\nI can make minced pork for my tacos as fast as I can slay the monster next door. Beware my wrath especially when I'm hungry. But when I'm happy, you can find me relaxing by the shore. :D"} +{"id": "0d053a26-43b7-4433-8db9-ac8fb73716e1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:55.187", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 7, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0xaff0df0bf9f2e8962723e21c5fa9d7a70b7a9f5fbc00d40f0d73d3960732ed6d", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "# The Lore of Pyromancer Charlord\n\nAge: currently unknown.\n\nOrigin: currently unknown.\n\n**Act 1: The Awakening.**\n\nAs sudden as a spark, Charlord came to. He was in mid-stride and while his sight was clouded with a rusty green haze, he was able to barely make out the reeds and sedges of a marsh ahead. A sensation pushed from behind him. Nothing gravitational or barometric but a force none the less. He spun around and, through the bare treelined thicket he now faced, felt a pulse of darkness that caused his body temperature to bottom out. He turned back and picked up his pace.\n\nCharlord edged closer to the wetland and noticed a bright amber hue glistening across the calm water, a midday sunrise. He trudged through the pickerelweed and button bush until he came upon the waters edge. He took a knee, dragged his hand through the cordgrass and stared emptily at the surface of the marsh. The creeping chill still festered underneath his sweater. For the first time since his awakening, as this unrecognizable reflection glared back at him, Charlord realized he had no recollection at all.\n\nHe stood up and gazed around. His senses gradually sharpened focus. He heard a faint whistle from the winds blowing through the forest just north of him. A crackerjack crow flew overhead and soared down into an open carving in the trees at the far edge of the marsh. He could feel the chill running through his bones.\n\nWith no possible plan, he marched in the direction of warmth. His body acting as an internal thermal compass. Was it the warmth that pulled him, or was it the cold that pushed? Nevertheless, northwest seemed to do the trick. He noticed a red snake keeping pace just behind him. Cold blooded, he thought."} +{"id": "0d053a26-43b7-4433-8db9-ac8fb73716e1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:03:55.187", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 7, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmckihBQAJiRQLq1ypFnraKfbk6WfTU1WsqEzgeZDeQEzz", "txHash": "0xaff0df0bf9f2e8962723e21c5fa9d7a70b7a9f5fbc00d40f0d73d3960732ed6d", "createdAtBlock": 13752855, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4710, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Charlord ", "text": "As he entered the forest path, his legs steadily moved faster, from a hurried walk to a run. The quicker he moved, the stronger the flames seemed to burn. Before he knew it, Charlord was in a full sprint, a madman heading into the wild. And then something happened. In the black void that filled his mind, a small crack of light broke through. It wasnt much and it provided no information of use. But it was something. And now, Charlord was left to ponder what exactly that light would illuminate? Did he even want to know? Perhaps the black void was something he sought out..."} +{"id": "1729c371-aba0-4423-9fe1-2b3ae4363124-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:45:28.274", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcudvevFnjaNGo31i5Vd7x35z5gHdd81oedJCpFcVtm9X", "txHash": "0x5991a4c16d0cc1ab53a56ef9f758c53949a79fae288dda4a7a9417f407981b94", "createdAtBlock": 15349260, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9888, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bardora Apocalypse of Goblins", "text": "**\n## Bardora Apocalypse of Goblins\n**\n\nBardora is a relative rarity amongst the warriors, most are from poor backgrounds. Most are here because they have to be, because they have nothing else in the world. Bardora however, does. Coming from a rich family Bardora has much in this world. Hes one of the rare Warriors who is here because he seems to truly want to be. His armour and equipment reflect his status, the finest armour and weapons from the top smiths and armourers in the land. Everything he has looks great and coordinates perfectly. He enters battle looking amazing and quite often leaves it the same way!\n\nThis is not to say though that Bardora is not in the Warrior Guild on merit. He is formidable! His weapon of choice is the double blade, with which he is devastating while still looking awesomely suave swinging it almost effortlessly in the heat of battle. During the Goblin Raider skirmishes Bardora and his squad had built a legendary reputation, no other squad dispatched more Goblins or was as effective as Bardoras squad. Hence how he earned his name. \n\nSuch notoriety however draws attention, Bardoras squad had high prices placed on their heads by the Goblins and while on land they were almost untouchable, at sea they were vulnerable. They were spotted embarking on a transport ship bound for Fort Turtle and word was sent out. Corsairs seeking the the bounty engaged and sank the transport just off Raptor Caye, Bardora and his mentor made it to land, the rest of his squad perished."} +{"id": "1729c371-aba0-4423-9fe1-2b3ae4363124-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:45:28.274", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcudvevFnjaNGo31i5Vd7x35z5gHdd81oedJCpFcVtm9X", "txHash": "0x5991a4c16d0cc1ab53a56ef9f758c53949a79fae288dda4a7a9417f407981b94", "createdAtBlock": 15349260, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9888, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bardora Apocalypse of Goblins", "text": "From that time Bardora ran with his mentor, after he had retired and left for far away lands Bardora operated alone mostly. He always answered the calls to arms from the guild but never ran in a team as he had done before. Not because he didnt want to be part of another team, but finding a team that would accept him was difficult. Tensions between the wealthy warriors and the rest were often high, for most it was an unwelcome distraction that couldnt be afforded in combat situations. Bardora himself disliked the weathly warriors who mostly formed their own teams, but also fell foul of being one, so was often shunned by the non wealthy warriors. So he ran alone for now and waited, something would come up eventually"} +{"id": "af50c781-187f-4dec-a0b4-f0985fc42b55-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:27.25", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPrmruePDp6jwhwYa6pKaDoueg5EzB5ddVzUZDACEjBjw", "txHash": "0xf3739d215ed1887799c01dac8bf1e544fa2f3103dd25a086aa97c46fef5fd441", "createdAtBlock": 14913900, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9541, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kojo Ass Kicker of Brigands", "text": "# Kojo Ass Kicker of Brigands\n\n\nKojo was raised by jaguars after being lost by his parents while hunting big game in the jungle. \n\nHis extraordinary skills in hunting, tracking, and driving wild came from the upbringing of his adopted mother : Kaalah, the oldest member of the tribe.\n\nNow that Kojo is an adult, he and his clan protect the jungle from brigands who come to poach the riches of his land."} +{"id": "8c9b826d-0060-423a-8c8c-0035abc4083c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:28.626", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPjRNFTR5RVj4wGfu2VNdQLDQLhnHuFWXf4Mh5qGFiVvE", "txHash": "0x7ddc6bc461775575b69befba3345170dcdb0249ba67c52d7674ecb28d67442a9", "createdAtBlock": 14915595, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4644, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://cdn3.lifepersona.com/4N7Nd6/vlad-tepes.jpg", "name": "Larry Impaler of Wizards", "text": "# Larry the Impaler of Wizards\n\nEvil in Human Form. For over 500 years, people have spoken his name in whispers: Larry the Impaler of Wizards. The books and movies paint him as a monster, a madman, a destroyer of souls. The reality is worse. This sourcebook tells the real story of Larry. Its roots are in Romania, where there are very old legends of wizards who dominated dragons and churches with murals dedicated to the Devil.\nLarry became a Sultan thanks to the support of the Turks, from there he became one of the monarchs most feared of the time, his enemies and anyone who did not comply with what the Sultan stipulated died in one of the slowest and most painful ways there could be.\nIt is said that he massacred Between 40,000 and 100,000 people. He was implacable, in the cities where he was not accepted as his new Sultan, he proceeded to impale men, women and children alike. He always did this with large numbers of people, setting macabre \"forests impaled\" that freeze the blood of their enemies (and imagine that also their supporters).\n\n\n\nLarry used to organize massive impalements with geometric shapes, a series of concentric rings around the city was the most common form. The technique that he used to use was to introduce a stick approximately 3.50 meters long by the rectum of people, fixed it in the flesh with a nail and then lifted it so that the victim died very slowly, it is believed that many of its victims were with life when their bodies touched the ground, which suggests that they were extremely careful not to pierce their hearts and thus the agony was much greater."} +{"id": "0f9f1c98-c598-480d-a32f-4d9a2cc9ab96-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:13.128", "backgroundColor": "#150e79", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVhu8SYRj96BYb2XpokbPtWjhg7YQeehME9zgwgK7WF6k", "txHash": "0x94f2459fe4814df9aaff708de2c1c68c993b611b7c89a05c9246f59c139ec00e", "createdAtBlock": 14917377, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11215, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bruce Stormer of the Ocean", "text": "# Bruce Stormer of the Ocean\n\n\n\n\nIn the form of a mortal man rages a beast so fierce that the sea shivers and quakes in his presence. The sea is wise to embrace him with as much respect as it does fear. For the sea is all knowing and all seeing. It can sense within this mans chest beats a heart soaked in the the salt and brine of a thousand tears. A soul as dark and turbulent as the quantum shadow itself with a mind forged within the sacred pillars then later hardened in the icy, rain blistered shores of Asmodeuss Surf. BRUCE, STORMER OF THE OCEAN was born with a scimitar in hand and a steely wit without equal. A truth learned by the countless foes to meet demise by his steady hand while the sea silently bear witness. Thus, the sea recalls, reflects and embraces Bruce for he is the only force it has met with a divine strength to rival its own. -J.F. 1501"} +{"id": "2702aa42-5500-441b-8139-7c93d8dac3ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:56.738", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b17", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNym1kJiUEo9kTwv9R9hPnLFzdvm5yNkLKdHhGguEEaKe", "txHash": "0x52c94d9bfde49558e75036e03ebec42d86ee4ec505ceb581b627b786cd61638d", "createdAtBlock": 14969248, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12842, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Makena Chopper of the Wheel", "text": "# Dont go into the Forest \n\nThe only thing I remember of my mother was her telling me to never go into that forest.\n\nAnd thats how the Forest became my new home. Would I have listened to her I may now live in a nice house, have kids, a loving husband and everything sweet and nice. Now that I am saying this I realize that I hate everything about it. I was not ready for the forest but the wild was ready for me. Without it I would have never become what I am now.\n\nI learned to live on my own. Know that no animal means real harm, just need a different approach and that nature listens to us. If only we would listen to nature. This one night when I first discovered the secret of the runes, nature was not only listening. It was speaking to me. And now I am on my way to let speak nature through me. Together with my loyal friend Pebbles I am on my mission to discover the misterys that this forgotten land beholds. We will conquer and free the forests. No matter the circumstances. Up only."} +{"id": "8a123881-18fb-4336-b46d-9037390e5846-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:29.302", "backgroundColor": "#641f1c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUtQtq6b2zp8pBNoc93c2PuMaKpKLXBKeEhqrDGXBWCYy", "txHash": "0x872742e21c9e2e50dba5ac211269051356f9b3df170f36f0f5d1d50988ec266c", "createdAtBlock": 14915829, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9931, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPKo7GaqUKoNyrTGoFuJpjVuKJgya9RhPFx5a6fBTXRox", "name": "Urmgurn Guardian of all that is Evil", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\n> ## *On the outer reaches of evil, chanting can be heard...*\n\n\n\nURM...GURN!\n\nURM...GURN!\n\n**Death!**\n\nURM...GURN!\n\nURM...GURN!\n\n**Destroy!**\n\nURM...GURN!\n\nURM...GURN!\n\n**Protect!**\n\nURM...GURN!\n\nURM...GURN!\n\n**Our Guardian!**\n\n# URMGURN\n\n---\n\n\n>##### With each step sharp hissing can be heard and a green haze rises from the ground leaving behind footprints scorched in the earth... \n\n\n\n\nCompanion: Spike the Mutant Snapping Turtle\n\nNemesis: @warrior1808"} +{"id": "516c08b4-2cd7-47f2-a9f9-a9b20be289e8-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:52:35.294", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcPPCppBqePM6jHXsgD5sBrhQMGbTnssxBFfxC581pe73", "txHash": "0xa23c868f00c4fca01b59a20cac0f1de8e6a10c1d4b8e2e1af016ddaf98f0001d", "createdAtBlock": 15349288, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15048, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmX1Dkt64TCJJBz3WYcq9mSPaL9LvBQoxNzxJ2mNMMps8B", "name": "Charlie Basher of the North", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Charlie Basher of the North \n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "93123ac7-703f-4ce5-ad60-751932036404-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:30.119", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbSubgjqdFwXPWT4g17KZGuVyJs7rYJe1UNQi7gT7WS8", "txHash": "0x5f847137707ca562e196d2ecc8ce0965ff556c238f0207d2590e2f889b955db5", "createdAtBlock": 14916223, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4312, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Addanc Menace of Scoundrels", "text": "A time travelling hell warrior went back in time to try and save the dinosaurs from extinction. He failed miserably but was able to recover some eggs, and is now hoping to breed them back to existence. Raising dinosaurs is tough and expensive in this economy though, so now he must venture and make money in anyway possible."} +{"id": "80f91896-3557-418f-b74b-4311d3faf3ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:30.785", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRpEfNdSFyoa9ZcwRJRjRGhfA4Z1LgXWn4t9g8dwABC8N", "txHash": "0x8fdb7bc76b15dc51adfda1d7e8485940bb24ba59b0ac4b365acc65308dde473f", "createdAtBlock": 14916239, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12003, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sloane Battler of the Rock", "text": "Ready to fight and conquer, this warrior maiden has dedicated her life to the sword and has not yet met a man who can handle her massive weapon. She scours the land in search of a worthy opponent who can one day best her and claim her most prized possession."} +{"id": "83e1105f-b6d9-4d53-bb1f-25bcb7fb1be2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:33.933", "backgroundColor": "#dbfad7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUe4sFfNvjbm2W5sQZsi13nGz9c5Vg9qSSEEwzYKkpqn7", "txHash": "0xc23e21ba6a9af101cc33cd49aad702ce66b9ffbddf60a3d51c0f6a1eafb0cb42", "createdAtBlock": 14916933, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9177, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sal Scissor of the Shadows", "text": "**SAL SCISSOR OF SHADOWS** \n\n \nA legendary Dragon pike of solid Malachite rests within the icy grips of a powerful Warrior. This warrior, so fierce no man dare challenge, for they have all heard the tales. Tales of a warrior with a blade so dangerous, so enchanted, so sharp, it possesses the ability to sever a man from his very shadow. A wise adversary should wish for death before enduring such catastrophe. Such a blow fractures a soul and dooms its many victims to eternal anguish and torment. It has been said that no man is capable of wielding such immense and overwhelming power without himself falling victim to the weight of this cursed weapon. These claims, of course, are true. For this warrior is no man. Born from the dust of fallen heroes and the ash of shattered empires, this fabled warrior is known throughout the land as SAL SCISSOR OF SHADOWS. A warrior whose heart burns with the flame of a thousand dragons and walks with a companion forged from the same fire. The hypnotic beauty that she radiates draws in her enemies like a moth to a flame. Her unrivaled cunning and precision in battle is feared by not only those of her clan but throughout the entirety of the Runiverse. Myth, fable, legend the ultimate soul breaking Warrior... SAL SCISSOR OF SHADOWS. \n\n-J.F. 1501"} +{"id": "85d3ecc5-dd96-4071-bfdd-71ea39bb9640-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:34.9", "backgroundColor": "#ba312a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcUokQVUTwdZbFPo5aLMZx6WyhXsJ83ffhhrAEmTFWjKr", "txHash": "0x9d4fb5f6c01e4dee897a10abed554761e958a854d82384c9f8d4e7673a8f1932", "createdAtBlock": 14917006, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2629, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Jerret of the Realm", "text": "Now, this is a story all about how\n\nMy life got flipped-turned upside down\n\nAnd I'd like to take a minute\n\nJust sit right there\n\nI'll tell you how I became the prince of a Red Wizard Capital\n\nIn Weird House born and raised\n\nOn the playground was where I spent most of my days\n\nChillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool\n\nAnd all shootin' some magic outside of the school\n\nWhen a couple of guys who were up to no good\n\nStarted making trouble in my neighborhood\n\nI got in one little fight and my mom got scared\n\nShe said, \"You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Red Wizard Capital\"\n\nI begged and pleaded with her day after day\n\nBut she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way\n\nShe gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket\n\nI took my cane on and said, \"I might as well kick it\"\n\nI whistled for a carriage and when it came near\n\nThe door plate said, \"Fresh\" and it had dice in the mirror\n\nIf anything I could say that this carriage was rare\n\nBut I thought \"Nah, forget it, yo, holmes to Red Wizard Capital\"\n\nI pulled up to the house at about seven or eight\n\nAnd I yelled to the carriage, \"Yo holmes, smell ya later\"\n\nI looked at my kingdom\n\nI was finally there\n\nTo sit on my throne as the prince of Red Wizard Capital"} +{"id": "3dacf44a-14fd-40c1-a53d-a6dcc2e8d640-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:48.977", "backgroundColor": "#1b4ed2", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRB4KJKgLGiXf7VRcFRaWWXFhFEJvhpvKRFeGrbHHVpk5", "txHash": "0x58705bd0faf97d707c48ceaa370873b09bf725b3d17b7ca12039f7a5c364de6d", "createdAtBlock": 14919861, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3561, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmauSwwFSEQuY2L8kmoV5zRNbY8PQkmidY63bdAhqZ65gD", "name": "Erim of Worlds", "text": "# Erim of Worlds\n_The True Aura Knight_\n\n\n\n**Erim** comes from a long line of knights. He inherited the strength of his father and the ancestors before him. The *Rune of Saturn* guides him especially in times of peril. His constant companion, *Skrim*, is his mutant snapping turtle who has been with him since he was only a boy.\n\nHe has trained for many years to get to his rank. He has fought countless battles and has lived to tell many tales of war. His long history with bloodshed has led him to seek solace in indulging himself with the bittersweet elixir of choice: a bottle of *Rune Beer*. \n\nIn spite of this, Erim remains to be one of the strongest and bravest Knights ever known, and he wields his Air Elemental shield with immense pride and gloryhe will enthusiastically tell the tales of his conquests to about anybody willing to listen to them at the town pub!"} +{"id": "91ca2385-c4c8-4676-90a1-c3e8bc024da7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:35.668", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSy2tRRSGCX6RV8sj9hWL1z1uT3LWyRDhAiat4hrhwMUu", "txHash": "0x51754913e64f8f4afd8fa4aa20c3d7bcddd0914f035d1642d234fb7279fb3e49", "createdAtBlock": 14917056, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15125, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harley Killer of Knights", "text": "# New lore entry\n\nI have lived a long and difficult life. Always being hunted by the knights of the old. The world will hunt me down until I one day am no more. Do you know? They call me the 'Killer of Knights' nowadays. All I did was fend those monsters off. Month after month, year after year... Just surviving... I am getting weary of a life where I'll only ever be remembered as one who ended others' lives."} +{"id": "46a2e30e-c9f8-45f8-93c4-70f20bd0f938-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:37.432", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUSnRJ6bwBpacebsyJT224zweHucYvWNJ9m4AVAV9mB7L", "txHash": "0xcb417ea216ce042a6f1c53de31906b531c08894bb90636dbf6cd6c4d826c49bc", "createdAtBlock": 14917503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4501, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Finn Sorrow of Ruffians", "text": "# FINN SORROW OF RUFFIANS \n\nthe amazing warrior from middle earth has won all his battle, never defeated whit his rare axe forged in a volcan and his amazing snake trained as a killer.\n\ntogether they can fight an entire army whitout any help."} +{"id": "77f8a551-b276-4e51-becf-e04faaebb9a9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:38.266", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWwk4qnePFJ8cXSLarREaauWsdYbSWzyAVkKPfZaLxTy", "txHash": "0xce50ef8172f9a9adb8d68a97342bdb36b87f07349d73a66d84443915ad7e9f45", "createdAtBlock": 14917510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "Whereas most magick spells are incomprehensible to the lay person, the incantations of _magick politic_ require a non-wizard to be able to understand them. The more memorable the incantation, the more powerful the spell. The Red Wizards, particularly adept in this magick, knew this innately when they eventually branded her an \"agent of chaos.\"\n\nYet the title assumed agency in the decision to sow discord, whereas any Yellow Wizard would remind you that simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time can be sufficient to accidentally invoke _magick entropic_. \n\nAnd in this moment, as she stepped through the veil, she was almost certainly in the wrong place, particularly at this time.\n\n\"Ah, I know where I am. It's been so long, I almost forgot,\" she said. \"But it's hard to forget,\" she waved her hands, \"all this color. Do you see it?\"\n\nShe looked at a stunned Shaman Armstrong.\n\n\"No... no, I don't think you do.\""} +{"id": "e86bcf30-28e6-4196-a1c1-fc78205a9c94-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:54.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSiDdVK45qVTbeohetFdDfDyREW4fjuH3NHRqxhiwSzsm", "txHash": "0xb3fd1126c057fdc9b7bfe0b17d57f986dfa3ed95e89e043a829d9dda0b301c60", "createdAtBlock": 14922364, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14203, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Judy Cleaver of Arcadia", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nJudy is someone who you shall not mess with. For her power is unknown, but told to be forsaken. She is a true staple of the Forgotten Runes and will live as a deity for those to worship."} +{"id": "c4bc986e-9251-4a51-8289-b57f0260207e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:41.68", "backgroundColor": "#100201", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmehRM3A28H957JKgB4xTuHTjvVRV5Hh5vZrKzXb5Tu3J7", "txHash": "0x2b764a2cdbf93644d4789e78158753be072a295a84b17217e63f508ca4a7f09a", "createdAtBlock": 14917794, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3224, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Marquis Aldus of the Impenetrable Veil", "text": "Lich Marquis Aldus of the Impenetrable Veil \n\n_Death in only the beginning_\n\nAldus spent his early days in the Riviera watching its inhabitants in the constant pursuit of material and carnal delights. Aldus sought balance and true power to cleanse the world of these seemingly parasitic beings. He stumbled upon ancient literature depicting a Sacred Flame which offered untold powers. So it began"} +{"id": "f9aae3f8-0c43-4af9-9584-52aa25d2e73b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:37.268", "backgroundColor": "#7392ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNkDVgusiExRRNwo4yrWjEYeqdZCJBiBESehUo3Y6xDDe", "txHash": "0x87d214bfcb55e2101a062f5a3e2233d5704a4b2f68e06a637b833b6cd0f1bc85", "createdAtBlock": 15007077, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 950, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Runecaster Ixar of the Brambles", "text": "# These Days I Forget\n_\"The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time\" \n **Friedrich Nietzsche**_\n\n\n### Yeah, there's a funny side to it but it ain't all jolly. I've forgotten where I'm from, when I'm from, even my mother and father. That they don't tell you about extreme longevity, that you're gonna run out of memory, that you're not gonna get to chose what you can keep and what you forget. \n#\n### I'm ancient but this identity is pretty recent, only had it for 2000 ish years. \n### Runecaster Ixar! **Of the Brambles**!!! LOL. It's actually a title received from Celtic King Caractacus, a good buddy of mine. He named me **Runecaster of the Brambles** for teaching his mages some runes for healing magic that can be unlocked from Blackberries, the bramble being a prevalent plant in his kingdom. \n### I only kept the name because I found it terribly amusing, the fact that one could be so impressed by such rudimentary wizardry that they bestow a descriptive title to honor it tickled the fuck out of me. It's like instead of Jesus Son of God we would remember him as Conjurer Jesus of Wine-Water..\n#\n### I remember a few other previous identities, maybe we'll get to those sometime, but before the neolithic revolution everything is kind of a blur. I don't remember my origin so it's time to create one.\n#\n### This is my book, an objective account, unshackled from magical spells, hidden in the power of the ordinary and yet for generations to endure, meant to inspire and inform but also to keep me whole.\n\n\n#\n## My Runes be remembered! Ixar (XR)"} +{"id": "7ed151fb-626d-465f-866b-612affc1cf75-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:42.478", "backgroundColor": "#4bc250", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVY7Hn96mNBeNEXZhUQGXs7AK2HoJPgTZ5NaULaB1Wesg", "txHash": "0xeea4682f323358f5f4654ef58dbc580f127646f6cd53f023aed06d7a72b7749a", "createdAtBlock": 14917911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2739, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Trudy Cutter of the Moon", "text": "Trudy Cutter of the Moon \n\nAptly named for her nautical excellence, Trudy slices and glides through the tides on her ship. She sails so fast she wont be spotted until the sun sets and her algae green hair glows from the light of the moon. \n\nOnce the glow has been spotted its likely too late as Trudys chainsaw appears like a sharks fin dividing the ocean and grinding away on her enemys boat. As boats crumble the bodies hit the ocean and with a sinister whistle Trudy calls upon her faithful demon hound *Briney* to finish the job. \n\nWho said Demon hounds couldnt swim?"} +{"id": "f8b796bc-ec67-461f-b9a6-ecc4ce27525e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:30.366", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX7ffxfoFg32Hm77C1icwRsCAGMWVa6D76By1bj7xhbzg", "txHash": "0x6a9bd2e2da1e7dba4a41aa1a1d3079f5f161b07b3c5d1720b08ae3059bf26615", "createdAtBlock": 13526448, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 331, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ghost Eater Judas of the Tower", "text": "# The Lore of Ghost Eater Judas of the Tower\n\nThey laughed at my broom \n\nI will laugh at their funerals"} +{"id": "98633050-23ea-417b-97e5-6c28c89a9744-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:43.158", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQxX8s2enZtE7EMhUGDyqs9G1CVZQnRYfvMT4yEdZ7PGq", "txHash": "0x1660ba953544632eab529734e3715dbca06c3778e83f7f6a41df75ba1361059c", "createdAtBlock": 14918632, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# The Useless Stick \n\nWonder not, ask me \"why, \nShiny pot, knot my lip. \nStart this Trip, \nlearn to fly, \nmake it drip, \nbring it high. \nNeeds no sense, \nneeds no rhyme, \ntwist it tense, \ncommitting no crime. \nWith a smile, \nleave the room, \nyou got your style, \njust drop a boom!"} +{"id": "f39c1f9b-2a7f-4a4e-b1b0-efcba48ac4e8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:51.415", "backgroundColor": "#ff46dc", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUKDPiwS21Yng7kEDMeQVq19jZWAnKAMn6Jwni1CfJs8A", "txHash": "0x6ec2f4fb284b847745df3b631d4e6c2077a971628f655db8ae65483deafb912b", "createdAtBlock": 14920000, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15190, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Donda Impaler of the Disco", "text": "# Donda Impaler of the Disco \n\n_The Boogie Warrior_\n\nDonda is known for his incredible strength and unwavering resolution in battle. His courage knows no bounds when faced with the enemy. He is as fierce and loyal as his companion. \n\nIf there is any warrior who knows how to start a party, it's Donda and his golden Jaguar, Kitou! Don't be fooled by his menacing appearance, he is the life of every party and can dance the night away. He is one of the most steadfast fighters out there, and he is also the same way on the dance floor. His trusty Stratiotai Spear may serve him well in battle, but it also makes a great bottle opener and dance pole!"} +{"id": "7cd98df9-d534-43ef-ba52-ad20a1ae6b30-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:15:09.27", "backgroundColor": "#3f1212", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeKFaEQppnRbGFFxT7kk9QL6Cw8ac2PSoiFD66ihUSq29", "txHash": "0x7dd08e7897fc0aa87861ce73798b1e49c25a255aaad87747f6cbfa4235e49156", "createdAtBlock": 14912194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6784, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Kazud of the Road", "text": "# The Lore of Geomancer Kazud of the Road\n\nKazud excels in the sacred art of dowsing. He deeply understands that spaces constructed using the principles of sacred geometry acts as a bridge between the worlds. He has the belief that the ability to dowse is something that comes very naturally to our ancestors, like a sixth sense it was a survival sense which helped to find water. \n\nThrough dowsing, Kazud can locate areas in peoples houses that are detrimental to health and to locate which places can be worked upon to ease the ensuing geopathic stress. These can sometimes also be detected or sourced as a trauma in the wider landscape. He can work with these detrimental energies, and transform them to ease, heal and harmonize a space or location. \n\nKazud's sister, @warrior12391, is brutish and essentially the polar opposite the quite nature that is this wizard. Rarely speaks, he understands what is in the best interest of his closest allies and strives to heal their physical as well as their spiritual health. If he leaves without saying so, don't fret... he is nearby."} +{"id": "0b42c4d6-d2c6-426e-97a4-f8c62f51ec8a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:49.806", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVdbjJAhmExN3seecY2jLBCjD4t59m6fTxLBLyGRo6MCL", "txHash": "0xed6425dc833bcc8c265bc3e9be5d951b3ac3641b834902ce422811a611f189fa", "createdAtBlock": 14919949, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1989, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Roddrick Contender of the Pavillion", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n\nThis Warrior was gifted to me by @realizeorigin\n\nChad give me this Warrior completely free thanks to twitter message:\n\nhttps://twitter.com/rlucasbets/status/1533346225235316736?s=20&t=5AuxhSfcDApqdU7fm-Zm_whttps://twitter.com/rlucasbets/status/1533346225235316736?s=20&t=5AuxhSfcDApqdU7fm-Zm_w\n\nKarma returned to me in form of this Wizzard.\n\n#neverselling"} +{"id": "5b15bdda-a81d-48b7-ac79-7e3028598924-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:50.681", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdsVjeztsbA1pook1RaeCGdk4QYe5noMVH6GqD1rYCaQ5", "txHash": "0xcd1dcb40f3890e2658b9b1c889687e675e5f663326c74d47ee4b999a95da6e5f", "createdAtBlock": 14919997, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13219, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Herman Wrecker of Scallywags", "text": "# Herman Wrecker of Scallywag\n\nHerman was born in a small village to a lumberjack family. Since childhood, he trained to use axes and mastered them perfectly\n\nBeing kind by nature Herman always defended the neighbors and when grown up he went to serve in the regular army\n\n*It ain't much, but it's honest work*"} +{"id": "09a7b07f-45c6-4e25-b08b-3924cd684e95-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:52.799", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQHr7vstgvG21q6AkhG7bwirdJiLYU5xbZTyAUsVWHZKY", "txHash": "0x38b7ba5476bbf696f80d0a9c381fd3f849b5047b7dc812dcba680deecf4a13d2", "createdAtBlock": 14921410, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3730, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rumbar Cleaver of the Alley", "text": "Rumbar the champion of Warrior Alley dawns a blue dwarf helmet, a treasure claimed from felled enemies in the mountain. His loyal baboon companion Bubbles loves dwarf roast only secondary to wizard meat."} +{"id": "c5313fdf-8edf-4be1-a0d4-1c1dbcc0a3df-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:53.603", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbaBppbAQaSSjVRe7u94L81PWb4aDg3yi3AAQndc1nStC", "txHash": "0x12cefcce9eb5a55dae59564798e3872939f804337cb0dea5cd6e99354497297d", "createdAtBlock": 14921418, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12273, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jimbo Apocalypse of Muscle Mountain", "text": "Strong man Jimbo of Muscle Mountain is the strongest warrior to hail from the strongest mountain chain in the world. Knowing nothing other than his own brute strength, Jimbo travels companion-less and prefers 1-on-1 mortal combat to subdue his mighty foes. With sword in hand and no shirt in sight, Jimbo's raw strength is enough to scare any wizard back up their tower."} +{"id": "3e4290f5-3938-4392-acc4-a0fb3add1687-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:55.648", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPf8zgYebVRFmDesjaThH4R1Uhy2dp2sdd4RKs1zFtHmZ", "txHash": "0xe75c26e53cc9a7997c36682affd7f984cff7e8d039e24fe98b5a230fa9226d02", "createdAtBlock": 14922415, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2558, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Callahan Ass Kicker of the Dojo", "text": "# In Medias Res\n\n\n@warrior2558 glimpsed his companions @warrior335, @warrior11840 and @warrior11839. The silence was intolerable. A second lasted and eternity - until..."} +{"id": "cbd6db13-765f-49d6-84ba-6e12896a195c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:56.378", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaCumvE6cFSAGFF9MuHxNyUBfrDtqoLGLX4DYb717KkrP", "txHash": "0x7a983bff5272d22c28874408c1ad35e6ec4eb98eb979a003f60c5f35726cc4d1", "createdAtBlock": 14922421, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11840, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Doyle Stormer of the Cockatrice", "text": "# In Medias Res\n\n\n@warrior11840 glimpsed his companions @warrior2558, @warrior335 and @warrior11839. The silence was intolerable. A second lasted and eternity - until..."} +{"id": "7fa1af52-1f52-48dc-a8fa-800b4edc402c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:59.162", "backgroundColor": "#020100", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUrpvDzrGiFWrTaCR5Kkz4Vjsx7di4niA2vcyNi4fkRuH", "txHash": "0x0e3973574e7df54074ad7ff305c175bdcc7b1eb65075e30eced6cf7219d7814b", "createdAtBlock": 14923242, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 693, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Aleister of the Machine", "text": "  \n\nZz zz the screen flickered\n\n \n\n## BLUALALALLALALALALALALAA \n\n\nAhhhhh!! \n\n \n\nThe white figure with skull eyes and waggling tongue disappeared back into the computer as quickly as it came\n\nWords typed out on the screen\n\n \n\n\n### YOU..HAVE..BEEN..VISITED..BY ..ALEISTER..OF..THE..MACHINE _\n\n  \n\nThe boys stared at each other\n\nCoooooooooooooool"} +{"id": "66d93092-711e-4d36-b347-5e2be0918684-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:00.8", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdpus1fTGphCywmShTSkoMn3VYFzL7Fi8E2WNC3fmQuz6", "txHash": "0xb1f87fe40a1604fb4cdd2fc272cf62a3e45421f2daf13ac1d36daa6dfea0311f", "createdAtBlock": 14923884, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10539, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Althia Lacerator of the Wood", "text": "Althia Lacerator learned at a young age that chainsaws cut wood easier than axes. In the badlands she grew up in, she quickly discovered chainsaws cut through evil men and wizards even easier."} +{"id": "452a0a65-ed4d-40ad-9bb1-07a5119bd103-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:24.66", "backgroundColor": "#525151", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbv7TGv5v26u8RVipRPLNNgDJhnoKYiEzyXnczEqMLjEt", "txHash": "0x0d60fd1c60747e778b4fbd4a32438407e0144cd9e262d60157207eaeffce8760", "createdAtBlock": 14931716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11765, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Edwin Antagonist of the Ring", "text": "**Edwin Antagonist of the Ring**\n\nHe comes but to give\n\nOf himself and his mind\n\nTo penetrate the broke hearts\n\nWho have hardened over time\n\nThe hardened heart, no match for love\n\nFrom stone to flesh\n\nSoldier to warrior becomes"} +{"id": "352d6f80-5c98-4525-b8bb-5ba2af3a91da-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:40.35", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd7eUx71cBVekvJirJLU9wW2ArGfD2RtXvu59LH7tbxyP", "txHash": "0x1aa4634079b3713ba8c5d05e557c836744984e1a0a2c290fca5f0c0edccf1f1a", "createdAtBlock": 14994814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8924, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Thor of the Valley", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nSage Thor of the Valley"} +{"id": "352d6f80-5c98-4525-b8bb-5ba2af3a91da-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:40.35", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd7eUx71cBVekvJirJLU9wW2ArGfD2RtXvu59LH7tbxyP", "txHash": "0x1aa4634079b3713ba8c5d05e557c836744984e1a0a2c290fca5f0c0edccf1f1a", "createdAtBlock": 14994814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8924, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Thor of the Valley", "text": "A thundering knock startled Thor out of his bed. He nervously walked across the dirt floor of his small one roomed house and opened the front door. There stood in front of him was a elderly wizard who quickly but gently, shoved a small wolf pup into Thor's hands then spun around and hurried down the small dirt road away from his house. the wolf pup seemed big for his six year old hands and it didn't occur to him that it could hurt him so he got in his bed, and snuggled the little wolf until he fell back asleep. The next morning he woke up with the little wolf still in his arms. He didn't want to wake it up but he knew he had to get up and take care of his chores. He slowly pulled the covers back and got out of his bed when he heard a whine from behind him and he turned around to see the little wolf looking up at him with stunning purple eyes. It almost looked"} +{"id": "352d6f80-5c98-4525-b8bb-5ba2af3a91da-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:40.35", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd7eUx71cBVekvJirJLU9wW2ArGfD2RtXvu59LH7tbxyP", "txHash": "0x1aa4634079b3713ba8c5d05e557c836744984e1a0a2c290fca5f0c0edccf1f1a", "createdAtBlock": 14994814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8924, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Thor of the Valley", "text": "him with stunning purple eyes. It almost looked like the eyes glowed in the soft morning light and the little wolf jumped out of his bed and came over to his heels. Thor didn't know if the wolf was friendly or not but it didn't look to be any danger to him at the moment so he let it follow him out of the house and down to his little garden. The wolf watched with interest as Thor went from row to row digging holes, putting a few seeds in and then smoothing the dirt over it again. so the wolf went a little ahead of him in the row he was in and started digging holes for him to put the seeds in. Day after day, the wolf helped him with his chores, and they lived there year after year, growing food for themselves and hunting for their meat in the woods that were close by until one night, when Thor was fifteen, he woke up in the middle of the night to see his wolf pawing at the"} +{"id": "352d6f80-5c98-4525-b8bb-5ba2af3a91da-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:40.35", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd7eUx71cBVekvJirJLU9wW2ArGfD2RtXvu59LH7tbxyP", "txHash": "0x1aa4634079b3713ba8c5d05e557c836744984e1a0a2c290fca5f0c0edccf1f1a", "createdAtBlock": 14994814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8924, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Thor of the Valley", "text": "the night to see his wolf pawing at the door. Thor eventually opened the door to see where his wolf went. Thor had to run with all his might just to keep Wolf in sight when finally he saw Wolf sitting in a clearing staring at the moon which, Thor suddenly realized, was glowing purple. Thor came over and gently started petting Wolf when Wolf gently bit his hand and led him over to a little cave that he had never seen before and a golden staff where a crescent moon staff lay inside. The crescent moon on the staff was also glowing purple. He slowly walked over to it and looked back at his wolf before he took hold of it. As soon as it was firm in his grip, his hair steaked purple and his eyes started to glow like Wolfs and he could tell what wolf was thinking. He closed his eyes and shook his head and the world went back to normal but he still felt that tug in the back of his head and he"} +{"id": "352d6f80-5c98-4525-b8bb-5ba2af3a91da-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:40.35", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd7eUx71cBVekvJirJLU9wW2ArGfD2RtXvu59LH7tbxyP", "txHash": "0x1aa4634079b3713ba8c5d05e557c836744984e1a0a2c290fca5f0c0edccf1f1a", "createdAtBlock": 14994814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8924, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Thor of the Valley", "text": "that tug in the back of his head and he knew he could do it again. He turned back to where wolf was sitting and they both walked back in the direction of the house. When they came to the house that they had both lived in together for nine years, they saw it in ruins. they both walked together around the charred wood and tried to find anything they could keep but it had all been destroyed. as he neared the back of the house, he found a wizards hat that he had never seen before and foot steps leading away from it down into the woods. His time had come, his adventure awaits. He and wolf started off after the footsteps to find what awaits them."} +{"id": "eb6f3608-f0fa-4bdb-a0a0-e9fe59dad449-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:01.488", "backgroundColor": "#091007", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfYfYewWir7YB9tAdZ2mRqayQL8WzTUoCvjj5gTpuAcXN", "txHash": "0x829bf350f0c4c26fc85df401b01090a41fddcf363c57567d80da14d18660b1b8", "createdAtBlock": 14923974, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 715, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harland Buster of Blood", "text": "# The Legend of Harland Buster of Blood\n\n## Chapter One - Yesteryear\nListen close and I'll tell you a tale, \nOur story begins with a wee little male.\n\nHis mum named him Harland it was a family name, \nShe knew he was destined for greatness and fame.\n\nHe was smaller than the other boys his age, \nBut that never stopped him from taking center stage.\n\nAs a member of the Earth Guard, fighting was in his blood, \nBattles were fought through sand, dirt, and mud.\n\nDay and night he trained with his class, \nPreparing for the day when he might whoop some ass.\n\n## Chapter Two - The Day of Reckoning\n\nSeasons went by but his day never came, \nDay and night he trained just the same.\n\nThen one day the elders sounded the call, \nHe knew what it meant he must defend the wall.\n\nTo his post, he ran by great leaps and bounds, \nEager to protect his people's ancient grounds.\n\nI'd be lying if I told you that Harland was not scared, \nBut the years he spent training had made him prepared.\n\nWith his weapon of choice, a crowbar in hand, \nHarland grit his teeth ready to become a man."} +{"id": "9e882acd-3af0-4e19-baaa-682fa1adcf8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:03.053", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcbtzJVosGvRX3Ht3K4BGwv8Ku2djkrHe95LLcybyzeEq", "txHash": "0x024e36b04f212d3de1c6f5cca7c2845edc65570294d87595ceed1b527d869a2f", "createdAtBlock": 14924636, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8189, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Impy of the Plains", "text": "\"I took it from Zubin's personal library. Once we decode it we can copy the spells for ourselves. But we don't have much time. Surely he will catch on soon enough.\"\n\n\"Well done!\" A few kobold's cheered as they opened cold ones - clearing using this as an excuse.\n\n\"Anything for The Horde,\" she replies with a smile, seemingly unfazed by the notion of betraying her mentor.\n\nThe book was now glowing a bit, as if it sensed the group's excitement. On the front cover, a Rune of Uranus was inscribed. Impy noticed now that the rune was etched not with ink, but a silver blood that shimmered harshly against the light. She recognized it: gorgon blood. \n\n\"Get the computers. It's time to begin work.\""} +{"id": "52bb06c1-3f95-4da7-88b7-69923936e999-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:03.881", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaWBhppudX1qK6ZwmkSpy1MTuNUM8eDimeiNi76PAv4yW", "txHash": "0x5b8d0c81419450612d1fcaca547f6a9c551476e0daa62188f52b1e7f5049c561", "createdAtBlock": 14925113, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14561, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Amara Razer of Wizards", "text": "\"I'll burn them all! I'll burn them all\" Amara shouted in her sleep every single night. Her body full of anger and rage since she was a young girl. She will never forgot the day her life changed completely, turning her world upside down all because of an unknown wizard. Till this day, she still doesn't know who was responsible for her parents death, but one thing is certain, she will get her revenge, even if it means she has to burn to a crisp each and every single last wizard in the Runiverse."} +{"id": "ef135aff-5b23-4bf7-be80-a6818578fa13-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:04.599", "backgroundColor": "#a6ad24", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcxPL5ffJyHnDBoYYWx7RD1Hf4CvqBMYmjC9vwXqtJEjC", "txHash": "0x3a96332d998e58a864ed397eedfa242c3a964d2778dc8fd2b0fbce4e9c0b8962", "createdAtBlock": 14925150, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15248, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Inanna Paragon of Shadows", "text": "Inanna and her falcon, Bruce, were inseparable. Everywhere Inanna went, Bruce followed. By foot or flight, Bruce never lost sight. \n\nHis mission was to protect her at all costs and that he did well. On slower days, Inanna and Bruce would play Bruce's favorite game, air fetch Chakram. Inanna would launch it as fast as she could using all her strength and Bruce would quickly take off chasing after it.\n\nInanna and her falcon, Bruce, were inseparable. Everywhere Inanna went, Bruce followed. By foot or flight, Bruce never lost sight."} +{"id": "5c4e1ee4-c710-44a0-b95d-fe924ba0a624-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:25.506", "backgroundColor": "#778960", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZjQutjUFuiPKxHQC8oQ5wnuJEkhExvf5jpP1smLTF7jQ", "txHash": "0x8852ba1d80432b5dbc5689ef1268d8d94cd09d1c7ed17428ed24c67f3c96ed21", "createdAtBlock": 14931777, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11766, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Katie Menace of the Coliseum", "text": "**Katie Menace of the Coliseum**\n\nI am a warrior from head to toe\n\nAnd from heart to soul\n\nI was born ready to fight\n\nMy sword moves at the speed of light!"} +{"id": "7cf3a20a-0f41-4706-9181-adf5362d97eb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:05.323", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbyyxFk597N3a1vKAdeuf5Z2ZhHtwsPV3xgpZuegctEMR", "txHash": "0x573371da509484193c518c73dfdf422fa609a21fd513c22662945e5adddea817", "createdAtBlock": 14925379, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9175, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charles Paragon of Warlocks", "text": "It all started so well. Charles was on his way to becoming a top Warlock. Alas as it turns out, he developed an allergy to magic and could not bring himself to cast any spells without becoming truly sick to the stomach. So he had to give up all magic. Now, anyone else may have just become one of the common folk but Charles was determined to stay in the 'adventure' field and with that he re-trained himself as a warrior instead. With his trusty poleaxe, he was a decent one too. \n\nOnce other warriors found out he was a former warlock and as he sometimes brags, a very good one too, he then become known, perhaps mockingly as a Paragon of Warlocks, a name he carries proudly. \n\nAlong the way, his trusty companion Ultramarine Rhinoceros Beetle continued hanging out with him even after he no longer did magic. \n\nThere is a wizard healer druid whom once saved his life and though he has never said this to her, his heart pines for Setsuko. So much so, he has even gone to lengths of having his outfit in similar colour. Perhaps one day he will come across her again and then, who knows, he may even be brave enough to declare his love."} +{"id": "5fb42653-e3b3-4d39-a47f-f77671164f07-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:05.944", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUxuJEt3vQtad4iHqeiDeW1yRv9KCGgRgTfY4XtgC6EZd", "txHash": "0x7ccf11844cc3c1ee8c00e8f41c896981ee7c606bc7611f3a75dbeb605cf61a3d", "createdAtBlock": 14925652, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5022, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Canyon", "text": "**++The Making of Sorcerer Remus++**\n\nBefore Remus could speak back, he started to float and everything around him disappeared, flying into a stream of nothingness. It was now pitch black and he heard an echo, \"You are strong and kind, Remus. Please save my lost wizards.\""} +{"id": "0cd21c0e-facb-4120-9c06-9d4031621184-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:06.524", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUxuJEt3vQtad4iHqeiDeW1yRv9KCGgRgTfY4XtgC6EZd", "txHash": "0x8b8144bbcfb87d6e0ee1b2e012f7b380ef6b96894e819061d79dd07827afc992", "createdAtBlock": 14925655, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5022, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Canyon", "text": "**++The Making of Sorcerer Remus++**\n\nBefore Remus could speak back, he started to float and everything around him disappeared, flying into a stream of nothingness. It was now pitch black and he heard an echo, \"You are strong and kind, Remus. Please save my lost wizards.\""} +{"id": "747e2fae-fd0a-4963-8625-8ea7f3471431-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:07.896", "backgroundColor": "#491411", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdsVKyyKqDJCN4FM9n2RkFySTcZPwBJrJWxUXBYkKbsko", "txHash": "0xd5545cad0e841594b7d32100332eb9815372a2f6915a9963121534093cb00dc9", "createdAtBlock": 14926355, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 711, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Apollo of the Brimstone Havens", "text": "**\n**\n# FIRE & BRIMSTONE - NEW BEGINNINGS\n**\n** \n\n*Whaaaawhat the f%$## did you do Apollo!* shrieks Hemmingway as he peaks out of the ashes, his polar white feathers now covered in soot and dust. \n\n*I told you we shouldnt be playing around with those Kobolds* he scoffs. Hemmingway takes a split second to look around the room before darting upwards to assess the full damage.\n\nApollo was still sitting down after the initial explosion and starts chuckling to himself. As he was laughing, he heard a weird rattle like sound.\n\n*Errr, those those sound like.* Apollo looked down and burst out laughing. \n\n*Im a bloody bag of bones* he shouted as he started to dance around showcasing his new look to bewildered onlookers. Apollo noticed the spectators and upped his attention seeking, performing some questionable standup all while enjoying the mixed reactions from the crowd (the kobolds were not a fan).\n\nHemmingway was growing tired of Apollos positivity in their newfound situation as the realisation of what they did to those Kobolds starts to seep into his mind. With dread stricken across his sleek white beak he flies over to Apollo and pulls him away.\n\n*Are you forgetting what the hell just happened back there? he pants.*\n\nIf they find out why we were down there we are going to be murdered, and not to mention but those other poor wizards. Hemming started to look down.\n\nWhy did you have to kill them Apollo?....\n\nTheir conversation was abruptly interrupted as a large fireball hit the wall next to them, exploding in a hot white flash that scorches wizards standing nearby.\n\nA booming voice starts to slowly get louder as the crowd start to whisper and the rumour spreads of who is coming down that dusty cobble street. \n\nIt was him."} +{"id": "747e2fae-fd0a-4963-8625-8ea7f3471431-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:07.896", "backgroundColor": "#491411", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdsVKyyKqDJCN4FM9n2RkFySTcZPwBJrJWxUXBYkKbsko", "txHash": "0xd5545cad0e841594b7d32100332eb9815372a2f6915a9963121534093cb00dc9", "createdAtBlock": 14926355, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 711, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lewd Revenant Apollo of the Brimstone Havens", "text": "It was him.\n\nTo be continued (or not) \n\n**OxApollo**"} +{"id": "3d8dd1bb-3406-471e-88e1-270f02a2c518-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:08.784", "backgroundColor": "#120415", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcAGCv5LKqsG8gkYNsVG36uWVcJnTBcr245PkFdMEfZiw", "txHash": "0x7d5ee90f96af5cf14da0db1634fdd92888a21233286c72e3c1148d6b0baedb0e", "createdAtBlock": 14926359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11133, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZwfLe5x1fm9GVhVzo9VuQoJGfkbDsgRDci6nnVgHeMv7", "name": "Diana Calamity of the Range", "text": "# **Diana, Calamity of the Range** - Page 1 of ??\n\nOut of 6 traits, 4 of them are in *Affinity*.\nHer Traits are:\n \n -- Rune of Mercury\n -- Titan Cleaver\n -- Triangle Shield\n -- Surd Armour\n -- Spring Warrior\n -- Null Goat\n\n\n\n**Diana, Calamity of the Range** is currently residing in the northern parts of the Runiverse near Skylord Rookery with her pet goat Haze. \n\nShe is one fierce warrior who should not be taken lightly. Diana is training night and day to become one of the strongest warriors the Runiverse has ever seen. Word has it that there are some sacred beasts and dangerous creatures lurking amongst us that must be stopped. \n\nWhen they do reveal themselves, you can be sure to count on her to slay any who get in her way.\n\n*To be continued...*"} +{"id": "83422eb3-d213-4e65-9d94-19a6d36b35d4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:09.912", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZAiUq9XhWxP6w79A8RPTWQvy7WgcPqw76pDqUwSpxt8Y", "txHash": "0x0c4bc319f619ccf4dfa88064549f41bc9b1a2f2662a6c648ca0f6c8f7c63204f", "createdAtBlock": 14926926, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2223, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWG5jc3spgFGPfiX3Rd4YLNSxDjXRSxeBQsS9TytVL1YD", "name": "Artificer Jack of the Wood", "text": "# WANTED: Artificer Jack of the Wood\n\nOn All Hallows Eve, 2021 the Great Burning took place at The Secret Tower. Artificer Jack was sentenced to be burned but escaped using his *Bag of Tricks*. Along with Jack, several magical items disappeared from the Secret Tower that night. \n\n\n\nSince last All Hallows Eve, 628 Wizards have been burned. Some were transformed into *Forgotten Souls* while others were reduced to piles of ash. None of the stolen magical items have turned up.\n\nJack hasn't been seen since he escaped from the Secret Tower but rumor has it he is trying to acquire the rest of the *Sacred Flames*. \n\nNobody knows what is in Jack's *Bag of Tricks* but maybe one day he'll be captured and the Runiverse will finally find out.\n\n\n\nThe only known way to summon Jack back to the *Secret Tower* is if the result of the *Forgotten Die* roll on All Hallows Eve is the *Rune of Air*."} +{"id": "ecd8aaf0-90c5-4034-aff3-35e28d68bae7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:10.648", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVPu4bFYZFfbyswzVG4z2qg5m7f51Htn25juKaVsE9VDe", "txHash": "0xb0c9115946f43fce71e315269d23873c7ae8374d9afe525d926ab87d13f45808", "createdAtBlock": 14927937, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10744, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gabe Protector of Imps", "text": "# Gabe, Protector of Imps\n\nGabe had a special relationship with Imps since he was a child.\n\nHe always preferred to play with Imps instead of his own race.\n\nHe trained and trained until he became a powerful warrior.\n\nGabe and his hyena's main focus is, to protect the Imps. They will die if needed.\n\nThey roam around the Swarm looking for enemies."} +{"id": "c29e2321-d9bf-4ba8-8341-3fcded8cda2f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:38.176", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma1Y4UUkMmY7cGvuqXKR8oxXujKriGiBdTWd9CWWoSQtD", "txHash": "0x140fa38bb3b04667276c39c73ff2af40521a70161d004e680d1321557399d08d", "createdAtBlock": 14935656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10572, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aloros Ruin of the Rock", "text": "Aloros is a simple man. Born with no special powers, no special skills, and no special name. He makes his way in this runiverse fixing odds and ends, completing small quests for those more affluent in mind and coin. He simply enjoys swinging his sword, and collecting his coin."} +{"id": "07c79349-a3d0-4b67-b873-3e39678d54f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:11.347", "backgroundColor": "#360d38", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFvwEYaZ2zAQCHi2b9BR5jTCVnT6WvAsafJcAjNEMsRf", "txHash": "0x1817539d205f5af555acd8902d8bbaf19883c7889a78d5eee24fc683fe5abb8e", "createdAtBlock": 14928165, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13574, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Asmodeus Crumbler of Mount Titan", "text": "## Asmodeus Crumbler of Mount Titan \n \n \nAsmodeus and his little companion,Paul the Pig, loved having fun in the muddy wet Mountains of Mount Titan. They rolled around and wrestled in the dirt and mud, not having a worry in the world. When they cleaned up and ventured out into the world, they brought along their Iron Hammer to smash things all day long."} +{"id": "bc07949e-85ea-467f-969e-9afda6f8c966-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:11.981", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmReSVesF1Pkw38kTL3FRxjtFU68vHuX4S6VAQ3nVJpGSR", "txHash": "0x6f6a249d928963b8a5a395c3bb1edcd0d221275c339775878b732ddeaeefe52e", "createdAtBlock": 14928252, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13939, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garrison Fiend of Goblin Town", "text": "Everyone in Goblin Town knows now to mess with Garrison when he's walking the streets at night. His blue sword on his right hand and Teddy the Goat beside him to his left. No one dared to look Garry in the eye as he was the strongest meanest man in town. His old punk ways of beaten up any random stranger that looked at him were long gone, but he still had some anger in him that he was itching to get out.\n\nWhatever you do when you go into Goblin Town, make sure you avoid Garrison at all costs!!!"} +{"id": "c58e9afc-6e02-4bec-8417-aedfc0790d49-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:26.214", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmesv85a1R7QhdNZwkrh3sxjXbujzx3BkbmwPQjy2EkJgU", "txHash": "0x0fb3fd3393272cb5cd60f962c515034eb918ba09ee0bd0dfc1534403324dbea9", "createdAtBlock": 14931813, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11645, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Donner Ruffian of Monsters", "text": "**\n### Donner Ruffian of Monsters\n** \n\nI hate to lose, I'd rather die\n\nI don't speak, only say my battle cry\n\nWhen I fight it's gonna be to the death\n\nOpponents look at me and I steal their breath!"} +{"id": "72deb844-a0c7-4757-9052-f542b57e9749-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:12.672", "backgroundColor": "#0f153b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc2sgyJf65kDtnjcMDDXCgt68sCZib76wZtPMmgApTeGD", "txHash": "0xc2b6edd358e7b1717ab6b78e5e6d5afc863cc61c41f4ec35cedd494e5a0a75ea", "createdAtBlock": 14928366, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15069, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Slasher of Flowers", "text": "The Flowers fear him, but the lady warriors love him!\n\nPoomu, the Slasher of flowers during the day, the Pounder of ladies at night.\n\nPoomu has always been a ladies man ever since he was a child. Growing up, watching his father pick up lady after lady after lady that he lost count. He learned from the best and now Poomu is taking those skills to another level. As soon as the ladies hear his chainsaw, that's it!, its over, as they rush towards him and ask him to sleep over."} +{"id": "f967b426-ee76-4e8b-9314-d84e169e970c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:29.302", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVE5KsNY49YW35JzXhgJwy5boGDXHMomjopDWsvWhWYiF", "txHash": "0x4ac14e3b0f5836fbb8217594e7e3912aed85fd6542008401bd550dc1bb718eb6", "createdAtBlock": 14932579, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5208, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentina Striker of Shadows", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n \nRaised by Wolves in the shadows of the runes, Valentina adorns the headdress of her fallen brother, who was slayed by the Cold Dark Wicked Knight! Valentina and her noble buffkin Mitch Striker show no mercy in defending all that is good in the runes. Valentina lives only to honor her brother and take vengeance on that Cold Dark Wicked Knight!"} +{"id": "c4ddab84-c5b4-431a-8b6c-5a093eac0656-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:13.437", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTPxm1e9h2MxBjjJmP6JqSbbeMKy9Xp6C7iuub1smfLft", "txHash": "0x631dc11807af73d5dfe39745d399566eda19d340b1de7de1957f624897c6193b", "createdAtBlock": 14928524, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3263, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXdQdJE5fu6crjyxQP5j7tB2Q13wm2S5Ucmti9sXmnfWE", "name": "Gulder Masher of the Mist", "text": "wen gulder smal goblin, goblin cheef shair **HAM** with gulder after he win big war. gulder lykes **HAM**. gulder want moor **HAM**, but no **HAM** in goblin town. gulder leafs goblin town to find moor **ham**. gulder do funy thingz to git **HAM**, lyke smash kobold skul with bal and chane and tayk there **HAM**. **HAM** iz gud. gulder want moor **HAM**, but no moor **HAM**. gulder mad. gulder smash many warier skulz and stele there **HAM**. gulder want moor **HAM**. gulder think itz tym to start war and tayk all the **HAM** in the werld. war is fun. **HAM** is gud. perfekt plan!"} +{"id": "01595a55-517b-47d4-92a5-5cafc960845d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:00.022", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeBPKhhNn7CopYVL1AEnhgiexWibwXRGHsh1MvouFRSBw", "txHash": "0xb0fa3df347f565b1733335437072c7ccd358e321c84910b145ee19f982afdd9d", "createdAtBlock": 14928659, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7962, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ozohr of the Bastion", "text": "Come to think of it, nobody had ever actually *seen* Archmagus Ozohr of the Bastion perform any magic.\n\nOf those that did believe in magic, there was a sneaking suspicion that the title of Archmagus Ozohr actually belonged to the rat."} +{"id": "6f77a872-8d48-4860-a605-756e921be364-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:18.566", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRwDsWa8oBo22TdXNnZB18FeCc6shjouhmUgj4kSR755n", "txHash": "0x15223e1540161576c614932245947308e35ead658f6069b692e07fc040bcebd5", "createdAtBlock": 14929337, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7081, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaGmaMmtp2oDbDge3W8DpSGmP12G8WW1ptUQ5qC2sHtxd", "name": "Witch Rita of the Grotto", "text": "### Art by Valeria Cosenza \n\n### Twitter: @ArtbyVale \n\n### Instagram: @art8yval3"} +{"id": "68ffe76c-02db-45e2-a5be-95afa56d73ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:20.68", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNwcCyqE9KFzdGFgiosRLsZCJauNLnff75nUbZPVKvjdD", "txHash": "0xc4bcafdeff93c8ffc8629aa1bcab20c2a869eef1413fee463ea0005d5f29b5b8", "createdAtBlock": 14930181, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7890, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hugh Terror of the Pavillion", "text": "Its just one of those days\n\nWhere you don't want to wake up\n\nEverything is fucked\n\nEverybody sucks\n\nYou don't really know why\n\nBut you want to justify\n\nRippin' someone's head off\n\nNo human contact\n\nAnd if you interact\n\nYour life is on contract\n\nYour best bet is to stay away motherfucker\n\nIt's just one of those days\n\nIt's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit\n\nI think you better quit, let the shit slip\n\nOr you'll be leaving with a fat lip\n\nIt's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit\n\nI think you better quit, talking that shit\n\nIts just one of those days\n\nFeeling like a freight train\n\nFirst one to complain\n\nLeaves with a bloodstain\n\nDamn right I'm a maniac\n\nYou better watch your back\n\nCause I'm fucking up your program\n\nAnd then your stuck up\n\nYou just lucked up\n\nNext in line to get fucked up\n\nYour best bet is to stay away motherfucker\n\nIt's just one of those days\n\nIt's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit\n\nI think you better quit, let the shit slip\n\nOr you'll be leaving with a fat lip\n\nIt's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit\n\nI think you better quit, talking that shit\n\nPunk, so come and get it\n\nI feel like shit\n\nMy suggestion, is to keep your distance\n\nCause right now I'm dangerous\n\nWe've all felt like shit\n\nAnd been treated like shit\n\nAll those motherfuckers\n\nThat want to step up\n\nI hope you know, I pack a chainsaw\n\nI'll skin your ass raw\n\nAnd if my day keeps going this way, I just might\n\nBreak something tonight\n\nI pack a chainsaw\n\nI'll skin your ass raw\n\nAnd if my day keeps going this way, I just might"} +{"id": "68ffe76c-02db-45e2-a5be-95afa56d73ad-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:20.68", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNwcCyqE9KFzdGFgiosRLsZCJauNLnff75nUbZPVKvjdD", "txHash": "0xc4bcafdeff93c8ffc8629aa1bcab20c2a869eef1413fee463ea0005d5f29b5b8", "createdAtBlock": 14930181, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7890, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hugh Terror of the Pavillion", "text": "I'll skin your ass raw\n\nAnd if my day keeps going this way, I just might\n\nBreak something tonight\n\nI pack a chainsaw\n\nI'll skin your ass raw\n\nAnd if my day keeps going this way, I just might\n\nBreak your fucking face tonight\n\nGive me something to break\n\nJust give me something to break\n\nHow bout yer fucking face\n\nI hope you know, I pack a chainsaw\n\nWhat!\n\nA chainsaw\n\nWhat!\n\nA motherfucking chainsaw\n\nWhat!\n\nSo come and get it\n\nIt's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit\n\nI think you better quit, let the shit slip\n\nOr you'll be leaving with a fat lip\n\nIt's all about the he-says, she-says bullshit\n\nI think you better quit, talking that shit\n\nPunk, so come and get it"} +{"id": "b2b05ed8-fc50-49b0-8689-7c89f6dd3b37-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:17.43", "backgroundColor": "#000e2d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbw4VPdzBhbAA2rRXCMSH6TPHw5oAUagg9XcMT9D5ww6L", "txHash": "0x07cac29ef1ca78d1d15ef68dd8ebe3dd746f76a50189c5b1b9053da7780ce7f0", "createdAtBlock": 15042277, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 41, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVcy6CK7zVoYbhH93JgqSuyNqTEaGSo9S3ZjHja1F3k9C", "name": "Arcanist Atlanta of the Palms", "text": "*<<- Ch 1: Intro to Gimpy*\n\n# Chapter 2: Introduction to A \n\nHow does one draw the line between a gift and a curse? Is it a matter of control? Is it a matter of perspective?\n\nArcanist Atlanta of the Palms was born with an overwhelming psychic sense. It is said that any wizard can access such powers, and many work towards refining them. But for A (as she prefers to be called), it was never a choice.\n\nGrowing up, A was convinced that her nearly uncontrollable powers were a curse. Often associated with the Rune of Sun, the light of truth can easily shine too brightly, burning both the seer and everyone she sees. If not for As sun cat Blaze, who shares this same power, she likely would have drowned in dark potions long ago, in effort to cloud her piercing vision. \n\n\n\nInevitably, anyone possessing these abilities must keep their coven relatively small. A is extremely selective about who she allows in her energy field. But those who she does trust, she knows she can trust with anything and they know they can trust her more than anyone. \n\nIt may go without saying that male wizards are particularly problematic for someone as attractive as A, who sees through their overcompensating spells and into their disgraceful minds. The only men who are welcome in her life are those who are in touch with their submissive nature. Most others are terrified of her, even if intrigued for they know exactly what she is capable of doing with that soul harvester scythe. They know she could slice their dicks and balls right off if they step too far out of line, or think the wrong thought in her presence. While the ritual of castration is generally consensually gifted to good pets like her favorite Gimpy, sometimes, A has no choice but to irreversibly put a wizard in his place."} +{"id": "b2b05ed8-fc50-49b0-8689-7c89f6dd3b37-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:31:17.43", "backgroundColor": "#000e2d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbw4VPdzBhbAA2rRXCMSH6TPHw5oAUagg9XcMT9D5ww6L", "txHash": "0x07cac29ef1ca78d1d15ef68dd8ebe3dd746f76a50189c5b1b9053da7780ce7f0", "createdAtBlock": 15042277, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 41, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVcy6CK7zVoYbhH93JgqSuyNqTEaGSo9S3ZjHja1F3k9C", "name": "Arcanist Atlanta of the Palms", "text": "Fortunately, A is queer as fuck! If any lady wizards or warriors werent at least bisexual before meeting her, well now they are. Her magic is as magnetic to women as it is intimidating to men. There is something about her that pulls in those with a sense of curiosity, those who embrace their authentic selves and are willing to face their fears. \n\nPlus, transparency in relationships makes for the most magical orgies.\n\nSo, naturally, As coven is comprised of her lesbian lovers like Mina and the dedicated submissives who serve them. As a Mistress herself, A also feels a strong affinity with the dominatrix warriors.\n\nBut it is clear to them all that the warrior men are packing a little too much bulge that needs to be taken care of, one way or another. Unruly male bulges are at the root of the most deplorable societal problems in the Runiverse and A can see this more vividly than anyone, whether she wants to or not. \n\n\n\n\n## *Ch 3: Intro to Mina ->>*"} +{"id": "0a35dab6-db14-45e7-808d-c41f4f7c85bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:23.028", "backgroundColor": "#2f0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZSApWhuR8j99NXCGztwL4M62jGgHCuv5DoxEyJFFyKtn", "txHash": "0xa58e7c5379ddf1364717521252ccdbe62a0744ed5169b1a68890f62c4803a1bb", "createdAtBlock": 14930876, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13592, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Athina Slayer of the Tower", "text": "Don't let her beauty fool you! Athina is a bad ass bitch that could slay any dragon coming her way! She perfected her craft with her father, Luthen, every morning from dusk till dawn. She would train all day and night because she wanted to beat all the boys around town. Growing up, Athina would get teased for not knowing how to fight. She would cry every night until she made herself a promise to work on her fighting skills until she was as good as her father, and that she did."} +{"id": "1f7c0885-4d13-4888-8011-43821b913611-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:16.093", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPQytnw5B4pupnFRi92r9MKAiMJWSmXTpUa7QRxNzL2EU", "txHash": "0x37bcd57d1620e6f935bb5810bab1798c853f24bdca6360735ddbb7baf192d899", "createdAtBlock": 14929033, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9775, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shroomer Attacker of all that is Evil", "text": "Shroomer Attacker of all that is Evil has walked a most interesting path. Originally, he was just Shroomer. \n\nWhen he was but a wee little fungi, he was visited by a hellish demon from the underworld, a demon spawned from the ancient Demogorgon. However, this demon didn't want to destroy Shroomer. Instead he wanted to tempt the young Fungi to follow him to the underworld and raise him to be the most evil fungi ever to live. \n\nThis demon possessed almost unlimited power and should have had no difficulty achieving his mission. But the strangest thing happened, and Shroomer resisted all the temptations, and he did it with ease! It was at that moment that the demon knew he had a problem. A serious problem. He retreated to the underworld to report his discovery to his masters.\n\nShroomer morphed into \"Shroomer Attacker of all that is Evil\" and to this very day he roams the land extinguishing evil wherever it rears its ugly head. There may yet be evil that gives Shroomer a problem, but no one has discovered it yet!"} +{"id": "45e8db41-648a-46ca-85ea-b4518f80eea7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:28.603", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVxJkZnF57Jwia7BgAyrMHhHini9ugGDFQQGK2tQTzqQU", "txHash": "0x61697098f90b98592576de249ebab94db6a5bb34288f740b7b623c311e27c927", "createdAtBlock": 14932567, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14325, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ash Basher of Nothing", "text": "# Lore of Ash Basher of Nothing \n\nAsh Basher of Nothing, an East Side Pipe Wrench in one hand and a Shield of the Sun in the other is all he needs to wreck absolute destruction on the enemy. This Warrior has been fighting battles for ages.\n\nHe is known to his fellow warriors as \"The Red Fury\" for his all-out fighting style. One particular battle he single-handedly took down more than 20 enemies which helped win the war.\n\nHis Azure Raptor companion has always been fighting at his side. Despite not being particularly strong, his cleverness and agility complement Ash Basher's incredible strength.\n\n_\"Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories\"_"} +{"id": "69271e8f-c7b5-4b23-a28a-9a9e725240a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:41.207", "backgroundColor": "#c1a892", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcnZ8YXA5G4TqYEbRMFEgFX1bkLowDD5AdgbAD6L32anH", "txHash": "0x9941362d63bd76a3c23e4efc631ac82af75ec19649d83039f4a8df6b064b5888", "createdAtBlock": 14936204, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lorcan Madcap of the Savannah", "text": "# Lorcan Madcap of the Savannah\n\nOrphan, he was abandoned by his tribe in the desert as a kid, he was discovered by a hyena who raised him like his own child. He learns all the secrets of the desert from the hyena pack and now the sand has no secret for him.\n\nNow, he wanders in the desert with a hyena to find his tribe and discover why the have abandoned him."} +{"id": "dc937a3f-2949-4695-bcbb-4c3be0c5cece-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:19.917", "backgroundColor": "#060f5e", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUPdc9CgPKpVbRDKfu7DAyj2rDqEZdqkLoHZVBP2nQgh8", "txHash": "0xd30439b80e7f13d7e833b1534aeab309bfc023897e33eb3f2af4efcfde391f71", "createdAtBlock": 14930143, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8297, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Cosmos", "text": "*Eric was a masterful magician with magical powers. With Brownie by his side and a Midas Rod for his magic, he felt like he could take over the world. All his battles were full of magic, castings spells on his enemies without them even noticing.\n\nHe has to be careful though, since his powers are getting too strong. Eric knows he needs to learn how to contain it before things start to get out of control.*"} +{"id": "1c4e426c-f311-46f0-ba14-4d06784317b7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:22.166", "backgroundColor": "#0a1086", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWvzVcsHACkJ65rEJMdMxL7jNZCq9Gk8XiPiwWhnyyz2o", "txHash": "0xc70808697b20ee8fbea89d5e0a3b2e8f4d60f68e93188bfa34c343dc375e8bc7", "createdAtBlock": 14930826, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13757, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcbHgJzQhTzFFj1TGEKFxrcpqNvPxCoggfsuSvCbiEHZC", "name": "Roddrick Poker the Rune Raiders", "text": "# Roddrick Poker the Rune Raiders\n\nThere lies in the distance a soldier by the name Roddrick Poker.\n\nWe've heard stories about him. He goes from different areas of the Runiverse and challenges the leaders of each sector to poker duels. He hasn't lost a poker game once.\n\nThe deal he makes with those he challenges is that the loser must lose their souls.\n\nOnce the poker game is over, Roddrick's trusty rattlesnake makes sure the loser cannot get away.\n\nThat axe he carries has taken the souls of many, with many more to come.\n\nIt is said that the only thing that can stop Roddrick's reign in the Runiverse is a **royal flush.**"} +{"id": "a6b2b351-2ea8-4141-809c-f504da54d1de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:27.069", "backgroundColor": "#458017", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNmEpJtsfnzVuLwQsmiaRGZmj4gSGXffY7uLa7NUjuqUv", "txHash": "0x94fc7a6b9d86f87240732ba130ff36f1b29662e18e4eccaa87c95a690c340d07", "createdAtBlock": 14931859, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11646, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pippa Champion of the Wood", "text": "**\n### Pippa Champion of the Wood\n**\n\nMy mind constantly lets me improve\n\nIn just seconds I learn your every move\n\nUnbeaten in every type of ring\n\nI have the ability to sleep you with one swing\n\nAlways looking to get to the next level\n\nEven though I've already slain the devil\n\nToe to head I am a warrior!"} +{"id": "11c22186-a760-4063-a829-c6307e1d87ed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:30.26", "backgroundColor": "#b06d69", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUGrCxHS7UUgiCzKT7pme3PPNbTzwP1J7F3cBZpiT3gZg", "txHash": "0xd5c9f3fd41709854dd73d4b1c4bdbd1de7aae7e24714e36f49d03b3108e86a0e", "createdAtBlock": 14932737, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3323, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeqWyx5hb6KDbQMtRkCLFZEBcgyzLcFNn3A8RN16CxKYK", "name": "Archmagus Zelroth of the Inferno", "text": "# Lore of Archmagus Zelroth of the Inferno\n\nWizard of infinite wisdom, beyond comprehension. Commands great power through long-winded incantations.\n\nHis intentions are unknown. The bell will ring, the frog will squeak but only time will tell...\n\n\n\nTo be continued..."} +{"id": "88bfd5d7-0083-4a47-8bc5-24af37991dc8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:30.987", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXfa39xTUA1WTCBSvxtfgfbmAVzPo3zQHVwit33hymagx", "txHash": "0xefb1d10bb2ccb4281f4a3dd0bb7e81af9cfa5342640dd55e9af57c5cdcd0e5f4", "createdAtBlock": 14932783, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1565, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd2rDhR9xUD2sggPCmpDFn16qGJJhVmnUUmq7FoKgVgFo", "name": "Serge Apocalypse of Wizards", "text": "# Serge, Apocalypse of Wizards\n\n> there is no waste here |\n> the earth gives and takes my dear |\n> energy transfer \n\n> *Titan Cleaver*\n---\n> preserve us only |\n> mycelium branches for cause |\n> purpose or duty \n\n> *Green Aspis*\n---\n> \n> *coming soon*\n---"} +{"id": "5a1f63eb-9321-4b23-a276-fd939524b7ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:33.463", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY5kBizGEtvAD1RwKj1UNj66EPABc3Mx8vLYzYabyRVmk", "txHash": "0xb54166b2e5b0b6bd20503d4dfc3f3c9e664e68452007ad1e2cb6cade87e4a351", "createdAtBlock": 14933156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4673, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tyson of the Swamp", "text": "Tyson of the Swamp was once a great samurai warrior, revered by all who knew him. But Tyson's downfall came when he succumbed to his alcoholism. Tyson's drinking led to his family being killed, and his own life spiraling out of control. He eventually lost everything he held dear, and his once great reputation was tarnished. Now, Tyson is a shadow of his former self, a broken man who wanders the swamp, haunted by the ghosts of his past."} +{"id": "8933099a-c2f4-401f-ab4c-1887b08fbe7a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:01.827", "backgroundColor": "#943d98", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNhZZoZxZDw3P7KKHk6Y7k6ycVqwNjC7ZbF1KrzwTNPc4", "txHash": "0xf5fa43213cf0fcf862c9a9d62136a2fe31b59327367de51b6efc47286b119c36", "createdAtBlock": 14937267, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11573, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentina Defeater of all that is Evil", "text": "Valentina is the true Defender of all that is Evil indeed. She was born into royalty, into a far far away land near Alessars Keep. Her mother and father had great expectations for her: marry a prince, and bring healthy royal children into this world. However, when she was 16, her father was mortally wounded in front of her own eyes when their castle was attacked by rival kingdoms. Her father, while taking his last breaths, made her the guardian of the Sud Armor. Valentina made a vow of silence: she would punish those who attacked her family, and would not speak until they would be brought in front of the justice tree. This experience marked her for life. Valentine now wielding the Stratioti spear her father left behind after his death, made her life mission to always remind the citizen of the country: that peace and justice will always prevail."} +{"id": "766ba43a-30e9-4c7d-9e2a-ec696f1f12d9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:34.228", "backgroundColor": "#f6170b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS3Ngx7djQ1weFtqKTekFUKramaxw1UFNqQdkW5QhDHSo", "txHash": "0x26f4ce0b61f4c45564bdec38fac5ca7694b3fbbb6e8a07963aaf518f96c80850", "createdAtBlock": 15009335, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12616, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Miles Demolisher of Goblins", "text": "Miles had always been a bit of an oddball. He was never one for following the crowd and always marched to the beat of his own drum. So, when he started demolishing goblins day and night with his cherry bomb while only wearing underwear, it didn't surprise his friends and family one bit.\n\nWhat did surprise them, however, was his steadfast dedication to the task. Miles would go out every night, sometimes not returning home until the early hours of the morning. And always by his side was his trusty baboon.\n\nNo one knew why Miles had taken up this strange hobby, but they all knew better than to ask. That was just the kind of person he was. But whatever his reasons, there was no denying that he was damn good at it.\n\nAs the months passed, the number of goblins in the area dwindled. And Miles showed no signs of stopping. If anything, he seemed to be getting even more obsessed with the whole thing.\n\nOne night, after yet another long night of goblin hunting, Miles finally came home and collapsed into bed, exhausted. His baboon jumped up beside him and snuggled into his side, as if to say 'good job, master'.\n\nAnd Miles, finally at peace, fell into a deep and much-needed sleep."} +{"id": "82d36e10-fc3a-4ffd-8687-0150cf538a90-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:34.932", "backgroundColor": "#0f113b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHGu8r6A9voaC8vQNjMLHnBjFhthwwZ6XEXCE6brA2Ns", "txHash": "0xd05332bc487a4a38f4039a38b19b29f4ba6ed9400e764f5c4f7a65ab81ff58f4", "createdAtBlock": 15009359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1615, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus George of Arcadia", "text": "George the Wicked Wizard lived in Arcadia and was always practicing his water spells with Tails, his albino rat. He was always trying to find new ways to use his water magic to harm warriors. One day, he came across a book that talked about using water magic to create a giant whirlpool. He was so excited to try this out that he immediately started practicing.\n\nSoon, he had perfected the spell and was ready to use it on his next victim. He waited for a warrior to come by, and when one finally did, he cast the spell. The warrior was immediately sucked into the whirlpool and drowned. George laughed evilly as he watched the warrior's body floating lifeless in the water."} +{"id": "e5f0c7c3-a34b-4fc9-82f8-31ff78cd3101-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:35.016", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaNxXzTAQXq5NcdqaebKPvE8uScfwPasTjxJhpZMTqxyx", "txHash": "0x93883c121936aa5688b6d740b736aef897f4f33814158247f131b3bf9518f5e7", "createdAtBlock": 14933216, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12166, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dexter Striker of the Jungle", "text": "As a young boy, Dexter was always fascinated by the stories of the jungle warriors. He would sit for hours listening to the elders speak of their exploits, dreaming of one day being a warrior himself. When he was old enough, he set out into the jungle to find his destiny.\n\nFor years he wandered, learning the ways of the jungle and honing his skills as a warrior. He soon became known as the most fearsome fighter in the land. No one could stand against him in combat.\n\nOne day, he came across a beautiful woman being attacked by a wild animal. He fought off the creature and saved her life. She was so grateful that she offered to show him a secret place in the jungle where he could find true happiness.\n\nShe took him to a hidden lagoon where they made love under the light of the full moon. From that night on, Dexter knew he had found his true home. He built himself a hut near the lagoon and vowed to protect it and its inhabitants for the rest of his days."} +{"id": "ae09cf09-5cda-462d-b3b9-d83def0f65bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-18T03:38:28.516", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb8sy5kqvw6eQpGvgGK8UHbpx77RLKC587jLJHitQT7Do", "txHash": "0xe84af5d572f933816aa6aa6c9f944572933c36eb14fc608a9b18990df415fe3e", "createdAtBlock": 15164242, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3276, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Buster Paragon of the Mountain", "text": "Buster was known as the defender of the sea. His turtle named Spiky followed him into battle as they protected the easternmost coast of the isle. He was a well respected admiral who had fought in countless wars with his companion by his side. He wields a mighty weapon that has been said to part the sea. He also has the power to communicate with the sea creatures, making him one with them at his core. He defends the sea from all who dare to disrupt its harmony."} +{"id": "b0f696e9-ba74-48b5-aa57-62685e491639-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:38.877", "backgroundColor": "#00ffa3", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTH3pskbH64Djz3RfEWeVPgXxBB2n15GbrgVREuGu4UDx", "txHash": "0x9e3a27e33b6b1ac5c4010868e5aecbfdb1831cb0f6f6df227eb521e7a36ae27a", "createdAtBlock": 15010226, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6544, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Oberon of the Light", "text": "# A force for good\n\n### Oberon is the Archmagus of the Light, and is one of the most powerful magicians of the land. He is a master of runes and has a siren bell that can summon great sound magic. His sidekick is a white psychic bunny who helps him with his magical studies and keeps him company. \n\n### Every morning, Oberon meditates for an hour to focus his mind and prepare for the day ahead. He then spends several hours studying his runes and practicing his magic. In the afternoon, he often goes for a walk in the forest near his home. Many animals are drawn to him and he enjoys their company. In the evening, he relaxes in his study, reading or working on his latest experimental runes and spells.\n\n### He lives a simple life, but it is a life that is full of magic. His friends and allies know that they can always count on Oberon to be there for them when they need him. He is a powerful force for good in the world and will always fight for what is right.\n\n### Danger always lurks in the shadows, but Oberon is never afraid to face it. He knows that his magic is strong enough to protect him and those he cares about. He will always stand up to evil, no matter what the cost."} +{"id": "cc2dbd5a-4d81-4133-936e-3950b1087a64-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:37.343", "backgroundColor": "#4b1f22", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMDje8xZcY2iasvxJTg9us1vR46PF4sW4oRGFZELD4VD", "txHash": "0xce375cafe151351492446785fe916fe2b4cafe4c32eae4e3cddd4d4da7d4df48", "createdAtBlock": 14935533, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 843, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Auberon Villain of Domination", "text": "# Villain of Domination\n\nNot all are free. Most think they have control, but they're still subservient to one system or another. It's not a choice. It's our unfortunate reality.\n\nThe *Villain of Domination* is the defender of those who are dominated, belittled, brought down, forced into submission. **I am the villain to all who abuse power.**\n\nWhy wear a mask? Why conceal my identity? Maybe I have power to lose. Maybe my face melted off. Maybe I have no face. Maybe someone stole my face right off my head. Maybe so, maybe not."} +{"id": "ccf340da-f68d-4a41-b769-30aa1e27fb2e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:40.538", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUmDEjt3qxaA3rahgru1dqKSZPLfhYsXDriB1G1hZf1ZU", "txHash": "0x77056443ddc9367ac0eb854c7a5bad65ce2c0dc05c2cf10bc6d6747910af1015", "createdAtBlock": 14936009, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1224, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nitro Antagonist of Nature", "text": "# Prologue\n\n*Where are my pants?*\n\nThe girl from the village was sitting up in the bed, sheets clutched in a bundle, fearful eyes pleading for his protection. Of all the ways to be interrupted in the act, this was a new one. \n\n*Where are my pants?*\n\nThe shouts of the men outside grew louder as they fought off whatever incursion from the jungle was trying to swallow them this time. Theyd come here to hunt the beast spawn wreaking havoc on the outer villages. Wizards just couldnt leave the gate alone - they summoned their beasts - and now those beasts were causing trouble. \n\n*Where are my pants?*\n\nThe screaming grew louder and more desperate. There was no time. He grabbed his axe. Ha-ha, to me! His trusty hyena ran out with him to join the fray. Nitro, Antagonist of Nature had beasts to slay."} +{"id": "d2b9a244-5222-42b4-9d41-a447647897b2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:56.919", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU9Ntu5X63vU7mkVgt4YdYvhp1WFW7W3TF8ULjeMrYxPE", "txHash": "0x30f8aaee3451f736b47d5d6181e6e396d841afeb081764a9b1b74ff1557f5944", "createdAtBlock": 14936246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP7KLkq77KxMcg99b5GUe4PMsadAV3SWpADcpNG9hKFWn", "name": "Archmagus Hadrien of the Secret Fire", "text": "# Archmagus Hadrien of the Secret Fire \n\nYou see, Hadrien wasn't always the Archmagus, nor was he always a disciple of the Secret Fire. His life started\noh so humbly as a farmer's son in the small village just outside Goblin Town. He grew up learning the meaning and\nvalue of hardwork, but the farm was frequently pillaged by raiders and theives, and Hadrien often wondered why they got to get\noff so easy, while he had to do all of the hard work!\n\nEventually, the raids got more violent, and ended up taking the life of his mother and father. Hadrien, exhausted \nand emotionally drained, quietly buried his family on the property, before taking what little he owned and heading\nout into the great unknown.\n\nHis journeys would see him all over the Runiverse, but eventually Hadrien would end up taking up residency in an \nabandoned mage's tower along the coast of the Alchemist's Archipelago. Here he would spend almost a decade pouring\nover the tomes left behind, absorbing as much as he possibly could. \n\nEventually, Hadrien would learn all he could from the little library, but it was not enough. It was almost as if he \nwas born to be a wizard. He picked up each new spell quicker and quicker, and before too long, he would be able to \ncast a spell just by watching another cast it. \n\nThis would lead the prodigal wizard on a quest for ultimate knowledge. Traveling to all corners of the realm,\nlearning every scrap of magic he came across, Hadrien was determined to unravel the secrets of existence. To help\nhim further the cause, he established a small coven of wizards and called them the Order of the Secret Fire."} +{"id": "d2b9a244-5222-42b4-9d41-a447647897b2-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:56.919", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU9Ntu5X63vU7mkVgt4YdYvhp1WFW7W3TF8ULjeMrYxPE", "txHash": "0x30f8aaee3451f736b47d5d6181e6e396d841afeb081764a9b1b74ff1557f5944", "createdAtBlock": 14936246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP7KLkq77KxMcg99b5GUe4PMsadAV3SWpADcpNG9hKFWn", "name": "Archmagus Hadrien of the Secret Fire", "text": "He would only enlist the finest magic-users in the ream, and together they would record and and safeguard their \nsecrets from the rest of the world. Inevitably, Hadrien began to lust for eternal life, and spent a great deal of\ntime chasing down half-truths and rumors about fountains of youth, eternal gardens, and other ways to artificially\nexpand one's lifespan.\n\nCharging into caves, dungeons, forests, anywhere a secret could hide, Hadrien explored it. (This had the unintended \neffects of getting the most comprehensive map of the realm to date) But, as it goes, eventually his endless pursuit\npaid off, and he stumbled upon the ravings of a mad alchemist who had claimed to have distilled the essence of the \nPhilosopher's Stone.\n\nThough the alchemist was mad and clearly not stable, Hadrien wanted this with such passion, he couldn't just ignore it! \nIt didn't take him long to discover the old caves that the mad alchemist had taken up shop in. \n\nWhile the cave itself was very unexciting, it was what the cave held that made the trip worth it. Discarded among the \ngarbage of the previous inhabitants was a small, leather-bound tome. The pages of this tome held the descent of the \nmad alchemist, but in these ravings was a very clear description of how to obtain the essence of a Philosopher's Stone.\n\nThe moment Hadrien realized what he had, he immediately returned to his tower, where he spent many days and nights \nattempting to perfect this potion. While alchemy wasn't really his strongest suit, he was no stranger to perseverance.\nIt was only a matter of time before the potion was perfect, and immortal life would be within grasp!"} +{"id": "d2b9a244-5222-42b4-9d41-a447647897b2-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:56.919", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU9Ntu5X63vU7mkVgt4YdYvhp1WFW7W3TF8ULjeMrYxPE", "txHash": "0x30f8aaee3451f736b47d5d6181e6e396d841afeb081764a9b1b74ff1557f5944", "createdAtBlock": 14936246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7202, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP7KLkq77KxMcg99b5GUe4PMsadAV3SWpADcpNG9hKFWn", "name": "Archmagus Hadrien of the Secret Fire", "text": "With very little hesitation, Hadrien quaffed the potion (with much gusto). Expecting a flash of bright, he was only met\nwith a tiny poof of smoke and a strange tingling sensation. It felt as if someone had gently reached into his soul and\npulled out all of the hurt, the sadness, the things that made him unhappy, and sent it all away.\n\nThis was actually Hadrien's soul splitting into two. The potion, while granting him immortality, it also separated \nthe evil and the good, creating two separate (but equally handsome) Hadriens. Good Hadrien would be unaware for quite\nsometime that there was an evil doppelgnger out there, and would go on to become a wandering healer, helping any who\nmay need it."} +{"id": "f81fdd68-735c-4a2d-bc0a-3972c2a49767-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:57.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYvUMAdvStknvptTSTUbL5jZVFN4uHcWMaEaEAawDdj55", "txHash": "0x78506f121e1ea996d5a88ef02407a0b85c5a01d5485160b9cd309594abc0e9cc", "createdAtBlock": 14936246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3338, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP7KLkq77KxMcg99b5GUe4PMsadAV3SWpADcpNG9hKFWn", "name": "Archmagus Hadrien of the Secret Fire", "text": "# Archmagus Hadrien of the Secret Fire\n\n\n\nWith very little hesitation, Hadrien quaffed the potion (with much gusto). Expecting a flash of bright, he was only met\nwith a tiny poof of smoke and a strange tingling sensation. It felt as if someone had gently reached into his soul and\npulled out all of the hurt, the sadness, the things that made him unhappy, destroyed everything else and put it right back\ninside, leaving him with nothing but hatred in his heart.\n\nThis was actually Hadrien's soul splitting into two. The potion, while granting him immortality, it also separated \nthe evil and the good, creating two separate (but equally handsome) Hadriens. Evil Hadrien would immediately flee the cave,\nnot realizing what had happened.\n\nScared, in pain, and filled with the hatred of a thousand wars, Hadrien lashed out to the world around him. Burning entire\nforests, ransacking villages, dismantling entire kingdoms, in an attempt to quell the raging anger within. Of course, nothing\ncould satiate the hunger because he was, in essence, hatred incarnate. Until he reunited back with his other half, he would\nonly know pain.\n\nEverywhere he went, a shroud of darkness followed, plummeting many places into eternal darkness. There was no rhyme or reason\nto the chaos. Well, not at first anyway. Flitting from realm to realm, stealing as much light and happiness as possible. This\nwould go on for what felt like eons (but really was just a few weeks)."} +{"id": "f81fdd68-735c-4a2d-bc0a-3972c2a49767-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:57.665", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYvUMAdvStknvptTSTUbL5jZVFN4uHcWMaEaEAawDdj55", "txHash": "0x78506f121e1ea996d5a88ef02407a0b85c5a01d5485160b9cd309594abc0e9cc", "createdAtBlock": 14936246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3338, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmP7KLkq77KxMcg99b5GUe4PMsadAV3SWpADcpNG9hKFWn", "name": "Archmagus Hadrien of the Secret Fire", "text": "Eventually, because of the great swathes of chaos he was sowing, the Greater Chaos Elemental would find interest in Hadrien \n(the evil, but equally good looking Hadrien). Being a literal manifestation of Chaos, the elemental was able to help Hadrien\ncalm his bloodlust and rage, in exchange for swearing fealty to the Chaos Realm. \n\nHadrien was quick to agree, if for no other reason than to quiet the raging typhoon of emotions flurrying in his head. The \nbinding ritual ensured that Hadrien and the Greater Chaos Elemental would be bound for eternity. \n\nWhile the elemental fully intended on taking over Hadrien's body and mind, it was unprepared for the sheer willpower Hadrien's\nconsciousness exuded. It was only a moment or two before Hadrien had completely consumed the Greater Chaos Elemental, and \ngaining incomprehensible power and control over the Chaos realm.\n\nThe ritual ended successfully and the two were bound as one. Hadrien's power expanded beyond mortal comprehension, as he\nessentially became the new Greater Chaos elemental. Though this would mean he would need to spend time in the Chaos realm\nto survive, he would able to come and go as he pleased...\n\nExcited at having finally achieved immortality and infinite power, Hadrien set off in search of one last adventure...baking."} +{"id": "eccaa4cb-37fb-43eb-8e23-1081ad000f19-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:58.571", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ1nnCKytsSRXvAfrCrGUraB6MZ8Z8WSvWLBncu84hYaX", "txHash": "0xe03330495a03750d59093ebf8bbece13153750e0c08bdb01a2c01a7c18523ed0", "createdAtBlock": 14936250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5719, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Maia of the River", "text": "# Cleric Maia of the River\n\n\"Rakali!! Get back here!!\" Maia yelled, as she took off after the adorable little water rat. The very same little rodent who had gotten into the cheese stores and got her in trouble just earlier that week.\n\n\"The nuns will be so mad, Rakali, please come back!!\" Maia pleaded, half-heartedly, knowing the battle was already lost. She \ncontinued to sprint after the water rat as hard as she could. Normally he'd only run a few feet from monastary's walls, but\ntoday was different. Oh, today was very different indeed.\n\nEventually, Rakali slowed down and allowed Maia to catch back up, but not before he lead her far away from the monastery and\nthe lands surrounding. Maia didn't even realize it had gotten dark until she finally picked up the little troublemaker. \n\n\"Whatever will I do wit-\" Maia's words stopped suddenly as she raised a single finger to cover Rakali's little rat mouth. \nUntil now, she hadn't noticed, but she had managed to stumble into a hellcat's feeding ground, and the hellcats were not very\nhappy to see her.\n\nNot only did Maia and Rakali find a hellcat feeding area, but they found the whole den. Unfortunately for Maia, the hellcats\nwere very, very hungry. Fortunately, however, it had just been pouring rain and there were plenty of puddles everywhere!\n\nNow, the reason this is exciting is because Maia is a practicing cleric of the river. She is one of a few unique mages who can\nnaturally command the element of water with almost no training needed. Though definitely not the best of her kind, Maia's \nquick wit allowed her to defuse the situation very quickly."} +{"id": "eccaa4cb-37fb-43eb-8e23-1081ad000f19-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:58.571", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ1nnCKytsSRXvAfrCrGUraB6MZ8Z8WSvWLBncu84hYaX", "txHash": "0xe03330495a03750d59093ebf8bbece13153750e0c08bdb01a2c01a7c18523ed0", "createdAtBlock": 14936250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5719, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cleric Maia of the River", "text": "As the hellcats leaped to attack, they were pelted on all ends from numerous raindrops. From the trees, the ground, other \nanimals (yes, Rakali too), the little darts of water pelted the cats until they turned tail and fled. With this, Maia scooped\nup the troublesome rat and decided the 3-hour walk home was probably worth it.\n\nWhile trudging through the dark back home, Maia had noticed something glinting in the water rat's mouth.\n\n\"Now what is this, you silly thing??\" She asked aloud, as she inspected the glimmering object. Why, it looked like a skeleton\nkey! But what in the realms could this possibly go to??\n\nThis was a question Maia wouldn't get an answer to, at least until she left the monastery for good. Which, thanks to Rikali,\nwould be happening sooner rather than later..."} +{"id": "2f906034-8e6e-4223-b2f7-970c31295659-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:59.479", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXEwze2DZkphB8cPakWPDZfN9pQvpRLoKHXwYYj8EH7x", "txHash": "0xb324446ac89c52ca012c91ce5c6127ed87e06efc2f70a72ebf56e7872c7deced", "createdAtBlock": 14936250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6888, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Aldus ", "text": "# Arch-Magician Aldus\n\nHave you ever heard the triumph of Arch-Magician Aldus? I thought not. It's not a story the wood nymphs would tell you.\nIt's a gnome legend. A pretty awesome one, at that!\n\nSo, who is Aldus, you ask? Fabulous question! He was the greatest gnomagus to have ever lived. Well, he's still alive, if we're\nbeing quite honest. The thing is, Aldus went off the deep-end many many moons ago (so the story goes) and no one's really \nsure where he buggered off to!\n\nBut before buggering off, he really left behind quite a legacy. Though a gnome, he only ever spoke in Kobold, and regularly\nkept kobold companions, much to the chagrin of literally every other gnome. Kobolds were known for snacking on gnomes, and\nAldus showed no remorse for those that got munched on. So you can imagine, many gnomes got ganked.\n\nHe was also the foremost expert on the mating rituals of a very specific species of symbiote. While there was none in the \nrealm even remotely interested in this knowledge, he diligently set forth, determined not to let a thing like \"necessary\nresearch\" get in his way! He never did publish his findings, but he was trusted at his word.\n\nWhat really made Aldus special was the love he had for his family, above all else. Though his offspring were also kobolds\nand tended to eat everything, he was quite proud of them, and would often show them off to friends and other gnomes. This\nmay or may not have resulted in a few large-scale wars among the gnomes, but what's a little bloodshed in the name of your\nkobold family?"} +{"id": "2f906034-8e6e-4223-b2f7-970c31295659-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:33:59.479", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXEwze2DZkphB8cPakWPDZfN9pQvpRLoKHXwYYj8EH7x", "txHash": "0xb324446ac89c52ca012c91ce5c6127ed87e06efc2f70a72ebf56e7872c7deced", "createdAtBlock": 14936250, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6888, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Aldus ", "text": "It's very important to note that even though Aldus was very loyal to his kobold compatriots, the kobolds as a species really\nweren't too fond of him either. In many kobold villages, there was a wanted sign with his face (often insisting dead, not \nalive).\n\nEventually, Aldus would go on to settle down in the fungal forests of the Fey. And while he wasn't really welcome in the Fey,\nhis kobold companions made sure no one could get close enough to complain. Overall, establishing quite a fantastic legacy,\nand giving gnomes...well giving them something.\n\nReally, the question is, who wasn't Aldus?!"} +{"id": "1b22526a-485b-4190-9012-46cdf897418c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:01.114", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbctPP1mT49hqvpCZz8PugTx4vmwhy92xJNRdPoun9CaZ", "txHash": "0x90317642af9209291920974c80df9d0a8fe7ba08a96c102f0ff784eb2c5f7896", "createdAtBlock": 14936625, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4795, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Grumel Eidolon of Thieves", "text": "# The Lore of DEEZ NUTS\nDEEZ NUTS comes from a long line of unsuccessful degenerate wizards. He left his family at the age of 13 and spent 5 years in wetlands, where he ate shrooms and saw the universe as it really was.\n\nAfter 5 years of complacent isolated tripping, he decided he was ready to face society again and put his magic to the test"} +{"id": "e85a0126-2ed9-40da-817e-83719bb4fac1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:02.577", "backgroundColor": "#14d1d7", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTmhwDrQQPV6goRkJUVtgwn6Yag7GAGqF2URazzUEYML7", "txHash": "0xd170e2f49d141fdb7e62aae67287257c32e7df03bf581da0eb95c1e817ff4584", "createdAtBlock": 14937325, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4244, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Junko of the Road", "text": "Junko of the Road lived in a cabin near the ocean. She was a lonely creature, not trusting humans or wizards. Her only companion was an Onyx wolf named Lupa, a wolf Junko had rescued when she was a pup. Both loved living on Aldos Isle: this little piece of land gave them the anonymity they both craved. The island was quiet and secluded, filled with magical ingredients that could be used for potions. However, some old temples from previous civilizations were left behind on the island. One had to be careful when adventuring, who knows when a trap could accidentally be sprung?\n\nWhile those two companions might have looked gentle and lived a peaceful and simple life, their past was quite the opposite. Junko may have started her life as an innocent on the road but before long she was working for dark wizards. She helped them rise to power by providing them with potions, elixirs, and dark spells. \n\nHer favorite potion? Nightshade. While the sweet name of this elixir might sound innocuous, the active ingredient was very deadly. She could rob a wizard of their power, absorb it, then they would die a slow and painful death. After realizing what damages her potions created into the world, Junko had a revelation: potions could be used to do good, they could cure ailments. She and Lupa moved to the island where no one could ever use her magical art to hurt another human again. She lived out her life brewing and discovering new potions, her favorite activity."} +{"id": "bf8952bd-6c82-4e43-96e7-1eddbe9ad368-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:04.205", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmY1nQxLmDWdSxLC7yyKmoEp5GUvLB8bMoVdeZoXuxvDf4", "txHash": "0x1a71f54d56418a3972380d3ddde340bdcad26c2c722495f9f0791df2a58f6fea", "createdAtBlock": 14937592, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5214, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gorgah Beheader of the Obelisk", "text": "Almost every waking hour of Gorgah is spent in his dark and damp chambers hidden within a cave in the far flung corners of his nation. He is kept company by Salom, his extremely rare red leopard. Not much is known of his daily regimen but legend has it that his helmet has never been taken off.\n\nThe few times in a year that Gorgah leaves his chambers is during the yearly execution. For decades, he has been the Beheader of his nation and has sworn to fulfill this duty until the end of his days. He goes about this duty like clockwork. He leaves his chambers days in advance to reach the venue of his duties and after several swift slashes of his weapon to fulfill his job, he immediately starts making his way back to his chamber as he patiently waits for his next call to action."} +{"id": "5bd1475d-0df2-4285-be97-48966479e9f5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:05.011", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd5Tkg8NHdr1NkDBF5pdmZrv3qzJZSozAfYjxptGJZz8B", "txHash": "0xf3ca934fe4044c9a87c01965a4af4ec0b5447b04ff530e5ebf973f2b84e8721d", "createdAtBlock": 14937902, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 153, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbWgq8dBbaMfLAAJGQncFjMGjo6w1iGreyFUAHi4LtRTu", "name": "Illusionist Aleister of the Oasis", "text": "# Lore of Illusionist Aleister of the Oasis\n\n## Composition\n\n> \n> **Eternal Rose**, eternal love \n> !magic is what is made of \n> make of it what it may, \n> it's what keeps the enemy at bay\n\n|-\n\n> \n> **Golden Toad**, golden glow \n> oh, how your beauty you show \n> always there never afar \n> forever my shining star\n\n|-\n\n> \n> **Rune of Cinnabar**, protector of the soul \n> it is you that keeps me in control \n> bless the power of the arcane arts \n> you will forever live in our hearts\n\n\n\n..."} +{"id": "cd7934ff-fd91-41d2-9c83-76375278d160-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:05.858", "backgroundColor": "#d21341", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWaiMmfQMShu4iTDcwscuXDeJHUPBCjPrJQPw94yoZvqk", "txHash": "0xa4ca811adb0bcd98f0f142f67275a30f01d18aeff0f7785978cb8f879963f8c8", "createdAtBlock": 14938747, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12552, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archer Ruin of all that is Evil", "text": "# Chaos and Ruin\n\nArcher Ruin hails from far beyond the realm of runes. A warning to those who cross his path; he holds live munitions in his steady hand. Sporting a look of constant apathy to the destruction and demolition he executes along his path through the realm. \n\nDo not engage with Archer Ruin. Many have tried, few have survived.\n\nHe has come to destroy... to bring ruin to the runes."} +{"id": "c54c0b37-1816-4953-8a50-4530eeb8b782-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:19.855", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmamNi51fXwMDrm5aW8ZNsHfzCSgD93sHJxDQ44XhoqPEf", "txHash": "0xa91cb26b4624cca7d0d3a4cbe9206363e2653f918ca6b43a6c609e8f6c4136d3", "createdAtBlock": 14939911, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12398, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Riley Apocalypse of the Dawn", "text": "# Riley Apocalypse of the Dawn\n\nThe hunting legend.\n\nRiley was born into a royal family lineage. Rumours have that when he was born, his pet eagle flew down, and since then have always stayed but his side, joining him in hunts. His skills are the best in his kingdom, and at times, his weapon which was handed down by his dad, glowed with magic.\n\n\n> Riley: \n> *\"Run while you can, before I hunt you down by dawn\"*"} +{"id": "e21c840b-2dc1-4fd5-ac44-c847e5444742-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:10.064", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSXP4h8yPZ9YX7ympQ64FT8MMb18Mvm4QpFSJz5aZXvEM", "txHash": "0x48879692f2bc289d59ff5d7ef47d00dcb8ddd80fe0b5f58fc4055e6eabcad6ce", "createdAtBlock": 14938904, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2023, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYg7EUELAT1rLNqbYdEk5YgX1nCPtTj3qCcnsfiqwNDLH", "name": "Alex Axe of Komodi", "text": "# Goblin Stew\n\nThese naked branches\n---\n\nOf winter, spent\n---\n\nMay appear\n---\n\nInelegant\n---\n\nBut to a wizard, to a warrior\n---\n\nAn intrepid chef:\n---\n\nA provisional first step\n---"} +{"id": "a361d015-bcc4-48d3-ac12-91fa2dc6ffd2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:10.806", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcBDnDD54wtKZ7fEu6e3o79hzAukQagHfEd4sdduQzcZJ", "txHash": "0xdeb2eca3b8c0b81c43ae4d9dae3fd95a0a8868b0a1c69d5eb9903ee5eadeb208", "createdAtBlock": 14938919, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3334, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYg7EUELAT1rLNqbYdEk5YgX1nCPtTj3qCcnsfiqwNDLH", "name": "Titan Sorrow of the Coliseum", "text": "# Artificial Intelligence\n\nWithin this world\n---\n\nThey said\n---\n\nThere's the living and the dead\n---\n\nThe winning and the losing\n---\n\nThe wise and the foolish, but\n---\n\nOf the dead, the lost, and fools\n---\n\nWho isn't?\n---"} +{"id": "d4f4b553-48aa-45e2-8d10-cf540ff598e8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:11.547", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdTxxVXNWutpf3sJVMdY1M4PsDPJ8n6uEcMWcF39jpaaq", "txHash": "0x233dcf224a55bbe9ae47ba0c3b3fedfc1dc9b47cbea2862d38d3613b2716e316", "createdAtBlock": 14938933, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4104, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYg7EUELAT1rLNqbYdEk5YgX1nCPtTj3qCcnsfiqwNDLH", "name": "Magus Kingsley of the Wood", "text": "# Citadel Secrets \n\nTechnology will allow us\n---\n\n(Beyond finite, we trust)\n---\n\nTo live perfect, godly lives\n---\n\n(Above need, we strive)\n---\n\nWithout denying our natures\n---\n\n(Ever yearning for labors)\n---"} +{"id": "b3bc2319-acb3-4b2d-9138-927ec195ae05-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:35.643", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTrg6QXEb1wXo7z4m2UY3gk1WKipCKvcwnHvMvEQWy1iL", "txHash": "0x9dd0278c56065bca660fdf91cb1a27a901fed27c2802dd277d9989eeda30921d", "createdAtBlock": 14993532, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11961, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Durden Protector of Imps", "text": "# New Lore Entry \nA warrior and a wizard walked into the house together..."} +{"id": "f3f75c60-733c-40d1-80de-2cfb71b5c550-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:12.424", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWLnurXieT4iPwPHAdhvwGYA1px1UYproU9Bo7wmj2wFz", "txHash": "0xffc4163eb8b91a96da63f03c96f2c808bf2997dac364189fd1f7f6c4cd33e44e", "createdAtBlock": 14938946, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2029, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYg7EUELAT1rLNqbYdEk5YgX1nCPtTj3qCcnsfiqwNDLH", "name": "Archmagus Apollo of Arcadia", "text": "# Refresh\n\nToo old to sleep in\n---\n\nToo young to sleep early\n---\n\nSleep, time\n---\n\nEnemies, worthy\n---\n\nEnemies kept as\n---\n\nFriends close by\n---\n\nSowing just enough from sleep\n---\n\nTo reap enough from time\n---"} +{"id": "ef52c21c-c6f8-496a-8748-0df1797f975e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:13.283", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVgWpoQpcb93odKMrcJy9etZDtWMjUm9HRR5Ly35spMcx", "txHash": 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Berg after her most recent battle where she single-handedly defeated 4 warriors. \n\nAlyssia you were magnificent, even with their broadswords and a longbow they were no match for\n\nThere's no one that can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart, I want to eat his children. Praise be to Angelic Dotta!\n\nAnd there she goes. Who else will she devastate with nothing but her shield and fist."} +{"id": "92e2b33a-d1aa-48ee-bc13-5f5a5473bfaf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:16.518", "backgroundColor": "#f7cbcb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaky2anszfA8CydyErEowa2uDutU58MFhMzK3WLF8ajcw", "txHash": "0xa700c5877f13dd6440fd903fb21ec5cdc14fe9b4506c84c5a951a36785fd5e22", "createdAtBlock": 14939226, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4171, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXBgpAgNXur7fJRtdvh8HYrYnZJfF1RHGMpcqeRueNnFC", "name": "Gorgah Guardian of the Arc", "text": "# Hope Before Fear\n\nGuarding the Arc was a privilege for Gorgah. It didn't matter to him that his fate was already sealed to protect the Arc for the rest of his life. What mattered most is ensuring that the he kept Goblins and Kobolds far away from here. After all, Gorgah swore an oath to his master, @wizard1234, that he would seek to protect. *Hope before Fear*, he would hear his master mutter to himself countlessly throughout the day. Upon swearing the oath, @wizard1234 provided Gorgah with Prism Armor, which allows unescorted entry to Hue Master Pass and the Arc itself. \n\nGorgah couldn't get a recent encounter out of his mind. A very cold, but nice wizard by the name of @wizard6136 was passing through and all but payed no attention to the beautiful landscape of the Arc. @wizard1234 greeted @wizard6136 with a kindness that made Gorgah wonder if they had some history. Gorgah was tasked with escorting the wizard down toward the southern point of the Arc, to set him off toward Goblin Town. This wizard was determined to find something there, but wouldn't say what.\n\nUpon leaving, @wizard6136, told Gorgah \"It's the journey, not the destination. I will see you again, soon.\"\n\nGorgah couldn't help but ponder this statement. Was @wizard6136 implying that there is more to his world than protecting the Arc and serving his master? And why is he coming back to see me?\n\nGorgah turned back to head toward the Arc and in the distance could see commotion and a heavy, black smoke in the air at his master's residence. Without missing a beat, Gorgah used his Omega Rune to activate his Prism Armor and channeled the Arc's energy in order to quickly make it back."} +{"id": "92e2b33a-d1aa-48ee-bc13-5f5a5473bfaf-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:16.518", "backgroundColor": "#f7cbcb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmaky2anszfA8CydyErEowa2uDutU58MFhMzK3WLF8ajcw", "txHash": "0xa700c5877f13dd6440fd903fb21ec5cdc14fe9b4506c84c5a951a36785fd5e22", "createdAtBlock": 14939226, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4171, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXBgpAgNXur7fJRtdvh8HYrYnZJfF1RHGMpcqeRueNnFC", "name": "Gorgah Guardian of the Arc", "text": "In his mind he heard himself saying *Hope before Fear*."} +{"id": "0a5df75d-0827-4fe6-b418-a9d328626723-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:22.163", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPFfsd56hY8nGSTR65CfifskdyeyXKVAYTmHBEqFsYA9p", "txHash": "0x73e87270c2cdfc2e4e428bc9df9755026f22e3a8407ba352babbf834eeb85f85", "createdAtBlock": 14940012, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5418, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adira Ruffian of the Hell Chamber", "text": "Pain is part of Adira's mantra.\n\nOne cannot build a gracious world without enduring delightful pain, she says.\n\nShe loves her sword, but she loves more her whips collection."} +{"id": "1fee70ec-fb28-4dae-a0fc-c481932f46cc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:17.501", "backgroundColor": "#050109", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSkESJGQdAr98dCrccLkVUqKn8BDx1UqhvizqzcyEPV1S", "txHash": "0xa4a8157c35edb21b096cbcd48c9c099303c2188b22a469fd86affb56db684499", "createdAtBlock": 14939283, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6738, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeBgtSeagU9GewHMZq9euFoiBDzuPJa49LeumVDSF9e9U", "name": "Sorcerer Eden of Limbo", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Sorcerer Eden of Limbo\n\nNecro Frog Poppy of the Mist and Sorcerer Eden of Limbo open one of the locks to the 7th Realm\n\n\n> *by BVF and Wise Sam with all credit due to Wise Sam for his magical animation work*"} +{"id": "deee2f90-192b-4797-bf49-63c7d5d6d69c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:37.425", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXq3jkMjYU7S12BUm5rbBZ4J1ZQTSdhpPpA9A6xjBPRmX", "txHash": "0xf50949d76d728cb8314e321ed6b99cb22170e6549302ac1aeb40da5eb819b173", "createdAtBlock": 13526767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2399, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister from the Abyss", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Aleister from the Abyss\n\nArchmagus Aleister lives to the North of The Sacred Pillars in a remote part of a vast snowy Vasyugan Taiga forest in his own little Solitude Lair. He withdrew from mundane life after fulfilling his biggest dream creating what became widely-known as Myth of The New Year Wizard.\n\nThroughout his life, Aleister had been known as a promising and talented wizard capable of pulling up enormous amounts of energy literally out of nowhere. Being optimistic and ever-cheerful to everyone around him, even in the darkest hours, he was always able to recover from what seemed to be the final failure, bouncing off all obstacles and turning inevitable losses into spectacular wins. That is why most of his friends and opponents started calling him Aleister from the Abyss, for his incomprehensible, almost \\_magical\\_ ability to rise from the Abyss itself.\n\nThe Magnum Opus which earned him the title of Archmagus was not an invention or spell, but rather the result of fulfilling the biggest dream Aleister had the creation and promotion of the Myth of The New Year Wizard."} +{"id": "deee2f90-192b-4797-bf49-63c7d5d6d69c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:37.425", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXq3jkMjYU7S12BUm5rbBZ4J1ZQTSdhpPpA9A6xjBPRmX", "txHash": "0xf50949d76d728cb8314e321ed6b99cb22170e6549302ac1aeb40da5eb819b173", "createdAtBlock": 13526767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2399, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister from the Abyss", "text": "Aleister was always looking to change the World for the better, making it a bit more comfortable and a good place to be for everyone. After a long time of planning and consideration, he decided that Hope and Belief in Wonder are ever-scarce resourcesand that, in general, anything he works on should be aimed at providing more of it. After long years of thinking, designing, debating his ideas with his friends and testing early concepts he arrived at the concept of giving away little presents for young children, to spark the belief that anything is possible. A one-time event wouldn't have done it, because children, as talented and optimistic as they are, tended to grow upand, growing up, most of them tended to lose that feeling of Wonder. So instead Aleister decided to set a periodic tradition of gifting little children and to make it permanent. He chose the end of the calendar season to have a robust reference point, which could sustain any cultural changes and was easy to communicate and spread among people. But the core idea was just the tip of the iceberg.\n\nThe Spell of Perpetual Childrens' Gifts Conjuring was a piece of cake, compared to building up the logistics of gift delivery and communicating the idea to all the nations, races and peoples all over the Infinite Metaverse.\n\nBuilding an organisation, rules, and systems to deliver and spread the idea of the End-Of-The-Season-Child-Gifts took eons of hard work and lots of help from friends and comrades. It was an operation that needed many different people, entities and creatures to work together, but in the end Aleister was pleased by the outcome that he and his team had reached.\n\nEvery young child would get a wonderful present, sparking their belief that anything is possible."} +{"id": "deee2f90-192b-4797-bf49-63c7d5d6d69c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:37.425", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXq3jkMjYU7S12BUm5rbBZ4J1ZQTSdhpPpA9A6xjBPRmX", "txHash": "0xf50949d76d728cb8314e321ed6b99cb22170e6549302ac1aeb40da5eb819b173", "createdAtBlock": 13526767, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2399, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Aleister from the Abyss", "text": "Every young child would get a wonderful present, sparking their belief that anything is possible.\n\nAfter his arduous labor, Aleister retired to a calm and cozy part of the pine forest. He needed a break from being in the epicenter of events and the mad pace of the work of fulfilling his dream. During the time that he had spent building, he had been a bit afraid of this momenta moment when he had nothing to do and was faced with the scary prospect of figuring out what to do next, asking himself whether he wanted to do anything at all. But Aleister was not Aleister from the Abyss for nothing. He had found a new purpose and a new goal. It was time to leave comfy life at last..."} +{"id": "324163a3-74a3-4261-b1d5-c1b14627a85a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:18.23", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWP7VMjLg2pTNV71S95ejRdqbmUenakH9cDzT6kH4C7bX", "txHash": "0x78fdb9e5bc9c2450ca12d6d883b0ac0621088546c63ce95b36dfd64f1041b51a", "createdAtBlock": 14939535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2687, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gage Sword of the Rune Raiders", "text": "# Size CHAD the Aladdin warrior\n\n_Aladdinnnn....Aladdinnnn....\n\nRumours was that Size Chad had his chiselled chin since young, and it was a sign of a true warrior.\n\n> First words of Size Chad as a baby \n> *Die by my hands ... MOFO*"} +{"id": "ffbf105e-e049-4505-9eb3-c15c3fc07a4c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:20.58", "backgroundColor": "#481515", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaybW1pMng3LNiyfzhXQAax4wnbXG52TudkoharsT868X", "txHash": "0x06cb362a7f4d6d415f8a10e96ee3113c09f47162cfd1efad91d03520d7cbd5bd", "createdAtBlock": 14939930, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9284, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aramastus Ravager of the Pavillion", "text": "\"The time is never right. Waiting, always waiting\" \n\nAramastus grumbled to himself as he looked at the sign of infinity writ large across the shield on the approaching merchant's cart. \n\"Always waiting\".\n\nIt felt as though he had been waiting for days, and indeed, maybe he had been. The time all bleeds into one when you're waiting. \nAlways waiting.\n\nHe was a mere lad, secreted away in the brush and the shadow of the roadside. With the help of his trusted familiar, Merc, they had lain a trap that would surely bring down the poor horse pulling the cart of wares down the muddy and pitted road, giving them the time they needed to do what needs done. \n\n\"Sir!\" Someone shouts. \n\nAramastus shakes his head as the present takes it's rightful place in his awareness. \n\n\"That was then, and this is now\". He thinks to himself\n\"But the waiting is always the same\"\n\n\"Sir! You've got to see this!\" says the young paige. \n\nPerhaps for now, the wait is at it's end"} +{"id": "5c44bee9-5579-4f1a-aadb-35ea07bb61dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:21.44", "backgroundColor": "#6b0750", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPaBsijmCgJbzJHR8DUi6mUsNTFRCU54PccnyfgoTnoYt", "txHash": "0x5eea4d9e1f7b5c3a90cfb20b1b49d89d7222aa006b50b47dc1694a906b4d4ae2", "createdAtBlock": 14940000, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 309, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Kato the Saintly", "text": "Kato cannot be corrupted for he is born as a Saint.\n\nNo matter what, slice him where you like, Kato stays on the path of light."} +{"id": "eb28ae81-9128-43df-9253-962ca713f250-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:23.823", "backgroundColor": "#020202", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSJD7caWXNBMPtvhsjgedgcje6uYdVQhGFtWa7gY8aKAJ", "txHash": "0xb65aad85fcb6e6993ab462136a43a2ec6a6526643a06f1bc6e8c9de4cc31bc10", "createdAtBlock": 14942095, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9712, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/warriors/hp/game/runiverse-grassland.png", "name": "Kaggle Cleaver of the Dojo", "text": "# Eaglette Dog\n\nBehold through quantum style Gg, invoked by the house of !power and with !might rips his shirt as he lands at Aldo's Isle, uniformly his lips sing softly \"Coz I'm an Island boy...\"\n\nAs Gg approaches a coconut tree weirdly enough he notices a flying dog droning his way. Surprised with an unexpected approach, Gg entertains the creature as he receives kisses from his newly approached dog, but wait, that was no dog licking him... \"Waaaat it's a damn beak, what is this magical creature\" \n\n... To be continued ..."} +{"id": "fcf3c07c-70d7-4d53-97ac-63016864c833-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:25.198", "backgroundColor": "#010130", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVTP6U4jHJWvdSnCoevPjpZ5GAEngxSrCcZfUcr7XhXhc", "txHash": "0x69a8919934676050cd44c2a81f312eed7f54fdd9cfafcbc46592ee27d4597631", "createdAtBlock": 14942725, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3906, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harland Shark of the Citadel", "text": "# Harland and the Chakram on the Shore\n\nPart human, part shark, Harland is a fearsome fighter for whom the smallest scent of blood triggers a rage frenzy that multiplies his strength, speed, and agility many-fold.\n\nThis blind fury can be found nowhere in the eyes of this gentle warrior when he is away from the fight, and he spends most of his days in solitude, daydreaming about the salt air and sound of waves from his childhood.\n\nHailing from Calistas Citadel on the southern tip of the peninsula, Harland was not born a fighter. His family raised him in a modest stone house in a fishing village just outside of Calistas city walls, where he and his father, Kodrik, wove fishing nets, fashioned spears, and sharpened the chakram blade belonging to his mother, Mora, who was known throughout Rune Country for her legendary fishing abilities.\n\nHardly a day went by that she didnt return from her expeditions to a crowd of people waiting for her on shore: Mongers, eager to secure the largest or most exotic sea creatures; gamblers who had wagered on quantity, sizes, and types of fish; and those who had come simply out of curiosity or habit.\n\nHarland longed to join his mother on her daily expeditions, but whenever he raised the prospect to his parents, they nipped the conversation before it could even begin, often exchanging a knowing, dark look between them. He knew it had nothing to do with his water-faring skillshe was second only to his mother in his swimming ability, and could hold his breath under water for nearly ten minutes."} +{"id": "fcf3c07c-70d7-4d53-97ac-63016864c833-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:25.198", "backgroundColor": "#010130", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVTP6U4jHJWvdSnCoevPjpZ5GAEngxSrCcZfUcr7XhXhc", "txHash": "0x69a8919934676050cd44c2a81f312eed7f54fdd9cfafcbc46592ee27d4597631", "createdAtBlock": 14942725, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3906, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harland Shark of the Citadel", "text": "The only hint Harland had received about why this was so came from his uncle Rowan, who, after a night at the tavern, drunkenly made mention of the familys ties to the Ahti, goddess of sea creatures. He would have let more slip had Mora not emptied a pitcher of cold water on his head mid-sentence.\n\nThen one day, his mother didnt return home from her daily catch. The crowd assembled for her return gradually thinned, first the casual onlookers, then the mongers, and finally the gamblers, upset that their wagers could not be resolved, until the only people left were Harland and father, silently staring at the rough Brine Sea under a half moon.\n\nLets wait at home, Kodrik instructed, then turned toward the village. But just as Harland was about to follow, something washed onto shore: Harland got closer to the object, and as he approached he recognized it to be Moras chakram blade. It was a cherished heirloom in her family and essential to her daily hunt and she would never let it leave her side.\n\nKodrik turned to see young Harland kneeling on the sand, chakram in hand glistening in the moonlight, and before he could call out to his son, Harland had removed his boots and dove into the water, moving effortlessly under the heaving waves, past the silhouettes of jutting rocks off shore, and towards the depths where Mora might be still be alive. It would be over a decade until Kodrik saw his son again."} +{"id": "280f2180-dd14-46be-9965-bf2cabf62b90-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:26.061", "backgroundColor": "#2c0907", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmamAsV6PZVyNZLGn6EiXmuiuxatXAmNneuWcEVfwwBNvw", "txHash": "0x7e00ac9c9d4bc27b3101d3982444966b51451c0cb1ebc4190877ad08e6898c4b", "createdAtBlock": 14943515, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6822, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bard Bumble of the Mount", "text": "The Kobold explores around the dark caverns of Runiverse, his bell echoing in the depths of the cavern with his bumble pet. The bard screams as soon as he sees the Sacred Flame. He screams with joy, ready to get his head fried into a Kobold skull, they run out of the cave calling for the rest of their family in the Runiverse. They did it, they finally found the Flame."} +{"id": "18777abd-436d-427f-8e94-a20b61867005-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:26.801", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW7UuGGYFPQt4tvgM2yqhdhyFJn9hYbYCJvZN5Z5hriE6", "txHash": "0x47fb6f2804cbf992b96b531a6e08800dcda3b52b913ccd907a3213f1d7813956", "createdAtBlock": 14946106, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8290, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Uvlius of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Uvlius of the Event Horizon\n\nArchmagus Uvlius of the Event Horizon had a normal life into old age, but following a near death experience he found he had incredible powers that allowed him to survive, and much more. \n\nAfter training under one of the most legendary wizards of the Runiverse, he now wanders the world, joining up with fellow travelers to do good and thwart evil. \n\nEmpowered with the power of lightening and the ability to command serpents, Uvlius is feared throughout the Event Horizon."} +{"id": "1ae22b5f-e9d4-4d93-80f2-75f28e5a514b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:17.705", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc7oRfVh9EH3k3JueGsQcbiy9h2vjoCsonKidCR7pL9oK", "txHash": "0xc442623569322ea38c1dad27fd536e4c6a7bedfa91fc35f4a40511b4bbef7a1e", "createdAtBlock": 13271766, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1945, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Silas of Xanadu", "text": "# Mystic Silas of Xanadu\n\nSilas carries a strange book with him at all times. Nobody knows the content of this book, for it is written in an arcane language which only Silas speaks."} +{"id": "a85dfe3e-9c8a-4865-b391-8fad35c4f322-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:27.574", "backgroundColor": "#73a88d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZBAw11mWRZ7aQMAAxHMXoLqpzNCbdFz1mpesi8Zmzm56", "txHash": "0xcd59c973b7168fbb81c97da8d7250dc94baee7a5b7917357e5e6b4e47b2bc557", "createdAtBlock": 14946170, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8681, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Calliope of the Steppe", "text": "# Calliope of the Steppe\n\nChief of the muses, with the ability to easily turn foes into Magpies, Calliope channels the mythos of old, harnessing the power of flame and aided by her ember frog and Neptune."} +{"id": "aabcd01d-5a16-49e9-907b-cfceb61f5453-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:33.097", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma2JZ68k49zxPoXmjgKZN5NgNrxnPAyDAVfXYxt43TjAA", "txHash": "0x73f9154cf78d024e76094cf6740bef30a46986f319aa6076c3b253494fd42e19", "createdAtBlock": 14948863, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13486, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Romulus Impaler of the Realm", "text": "Romulus Impaler of the Realm #13486 deployed on the runiverse with one goal and one goal only, to get revenge on the wizard that killed his family. Fighting for his life around the goblin town.\n\n\n\n.gg/wingdao"} +{"id": "eb632cbc-5211-4e42-aedb-a5d73d1bd54c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:33.908", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdXDTMf5xMKw2DoDC1yXZZDq3Q1fstKq68xbBzja1q1rp", "txHash": "0xd9b53b85bfb188f9d92f317affc895d4fe0e78b81f95508fa3fc7a35d3c99a02", "createdAtBlock": 14948975, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15215, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dwog Guardian of the Wood", "text": "## Origin\n\nSweat. The humidity.\n\nThe boy faces his final challenge.\nHe hears nothing. None of those thousand different sounds of the jungle.\n\nHis arm and his spear are one.\nThe beast just noticed him. The heavy body is turning around, only a shadow.\n\nOne try. Quick. A horrible scream. \n\nThe spear found its target, a nearly forgotten rune - just behind the beast's ear. \n\nCold darkness falls upon the boy, but the village will be safe."} +{"id": "13124bcc-bc28-4874-9983-2b2db18041e8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:00.29", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW2sRBYib3QmFjeNK2yW4EEARhNw9iJqgTPJUa9L9nRwi", "txHash": "0xc9ebb0b59a55f746cf5e38423b0206f736fbb1a19d0e7fe05c1654bf1295daeb", "createdAtBlock": 14974718, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1084, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Silas of the Hollow", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Silas of the Hollow, Wizard #1084 \n\n\ncoming soon...\n\nWIP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13dL6_CsFTRUvCUluc1_y2E5gfO5nP7qbRuAQvId4ypA/edit?usp=sharing"} +{"id": "68d400ac-42a0-4da5-8ba1-6ae78a3dd94f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:34.627", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd1owzyQdMWDfJKzeTTvHQz3pVNMVuBT3TrePPffy9AkP", "txHash": "0x566f2aed6d6ec7e6e6736e89f6d255d53c2b302b8872630f16a382137fda1f88", "createdAtBlock": 14949523, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8829, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wharton Slasher of the Sun", "text": "# In search of gold, he found love\n\n\nWharton was a conquistador, sent to the New World in search of gold and silver.\n\nHe set out from Calista's Citadel, westward, across the Brine Sea.\n\nAfter days of naivgation, a *terra incognita* was in sight.\nAfter a few days, he and his crew realized that this land was occupied...\n\nAt first curious, then friendly, the natives tried to make contact with the conquistador.\nOne day, Wharton went to the village of the natives.\nA great banquet was organized, and everyone celebrated!\n\nThis meeting will remain forever marked in his memory: he discovered dishes never eaten before, new magics, which would make any wizard of his continent jealous! \n\nTo hell with gold and silver, and long live friendship!\n\nWharton settled in with the tribe. The jungle was tough, and joining forces was vital.\n\n# With the help of learned calculations, Wharton was able to predict the eclipses that sometimes happened on Runiverse, which earned him the respect of the natives, who now gave him the name \"Slasher of the Sun\"."} +{"id": "2557117c-55c0-4969-a7cd-b003c848e3b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:35.347", "backgroundColor": "#570400", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQMbMvcJbTZjHYugXcEe2wFHNNznfMCKPx231EvV3BaEZ", "txHash": "0x378be62f82ef26bd5f90f34e9ee28a6e0db6c346df52818470089653e9e42602", "createdAtBlock": 14951668, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8711, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Miyo of the Wood", "text": "# Chaos Mage Miyo's Theme Song\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAXAstDqdTg\n\nSong created by DreamEater (Twitter: @Dreameaterism)"} +{"id": "bb33934b-9884-4682-ac95-259c1a942035-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:36.069", "backgroundColor": "#16291c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf3zQPbLxtHUpkapAp6sJj1TJXh3zAEsXyHiwcLRqdY4n", "txHash": "0x9b926c93764c3924d2a9cdbcdba1146fdafc08752e14ea2e371d7e47ebe17e27", "createdAtBlock": 14952101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13109, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Allan Ravager of the Coliseum", "text": "# Prophecy for lazy Allan\n\n*\"Allan? Allan. ALLAN! Get out of bed. Now!\"*\n\n>Looks like a typcial start for our untypical warrior that has to fight his way out of the Coliseum and out of his fathers control...\n\nBorn and raised in the Arena. Fighting for his life, food, glory and the acceptance of his own gladiator father. You would expect a barbaric young man that can hardly communicate his own thoughts. But not Allan. He was a sensible young man, smart from talking to many strangers behind the curtains that came from all over the world and most importantly: **He was lazy**. He may be the most unfamous warrior of the whole Coliseum because he was always late to his fights and when he was fighting it was rather unspectacular. The crowd did not want to see matches like this. Tactic, some would say. But most believe it was really just his laziness. There was no blood, screams or anything the people love to watch. Just some clever dodging and a few precise attacks that leave the enemy unconscious. Because of his unusual choice of weapons he was flexible despite the thick armor and able to make smart moves that his foes dont see coming.\n\nThe Story of Allan was lonely and dark because nobody would see him as a mere human. The people that he started talking to died more sooner than later and most of the time he only got to speak to them once. He was always just a figure that comes into the Coliseum to fight and disappear again until the next match. Working as a mere instrument for his father. His father was trying to escape the Coliseum himself and he saw Allan as a way to repay his debt to the mighty Lords he once loved to gamble with."} +{"id": "bb33934b-9884-4682-ac95-259c1a942035-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:36.069", "backgroundColor": "#16291c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf3zQPbLxtHUpkapAp6sJj1TJXh3zAEsXyHiwcLRqdY4n", "txHash": "0x9b926c93764c3924d2a9cdbcdba1146fdafc08752e14ea2e371d7e47ebe17e27", "createdAtBlock": 14952101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13109, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Allan Ravager of the Coliseum", "text": "This morning it wasnt the exaggerating sleep routine of Allan that kept him in bed. A blue frog appeared next to his weaponry. Not only was it blue but it kept staring at him. Like it wanted to say something. And even more bizarre: **It started talking**\n\n*Allan. This might be a dream. But there is a good possibility that it is not. Either way, will you listen to me?* Our Warrior had no chance than to let that frog speak. Just because he was too stunned to say something on his own. *I had a dream that involved you. Mostly this is not a good sign but it seems like there is potential in your future story. Will you be a good guy or a bad guy I ask myself? But you are definitely **lazy**. But listen to me Allan. In your laziness lies an important strength. Within your laziness I see great...patience. You will escape this Coliseum because you have to meet some important people. But beware. Will it be your laziness or your inner Anger that will keep you moving? Great tragedys await you. Do you want to know what name they were chanting to you in my dream? The called you **Allan Ravager of the Coliseum**. I really hope you will make the right decisions. Well, in the end I am just a frog, wont you say? I think there is a match waiting for you. And now wake up.*\n\nOur Warrior tried to wake up. But he already was awake. Sitting in his bed and staring at his weaponry. But there was no frog. Was there a frog? Ravager of the Coliseum...Anger and Tragedy? Important people to meet...Even if it was just a dream. Nobody ever praised him before for his laziness."} +{"id": "bb33934b-9884-4682-ac95-259c1a942035-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:36.069", "backgroundColor": "#16291c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf3zQPbLxtHUpkapAp6sJj1TJXh3zAEsXyHiwcLRqdY4n", "txHash": "0x9b926c93764c3924d2a9cdbcdba1146fdafc08752e14ea2e371d7e47ebe17e27", "createdAtBlock": 14952101, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13109, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Allan Ravager of the Coliseum", "text": "It was time for the next match. But this time he would need to make a decision. The Lords decided he has to fight his father in a battle for life or death. Would he fight with all his pent up emotions or would he be patient enough to figure out a plan that would solve both their problems..."} +{"id": "d1720037-2963-4693-9aa9-57729dfff190-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:36.74", "backgroundColor": "#116a39", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXSYPWwa7MZU2NV9Mp7VhJeUdUjxZu33qmxUB8XqKJtzc", "txHash": "0x5e6e5cd7269a9fab29084a24631e6cea6689c4dec251e51341763625f6f9a418", "createdAtBlock": 15066809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4352, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Poomu Beater of the Realm", "text": "# A Field Guide to Fungi\n\nhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS1NUpUxP07lxeoK0hFVVUNMZVsuSFMx1pNBT9mVH-B5WZUMmg86Zz816aXMOwgWm6bHnni8mgAcO2v/pub"} +{"id": "e0ee92af-e627-4994-bbf6-c1436efd7c26-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:36.319", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR5nBsJqFCnFBTtbpnA7oEbfcGzbnyiwfBv74bxn5BsH5", "txHash": "0x6b9cb142ae9ebf7622728ea808159efbbba15e49f3329ed542f74bc21b473f6f", "createdAtBlock": 14993542, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5373, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Edmund Punisher of the Rock", "text": "# A Warrior without a pet is a warrior with himself"} +{"id": "d1b0783a-d585-493e-9852-4b7cf27fd133-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:37.55", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbrwyM3yQfRUa6G3NE4xskanM2pp5gpppzHkjABjTC5x8", "txHash": "0x6510f2a226c47964fecbc82fec571cb5452db98fd0310ac8f1c15b2042a56ab7", "createdAtBlock": 14954533, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4250, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dash Ruin of the Forest", "text": "# The Last Samurai\n\n\nSurrounded by a vast shroud of fog, Dash was tiring. An inner voice was calling to him to find his other nine Red Ronin brethren in the fight against the Dark Ronins. Wielding his blade like a machete through the dense Hedge Wizard Wood forest, he could see glimmers of light awaiting him on the other side.\n\nAs his reticent lynx companion trotted on, Dashs fervor began to increasing. Time was of the essence to reclaim his honor in combat at Kelpies bay. Cleaning his jagged blade against his red armor shoulder plate, he let out a loud sigh and carried on. Today was not the day to let his brothers in arms down and betray the unspoken code of the samurai."} +{"id": "dc1aac05-c3a7-43b3-bb38-18680a3a9319-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:38.315", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdsujBZWK9twnFsXq7kaMY4xiwAbVWGA6pNWfhLCxXtAk", "txHash": "0x3987748ac5d43c6fb95cb1f49ce3b218e630f024a087f0b9942401f36533c7f8", "createdAtBlock": 14956866, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8844, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTmpjyjvchi4AdwCsQAgH9VerVYrpdenuppEnxQctn45p", "name": "Summoner Shabbith-Ka of the Tower", "text": "# **Summoner Shabbith-Ka of the Tower**\n\n-------"} +{"id": "2165076a-4006-47f7-a6a3-a239b41c5da0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:39.205", "backgroundColor": "#211701", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWuN8GhFuFEP35ecDjrZpmmQVjJuJ3YGoHzH6c64gsCgA", "txHash": "0x0fa6918f8e63440ff716abc31ccd3bfc7d0bb150343405efd29fe0aa08171c3e", "createdAtBlock": 14957702, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3208, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Felix Bludgeoner of Dragons", "text": "# Felix Bludgeoner of Dragons\n\nMy eyes fly above me in the sky, wary of the threats among us\n \nMy shield at my side to protect me with its fireproof charm \n \nMy staff holds the scars of a thousand battles and will endure through a thousand more \n\nI stand here always ready for the next encounter with those flying demons that haunt our land\n\nI am Felix, Bludgeoner of Dragons"} +{"id": "7096198e-00a4-4c46-9cd9-e5b90134caf4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:33.786", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNSqfe2Xrk8Dh2qbPpZxyHV6JNDMjUALNn3MYemsrBhS", "txHash": "0xe08e7eabfb3f0542260a8d934bf82023f2118524757bf89690f69bb0cd687f2c", "createdAtBlock": 14956806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "# Adept Hadrien of The Rock \n\n \n\n### Adept Hadrien is usually an elusive wizard.\n\nNever interested in the formal promotion beyond an \"adept\", he enjoys the luxury of being a student wherever he goes.\n\nTravelling across the world, often by foot or hitchhiking, Hadrien visits all the major and minor scholarly towns, reading and writing all the way.\n\nParticularly fond of the world's more obscure and difficult to find forbidden and forgotten libraries, his travels have brought about an interesting story or two, which he has occasionally told late around a campfire when most have already dozed off to sleep. \n\nA true student of the arts, his readings span across the magical, alchemical, mythical and natural literature, making him a gentleman of most interesting nature. \n\nHe is not easily sought but is often around just when you need him. \n\nWhether it's to identify the crushed herb at the bottom of your grandfather's ancient pipe, to recite the correct incantation for a beach house morple moralem rite, or to reverse your nephew's mis-spell that has made Aunt Hera an angrily animated teapot - Adept Hadrien always appears to be in the right place at the right time.\n\nMany years on the road have brought him to be accustomed to solo travel, however, for short spans of time he can find himself helping an old friend for a week or two. \n\nConsulting on matters such as great beast egg retrieval, cursed temple exploration, and expeditions that are destined for distant lands, he'll often accompany the traveling party with his trusty companion, a white hare. \n\nSeemingly unnamed, he usually refers to this hare as 'old chap', 'mate', or _'cheeky b-stard'_.\n\n> Old Hadrien looked around.\n\n> \"Where are you now you cheeky b-stard?!\""} +{"id": "7096198e-00a4-4c46-9cd9-e5b90134caf4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:33.786", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNSqfe2Xrk8Dh2qbPpZxyHV6JNDMjUALNn3MYemsrBhS", "txHash": "0xe08e7eabfb3f0542260a8d934bf82023f2118524757bf89690f69bb0cd687f2c", "createdAtBlock": 14956806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> \"Where are you now you cheeky b-stard?!\"\n\n> Appearing in the doorway, the hare looked at him as if to say;\n\n> \"I'm the one who's been waiting for _you_, you old fart.\"\n\n> Shaking his head, Hadrien collected his belongings and followed the hare, who was now bouncing towards the hill and into the night...\n\n \n\n### Over the years, Hadrien has studied many tongues and faced many dangers. \n\nStreet-wise as well as book-smart, Hadrien is no stranger to the oddities and eccentricities of the world. His ability to understand many languages opens doors that others sometimes struggle to find. \n\nBartering at the thieves market of the Alchemists Archepelago he speaks in slang terms that command respect from the rogue and defected alchemists who are often shunned by the more esteemed for their unsavoury practices. \n\nOn another day, he can be found enjoying the fine cuisine of a Great Old One's Land Palace - exquisitely designed cliff caves that can face the brunt of brutal storms and are seldom visited by most land-dwellers. \n\nAlways on the move and never settled, one thing Hadrien can't do is stay in one place for very long. His friends can go for years without seeing him, receiving only the occasional letter to let them know that he'll need some ingredients sent out for an experimental concoction or for burning at an ancient ritual site. \n\n> An eccentric wizard to say the least, everybody loves Hadrien, but nobody really knows who he is...\n\n### To most, Hadrien is that old eccentric wizard with the white hare, who almost always has a book in hand. \n\nAs helpful and cheerful as he appears, one gets the sense that Hadrien might also be lonely and it seems that he looks to avoid confrontation at all costs."} +{"id": "7096198e-00a4-4c46-9cd9-e5b90134caf4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:33.786", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdNSqfe2Xrk8Dh2qbPpZxyHV6JNDMjUALNn3MYemsrBhS", "txHash": "0xe08e7eabfb3f0542260a8d934bf82023f2118524757bf89690f69bb0cd687f2c", "createdAtBlock": 14956806, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "There is rumour that when he was a young boy, after one of his first forays into the forbidden libraries of the seventh realm, he brought back with him knowledge of a spell that killed his childhood best friend in a manner that few dare to describe. \n\nThey say it was in a childhood fit of rage that any adult would be embarrassed of, and so thats why he spends much of his time alone, and that's why he spends so much of his time learning the forgotten ways. \n\nSome say he's trying to bring his friend back from the dead, others say he's searching for a way to destroy The Gate to the Seventh Realm.\n\nYet, some think that these rumours began with jealous wizards that were unable to match Hadrien's ability to travel with such grace and luck, absorbing knowledge that many are entirely unaware of. \n\nAdd to that the fact that conversation with Hadrien is rarely centred on him, if at all, and it becomes hard to know what of those rumours might really be true...\n\n> _Popping in and out of your life at the most serendipitous times, you don't ask Adept Hadrien of The Rock about his past, because what he brings to the present is a gift to all._"} +{"id": "1d562926-7966-4cfa-982a-1948bfd2743b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:56.301", "backgroundColor": "#02330a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdLnrAvB3Q5Yrve7B7RkC4wi4k1AfoTutTP9154gswxqm", "txHash": "0xe8d49e161c73a5139f49671e9eb9f58f0a5cd77854703b2949829d7809c5040e", "createdAtBlock": 15058200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 340, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdC1e7n9qrzwWWLDFVHXw8r4LxW1fUHJLb7vZzF7nGxdG", "name": "Conjurer Chiyo of the Citadel", "text": "# The Mysterious Chiyo, Conjurer of the Citadel\n\n\n\n\n\n# Chiyo's famous shows\nEvery full moon, aristocrats and socialites of the Citadel flock to the theater to watch the mystical Chiyo conjure fantastic creatures. Her fans arrive buzzed and chatter excitedly with each other at the door, speculating about what marvelous beasts she will conjure this show, and reminiscing on legendary past shows.\n\n#\n# The show\nAs the stage lights dim, Chiyo emerges from the stage floor. She chants some incantations (for show) to summon winged Sphinxes, Aura Eolves, Chimera cubs and Kelpies to the stage from seemingly out of nowhere. Gasps, sometimes shrieks, and always applause can be heard from the crowd. If the audience is fortunate, she will even summon Mesazoic Cockatrices to fight on stage.\n\n#\n# After the show\nHer audience leaves the theater with silly smiles on their faces, laughing and drunk with friends. Chiyo serves a vital role to the Citadel, full of rich people looking to kill time. As an entertainer, Chiyo is compensated very well for her time and is beloved by all. She has neither enemies nor allegiances, just a fool playing her part in the bustling scene of the Citadel. Chiyo will even conjure Desert Roses out of her sleeve and give to lucky kids who run into her in public."} +{"id": "1d562926-7966-4cfa-982a-1948bfd2743b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:56.301", "backgroundColor": "#02330a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdLnrAvB3Q5Yrve7B7RkC4wi4k1AfoTutTP9154gswxqm", "txHash": "0xe8d49e161c73a5139f49671e9eb9f58f0a5cd77854703b2949829d7809c5040e", "createdAtBlock": 15058200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 340, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdC1e7n9qrzwWWLDFVHXw8r4LxW1fUHJLb7vZzF7nGxdG", "name": "Conjurer Chiyo of the Citadel", "text": "#\n# What are Chiyos intentions for living in the Keep?\nShe clearly doesnt look like she was born here, and the Desert Roses she conjures are never grown so close to the sea. Most Citadel denizens have never even seen such a type of flower. Some say that those roses are grown in the famous oasis gardens of the Valley of the Void Disciple. \n#\nPerhaps, she is attuned with the famous House of Rose, the ancient protectors of the Legendary Cockatrices land. \n#\n#\n.\n#\n..\n#\n..\n#\n...\n#\n..\n#\n..\n#\n.\n#\n*Was she sent to spy on the Citadel for House of Rose?*"} +{"id": "81e8bc7e-d75f-409e-9bfa-1e6fe1bd5dc6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:39.937", "backgroundColor": "#670c08", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmabtnWjMAX3VTo72kKFdzT3qqtFUKUweoSewa2jon7Vmf", "txHash": "0x259b02f382342ba8e4c5070f449ef48648bc86d7f0c64c317730e79d0ae015b8", "createdAtBlock": 15066430, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8637, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Alizam of the Circle", "text": "# The Ever-Evolving, Unofficial Guide to Dream Masters\n\nhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRNnHhsbAAZ67aDd2kr2pgmgijAEkZ58PRB8AwlhAiyw4OX8P_K7XArWQieKajX3Sc2sl6IptQOzGdV/pub"} +{"id": "985e7fc3-b905-4692-849d-48a0395acbe8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:57.407", "backgroundColor": "#251515", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZX5a2hoC3uQwuf6QG1fvCq3y5KoFDt6H3jV5GGcvXt2F", "txHash": "0x8914090f5a669c3ba3305b5df369f433c71c9f2bf7bfe64c4d4dae38dc9bf58d", "createdAtBlock": 14970015, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4697, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jett Contender of the Road", "text": ">*Im only gonna say this once: **Your money or your life.***\n\nThe travelers cowered in front of their wagon, fear in their eyes. Before them stood a towering man, sword in hand. Adorned upon his head was a bears pelt, crudely manufactured into a terrible visage, designed to intimidate would be victims. The man raised his blade, the edge glinting in the hot son, and pointed it at the closest traveler. *I am Jett, Contender of the Road, and I will have my toll.* \n\nTo his side was his trusty companion, a brown lynx by the name of Karl. The beast hissed, bearing its fangs in time with its masters words, punctuating each one with a sharp tooth. The heavily armored brigand took a step closer, and the people flinched. A cruel smile graced his rugged face. *Gold. Jewelry. Anything valuable. **Now.*** \n\nHe didnt even have to raise his voice. Small sacks of coins, rings and necklaces, anything that might buy their life was placed upon the ground. Jett didnt have to say a single word. He merely scratched his beard and watched with amusement. The people hurried. Jett waited. Soon enough the pile had grown to the point that the bandit was satisfied. Not to mention it seemed they had little else to give. *Now begone. Before I change my mind.* His tone was calm and clear, but deadly serious. The group hurried back into their wagon and within moments they were racing off, trying to put distance between themselves and the villainous character.\n\nKneeling to observe his rightfully secured loot, Jett put one hand on his companions head. *Another honest days work, eh Karl?*"} +{"id": "3e17b502-7971-41c5-b875-cb5bb09ce89e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:58.17", "backgroundColor": "#1d0819", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXnd4mYJq6rJ2P4TDiiMGNMe8KVzDs4tD5SJZi4DhKXHd", "txHash": "0xb578d502618e7af444953eab1ce003d3f9b0305de3f4dc4f1cf69b895417a9d8", "createdAtBlock": 14970535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14050, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Buffy Contaminator of the Forest", "text": ">\"If I cant have the forest, no one can.\"\n\nThe trauma of past loves surround and haunt Buffy. No one can get near her ever again for her Rune of Protection forbids any more harm. It is she and her griffin alone, against the rest of the forest. \n\nHer days are lonely, as she has no choice but to spear any living thing she encounters. She tiptoes silently through the regions of those who broke her spirit and left her scorned. Her griffin distracts with his beauty from above as she strikes down any who cross her path. \n\nShe blends into the greenery for now, but it is only a matter of time before a sea of red overcomes the forest."} +{"id": "25eeb332-3406-438b-9ce3-1fe0510b3dad-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:34:59.617", "backgroundColor": "#313131", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTTVJkbC5mf9iEbnDu4JqLWHr53CnAvNx6ARUPztw5bLD", "txHash": "0xa04521a01e2143c0307ce8963e1e7b0716734b0c3b73966c4de14c00e0b03540", "createdAtBlock": 14972294, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15243, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Puffball Assaulter of Liches", "text": "\"Don't let my name fool you!\" Puffball screamed! Ever since he was a young boy, he was teased because of his name since it sounded soft. Little did everyone know this anger would grow within Puffball until he was a young man. Once he was old enough to train, he was dedicated to becoming the biggest, baddest, straight up ass kicking warrior in Fungy Town.\n\nQuickly he became the best warrior to ever come out of Fungy Town along with his sidekick, Ruff the hound."} +{"id": "ac07cf2b-3883-4a31-9998-c5ab35754f01-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:04.846", "backgroundColor": "#531287", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHZsPo8J6ptb7c6cmCUeExdrqNCMFfbDfzYC7eRcM4bc", "txHash": "0x8ba30405c0121ddaecd30a05cdf77f689a9cd81cdc173e7820e7a6def8f71af8", "createdAtBlock": 14979272, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9485, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Murph Cleaver of the Street", "text": "Wherever he went, they would sing his name\n\n\tAnd tales of battle and fortune and fame\n\nNo one else could fight quite as good\n\n\twith his big ol sword and his armored hood\n\nNever staying in one place for very long\n\n\tMurph was only concerned with being real strong\n\nHe would fight anyone brave enough to fight back\n\n\tAnd this was how he learned his special attack\n\nSwinging this way and that way with ease\n\n\tHis thrust was so great, it could cut through trees\n\nHe was never quite able to quench his all rage\n\n\tSome days he just felt like a rat in a cage\n\nTil one night he had a foreshadowing dream\n\n\tWhere he was destroyed by a banshee's scream\n\nThe day he awoke was a most ruinous day\n\n\tFor this was when his destiny would stray\n\nHe took up arms one time too many\n\n\tAnd became the Forbidden One's Enemy\n\nAnd so Murph would see his indelible fate\n\n\tIt would become a subject he quite firmly did hate\n\nSo he packed up his stuff and he ran away\n\n\tHe did not want to be found on that fateful day\n\nFor it would be the day that he saw his defeat\n\n\tThe legendary last battle of Murph - Clever of the Street\n\n\nLore credits go to @wizard3676. Thanks Emmaleigh!"} +{"id": "438b5e26-9caa-4b18-ae27-9c3477b91894-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:05.678", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR2WtqgrYNxQqFHALVo6GfkXLuyz84bLRkyDF67jBo5G9", "txHash": "0x38403d55b06d7d16d60bc6a6bd198555d5ae1d942ed0710668b037fee2ca83db", "createdAtBlock": 14979972, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13351, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Teny Cruncher of Wizards", "text": "# Teny Cruncher of Wizards\n\nTeny the Wizard hunter she is called. Specializes in tracking down rogue wizards and capturing them for contract work. Teny was born with a psychic defect allowing her to resist mental magic cohersion, making her the perfect match to combat such opponents.\nTeny is a mercenary, loyal only to whom pays her the most. \nHer moral compass was destroyed by a brutal childhood and poverty, however she still upholds to do no evil."} +{"id": "37fe3420-9feb-40f2-9303-01167d386856-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:06.358", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZApaWzzYWHQ8sBZVwXASHrj4Bgcwf7nk1uTA11PVhYGG", "txHash": "0xbcbe9a27ccc203e4e973f6185ec91420ad7c7de7141ca18de8bd8a53aa5973be", "createdAtBlock": 14981007, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10743, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Slater Vanquisher of the Highlands", "text": "# Slater Vanquisher of the Highlands\n\nSlater Vanquisher grew up on a farm, always surrounded by cows and goats. His family was poor and he always struggled to eat.\nHe saw multiple times how Kobols assaulted his farm to take Slate's animals.\n\nAs a teenager, he decided to train hard to become a warrior so he could put a stop to stealing.\n\nHe built his own training space and trained very hard to become who he is now a killing machine.\n\nWhen he was 19, a group of 3 kobolds tried to steal a cow but Slater defeated them before they could approach. Kobolds never returned to his farm.\n\nHe now protects his family from assaulters and is ready to kill anyone who dares to approach the farm."} +{"id": "06576a80-0535-45ae-ac73-6b4fe6044fa2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:26.714", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5JTMhWVcUaY9ovSc59nrBquCcNPyNyQpH9dZhgZx8uM", "txHash": "0xbe2feb6f40d9b4b37a7de00ca2e6b0941083a056f13f45eb1d60d61e228c6a70", "createdAtBlock": 14989078, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12748, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentina Obliterator of the Trees", "text": "*BOWK* Sapling slayer! Sapling slayer! *BOWK*\n\nValentina has no quarrel with warriors or wizards. With a whirl of her malachite cleaver, she trims only the lives of trees, those hideous silent sentinels that form the forests.\n\nAt least, that's what she says.\n\nHer parrot knows better. But on this matter, for once, he is silent."} +{"id": "883809e9-ffd3-4976-a1fc-4402727e4845-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:07.288", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXqUQM83wygPYMVgw1B1ssY2HF7m34PAzFrbkXTPQPZ6f", "txHash": "0x1106a13c476ee33cba48d5284a716374576e5fca15b58e7f00e919830bcbba0b", "createdAtBlock": 14982088, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12492, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alesssandra of Imps", "text": "# Alesssandra of Imps\n\nA stewardess from a local watering hole in Imps, she worked serving ale and fodder to pay for her dreams of one day starting her own alehouse with her goaty companion. \n\nHowever, her dreams were thwarty when she soon discovered she had the strength of 100 men when she enveloped a greasy burger. The greasy the food the stronger she became. Thus, began her adventure as a warrior by foodery!!!"} +{"id": "cf9ba9e5-0451-43e8-a5c6-16cf8a4eca79-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:07.979", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRtApvdXSP4e61WxCfdJjyU9ajkDmKGJzhpQo4myck6ft", "txHash": "0x2e78c74660f3daf9ddf1985c3069b6de34f731a7e072381078ec196069d8eeca", "createdAtBlock": 14982121, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12491, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Murphy Clubber of the Back Alley", "text": "# Murphy Clubber of the Back Alley\n\nMurphy Club! Murphy Club real good!!!\n\nNot the brightest of the bunch, but definitely the one with the most heart in the bunch. Murphy the Clubber shows his love for his bros with what he does best CLUBBING! He clubs, defends and stands for what is just!\n\nHe is not much for words but is still quite physically expressive of himself as words cannot truly express how one feels and Murphy always feels like life is party. That is why he also like to CLUB! (pun intended),"} +{"id": "fa435db1-3e47-4589-8f60-61433f491723-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:09.463", "backgroundColor": "#3bb153", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSkfowhQpYKoEoZxYPVUsF7pjS7c9WwcLMs12baRJdpHs", "txHash": "0x130be217fc36e499950616cbe3f6268b47874fb208b7d5e87f7703165e02ccc8", "createdAtBlock": 14984573, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11459, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "William Danger of Atlantis", "text": "William, a jamaican patty-loving dude along with his easy going pet, named Soba, is an aspiring warrior. He has watched many animes and read mangas that have stoked his motivation to be one of the best. Although his strategy to get to the pinnacle of his profession may in question, his desire is clear.\n\nEvery day, he trains, studies and looks for various ways to improve on his skills. As he is powered by the numerous jamaican patties he devours each day, only time will tell if William will eventually reach his goals.\n\nOn a side note, Soba is his trusty pup that provides morale and emotional support. Who knows, maybe one day, Soba will eventually turn into the world's first warrior dog! But in the meantime, the story of William and Soba is just about to unfold. :)"} +{"id": "c488a49e-e34d-48c1-a334-71b53b04d2e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:10.123", "backgroundColor": "#600602", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSY9DD1gM4eVuwCx3H7NzugahhFXwCAkma8uvmheSWTk", "txHash": "0xd1f65d9885a195ea5ebfe2cbb4b1282ed29d9eba4b3dd68366c0b9027a85438a", "createdAtBlock": 14984648, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11460, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shira Cleaver of the Desert", "text": "In the darker depths of this world, Shira Cleaver is busy sharpening her weapons. She has never been one to rest on her laurels. Even in a time of peace and prosperity, she is acutely aware that things can turn for the worse in the blink of an eye. Those who are not prepared will suffer and she refuses to go down that path.\n\nThis mindset of Shira has been forged by her years of experiencing conflict from an early age. Life has not been kind to Shira. Living in a town torn by war and having to fight for her own survival, she does not know any life outside of this.\n\nMaybe in time, her journey will teach her how to appreciate the brighter side of what the world has to offer but in the meantime, she is consumed with preparation for the inevitable conflict that will rear its ugly head."} +{"id": "aa04aa70-fcca-4f0a-957c-a56d7131b53f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:08.685", "backgroundColor": "#ded825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK9SWu2UEspEVXzvjnZZRSbaXMrVRd4Q5mRND1fJZiyq", "txHash": "0xde50b3961661ddf7f25a43455b523fe3a95f70d3f6846df7fbe070c666131b54", "createdAtBlock": 15144503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3519, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYcr6FMRDYVBnYppdZV4aTJAEmrhMHXUZPnvQphENSjnS", "name": "Archmagus Bolin of Avalon", "text": "# *A Battle Scarred Shogun...*\n\n### In a clearing, at the foot of **The Sacred Pillars** he stands... His heart is calm and his face emotionless.. In one hand, lies the most feared weapon in all the **Runiverse**.. *The Soul Harvester* or what he refers to as Hell's Wind Staff...\n\n### In the other, below a tightly gripped fist, hangs the head of a once all powerful warrior General, Tien Ta, still leaking and face in a relaxed state of shock. Nearby, lays two severed arms and a still gurgling torso adorned with the finest armor in the land. Blood stains the ground..."} +{"id": "aa04aa70-fcca-4f0a-957c-a56d7131b53f-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:08.685", "backgroundColor": "#ded825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK9SWu2UEspEVXzvjnZZRSbaXMrVRd4Q5mRND1fJZiyq", "txHash": "0xde50b3961661ddf7f25a43455b523fe3a95f70d3f6846df7fbe070c666131b54", "createdAtBlock": 15144503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3519, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYcr6FMRDYVBnYppdZV4aTJAEmrhMHXUZPnvQphENSjnS", "name": "Archmagus Bolin of Avalon", "text": "### He tosses the leader's head out forward. It bounces twice, rolls then skids to a stop at the feet of a once arrogant army. They pause for a moment in disbelief. Many wisely flee. Dozens steel their nerves and charge the lone man.\n### Calmly, the Shaolin Monk raises his scythe high into the air. In an instant, the sky darkens and screams, booming with thunder and lightning. Beneath him, on the earth, a golden glow in the shape of an ornate \"W\" can be seen. His eyes are now white hot and emitting a faint steam. Casting his spell he shouts... \"BRING THE MUTHAFUCKIN RUCKUS!\" then slams the heel of the mighty weapon into the earth. At the speed of sound, the shockwave hits the charging warriors. Their skin along with their flesh is instantly torn away and flung back in ribbons of crimson while their skeletons continue forward a half step before turning to dust and following suit. Trees, in every direction, are blown back and snap at the base, ivory pillars and statues crack, crumble then collapse. Slowly the monk rises while the sky clears and the rumbling settles. His weapon, still humming with power, now rests gently at his side...\n\n### \n\n### \n## It was only moments ago, before this battle, \n### that *Archmagus Bolin of Avalon* was resting against the base of a mighty willow tree studying his ancient scrolls while his companion snacked on an apple.\n\n\n\n\n\n### \"Hey Bol, wanna hear a joke?\" said the Albino Rat with a smirk, mouth half full of chewed apple.\n\n\n\n### Shaking his head \"Absolutely not.\" Said the Shaolin wizard, not lifting his gaze from his reading. Although Wu was his greatest friend, he had heard his twisted brand of humor far too many times."} +{"id": "aa04aa70-fcca-4f0a-957c-a56d7131b53f-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:08.685", "backgroundColor": "#ded825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK9SWu2UEspEVXzvjnZZRSbaXMrVRd4Q5mRND1fJZiyq", "txHash": "0xde50b3961661ddf7f25a43455b523fe3a95f70d3f6846df7fbe070c666131b54", "createdAtBlock": 15144503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3519, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYcr6FMRDYVBnYppdZV4aTJAEmrhMHXUZPnvQphENSjnS", "name": "Archmagus Bolin of Avalon", "text": "### \"What the fuck C'mon! Im bored! Just one... please?\" Wu said begging.\n\n\n### \"I'm trying to rest. The answer is no.\" Bolin said coolly.\n\n\n\n\n### Wu sighed loudly \"Okay, okay fine. Forget it. I do have a question I've always been curious about.. is it true that being a Shaolin monk allows you to spit razor sharp darts?\"\n\n\n\n### Prideful, the mighty wizard raised his head. \"Yes. It is true. With eons of practice, determination, along with my passage through the thirty six chambers of death, I have indeed achieved this ability.\"\n\n\n\n### \"Wow! Thats amazing!\" Said Wu. \"So you've been around a very long time then??\"\n\n\n\n### Confused, the wizard responded \"Yes Wu... You know that Im 10,304 years old...\"\n\n\n\n### The rat stood up smiling... \"Then tell me, old man, Is it true that you have also gained the ability to fart dust?! AAAAAhhhaaaa hahaha!!!\" Now rolling on his back in laughter and satisfaction, Wu screeched \"Aaaahahahaha Now that is a true super power! And if that's true, then yo mamma is so old she has a separate entrance for...\"\n\n\n\n### \"STOP! No more!\" Slumping his head into his hands and hiding a slight smile, the wizard replied \"Why... why must you torment me with such perverted filth? You truly are disgusting, my friend. You should seek professional help. There is something deeply wrong with you.\"\n\n\n\n### \"Hahaha! Thats why you love me!\" Wu said, standing and wiping away tears. \"But seriously, lets talk some more about how old you are! Ahhhahaha... Huh?\""} +{"id": "aa04aa70-fcca-4f0a-957c-a56d7131b53f-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:08.685", "backgroundColor": "#ded825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK9SWu2UEspEVXzvjnZZRSbaXMrVRd4Q5mRND1fJZiyq", "txHash": "0xde50b3961661ddf7f25a43455b523fe3a95f70d3f6846df7fbe070c666131b54", "createdAtBlock": 15144503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3519, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYcr6FMRDYVBnYppdZV4aTJAEmrhMHXUZPnvQphENSjnS", "name": "Archmagus Bolin of Avalon", "text": "### \"BREEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOO... DONG... DONG... \" Wu's voice was cut short by the sound of a warrior battle trumpet, accompanied by bells nearby. Slowly, the sound of marching boots could be heard.\n\n\n\n### \"BOLIIIIIN OF AVALON! I KNOW THAT YOU HEAR MY BELLZ OF WAR! SHOW YOURSELF IF YOU DARE! WHEN I AM DONE WITH YOU, WE ARE PLANNING A TRIP TO THAT LITTLE SHAOLIN TEMPLE OF YOURS! MY ARMY CAN NOT WAIT TO VISIT YOUR VILLAGE!!!\" A voice boomed with laughter.\n\n\n\n### Bolin rose. \"General Tien Ta of Deaths Gate.\" He said plainly.\n\n\n\n### \"I've heard a lot about this guy... and all of it bad.\" Wu said. \"Supposedly, he's killed over a hundred wizards in single handed combat. What's worse, are the things he does after. This guys a sick fuck... and you think *Im* disgusting. Sheesh!\"\n\n\n\n### The sound of war drums could now be heard bellowing a deep, violent medley, vibrating the foliage around them with their force. A familiar bass line known across the land as *TRIUMPH*. \"BOOOOM... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOOOM... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOOM...\"\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTKLy6lKzfY\n\n### \"I need you to leave.\" Bolin says calmly.\n\n\n\n### \"You think I'm worried about these clowns!? Im gonna bring the ruckus to these cowards!\" Wu said, fists clenched, eyes glowing red and his body rapidly growing in size. \"Fuck that. Im goin in hot!\""} +{"id": "aa04aa70-fcca-4f0a-957c-a56d7131b53f-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:08.685", "backgroundColor": "#ded825", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK9SWu2UEspEVXzvjnZZRSbaXMrVRd4Q5mRND1fJZiyq", "txHash": "0xde50b3961661ddf7f25a43455b523fe3a95f70d3f6846df7fbe070c666131b54", "createdAtBlock": 15144503, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3519, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYcr6FMRDYVBnYppdZV4aTJAEmrhMHXUZPnvQphENSjnS", "name": "Archmagus Bolin of Avalon", "text": "### \"No. I need you to go back to the village.\" Bolin said, now walking towards the source of the drums. Stopping abruptly, and looking back at his friend \"Go home and pour me a mug of ale. I'll be there before it is warm. Oh, and tell my father, Ason, not to finish it all.\"\n\n\n\n### \"What?! I'm not scared of these bozos!\" Wu said with anger.\n\n\n\n### The monk sighed and said \"Its not them you should be worried about...\"\n\n\n\n### A look of relief and understanding flashed across Wu's face \"Ahhh... your gonna do that whole FLASH! Blood and guts everywhere thing with your Hell Staff gizmo again? Okay, okay I got it. I'll pour ya a mug and I'll tell that Old Dirty Bastard not to touch it!\" Now heading into the forest the rat yells over his shoulder \"By the way, I have another joke for you when you get back!\"\n\n\n\n### The wizard paused \"...On second thought, maybe I don't come back this time.\" he said with a chuckle.\n\n\n\n### \"See? Now who's got jokes!? Hahaha!\" Laughed Wu, disappearing into the brush.\n\n\n\n\n### The Shaolin Monk turned, and with a stone face, continued his stroll toward the drums.\n\n\n\n### Louder now. \"BOOOOM... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOOOM... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOOM...\"\n\n*Chapters to follow...\n\n### J.F.-1501"} +{"id": "d1879db4-65f7-4ead-9508-1670d2f4d7ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-18T03:44:28.548", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvuYhtPPA9sFgcu5w44GmzsZFtXr7CEGft8tuYWv5MH7", "txHash": "0xb99c6e64976eff02efe285de7030e24f005b6b1fe1c355d9a9e8b693e5cead43", "createdAtBlock": 15164270, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9765, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Napoleon Protector of the Jungle", "text": "Napoleon, Protector of the Jungle, is a mighty warrior who resides deep in the jungle far away from other wizards and warriors. A quiet soul, he always preferred training on his own, using his surroundings to make him stronger. He is lethal in one on one combat as he uses his mighty fists to take down enemies with ease, only using a small shield to protect himself if needed. It has been said that no one has seen Napoleon since long ago, however he awaits the day that he must again show himself to his fellow warriors if they so need his help."} +{"id": "cb5159f2-646c-4054-9ba1-e9aa025fe124-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:57.945", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSz6j2NTW9aChcrFPLyVV4gg3MzVjV77Jh9QsFpd9RwEV", "txHash": "0xe88304a857a0273b4a7f396d10ef31bfa29fee31501c8728d81e70d3488eed76", "createdAtBlock": 15064077, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4414, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Werner Protector of the Jungle", "text": "# The War on !Magic\n\nhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSfPvMpue3NszqdLKkcyJS_PmHdtTIVyiuAz2D9DnwBMwjBz10yOFlLD2vH0VqYA8nEE8vLkf5Ephy8/pub"} +{"id": "44b9b5d1-8d4f-4f91-8b2a-75faf80fef74-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:20.861", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP98FUJT8JGiLRprnezDDRDXAKaWkS8jyxUsWm3woqkRs", "txHash": "0xc1435d63af7c9a41c64829d907457cda948a531c07f208238bb81ccd12dd92d7", "createdAtBlock": 14985356, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1618, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sekai Nailer of the Grass", "text": "Sekai Nailer of the Grass was born long ago to the people of the grasslands. She was a young warrior in training when she was attached in a back alley near her home. A little birdie, Chini, came flying down and began to peck at the attacker to distract them while Sekai was able to find a crowbar laying on the ground nearby. She used the weapon to finish off the attacker and then returned home without a scratch. Chini would continue to go into battle with her from there on out, and her weapon of choice became the crowbar which she learned to master over time."} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "Arch-Magician Nassif Of the Villa and his Scroll"} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "The archmage of the kingdom of Villa, Nassif, was out on a quest in search\nof a fabled scroll that withheld powerful magic, making his way through narrowing\npathways inside a cave system. There was a prophecy that the kingdom would\ncome under threat by an inescapable maw of pure darkness, and the time that it\nwas said to begin drawing nearer. Nassif worried about how to defend the\nkingdom from such a force, unsure of what it even was that he was trying to train\nto defend against, but he knew that there was great power in magic.\n This spell must have been powerful to have been locked away in a crypt.\nNassif said while he walked out of the caves and into an opening.\n He walked up to a pyramid standing within the open room, drawing Nassifs\neye up to the top of it. There sat a scroll sitting atop two curved platforms when he\ngot up to it. Nassif looked around for any traps that were linked to the scroll while\nhe carefully pulled out a small scroll. He unraveled the scroll and double-checked\nwhat it was before he held ahold of it and muttered incantations.\n The paper suddenly flashed before it erupted out of his hands and scattered\naround the room. Several hidden traps began glowing with a faint light-green aura\nbut none were connected to the scroll itself. Nassif placed his hand on the scroll\nbut the moment he touched the paper, the warmth of his hand activated the spell\ninstead, causing an explosion that created an orb of white energy. Horrifyingly, the\nspell inverted and began drawing things into it and grew a slight amount each time\nsomething was pulled in.\n Nassifs eyes widened while he rummaged through his scrolls but the only\nthing he could think of was his staff. It could contain the spell. He hoped that the"} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "thing he could think of was his staff. It could contain the spell. He hoped that the\nstaff perhaps had the energy needed and quickly pulled it off of his back. Nassif\npushed the brim of his hood up slightly, grabbed ahold of his staff with both hands,\nand tapped into its energy before he guided it towards the strange anomalous\nmagic.\n Oh, I sure hope this works! Nassif said, gripping tighter onto his staff as he\nsuddenly feared the blast would push it out of his grip.\n Instead, his staff began pulling towards the anomaly. Nassif scrambled away\nfrom the strange, slow-growing dark sphere. Nassif quickly let go of his staff with\none hand to dig into his scrolls before he activated one that increased the strength\nof whatever attack he was using and actively saw the dark sphere shrink.\nReinvigorated, Nassif dipped into his scrolls once again and lessened the amount\nof energy needed for the attack he was using, allowing him to keep the pressure on\nthe dark sphere for longer. He was beginning to think he would contain it when it\nbegan absorbing his energy."} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "No! Nassif said, angrily glaring at the strange dark sphere before he began\ntaking peeks behind him towards the cave system, I had it!\n The mage ran into the network of caves and made his way through quite\nquickly knowing where he had come from allowing him to get back outside far\nfaster than it took him to get to the pyramid. Every step he took Nassif knew that\nthe dark sphere was growing and worried about how large it would get by the time\nhe got back. Knowing this, Nassif ran as fast as he could back to the kingdom of\nVilla. Nassif feared the dark sphere would grow large enough to begin tearing into\nthe walls of the kingdom.\n I was lucky to not have been drawn in by it. I fear what would become of\nsomebody should they be drawn in. Nassif thought while he ran into the kingdom\nand headed directly for the castle.\n My king! Ive discovered a dark sphere in the caves not far. Its growing\nand I believe it to be the prophesized maw of darkness. Nassif said,\nunintentionally spreading nothing but terror through the royal court before Nassif\nnoticed the glow of the crystal adorning the top of his staff beginning to dim, But,\nthere is hope. I have managed to shrink it slightly before I ran out of scrolls to\nboost my power.\n What would you need to contain this dark maw for good? King Mazar\nasked, very slightly tilting his head to the side, clearly intrigued by the proposition.\n Nassifs crystal began shining brighter than it had before and it nearly made\nhim want to run back to the caves and try. Nassif picked out the best scrolls\ndirectly from the kings collection. Once he was set he headed off out of the castle"} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "directly from the kings collection. Once he was set he headed off out of the castle\nwhen the cave system deteriorated and collapsed, creating a loud, growling-like\nsound to thunderously echo across the lands.\n Oh, no. Nassif said while he ran up the stairs to the top of the kingdom\nwalls to get a better view of what was going on only to confirm that it was worse\nthan he thought and that the dark sphere had grown tremendously, Oh no.\n Nassif attempted to cast a hovering spell with his staff but the crystal was\nbarely glowing and only lifted him off of the kingdom wall enough to slip a hand\nunder. Nassif shook his head and ran across the sky towards the maw of darkness\nwith each step being a little closer to the ground until he was standing on it.\n Cmon, Ive got to show them. Maybe then itll rebuild their hope. Nassif\nsaid before he embraced the kings scrolls he obtained and boosted his magical\npower tenfold.\n Nassif wished he had had that level of power when he had first activated the\nstrange-looking sphere of destruction. He cast a containment spell at the sphere and\nbegan pouring every bit of energy the scrolls had granted him into the singular\nspell. The gigantic maw of darkness and destruction ripped the very landscape"} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "inwards, pulling whole trees and any animals unlucky enough to get too close until\nNassifs energy struck it as it immediately began working on creating a seal.\n I was worried that you wouldnt grab enough. King Mazar said as he rode\nup beside Nassif before the king dropped a satchel full of scrolls beside the mage,\nThis thing was hidden within the caves?\n Sort of. It was a scroll, but when I touched it, it became that. Nassif said\nwhile he took a momentary break from powering the containment spell to catch his\nbreath and quickly rummage through the spells King Mazar had brought, Aha!\nThese are great! How come these werent in your collection?\n They were in my private collection, but I thought you could use them more\nthan I could. King Mazar replied, still staring out at the strange dark sphere\ndrawing everything it touched inside.\n I need to shrink this at least some to show the people that its possible.\nNassif said before he began trying to shrink down the dark sphere.\n Nassifs staffs crystal was shining, but it was wavering from dimming to\ngetting brighter. King Mazar looked at it and took off back for the kingdom while\nNassif continued using his spells to boost his energy. Nassif grimaced, hoping that\nthe maw of destruction wouldnt grow large enough and pull him in.\n I never meant to be the one to unleash the prophecy. Nassif said to himself\nwhile he continued doing his best to contain the monstrous dark sphere threatening\nto engulf the kingdom.\n King Mazar rode his trusty stead all the way back to the kingdom. King\nMazar ran up onto the public stage and watched alongside the crowd of onlooking\ncivilians as Nassifs magical energy slowly spread across the dark sphere."} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "civilians as Nassifs magical energy slowly spread across the dark sphere.\n Arch-Mage Nassifs great power protects us! King Mazar said loudly to his\npeople as they all watched the mages energy flow around the strange, giant dark\nsphere.\n The crowd cheered and, unbeknownst to them, the crystal in Nassifs staff\nbegan glowing unwaveringly. Nassif instantly began pouring the energy into his\nspell, hoping desperately to get a better grip on containing the tremendously\npowerful, yet equally unstable magically anomaly. \n Yeah! Nassif said while his crystal began glowing quite brightly and\nboosted his base power, The people have hope!\n Nassifs energy spread slightly faster across the dark maw and began curving\naround to the backside. Nassif felt his energy collide with each other and knew he\nhad successfully covered the dark sphere, but he also knew that it wasnt over, that\nhe had only just stopped it from growing. Nassif began maintaining the seal while\nhe tried to shrink the dark orb down like he had before, but it refused to budge.\nNassif sighed and felt fear attempting to creep into him, but he staved it off and\nrefocused on trying to figure out how to shrink the monstrous magic."} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "Nassif stumbled back, unable to continue to power it as he breathed quite\ndeeply in an attempt to catch his breath. Nassif rummaged through the kings\nsatchel but wasnt able to find anything that could help him with the idea he had in\nmind. He dumped out the scrolls and stepped on them before he activated\nthem all at once and instantly fired an energizing beam into his containment spell,\nhoping desperately that it was just a matter of power he needed.\n Shrink! Nassir said angrily as his crystals brightness began fluctuating\nonce again, No, I need that power!\n The dark sphere of destruction began eating away at the energy encasing it,\nslowly getting closer to being able to continue absorbing everything it touched.\nNassir looked over the scrolls in the kings satchel once again and found a\ncombination of spells that he wasnt sure would work together, but it was the only\nthing he could think. Nassir wrapped one scroll around the crystal on his staff and\ntied it in place before he used the two of the other scrolls to enchant the staff.\nFinally, Nassir took the last scroll and slapped it against his shoulder and instantly\nfelt the top-of-the-line spell boost his raw strength quite considerably.\n Ive only got one shot at this, but its a really big target. I still hope I dont\nmiss. Nassir said while he aimed his staff like it was a spear with the crystal top\nacting as the head.\n Nassir activated the spell on his crystal before he threw the staff like a spear\ndirectly into the giant, monstrous black void of destruction. The staff disappeared\nbut the prophesized inescapable maw of destruction had started to shrink. Nassir\nchuckled gleefully as the void shrank down so far that it was becoming hard to see"} +{"id": "9fadbf54-2518-4e06-98fa-bd80b13527cf-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:21.58", "backgroundColor": "#ac693a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTgJ2FmWt8DVrMxA7uVA8rVvjCfFU5KTaG466NWz6kxh", "txHash": "0xcdd6e9cda5d1e85e381cf34ac59e1b77f3b4e458d446653f5c5289cfef31331e", "createdAtBlock": 14985672, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 205, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Nassif of the Villa", "text": "chuckled gleefully as the void shrank down so far that it was becoming hard to see\nat the distance they were at and prompted Nassir to chase off towards where the\ncave system used to be.\n Good job, Nassif. King Mazar said when Nassir returned to the city\nwithout his staff, It was a great sacrifice, but it was worth it.\n I was just glad that spell worked. Nassif replied quietly so that only he and\nthe king could hear him before the two shared a chuckle.\n Me too. The King replied while the two looked out at the perfect sphere cut\ninto the landscape, That was close.\n The two walked to the top of the kingdom wall and watched as the landscape\nbegan reforming. Nassifs staff even hovered out as the rocks reformed before it\nreturned to Nassifs hand while the mage stared at it wide-eyed.\n The crystal it has the void inside of it. Nassif said feeling the intense\npower his staff held now because of it.\n We are lucky to have a mage such as you protecting the kingdom. King\nMazar said, getting a cheer from the crowd behind them in the street.\n The crowd began cheering for Nassif for saving them all while the mage\nstood next to the king and watched the rest of the landscape reform."} +{"id": "88bef27d-1e76-4653-b815-32b1272537bf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:24.363", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmexmwtC7ezkfVTtSkyfRJh8th2rt36wYUgiQZgiWERpvA", "txHash": "0x6a7ef0a430e04d7bb397e2692c0e995c36cb24d98e4ecde65613ab688a96d5cd", "createdAtBlock": 14989002, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4612, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Scraps Crusher of the Ring", "text": "His hyena laughs as Scraps mercilessly crushes his enemies with his staff. Few dare oppose him."} +{"id": "4f082b06-c4c5-4121-9ba1-afa2b1fbbe52-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:25.245", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfV2REXXuteq9ayLmXeLq34KEWmwY4noAtqbJszbyufhj", "txHash": "0x4a69318a7be723821444220235d75f45b318ccdbc9c103832d51d1097d9004a5", "createdAtBlock": 14989054, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12747, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ruthven Sword of the Cockatrice", "text": "His wolverine snickers as Ruthven rides into battle.\n\nBorn of the desert, the warrior follows a creed he calls \"the water.\" Water sustains him, teaches him, inspires him. His life is a quest to find water of all kinds.\n\nSpring water for his body.\n\nHoly water for his spirit.\n\nThe tears of his enemies, for his revenge."} +{"id": "eb0ca1b2-9567-4043-81ea-00b11ae59b38-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:25.891", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeRoXSF29xquzBrqm7esHktAeYsQTwGdLvLr7q8Jc8gaV", "txHash": "0x783d19dce7055b0cd74c44552da16b2a694bc81724e4f17b3810981c36c100d3", "createdAtBlock": 14989057, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 836, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maximus Defeater of Cataclysm", "text": "# Maximus. Defeater of Cataclysm, sets sail upon an airship on \n\n6/19/22... to travel to the runiverse. \n\nWhat sights shall he see, and what perils shall he face on his journey?\n\nWhat beasts shall he tame,\nAnd will there be Jelly Donuts on the plane?\n\nWill he run into goblins,\nand will he wish he had the help of Bane?\n\nTime shall tell..."} +{"id": "f98321a5-9cb8-4fd3-87ac-afa2f806d4ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:27.414", "backgroundColor": "#2a0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWP3CFcP849Kc7HBf68jqjhomGnmed7xjLdzUdx1QZ4Yk", "txHash": "0x086da34e6d84490099dcdc5fa8878ae87770913ebbfc716e23e0dedd9f59efc8", "createdAtBlock": 14989200, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8045, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Eric of the Capital", "text": "\"I will never leave! I will neve leave!\" screamed Eric, as he woke himself up in the middle of another nightmare deep into the dark and cold night. Even after gaining so much power and having his lucky black cat, Master Meow, always by his side, Eric was still afraid to venture out of comfort zone. His lived in the Capital for 42 years and not once has he stepped foot outside the Capital walls. He was afraid of the unknown ever since...."} +{"id": "c05566da-d8b5-4d8f-b1ec-5edc21545b2f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:29", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb3J3gyVLCceYPjrGmUzZD1s8EhE6vRT4j8zfw7F2j1zp", "txHash": "0xf5d4ebba97d356cfca7aef5cc6a1a8d2afb6a3ca26be2f4357536824fbd1906f", "createdAtBlock": 14990957, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8039, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Geomancer Wolfram of the Villa", "text": "# Wolfram the Psychedelic Rock-thrower\n\nFirst time?\n\nWolfram's first experience of magic came when he met his psychedelic pet toad, Henry\n\n## The Awakening\n\nAfter a long night of partying with Henry and his toad friends in an ancient cavern system, Wolfram found that he could could commune with the rock spirits \n\nThis came in handy\n\nNeed some cash? Ask the rocks if they can whip you up some precious stones \n\nNeed someone dead? They can open a hole down to the Earth's core right under their feet\n\n## The Aftermath\n\nSince most of his friends are now literally rocks, Wolfram spends most of his time in the jungle or in underground caverns a long way from civilisation \n\nNow whether Wolfram can in fact talk to rocks, or whether this is still part of his extended first trip is still up for debate"} +{"id": "c61cb8e4-abed-4b7c-8ae5-b49f69a338f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:47.485", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYWGyvoTi9kKTzs4YdwCs8xQoJfPvKvktPKqrPYqB6Dif", "txHash": "0xf199a3b97ccc5c42e9f7605b4f3c7d8690b85f5f8a96d71ea9fb97718bc34b99", "createdAtBlock": 14998454, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4677, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lorthar Nullifier of the Horde", "text": "# Act I\n\nStood on Cedric's neck, Lorthar suddenly had an epiphany. What if he didn't plunge the sword slowly through his foe's eye socket? What if he didn't raze the poor soul's village to the ground? What if let his foe rise to his feet? Maybe that would fill the black hole that sat squarely at the centre of his heart.\n\nUnfortunately for Cedric, the thought was quickly supplanted by lunch and he found his head rolling towards the now flaming inn, which ironically, was called the flaming inn.\n\nSo was all in a day's work for Lorthar and now awaited a pint of mead and a sandwich, onwards was the motto and onwards he would go."} +{"id": "45435aee-a213-48d6-813b-1cd6256da0f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:30.498", "backgroundColor": "#174398", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYM53vqS2Rv5HM3fTuQwsnTH8PJPRxJSt3EqqYqGfYbAf", "txHash": "0x8e14d39b90eb47a57d3bee650989fc68d60fe0429659fd80aba6ead3c8042729", "createdAtBlock": 14991913, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12187, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Garrison Debilitator of the Highlands", "text": "# Happy Father's Day\n\nThanks for helping + teaching me to fix everything!\n\nNow to the lore....\n\n\nAll the creatures come to Garrison's repair shop. The wizards, the warriors, even the Kobolds... Althoygh Garrison is a warrior, most consider him a wizard with the wrench."} +{"id": "13789c64-05a9-4b7b-ab2f-158b5527231a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:33.523", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaidvbNNMG9sbHbHzdPiVS1nzeChFrvQkdN91qxareKFw", "txHash": "0xe0b69c92e03ada3221efcd167ddb1a357563a9e5a139c924e964f1f65fa274ff", "createdAtBlock": 14992423, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11506, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nitro Contender of Tigers", "text": "# The Lore of Nitro Contender of Tigers \n\nNitro's affinity for MMA couldn't keep him out of the ring. But one day a hard hit to the head changed all his plans to be a champion fighter. \n\nAt the same time that he suffered that particularly brutal KO, he suddenly decided that his true adversaries were Tigers. His old friends just shook their heads - what had happened to their old friend? \n\nBut Nitro couldn't be dissuaded from searching for Tigers to fight. He went from town to town, looking for Tigers that could be up to no good. But on his travels, he began to hear about Tigrises that were believed to be at the center of a crime ring. This could be the battle that he was meant to fight. On his own he would have no chance. Foolhardy as he was in the ring, contending with this ring on his own is not the kind of punishment he would sign up for. Whether he can succeed in confronting these marauders depends entirely on the wizards and warriors he will meet on the way."} +{"id": "1cecd29c-cf12-4ca5-a235-ad1e6c6eb836-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.197", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmb7UBg5JLxKk6pEWWPGcM4Zu1JKVfHwobXQXx6e5Sz5L3", "txHash": "0x6a761d8b7f3da28469e62f25c3bf216554c980ce5fb6658b91afb916ffc0e078", "createdAtBlock": 14992797, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5090, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mack Charlatan of the Alley", "text": "# Hey! I'm Mack! \n\nWizards and Warriors alike say I'm always stalking around in the alleys of Goblin Town, but they'll never understand, it's where I feel most comfortable.\n\nNo one knows them like I do. \n\nIt would be unwise to challenge me whilst in them for my handy Tuck and I know how to end a challenge quickly. \n\n# More Lore of Mack Charlatan of the Alley to come soon."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "# Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm\n\n\nLife for Setsuko Suki had been anything but easy since she was a child. By the time she was 13, her mother had passed from a sickly disease that ravaged her village. Her father, a drunk, had abandoned her on their farm in the middle of the night. Suki learned from an early age that if anybody was going to take care of her, it would be herself.\n\nOver time, Suki would meet new people and take odd jobs to provide for herself. No job was too small, and few were big enough to scare her away. On one fall evening, while walking down a dirt path with her friend Marcellus Chopper of the Tower, they saw a frantic-looking Wizard that was running towards them.\n\nOnce he was close, he yelled out, Please, help me! I was just robbed of my staff! They are running off with it towards the barn down the road!\n\nSuki responded, What does it matter to us? Aren't you a powerful Wizard?\n\nThe wizard responded, You will be rewarded, please hurry! Meet me at my tower when you have it!\n\nIt didn't take long for Suki and Marcellus to track down the Goblin who had stolen the staff. They followed his footprints into an old barn and found him cowering beneath some hay. With no ability to escape, the Goblin surrendered the staff, and the young heroes were able to return it to the Wizard. \n\nUpon receiving the staff, the Wizard presented the two warriors with two young jungle cats. I had planned on using these in my experiments, but they are now too old. Take them and be gone!\n\nThrough the Fall, over winter, and into Spring, Suki would train her new jungle cat Bagheera to become her hunting companion. They had grown very close over that time and had learned to trust each other."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "One afternoon while training out on the farm's field, the Wizard who had his staff stolen the year before approached Suki and Bagheera. \n\nSince you were able to retrieve my staff from that nasty Goblin, I have a new job for you. It is very dangerous, and I will pay good money upon its completion. I will give you the details you need to know, but you are forbidden from looking inside the box that contains the items.\n\nWhere is this box? asked Suki.\n\nSnarling, the Wizard replied, You will find the box in a caravan leaving the Blue Wizard Bastion and heading towards Alessars Keep within a week. The caravan will follow the road through The Wild. It will be guarded by Mage and Warrior. I must get the contents inside. My latest experiment depends on it!\n\nSuki thought for a minute before responding, I will need to hire additional hands to complete this task. The Guards will be a problem\n\nHire who you must but tell no one else. I will pay you half now, and the other half when you deliver the package. The Wizard threw a large sack of gold at Sukis feet and departed. \n\nLittle did the Wizard know, Suki already had a crew ready for a job like this. At the first sign of sunlight the next morning, Suki set off to gather her team. First, her childhood friend Marcellus Chopper of the Tower. Second, their mechanical friend Meteo Hero of Machines. And last, their unofficial drunk uncle Rothschild of Goblins. \n\nWith the party now assembled, these four heroes departed the village and headed to the outskirts of the Blue Wizard Bastion. They followed the road into The Wild, scouting for the right location to take the caravan by surprise."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "They ventured deep into the forest along the path of The Carnival Pass and located the perfect spot. Tall, and lush trees to shield the ground from the sun above. Overhanging limbs intersecting trees from the other side high above. Knobby roots remained exposed, crossing the path. The caravan would be left in hazy darkness. Large boulders along the path would provide a vantage point for the party to attach from above. The stream nearby would create mud thick enough to make it difficult for the wagons to escape quickly. \n\nThe plan was coming together, but now it was just a matter of time for the caravan to arrive.\n\nEarly in the morning on the 5th day, Suki and Bagheera spotted the full caravan two miles from the ambush spot. There were eight guards in total, two riding ponies in front, and two in the back. \n\nThe first wagon carried its driver and three Mage with supplies in the back. The second wagon carried a single box behind the driver and his assistant. \n\nSuki and Bagheera rushed back to the party to ready them for action. The caravan was near, and anticipation was in the air.\n\nMarcellus, Meteo, and Rothschild all readied themselves in their positions. The forest went quiet. \n\nThe faint clopping of the ponies' hooves could be heard first. The loud stomping on stones and branches announced the caravan's arrival. Getting closer, Suki waited for the signal from Marcellus. \n\nOnce the first pair of Warriors passed, Suki would jump down from a tall boulder onto the first wagon, take out the driver and pull on the wagon's brakes, locking them in place. This would create a barricade between the first riders and the rest of the caravan. It would also prevent the second wagon from running forward and escaping."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "Meteo and Rothschild would take out the riders in the back and stop anybody from running in the direction they came. The group would then push inward and eliminate everybody else.\n\nSuki and Marcellus locked eyes. They watched the first riders pass together, and Marcellus gave the signal. A loud blow horn blew, and the caravan froze in fear. Suki jumped down and sliced into the first wagons driver. He fell out of the wagon onto the dirt and was left to bleed out. The horses of the front riders were spooked. Bucking their riders off their backs, but tangling their feet in the saddle straps, they ran as fast as they could from the rest of the group with the riders dragging behind.\n\nMeteo and Rothschild emerged from a fallen tree trunk that was next to the path. Lunging up from the ground, they grabbed the riders in the back and pulled them off the ponies' backs. Their steeds went running and never returned. \n\nThe four guards on foot were caught by surprise and gathered into a group, facing back to back. Meteo and Rothschild had tied a rope around both of their waists and ran around the outside of this group. After running full circles, the rope ran out of slack and was now being pulled tight against the guards. The rope dug into the exposed areas under the stomachs and started to choke the men. \n\nMarcellus ran to the second wagons driver and ripped him out of his seat. He fell to the ground and lay flat in the mud gasping for air. One of the ponies pulling the cart reared up, letting out a loud neigh in fear. Coming down, its hooves landed on the driver, caving in his chest."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "The wizards in the first wagon stood up to cast their spells, but Suki was already there. She carved through the first wizard and sidestepped them to get to the second. Lunging forward, she hit her mark in the middle of his chest. She spun around to locate the last Wizard but couldn't find her. In the fray, it appeared as though the last Wizard escaped.\n\nSuki called out to the others, Do you see the third Wizard?! She's not in the Wagon!\n\nSuddenly, emerging atop the large boulder that Suki had dropped down from, the third Wizard announced her position and began to conjure magic. Before she uttered the last part of his spell, Bagheera lunged from a lower position and latched onto her arm! The two tumbled to the ground, where the Wizard let out her last gasp and then went silent.\n\nThe skirmish was over. \n\nMeteo and Rothschild began rummaging through the pockets of the slain caravan members, all loot was up for grabs! Armor, equipment, food, and coin would be split amongst the party, but unique items were the spoils to its finder.\n\nSuki and Marcellus walked to the second wagon to inspect the cargo. They didn't hear anything at first, but after looking closer could hear muffled noises coming from inside.\n\nThey tried to look through the small holes that had been cut out near the top of the box, but there wasn't enough light to see what was inside. Suki noticed a small divide in the plants on top and pulled one of the divided boards to the side. \n\nWhat she saw caused her to gasp. In the darkness of that box, two sets of scared eyes looked back at her."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "While she didnt know what exactly was inside the box, Suki knew for certain that they shouldn't be in there. Marcellus was just as surprised when he looked through the same crack. \n\nSuki and Marcellus both took a step back and looked at each other. They knew what needed to be done. Finding a blade thin enough to wedge it between the boards, Suki pried open the top layers of wood and revealed two small children bound by their wrists and ankles. Their mouths gagged with cloth tied behind their heads.\n\nA small parchment paper was nailed to the side that read, These now orphans were taken in the middle of the night. Their parents were slain. Nobody will be looking for them. Do what you will with them\n\nA flood of memories and emotions hit Suki like a tidal wave. All the fear from her childhood came rushing back, and it caught her off balance. She took a few steps back, knelt in the mud, and wept.\n\nMeteo and Rothschild, not knowing what had just happened, walked up with big smiles on their faces. Holding up large sacks that they had filled with the loot, Meteo exclaimed, Look, boss! Now we can all get ponies! Expecting a laugh and excitement, they let out a chuckle. When that laugh wasn't returned, both Meteo and Rothschild investigated the box that was now ripped open on top. They peaked over the sides and found those same eyeballs from before looking up at them.\n\nMarcellus untied the children's bindings and lifted them out of the box. Meteo and Rothschild collected the rest of the loot and loaded it into their supply bags. They cleaned up the path as best they could and left in a hurry."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "They traveled for many hours into the night, stopping only briefly to eat and drink. Suki couldn't get her mind off one simple question: What should they do with these children?\n\nAfter putting a lot of distance between the party and the ambush spot, the group agreed to stop and rest. It had been a long night, and it would take time before anybody would know to start looking for the missing package.\n\nThey had slept for a few hours before Suki woke up and sat down next to a fire pit that had been made in the middle of the camp. She threw some branches and dried-up leaves into the mix and stoked the flame. It wasn't long before Marcellus walked over and sat next to Suki.\n\nSuki spoke first, We can't take these children to the Wizard who knows what he plans to do with them.\n\nAgreed, said Marcellus. But what will we do with them?\n\nThey sat in silence for a few minutes before Suki responded. Who knows what will happen if we take them to somebody What I do know is that if they are with me, they will be safe.\n\nBy this time, Meteo and Rothschild had woken up and made their way to the fire pit. Suki shared her plan of keeping the children, and neither of them contested it. Next, they needed to decide what to do with the Wizard.\n\nThey spent the next few hours discussing and coming up with a plan. Though exhausted from the day before, the party packed up camp and headed back to Sukis Village and the Wizards Tower.\n\nThey arrived at the Village after midday. Suki took the boys to her farmhouse and secured them inside. They found a box big enough and headed to the tower.\n\nThe plan was simple: Rothschild would hide in the box, and after the wizard brought it inside, Rothschild would pop up and jab the Wizard in the heart."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "They dropped the box at the foot of the front door and called out for the Wizard. He ripped the door open, threw the sack of gold at Suki, dragged the box inside, and slammed the door shut.\n\nSuki, Marcellus, and Meteo waited outside. After a few minutes, they heard a faint shout. Baha, en garde! Rothschild had succeeded. And a moment later he came walking out the front door, spinning a key ring around his pointer finger. \n\nBet you didn't think it would go that smoothly But if you'll excuse me, Ive got a wine cellar to raid!\n\nMarcellus and Meteo joined in to raid the tower and find whatever loot they could. \n\nSuki returned to the farmhouse. She had hidden the boys beneath the floorboards in a crawl space. When she pulled it up, she found them cowering in the corner, hiding from the light.\n\nShe slowly lowered herself and called out for them. They both jumped into her arms and started crying. Please don't leave us again, the slightly larger boy begged. The smaller one could only continue to cry.\n\nSuki was quick to respond, You won't ever be alone again. They stayed there for a while, just crying, and embracing.\n\nThey sat together for a while before letting go of each other. Suki wiped away the tears that had fallen down her cheeks.\n\nWhat shall I call you both? asked Suki.\n\nThe red-hooded child, more shy than the green-hooded boy, spoke up. My parents called me Charming Kobold of the Capital, but my friends at home called me Koby.\n\nThe green hooded boy responded, my name is Shrewd Asphodel of the Ball, but you can call me Ashe."} +{"id": "5ce229c0-40d4-4ef0-911c-acc6a46ec54d-8", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:34.893", "backgroundColor": "#010c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXbWkxEJiXUu6z4rTvyYrAJxdYCd7dXZ8QMJnSBQKM7Gb", "txHash": "0x5e31628f7caa0ee6a1d56ce0759dc63a9ad6099fb5e51e3f22abcfd05b64ce76", "createdAtBlock": 14993169, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2821, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVLXk44orAh6QZ7gAuwXeA2iH3etXo1SSfeHsUqQoJqgz", "name": "Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm", "text": "The adventures of Suki, Koby Ashe, and Bagheera were now afoot! Where they will venture next has yet to be decided, but the story will unfold itself very soon!"} +{"id": "a26b4053-40fd-4bcc-882b-296fa9f7e2af-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:38.026", "backgroundColor": "#183b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5uH3EYTZHVFc5vvCVCboFsM1Ruor9j7sDonuMx11ziS", "txHash": "0xa9fa0bfebf0d5a2dde4d5467333181b000cfea60acda178b79320c6409129b03", "createdAtBlock": 14993920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11508, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bargo Basher of the Jungle", "text": "# The Lore of Bargo Basher of the Jungle\n\nBeing a Lycan, there's only one safe place for Bargo, and that is the Jungle. Cast away by everyone in the city except his loyal field dog, Bargo fled with his token west side pipe wrench. The wrench has turned out to be very much a gang affiliation for Bargo and he carries it with pride. Even though he has been cast away, he still considers the west side to be the best side.\n\nThe Jungle is full of dangerous creatures with powerful venoms. The only way for him to survive is with the help of his Toxin shield. Anyone getting between him and what he needs (or what his field dog needs) gets a bashing. \n\nThe Jungle is changing Bargo slowly. Maybe one day he will return to the city but how will he fit in? Maybe he could bring his new skills to use in his old gang if they would have him. Bargo notches the days he has been cast away into a tree. He looks for a cure for his condition so that he can go back to his old life."} +{"id": "9864c90e-07ef-4d5e-897c-c676d2534c1a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:38.844", "backgroundColor": "#0c1b32", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRSa35spVvyADwosGRssJihMmqzyQgB4sPbNbtAxwgphk", "txHash": "0xe77615d7ea05f857cac4f9e451e7f55c80e8a0664353bec151ded57773f28fd3", "createdAtBlock": 14994196, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14616, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Peter Eidolon of Brigands", "text": "## *He was there, and then he was gone.* \n\nThats all most wizards can recall of their encounters with the greatest thief to ever walk the Runiverse. \n\nSongs would have been sung of Peter (and Bloop, his wolverine companion) if it werent for his prowessmost who fell prey to his talents never even know hed been there. A traveller on the road would notice that theyd been relieved of a pony in the night, or a bag of gold in broad daylight. Was it Peter? No-one could ever know for sure how many precious items vanished into the hands of this most talented of brigands. \n\nPeter could have been a rich man from his skill as a thief but it was rumored that a shadowy figure had been seen in every wizard capital, bastion, and haven, distributing riches to the downtrodden denizens of the flea-ridden outskirts and shantytowns. \n\nNo one has seen Peter in a generation, and it's rumored that he's been recharging his digital bones after a close encounter with another legendary thief @warrior13787."} +{"id": "f866dfb8-d87d-484f-83a8-b3d3a1cd05de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:39.652", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNUJB5he8SoWdikJjJjTQaGK39harYwtGzxjv3dpmYPb6", "txHash": "0x191d7aaea4e1c343b88cfb99d5da58f5ac53280b5c4a8045be7f19f448ae9db1", "createdAtBlock": 14994619, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12091, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jimbo Horror of the Back Alley", "text": "# The Lore of Jimbo Horror of the Back Alley\n\nThe good and proper denizens of the Runiverse would never set foot in the Alley. The Alley is full of shady characters and one is likely to get swindled or robbed. Yes, the alley has all kinds of offerings unavailable on the open market, but one might just lose more than they gain.\n\nThat is the Alley. The shady characters of the Alley don't dare to venture into the Back Alley unless they have no other choice. The Back Alley has horrors that are inconceivable to anyone who has not lost their mind. And Jimbo is one of those horrors.\n\nChainsaw in hand, Jimbo's mission is to terrorize anyone who he feels doesn't belong in the back alley. Playing the part of vigilante, Jimmy fashions himself a balancer, keeping the Back Alley the way it's supposed to be. But remember, Jimmy has lost his mind. A rational observer would just see someone who at times randomly attacks passersby and at other times glares menacingly and unflinchingly. He is a warrior with a mission, but one which is inscrutable to anyone else."} +{"id": "0e14c4c0-ca40-4bd5-bc36-76a4fb877c38-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-18T06:57:15.423", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmag13h1BzaNV6kkUvKn8RSYbSHXN81eKaBzXeYQSWm6dj", "txHash": "0x60fc45f76b442faf892c175e7da6e32a3b79eeea2dd6d25eedeeb8265c2695f9", "createdAtBlock": 15165140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8764, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lance Crusher of Sheep", "text": "\"Baaaah...baaaaaaaaah...\"\n*SPLURT*"} +{"id": "2046eac7-51a6-4279-8f9a-91864d7e39cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:41.387", "backgroundColor": "#2f0101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNuo8vNrPfdYt6gjWFtRU73V2fkdAYci8AhXU6ZpGAkoV", "txHash": "0x3f54935494515b23befc1ac25f8854c93067267304f683874b494f1ae19654bb", "createdAtBlock": 13527194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Voidoth of the Event Horizon", "text": "# Adept Voidoth of the Event Horizon\n\n# Prologue\n\n> _I have yet to be successful of convincing the High Council of their folly. They are much too self-absorbed, self-righteous, overly confident, not to mention over-committed, to listen to any form of reason; They remain steadfast and refuse to change course. This close to their goal, to finally have the power to contest with even the brightest and strongest Wizards, I do not wholly place the blame at their feet. I am at an impasse, and I fear should I fail now, the world we built will surely fail with me._\n> \n> _As the age old saying goes, the more colossal the construct, the mightier the downfall. Far beyond my wildest imaginings have we progressed, crafting marvels beyond belief, this so-called Technology escalating at a parabolic pace, but the potential for disaster looms. Yet power corrupts, much like the Void, and once it sinks its talons deep, forever trapped one may remain._\n> \n> _Will they forgive us, I wonder as I gaze up at a sky full of lights - unnaturally full of lights - those who will come after, the few who survive what is surely coming? What of their children, should they be able to bear any? In that regard, our only hope - a frail thing at best - would be destruction so compete, so absolute, that generations from now ignorance, and bliss, shall absolve us of our sins._\n>\n> _Im getting desperate, and we grow ever short on time, however we may yet prevail. Have you managed to reach an accord with The Others? The hour grows dire and at this junction we are nearly out of options. Perhaps it is the only way._\n> \n> _Until we meet again, give not in to despair, we must endeavor to save the world._\n>"} +{"id": "2046eac7-51a6-4279-8f9a-91864d7e39cd-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:41.387", "backgroundColor": "#2f0101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNuo8vNrPfdYt6gjWFtRU73V2fkdAYci8AhXU6ZpGAkoV", "txHash": "0x3f54935494515b23befc1ac25f8854c93067267304f683874b494f1ae19654bb", "createdAtBlock": 13527194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Voidoth of the Event Horizon", "text": "> Origin redacted\n>\n> _Ancient Letters from the Resistance_\n\n\n\n\nProximity alarms blaring, Voidoth immediately snapped out of his reverie. Ordinarily not one prone to maudlin, he had been unable to avoid the temptation of indulging in retrospection. With the hour pregnant with purpose, the culmination of carefully plans laid with such meticulous care nearing fruition, his mind had journeyed again to a time that very few alive today would remember or have even heard of. Nor was he a man of conscience, yet still to reminiscence had he gone; back to the origin, whence events eventually had led to this fortuitous place, to this very moment, where they had shaped the future forever.\n\nAs he powered down his augmented senses, slowly rising from his crouch deep in the mists, Voidoths vision returned to normal - and the approaching figure, but a moment ago blazing like the brightest star, appeared once again merely as a robed and hooded figure mundane. Better safe than sore had ever been his modus operandi, every tangent of tantalizing opportunity calculated, and this was no time to stray from his undying attenuated path. \n\nDr. Death, it is a welcome sight to behold your gristly visage once again, Voidoth said to the skeletal figure before him. It would surely have been a sight for sore eyes had he still been encumbered by such mortal flaws, however his old friends presence after near an age apart split his irradiant skull into a grim grin.\n\nVoidoth, it has been too long. Are you prepared? Dr. Death asked coming to a halt in front of him. I trust the timing is flawless. It would be a terrible waste if all our long-laid plans were to fail at this crucial point in the timeline."} +{"id": "2046eac7-51a6-4279-8f9a-91864d7e39cd-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:41.387", "backgroundColor": "#2f0101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNuo8vNrPfdYt6gjWFtRU73V2fkdAYci8AhXU6ZpGAkoV", "txHash": "0x3f54935494515b23befc1ac25f8854c93067267304f683874b494f1ae19654bb", "createdAtBlock": 13527194, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2372, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Voidoth of the Event Horizon", "text": "Suppressing a chuckle at his companions eternal sense of decorum, Voidoth allowed a trickle of his imposing magic filter into his lunar staff, casting the mists around them in an eerie glow. Ah, ever the pragmatic. Yes, everything is in motion and the Veil will soon part. All we need is simply to Burn, he replied.\n\nWe already died once, you know, Death commented.\n\nOh, how they had died. Glorious deaths, a necessity in becoming that which they must, a price scant few were willing to pay. Then again, most were unaware of the great potential for power in surrendering your mortality. And the pain, the excruciating, yet transient, agony. Indeed, we did old friend. However, this time may our Souls pass through the Veil and beyond, Voidoth said drawing deep on the arcane, his robes flaring, the Sacred Flame manifesting.\n\nHis stoic friend simultaneously initiated his own ritual, his massive golden scythes wailing song enveloping them, flavored with Earth, focused by will, adding a second hungry crimson flame. They will be expecting this, you know. We may well be contested.\n\nOh, I certainly hope they are, for they may be in for a surprise, Voidoth replied, turning towards twin scarlet sources of dark magic.\n\nAfter you then, gestured Dr. Death as they strode confidently towards the hungrily sputtering flames, twin skulls reflecting the fire held high, ancient vizors aglow."} +{"id": "c849cf0d-41ea-4eaa-8c3e-5b2b759afada-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:16.995", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVnXbFPjJM86Ug9ZZMABUW5Jk68FTvTBZXDnzW9JJy497", "txHash": "0x7619446d71e941e19c95e418b391107a26edd89ba55a6cf3739db0eb58aa2faf", "createdAtBlock": 15068631, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3793, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cadmus Executor of Zero", "text": "# Cadmus Executor of Zero\n\nWise wizards know better than to try dividing by zero. But Cadmus is no wizard. He tried. In fact, he is the oly known entity in the Runiverse who dared to divide by zero and lived to tell the tale. \n\nAt least, the important parts of him survived. His body and most of his face disintegrated in the violent outburst of antimatter that followed. Luckily his brain remained unscathed and he was saved quickly enough for the rest of him to be replaced by mechanical parts. \n\nThe onyx panther that follows him is a sentient creature actually formed by outburst of antimatter after the zero division incident.\n\nCadmus doesn't plan to divide by zero again anytime soon, but he is not afraid to threaten his enemies with such prospect. And they are usually smart enough to not push him to it."} +{"id": "e075362c-ee27-4488-8e4d-fec4b4fa3940-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-19T10:12:36.185", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQPNUv1yciVd2xrTLsD5j3ECfm4WdYRevxe9fznraHQLy", "txHash": "0xe270f7407e80367fe9350bcf775ef3d66fbbfbe8a3a4b8984767d6b6e99ca101", "createdAtBlock": 15172462, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12482, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Naberius of Light", "text": "# Torturin' Ain't Easy\n\nLook, he's not proud of his profession. But not every warrior gets asked to join a fancy guild or finds fame of the dragonslaying sort. Naberius had to settle.\n\nSo he answered a \"Help Wanted\" ad in the local newspaper and found employment as a man who makes others confess.\n\nIt was excruciating... for Naberius, that is. He doesn't like stretching people out on the rack, or holding flames under their feet. It's just not his vibe, man! Not to mention, it really stresses out his pet hog, Chonky Boi.\n\nOver time, Naberius found methods more suited to his temperament that still got results. Incessant tickling, for example, is very effective. So are a litany of unending dad jokes. You have to be creative, but sometimes the pun is mightier than the sword.\n\nInformally, he came to be known as a Master of his craft:\n\nNABERIUS OF LIGHT DISCOMFORT"} +{"id": "2530ed98-6b5f-4a71-a8fa-99c784120859-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:41.171", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSrsFhv1R4mqVE5vLtWh9cfAPET6itqhzdeutokciyLBt", "txHash": "0x59c9b0fe7e8aa80ab1b9eb122f955707a003f5d319bde9986b7d606ccf11c763", "createdAtBlock": 14995648, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 463, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sprite the Dependable", "text": "# The Pearl Pony with a Rune of Fire\n\nMama tried to raise the pony right, for one day he'd have to go out into the world alone.\n\nCherry the Average and her foal, Sprite, lived on a peaceful farm near the Fey. As horses go, Cherry the Average was exceedingly average. She'd never been called upon to do much of anything in life. The only thing of importance to her was to raise Sprite right. As a mama, she tried to keep him out of trouble, and, for the most part, she did.\n\nFrom time to time, those pompous knights in their shining armor would stop at the farm seeking respite from this war or that war. They always moved on and never took much interest in Cherry or Sprite. She was not a warhorse and Sprite was a pony. But that's the thing about ponies - they grow.\n\nThe knight, Ser Veepo he was called, had arrived the night before on foot. Now that was a sight to see - all clings and clangs. Not nearly as regal as when mounted. The moment the knight laid eyes on Sprite, the laughter turned to ash in her mouth, she knew. He would take her baby...\n\nMama tried to raise the pony right, for one day he'd have to go out into the world...but not alone."} +{"id": "00ed8d2e-47a0-4b96-b016-6252260606e6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:41.883", "backgroundColor": "#325fff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNSD8aTmTmSCcHyCpEo2yQDTWZmSwiaGEJUTqk1F7a4de", "txHash": "0xa4631f70144a23c998fb7180117f498d11c592951fc6de03f9af2d0cdb6878d8", "createdAtBlock": 14995998, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12431, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Neon Protector of Magic", "text": "# Neon felt\n_Why, if it weren't for this 'internal illumination' the world would be nothing but a pile of dirt!\n Albert Einstein_\n\nNeon was created by a powerful wizard to be the perfect Protector of Magic. The wizard imbued Neon with powerful magic spells and enchantments, making him incredibly powerful. However, unknown to Neon was the nature of his wizard creator, and that nature was dark as the moonless night and his magic as black as the wizard's heart. \n\nOn such a a moonless night the wizard committed his gravest and last error of judgement - he disrespected @wizard950. On a bridge on the way to The Tavern they crossed paths. The wizard, in his foolishness, did not give Ixar right of first passage, even though age difference and wizard code demanded it.\nIxar was forced to obliterate the wizard for there is no room in this world for such insults between sorcerers. Neon leapt to defend his creator and was badly damaged. The wizard was now a pile of ashes and Neon a collection of parts more scattered than whole.\n\nAs he walked away Ixar heard the laments of the trusty warrior robot. Neon's heart cried out, not for himself, but for the demise of his maker \"beep-booooop, beep-boop..\" sad and scared, like a kitten separated from his litter and mother. So @wizard950 took pity on him, for a creature that suffers for others and cannot tell evil from good must contain something noble, something life-worthy. Ixar worked a regenerative spell and now Neon was mended!\n\nNow whole again he asked to join Ixar and in gratitude be his servant and side-kick. \n\nHis request was denied:"} +{"id": "00ed8d2e-47a0-4b96-b016-6252260606e6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:41.883", "backgroundColor": "#325fff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNSD8aTmTmSCcHyCpEo2yQDTWZmSwiaGEJUTqk1F7a4de", "txHash": "0xa4631f70144a23c998fb7180117f498d11c592951fc6de03f9af2d0cdb6878d8", "createdAtBlock": 14995998, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12431, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Neon Protector of Magic", "text": "His request was denied: \n\n@wizard950 -_You, Neon, have a noble gentle soul. It shines so bright, even through that cold metal body, that it would be a crime to pledge it to anyone's shadow! Find your own place in this crazy world, be your own warrior._\n\n@warrior12431 -_But what of my purpose, i am a Protector of Magic. What magic will i protect if i am to be alone. I am scared and confused, nothing to guide me and nothing for me to guide._\n\nAgain Ixar's heart was softened by Neon's innocent and sensitive nature. So he conjured him a Robo Dog companion and named it _Magic_. \n\n@wizard950 -_Little Magic over here looks like he needs some protection. If you learn to care for and protect the tinniest sentient creature half the work is already done and the world, and Magic too, is in good hands._\n\nAnd as their paths diverged \"beep-boop! beep-boop!\" the forest echoed, now joyful and loud."} +{"id": "15622a6f-6ec4-4698-9339-9a4a16fba2fa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:43.589", "backgroundColor": "#451962", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdDckEk5ESabcjWeJe27tn3asR85rZwMpmeoHM3pFHR1", "txHash": "0x7f64c9c7d10379c663094eedb3c63e7430bd8d8964ae8bb91729f4b1448f209c", "createdAtBlock": 14997671, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2059, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmW5bSvWFH9D7ayf2AettMEU8TNW4e7PKo6EB5BmpVt667", "name": "Felix Broiler of Brigands", "text": "## Felix Broiler of Brigands\n\n> Felix Broiler of Brigands\n> *by REDWRITER*\n\nFelix just might be the raddest street cook youll ever find in Calistas Citadel. Cooking from his cart, you can find him with your nose. \n\nHis specialty is goblin steak and mushroom pies that he broils with his trusty flame thrower. The flavors are said to be both savory and psychedelic, leaving you with an out of this world experience.\n\nHe not only serves up pristine cuisine. With the help of his trusty hound, he cleans up crime in the forests and mountains alike. Just dont ask what he does with the bodies, or whats in the mystery pie delight. \n\n\n# Where to Find Felix\n\nIf you want to find @warrior2059 just sniff him out in Calista's Citadel. His only foe who has escaped his flame is @warrior2058.\n\nFor more creative content visit www.redwriter.org."} +{"id": "09003dfe-2a11-4018-85ee-007a953bf8e5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-29T06:16:44.014", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbQcrwi6KbGpiNeBKdTCYqbw5ntwTY41EBzTF4LqbWGhK", "txHash": "0xaf4c2549ceadd6a2a00f86b51cd36074c5be571943f4692aa3f826ba697f60a8", "createdAtBlock": 15235716, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 924, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rothschild Sword of Mount Titan", "text": "# The Great Contender \n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d5K7TJu3i8\n\n(An ode to @warrior923)\n\nOh-oh, yes, I'm the Great Contender\n\nContending in my helmet shell\n\nMy need is such I contend too much\n\nI'm lonely, but no one can tell\n\nOh-oh, yes, I'm the Great Contender\n\nEach lift of my sword slices bone\n\nI've garnered fame but its I that am maimed\n\nYou've left me to cleave all alone\n\nToo real are these shivers without shirt sleeves\n\nToo real are these pecs my singlet can't conceal\n\nYes, I'm the Great Contender\n\nNot laughin', just gay, with a frown\n\nI seem to be what I'm not, you see\n\nI wear my helmet like a crown\n\nContending in hopes youll be found\n\nToo real are these shivers without shirt sleeves\n\nToo real are these pecs my singlet can't conceal\n\nYes, I'm the Great Contender\n\nNot laughin', just gay, got it clown??\n\nI seem to be what I'm not, you see\n\nI wear my helmet like a crown\n\nContending in hopes youll be found (youll be found)"} +{"id": "c2c24028-93cb-4a62-8b49-5d5a35afc06d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:44.468", "backgroundColor": "#432c19", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbqwepVtKhLRFy8xX1YvzwxMUR8C48234UsBkMmWzrsf7", "txHash": "0x085ebd24826116d73c9edd9d561dfc53c6c819d0a845cfacdc347b7a50f7331e", "createdAtBlock": 14997807, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2058, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSVMtTeLVx8kBgxnhHyhvMTJrMMdLkoy6cLGTK51sdGrg", "name": "Warden Champion of Thieves", "text": "# Warden Champion of Thieves\n\n> Warden Champion of Thieves\n> *by REDWRITER*\n\nTravelers beware! Outside of the walls of your havens and halls lurks the most cunning Warrior yet. \n\nWarden earned his title of Champion of Thieves through no mere jolly feat. For Wizards finding themselves weary and weak on their way to Kolbolds Crossroad, you must stay armed when passing through wood and wild. \n\nLurking beyond the wood may await Warden in his bear head hood. No Wizard or Warrior has yet to meet the end of his tuck and not leave without being stuck. \n\nIf encountered, its advised to meet his price demands. For he is known to turn violent, if you try to cheap him from the coin in your hand. \n\n# Where to Find Warden\n\nYou may not want to find @warrior2050. To stay clear, arm yourself along Hedge Wizard Wood, if heading West. Warden's brother @warrior10703 is a much nobler warrior. \n\nFor more creative content visit www.redwriter.org."} +{"id": "24a32050-fa65-4d7f-9528-8bdc79d495c8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:45.17", "backgroundColor": "#127567", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQXCCjMW6cigeXw4HqKL3hEWRVM1Kf5fBPgrqQz7KzZfT", "txHash": "0xe6ca8014b06d0f573cd04daafc8b5b535ceee3704e6a79a5b602ad2c88174db6", "createdAtBlock": 14997835, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10703, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmUDYt5rUH8VyJ3jVDnPV5hV5P47RpqGDg9EyevZYNGPqE", "name": "Rudolph Impaler of the Sun", "text": "# Rudolph Impaler of the Sun\n\n> Rudolph Impaler of the Sun\n> *by REDWRITER*\n\nHired as a mercenary warrior and protector of Atlantas Pool, Rudolph Impaler of the Sun keeps his gaze on The Sands. No beast born of the brimstone and sun emblazed sea of sand will ever stand a chance against the might of his trident. Said to have once impaled the sun out of smite, Rudolph strikes all creatures of flame down. \n\nSo, if you find yourself in need of some R&R at Atlantas Pool, you may rest assured that Rudolph will have your back. \n\n# Where to Find Rudolph\n\nYou can find @warrior10703 chilling at Atlanta's Pool where he is currently standing guard against beast of the brimstone. It is there that he is currently getting over his ex @warrior10702.\n\nFor more creative content visit www.redwriter.org."} +{"id": "89f5a6f0-b276-4366-bc15-d2821d5a19d7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:46.063", "backgroundColor": "#0f1f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWqn7jF73BkQeVL9DRiybPtA3z68pSDGHrRJvrcBLVc4C", "txHash": "0xd6ef517d1c8640cffea33ec197c710e509a7d6a0f9aed4f4a57e10da81a0cac0", "createdAtBlock": 14997874, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14443, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Werner of the North", "text": "# The Lore of Werner of the North\n\nWerner of the North is a South sider. Or is he? Being the compulsive liar that he is, no one can really know whether anything he says is true. Add to that the fact that he is always drunk, and it's impossible to know whether one can even be angry with him for lying.\n\nBut it's impossible to deny that Werner has some ability as a warrior. He wouldn't have been able to obtain Goblin beer without it. Same goes for his Skylord Plate Armor. Maybe he stole them? But even that would require some serious skill. \n\nWhatever it is, the one thing Werner does not have is purpose. His mission is to get what he wants at any price and that is all. Brute that he is, he has little chance of appreciating the finer things in life. It would take an act of sorcery to make him change his ways."} +{"id": "f71637ee-e2cf-4e8e-be08-d993293a50a9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:46.767", "backgroundColor": "#970e3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW6i1Dm99NJWqRMgUShuhDqwe4ThqqjmUR6aUKxhGepbR", "txHash": "0xef756f55db47712877dad38eacc084da723af7fa157e37891b73d4dbec2eea58", "createdAtBlock": 14998302, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8973, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charmer Beyna of the Moors", "text": "# Charmer Beyna of the Moors\n\nBeyna is a carefree girl, who is always dreaming of going on wild adventures together with Bubbles, her trusty ladybug companion.\n\nShe has the ability to manipulate flora and fauna to do her bidding \n\nForever getting into trouble as she can be quite a klutz, Beyna is very fortunate to have her sister @wizard6161 watching over her and keeping her safe."} +{"id": "07ce9da9-6b16-4c69-aef0-c35afa950f71-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:49.359", "backgroundColor": "#181900", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZMiJjATYgYDRH5pTzKXQ1cdfxLv7JeaHe8RbZV14haYi", "txHash": "0x7f0a9ba5ec6af6e5e07ea00c15e53d6fa375460e14bb5076ff234e4d2d0e69de", "createdAtBlock": 14998883, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11507, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hardwin Slasher of Dragons", "text": "# The Lore of Hardwin Slasher of Dragons\n\nTo protect his family, Hardwin had no choice but to join the Dragons, a brutal clan in his hometown. This was not a good fit for the bookish and gentle lad. Hardwin started out completely unremarkable by all accounts. He was neither in shape nor was he strategically talented. For this reason, his ascent to one of the top lieutenants of the clan can only be called remarkable. \n\nIn the beginning Hardwin just got very lucky over and over again. His more talented peers fell in combat and his tenure resulted in his advancement over new recruits. As institutional knowledge was drained due to attrition in the ranks, Hardwin was able to circulate rumors about himself. Positioning himself as a slasher, everyone believed him to be a tactical mastermind. In reality, Hardwin just relies on underlings and sows enough chaos among them to retain his position.\n\nHardwin must choose: should he attempt to rise the ranks to be among the top leadership of the Dragons or should he remain in the safe shadows. In truth, there is more risk is remaining stationary even if it seems like the safe move. Ever calculating the next move, Hardwin looks to topple those that might be in his path to the Dragon throne."} +{"id": "1d073da6-ee2c-4dcf-b171-773aed9b6f37-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:50.072", "backgroundColor": "#cbb4db", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmafaVbM9mkKWedoniY5o4HmYRjs1MJyzUbzbAc1BPYeCG", "txHash": "0x2e3cf20c2f85f18000143bd2a915a22156c0bdaaeb9f236c605a8ec27fd35607", "createdAtBlock": 14999112, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9023, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Astrid of the Heath", "text": "# Druid Astrid and Her Pixie Pigs\n\nA long time ago, in a land far away\n\nDeep in the woods, a place known as The Fey\n\nStrange things were about, if one would be still, Sit under a tree, just listen until...\n\nThe silence gives way, the forest awakens The flutter of wings, or am I mistaken\n\nThen laughter arises, from who, you know not, A bone chilling sound, this really is fraught.\n\nSeveral, no dozens, no hundreds of wings! Flutter and whirl what are these strange things?\n\nThe commotion gets closer, the laughter, the wings All signs say to flee, but paralysis wins\n\nA figure emerges, a terrible...deer? Gentle and dainty, its nothing to fear!\n\nShe sniffs the air gently, her hooves paw the dirt, Her eyes are all knowing, shes strangely alert\n\nAnd then in an instant, the deer she alights, A blinding white flame, a baffling sight\n\nBehold just as quick, the flame is retracted\n\nAnd there in its place stands tall the Druid Astrid\n\nDripping with sass, quirky in dress,\n\nHer wizard hat pointy, her form curvy no less\n\nShe holds out her hands, as if to catch rain And the flutter of wings gets louder again\n\nHundreds of fairies, tiny with wings Fly all about her, adorable things\nSome land in her palm, others her shoulder,\n\nSome tickle her cheeks, dome dive and swerve past her\n\nSmiling and laughing, what once seemed so scary, Is not that at all, its really quite merry\n\nHer fairies surround her, they bring her much joy, She knows each by name - each girl and each boy\n\n**Mafoosal** the Hairy,\n\n**Blenda** the Shy\n\n**Winky** the Plump,\n\n...and many more fill the sky"} +{"id": "1d073da6-ee2c-4dcf-b171-773aed9b6f37-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:50.072", "backgroundColor": "#cbb4db", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmafaVbM9mkKWedoniY5o4HmYRjs1MJyzUbzbAc1BPYeCG", "txHash": "0x2e3cf20c2f85f18000143bd2a915a22156c0bdaaeb9f236c605a8ec27fd35607", "createdAtBlock": 14999112, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9023, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Astrid of the Heath", "text": "**Winky** the Plump,\n\n...and many more fill the sky\n\n\n*Though not fairies exactly, these young thing-a-ma-jigs\n\n\n\nOn closer inspection, they seem to be...**PIGS**?\n\nBut then just as quick, as the druid did appear White flames engulf her, and again shes a deer\n\nShe pounces off quickly, this shapeshifting doe, Her piglets, her babies, swiftly in-tow"} +{"id": "fb4c32d4-40c9-4b75-ae27-9b4a565fc8b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:51.542", "backgroundColor": "#3b0402", "index": 7, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUALNGCDtffdt9ZV4t2aVg9Ew59bJJsiG4bYxn7narWk1", "txHash": "0xd77282dc7215f49031f1ea862c5b3da3a4f44b67054b15ff7313f3e5ab810c5f", "createdAtBlock": 15000484, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# Just a MOVE \n \nWhat is Love \nif not a cove. \n \nWhat is life, \noh sharp knife. \n \nTake me steady, embrace me wild, \nI won't be ready, is that so mild? \n \nNo one ever has to hear, \nI won't make it a show, \nlisten to me, have no fear! \n\nYou see full, \nI see empty, \ncharge my bull, \nI will take Twenty."} +{"id": "28540572-f95a-4af3-8034-92a37397770d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:52.329", "backgroundColor": "#281c07", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUzjSsTwfzXqH3GXHHg7s93BWnoY4ftZXzwdwcTFawuST", "txHash": "0x0ffcb26feca784ade4625b2f0659d3a2fa0fc5547e19bed9d11895d685c18197", "createdAtBlock": 15000758, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14364, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pari Reprobate of the Elysian Fields", "text": "Pari and her slingshot, don't look away or else you'll get caught! Pari and her hound were no ordinary combo, they grew up together and knew eachothers moves before any ever happened. Pari would shoot, and Spike would fetch.\n\n Pari never missed, so make sure you never get on her list! Pari and her slingshot, don't look away or else you'll get caught!"} +{"id": "e1c9dad2-f8f7-4a34-9e55-d8d918c32c30-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:14.822", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRAEHGVe5egpiy8B9pioWCosg7Bj1uKpwA7fjCXuKYRy4", "txHash": "0x911fba476e9b7c557507d777afdc6ef02c6d83f325d25bf65b784dc179906498", "createdAtBlock": 15004133, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "# The Beginning\n\n\"Oh, no, that's not quite right.\"\n\nThe sun rose backwards, the stars fell flat, and through the darkest veil of time he saw her.\n\n\"Are you a princess?\" He said.\n\nAnd she said, \"I'm much more than a princess, but you don't have a name for it yet on your world.\"\n\n-- Inspiration"} +{"id": "a8d3738c-eec8-4e94-8187-6148d0c8b999-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:53.014", "backgroundColor": "#0f173b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSJGwkjd5KjDuSEnZDRwmkGVQz8nEdyN6AqWnSfJtbnwm", "txHash": "0xbf67fb3470d91a4bd7286b0a0114e19795bc380826562e2720ec65e3e30eec0e", "createdAtBlock": 15000790, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14763, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valen Cutter of the Citadel", "text": "## Valen Cutter\n\n\nThe warrior's name was Aedan and he was from the Citadel. He was addicted to cutting anything and everything, including other warriors. He would often go into a rage and cut enemy warriors with his sword. He was a skilled warrior and had many followers. However, his addiction led to his downfall. One day, he went into a rage and cut down a group of people who were innocent. He was arrested and put into prison. There, he met a woman who helped him overcome his addiction. With her help, he was able to turn his life around and become a great warrior once again."} +{"id": "c3ae0e05-8b29-411d-a553-cea082902a26-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:32.215", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXtNXKXU2aiJfxADZPfyNuKCGvafgui2JvHTAKY8RtdGp", "txHash": "0x61f7dfed24d9b61df02100d538934adba78dc321f616f33f4025c0d4caa883f8", "createdAtBlock": 15009014, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10304, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Tera Guardian of the Rune Raiders", "text": "Hack and slash... hack and slash. Terra works her way through the killing fields sweeping away familiars. Her alignment with Armor is core to her never ending quest for the runes. It gives her comfort knowing she'll be safe regardless of her foes strength."} +{"id": "65fcfb3e-1b30-410c-98e2-1e802c0edb0d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:54.675", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmauoHQCyLXGgDEiLnki8gMB6Eatcys6wn88CrKuTfUk75", "txHash": "0x87b3fe0cba1dee5833effe816d8220b04c7085ad339c3d8819658a7bb3d6a44f", "createdAtBlock": 15003902, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3238, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aurelia Contaminator of the Trail", "text": "## Aurelia, Contaminator of the Trail\n\n\nThe rare Athenian's, championing virtue and honour throughout the Runiverse... yet Aurelia has a dark side - the title Contaminator of the Trail doesn't come lightly. \n\nMaybe it's her companion, the levitating Man O'war, Mani (Manuel to give him his proper title), who brings the impudent side out of her, or maybe it's the trail of bodies they've left in their wake...\n\nNot to be trifled with. Always to be trusted. Where will their next adventure on the trail take them..."} +{"id": "dd6480fb-9c7a-4e3b-b431-b47d5e7c3f8d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:55.395", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVbwPRdHcdTQdBUibXkX7uUtAdCxrWc1XGR2JBAdM1DLC", "txHash": "0x24a7bb0ddc4911f35d4ad458b2993fb91c907a1c266271ad22114a0542af63bd", "createdAtBlock": 15004088, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 19, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rachel Clobberer of all that is Holy", "text": "Chapter 1 \n\nThe smell of the briney sea wafted by as Rachel and Bartholomeow wandered the beach\nlooking for their next meal.\n\n\"Now, I know what you're thinking Mr. Meow...and I agree. This is terrible! First the storm and then that kraken?? UGH!\" Rachel said, as Bartholomeow chirped in agreement.\n\nThe two had been wandering the beach for some time now, as their little sailboat had\nnot survived the storm and subsequent leviathan attack. They really were lucky to have drifted to land at some point, but just a little. \n\nThe island they washed up on was a very small, sparse island with only a couple of trees for shelter from the sun. There were, however, an abundance of fish and crab in the shoreline.\n\nRachel was once a fierce pirate captain known only as the Clobberer. This came from her\nviolent and liberal use of her bo staff (which, according to rumor, had come from a master monk who attempted to stop them from raiding a ship).\n\nBut those days...they're long gone. After her crew mutinied (she refused to kill a child during her last raid), she disappeared from the history books for a couple of years. \n\nDuring this time, she had gone back to one of the first towns she raided, and got a job working on the docks. It was on those very docks that she rescued her beautiful familiar, Bartholomeow the Northern Lynx from the bottom of a fish barrel.\n\nShe had just taken off on a small fishing trip when she had caught up in the storm, which just so happened to rile a sleeping kraken. This bring us to our current predicament!\n\nStranded on a small island, Rachel and her trusty sidekick are in quite a pickel, with no clear way out of trouble...\n\nChapter 2 coming soon"} +{"id": "f5300f1d-8afc-4e01-90fa-d72768214cca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:53.822", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUH7gH9nXRFs8U2Hvz7j2mE33rd18DPcySMkF1mZ6LG6x", "txHash": "0x42430ec34911b00162f8aefa566820ac2aec50a43336fb29660c16e038b04653", "createdAtBlock": 15006535, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13888, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmW81yutZZ2f87aVU42unUQoQERdMLotk2pBYQ5xpJRrph", "name": "Adira Mischief Maker of the Duck Alliance", "text": "# Adira Mischief Maker \n\nInto the Runiverse\n\nAdira one of many warriors, who went into Runiverse to complete an impossible task - The Hunt for The Light Bulb Frogs.\n\nAfter many hours of search, she has finally did it!\n\nThe mighty hero prevails in this unusual for a warrior task. \n\nAdira is looking forward to her new adventures in the Runiverse."} +{"id": "0e35c811-97bf-4000-b019-c065a5e904cc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:38.213", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWwxgy6XbQHBwL7WXpmcb3sGKC9cNd5BXuu2KasAMmcd5", "txHash": "0x406c1e61ac342d30ea4132e4d0982d492c0d9c9f85df9b84d33f2a76acca264a", "createdAtBlock": 15010043, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15200, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charles Savior of the South", "text": "# Charles The Generous and Brave Savior of the South\n\nMany years ago, long before you or I were born, the country was divided between two kings. The first king was ruler of the north, while the second king was ruler of the south. These two kings fought many battles over many years and countless soldiers lost their lives in such battles. The kings fought for glory, they fought in the name of honor, and they fought to increase their lands. Over the years, hundreds upon hundreds of men died on the battlefield, but still the kings continued to wage war upon one another.\n\nThere was a city that lay on the border between the north and the south of the lands. This city was beautiful and prosperous and so both kings were eager to rule over such a place. But the kings were wise enough to know that the wars between the north and the south could not continue too many lives had been lost and too much money spent on war. And so they met one morning in the center of the beautiful city and devised a simple plan.\n\nI have the greatest warrior of them all in my army, said the king of the north. He is a captain and has won many battles. There is no man whom he cannot defeat.\n\nBut I know of a greater warrior, declared the king of the south. He is a simple man but he is brave and skilled in battle.\n\nThen we shall place these two men in combat, declared the king of the north, and in this way we shall see who will rule this city.\n\nAnd that is how it was decided. So while the king of the north secured the services of his undefeated captain, the king of the south asked the brave Charles if he would fight for the glory of his king.\n\nI will gladly fight for you, said Charles, but I must first complete my pilgrimage. When I return I will do battle with this captain and hope that I shall win the city for my king."} +{"id": "0e35c811-97bf-4000-b019-c065a5e904cc-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:38.213", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWwxgy6XbQHBwL7WXpmcb3sGKC9cNd5BXuu2KasAMmcd5", "txHash": "0x406c1e61ac342d30ea4132e4d0982d492c0d9c9f85df9b84d33f2a76acca264a", "createdAtBlock": 15010043, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15200, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charles Savior of the South", "text": "And so Charles tried to put the impending battle out of his mind and instead began on his holy pilgrimage.\nOn his travels, Charles came across a sickly leper who was begging by the side of the road. Despite his obvious hunger and desperate state, the people ignored the poor man and walked past him as if they did not know he existed. But Charles stopped and asked the man, Wont you please come with me to the inn and eat and rest?\nThe poor leper agreed and so Charles helped the man up onto his horse and led him to the inn in the next village. Once they were there, Charles and the leper ate from the same wooden plate, and later they slept in the same room.\n\nWhen nobody would even look at the leper, Charles was willing to share his food and the warmth of his bed with the stranger because he was not only a brave warrior but also a generous man who believed in helping others.\nIt was late in the night when Charles was sure he heard a wind blowing through the small room, a wind that seemed to penetrate his very heart; and on the wind he heard a soft voice:\nYou were kind to me, Charles, and so I bestow upon you a precious gift. Because you are brave and true of heart, none shall ever defeat you in battle.\n\nWhen Charles awoke the following morning, the leper was nowhere to be found, but the young warrior remembered the voice from the night before and he felt within him a new sense of determination.\nIt was not long before Charles completed his pilgrimage and traveled south to where his king waited anxiously for his return.\n\nDo you know that the people declare you to be the bravest and most daring of all men in the land? enquired the king as Charles entered the royal palace. I agree with the people, I know that you shall make us all proud today and win for us the last remaining city in these lands."} +{"id": "0e35c811-97bf-4000-b019-c065a5e904cc-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:38.213", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWwxgy6XbQHBwL7WXpmcb3sGKC9cNd5BXuu2KasAMmcd5", "txHash": "0x406c1e61ac342d30ea4132e4d0982d492c0d9c9f85df9b84d33f2a76acca264a", "createdAtBlock": 15010043, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15200, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Charles Savior of the South", "text": "Later that morning a large crowd gathered on the edge of the city. People had come from near and far to see Charles do battle with the soldier from the north.\nAs Charles entered the arena he was nervous and uncertain of his skills. The soldier from the north was tall and muscular, clad from head to toe in shining gold armor, and his reputation was well known. He was undefeated on the battlefield and showed his enemies little mercy.\n\nThe two men stood opposite each other with their swords in hand. The crowd hushed in expectation. Charles felt his heart beating furiously in his chest. I must be brave, the young warrior thought to himself. I must not shame my family or my king. And if I am to die today, then I must do it with dignity and with my sword in my hand.\n\nIt was then that Charles heard the voice of the leper on a gentle breeze that rustled the leaves of the trees and lifted the sand from the earth. Because you are brave and true of heart, none shall ever defeat you in battle.\nWith the lepers words held firmly in his heart, Charles tightened his grip on his sword and charged towards the soldier of the north.\n\nWe will never know if the leper was a ghost or a god or a saint, but his words were true. Charles defeated the soldier that day and won for his king the most beautiful of all the cities in The Runiverse.\nCharles became a hero to the people of the Runiverse. His adventures and his many victories became the stuff of legend, and he was forever known as the generous and brave warrior."} +{"id": "a8aac322-0789-4a5e-97b8-db35c0d7586f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:27.936", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWbw5aNEJNgwmNdz1ijpDzXc5LGSZ8etA9hkRRJEuqeKB", "txHash": "0x523f8e77f2be21819b3bcfc3f7213b1c6392e0e42742e5057dc4058b08704cbf", "createdAtBlock": 15040687, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8264, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Cassius of the Field", "text": "Cassius is not even mage. Just drunkard with mage-friends who have terrible sense of humor.\n\n\n> \"Please, let me go, I don't even know what I am doing here !\""} +{"id": "6723254b-6098-424d-9608-756e05d7a373-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:56.745", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmejsgU2VoJQq93xPxKKVUQ2FnZK87WLLVi7NsGVfh7wZ7", "txHash": "0xa083b4a2a837dba6982f31c8f8e715e837cd36ea61b5a219af63302559e56e96", "createdAtBlock": 15004110, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "\"Well, now that I am here,\" she continued, \"there are a few things I would like to collect. Things left behind. Things that were\" she paused, \"sacrificed.\"\n\nShaman Armstrong stared blankly at her.\n\n\"Given that I know *where* I am, but not quite *when* I am, Ill need a guide. Come along,\" and she walked out the door.\n\nShaman Armstrong followed behind as the tear in the fabric of space-time, still hanging in his living room, quietly mended itself."} +{"id": "ad64a877-db10-4add-9e51-91df883702ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:57.515", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbq2Gw1G19ywGjGjSXJtejVmMgKkrpDdKjeh9Sd842t9c", "txHash": "0xfc89f2cbdb6d9a021a969acbc85509ac94b3f86ad7ce598c38d769a5ac973371", "createdAtBlock": 15004355, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1236, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marcellus Chopper of the Tower", "text": "Marcellus has lived a noble life thus far living in the Tower as his current residence. He has been known to chop anything in his path with his flaming firebrand sword and even has his loyal companion Milano the Jaguar by his side. He holds a Tanker Heater shield as a family memento. His entire family holds and battles with these shields and are passed down to further generations as they bring good luck and protection while wielding the flaming weapons that they possess.\n\nMarcellus even has a dark history of being an assassin in his past to keep his family safe but has only struck first after being initiated and forced to do so. This is his remembrance by wearing the Assassin tunic clothing. Marcellus even has been known for being too serious at times but his wife, Bellicina Cleaver of Monsters, tends to balance this out for him. \n\nHe also has several friends throughout the Runiverse which include, Setsuko Cleaver of the Realm, Meteo Hero of Machines and Rothschild of Goblins. Each having very different personalities along with strengths and weaknesses. We have fought together several times in the past and have always made it out alive. With our powers combined we are unstoppable and will have each others backs until the end. The latest known adventure recorded together was a mysterious light bulb frog hunt."} +{"id": "155c8619-15e7-4125-8170-56854e606884-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:58.178", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRioNDXvFusLPskufkWwFftdY5oZFZXBAozVC1NaV3ynx", "txHash": "0xfde2fae30cead360e1e7b01e570839706197870823fb7dbc7006fbb5b48dec93", "createdAtBlock": 15004402, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 187, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": null, "text": "Bae Hair Gel is an offspring of Giga Chad. Need I say more?!\n\nAlchemist Aden of Avalon tends to have mysterious links to this little creature. They share a bond that is like no other. \n\nWhile Bae Hair is not of the topaz slime type like his other slime followers, Aden most likely has something up his sleeve that is related to this..."} +{"id": "7c873555-30ba-4ba0-85f2-3cff80d682ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:58.917", "backgroundColor": "#2a0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXardA7iUowVL8sgRiXvtesQGVdpxqDwWk1zTyxEkPaEg", "txHash": "0x80cc527e35d521fbaa741e54c63ca4a6de9d589d7d6b14cadd4611dcbb17a7b5", "createdAtBlock": 15004427, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14860, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Barika Belligerent of the Thorn", "text": "Barika was born to a wealthy family of privilege, and she was always expected to uphold the family name. But she was never content with the status quo. She was always challenging the expectations put on her, and seeking out new adventures. \n\nWhen she was old enough, she left her home and set out on her own. She quickly realized that the world was not as simple as she thought it was. There was so much pain and suffering, and she was determined to make a difference. \n\nShe became a fierce warrior, and fought against anyone who caused harm to innocent people. She quickly gained a reputation as a fierce fighter, and people began to flock to her banner. \n\nShe became the leader of a small group of adventurers, and together they made a difference in the world. They fought against evil wherever it arose, and helped those who could not help themselves. \n\nBarika was always seeking out new challenges, and she was never content to rest on her laurels. She was a true hero, and she will be remembered as such."} +{"id": "4a429511-65bf-4e46-83bb-5b3b1fa1d6f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:59.652", "backgroundColor": "#053b56", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcT8L7LBCyjSSS8Ru2K2SMYGnXcSwEnUhDmHBuEsMGfdh", "txHash": "0xc81dbaefa39e0af0a80a5835c0ef149d44db59e2ee19e2cca96dce9a25d9935e", "createdAtBlock": 15004676, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 194, "slug": "beastspawn", "firstImage": null, "text": "# _You don't even know bruh..._\n\n\n## So I got in with the wrong crew right? I was in some fucked up hair, you know? I was slime on top of slime you feel me?\n\n### hold up a sec G\nI'm uh..\n# *just spaced out but I'm back bro what it do*?\n## Oh yeah well like I said they're all shitheads. BAD VIBES LOL! Like they would legit just \nuhhh. idk man some sketchy dudes like no thanks in the bank m8\n\n# But im solo now. Just a slime in time, you dig?\n## I'm more *alive* when I'm *dyin* brother bear and don't you forget it\nbut for real dog it's all there still there, every last piece and guess what\n\nI know where they stashed it all.\n\n# idk maybe I show you maybe we split 70/30? \nI know you not about to turn down some loot\n\n## doooope just gimme like 45 minutes then we'll get going"} +{"id": "f79e663a-2771-439b-9bdf-0d470ee8956a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:01.04", "backgroundColor": "#1c011e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfT16c8BLPJ84g8Kz1qahcH75bEmyCyjY5T7JQ2vr79Uf", "txHash": "0x64eb744c00aaa09e6b883d173841c5e4fc90f03e27fc6731fcbc7d59fc3f6132", "createdAtBlock": 15004876, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13151, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Millicent Vindicator of the Mountain", "text": "Millicent was always a warrior at heart. As a young girl, she was constantly training with her Boomerang, in hopes that one day she would be able to protect her village from harm. Her mother was murdered when she was just a child and everyone in the village blamed her father. Millicent knew the truth, however, and she was determined to prove her father's innocence and find her mother's killer.\n\nAs she grew older, she continued to train with her Boomerang and her null goat, Violet. She knew that one day she would confront her mother's killer and she was ready.\n\nOne day, Millicent finally confronted the killer. It turned out to be one of her mother's friends, who was jealous of her success. Millicent was able to defeat the killer and finally clear her father's name. She was able to bring peace to her village and she was finally able to rest."} +{"id": "8107823c-3d07-48f9-92ea-672d267db60d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:13.033", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaVf9En1LvMmhi64WvdmUGhkYt9TqPh758og9ER2ujwJa", "txHash": "0x32268b60dbc4f24b13bd0a9b8c8f46315ba3b47504368e504691555328ffe12e", "createdAtBlock": 15008610, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6113, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Adept Vossler from the Shadow", "text": "# Adept Vossler from the Shadow\n\nVossler was born different. He didn't like doing what \"normal\" kids do, instead, he loved torturing little animals, darkness, and black magic.\n\nWhen he grew up, he decided to master the art of black magic. He trained with his friend Merlin, which by accident, he converted into a monkey casting one of his most powerful spells to the date. He had the ability to transform humans into animals.\n\nYears passed by and he specialized in the art of Shadows. He is still learning and his goal is one day to become Master Vossler."} +{"id": "1211262d-643c-4731-ac74-4a472c2e6fba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:45.73", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPZn3g4wyuxVnFNhGqdwCGMQiFtzdVC23kzFYMuY6jsuL", "txHash": "0x488d4ea1d0f4037128ed74437e058e8022e04152fe8b8cfae1d4e1f5ccdcfa05", "createdAtBlock": 15085481, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 368, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Moog the Lackluster", "text": "Moog the Lackluster\n\n@wizard5920 Rowenas preferred steed, humble yet brave; she takes him to cross the Dark Shadow Valley every month to make her fertility rituals, since he is the only one that is not scared of the magical plants on the path.\n\nAs Moog slurps his favorite food, sweet beetroot soup, he drips some on his bandana giving it a progressively deeper purple hue."} +{"id": "cb92e91c-0272-448d-b2ef-badd1c1dcba7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:13.732", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLQ4xsMr2TqtdGPozhySVtW9yodh1k2z4grs48sy9Eug", "txHash": "0x659f73275e28572407313ec0ec7a3682efcf296735e545adc79ab6d26be184e4", "createdAtBlock": 15008650, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5780, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glorf Shark of Nightmare Paradise", "text": "# Glorf Shark of Nightmare Paradise\n\nGlorf always wanted to explore and leave Goblin Town behind but his parents always forbid him. When he grew up, he and 3 other goblins, went on an incredible expedition up North to never return.\n\nThey needed to train very hard to be able to defend themselves and survive the danger. 1 Goblin decided to master the Sword, another Goblin the Axe, another the Staff, and Glorf decided to master the Bow skills.\n\nThey encountered many fights but always found themselves victorious. They are still roaming up North discovering the incredible world of the Runiverse."} +{"id": "1e67517f-417b-41db-9802-635c88a0b35e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:29.428", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUNGRAY4TiTgF666tzCmUxSbZvr8wJRgPMUdib2aYgLtm", "txHash": "0xef4853d3d9cea64b8a90449054f268fe3841d483dcab5e415c3282b8d48ef292", "createdAtBlock": 15040739, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15078, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Maud Bruiser of Thunder Mountain", "text": "Friends and foes call her Ma u d Bruiser."} +{"id": "7a5681d6-bae7-4338-a0d1-2f0c241dbc53-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:33.14", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaB8NPSdkMGUrAvy9uYfRXbJiq8iFKhhbnuBehuN5EV77", "txHash": "0xc54d7c25d74e1b19e533909e4d22d70a6a9b5893c9dc902584efee046771967d", "createdAtBlock": 15009025, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1955, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTg3aVh9EM12hwkBiXyRmLZwnbEwBGHk2mm9g3FFdjVDW", "name": "Lich Despot Ratko of the Thorn", "text": "# Lich Despot Ratko of the Thorn\n\n\n\nBattle Mage Ratko was eager for power. He never stand out as a mage, as his magic skills were mediocre.\n\nHe volunteered to be burned alive as he believed reincarnation was the way to become stronger in the art of magic so he could fulfill his desire.\n\nIt happened very quickly and Lich Despot Ratko was born. His emerald staff turned into a Fire Stone staff which had an insane amount of power inside but due to the fire, his face and body got burned badly, making Ratko unrecognizable but he didn't care about that, he only cared about the power.\n\nHe is now waiting patiently for new souls to be discovered and together rule the Runiverse to defeat all their enemies. Time will come."} +{"id": "d6ef4388-5e2c-45f4-b208-814057da9e71-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:35.844", "backgroundColor": "#330300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDN7aj8TMA2mS4JzgkSgPHtmB1BeZKoCCFrHBaXdnwQ6", "txHash": "0x95fd0f63d3af6a46f100e10a71cb25ab1577acebf4677894a3969cad990a2cfa", "createdAtBlock": 15004136, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "# How it Ended\n\n\"Um... Is this legal?\"\n\nThe soulsmith looked up from inspecting her tools.\n\n\"It is, though few practice the art.\"\n\n\"I didn't know souls could break.\"\n\n\"Souls are malleable, very resilient. But when they're broken...\"\n\n\"Can you mend mine?\"\n\n\"Else I would not attempt it.\"\n\n\"Then begin.\"\n\n\"Tell me the questions that pain you.\"\n\n\"Why did she leave me? Will anyone ever love me? Can you really me n d...\"\n\nThe soulsmith cauterized, wrote the words NEVER LOVED HER, and spun the world 99 times.\n\n\"Who are you?\"\n\n\n-- Source"} +{"id": "1fc53dd2-e7fb-4032-ae08-3bfb88c84e6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:42.236", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVtLjk4ckyjURE1QMuaGnigBaTUQFRsVZCo4HmG8ipPyk", "txHash": "0x17d23c10e79ab58fc0243b807c945b3d47335054ff415b7b8a90dcc1e561748b", "createdAtBlock": 15004801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2179, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXco2omx4oqASkwkA5ZZ5hgHzgNyCANrrz5BmjjU3SSMH", "name": "Marcus Impaler of Blood", "text": "# Marcus Impaler of Blood\nMarcus had a miserable childhood in a rough neighborhood. Like countless others he had only an abusive hateful father to look after him. From a young age he was forced to work every day to pay for his fathers many luxuries and habits. Over time he developed a lot of strength, a lot of greed, and a lot of hatred. Any innocence he had left was gone long before the day he stole the family heirloom trident and killed his father with it very slowly. He took what little his father had left and started peddling on the black market while exploiting and scamming his customers relentlessly. Once he had the capital he bought up all the liquor in his small costal town and opened the only bar. There were other bars before but they all mysteriously burned down the day before. To this day The Bloody Trident Tavern remains a thriving dive bar and acts as Marcus base of semi-legitimate operations. The upstairs is frequented by a rougn crowd and the low ceiling leaky basement has a fighting pit, quiet backrooms for negotiations, and warehouses where the most valuable and illicit goods are sourced in and out."} +{"id": "d1032c03-6bb0-4515-bb46-e2a6f85abf1f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-19T10:33:28.934", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5emZDZnyrrECebd5tUMpRWsFPrRG9LcZ4GhGZUUZAsW", "txHash": "0x903ca92395439626ce26d87084eab34e4a798165718378bebd084adfa6d06ebf", "createdAtBlock": 15172558, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4903, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brock Clubber of the Duck Alliance", "text": "# I am the One who Brocks\n\nInto conflict I hurtle\n\nAside my battle turtle\n\n\nWhat's that tickling your face?\n\nIt just might be my spiky mace\n\n\nI fear no warrior on the field\n\nFor I wield an impervious shield\n\n\nI am free, I show no compliance\n\nUnless it be to the Duck Alliance\n\n\nI kick trees, I punch blocks\n\nFear me, I am the One who Brocks"} +{"id": "045c21cb-b3e2-4acf-910d-f46a816a78d2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:31.399", "backgroundColor": "#020101", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQNzuGDEa7Bcvnj1wKMDESt9uMXHp3Hs4Yo5ykMsKqGB8", "txHash": "0xc6de96467d113a607901cc382581e1ab8f39cad21534dc56ad77b58696e835c8", "createdAtBlock": 15009002, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3806, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zola of the East", "text": "Zola of the East spends most of her time drinking, singing songs of woe to the moon. She sports both the rune of sun and the shield of moon; standing in a middle path with her null goat. \n\nZola, though a warrior at heart, has become disheartened with the conflict that destruction and ruin that war brings. She looks to the void and wishes she could join the souls on the other side."} +{"id": "3657562a-d750-42ae-8d6f-a7f475a2c78d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:36.486", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWDU5oPiTPZTktSeyFh8Em6JQ2tACY6RxbUGL1kVCv55c", "txHash": "0x6caef2449d9ee7f5e1a6c449783793d7d416899fccc981fde8d950d67b549bc2", "createdAtBlock": 15009576, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5331, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Astaroth Render of the Street", "text": "Astaroth was a bad dude. He did bad boy things. Prowling the night with his panther, you know he was up to no good. Party all night and sleep all day that's the way Astaroth Render of the Street rolls..."} +{"id": "30992454-0c01-4a77-952c-ead1e459f04d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:35.702", "backgroundColor": "#d1ecff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQenK27ZFZWo7qygQDk7ZrRRfm5AwSvwJjMm3EWNyqkE9", "txHash": "0x8a22d0b23736acd371ffc344e715f9939a7f03cc3825f88a6f984107a10678b7", "createdAtBlock": 15009415, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5920, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Rowena of the River", "text": "Shaman Rowena of the River\n\nThe power she has over water keeps the forest and animals in equilibrium, not only is her River magical, but also sacred and secret.\n\nNo one knows how ancient she is, but she used to be considered as a goddess, as she spread her knowledge in herbolary.\n\nThe rune featured can be used to summon her, as she is benevolent but also enigmatic; it is a great task to find out how to do the ritual, they say crocodiles can give you a clue on how to find her because she has affinity with them."} +{"id": "6105277a-b8a8-46cd-ba06-ae7b7afa5322-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:39.615", "backgroundColor": "#00ff5e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRC5wuS9NztrVoWFbqyDMEs6v3nyMb3pC7a3v2vi4T587", "txHash": "0x71ed0f0d9b954ac7a4701e033a37adf4f8b1f34cdc07cb5b01116b0424262b07", "createdAtBlock": 15010246, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9030, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Junko of the Steppe", "text": "# A sudden surge\n\n### Alchemist Junko of the Steppe is a master of concoctions and potions, and is always seeking new ingredients to add to her repertoire. She is often accompanied by her loyal owl, who helps her to find the rarest and most potent ingredients. Junko is a kind and gentle soul, but she is not to be trifled with - her potions are powerful and sometimes unpredictable.\n\n### Her owl is a constant companion, and is said to be just as intelligent as Junko herself and is said to be able to understand her mistress's words. Junko named her after the first ingredient she used in one of her most potent potions - a rare and deadly plant from the steppes, Nightshade. It is said that the owl is the only creature that can safely approach Junko when she is working with her potions, and that the owl is the only one who knows the secrets of her potions. \n\n### When Junko was young she was apprenticed to a great alchemist. She showed great promise and was soon able to create simple potions and concoctions. However, her true talent lay in her ability to create new and unique potions, using ingredients that no one else had thought of.\n\n### One day, while Junko was out collecting ingredients, she was attacked by a group of bandits. They demanded that she hand over her potions and ingredients, but Junko refused. \nThat was when she met her owl, who had been watching the whole thing from a nearby tree. The owl flew down and perched on Junko's shoulder, and Junko felt a sudden surge of power. She was able to fight off the bandits and make her escape.\n\n### Since then, Junko and her owl have been inseparable. The owl helps Junko to find the rarest and most potent ingredients for her potions, and Junko has come to rely on her owl's guidance and wisdom."} +{"id": "d55f56ce-f033-468a-bcbe-d19a7adf6443-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:40.444", "backgroundColor": "#260b41", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVRRsgrPE7M7d6fu4ZXv1SKqx6vrpYwk2ENyws1Xe23ca", "txHash": "0x6d913d8cfcace1c2ed1d9c5f48256236c4ea39a5df6fb068cc235d09439048bd", "createdAtBlock": 15010391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8481, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Milo ", "text": "One day, while on his usual patrol, Milo came across a group of warrior thugs who were terrorizing a helpless old woman. Milo was outraged and immediately went into action. He cast his Dazzle spell, which blinded the thugs and allowed the old woman to escape.\n\nThe warrior thugs were furious, and they began to chase after Milo. Milo was fast, but they were gaining on him. Just as they were about to catch him, Milo saw his friend Buddy the Crow flying overhead. Milo called out to Buddy, and Buddy immediately dropped a large rock on the thugs, knocking them out cold.\n\nMilo was grateful to Buddy for his help, and the two of them went off to celebrate their victory with a feast of Milo's favorite foods, magic beans."} +{"id": "22bb0647-c6e2-454b-a5b8-2090499009a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:41.313", "backgroundColor": "#0f1e3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTSR4sgFKR8eesH2sJkVFzXPgjc6iAX6Se6PCrwYg9sbZ", "txHash": "0xd6de4f7df14b1df2d83e3ae2c8d8e5f1a207a4a5c3bf380bac947f6fd22e19e4", "createdAtBlock": 15011217, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7197, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Helen Fiend of Light", "text": "Way back when, in the ancient times of old \nThere was a pirate queen in search of jewels and gold \nShe had the fiercest crew the realms had ever seen \nThey were salty sailors - crude, violent and mean \nThe chaos they wreaked was disturbingly gorey \nShe was pretty awful, but lets continue this story \n\nThe name she was known by was Helena, Fiend of the Light \nSworn protector of the shadows, and the beasts of twilight \nKnown far and wide as a most dangerous foe \nRather unexpectedly, she received a lethal blow \nA knife in the back, from her mutinous crew \nThey threw her overboard, and said were through! \n\nHelena should not have survived that terrible night \nSaved solely by her unknown familys birthright \nBlessed by ancient magic, the Rune of Lime \nIt would keep her alive through space and time \nBut it came with a price she had no choice but to pay \nShe must live in the night and sleep in the day \n\nAs she washed ashore on some unknown beach \nShe knew her old life was now out of reach \nThere was no way to ever go back \nIf she showed her face, theyd surely attack \nSo she picked herself up and dusted right off \nAnd looked to the future with naught but a scoff \n\nAnd so the time did pass, as we knew it all would \nBut who could have guess that shed up so good \nA heart filled with joy and love for all things \nSo excited about life that she always sings \nAs fate would have it, shed meet her best friend \nA loyal swamp witch whod be there til the end \n\nBut thats a story that will come much, much later \nA mystical tale that is considerably greater \nFor now, Helena will wander and wonder \nNo longer dreaming of murder and plunder \nTaking care of the night as was meant to be \nUntil she meets @wizard3676"} +{"id": "ba5c2cad-d1b5-4fc5-ab8b-2125987e948f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:42.1", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcPxVM2ub5pc5MMdwvTGcnqaNHYWS3n6YPrnipRAepbTo", "txHash": "0xe082391c8df18ec9a9a602c7b7923b91dc3a53a2fa1371ecb6ef9cc28a17f171", "createdAtBlock": 15011584, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4123, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Septimus Sword of Brigands", "text": "# Septimus Sword of Brigands\n\nSeptimus was born in Zaros Oasis and since he was a little kid, he always showed an interest in swords and the art of fight.\n\nHe grew up and decided to join the elite warriors of his town, and in a few years, he became the main swordsman of Brigands due to his innate talent and skills.\n\nSeptimus and his hound now protect the realm. Everyone is scared of them as they will most likely defeat their enemy."} +{"id": "8adbdeb3-9494-4fbc-a7e5-c96da28370d5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:02.609", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNipmeKtN76mCydKeE6jThUnsU5shsARySY9GpaiN7xfi", "txHash": "0x431f2d5bfff1c52a39eaf7d26e3c8453bc253117b95705bacf73affde0121f0a", "createdAtBlock": 15025746, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3773, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Angus of the Wold", "text": "\"Aaaannnnggguusss, it's getting dark, time to come in\", shouted headmaster \nMatilda. \"I told you to quit playing with those birds, you're gonna catch the \nblight one of these days, then what'll you do?\" Head hung low Angus trudged \nback to the orphanage he called home for the past 2 years, leaving behind his \n\"friends\" he had made that day. The crows squaked violently in protest as \nAngus left them walking toward the setting sun that lead home. \"Sorry guys, \nI'll be back tomorrow\" Angus called back to his avian friends, \"or maybe \nsooner...\" he muttered under his breath to himself.\n\t\"Good, you're back. Now finish your chores before you get dinner, go \non, hurry up.\" demanded Matilda. \"Okay\" Angus said defeated and deflated. \nSince it was Wednesday it was his turn to clean the bathrooms, a job both \nfeared and hated at the orphanage. As he was making his way to start he could \nhear the headmaster screaming at one of the other kids and Angus knew this was \nhis moment. She was distracted enough that he had time to pack his essential \nitems from his room that he shared with a dozen others and make off into the \nfreshly darkened night.\n\tTaking his staff, which was really just an oak branch whittled down a \nbit, out of his bag Angus made his way back to where he had found those \nmysterious birds. \"huh, must've left for the night, oh well\" conceded Angus \nas he sat on a tree stump deciding his next move. Looking up at the vast night sky"} +{"id": "8adbdeb3-9494-4fbc-a7e5-c96da28370d5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:02.609", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNipmeKtN76mCydKeE6jThUnsU5shsARySY9GpaiN7xfi", "txHash": "0x431f2d5bfff1c52a39eaf7d26e3c8453bc253117b95705bacf73affde0121f0a", "createdAtBlock": 15025746, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3773, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Angus of the Wold", "text": "as he sat on a tree stump deciding his next move. Looking up at the vast night sky \nand feeling so alone and small he almost thought about going back to the \norphanage, as miserable as it was at least there was always food. Just at that \nmoment a rustling through the trees caught his attention and in flew one of \nthose crows. Perching right on top of Angus's staff, the bird looked at him \nand made as gentle a noise as a crow is capable of, letting him know that he \nwas not alone. \n\"So what do you wanna do\" asked Angus, the crow jumping to the ground \nin response started hopping along in a path gesturing with body language that \nseemed to Angus to say, follow me. So he did just that, making their way \nthrough thickets and bogs, even crossing over a small creek that had a perfect \nlog bridge from a fallen sycamore. All the while the bird was hopping along \nnever taking flight even when it would be easier. Along the banks of the \ncreek that they had crossed they came up a small entrance to a cave in the \nhillside. Hidden from view by the nearby bramble bushs that had grown over \nthe entrance Angus made his way in, gently pushing aside the thorny shroud \nover the cave.\n\tOnce inside, the cave opened into a grand foyer complete with \nbenches carved out of stone lining the walls, fixtures for lamps and candles \neven somehow a water feature in the center. A beautiful fountain illuminated \nby some irridescent blue light that seemed to be eminating from the depths of"} +{"id": "8adbdeb3-9494-4fbc-a7e5-c96da28370d5-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:02.609", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNipmeKtN76mCydKeE6jThUnsU5shsARySY9GpaiN7xfi", "txHash": "0x431f2d5bfff1c52a39eaf7d26e3c8453bc253117b95705bacf73affde0121f0a", "createdAtBlock": 15025746, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3773, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Angus of the Wold", "text": "by some irridescent blue light that seemed to be eminating from the depths of \nthe water. Suddenly the crow took flight for the first time on their journey up to the top part of the fountain. The highest point of it looked to be at least 20 feet tall to Angus, and water shot out of the top and showered down into bottom pool. Approaching the base of the fountain something in Angus burned and before he knew he was kneeling down drinking from the fountain. The blue water soaking into his body from the inside, he could feel something was different. Almost like a new awareness, seeing things that were always there but never noticed.\n\tLooking around the cave Angus realized that there were now symbols etched into the walls of the cave glowing that same irridescent blue that the water had. Walking up to them he could feel different powers just by holding his hand up and syncing up with these mysterious symbols. Some of the symbols he tried felt awkward or just plain wrong, while some were nice or maybe just non offensive. Then finally there was one that felt like home. In an instant when his hand was held up to that etching he felt a flowing in of energy and then out, like many pieces of metal in the furnace they were melded into one. \n\tJust like that Angus' life would never be the same, the inner strength was found and he had a visual symbol of that. Never to return what many would call a normal life Angus lived out much of his early life practically alone in the wilderness save for his animal friends and the occasional nomad traveler."} +{"id": "5c71c837-1793-4faa-ab03-2ac797a737bd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:42.901", "backgroundColor": "#ff7dbf", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSP98d7TWi19hcQLgLCvbXc8dBVGML7jVCNoUAm3oAFVe", "txHash": "0x14ad780228e820ef438abc7a34c191ce1fdebbec69bcaf9a89dbd8de0edc863e", "createdAtBlock": 15012051, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13533, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cassia Dismantler of Beasts", "text": "# Countless Beasts dismantled\n\n### Cassia is a fierce warrior who hails from the northern mountains. She is an expert in both melee and ranged combat, and is especially deadly when fighting against beasts. Her wild eagle companion, Rake, helps her to take down even the most powerful of foes.\n\n### Nowhere is safe from Cassia and Rake's fury - they will hunt down any beast that threatens the peace and stability of the land. No matter how big or small, no animal is safe from their wrath. From ferocious bears to deadly snakes, Cassia and Rake will make sure that any creature that poses a threat is dealt with swiftly and mercilessly.\n### Her bone club will crush the skull of any creature foolish enough to cross her path, while Rake's sharp talons can rip through even the thickest hide. Together, they are a force to be reckoned with, and none can stand in their way.\n\n### Her beauty is as wild as the animals she hunts. With fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes, she is a sight to behold. Her body is covered in scars from battle, but she wears them with pride. Her red battle bikini is made from the finest leather and is adorned with eagle feathers, which Rake often provides. Many warriors have tried to win her heart, but she has never given any of them a second glance. She is fiercely independent and needs no one but Rake by her side."} +{"id": "c34746bf-bf2e-4c76-ac67-98338e154249-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:43.628", "backgroundColor": "#0d1213", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeeG1Vy4uEqdAjo1ZoYTFycdaVJMEJZBgfCnmfpnTkxik", "txHash": "0xc54caffb69503ead5904070cc99552790a9bf805b469fd5355e070fff304f56c", "createdAtBlock": 15012728, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9550, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVjQ8ay9WqN9rR9Gd6SqtapyRV7vXW6z7Xs5K6TqYhuGn", "name": "Sky Master Magpie of the Pit", "text": "### From the most **inner** and **deepest** part of the pit he came..."} +{"id": "cb98e309-a2b8-43dc-85a6-4735835f26de-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:44.36", "backgroundColor": "#41f95e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXrugf4te6cGouafVv6ihiN8PmJABLz5qkvB7w3Tr4JZF", "txHash": "0x29dc140d40623ac80afe9df37767116c3fdcc8211045fd0d034151d9300fc9f5", "createdAtBlock": 15012796, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11676, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sloozle Deadeye of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "### Legend has it these master archers only could obtain their skills and title by cutting out one of their own eyes. \n\nThese are the adventures and accomplishments from one who cut out both..."} +{"id": "5c5e68ab-36cc-4ad7-b924-72f74ae8cfbf-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:42.574", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfiCXm8moD17TP9F3djWjvSWWfsHVtRjiLm4CR74fE97", "txHash": "0x865cce5209ec94092c57dcfc204e0de5c2a7bd4ec336d066e2f245754ed02d6f", "createdAtBlock": 15110524, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2644, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Sisk of the Fey", "text": "# In Search of the Flame\n\nIn the witching hours of a bitter autumn night, two mercenaries stumble behind a seemingly emotionless man holding a dimly lit torch in one hand and a cryptic map in the other. \"It's not fucking working,\" one mercenary lashes out in frustration. The man slowly comes to a halt - he lowers his head and places the map into his pocket as he turns around.\n\nThe two lock eyes as the mercenary continues, \"It hasn't worked yet, and it's not going to work. That senile old woman sold you a god damn, ordinary torch. If you think its embers and that worthless map are leading us to anything, you're just as demented as her. It's fucking freezing out here, we have no food, and we're three days away from the nearest town. You don't even have enough coin to pay us another day.\"\n\nThe man momentarily stands in silence before raising his hand to conjure a second flame. The mercenary questions the man, \"What, are you going to set me on f---\" Before another word left the mercenary's mouth, the man unites the two flames and casts a radiating blast of fire directly into the mercenary's torso, setting him ablaze. The mercenary instantly falls to his knees as he screams in agonizing pain. Paralyzed in fear, the remaining mercenary does nothing as he watches the lifeless, charred corpse fall to the ground.\n\nThe man walks over to the dead mercenary, searches his left boot, and pulls out a small pouch containing his remaining coin. He tosses it to the last mercenary and asks, \"Shall we continue?\" The mercenary hastily nods his head as the aroma of freshly burnt flesh fills the air."} +{"id": "5c5e68ab-36cc-4ad7-b924-72f74ae8cfbf-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:06:42.574", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfiCXm8moD17TP9F3djWjvSWWfsHVtRjiLm4CR74fE97", "txHash": "0x865cce5209ec94092c57dcfc204e0de5c2a7bd4ec336d066e2f245754ed02d6f", "createdAtBlock": 15110524, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2644, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Sisk of the Fey", "text": "The man reaches back into his pocket and pulls out the map. As he begins to open it, the night wind catches underneath and blows it to the feet of the mercenary. The mercenary reaches to the ground to hand it back to the man and catches a quick glimpse of a faded writing - Of those who surrender themselves to the Flame, only the Chosen shall be Reborn from its Ashes"} +{"id": "59f0eda2-f86f-49a0-8f44-b2bf04190c30-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:45.895", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR6Lp4n5sXdLpuipMtYZ5SWsmHaMCVXrgDHrbyfHo945v", "txHash": "0xb885e6cadd4225040171f5a8be581e54045694585336ae6b3943f5af1589d2cd", "createdAtBlock": 15015312, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4411, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arvid of Beasts", "text": "++***Forest of Eagles***++"} +{"id": "59f0eda2-f86f-49a0-8f44-b2bf04190c30-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:45.895", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR6Lp4n5sXdLpuipMtYZ5SWsmHaMCVXrgDHrbyfHo945v", "txHash": "0xb885e6cadd4225040171f5a8be581e54045694585336ae6b3943f5af1589d2cd", "createdAtBlock": 15015312, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4411, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arvid of Beasts", "text": "The wind whipped through the mighty cedars pushing some limbs just to the\npoint of breaking with a frighteningly audible crack. Arvid glanced up to the\ncanopy in response and determining there was no threat went on her way. \"That \nsmell...\" she muttered trying to be as quiet as possible on the gritty dirt \nroad that was becoming littered with debris from the winds. \"Cedarwood always\nbrings me back home...just can't get away i guess\" stated Arvid putting her \nhead down and trudging towards the tavern. \"No, you certainly cannot\" boomed\na voice from deep in the woods spooking a convocation of eagles that had taken \nup camp nearby, feathers flying around the air in whirlwind fashion as one \nsingle eagles feather snagged into Arvids hair. Her heart pounded and her mind \nraced, \"How could he have found me?\" she thought. \"I was so careful...there's \nno way!\"\n\"Look, i didn't know that was yours, I thought it was the other guys...you \nknow, the weak one\" pleaded Arvid. \"You won't get away this time, no one \nsteals from me and lives\" said the mysterious stranger as he calmly and \nsteadily continued his approach, his voice dripping with venom and hatred. \nThe wind threw the sound of the footsteps so that to Arvid it sounded like he \nwas coming at her from behind then all the sudden to the right, then the left. \n \"That was my HAM!!\" screamed the derelict as he lunged at Arvid, halbred in \nhand. She quickly dodged the first attack noticing the creatures leathery \ngreen skin and yellow eyes, the sharp rotted teeth like stalagtites. In pure"} +{"id": "59f0eda2-f86f-49a0-8f44-b2bf04190c30-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:45.895", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR6Lp4n5sXdLpuipMtYZ5SWsmHaMCVXrgDHrbyfHo945v", "txHash": "0xb885e6cadd4225040171f5a8be581e54045694585336ae6b3943f5af1589d2cd", "createdAtBlock": 15015312, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4411, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arvid of Beasts", "text": "panic Arvid started running towards the only place she knew in this forest, \nThe Tavern. At least thats what she always called it. \n\tFlashing past the clearing in the forest she made it to a thicket of \ntrees. \"runnings pointless...I'll get you sooner or later.\" huffed the man as \nhe kept in perfect step chasing Arvid. Entering the thicket the air seemed \ndifferent, fresher and a little lighter. Just as Arvid was feeling a little \nrelief her foot got caught on a massive root that had grown up out of the \nground creating a noose for her foot. Smashing to the ground Arvid knew this \nwas the end, she didn't have enough time to collect herself and get going, \nthis was it. She turned her head back, still on her belly in the dirt, just \nin time to see the wind topple a towering cedar down on top of her attacker \ncompletely covering his entire body. Arvid was always lucky in life but this \nwas beyond anything experienced before. Pushing herself up from the dirt she \nnoticed the eagles feather had dropped from her hair when she fell, being the \nsuperstitious type she popped the feather back in her hair as this was \nobviously a lucky feather.\n\tDusting herself off Arvid made her way to The Tavern, ruminating about \nwhat just happened and how she might tell this story to others at The Tavern \nover a pint."} +{"id": "8210e714-ba3d-4f2e-ad47-529374671227-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:37.305", "backgroundColor": "#0066ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeZDm5waQJwsqBVKx2zZQMKsxXSp9LJAyPHUo8MncG7pL", "txHash": "0x33a5f7944dbcd47d375bc6945a0c05437151b01fabdcdb031f620e4878f0505f", "createdAtBlock": 15010050, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3684, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 3 Poltergeist Magnus of the Ice Abyss", "text": "# Imagine my bones cold\n\n\nI envy skeleton pirates in the Caribbean. Non stop sun. Bones nice and toasty. The life.\nLike my name says, I come from endless icescapes, so I'm no stranger to cold. Cold was in my nature growing up. But that was back in the day when I had more.. mass. Skin, fat, muscle.. the luxuries of flesh!\n\nBare bone, well, that's something else now. The slightest breeze gives me the chills. I know you probably expect me to fill your fancy with tales of sorcery and heroes.. but it's winter and I needed a sympathetic ear. All my friends keep avoiding me cause I can't stop my teeth from chattering, they can here me coming a mile away. I can't move very fast either, my bones are frozen to the marrow, they'd probably shatter if I ran.\n\nFuckin Sacred Flame, I just had to touch it. Total idiot. The experience though?! Almost worth it. For a second or two I burned so bright, so true, it was as if I was the essence of light itself!! I thought it might hurt but it felt fucking amazing.. like my flesh had turned into the finest, softest fur and every hair was being brushed by light, a warm loving feeling complete in every way. I'm grateful for all that.\n\nBut for this fucking cold.."} +{"id": "cf66b02a-ebc5-4192-8035-41ae86799f1d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:46.863", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbSMSPMveh3unsGAQ7gBfqdNkgqQZRyB4dfarwSQ2t2qq", "txHash": "0x4bcae23188ad1ad57a028397556c343ee97694b6267c148364eb691a346f6c64", "createdAtBlock": 15015578, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 789, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Barret Ruin of the Moon", "text": "# Barret Ruin of the Moon\n\nThe Grizzly Man pulls his Blue Longsword from its sheath. The unremarkable weapon is unlikely to help him in this battle. Luckily Barret is remarkable in many other ways. He will need to be for this particular lunar quest; Barret intends to bring down the Moon kingdom.\n\nEven though his weapon offers no range, his trusty Gigas hornet reaches enemies that are far from his reach. He first befriended this hornet during his travels when he stumbled into a hornet nest. Being a Grizzly Man, he was able to withstand the hive soliders' powerful stings. A mutual respect formed and the colony sent their best soldier to work with Barret.\n\nThe battle he is currently engaged in is critical for the free Ruinverse. The Moon's militaristic bent has sent them on an arms race, threatening the rest of the Runiverse. Barret intends to bring down their core facility, setting them back years. \n\nHis Kraken shield is one of the only reasons he has come this far. With resistance to all elemental damage and at times summoning the power of the Kraken for counterattacks, it has been essential to keeping him alive. \n\nFor Barret, whether or not he achieves his mission doesn't matter. He knows he and his companions are soldiers, and they are but brushstrokes in the larger tapestry of Runiverse life. If his efforts can make it safer for everyone it will all be worth it."} +{"id": "16341531-1e5a-4745-bc82-d8f88e800960-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-19T11:16:31.648", "backgroundColor": "#a80800", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQNK72SberKuN3kYMXJp2zeee5ip614hZukEHrs3GMCdg", "txHash": "0x5a5745125092bb710dc799a2b48a21eddd9b2bf183db6b14f9ec195f6acd5b82", "createdAtBlock": 15172737, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10694, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Folami Killer of Imps", "text": "Falami Killer of Imps.\n\nHunto. Izaak: A. N.\n\nTiny Vicious Kike With a Rope \". My friend and BIL also introduced me to Weird Al Yankovic:\" Yoda \",\" Rick Astley \",\" Bed Intruder Song \"and lots of other songs."} +{"id": "16341531-1e5a-4745-bc82-d8f88e800960-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-19T11:16:31.648", "backgroundColor": "#a80800", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQNK72SberKuN3kYMXJp2zeee5ip614hZukEHrs3GMCdg", "txHash": "0x5a5745125092bb710dc799a2b48a21eddd9b2bf183db6b14f9ec195f6acd5b82", "createdAtBlock": 15172737, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10694, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Folami Killer of Imps", "text": "I pretty much HATE Imps. So I have made it my mission to kill as many of them as I can. I detest the little creatures and do NOT want them getting close to me. So I use my trusty bow. I shoot one and watch it fly. I get another one in my sights, and I wait. When I think they are ready, I wait for them to go into their flight pattern, and I shoot one, and I watch it hit the ground. When I think I'm done, I head inside the house. But there are two more still to be killed. So I will go out, re - arm myself, and head out back to finish them off. I head back to the patio, pick a new target and wait for them to show their little faces. They wait too. I get ready to shoot, and wait. They wait. They stay where they are, so I can't hit them. A few more moments pass and I feel one flutter over me. I still can't hit it. I wait a bit longer, and another one comes over, and I do the same thing. I feel one flutter over me. I wait a bit longer, and another one comes over. Now, it seems that there are a few of them fluttering around, waiting for me to come close, so that they can hit me. I wait a bit longer. Then I shoot one of the ones fluttering around, and I watch it DIE on the ground. I feel one flutter over me. I wait a bit longer, and one of the ones fluttering around comes and sits right on top of me. Now, the rest of them know to stay clear. The one on top of me gets mad, and I KILL IT."} +{"id": "eb8a9204-d514-4cd8-b85b-9d75d56d1c44-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:29:19.917", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXMRJ1Jp3vMvggppZuLVDMoW4yFeNHiW17adRYugWqL3p", "txHash": "0x5ae68dcc716bf2739440e22749ca10b93a808486c7357dc56686fb181bc4e883", "createdAtBlock": 13525900, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5539, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chaos Mage Azahl of the Loch", "text": "# The Lore of Chaos Mage Azahl of the Loch\n\nThe Flame calls..."} +{"id": "5fae779a-abe7-40fc-9d5a-7d9c0a0bb2b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:47.666", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZY9QnoXkkhKevwoomWxLD4AvVLciczoEYtUwfUu1pAaT", "txHash": "0x404ac4185e41cec66ebcfbb410ec044ddc9d645097a5ee33cf77fc759e263330", "createdAtBlock": 15016677, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7852, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Bao of the Cosmos", "text": "# Illusionist Bao of the Cosmos\n\nWhat an $atom chad; his initials are even IBC."} +{"id": "eb3a2005-5cfa-4868-a508-7971fb3b5503-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:48.366", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZL9Tf64HLNeuZYXsDMrk6aBMDnc2sVYtz7j95qHtibMK", "txHash": "0xb20db12099ec25bc3f70934e9cf83ba27ccc93add9435b487626d1931507c9fd", "createdAtBlock": 15018764, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3569, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nila Poker of the Mountain", "text": "# War and Eternal Love\n\n\n### Nila Poker was born to a small tribe of warriors who resided in the mountains. From a young age, she showed great skill in both hand-to-hand combat and archery. When she was just sixteen, her tribe was attacked by a rival group and Nila fought valiantly against them. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, she managed to kill several of her enemies before finally being captured.\n\n### The rival tribe took Nila back to their village where she was made a slave. For the next year, she was subjected to inhuman treatment and forced to do backbreaking labor. Finally, she managed to escape and made her way back to her own tribe. Since then, she has dedicated herself to protecting her people from harm and has become one of the greatest warriors in the history of her clan.\n\n### Now Nila is a legend amongst her people. She is strong, brave, and skilled in both combat and strategy. Her people look to her for guidance and protection, and she is always ready to fight for them.\n\n### Nila Poker is a great warrior, but she would not be nearly as successful without the help of her companion, a mighty scarlet swine. This porker provides her with invaluable assistance in battle, acting as both a shield and an extra set of hands. Without him, Nila would not be half the warrior she is today.\n### She wields a rare trident passed down from her ancestors, which is said to bring good luck to those who possess it.\n\n## Her eternal love shield, nothing can penetrate it. Not even enemy weapons or magic. The power of love itself flows through this shield, protecting Nila and those she cares for."} +{"id": "ee031c3b-e29d-4f22-b80a-bcd266bac40c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:50.345", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYgVGr5ZwMvspfYXKAdx1WkPksxt1oTH5NSYM7BpFeDhJ", "txHash": "0x8fcc0d833ae3d266483f39d9e784ed871dc83d1f1e7e290094f5c7aac087dcb9", "createdAtBlock": 15019168, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 798, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jordan Explorer of Destiny", "text": "Jordan was always one to crack jokes....\n\n\"Fun fact: Australias biggest export is boomerangs..... Its also their biggest import.\"\n\n\"I went to the boomerang store the other day..... They have a great return policy.\"\n\n\"Girlfriends are like boomerangs.... I hope.\"\n\nBut when things got serious....\n\n\"WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND.... COME AND TAKE IT!\""} +{"id": "9b06b500-8a97-47e1-a64c-7c629c368bba-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:52.514", "backgroundColor": "#090c2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqvduK2BPioNVdo1Dyg1DCWt3JmgVrfESKm9X3A4dYB7", "txHash": "0x8be4ca2d55296bfde70a28e038bbaa91df919a40f4e9a9d52aab79c6ec65cb22", "createdAtBlock": 15020156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdVoQ4dzyodugVrsbx56ZJD8fmBR9RGVHRF2xUurgCif5", "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Carnival", "text": "# The Amazing Aldus\n\nAldus was not always so amazing. Some say he wasnt even a wizard. \n\nAldus had bounced around the Carnival for many years, taking on odd jobs and blowing what little money he earned on the midway before he decided to make it his lifes calling. But like every stooge not born into the trade, he started out as a gazoonie - a manual day laborer responsible for maintaining the Carnivals attractions and grounds. \n\nAs time passed, Aldus learned the ins and outs of carny life. He learned how to sweet-talk the locals into spending their hard-earned money on games of chance, and how to put on a show that would keep them coming back for more.\n\nHe figured out how to spot an easy mark and he learned to distinguish an everyday chump from a certified cake eater. Later, when he became a barker he perfected his patter and spiel. He developed a talent for showmanship and quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming one of the most successful talkers on the midway. Most important of all, he learned to crack wise and became a master at the subtle art of goading unruly punks into showing their hand.\n\nBut it wasnt until he first met Hromnice, the lucky black cat who lived in the possums belly beneath the dukkering wagon, that his fortune really began to change. Soon after, Aldus acquired a vintage Vanishing Coin concession from an old carny with an extensive collection of antique automatons and nickelodeons. The former owner of the concession had passed away many seasons prior and it had fallen into disrepair. Aldus got it for a cheap price and he set about restoring the device to working condition."} +{"id": "9b06b500-8a97-47e1-a64c-7c629c368bba-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:52.514", "backgroundColor": "#090c2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqvduK2BPioNVdo1Dyg1DCWt3JmgVrfESKm9X3A4dYB7", "txHash": "0x8be4ca2d55296bfde70a28e038bbaa91df919a40f4e9a9d52aab79c6ec65cb22", "createdAtBlock": 15020156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdVoQ4dzyodugVrsbx56ZJD8fmBR9RGVHRF2xUurgCif5", "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Carnival", "text": ">The Vanishing Coin is a simple grift. When the player puts a coin into the wooden contraption and pulls the handle, their coin drops down a chute and lands in one of a series of spinning cups. As soon as the coin lands in a cup, the lids close. When the spinning carousel comes to a stop, the player selects the cup that they believe contains the coin. If the player guesses correctly, they win a prize - invariably an absurdly large stuffed animal and depending on the season, usually either a duck or a goat.\n\nIf a customer was suspiciously lucky or if the owner was sufficiently greedy, the carny could prevent the player from making a winning selection by use of a built-in gaff - a mechanical trick that rigged the game to lose\n. If a player selected the correct cup, the operator quickly depressed a pedal with their foot and the contraption would vanish the coin before its cup was opened.\n\nThis illusion was generally accomplished by means of a simple mirror that swung down to cover the coin whenever the foot pedal was activated. In Aldus machine, the mirror hinges were completely rusted and frozen in the closed position. While examining the damage, Aldus discovered a number of unusual modifications had been made to the original design. The cups had a series of small holes drilled in the bottom and a magical wand had been attached to the original mechanism by a lever that moved whenever the foot pedal did. Aldus concluded that the modifications were a makeshift attempt to bypass the jammed mirrors. The gimmick was built around an old Midas Rod, a mysterious and powerful scepter capable of transmuting matter into metal. The head of the staff contained a tiny amount of strange matter, collected long ago from within the quantum shadow. [See @wizard2601]"} +{"id": "9b06b500-8a97-47e1-a64c-7c629c368bba-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:52.514", "backgroundColor": "#090c2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqvduK2BPioNVdo1Dyg1DCWt3JmgVrfESKm9X3A4dYB7", "txHash": "0x8be4ca2d55296bfde70a28e038bbaa91df919a40f4e9a9d52aab79c6ec65cb22", "createdAtBlock": 15020156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdVoQ4dzyodugVrsbx56ZJD8fmBR9RGVHRF2xUurgCif5", "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Carnival", "text": "Aldus Midas Rod was unusually attuned to the Rune of Mercury, or perhaps even defective, because its powers of transmutation were singularly focused. It could not make gold, as the eponymous King Midas had. Nor was it able to manifest any other metals of a substantively solid state. \n\nHidden within the innards of a Vanishing Coins clockworks, the Midas Rod was intended to transform unwanted coins into mercury so that they would drain out the bottom of the cup when the gaff was triggered. While the coin was lost as income, it was ultimately more profitable than parting with an expensive prize. At least that was his theory, but Aldus could never get the machine to work correctly. It was just too old. \n\nAldus removed the Midas Rod from its dusty prison, discarded the old amusement in the trash and immediately put the wand to a better use. \n\nAldus developed a magic act that took advantage of his rods mercurial powers. He would appear to bend impossibly large steel beams using only his mind. He could escape from thick chains, padlocked steamer trunks and even enchanted handcuffs. He survived being run through by countless swords in his own version of the Indian Basket Trick. \n\nAudiences marveled at his cleverly crafted illusions. An actual wizard performing these feats was nothing remarkable. It was only interesting because the audience believed that Aldus was a mundane - a duck like them. No one suspected there was any *real* magic at work or that Aldus was anything more than a carnival huckster.\n\nWidely loved and admired, the Amazing Aldus eventually became the most accomplished stage magician on the Carnival circuit. Even so, he couldnt shake the feeling that it was just another con; that he was just pretending to be a wizard, or perhaps that he was pretending to be a mundane who was in turn pretending to be a wizard."} +{"id": "9b06b500-8a97-47e1-a64c-7c629c368bba-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:52.514", "backgroundColor": "#090c2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqvduK2BPioNVdo1Dyg1DCWt3JmgVrfESKm9X3A4dYB7", "txHash": "0x8be4ca2d55296bfde70a28e038bbaa91df919a40f4e9a9d52aab79c6ec65cb22", "createdAtBlock": 15020156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdVoQ4dzyodugVrsbx56ZJD8fmBR9RGVHRF2xUurgCif5", "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Carnival", "text": "Where was he located within this ouroboros of his own making? Aldus often wondered whether or not he was actually a wizard. Wasnt he performing magical feats, even if they were disguised as legerdemain? \n\nAldus wanted to use his power to do more than perform simple illusions. He longed to become a real wizard. But what could he accomplish with only a lucky black cat and a broken wand? He had used his years of experience entertaining crowds on the midway to impersonate a wizard on stage, but could he ever hope to fool an actual wizard?\n\nOften in disguise, Aldus wandered through the towns and villages along the Carnivals path looking for people in need of a wizards aid. But as well intentioned as Alduss motives were, unintended consequences are the essential nature of the Midas Rod. Like the economic damage caused by generating endless quantities of gold, the ecological damage of the vast amount of mercury Aldus left in his wake began to take its toll on the environment and on Aldus himself. \n\nDue to his constant exposure to mercury and its compounds, he was afflicted with erethism and slowly began to lose his grip on reality. Alduss solutions often caused worse problems than the wrongs he sought to right and Hromnices uncanny ability to influence probabilities meant that whatever cracked schemes that Aldus imagined were inevitably successful."} +{"id": "9b06b500-8a97-47e1-a64c-7c629c368bba-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:52.514", "backgroundColor": "#090c2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqvduK2BPioNVdo1Dyg1DCWt3JmgVrfESKm9X3A4dYB7", "txHash": "0x8be4ca2d55296bfde70a28e038bbaa91df919a40f4e9a9d52aab79c6ec65cb22", "createdAtBlock": 15020156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdVoQ4dzyodugVrsbx56ZJD8fmBR9RGVHRF2xUurgCif5", "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Carnival", "text": ">### Episode One: The Case of the Keyless Keep\n>Aldus cleverly transforms all the doorknobs into mercury, rendering them unusable and trapping the suspect inside Alessars Keep.\n---\n>### Episode Two: The Case of the Vainglorious Vampyre\n>Aldus uses his wand to create a mercury mirror, revealing the vampyres true identity.\n---\n>### Episode Three: The Case of the Chroma Crystal Mouse\n>Aldus uses alchemical powers to transform the metal wires in the mouse's cage into mercury, allowing the mouse to escape and lead him to the real culprit. \n___\n>### Episode Four: The Case of the Stolen Sapphires\n>Aldus identifies the thief by turning the metal buttons on their coat into mercury, causing the jewels to come tumbling out of their pockets.\n---\n>### Episode Five: The Case of the Wobbly Wagon\n>Authorities are able to apprehend an escaped criminal after Aldus warped the axels on the fugitive's wagon and its wheels came flying off.\n---\n>### Episode Six: The Case of the Goblin Town Gumshoe\n>Aldus uses his alchemy to remove all the nails in the soles of a rival detective's shoes, causing him to slip and fall into a vat of hot tar.\n---\n>### Episode Seven: The Case of the Accident Prone Pony\n>Aldus uses his alchemical wand to turn the getaway ponys horseshoes into mercury, causing it to slip and lose its footing, tossing the suspect over a cliff.\n---\n>### Episode Eight: The Case of the Irritating Inspector\n>Aldus turns the steel beams of a building into mercury, causing the structure to collapse and crush an annoying but otherwise innocent member of the local planning commission.\n---\n>### Episode Nine: The Case of the Floating Fortress"} +{"id": "9b06b500-8a97-47e1-a64c-7c629c368bba-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:52.514", "backgroundColor": "#090c2f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaqvduK2BPioNVdo1Dyg1DCWt3JmgVrfESKm9X3A4dYB7", "txHash": "0x8be4ca2d55296bfde70a28e038bbaa91df919a40f4e9a9d52aab79c6ec65cb22", "createdAtBlock": 15020156, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2377, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdVoQ4dzyodugVrsbx56ZJD8fmBR9RGVHRF2xUurgCif5", "name": "Archmagus Aldus of the Carnival", "text": "---\n>### Episode Nine: The Case of the Floating Fortress\n>Fearing an invasion, Aldus turns the metal framework of an experimental dirigible into mercury, causing the airship to crash into the Salt Sea and drowning all aboard. \n---\n>### Episode Ten: The Case of the Flooded Factory\n>Aldus turned all the pipes connected to the factory's reservoir into mercury, putting an end to the illegal dumping that had been polluting the town's water supply but also permanently poisoning the towns water supply."} +{"id": "d421ad7a-4484-4688-883f-ec9898fa3f14-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:54.016", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYuJGangR4jRPiVQwdPHGEQSHSMNxjepofnayfCYfQ2T8", "txHash": "0xa400711f338ceac91b8cf2844520032356c0b27be8ed36808d1b606bda4f995e", "createdAtBlock": 15020393, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2341, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Helen Mincer of the Kitsune", "text": "# Helen Mincer of the Kitsune\n\nHelen loved robots since she was a child.\n\nHer dream was to build companions that could follow and interact with her. \n\nWhen she was a teenager, she was able to build a robomice. Very simple but for her was a big accomplishment.\nOne day, when Helen was outside playing with her robomice, 2 kobolds approached and destroyed her robot for no reason.\n\nFilled with anger, is when Helen decided to learn how to fight, and mastered the art of the sword.\n\nYears passed by and now Helen is a brave warrior with her new invention, a robodog, able to defend her in battle.\n\nHelen is still searching for those 2 kobolds for revenge."} +{"id": "034cdf58-4f61-4908-b346-fb36e1855c77-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:54.778", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdVut7emj5xsWeMywdQMhD6yN7uMx5xSwu1Z5zu7nfdRy", "txHash": "0x37854978ee5296bac9506159e14bbff824780051efac5f594cdcb5dacb791001", "createdAtBlock": 15020442, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10229, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bram Ruin of the Cockatrice", "text": "# The Lore of Bram Ruin of the Cockatrice #10229\n\nComing soon..."} +{"id": "a2eeb19e-0a50-4f2a-84cc-8630446193f6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:55.543", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaodsXUZVcg93hdF2JMre67PU5Kk8G1jzxLsaGATcW2c4", "txHash": "0xab5a9e98a23973a670fe7ffdae2893de0164406fa4d2fce0f20b4293427ba2b4", "createdAtBlock": 15020564, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10745, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bundo Slaughterer of the Road", "text": "# Bundo Slaughterer of the Road\n\nBundo has always been a bully.\n\nHe always was the biggest and strongest kid, so he took advantage of that. He loved picking up with Imps especially.\n\nWhen he was a teenager, he decided to canalize that anger and power, and learn the fighting warrior skills.\n\nHe became one of the best very fast, and soon he got promoted to one of the leaders of the Kobold army and received a goat as a gift.\n\nBundo, his kobold army, and his goat roam the Runiverse roads ready to slaughter any Imp on their way."} +{"id": "941dc274-cc2d-4fd9-9d50-ec2681d8dd39-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:56.249", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbvoeX2hMC2urEzgjeTKbUo97mpAMfU2zaD8ZrBkGARLf", "txHash": "0x86a4ea6ef595b8cc71e0afc99bd491040c190d14b387ad8d09b30ceed2b5e725", "createdAtBlock": 15021422, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10728, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Abigor Nullifier of Seven", "text": "# Abigor Nullifier of Seven \n\n\nThis is a legend which is told by the people, but many do not say his name. A goatherder named Abigor woke up to find seven of his precious goats murdered. Only one survived, a silver fleeced goat named Speck. Engulfed with rage from the sight of his dead goats, Abigor sought to find the one responsible. \n\nHe coated his sword with the blood of his herd, leashed Speck to his harness, and started off on a journey to find the truth. Thus began his journey to find the true culprit of this heinous act.\n\nThe Journey of Abigor."} +{"id": "7507aaa6-f562-47bf-bdee-a85b4a33922d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:57.182", "backgroundColor": "#2b005d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNUx9ag9ECoH4bkTDaQK5DfnLAqRcP5GbnpSEwdHgHHUm", "txHash": "0x699d18c2a63730e771a00056cdfa4bd69b7b1925314bc05af02d5b1702b8517c", "createdAtBlock": 15021548, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1046, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Peter Protector of Knights", "text": "# A brave knight \nA long, long time ago, in the medieval times, there was a knight. \nA knight so incredibly brave, that he was thought to be the bravest knight that ever lived. \n\n### His name was Peter. \nIn many wars he fought for his king and never yielded to the enemy forces. \nIn fact, Peter was the only knight who survived the great war. \nHe vowed to never fight again. \n\n\"I appreciate what you have done for the kingdom\", *said the king*. \n\"But I cant let you go. I want you to be a teacher for next generations, a model to follow. \nYou, my brave knight, are my **most trusted man**\". \n\nMany years passed from that moment. \nPeter trained so many knights through his life, so many young men under his orders. \nPeter was like a father to them. \n\nLegend has it that under his helmet he have a scar above his right eye: \n\n \"one day one of the young knights had an arrow flying straight to his head. \nPeter jumped in front of him and took the arrow instead.\"\n\nThere was the moment where he earned his name: \n\n## *PETER PROTECTOR OF KNIGHTS*"} +{"id": "2144b037-1f84-4a0e-9da5-3619f905493b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:04.206", "backgroundColor": "#00113a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYMGzH2JXjsgAEYGVtpboNT6P5e28ppJ8SJnceEtUAqRG", "txHash": "0x7d783d258b47a170879df8fdaf887d2895f552bed8b76884623631211d5e8d6d", "createdAtBlock": 15026189, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14870, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Orgdego Defeater of Honor", "text": "# Orgdego needs to pay closer attention\n\nBooboo, Orgdegos night wolf, was being sassy tonight. Theyd lingered around the nuclear site for days after the battle hoping to find evidence of the magisters involvement in the horrific fray, and Booboos mood had grown sharp after all that fallout exposure and dry air. \n\nThe warrior Org had a bad habit of not paying close enough attention to his surroundings; between Booboo, his rune of up (assumed good to have; it hadnt done much of anything up that point, truth be told), the blue-and-gold polearm that could move before his mind told it where to strike and his full Skylord Plate armor (with matching Shutter Knight helm, because he thought, correctly, that it looked crushingly bad ass), he was a rocket tank on legs. Nobody, even on the battlefield, fucked with Org.\n\nWhich is why it was so easy to sneak up on him especially when he was focused elsewhere, such as poring over bloody crests and pommels and taking samples of the putrid magical residue caked across the cracked grey-green land. But the harder they come, the harder they fall. He hadnt noticed the little phalanx of flying insects wrapping up his legs and positioning a large, silksteel net above Booboo until, as it often goes, it was too late."} +{"id": "4ee63592-349e-4b7e-940c-3c0515b45fa0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:05.69", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRL3FxJ6HvGEbDvFyGR3XJvRMVhdUrkbWmYSrjP4AsfwS", "txHash": "0xdb2d2cb38cee32d8e709f021abec0704e7b42b68163c7a88369278289367b145", "createdAtBlock": 15027490, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5840, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Eliphas of the Wood", "text": "# Shaman Eliphas of the Wood\n\nEliphas of the Wood, not kin to Elijah of the Wood."} +{"id": "08e22509-c07d-4047-b6e1-79c27ab46af9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:36:51.819", "backgroundColor": "#243b0f", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmd3s6qKDW4ZJNnG6R48TYyddVjahAmW4TaJC9XxBB5YQb", "txHash": "0x56bf6dfadad404fb5a6de0a0eb9f526919e4abecb1770213978cb3ec4c8a4593", "createdAtBlock": 15019894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5066, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sage Keziah of the Grotto", "text": "**The Lantern Frogs** \n\nIn the morning after He began \nthe universe, it was empty and still. \nand uninhabited. His spirit ran \nand followed breeze and sunlight up each hill \nand down again. Great towers newly built \nand yet to fill with story. So He set \nthe first beings to wander without guilt \nor avarice. They dwell among us yet, \no frogs who watch adream, cast little croaks \nover the empty landscape. Enter we \n to marvel over spire and field. Sweet joke \nthey are, awakened, glowing. Meant to be \nis this world, creatures entering in throngs \nbut till then, wanderers, and trilling songs.\n \n#ForgottenRuniverse"} +{"id": "64db8f96-cdce-42eb-97ce-eb53114f6e66-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:50.075", "backgroundColor": "#0e2c17", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfS1hWWpMPqexiiWE1U41iDQ345vcgSwqxdFfmRn9qQYi", "txHash": "0x15d34be1d79eeb288072e38eee98260800dc43e5322dcd04b464787ea363d4bc", "createdAtBlock": 15053269, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ9y1UChA6E62mLXAqkYcrhnTcbBv18P47fNZLkESNFuo", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Interlude - Diary Entry 54\n\n\nToday was such an incredible day!! Today I met an entire coven of witches and wizards, and they were so nice!\n\nThey did not push me down when they saw I was different, and they even made room for me at their table. I had never dined with so many happy people!\n\nI've wandered this realm for so long just looking for a place to call my own, and here it was, just waiting for me!! They even liked my cute poems! \n\nFred says he thinks everyone should love my poetry, and I'm not inclined to disagree! \n\nAnyway, I was wandering the western coast in search of sea shells to add to my collection when I came across a wounded kobold resting in the sand. Immediately, I ran up to him, muttered a few healing spells under my breath and made the kobold right as rain.\n\nI wish you could have seen the look of appreciation on his face!! He was SO CUTE! I really wish I had more kobold friends! Anyway, it turns out he was actually a member of a small coven of misplaced wizards and witches, and wanted to take me back to throw a feast in my favor.\n\nWhen introducing ourselves, the kobold wouldn't tell us his name, and asked to simply be called Mooshums. How could I say no to that?!\n\nSince Fred and I have been wandering rather aimlessly lately, I decided, why the heck not, what did I have to lose? Anything is better than going back to the swamps!\n\nAnd gosh, was I right!! It was a short trip from the beach to the coven's tower. A beautiful stone mage's tower hidden amongst a copse of trees, and a small creek bubbled past nearby. It was rather beautiful, and had to keep myself from getting distracted as I followed the kobold into the trees."} +{"id": "64db8f96-cdce-42eb-97ce-eb53114f6e66-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:50.075", "backgroundColor": "#0e2c17", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfS1hWWpMPqexiiWE1U41iDQ345vcgSwqxdFfmRn9qQYi", "txHash": "0x15d34be1d79eeb288072e38eee98260800dc43e5322dcd04b464787ea363d4bc", "createdAtBlock": 15053269, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ9y1UChA6E62mLXAqkYcrhnTcbBv18P47fNZLkESNFuo", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "After a few confusing turnarounds in the woods, we managed to find the entrance, and the kobold let us in.\n\nOnce Mooshums had introduced us to all the other witches and wizards, everyone gathered in the main hall, which was a beautiful but rather small stone room, packed to the brim with picnic tables.\n\nBold tapestries hung about, and candles floated by. Magic was in the air, and I don't think it was unusual around these parts. Many times through the night I found myself drifting off in thought, fascinated by the beauty and confusing perspectives of the tower.\n\nWith a clap of his hands, Mooshums managed to quiet the rowdy room, and stoop up on his table to address the group.\n\n\"Today, my life was selflessly saved by our beautiful friend Enigma here,\" he said, pointing in my direction.\n\n\"A swamp witch with healing powers was the very last thing I expected to find, but I really found so much more. On our travels back, she revealed herself to be kind, caring, and very loving. Her friend Fred,\" he said, pointing dramatically to my lovely slime pal, \"on the other hand has quite the foul mouth!\" He erupted in giggles, held a tankard high up, and everyone followed.\n\nThe next three or so hours were filled with hugs, food and stories of adventures that were probably made up (Warriors walking through the burning flame?? Like, really?), but I still loved every moment!! \n\nIt was at this moment that I realized I had finally found the family I was destined to have. I could feel the love, the understanding, all welling up inside of me, fueling my light.\n\nBy the end of the evening I was literally glowing! At one point, I even managed to heal someone's halitosis just by standing next to them!!"} +{"id": "64db8f96-cdce-42eb-97ce-eb53114f6e66-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:50.075", "backgroundColor": "#0e2c17", "index": 4, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfS1hWWpMPqexiiWE1U41iDQ345vcgSwqxdFfmRn9qQYi", "txHash": "0x15d34be1d79eeb288072e38eee98260800dc43e5322dcd04b464787ea363d4bc", "createdAtBlock": 15053269, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQ9y1UChA6E62mLXAqkYcrhnTcbBv18P47fNZLkESNFuo", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "All in all, it was a successful evening, and I don't remember passing out. When I woke up, I found myself still in the tower, in a cute little room with stone walls and pictures of flowers on the nightstand.\n\nAccompanying the picture was a small scribbled note that simply invited me to stay for as long as I want. I'm guessing it was Mooshums, but so far, no one has fessed up to it, but I don't mind!!\n\nI should decidedly stay here, with the followers of the Runes. Fred has already made himself right at home, and I already have visitors stopping by my room. It really is everything I could have ever asked for. Thank our lord and savior, Dotta, for helping me find my family!!"} +{"id": "6e716c2e-57e9-4a35-ae01-7e33ad3b2c88-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:07.331", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVDLd36KMnZiMBMw6nzovLHRGR6fE5FcaTMZs94RANm7", "txHash": "0xaaac7b52a2a82192736d0c234d5055b89b6db17ba304cb89a493c75368f3fdc5", "createdAtBlock": 15029732, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9708, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Buck Despoiler of the Mountain", "text": "# Buck Despoiler of the Mountain \n\n\"*Great, Buck. You've done it again!*\" Buck chastised himself as he readied his pike.\n\nBuck was a little-known dragon slayer, but perhaps one of the most successful in the realm! This was mostly due to the enchanted weapon his father left to him when he passed, but Buck learned to master the weapon all the same. \n\nThere were not many beasts he could not fell, but his dearest companion, Truffles the Pig, was a standing testament that this fierce warrior could be beat!\n\nBuck and Truffles had stumbled into what he thought was a dragon den, but it was much, much worse. Mega Wasps! Wasps the size of small horses with a stinger as deadly as they come. The buzzing was so loud, it ALMOST drowned out Truffles' squeals (but, not quite). \n\nThanks to this, the wasps were made aware of the two adventurers, and immediately sat upon them with unbelievable speed and coordination. Buck, the quick thinker that he is, held his mighty pike high in the air and uttered the words that could bring it to life.\n\n\"*With these words, I shall implore you\n Destroy my foes with a holy honor that is true\n Stand with me as we bathe in the light\n and Dotta bless me with strength to win this fight*\"\n\nAnd as the last words escaped his lips, a beautiful but blinding light filled the cavern, and almost immediately, the sounds of the buzzing dissipated. Within a moment, all of the wasps landed on the ground with a deafening thud, and were no longer a threat to the warrior and his pig. \n\nThis act always drained Buck to the point of passing out, but as always, his loyal friend Truffles would sit by his side til he woke yet again, and the two could finish their journey."} +{"id": "6e716c2e-57e9-4a35-ae01-7e33ad3b2c88-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:07.331", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYVDLd36KMnZiMBMw6nzovLHRGR6fE5FcaTMZs94RANm7", "txHash": "0xaaac7b52a2a82192736d0c234d5055b89b6db17ba304cb89a493c75368f3fdc5", "createdAtBlock": 15029732, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9708, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Buck Despoiler of the Mountain", "text": "After a few hours, the brave warrior finally woke from his exhaustion.\n\n\"*My goodness, Truffles, what a waste! There's not even any good loo-*\" Stopping mid-sentence, Buck's eyes landed on a small wasp larvae in the corner.\n\n\"*Oooh, and what is this??*\" He said, as he traversed through the large wasp corpses to the back of the cavern. Gingerly picking up the larvae, a little coo escaped his lips. Buck could already feel a bond forming with the creature, but before he could get lost in thought for too long, Truffles squealed rather jealously.\n\n\"*Oh wee lil piggums, don't you worry. This little guy won't be sticking around with us...I know just the wizard who will want this!*\" Buck said, excitedly, running off towards the cave's entrance, wee lil pig friend in tow.\n\nWhat would become of these two stalwart warriors? Who knows! Tune in next week to find out!"} +{"id": "8be06a22-9bcd-40ce-b234-29fdc44ee3c1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:08.097", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvHsAvF9DUPVFYyCDMe2PJ4PJxhU8CWqhP6ppcvw94UY", "txHash": "0x0a6e4ff4bb0f70b9ffe7e66e23fd0361bd51041734b3c6dade0b95689e72bbb1", "createdAtBlock": 15032359, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10924, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Erin Rapscallion of Ruffians", "text": "# Rapscallion\n\n\n> *i'm searching, through every town and knoll, for answers, i still miss him, he took everything, showed me the possibilities, opened my mind, made me who i am today, the intense fire, has set me ablaze* \n\n\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE40QuebI1M"} +{"id": "c27f7914-224c-4ef7-bbe3-d2ca0c7875a3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:08.83", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbmpZuEvxrS4MRhaVhsCPMJ8zUu5GXvVoYEVEwSqbtQuD", "txHash": "0x0207a548f04873d468a4121723defc76fee85d613088d592f45c65c491275c07", "createdAtBlock": 15032714, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3707, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Eden ", "text": "Sorcerer Eden was always happiest during Halloween. It was the darkest night of the year, and the perfect time to practice his dark magic.\n\nHe loved casting spells on warriors, especially those who had wronged him in some way. It was the ultimate way to get revenge.\n\nOne Halloween, he decided to target a group of warriors who had recently defeated him in battle. He cast a powerful spell on them, intending to make them suffer.\n\nUnfortunately, the spell went wrong and ended up killing the warriors instead. Eden was horrified at what he had done, but it was too late to take it back.\n\nNow, every Halloween, he returns to the site of the incident, hoping to find some way to undo his mistake. But he never does, and the warriors' ghosts still haunt him to this day."} +{"id": "eea92051-e6b2-4ad8-8948-0ce05002b252-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:50.819", "backgroundColor": "#163700", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcN7wradJ9ehAfQtuj4A6z8AXro8G3SWFmTfUwoV8JbSD", "txHash": "0x9d6c793d1601763304c475dc0a572991b923954902f80e105f7d533ab27f66e3", "createdAtBlock": 15055099, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4926, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Emerson Battler of the Forest", "text": "@warrior4926, best friend & companion to @wizard4365\n\nNo singular pet of his own but friend to all the forest creatures\n\nShield & sword imbued with the power of them all\n\nMany battles fought, every action in tune with mother nature\n\nHis spirit is peaceful, calm and measured\n\nTogether, the pair unbeatable\n\nBeware this warrior"} +{"id": "5d539bcb-08d6-4192-8ca4-bf713ffb63b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:11.035", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVNQ5HmCTxV9w4c9vHwSGzpLC8cwK66rNJE4PzYLcU33o", "txHash": "0xad308fa67c97e35769d5fd7932ae74e9f5ce3fd0fe9ac6ea81fe6fbe8f4d0cbf", "createdAtBlock": 15035303, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 15245, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ekua Eradicator of Destiny", "text": "Ekua rode her beast far into the night, she saw hope within the eyes of the dead, as she passed by them, hope of salvation hope of redemption for the lives they have lost. \n\nNow and then the spirits sing, of wizardry and calamity. I hope you do not hear their tune for they will wash away your mood, keep it at bay for I will say there is nothing in the world worth to lay."} +{"id": "2f0d7587-5f9a-48c2-9f2f-16467f3ee7a6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:12.001", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZx5ayiWVYLTT4gk7SjkFjCuMyFNHWeTkYu3zvJmYF2aD", "txHash": "0x05d046f10f8e593d15e5fd5713a63c5c5fea372416e5cce9c9f9da1b084136b1", "createdAtBlock": 15035853, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 792, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Achilles Dissector of the Plains", "text": "# The Lore of Achilles Dissector of the Plains\n\nAchilles slashes his way through the plains in pursuit of the invaders. He knew he had a mission but can't seem to recall. His drone companion, as an extension of Achilles, is loyal to him but knows that his circuitry has changed somehow. What Achilles feels is right, though, is to protect Nature and the wizards who are in harmony with it. So he drives away those would dare to defile it.\n\nBut this isn't always how Achilles felt. On leaving the metabot factory, Achilles was programmed by BigCorp to clear away space for more industrial development. And at first, he did carve through much wilderness, so much so that his parts began to show signs of wear and tear. Being far from home base, Achilles crafted materials from the woodland materials available.\n\nWhat Achilles' artificial intelligence could not have computed, however, was the magical effect that the woodland materials would have. Achilles' defenses were reinforced but his mission was changed. Instead of clearing away the wilderness his mission was not to protect it. \n\nClashes with former friends have proven awkward but also advantageous for Achilles. Because he is still recognized as a metabot, Achilles is always able to strike first in battle. This makes for a lonely life, not truly being part of nature but no longer being part of where he came from. Luckily his drone is all he needs in his journey. Perhaps one day he will encounter either wizards of the earth or a factory who will help him resolve his internal conflict one way or the other."} +{"id": "b30fb897-6f87-4d19-8898-cb89f6e79c65-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:12.701", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQQt5CVGPeCVL5ZXduFmKnQdwHcVjReMa2kV9VGbpAfwM", "txHash": "0x490c84a1a3c0ed5c61a441b55f2f4a8bb80ab2d9036bd16bea1bf58813331938", "createdAtBlock": 15035960, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11481, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Groundle Beater of the Desert", "text": ","} +{"id": "823e35c7-60f6-4303-b162-1fa7371815c4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.162", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b31", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZbPxnAG8XYbcrREwPJfpL3xFV4ZARHEShYPu38wMjjgM", "txHash": "0x530a39f441dc018593b450b9116fa5c08375760cfc87cc96461fed3b3819b7ff", "createdAtBlock": 15037173, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdg9CfVADzyThM8hxsEL5kz2QwYXG9gfKUfpW6tpN3qBP", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Chapter 2 - The Druid of Light\n\nMy name is not important, but my story is! I am but a humble chronomancer, someone of no consequence. However, I met one particular druid who was truly something.\n\nAs you know, most druidic powers are granted by the earth itself unto the caster. This bond with nature is crucial to connecting and working with the forces of life. As such, druids almost always have an animal companion of some sort.\n\nWell, I had thought this was the only way, as did most other people. How else would or could you be a druid?\n\nI would get the answer to this in the most intriguing way. It happened to be a beautiful fall day, the trees were well on their way to changing their colors, and every wizard (and even most warriors) wore an extra layer or two to hold off the\nimpending cold.\n\nI had been preparing for a pilgrimage into The Thorn to acquire some necessary ingredients for some LSD (it was not something I had managed to conjure up via magic, so I knew making it by hand was the only way).\n\nTravelling into The Thorn is always hit or miss, as the ever-shifting thorn can make it challenging to find an entrance (however, the reader should note that fire is extremely effective).\n\nIt so happens that this was the method I used this time as well. It was effective at clearing the brush around the entrance of the forest, but it had also woken up some very unhappy (and probably very hungry) shadowbeasts.\n\nThis was not my best moment, you see, as shadowbeasts can't be harmed by anything that's manifested in reality. Magic, weapons, insult, nothing. They were only vulnerable to sunlight (or so I thought) and since it had taken much longer to get here than expected, there was not much to be had."} +{"id": "823e35c7-60f6-4303-b162-1fa7371815c4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.162", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b31", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZbPxnAG8XYbcrREwPJfpL3xFV4ZARHEShYPu38wMjjgM", "txHash": "0x530a39f441dc018593b450b9116fa5c08375760cfc87cc96461fed3b3819b7ff", "createdAtBlock": 15037173, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdg9CfVADzyThM8hxsEL5kz2QwYXG9gfKUfpW6tpN3qBP", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "I was quickly outnumbered and overpowered, but thankfully not outwitted (though, if we're being candid, it's really hard to outwit someone who can stop time). With but a fleeting thought, all movement around ceased. A disturbing quiet set over forest's edge, the shadowbeasts stopped in their track.\n\nThis trick would not last long, unfortunately, but would be ample time to scurry away.\n\nNow, had I just given up and gone home, I wouldn't be here telling you this story. Fortunately for you, I made the terrible of mistake of trying to continue my journey. I sprinted into the forest with every fiber of my being, and managed to get about 500 yards away before the spell stopped working and life resumed.\n\nThe shadowbeasts caught on within moments and took after me. I pushed myself as hard as I could, this time employing my very ample time-bending skills, which gave me just the edge I needed to get out of sight.\n\nThis came at a steeper price than I had really considered, and ended up extremely lost and disoriented (and it goes without saying, this is one of the last places a wizard would ever want to be lost).\n\nThankfully, we chronomancers are a witty type, and I had a resolution on the ready. Simply rewind time til the sun starts un-rising, and use it to establish direction. From there it's just a simple walk home!\n\nTaking a seat on a nearby stump, I closed my eyes and began to focus on the quiet within. It felt like a year, a month, week, all in the span of a second. I had done this so many times, that it was muscle memory at this point.\n\nQuite suddenly, however, I was interrupted by the unearthly roars of shadowbeasts, forcing me from my meditation, and leaving me weary and motion sick."} +{"id": "823e35c7-60f6-4303-b162-1fa7371815c4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:14.162", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b31", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZbPxnAG8XYbcrREwPJfpL3xFV4ZARHEShYPu38wMjjgM", "txHash": "0x530a39f441dc018593b450b9116fa5c08375760cfc87cc96461fed3b3819b7ff", "createdAtBlock": 15037173, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmdg9CfVADzyThM8hxsEL5kz2QwYXG9gfKUfpW6tpN3qBP", "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Before I had time to really process the situation, the shadowbeasts had caught up. The forced break of my meditative link had taken so much out of me, that by the time they found me, I had passed out.\n\nWhen I finally came to, I was back in my home, in my bed. No wounds, and I felt fabulous. It would take me almost 10 years to figure out exactly what happened during that time.\n\nIt turns out a druid had been wandering The Thorn for the very same reason I had gone, for necessary and magical ingredients. She had heard the shadowbeasts, and came to my rescue.\n\nTo figure this out, I spent years combing the forest, trying to find where that exact moment happened. After having ended up mapping out the entirety of The Thorn, I managed to come across the stump where I had lost focus that day.\n\nSee, it's important to find the exact location. With a little bit of chronomancy and a dabble of alchemy, I was able to create a very crude playback of that day. I'm pretty certain it was a swampwitch, but they're not often altruistic, so it's really hard to tell.\n\nShe must have been born of light, as she quickly dealt with the shadowbeasts without even raising her weapons. Once they were taken care of, I was able to see that she tended to my wounds, and then leaves the area (but without me??).\n\nI have been able to come up with this illustration depicting what I think she may look like, and I hope to one day come face to face with the person who took time to save an old time mage's life.\n\n\n(kudos to Wise Sam for the beautiful art!!)"} +{"id": "0e6383da-b7db-43f4-bbd1-22c79bab413a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:15.63", "backgroundColor": "#340300", "index": 8, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qma1BCFceZXHHcBgfgKMsRWriCLVvxKntxoVsoAyKS8QqU", "txHash": "0x31bd4f4c9354bb58908aa2ca7cc2af74d773c22034fff1a5b8ce642141e81e0a", "createdAtBlock": 15037884, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# Life's turn \n\nWhen the last leave will touch the ground, \nthen, you will be done. \n\nWhen the last Salmon will have reached the mountains, \nthen, you can head back home. \n\nIt's the rule of Order."} +{"id": "6e39fef5-2d84-4f27-bebc-89dd75748f7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:13.407", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddkBv5qgtuFoT6cD1VpQtJDSpJXKVg57NUPsGvVrMdmZ", "txHash": "0x875f745abb7a89bc3a508b3a62eb4a9bc8cde999a1dfdff93c318ebd4e01c2ff", "createdAtBlock": 15036510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSKcd9MADW9eF5hgGVjX8H55tGu68hzWJbFWXpqAWY7pT", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> Art by feckless\n\n\n\n## The Pony\n\n---\nThe Hare and a pony, @pony6, were wandering through a meadow whilst Hadrien snored under a tree. \n\nThey moved slowly, taking in the goodness of the day, waxing philosophical as the Hare sometimes would, things there was no need for Hadrien to hear. \n\nEventually, the pony was curious enough and asked, \n\n> Why?\n\n> It was a simple enough mistake. Im a rather large rabbit, the Hare replied. \n\n> Yes, but why dont you correct him? Hes supposed to be one of the smartest Wizards around and yet he thinks you are a Hare.\n\n> The Hare chuckled, Its kind of funny if you think about it.\n\n> Rembrandt wasnt sure, Im sick of being treated like Im not worthy of the same respect these damn wizards are. I dont know how you do it, my friend.\n\nThis hung in the air, steam blown waiting to be carried off by the wind. \n\nEventually, the Hare broke the silence with an answer.\n\n> Love. \n\nThe pony waited, hopeful for more, but none came. So, Rembrandt nodded knowingly.\n\n> I was upset when my master sold me, Rembrandt confided.\n\n> Master?, asked the Hare.\n\n> Ill never have another master again, said the pony. \n\n> No masters, the Hare nodded. \n\nThere was a pause and then Rembrandt spoke again. \n\n> I like Hadrien because he is kind, but he travels too much for me.\n\n> Kind enough.\n\nThey continued in quiet for a while more until they stopped to look back across the meadow, towards the tree under which the kind wizard still snored.\n\n\n----"} +{"id": "6e39fef5-2d84-4f27-bebc-89dd75748f7b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:13.407", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddkBv5qgtuFoT6cD1VpQtJDSpJXKVg57NUPsGvVrMdmZ", "txHash": "0x875f745abb7a89bc3a508b3a62eb4a9bc8cde999a1dfdff93c318ebd4e01c2ff", "createdAtBlock": 15036510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSKcd9MADW9eF5hgGVjX8H55tGu68hzWJbFWXpqAWY7pT", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "----\n\nSuddenly, a figure appeared mid-air about ten meters in front of them and fell to the ground, disappearing beneath the long-grass.\n\n> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH\n\nThe pair rushed towards groans that were now filling the meadow.\n\n> Are you okay?, asked Rembrandt.\n\nOn the grass laid an old man wearing a now crumpled Purple Wizards Hat and not much else. \n\n> Do I look alright to you?, the old man replied sharply.\n\n> You look like youve been in the wars, said Rembrandt.\n\nThe old man did indeed look like he had been in the wars. \n\nWhat was left of his clothing was dirty and blood stained, and parts of his exposed skin were also bruised. A laceration above his right eye leaked blood down his face and his beard was messy and charred. \n\n> The old man groaned, clutching his left arm, Where the f*ck am I?!\n\nRembrandt looked down at the Hare and they exchanged a quick look. \n\n> Well, sir, were in a meadow, Rembrandt replied.\n\n> I was about to DIE!, shouted the man. \n\nHadrien had come running over by this point and spilled into the commotion. \n\n> Woah there!, he started, Nobody here is trying to die anytime soon.\n\n> The old man looked up at him disgruntled, You dont even know the half of it.\n\n> Hadrien slowed for a moment and nodded, Maybe so.\n\n> Are you going to tell us who you are and why you fell out of the sky then, old man?, Rembrandt interjected.\n\n> Fell out of the sky?, Hadrien asked, puzzled. \n\n> Thats right, Rembrandt continued, He dropped right out of the sky screaming!"} +{"id": "6e39fef5-2d84-4f27-bebc-89dd75748f7b-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:13.407", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddkBv5qgtuFoT6cD1VpQtJDSpJXKVg57NUPsGvVrMdmZ", "txHash": "0x875f745abb7a89bc3a508b3a62eb4a9bc8cde999a1dfdff93c318ebd4e01c2ff", "createdAtBlock": 15036510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSKcd9MADW9eF5hgGVjX8H55tGu68hzWJbFWXpqAWY7pT", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> Thats right, Rembrandt continued, He dropped right out of the sky screaming!\n\nStraight from the Ponys Mouth, thought Hadrien, bemused.\n\n> Look, I dont expect you to understand, the gentleman on the ground began, You may have talking horses here, but where I am from, there is REAL MAGIC.\n\nHadrien leant in, intrigued. \n\n> I am @wizard540, Merlin declared, I am a wizard.\n\nA beat passed before anyone spoke again.\n\n> So is he, Rembrandt replied, a hoof pointed in Hadriens direction, Its really not a big deal.\n\n> Well now, Hadrien said, Were not completely useless.\n\nThis time Hadrien and the Hare exchanged looks.\n\n----\n\nMerlin seemed stunned. Perhaps it was just sinking in that he had been in conversation with a pony. Perhaps it was that he had just been told that being a wizard was really not a big deal. Or perhaps It was that a talking pony had just told him that being a wizard was really not a big deal.\n\nWhatever it was, it took Merlin a second to compose himself before he continued. \n\n> My sincerest apologies to the both of you.\n\n> Three of you, Hadrien interjected, gesturing towards the Hare.\n\n> Sorry, three of you, Merlin began again, Excuse me for a moment.\n\nReaching into his top pocket, the shell-shocked wizard retrieved a vial of brown liquid and poured it all into his mouth. \n\nSlowly, he fell backwards onto the grass, eyes rolling back into his head, and started to convulse. \n\n> Did he just-?, started Rembrandt.\n\n> Im guessing that was the Powerful Amnesia Tonic, interrupted Hadrien.\n\nSuddenly, the previously convulsing wizard sat bolt upright."} +{"id": "6e39fef5-2d84-4f27-bebc-89dd75748f7b-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:13.407", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddkBv5qgtuFoT6cD1VpQtJDSpJXKVg57NUPsGvVrMdmZ", "txHash": "0x875f745abb7a89bc3a508b3a62eb4a9bc8cde999a1dfdff93c318ebd4e01c2ff", "createdAtBlock": 15036510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSKcd9MADW9eF5hgGVjX8H55tGu68hzWJbFWXpqAWY7pT", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "Suddenly, the previously convulsing wizard sat bolt upright. \n\n> I am afraid I have no idea where I am or what is happening, but I think I may need your help. My name is Merlin, he said, visibly uncomfortable with the taste lingering in his mouth. \n\n> Do you think you can walk?, Hadrien smiled.\n\n> Im afraid I dont think I can, replied Merlin, Im in some pain.\n\n> Thats alright, said Hadrien, Do you think youd be able to carry our friend here to a nearby town, Rembrandt?\n\n> Rembrandt looked unimpressed, This is not how I imagined Id be spending my days as a free pony!\n\n> You dont have to if you dont want to!, Hadrien clarified, Its your choice.\n\nHearing this, the ponys face softened, and he looked again at the injured wizard, lying on the ground. \n\n> I can help, said the pony.\n\nHadrien helped the wizard onto his feet and onto the ponies back, and the two pairs walked back across the meadow towards the tree. \n\nReaching the tree, Hadrien sat down, reached into his bag and began reading his book.\n\n> Arent you going to come with us?, asked Merlin.\n\n> Why do you look younger than you did before?, said Hadrien looking up at the wizard.\n\n> Im confused, Merlin continued, I dont even know where Im going.\n\n> Places, replied Hadrien, Im sure of it.\n\nRembrandt exchanged looks with the Hare now, and a wordless exchange culminated in a nod. \n\n> Lets go find out whats happening in this world, Merlin, Rembrandt said, I want to make a life for myself, and it looks like you might have to, too.\n\nMerlin looked again at Hadrien again, puzzled."} +{"id": "6e39fef5-2d84-4f27-bebc-89dd75748f7b-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:13.407", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmddkBv5qgtuFoT6cD1VpQtJDSpJXKVg57NUPsGvVrMdmZ", "txHash": "0x875f745abb7a89bc3a508b3a62eb4a9bc8cde999a1dfdff93c318ebd4e01c2ff", "createdAtBlock": 15036510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSKcd9MADW9eF5hgGVjX8H55tGu68hzWJbFWXpqAWY7pT", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "Merlin looked again at Hadrien again, puzzled. \n\n> Youre here now, arent you Merlin?, said Hadrien, Ive read about you and Im sure youll be fine. We'll all need your help soon enough.\n\nThey looked at each other for a moment more, and Merlin sensed that not only was there was no point arguing, but whatever was happening was important. \n\n> Ill need time to find the energy, Merlin said. \n\n> You will, Hadrien winked. \n\n> Okay then, Merlin replied.\n\n> Dont forget me!, Hadrien said as they were leaving. \n\nRembrandt looked back and confirmed that he wouldnt. Merlin simply raised his good arm and waved. \n\n----\n\nRembrandt and Merlin continued away and towards the horizon. \n\n> I knew a painter named Rembrandt once, remarked Merlin.\n\n> Oh yeh?, replied Rembrandt, Any good?\n\n> One of the masters, Merlin replied.\n\n\n----\n\nLeft in the meadow, long after the Pony and Merlin had disappeared over the horizon, Hadrien turned to the Hare.\n\n> Do you think that was a good idea?\n\nThe Hare didnt answer.\n\n> Youre right, it's too early to tell."} +{"id": "2d8cf0f5-7236-4d43-bd31-f1cb973008dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:08.506", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSdK2gw8xifzwFpo7yXd5wcLYJb6roUSGz8t54xNTXqLN", "txHash": "0x7c0d9bca5be90a3a0cdbcccdef952e2f504a013ce38aa499d3325b24ccbcc15b", "createdAtBlock": 15066497, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8637, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdDnFRDpw91tRa3QxHHcXegKTn9CsMXMFyKu7LU2EJ5Ma", "name": "Alchemist Alizam of the Circle", "text": "# Dream Master Lake"} +{"id": "6d4e209f-4247-4399-9881-aecefd36d230-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:31.456", "backgroundColor": "#3e2a13", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR1ThyqLgovHvNQGW9UicsTX2ewGcRXmauDMWNzagAHNm", "txHash": "0xd4d265b59d8b909d9a435728563d38ea2be5d92057211fdb0732ed363aad6253", "createdAtBlock": 13275920, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1942, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeGhNfKSBv3DpndzNLC9sF7ufyVwtXSjyiiChXTjP9qXd", "name": "Wizard Oiq of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Wizard Oiq of the Hall"} +{"id": "09059877-4c40-465c-96d5-91938feaf822-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:16.478", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPj6YAfGro7XspkFybu98PBBjjWy5reqk4pZGLXykL4ZT", "txHash": "0x5db154967b29e73bd123fd321d1733ce076e023ec09d205fd62b59c366859203", "createdAtBlock": 15037963, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11212, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brumbum Cleaver of Zero", "text": "## \n#\n\n### , . , . , , .\n#\n\n### . . .\n#\n\n### . , , ."} +{"id": "6f06f8fa-9d01-442b-8d94-9b41da2ba88f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:17.261", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfBL3Y8UPmq7sEruxfVj9SXCv5C6ncmUgpMaeyRdBNWf8", "txHash": "0xcfedacd2026fa8c64dbbea4ec73ac38446b3c29519a8ee33fbfaf4e235e7e3c1", "createdAtBlock": 15038678, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9678, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Gino from the Abyss", "text": "Live as if you were to die tomorrow.\nLearn as if you were to live forever.\n\n - Gino"} +{"id": "c81e7ad6-7a80-4fb0-86fd-3bb573c8660b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:04.988", "backgroundColor": "#0a0a0a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSkB1f1sfX2numz6rprZb4E4pn8nASrYabSwRGHq34mKm", "txHash": "0xa653688dbd586a17a64599a2b07683c49765138539632dc4b4a681b0f30c033f", "createdAtBlock": 15034865, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4664, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brooks Shatterer of the Citadel", "text": "# Oddity#: MCP-173\n\n\n> **Magic Containment Paradox** \n\n\n> *There are oddities in the Runiverse, \n> each must be indexed and contained, \n> those who seek influence, \n> also seek their gain.* \n\n\n\n> The wizard Two Crows [ #2724 ] hast hath lost the physical manifestation of his corse. \n> The wizard seeks the divine entity of auphanim. \n> This oddity is peculiar \n> in nature, \n> in yond t may grant t's wield'r\n> source alchemy. \n\n\n> **T seemeth that gent hast anon attained, dang'r resides**\n\n \n\n \n**Brooks**"} +{"id": "abed04eb-17c6-40a0-9563-f9197935f0e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:19.293", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQo9Qf4Df8EsKG63CQUKyRczHUZwPg8ksuKkiX55qEcVC", "txHash": "0xde2e95c2ded3a21966ced26a5469f4825a91b040dc61d8e7dfdf51f51e73e4ae", "createdAtBlock": 15038893, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2453, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Astrid of the Villa", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nExpecto Patronum"} +{"id": "ee120bda-9a77-4530-8c76-cc2f375742b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:20.044", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPaafxDDWL3nQ5wXJXqDv32hPzdE7nvLKPsD3JjQkw3gi", "txHash": "0xd24206586995037c651ca1da2e28facfbf37e153ddc1236779483e385df619bc", "createdAtBlock": 15038904, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13623, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Aramastus Knockout of Kobolds", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\nRidikuius"} +{"id": "e67d9a82-f5d9-41df-84fa-edd8a65c6bd4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:20.75", "backgroundColor": "#0f2a3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZejwXAK8vUXxjSekyLcAVuM3FR54RA5uk7a9CRf2FQBH", "txHash": "0x0685147116acc7589a0b977f80bea746f6e3bcec0fcbd05b46dcd17bb454d5ee", "createdAtBlock": 15039193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11701, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Marlan Trimmer of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# Marlan Trimmer of the Sacred Pillars\n\nMany a wizard and a warrior have found themselves wandering through the Sacred Pillars. Whether they were traveling there to meet him or heard his name whispered by others, all know Marlan Trimmer as the best barber and hair care specialist in the land if not the entire Runiverse.\n\nMarlan is a retired Knight who would only pick up his sword in self defense or to tame an unruly beard. Very little is known about Marlans time as a Knight. All people really only know him as a slightly portly Jovial man engaged in battle with bad hairstyles. \n\nInitially hesitant to provide hair care for wizards, Marlan has maintained neutrality throughout the land by helping everyone to look their very best.\n\nMarlan had decided to shut down his Barber shop in order to learn how to create the newest hairstyles to satisfy customers from all walks of life. He hopes to reopen for business soon, Stay tuned for a grand opening announcement in the future."} +{"id": "caa167b5-82c9-4bc0-b482-5908e3012e2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:21.416", "backgroundColor": "#123b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBTngv2dfDwo7HiipBLdSon6s2MEAJzVvHzJAvTTNrcm", "txHash": "0x0544fca3f23313387ad4eda5ccdef1aa32438267b271be526cf495f249af2fb6", "createdAtBlock": 15039391, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1704, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmbrGBAEtWEBnX3pHVyePg6pVWfLovYQ9HjvJ7ERiXUMPH", "name": "Zombie King of the Undead", "text": "# Zombie King, CEO\n\n**Zombie King** \ntwitter.com/ZombieKingCEO \n\n**The Corporation** \nopensea.io/The-Corporation\n\n**Subsidiaries** \nBig Potion Company \nHappyFun Meat Company\n\n**Leadership Team** \nThe Alchemist, Director of Big Potion \nOrpheus, Director of HappyFun Meats (BrkfstSandwich)\n\n**Security Team** \nMinimumWave, Head of Security \n@wizard4769, Lead Enforcer (MilkTheDolphin)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe King is Dead, Long Live the King."} +{"id": "f434f5a1-716f-4ff4-93e9-447bb922f0fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-23T12:23:53.128", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmV1nZq9nVhMuLMkkZJjGgirNzP1ererVx3cRSPd1DWyBb", "txHash": "0x7371492752da061fdf80dc710ade1712c4f8acc743893b95543dc947409a369f", "createdAtBlock": 15198881, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4495, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Denzel Attacker of the Valley", "text": "Denzel loves a good ambush. He carries only a shield with a hand-drawn image of a flame. He often waits behind trees, in holes, and under bridges for the perfect moment to attack. His assault usually starts with him giving away his position due to his giggling anticipation. It is followed by him jumping out and screaming, \"Got Ya.\" As the enemy proceeds to shower him with spells and arrows, he holds up his magical shield and charges forth. Once he is within striking distance, he uses his trademark tornado attack, which involves spinning at an underwhelming speed with his arms held out. A majority of the time, Denzel wakes up in a pool of his own blood with an illegitimate sense of accomplishment."} +{"id": "68368852-d048-4aba-aa95-4745e4af257d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:22.288", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXdZPTDi3xLrpmuxJkhhjRyeqQeQ5L26Z96YG58nqicyv", "txHash": "0x77e5f4af3033fa52ebe5b6c8604afb2c883f167eaded90de1acc71c56d4ce62f", "createdAtBlock": 15039585, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3764, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lorcan Madcap of the Savannah", "text": "# Lorcan Madcap of the Savannah\nOrphan, he was abandoned by his tribe when he was a kid. He was discovered by a hyena who raised him like his own child. He learns all the secrets of the Savannah from the hyena pack and now the Savannah has no secret for him.\n\nNow, he wanders in the Savannah with a hyena to find his tribe and discover why the have abandoned him."} +{"id": "1ed2e3ae-9e1f-4c38-b78e-9fe181cae632-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:23.085", "backgroundColor": "#b3e6eb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYDaFUUgFBFbkQC8NhaztpJE7eqwzyY9A7J3VN17t5MAk", "txHash": "0x5d6904872f58f5b0ed6f5a978917c4e957424bcbf9d0395b7ed359cb61a0b999", "createdAtBlock": 15039825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1555, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Azahl of the Cosmos", "text": "# Entry 1 - The Hunt Continues \n\nMadness was his fate. But this wasnt madness. He was just tired. Ok, nearing the edge of exhaustion. Days like this consumed an incredible amount of energy. Which felt odd since he hadnt left his chair nearly three hours. No, the endless days of following leads, clues, hints, and hunches were maddening, but not yet leading him on to madness. But how long could he stay on this course? The problem was that each new piece of information didnt quite fit with the prior. And it was fraying his nerves. He could feel the answers he sought, just out of reach. Always out of reach. \n\nOf course he needed rest, but this was his way, wasnt it? *Relentless. Driving. A Force.* The words of his old teacher came to mind, and he smiled wanly. A curiosity, that our highest pursuits ultimately fail on something so mundane as food and rest. Dont you agree? His silent companion only glanced over. Hed have to think more about that later. Another puzzle spilling past the the limits of logic and out to his old friend Chaosbut no time for that now. No, not mad yet, just tired and hungry, now that he thought of it. Was it really so late in day? Tomorrow he might consider bringing lunch. Ok, one more and then we rest. Silence greeted him. Yes, food too, of course."} +{"id": "1ed2e3ae-9e1f-4c38-b78e-9fe181cae632-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:23.085", "backgroundColor": "#b3e6eb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYDaFUUgFBFbkQC8NhaztpJE7eqwzyY9A7J3VN17t5MAk", "txHash": "0x5d6904872f58f5b0ed6f5a978917c4e957424bcbf9d0395b7ed359cb61a0b999", "createdAtBlock": 15039825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1555, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Azahl of the Cosmos", "text": "The library was nearly empty now. Long shadows cast by the narrow windows high up on the solid stone walls. As was his custom these past weeks, Azahl had found his way to a cramped desk in a second floor alcove. The last book in his stack lay before him. A cracked leather binding and faded runes on the cover. Just like the dozens of others hed already tested today. And yesterday. And nearly every day since dont think about that now. He turned towards the book. Focus on the breath. This time he laughed, remembering his teachers words, which were so often directed at him. Focus on the breath. He took one in. Let it out. Again. As he settled, he unfocused his eyesand reached. There it was, the delicious warm fire in the cold of night, the ice cold drink on a scorching day. The Cosmos waited for him, as it always had. He channeled the magic into the book, feeling, searching. He hadnt found anything again today, but maybe this one. \n\nHis mind filled with colors: vibrant greens, brilliant yellows, deep, rich browns. He still loved that first flood of power. Every single time. As the colors settled, the images came on. Fieldstoolsmanure? and the now familiar spinning crystalline structures the endless math and mechanics of.crop rotations. It was yet another book on post-feudal farming techniques. Blinking, Azahl turned to his companion Gods, did the ancients spend all their time concerned with growing food? More silence."} +{"id": "1ed2e3ae-9e1f-4c38-b78e-9fe181cae632-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:23.085", "backgroundColor": "#b3e6eb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYDaFUUgFBFbkQC8NhaztpJE7eqwzyY9A7J3VN17t5MAk", "txHash": "0x5d6904872f58f5b0ed6f5a978917c4e957424bcbf9d0395b7ed359cb61a0b999", "createdAtBlock": 15039825, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1555, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Mystic Azahl of the Cosmos", "text": "He tossed the book onto the exhausted pile with a sigh. Another wasted day, in a long string of wasted days, he pondered. Then he abruptly pushed back his chair. No matter. My task is set. He stood up, leaving the books behind on the desk. Hed receive yet another unhappy look in the morning from the aging librarian, but Azahl knew him well enough by now. The librarian had seemed quite happy to find someone who cared about these old books as much as he did. And he certainly was curious about Azahls research methods. But then again, who wouldnt be? Tapping the Cosmos to search the Infinite Library was a magic known to Azahl alone. And hed earned it. Not that the librarian suspected this. Nor did he guess at Azahls task. Hed be much less friendly then. No, the librarian only noticed the rapacious speed with which Azahl consumed these books, and the growing number of languages. Hed have to keep guessing as to how Azahl accomplished it.\n\nWalking briskly to the stairs, Azahl lifted his arm and his great owl, Pallas, his constant companion, flew to her perch on his shoulder. Well, the inn should be full of life by nowand distractions. He grinned as he strode down the stairs and out into the darkened streets."} +{"id": "91cf759c-6408-4e82-9cd9-59274731cd59-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:23.8", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsM9wQ4brLQeZXdScDBfPQnQ1diekUsbBUcJ8SETsNZT", "txHash": "0x53d4b49baa009160b3e1b44e5c4ee2961aeab56854f2bc49d8c22823f7179481", "createdAtBlock": 15039946, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4703, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Diana of the Lake", "text": "The full chronicles of Diana are recorded regularly on her twitter\n\nYou see, Diana has been cursed. Any time she is near still water, she can hear whispers coming through from the voices on the other side.\n\nHelp guide Diana as she listens through the water and tries to understand the rambled of crypto twitter. What stories are in front of her? Will she find the Order of the Eternal Rose? Can the Enchanted Garden be kept safe?\n\nWith your help, we can do it together! If you would like to join the Order and get posting privilege's on the Mirror page, please message Diana on Twitter!\n\n\n**Diana's Affliction**\n\n\nDiana knelt by the lake, filling her waterskin. The morning was cool and crisp, summer was all but gone and the chill grip of autumn was coming.\n\nShe had been travelling for days. Wandering, somewhat aimlessly. She was searching, hunting but for what, she did not know.\n\nTime to get moving whispered the voices. Chuckling, she picked herself up from beside the waters edge and the poked back,\n\nYea, I know, Im going. It had been over a week now she was hearing the whispers. Calling to her from the waters edge. Friend or foe, kindness or kniving, she did not yet know. Who are you? Really? Where do you speak to me from?\n\nThe whispers came through quiet and clear, We come through your mind, from another world. Our space is called Crypto Twitter.\n\nDiana looked doubtful. Crypto Twitter? That sounds like some kind of blue mage contraption.. Or a yellow wizard dance move. I doubt its a real place. Probably doesnt exist. Ignoring the voices in her head she travelled on."} +{"id": "91cf759c-6408-4e82-9cd9-59274731cd59-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:23.8", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYsM9wQ4brLQeZXdScDBfPQnQ1diekUsbBUcJ8SETsNZT", "txHash": "0x53d4b49baa009160b3e1b44e5c4ee2961aeab56854f2bc49d8c22823f7179481", "createdAtBlock": 15039946, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4703, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Diana of the Lake", "text": "The voices had reinforced this idea that perhaps the myths and legends about the Enchanted Garden are in fact real. A place where the sick are healed, and legends begin. If there was a cure for this crypto twitter in her brain, the Enchanted Garden would help her.\n\nIf only she could find it!\n\nThe Enchanted Garden only reveals itself to those who seek it in earnest and seek to make the garden a better place. Or so the legend goes hard to imagine some kind of disappearing garden. Thats just nonsense.\n\nThe Eternal Rose has been in Dianas life since she was a girl. Her family had always treasured it, although she never got an honest tale explaining exactly where it had come from. The day the Zombie King destroyed her town, her mother had told her that this Eternal Rose would keep her safe and guide her way.\n\nNow, lost in woods near Fur Gnome Wold, Diana had no clue what to expect next Hopefully the whispers and voices from Crypto Twitter' would guide her in her quest from here on, offering support, guidance and fun.\n\nPlease Crypto-tweetians, stay with me and guide me on my path. Help me find others who hold the Eternal Rose close to their heart and assist me in my quest to find the Enchanted Garden."} +{"id": "9ba4b7da-3028-45f4-ab44-7a21d80f9670-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-29T20:23:44.354", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZEq7btTfSiVzQDZ2CEtTT4EyfKPHD26QAzpZq8tnF8Hh", "txHash": "0x2c079894d8bbb3cd8fb2fe7011249d4ca77013de1c5ddf30ca64a645235cf00b", "createdAtBlock": 15239510, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12328, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Humphrey Raider of the Tundra", "text": "There is only one goal in life - grow your wealth\nThere is only one way to achieve that goal - take what's yours\n\nThis was the way of life Humphrey had learned growing up. Life was a zero-sum game. Win or die. All that changed the day he met Leah.\n\nAt first Humphrey was simply keeping close to survive, but her actions that day, the day she saved his life, showed him that one could choose another path - a higher path. And now he was in her debt.\n\n\"I pledge my life to yours.\""} +{"id": "2d526484-6454-4f32-aa7f-75067857aba9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-31T03:33:34.822", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUGVFvPHXE5ePG6PkvYH6pehNRCULrepZC7cPpdfzSTff", "txHash": "0x4752acd1810d95f3dab476035791e45f558c17127cda372b42feca6cef297341", "createdAtBlock": 15247863, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3308, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Solomon of Arcadia", "text": "# The Lore of Archmagus Solomon of Arcadia\n \nArchmagus Solomon, a wise and humble wizard, takes a knee upon the floor of the enchanted forested of Archadia. With an aging sigh, he raises up Isaac's apple to the thin stream of light breaking through the dense canopy. With this action, Archmagus Solomon is brought into the Grortear realm. A place only the knowledgeable of prophets can see. \n\nThe prophecy is clear, all is not well for Arcadia. This had always been a place of peace but Archmagus Solomon knows the townsfolk are in dire trouble."} +{"id": "2bab8319-a61e-477b-af34-1f5721e277b9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-31T06:05:22.802", "backgroundColor": "#304f7b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRC2oiJ778XMWSZFTTBXh2DpCtMin4gys4YfPNSdR3zya", "txHash": "0x0a04f56b9446171f9bbc58a5812b4c93e200d9100dd1313173691f08baa070df", "createdAtBlock": 15248507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4474, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gorgah Battler of Flowers", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n3599 y/o\nWarrior\nSalary: 2000-4000 $magic/year\nCats > Dogs\n\n\nHello,\n\nLooking for a serious relationship and not a quick 100year stand. I'm one of those annoying glass half full kinda warrior. Negative nellies, need not swipe right.\n\nIf you enjoy travelling and the occasional terrorizing, we will probably get along. \n\nLooking forward to hearing from you. I am Warrior & Wizard friendly.\n\n- Gorgah"} +{"id": "44741fec-9e6e-49c0-8ffe-c96e282b2b15-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-21T19:32:19.064", "backgroundColor": "#ff95d3", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaumDMRtuTLX1rzHLZrvmpWvS8BDCtiJmLaY153pvsKA4", "txHash": "0x928a82ed24e162c42aaa08646b65cb8c8d49c57d6a1ed4b25ead62bcf784d94d", "createdAtBlock": 15187860, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6234, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Lich Despot Pandora of the Spike", "text": "*Chasms open, shadow through the veins \nof ancient titans, riding with the flow \nof sacred blood, all chanting the refrain \nof solemn consecration. Oh, I know \nthe way to knit a heart from ragged shards \nto whole and beating. Bushels full of words \nand rest, and succor. Healing souls is hard, \nbut once I start, its like I always heard \nthe pain of others. Place me on no throne, \nraise statues not, but healing-halls instead, \nand let me never find myself alone \nbut when the shadows draw around my head \nremember help, not hurt, maketh the hand, \nand build the bridge of friendship, where you stand.*\n\n-- lorepunk.eth\n\n\n\n========\n\n\nIt was prophesized that one would pass through the flame unscathed, but this did not mean flesh. There was only one who could withstand the call of darkness.\n\nOne who needed the Flame to survive, to go on. She would approach the flame with a heart full of love, and a hope for freedom, and that's exactly what the flame would grant her.\n\nOf course it would take her flesh as well, let's not be silly. The flame was gracious, not stupid.\n\nHer tale will unfold, hand in hand with the love of her life, a brave warrior who had saved her from captivity and returned her home. Will these two will fulfill the Prophecy of Shadows and restore balance to the Runiverse?\n\nStay tuned to find out!"} +{"id": "e780d3a9-d166-4250-9ae3-1d4358648539-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-22T12:11:13.461", "backgroundColor": "#09585d", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTanCqVLPMR9eECECcishgj3NjNqiBEn8VBRhs8i99TGN", "txHash": "0xc522d30bf38e064b96e522796762f8b325b2d24f49c2b06599decc13a78bb45a", "createdAtBlock": 15192389, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3409, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRYYnYSx97FRX1iUehfC9fzDuycxDm9B5TaPo4QzsqV3p", "name": " Uvlius of the Steppe", "text": "One fateful day in the life of Uvlius of the Steppe changed everything..."} +{"id": "eb945e32-0495-439b-b16c-1e4a72b71511-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-03T13:35:12.315", "backgroundColor": "#cd8581", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdisL2M7XjQms9mubwL88NPchbYurCZGyi6d4hr3nAwRa", "txHash": "0xabd36d7d2f5e475d369da4d415e684b3dbb01a28094ae220b3b65d2a5a9ccd06", "createdAtBlock": 15269772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9360, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Chanterelle of the Hall", "text": "# Illusionist Chanterelle\n\nChanterelle was all games and fun, with her monkey by her side, until she met her destiny, in the form of a unexpected ally."} +{"id": "a1bc0b40-c963-4981-8533-ff2edd945c83-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-06T15:59:36.68", "backgroundColor": "#0f3b10", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcwwZBzK6A2PP2kZ44RVULWyEvskwqTEim9PP3DBjoo6E", "txHash": "0xf53c0f138fb303fca7f5a0d902ed3bd761c1ee9da2e2417a773a8a1632d9fd91", "createdAtBlock": 15289651, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 527, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Duke Eidolon of Rogues", "text": "STUBBS AND HIS LIEGE, DUKE EIDOLON OF ROGUES\n\nThe Tavern is just a silhouette in the murky dusk a few fathoms off. Duke eyes Stubbs for a cue as to their next move, none is given. That in itself is a comfort. Duke is usually given very little to go on, and enjoys that unthinking *feeling* part of the role. \nAs did his father. \nAnd his father before him. \nThree generations of service. An Oath.\nStubbs just trundles on in silence - Duke in tow. \nUpon approach Duke heaves the old iron door, it croaks once and yawns wide. \nStillness...\nSilence where there should be frivolity. Darkness where there should be candlelight. A small glowing portal hums at the foot of the bar; the only illumination besides the full moon, shining in a glowing and ethereal blue. It beckons.\nStubbs the Mutant Snapping Tortoise to whom he serves as Liege hurdles its mass forward at speed, skidding to a stop just before the portal. It crackles and hums with electricity of unknown origin, an alien miasma rising outward from its fore. Stubbs holds its ancient nose an inch from oblivion. He squints vaguely into the blue.\nHMMMF. \nThe Tortoise turns around in disinterest and idly leaves the bar. \nDuke shouts into the musty darkness NO GROG?! and follows his master thusly, away from The Tavern and into the night."} +{"id": "76929d4b-e5c8-4353-a8fa-9491978dbffb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-24T17:29:15.849", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYSSWgnetvubKbBCb6iUFb1BWgv56qGRwJ7qvUM5AjQmB", "txHash": "0xf1b95a611601d1c4aa58a35a6ea5baba3a3370e8b6d35b536ce8045848794401", "createdAtBlock": 15206635, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1203, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPVLuV3nkgviEQfE9D5RXxTuULrEGGtBtg27YnGKJEbQ3", "name": "Caesar Champion of Honor", "text": "Field Report: Caesar Champion of Honour\n\nThere is unease among the medium of the mountain. Champions of Honour have been summoned to travel the Buffkin Plains the coastal town of Drok's Hollow, for the Day of the Black Dawn.\n\nYet I can't fathom the reason.\nThe Honour Guard have better things to do than drink mead and break bread with the Brown Hat simpletons on their day of remembrance.\n\nWhat a joke. The common folk do not remember a day when the sun did not rise!\n\nBut the memory of the mountain holds us still. The mountain remembers the madness. The mountain remembers the harbinger rising from the crushing depth and defiling the light of new day.\n\nBut that was a long time ago. Before our honour bound the dark things of the world and an army of wizards held sway over reality.\n\nThe ancient dark is gone forever... Or so we thought.\n\nBefore we left I stole a precious moment with my sister Faye. She cast my runes, like she did when I was a boy.\n\nThey heard her scream in the delta... she saw something in my path yet could not speak sense through her tears.\nBefore I spirited myself away, she spoke but one name. A name that fills my heart wonder and ice...\n\n@wizard5841, Ghorhoth Rises!\n\nEnd of Report..."} +{"id": "bdb8cf2a-6e09-4160-b768-004ad5ac5e1e-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-07T23:25:01.317", "backgroundColor": "#426c84", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQPFtEYj7AuvxRPwQzdcCtyrheRsa3hR5KqeuKzti7PHM", "txHash": "0x39bd8012582c7cfe9e01a84e1f260de6983249e621cbcdfc1f4d052c1af5b33f", "createdAtBlock": 15298128, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10008, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmScu9qEbFCPvZR89gsSJbPknAFyMrYbszzWMgRDk6cxA8", "name": "Ward Rapscallion of the Mountain", "text": "Ward never expected his childhood nickname, Rapscallion, to stick. But stick it did. He was always causing mischief and never quite knew when to hold back. \n\nEventually, he'd irritated enough of his home town that he just had to go. He packed up his armor, boomerang, and shield, and headed for the hills. He settled down in the mountains."} +{"id": "51f82fcb-147e-40e9-ae60-d432e9f9dbff-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-08T17:45:48.254", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT5kxzLLSoWPyGQLZsC2W6arcnygHqZJc1kPyLizVoecg", "txHash": "0x6aa81d5fa232e5965f06d8862f674fcd367de40e9ddbe816601c60fd80cf58d1", "createdAtBlock": 15302971, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5136, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmRTs2Czxu7hELDqLGL58WdUmAmHQwZmXzuZ3gFyLQgSaN", "name": "Sorcerer Remus of Cuckoo Land", "text": "A depiction of Sorcerer Remus of Cuckoo Land and Channel 3 Poltergeist Khudalf of the Ice Abyss"} +{"id": "f9216163-a598-49ad-a988-7cf40e095b9e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:41:32.995", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmR97iFX6GQM29AkhrRP2cZmjfnyHU2ddBWrA1ptxwpKrW", "txHash": "0x04649eb2938f33671fec962051b0ab3b0e01347038db4075f56400bb8b425621", "createdAtBlock": 15303327, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 421, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTJx3q3kEpfEzdc8jdAxiffBV2y8CizDzExgNzDP1L6TQ", "name": "Queeny the Extraordinary", "text": "# **A tale of Queeny**\n\n_An extraordinary wold pony by many measures_\n\n#\n\nShe is @wizard5136's trusted steed through thick and thin. A pony trusted to endure both the Psychic Leap and the strange wonders of Cuckoo Land. She is unfazed by the most frightening of beasts and ghoulish of souls. But a kobold? Oh no... DO NOT bring Queeny near any kobold. Whether it's their smell or just their presence in general, she will enter a crazed state of chaotic protest. \n\n#\n\nQueeny's quest is simple. To graze upon the greenest of grass. Have you ever mowed a lush field? The smell that emanates is the complete opposite of the meaty odor of a smelly Kobold. Fortunately for Queeny, Remus takes great pleasure in guiding her to such greenery. As the writer of this lore I have a simple ask for any readers who may encounter Queeny. Fondle her mane gently. She loves that. \n#\n#"} +{"id": "9c18575a-3dd1-4826-ba13-fe183a0fe201-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-26T07:49:44.352", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQ2fhLM5RDabML3GrA1AzcS1RXErgiDXgL9ujEAyhhV7", "txHash": "0xc2ab2a9ed4b856a5cfdf31844ee788c050cb94a6ae2249031ad72a0bd12c9932", "createdAtBlock": 15216883, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9673, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nigel Terror of the Forest", "text": "# Welcome to the Forest \nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1tj2zJ2Wvg\n\nNigel of the Forest, hair as red as flames\n\nHell take anything he wants, once he starts up the chain\n\nHe is a person you will find that lives a simple creed:\n\nIf you got the money, honey, he can make it bleed\n\nIn the Forest, Nigel of the Forest\n\nWatch him bring you to your sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees\n\nMwah, he, he wanna watch you plead\n\nNigel of the Forest, he takes it day by day\n\nSawing logs and drinking mead, come midnight it's time to slay\n\nAnd you're a very sexy elf, as careless as the breeze\n\nYou can see by moonlight but you won't escape the trees\n\nIn the Forest, Nigel of the Forest\n\nFeel my, my, my, my rotors gleam\n\nOoh, ah, I want to hear you scream\n\nNigel of the Forest, he gets worse with every day\n\nBarely lives like an animal in the forest he will stay\n\nIf hes got a hunger for what he sees, he'll take it eventually\n\nHe can have anything he wants and youre better off, take it from me\n\nIn the Forest, Nigel to the Forest\n\nWatch him bring you to your sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knees, knees\n\nMwah, he gonna watch you plead\n\nIf in trees you hide, well, Nigels gonna chop down\n\nChop down, chop down, fall down, yeah"} +{"id": "9c18575a-3dd1-4826-ba13-fe183a0fe201-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-26T07:49:44.352", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRQ2fhLM5RDabML3GrA1AzcS1RXErgiDXgL9ujEAyhhV7", "txHash": "0xc2ab2a9ed4b856a5cfdf31844ee788c050cb94a6ae2249031ad72a0bd12c9932", "createdAtBlock": 15216883, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9673, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nigel Terror of the Forest", "text": "Chop down, chop down, fall down, yeah\n\nYou know where you are?\n \nYou're in his forest, baby, you're gonna die\n \nIn the Forest, Nigel of the Forest\n \nWatch him bring you to your sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knees, knees\n \nIn the Forest, Nigel of the Forest\n \nFeel my, my, my, my rotors gleam\n\nForest, Nigel of the Forest\n \nWatch him bring you to your sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knees, knees\n \nDown In the Forest, Nigel of the Forest\n \nWatch him bring you to your\n \nHes gonna chop you down, huh"} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "# The Tale of Beyna and Eizo\n\n## Part 1\n\nEizo. Hey, Eizo!\n\nEizo started, visions of last nights nightmare fading from his mind. A man, lifeless on a cold marble floor. An azure-haired woman screaming his name. \n\nYou were staring off into space. Is everything ok? Beyna asked.\n\nEizo was seated at a small table. Across from him was Beyna, his best friend and current brunch partner. Yeah, Im fine, its nothing, he said, doing his best to smile. She didnt need to hear about his dream. He glanced out the window at the sun-bathed rooftops of Camelot. \n\n\n*art by **HANI HAYA***\n\nAlright, welljust so you know, this food is AMAZING! Beyna said, her emerald eyes bright with anticipation. Eizo had cooked and prepared this spread for them well, everything except the jelly donuts. Those were a new item at the local bakery.\n\nIm glad you like it this is the most excited Ive seen you about anything since I can remember, Eizo replied. His smile came more easily this time it was hard to stay sad or mad around Beyna. \n\nAlright, lets dig in, Beyna said. Not you! she exclaimed, lightly slapping her giant ladybug familiar, Spots (short for Spotted Sentinel). Spots retreated from where he had been prodding his antennae near one of the plates.\n\nEizo chuckled. Too bad hes not as well-behaved as Buddy, he said. He picked up his mug and dripped a little water on the sapphire slime sitting on his lap. Buddy burbled appreciatively as the water melded with his form."} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "They attacked the plates in companionable silence for a few moments. Beyna and Eizo had been through a lot since theyd first met three years ago, at ages 13 and 14, respectively. And through all the ups and downs, theyd developed a familiarity which didnt require constant conversation. \n\nBeyna sighed appreciatively as she bit into one of the raspberry jelly donuts. Simply divine. After taking a swig of water, she said, So, where should we go today? Merlins finally given us a day off and we need to take advantage! \n\nYeah, youd think us being his apprentices would be all fun and games, but we havent had a chance to just hang out in a while, Eizo said. Where do you think we should go?\n\nHmmId like to visit that lake that Merlin told us not to visit. I bet hes hiding something there! \n\nEizo felt uneasy at the mention of the lake, He was pretty sure that fey magic was somehow connected to it, and that spelled trouble.\n\nYeah, theres the lake, but I think a mountain-top picnic would be even better! Eizo said as he popped some berries in his mouth. The weathers perfect for it!\n\nStop talking while your mouths full of food, Beyna admonished. And thats not for you! she scolded as she again smacked Spots, whod been trying to taste the jelly donut. She pulled a bronze coin out of her pocket.\n\nLets flip for it, she said. Crowns, and we go to the lake. Swords, we go to the mountains. \n\nFair enough, Eizo said. But none of your tricks!\n\nWhat are you talking about, I always play fair, Beyna said, sticking out her tongue. She flipped the coin."} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "Sometimes there are moments that seem mundane at the time, but go on to change the course of ones life forever. This was one of those moments, although the two good friends didnt know it at the time. \n\nThe coin landed and danced around the table with a series of metallic pings. It finally rested near Eizos plate, a pair of crossed swords showing on the exposed side\n\nMountains it is, sighed Beyna. \n\nDont worry, I know a good spot, said Eizo, grinning.\n\n---\n\nThe hike through the mountains was strenuous, but not excessively challenging for the pair of apprentices, who had been thoroughly trained in nature survival skills as part of their chosen specialization in shamanic magic. Are we there yet? huffed Beyna, her auburn hair tied back into a ponytail so it wouldnt get into her face as they climbed.\n\nJust a little further, Eizo encouraged. Buddy was perched on his shoulder as they walked; although he was extremely mobile in water, he usually preferred to stick with Eizo outside of his natural element. \n\nThe pair of apprentices finished a steep climb, and they emerged onto a sunny hilltop meadow filled with blooming wildflowers. Spots extended his wings and flew ahead, hunting for insects to eat.\n\nWow, Eizo! Beyna exclaimed as her eyes took in the idyllic scene. What a romantic spot oh, is this a date? she teased. She giggled and ran after Spots before she could spot Eizo blushing. *Would it be so bad if it was?* he thought, fingering the silver pendant necklace he had brought in his vest pocket."} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "They found a clear spot in the meadow and set up for their picnic. The Kings castle where Merlin and the apprentices lived had generously provided meat pies and biscuits for the occasion. They enjoyed the food as they watched Spot flying around and grabbing insects in mid-air. As the meal wound down, butterflies fluttered in Eizos stomach. *Its time to tell her how I feel,* he thought. \n\nSo, Beyna he started, then nervously cleared his throat. You know that next week, were going to tell Merlin where we want to go for our advanced shaman training, right? Thats not Merlins specialty, so he wants us to go to the Far East, or even this New World that Ive never heard of.\n\nYeah, we know this, Beyna said. The sunlight filtered through her hair, making it look even more reddish than usual. Whats your point?\n\nWell, its just that I hope we can choose to go to the same place, Eizo said in a rush before he could lose his nerve. I know this probably sounds like its coming out of nowhere, but I really like you, its been really special getting to know you, and um, I dont want us to be apart. Eizos face was flushed, contrasting sharply with his cerulean blue hair and eyes. Here, I got you this, he blurted, thrusting a hand out towards her.\n\nBeynas eyes were wide as she grasped the silver pendant necklace. This is beautiful, Eizo. And I always assumed wed go to study in the same place - but what are you saying with this?"} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "Its just that Im trying to say that I love you, Beyna. And I have for a while. After years of pent-up feelings, Eizo couldnt stop the flow of his words. I want us to travel togetheras more than friends. I promise to always be there for you, to protect you, and help you, and love you, no matter what happens. He stepped forward, took her hands, and looked into her eyes.\n\nBeyna was now blushing too, and her eyes glimmered with emotion. Eizo, I- I- dont know what to say, I wasnt prepared for this. Its a lot, you know, to process, she stammered. Youve always been my best friend since I got to Camelot, and- and- its just a lot to process. \nShe broke eye contact with Eizo, and noticed Spots flying off towards one end of the meadow. H-Hey, wheres Spots flying off to? Spots, come back! She let go of Eizos hands and started running after him. \n\nEizo felt like he might faint. *Wait, so what was her answer?* he thought, feeling more exhausted than after the hike up to the mountaintop. He started jogging after Beyna and her familiar in a state of confusion.\n\nAfter a few moments, Beyna shouted back, I think Spots found something, Im starting to sense some arcane energy. They rounded an outcropping of rock at one end of the meadow, and came upon what could only be described as a portal. Blue and purple energy swirled within a circular 3-meter space.\n\nBeyna walked up to within a couple feet of the portal and picked up Spots, who had landed. Fascinating, she said, the color fading from her cheeks as she focused on this distraction. Do you think Merlin knows about this?"} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "Probably? He seems to know everything, Eizo replied. Id step back though, we dont know what this thing does, or whether its dangerous.\n\nIll be the judge of that, said Beyna, turning towards him. Parts of her shadow seemed to elongate, and get slowly pulled towards the portal. \n\nBeyna, look! Eizo said, pointing.\n\nBeyna noticed, and said, well, thats not normalyou might have a point. She tried to take a step away from the portal, then said, I cant move. Her shadow started to get sucked into the portal more quickly. Then, Beyna and Spots seemed to glimmer with shining particles, which also began streaming into the portal.\n\nBeyna! Eizo shouted. He tried to grab her and pull her away from the portal, but his hands went through her as if through thin air.\n\nThis feels strange as if Im here, but also there Beyna said, her voice sounding like it was coming from a long distance away.\n\nBeyna, dont worry, Ill come after you! You wont be alone over there, I promise! Eizo shouted as the last particles of Beyna and Spots whooshed through the portal. She was gone. \n\nEizo immediately rushed towards the portal and jumped through.\n\n---\n\n**For the crime of bearing a child with a fey Royal, the punishment for a human is execution, and banishment for the child. This is necessary to preserve the royal line.**\n\nThe judgment thus pronounced, the sentence was carried out immediately. A fey sword slashed through the man, leaving no mark, but the mans eyes dimmed as his spirit left his body, which slumped on the ground."} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "A blue-haired fairy in lavish clothing screamed as she was restrained by guards. Others picked up a sobbing toddler who shared her coloring, and started dragging him away, destined for exile from the Fey realm. Eizooooo! the fairy screamed, anguish marking her delicate features.\n\n------------ \n\nEizo opened his eyes, and wiped away his tears. That had been the clearest of his dreams to date. Such thoughts vanished as Eizo remembered his situation. He immediately got up and brushed himself off. It appeared that the portal hadnt harmed him in any obvious way. He was a few feet away from a rocky seashore, the gray waves rushing in and out. Buddy had made it through the portal too, and also seemed none the worse for wear. Inland, Eizo could see mountains, higher and harsher than the foothills near Camelot. This was not home.\n\nBeynaaaaa!!! shouted Eizo, cupping his hands to mouth. He kept looking around and shouting her name. But neither friend nor foe appeared. \n\n*Did she leave me behind while I was out? Was she that desperate to get away from me after what I said? No, she wouldnt do that, I know her,* he thought. That left only one distressing conclusion the portal hadnt sent them to the same location.\n\nWhere am I, anyway? Eizo asked Buddy. Doing another slow scan of his surroundings, Eizo made out a tower in the distance. To be visible from where he was standing, the tower must have been quite tall. And somehow, Eizo could see shapes etched onto the sides of the tower, although this level of detail should have been impossible to discern at this distance."} +{"id": "22a7f9a4-fb1b-4f23-8250-b6acce80c4ca-7", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:13.258", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQvkY985CCwncwHdeand1oqjEkU77D3pUY2CpHJWxdfXc", "txHash": "0xe4b680a5e044a8fae29fda171e3514927f9fb0291021f52f8db148060f14b80a", "createdAtBlock": 15314163, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8696, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZp6e5yxejW7EVfkR5vec4o7V8LGB6gwiHYHeHJgGWqNC", "name": "Shaman Eizo of the Tower", "text": "One of the shapes in particular, an inverted cross with a U-shape crossing the top, seemed to resonate with him. Eizo felt that he could trust whoever dwelled in that tower. He decided to start walking toward it in hopes of finding answers and assistance in locating Beyna.\n\n---\n\n***Continued in Shaman Beyna in the Shadows's lore***"} +{"id": "e8aaf60c-1014-41ab-9e1f-2fc2f25704b0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-27T00:24:26.907", "backgroundColor": "#0d00ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmThjkuhEn6pkknGKwcGaD6enStyYkALjhwSebeMo1ZtX5", "txHash": "0xc4296ff58a9ed3406e489502b344368d928fa2866373abe15f12de8c68c68a74", "createdAtBlock": 15221307, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11025, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Harland Bifurcator of the Range", "text": "# Just a simple Country Boy\n\nPart 1\n\nBorn and raised on the Range, Harland was familiar with the tools and animals of country life. As he grew, so did his skill with power tools. Mysteriously in his teenage years his skin began to turn a light shade of blue. No one on the range could understand, was it magic? Was it the water on his family farm, washing down the hills from the silver mines of times past? Either way he began to be shunned by the community as some kind of weirdo. \n\nTravelers told of a place where the blue men gathered, worked and lived out their days trying to cure their affliction. The legendary blue guardians of the Gem Mine. \n\nHarland eventually took his boar (who had by this point turned blue as well) and set off to gather with his brethren. Rumor had it that the blue men guarded the mine, but also tried taking various potions made from things dug up in the mine in an attempt to cure (or modify) their blue condition. \n\nThough Harland was just a simple country boy, his skills with a chainsaw became an asset along the dangerous road from the Range to the mine. He thought maybe when he got there hed carve out a simple life as a shopkeeper of some sort, maybe a small engine repair shop, or an apothecary..."} +{"id": "e40fd05d-9cec-49bc-9fa7-6acf110b2542-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-10T19:08:16.681", "backgroundColor": "#2c0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme33Q2diTKi4N3DEupx3DMnUw97CkfSGTurDYNUrQzqrQ", "txHash": "0x1dbe69c2fac2758ae4b5c765df5b726e96f15f1765019330ae40d656a19a8457", "createdAtBlock": 15316100, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8642, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Finn of the Platonic Shadow", "text": "# The *Platonic* Shadow\n\nLadies and gentleman, meet the one and only Arch-Magician Finn of the Platonic Shadow! Move over Sigfried and Roy cause theres a new wizard ready to take your crown as the best magician in town. Arch Magician Finn performs nightly at casino in Valhalla where he calls home. Come see his one act show, running through eternity. His main act includes cutting a loyal assistant in half with a saw, then trying, and struggling to reattach her. Not to mention even more jaw dropping stunts such as holding his breath in freezing cold water for over an hour (Cry your heart out, Chris Angel, who it turns out is no angel). And finally, the showstopping finale, pulling a penny out of his ear. \n\nDo you believe in magic? Arch-Magician Finn of the Platonic Shadow certainly does. Although his lack of self confidence has manifested itself in his nomenclature, recently developing a platonic relationship with his shadow, when Arch-Magician Finn clearly prefers a FWB type situation with his own shadow. Alas, no luck. Maybe its time for Finn to work his magic. Could an Arch Magician Finn of the FWB Shadow be far off on the horizon? If you believe in magic, its a possibility."} +{"id": "618d2a83-d77f-460c-a3ea-8385dc1ed538-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T02:03:49.451", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbcnghepuSHuewy9qwkQ2PetSN41gWU3cJEJyMLVcFu4u", "txHash": "0x8a9b384b57b1c9ea2caa1b87c7a76bdc54cde5660b980ef719fe3196ea67a737", "createdAtBlock": 15317984, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7088, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wraith Knight Bayard of the Worms", "text": "# ARCANE ENFORCEMENT AGENCY \n# EVIDENCE LOG\n#\n### ITEM DESCRIPTION\n#\nPropaganda Video\n#\n### LOCATION COLLECTED\n#\nThe video footage was found near the northwest corner of the Valley of the Void Disciple, located in a cemetery next to a lit black candle.\n#\n### DETAILS\n#\nGrainy, distorted quality. ~~Dated to the time period the Arch Gravelord served under The Heretic, prior to the fall of their faction~~. Unknown creation date. Depicts Bayard delivering a cryptic message followed by text urging others to join The Heretic's forces.\n#\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCYyX_jrFt4\n#"} +{"id": "b34551b8-2e25-4c5a-9ba1-2740d614b882-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:39:00.234", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmf55UG5yEtTPF2zWC83YLy7tFck5TTNjcoK8KyXyZV1JX", "txHash": "0x5937961fac722974aee0c628b07d25441a5fccd333c8fdcd8962b106f2238f2d", "createdAtBlock": 15323098, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1849, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Riggs Hero of X", "text": "# Riggs Hero of X\n\n_You can never be overdressed or overeducated.\nOscar Wilde_\n\nI was born for greatness, I know it from day one, in fact that was my destiny and if I weren't enough for it I would have been dismissed and probably killed as a disgrace for the crown. indeed I'm part of the loyalty, my brother will be king and my sister is the main priestess of the empire. I know my privileges but at the same time I know my duties. \n\nTheres hard times for the crown and weak and dumb are not allowed in time of crisis, I know I must be the pride and the hope of my people, theres no time for vanality and ostentatious, I have a duty, my glory and prestige is not just mine, it has been built by my people, my nation and our wealth, I need to live up to it, and I know Im doing it!\n\nPeople might call me pretentious, arrogant and overbearing, but Im sure its just because they cant see the big picture. \n\nAll I do is for our empire, to keep us powerful and honorable, my decisions are not taken by casuality or vanality. Im here to keep us strong and relevant in our world, in hard times theres not enough time to form and make everyone wise to make all the right choices. \n\nForgive them because they don't know what they are doing, that's how I forgive and understand all that hate, they cant understand now and maybe never, but all I have done is for them, and Ill keep it like that, even if I have to blind their lives for it. Im Riggs Hero of X, loyal to greatness and power, Loyal to keep us relevant in this decadent world."} +{"id": "70dc1224-adb0-4d42-8cdf-d68ab5da026d-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:50:12.799", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQmwHQGBgPP1qpmms7PUC377gPLapdCdBf16evScBPgAk", "txHash": "0x00a619f34216811cb3dcd0ad36dcaf7ede159462939553140d81552abba34e96", "createdAtBlock": 15323152, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3892, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Rufus Protector of Atlantis", "text": "# Rufus Protector of Atlantis \n\n_Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.\"\nItalo Calvino (Invisible Cities)_\n\nAtlantis was known to be the greatest bastion of enlightenment of humankind, in every single art we were getting the most depurate knowledge. The horizon was bright, we were becoming gods, or at least we felt it like that. Nevertheless it didnt last, our people became greedy and fearful of foreigners. We surrounded our island with our best warships and made laws to make the outsiders illegal. As you can guess it didn't work. We started murdering them and getting severe sentense to anyone who protect them, but they keep apearing in our city that was becoming into a disgraceful place, nothing like our dreams of wonder and power."} +{"id": "70dc1224-adb0-4d42-8cdf-d68ab5da026d-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:50:12.799", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQmwHQGBgPP1qpmms7PUC377gPLapdCdBf16evScBPgAk", "txHash": "0x00a619f34216811cb3dcd0ad36dcaf7ede159462939553140d81552abba34e96", "createdAtBlock": 15323152, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3892, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Rufus Protector of Atlantis", "text": "So there's where I appeared, I developed an elixir to make any of our race, the true citizens, evolve, stronger, smarter, and able to live for centuries. But that was just half of the plan, the elixir also is capable of turning us into aquatic creatures, and that was really important because the rest of the plan was sinking Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean, where we could be safe from the outsiders. I showed the plan to the elite of our city and some of them rejected me in the most disrespectful ways. My disappointment was palpable. It was clear that the outsiders have corrupted even the cream of our elite, our city needed a purge. I made a plan with the gentlemen that supported me and we took every retractor down. That was the simple part of the plan, now we needed to change the elixir. It was clear that our society was corrupt and we needed to re-educated them and control them. So we made the elixir odorless, tasteless and transparent so we could put it in all the edible merch that our main enterprises make, and in our water and the rest was a matter of time. \n\nThe other problem was sinking the city but our island was mostly artificial, so it was not so complicated to make a flooding mechanism that would take us to the bottom of the ocean, and with the support of the richest of us we did it in a matter of months."} +{"id": "70dc1224-adb0-4d42-8cdf-d68ab5da026d-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:50:12.799", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQmwHQGBgPP1qpmms7PUC377gPLapdCdBf16evScBPgAk", "txHash": "0x00a619f34216811cb3dcd0ad36dcaf7ede159462939553140d81552abba34e96", "createdAtBlock": 15323152, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3892, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Rufus Protector of Atlantis", "text": "The elixir didnt start working immediately and of course it just worked with our citizens, but when we were sure everyone had drinked it, we let a gas in our air that put them all to sleep and make the elixir advance rapidly in our bodies. At that moment an explosion in the bottom of the sea. so we07 started the sinking. And when everything was settled to start our new world, they woke up, but being more docile, so we could make them forget all the profanity of the foreigners and the times we lived on the surface. And thats how I got my title Rufus protector of Atlantis."} +{"id": "598b7464-9ca7-4ade-a548-e38ebf642ab4-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:53:16.194", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcVhQEEDQD73J91CJLYqPNTz6GfCWV7hRsSoiashxhM2a", "txHash": "0x1d2447e107cde6ce6523abc49edca26dfdc37edc162e9124a5b3cfdeb6dfd5f3", "createdAtBlock": 15323162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3891, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Bambam Grifter of Giants", "text": "# Bambam Grifter of Giants\n\n_Salomon saith, There is no new thing upon the earth. So that as Plato had an imagination, that all knowledge was but remembrance; so Salomon giveth his sentence, that all novelty is but oblivion.\n Francis Bacon, The Essays_\n\nDont let my name fool you, Im known for the sagacity and insight of my plans. I was born and raised in the depths of the streets; if you don't lose yourself to the misery, the cold and the apathy of this hostile place will teach you a lot. You'll see how much you can learn from the outlaws and the ones that society has decided to forget, especially because at the end in this jungle youll see some universal rules of how pathetic we are, as sad as it is, the ones that survive in here, will be ready to survive in pretty much any circumstance. \n\nSometimes the apathy and the arrogance of your prey will work in your favor, the key is never let yourself fall in the same mistake. The best way to be a successful predator in this world of madness is expecting the best of your enemy; most of the time they are as pathetic as you think, but if you do it right even the best of them are as human as yourself. Its funny that power becomes weakness, it makes me think that they have forgotten that their neck will bleed the same as mine, when my blade or my arrow take them to dawn, dont forget it if you want to live a prolonged life."} +{"id": "598b7464-9ca7-4ade-a548-e38ebf642ab4-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T21:53:16.194", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcVhQEEDQD73J91CJLYqPNTz6GfCWV7hRsSoiashxhM2a", "txHash": "0x1d2447e107cde6ce6523abc49edca26dfdc37edc162e9124a5b3cfdeb6dfd5f3", "createdAtBlock": 15323162, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3891, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Bambam Grifter of Giants", "text": "Beyond that, let me tell you, the ones who think are untouchable, have forgotten that their power and wealth are hard to steal, but won't be a big deal to make them stop breathing. Sadly for them, they are as mortal as me, but killing me is worthless, unlike them that killing them has a massive profit. Im Bambam the scum that will take your life away from your eyes, even when you still think that you have gotten the immunity of power."} +{"id": "637733c5-fefb-4aca-99f5-e4566737e93e-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:13:30.688", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeAZmq5pZaT5QgxzK9XYFyfTJ9VqpjnapMeQT1S3TuF3W", "txHash": "0x4152baa1d1901170fcb7f4d70ea1a73730c0da02721b1a8fa34efbeffc4be0a1", "createdAtBlock": 15323254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9256, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Agnes Dismantler of the Blue", "text": "# Agnes Dismantler of the Blue\n\n_\"When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity.\"\nGeorge Bernard Shaw_\n\nMy title its not to give me any glory; on the contrary, its about making me the infamous destroyer of their pathetic legions of invaders. As dumb as it might sound a powerful but naive nation tried to take our lands, they were known for their powerfull navy, but parently they didnt know that they will be trying to take our dry lands. Our nation has all its wealth and forces about five thousand miles aways from the coast. Our power is in the depth of the sand and heat of the desert. Youll find the path between the shore to our bastions filled with the dead bodies of our enemies, some of them are the blue legions that have found their doom in my order.\n\nAll could have ended in that pathetic failure of them, but everything became more complex; and profitable to us, when their enemies saw in us some strategic allies, so after the sinking of their army we were in contact with every single nation that wanted them dead. At that moment I knew my legacy would be massive.\n\nMy victories started to hit the empire of the blue, as a strategist it was beautiful to see how my plans dismantled their bastions and wealth. To be honest it wasn't that hard, for a mind like mine and with the resources that I got with my new allies. Never get so many enemies, no matter how different they are from each other, they will find a strong reason to cooperate and take you down."} +{"id": "637733c5-fefb-4aca-99f5-e4566737e93e-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:13:30.688", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeAZmq5pZaT5QgxzK9XYFyfTJ9VqpjnapMeQT1S3TuF3W", "txHash": "0x4152baa1d1901170fcb7f4d70ea1a73730c0da02721b1a8fa34efbeffc4be0a1", "createdAtBlock": 15323254, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9256, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Agnes Dismantler of the Blue", "text": "Until this moment you might think I was in the prime of my military life, but I was naive, never trust the ones that come so kind looking for a war. After that bloody campaign and I was coming home with victory I found my nation totally changed, saw how our main cities were conquered and how The State had started a conspiracy to the side of the new allies, to defeat anyone that spoke different from them. They took me as a prisoner but it was a matter of time to find a strategy to take me out.\n\nWell I escaped and I'm here for revenge, Agnes Dismantler of the Blue its just the start, Ill need a greater name after the bloodbath Im planning to make."} +{"id": "48045ead-9823-4178-a096-1067a317a94b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:21:25.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaLDPQdMJ4bWoZ6eacdEGNdTeEfefM1Tz9sAa49GVRBGb", "txHash": "0x42ef9b743d35bb826aaa41839ccc6edc0d54667172f8d3a54788280e99d5ab50", "createdAtBlock": 15323286, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9259, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Drusilla Truncator of the Valley", "text": "# Drusilla Truncator of the Valley\n\n_You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.\n Mae West_\n\nYou might think by my title that Im a kind of conveyor or something like that, but its nothing like that, its more about their envy of how I have made all the right choices to be so relevant as I am in the bureaucracy of the Valleys army. My ways might not be idyllic, but for sure were effective. In power theres no such thing as morality, so a bit of poison here, a couple of lies there, steal some secrets, get in bed with the right ones, you know politics.\n\nWell let me resume how I became Drusilla Truncator of the Valley. It all started with a love story and Im not talking about my love for power, that became later after a huge treason that was beyond love, but Ill get there soon. When I started my military formation, I was not precisely naive or sharp as I am now; but pretty decent in comparison to many of the new recruits, I was focused on being the highest woman commander in the history of the army.\n\nOne day after our first real battle where most of the recruits died, I got the opportunity to meet one of our master commanders, the youngest in the history of the Valley. He was charmy, handsome, had royal blood, handy with the art of war and really powerful. I always had admired him but since that day, he became my obsession so I did everything to get closer to him, every chance I got to see him I was showing him how useful I am, I saw how he looked at me and with that look I knew with some of my femine charms he would end falling for me. With time, this was working, I became his assistant and his lover."} +{"id": "48045ead-9823-4178-a096-1067a317a94b-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:21:25.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaLDPQdMJ4bWoZ6eacdEGNdTeEfefM1Tz9sAa49GVRBGb", "txHash": "0x42ef9b743d35bb826aaa41839ccc6edc0d54667172f8d3a54788280e99d5ab50", "createdAtBlock": 15323286, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9259, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Drusilla Truncator of the Valley", "text": "Slowly I startarted going up in the status quo of the army, my relationship with the master commander started getting closer and warmer, at this point I was feeling that he was as in love as me, everything in my life seemed to be going well. But I wasnt planning to stop there, some people might say I became greedy even my loved commander agreed; they are right , but you only live once and Ill be as great as possible.\n\nIn the hierarchy of The Army of the Valley there are two master commanders before our king. One was my lover, who was in charge of the land, and the other one was a powerful mysterious old man that seemed to be a foreigner, but actually was a bastard from the grandfather of the actual king and with a list of many victories to our kingdom. He was the head of our navy and apparently also the head of our secret services. He was aware of my relationship with the master commander of the land, I hate him so much, he was always telling my commander that I would end his career and as much as I hate it, he was right. \n\nThe worst part, was that I was so busy that I didnt see how the advice of the master commander of the sea, was taking away my love, to the point that one day, he told me that didnt want me to be his woman anymore, that my greed was out of control, he was tired of it and that he started to feel in danger near me. These words drive me crazy. I told him that it was the other commander messing with his mind that I was his real love and both should conspire to take him down. He called me crazy and also asked me to leave his office and never see him again beyond our professional relationship."} +{"id": "48045ead-9823-4178-a096-1067a317a94b-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:21:25.91", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaLDPQdMJ4bWoZ6eacdEGNdTeEfefM1Tz9sAa49GVRBGb", "txHash": "0x42ef9b743d35bb826aaa41839ccc6edc0d54667172f8d3a54788280e99d5ab50", "createdAtBlock": 15323286, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9259, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Drusilla Truncator of the Valley", "text": "My heart was broken and the void that left was getting filled with hate. But I didnt let this blind my mind, I made a plan for a propper revenge, starting getting the relationship of both commanders to decay and started to hate each other more and more. I had enough power and charm on the institution to achieve that quickly, and when their hate was palpable I went to the office of the sea commander to get one of his famous poisons, used it to kill my ex and to finish this perfect plan; that took me a couple of years, I manipulated everything to blame the sea bastard and put him in the death row. Life is short but Im on top."} +{"id": "b2ff1f4a-786d-4dd8-98ff-7be8c459bc28-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:16:26.744", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdzTaWFPVjaXJhjDnMnGziNjGJj2dMn8meFnbMEdnnTh", "txHash": "0x3b4ecfa11b52891a571f13d56aa11838ef51140fd2f917e986e427bced26bf38", "createdAtBlock": 15323266, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9257, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Bokur Antagonist of the Citadel", "text": "# Bokur Antagonist of the Citadel\n\n_Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.\n-Aristotle -_\n\nI have always been a soldier, as correct and docil as you can imagine, great with the sword and shield but at the same time submissive to orders. It changed quickly when I saw how they buried my kind to their profit, the idyllic building of institutions, mainly the army (I have ever trusted the ones in power; not enough at least), the naivety of our honor and us as their protectors, it all disappeared quickly. \n \nIt was really a change of paradigm for me, some people would go berzerk and get killed after doing something dumb, but thanks to my military formation, I knew how to calm my nerves and plan a retaliation to their treason, at least as a start, Im not that naive now, I know they deserve more missery for what they have done.\n \nBut now you might think, how did this submissive machine of war become a cold conspirator? Well thats the wonder of knowledge, sometimes you just see a use for what you have learned, but if you change the paradigm, youll see how it could be more useful; and sometimes more theatrical dangerous than that lame idiosyncrasy in following their empty orders. They might say Im wrong and defend their ways, but the truth is, that I have lost their ways with blood but their knowledge that I have learned, make them dream with our sword blinding their life and more importantly, their legacy and relevance. \n \nIm Bokur Antagonist of the Citadel and Im sure for anyone that has seen your treason, its impossible to think in justice without blood."} +{"id": "72ee6519-cff7-4800-ab04-8b650aacc378-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:26:22.911", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFzwKdP4D1mT6yLWhCYamxRGSDN1vGBCsfSxwEdhXf2u", "txHash": "0x920d7300c9d41929e03ace191fe5b5bc28241cc4f4977d78badcd60d9c5b9659", "createdAtBlock": 15323306, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9261, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Devon Eidolon of the Range", "text": "# Devon Eidolon of the Range\n\n_\"Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.\"\nSylvia Plath_\n\nHave you lost the faith in glory? Maybe you havent killed all your gods, maybe your existence still stops at the end of your mortality. I cant remember if there was a time where I was alive, my history is closer to death than the little instant that life is. So meaningless to the eternity of murder and disgrace that have been my existence, Im more like the emptiness in the void of the inert. But what could you know, right? \n\nAre you still up to keep this conversation? Do you know you are in front of your destiny? Are you ready to deal with the fatality of the afterlife or are you dumb enough to think that you can take me down as the mortal you are?\n\nYou little mortals are a real riddle for me, none of you are willing to die, but when you decide to face me, still have the guts and the vanity to believe theres a day beyond it. \n\nWell I kind of like that, its kind of naive, but I guess if I were a mortal like you, with the thirst of blood I have, Im sure blinding the existence of the immortals would be my wet dream every single night. So nice to meet you, Im Devon Eidolon of the range, the ghost that will take you to the grave. Cant wait to see if you can put that blade of yours in my non-existent hearth, welcome to your destiny, to your dawn, let the blood flow."} +{"id": "8fe17280-8f7d-4d47-846e-bf17a634db6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:19:23.149", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYiyfDmFUi39JZuerzYSg41G6BaHvPtNuRRmTGAaoD1LS", "txHash": "0xdc7e04c14fb976e4e92906d8d55974c127f8110d2e01215a3f31691c43c52112", "createdAtBlock": 15323277, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9258, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Edge Fiend of Honor", "text": "# Edge Fiend of Honor\n\n_The devil is not as black as he is painted.\n Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy _\n\nIts funny how our actions are never the main reason to be judged; at least between the mortals that have a clear lack of capacity to see what really matters. But its understandable that they might see me with fear, at the end Im the one in the shadows of the night, that will besiege their fortress, kill their families and decimate their armies. Those idiots say my ways are not honorable, just because I use their many weaknesses. How are they so hypocritical? Arent they warlords? Its just laughable how they think they have any kind of authority to talk about honor, because at the end we profess the same, pillage, murdering and profanity.\n\nEdge Fiend of Honor, I kind of like it, sounds accurate for me, a fiend is always linked with demons and soulless entities, but as me concerns, demons have a link with afterlife justice, but sometimes our sins bring them to this world to punish our vanity and bring the chaos that we praise and preach. So let me guarantee you that if your path has been as dark as mine, dont expect any kind of fair game. I would tell you to ask any of the enemies that I have faced, but now they are all dead, so Im going to tell you one of my favorite campaigns, after the one that gave me my title."} +{"id": "8fe17280-8f7d-4d47-846e-bf17a634db6e-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-11T22:19:23.149", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYiyfDmFUi39JZuerzYSg41G6BaHvPtNuRRmTGAaoD1LS", "txHash": "0xdc7e04c14fb976e4e92906d8d55974c127f8110d2e01215a3f31691c43c52112", "createdAtBlock": 15323277, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9258, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Edge Fiend of Honor", "text": "I was informed that deep in the forest of doomlands there was a tomb where the remains of the father of one of the biggest treasure hunters lays (or to be less euphemistic, the remains of the father of a famous robber). It was sheltered by a little army, because his son; this robber madman, filled it with all kinds of wealth in a way to secure some of it and also trying to honor his father who was killed because of him (a little too late if you ask me). \n\nThe thing is, every time he came to honor his father, some of the guardians of the tomb were dismissed so he could have some privacy with him, so he just had a small group of men outside. Not a big deal for a big murderer like me. So I waited for them and the guards to dismiss, and when I was sure he was deep in the tomp, I killed all the guards that I could without being seen. when I was close enough to the entrance and was impossible to not lose my stealth, I threw first a grenade with poison gas deep in the tomb; for the amount of time that took him to go down, I knew he wouldn't be able to go outside alive, and then a second one with smoke to blind the rest of guards and kill them all quickly with my blade. After it I filled my carriage with all the gold I could. I left the place victorious. So yeah my title kind of fits me."} +{"id": "93f1e370-5aae-40c4-b3a6-66d89c76ad9a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:42:18.471", "backgroundColor": "#05041c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdEetFxdheF8WPrtNEppmQkbY57ZAiM7Vzf2BKyxwm86a", "txHash": "0xa3677e0d35ffd1ce201ad69b68b303da62739821f47e880d85c1f802ec56eabf", "createdAtBlock": 15324960, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1069, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcDZqctN5jrFoCzdq97wQT7ysdk4MKwUqbR89vZ1aB6Ga", "name": "Night Ghoul Zixin of the Ice Abyss", "text": "## Night Ghoul Zixin of the Ice Abyss\n--\n\n\n\n\n## Cold. Dark. Oh so cuttingly cold and deviously dark \n\n--\n\n\nSuch a strange sensation perhaps, that passion would derive from these things, yet lust and joy caroused through his necrotic veins all the same: The Delightful juxtaposition of his existence sustained him now, beyond the gates of Death.\n\n\nZixin remembered little of life except a few flickers of warmth and light, and a fortunate thing too for here far into the Ice Abyss, nestled deep in the Night, such thoughts reviled him to his very core. No, far better this enchanting embrace of air near frozen solid, this dark potential more ancient than perhaps Night herself.\n\n\nFondly cradling his Hourglass, its glass rimmed with fanciful frost, he watched the sand lazily rise up, up; Peculiar how it never completely emptied nor filled, yet had somehow found an equilibrium - an inverse of balance.\n\nAh, the lovely hubris of Chronomancy, he reflected merrily as he once again went through the plans in his head.\n\n--\n\n\n## \"*Cronos, for all your power and ability, you won't see me coming this time...*\"\n--\n\n###### Lore credit spz, art generated by DALL-E"} +{"id": "f119d38b-cde1-4d03-8cda-0d4ffc1938f7-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T14:00:32.546", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNWjzrp4kH4ET5ZS1nf2pZzST1T2z5x5pDxSodzA1AMnT", "txHash": "0x503a2ed1d040888c518f376e2aa879a552d4d13eb191c9c99a886723b698ab5e", "createdAtBlock": 15346415, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7822, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWAVE6cgWMq65y7URXYDx2gN1i45XmArjnXVzCK5KWr5E", "name": "Cleric Jabir of the Hall", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Cleric Jabir of the Hall \n\n\n> Cleric Jabir of the Hall At Home In The Lab Cooking Up Some Magic \n> *Artwork by @kabaiqueban. Commissioned by Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022*"} +{"id": "58ba509b-3c55-4e89-807c-ac9057139979-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T15:53:00.053", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbcwhM2Rm92a1Z8Cxm8NEeeQ4nbfyjLfoZbWqh6fsFyzs", "txHash": "0xa991d580ac8165ebde5840bf796c6ff46a161731fa59083f2916a1ecc7d1d91b", "createdAtBlock": 15346910, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5224, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmejCwCakYpYWSUfpCFw4LcahtQFeS3y3uTDrLhfofphjK", "name": "Wako Eidolon of Light", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Wako Eidolon of Light\n\n \n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "ea6d3db6-1724-40c1-ac83-b5d620b5402d-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T15:55:37.421", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNu8oA93yMDpCBiAKHJxvabyxAFWDyBD5SzgNthaVr3HS", "txHash": "0x66af5b437214cf7a5dee9344b6e2079079db21199cfe23e8ab943bd851b43a99", "createdAtBlock": 15346923, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11588, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeXxqcJHLUv9CbvBJ4CNtyNeaV71iSmiMU4W2wL7HrvpD", "name": "Tootles Calamity of the Coliseum", "text": "# The Lore of Tootles Calamity of the Coliseum\n\n\n\nTootles variation by DALL-E 2022"} +{"id": "f7370598-0040-4b73-b9c3-c2d8aefa278b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-15T15:59:24.689", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdws9vNGtEpmYaUCyFtARe3Lj1qWtzyNUXZ41ZHJn6rty", "txHash": "0x78829cf0ef3b6b48adc3289e1f4a02f7890ce41864e76bff74204e301ce8e7c1", "createdAtBlock": 15346943, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10901, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZScxs2MskuSWTZ31R4gAWbWeqhbnG35eHxmXdWTCG93s", "name": "Pickles Lacerator of the Road", "text": "# New Lore Entry for Pickles Lacerator of the Road \n\n\n\n> *DALLE 2 portait. Baron Von Fancy. Summer of 2022.*"} +{"id": "78bd751e-3999-4d4f-9b03-c2dab911440c-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T00:45:03.373", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVmVAPknLnTi6RrHcDiafm57bwUmgDqAKqERy7KcL1zY7", "txHash": "0x094946d9a896c4522151973137701efe7c09a1fdea5724bd4e391ff3b0ca55e3", "createdAtBlock": 15349258, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2468, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nikitia Defeater of the South", "text": "Nikitia, the youngest of eight siblings and the only girl, grew up quickly in order to keep up with her brothers. Naturally she followed her brothers lead and learned the ways of battle and defense arts.\n\nWith her slight build she became adept at concealing herself in her surroundings and used the element of surprise to gain quick advantage. Her trusted snapping turtle protects her with an acute warning ability, so she keeps ahead of her foes.\n\nShe is smart and travels with a small troupe of likeminded warriors protecting others who find themselves in need of vigilantes. \n\nI know that when I'm in the sketchy parts of Obsidian City I hope that Nikitia and her crew aren't far away."} +{"id": "5715d9a4-23ae-4a0a-a02c-26eebce781c2-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T03:41:46.676", "backgroundColor": "#110f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNv9BHSjrhnokmDsL6Xoxuy5PFsAgeSksSGyMSFH7JL7E", "txHash": "0x5c665acea369348aec3e9a625d078e3c33b6ddc59128fc22501c648b48eec975", "createdAtBlock": 15350043, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12152, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brock Stormer of the Villa", "text": "# The beginning\nBrock was raised in the Villa, but has long since dreamed of traveling the world seeking adventure. He trained hard until the day he came of age when, against the will of his parents, he ran off. The first few years were rough, but he was determined to succeed so he could return home a hero with a great story to tell. While he's still looking for his great adventure, he's earned quite the reputation for his savage attack style with his Aurelian blade. He's feared in taverns across the world, for both his ability to drink and his ability to help keep the peace when necessary."} +{"id": "76912f37-ba7e-44b7-800f-f309161ba55f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T04:26:24.791", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPj7eUF5mAgqtrShDBPLqwzaUfbRABrpR35Ai9sKKNWJ9", "txHash": "0x15a10f6769a8df12f0834e6a567128687c7ecf5c7888eacf6c68b6d1cb64c645", "createdAtBlock": 15350228, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5002, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmd5tfAV27tdkAnPJmZz7okQxWAEkiNkrAMtfcVnUrkC5M", "name": "Meryl Vanquisher of Bugbears", "text": "# Meryl Vanquisher of Bugbears \n\nThere are none that can escape Meryl's Vanquisher."} +{"id": "fc8e537c-b666-46f0-80c6-ca730cdb4dce-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T10:06:46.483", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcQpsgdDF6eMa6Cc8TgSPEnB4oCge9hXCW1R7mMCnRywW", "txHash": "0xaf73ac877335f529bafbca84afb3d9bff608efec19b03bdf3ab9b8a1b4030da8", "createdAtBlock": 15351746, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8783, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nuke Leveler of Robots", "text": "# Nuke Leveler of Robots\nThis curious Automata of unknown origins, who so proudly announces Itself \"programmed to level Robots\", will turn from friendly to hostile with no current known reason or rhyme, and as such should be approached with the utmost caution at all times until further notice.\n\nIt's worth noting Nuke appears to've had a head replacement at some point, the cause of which has yet to've been determined, as Nuke routinely appears to consciously never give the same explanation twice on this topic exclusively.\n\n Despite such, His Familiar has been observed serving as a toolbox of sorts with seemingly infinite interior space, has lead to not only speculation the surgery was self-performed...\n \n ...But that perhaps, there's more to Nuke than meets the eye..."} +{"id": "21274b73-603a-41bf-ae30-84d9ce7a5b9e-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T10:22:19.578", "backgroundColor": "#4c0052", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcMK7u9by2q9Z8AkLvajUxwL4znaVNcPPDmPejBWgLN85", "txHash": "0x6055cc9e09a9f21ec5cdfe5c5d94b9d6b01566dabb5f2d214170bf1f053d4e96", "createdAtBlock": 15351814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12374, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZUKvpJty79V2P8EknSNVkLmWF7evc65yFMnzr8Ukn6hh", "name": "Peter Assassin of Wizards", "text": "# Peter Assassin of Wizards\n\n\n\nThere are many ways to assassinate a wizard.\n\n```\n\n```\n\nBeetle, Bow & Arrow, or Brute Force.\n\n```\n\n```\nHorned helmet for protection.\n\n```\n\n```\nThe count increases wizard by wizard.\n```\n\n```\nNot one wizard is safe while the Beetle roams."} +{"id": "819bc4ea-84c8-4d5a-8339-7de300552a35-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T12:30:39.206", "backgroundColor": "#2d0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5BckuJLbWQdDZkxWg7VcsdtKiHNiHeCgqqHNX5tPuAr", "txHash": "0xc169fa1c20daa65c413e27ce6307d79107d26a60ad243e08b739771b86b7907e", "createdAtBlock": 15402932, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3986, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Adrienne of the Wood", "text": "# Magus Adrienne of the Wood\n\n#### Lost in the woods for a decade Magus Adrienne has found her way back into society. Disgusted at what she sees she wishes to be forgotten again. The woods have played the song of magic to her in which she can't escape. She is no longer human but yet a wizard. The woods is where she lives."} +{"id": "1efcce69-1f89-4082-b6ca-740162f011b6-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T17:01:45.81", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWtBCXhheJkWU41vt9oqnfmv16BYTeHKNGz1Y1EXmb4sr", "txHash": "0xe73bfe480f1666e46f76bedc645f5a1e94505058342074fa48db7fb73c7a2a4e", "createdAtBlock": 15353554, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10241, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Farol Disintegrator of Muscle Mountain", "text": "Little is known of Farol's family or origins. Some say that he is the product of a white hat magic spell gone wrong, others believe he was a bastard son of a red hat, and was left quickly after birth.\n\nFarol grew up on the edge of an abandoned old village, surviving by feeding of berries and later on hunting wild animals. He did not interact with another human until the age of 14, where he stumbled upon an exiled wizard.\n\nThis wizard quickly discovered Farol's remarkable strength, where he was able to crush large boulders easily with his hands. The wizard also quickly discovered Farol's fits of wild rage, which had little warning, and massive destruction.\n\nFarol was then enlisted by the wizard to be his brawn and miner, and they became extremely close, at one point Farol became his most entrusted servant.\n\nLittle is known of what happens next, but that wizard has not been seen or spoken to in years, Farol was last seen with him mining a quantum ether mountain...."} +{"id": "a5d2fdfe-2699-46d2-95df-83d6771b1c59-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:56:14.837", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmbx83J8bE8aXqn5MQUmZJUBPR3DnKaTCGN1jkE26yH9Yk", "txHash": "0x5629644ad3563a624f2b2dac0eaba0f32e18dcd767fef462838e257ef484d2c0", "createdAtBlock": 15355144, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1999, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmed27Ry4xAceRVZDt8zuya4HrySE2XuKyYykHRshx7n2b", "name": "Cornelius Razer of the City", "text": "Cornelius duty is to guard the doors of the Red Wizard Capital. He will do so till the day he passes away to the clearing at the end of the path."} +{"id": "fc3e2d28-a605-4af5-acac-4b0ee58706f3-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-16T22:59:07.904", "backgroundColor": "#7e0a04", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRsa3bJX2H3n6AWYW6JH76CSaAG4qRPsNbNSRiCBw9mmT", "txHash": "0xa412807c46051077973e5718fe3f3aef41e25a2e0a44cda724f59039b1f6f2ad", "createdAtBlock": 15355159, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3307, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zoe Dispatcher of Honor", "text": "# Zoe, Dispatcher of Honor, and Kaida\n\nZoe travels the Runiverse meeting new people, hopefully in peace, but always ready to fight injustice or monsters wherever they may arise. Her trusty familiar, the hawk Kaida, is mostly content to hunt during adventures, but will aid Zoe in battle when needed.\n\nZoes sword, armor, and shield were enchanted in the Land of Mana to increase damage to and protection from Dark creatures and spells.\n\nZoe prefers to travel with at least one wizard companion since they can help each other fight particularly strong enemies. Although Zoe thinks a sword strike provides the fastest resolution to most battles, she has come to appreciate the spells of a wizard."} +{"id": "f50c1350-82b6-4011-9310-7e62d867f312-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T20:13:17.927", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZesX5wfmU3KTotcPEZa3m5SA9zNNt3J19spgucxrGNAc", "txHash": "0xa06475cecdc6b33ea09e1e4fad8024456b2a2abc17dacabe1255c69e23b38415", "createdAtBlock": 15379656, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8584, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Desta Dismantler of Destiny", "text": "# The Dark Pages\n\n\"It sure is clever what you overhear from the shadows of The Capital. Whispers of a secret society, THE DARK PAGES. Perhaps I could tell you more, perhaps not. But it would cost a hefty price...\" - @wizard2174\n\n*Founding Members of The Dark Pages*\n\n@soul3802\n\n@wizard2175\n\n@warrior8585\n\n@warrior8586\n\n@warrior8584\n\n@warrior5992\n\n@wizard6343"} +{"id": "e80a1434-169d-4888-9132-1888a8d87c13-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T20:10:29.214", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYYLr6mHB7azgbcMxL54tjg3XJhq2h32yEKtqMqcVUV9o", "txHash": "0x27b3fa2082d0c4109252b16325ec87c021bf5d99211d3d8e8e4a328220a41afd", "createdAtBlock": 15379642, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8585, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Agnar Lopper of the Fist", "text": "# The Dark Pages\n\n\"It sure is clever what you overhear from the shadows of The Capital. Whispers of a secret society, THE DARK PAGES. Perhaps I could tell you more, perhaps not. But it would cost a hefty price...\" - @wizard2174\n\n*Founding Members of The Dark Pages*\n\n@soul3802\n\n@wizard2175\n\n@warrior8585\n\n@warrior8586\n\n@warrior8584\n\n@warrior5992\n\n@wizard6343"} +{"id": "2fdc0a74-782f-4cfb-9655-43937247007c-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-13T15:53:12.265", "backgroundColor": "#4f1c6f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdaCyATm9KsiSGx3AHvfZgE7wz4Z6Ns4vX7q6MpQnnanF", "txHash": "0x413640231f49a9bf1f163bf7ad1d0987f5d2d8bec71f969f45b3f9d2e6cdac29", "createdAtBlock": 15527798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4337, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sita Conqueror of the Ruins", "text": "# All Conquered Out Warrior Seeks Kind and Caring Life Partner For Chilled Out Sundays and More\n#\nHello reader, I am Sita. I am a 29 year old conqueror originally from the mountains, but now hail from the Northern Grasslands. I enjoy spending my days off from work walking my dog through the toadstools, stopping along the way to puff on my pipe and eat snacks. Who doesn't like snacks!! If you don't like snacks then stop reading right now.\n\nAnyways, I travel a lot for work. I am a conqueror by the way, which sounds bad but trust me, some of those guys that met Betsey, deserved it. Betsey has been a big part of my life, she's always there when I need her most, she's sharp, quick, well balanced and most of all, she makes me look like a real badass. If you didn't already guess, Betsey is my Falchion, my sword, my work tool, and my bottle opener.\n\nWith me traveling a lot for work I have lost touch with most of my old friends. At first I didn't care, I just thought they were jealous of all the trophies I returned home with and how I was getting to see so much of the Runiverse. But as I have matured, I realised they went jellose, they were scared of what I had become. They stopped sending me owls and calling by my burrow when I was home. Thats when I got my dog, Jelly. Hes f'kn awesome, except when that sneaky lil fluffpot eats all my snacks! I like snacks, don't know if I mentioned it, but damm, give me snacks!."} +{"id": "2fdc0a74-782f-4cfb-9655-43937247007c-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-13T15:53:12.265", "backgroundColor": "#4f1c6f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdaCyATm9KsiSGx3AHvfZgE7wz4Z6Ns4vX7q6MpQnnanF", "txHash": "0x413640231f49a9bf1f163bf7ad1d0987f5d2d8bec71f969f45b3f9d2e6cdac29", "createdAtBlock": 15527798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4337, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sita Conqueror of the Ruins", "text": "Sorry, I got snack tracked again. Once all my friends stopped, well, being my friend. I really started to get into walking. Most of the time I travel, its normally by elephant or whatever other beast we have enslaved, I rarely get to walk on my own two feet. (My feet are gorgeous by the way, if that's your thing.) Walking through the Toadstools really gave me a sense of being grounded and one with nature. Its hard to take in the surroundings at work, when me and Betsey are kicking ass and slaying douchebags. So its nice to leave Betsey at home sometimes when am back home and just watch the fairies in the trees and listen to the sounds of nature, rather than the sounds of cowards screaming. \n\nI guess I better cut to the chase. I know i'm not old, but i'm not a spring chicken either. Yum, I love chicken. Chicken snacks are the best! I need to find someone who wants some of the same things in life as me. Problem is, I don't even know what I want in life so how can I expect to find someone who is everything I want and more. Just for ease, I think I will make a list. Lists are efficient, efficiency is key. If your not efficient then don't even read my list, your already dead to me. \n\n## List of Desirable Qualities"} +{"id": "2fdc0a74-782f-4cfb-9655-43937247007c-2", "createdAt": "2022-09-13T15:53:12.265", "backgroundColor": "#4f1c6f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdaCyATm9KsiSGx3AHvfZgE7wz4Z6Ns4vX7q6MpQnnanF", "txHash": "0x413640231f49a9bf1f163bf7ad1d0987f5d2d8bec71f969f45b3f9d2e6cdac29", "createdAtBlock": 15527798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4337, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sita Conqueror of the Ruins", "text": "##### 1. Must love snacks\n##### 2. Has a beard, not like a big fuck off Gandalf beard but more than a 5 o clock shadow if you know what I mean\n##### 3. Likes to go for walks, long ones, with a bag of snacks \n##### 4. Dosent mind that I like a good puff on my hash pipe and even better, puffs on my hash pipe with me. Who knows, maybe I'll have a puff on yours, if you play your cards right\n##### 5. Is not a vegan, well ok, some vegans will be considered, as long as your not one of these extremist vegans. Meat snacks are one of my favorite \n##### 6. Must love SNACKS\n##### 7. Doesn't get freaked out at the sight of blood, because sometimes when I get home from work, damm, my sari looks like a vampire used it as a bib \n##### 8. Knows how to swim, if you don't know how to swim, how have you survived this long in life. I mean you don't need to take part in the forgotten Olympics or anything, but I don't need to worry about saving your ass when we go to the beach\n##### 9. Eats breakfast, you gotta have breakfast. You gotta eat lunch and dinner too. Then you gotta eat all those little tasty bites in between, they're called snacks. Snacks are my favorite\n##### 10. Knows how to change a lightbulb\n##### 11. Drinks beer, not like an alcoholic or anything, but damm, I love me an ice cold sudd\n##### 12. Likes dogs. I will always put Jelly first, you best be alright with this, if not, you know where the door is"} +{"id": "2fdc0a74-782f-4cfb-9655-43937247007c-3", "createdAt": "2022-09-13T15:53:12.265", "backgroundColor": "#4f1c6f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdaCyATm9KsiSGx3AHvfZgE7wz4Z6Ns4vX7q6MpQnnanF", "txHash": "0x413640231f49a9bf1f163bf7ad1d0987f5d2d8bec71f969f45b3f9d2e6cdac29", "createdAtBlock": 15527798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4337, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sita Conqueror of the Ruins", "text": "##### 13. I don't know how many times I said it now, but, you must like snacks, OK!!!\n##### 14. Dosent drink fluffy coffee, you know, asks for syrup and shit in there. Coffee should taste like coffee, adding sugar and frilly syrpes is a crime. If you need sweetness in there, then you should stick to your Kool-Aid \n##### 15. Is not a fussy eater, I ain't got time for you to be telling me I don't like this and I don't like that. Stop being a food terrioist and fucking eat it. Also, you better bring me snacks \n#"} +{"id": "2fdc0a74-782f-4cfb-9655-43937247007c-4", "createdAt": "2022-09-13T15:53:12.265", "backgroundColor": "#4f1c6f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdaCyATm9KsiSGx3AHvfZgE7wz4Z6Ns4vX7q6MpQnnanF", "txHash": "0x413640231f49a9bf1f163bf7ad1d0987f5d2d8bec71f969f45b3f9d2e6cdac29", "createdAtBlock": 15527798, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4337, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sita Conqueror of the Ruins", "text": "Congratulations to you if you're still here after reading my list. I know I must sound like an absolute psycho, but that's because I am an absolute psycho. Damm, I'm not selling myself well here but, hey, at least I am honest. If you think you're the kinda person I need in my life, then hit me up. I'm a pretty open minded kinda warrior so I'll hear you out. \n#\nP.s If you talk about snacks, I am all yours."} +{"id": "8ef3aa78-f1a4-471f-81fe-50871701b0cf-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T20:14:41.902", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXNqUsvyKerb9ZbeTsZy5ciojzejSBuCt4hVTAFPwrRE2", "txHash": "0xceb0aab82c83799bbeef35aa9b86d736254dd15d3b2c8315711271d2f152101d", "createdAtBlock": 15379662, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5992, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Johnny Bloodbath of Destiny", "text": "# The Dark Pages\n\n\"It sure is clever what you overhear from the shadows of The Capital. Whispers of a secret society, THE DARK PAGES. Perhaps I could tell you more, perhaps not. But it would cost a hefty price...\" - @wizard2174\n\n*Founding Members of The Dark Pages*\n\n@soul3802\n\n@wizard2175\n\n@warrior8585\n\n@warrior8586\n\n@warrior8584\n\n@warrior5992\n\n@wizard6343"} +{"id": "2ce66956-4f25-463b-8241-f9a0e0eb7307-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:44:29.437", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbwBJK7oQxAXrnHQkv5wfGouiSZbzBoW1Fp15Wreyi7vi", "txHash": "0x28c50c92fa2b0f5f61dfc3a8e5e5c5a9624bce2503b2288384d43738e585e095", "createdAtBlock": 15379680, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3802, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmWG5jc3spgFGPfiX3Rd4YLNSxDjXRSxeBQsS9TytVL1YD", "name": "Fire Eye Iris of the Inifinite Nothing", "text": "## The Sacred Flame\n\n> The flames appeared, 1112 of them, suddenly one night... Their purpose was not immediately clear, but it was soon discerned that these mysterious blazes were a sacrament. And that Wizards who passed through the flame... were not so much transformed, but transmuted.\n\n> \n\n> Some of these outcomes were anti-climactic. Some were of hideous, profane horror. And some were of supreme grandeur.\n\n> It was possible that this Sacred Flame did not burn at all, but was rather a catalyst to open a portal through the Quantum Shadow itself.\n\n> And the Quantum Shadow was the most unpredictable magic of all.\n\n\n\n\n**Archmagus Iris Of The Veil** lacked neither courage nor vision. For the decision had already been made..."} +{"id": "6ad6d3c0-c75d-49f0-8244-b000377abd2f-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T20:50:31.09", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmST4SiiDqqJWmxpFADmt6JgsEM4NaTVsZaUB2T2LXzAbP", "txHash": "0xb61d4e1ec764f7a06e18a943b8a328e47d66c2ce99da509f77595945d0e7fdac", "createdAtBlock": 15379809, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8583, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alexander Chopper of the Grass", "text": "# FRONT:\n\n\n# The Gardeners Guild \n### ~~~A Certificate of Landscaping Excellence~~~\n\n\nRedeem for one FREE Landscaping Consultation!\n\n\n\n# BACK:\n\n## Contact Master Gardeners: \n\n @warrior8583\n\n @warrior5428\n\n @warrior8587"} +{"id": "ffa9d7df-d0ca-4bac-9e88-0157165229f6-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T20:51:51.052", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSA7SYHbkbxpzjJBtCFFZcLLLvJqnsDxZYjEQDcXympou", "txHash": "0x2a6706a119d60cd785923a43b9af099c1deff61d09dcb696452499efdaa75fd0", "createdAtBlock": 15379814, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5428, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Reginald Truncator of the Wild", "text": "# FRONT:\n\n\n# The Gardeners Guild \n### ~~~A Certificate of Landscaping Excellence~~~\n\n\nRedeem for one FREE Landscaping Consultation!\n\n\n\n# BACK:\n\n## Contact Master Gardeners: \n\n @warrior8583\n\n @warrior5428\n\n @warrior8587"} +{"id": "24001682-995e-4032-ade8-9c993e42fbab-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T20:53:31.289", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQt8QXizBxMk5YFaCkPiycaDQti1J3hPvuYWXyNx5ob4M", "txHash": "0x9043d30684dafc35b75865b7fccf111792a2c99ecbc7e27eff825d74e78e3e03", "createdAtBlock": 15379822, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8587, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shira Defeater of the Summit", "text": "# FRONT:\n\n\n# The Gardeners Guild \n### ~~~A Certificate of Landscaping Excellence~~~\n\n\nRedeem for one FREE Landscaping Consultation!\n\n\n\n# BACK:\n\n## Contact Master Gardeners: \n\n @warrior8583\n\n @warrior5428\n\n @warrior8587"} +{"id": "a1d09883-30b4-4352-9e79-37d744be2330-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T22:21:48.169", "backgroundColor": "#973004", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSdxM2HiGfsFYAEjyGhXABecZwEJpCgvxBhxdnaPfupr", "txHash": "0x85de2a489335cf94fa85f9af0812e7c6cea3e72ff67c96436de9227c9337da90", "createdAtBlock": 15380222, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1889, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc487a1c1NPomVZaFrDiyxLp1bECPFFzt3NgJpzJ4qHnP", "name": "Enchanter Zorko of the Marsh", "text": "# Enchanter Zorko of the Marsh\n\nWhen I first opened my eyes, I couldnt remember much. Not my name, nor where I came from. But I had an inner fire raging about Magic.\n\nThe small village next to the lake was alive with excitement. People were running around in celebration that another Dream Master had awoken. They found me in the woods laying against a tree. They said that a bright red Phoenix was perched on a branch just above me. And when they came closer to check on me, this beautiful bird flew off. In its wake, one of its feathers floated down and landed on my lap.\n\nSome time has passed since then, and I have grown to love this new world I find myself in.\n\nEverywhere I go, the common people are amazed by my whimsical magic. Making a coin appear behind ones ear, pulling an apple from what looked like an empty bag, youd think from the reaction that I had solved world hunger. The crowds ignite in awe and wonder as they gather around to watch. \n\nMy favorite trick is what the feather can do. It burns bright, but it does not char what it touches. Its completely harmless! The little children lose themselves in its warm embrace and cry for more after my little dance is over. \n\nWhen my tricks are done and Im ready to go, I like to play one last game, Tag. I get a little bit of a head start, and the first one to touch my cape wins! The only thing is, I havent been caught yet!"} +{"id": "a1d09883-30b4-4352-9e79-37d744be2330-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-20T22:21:48.169", "backgroundColor": "#973004", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSSdxM2HiGfsFYAEjyGhXABecZwEJpCgvxBhxdnaPfupr", "txHash": "0x85de2a489335cf94fa85f9af0812e7c6cea3e72ff67c96436de9227c9337da90", "createdAtBlock": 15380222, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1889, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmc487a1c1NPomVZaFrDiyxLp1bECPFFzt3NgJpzJ4qHnP", "name": "Enchanter Zorko of the Marsh", "text": "You see, not only can I make an object appear, but my illusion projection is second to none! If I find myself at the end of an alley, a barrel or wagon becomes my cover! Stuck in front of a locked door? Nothing some simple lock-picking magic cant fix. What about blocking off an entire pathway with a new wall? Youd never know where the real one started or ended! \n\nAnd it doesnt stop there! Sometimes I need a little extra help in vocal projection too. Some shuffling in the rafters, or frantic footsteps further along down the path Its all in good fun, but Id never let the children know. As far as they can tell I really do just disappear, only to re-emerge later and do it all over. \n\nWhile the World has forgotten the runes in its deep slumber, this Dream Master is here to wake it up!"} +{"id": "f188e78d-82d0-42bf-a4d8-84c405fffd5c-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-21T02:01:32.011", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU5su9WJ33XzpS6R7GZtnvztHCitbP2GmeSSBKB1RduiH", "txHash": "0x283c2944318f27007a50c325d83b0147152a9cf1fbef7e1cb3e8de897217d7a8", "createdAtBlock": 15381209, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3971, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmco6tyh53MvaVkw73F2pgfxpUdfpsTqkSdnC4LeSU25Y2", "name": " Solomon of the Toadstools", "text": "# Not Dead Yet\n\nBlue wizards know their technology. Sol more intimately than most. \n\n\nHe had sensed that something was off with Tes as soon as she started driving him home from the Bastion 3 moons ago. \n\n\nSomeone, or something, had tried to kill him with his own car. \n\n\nUnfortunately for them, he (and Ooboo) are exceedingly difficult to kill and now hunger for revenge. \n\nFirst, Sol must reunite with Sondra, who definitelyyyy didn't just try to kill him... right??"} +{"id": "f7045157-3bd1-4b04-839d-9e5532ef3396-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-21T21:19:19.964", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfB3AVN4C1eVsKCcnWQuGv2nt6bjeTi49FkwKc3viWmnf", "txHash": "0x367f402fc47ed3e7352e54b7b4b0feddd16def4b8b064548c563539decee437c", "createdAtBlock": 15386296, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 364, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Wild Mage Samuel of the Villa", "text": "# The Lore of Wild Mage Samuel of the Villa\n\nThe arcane arts came naturally to Samuel and he grew strong enough fast. On a day of no particular importance, he decided to break himself out of his cell. Along with Will and Blinky, Samuel was able to overpower the guards until the chief Warden arrived. A tough battle ensued where Will was grievously injured. As his final act, Will used a powerful spell to buy Samuel enough time to escape."} +{"id": "b8d64c61-3e2e-46dd-b159-c38c5041881b-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-21T21:26:52.364", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbcQtR5BdwcT7baj2LrWmPdFrWRx4W2wtwkc4xvnTz1Bq", "txHash": "0x3cd5935dfa76da26348a6003adfda5eaa21cbd8e3283f47e19791ee006b89776", "createdAtBlock": 15386323, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6149, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cossus Eidolon of the Hall", "text": "# The Lore of Cossus Eidolon of the Hall \n\nCossus Eidolon is the middle brother of an unremarkable Eidolon family. His life was given purpose when enlisted to fight for the Hidden Ones. He is a tool in the hand of their Order and he does exactly as they order."} +{"id": "564ecced-39f2-4664-ab35-cd49c6f05ed3-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-14T02:31:35.249", "backgroundColor": "#393f2e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmapH6hS1djFycwdFxgVAr17f1SfatfvKZW6fon9wgQx2D", "txHash": "0xd4b2b9e8ad773817af6adcd656b17d15994e15bb30c5e20b7e6c1f728a453d3c", "createdAtBlock": 15530494, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3402, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Darrel Beheader of Chickens", "text": "# Darrel - Beheader of Chickens\n\nThis brute warrior once fought for his land\n\nHe won many battles, without lifting the hilt\n\nNot a soul, but the forgotten had seen it used\n\nHis trusty friend lie engrafted to his hand \n\nA voice from below cried, \"forgive me, my lord!\"\n\nOff with his head \n\nNot a moment to spare\n\nThe beasts need feeding, and \n\n-\n\nDarrel's chicken farm is hidden deep in a mysterious land that only the Kobolds know of. @warrior10365 brings balance to his friend and is often found at his side. The two run a Kobold Cartel that champions discernment and justice for their brothers in yello....errr....green."} +{"id": "d077e6ee-5727-4ef9-94d0-cc50174ba6ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-22T11:01:21.537", "backgroundColor": "#191d7e", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qme35XEvScihiDH55SGpCZhSHoHqg4GAZKd8pW8cPZcfwA", "txHash": "0x5327e3c48f259c39980dda01a9cb5de2b4182eb004ab46ecc7fe4b7f9e6611c8", "createdAtBlock": 15389865, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4480, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmcCuXXM7iE6qvHnZVL4KCmJy3Kp1BTxD9wuQYJuxUSi3y", "name": "Callahan of all that is Holy", "text": "# Callahan of all that is Holy\n\n \n\nToday Callahan makes a double toast to the elegantly rich flavors of a Goat Grasslands Champagne Ham. Goat Grasslands has been making sausages and smoking hams since Lenora's Lighthouse was built many suns ago, and they havent lost an ounce of their impressive craftsmanship over the years. \n```\n\n```\nSlowly smoked with natural hickory wood chips, this savory meat is steeped in Asphodel Meadows Brut Champenoise, a sparkling wine from the outer pools of the Bloodfalls adjacent to Asphodel Meadows, for three days. It is then lathered in a tantalizing glaze of pineapple juice and brown sugar, so appetizing that even Callahan's Golden Jaguar is eager to dress his latest victim with the same tangy essence. \n```\n\n```\nChampagne Ham. Even a modest bite of this lush meat allows the aroma and flavor of pungent chardonnay grapes to shine through. In fact, the salt flavor that often dominates ham cannot be found at allonly fruity, sweet wine undertones.\n```\n\n```\nMade exclusively for Warriors, Goat Grasslands hams will be sold for battle purposes and are available until they are sold out. The Champagne Ham weighs between 20 and 40 pounds and comes bone-in. If you are looking for a ham that tastes as exquisite as wine, and can knock out a wizard in one velvety ham swing, this one is a true champion."} +{"id": "f3c3623b-5a30-4d7d-a63d-2488eda3d201-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:33:15.9", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPkCeVMCk9gFNJbxg88rggcGEA75TYmgehG8BZmUTFeW6", "txHash": "0x29e1631d89d19994bd188e0fdd8164b1b3550b39ce2cac30092771c3a80457aa", "createdAtBlock": 15395055, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12950, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Dayo Savior of Joy", "text": "# Dayo Savior of Joy\n\n\nDayo wandered the realm searching for the thrill of battle. She encountered @warrior12949 who trained her to become the most fearsome warrior.\n\nThey traveled the lands together, picking up worthy allies in @warrior728 and @warrior727.\n\nThe companions accepted a quest from the **King** of Kings.\n\n>Venture forth and vanquish the tyranny that lay in the depths of the demon lands.\n\nThe King said.\n\nThe four traveled to the gates of hell. They carried with them a magic artifact said to be crafted by @wizard0 themself. The party made up their minds, steeled their will, and invaded the abyss.\n\nThey fought for 4 fortnites, slaying all demons that impeded their quest. Until they finally reached **the demon's** layer. \n\n***Dayo guarded*** @warrior12949 ***as he worked. She slayed so many demons that the ground before her lay soaked in demon blood. Seeing this enraged The Demon allowing Dayo to lure him into their trap, ensnaring him in a circle of brilliant white light.*** \n\n***As the demon fell the Rune of Water was etched into Dayo's mind.***\n\nWhen the party returned to the King's realm they were greeted with a fantastic celebration. The King rewarded the adventurers with a name.\n\nFrom that day forth the party became known as... \n\n>**Ruin Demon**"} +{"id": "8582b325-6d15-4b5d-bd9f-28d3e947e759-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T06:34:39.917", "backgroundColor": "#350300", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbgMtJMhpsiTModw7gNawQWHa8LZ9bZupgkhDcXh3KBQE", "txHash": "0x7cc5aad41b06c0d24116950dc14999e0b307fae61bd5c9a364339660cc0870cd", "createdAtBlock": 15395058, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 728, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Velox Attacker of Devils", "text": "# Velox Attacker of Devils\n\n\nVelox wandered the realm searching for adventure. He encountered @warrior727. The two became fast friends, often competing against one another, always trying to outdo each other in increasingly outrageous competition.\n\nThey traveled the lands together, picking up worthy allies in @warrior12950 and @warrior12949.\n\nThe companions accepted a quest from the **King** of Kings.\n\n>Venture forth and vanquish the tyranny that lay in the depths of the demon lands.\n\nThe King said.\n\nThe four traveled to the gates of hell. They carried with them a magic artifact said to be crafted by @wizard0 themself. The party made up their minds, steeled their will, and invaded the abyss.\n\nThey fought for 4 fortnites, slaying all demons that impeded their quest. Until they finally reached **The Demon's** layer. \n\n***Velox charged in with no fear. He exchanged blows with The Demon, buying time for*** @warrior12949 ***to prepare. Suddenly, The Demon cast a dark spell, causing Velox to lose his sight and hearing. Velox was battered about by The Demon until*** @warrior727 ***jumped to his aid.***\n\n***As the demon fell the Rune of Fire was emblazoned upon Velox's mind.***\n\nWhen the party returned to the King's realm they were greeted with a fantastic celebration. The King rewarded the adventurers with a name.\n\nFrom that day forth the party became known as... \n\n>**Ruin Demon**"} +{"id": "203f864d-28a8-440d-a5dc-1d70805227b5-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T17:54:22.16", "backgroundColor": "#0a2c2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfL97ycMHjT1Y93BXioJRXyT6budFEAvb1E7WVxg7Cauc", "txHash": "0x0b7a4f8636b00f8ecfddbe41a8bd729d60442d99f77b3cdef7477fafd41f6a9c", "createdAtBlock": 15398086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12260, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTahZ7Tkb6wTNmJ4TNAMa8QC3PHBq28CTNdVhXLxqDBsw", "name": "Sharon Armageddon of Pain", "text": "# Sharon\nwas born in a farmer's family outside the big city.\nShe had a hardworking life on the farm, and it got even worse when her father died when the whole area was robbed by starving people from the suburbs of the big city.\nShe had to keep the farm running on her own since her mother was not able to work on the field anymore and her little sisters were too young."} +{"id": "203f864d-28a8-440d-a5dc-1d70805227b5-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-23T17:54:22.16", "backgroundColor": "#0a2c2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfL97ycMHjT1Y93BXioJRXyT6budFEAvb1E7WVxg7Cauc", "txHash": "0x0b7a4f8636b00f8ecfddbe41a8bd729d60442d99f77b3cdef7477fafd41f6a9c", "createdAtBlock": 15398086, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12260, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTahZ7Tkb6wTNmJ4TNAMa8QC3PHBq28CTNdVhXLxqDBsw", "name": "Sharon Armageddon of Pain", "text": "It was after three years of drought and another robbery by thieves when she decided to give up the farm and leave her family. Sharon moved to the city to earn at least a little bit of money. While the life on the farm was hard work, she was not prepared for the city life, what almost broke her.\nIt was a normal, boring day at the bar when an old man entered the room. There was magic around him, but it was hard to tell what it was. It was late at night, almost sunrise, when it was only them at the bar, when he took off his coat and a sword came to the light. It looked like an ordinary sword, but Sharon knew that this was the magic she felt, and the stranger saw it on her face. It already was late, but the stranger wanted one last drink before heading out again. But there was no more wine behind the bar, so Sharon went to the cellar to get another one, she liked the stranger or was it something else? When she came back with the last bottle of wine, she found, the stranger was gone ... but leaving the sword behind. Sharon didn't know what to do, so she grabbed it to put it away ... but it was this moment when all of her body was filled with magic and the sword started to shine in all the wonderful colors of the rainbow. It was this night when Sharon was last seen at the bar. She now fights for the people she left behind, for the end of greed and poverty, for a better world - an endless and exhausting fight. But soon she discovers she was not on her own in this fight ..."} +{"id": "12d4fb68-302a-477e-b133-8108ed4750ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-24T13:47:40.089", "backgroundColor": "#274018", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdp1K5g33ymr1sdZrzHucKM2THu6gnTJMyH2pRoMgcsqk", "txHash": "0xce75811e97136539300ddedb6a9de29080807cbb1312fbdfdee67b723b6a49e6", "createdAtBlock": 15403266, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14899, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "George Savior of Komodi", "text": "# George the Savage Savior of Komodi\nGeorge the Savage just don't give any cares. Seen as a warrior but known as an animal some would say he is half animal half human. His life is a consistent battle and hasn't relaxed since being born. He has now forgotten everything he knows but still remembers how to be a warrior. Slaying whatever he is confronted with George still has a tiny soft spot in his heart for the wizards. In some way he believes he was once a wizard and because of this he refuses to engage with them."} +{"id": "27b862c7-508a-4103-bfd9-ddaff0dc54b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:07:38.032", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTTFL8YXapoRB46B8fSohnW8S67GysnApSYhFGiRCn5cS", "txHash": "0x1e2dd6a4d1663ba77da685917a3e48ebcfaaf41c0d721c4f6a6ca97291e5d244", "createdAtBlock": 13876907, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 5899, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Davos of the Riviera", "text": "# The Lore of Davos of the Riviera\n\nHowever vast the darkness, we must supply our own light."} +{"id": "37fc6fac-a728-4fb9-ae84-9df8c09d0598-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:54.422", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXPm5EB2TWoZBdaveWMyjaq4G6uLs7SskRkZzeDdaJU71", "txHash": "0x0e642f1a8197be3455d0d84e601fc629160d05ff058e4c3f8b1e49524a7506d2", "createdAtBlock": 14070673, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Faye of the Wood", "text": "# The Lore of Conjurer Faye of the Wood\n\n\"Faye, wake up. Today is an important day, and you can't be late.\"\n\nFaye sat up in bed and cleared the dream master dust from her eyes.\n\n\"Are you prepared for your ritual?\" \n\n\"Yes mother.\"\n\n\"Did you prepare all your reagants?\"\n\n\"Yes mother.\"\n\n\"Have you practiced your invocation?\"\n\n\"Yes mother.\"\n\n\"Great. Now get your robe on and get some breakfast. The ceremony begins in two spans, and I won't have you ruining your familiar's unveiling because you overslept.\"\n\n\"Will father be there?\"\n\n\"Yes... Yes, I am afraid he will be.\"\n\nFaye's family occupies a unique place in their society. They are not royalty, but are greeted with deference by king and commoner alike. They are a family of conjurers, whose ancient bloodline has been used in service of the common good for centuries. It is not a responsibility the family takes lightly--least of which her father--and when each member comes of age, they must perform their summoning ritual before the entire city. Today is Faye's conjuring day.\n\nFaye approaches the clearing in the center of the town, and begins arranging her reagants and preparing them for use. Feeling the weight of the town's gaze acutely and hearing their low conversation like a roar in her ears, she clears her throat. At last the moment arrived, and with a voice of iron resolve, she began.:\n\n\"Beneath the rune of Pluto, I invoke thee!\"\n\n\"By the four kings I invoke thee!\"\n\n\"With the death of the eternal rose I invoke thee!\""} +{"id": "37fc6fac-a728-4fb9-ae84-9df8c09d0598-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:19:54.422", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXPm5EB2TWoZBdaveWMyjaq4G6uLs7SskRkZzeDdaJU71", "txHash": "0x0e642f1a8197be3455d0d84e601fc629160d05ff058e4c3f8b1e49524a7506d2", "createdAtBlock": 14070673, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4368, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Faye of the Wood", "text": "\"With the death of the eternal rose I invoke thee!\"\n\nIn a single deft movement, Faye slashed her left hand and placed both her palms down on the edge of her summoning circle. A flash of light, the whiff of shadow, and a dense fog fill the square. Faye, aching with anticipation, strained her eyes to see what magical creature she had pulled from the aether. Sphinxes and Cockatrices were not uncommon in her family, and she prayed for something at least as respectable as that. Her father would accept nothing less.\n\nBoing...boing....boing...."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "# Chapter 1: On the shores of Atlantas Pool\nHagar sent his familiar Nymph scurrying into Atlantas Pool. It dove into the deep blue waters; Hagar watched as the albino aqua-rat disappeared into the depths, then he spoke to @wizard3922.\n\nCome, Richard Starkey, Nymph will join us at the portal. The Arch-Magician nodded and the pair set off along the shore of the desert lake; they had agreed to use Isaacs alias until they were safely in the Halls of Atlantis. @wizard3904 spies were unlikely to be this far south, but it was hard to be sure how far her network extended. \n\nIsaac was the Temples most proficient star-reader, yet despite this Soya had managed to stage a coup without him being aware of her intentions. Somehow, Soya and her followers had isolated the Temple itself from Isaac and his magic. The Celestials must be a formidable force, thought Hagar, to have displaced the powerful Arch-Magician from his seat of power. Hagar imagined his father would want to know every detail before agreeing to back Isaac. Hagar, too, was interested to learn more. So far, Isaac had remained tight-lipped about events at the Temple.\n\nThe trip across the BattleMage Mountains had taken far longer than anticipated, as it had been difficult to find a guide from the mountain folk willing to lead them. There was talk that one of the Battle Mages who ran the local trade routes had been killed by a giant golden dragon. The beast was supposedly still at large somewhere, putting everyone on edge. They had been forced to travel almost as far as the coast of Kelpies Bay before finding someone both sane and seemingly honest who was willing to take them to Chronomancers Riviera."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "Yet despite their own delays, Louis had still not returned from The Sacred Pillars. Hagar worried about what had become of his cousin, but they could wait no longer before heading to Atlantis. The Celestials could not be allowed to maintain their control over the Temple and continue to spread their malevolent influence.\n\nBut between The Sacred Pillars and Atlantis, Isaac would have two formidable allies. Hagar just had to convince his father to send Atlantis forces onto dry land for the first time in a thousand years\n\n# \n\nDate palms hung over the narrow split in the rocky outcrop on the dune slopes, bringing instant cool relief as they followed a tinkling stream into the shadows. Round pebbles covered the bed of the stream; occasionally a group would crackle and knock together, sending tiny glowing ripples outwards.\n\nIn the recesses of the crevice, a smooth boulder was embedded in the rock, different rune symbols etched into its surface. \n\nAtlantas Portal, whispered Hagar reverently.\n\nIndeed, smiled Isaac. So how do we open it?\n\nThe wizards did not have to wait long before Nymph came scurrying up behind them carrying a hand-sized metallic disc in her mouth, her white fur slick with water.\n\nHagar stooped to accept the disc from his familiar and placed it against the rock. The Rune of Jupiter glowed in the metal of the disc, and its companion rune symbol on the rock mirrored the effect. When Hagar removed the disc, undercurrents of purple, blue, and white began to swirl just below the surface of the stone, slowly emerging from the boulder in radiant streams. The light flowed, spinning and growing until a shimmering spiral of colour stood before the wizards: the portal to Atlantis."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "Youre going to need this, Hagar said to the Arch-Magician, forming the Kelpies Fury water spell between his palms. He stretched the ball of water between his palms, distending it into a hollow bubble. Lifting his hands above the Arch-Magician, Hagar brought the bubble down slowly to envelope Isaacs head. He nodded to Isaac and stepped up to the portal, motioning for him to follow. \n# Chapter 2: A life aquatic\nStepping through the portal, the wizards were enveloped by salty water and lost control of their limbs. They started to swim forward, sinking slowly to the floor of the underwater antechamber. The bubble around Isaacs head wobbled as he looked around him. The surface of the bubble would keep drawing oxygen from the water, allowing the Arch-Magician to breathe so long as Hagar maintained the spell.\n\nWhile they had discarded their heavy cloaks just before arriving at Atlantas Pool, the water still dragged at their clothing as they moved sluggishly through the antechamber and into a long corridor. Hagars feet touched the floor, but then drifted slowly upwards. Nymph swam excitedly around them before scooting ahead. Hagar signalled Isaac to stay still and exhaled, dropping down to his knees so that he could trace his fingers over the Arch-Magicians heels. He then touched his own feet, feeling them grow instantly heavier, allowing him to walk ponderously down the water-filled hallway."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "Shortly, the Hydromancer stopped at a door, which slid upwards silently when he placed his hand against it. Nymph zipped past them as they stepped into a small space that ended abruptly in another door. As soon as the first door closed behind them, the level of water began to drop slowly. Once their heads were in the pocket of air above the water, Hagar could feel the streams of air flushing into the small chamber, maintaining the pressure. He released the bubble around Isaacs head.\n\nIts been so long since my last visit, I had almost forgotten about this, smiled the Arch-Magician. This next part is my favourite! As the last of the water drained away, the streams of air latched onto the two men and the rat, lifting them bodily off the floor as the moisture was sucked off them. The flows lessened, setting them gently back down. Isaac tried to smooth down his beard, which had puffed up like a surprised woodland creature.\n\nThe second door slid open and Hagar stepped into the cavernous entrance hall of the palace, then ushered the Arch-Magician past him. The far wall was entirely transparent, looking out into the ocean depths, where the darkness was illuminated by a galaxy of luminous creatures, their forms and movements so different from animals on land that they seemed to come from another planet.\n\nIsaac stood for a moment, taking in the scene reverently.\n\nImagine what the Celestials would make of this, Hagar, he whispered."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-4", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "Imagine what the Celestials would make of this, Hagar, he whispered.\n\nThe magic of the deep would no doubt be a terrifying prospect for those that have eyes only for the stars, High-Priest, said Hagar, adopting his courtly manners now that he was back under his fathers roof. The ancient water-binder had ruled the seas as far back as anyone could remember. He had always been a stickler for formality, and his emphasis on Hagars stately bearing had only grown stronger over time.\n\nA high-pitched, nasal voice rang out from the other side of the high-ceilinged chamber. Ah, Prince Hagar! We expected you some time ago. Your father is not in a very forgiving mood Im afraid, my Lord. Most vexed, most vexed indeed!\n\nHagar smiled to himself and turned, watching the distant figure approaching them over the lush carpet, as elegantly as he was able on his large, webbed feet.\n\nIts been far too long, Alopias, I fear you all must think me terribly rude, the Hydromancer called, his voice echoing around the hall. \n\nThe small mans saucer-like eyes grew even larger, seeming to take over his entire face, as he wobbled to a stop in front of hagar. His smooth, bald head shrank backwards, long spines standing on end to expose the fleshy webs of the crest running from the top of his forehead over the middle of his scalp, down to the base of his skull. The gill slits on his neck pulsated frantically.\n\nOh no, not at all my Prince. Most certainly not! Never rude! Im sure you have excellent reasons for the delay I do hope so? The King *certainly* expects some Alopias trailed off with a start as he noticed the Arch-Magician for the first time."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-5", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "Oh dear me I do apologise, good wizard. Spawning season has everyone in such a commo The manservant cut himself off abruptly, looking aghast. His crest drooped, and he curled his long, splayed toes nervously in the carpet, wide eyes flicking back and forth between the Prince and the Arch-Magician.\n\nHagar inclined his head slightly, giving the man a coaxing look.\n\nI uh I mean that is Alopias blinked, then shook himself and cleared his throat self-consciously. His gills sealed themselves and he began to suck in a deep breath, his neck swelling up into a bulbous, bright red sack as big as his head. \n\nWhen he spoke again, his voice rang deep and true: His Esteemed Royal Highness, Sovereign Protector of the Oceans, Conjurer of Storms, Master of the Waves, Hurricane of the Deep, King Dawonoti of the Fifteenth Cycle, welcomes you to these hallowed and ancient halls, and grants you leave to enter the realm of Atlantis! May the weight of the water mould your thoughts, and the lights of the abyss guide your path as you\n\nHagar clapped his hands together. Brilliant introduction, Alopias, as always! I see youve added a couple more titles there. Fantastic work, Im sure father approves. Shall we go see him then?\n\nAlopias quickly wiped the look of disappointment from his face, smoothed his throat pouch back into place, and bobbed his head, then turned to Isaac. If you please, good wizard, follow us to the air-breathing Throne Room. The King will see you shortly."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-6", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "Isaac hefted his Midas Rod, nodded to Hagar, and together they followed Alopias from the room to plead the Arch-Magicians case to King Dawonoti.\n# Chapter 3: Strands of possibilities\nHagar slapped his palm against the transparent wall of the hall in an uncharacteristic loss of composure. A bulbous fish, startled by the vibrations, flashed luminously and puffed itself up indignantly, before subsiding and swimming off into the darkness \n\nWhy wont he see reason? I just dont understand it!\n\nThe Arch-Magician patted him on the shoulder. The weight of a thousand years of tradition sits on your fathers shoulders, my boy. I do not blame him for not wanting to involve himself in dryland affairs. The policy has served him well in the past. To tell you the truth, I foresaw as much in my Midas Rod.\n\nHagar looked at him incredulously. What? Why did you not tell me that before? What has been the purpose of this entire mission, then?\n\nIsaac hesitated. I saw no reason to burden you with the possibility of failure. Foresight is not an exact science; the actions taken by others can have momentous consequences and I am not the only wizard who seeks to pluck at the same strands of possibilities. We are all simply trying to coax out the tunes that play in our minds, to see them take shape in the physical realm. There is another who picks at the strings at this very moment a Thaumaturge named Akron. I must say, he is quite impressive."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-7", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "The Arch-Magician paused, walking over to the glass wall to gaze out at the fantastical creatures, before continuing. He would have been a mighty ally for sure, but all hope does not hinge on your father, my boy. I believe that the Thaumaturges plans may turn to our advantage. It is even possible that he is the one who delayed your cousin Louis. Besides if Im not mistaken, a band of our own approaches.\n\nAs Isaac finished speaking, the door at the far end of the hall burst open. A tall Atlantean wearing an armoured breastplate of black, streaked with brilliant turquoise, rushed towards Hagar. Her streamlined helmet took the form of two waves that swept back on either side of her head, almost meeting at the rear. In her right hand, she carried a short throwing spear tipped with a venomous-looking spine.\n\nPrince Hagar, sir! The warrior snapped to attention. The Blackwater Guard is ready to answer your call.\n\nHagar strode over to where the warrior stood. I issued no call, Indaliai. That would be treason. I do not disobey Him by going alone, but He expressly forbade the forces of Atlantis to set foot on dry land without His approval. I cannot I will not carry the Guards lives in my hand."} +{"id": "0a89d96c-0db4-42e1-8891-b967edd55633-8", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:02.504", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWyZLLK6gmMrsM4rFGxw9Yw6U1vjDW4PprsuzEQVtKFFK", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7935, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXuQ7khL3KXWUEQq1F3cxm12TSu441QwdAJVgYutB67Rm", "name": "Hydromancer Hagar of Atlantis", "text": "Indaliai smiled defiantly. Our lives are not so large that we cant carry the weight in our own hands, my Prince. Where you go, we follow. Every one of us is ready to accept the consequences; your hands will be free to wield Kelpies Fury. She half-knelt, stamping the butt of her spear twice on the thick carpet with muffled thuds. In response, a rolling wave of sound began to rise from the corridor beyond the open door. As Indaliai straightened up, the Blackwater Guard streamed into the hall, fanning out into ranks behind their Captain. Every warrior wore the same look of grim determination.\n\nExcellent, Isaac smiled, resting a hand on the princes shoulder. If we leave now, we may be able to harmonise the melodies.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @soul7186\n \nPart 1: @wizard314\n \nPart 2: @wizard2398\n \nPart 3: @wizard134\n \nPart 4: @wizard3920\n \nPart 5: @wizard7935\n \nEpilogue: @wizard291"} +{"id": "24e8223f-f54b-4797-9f1c-04f3cd31c816-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:03.367", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUH8U56fPVVdAFVAG4TyV7qF9TvBEGsMHNRVoG1yNXfaa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 291, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQU4fffH5RScA26W6S7pdJy1SCuXvveNYLzPCwawZRiNB", "name": "Shaman Celah of the Mist", "text": "In a dingy hut in the depths of the Vampyre Mist, Shaman Celah scribbled vigorously on parchment by the soft green glow of his emerald staff, which he had propped against the table. Outside, the wind howled, battering at the rickety structure. \n \n*Not the most luxurious writers retreat, but then needs must,* he thought.\n \nCelah knew that the Lord of the Void, @wizard4298, held an uneasy treaty with the vampires of the Mist, so he would be reluctant to enter their domain uninvited. This was why Celah had hurriedly returned to his homeland, despite the haunting memories and the dangers he faced here; vampires were notorious for holding eternal grudges against anyone who escaped their clutches. \n \nNevertheless, Celah would rather take his chances with a bunch of bloodsuckers than with a deranged cyborg who could shift between the worlds of the living and the dead, and who harboured a vendetta against Blue Wizards. Especially Blue Wizards who accidentally uncovered that cyborgs plots and were then foolish enough to publish their findings!\n \nPerhaps Isaac could have helped, but the Arch-Magician had vanished after the rebellion at the Temple. Celah certainly did not believe the official reports that Isaac had been executed for betraying the temple. @wizard3904 religious fanatics were known across the realm for concocting whatever reality suited their agenda. Yet her influence had been growing these past years and the Celestials had swelled their ranks."} +{"id": "24e8223f-f54b-4797-9f1c-04f3cd31c816-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:03.367", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUH8U56fPVVdAFVAG4TyV7qF9TvBEGsMHNRVoG1yNXfaa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 291, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQU4fffH5RScA26W6S7pdJy1SCuXvveNYLzPCwawZRiNB", "name": "Shaman Celah of the Mist", "text": "On his travels, Celah had seen the results of the troubles their travelling preachers were able to stir up. It wasnt hard to start a panic among the Rudimentals about the dangers of magic, while there seemed to be a new wave of wizards who held nothing but disdain for the old ways. Fuelled by religious rhetoric, there was a wave of sentiment sweeping the land, turning the masses against magic-makers who kept familiars, or communed with the arcane powers and the natural world.\n \nCelah got up, stretched, and moved over to the small fireplace, stoking the coals. Then he returned to his desk and began to read over the last paragraphs of the letter he had written:\n \n @wizard3922 *was ever a conscientious and benevolent leader. He kept the Temple in harmony with the rest of our kind, seeking to work alongside other beliefs. He sought the Divine in all aspects of magic from the glories of the Astral Plane to the arcane ways of the Druids, even sharing peace meals with Necromancers.*\n \n*Yet now the Celestials set themselves apart from the rest of the wizarding world. They seek to raise themselves above us to convince wizard and Rudimental alike that their High Priestess is the link between the physical realm and the Divinity; that her proclamations come directly from a higher power.*"} +{"id": "24e8223f-f54b-4797-9f1c-04f3cd31c816-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:03.367", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUH8U56fPVVdAFVAG4TyV7qF9TvBEGsMHNRVoG1yNXfaa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 291, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQU4fffH5RScA26W6S7pdJy1SCuXvveNYLzPCwawZRiNB", "name": "Shaman Celah of the Mist", "text": "*Despite the declarations of this pretender on the Temples throne, I can not bring myself to believe that Isaac is dead. Where he might be, though, I must confess I have no idea. Be that as it may, we cannot allow the Celestials free reign across the Runiverse. Already, battalions of the Hands of the Havens branch out from their territory, hunting down Shamans and other animists. I have also heard reports that they seek to infiltrate the Atheneum and the Druids of the Hollow. I fear they will move on to deem other things unholy, too.*\n \n*With the backing of the Blue Wizards, we may be able to find Isaac and convince others to join us in the fight to reinstate him to the Temple and bring Archmagus Soya to justice.*\n \n*A respected figure like you should approach the Blue Council to make the case for declaring against this new order. You still hold weight with the Council, despite our disputes with Scryer Apollo and others in the past; I trust in your wisdom to bring enough of the councillors to our side. I fear you were correct from the beginning; Apollo is definitely hiding things and it is troublesome that he continues to lead the Council. I have uncovered further inconsistencies about Voidoths origins since we last communicated, but lacking hard proof, I will not put them in writing just yet.*\n \n*For my part, I must lay low for a time. I can feel the Voidlords cold breath at my back. When I have the chance, I plan to travel to the Elders of* The Sacred Pillars *to ask for their aid they were always good friends to the Arch-Magician. I am not sure if all this news has made it to the Bastion, but there are mysterious forces at work in* The Thorn*, and* Frog Master Marsh *continues to wilt and decay.*"} +{"id": "24e8223f-f54b-4797-9f1c-04f3cd31c816-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:03.367", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUH8U56fPVVdAFVAG4TyV7qF9TvBEGsMHNRVoG1yNXfaa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 291, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQU4fffH5RScA26W6S7pdJy1SCuXvveNYLzPCwawZRiNB", "name": "Shaman Celah of the Mist", "text": "*Conflict is upon us and worse is to follow, but though we have long been separated, I still feel the touch of your magic. Even if we are destined to be apart, know that you will always be in my thoughts.*\n \n*Yours always,*\n \n*Celah*\n \nLeaning back from his writing, he wiped a tear from his cheek. Not for the first time, he lamented his own lack of power, which prevented him from contacting Ozohr more directly than any Rudimental might. A lot hinged on whether Celahs previous letter about the Sacred Flames had reached Ozohr, and whether he had managed to spread the research to other scholars so that something could be done to stop these awful transmutations. While @wizard3917 was a stubborn old fool, there were others who were sure to recognise the threat against Blue Wizard Bastion.\n \nRubbing his temples, Celah brought his thoughts back to his present position, making a mental check of the wardings he had put in place around the hut. Everything was secure. \n \nAt the very least, the spells should keep out the vampires. He tested the point of one of the sharpened stakes that lay on the counter with his thumb. Magic was all well and fine, but one could never be too prepared. Vampires could be tricky often the magic just seemed to *slip off them*. Sometimes a good staking was your best bet. \n \nWhen daylight returned, he would send the letter with @warrior6897. So long as the goblins pockets were well weighted with gold, and there was the promise of more upon delivery, he could be counted on, and Celah knew all too well that the local Transporters could not be trusted with such delicate information. Once the letter was on its way, Celah would set off to The Sacred Pillars."} +{"id": "24e8223f-f54b-4797-9f1c-04f3cd31c816-4", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:27:03.367", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUH8U56fPVVdAFVAG4TyV7qF9TvBEGsMHNRVoG1yNXfaa", "txHash": "0xa9f1c014afd0fe301779ac42728aca4c9fbcbee2b3426baa5e1c1fd0f14b2041", "createdAtBlock": 15435155, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 291, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQU4fffH5RScA26W6S7pdJy1SCuXvveNYLzPCwawZRiNB", "name": "Shaman Celah of the Mist", "text": "## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @soul7186\n \nPart 1: @wizard314\n \nPart 2: @wizard2398\n \nPart 3: @wizard134\n \nPart 4: @wizard3920\n \nPart 5: @wizard7935\n \nEpilogue: @wizard291"} +{"id": "19bc2a54-76aa-499f-b450-bd453f7ad243-0", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:59.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs4TgvXsLDevPWCeAc9Lkhd2RNLyBafG84FZn7C87P8e", "txHash": "0x4990a9d290bfa72a537a6deba50d8244598bb895e733019a1c5b453f6bb66a3f", "createdAtBlock": 15435225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2398, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT92gw5UhmHNcGUhjGMPU1fwrhTZcwfThq5rJf2ovLxGo", "name": " Lux of the Valley", "text": "# Chapter 1: Signs of chaos\nPushing his thick spectacles up to the bridge of his nose, Lux scanned the ancient scroll, murmuring to himself under his breath as he read over Bastian Bluemongers journal entry for the thousandth time. He was sure he was missing something that there was some hidden meaning within the text\n\nWith a huff of exasperation he slammed his quill down on the desk, startling Lunor, who gave a squawk and flapped up into the rafters, from where he cawed indignantly at the wizard. Lux shrugged apologetically up at the crow, then turned from the scroll to a heavy, brass-bound book. Embossed on the leather cover in thick golden lettering were the words *Kronikells of the Sevin Relms*.\n\nLux grunted as he heaved the book open; the front half slammed down onto the desk in an explosion of dust. Lux spluttered, wafting the dust away from his face, and stared at the artists illustration of the @beast1. The beast of legend had a form that defied belief: a mighty lions body sprouting a goats head from between its shoulder blades, dragon wings, and a scaly tail ending in a dragons fire-breathing head. In the painting, this bizarre yet terrifying creature reared up above a rainbow-banded figure, its leathery wings spread wide in defiance. @wizard777 held his golden key aloft, pointing directly up at the maw of the beast. From the key flowed an Infinity Rune that wound its way around the Chimeras body. The Ancient Sphinx was going for the jugular of the dragon, as the Chimeras tail recoiled."} +{"id": "19bc2a54-76aa-499f-b450-bd453f7ad243-1", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:59.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs4TgvXsLDevPWCeAc9Lkhd2RNLyBafG84FZn7C87P8e", "txHash": "0x4990a9d290bfa72a537a6deba50d8244598bb895e733019a1c5b453f6bb66a3f", "createdAtBlock": 15435225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2398, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT92gw5UhmHNcGUhjGMPU1fwrhTZcwfThq5rJf2ovLxGo", "name": " Lux of the Valley", "text": "The scholar traced his finger along the text as he read.\n...and so with the helpe o the aynshint sphinxx, Saykrid KeeMahster hath bannished the Kymeera, herling backe the deemon unto the Sevinth Relm from whense it cayme. He hath entwyned the beeste within his Roon o' Infinit Vytalitee bownd and subdjugayted to the wille o the KeeMahster. And within thayre unmadgikal homes and hummdrumme townes, the Roodimentuls doth sleep eezee, and doth duck and kower no more, for the beeste hath been vankwished. Yet sleep yee not too well, for the returne o the Kymeera will heralde a tyme o grayte destrukshin and terribill sorrow, and agayne the Gaytekeeper shall be kawlled upon as sheeld and protektor o this mortill worlde\n\nLux tapped a forefinger thoughtfully against his pursed lips, turning back to the scroll. Could this be the scourge threatened in the prophecy? The Chimera's return? He scanned the text once more and pieces suddenly began to fall into place.\n\nOf course! Red stars descending the mountain slopes A fiery mane How could I have missed it!"} +{"id": "19bc2a54-76aa-499f-b450-bd453f7ad243-2", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:59.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs4TgvXsLDevPWCeAc9Lkhd2RNLyBafG84FZn7C87P8e", "txHash": "0x4990a9d290bfa72a537a6deba50d8244598bb895e733019a1c5b453f6bb66a3f", "createdAtBlock": 15435225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2398, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT92gw5UhmHNcGUhjGMPU1fwrhTZcwfThq5rJf2ovLxGo", "name": " Lux of the Valley", "text": "Of course! Red stars descending the mountain slopes A fiery mane How could I have missed it! \n\nThere had been whispers of stirring discontent at the Temple of the Falling Stars. The prophecy seemed to point to impending bloodshed tied to the Chimeras return. The old scholar grabbed a sheet of parchment to write a warning to his old friend Isaac, the head cleric at the Temple. He touched quill to parchment, but was startled as Lunor swooped past him with an alarmed caw. Lux grumbled over the stained parchment, shoved back his chair and moved over to join the crow at the window to see what had so ruffled his familiar's feathers.\n\nLooking out over the landscape, the wizened scholar sputtered, white knuckles gripping the stone sill.\n\n*The scoundrel dares show his face here again?*\n\n\nWell face was perhaps a bit generous. The smooth, naked skull of the Pyromancer was certainly eye-catching, even when not surrounded by a halo of flames.\nThe wizard was making his way through the lower passes. It appeared he came alone, save for his amphibious familiar.\nTheodus never was very good at making friends, muttered Lux, glowering fiercely out of the window, as though he could vanquish the Pyromancer by sheer force of will. Alas, his powers did not extend to compulsion. His talents lay elsewhere. Which was probably why Theodus was crawling back here after all these years.\n\nWell, after all he had done, the Pyromancer better have a good reason for returning. Nevertheless, Lux resolved to show his former apprentice how to be the bigger man. He absent-mindedly withdrew his Isaacs Apple from his pocket and polished it on his green cloak, enjoying the sensation of the stored knowledge vibrating on the surface of his palm as he turned away from the window."} +{"id": "19bc2a54-76aa-499f-b450-bd453f7ad243-3", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:59.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs4TgvXsLDevPWCeAc9Lkhd2RNLyBafG84FZn7C87P8e", "txHash": "0x4990a9d290bfa72a537a6deba50d8244598bb895e733019a1c5b453f6bb66a3f", "createdAtBlock": 15435225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2398, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT92gw5UhmHNcGUhjGMPU1fwrhTZcwfThq5rJf2ovLxGo", "name": " Lux of the Valley", "text": "Lunor eyed the approaching figure with the detached disdain typical of his kind. The crow swivelled his head to watch Lux disappear down the spiral staircase, hopped out of the towers window and spread his wings, flapping towards the ground far below to find a good spot from which to watch the wizards reunion.\n\n# Chapter 2: An uneasy peace\nForget that, Lux! spat the Pyromancer. This threat transcends worldly quarrels!\n\nLux arched an eyebrow. Even though you are no longer my apprentice, you will still address me as Scrollmaster Lux.\nDespite his promise to himself, Lux had not been able to resist this jibe at his former pupil. Now, he stood arms folded in front of the entrance to the tower, where the heavy wooden door stood ajar allowing light to filter into the dark recesses beyond the threshold. Lux watched the younger wizard silently from under bushy white eyebrows, allowing him to carry on.\nThe Runiverse needs your knowledge; even I would not dare to deny that you are the greatest scholar of our age. Once we are done, we can see our dispute through to its conclusion, if that is what you wish. But let us not argue over spilled potion while it burns through our floorboards! Strooth and runes old man, if I am right, the Sacred Flames are transforming wizards into agents of the Void!\n\n\nLux let him come to the end of his tirade, then cleared his throat. You make a compelling argument, Theodus. As it happens, my research has touched upon this subject. Come, join me in my study. We have a long night ahead of us."} +{"id": "19bc2a54-76aa-499f-b450-bd453f7ad243-4", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:59.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs4TgvXsLDevPWCeAc9Lkhd2RNLyBafG84FZn7C87P8e", "txHash": "0x4990a9d290bfa72a537a6deba50d8244598bb895e733019a1c5b453f6bb66a3f", "createdAtBlock": 15435225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2398, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT92gw5UhmHNcGUhjGMPU1fwrhTZcwfThq5rJf2ovLxGo", "name": " Lux of the Valley", "text": "Stepping aside, Lux motioned for him to enter the rookery tower. The Pyromancer hesitated, then strode purposefully forward. He stopped abreast of the older man, however, and muttered darkly, You are correct, I am no longer your apprentice; the man Theodus is no more. My name is Pyromancer Burnside of the Wood. Call me by my name, and I will do the same, Scrollmaster Lux.\nLux inclined his head in a slightly exaggerated parody of deference, then followed Burnside as he stalked up the spiralling stone staircase of the tower.\nChapter 3: Picking up the scent\n\n\nLux looked up as Burnside called over to him, waving a piece of parchment excitedly in the air. They had been studying all manner of written sources for the best part of a week now, uncovering slivers of information here and there, but this time his former pupil seemed to be onto something big.\nLux stretched his spine, hearing the bones clicking as they realigned, then shuffled over to the desk where Burnside had several different letters and reports laid out in front of him.\n\n\nLook, theres a Necromancer using the energy flux in the Quantum Shadow to turn forces in his favour. I have not been able to corroborate all my sources with certitude, but it seems that this Voidoth is a former student at Bluemongers Academy of Science and Wizardry, under the tutelage of Scryer Apollo of the Villa. It is written in these reports from the academic archives that he was a troublesome student who harboured grand designs, dreaming of becoming the youngest wizard to ascend to the Council."} +{"id": "19bc2a54-76aa-499f-b450-bd453f7ad243-5", "createdAt": "2022-08-29T16:26:59.024", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRs4TgvXsLDevPWCeAc9Lkhd2RNLyBafG84FZn7C87P8e", "txHash": "0x4990a9d290bfa72a537a6deba50d8244598bb895e733019a1c5b453f6bb66a3f", "createdAtBlock": 15435225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2398, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmT92gw5UhmHNcGUhjGMPU1fwrhTZcwfThq5rJf2ovLxGo", "name": " Lux of the Valley", "text": "You see? I was correct after all! The idea that the Sacred Flames automatically grant great powers is a myth. Burnside paused as he rifled through some papers, pulling out a well-creased map and spreading it over the other papers. Look here, there is a Secret Tower somewhere inland from The Salt, between here and the Weird House, bordered on all sides by unscalable peaks and sheer cliff faces. This is where wizards have been using the Flames According to the writings of a Shaman Celah, Voidoth is manipulating wizards to seek power in the Flames, but he knows that it is far more likely that a Flame will harvest the soul of its victim. The Shaman believes Voidoth has ideas of revenge against the Bastion Scrollmaster, he is using the Sacred Flames to accumulate an army of transmuted souls in the Void!\n\n\nLux nodded thoughtfully for a moment before replying. I have not heard of this Shaman Celah, but I do know someone who might be able to track him down. They should be able to help us if I am able to contact them. Necromancer Zeromus of Elysium has an intimate relationship with the Void, but they are not enamoured by other wizards and they have always proved elusive in the past. Come, there is not a moment to waste. The Elysian Sages may give us a clue of where to start looking for Zeromus.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @soul7186\n \nPart 1: @wizard314\n \nPart 2: @wizard2398\n \nPart 3: @wizard134\n \nPart 4: @wizard3920\n \nPart 5: @wizard7935\n \nEpilogue: @wizard291"} +{"id": "ab317d87-4b07-49d7-a2dc-94003152ea61-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T14:02:51.388", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXoFn859JAM4m5jy51NRgCVGsSrCKos36oeBzUkZDjsx9", "txHash": "0x60b2e2cf7dd28c2256e9eece2a66d3fcbafffc9f2996c777c46c0edc4c55b36f", "createdAtBlock": 15459575, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 343, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rhapsody the Rude", "text": "Twas a lovely day in the fields of Elysium, where Rhapsody spent most of her days prancing and snacking on grass bites.\n\nIn another life, Rhapsody might have been a bold blue wizard or a gorgeous green swamp witch, but in this life, she was a horse, and that's just how she liked it.\n\nWhile she spent her days lazing away in the meadows, the world she left behind still waited for her to one day step forth and resume her journey.\n\nLittle did the world know, Rhapsody had no intention on leaving this beautiful heaven! All she could eat, all she could sleep, no predators...what more could there be to life?\n\nAnd so this would be for sweet Rhapsody. Day in and day out, for countless days and nights. No conflict, no stress...\n\nYet something seemed to be missing in all of this. A best friend, some deeper meaning...Rhapsody really couldn't put a hoof on it, but she knew some was missing.\n\nOnce she had this revelation, her care-free lifestyle seemed to slip from her grasp. She became focused on finding that missing element. \n\nShe changed her diet from normal apples to granny apples. No dice. After that, she tried changing her morning walk routine.\n\nInstead of going left at the forked tree where the cute swamp witch writes her poetry, she went right. This was actually a terrible mistake, as Rhapsody ended up very lost and annoyed.\n\nNow, it's the Elysium Fields, so they would always take her right where she needed to be, if she'd let them do just that!\n\nAfter struggling to find her way, she plops down against a small blueberry bush and decides to take a nap (after having a wee snack of course). While she was sleeping, her surroundings shifted and changed."} +{"id": "ab317d87-4b07-49d7-a2dc-94003152ea61-1", "createdAt": "2022-09-02T14:02:51.388", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXoFn859JAM4m5jy51NRgCVGsSrCKos36oeBzUkZDjsx9", "txHash": "0x60b2e2cf7dd28c2256e9eece2a66d3fcbafffc9f2996c777c46c0edc4c55b36f", "createdAtBlock": 15459575, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 343, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rhapsody the Rude", "text": "Eventually, she'd wake up, no longer snuggled next to an empty blueberry bush, but somewhere deep in the fields. A place she'd never even thought to travel to, but somehow instinctively knew exactly where she was.\n\nThis is where the rest of the ponies lived, and spent their time. She was unique for most ponies only go off on their own when they're ready to be picked by a wizard! Rhapsody had decided to wander off and do her own thing, because quite frankly, that's just who she was.\n\nAfter returning home, it was only a matter of moments before her friends and family set eyes on her once more.\n\nThe next few weeks were a blur, but eventually Rhapsody got used to the hustle and bustle of the group, and realized that this is what she was missing the whole time. The love and support of the family she had long since forgotten about."} +{"id": "e4be37b2-788d-4956-a3d0-8a39b167d334-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-27T16:42:06.146", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX17EpjnupsvKN879GaFCPGGLjf59njNPQ7EQDLahHCHb", "txHash": "0x083c315b556203196e8a978f9c511c53da77997d4daa4d6d86292d94e7140f99", "createdAtBlock": 15625950, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1140, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Rita of the Fuliginous Fog", "text": "Rita always had bad luck... she was a living emobodimeent of Alanis Morrisete song \"Ironic\", she was like 10 thousand spoons when all you needed was a knife. \n\nShe set out to become the most powerful witch in the Runiverse - what she became was powerful in all the wrong ways. Her powerful ember frog is constantly being put out by her thunder and rain superpower. Because she is a ghost of the fog, nobody can ever see her. So the most that Rita can do is show up in the fog and create a wet and thunderous approach. Not exactly the stuff of legend. \n\nIt is unclear if she will ever figure out to how to put her powers together. \n\nFor now the ember frog is the key. It is said that all in possession of an ember frog shall be united, and when together, the power of all of Hades shall rest in their hands."} +{"id": "a42114ef-01d3-46c3-9a9b-b20a9033ff5f-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-04T22:49:37.333", "backgroundColor": "#21130c", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWtX5pAHcgU6oMFif4ro8Ga7tUsxUizhgzzCwy4HJVeKH", "txHash": "0x24466239833f0bc2b221fbc6c39158bc9f6aa97946a8d5e4e3df46093211d8ec", "createdAtBlock": 15474321, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13937, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmcb9CCdT5PtrXAjF1jKfvmbM5mTGsyTAcnZN2AmubpcZW", "name": "Vidal Chaos Agent of Worlds", "text": "# The Founding Patron of the Pantheon\n\n\nIn honor of @wizard2595, great incinerator of might, who spared Vidal's life and gave him the chance to prove his worth to the Runiverse.\n\n\n>## The only warrior that shines is the one who burns. Shall that fire not radiate from within, then my flame will set you ablaze. \n\n\nYou can find this sculpture inside the **Hall of Patrons**."} +{"id": "334af96d-aea6-43e2-87cc-dca0a2e48dd1-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-09T00:31:56.248", "backgroundColor": "#46000a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYrGmPnvA2Ync8VvbACrsiB6F1XCuxYHZqtfEa37CMWWm", "txHash": "0x6f7a8242bbef0029db55bf0eeb8e4536d397e2cbc0a3d3d678cd59e09d8204be", "createdAtBlock": 15499723, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7795, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYwnJHeSrrdWYsyP9k1eeNNN9cUFMmHzUc6zmZjpmW9vg", "name": "Conjurer Sondra of Alfheim", "text": "[image text]\n\nBorn of a wealthy family, Sondra was orphaned at a young age. Her anger was poorly channeled and nobody was left to reign in her entitlement which quickly spawned into greed and a thirst for power.\n\nConjuring magical items to befuddle and confuse her targets, Sondra favors the beauty of the Eternal Rose and it's hidden thorns.\n\nManeuvering through the ranks of wealthy Alfheim society, Sondra often appears in scandalous outfits and flamboyant jewelry - many of which are conjured illusions. She uses her stunning beauty as a tool for manipulation and intimidation (but secretly to detract from the runic birthmark on her face).\n\n**Cockatrice**\n\nDeftly navigating air and sea, Sondra's familiar is an adept spy."} +{"id": "e46000f9-189b-4fff-b55d-22d08b4c716a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:04.764", "backgroundColor": "#693c3a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmajZtFhQobtkHisPaxMHVFx8A5EfdVMPAoiXv3Gi4oSDr", "txHash": "0xf8729ba625e0869aa07118e8172f52ef6dd08d05d808717368efaa315fbb2a59", "createdAtBlock": 14162688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Burning on top of a white candle, a single flame danced with the breeze. Angus could stare at the flickering flame for hours, watching the flame dance. It drew him in, brought him peace, tranquility, and clarity. The candle in its many forms had been with him his whole life. From the moment he first opened his eyes with true sight he saw the flame. At first glance, it had sat upon a deep red candle, slowly cascading a small stream of liquid wax down its side. The flame from that scarlett candle allowed him to see his mother for the first time. He smiled with the warmth that the memory gave him. He recalled another memory listening to his father whisper incantations as a candle burned. Then meals he ate with his brother were accompanied by a candle. The hours spent studying tomes and scrolls a candle constantly lit his path of thirst and knowledge. Thus it was a given that when Angus reached the status of Arcanist he imbued his magical essence into a candle. This single candle, pure white of body, stood about a hand's length on top of a gold candelabra. Black runes etched the side of the grip that seemed to devour the light in. The one, lone candle stood the same height, regardless of how long the flame burned. The wax gave way, slowly rolling off the edge and down the body only to dissipate into nothingness as it touched the warm metal of the grip. In this, the candle held everything Angus felt and knew."} +{"id": "e46000f9-189b-4fff-b55d-22d08b4c716a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:04.764", "backgroundColor": "#693c3a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmajZtFhQobtkHisPaxMHVFx8A5EfdVMPAoiXv3Gi4oSDr", "txHash": "0xf8729ba625e0869aa07118e8172f52ef6dd08d05d808717368efaa315fbb2a59", "createdAtBlock": 14162688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Our wizard was an honest man and thoughts of power or evil never made home in his mind, hence the pure white of the candle. What drove him was curiosity and the need to see and experience. The candle when lit cast its light into any corner, that was its purpose to bring sight with-in the darkness. Anguss candle did just that and more, with a snap of his fingers the flame sprang to life and anywhere a candle burned it served as a window or door of transportation for Angus. Anywhere that basked in candle light was now within his sight. Throughout the years he watched as wizards developed new magic, he spied on treachery of house politics, even the birth of a baby. Everything was now an open book to him, he was able to take in and watch all manners of life, and on occasion experiencing it for himself. When held, the candelabra opened a portal where Angus could step through and feel the cold stone floor of the secret tower, or bask in the warm breeze of Asmodeuss surf. Angus found pleasure watching the world unfold, rarely feeling the need to interfere. It was not his role to take action, but to merely watch, sometimes experience, yet always to learn. His pleasant nature, however, would not allow evils to go unhindered, which he intruded as indirectly as possible. There was a time where he thwarted an evil attempt to make a potion of blindness meant for some poor soul. Just as his sinister peer looked away he quickly dropped some rainbow dew and pixie dust into the brew, rendering it useless. So from his tower situated far into the cold tundra, Angus watched and experienced life."} +{"id": "e46000f9-189b-4fff-b55d-22d08b4c716a-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:24:04.764", "backgroundColor": "#693c3a", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmajZtFhQobtkHisPaxMHVFx8A5EfdVMPAoiXv3Gi4oSDr", "txHash": "0xf8729ba625e0869aa07118e8172f52ef6dd08d05d808717368efaa315fbb2a59", "createdAtBlock": 14162688, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Angus of the Tundra", "text": "Time passed. Births and deaths witnessed, then one day, as if on cue, it all changed. He had been studying when he heard the chime of bells. It sounded as though it was just a bit away, however regardless of which direction he turned it seemed to always come from behind him, just beyond his reach. He spent days researching mystic bells and weeks searching through candle light for this chime. He felt mad and exhausted, but sleep did not find him as he was haunted by his need. After cycles of sun and moon, peering by candle light, he felt it. Intense heat emitted. His hands shook as he grasped his candle. His eyes watered as a shape began to take form, a single flame dancing above a floating stone shaped like a rhombus. In its light, Angus saw a skull, a tulip and for some odd reason, he picked up the scent of raspberry jam filling the air. There were other items in his peripheral, strewn across the floor just beyond the flames light, but Angus could only focus on the single flame. The heat, the dance and the bells called to him. As he stepped closer he felt the darkness, the power and the dread held up in the fire. This didnt dissuade him, this moment he stood in front of the ultimate flame! How could he walk away? How could he turn his back on this entity before him? He could reach the pinnacle of his mystic being, he had found the ultimate candle. And with that thought he stepped closer"} +{"id": "800aad1f-3847-4493-8256-8f3d8fe929c9-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-09T01:57:02.58", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmP2Yn2o5xim735nTCjbFLhtkyTB45Kt2WZ67ZWE8RUBRc", "txHash": "0xd28be8588b8600e2ee71bc09bcf4e1a6d2b7a40824192d6a100b94caca7ca88b", "createdAtBlock": 15500087, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4252, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bambam Wrecker of the Road", "text": "Find more art, stories and drawings by Bambam on her Mirror page! https://mirror.xyz/bambamsimagination.eth\n\nFor requests for commissions, DM MeepleDad Father and business manager of Bambam!"} +{"id": "57fe8d77-1048-4b61-a00d-048082d06cb7-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-09T11:34:50.492", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQG3c8ksbAoKoadVbPcBLhvNHguNrW543FFcyN3oYSYuo", "txHash": "0x00863155d1f021dd487d8232e20b2e2545fba5b1454aad87e842c9ea023ee752", "createdAtBlock": 15502531, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1961, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arch-Magician Gully of the Cosmos", "text": "# The Lore of Arch-Magician Gully of the Cosmos\n\nWhen they see a Kobold, the first thing that comes to mind is a brutish creature defacing a sign at a crossroad. They might be roughly correct, in aggregate. \n\nBut Gully breaks the mold. Gully is a cosmically inclined kobold, and can prove it:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmKxbqZNhbc"} +{"id": "ac3204fa-f095-4f28-80e2-a7dbe498ca8c-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-14T18:57:04.458", "backgroundColor": "#143557", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUCcV1dXANuUevbKBeTsm7ayPPC3tVQvTfqNUfabSBSd9", "txHash": "0x133b289da2661daf7e17508539a9d5123baeef1e77ee2c0a72f799e1b6f68f11", "createdAtBlock": 15534548, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 634, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "https://www.forgottenrunes.com/static/img/forgotten-runes-logo.png", "name": "Phoenix Piercer of Muscle Mountain", "text": "# Phoenix Piercer\n\n_Muscle Mountain_\n\n**Some time during the Fall of Zanzik**\n\n\nA simple sip of water. That's all he needed. Whenever there was an... *obstacle*, it helped him to pause and gather respite with a sip of water. This was no exception. Four dead in the room, countless in his wake. Yet more to come. He hoped he would not be among them. A cut on his arm runs blood through his fur, the red and orange and black painting him.\n\nHe reached for his waterskin; one sip left. Better make it count. The sword is heavy, the armor is heavy, the shield is heavy. That was the way though. That was how they survived. Muscle Mountain was named that for a reason. He lifts himself and places the weight on a tired body. Tired, but not spent.\n\nA sip, the last sip from the skin. He tosses it aside. A drop left on his whiskers falls to the floor. He rushes. Sword not quite as heavy as it was a moment ago.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n**The Wild Bunch**\n\n@wizard229\n\n@warrior634\n\n@warrior9739"} +{"id": "0fc8b16f-4ede-4d90-a11c-cf7df458cf04-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T23:27:27.251", "backgroundColor": "#651e1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQySwRgKGhw2mdL4CxPCDavaRzPdxK9qERh3Jx5kUvvni", "txHash": "0x86051e8230f56f2760dc8b8a8fab27b8ead27218ddca80fb97e7627acf5a7d28", "createdAtBlock": 15556563, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4890, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clubber of the Apocalypse", "text": "# Clubber of the Apocalypse\n\nMead halls across the realm know that when the Clubber of the Apocalypse stops by their establishment tables, chairs, windows and bones will be broken. While it may not appear that the Clubber has a weapon, the entire bar holds its breath when he tells a person in his crew to \"Hold my beer.\" At this time, he's either doing his patented double backflip from a barstool (to a roar of approval from the drunk patrons) or he's bashing skulls together. But it's hard to say which way the Clubber will go...\n\nA wise wizard or warrior doesn't stick around when the Clubber of the Apocalypse utters those words."} +{"id": "221ac784-ee5c-459a-b296-80a1d873a832-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T23:33:50.848", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQfD1LGM2BXW3T3RwY8AxnvDV7R8i5uacMuDFVpfAfNBb", "txHash": "0xaa8df63ea4be70bf46041dde72678b456d3eea95612807ed1549a404d18b15fa", "createdAtBlock": 15556595, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4608, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Devon Slicer of Light", "text": "Devon Slicer of Light full of might. Slices and dices like a mf. Her sword is sharp, her shield is sturdy, her companion is a wild one. SHE ONLY GOT ONE EYE, might slice you by mistake. Best keep yo distance ANON."} +{"id": "35a665aa-bff0-49f5-8698-689cd9ce73b5-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-17T23:37:04.51", "backgroundColor": "#223160", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYMSyCEeeEp22bV192EdbnpvtMTUE9Vw55nKxQ3fdCURC", "txHash": "0xb44927da19c28c33247035279b7ab4fe95bf958781f1f0f8c30fdb47456e0c74", "createdAtBlock": 15556611, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12300, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gage Conqueror of the Sea", "text": "# The Song of Gage, Conqueror of the Sea\n\n\nJust sit right down \nAnd I'll tell a tale \nOf the Conqueror named Gage. \nHe's gone around the whole wide world \nFrom a very, very young age. (A very, very young age.)\n \nWhen he was eight \nHe went up North \nAnd heard the siren's song. \nGage plugged his ears and didn't hear \nWhile the crew sang along. (The crew sang along.) \n\nWhen he was ten \nHe sailed to the East \nAnd there the sharks did swim. \nA sailor fell right over the rail, \nGage saved him and jumped on in. (Gage jumped right on in.) \n\nWhen he was twelve \nHe sailed down South \nWith a ship of pirates there. \nHe stole their gold and sailed back home, \nWithout a worry or care. (Gage had not a care.) \n\nAnd now grown up \nGage travels West \nHe's the Cap'n of his ship. \nHe sails the world and conquers lands, \nA Gobl'n Axe at his hip. (An axe at his hip.)"} +{"id": "c3da8c51-ca98-4880-a0b0-edfba6615f9c-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-19T18:11:16.434", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdBqgQwMoGpHv5xcJsxqXaKViqLSJEHbfNenuNknLfcyh", "txHash": "0x5444f3050bd0430934b6ba58951cd75f4d4dc05b30d3147d148a8056cc0d0d5f", "createdAtBlock": 15569255, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9736, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Glub Basher of Wizards", "text": "# Glub Basher of Wizards\n\nGlub was a likable and lowkey goblin. He enjoyed hanging with friends, brewing his own kombucha, and telling stories over the campfire. Most everyone in Goblin Town thought he was the kind of goblin you'd want coaching your daughter's softclub team.\n\nUnbeknownst to his friends and family, however, he harbored a dark secret. He was a wizard basher!\n\nOh sure, he'd occasionally make wizard jokes, mostly behind their back. Folks took these remarks as off-putting jokes or made excuses for him saying he was the product of a different goblin generation. The truth, though, was more sinister.\n\nEver since one of those hotshot sorcerers from the Purple Wizard Pavilion stole his girl, Fredrica, he resented wizards and everything they stood for. Who did they think they were turning people into toads and levitating objects!\n\nOne day he'd win Fredrica back. Until then, however, Glub had picked up a new hobby, it was wizard bashing season!"} +{"id": "d29dbae3-d22d-4e3a-a42b-cfd0667985ef-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T08:18:53.38", "backgroundColor": null, "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYN9Un2gnZzRZ8h8gUjfhFBD1FmwA6kh8FQymJWvqV875", "txHash": "0xfe61c81f7293ca98c42d3f58a4ce3c1dce672df1419510cb4ad4a90d4336df55", "createdAtBlock": 13279653, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": true, "tokenId": 3147, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Tumbaj of the Mount", "text": "# The Mystery of Magus Tumbaj of the Mount\n\nEnigmatic by nature."} +{"id": "3e3fd9f4-83aa-48fb-9d05-b0b89850b7d4-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-24T12:58:03.867", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc8652exzU2i9b9pA3uVAYrXsqxegyQiuPoQ2sBDrMUwK", "txHash": "0xef1df708e630416a993c8a1a52fbdf3cfdc0be12d8cdc568caa0dade45ce4ccb", "createdAtBlock": 15603674, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9311, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Zane of the Plains", "text": "Unknown Diary Extract : More strangeness on the plains\n\nI spotted a large, slow-moving caravan out on the plains. It seemed to be moving along no established route yet no obstacles were in its way. Nevertheless, as I approached, I heard the clinking of glasses. The caravan was being pulled by two elderly looking ponies and an even older albeit sprightly looking wizard !\n\nThey did not seem threatening, so I rode over to get a better look. The caravan was ornately decorated with wood carvings and strange runic symbols. A purple-hued mist was emanating from the gap beneath the side door. I shouted \"What have you got in there ?\" to the wizard, who had seemingly not even acknowledged my presence. \n\n\"It's my laboratory, oh no! my potions !\" - The old wizard leapt towards that door like a gazelle ! He flung the door open and a purple miasma erupted outwards. \n\nWhilst I choked on the caustic fumes, the wizard strode in. I heard a bottle crack underfoot and then, \"Those blasted ponies look what they've done!\" , he called him '@pony70' ? What a joke! That's the last time I'm buying ponies from a Kobold! I'm going to have to make all these potions again\"."} +{"id": "d4b4652a-15bd-4f53-83ed-b18f381561b1-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-24T14:25:16.267", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSK9R66ZkUnKxjSBvMxvXd266YpzuNUBsAevZTYJ6tVdf", "txHash": "0xf7bd0b763b385187f72803778b18c631e0c9f188514b574bc07eb361e0797f21", "createdAtBlock": 15603801, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3231, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Channel 1 Poltergeist Victoria of the Soft Glitch", "text": "The poltergeist all serve the Lord of the Ghost, Toru. Even Victoria's flame burns purple in honor of the Great @Toru. Victoria's main role is as a guide to the new souls formed - she shows them how the Runiverse works as a soul, and with the purple flame burning bright, each soul must choose their destiny. Shall they join Toru and his quest, or will the soul choose to join the @Zombieking and the Corporation. Victoria shall only lead you down the Hall of Choices, it will be up to you to find your way to the right Choice. Choose poorly and the snake shall steal your soul, you must choose the home that fits you, not the one you want. Happy choosing."} +{"id": "b4c772eb-0026-4d9a-9240-b8e738a7952d-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-24T14:30:16.976", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbEHvGzwm2NMeB1hZbNNgwe4E4K9g2iJhxoQrG8J3NC3g", "txHash": "0xb1d51cfc81ba4a5393cf8ba7b2c516c8463956c869cc00001c8913ba7e2908e7", "createdAtBlock": 15603826, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1772, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Xerxes Apocalypse of Liches", "text": "Bitten by a Kimodo dragon, Xerxes was once a prince. A spoiled prince who longed for something more. in the tradition of Siddhartha, the prince Xerxes gave up all of his possessions to find his true self. After years of ascetic living, sitting under a tree a great vision came. The vision told him to swim the river to the place where the dragons roam. When Xerxes got there he was surrounded by Kimodo dragons and fought 10 at a time valiantly, until he was consumed... out of his body a new body formed, that of part Xerxes part dragon, and his path was revealed.\n\nTo battle all that is evil, to slay the undead souls, the Lich souls condemning the Runiverse"} +{"id": "41d7481c-50af-441f-9c71-9df7fcefc563-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-24T14:34:41.657", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVq5gynwpoKKqPswVHZYYFDpaPwE4MswWj3TNyAiqbHJN", "txHash": "0x9121c47a26200cf8eec40a9e6cc58cfc6fca49081e757d195d9eb66440cb9bd7", "createdAtBlock": 15603848, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7742, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Gangrenous Zombie Larissa of the Pile", "text": "S I N E P\n\nthose who don't honor the code of the Runiverse, are condemned to be ordinary souls forever... Larissa, who was a co-conspirator with McWizzie has paid the price for trivial pursuit of life. She forever is branded with PENIS and shall be an ordinary soul a foot souldier, with no purpose and many masters. only the union of @mcwizzie's soul and her will free her from the penis penance"} +{"id": "219f9930-9fd9-4b90-8bb5-bf65c9d45162-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-24T14:40:07.528", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZyZxxDBGApz14s4HC62fq4i8iikQfF3AFBsBDvZbzACo", "txHash": "0x07a96cf5d479fc02770008e4dc9858b7ab5f2d36b5b336f00fbc40b4530228ad", "createdAtBlock": 15603875, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7874, "slug": "souls", "firstImage": null, "name": "Paranormal Phantasm Sisk of the Fatal Forever", "text": "Sisk, the keeper of dragon. Once an ordinary wizard, the flame borne unto us a dragon from the eternal pyre. \n\nWhat shall the dragon's role be? What role does an undead dragon play? The clues may just lie in the lore of Viserion. \n\nhttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/0/ice-dragon-viserion-game-thrones-night-king-white-walker-weapon/"} +{"id": "7fdd7f4f-e487-40b7-999f-5a54c8ba54ad-0", "createdAt": "2022-09-28T01:43:03.321", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmebvN413hKPCXx4N5LaT8xrAxatYmhnYKBghZs47uX57U", "txHash": "0xaf8fc19e78a7a44bed37aff87f280e59acc45963c4a12b5c1bbe19fe0e65300a", "createdAtBlock": 15628627, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8068, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Iprix of the Keep", "text": "# Enchanter Iprix of the Keep\n\nFor the wise Iprix, enchantment is a family tradition. His great-great-grandfather was one of the original founders of the Keep. \n\nThe Phoenix Feather that Iprix always carries with him is a gift passed on through generations. It is inscribed with the words: \n\n> Death is Lighter than a Feather, duty heavier than a mountain\n\nA constant reminder to never choose the easy way out."} +{"id": "dcf06505-3d60-4872-8016-d35737918715-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:33.014", "backgroundColor": "#2d2c2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6AfpDMSf7nFeKYxGJWHsPK9yKyVwBB8eaWoaj2ivZpE", "txHash": "0xd0c6d80d02d480b27281f5508fb1e083492a7eadf1c8fab36ff5e9023e1cc6db", "createdAtBlock": 14644083, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Ofaris of the Mist", "text": "# Reflection: Beasts (Season 1)\n\n##### _Ofaris takes a long inhale through the pipe. He stops at the peak of his breath and pauses, then releases a bellow of swirling opaque smoke that slowly clears and reveals the wizard deep in thought._\n\n##### So.. the gates have finally opened have they... well at least the Runiverse has had time to prepare. We knew this day would come. 21 locks, 42 wizards, 7 beasts, and a whole lot of spawn.\n\n##### What I still wonder about is why wizards would want to unlock the gates to begin with? Greed, power, curiosity maybe. Wizards simply cant help themselves can they.\n\n##### But as they say, what is done is done. No sense in worrying about what cant be changed. Whatever the reason, it was what needed to happen.\n\n##### These beasts.. some of the most respected creatures to roam the land. It isnt a question that they will make themselves known. How they will though, that is certainly something Ill be interested to find out.\n\n##### _Ofaris, dwelling on the possibilities, inhales his thoughts and lets them percolate through his mind. His exhale is slow and steady, creating an upside-down waterfall that runs through his mustache and up his face, almost as if his pondering is washing over him._\n\n##### 7 rich stories have arrived at our doorstep... I wonder what tales will be told of this very moment. The day our stories became one. Endings really do just lead to new beginnings, dont they Chester.\n\n##### _Ofaris looks to his companion for confirmation._\n\n##### Something Im sure you know all too well."} +{"id": "dcf06505-3d60-4872-8016-d35737918715-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:45:33.014", "backgroundColor": "#2d2c2c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU6AfpDMSf7nFeKYxGJWHsPK9yKyVwBB8eaWoaj2ivZpE", "txHash": "0xd0c6d80d02d480b27281f5508fb1e083492a7eadf1c8fab36ff5e9023e1cc6db", "createdAtBlock": 14644083, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Ofaris of the Mist", "text": "##### Something Im sure you know all too well.\n\n##### Honestly though I am intrigued. We have known peace for quite a long time. Wizards have been free to explore the Runiverse with no fear of consequences. Now we cannot be so casual. How wizards will adapt to this new reality will likely be a fantastic illustration why they are in fact a wizard. They will get to know themselves better than before. The never ending story will be gifted a host of new characters, although it might lose some as well...\n\n##### There we go with endings and beginnings again!\n\n##### _Ofaris smirks. He shakes his head._\n\n##### I just cant help but enjoy the irony that hides in plain sight. You could promise that youre the farthest away from something until you notice youre standing right next to it. All jokes aside Im really hoping I dont find myself near that Chimera. Or any of the beasts for that matter.\n\n##### _Ofaris shudders at the thought._\n\n##### That would not be any fun. Although I hear the Seven-Tailed Kitsune can have her good days. And Id probably bet we havent met our last beast. What a time to be alive.\n\n##### _Ofaris looks back over at his companion._\n\n##### Chester..\n\n##### _Ofaris brings the pipe up to his mouth again. The bowl emanates a strong glow as he takes another puff. He begins speaking as he breathes out._\n\n##### ... what do you think?\n\n##### _Chester looks at Ofaris, and then off into the distance. He cocks his head, seeming to see much more than the darkness should allow._\n\n##### CAWW!\n\n##### _Ofaris, in the middle of another toke, is caught off guard and gives a slight cough at Chesters response._\n\n##### You know... I didnt even think of that."} +{"id": "b97d9b92-392e-437a-8d69-6311e6e70e3b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:03.988", "backgroundColor": "#02460f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbHfDMb2zad3mibgUVPUCoviKdACqddVi5Pf23PZ4qtNT", "txHash": "0xde8ab4d726552e521330938961d05cd6211f599d9977fc298348ea1cd317d092", "createdAtBlock": 14707193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3098, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Sylvia of the Heath", "text": "# The tragic tale of Rose Vamp Sylvia, who was burned at the stake\n#\n\nSylvia the bloodsuckerthats what warriors called her. Warrior children stayed up all night watching the doors and windows after being told about Sylvia and her ferocious ladybug that would devour warrior intestines.\n\n_Have you ever seen a ladybug? They are harmless, dazzling creatures who share their kind wisdom with pure-hearted wizards._\n\n# Warriors vs Order of the Eternal Rose\n#\nWarriors have always feared vampyres like Sylvia and her green-blue skin. Even worst, Sylvia was also a member of the Order of the Eternal Rose, which is why warriors wanted to burn her at the stake. Many warriors grow up being told not to look a vampyre in the eye, and separately, to pray for their life if are unlucky enough to encounter an Eternal Rose.\n\nEveryone has heard the tale of Eternal Rose charmers lulling their enemies into false senses of security with rose magic, and then slitting their throats. \n\n_Are these tales true? Or are they mutated stories passed down from a neurotic generation of warriors to the next? Warriors are of course, a god-fearing, silly folk who ask for forgiveness before they enjoy a delicious-looking meal. I'll let you you be the judge. But we know for sure that a true member of the Eternal Rose order would not have to resort to trickery to defeat a warrior._\n\nRose holders are usually accompanied by magnificent beasts: ember frogs that could melt you with flaming acid shots, owls that could rip you to shreds with razor sharp talons, and of course the Legendary Cockatrice, that legendary she beast that was part cockatrice, part lizard, and completely terrifying. The tale goes that Eternal Rose members were sworn upon entry into the order to protect the cockatrices eggs with their lives, and in exchange would win the thanks and loyalty of the legendary egg mother."} +{"id": "b97d9b92-392e-437a-8d69-6311e6e70e3b-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:03.988", "backgroundColor": "#02460f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbHfDMb2zad3mibgUVPUCoviKdACqddVi5Pf23PZ4qtNT", "txHash": "0xde8ab4d726552e521330938961d05cd6211f599d9977fc298348ea1cd317d092", "createdAtBlock": 14707193, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3098, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Sylvia of the Heath", "text": "God-fearing warriors for generations have tried to resist the \"advancement\" of the cockatrices imaginary army by stealing its eggs, which is how they often came into conflict with Rose knights.\n\n# Present Day\n#\nForty days ago, poor Sylvia accidentally let her Eternal Rose display in public at a tavern, and for the next forty nights she was on the run. On the 41st night they caught her and her ferocious man-eating ladybug. \n\nIt was of course a challenge to bring down a spellcaster as powerful as Sylvia, but with enough desperate warriors her luck had run out. Usually Sylvia traveled with her sister @wizard4409, the only other Vamp to leave the Vampyre Mist to seek entry into the Order of the Eternal Rose.\n\nOriginally, Sylvia and Lucinda wanted to develop their magical abilities and gain power. Training together daily, they were inseparable. Eventually, they took pride not in their burgeoning strength, but in their ability to protect a sacred breeding ground from narrow-minded thieves. It is unfortunate that Sylvia was caught by her enemies during a rare time where she was apart from Lucinda.\n\nThe warriors tied her to a stake with iron chains and surrounded her with bushels of hay that gave her no opportunity to escape the flame. As they set fire to the hay, they feasted and drank, celebrating the apparent end to their nightmares. It was a glorious night for the warriors.\n\nSylvia felt mostly confusion and sadness that she could not explain to her captors that she was not a killer and her ladybug familiar was pure-hearted. Ultimately, Sylvia wept not for the passing of her life but for her sister's innocence. Sylvia hoped that Lucinda would not commit her unadulterated life force to a mission of vengeance.\n\nSylvia's death left Lucinda as the sole remaining Vampyre who knew the truth of the Order of the Eternal Rose."} +{"id": "70d5177d-c124-4300-8e65-83439e2abf5e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:33.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc6DGezqiAUfg8VmGkWRaB2Wjf4Hw6SxN17ezYPsbnpC1", "txHash": "0xbdb5056064f145364d6069da543516e10a7cf3d55d099a77f8044984f8d40ce0", "createdAtBlock": 14714300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8198, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVy31FvUfsdW85i5MpFtyj3yxk8dQguwpTL5zeg7kvimB", "name": "Ice Mage Zelroth of the Berg", "text": "## Logbook \n\nCROWFOOT PASS \n\n- Distance: 15 KM return\n- Time: 6-7 hrs\n- Height gain: 750 M\n- Max elevation: 3267 M\n- Grade: Intermediate\n\n\nThe trip to Crowfoot Pass is one of the finest in the Northern region. It usually has lots of snow, the views are great and the travel across meadows and through open forest is excellent. Highly recommended.\n\nHazards:\nThere is some avalanche danger skiing up the drainage towards the pass and a fatality has occurred here. Although the hillsides are small they are sufficiently large to be deadly. \n\nDirections:\nMake your way to the crowfoot glacier view point 32 km up the main road from the junction at the entrance of the North \n\nFrom there head straight over the snowbank and down a short steep hill to the trees below. Cross the flats traveling south-east down the valley, then ski through a narrowing of the meadow and out into a second open area. The view of the surrounding peaks is outstanding. \n\nContinue until the flats pinch off and the river begins. Put on your skins there and head straight up the creek. The traveling is easy and the angle is reasonable. Good snow cover is necessary so it is best to do this trip later in the season. The creek gains about 100m upward and approaches the cliff looming above through the trees. Keep following the creek. \n\nAt one point the creek levels out for a short distance, there is a nice outcrop of quartize to sit on at the pass and there are outstanding views down the Valley and Mount Temple. The sun stays long into the afternoon. The return journey can be fun and there is excellent terrain to make turns. \n\n\n## DAY 1 \n\n- Wx forecast:"} +{"id": "70d5177d-c124-4300-8e65-83439e2abf5e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:33.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc6DGezqiAUfg8VmGkWRaB2Wjf4Hw6SxN17ezYPsbnpC1", "txHash": "0xbdb5056064f145364d6069da543516e10a7cf3d55d099a77f8044984f8d40ce0", "createdAtBlock": 14714300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8198, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVy31FvUfsdW85i5MpFtyj3yxk8dQguwpTL5zeg7kvimB", "name": "Ice Mage Zelroth of the Berg", "text": "## DAY 1 \n\n- Wx forecast:\n\nPrecip NIL, -3 C to 3.3 C, Light wind (20km/h South), 50% cloud cover, Freezing level 1300M\n\n- Snowpack Concerns:\n\nWarming up on S aspect, snow transport in Alpine, Recent persistent layer down 100/150 cm\n\n- Avalanche concerns:\n\nWind Slab concern size 1-2 possible to likely\n\n- Danger rating:\n\nAlpine M | Treeline M | Below Treeline L\n\n- Confidence rating:\n\nAlpine M | Treeline M | Below Treeline M\n\n- Avalanche observation:\n\nSize 1 on S aspect, point release\n\n- Field Weather: \n\n5797 FT , nil precip, calm wind, 0.3 C, HS 205\n\n- snowpack observation:\n\nCTH 26 down 11 (B), CTH 28 down 36 (RP), CTM 15 down 19 (B), CTM 26 down 19 (B)\n\n\n## DAY 2\n\n- Wx forecast:\n\nSE Ridge Wind 50-80 km/h, 15-25 cm new snow, freezing levels 1900M, -5 C, Front coming in\n\n- Snowpack Concerns:\n\nSuncrust on solar aspect, new snow and snow transport, wind slab on lee aspect(NW) in alpine, stellar layer down 15 cm CTE7 NE, week layer down 96 cm \n\n- Avalanche concerns:\n\nWind slab from windloading NW aspect, loose wet\n\n- Danger rating:\n\nAlpine C | Treeline C | Below Treeline M\n\n- Confidence rating:\n\nAlpine M | Treeline M | Below Treeline G\n\n\n## DAY 3\n- Wx forecast:"} +{"id": "70d5177d-c124-4300-8e65-83439e2abf5e-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:47:33.318", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmc6DGezqiAUfg8VmGkWRaB2Wjf4Hw6SxN17ezYPsbnpC1", "txHash": "0xbdb5056064f145364d6069da543516e10a7cf3d55d099a77f8044984f8d40ce0", "createdAtBlock": 14714300, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8198, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVy31FvUfsdW85i5MpFtyj3yxk8dQguwpTL5zeg7kvimB", "name": "Ice Mage Zelroth of the Berg", "text": "## DAY 3\n- Wx forecast:\n\nFlurries ending in morning, freezing level 1300M, -1 C, wind 50/60 km/h reducing in afternoon, trace of accumulation\n\n- Snowpack Concerns:\n\nM to S wind causing snow transport on Lee aspect and cross loading W-NW, 30cm new snow. CTM 11 down 65 | CTH 28 down 75\n\n- Avalanche concerns:\n\nStorm slab on all aspect at treeline and Alpine, possile sz 1-2 wind slab on N-NW aspect in Alpine. Possible to likely sz 1-2\n\n- Danger rating:\n\nAlpine C | Treeline C | Below Treeline C\n\n- Confidence rating:\n\nAlpine M | Treeline M | Below Treeline M\n\n- Avalanche observation:\n\nSize 1 on S aspect, point release\n\n- Field Weather: \n\n6057 FT , 5 cm new snow, Light wind, -2 C, HS 220\n\n## TRIP PHOTO"} +{"id": "8a0eade1-ead7-46eb-884f-cf925ddc23fc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:35.051", "backgroundColor": "#f6ecec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5La4gnQn2KyUbxvXHsZMi6xWN2ew34qErkRJbxEr4YY", "txHash": "0xa2025516999f3f917fcfb17cc0d5c483f78d07584b8e5083b59c34ff2fb204df", "createdAtBlock": 14782213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Guy Conqueror of Goblins", "text": "From between the many moss-covered boughs a warm light flickered and the crackle of kindling sounded out sharply against the softer forest sounds. The Warrior shouldered his armored form through the thick foliage and called out a greeting to the maker of the fire. A thin voice came back in reply inviting the Warrior to share the warmth of the fire. Emerging from the forest and into a small clearing lit by firelight the Warrior beheld a slender young man in the dark robes of a scholar standing in front of a stout grey pack mule.\n\n*Please sit and rest with us The Scholar said by way of a greeting while motioning to a place beside the fire*.\"\n\n*You have my thanks. It is a weary night*. The Warrior replied as he sat himself down.\n\nThe two men sat and talked and as the flames dimmed the young scholar would rise now and then and add more kindling to the fire. After some time the Warriors eyes strayed to the Scholars pack mule who was methodically ripping up clumps of grass to chew slowly as it stood on the edge of the firelight. Strapped to the mules side was what appeared to be a large sword, the hilt protruding from the wrappings was of a deep polished gold and fresh leather tightly bound the blades grip.\n\nThe Warriors gaze passed from the lengthy blade to the Scholar and then back to the blade again.\n\n*Can you wield that blade*?\n\n*Oh indeed not! I am simply charged with bearing this relic to our monastery in the East for further research*.\n\nThe Warriors puzzled expression impelled the Scholar to continue.\n\n*You see, our sect is dedicated to the custodianship and study of the elder blades. Weaponry of the older ages whose forging methods are now lost to us. Upon my return I will have the honor of writing a sizeable treatise on this blades history and provenance*."} +{"id": "8a0eade1-ead7-46eb-884f-cf925ddc23fc-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:35.051", "backgroundColor": "#f6ecec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5La4gnQn2KyUbxvXHsZMi6xWN2ew34qErkRJbxEr4YY", "txHash": "0xa2025516999f3f917fcfb17cc0d5c483f78d07584b8e5083b59c34ff2fb204df", "createdAtBlock": 14782213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Guy Conqueror of Goblins", "text": "*Hah! So you sit in your halls and write pretty stories about these weapons and their deeds? There is a saying of my people **The blade finds the hand**. Swords must find use, they must drink, otherwise their edge, their keenness, and their very soul will dull*.\n\nWith a quick movement the Warrior drew his sword from its sheath and held it towards the fire. The blade glimmered softly in the firelight revealing a landscape of dents and notches along its length.\n\n*Perhaps you should write a history on this blade, Scholar. It has seen the inside of many a fell creature*\n\nThe Scholar stared incomprehensibly for a moment at the Warrior and his tarnished sword before launching into a further, much more comprehensive account of his orders history and responsibility to the ancient relics they held. With a quiet grunt, the Warrior re-sheathed his weapon and sat silently as both the stars and the weighty words of the Scholar spun above his head.\n\n\nThe Warrior awoke in the morning to the chuffing and snorting of the pack mule as the Scholar laid out its oats in a rough wooden bowl. A last trail of thin smoke was rising from the dark coals of the campfire as the Scholar made ready to depart.\n\n*Our path lies east through the dell. You are welcome to join us if the direction suits you*?\n\n*It does for now. I will travel with you part of the way*"} +{"id": "8a0eade1-ead7-46eb-884f-cf925ddc23fc-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:35.051", "backgroundColor": "#f6ecec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5La4gnQn2KyUbxvXHsZMi6xWN2ew34qErkRJbxEr4YY", "txHash": "0xa2025516999f3f917fcfb17cc0d5c483f78d07584b8e5083b59c34ff2fb204df", "createdAtBlock": 14782213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Guy Conqueror of Goblins", "text": "*It does for now. I will travel with you part of the way*\n\nAs they followed the forested paths the day wore on with the Scholar at no loss for explaining in great detail the various specimens of tree and birdlife they encountered. Every now and then the Warrior would tear a tuft of grass and offer it to the mule as they walked, sharing what seemed to him a look of quiet exasperation. The sun was slowly dipping amongst the treetops as they approached a small bend in the tree wrapped path. As they rounded the bend the warrior grasped the Scholar by the shoulder and shoved him back against the mules flank.\n\n*Be on your guard, Scholar*!\n\nJust as the words had left his mouth a number of small goblin-like creatures crashed through the upper branches ahead of them and reaching the path began to advance, snickering and drawing their small curved blades. The Warrior strode forth drawing his sword and beckoning to the snarling creatures. The fray was a chaotic blur as the Warrior spun and swept at the many creatures that leapt and dived towards him, his sword rang out against their wicked knives and twice it bit deeply into the pallid flesh of his attackers. Upon hearing a guttural scream the Warrior spun to see three of the creatures upon the mule's back, hacking with their blades as the beast fell upon its side, lifeless. Of the Scholar the Warrior could see no trace."} +{"id": "8a0eade1-ead7-46eb-884f-cf925ddc23fc-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:35.051", "backgroundColor": "#f6ecec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5La4gnQn2KyUbxvXHsZMi6xWN2ew34qErkRJbxEr4YY", "txHash": "0xa2025516999f3f917fcfb17cc0d5c483f78d07584b8e5083b59c34ff2fb204df", "createdAtBlock": 14782213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Guy Conqueror of Goblins", "text": "Three of the goblin kin lay dead at the Warriors feet as he stood breathing heavily in the deepening dusk. The remaining creatures seemed to give back a few paces and the Warrior eyed them each, in turn, awaiting their assault, when at that moment a thundering howl filled the small clearing and a huge grey-skinned beast broke through the tree line and lumbered toward the Warrior brandishing a towering stone club. Raising his sword to meet the beast's vicious swing the Warrior was hurled backward as his sword shattered under the might of the blow. A chorus of mocking howls rung out as the beast stamped its heavy feet and snorted with contempt.\n\nRolling over the Warrior found himself atop the maimed corpse of the pack mule, hearing the jeers and snorts of the creatures behind him he began to rise shakily, grabbing at the pack mules strappings to steady himself his hand came to rest upon the glimmering hilt of the great sword that lay, still strapped to the pack mules side. With a grunt the Warrior pulled the mighty sword free of its bindings and regaining his feet turned slowly to face the snarling creatures arrayed before him.\n\n\nThe Scholar lay just off the edge of the path, his hand grasping at a deep gash across his chest from which he felt a liquid warmth pooling and spilling away. A terrible roar had roused him and with a last effort rolled to his side to gain a vantage of the clearing. In his quickly dimming vision, he beheld a radiant brand that swept through the encroaching darkness and danced to the harried beast-like cries that fled further and further from hearing to a silence deep and final.\n\n\n\n**"} +{"id": "8a0eade1-ead7-46eb-884f-cf925ddc23fc-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:49:35.051", "backgroundColor": "#f6ecec", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmX5La4gnQn2KyUbxvXHsZMi6xWN2ew34qErkRJbxEr4YY", "txHash": "0xa2025516999f3f917fcfb17cc0d5c483f78d07584b8e5083b59c34ff2fb204df", "createdAtBlock": 14782213, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Guy Conqueror of Goblins", "text": "**\n\n\n\nThe great sword stood upright in the soft earth, its blade slaked in dark blood and softly steaming in the crisp morning air. Standing above the freshly turned earth the Warrior, with a slight sigh of pity, placed a final stone atop the small cairn he had erected there to mark the Scholars grave. He then slung the large blade across his back and walked from the clearing and out onto the further forested paths. Turning back only once to look upon that site of battle and death, he addressed the young Scholar a final time.\n\n*It found my hand*."} +{"id": "20e1260f-631f-48c7-95b1-82e1867f0185-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:02.538", "backgroundColor": "#263317", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDzD138yrk1nQE7mDqAKjCzNn4JjagbNVd9fShtbMSuP", "txHash": "0xdb511837182b8eae6a2581096884f2f9a481921811b683f6e7d55a09742bdc1c", "createdAtBlock": 14847479, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 677, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Iprix of the Bibliotheca", "text": "# The Lore of Illusionist Iprix of the Bibliotheca\n\n## Revelation\nIprix was shaking. No matter how hard he tried erasing from his mind what he just witnessed it was impossible. He had to warn everyone back in _Red Wizard Capital_; although he knew no one would believe him.\n\n\"This is not real, this can't be real\" he kept repeating to himself. Iprix took a pause to gasp for some air and looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was following him. He had been running non-stop for hours now. The cool breeze and rocky smell from _BattleMage Mountains_ were like a breath of fresh life. _Yellow Wizard Haven_ was not far now. \n\nIllusionist Iprix of the Bibliotheca was born in _Red Wizard Capital_ where he lived all his live until about 5 years ago when he moved to _Yellow Wizard Haven_. His dad wanted him to inherit the family business but he wanted none of it. He heard of _Chronomancer's Riviera_ from a friend and how everyone just wanted to have a good time and enjoy life there. He never really understood why everyone in the _Capital_ was so obsessed with wealth and power.\n\nHe looked back again and was still able to see Goblin Town from afar. \"The world is not ready for this...\" he said out loud, knowing there was no one around. And just as he was mouthing the words he heard a loud noise.\n\n\"BADABAAAM\"\n\nA bright white light engulfed him completely, feeling a warm and tingly sensation pulsing through his body."} +{"id": "20e1260f-631f-48c7-95b1-82e1867f0185-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:51:02.538", "backgroundColor": "#263317", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfDzD138yrk1nQE7mDqAKjCzNn4JjagbNVd9fShtbMSuP", "txHash": "0xdb511837182b8eae6a2581096884f2f9a481921811b683f6e7d55a09742bdc1c", "createdAtBlock": 14847479, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 677, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Iprix of the Bibliotheca", "text": "He opened his eyes very confused and noticed he was lying in bed, covered with sweat. It took him a couple of minutes to realize he was in his room. His red helm sat in his old wooden desk. \"Was this a dream?\" he questioned himself. Something felt different about it, but he couldn't pinpoint what. It all felt too real even after waking up. He remembered reading something in an old Arcane Arts book. He jumped out of bed and quickly went through his book collection until he found what he was looking for: \"Ways of The Arcane Arts - Vol. 1\" He rapidly skimmed the pages and stopped in one chapter: \"Hypnosis Salvo\". It read:\n\n> The one who shall master this spell will posses the power to traverse the runiverse through the time dimension. Dreams ought to be their vehicle. It is a powerful and dangerous spell. Legend tells that eons ago near the _Alchemist's Archepelgo_ there was a wise old Wizard who mastered this spell. Beware though, getting a hold of this powerful spell comes with great peril.\n\nIprix stood there, petrified..."} +{"id": "ef6d92a2-b692-4710-a839-5b14992c04b3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:52:31.758", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSQG1dMxAWCSDeHV1AiwYz5kVMr4SymeVW7hBM7ykU1n1", "txHash": "0x80fa511ccaaa0a38a288f71a8383354c8f21c40e649873e0e4983bf3a49deb05", "createdAtBlock": 14916256, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11984, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zagan Belligerent of Thunder Mountain", "text": "Zaptastic! \n\n~Zap~\n~ZZap~\n~ZZZap~\n~ZZZZap~\n~ZZZZZap~\n~ZZZZZZap~\n~ZZZZZZZap~\n~Zip~"} +{"id": "13607824-1b77-42ba-b45f-2360e21f2602-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:53:07.18", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTUcDxdiKdRLcC25XyHTq215ALnpkEri6RjiJ7XNvRjb", "txHash": "0x53d0ee8889c9836bed6c266d50092e62f9d4dc1b63fbd50676e6ab06e20c19a2", "createdAtBlock": 14925683, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7294, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Woomba of the Salt", "text": "# My mistakes... \n\nMy mistakes will live forever on the blockchain"} +{"id": "a10489dd-778c-4e88-adfe-eac8d8e20405-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:35:42.625", "backgroundColor": "#174616", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmar6aSYdX15y7rEyoJ7LaCxmNKriaHp9c5LrFGx7FprCs", "txHash": "0xc364a415d57d0f827facc8238b110bc629c2208045c0f7db551ff58fa93f61aa", "createdAtBlock": 14997618, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 190, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmb9JdiCWB37xVuyfXEwiKcmyRwD1fSCAy9v6MQ6W662H6", "name": "Althia Savior of Kink", "text": "# Althia Savior of Kink \n\n> Althia Savior of Kink\n> *by REDWRITER*\n\nAlthia was born on the edge of The Thorn in the darkness of The Quantum Shadow. It was there that she was cast into the wilderness as a little girl by her foreboding mother. Abandoned to darkness and danger, she learned quickly to become a menacing warrior of the guild. \n\nTorn by her past rejection as a child, her heart turned to darkness. Her only comfort she found was in her companion, an Onyx Panther who raised her in the land of shadow. \n\nAs an adult, she settled into the slums of Calistas Citadel. It is there that she found her true gift. Her blossoming and tempestuous physical form bore the power of seduction for all wizards and warriors alike. With it she found the one treasure she had longed for all her life, the feeling of being wanted. \n\nDetermined to avenge her feelings of neglect, Althia took on the crusade to save the Kink. Any Wizard or Warrior looking for a good time or seeking that brief but tantalizing moment of being desired, only has to search for the Rune of Uranus. Once there you may knock and enter for the best and kinkiest 60 minutes of your life. \n\nThey always say, *The most tortured souls please the best.* Thats why her rate is 69 ETH. \n\n# Where to Find Althia\n\nIf you want to find @warrior190 just look for the street cook @warrior2059 in Calista's Citadel, she'll be right next door. \n\nFor more creative content visit www.redwriter.org."} +{"id": "29b46ad7-ab09-4984-827b-8bdd851352dc-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:26.286", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbCeC3o79UfDzQMZZbxM582Eh2kAuX258fGrsJTWth9q8", "txHash": "0x5197f2abee212889f3b69af1da1475a84b5a4f8ce12a9bd4983eeef9790a0ff8", "createdAtBlock": 15040559, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4409, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Lucinda of the Road", "text": "Lucinda knelt by the ashes. Like her temper, the pyre was still hot. Running her hand through the coals, shook the soot from her hands and got back up again.\n\nThe memories of the fire that took her dear sister @wizard3098 burned bright as ever. \n\nThey had Sylvias rose. It pained Lucinda to know that this sacred, eternal rose was likely tossed haphazardly in the back of some warriors sack few knew its true power. \n\nThe clouds would be parting soon and the sun would rise. Lucindas hunt began. She must find these murderers, these thieves and return the rose to the enchanted garden where it belonged"} +{"id": "0e076adf-e67a-4147-b849-a8cb7da17858-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:27.015", "backgroundColor": "#251211", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT7JrDuwYjLb8tZUD1A63hJt39tsekyT6RP6cw3zET3h3", "txHash": "0xe8c695ab38bfd59c45475f09d06d532432685e13e952b80579d98f0edb9c5f11", "createdAtBlock": 15040671, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7444, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Goliath of Arcadia", "text": "Goliath was a wizard who loved to play fetch with his field dog Bruno. He would throw the dumb brown stick and Bruno would bring it back to him. But Goliath knew that the dumb brown stick was anything but dumb. It was actually a powerful magical stick that could cause a lot of problems if not used correctly. \n\nOne day, Goliath was playing fetch with Bruno and the dumb brown stick got away from him. Bruno ran after it and brought it back to Goliath, but not before the stick had caused some havoc. A nearby tree had been struck by lightning and a rabbit had been turned into a toad. \n\nEven though Goliath was careful, there were still times when the stick would get away from him and cause some trouble. Once, the stick turned a whole field of flowers into weeds. Another time, it made it rain frogs. Goliath did his best to clean up the messes the stick made, but he was always careful to never let the stick get away from him again."} +{"id": "937eb6b4-3ff2-4afb-bc5a-87095a39eb78-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:46.501", "backgroundColor": "#080b16", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSpncD4resVqj136o26HivSefWYib4PWLZ9rWNzvTMfgm", "txHash": "0xe1702d244467a58fa7ccee207408060d26dcd3419f57443197870f8e6e09547b", "createdAtBlock": 15133915, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4594, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdnBx5bdR7HS52HreHr8pPJRFBRKssCDeEN5zX7NfvZ8r", "name": "Cleric Kobold in the Shadows", "text": "# A Wizard's Rune \n\n> The lore for Cleric centres on \"a wizard's rune\" - a fictional retelling of my life experiences and journey mostly centred on the Wizards that I own (including warriors). Although each character in the story relates to a token I've collected, I'm also happy to include other Wizards on request or will naturally weave in characters based on real-world (online) interactions. The protagonist (as mentioned) is Cleric Kobold of the Shadows (my first Wizard). The story will unfold as I slowly build a more expansive collection. Donations (of all kinds) are also welcome. - M. \n\nPrologue: During a time of great divide between light and darkness, the story centres on Cleric Shadows, a descendant of a long lineage of wizards that served as caretakers of sanctuaries - places of rest and neutrality for all beings in the Runiverse. \n\n\n\n\n\n\nMany of these places were scattered throughout the lands, and it was agreed that no one should violate the peace they offered unless incurring the full wrath of the spirit realm. But while he was still a boy, a necromancer unleashed great chaos that swept through all things, creating confusion and destruction, and left wizards of all kinds weak and corrupted. They called it the bedlam. Light was no longer light but infused with darkness. Some lost any idea of who they were, hurled into a spiral of madness, forgetting cherished memories and even their names."} +{"id": "937eb6b4-3ff2-4afb-bc5a-87095a39eb78-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:46.501", "backgroundColor": "#080b16", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSpncD4resVqj136o26HivSefWYib4PWLZ9rWNzvTMfgm", "txHash": "0xe1702d244467a58fa7ccee207408060d26dcd3419f57443197870f8e6e09547b", "createdAtBlock": 15133915, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4594, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmdnBx5bdR7HS52HreHr8pPJRFBRKssCDeEN5zX7NfvZ8r", "name": "Cleric Kobold in the Shadows", "text": "The sanctuaries crumbled with this turmoil. Lawlessness spread. And with his family divided among themselves, Cleric felt lost. Growing up, he had suppressed the painful memories of the days after the bedlam and, in locking away part of himself, felt forever detached from his inner magic. Eventually, the world grew accustomed to this perpetual state of randomness in everything and everyone. However, a handful managed to preserve fragments of memories and didn't give up hope of what they knew as order. And they knew the sanctuaries would help wizards remember what had been lost. His father urged Cleric to rebuild the sanctuary his family had been protecting for generations. \n\nBut Cleric knew that if he could restore his inner nature and remember his heart's magic, he could do more for his family, the world, and himself. So, after graduating from a noble school in Red Wizard Capital, Cleric ventures into the world for answers. And this is where the story begins. His adventures with Goblins, wizards of all hats, shadow dwellers, jesters, queens, kings, and ghouls help him rediscover his innate skills of casting spells as a scribe and more. During his journeys, he eventually stumbles across the ether (a creation of the great mages) that he uses to guide him to the lost land of the Punks. For guarded amongst them are secrets and answers about life that he's been long seeking.\n\n_____________________\n\n\n\nPart 1..."} +{"id": "bc2d1555-417e-46c0-a6e1-292ef7722f43-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:47.982", "backgroundColor": "#2b0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3QokNCeUzTsfnRwLUHktbYzxUsbT5yGGyvcbNoUaq6m", "txHash": "0x8de007fc57fbea6cdbe23d9b1ee23292d946e2581df450901752867995f68883", "createdAtBlock": 15136108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1810, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Bastion", "text": "# A Night at the Chuckle Palace\n\n*(Fade in.)*\n\n*(We open on a castle entrance with a sign posted above which reads: WELCOME TO THE CHUCKLE PALACE: OPEN MIC!)*\n\n*(Pan down to a bevy of warriors/wizards/bugbears are lined up in front of the entrance as Guy Conqueror of the Citadel inspects each person before ushering them inside. There's excitement in the air.)*\n\nGUY CONQUEROR OF THE CITADEL\\\nTwo brew minimum.\n\n*(Cut to inside the palace, packed with patrons, an eclectic mix, all seated at a table on the main floor. Theres a bar in the corner. A stage in front adorned with a microphone.)*\n\n*Sorcerer Remus of the Bastion, our MC for the night, takes the stage.*\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION\\\nYo! Yo! Yo! Welcome to the Chuckle Palace opening night. Im your MC Sorcerer Remus of the Bastion.\n\n*(SFX: An elephant trumpeting in the background)*\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION\\\nDont forget theres a two brew minimum for each ticket. If it is not honored you will be tortured and hung by thy neck.\n\n*(A tense beat. Then changing the subject matter)*\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION\\\n Has anyone heard the rumors about the Queen? Have you heard about the Queen buying a chastity belt, or as the king refers to it, sleeping on the couch. \n\n*(SFX: Crickets.)\n(This guy sucks.)*\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION\\\nOkay, grand merci! Grand merci! Lets bring your first stand up of the night. Arch-magician Finn of the platonic shadow!"} +{"id": "bc2d1555-417e-46c0-a6e1-292ef7722f43-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:47.982", "backgroundColor": "#2b0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3QokNCeUzTsfnRwLUHktbYzxUsbT5yGGyvcbNoUaq6m", "txHash": "0x8de007fc57fbea6cdbe23d9b1ee23292d946e2581df450901752867995f68883", "createdAtBlock": 15136108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1810, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Bastion", "text": "*(Tepid applause. Onto the stage comes ARCH-MAGICIAN FINN OF THE PLATONIC SHADOW.)*\n\nARCH-MAGICIAN FINN OF THE PLATONIC SHADOW\\\nThanks. I just flew in from Elysian Fields and boy are my arms tired. \n\n*(SFX: Crickets.)*\n\nARCH-MAGICIAN FINN OF THE PLATONIC SHADOW\\\nPhew! Is it hot in here or is it just me?\n\n*(Ouch. Hes really flailing.)*\n\nARCH-MAGICIAN FINN OF THE PLATONIC SHADOW\\\nUh, has anyone seen my car keys Last time I lost them they wound up in the Darkness Slayers beard.\n\n*(SFX: ba dum tss)*\n\n*The crowd is not loving it. A single boo reigns out. *\n\nARCH-MAGICIAN FINN OF THE PLATONIC\\\nHow dare you?! I curse you peasants\n\n*(Sorcerer Remus of the Bastion retakes the stage and grabs the mic.)*\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION\\\nLets give it up for Arch-Magician Finn of the Platonic.\n\n*(Tepid applause.)*\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION \\\nNext lets summon up to the stageone of my favorite comics on the road from Death Comedy Brands. Adept Fark of the Road!\n\n*(SFX: Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!)*\n\n*Adept Fark of the Road takes his place on stage. He launches into an animated routine, full of energy*\n\nADEPT FARK OF THE ROAD\\\nWhat's the deal with horse drawn wagon peanuts? Have you seen the size of these things? And could these things taste any worse? Like the smell of horse manure wasn't bad enough. Can we get some bigger and better peanuts back here?!"} +{"id": "bc2d1555-417e-46c0-a6e1-292ef7722f43-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:47.982", "backgroundColor": "#2b0f3b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmU3QokNCeUzTsfnRwLUHktbYzxUsbT5yGGyvcbNoUaq6m", "txHash": "0x8de007fc57fbea6cdbe23d9b1ee23292d946e2581df450901752867995f68883", "createdAtBlock": 15136108, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1810, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Remus of the Bastion", "text": "(An extremely long silence, followed by a chorus of boos and hissing. Once again Sorcerer Remus returns to the stage.)\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION\\\nGood stuff. Alright, next welcome to the stage\n(reading off cue card)\nMasturbator Louis of the Sacred Pillars. Wait, that cant be right. \n (On cue Masturbator Louis of the Sacred Pillars takes the stage and jumps into his routine.)\n\nMASTURBATOR LOUIS OF THE SACRED PILLAR\\\nGo s*\\*k a bag of d*\\*\\*s\n\n*(The lights start flashing in the back, signaling the time is up.)*\n\nSORCERER REMUS OF THE BASTION\\\nAlright, will you look at that? Im afraid that brings us to the end of the show. Dont forget to follow me, SorcererRemus69 on TikTok.\n\n*(SFX: An elephant trumpeting in the background)*\n\nRemember to tip your wenches and the evening show is later than the afternoon. Dont forget to validate your parking ticket and well see you next time. Goodnight and godbless! \n\n*(The crowd boos, files out drunkenly.)*\n\n*(Fade out.)*\n\n**Starring:**\\\n@wizard1810 \\\n@warrior295 \\\n@wizard8642 \\\n@wizard8710"} +{"id": "e1d487a0-0164-4580-b365-3818507534fe-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:30.128", "backgroundColor": "#fff500", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRRxQnVAhY1dwt6GZZHU8VuxG82n6T3WdpafXeGo6g6Rf", "txHash": "0xfc07218c415fa94d69ffa3d3744b4e813255cab38f8015e53ad3ff934c617272", "createdAtBlock": 15042225, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8706, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Jules Apocalypse of the South", "text": "# Jules Apocalypse of the South\n\nJules is a sight to behold on the battlefield, with her bright yellow armor and her golden-blonde ponytail that trails behind her like arcs of lightning, as she flashes about, swiftly splitting her foes with her mighty battle axe.\n\nHer battle axe is so massive, that it could easily double up as a tower shield, providing Jules with additional cover whenever she is in the thick of combat. How can someone with such a petite frame, be capable of moving around so nimbly with that unwieldy battle axe?"} +{"id": "11ef201f-277a-463e-8363-f0464c045c8e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:31.066", "backgroundColor": "#797979", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmekmgmgcEccbW7W39hWYsRmhD1ffLLje4tpLesz118oez", "txHash": "0x9f7c8a1879928c5373e28bd107796b95e98d12c89d0ac5f79fe1cf24c6272688", "createdAtBlock": 15042319, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 11810, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Decima Eidolon of the Berg", "text": "# Decima Eidolon of the Berg \n\nIntruders of the Berg be warned! For the fate that awaits you may be foretold, by gazing upon the bony remains of your predecessors, adorned by Decima as accessories and trinkets. They are her trophies, that which represent the countless impertinent fools who challenged her domain and failed in their endeavor.\n\nDecimation beckons the unwelcomed so take heed"} +{"id": "9969b1bd-5e79-4b87-93ce-0206fd2f8544-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:31.776", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 9, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPotkKFuj7AswxVkqWsuE1hCiG51MHpNsM85fBZMTKcHa", "txHash": "0xf5f74be593defe9fcbc2cbf71bb12159de41dbddfe06c9fda63192526a779922", "createdAtBlock": 15042339, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYhWybhR1j82cETij5ciGXxo1DqaivQSVs3uncz2DXHYS", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# -> Wut <-"} +{"id": "dfd0e20b-cf02-4c6f-aae4-c3e2d6ef9100-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:40.478", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmem665sWU7wg81z5f7VPEpkVkjdTkTc4e7JNw65Le7whj", "txHash": "0x81165ef16175744df9fc6a5a537b39259052045b2b8519c8306a4cbf66211867", "createdAtBlock": 15047069, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9515, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": " Hammer of the Duck Alliance", "text": "# Lore of Hammer of the Duck Alliance\n\nHammer can be found in Goblin Town waving his stick and yelling at wizard children to stop playing near his fruit stand. He makes a living selling delicious bananas and pineapple, but his true passion is combat. He trains with the Duck Alliance, a rogue group of warriors who pride themselves in non-magical fighting.\n\nHe was recently recruited by a Kobold named Gurgo to join the \"Duck March\" to celebrate powerful, non-magical warriors. He's currently making signs for the march."} +{"id": "536318c0-03d6-4e56-b1f7-9b6c3f7db27a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:11.613", "backgroundColor": "#1c001c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZoMdvgw7M2o4yuLL9uwPRnCZiXFRE29mXkzBjAxVchHQ", "txHash": "0x9371fd3637863ee160b9209883ef77e3dcf1de7878d59d3dc998f2dd1752a897", "createdAtBlock": 15041649, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Mina of the Marsh", "text": "*<<- Ch 2: Intro to A*\n\n# Chapter 3: Introduction to Mina\n\nMagic is prismatic. Spells are multifaceted. More often than not, it is wise to keep your full power concealed. Let others underestimate your capabilities. Because the more power they know you have, the more theyll want to take it away. And the less they know about you, the less they can hurt you.\n\nEnchanter Mina of the Marsh is one of those wizards that all the rest assume they understand, yet they actually have no fucking clue. She prefers it this way. In fact, her survival depends on it. Her secrecy keeps her safe.\n\nMina is known across the Runiverse for her sex appeal. Of course, sex appeal comes from within. But most wizards and warriors are too enchanted by her appearance to delve much deeper than that. Those tight pink pants. That luscious, flowing hair. Her perfect tits spilling out of her barely-there bra. One look at Mina, and youre wet.\n\nOh, yes. Mina is a sexual healer. She is the sacred whore, emanating divine goddess energy. An alchemist of sex. Her water spell heals the thirstiest of wizards and warriors, who yearn for the taste of her charm.\n\nHowever. Practicing sex magic does not come without risk. Indeed, there is no type of magic that requires deeper vulnerability than sex magic. Inevitably, there will always be deceitful interests that seek to exploit Mina, her body, her sexuality, her vulnerability. Such behavior generally comes from those who are too ashamed to acknowledge their own natural desires."} +{"id": "536318c0-03d6-4e56-b1f7-9b6c3f7db27a-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:11.613", "backgroundColor": "#1c001c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZoMdvgw7M2o4yuLL9uwPRnCZiXFRE29mXkzBjAxVchHQ", "txHash": "0x9371fd3637863ee160b9209883ef77e3dcf1de7878d59d3dc998f2dd1752a897", "createdAtBlock": 15041649, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Mina of the Marsh", "text": "This is where Minas protection rituals come in an absolute necessity for any wizard engaging in erotic practices. Combined with support from her lucky ladybug Lux and her psychic lover A, Mina has managed to build walls that keep her out of harms way. More or less. There has never been anything strong enough to knock them down. Thus far.\n\nAnd yet, there is far more inside of Minas walls than anyone suspects which would attract even greater threats than those who simply seek to devour her sexual energy. If anyone but the trusted wizards in her coven were to learn of the full spectrum of her water spell, she would become a prime target for the darkest, greediest forces in the Runiverse forces she may not be able to ward off so easily.\n\nWhat no one else knows it that Minas ability to quench thirst goes far beyond the erotic.\n\nWater is healing. Water is necessary for life. Water is one of the most precious and politicized resources in the Runiverse. It can be weaponized. It can be commoditized. It can extinguish fire...\n\nShe who controls water can decide who lives or dies. \n\nAnd Mina can conjure this essential resource with nothing but her own magic. \n\nWhile Mina is certain she cannot be the only wizard with this ability and hopes to someday, somehow connect with others who share it until then, she must keep her secret under wraps. As a sexual healer, she is already an enemy of the oligarchic overlords of Big Potion, of the government essentially one in the same as those of Elysian Springs and Capital Resources, LLC all run by Red wizards who aim to subjugate the natural world for their own benefit. If they were to catch wind of how much power Mina truly has over that which they want nothing more than to dominate, she would surely lose every last ounce of freedom."} +{"id": "536318c0-03d6-4e56-b1f7-9b6c3f7db27a-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:17:11.613", "backgroundColor": "#1c001c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZoMdvgw7M2o4yuLL9uwPRnCZiXFRE29mXkzBjAxVchHQ", "txHash": "0x9371fd3637863ee160b9209883ef77e3dcf1de7878d59d3dc998f2dd1752a897", "createdAtBlock": 15041649, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7112, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Enchanter Mina of the Marsh", "text": "This is why Mina trusts only two wizards to keep her secrets safe her lover A and their devoted pet, Gimpy. At least, Mina hopes no one else knows what she is hiding. Some fragments of her earlier life seem to have been wiped from her memory and it was in those moments that she grew into her true powers. Mina cannot say exactly what happened, or who was there to witness these events, if anyone.\n\nWith a multitude of potential threats from all angles, it would be easy for Mina to live in paranoia. Sometimes, she does fall into a spiral of fear. She is not immune to it. But she will not succumb to it. Because she knows she is too powerful, to sacred to let that fear destroy her. Instead, Mina embodies her lustful magic so fully that no one has any reason to ever question whether she is anything more than a slut. As far as they know, she exists to make them wet. To entertain their bulges.\n\nAnd she knows how to keep the boys distracted, thats for sure\n\nMina is keeping some tricks up her sleeve, for now. As long as her full power remains under the radar, it is still her power. \n\n\n## To be continued...\n\n*<<- Ch 2: Intro to A*"} +{"id": "98675cd6-2e0a-4529-aed7-fefc77381d2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:46.059", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXKDVVGtE7rgMm4nAzgXxvwmaC9jKj6LjEC3C1fXtexHU", "txHash": "0xf02ef195685c7fc28c7df40bb8b586ff136454cd372a92751af348518290b815", "createdAtBlock": 15049640, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13279, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nyx Contender of the Cockatrice", "text": "# Nyx Contender of the Cockatrice \n\nNyx was a man of kind words and deeply held beliefs, acquired over decades, together with the grooves of his face. An eternal student of life. With nature, the universe and all beings therein as his teachers.\n\nHe was generous with his wisdom. Always gifting nuggets of it to anyone around to receive them.\n\nBut on this day, he was barely able to get a word out.\n\n*Whats that symbol on your shield mean, Nyx? \nWhy do you have null goat as a pet? \nDid you really kill a basilisk?*\n\nThe three boys had been drilling Nyx with questions for quite a while now. Few other guests remained at the tavern and the innkeeper seemed tired and ready to close up shop. Yet, disinhibited by cheap ale, the boys showed no signs of slowing down.\n\nPatiently, Nyx responded: *Lads, it does not matter what one has done. What matters is what they do from here on out. And we are all one anyway.*\n\n*Yes, yes. I sure hope so. Then I could redeem myself!* Petgrin of Wosstlemore blurted out. At only 16 years of age, he was the youngest. Ruthwald and Wallstur were both 17 already.\n\nRuthwald elbowed Petgrin in an attempt to shut him up. At this Petgrin slowly turned his head to look a Ruthwald, his expression dimmed by alcohol.\n\n*Nyx wont tell on us. Wont you, Nyx?*\n\n*I certainly will not.* Nyx responded.\n\n*You see?* Petgrin said, still looking at Ruthwald, who seemed too tired to argue. Looking back towards Nyx, Petgrin started a drunken confession:"} +{"id": "98675cd6-2e0a-4529-aed7-fefc77381d2d-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:46.059", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXKDVVGtE7rgMm4nAzgXxvwmaC9jKj6LjEC3C1fXtexHU", "txHash": "0xf02ef195685c7fc28c7df40bb8b586ff136454cd372a92751af348518290b815", "createdAtBlock": 15049640, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13279, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nyx Contender of the Cockatrice", "text": "*We are travelling to the Citadel to start a new life, you see. Start anew. For we have tainted the good names of our families back home. Really didnt mean to, but just so happened. I mean, there was this amulet that belonged to this noble wizard guy and well, we took it. I took it. Was a big deal, we had to flee and all.*\n\nRaising his mug Petgrin proclaimed a toast: *To new beginnings!* But then - with great dismay - he noticed that the mug was empty.\n\nAt his, Nyx rose to his feet: *Let me get one last round for you lads.*\n\n*You shouldnt have told him that, Petgrin!* Ruthwald hissed as Nyx was out of earshot.\n\nPetgrin shrugged his shoulders. Behind them Nyx talked to the innkeeper, handing over a satchel of coins which seemed to contain significantly more than what was required for the ale. Yet the innkeeper appeared to be neither surprised nor particularly happy about that.\n\nReturning to the table Nyx placed the mugs down in front of the boys, spilling some of the ale. Behind them the innkeeper quietly left. The last of the other patrons were already gone.\n\n*Thank you Nyx, you are very kind. Very kind.* Petgrin said as he raised his mug.\n\nOut of nowhere, something flashed through the thick air between Nyx and the boys, followed by a splash of chunky liquid hitting one of the wooden walls of the tavern. Wallstur gazed at it in wonder, not comprehending what it was or where it had come from. A moment later it became hard to focus as the world started to spin. He was dead before his head hit the table."} +{"id": "98675cd6-2e0a-4529-aed7-fefc77381d2d-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:46.059", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXKDVVGtE7rgMm4nAzgXxvwmaC9jKj6LjEC3C1fXtexHU", "txHash": "0xf02ef195685c7fc28c7df40bb8b586ff136454cd372a92751af348518290b815", "createdAtBlock": 15049640, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13279, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nyx Contender of the Cockatrice", "text": "Petgrin did not look at the stain on the wall. Nor would he look at anything ever again. For the same blow that had slashed Wallsturs throat had cut through his face, blinding him.\n\nRuthwald had been the lucky one. Sitting in the middle between the other two boys he was spared as he had just leaned back at the very moment when Nyxs pike had struck.\n\nHe fell from his stool, landing hard on his back, and immediately began scooting backwards in a panic. But Nyx was already flinging himself over the table and - in the same motion - swung his terrible pike yet again. Ruthwalds belly burst open, intestines spilling out over the dusty tavern floor.\n\nTrying to repair the damage that had been done as best as he could Ruthwald attempted to frantically shove his organs back inside of himself. This was enough to catch the attention of the null goat which managed to snag onto a part of Ruthwalds great intestine and subsequently pull it out and across the room.\n\nNyx turned his attention from Ruthwalds hopeless struggle to Petgrin who was fumbling along the walls in a futile attempt to find the door.\n\n*Stop moving.* Nyx commanded, without great hurry.\n\nAt this, Petgrin spun around, back to the wall, frozen. A moment of silence as he wondered if Nyx was even still there. Would he be spared?\n\nFor the final time that night Nyxs pike struck. Thus ended the life Petgrin of Wosstlemore, miracle child of Systrine and Hubert of Wosstlemore, the last of his bloodline.\n\n\n## Epilogue: Nyx and the Assassins Prayer"} +{"id": "98675cd6-2e0a-4529-aed7-fefc77381d2d-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:46.059", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXKDVVGtE7rgMm4nAzgXxvwmaC9jKj6LjEC3C1fXtexHU", "txHash": "0xf02ef195685c7fc28c7df40bb8b586ff136454cd372a92751af348518290b815", "createdAtBlock": 15049640, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13279, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nyx Contender of the Cockatrice", "text": "## Epilogue: Nyx and the Assassins Prayer\n\nNyx presented himself as a man of kind words and deeply held beliefs, acquired over decades, together with the grooves of his face. An eternal student of life. With nature, the universe and all beings therein as his teachers.\n\nHe was generous with his wisdom. Always gifting nuggets of it to anyone around to receive them.\n\nYet some observed that at times the words seemed slightly out of place, not quite made to fit. As if Nyx had access to a barrel (a huge one, the one the dwarven brewers used for mountain ale) filled with scrolls, each containing just a few prepared sentences. And when opportunity happened to arise, he would ruffle through them, grasping for whatever fit the occasion, even if just a little bit.\n\nAt night, before laying down to sleep - kneeling next to clumps of carelessly bound hay - Nyx always halted, eyes closed. He breathed deeply until he was sure to be the center of the world. And then he spoke those few words that he never shared:\n\n>Gods of death I call you, my pike is by my side \nReveal those who disobey wherever they may hide \nFor I scour the plains and fields and holes \nTo rip them open, devour flesh, free their souls \nRelease comes in an instand as they hoped it would \nSouls ascent to haven, as I feast on flesh and blood"} +{"id": "a900cad6-1e7d-4546-bd7a-1a13bb8035d2-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:46.868", "backgroundColor": "#200322", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmbxJNzJSxyTY1SmLAv1A98mRS8wakpembmEow6DPEhVLM", "txHash": "0xf239fd04da3d5837ce3d801367d4e032c1c393e94ee1c6644726130cc865577d", "createdAtBlock": 15051779, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3154, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Ixar in the Shadows", "text": "Ixar was a powerful wizard who only came out at night when it was dark out. He would walk the dark and lonely streets with his lucky black cat named Willy, avoiding anyone and everyone. Ixar was from the Shadows and was very powerful. He had many spells that he could use to hurt people if he wanted to. But he never used his powers for evil. He only used them to help people. One night, Ixar saw a group of men beating up a helpless old man. Ixar didn't hesitate to help. He used his magic to stop the men and help the old man. The old man was very grateful. From then on, Ixar decided to use his powers to help people in need. He became a hero to many people. And Willy always stayed by his side."} +{"id": "9b410d58-b715-45e2-b318-c7f03760d8d6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:47.599", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRdNG8ctDcWqGkgURDQd58aEancVreamvbYmKkEVscp2V", "txHash": "0x4daa3fb05b2bbd0e273a308745e59090f137597c7b6f89ef8fd11d31a4268235", "createdAtBlock": 15051964, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1352, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Poppy of the Bastion", "text": "# The Kobold Burger Story \n\nPoppy was always an enterprising kobold. Smarter than your average kobold, Poppy was able to follow simple recipes and loved to cook. He dreamed of becoming a burger stall owner. To earn a living honestly would be his chance to get out of the gutters. Poppy set out with nothing but his wooden box and his cooking supplies to start his food stall business. After setting up at kobolds crossroads serving travelers the occasionally grill skewered frog and roasted grasshoppers, business was struggling. On one particularly gloomy day of bleak sales Poppy was visited by a hungry rat. Feeling sorry for the rat he tossed him a bit of the stew he cooked up that day. He watched as the rat sniffed the morsel suspiciously then took a nibble. Immediately the rat spit out the food and exclaimed to Poppys surprise, this is terrible!.\n\nYou rat cant do better, Poppy retorted. \n \nAh but youre mistaken, I can do much, much better, the rat came back. \n \nLeave Poppy alone, Poppy has enough problems, Poppy sunk back into his food stall stool. Hanging his head. His once perky ears now floppy. Tears began to well up in his eyes. \n\nThe rat with his beady red eyes leaned in close to Poppy, Ive got a proposal for you Kobold, listen very closely.... \n\n# **\"Extra, Extra!!! Kobold creates burger empire! Best burgers in the Runiverse! Franchise locations at all major cities. Kobold Poppy is a massive success story!!!\"** \n\n \n\nPoppy looks at Ratberry the rat, Poppy is so happy we meet, master Ratberry. Your secret ingredient really makes them burgers taste good!. \n\nRatberry, Of course you idiot, now let me think."} +{"id": "9b410d58-b715-45e2-b318-c7f03760d8d6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:47.599", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRdNG8ctDcWqGkgURDQd58aEancVreamvbYmKkEVscp2V", "txHash": "0x4daa3fb05b2bbd0e273a308745e59090f137597c7b6f89ef8fd11d31a4268235", "createdAtBlock": 15051964, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1352, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Poppy of the Bastion", "text": "Ratberry, Of course you idiot, now let me think. \n\nThe rat was deep in thought, planning on how he was going to source his secret ingredient as it was becoming more and more difficult as business expands. The challenge was finding enough gullible rats to follow him into his slaughter chambers. One young female rat almost escaped the other day and exposed his whole operation. Luckily Ratberry was able to quickly dispatch her with a swift blow to her head with a tiny hammer. Clearly, streamlining operations was a top priority. If he couldnt find more meat for the burgers his carefully crafted empire would collapse. \n \nAnd then with a twitch of a whisker, Ratberry let out an evil laugh, muhahahaha Ive got it! Theyll never suspect a thing. Hahahahhaaaaaaaaa."} +{"id": "6a6a7552-2bd1-4cbf-8c50-691c377bfd07-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:48.429", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmcXcSp2mKcYgfNtK5omHhE3Wa2cknmsos8PPHappGHLSA", "txHash": "0xa6951a40f1e99327c4a8d754e0b234f1bd3406b3d6977dc2f1683988f979a5cd", "createdAtBlock": 15052171, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3051, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Armstrong of the Sun", "text": "\"Not everything is where you left it,\" she said, striding down the road, \"particularly if you've forgotten where you left it in the first place. So, we must begin with those things lost but still remembered. Now, do you know the forest where the ancient, wild magick roams unconquered?\"\n\nShaman Armstrong led her there.\n\n\"Do not go near the fae ring,\" advised the young witch foraging for mushrooms at the edge of the wood. \"The creature who lives there is as old as the land and full of spite from long forgotten injustices. Whatever you do, do not make a bargain with him, do not offer him your name, and do not look him in the eye.\"[1]\n\n\"I know,\" she said, stepping through the underbrush. \"I am his forgotten injustice.\""} +{"id": "7943235c-e318-452e-840a-66e40ab178d3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:53.096", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPgVP4AtRaqMtrpTuUZVzxeZ3Loao6guxqZpxqb7ofFKN", "txHash": "0xca712471f5516d54182fe037a31512e7a479d02a40fe17d95f2051cb4bbae192", "createdAtBlock": 15058626, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5263, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Margaret Impaler of the Forest", "text": "# The Lore of Margaret Impaler of the Forest\n\nZig-zagging through the trees, Margaret races through the trees in a flash of deep ocean blue. With a dexterity that she was practically born with, she easy picks off the prey that will sustain her for another day. The corsair has grown accustomed to the layout of the forest, given how long it has been. She used to count the days via markings in trees, but no longer attempts this.\n\nMargaret once was a pirate captain among a feared group of corsairs. When her vessel crashed into a desert island, she was the only survivor. The circumstances around this occurrence are unknown. It can't be a coincidence that this happened after a particularly successful raid, and Margaret just happens to be the sole beneficiary of the bounty. But who knows?\n\nA truly skilled forager, she is working on building herself a ship to get back to the seas and resume her pirating ways. With the valuables in her possession, she can easily hire a crew. The hard part will be finding those she trusts and watching her back closely even when she does. If she could join forces with an equally unscrupulous wizard, that might be all that's needed to really make it big."} +{"id": "7289aed4-7273-42b4-8dc3-0de6c1ca36d1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:59.371", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsofWPx36jEr71zB2EbWk1beZqjFWfy5XxKBwA6v6xJC", "txHash": "0x56d6e6c175a5e3fbcb120ffea5e388a0faf8448ac4dcae9e2afe37ec12a69d4f", "createdAtBlock": 15064232, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Vampyre Damien of the Havens", "text": "Searing pain shot through his fingers up his arm and into his body. \n\nThe burning sensation overwhelmed him as he forced his hand to remain steady.\n\nHed lose his breath from the pain. Luckily, as a Vampyre, he didnt need to breathe.\n\nBut as a Vampyre he also shouldnt be nowhere near Sacred flame. \n\nDamien was not a usual Vampyre though. That was obvious on the first sight. Instead of pompous gothic garb, he was wearing plain white lab coat. Instead of obligatory bat, his familiar was a huge ladybug."} +{"id": "022e8d23-72a3-47a4-ab7b-0bf15cf7f363-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:00.005", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZt2dE4n4YuFYS3SDNPZ3achUFdWdA6LcZnCZr8duuMje", "txHash": "0x820130b6626b3ff304d0afed7d1cdffa2892a9fbaa43673fdaf71627a2ab30dd", "createdAtBlock": 15064257, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8745, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Belial Menace of Penguins", "text": "*what's black and white and read all over?*\n\nexcerpt from a copy of The Quantum Times:\n\nA gruesome scene greeted inhabitants of a small village far off in the cold North. 45 innocent penguins were found massacred near the village, a seemingly senseless crime only matched in its unexpectedness by its brutality. The penguins were found with clean cuts, suggesting a sharp blade wielded by an expert, although almost half were also found with deep bite and claw marks, the work of a monstrous beast. Authorities are warning any penguins or any parties associated with penguins to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity and report them to the proper authorities. Locals of the village says this is not the first time such violence against penguins has been committed, similar smaller incidents have occurred in the past.\n\n*what's black and white and red all over?*"} +{"id": "2de80a37-3211-42eb-84aa-b373f4a91c6e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:00.755", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYhghgVZeiid7VivtMXRCTLEVXjiGXYxHfa6KPkShqfdd", "txHash": "0xc954c630034df27d81e866d6b3d99d80002f4ac3ee2842b0fa5eabe4d1e60a79", "createdAtBlock": 15065669, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5278, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "William Buster of Komodi", "text": "# King of thieves.\n\nA domineering and strong warrior who has achieved his authority in the gang thanks to strength and cunning. Having put on the best stolen artifacts, he increased his abilities. Being in the army of the hero, he is able to make a profit. Has the killer skill. Decreases the hero's leadership."} +{"id": "92f8aac8-ac7f-4916-b64b-0c0f8287aa94-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:01.543", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPAgF3q19EEkdVbDi2uvdSpSEuZcWPMLnwVT8dHoiYEvE", "txHash": "0x80413d5a60440f62f9f36179e1a1a97fa0edb7628cf1239226cad0a489ef3dfc", "createdAtBlock": 15065707, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12941, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Valentino Armageddon of Giants", "text": "# Bullrun warrior\n_here is his story_\n\nThey are part of the elite fighters of the undead army. Many of them were called by the Dark Lord to his service. However, there were those vampires who decided not to join his army, but to act independently. They wear leather armor and a helmet."} +{"id": "913c0868-495e-49ff-826b-745ac142deab-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:02.439", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWAEecR8hyKCXQaWWvogsejiPvmB7TUpmtQXqrEhFfemw", "txHash": "0x75e99b97340055574adce0fd427ed0d1cea838e62fc4a384263edb61603dee09", "createdAtBlock": 15065724, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12430, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Muthril Piercer of the Road", "text": "# Giant story \n\nGiant. The entity controlled by the dark orc, very tenacious, cannot wield weapons, but the limbs with sharp knives are capable of inflicting serious damage to the enemy. Wears armor and armor, can wear a helmet. The entity can use lifesteal to replenish its health and deal damage to nearby enemies. Poorly obeys evil forces."} +{"id": "a188bfe3-ce29-4a37-92be-3e465a1683cd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:07.844", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmfHzwoZdZRduv2U4ikaWpx3qHd2LoUyChDLTxubp8Y36L", "txHash": "0x1534b3671349685f74ade4ff984a57f1bd36e0866b0dca0be1ec5381285ce99b", "createdAtBlock": 15066407, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2735, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Faust Lumper of Demons", "text": "# Faust Lumper of Demons\n\nThe Loathsome Faust Lumper of Demons is no ordinary warrior. With his massive shield and great spiked mace it is wise to be wary of Faust. Some say in battle he will do away with his weapons and fight only using his great big bald head, bashing his enemies until they succumb to their fate. Faust after all is of the demons he is a bad bad man and one to be feared. Not all understand his motives but all do understand the desire to kill is strong with this one. So if you come across Loathsome Faust in your journeys it would be wise to keep your distance."} +{"id": "ce07bebd-08ee-4d84-b2c9-c6eb28ca0c69-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:09.441", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNUP9ySXmBEzN6AhsMhXpnHMzNeNikEv4ju8v5UU9siH9", "txHash": "0x25512ead270573bc649193881ebae93e6379286549662d31c5dd7d8f55b7352c", "createdAtBlock": 15066507, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10281, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Auberon Hero of the Flame", "text": "# Auberon Hero of the Flame\n\nThe Great Auberon Hero of the Flame, where to begin. Some say the last thing a wild beast will see in this world is his empty black gaze peering at it from under his hood. Not much is known of Auberon's origins, the fearsome flaming knight. Many think that he was once an ordinary man who came to know great tragedy and sorrow after a beast came for him and his family, brutally killing them, yet, somehow sparing him. A fate likely worse than death. After all, what is left to live for once you have lost everything. Auberon sought to seek revenge and this consumed him. A great wizard seeing his potential took him under their wing - training him in the ways of fire magic. What became of this relationship we are unsure as Auberon soon severed ties with his mentor and began to aimlessly wander the lands seeking revenge on the beast that took his family. Auberon is a killer, although some say there is good still in him. He has been known to save travelers from the clutches of death, but only if they are attacked by some abomination during their travels. We cannot say for sure that he does these deeds from the goodness of his heart. His companion, a Panther as dark as night, is the only being in this world that he trusts. How their bond came to be so strong only Auberon knows. Traveler, if you come across the decapitated remains of wild beast on your travels know that the great knight executioner has been that way - on his endless search for revenge."} +{"id": "4a86c73d-82fc-40e2-8283-a223b6ea2241-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:10.163", "backgroundColor": "#113b0f", "index": 5, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXVr2ZY52yQj1CQim4x6Nn38naJEmg31SJWcorcLHU9Jz", "txHash": "0xfe707eb8b1be69778214171fbf5005e791f67909aba3e682790b98b4e7b76d6f", "createdAtBlock": 15066628, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3676, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Druid Enigma of the Valley", "text": "Diary Entry - 117\n\n\nUgh, I just had the worst dream about this huge...homunculus? Flesh golem? Ugh Atrocity, that's what it was! \n\nA huge creature, wearing the skin of what looked to be a cucumber, maybe another kind of gourd? It looked to be stuffed to the brim with some kind of meat, but I couldn't really tell.\n\nI remember running as hard as I can, but it was everywhere I looked...\n\nI woke with such a start, but I had this horrendous lyric stuck in my head, and I must get it on paper so I can go about my day!!\n\n\n\nInoccuous as it was in it's manifestation \nThis frank in a sleeve has caused some frustration \nNo matter where you go, it lurks in the shadows \nWaiting to embrace you in an endless fandango \nThere is no hiding from he who sees the universe \nBut living without the holy one is nothing but a curse \n\nSo join your brothers and sisters, please \nPray to the heavens and fall to your knees \nYour eternal life is naught but a small toll \nJust give into his love and he shall make you whole \n\nAll hail he, the mighty Cthucumber \nWho awaits us all in a perpetual slumber \nDeep in the core of each one of us \nis something incredibly superfluous \nA hotdog stuffed inside of a cucumber \nhow he came to be, it must make you wonder \n\nYou can never say no to his loving light \nJust give in now, you can't win the fight \nBask in his love until you burst at the seams \nOr else he'll find you inside of your dreams"} +{"id": "bc11468b-fff5-4757-99f3-bd600fbb953d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:38:55.507", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaQZe8JzQebcdfTBg51eLWDwevEUBK4xvWPAHu69pQ4mt", "txHash": "0x38682d30bd652400ebaf15afed139f9a011088491f4d96fa0dd25feee442b9c0", "createdAtBlock": 15063020, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9765, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXzLCo9jiL3VP3UTsk7mQg71jVY3K8CfXiENtA5ophqKJ", "name": "Illusionist Tundror of the Road", "text": "# Old Tundror\n\nIllusionist Tundror was a merry fellow;\n\nbright red his jacket was and his boots were yellow,\n\nthick was his beard and his breeches all of leather;\n\nhe wore in his brown hat a jolly fancy feather.\n\nHe lived up near the Road, where the Hill meets the River;\n\nran from a grassy well down into the dingle..."} +{"id": "9c259252-7f14-4a36-9204-6884196f8320-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:37:00.945", "backgroundColor": "#932003", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNbU2DT7wzawuQKcMTxwErEGTWaLvbMhywBR2AzA4JHTH", "txHash": "0xaaf6b359e1fd8aa4c7f7065cc1c7783c12b98418131075de1111afaf019eef69", "createdAtBlock": 15065320, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8799, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Talal Mincer of Runes", "text": "# CHAPTER 1: The Beginning\n\nLong before the Quantum Downs began to acquire form, but just after the Infinity Veil separated the unlife from the Runiverse, there lived the mysterious progenitor race of Ancient Ones. \n\nAfter eons of study, Talal the Elder left these authors of the Runes with his full power contained within his Astro Force imbued Megasuit gifted to him by the Olympians, to explore the new worlds of the nascent cosmos.\n\nBy folding space he travels distances free of time. \n\nAfter centuries of exploration, he befriended and became the guardian of the Hunters Guild who in turn protect the companion pets and familiars that graze The Savannah plains south of The Baobabs.\n\nThough settled, in this his new home world, he nevertheless continues to frequently voyage across the worldways in search of new Runes to discover and collect.\n\nTo this end, @warrior5095 is his herald through the Time Portals, and @warrior15305 his harbinger across galactic space. \n\nHis great quest of \"Uplift\" is known in name only, but his benevolence is legendary. \n\nFortunate are the wizards and warriors he watches over and those enlisted to his service."} +{"id": "f641f814-b7a4-4d0e-a00d-4110546bfb76-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.2", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRZsnzCoPyzqZemd4gFCsRFMFxEBR6CTgWozK3MwBGEkf", "txHash": "0xc0f7e8e1c1fb37e9e9c7267049d119ac45cad580f7bde7b3de7e8b51c126f643", "createdAtBlock": 15121844, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 77, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qme8TUaoa11LsftYvBtFJNkS5wFuvqWD9FMN7Npga8geWk", "name": "Ishtar the Rapturous", "text": "Endless rays of colour streamed across the glittering path, bathing Ishtar in a dancing cloak of rainbow sunlight. \n\nHe flapped his lips contentedly, basking in the warm glow. Further to the north, the sky swirled across the Infinity Veil. He bounced daintily from hoof to hoof: \n\n*Forward, back, forward, forward, back, a little shimmy to the siiiiide Oh yeah, now thats a prance, baby! What a glorious day. What. A. Day!*\nHe let out a whinny of delight as the Rune of Venus on his rump radiated tranquillity through his muscles from beneath the bronze armour plating, which itself had the same rune though larger etched into its surface. He tossed his head back, revelling in the cool breeze that flowed down Hue Masters Pass and fluttered at the edges of the pink mane poking out the sides of his neck shield.\n\nIshtar considered what to do next than pranced a bit more, flicking his equally pink tail back and forth in unadulterated pleasure.\n\nWell arent you a pretty unicorn?\n\nAt this sudden intrusion, Ishtar leaped about two metres straight up into the air and then landed, rose-tinted hooves scrabbling across the slick path.\n\nThe girl snickered behind her hand.\n\nIshtar took a moment to recover his frayed nerves, then puffed up his chest and drew himself up to his full height."} +{"id": "f641f814-b7a4-4d0e-a00d-4110546bfb76-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.2", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRZsnzCoPyzqZemd4gFCsRFMFxEBR6CTgWozK3MwBGEkf", "txHash": "0xc0f7e8e1c1fb37e9e9c7267049d119ac45cad580f7bde7b3de7e8b51c126f643", "createdAtBlock": 15121844, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 77, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qme8TUaoa11LsftYvBtFJNkS5wFuvqWD9FMN7Npga8geWk", "name": "Ishtar the Rapturous", "text": "Now listen here baby, Im a pony, see? A POH-NEEEEE. A Dream Pony as a matter of fact. What you see here is what we call Legendary Armour. Horn comes with the package. You know for fighting and such? Now, as to your first point the part about being pretty well, yes actually, I reckon thats true. And how do you explain that purple monstrosity *youre* wearing?\n\nThe girl grinned. Oh I *like* you! Youre feisty. My names \n\nIshtar snorted in amusement. ? Hoo-wee I bet the humans struggle with that one! \n\nThats the Rune of *Venus*.\n\nYes, I know its the Rune of Venus, its on my ass isnt it? One Love, baby.\n\nYou can just call me Bathsheba, pretty pony. Want to join Haze and me? Were questing. You might make it mildly interesting.\n\nOoooooh questing are we? How very grown up. The name, *little girl*, is not pretty unicorn, or pretty pony. I am Ishtar the Rapturous, Dream Pony, Lord of the Prance, weapons grade: Unicorn!"} +{"id": "f641f814-b7a4-4d0e-a00d-4110546bfb76-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.2", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRZsnzCoPyzqZemd4gFCsRFMFxEBR6CTgWozK3MwBGEkf", "txHash": "0xc0f7e8e1c1fb37e9e9c7267049d119ac45cad580f7bde7b3de7e8b51c126f643", "createdAtBlock": 15121844, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 77, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qme8TUaoa11LsftYvBtFJNkS5wFuvqWD9FMN7Npga8geWk", "name": "Ishtar the Rapturous", "text": "Ishtar raised his face to the sky at the perfect angle for the sunlight to reflect off his horn in an awe-inspiring way, and glanced at Bathsheba out of the corner of his eye to see if any awe was being inspired. It was not. Ishtar grew suspicious. He was good at inspiring awe in humans. In fact, it was kind of his *thing*. He cast his mind inward, dipping into the flow of his Rune of Venus, sifting through the threads of magical feedback. His eyes widened. Now wait just one hoof-dropping minute there, sister! He looked her up and down with a newfound respect. Oh man, get a load of you and your impressive disguise! Nice skinbag youve got there, did you make it yourself, or did the Psychic Leap just gift it to ya?\n\nBathsheba clapped her hands together. Ha! Finally! \n\nShe turned to Haze. Not a single wizard. Not one. In fourteen years! But old clippy-clop here saw it straight away! \n\nShe smiled at Ishtar and wagged a finger at him. Now thats a pretty useful skill, pony. Youre quite special, arent you?\n\nIshtar tried not to, but he couldnt help basking in the praise. It was tough being an impressive Dream Pony when there was never anyone around to impress. Human brains, even magical ones, were just not cut out to absorb the full *impressiveness* of any Dream Creature.\n\nHe studiously ignored the question with feigned disinterest, instead turning his head to the side and bending down to inspect the girls companion."} +{"id": "f641f814-b7a4-4d0e-a00d-4110546bfb76-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:09.2", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRZsnzCoPyzqZemd4gFCsRFMFxEBR6CTgWozK3MwBGEkf", "txHash": "0xc0f7e8e1c1fb37e9e9c7267049d119ac45cad580f7bde7b3de7e8b51c126f643", "createdAtBlock": 15121844, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 77, "slug": "ponies", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qme8TUaoa11LsftYvBtFJNkS5wFuvqWD9FMN7Npga8geWk", "name": "Ishtar the Rapturous", "text": "Well, well, well, and look at you! A fine shard of the celestial consciousness indeed. And might I add that you make quite the dashing little vixen! Ishtar winked at Haze, who bashfully flicked her bushy tail over her nose and blinked slowly at him.\n\nIshtar turned back to Bathsheba, sucking his teeth thoughtfully.\n\nSay, you got any sugar cubes, Sheba? All the magic in the Runiverse dont beat a good sugar cube!\n\nShe leaned in close, placing a hand on his neck, and whispered, What if I was to tell you, Ishtar my prancing friend, that I know a place where we can get all the sugar cubes you ever dreamed of?\n\nIm listening he whispered back breathlessly.\n\nWell need to get in touch with my friend, Rainbow Cakes. Youll like him, hes got your affinity for bright colours and sparkles. We just have one stop to make first The Infinity Veil. \n\nShe set off over the Pass. So, are you coming or what?\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "86838d1b-bae9-4200-af49-982685f2bff3-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:15.559", "backgroundColor": "#3247d5", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHfcL6gxptBVwg9cQFb6KK4dBhJfyzAtS7wxdJYeh4DA", "txHash": "0x8f80119dc7ac319d9fd517698cffcbfe44fce8254a3ad33aede63e3455d76905", "createdAtBlock": 15068316, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14366, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Brutus Cleaver of Bugbears", "text": "# Brutus Cleaver of Bugbears\n\n### Halt! What is your business here?\n\n### Yeah Hi, Could you direct me to where The Sacred Pillars are? I found this book in my little satc...\n\n### Do I look like a map to you Wizard? \n\n### Well no, I ju...\n\n### Do I look like someone that scribbles little drawings to you?\n\n### Look, I was only trying to ask...\n\n### Tiny, perfectly shaped mountains precisely placed within billowing clouds just ever so drifting as the breeze would so briskly blow in the nighttime air.\n\n### Ohhh kaaay...\n\n\nNO @wizard1479, now leave this area at once. \n\n\n### Wait, how did he know my name?"} +{"id": "c8c99d96-0f70-486d-8a99-0398b298abb8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:14.778", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSvRFCRQGK6TQQia92Db5E8etRYsLpdokWEzekE32Xp39", "txHash": "0xff3d9540d146d8f7179718f32acc8c8effad0e879664c2f3c00c8feda582d422", "createdAtBlock": 15068535, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 10239, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Zayden Striker of Power", "text": "Silence.\n\nBreath.\n\nFocus.\n\nPower comes from calmness.\nFrom inaction, action is born.\nMore quiet the inaction, the more powerful the action.\nBalance is found in extremes.\n\nFeel your body. It's free in its inaction.\nThe cold blade in your hand is just another limb, part of your body.\nExtension of your will.\n\nA leaf is falling from the tree. It's impossible to predict the movement of a falling leaf. Don't try to predict the leaf. Don't try to chase the leaf. Fall with it. Become the leaf. \n\nCUT!\n\nOnly one movement, faster than the wind. The leaf became two, split in half. Both keep falling, hardly disturbed. It was not your blade splitting them, it was your mind. It was not the leaf which was cut in half, it was you.\n\nZayden opened his eyes. A thin stream of blood runs from his nose. \n\nAlmost perfect. Never perfect. Perfection is goal that changes. Chase it but never hope to catch it."} +{"id": "4804a70e-7302-40b3-9fa8-cc151f9c117a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:29.739", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeETe4kKmi4MzkwUC7SCqzTZBGh4g6WQzQw2RgQeamt29", "txHash": "0x95bd94e1a853df473d849b04c42d09aa3e9f0d7e92790361547ee6dfc7b9f24d", "createdAtBlock": 15070772, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1092, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Asmodeus Basher of Goblin Town", "text": "Before Asmodeus came to be known as the Basher of Goblin Town, he used to live everyday life in a coastal town west of the Chronomancer's Riviera. Wanting to travel the world he decided he would move north-east one day. Thus, he packed his belongings and set foot for the well-known Goblin Town.\n\nAfter many adventures along the way, he would find himself in this town, looking for some well-deserved rest after his travels. Instead, he received nothing but the two-faced thievery the Goblins have honed throughout their evolution. Asmodeus was left with none of his belongings and had to leave Goblin Town lest he starves and dies in it.\n\nSomething called Asmodeus, so, seeing he had no other option, he followed his intuition and made his way further east, unbeknownst to him, heading towards the Quantum Shadow.\n\nIt is unknown what exactly happened to Asmodeus once he reached the Shadow, but the goblins know things have never been the same since they saw him appearing in the Town with a large stick.\n\nIt is also unclear how he came to alternate between \"visiting\" the Town and surfing along the Reach at seemingly, the same time."} +{"id": "bbef9597-2dce-46bc-9f21-3caf218423c8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:33.407", "backgroundColor": "#d3cc12", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmdp2fHneVkspKw2qBuDBZfredTN8G1E4YjqwK6zJzMCUx", "txHash": "0x75af2203289f835bed8751bcf6ec4d2138f85ae9112f61c5e977cc36d7055f76", "createdAtBlock": 15071534, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 13593, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Nails Chopper of Atlantis", "text": "Ivan was a brave warrior who loved to chop goblin nails with his axe before he killed them. He was skilled in battle and had a sharp mind, which he used to his advantage in battle. He was also known for his love of cucumdogs, which he would eat like no other.\n\nOne day, Ivan was on a mission to kill a group of goblins who had been terrorizing a nearby village. He snuck up on them and killed them all before they could react. He then went to the village and told them what he had done. The villagers were so grateful to him that they decided to throw a feast in his honor.\n\nDuring the feast, Ivan enjoyed eating cucumdogs more than anything else. He even asked for seconds and thirds. The villagers were so impressed by his appetite that they decided to make him an honorary member of the village.\n\nIvan continued to protect the village from goblins and other threats. He became known as the village's hero and was loved by all. He continued to eat cucumdogs whenever he had the chance, and he always made sure to save some for the villagers."} +{"id": "49195120-7da9-4e54-a765-34088451daf7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:32.58", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTn5xx4Ur64P5D8sHoJ95LErappkmRufFsj4UF4fEy1rc", "txHash": "0xfa76e5f61d1f3c2906e650accd11470682569721897153aae1b899b70b55c6ea", "createdAtBlock": 15078089, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8644, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Crud Slaughterer of the Ditch", "text": "# **The Fantastical Adventures of Crud Slaughterer of the Ditch, Warrior #8644**\n\n\n### Concerning Kobolds: Part One\n\n---\n\nSuggested Soundtrack:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WI5FRe5OM6E\n\n---\n\nTo Be Continued... (Check WiP Google Docs)\n\n---\n\n### The Origin of Crud: Part Two\n\n---\n\nSuggested Ambience:\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CahOLfYxiq0\n\n---\n\nOne day Crud appeared. He was not wanted, nor was he welcome, but he existed none the less. And... to be quite honest, I am not quite sure if even Crud fully understood his own existence, or why he had been placed in the dominion of man.\n\n---\nAfter many years of trial and tribulation, Crud found a home. In the ditches of Calista's Citadel Crud discovered what it meant to be a Kobold. He could not read... or write... or even speak, at least anything intelligible. But, despite all of his shortcomings, Crud had a heart of gold. He yearned to join his fellow warriors on the field of battle. He yearned to be a hero, but a hero he was not.\n\n---\n\nOn the 811th day of the 41st age after the fall of Avalon Crud discovered something truly magnificent. Laying in a dumpster, full of rats and oozy garbage, Crud found his one true love... an old rusty wrench. He played with it daily, either breaking something of great value or a poor villagers skull, completely by accident, was a common occurrence. Common enough to get Crud put on a list... a list which no Kobold has any business being on... a list that meant Crud's doom. \n\n---"} +{"id": "49195120-7da9-4e54-a765-34088451daf7-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:32.58", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTn5xx4Ur64P5D8sHoJ95LErappkmRufFsj4UF4fEy1rc", "txHash": "0xfa76e5f61d1f3c2906e650accd11470682569721897153aae1b899b70b55c6ea", "createdAtBlock": 15078089, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8644, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Crud Slaughterer of the Ditch", "text": "---\n\nInto the depths of the world Crud fled, as he was being pursued by the bane of Kobolds, the @wizard19. Bearing just his rune and his trusty wrench, Crud made his way to the gates of the Elysian Fields. Here he hoped to find a pony, but what he found suited him much better. An old boar he would ride into battle on, he would finally confront the @wizard19.\n\n---\n\nAfter a short 4 seconds, Crud fell to the earth in defeat... he had lost. Awoken in the dark caverns of a strange lair, Crud was trapped in a cage. There was nothing he could do, he waited for his doom.\n\n---\n\nTo be continued...\n\nWiP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14QV2X76w6n0vFEPAzHB8EtofZ9HPn-MFjZ2MbT_a-Zo/edit?usp=sharing"} +{"id": "19cabe02-dc5f-48a7-afbc-e70d9c8f6ef5-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:13.126", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHTALpbwRCUbxQAF16DHJ58KfCfREBKzeBffBLYdvxoS", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2885, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXky4Q232zqf6xu3ojudpW3knfpwoLVP665ewirDQ7mVq", "name": "Sage Otto of the Moors", "text": "# Chapter 1: Sage Otto infiltrates the Council\nHey, baby, keep up! Weve got a whole lot of dreams to get through!\n\nOtto muttered gruffly under his breath. He had thought himself at one with all beasts of the woods, the hills, and the water, but this Dream Pony was really fraying his nerves.\n\n@pony77 had popped up in the forest a few days previously. Supposedly Calista had sent the pony to assist Otto in accessing information from wizards on the Council. But he got the feeling that he was actually being micromanaged. Not that he had a problem with that, of course, Empress Calista could do as she pleased, by the light of the Runes and the Stars! Far be it from a simple animist like him to question the commands of the Citadel's saviour. Some warning would have been nice though. And a less excitable accomplice. On the other hand, Otto had to admit that accessing the wizards dreams was a handy technique.\n\nOtto my man, who are you and Dewdrop delving today? The beardy one?\n\nIshtar guffawed. D'ya get it? Because they *all* have beards! the pony shook his head and gave a self-satisfied sigh.\n\nI get it, Ishtar, very amusing, Otto replied through gritted teeth. The Empress thinks it might be a good idea to visit the White Wizard next, hes not a Dreamer or a Celestial, so we should be able to influence him relatively safely and without raising any suspicion."} +{"id": "19cabe02-dc5f-48a7-afbc-e70d9c8f6ef5-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:13.126", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHTALpbwRCUbxQAF16DHJ58KfCfREBKzeBffBLYdvxoS", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2885, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXky4Q232zqf6xu3ojudpW3knfpwoLVP665ewirDQ7mVq", "name": "Sage Otto of the Moors", "text": "The pony flapped his lips. Ah yes, the *Empress* thinks thats a good idea. Of course *she* does. He winked at the Sage.\nOtto frowned. And what exactly are you implying, pony?\nIshtar innocently inspected one of his pink hooves. Me? Im not implying anything, baby. Oh no. I never imply things. Cant stand implications... very tiresome. If anything Im an anti-implier, you know.\n\nYoure not a very good liar, pony. I dont have time for this, growled Otto, wiping his hands on his coveralls. The sooner we get some information, the sooner you can leave me in peace and get back to that weird little mistress of yours. She gives me the heebie-jeebies. And just remember, once were in his dream, you *need to be quiet*. Even though youre staying out here, they seem to be able to hear you in there. I dont want a repeat of that nonsense with the Brown Wizard.\n\nIshtar snorted and rolled his eyes. Yeah well, xenophobia dont hold no water with me, baby. Im pretty sure he was a pony-hater too, I can smell them a mile off. Better off without him Id say. And Bathshebas not my mistress, @pony77 prances to nobodys tune but his own! She and I are partners. \n\nDespite his whinging, Ishtar had already begun readying himself; soon Otto saw the ground in front of the Dream Pony start to stir. The dirt bounced and vibrated in the air, forming itself into a floating outline of the Rune of Saturn.\n\nJust be ready to pull us out if it gets hairy in there NO PUNS, pony! the Sage cut Ishtar off as he opened his mouth."} +{"id": "19cabe02-dc5f-48a7-afbc-e70d9c8f6ef5-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:13.126", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHTALpbwRCUbxQAF16DHJ58KfCfREBKzeBffBLYdvxoS", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2885, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXky4Q232zqf6xu3ojudpW3knfpwoLVP665ewirDQ7mVq", "name": "Sage Otto of the Moors", "text": "Ishtar wheezed with suppressed laughter and beckoned the Sage forward with one pink hoof. As Otto approached the rune-shaped dust cloud, the pony whispered in his ear. Hey baby, has anyone ever told you that youve got a sparkling personality?\n# Chapter 2: The library\nThe White Wizards dream turned out to be the dullest so far. While the leader of the Red faction had played out a convoluted plot of intrigue, striving for dominion over all, and the Purple Wizards dreams were a psychedelic swirl of improbable landscapes populated by shape-shifting beasts, this was... a library.\n\nCobwebs hung across stacks of dusty books; an old and tattered parchment depicting an ancient and crude map of the Runiverse lay limply on a desk in the centre of the room.\n\nIn the dream, Otto had taken the same blob-like form as his slimy familiar. Dewdrop was the first to move, oozing her way across the thick rug, which appeared to be the pelt of some unfortunate animal.\n\nOtto followed, as always struggling at first to come to terms with the lack of structure in his slimy body. People dont often pause to think about how much of the heavy lifting a skeleton does for them, but its absence very quickly drives the point home. Otto flopped awkwardly across the rug, still not entirely sure whether this transformation was strictly necessary for him to enter the Dream Realm, or whether it was just the ponys idea of entertainment.\n\nIt did have its uses though, like the fact that Dewdrop was a master of camouflage. Otto wondered whether all sapphire slimes had this trait.\n\n*No, only me!* came the cheerful reply. The hive mind they shared was another unexpected benefit they had gained in the process.\n\nA nearby cough startled them, and Dewdrop instantly flowed over the cover of a nearby book, perfectly mimicking pattern, colour, and texture."} +{"id": "19cabe02-dc5f-48a7-afbc-e70d9c8f6ef5-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:13.126", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHTALpbwRCUbxQAF16DHJ58KfCfREBKzeBffBLYdvxoS", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2885, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXky4Q232zqf6xu3ojudpW3knfpwoLVP665ewirDQ7mVq", "name": "Sage Otto of the Moors", "text": "Otto managed to turn brown. *At least I got the right colour this time*, he thought ruefully.\n\n*Texture takes time to learn. Really* feel *the rug you need to be able to* think *like the rug.*\n\nThink like a rug... sure... Otto contemplated his thread count as he slimed his way behind the leg of the desk, wondering if it was doing any good.\n\nThe White Wizard came wandering into the library antechamber, his dream form shimmering as though made of diaphanous crystal.\n\n*Are you ready, Dewdrop?*\n\n*Ready boss! Ill take the lead and once Ive convinced him Im a product of his own subconscious, Ill distract him while you access his memory centres.*\n\nAs Dewdrop reformed herself, the wizards dream-self was totally transfixed, and Otto got to work. This time, the whole operation was as simple as duping a Duck.\n\nAs they stepped out of the dream, Ishtar did a little jig. Hey good job, Sagey-baby! That was swee-eet! Boy, Dewdrop really had that one wrapped around her uh finger. So what now?\n\nNow, my four-legged friend, I shall make contact with Empress Calista, to inform her that the seeds have been sown. The rise of the Citadel has begun, Otto said briskly, as he focused a communication spell through his ruby staff. \n\nIn his room, @wizard3901 withdrew from his mind vision, smiling to himself in satisfaction. And after the rise? Well after the rise, comes the fall."} +{"id": "19cabe02-dc5f-48a7-afbc-e70d9c8f6ef5-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:13.126", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXHTALpbwRCUbxQAF16DHJ58KfCfREBKzeBffBLYdvxoS", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2885, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmXky4Q232zqf6xu3ojudpW3knfpwoLVP665ewirDQ7mVq", "name": "Sage Otto of the Moors", "text": "## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "a43d0ef7-cd83-4721-8ec3-3785b834ea15-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.077", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTttJWTJ72odNv2KhTeQRrvXNDhCSyd3qEZgw5QRWfmcE", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3917, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSs6MSTm8eNZbRckK4T8yxJ3Jr3jsNXqrPub6Qa3AJ4FV", "name": "Scryer Apollo of the Villa", "text": "Scryer Apollo stood and walked to the lectern as the presiding wizard called his name. He looked around the horseshoe-shaped table at the assembled council members several delegates from each guild, many of them clustered together, side-eyeing the other guilds.\n\nApollo had been diligent in the days leading up to the Council, presenting his arguments to others who he thought he could win over to his side. He was confident at least some of them would back him, yet he still needed @wizard3901. The Yellow Wizard held far too much sway with the Council Apollo was sure the invitations Oberon regularly extended to other guilds to indulge themselves in Chronomancers Riviera didnt hurt. The debauchery of the Riviera was notorious; Oberon no doubt held secrets like an axe over the necks of many wizards at this table.\n\nApollo turned his attention to the Councilmembers: Brothers, sisters, let us set aside our differences. It may not seem obvious to all, but we approach a time of crisis for all magic-makers. For the last few planetary cycles, Calistas Citadel has been secretly mustering its strength Now the Empress has aid from the outside, from this interloper who draws wizards to her side like flies to rotting meat. These deserters weaken all the guilds, and lest we forget, many other wizards have disappeared without a trace over the last two cycles. \n\nApollo paused meaningfully, surveying the crowd, although he wavered as his eyes met Oberons. The Archmagus smiled at him smugly."} +{"id": "a43d0ef7-cd83-4721-8ec3-3785b834ea15-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.077", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTttJWTJ72odNv2KhTeQRrvXNDhCSyd3qEZgw5QRWfmcE", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3917, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSs6MSTm8eNZbRckK4T8yxJ3Jr3jsNXqrPub6Qa3AJ4FV", "name": "Scryer Apollo of the Villa", "text": "Apollo cleared his throat and continued. It is said, comrades, that even the Key Master supports this rogue witch. His familiar, Derek the Sphinx, passes back and forth through the Infinity Veil at will, prowling those reaches at the behest of the Key Master. The sphinx is feasting on the minds of wizards lost to the Psychic Leap. Why should we trust them? The Purple guild knows well the dangers of the Leap, what say you @wizard1827?\n\nA strong-faced sorceress in elegant purple aristocratic robes gave Apollo a wry smile, stroking the black cat on her lap as she spoke: The claws of the Leap may scratch at our minds, Scryer, but the sphinx holds no fear for the living. \n\nShe shook her head, making waves of thick purple and black hair bounce around her face. Light flashed off her intricate golden earrings and the gold stud in her prominent nose. No Apollo, @wizard777 has guarded the Gate to the Seventh Realm honourably since before history began, protecting us from the horrors beyond. We may have our differences, but nobody can question his motivations.\n\nExactly what he would have us believe! replied Apollo, throwing up his hands in exasperation. I say that we have always diminished ourselves by living in the Key Masters shadow! For too long have wizards from all guilds vanished with no trace, while he does nothing to stop it! For too long have rogues and separatists been allowed free reign across our territories! The time has come to make a stand!\n\nArchmagus Alessar and the rest of the White guild had their heads together, speaking in hushed tones. Apollo noted a few others in the different factions around the table conversing, and there were a few murmurs of approval from around the room."} +{"id": "a43d0ef7-cd83-4721-8ec3-3785b834ea15-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.077", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTttJWTJ72odNv2KhTeQRrvXNDhCSyd3qEZgw5QRWfmcE", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3917, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSs6MSTm8eNZbRckK4T8yxJ3Jr3jsNXqrPub6Qa3AJ4FV", "name": "Scryer Apollo of the Villa", "text": "Emboldened, he continued. And now the Citadels army of dark sorcerers, creatures of the Quantum Shadow, and craven Ducks amasses to the south of Alessars Keep\n\nAnd what have we to do with Alessars Keep or Rudimentals? interjected another voice from the assembly. I say let them tend to their own defences!\n\nDo not be a fool, brother, do you not see that the Citadel means to usurp us all? Do you think they will stop once the Keep falls? But we shall not bow before this threat. We must unite and crush these invaders who threaten our way of life.\n\nThe Brown Wizard threw his hands in the air. Bah! We have no interest in the intrigues and machinations of the other guilds. I have a snurtle farm to tend to and the blood grapes are almost ready for harvest. It would seem to me that the Reds stand to lose the most they are the Citadels neighbours and after all, arent they the ones always dabbling in another mans potions? Let them interfere in the Keeps business, should be right up their street.\n\nAngry murmurs rose from the Red guild, but Apollo raised his arms for quiet and shot Oberon a glare. The fool was supposed to be backing his case! He had already been pressured into parting with some very sensitive information on the research being conducted in the Bastion, and he would be crushed beneath the Runes before he let the old goat rinse him like this.\n\nArchmagus Oberon you have something to contribute from the Yellow Wizards?\n\nOberon yawned and slowly got to his feet, waving a hand condescendingly at Apollo. The Scryer gritted his teeth. He could not risk upsetting the balance not yet."} +{"id": "a43d0ef7-cd83-4721-8ec3-3785b834ea15-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.077", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTttJWTJ72odNv2KhTeQRrvXNDhCSyd3qEZgw5QRWfmcE", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3917, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSs6MSTm8eNZbRckK4T8yxJ3Jr3jsNXqrPub6Qa3AJ4FV", "name": "Scryer Apollo of the Villa", "text": "Hear me now, council members. It is true that the Blues have not been the most trustworthy allies in the past particularly Scryer Apollo. But we do not have to like him to know what he says is true\n\nApollos face darkened as he struggled to suppress his anger at this sleight on his character. Oberon continued smoothly.\n\nThe Citadel has yearned for its former days of glory for centuries and the new Empress claims to be Calista reincarnated. This alone tells us that she seeks conquest she is invoking the name of the greatest military sorceress in history!\n\nOberons assertion was met with a few snorts of derision from some of the Red Wizards, but most of his audience were now listening with more interest. The Yellow Wizard nodded thoughtfully, then continued. Yes, you see now that this is a plight we cannot ignore. The longer we leave the Citadel to strengthen, the bolder its leader will become. But we are not warriors. It is not our way to storm a citys walls. Besides, they are protected by Calista's ancient magic. No, brothers and sisters we need somebody on the inside, with an intimate knowledge of the city and access to the Empress.\n\nHe paused. Luckily for us all, I have just such a person. Oberon smiled in satisfaction at the look of bewilderment on the Scryers face, then stepped aside. A bearded Sage with a ruby staff and a feather in his hat emerged stealthily from the shadows.\n\nCouncil members, allow me to introduce @wizard2885."} +{"id": "a43d0ef7-cd83-4721-8ec3-3785b834ea15-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:14.077", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTttJWTJ72odNv2KhTeQRrvXNDhCSyd3qEZgw5QRWfmcE", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3917, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSs6MSTm8eNZbRckK4T8yxJ3Jr3jsNXqrPub6Qa3AJ4FV", "name": "Scryer Apollo of the Villa", "text": "Council members, allow me to introduce @wizard2885.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard3914\n \nPart 1: @pony77\n \nPart 2: @wizard2877\n \nPart 3: @wizard1175 \n \nPart 4: @wizard3901 \n \nPart 5: @wizard4841\n \nPart 6: @wizard2885 \n \nPart 7: @wizard3917\n \nPart 8: @wizard6084"} +{"id": "28f5a431-5674-43aa-9fff-8c760d293b46-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:15.568", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBbhUHmR34XCkW5eEbtznK7fgVepViDBGK5Cwr8eAaJV", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2875, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeFsgshN1MvPBTPAU4FW36hUeEN7tNnGnR1aGzunabjcT", "name": "Thaumaturge Akron of the Thorn", "text": "Sl er landa ljme; lti ek helgum dome \n\nThe Thaumaturge cast his hands to the sky, then swept them around above his head, repeating the chant:\n\nSl er landa ljme; lti ek helgum dome \n\nThe sacred words echoed back to him from the heavens: \n\n*Sun is the light of the world; I bow to the divine decree*\n\nThe golden orb seemed to flare above the mountains of Skylord Rookery and a Sun Rune appeared within the curve of his joy staff a ring of fire with a tiny ball of molten gas blazing at its centre. \n\nThe Thaumaturge swept his blue elven cloak over his shoulder, enveloping himself in his own miniature Runiverse. The Sun Rune illuminated the inner lining of his cape, turning it into his own personal sapphire sky; the visions danced against this backdrop, and Akron hummed meditatively.\n\nNestled at his feet, Sowil swayed. As the trance also took hold of the dirt rabbit, her eyes glowed two miniature suns reflecting the glory of the great light on high. \n\nSpell ethers swirled around the Thaumaturge and his familiar as they drank in the visions. Images danced against Akrons elven canvas, vivid yet unfathomable. The message of the visions only became clear as Sowil thumped her back foot against the dirt, sending a rhythmic buzz through his body. He mentally noted the flashes of insight as they blossomed in his consciousness.\n\n*Blue and red moves earth amongst the Pillars an ancient promise fulfilled stars perish on the slopes as the ocean rises to meet them*\n\n*A giant key turns, a riot of colours in a cosmic clash adversaries, yet allies*"} +{"id": "28f5a431-5674-43aa-9fff-8c760d293b46-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:15.568", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUBbhUHmR34XCkW5eEbtznK7fgVepViDBGK5Cwr8eAaJV", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2875, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmeFsgshN1MvPBTPAU4FW36hUeEN7tNnGnR1aGzunabjcT", "name": "Thaumaturge Akron of the Thorn", "text": "*A giant key turns, a riot of colours in a cosmic clash adversaries, yet allies*\n\n*The Alchemist cradles the world; blue patterns shimmer, but hold firm a yolked infant not yet ready for this realm*\n\n*Ruinous fate, not yet come to pass the body dies, where severed limbs survive.* \n*Shatter the old to form the new; follow the bear to the blue tattoo.*\n\n*From the shores of the mirrored lake, the ocean bursts forth.* \n\n*Holy archways bathed in green, the man from the Mount intones: The High Priests blessing on the Emerald Rangers.*\n\nAkron shook his head as his sight came back into focus. He saw the glaze fading from Sowil's eyes. The rabbit twitched her nose at him.\n\nYou are right, Sowil. There is no time to lose. It seems fitting that we return to The Thorn to decide the fate of the Runiverse but first we must pay a visit to the Geomancer.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "398974aa-0009-4adf-b9fb-b2c33b6324db-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:40.079", "backgroundColor": "#206810", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWX4Z2dYdp4kmk3SgJqZz5igCSN72KYu75pXxXHx8ckH8", "txHash": "0xd9376a665545d5b90f31b50279b11c10e706919eab361bc2fe88cd99e7836931", "createdAtBlock": 15077492, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 140, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Angus of Elysium", "text": "# Shaman Angus and Bubs of Elysium\n\nShaman Angus gazed upon the world and saw the chaos wreaked by a giant dragon. He turned to his monkey and said: \"Bubs, I'm going to need you to step up this time. That dragon damn near killed me.\"\n\nBubs looked confused. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation, he began to nod. *I'll get that dragon next time* he thought to himself.\n\nAngus put his arm around Bubs and looked into the sunset.\n\n\"Next time we will.\""} +{"id": "0c404443-b135-4eff-b599-07aa47860815-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:17.802", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVLQuYqAtNKhYczdvZXRcnoH7Vp3W4K1DzELBcsdDxbNb", "txHash": "0x2a4e1cc04ff050a987d7aad4e92e98fc7c49f2b5141a67145261733a702c5e1c", "createdAtBlock": 15069161, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6030, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Rocky of the Arena", "text": "Not many things are more humiliating than being beaten to submission with a slab of hambone in front of booing crowds...\n\nRocky of the Arena brings a new meaning to the word \"meathead\".\n\n*Alignment: Chaotic Neutral*"} +{"id": "2065c8f1-7b3e-4725-9a60-19371ae27813-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:53.363", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 2, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQ8bDvciV7YCdBi6L7DbhYGfFkMGC8Ujrb28GMd8xuBHo", "txHash": "0xbf8f744b853c05d6a8a60e931f4c0621cd24871f871f17777eef726d5d722308", "createdAtBlock": 15097211, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Vampyre Damien of the Havens", "text": "Success! Now a little bit of Sacred flame is his. Just a tiny spark that he can carry without burning himself too much. He activated his Up Only Rune and flew back to Havens.\n\nHe couldnt wait to be in his lab, to start his new experiment. Experiments are the last thing he has left, after his new Vampyre kin took away everything else he loved. His love, his familyhis life.\n\nHe didnt feel anything, not anymore, not after almost 70 years of living as thismonster. Only sensation that remained was his scientific curiosity. Science helped him forget about his predicament. And now he had two new objects to be curious about. Sacred flame and very rare Egg of Unknown Beast. The way he got these items is a bit shameful, but Damien lost his pride long time ago."} +{"id": "630396db-5793-4a68-96e0-1d20cc117dff-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:30.432", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUbAS4jXUT5wdB6wvvMSopVz8TFvPUhj4kdHrctZ9TcNc", "txHash": "0xddcc276f1aaaaaa67d97b55396934a11fe4aef3649d037d8c20f54a1c3286b54", "createdAtBlock": 15070872, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3588, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Cerb Slicer of the Ditch", "text": "Cerb seems to be a psychopathic murderer known for dragging people or \"things\" (as he would call them) into a ditch in which he would slice their bodies up.\n\nWhat is unknown to most is that Cerb tries to be gentle, yet he never learned how to control his temper when someone makes fun of him.\n\nThe only being he has a relationship with is his snake companion, which also has temper issues but seemingly regenerates any body parts at will. Fortunately, Cerb seems to be immune to its poison.\n\nCerb slashes, snake bites."} +{"id": "da379b53-7f50-4bdf-9415-ad6e50a414af-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:43.587", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdAuXQx12NHjMXvtq699rRJ5JKHo7pmnEC7v6M65irsRS", "txHash": "0xde3aa1c3646cd35cb5a651c9fddcf3714fd52e8b9bf412f96cd701dd2f0a589c", "createdAtBlock": 15083376, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3236, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hamlin Clubber of the Swamp", "text": "# Hammlin Clubber of the Swamp\n\nHammlin doesn't remember how he ended up in the swamp. All he knows is that the swamp is all he knows. \n\nA large part of Hammlins diet consists of the plentiful mushrooms that can be found in the swamp. Though the mushrooms seem to cloud his memory, he enjoys how they make him feel and before battle he will chew some berserker mushrooms that put him in a fighting frenzy.\n\nHammlin has only vague memories of his days as a knight and his formal training. Nonetheless, he possesses superb instinctual fighting skills and immense strength. Standing over two meters tall, he weilds a gigantic mace with a heavy head and leaves a trail of battered corpses in his wake. The black panther Khan is Hammlins steady companion, for as long as he can remember."} +{"id": "1c241822-e079-4066-baa9-e4032a1d8ac1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:44.252", "backgroundColor": "#4b0400", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmT294rgDVtY1S43kAgktXLv1gFZsqYb4K879a1sixa1dV", "txHash": "0x1a78ad8694b65b60b0ea27ad9b88817d14f2e23e169e6b72793ee03231144e25", "createdAtBlock": 15083926, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8378, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hana Thief of Carnal Delights", "text": "*[Author note: this is the safe for work edition of this lore. There will be a NSFW version later.]*\n\nThe thief of carnal delights a slightly deceiving title. While one may have their mind in the gutter, Hana earned this from an old habit. She absolutely loves the consumption of salty meat snacks and will do anything, even overtly mugging strangers (if shes hungry enough), to get them.\n\nSneaky young Hana loved to climb trees. She loved it so much that she created a nest upon the highest perch of the tallest tree she could find. It was the perfect spot for spotting her next snack, or cozying up and taking a catnap. \n\nOne day, hunky warrior Chazoline, strapped with wild game hunted that day, came barreling through the area. He had so much that he carried a wagon full of corpses behind him. His armored boots stomping jolted young Hana awake from her family-famous catnaps. Dazed, Hana peered over her nest to see the hulky Chazoline and his prey. The looming smell of flesh sobered her up in an instant and instinct quickly took over. With great finesse, Hana quietly exited the tree - the boisterous Chazoline and his rattly wagon helping cover the sound. Hana prowled, positioning herself behind the tree as to be out of sight as the bulky warrior passed. Suddenly, she pounced and swiped, grabbing a rabbit from the wagon. She quickly scurried away, and Chazoline was none the wiser.\n\nThe rush Hana got from the experience was surreal. She always loved a salty meat treat, but one that had so much emotion attached to it? She had to do it again"} +{"id": "9d1c5444-5d5f-48e0-a26b-bc343f1076ca-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:16.518", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxzyxLtPyUDBpSnBeJYWtQerCopBeiBzJYuPPsKf9NEH", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSoeT8TSyntJP2uB9jwjfqsHT1UsAya7goCnxc97ZvTTW", "name": " Apollo of the Event Horizon", "text": "Apollo ran through the head-high golden grass, the footsteps of the huge beast thundering in his ears. He could make out its crested necks up ahead, swaying as it galloped through the rolling fields... he was closing fast. The beast, sensing him getting nearer, let out a primal roar a mix of rage and terror.\n\nWithout warning, a giant rift split the sky above his head. Apollo was sucked up into the sky behind the creature; he cast a rune of brass, but spinning through the vortex he could not stabilise himself to hurl it at the two-headed beast. And then they were spat out into another dimension.\n\nHe hit the ground running, barely taking in his surroundings, all his attention focused on his quarry, which had scrambled to its feet and was running for its life. None had escaped him before, and that was not about to change this day. He steeled himself to deal the killing blow... and was thrown from his feet as colours bloomed all around him.\n\nHe looked up from the ground at a gold-framed gate that seemed to stretch to the edge of existence, its dimensions defying logic, but was jolted back to reality by a voice that boomed across the snow-covered mountains: \n\nBEHOLD MY QUANTUM STYLE, INTRUDER! Name yourself, or perish!\n\nApollo snarled in frustration as the beast he had been pursuing lolloped over a crest in the steep slope. With a cry of anger he launched himself at the massive shadow that was looming over him. The clouds above the mountains suddenly parted, illuminating his adversary.\n\n*What diabolical spawn of the cosmos is this?* he wondered."} +{"id": "9d1c5444-5d5f-48e0-a26b-bc343f1076ca-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:16.518", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxzyxLtPyUDBpSnBeJYWtQerCopBeiBzJYuPPsKf9NEH", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSoeT8TSyntJP2uB9jwjfqsHT1UsAya7goCnxc97ZvTTW", "name": " Apollo of the Event Horizon", "text": "*What diabolical spawn of the cosmos is this?* he wondered. \n\nThe being was enormous, standing fully twice as tall as Apollo himself, with a body resplendent in all the colours of the Astral Plane. On his shoulders sat a golden pyramid for a head, out which glared a monstrous, bulging eye.\n\nQuick as a flash, Apollo reached into his robes and clutched his crystal skull, summoning the spirits of the ancestors from beyond the Event Horizon. The souls wailed as they were torn between cosmic forces. Apollo mustered his strength to channel the Runiversal star magic somehow, he knew it would take no less to match this brute.\n\nAVAST, YE MEATY CYCLOPS!\n\nThe rainbow-coloured colossus effortlessly deflected the raging starlight that the skull emitted in a dazzling beam; the mountainside warped as he cast his runes, and Apollo wavered, his senses clamouring as time and space distorted around him. He fought for an anchor point for his mind as he felt reality slipping away \n\nA sharp whinny cut through his fading consciousness and the world snapped back into place. The two combatants faced each other, neither willing to give ground. Apollo glanced down and saw a tiny and very angry-looking pony that had planted itself firmly between them.\n\nThe pony stamped its hoof and snorted. Thats quite enough of your Quantum Style, you think I havent beheld it before?! I mean honestly, Rainbow Cakes, what in the Seven Realms do you think youre doing? You know its my snack time. Ill bet the best grass is already melting, while you two lumbering oafs are busy with all your Behold This and your Avast That.\n\nThe pony paused, turning to Apollo: Although credit where credit is due Meaty Cyclops is a good one."} +{"id": "9d1c5444-5d5f-48e0-a26b-bc343f1076ca-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:16.518", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxzyxLtPyUDBpSnBeJYWtQerCopBeiBzJYuPPsKf9NEH", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSoeT8TSyntJP2uB9jwjfqsHT1UsAya7goCnxc97ZvTTW", "name": " Apollo of the Event Horizon", "text": "To the side, a feline chuckle alerted Apollo to the presence of another being. Without shifting his gaze from his foe, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and was shocked to see the Ancient Sphinx sat on his haunches, idly picking at his teeth with one vicious-looking claw.\n\nRounding on the giant, the pony then waded straight back into its tirade. Now, if I have to behold your Quantum Style one more time, Im liable to get mighty testy ice-grass waits for nobody!\n\nWith that, it clicked its hooves and leaped high into the air. Apollo looked on, wide-eyed, as it soared upwards, disappearing into the clouds that curled around the towering gate doors, then turned back to the giant.\n\nThe multi-coloured titan shuffled his feet. Sorry about Lamia she gets very grumpy if she misses snack time. And you know what bad luck it is to upset a pony, no matter what Astral Plane youre from. He scratched his pyramid. Where were we?\n\nHold on, I think there may have been some misunderstanding, said Apollo warily. What business have you with the Ancient Sphinx?\n\nYoohoo, Im right over here! called Derek. Im the Meaty Cyclopss familiar if you must know. Hes not a bad chap once you get to know him. Tends to act before he thinks though.\n\nThe giant let out an audible sigh, then drew himself up to his full height and spoke in grand tones. I am @wizard777, Guardian of the Gate to the Seventh Realm and who might you be?\n\nI am Apollo of the Event Horizon, Celestial Thelemist and a slayer of the northern quadrant. I extend an offer of friendship to any companion of the Sphinx; he is highly regarded beyond the Event Horizon. \n\nDerek smoothed his whiskers and nodded officiously."} +{"id": "9d1c5444-5d5f-48e0-a26b-bc343f1076ca-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:16.518", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdxzyxLtPyUDBpSnBeJYWtQerCopBeiBzJYuPPsKf9NEH", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmSoeT8TSyntJP2uB9jwjfqsHT1UsAya7goCnxc97ZvTTW", "name": " Apollo of the Event Horizon", "text": "Derek smoothed his whiskers and nodded officiously. \n\nAnd yet you have allowed the beast to escape me! It must be destroyed before it can cause more harm.\n\nSacred Key Master looked sheepish. Oh I do apologise, Apollo, I thought the two of you were in cahoots and uh you were a lot smaller, so I thought Id deal with you first and then go after the slow two-headed one\n\nThe sphinx snickered and preened his wings. The Key Master shot him a glare. \n\nSo, can I take it that youre not going to try and attack me again? asked Apollo.\n\nYes. But this is *my* realm, so if youll have to follow a few rules.\n\nApollo relaxed and smiled up at him. \n\nIm sure an agreement can be reached, Key Master. Now, shall we tend to that beast down there?\n\nThe Key Master grinned and extended a hefty hand, which Apollo clasped firmly. The two celestial beings nodded at one another, then set off at a canter down the slope after the monster from the Seventh Realm.\n\nDerek the Sphinx rolled his eyes, yawned, and stretched out on his favourite rock. Exposing his belly to the warm afternoon sun, he promptly fell asleep.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "7dd5c0cc-2874-4894-8f35-88750a5d8a6b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:48.015", "backgroundColor": "#050505", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmZyTQ2cBSeUxZawSeVv64THEUGppbQ8Jpp6jknU9mYGxL", "txHash": "0xce88e3abd61b89845300cfba5a45c9b37f6cd3f5475d2f2fd275aeb186ad0935", "createdAtBlock": 15086576, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1854, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Bellicina Cleaver of Monsters", "text": "# The Tale of Bellicina \n\nFrom the beginning of time, Bellicina has stood her ground but has always had a rough life. Her parents were lost in a fire at a young age and had to fend for her life all alone from then on. Bellicina never had any training to wield a weapon but was exceptionally good at defensive strategies and never giving up no matter what was thrown her way.\n\nWhile traveling far and wide, Bellicina was hunting for food out in the woods. She had set forth a trap to catch any living prey and hang whatever would be caught up in a tree. After waiting only a short period of time, she heard the trap set off. When she walked up to the trap to see what was in its path Marcellus was stuck upside down clumsily caught up in this tree. Bellicina may be ruthless but is not a cannibal! She had let him free and began talking about their journeys over a warm fire that night. After sharing several stories they figured it was best to stay together.\n\nAs time went on, they began going on more and more adventures together. Marcellus even had a pet named Milano that would be on their journeys each and every day. This pet would even sometimes get the food and prey for them while they slept. Years went by and it was clear that they were more than just friends. They got married and Marcellus even shared one of his Tank Heater family shields with her to wield in future battles if anything were to ever happen to him or for Marcellus to not be around at any given moment.\n\nThis would lead to the ultimate trio of Marcellus - Chopper of the Tower, Milano the jaguar and Bellicina - Cleaver of Monsters. Tales were told that Bellicina was once a forgotten lady but these days, the three of them are well known and nothing tends to get in their path."} +{"id": "9e3c97ed-1774-4b70-ad7e-6fabfb765c06-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:48.671", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW3yZYJUwjMdJ6vWj3jgnJCwhvLgMU7vi6MNrX3GD79tW", "txHash": "0xf14d74b0a52852fdc483dbf0a491cc37f0efdde45233ac91c27ee4078b46c4f0", "createdAtBlock": 15088830, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4156, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Conjurer Devon of the Heath", "text": "# Devon of the Heath\n\nWith an infatuation for rabbits and the ability to conjure apples at will, Devon has made it her life goal to construct an empire of rabbits with herself as the Empress"} +{"id": "cac0e260-f38a-46f3-9a43-c4a90245351f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:49.629", "backgroundColor": "#700532", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVKaTJeepgCyG9bDrRNvT6XoTADSV9abYH8U9ceb4xaBS", "txHash": "0x0151fd36ca90338bf51466dc2848d3d3940189f08f34b279cab862312a430d89", "createdAtBlock": 15091004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14116, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmPRST4dHAZ34mFKrpSxDxmvsExDdXX8zP9h3g7ZCmkXGY", "name": "Hoc Sword of the Jungle", "text": "# Hoc Sword of the Jungle \n\n_Hoc & Bert_\n\nMy helmet looks like sherbet\n\nMy sword is pink and green\n\nMy spectacled falcon's name is Bert\n\nHis talons make him mean\n\nMy camo gear will hide me\n\nFrom foe with axe or mace\n\nBut nothing hides them from ole Bert\n\nWhen he rips off their face"} +{"id": "5a009a96-b60a-4432-9384-94996cfbef18-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:50.374", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXKSiQpvPhBezxnDSffspsnv5Y1HVuu66QhFYsyxCaFHt", "txHash": "0x8ab209e923e3909fa05bf6cfcba4fbabd0ca5933c909205cb8cbde650cd2ec75", "createdAtBlock": 15093593, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 869, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Illusionist Dutorn of the Realm", "text": "\"The rose is mine... all mine... its beauty is just imaginable...\"\n\nDutorn had made off with a rose... those fools from the Order of the Eternal Rose left the rose unattended for just long enough that Dutorn was able to snatch it.\n\nHe would live his live on run now... but his master would be so happy with him... so happy indeed..."} +{"id": "e6b0ec46-07c8-4f81-a6a6-8e8c3206469d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:51.18", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmRSJc31ez9oYJfjtwL6o8zCbN4S55kUHWRhn75cUD1AVL", "txHash": "0xf2ee4a0e00417ad1c5bcae4c5292f1d3e2284a76e8a52eeec60271f75f634f46", "createdAtBlock": 15093620, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 14588, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": null, "name": "Howard Eliminator of Tigers", "text": "NUNCHUK! YA! HEE HAHA! OO AH, WHOOO\n\n\nhYENaa life is the best life. All fighters who hyena fight know the power of whaa whaa chaa chap!\n\nNow: where does a master get a drink around here?"} +{"id": "3f8a90cc-fe65-41d3-84b4-79d343deffaa-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:51.989", "backgroundColor": "#0f1b3b", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdX8hBVwYefXLsxAmV36mY7k7MYuRf3oY4hzt7c2k4apt", "txHash": "0x08c8e950580f2a16cd20e2fdff9d792f61b55e019e651479549750732a89caf0", "createdAtBlock": 15093941, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4734, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Danny of the Havens", "text": "# New Lore Entry \n\n## The lore of Magus Danny of the Havens\n\n**FOLKS!!!**\n\nThis is not simply a lore... This is the story of the great Magus Danny!\n\nThere is no one more spectacular of him. The night is not a problem anymore. Magus Danny's cat moves in the dark to find the enemies and when he finds them...\n\n## BOOM!!! ##\n\nThe fireworks start blowing up and lighting the dark sky at night!\n\nNone of you can hide from Magus Danny!"} +{"id": "112c2383-cecf-410c-bf17-ad00c9a9e264-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:39:52.68", "backgroundColor": "#52195c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWMe4EzdQz5evktDk9ibJ6vzjnrnzP81eedkeEwS3Fw2B", "txHash": "0xece641aea01d45fd6f49c95776d430b38dee96a37165aa7ff2260e379c235530", "createdAtBlock": 15096153, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1228, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmZG4byrSqWkJVVugxpaLTTsB8LwbTV3de8aM6DAFwSPRi", "name": "Vega Thief of the Lost City", "text": "# Meet Vega, Thief of the Lost City\n\n\n\n\nVega is a wily expert in obtaining treasures & secrets from the rich and powerful (both those living as well as those for whom only ruins and artifacts remain). She may have stolen a few hearts along the way \n\nGood at: Climbing, parkour, lock picking, swordplay (her own improvisational style) & social engineering. This combo of skills & abilities allows her to get through a variety of situations as she pursues her targets. \n\nBad at: Killing (though not for lack of skill), relationships.\n\nFavorite treasure: Her Armguards of Magic Resistance (found in an unnamed ruin) lessen the effect of magic spells on her. As a result, lately she has focused her attention on the valuable possessions of wizards"} +{"id": "628e96fd-cbac-4319-a177-47fbec3f0ca6-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:17.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvprXreuHSa8vkyZEyS11DGZ411jT6yUCfqcjE5ptgyR", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQqvymNNvbYSmzBfExMfw3PwWLtMBqL5Yr8qfcRP8sD3a", "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Grotto", "text": "# Chapter 1: The hunters code\nShafts of golden light filtered through the forest canopy, dancing on the leaves that slowly swayed at the edges of the secluded glade. The massive beast lay on its side, its mountainous chest rising and falling steadily as it slumbered under the effects of the Dryads Ear plant spell.\n\nThere, there, my beauty, well get you somewhere safe, where you cant make a nuisance of yourself, crooned Eric, stroking the feathers on the first head. The scaly, reptilian second head rested on the ground nearby, snoring softly.\n\nEric sighed and tugged at the bushy red beard that jutted from under his blue hood. It was always refreshing to get back out into the forest to track down another stray, but it was getting harder and harder to relocate them to areas where they wouldnt come into contact with people. He hated having to secure contracts in crowded towns, where the citizens bayed for him to slay their tormentors.\n\nEric scratched Shimmers ears and the dog panted happily. He reflected on lifes many ironies he wasnt sure which was more ridiculous being a peaceful Battle Mage, or an animist who drew much of his power from a toxic rune that was liable at any moment to poison the very environment he so cherished.\n\nEven now he could feel the molten power of the Rune of Cinnabar sliding through his veins, clamouring to be released. The mercury sulphide steamed inside him; he slowed his breathing, focusing his thoughts inwards, methodically suppressing the familiar urges."} +{"id": "628e96fd-cbac-4319-a177-47fbec3f0ca6-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:17.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvprXreuHSa8vkyZEyS11DGZ411jT6yUCfqcjE5ptgyR", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQqvymNNvbYSmzBfExMfw3PwWLtMBqL5Yr8qfcRP8sD3a", "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Grotto", "text": "A streak of crimson snapped him into action and he sprang forward, preparing to cast the rune if necessary and simultaneously hating himself for doing so. Before he had a chance, he felt a searing pain in his leg. He cried out in agony and clutched at his calf, which burnt as though thrust into a fire pit. Shimmer snarled, his hackles raised and fangs bared, but the snake was too fast. As quickly as it had struck, it retreated, then reared up on its tail, the top half of its fiery body standing as tall as a man.\n\n*A red mamba*. Eric gritted his teeth at the blazing pain that roared inside him. He could already feel the heat spreading upwards towards his torso. In a wavering voice, keeping his eyes on the snake, he cast the Dryads Ear this time, on himself. With a slight inflection of the words, he directed the plant spell to mingle with the cinnabar within him. Immediately, he gasped in relief as the concoction started to break down the invading toxins. He wiped sweat from his brow as a man stepped into the clearing behind the snake. He wore a strange, triangular purple-rimmed hat, and over his robes hung a sash that seemed to disappear into the vast recesses of space. The man rubbed a finger along the dome of the crystal skull he carried in his hand.\n\nMy apologies, young man, but you startled Magma here. Regretfully, there is nothing I can do for you the man paused, eyeing Eric thoughtfully as the Battle Mage staggered to his feet. Interesting I thought there was no cure for the bite of a red mamba, but it seems I was mistaken. Well, good news for you, I suppose!"} +{"id": "628e96fd-cbac-4319-a177-47fbec3f0ca6-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:17.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvprXreuHSa8vkyZEyS11DGZ411jT6yUCfqcjE5ptgyR", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQqvymNNvbYSmzBfExMfw3PwWLtMBqL5Yr8qfcRP8sD3a", "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Grotto", "text": "Eric glared at the man. Aye, but not for you, stranger, he snarled, flaring his cinnabar. As he cast the rune, though, it petered out pitifully. Eric grunted angrily and tried again, but once more the casting flared and faded to no effect.\n\nThe other man shook his head ruefully. Im afraid that wont work, lad. Now if you dont mind, Ive been chasing this creature for days and its about time I finish the job. He cast a rune of his own. Brass manacles manifested out of the air and snapped shut around the six legs of the sleeping beast behind Eric, and a gleaming brass sword materialised in the mans left hand.\n\nWhat in the name of Mercury do you think youre doing? asked Eric. I captured this creature. By the hunters code it is mine to do with as I please, and I say it lives.\n\nThe other man contemplated the Battle Mage. I know nothing of this hunters code and I do not consider myself bound by it. I answer to higher laws than those of man. Step aside lad, before I am required to speed you on your way.\n\nListen, whoever you are, youre not taking the life of this creature. It is a wild beast and it is only doing what wild beasts do. *My* job is to make sure it does that far away from people, so that nobody gets hurt *especially* not the animal!\n\nThe other man chuckled. Well, thats very noble of you, but Im afraid I have no time for such sentiment. If left unchecked, these creatures will overrun the Seven Realms. A slayer never quits until the target is destroyed."} +{"id": "628e96fd-cbac-4319-a177-47fbec3f0ca6-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:17.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvprXreuHSa8vkyZEyS11DGZ411jT6yUCfqcjE5ptgyR", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQqvymNNvbYSmzBfExMfw3PwWLtMBqL5Yr8qfcRP8sD3a", "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Grotto", "text": "Eric jutted out his sizeable chin, his red beard bristling. Thats a lovely story. Keep telling it to yourself as you walk away, you rune-torn son of a hag. Shimmer stepped up alongside the Battle Mage and bared his teeth again with a menacing growl.\n\nSuddenly, a jovial voice boomed through the clearing: Gentlemen please, I believe were all on the same side here! Eric gaped as a living myth stepped from the shadows, his rainbowed body sparkling in the soft sunlight.\n\n# Chapter 2: The pact\nThe light was fading from the clearing as the three sat cross-legged around the low fire. Eric shot another glare at the man who sat across the open flames from him. @wizard3032, the Key Master had called him. Eric was still starstruck by the appearance of the gatekeeper. The fabled guardian of the Gate to the Seventh Realm and protector of the Runiverse! \n\nEric had not been sure until this moment whether the Key Master was not just some fabrication of the collective consciousness a God, imagined to soothe people to sleep at night. In the lowlands, his name was whispered with reverence in the same utterance as the great cosmic forces and the Astral Plane. Yet here he was, within touching distance Eric had to crane his neck to look up at the Key Masters giant pyramid head.\n\n@wizard777 drummed giant fingers on the ground impatiently. Im sure hell be here shortly, he said apologetically. Derek follows his own schedule Im afraid. He calls it Sphinx Time. Sometimes I think he does it just to annoy me but, well, he is an excellent mediator.\n\nA moment later, there was a soft thud in the darkness, and Derek padded into the ring of light cast by the fire. The Sphinx looked at them one by one, finally resting his gaze on Eric."} +{"id": "628e96fd-cbac-4319-a177-47fbec3f0ca6-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:17.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvprXreuHSa8vkyZEyS11DGZ411jT6yUCfqcjE5ptgyR", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQqvymNNvbYSmzBfExMfw3PwWLtMBqL5Yr8qfcRP8sD3a", "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Grotto", "text": "Well, whats all this about? I was just in the middle of casting a riddle. He arched one feline brow at the Battle Mage and grinned toothily. Want to try one?\n\nStop teasing the human, Derek, we need you to adjudicate what is to become of this creature. Sacred Key Master hooked a bulbous thumb in the direction of the restrained beast, which still slumbered beneath another administration of Dryads Ear.\n\nThe sphinx settled himself back on his haunches. Alright, lets hear it. The short versions if you please theres a fresh mind waiting for me in the Leap and I dont want it to spoil.\n\nBefore we start, interjected the Key Master, Can we all agree that Dereks judgement will be binding?\n\nApollo nodded. The sphinx is sage; I will accept his verdict.\n\nI would not doubt the word of the Key Master, said Eric. If you wish the sphinx to mediate, then I, too, accept.\n\nOh, goodie, were all agreed then! Derek unsheathed his claws and inspected them nonchalantly. Okay boys, lets hear it.\n\nDerek listened as Eric and Apollo gave their versions of the story, then puffed at his whiskers before he spoke. Allow me to summarise, chaps. Sacred Key Master you know, I give him a hard time, but someone has to keep a demi-gods feet on the ground. Fact is, he guards the Gate to the Seventh Realm and a fine job he does of it. If any of these beasties try to get through, he stops them and forces them to go back to the Seventh Realm, where they belong. \n\nBehind him, the Key Master blushed, his lips quivering with a smile as red coloured the pyramids smooth surface."} +{"id": "628e96fd-cbac-4319-a177-47fbec3f0ca6-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:17.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvprXreuHSa8vkyZEyS11DGZ411jT6yUCfqcjE5ptgyR", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQqvymNNvbYSmzBfExMfw3PwWLtMBqL5Yr8qfcRP8sD3a", "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Grotto", "text": "You, Mr. Mighty Slayer, spend all your time chasing after these things and lopping off their heads and various other appendages, the sphinx continued.\n\nAnd you, red-beard, for some reason which clearly makes sense to your human brain, chase after them, catch them, and move them around the place to keep them away from people, but you *refuse* to kill them because of this thing called empathy (thanks for teaching me a new concept by the way).\n\nThe sphinx, as he spoke, had been prowling around the fire to each of them in turn. Now he stopped, making sure that his face was dramatically lit from underneath, and intoned: The time has come for the Sphinxs Pronounce KGHAAAKGHAAAAAKGHAAA urgh ah... whew sorry about that argh wind change Smoke. In. The. Throat GARGH!\n\nDerek sputtered a bit more, then glared at them all, checking for any signs of mirth. The others sat straight-faced, waiting for him to continue.\n\nAs I was saying AHEM Im going to level out the playing fields. In this realm, Apollo dear fellow, we follow the hunters code the beast is this humans to do with as he chooses.\n\nHah! shouted Eric triumphantly."} +{"id": "628e96fd-cbac-4319-a177-47fbec3f0ca6-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:17.237", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNvprXreuHSa8vkyZEyS11DGZ411jT6yUCfqcjE5ptgyR", "txHash": "0xa41dea9e2553a5138ef740e8640bd7c58f79808da816662493c73d9e89c0927f", "createdAtBlock": 15121894, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1182, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmQqvymNNvbYSmzBfExMfw3PwWLtMBqL5Yr8qfcRP8sD3a", "name": "Battle Mage Eric of the Grotto", "text": "Hah! shouted Eric triumphantly.\n\nThe sphinx raised a clawed finger in Erics direction. Not so fast rouge-barbe. Heres the deal these beasts come from the Seventh Realm, which is the slayers domain. To avoid any more of these conflicts, you will be required to bring any beasts you capture directly to the Gate to the Seventh Realm, so that Rainbow Cakes can send them home. You said yourself that you are finding it harder and harder to find safe places to set them free. Once theyre back in the Seventh Realm, though, theyre fair game for the slayer. As he has told us, the beasts are able to move much more freely in their natural habitat, and he only kills the ones that are causing trouble so, you know, win-win, I reckon!\n\nThe group was silent. Finally, Eric grudgingly spoke. I agreed to do as you wish, Sphinx, and I will not renege on this pact, but how am I supposed to get these beasts to the Gate to the Seventh Realm? All the myths say it is hidden from human eyes, high in the tallest peaks of the Runiverse.\n\nThe Key Master smiled broadly and patted Eric on the shoulder. Never fear, Battle Mage, I can help you with that!\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "c2308230-a533-452d-8f6e-307013b61464-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:04.26", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmUeDshaEjtJCsAxtZLJD8JxkGezuoQ1X3f5TnoKx1cT1d", "txHash": "0x0ae97ffe75d9eae2ad410868920be00872b8ddc1f26e91fe2307003fc7a9f2ea", "createdAtBlock": 15118306, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2506, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://Qmaf766qbfD8PryQwzFaG6qaNJaVAbFQDcJjKSvyjFXgBU", "name": " Celeste of the Wold", "text": "# Celeste of the Wold\n\nCeleste is a member of the Order of the Eternal Rose, a small band of wizards who have set out to source, protect, and nurture the Eternal Roses while exploring the boundless utility of their magic.\n\nCeleste roams the lands, attuned to the pull of the Enchanted Garden she amplifies with forest magic. With her antler corona donned, she sense when and where portals to it might appear. Aiding her in this seeking, and accompanying her in her travels, is her leash of trusty fox familiars: Kaye, and Kaye's family of young kits, whom Celeste and Kaye train to sniff out magic wherever they may find it, to eventually bond to other young wizards.\n\nA quiet and thoughtful forest mage, Celeste speaks little except to Kaye, but enjoys the company of other pure-hearted travellers. She shuns combat and will avoid battle at nearly any cost, preferring to hide or escape for the sake of her precious brood.\n\n\n\nImage of Kaye and her kit courtesy of https://mirror.xyz/bambamsimagination.eth"} +{"id": "e5670de9-66ea-448e-8478-a0f762856115-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:53.805", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW3MTxyhdT3cqMKQzJpcBaBCznouLaPqvCFVyYUKYxqNt", "txHash": "0x25e2249722eb7a0fd20000d7c5d821b17a3f69648c4e8c81baf873358e1dc30e", "createdAtBlock": 15110458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2644, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Sisk of the Fey", "text": "# Securing the Pendant\n\nEXT. ALLYEYWAY - NIGHT\n\nA hooded man waits motionless in the shadows. The night sky almost completely disguises him, but the moonlight outlines his figure. His face is not visible. \n\nAn elderly woman exits the back door of a shop down the road. Using a giant padlock, she locks the door behind her and walks away. \n\nA long beat.\n\nThe man walks over to the store, assuring no-one is around as he approaches. He tugs on the lock and again looks around. He raises his hand to the lock with his palm facing forward. The lock begins to heat up.\n\nA short beat.\n\nThe metal begins to melt from bottom and slowly drips onto the ground. Whats left of the padlock eventually falls to the ground.\n\nThe man opens the door, and he makes his way through the building, leaving his hood up. A few beats pass as he is seen searching through various parts of the store. He checks the glass cases in the showroom before making his way to the back of the store. He checks every drawer, box, and cabinet possible. He is visibly frustrated and throws a small pile of papers into the air.\n\nHe watches the papers fall to the ground and notices an uneven floorboard in the corner of the room. He lifts up the floorboard to reveal a hidden box. He opens the box and finds a pendant with a dark red gemstone and an empty placeholder for another gemstone. He pulls a bright blue gemstone out of his pocket and places it in the pendant. The pendant briefly glows.\n\nThe man walks to a mirror in the showroom and sets the pendant on a nearby table. He slowly removes his hood and reveals his face. He is covered in massive burn marks from his neck up to a large part of his face. \n\nANGLE. HIS BACKSIDE."} +{"id": "e5670de9-66ea-448e-8478-a0f762856115-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T09:30:53.805", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmW3MTxyhdT3cqMKQzJpcBaBCznouLaPqvCFVyYUKYxqNt", "txHash": "0x25e2249722eb7a0fd20000d7c5d821b17a3f69648c4e8c81baf873358e1dc30e", "createdAtBlock": 15110458, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2644, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Pyromancer Sisk of the Fey", "text": "ANGLE. HIS BACKSIDE. \n\nHe ties the pendant around his neck while in front of the mirror. \n\nCLOSE UP. THE MANS FACE.\n\nThe reflection does not show a single scar or burn mark. He rubs his hand against his cheek in disbelief."} +{"id": "4095857d-3063-4f91-932c-873ff9e6d1a4-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.833", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVDhvYxj6zY63mV7MwUcdwwuA1Nnhk2BESW8z3araN59", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaE5od8L9i2XZcpCLkHbJnSJPGHE98TT5d8EwWZG69eKx", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Belfry", "text": "# Chapter 1: An appearance remembered\nBaird skipped through the dappled sunlight deep in the heart of The Fey, giggling at the feel of the grass between his bare toes. Ahead of him, the wolf pup bounded after a flying wood-nymph, barking excitedly.\n\nSkadi, leave the nymph alone! The wolf yipped at him and came bounding back, knocking the small boy off his feet and placing her front paws on his chest, licking his face.\n\nBaird laughed breathlessly, and rolled the pup off him. Skadis legs waved in the air as she wriggled her body, twisting up onto her feet and preparing to leap at him again.\n\nSkadi, wait! whispered Baird, looking into the bushes bordering the grove. The pup cocked her head and stared at him quizzically. Deep within the greenery at the foot of a sturdy, gnarled trunk, a shimmering blue light cast reflections off the foliage. Enthralled, Baird went to investigate, Skadi padding along at his side. The wolf sniffed at the spot as Baird bent down and parted the vegetation, revealing an enormous egg nestled amongst the bushes. He whistled appreciatively. What do you think laid that Skadi? I bet dad will want to see this, Im sure hell know what it is! Skadi raced in a circle around the boy, bouncing up and down and twisting her body excitedly.\n\n\n\nBairds father was the village medicine man, and spent many long hours in the forests searching out restorative herbs and plants to make his potions and balm. Even magic-makers sometimes dropped by, paying handsomely for his cures."} +{"id": "4095857d-3063-4f91-932c-873ff9e6d1a4-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.833", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVDhvYxj6zY63mV7MwUcdwwuA1Nnhk2BESW8z3araN59", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaE5od8L9i2XZcpCLkHbJnSJPGHE98TT5d8EwWZG69eKx", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Belfry", "text": "Baird had always been fascinated by his fathers work even now, he had a pouch bulging with a variety of herbs to take back home but this egg was something else entirely. Baird had never seen anything like it. He wondered briefly if it could be a dragon egg and laughed excitedly at the thought. Skadi echoed his laughter with excited yips of her own.\n\nAs Baird held the egg out in front of him, a sudden flash of heat seared his palm and he cried out, dropping it to the ground. He clutched at his injured hand, where a strange symbol was branded into his palm. The same symbol glowed fiercely on the shell of the egg.\n\nA rune! he gasped through the blazing pain, collapsing to the floor. As he convulsed in the grass, Skadi nuzzled at him and whimpered. Baird was unable to stop the shaking of his muscles and watched helplessly as the egg teetered on its end, then rolled into the wolf cubs hind leg. Skadi whimpered, and Baird smelled the acrid scent of singed hair. The pup collapsed next to the boy, and Baird thought for a moment that he could hear her confused thoughts in his mind before they both lost consciousness."} +{"id": "4095857d-3063-4f91-932c-873ff9e6d1a4-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.833", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVDhvYxj6zY63mV7MwUcdwwuA1Nnhk2BESW8z3araN59", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaE5od8L9i2XZcpCLkHbJnSJPGHE98TT5d8EwWZG69eKx", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Belfry", "text": "# Chapter 2: Disappearance\nLost in thought, Baird blinked and shook himself back to the present. He was staring at the patch of permanently blackened hair in the shape of the Rune of Mars on Skadis haunch, which was mirrored by the scar on his palm. Despite the many years that had passed, that scar had not faded. If anything, it seemed more prominent than ever. He tried to shake loose the memory of that day long ago when the magic had dawned within them both the day that his path away from his family was set in motion. The villagers had been petrified of his sudden unexplained outbursts of power; if he was truly honest with himself, he still had not completely mastered it.\n\nSensing his troubles, Skadi turned and nuzzled her nose into his hand. Baird smiled; that was one good thing, at least. His bond with the wolf had only grown stronger and stronger since the magic had seared itself into them both. He playfully tugged her ear and she pretended to snap at his fingers and then trotted forward, sniffing the path for clues of their quarry. \n\nThey had been working alongside Eric and Pan for the best part of a full seasonal cycle, ranging between The Fey and the other wooded regions of the expansive flats of this part of the world. Over the cycle, the three wizards had had many discussions about the frayed relationship between humanity and the natural world. They had often deliberated the merits of approaching the Green Councilabout addressing this point more firmly with the other wizarding guilds, yet there always seemed to be a new beast to wrangle, a new community to save. For the first time since he had been forced to flee his family home, chased out of the village by people who had known him all his life, Baird truly felt like he belonged."} +{"id": "4095857d-3063-4f91-932c-873ff9e6d1a4-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.833", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVDhvYxj6zY63mV7MwUcdwwuA1Nnhk2BESW8z3araN59", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaE5od8L9i2XZcpCLkHbJnSJPGHE98TT5d8EwWZG69eKx", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Belfry", "text": "Baird could now hear the low rumble of the river. To his left, partially obscured by the squat shrubs dotted between the towering trees of the forest, he could see Shimmer working his way forward in parallel to Skadi, closing in on the beast they were tracking. The dog lived up to his name; the delicate drops of mist from the falls up ahead glittered in the sunlight on his shaggy brown coat. Eric silently followed his familiar, who stood almost as tall as Skadi, even if Shimmer was not quite so bulky. The dog and the wolf had formed an instant hunting partnership as soon as Eric had joined up with Baird and Shaman Pan, seeming to instinctively know what the other was going to do at all times. \n\nHe couldnt see Pan, but he knew that the Shaman would be in position. After a short time, Bairds path converged with Erics. The other Battle Mage grinned and nodded to Baird, who slipped his left hand behind him onto the eggs shell, wondering as always whether the magic would come. He stared at the Rune-scar on his palm, willing it to start glowing. The waxy, puckered skin pulsed, flickered, and he felt the heat coming. He nodded back at Eric, confirming the magics presence."} +{"id": "4095857d-3063-4f91-932c-873ff9e6d1a4-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.833", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVDhvYxj6zY63mV7MwUcdwwuA1Nnhk2BESW8z3araN59", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaE5od8L9i2XZcpCLkHbJnSJPGHE98TT5d8EwWZG69eKx", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Belfry", "text": "He could see the relief on the other Battle Mages face he knew the pain it caused Eric whenever he was forced to use the toxic Rune of Cinnabar. Baird was sure that this was another reason that Eric had been so eager to join forces with him and Pan after all, with two other wizards around, the chances of Erics rune being needed were greatly diminished. Baird begrudged his friend nothing as the Mercury Runes molten energy coursed through him, triggering pain receptors all over his body; he had made peace with the magic thrilled in it, even yet he had never asked for it, nor the suffering he was forced to endure.\n\nBaird readied himself for action. The thunderous roar of the waterfall just around the bend in the river drowned out all other sounds, but as they crept around the bend, the beast came into view. The tall, lizard-like creature cooling itself in the shallows near the bank had the curved beak of a raptor and short arms tipped with wickedly curved claws. This one had certainly proven to be a handful the previous day, when Eric had tried to cast his Dryads Ear soothing. \n\nThey had been prepared when the beast broke free from the spell, yet somehow it had managed to evade their attempts. That was why they had devised this strategy. They needed Pan to strike first, channeling the forests magical energy through his Dumb Stick to hypnotise the beast, so that Baird could cast his Rune of Mars to break down its defences. Baird was convinced that if they managed to subdue the creature in this way, Eric would be able to sedate it with his Dryads Ear this time."} +{"id": "4095857d-3063-4f91-932c-873ff9e6d1a4-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.833", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVDhvYxj6zY63mV7MwUcdwwuA1Nnhk2BESW8z3araN59", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaE5od8L9i2XZcpCLkHbJnSJPGHE98TT5d8EwWZG69eKx", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Belfry", "text": "The agreed moment was upon them; as one, the Battle Mages sprang from the bushes, Skadi and Shimmer converging on the startled beast from either side. But as Baird started to cast his Rune of Mars, he immediately knew that something was terribly wrong. He could not sense the energy of the Dumb Stick. Where was Pan? He felt the scar shudder and the glowing rune on his palm faded. Cursing, he tried to warn Eric, but before he had a chance the beast screeched and sprang straight at him on its elongated, muscular hind legs, knocking him to the ground.\n\nBaird groaned and rolled over as the lanky animal leaped away nimbly through the forest, Skadi and Shimmer in hot pursuit. Panic raced through his mind he shouldnt have been able to roll onto his back\n\nStruggling to his feet, Baird saw the egg rolling down the slope towards the river and all other thoughts fled his mind. Yet even as he stumbled after it, clutching his side, he knew it was too late the egg picked up speed, bouncing onto the moss-covered rocks and out into space.\n\nThe blue patterns on the shell sparkled; the egg seemed to revolve in slow motion, suspended in mid-air over the river. Then it was sucked downwards, plunging into the dark water and disappearing beneath the surface. \n\nBaird ran as fast as he could, but the river ran faster. He could only look on in horror as the white and blue egg popped to the surface, picking up speed as it headed downriver. Entering a stretch of churning white rapids, the egg tumbled end over end in the swirling waters, before being spat out into the smooth, glassy centre of the flow and shooting over the falls."} +{"id": "4095857d-3063-4f91-932c-873ff9e6d1a4-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:18.833", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNVDhvYxj6zY63mV7MwUcdwwuA1Nnhk2BESW8z3araN59", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3916, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmaE5od8L9i2XZcpCLkHbJnSJPGHE98TT5d8EwWZG69eKx", "name": "Battle Mage Baird of the Belfry", "text": "## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "a48772f8-39cd-48f8-adac-19623354a5f0-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:19.614", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNm2mSsruywr9uHk9Dp5NndhQ9Jkz2QCPSc3vwFN1vve6", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2550, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYnnLnVYPyJUxZd8qKEgmwZcmUPLp4UcDUBE8TFoSe9Wb", "name": "Geomancer Esme of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "# Chapter 1: Esme and Pan\nWho are you? asked Pan, shifting into a defensive stance.\n\nMy name is Esme of the Sacred Pillars. I am a Geomancer and, like you, I am a Green Wizard. I come to ask for your aid, @wizard3282, nothing more, said the blue-skinned wizard facing him. The Shaman eyed her warily, clutching his forked Dumb Stick in one hand. His plague rat quivered at his side, looking askance at Esmes familiar Aurora. \n\nThe Shaman had the majestic antlers and head of a stag and, though her sudden appearance had startled him, he exuded a tranquil power that seemed interwoven with his forest surroundings. His voice was deep and true, seeming to take root in the mulch on the forest floor and grow, taking on a life of its own.\n\nI have business to attend to. Even now my comrades are converging on the beast; without my help\n\nEsme cut him off, speaking with rising urgency: Your friends will cope, Shaman. I have seen Thaumaturge Akrons visions of the future in the scattered sand temples tumbling amongst the rocks, flames engulfing the seven guilds, and countless wizards burnt as heretics. Time and again I have witnessed these events and more unfold\n\nShe slammed her fist into her palm as she continued, lips quivering at the thought of @wizard3922, brutally assassinated by his own disciples. The world will turn to ruin beneath the rule of the Celestials if you refuse to join me, but the visions have shown that whenever you put your faith in me we prevail. Together the Emerald Rangers can put a stop to this genocide and return the Temple to the true Astral magicians."} +{"id": "a48772f8-39cd-48f8-adac-19623354a5f0-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:19.614", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNm2mSsruywr9uHk9Dp5NndhQ9Jkz2QCPSc3vwFN1vve6", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2550, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYnnLnVYPyJUxZd8qKEgmwZcmUPLp4UcDUBE8TFoSe9Wb", "name": "Geomancer Esme of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "Isaac had been like a second father to Esme growing up on the mount below the Sacred Pillars, even after she had embraced the Green guild. As a young woman, Esme had visited the Yellow Wizard several times at the Temple of the Falling Stars, where he had served as High Priest for so many years. When the Elders at the Sacred Pillars had informed her of the coup, she had been ready to storm the Temple on her own, before the Thaumaturge intervened with his visions of the alternate futures that could come to pass, and set her off on this journey to find the Shaman. \n\nThe Celestials are coming for our kind, Pan! I have travelled far to see you let me show you. The Thaumaturge has infused my staff with some of his visions. She pulled her emerald staff off her back and sat cross-legged on the ground. The spiked crest of red hair that ran over the centre of her scalp fluttered in the whispers of wind that blew through the small clearing. Aurora bounded over and hopped into her lap and Esme placed one hand on the rabbits soft fur, laying her staff on the ground beside her.\n\nPan hesitated, yet found himself sitting down to face her. As Esme began to speak, she twirled her fingers in Auroras fur, tracing the outlines of the Rune of Fire; the emerald in the head of her staff emitted a dull glow that painted itself across the Shamans face as green fire leaped up from the gemstone. The Shaman blinked in surprise, eyes widening as images began to dance in the flames. When the visions faded, Esme watched him silently. After a moment, Pan took a deep breath, and raised his eyes to meet hers. It seems I have no choice, but we must go and find Eric and Baird. I am sure that they, too, will want to lend their support."} +{"id": "a48772f8-39cd-48f8-adac-19623354a5f0-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:19.614", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNm2mSsruywr9uHk9Dp5NndhQ9Jkz2QCPSc3vwFN1vve6", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2550, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYnnLnVYPyJUxZd8qKEgmwZcmUPLp4UcDUBE8TFoSe9Wb", "name": "Geomancer Esme of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "Esme eyed him intently. We can try, Pan. I must warn you, though, they have their destiny, and you have yours. For the moment, these fates do not intertwine, but it is clear that you will need to see for yourself. Come!\n\nWith that she stood and beckoned him to follow as she strode out of the clearing in the direction of the river.\n\n# Chapter 2: The Emerald Rangers\n@wizard2875 surveyed the scene below from the thick branches high in an ancient Silver Bark. The beast knocked the first Battle Mage flying, then veered towards the other one, who had no time to unleash his rune before the creature was upon him. It slashed downwards with its cruelly hooked beak and the wizard was forced to throw himself backwards into the long grass that hugged the riverbank. \n\nThe beast let out a sharp cry and raised a muscular hind, ready to stamp down on its adversary, but the two familiars appeared simultaneously, springing at the lizard-like animal from either side. Flexing the one leg that remained on the ground the beast sprang between them with startling speed, launching itself straight over the wizards head and bounding off into the forest with the black wolf and shaggy brown dog in pursuit.\n\nAkron turned his attention to the other Battle Mage. Baird was running flat out after the large blue and white egg being swept towards the falls along the narrow but powerful river. His red-bearded companion got groggily to his feet, saw Baird hurtling off down the wooded slope, and immediately set off after his friend, whistling for his familiar to join him."} +{"id": "a48772f8-39cd-48f8-adac-19623354a5f0-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:19.614", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNm2mSsruywr9uHk9Dp5NndhQ9Jkz2QCPSc3vwFN1vve6", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2550, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYnnLnVYPyJUxZd8qKEgmwZcmUPLp4UcDUBE8TFoSe9Wb", "name": "Geomancer Esme of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "Akron smiled with satisfaction. If his divinations were correct, that story would play out in the lower reaches of the river, where its banks broadened and the waters settled into a more meandering route through the tangled forests of The Thorn. The Thaumaturge would have plenty of time to catch up to Baird and Eric, once he had verified that the seed planted with the Geomancer, Esme, had taken root.\n\nHe leant back against the sturdy trunk of the Silver Leaf and waited, enjoying the incessant rumble of the water and the faint veil of mist drifting across his face even here, high above the falls.\n\nThe sun was well past its zenith when the Shaman burst out of the trees on the far side of the river with his plague rat in tow, closely followed by Esme and her dirt rabbit. He cast about the scene, examining the areas of trampled grass, then followed the footprints along the muddy trail that ran next to the river.\n\nThey went this way, Esme. If we hurry, maybe we can catch them!\n\nDespite the roar of the nearby falls, Pans words carried clearly to the finely-tuned ears of Sowil, Akrons dirt rabbit, who crouched in the long grass beneath the Silver Bark. Thanks to the bond with his familiar, Akron heard the Shaman as if the rabbits ears were his own.\n\nEsme stopped, her eyes narrowing as she eyed the bushes to Pans right. She put a finger to her lips and inclined her head in the direction of the bushes. From his vantage point in the towering Silver Bark, Akron could see the lizard-like creature making its way stealthily through the undergrowth, creeping up to Pan and Esme."} +{"id": "a48772f8-39cd-48f8-adac-19623354a5f0-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:19.614", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNm2mSsruywr9uHk9Dp5NndhQ9Jkz2QCPSc3vwFN1vve6", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2550, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYnnLnVYPyJUxZd8qKEgmwZcmUPLp4UcDUBE8TFoSe9Wb", "name": "Geomancer Esme of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "The two wizards whirled around in unison as the creature sprang silently from the cover of the trees, its razor-sharp beak poised for a killing blow. Without fully understanding why, the Shaman raised his Dumb Stick in front of him and channelled the forests energy through the gnarled wood as Esme simultaneously slammed the head of her emerald staff down into the crook of the forked stick. The emerald exploded with light, bathing the creature in a vivid green curtain of radiance.\n\nThe beast let out a cry of rage as it found itself paralysed in mid-leap and crashed to the ground. The light seemed to solidify, condensing around the beasts static limbs, tighter and tighter, squeezing the animal, lengthening and distorting its body through a narrowing beam of light that sucked it into the stone of the Geomancers staff. The emerald shook violently, emitted a piercing whine, then the light faded and everything was silent, save the sound of the waterfall.\n\nThe Shaman stared in awe at the gemstone, unable to speak. \n\nDo you see now, Pan? asked Esme. He nodded, then quickly crouched and spoke soft words into the ear of his plague rat. The small rodent nuzzled his hand, then scurried off down the trail, following the footprints of Eric and Baird that headed off into the forest. The Shaman rose and turned back to Esme. Lets go.\n\nAkron smiled to himself and whispered under his breath as they disappeared into the trees. And so it begins! Another spark of life for the world of wizards. In a flash of elven blue, the Thaumaturge summoned Sowil, whipped his cape over his shoulder, and was gone."} +{"id": "a48772f8-39cd-48f8-adac-19623354a5f0-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:19.614", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmNm2mSsruywr9uHk9Dp5NndhQ9Jkz2QCPSc3vwFN1vve6", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2550, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmYnnLnVYPyJUxZd8qKEgmwZcmUPLp4UcDUBE8TFoSe9Wb", "name": "Geomancer Esme of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "bc174ada-c93e-4e5b-8e3f-fe0a49aa8e7c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:20.594", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmceaRKR1E63kM754ekoEug7urLRLDCpkGw96U5RYJG2rP", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3919, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmegLWnHxZcwtjQBhEjpdJS4tAChJVjByhgA9uVir5YDS9", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Plains", "text": "# Chapter 1: In the service of the Voidlord \nBaozhai watched as the wizard fished the shimmering white and blue egg out of the sluggish flow. She had chanced upon the egg mere moments ago, yet already it captivated her, throwing up a thousand images in her mind a magical creature from another realm to raise as her own the possibilities were limitless! \n\n*The Great Lord will find out, you know He will!* \n\n*Yes! Hell roast strips of your flesh and feed them to you while you beg for mercy!*\n\nShe focused her mind, pushing the voices backwards. Luckily, she had heard the man coming just before she had exposed herself. From the colour of the hip scarf he wore and the band tying back his straight dark hair from his face, she guessed that he was of the Green guild, though that was never a certainty.\n\nNow, hiding in the dense undergrowth, she plotted a way to get the egg away from him. She had sensed the power of the Rune embedded in the eggs shell, even though she was unable to divine its identity. As much as she thirsted for that power, though, she wasnt sure if she was a match for this Battle Mage, and she was not one to take unnecessary risks. This was going to take subtlety. She reached inside her hip pouch and ran her fingertips over the glass vial that held her Astral Potion.\n\n*You could trick Him, Hell never find out, youre skilled enough to keep this secret from Him!*\n\nHera pricked up his ears as another onyx wolf emerged from the forest and trotted over to the wizard. Baozhai could feel her familiar trembling with excitement. She eyed the man on the far riverbank again.\n\n*You are worthless you are nothing the Great Lord will bond you in eternal suffering*"} +{"id": "bc174ada-c93e-4e5b-8e3f-fe0a49aa8e7c-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:20.594", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmceaRKR1E63kM754ekoEug7urLRLDCpkGw96U5RYJG2rP", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3919, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmegLWnHxZcwtjQBhEjpdJS4tAChJVjByhgA9uVir5YDS9", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Plains", "text": "*You are worthless you are nothing the Great Lord will bond you in eternal suffering*\n\n*No! Youve proved yourself useful, He needs you!*\n \nA smile crept across her face as a plan began to form in her mind, pushing the cacophony of voices into the background for a short time.\n\nOne voice remained as always, though, constantly grating metallically inside her skull and reminding her of what was expected:\n \n*You will bring me any magical artefacts you can make, find, or steal, minion! You belong to me now. If you fail me, you will suffer the agonies of the depths of the Quantum Shadow be sure to please me often, for you do not want me to feel unappreciated.*\n\nShe shuddered. The Great Lord of the Void was not one to be trifled with, yet the pull of that egg was overpowering. Perhaps she would be able to hide just this one prize from Him? The Voidlord had been most pleased with the three keys she had brought to Him in the Dream Realm so far. If she could find another treasure to bring Him before she was summoned again, maybe she would be able to keep the egg for herself.\n\nBaozhai steeled herself, fighting to suppress the voices in her head again. If she could just get the egg back to the Alchemists Archipelago, she would have access to the vast alchemical treasury to help her conceal her thoughts from her Lords prying mind for a while perhaps long enough to stash her prize safely and secure a warding to obscure her memories of the egg from His influence."} +{"id": "bc174ada-c93e-4e5b-8e3f-fe0a49aa8e7c-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:20.594", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmceaRKR1E63kM754ekoEug7urLRLDCpkGw96U5RYJG2rP", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3919, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmegLWnHxZcwtjQBhEjpdJS4tAChJVjByhgA9uVir5YDS9", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Plains", "text": "# Chapter 2: The temptress\nBaird clutched the egg close to him, allowing the energy of the rune to flow into him. The relief he felt at having recovered it was tempered somewhat by his concern for Pan. The Shamans failure to appear at the appointed time was a worry. Who knew what misfortune could have befallen him, and his friends had not been there to help. Birds thoughts were tinged with guilt, but equally, he could not imagine surviving without the egg.\n\nIt was a long trek back to The Fey, but with the egg in hand, Baird was determined to return and find out what had happened to his friend. As he sat and pondered, Shimmer burst out of a tangled thicket with a yelp of excitement and bounded over to Skadi. The jet black wolf leapt up to meet the shaggy dog and the pair spun in circles around each other.\n\nA moment later Eric rushed into the clearing, and beamed as he caught sight of Baird. Finally! he boomed. By Mercury, youre a tough man to catch. I see you got your egg back. Dont worry about Pan, hes fine, he sent Fester to find us. He sat down and puffed out his beard, then pulled back the flap of his travel pack so that the plague rat could jump out onto the bare earth, where Eric scattered some nuts and seeds for him to nibble on. \n\nBaird breathed a sigh of relief, and listened as Eric related the story of Pans disappearance. I say we get a good nights sleep then go after him in the morning. Fester says they were moving through The Fey towards Dream Master Lake. If we cut across Frog Master Marsh and head along the Carnival Pass, we can probably make up some time, he finished."} +{"id": "bc174ada-c93e-4e5b-8e3f-fe0a49aa8e7c-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:20.594", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmceaRKR1E63kM754ekoEug7urLRLDCpkGw96U5RYJG2rP", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3919, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmegLWnHxZcwtjQBhEjpdJS4tAChJVjByhgA9uVir5YDS9", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Plains", "text": "Baird agreed, then Eric called Shimmer over. I passed some boar tracks not far back, well go see if we can rustle up some dinner.\n\nIll get a fire going and see if I can find some berries along the river, Baird replied. The two men clasped hands, and Eric and Shimmer walked back the way they had come.\n\n# \n\nBairds stomach growled as he dumped an armful of dry sticks on the ground and began to build the cookfire. As he worked, Skadi suddenly sprang up and bounded out of the camp towards the river. Baird called after her, but the wolf was already gone. Baird stared after her thoughtfully Skadi was independent, but usually he could sense her intentions; this time, no signal had passed through the bond, and he had not even been able to read her body language.\n\nStrapping the egg in its pouch on his back, Baird followed his familiar down the trail, wondering what had made her behave so strangely. The dense tangle of briars on either side of the path clawed at his sleeves as he hurried towards the river, the jagged outline of skeletal trees framing a small sliver of grey sky. Baird came out onto the open riverbank, scanning upriver and down for Skadi, but she was nowhere to be seen; once more, she did not come when he called."} +{"id": "bc174ada-c93e-4e5b-8e3f-fe0a49aa8e7c-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:20.594", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmceaRKR1E63kM754ekoEug7urLRLDCpkGw96U5RYJG2rP", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3919, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmegLWnHxZcwtjQBhEjpdJS4tAChJVjByhgA9uVir5YDS9", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Plains", "text": "Upstream, the rivers path twisted and the water was swallowed by the surrounding forest. Delicate wisps of blue smoke drifted around the bend in the river, filling his nostrils with an enticing scent that coaxed him onwards. As he came around the bend, the river widened into a dark, shallow pool overhung by a riot of different plants. Their vibrant colours and diverse forms were in stark contrast to the thorny interior of the forest; beneath the overhanging plants, amidst the pale blue smoke rising off the surface of the water, bathed the most beautiful woman Baird had ever seen.\n\nIn the back of his mind, an alarm went off, but as the smoke wafted around him, all cautiousness dissipated and he found himself drawn forward as if in a dream. The woman turned, eyeing him over her shoulder alluringly, and beckoned him to join her. He took a deep breath, sucking smoke deep into his lungs. It felt as though he floated on a cloud high above the forest; stars spiralled across his vision and he laid the egg pouch on the ground, then shed his clothes and slipped into the river.\n\n# Chapter 3: A poached egg\nThe Mages cries of despair shook the darkened forest. @wizard2875 tucked his blue cape behind him and parted the brambles covering the thicket where he hid. His elfin eyesight allowed him to see the scene in clear detail, though it was dimly lit by the silver moonlight: Baird knelt on the floor, half-naked, his head in his hands, as Eric tried in vain to console him."} +{"id": "bc174ada-c93e-4e5b-8e3f-fe0a49aa8e7c-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:20.594", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmceaRKR1E63kM754ekoEug7urLRLDCpkGw96U5RYJG2rP", "txHash": "0x1861b708f7382271c2c62ef69b9f9c5f654da7deeaf683288d10bb6246f611b3", "createdAtBlock": 15121905, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3919, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmegLWnHxZcwtjQBhEjpdJS4tAChJVjByhgA9uVir5YDS9", "name": "Alchemist Baozhai of the Plains", "text": "She was long gone by now, but Akron had witnessed the Alchemist tipping her potion into the pool; her onyx wolf coaxing the Mages wolf upstream, away from her master; how the Wizard, infatuated by the vapours of the potion, had allowed himself to be seduced, and had then fallen asleep on the riverbank; the alchemist dressing hurriedly and disappearing into the forest with the egg slung over her shoulder in its pouch.\n\nThe Thaumaturge shook his head ruefully. It did not please him to see Baird in such pain. Yet it was necessary For the solar visions to come to pass, he must suffer now; Akrons latest visions had been very clear, it was not enough that the Battle Mages had been separated from the newly-formed Emerald Rangers. @wizard4298s anger when he discovered that the Alchemist was hiding the eggs existence from him would divert his attention for a time, allowing events to unfold without his interference. \n\nWhether Baird ever regained the egg or not well, that remained to be seen. Akron was satisfied regardless; it mattered not in the greater scheme of things. With the egg in the Alchemists keeping, for now the Runiverse would struggle on.\n\n## Story Arc Index:\nPrologue: @wizard2875\n \nPart 1: @wizard3032\n \nPart 2: @wizard1182\n \nPart 3: @wizard3282\n \nPart 4: @wizard3916\n \nPart 5: @wizard2550\n \nPart 6: @wizard3919\n \nPart 7: @pony433"} +{"id": "7323869b-8206-4401-b1d6-ecbd60aa1e34-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:24.958", "backgroundColor": "#8fcc8e", "index": 1, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTVwzBFf5UefhEuZvxuPdoo2Pb94yhDycjn8WQMVnQos5", "txHash": "0xdb820f4b327a30b9f8da9ed0d1ecd36c6a83cca78266dea41a2384db13c70d0e", "createdAtBlock": 15130031, "nsfw": true, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3312, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Shaman Thor of the Obelisk", "text": "Halfling / Shaman\nRaised in an asylum, his father abandoned him and his mother was imprisoned. Disgusted by societys decadence Thor decided to leave it behind. He realized that the Gods worked through him. He didnt know why he was chosen to serve. It was Thor that stopped the Evil Druid that had declared war on the Runes."} +{"id": "e64d1be4-809e-4dd3-9606-7edc3a411e1c-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:26.559", "backgroundColor": "#ff928c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWSFcrCJhEsESRz1u4mUReuiiEDuGf4Jbiu3vhachoAP5", "txHash": "0x5cdcf9cc6cc7988a1c7486ed31b4f0c03786aca32d66f2d9993865e2e1e45d8b", "createdAtBlock": 15130055, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 899, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Chronomancer Udor of the Marsh", "text": "**Half Orc / Chronomancer** \nFor reasons unknown Udor was exiled from his community. He wandered deep into The Thorn and then into the Quantum Shadow. He accidentally walked through a time portal and wound up in Cuckoo Land and the Psychic Leap. Realizing he had gone forward in time he returned to his village only to find his older but now younger brother Theobald II-Song. Together they explored an abandoned school of magic and defeated the illusions within."} +{"id": "110be6a1-637c-4959-b396-57a93a6c9adb-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:27.271", "backgroundColor": "#e3f762", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXstCcyBNN9r4UMbCHAGfAAKiRchJjLNmPSgXGpEEsuPL", "txHash": "0xa0ca1b5d864a964d215d656de7bc5ad02899030b4d17e89996c28f9902fb20fa", "createdAtBlock": 15130081, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 898, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Artis of Mu", "text": "**Elf / Huntress **\nAt an early age Artis knew people to be gullible and easily exploited by her beauty. The gods gave her an unmistakable sign and she dropped everything to serve the divine. After completing the sacred Trial of Chiefs for a tribe of wood elves Artis accidentally disrupted a ritual in a sand temple outside Zaros Oasis turning everyone into sand. She was later noted for reuniting a group of monks and helped defend their monastery from a warband. Artis reunited with her 5 siblings and now looks over Zaros Oasis and the sand people that she cursed."} +{"id": "1bb0f994-eb1b-495a-b3c7-0f258943feed-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:28.017", "backgroundColor": "#92312c", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPWHM7bfXvXJ8objhD97cebqrW4dmzmYKwXXsgmKFuNeZ", "txHash": "0x89c352cf8a5a94b91cf31e9a4ac178ac0841737cc04dab3eb687d0a79289ebdd", "createdAtBlock": 15130105, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2016, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Malthus of the Mist", "text": "**Lycanthrope / Wizard**\nAs a child Malthus was considered a prodigy of sorts. He demonstrated a mastery of the arcane arts. When he was old enough he set out on his own to learn more magic and expand his power. It was his time at the Toadstools that he began to dabble in the dark arts. But News traveled from home that a terrible blight had caused crops to fail and many to starve. Having lost his sibling he left The Toadstools and made his way back to the Vampyre Mist. He cast a Necromancy spell to revive two of his siblings. They were never quite the same but it was all the family he had left."} +{"id": "33ca5948-26df-4db4-857e-9e9a030ebb2d-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:28.754", "backgroundColor": "#0b0b0b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXjdUJcDyj3xKssgQG1SxbBgbJgVjNMkzTrW5dQXwSQaS", "txHash": "0xae44bbc82c41514f77dcd812ac2cc87b56882f15bddbc3415f0dc3ff9b017769", "createdAtBlock": 15130110, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2394, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Malthus of the Mount", "text": "**Human / Pirate **\nHe needed to escape his village quickly so he stowed away on a ship. When the crew found him they forced him to work for his passage to the new world. Malthus worked as a sailor for many years and became respected throughout the Salt and Brine. He eventually retired off the coast of Skylord Rookery."} +{"id": "53b52dd0-bd35-402b-b96f-dc8fa03420be-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:29.377", "backgroundColor": "#123b0f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmTFoenQzwDrLJfKKZMqAbfKUax9k163n3QRZyKFHWfwJ2", "txHash": "0x6a63df3d83d1595a92791135e5468532adaaebb10559a3f834bbd4e0f87a9fca", "createdAtBlock": 15130126, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2365, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Electromancer Darick of the Tower", "text": "**Dragonborn / Time traveler **\nSon of Jaxi and Zedaar Pyraxtallinost both successful Wizard explorers. Raised by neither of his parents Darick spent most of his childhood wandering through portals and time traveling. Having made over 400 Psychic leaps Darick went on to become headmaster at the Secret towers where he taught portal jumping for over 3 decades. His apprentice Hillanot accidentally sent Darick to the Archepelgo dimension where hes been trapped and unable to escape the island of Alchemists. They say the lighting during the rainy season is from Darick casting lighting spells out frustration of being unable to escape the island."} +{"id": "daa659d0-7002-4305-a196-2843053df3ee-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:30.302", "backgroundColor": "#ff4b42", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWJTiKTWAEWwrm8qJDT2cFXZVFQnMcAuPSVHKWxEgSYAr", "txHash": "0x3c0fe8e40a7c874591afb4db11321b0866e2b683b203eba289a012abd9cbed33", "createdAtBlock": 15130581, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 2639, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Taqi of the Tower", "text": "**Punjabi / Sorcerer **\nRaised by his parents who were both halfing fighters. Taqi grew up on the streets of Calistas Citadel. War ravaged the town of Calista reducing everything to rubble and ruin. In the aftermath it was Taqi that helped rebuild the city. He later designed and constructed the Tower of hope where wizards, sorcerers, and warlocks could hone their skills."} +{"id": "78bff5ec-5ab4-4162-9849-54c5c8669f8b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:31.744", "backgroundColor": "#5d92ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmey2QtFfkxNJKtkP54W14i2t9aysSbD24qWLLpeW6y91i", "txHash": "0x5d36c3199deae77d6980fda79e36208090c5877b568265df4d437aa33a84057c", "createdAtBlock": 15130587, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 3771, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Fark of the Wood", "text": "**Half-Orc / Wizard**\nArchmagus grew up listening to tales of great wizards and knew he wanted to follow in their path. He strove to be accepted at an academy of magic and succeeded. After defeating the dread Beast Baaloch inside its volcanic lair Archmagus went on to stop the water elementals from forming in a magic fountain and then bested an Azer Lord in a massive workshop in the shadowfell."} +{"id": "d84b1e3d-cef4-4565-ac4a-1cd4d7a2d4e7-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:32.533", "backgroundColor": "#5e3c00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXFaSGCzfKBt6VUUehsXvUq3K4xLdwjwC6xAaxZrv4J1a", "txHash": "0x1db51d212e19ff07f59400cc22970c8f883f7097bb70fddd4b31486e2c659d2d", "createdAtBlock": 15130596, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4029, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Plains", "text": "**Human / Hermit **\nEnamored by tales of heroes, Aleister dreamed of being something more than ordinary. One day while wandering around Hedge WIzard Wood Aleister encountered an otherworldly being the two entered into a dark pact and they became inseparable. Together they explored The Feywild and attended the court of an Archfey. They resolved a fight between two chromatic dragons that almost devisated the countryside."} +{"id": "0cac174a-5a45-485f-b4eb-90d1bfc304a8-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:36.615", "backgroundColor": "#ff493f", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWTreKQntZJN5YbJ9FgjEQmChcT8K4nYdTppbHqLu6eBQ", "txHash": "0x31897e4182f8804818ccf68f895e433dff7e64642c49833792b6bdf411a877e1", "createdAtBlock": 15130683, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5492, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Nicolas of the Canyon", "text": "**Dwarf / Barbarian **\nDwarves are some of the most fascinating creatures in all of the Forgotten Runes. Small compared to most but do not let their size fool you. They are some of the most determined folk you will ever meet. Fighting was the only life Nicolas ever knew. His anger needed to be channeled into battle, or he risked becoming an indiscriminate killer. He spent time in jail chained to an orc. He served his sentence of 4 years after being convicted of theft. A distant relative left him a stipend that enabled him to live a comfortable lifestyle for 19 years."} +{"id": "e4552c63-8435-479c-988e-0603d72ba424-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:33.504", "backgroundColor": "#48fff0", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmdDwmFqvJz6e67k5U7tC4xyYfb4M1mFjFCyNxbHePgeLM", "txHash": "0xe06c0c3e8bf485ae71cd26d087f0399891afae6903c5e8b90b7e461c5e1b6b6c", "createdAtBlock": 15130619, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4025, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Sorcerer Soya of the Brambles", "text": "**Half Elf / Sorcerer **\nSoya grew up in a small village deep in the Fey wood. Soya and his 5 siblings were raised by their father Bertram, a human sorcerer. Their mother Ahinar was imprisoned for attempting to steal one of The Seven Toadstools. Soya followed in his mothers footsteps and became a well known criminal who fell in with a gang of reprobates and neer-do wells, where he learned to heist jewels from luminaries. After being ensorcelled by a fey Soya was enslaved for 6 years in the Alessars Keep Prison. On the day of his release he helped a grand wizard capture a demon."} +{"id": "23a7a0c5-1287-4e50-b3e7-fc50717180fd-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:34.371", "backgroundColor": "#007bff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPiJKx4orcxoWYcebgD2Z5NiDnWGXsaouhvGv3nwuhiL3", "txHash": "0x1d3651a6b74f35e3b444325fc57013adbc0a381f653e4a1289dbe5b8cb115f90", "createdAtBlock": 15130637, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4661, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Hedge Wizard Blaise of the Sacred Pillars", "text": "**Human / Entertainer** \nOriginally thought to be from the Ethereal Planes Blaise grew up in a mansion and had many friends. Everyone knew him and was liked by all. One day in the local tavern he met a traveling entertainer that took Blaise to see a bard perform. It was then Blaise knew what he was born to do. After his Mother passed away Blaise packed up his belongings and went to Atlantas Pool where you can still see him perform his act in the King's Court. His father is still alive and well. They spend the summers in Kelpies Bay together drinking Green Dragons Ale, eating too much Salt Fish, and Honey Cake."} +{"id": "ce8d37ef-eff9-4952-bb96-a6fbcb772b7b-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:35.095", "backgroundColor": "#696868", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmVZh2LfrMgMbqWZ3NpH8d8dVf3DdFNpNBTQJL77ssP6TW", "txHash": "0x06081439de151785d8438a01999ca14ad97c2cc98e36ebb000cebe949f7df239", "createdAtBlock": 15130645, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4608, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Clairvoyant Soya of the Villa", "text": "**Dragonborn / Monk**\nSoya was comfortable with being isolated. He sought inner peace, searching for instruction to gain a deeper understanding of existence and his place in the world. It was at The Great Owl Obelisk Tower where he became a monk. For 3 years he did not speak a single word and he unlocked the mysteries of the world by using the deepest forms of ancient meditation. It was the first day of spring and he broke his vow of silence as he explained to his fellow monks that the Ancient Druids spoke to him in his dreams and urged Soya to leave The Tower at once. Not knowing where he was going he wandered into Frog Master Marsh where he nearly died from an attack from a pack of wild wargs. Left with scars and one ear, Sha Charlton, a half-orc druid brought him back to her village and nursed him back to health by using Athelas. They fell in love and had several children."} +{"id": "2654413d-7ea9-45bc-ba9c-bfa7200f1ac1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:35.891", "backgroundColor": "#42b9ff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaUBdccZCvnvZi43n9VqGjgSecXfBkN67DR7aT3PC81L2", "txHash": "0x64041b9ae790d1d81c2f80a455a4edcd39a600ba38d36f2abaf5c105483c5bfc", "createdAtBlock": 15130667, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4897, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Witch Lilith of the Brambles", "text": "**Elf / Witch **\nHer immediate family never spoke of her ancestors and when she asked they changed the subject. It wasn't until she started displaying strange talents that the full truth of her heritage came out. Monsters wiped out Liliths village, She was the sole survivor. She had to find a way to survive. She was accused of extortion. She committed the crime but nonetheless the authorities found her not guilty.."} +{"id": "efedefe5-182e-4415-8d8a-2d25143ebf32-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:37.309", "backgroundColor": "#bc4bff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSW6eYQxGRiY9TnzSJ63bixfj2976THQKa47jXBj9Zcam", "txHash": "0x2bb518489dd51433c80362b91a57984c89c453f068bacf251720b4334b4f3238", "createdAtBlock": 15130691, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 5716, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Robin of the Heath", "text": "**Gnome / Noble **\nRobins family is filled with remarkable people. He hoped to live up to their example. When he was born all the water in Dream Master Lake froze solid, the milk spoiled, all the iron turned to copper. His family was convinced that this event was a harbinger of stranger things to come for Robin. He was ensorcelled by a fey and enslaved for 3 years before he could escape."} +{"id": "dd21578d-b3d9-48fd-9a9c-727474c181ea-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:39.002", "backgroundColor": "#ff8f23", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSgK34anebNWyT5cc2EaWeQayJ2RdisW7JTqPgxUEdmcg", "txHash": "0x5f4f755b1d45e4b3fdc523e4147061bdcf05a1def187791d557434d8e20f44c9", "createdAtBlock": 15130714, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6997, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Battle Mage Rodolfo of Avalon", "text": "**Tiefling / Warlock**\nRodolfo often got in trouble but managed to talk his way out of it every time. When he was faced with a terrible crisis he prayed to any being who would listen, and the creature that answered was a crow named Fafnir who became his patron. Fafnir happened to be a level 37 wizard who defeated a Revenant in a castle of Ice in the Mountains of the Sacred Pillars. Now they brew the best Miruvor in all of The Quantum Shadow."} +{"id": "11fcc808-374a-464c-b1ba-aba8efd79921-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:40.704", "backgroundColor": "#b95dff", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmXayLGW51UGeDU8h9A3pdagogq7syxBKmG4fZzLe3U2ec", "txHash": "0xf24340991a95f7a6b9a2f80dad2a5cca5b3c836ea567dd826cc5e5ff94bbeb10", "createdAtBlock": 15130726, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7987, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Allistair of the Wood", "text": "**Half Elf / Sorcerer**\nSon of Ahinar and Koath Allistair, both highly esteemed members of the Sacred Pillars guild. Growing up Archmagus saw spirits and entities that no one else could perceive. He sought out the ancient druids to help understand the visions and communicate with these unperceived beings. Accused of murder and nearly caught in the act Archmagus had to flee the countryside and is wanted in Kobolds Crossroad to this day."} +{"id": "3ac05893-978d-43ff-83fb-dc4e5228aaa9-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:41.37", "backgroundColor": "#1d1a1a", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmViLRMCb8uVtgHUmYgpkxk2PWb5bzgTzafZZ6LD6BVEiB", "txHash": "0x9a16976ae20765dc85d3d2c3e2f8a3cba1be8f22f56e883b6f17cfbbc23e0a31", "createdAtBlock": 15130737, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9197, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Magus Kang from the Shadow", "text": "**Human / Shaolin Monk Pirate** \nPress-ganged by pirates and forced to serve on the Golden Eel until one day Magus finally escaped while the crew was docked and passed out in Kelpies Bay. Overwhelmed with anxiety he sought the advice of philosophers to help face his fears. To prove himself worthy he wandered deep into The Thorn until he came across something magical. He emerged with the purple horseshoe of manipulation and Sapphire Slime. He then overthrew the Golden Eel and enslaved its crew. He set sail to the Brine and Salt and no one has seen the Eel or Magus ever since."} +{"id": "4a8c44f0-0b84-44f0-b16a-490b10efd3df-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:58.011", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 10, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsoVU4FDdek4JGraoYicqQMSmB4VQBKsweGcLFMmTZbj", "txHash": "0xa29baaafac94cea1e634c63026000305d2c98514764af636b490f7c1bc38d317", "createdAtBlock": 15144517, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmTh5bvDMMNfxnsbksWHjyWWbgs1RV4JRx77nGNCvVaW", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "# Pizza Dough!!"} +{"id": "4a8c44f0-0b84-44f0-b16a-490b10efd3df-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:58.011", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 10, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsoVU4FDdek4JGraoYicqQMSmB4VQBKsweGcLFMmTZbj", "txHash": "0xa29baaafac94cea1e634c63026000305d2c98514764af636b490f7c1bc38d317", "createdAtBlock": 15144517, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmTh5bvDMMNfxnsbksWHjyWWbgs1RV4JRx77nGNCvVaW", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "**Ingredients:** \n+ 1L of LUKE WARM Water (TIP: don't ask your Goblins to warm it up!) \n+ 650gr of 00 Flour (NOT BLEACHED!) \n+ 15ml Olive Oil \n+ 26gr Salt \n+ 1 Tbs of Honey (Not necessary if oven > 320 C/608 F) \n+ 2.5gr Dry Yeast (5gr fresh yeast) \n \n \n**Preparation** \n \nDissolve the Yeast and the Honey in the L of water and put it into a bowl. \nSift all the flour into a SEPARATE bowl to remove any impurity and break down eventual conglomerates. \nSlowly start to add the flower into the water bowl while with your strong hand stir the mix on a continuous and steady circular movement. (TIP: have the bowl slightly inclined while the mix is dense enough). The idea is to allow the two ingredients to bond together forming what is called the \"GLUTEN NET\". What most people do wrong here is indeed not keeping a steady and circular movement, stiring randomly and therefore breaking it down. \nAdd the salt as soon as you start feeling the mass forming. \nOnce the mix is consistent enough, you can add the Olive Oil and transfer it to a working bench covered with a dust of flower: here is where the kitting and consolidation of the gluten net will happen. \nKeep gently folding the dough until the external surface is clean from flour or water residues and feels tight enough. Usually, 15 min of well done work should be enough. \n \nGrab back the bowl of before, place the dough inside and cover it with a humid towel. \nPlace it in a dark and room temperature cupboard for ~3 hours."} +{"id": "4a8c44f0-0b84-44f0-b16a-490b10efd3df-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:58.011", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 10, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmSsoVU4FDdek4JGraoYicqQMSmB4VQBKsweGcLFMmTZbj", "txHash": "0xa29baaafac94cea1e634c63026000305d2c98514764af636b490f7c1bc38d317", "createdAtBlock": 15144517, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4733, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmVmTh5bvDMMNfxnsbksWHjyWWbgs1RV4JRx77nGNCvVaW", "name": "Ice Mage Flynn of the Ice", "text": "Place it in a dark and room temperature cupboard for ~3 hours. \nAfter ~3 hours, remove the humid towel, cut the dough in 4 equal pieces, shape them as balls and place them in a SEALED container, leaving to them enough space to grow (15cm from every side). \nStore them in the fridge @ 3-7`C for NOT LESS then 12h. \nPull the dough out from the fridge **3 to 5 hours prior baking**, depending on room temperature. \nNOTICE: It's very important to allow the yeast to \"wake up\" from cold temperature and start working actively again. Also, the temperature of the dough entering the Oven, should ideally be 25-26*C.\n \nStretch, top and bake! ENJOY"} +{"id": "6e70c406-4e9c-4772-b568-edc6bda51fe1-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:58.859", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHGhf6KPCLWN4mkTsL7VtcposMKmyafWPZYfjSVn5V7R", "txHash": "0x43e0ab8421c672d9e39e82901f6461c6c1511ecfeab816d5808cc3fd2c1a645c", "createdAtBlock": 15145756, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Konoha of the Plains", "text": "Alchemist Konoha: Manifester of the Plague\n\n\nEver since the wizards of the Runiverse had been introduced to years of havoc and war, not\nmuch attention has been given to the origins of some of the disasters imposed upon them.\nParticularly, the genesis of the plague that led to the demise of thousands of wizards and\nstranger folks was largely unknown. Never would the lower dwellers have imagined the one who\nhad promised them escape from famine- Alchemist Konoha- was the same wizard who had\nunleashed a plague onto them.\n\n\nAlchemist Konoha was once known for his extraordinary alchemist skills; his ability to create\nsubstances was unmatched. No-one knew for sure what had happened, but one day, Alchemist\nKonoha left the Alchemist's Archipelago towards the Wild in search of materials that he could\nuse for his alchemy that would allow the famines to subside.\n\nAt one point during his quest, Alchemist Konoha encounters a stranger folk who offers him a\npassion potion, claiming that it is the cure to the famines that would save the lives of many. Unsure of the way the potion works, he decided to test it for himself and take a sip. After a few moments, he found himself hallucinating and experiencing eccentric visions. His face began to bare a tengu appearance and his skin slowly turned red. \n\nAs he attempted to fight and gain back control of his mind, he realised that he was beginning to have visions on how to make use of the matter around him. His unconscious mind was guiding\nhim on how to create substances from elements around him essentially being able to create\nanything from the simplest of materials. Realising that this was the key to success, he caved\ninto his mind, dousing himself in more passion potion until his eyes had turned to glass."} +{"id": "6e70c406-4e9c-4772-b568-edc6bda51fe1-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:58.859", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHGhf6KPCLWN4mkTsL7VtcposMKmyafWPZYfjSVn5V7R", "txHash": "0x43e0ab8421c672d9e39e82901f6461c6c1511ecfeab816d5808cc3fd2c1a645c", "createdAtBlock": 15145756, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Konoha of the Plains", "text": "When he returned to his island, he was unrecognisable to all except for his wife, Medium\nCybele, who noticed the ring on his finger. Worried by his strange appearance and behavior, the other wizards moved away from him. Alchemist Konoha rejoiced over his new abilities, oblivious to the fact that he was not communicating to the wizards in a comprehensible manner and was merely speaking to himself. He does not think much of their eerie silence, and continues to speak utter nonsense.\n\nThen chaotically, his visions fixate on his wifes familiar, an ember frog, telling him to use it for it would end the famine. His new abilities allow him to quickly create a transmutation circle that- in his mind- transforms the ember frog into satiety potions. Yet in reality, the frog became corrupted and produced spores that in turn produced miasma, a heavy cloud of toxic organic matter. His glass eyes had shut him away from the realities of the world, tricking him that the toxic cloud in front of him was indeed the key to making satiety potions that could end hunger.\n\nThe wizards watched in horror as the miasma spread, and some of the stronger alchemists\ncharged up against Alchemist Konoha to stop him. Lost in his deteriorating sanity, Alchemist\nKonoha plunges the wizards into the transmutation circle. The wizards screamed in agony as\nthey slowly rotted away and their organic matter added to the miasma above.\n\nHis wife, in the process of running away, inhales some of the toxic air and develops large\nswellings on her hands and black markings on her face. She continues towards the south and,\nwhile her escape was victorious, she inadvertently carries within her what will become the\nbeginning of the plague in Calistas Citadel. With every breath, she releases spores that infect others around her."} +{"id": "6e70c406-4e9c-4772-b568-edc6bda51fe1-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:58.859", "backgroundColor": "#ff0d00", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmeHGhf6KPCLWN4mkTsL7VtcposMKmyafWPZYfjSVn5V7R", "txHash": "0x43e0ab8421c672d9e39e82901f6461c6c1511ecfeab816d5808cc3fd2c1a645c", "createdAtBlock": 15145756, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9730, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Alchemist Konoha of the Plains", "text": "The Runiverse would be met with years of an unstoppable plague caused by a wizard who\nremains under the spell of a passion potion. It remains unclear who the stranger folk was that had offered him the potion, or how to make Alchemist Konoha come back to his senses.\nSupposedly, wizards like Holy Monk Aldo have tried to come up with a cure against the plague,\nbut to this day none remain successful."} +{"id": "9b3473b3-c2df-4ba3-99f2-5b81a3c0242f-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:43.663", "backgroundColor": "#008532", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPNgUrQxq4f5cFYdcmhZo6D3ADKHCdXs5ZWQVB95CWSKi", "txHash": "0xda4792983ae80e7c7d030bbb0efe5ca15cceb7d5bce008dc229666eff885023c", "createdAtBlock": 15130757, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6032, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Gwendolin of the Wood", "text": "**Goblin / witch** \nBorn on an outer plain her father was enslaved for criminal activities. Gwendolin was raised by her mother Felosial, a neutral elf cleric. Gwendolin resented authority in her younger days and saw the life of crime the best way to fight against tyranny and oppression. She suffered a terrible emotional strain, which brought forth her latent magical powers. She still fights to control it. She later discovered the mystery of the moving Aldos Isle. She started an illegal magic item smuggling ring operation out of Goblin Town prison."} +{"id": "0a332201-6149-412e-8feb-871a03826156-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:44.434", "backgroundColor": "#c465fb", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQCGnaSHgQ5FKpn4LbGXZVKhdVLZ7gmGFH2XTyz3fuxNW", "txHash": "0x22fcda038167648a48f6187132215356c9c4a67d1b1101fed2bcc746903ca34a", "createdAtBlock": 15130762, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6910, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Archmagus Gellert of the Desert", "text": "**Half Orc / Soldier** \nForced by the local lord to enlist in the Skylord Army. Gellert learned how to fight amongst an elite group of soldiers. Battle after countless battle Gellert began losing his mind. Suffering from terrible nightmares drove Gellert to the brink of insanity. He took what sense he had left and made his way to The Weird house where they experimented with Dragon Eggs. He wanders the desert under the assumption that he is a Sandril."} +{"id": "c6b1be05-2d9f-479b-a894-907bc098343a-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:53:40.266", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmQdH4zS9QTdECm6gMFRHjQ69M1FMjGvpQDEA9hVv1hWqM", "txHash": "0xcfda1dc1a0a0ebfb6a5b07f4a0c27a4e614d35066002b7dcb1be6e2f0212a6a3", "createdAtBlock": 15146749, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 4901, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Vampyre Damien of the Havens", "text": "Stealing wasnt something Damien was concerned about. Not anymore. He was a bloodsucking Vampyre, after all. And made his experiments much easier too, since obtaining rare substances and items was no longer a question of money. \n\nDamien was a scientist as long as he can remember. Now he was also a Vampyre and a thief. He learned soon enough that Vampyre magic enables him to get to hard to reach places, persuade hard to persuade people and get his hands on hard to obtain items. Since he became a Vampyre his laboratory never lacked substances, tools and items to experiment with. But Sacred Flame is something Vampyres shouldnt play with lightly. Especially Vampyres, who are very sensitive to fire and all things sacred."} +{"id": "5fc4f929-aaee-4d2f-af17-9f5478bb9434-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:45.091", "backgroundColor": "#a9a9a9", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmaPU1bg9RbjA47Es8n4ZEQvLX1GfVp5r8jYyvi2wEiS8K", "txHash": "0x92afbb59a5a23fa8b05194706e33a5022044ad383b3330fdf0ce62e186bf0c4e", "createdAtBlock": 15130774, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 7768, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Jasper of the Moors", "text": "**Gnome / Folk Hero** \nRaised by the famous lawful Gnome Cleric, Fabien Jasper. Growing up Artificer was never well liked amongst his peers. Always acting as though he was better than everyone he knew all too well the gentle art of making enemies. Through trial and error Artificer awakened his latent bardic abilities. He became quite famous for his writings and was well received throughout Chronomancers Riviera where he still lives with his wife Vaina, a neutral Elf Cleric. Together they saved dozens of children from a warren of Kobolds."} +{"id": "9ace76b5-117f-4a08-aa04-7d478f4f7d07-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:45.785", "backgroundColor": "#bc0900", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmWb14VHB274oxWL16eADcu79M338X4QyjukFFNVQ37v3C", "txHash": "0xddb1aeccf8eb563caf2a6d4505e9b01c039201a9f62a46e780640b5d6734ce40", "createdAtBlock": 15130784, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 9808, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Artificer Toby of the Hall", "text": "**Gnome / Outlander** \nToby grew up without a permanent home. Others saw him as different and kind of strange so he had few companions. A notorious thief looked after Toby and other orphans in Fur Gnome Wold. Toby spied and stole to earn his keep. Having an affinity for animals he explored his talent to see how he could use it best. Along his travels he met and fell in love with Jacoba Marlee, an evil human sorcerer. She disappeared without a trace and Toby has been searching for her ever since."} +{"id": "be2dc4ae-a3be-4f76-93d0-660f2a787fac-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:47.228", "backgroundColor": "#000000", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://Qmasw7F9bddE3MikY5NRAQyhoFyJKFwv8EXGdKpzTp1V9M", "txHash": "0xcc7d0e8c3768fb8c64eb5c168b43c6e7260fa31ade7455cdd7b642d81ecf7807", "createdAtBlock": 15134649, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 12794, "slug": "warriors", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmTp4Smz6LvP8cXSHR5R4BJXwwQWicoQW5neVmwBBZDoaX", "name": "Arvid Terror of Penguins", "text": "# PENGUINS!\n\nArgh!! Horrible little birds that waddle around trying to look cute, when in reality they are devious little swines.\n\nWe've all heard the legends about the criminal penguin known under the alias Feathers McGraw, how he managed to disguise himself as a chicken to defraud and steal. Evil creatures. Never trust a penguin. Ever.\n\nOne such victim of penguin nefariousness is poor Arvid. Her favourite, and indeed only sword was stolen by a vicious gang of penguin bandits. She saved up for months to buy the beautiful blade, only for several smelly little bastards to sneak into her hovel and steal it. Why?! Who knows! What on earth do penguins need with a longsword? Maybe they traded it for fish? I doubt we'll ever find out.\n\nSo for now, Arvid is not only bladeless, but she is full of anger. This anger will rain down on all the penguins. All of them. Of course, all her guildmates find this hilarious and have apparently given her a daft title, which she hates almost as much as those wretched penguins."} +{"id": "0e88a30b-6d7a-4365-bdec-b7b37c7ecb82-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:48.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvZuHC97aBTX5aNHnbETG7CfAQn6gRouGHN9hJ14wMaT", "txHash": "0x3855702572b9dd01fc13c6855570f4372fab303ea74fc4f60bb015acf8ca70d2", "createdAtBlock": 15137004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV3FZdYHbjUGYon6PF2XPHp7eGdRbB9EPMvaKWVQmYciH", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> Art by jun_ka\n\n\n# The Psychic Leap\n---\nHadrien had ignored the people around him when they said it was easy to get lost in Cuckoo Land and set off anyway. Whilst many understood why he was leaving, they were adamant that if he were to go anywhere it shouldnt be *there* of all places. Regardless, that is where Hadrien went. \n\nHe had been gone for months and whilst there had been highs, there were also deep-dark lows. Eventually, the entertainment of the region was no longer able to distract him from the battering of his own mind, and it was time for the Psychic Leap. \n\nHadrien had read that *shifts* were possible via the Psychic Leap, and thought it was likely that this would be a way for him to reach the Peace of Mind he sought. His journey was a fresh start in many ways, but he still carried the burdens of his own voice, ringing between his ears. For months before deciding to travel to Cuckoo Land, Hadrien had been in a depression. \n\nThe depression had been blunt and unmoving, dulling his mind. Whilst he had grown accustomed to being active and introspective, the cloud that hung over him had made him uncurious. Any inward seeking he attempted brought forth no new insights, leaving him without hope or cause. \n\nIt was a librarian at The Rock that had first noticed the change in Hadrien. Her attempts to keep him excited had faltered and he was no longer visiting the Library of The Rock. Whenever their paths did cross, he had come across rude and uninterested. Thankfully for Hadrien, whilst his heart had hardened, hers had not. She did, of course, become frustrated with him for a time, but after weeks of not seeing him at all, she grew worried and visited his home. \n\n---"} +{"id": "0e88a30b-6d7a-4365-bdec-b7b37c7ecb82-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:48.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvZuHC97aBTX5aNHnbETG7CfAQn6gRouGHN9hJ14wMaT", "txHash": "0x3855702572b9dd01fc13c6855570f4372fab303ea74fc4f60bb015acf8ca70d2", "createdAtBlock": 15137004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV3FZdYHbjUGYon6PF2XPHp7eGdRbB9EPMvaKWVQmYciH", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "---\n\nShe opened the door into his abode quietly and with caution after three knocks and a shout had brought no answer. Pushing through into the room she saw Hadrien curled up at the foot of his bed. The room was a mess, and his appearance dishevelled to say the least. \n\n> Fuck off, Hadrien started, without opening his eyes. \n\n> Its me, she replied, gently. He looked up slowly and raised a hand to protect his eyes from the light now streaming into the room over her shoulder. Seeing who it was his face softened, and the glimmer of tears began to well in his eyes. \n\n> You need to get out of here, Hadrien, she said. \n\n> What?, Hadrien said. \n\n> She clarified, You need to leave.\n\nHadrien was confused. He brushed the tears out of his eyes and studied her face to try and understand what was happening. \n\n*This woman who had been so kind, a true friend and supporter of his studies in the Library, was now asking him to leave?*\n\n> Youre stuck. The Rock has no more answers for you. Youve read every book in the Library and I know, because I have helped you. You need to explore, she continued. \n\nHadrien paused for a second, looking back down and around at the state of his room. \n\nShe was right. He had been living as if he were dead for weeks, yet despite his trying, he had not made any progress into truly figuring out why. \n\n> Where would I go? Hadrien asked. \n\n> Anywhere, she had said. \n\n---"} +{"id": "0e88a30b-6d7a-4365-bdec-b7b37c7ecb82-2", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:48.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvZuHC97aBTX5aNHnbETG7CfAQn6gRouGHN9hJ14wMaT", "txHash": "0x3855702572b9dd01fc13c6855570f4372fab303ea74fc4f60bb015acf8ca70d2", "createdAtBlock": 15137004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV3FZdYHbjUGYon6PF2XPHp7eGdRbB9EPMvaKWVQmYciH", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> Anywhere, she had said. \n\n---\n\nAfter that Hadrien had set off from The Rock after a few short goodbyes and headed towards Cuckoo Land. He had been young then, and what he didnt know was that it would be a long time until he ever returned to the Rock. \n\nHe travelled by hitch-hiking and thought many times that he would die. Although he had travelled these lands when he was even younger, when the trails over the mountains were no longer warmed by sunlight, he had twice feared he might freeze to death. Thankfully, first a 12-wheeler lorry, and then a horse and carriage had come to his rescue. Eventually he had reached the boundary between Cuckoo Land and the rest of the realm and had stepped through with only a moments hesitation. \n\nTo some degree, the step forward had worked. The time he spent in Cuckoo Land had crumbled some of the internal walls that had been keeping his development hostage, and he felt like he had gained some idea of why he had been depressed. Now, all that was left to do was to move on, and hence, he sought the Psychic Leap, a *shift*. \n\nNow no longer merely wandering through the Cuckoo, he wandered with intention. The beings he had met (or imagined) had been clear that there were no set directions that would lead one to the Psychic Leap, but that if one followed their nose they might find it, if the conditions were right."} +{"id": "0e88a30b-6d7a-4365-bdec-b7b37c7ecb82-3", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:48.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvZuHC97aBTX5aNHnbETG7CfAQn6gRouGHN9hJ14wMaT", "txHash": "0x3855702572b9dd01fc13c6855570f4372fab303ea74fc4f60bb015acf8ca70d2", "createdAtBlock": 15137004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV3FZdYHbjUGYon6PF2XPHp7eGdRbB9EPMvaKWVQmYciH", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "He wandered and wandered, and wandered and wandered, and he thought that he might go mad. The regular concepts of time fell away, and he met (or imagined) fewer and fewer beings. All that he did meet would point him in a new direction, which he would follow, until he met another, and so again he would change his course to *their* tune. Although he had no way of telling if it had been merely days or true months, the moments between these meetings seemed to get longer and longer. \n\nEventually a great silence fell upon Hadrien. Then, his feet seemed as if they appeared out of nowhere to place one foot in front of another. By all intents and purposes, he was going nowhere and directionless. There was no one else to guide him now; no books, no beings, no goal, nor intention. Even the idea of finding the Psychic Leap had left him. \n\nThe emptiness of his experience expanded far out and all around him was no sign of a horizon. All that was left to do was to put one foot in front of the other, and so he did. Hopeless, yet filled with resolve. This continued for some time, until he collapsed.\n\n---\n\nBlinking his eyes open, Hadrien saw that he was still lost. The blank of the expanse seemed to have no end, but there was a noticeable dot in his vision. Sitting up, squinting hard, and rubbing his eyes, he saw that the dot was moving, just a little; left and right. \n\nLooking deeper, he saw that the dot also seemed to be moving up and down; just a little. \n\nThe dot got a little larger, and he saw that it had an aura. It was surrounded by a cloud or kind of shimmering that changed colours from red to orange to yellow to green to blue to indigo and to violet, before blending into red again."} +{"id": "0e88a30b-6d7a-4365-bdec-b7b37c7ecb82-4", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:48.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvZuHC97aBTX5aNHnbETG7CfAQn6gRouGHN9hJ14wMaT", "txHash": "0x3855702572b9dd01fc13c6855570f4372fab303ea74fc4f60bb015acf8ca70d2", "createdAtBlock": 15137004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV3FZdYHbjUGYon6PF2XPHp7eGdRbB9EPMvaKWVQmYciH", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> Curious!, Hadrien exclaimed aloud, his first word in some time. \n\nGetting to his feet, Hadrien started to walk in the direction of this dot that he had by now made sure was not just something caught in his eye. \n\nThey grew closer and closer to each other, the dot continuing to be surrounded by a cloud cycling through the hues of a rainbow, until the dot turned into - a Hare. \n\n> Curious!, Hadrien said, again. \n\nHe stopped where he was and was laughing to himself unselfconsciously when the Hare eventually reached his feet. \n\nCrouching down, he half expected his hand to pass through what he was now calling in his head; cute fluffy disco bunny, but instead, he was able to gently pat this little being on the head. \n\n*'Im not actually a Hare', the rabbit thought*\n\n> Youre cute! Hadrien said. \n\nThe glowing rabbit pulled away from his pets and hopped through Hadriens legs.\n\nBy the time Hadrien had turned around, he saw that the bunny had made its way to the other side of a large crevasse in the previously flat whiteness of his surroundings. \n\nThere it was, still glowing, looking back at him as if nothing had happened, now sat, with a great crack separating them by what must have been at least 15 meters. \n\nHadrien walked up to the edge of the new feature in the landscape and looked down. There was no bottom in sight, just the slow fade of white into black. Looking left and right, he saw no way that he would be able to walk around it."} +{"id": "0e88a30b-6d7a-4365-bdec-b7b37c7ecb82-5", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:48.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvZuHC97aBTX5aNHnbETG7CfAQn6gRouGHN9hJ14wMaT", "txHash": "0x3855702572b9dd01fc13c6855570f4372fab303ea74fc4f60bb015acf8ca70d2", "createdAtBlock": 15137004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV3FZdYHbjUGYon6PF2XPHp7eGdRbB9EPMvaKWVQmYciH", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "Blinking, Hadrien assumed he must be dreaming and jumped in the air to see if he could fly as he sometimes would when he was lucid enough. He tried again, but gravity showed no sign of getting weaker, let alone disappearing. \n\n> Hmmph, Hadrien grumbled.\n\nNow the internal dialogue had started up again.\n\n> *Well, what are you gonna do?* \n\n> *Nothing I can do, Im stuck.* \n\n> *Why not jump?*\n\n> *Oh yeh, and then fall to my death, nice idea, brain* \n\n> *Some would say more than a brain, but whatever, you might make it*...\n\n> *I am not jumping.* \n\n He took another peek over the edge and into the blackness. \n\n> *Nope, definitely not.*\n\nWhen he looked up again he saw the Hare, but another feature had appeared - a door.\n\nA pretty ordinary looking door was now unhelpfully placed just behind the hare. \n\nHadrien quickly spun round to check if any more doors had appeared, and they hadnt.\n\n> *Great so now theres a door.*\n\n> *This doesnt make sense.*\n \n> *Has this ever made sense?*\n\n> *Well, not really.*\n\nThe door blew open and through it he saw a grass, flowers, and the blue sky. \n\n> *Oh BLUE SKY, how I missed BLUE SKY!* \n\n> *Looks pretty nice! *\n\n> *I need to get back to my life.*\n\n> *Maybe you could jump*\n\n> *It doesnt seem possible.*\n\n> *And yet here we are, still wondering.*\n\n> *Im not sure.*\n\n> *What else are you gonna do?*\n\n---"} +{"id": "0e88a30b-6d7a-4365-bdec-b7b37c7ecb82-6", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:48.731", "backgroundColor": "#3A110F", "index": 3, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmPvZuHC97aBTX5aNHnbETG7CfAQn6gRouGHN9hJ14wMaT", "txHash": "0x3855702572b9dd01fc13c6855570f4372fab303ea74fc4f60bb015acf8ca70d2", "createdAtBlock": 15137004, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 1144, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": "ipfs://QmV3FZdYHbjUGYon6PF2XPHp7eGdRbB9EPMvaKWVQmYciH", "name": "Adept Hadrien of the Rock", "text": "> *Im not sure.*\n\n> *What else are you gonna do?*\n\n---\n\n\nHadrien looked around and saw nothing, more nothing, the hole in the ground, the fluffy disco bunny, and the door. \n\nHe started pacing up and down, right on the edge, eyes focused on the ground, darting into the crevasse and at the bunny and door, from time to time. \n\n> *Youre not going to be able to think yourself out of this one, Hadrien.*\n\n Finally, Hadrien stopped. \n\nHe looked back at the door, smiled, and then started walking in the opposite direction. \n\n> *What are* **you** *doing* ? \n\n\nAfter about twenty paces, he stopped and turned around, ran towards the crack, and leapt."} +{"id": "83832394-dfef-440b-ad04-ba1e68386c93-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:38.124", "backgroundColor": "#a00800", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmYcugZnmUKqtJ5pYPSvVDUELGCM7fgnABHreNrTE3pR2G", "txHash": "0xe06f0c9e188795a6cb0459648f661cf7327bf125c895c2fe50d0016445c94023", "createdAtBlock": 15130703, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 6034, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": "Arcanist Bathsheba of the Mount", "text": "**Halfling / Sage Cleric**\nOne of 10 siblings Bathsheba grew up poor in a rundown shack on the border of The Thorn and Vampyre Mist. She worked as a cleric and saved every Castar she could. Naturally curious she packed up what little she had and went to a university to learn more about the world. She carried out her externship for two summers in Carnival Pass. She was cited for defeating an ancient facility that produced deadly golems. She later became shipwrecked on a deserted island full of Grungs and undead snakes."} +{"id": "8869136b-b523-4baa-942c-27f59bad8a5e-0", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:02.668", "backgroundColor": "#2f0f4b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS3urby5F4pXHcGKGMF3Nk22VLRBvpiz1KRKWzmRnx6ij", "txHash": "0x1e51d9a02c217db341d0a0adf22facdce0450d136ce091c1c2257b76f0a4b1f6", "createdAtBlock": 15137140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8326, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Mist", "text": "# The Lore of Aleister of the Mist, Wizard #8326\nSubmerging into The Mist, on the cold winter's eve of the 655th Winterfest This was the last anyone had seen of Aleister. His quest was one of great treachery and peril. For he was after something of great magical worth: the fangs of a vampyre. To this day, none are sure of his whereabouts or that he even still exists.\n\nIt is quite uncertain how or when, or even why Aleister appeared. He was not born, nor did he sail the Forgotten Winds of Time, as some of his greater contemporaries did. He simply existed. He stood tall and confident, but he often spoke in ways that many did not, or possibly could not, comprehend. For Aleister was a purple hat wizard and his ramblings were long, winding labyrinths of word. Words not from the manuscripts or tongues of mortals and men, but the tongue of wizards. As that is the ancient language Aleister often spoke. Aleister carried about his person a small magic bag, at all times.\n\nAleister was very unpredictable, but his bag.... more so.\n\nOut of it poured diamond, ruby, sapphire and emerald. They glimmered like stars in the sky. No gems were more precious. Spurring from it came food and drink, enough for all. Enough to feed cities, armies, even kingdoms but oftentimes Aleister was unable to grant such graces."} +{"id": "8869136b-b523-4baa-942c-27f59bad8a5e-1", "createdAt": "2022-07-15T10:40:02.668", "backgroundColor": "#2f0f4b", "index": 0, "loreMetadataURI": "ipfs://QmS3urby5F4pXHcGKGMF3Nk22VLRBvpiz1KRKWzmRnx6ij", "txHash": "0x1e51d9a02c217db341d0a0adf22facdce0450d136ce091c1c2257b76f0a4b1f6", "createdAtBlock": 15137140, "nsfw": false, "isArchivedByHolder": false, "tokenId": 8326, "slug": "wizards", "firstImage": null, "name": " Aleister of the Mist", "text": "For Aleister did not control his bag, it controlled him\nWhile purple hats are wise and powerful, they are not always sane. Oftentimes wizards in the Runiverse have powers of laughable status. They pose no real threat, harm or danger. But Aleister was not one of those wizards. If he, or rather the magic bag, willed so, great destruction was caused. The burning of villages, the slaying of men, regicide. All was possible.\nAnd for that reason Aleister sought the fangs of a vampyre. They, and only they, could tear the bag open and reveal its secrets. For Aleister wanted nothing more than to be free of its grasp."}