diff --git "a/anime_subtitle.csv" "b/anime_subtitle.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/anime_subtitle.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,11970 @@ +Text Inggris,Text Indonesia,link +"No, it's my fault.","Tidak, akulah yang salah.",https://subscene.com/ +My wife's not weak.,Istriku tak selemah itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder what really went onbetween the two of them.,"Kira-kira apa yang terjadi di antara mereka berdua, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna saveall this thinking for later.,Nanti saja kupikirkan semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's all that matters!,Hanya itulah yang terpenting sekarang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Naruto, sense them out.","Naruto, coba rasakan keberadaan mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +"I am the only one who deservesto carry out Itachi's wishes,","Hanya aku yang berhak teruskan tekad Itachi,",https://subscene.com/ +My goal is…,Tujuanku adalah,https://subscene.com/ +and stir up conflict throughoutthe world once more.,dan sekali lagi ciptakan konflik di dunia ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I don't have to worry.,Sepertinya tak ada yang perlu kukhawatirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Friends?,Teman?,https://subscene.com/ +everything will be settled!,tujuanmu itu akan ikut berakhir!,https://subscene.com/ +my husband and my daughter!,suami dan anakku lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +They're coming!,Mereka datang!,https://subscene.com/ +Father's orders…,Perintah ayah adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Sarada?!","Eh, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna go rescue Mom!,Aku akan pergi selamatkan mama!,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke!Go with her!,"Sasuke, ikutlah bersamanya!",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?Then what about me?!,"Lo, bagaimana denganku?",https://subscene.com/ +"First, let's immobilize them…","Pertama, buat mereka tak bisa bergerak.",https://subscene.com/ +Just how many of them are there?,"Sebenarnya mereka itu ada berapa, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +Get rid…of the…intruders.,Musnahkan penyusup.,https://subscene.com/ +– Get rid…of the…intruders.– Damn that Shin…,Dasar si Shin itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I can't do that.",Aku tak bisa melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +A parent should never dosomething like this to their child.,Orang tua tak seharusnya berbuat seperti ini pada anaknya.,https://subscene.com/ +Mom!,Mama!,https://subscene.com/ +A trap?!,Jebakan?,https://subscene.com/ +What's the matter?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +No one escapes my Sharingan…,Tak ada yang bisa kabur dari Sharingan-ku.,https://subscene.com/ +Amaterasu!,天照,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"With that leg, you shouldn'tbe able to move anymore.","Dengan kaki seperti itu, kau takkan bisa bergerak lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +That boy!,Anak itu...,https://subscene.com/ +I have no qualms with you.,Aku tak punya urusan denganmu.,https://subscene.com/ +I will protect Father.,Ayah akan kulindungi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Stop it, Dad!","Hentikan, Papa!",https://subscene.com/ +The tables have turned…,Keadaannya sudah berbalik.,https://subscene.com/ +It's because worthless parentalfeelings have oppressed you…,"Karena terikat dengan perasaan orang tua dan anak yang tak berguna,",https://subscene.com/ +Dear!,Suamiku!,https://subscene.com/ +You cannot escape my Sharingan.,Tak ada yang bisa lolos dari Sharingan-ku.,https://subscene.com/ +I will carry out Itachi's willand revive the Akatsuki.,Aku yang akan teruskan tekad Itachi lalu bangkitkan Akatsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +Something like thisisn't enough to defeat your dad.,Papamu bukanlah seseorang yang bisa dikalahkan dengan semudah itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Your dad and I will protect you,no matter what!",Papa dan Mama pasti akan lindungimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll impale the three of you,together as a family!",Akan kuhabisi kau bersama dengan keluargamu.,https://subscene.com/ +but I don't agree.,tapi aku tak setuju.,https://subscene.com/ +Mom!,Mama!,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +But I think Sasuke and the othersgot things under control.,Sasuke dan yang lainnya sepertinya sudah akhiri semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll have to use the Shinsas a distraction,Akan kugunakan para Shin kecilku sebagai umpan,https://subscene.com/ +Not yet.,Masih belum.,https://subscene.com/ +Do it!,habisi mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +What…are you…doing…?,Apa yang kalian lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +"We are to dispose ofold, useless flesh.",Setiap orang akan jadi tua dan jadi tak berguna.,https://subscene.com/ +You!,Kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +Your Visual Prowess,Teknik Mata milikmu,https://subscene.com/ +From now on…we will evolve.,"Mulai sekarang, kami akan berevolusi.",https://subscene.com/ +Is this…,Inikah,https://subscene.com/ +When did you…,Sejak kapan,https://subscene.com/ +We made more of ourselves.,Kami bisa buat klona kami sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +There are somepretty chubby ones too!,Ada juga yang bertubuh gemuk!,https://subscene.com/ +Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!,多重影分身の術,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't kill 'em, Sasuke!","Jangan bunuh mereka, Sasuke!",https://subscene.com/ +Dad… Lord Seventh!,"Papa, Hokage Ketujuh!",https://subscene.com/ +"You're coming with us,Medical Ninja!","Ikutlah bersama kami, Ninja Medis!",https://subscene.com/ +I know!,Aku tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +…protect you!,...melindungimu!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada…,Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +Still gonna keep this up?,Kau masih ingin bertarung?,https://subscene.com/ +Kurama…,Kurama.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you don't do anymore bad stuff,we won't do anything either.","Kalau kalian tak serang kami lagi, kami juga takkan serang kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +They're still kids.,Mereka masih anak-anak.,https://subscene.com/ +"Carrying on Itachi's will, huh?","Mengemban tekad dari Itachi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, way to go!","Sarada, kau hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +That was some awesome power!,Kekuatan yang luar biasa!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada…,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're squishing me, Mom!","Kau memelukku terlalu keras, Mama!",https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Because you exist…,"Karena ada dirimu di dunia ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"You're so lucky, Sarada.","Kau beruntung sekali, Sarada.",https://subscene.com/ +"First of all,","Pertama-tama,",https://subscene.com/ +"There are too many of you,so before that…","Tapi, kalian terlalu banyak, jadi sebelum itu...",https://subscene.com/ +"In other words,we're all going to be a family.","Dengan kata lain, kita akan jadi keluarga.",https://subscene.com/ +"There's no need to be shy, okay?","Jangan malu-malu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +but you found your dad instead.,tapi malah jadi kisah pertemuan Sarada dan papanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Eh.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I'll make dowith him for now.,Sepertinya aku akan coba bersyukur punya papa seperti dia untuk saat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Ahh… I wonder wheremy real dad is?,"Ah, aku ingin tahu di mana papaku yang sebenarnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Um… Would you happen to be…,Apa jangan-jangan kau adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +Did you come to get me?,Apa kau mencariku?,https://subscene.com/ +This touch…,Sentuhan tangan ini...,https://subscene.com/ +W-What's the matter?,A-Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +I think this the first-time,Sepertinya ini pertama kalinya,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +What's with this?!,Kok bisa begini?,https://subscene.com/ +Well…sort of.,"Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Can you teach me tomorrow, Dad?!",Bisakah Papa mengajariku besok?,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho was searchingfor you all this time.,Sejak tadi Chocho mencarimu.,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke?!,Sasuke?,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada is really and truly Sasuke'sand Sakura's daughter!,Sarada benar-benar putri kandung Sasuke dan Sakura!,https://subscene.com/ +It's Sarada and Sakura's!,Tentu saja itu milik Sarada dan Sakura!,https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Benarkah itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Idiot!,Dasar bodoh!,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides…women canjust be friends too, you know.","Lagi pula, wanita itu juga bisa bersahabat, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Does that mean you've totallygiven up on Sasuke?,Apa ini artinya kau benar-benar sudah menyerah untuk kejar Sasuke?,https://subscene.com/ +Bonds come in all kinds of shapes.,Ikatan itu bisa terbentuk dari berbagai hal.,https://subscene.com/ +"Suigetsu, go and apologizeto Sarada!",cepat minta maaflah pada Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +I bet she's outgrowingher current pair.,Menurutku dia sudah tak cocok pakai kacamatanya yang sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +Seriously…,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, you are reallyand truly my daughter.","Tentu saja, kau itu putri kandungku.",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry too, Dad.","Aku minta maaf, Papa.",https://subscene.com/ +You probably took after mein that respect.,Kemungkinan kau warisi sifat itu dariku.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Papa.,https://subscene.com/ +Till next time.,Sampai ketemu lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll tell you…next time.,"Soal itu, lain kali saja ya Mama kasih tahunya.",https://subscene.com/ +Here's your lunch.,Ini bekal makan siangmu.,https://subscene.com/ +See you…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Just a raincheck for me?,Aku tak dikasih apa-apa?,https://subscene.com/ +I've decided…,Sudah kuputuskan.,https://subscene.com/ +For what?,Untuk apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Same here. Because of that,I've decided what my goal is.","Sama-sama, berkat membantumu, aku jadi tahu apa tujuanku.",https://subscene.com/ +Your goal?,Tujuanmu?,https://subscene.com/ +So…,Jadi...,https://subscene.com/ +I've decided I'm gonnabecome the Hokage.,Aku putuskan untuk jadi Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +"you were talking trashabout ninja this, and ninja that.",kau banyak bicara buruk soal ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm just saying, I'm not alwaysgonna stay a brat like you!",Aku tak mau terus-terusan terlihat kekanak-kanakan sepertimu!,https://subscene.com/ +"The question is,when aren't you a brat?!","Pertanyaannya, memangnya kau pernah bersikap dewasa?",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on Boruto:Naruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"That was quite a scare, wasn't it?","Tadi itu nyaris saja, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, somehow.","Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +They're researchers fromthe Land of Rivers.,Mereka para peneliti dari Negara Sungai.,https://subscene.com/ +Just in case.,Hanya untuk jaga-jaga.,https://subscene.com/ +"You were right, after all.","Sudah kuduga, ucapanmu memang benar.",https://subscene.com/ +He completely deceived us.,Dia benar-benar sudah menipu kita.,https://subscene.com/ +You were with him!,"Kalian juga tadi bersamanya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"You knew he was the monster,but you kept it from us, didn't you?","Kalian sudah tahu kalau dia adalah monster itu, tapi kalian merahasiakannya dari kami, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We were going totell you everything,Awalnya kami ingin beri tahu kalian,https://subscene.com/ +Not just the Village Head.,Tak hanya kepala desa.,https://subscene.com/ +Like I said—!,Sudah kubilang...,https://subscene.com/ +"If you had told us about him,",Andai saja kalian beri tahu kami tentang dia,https://subscene.com/ +I hate to imaginewhat would have happened!,Entah apa yang akan terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +What about Mr. Jugo?,Bagaimana dengan Paman Juugo?,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo was just tryingto save the wild geese!,Paman Juugo berusaha selamatkan para angsa liar itu!,https://subscene.com/ +"And ended up like this, right?","Dan berakhir seperti ini, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +When he injects them regularly…,Kalau dia suntikkan obat itu secara teratur...,https://subscene.com/ +They…all disappeared.,Obatnya hilang.,https://subscene.com/ +"If that's the case,you can all leave.","Kalau memang begitu, kalian boleh pergi dari sini.",https://subscene.com/ +are bringing reinforcementsfrom our village.,sedang kirimkan bala bantuan dari desa kami.,https://subscene.com/ +What happened?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +We discovered them unconsciousin the forest.,Kami temukan mereka dalam keadaan tak sadarkan diri di dalam hutan.,https://subscene.com/ +They're undergoing treatment now.,Saat ini mereka sedang jalani perawatan.,https://subscene.com/ +They should be okay.,Mereka akan baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +No. We only found these two.,"Tidak, kami hanya temukan mereka berdua saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Sumire!,Sumire!,https://subscene.com/ +You think something likethat is gonna work?,Apa kau pikir serangan seperti itu bisa mengenaiku?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't underestimate us…young ladies!,"Jangan remehkan kami, Gadis-gadis Kecil!",https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Tak mungkin!,https://subscene.com/ +"We were ordered to stop them,not kill them.","Kita diperintahkan untuk hentikan mereka, bukan membunuh mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +What is that?,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Just leave that thing alone!,Tinggalkan saja dia!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna bring this thing down!,Aku akan kalahkan makhluk ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Nue!,Nue!,https://subscene.com/ +Hurry and helpWasabi and Namida!,Cepat tolong Wasabi dan Namida!,https://subscene.com/ +Please go back.Help those two…,"Kembalilah, selamatkan mereka berdua.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry.,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +to help the girls too.,untuk menolong gadis-gadis itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I heard thatyou are an ornithologist.,Kudengar kau seorang peneliti burung.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd really appreciate your help.,Kami akan sangat terbantu.,https://subscene.com/ +Then let us stay here too!,"Kalau begitu, biarkan kami juga tetap berada di sini!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm rescinding my requestfor your help!,Aku tak lagi inginkan bantuan dari kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah! Yeah!,"Benar, benar!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't ever come again!,Jangan datang lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, but it looks likeit's beyond our control now.","Maaf, sepertinya sekarang semuanya sudah berada di luar kendali kita.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry.,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +and take care of them.,dan akan rawat mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't think he's able to get up yet.,Kurasa dia masih belum bisa bangun.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's go.,Ayo.,https://subscene.com/ +I couldn't do anything for them!,Aku tak bisa menolong mereka sama sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on!,Tunggulah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Nue, follow their chakra!","Nue, ikuti chakra mereka!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh?,Oh?,https://subscene.com/ +What an interesting summoning!,Benar-benar Pemanggilan yang menarik!,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +I want you ask you some questions.,Aku ingin tanyakan sesuatu padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +That's risky…,"Itu berbahaya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Just where could Old Man Ohnoki be?,"Sebenarnya di mana Kakek Oonoki, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +The young lady thereenjoyed my food so much…,Nona yang di sana makannya sangat lahap.,https://subscene.com/ +"Pardon my asking, but…","Omong-omong, apa kalian",https://subscene.com/ +Why of course!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Since kids these days don't knowhow great Lord Ohnoki is!,"Anak-anak zaman sekarang, tak ada yang mengerti kehebatan Tn. Oonoki!",https://subscene.com/ +fought to protect us inthe Fourth Great Ninja War.,masih terus berjuang lindungi kami saat Perang Dunia Ninja Keempat.,https://subscene.com/ +We owe the peace in this villageto Lord Ohnoki.,Kedamaian di desa ini tercipta berkat Tn. Oonoki.,https://subscene.com/ +He sounds just as incredibleas we imagined.,"Ternyata dia memang orang yang hebat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"For that,","Nah, nah",https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah! No one's seen Lord Ohnokiaround much recently.,"Omong-omong, belakangan ini tak ada yang lihat Tn. Oonoki.",https://subscene.com/ +"If I'm not mistaken, after he retired…","Setelah dia pensiun, kalau tak salah",https://subscene.com/ +"His house is somewhereto the south, right?","Kalau tak salah, rumahnya yang ada di selatan itu...",https://subscene.com/ +Lord Ohnoki's home is…,Rumahnya Tn. Oonoki itu...,https://subscene.com/ +You can thank me.,Berterima kasihlah padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to my stomach,we know where he is.","Soalnya, kita tahu tempatnya berkat perutku.",https://subscene.com/ +"You were eating too, Boruto!","Boruto juga ikut makan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, then…",Oke.,https://subscene.com/ +That's good enough.,"Sebegini saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Your fate is all up to you.,Kau sendiri yang tentukan takdirmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Hedorokamen?,Hedorokamen?,https://subscene.com/ +Iwatchi!,Iwatchi!,https://subscene.com/ +Is that the one you like?,Kau suka yang itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"From today on, you're Akkun.",mulai sekarang kau adalah Akkun.,https://subscene.com/ +"I thought he was an enemybecause of the way he attacked us, but…",Kukira dia adalah musuh karena sebelumnya dia sempat menyerangku.,https://subscene.com/ +So this is where the old man lives…,"Jadi, kakek itu tinggal di rumah ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +"Just as the Hokage relayed to us, eh?","Kau diutus oleh Hokage, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Lord Ohnoki!,Tn. Oonoki!,https://subscene.com/ +I thought I might find you here.,"Sudah kuduga, Anda pasti berada di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +Did you come to checkand see if I'm all right?,Apa kau datang untuk pastikan aku baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +Y-You are—!,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +W-Why are you here?,Kenapa kau ada di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +My help?,Bantuanku?,https://subscene.com/ +That's why we need your help.,Karena itulah kami membutuhkan bantuan Kakek.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh yes, I did. I certainly did.","Ah, memang benar aku pernah bilang begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I bet you did.,Sudah kuduga begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +And Sarada too.,Dan Sarada juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +You're welcome to stay atmy residence and rest.,Kalian boleh menginap dan beristirahat di rumahku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Old Man,we don't have time to relax.","Kakek, kami tak punya waktu untuk beristirahat.",https://subscene.com/ +He left the village and joined up withsome Hidden Stone shinobi.,Dia pergi tinggalkan desa dan bergabung dengan ninja dari Desa Iwa.,https://subscene.com/ +We've come to bring him back.,Kami harus membawanya kembali.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's why we came to see youand ask for your help, Old Man.",Karena itulah kami datang ke sini dan ingin minta bantuan Kakek.,https://subscene.com/ +That can't be true!,Tak mungkin!,https://subscene.com/ +"My dear Akatsuchi,I'll be fine by myself for a while.","Akatsuchi, aku ingin menyendiri untuk sementara waktu.",https://subscene.com/ +What made you suddenlychange your mind?,Kenapa Anda tiba-tiba berubah pikiran?,https://subscene.com/ +That's right!,Benar!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm asking too!,Aku juga minta tolong pada Anda!,https://subscene.com/ +I want you to help Boruto!,Aku ingin Anda bantu Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +You need to go back hometo the Leaf!,Kalian harus kembali ke Desa Konoha!,https://subscene.com/ +Why won't you tell me anything?!,Kenapa Kakek tak mau beri tahu apa pun pada kami?,https://subscene.com/ +What is that?!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +What are these guys doing here?!,Kenapa makhluk-makhluk ini ada di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Protect the Old Man!,Lindungi kakek!,https://subscene.com/ +What's that?!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Stop!,Berhenti!,https://subscene.com/ +Master… My dear father…,"Master, wahai Ayahanda.",https://subscene.com/ +We await your order!,Kami tunggu perintah Ayahanda!,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Tak mungkin!,https://subscene.com/ +"This is for your sake,this is all for the sake of peace.","Ini juga demi kalian, ini semua demi kedamaian.",https://subscene.com/ +Return Mitsuki!,Kembalikan Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,https://subscene.com/ +Who are they?!,Siapa mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +The Chunin Exams are ruined!,Ujian Chunin-nya...,https://subscene.com/ +Th-Thank you!,Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +This is no time for the exams.,Bukan waktunya pikirkan ujiannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Th-This is…,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"Hurry, get out of here!",Cepat larilah!,https://subscene.com/ +Father!,Ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't misjudge the battle strengthbetween yourself and the enemy…,Jangan pandang rendah kekuatan tempur musuh!,https://subscene.com/ +Prioritize evacuatingeveryone right now.,Utamakan evakuasi para penonton.,https://subscene.com/ +"Denki, where should we go next?","Denki, selanjutnya ke mana?",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, leave it to me!","Baik, serahkan padaku!",https://subscene.com/ +Got it!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +Or would you like me toshorten that horn of yours?,Apa kau ingin memperpendek tandukmu itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Let me silence it forever!,Biar kubungkam untuk selama-lamanya!,https://subscene.com/ +It's dangerous here.,Di sini berbahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +Stop!,Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +My chakra's—!,Chakra-ku...,https://subscene.com/ +Fire Style Bullet: Homura!,Kaendan:,https://subscene.com/ +Water Style Bullet: Orca!,Suiton,https://subscene.com/ +You soiled my cloak.,Kau kotori jubahku.,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like it's safe now.,Di sini sudah aman.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I won't be able to stay hereany longer.,aku tak bisa lagi berada di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +"At this point,it doesn't really matter anyway.",Saat ini hal itu tak penting!,https://subscene.com/ +I've never seen chakraused like that.,Itu penggunaan chakra yang belum pernah kulihat sebelumnya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's a dangerous power.,Itu kekuatan yang berbahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +Boru…to…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Our techniques don't possessthis kind of power…,Kami tak punya teknik semacam ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, so it's you.","Ternyata memang kau, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +but not too good atbeing taken by surprise.,"Tapi, kau tak begitu pandai terima kejutan.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you done?,Sudah selesai?,https://subscene.com/ +Both of you with your childrentagging along…,"Ayah dan anak bekerja sama, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That was a close one!,"Nyaris saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! Are you all right?,"Boruto, kau tak apa-apa?",https://subscene.com/ +How trivial…,Konyol sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Kinshiki…,Kinshiki.,https://subscene.com/ +"Naruto, these are the guys.","Naruto, merekalah orangnya.",https://subscene.com/ +The ones Kagura was creatingWhite Zetsu in preparation for?,"Kaguya siapkan Zetsu Putih untuk hadapi mereka, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You know that much?,Kau bahkan tahu sejauh itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I belong to the same Otsutsuki Clanas Kaguya.,"Sama seperti Kaguya, aku berasal dari klan Otsutsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +What do you want?,Apa yang kauinginkan?,https://subscene.com/ +You have the strongest chakrain this seedbed.,Kau punya chakra paling kuat di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +The Divine Tree?!,Pohon Suci?,https://subscene.com/ +Our mission is to redo Kaguya's work.,Misi kami adalah mengulang kembali pekerjaan Kaguya.,https://subscene.com/ +and revive the Divine Tree!,lalu tumbuhkan kembali Pohon Suci!,https://subscene.com/ +That legendary treewhich was the source of power,Pohon legenda yang jadi sumber kekuatan,https://subscene.com/ +And that tree was lost for eternity.,"Lalu, pohon itu hilang untuk selama-lamanya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's right.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't it obvious?,"Sudah jelas, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Perpetual youth and longevity,supernatural phenomena…",Selamanya muda dan berumur panjang.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, it's like medicine.","Jadi, itu seperti obat.",https://subscene.com/ +Then you understandhow remarkable these are.,"Kalau begitu, kau pasti mengerti betapa luar biasanya hal tersebut.",https://subscene.com/ +one can instantly and effortlesslyacquire true power.,seseorang dapat dengan cepat dan mudah memperoleh kekuatan sejati.,https://subscene.com/ +You're just being controlledby tools and drugs!,"Kalau begitu, sama saja dikendalikan oleh alat dan obat-obatan!",https://subscene.com/ +How can he see right throughour attacks?,Bagaimana caranya dia baca semua serangan kita?,https://subscene.com/ +"As for you,you left your real weapon at home.","Kalau kau, meninggalkan senjata andalanmu di rumah.",https://subscene.com/ +Investigation is my specialty.,Keahlianku adalah penyelidikan.,https://subscene.com/ +But as you are now…!,tapi kalian yang sekarang tak ada apa-apanya!,https://subscene.com/ +My turn!,Sekarang giliranku!,https://subscene.com/ +He's certainly underestimated us.,Dia benar-benar remehkan kita.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +You wouldn't understand withyour borrowed weapons…,takkan mengerti dengan senjata pinjamanmu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"And it's always dependable,at any time.","Kapan pun itu, kekuatan itu selalu bisa diandalkan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Then I'll just have to teach you,that your assumptions…","Kalau begitu, akan kusadarkan kalau pendapat kalian itu adalah...",https://subscene.com/ +Did you say…it's not real power?,Apa kau barusan bilang itu bukan kekuatan sejati?,https://subscene.com/ +Nothing more than fodderfor us Otsutsuki.,Mereka hanyalah pakan untuk klan Otsutsuki kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Sir!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"Let's just do it now,while we're at it.",Lebih baik kita lakukan sekarang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Takami Musubinokami!,Inilah Takami Musubinokami!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +That's why—!,Karena itulah...,https://subscene.com/ +It's futile…,Percuma saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you haveyour way with us!,Takkan kubiarkan kau berbuat seenaknya.,https://subscene.com/ +It's so much!,Sebanyak ini!,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't know Dad hadthis kind of power!,Aku tak tahu kalau ayah punya kekuatan seperti ini!,https://subscene.com/ +And this!,Dan ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"If they get you, it's all over.","Kalau mereka sampai menangkapmu, semua akan berakhir.",https://subscene.com/ +How long will you last?,Sampai kapan kau mampu bertahan?,https://subscene.com/ +You're so naïve!,Kau itu naif sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +I can already see throughyour moves!,Aku sudah bisa tebak gerakanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Didn't I already sayyou were naïve?,Bukankah aku sudah bilang kalau kau itu terlalu naif?,https://subscene.com/ +Then I'll end this now!,"Kalau begitu, aku akan akhiri ini sekarang!",https://subscene.com/ +Can you guess why I dug intothe earth with my sand?,Kaupikir kenapa aku gali tanah dengan pasirku?,https://subscene.com/ +An underground reservoirof groundwater?!,Sumber air bawah tanah?,https://subscene.com/ +"So, I just turned an act that lookedmeaningless to you…","Karena itulah, aku berpura-pura lakukan hal yang sia-sia di depanmu",https://subscene.com/ +"You were the naïve one, it seems.",Sepertinya kaulah yang naif.,https://subscene.com/ +That was a regrettable mistake…,Tadi itu benar-benar kesalahan yang tak seharusnya terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +It did buy us time.,Sudah lumayan cukup untuk ulur waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +so I shall take my leave.,jadi aku harus permisi dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Kazekage!,Tn. Kazekage!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +"With this, it's all over!","Dengan ini, semua akan berakhir!",https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke… Take care of the kids.,"Sasuke, lindungi anak-anak.",https://subscene.com/ +Dad?,Ayah?,https://subscene.com/ +You'd better not beout of shape now!,"Kau tak kehilangan taringmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Let's hit them withall we've got!,Ayo kita serang sekuat tenaga!,https://subscene.com/ +Why doesn't Dad attack?,Kenapa ayah tak menyerang?,https://subscene.com/ +But it would take outthe surrounding area too.,tapi area sekitar sini akan hancur.,https://subscene.com/ +Is this Dad's chakra?,Apa ini chakra-nya ayah?,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Hokage!,Tn. Hokage!,https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +"and on top of that,you lost your father.",ditambah ayahmu menghilang.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, what did my dad doat times like these?","Jadi, apa yang dilakukan ayahku di saat seperti ini?",https://subscene.com/ +But…I'm…,"Tapi, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"You'll pay for this, Mitsuki!","Kau akan membayarnya, Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +Out of my way!,Minggir!,https://subscene.com/ +Wait!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Sure.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +That guy—!,Dia ini...,https://subscene.com/ +But—!,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm happy that you came after me.,Aku senang kalian mengejarku.,https://subscene.com/ +before I can go back with you.,aku harus lakukan sesuatu terlebih dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki.,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"You just don't knowwhen to give up, do you?!","Dasar, kalian ini tak pernah menyerah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What—?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki and SekieiDon't keep doing this, Sekiei.","Sudah hentikan, Sekiei.",https://subscene.com/ +You should be ashamed.,Dasar tak tahu malu.,https://subscene.com/ +Lady Tsuchikage has been released.,Tn. Tsuchikage sudah bebas.,https://subscene.com/ +You've lost.,Kalian sudah kalah.,https://subscene.com/ +There's no need for usto keep on fighting.,"Sekarang, tak ada gunanya kita tetap bertarung.",https://subscene.com/ +You lied to me!,Kau sudah membohongiku!,https://subscene.com/ +and I felt that we reallygot along well!,dan kukira kita ini memang teman sungguhan!,https://subscene.com/ +You're wrong.,Kau salah.,https://subscene.com/ +You want to help me?,Menolongku?,https://subscene.com/ +"I won't let you get away, Mitsuki.","Takkan kubiarkan lolos, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you!,Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +Those glasses are really pretty.,Kacamata itu benar-benar indah.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd forget about doing that.,Sudah menyerah saja.,https://subscene.com/ +So arrogant!,Dasar arogan!,https://subscene.com/ +You're really out of options.,Kau benar-benar menyedihkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I can see it on your face!,Aku bisa melihatnya dari wajahmu!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll crush you!,Hancurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Mustahil!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's too bad,",Tapi sayang,https://subscene.com/ +"But, to get rid ofugly ones like you…","Makanya, untuk singkirkan benda jelek seperti kalian...",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +You're—!,Kau kan...,https://subscene.com/ +You're mincemeat!,Kalian akan hancur!,https://subscene.com/ +What was that?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? When did I save you?,Eh? Kapan aku selamatkanmu?,https://subscene.com/ +That's why you'resuch a spoiled brat…,Makanya kau jadi anak manja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway,I'm in a bad situation right now!",Yang penting sekarang situasinya lagi gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +All I'm doing isputting out the sparks…,Yang kulakukan hanya kurangi serangannya saja,https://subscene.com/ +"See?You're fighting with me, after all.","Jadi, kau mau bertarung bersamaku, 'kan.",https://subscene.com/ +This isn't for you.,Ini bukan demi kau.,https://subscene.com/ +We're going to wrap uptoday's mission in a bold way!,Misi hari ini akan kita selesaikan dengan cepat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki, thank you!","Mitsuki, terima kasih!",https://subscene.com/ +I just figured…,"Ya, aku hanya mengira",https://subscene.com/ +Don't let ugly thingsgrow in number…Akuta!,"Jangan biarkan benda jelek seperti mereka mengalahkanmu, Akuta!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…,Sialan.,https://subscene.com/ +Who told you it's okayto hop onto me?!,Siapa yang membolehkanmu naik ke atasku?,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't get yourselfknocked off, brat!","Jangan sampai kau kalah, Bocah!",https://subscene.com/ +"You may be humans,but you're not pretty at all.","Kalian mungkin manusia, tapi kalian tak cantik sama sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +Die!,Mati!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't underestimate my Sharingan.,Jangan remehkan Sharingan-ku.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you get to seesomething pretty?,Apa kau sudah lihat hal yang cantik?,https://subscene.com/ +You said we're not pretty at all.,Katamu kami ini sama sekali tak cantik.,https://subscene.com/ +Like never giving up…,Seperti takkan menyerah.,https://subscene.com/ +And things like the Sharingan.,Dan juga Sharingan.,https://subscene.com/ +No!Why? Why?,Tidak! Kenapa? Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +Hurry up and save me!,Cepat tolong aku!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Garaga!,Garaga!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll break him into pieces!,Akan kuhancurkan berkeping-keping!,https://subscene.com/ +"Why must someone as pretty as me,end up like—!",Kenapa orang cantik sepertiku harus berakhir seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +it wasn't enoughto make you pretty.,itu takkan cukup membuatmu cantik.,https://subscene.com/ +"You wanted to kill usfrom the very start, didn't you?","Kau dari awal ingin bunuh kami, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +and toyed with us.,dan permainkan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +Just die!,Mati saja!,https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't havesaved you back then.,"Waktu itu, aku takkan menolongmu.",https://subscene.com/ +harm the Hidden Leaf Village.,aku harus cari tahu itu sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well then, the answer is clear!","Kalau begitu, jawabannya sudah jelas!",https://subscene.com/ +"No, you're wrong.",Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +And there'sno turning back for him.,Dia takkan bisa kembali lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +What would you know?!,Kau ini tahu apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Ku is doing thisfor the sake of humans!,Tn. Ku lakukan semua ini demi umat manusia!,https://subscene.com/ +It's because we're probablyvery much alike.,Karena mungkin kita ini mirip.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I know.,Itulah kenapa aku tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +You all have a will.,Kalian semua punya tekad.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I want to save you.,Karena itu aku ingin menolongmu.,https://subscene.com/ +You have no right!You betrayed your friend!,"Kau yang sudah khianati temanmu, tak berhak bilang begitu!",https://subscene.com/ +"I'll show you, with my strength!",Kekuatanku akan kutunjukkan padamu!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah?,"Begitu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'll kill Boruto.,Aku akan membunuh Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll kill him with my own hands!,Aku akan membunuhnya dengan tanganku sendiri!,https://subscene.com/ +There's no other path left.,Tak ada jalan lain lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +Sekiei!,Sekiei!,https://subscene.com/ +Disappear forever!,Hancurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?!,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +My Lightning Style can nullify it.,Elemen Petir milikku bisa menangkalnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Well it's like I said…,Seperti yang tadi kubilang.,https://subscene.com/ +I have to hurry…,Aku harus bergegas.,https://subscene.com/ +"Is that you, Sekki?",Sekki?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, well, Mr. Akatsuchi told meto rescue you, so here I am.","Ya, Tn. Akatsuchi menyuruhku untuk menolong Anda.",https://subscene.com/ +"I see, thank you.","Begitu ya, maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +"Lord Third, climb onto my back.",Naiklah ke punggungku.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I cannot run away.","Tidak, aku tak bisa lari.",https://subscene.com/ +"Sekki, I need your help.","Sekki, aku butuh bantuanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +To a place to end this battle.,Tempat untuk akhiri pertempuran ini.,https://subscene.com/ +This is—!,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Not yet!I cannot afford to fall now!,Masih belum! Aku masih belum boleh kalah!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm very sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"If only I had the raw materials,I could get one ready immediately.","Kalau saja ada bahan mentahnya, aku bisa segera menyiapkannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"You just needthe raw materials, right?","Kau hanya butuh bahan mentahnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +I know of a way to get you a heart.,Aku tahu cara untuk memberikanmu jantung.,https://subscene.com/ +He can get you a heart…,Dia bisa memberikanmu jantung.,https://subscene.com/ +"I know my own body, at least.",Aku paham tubuhku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +You had what I desiredfrom the very start.,Kau ini punya hal yang sejak awal kuinginkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Remember what I told you?,"Aku sudah pernah bilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Someone to protect…,Melindungi seseorang.,https://subscene.com/ +"Human have others they cherish,",Manusia itu punya seseorang yang mereka sayangi,https://subscene.com/ +"Lord Ku, Kirara, Kakou,Kokuyou, and you.","Tn. Ku, Kirara, Kakou, Kokuyou, dan kau.",https://subscene.com/ +But I guess we couldn't belike you and that Boruto guy.,Tapi bagimu aku takkan bisa seperti Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Your strength…,Kekuatanmu...,https://subscene.com/ +I envy him!,Aku iri!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm your enemy.,Aku musuhmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"You told me before,",Kau yang pernah bilang,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto and everyone in the villagetreat me very well.,Boruto dan orang-orang di desa memperlakukanku dengan baik.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sometimes, I felt as thoughmy words didn't reach them.","Terkadang, aku merasa perkataanku tak bisa mencapai mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +then you were right.,Kau ternyata benar.,https://subscene.com/ +We are?,Kami semua?,https://subscene.com/ +But that's not the only reason.,Tapi bukan karena itu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I just wanted you to stop.,Aku hanya ingin hentikanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Sekiei!,Sekiei!,https://subscene.com/ +I won't be the only one…who's gonna die…,Bukan hanya aku yang akan mati.,https://subscene.com/ +Kirara just died…,"Barusan, Kirara mati.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to join them…,Aku akan menyusul mereka semua.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki?,Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +"friends too, right?","teman, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We've subdued the enemyon the north side of the village.,Musuh di desa bagian utara sudah berhasil kami lumpuhkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I leave you in charge of tending tothe wounded and guarding the rear.,Kuserahkan mereka yang terluka dan barisan belakang kepadamu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Those who can still fight,come with me!",Yang masih bisa bertarung ikut denganku!,https://subscene.com/ +It's awfully quiet.,Sunyi sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't let your guard down.,Jangan sampai lengah.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna capture Kuno matter what.,Pasti Ku akan segera kutangkap.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry I kept you waiting.,Maaf lama.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like Ku'staken refuge in there.,Sepertinya Ku bersembunyi di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +We're gonna wrap this up quickand go home the Leaf Village!,Setelah semua ini selesai kita akan langsung pulang ke Desa Konoha!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you've come here to die,you weaklings?","Kalian datang untuk mati ya, Bocah-bocah Lemah?",https://subscene.com/ +even after beingwounded by Mitsuki!,sepertinya kau baik-baik saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Th-That's a—!,Itu kan...,https://subscene.com/ +we realizethe preciousness of peace,kita menyadari betapa berharganya perdamaian,https://subscene.com/ +"But there are times,upon hitting a wall,",Tapi ada saatnya kau akan terhalang suatu dinding,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on Boruto:Naruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, we should be fineif we've come this far.","Baiklah, karena sudah sejauh ini, pasti aman.",https://subscene.com/ +There's nothing like robbingthe Thunder Train!,Inilah yang buat Kereta Kilat menguntungkan!,https://subscene.com/ +that we escaped toa place like this.,kalau kita bisa kabur ke sini.,https://subscene.com/ +No one will come in here!,Takkan ada yang datang ke sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Hey…,"Ah, hoi...",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? You're right…,"Oh, benar juga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, are you over there?","Hoi, apa kau ada di sana?",https://subscene.com/ +"They said it was gonna bea bodyguard mission,","Meski namanya misi pengawalan,",https://subscene.com/ +Who would have thoughtit was for a pet!,"Ternyata yang dikawal bukan manusia, tapi binatang peliharaan!",https://subscene.com/ +that one wasa piece of cake too!,dan misinya sangat mudah!,https://subscene.com/ +It's not always gonnago this smoothly.,"Misinya takkan seperti ini terus, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, let's get something to eat!","Selain itu, ayo kita makan!",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Well…,Eh...,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm happy going towhere you want to go, Boruto.",Aku akan ikuti Boruto saja.,https://subscene.com/ +They just came outwith a new thing!,"Ada sesuatu yang baru, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, here comesthe rookies of Team 7.","Oh, itu adalah pemula dari Tim 7.",https://subscene.com/ +And they're younger than us too.Prodigies sure are different.,"Mereka lebih muda dari kita, tapi mereka jauh lebih berbakat.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh hey, sorry if I hurt your feelings.","Oh, maaf kalau kami menyinggung kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +Forget what we said.,Lupakan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I wish I was the Hokage's son!,Aku juga ingin jadi anak Tn. Hokage!,https://subscene.com/ +You shouldn't let guyslike that get to you.,Sebaiknya kau tak perlu pikirkan perkataan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +I just…,Aku hanya...,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Ah, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, I'm not inthe mood anymore.","Maaf, suasana hatiku lagi buruk.",https://subscene.com/ +Even back then…,Saat itu juga...,https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for having us!,Permisi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks, Aunt Sakura!","Terima kasih, Bibi Sakura!",https://subscene.com/ +Disappointed?,Memang tak boleh?,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Yo!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's my first time at a birthday party,but it's really quite fun.",Ini pertama kalinya aku lihat pesta ulang tahun dan ini menyenangkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh thanks, Himawari!","Oh, terima kasih, Himawari!",https://subscene.com/ +I decorated it!,"Aku yang menghiasnya, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Where's Naruto today?,"Hari ini, di mana Naruto?",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that good news!,"Bagus, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +The cake was really delicious!,Kuenya benar-benar enak!,https://subscene.com/ +"– Oh, I'm so glad!– Wasn't it good, Mom?","Rasanya enak 'kan, Mama?",https://subscene.com/ +Hello?,Ya?,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +I understand.,Aku mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +"Just like I thought,that stupid old man!","Si ayah bodoh itu memang selalu begitu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +There must have been an emergencyhe couldn't put on hold…,Pasti ada keadaan darurat yang tak bisa beliau tinggalkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh yeah, I get it.","Ya sih, memang.",https://subscene.com/ +"Big Brother's late, huh?","Kakak kok lama sekali, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, I just got home.","Maaf, aku baru sempat pulang.",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you all right, Naruto?","Naruto, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +This is for him.,Ini untuknya.,https://subscene.com/ +so I thought I shouldat least get him a present…,jadi setidaknya aku harus memberinya hadiah.,https://subscene.com/ +I know deep down they careso much about each other…,Aku tahu kalau sebenarnya mereka berdua itu peduli satu sama lain.,https://subscene.com/ +You seem to be in a bad mood.,"Sepertinya suasana hatimu sedang buruk, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Whenever something happens,","Kalau terjadi sesuatu,",https://subscene.com/ +It's nothing like that.,"Bukan begitu, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +Do grown-ups still see meas a kid?,Apa para orang dewasa masih menganggapku sebagai anak-anak?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm a grown up,","Aku ini orang dewasa,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah? I guess so, right?","Ya juga, benar kata Paman.",https://subscene.com/ +There are probably otherswho don't think that way.,masalahnya ada juga yang tak sepemikiran denganku.,https://subscene.com/ +You could also say they fear you…and your talent.,"Bisa juga dibilang kalau mereka itu takut padamu, pada bakatmu.",https://subscene.com/ +That's right!,Begitulah!,https://subscene.com/ +And they make excuses likeyou're the Hokage's son and such.,Bisanya bilang kalau kau adalah putra Hokage dan semacamnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Who needs a stupid dad like thatwho forgets his own kid's birthday?,Siapa juga yang butuh ayah bodoh yang lupa pada ulang tahun anaknya sendiri?,https://subscene.com/ +And when that time comes…,Dan kalau saat itu sudah tiba...,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I wish that timecould be now.","Ya, sebaiknya segera tiba saatnya itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Here.,Nih.,https://subscene.com/ +"Naturally, I didn't forget.","Tentu saja, aku tak lupa, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Ini apa?,https://subscene.com/ +This one's very practical.,Yang ini benar-benar praktis.,https://subscene.com/ +that Scientific Ninja Tool.,Peralatan Sains Ninja itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Welcome back, Big Brother!","Selamat datang, Kak!",https://subscene.com/ +Well…for my birthday…,"Anu, untuk ulang tahunku nanti...",https://subscene.com/ +"So, I thought if I starteddoing this now,","Jadi, kalau mulai kutandai sekarang,",https://subscene.com/ +Hima…,Hima.,https://subscene.com/ +Mom and I'll be hereto celebrate with you.,Kakak dan ibu akan merayakannya bersamamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Big Brother?","Eh, Kak.",https://subscene.com/ +Will he be too busyto come home?,"Apa dia akan terlalu sibuk sampai tak bisa pulang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I won't let that happen.,Kakak takkan membiarkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll absolutely…absolutely make sure,Kakak pasti akan buat,https://subscene.com/ +Really… Big Brother?!,"Kakak, benarkah?",https://subscene.com/ +Do we really have to meetthis early in the morning?,Pagi-pagi begini sudah rapat?,https://subscene.com/ +"This time, our mission isto capture thieves","Kali ini, misi kita adalah tangkap pencuri",https://subscene.com/ +They suddenly disappeared afterjumping off the Thunder Train?,Mereka tiba-tiba langsung hilang setelah lompat dari Kereta Kilat?,https://subscene.com/ +as well as abandoned minesthat are no longer in use.,dan juga ada tambang yang sudah tak digunakan lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +What? Only four?,"Kukira banyak, ternyata hanya empat orang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's just not possible.,Mana bisa begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +"They could easily lie in waitto attack,","Mereka bisa dengan mudah sergap warga,",https://subscene.com/ +"And that's where we come in, correct?","Karena itulah kita yang harus beraksi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if they're thieves,I'd be way more excited","Meskipun mereka pencuri, aku akan jauh lebih senang",https://subscene.com/ +I know.,"Aku tahu, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"In any case,we leave in one hour.","Pokoknya, satu jam lagi kita akan berangkat.",https://subscene.com/ +So another ruin connected toKaguya Otsutsuki was discovered?,"Jadi, ada reruntuhan lain lagi yang berhubungan dengan Kaguya Otsutsuki ditemukan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What do you want to do?,Lalu bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +I really don't want to add anymoreto your plate though.,Sebenarnya aku tak ingin lagi tambah jumlah pekerjaanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"It was decided at the Five KageConference, remember?","Seperti yang sudah diputuskan dalam Pertemuan Lima Kage,",https://subscene.com/ +"No doubt, if Kagura hadbuilt living weapons…","Memang sih, kalau Kaguya ciptakan senjata makhluk hidup",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… It's been ten yearssince then.,"Ya, itu sudah berlalu sepuluh tahun yang lalu.",https://subscene.com/ +But…,"Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +SEVENTH HOKAGEwe have to find every ruinand check it out thoroughly.,kita harus temukan semua reruntuhan lalu menghancurkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +But haven't you been workingtoo hard lately?,tapi bukankah belakangan ini kau sudah terlalu banyak bekerja?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, that's…",Mengenai itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"You missed Boruto's birthdaythe other day, didn't you?","Sebelumnya kau tak hadiri hari ulang tahunnya Boruto, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +But…,"Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone in the village ismy family that I have to protect.,Semua orang di desa saat ini adalah keluargaku yang harus kulindungi.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +I need to talk tomy stupid old man.,Ada yang ingin kubicarakan dengan ayah bodoh ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, sorry.","Ya, maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, I didn't apologizeto you properly.","Boruto, aku belum minta maaf padamu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't matter.,Bukan masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +I never had my hopes up anyway.,Dari awal aku tak harapkan apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +Instead…,Sebagai gantinya...,https://subscene.com/ +I don't care…,Aku tak keberatan,https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +"So, promise me…","Jadi, berjanjilah",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I got it.","Ya, aku mengerti.",https://subscene.com/ +"This is a promise,man to man, got it?",Karena ini adalah janji seorang pria.,https://subscene.com/ +There's nothing but mountains.,Hanya ada gunung di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you from the Hidden Leaf?,"Kalian berasal dari Konoha, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +About that…,Mengenai itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Who is he?,Siapa dia?,https://subscene.com/ +Did you go into the minewithout waiting for us to capture him?,Apa Anda memasuki tambang tanpa tunggu kami menangkap mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +He was in a panic andmade such a commotion.,Dia dalam keadaan panik dan membuat rusuh.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what happened tothe rest of your gang?","Oi, apa yang terjadi pada komplotanmu?",https://subscene.com/ +They're all dead!,Mereka sudah mati!,https://subscene.com/ +E-Everyone got…,Mereka...,https://subscene.com/ +Monster?,Monster?,https://subscene.com/ +Save me.,Selamatkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Where's the mine thathe escaped from?,Di mana tambang tempat dia keluar?,https://subscene.com/ +But as to going inside…,tapi untuk masuk ke dalamnya...,https://subscene.com/ +but his terror made usscared too.,tapi ketakutannya ini juga membuat kami ngeri.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well then, our mission isto enter the mine","Kalau begitu, misi kami adalah masuki tambang",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what did you see anyway?","Hoi, apa yang sebenarnya kaulihat?",https://subscene.com/ +He's coming for us!,Dia mengejar kami!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess this is the siteof the incident?,"Jadi, di sini lokasi kejadiannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"A white monster, huh?","Monster putih, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's nothing…!","Ah, bukan apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +Whatever…,"Terserahlah,",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Hoi, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"They may be robbers,","Mereka mungkin para perampok,",https://subscene.com/ +This could mean life and death.,Ini mungkin antara hidup atau mati.,https://subscene.com/ +That's all the more reasonwhy we can't waste time!,Justru karena itu kita tak boleh buang-buang waktu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, what is with him?!","Ya ampun, dia kenapa, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +It looks like this continuesquite deep.,Sepertinya tambang ini cukup dalam.,https://subscene.com/ +"By any chance,","Omong-omong,",https://subscene.com/ +It's nothing like that.,Bukan begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +things would be easier for me.,hal itu justru memudahkanku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, coming!","Baik, kami segera ke sana!",https://subscene.com/ +I want to.,Aku ingin melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +And it's not like I'm madjust for my sake.,Dan aku marah bukan atas kehendakku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, come here…","Eh, kemarilah.",https://subscene.com/ +Is this—?,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Could it be one of the robbers?,"Jangan-jangan, dia salah satu dari para perampok itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Two of them.,Bahkan ada dua.,https://subscene.com/ +Their bodies were cutwith a sharp blade.,Tubuh mereka ditebas oleh sebuah pedang yang tajam.,https://subscene.com/ +like they'd been struckby a jolt of electricity.,sepertinya dia diserang oleh sengatan listrik.,https://subscene.com/ +There's a good chance of that.,Ada kemungkinan begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, it could be this.","Boruto, mungkin ini jawabannya.",https://subscene.com/ +They came running from further in.,Mereka berlari semakin ke dalam area tambang.,https://subscene.com/ +That one's really huge.,Jejak yang itu sangat besar.,https://subscene.com/ +Then that one killed these men?,"Jadi, dia yang bunuh orang-orang ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, further inside,there's a monster","Yang terpenting, di dalam sana ada monster",https://subscene.com/ +"From this point on,be prepared for battle.","Mulai sekarang, bersiaplah untuk bertarung.",https://subscene.com/ +The footprints…!,Jejak kakinya...,https://subscene.com/ +"Everyone, stay focusedon your surroundings!","Semuanya, tetap perhatikan sekeliling kalian!",https://subscene.com/ +Above us!,Di atas!,https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru Sensei!,Guru Konohamaru!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +White Zetsu!,Zetsu Putih!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell is that monster?!,Monster apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +A living weapon thatKaguya Otsutsuki created.,Senjata hidup yang diciptakan oleh Kaguya Otsutsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"Flames that only one mancan control,","Api yang hanya bisa dikendalikan oleh orang itu,",https://subscene.com/ +I knew it! Dad!,"Sudah kuduga, Papa!",https://subscene.com/ +"""Sasuke's Shadow""",Bayangan Sasuke.,https://subscene.com/ +Please find the cause and stop it!,Tolong carilah penyebabnya lalu menghentikannya!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +What's that marking on him?,Tanda apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"The rest of you,evacuate the villagers!","Anak-anak yang lain, ungsikan penduduk ke tempat yang aman!",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't he—?,"Kalau tak salah, dia...",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo…,Paman Juugo?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! Where's Mr. Jugo?,"Boruto, Paman Juugo di mana?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, look!","Eh, lihatlah!",https://subscene.com/ +What does it mean?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +Be careful.,Berhati-hatilah!,https://subscene.com/ +Curse Mark?,Tanda kutukan?,https://subscene.com/ +The birds going into a frenzy…Don't tell me—!,"Burung-burung pun juga sangat berisik, mungkinkah...",https://subscene.com/ +Is he mixed up in this again?,"Lagi-lagi terkait orang itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Jugo…is supposed to havea Curse Mark too.,Pria yang bernama Juugo itu seharusnya punya tanda kutukan juga.,https://subscene.com/ +You think Jugo in involvedin all of this?,Apa maksud Anda Juugo terlibat dengan semua ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"In any case, don't forget thatwhatever's in this forest","Pokoknya, jangan lupa kalau apa pun yang ada di hutan ini",https://subscene.com/ +– Right!– Right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Team 15 will go downriver.,Tim 15 akan periksa hilir.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you find anything, don't tryto deal with it yourselves.","Kalau temukan sesuatu, jangan coba mengatasinya sendiri!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, are you taking this seriouslyand looking?","Hoi, kau itu serius tidak mencarinya?",https://subscene.com/ +This sound!,Suara ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"Remember the villager describing it as,",Kata penduduk desa,https://subscene.com/ +The wind is blowingfrom north to south.,Anginnya berembus dari utara ke selatan.,https://subscene.com/ +Bingo.,Ketemu!,https://subscene.com/ +It's like an underground prison.,Seperti penjara bawah tanah.,https://subscene.com/ +"He said only when we ""find""Jugo, right?","Dia hanya suruh kita melakukannya saat temukan Paman Juugo, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo?,Paman Juugo?,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo!,Paman Juugo!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr.…Jugo?,Paman Juugo?,https://subscene.com/ +He's…,Dia...,https://subscene.com/ +He's the monster!,Dia monster!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo was the monster?,"Ternyata Paman Juugo adalah monster itu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +This is bad.,Gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +Curse Mark Transformation?,Perubahan tanda kutukan?,https://subscene.com/ +It's not justa physical transformation.,Bukan hanya tubuhnya yang berubah.,https://subscene.com/ +"If things continue, the villagersare in danger!","Kalau terus seperti ini, para penduduk desa bisa dalam bahaya!",https://subscene.com/ +Who's there?!,Siapa di sana?,https://subscene.com/ +Water Style: Syrup Trap!,水遁・水飴拿原,https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style: Wind Scythe!,風遁・カマイタチ,https://subscene.com/ +Damn you!,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +Okay.,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +What's the status?,Bagaimana situasinya?,https://subscene.com/ +And the assailant?,Lalu bagaimana dengan pelakunya?,https://subscene.com/ +but we're still in the midstof our investigation.,tapi saat ini kami akan terus lakukan penyelidikan.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki's not here yet.,"Mitsuki tak datang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +How would you know?,Kenapa kau bisa seyakin itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"I know everything about Mitsuki,ya know?",Aku sangat memahami Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +He said something urgent came up.,"Katanya ada suatu urusan yang mendesak, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki and I are so close,",Kalau kami sudah dekat,https://subscene.com/ +"Hold on, I think it was…","Sebentar, kalau tak salah...",https://subscene.com/ +You think someone contacted himsuddenly and he went out?,"Ada orang yang menghubunginya, lalu dia keluar rumah?",https://subscene.com/ +That's not likely.,"Dia bukan orang seperti itu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Oi.,https://subscene.com/ +Doesn't seem like he's here.,Sepertinya tak ada orang di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +so depressing.,Suasana kamarnya suram banget.,https://subscene.com/ +"Did you know about this, Boruto?","Boruto, apa kau sudah tahu?",https://subscene.com/ +But I heard he lived alone.,Yang kutahu hanya dia yang tinggal sendirian.,https://subscene.com/ +we never heard himtalk about his parents,mengenai orang tuanya maupun desa asalnya,https://subscene.com/ +Even thoughwe were always together.,Padahal kita sudah jadi teman dekat.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Do you know of any placeswhere Mitsuki might hang out?,Apa kau tahu di mana kira-kira Mitsuki biasanya berada?,https://subscene.com/ +You two are always together.,Kalian selalu bersama.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Oi!,https://subscene.com/ +and be pretty much in the darkabout that sort of stuff.,"bisa saja kau tak tahu banyak soal yang begituan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm getting a super nervous vibe.,Aku jadi merasa tak tenang.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +No wonder all team missionswere suddenly cancelled.,"Pantas saja misi semua tim mendadak dibatalkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"but all the jonin wouldn't have beencalled up without a reason, right?","tapi tak mungkin para Jonin dikumpulkan tanpa alasan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +but she just brushed me off.,tapi dia tak mau menjawab.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad and the others arehiding something.,Ayah dan yang lainnya rahasiakan sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +I just rememberedsomething I gotta do.,Aku teringat sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on a minute!,Tunggu dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki's gone missing?!,Mitsuki menghilang?,https://subscene.com/ +Did something happen?,Apa sudah terjadi sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +You haven't heard anythingabout Mitsuki?,Apa Kakak dengar kabar soal Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +"Aren't you worried, Big Bro?!",Kakak tak khawatir?,https://subscene.com/ +"Just stay out of trouble, okay?","Jangan buat masalah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, Big Bro Konohamaruis hiding something too.","Ya, Kak Konohamaru juga rahasiakan sesuatu.",https://subscene.com/ +Just a little more!,Padahal tinggal sedikit lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +If it turns out to be an attack,Kalau ini benar penyerangan,https://subscene.com/ +This doesn't clear anything up.,"Kalau hanya di sini, takkan dapat informasi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, it's been a while sincewe've been provoked directly.","Meski begitu, sudah lama juga kita tak diusik secara langsung, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"If it was, Sasuke would havecontacted us already.","Kalau memang begitu, harusnya Sasuke sudah hubungi kita.",https://subscene.com/ +And there's been nothing unusualwith the other villages.,Dan di desa lain pun tak terdapat pergerakan mencurigakan.,https://subscene.com/ +"We're continuing our investigation,",Penyelidikan terus dilakukan,https://subscene.com/ +any sort of conclusionis difficult.,sulit juga untuk mengetahuinya.,https://subscene.com/ +there's no wayto read their motives.,sulit sekali untuk lihat motif mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"I return from a long tripto all of this, Naruto?","Padahal aku baru kembali dari liburan panjangku, tapi malah seperti ini ya, Naruto?",https://subscene.com/ +"It's the Fifth Hokage,Lady Tsunade.","Itu Hokage Kelima, Ny. Tsunade.",https://subscene.com/ +She always used to scold mewhen I was a kid…,"Dulu saat masih kecil, aku sering dimarahi olehnya.",https://subscene.com/ +What did you do anyway?,"Apa yang sudah kaulakukan, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +When did you return?,Kapan Anda kembalinya?,https://subscene.com/ +I heard that Leaf shinobiwere attacked.,Kudengar ninja Konoha sudah diserang.,https://subscene.com/ +The chunin guards at the gatewere attacked.,Penjaga tingkat Chunin di gerbang sudah diserang.,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +This was left at the site.,ini yang tertinggal di TKP.,https://subscene.com/ +"No. I wanted to verify,","Tidak, aku ingin memastikannya",https://subscene.com/ +This belongs…to Mitsuki.,Ini milik Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +He's connected to the attack?,Dia ada hubungannya dengan insiden penyerangan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +No one's seen him fromthis morning.,"Sejak tadi pagi, tak ada yang lihat dirinya.",https://subscene.com/ +So they were after Mitsuki?,"Jadi, yang mereka incar adalah Mitsuki, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +it's not unusual for himto be targeted.,bukan hal yang aneh kalau dia diincar.,https://subscene.com/ +We're ready for the investigation.,Kami sudah siap untuk lakukan penyelidikan.,https://subscene.com/ +We need to head tothe medical department now.,Saat ini kami harus segera pergi ke Departemen Medis.,https://subscene.com/ +to check the memories ofthe chunin who were attacked.,untuk periksa ingatan Chunin yang sudah diserang.,https://subscene.com/ +we asked you two advisorsto sit in.,kami minta Anda berdua untuk datang.,https://subscene.com/ +To think you'd call us in.,"Sampai harus panggil kami, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, Ino… We leave it to you.","Kalau begitu, Ino, kami serahkan padamu!",https://subscene.com/ +"So, this will help find outwho took Mitsuki?","Apa dengan ini, kita akan mengetahui siapa yang menculik Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, that's fine.","Ya, itu saja sudah cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +I found it…,Ketemu!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's get out of here now.,Ayo cepat pergi dari sini!,https://subscene.com/ +No way! It can't be!,"Tak mungkin, ini mustahil!",https://subscene.com/ +then the memory cuts off.,setelah itu ingatannya terputus.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +He left of his own free will…,Dia pergi karena keinginannya sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's possible,but for what purpose?","Kemungkinan itu ada, tapi untuk apa?",https://subscene.com/ +we have to assumethis was indeed Mitsuki.,kita harus anggap kalau pelakunya memang Mitsuki sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +What's up with that?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"If this shinobi named Mitsuki isconnected to the assailants,",Kalau ninja yang bernama Mitsuki itu ada hubungannya dengan tersangka penyerangannya,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I know that.","Ya, aku tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't it premature to concludethat Mitsuki's a traitor?,Apa tak terlalu cepat kalau kita simpulkan bahwa Mitsuki berkhianat?,https://subscene.com/ +I believe he's fromthe Hidden Sound Village.,"Kalau tak salah ingat, dia berasal dari Desa Oto, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We should be able to contact himimmediately through a monitor…,Harusnya kita bisa hubungi mereka melalui monitor saat ini juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"What's the meaning of this,Lord Seventh?","Apa maksudnya, Hokage Ketujuh?",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki is…,Mitsuki adalah,https://subscene.com/ +"What are your intentions, Naruto?!","Apa sebenarnya tujuanmu, Naruto?",https://subscene.com/ +You saw it with your own eyes!,Harusnya kau sudah menyaksikannya sendiri!,https://subscene.com/ +His moves aren't somethingyou can rationalize.,Tindakannya itu tak bisa ditanggapi hanya dengan pemikiran biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +will be critical to the Ninja World whenthe time comes to battle the Otsutsuki.,akan sangat dibutuhkan dunia ninja saat peperangan melawan klan Otsutsuki nanti.,https://subscene.com/ +Then what about Mitsuki?,"Kalau begitu, bagaimana dengan Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +"In any case, it should clear by now.","Mau bagaimanapun, ada satu hal yang jelas.",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't it common sense to consider hima dangerous presence to the Leaf?,Apa salah kalau kita menganggap keberadaannya berbahaya bagi desa?,https://subscene.com/ +"If we can't count on Dad andthe others doing something,",Kalau kita tak bisa andalkan ayah dan yang lainnya,https://subscene.com/ +I just don't get it.,Aku masih tak mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +The memories that Ino sawweren't lies or illusions.,Ingatan yang Bibi Ino lihat bukan ingatan palsu ataupun ilusi.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki isn't the kind of person,Mitsuki itu bukan tipe anak yang akan,https://subscene.com/ +"But we don't know everythingabout Mitsuki, do we?","Tapi, ada banyak hal yang tak kita ketahui tentang Mitsuki, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We didn't even know anythingabout Mitsuki's parent.,Kita bahkan tak tahu apa-apa soal orang tuanya Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"I met him just once, but…","Aku pernah bertemu dengannya sekali, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +and he felt like someoneI didn't want to get near.,dan ada rasa tak nyaman saat berada di dekatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki is Mitsuki!,Mitsuki tetaplah Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru Sensei wasreally shocked.,Guru Konohamaru pun terkejut.,https://subscene.com/ +"You must know deep downin your heart too, right, Boruto?","Kau sendiri sebenarnya juga menyadarinya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki is our friend, isn't he?","Mitsuki itu sahabat kita, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +who will?!,siapa lagi yang akan percaya?,https://subscene.com/ +We're shinobi.,Kita ini ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +and analyze every possibilityout there.,dan analisis tiap kemungkinan yang ada.,https://subscene.com/ +Betrayed us?Is that what you want to say?,Pengkhianatan itu yang buatmu tak memercayainya?,https://subscene.com/ +Wait!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, Sarada…","Eh, Sarada.",https://subscene.com/ +The Hokage that you want to become…,Hokage yang jadi impianmu itu,https://subscene.com/ +Later!,Sampai jumpa!,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +the village went into a temporarymaximum level emergency security alert.,desa sudah umumkan peringatan keadaan darurat level maksimum sementara.,https://subscene.com/ +will be treated as a deserter.,akan dianggap sebagai pengkhianat.,https://subscene.com/ +An official tracking team is supposedto be formed to go after him.,Tim pelacak resmi akan dibentuk untuk mengejarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Why doesn't anyone trust him?,Kenapa tak ada seorang pun yang percaya padanya?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't think aboutdoing anything stupid.,Jangan coba-coba lakukan sesuatu yang konyol.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm just exhausted.So many things happened today.,"Karena banyak hal yang terjadi, aku lelah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you're Mitsuki's—!",Kau ularnya Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not gonna let you have it!,Takkan kubiarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +This is…,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +my…,...kehendakku...,https://subscene.com/ +"""My will""?","""Kehendakku sendiri""?",https://subscene.com/ +Sarada.,Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +I got a message from Mitsuki.,Aku dapat pesan dari Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"""This is my will.""","""Ini kehendakku sendiri.""",https://subscene.com/ +Does that mean he left the villageof his own free will?,Apa itu berarti dia pergi tinggalkan desa atas kehendaknya sendiri?,https://subscene.com/ +But there's no wayto verify it staying here.,"Tapi, kalau kita berdiam diri saja, kita takkan bisa membuktikannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even thoughwe were always together,",Meskipun kita selalu bersama,https://subscene.com/ +It's only after Mitsuki leftthat I realized it.,Aku baru bisa menyadarinya setelah Mitsuki pergi.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's why I want to see him again,and make sure…","Karena itulah aku ingin bertemu dengannya lagi, dan memastikan",https://subscene.com/ +"If you leave the village now,this time,",Kalau sekarang kau pergi tinggalkan desa,https://subscene.com/ +Do you know that?,"Kau tahu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna trust Mitsuki.,Aku akan memercayai Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's take that snake toOrochimaru's research lab.,Ayo kita bawa ular itu ke tempat penelitian milik Orochimaru.,https://subscene.com/ +"Until we find outwhat Mitsuki's thinking,",Sampai kita bisa tahu apa yang ada di dalam pikiran Mitsuki,https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay with that?,Apa kau yakin?,https://subscene.com/ +You and Mitsuki aren'tthe only members of Team 7!,Anggota Tim 7 bukan hanya kau dan Mitsuki saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada…,Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +"if I leave it all up to you,",kalau aku biarkanmu bertindak seenaknya sendiri,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, shut up!",Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +Will we really find out more justby asking this Orochimaru guy?,Apa kita akan dapatkan banyak informasi kalau bertanya pada Orochimaru?,https://subscene.com/ +I think asking him about the snakeis the quickest route.,Kurasa bertanya padanya mengenai ular tersebut adalah cara tercepat untuk dapatkan informasi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Let's get some clues quicklyand find Mitsuki, ya know!",Ayo kita cari petunjuk secepat mungkin dan temukan Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura!,Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +You would…,Kau takkan,https://subscene.com/ +"Give it everything you've got, Kagura!","Yang serius dong, Kagura!",https://subscene.com/ +Put more chakra into it!,Kerahkan chakra-mu lebih banyak lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Didn't you say you're the only one,Bukankah kau sendiri yang bilang,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura!,Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +"No matter how hard I resisted,","Sekeras apa pun aku melawan,",https://subscene.com/ +But Mr. Shizuma…,"Tapi, kak Shizuma...",https://subscene.com/ +The age to come is goingto need warriors like you.,Era yang akan datang butuhkan kesatria seperti dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +because he acknowledged me.,maka dari itulah aku ada di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +He's declaring war!,"Dia itu nyatakan perang, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Our village is very warpedthese days.,Saat ini desa kami benar-benar terjemurus ke jalan yang salah!,https://subscene.com/ +We will wage war for thosewho could not escape that!,Kami lakukan peperangan demi orang-orang yang terjebak dalam hal itu!,https://subscene.com/ +So why do you looklike you're suffering?,"Kalau begitu, kenapa kau terlihat begitu tersiksa?",https://subscene.com/ +What happened to the guy whoplayed Shinobi Bout with us?,Ke manakah perginya dirimu yang main kartu ninja bersama kami?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't talk like you know me!,Jangan bicara seolah kau mengerti diriku!,https://subscene.com/ +This is…it!,"Dengan begini, berakhir sudah!",https://subscene.com/ +I ain't afraid ofa wimpy sword like that!,Aku sama sekali tak takut dengan pedang tumpul seperti itu!,https://subscene.com/ +You idiot!,Dasar bodoh!,https://subscene.com/ +I ain't afraid ofa wimpy sword like that!,Aku tak takut pada pedang tumpul seperti ini!,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know whathe's been feeding you…,Aku tak tahu pikiranmu itu berada di mana,https://subscene.com/ +is stupid and has nothingto do with us!,"hal bodoh seperti itu sama sekali tak ada hubungannya dengan kita, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Kagura!,Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +This scar is proof of that.,Bekas luka inilah yang jadi buktinya.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Shizuma!,Kak Shizuma!,https://subscene.com/ +You're not a killer!,Kau bukanlah pembunuh!,https://subscene.com/ +have entrusted youwith the Hiramekarei!,memercayakan Hiramekarei kepadamu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, you don't know, do you?",Apa kau tak tahu?,https://subscene.com/ +"For the sake of changing thingsin their favor,","Agar bisa ubah desa sesuai keinginan mereka,",https://subscene.com/ +"assassinated in secret,one after the other.",orang yang halangi rencana mereka secara diam-diam.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's the truth.","Tidak, itulah kenyataannya.",https://subscene.com/ +they get rid of thembehind the scenes.,mereka pasti akan dibunuh secara diam-diam.,https://subscene.com/ +But we won't do things that way.,"Tapi, kami takkan berbuat seperti itu.",https://subscene.com/ +and we'll create a justand true future.,Dan kami akan ciptakan masa depan yang sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +built through secret agreementsand assassinations?,dibangun melalui perjanjian rahasia dan pembunuhan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto.","Hai, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +I have some business withthat guy over there.,Aku ada sedikit urusan dengan orang itu.,https://subscene.com/ +An awful guy I knowwas snooping around,Seorang kenalanku yang menakutkan lakukan penyelidikan,https://subscene.com/ +"And I've gotta say, I've learneda lot of interesting things.","Dan berkat itulah, aku temukan beberapa fakta yang menarik.",https://subscene.com/ +with the Land of Waves.,dengan Negara Ombak.,https://subscene.com/ +"There's a lot more thatyou're hiding, isn't there?","Pasti masih banyak hal-hal yang kalian sembunyikan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +Like how you assassinatedthose who got in your way.,bagaimana kau habisi orang-orang yang halangi rencanamu.,https://subscene.com/ +"You quietly got rid of anyonewho got in your way,",Kau bunuh orang-orang yang halangi rencanamu,https://subscene.com/ +Is that how you do things?,"Semua itu adalah perbuatanmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +and create a just and true future.,demi ciptakan masa depan yang sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +What's the meaning of all of this?,Apa maksudnya semua ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Shizuma?,Kak Shizuma?,https://subscene.com/ +It's all in preparation for war.,Itu semua demi terciptanya perang.,https://subscene.com/ +You said we would rise upto make right,Kau bilang kita harus bangkit untuk basmi,https://subscene.com/ +Who cares about the reason?,Memangnya siapa yang peduli?,https://subscene.com/ +Were you going to use me too?,"Demi ambisimu itu, kau juga memperalatku?",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't expect youto follow me this far.,Aku tak sangka kau akan ikutiku sejauh ini.,https://subscene.com/ +what the sword ofYagura's grandson was like.,seperti apa kehebatan pedang milik cucu dari Yagura.,https://subscene.com/ +Just remembering itgives me shivers!,Mengingatnya saja sudah buatku gemetar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Everything was a lie,Mr. Shizuma?!","Jadi, semua ini hanya bohong belaka, Kak Shizuma?",https://subscene.com/ +I'll use you until the very end.,Aku akan tetap gunakan dirimu sampai akhir.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, so why do youwant war so much?","Eh, kenapa kau sangat inginkan terjadinya perang?",https://subscene.com/ +Because it's fun!What else?,"Sudah jelas karena itu menyenangkan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Guys who were friendsuntil just yesterday,","Orang-orang yang sebelumnya berteman baik,",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that wonderful?,Bukankah itu hebat?,https://subscene.com/ +It will never change!,Takkan pernah berubah.,https://subscene.com/ +War? Whatever!,Apanya yang perang?,https://subscene.com/ +Go do it alone!,"Kalau begitu, lakukan saja sendiri!",https://subscene.com/ +It's too late!,Sudah terlambat.,https://subscene.com/ +Look around you!,Lihatlah!,https://subscene.com/ +You're wrong.,Itu tak benar.,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you make itany bigger than that!,Takkan kubiarkan kau lakukan sesuatu lebih jauh lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style: Breakthrough.,風遁・突破,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah. It's like the jutsuis getting absorbed.,"Ya, rasanya seperti teknik itu diserap olehnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Chakra that's whittled awayby my Samehada becomes mine.,Chakra yang dipotong oleh Samehada jadi milikku.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, as long aswe're inside this mist,","Selama kita berada di dalam kabut ini,",https://subscene.com/ +What? Not enough chakra?,Kau masih merasa kurang dengan chakra-nya?,https://subscene.com/ +Why you—!,Sialan.,https://subscene.com/ +Get out of my way!,Kau menghalangi saja!,https://subscene.com/ +A Water Clone?!,Klona air?,https://subscene.com/ +It's water!,Air!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm okay, Boruto.","Aku baik-baik saja, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +But…,"Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Now, it's your turn!","Baiklah, selanjutnya adalah giliranmu!",https://subscene.com/ +This is a good opportunity for you.,ini kesempatan yang bagus untukmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Please…stop this already!,Tolong hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Whether he wants it or not,","Entah dia mau atau tidak,",https://subscene.com/ +It's his destiny.,Itu sudah takdirnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Yagura's grandson will killthe son of the Hokage,Cucu Yagura akan bunuh putra Hokage,https://subscene.com/ +That will light the fire of revolution!,Itulah yang akan picu revolusi!,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura was a tool justfor this purpose.,Kagura hanyalah alat untuk tujuan itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura is my friend who's admired,Kagura adalah temanku yang diakui oleh,https://subscene.com/ +He's not your tool!,Dia bukanlah alatmu!,https://subscene.com/ +"No matter how many times you try,the outcome won't change.","Mau berapa kali pun kau mencoba, hasilnya akan sama.",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't even try to take what's mine,","Padahal kau itu lemah, jadi jangan ambil",https://subscene.com/ +I admit that you're stronger.,Kau memang kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +I want to win in one big sweep!,Aku ingin menang dengan satu kartu yang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +Shinobi Bout!,Kartu Ninja!,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you.,Terima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +The way you blockedthose successive red cards.,Karena kau berhasil hambat kartu merah itu berturut-turut.,https://subscene.com/ +"Easily, like the game.",Dengan mudahnya seperti saat bermain gim.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's do it in one big sweep!,Ayo kita lakukan dalam satu serangan hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +Then come!,Kemarilah!,https://subscene.com/ +"But, as long as I havethe Samehada,","Tapi, selama aku punya Samehada,",https://subscene.com/ +It really is a glutton.,"Kau benar-benar rakus, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +– Wind Style: Gale Palm!– Wind Style: Gale Palm!,風遁・烈風掌,https://subscene.com/ +Not yet!,Masih belum!,https://subscene.com/ +He's fast!,Cepat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Have a clone use his Wind Styleto shoot out the real one.,Membuat tubuh bayangan menggunakan teknik Elemen Angin untuk lempar tubuh yang asli.,https://subscene.com/ +use his Wind Style toincrease speed and attack!,menggunakan teknik Elemen Angin lagi untuk tingkatkan kecepatan dan serangan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, don't go stealing my lines!","Hoi, seharusnya aku yang bilang begitu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Mitsuki.","Terima kasih, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +You've got to be kidding.,Yang benar saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna kill you!,Aku akan bunuh kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +Please stop!,"Tolong, hentikanlah!",https://subscene.com/ +Kagura…,Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm grateful to you, Mr. Shizuma!","Aku sangat berterima kasih padamu, Kak Shizuma!",https://subscene.com/ +He called me his friendover and over.,Dia terus menganggapku sebagai temannya.,https://subscene.com/ +He made me believe…that even a weakling like me…,Dia buatku yakin bahwa orang lemah seperti diriku,https://subscene.com/ +Even you can…,Kau pun juga bisa.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you dare lecture me!,Jangan ceramahiku!,https://subscene.com/ +This isn't over yet!,Ini masih belum berakhir!,https://subscene.com/ +What's happening?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +Samehada…,Samehada.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Hoi.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +It's going on a rampage.,Pedang itu mengamuk.,https://subscene.com/ +Forgive me.,Maafkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Samehada is very fickleand difficult to wield.,Samehada itu sulit ditebak dan dikendalikan.,https://subscene.com/ +so the sword swallowed him up.,jadi dia dimakan pedangnya sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, it will consumeall of our chakra.","Kalau begini terus, bisa-bisa dia lahap semua chakra kita.",https://subscene.com/ +"If we release that sword,it can stop Samehada.",Pedang itu mampu hentikan Samehada.,https://subscene.com/ +"I can't change the past,","Aku memang tak bisa ubah masa lalu,",https://subscene.com/ +Very well.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +One more time!,Sekali lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't try to do everything alone!,Jangan selalu lakukan apa pun sendirian!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's do this!,Ayo maju!,https://subscene.com/ +Shizuma…,Shizuma.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Boruto.","Terima kasih, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +What happened to you?,Apa yang terjadi padamu?,https://subscene.com/ +I am honored!,Ini adalah sebuah kehormatan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, we just said there's no time!","Hoi, kubilang kita sudah tak punya waktu lagi!",https://subscene.com/ +We're going back.,"Kami kembali dulu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's hurry!,Cepatlah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Never mind all that!If you have time to talk, run!","Sudahlah, selagi masih ada waktu, kita harus bergegas!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, I'm aching all over,so let's go easy.","Jangan cepat-cepat jalannya, tubuhku sakit semua, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +– Slower.– You just shut up!,Pelan-pelan.,https://subscene.com/ +I think that only applies to you…,"Kurasa, hanya kau yang bisa melakukannya.",https://subscene.com/ +we had such a hard time!,dan banyak hal yang kami lakukan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Mom, Himawari's been acting weird.","Ibu, Himawari bertingkah aneh.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't you remember?,Apa kau lupa?,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +Where am I?,Ini di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto… If it's for your sake—!,"Boruto, demi dirimu, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki?,Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what are you doing?!","Eh, kau mau apa?",https://subscene.com/ +It's all right.,Tak perlu khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, get back in bed!","Sini, kutuntun kembali ke kasur.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto went with them.,Boruto juga ikut.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's so like him.,"Dia banget, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go!,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +My dad and the Five Kage are with him.,"Ada papaku dan kelima Kage juga, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +He'll be okay.,Tak perlu cemas.,https://subscene.com/ +I knew you were going to say that.,Jawabanmu sudah ketebak.,https://subscene.com/ +"All right,you were in critical condition…","Ayo, kondisimu juga tadinya kritis,",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +There you go!,Ayo sana!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah…","Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll call Shizune for you.,Sekalian biar kupanggilkan Bibi Shizune.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto,","Boruto,",https://subscene.com/ +How does it feel to be nourishingthis nursery that I created?,Bagaimana rasanya jadi pupuk dari tunas yang kubuat ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"That Divine Tree was createdfrom one like you,","Pohon Suci itu dibuat dari orang sepertimu,",https://subscene.com/ +Old Man Bee…!,Paman Bee.,https://subscene.com/ +What a ridiculous amount of chakra.,Benar-benar chakra yang sangat banyak.,https://subscene.com/ +It's taking too long.,Benar-benar makan waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +"You see,ninja are different from you…","Berbeda dari kalian,",https://subscene.com/ +It's not like we're gonnagive it up that easily.,jadi jelas kami takkan menyerah semudah itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"You train and persevere endlessly,and pointlessly,","Kalian para makhluk hina hanya berlatih dengan keras, tanpa tujuan,",https://subscene.com/ +Once you become Chakra Fruit…you're merely fodder.,"Setelah jadi Buah Chakra, kalian tak ada bedanya dengan seonggok daging hidup.",https://subscene.com/ +I was able to absorb many jutsu.,aku berhasil serap berbagai teknik.,https://subscene.com/ +"But with this pill,","tapi dengan pil ini,",https://subscene.com/ +So it's exactly likea Scientific Ninja Tool…,"Jadi, sama seperti Peralatan Sains Ninja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +If you'd talked to me before…,Kalau sebelum ini Ayah bicara padaku...,https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't have ended up in this situation now!,Aku takkan terjebak dalam situasi seperti ini!,https://subscene.com/ +That's why he relied ona Scientific Ninja Tool…,Karena itulah dia memilih gunakan Peralatan Sains Ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't try to really see who he is.,Aku bahkan tak berusaha mengakuinya.,https://subscene.com/ +What are you mumbling about?,Apa yang kauocehkan?,https://subscene.com/ +It's still going to takeconsiderable time.,Prosesnya masih butuh waktu sedikit lebih lama.,https://subscene.com/ +The Byakugan!,Byakugan!,https://subscene.com/ +Then I must really be a genius!,"Berarti, aku ini orang genius, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +One cannot awaken itwithout intense training.,Teknik Mata memerlukan latihan yang berat.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you trying to say I'm lying?,"Jadi, maksud Ayah aku berbohong?",https://subscene.com/ +"In other words, you don't trust me!","Intinya, Ayah tak percaya padaku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I can see it!,Aku bisa melihatnya!,https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +All the chakra in his bodyhas been almost depleted.,Semua chakra di tubuhnya hampir hilang.,https://subscene.com/ +it's sheer luck thatyou've been safe,Alasan kalian tetap selamat darikejadian-kejadian selama ini,https://subscene.com/ +This is no longer a matterfor kids playing detective.,Ini sudah bukan permainan detektif-detektifan lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +No.,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +"First, graduate from the academy.","Pertama, lulus dulu dari akademi.",https://subscene.com/ +That's not fair!,Itu tak adil sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"Right, Boruto?","Benar 'kan, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +He's too young to be able tomake that distinction.,Pemahamannya masih belum matang.,https://subscene.com/ +if he's treated like an adult.,Itu pun kalau mereka diperlakukan seperti orang dewasa.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're the Hokage, aren't you, Dad?!","Ayah seorang Hokage, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I have to consider the welfareof the entire village.,Aku harus pikirkan kesejahteraan penduduk desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Like I said, I won't let her down.",Aku takkan mengecewakannya.,https://subscene.com/ +What's that supposed to mean?!,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, I didn't apologize to you properly.","Boruto, aku belumminta maaf padamu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't matter.,Tak apa.,https://subscene.com/ +I never had my hopes up anyway.,Sejak awal aku tak berharap padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Instead…,"Sebagai gantinya,",https://subscene.com/ +I don't care,Aku tak keberatan,https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +"So, promise me…Swear that you'll come home for that.","Jadi, berjanjilah kau harus pulang untuknya!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll never forgive youif you break your word.,Tak ada maaf kalau kau sampai mengingkarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +I really didn't try…to understand him at all.,Aku sama sekali tak berusaha memahaminya.,https://subscene.com/ +"it's only natural if he calls me""stupid old man.""","wajar saja dia memanggilku ""ayah yang payah"", ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Stop mumbling and justlet your chakra be extracted.,Tutup mulutmu dan biarkan chakra-mu kutarik.,https://subscene.com/ +…after I beat you.,Setelah aku menghajarmu!,https://subscene.com/ +These guys?!,Mereka...,https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Stop babbling, you vulgar creatures!","Berhentilah mengoceh, Makhluk Rendahan!",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, Dad?","Kau baik-baik saja, Ayah?",https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing here?,Kenapa kau ada di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +A lot has happened…,Ada banyak hal yang sudah terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +I feel like I'm looking atmy own Shadow Clone.,Rasanya seperti lihat Klona Bayanganku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, more than before.","Ya, jauh lebih keren dari sebelumnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto… I'm sorry foreverything up until now.,"Boruto, maaf karena selama ini kurang memerhatikanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +I ended up ignoring my family…,Ayah sampai abaikan keluarga Ayah sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +"I wanted attention too,and kept getting into mischief.","demi dapatkan perhatian, Ayah selalu berbuat nakal.",https://subscene.com/ +You used to…get into mischief?,Ayah dulu sering berbuat nakal?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'd paint words like ""stupid"" and""idiot"" on the Great Stone Faces, too…","Ayah juga tulis kata ""bodoh"" dan ""bego"" di patung wajah para Hokage,",https://subscene.com/ +No kidding…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Actually…I wanted to knowall the time.,"Sebenarnya, aku ingin mengetahuinya,",https://subscene.com/ +and I didn't try to see your side…and kept pushing back at you…,Aku tak berusaha untuk pahami Ayah dan hanya mengeluh saja.,https://subscene.com/ +So…,"Karena itulah,",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Just…,"Hanya saja,",https://subscene.com/ +I want you to tell mestories from your past.,aku ingin Ayah ceritakan masa lalu Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +But are you sure about that?,"Tapi, apa kau yakin mau mendengarkannya?",https://subscene.com/ +"All right,if we're gonna protect everyone…","Sip, demi lindungi semua orang,",https://subscene.com/ +"Protect everyone, huh?","Melindungi semua orang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You always say you have toprotect everyone in the village…,Ayah juga selalu bilang ingin lindungi semua orang di desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, ya know!",Itu tentu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Because that's my…Ninja Way!,Karena itu adalah jalan ninjaku!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… Let's do this!,"Ya, ayo kita kalahkan mereka!",https://subscene.com/ +"Also, one intruder went into hiding.","Selain itu, ada satu penyusup yang sembunyikan diri.",https://subscene.com/ +Maintain full alert status.,Tetap berlakukan status siaga darurat.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Um, shouldn't we…send reinforcements?","Begini, apa tak masalah kita tak kirim pasukan bantuan?",https://subscene.com/ +Well yeah…He's my friend.,"Ya, soalnya dia temanku.",https://subscene.com/ +I remember I couldn't sit still…,Ayah juga tak bisa diam saja.,https://subscene.com/ +We don't even know if the enemywill launch a second wave of attacks.,Kita bahkan masih belum tahu apa musuh akan lancarkan serangan kedua atau tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd expect you to be ableto read the situation.,pasti bisa pahami situasi seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"You get what I mean, don't you?","Kau tahu maksudku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We're the ones…,Kita adalah orang-orang,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to join up with the others!,Aku akan bergabung dengan yang lainnya!,https://subscene.com/ +You're quite nimbleand fast for your size.,"Dengan tubuh sebesar itu, ternyata kau cukup gesit dan cepat juga.",https://subscene.com/ +You're wide open!,Pertahananmu terbuka lebar!,https://subscene.com/ +Why you impudent—!,Kurang ajar kau.,https://subscene.com/ +Bloody Mist Sword Art:Honenuki: Bone Mutilation!,Chigiri,https://subscene.com/ +Leave it to me!,Serahkan padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +You go for the other one!,Kau pergilah lawan musuh yang lain!,https://subscene.com/ +You guys have such bad luck…,"Kalian benar-benar tak beruntung, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +…we won't let you get away anymore!,jadi kami takkan biarkan kalian melarikan diri lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Dad, wait!","Ayah, tunggu!",https://subscene.com/ +You can't use ninjutsu on him!,Ayah tak bisa melawannya dengan Ninjutsu!,https://subscene.com/ +What a pain.,Menyusahkan sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"You absorb jutsu, then release it…right?","kau serap teknik dan mengeluarkannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Just like the ScientificNinja Team's toys…,Sama seperti mainan Peralatan Sains Ninja itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"We'll proceed without jutsu,and take you down with brute force.","Kami akan menyerang tanpa gunakan teknik, dan menghabisimu dengan serangan frontal.",https://subscene.com/ +Your partner is already done…,Temanmu sudah dikalahkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Is that your child, Fox?","Dia itu anakmu ya, Rubah?",https://subscene.com/ +It seems you're burdened witha rather interesting fate…,Sepertinya kau terbebani dengan takdir yang cukup menarik.,https://subscene.com/ +"That you possess so much power,","Kau warisi kekuatan yang luar biasa,",https://subscene.com/ +"You bastard, what the hellare you talking about?!","Kurang ajar, sebenarnya apa yang kaubicarakan?",https://subscene.com/ +Let me show you…,Akan aku perlihatkan,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Tak mungkin!,https://subscene.com/ +It seems the time has comefor you to consume my chakra…,Sekaranglah saatnya Tuan serap chakra milikku.,https://subscene.com/ +Of course!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +It's too late.,Sudah terlambat.,https://subscene.com/ +You're next!,Selanjutnya giliranmu!,https://subscene.com/ +You fools who dare defy a god!,Dasar orang bodoh yang menentang Dewa!,https://subscene.com/ +That's right.You get it. Now die!,"Kalau sudah mengerti, cepat matilah!",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +Ryogi!,Ryogi!,https://subscene.com/ +"You're a full-fledged shinobi,","Padahal kau itu seorang ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +"You're only talk, after all.",Ternyata kau hanya bisa bicara.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't go…Ryogi!,"Jangan pergi, Ryogi!",https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing here?,Apa yang kaulakukan di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Assemble?,Dipanggil?,https://subscene.com/ +FOR THE SAKE OF TRUE JUSTICEEQUALITYPROTECT…We won't forgivethe Kaminarimon Company!,Kami takkan memaafkan Perusahaan Kaminarimon!,https://subscene.com/ +Protect the workers!,Lindungi para pekerja!,https://subscene.com/ +"We can even leave them,and the chaos will keep growing.","Tinggal dibiarkan saja, keributan ini pasti akan terus membesar.",https://subscene.com/ +That's reality.,Itulah kenyataan.,https://subscene.com/ +"the Byakuya Gang, aren't you?","...anggota Kelompok Byakuya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter, Ryogi?","Ada apa, Ryogi?",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, let's continue withthe Crest of Night Strategy!","Baiklah, ayo kita lanjutkan strategi puncak malam ini!",https://subscene.com/ +"And even if you did,there's nothing you can do.","Kalau kau bergerak, kau takkan bisa apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +"""The Hidden Leaf Village isabout to be reborn…""","Saat ini, Desa Konoha sedang terlahir kembali.",https://subscene.com/ +"in front ofthe Kaminarimon Company,","di depan Perusahaan Kaminarimon,",https://subscene.com/ +"""For the sake of true justice.""",Demi keadilan sejati.,https://subscene.com/ +So the recent disturbanceswere all leading up to this…,"Jadi, kericuhan akhir-akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk buat kekacauan besar hari ini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"If this grows any bigger,","Kalau kekacauan ini membesar,",https://subscene.com/ +Of course…We wouldn't allow that.,"Tentu saja, kita takkan membiarkannya.",https://subscene.com/ +to tighten security tothe Kaminarimon Company.,untuk perketat keamanan di depan Perusahaan Kaminarimon.,https://subscene.com/ +"The protestors aren't ninja,but ordinary citizens.","Pelakunya bukanlah ninja, tapi warga sipil.",https://subscene.com/ +So we'll have to benice and placate them,"Dengan kata lain, kita harus gunakan cara halus",https://subscene.com/ +That will be our job.,Itu adalah tugas kalian juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +We're not gonna takedown the enemy.,"Kami tak melawan musuh,",https://subscene.com/ +And that's kinda…,"Entah kenapa, rasanya...",https://subscene.com/ +and it's our duty to figure outhow to do that.,dan pikirkan jalan keluarnya adalah kewajiban kita.,https://subscene.com/ +"Please get toyour positions quickly,","Setiap tim, bergeraklah menuju ke posisi masing-masing,",https://subscene.com/ +– Right!– Right!,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +It's decided.,"Sudah diputuskan, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +very close tothe company headquarters.,adalah tempat yang berada di dekat pusat perusahaan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, so it's important,but how do we proceed?","Meski itu lokasi penting, tapi bagaimana cara kami menjaganya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, the always cool-headedShikadai is with you,","Ya, masih ada Shikadai yang selalu berkepala dingin, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"See, you're still doing it,even now.","Lihat, sekarang pun juga sama.",https://subscene.com/ +but you aren't even tryingto capture me.,tapi kau tak berniat untuk menangkapku.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +And all we can do isstand by and watch!,"Kita hanya bisa diam dan melihat, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"It's aggravating,but we just have to endure it.","Ini menyebalkan, tapi kita harus menahan diri.",https://subscene.com/ +There are so many people on guard…,Ada banyak orang yang berjaga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Everyone, please be careful.","Semuanya, berhati-hatilah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Dad and the others are guardingthe front of the building,","Ayah dan yang lainnya sedang jaga bagian depan gedung,",https://subscene.com/ +This arrangement…,Pengaturan ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, is something upwith Shikadai?","Eh, ada apa dengan Shikadai?",https://subscene.com/ +"Ever since we got calledto assemble, he's been like this.","Sejak kita dipanggil, dia selalu seperti ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"you know, that game Shikadaiis always playing.",bukankah ini sama seperti permainan yang dimainkan Shikadai?,https://subscene.com/ +"Now that you mention it,it does look like that.","Memang terlihat seperti itu, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +You fall for it a lot.,"Kau sering sekali terpancing, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Actually, there are a lot of openings.","tapi nyatanya, ada banyak celah yang terbuka.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh yeah, there's no onein position there…","Ah, di sana tak ada siapa-siapa,",https://subscene.com/ +Not that!,Bukan itu!,https://subscene.com/ +It's that place Boruto visitsoften these days…,Belakangan ini Boruto sering main ke sana.,https://subscene.com/ +You don't see it becauseyou don't go on the offensive.,"Kau tak lihat karena kau tak bertindak, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +So their real targetis the research lab!,"Berarti, target mereka yang sebenarnya adalah laboratorium riset itu!",https://subscene.com/ +The protestors will beassembling soon.,Sebentar lagi para pengunjuk rasa akan berkumpul.,https://subscene.com/ +"and depending on the situation, tracking.","dan melacak, kalau situasi mendesak.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +"Here, I'll give you some chips.","Nih, kuberi kau keripik kentang.",https://subscene.com/ +– What a drag!– Did Shikadai just snap?,Shikadai kesal?,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry…,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +What was that?,Kenapa dia?,https://subscene.com/ +What's with this place?,Tempat apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Stay alert.,Tetap waspada.,https://subscene.com/ +I wish we were stationed closeto the company!,Padahal sebaiknya kita ditempatkan di dekat perusahaan.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder what's up?,Dia sedang apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry… I'm gonna go check it out.,"Maaf, aku mau menyusulnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Something must've happened.,Pasti sudah terjadi sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +Let's just do this ourselves.,Ayo urus yang di sini sebisa kita.,https://subscene.com/ +It's not my problem ifhe gets yelled at later.,"Aku tak mau tahu kalau kita sampai dimarahi, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Found you.,Ketemu juga.,https://subscene.com/ +The Byakuya Gang!What're you doing here?,"Kelompok Byakuya, sedang apa kalian di sini?",https://subscene.com/ +The villagers all seemto believe that.,Sepertinya penduduk desa mengira begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +was your ninjutsu data.,...data Ninjutsu-mu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't have proof though.,"Aku tak punya bukti, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +And you're just actingon a hunch?,Bertindak berdasarkan firasat?,https://subscene.com/ +"But if you believe it,I'm with you.","Tapi, kalau kau tetap ingin menyelidikinya, aku akan ikut bantu.",https://subscene.com/ +Y-You guys…,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +We're almost at the lab!,Laboratoriumnya sudah dekat.,https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter, Denki?","Ada apa, Denki?",https://subscene.com/ +but something's weird.,tapi ada yang aneh.,https://subscene.com/ +Their actions are out of characterfor normal people.,Pola gerakan mereka beda dari manusia biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +Destroy the Kaminarimon Company!,Hancurkan Perusahaan Kaminarimon!,https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Where's the old man?,Di mana paman?,https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, old man?","Kau tak apa-apa, Paman?",https://subscene.com/ +Owww…,"Aduh, duh.",https://subscene.com/ +Where's the Byakuya Gang?,Kelompok Byakuya mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Please go after them!,Tolong kejar mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +Your magnum opus?,Karya seni?,https://subscene.com/ +I placed a transmitter onthe Byakuya Gang's leader!,Aku sudah taruh pelacak pada ketua Kelompok Byakuya!,https://subscene.com/ +What's this?,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +you'll be able to trackwhere they are…,kau bisa lacak mereka,https://subscene.com/ +"Wow, amazing!","Wah, keren!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you can count on me!","Ya, serahkan saja padaku!",https://subscene.com/ +The uproar is getting bigger.,Kegaduhannya semakin besar.,https://subscene.com/ +"We will protect the KaminarimonCompany, no matter what.","Apa pun yang terjadi, kami akan lindungi Perusahaan Kaminarimon.",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Kotaro!,Pak Kotaro!,https://subscene.com/ +"You're under suspensionright now, aren't you?",Bukankah saat ini kau sedang diskors?,https://subscene.com/ +"But, I have to report this to you.","Tapi, aku harus laporkan ini pada Anda.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes… This isn't an ordinary protest.,"Ya, ini bukan hanya unjuk rasa biasa.",https://subscene.com/ +Several of the people outin the front,Di leher beberapa orang yang ada di depan,https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?!,Apa katamu?,https://subscene.com/ +and are inciting the others.,dan menghasut penduduk lain.,https://subscene.com/ +"I understand, we'll go confirmthis right away!","Aku mengerti, aku akan segera memeriksanya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Right now, this is about all I can do…","Saat ini, hanya ini yang bisa kulakukan.",https://subscene.com/ +Seems like you're doingexceptionally well!,Sepertinya kau sudah berkembang dengan sangat baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"Boss, just what is that anyway?","Bos, sebenarnya itu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +This is a storage device.,Ini adalah perangkat penyimpan.,https://subscene.com/ +Every ninjutsu that existsin this world,Setiap Ninjutsu yang ada di dunia ini,https://subscene.com/ +Be they Secret Ninjutsu orKekkei Genkai…everything.,Baik itu Ninjutsu rahasia ataupun Kekkei Genkai.,https://subscene.com/ +Wow… So we can geta high price for it then.,"Hebat, kita bisa menjualnya dengan harga tinggi.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's selfish to keep somethingthat's good for the entire world,","Kalau kita simpan benda sehebat ini untuk sendiri,",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, this is for true justice!","Yang jelas, ini untuk keadilan yang sejati.",https://subscene.com/ +"We caught up, you rotten thieves!","Akhirnya kalian terkejar juga, pencuri sialan!",https://subscene.com/ +It's useless to try to run away.,"Mau lari ke mana pun, percuma saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Boss, on your back!","Bos, di punggungmu!",https://subscene.com/ +To think science is the thingthat gave us away.,Ilmu pengetahuan itu sungguh merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +That's Mr. Katasuke's precious…,itu benda berharga milik paman.,https://subscene.com/ +Uh…What is it anyway?,"Anu, itu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"This is something that's waybeyond your heads, brats.",Ini benda yang takkan bisa dimengerti oleh kalian para bocah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Whatever it is, give it back!","Terserah saja, pokoknya kembalikan!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, take care of them!","Ya, tolong urus mereka!",https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +TRUE JUSTICEEQUALITYPROTECT THE WORKERS!I heard it myself!,Aku mendengarnya sendiri!,https://subscene.com/ +and keeps all the profitsto themselves.,sedangkan keuntungannya akan mereka nikmati sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +Who told you that story?,Siapa yang memberitahumu soal itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Uh, who was it anyway?","Lo, siapa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +They're under a genjutsu.,Mereka sedang dikendalikan Genjutsu.,https://subscene.com/ +What are all these peopledoing here?,Apa yang mereka lakukan di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +"You're the only one left, mister.","Tinggal kau sendiri yang tersisa, Paman.",https://subscene.com/ +Fire Style: Fox Fire!,火遁・狐火,https://subscene.com/ +Whoa… Too sudden!,"Wah, cepat sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll turn both of you into ashes!,Akan kubakar kalian berdua hingga jadi abu!,https://subscene.com/ +Uncle Shikamaru?!,Paman Shikamaru?,https://subscene.com/ +"You managed quite a feat, you guys.",Kalian benar-benar hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Actually, genin aren't authorizedto take part in battle…","Sebenarnya, Genin tak boleh terlibat dalam pertarungan.",https://subscene.com/ +H-How come you're here?,Bagaimana Anda bisa sampai ke sini?,https://subscene.com/ +"In other words,to try and subdue this rebellion.","Dengan kata lain, kalian berusaha hentikan keributan ini.",https://subscene.com/ +We'll have to engage withthe people face-to-face,Kami harus hadapi para warga satu per satu,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What am I doing here?,"Eh, apa yang kulakukan di sini?",https://subscene.com/ +Listen to me!,Dengarkan aku!,https://subscene.com/ +False rumors aboutthe Kaminarimon Company,Rumor palsu tentang Perusahaan Kaminarimon,https://subscene.com/ +Who are they?,Siapa mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +and chatted with me.,dan bicara denganku.,https://subscene.com/ +Genjutsu?,Genjutsu?,https://subscene.com/ +Why would we fall for storieslike that anyway?,Kenapa kita bisa percaya dengan kabar burung seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I believe there are manywho are dissatisfied.,Aku yakin masih banyak orang yang masih merasa tak puas.,https://subscene.com/ +there are those who are facinghard and demanding times.,pasti ada orang yang alami kesulitan dan menuntut lebih.,https://subscene.com/ +"changing things in an honest,direct way is too hard.",kalau ubah sesuatu itu terlalu sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +"Changing the things before us,a little by little,","Mengubah sesuatu yang ada di depan kita, sedikit demi sedikit,",https://subscene.com/ +will make the worlda better place.,bisa buat dunia ini jadi lebih baik.,https://subscene.com/ +where people smileand enjoy their lives.,di mana warganya bisa tersenyum dan hidup bahagia.,https://subscene.com/ +I need the help of every personwho lives in this village.,aku mohon bantuan dari semua orang yang tinggal di desa ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's changethe Hidden Leaf Village together!,Mari kita ubah Desa Konoha ini bersama-sama!,https://subscene.com/ +So Shikadai and Borutowent after them?,"Jadi, Shikadai dan Boruto kejar mereka?",https://subscene.com/ +I think you should followthem immediately!,Sebaiknya Paman segera kejar mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +The chaos from the protestshasn't calmed yet.,Kekacauan yang ditimbulkan oleh aksi unjuk rasa masih belum bisa diredam.,https://subscene.com/ +There's no way evenfor Naruto to find the enemy.,bahkan Naruto sekalipun takkan mungkin bisa temukan musuh.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll just have to let them handle it.,Kita percayakan saja semuanya pada mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes… He looked unusually determined.,"Ya, tekadnya terlihat begitu tinggi.",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Do your best…my idiot son.,"Berjuanglah, putraku yang bodoh.",https://subscene.com/ +Those two didn't?!,Mereka...,https://subscene.com/ +Exactly as planned.,Semuanya berjalan sesuai rencana.,https://subscene.com/ +Ryogi…,Ryogi.,https://subscene.com/ +They're getting away!,Mereka bisa kabur!,https://subscene.com/ +Once we're on here…,"Kalau sudah sampai di sini,",https://subscene.com/ +No one can stop us now.,Takkan ada yang bisa hentikan kita sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +Checkmate.,Sekakmat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Ryogi, why do you go so farto protect him?","Ryogi, kenapa kau sangat ingin lindungi orang itu?",https://subscene.com/ +Is this the kind of life thatyou really want?!,Apa seperti ini kehidupan yang kauinginkan?,https://subscene.com/ +you have to accept the rolethat you've been given!,kita semua harus terima peran yang sudah diberikan pada kita!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…?,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll be right there, ya know!",Sebentar lagi aku akan ke sana!,https://subscene.com/ +Over here! Over here!,"Ke sini, ke sini!",https://subscene.com/ +It was such a drag.,"Merepotkan sekali, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +She confessed about everything.,Dia sudah akui semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +One thing still sticks…,Ada satu hal yang ganggu pikiranku.,https://subscene.com/ +It was Boruto…,Boruto-lah yang hentikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +She had been all alonefor so long.,Bagi orang yang hidupnya selalu sendirian sepertinya...,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +There were students fromthe Academy at the scene?,Apa di tempat kejadian juga ada murid akademi?,https://subscene.com/ +She experiencedNue's power firsthand.,Dialah yang rasakan kekuatan Nue.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sure that…,Aku yakin kejadian itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Children can't choose their parents.,Anak-anak tak bisa pilih siapa orang tua mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you!,Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +That we approved her admissioninto the Academy.,Kita menerimanya di akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +About that…,"Mengenai itu, sih...",https://subscene.com/ +"3 PEOPLE, ONE TEAMConstruction at the schoolwill be completed soon.",Pembangunan kembali akademi sebentar lagi akan selesai.,https://subscene.com/ +"Finally, we're free frombeing out here!",Akhirnya kita terbebas dari alam luar!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you saying we'll be in different teamsfrom the ones we formed before?,"Apa maksud Guru, kami akan berada di tim yang berbeda dari yang sebelumnya?",https://subscene.com/ +We'll try different formations,Kita akan coba beberapa formasi,https://subscene.com/ +What about Class Rep…,Bagaimana dengan ket-,https://subscene.com/ +She's been absent for so long.,Dia sudah lama tak masuk.,https://subscene.com/ +"Until she's physically better,","Kalau kondisinya belum membaik,",https://subscene.com/ +Is it possible thatshe's quitting the Academy?,Apa dia akan keluar dari akademi?,https://subscene.com/ +The only thing we can do is wait.,Yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah menunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +with whoever isin attendance for today.,yang beranggotakan murid yang hadir hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"I tried to go and visit her,but we were turned away.","Aku coba pergi menjenguknya, tapi tak diperbolehkan.",https://subscene.com/ +"After you team up,confirm each of your formations.","Setelah timnya terbentuk,beritahukan formasi tiap tim.",https://subscene.com/ +Who should we choose this time?,"Kali ini pilih siapa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Again?,Kau lagi?,https://subscene.com/ +I want to keep watchingyou up close.,Aku masih ingin melihatmu dari dekat.,https://subscene.com/ +"But right now, only Mitsuki and Iwabecan keep up with you, Boruto.","Tapi untuk saat ini, orang yang bisa ikuti pergerakan Boruto hanya Mitsuki dan Iwabe.",https://subscene.com/ +Denki and I are teaming up.,Denki bergabung denganku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, Iwabe asked me.","Ya, Iwabe yang mengajakku bergabung.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well then, maybe we shouldask Shikadai?","Kalau begitu, aku ajak saja Shikadai, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't see why we hadto be on the team,"Hanya karena orang tua kami satu tim,",https://subscene.com/ +so I kept avoiding it all this time.,makanya selama ini aku terus menghindarinya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, some comedy groupsaren't friends at all,","Selama kemampuan dan bakatnya hebat,",https://subscene.com/ +There's a little bit of underlying tensionthat's good for our relationship!,Adanya sedikit jarak di hubungan kami itu perlu!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's a drag, on all fronts.","Tapi merepotkan sekali lo, di berbagai hal.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go check out the others.,Ayo kita tanya yang lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +How did you know?,Kenapa kau bisa tahu?,https://subscene.com/ +But it's not bad.,"Tapi, kupikir itu tak terlalu buruk.",https://subscene.com/ +"No luck here either, huh?",Sepertinya tinggal kelompokku saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, he's not bad.",Dia lumayan juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Personally, I wanted toask the Class Rep.",Kalau aku sih ingin ajak ketua kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Mitsuki!",Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +That's right.,"Oh ya,",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Once the Leaf Police took over,there was nothing left for us to do.","Karena pihak kepolisian sudah ambil alih, tak ada yang perlu kita lakukan lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder howthe Class Rep is doing…,"Ketua kelas baik-baik saja tidak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +It's probably impossible for herto return to the Academy.,Sepertinya mustahil bagi dirinya kembali ke akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +She's definitely gonna return.,Dia pasti akan kembali.,https://subscene.com/ +Because the Class Repis the Class Rep.,Itu karena ketua kelas ya ketua kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, what happens willbe up to the grown-ups.","Ya, semuanya tergantung keputusan orang dewasa.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Eh.,https://subscene.com/ +The report on Sumire Kakeijust came in.,Laporan mengenai Sumire Kakei sudah tiba.,https://subscene.com/ +She's currently underthe Leaf Police's custody,"Saat ini dia ditahan oleh kepolisian,",https://subscene.com/ +When will she be returningto the Academy?,Kapan dia akan kembali ke akademi?,https://subscene.com/ +But whether they'll allow,"Tapi, mengingat dia adalah murid yang sudah timbulkan",https://subscene.com/ +I'll watch over her.,Aku akan mengawasinya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd like to take her under my wing.,aku ingin jadi pembimbingnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Then—!,Kalau begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +The issue is how she herself feels.,Yang jadi masalah adalah perasaannya.,https://subscene.com/ +And if she doesn't wantto come back…,Kalau dianya sendiri tak ingin kembali...,https://subscene.com/ +Because I'm her homeroom teacher.,Itu karena aku adalah wali kelasnya.,https://subscene.com/ +– Welcome back!– Welcome back!,Selamat datang!,https://subscene.com/ +Dad! How come you're here?!,"Ayah, kenapa Ayah ada di rumah?",https://subscene.com/ +Even I get to come homeearly sometimes.,Sekali-sekali Ayah ingin pulang cepat.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It's about a friend from my class…,Ini mengenai teman sekelasku.,https://subscene.com/ +"She got hurt andshe's recuperating, right?","Dia terluka dan sedang istirahat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"I know what she did, ya know!",Aku tahu apa yang dia lakukan!,https://subscene.com/ +Okay!,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +I know that.,Ayah tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +But let me handle this.,"Tapi, serahkan saja pada Ayah.",https://subscene.com/ +Then let her returnto the Academy!,"Kalau begitu, izinkan dia kembali ke akademi, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +Why not?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +Being the Hokage doesn't meanI can do whatever I please.,Menjadi Hokage bukan berarti Ayah bisa lakukan apa saja sesuka Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry.,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +But try not to stick your noseinto dangerous situations.,"Karena itulah, kau jangan dekat-dekat dengan sesuatu yang berbahaya.",https://subscene.com/ +"When I do something, I do it, ya know!","Saat diperlukan, aku pastiakan lakukan sesuatu!",https://subscene.com/ +All right.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey wait!,Tunggu sebentar!,https://subscene.com/ +Are…,Apa...,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I know that what I didwas unforgiveable.,Aku tahu kalau perbuatanku tak bisa dimaafkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"for the sake of everyone whoconsidered someone like me, a friend.",aku akan tebus semua kesalahan-kesalahanku.,https://subscene.com/ +"But, Sensei, I took your chakra!","Tapi, aku ambil chakra Guru!",https://subscene.com/ +That actually gave me the opportunityto grow as a teacher.,"Berkat itu, aku dapat kesempatantumbuh sebagai seorang guru.",https://subscene.com/ +Your detention is about to end.,Penahananmu akan segera berakhir.,https://subscene.com/ +But let me say just one thing.,"Tapi, biar kukatakan satu hal.",https://subscene.com/ +"If you wish,","Kalau kau mau,",https://subscene.com/ +running away isn't somethingto be ashamed of.,terkadang melarikan diri itu diperlukan.,https://subscene.com/ +The Gozu Tennouno longer is inside your body.,Gozu Tennou sudah tak ada lagi dalam tubuhmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Sensei…,Guru.,https://subscene.com/ +my dad's gathered fileson academies in other villages.,kumpulkan berkas-berkas dari berbagai akademi di desa lain.,https://subscene.com/ +Could it be the Class Rep?,Apa mungkin ketua kelas yang akan pindah?,https://subscene.com/ +but my dad was the personin charge of the recent investigation…,tapi ayahku adalah orang yang pimpin penyelidikan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Tak mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +No.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +something troublesomeis gonna happen.,akan terjadi sesuatu yang merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Today, we're going toconduct battle training","Hari ini, kita akan adakan latihan bertarung",https://subscene.com/ +It's similar to that last lesson,Ini mirip seperti pelajaran kita sebelumnya,https://subscene.com/ +Then this is probably goingto turn out the same way.,Paling kali ini akademinya akan hancur lagi seperti sebelumnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"However, I want toemphasize one thing.","Tapi, aku ingin tekankan satu hal.",https://subscene.com/ +…you absolutely must not damagethe school in any—!,jangan sampai kalian merusak akademi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Two teams will beginat the same time,","Dua tim akan mulai di saat yang bersamaan,",https://subscene.com/ +"The first team to have their memberreach the top, wins.",Tim yang anggotanya berhasil capai puncak duluan akan jadi pemenangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +This training is bad for my heart…,Latihan ini tak bagus untuk jantungku.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… I'll manage.,"Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +We don't want you tobe traumatized,Kami tak ingin kalian merasa trauma,https://subscene.com/ +"So, the principal wantedto give you an experience","Jadi, kepala akademi ingin berikan kalian pengalaman positif",https://subscene.com/ +We're not traumatized or anything…,Kami tak merasa trauma atau semacamnya.,https://subscene.com/ +What? Sumire Kakei has—?!,Sumire Kakei sudah-,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Sensei!",Tu- Guru!,https://subscene.com/ +Chubby but I've got moves!,"Meski gemuk, aku ini lincah!",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone's watching you.,"Semua orang memerhatikanmu, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Cho Cho, go on ahead!","Chocho, pergilah duluan!",https://subscene.com/ +"When chubby moves,no one else is stronger!","Saat orang gemuk bergerak, tak ada yang mampu menandinginya!",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Well?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +I knew it…,Cih!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto.","Eh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Sure! Try anything!,"Tentu saja, kau boleh coba apa saja!",https://subscene.com/ +"Here, maybe?",Rasakan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"There you go, doing somethingsuper messed up…",Lagi-lagi mereka lakukan sesuatu yang nekat.,https://subscene.com/ +It's what we always do.,Itulah yang selalu kita lakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +One fool just multiplied into two.,"Orang bodohnya jadi bertambah lagi, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know.,Aku tak tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +Could it be?,Jangan-jangan...,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Oh no…it's just…,"Ah, tidak.Soal itu...",https://subscene.com/ +What the hell is that about?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder what's going tohappen to the Class Rep?,"Apa yang akan terjadi pada ketua kelas, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm back, everyone!","Aku kembali, Teman-teman!",https://subscene.com/ +Sumire!,Sumire!,https://subscene.com/ +We were worried…,Kami khawatirkanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Aw, Class Rep,where's your usual reaction?","Duh, Ketua ini, ke mana perginya reaksimu yang biasanya?",https://subscene.com/ +So everything's back to normal?,"Jadi, dengan begini semuanya kembali seperti dulu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe it's gotten worse than before.,Bukankah mungkin lebih buruk dari sebelumnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what'd you do to her?!","Tunggu, apa yang kaulakukan padanya?",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't do anything!,Aku tak lakukan apa pun!,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke!,Sasuke!,https://subscene.com/ +You know…,"Kau ini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't even knowthe way home now, damn it.",Aku bahkan tak tahu ke mana jalan pulangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't ask me.,Jangan tanya padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +It's hard to believe,Tak kusangka Danzo,https://subscene.com/ +Is that what it is?,Begitukah?,https://subscene.com/ +"But with this,I may be able to get closer to","Tapi dengan ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you're leaving already?","Hoi, sudah mau pergi?",https://subscene.com/ +Naruto…,Naruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"Tell her, I'm sorry for everything.","""Maafkan aku atas perbuatanku selama ini.""",https://subscene.com/ +The gate that Nue openedhas been sealed.,Gerbang yang dibuka Nue sudah disegel.,https://subscene.com/ +However…it's only temporary.,"Tapi, ini hanya sementara.",https://subscene.com/ +descend upon this land.,...turun ke negeri ini.,https://subscene.com/ +How did it go?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +The space curvature exceeds 16.,Lekukan ruangnya melebihi 16.,https://subscene.com/ +We were supposed to waitto harvest that world.,Harusnya kita tunggu dulu untuk memanen dunia itu.,https://subscene.com/ +How very out of character.,"Dia tak seperti dugaan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Kinshiki, make preparations to depart.","Buat persiapan keberangkatan, Kinshiki.",https://subscene.com/ +"Denki, don't you thinkyou're being a little impatient?","Denki, kau jadi agak tak sabaran, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"If I fail the ninjutsu test,","Kalau sampai gagal dalam ujian Ninjutsu,",https://subscene.com/ +"Actually, you were being calledThe Repeater Iwabe before…","Tidak, yang dijuluki begitu sebelumnya adalah Iwabe.",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +The age of the shinobi is over.,Era ninja sudah berakhir.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll send you where I sentthe Seventh Hokage, Boruto.","Aku akan pertemukanmu dengan Hokage Ketujuh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, that's right.","Ya, itu benar.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm…,"Tapi tetap saja,",https://subscene.com/ +The story goes back in timeseveral years from this point.,Cerita ini dimulai beberapa tahun sebelumnya.,https://subscene.com/ +What the—?,Apa-apaan kau...,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait up, Boruto!","Tunggu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, it's bad. Really bad!","Ya, ini gawat, benar-benar gawat!",https://subscene.com/ +"It's tomorrow, huh…","Besok, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +or you're not going to get things donein time for the entrance ceremony.,atau pekerjaan Anda takkan bisa selesai sampai upacara penerimaan murid baru nanti.,https://subscene.com/ +I made it just in time.,Untunglah masih sempat.,https://subscene.com/ +Who would've thought todaywas the last day.,Siapa sangka hari ini adalah hari terakhir penjualan hamburger ini.,https://subscene.com/ +– Spicy!– Spicy!,Pedas!,https://subscene.com/ +I don't believe this.You're impossible.,"Tak kusangka, kau ini aneh sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't have to walk nowthat we've got this.,"Karena ada kereta ini, aku tak perlu jalan kaki lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +But we still have to attend,"Tapi, mulai besok kita tetap harus",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, is it from tomorrow?!","Oh, mulai besok, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Didn't your dad tell you?,Apa ayahmu tak bilang padamu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, don't go doing stuffto embarrass your dad, okay?","Boruto, jangan lakukan sesuatu yang bisa pemalukan ayahmu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +to watch out for you.,untuk mengawasimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, you see…It's like the train.","Ya, contohnya seperti kereta ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"As long as it stays on the tracks,it'll get to its destination easily.","Selama kereta ini berada di jalur yang benar, kereta ini akan sampai ke tujuan dengan cepat.",https://subscene.com/ +What're you talking about?,Bicara apa kau?,https://subscene.com/ +See ya.,Sampai jumpa.,https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll show you one day!,Suatu hari nanti akanaku perlihatkan padamu!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you know that's dangerous?!,"Di sana berbahaya, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Whoa…!,Waduh.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that enough?,"Sudah cukup, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Right?,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, my hand slipped.","Maaf, tanganku licin.",https://subscene.com/ +Take that back now.,Kembalikan dompet miliknya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey you, come down here.","Hoi kau, cepat turun!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't care about ninja…!,Aku tak peduli soal ninja!,https://subscene.com/ +Y-You…,Ka-Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, aren't you done yet?","Hoi, kalian belum selesai juga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Uh-oh, let's get out of here!","Waduh, ayo kita pergi dari sini!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you okay?!","Hoi, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Now more of them are gonnacome after me tomorrow!,Besok mereka pasti akan mencariku lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Listen…,Kau ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Teach 'em a lesson!,Beri mereka pelajaran!,https://subscene.com/ +"You know ninjutsu, right?","Tapi, kau bisa Ninjutsu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +No…,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +Tomorrow?,Besok?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, yeah?","Begitu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +It was my father's wish.,Ini permintaan ayahku.,https://subscene.com/ +I need to learn ninjutsuas well as academics.,aku harus belajar Ninjutsu sama seperti pelajaran-pelajaran lain.,https://subscene.com/ +The Kaminarimon Company.,Perusahaan Kaminarimon.,https://subscene.com/ +Can I put in a pre-orderon the next release?,Bolehkan aku lakukan pemesanan sebelum perilisan berikutnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, what's the big dealabout learning ninjutsu?","Tapi, kenapa kau harus belajar Ninjutsu?",https://subscene.com/ +who credits his achievementsin the Fourth Great Ninja War,yang dapat pujian dalam Perang Dunia Ninja Keempat,https://subscene.com/ +"So, he has great faith in ninja.","Jadi, dia sangat percaya dengan ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +Not really…,Tak juga.,https://subscene.com/ +I've never disobeyed my dad.,Aku tak pernah abaikan perintah ayahku.,https://subscene.com/ +My stupid old man thinks onlyabout work and ignores his family.,Ayahku yang bodoh hanya pikirkan soal pekerjaan dan abaikan keluarganya.,https://subscene.com/ +"So even if I disobey my dad,I don't get punished!","Jadi, meskipun aku abaikan perintah ayahku, aku takkan pernah dihukum!",https://subscene.com/ +Just teach him a lesson!,Beri saja dia pelajaran!,https://subscene.com/ +That's what I do.,Begitulah yang kulakukan saat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +But keeping it a secretfrom my mom is tough.,"Tapi, sulit rahasiakan hal ini dari ibuku.",https://subscene.com/ +About seven…,Pukul tujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +I thought there's no punishmentfrom disobeying.,Kupikir kau takkan dihukum karena abaikan perintah ayahmu.,https://subscene.com/ +She's really scarywhen she gets mad!,Ibuku benar-benar menakutkan kalau sudah marah!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't let 'em pick on you!,"Jangan biarkan mereka mengganggumu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +O-Okay.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm home!,Aku pulang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, Mom.","Maafkan aku, Ibu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, Shikadai has a good headon his shoulders.",Shikadai bisa jaga dirinya agar tak terlibat masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +– Trouble!– Whoa!,Masalah!,https://subscene.com/ +You know what?I helped make it today!,"Asal Kakak tahu saja, aku bantu ibu masak hari ini!",https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, make sure youwash your hands!","Boruto, jangan lupa cuci tangan dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +You start at the Academyfrom tomorrow.,Besok kau sudah mulai masuk akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +"I've heard thatso many times, ya know.",Aku sudah sering dengar cerita itu.,https://subscene.com/ +so people treated himlike a problem child.,jadi orang-orang menganggapnya sebagai anak nakal.,https://subscene.com/ +I've heard thatso many times too.,Aku juga sudah sering dengar itu.,https://subscene.com/ +That's nothing new.,"Biasanya memang begini, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't complain.,Jangan mengeluh.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's eat.,"Baiklah, ayo makan.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +There are many thingsthe Hokage must do,Banyak hal yang harus dilakukan seorang Hokage,https://subscene.com/ +You're going to learn thatstarting tomorrow at the Academy too.,Kau juga akan belajar soal itu di akademi mulai besok.,https://subscene.com/ +So uncool.,Benar-benar payah.,https://subscene.com/ +A general curriculum is…,Kurikulum umumnya...,https://subscene.com/ +I…,Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +Seems you fought withsome hoodlums again today.,Sepertinya kau berkelahi lagi dengan para berandalan hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +You definitely need the trainingat the Academy.,Kau benar-benar butuhkan latihan di akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +Who cares about your dad?,Memangnya ayahmu itu tahu apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"So, I just have to be strong?","Jadi, aku hanya harus jadi kuat?",https://subscene.com/ +That's right.,Benar sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I can study whatever I want?,Ayah akan izinkanku pelajari apa pun yang kuinginkan?,https://subscene.com/ +Strength…,Kekuatan.,https://subscene.com/ +"I just have to prove it, right?","Aku hanya perlu membuktikannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh no, oh no, oh no!",Gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +You're late!,Kakak kesiangan!,https://subscene.com/ +Will you make it in time?,Apa kau bisa tiba tepat waktu?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah right!,"Ya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +My leisurely life atthe Academy's about to begin.,Kehidupan santaiku di akademi akan segera dimulai.,https://subscene.com/ +That's the guy from yesterday.,Itu anak yang kemarin.,https://subscene.com/ +He's gone!,Dia menghilang!,https://subscene.com/ +"What did you wanna talk about, Denki?","Apa yang ingin kaubicarakan, Denki?",https://subscene.com/ +"You called us out.So, what's up?","Kau yang panggil kami ke sini, jadi ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Hoi.,https://subscene.com/ +This looks sketchy.,Ini terlihat mencurigakan.,https://subscene.com/ +Won't hurt.,"Lagi pula, uang ini takkan buat kita terluka.",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Denki…,Denki.,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?!,Ada apa denganmu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Several problems were found with it, so…","Masih ada sedikit masalah pada kereta ini, jadi...",https://subscene.com/ +What're you saying?,Apa katamu?,https://subscene.com/ +A little…?,Tak serius?,https://subscene.com/ +I put another defective caron the same rail.,Aku juga jalankan satu kereta cacat di rel yang sama dengan kereta ini.,https://subscene.com/ +You get it now?Just a little collision of defective goods.,Ini akan jadi tabrakan kecil antarbarang yang cacat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Y-You're kidding, right?",Ja-Jangan bercanda.,https://subscene.com/ +Why are you here?,Kenapa kau ada di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Aren't you going tothe entrance ceremony?,Bukankah kau seharusnya datang ke upacara pembukaan akademi?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to prove tomy father that I'm strong.,Aku ingin buktikan padaayahku kalau aku kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +No…,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +I have to prove that I'm strong.,Aku harus buktikan kalau aku kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +Stop it already!,Hentikanlah semua ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, the first rail switch back is coming.","Ah, sebentar lagi kita akan lewati tuas pemindah relnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Wha—?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Too bad.,Sayang sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +My father's word is absolute.,Kata-kata ayahku itu mutlak.,https://subscene.com/ +Or else I…,"Kalau tidak, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +You can't do anything without worryingabout how people would take it?,Kau tak bisa lakukan apa pun tanpa pikirkan perasaan orang lain terhadapmu!,https://subscene.com/ +What's wrong?!,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It's coming!,Keretanya sedang menuju ke sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Why did I…do this?,Kenapa aku lakukan hal seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Shadow Clone Jutsu!,影分身の術,https://subscene.com/ +– Right!– Right!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't hold on!,Aku tak tahan lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Give me a break!,Yang benar saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"– No, it wasn't!– No, it wasn't!",Menyenangkan dari mananya?,https://subscene.com/ +Let's go!,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's run!,"Baiklah, ayo lari!",https://subscene.com/ +Come on!,Kemari!,https://subscene.com/ +That's right.,Itu benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Chocho Akimichi.,Chocho Akimichi.,https://subscene.com/ +SEVENTH HOKAGEHere!,Hadir!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki!,Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +Uzumaki?,Uzumaki itu...,https://subscene.com/ +That Boruto…,"Dasar si Boruto,",https://subscene.com/ +That's so like him.,"Dia memang seperti itu, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +You stay put.,"Kau jangan ke mana-mana, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We made it.,Kita datang tepat waktu!,https://subscene.com/ +"is here, ya know!",sudah tiba!,https://subscene.com/ +Amazing…,Keren.,https://subscene.com/ +That guy…,"Dia itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Time out! Time out!,Ampun! Ampun!,https://subscene.com/ +You don't even look sorry…,"Wajahmu tak merasa bersalah sama sekali, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +That's sorta creepy.,Jijik banget panggil begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey! Denki, are you okay?","Hoi Denki, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Wha—?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +So what? We're fine.,"Biar saja, toh kami baik-baik saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah.","Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"– Boruto Uzumaki, you're…– Stop talking Big Bro Konohamaru!","Boruto Uzumaki, kau...",https://subscene.com/ +What is with your attitude?!,Sikap macam apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Ow! Ow! Ow!,"Aduh, duh, duh!",https://subscene.com/ +causing damage tothe Hokage's Great Stone Face.,merusak patung wajah Hokage juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry…,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +They will pay for all the repairsfor the damages in town.,Mereka akan bayar semua kerusakan di kota.,https://subscene.com/ +"Despite all that's happened,he's quite grateful.","Meskipun hal seperti ini terjadi, sepertinya beliau justru bersyukur.",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, long time no see!","Yo, lama tak jumpa!",https://subscene.com/ +My suspension's finally over.,Hukuman skorsku akhirnya berakhir.,https://subscene.com/ +Why did you cover up for me?,Kenapa kau malah lindungiku?,https://subscene.com/ +It's no big deal.,"Ya, jangan dipikirkan.",https://subscene.com/ +But I made in time forthe entrance ceremony.,"Tapi berkat kau, aku bisa datang tepat waktu ke upacara pembukaannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, I should be thanking you.",Yang seharusnya berterima kasih itu aku.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder what that was.,"Kira-kira itu apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Morning…,Pagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Who knows?,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +So you…,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +For your dad?,Apa itu demi ayahmu?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna study new ninjutsu,Aku akan belajar Ninjutsu baru,https://subscene.com/ +Really?,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Denki…,Denki.,https://subscene.com/ +Sure.,Tentu.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you just ask me that?,Kau serius tanyakan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Whatever path I choose,","Mau jalan apa pun yang kupilih,",https://subscene.com/ +I'll walk my own path.,Aku akan pilih jalanku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to bethe star from today on!,"Baiklah, mulai hari ini akulah yang akan jadi bintangnya!",https://subscene.com/ +"I know you've been like thisfor a long time,","Aku tahu kalau kau sudah seperti ini sejak dulu,",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, sorry.","Oh, maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +Next time onBoruto: Naruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +I'll contact the other villages andask about the gang's movements.,Aku akan hubungi desa lain dan tanya tentang pergerakan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Any unrest in the village isalso my responsibility.,Keresahan di desa adalah tanggung jawabku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, I'll have the Police Forcecontinue their investigation.","Tetap saja, aku akan minta polisi untuk lanjutkan penyelidikan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, have you seen the news?","Eh, apa kalian sudah lihat beritanya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, not here too!","Sialan, di sini juga, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't like it!,Aku tak menyukainya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Justice? Yeah, right!",Apanya yang keadilan?,https://subscene.com/ +but what they're doingis still stealing!,"tetap saja mereka mencuri, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ah?,https://subscene.com/ +You seem awfully detachedabout all this.,Tumben sekali kau tak terlalu tertarik dengan masalah ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, nothing happened.",Tak ada apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +What about our meetingfor the next mission?,Bagaimana pertemuan untuk misi kita selanjutnya?,https://subscene.com/ +Then I'll move here.,Kurasa aku akan ke sini saja.,https://subscene.com/ +My decoy move worked.,Umpanku berhasil.,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai…,Shikadai.,https://subscene.com/ +The place where I belongis the Byakuya Gang.,Tempatku adalah Kelompok Byakuya.,https://subscene.com/ +ever since that day.,sejak hari itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Be good and wait for me.,Jadilah anak baik dan tunggulah aku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Be careful, my dear.","Berhati-hatilah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, I have a trustworthypartner by my side.",Soalnya aku punya rekan yang bisa diandalkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Do you think I can becomelike Dad?,Apa aku juga bisa jadi seperti ayah?,https://subscene.com/ +It must be Dad!,Itu pasti ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +Ryo…gi…,Ryogi.,https://subscene.com/ +Dear!,Suamiku!,https://subscene.com/ +– Please!– M-Mom…,"Suamiku, kumohon!",https://subscene.com/ +Run…,Cepatlah...,https://subscene.com/ +"You're awake, Ryogi.","Apa kau sudah bangun, Ryogi?",https://subscene.com/ +Rest assured.,Tenang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +What about my dad and mom?!,Bagaimana dengan ayah dan ibuku?,https://subscene.com/ +I wasn't strong enough…,Aku tak cukup kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you want to dofrom now?,Apa yang akan kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +I want to teach you everythingabout your dad.,Aku akan beritahukan semua tentang ayahmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Why did you bring meall the way here?,Untuk apa datang sejauh ini?,https://subscene.com/ +They'll gather soon.,Mereka akan segera berkumpul.,https://subscene.com/ +Wha—?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Flawlessly, Boss.","Sempurna, Bos!",https://subscene.com/ +Who's the kid?,Siapa anak itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Work?,Tugas?,https://subscene.com/ +Your dad and I did somethingelse besides shinobi work…,Aku dan ayahmu sering lakukan tugas lain selain misi ninja...,https://subscene.com/ +Dad did?,Ayah?,https://subscene.com/ +We work for justice to crushthe powerful…,Kami bekerja untuk keadilan dan hancurkan yang kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, c'mon.Didn't I tell you?","Hoi, aku sudah memberitahumu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Listen.,Hoi.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you about know all the dirty thingshe did to get rich?,lakukan tindakan jahat untuk memperkaya dirinya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen well, Ryogi.","Dengarkan baik-baik, Ryogi.",https://subscene.com/ +"over time, we beganto question things.",kami akan tanyakan beberapa hal juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if we possess strength,","Meskipun kami punya kekuatan,",https://subscene.com/ +And that's the reality.,Dan itulah kenyataannya.,https://subscene.com/ +This is reformation…that your dad and I began.,Ini hanyalah reformasi yang dimulai ayahmu dan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad never mentionedanything like that.,Ayah tak pernah memberitahuku soal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Once you crossa dangerous bridge,","Tapi, begitu kau sudah seberangi jembatan berbahaya,",https://subscene.com/ +"So, the person who killedmy mom and dad…","Kalau begitu, orang yang bunuh ayah dan ibuku...",https://subscene.com/ +He probably wouldn't have wantedto get his family embroiled in this.,Dia pasti tak ingin buat keluarganya terlibat.,https://subscene.com/ +Here.,Ini.,https://subscene.com/ +O-Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +Do you understand now?,Apa kau sudah mengerti?,https://subscene.com/ +Your dad also used to say this…,Ayahmu juga bilang begini.,https://subscene.com/ +don't try to hear to voices ofthose who really need saving.,tak mau dengarkan suara mereka yang benar-benar butuhkan bantuan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, mere pawns!","Benar, mereka hanyalah bidak!",https://subscene.com/ +You have potential.,Kau itu punya bakat.,https://subscene.com/ +Me?,Aku?,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you!,Terima kasih banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +Your dad has a wonderful jobhelping people.,Ayahmu itu lakukan pekerjaan yang mulia dengan bantu orang-orang.,https://subscene.com/ +Were you remembering the past?,Apa kau sedang mengingat kembali masa lalumu?,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Tomorrow night,","Besok malam,",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What's that?,"Eh, apa itu?",https://subscene.com/ +…something I borrowedfrom a friend.,...sesuatu yang kupinjam dari temanku!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't believe you made a friend.,Aku tak sangka kau bisa punya teman!,https://subscene.com/ +Why apologize?,Kenapa kau minta maaf?,https://subscene.com/ +"If your dad were alive,I'm sure he'd be happy too.","Kalau ayahmu masih hidup, dia pasti akan senang juga.",https://subscene.com/ +Turn in early today.,Hari ini tidurlah lebih awal.,https://subscene.com/ +"Friends… A friend, huh?","Teman... Teman, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Everything will be settled, tomorrow.","Lagi pula, semuanya diselesaikan besok.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Don't be so full of yourself.,"Oh, jangan percaya diri begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +so I could kick your butt completely.,agar aku bisa kalahkanmu dengan telak.,https://subscene.com/ +I hope it's not just talk.,Kuharap itu bukan hanya bualanmu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +You better not start crying later.,"Nanti jangan sampai menangis, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"You've gotten stronger, Shikadai.","kau bertambah kuat ya, Shikadai.",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder…,Tak tahu juga.,https://subscene.com/ +This is so fun…,Ini sangat menyenangkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, this is friendship.","Jadi, ini yang namanya teman, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, hold on.","Oh, tunggu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Because we're going to finish this,no matter how long it takes.","Soalnya, mau butuh berapa lama pun, kita akan selesaikan ini.",https://subscene.com/ +You really…got me.,"Kau benar-benar kalahkanku, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's the rule…,"Ya, biasanya memang begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +What? Really?,"Eh, benarkah?",https://subscene.com/ +only if you answera question for me.,kalau kau jawab satu pertanyaanku.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"the Byakuya Gang, aren't you?","...Kelompok Byakuya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't pretend. It's a drag.,"Jangan pura-pura, itu merepotkan.",https://subscene.com/ +and Boruto showed up?,dan saat itu Boruto muncul?,https://subscene.com/ +Someone who's just come tothe village wouldn't know that…,Orang yang baru datang ke desa ini takkan tahu akan hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hold on, Shikadai!","Tunggu dulu, Shikadai!",https://subscene.com/ +Talk about a wild imagination.,Ucapanmu terlalu mengada-ada.,https://subscene.com/ +Me? A member ofthe Byakuya Gang?,Kurasa kau sudah agak keterlaluan.,https://subscene.com/ +See?,"Lihat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You think I'd say somethinglike this without proof?,Apa kau mengira aku katakan sesuatu tanpa didasari bukti yang kuat?,https://subscene.com/ +"You brought it fromyour hideout, right?","Kau membawanya dari tempat persembunyianmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +T-That couldn't havebeen traced already!,Seharusnya aku sudah hapus semua jejaknya!,https://subscene.com/ +Talk about a clumsy shogi match.,Benar-benar permainan shogi yang ceroboh.,https://subscene.com/ +"If I'm wrong, then…",Kalau aku memang salah.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you gonna turn me into the Leaf?,Apa kau ingin serahkan diriku ke Desa Konoha?,https://subscene.com/ +I don't want to do anythinglike that.,Aku tak ingin lakukan hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I just don't want you to continuedoing something so stupid.,Aku hanya tak ingin kau terus lakukan hal bodoh seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah. I mean, think about it.","Ya, karena itu, pikirkanlah!",https://subscene.com/ +it's impossible for a few guysto change the world!,tetap saja tak mungkin bagi hanya beberapa orang saja untuk bisa ubah dunia.,https://subscene.com/ +"If people without power tryto do things,","Kalau orang yang tak punya kekuatan ingin coba lakukan sesuatu,",https://subscene.com/ +"You'll only get crushed if you do,or at the very least,","Kalau kau melakukannya, kau pasti akan hancur, atau setidaknya,",https://subscene.com/ +PAWNA pawn?,Bidak?,https://subscene.com/ +Forget this stupid noble thief act!,Hentikan aksi mencuri demi perbuatan mulia yang konyol ini!,https://subscene.com/ +that you don't understand me at all.,Kau sama sekali tak mengerti tentang diriku ini.,https://subscene.com/ +You—?,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +"And for that, even if I die as a pawn,I'd have no regrets!","Dan untuk itu, meskipun aku mati sebagai bidak, aku sama sekali tak menyesal!",https://subscene.com/ +You made the wrong move.,Gerakanmu salah.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you gonna run away?!,Apa kau mau melarikan diri?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm going to fight, as a memberof the Byakuya Gang.","Aku ingin bertarung, sebagai anggota dari Kelompok Byakuya.",https://subscene.com/ +Me?,Aku?,https://subscene.com/ +And you accept it anddon't try to surpass it.,Dan kau terima hal itu begitu saja tanpa berusaha melampauinya.,https://subscene.com/ +You've never really been seriousabout anything.,Kau tak pernah bersikap serius dalam hadapi apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +And that's why you makethe same claim about others.,Karena itulah kau selalu berpikiran hal yang sama tentang orang lain.,https://subscene.com/ +in a peaceful village like this…,di desa yang damai seperti ini...,https://subscene.com/ +But I'm different from you!,"Tapi, aku berbeda denganmu!",https://subscene.com/ +"See, you're still doing it, even now.","Lihat, kau masih melakukannya, bahkan saat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +but you aren't even tryingto capture me.,tapi kau bahkan tak berusaha untuk menangkapku.,https://subscene.com/ +Ryogi!,Ryogi!,https://subscene.com/ +There's nothing you can do.,Tak ada yang bisa kaulakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's really too bad, Shikadai…","Sayang sekali, Shikadai.",https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai…,Shikadai.,https://subscene.com/ +We're finally going to begin.,Sekaranglah saatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"""The Crest of Night Strategy.""","""Strategi Puncak Tengah Malam.""",https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +with would get us this far!,bisa bawa kita sampai sejauh ini!,https://subscene.com/ +chaos will grow by itself!,kekacauan justru akan muncul dengan sendirinya!,https://subscene.com/ +once they are set in motion.,kalau hal itu sudah dipersiapkan.,https://subscene.com/ +For the sake of true justice!,Demi keadilan sejati!,https://subscene.com/ +"""Go! The Crest of Night Strategy""",Laksanakan!! Strategi Puncak Tengah Malam.,https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, Himawari?","Apa kau baik-baik saja, Himawari?",https://subscene.com/ +Big Brother…,Kakak.,https://subscene.com/ +So rest up and get better.,Karena itulah istirahatlah agar cepat sembuh.,https://subscene.com/ +Can you keep an eye on Himawari?,Bisakah kau jaga Himawari dulu?,https://subscene.com/ +That reminds me…,"Oh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Naruto's late…,"Naruto pulang terlambat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh dear!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, Hinata…","Maaf, Hinata.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh Naruto…,Dasar Naruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"At last, tomorrow is the day whenNaruto takes center stage!",Akhirnya besok adalah hari di mana Naruto tapaki panggung itu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, if you ask me,I gave up the Hokage's seat to him.","Ya, kalau kalian sampai memohon begitu, akan kuserahkan jabatan Hokage padanya.",https://subscene.com/ +Iruka Sensei…,Guru Iruka.,https://subscene.com/ +Can you two goand wake your father up?,Bisakah kalian berdua bangunkan ayah?,https://subscene.com/ +"Daddy, wake up!","Papa, bangunlah!",https://subscene.com/ +Wake…up!,Bangunlah!,https://subscene.com/ +Get up!,Bangun!,https://subscene.com/ +Thank…you for the food.,Se-Selamat makan.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't todaythe Hokage's Inauguration?,"Hari ini adalah hari pelantikan Hokege, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"You're right, ya know.",Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"He insisted on waiting upfor you yesterday,","Kemarin pun, dia juga memaksa untuk menunggumu,",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, that so?","Eh, begitu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to pick upyour formal attire.,"Kalau begitu, aku akan ambil pakaian resminya dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, I'm sorry…","Ya, maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +This is one job I can't delegate.,Aku takkan serahkan tugas ini pada siapapun!,https://subscene.com/ +She's done the embroideryfor every Hokage so far,"Habisnya, dia adalah pembuat bordir nama Hokage dari berbagai generasi",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +SIXTH HOKAGEIt wasn't finished in time forKakashi Sensei's inauguration…,Sepertinya pakaian resmi guru Kakashi juga tak selesai tepat waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll go straight to the venueafter I pick it up.,"Kalau sudah selesai, aku akan langsung pergi ke tempat pelantikan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, got it.","Ya, baiklah.",https://subscene.com/ +HOKAGE INAUGURATIONAUTHORIZED PERSONS ONLYI can't wait to spend the rest ofmy life relaxing at a hot spring.,Sisanya aku hanya perlu hidup damai dan bersantai di tempat pemandian air panas.,https://subscene.com/ +Please don't leave us with a lot ofwork that's gonna be a drag.,"Jangan tinggalkan tugas-tugas yang merepotkan pada kami, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Smoking is not allowed here!,"Di sini tak boleh merokok, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Anyways…,"Selain itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Sorry to keep you waiting.,Maaf sudah buat kalian menunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +My husband isn't here yet?,Suamiku masih belum datang?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to go check on him.,Aku akan mencarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +What are you guys doing?!,Apa yang kalian lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Leave it!It'll only get in the way!,"Boneka ini merepotkan, jadi tinggalkan saja!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm bringing it!,Aku ingin membawanya!,https://subscene.com/ +No!,Harus bawa!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you two!","Eh, kalian berdua!",https://subscene.com/ +Uh-oh…I've really done it….,"A-Aduh, kelepasan.",https://subscene.com/ +The same eyes as Mom's!,Mata yang sama dengan punya ibu?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +What the heck is going on?,Ada apa sebenarnya?,https://subscene.com/ +This is bad!,"Gawat, nih!",https://subscene.com/ +He won't make it in time.,"Sekarang sih, sudah takkan sempat.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Konohamaru!","Oi, Konohamaru!",https://subscene.com/ +We will now begin the inaugurationof the Seventh Hokage.,"Baiklah, kita akan segera mulai acara pelantikan Hokage Ketujuh.",https://subscene.com/ +will be the one presiding overthe ceremony today.,yang akan pimpin acara pelantikan hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +The hero of the ninja worldwho guided us after,Pahlawan dunia ninja yang sudah bawa kita pada,https://subscene.com/ +The man who will succeed meas the Seventh Hokage!,Orang yang akan teruskan tekadku sebagai Hokage Ketujuh!,https://subscene.com/ +Naruto Uzumaki!,Naruto Uzumaki!,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, hey!",Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +"But I'm gonna fool everyone withmy Transformation Jutsu, eh!","Tapi apa boleh buat, aku harus tipu semuanya dengan Teknik Transformasiku!",https://subscene.com/ +"Get ahold of yourself, Naruto…","Kuatkan dirimu, Naruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Which means he'll beunconscious all day…,"Kalau begini, berarti dia takkan sadarkan diri selama seharian.",https://subscene.com/ +Big Brother?,Kakak.,https://subscene.com/ +I had no idea Himawari wasthis dangerous when she's upset!,"Aku tak habis pikir, ternyata Himawari seberbahaya ini kalau dibikin marah!",https://subscene.com/ +Big Brother…,Kakak.,https://subscene.com/ +"That day, I swore that I'd neverupset Himawari, ever again.","Di hari itu, aku janji pada diriku sendiri, takkan pernah lagi buat Himawari marah.",https://subscene.com/ +I was hiding in plain sightwith her Byakugan.,"Mau sembunyi pun, Byakugan-nya pasti bisa melihatku dengan jelas.",https://subscene.com/ +"And ever since that day…when he became the Hokage,","Sejak saat itu juga, sejak dia jadi Hokage,",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it.,Dasar.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm home!,Aku pulang!,https://subscene.com/ +Is she all right?,Apa dia baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +"Dad, what about work?","Ayah, pekerjaan Ayah bagaimana?",https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +Hamburger steak!,Hamburger!,https://subscene.com/ +Hamburger steak!,Hamburger!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm telling you! Himawari saidshe wanted to eat hamburger steak!,"Sudah kubilang, Himawari ingin makan hamburger!",https://subscene.com/ +Hey…hold on…,"Eh, tunggu.",https://subscene.com/ +Her fever went down.So what's the harm?,"Demamnya sudah turun, jadi tak apa-apa, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Rice porridge!,Bubur!,https://subscene.com/ +You're not the onewho's gonna eat it!,"Lagi pula bukan kau yang akan memakannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +– Rice porridge!– Hey… You two.,"Tunggu, kalian berdua.",https://subscene.com/ +See? You made Mom all mad.,"Lihat, ibumu jadi marah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, Himawari's seems better,","Omong-omong, sepertinya demam Himawari sudah turun,",https://subscene.com/ +I should be getting back.,Kurasa Ayah harus segera kembali ke kantor.,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? With you?,"Eh, dengan Ayah?",https://subscene.com/ +I haven't eaten yet.,Sejak tadi Ayah belum makan.,https://subscene.com/ +You don't wanna?,Kau tak mau ikut?,https://subscene.com/ +"So, where are we going?","Jadi, kita akan makan di mana?",https://subscene.com/ +It holds a lot of memories for me.,Tempat ini punya banyak kenangan bagi Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Seriously, ramen?","Jadi, makan ramen?",https://subscene.com/ +That's a totally unbalanced diet.,Pola makanmu itu tak seimbang sama sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +So is only eating ramen!,"Jadi, kita hanya akan makan ramen?",https://subscene.com/ +The nutritional content ison the same level as Food Pills…,Kandungan nutrisinya setara dengan kandungan nutrisi dalam pil makanan.,https://subscene.com/ +LEAF VILLAGE SELECTIONGRAND PRIZELEAF VILLAGETOP THREE STAR RECOGNITIONRECOMMENDED BYTHE HIDDEN LEAF VILLAGETOURIST ASSOCIATIONLEAF CITY GUIDE'S MOST POPULARTHE NOODLES HERE ARE AMAZING!starting with the Sixth Hokage.,dimulai dari Hokage Keenam.,https://subscene.com/ +Welcome…,Selamat datang.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, I haven't been able todrop by lately.","Maaf, akhir-akhir ini aku jarang berkunjung ke tempat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, you brought your son today?","Oh, hari ini Anda ajak putra Anda, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You've grown so muchsince I last saw you.,"Kau sudah tumbuh besar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What will you have?,Anda mau pesan apa?,https://subscene.com/ +NARUTOALL YOU CAN EATIs my Naruto gift certificatestill good?,"Kupon hadiah Naruto-ku masih berlaku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"My father,the founder of this shop,","Ayahku yang pendiri kedai ini,",https://subscene.com/ +We'd be so honored.,Justru kami merasa terhormat!,https://subscene.com/ +"it's all thanks to the patronage ofthe Ninja World's hero,","berkat sebutan sebagai kedai langganannya Pahlawan Dunia Ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +See?,Lihat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Man, this smellbrings back memories…","Duh, aroma ini jadi buatku teringat masa lalu.",https://subscene.com/ +but this is where your mom and Iwent to eat on our first date.,"tapi tempat pertama kali Ayah kencan dengan ibumu di kedai ini, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, your mom said,""I'd love to get some ramen.""","Tidak, ibumu bilang ""Aku suka makan ramen,"" kok!",https://subscene.com/ +I can't picture Momloving ramen that much.,Aku tak begitu bisa bayangkan kalau ibu suka sama ramen.,https://subscene.com/ +And your mom'sloved this place ever since.,"Dan sejak saat itu, ibumu menyukai tempat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, how are thingsat the Academy?","Omong-omong, bagaimana dengan kegiatanmu di akademi?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't give the teacherstoo much trouble…,"Jangan terlalu banyak repotkan guru-gurumu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What? You like that stuff?,"Eh, apa kau suka yang begituan?",https://subscene.com/ +Denki and Iwabe…,Denki dan Iwabe.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it seems he'ssteadily making friends too.","Ya, kelihatannya dia juga banyak dapat teman.",https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for waiting!,Terima kasih sudah menunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +"LEAF NEWSFIVE KAGE SUMMIT APPROACHES!The Hidden Leaf Village will bethe site of this year's conference,","Yang akan jadi tuan rumah dalam pertemuan tahun ini adalah desa Konoha,",https://subscene.com/ +to discuss many topics.,untuk diskusikan berbagai macam masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,"Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +don't make Mom and Himawari sad.,"Ayah jangan sampai buat ibu dan Himawari sedih, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you're still a kid, so don'tworry about such things, Boruto.","Duh, kau ini masih kecil, jadi kau tak perlu khawatirkan hal seperti itu, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Welcome!,Selamat datang!,https://subscene.com/ +"What, Choji? You broughtyour daughter here to eat too?","Choji, kau ajak putrimu untuk makan di sini juga?",https://subscene.com/ +You're battling your daughter?,Kau berlomba dengan putrimu sendiri?,https://subscene.com/ +This is a serious battlefor us chubby types.,Ini adalah pertarungan serius antara orang gendut seperti kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"In this world of extreme calories,parental ties don't matter!","Dalam dunia dengan jumlah kalori besar seperti ini, ikatan keluarga tak ada artinya!",https://subscene.com/ +Why can't our familybe more like that?,Kenapa keluarga kami tak bisa seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +to that stupid old man!,dengan ayah bodoh ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Nothing at all!,Tak ada apa-apa!,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I'm gonna break the LegendaryQueen of Gluttony's record!","Tidak, maksudku aku akan patahkan rekor si Ratu Rakus Legendaris itu!",https://subscene.com/ +Who the heck is that?,Siapa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Let's eat beforethe noodles get too soft!,Cepat habiskan makananmu sebelum nanti minya lembek.,https://subscene.com/ +That hit the spot!,Kenyangnya!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess it was okay.,"Lumayan, lah.",https://subscene.com/ +I told you I havelots of memories here.,Aku pernah cerita padamu bahwa aku punya banyak kenangan di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +but this place holds a lot ofprecious memories from the past.,tapi kedai ini simpan banyak kenangan berharga dari masa lalu.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I wasa little short of beating,Kurasa masih terlalu cepat bagiku untuk bisa kalahkan,https://subscene.com/ +"See you, Choji.","Sampai jumpa, Choji.",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you for coming.,Terima kasih atas kunjungannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Just who the heck isthis Legendary Queen anyway?,"Sebenarnya, siapa sih Ratu Rakus Legendaris itu?",https://subscene.com/ +Mom?!,I-Ibu?,https://subscene.com/ +This photo…,Foto ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Who would have thought Himawariwould awaken her Byakugan?,Tak kusangka Himawari bisa bangkitkan kekuatan Byakugan-nya.,https://subscene.com/ +your own inauguration ceremony…,di upacara pelantikanmu sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, but now…I have a different dream.","Ya, tapi sekarang, aku punya impian lain.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +So… I want to protect andcherish my huge family.,"Jadi, aku ingin lindungi dan bahagiakan keluarga besarku itu.",https://subscene.com/ +I probably sound likeGrandpa Third…,"Ya ampun, kenapa bicaraku malah terdengar seperti kakek Hokage Ketiga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"and so, this is my new dream.","Dan sekarang, inilah impian baruku.",https://subscene.com/ +"You're still chasing your dreams,","Kau masih kejar impianmu yang lain ya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Any way you look at it,I don't resemble my dad at all!","Dilihat dari mana pun, aku sama sekali tak mirip dengan ayahku!",https://subscene.com/ +What about you Sarada?,"Bagaimana denganmu, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +Do you resemble your dad?,Apa kau mirip dengan ayahmu?,https://subscene.com/ +I haven't seen him foras long as I can remember.,Sudah lama aku tak bertemu dengan ayahku.,https://subscene.com/ +"""Sarada Uchiha.""",Sarada Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +It's just a scratch.,Ini hanya luka gores.,https://subscene.com/ +"Acting tough is fine and all,","Boleh saja bertingkah sok kuat,",https://subscene.com/ +"It actually hurts, doesn't it?","Sebenarnya sakit, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +There's no doubt that the shinobi hiredby the Pale Blue Valley is our enemy.,"Tak salah lagi, ninja yang disewa oleh Lembah Biru adalah musuh kita.",https://subscene.com/ +"""You've ignored repeated warnings,so this is our last resort.","""Kalian abaikan peringatan kami, dan ini peringatan terakhir kami.""",https://subscene.com/ +The deed to the bridge?!,Sertifikat jembatan?,https://subscene.com/ +The village head seemed to know.,Kepala desa sepertinya sudah tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I thought something was weird,for her to request your protection.","Kupikir memang ada yang aneh, sampai beliau minta perlindungan.",https://subscene.com/ +I think I understand how she feels.,Sepertinya aku mengerti bagaimana perasaannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Like her old man!,Seperti ayahku itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Since a little beforeI killed your father.,Sejak sebelum aku bunuh ayahmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"And later, I acquired poisonfrom the shinobi,","Lalu, aku pun dapatkan racun dari ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +Damn you!,Kurang ajar kau!,https://subscene.com/ +"knowing how you hate to lose,","karena tahu kau orang yang tak suka mengalah,",https://subscene.com/ +"and try to outdo your fatherin resolving things, and ultimately fail.",dan coba lakukan apa yang ayahmu lakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +You requested help fromthe Leaf shinobi.,Dan kau pun minta bantuan pada ninja Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +"Without a doubt,our predecessor was a great man.",Kepala desa kami sebelumnya memang orang hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Lady Kiri is still young,and very honest.","Nn. Kiri masih muda, dan sangat polos.",https://subscene.com/ +and tried not to handle everythingall by herself.,dan jangan sampai selesaikan semuanya sendirian.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"Please, for our sake!",Kami mohon!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, getting the village head backis gonna be our mission?","Jadi, menyelamatkan kepala Desa Hijau jadi misi kami, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Please take this.,Tolong bawalah ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you sure about this?,Apa Anda yakin?,https://subscene.com/ +It's okay. This is nothing…,Benda seperti ini bukan jadi masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +That's how we all feel.,Itulah perasaan kami semua.,https://subscene.com/ +"Let's go, you guys!",Ayo kita pergi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen up, from here on,","Dengar, mulai sekarang,",https://subscene.com/ +"Judging from their recent attacks,they're very violent.","Kalau dilihat dari serangan sebelumnya, mereka itu tak pandang bulu.",https://subscene.com/ +"You three find an opening,","Kalian carilah celah,",https://subscene.com/ +"I'll lend you a hand, Big Bro.","Aku akan membantumu, Kak Konohamaru!",https://subscene.com/ +Do you understand?,Apa kau mengerti?,https://subscene.com/ +But why didn't she discuss it with us?,...kenapa tak membicarakannya dengan kami dulu?,https://subscene.com/ +Sensei…,Guru.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you're late!","Oh, lama sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +but the fact that I'm after the deedmight have been exposed!,tapi keinginanku untuk incar sertifikat itu mungkin akan terbongkar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, everything is going fine.","Ya, semuanya berjalan lancar.",https://subscene.com/ +I hired you shinobi becauseI heard that you were trustworthy.,Aku sewa ninja karena bisa dipercaya.,https://subscene.com/ +A big fiasco isn't what—!,Kegagalan seperti ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, you can trust shinobi.","Benar, ninja itu bisa dipercaya.",https://subscene.com/ +We forgot to tell him…,Aku lupa mengatakannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Hidari.,Hidari.,https://subscene.com/ +Shall we make a deal…Leaf shinobi?,"Bagaimana kalau kita lakukan pertukaran, Ninja Desa Konoha?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't let it bother you.,Tenang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +what's the problem?,"tak ada masalah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I told you just how precious it is!,"Sudah kubilang kalau benda itu sangat penting, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Forget about me!,Lupakan saja aku!,https://subscene.com/ +"I missed getting them, huh?","Mereka bisa lolos, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"I got it, ya know!",Aku tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you all right?,Apa kau baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm okay.,Aku baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +That won't be possible.,Itu mustahil.,https://subscene.com/ +You have the deed to the bridge.,"Kau sudah dapatkan sertifikatnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That goes for you guys too.,Kalian juga merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Stick with our strategy.,Pertahankan rencana kita.,https://subscene.com/ +You saw the way they operate!,"Kau sudah melihatnya sendiri, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't worry,I'll catch up right away.","Tenang saja, aku akan segera menyusul.",https://subscene.com/ +The three of you will completeyour first mission successfully.,Kalian bertiga harus selesaikan misinya.,https://subscene.com/ +You got it!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +"On top of that,you brought the deed…!","Selain itu, sertifikatnya juga...",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone in the villageasked us to save you.,Semua orang di desa minta kami untuk selamatkanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, let's do this.",Maju saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"– Yes, they are.– Let's do this here!","Ya, benar!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, I'm glad you're unharmed.","Ya, syukurlah Anda tak terluka.",https://subscene.com/ +"I didn't consult anyone,and acted hastily on my own…","Aku tak bicara dulu dengan kalian, dan terburu-buru dalam bertindak.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm very sorry!,Aku benar-benar minta maaf!,https://subscene.com/ +Please raise your head!,Angkatlah kepala Anda!,https://subscene.com/ +"But, will you give me your support?","Tapi, maukah kalian membantuku?",https://subscene.com/ +You know…I'll never be like my father.,"Kau tahu, aku takkan pernah bisa seperti ayahku.",https://subscene.com/ +You're just like your fatherwhen he was young.,Anda sama seperti ayah Anda saat beliau masih muda dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I think you'll bean even greater village head!","Tidak, kupikir Anda bisa jadi kepala desa yang lebih hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, it's time for usto leave.","Baiklah, sudah saatnya kita pergi.",https://subscene.com/ +I must thank you all as well.,Aku juga harus berterima kasih pada kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +You did?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +What gives you the right to actso high and mighty?,Kenapa kau bertingkah sok hebat dan sok keren begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Shut up, you guys!",Diam kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm starving!,Aku lapar!,https://subscene.com/ +"You did great onyour first mission, guys!","Di misi pertama ini, kalian sudah melakukannya dengan sangat baik!",https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you for your hard work,Konohamaru.","Terima kasih atas kerja kerasmu, Konohamaru.",https://subscene.com/ +Looks like it turned out to bequite a difficult mission.,Sepertinya misi ini berubah jadi misi yang cukup sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +I see!,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm counting on you to keep upthe good work, Captain of Team 7!","Pertahankan prestasi kalian, Kapten Tim 7!",https://subscene.com/ +Well? How did your first missionturn out?,"Jadi, bagaimana misi pertama kalian?",https://subscene.com/ +It's a drag to even remember it.,Mengingatnya saja sudah buatku kesal.,https://subscene.com/ +and we had to beat 'em out.,dan kami harus mengalahkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Well… It wasn't likewe exterminated it…,"Ya, kami tak kalahkan makhluk itu.",https://subscene.com/ +pull out a giant turnip…,cabut sebuah lobak raksasa.,https://subscene.com/ +Then what kind of missiondid you have?,"Lalu, misi apa yang kaudapat?",https://subscene.com/ +I fought against shinobi.,Aku bertarung melawan ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Sure!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Even Big Bro Konohamarugot himself all in a panic too…,Bahkan Kak Konohamaru saja sempat panik hadapi mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +And the incident…,Dan kejadian itu...,https://subscene.com/ +– He's really getting too carried away.– was resolved in a flash!,Dia terlalu terbawa suasana.,https://subscene.com/ +It's probably just gonnabe a mission,Mungkin saja ini hanya misi sepele,https://subscene.com/ +That's not what it's for!,Bukan itu!,https://subscene.com/ +That's the kind of missionthat's worthy of my attention!,Itu misi yang sangat cocok untukku!,https://subscene.com/ +"""A Ninja's Job""",Pekerjaan Seorang Ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Ah, that's the stuff!","Ah, hangatnya sampai ke tulang.",https://subscene.com/ +It just means that nothingbeats relaxing like this!,"Bersantai di tempat seperti ini memang tak ada duanya, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't mention it!,Tak perlu!,https://subscene.com/ +"After all, you knowhow Guy Sensei is, right?","Soalnya Guru Guy begitu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I sorta get the idea.","Ya, rasanya aku agak mengerti soal itu.",https://subscene.com/ +It appeared!,Muncul!,https://subscene.com/ +How's Guy Sensei doing?,Bagaimana kondisi Guru Guy?,https://subscene.com/ +Also…,"Lagian, kau ini...",https://subscene.com/ +Remember not to rush out nakedlike you almost did!,"Jadi, kau tak sepantasnya langsung menerjang dengan tubuh telanjang, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Did you call me?,Kalian memanggilku?,https://subscene.com/ +I went out to buyhot spring bean jam buns.,Aku keluar buat beli manju pemandian air panas.,https://subscene.com/ +What did he do?,Sedang apa dia sebenarnya?,https://subscene.com/ +We won't know whatreally happened,"Kalau dia belum sadar,",https://subscene.com/ +A ghost.,Hantu!,https://subscene.com/ +mistook it for something else.,"dia salah lihat, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe a ghost really did appear!,Mungkin memang ada hantu yang muncul!,https://subscene.com/ +…appeared!,Muncul!,https://subscene.com/ +It's more fun if there are!,"Kalau ada malah seru, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"The furnishings, appliances,the attic and behind the sliding doors…","Perabot, peralatan, loteng dan bahkan bagian belakang pintu geser...",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe you should look again.,Bagaimana kalau kau selidiki lebih teliti?,https://subscene.com/ +"Now that you mention it,","Omong-omong,",https://subscene.com/ +"They were gone before I knew it,","Entah kenapa tiba-tiba hilang,",https://subscene.com/ +"""I didn't eat them!""",dia terus bilang begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Can you please stop that,Miss Tenten?","Kau itu benar-benar ya, Bibi Tenten!",https://subscene.com/ +Hmm… You have a point there.,"Hem, kalau dipikir-pikir sih memang benar.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll prove to you thatthere's no such thing as ghosts!,"Kalau begitu, akan kubuktikan kalau di dunia ini tak ada hantu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Earlier in the detached room,Guy Sens—",Orang yang barusan pingsan itu,https://subscene.com/ +"Not only that, all the bean jam bunsdisappeared suddenly, and—","Ditambah lagi, beberapa manju di kamarnya tiba-tiba menghilng entah ke mana.",https://subscene.com/ +There's no such thing as—,Memang tak mungkin ada hantu...,https://subscene.com/ +Can you tell us more about it?,Bisakah Anda memberitahukannya pada kami?,https://subscene.com/ +We won't cause any trouble.,"Ini takkan jadi masalah, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"To stop the rumors,a large-scale exorcism was conducted.","Untuk meredam gosip itu, pengusiran hantu pun dilakukan.",https://subscene.com/ +But some strange things have beenoccurring these past few days.,tapi sebenarnya beberapa hari ini terus terjadi kejadian-kejadian aneh.,https://subscene.com/ +"and suddenly, it was gone.",tapi tiba-tiba menghilang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I would hear a thud in a roomthat's supposed to be empty…,Aku dengar suara dentuman di kamar yang seharusnya kosong,https://subscene.com/ +Several guests said they sawa figure in the outdoor baths.,"Beberapa pelanggan bilang, mereka lihat bayangan seseorang di pemandian terbuka.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's a ghost, I'm sure of it.","Tak salah lagi, sepertinya memang ulah hantu.",https://subscene.com/ +It's not unusual for stacked-upbedding to just fall over.,"Dan juga, futon yang jatuh setelah disusun itu tak aneh.",https://subscene.com/ +"You're trying real hard toconvince yourself, aren't you?","Kau hanya paksakan logikamu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"First, let's go check outthe kitchen.","Pertama, mari kita periksa dapurnya.",https://subscene.com/ +What is this?,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +That's not safe!,"Bahaya banget, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +The rest are wood.,Padahal yang lainnya pakai alas kayu.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe this one justcouldn't be moved.,"Mungkin karena batunya tak bisa dipindahkan dari sini, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you split the stonewith your Chakra Blade?,"Eh, coba belah batu ini dengan pisau chakra-mu.",https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Tak mau!,https://subscene.com/ +Just kidding!,"Aku hanya bercanda, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +Is your Chakra Blade that dull?,Setumpul itukah pisau chakra-mu?,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe my chakra isn't compatiblewith it as well…,Tapi mungkin chakra-ku saja yang kurang cocok.,https://subscene.com/ +Guy's awake.,"Guy sudah bangun, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +I did not see a ghost!,Aku tak lihat hantu!,https://subscene.com/ +It wasn't me!,Tidak!,https://subscene.com/ +You probably mistooksomething as that.,Pasti tadi hanya salah lihat.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll bet the ghost is behindthe missing bean jam buns too.,Pasti hilangnya manju itu juga karena perbuatan hantu.,https://subscene.com/ +Stop saying such illogical things!,Berhentilah bicara hal yang tak logis!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's unusual hearing that word comeout of your mouth, Guy Sensei!","Jarang-jarang mendengar kata- kata seperti itu darimu, Guru Guy!",https://subscene.com/ +No! I swear I didn't!,"Bukan, aku tak melakukannya!",https://subscene.com/ +That's wrong too!,Itu juga salah!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's go playping-pong right now.,ayo kita main pingpong sekarang juga!,https://subscene.com/ +Because there's a ping-pong tablein the rec room!,Karena meja pingpongnya ada di ruang hiburan!,https://subscene.com/ +You can take a bath anytime!,Kau bisa mandi kapan saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"Let me take a quick soak,and you can wait for me here.","Aku mandi sebentar saja kok, jadi, tunggulah aku di kamar ini sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Guy Sensei…","Lo, Guru Guy.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you scared to face the ghostwho ate the bean jam buns?,Apa karena takut dengan hantu yang memakan manju-nya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, let's go play ping-pong,Kakashi!","Pokoknya, ayo kita main pingpong, Kakashi!",https://subscene.com/ +He's really trying too hard.,"Dia agak memaksakan diri, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Guy Sensei's really freaked outby the ghost.,Guru Guy itu benar-benar takut hantu.,https://subscene.com/ +The way he brought upping-pong out of the blue?,Tiba-tiba ingin main pingpong begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +But is he really scared of ghosts?,"Omong-omong, apa Paman Guy memang takut hantu?",https://subscene.com/ +"Long ago, he just blurted out,",Dulu dia pernah bilang sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +I just thought of somethingreally good.,Aku kepikiran ide bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +Miss Tenten?! Hey—!,"Bibi Tenten, tunggu!",https://subscene.com/ +Who? Me?,"Eh, aku?",https://subscene.com/ +"You'll do it, won't you?","Kau bersedia, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I feel great!","Sip, kondisiku bagus!",https://subscene.com/ +"Today, for sure, I'm gonna—!","Hari ini, aku pasti akan...",https://subscene.com/ +Aiming while I'm warming upmy swing? You coward!,Curang sekali memukul di saat aku sedang pemanasan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, okay.","Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +How's that?!,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Gozu Tennou…,Gozu Tennou.,https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +All right.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Later.,Sampai jumpa.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +Next!,Selanjutnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Doing good, Denki!","Bagus, Denki!",https://subscene.com/ +Did you restructure your body?,Kau sudah latih otot tubuhmu?,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, let's finish this!","Baiklah, ayo kita selesaikan!",https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay?,Kau baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm okay.,Aku baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +You two go on and finish.,Kalian berdua duluan saja ke garis finisnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll help you.,Aku akan membantumu.,https://subscene.com/ +– Go!– Go!,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +We can't have you drop outafter coming this far.,"Kita sudah sejauh ini, kami tak boleh biarkanmu tertinggal di belakang.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay?,Kau baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +You can team up with us next time!,Lain kali kau bisa gabung dengan tim kami!,https://subscene.com/ +That's not true.,Itu tak benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Quiet, everyone!","Semuanya, diam!",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone fails!,semuanya gagal!,https://subscene.com/ +I finished within the time limit!,Padahal aku berhasil melakukannya dalam batas waktu yang diberikan!,https://subscene.com/ +– What?– What?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +The reason is becausegenin work in threes.,Alasannya adalah karena Genin bekerja bertiga dalam satu tim.,https://subscene.com/ +they fundamentally take actionwithin three-man teams.,mereka harus selesaikan misi bersama-sama.,https://subscene.com/ +Turning your back on a comradeis out of the question.,Kalian tak boleh abaikan rekan satu tim.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll come by occasionallyto observe you,Kami akan terus amati kalian,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, don't brood over it.","Ya, jangan terlalu diambil hati.",https://subscene.com/ +That's all for today's practice.,Latihan hari ini cukup sampai di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +"There have been no Ghost Incidentssince then, huh?","Sejak saat itu, insiden hantu itu tak terjadi lagi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +We must've really scared 'em away.,Kita pasti sudah buat mereka takut.,https://subscene.com/ +We almost caught the culprit.,Kita hampir berhasil tangkap pelakunya.,https://subscene.com/ +I doubt they'll makeany more careless moves.,Aku tak yakin mereka akan bertindak gegabah lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +we don't know who's behind it.,kita masih tak tahu siapa dalang di balik insiden itu.,https://subscene.com/ +and he still caused an incident.,dan dia masih saja buat kegaduhan.,https://subscene.com/ +The grown-ups are starting to act too.,Orang-orang dewasa juga sudah mulai bertindak.,https://subscene.com/ +We've come too far to quit now.,"Kalau sudah sejauh ini, mana mungkin kita berhenti.",https://subscene.com/ +Never mind that. We've gotta hurry!,"Omong-omong, sekarang kita harus bergegas!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait! Boruto!","Hoi, tunggu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it. Boruto always messes me up.,"Ya ampun, Boruto selalu saja buatku pusing.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +"but for the success of the mission,","tapi demi suksesnya sebuah misi,",https://subscene.com/ +Sure…,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, would you happen to knowwhy I did what I did?","Eh, apa kau tahu kenapa aku lakukan hal tadi?",https://subscene.com/ +I dunno.,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +That guy is such a drag.,Anak itu memang menyebalkan.,https://subscene.com/ +They're beginning to show maturitythat exceeds our expectations.,Mereka mulai tunjukkan kedewasaan yang sudah lampaui perkiraan kita semua.,https://subscene.com/ +Did any student pique your interest?,Apa ada murid yang tarik perhatianmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe Yuino seems likehe's coming out of his shell.,Kelihatannya Iwabe Yuino sudah mulai tunjukkan kemampuannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki.,Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +Why are you bragging?,Kenapa kau terlihat sombong begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Seventh placed the responsibilityto watch over Boruto—!,Hokage Ketujuh sudah berikan tanggung jawab padaku untuk jaga Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"When you start talking aboutLord Seventh, Konohamaru,","Konohamaru, kalau kau sudah bicara tentang Hokage Ketujuh,",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki…,Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +"At the same time,he's the nucleus of trouble!","Tapi di saat yang sama, dia biang pembuat masalah!",https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter, Iwabe?","Iwabe, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm busy! Don't bother me!,"Aku sedang sibuk, jangan menggangguku!",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Diam kau!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,"Ah, sudahlah!",https://subscene.com/ +"For stuff like this,separate them by objects first.","Untuk soal seperti ini, pisahkan dulu objek-objeknya.",https://subscene.com/ +Then drop them into the formula.,"Lalu, masukkan ke dalam rumusnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Hold on.,Tunggu dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +If you insist…,Apa boleh buat.,https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Are you picking a fight?,Apa kau mengajakku berkelahi?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +I-I don't know!,"Ah, mana kutahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Hold on!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +Seems like you're payinga lot of attention to Boruto lately.,Sepertinya akhir-akhir ini kau begitu memerhatikan Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Why does everyone gravitatetowards Boruto?,Kenapa semua orang begitu tertarik dengan Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto could care lessabout what others think.,Boruto selalu tak peduli terhadap apa yang dipikirkan oleh orang lain.,https://subscene.com/ +He got sick and tired of being judged,Dia sangat tak suka dianggap remeh,https://subscene.com/ +"That's why he tries extra hardto see things through his own eyes,","Karena itulah, dia berjuang keras hadapi rintangan dengan kemampuannya sendiri,",https://subscene.com/ +He causes unnecessary trouble.That's why he's a big idiot.,"Dia selalu berbuat hal yang tak perlu, dia itu memang bodoh.",https://subscene.com/ +"Being accepted withoutany prejudice is a great thing, right?","Diterima semua orang tanpa adanya prasangka buruk itu sangat menyenangkan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +Especially for people like the Class Rep…,Terutama bagi orang yang punya sifat seperti ketua kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe I'm overthinking this.,Mungkin aku berpikir terlalu berlebihan.,https://subscene.com/ +You seem to be doing much better.,Sepertinya kondisimu sudah jauh lebih baik.,https://subscene.com/ +You came alone?,Kau datang sendirian?,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I see. That's good.,"Begitu ya, syukurlah.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, can I ask you one thing?","Eh, boleh aku tanyakan satu hal?",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +That's not true!,Itu tak benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"But it's kinda of fun withBoruto around, right?","Tapi, kalau ada Boruto, semuanya pasti terasa menyenangkan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +Me?,Aku?,https://subscene.com/ +"Do you have family, Mitsuki?","Apa kau punya keluarga, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You don't have family?,Kau tak punya keluarga?,https://subscene.com/ +They all died.,Mereka semua sudah meninggal.,https://subscene.com/ +But I'm not skilled likemy father was…,"Tapi, aku tak sehebat ayahku.",https://subscene.com/ +But being in this classwith everyone…,"Tapi, berada di kelas bersama teman-teman,",https://subscene.com/ +Sometimes I wonder whatwas I doing all this time…,Terkadang aku berpikir tentang apa yang sudah kulakukan selama ini.,https://subscene.com/ +How do you feel aboutthe person who did that to you?,Bagaimana perasaanmu terhadap orang yang sudah lakukan hal ini padamu?,https://subscene.com/ +But I want this to be over quickly…,"Tapi, aku ingin ini semua segera berakhir.",https://subscene.com/ +How long do we haveto keep this up?,Mau sampai kapan kita akan terus seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Right nowin this situation,","Untuk saat ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"Therefore, let's test it out.","Karena itu, mari kita uji.",https://subscene.com/ +I shall personallybe your opponent!,Aku sendiri yang akan jadi lawanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +"If your Byakugan hasbeen awakened,","Kalau Byakugan-mu memang sudah bangkit,",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if you cannotmanifest it at will,","Meskipun tak terlihat secara utuh,",https://subscene.com/ +"In any case,","Dengan begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +Are you going to give up?,Apa kau ingin mundur?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sure you want to show offin front of your grandson,","Meskipun sebenarnya Ayah hanya ingin pamer di depan cucu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, I knowyou won't go easy on him.","Dan lagi, Ayah takkan segan padanya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well then,I'll leave it to you.","Kalau begitu, kuserahkan padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, please,Big Sis Hanabi.","Mohon bantuannya, Kak Hanabi.",https://subscene.com/ +Will Big Brother be okay?,Apa kakak akan baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +He's just trying a bit harderthan he usually does at training.,Dia hanya lakukan sesuatu lebih berat dari latihan yang biasanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"From here on out, it gets crucial!",Mulai sekarang aku akan serius!,https://subscene.com/ +Shadow Clone Jutsu!,Kage,https://subscene.com/ +There are virtuallyno blind spots.,Hampir tak ada titik buta.,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't disapprove ofyour fighting style, but…","Meski aku tak salahkan cara bertarungmu, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, it's a good eye.","Ya, mata yang bagus.",https://subscene.com/ +"With that eye, you will shoulderthe fate of this world.","Dengan mata itu, kau akan emban takdir dunia ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"What do you want to do, Boruto?","Bagaimana, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +All right.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Look carefully!,Lihat baik-baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Well?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +I think you knowthe answer already.,"Sepertinya kau sudah mengerti, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +within you.,dari dalam dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if it didn't manifestthis time,","Meski Byakugan-mu tak bangkit,",https://subscene.com/ +"And, it could just be that somethingwasn't quite right this time.",Mungkin kali ini kondisi tubuhmu juga sedang tak baik.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll get prove thatmy Byakugan is real,","Aku akan buktikan kalau Byakugan ini memang nyata,",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I can't help itif it didn't appear.","Ya, kalau tak muncul ya mau bagaimana lagi?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sure Boruto must be exhausted.,Aku yakin pasti Boruto kelelahan.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah! It's tasty!,"Ya, enak!",https://subscene.com/ +"Ah, thank you.","Ah, terima kasih banyak.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's good.","Ya, enak.",https://subscene.com/ +This is my specialty.Meat and potatoes!,Ini adalah masakan daging dan kentang keahlianku!,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, I think Mom's is better.","Tapi, masakan ibu lebih enak.",https://subscene.com/ +Did you really say that?,Apa kau serius katakan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"You just wait, Boruto!","Tunggu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Time to get your big brother!,Waktunya tangkap kakakmu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, you two! That's not fair.","Tunggu, kalau dua orang itu tak adil.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you guys,we're still eating—","Hoi, kalian ini, kita masih makan.",https://subscene.com/ +Today is a special day.,Pengecualian untuk hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Since it's just the two of us,","Karena hanya ada kita berdua,",https://subscene.com/ +So? What did you think?,"Lalu, bagaimana menurutmu?",https://subscene.com/ +Are you disappointedin your son?,Apa kau kecewa pada anakmu?,https://subscene.com/ +At least he wasn't lying.,"Setidaknya, dia tak berbohong.",https://subscene.com/ +"To be honest,when Boruto first told me,","Saat Boruto mengatakannya padaku pertama kali, jujur saja,",https://subscene.com/ +I thought he was making it all upjust to get my attention.,Kupikir dia hanya lakukan hal itu untuk dapatkan perhatianku.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, is that a complaintabout my grandson?","Oh, apa kau keluhkan tindakan cucuku?",https://subscene.com/ +"If he was lying, he wouldn'thave tried so desperately.","Kalau dia berbohong, dia takkan berusaha sekeras itu.",https://subscene.com/ +He's telling the truth.,Dia berkata jujur.,https://subscene.com/ +"But, what is this powerthat Boruto speaks of?","Tapi, kekuatan yang dimaksud oleh Boruto itu sebenarnya apa?",https://subscene.com/ +I don't know.,Aku tak tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +I just hope it's nothing bad.,Kuharap tak terjadi sesuatu yang buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +And he's also my son.,Dia juga anakku.,https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, Naruto…","Omong-omong, Naruto...",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, she hasn't manifestedthe Byakugan since that time.","Oh, dia belum bangkitkan Byakugan sejak kejadian itu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, not that it's unprecedented.","Ya, itu tak bisa diperkirakan.",https://subscene.com/ +I will. Thank you very much.,"Baik, terima kasih banyak.",https://subscene.com/ +children always end upsurprising us.,anak-anak selalu bisa buat kita terkejut.,https://subscene.com/ +"Please excuse me,I still have some work to do.","Aku permisi dulu, masih banyak yang harus kukerjakan.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm just following throughwith my Ninja Way.,Aku hanya ikuti jalan ninja-ku.,https://subscene.com/ +Was that just a dream?,"Tadi itu mimpi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Big Sis…,Kakak.,https://subscene.com/ +"You took the time to test me, but…","Kakak sudah mau repot-repot untuk mengujiku, tapi...",https://subscene.com/ +Dad probably thoughtI was lying.,Ayah mungkin mulai berpikir kalau aku berbohong.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't blame him ifhe doesn't believe me.,Kurasa wajar saja kalau ayah tak percaya padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +Since I'm all talk.,Karena aku hanya besar mulut.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you hiding somethingfrom Lord Seventh?,Apa kau sembunyikan sesuatu dari Hokage Ketujuh?,https://subscene.com/ +How can you tell?,Bagaimana Kakak bisa tahu?,https://subscene.com/ +L-Liar!,Bo-Bohong.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +But sparring tells you things.,"Tapi, latihan tadi yang buatku menyadarinya.",https://subscene.com/ +And you were seriousout there.,Dan di latihan tadi kau sangat serius.,https://subscene.com/ +for you to claim thatyou awakened the Byakugan.,sehingga kau berani berkata kalau kau sudah bangkitkan Byakugan.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know what my fatheror Lord Seventh thought…,Aku juga tak tahu apa yang ada dalam pikiran ayah maupun Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +But you have to take careof this yourself.,"Tapi, kau harus selesaikan masalah ini sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"I have to take careof this myself, huh?","Aku harus menyelesaikannya sendiri, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +If I could only grasp it.,Andai saja aku bisa menggapainya...,https://subscene.com/ +If I want to test something out,"Kalau aku ingin uji sesuatu,",https://subscene.com/ +"there's only one thing to do, huh?","Hanya itu yang bisa kulakukan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"What are you doing, Boruto?","Sedang apa kau, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +I could ask you the same thing.,Kau juga sedang apa di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to report to my sensei.,Aku mau temui guruku.,https://subscene.com/ +You watch Kagemasa too?,"Kau juga suka menonton Kagemasa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"No, I'm not too…","Tidak, aku tak terlalu suka padanya.",https://subscene.com/ +I heard the sequel's been cancelled.,Kudengar film lanjutannya dibatalkan.,https://subscene.com/ +The actor who plays Kagemasais under a lot of stress and—,Aktor yang perankan Kagemasa sedang alami stres berat dan...,https://subscene.com/ +What's the matter?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +There's a shadow hoveringaround over that guy!,Ada bayangan aneh yang selimuti tubuh orang itu!,https://subscene.com/ +I can see it!,Aku bisa melihatnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, could you beone of my fans?","Oh, rupanya salah satu penggemarku, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Yes! I see it.,"Ya, aku bisa melihatnya.",https://subscene.com/ +The wind carriesthe cries of the weak.,Desir angin bawa tangisan orang-orang yang lemah.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't tell meyou're Kagemasa?!,"Jangan-jangan, kau Kagemasa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"No, no way! Impossible.","Tidak, tidak, tak mungkin.",https://subscene.com/ +Is it funny that I'm Kagemasa?,Memangnya aneh ya kalau aku ini memang benar Kagemasa yang asli?,https://subscene.com/ +Kagemasa doesn't havea pitiful body like that!,Kagemasa tak punya tubuh yang menyedihkan seperti itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!Every last one of them all!,"Sial, mereka semua sama saja!",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… I'll havebarbequed chicken today.,"Benar juga, kali ini aku bisa makan ayam panggang.",https://subscene.com/ +What happened to you anyway?!,Sebenarnya ada apa denganmu?,https://subscene.com/ +A-And your body!,Da-Dan tubuhmu itu...,https://subscene.com/ +I'll lose weight andshow them!,Aku akan turunkan berat badanku dan tunjukkan pada mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +Look at you…,Lihat dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +You say the same thingsas them.,Kau sama saja dengan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"they cancelled ""Kagemasa.""","mereka batalkan film ""Kagemasa.""",https://subscene.com/ +Why won't they believe me?!,Kenapa mereka tak mau percaya padaku?,https://subscene.com/ +I can control myself!,Aku bisa kendalikan berat badanku!,https://subscene.com/ +Come on…,Terima ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Now…,"Dengan ini,",https://subscene.com/ +Get a hold of yourself!,Lebih berhati-hatilah!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +Who is he?,Siapa dia?,https://subscene.com/ +"He's fat, but that's Kagemasa,ya know!","Dia gendut sih, tapi dia Kagemasa, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"You've put on too much weight,haven't you?",Perbedaannya terlalu jauh!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +So uncool…,Payah banget.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, how did this happen?","Selain itu, kenapa jadi seperti ini?",https://subscene.com/ +He's possessed bythis weird shadow.,Dia dirasuki oleh bayangan aneh.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you serious?,Apa ucapanmu itu serius?,https://subscene.com/ +the grown-ups handlesomething like this?,bukankah lebih baik diserahkan pada orang dewasa?,https://subscene.com/ +Only I can see the shadow.,Yang bisa lihat bayangannya hanya aku.,https://subscene.com/ +I…,Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +You believe me?About the shadow?,"Kau percaya padaku, mengenai bayangan itu?",https://subscene.com/ +but you're not a liar.,"tapi kau bukanlah pembohong, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"But, I think you're an idiot.",Meski kupikir kau itu bodoh.,https://subscene.com/ +"Judging from appearances,he's super strong.","Dilihat saja, dia jauh lebih kuat.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it… Where'd those brats go?,"Dasar, anak-anak itu pergi ke mana?",https://subscene.com/ +This is the last one!,Ini yang terakhir!,https://subscene.com/ +Here he comes.,Dia datang.,https://subscene.com/ +How weak!,Lemah sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +W-Why are you laughing?!,Kenapa kau tertawa?,https://subscene.com/ +"After watching you,","Setelah melihatmu,",https://subscene.com/ +You said so yourself.,"Kau sendiri yang bilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Benar!,https://subscene.com/ +Just kidding!,Hanya bercanda!,https://subscene.com/ +Kagemasa would say this…,Kalau Kagemasa akan bilang seperti ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"""Don't just say it,prove it by your actions!""","""Jangan hanya bicara, tapi buktikan dengan perbuatanmu!""",https://subscene.com/ +"is unconvincing, ya know!","sama sekali tak buatku yakin, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +you've gotta stop walking aroundwith chocolates in your hand.,kau harus berhenti malas-malasan sambil makan cokelat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah.","Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Um… About that shadow…,"Begini, soal bayangan tadi...",https://subscene.com/ +"See you later,Dummy-Masa the Second.","Sampai nanti, Begomasa generasi kedua.",https://subscene.com/ +"KAGEMASA FINALLY ON TRACKWITH HIS DIET?!the cancellation of the wildly popularmovie series Kagemasa,",penangguhan film layar lebar dari Kagemasa yang sangat terkenal,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I'm off!","Kalau begitu, aku pergi dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +You forgot this!,"Ada yang kelupaan, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't need it anymore.,Kakak tak memerlukannya lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +You don't want it?,Tak mau?,https://subscene.com/ +"Ultimately, you still didn't find outanything about that eye?","Ujung-ujungnya, kau masih tak tahu matamu itu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? How come you're not upset?,"Wah, aneh nih, santai banget jawabanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Aren't you disappointedthat it's not the Byakugan?,Apa kau tak kecewa kalau itu bukanlah Byakugan?,https://subscene.com/ +I just have to prove it.,Yang bisa kulakukan hanyalah membuktikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"In other words,","Dengan kata lain,",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's start after class today.,Ayo kita mulai setelah pulang sekolah nanti.,https://subscene.com/ +My eye is the star of hope!,Mataku adalah bintang harapan!,https://subscene.com/ +We've been onthe lookout all day.,Kita sudah berjaga seharian.,https://subscene.com/ +"What's this ""Ghost"" stuffyou've been talking about?","Dari tadi yang kalian omongkan soal hantu itu apaan, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +See anything?,Apa kau lihat sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe you're straining too much.,Apa kau tak terlalu tegang?,https://subscene.com/ +There no way I'm gonna miss it!,Tak mungkin penglihatanku meleset!,https://subscene.com/ +Shouldn't we be seeing at leastone ghost right about now?,"Bukankah setidaknya kita lihat satu hantu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I thought it up and it's my namefor that weird shadow!,Akulah yang memikirkannya lalu temukan nama yang tepat untuk bayangan aneh itu!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa kaubilang?,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, that's seven cases alonethis week","Tapi, sudah tujuh kasus, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I like that name!,Aku suka penamaan itu!,https://subscene.com/ +but suddenly the number of incidentsand the locations have skyrocketed.,tapi tiba-tiba jumlah serta lokasi kejadian jadi melebar.,https://subscene.com/ +Or is there some other cause?,Atau ada penyebab lain?,https://subscene.com/ +That's why…,"Karena itulah,",https://subscene.com/ +Will it go that smoothly?,Apa iya akan semudah itu?,https://subscene.com/ +You found it?!,Apa kau menemukannya?,https://subscene.com/ +I missed out on the chance at becoming a hero!,"Aku kehilangan kesempatan jadi pahlawan, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +"We're on for tomorrow too, right?","Besok kita lakukan juga, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's because it's never boringwhen you're with Boruto.","Habisnya, kalau bersama Boruto, takkan pernah membosankan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Sensei doesn't know, right?","Guru masih belum mengetahuinya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"You turned inour absence excuse note, right?","Kau sudah urus daftar kehadiran kami, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Then our cover is all good!,"Kalau begitu, rencana kita berjalan dengan baik!",https://subscene.com/ +I got a call from school.,Ibu dapatkan panggilan dari sekolah.,https://subscene.com/ +"I, the claimant, will be absent dueto a contagious malady…cough.",Aku tak bisa masuk karena sedang sakit!,https://subscene.com/ +Skipping class…what you were thinking?!,"Sampai membolos, apa yang kaupikirkan?",https://subscene.com/ +I have an important dutyto fulfill right now.,aku punya tugas penting yang harus kulakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +Those are two separate things.,Itu sudah berbeda topik.,https://subscene.com/ +Grown-ups are all the same.,"Pada akhirnya, semua orang dewasa itu sama saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"One day, you'll—?!","Suatu saat, kau akan...",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…kinda.,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +But isn't it strange?,"Tapi, bukankah itu aneh?",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +He's trying to get Naruto's attention.,Anak itu pasti ingin dapatkan perhatian Naruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, in his own way,I think he's rushing things.",Kurasa dia sedang terburu-buru kejar sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +I was like thatwhen I was a kid too.,Aku juga pernah melakukannya saat masih kecil.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you talk about this with Naruto?,Apa kau sudah membicarakannya dengan Naruto?,https://subscene.com/ +I don't want to worry himwith more problems.,Aku tak mau buatnya khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's because,Naruto is Boruto's father,","Bagaimanapun juga, sebelum Naruto jadi Hokage,",https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Seems everyone's here today.,"Hari ini semuanya sudah berkumpul, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't there a way to cut out?,Apa tak ada cara untuk bolos?,https://subscene.com/ +But we can't fake any more absences.,"Tapi, kita tak bisa palsukan daftar hadir lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +WORKPLACE EXPERIENCEPeople in all sorts of occupationssupport our daily life.,Orang-orang lakukan berbagai macam pekerjaan saat jalani keseharian mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +You'll be working in teams of threeand visiting a workplace.,Kalian akan bekerja di sebuah tempat kerja dengan satu kelompok yang berisi tiga anggota.,https://subscene.com/ +Choose carefully.,Pilihlah dengan serius.,https://subscene.com/ +That's too dangerous.,Bukankah tempat itu terlalu berbahaya?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Why me?,"Eh, kenapa aku?",https://subscene.com/ +But it's hard to pass upa meat bun factory.,"Tapi, pabrik roti daging pasti akan mengenyangkan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +Where shall we go?,Kita akan pergi ke mana?,https://subscene.com/ +"Shikadai, dye your hairthe same color as mine.","Shikadai, buatlah warna rambutmu jadi seperti rambutku.",https://subscene.com/ +You know I don't want to do that!,"Sudah jelas aku takkan mau, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Do you understand what I'm saying?,"Kau mengerti artinya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"LEAF VILLAGECENTRAL POST OFFICEIf we choose an occupation thatrequires walking around the village,",Kalau kita pilih pekerjaan yang haruskan kita berkeliling desa,https://subscene.com/ +Mail delivery is a perfect fit.,Jasa pengiriman memang sempurna.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey. I'm Tayori Kuroyagiand I'm in charge of you boys.,"Halo, akulah yang bertugas awasi kalian, Tayori Kuroyagi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Please go easy on us, ya know!","Tolong jangan keras-keras terhadap kami, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +This is where we receiveall the deliveries for the day.,Ini adalah tempat untuk terima seluruh barang yang akan dikirimkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Sounds like an easy job.,Sepertinya mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Every parcel is precious,so please treat them with care!","Setiap paket sangat berharga, jadi harus diperlakukan dengan hati-hati!",https://subscene.com/ +"Good morning, Bureau Chief Komame!","Selamat pagi, Kepala Biro Komame!",https://subscene.com/ +N-Nothing!,Ti-Tidak!,https://subscene.com/ +"You'll also be handing preciousparcels to our customers,","Kalian juga akan kirimkan paket yang berharga kepada para pelanggan,",https://subscene.com/ +Take a good look.,Lihat baik-baik!,https://subscene.com/ +This is what sustainsthe village's postal service.,Itulah ciri khas dari kantor pos desa ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, I'm aware of that.",Tentu saja aku tahu hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I, too, have some knowledgeabout ninjutsu.",kalau aku juga tahu sedikitbanyak tentang Ninjutsu.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't even go there.,Abaikan saja dia.,https://subscene.com/ +He's just very meticulous.,Dia hanya sedikit perfeksionis.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's rough at the beginning.","Ya, awalnya memang sulit.",https://subscene.com/ +Postal service!,Kiriman paket!,https://subscene.com/ +Please place your seal here.,Tolong distempel di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +"When you see peopleso happy like that,","Saat kalian lihat pelanggan senang seperti tadi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Postal delivery requires quitea lot of energy, doesn't it?","Mengirimkan paket pos juga perlu banyak tenaga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +but I think it's the simple taskswhere you can't afford to cut corners.,tapi menurutku justru tugas sederhanalah yang lebih sulit dilakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +Please don't payany attention to him.,Abaikan saja dia.,https://subscene.com/ +"And now,","Dan sekarang,",https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +"So you saw me, after all.","Ayah melihatku, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"And you look really busy protectingthe peace of the village, Dad.",Dan Ayah sibuk sekali lindungi kedamaian desa ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you're doinga workplace experience trip?","Jadi, kau sedang lakukan tugas pengawasan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +SEVENTH HOKAGEIt's not like I chose itbecause I like the job.,Aku pilih pekerjaan ini bukan karena aku menyukainya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Being able to get a letter deliveredwith just a single stamp,","Di mana pun kau berada, mengirimkan paket ke seluruh dunia itu",https://subscene.com/ +Whatever! You probably heardthat line from someone else!,Pasti Ayah hanya ulang ucapan itu dari orang lain!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, I'm Naruto Uzumaki.","Halo, aku Naruto Uzumaki.",https://subscene.com/ +Y-Yes!,Ba-Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"Your dad's the Hokage, huh?","Ayahmu seorang Hokage, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, the sun will setbefore we even start.","Kalau begini terus, pekerjaan kita takkan selesai saat matahari terbenam nanti.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, wait, Boruto!","Oh, tunggu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Delivering the mail ismore fun than I thought.,Mengirimkan surat ternyata lebih menyenangkan dari yang kukira.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm so nervous.,Aku gugup sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Be very careful with the gun powder.,Hati-hati dengan bubuk mesiunya.,https://subscene.com/ +This is just like a smoke bomb.,Mirip seperti bom asap.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's Boruto.","Oh, itu Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know,but we can't lose to him.","Tak tahu, tapi kita tak boleh kalah darinya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Aww, c'mon!",Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's Boruto.","Oh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"That's kinda boring, isn't it?",Bukannya membosankan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's a little boring though.","Ya, ini memang sedikit membosankan.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Aku minta maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's just a workplace field trip,it's probably the same everywhere!","Ini hanyalah kunjungan industri, jadi memang seperti ini!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Boruto!","Oh, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Excuse me!,Permisi!,https://subscene.com/ +Th-That was fast.,"Ce-Cepat sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I can take this.,"Kalau ini bagianku, jadi jangan khawatir.",https://subscene.com/ +This is too easy!,"Mudah sekali, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"What's up, Mitsuki?","Ada apa, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +There's been a sighting at Senju Park.,Kelihatannya bayangan itu terlihat di Taman Senju.,https://subscene.com/ +Senju Park is onthe opposite side of the village!,Taman Senju itu berada di seberang desa!,https://subscene.com/ +We just have to.,"Yang jelas, kita harus pergi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Most of his chakra has been depleted,and he's in critical condition.","Chakra-nya kebanyakan sudah dikuras, dia dalam kondisi kritis.",https://subscene.com/ +"Then suddenly, he screamedand went on a rampage.",tapi tiba-tiba dia berteriak dan mengamuk.,https://subscene.com/ +"Aw, looks like we're too late.","Kelihatannya kita terlambat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +This is the eighth incident this week.,"Dengan ini, sudah delapan kali, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +connecting the incidents thathave already occurred.,yang hubungkan setiap kejadian yang sudah terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +Now they're occurringat random times and places.,"tapi sekarang, baik waktu dan tempatnya terjadi secara acak.",https://subscene.com/ +on who's causing these incidents.,untuk tahu siapa yang jadi dalang di balik semua ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Only?,Hanya saja?,https://subscene.com/ +"Somehow, Forbidden Technologyis involved.","Kelihatannya, ada sangkut pautnya dengan teknologi terlarang.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, the Hashirama Cell.","Ya, sel Hashirama.",https://subscene.com/ +"You were part of the ANBU Black Ops,so you should know.","Kau yang bagian dari pasukan ANBU, seharusnya sudah mengetahuinya.",https://subscene.com/ +"And within it wasthe even more top secret, Foundation.","dan di dalamnya, ada organisasi yang jauh lebih rahasia yang dinamakan Akar.",https://subscene.com/ +"However, the Foundation wasdisbanded after Danzo's death.","Tapi, Akar seharusnya sudah dibubarkan setelah kematian Danzo.",https://subscene.com/ +Until I saw this…,Sampai aku lihat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +but only a few ninja existwho use the Wood Style.,"kalau dicari di seluruh negara api pun, yang bisa menggunakannya hanya beberapa.",https://subscene.com/ +does not have that kind of power.,tak punya kekuatan seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +The Hashirama Cell.,Maksudmu sel Hashirama.,https://subscene.com/ +to research a device thatcould extract a man's chakra.,untuk teliti alat yang bisa kuras chakra seseorang.,https://subscene.com/ +"If killing someone was their goal,this is a roundabout way to do it.","Kalau tujuannya adalah bunuh seseorang, caranya ini terlalu bertele-tele.",https://subscene.com/ +They're harvesting chakra.,Mereka memanen chakra.,https://subscene.com/ +For what purpose?,Untuk apa?,https://subscene.com/ +The Foundation wasa very secretive organization.,Karena Akar adalah organisasi yang sangat rahasia.,https://subscene.com/ +We have to dosomething immediately.,Kita harus segera lakukan sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Whatever you do, use extreme care.","Kau boleh saja bertindak, tapi harus tetap hati-hati.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll help.,Aku juga akan bantu.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I'm spendingthe night here again.,"Sepertinya bakal bergadang lagi di sini, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't have a change of clothes.,Aku tak punya baju ganti.,https://subscene.com/ +I ran into Boruto in town today.,Aku bertemu Boruto di kota hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +He's desperate to come intohis own and be acknowledged.,Dia sangat ingin sekali usahanya diakui.,https://subscene.com/ +I wish he could remaina kid a little longer.,Kuharap dia tak cepat beranjak dewasa.,https://subscene.com/ +A child grows with each passing day.,Anak-anak terus tumbuh setiap hari.,https://subscene.com/ +"To be honest, I don't knowhow to interact with Boruto.","Sejujurnya, aku tak tahu bagaimana caranya agar bisa dekat dengan Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +That's not true.,Itu tak benar.,https://subscene.com/ +I hope so.,Kuharap begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sometimes when he laughs,he looks exactly like you.","Terkadang saat dia tertawa, dia mirip sekali denganmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's pick up the pace morethan yesterday and deliver these fast!,Kita harus antarkan semua ini lebih cepat dari kemarin.,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Forget it.,Jangan dipikirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I think today's going to bea lot of fun again.,Kurasa hari ini kita akan bersenang-senang lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +How many times must I tell you?,"Sudah kubilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That explanation doesn't cut it!,Aku tak butuh penjelasanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!What are you doing?!,"Chocho, apa yang kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +Bo…ru…to…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"My limited-edition potato chips weresupposed to be delivered yesterday,","Keripik kentang edisi terbatasku harusnya sudah tiba di rumahku kemarin,",https://subscene.com/ +What's the meaning of this?!,Apa maksudnya ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"We delivered everything, right?","Kami sudah kirimkan semuanya, 'kan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +We've been gettingcomplaints all morning!,Sejak pagi kami terima banyak keluhan!,https://subscene.com/ +Where's Tayori?,Di mana Tayori?,https://subscene.com/ +This turned out badly.,Kelihatannya keadaan malah tambah gawat.,https://subscene.com/ +Shall we go too?,Apa kita juga akan ikut pergi?,https://subscene.com/ +Are you kidding me?!,Yang benar saja!,https://subscene.com/ +You can stay there andinventory the stamps!,Kalian di sini saja lakukan pemeriksaan prangko!,https://subscene.com/ +"One sheet of stamps,two sheets of stamps…","Satu lembar prangko, dua lembar prangko.",https://subscene.com/ +Or we'll never be able to leaveand hunt for ghosts.,"Kalau tidak, kita takkan bisa keluar untuk buru hantu itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +Feel bad a little!,Pikirkanlah kesalahanmu sedikit!,https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +Wonder where it happened this time?,"Aku penasaran kali ini terjadi di mana, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"LIVELEAF WATER PURIFICATION PLANThas barricaded himself in the facility,","mengurung diri di dalam pabrik,",https://subscene.com/ +"According to witnesses,some students from the Academy","Berdasarkan saksi mata, beberapa murid dari akademi",https://subscene.com/ +have become involvedin the incident.,ikut terlibat dalam insiden ini.,https://subscene.com/ +We don't know if it'sthe Class Rep and her team.,Kita tak tahu apa yang disandera adalah kelompoknya ketua kelas atau bukan.,https://subscene.com/ +This isn't whatyou'd thought it would be.,Ini tak seperti yang kaubayangkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I know that!,Aku sudah tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +"But I have to do this,for my friends!","Tapi, aku harus lakukan ini demi teman-temanku!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't interfere any more.,Jangan terlibat lebih jauh lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"""The Shadow of the Mastermind""",Bayangan Dalang Semua Kejadian.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +"You're still a child right now,so you may not understand yet…",Saat ini kau masih kecil dan tak mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +You need to stop Orochimaru!,Kau harus hentikan Orochimaru!,https://subscene.com/ +Come to me.,Kemarilah!,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Since I'm just a kid…,"Meski aku masih anak-anak,",https://subscene.com/ +"As for anything to do with me,I'll decide for myself!","Apa yang harus kulakukan, akulah yang memutuskannya!",https://subscene.com/ +Byakugan!,白眼,https://subscene.com/ +Keep launching your Water Styleuntil you knock over that log.,"Sampai kau tumbangkan batang pohon itu, teruslah gunakan Elemen Airmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Wasabi! Sumire!,"Wasabi, Sumire!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! My arm's stuck!,"Sial, lenganku tersangkut!",https://subscene.com/ +Increase…power!,Meningkatkan kekuatan!,https://subscene.com/ +Those bastards who failed meat the Academy don't know anything!,Orang-orang itu menolakku masuk akademi karena tak tahu apa-apa!,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, what a drag,first thing in the morning…","Dasar, pagi-pagi sudah muncul sesuatu yang merepotkan.",https://subscene.com/ +"He kinda reminds me of you, Iwabe.","Mirip Iwabe, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, if it isn’t Mr. Iwabe.","Oh, kukira siapa, ternyata Iwabe, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I’m not the same as I was yesterday!,Aku sudah beda dengan yang dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +"It’s the same,like the time with Metal…","Itu, sama seperti yang terjadi pada Metal.",https://subscene.com/ +The grown-ups willtake care of him soon…,Sebentar lagi orang-orang dewasa pasti mengurusnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Hoi, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +You’re mine!,Kena kau!,https://subscene.com/ +"I won’t let him get away, ya know!",Takkan kubiarkan kau kabur!,https://subscene.com/ +I don't really care either way…,Aku sih tak peduli.,https://subscene.com/ +Who are you?,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +He’ll be studying with us from today…,Mulai hari ini dia akan jadi teman belajar kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +Be good to him.,"Jadilah teman baik, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It’s that showoff!,"Jadi, si tukang pamer itu!",https://subscene.com/ +I’m from Hidden Sound Village.,Aku berasal dari Otogakure.,https://subscene.com/ +"However, that was all in the past.","Tapi, itu hanyalah masa lalu.",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki’s come to our village to representour new harmonious relationship.,Mitsuki pun datang ke sini sebagai perwakilan yang akan jaga keharmonisan antardesa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I sorta met him this morning.","Ya, pagi tadi aku bertemu dengannya.",https://subscene.com/ +So that means he’s pretty skilled?,"Jadi, itu artinya dia seorang yang ahli bertarung?",https://subscene.com/ +I dunno.,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you guys listening?,"Kalian dengar, tidak?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +That’s so stupid…,Konyol sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +S-Sure!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Nice to meet you, Mitsuki.","Salam kenal, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, you can ask meanything, okay?","Ya, kau boleh tanya apa saja padaku.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, anything at all!","Ya, apa saja!",https://subscene.com/ +Why is it that we’re the only oneswithout a classroom?,Kenapa hanya kita yang berada di luar kelas?,https://subscene.com/ +"He’s always dozing off in class,so how does he know that?","Padahal dia selalu tidur di kelas, tapi kenapa dia bisa jawab soal yang diberikan?",https://subscene.com/ +That was a simple problem for me.,Soal begini sih bagiku mudah sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"However, figure it outusing the formula I taught you.","Tapi, selesaikan soal ini dengan gunakan cara yang kuajarkan.",https://subscene.com/ +Never mind that! Give us somethingwe can sink our teeth into!,"Jangan sungkan-sungkan, Guru, beri saja kami soal yang lebih sulit!",https://subscene.com/ +"Fine, I’ll give you somethingwith more meat to chew on.","Baiklah, aku akan berimu soal yang jauh lebih sulit.",https://subscene.com/ +"You’re such a poor loser,Shino Sensei, ya know!","Anda jahat sekali, Guru Shino!",https://subscene.com/ +"This way, you can calculatethe air resistance.","Dengan ini, kau bisa hitung tekanan udara.",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +But Boruto was having a hard time.,"Tapi, Boruto kesulitan menjawabnya.",https://subscene.com/ +But it’s meaninglessif they can’t solve it themselves.,"Tapi, takkan ada gunanya kalaudia sendiri tak bisa jawab soalnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh… Looks like I won again this time!,"Eh, sepertinya kali ini aku menang lagi!",https://subscene.com/ +Lame!,Lemah sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +This match is over.,Pertarungan selesai.,https://subscene.com/ +"When it comes to brute strength,no one comes close to you, Iwabe.","Soal kekuatan, memang tak ada yang bisa menandingimu, Iwabe.",https://subscene.com/ +Fight me next.,"Selanjutnya, bertarunglah denganku.",https://subscene.com/ +"Go for it, you two.","Kalian berdua, berjuanglah.",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, Iwabe…","Baiklah, Iwabe...",https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Mitsuki!","Tunggu, Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +You’re nasty…,"Ternyata kau curang juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Why you—!,Sialan kau!,https://subscene.com/ +What’s with those movements?,Gerakan apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, hey…","Hoi, hoi.",https://subscene.com/ +Let him go!,Lepaskan dia!,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +"Are you all right, Iwabe?!","Kau baik-baik saja, Iwabe?",https://subscene.com/ +I was on the verge of winning.,Padahal aku sudah hampir menang.,https://subscene.com/ +Why?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +It doesn’t matter. You overdid it!,"Sudahlah, tadi kau sudah keterlaluan!",https://subscene.com/ +You don’t?,Kau tak suka?,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I guess I went a little too far.,Sepertinya tadi aku agak bertindak terlalu jauh.,https://subscene.com/ +Not just “kinda”…,"Bukan ""agak"" lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +"ODENSorry, it’s so sudden.",Maaf mendadak begini.,https://subscene.com/ +I hear he’s quite peculiar…,Kudengar dia orangnya cukup aneh.,https://subscene.com/ +You’ve already gota few worrisome ones in your class.,Padahal kau sudah kesulitan urusi banyak anak nakal di kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +Perhaps I’m not suited to teach.,Mungkin aku memang tak cocok jadi guru.,https://subscene.com/ +What are you saying?,Bicara apa kau ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Even so, I think you’ve been workingyour hardest, all this time.","Meskipun begitu, kupikir selama ini kau sudah berjuang keras.",https://subscene.com/ +Whether one is suited or notisn’t what counts.,Mau kau cocok atau tidak itu nomor dua.,https://subscene.com/ +You just have to interactwith your students in your own way.,Kau cukup berinteraksi dengan murid-muridmu pakai caramu sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, it’s me.","Ya, ini aku.",https://subscene.com/ +Everything’s going smoothly.,Semuanya berjalan lancar.,https://subscene.com/ +Him?,Dia?,https://subscene.com/ +We haven’t talked much though.,Meski kami masih belum banyak mengobrol.,https://subscene.com/ +I’ll soon find out…if he’s my sun.,Aku akan segera mengetahuinya kalau dia adalah matahariku.,https://subscene.com/ +S-Sensei?,Gu-Guru?,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, let’s start!","Baiklah, mari kita mulai!",https://subscene.com/ +What is this?,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +So Aburame Sensei made all this?,Ini semua buatan Guru Aburame.,https://subscene.com/ +"All right! Let’s deepenour friendships, everyone!","Nah, mari kita perdalam pertemanan kita!",https://subscene.com/ +"I don’t understand it, but he went throughall this trouble, so let’s have fun!","Aku tak begitu mengerti, tapi mumpung sudah diadakan, lebih baik kita bersenang-senang saja!",https://subscene.com/ +"During yesterday’s practice session,your defensive moves were awesome!","Saat latihan praktik kemarin, gerakan pertahananmu luar biasa!",https://subscene.com/ +Well…,"Apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"And Wind Style, and Lightning Style.",Elemen Angin dan Petir aku juga lumayan.,https://subscene.com/ +Quit bluffing.,Jangan mengarang cerita.,https://subscene.com/ +"I was worried at first,but this welcome party is going well.","Awalnya aku sempat khawatir, tapi pesta penyambutan ini berjalan lancar.",https://subscene.com/ +This is great!,Bagus!,https://subscene.com/ +"Kurenai Sensei, it’s just as you said…","Guru Kurenai, seperti yang Anda bilang,",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you all right, Aburame Sensei?","Guru Aburame, apa Guru baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, you’ve been working your hardestfor Mitsuki… No, for everyone.","Habisnya, demi Mitsuki, tidak... Demi semuanya, Guru sampai siapkan semua ini.",https://subscene.com/ +But I didn’t end up a lonerbecause of the Academy…,"Meskipun begitu, aku tak jadi penyendiri di akademi itu berkat",https://subscene.com/ +"So, this is kind of my way of repayingthe village, by becoming a teacher.","Karena itulah, beginilah caraku membalas budi, dengan jadi guru.",https://subscene.com/ +It’s moving!,Bergerak!,https://subscene.com/ +"Way to go, Aburame Sensei!","Lumayan juga, Guru Aburame!",https://subscene.com/ +It’s different frommy Super Beast Scroll…,Ini berbeda dengan Teknik Rajah Plagiat Hewanku.,https://subscene.com/ +How cute!,Manisnya!,https://subscene.com/ +Don’t touch it!,Jangan disentuh!,https://subscene.com/ +Bugs?!,Serangga?,https://subscene.com/ +This is really disgusting!,Ini benar-benar menjijikkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, these are the Aburame Clan’sfamous Parasitic Insects","Jadi ini, teknik serangga parasit dari klan Aburame",https://subscene.com/ +"S-Someone, do something!","Si-Siapa saja, tolong lakukan sesuatu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, anything!",Apa saja tak masalah!,https://subscene.com/ +What are you guys doing?!,"Apa yang kalian lakukan, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Aburame Sensei…",Guru Aburame.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, hey…","Hoi, hoi.",https://subscene.com/ +What are we gonna doabout all of this?,"Ini bagaimana, dong?",https://subscene.com/ +What happened to that guy?,Dia itu kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Even though he’s like that,he’s still our teacher.","Begitu-begitu, dia itu guru kita.",https://subscene.com/ +Didn’t you know?!,Apa kau tak tahu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, he’s supposed to have beenamazing in the past.","Meskipun begitu, dulu dia itu ninja hebat, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +He’s got a weak presence…,Hawa keberadaan itu lemah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't say stuff like that, guys.","Kalian, jangan bicara seperti itu, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +Welcomed? Me?,Menyambutku?,https://subscene.com/ +Fun?,Senang?,https://subscene.com/ +I guess calling them“disgusting” was rude.,"Sepertinya, ucapan ""menjijikkan"" yang kuucapkan terhadap serangga miliknya terlalu kejam.",https://subscene.com/ +"It’s a drag, but I think we should goapologize later.","Ini merepotkan, tapi kurasa kita harus minta maaf nanti.",https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki, you’re coming with us,aren’t you?","Mitsuki, kau juga ikut, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +"I don’t know, not again…","Aku tak tahu, jangan-jangan...",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Hoi, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +What a drag.,Merepotkan sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I’m worried about the school store!,Kantinnya dalam bahaya!,https://subscene.com/ +It’s a guy who was here to repairthe school.,Dia adalah orang yang bertugas perbaiki akademi kita.,https://subscene.com/ +How long is gonna take to finish?,Kapan renovasinya bisa selesai?,https://subscene.com/ +Is it the same as the last timewith Metal?,Apa ini sama seperti yang terjadi pada Metal waktu itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"First, we have to stop him.","Pertama, kita harus hentikan dia.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, how did you—?","Kau, bagaimana kau bisa-",https://subscene.com/ +No way…,Jangan-jangan...,https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing?,Apa yang kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Wait!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +C’mon.,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +When did you—?,Sejak kapan kau-,https://subscene.com/ +Do your best Sarada!,"Berjuanglah, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +"Don’t get so carried away, kid.","Jangan sombong dulu kau, Bocah.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Lady Sarada.,Nn. Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto didn’t get a turn.,Boruto takkan dapat giliran.,https://subscene.com/ +It didn’t work?!,Tak mempan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Take him down, now!",Cepat serang dia sekarang!,https://subscene.com/ +You almost died.,"Kau hampir saja mati, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Y-Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Uh-huh.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Looking forward to workingwith you, Mitsuki.","Mulai sekarang mari kita saling bekerja sama, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +What a mess…,Ini benar-benar memalukan.,https://subscene.com/ +…and the school was damaged again.,dan akademi jadi rusak lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Nothing works…,Sama sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"As expected…So, your class is hard to handle…","Sudah kuduga, kelasmu itu sulit untuk ditangani, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +in addition to the transfer studentfrom the Hidden Sound.,ditambah lagi ada murid baru dari Otogakure.,https://subscene.com/ +"What do I have to do, to get Boruto andthe others to seriously listen to me?",Apa yang harus kulakukan agar Boruto dan teman-temannya mau dengarkanku?,https://subscene.com/ +I understand now…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"This is the place, right?","Di sini 'kan, tempatnya?",https://subscene.com/ +Why would Shino Sensei call us outso early in the morning?,Kenapa Guru Shino suruh kita ke sini pagi-pagi begini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Shino Sensei!","Oh, Guru Shino!",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry to keep you waiting,Boruto, Shikadai…","Maaf sudah buat kalian menunggu, Boruto, Shikadai...",https://subscene.com/ +Sensei…?,Guru?,https://subscene.com/ +"I’ve had enough of not beingtaken seriously by my students,","Aku sudah muak diabaikan oleh murid-muridku sendiri,",https://subscene.com/ +It almost seems like everythingI was worried about was a lie.,Rasanya seolah-olah semua yang kukhawatirkan sudah tak ada lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Even Shino Sensei’s acting weird!,Bahkan Guru Shino juga bertingkah aneh!,https://subscene.com/ +I’ve given up on teaching youanything more…,Aku sudah menyerah jadi guru kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"I can't have pets at our house, so…","Tapi kalau tak salah keluargakumelarangku memelihara binatang, jadi...",https://subscene.com/ +I'd have to ask my mom first.,Aku harus tanya ibuku dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +And that means…Mitsuki!,"Berarti, Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +I got it.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey now, you shouldn'tbe mean to a kitten.","Hoi, kau, jangan jahat sama kucingnya, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +Is that your cat?,Apa itu kucingmu?,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +But that kitten looksvery frightened.,Tapi dia terlihat ketakutan,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if Mitsuki will be okay?,"Apa Mitsuki baik-baik saja, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"I think you should've takenthe kitten, after all.","Sepertinya lebih baik kau saja yang membawanya pulang, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm pretty sure Mom and Dadwill say it's okay…,"mungkin ibu dan ayahku akan membolehkanku, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +You worry too much!,Kau itu terlalu khawatir!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +No.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +One of them has to be Nezumi.,"Jadi, harusnya salah satu dari mereka berempat adalah Nezumi.",https://subscene.com/ +"However, since we couldn't findthe jewel,",Tapi mengingat kita tak temukan permata apa pun dari mereka,https://subscene.com/ +"So once again,we couldn't take him into custody.","Jadi, lagi-lagi kita gagal menahannya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I swear we'll get Nezumi!,Aku pasti akan tangkap Nezumi!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn right!,Benar sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +It's horrible!,"Kejam sekali, deh!",https://subscene.com/ +"For now, don't let those fourout of your sight.","Pokoknya, jangan berhenti awasi mereka berempat!",https://subscene.com/ +THUNDER BURGERDid you see the news this morning?,Sudah lihat berita tadi pagi?,https://subscene.com/ +That's really weird.,"Itu aneh sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, where's the kitten?","Omong-omong, bagaimana anak kucingnya?",https://subscene.com/ +"How did it go at your house, Boruto?","Bagaimana denganmu, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +About that…,"Mengenai itu, sih...",https://subscene.com/ +"Let me guess,you can't keep it either?","Mungkinkah di rumahmu juga tak boleh, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +I forgot that Mom and Himawari wentto visit Grandpa yesterday.,Aku lupa kalau kemarin ibu dan Himawari pergi mengunjungi rumah kakek.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +A name?,Nama?,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I'll think about one.","Baiklah, akan kupikirkan.",https://subscene.com/ +You're gonna eat it?,Buat kau makan?,https://subscene.com/ +Is your kitty a boy or a girl?,Apa anak kucingmu pejantan atau betina?,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder where it went?,"Dia pergi ke mana, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +A name?,Nama?,https://subscene.com/ +Mikazuki…,Mikazuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"From today, you are Mikazuki.","Kalau begitu, mulai hari ini kau adalah Mikazuki.",https://subscene.com/ +You ate so much yesterday.,Padahal kemarin makanmu banyak sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +You don't feel well?,Apa kau merasa tak enak badan?,https://subscene.com/ +"I would, if I could.","Kalau diperbolehkan, aku juga mau.",https://subscene.com/ +But Mitsuki seems to be doinga pretty good job with the kitten.,"Tapi kelihatannya Mitsuki lumayan pandai merawatnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm fine if I get to doteon it sometimes!,"selama aku bisa bermain dengannya sesekali, itu sudah cukup!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Mitsuki's late.","Selain itu, Mitsuki lama sekali, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Medicine!,Obat!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +The hospital!,Rumah sakit!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry.This isn't a veterinary hospital,","Maaf, ini bukan rumah sakit hewan",https://subscene.com/ +We had a map somewhere.,Kalau tak salah petanya...,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I'll give you directions.","Kalau begitu, akan kujelaskan, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"First, go out to the main road.Keep walking and…","Pertama, kau harus masuk jalanan utama, lurus terus dan...",https://subscene.com/ +"All right,thank you very much!","Baik, terima kasih banyak!",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Did you see a guy carryinga pet carrier around here?,Apa kalian lihat pria yang bawa tas hewan di dekat sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki?!,Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +I have to get him back!,Aku harus merebutnya kembali!,https://subscene.com/ +You're not getting away.,Kau takkan bisa lari!,https://subscene.com/ +You're lying.,Kau berbohong!,https://subscene.com/ +you wouldn't be treating itso roughly.,kau takkan memperlakukannya seburuk itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Cih!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't believe it was you!,Tak kusangka kau orangnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Now, return Mikazuki!","Sekarang, kembalikan Mikazuki!",https://subscene.com/ +After I cut open its belly!,Tapi setelah aku belah perutnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll take you to the hospital, okay?",Aku akan membawamu ke rumah sakit.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm taking you into custody!,Kau ditangkap!,https://subscene.com/ +That kitten.,Anak kucing itu.,https://subscene.com/ +We've been keeping an eye on youever since you were released.,"Sejak kau bebas, kami terus mengawasimu.",https://subscene.com/ +What a terrible thing to doto a little kitten!,"Melakukan hal seperti itu terhadap anak kucing, benar-benar mengerikan!",https://subscene.com/ +I leave the kitten in your hands!,Kuserahkan anak kucing itu pada kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +Mikazuki!,Mikazuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you so much!,Terima kasih banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm so glad.,Syukurlah.,https://subscene.com/ +Mikazuki!,Mikazuki!,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Why?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't bother me.,Tak juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you come to visit me?,"Kau datang mengunjungiku, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +– Thank you for everything!– Thank you!,Terima kasih banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +W-Wait!,Tu-Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +"You're late, Cho-Cho!","Kau terlambat, Chocho!",https://subscene.com/ +"All of the souvenirs lookedso delicious,","Semua ini adalah oleh-oleh yang kelihatannya enak,",https://subscene.com/ +That's weird…,Aneh sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +He was a central personin the rebellion.,Habisnya dia adalah sumber pemberontakan itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Were you planning on giving hima good, hard punch if he showed up?",Apa kau berencana memberinya sebuah pukulan perpisahan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to him, we hada great field trip, didn't we?","Berkat dia, perjalanan luar desa kita jadi luar biasa, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to him,we almost got killed!","Berkat dia, kita hampir mati, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Right? Right?,"Benar, benar!",https://subscene.com/ +He's home!,Dia pulang!,https://subscene.com/ +How was your field trip?,Bagaimana perjalananmu?,https://subscene.com/ +We had all kinds of fun times!,"Banyak hal menarik terjadi, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Mom!,Ibu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Big Brother, is this…?","Kakak, ini apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm super tired, Mom.","Ibu, aku lelah banget, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +"And then, this guy Kagura got hookedon Shinobi Bout","Lalu, orang bernama Kagura itu sangat suka pada Kartu Ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +"You make friendswherever you go, don't you?","Di mana pun, kau bisa dapatkan teman, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter, Hima?","Ada apa, Hima?",https://subscene.com/ +want to goon a field trip of your own?,apa kau juga jadi ingin lakukan perjalanan luar desa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, there's more!","Oh ya, masih ada cerita lagi, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Are you talking about Kagura again?,Maksudmu Kagura lagi?,https://subscene.com/ +"'Kay, I pass.","Oh, lewat, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +You think Kagura's been arrested too?,Apa maksudmu Kagura juga ditangkap?,https://subscene.com/ +Like I'd know.,Mana kutahu.,https://subscene.com/ +Come to the principal's office later.,Datanglah ke ruang guru.,https://subscene.com/ +You'll find out when you come.,Nanti juga kalian akan tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?,Keterlibatan kita dalam masalah Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang?,https://subscene.com/ +But we made it in the nick of timeto roll call that day.,"Tapi, waktu itu kita berhasil datang tepat waktu saat absensi.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, what do we do?",Bagaimana ini?,https://subscene.com/ +It will be okay.,Tenang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +And then…,Dan saat itulah...,https://subscene.com/ +I thought it was over for me…,Kukira semuanya akan berakhir.,https://subscene.com/ +It was at that moment…,Dan di saat itulah...,https://subscene.com/ +"Man, I thought I was dreaming! Really.","Aduh, kukira ini hanya mimpi!",https://subscene.com/ +"In other words,","Dengan kata lain,",https://subscene.com/ +"That in fact,","Kalau begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +Um…,Anu...,https://subscene.com/ +I am a student ofthe proud Hidden Leaf!,Aku adalah murid Konoha yang junjung tinggi harga diri!,https://subscene.com/ +"Then, can you explain…","Kalau begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +"""The actions taken by Boruto Uzumaki,","""Untuk jaga perdamaian antara Negara Api dan Air,",https://subscene.com/ +and benefited boththe Lands of Fire and Water.,tindakan yang mereka lakukan sangatlah benar.,https://subscene.com/ +…is what it says.,Seperti itulah katanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't slack off!,"Jangan melamun, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Move your hands,not your mouth, Boruto!","Yang digerakkan tanganmu, bukan mulutmu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +You should've just come cleanand apologized from the start!,"Karena itu, sudah kubilang untuk minta maaf dari awal, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +How would I have knownthat he wrote a letter!,Siapa juga yang sangka kalau surat itu bisa datang?,https://subscene.com/ +"Get to work, guys,or the sun will set!","Hoi, kalian. Kalau kalian tak cepat, matahari keburu terbenam, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +I said we couldn't use guyslike that…,tak ada gunanya dari awal.,https://subscene.com/ +if there was troublein the Land of Water.,kupikir aku bisa bergerak dengan lebih mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +And? What happened to them?,"Lalu, apa yang terjadi pada mereka?",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, even if they were rebels,","Selain itu, meski mereka adalah pemberontak,",https://subscene.com/ +"To put a lid on the incident,","untuk menutup kejadian itu,",https://subscene.com/ +That Chojuro is a pretty bad guy.,"Chojuro itu ternyata lumayan jahat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What other reason is there?,Memangnya ada alasan lain?,https://subscene.com/ +it will reset everything backto the dark ages again.,era kegelapan akan terjadi lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Still… It's curious howthat boy got a hold,"Selain itu, bagaimana bisa anak itu",https://subscene.com/ +Uh… I-I know…Isn't that strange?,"Eh, ya, itu aneh sekali, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +It won't cut if you doubt yourself.,"Kalau hatimu masih ragu, kertas itu takkan terpotong.",https://subscene.com/ +I can't forgive myself.,Aku tak bisa maafkan diriku.,https://subscene.com/ +That's the kind of boy he is.,Dia memang anak yang seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +To be honest and upfrontcan be a very difficult thing to do.,Terkadang kejujuran itu memang lebih sulit dari apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +"Juice, juice…","Jus, jus.",https://subscene.com/ +Is there somethingyou want to tell me?,Apa kau mau katakan sesuatu padaku?,https://subscene.com/ +Did something happen?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you remember?,Apa kau lupa?,https://subscene.com/ +I'll bring back lots of souvenirs!,"Aku akan bawakan oleh-oleh yang banyak, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I totally…forgot!,Aku benar-benar lupa!,https://subscene.com/ +Why didn't you tell me sooner?!,Kenapa tak bilang dari tadi?,https://subscene.com/ +"If you forgot to get something,you have to apologize quickly.","Kalau kau lupa, kau harus minta maaf, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +That's true!,Benar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Hima…","Eh, Hima.",https://subscene.com/ +You see…,Sebenarnya...,https://subscene.com/ +"You've heard of the famousHidden Mist's Water Cinnamon Sweets, right?",Apa kau pernah dengar permen terkenal bernama permen kayu manis dari desa kabut?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, it got mixed up somehowin my friend's luggage.","Sepertinya, permen itu terbawa oleh temanku.",https://subscene.com/ +"So…hold on, ya know?!","Ja-Jadi tunggu sebentar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"The way she was looking at me,I couldn't bring myself to tell her.","Saat aku lihat wajahnya, aku jadi tak berani mengatakannya.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe he can figure something out?,"Mungkin dia bisa lakukan sesuatu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I swear I'll find one!,"Tenang saja, aku pasti mendapatkannya!",https://subscene.com/ +It's tough trying to bea good big brother.,"Menjadi kakak yang baik itu susah juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +The Water Cinnamon Sweets?,Permen kayu manis?,https://subscene.com/ +How many daysdo you think it's been?,Kaupikir ini sudah berapa hari?,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, sorry I bothered you!",Maaf sudah mengganggumu!,https://subscene.com/ +I still havethe dumplings though.,"Tapi, aku masih punya dango, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's okay, don't worry about it.","Tak apa-apa, jangan khawatir.",https://subscene.com/ +"Uh, I'm not asking about that…","Tidak, bukan itu yang kutanyakan.",https://subscene.com/ +That won't do any good!,"Aku tak mungkin berikan oleh-oleh seperti itu padanya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +"Nope, there's no wayyou'd have any left…","Tidak, pasti dia sudah memakannya.",https://subscene.com/ +No?,"Tak ada, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +No?,"Tak ada, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Someone, please sayyou have some!","Siapa saja, beri tahu aku kalau punya, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +M-Mitsuki…,Mi-Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +– I don't.– with you?,Tak punya.,https://subscene.com/ +I forgot to buy Himawaria souvenir.,Aku lupa bawakan oleh-oleh untuk Himawari.,https://subscene.com/ +And you need it badly?,"Kau sangat memerlukannya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I figured as much.,Sudah kuduga kau pasti sedang punya masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +"You have some, Sarada?!","Apa kau punya, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +I guess not.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Which is it?!,Di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Fine…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +That's my one condition.,Itulah syarat yang kuajukan.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't believe you!,Aku sama sekali tak percaya padamu!,https://subscene.com/ +"At the end of the alleyon 3rd Street,","Di ujung gang di jalan ketiga,",https://subscene.com/ +"They carry foods fromlots of different villages,","Mereka jajakan makanan dari berbagai desa,",https://subscene.com/ +"At the end of the alley, right?","Di ujung gang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if they have it,","Tapi, meskipun mereka memang menjualnya,",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki! You're gonnacome with me?,"Mitsuki, kau mau ikut denganku?",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, is that it?","Oh, itu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Look at the unusual color ofthese mushrooms, Boruto.","Lihat, Boruto, jamur ini warnanya unik sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +I wasn't supposedto touch them.,sebaiknya aku tak sentuh jamur ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Huh, Boruto—?","Eh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Is that the souveniryou've been looking for?,"Jadi itu ya, oleh-oleh yang kaucari?",https://subscene.com/ +Who said you can touch?,Siapa yang bilang kau boleh menyentuhnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"I see, a couple of brats fromsomewhere wandered in.",ternyata ada dua bocah nakal yang masuk ke toko ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't touch them withyour filthy hands!,Jangan menyentuhnya dengan tanganmu yang kotor!,https://subscene.com/ +It's just some sweets!,Itu hanya permen!,https://subscene.com/ +It's an emergency!,Ini darurat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well then, let me ask.","Baiklah, biar kutanya satu hal.",https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Sebenarnya...,https://subscene.com/ +"Look, it doesn't matterwhat the reason is!","Tapi, apa pun alasannya bukan urusan Nenek!",https://subscene.com/ +Get out of here!,"Nah, cepat pergi dari sini!",https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing?!,Apa yang kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Let me go!,Lepaskan aku!,https://subscene.com/ +Want me to…?,Boleh kuhajar?,https://subscene.com/ +Let me go!,Lepaskan aku!,https://subscene.com/ +Not even a piece of trash!,kepada pembeli yang tak kusuka.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh? You play too?,"Wah, kau memainkannya juga?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, how interesting…","Oh, menarik.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll sell youthe Water Cinnamon Sweets.,akan kujual permen kayu manisnya pada kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"But if you lose, you get outof my store immediately.","Sebagai gantinya, kalau kalian kalah, kalian harus segera angkat kaki dari toko ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Quit calling me Auntie!,Jangan memanggilku nenek!,https://subscene.com/ +That thing's dirty…,"Itu kotor, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, this one?","Tidak, yang ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hurry it up, Auntie.","Cepatlah, Nek.",https://subscene.com/ +"Pretty soon,you'll be bawling your eyes out!",Soalnya sebentar lagi kau akan kubuat menangis!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto.","Eh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +This game is yours.,"Kita menangkan permainan ini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Auntie, it's over.","Kita hentikan saja, Nek.",https://subscene.com/ +I can see everything.,Aku bisa lihat semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +What a dumb brat.,"Bocah yang bodoh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +This is boring.,"Ah, ini jadi membosankan.",https://subscene.com/ +"W-What're you doing, Auntie!","A-Apa yang kaulakukan, Nek?",https://subscene.com/ +You're the onewho suggested this game!,"Yang mengajak bertanding kan kau, Nek!",https://subscene.com/ +Take it and go!,Ambillah ini dan cepatlah pergi!,https://subscene.com/ +LOCAL SPECIALTIES FROM HOMEI'm in such a rotten mood!,"Dasar, suasana hatiku sedang buruk.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I guess.",Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +"You got what you wanted,but you don't look happy.","Padahal kau dapat benda yang kauinginkan, tapi kau tak terlihat senang.",https://subscene.com/ +It's—!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"Here, it's a letter for you.","Ini, ada surat untukmu.",https://subscene.com/ +It's from the Land of Water.,Dari Negara Air.,https://subscene.com/ +"Isn't that great, Boruto?","Bagus dong, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to see you off.","Boruto, maaf karena kemarin aku tak antar kepulangan kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +I used our circumstances as an excuse and criticized you.,tapi aku gunakan keadaan kita sebagai alasan dan menyalahkanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +and ran away from the truth.,dan lari dari kenyataan.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm really sorry.,Aku benar-benar minta maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to overcome my weakness…,"akan kulampaui kelemahanku,",https://subscene.com/ +who is worthy of wielding the Hiramekarei.,jadi ninja yang pantas pegang Hiramekarei.,https://subscene.com/ +You've taught me so many things.,Kau sudah ajariku berbagai hal.,https://subscene.com/ +He says he wants to playShinobi Bout again someday.,Dia bilang suatu hari nanti ingin bertanding Kartu Ninja lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Instead of sendinga rambling letter like this…,"Tanpa kirim surat yang bertele-tele seperti ini pun,",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +I think I'm gonna fess upto Himawari.,Sepertinya aku akan bicara yang sejujurnya saja pada Himawari.,https://subscene.com/ +"Welcome home, Big Brother!","Kakak, selamat datang!",https://subscene.com/ +Wow!,Wah.,https://subscene.com/ +Also…I owe you an apology.,"Selain itu, aku juga ingin minta maaf padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Um, you see…",Sebenarnya...,https://subscene.com/ +"Inojin, what are you doing?","Inojin, apa yang kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +so I thought it would be more efficientif I drew stuff in advance.,jadi kupikir akan jauh lebih efisien kalau aku menggambarnya terlebih dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +I was going to try it out inIno-Shika-Cho Training tomorrow.,"Karena besok ada latihan Ino-Shika-Cho, jadi aku mau mencobanya.",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Oke!,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you!,Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's fine, I'll be right therewith you soon.","Tak apa-apa, aku akan menyusul.",https://subscene.com/ +Be extra careful aroundthat Araya guy!,Berhati-hatilah dengan si Araya itu!,https://subscene.com/ +His composure shows he's gonethrough considerable training.,Ketenangannya itu pasti didapat dari latihan yang panjang.,https://subscene.com/ +Who do you thinkyou're talking to here?,Kalian itu sedang bicara dengan siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let it end here.,"Jadi, aku takkan kalah di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Good job, you guys,you were all so close too!","Kerja bagus, kalian hampir berhasil!",https://subscene.com/ +It's starting!,Sudah mulai!,https://subscene.com/ +Everyone!,Semuanya?,https://subscene.com/ +SARADA UCHIHAvs.ARAYAAll right.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +There's someone allthe way up there!,Kok bisa ada seseorang di atas sana?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Mustahil!,https://subscene.com/ +You Puppet User!,Pengguna Boneka!,https://subscene.com/ +W-When did you f-figure it out?,Sejak kapan kau menyadarinya?,https://subscene.com/ +"No matter how disciplined,","Tak peduli sekeras apa pun kau berlatih,",https://subscene.com/ +That's when I remembered.,Saat itulah aku ingat.,https://subscene.com/ +I-is t-that all?,Hanya dari itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"When I was at a disadvantage,you rushed to finish the fight.","Saat aku terpojok, kau buru-buru ingin akhiri pertandingannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"If you did research on me,","Kalau kau cari tahu tentang diriku,",https://subscene.com/ +The Sharingan consumesan enormous amount of chakra.,Sharingan itu membutuhkan chakra yang begitu banyak.,https://subscene.com/ +"– Stamina, huh?– It's stamina.",Stamina.,https://subscene.com/ +And that's what convinced me that,Dan saat itulah aku yakin,https://subscene.com/ +"Because if I were toobserve you carefully,","Setelah lakukan pengamatan,",https://subscene.com/ +Those Chakra Threads you useto control your puppet!,Rahasia tentang benang chakra yang kautanamkan pada Boneka!,https://subscene.com/ +isn't that a disqualification?,bukankah itu bisa didiskualifikasi?,https://subscene.com/ +there's no causefor disqualification.,ya tak bisa didiskualifikasi.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you have a complaint?,Memang ada yang salah?,https://subscene.com/ +He hasn't moved for a while.,Sejak tadi dia diam di situ.,https://subscene.com/ +No…,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +W-What am I s-supposed to d-do?,Apa yang harus kulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Is he nervous becausewe're all looking at him?,Apa dia jadi gugup gara-gara kita semua melihatnya?,https://subscene.com/ +A-Am I…like that?,Apa aku seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +There's his bad habit…,Kebiasaan buruknya muncul lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Shinki…?,Shinki?,https://subscene.com/ +You can't turn the tide…in the condition you're in!,"Dengan luka seperti itu, kau takkan bisa balikkan keadaan!",https://subscene.com/ +Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!,火遁・豪火球の術,https://subscene.com/ +The winner is Sarada Uchiha!,Pemenangnya adalah Sarada Uchiha!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you dare underestimateLeaf Shinobi!,Jangan remehkan ninja Konoha!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah well…,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +"I haven't mastered it yet,","Aku masih belum menguasainya,",https://subscene.com/ +"But never mind me.Mitsuki, you're up next.","Yang lebih penting, Mitsuki, selanjutnya giliranmu.",https://subscene.com/ +"The finals will bebetween Team 7, okay!",Finalnya nanti harus sesama Tim 7!,https://subscene.com/ +We will now move onto match three of the semi-finals.,"Kalau begitu, pertandingan semifinal ketiga akan segera dimulai.",https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style: Breakthrough.,風遁・突破,https://subscene.com/ +Interesting magic trick.,Tipuan yang menarik.,https://subscene.com/ +A pigeon?,Merpati?,https://subscene.com/ +You use unusual jutsu as well.,Teknikmu sendiri juga tak biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +It's probably the same type oftechnique that Uncle Gaara uses.,Mungkin tekniknya itu sama seperti milik Paman Gaara.,https://subscene.com/ +"He's the adopted son ofthe Kazekage, isn't he?","Dia anak angkatnya Kazekage, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Although you couldn'tpossibly understand.,Tak mungkin kau bisa mengerti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style: Wind Scythe.,風遁・カマイタチ,https://subscene.com/ +"Dodge it, Mitsuki!","Hindari itu, Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +That's what I callan impenetrable iron wall…,"Dindingnya benar-benar tak bisa ditembus, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Striking Shadow Snake Burial.,潜影蛇葬,https://subscene.com/ +"I know a battle's a battle, but…","Ini hanya pertandingan,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you're right.",Benar sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +An Iron Sand Clone?!,Klona pasir besi?,https://subscene.com/ +To think that surprise attackhad no effect on him!,Tak kusangka serangan tiba-tiba tak mempan!,https://subscene.com/ +His true skills aremuch greater than this.,Ini masih belum kemampuan sejatinya.,https://subscene.com/ +and you resorted to a clone?,"tapi pada akhirnya pakai klona, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +especially in a situationlike this.,aku tak boleh lengah.,https://subscene.com/ +Show me more…of your strength!,Perlihatkan kekuatanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Cheap tricks won'taffect him anymore.,Teknik murahan takkan mempan lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Style: Snake Lightning!,雷遁・蛇雷,https://subscene.com/ +He deliberately let Mitsukidestroy his Iron Sand wall,Dia dengan sengaja biarkan Mitsuki hancurkan dinding pasir besinya,https://subscene.com/ +He's using a considerable amountof jutsu.,Dia sudah gunakan banyak teknik.,https://subscene.com/ +"What are you going to do, Mitsuki?!","Apa yang akan kaulakukan, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +I know you have somethingmore up your sleeve…,Aku tahu kalau masih ada yang kausembunyikan.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to make you show me.,Akan kupaksa kau menunjukkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Magnetic force.,Gaya magnetik.,https://subscene.com/ +My inescapable spear willpierce right through you.,Tombak tak terhentikanku akan tembus tubuhmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"For me to defeat him,","Untuk mengalahkannya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Now, show me!","Nah, tunjukkanlah padaku,",https://subscene.com/ +I give up.,Aku menyerah.,https://subscene.com/ +You heard me correctly.,"Tak salah, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki, what did you just say?","Mitsuki, barusan kau bilang apa?",https://subscene.com/ +But…!,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +I understand.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Did he get injured somewhere?,Apa dia terluka?,https://subscene.com/ +Wait!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +"If we had continued any further,it might inconvenience my parent.","Kalau pertarungan ini terus kulanjutkan, aku mungkin akan merepotkan orang tuaku.",https://subscene.com/ +"Compared to that desire,","Dibandingkan dengan itu,",https://subscene.com/ +It seems I wastotally wrong about you…,Sepertinya aku sudah sangat salah menilaimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"What are you doing, Mitsuki?!","Apa yang kaulakukan, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +W-What is it?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"No, that's not right.","Tidak, itu tak benar.",https://subscene.com/ +Yup. I have a feelingit's gonna be like that.,"Ya, aku yakin pasti begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +The finals will be held tomorrow.,Babak final akan diadakan besok.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada Uchiha of the Leaf,","Sarada Uchiha dari Desa Konoha,",https://subscene.com/ +– Sir!– Sir!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"Sure, it's too bad that you lost, but…","Memang sangat disayangkan sih kalian kalah,",https://subscene.com/ +The meat is…so thin.,Dagingnya tipis sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Payday hasn't rolled around yet!,Soalnya aku belum gajian!,https://subscene.com/ +Are we lacking something?,Apa yang kurang dari kami?,https://subscene.com/ +"You know, you don't have toknow the answer to that yet.","Tapi, meski belum tahu jawabannya sekarang tak apa, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +Okay then.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +"And from tomorrow,we'll begin special training again!","Mulai besok, kita akan mulai latihan khususnya, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for waiting!,Terima kasih sudah menunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +Our special combo platter…,Menu kombo spesial kami...,https://subscene.com/ +W-What's the meaning of this?,Apa-apaan ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"You guys were deepin conversation,","Karena kalian terlalu asyik mengobrol,",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, we can't let it go to waste.","Kita tak boleh menyia-nyiakannya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey Cho-Cho…Don't you want some?,"Eh, Chocho, kau mau?",https://subscene.com/ +"– And here's your bill!– Cho-cho, give me some meat too.","Anu, ini bonnya!",https://subscene.com/ +"If you don't want any,","Kalau kau tak mau,",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, Sarada?","Kau baik-baik saja, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +You were pretty recklessout there.,"Di pertarungan tadi, kau terlalu gegabah.",https://subscene.com/ +Seriously!,Dasar!,https://subscene.com/ +I asked Dad to teach me.,Aku minta papa mengajariku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Dad's not coming hometonight again?","Eh, apa malam ini papa tak pulang lagi?",https://subscene.com/ +It's fine this way for him.,Justru ini lebih baik baginya.,https://subscene.com/ +when you aren't aware.,Papamu pulang saat kau tidur.,https://subscene.com/ +and the work he doesis very difficult.,dan pekerjaan yang dia lakukan sangatlah sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +Hmm…,Hem.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, don't tease your mother!","Hoi, jangan mengejek ibumu sendiri!",https://subscene.com/ +Chidori!,千鳥,https://subscene.com/ +"That's Old Man Kakashi's jutsu, huh?!","Itu teknik milik Paman Kakashi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I can't.,Tak boleh.,https://subscene.com/ +Then why didyou show it to me?,"Lalu, kenapa Guru memperlihatkan teknik itu padaku?",https://subscene.com/ +"In time, you'll be able touse powerful techniques.","Dengan itu, kau pasti akan bisa gunakan teknik yang kuat.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes sir…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll be able to use techniqueslike the Chidori, right?","aku bisa gunakan teknik seperti Chidori, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"There once was a man whorefused to heed the words of others,","Dulu ada seorang pria yang tak mau dengarkan ucapan orang lain,",https://subscene.com/ +and tried to changethe world all by himself.,dan berusaha mengubah dunia seorang diri.,https://subscene.com/ +And what happened to him?,"Lalu, apa yang terjadi pada orang itu?",https://subscene.com/ +"However, in the end,a friend saved him.","Tapi pada akhirnya, seorang teman menyelamatkannya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm all good when it comes to that.,"Kalau soal teman, tenang saja.",https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +My jutsu's good for facingmultiple opponents simultaneously.,Teknik milikku sangat cocok digunakan untuk hadapi lawan yang banyak.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you want to join forces for this?,"Kali ini, apa kau mau bekerja sama denganku?",https://subscene.com/ +We can't letthe Five Kage see that!,Kita tak boleh biarkan kelima Kage lihat hal itu!,https://subscene.com/ +"All right! It's official,we're teaming up!","Baiklah, kali ini kita bekerja sama!",https://subscene.com/ +It's no use…,Percuma.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't sense Sakura's chakra at all…,Aku tak rasakan chakra Sakura.,https://subscene.com/ +Mom!,Mama!,https://subscene.com/ +"– Yes, Father.– Yes, Father.","Baik, Ayah.",https://subscene.com/ +"You are not of Uchiha blood,but we can still use you.","Kau bukan berasal dari klan Uchiha, tapi kami masih bisa manfaatkanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +"You didn't hold back, did you?","Kau tak menahan diri, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +As well as my dear friend!,Serta teman baikku juga!,https://subscene.com/ +or he'll be in danger.,"kalau tidak, dia dalam bahaya.",https://subscene.com/ +"You don't want to loseyour child, do you?","Kau tak mau kehilangan anakmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't misunderstand…,Jangan salah paham.,https://subscene.com/ +created by culturingmy teeth and nerves.,yang diciptakan dari gigi dan sarafku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, that's right…","Ya, itu benar.",https://subscene.com/ +Orochimaru.,...Orochimaru.,https://subscene.com/ +S-Stop it!,He-Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, Kakashi Senseisaid the same thing.","Ya, guru Kakashi juga katakan hal yang sama.",https://subscene.com/ +I've heard of him before.,Aku pernah dengar nama itu.,https://subscene.com/ +destroy Hidden Leaf Villagea long time ago.,yang berusaha hancurkan desa Konoha sejak dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +That guy who called himselfShin Uchiha…,Orang itu mengaku bernama Shin Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +The only one capable of doingsomething like that is Orochimaru.,Satu-satunya orang yang mampu lakukan hal seperti itu adalah Orochimaru.,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada's mom was takento this Orochimaru guy's place?,Mamanya Sarada dibawa ke tempat orang yang bernama Orochimaru itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't believe he would bedirectly involved in this, ya know?",Rasanya aku tak percaya kalau dia ada hubungannya langsung dengan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +SEVENTH HOKAGEwe need to find out allwe can from Orochimaru.,pertama kita perlu cari tahu informasi sebanyak mungkin dari Orochimaru.,https://subscene.com/ +S-Sarada?,Sa-Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +How can you be so calm?,Bagaimana bisa kau setenang itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Personal feelings only getin the way of a mission.,Perasaan pribadi hanya akan ganggu jalannya sebuah misi.,https://subscene.com/ +"LIGHTLY SALTED POTATO CHIPSI only have…lightly salted chips left, but…","Sisa keripik yang agak asin, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +The only thing heavy shouldbe my weight!,Cukup aku saja yang berat di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho…,Chocho.,https://subscene.com/ +Do the two of you wantto come with us?,"Kalau begitu, apa kalian berdua mau ikut bersama kami?",https://subscene.com/ +They came after Sarada too.,Mereka juga incar Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +Do what you want.,Terserah kau saja.,https://subscene.com/ +at Orochimaru's.,orang-orang yang di foto itu.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll set out at daybreak.,Kita berangkat saat fajar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if they're clones,","Meski mereka itu hanya klona,",https://subscene.com/ +They're just stand-insfor my organs.,Mereka itu hanya hidup sebagai organ-organ penggantiku.,https://subscene.com/ +There's no need to grieve.,Tak perlu dikasihani.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?!,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +the body of every living creaturedecomposes in time.,suatu saat jasadnya pasti akan membusuk.,https://subscene.com/ +without change inthe shape of progeny.,"tanpa ada perubahan, dengan wujud keturunan.",https://subscene.com/ +You're wrong!,Kau salah!,https://subscene.com/ +That's where one's feelingsand will reside!,Dalam tubuh juga terdapat perasaan dan juga tekad!,https://subscene.com/ +"is more than mere gene transmission,","tak hanya pewarisan gen,",https://subscene.com/ +Genes are the essence of life.,Gen adalah inti sari kehidupan.,https://subscene.com/ +and strong genes hybridizeto create stronger beings.,dan gen kuat akan berkawin silang jadi sesuatu yang lebih kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +You don't understand at all,Kau itu,https://subscene.com/ +"For evolution,","Untuk berevolusi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Through countless battles,","Dalam berbagai pertikaian,",https://subscene.com/ +and strong shinobi were selected!,dan ninja yang kuat akan terpilih!,https://subscene.com/ +and carry out the wishesof Itachi Uchiha!,Dan akan kulanjutkan harapan Itachi Uchiha!,https://subscene.com/ +Please stop that.,Jangan bilang begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't help it…,"Sepertinya sudah kebiasaan, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, they're Orochimaru's partners.",Orang-orang ini adalah rekannya Orochimaru.,https://subscene.com/ +"I guess, I really don't knowanything about Dad…","Sepertinya, aku sama sekali tak tahu apa-apa soal papaku, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"But I'm sorry, this is my missionand can't leave this spot.","Maaf, tapi aku tak bisa pergi karena ada misi.",https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke will lead from here.,"Dari sini, Sasuke yang akan pandu jalan.",https://subscene.com/ +This way.,Lewat sini.,https://subscene.com/ +It's not like we're going toone of your favorite restaurants here.,"Kita tak sedang berada di restoran kesukaanmu, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! See?!,"Dasar, lihat itu!",https://subscene.com/ +The guys in the photo!,Cowok yang di foto!,https://subscene.com/ +The Hokage?,"Hokage, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Shall I take you to him?,Apa perlu kuantar ke sana?,https://subscene.com/ +Oh my… We have an unusual visitor.,"Aduh, rupanya ada tamu yang tak terduga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you look youngerthan before.","Hoi, kau terlihat lebih muda dari sebelumnya.",https://subscene.com/ +"So don't keep prodding at it,would you?",jadi kau tak perlu sedikit-sedikit heran.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, so if this personis my parent…","Eh, misalkan... Misalkan orang ini adalah orang tua asliku,",https://subscene.com/ +"Which? Which one, Sarada?!","Eh, yang mana, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +my wife was kidnappedby a man,"nyawa anakku berada dalam bahaya,",https://subscene.com/ +"If you're up to something,spill it now.","Kalau kau rencanakan sesuatu, sebaiknya kau bongkar semuanya sekarang.",https://subscene.com/ +Have I done something suspicious?,lakukan sesuatu yang mencurigakan?,https://subscene.com/ +Then explain who the manwho calls himself Shin Uchiha.,"Kalau begitu, siapa sebenarnya orang yang mengaku sebagai Shin Uchiha?",https://subscene.com/ +Shin…,Shin.,https://subscene.com/ +"He's gone off on his own already,","Dia sudah pergi dariku,",https://subscene.com/ +"Danzo Shimura,the man you all fought…","Tangan kanan dari orang yang pernah bertarung denganmu, Danzo Shimura,",https://subscene.com/ +That child possesseda peculiar trait,Anak itu punya keistimewaan aneh,https://subscene.com/ +He was the optimum subjectfor cloning experiments.,Dia bahan uji coba kloning yang sangat berguna.,https://subscene.com/ +To put it in simpler terms for you…,"Benar juga, sederhananya agar kau bisa memahaminya,",https://subscene.com/ +Never disappears?,Takkan pernah hilang?,https://subscene.com/ +If you want them to disappear…,"Kalau kau ingin atasi mereka,",https://subscene.com/ +Humans aren't simple things like that!,Manusia itu bukan hal sesederhana itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Humans are practically slavesto their genes.,"Pada dasarnya, manusia itu budak dari gennya.",https://subscene.com/ +The reason why your daughterlooks like you,"Alasan kenapa putrimu mirip denganmu,",https://subscene.com/ +Everything about heris simply data,Segala hal tentang dirinya bagai,https://subscene.com/ +Genes!,Gen!,https://subscene.com/ +Why does he call himselfan Uchiha?,Kenapa dia sebut dirinya bagian dari Uchiha?,https://subscene.com/ +"Granted, he's a reproduction,","Dia memang hasil percobaan,",https://subscene.com/ +he was obsessed withthe Uchiha name.,dia sangat terobsesi dengan nama Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +"to your late brother, Itachi Uchiha.","dia sangat terobsesi dengan mendiang kakakmu, Itachi Uchiha.",https://subscene.com/ +I understand Shin's background now.,Kurang lebih aku sudah mengerti latar belakang Shin.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh my, such one-sided questioning!","Ya ampun, dari tadi hanya ditanyai!",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, anyway…","Ya, biarlah.",https://subscene.com/ +if the Leaf were to capturethat troublesome Shin.,"ditangkap oleh Konoha, aku juga akan sangat terbantu.",https://subscene.com/ +"I kind of owe you one, right, Naruto?",sepertinya aku berutang budi pada Naruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll explain more, come along.","Ayo kita bicara di ruangan lain, ikutlah denganku.",https://subscene.com/ +"You're allmy dad's former partners, right?","Kalian semua mantan rekan papa, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Then…,Kalau begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Karin…","Oh, Karin.",https://subscene.com/ +Then…could I ask youone other favor?,"Kalau begitu, aku ingin minta tolong pada Anda!",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't know Sasuke was thatmuch of a scummy bastard!,Tak kusangka ternyata Sasuke tukang selingkuh!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, right now, it's still onlya possibility!","Saat itu, hal itu mungkin saja terjadi!",https://subscene.com/ +That's funny. I could've swornit was around here…,"Aneh sekali, padahal aku yakin benda itu ada di sekitar sini.",https://subscene.com/ +All right.,"Dengar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +with the genes fromKarin's umbilical cord.,dengan DNA dari tali pusar milik Karin.,https://subscene.com/ +Seems your mom is definitely Karin.,Sepertinya mamamu adalah Karin.,https://subscene.com/ +so don't worry!,jadi kau tak perlu khawatir!,https://subscene.com/ +"Uh, anyway… I gotta go!","Ah, kalau begitu aku pergi dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Since the old days,","Sejak dulu,",https://subscene.com/ +You idiot!,Dasar bodoh!,https://subscene.com/ +Did you even know about this?,Apa kau juga sudah tahu tentang hal ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Sasuke, that bastard!",Sasuke sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Suigetsu!","Hoi, Suigetsu!",https://subscene.com/ +U-Um…Sarada…,"Anu, Sarada...",https://subscene.com/ +Liar…,Pembohong.,https://subscene.com/ +Why do I have to go andrescue someone,Kenapa aku harus pergi selamatkan orang,https://subscene.com/ +I'm done with peoplewho've lied to me…,Aku sudah muak hadapi orang yang selama ini,https://subscene.com/ +"At this point, I'd rather not looklike that person at all.","Lagi pula, wajahku tak mirip dengan orang itu sama sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +"This has nothing to do with you,Lord Seventh.","Tak ada hubungannya dengan Anda, Hokage Ketujuh.",https://subscene.com/ +"Nothing to do with me, huh?","Tak ada hubungannya denganku, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I've told Boruto the same thingtime and time again.,Aku selalu katakan hal ini berulang kali pada Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +So what?!,Lalu apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Dad's away from the villageso much.,Papa selalu pergi tinggalkan desa.,https://subscene.com/ +And Mom…,Sedangkan mama...,https://subscene.com/ +Plus…,"Ditambah lagi,",https://subscene.com/ +I know now that I don'thave a real family.,Sekarang aku tahu kalau ternyata aku tak punya keluarga yang sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +So you can't understandwhat I feel in my heart.,"Jadi, Anda tak mungkin bisa mengerti apa yang kurasakan saat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Is that the extent of your bondwith your mom and dad?,Apa menurutmu hanya sebatas itu saja ikatan antara papa dan mamamu?,https://subscene.com/ +It's something much stronger!,Ada hal yang jauh lebih kuat yang bentuk sebuah ikatan!,https://subscene.com/ +Feelings of love.,Perasaan cinta.,https://subscene.com/ +Nothing more.,Tak lebih.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Eh.,https://subscene.com/ +"He's out doing really difficult work,","Papamu sedang lakukan tugas yang sulit di luar,",https://subscene.com/ +Doesn't Dad careabout you and me?,Apa papa tak peduli pada Mama dan aku?,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada…Dad treasures us both deeply.,"Sarada, papa itu sangat menyayangi kita.",https://subscene.com/ +You may not get it right now…,"Mungkin, saat ini kau masih belum paham.",https://subscene.com/ +"Mom, you're squishing me!","Mama, peluknya terlalu kencang!",https://subscene.com/ +I can't help it becauseyou're so precious!,"Habisnya, kau itu anak Mama yang paling berharga!",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +No! Not that!,"Tidak, bukan itu maksud Mama!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll tell you next time.,"Soal itu, lain kali saja ya Mama kasih tahunya.",https://subscene.com/ +Mom!,Mama!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah?,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What am I supposed to do?,Apa yang harus kulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +As long as you feelthe desire to save her.,"Selama kau punya keinginan untuk selamatkannya,",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go rescue your mom.,Mari kita selamatkan mamamu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, there they are!","Oh, di situ kau rupanya!",https://subscene.com/ +Where have you two been?,Kalian berdua dari mana?,https://subscene.com/ +We gotta discuss something later.,Ada hal yang harus kita bicarakan nanti.,https://subscene.com/ +Not now!,Nanti saja bahasnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"She might be dead already,you know.",Mungkin saat ini dia sudah mati.,https://subscene.com/ +But I will thank you fortelling me where he is.,"Ya, kuucapkan terima kasih padamu karena sudah beri tahu lokasi keberadaan orang itu.",https://subscene.com/ +My Visual Prowess just came back.,Kekuatan mataku baru saja pulih.,https://subscene.com/ +That explains things…,Sekarang semua jadi jelas.,https://subscene.com/ +"Everyone, get on.","Kalian semua, naiklah.",https://subscene.com/ +I will kill Sasuke and takehis Sharingan.,aku akan bunuh Sasuke dan rampas Sharingan-nya.,https://subscene.com/ +The one who does…,Orang yang pantas sandang nama itu,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait for me, Mom…I'm coming.","Tunggu aku, Mama.Aku akan segera ke sana.",https://subscene.com/ +It's because worthless parental feelingshave oppressed you!,Rasa sayangmu terhadap keluarga yang tak penting itu sudah lemahkanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Something like this isn't enoughto defeat your dad.,Papamu takkan kalah hanya dengan hal semacam ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Your dad and I will protect you,no matter what!","Apa pun yang terjadi, papa dan Mama akan lindungimu!",https://subscene.com/ +"""Bonds Come in All Shapes.""",Ikatan yang Terbentuk dari Berbagai Hal.,https://subscene.com/ +Please!,Tolong!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I'm praying.","Ini doa, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah well…,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +S-rank?,Peringkat S?,https://subscene.com/ +Strolling around the villages alongthe national border with Lord Sixth?,Mengelilingi perbatasan yang berada di dekat desa bersama Hokage Keenam?,https://subscene.com/ +"Absolutely, on the surface it does.",Kelihatannya memang begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +A shinobi must be able toread between the lines!,Seorang ninja itu harus bisa tahu maksud lain dari sesuatu!,https://subscene.com/ +"But if something happens,","tapi kalau terjadi apa-apa,",https://subscene.com/ +It's obvious this is going to bean extremely difficult mission!,"Jadi, sudah pasti misi ini akan benar-benar sulit, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That kid's got no charm at all!,"Dia tak ada imut-imutnya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +The comet has enteredthe constellation.,Komet sudah masuki konstelasi.,https://subscene.com/ +"And just as I thought,the key to it all…is him.",Kunci dari semua itu memanglah hanya dia.,https://subscene.com/ +Just trust me!,Percayalah padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +The wind carries the criesof the weak.,Embusan angin bawa tangisan mereka yang lemah.,https://subscene.com/ +The ninja...Evil Jammer Kagemasa.,"Seorang ninja, Evil Jammer Kagemasa.",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"If you want someone to believein what you're trying to do,","Kalau kau ingin orang lain memercayai apa yang ingin kaulakukan,",https://subscene.com/ +Kill them!,"Kalian semua, bunuh dia!",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't just say it,prove it by your actions!","Tak hanya di mulut, tapi buktikkan dengan tindakanmu!",https://subscene.com/ +and destroys the evil it sees.,dan hancurkan semua kejahatan yang ada di depan mataku.,https://subscene.com/ +it's also a benevolent eyethat spares hostages.,"takkan lukai siapapun yang tak bersalah, inilah sisi baik mataku.",https://subscene.com/ +People call him a hero.,Orang-orang menjulukinya Sang Pahlawan.,https://subscene.com/ +and continues to fight…,dan dia terus berjuang.,https://subscene.com/ +Wasn't Kagemasa amazing?,"Film Kagemasa tadi hebat, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Mainly, Kagemasa himself.",Si Kagemasa itu sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +What can a weak guylike that do anyway?,Memangnya apa yang bisa dilakukan oleh orang lemah seperti anak tadi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah right, but you couldn'ttake your eyes off of him…","Meski begitu, selama film diputar kau terus menontonnya.",https://subscene.com/ +A ninja's life isn't that easy.,Memang kehidupan ninja tak semudah itu!,https://subscene.com/ +You only know aboutDad's good side.,"Tak ada yang kau ketahui selain ayahku, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"I mean, Lord Hokage was a heroduring the Great Ninja War!","Habisnya, Tn. Hokage jadi pahlawan dalam perang besar dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Nope, Dad isn't like that at all.","Tidak, ayahku sama sekali tak keren.",https://subscene.com/ +he puts on his shoes the wrong way…,dia salah pakai sepatu...,https://subscene.com/ +The other day…,Bahkan tempo hari...,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's you, Boruto.","Oh, Boruto, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +He's really uncool.,"Dia itu payah banget, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +That's usually how it is.,"Jadi seperti itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Aww man…,Tak mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +"but in real life, that's tough.","tapi dibandingkan kenyataan, jauh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"like the movies, it'd be easy.",akan mudah seperti di film.,https://subscene.com/ +"Until we find proof,we can't say anything careless.","Sampai temukan buktinya, kita tak bisa memberitahukannya.",https://subscene.com/ +Seems like the damageis spreading.,"Sepertinya kerusakannya meluas, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You think it's okay withjust us being involved?,Apa kau yakin kita rahasiakan berdua saja?,https://subscene.com/ +"If that's how you feel,ask Lord Hokage.","Kalau kau ragu, kenapa tak minta pendapat Tn. Hokage?",https://subscene.com/ +I can't leave it to Dadand the others.,Masalah ini tak bisa kupercayakan pada ayah dan orang-orangnya!,https://subscene.com/ +But do you have any ideaof how to find that shadow?,Apa kau ada ide bagaimana temukan keberadaan bayangan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +See ya!,Sampai jumpa!,https://subscene.com/ +Three heads are better than one!,"Tiga orang lebih baik daripada satu orang, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"First, there was the incidentwith Denki.","Pertama, waktu insiden Denki.",https://subscene.com/ +I saw a shadow behind Denki.,aku lihat ada bayangan di belakang Denki.,https://subscene.com/ +Then…,Lalu...,https://subscene.com/ +That was a close call.,"Dan waktu itu, hampir saja!",https://subscene.com/ +I couldn't help it!,"Mau bagaimana lagi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That's right…,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"It was the same withthe raging delinquent, and the repairman!",Sama halnya saat kita hadapi anak nakal yang mengamuk dan paman tukang kayu!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, does that meanthey were different from Metal?","Jadi, itu artinya mereka berbeda dengan Metal?",https://subscene.com/ +"Maybe knocking them out,",Mungkin dengan hajar mereka,https://subscene.com/ +"In any case,","Dengan kata lain,",https://subscene.com/ +"Plus, judging by the way evenShino Sensei became possessed,","Ditambah lagi, melihat bagaimana Guru Shino dirasuki,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm just glad Mitsukiwas around that time!,"Syukurlah, saat itu Mitsuki berada di sana!",https://subscene.com/ +I dunno.,Aku tak tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +didn't you see somethingthat looked like a monster?,apa kau lihat semacam monster?,https://subscene.com/ +"But after the shadow disappears,so does the chakra.","Tapi, setelah bayangan itu hilang, chakra-nya juga ikut hilang.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe it's a hallucination?,Apa itu hanya halusinasi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, there's no proof.","Ya, tapi tak ada bukti.",https://subscene.com/ +especially when it wasso clear and visible.,Terlebih lagi bayangan itu terlihat sangat jelas.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, we can't solvethis by ourselves.","Pada akhirnya, kita tak bisa pecahkan masalah ini sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, we are at this point in time…","Ya, menurutku itu ide yang bagus.",https://subscene.com/ +"This applies to Denkiand everyone,","Kejadian ini menimpa Denki dan yang lain,",https://subscene.com/ +That's true…,Itu benar.,https://subscene.com/ +they're gonna tell us kidsto stay out of it.,mereka pasti akan suruh kita untuk menjauh dari masalah ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"I want to make the guywho did this to my friends pay,","Aku ingin hajar orang yang sudah lakukan semua ini pada teman-temanku,",https://subscene.com/ +That's for sure!,Itu benar!,https://subscene.com/ +why we can see somethinglike that.,"adalah kenapa kita bisa lihat bayangan itu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +– Thank you!– Maybe that thing awakened.,Mungkin kekuatan itu sudah bangkit.,https://subscene.com/ +The Byakugan…,Byakugan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Passed down only throughthe Hyuga Clan,","Diwariskan hanya kepada klan Hyuga,",https://subscene.com/ +The eye that sees through all.,Mata itu bisa lihat semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +All this time.,Sejak tadi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, at first…","Ya, awalnya...",https://subscene.com/ +You don't want to?,Tak mau menanyakannya?,https://subscene.com/ +"But you don't knowwhere to start, right?","Tapi, kau tak tahu harus mulai dari mana, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +until you learn moreabout the Byakugan.,kecuali kau bisa pelajari tentang Byakugan.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I'll ask.,Mungkin aku memang harus bertanya.,https://subscene.com/ +If this eye isn't the Byakugan…,Kalau mata ini bukan Byakugan...,https://subscene.com/ +Is this eye really the Byakugan?,Apa mata ini benar-benar Byakugan?,https://subscene.com/ +Where am I?,Di mana aku?,https://subscene.com/ +A dream?,Mimpi?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki…,Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +against destruction thatwill eventually come to pass.,untuk lawan kejahatan yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't tell me…in this eye?!,"Jangan-jangan, mata ini...",https://subscene.com/ +shoulder the fate of this world.,emban takdir dari dunia ini.,https://subscene.com/ +to the light whichwill dispel darkness.,menuju cahaya yang akan hapus kegelapan.,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Jangan-jangan...,https://subscene.com/ +It is real!,Ternyata memang benar!,https://subscene.com/ +Big Brother…,Kakak.,https://subscene.com/ +Yup…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +P-Pearl?,Mu-Mutiara?,https://subscene.com/ +"There is no one who can escapemy Byakugan, the eye that unravels...","Tak ada satu pun yang bisa lari dari Byakugan milikku, mata yang bisa lihat...",https://subscene.com/ +And that's it.,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +the places Shino visitedand the people,tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi oleh Shino dan orang-orang,https://subscene.com/ +In any case…,"Dengan kata lain,",https://subscene.com/ +near the vicinity of the Academy.,di sekitar akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +that something unnaturalhad occurred with their chakra.,sesuatu yang aneh terhadap chakra mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +As far as we can determine.,Sepertinya begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Who knows?,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +we can't find a motivefor targeting Boruto.,kami tak punya motif yang cocok bagi penjahat itu untuk serang Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +The manner of doing thingsseems way too indirect for that.,Gejala-gejalanya sama sekali tak berhubungan dengan hal tersebut.,https://subscene.com/ +That's just so like him.,Memang begitulah sikapnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Just don't let it become a drag,go easy on him.","Jangan terlalu dipikirkan, santai saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, let's continue—","Kalau begitu, mari kita lanjutkan...",https://subscene.com/ +Sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +Go home and rest beforeit becomes a drag.,"Sebelum jadi lebih merepotkan, pulanglah dan istirahat.",https://subscene.com/ +Welcome home.,Selamat datang.,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, I'm going.","Kalau begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for alwaystaking care of him.,"Maaf selalu merepotkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, Boruto's been acting strange…","Itu, tingkah Boruto sedikit aneh.",https://subscene.com/ +Darkness that is moredazzling than light…,Kegelapan yang lebih indah dari cahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +with darkness that isnearly lethal and intoxicating.,dengan kegelapan yang hampir mematikan dan memabukkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Forgive me, Goddess of Destiny.","Maaf ya, Dewi Takdir.",https://subscene.com/ +– your divine protection– Daddy…,perlindunganmu,https://subscene.com/ +Seems that way.,"Ya, kelihatannya begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +for genesis!,untuk Genesis!,https://subscene.com/ +I awakened an awesome power.,Aku sudah bangkitkan kekuatan yang luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +You didn't steal,Kau tak curi,https://subscene.com/ +The Scroll of Sealing?What's that?,"Apaan sih, gulungan yang disegel?",https://subscene.com/ +"Naturally, since they're forbidden,","Tentu saja, karena terlarang,",https://subscene.com/ +It's the first timeI've heard of it.,Baru kali ini aku mendengarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, there was someonelike that in the past…","Tidak, dulu ada seseorang seperti itu,",https://subscene.com/ +That's horrible!,Jahat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Y-You're right!,Ka-Kau benar!,https://subscene.com/ +S-Sorry.,"Tidak, maaf, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"So? What's this ""awesome power""you discovered?","Lalu, kekuatan luar biasayang kaumaksud itu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +before one can manifest it.,sebelum seseorang bisa membangkitkannya!,https://subscene.com/ +Impossible.,Tak mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +"Like what Shikamaru just said,","Seperti yang Shikamaru bilang,",https://subscene.com/ +"And I know better than anyone,",Dan Ayah yang paling tahu,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +No.,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +who've awakened it out of the blue.,yang tiba-tiba bisa membangkitkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"In other words,you don't trust me!","Intinya, Ayah tak memercayaiku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I can see it!,Aku bisa melihatnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, it's useless toargue about it here.","Boruto, tak ada gunanya perdebatkan itu sekarang.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll contact him.,Biar Ibu memberitahunya.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll go to Grandpa'sor anyone, anywhere!","Mau itu ke tempatnya kakek atau siapapun, aku siap-siap saja!",https://subscene.com/ +"So anyway, I'm gonna talkto my Grandpa about it,","Karena itu, aku akan bicara dengan kakekku,",https://subscene.com/ +"I'll get prove thatmy Byakugan is real,","Akan kubuktikan kalau Byakugan-ku ini asli,",https://subscene.com/ +"With the Byakugan,","Dengan Byakugan,",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +and I hear you caneven see through walls.,dan bisa sampai lihat menembus dinding.,https://subscene.com/ +Anyway…I can't dealwith this place…,"Meskipun begitu, aku tak begitu suka dengan tempat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I'm so glad you're here, Boruto!","Aku senang kau datang ke sini, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Himawari!","Oh, Himawari!",https://subscene.com/ +Grandpa…,Kakek.,https://subscene.com/ +We're glad you're here!,Kami senang kalian datang!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's been a while,Father and Hanabi.","Lama tak bertemu, Ayah, Hanabi.",https://subscene.com/ +"There's no need to standon formalities, Lord Hokage.","Jadi, tak perlu lagi formalitas, Tn. Hokage.",https://subscene.com/ +Kenkenpa kenpa kenpa kenkenpa ♪,Kenkenpa kenpa kenpa kenkenpa.,https://subscene.com/ +"This is in regard tothe Byakugan, correct?","Ini mengenai Byakugan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"First, let me explain.","Pertama, biar kujelaskan dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +passed down throughour Hyuga Clan.,yang sudah diwariskan turun-temurun di klan Hyuga.,https://subscene.com/ +that only those withHyuga blood can inherit.,yang hanya bisa digunakan oleh seseorang yang warisi darah Hyuga.,https://subscene.com/ +"And not everyone who does,can master it.",Dan tak sembarang orang juga bisa menguasainya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Ordinarily, one cannot awaken it","Biasanya, tanpa latihan dan ajaran yang keras",https://subscene.com/ +"And I know better than anyone,","Dan Ayah yang paling tahu,",https://subscene.com/ +"When you use your Byakugan,without a doubt,","Saat kau gunakan Byakugan,",https://subscene.com/ +"It will be obvious,not only to yourself,","Tak hanya dirimu saja yang mengetahuinya,",https://subscene.com/ +However...,"Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +I can't tell if you truly havethe power of the Byakugan.,aku tak tahu apa kau itu benar-benar punya kekuatan Byakugan atau bukan.,https://subscene.com/ +Come out to the courtyard!,Pergilah ke halaman!,https://subscene.com/ +The Byakugan sees throughany possible obstacle.,Penglihatan Byakuganbisa tembus apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +The Byakugan can alsosee the flow of chakra.,"Lalu, Byakugan juga bisa lihat aliran chakra.",https://subscene.com/ +"If that's what I saw, then—!","Kalau yang kulihat adalah itu, berarti...",https://subscene.com/ +You have to disciplineyour eye more!,Kau harus lebih latih matamu!,https://subscene.com/ +Proof of Oneself.,Pembuktian Diri.,https://subscene.com/ +"There, I'm done!",Selesai!,https://subscene.com/ +"Shino Sensei said he felt like he wasbeing controlled during that time, right?","Kata Guru Shino waktu itu dia merasa seperti sedang dikendalikan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"So, does that mean…",Berarti...,https://subscene.com/ +A purpose?,Tujuan?,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I'm wonderingif it's some kind of illness.,"Kalau tidak, mungkin itu semacam wabah penyakit.",https://subscene.com/ +The fact that you're the only onewho can see it,"Kenyataan kalau hanya kau yang bisa melihatnya,",https://subscene.com/ +But maybe they hadsome kind of emergency.,"Tapi, mungkin mereka sedang ada masalah darurat.",https://subscene.com/ +I guarantee that all they wanted to dowas get out of cleaning duty.,Aku yakin mereka itu hanya ingin lepas dari tanggung jawab bersih-bersih.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's go get somethingsweet to eat!,Ayo cari makanan manis!,https://subscene.com/ +"What's wrong, Miss Class Rep?","Ketua, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +I thought I felt someone watching me.,Barusan aku merasa sedang diawasi oleh seseorang.,https://subscene.com/ +"O-Oh, sorry.","Be-Benar juga ya, maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +LOVE AND POTATO CHIPSIsn't it obvious thatI'm losing weight?,"Berat badanku pasti turun, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +She's been like this ever since.,Sejak saat itu dia selalu seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"We can feel someone watching,but we can't see them.","Kami merasa diikuti seseorang, tapi kami tak tahu keberadaannya.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh man!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +They just won't leave me alone!,"Sama sekali tak izinkanku lepas, benar-benar menyebalkan!",https://subscene.com/ +Is it another incident?,"Ada insiden lagi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I hate it.,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +"I thought you weren't""eating properly""?",Menurutku kau itu tak punya pola makan yang benar.,https://subscene.com/ +That's sweet!,Terlalu manis!,https://subscene.com/ +"Because even if it knows it sucks,","Karena meskipun aku tahu rasanya tak enak,",https://subscene.com/ +"With no one buying it,","Tak ada seorang pun yang membelinya,",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I have to acceptits challenge fair and square.,Karena itulah aku harus terima tantangan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Y-Yeah, you're right.",Be-Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Sticky guys like that tendto show up in,Cowok aneh seperti dia pasti akan muncul,https://subscene.com/ +You're here!,Di situ kau rupanya!,https://subscene.com/ +What was that scream?,Teriakan apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +What's she—?,Dia...,https://subscene.com/ +Hey! Don't be so violent!,"Hoi, jangan main hakim sendiri!",https://subscene.com/ +So this is the guyyou've been talking about?,"Jadi, ini cowok yang kaubicarakan itu?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hm? Come to think of it, you're...","Hem, kalau diingat-ingat, kau ini...",https://subscene.com/ +I'm pretty sure he's Magirefrom the class next door.,"Kalau tak salah, dia ini Magire dari kelas sebelah.",https://subscene.com/ +I'd say he'd rank towards the top.,menurutku wajahnya lah yang lumayan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, don't tell me, he's…","Boruto, jangan-jangan dia...",https://subscene.com/ +I don't sense anything weirdcoming from him.,Aku tak rasakan chakra aneh di dalam tubuhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +But that doesn't meanwe can just leave him be.,"Tapi, bukan berarti kita harus melepaskannya begitu saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you really Cho-Cho's stalker?,Apa kau menguntit Chocho?,https://subscene.com/ +"Silence, huh?","Tak mau buka mulut, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You really have strange taste.,Seleramu aneh sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"I completely understand whyyou would want to follow me, but...",Aku mengerti kok kenapa kau mengikutiku.,https://subscene.com/ +We're in totally different leagues—,Kita ini benar-benar berbeda.,https://subscene.com/ +The person I was watching is…,Orang yang kuikuti itu adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +Oh no!,Gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +"So that means,the one he likes is...?","Itu berarti, orang yang dia sukai...",https://subscene.com/ +My plan to extract informationout of him was a total success.,Rencanaku mengorek informasi darinya sukses besar.,https://subscene.com/ +"But in any case,you went a little too far.","Tapi, tetap saja tindakanmu itu terlalu berlebihan.",https://subscene.com/ +I-I just wanted to breathethe same air as Miss Sumire!,A-Aku hanya ingin bisa bersama dengan Sumire!,https://subscene.com/ +"O-Okay, so are we done here?","Ja-Jadi, apa sudah selesai?",https://subscene.com/ +We're not done here!,Mana mungkin selesai begitu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +You might as well tell herhow you feel right now.,Ini saat yang tepat bagimu untuk utarakan perasaanmu padanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you tell herhow you feel right now,","Kalau kau utarakan perasaanmu padanya sekarang,",https://subscene.com/ +And maybe even…,Dan mungkin saja...,https://subscene.com/ +He really did it!,Dia benar-benar melakukannya!,https://subscene.com/ +And he got rejected!,Langsung ditolak!,https://subscene.com/ +I did it becauseyou told me to!,Padahal aku menembaknya karena disuruh menembak sekarang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I knew this would happen.","Ya, sudah kuduga hal ini akan terjadi.",https://subscene.com/ +Y-You're so cruel.,Ka-Kau kejam sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"So now, you'll knowwhat to do next time.","Sekarang, kau harus pikirkan langkah selanjutnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Talk about rubbing saltinto a wound.,Seperti menabur garam pada luka.,https://subscene.com/ +So sweet!,Manis!,https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, let's go.",Ayo pergi!,https://subscene.com/ +What happened to the guyfrom yesterday?,Cowok yang kemarin bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +"I hear you're popular with the guys,Miss Class Rep!","Ketua, kau sangat terkenal, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Namida! What's wrong?,"Namida, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"SUMIRE, I'M ALWAYS WATCHING YOU.Whose idea of a prank is this?",Siapa nih yang jahil begini?,https://subscene.com/ +W-What is going on?,"A-Apa yang terjadi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto…apparently,you-know-who was absent today.","Boruto, dia yang kemarin, kelihatannya tak masuk hari ini.",https://subscene.com/ +What's this?,"Apa, nih?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, that's for sure, but...","Itu sudah jelas, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, where is he?","Sial, di mana dia bersembunyi?",https://subscene.com/ +"As long as we don't leavethe Class Rep by herself,","Selama kita tak tinggalkan ketua sendirian,",https://subscene.com/ +W-What the—?!,A-Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +You okay?,Kalian baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +It's pretty solid.,"Sangat keras, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go.,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +"He can't find us here, right?","Kalau di sini, dia bakal temukan kita tidak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +W-What is this?,A-Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +I-I'm going to open it now.,A-Akan kubuka pintunya sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +"Huh, where?",Lewat mana?,https://subscene.com/ +No!,Tidak!,https://subscene.com/ +Miss Class Rep! What's wrong?,"Ketua, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay—?,Kau baik-baik saja...,https://subscene.com/ +We finally made it out!,Akhirnya bisa keluar!,https://subscene.com/ +Did that guy do this too?,Apa ini perbuatannya juga?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, where's the Class Rep?","Hoi, ketua mana?",https://subscene.com/ +Class Rep?!,Ketua?,https://subscene.com/ +"What don't you like about me, Sumire?","Apa yang tak kau sukai dariku, Sumire?",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, Class Rep?","Ketua, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Could you guys not bother us?,"Bisa tidak, kalian tak mengganggu?",https://subscene.com/ +That's—!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +You said he didn't haveanything yesterday!,Bukankah kemarin kau bilang tak ada?,https://subscene.com/ +He may start rampaging.,Dia mungkin akan mengamuk.,https://subscene.com/ +Watch out!,Awas!,https://subscene.com/ +Hey you!,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +We're gonna have toknock him out.,Tak ada pilihan selain buatnya pingsan.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll take you on.,Lawanmu adalah kami.,https://subscene.com/ +All right.,Nah.,https://subscene.com/ +Get away from the Class Rep!,Menjauhlah dari ketua!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't interfere with meand Sumire!,Jangan menggangguku dan Sumire!,https://subscene.com/ +He disappeared?!,Dia menghilang?,https://subscene.com/ +Sumire is the only onewho can see me.,Yang bisa melihatku hanyalah Sumire.,https://subscene.com/ +There's no way you guyscan see me.,Kalian takkan bisa melihatku.,https://subscene.com/ +That's what happenswhen you jump in without a plan!,Itulah akibatnya kalau tak punya perencanaan terlebih dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +We should come up with a plan—,Kita harus susun rencana dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +But...Sumire was different.,"Tapi, Sumire berbeda!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you!","Hoi, kau!",https://subscene.com/ +Hey! Be careful!,"Hoi, hati-hati kalau bicara!",https://subscene.com/ +won't make a lady notice you.,takkan menarik perhatian cewek.,https://subscene.com/ +because they sat onthe shelves forever.,karena keripik kentang ini selalu ada di rak makanan setiap aku mau jajan.,https://subscene.com/ +and you're not even outon the shelf right now.,dan kau tak coba untuk berada di rak makanan seperti keripik kentang ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"but you've just completely removed yourselffrom the ""chance-at-love-shelf!""","dan kau malah lewatkan kesempatanmu dalam sebuah ""rak cinta"".",https://subscene.com/ +"Even up until now,no one's ever noticed me.","Bahkan sampai saat ini pun, tak ada orang yang melihatku.",https://subscene.com/ +They've noticed.,Mereka melihatmu.,https://subscene.com/ +that fact that you're a weakand pathetic man.,kenyataan bahwa kau hanya cowok yang lemah dan tak berguna.,https://subscene.com/ +T-Then what do I do?,"La-Lalu, apa yang harus kulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Polish that skill and keepstepping up to the challenge,","Kembangkan teknik itu dan teruslah mencoba,",https://subscene.com/ +So you can becomea strong and dependable man!,"Dengan begitu, kau akan jadi pria yang kuat dan bisa diandalkan!",https://subscene.com/ +Then you'll knowwhat to do next time.,"Kalau begitu, kau sudah tahu apa yang harus kaulakukan ke depannya.",https://subscene.com/ +so work on becoming an even better manand come back to me.,"Jadi, berusahalah untuk jadi cowok yang lebih baik lagi dan kembalilah padaku.",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Bagus!,https://subscene.com/ +"You almost got stabbed, you know.","Kau hampir ditikam olehnya, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +It's disappearing...,Auranya menghilang.,https://subscene.com/ +What the heck's going on?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +We didn't have to knock him outfor him to go back to normal?,"Kita tak perlu buatnya pingsan supaya sikapnya normal kembali, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Um...I'm really sorry!,"Anu, aku benar-benar minta maaf!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm terribly sorry!,Aku benar-benar minta maaf!,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, okay!",Bagus!,https://subscene.com/ +What's wrong with him?,Ada apa dengannya?,https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Ide bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! What's wrong?,"Boruto, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, let's all go home.","Baiklah, mari kita pulang.",https://subscene.com/ +Why did he go back to normal?,Kenapa sikapnya bisa kembali normal?,https://subscene.com/ +you can still go back to normal.,pikirannya masih bisa kembali normal dengan sendirinya.,https://subscene.com/ +But why did he suddenlybecome so gaunt?,"Tapi, kenapa dia tiba-tiba pucat dan pingsan?",https://subscene.com/ +Chakra?,Chakra?,https://subscene.com/ +So...,Jadi...,https://subscene.com/ +into a giant monster or something?,jadi monster raksasa atau semacamnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm not sure if it's chakra or what,","Aku tak tahu apa ini chakra atau semacamnya,",https://subscene.com/ +You saw something amazing.,Kau lihat sesuatu yang luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you think these incidentsare related to chakra?,Apa menurutmu insiden ini ada hubungannya dengan chakra?,https://subscene.com/ +A number of people havebeen taken to the hospital lately.,"Akhir-akhir ini, banyak orang yang masuk rumah sakit.",https://subscene.com/ +but we should keepan eye on this report.,tapi kita harus tinjau laporan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"So it seems like Borutois able to see it, after all.",Kelihatannya Boruto bisa melihatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm pretty sure he said ""a monster.""","Aku cukup yakin dia bilang ""monster"".",https://subscene.com/ +We'll continueour investigation.,Penyelidikan akan berlanjut.,https://subscene.com/ +Why's Boruto the only onewho can see it?,Kenapa hanya Boruto saja yang bisa melihatnya?,https://subscene.com/ +Oh! I've got the fate of the worldon my shoulders!,"Oh, rasanya takdir dunia seperti ada di pundakku!",https://subscene.com/ +"There's nothing thatcan escape the Byakugan,","Tak ada yang bisa lolos dari Byakugan,",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, that goes without saying.","Itu sudah wajar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"And simply put, we're outsiders.",Kita itu hanya bocah ingusan.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's too badwe couldn't attend, huh?","Sayang sekali kita tak bisa hadir, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +And Mitsuki's locked upin a different railcar.,Dan Mitsuki dikurung di gerbong lain.,https://subscene.com/ +Getting friendly with me andthen dying just like that…,Tiba-tiba datang dan pergi begitu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Man, I'm not lookingforward to this.","Ah, tak mau, deh!",https://subscene.com/ +You got that right.,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh please, give me a break.","Dasar, yang benar saja!",https://subscene.com/ +You can still eat?,Masih mau makan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, you can have my lunch.","Chocho, kau boleh makan bekalku.",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you for the food!,Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +I always thoughtthe old man couldn't be killed.,Kukira kakek itu takkan bisa dibunuh.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're wrong, Lady Fourth!","Jangan berkata seperti itu, Tsuchikage Keempat!",https://subscene.com/ +If you say so…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +And he left us withan important lesson.,Dan dia wariskan pembelajaran yang berharga bagi kita semua.,https://subscene.com/ +"But, it will take time to regainthe trust we lost through this.",Tapi membutuhkan waktu untuk dapatkan kepercayaan lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +You don't have to worry about that.,"Kalau itu, tak perlu dikhawatirkan.",https://subscene.com/ +"It goes to show how big the legacythat the old lord left us, was.",Itu menandakan besarnya tekadyang ditinggalkan oleh Tn. Oonoki.,https://subscene.com/ +I may not look like much…,Aku memang payah.,https://subscene.com/ +"I promise to carry out your will,Lord Third!",Aku pasti akan teruskan tekad Anda!,https://subscene.com/ +"And that ""will"" shall continueto be carried on… Right?","Dan ""tekad"" itu akan terus diwariskan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Big Brother…,Kakak.,https://subscene.com/ +"Mommy, Big Brother is back!","Mama, Kakak sudah pulang, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm really sorry, Mom.","Maaf, Ibu.",https://subscene.com/ +You made us worry so much!,Kau benar-benar buat Ibu cemas!,https://subscene.com/ +Mom…,Mama?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm really sorryI made you wor—!,Maafkan aku karena membuatmu khawatir!,https://subscene.com/ +I was so worried!,Aku sangat mencemaskanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +FIREMitsuki's been placed in solitary.,Mitsuki sudah dimasukkan ke dalam kurungan tersendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +But we've got to keep up appearancesfor the sake of the advisors.,"Tapi kita juga perlu jagacitra sebagai penasihat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, they…",Kalau mereka...,https://subscene.com/ +and risked their lives to save him.,dan pertaruhkan nyawa untuk selamatkan teman.,https://subscene.com/ +Naruto!,Naruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Stripped of our rank of genin?,Status Genin kami dicabut?,https://subscene.com/ +you are guilty of leaving the villagewithout authorization.,kalian tetap bersalah karena tinggalkan desa tanpa izin.,https://subscene.com/ +I know.,Aku tahu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +There's a lot of critical intelthat only he knows.,Ada banyak informasi penting yang hanya diketahui olehnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Wait.,Tunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +Please excuse me.,Aku permisi dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +in order to investigatewhat they were planning?,"untuk selidiki yang mereka rencanakan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"If I captured them at that point,there would have been no way",Kalau aku tertangkap saat itu,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maafkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +It's a fact that your actionsprevented a worst-case scenario.,Keputusanmu memang tepat untuk cegah kemungkinan terburuk.,https://subscene.com/ +"At the very least, why didn't yousay something to me?",Kenapa kau tak bilang apa-apa padaku?,https://subscene.com/ +"Before he left the village,",Sebelum dia tinggalkan desa,https://subscene.com/ +"But he didn't,and came on his own to meet us.",Tapi alasan dia tak melakukannya dan pergi sendiri adalah,https://subscene.com/ +He couldn't ignore his curiosityfor a chance to meet real comrades.,Dia tak bisa abaikan kesempatan bertemu dengan teman senasibnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"For the sake of the investigation,for the sake of the village…","Demi penyelidikan, demi desa...",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder what's goingto happen to Team 7 now?,"Apa yang akan terjadi pada Tim 7, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"We can start over from scratch, right?","Kita bisa mengulanginya dari awal, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We might not be able to seeMitsuki ever again!,Mungkin saja kita takkan bisa bertemu Mitsuki lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +You think he'll be kickedout of the village?,Apa maksudmu dia akan diusir dari desa?,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let that happen!,Takkan kubiarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +That's not all!,Selain itu...,https://subscene.com/ +He wouldn't do anythingthat stupid!,Tak mungkin dia akan berbuat sebodoh itu.,https://subscene.com/ +We learned thatonly too well this time—,Kita harus belajar dari kejadian kali ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki's gonna be fine.,Mitsuki akan baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +We might not be ableto see Mitsuki ever again!,Mungkin saja kita takkan bisa bertemu Mitsuki lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Where am I?,Ini di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Garaga!,Garaga!,https://subscene.com/ +Goodbye?,Selamat tinggal?,https://subscene.com/ +Our Summoning Contract is over.,Kontrak Pemanggilan kita sudah selesai.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, right.","Oh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +But I still haven't hada good talk with him.,Tapi aku masih belum bisa bicara dengannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Quit making excuses and just gosettle it once and for all, brat!","Berhenti mencari-cari alasan dan cepat selesaikan semuanya, Bocah!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't care whathe was thinking!,Tak peduli bagaimana anggapan orang lain,https://subscene.com/ +"If you already know that,you don't need me anymore, right?","Kalau sudah tahu, berarti kau sudah tak membutuhkanku lagi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"It was only for a short time,but I owe you.","Meski hanya sebentar, tapi aku berutang padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +About your partner…,Soal rekanmu itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"It could be that, he also…","Mungkin, dia juga...",https://subscene.com/ +"Farewell, Boruto!","Sampai jumpa, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you too, Garaga!","Ya, kau juga, Garaga!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada?,Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +Never mind that!,Itu tak penting!,https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +Where is he now?,Sekarang dia di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh wait, he said he hadsomething important to do.","Oh ya, dia bilang harus lakukan sesuatu yang penting.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, let's find him.","Pokoknya, sekarang kita cari dulu Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +"I've never made one of these before,so I'm not sure if this is okay.","Aku belum pernah buat ini sebelumnya, jadi, aku tak tahu apa ini sudah bagus atau belum.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe I'm just doing itfor my own satisfaction.,Mungkin aku lakukan ini hanya untuk puaskan diriku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm doing this, because it's justsomething I want to do.",Aku lakukan ini karena keinginanku.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki! Are you—?!,"Mitsuki, apa kau...",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't just go with them to spyon what they were planning.,Aku bersedia ikut bukan hanya karena ingin memata-matai rencana mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Whether my will was reallythe same as yours.,Apa tekadku sama dengan tekad kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +And the result was thatI was secretive and I hurt you.,Hasilnya aku pun banyak rahasiakan sesuatu darimu dan sampai menyakitimu.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe I don't haveany right to stay by your side.,Mungkin aku sudah tak berhak untuk berada di sampingmu lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"I think it means that it's only naturalto question yourself,",Menurutku sudah sewajarnya kalau kau bertanya pada dirimu sendiri,https://subscene.com/ +"Your desire to save the village,",Keinginanmu untuk selamatkan desa,https://subscene.com/ +They're both a part of your will.,Keduanya sama-sama bagian dari tekadmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, I thought I knewall about you, Mitsuki.","Selain itu, aku sendiri juga berpikir kalau aku sudah sangat memahamimu.",https://subscene.com/ +I see!,"Begitu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +We're connected now witha stronger will than ever before.,Sekarang kita sudah terhubung dengan tekad yang lebih kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Looking forward to working with youfrom here on out, Mitsuki.","Mulai sekarang dan seterusnya, mohon kerja samanya lagi, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +Hey! Now is not the timeto bring that up!,"Cih, bukan waktunya bahas masalah itu, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Meeting and partingwith many kinds of people…,Bertemu dan berpisah dengan banyak orang.,https://subscene.com/ +"The important thing is,this was merely a time of rebellion.","Yang terpenting, apa yang terjadi padanya kemarin adalah fase memberontak.",https://subscene.com/ +"When you put it like that,it's kind of a letdown.","Meskipun Anda katakan hal itu, bagiku malah terdengar mengecewakan.",https://subscene.com/ +About the corpse of that scientistwho was advising Ohnoki…,Mengenai mayat ilmuwan yang jadi penasihat Oonoki...,https://subscene.com/ +The technology that createdthe Fabrications…,Teknologi yang mampu ciptakan manusia buatan...,https://subscene.com/ +I guess all the evidencewas completely destroyed.,Sepertinya semua barang bukti sudah dilenyapkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Who knows?,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +It seems like a while since the three of uswalked together like this.,Sudah lama kita bertiga tak jalan bareng seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +The disturbance inHidden Stone Village,Kekacauan yang terjadi di Desa Iwa,https://subscene.com/ +"LAND OF EARTHHIDDEN STONE VILLAGEREBELLION OF DISSIDENTS SUCCESSFULLYSUBDUED WITHOUT INCIDENTwas subdued without incidentby the Fourth Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi.","telah berhasil diatasi oleh Tsuchikage Keempat, Kurotsuchi, tanpa adanya insiden serius.",https://subscene.com/ +That's a—!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Seventh!,Hokage Ketujuh!,https://subscene.com/ +"If they must be punished,I am just as guilty.","Kalau mereka harus dihukum, maka aku juga patut dihukum.",https://subscene.com/ +Please give them another chance!,Aku mohon berikanlah mereka kesempatan lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +You came in person?!,"Jangan-jangan, Anda datang tanpa memberi tahu?",https://subscene.com/ +"I came to personally apologize,and thank you.","Aku datang untuk minta maaf, sekaligus ucapkan terima kasih.",https://subscene.com/ +"No. By all rights, I owe youmuch more than a bow.","Tidak, dengan semua yang sudah terjadi, aku berutang lebih dari sekadar permintaan maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +who knows what would have happenedto the Hidden Stone.,entahlah apa yang akan terjadi pada Desa Iwa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, now's not a good—","Tidak, saat ini bukan waktu yang tepat.",https://subscene.com/ +Then please relaymy gratitude to them.,"Kalau begitu, sampaikan salamku pada mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +"That we, the Hidden Stone, will alwayswelcome them as shinobi.","Kalau kami, Desa Iwa, akan selalu sambut kedatangan mereka sebagai seorang ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Kurotsuchi!","Oi, Kurotsuchi!",https://subscene.com/ +thoroughly committed to carrying onyour Ninja Way.,sudah bertekad untuk ikuti jalan ninjamu.,https://subscene.com/ +She really didn't hidewhat she wanted to say…,Dia benar-benar suka berkata seenaknya.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, then—?!",Kalau begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +Of course!We'll finish this in a snap.,"Tentu saja, kita akan selesaikan misi ini dalam sekejap.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll be the lure.,Aku yang akan jadi umpan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, wrap it up quick, okay?","Sarada, selesaikan dengan cepat, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm counting on both of you!,"Tolong ya, kalian berdua!",https://subscene.com/ +You're back together at last!,Akhirnya kalian berkumpul bersama lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +– Yeah!– Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"The new holiday inthe Leaf Village, huh?","Hari libur baru di Desa Konoha, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"But, I wonder if Daddycan come home?","Tapi hari ini papa bisa pulang tidak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"But he'll definitely come home,ya know!",Tapi dia pasti akan pulang!,https://subscene.com/ +You're Naruto's son?,"Kau putranya Naruto, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki…,Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +Is that…really you…,Jangan-jangan...,https://subscene.com/ +Is Naruto here?,Apa Naruto ada?,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Oh, begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +So he'sSasuke…Uchiha…,"Jadi, diakah Sasuke Uchiha?",https://subscene.com/ +Never mind that now…,Sekarang bukan saatnya pikirkan hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, please wait!","Buruto, tunggu dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +Your mother just said to wait.,Ibumu bilang jangan pergi.,https://subscene.com/ +"You said ""stupid old man,""didn't you?","Kau baru bilang ""pak tua bodoh"", 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I was.","Ya, memang.",https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke and BorutoI messed up again…,Lagi-lagi aku mengacaukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey! What happened?,"Eh, apa yng terjadi?",https://subscene.com/ +You sent a Shadow Cloneto the house?,"Kau kirimkan Klona Bayangan ke rumah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You're hopeless!,Dasar kau ini!,https://subscene.com/ +That just wasn't possible.,Mana mungkin aku bisa melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +And there's the discoveryof White Zetsu's ruins.,Ditambah penemuan reruntuhan tempat Zetsu Putih.,https://subscene.com/ +It's troubling.,Memang merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +A gift from Kaguya's Palace.,Hadiah dari Istana Kaguya.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,Jadi begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know.,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't even read it withmy Rinnegan.,Bahkan aku tak bisa membacanya dengan Rinnegan-ku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sasuke, you just saidKaguya's Palace…","Sasuke, kau menyebutnya Istana Kaguya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Kaguya Otsutsuki…,Kaguya Otsutsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +she tried to enslavethe entire world.,dia berusaha memperbudak seluruh dunia.,https://subscene.com/ +after so many sacrificed their lives.,setelah begitu banyak yang korbankan nyawanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"However, she wasn't actingmerely out of greed for power.","Tapi, sebenarnya dia bertindak bukan hanya karena keserakahannya akan kekuatan.",https://subscene.com/ +I've been searching forthe answer ever since…,Aku terus cari jawabannya sejak saat itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I am Kinshiki Otsutsuki.On guard!,"Namaku Kinshiki Otsutsuki, bersiap menyerang!",https://subscene.com/ +He switched places?!,Dia bertukar tempat?,https://subscene.com/ +Oh?,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +What are you searching for?,Apa yang sedang kaucari?,https://subscene.com/ +Where is Kaguya Otsutsuki?,Di mana Kaguya Otsutsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +She's no longer here.,Dia sudah tak ada lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"If this drags on,I'll be at a disadvantage.","Kalau dilanjutkan, aku yang akan terpojok.",https://subscene.com/ +Otsutsuki?,Otsutsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +That's what he called himself.,Begitulah namanya.,https://subscene.com/ +he belongs to the sameOtsutsuki Clan as Kaguya.,"dia berasal dari klan Otsutsuki, sama seperti Kaguya.",https://subscene.com/ +Is this the start of another war?!,Apa ini awal dari perang yang baru?,https://subscene.com/ +But we have to be very careful.,"Tapi, kita harus berhati-hati.",https://subscene.com/ +Why do you have that?,Kenapa ada padamu?,https://subscene.com/ +Near your house.,Di dekat rumahmu.,https://subscene.com/ +And I also met your kid.,Aku juga bertemu dengan anakmu.,https://subscene.com/ +He's nothing like how I was.,Dia tak mirip sepertiku dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +No… I take that back.,"Tidak, kutarik kembali ucapanku.",https://subscene.com/ +The clothes he wears alwayslooks brand new.,Pakaian yang dia pakai selalu baru dan bersih.,https://subscene.com/ +No…,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +The soul of a shinobi alwaysremains the same…,Jiwa ninja takkan pernah berubah.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder about that…,Aku tak tahu juga kalau soal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're one to talk, loser.",Dasar pecundang.,https://subscene.com/ +D-Did you just see my dad?,Apa Paman bertemu dengan ayahku?,https://subscene.com/ +I-I see…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm not gonna hold back, ya—!",aku takkan segan untuk menghajar Paman.,https://subscene.com/ +I never saw him coming.,Aku tak bisa lihat tendangannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"The way you are right now,you'll never get close to him.","Dirimu yang sekarang, mendekatinya saja takkan bisa.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's do this!,Aku baru mulai!,https://subscene.com/ +Satisfied?,Apa kau sudah puas?,https://subscene.com/ +Hmm?,Hem?,https://subscene.com/ +"Mr. Sasuke, you used to bemy dad's rival, right?","Paman Sasuke, Paman itu rivalnya ayahku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Please make me your student!,tolong jadikan aku murid.,https://subscene.com/ +Please…,Kumohon.,https://subscene.com/ +Why would you go that far torebel against your father?,Kenapa kau sampai semarah itu pada ayahmu?,https://subscene.com/ +He broke our sacredman-to-man promise!,Dia sudah ingkari janji kami!,https://subscene.com/ +Being the Hokage isa difficult job.,Menjadi Hokage itu sangat sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sick and tired of hearing that!,Aku sudah bosan dengar alasan itu.,https://subscene.com/ +he keeps treating melike a little kid…,dia tetap memperlakukanku seperti anak kecil.,https://subscene.com/ +I get it…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Can you do the Rasengan?,Apa kau bisa lakukan Rasengan?,https://subscene.com/ +Rasengan's the onewhere you do,"Kalau tak salah, Rasengan itu",https://subscene.com/ +"You want to get back at Naruto,don't you?","Kau ingin beri pelajaran pada Naruto, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Then you can't bea student of mine.,"Kalau begitu, kau tak bisa jadi muridku.",https://subscene.com/ +Th-That's—!,Kalau soal itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Sasuke?!,Paman Sasuke?,https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, Big Bro Konohamaru!",Kak Konohamaru!,https://subscene.com/ +You have to teach me how todo your Rasengan right now!,Ajari aku cara keluarkan Rasengan seperti milikmu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Huh? So, in other words…","Eh, jadi intinya...",https://subscene.com/ +"To shock Lord Seventh,is that correct?","Dan itu untuk buat Hokage Ketujuh terkejut, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Well…yeah.,"Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +Where did your enthusiasm go?,Apa yang terjadi pada semangatmu yang tadi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Watch me, then do it like this.",Lihat baik-baik dan lakukan seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"But ""like this"" isn't working""like that"" at all.","Tapi, ini sama sekali tak bisa!",https://subscene.com/ +"No, I'm not repeating you.","Tidak, aku tak meniru cara bicaramu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Stop saying ""this""!","""Ini"" melulu katamu, berisik!",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't there a better wayto do this?!,Apa tak ada cara yang lebih baik?,https://subscene.com/ +and half a year to master it…,Dan setengah tahun untuk menguasainya.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you think it couldbe learned so easily?,"Tak mungkin bisa dipelajari segampang itu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Oi, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Was I sleeping?,"Barusan aku tidur, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"When you get as good as I am,you can complete missions half-asleep!",Orang sehebat diriku bisa tuntaskan misi dengan keadaan setengah tidur.,https://subscene.com/ +Have you been up to somethingthat's keeping you awake all night?,Apa kau bergadang untuk lakukan sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +Coming!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Sa…Sa…!,Sa...,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Sasuke!",Sasuke!,https://subscene.com/ +So how long can youstay this time?,Kali ini sampai kapan Papa di rumah?,https://subscene.com/ +I just met Naruto's son earlier.,Tadi aku bertemu dengan putranya Naruto.,https://subscene.com/ +He said he wants to becomemy student.,"Katanya, dia ingin jadi muridku.",https://subscene.com/ +so it's better if he's at his best.,jadi dia memang harus berusaha.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Dasar!,https://subscene.com/ +The flow of chakra…,Aliran chakra.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sick and tired of hearing that!,Aku sudah capek dengar itu terus!,https://subscene.com/ +And I'm sick and tired of hearingyou say that.,Aku juga sudah capek dengar itu terus.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry I'm late, Mom!","Maaf aku terlambat, Ibu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, Himawari, I'll be going now.","Kalau begitu, Ibu pergi dulu ya, Himawari.",https://subscene.com/ +Sure! Don't worry about a thing!,"Ya, serahkan padaku!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll try to get home early…,Akan Ibu usahakan pulang cepat.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry! Have fun!,"Tenang saja, hati-hati di jalan!",https://subscene.com/ +– Thank you for the food!– Thank you for the food!,Terima kasih makanannya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah! It's a great idea, huh?","Ya, ide bagus, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Are you sure it's okay?,Serius bisa?,https://subscene.com/ +Trust your big brother!,Percayalah pada kakakmu ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Oops!,Waduh!,https://subscene.com/ +Yup!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Not so rough, Big Brother!","Kakak, yang lembut mengaduknya!",https://subscene.com/ +Uh-huh… Like Mommy.,"Ya, seperti yang dilakukan mama.",https://subscene.com/ +You're so good!,Hebat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What's the matter?,"Ha, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +This is what he meant!,"Jadi, inikah yang dia maksud?",https://subscene.com/ +I did it!,Aku berhasil!,https://subscene.com/ +"Finally, I can now…!","Akhirnya, sekarang aku bisa.",https://subscene.com/ +A rubber ball this time?,Kali ini bola karet?,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +I'd be hard pressed to callthat a Rasengan yet.,"Kalau sekecil itu, masih belum bisa disebut sebagai Rasengan.",https://subscene.com/ +"You don't know Boruto well,so I'll tell you…","Papa mungkin masih belum mengenal Boruto, jadi sekarang akan kuberi tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +It's a miraclehe even made it this far.,Hebat sekali dia bisa sampai sejauh ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't say no.,Aku tak menolaknya.,https://subscene.com/ +Where did he go anyway?,Pergi ke mana dia?,https://subscene.com/ +It's cool…,Benda ini keren.,https://subscene.com/ +"and by expending little effort,","Dan kalau ditambah dengan sedikit usaha,",https://subscene.com/ +And this ought to be what the ninjaof your generation…,Dan seharusnya memang seperti inilah wujud dari ninja...,https://subscene.com/ +Wouldn't you agree?,"Kau setuju, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Fire Style, Wind Style, and yes,","Elemen Api, Elemen Angin, dan tentu saja,",https://subscene.com/ +Now…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm managing just fine.,Sampai saat ini tak ada masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +I see. That's great to hear.,"Begitu ya, baguslah kalau begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +you mustn't revealyour true strength.,kau tak boleh perlihatkan kekuatanmu yang sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Understand?,Mengerti?,https://subscene.com/ +Rasengan!,螺旋丸,https://subscene.com/ +All that from just one dayof training?,Kau bisa melakukannya hanya dalam waktu satu hari?,https://subscene.com/ +You seem quite differentfrom Naruto.,Kau memang terlihat berbeda dengan Naruto.,https://subscene.com/ +So? What's your answer?,"Lalu, apa keputusan Paman?",https://subscene.com/ +Fine… You can be my student.,"Baiklah, kau boleh jadi muridku.",https://subscene.com/ +Your subordinate is goingto be under my care.,Mulai sekarang aku yang akan latih anggota timmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I've never seen Borutodetermined that like, ever!",Aku tak pernah lihat Boruto begitu bersemangat seperti ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!The shuriken's not bending at all!,"Sial, shuriken-nya tak berbelok sama sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe I should try this thing out…,Apa aku harus coba alat ini?,https://subscene.com/ +That's crazy!,Jangan bercanda!,https://subscene.com/ +"And since you keep insisting,","Dan kalau Kakek masih bersikeras,",https://subscene.com/ +There's no way I can cooperatein a plan like that.,Aku takkan mau ikuti rencana seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +If still you aren't convinced…,Kalau kau masih tak mau menerimanya...,https://subscene.com/ +Then it can't be helped.,Maka tak ada jalan lain.,https://subscene.com/ +"It looks like someonehas come for us, just in time!",Syukurlah kau datang tepat waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Lord Ohnoki,our plan is at a standstill.","Tn. Oonoki, rencana kita masih berjalan.",https://subscene.com/ +Can I take this oneinto custody?,Dia boleh kujadikan tahanan?,https://subscene.com/ +We can't afford to letthe Hidden Leaf get wind of this.,Konoha tak boleh tahu tentang hal ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Kakou!,Kakou!,https://subscene.com/ +Okay!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, I wasn't expecting youto attack first.","Tapi, aku tak mengira kau akan menyerang duluan.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you have nothing to do,go look for Boruto and Shikadai.","Kau ini, kalau tak ada kerjaan pergilah cari Boruto dan Shikadai.",https://subscene.com/ +Why you—!,Kau ini...,https://subscene.com/ +What do we do?,Mau bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +That's—!,Itu kan...,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh no, is he dead?!","Gawat, dia sudah mati?",https://subscene.com/ +Are you all okay?,"Kalian semua baik-baik saja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That's not good.,Itu gawat.,https://subscene.com/ +Particle Style:Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!,Jinton:,https://subscene.com/ +Tsk…,Cih.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh? Could your heartbe pounding right now?,"Jangan-jangan, saat ini jantungmu berdebar-debar, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What are you talking about?,Apa yang kau maksud?,https://subscene.com/ +The old man's not here!,Si tua itu sedang tak ada di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Jangan-jangan...,https://subscene.com/ +Roger!,Oke!,https://subscene.com/ +"Got it! Be careful, you two!",Baiklah! Kalian berdua berhati-hatilah!,https://subscene.com/ +Did I get him?,Apa aku mengenainya?,https://subscene.com/ +This is fun!,Menyenangkan sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +It feels kinda tight and itchyaround here…,Rasanya sedikit sesak dan gatal di sekitar sini.,https://subscene.com/ +Quit saying stuff thatmakes no sense!,Berhentilah katakan omong kosong seperti itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Tsk!,Cih!,https://subscene.com/ +A clone?!,Klona?,https://subscene.com/ +"Cha, damn it!",Shannaro!,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank goodness you're okay, Boruto…","Boruto, syukurlah kau baik-baik saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +That's more like it.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +if it ended this soon!,pasti akan membosankan!,https://subscene.com/ +Tie him up as soonas you find him!,Ikat dia segera setelah kau menemukannya!,https://subscene.com/ +That's right! Naruto was summonedby the elders.,"Oh ya, Naruto kan sedang dipanggil para tetua.",https://subscene.com/ +"Is that you, Dad?!","Ayah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Where are you now?,Sekarang kau di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, the villagehas been taken over!","Ya, seluruh desa sudah diambil alih!",https://subscene.com/ +"Now listen, just lay low.","Dengar, kau tetaplah bersembunyi.",https://subscene.com/ +there's no guaranteeyou'll stay alive.,aku tak bisa jamin kau tetap hidup.,https://subscene.com/ +"I've analyzed the situation,","Aku sudah analisis situasinya,",https://subscene.com/ +I… I've got to do what I can!,Aku harus lakukan apa yang kubisa!,https://subscene.com/ +"""The knight that jumps far,falls prey to a pawn,"" huh?","""Seorang kesatria yang melompat terlalu jauh, akan jatuh di cengkeraman musuh,"" 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +But I came here of my own will.,"Tapi, aku datang kemari atas keinginanku sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +I have no intention of making a movewhere I'll fall prey to a pawn.,"Tapi, aku tak berniat untuk bergerak yang akan buatku jatuh ke cengkeraman musuh.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay? Hey, Shikadai!",Kau baik-baik saja? Shikadai? Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm really starting to have fun!,Aku mulai menyukainya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Cha, damn it!",Shannaro!,https://subscene.com/ +Not being able to get close is bad.,"Kita tak bisa mendekat, ini gawat.",https://subscene.com/ +"He had his chance just now,","Tapi, hanya ini kesempatan kita,",https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to that, we're okay.",Syukurlah kita selamat.,https://subscene.com/ +What's he doing here?,Apa yang dia lakukan di sana?,https://subscene.com/ +Stop it!,Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +So this is where you've been hiding.,"Jadi, di sini kalian bersembunyi.",https://subscene.com/ +"He was on your sideto begin with, right?","Awalnya dia itu temanmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Very cute,","Imut sekali,",https://subscene.com/ +"It's not just cute, you see?","Bukan hanya imut saja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to seal you away.,Aku akan langsung menyegelmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Make sure you drawa pretty picture of me too.,Pastikan kau juga menggambarku dengan bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +I only draw things I want to draw…,Aku hanya menggambar sesuatu yang ingin kugambar.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm also worried aboutMitsuki's role in all this.,"Selain itu, apa peran Mitsuki dalam hal ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"Granny Tsunade and Kakashi Sensei,we need your help too.","Nenek Tsunade dan Guru Kakashi, tolong bantu kami.",https://subscene.com/ +"We'd like you two,as the former Hokage,","Sebagai dua mantan Hokage,",https://subscene.com/ +for the Hidden Leaf's interventioninto the Hidden Stone's affairs.,agar Desa Konoha boleh ikut campur masalah di Desa Iwa.,https://subscene.com/ +"However, the problem lieswith the Feudal Lords, huh?",yang jadi masalah adalah para Daimyo.,https://subscene.com/ +and get authorizationto cross their borders.,dan minta perizinan untuk lewati perbatasan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +getting their permissionwill take time.,memperoleh izin dari mereka akan makan banyak waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +the procedures and what-notwill take several days.,prosedurnya sendiri akan makan waktu beberapa hari.,https://subscene.com/ +It will be fine.,Tenang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +and you are still so reliable.,kau ini selalu bisa diandalkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I thought so!,Sudah kuduga!,https://subscene.com/ +Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!,Katon:,https://subscene.com/ +you can't use ninjutsu.,kau tak bisa gunakan Ninjutsu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I've gotta hand it to you, Sarada!","Memang hebat kau, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +Your fighting styleis so interesting.,Gaya bertarungmu itu sangat menarik!,https://subscene.com/ +He's weakening!,"Dia ini melemah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Let's fight some more!,Ayo bertarung lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +Of course!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Dodge!,Menghindar!,https://subscene.com/ +H-How can he still fire?,Kenapa dia masih bisa mengeluarkannya?,https://subscene.com/ +Let me have more fun!,Biarkan aku bersenang-senang lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!","Ayo, ayo, ayo!",https://subscene.com/ +Earth Style: Erupt!,Doton:,https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, Boruto?","Boruto, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness!,"Ah, syukurlah!",https://subscene.com/ +The both of you being herewas a huge help.,Dengan adanya kalian aku tertolong.,https://subscene.com/ +Old Man?,Kakek?,https://subscene.com/ +Why didn't you listen to me?,Perkataanku kenapa tak kaupatuhi?,https://subscene.com/ +"But to me, it seemed likehe definitely had a will.",Bagiku dia sepertinya punya keinginan sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +But you're gonna stay with us.,Mulai sekarang kau harus ikut dengan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"Inojin, you came too?!","Inojin, kau juga datang?",https://subscene.com/ +I was worried about everyone.,Aku khawatir dengan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, things got really, really bad.","Ya, tadi itu gawat sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Oi!,https://subscene.com/ +"No way, is he under a genjutsu?!","Jangan-jangan, pengaruh Genjutsu?",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Akatsuchi!,Paman Akatsuchi!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's you, Kirara…",Kirara?,https://subscene.com/ +"You'll come with me withoutmaking any trouble, right?","Kalian akan ikut denganku tanpa buat masalah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You guys were bornfor the sake of peace!,Kalian semua lahir untuk jaga kedamaian!,https://subscene.com/ +That is not our idea.,Itu bukan ide kami.,https://subscene.com/ +We do not have a heart.,Kami tak punya perasaan.,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +I've finally found you.,Akhirnya aku temukanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Toneri Otsutsuki.,Tn. Toneri Otsutsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +Why stand on formality?We're from the same clan…,"Meski dari klan yang sama, ternyata sikapmu cukup sopan juga.",https://subscene.com/ +Quite the contrary…,Justru sebaliknya.,https://subscene.com/ +The main family?,Keluarga utama?,https://subscene.com/ +We saw it all.,Kami lihat semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"You endured such humiliation,","Padahal kau sudah alami penghinaan seperti itu,",https://subscene.com/ +I must hand it to you.,Kau hebat sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +You may believe thatyou made the first move,"Mungkin dengan lakukan sesuatu pada anak wanita itu,",https://subscene.com/ +But that wasvery hastily prepared.,"Tapi, persiapannya terlalu terburu-buru.",https://subscene.com/ +But you never made yourselfknown until today.,Padahal Anda tak pernah dikenal sampai saat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…we don't.,"Ya, kami tak tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"""We""?",Kami?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not authorized to killa member of the clan.,Aku tak disuruh untuk bunuh anggota klan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Just enjoy the Palace of the Dragon Kingfor the next 10,000 years.",Nikmatilah istana raja naga selama 10.000 tahun lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Time for me to reelin a big catch.,Saatnya ambil tangkapan besar.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't!,Jangan!,https://subscene.com/ +right now.,Masih belum cukup.,https://subscene.com/ +What are some of your thoughtswhen you look back on Himawari's Birthday,Di masa lalu ada Perang Dunia Ninja Keempat.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…there were a lot of casualties,"Ya, ada banyak korban",https://subscene.com/ +I think there are a lot of ninja nowwho don't know about that.,Menurutku ada banyak ninja yang tak mengetahuinya.,https://subscene.com/ +The most important thing isto communicate properly,Yang paling penting adalah saling berkomunikasi,https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Itu benar.,https://subscene.com/ +peace was reached afterthe many wars of the past.,"bahwa kedamaian bisa tercapai karena perang di masa lalu,",https://subscene.com/ +"through the sacrifice ofmany, many shinobi.","para ninja di masa lalu, kita bisa nikmati era damai ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"to the next generation,to preserve peace…",untuk jaga perdamaian.,https://subscene.com/ +I get it already.,Aku sudah mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +It's even in our text books.,"Hal itu juga tertulis di buku, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"which for the first time,",acara besar yang sudah disepakati,https://subscene.com/ +"Mr. Naruto, do you have any advicefor the genin who will be taking part?","Tn. Naruto, apa Anda punya saran untuk para Genin?",https://subscene.com/ +Three things?,Tiga?,https://subscene.com/ +And…well…Good luck to everyone!,"Dan, ya, kalian semua harus berjuang keras.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, thank you foryour inspiring comments.",Terima kasih atas komentarnya yang luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you very much, Mr. Naruto.","Tn. Naruto, terima kasih banyak.",https://subscene.com/ +It seems Lord Hokage isas busy as ever.,Tn. Hokage memang sibuk seperti biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Hokage is so amazing!,Tn. Hokage memang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +I won't be able to change a thing.,aku tak bisa ubah apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +"And here I am, a chunin.","akhirnya jalani Ujian Chunin, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You can celebratewhen you pass.,Kau boleh senang saat sudah lulus.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey Boruto…,"Eh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"Pranks are off-limits for a while, huh?","Kau harus batasi keisenganmu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I really could care less about it.,Aku tak begitu peduli.,https://subscene.com/ +"Chunin, jonin…That's sorta like a license, right?","Chunin atau Jonin itu hanya semacam peringkat ninja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +that people from a long time agocame up with?,peraturan orang-orang di masa lalu?,https://subscene.com/ +"What do you meanby ""even greater""?","Apa maksudmu ""lebih hebat"" itu?",https://subscene.com/ +Like Mr. Sasuke.,Seperti paman Sasuke.,https://subscene.com/ +You mean Sarada's dad?,Ayahnya Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +but he battles powerful enemieson his own terms.,tapi dia bisa ambil keputusan sendiri dan bertarung melawan musuh.,https://subscene.com/ +Rumors say he's mysterious too!,"Gosipnya, dia adalah orang yang misterius, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +It's way cooler than going on TVand rambling on and on.,"Daripada masuk TV dan berceletoh tak jelas, itu jauh lebih keren.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not.,Tak ada yang rumit.,https://subscene.com/ +decided to become a ninjawith all you guys.,dan putuskan untuk jadi ninja bersama kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"And that's why, I'm thinking abouthow I can be even cooler.","Terlebih lagi, aku pikirkan cara agar bisa jadi lebih keren lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +You know…,"Dengar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's not it.,"Tidak ""hanya"".",https://subscene.com/ +"Like I said,I'll do things my way.","Sudah kubilang, aku hanya lakukan yang kumau.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it.,Dasar.,https://subscene.com/ +I've brought the applicationsfor this year's Chunin Exams.,Aku bawakan formulir pendaftaran Ujian Chunin tahun ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, yeah.","Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, there were quitea few instances of chaos…","Ya, karena ada beberapa kehebohan, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +The hell?!,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I can always takethe recommendation back!,"rekomendasinya bisa kutarik, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Right, Cho-Cho?","Benar 'kan, Chocho?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm talking aboutthe Chunin Exams.,"Yang kumaksud, Ujian Chunin.",https://subscene.com/ +You're not listening!,"Jadi, memang tak didengar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +To be or not to be…It's all up to you.,"Melakukannya atau tidak, itu keputusanmu sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, let's get this thing over withand become chunin.","Omong-omong, ayo selesaikan ujian ini dan jadi Chunin.",https://subscene.com/ +I agree!,Setuju!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Chubs…Spring will never come for you.",Masa muda takkan datang pada orang gendut.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe you've got fat blockingyour eyes!,"Matamu tertutup lemak kali, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm okay.,Aku baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Katasuke.","Oh, Katasuke.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, as the head ofthe Scientific Ninja Tools department,","Sebenarnya, sebagai kepala departemen Peralatan Sains Ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +That's right!,"Oh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, they are battle-ready now!","Benar, alatnya sudah siap dibawa bertarung!",https://subscene.com/ +That's actually pretty interesting.,Kelihatannya memang menarik.,https://subscene.com/ +"You just change the cartridge,and you can use a jutsu at will.","Hanya dengan ganti isinya, kita bisa dengan bebas gunakan segala jenis elemen.",https://subscene.com/ +Then the genin won't haveto go through harsh training,"Genin tak perlu lewati latihan keras,",https://subscene.com/ +What do you think?,Bagaimana pendapat Anda?,https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks, Katasuke.","Terima kasih ya, Katasuke.",https://subscene.com/ +The Chunin Exam is nota performance.,Ujian Chunin bukan soal performa.,https://subscene.com/ +All the more reason then!,"Kalau begitu, justru akan membantu!",https://subscene.com/ +That's true…,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sure, if one derived that powerfrom himself.","Memang benar, kalau itu berasal dari kekuatan sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +a genin's strength thatthey have cultivated to this day.,adalah untuk ukur kekuatan yang mereka kembangkan sendiri selama ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Excuse me.,Aku permisi.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry about it.,Tak perlu dipikirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +When will Lord Seventh understand?,Kapan Hokage Ketujuh akan mengerti?,https://subscene.com/ +What's wrong with that?,Apa salahnya dengan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"No, no…","Tidak, tidak.",https://subscene.com/ +I am a scientist.I must remain optimistic.,"Karena aku peneliti, aku harus tetap optimis.",https://subscene.com/ +The Young Lord asked mefor some game data.,Tuan Muda minta data gim padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +I stopped the boss attackwith an instant kill!,Aku bisa hentikan serangan bos dengan sekali serang!,https://subscene.com/ +Your character issuper strong today.,"Karaktermu hari ini kuat sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Just waiting for you, Boruto.","Aku tinggal menunggumu saja, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what's up with this level?","Hoi, apa-apaan levelmu ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, so?","Ya, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll send you the data too.,Nanti akan kubagi datanya pada kalian juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Although your level is impressive.,Meskipun levelmu tinggi...,https://subscene.com/ +from my mom to level up.,memainkannya dan naikkan levelnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you're an expert atvideo games too?","Kau semakin hebat saja bermain gimnya ya, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +"Look, Mitsuki.","Apaan sih, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, is that right?","Eh, benarkah?",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it. Are you stillsaying stuff like that?,"Dasar, kau masih saja bicara begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +But are you sureyou're all right with that?,"Tapi, apa kau benar-benar yakin tak mau ikutan?",https://subscene.com/ +"I was worried, so I came here,and what do I hear you say?!","Aku ke sini karena khawatir, tapi kau malah bicara apa, coba?",https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, Boruto!","Dengar ya, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +I know that!,"Aku sudah tahu, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to pass the Examsas soon as possible.,Aku ingin lulus ujian secepatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Right?,Benar sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you going to getin my way?,Apa kau ingin halangi impianku?,https://subscene.com/ +You can go ahead anddo whatever you want.,Kau saja yang ikutan dan lakukan semaumu.,https://subscene.com/ +Were you even listeningto the teachers?,"Kau itu dengar penjelasannya para guru tidak, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +You can find someone else.,Kau cari saja orang lain.,https://subscene.com/ +There's no wayI can find someone that easily!,"takkan semudah itu untuk mendapatkannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Our teamwork didn't cometogether overnight.,Kekompakan tim yang sekarang saja tak bisa dibangun dalam semalam.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't care.,Itu tak ada hubungannya denganku.,https://subscene.com/ +Why are you being so stubborn?,Kenapa kau keras kepala begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto.","Eh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +I know…,"Aku tahu, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +So that's it…,"Kukira karena apa,",https://subscene.com/ +I heard that.,"Aku bisa mendengarnya, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +The way you're actingis pretty uncool.,"Kalau kau terus seperti itu, kau bakalan terlihat tak keren, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's show Lord Hokage,Ayo kita tunjukkan,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +And I can pass the exam too!,Aku pun juga bisa lulus dari ujiannya!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I have no choice!,"Cih, apa boleh buat.",https://subscene.com/ +"Seriously, I guess you guys just can'tdo anything without me.","Kalian itu memang tak bisa apa-apa tanpa aku, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +He's so easy!,Mudah sekali dibujuk!,https://subscene.com/ +I can hear you!,"Aku bisa mendengarnya, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, yeah…",Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +and make them see Boruto Uzumakiis finally here!,Sehingga mereka sadar akan keberadaan Boruto Uzumaki!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Hima!","Oh, Hima!",https://subscene.com/ +"But before that, there's somethingimportant I have to do…","Tapi sebelum itu, ada hal penting yang harus kulakukan.",https://subscene.com/ +We're back!,Kami pulang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, welcome home.","Oh, selamat datang.",https://subscene.com/ +"We're back, we're back…","Kami pulang, kami pulang.",https://subscene.com/ +"Welcome home, welcome home,welcome home!","Selamat datang, selamat datang, selamat datang!",https://subscene.com/ +"So, you remembered our promise.","Jadi, kau masih ingat akan janji kita.",https://subscene.com/ +Then we're even.,Kalau begitu kita impas.,https://subscene.com/ +"But if you had made Himawari cry,I was gonna let you have it.","Tapi, kalau kau buat Himawari menangis, aku takkan diam saja.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll forgive you for today!,Hari ini kau kumaafkan!,https://subscene.com/ +As long as you get it.,Bukan masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Dad, everything's ready!","Ayah, semuanya sudah siap!",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +Here comes the cake!,Ini kuenya!,https://subscene.com/ +It's so big!,Besar sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +A Shadow Clone…,Klona Bayangan...,https://subscene.com/ +That damned…,Si kurang ajar itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"Let me go, Mom!","Lepaskan aku, Bu!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +And what about us?!Aren't we part of the village too?!,"Lalu bagaimana dengan kita, bukankah kita juga bagian dari desa ini?",https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't mean he's forgottenabout the two of you.,"Tapi, bukan berarti ayah abaikan kalian berdua.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sick and tired of that excuse!,Dan aku sudah muak mendengarnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"When Dad was a kid,","Saat ayah masih kecil,",https://subscene.com/ +Which meanshe grew up not knowing,Itu berarti dia tumbuh tanpa mengetahui,https://subscene.com/ +No wonder he doesn't care!,Wajar saja kalau dia tak peduli sama sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Why did my dad have tobe the Hokage?!,Kenapa ayah harus jadi seorang Hokage?,https://subscene.com/ +Anyone can do that!,Semua orang bisa lakukan hal itu!,https://subscene.com/ +not having your father aroundon important days.,kalau tak ada ayah di sisimu di hari-hari penting seperti saat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, Himawari.","Maafkan Ibu, Himawari.",https://subscene.com/ +It's so dirty…,Kotor sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +But it's different with you.,"Tapi, kau berbeda dengan ayahmu.",https://subscene.com/ +This is so uncool!,Ini benar-benar tak keren!,https://subscene.com/ +Dad is…,Baik ayah...,https://subscene.com/ +So you've decided to come home…stupid old man?!,"Jadi, akhirnya kau pulang juga ya, dasar orang tua bodoh?",https://subscene.com/ +You're Naruto's son?,"Kau anaknya Naruto, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…Uzumaki.,Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +Is that really you…Sasuke?,"Jangan-jangan, Sasuke, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I think he's still atthe Hokage's office…,Sepertinya dia masih berada di kantor Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry to bother you.,Maaf mengganggu.,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke…Uchiha.,...Sasuke Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +I wanna take down my dad!,Aku ingin kalahkan ayahku!,https://subscene.com/ +"He broke a sacredman-to-man promise,","Dia ingkari janji sebagai laki-laki,",https://subscene.com/ +Can you do the Rasengan?,Apa kau bisa lakukan Rasengan?,https://subscene.com/ +"""Sasuke and Boruto""",Sasuke dan Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, don't be in such a hurry!","Boruto, tak perlu terburu-buru begitu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, about Mitsuki's snake…","Eh, mengenai ularnya Mitsuki...",https://subscene.com/ +Okay!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh? Are you implying that,"Oh, jangan-jangan kau anggap",https://subscene.com/ +"If that's the case,why would I do such a thing?","Kalau memang iya, untuk apa aku melakukannya?",https://subscene.com/ +My goal is to unlock the truthabout all the things in this world.,Tujuanku adalah ungkap semua misteri yang ada di dunia ini.,https://subscene.com/ +In any case…,Yang jelas...,https://subscene.com/ +However…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +"From this data,","Dari data ini,",https://subscene.com/ +Why did you ever allow himin the village?,Kenapa kau menerimanya di desa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Without a doubt, we acknowledgedthat Orochimaru posed a danger.","Kami memang tahu kalau Orochimaru itu berbahaya,",https://subscene.com/ +We believed his research will proveuseful to the village in time.,kami yakin kalau penelitiannya akan sangat berguna bagi desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even so, he should have consultedwith us first.","Meskipun begitu, dia harus berkonsultasi dulu pada kami, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"He probably thought you'd opposeif he brought it up, right?","Kalau memberi tahu kalian terlebih dulu, kalian pasti akan menentangnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I agree with you all.,Aku setuju dengan Anda berdua.,https://subscene.com/ +"He was definitely reckless,","Dia memang sudah bertindak ceroboh,",https://subscene.com/ +The Hokage is the guardianof the village.,Hokage adalah pelindung desa.,https://subscene.com/ +Kakashi…,Kakashi.,https://subscene.com/ +"What we must do now isnot criticize what has occurred,","Yang perlu kita lakukan sekarang itu bukan mengkritisi apa yang sudah terjadi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki's attendedthe Academy diligently,","Mitsuki selalu rajin datang ke akademi,",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I wantto believe in him.,"Karena itulah, aku ingin percaya padanya.",https://subscene.com/ +Then we have no choice…,Apa boleh buat.,https://subscene.com/ +The situation will only worsenif we waste time like this.,"Kalau kita terus buang waktu seperti ini, situasinya akan semakin bertambah buruk.",https://subscene.com/ +Aren't you being too easyon Lord Seventh?,Bukankah kau itu terlalu bersikap lembut kepada Hokage Ketujuh?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, Team Moegi should—","Karena itulah, tim Moegi akan...",https://subscene.com/ +Please let me go as well.,Tolong izinkan aku kejar mereka juga!,https://subscene.com/ +This involves Team 7.It's my team's problem.,ini adalah permasalahan dari Tim 7.,https://subscene.com/ +Why did you keep quietabout Mitsuki?,Kenapa Anda tak beri tahu kami sama sekali soal Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +he's…,dia juga...,https://subscene.com/ +So why did you place Mitsukion my team?,"Kalau begitu, kenapa Anda masukkan Mitsuki ke dalam timku?",https://subscene.com/ +"and I trust him as a memberof Team 7, but…","dan aku memercayainya sebagai anggota Tim 7, tapi...",https://subscene.com/ +"If you had known aboutMitsuki before this,","Misal kau mengetahui tentang Mitsuki sebelum kejadian ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"It's only natural thatyou can't forgive Orochimaru,","Wajar saja kalau kau tak bisa maafkan Orochimaru,",https://subscene.com/ +I know that too!,Aku juga mengetahuinya!,https://subscene.com/ +I wanted you to getto know Mitsuki,Aku ingin kau mengenal Mitsuki,https://subscene.com/ +Then please…,"Kalau begitu, kumohon,",https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru…,Konohamaru.,https://subscene.com/ +Personal feelings are forbiddenon a mission.,Melibatkan perasaan dalam misi itu dilarang!,https://subscene.com/ +I think she probablycouldn't stop Boruto.,"Kurasa, dia tak bisa hentikan Boruto, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what do you think, Shikadai?","Eh, bagaimana menurutmu, Shikadai?",https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai?,Shikadai?,https://subscene.com/ +We have to stopBoruto and Sarada…,"Pokoknya, kita harus hentikan Boruto dan Sarada.",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, what a drag…","Ya ampun, merepotkan saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"As you're already aware,","Aku yakin kalian sudah mengerti,",https://subscene.com/ +– Right!– Right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +After him!,Kejar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Where are you, Orochimaru?","Kau ada di mana, Orochimaru?",https://subscene.com/ +This can't be…,"Ini bohong, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Sneaking in…,Bisa-bisanya kau menyelinap masuk.,https://subscene.com/ +You must be…,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +Nice to meet you.,Salam kenal.,https://subscene.com/ +It's Lord Orochimaru.,"Tn. Orochimaru, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +What is this?,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, that's right.",Itu benar.,https://subscene.com/ +The Mitsuki I entrusted tothe Hidden Leaf Village,Mitsuki yang kupercayakan pada Desa Konoha,https://subscene.com/ +What is going on?!,Sebenarnya apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, he's my son.",Tentu saja dia adalah putraku.,https://subscene.com/ +"If anyone gets wind of what he is,","Kalau identitasnya terbongkar,",https://subscene.com/ +"Curse marks, secret research…","Tanda kutukan, penelitian rahasia...",https://subscene.com/ +How can you call yourself a parent?!,Pantaskah kau sebut dirimu orang tuanya?,https://subscene.com/ +It's nothing…,Tak ada.,https://subscene.com/ +"You didn't come all the way hereto complain to me, did you?","Kau jauh-jauh datang ke sini bukan hanya untuk memprotesku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto's waiting.,Boruto menantikanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Ms. Karin?!,Bibi Karin?,https://subscene.com/ +Those glasses look great on you.,Kacamata itu cocok sekali untukmu.,https://subscene.com/ +And what did this snakecommunicate to you?,"Jadi, apa yang disampaikan ular ini padamu?",https://subscene.com/ +But that doesn't tell mea single thing.,"Tapi, itu saja tak jelaskan apa pun.",https://subscene.com/ +"even if it's the tiniest clue,inside of it…","Apa pun itu, tak masalah.",https://subscene.com/ +Your friend should be here shortly.,Sebentar lagi temanmu akan tiba.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Sarada.","Eh, Sarada.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, it was just for a little bit, though.","Ya, meski hanya sebentar, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, these are…",Mereka ini...,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +that the boy cannot becomethe light by himself.,Anak itu takkan bisa jadi cahaya dengan kemampuannya sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"even he will shine through the darkness,like the moonlight.",dia akan mampu bersinar dalam kegelapan.,https://subscene.com/ +"But before he could,","Tapi sebelum itu,",https://subscene.com/ +The true nature…of the moonlight?,Memahami cahaya bulan sejati?,https://subscene.com/ +And all we can do is watch over himso that he can understand.,"Agar dia bisa memahaminya, yang bisa kita lakukan sekarang hanyalah mengamatinya dari kejauhan.",https://subscene.com/ +"You can't escape now, Mitsuki.","Kau sudah tak bisa kabur ke mana pun lagi, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +"Wasn't that somegood training, Yamato?","Tadi itu latihan yang bagus 'kan, Yamato?",https://subscene.com/ +otherwise you'll grow dull!,"kalau tidak, kau akan kehilangan taringmu!",https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you know?!,Kenapa kau tak tahu?,https://subscene.com/ +"You ask me, but I don't know…","Meski bertanya padaku, aku sendiri tak tahu alasannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Or, because you haveso many replacements,","Apa karena kau punya banyak penggantinya,",https://subscene.com/ +Is that why?,Apa itu alasannya?,https://subscene.com/ +Why did he go off all by himself?,Dan kenapa dia hilang begitu saja?,https://subscene.com/ +"After the incident,","Setelah insiden itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Grandma Tsunade and everyonebecame suspicious of Mitsuki!,Nenek Tsunade dan yang lainnya mulai mencurigai Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +How can you be so sure?,Kenapa kau bisa seyakin itu?,https://subscene.com/ +That boy was born in a test tubeand was raised in there.,Anak itu lahir dari tabung percobaan dan dibesarkan di sana.,https://subscene.com/ +and go to the Hidden Leaf Village.,adalah keputusan yang dia ambil sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"Let me ask you now, Boruto.","Boruto, biar kutanya sesuatu padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +how will you feel?,apa yang akan kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry…,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"So uncool, right?","Payah banget, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +And he didn't tell us at all.,Dia juga sama sekali tak beri tahu kita.,https://subscene.com/ +We didn't even try to listen to him.,Kita saja yang tak berusaha dengarkan perkataannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"We were together all the time,","Kita hampir selalu bersama,",https://subscene.com/ +But…I…,Tapi aku...,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, but that's not all.","Ya, tapi bukan itu saja.",https://subscene.com/ +How he lived after comingto the village…,"Setelah tinggal di desa, bagaimana caranya hidup di sana...",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't understand at all…,Aku sama sekali tak pahami semua itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"and really, truly get to know him.",dan ingin mengenalnya lebih jauh lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +Hurry!,Cepat!,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I'm absolutelygonna find him.,Karena itulah aku harus bisa menemukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +What will you do now?,Sekarang apa yang akan kalian lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"I still trust Mitsuki, even now.","Sampai saat ini pun, aku masih memercayai Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know whyhe disappeared,","Aku tak tahu kenapa dia menghilang,",https://subscene.com/ +That's why…,Karena itulah...,https://subscene.com/ +You're just like the Naruto of old.,"Sikapmu itu, mirip sekali dengan sikap Naruto dulu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I believe that all thingshave thoughts.,Aku percaya segala sesuatu punya makna tersendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +You're so impatient.,Kau sangat tak sabaran.,https://subscene.com/ +"The snake itself,should have its own thoughts.",Ular ini juga punya makna tersendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"You mean,","Dengan kata lain,",https://subscene.com/ +As expected from Sasuke's daughter.,Putri Sasuke memang hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +That's impossible for me.,Aku tak bisa melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Who is that?And where are they?,"Siapa orang itu, dan di mana dia tinggal?",https://subscene.com/ +He resides in Ryuchi Cave.,Dia tinggal di Gua Ryuchi.,https://subscene.com/ +Orochimaru!,Orochimaru!,https://subscene.com/ +Why did you set Karin after me?,Kenapa kau suruh Karin untuk menyerangku?,https://subscene.com/ +Feigning ignorance again?,"Pura-pura tak tahu lagi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Did anyone come here?,Apa ada orang lain yang datang ke sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Now who in the world would comelooking after someone like me?,Siapa yang nekat mau datang temui orang seperti diriku ini?,https://subscene.com/ +looking for Mitsuki.,untuk cari Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +I have no choice.,Tak ada pilihan lain.,https://subscene.com/ +Be my guest…,Silakan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I hope you get to meetthe White Snake Sage.,Kuharap kalian bisa bertemu dengan Pendeta Ular Putih.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if you do meet him,","Meskipun kalian bisa bertemu dengannya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto…","Eh, Boruto...",https://subscene.com/ +It's not whether we'll be able to.,"Bukan soal bisa atau tak bisa,",https://subscene.com/ +Found them!,Ketemu!,https://subscene.com/ +We can't afford to stop here!,Kami tak boleh terhenti di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on a minute!,Tunggu dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +"I know you're worriedabout your friend,","Aku tahu kau sangat khawatirkan temanmu itu,",https://subscene.com/ +"No, don't!",Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Tosaka?!,Mas Tosaka?,https://subscene.com/ +"As expected, it really works!","Ternyata benar-benar ampuh, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +This is becoming a pain.,Jadi merepotkan begini!,https://subscene.com/ +"Wasabi, Namida…","Wasabi, Namida.",https://subscene.com/ +"My, my…","Wah, wah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to that, I get to stalkmy prey one more time.","Ya, dengan begitu, aku bisa buru kembali mangsa yang kabur.",https://subscene.com/ +"I regret to inform you,",Maaf saja,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you're their…","Jadi, kau komplotannya mereka?",https://subscene.com/ +"Actually, I dispatched some menahead of me,",Sebenarnya aku sudah kerahkan orang,https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?,Apa kau bilang?,https://subscene.com/ +Exactly!,Tepat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +The infinite power and potentialof that Curse Mark,Potensi tanda kutukan dan kekuatan tak terbatasnya,https://subscene.com/ +He's truly…,Dia benar-benar,https://subscene.com/ +So you think you can use Jugoin any way you please?,"Jadi, demi kepentinganmu sendiri, kau manfaatkan Paman Juugo, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +My dream is to createthe ultimate Curse Mark weapon.,Impianku adalah ciptakan senjata tanda kutukan yang sempurna!,https://subscene.com/ +And that's why you got close to him?,"Jadi, untuk itu kau mendekatinya?",https://subscene.com/ +Hear me out.,Dengarkanlah.,https://subscene.com/ +Bait?,Umpan?,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Now you know how passionateI am about my research.,"Dengan begini, kalian tahu betapa hebatnya keseriusanku dalam penelitian, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +When I think of how desperatelyJugo tried to save the birds…,Padahal Paman Juugo berjuang keras untuk selamatkan burung-burung itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll be able to complete the most powerfulCurse Mark weapon!,aku bisa selesaikan senjata tanda kutukan terkuat!,https://subscene.com/ +The power of science will controlthe Curse Mark at last!,Akhirnya kekuatan ilmu pengetahuan akan kendalikan tanda kutukan!,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +As long as that guy is worth money.,Selama dia hasilkan uang.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll get the boat readyso we can set sail immediately.,Kami akan siapkan kapalnya agar bisa langsung berlayar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, I'll head there right away.","Ya, aku akan segera menyusul kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I know!",Benar juga!,https://subscene.com/ +This is a special drug.,Ini adalah obat khusus.,https://subscene.com/ +Here ya go!,Terima ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Is that all you've got?,Apa hanya sebegitu saja kemampuanmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Tsk!,Cih!,https://subscene.com/ +Water Style…,Suiton:,https://subscene.com/ +Sumire!,Sumire!,https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, you'll be—!","Kalau terus seperti ini, kau juga akan...",https://subscene.com/ +I won't abandon my friends.,Aku takkan tinggalkan temanku!,https://subscene.com/ +How lame.,Payah sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"Just hurry up,and use your Summoning!",Cepat gunakan Teknik Pemanggilanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Summoning!,Kuchiyose,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, come on…What's that?","Hoi, hoi, apa itu?",https://subscene.com/ +Which one shall I taste first?,"Yang mana dulu yang harus kucicipi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Please be careful, Ms. Karin!","Bibi Karin, berhati-hatilah!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll start…,Pertama,https://subscene.com/ +I can make out her moves somewhat with my Sharingan!,Aku bisa lihat pergerakannya dengan Sharingan-ku!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll sprinkle a lot of spice on you.,"Kalau begitu, akan kutaburkan banyak bumbu padamu!",https://subscene.com/ +You were way bigger the last time.,"Sebelumnya kau jauh lebih besar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Nue!,Nue!,https://subscene.com/ +This is so boring!,Membosankan!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll erase you completely.,Akan kulenyapkan kau sepenuhnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, shut up already!","Cih, berisik sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +The serum's finally starting to work.,Akhirnya serumnya mulai bekerja!,https://subscene.com/ +Now it's our turn to protect our friend!,Sekarang giliran kami untuk lindungi teman kami!,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like things arefinally getting exciting!,Akhirnya mulai menyenangkan juga!,https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, my chakra will…","Kalau terus seperti ini, chakra-ku...",https://subscene.com/ +I can sense her chakra with my jutsu!,Aku bisa rasakan chakra-nya dengan teknikku!,https://subscene.com/ +Now I can sense whereshe's coming from!,Sekarang aku bisa menebak dari arah mana dia menyerang!,https://subscene.com/ +On the right!,Sebelah kanan!,https://subscene.com/ +It's still dinnertime!,Masih waktunya makan malam!,https://subscene.com/ +Let me go!,Lepaskan aku!,https://subscene.com/ +"Ms. Karin, that's amazing!","Bibi Karin, kau hebat sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +Bite into my arm.,Gigitlah tanganku!,https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +That's my ability!,Itu adalah kemampuanku!,https://subscene.com/ +"If I do that, you'll be sharingyour chakra with me, right?","Tapi kalau kulakukan, Bibi Karin akan bagi chakra denganku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't be so soft!,Jangan lemah begitu!,https://subscene.com/ +My Chakra Chain isn't goingto hold her forever.,Rantai chakra-ku takkan bisa terus mengikatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll get a taste of you real soon!,Sebentar lagi aku akan mencicipi kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, you have to hit herwith all your power.","Sarada, kau harus memukulnya dengan seluruh kekuatanmu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Long ago, Sakura saved my life.","Dulu, Sakura pernah selamatkan nyawaku.",https://subscene.com/ +that I've repaid my debt to her.,kalau aku sudah balas utang budiku.,https://subscene.com/ +Bon appetit!,Selamat makan!,https://subscene.com/ +You're definitely their child!,Kau benar-benar anak mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo!,Paman Juugo!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell are you doing?!,Apa yang kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +It's more like a trigger forthe Curse Mark.,Mungkin lebih seperti pemicu tanda kutukan.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa katamu?,https://subscene.com/ +But it's necessary for the final test…,Ini adalah ujian akhir yang dibutuhkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Quit talking nonsense, will ya?!",Hentikan omong kosongmu itu!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't believe you're still so feisty.,"Tak kusangka kau masih begitu bersemangat, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Just behave.,Sebaiknya kalian diam saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"I found them,",Aku berhasil temukan mereka,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's rendezvous with Borutoand the others.,Ayo kita temui Boruto dan yang lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +No.,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksud Guru?,https://subscene.com/ +The damage has spreadto the villagers too.,Virusnya juga sudah menjalar ke warga desa.,https://subscene.com/ +We should be able to find a wayat their base camp to save everyone.,Kita harus bisa temukan cara memasuki markas itu dan selamatkan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…,Sial.,https://subscene.com/ +You guys are such lightweights.,Kalian itu lemah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, if I can't have any fun…","Ya, kalau aku tak bisa bersenang-senang lagi...",https://subscene.com/ +So annoying!,Menyebalkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Where did they go?,Ke mana perginya mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +But what can we do?,Tapi apa yang bisa kami lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Can you turn Nue giant again?,Apa kau bisa ubah Nue jadi raksasa lagi?,https://subscene.com/ +I don't think Nue's chakrahas recovered yet.,Sepertinya chakra Nue masih belum pulih.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't do that!,Tak bisa!,https://subscene.com/ +We can only beatthat guy's crazy strength,Kita hanya bisa kalahkan kekuatan milik orang itu,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you think a giant Nuewould be able to do that?,"Kau pasti berpikir kalau Nue raksasa bisa melakukannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I can't…,Aku tak bisa.,https://subscene.com/ +Namida…,Namida.,https://subscene.com/ +We're not worried at all!,Kami tak khawatir sama sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't stress out so much.,Jangan terlalu pikirkan hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Since that's the case,",Karena itulah,https://subscene.com/ +"You guys, thank you!","Kalian berdua, terima kasih!",https://subscene.com/ +What are you trying to attemptin that sorry state?,"Dengan tubuh seperti itu, apa yang akan kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +You're making me excited!,Kau membuatku jadi lebih bersemangat!,https://subscene.com/ +"With my power, I won't lose!","Dengan kekuatanku, aku takkan kalah!",https://subscene.com/ +Nue!,Nue!,https://subscene.com/ +"Please, Nue!","Nue, kumohon!",https://subscene.com/ +Nue! No!,"Nue, jangan!",https://subscene.com/ +Why?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Wasabi, Namida!","Wasabi, Namida!",https://subscene.com/ +"Nue, your power was awesome too!",Kekuatan Nue juga luar biasa!,https://subscene.com/ +Just how long are—?,Sampai kapan...,https://subscene.com/ +This was not part of the plan!,Ini bukan bagian dari rencana!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Shoot him!,Tembak dia!,https://subscene.com/ +Ta-dah!,"Jreng, jreng!",https://subscene.com/ +What do you think?,Bagaimana menurutmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't it wonderful?,"Hebat sekali, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +The sky is starting to get bright.,Langitnya mulai cerah.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you're right, this is bad.","Kalau ucapanmu benar, bisa gawat.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to the lake to make sure!,"Untuk memastikannya, aku akan pergi ke danau!",https://subscene.com/ +That's the one thing we have to stop!,Kami harus cegah hal itu terjadi!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"Take Jugo, and escape!",Cebat bawa Juugo dan pergi dari sini!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh yes, if I recall,you use a very interesting jutsu.","Ah, kalau tak salah kau gunakan teknik yang sangat menarik.",https://subscene.com/ +"Stop, Boruto.","Hentikan, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Get away from me!,Menjauhlah dariku!,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it,what do you intend on doing?!","Sial, sebenarnya apa yang ingin kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"I'll show you, Boruto!","Akan aku perlihatkan padamu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on Boruto:Naruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +We did it!,Kita berhasil!,https://subscene.com/ +And you're beautiful!I bet you're really popular!,"Karena kau cantik, kau pasti sangat terkenal, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I really like you,Miss Mirai!",Aku menyukai Mbak Mirai!,https://subscene.com/ +There's nothing to fearas long as we're together!,"Selama kita bersama, tak ada yang perlu ditakutkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +But there's only one roadon the map.,Padahal di peta hanya ada satu jalan.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Kotaro! What happened?!,"Pak Kotaro, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +They cleaned out all ofthe jewels in the safe.,Mereka ambil semua permata di tempat penyimpanan.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +They've been active in severalother villages here and there.,Mereka aktif lakukan kegiatan pencurian mereka di beberapa desa.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm about to investigatethe inside of the safe.,Aku akan lakukan penyelidikan di ruang penyimpanan.,https://subscene.com/ +You really shouldn't!,Sebaiknya jangan!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm trained to endure stuff like that,so I'll be fine!","Aku sudah terlatih untuk yang begituan, jadi tak masalah!",https://subscene.com/ +It's kept at minus 20 degreesin here.,Suhu di sini dibuat stabil minus 20 derajat.,https://subscene.com/ +the alarm is programmed to go off.,alarmnya akan berbunyi.,https://subscene.com/ +Which means this was probablyan inside job.,Kemungkinan besar ada orang dalam yang turut serta.,https://subscene.com/ +I hope Boruto's okay…,"Apa Boruto akan baik-baik saja, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"You did suchan amazing job, Metal!","Kau lakukan pekerjaan yang hebat ya, Metal!",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, you even put holesin the Great Stone Faces.",Metal bahkan membuat lubang di patung Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +"I got so nervous,but I didn't do it purpose!","Itu karena aku gugup, bukan sengaja melakukannya!",https://subscene.com/ +It's been five days already.,"Sudah lima hari, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru Sensei warned younot to take any action on your own.,Guru Konohamaru sudah bilang kau tak boleh bertindak seenaknya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what are noble thieves?","Eh, pencuri dermawan itu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"No matter what the excuse,stealing is stealing.","Apa pun alasannya, mencuri tetaplah mencuri.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm trying to read my book.,"Aku sedang baca buku, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Shikadai, what do you think?","Shikadai, bagaimana menurutmu?",https://subscene.com/ +"And as we start going on missions,","Karena kita sudah mulai jalankan misi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Not that I know, but…","Kurang lebih begitu, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +It means you can't just lookat things in black and white.,Artinya kau jangan pandang sesuatu secara normal.,https://subscene.com/ +Talking as if you've seen it all already!,Aku paling tak suka mengobrol denganmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Right?,"Nah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Never mind me.,Jangan dipikirkan deh ucapanku.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not like you.,Aku bukan sepertimu.,https://subscene.com/ +Seriously?,"Jadi begitu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, can you leave me alone?","Sudahlah, tak perlu dibahas lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +What're you doing?,Sedang apa memangnya?,https://subscene.com/ +Dad said if I figure outthis shogi strategy…,"Ayah bilang kalau aku bisa mengetahui strategi shogi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, it's such a drag!","Dasar, merepotkan juga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you could say that.","Ya, bisa dibilang begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +"You see, this doesn't have levelsor ultimate moves.",Permainan ini tak punya teknik level tinggi atau teknik rahasia.,https://subscene.com/ +The Gold General can't movediagonally or backwards.,Jenderal Emas tak bisa digerakkan diagonal atau mundur.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're bothering me, so shut up.","Kau benar-benar mengganggu, diam saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Figured what out?,Menyadari apa?,https://subscene.com/ +They're always so impetuous.,"Dasar, mereka selalu tak sabaran.",https://subscene.com/ +They're in the springtimeof their youth!,"Ya, mereka benar-benar punya semangat anak muda, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +so I'm gonna try moving toanother spot and rethink things.,jadi aku akan pindah ke tempat lain supaya dapat inspirasi.,https://subscene.com/ +A flower?,"Bunga, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I found it in front of the bank safe.,Aku menemukannya di depan tempat penyimpanan.,https://subscene.com/ +WATER—WIND—ICEIce Style?,Elemen Es?,https://subscene.com/ +FIREWATER— WINDEARTH — LIGHTNINGYou know that we usefive styles of ninjutsu…,Ninjutsu yang kita gunakan terbagi atas lima.,https://subscene.com/ +"An Academy lesson, right now?",Di saat seperti ini bahas pelajaran akademi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Jutsu passed on only to certain clans,called Kekkei Genkai.","Yakni, teknik yang disebut sebagai Kekkei Genkai yang mana diwariskan melalui klan.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm starting to seewhat you're getting at.,Aku mulai mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +"to bring his body temperature downto minus 20 degrees, right?","sanggup turunkan suhu tubuhnya hingga minus 20 derajat, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +That's why the thermal sensorsin the safe didn't go off.,"Jadi, karena itu sensor suhunya tak bereaksi?",https://subscene.com/ +it would explain whythe flower got frozen…,membekunya bunga ini juga jadi jelas.,https://subscene.com/ +Hold it!,Tunggu sebentar.,https://subscene.com/ +Missions that involve confrontingshinobi are B-ranked.,"Kalau misinya melawan ninja, maka akan jadi misi Kelas B.",https://subscene.com/ +"If you're gonna be a suckerand report this,","Kalau kau melapor dengan terus terang,",https://subscene.com/ +"So, you're saying we should pretendwe don't know this?","Jadi, kau ingin kita pura-pura tak tahu?",https://subscene.com/ +I like your idea.,Ada.,https://subscene.com/ +So? Can you figure outtheir whereabouts?,"Jadi, apa keberadaan mereka bisa ditebak?",https://subscene.com/ +Then don't get our hopes up.,"Ya, jangan beri harapan palsu, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +Shino Sensei might know somethingabout Ice Style.,Mungkin Guru Shino tahu sesuatu mengenai Elemen Es.,https://subscene.com/ +he'll figure out that we're tryingto take on the shinobi.,bisa ketahuan kalau yang kita hadapi adalah ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +I just might…,"Mungkin ada, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Today is the day when I'll takea giant step in ninjutsu research!,Hari ini akan memperingati langkah besar kita dalam penelitian Ninjutsu!,https://subscene.com/ +I was experimenting withgoing through a wall…,"Aku sedang eksperimen menembus dinding,",https://subscene.com/ +How do you know him?,Kenal dari mana?,https://subscene.com/ +"He does ""weird research,""","lalu lakukan penelitian aneh,",https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, young master…","Ayolah, Tuan Muda.",https://subscene.com/ +"But you see, every time he comes,he slips me the newest game software.","Tapi, dia sering kali bocorkan gim terbaru padaku.",https://subscene.com/ +What? No kidding! Really?,Serius?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto…","Eh, Boruto...",https://subscene.com/ +Do you know about Ice Style?,Apa kau tahu soal Elemen Es?,https://subscene.com/ +Paper Bomb?!,Bom kertas?,https://subscene.com/ +"Looks like fun, eh?","Kelihatan menarik, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Just watch…,Lihat saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Ouch!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll go get some ice, so wait here.","Aku akan bawakanmu es, jadi tunggulah.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +to sneak into a safe withouttriggering the sensors.,menyelinap masuk ke dalam lemari besi tanpa terbaca sensor dapat dilakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +A gang of thieveswho use the Ice Style?,"Sekelompok pencuri yang gunakan Elemen Es, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Got any ideas about where guyslike them might hang out?,Apa kira-kira kau tahu di mana mereka berada?,https://subscene.com/ +But one place doescome to mind.,tapi ada satu tempat yang membuatku kepikiran.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm not surprised thatyou don't know, Young Lord.","Wajar kau tak tahu, Tuan Muda.",https://subscene.com/ +There are so many interesting things.,"Banyak hal yang terlihat menarik, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Due to the nature of my work,I check it out sometimes…","Karena tuntutan pekerjaan, terkadang aku datang ke sini.",https://subscene.com/ +This is a message board strictlyfor those who wish to barter secretly.,Ini adalah papan pesan yang khusus bagi mereka yang ingin transaksi diam-diam.,https://subscene.com/ +See this right here?,Lihat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +The trade is set for tomorrow afternoon.,Transaksinya dilakukan siang besok.,https://subscene.com/ +Then let's pretend to be the buyerand ambush them!,"Kalau ya, ayo kita pura-pura jadi pembeli dan sergap mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna get 'em for sure!,Aku pasti akan tangkap mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…,Sialan.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm really in a rut.,Benar-benar buntu.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Hai.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's right, I was missing a piece.","Benar juga, bidakku kurang satu.",https://subscene.com/ +I watched you save the boy earlier.,Tadi aku melihatmu selamatkan anak tadi.,https://subscene.com/ +That was kinda embarrassing…,"Sisi memalukanku jadi terlihat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you always this way?,Apa kau selalu begini?,https://subscene.com/ +"I guess by making snide remarks,","Sepertinya dengan gaya bicara menyindir itu,",https://subscene.com/ +"Each piece can only makecertain moves, right?","Tiap-tiap bidak jalannya sudah ditentukan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +No. I think it's pretty interesting.,"Tidak, kupikir ini cukup menarik.",https://subscene.com/ +But even the weakest-looking pawnmust never be overlooked.,"Tapi, bidak yang bahkan terlihat paling lemah tak boleh diabaikan.",https://subscene.com/ +"and is only there to servehis purpose, right?","dan hanya itulah tugas dan kewajibannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Checkmate…right?,"Sekakmat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm stuck.,Celaka.,https://subscene.com/ +You're…the King?,Kau Raja?,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you're right.","Ya, bisa dianggap begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +"A pawn who makes it into enemy territoryis called an upstart,",Bidak yang memasuki wilayah lawan bisa naik pangkat,https://subscene.com/ +So it turns into another piece?,"Bisa berubah jadi bidak lain, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +They can all become Gold Generals.,bisa menjadi Jenderal Emas.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay…checkmate.,"Baik, sekakmat.",https://subscene.com/ +"No do-overs, right?","Kalau tak salah, mengulang tak boleh, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You have the Rook?!,Kau punya Benteng?,https://subscene.com/ +Time to quit!,"Sudah, ah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, it's gotten so dark.",Hari juga sudah semakin gelap.,https://subscene.com/ +So today was kinda fun.,"Jadi, kurasa hari ini cukup menyenangkan.",https://subscene.com/ +What does he do?,Apa pekerjaannya?,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you sure?,Apa kau yakin?,https://subscene.com/ +Practice hard.,Berlatihlah dengan tekun.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, you're back unusually early.","Oh, tumben sekali kau pulang cepat.",https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not it…,Bukan begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Did something happen?,Apa terjadi sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, can you teach mesome new board tactics?","Omong-omong, bisakah Ayah mengajariku strategi baru bermain shogi?",https://subscene.com/ +It's a little too soon to teach youClimbing Silver.,Masih terlalu cepat bagiku untuk mengajarimu teknik Bogin.,https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, I hear Boruto's upto his old tricks again.","Omong-omong, kudengar Boruto berulah lagi, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I saw him and Mitsuki earlier with,Tadi aku melihatnya bersama Mitsuki,https://subscene.com/ +"With stuff like that,he's just like his old man.","Dengan pakaian seperti itu, dia sama persis seperti ayahnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Climbing Silver uses frontline soldiersto breakthrough enemy territory.,Teknik Bogin menggunakan para prajurit garis depan untuk tembus wilayah musuh.,https://subscene.com/ +Dinner's ready!,Makan malam sudah siap!,https://subscene.com/ +to protect the King from an opponentwho is better than you.,untuk lindungi Raja dari lawan yang lebih hebat darimu.,https://subscene.com/ +Dinner is ready…,Makan malam sudah siap.,https://subscene.com/ +"But one day, my Sensei…","Tapi suatu hari, guruku...",https://subscene.com/ +"I said…dinner's ready, damn it!","Aku bilang makan malam sudah siap, Sialan!",https://subscene.com/ +The gold is in here.,Uangnya ada di dalam koper ini.,https://subscene.com/ +So let me see the goods you brought.,"Sekarang, perlihatkan barang yang kaubawa.",https://subscene.com/ +"First, the jewel.",Permatanya dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, now!","Sarada, sekarang!",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't make a fuss,and hand over that jewel.","Jangan melawan, cepat serahkan berlian itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't move.,Jangan bergerak.,https://subscene.com/ +Paper Bombs!,Bom kertas!,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like the Byakuya Gangreally likes to play dirty.,"Sepertinya Kelompok Byakuya suka gunakan cara-cara kotor, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +why would kids like you sidewith the rich?,kenapa anak-anak seperti kalian memihak orang kaya?,https://subscene.com/ +That's our noble mission!,Itulah misi mulia kami!,https://subscene.com/ +"The rich themselves are thieves,","Orang kaya adalah pencuri,",https://subscene.com/ +That's just an excuse!,Itu alasan yang sangat konyol!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you want the jewel that much,you can have it.","Kalau kalian inginkan permata itu, ambil saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't it weird?,Aneh sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I dunno…,Aku tak tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +It's like he wants us to follow him.,Sepertinya dia ingin kita mengikutinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if it is, we've got to go!","Meskipun ini jebakan, kita harus tetap maju!",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if it's broken?,"Apa peralatan ini rusak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't let your guard down.,Jangan sampai lengah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, did a guy ina scary mask just pass by?","Hoi, apa kalian lihat pria bertopeng lewat sini?",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +This village is high above ground.,Desa ini berada di tempat yang tinggi.,https://subscene.com/ +The only way to get wateris to draw it,Untuk mendapatkannya hanya dengan mengangkutnya,https://subscene.com/ +What are you talking about?!,Apa yang kaubicarakan?,https://subscene.com/ +"As a result, the villagers must walkthree hours one way","Akibatnya, warga desa harus berjalan selama tiga jam",https://subscene.com/ +"You live without a carein the world in the city,",Orang yang tinggal di kota besar seperti kalian,https://subscene.com/ +Why don't they fix the water wheel?,Kenapa kau tak perbaiki katrolnya?,https://subscene.com/ +I'll let you inon something interesting.,Biar kukatakan satu hal yang menarik.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Do you get it?,"Kau masih belum mengerti juga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +became the funds to repairthe village water wheel!,jadi biaya untuk perbaiki katrol air desa ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Everything will be okay.,Tenang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"What's wrong, Boruto?","Ada apa, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +I told you not to act alone!,Sudah kubilang jangan bertindak sendiri!,https://subscene.com/ +About that jewelry heist…,Mengenai pencurian permata itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"So, don't worry about it anymore.","Jadi, kau tak perlu khawatirkan hal itu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, Boruto…","Dengar, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +to get depressed overone or two failures.,untuk bisa depresi setelah satu atau dua kegagalan seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +You're late.,Kau terlambat.,https://subscene.com/ +to get money from foolish rich people?,untuk dapatkan uang dari orang-orang kaya yang bodoh?,https://subscene.com/ +Yet you failed.,"Tapi, kau gagal.",https://subscene.com/ +But don't be impatient.,"Tapi, jangan terburu-buru.",https://subscene.com/ +We're following the strategyyou came up with.,Kami akan ikuti strategi yang sudah disiapkan.,https://subscene.com/ +He's gotten arrogant too.,Dia juga mulai bersikap arogan.,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +Do you need a playing partner?,Apa kau mau bermain dengan Kakek?,https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah?,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I shoulda asked his name at least.,Seharusnya aku tanyakan namanya terlebih dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +Wait!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +We don't have authorizationto engage!,Kita tak punya hak untuk melawan mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll engage them.,Aku akan lawan mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you think we should just keepan eye on the situation?,"Tapi, bukankah sebaiknya kita harus amati situasinya terlebih dulu?",https://subscene.com/ +"""Shikadai's Doubts""",Keraguan Shikadai.,https://subscene.com/ +Your own brethren…,Kau memakan...,https://subscene.com/ +That fiend!,Dasar iblis!,https://subscene.com/ +The transfer of power…,Penyerahan kekuatan,https://subscene.com/ +This playtime has gone on too long.,Waktu bermain kita sudah terlalu lama.,https://subscene.com/ +You fools who dare defy a god!,Wahai para makhluk bodoh yang berani melawan dewa!,https://subscene.com/ +Humph…,Hem.,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Kazekage!,Tn. Kazekage!,https://subscene.com/ +This is really bad!,Bukankah ini gawat?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh?,Oh?,https://subscene.com/ +That's not the only thing.,Bukan hanya itu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,Aku paham sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +"Nah, rather…","Ya, daripada dibilang berbeda,",https://subscene.com/ +Oh please…,Tak perlu basa-basi.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad…,Ayah.,https://subscene.com/ +This is getting fun.,Ini mulai menarik.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Why you—!,Kurang ajar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Here we go, Naruto!","Bersiaplah, Naruto!",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Inukai Takeru no Mikoto!,犬飼健命,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke!,Sasuke!,https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, Sasuke?","Apa kau baik-baik saja, Sasuke?",https://subscene.com/ +There you are…Nine-Tailed Fox Demon…,"Akhirnya kau muncul juga, monster rubah Ekor-Sembilan.",https://subscene.com/ +shall be mine!,akan jadi milikku!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll lend you the powerof the Susano'o.,Akan kupinjamkan kekuatan Susano'o padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +You vulgar creatures!,Dasar makhluk rendahan!,https://subscene.com/ +No… It's not over yet.,"Tidak, ini masih belum berakhir.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's finish him with some flashy jutsuand get it over with.,Ayo segera akhiri dia dengan teknik yang memukau.,https://subscene.com/ +"If he absorbs our chakra again,we'll be back to square one.","Kalau dia menyerap chakra lagi, semua akan sia-sia saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Looks like everyone's okay.,"Sepertinya kalian baik-baik saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Katasuke!,Katasuke?,https://subscene.com/ +They must have snuck in with us!,Pasti mereka diam-diam mengikuti kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"You idiot, stop!","Bodoh, hentikan!",https://subscene.com/ +Take this!,Rasakan ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Did he just absorb the chakra?,Apa dia itu menyerap chakra?,https://subscene.com/ +That thing is just like our pills.,Benda itu mirip seperti pil kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, I give you my gratitude,you fools!","tapi aku berterima kasih padamu, Orang-orang Dungu!",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't this the Nara Clan's?!,"Ini tekniknya klan Nara, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Naruto!,Naruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm putting extra effort into you.,Aku memberimu perlakuan istimewa!,https://subscene.com/ +This isn't looking too good.,Ini benar-benar buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…What do I—?!,"Sialan, aku harus bagaimana?",https://subscene.com/ +What's your Ninja Way?,Apa jalan ninjamu?,https://subscene.com/ +I never really thought about it.,Aku belum begitu memikirkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +and I figure it all dependson your feelings.,Selain itu juga tak sejalan dengan perasaanku.,https://subscene.com/ +"And you're right.It may be old-fashioned,","Memang benar sudah ketinggalan zaman,",https://subscene.com/ +I don't really understand…,Aku tak begitu mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +"You'll need to do it, Boruto.","Di saat itulah kau harus melakukannya, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Trust my words.,Percayalah pada kata-kataku.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't wimp out now!,Sekarang bukan saatnya untuk takut!,https://subscene.com/ +I just gotta do this!,Aku hanya perlu melakukannya!,https://subscene.com/ +You should've just stayedout of sight.,Harusnya kau itu bersembunyi saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, don't worry.","Ya, tenang saja.",https://subscene.com/ +The Shadow Paralysis…,Peniru Bayangannya...,https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +I told him I'd only accept himas my pupil,Aku memberitahunya kalau dia hanya akan kuterima sebagai muridku,https://subscene.com/ +And he managed to do itin just a few days' time.,Dan dia mampu melakukannya hanya dalam beberapa hari saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"and unconsciously changedits Chakra Nature, creating a new jutsu…","dan tak sadar sudah ubah elemen chakra-nya dan ciptakan teknik baru,",https://subscene.com/ +A Vanishing Rasengan?,"""Rasengan yang menghilang""?",https://subscene.com/ +I did that? Mr. Sasuke?!,"Aku menciptakannya, Paman Sasuke?",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't even know how I did it, though…",Meskipun aku sendiri tak tahu bagaimana cara melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Good job, Boruto.","Kau selamatkan kami, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Momoshiki Otsutsuki…,Momoshiki Otsutsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +But it seems that you can't take jutsuthat you can't see.,"tapi sepertinya kau tak bisa serap teknik yang tak bisa kaulihat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +So what if I cannot see it?,Memangnya kenapa kalau aku tak bisa melihatnya?,https://subscene.com/ +He was hiding more pills!,"Dia masih sembunyikan beberapa pil, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"But Dad, I'm not strong enough to…","Tapi, kalau hanya dengan kekuatanku saja, itu takkan cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +It's so heavy!,Berat!,https://subscene.com/ +This weight…,Beban yang berat ini,https://subscene.com/ +I don't feel like losing today!,Sepertinya aku takkan kalah!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn you!,Kurang ajar!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you the real one?,Apa kau yang asli?,https://subscene.com/ +over here!,...di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Rasengan!,螺旋丸,https://subscene.com/ +"Like I said,there won't be a second time!","Sudah kukatakan, seranganmu takkan bisa mengenaiku untuk yang kedua kali!",https://subscene.com/ +This is nothing!I am Momoshiki Otsutsuki!,Yang seperti ini tak ada apa-apanya bagi Momoshiki Otsutsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +"Can you sense my presence,human child?","Apa kau bisa rasakan kehadiranku, Anak Manusia?",https://subscene.com/ +Now I understand…,Begitu rupanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"However, you are still inexperienced.","Tapi, kau masih belum berpengalaman.",https://subscene.com/ +Why you!,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +Beware…,Bersiaplah.,https://subscene.com/ +take everything from you!,akan ambil semuanya dari dirimu!,https://subscene.com/ +Those who defeat gods cannotremain ordinary individuals.,Orang yang sudah kalahkan dewa takkan bisa jadi manusia biasa lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Reflect well upon thy fate…as you proceed in life…,"Renungi takdirmu, serta apa yang sudah kau lalui dalam hidupmu,",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Magnificent.,Luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I see…","Oh, begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +O-Oww!,Aduh.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if times change,the soul of a shinobi never changes.","Meskipun waktu terus berjalan, jiwa seorang ninja takkan pernah berubah.",https://subscene.com/ +He's just like you.,Dia sama seperti dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I told you so, loser.","Seperti apa yang kubilang 'kan, dasar pecundang?",https://subscene.com/ +Neither do you.,Kau juga.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm still able to standon my own two feet.,Aku masih bisa berdiri.,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like it.,"Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Human child, huh?","Anak manusia, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm the son of Naruto Uzumaki…,"Aku adalah putra dari Naruto Uzumaki,",https://subscene.com/ +"In any case, Boruto is amazing.","Boruto itu memang hebat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +and the son of the Seventh.,anak dari Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +Being Hokage is just one track to me.,Menjadi Hokage itu seperti jalan satu arah.,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generation,",https://subscene.com/ +The Academy…,Akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +"the Hidden Leaf's training centerfor shinobi,","pusat pelatihan ninja di desa Konoha,",https://subscene.com/ +"However, peace and stabilityin the modern world","Tapi, kedamaian serta stabilitas di era modern ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"Today, a general curriculum ofeducational courses is offered","Saat ini, pelajaran yang diberikan hanyalah Ninjutsu",https://subscene.com/ +It is an academic facilitywhere the next generation,Tujuan dari fasilitas pendidikan akademi adalah,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, so this is gonna bethe stage where I make my mark…","Baiklah, ini akan jadi panggung pertama yang akan selalu kukenang.",https://subscene.com/ +You were just suspendedfor two weeks.,"Padahal baru diskors dua minggu, mau apa lagi kau itu?",https://subscene.com/ +Show some restraint.,Cobalah tahan dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, he didn't drop out…","Dia tak diberhentikan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm Boruto Uzumaki!,Aku Boruto Uzumaki!,https://subscene.com/ +I told you to restrain yourself.,"Sudah kubilang untuk menahan diri, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Is that how it works?,"Begitu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +My mom's finally gonnaease up on me.,"Ya, akhirnya ibu mau lepaskanku.",https://subscene.com/ +I had to study at homethe whole two weeks.,Dua minggu penuh aku disuruh belajar.,https://subscene.com/ +How come he wasn't punishedafter doing something like that?,"Setelah berbuat seperti itu, kenapa dimaafkan?",https://subscene.com/ +That wasn't just a prank.,"Itu bukan hal kecil, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We'd all be dead by now.,Bisa jatuh banyak korban.,https://subscene.com/ +He can hear you.,"Dia bisa mendengarmu, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't pay attention to them.,Jangan dihiraukan.,https://subscene.com/ +They can say whatever they want.,Biar saja mau bilang apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +This is your first day!,Kenapa sampai lupa di hari pertama?,https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, don't say that.","Jangan bilang begitu, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +only because of thatridiculous stunt he pulled?,dia lakukan aksi yang konyol?,https://subscene.com/ +"Our parents are friends, that's all.",Hanya kebetulan saja orang tua kami teman dekat.,https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't call us that.,"Sama sekali tak bisa disebut begitu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't blame you.,"Benar juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Lord Naruto, the Hokage…","Tn. Naruto, sang Hokage.",https://subscene.com/ +"Riding on the Hokage's coattails, huh?","Menumpang tenar nama Hokage, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oops, did I just say that out loud?","Aduh, apa suaraku tadi terlalu keras?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, sorry.","Ah, maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +But that's just howeveryone's feeling here.,"Tapi, itulah yang dipikirkan semua orang di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +it would be normalif they were thrown in jail.,biasanya akan dimasukkan ke dalam penjara.,https://subscene.com/ +"Look, you know that's notwhat happened.","Kau ini, sebenarnya kau tahu apa yang terjadi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hi, Inojin.","Oh, Inojin.",https://subscene.com/ +All of our parents are.,"Yang berteman orang tua kami, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"I know you've been like thisfor a long time,","Aku tahu kalau kau memang seperti ini dari dulu,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not trying to causetrouble or anything.,"Aku tak bermaksud cari masalah, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Uh-huh. How our parents aredoesn't matter.,"Ya, ini semua tak ada hubungannya dengan orang tua kita.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I don't even consider youworth my trust.","Tapi, sebenarnya aku tak terlalu percaya denganmu.",https://subscene.com/ +"We'll be studying together,so let's try to get along!","Kita akan belajar bersama-sama di sini, jadi kita harus akur!",https://subscene.com/ +Stand!,Berdiri!,https://subscene.com/ +We've finally completed measuring,"Dengan begini, kita sudah selesaikan",https://subscene.com/ +"Next time, we'll begin actual practiceusing the data we've gathered.","Selanjutnya, kita akan mulai berlatih berdasarkan data tersebut.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! You're terrific!,"Boruto, kau memang hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +What? I'm not on top?,"Apa? Bukan yang pertama, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +The one with the best timeisn't here today.,Kurasa dia tak datang hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm so hungry.,Aku lapar.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you going to lunch?Can I join…,"Kalau mau makan, bagaimana kalau kita makan bareng?",https://subscene.com/ +You should go quickly too.,Kalian seharusnya cepat-cepat pergi.,https://subscene.com/ +What's with them?,Ada apa dengan mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +Go somewhere else.,Pergilah ke tempat lain.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm using this room right now.,Aku sedang pakai tempat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I-Iwabe…,I-Iwabe.,https://subscene.com/ +It's rumored that he failedthe graduation exams twice.,Rumornya dia sudah gagal ikuti ujian kelulusan dua kali.,https://subscene.com/ +Nice to meet you!,"Ya, senang bertemu denganmu!",https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't matter whose son I am.,Orang tuaku tak ada hubungannya dengan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +of having a guy like youhanging around all the time.,Karena aku harus bergaul dengan orang-orang sepertimu.,https://subscene.com/ +A brat riding on his father's coattails!,Bocah ingusan yang berlindung di balik nama besar ayahnya!,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you have a problem, come at me.","Kalau kau berani, ayo lawan aku.",https://subscene.com/ +Even the teachers are impressedwith Iwabe's taijutsu.,Bahkan para guru pun terkesan dengan Taijutsu Iwabe.,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know, but…","Aku tak tahu, tapi...",https://subscene.com/ +Strength is everything for a ninja.,"Bagi seorang ninja, kekuatan adalah segalanya.",https://subscene.com/ +Even the present Hokage wasthe strongest in all of history.,Bahkan Hokage sekarang pun merupakan ninja terkuat dalam sejarah ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +There he goes again.,Dia mulai lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"But Iwabe, even Lord Seventhhas made it his goal","Tapi Iwabe, bahkan Hokage Ketujuh pun",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I also…,Karena itulah aku juga...,https://subscene.com/ +Weaklings should justkeep their mouths shut!,Orang yang lemah tak pantas untuk bicara!,https://subscene.com/ +"When Lord Hokage wasa ninja on the front lines,","Saat Tn. Hokage masih jadi seorang ninja di garis depan,",https://subscene.com/ +"But in no time,","Tapi dalam sekejap,",https://subscene.com/ +I can't accept that.,Aku tak terima.,https://subscene.com/ +is a nuisance!,tak pantas berada di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto's not like that at all!,Boruto tak seperti itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Brave words…,Kata-katamu menarik juga.,https://subscene.com/ +you can only say that to meafter you beat me!,"Kalahkan aku dulu, baru kau boleh bilang begitu padaku!",https://subscene.com/ +So your idea of strength is,"Hoi, kaupikir kekuatan itu bisa kaugunakan",https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?!,Apa kaubilang?,https://subscene.com/ +"It's okay, Shikadai!","Tak apa-apa, Shikadai!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll take you on!,"Tapi, aku akan melawanmu!",https://subscene.com/ +Shino Sensei…,Guru Shino.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +He's quite a character.,"Dia lumayan nakal juga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Make it worthwhile.,Nikmatilah pekerjaanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Where are my students?,Di mana murid-muridku?,https://subscene.com/ +No way.,Mana mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +This is gonna be fun.,Menarik sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +This is a ninjutsu match accordingto the Academy rules!,Ini pertarungan Ninjutsu yang harus sesuai dengan aturan di akademi ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"Because if I did, you'd die.","Karena kalau aku menggunakannya, kau pasti akan mati.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's not.","Tidak, itu bukan salahmu.",https://subscene.com/ +He'll end up gettingsuspended again.,Dia pasti akan diskors lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +He'll probably get expelled.,Bukannya dikeluarkan?,https://subscene.com/ +So you can keep up a little.,Kau bisa sedikit menghibur.,https://subscene.com/ +It's not working!,Tak kena!,https://subscene.com/ +Impressive!,Hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm not, but…","Memang tak tertarik, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +You must be delusional.,Pasti hanya perasaanmu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +He's no match for the guy.,Sama sekali bukan lawan yang sebanding.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not falling for it!,Takkan semudah itu!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +A substitution?!,"Pengganti Tubuh, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Where is he?!,Di mana dia?,https://subscene.com/ +Substitution with a Disguise Jutsu.,Pengganti Tubuh denganTeknik Sembunyi.,https://subscene.com/ +That's some chakra you have.,Chakra-mu pasti luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +"""Energy that is produced bythe immeasurable amounts","""Energi yang dihasilkan dari sel yang tak terhitung",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Here I come!,Bersiaplah!,https://subscene.com/ +But you reallyshouldn't waste them.,"Tapi, kau terlalu boros menggunakannya.",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +"According to the data,","Berdasarkan data,",https://subscene.com/ +Although his grades inother courses were dismal…,Meskipun nilainya di mata pelajaran lain buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +The Academy should've justlet that guy graduate.,Seharusnya pihak akademi biarkan dia lulus saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Go!,Maju!,https://subscene.com/ +He treats us clones so rough…,"Padahal hanya bayangan, tapi sok memerintah.",https://subscene.com/ +So determined…,"Pantang menyerah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"One thing for sure,","Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +You're too easy!,Terlalu mudah!,https://subscene.com/ +But you will.,"Tapi itu diperbolehkan, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +They rose up using their power…,"Hanya karena mereka sudah kuat,",https://subscene.com/ +"If things were the same,","Kalau zamannya masih sama,",https://subscene.com/ +Could you…possibly just bereally bad at studying?,"Jangan-jangan, kau itu memang tak bisa belajar, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You're taking it out onthe wrong person.,Itu sih hanya alasan kebencianmu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you wanna become a ninja,you have to keep at it,","Kalau kau ingin jadi ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +"Instead, you blame the times…","Tapi, kau malah salahkan zaman.",https://subscene.com/ +That is so uncool!,Itu benar-benar payah!,https://subscene.com/ +There's no wayI'm gonna lose to you!,Mustahil aku kalah dari orang sepertimu!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +The one at the very backis the real you!,Yang berada di bagian paling belakang merupakan dirimu yang asli!,https://subscene.com/ +– I'm not riding on…– I'm not riding on…,Aku tak menumpang tenar...,https://subscene.com/ +You've got your circumstances…,Aku tahu kau punya masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +Quit messing around…,"Jangan bercanda,",https://subscene.com/ +What is that?!,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Ah, man!",Gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +I want to fight like him.,Aku ingin bertarung seperti beliau.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't want it all to end here!,Aku tak ingin semua itu berakhir di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +What's the big idea?!,"Kau, apa yang kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +You're right…,Kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,Ada apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Count me in too!,"Aku juga ikut, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Ah…thank goodness.,"Ah, syukurlah.",https://subscene.com/ +Cuz' I'm the Class Rep!,Soalnya aku ini kan ketua kelas!,https://subscene.com/ +Although Mitarashi Senseigave him an earful.,Meskipun guru Mitarashi memarahinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"And he'll always get awaywith it, right?","Dan dia selalu saja lolos, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You guys are sad.,Kalian menyedihkan sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +He wasn't fighting for himself.He did it for his classmate.,"Dia bertarung bukan untuk dirinya sendiri, melainkan untuk teman sekelasnya.",https://subscene.com/ +did any of you go to his rescue?,apa kalian pergi untuk menolongnya?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not quoting Boruto…,Aku tak bermaksud untuk bela Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe…,Iwabe.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, since we're classmates…",Soalnya ini juga kelasku.,https://subscene.com/ +Stand!,Berdiri!,https://subscene.com/ +Since I secluded myselfin the woods,Karena aku mengasingkan diriku di hutan,https://subscene.com/ +Move outta the way!,Minggir!,https://subscene.com/ +"Metal, watch out! It's dangerous!","Metal, awas!",https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai and everyone's watching!,Shikadai dan yanglainnya sedang melihatku!,https://subscene.com/ +JONINCHUNINGENINRECEPTION - INFORMATION DESKI will now announce your mission.,"Baiklah, akan kuumumkan misi kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +that's classified asa national treasure.,akan kirimkan piring yang merupakan harta nasional.,https://subscene.com/ +This is kind of nerve-wracking…,"Rasanya agak mendebarkan, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what's that?","Eh, itu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +It's a secret item thatcures anxiety!,Ini adalah benda rahasia penghilang kegelisahan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, let's go!","Baiklah, ayo kita jalankan misi!",https://subscene.com/ +And he dropped it on the spot.,Lalu dia pun langsung menjatuhkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +That thing didn't work at all.,"Jadi, benda itu tak mempan sama sekali, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +"My hand slipped, that's all!",Tanganku sedang licin saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, this?","Oh, ini?",https://subscene.com/ +I bought it just for the training!,Untuk itulah aku bawa ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Open!,開,https://subscene.com/ +"The Eight Inner Gates allows youto free all your limits,",Pembukaan Delapan Gerbang akan lepaskan pembatasmu,https://subscene.com/ +"1. GATE OF OPENING2. GATE OF REST3. GATE OF LIFE4. GATE OF PAIN5. GATE OF CLOSING6. GATE OF JOY7. GATE OF SHOCK8. GATE OF DEATHWhat you just witnessed,",Yang barusan kau lihat tadi,https://subscene.com/ +"It is the only technique that I,being unable to use ninjutsu,",Ini adalah teknik bagi orang yang tak bisa gunakan Ninjutsu,https://subscene.com/ +I figured it was timeto teach it to you.,Sepertinya kau harus mulai mempelajarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll finally be learning it?,Akhirnya aku bisa mempelajarinya?,https://subscene.com/ +"And in order to master this technique,above all else…","Dan juga, untuk kuasai teknik ini",https://subscene.com/ +Do you have that resolve?,Apa kau punya tekad untuk lakukan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Please!I leave it all to you!,"Tolong, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Yes… Of course!,"Ya, tentu saja!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, this?","Ini, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Anxiety?,Rasa gelisah?,https://subscene.com/ +so I found it online!,"Jadi, aku mencarinya di Internet!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…you're so…,"Dasar, kau ini benar-benar, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +Seems it's a little too soon for you.,Sepertinya masih terlalu cepat bagimu untuk mempelajarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +P-Papa?,Papa?,https://subscene.com/ +I must do somethingabout my anxiety!,"Sepertinya, rasa gelisah ini perlu kuatasi!",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, sorry!","Maaf, maaf!",https://subscene.com/ +Gu…!,Gu...,https://subscene.com/ +Is that you…Metal?!,"Kau Metal, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Y-Yes!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +What's with the long face?,Kenapa kau murung begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +I understand…,Begitu rupanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Metal, if you're free, hang outwith me today.","Metal, kalau kau senggang, ikutlah denganku hari ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe you'll pick upa hint or two.,Mungkin saja kau bisa temukan semacam petunjuk di sana.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I'm sorry! It's just…","Ah, maaf, aku tak sengaja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to this, I've been ableto focus on rehab.","Berkat ini, aku bisa fokus lakukan rehabilitasi.",https://subscene.com/ +"You're amazing, after all,Guy Sensei!","Anda memang luar biasa, Guru Guy!",https://subscene.com/ +O-Of course!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +if I'm going to masterthe Eight Inner Gates!,"Kalau tidak, aku takkan bisa kuasai Delapan Gerbang!",https://subscene.com/ +Is just one not effective enough?,"Kalau hanya satu efeknya lemah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Guy is a great war hero!,Guru Guy itu pahlawan di masa perang.,https://subscene.com/ +So exciting!,membuatku sangat bersemangat!,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe is a great fanof Mr. Guy's.,Iwabe itu penggemar beratnya Tn. Guy.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you want to hear him talk?,Apa kau tak ingin mendengarkannya?,https://subscene.com/ +"You haven't changed, Iwabe.","Kau sama sekali tak berubah ya, Iwabe.",https://subscene.com/ +"Ninjutsu goes boom! I mean,it has force, and then…","Ninjutsu itu daya ledaknya sangat kuat, lalu...",https://subscene.com/ +"Ninjutsu is often viewedas essential to a shinobi,","Bagi ninja, Ninjutsu itu dianggap sangat penting",https://subscene.com/ +That's because…,Itu karena...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not good at taijutsuso I want to learn more about it.,"Aku tak begitu andal dalam Taijutsu, jadi aku ingin lebih mempelajarinya",https://subscene.com/ +I like your spirit!,Aku suka semangatmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes! I'll pay close attention!,"Ya, aku akan sangat memerhatikannya!",https://subscene.com/ +Ninjutsu may be important.,Ninjutsu mungkin sangat penting.,https://subscene.com/ +"And without a doubt,","Lalu, tak salah lagi",https://subscene.com/ +His name was…,Namanya adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +I forgot!,Aku lupa!,https://subscene.com/ +"However, we were able to protectwhat we valued the most.",tapi kami dapat lindungi hal yang terpenting bagi kami.,https://subscene.com/ +Um…,Anu,https://subscene.com/ +"Nope, not at all!","Ya, sama sekali tidak!",https://subscene.com/ +"Instead of lamenting abouthow things are,",Daripada ratapi nasib,https://subscene.com/ +I truly believe that.,Aku meyakini itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry.,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +"Two of us against you, Guy Sensei?",Kami berdua akan hadapi Tn. Guy?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm more agile than before.,Aku jauh lebih gesit dari sebelumnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Two against one is nothing.,"Kalau hanya dua lawan satu, tak jadi masalah.",https://subscene.com/ +They're all paying close attention!,Perhatian mereka terfokus pada kami!,https://subscene.com/ +The match is over!,Sudah cukup!,https://subscene.com/ +Wow! Amazing!,"Wah, hebat sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +War heroes are truly amazing…,Pahlawan perang itu memang luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +You faced up to your handicapand conquered it.,Anda bisa hadapi kelemahan Anda lalu menaklukkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm just not able to conquermy anxiety.,aku selalu kalah dari kegelisahanku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's not true, Metal.","Itu tak benar, Metal.",https://subscene.com/ +How does one reallyface the truth?,Bagaimana cara seseorang hadapi kenyataan?,https://subscene.com/ +The Eight Inner Gates…,八門遁甲,https://subscene.com/ +How does one really facethe truth?,Bagaimana cara seseorang hadapi kenyataan?,https://subscene.com/ +"So this is, after all…","Jadi, ternyata memang...",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Lee…","Eh, Lee.",https://subscene.com/ +Metal is deeply troubled…,"Metal benar-benar sedang kebingungan, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm very sorry you got involvedwith this.,Aku benar-benar minta maaf karena sudah buat Guru terlibat dalam hal ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't be so distant.,Jangan bicara seakan kita ini tak kenal dekat.,https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"From this point on,I'll face Metal in my own way.","Mulai dari sini, aku akan hadapi Metal dengan caraku sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry… It's my fault.,"Maaf, ini semua gara-gara aku.",https://subscene.com/ +There's no doubt that it wasall because of you.,Memang jelas kalau ini semua salahmu.,https://subscene.com/ +it was like we were announcingwhere we were!,seakan terang-terangan tunjukkan keberadaan kita!,https://subscene.com/ +"Without these, I…","tapi tanpa ini, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +P-Papa?,Papa?,https://subscene.com/ +I…challenge you!,Aku menantangmu!,https://subscene.com/ +I will be awaitingtomorrow morning,Aku akan menunggumu besok pagi,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on a second!,Tunggu sebentar!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you want to masterthe Eight Inner Gates,",Kalau kau ingin kuasai Delapan Gerbang,https://subscene.com/ +"However, I'm inviting people to watch.","Tapi, aku akan undang orang-orang untuk menonton.",https://subscene.com/ +"Would that make you so nervous,that you couldn't do anything?",Apa kau akan gelisah dan tak bisa lakukan apa-apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It's inconceivable that you canever master the Eight Inner Gates,Tanpa berani hadapi tantangan ini,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, and…","Oh, dan juga...",https://subscene.com/ +That's quite a predicament…,"Tantangannya lumayan berat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What should I do?,Apa yang harus kulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Does your anxiety scare youthat much?,Apa rasa gelisahmu benar-benar semenakutkan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I believe that's the realand true you.,Aku percaya bahwa itulah dirimu yang sebenarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +The person you are now should beable to figure out what that is.,Kau yang sekarang harusnya mampu cari jawabannya.,https://subscene.com/ +He's here!,Dia datang!,https://subscene.com/ +You didn't run awayfrom this situation…,Tak kusangka kau tak lari dari situasi seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +G-Guy Sensei is confronting himselfthrough his rehabilitation.,Guru Guy sedang melawan dirinya sendiri melalui rehabilitasinya.,https://subscene.com/ +and tried to run awayfrom my anxiety.,dan malah mencoba lari dari rasa gelisahku.,https://subscene.com/ +but to confront my anxietyand accept it.,tapi hadapi rasa gelisahku dan menerimanya.,https://subscene.com/ +I made an oath to myself!,Aku bersumpah pada diriku sendiri!,https://subscene.com/ +I will prove this oath to you!,Akan kubuktikan sumpahku!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's do this!,Ayo kita mulai!,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, let's test just how wellyou can battle","Baiklah, ayo kita uji sebaik apa kau bertarung",https://subscene.com/ +They're laughing at me!,Mereka menertawakanku!,https://subscene.com/ +"can't possibly masterthe Eight Inner Gates, huh…?","memang takkkan mungkin bisa kuasai Delapan Gerbang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"The one thing I will do,is to prove that…","Satu hal yang harus kulakukan, adalah membuktikan",https://subscene.com/ +Metal! You're so—!,"Metal, kau benar-benar...",https://subscene.com/ +Right here!,Di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +They're laughing at me again?!,Mereka menertawaiku lagi?,https://subscene.com/ +they're paying close attention!,mereka begitu memerhatikan pertarungan ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Hang in there!,Berjuanglah!,https://subscene.com/ +L-Leaf!,木ノ葉,https://subscene.com/ +Amazing!,Hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +And the winner is…,Dan pemenangnya adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +I w-won?!,Aku menang?,https://subscene.com/ +P-Papa?!,Papa?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm impressed!,"Papa terkesan, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"And one day for sure,",Dan suatu hari nanti,https://subscene.com/ +You're on your way…,Yang kau lakukan sudah benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Probably that extreme anxietyyou felt,Mungkin rasa gelisah yang kaurasakan,https://subscene.com/ +Leading you to openingthe First Gate.,Yang membuatmu bisa buka Gerbang Pertama.,https://subscene.com/ +"which no one else can imitate,",dan tak bisa ditiru oleh siapa pun,https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +– G-Guy Sensei!– G-Guy Sensei!,Guru Guy!,https://subscene.com/ +This feels so nostalgic!,Rasanya seperti teringat masa lalu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Right, this is the springtime of life!","Benar, inilah mekarnya kehidupan!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I don't need it anymore.","Oh, aku sudah tak memerlukannya lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +W-Well… A lot of things happened…,"Ya, banyak hal yang sudah terjadi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Team 5, your mission is to deliver",Misi Tim 5 kali ini,https://subscene.com/ +"Please, do not break it.","Jangan dipecahkan lagi, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"– I just can't!– Hey, you'll drop it!",Aku tak sanggup!,https://subscene.com/ +What is up with this geezer?,Siapa kakek ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Ohnoki the Fence-Sitter?!,Oonoki si Manusia Timbangan?,https://subscene.com/ +I don't care about that!,Aku tak peduli!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh! My back!,"Aduh, pinggangku!",https://subscene.com/ +"""The World's Most Hardest Stone""",Batu Terkeras di Dunia.,https://subscene.com/ +"LEAF NEWSTHE MIDDLE SEA SECURITY ISSUERegarding the state of affairswith The Land of Waves,","Mengenai keadaan dengan Negara Angin,",https://subscene.com/ +"THE MIDDLE SEA SECURITY ISSUE""The risk they pose to the security ofthe middle seas cannot be overlooked,",risiko yang mereka hadapi di laut tengah,https://subscene.com/ +What a disturbing subject…,"Topik yang menggelisahkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Exactly.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +We have everyone to thank for that.,Ini semua berkat kerja keras semua orang.,https://subscene.com/ +Everyone worked hard together tosecure peace in Hidden Leaf Village.,Semuanya kerja keras bersama-sama untuk jaga kedamaian di desa Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +My only worry is thatthe current Hokage is you.,Yang buatku khawatir itu Hokage yang sekarang adalah dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +Because you always gotinto trouble as a kid.,Karena kau selalu terlibat dalam masalah sejak kecil.,https://subscene.com/ +would come tothe Academy personally?,repot-repot datang ke akademi?,https://subscene.com/ +CLASS FIELD TRIPActually…,"Sebenarnya,",https://subscene.com/ +SEVENTH HOKAGEand we're finally aboutto reach a settlement.,dan kami akhirnya mulai capai kesepakatan.,https://subscene.com/ +Is it?,"Ide yang bagus, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"it requires a bit of courage,","butuh sedikit keberanian,",https://subscene.com/ +I can't do it like Mitsuki can.,Aku tak bisa tiru yang Mitsuki lakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, everyone keeps sayingyou wear a wig, so…","Ya, semua orang bilang kalau Guru pakai wig.",https://subscene.com/ +That's not part ofthe curriculum yet…,Padahal belum masuk bagian dari kurikulum.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't skirt the question!,Jangan alihkan pembicaraan!,https://subscene.com/ +"What are you doing here, Dad?!",Ayah sendiri sedang apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, if you're gonnapull some pranks,","Kau ini, kalau mau pamer,",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?!,Bilang apa kau ini?,https://subscene.com/ +These two…,Ayah dan anak satu ini memang...,https://subscene.com/ +He tried to pull a prank onthe principal yesterday…,"Kemarin, dia berusaha untuk mengerjai kepala sekolah.",https://subscene.com/ +What an idiot.,Dasar bodoh.,https://subscene.com/ +Everyone must exerciseextreme caution.,Kalian harus lebih berhati-hati.,https://subscene.com/ +The ocean…fresh seafood…grilled right on the beach…,"Laut, makanan laut, bakar-bakar di pantai...",https://subscene.com/ +The Land of Water…Hidden Mist Village.,"Negara Air, Kirigakure, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"That's all in the past though, right?","Itu adalah masa lalu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You will be representing our village.,Kalian adalah perwakilan negara kita.,https://subscene.com/ +"If something does happen,","Kalau terjadi masalah,",https://subscene.com/ +"This means,no classes for a while, right?","Dengan kata lain, untuk sementara tak ada pelajaran, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey guys, a field trip isn't for fun.","Teman-teman, perjalanan luar desa itu bukan main-main, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +You're such a buzzkill.,Dasar perusak suasana.,https://subscene.com/ +"LAND OF WATERFIELD TRIPOkay, I'd like to selecta student leader for this field trip.","Baiklah, aku akan pilih ketua untuk perjalanan luar desa ini.",https://subscene.com/ +What? No one?,"Oh, tak ada, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Who would want to be responsible forthis class of troublemakers?,Siapa juga yang mau tanggung beban kelas bermasalah ini?,https://subscene.com/ +I hope I don't get picked!,Semoga aku tak terpilih.,https://subscene.com/ +Sensei!,Guru!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto's cheerful and always atthe center of everyone's attention.,Boruto itu adalah anak yang ceria dan seseorang yang jadi pusat perhatian.,https://subscene.com/ +Agreed!,Setuju!,https://subscene.com/ +No objections here!,Tak ada yang keberatan!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?! Huh?!,Eh? Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +"So, this is what Boruto meantby being classmates?","Inikah yang dimaksud Boruto ""jadi teman sekelas""?",https://subscene.com/ +"[Class Rep, help me!]","Ketua, selamatkan aku!",https://subscene.com/ +You think you can decide thisso irresponsibly?!,Memangnya keputusan tak berdasar seperti itu diperbolehkan?,https://subscene.com/ +Besides—!,Selain itu...,https://subscene.com/ +You guys decided on your own!,Padahal kalianlah yang dengan seenaknya memutuskannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Seriously?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +It's the best choice in order forthe class to come together.,Itulah pilihan terbaik agar satu kelas kompak.,https://subscene.com/ +You guys better listen to me then!,"Kalian harus dengarkanku, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you've gotten really goodat handling Boruto.","Kau semakin ahli dalam kendalikan Boruto, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What a drag.,Merepotkan sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +About that…,"Soal itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Is there anything to do there?,Memangnya ada tempat bermain di sana?,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know what it's like there,but I'll liven things up.","Aku tak tahu tempatnya seperti apa sih, tapi akan kubuat meriah.",https://subscene.com/ +"For better or worse,you made me the leader.","Apa boleh buat, soalnya aku yang jadi ketuanya.",https://subscene.com/ +"That village used to be knownas the ""Blood Mist Village.""","Desa itu dulunya dikenal sebagai Desa Kabut Berdarah, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe… did something happen?,"Iwabe, apa sudah terjadi sesuatu?",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, if anything happens,I'll pulverize ‘em.","Ya, kalau ada apa-apa, akan kuhajar mereka,",https://subscene.com/ +See ya.,Dah.,https://subscene.com/ +Weren't you listeningto instructions?!,Apa kalian tak dengar sama sekali?,https://subscene.com/ +"Handkerchief, a change of clothes,school supplies…","Sapu tangan, pakaian ganti, dan alat tulis.",https://subscene.com/ +Snacks…,Camilan.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you really need those things?,Apa itu benar-benar diperlukan?,https://subscene.com/ +I just hope your teacherdoesn't scold you.,Semoga saja gurumu tak memarahimu lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's a promise, okay?","Janji, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't you dare doanything dangerous.,"jadi jangan lakukan sesuatu yang berbahaya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I know.,Aku tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +Have a great time!,Hati-hati!,https://subscene.com/ +That's for sure!,"Itu sudah jelas, sih!",https://subscene.com/ +CHOCOBARTh-Thank you!,Te-Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +What is?,Apa yang hebat?,https://subscene.com/ +It's hard to imagine.,"Sulit untuk dibayangkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm allowed to be sometimes, aren't I?","Sekali-kali tak apa, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Why'd you nominate Borutoas the leader for the field trip?,kenapa kau calonkan Boruto sebagai ketua dalam perjalanan ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I thought he—","Ya, kupikir dia...",https://subscene.com/ +Nothing!,Bukan apa-apa!,https://subscene.com/ +You're so laid back.,"Kau ini orangnya santai sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You've been so spirited lately.,Akhir-akhir ini kau kelihatan bersemangat sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's fine.","Tidak, bukan apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +You're the only one inthe entire village,Hanya kau satu-satunya orang di desa ini,https://subscene.com/ +And I'm the only one whosees what a loser my dad is.,Dan akulah satu-satunya orang yang tahu betapa payahnya ayahku itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that cooler?,Bukankah ayahmu jauh lebih keren?,https://subscene.com/ +I want to become a shinobilike Lord Seventh.,Aku ingin jadi seorang ninja seperti Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you're that determinedto become a Hokage,","Kalau kau memang sangat ingin jadi seorang Hokage,",https://subscene.com/ +"I nominated you to be the leader,",Aku memilihmu jadi ketua perjalanan ini,https://subscene.com/ +All so that we can have a fun trip.,"Jadi, kami semua bisa nikmati perjalanan ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Is that befitting a womanwho's gonna become the Hokage?,Seperti itukah sikap cewek yang ingin jadi seorang Hokage?,https://subscene.com/ +It's not funny!,"Itu tak lucu, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Ugh! So you had the card!,"Cih, kau punya kartu itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I don't have any red cards!,Aku tak punya kartu merah!,https://subscene.com/ +I win.,Aku menang.,https://subscene.com/ +I couldn't use anything in my hand!,Aku tak bisa gunakan kartu-kartu di tanganku!,https://subscene.com/ +"You lost big time, Boruto.","Kali ini kau kalah telak, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +I want to win in one big sweep!,Aku ingin menang dengan telak!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's do one more round!,Satu ronde lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Sure, and you'll end uplosing again, Boruto.","Baiklah, dan kau pasti akan kalah lagi, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +– This is boring…– This is boring…,Aku bosan.,https://subscene.com/ +And the scenery hasn't changed at all.,Dan cuacanya tak berubah sama sekali sejak tadi.,https://subscene.com/ +These guys…,Anak-anak ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter, Boruto?","Ada apa, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +"This boat's so big, I got lost.","Tapi kapal ini besar sekali, aku jadi tersesat.",https://subscene.com/ +Figured as much…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"That Wind style ""swoosh"" of yours…","Teknik Elemen Angin milikmu yang berbunyi ""wuuusss"" itu...",https://subscene.com/ +"You mean, the Wind Scythe?",Maksudmu Sabit Angin?,https://subscene.com/ +"I tried it last time, and it didn't work.","Terakhir kucoba, sama sekali tak berhasil.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, you don't knowabout Chakra Natures yet…","Lagi pula, kau belum paham sifat chakra.",https://subscene.com/ +It's coming into view…,"Sudah mulai terlihat, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"See? Amazing, huh?","Hebat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I heard it was really rural…,Katanya desa yang tertinggal.,https://subscene.com/ +"Everyone, line up for roll call!","Kalian semua, aku mau isi daftar hadir, jadi berbarislah!",https://subscene.com/ +"Our guide from the Hidden Mistwill be coming shortly,","Pembimbing kita di Kirigakure ini akan segera tiba,",https://subscene.com/ +Guide?,Pembimbing?,https://subscene.com/ +Welcome to the Hidden Mist Village.,Selamat datang di Kirigakure.,https://subscene.com/ +– Of course.– I know! I know!,Tentu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Kagura Karatachi, is a close aideto the Mizukage.","Ajudan Mizukage, Kagura Karatachi.",https://subscene.com/ +He's totally different fromthe boys in our class.,Beda banget sama cowok kelas kita.,https://subscene.com/ +but I wonder abouthe's like on the inside?,"tapi kira-kira isi hatinya kayak apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +…and his classmates.,sungguh buatku senang.,https://subscene.com/ +My dad has got nothingto do with this.,Ini tak ada hubungannya dengan ayahku.,https://subscene.com/ +"You can just call me Boruto, okay?","Panggil saja Boruto, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Then you must call me Kagura.,"Kalau begitu, tolong panggil aku Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +"Nice to meet you, Kagura!","Salam kenal ya, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +Sensei!,Guru!,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like it's a limited edition…,"Edisi terbatas, kayaknya.",https://subscene.com/ +"If we split the cost, we could…","Kalau kita patungan, mungkin bisa...",https://subscene.com/ +and we get goods from various lands.,Di sini berkumpul berbagai produk dari luar negeri.,https://subscene.com/ +Wow… The Hidden Mist Villageis really something.,"Eh, hebat juga ya, Kirigakure.",https://subscene.com/ +We're very proud of it.,Ini desa kebanggaan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"Are you a Kagemasa fan too, Kaguya?","Kau penggemar Kagemasa juga ya, Kagura?",https://subscene.com/ +"His movies are great, aren't they?","Filmnya keren, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Name your price!,Pasang harga berapa?,https://subscene.com/ +There it is…,Keluar juga sifat aslinya.,https://subscene.com/ +Why didn't say you likedKagemasa earlier?,Kenapa kau tak bilang dari tadi kalau kau menyukai Kagemasa?,https://subscene.com/ +The boys are monopolizingKagura's attention!,Anak cowok rebut perhatian Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe!,Iwabe!,https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, please? Iwabe…","Tolonglah, Iwabe.",https://subscene.com/ +Go and look for him.,Cepat cari dia.,https://subscene.com/ +"Where I go is my business, isn't it?","Ke mana pun aku pergi, itu bukan urusan kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, it's pretty amazing.","Tapi, tempat ini luar biasa, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It's all a cover-up.,Semua itu hanya kedok.,https://subscene.com/ +This used to be a terrible village.,Desa ini dulunya sangat mengerikan.,https://subscene.com/ +"But that's all in the past, right?","Tapi, itu kan dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +So let's enjoy ourselves!,"Jadi, mari kita nikmati kunjungan ini!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry about that.,"Maaf, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait up.","Hoi, tunggu.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? So what if I did?,Memangnya kenapa kalau iya?,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa katamu?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Too bad, I thoughtthis was a pretty cool village…","Sayang sekali, kukira desa ini adalah desa yang keren.",https://subscene.com/ +Let me teach you some manners…,Biar kuberi kau pelajaran.,https://subscene.com/ +"Cut it out, Hassaku.","Hentikan, Hassaku.",https://subscene.com/ +You're only embarrassing yourself.,Kau malah akan permalukan dirimu sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +So fast!,Cepat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +The Hokage's son…huh?,"Putra Hokage, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? R-Really?,Be-Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +And you stood up to Hassaku.,Dan kau berani melawan Hassaku.,https://subscene.com/ +"You gotta be like that, to be a ninja.","Kalau mau jadi ninja, kau harus bersikap seperti itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Sorry about this.,"Maaf, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Mist?,Kabut?,https://subscene.com/ +We don't see guys like themin the Leaf.,"Di desa kita, tak ada orang seperti mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +Seems he's a close aideto the Sixth Mizukage.,Sepertinya dia merupakan ajudannya Mizukage Keenam.,https://subscene.com/ +for the new Seven NinjaSwordsmen of the Mist.,Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang.,https://subscene.com/ +He's considerate towards othersand he's competent!,Dia sangat baik terhadap orang lain dan tangkas!,https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness!,Syukurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Boruto!","Terima kasih, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Daddy!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +"– Welcome back, Dad!– Welcome back.","Selamat datang, Papa!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, this is nothing!","Aku tak apa-apa, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +caused a lot of damagein the village…,menyebabkan banyak kerusakan di desa,https://subscene.com/ +It was officially reported thatthe Five Kage joined forces,Berita resmi yang dikeluarkan adalah kelima Kage bersama-sama,https://subscene.com/ +and things began to returnto normal in the village.,dan semua yang di desa pun berangsur-angsur kembali normal.,https://subscene.com/ +Being a Hokage is really hard.,"Menjadi Hokage memang berat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you sure you don't wanta new one, Boruto?","Apa kau yakin tak mau yang baru saja, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +My Story…!I'm very sorry!,Aku minta maaf!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't undo the things that I did.,"Aku tak bisa ubah apa yang sudah kulakukan,",https://subscene.com/ +putting you all through that.,karena sudah libatkan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know what thatScientific Ninja Tool is capable of,","Aku tak tahu seberapa hebat kemampuan Peralatan Sains Ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +Later.,Permisi.,https://subscene.com/ +"What, you guys?","Apaan sih, kalian?",https://subscene.com/ +"The exams were cancelled,so maybe you should just forget it.","Ujiannya kan sudah dibatalkan, jadi anggap saja seperti angin lalu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it was your fault to begin with.","Ya, sejak awal memang kau yang salah, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I'm apologizing.,Makanya aku minta maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"As long as they're targetingthe chakra from this land,","Selama yang mereka inginkan adalah chakra dari tempat ini,",https://subscene.com/ +We just have to keep investigating,Untuk sekarang kita harus tetap selidiki,https://subscene.com/ +I'm worried about the manwho got away.,Aku penasaran dengan pria yang berhasil kabur itu.,https://subscene.com/ +But you'd better be extra careful!,"Tapi, kau harus ekstra hati-hati, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +You're leaving?,Kau mau pergi?,https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you stay andrest a little longer?,"Tapi, tinggal dan istirahat lebih lama lagi kan tak ada salahnya.",https://subscene.com/ +You're in no position to talk.,Kau itu tak pantas bicara begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +About the results ofthe Chunin Exams…,"Soal hasil dari Ujian Chunin,",https://subscene.com/ +we did get to see the skills ofall the participants.,kita sudah lihat seluruh kemampuan peserta.,https://subscene.com/ +That's right…,Ya juga.,https://subscene.com/ +as well as what to do aboutthe Scientific Ninja Tools.,dan apa yang harus kita lakukan dengan Peralatan Sains Ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +We got word that Killer Bee returnedto the Hidden Cloud Village.,kita juga dapat kabar kalau Killer Bee sudah kembali ke Desa Kumo.,https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness!,Syukurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +I want to take some time off too.,"Aku ingin ambil libur juga, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, that's fine!","Tentu saja, tak masalah!",https://subscene.com/ +You decide whenyou want to take off.,"Mau ambil libur, ya terserah kau sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"But first, take care of these pilesof documents, okay?","Tapi sebelum itu, bereskan gunungan dokumen ini dulu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +We've been so busy sincethe exams were cancelled…,Kita benar-benar sibuk sejak ujiannya dibatalkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"After that incident,there's a lot of cleaning up to do,","Sejak insiden itu, ada banyak yang harus dibereskan,",https://subscene.com/ +Since we're pros at public works!,Soalnya kita adalah ahlinya di bidang pekerjaan umum!,https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki, are you feeling better?","Mitsuki, apa tubuhmu sudah pulih?",https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness!,Syukurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +we were worried you weren'tgoing to make it.,jadi kami khawatir kalau sampai kau tak bisa siuman.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I sustainedgreater damage.,Karena itulah aku jadi terluka lebih parah.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's what saved me.,karena itulah aku selamat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Uh, yeah.",Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Just how many missionsdo we have to go on?,Sebenarnya ada berapa misi yang harus kita selesaikan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's all because somebodydid too well at the Chunin Exams.","Soalnya ada seseorang yang terlalu ""berhasil"" di Ujian Chunin, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"I gotta try hard sometimes,or my old man will lose face.",Sekali-sekali aku harus berusaha keras agar ayahku tak kehilangan mukanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +I mean…,"Ya,",https://subscene.com/ +but I've been so busyand made you wait.,tapi aku malah terlalu sibuk dan tak sempat mendengarkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Sure it does.,Tak bisa begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I'm apologizing too!","Tidak, aku juga minta maaf!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't laugh at me.,Jangan tertawai aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +you had to take ona lot of stuff all alone…,lagi-lagi kau pikul banyak hal seorang diri.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,"Maaf, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, right.","Oh, begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"They were strong, like monsters!",Mereka sekuat monster!,https://subscene.com/ +"S-Still, I haven't lost to him yet!","Tapi, aku belum kalah darinya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto…","Eh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +That's easy.,"Itu gampang, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +And the others were…,Yang lainnya...,https://subscene.com/ +You weren't watching themat all!,Kau sama sekali tak memerhatikan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you keep looking up,they'll end up getting a leg up on you.","Kalau kau hanya lihat ke atas, bisa-bisa kau ditikung.",https://subscene.com/ +It means I didn't like losingto you either.,"Maksudku, aku juga tak ingin kalah darimu.",https://subscene.com/ +What my parents orthe Nara Clan say won't affect me.,Aku tak peduli lagi apa yang dikatakan orang tuaku ataupun klan Nara.,https://subscene.com/ +We said we wouldn't followour parent's tracks…,"Padahal kita bilang takkan ikuti jejak orang tua kita, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I'm gonna go fartherthan my dad ever imagined!,Itulah kenapa aku ingin melangkah lebih jauh dari ayahku!,https://subscene.com/ +"But before that,I'm gonna beat you!","Tapi, sebelum itu aku akan kalahkanmu!",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm never usingthat thing again, ya know!",Aku takkan gunakan benda itu lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +I was just thinkingabout Boruto Uzumaki.,Aku memikirkan Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +Yet…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +to a formidable enemyhe didn't have a chance against…,lawan tangguh yang tak sepadan dengannya.,https://subscene.com/ +While you looked on passively?,"Sementara itu kau tak berbuat apa-apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't glare at me like that…,Jangan memelototiku seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm the one that held you back.,Akulah yang menahanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I beg your pardon, Father…","Maafkan kalau aku tak sopan, Ayah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Permission or not,I had no chance of winning.","Mau diizinkan atau tidak, aku takkan menang.",https://subscene.com/ +That makes you even.,Bukankah itu membuat kalian sepadan?,https://subscene.com/ +There's no need to be impatient.,Tak perlu tergesa-gesa.,https://subscene.com/ +you all have just startedon your own paths.,kalian itu baru mulai menempuh jalan masing-masing.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +There's been nothing unusualfor now…,"Untuk saat ini, tak ada yang aneh.",https://subscene.com/ +and I haven't hadthat paralysis since then too.,ataupun rasakan kelumpuhan seperti waktu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"No one other than you,and I with my Rinnegan,",Tak ada orang selain dirimu dan aku yang punya Rinnegan ini,https://subscene.com/ +"Look, I'm not trying to scare youor anything…","Bukannya aku bermaksud menakut-nakutimu,",https://subscene.com/ +Be on your guard.,Kau tak boleh lengah.,https://subscene.com/ +Got that?,Mengerti?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm just gonna focus onwhat's right in front of me.,Sekarang aku harus fokus pada yang ada di hadapanku.,https://subscene.com/ +You hang on to that.,Kau boleh menyimpannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"When you come back to the village,please train me again!","Saat Paman kembali ke desa, latih aku lagi, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"What were you and Borutotalking about, Dad?",Apa yang Papa bicarakan dengan Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Dad… How long are youstaying in the village?","Eh, Papa, berapa lama lagi Papa tinggal di desa?",https://subscene.com/ +Then keep me companywhile you're waiting!,"Kalau begitu, temanilah aku selagi Papa tunggu datanya.",https://subscene.com/ +I want to perfectmy Fireball Jutsu!,Aku ingin sempurnakan Teknik Bola Apiku!,https://subscene.com/ +Sounds good.,Boleh.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah!,"Ah, habis itu,",https://subscene.com/ +and making something specialfor dinner!,dan akan buatkan makan malam spesial untuk kita!,https://subscene.com/ +It's rare for youto come in person.,Tumben sekali kau datang sendirian ke sini.,https://subscene.com/ +in front of everyonein the village.,di depan seluruh warga desa.,https://subscene.com/ +That power cannot be usedin front of others.,Kekuatan itu tak boleh digunakan di depan umum.,https://subscene.com/ +that is beyond their comprehension.,yang jauh melebihi apa yang bisa diterka oleh pikiran mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +What's worse to me is the lightof the sun disappearing.,Soalnya aku lebih takut kehilangan matahariku.,https://subscene.com/ +"In order to ascertain that,","Agar bisa buktikan hal itu,",https://subscene.com/ +"However, if you are okaywith this,","Tapi, kalau kau sudah yakin,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry I bothered you.,Maaf sudah mengganggumu.,https://subscene.com/ +So I should be leaving.,"Jadi, aku harus pergi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Let me see in person,the changes that occur in you.",Aku nantikan perubahan yang terjadi pada dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +THUNDER BURGERthe incident has been resolved…,"insiden tersebut berhasil diatasi,",https://subscene.com/ +Joining us today is the genin,Bersama kami sekarang ada seorang Genin,https://subscene.com/ +Let's talk to him now.,Mari kita mewawancarainya sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, what do you think the mostimportant thing is for a shinobi?","Jadi, menurutmu apa yang paling penting bagi seorang ninja?",https://subscene.com/ +I see… How inspiring!,"Begitu ya, jawaban yang sangat menginspirasi!",https://subscene.com/ +what's up here doesn't matter as muchas what you know and feel here.,"yang terpenting bukan hanya otak kita, tapi hati kita juga harus bisa merasakannya.",https://subscene.com/ +We look forward toyour future endeavors.,Kami tunggu usaha keras kalian selanjutnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know!,Aku tak tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Honestly, you're so glib…","Bicaramu lancar sekali, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm just competent!,"Aku memang bisa diandalkan, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +"Actually, you're pretty amazing.","Tapi, kau memang hebat.",https://subscene.com/ +and the son of Lord Seventh.,dan putra dari Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you really wanna be the—,Apa kau benar-benar tak ingin jadi Hokage?,https://subscene.com/ +isn't for me!,...bukanlah keinginanku!,https://subscene.com/ +"You're gonna becomethe Hokage, right?","Yang ingin jadi Hokage itu kau, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +H-Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +"Just because my grandpaand dad were Hokage,","Hanya karena kakek dan ayahku seorang Hokage,",https://subscene.com/ +What I'm aiming for…,Yang kuinginkan adalah,https://subscene.com/ +I…,Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What?,"Ha, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"What? No, not really.","Eh, tidak, bukan apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I was just thinkingyour eyes…","Oh, aku hanya merasa matamu",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +"Right, Mitsuki?","Benar 'kan, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +I just rememberedsomething I have to do.,Aku baru ingat ada sesuatu yang harus kulakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +Everyone's so busy!,"Semuanya sibuk sekali, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, see you tomorrow!","Baiklah, sampai jumpa besok!",https://subscene.com/ +Those blue eyes will eventually…,"Perlahan-lahan, mata biru itu",https://subscene.com/ +"And, know this…",Dan ketahuilah...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm home!,Aku pulang!,https://subscene.com/ +Welcome home!,Selamat datang!,https://subscene.com/ +Dad did?,Ayah?,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Daddy!","Terima kasih, Papa!",https://subscene.com/ +Seems you're not a Shadow Clone.,Sepertinya kali ini bukan Klona Bayangan.,https://subscene.com/ +But it's your fault to begin with!,Salah Ayah sendiri yang dulu lakukan hal itu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Daddy, Big Brother… Me too!","Papa, Kakak, aku juga!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, cut it out, everybody!","Hoi, hentikan, Semuanya!",https://subscene.com/ +"– You can't do that!– Sorry, Mom!",Jangan begitu!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's eat the cake now!,Sekarang ayo kita makan kuenya!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm starving.,Ayah juga sangat lapar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, go and washyour hands first.","Boruto, cuci tanganmu dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Mommy, I'll help you!","Mama, aku akan membantu!",https://subscene.com/ +Could you bring outthe plates to the table?,"Kau bawa piringnya ke meja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll help too.,"Kalau begitu, aku juga akan bantu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't treat me like an old man,ya know!",Jangan perlakukanku seperti kakek-kakek!,https://subscene.com/ +– Cheers!– Cheers!,Bersulang!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm late too!,Aku juga terlambat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, you were justas willing to play!",Kau juga mainnya sangat bersemangat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Do your best, Lord Seventh!","Berjuanglah, Hokage Ketujuh!",https://subscene.com/ +My destiny…,"Takdirku,",https://subscene.com/ +"Fine, bring it on.",Aku tak takut.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm a ninja!,Aku adalah ninja!,https://subscene.com/ +That's right. I don't plan onbecoming the Hokage.,"Benar, aku tak berniat untuk jadi Hokage.",https://subscene.com/ +My story…,Kisahku...,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo…,Paman Juugo.,https://subscene.com/ +I think we should justlet them handle it.,Mau tak mau sisanya harus kita serahkan pada mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +I know that.,Aku sudah tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +You noticed my presence?,Bisa sadari keberadaanku?,https://subscene.com/ +Who are you?!,Siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Is that all right with you, young lady?","Bisa minta waktunya sebentar, Nona?",https://subscene.com/ +strong!,kuat!,https://subscene.com/ +"No, don't!",Jangan!,https://subscene.com/ +If that's how you wanna play…,Kalau kalian memang ingin bermain...,https://subscene.com/ +Sumire!,Sumire!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! Where did she go?,"Sial, ke mana perginya?",https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, we're at a dead-end!","Kalau begini, jalan buntu namanya!",https://subscene.com/ +Nue…,Nue.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, don't fight with kids!","Kau itu ya, padahal melawan anak kecil.",https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Boruto.","Tunggu, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Ms. Karin?!,Bibi Karin?,https://subscene.com/ +She just fainted fromexhaustion and shock.,Dia hanya pingsan karena kelelahan dan syok.,https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness!,Syukurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +The beast that hangs around hersuddenly attacked me.,"Binatang yang bersamanya tiba-tiba menyerangku, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +She can't evencontrol her summoning.,Melihatnya yang tak bisa kendalikan Pemanggilannya,https://subscene.com/ +What are you two doing here?,"Lalu, kenapa kalian berada di sini?",https://subscene.com/ +To take Jugo back toLord Orochimaru's.,Untuk bawa kembali Juugo pada Tn. Orochimaru.,https://subscene.com/ +"Judging from your reaction,you know where Jugo is, don't you?","Melihat reaksi kalian, berarti kalian tahu di mana Juugo berada, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Mengenai itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"Where are you going, Suigetsu?","Suigetsu, kau akan pergi ke mana?",https://subscene.com/ +from the Land of Riversas soon as possible.,dari tim penyelidik Negara Sungai.,https://subscene.com/ +Of course.,Tentu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"If outsiders find out about it,no good will come out of it.","Kalau pihak asing sampai menganalisisnya, bisa gawat urusannya.",https://subscene.com/ +But the villagers rejected us.,Tapi para penduduk melarang kami masuk desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"If they try to interfere,I'll just use force.","Kalau mereka ikut campur,tinggal pakai saja jalan kekerasan!",https://subscene.com/ +It can't be helped if a few outsidersget mixed up in this.,"Kalau sampai ada pihak luar yang terlibat, itu tak bisa dihindari.",https://subscene.com/ +Then what about the birds?,"Lalu, bagaimana dengan burung-burung itu?",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know what Jugo was up to,but this takes priority.","Aku tak tahu dia itu mau apa, tapi yang terpenting membawanya kembali, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You'd let everything that Mr. Jugo'srisked his life for go to waste?!,Tapi kau tak anggap penting sesuatu yang buat Paman Juugo pertaruhkan nyawanya?,https://subscene.com/ +"You just met Jugoso you know nothing, kid.",Bocah yang baru bertemu Juugo sepertimu...,https://subscene.com/ +What about you?,Kau sendiri bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Hoi, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +But you're still the onewho doesn't understand.,"Tetap saja yang tak tahu apa-apa itu kau, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not.,"Aku tak sedang serius, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +Please.,Kumohon.,https://subscene.com/ +What good will that do us?,Apa untungnya bagi kami?,https://subscene.com/ +"Wanna try biting me, Sarada?",Apa kau mau mencobanya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, you're awake, Jugo!","Ah, kau sudah bangun, Juugo?",https://subscene.com/ +The tranquilizershould be taking effect.,Harusnya penenangmu sudah mulai bekerja.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm here becausethey asked for my help.,Aku ada di sini karena mereka minta bantuanku.,https://subscene.com/ +"so I should be able to formulatea serum to help the wild geese, too.","jadi, harusnya aku bisa buat serum untuk menolong para angsa itu.",https://subscene.com/ +The wild geese?,Para angsa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto and the othersasked us to, as well.",Boruto dan yang lainnya juga minta tolong.,https://subscene.com/ +"I haven't forgiven you forhurting the Class Rep, okay?","Aku belum maafkanmu karena sudah melukai ketua kelas, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +So…What do you want?,"Jadi, ada perlu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Since you don't seem tounderstand Jugo at all.,Sepertinya kau masih belum begitu mengerti soal Juugo.,https://subscene.com/ +His Curse Mark.,Tanda kutukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +He can't escape it.,Dia takkan bisa lepas dari kutukan itu.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why he tries to isolatehimself as much as possible.,Makanya dia berusaha mengasingkan dirinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"We tried too for a time,to find a way to help him.",Kami bahkan sudah berupaya mencari cara untuk menolongnya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's—!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +He's accepted it.,Dia sendiri sudah terima takdirnya.,https://subscene.com/ +A destiny he was born with?,"Beban yang dipikul sejak lahir, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +But they're trying their hardestto live the way they want to live.,"Meskipun begitu, dia masih berusaha keras untuk jalani kehidupan yang diinginkannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"He's in so much pain,",Padahal dia begitu menderita,https://subscene.com/ +"If he's really hasgiven up on himself,",Kalau dia memang benar-benar menyerah,https://subscene.com/ +Aren't you just makingyour own assumptions?,"Itu hanya anggapanmu saja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"But ultimately,it's Mr. Jugo's decision!","tapi pada akhirnya, keputusan ada di tangan Paman Juugo!",https://subscene.com/ +Supporting Mr. Jugo's decisionto the very end…,Bukankah mendukung keputusan Paman Juugo hingga akhir,https://subscene.com/ +"You sure can talk, kid.",Dasar bocah banyak omong.,https://subscene.com/ +Well excuse me!,"Maaf saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Looks like the Class Rep is awake.,Sepertinya ketua kelas sudah sadar.,https://subscene.com/ +And they both wear collars.,"Dan juga, mereka berdua pakai ikat leher.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's them, from earlier!",Orang yang waktu itu!,https://subscene.com/ +I think they're doing somethingthat they don't want discovered.,berarti mereka sedang lakukan sesuatu yang berbahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +But why would they go so far?,Tapi untuk apa berbuat sejauh itu?,https://subscene.com/ +They're definitely up to something.,Pastinya mereka rencanakan sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +This is bad.,Tapi ini gawat.,https://subscene.com/ +And even Mr. Tosaka who's helpingthem without knowing about this!,Mas Tosaka yang menolong mereka tanpa tahu apa-apa juga bisa dalam bahaya!,https://subscene.com/ +We'll gonna save everyoneand get Mr. Jugo back!,Mari selamatkan yang lainnya dan juga Paman Juugo!,https://subscene.com/ +It's gonna take all of us together!,Kita semua yang harus melakukannya!,https://subscene.com/ +"The Curse Mark could be usedon the ones being held there,",Kalau orang-orang yang tertangkap itu diberi tanda kutukan dan dibiarkan mengamuk,https://subscene.com/ +We have to be careful.,"Makanya kita perlu berhati-hati, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You think I'd lose?,Apa kau kira aku akan kalah?,https://subscene.com/ +What do you think these kidswill report to the Leaf?,menurutmu apa yang akan dilaporkan anak-anak ini pada Konoha?,https://subscene.com/ +And you think these kidsare gonna be useful?,"Meskipun begitu, memangnya anak-anak bisa berguna apa?",https://subscene.com/ +You came here justto tell me that?,Kau datang ke sini hanya untuk katakan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +We will need to submita notification.,Kita harus berikan laporan juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's the exact opposite of howhe feels about his father, Lord Seventh.",Kebalikan dengan sikapnya pada ayahnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"and treats him like a child,","dan selalu memperlakukannya seperti anak-anak,",https://subscene.com/ +I've never seen Borutodetermined like that ever.,Baru pertama kali ini aku lihat Boruto seserius itu.,https://subscene.com/ +No…,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +I have no right tosay anything.,aku tak berhak berkomentar apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +Is something the matter?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, tell me everythingabout my dad.","Eh, beri tahu aku tentang ayah.",https://subscene.com/ +"all he did was talk aboutbecoming the Hokage,",dia selalu saja bicara kalau dia akan jadi Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +A total loser?,Pecundang?,https://subscene.com/ +"No, not all that!","Tidak, bukan itu!",https://subscene.com/ +Weaknesses?,Kelemahan?,https://subscene.com/ +"He was the stereotypical loser,full of weaknesses.",Yang jelas dia itu tipe pecundang sejati yang punya banyak kelemahan.,https://subscene.com/ +What's that supposed to mean?,Apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you guys are reallytraining hard.","Eh, kalian ternyata berlatih keras, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I cannot ignore that comment!,Aku tak terima dengan perkataanmu itu!,https://subscene.com/ +"You don't care if you loseto Boruto's team, then?","Kalau begitu, apa kalian mau kalah dari timnya Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +"No one wants to see me losemy composure, do they?",Tak ada seorang pun juga yang mau melihatku kalah.,https://subscene.com/ +Here it comes!,"Dia akan menyerang, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Partial Expansion Jutsu!,部分倍化の術,https://subscene.com/ +You were so close!,"Hampir saja, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial.,https://subscene.com/ +You should've taken thisseriously earlier.,Kalian itu telat sekali seriusnya.,https://subscene.com/ +You'll have many rivals.,"Saingan kalian akan banyak, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"I just met him recently,","Belum lama ini aku bertemu dengannya,",https://subscene.com/ +He was saying,Katanya dia akan,https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate,you have no chance against him.","Kalau terus seperti ini, kalian pasti akan kalah melawannya, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +The shuriken's not bending at all!,Tak mengarah sesuai keinginanku!,https://subscene.com/ +"I just have to get back atmy dad, no matter what it takes!","Bagaimanapun caranya, aku ingin memberi pelajaran pada ayah!",https://subscene.com/ +"As expected,this Scientific Ninja Tool's convenient!",Sepertinya peralatan sains ninja ini sangat praktis!,https://subscene.com/ +Good luck and do your best!,Berjuanglah!,https://subscene.com/ +Does Dad coming home aftera long time make you that happy?,Apa Mama sesenang itu juga karena papa pulang setelah sekian lama pergi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, I'm off.","Kalau begitu, aku pergi dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +"It seems you won your betwith my dad, Boruto.","Sepertinya kau menang taruhan dengan papaku ya, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +So?,"Lalu,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna ask him aboutmy dad's weaknesses.,Aku mau tanya kelemahan ayahku padanya.,https://subscene.com/ +We've got the Chunin Examscoming up.,tapi sebentar lagi kita akan Ujian Chunin.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm gonna learn lots of thingsfrom Uncle Sasuke,","Aku akan banyak diberi tahu oleh paman Sasuke,",https://subscene.com/ +"And in time,my power's gonna take Dad down!","Suatu saat, aku akan kalahkan ayahku dengan kekuatanku sendiri!",https://subscene.com/ +Just what are you thinking?!,"Dasar, apa yang kaupikirkan, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +It's all about winningthe Chunin Exams with a flair!,Agar bisa juarai Ujian Chunin dengan sempurna!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm not criticizing youor anything, but…","Aku tak bermaksud untuk menceramahimu,",https://subscene.com/ +Don't forget about me too.,"Jangan lupakan aku juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"At the ruins connected to Kaguya,","Di reruntuhan yang terkait dengan Kaguya,",https://subscene.com/ +"The two that Sasukereported about,","Dua sosok yang dilaporkan Sasuke,",https://subscene.com/ +"No matter how you look at it,they seem to be connected.","Dipikirkan bagaimanapun juga, tampaknya mereka punya suatu hubungan.",https://subscene.com/ +Kaguya had preparedthe White Zetsu.,Kaguya menyiapkan Zetsu Putih.,https://subscene.com/ +The time is near.,Berarti ancaman itu sudah dekat.,https://subscene.com/ +He definitely possessestremendous chakra.,Chakra yang dimilikinya memang luar biasa besar.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's right, I'm a Jinchuriki ♪",Aku ini memang seorang Jinchuriki!,https://subscene.com/ +"Killer Bee of the Eight Tails,that's me! ♪",Aku Killer Bee sang Ekor-Delapan!,https://subscene.com/ +They seem to be pretty nasty.,Sepertinya mereka berbahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Now then, I shall take you.","Kalau begitu, aku akan mengambilmu.",https://subscene.com/ +The Tailed Beast Bomb!,尾獣玉,https://subscene.com/ +That guy snatchedthe Tailed Beast Bomb so easily!,Dia dengan mudahnya halau Bom Siluman Berekor!,https://subscene.com/ +When it comes to Tailed BeastsI'm his mentor ♪,"Kalau urusan Siluman Berekor, akulah gurunya Naruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"My, my…","Wah, wah.",https://subscene.com/ +What is that?!,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like any victoryis fleeting ♪,Ini jelas-jelas bau kekalahan!,https://subscene.com/ +That was easy.,"Gampang sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +it would've spared usall this trouble.,kita tak perlu repot-repot begini.,https://subscene.com/ +The disgrace of our clan!,Dia aib klan kita!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +It seems she even triedbuilding living weapons.,"Sampai-sampai dia buat senjata hidup, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +They saved me the trouble ofhaving to punish Kaguya myself.,Mereka justru ringankan pekerjaanku untuk urus Kaguya.,https://subscene.com/ +For sure.,Memang benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Is this all?,Apa hanya ini saja?,https://subscene.com/ +There's still one more Jinchuriki.,Masih ada satu orang Jinchuriki lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +coming from an areanot too far from here.,datang dari wilayah yang tak jauh dari sini.,https://subscene.com/ +The Chunin Exams are here at last.,"Akhirnya, sudah saatnya ikuti Ujian Chunin.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +We three will emergevictorious without fail.,Kami bertiga pasti akan berhasil tanpa hambatan sedikit pun.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not the one you shouldbe focusing on.,Saat ini bukan dirikulah yang harus kaupikirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Other villages don't matter.,Aku tak peduli dengan ninja dari desa lain.,https://subscene.com/ +"In any case, make sure to getgood rest on the Thunder Train.","Yang terpenting, kalian harus beristirahat di dalam kereta ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Take care of them.,Tolong jaga mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +I should reach the Hidden Leaf Villagearound the time Round Two begins.,Mungkin aku akan sampai ke Desa Konoha saat babak kedua dimulai.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll visit Temari when I get there.,"Setelah sampai di sana, aku akan berkunjung ke rumah Temari.",https://subscene.com/ +Gaara!,Gaara!,https://subscene.com/ +It's been a while.,Lama tak bertemu.,https://subscene.com/ +Which means that it's important.,Aku menghubungimu karena ada sesuatu yang penting.,https://subscene.com/ +Something definitely happened.,Sepertinya terjadi sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +But I'm getting a bad feelingabout this…,"Tapi, aku punya firasat buruk mengenai hal ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"So anyway, I warned you.","Yang terpenting, aku sudah memperingatkanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm grateful, my friend.","Terima kasih, Temanku.",https://subscene.com/ +You're starting to be ableto bend it a little.,Sepertinya kau mulai bisa sedikit belokkan arah lemparan shuriken-mu.,https://subscene.com/ +Now go around that oneand hit that target.,Lemparlah shuriken menyusuri pohon itu dan mengenai sasaran di sana.,https://subscene.com/ +How do you expect meto do that and hit the target?,Bagaimana mungkin aku bisa lakukan hal itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"I mean, if I had that,even I could of—!","Maksudku, kalau aku punya benda itu, aku juga bisa melakukannya.",https://subscene.com/ +There are countless other ways.,Masih ada banyak cara lain.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't try to findan answer instantly.,Jangan terburu-buru cari solusinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"You will definitely win, Young Lord.","Kau pasti akan menang, Tuan Muda.",https://subscene.com/ +"When you're in a bind,","Kalau kau terdesak,",https://subscene.com/ +There's no need to worry.,Kau tak perlu khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +I swear I'm not gonna lose!,Aku bersumpah takkan kalah!,https://subscene.com/ +to fight against ninjafrom other villages.,untuk bertarung melawan para ninja dari desa lain.,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +What have they done?,Apa-apaan ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Tsurushi Hachiya…,Tsurushi Hachiya.,https://subscene.com/ +He's a genin?!,Dia Genin?,https://subscene.com/ +We have to go save Denkisoon or else—!,Kalau kita tak segera selamatkan Denki...,https://subscene.com/ +We can't do that.,Kita tak boleh melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you're strong, right?","Eh, kau kuat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Mengenai itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"So lend us a hand, will ya, Kagura?","Jadi bantulah kami, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +A lot of time has already passed…,"Sudah banyak waktu yang terbuang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It should be around here…,Harusnya di sekitar sini.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, that all depends on you.",Itu sih tergantung kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +I might just consider it.,akan aku pertimbangkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hachiya, are you out of your mind?","Hachiya, hentikan semua ini!",https://subscene.com/ +This is war between the Leaf and us!,Ini adalah peperangan kami dengan Konoha!,https://subscene.com/ +This is really a drag.,"Sudah kuduga, ini memang merepotkan.",https://subscene.com/ +But they seem bent on fighting.,"Tapi, sepertinya mereka mengotot.",https://subscene.com/ +The mist—!,Kabutnya...,https://subscene.com/ +That's convenient.,"Cukup melegakan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Say that to them!,Katakan itu pada mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +It won't be like earlierthis afternoon!,Takkan semudah tadi sore!,https://subscene.com/ +Super Beast Scroll!,超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell—?!,Apa yang kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Things are tough ifyou fall into your own trap!,"Kalau kalian terjebak dalam perangkap kalian sendiri, itu akan sulit!",https://subscene.com/ +Is that sword still just for show?,Apa pedangmu itu hanya hiasan saja?,https://subscene.com/ +becoming one ofthe Seven Shinobi Swordsman…,takkan mungkin bisa jadi Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang.,https://subscene.com/ +"You know, like you did before!",Sama seperti waktu itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura…,Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +This guy changes whenhe draws his sword.,Kepribadian orang ini bisa berubah saat dia menyentuh pedang.,https://subscene.com/ +he dropped a bunch ofhis classmates into a sea of blood.,dia ubah teman-temannya jadi lautan darah.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not lying!,Aku tak bohong!,https://subscene.com/ +"this guy's the grandson ofthe Fourth Mizukage, Yagura.","cucu dari Mizukage Keempat, Yagura.",https://subscene.com/ +And look at how pitifulhe is now.,"Tapi sekarang, dia terlihat sangat menyedihkan.",https://subscene.com/ +So sad!,Menyedihkan!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not…like Yagura!,Aku berbeda dari Yagura!,https://subscene.com/ +You're not like him at all.,Kau sangat berbeda darinya.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura!,Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +What's that? A wooden sword?,Apa-apaan pedang kayu itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura!,Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, could...you...wait?","Hoi, tunggu.",https://subscene.com/ +The mist is…,Kabutnya...,https://subscene.com/ +I was waiting for an opportunityto jump in.,Aku menunggu celah.,https://subscene.com/ +We were outnumbered though.,Kita hanya kalah jumlah.,https://subscene.com/ +Hachiya!,Hachiya!,https://subscene.com/ +You'll be sorry!,Lihat saja nanti!,https://subscene.com/ +"Get lost, you guys!","Kalian juga, pergilah jauh-jauh!",https://subscene.com/ +Security's on their way!,Ada penjaga yang datang!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm beat!,Aku lelah!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, mission accomplished!",Misi kita selesai dengan lancar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, are you reallyYagura's grandson?","Eh, apa kau ini benar-benar cucunya Yagura?",https://subscene.com/ +"When I snapped out of it,","Saat aku menyadarinya,",https://subscene.com/ +I realized then…,"Saat itu, aku menyadarinya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even now, I struggle for controlwhen I hold a sword.","Bahkan sekarang pun, aku masih berusaha sekeras mungkin untuk kendalikan sebuah pedang.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm afraid of wieldinga sword.,takut memegang pedang.,https://subscene.com/ +Was it that obvious?,"Kelihatan sekali, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Please forget about it.,Tolong lupakan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"After that beat down,","Setelah dikalahkan seperti itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Regarding the peace treaty,Meskipun saat ini,https://subscene.com/ +"the Lands of Fire, Water,Waves and Sea…",Ombak dan Laut sedang damai...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm fine.,Aku baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +See?,Lihat?,https://subscene.com/ +Very well…,"Kalau memang begitu, ya sudah.",https://subscene.com/ +is analyzing the state of affairs.,terus menganalisis keadaan.,https://subscene.com/ +a peace treaty.,"itu yang kalian maksud, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +The Feudal Lords ofour nation believe,Daimyo di negeri kami percaya,https://subscene.com/ +provides more opportunitiesfor power and expansion.,memberikan lebih banyak keuntungan dalam kekuatan dan perluasan wilayah.,https://subscene.com/ +I agree.,Aku juga setuju.,https://subscene.com/ +so you can enjoythe Hidden Mist's nightlife.,agar kalian bisa nikmati kehidupan malam di desa kabut.,https://subscene.com/ +Then is it all right toconclude that,Jadi desa kabut,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +The Land of Water cansay what it likes.,"Mau mereka bicara apa pun,",https://subscene.com/ +"However, if the Lands of Waveand of the Sea","Tapi, kalau Negara Ombak dan Laut",https://subscene.com/ +the Land of Water will be putin a risky position.,Negara Air akan masuk dalam posisi yang sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +I understand that.,Aku mengerti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +to being called the Blood Mist.,mendapat julukan Desa Kabut Berdarah.,https://subscene.com/ +Both Lord Sixth and I…,Aku dan Mizukage Keenam akan,https://subscene.com/ +I think we're okay now…,"Kurasa sih kalian sudah aman,",https://subscene.com/ +I understand.,Aku mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on a minute!,Tunggu sebentar.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, I just don't feellike it right now.","Maaf, aku sedang tak ingin lakukan itu sekarang.",https://subscene.com/ +Our sensei aren't here!,Mumpung guru kami juga tak ada.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry!,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +So that's your move?,"Oh, jadi seperti itu cara mainmu?",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +How's this?!,Bagaimana kalau ini?,https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey wait!,Tu-Tunggu sebentar!,https://subscene.com/ +We're already done here…,Permainan ini sudah berakhir.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll win the next one for sure!,"Selanjutnya, yang menang pasti aku.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? You still wanna play?,"Eh, masih mau main?",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't know you were like this.,Aku tak tahu kalau kau ternyata orangnya seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Just ignore him.,Jangan dipikirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm surprised at myself too.,Aku sendiri pun tak menyangka.,https://subscene.com/ +I never knewthey could be this fun.,dan aku tak sangka kalau akan semenarik ini.,https://subscene.com/ +That sad expression you had earlieris completely gone.,Wajah sedihmu barusan sudah hilang sepenuhnya sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you.,Terima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that Hachiyaa friend of yours?,Bukankah anak yang bernama Hachiya itu adalah temanmu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, they were classmatesat the Academy.","Ya, dulunya mereka teman sekelas di akademi.",https://subscene.com/ +But he got hooked on the storiesabout the Blood Mist Village,"Tapi, dia terpengaruh cerita tentang Desa Kabut Berdarah",https://subscene.com/ +"and just like that,we'd grown apart.","Setelah itu, kami tak pernah bersama lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +"The fact that you wereYagura's grandson bothered you,","Kau terganggu karena statusmu yang merupakan cucu Yagura,",https://subscene.com/ +That's right.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, Kagura…Why did you become a ninja?","Jadi, Kagura, kenapa kau jadi ninja?",https://subscene.com/ +"That's all there was,",Hanya itu caranya,https://subscene.com/ +But Yagura's blood flows in me.,"Tapi, darah Yagura mengalir di tubuhku.",https://subscene.com/ +But I met someone whosaw me as a human being.,"Tapi, aku bertemu seseorang yang melihatku seperti manusia biasa.",https://subscene.com/ +You got—,Kau-,https://subscene.com/ +That's my fate.Nothing can change that.,"Itu sudah jadi takdirku, dan tak ada yang bisa mengubahnya.",https://subscene.com/ +I've fought againstthe voice inside me.,aku terus bertarung melawan suara yang ada di dalam diriku.,https://subscene.com/ +Like what happened withYagura so long ago?,Seperti apa yang terjadi pada Yagura dulu?,https://subscene.com/ +will never fade.,takkan pernah hilang.,https://subscene.com/ +Yagura's sin…is my sin.,"Dosa Yagura, merupakan dosaku juga.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm me.,Aku adalah aku.,https://subscene.com/ +What our dads and grandpas didhas nothing to do with us.,Yang dilakukan ayah dan kakek kita di masa lalu tak ada hubungannya dengan kita.,https://subscene.com/ +That's all that matters for Boruto.,Seperti itulah cara pikir Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're like someonewho's really driven, aren't you?","Tekadmu kuat sekali, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that a drag?,Bukankah itu merepotkan?,https://subscene.com/ +So I only have wordsof gratitude for you.,"Jadi, aku sangat berterima kasih padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +didn't belong to someonewho's in a dilemma.,tak terlihat seperti milik orang yang alami keterpurukan.,https://subscene.com/ +so nice to me?,sangat baik padaku?,https://subscene.com/ +"You threw off criticism thatyou're Yagura's grandson,",Kau tak hiraukan kecaman orang lain padamu yang merupakan cucu Yagura,https://subscene.com/ +That's why Lord Mizukagechose you to be,"Karena itulah, Tn. Mizukage memilihmu",https://subscene.com/ +So why not just be up frontabout it and accept it?,"Jadi, apa salahnya untuk yakin pada dirimu dan terima semuanya?",https://subscene.com/ +You never know if it's gonnabe fun until you try it!,Kau takkan pernah tahu seseru apa sebuah gim kalau tak coba memainkannya sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +Shinobi Bout!,Kartu Ninja!,https://subscene.com/ +Without any warning?!,Tanpa ada peringatan?,https://subscene.com/ +Having three cards is rare.,Sangat langka bisa punya tiga kartu.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +That was really gutsy…,Kau sangat hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +But I lost…,"Tapi, aku kalah.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! It's time forevening roll call!,"Boruto, waktunya untuk absen sore!",https://subscene.com/ +Now let's play again!,Ayo kita main lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess it's time to call it for today.,Kurasa kita sudahi dulu saja permainannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Here, you can have these.","Ini, kau boleh mengambilnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm coming, okay?","Ya, aku akan segera ke sana.",https://subscene.com/ +S-Sure.,Ba-Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, how are you?","Jadi, bagaimana keadaanmu?",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"They call me ""friend""and treat me as an equal.",Mereka anggap aku teman dan memperlakukanku seperti anak biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +It brought back memories…of how I used to be.,Semua itu jadi mengingatkan diriku yang dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +About the candidacy testfor the Hiramekarei…,Mengenai ujian untuk kandidat Hiramekarei...,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's fine.,Tak masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey Kagura, and Boruto Uzumaki…",Kagura dan Boruto Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Shizuma!,Shizuma!,https://subscene.com/ +it's time for war!,sekarang waktunya untuk berperang!,https://subscene.com/ +To fight until killed iswhat Blood Mist Shinobi do.,Bertarung sampai mati merupakan sesuatu yang harus dilakukan ninja desa kabut.,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on Boruto:Naruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +We're gonna get crushed!,Kita bisa remuk!,https://subscene.com/ +You're being used by humans!,Kau itu dimanfaatkan manusia!,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +You're not going anywhere!,"Dasar, tak ada habisnya!",https://subscene.com/ +Aoda!,Aoda!,https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style! Gale Palm!,風遁・烈風掌,https://subscene.com/ +How dare you do that to Cho-Cho!,Tega sekali kau lakukan itu pada Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll turn you into solid stone too!,Kau pun akan kuubah jadi batu!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm definitely gonnatake your Reverse Scale!,Aku pasti akan ambil sisik terbalikmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Fine by me!,Baguslah!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not letting you get away!,Takkan kubiarkan kau kabur!,https://subscene.com/ +You planning on going in alone?,Kau berniat pergi sendirian?,https://subscene.com/ +Why did Garaga retreat so suddenly?,Kenapa Garaga tiba-tiba mundur?,https://subscene.com/ +He didn't retreat.,Dia tak mundur.,https://subscene.com/ +So that's it.,"Jadi begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Who cares?,"Meski begitu, kita tetap harus ke sana, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Aoda, please wait here.","Aoda, kau tunggulah di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +Garaga's Reverse Scale is the onepart of him that you must avoid.,Sisik terbalik Garaga adalah sesuatu yang harus Anda hindari.,https://subscene.com/ +turned into stonejust by touching it.,berubah jadi batu setelah sentuh sisik itu.,https://subscene.com/ +To steal it from him is…,Mencuri sisik itu darinya berarti...,https://subscene.com/ +"That's why,we can't waste time here.","Karena itulah, kita tak boleh buang-buang waktu di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +Have a good evening!,Terima kasih atas kerja kerasnya!,https://subscene.com/ +Roger!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"I thought if there was a traitor,","Kalau memang ada pengkhianat,",https://subscene.com/ +Seems I was right.,Dan ternyata aku benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"But, why?","Tapi, kenapa?",https://subscene.com/ +"and here we are, on patrol duty?",tapi kita malah patroli.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +"Udon, perfect timing!","Udon, kebetulan sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +You have to rush overthe Hokage Building!,Sebaiknya kalian segera ke Gedung Hokage!,https://subscene.com/ +Just a minute.,Tunggu dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +Udon Sensei?,Guru Udon?,https://subscene.com/ +why did you leave?,tapi kenapa kau malah tinggalkan lokasi kejadian?,https://subscene.com/ +It's better for all of us if youdon't cause such a commotion.,Supaya kita sama-sama tak timbulkan keributan.,https://subscene.com/ +We're in the center ofthe Hidden Leaf Village.,Kita berada di pusat Desa Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +"Please, let's not do this, Udon.","Sebaiknya jangan deh, Udon.",https://subscene.com/ +You're not gonnaget away with this!,Takkan kami biarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Something's not right…,Jangan-jangan ini...,https://subscene.com/ +I knew it. It was a genjutsu.,"Ternyata memang Genjutsu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yurito, what happened?","Yurito, apa yang sebenarnya terjadi?",https://subscene.com/ +Just what is…,Sebenarnya...,https://subscene.com/ +Boom!,Duar!,https://subscene.com/ +I bet it made such a nice noise!,"Pasti bunyinya luar biasa, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +It's hard to believeyour genjutsu was released!,Siapa sangka Genjutsu-mu akan dipatahkan?,https://subscene.com/ +"In any case, my job here is done.","Yang jelas, tugasku sudah selesai.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah…","Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's so dark, I can't see well.","Saking gelapnya, jadi sulit melihat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It's just like Aoda said.,"Seperti yang dikatakan Aoda,",https://subscene.com/ +His body camouflages itselfinto the color of this cave.,Tubuhnya bisa berbaur dengan warna gua ini.,https://subscene.com/ +This is becoming a real drag.,Ini semakin merepotkan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +We'd better get moving!,"Yang jelas, kita harus bergerak!",https://subscene.com/ +"Inojin, jump off!","Inojin, lompat!",https://subscene.com/ +It's as though Garagacan see our moves…,Sepertinya Garaga bisa lihat pergerakan kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I hope you're grateful!,Berterima kasihlah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyways, great job, Inojin!","Tapi, kau hebat juga ya, Inojin!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hold on, Inojin.What do you mean?","Tunggu dulu, Inojin, apa maksudmu?",https://subscene.com/ +That one was unharmed.,"Tapi, dia berhasil selamat saat itu.",https://subscene.com/ +I might have found a wayto bring Garaga down.,Mungkin aku tahu cara kalahkan Garaga.,https://subscene.com/ +I figured as much.,Ternyata benar dugaanku.,https://subscene.com/ +Movement of heat sources?,Gerakan dari sumber panas?,https://subscene.com/ +I've heard of somethinglike that too.,Aku juga pernah dengar istilah itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +yet he didn't react tothe Super Beast Scroll.,tapi dia tak bereaksi terhadap Rajah Plagiat Hewan.,https://subscene.com/ +"The Super Beast Scrollis a drawing,","Karena Rajah Plagiat Hewan adalah gambar,",https://subscene.com/ +"And if we, in turn,take advantage of that…",Dan kalau kita manfaatkan hal itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Won't make a dentif we do this just once or twice…,"Kalau hanya satu atau dua kali, tempat ini masih akan tetap kokoh.",https://subscene.com/ +You brats!,Dasar bocah kurang ajar!,https://subscene.com/ +Now!,Sekarang!,https://subscene.com/ +You bastards!,Bocah-bocah kurang ajar!,https://subscene.com/ +– Okay!– Okay!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +This fortress must beprotected at all cost.,Benteng ini harus dilindungi apa pun yang terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you know who you're talking to?,Kaupikir sedang bicara dengan siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +That goes without saying!,Itu sudah pasti!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, there's no way we'll lose!","Ya, mustahil kita bisa kalah!",https://subscene.com/ +This place is gonna fall.,Tempat ini akan segera jatuh!,https://subscene.com/ +Not yet!,Masih belum!,https://subscene.com/ +Back me up!,Bantu aku!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's go!,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +What was that just now?,Yang barusan tadi itu apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Barging into my mind like this.,Seenaknya masuk ke dalam pikiranku.,https://subscene.com/ +So this is…,Berarti tempat ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Did you come here to kill me too?,Apa kau datang ke sini juga ingin membunuhku?,https://subscene.com/ +"And for that,I need your Reverse Scale…","Dan untuk itu, aku butuh sisik terbalikmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Coming to a place like thisjust for a traitor.,Repot-repot datang ke tempat seperti ini hanya untuk seorang pengkhianat.,https://subscene.com/ +"But long ago, even you—!","Tapi dulu, bahkan kau...",https://subscene.com/ +Like you.,Sama sepertimu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +was a terrible guy.,adalah orang yang buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?!,Apa kau bilang?,https://subscene.com/ +but he was smart.,tapi dia itu pintar.,https://subscene.com/ +"When he abandoned me,","Saat dia tinggalkanku,",https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Kalau itu...,https://subscene.com/ +They were cold and calculatingshinobi eyes.,Mata ninja yang dingin dan penuh kelicikan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't act like you know it all,you punk!","Omong kosong kau, bocah sialan!",https://subscene.com/ +"You just think you know, is all.",Kau hanya berlagak mengerti saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you're right.I didn't understand anything.",Aku memang tak mengerti apa pun tentangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +But—!,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +Trust is somethingyou take advantage of.,Kepercayaan ada untuk dimanfaatkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"He made you trust him too,","dia membuatmu percaya padanya,",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Jangan seenaknya bicara!,https://subscene.com/ +"If I kill you right now,","Kalau aku membunuhmu di sini sekarang juga,",https://subscene.com/ +There's no way that will happen!,Itu takkan mungkin terjadi!,https://subscene.com/ +"I've decided, ya' know.",Sudah kuputuskan.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna enter intoa Summoning Contract with him.,Aku akan lakukan kontrak Pemanggilan dengannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Garaga, you just said you'd like tosee me get killed by Mitsuki.","Garaga, kau bilang kau ingin melihatku dibunuh oleh Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +"Then I'll show you,how I'll take Mitsuki back!","Kalau begitu, akan aku perlihatkan kalau aku bisa bawa Mitsuki kembali!",https://subscene.com/ +Trust isn't somethingyou take advantage of!,Kepercayaan adalah sesuatu yang tak bisa dimanfaatkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Quit babbling!,Omong kosong!,https://subscene.com/ +If that happens…kill me!,"Kalau itu terjadi, bunuhlah aku!",https://subscene.com/ +What's so funny?,Apanya yang lucu?,https://subscene.com/ +I'll play along with you a little.,Aku akan bermain-main denganmu untuk sementara waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +"And if you can't,I'll devour you then.","Dan kalau kau tak bisa melakukannya, aku akan memakanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Did you bring Garaga'sReverse Scale?,Apa kalian bawa sisik terbalik milik Garaga?,https://subscene.com/ +Then show it to me!,"Kalau begitu, perlihatkan padaku!",https://subscene.com/ +"You have some gall, trying totake my Reverse Scale.","Ternyata kau cukup berani juga ya, mencoba mencuri sisik terbalik milikku.",https://subscene.com/ +You're very interestingfor a human child.,"Untuk seorang anak manusia, kau anak yang menarik.",https://subscene.com/ +"All right then, I shall reward you!","Baiklah, aku akan memberimu hadiah!",https://subscene.com/ +These are the thoughtsleft inside Mitsuki's snake.,Ini adalah ingatan yang tersimpan di dalam ular milik Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +The answers you seek are there.,Jawaban yang kaucari ada di sana.,https://subscene.com/ +Stop his heart for just a while.,Hentikan detak jantungnya untuk sementara waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I said…,"Sudah kubilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Stop the idle talk, Sekiei…","Sudah cukup basa-basinya, Sekiei.",https://subscene.com/ +Now go…to where Boruto is.,Sekarang pergilah ke tempat Boruto berada.,https://subscene.com/ +he just asked it to stopthe guard's heart for a little.,katanya dia hentikan detak jantung penjaga itu untuk sementara.,https://subscene.com/ +so he didn't bother to stab him.,"jadi, dia tak menusuknya.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, what does that mean?","Jadi, apa artinya?",https://subscene.com/ +I knew it!,Sudah kuduga!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, but…I don't agree with your reasoning.","Maaf, tapi aku tak setuju dengan pemikiranmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Perhaps Mitsukidid save the gatekeeper.,Mungkin saja Mitsuki memang selamatkan penjaga gerbang tersebut.,https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not happy withjust letting him go.,aku takkan melepaskannya.,https://subscene.com/ +The Land of Earth isone of the Five Great Nations.,Negara Tanah adalah salah satu dari Lima Negara Besar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Back when our parents were young,war would be a possibility.","Sama seperti saat orang tua kita masih muda dulu, mungkin saja nanti akan terjadi perang.",https://subscene.com/ +"What do you want to do, huh?",Sekarang apa yang akan kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +"I want to see Mitsuki in person,and hear what he has to say!","Aku ingin bertemu dengan Mitsuki, dan dengar apa yang ingin dia katakan secara langsung!",https://subscene.com/ +"If worse comes to worst,","Kalau situasinya memburuk,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I'm counting on you.","Ya, serahkan saja padaku.",https://subscene.com/ +He seems to be boundby a strange destiny…,Sepertinya dia terikat dengan takdir yang aneh.,https://subscene.com/ +One cannot run away from destiny…,Orang yang tak bisa lari dari takdir.,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like we made it out ofRyuchi Cave safely.,Sepertinya kita berhasil keluar dari Gua Ryuchi dengan selamat.,https://subscene.com/ +we won't be able to get to Mitsuki,kita takkan bisa bertemu dengan Mitsuki,https://subscene.com/ +That's why we need to updatethe village on our situation.,Karena itulah kita harus beri tahu desa mengenai situasi saat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +We're going to break offinto two teams.,Kita akan bagi tim jadi dua kelompok.,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like migration seasonis about to start.,"Musim migrasi sepertinya sudah dimulai, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"There are still some infected birdsamong them, right?","Di antara burung-burung itu masih ada yang terinfeksi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo!,Paman Juugo!,https://subscene.com/ +Tosaka!,Tosaka!,https://subscene.com/ +Migration SeasonWhat are you trying to do?!,Apa tujuanmu sebenarnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"But what's the point ifhe's in his weakened state, right?","Tapi kalau dia dalam kondisi lemah,tak ada gunanya lakukan pengujian, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You just don't knowwhen to give up!,"Benar-benar tak tahu cara menyerah, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh dear.,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't just stand there!,Jangan bengong doang!,https://subscene.com/ +We have to isolate the birdswith red eyes!,Kita harus mengisolasi burung yang bermata merah!,https://subscene.com/ +Found one.,Ketemu!,https://subscene.com/ +Where is it?,Di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada! What are you doing?,"Sarada, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +We managed somehow.,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +This is an emergency!,Situasinya darurat!,https://subscene.com/ +I still feel numb.,Beberapa bagian tubuhku masih mati rasa!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Jugo!,Paman Juugo!,https://subscene.com/ +"Regardless, we'll do whateverwe can until the very end!","Pokoknya, kita harus lakukan apa yang kita bisa sampai akhir!",https://subscene.com/ +"You're just as stubborn,aren't you?!","Kau ini keras kepala sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll be able to obtain samples thatare much more interesting!,pastinya aku bisa dapatkan lebih banyak sampel yang menarik!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell is he?,Apa-apaan dia ini?,https://subscene.com/ +You're mine!,Kena kau!,https://subscene.com/ +S-Stop!,Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Quit wasting time, and just show mehow strong you really are!",Bisakah kau perlihatkan seberapa kuat dirimu?,https://subscene.com/ +Stop this!,Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +You say the strangest things.,"Kau juga mengatakan hal yang aneh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +See?,"Lihat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That's his destiny!,Karena dia sudah ditakdirkan begitu!,https://subscene.com/ +I was starting toget tired of waiting!,"Aku sudah capek menunggu, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +And I'll defeat you,Sekarang juga aku akan mengalahkanmu,https://subscene.com/ +Orochimaru…can't hold a candle to me!,Bahkan Orochimaru takkan sanggup menghadapiku!,https://subscene.com/ +He's absorbing the Curse Mark?,Dia menyerap tanda kutukannya?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +There are too many!,Jumlahnya terlalu banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's do our best!,Semangat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, Mitsuki!I found a kitten.","Boruto, Mitsuki, aku temukan anak kucing.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't know.But it keeps shaking!,"Aku tak tahu, tapi dia terus gemetaran!",https://subscene.com/ +but we can't have petsat our place.,tapi aku tak diperbolehkan pelihara kucing.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, Mitsuki! Can you take careof it for a little bit?","Kalau begitu, Mitsuki, bisakah kau merawatnya untuk sementara waktu?",https://subscene.com/ +A hot spring where you can see peoplewho've died?,Pemandian air panas untuk bertemu dengan orang yang sudah meninggal?,https://subscene.com/ +There's no waysomething like that is real!,Mana mungkin ada sesuatu semacam itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you want to see your father?,Bukankah Mbak Mirai juga ingin bertemu dengan ayah Mbak?,https://subscene.com/ +Just focus on amassing chakraon the soles of your feet.,Fokuskan saja chakra kalian pada kaki.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you can controlchakra skillfully,","Kalau kalian bisa kontrol chakra dengan baik,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm at a disadvantagecompared to everyone.,"Kalau begini, akulah yang paling tak diuntungkan!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't talk to me!,Jangan mengajakku bicara!,https://subscene.com/ +How about…this?,Bagaimana kalau begini?,https://subscene.com/ +Actual rivers and oceansare nothing like this.,Sungai dan lautan yang sebenarnya tak setenang ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"This is dangerous, Boruto!","Ini bahaya, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Sarada!","Yo, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +We're gonna teachDenki how to fish…,Kami akan latih Denki memancing.,https://subscene.com/ +Can you believe it?,Percaya tidak?,https://subscene.com/ +I've played fishing games.,"Kalau gim memancing, sering dapat, sih!",https://subscene.com/ +I have to get dinner ready.,Aku akan siapkan makan malam!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm not a kid, you know.",Aku sih bukan anak-anak lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't have to try to know.,"Untuk mengerti, tak harus dicoba juga, kali.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm home.,Aku pulang.,https://subscene.com/ +The miso soup smells so good.,"Ah, sup miso-nya baunya enak.",https://subscene.com/ +Why don't we add some in?,Mau dicampur?,https://subscene.com/ +I don't thinkthey'll go well together…,Sepertinya tak cocok.,https://subscene.com/ +"By the way,are you ready for tomorrow?","Oh ya, apa persiapan untuk besok sudah selesai?",https://subscene.com/ +"RUN, SARADA!Everything's notgood to go!",Sama sekali tak tenang!,https://subscene.com/ +Hurry up and get readybefore Ino comes.,Cepatlah bergegas sebelum bibi Ino tiba.,https://subscene.com/ +Then don't go.,"Kalau begitu, mau dibatalkan?",https://subscene.com/ +"You finally gotsome time off, right?","Padahal akhirnya dapat liburan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Is there anythingyou'd like me to bring you?,Apa kau mau sesuatu untuk oleh-oleh?,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada… Don't say that…,"Sarada, jangan bilang begitu, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +They didn't come to get this yet…,"Masih belum diambil juga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Is this…?,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +See this…?,Lihatlah.,https://subscene.com/ +so I brought it homelast night to sew it up.,jadi Mama bawa pulang dan menjahitnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess she's busy.,"Tapi, sepertinya dia sibuk, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Can't it wait untilyou get home?,Tak bisa tunggu sampai Mama pulang?,https://subscene.com/ +She must be lonelywithout her teddy bear.,Dia pasti kesepian tanpa boneka ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Would you mind?,"Maaf, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah…","Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +All right! Time to have fun!,"Baiklah, waktunya bersenang-senang!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll stop by sometime today…,Hari ini aku akan mampir ke sana.,https://subscene.com/ +It's so important to her,"Itu adalah hadiah dari papanya,",https://subscene.com/ +She's so listless without it.,"Tanpa boneka itu, dia sering murung.",https://subscene.com/ +Please ask her to waitjust a while longer.,Tolong beri tahu dia agar bersedia menunggu sebentar lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to go on this tripand have lots of fun.,Aku akan nikmati perjalanan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I know you'll be taking careof everything at home.,yang bisa diserahi semua pekerjaan di rumah.,https://subscene.com/ +"I love you, Sarada.",Wahai Sarada tersayang.,https://subscene.com/ +This is Tatsumi Gate. Tatsumi Gate.,"Gerbang Tatsumi, sampai di Gerbang Tatsumi.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's see… The hospital is…,"Baiklah, rumah sakitnya...",https://subscene.com/ +"If I go straight acrossthese roofs,","Kalau aku mengejarnya langsung lewat atap,",https://subscene.com/ +That makes me no differentfrom Boruto…,"Kalau begini, aku tak ada bedanya dengan Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Ms. Shizune?!,Bu Shizune?,https://subscene.com/ +You don't have to beso formal like that.,Kenapa kau bicara kaku begitu padaku?,https://subscene.com/ +Is something wrong?,Apa sudah terjadi sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +"I have something to do, so…","Ada sesuatu yang harus kulakukan, jadi...",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, it was still super fun!","Tapi, menyenangkan, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +You don't knowthe joy of fishing yet!,Kau masih belum tahu nikmatnya memancing!,https://subscene.com/ +Just leave it to me!,Serahkan saja padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +Where do you need to go?,"Maaf, Anda ingin pergi ke mana?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't mention it.,Tak perlu sungkan.,https://subscene.com/ +There it is!,Itu dia!,https://subscene.com/ +He was right…,Dia benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Did he see me?,"Dia melihatku tidak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Why'd he have to get on now,of all times?!","Aduh, di saat seperti ini kenapa harus ada dia?",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm probably just tired.,"Apa aku sedang kelelahan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"There's no way Sarada would be ridingon the roof of the train, right?","Tak mungkin 'kan, kalau Sarada naiki atap gerbong kereta?",https://subscene.com/ +"No way, no way.",Tak mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +It would be a disgraceif she did that!,Hal seperti itu bisa rusak kehormatannya.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll probably tease heruntil graduation.,"Sepertinya ini bisa kita jadikan bahan olokan sampai lulus nanti, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Where'd you see her?,Di mana kau melihatnya?,https://subscene.com/ +Look for her!,Ayo cari!,https://subscene.com/ +You guys are so mean.,"Kalian ini benar-benar jahat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You must've seen wrong.,Apa kau tak salah lihat tadi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, Shikadai!","Ayolah, Shikadai!",https://subscene.com/ +It's a girl's footprint.,"Jejak kaki cewek, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It's kinda noisy out there.,"Berisik sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Talk about a narrow escape!,Benar-benar waktu yang pas!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't afford to haveanyone see me.,"Tapi, aku tak boleh terlihat oleh siapapun.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll do anything you ask!,Aku akan lakukan apa pun!,https://subscene.com/ +Since you tend to bea little prim and proper.,"Kau itu selalu jaim, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Pretty women always have secrets.,Wanita cantik selalu punya rahasia.,https://subscene.com/ +All right…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +The lost and found center?,Bagian barang terkecer dan ditemukan?,https://subscene.com/ +You know so much.,"Kau tahu banyak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's you!","Oh, kau datang lagi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +It's her today.,Hari ini dia.,https://subscene.com/ +It was in a cherry blossom printwrapping cloth…,milikku ketinggalan di rak di dalam kereta.,https://subscene.com/ +Train number 761…,Kereta nomor 761.,https://subscene.com/ +Is this it?,"Bungkusan yang ini, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +That was a quick resolution…,"Ternyata cepat ditemukan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +It's a beloved stuffed animalfor a girl in the hospital.,Isinya boneka hewan untuk seorang perempuan yang saat ini dirawat di rumah sakit.,https://subscene.com/ +Is it a stuffed animal…?,Ini boneka hewan,https://subscene.com/ +This isn't it…,Ini bukan boneka milikku.,https://subscene.com/ +If I remember correctly…,Kalau aku tak salah ingat...,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry,but it's already been claimed.","Maafkan aku, tapi barang itu sudah diambil.",https://subscene.com/ +What do I do? What do I do?,Bagaimana ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe we should gofind the owner of this?,Kurasa sebaiknya kita cari pemilik benda ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't be so prim.,Jangan terlalu kaku begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I know, but…","Aku tahu, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +It's an emergency.This isn't the time to quibble!,Sekarang bukan saatnya pikirkan yang bukan-bukan.,https://subscene.com/ +I've never seena doll like this…and…,Aku tak pernah lihat boneka seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +It's okay!,"Tenang saja, tenang.",https://subscene.com/ +It's not so bad,Sekali-kali kau juga,https://subscene.com/ +What is this shop?,Toko apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"You know my mom is fromthe Hidden Cloud, right?","Kau pasti tahu kalau ibuku berasal dari Kumogakure, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +we come here.,kami datang ke tempat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Long time no see…,Lama tak bertemu.,https://subscene.com/ +There's something I want youto take a look at.,Aku ingin Nenek lihat sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +"You there, the cute one.",wahai gadis manis yang di situ.,https://subscene.com/ +Is that right?,"Begitu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Go home!,Pergi sana!,https://subscene.com/ +We know…,"Kami tahu, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +Th-That's…?!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"GAL-B CHIPSCHAMELEON PLANT & FISH SAUSAGESO GOOD, IT'S INSANE!!!!?The elusive chameleon plantand fish sausage flavor…",Rasa tanaman bunglon dan saus ikan.,https://subscene.com/ +And it's the very last package…,"Dan ini bungkusan yang terakhir, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +This is a doll fromthe Hidden Waterfall.,Boneka ini berasal dari Takigakure.,https://subscene.com/ +They use this doll during memorialsfor their ancestors.,Mereka gunakan boneka ini dalam upacara hormati para leluhur.,https://subscene.com/ +And today just happensto be that day.,Dan kebetulan hari ini adalah hari perayaannya.,https://subscene.com/ +They float dolls like this andtheir ancestor's nameplate down the river.,Mereka hanyutkan boneka ini beserta label nama leluhur mereka di sungai.,https://subscene.com/ +That can't happen!,Itu tak boleh terjadi!,https://subscene.com/ +"She said the service is heldin the evening, right?","Nenek itu bilang upacaranya dilaksanakan sore hari, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, that bag of chips…","Chocho, keripik kentang yang tadi...",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry you gave it awayfor me.,"Kau justru memberikannya pada nenek itu, maafkan aku.",https://subscene.com/ +I still get to fantasizeabout what it tastes like!,"Lagi pula, aku masih bisa bayangkan seperti apa rasanya!",https://subscene.com/ +You work too hard.,Kau bekerja terlalu keras.,https://subscene.com/ +Does Sasuke even contact youonce in a while?,Apa akhir-akhir ini Sasuke menghubungimu?,https://subscene.com/ +But when I think about himtraveling around the world…,"Tapi, saat aku pikirkan bagaimana dia berpetualang ke seluruh dunia,",https://subscene.com/ +Fine!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you sayyou don't remember!,"Aku tak terima kalau kau bilang tak ingat, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't underestimate your friend.,Jangan remehkan temanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +where you and Sasukecame on your first date.,kau dan Sasuke kencan pertama kali.,https://subscene.com/ +but it only lastedtwo and a half minutes.,itu hanya berlangsung dua setengah menit.,https://subscene.com/ +Just sit down and reminisceto your heart's content!,Duduk saja dan kenanglah tempat ini ke dalam hatimu!,https://subscene.com/ +It does bring back memories…,"Jadi teringat kembali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder where he is now?,"Sekarang dia ada di mana, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I can't give up now!,Jangan menyerah dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +"This is the real one, right?","Ini yang asli, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"It's complicated,so I'll explain later!","Ceritanya panjang, jadi penjelasannya nanti saja!",https://subscene.com/ +Over there!,Di sana!,https://subscene.com/ +The currents really pick upbeyond here.,Setelah ini arusnya semakin kencang!,https://subscene.com/ +"If ninjutsu will work at a time like this,I gotta do it!","Kalau di saat seperti ini Ninjutsu berguna, akan kulakukan!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't talk to me!,Jangan mengajakku bicara!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you lose focusfor even a second,","Kalau konsentrasimu hilang sebentar saja,",https://subscene.com/ +I know!,Aku tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?!,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?!,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +Cha!,Shanaro!,https://subscene.com/ +Did you hear somethingjust now?,Apa barusan kau dengar sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Like this, maybe?","Apa seperti ini, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna let you catchthe big boss of this river!,Akan kubiarkan kau tangkap bosnya sungai ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Probably…not.,"Ya, sepertinya mustahil.",https://subscene.com/ +It's the big boss!,Bos besarnya!,https://subscene.com/ +S-Sarada…,Sa-Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +Why were you…,Kenapa kau,https://subscene.com/ +"It was hot,so I was taking a swim.","Karena panas, aku berenang.",https://subscene.com/ +– No…– No…,Tak masalah,https://subscene.com/ +Te…,Bo...,https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for waiting.,Terima kasih sudah menunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Your treat, right?","Sarada yang traktir, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Are you home?,Tak ada orang?,https://subscene.com/ +How was your trip?,Jalan-jalannya bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you!,"Terima kasih, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I added some tomatoes this time…,Kali ini aku masukkan beberapa tomat.,https://subscene.com/ +Can you bring outthe chopsticks?,"Bisa ambilkan sumpit, tidak?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, by the way, did you drop offthat teddy bear for me?","Oh ya, bonekanya sudah kau antarkan?",https://subscene.com/ +It was easy.,Itu sangat mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Some dad he is…,Ayah yang payah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Now, watch and learn!",Pakai cara ini yang ampuh!,https://subscene.com/ +"""A Day in The Life of the Uzumaki Family.""",Keseharian Keluarga Uzumaki.,https://subscene.com/ +"Go for it, Cho-Cho!","Menangkanlah, Chocho!",https://subscene.com/ +L-O-V-E!,L-O-V-E!,https://subscene.com/ +"Burgers, huh?","Hamburger, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Boom!,...serpihan ini!,https://subscene.com/ +You infused chakra intothe Iron Sand to manipulate it.,"Untuk memanipulasi pasir besi itu, kau masukkan chakra ke dalamnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Your boy is pretty skilled.,Bocahmu boleh juga.,https://subscene.com/ +He was…,Dia itu...,https://subscene.com/ +What's your name?,Namamu siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +W-Why you!,Kurang ajar!,https://subscene.com/ +You've done more than enough!,Sudah cukup!,https://subscene.com/ +"You know, in the rare editionseries of potato chips,","Asal kau tahu, di edisi serial langkanya keripik kentang,",https://subscene.com/ +"That can't possiblytaste good, right?","Yang seperti itu harusnya mustahil punya rasa enak, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Sink or swim,I have to taste them.","Mau bagaimanapun, aku harus bisa merasakannya.",https://subscene.com/ +That sign!,Segel itu...,https://subscene.com/ +That's not true…,Sebenarnya tak juga.,https://subscene.com/ +She really hates using it.,dia sangat tak suka kalau harus menggunakannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Like I said…,"Sudah kubilang,",https://subscene.com/ +Why are you going this far?,Kau sampai berusaha sekeras itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Human Boulder!,肉弾戦車,https://subscene.com/ +"Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll!","Putar, putar, putar, putar, putar!",https://subscene.com/ +Did your opinion of me changea little at least?,apa pendapatmu tentangku sudah sedikit berubah?,https://subscene.com/ +"Just that I was much betterthan you, after all.",Kenyataannya memang aku jauh lebih baik darimu.,https://subscene.com/ +How frustrating!,Menyebalkan sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +He's strong…,"Kuat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +And still….,Meski begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +"It's a jutsu similar tothe Kazekage's,","Tekniknya mirip dengan milik Kazekage,",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it.,Sial.,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, she seems okay.","Oh, sepertinya dia baik-baik saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Your name's Mitsuki, right?","Namamu Mitsuki, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +to ease up on an opponent isto show contempt towards him.,mengalah pada lawan itu merupakan suatu penghinaan.,https://subscene.com/ +"I shall bring you down,on my father's honor.",aku akan kalahkanmu di pertandingan berikutnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"In a battle, you fight for yourself.","Pertarungan itu dilakukan demi diri sendiri, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"That's if,you're still in the running.",Itu pun kalau kau masih menang.,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +She just used too much chakra.,Dia hanya terlalu banyak gunakan chakra.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Papa… Mama…,"Papa, Mama.",https://subscene.com/ +That guy…,Dia itu...,https://subscene.com/ +He's not bad at all.,"Dia lumayan banget, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I won't allow it!",Papa tak terima!,https://subscene.com/ +This marks the end ofthe elimination matches.,"Dengan ini, babak penyisihan pun berakhir.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki againstShikadai Nara.,Boruto Uzumaki melawan Shikadai Nara.,https://subscene.com/ +This has turned out to be a drag…,"Situasinya jadi makin merepotkan saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, what?","Apaan, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +"Let's do this fair and squarewith no hard feelings, okay?",Mari kita bertanding dengan sportif tanpa dendam di hati.,https://subscene.com/ +"Let's do this fair and squarewith no hard feelings, okay?",Mari kita bertanding dengan sportif tanpa dendam di hati.,https://subscene.com/ +You really didn't haveto take time to come.,"Kalian tak perlu repot-repot ke sini, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +So not cute.,"Tak lucu, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +Seriously?,Dasar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, being able to relaxis a good thing.","Ya, bersikap santai itu ada baiknya.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't mean topressure you, but…","Aku tak berniat menekanmu,",https://subscene.com/ +What's that supposed to mean?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I didn't mean it to be.Anyway, just win!","Ya, bukan itu maksudku, yang jelas menangkan saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Just leave!,Pergi sana!,https://subscene.com/ +All right…I guess I'll go win a match.,"Baiklah, aku akan memenangkannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, sorry.",Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +Just out.,Pergi ke luar sebentar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's Big Brother!","Oh, itu kakak!",https://subscene.com/ +"Do your best, Big Brother!","Kakak, berjuanglah!",https://subscene.com/ +It's too badthis isn't the final match.,"Sayang sekali mereka tak bertemu di final, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, Shikadai's seriousfor a change.","Ya, Shikadai serius untuk berubah, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Whoa!,Wah!,https://subscene.com/ +I wanted to end this beforeyou used your Shadow Paralysis!,Aku ingin segera akhiri ini sebelum kau gunakan Peniru Bayanganmu!,https://subscene.com/ +See?,Lihat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Shut up, and let me catch you!","Berisik, biarkan aku menangkapmu!",https://subscene.com/ +Show us the fruitsof your training.,Tunjukkan pada kami hasil latihanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Over here!,Sebelah sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Where are you looking?!,Melihat ke mana kau?,https://subscene.com/ +Quit jumping around.,"Tak bisa diam sama sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I got his back.,Aku berada di belakangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Gotcha!,Sudah berakhir!,https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey! What's that?,"Hoi, apa itu?",https://subscene.com/ +It just means Boruto wasn't the only onegetting special training.,Yang lakukan latihan khusus bukan hanya Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I already figured thatyou'd resort to your Shadow Clones…,Aku sudah duga kalau kau akan gunakan Klona Bayanganmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"So anyway, I really wishyou'd give up graciously.","Baiklah, aku sih maunya kau menyerah dengan baik-baik.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn…it…,Sial.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh…yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't lose!,Aku tak boleh kalah!,https://subscene.com/ +Still wanna do this?,Masih mau bertarung denganku?,https://subscene.com/ +Good grief…,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki advancesto the finals!,Boruto Uzumaki maju ke babak final!,https://subscene.com/ +Young Lord!,Tuan Muda!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's you, Mr. Katasuke.","Oh, Paman Katasuke, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's still inthe development stage,","Karena masih dalam tahap pengembangan,",https://subscene.com/ +yet you used it so ingeniously.So marvelous!,"Tapi, kau bisa menggunakannya dengan sangat cerdik, hebat sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +I look forward to anotherimpressive showing in the final.,Aku nantikan penampilan hebatmu di babak final nanti.,https://subscene.com/ +"You and I, Young Lord…",Mari bersama-sama,https://subscene.com/ +Breathe new life…,Angin segar.,https://subscene.com/ +There we go.,Di sini kau rupanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Yup. All three of uswere almost there.,"Ya, kita bertiga sedikit lagi bisa menang.",https://subscene.com/ +would hurt like this.,bisa menyakitkan seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +Potato chips that have been finishedaren't worth wasting time over.,Menghabiskan kentang goreng itu tak membuang-buang waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +Even her brain is greasy!,Bahkan otakmu pun ikut-ikutan berminyak seperti kentang goreng!,https://subscene.com/ +…did my best.,sudah berjuang keras.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, let's do our bestin the next one.","Kalau begitu, kita harus tetap berjuang.",https://subscene.com/ +We're like lounge pants withan elasticized waist.,Kita ini seperti celana lebar dengan pinggang yang elastis.,https://subscene.com/ +to the max!,hingga jadi yang terbaik!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell…,Apa-apaan kalian ini?,https://subscene.com/ +I guess you're right…,Kurasa kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Yup! Yup!,"Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We should run cryingto Moegi Sensei,Kita harus pergi ke tempat Guru Moegi sambil menangis,https://subscene.com/ +– That's right!– That's right!,Benar!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +You'd better not mess upin the finals!,Jangan sampai kalah di babak final nanti!,https://subscene.com/ +What? That sounds so unconvincing.,"Apa-apaan itu, kedengarannya kau tak yakin.",https://subscene.com/ +Do your best!,Berjuanglah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh! I don't think Moegi Sensei is gonnabe able to afford BBQ,","Oh, tapi kurasa Guru Moegi takkan bisa mentraktir kita yakiniku",https://subscene.com/ +What? But I'm in the moodfor their extra special kalbi!,"Ha, padahal aku sangat ingin makan kalbi ekstra spesial!",https://subscene.com/ +Be extra careful aroundthat Araya guy!,Berhati-hatilah hadapi pria yang bernama Araya itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Genjutsu doesn't even work!,Bahkan Genjutsu pun tak mempan terhadapnya!,https://subscene.com/ +Is he really human?,Apa dia benar-benar manusia?,https://subscene.com/ +Is this just a difference in strength?,Apa sejauh ini perbedaan kekuatan kami?,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +We're progressing every day!,Setiap hari kami selalu berkembang!,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, everyone.","Baiklah, semuanya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's the reason whyyou're students at the Academy.,Karena kalian sudah jadi murid akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +I just can't get it right.,Lemparanku tak ada yang mengenai target.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, we've been forced to practicethis sort of thing at home.","Ya, kita dipaksa untuk berlatih yang seperti ini di rumah.",https://subscene.com/ +my shuriken is perfect!,lemparan shuriken-ku sempurna!,https://subscene.com/ +Move outta the way!,"Minggir, minggir!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +Demon Wind Shuriken!,風魔手裏剣,https://subscene.com/ +Such an unsteady shuriken.,Shuriken yang tak stabil seperti itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Metal!,Metal!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you all right?,Apa kau baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +Is this one of your pranks again?,"Lagi-lagi kenakalanmu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You aren't supposed to be able to usea Demon Wind Shuriken yet.,Bukankah seharusnya kau belum bisa gunakan Shuriken Iblis Angin?,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it belongs to you?","Oh, jadi punyamu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"All of you, come tothe teacher's office after class.","Semuanya, setelah pelajaran selesai, datanglah ke ruang guru, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We haven't done anything.,Kami tak lakukan apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +This kind of thingshould've been a piece of cake.,Yang seperti ini harusnya mudah bagiku.,https://subscene.com/ +so it's not that I don't understand.,jadi bukan berarti aku tak mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +There was only a certain someonewho was fooling around.,Padahal yang mengganggu itu hanya beberapa dari kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, I'm ordering you to dovolunteer work outside of class.",Kuperintahkan kalian untuk lakukan pekerjaan sukarela di luar kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +Me too?,Aku juga?,https://subscene.com/ +"To begin with, it's against the rules tobring unauthorized weapons to school.","Sejak awal, membawa senjata tak berizin ke sekolah itu langgar peraturan.",https://subscene.com/ +The one you crashed intoand damaged.,Bukankah itu patung yang rusak karena ulahmu?,https://subscene.com/ +"You're the studentsfrom the Academy, right?","Kalian murid-murid dari akademi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"These repairs requireextreme care and attention,","Perbaikan di sini butuh kehati-hatian ekstra,",https://subscene.com/ +Right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"By all rights, you should bedoing this all by yourself.",Sebenarnya kaulah yang harus perbaiki semuanya sendirian.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's okay, I like construction work.","Aku tak apa, karena menyukai konstruksi.",https://subscene.com/ +"You got that right, Miss Class Rep!",Ketua Kelas memang cepat banget mengertinya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Boruto!","Tunggu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +We were on a roll too.,Padahal sedang seru-serunya.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry…,"Maaf, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Please keep your breaks short.,Sudah cukup istirahatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's finish this up quickly!,Ayo cepat kita selesaikan pekerjaan kita!,https://subscene.com/ +Most of the work's done.,"Tapi, pekerjaan kita sudah hampir selesai.",https://subscene.com/ +"Whoa, hey! Metal!","Hoi, Metal!",https://subscene.com/ +Come over here quickly!,Cepat minggir!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Man, I'm tired.","Ah, aku lelah.",https://subscene.com/ +And whose fault was it anyway?,Dan kira-kira ini salahnya siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +I have some discount coupons.,Aku punya kupon diskon.,https://subscene.com/ +You can just wingsomething like that…,Siapapun bisa saja tak sengaja rusak patung itu.,https://subscene.com/ +B-But…,Ta-Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +"Sometimes,you end up creating more work","Terkadang, kau kacaukan semuanya,",https://subscene.com/ +"When you get nervous,you always make mistakes, right?","Saat kau gugup kau selalu buat kesalahan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You think it wasn't obvious?,"Kaupikir kau bisa menutupinya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm too honest?,Aku terlihat bodoh?,https://subscene.com/ +"unless you overcome that nervousness,it's completely useless!",takkan ada gunanya kalau kau tak atasi rasa gugupmu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Shikadai, was that any wayto talk to him?","Shikadai, apa tak masalah kau bicara seperti itu padanya?",https://subscene.com/ +I think Metal tries harderthan everyone else.,Metal hanya berusaha berlatih lebih keras dari yang lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Just what did you doin school today?!,Keonaran apa yang kau buat hari ini di sekolah?,https://subscene.com/ +Mo—Ow!,Sakit!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, what's up?","Oh, ada apa ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"No, Dad.","Tidak, Ayah.",https://subscene.com/ +Please talk to him.,"Tolong nasihati dia, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, you won't becomea great ninja.","Kalau begini, kau takkan bisa jadi ninja yang hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +Just consider getting scoldedas part of becoming a great ninja.,Dimarahi karena diharapkan bisa jadi ninja yang hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +"When you get nervous,you always make mistakes, right?","Saat kau gugup kau selalu buat kesalahan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"So, I guess my son isjust like the others…","Jadi, kupikir anakku akan sama dengan yang lainnya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Otherwise, he'll becomesomeone who's rotten inside,","Kalau tak begitu, dia akan jadi orang yang buruk,",https://subscene.com/ +"Shikadai,was that any way to talk to him?","Shikadai, apa tak masalah kau bicara seperti itu padanya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't worry, Temari!","Temari, tak perlu khawatir!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm saying thisfor the sake of the Nara family.,Aku berkata begini demi kebaikan marga Nara.,https://subscene.com/ +"Both of you were just thinking,""what a drag,"" weren't you?","Barusan kalian berdua berpikir kalau aku merepotkan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it Dad,learn to read the situation, will you?","Ayah belajar baca situasi juga, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +she doesn't budge.,dia takkan mau mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't know he wasso sensitive about it.,Tak kusangka dia akan memikirkannya sampai seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I'll apologize tomorrow.,Sebaiknya aku minta maaf besok.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it. You don't havea care in the world…,"Dasar, kau menguap terlalu berisik.",https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Metal?!,Metal!,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai?!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +I wanna talk to you…,Aku ingin bicara denganmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"H-Hey, Metal?!","O-Oi, Metal!",https://subscene.com/ +when I'm not nervous.,kalau aku sudah tak gugup lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey wait!,"Tunggu, tunggu!",https://subscene.com/ +I was a little…,Aku hanya...,https://subscene.com/ +Oh man… If I get hitI could really die.,"Gawat, kalau sampai terkena tendangannya tadi, aku bisa mati.",https://subscene.com/ +"Shikadai, are you okay?!","Shikadai, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't get it,but he's not himself.","Aku tak mengerti, tapi sepertinya dia bukan Metal yang kita kenal.",https://subscene.com/ +Metal…,Metal.,https://subscene.com/ +"What's wrong, Boruto?","Ada apa, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +What are you talking about?,Bicara apa kau?,https://subscene.com/ +Metal's lost it…,emosi Metal sudah tak terkendali.,https://subscene.com/ +Something terrible will happenunless we do something…,"Kalau kita tak lakukan sesuatu, bisa gawat.",https://subscene.com/ +"When he's not nervous,he's amazing.","Saat tak merasa gugup, dia hebat sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +Do you have a strategy?!,Apa kau punya strategi untuk menghadapinya?,https://subscene.com/ +In any case…,"Untuk sekarang,",https://subscene.com/ +Come on out!It's useless to hide.,"Keluarlah, tak ada gunanya kalian sembunyi.",https://subscene.com/ +Shh! Quiet!,"Hus, diam!",https://subscene.com/ +You're the one who told us to run!,Padahal kau yang suruh kita lari tadi!,https://subscene.com/ +I've figured it out this time…,Sekarang aku sudah tahu cara kalahkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, Boruto.","Dengar, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if your opponent is strong,","Meskipun lawanmu kuat,",https://subscene.com/ +That's what makes games fun.,Itulah yang buat gim terasa menyenangkan.,https://subscene.com/ +You're not getting away!,Kau takkan bisa kabur!,https://subscene.com/ +But I see there's a limit tothe distance it can reach.,"Tapi, aku tahu ada batas jarak yang bisa dicapai oleh bayangan tersebut.",https://subscene.com/ +"Shadow Paralysis Jutsu, complete.","Teknik Peniru Bayangan, berhasil.",https://subscene.com/ +It's the Transformation Jutsu.,Ini Teknik Transformasi.,https://subscene.com/ +Then what was that shadow?!,"Jadi, bayangan ini...",https://subscene.com/ +What's with this strength?!,Kekuatan macam apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, Metal…!","Metal, maafkan aku!",https://subscene.com/ +Knock Metal out!,Hajar Metal sekarang juga!,https://subscene.com/ +Punch him?,Memukulnya?,https://subscene.com/ +Want me to do it?,Bagaimana kalau aku yang melakukannya?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll do it, all right?!","Baiklah, akan kulakukan!",https://subscene.com/ +Metal?!,Metal?,https://subscene.com/ +What did I…?,Apa yang sudah kulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness!,Syukurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm so sorry about yesterday!,"Soal kemarin, aku minta maaf!",https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's okay…","Tak apa-apa, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm really sorry.,Aku benar-benar minta maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +is really awesome.,...benar-benar luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +I think you should traina little more seriously.,Kurasa kalian harus lebih serius lagi berlatih.,https://subscene.com/ +Me?!,Aku?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, class is going to start!","Oh, pelajaran akan segera dimulai!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh well…,Apa boleh buat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, me too.","Ya, aku juga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah…",Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Big Brother, welcome home!","Kakak, selamat datang!",https://subscene.com/ +"Welcome home, Boruto.","Selamat datang, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +so I'm really hungry!,dan itu buatku jadi sangat lapar!,https://subscene.com/ +"I mean… We had lots of hard stuffto learn today, so…","Maksudnya, hari ini banyak hal yang harus kami pelajari, begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I gotta study afterwards.",Setelah makan malam Kakak harus belajar.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's called the Byakugan, right?","Namanya Byakugan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +and the entire Hyuga Clanhave that ability.,dan seluruh klan Hyuga punya kemampuan itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, nothing.","Oh, tak apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well… You can see long distances,through things…","Benar, kau bisa lihat segalanya secara tembus pandang dari jarak jauh",https://subscene.com/ +Chakra?,Chakra?,https://subscene.com/ +"So, uh Mom…","Anu, Ibu...",https://subscene.com/ +Daddy!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… Finally finishedan all-nighter.,"Ya, akhirnya semua pekerjaan lemburku selesai.",https://subscene.com/ +Thanks… But I'm going straight to bed.,"Terima kasih, aku langsung tidur saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Good night.,Selamat malam.,https://subscene.com/ +That stupid old man…,Dasar ayah bodoh.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's good, Boruto!","Bagus, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Leave it to me!,Serahkan padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +"And here you are, fooling around!",Ternyata kalian malah asyik bolos di tempat ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"Not only that, it helps you relax.","Tak hanya itu saja, gim ini juga bisa buatmu tenang.",https://subscene.com/ +Here you go…,"Ini, silakan dicoba.",https://subscene.com/ +"Now, Metal!","Sekarang, Metal!",https://subscene.com/ +You can do it. Go!,Kau pasti bisa!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you say things like that,I'll get nervous!","Kalau kalian bilang seperti itu padaku, aku malah jadi gugup!",https://subscene.com/ +My game!,Gimku!,https://subscene.com/ +"– When I get nervous, I…– What are you gonna do?!",Bagaimana ini?,https://subscene.com/ +But at least he'll never turn rotten inside.,"Tapi, setidaknya hatinya takkan berubah jadi jahat.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm buying the last yakisoba bun.,Aku yang beli duluan roti yakisoba terakhir itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, that's if you were a normal girl…","Ya, itu juga kalau kau memang betulan perempuan.",https://subscene.com/ +Stop right there!Let me prepare a fighting ring.,"Sudah cukup, aku akan persiapkan arena bertarung.",https://subscene.com/ +A Ninjutsu Battle of the Sexes!,Pertarungan Ninjutsu Antar Lawan Jenis !!,https://subscene.com/ +Where am I?,Ini di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada…,Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +Why doesn't Dad attack?,Kenapa ayah tak menyerang?,https://subscene.com/ +But it would take outthe surrounding area too.,tapi area sekitar sini akan hancur.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Seventh protected everyone and…,Hokage Ketujuh sudah lindungi semuanya dan...,https://subscene.com/ +Himawari?,Himawari?,https://subscene.com/ +Mom!,Ibu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, are you okay?","Boruto, bagaimana keadaanmu?",https://subscene.com/ +But what happened to Mom?,"Yang lebih penting, apa yang terjadi dengan ibu?",https://subscene.com/ +"What happened, Mom?!","Bu, apa yang terjadi?",https://subscene.com/ +Why would she dosomething crazy like that?!,Kenapa ibu lakukan hal itu?,https://subscene.com/ +And Hinata tried to stop them…,Kemudian Hinata pun berusaha hentikan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"To protect everyone in the village,he took the brunt of the enemy's attack.","Demi lindungi semua yang ada di desa, dia terima serangan telak dari musuh.",https://subscene.com/ +He believed that it was his dutyto protect everyone in the village…,Dia percaya bahwa melindungi semua yang ada di desa adalah tugasnya.,https://subscene.com/ +in critical condition.,...sedang dalam keadaan kritis.,https://subscene.com/ +it seems they stole his chakra.,chakra-nya sudah dicuri.,https://subscene.com/ +Everyone else is fine.,"Teman-teman yang lain baik-baik saja, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +We were so worried!,"Kami sangat khawatirkanmu, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +I believe thatLord Hokage is okay too.,Pasti Tn. Hokage juga baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +What happened to everyone?,Mereka semua kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"It's all thanks to Lord Hokage,that this was the extent of the damage.","Berkat Tn. Hokage, luka para korban jadi tak seberapa.",https://subscene.com/ +B-Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +We need to…,Berarti kita memang harus...,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder what's gonna happen?,"Kira-kira apa yang akan terjadi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"When Boruto beat you,I was amazed.","Saat Boruto mengalahkanmu, aku benar-benar kagum.",https://subscene.com/ +"Ugh, heavy!","Ah, beratnya!",https://subscene.com/ +"They'll probably haveto do it over, huh?",Mungkin nanti bakal diulang ujiannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"But if I get to fight thathandsome guy again, I'd welcome it.","Tapi, kalau bisa melawan cowok tampan itu lagi, aku takkan keberatan.",https://subscene.com/ +That's pretty shallow.,"Benar-benar tak penting, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +I have faith that Lord Hokagewouldn't let guys like that beat him.,"Aku percaya, Tn. Hokage takkan kalah dari orang-orang seperti mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you're right.","Ya, benar.",https://subscene.com/ +"With this, it's all over!","Dengan ini, semua akan berakhir!",https://subscene.com/ +You'd better not beout of shape now!,"Kau tak kehilangan taringmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Let's hit them with all we've got!,Ayo kita serang sekuat tenaga!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll show you the resultsof my training.,Aku akan tunjukkan hasil latihanku.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll show you in the second round,for sure.",Aku akan raih kemenangan di ujian tahap dua.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't lose to Shikadai.,"Jangan sampai kalah dari Shikadai, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll be watching.,Aku akan menontonmu.,https://subscene.com/ +What's the meaning of this?,Apa maksudnya ini?,https://subscene.com/ +I just wanted him to treat melike I'd come into my own…,Aku ingin dia memerhatikanku.,https://subscene.com/ +And yet…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +Are you done?,Sudah selesai?,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +He's right…ya know.,Dia memang benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness!,Syukurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +Where's Naruto?,Di mana Naruto?,https://subscene.com/ +He's okay.,Dia baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +Grandpa's photo is up here…,"Fotonya kakek ada di atas sana, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna beat that loser up!,Aku ingin hajar si pecundang itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Your father has to work very hardfor the people of the village.,Ayahmu bekerja keras demi warga Desa Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, when you're the Hokage,it's okay to ignore your own family?!","Jadi, karena dia seorang Hokage, dia boleh abaikan keluarganya sendiri?",https://subscene.com/ +"I've heard thatso many times already, ya know!",Aku sudah terlalu sering dengar alasan itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Grandpa Hokage wasn't even alive!,kakek Hokage bahkan sudah meninggal!,https://subscene.com/ +He just sits at his deskall day and acts bossy!,Dia hanya duduk seharian di mejanya dan bertingkah seperti seorang bos!,https://subscene.com/ +I understand it's hard,"Kuakui,",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…,Sialan.,https://subscene.com/ +"You remember whatNaruto always said, don't you?","Kau ingat dengan apa yang selalu Naruto bilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I…didn't realize until now.,Aku tak menyadari apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm the one who's…uncool.,Yang payah itu justru aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Sasuke!,Paman Sasuke!,https://subscene.com/ +and everyone scorned you.,lalu semua orang mencemoohmu.,https://subscene.com/ +and you can't even call yourselfa shinobi right now.,"Saat ini, berat bagimu untuk mengakui diri sebagai ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +You're in the same situationyour dad used to be in.,Situasimu saat ini hampir mirip seperti dirinya dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Maybe instead of the Naruto of today,","Yang perlu kau ketahui itu bukan Naruto yang sekarang,",https://subscene.com/ +So…,"Di saat seperti ini,",https://subscene.com/ +Seems you want to know morethan just his weaknesses now.,"Sepertinya yang ingin kau ketahui sekarang bukan hanya kelemahannya Naruto, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We're going to rescue him.,Kita akan menyelamatkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I can sense his chakra…,Aku bisa rasakan chakra-nya.,https://subscene.com/ +If you're going to rescue the Hokage…,Kalau kalian ingin selamatkan Hokage...,https://subscene.com/ +We can't ignorethe Otsutsuki Clan either.,"Soalnya kalau masalah klan Otsutsuki, kami tak bisa diam saja.",https://subscene.com/ +would disgrace the Five Kage's name.,itu akan mempermalukan nama kelima Kage.,https://subscene.com/ +Wow!,Hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +It warned of pursuers personallycoming to this land,Peringatan mengenai pemburu yang akan datang ke negeri ini,https://subscene.com/ +"And Kaguya was in preparations to attackonce they arrived, more or less.","Lalu, Kaguya bersiap untuk menyerang saat mereka tiba di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +So that's why Eight Tails was targeted.,Karena itulah Ekor-Delapan diserang.,https://subscene.com/ +But the timing of their attack���,"Tapi, kenapa juga mereka menyerang di saat seperti ini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I was attacked by the onethat sucks up that chakra.,Aku pernah diserang oleh salah satu dari mereka yang menyerap chakra.,https://subscene.com/ +I will not let you use it!,Aku tak bisa biarkanmu menggunakannya.,https://subscene.com/ +If the Otsutsuki Clan is our enemy…,Kalau musuh kita adalah klan Otsutsuki...,https://subscene.com/ +We have to be preparedfor the worst.,Kita harus bersiap untuk kemungkinan terburuk.,https://subscene.com/ +"the Divine Tree,regenerate ever again.",lalu bangkitkan kembali Pohon Suci.,https://subscene.com/ +to use stolen chakra to forge weapons.,menciptakan senjata dari chakra curiannya.,https://subscene.com/ +The other one called Momoshiki…,"Yang satunya lagi, bernama Momoshiki.",https://subscene.com/ +"Not only does he absorb his foe's jutsuwith the Rinnegan in his palm,","Dia tak hanya serap teknik lawannya dengan Rinnegan di tangannya,",https://subscene.com/ +Using any jutsu against Momoshikiwill rebound to you.,"Kalau kalian arahkan teknik secara langsung pada Momoshiki, itu justru akan merugikan.",https://subscene.com/ +We'd better brace ourselvesfor this one.,"Untuk kali ini, kita harus sangat berhati-hati, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +The scroll revealed their whereabouts.,Tempat persembunyian mereka tertera di dalam gulungannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I've already analyzed itwith my Rinnegan.,Aku sudah menganalisisnya dengan Rinnegan-ku.,https://subscene.com/ +"What are you doing, Boruto?","Apa yang kaulakukan, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, c'mon…you must be kidding!","Hoi, hoi, jangan bercanda!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, I think he should stay home…","Benar, menurutku sebaiknya dia tetap di sini saja.",https://subscene.com/ +He is none other than his son.,"Dia bukanlah orang asing, tapi anaknya,",https://subscene.com/ +There's a reason why I'm taking him.,Ada alasannya aku ingin membawanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe…,"Sepertinya,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm saying it's okay.,Aku bilang tak apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +Those guys are dangerous.,Mereka memang sangat berbahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm still taking you for a reason.,aku punya alasan untuk tetap mengajakmu.,https://subscene.com/ +if we're all driven into a corner…,kalau kami semua terdesak...,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I'm taking you.,Karena itulah aku tetap mengajakmu.,https://subscene.com/ +You're actually a strong shinobi.,Sebenarnya kau ini seorang ninja yang kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +you can become the shinobiwho can defeat him.,kau bisa jadi ninja yang bisa mengalahkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +You definitely can.,Pasti bisa.,https://subscene.com/ +A loser? What does—?,"Pecundang, itu...",https://subscene.com/ +I'm saying you can do it.,Kau pasti bisa.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll go.,Aku ikut.,https://subscene.com/ +"But before that,I have something to give you.","Tapi sebelum itu, ada sesuatu yang ingin kuberikan padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +"I threw it away long ago,","Dulu aku sempat membuangnya,",https://subscene.com/ +We made a promise then.,Kemudian kami saling berjanji.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm giving it to you.,Kuberikan ini padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +If he has your authorization…,"Sasuke, kalau kau memang ingin mengajaknya,",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, let's go!","Baiklah, ayo!",https://subscene.com/ +Take me too!,Tolong ajak aku juga!,https://subscene.com/ +You're the only one in the villagewho possesses the Sharingan.,Kau satu-satunya orang di desa ini yang menguasai Sharingan.,https://subscene.com/ +I got it.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +You better come back.,Kembalilah dengan selamat.,https://subscene.com/ +Leave everything here to us.,Serahkan saja yang di sini pada kami.,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai… I…,"Shikadai, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +Explanations are a drag.,Penjelasan itu menyebalkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll listen to what you have to saywhen you get back.,Aku akan dengarkan semua yang ingin kaukatakan saat kau kembali nanti.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll use this to get to them.,Kita akan gunakan ini untuk sampai ke tempat mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna go now.,Aku pergi dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's go!,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +Wait for me…,Tunggu aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +Shuriken Jutsu isSarada's specialty!,Teknik shuriken adalah keahlian Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, if that's your reasoning…","Boruto, kalau itu alasanmu...",https://subscene.com/ +Shouldn't this jutsube your specialty?,Bukankah teknik ini adalah keahlianmu?,https://subscene.com/ +That's Dad's special jutsu!,Itu teknik keahlian ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +Naruto can do overa thousand clones.,Naruto bisa hasilkan lebih dari seribu klona.,https://subscene.com/ +You barely managed four.,"Hanya bisa empat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What do you mean?,"Eh, apa maksudmu?",https://subscene.com/ +Exactly.,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +You're being way too arrogant.,Kau terlalu sombong.,https://subscene.com/ +No… they're not!,"Tidak, tentu saja tidak!",https://subscene.com/ +"– Damn it! A thousand…– We have history, ya know!","Sial, seribu...",https://subscene.com/ +That's impossible.,Mustahil.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't say impossible!,Jangan bilang mustahil!,https://subscene.com/ +You're late.,Kau terlambat.,https://subscene.com/ +So? What did you wantto talk about?,"Lalu, apa yang ingin kaubicarakan?",https://subscene.com/ +It was on the way toHidden Leaf Village.,Saat aku menuju Desa Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, you mean thatthin paper-like thing?","Oh, maksudmu kertas tipis itu?",https://subscene.com/ +who attacked the Eight Tails.,Orang yang menyerang Ekor-Delapan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, my superiors did that.","Oh, itu perbuatan seniorku.",https://subscene.com/ +Wasn't it called the One Tail?,"Punyamu namanya Ekor-Satu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Hmm… How very primitive.,"Eh, cara yang sangat kuno.",https://subscene.com/ +"Honestly, it's not very effective.","Sejujurnya, itu tak terlalu efektif.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, no matter.","Ya, tak masalah.",https://subscene.com/ +Oops.,Aduh.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, I'll excuse myself now.",Aku permisi dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +The same as Kaguya's clan?,Sama seperti Kaguya?,https://subscene.com/ +is being deciphered right now.,sekarang sedang dianalisis.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Sudah kuduga.,https://subscene.com/ +"But the Feudal Lords, who wereonce bitter foes in the past,","Tapi, para petinggi yang pernah jadi musuh bebuyutan di masa lalu,",https://subscene.com/ +"The current climate of uncertainty isprecisely what they're targeting,","Situasi yang sedang bergejolak seperti inilah yang mereka incar,",https://subscene.com/ +"And, should that happen,","Dan kalau memang sampai terjadi,",https://subscene.com/ +I'd like to try and avoid that.,"Kalau bisa sih, dihindari.",https://subscene.com/ +"Then, it's all the more reason","Berarti, semakin kuat alasan kita",https://subscene.com/ +What a headache…,Astaga.,https://subscene.com/ +Perhaps you're right.,Memang benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't misjudge me, Mizukage.","Jangan salah sangka, Mizukage.",https://subscene.com/ +This is nothing.,tak ada apa-apanya bagiku.,https://subscene.com/ +The Second Round consistsof capturing the flag.,Ujian tahap keduanya adalah kumpulkan bendera.,https://subscene.com/ +while attacking enemy territoryto seize their flag!,sekaligus menyerang ke wilayah lawan untuk ambil bendera mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +"This is a team battle,three against three.","Ini adalah pertarungan tim, tiga lawan tiga.",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, teams go toyour territories!","Baiklah, silakan pergi ke wilayah tim kalian masing-masing!",https://subscene.com/ +I can't…move…,Aku tak bisa bergerak.,https://subscene.com/ +Too bad!,Sayang sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +I got it!,Dapat!,https://subscene.com/ +There are so many jutsuwe've never seen!,Ada banyak teknik yang belum pernah kita lihat!,https://subscene.com/ +"""Scooped"" it fromright under your noses.","""Terciduk"" tepat di depan mata, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"If you like the way that sounds,feel free to use it.","Kalau suka dengan istilahku tadi, kalian boleh memakainya, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +What is…this jutsu?,Ini teknik apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Please…just don't disappoint me.,"Tolong, jangan kecewakan aku.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, we're done.","Tidak, sudah selesai.",https://subscene.com/ +Looks like most ofthe matches are over.,"Kelihatannya hampir seluruh pertandingannya sudah selesai, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +one team left.,...tinggal satu tim.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if it's okay.,Apa akan baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +"So relax, and attack!",Jadi tenang dan serang saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"Who do you thinkyou're talking to, ya know?",Kaupikir sedang bicara dengan siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +we just have to make it throughthe Second Round!,kita harus bisa lolos dari tahap kedua ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Hey triplets!,"Halo, Kembar Tiga!",https://subscene.com/ +"As you can see,it's five against three.","Kalian bisa lihat sendiri, ini lima lawan tiga.",https://subscene.com/ +Who did you say has the edge?,"Siapa yang lebih unggul, katamu?",https://subscene.com/ +Since it's nine against five.,"Karena sembilan lawan lima, sih!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going back right now!,Aku akan segera kembali!,https://subscene.com/ +If we only had a thousand…,Kalau saja ada seribu...,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, reverse!","Baiklah, keadaan berbalik!",https://subscene.com/ +I can't lose here!,Aku tak boleh kalah di tempat seperti ini!,https://subscene.com/ +I have to passthe Chunin Exams and,Aku harus lewati Ujian Chunin ini,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not gonna…let you!,Takkan kubiarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Orca!,王琉華,https://subscene.com/ +but he can releasea Water Style of this caliber?!,tapi dia sanggup gunakan Elemen Air setingkat ini?,https://subscene.com/ +He can even use…,Dia bahkan,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! Are you all right?!,"Boruto, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +We're good here!,Di sini sudah aman.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm on it already!,Tanpa kau suruh pun akan kulakukan!,https://subscene.com/ +We got it!,Dapat!,https://subscene.com/ +With just enough to spare.,"Ya, gampang, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"You're the shinobi who'll becomethe Hokage, after all.","Kau itu memang hebat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't see him weave the signsfor the Water Style…,Aku tak melihatnya lakukan segel Elemen Air.,https://subscene.com/ +To weave signs fasterthan the eye can see…,Melakukan segel tanpa terlihat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, we've got our four teams.","Dengan ini, sudah terkumpul empat tim.",https://subscene.com/ +He passed the Second Round.,Dia lewati tahap kedua.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Did you get the footage?,Apa videonya berhasil didapat?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +You're right!,Kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +I thought so.,Ternyata benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Your eyes…,Matamu itu,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Lord Seventh is nice,so he wouldn't say no.","Hokage Ketujuh itu baik, jadi dia takkan menolak.",https://subscene.com/ +Uh…yes…,"Eh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +About what?,Soal apa?,https://subscene.com/ +They passed the Second Round.,"Mereka berhasil lolos dari ujian tahap kedua, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, see you.",Aku permisi dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's important.",Soalnya itu hal penting.,https://subscene.com/ +Round Three consists ofone-on-one combat.,Ujian tahap ketiga itu pertarungan satu lawan satu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +Thanks!,Terima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +Denki!,Denki!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, worry about us too!","Hoi, khawatirkan kami juga, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +Just kidding.,Hanya bercanda.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +We did terribly.,Kalau kami hasilnya kurang bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't get nervous!,"Padahal aku tak gugup, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Me too…,Aku juga.,https://subscene.com/ +What's done is done.Don't sweat it!,Yang sudah terjadi jangan dipikirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"For sure, there were jutsuwe never saw before…","Memang sih, itu teknik yang belum pernah kita lihat.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe we were…just lucky.,Mungkin kami hanya sedang beruntung saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Fortune favorsthe bold and hungry.,Keberuntungan itu memihak pada yang berani dan lapar.,https://subscene.com/ +Anyway…!,"Pokoknya,",https://subscene.com/ +That is right!,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Right!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +– You'll get it if you lose!– I'm so hungry!,"Kalau kalah, kalian takkan kumaafkan!",https://subscene.com/ +Welcome home!,Selamat datang!,https://subscene.com/ +It's only the Second Round.It's not a big deal.,"Ini masih tahap kedua, jadi belum ada apa-apanya!",https://subscene.com/ +Did you get hurt?,Apa kau terluka?,https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to my room and sleepuntil dinner's ready.,Aku akan tidur di kamar sampai makan malamnya siap.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry you made a wasted trip.,"Maaf, perjalananmu ke sini jadi sia-sia.",https://subscene.com/ +but it seems they need more time.,tapi sepertinya mereka memerlukan waktu lebih lama.,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke…,Sasuke.,https://subscene.com/ +Did Boruto tell you?,Apa Boruto memberitahumu?,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +So you're…his teacher.,"Jadi kau gurunya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +The soul of a shinobinever changes…,Jiwa seorang ninja takkan berubah,https://subscene.com/ +That's what I believe.,Itulah yang kuyakini.,https://subscene.com/ +"And, so?",Lalu kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"I knew from the startthat she would,","Sejak awal aku sudah yakin kalau dia pasti bisa lulus,",https://subscene.com/ +This thing really is amazing!,Benda ini benar-benar hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Is it dinner time?,"Ha, sudah waktunya makan malam, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, uh…","Jadi, anu...",https://subscene.com/ +Chunin Exams…The Second Round…,Pada Ujian Chuunin tahap kedua ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Y-Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"If it's nothing, can you just go?","Kalau tak ada hal penting, mending pergi saja.",https://subscene.com/ +You did great.,Kau sudah berjuang dengan baik.,https://subscene.com/ +"You came in here,just to say that?",Ayah datang ke sini hanya untuk katakan hal itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I-It's important…,"Ini hal yang penting, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, and by the way…","Ah, omong-omong...",https://subscene.com/ +Don't lose to Shikadai.,"Jangan sampai kalah dari Shikadai, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll be watching.,Aku akan menontonmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"If that's all you had to say,you could have just emailed me.","Kalau kau hanya ingin katakan hal itu, cukup kirimkan surel saja padaku.",https://subscene.com/ +Whoa!,Ah!,https://subscene.com/ +"You guys, don't lose untilyou get far,","Kalian semua, jangan sampai kalah ya,",https://subscene.com/ +That guy Shinki seems likehe's got considerable strength!,Orang yang bernama Shinki itu sepertinya punya kekuatan yang layak diperhitungkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's show themthe Leaf's true strength!,Ayo kita perlihatkan kekuatan ninja Konoha yang sesungguhnya!,https://subscene.com/ +What's wrong?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Actually…,"Eh, sebenarnya...",https://subscene.com/ +You'd better call on your mental strengthto get over that.,"Kalau masalahnya begitu, berarti atasi dengan pola pikir.",https://subscene.com/ +I can't do that!,Aku tak bisa lakukan hal seperti itu!,https://subscene.com/ +I hate this hair thatI got from my mom.,Aku benci rambut yang kudapat dari gennya ibu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Basically, I just take aftermy mom the most.","Ya, sepertinya gennya ibu menurun pada aku semua.",https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +We're finally here!,"Ah, akhirnya sampai juga, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I bet you'll get to takea bath there!,"Kalau di sana, kau bisa mandi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +And they lived happily ever after.,Mereka pun hidup bahagia.,https://subscene.com/ +"Just getting into it,I guess.","Ah, karena suasana, mungkin?",https://subscene.com/ +Once upon a time…,Dulu sekali...,https://subscene.com/ +"Long, long ago…",Ini adalah kisah dulu sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"This is the exact same story, right?","Ceritanya pasti sama persis, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, but there's moreto that story.","Ya, cerita itu masih ada kelanjutannya.",https://subscene.com/ +a third god that's neither a dognor cat appeared at the end.,dewa ketiga yang muncul pada akhirnya bukanlah anjing ataupun kucing.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, the God of Destructioncloaked in flames.","Benar, dewa penghancur yang berbalut api.",https://subscene.com/ +Its name was…,Dan namanya...,https://subscene.com/ +"You know, ""Ne"" from Neko (Cat)and ""Nu"" from Inu (Dog)…","Ya, asal Ne-nya dari Neko dan Nu-nya dari Inu.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's a silly name,it's probably not true.","Namanya terlalu konyol, jadi, sudah pasti bohongan.",https://subscene.com/ +and that conflict isthe basis of this festival.,Perbedaan keyakinan mereka tersebut yang jadi asal mula festival ini.,https://subscene.com/ +See?,Lihat?,https://subscene.com/ +This festival isa fighting festival.,Festival ini adalah festival berkelahi.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you're fromthe Land of Fire,","Ya, harusnya orang dari Negara Api",https://subscene.com/ +"Fate must have brought us here,on the day of the festival.","Ah, pasti takdir yang bawa kita di hari festival ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's stay and watch the shrine fightfrom some box seats!,Mari kita cari tempat dan menonton adu kuilnya dari bangku penonton.,https://subscene.com/ +P-Please wait!,Tunggu dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +Hey! What if somethinghappens here?!,"Tunggu, bisa gawat kalau terjadi apa-apa di tempat seperti ini!",https://subscene.com/ +Keep a dog for three days andthey'll never forget your kindness.,"Kalau anjing disayang selama tiga hari, dia takkan melupakanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +But that's what's great about 'em!,Itulah hebatnya!,https://subscene.com/ +It's the ultimate creature thatstands at the top of the world.,Mereka makhluk terhebat yang berdiri di puncak dunia!,https://subscene.com/ +Can you please not wander awayfrom your bodyguard?,"Setidaknya, jangan berpisah dari pengawal Anda!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, that's right!You're way outta line!","Benar, apanya yang pecinta kucing?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you tell 'em!",Benar!,https://subscene.com/ +Peace wouldn't existin Ninja World without dogs!,"Tanpa anjing, tak ada kedamaian di dunia ninja!",https://subscene.com/ +"So, what are you doing here?","Jadi, apa yang sedang kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +I got here and hit it off real nicewith the dog lovers.,Secara tak sengaja aku bertemu dengan para pecinta anjing.,https://subscene.com/ +It's so stupid.,Seperti orang bodoh saja.,https://subscene.com/ +and is Kiba's girlfriend…,sekaligus pacarnya Paman Kiba.,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, so what's going on here?","Waduh, ada apa ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"You just can't let it go, can you?",Benar-benar tak bisa ikhlas.,https://subscene.com/ +"I said, I'd be fine going tothe Cat Hot Springs, didn't I?","Lagi pula, aku tak keberatan masuk Pemandian Air Panas Kucing, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Whatever! If that's howyou're gonna act,","Sudah cukup, kalau itu maumu",https://subscene.com/ +Oh dear.,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, neither does a cat.",Begitu juga dengan kucing.,https://subscene.com/ +This is turning into morethan just a couple's spat!,"Ini sudah bukan pertengkaran orang pacaran lagi, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +You don't always have to seeeye to eye when you're in love.,Selalu terdapat perbedaan dalam cinta.,https://subscene.com/ +Struck out again.,"Di sini juga tutup, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Attack!,Serang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Everyone, engage the enemy!","Semuanya, serang musuh!",https://subscene.com/ +What do we do?,Bagaimana ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hmm, with tempers flaringlike that,","Hem, dengan emosi yang memuncak seperti itu",https://subscene.com/ +B-But!,Tak mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +Destroyed?,Hancur?,https://subscene.com/ +Flames!,Api!,https://subscene.com/ +A lighter?,Korek api?,https://subscene.com/ +I'll return it!,Nanti aku kembalikan!,https://subscene.com/ +Fire Style: Flint Yagura!,\h\h(Elemen Api: Batu Api Yagura)\h\h,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell is this monster?,Monster apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Humans engaging in futile battles…,Wahai manusia yang saling bertarung dalam pertarungan yang sia-sia.,https://subscene.com/ +"Nenu's a superstition,",Nenu itu memang hanya takhayul,https://subscene.com/ +that they'll believe…,dan mereka memercayainya.,https://subscene.com/ +You're…!,Anda...,https://subscene.com/ +– Lord Nenu!– Lord Nenu!,Dewa Nenu!,https://subscene.com/ +Precisely!,Tepat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +The god that shall putan end to the conflict,Dewa yang akan akhiri perselisihan,https://subscene.com/ +Then my flames will bringabout catastrophic destruction.,Maka apiku akan datangkan kehancuran yang besar.,https://subscene.com/ +Is that what you all want?,Apa itu yang kalian inginkan?,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you do that.,Takkan kubiarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Please stop, Mr. Guy!","Hentikan, Tn. Guy!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, look!","Hoi, lihat!",https://subscene.com/ +The wall that separated uscame down!,Dinding yang sudah pisahkan kita akhirnya runtuh!,https://subscene.com/ +sent by Lord Nenu.,yang diberikan oleh Dewa Nenu.,https://subscene.com/ +It's a sign from god telling usto become one and get along!,Ini isyarat dari dewa yang suruh kita untuk selalu bersama!,https://subscene.com/ +I-I'm sorry.,"Ah, maaf.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry I forced youto take a day off,Aku juga minta maaf karena sudah memaksamu cuti,https://subscene.com/ +Why don't we take a soak?,Bagaimana kalau kita mandi bersama?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm talking about the men's bathand the women's bath!,Maksudku tempat pemandian pria dan wanita!,https://subscene.com/ +You did good.Great job on your mission.,"Kerja bagus, kau lakukan misi ini dengan baik.",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't do anything.,Aku tak melakukan apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, c'mon!",Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Just like your dad.,Sama seperti ayahmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah. The lighter wasAsuma's trademark.,"Ya, korek api itu adalah ciri khas dari Asuma.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if you don't remember,",Meskipun kau tak ingat,https://subscene.com/ +Dad does?,Ayah?,https://subscene.com/ +"In the spur of the moment,",Dalam sekejap,https://subscene.com/ +"It shows thatit's not just Kurenai,",Itu menunjukkan kalau bukan hanya Kurenai,https://subscene.com/ +"I was so caught up in it,but I took a chance…","Aku memang sempat bingung, tapi aku mengambil kesempatan itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Guy's hot-blooded logiccomes in handy sometimes.,Logika pendek Guy juga terkadang bisa membantu.,https://subscene.com/ +I haven't triedthe salt boiler hot springs yet.,Aku masih belum coba air panas yang dicampur garam.,https://subscene.com/ +"My dad, huh?","Ayah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Miss Tenten, thank you so muchfor bringing my luggage!","Bibi Tenten, terima kasih sudah mau bawakan barang-barangku!",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on Boruto:Naruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +My head…!,Kepalaku...,https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay?,Apa kau baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't talk to me!,Jangan lagi bicara denganku!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +Watch out.,Berhati-hatilah.,https://subscene.com/ +Where am I?,Tempat ini...,https://subscene.com/ +My head!,Kepalaku...,https://subscene.com/ +"Calm down, Ryogi.","Tenanglah, Ryogi!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, are you listening, Boruto?","Hoi, apa kau mendengarku, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +Where did you come from?,Kau muncul dari mana?,https://subscene.com/ +"What's wrong, Boruto?!","Ada apa, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +Is he caught in a genjutsu?,"Cih, dia terkena Genjutsu?",https://subscene.com/ +You look just like a monster.,"Kau itu seperti monster saja, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm…,Aku adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +What will you do?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +That's a real bargain!,Murah sekali harga bantuanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm…,Aku adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +…a sacrificial pawn!,...pion tumbal!,https://subscene.com/ +Release!,解,https://subscene.com/ +I said cool things likeI'll be a pawn…,...mengatakan hal keren tapi ternyata hanya jadi pion!,https://subscene.com/ +"What a joke, huh?",Tak lucu sama sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"I complain about…things being a drag,","Aku ini selalu saja bilang merepotkan,",https://subscene.com/ +"So I don't understand about your pastand how tough things can be, but…",Mungkin aku takkan mengerti mengenai masa lalumu ataupun kesedihan yang kau alami.,https://subscene.com/ +but I know it'll all work out.,tapi aku yakin semuanya akan baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"You got a basis for saying that,like that one time?",Apa kau punya dasar untuk katakan ini seperti waktu itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I think it can work out.,kuyakin semuanya akan baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"That with pawns,",Merepotkan itu,https://subscene.com/ +He got away right under our noses!,Dia berhasil kabur tepat di depan kita!,https://subscene.com/ +What was that?,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Tak mungkin!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +"Aw c'mon, you don't have to cryjust because I got it back.",Paman tak perlu sampai menangis begitu hanya karena aku bisa mendapatkannya kembali.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm just overwhelmed becausesociety finally acknowledged,Aku hanya terharu karena masyarakat akhirnya mengakui,https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +This is a new power thatcan change all of the past.,Ini adalah kekuatan baru yang bisa ubah semua yang ada di masa lalu.,https://subscene.com/ +Old man?,Paman?,https://subscene.com/ +Waiting around again today?,Hari ini kau masih menunggunya?,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder how longit's gonna be for Ryogi?,"Sampai kapan ya, Ryogi akan ditahan?",https://subscene.com/ +Seems it's finally the endof the Byakuya Gang too.,"Sepertinya, Kelompok Byakuya itu juga sudah berakhir.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… Seems like it.,"Ya, sepertinya begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't say that.,Jangan bilang begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"If it had been only us,he'd have gotten away.","Kalau hanya kita yang mengejarnya, dia pasti sudah kabur.",https://subscene.com/ +But we just have to chip awayat it to get better.,"Tapi, kita hanya perlu menghadapinya agar bisa lebih baik.",https://subscene.com/ +And we will one day…both you and me.,"Suatu hari kita pasti akan bisa selesaikan misi kita sendiri kok, aku dan juga kau.",https://subscene.com/ +Seems like you've changed a little too.,Sepertinya kau juga sedikit berubah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I totally forgot about that.","Oh, aku lupa soal itu.",https://subscene.com/ +What a drag…,Merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"to be able to participate inthe Chunin Exams, right?","agar bisa ikut dalam ujian Chunin, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"If this continues,we won't be recommended!","Kalau begini terus, kita takkan bisa dapatkan rekomendasi!",https://subscene.com/ +we'll end up being calledTeam Repeater!,kita akan dicap sebagai Tim Pengulang!,https://subscene.com/ +"""The Genin Documentary""",Dokumentasi Ninja Genin.,https://subscene.com/ +Potato chips… Cola…,"Keripik kentang, kola...",https://subscene.com/ +Sweet red bean dumplings!,Bakpao kacang merah...,https://subscene.com/ +Why do we have to go throughall of this just to go there?,Kenapa kita harus lewati tempat yang gelap seperti ini untuk sampai ke sana?,https://subscene.com/ +The only one who cananalyze this snake,Yang bisa analisis ular ini,https://subscene.com/ +"That's why we have to go there,you know!","Karena itu, kita harus pergi ke sana!",https://subscene.com/ +Orochimaru said,Orochimaru bilang,https://subscene.com/ +not of this world.,tapi tak berada di dunia ini juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Rumor has it that anyonewho goes there just out of curiosity,",Katanya kalau seseorang pergi ke sana hanya karena penasaran,https://subscene.com/ +and they won't make it outof there alive.,dan mereka takkan bisa kembali hidup-hidup.,https://subscene.com/ +Footprints?,Jejak kaki?,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you thinkwe should turn back?,Bukankah lebih baik kita kembali saja?,https://subscene.com/ +"As long as our will is strong,",Selama tekad kita kuat,https://subscene.com/ +It seems they're not just lost.,Sepertinya mereka bukan hanya anak-anak yang tersesat.,https://subscene.com/ +Then let's check them out ourselves.,"Kalau begitu, kita tanyakan saja langsung pada mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Hoi, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Someone's coming!,"Ada yang datang, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +We've been expecting you all.,Kami sudah tunggu kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +I am Tagorihime.,Namaku Tagorihime.,https://subscene.com/ +Please relax and rest.,Silakan bersantai dan istirahatkan tubuh kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +And something smells delicious!,Ada aroma yang lezat juga!,https://subscene.com/ +Of course.,Tentu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +There is.,Memang ada.,https://subscene.com/ +I understand.,"Begitu, aku mengerti.",https://subscene.com/ +"In the meantime,please partake of the feast.","Sementara itu, silakan nikmati jamuan yang kami sediakan.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you sureit's okay we can eat?!,Apa kami benar-benar boleh memakannya?,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Mantap!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm starving too!,Aku juga sangat lapar!,https://subscene.com/ +"What's up, Boruto?","Ada apa, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +I just explained to you what kindof place Ryuchi Cave is!,"Tadi sudah kujelaskan kalau Gua Ryuchi itu seperti apa, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +It's to welcome you.,Ini jamuan untuk sambut kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +What's wrong with takinga little break?!,"Istirahat sebentar tak masalah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, Tagorihime doesn't seemlike a bad person.","Selain itu, Tagorihime tak terlihat seperti orang jahat.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't see anythingunusual right now…,"untuk saat ini, tak ada yang terlihat aneh.",https://subscene.com/ +They went to all this troublefor us. Let's rest a bit.,"Mereka sudah repot-repot menyiapkannya, jadi, ayo nikmati saja.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna eat!,"Baiklah, saatnya makan!",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, just for a little bit, okay?","Sebentar saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Once you seeMaster White Snake Sage,",Saat bertemu dengan Petapa Ular Putih nanti,https://subscene.com/ +"So, Boruto, please eat.","Jadi, kau juga makanlah, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +How do you know about Mitsuki?,Kenapa kau bisa tahu soal Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +"I never mentioned Mitsuki's nameout loud, not once.",Aku tak sekalipun sebut nama Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +You should have just takena bite of the food!,Lebih baik kau memakan makanan itu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +What is this?!,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +They didn't fall foryour temptations.,Mereka tak terpedaya oleh godaanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Our job is to weed out thosewho wander into Ryuchi Cave.,Tugas kita adalah singkirkan siapa pun yang masuki Gua Ryuchi.,https://subscene.com/ +Master White Snake Sage only allows usto eat those who fail the test.,Petapa Ular Putih hanya memperbolehkan kita makan mereka yang gagal jalani ujian.,https://subscene.com/ +There's not even a trace left!,Bahkan hawa keberadaannya juga hilang!,https://subscene.com/ +– Imagine what would have happened– It looked so delicious though…,Bagaimana kalau sampai makanan yang kita makan tadi,https://subscene.com/ +"They planned on paralyzing us,then eating us.","Dia berencana lumpuhkan kita, lalu memakan kita.",https://subscene.com/ +They said the White Snake Sageis in the temple deep inside.,"Katanya, Petapa Ular Putih berada di kuil jauh di dalam sana, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going!,Aku akan ke sana!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait! Boruto!","Tunggu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna get hungrier!,"Bikin perut lapar saja, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +Where did everyone go?,Ke mana perginya mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait!","Oi, tunggu!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, it's not budging…","Sial, tak bergeser sedikit pun.",https://subscene.com/ +Is this a—?,Bukankah ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Who are you?,Bukankah kau...,https://subscene.com/ +My name is Ichikishimahime.,Namaku Ichikishimahime.,https://subscene.com/ +Where'd you take Saradaand the others?!,Di mana Sarada dan yang lainnya?,https://subscene.com/ +You're the only oneI'm interested in.,Aku hanya tertarik padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Play?,Bermain?,https://subscene.com/ +I'll let you out of here.,akan kukeluarkan kau dari sini.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you can do it, you win.","Kalau kau bisa keluar, kau yang menang.",https://subscene.com/ +You'd better not be tricking melike the last time.,"Kau tak menipuku seperti wanita tadi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +This is the only wayto get out of here.,Hanya itu satu-satunya jalan keluar.,https://subscene.com/ +You can attempt to fill in the spacesas many times as you like.,Kau boleh isi lubang ini berkali-kali.,https://subscene.com/ +As many times as you like!,Berapa kali pun itu.,https://subscene.com/ +with a simple task like this?!,"kau akan buatku menyerah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I prefer chakra that's weakand just about to disappear…,Aku lebih suka chakra yang sudah melemah,https://subscene.com/ +You're creepier than the last one!,"Kau jauh lebih jahat dari wanita yang tadi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, there's no wayI'm gonna get myself eaten.","Sial, aku takkan biarkan diriku dimakan.",https://subscene.com/ +I just have one more left to fill!,Padahal tinggal satu lagi yang perlu kuisi!,https://subscene.com/ +Give up?,Sudah menyerah?,https://subscene.com/ +It's no good!,Percuma!,https://subscene.com/ +There's still time.,"Masih ada waktu, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +I have to meet the White Snake Sageand get Mitsuki…,Aku harus segera bertemu dengan Petapa Ular Putih supaya Mitsuki...,https://subscene.com/ +Your goal isn't to acquirethe power of the Sage?,Tujuanmu bukan untuk dapatkan kekuatan sang petapa?,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I just want to know where Mitsuki is.That's all.,"Aku hanya ingin tahu di mana Mitsuki saat ini, itu saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it. I don't get it at all.,"Astaga, aku sama sekali tak punya petunjuk.",https://subscene.com/ +I get it!,Begitu rupanya!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm done!,Sekarang selesai sudah!,https://subscene.com/ +I just tried thinkingout of the box.,Aku hanya mencoba berpikir dengan cara yang berbeda.,https://subscene.com/ +What's in front of your eyesisn't everything.,Apa yang ada di depan mata bukanlah sesuatu yang pasti.,https://subscene.com/ +There are things thatdon't come into view,Ada banyak yang tak bisa terlihat kecuali,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki made me realize that!,Mitsuki-lah yang buatku sadari hal itu!,https://subscene.com/ +You're hard to eat.,"Kau lumayan sulit juga untuk dimakan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what did you do?!","Hoi, apa-apaan kau ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"You're quite something,passing the trials of the other two.","Bisa lewati ujian dari mereka berdua, kau lumayan juga.",https://subscene.com/ +"You'll face me, Tagitsuhime, next.","Selanjutnya, kau akan melawanku, Tagitsuhime.",https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, if you cannot endure it,I can eat you.","Tentu saja, kalau kau tak mampu menahannya, aku akan memakanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +There's no way I'll let myselfget eaten here!,Mustahil aku akan biarkan diriku dimakan di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +"I know that you're doing thisfor Mitsuki's sake,",Aku tahu kau lakukan ini demi Mitsuki,https://subscene.com/ +Is this genjutsu?,"Ini Genjutsu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"We abandoned our original mission,and now we're rogues too.","Kami sudah tinggalkan misi kami, dan sekarang kami jadi ninja pelarian.",https://subscene.com/ +You sure know where to hit mewhere it hurts…,"Kau benar-benar tahu bagian mana yang paling terasa sakit, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"You call Mitsuki a precious friend,",Kau sebut Mitsuki temanmu yang sangat berharga,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, Mitsuki leftof his own will, right?","Lagi pula, Mitsuki pergi karena keinginannya sendiri, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What'll you do afterbringing him back?,"Setelah berhasil ditemukan, lalu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that justa convenient excuse?,Itu alasan yang lumayan.,https://subscene.com/ +People's hearts change.,Perasaan seseorang itu mudah berubah.,https://subscene.com/ +"This all started because ofyour own egotistical desires, right?","Ini semua bermula gara-gara keegoisanmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Just stop already.,"Sudah, hentikan saja.",https://subscene.com/ +You all have a point.,Kalian semua memang ada benarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +But it's because of that…,"Tapi, karena alasan itulah",https://subscene.com/ +I guess this isas far as we can go.,"Sepertinya hanya sampai di sini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We're at the entryway ofMaster White Snake Sage's temple.,Kita sedang berada di pintu masuk kuil Tn. Petapa Ular Putih.,https://subscene.com/ +Wait. We've lost.,"Tunggu, kami sudah kalah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Those who come here,seek to acquire the Sage's power.","Orang-orang yang datang ke sini, berusaha dapatkan kekuatan petapa.",https://subscene.com/ +It's too bad!,Sayang sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +That's not gonna happen.,Itu takkan terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +Your friends are up ahead.,Teman-temanmu ada di depan.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Aku mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +"But…if this Mitsuki becomesan actual enemy,","Tapi, kalau orang yang bernama Mitsuki itu memang harus jadi musuhmu",https://subscene.com/ +"Inojin, Sarada, Cho-Cho, Shikadai!","Inojin, Sarada, Chocho, Shikadai!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +They haven't been harmed…,Mereka tak terluka.,https://subscene.com/ +Uh-huh.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +I came here to ask you a favor.,Aku datang ke sini untuk minta bantuanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +My ears hear everything thatoccurs inside of Ryuchi Cave.,Kedua telingaku ini bisa dengar semua yang terjadi di dalam Gua Ryuchi.,https://subscene.com/ +Then I don't have towaste time explaining.,"Kalau begitu, aku tak perlu menjelaskannya lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +Why me?,Kenapa aku harus melakukannya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Orochimaru, huh?","Orochimaru, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Filled with greed, such is man.","Layaknya seorang laki-laki, dia dipenuhi oleh sikap serakah.",https://subscene.com/ +All those who come to see me haveabandoned everything out of sheer greed.,Semua orang yang datang menemuiku abaikan semuanya selain keserakahannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I just want to know iswhere Mitsuki is!,Aku hanya ingin tahu di mana Mituski sekarang!,https://subscene.com/ +The trials you passed were,Latihan yang sudah kaulalui,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know anything else.,"Selain itu, aku tak tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +There's no way we're gonna simply acceptwhat you said and go back!,Kami takkan mungkin terima perkataanmu begitu saja dan pergi dari tempat ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Please! Please!,"Kumohon, Nek!",https://subscene.com/ +"Please, I'm begging you!","Ayolah, kumohon!",https://subscene.com/ +"I shall, on one condition.","aku bersedia melakukannya, tapi dengan satu syarat.",https://subscene.com/ +Deep inside Ryuchi Cave isgiant snake named Garaga,Di dalam Gua Ryuchi ada seekor ular raksasa bernama Garaga,https://subscene.com/ +You want me to take it down?,Kau ingin aku mengalahkannya?,https://subscene.com/ +We're talking about a giant snake!,"Yang kita bicarakan ini ular raksasa, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +But—!,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +Bring me Garaga's Reverse Scale.,Ambilkan sisik terbalik milik Garaga dan berikan padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +I got it.,Aku mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +Garaga lives in the harshest recessesof Ryuchi Cave,Garaga tinggal di relung terdalam dari Gua Ryuchi ini,https://subscene.com/ +You still wanna go?,Apa kau masih ingin pergi ke sana?,https://subscene.com/ +Was it all right to makesuch a promise?,Apa tak apa-apa Nenek berjanji seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Do you actually thinkthey'll come back alive?,Apa kalian pikir mereka bisa kembali dalam keadaan hidup?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… Exactly!,"Ya, tepat sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +"You know the old saying, right?","Kau tahu pepatah kuno, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +There's a giant snakewith one of those?,"Jadi, ular raksasa itu juga punya?",https://subscene.com/ +It's no big deal!,Ini bukan masalah besar!,https://subscene.com/ +The request is just like a game!,Anggap saja tugas ini seperti sebuah permainan!,https://subscene.com/ +Human Boulder!,肉弾戦車,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho…,Chocho.,https://subscene.com/ +through the Akimichi Clan…,"tak hanya ini saja, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Watch carefully.,Lihatlah baik-baik.,https://subscene.com/ +"Releasing chakra all at once,","Melepaskan semua chakra,",https://subscene.com/ +Butterfly Mode!,Mode Kupu-kupu!,https://subscene.com/ +This jutsu will also be—,Kau juga bisa gunakan teknik...,https://subscene.com/ +For us to fall in love is…,"Meski begitu, kita jatuh cinta.",https://subscene.com/ +"As long as you wear this ring,","Selama kau pakai cincin ini,",https://subscene.com/ +will shine forever.,akan bersinar selamanya.,https://subscene.com/ +We're in the middle ofour generations-old secret training…,Padahal kami sedang pelajari teknik warisan rahasia klan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"She may be my daughter,but she's quite something.","Sebagai anakku, dia hebat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I need you to sign this.,Bisa tanda tangani ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yup, it sounds like this upcomingmission is super complicated,","Ya, sepertinya misi yang selanjutnya super merepotkan, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,"Ah, aduh!",https://subscene.com/ +You're sooo cool!,"Kau keren banget, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"And that's to be expected.You are my son, after all.","Kalau anakku tak mampu melakukannya, aku bisa repot.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +As for the guardian section…,Mengenai hubungan keluarga...,https://subscene.com/ +"Though, I don't really careeither way.","Ya, mau yang mana pun aku juga tak peduli.",https://subscene.com/ +"and times, a woman…",dan adakalanya aku seorang wanita.,https://subscene.com/ +Outside appearances don't matter.,Penampilan luar itu tak perlu diambil pusing.,https://subscene.com/ +Core?,Inti?,https://subscene.com/ +But I can confirm it.,"Tapi kalau memastikannya, aku bisa.",https://subscene.com/ +and my lips…,dan bibirku...,https://subscene.com/ +Stop tugging at my heart!,"Ah, tanggung!",https://subscene.com/ +As long as you wear this ring…,"Selama pakai cincin ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"shine bright, forever.",...akan bersinar selamanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey you, don't bother me!",Papa ini ganggu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"Fine, just bring Mr. Tomaru here.","Baiklah, kalau begitu bawa Tn. Tomaru kemari.",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Tomaru?,Tn. Tomaru?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hopefully, this Tomaru guy isjust some passing craze.","Semoga saja, laki-laki bernama Tomaru ini hanya angin lewat.",https://subscene.com/ +The hell did you say?,Kau bilang apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"That's enough outta you,daughter!","Jangan seenaknya bicara, Bocah!",https://subscene.com/ +I love both of you!,"Aku mencintai kalian berdua, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +"I mean, seriously.",Dasar.,https://subscene.com/ +Calories will fix most things.,Kalori bisa atasi hampir semua masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +Or did you prefer lightly salted?,Atau kau lebih suka yang sedikit asin?,https://subscene.com/ +My life will not be bound by calories!,Hidupku takkan terikat oleh kaloriku!,https://subscene.com/ +But…,"Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +"So, I don't care ifI'm bound by friendship.","Jadi, kalau harus terikat oleh persahabatan, aku tak masalah.",https://subscene.com/ +I have…a big heart!,Aku ini punya hati yang lapang!,https://subscene.com/ +"You also have a big heart, Cho-Cho.","Hatimu memang lapang ya, Chocho.",https://subscene.com/ +"I love you so much, Cho-Cho!",Aku sangat menyukai Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm damn near perfect.,"Aku memang nyaris sempurna, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +A handsome guy!,Seorang pria tampan!,https://subscene.com/ +"You mean, like a diet?",Maksudmu diet?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you remember my motto!,Apa kau lupa motoku?,https://subscene.com/ +Just watch me!,Lihat saja!,https://subscene.com/ +W-What is this?,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +Known as…,Aku menyebutnya,https://subscene.com/ +Amazing!,Hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +The only thing is…,"Sayangnya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Nope, not at all…","Ah, tidak, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, let's go!","Nah, ayo pergi!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, it's a joint mission withour team and Team 10.","Ya, ini misi gabungan dengan Tim 10.",https://subscene.com/ +Shouldn't it not matter?,"Tak ada bedanya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +It's a huge issue that affectsone's incentive.,"Ini soal motivasi menjalankannya, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +You have to be atthe meeting place on time.,"Kalau janjian itu, harus tepat waktu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Sarada?","Eh, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +N-Nice to meet you!,Senang bertemu denganmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you recognize Cho-Cho?,"Dia itu Chocho, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +You're the one being insulting!,Justru kau yang kurang ajar!,https://subscene.com/ +"It can't be, right?","Ini bohong, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Are you sick or something?,Apa kau sedang terjangkit penyakit atau semacamnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, you're so uninhibited.","Chocho, kau orangnya blakblakan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +The symptoms are getting worse…,"Penyakitnya makin parah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What's this feeling I'm feeling?,Perasaan apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +I guess so…,"Mungkin, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Steak…,Daging kualitas tinggi.,https://subscene.com/ +Um… Could you two be—?,"Maaf, apa jangan-jangan kalian adalah...",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm Tomaru and this is Ashina,who plays my love interest.","Aku Tomaru, dan ini pemeran kekasihku, Ashina.",https://subscene.com/ +"We came to see the Hokage abouta mission, but we got lost.","Kami ingin bahas soal misi dengan Hokage, tapi malah tersesat.",https://subscene.com/ +"That's quite a surprise,isn't it, Cho-Cho?","Mengejutkan ya, Chocho?",https://subscene.com/ +It's up ahead.,Kantornya di depan sana.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, thanks.",Terima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you feeling…?,Apa kau sedang sakit?,https://subscene.com/ +Did you use that jutsu again?,"Lagi-lagi kau gunakan teknik itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, it seems everyone's here.","Sepertinya kalian semua sudah berkumpul, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +your mission is to…,tapi misi kali ini adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +Perhaps it's better ifI explain it to them.,Kurasa lebih baik aku sendiri yang menjelaskannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Ashina over there, and I…",Ashina yang di sana dan aku...,https://subscene.com/ +Do you knowwho's behind the threats?,Apa kau sudah tahu siapa pelakunya?,https://subscene.com/ +It's not the first timeI've received threats.,"Lagi pula, ini bukan kali pertama aku terima ancaman.",https://subscene.com/ +But it is a death threat!,"Tapi, ini ancaman pembunuhan!",https://subscene.com/ +Actresses even smell different…,"Aktris itu baunya saja sudah beda, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, do I smell like consommé?","Sarada, apa bau tubuhku itu seperti kaldu?",https://subscene.com/ +Okay.,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Hore!,https://subscene.com/ +"With that, Teams 7 and 10…Your guard mission starts now!","Dengan ini, misi mengawal kalian dimulai!",https://subscene.com/ +"When you actually see behindthe scenes, sets are pretty dull.","Kalau melihatnya dari balik layar, ternyata perlengkapan drama itu sangat kuno, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's your mark.,Posisimu di sana!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll be careful!,Aku akan berhati-hati.,https://subscene.com/ +"so give it all you've got, as usual.","jadi tolong kerahkan seluruh kemampuanmu seperti biasanya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you use this?,Pakai ini saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe…,Mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +It's so hot…,Panas.,https://subscene.com/ +You're very thoughtful.,"Kau sangat cekatan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, I wonderwhat's for lunch?","Baiklah, makan siang hari ini apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Gotta hand it to you.,"Hebat, deh!",https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you just wait here?,"Tunggu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm curious about her…,"Aku jadi kepikiran, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll bet she's really shy…,"Dia pasti anak yang sangat pemalu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Me too.,Aku juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Water!,Air!,https://subscene.com/ +– More fanning!– Right!,"Kipasi lebih kencang, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +"Move your hands, not your mouth.","Tak perlu menggerutu, kerja yang benar saja!",https://subscene.com/ +"""To the beautiful Miss Ashina,I'm writing a fan letter for the first time.""","""Untuk Nn. Ashina yang cantik, ini pertama kalinya aku tulis surat penggemar.""",https://subscene.com/ +"""Miss Ashina,you are like a goddess…""","""Nn. Ashina, kau seperti bidadari saja.""",https://subscene.com/ +"""You will probably go to hell…""","""Sebaiknya kau dikirim ke neraka saja.""",https://subscene.com/ +I-Isn't this a threat?,"Yang barusan itu ancaman, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"""My beloved Ms. Ashina…","""Nn. Ashina-ku yang tersayang,",https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you drink this?,Minumlah saja!,https://subscene.com/ +You're very kind.,"Kau baik sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"A girl who's as beautiful and stylish,and devoted like you…","Gadis yang cantik, pintar dan pandai berdandan sepertimu",https://subscene.com/ +Later.,Dah!,https://subscene.com/ +Why can't I just be myselfin front of Mr. Tomaru?!,Kenapa aku tak bisa jadi diriku yang biasanya saat berada di depannya Tn. Tomaru?,https://subscene.com/ +W-What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +What are you saying?I'm like this to everyone…,"Tak juga, sikapku memang seperti ini pada siapa pun.",https://subscene.com/ +You're totally not being yourself!,Sikapmu sama sekali tak seperti biasanya!,https://subscene.com/ +The consommé-flavored potato chipsyou gave me.,Keripik kentang rasa kaldu yang kau berikan padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +But—!,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho…,Chocho.,https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness. I forgot to tell yousomething earlier.,"Syukurlah, tadi aku lupa memberitahumu.",https://subscene.com/ +"With the death threat and all,","Dengan adanya ancaman pembunuhan ini,",https://subscene.com/ +Th-This is…,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +As long as you wear this ring…,"Selama kau pakai cincin ini,",https://subscene.com/ +…shine forever…,...akan bersinar selamanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja training ends here!,Latihan jadi ninja berakhir sampai di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Tomaru!,Tn. Tomaru!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay?!,Anda baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +Who are you?!,Siapa kau?,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry!,Maaf!,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki's with her.What's the status here?,"Mitsuki bersamanya, bagaimana situasi di sini?",https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style:Consecutive Wind Fist!,風遁・烈風掌,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! A smokescreen!,"Sial, bom asap!",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't let him escape!,Jangan biarkan dia melarikan diri!,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art! Super Beast Scroll!,忍法・超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +Right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +And Partial Expansion…!,"Lalu, Bubun Baika no...",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, get serious!","Chocho, bertarunglah dengan serius!",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, he got away!","Maafkan aku, dia berhasil kabur!",https://subscene.com/ +What are you going to doabout this?!,Sekarang apa yang harus kita lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +"We have to finda substitute immediately,","Kita harus segera cari penggantinya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Producer…","Eh, Pak Produser...",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Me?,"Ha, aku?",https://subscene.com/ +I think you're perfect for the part.,Kupikir kau akan cocok dengan peran ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"AS THEY HOLD EACH OTHER TIGHT,THEY EXCHANGE A PASSIONATE KISSA-A-A…",A...,https://subscene.com/ +Here it is!,Ini dia!,https://subscene.com/ +Here it is!,Ini dia!,https://subscene.com/ +When you've becomea lady like me…,Saat kau jadi wanita sepertiku...,https://subscene.com/ +Camera angles are arrangedespecially for me…,"Demi diriku juga, sudut kameranya diatur ulang.",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generation,",https://subscene.com/ +Move away!,Minggir!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Doctor?","Eh, Dokter.",https://subscene.com/ +will we be able to live likeregular people?,apa kami juga bisa hidup seperti para manusia?,https://subscene.com/ +"In fact, you could say you willbe even greater than humans.",Justru kau akan jadi makhluk yang melebihi manusia.,https://subscene.com/ +but your strengthwill far exceed them!,tapi kekuatanmu jauh di atas mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +"Because all I want to do,is to protect my precious friends.",Aku hanya ingin lindungi teman-temanku yang berharga.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll leave him to you.,Sisanya kuserahkan padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Kokuyou and Kakouwere taken down.,kalau Kokuyou dan Kakou sudah dikalahkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I felt a pain right here.,"Entah kenapa, di sekitar sini terasa sakit.",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder…,Apa jangan-jangan aku,https://subscene.com/ +I don't understand it too well myself.,Aku sendiri juga tak begitu mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +will this pain get worse?,apa rasa sakit ini akan semakin memburuk?,https://subscene.com/ +doesn't mean you're closerto being human.,bukan berarti kau semakin menyerupai manusia.,https://subscene.com/ +"When the heart is ready,we're to deliver it to the old city…","Setelah jantungnya selesai, kita harus mengantarnya ke kota lama.",https://subscene.com/ +Please tell him it will bejust a short while.,"Tolong sampaikan padanya, tunggulah sebentar lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Akatsuchi!,Tn. Akatsuchi!,https://subscene.com/ +Then that's all the more reasonwe have to get out of here now!,Itu berarti kita harus segera pergi dari sini!,https://subscene.com/ +We must rescue Lord Ohnoki!,Kita harus selamatkan Tn. Oonoki!,https://subscene.com/ +"As much as I'm ashamed to admit,I can't move.","Ini memang menyedihkan, tapi aku tak sanggup bergerak lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +Every shinobi in the villagehave been imprisoned.,Semua ninja yang ada di desa sudah ditahan.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't have that kind of strength…,Aku tak punya kekuatan untuk melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Making excuses—,Membuat alasan lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +I understand.,Aku mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +"Once I get Lord Third,I'll come back for you.","Setelah selamatkan Tsuchikage Ketiga, aku akan kembali!",https://subscene.com/ +"Granny… I'm gonna seethis through, without fail!","Nenek, aku pasti akan berhasil melakukannya!",https://subscene.com/ +I've never had so much funplaying with dolls.,Baru kali ini bermain boneka terasa seseru ini.,https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?,Apa katamu?,https://subscene.com/ +Found it!,Ketemu.,https://subscene.com/ +The woman with glasses.,Wanita dengan kacamata.,https://subscene.com/ +This is—!,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"In any case,","Yang jelas,",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm leaving a Shadow Clonehere in the village,","Aku akan tinggalkan Klona Bayangan di desa,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm taking you away.,Aku akan menculikmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +You…aren't needed.,Kau tak dibutuhkan.,https://subscene.com/ +SEVENTH HOKAGEfor a kid's fight?,"untuk pertengkaran anak-anak, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"I think my village's kidsare well behaved, but…","Anak-anak dari desaku adalah anak yang baik, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you one of them?,Apa kau anggota mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +Can you blame her?,Mau bagaimana lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +she'd get embroiledin conflicts too.,anak itu pasti akan terlibat masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +the Sharingan canalso draw in sadness.,Sharingan adalah sesuatu yang bangkit karena kesedihan.,https://subscene.com/ +Uh-huh.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +that you were my dad.,kalau kau adalah papaku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, why'd you run offlike that?","Sarada, kenapa kau pergi seenaknya?",https://subscene.com/ +So handsome!,Tampan!,https://subscene.com/ +I came…,Aku datang...,https://subscene.com/ +"I found out Lord Seventhwas meeting up with you,","Aku tahu kalau Hokage Ketujuh akan bertemu denganmu,",https://subscene.com/ +There's somethingI really want to ask you.,Ada sesuatu yang ingin kutanyakan pada Papa.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Emotional trauma triggersthe awakening of the Sharingan.,Sharingan adalah teknik mata yang bangkit karena trauma penggunanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke's absence affectedher deeply.,memengaruhi bagian terdalam hatinya.,https://subscene.com/ +you didn't tell her about the othersin the old photo either?,"kau juga tak katakan apa pun mengenai orang-orang yang ada di dalam foto itu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +If she ever found out that,"Kalau dia tahu,",https://subscene.com/ +You protect the village as the Hokage.,"Sebagai seorang Hokage, tugasmu lindungi desa.",https://subscene.com/ +who can search for traces of Kaguya.,yang bisa cari jejak Kaguya.,https://subscene.com/ +And I'll do what I'm meant to.,Dan aku lakukan apa yang bisa kulakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, treat my movements","Dengar, jadikanlah pergerakanku ini",https://subscene.com/ +Knowing will only createunnecessary anxiety.,"Kalau dia tahu, nanti dia akan merasa cemas.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if she does,the future ought to stay bright.","Meskipun dia harus benci padaku, masa depan desa tetap yang lebih penting.",https://subscene.com/ +She has Sakura.,Ada Sakura di sisinya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm really not good…,Aku benar-benar tak bisa,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, after I eat this,","Baiklah, setelah aku makan ini,",https://subscene.com/ +Your father isthe finest shinobi around.,Ayahmu adalah ninja terhebat.,https://subscene.com/ +That girl!,Dia itu...,https://subscene.com/ +the revival of the Akatsuki.,Kebangkitan Akatsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +Here.,Terimalah.,https://subscene.com/ +It's consommé flavor.,Ini keripik rasa kaldu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Sarada!","Tunggu, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +"If no one will tell me the truth,","Kalau tak ada seorang pun yang mau katakan yang sebenarnya kepadaku,",https://subscene.com/ +and ask her to her face!,dan tanya padanya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Let's go, Shin!","Ayo, Shin!",https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +Is that his Visual Prowess?,"Itu Teknik Matanya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… But this is nothing.,"Memang sih, tapi yang tadi itu masih belum apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +"was a ""make-the-ladies-swoon"" type…yup.","dan tipe yang ""mudah buat gadis pingsan"", ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's something I definitely wantin order to revive the Akatsuki.,"Untuk bangkitkan kembali Akatsuki, kekuatan itu memang harus kumiliki.",https://subscene.com/ +Who are you?,Kau siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +Those eyes…,Mata itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Shin Uchiha.,Shin Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +You can speak the truth at leisureafter we've captured you.,"Setelah kami menangkapmu, kau akan dipersilakan bicara panjang lebar.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes…Father.,"Baik, Ayah.",https://subscene.com/ +He's using his own sonas a shield?,Dia pakai anaknya sendiri sebagai tameng?,https://subscene.com/ +Sure.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Be careful and don'tlet down your guard.,"Kau juga, hati-hati jangan sampai lengah.",https://subscene.com/ +This is my Visual Prowess.,Inilah Teknik Mataku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Just as good as yours, huh?","Tak kalah dengan punyamu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't worry, Sarada.","Tak perlu khawatir, Sarada.",https://subscene.com/ +That guy's able to controlother people's weapons…,Orang itu bisa kontrol senjata orang lain,https://subscene.com/ +That moment…,"Waktu itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +Just like it has with you two!,Sama seperti yang terjadi pada kalian berdua!,https://subscene.com/ +"Without evolution,creatures shall eventually perish!","Kalau makhluk hidup tak bisa berkembang, lebih baik mati saja!",https://subscene.com/ +"Cha, damn it!",Shannaro!,https://subscene.com/ +What do you think you're doing,Apa yang ingin kaulakukan,https://subscene.com/ +So…who the hell are these guys?!,"Jadi, siapa orang-orang ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"What are you doing here, too?",Untuk apa kau ke sini?,https://subscene.com/ +What the heckare these people?,"Sebenarnya, ada apa dengan orang-orang ini?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +So much fuss oversomething like this.,Hanya atasi hal seperti ini saja kau sudah kewalahan.,https://subscene.com/ +However…it's over.,"Tapi, sekarang semua sudah berakhir.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's my fault.","Tidak, akulah yang salah.",https://subscene.com/ +But I've…,"Tapi, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +W-What's going on?!,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +Transportation?,Ninjutsu Ruang Waktu?,https://subscene.com/ +Mom…!,Mama!,https://subscene.com/ +What is that which we call death?,Apa arti dari sesuatu yang dinamakan kematian?,https://subscene.com/ +You're wrong!,Kau salah!,https://subscene.com/ +That's where one's feelingsand one's will reside.,Di situlah perasaan seseorang berada.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Dasar!,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry to keep you guys waiting!,Maaf buat kalian menunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Quiet, don't be so loud.","Berisik, jangan bicara keras-keras, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +Where's everyone else?,Yang lainnya ke mana?,https://subscene.com/ +It's almost time forthe graduation exams so…,"Lagi pula, sebentar lagi ujian kelulusan.",https://subscene.com/ +No one wants to hang out lately too.,Tak ada yang mau diajak main.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you listening?,"Kau dengar, tidak?",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"But everyone hasthings to deal with,","Yang lainnya punya alasan masing-masing,",https://subscene.com/ +"But friendship is forever, right?","Tapi, persahabatan itu abadi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I'm so tired.","Ah, lelah sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Boruto.","Oh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +Some friends you are…,Teman macam apa kalian itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Our moms have beengoing overboard lately.,Akhir-akhir ini ibu kami banyak maunya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, thanks for your hard work…","Kalau begitu, terima kasih atas kerja kerasnya.",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm so tired,I don't have an appetite.","Saking lelahnya, sampai tak nafsu makan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, about our coordination earlier…",Mengenai koordinasi kita sebelumnya...,https://subscene.com/ +"All thanks to me, right?","Itu berkat diriku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"– Yeah, yeah…– Even though I matched everything up…",Meski aku yang urus semuanya...,https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter, Boruto?","Ada apa, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, because I found you here, Boruto.",Karena tiba-tiba saja aku menemukanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +It's not like you to be in such a daze.,Tumben sekali lihat Boruto sampai melamun.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"My eyes see all,and destroy all evil.",Mataku dapat lihat semuanya dan hancurkan segala kejahatan.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm Gongoro Kamakura,","Aku adalah Evil Jammer Kagemasa,",https://subscene.com/ +"Today, I'm here to eatthe elusive Eternal Carp!","Hari ini, aku datang untuk makan ikan mas ilusi abadi.",https://subscene.com/ +"He got really big,but it was on the news",Kudengar dia jadi sangat gemuk,https://subscene.com/ +Successful weight loss…,Diet yang berhasil.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I'm going to dig in.","Kalau begitu, aku akan memakannya.",https://subscene.com/ +I've never eaten anything like this!,Aku tak pernah makan sesuatu yang seenak ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Seriously?!,Yang benar?,https://subscene.com/ +"– But it's really just a huge carp, right?– Don't worry, I'm a pro at this.","Tapi, itu adalah ikan mas yang berukuran besar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I heard once…,Aku pernah mendengarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why they call itthe Eternal Carp.,"Karena itu, mereka menyebutnya ikan mas ilusi abadi.",https://subscene.com/ +Sounds good!,Kelihatannya bagus!,https://subscene.com/ +What a drag…,"Itu merepotkan, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah…","Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll certainly go, if you do, Boruto.","Kalau Boruto pergi, tentu saja aku juga akan pergi.",https://subscene.com/ +"And you, Cho-Cho?",Kalau Chocho?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you know that?,"Kau sudah tahu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +The Eternal Carp?,Ikan mas abadi?,https://subscene.com/ +that Kaminarimon Companyjust opened.,yang baru saja dibuka.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you can catch it, sure.",Tentu saja kalau kalian bisa menangkapnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"They're being bred on a trial basis,then released into the river.",Ikan-ikan itu memang sedang dikembangbiakkan dan dilepaskan di sungai.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll have no trouble catching it!,Kita pasti bisa!,https://subscene.com/ +Leave it to me!,Serahkan saja padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +And there it is…The rich boy's utterance…,"Itu dia, kata-kata anak kaya.",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +Eternal Carp?,Ikan mas abadi?,https://subscene.com/ +That sounds like fun.,Sepertinya menyenangkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Bagus!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm absolutely gonna catchthis Eternal Carp!,Aku pasti bisa tangkap ikan mas abadi itu!,https://subscene.com/ +This should do it.,"Semuanya sudah lengkap, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +So that's that…,Lalu...,https://subscene.com/ +Are you up to something?,Apa ada sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't act all innocent.,"Jangan pura-pura tak tahu, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +Whatever…,Tak juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"we're all goingour separate ways, right?","kita pasti akan terpisah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +This is so unlike you.,"Semakin buatmu tak seperti biasanya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, next is…","Omong-omong, selanjutnya...",https://subscene.com/ +How come you're in sucha good mood?,Kenapa Mama kedengarannya malah senang sekali?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not going becauseI really want to go.,Aku pergi bukan karena aku memang ingin ikut.,https://subscene.com/ +"For someone going off to have fun,you sure don't look excited.","Kau akan pergi bersenang-senang, tapi kau terlihat tak tertarik sama sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +No… Just that stupid Borutois so stupid.,Karena si bodoh Boruto itu bertindak nekat lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +To Lord Hokage?!,"Eh, Hokage Ketujuh?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Mom…Were you good friends?","Anu, apa Mama punya banyak teman?",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe not so muchat the Academy.,Di akademi aku tak punya banyak teman.,https://subscene.com/ +So you can get closeafter graduation.,"Jadi, Mama bisa semakin akrab setelah lulus, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Is friendship forever?,Apa persahabatan itu berlangsung selamanya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I'm not sure…","Ah, aku sendiri tak yakin.",https://subscene.com/ +"You know, even if it's Boruto…","Kau juga, bahkan terhadap Boruto sekalipun,",https://subscene.com/ +What's that all of a sudden?,Kenapa Mama tiba-tiba berkata begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's huge. This is great!","Oh, luas sekali, ini hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +"Metal, we didn't come herefor that, okay?","Metal, kita ke sini bukan untuk berlatih.",https://subscene.com/ +Thank goodness.,"Tapi, syukurlah.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's just a campsite, after all.","Tentu saja, ini kan bumi perkemahan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, this should do.","Sip, selesai.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, I'll take you there.","Ya, aku akan antar kalian ke sana.",https://subscene.com/ +I can't wait to get started.,Aku sudah tak sabar lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's a drag, but what the heck!","Padahal memancing itu membosankan, tapi kenapa kau sangat bersemangat?",https://subscene.com/ +"Just you wait, Eternal Carp!","Tunggu saja kau, ikan mas!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not getting anything.,Aku masih belum dapat apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, if it isn't Master Denki.","Oh, Tn. Denki, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Caretaker!,Pak Pengelola!,https://subscene.com/ +It's useless fishing here.,Tak ada gunanya memancing di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, the Eternal Carp's takenrefuge between the rocks.","Jadi, ikan mas abadinya bersembunyi di balik bebatuan.",https://subscene.com/ +"With this current,it's near impossible.","Dengan arus sungai seperti ini, sangat tak mungkin.",https://subscene.com/ +"I'd give up, if I were you.","Kalau aku jadi kalian, aku lebih baik menyerah saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't reel it in so fast, you idiot!","Dasar bodoh, jangan terlalu cepat tarik pancingnya!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm almost there…,Sedikit lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Did you see that, Shikadai?!","Kau lihat itu, Shikadai?",https://subscene.com/ +Forget it.,Sudahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +The fish is there.,Sungai ini ada ikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Just you watch, Eternal Carp!","Tunggu saja kau, ikan mas!",https://subscene.com/ +But we can't stay hungrylike this forever.,Kita tak bisa terus-terusan menahan lapar seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm dying of hunger.,"Karena aku sangat kelaparan, rasanya seperti ingin mati.",https://subscene.com/ +or we'll miss out on the curry too.,kita bisa tak dapat kari juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait a minute, guys!","Tunggu, tunggu sebentar, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I'll bet it's the boss of the river.","Ya, aku yakin ikan itu raja sungai ini.",https://subscene.com/ +So good!,Enak.,https://subscene.com/ +"Iwabe, you're really good at cooking!","Iwabe, kau benar-benar pandai memasak!",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"– I thought camping would be a drag, but…– I'd choose, to just eat and eat.",Kupikir berkemah akan sangat merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"You took charge, Shikadai,and that made things go smoothly.","Karena Shikadai yang jadi ketua, kita semua jadi terselamatkan.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm happy being herewith you guys too!,Aku juga senang bisa di sini bersama kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +"But we became friends,Cho-Cho,","Tapi, aku bisa berteman denganmu, Chocho,",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh yeah, you're right.","Oh ya, kau benar juga.",https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't go that far…,Kurasa tak sampai seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter, Boruto?","Ada apa, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +I'll be right back!,Tak lama kok perginya.,https://subscene.com/ +He really must've wantedto try the Eternal Carp…,Mungkin dia sangat ingin makan ikan mas.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm a trendsetter, after all.","Ya, soalnya aku ini jadi pusat perhatian.",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, this just has to work.","Sip, dengan ini aku pasti bisa menangkapnya.",https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Since when do youlove fish so much?,"Memangnya kau itu suka sekali dengan ikan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"What I said the last time,still bothering you?",Apa kau merasa terganggu dengan yang kuucapkan sebelumnya?,https://subscene.com/ +You're probably thinkingsomething childish,Paling kau hanya berpikir kekanak-kanakan,https://subscene.com/ +Am not!,"Tidak, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +Although I'd be lying ifI said I wasn't bothered…I guess.,"Ya, kalau kubilang tak terganggu, rasanya itu bohong juga.",https://subscene.com/ +You always have to havethe last word.,Kau itu selalu saja banyak mengoceh.,https://subscene.com/ +Anything eternalisn't gonna be easy.,Semua yang abadi itu tak mudah untuk didapat.,https://subscene.com/ +This is kinda fun.,"Ini lumayan menyenangkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's the first timeI've experienced anything like this.",Soalnya ini pertama kalinya aku alami ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't about all this eternal stuff…,"Meskipun aku tak mengerti dengan keabadian,",https://subscene.com/ +"So, from now,you and everyone are…","Aku, mulai saat ini bersama teman-teman...",https://subscene.com/ +Whoa!,Wah!,https://subscene.com/ +That thing's…,Yang barusan...,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! Hang on!,"Boruto, bertahanlah!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't give up!,Jangan menyerah!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I decided…,Aku sudah memutuskannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Is that Nue?!,"Itu Nue, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Please, Nue!","Nue, tolong!",https://subscene.com/ +My father made this powerto curse the world…,Kekuatan ini dibuat oleh ayahku untuk mengutuk dunia.,https://subscene.com/ +"But Boruto, you taught me…","Tapi, Boruto bilang padaku...",https://subscene.com/ +Damn right!,"Pasti, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I'm sorry I kept it secret.",Maaf merahasiakannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, sync your movements with mine!","Boruto, selaraskan gerakan kita!",https://subscene.com/ +A little more!,Sedikit lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +No way…am I gonna let youremain elusive!,Takkan kubiarkan kau terus terselubung ilusi!,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +This elusive fish is whatmy beauty yearns for…,Kecantikanku inginkan ikan ilusi ini!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll close off his escape route!,Akan kupotong jalur pelariannya!,https://subscene.com/ +Guys…,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +Cha…!,Shannaro!,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +– is it!– is it!,...dapat juga!,https://subscene.com/ +The umami—!,Cita rasa ini,https://subscene.com/ +"""Forever"" might be a little exaggerated.","Ya, terlalu berlebihan kalau dibilang abadi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Boruto!","Terima kasih ya, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +We all caught it together.,"Kita memancingnya bersama, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes. Your Summoning Jutsuwas awesome, Class Rep.","Ya, Teknik Pemanggilan-nya Ketua Kelas benar-benar hebat.",https://subscene.com/ +"Your Earth Style was cool, Iwabe.","Elemen Tanah-mu juga keren kok, Iwabe.",https://subscene.com/ +We caught the Eternal Carp together.,Kita tangkap ikan mas abadi ini bersama-sama.,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know if that's eternal or not, but…","Tapi ya, abadi atau tidaknya itu, aku tak tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"You won't see it in our village,that's for sure.","Yang pasti, kalau di desa takkan kelihatan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Let's come here again, together!","Lain kali ke sini lagi ya, bersama-sama.",https://subscene.com/ +"Next time, let's catchan even bigger one.","Lain kali, kita tangkap yang lebih gede!",https://subscene.com/ +I couldn't forget this tasteeven if I tried.,"Rasa ini, meski aku ingin melupakannya, takkan pernah terlupakan.",https://subscene.com/ +Fate is always flowing.,Takdir selalu mengalir.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, what kind of ninjado you want to become?","Boruto, kau ingin jadi ninja yang seperti apa di masa depan nanti?",https://subscene.com/ +there isn't anything I want to doin particular as a ninja…,tak ada hal spesifik yang ingin kulakukan sebagai ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +Graduation is coming up!,"Kelulusan sudah di hadapan mata, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +Students these days…,Murid zaman sekarang ini,https://subscene.com/ +"We passed the Academy'sgraduation exams,","Kami berhasil lulus dari ujian akhir di akademi,",https://subscene.com/ +"And finally,it's time for our first mission!","Dan akhirnya, misi pertama dimulai!",https://subscene.com/ +"but for every ninja mission,there is someone who requests it.",tapi setiap misi berasal dari permintaan seseorang.,https://subscene.com/ +"INFORMATION - RECEPTIONISTto preserving peace in a village,","menjaga perdamaian desa,",https://subscene.com/ +"looking for somethingthat's been lost by an individual,","mencari sesuatu yang hilang,",https://subscene.com/ +"We'll carry out any sort of mission thatgets thrown our way, successfully!","Apa pun misi yang kami jalankan, pasti akan berhasil, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +I understand they're ranked highto low from S to D levels.,Dari tinggi ke rendah yaitu peringkat S ke peringkat D.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh? Exactly.,"Oh, itu benar.",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone should know this much.,"Hal seperti ini sudah wajar, lah.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's just start with the highest-rankedone right off the bat,Ayo kita mulai dengan misi dengan peringkat tertinggi,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry to dampenyour enthusiasm, but…","Maaf kalau aku patahkan semangatmu,",https://subscene.com/ +"This is our first mission, and if it's gonnabe something at that level,","Karena ini misi pertama, dan peringkat misinya rendah begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +Is that how it goes?,Cara kerjanya begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +"It will be a piece of cake,even by myself!","Bagiku itu mudah, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +Lord Seventh…,Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +You should feel honored.,"Kalian harus merasa terhormat, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Now then…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +who've maintained their way of lifefor generations.,dan hal itu sudah turun-temurun dilakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +and they want us to stop them.,dan kita diminta hentikan pencurian tersebut.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"A piece of cake, after all.",Sudah kuduga memang mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +"""You guys""?","""Kalian""?",https://subscene.com/ +So please don't lump me with him.,"Tapi, jangan samakan kami dengannya!",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey!,"Ah, hoi, kalian!",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if it's a D-rank,a mission is a mission.","Meski peringkat D, misi tetaplah misi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Also, teamwork is very important.","Dan lagi, yang terpenting adalah kerja sama tim.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"You seem kinda happy,Big Brother!",Sepertinya Kakak senang sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh yeah, Mom.","Ah, benar juga.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Mine?,"Eh, misi Ibu?",https://subscene.com/ +I just remember being nervous.,Ibu hanya ingat kalau Ibu sangat gugup.,https://subscene.com/ +Like nervous with excitement?,Apa karena saking senangnya?,https://subscene.com/ +There were wars stillgoing on back then.,"Saat itu, kami masih terlibat dalam peperangan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if it was my first mission,","Bahkan dalam misi pertama Ibu,",https://subscene.com/ +Hmm…,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +Be careful.,Berhati-hatilah.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna show thatstupid old man that,Aku akan tunjukkan kalau misi ini adalah sesuatu yang mudah,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, it's about time to get going.",Akhirnya sudah saatnya kita berangkat.,https://subscene.com/ +It all soundsa little suspicious to me.,"Tapi, semuanya terdengar sedikit mencurigakan.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's Shikadai's first missiontoday too, right?","Misi pertama Shikadai juga akan dilaksanakan hari ini, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What a drag.,Merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"""Madame"" sounds just lovely!","Terima kasih, ternyata sebutan ""Madam"" itu terdengar cukup indah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +They call this a guarded escort?,Apa ini yang disebut misi pengawalan?,https://subscene.com/ +Are we really bodyguards?,Apa kita benar-benar mengawal?,https://subscene.com/ +So cute!,Imut sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I know a shop nearby thathas the most divine sweets!,"Kalau begitu, aku tahu toko terdekat yang punya permen paling nikmat!",https://subscene.com/ +We'll have to get there quicklybefore they sell out.,"Kalau kita tak cepat-cepat,",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you two!","Hoi, kalian berdua juga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, what a drag!","Sialan, merepotkan!",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… I hope so.,"Ya, kuharap begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't do anything to,Jangan sampai lakukan tindakan bodoh,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +I don't want your failures tobe reflected on my record!,"Kalau kau sampai lakukan kegagalan, aku juga yang akan terkena imbasnya!",https://subscene.com/ +What's up with that attitude?!,Apa-apaan sikap itu?,https://subscene.com/ +– Are you kidding?!– Are you kidding?!,Dekat dari mana?,https://subscene.com/ +"Team 7, before we startthis first mission,","Tim 7, sebelum kita mulai misi pertama ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"Lord Hokage alreadytold you this, but…","Kurasa Hokage Ketujuh sudah mengatakan ini sebelumnya,",https://subscene.com/ +We've heard that already.It's getting boring.,Hal itu sudah buat kami bosan mendengarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Fine.,"Ya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +And one more thing…,"Lalu, ada satu hal lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +"When you encounter danger,don't try to resolve it alone.","Kalau kalian hadapi bahaya, jangan menyelesaikannya sendirian.",https://subscene.com/ +or figure out a plan amongstthe three of you.,atau pikirkanlah rencana yang bisa kalian bertiga lakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, listen carefully.","Boruto, dengarkan baik-baik, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Why?!,"Ha, kenapa?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +"What? You too, Mitsuki?","Tung...Kenapa kau juga ikut-ikutan, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +– Yes!– Yes!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you can't discern various kindsof danger,","Kalau kau tak bisa bedakan berbagai macam bahaya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, break's over!","Sip, istirahatnya selesai!",https://subscene.com/ +"Once we cross this bridge,we'll reach our destination.","Setelah seberangi jembatan ini, kita akan sampai di tujuan kita.",https://subscene.com/ +Is this the only bridge?,"Apa jembatannya hanya ini saja, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I see.,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Lower the bridge.,Turunkan jembatannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, the drawbridge can onlybe controlled from that side.","Jadi, jembatan angkatnya hanya bisa dikendalikan dari seberang sana, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +W-What's that?,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +They're collecting toll for the bridge.,Mereka sedang bayar untuk lewati jembatannya.,https://subscene.com/ +In order to sustain our poor villagewhich has little resources…,"Demi pertahankan desa miskin kami yang punya sumber daya sedikit,",https://subscene.com/ +and personally oversawits construction.,dan awasi sendiri proses pembangunannya.,https://subscene.com/ +He seems to have beena great leader.,"Sepertinya beliau adalah pemimpin yang hebat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"He always calledthe villagers his family,","Dia selalu anggap penduduk desa sebagai keluarganya,",https://subscene.com/ +He would give his lifeto protect the village.,Dia siap korbankan nyawanya untuk lindungi desa.,https://subscene.com/ +You said previous village head.Did he retire?,"Anda bilang kepala desa sebelumnya, apa beliau sudah pensiun?",https://subscene.com/ +His daughter took over his position.,"Kemudian, putrinya ambil alih posisinya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's just about the time the villagestarted getting attacked?,"Itu saat desa mulai diserang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"After we installedthe new village head,","Setelah kami angkat kepala desa yang baru,",https://subscene.com/ +That's been the rumor going around.,Itulah rumor yang beredar.,https://subscene.com/ +"This is Lady Kiri,the head of this village.","Beliau adalah kepala desa di desa ini, namanya Nn. Kiri.",https://subscene.com/ +Shh!,Sut!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +You sent these mere childrento fulfill our request…,"Kalian sampai kirim anak-anak untuk penuhi permintaan kami,",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Let me go over the requestonce more.,Izinkan aku untuk minta bantuan sekali lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Due to drought, this year's harvesthas been very scarce.","Karena kekeringan, tahun ini ladang kami tak banyak memiliki hasil tani.",https://subscene.com/ +"As a result, people fromthe Pale Blue Valley","Akibatnya, orang-orang dari Lembah Biru",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, that is our understanding.","Ya, aku sudah mendengarnya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, at first it was.",Awalnya hanya itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Until now, we've thwartedthe enemy by ourselves.","Selama ini, kami menahan musuh sendirian.",https://subscene.com/ +They've hired shinobi.,Mereka mulai menyewa ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey! What are you doing?!,"Hoi, apa yang kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +C'mon!,"Tunggu, oi!",https://subscene.com/ +This will be too difficultfor the genin.,Misi ini akan sulit bagi mereka yang masih Genin.,https://subscene.com/ +"If we're dealing with shinobi,","Kalau yang kita hadapi adalah ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +How can you say that?!,Tak bisa begitu!,https://subscene.com/ +"A mission must alwaysbe completed, right?","Misi itu harus diselesaikan hingga akhir, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That's right!,Itu benar!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +What happened?!,Ada apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, don't take any risks!","Boruto, jangan gegabah!",https://subscene.com/ +Are you…from the Hidden Leaf?,"Orang dari Konoha, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I couldn't do anything…,Aku tak bisa berbuat apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +on the honor of the Hidden Leaf…,hal itu akan mencoreng kehormatan Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +It seems the enemy isn't afterwhat's in the storehouse.,Sepertinya musuh tak incar apa yang di dalam gudang.,https://subscene.com/ +Will you be completely honestwith me?,Bisakah ceritakan segalanya dengan jujur padaku?,https://subscene.com/ +Just leave it to me.,Cukup percayakan saja padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +Absolutely not!,Tak boleh!,https://subscene.com/ +But!,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +Follow me.,Ikuti aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Guess the mission is on.,"Berarti misinya tetap dilanjutkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +How can you be so calm?,Bagaimana bisa kau setenang itu?,https://subscene.com/ +so I could check him out.,supaya bisa pastikan keadaan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Learn how to readthe situation, Mitsuki.","Baca suasana dong, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +What's the enemy after?,apa yang diincar oleh musuh?,https://subscene.com/ +"We'll accept the mission, so…","Kami terima misi ini,",https://subscene.com/ +The deed to the bridge.,Sertifikat jembatan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Unless I turn it over to them,they'll continue to attack the village.","Mereka akan terus serang desa, sampai aku serahkan ini pada mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, it is!",Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't turn it over to them!,Aku tak bisa melepasnya!,https://subscene.com/ +And who else is aware of this?,"Jadi, siapa saja yang tahu ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"Shinobi from the Hidden Leaf, huh?","Ninja dari Konoha, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"I toyed with them a little asa way of welcoming them, but…",Aku permainkan mereka sedikit sebagai bentuk sambutan.,https://subscene.com/ +Silence!,Diam!,https://subscene.com/ +still has many exceptional shinobiwho survived the Great War.,masih punya ninja-ninja hebat yang berhasil selamat dari Perang Dunia Ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, what do we do?","Jadi, apa yang harus kita lakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to have youwork a little.,Aku akan berimu sedikit tugas.,https://subscene.com/ +Fire!,Kebakaran!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Probably.,Mungkin saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! Are they putting us down?,"Sial, mereka remehkan kita, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Th-That guy!,Orang itu...,https://subscene.com/ +I can do this myself!,Aku bisa mengatasinya sendiri!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't tell me…you're from the Pale Blue Valley?,Apa kau berasal dari Lembah Biru?,https://subscene.com/ +You guys?,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, are you okay?","Boruto, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Diam kau!,https://subscene.com/ +It's genjutsu…,Ini Genjutsu.,https://subscene.com/ +Which means it's nota good idea to kill them?,"Jadi, kita tak boleh bunuh mereka semua, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What do we do?,Apa yang harus kita lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +"He should be among them, but…","Mungkin saja salah satu dari mereka, tapi...",https://subscene.com/ +Stay away!,Jangan mendekat!,https://subscene.com/ +Iori!,Iori!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't panic!,Jangan panik!,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't there a way to findthe jutsu user,Apa ada cara untuk temukan pengguna teknik ini,https://subscene.com/ +"It will get a little rough, but…",Mungkin cara ini sedikit berbahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +and use it over a wide area?,dan menggunakannya ke arah mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +The one who can withstandthat Wind Style is…,Orang yang bisa bertahan dari teknik Elemen Angin itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Where's the shinobi?,Di mana ninja itu?,https://subscene.com/ +He got away.,Dia kabur.,https://subscene.com/ +The village head is missing!,Kepala desa menghilang!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't tell me it was that guy!,"Jangan-jangan, paman itu...",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +Didn't I tell you not to acton your own?!,Bukankah sudah kubilang jangan bertindak seenaknya sendiri?,https://subscene.com/ +They're very violent.,Mereka benar-benar lawan yang berat.,https://subscene.com/ +Just becauseI'm a kid doesn't mean—!,"Hanya karena aku anak kecil, bukan berarti...",https://subscene.com/ +We're resuming the mission.,Kita lanjutkan misi ini.,https://subscene.com/ +and you three will rescuethe village head,"Kalian bertiga, selamatkan kepala desa",https://subscene.com/ +Got it…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +All right then.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't get carried awayridiculing your dad!,Jangan keterlaluan permainkan ayahmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Over here!,"Di sini, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +There's no way I'll let myselfget caught so easily.,Mana mungkin kubiarkan kau menangkapku begitu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Shh!,Sut!,https://subscene.com/ +He went that way.,Dia ke arah sana.,https://subscene.com/ +"I should be the onesaying thanks, Sarada.","Harusnya akulah yang bilang terima kasih, Sarada.",https://subscene.com/ +"You just wanted him tocome after you, right?","Kau memang ingin beliau mengejarmu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +We haven't played tag in a while…,"Kami sudah lama tak main petak umpet, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +The Hokage is undera lot of pressure…,Menjadi Hokage itu penuh tekanan.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +That was a Shadow Clone!,Yang tadi kan hanya Klona Bayangan!,https://subscene.com/ +"If Lord Seventh used Sage Mode,he'd find you in a flash!","Kalau Hokage Ketujuh pakai Mode Petapanya, dia pasti bisa menemukannya dengan sekejap.",https://subscene.com/ +I kept running awayuntil Dad got serious!,yang kulakukan hanya lari sampai ayahku mau serius!,https://subscene.com/ +"Shikadai, go and getLord Seventh's shadow clone.","Shikadai, pergi cari Klona Bayangannya Hokage Ketujuh.",https://subscene.com/ +Then will you take over here?,Memangnya kau bisa gantikan aku di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Seems like we're alike too.,Sepertinya kita juga sama miripnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Now, get going!",Cepat cari sana!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, Dad!","Baik, Papa!",https://subscene.com/ +Are you ignoring me?,"Cuek, nih?",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone gets along so well.,"Semuanya akur-akur, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you talking about the tests?,"Soal ujian, nih?",https://subscene.com/ +I'd consider taking it.,akan kucoba buat ikut.,https://subscene.com/ +What does everyone want to be?,"Kenapa semuanya ingin jadi ninja, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Not really…,Tak ada apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +"I have time today,so I'll go wherever you want!","Hari ini aku menganggur, jadi ke mana pun bakal kutemani!",https://subscene.com/ +I promised Dad thatI'd train with him later.,aku ada janji sama papa buat latihan bareng.,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course,to me training is whatever…",Padahal buatku latihan itu hanya buang-buang waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +You should go.,"Sudah, latihan sana.",https://subscene.com/ +What's with thatcondescending attitude?,Apa-apaan sikapmu yang sok merendah begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +You might thinkyou're really special,"Memang kau itu spesial,",https://subscene.com/ +so you don't have to worry.,jadi tak ada yang perlu kaukhawatirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Then what is it?,Kalau begitu apa?,https://subscene.com/ +for you and your dad—,buatmu dan papa-,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +W-What's wrong witha grown-up eating potato chips,Me-Memang apa salahnya orang dewasa makan keripik kentang,https://subscene.com/ +No!,Bukan itu!,https://subscene.com/ +he's eating lightly salted chipsjust for show!,"Di depan kamera, dia hanya makan keripik kentang berbumbu ringan!",https://subscene.com/ +"We really don't see eye to eye,the two of us!",Kami berdua jarang bertemu empat mata!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm over here!,Papa di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you think my dad and Iare different in every way?,"Kau pasti merasa kalau papa dan aku sangat bertolak belakang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What about your family?,"Bagaimana dengan keluargamu, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +Are you and your dad alike?,Apa kau dan ayahmu mirip?,https://subscene.com/ +For as long as I can remember…,Sejauh yang kuingat...,https://subscene.com/ +"Where are you,and what are you doing?","Di mana dia, dan sedang apa?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm so exhausted!,Capek banget!,https://subscene.com/ +Is something wrong?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It happens once in a while.,Biasanya tak begini.,https://subscene.com/ +I-It just got a little blurry.,Ma-Mataku hanya sedikit perih.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe my glasses need adjusting.,Mungkin kacamataku sudah harus diganti.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't make sucha big deal out of it.,Jangan terlalu dipikirkan.,https://subscene.com/ +You really work too hard.,Mama bekerja terlalu keras.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +What makes you asksuch a question?,Kenapa kau tanya begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +so I wondered if my needing glassescomes from Dad.,jadi aku merasa aku pakai kacamata karena papa juga pakai kacamata.,https://subscene.com/ +Probably.,"Mungkin saja, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +You're not sure eventhough he's your husband?,Mama sendiri tak tahu meskipun dia adalah suami Mama?,https://subscene.com/ +Well… I think it'll end someday.,"Ya, Mama rasa suatu hari nanti.",https://subscene.com/ +"After all, you don't even knowif he wore glasses.","Toh, Mama juga tak tahu apa papa pakai kacamata atau tidak.",https://subscene.com/ +"""The Uchiha Clan is amongthe most venerable clans","""Klan Uchiha adalah salah satu klan yang paling dihormati",https://subscene.com/ +"""Their Sharingan is consideredtheir greatest trait.""","""Sharingan dianggap sebagai teknik terhebat milik mereka.""",https://subscene.com/ +"enabling one to see through taijutsu,genjutsu and ninjutsu.""","yang buat pemiliknya bisa kuasai Taijutsu, Genjutsu, dan Ninjutsu.""",https://subscene.com/ +"which has a different pattern.""","yang punya pola berbeda.""",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if Dad has it…,"Apa papa memilikinya juga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"""Unique chakra emitted insidethe brain by pain and suffering","""Chakra khusus dipancarkan di dalam otak yang disebabkan oleh rasa sakit dan penderitaan,",https://subscene.com/ +"transforming the eyesinto the Sharingan.""","""Mengubah mata pemiliknya menjadi Sharingan.""",https://subscene.com/ +"nearly lost its entire lineage.""","hampir kehilangan seluruh garis keturunan keluarga mereka.""",https://subscene.com/ +to carry on the bloodline…,menyandang garis keturunan tersebut.,https://subscene.com/ +"Excuse me, I'd like to seethe next set of data","Permisi, aku ingin baca data berikutnya",https://subscene.com/ +Sure! Hold on a minute!,"Baik, tunggu sebentar!",https://subscene.com/ +relating to Sasuke Uchiha is restricted.,yang berkaitan dengan Sasuke Uchiha sudah diblokir.,https://subscene.com/ +DATA RESTRICTEDDoes that mean I can't see them?,Apa itu berarti aku tak bisa membacanya?,https://subscene.com/ +Who knows?,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +But you can submita request to view them.,"Tapi, kau bisa buat permohonan untuk lihat data tersebut.",https://subscene.com/ +"RECEPTIONISTNo, it's all right.","Tidak, terima kasih.",https://subscene.com/ +Hmm?,Hem?,https://subscene.com/ +Sure.,Boleh.,https://subscene.com/ +"You know where he is andwhat he's doing, don't you?",Mama tahu kan papa ada di mana dan sedang lakukan apa?,https://subscene.com/ +What's the matter?,"Ada apa, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +"Every time I ask,you keep saying you don't know.","Setiap kali kutanya, selalu saja bilang tak tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +Sarada…,Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +Mom…,"Mama itu ya,",https://subscene.com/ +What's with all this so suddenly?,"Sudah kubilang, kenapa tiba-tiba tanyakan itu?",https://subscene.com/ +I've been wondering for ages!,Aku sudah lama ingin menanyakannya!,https://subscene.com/ +You're…acting kinda weird today.,"Hari ini, tingkahmu sedikit aneh.",https://subscene.com/ +"And it's not just kinda, but a lot!","Tak hanya sedikit, tapi banyak!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry I raised my voice.,"Maaf ya, sudah membentakmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Dad will come home.,dia pasti akan pulang.,https://subscene.com/ +You've been apart for so long!,Soalnya kalian sudah lama berpisah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Your dad and I are connectedthrough our feelings,","Perasaan papa sudah terhubung dengan kita,",https://subscene.com/ +How can you say thatwith such confidence?,Kenapa Mama bisa seyakin itu?,https://subscene.com/ +The loan isn't…,Padahal pinjamannya masih belum.,https://subscene.com/ +"We've been very busy lately,so her fatigue probably built up.","Belakangan ini kami sangat sibuk, jadi dia pasti sangat kelelahan.",https://subscene.com/ +I said some terrible things to Mom…,Aku sudah katakan sesuatu yang jahat kepada mama.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to admit herinto the hospital.,"Aku mau membawanya ke rumah sakit,",https://subscene.com/ +I'll come by later.,Nanti saja aku ke sana.,https://subscene.com/ +Found it!,Ketemu.,https://subscene.com/ +The woman with glasses.,Wanita dengan kacamata.,https://subscene.com/ +So you were lookingfor your dad's photos.,"Jadi, kau cari foto papamu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That looks like a pretty old photo.,"Sepertinya itu foto yang sudah sangat lama, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's right.,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"There's something I'd liketo ask you, Ms. Shizune.",Ada yang ingin kutanyakan sama Bibi Shizune.,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, Sakura is your mother!",Sudah jelas Sakura itu mamamu!,https://subscene.com/ +Who delivered me?,Siapa yang sudah bantu kelahiranku?,https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Mengenai itu...,https://subscene.com/ +I checked and I know.,"Saat kuperiksa, akhirnya aku tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +That doesn't mean…,"Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti...",https://subscene.com/ +Because this woman…has the same glasses as me.,Itu karena wanita ini sama-sama pakai kacamata sepertiku.,https://subscene.com/ +Could you not super-size thingswhen you're with your daughter.,"Jangan pesan ukuran jumbo di depan putrimu, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +why would anyone eat somethinglike that in the morning?,mana ada orang yang makan begituan.,https://subscene.com/ +"but when you die, you die.That's life.","saat kau mati, kau akan mati, begitulah manusia.",https://subscene.com/ +"You're still a child, Cho-Cho,","Kau itu masih dalam masa pertumbuhan, Chocho,",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm pretty big already,even among my peers, Dad.","Di kalangan teman sebayaku, aku sudah terlihat cukup besar, Papa.",https://subscene.com/ +"Seriously, please quit it","Tolong berhentilah rendahkan orang,",https://subscene.com/ +Now I'm all hungry againbecause you made me mad!,"Gara-gara kalian buatku marah, aku jadi lapar lagi, deh!",https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +They say food doesn't go down wellwhen you're troubled.,Banyak yang bilang kalau makanan akan susah dicerna kalau kau sedang ada masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +So even you feel troubled.,"Bahkan kau sekalipun juga punya masalah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Will you promise not to tell anyone?,"Jangan ceritakan ini ke siapa-siapa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I have a feeling I'm not reallyMom and Dad's kid!,Aku merasa kalau mereka berdua bukanlah papa dan mama kandungku!,https://subscene.com/ +I don't look likeeither of them at all.,Aku sama sekali tak mirip mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"Once when I was little,I had a really high fever.","Waktu aku kecil, aku pernah terkena demam tinggi.",https://subscene.com/ +I bet it was difficult!,"Pasti susah sekali mencarinya, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, here's some medicine.","Chocho, minumlah obat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Feel better soon!,Cepatlah sembuh!,https://subscene.com/ +I can still feel his touchfrom that day…,Aku masih bisa rasakan sentuhannya pada waktu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Ha?,https://subscene.com/ +when attemptingto define who they are.,saat mulai pertanyakan jati dirinya.,https://subscene.com/ +What's with thatcondescending attitude?,Kenapa kau bersikap seolah-olah merendahkan seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I can tell without lookingat your crest,"Tanpa lihat lambang klanmu, aku sudah bisa tebak",https://subscene.com/ +So relax!,"Jadi, tenanglah!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!I'm actually worrying here!,"Ya ampun, padahal aku benar-benar kepikiran!",https://subscene.com/ +Wondering if they're your realmom and dad…,Mempertanyakan apa mereka papa dan mama kandungmu...,https://subscene.com/ +"You are my best friend,after all.",Kau memang benar-benar sahabatku.,https://subscene.com/ +Will you hear me out?,Maukah kau dengar permintaanku?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm…thinking of goingon a journey.,Aku berencana untuk pergi berkelana.,https://subscene.com/ +"You'll come with me, won't you?",Maukah kau ikut temaniku?,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada?,Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +I just have to find my dadand ask him directly!,Aku hanya perlu cari papaku dan tanya langsung padanya!,https://subscene.com/ +maybe you shouldask Lord Seventh?,mungkin sebaiknya kau tanya pada Tn. Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay?,Ya?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to wring it out of him!,Aku akan memintanya ceritakan segalanya!,https://subscene.com/ +HOKAGE'S OFFICEWho was that just now?,Yang barusan itu siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I think Sarada wasthe one being targeted.","Tidak, sepertinya Sarada-lah yang diincar.",https://subscene.com/ +They said somethingabout the Uchiha…,Mereka bicara sesuatu mengenai Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +"Both of you, come with me!","Kalian berdua, ikutlah denganku!",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on Boruto NarutoNext Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"The Shadow of the MastermindSeriously, Class Rep, thank you.","Ketua Kelas, kami benar-benar berterima kasih padamu!",https://subscene.com/ +we would've…,kami pasti sudah...,https://subscene.com/ +We're safe because Lord Hokagejust happened to be nearby.,"Yang jelas, kita bisa selamat karena Tn. Hokage kebetulan berada tak jauh dari tempat kita.",https://subscene.com/ +The workplace experience tripswere my idea.,Kunjungan kerja itu adalah ideku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sensei, don't feel so bad.","Guru, jangan merasa bersalah begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +"I can't really explain it, but…","Aku sendiri tak tahu apa penyebabnya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +I've never heard ofan illness like that.,Aku belum pernah dengar ada penyakit seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"You hit your head,so you have to take it easy.","Kepalamu terbentur, jadi kau harus istirahat.",https://subscene.com/ +They're not here yet.,Mereka masih belum terlihat.,https://subscene.com/ +without thosenoisy guys around—,Ketua Kelas bisa beristirahat dengan tena-,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto.,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm fine!,"Ya, aku baik-baik saja, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not okay…,Akulah yang kondisinya buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry about me.,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, Class Rep!","Maaf, Ketua!",https://subscene.com/ +"You're not responsible for this, Boruto.","Boruto tak salah apa pun, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +Come on…,Ayolah.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I just…","Tidak, aku hanya...",https://subscene.com/ +It's not that.,Bukan begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +we could have hadall of today to patrol.,kita bisa bertugas seperti biasa hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"something happening atthe water purification plant, right?","kalau ada sesuatu yang terjadi di pabrik pemurnian air, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto.,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +We heard you rescuedthe Class Rep and the others.,Kami dengar Anda sudah selamatkan ketua kelas dan yang lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're after the Ghost too,right, Dad?","Ayah juga kejar hantu itu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Ouch!,Sakit!,https://subscene.com/ +Now's not the time tobe pulling on my ear!,"Ini bukan saat yang tepat untuk tarik telingaku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Oww! That hurts ya know!,"Aduh, sakit sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +Look carefully.,Lihat baik-baik.,https://subscene.com/ +The person who attackedyour classmates.,Dia adalah orang yang serang temanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, it's sheer luckthat you've been safe all this time","Dengar, kalian semua yang masih bisa selamat setelah alami kejadian ini,",https://subscene.com/ +This is no longer a matterfor kids playing detective.,Tak perlu bermain sebagai seorang detektif lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +No. You don't knowthe true horrors of battle.,"Tidak, kau masih belum mengerti betapa mengerikannya sebuah pertarungan!",https://subscene.com/ +Then we can talk.,"Setelah itu, kita bisa bicara masalah pertarungan.",https://subscene.com/ +"They were doing asthey were told, by me.",Akulah yang suruh mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"Shino, he's still a kid.","Shino, dia itu masih anak-anak.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe so.,Mungkin itu benar.,https://subscene.com/ +he can do more than an adult.,bisa lakukan sesuatu lebih baik dari orang dewasa.,https://subscene.com/ +Shino Sensei…,Guru Shino.,https://subscene.com/ +"As his teacher,I have a clear idea","Apa yang Boruto bisa dan yang tak bisa dia lakukan,",https://subscene.com/ +"Since you're so convinced,I'll leave it up to you.","Karena kau bisa seyakin itu, kuserahkan semuanya padamu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"We'll solve this case,no matter what!","Apa pun yang terjadi, kami akan pecahkan kasus ini!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't recall telling you boysto solve anything.,Aku takkan minta kalian pecahkan kasus apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +"You three saved me,","Kalian bertiga sudah selamatkanku,",https://subscene.com/ +Sensei!,Guru!,https://subscene.com/ +We can't let Shino Senseilose face.,Kita tak boleh biarkan Guru Shino kehilangan muka.,https://subscene.com/ +then catch that ghost.,setelah itu baru tangkap hantu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I forgot about him…,Aku lupa.,https://subscene.com/ +we won't be ableto do our patrol.,kita takkan bisa lakukan pengintaian.,https://subscene.com/ +You should have startedyour deliveries ages ago!,Bukankah seharusnya kalian sudah mulai kirim paket sejak tadi?,https://subscene.com/ +Thank Tayori.,Berterima kasihlah pada Tayori.,https://subscene.com/ +Tayori did?,Pak Tayori?,https://subscene.com/ +"even if this is workplace experienceor what not, you'll be fired!","kalian akan kupecat, meskipun kalian hanya praktik kerja lapangan!",https://subscene.com/ +"You chose this job foran important reason, didn't you?","Kalian pilih pekerjaan ini karena suatu alasan yang penting, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"But if there's anything I can do,I'm glad to help.","Tapi, kalau aku bisa bantu, dengan senang hati aku akan bantu kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +"Today, we'll be in chargeof route #2.",Hari ini kita akan kirimkan paket di rute dua.,https://subscene.com/ +"It may be called a village,but it's very vast.","Memang sebuah desa sih, tapi wilayahnya luas sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +we take turns delivering mailalong four routes.,dan setiap hari kami kirimkan paket dalam empat rute pengiriman.,https://subscene.com/ +"But without Boruto's eye,we can't see the Ghost.","Tanpa mata milik Boruto, kita takkan bisa lihat hantu itu.",https://subscene.com/ +How's this?,"Kalau begini, bagaimana?",https://subscene.com/ +We can't put that muchdistance between you.,Jarak kita tak boleh terlalu jauh.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +There he goes withhis can-do attitude.,Dia mulai bersikap sok tahu lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Exactly.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"We're sorry, Class Rep…","Maafkan kami, Ketua Kelas.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry about me.,Aku baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Let us know if you'd like anything!,"Kalau kau inginkan sesuatu, katakan saja pada kami!",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, break's over!","Baiklah, istirahat selesai!",https://subscene.com/ +But shouldn't we wait for Mitsukito come back from shopping?,"Tapi, kita masih harus tunggu Mitsuki yang belum kembali dari belanja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki, come on!","Mitsuki, lama sekali dia!",https://subscene.com/ +"No matter how impatient you get,","Meskipun kau sudah tak sabar,",https://subscene.com/ +Just suck it up.,Bersabarlah sedikit.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Yo.,https://subscene.com/ +I want to finish checking this today.,Aku ingin selesaikan pemeriksaan hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Aren't you pushing yourselfa little too hard?,Apa kau tak terlalu paksakan diri?,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if the Foundation isconnected to these incidents,","Meskipun Akar ada hubungannya dengan kasus ini,",https://subscene.com/ +You don't have to feel responsible.,Kau tak perlu merasa bertanggung jawab.,https://subscene.com/ +Naruto…,Naruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I want to help him quickly.,aku ingin secepatnya selamatkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +the way I was.,sama seperti diriku yang mantan anggota Akar.,https://subscene.com/ +This is the fifth time.,"Ini yang kelima kalinya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +And it happened again.Why is that?,Kenapa ya terjadi seperti ini lagi?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…Your hunch could be right.,Anggapanmu mungkin ada benarnya juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Looking at this, I get a feelingwe're being watched.","Kalau lihat ini, aku jadi merasa kita sedang diawasi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Right now, we're just speculating.","Saat ini, itu hanya anggapanku.",https://subscene.com/ +we have to go aroundevery route at the same time.,kita harus lewati setiap rute di saat yang bersamaan.,https://subscene.com/ +If only I could makeshadow clones like my dad!,Andai saja aku bisa buat Klona Bayangan sebanyak ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +I called for help.,Aku minta bantuan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Personally, I'd prefer tobe called ""Lord Savior.""",Aku lebih suka disebut Tn. Penyelamat.,https://subscene.com/ +"After the Class Rep got hurt,we can't just sit by idly.","Setelah ketua kelas terluka, aku tak bisa diam saja.",https://subscene.com/ +what aboutyour workplace experiences?,bagaimana dengan praktik kerja lapangan kalian?,https://subscene.com/ +We're not like you guys.,Kami tak seperti kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +Tell us your plan!,Beri tahu kami rencana kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +I want all of you to split up andcover every postal route.,Aku ingin kalian semua berpencar dan awasi setiap rute penting.,https://subscene.com/ +How do we notify you?,Bagaimana caranya kami memberitahumu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh yeah, I got ‘em fromthe fireworks factory.","Ya, aku mendapatkannya dari pabrik kembang api.",https://subscene.com/ +Perfect.,Sempurna.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, this is starting to feellike a real operation!","Oh, rasanya seperti misi sungguhan!",https://subscene.com/ +Leave it to us.,Serahkan pada kami!,https://subscene.com/ +– Yeah!– Okay!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +What's the meaning of this?!,Kenapa kalian seenaknya sendiri ambil keputusan?,https://subscene.com/ +"and the minute I turn away,this happens!","tapi begitu aku alihkan perhatian, langsung jadi seperti ini!",https://subscene.com/ +What's this doing here?,Kenapa ada di tempat seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +The stamp is crooked.,Capnya kurang bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +How many timesmust I remind people,Harus berapa kali kuingatkan,https://subscene.com/ +I do my job with utmost careand dedication!,Padahal aku sudah lakukan bagianku dengan serius!,https://subscene.com/ +This one too…and this…and this!,"Yang ini, yang ini, yang ini!",https://subscene.com/ +We finally found you!,Akhirnya ketemu juga!,https://subscene.com/ +It's simple.,Mudah saja.,https://subscene.com/ +it had to be a personmanipulating the Ghost.,"itu pasti dilakukan oleh orang yang kendalikan hantu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +our friends were positionedon every route,kalau teman-teman kami ada di setiap rute,https://subscene.com/ +"Which means the only blind spot leftis right here, the post office.",Itu yang buat kantor pos ini jadi satu-satunya titik buta.,https://subscene.com/ +And you appeared justas we expected.,Dan kau muncul sesuai perkiraan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know what's going on,but we can go after him, right?","Aku tak tahu apa yang terjadi, tapi kita boleh menangkapnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Once we capture him,things will become clear.","Setelah kita menangkapnya, semuanya akan terkuak.",https://subscene.com/ +We were waiting for you.,Kami sudah menunggumu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, and it's dangerousfor Mr. Komame","Ya, bisa gawat juga kalau pak Komame",https://subscene.com/ +We'll go for him all at once!,Kita akan serang dia bersama-sama!,https://subscene.com/ +Earth Style: Mud Wall!,Doton:,https://subscene.com/ +"If we can't get close,we can't do anything.",Kita takkan bisa lakukan apa-apa kalau tak bisa mendekatinya.,https://subscene.com/ +A worthless job like thisdeserves minimal attention.,Pekerjaan tak berguna seperti ini tak butuhkan perhatian yang besar.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Tayori!,Pak Tayori!,https://subscene.com/ +I-It's not worthless!,Ini adalah pekerjaan yang berguna!,https://subscene.com/ +That's why…That's why we must never cut corners!,Karena itulah...Karena itulah kita tak boleh menyepelekannya!,https://subscene.com/ +We can do this!,Maju!,https://subscene.com/ +We're not done yet.Don't let down your guard!,"Masih belum, jangan lengah dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +"N-No, nothing…",Ti-Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +What's that?!,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +It's too fast.,Dia terlalu cepat.,https://subscene.com/ +You're not getting away!,Takkan kubiarkan kau lolos!,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know.,Aku tak tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +Umm…,Anu...,https://subscene.com/ +Inojin!,Inojin!,https://subscene.com/ +Bureau Chief!,Pak Kepala!,https://subscene.com/ +Pardon me.,Maafkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto.,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maafkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +But it provided us with some results.,"Tapi, semua itu buahkan hasil yang baik untuk kita.",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't want to think it,but whoever it is,","Aku tak ingin pikirkan ini, tapi siapapun dia,",https://subscene.com/ +Close to us?,Dekat dengan kita?,https://subscene.com/ +Let's finish up our work!,Mari kita selesaikan pekerjaan kita!,https://subscene.com/ +Take a look around!,Lihatlah sekeliling kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh well, what the heck…",Apa boleh buat.,https://subscene.com/ +"We have to hurry, guys,or this won't end!","Kalau kita tak segera kirimkan surat ini, tugas kita takkan selesai-selesai!",https://subscene.com/ +The negative chakra ofthe weak-hearted,Chakra negatif dari mereka yang punya hati lemah,https://subscene.com/ +and becomes the nourishmentthat will awaken Nue.,Dan hal itu akan jadi makanan yang akan bangkitkan Akar.,https://subscene.com/ +"If being Hokage means sacrificingthe ones closest to you,","Kalau jadi Hokage berarti harus tinggalkan sahabatmu,",https://subscene.com/ +I'll never abandon my friends!,Aku takkan abaikan teman-temanku!,https://subscene.com/ +Those feelings of yours willenfold everyone around you.,Perasaanmu itu mampu buatmu rangkul orang-orang di sekitarmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Why so sudden?,Kenapa tiba-tiba begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +"""Boruto and Mitsuki.""",Boruto dan Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry to put you throughall that trouble, Shikamaru.","Shikamaru, kami benar-benar membuatmu kerepotan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I promise to bring them all home.,Aku pasti akan bawa mereka semua pulang.,https://subscene.com/ +Please allow Team 5 andTeam 15 to accompany you!,Tolong izinkan Tim 5 dan Tim 15 untuk ikut dengan Anda!,https://subscene.com/ +We want to help Borutoand the others!,Kami ingin bantu Boruto dan yang lain!,https://subscene.com/ +I know how you feel.,Aku mengerti perasaan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +Forget it.,Menyerah saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Everyone…,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +B-Ballsy?!,Nyali?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, let's follow them!","Yang jelas, ayo kita kejar!",https://subscene.com/ +There's no end to this!,Tak ada habisnya!,https://subscene.com/ +You've done more than enough.,"Kau sudah berusaha keras, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +Lord Third!,Tn. Tsuchikage Ketiga!,https://subscene.com/ +"Did you the find it, Mitsuki?",Apa kau menemukannya?,https://subscene.com/ +Carrying it out is no easy task.,Terus mempertahankannya bukanlah tugas yang mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +At long last!,Akhirnya!,https://subscene.com/ +my father's sword!,Ini adalah pedang ayahku!,https://subscene.com/ +Perfect timing…,Kebetulan sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Causing a sensation withcountless Paper Bomb explosions…,Menciptakan sebuah sensasi ribuan kertas peledak.,https://subscene.com/ +Not bad.,Lumayan.,https://subscene.com/ +"The bewitching Long Blade Nuibari,the Sewing Needle.","Inikah pedang yang jahit semuanya,",https://subscene.com/ +Oh! I want to try it outon humans right now!,"Ah, aku ingin mencobanya pada manusia!",https://subscene.com/ +This is fun…,Ini menarik sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"No doubt about it,a sword worthy of the Demon Zabuza!",Pedang si iblis Zabuza memang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +"My father, Raiga Kurosuki's sword!","Ini adalah pedang ayahku, Raiga Kurosuki!",https://subscene.com/ +Whatever.,Ya sudah.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you seriously thinkyou can pull off such a thing?,Kau benar-benar berpikir seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"You don't seem to get it, Kagura.","Sepertinya kau masih belum mengerti, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +People connected tothe Feudal Lord of the Land of Water.,Orang-orang yang punya hubungan dengan Daimyo Negara Air.,https://subscene.com/ +They don't agree withmoderates like Chojuro.,Mereka tak suka dengan orang yang lembek seperti Chojuro.,https://subscene.com/ +with you.,...padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, you.","Ya, benar.",https://subscene.com/ +That I would protect you?,"Aku akan lindungimu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +How lovely!,Hebat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Th-That's…,I-Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry.,Tenang saja.,https://subscene.com/ +The blood of the great Lord Yaguraflows within you.,Kau punya darah Tn. Yagura yang hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Tell me, Kagura…","Hoi, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +Th-That's…,Mengenai itu...,https://subscene.com/ +We'll do all the fighting.,Kami akan bertarung untukmu.,https://subscene.com/ +I-I…!,A-Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +"Not this village,nor the destiny of your bloodline.","Baik negeri ini, ataupun darah yang mengalir di tubuhmu.",https://subscene.com/ +one that the blood insideyour veins will be proud of!,Desa yang dibanggakan oleh darah yang mengalir di tubuhmu!,https://subscene.com/ +should be extremely difficultto duplicate.,seharusnya tak mudah untuk ditiru.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura has it.,Di tangan Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +And he forced Kagurato give him the key?,Apa dia paksa Kagura untuk serahkan kuncinya?,https://subscene.com/ +He can be very convincing.,Bisa saja dia memang sangat serius.,https://subscene.com/ +"What will you do, Lord Sixth?","Apa yang akan kaulakukan, Mizukage Keenam?",https://subscene.com/ +Just myself and your close aides.,Hanya aku dan teman-teman dekatmu.,https://subscene.com/ +The Seven Ninja Swordsmanare symbols of the Hidden Mist.,Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang adalah simbol dari desa kabut.,https://subscene.com/ +It is our duty…,Tugas kita adalah,https://subscene.com/ +And are you sayingthat includes Kagura?,Dan hal itu juga berlaku untuk Kagura?,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on a minute!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing here?,Sedang apa kalian di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura's not a bad guy.,Kagura bukan orang jahat.,https://subscene.com/ +I know he just went alongin order to rescue me!,Aku yakin dia ikut bersama mereka karena ingin selamatkanku!,https://subscene.com/ +This is solely a problemof the Hidden Mist.,Ini masalah internal desa kabut.,https://subscene.com/ +They're all trying to turn this villageinto the Blood Mist again…,Mereka semua ingin ubah desa ini jadi Desa Kabut Berdarah lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you lumping Kagura inwith them?!,Apa Anda anggap Kagura juga bagian dari mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +You know that betterthan anyone else!,"Anda pasti lebih kenal sifatnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"However, Kagura is a shinobi too.","Tapi, Kagura tetaplah seorang ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +he must suffer the consequencesas a shinobi.,"sebagai seorang ninja, dia harus terima akibat dari perbuatannya tersebut.",https://subscene.com/ +"But you don't really wantto kill Kagura, do you?","Tapi, Anda tak bermaksud untuk bunuh Kagura, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Is that what a Mizukage does?,apa itu yang dilakukan seorang Mizukage?,https://subscene.com/ +would never do that!,takkan pernah lakukan hal itu!,https://subscene.com/ +It's just…this is allI can do right now.,"Hanya saja, sekarang hanya ini yang bisa kulakukan.",https://subscene.com/ +"It would be okay ifthis wasn't a rebellion, right?","semuanya akan baik-baik saja kalau ini bukanlah sebuah pemberontakan, bukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Those guys are just plain thugs,","Mereka hanyalah penjahat biasa,",https://subscene.com/ +Kagura and I just got caught upin a fight with them.,Kagura dan aku pernah bertarung dengan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"Just that, we're gonna get backat them now.","Karena itulah, kami akan kembali ke tempat mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +I get it.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's all it is.,Begitulah.,https://subscene.com/ +But we have roll callat ten tonight.,"Tapi, kita harus berkumpul pukul sepuluh malam ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry!,Jangan khawatir!,https://subscene.com/ +Pretty ingenious…,Anak yang cukup berbakat.,https://subscene.com/ +Owww!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +It's the wound those guys gave me!,Kalian sudah buatku terluka!,https://subscene.com/ +"and Dad sees me,he's not gonna be quiet about it…","dan ayah melihatku seperti ini, ayah pasti takkan tinggal diam.",https://subscene.com/ +This might turn into somekinda diplomatic incident…,Ini mungkin akan jadi semacam masalah diplomatik antara kedua desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"You've got guts, kid.","Kau nekat juga, Nak.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm coming with you.,Aku ikut dengan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not going as the Mizukage.,Aku tak ikut sebagai seorang Mizukage.,https://subscene.com/ +That's what I like to hear!,Itulah yang ingin kudengar dari Anda!,https://subscene.com/ +If we go over that…,Kalau kita sampai lebihi batas waktu...,https://subscene.com/ +We'll check on their whereabouts.,"Kami akan cari di mana posisi mereka sekarang,.",https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks, Mr. Chojuro!","Terima kasih, Tn. Chojuro!",https://subscene.com/ +Protect that boy's future…,"Lindungilah masa depan anak itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"You know, that was the last thingI wanted to do.","Tapi, tentunya ini di luar keinginanku!",https://subscene.com/ +We can finally begin.,"Dengan ini, akhirnya kita bisa memulainya.",https://subscene.com/ +Like how the Samehada does.,Seperti yang dilakukan Samehada.,https://subscene.com/ +We're happy to follow you.,Aku akan ikutimu.,https://subscene.com/ +with comrades who sharethe same vision…,hidup di dalam pertempuran.,https://subscene.com/ +Exactly.,Benar sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I just can't oppose Mr. Shizuma…,"Sepertinya, aku memang tak sanggup menentang kak Shizuma.",https://subscene.com/ +or the fact that I caused that sword wound.,ataupun karena luka pedang itu.,https://subscene.com/ +So Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if it's you, I have to…","Saat itulah, aku harus...",https://subscene.com/ +My destiny…isn't going to play out like a game.,Takdirku takkan berlangsung seperti permainan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Perhaps, I don't have the right to wield it.",Mungkin aku tak berhak memilikinya.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder where he went?,"Kira-kira dia pergi ke mana, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Oh? Now that you mention it…,"Eh, betul juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder what's up?,"Kira-kira ada apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?!,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +"Since we have to make sure you guyshave fun during the field trip, got it?","Soalnya, perjalanan luar desa yang menyenangkan ini harus terjaga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, this and that.","Ya, banyak alasannya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +can you make upsome excuse for us?,"tolong kasih alasan yang bagus, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait!",Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +That was really sketchy.,"Ya, memang mencurigakan, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"So…we can't just ignore itlike the last time, right?","Tentunya kita tak bisa mengabaikannya, seperti yang sudah-sudah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Oi.,https://subscene.com/ +I thought I felt someonewatching all this time…,Ternyata yang mengawasi selama ini,https://subscene.com/ +"If you're planning onrescuing Boruto, forget it.","Kalau mau selamatkan Boruto, mending jangan, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +Why is that?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, it will be bad if","Tapi, kalau hubungan kita ini",https://subscene.com/ +Don't give me that look.,"Jangan pasang tampang begitu, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +They're just brats with absolutelyno experience with war.,Padahal mereka hanya bocah tanpa pengalaman perang.,https://subscene.com/ +"You can tell me, then.","Berarti, kau bisa memberitahuku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"You came all the way here,","Kau repot-repot datang ke sini,",https://subscene.com/ +Like looking for their Achilles' heel?,Seperti informasi mengenai kelemahan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"Knowing him,",Kita bicara soal orang itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"We chased after Boruto, but…","Niatnya mau kejar Boruto, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +What do we do?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, don't move…","Baiklah, sudah cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, what are you up to?","Jadi, apa yang kalian rencanakan?",https://subscene.com/ +They're my friends.,Mereka temanku.,https://subscene.com/ +"I was just joking around, right?",Aku hanya bercanda sedikit.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, c'mon…","Kau itu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Being outnumbered and confronted…,Kalah jumlah dan diadang.,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't get carried away, Mitsuki.","Kau kerasa kepala sekali, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you…,Terima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,Ada apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +for some nasty business.,untuk lakukan sesuatu yang berbahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +that the village forces on us today.,yang dipaksakan desa kepada kita saat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Shizuma…,Kak Shizuma.,https://subscene.com/ +"you will fight for the oneswho have been forgotten,","kau akan bertarung untuk mereka yang sudah dilupakan,",https://subscene.com/ +I will follow you.,Aku akan ikutimu.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!New Seven Ninja Swordsmen!,"Baiklah, wahai Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang!",https://subscene.com/ +"That's enough,you disrespectful bastards!","Hentikan, dasar kurang ajar!",https://subscene.com/ +You ended up coming.,"Kau datang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You are a bigger idiotthan I expected.,Ternyata kau lebih bodoh dari perkiraanku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, because I'm an idiot.","Ya, karena aku ini bodoh.",https://subscene.com/ +A fight?,Pertengkaran?,https://subscene.com/ +You heard him correctly.,"Kau dengar perkataannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Datang?,https://subscene.com/ +"You really underestimate us,don't you?","Kau benar-benar remehkan kami, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +And I happened to pass byin time to stop it.,Dan kebetulan aku sedang lewat sini untuk menghentikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Shizuma, this is our chance totake the Mizukage's head.","Shizuma, ini kesempatan kita untuk penggal kepala Mizukage.",https://subscene.com/ +"Shall we do this, then?",Mari kita lakukan!,https://subscene.com/ +This is the same as Hachiya's!,Ini teknik yang sama seperti milik Hachiya!,https://subscene.com/ +Get back!,Mundurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +sews everything together tohalt any movement!,Bisa hentikan pergerakan apa pun dengan menjahitnya!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada?,Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +EXPLOSIONcan break apart solid earth…,Bisa hancurkan tanah yang keras,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, where am I?!","Sial, di mana mereka?",https://subscene.com/ +Those brats are justan impediment.,Anak-anak itu hanya menghambat saja.,https://subscene.com/ +They have much more promiseas shinobi,Mereka jauh lebih berpotensi untuk jadi ninja yang menjanjikan,https://subscene.com/ +I fell pretty far.,Aku jatuh cukup jauh.,https://subscene.com/ +I think I'll get more resistancefrom you,Kelihatannya kau jauh lebih hebat,https://subscene.com/ +But I won't let a kid like youget in my way.,"Tapi, aku takkan biarkan bocah sepertimu halangiku.",https://subscene.com/ +Our three Ninja Swordswill cut you down.,Tiga pedang ninja kami akan membunuhmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn right, we do!",Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +You turned it intoa cheap tourist destination,Kau sudah mengubahnya jadi tempat wisata murahan,https://subscene.com/ +It makes me wanna vomit!,Melihatnya buatku ingin muntah!,https://subscene.com/ +How are we supposed touse the jutsu,Apa gunanya orang tua kami wariskan teknik,https://subscene.com/ +"As it is, this Mist Blade isa worthless treasure.","Kalau begini terus, pedang ninja ini akan jadi harta karun yang tak berguna, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Instead of rotting with the village,he gave us a reason to belong!","Bukannya memperkeruh keadaan desa, dia malah beri kami alasan untuk hidup!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, the feel of flesh being torn away…","Oh, perasaan ketika daging manusia tercabik-cabik.",https://subscene.com/ +"I admit, there is some meritto your dissatisfaction.","Harus kuakui, kalian pantas merasa tak puas.",https://subscene.com/ +is my fault as the Mizukage.,merupakan kesalahanku sebagai Mizukage.,https://subscene.com/ +Then you can die willingly…,"Kalau begitu, silakan mati dengan tenang",https://subscene.com/ +Don't try to deny it…,Jangan pura-pura tak tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +in this hallowed memorialfor the war dead!,"di monumen suci ini, sebagai orang yang gugur dalam perang!",https://subscene.com/ +"They were relegated to beingfrom a loathed past,","Mereka tak dianggap karena berasal dari masa lalu yang paling dibenci,",https://subscene.com/ +We represent those whomyou've tried to erase!,Kami wakili mereka yang coba kau hapuskan keberadaannya!,https://subscene.com/ +and attempt a coup d'état?,dan rencanakan kudeta?,https://subscene.com/ +He understands our anger.,Dia pahami kemarahan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +Well… I wonder about that.,"Ya, aku meragukannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hah, that's a little too late.","Ha, sudah terlambat.",https://subscene.com/ +How can you afford to beconcerned about Kagura?,Bisa-bisanya kau pikirkan Kagura,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +when they should be finishing him.,padahal seharusnya mereka segera membunuhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +considering how longwe've endured our discontent.,Karena kami sudah lama pendam rasa tak puas ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't toy with them too much, Shizuma…","Jangan terlalu lama main-main dengan mereka, Shizuma.",https://subscene.com/ +"To think, I'd get to experiencethe real thing here!",Tak kusangka aku bisa melihatnya secara langsung di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll cut out both of your eyes,Aku akan potong kedua matamu itu,https://subscene.com/ +You want these Sharinganthat much?,Sebegitu inginnya kau serang Sharingan?,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +FIREToday's the day of our new holiday!,Hari ini adalah hari libur baru kita!,https://subscene.com/ +"That's gonna air all over the villageon Parent and Child Day, huh?","Iklan Hari Orang Tua dan Anak tadi akan ditayangkan ke seluruh desa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +This is just a part of the dutiesof a great Hokage.,Ini juga salah satu pekerjaan hebat bagi Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +"VILLAGE HIDDEN IN THE LEAVESPARENT AND CHILD DAYthe thought never crossedour minds, huh?","tak pernah terpikirkan hal seperti ini, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"For shinobi, a holiday could meana day without missions.","Bagi para ninja, ini akan jadi hari tanpa jalankan misi.",https://subscene.com/ +"A day to deepen the bond betweenparents and children, huh?","Hari untuk mempererat ikatan antara orang tua dan anak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"I bet that even if you go home,",Lagian kalau pulang kau hanya tidur,https://subscene.com/ +I'll do what I can to free upyour schedule too.,Akan kubantu buat kosongkan jadwalmu.,https://subscene.com/ +P-Please don't push.,Tolong jangan mendorong!,https://subscene.com/ +"No, please sign this one first!","Tidak, ini dulu!",https://subscene.com/ +Please sign!,Tolong tanda tangani!,https://subscene.com/ +Y-Yeah…I think it will be fine.,"Ya, bukan masalah, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +Sounds good.,Boleh juga.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if Daddy will come home?,"Papa pulang tidak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +He must have a lot to do.,"Ya, pasti sedang sibuk banget, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"All right,I'm going to visit Grandpa.",Hari ini Ibu mau berkunjung ke rumah kakek.,https://subscene.com/ +"Look after Hima, okay?","tapi tolong jaga Hima, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"See you, Mommy!","Mama, selamat jalan!",https://subscene.com/ +Oww!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it.,Dasar.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't sleep a wink.,"Aku belum sempat tidur, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm leaving it all up to you.,"Kupercayakan pada Ayah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Aren't you joining us?,Apa kau tak ikut?,https://subscene.com/ +See ya!,"Dah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm…,Aku pulang.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't rush!,Jangan terburu-buru!,https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing?,"Guru kenapa, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +"O-Oh, this is called Kuraa-ma.","Oh, dia namanya Kuraa-ma.",https://subscene.com/ +It's because it's like research tounderstand how a student feels.,"Itu karena, aku menelitinya agar bisa pahami perasaan murid-muridku.",https://subscene.com/ +And it's not that cute.,"Tak imut sama sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Never mind already!,Daripada itu,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm busy training, so…","Tidak, aku sibuk berlatih.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe kids at that age find it embarrassingto spend time with family?,"Apa anak-anak seumurannya malu kalau habiskan waktu bersama keluarganya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You're much smarter and cuterthan Naruto's Kurama.,Kau jauh lebih pintar dan imut daripada Kurama-nya Naruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Daddy…","Eh, Papa",https://subscene.com/ +I coulda sworn this place is—,"Kalau tak salah, tempat ini...",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Tenten… It's been awhile.","Oh, Tenten, lama tak bertemu.",https://subscene.com/ +Look how you've grown!,"Kau sudah besar, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +I stocked some kunai that lookslike a parent and child.,aku jadi sediakan kunai yang seperti orang tua dan anaknya,https://subscene.com/ +"The long one is the parent,the short one is the child.",Yang panjang adalah orang tuanya dan yang pendek adalah anaknya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's a bit of a stretch…,Bukankah ini terlalu mengada-ada?,https://subscene.com/ +That's the fourth inquiry today.,Hari ini aku sudah ditanyai soal itu sebanyak empat kali.,https://subscene.com/ +That I should just close upan outdated ninja tool shop like this…,"Karena zaman sudah berubah, aku harus tutup toko peralatan ninjaku",https://subscene.com/ +"So…even you think that, Naruto?","Ternyata kau juga berpikir seperti itu ya, Naruto?",https://subscene.com/ +How about something like this?,bagaimana kalau benda yang seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Not finding one even afterall this searching!,Padahal sudah dicari-cari tapi tak ketemu,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Naruto!","Hoi, Naruto!",https://subscene.com/ +A real deal Kuraa-ma!,Kali ini Kuraa-ma yang asli!,https://subscene.com/ +I found it in a kiosk atthe outbound Thunder Rail Station.,Aku menemukannya di sebuah kios yang ada di luar stasiun kereta,https://subscene.com/ +"But, are you sure?",Tapi Paman yakin?,https://subscene.com/ +"I never told herI was gonna buy one,","Selain itu, aku tak pernah bilang akan membelikannya hadiah",https://subscene.com/ +Kiba… Thank you.,"Kiba, terima kasih, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, Akamaru's holding on to it,so he should be here soon…","Akamaru sedang membawakannya, jadi, sebentar lagi pasti sampai.",https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Itu,https://subscene.com/ +"What happened to Kuraa-ma, Akamaru?!","Kuraa-ma-nya mana, Akamaru?",https://subscene.com/ +It got swapped?,"Apa tertukar, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Ninja Hounds get hungry too,so it can't be helped?","Kalau lapar, anjing ninja juga tak bisa diandalkan?",https://subscene.com/ +Kiba! Stay with Himawari!,"Kiba, tolong jagalah Himawari!",https://subscene.com/ +"Fine, then…",Kalau sudah begini...,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, but will ya help me?!","Maaf nih, tapi bisakah kau membantuku?",https://subscene.com/ +Nope.,Tak mau.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm so disgusted,I don't even wanna talk to you.","Aku kesal, aku tak ingin bicara lagi denganmu.",https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, Himawari will…","Kalau terus begini, Himawari akan...",https://subscene.com/ +This is for your daughter!,Ini demi putrimu!,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Hokage!,Tn. Hokage!,https://subscene.com/ +You're the one I sent to investigatethe state of affairs,Kau orang yang kutugaskan untuk selidiki situasi,https://subscene.com/ +How come you're—?,Kenapa kau...,https://subscene.com/ +Why did you come out?,Kenapa kau keluar?,https://subscene.com/ +O-Okay.,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +Please forgive me!,Mohon maafkanlah aku!,https://subscene.com/ +"he kept asking me fora Kuraa-ma, so I just…","dan dia terus memintaku belikan Kuraa-ma, jadi aku...",https://subscene.com/ +Hima…,Hima.,https://subscene.com/ +"You bought it just for him, right?","Paman belikan ini untuknya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Here.,Terimalah.,https://subscene.com/ +Uh-huh!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you sure?,Apa kau yakin?,https://subscene.com/ +"As of today, I'm relieving youof your mission","Untuk hari ini, aku meliburkanmu",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, sir.",Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll let Shikamaru know.,Aku akan beri tahu Shikamaru.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, no! Pardon me.","Ah, tidak, maafkan aku.",https://subscene.com/ +Idiot! It means you won't haveto be away from the village.,"Dasar bodoh, dengan tugas ini berarti kau takkan pergi jauh dari desa.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +Bye-bye!,Sampai jumpa!,https://subscene.com/ +and it was so much fun!,dan rasanya sangat menyenangkan!,https://subscene.com/ +all the things you got for me today!,semua yang sudah Papa belikan untukku hari ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, thank you for today!","Karena itu, terima kasih untuk hari ini!",https://subscene.com/ +Keep up all the good workas the Hokage!,Teruslah bekerja keras sebagai seorang Hokage!,https://subscene.com/ +"Y-Yeah, right?","Ya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, could yasnap out of it already?","Eh, bisakah kau berhenti marah?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't get all bent out of shapejust because of that!,Jangan marah hanya karena hal sepele semacam itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Kurama?,Kurama?,https://subscene.com/ +You can find me whereverthere's gourmet food!,"Di mana ada makanan enak, di situ ada aku.",https://subscene.com/ +But Mom already hates mefor being so lazy…,Tapi mama sudah benci Papa karena Papa malas sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +It's Parent and Child Day!,Hari ini hari Orang Tua dan Anak!,https://subscene.com/ +she's bound to fall in lovewith you again!,kemarahan mama pasti akan reda!,https://subscene.com/ +Summoning Jutsu!,口寄せの術,https://subscene.com/ +Just leave it toKonohamaru Sarutobi,Konohamaru Sarutobi memang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +"The reason's because he isthe grandson of the Third Hokage,","Karena dia adalah cucu dari Hokage Ketiga,",https://subscene.com/ +"As always, thank you, Gamagoro!","Terima kasih karena selalu datang ya, Gamagoro!",https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru Sensei!,Guru Konohamaru!,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't let all this flatteryover you go to your head,","Jangan biarkan kau tersipu malu begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +Don't make fun of grown-ups!,Jangan permainkan orang dewasa!,https://subscene.com/ +"When we're here, call me Sensei!","Kalau di sini, panggil aku Guru!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you're beingtoo casual with him.","Dan lagi, sikapmu itu sama sekali tak menaruh hormat, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +It's so embarrassing when menhave an inferiority complex.,Laki-laki yang suka menggampangkan itu memang agak memalukan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, you lose hands down whenit comes to substance and looks.","Ya, dalam hal penampilan dan sikap, kau itu memang jauh dari kata laki-laki sejati.",https://subscene.com/ +All this over something like that?,Mengarah ke situ?,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Waduh?,https://subscene.com/ +"unless you first sign your namein the scroll,","kau harus taruh tanda nama di gulungan,",https://subscene.com/ +You're an idiot.,"Bodoh banget, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"you can summon the animal anytime,anywhere from their world.","kalian bisa panggil hewan kalian kapan pun, di mana pun kalian berada.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, if I write his name there,I can summon the frog too?","Jadi, kalau kutulis nama di sini, aku bisa panggil kodok itu juga?",https://subscene.com/ +A contract can't be made right awayby anyone.,Sebuah kontrak tak mudah untuk dibuat.,https://subscene.com/ +What's important is mutual trust.,Yang terpenting adalah rasa saling percaya.,https://subscene.com/ +"an animal can bea valuable partner, eh!","hewan itu juga bisa jadi rekan berharga, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"So, we'll start off withsummoning Ninja Tools.","Jadi, kita akan memulainya dengan Teknik Memanggil peralatan ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey Namida, good thing we didn'tstart with summoning frogs.","Untung saja ya Namida, kita tak memulainya dengan panggil kodok.",https://subscene.com/ +Aren't Summoning Animalsusually slimy and seriously creepy?,Bukankah hewan panggilan itu adalah hewan berlendir dan menyeramkan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Lord Third summoned a monkey,and Lord Sixth summoned a dog.","Hokage Ketiga bisa panggil monyet, dan Hokage Keenam bisa panggil anjing.",https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't mind a dog.,Aku suka sama anjing.,https://subscene.com/ +"A cute animal would be better, huh?","Semakin manis semakin bagus, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't matterwhat it looks like!,Jangan pikirkan penampilannya!,https://subscene.com/ +I want a scorpion!,Aku mau kalajengking saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you want to creep them outwith appearances,","Kalau kalian ingin menakuti seseorang dengan penampilan jelek,",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it.Bugs and snakes?,"Astaga, bisanya hanya bahas serangga dan ular?",https://subscene.com/ +It's no use summoningan animal that seems weak.,"Tak ada gunanya juga panggil hewan yang lemah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You should talk…when you'rethe farthest from being cool.,"Berani sekali kau katakan itu, padahal kau yang paling gemuk dan tak keren.",https://subscene.com/ +but my moves are agileand extremely cool.,"tapi saat beranjak dewasa, aku akan berubah jadi seksi.",https://subscene.com/ +Get started withNinja Tool summoning.,Mari kita mulai latihan Teknik Memanggil senjata.,https://subscene.com/ +"Next time, let's all summona giant animal together.","Selanjutnya, mari kita lakukan Teknik Memanggil bersama-sama agar bisa panggil hewan raksasa.",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if I can do it?,"Apa aku juga bisa melakukannya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Whenever you do stupid stuff,we get lumped in with you.","Saat kalian lakukan hal bodoh, kami juga terkena dampaknya!",https://subscene.com/ +You sure do!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +That's whythe other classes call us,"Dan karena itu, kelas sebelah sampai panggil kelas kita",https://subscene.com/ +Did you know that?,Apa kau tahu itu?,https://subscene.com/ +We have a kid that destroyedthe Hokage's Great Stone Face,Di kelas kita ada anak yang hancurkan patung Hokage,https://subscene.com/ +we had that incidentin the training hall…,Murid kelas kita bertarung seenaknya di aula latihan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey boys, you guys brokethe shuriken target, didn't you?!","Kalian itu juga pernah rusak target lempar shuriken, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +so we end up having to do more!,dan akhirnya pekerjaan kami malah bertambah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I think you girlsaren't innocent, either.",Kurasa kalian para perempuan juga tak sebaik itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Women are really such a drag.,Perempuan itu benar-benar merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +How are we childish?,Dari segi apa saat kau lihat kami bertingkah kekanak-kanakan?,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +You guys…,Kalian ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"Even in this era, we have so manywho are eager to become ninja.","Pada zaman sekarang, masih ada banyak orang yang ingin jadi ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +Almost too much energy!,Mungkin terlalu bersemangat!,https://subscene.com/ +your generation was especiallyfull of rivalry and competition.,generasimu sangat penuh dengan persaingan dan kompetisi.,https://subscene.com/ +And Lord Seventh…,Lalu Hokage Ketujuh...,https://subscene.com/ +Not wanting to lose…,"Perasaan tak mau kalah,",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Really?!,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +That relationshipseems like a drag.,"Hubungan yang merepotkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go eat now!,Lebih baik sekarang ayo kita makan!,https://subscene.com/ +"– Aunty, a yakisoba bun please!– Aunty, a yakisoba bun please!","Bibi, pesan satu roti yakisoba!",https://subscene.com/ +Sorry…,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"I get a yakisoba bun every timethey have it, ya know.",Aku selalu beli roti yakisoba di sini setiap hari.,https://subscene.com/ +"Since you know that,this yakisoba bun…","Karena kau sudah tahu, maka roti yakisoba ini...",https://subscene.com/ +How does that make sense?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I can't get into syncunless I eat one!,Tenagaku takkan pulih kalau aku tak makan!,https://subscene.com/ +so maybe it's betterif you're not in sync.,jadi mungkin lebih baik kalau kau tak bertenaga dulu hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I've been dying to try it!,aku sangat ingin mencobanya!,https://subscene.com/ +You're right.There's usually more left.,"Benar juga, biasanya masih banyak.",https://subscene.com/ +"Chubby, you mean—?",Gendut?,https://subscene.com/ +Then let's have her share with us.,"Kalau begitu, bagi rotinya, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +or I'm not myself.,"kalau tidak, aku takkan bisa fokus belajar.",https://subscene.com/ +"When you live passionately,","Kalau kau jalani hidup dengan penuh semangat,",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +The early bird gets the worm.,"Siapa cepat, dia yang dapat!",https://subscene.com/ +"Normally, if you were really a man,you'd defer to a lady.","Kalau kau benar-benar laki-laki sejati, kau harus mengalah pada seorang perempuan.",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean by that?!,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Is this a continuation ofwhat happened earlier?,Apa ini kelanjutan dari yang tadi pagi?,https://subscene.com/ +No…,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +"Right, Boruto?","Benar 'kan, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +Stop right there!,Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +Fighting amongst Academy studentsis taboo.,Dilarang bertarung antar sesama murid akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +"However,","Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +"After class, I'll preparea battleground for you.","Setelah pelajaran selesai, aku akan siapkan arena petarungan untuk kalian berdua.",https://subscene.com/ +There's one rule.,Peraturannya hanya satu.,https://subscene.com/ +and the first oneto grab the flag,dan siapa yang gapai bendera,https://subscene.com/ +Losers will listen to the winners.,Yang kalah harus menurut kepada yang menang.,https://subscene.com/ +– Yes!– Yes!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Get ready…go!,"Bersiap, mulai!",https://subscene.com/ +Earth Style: Mud Wall!,土遁・土流壁,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe Yuino…,Iwabe Yuino.,https://subscene.com/ +"but lately his true nature,determined and tenacious,","tapi sekarang sifat, tekad, dan keuletannya",https://subscene.com/ +He's making good progress.,Dia sudah berkembang pesat.,https://subscene.com/ +No problem!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho Akimichi.,Chocho Akimichi.,https://subscene.com/ +Well…it will be interestingto see what happens.,"Ya, perlombaan ini pasti akan menarik.",https://subscene.com/ +What a drag!,Merepotkan saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai Nara.,Shikadai Nara.,https://subscene.com/ +Since the others asked me to.,Karena banyak yang memintanya juga.,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?!,"Apa yang terjadi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +A few traps have been laidthroughout the school grounds.,tapi ada beberapa jebakan yang sudah disiapkan di lapangan akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +"In time, you will beworking in three-man teams.","Kelak, kalian akan bekerja dengan tim beranggotakan tiga orang.",https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate,the school will be destroyed.","Kalau begini, akademinya bisa hancur.",https://subscene.com/ +Looks like we're the only onesleft of the boy's team.,Kelihatannya hanya tinggal kita saja tim laki-laki yang tersisa.,https://subscene.com/ +He always accuratelygives it his all.,Dia selalu kerahkan seluruh kemampuannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I will…right here…,Serahkan yang di sini padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +O-Of course!,Te-Tentu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada Uchiha!,Sarada Uchiha!,https://subscene.com/ +She's got the Uchiha blood…,Mungkin ini karena dia keturunan Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +All we have to do isget to the rooftop.,Soalnya yang perlu kita lakukan hanya pergi ke atap.,https://subscene.com/ +Leave it to me.,Serahkan padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yup… With these models, I justhave to hack into the system, and…","Ya, kalau modelnya begini, kalau kuretas ke dalam sistemnya...",https://subscene.com/ +Let's hurry!,"Sip, ayo cepat!",https://subscene.com/ +I just had a great idea.,Aku kepikiran sesuatu yang bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +What do we do?,"Bagaimana, dong?",https://subscene.com/ +"Ninja Art, Super Beast Scroll!",忍法・超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +I hate frogs!,Aku benci kodok!,https://subscene.com/ +"without dirtying your hands,can't you?","musuh tanpa perlu kotori tanganmu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +I've had it!,"Ih, seram!",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +Now's the time.,Sudah saatnya pergi.,https://subscene.com/ +They split up?,Mereka berpencar?,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway,let's just charge straight ahead!","Pokoknya, kita hanya perlu terus menorobos!",https://subscene.com/ +Denki!,Denki!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll save you—!,Aku akan selamatkanmu...,https://subscene.com/ +NINJA TOOL PREP ROOMThere's no waywe can win like this.,"Kalau terus begini, kita takkan bisa menang, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"No one's died, though.","Meskipun tak ada yang mati, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if we go through the building,we can't beat that many girls.","Meskipun kita masuk ke dalam akademi, kita takkan bisa kalahkan perempuan sebanyak itu.",https://subscene.com/ +we'll get to the rooftopthrough the outside.,kita cukup pergi ke atas lewat luar saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, we can't open itfrom the outside without Denki.","Tidak, kalau tak ada Denki, kita tak bisa membukanya dari luar.",https://subscene.com/ +Not a chance…,Tak bisa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, Boruto.","Baiklah, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +while you go to the rooftopfrom the outside.,Sementara itu kau pergi ke atap dari luar.,https://subscene.com/ +"But even if he gets to the roof,how will he fight off the girls?","Meskipun kita berhasil ke atas, bagaimana caranya kita lawan para perempuan?",https://subscene.com/ +Then I'll use my Summoning Jutsu.,"Kalau begitu, akan kugunakan Teknik Memanggil.",https://subscene.com/ +Summoning is impossible!,Teknik Memanggil itu mustahil!,https://subscene.com/ +"But we have to try, don't we?","Tapi, kita tetap harus mencobanya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"All right,let's begin our strategy.","Baiklah, mari kita jalankan strategi kita.",https://subscene.com/ +It's no good.,Ini gawat.,https://subscene.com/ +And the stairwayis just beyond this rollup gate.,Dan tangganya berada di balik pintu ini.,https://subscene.com/ +We shouldn't damage the schoolany more than this.,Kita tak boleh rusak fasilitas akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +All right.,Bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +He'll get there first!,Bisa-bisa dia sampai duluan ke sana!,https://subscene.com/ +EXPLOSIONSeriously?,Yang benar saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Summoning Jutsu!,口寄せの術,https://subscene.com/ +Did I do it?!,Apa aku berhasil?,https://subscene.com/ +You guys!,Teman-teman!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's not that…",Aku tak tahu bakal jadi begini.,https://subscene.com/ +This is bad!,Gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +It disappeared?,Makhluk itu menghilang?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm tired.,Aku lelah.,https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, where's the flag?","Omong-omong, di mana benderanya?",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…?!,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +"No, so…","Sudah kubilang, tadi itu...",https://subscene.com/ +…sure are idiots.,"benar-benar bodoh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I put you in danger.,Aku sudah bahayakanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"So it's okay, but…","Jadi, aku tak mempermasalahkannya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… we'll listen to whatever you say.,"Baiklah, kami akan turuti apa pun perintah kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +Though it is a drag!,Meskipun ini sangat merepotkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you saved Cho-Chofrom a bad situation.",Kau sudah selamatkan Chocho dari bahaya.,https://subscene.com/ +but I'll give you props this one time.,tapi aku puji kalian untuk kali ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Our class is pretty high-level, huh?","Anak-anak di kelas kita benar-benar hebat, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"In time, you'll all be able tobecome yakisoba buns.","Perlahan-lahan, kalian akan jadi roti yakisoba.",https://subscene.com/ +"They taste good by themselves,","Keduanya sama-sama enak,",https://subscene.com/ +…it tastes even better!,rasanya akan tambah enak!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you join forces, you can battleeven the strongest opponent.","Kalau kalian satukan kekuatan, kalian mampu atasi musuh yang kuat.",https://subscene.com/ +It was hard to understand.,Perumpamaan Guru sulit dimengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +"Ugh, I'm starving…","Aduh, aku lapar.",https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Sounds fine by me.,Kedengarannya boleh juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"First, you need to clean up.","Pertama, kalian harus bantu bersihkan akademi.",https://subscene.com/ +How could Boruto produce that thingwith the amount of chakra that he has?,Kenapa Boruto bisa munculkan monster itu dengan jumlah chakra-nya yang masih kecil?,https://subscene.com/ +Someone's on a rampage!,Seseorang sedang mengamuk!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's the same,like the time with Metal!",Ini sama seperti saat Metal mengamuk.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, who are you?","Hoi, siapa kau?",https://subscene.com/ +"If he was so against it,why did he attend the Academy?","Kalau dia memang tak mau, kenapa dia masuk ke akademi?",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't know that…,Aku tak tahu-menahu.,https://subscene.com/ +It wasn't just Denki.,Tak hanya Denki.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, really?","Eh, benarkah?",https://subscene.com/ +I'll take you on!,Aku akan ladenimu!,https://subscene.com/ +but taking part in a duel…,tapi tak kusangka sampai lakukan pertarungan dan buat keributan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, that training was worth it.","Tapi, latihan itu tetap berguna, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +as well as Shuriken Jutsu and taijutsuthat they had just learned in school.,beserta teknik shuriken dan Taijutsu yang mereka pelajari di akedemi.,https://subscene.com/ +"However, the girls' team appeared onthe roof a second after them.","Tapi, tak lama kemudian, tim anak-anak perempuan tiba di atap.",https://subscene.com/ +"And then, Boruto took the last measure.","Lalu, Boruto gunakan usaha terakhirnya.",https://subscene.com/ +A Summoning?,Teknik Pemanggilan?,https://subscene.com/ +and he used such a high-level jutsu?,tapi sudah bisa gunakan teknik tingkat tinggi?,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't teach themexactly how to use it.,Aku belum ajari mereka cara menggunakannya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's the thing…,"Sebenarnya,",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Don't tell me it was…!,"Eh, mungkinkah itu adalah...",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, it's not that Boruto was successfulwith the summoning.","Meskipun begitu, bukan berarti Teknik Pemanggilannya Boruto berhasil.",https://subscene.com/ +"some of it appeared by chancein the outside world, coincidentally.",dan secara kebetulan salah satu bagian tubuhnya muncul di dunia.,https://subscene.com/ +Rasengan!,螺旋丸,https://subscene.com/ +"Ultimately, the school buildingwas destroyed.","Pada akhirnya, gedung akedeminya hancur juga.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, had Nue already appearedat that point?",apa saat itu Nue sudah muncul?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"But as a result, Sai and the others begana serious investigation.","Tapi gara-gara kejadian itu, tim penyelidik mulai serius lakukan penyelidikan.",https://subscene.com/ +Danzo's negative legacy… Nue.,"Salah satu warisan buruk Danzo, Nue.",https://subscene.com/ +"When I heard about it later,it sent shivers down my spine.","Saat aku mendengarnya, tubuhku sampai merinding, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +The monster created out ofthe Foundation's… Danzo's hatred…,"Monster itu diciptakan oleh kebencian organisasinya Danzo, Akar,",https://subscene.com/ +And it tried to destroy the village.,Dan dia berusaha untuk hancurkan desa.,https://subscene.com/ +that was developed toprotect the village.,yang dibuat untuk lindungi desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to Lord Sixth, Saiand the Barrier Team,","Pada akhirnya, berkat Tn. Hokage Keenam, kak Sai dan tim pelindung,",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, it was a close call.","Tapi, tetap saja itu sangat berbahaya.",https://subscene.com/ +"was the daughter of Tanuki Shigaraki,Sumire Kakei…","putri dari Tanuki Shigaraki, Sumire Kakei, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +She's not to blame.,Dia tak bersalah.,https://subscene.com/ +it was the environmentshe grew up in.,lingkungan yang membesarkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"As her teacher,I know that better than anyone.",Dan aku sebagai gurunya yang paling tahu hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't mean to criticize her!,Aku tak bermaksud menyalahkannya!,https://subscene.com/ +"And of course, so do we.",Kami pun juga begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style: Breakthrough!,風遁・突破,https://subscene.com/ +"However, he is a child ofmany mysteries.","Tapi, dia anak yang penuh misteri.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, you haven't heard?","Oh, kau belum dengar, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I don't know either!,Aku juga tak tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, let's move on.","Baik, yang berikutnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Sarada Uchiha.,Sarada Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +"She's the daughter of Sasuke Uchihaand Sakura Haruno, after all…",Dia putri dari Sasuke dan Sakura.,https://subscene.com/ +She awakened her Sharinganquite some time ago.,Dan Sharingan-nya juga sudah bangkit.,https://subscene.com/ +"She still needs to build upher stamina,","Staminanya masih perlu dibangun lagi,",https://subscene.com/ +– Wind Style: Consecutive Wind Fist!– Wind Style: Consecutive Wind Fist!,風遁・烈風掌,https://subscene.com/ +"And, Boruto Uzumaki.","Dan terakhir, Boruto Uzumaki.",https://subscene.com/ +"However, in terms of ninjutsu,taijutsu and intellect…","tapi Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, dan kecerdasannya...",https://subscene.com/ +"During the field trip,","Saat perjalanan luar desa waktu itu,",https://subscene.com/ +and ended up settling it.,dan menyelesaikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +it was because of Boruto that Sumirewas able to resolve it.,Sumire sanggup mengakhirinya berkat Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru?,Konohamaru?,https://subscene.com/ +It's not that I won't allow it…,Bukannya tak mengizinkan.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you all think?,Kalian sendiri bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +Me too.,Aku juga.,https://subscene.com/ +What's on your mind?,Apa yang ganggu pikiranmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Especially Boruto.,Terutama Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +and tried to show uphis father all the time.,dan selalu berusaha tarik perhatian ayahnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Heh… Why do you ask?,"Eh, apanya?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What—?,"Ha, apa...",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, Hokage's office…","Ya, di sini Hokage.",https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"The hell, what's he doing anyway?","Ya ampun, sebenarnya apa yang dia lakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +Discussing the Chunin Exams…?,Mendiskusikan Ujian Chunin?,https://subscene.com/ +"In any case,I'm heading out there right now!","Kalau begitu, aku akan segera ke sana!",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's not like I hadmy hopes up anyways.","Ya, bukan berarti aku tak punya harapan di ulang tahunku ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Look, he is the Hokage…","Lagi pula, ayahmu itu seorang Hokage.",https://subscene.com/ +I guess it can't be helped the Lord Hokagewould put off my birthday.,"Ya, wajar saja kalau Tn. Hokage lupa dengan hari ulang tahunku.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm all right…,Aku tak apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +Yagura the Fourth Mizukage,"Yagura, Mizukage Keempat,",https://subscene.com/ +I am Yagura's grandchild.,Aku adalah cucunya Yagura.,https://subscene.com/ +I could never succeed him,Manusia sepertiku,https://subscene.com/ +I'll be satisfied withbeing Chojuro's aide.,Aku sudah puas hanya dengan bantu Tn. Chojuro.,https://subscene.com/ +until I met…,Sampai aku bertemu dengannya.,https://subscene.com/ +About the candidacy test forthe Great Twin Swords Hiramekarei…,Mengenai ujian untuk kandidat Hiramekarei...,https://subscene.com/ +I'd like to take it.,Aku akan mengikutinya.,https://subscene.com/ +there was a great conflictknown as the Fourth Great Ninja War.,ada sebuah peperangan besar yang disebut Perang Dunia Ninja Keempat.,https://subscene.com/ +fighting for the Allied Shinobi Forceswere lost.,bertarung dan kehilangan nyawanya.,https://subscene.com/ +who helped to end it.,dari dalam lubuk hatiku.,https://subscene.com/ +due to the sacrifice of many skilledand experienced shinobi.,yang korbankan segalanya untuk dapatkan kedamaian di era ini.,https://subscene.com/ +A future in which every villagehad a stake.,Masa depan yang dipertaruhkan oleh setiap desa.,https://subscene.com/ +to a young shinobiwho can carry the torch.,kepada seorang ninja muda yang bawa obor masa depan.,https://subscene.com/ +I accept with great honor.,Aku menerimanya dengan senang hati.,https://subscene.com/ +Pretty sweet sword.,"Pedang yang hebat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, thanks to you,I was able to make up my mind.","Boruto, berkat dirimu, aku sudah bulatkan tekadku.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, you spoke the truth.","Tidak, kau memang benar.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm the one who decides how I live.,Akulah yang akan tentukan jalan hidupku.,https://subscene.com/ +the village will be in good hands.,desa ini pasti akan jadi lebih baik.,https://subscene.com/ +I guarantee it!,Aku bisa menjaminnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's strange. Hearing you say it,somehow I believe it.","Anehnya, aku merasa kalau itu benar saat kau mengatakannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"We meet again, Kagura.","Lama tak bertemu, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +What're you doing?!,Apa yang kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Hey Kagura…,"Yo, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +You were at the harbor!,Apa kau orang yang di pelabuhan waktu itu?,https://subscene.com/ +It seems my errand boys causedsome trouble yesterday.,"Sepertinya anak-anak itu sudah repotkan kalian, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +So the guys who kidnappedDenki were yours?,"Jadi, orang yang culik Denki adalah teman-temanmu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +The younger ones are riled up,Para anak muda merasa gelisah,https://subscene.com/ +Your entrance just nowwasn't too funny.,Caramu muncul tadi sama sekali tak lucu.,https://subscene.com/ +You're still supposed tobe under penitence,Seharusnya kau masih menyesal,https://subscene.com/ +Yet you—,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +I can sorta agree with that!,Soal itu aku cukup setuju!,https://subscene.com/ +we won't have to take ordersfrom the current Mizukage.,kita takkan perlu terima perintah dari Mizukage yang sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +What else?,Memangnya apa lagi?,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Shizuma…,Kak Shizuma.,https://subscene.com/ +You're either crazy or half-asleep!,Mimpi apa kau di siang bolong begini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Kagura, you now havethe Great Twin Sword.","Kagura, sekarang kau punya Pedang Ganda yang hebat itu.",https://subscene.com/ +"We kill the Hokage's son,then declare war.","Untuk nyatakan perang, kita bunuh anak Hokage itu.",https://subscene.com/ +There won't be any war!,Takkan ada perang!,https://subscene.com/ +The world has just started downthe path to peace.,Dunia sudah berada dalam jalan kedamaian.,https://subscene.com/ +Peace?,Kedamaian?,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Chojuro is a noble man.,Tn. Chojuro itu orang yang sangat baik.,https://subscene.com/ +to keep the peace in this villageonce ensnared in chaos.,demi pertahankan kedamaian saat desa ini berada dalam kekacauan.,https://subscene.com/ +Chojuro plans to get rid of everyonewho doesn't agree with his methods.,Chojuro berencana singkirkan semua orang yang tak setuju dengan metode kepemimpinannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Countless villagers still sufferfrom the scars left by war.,Banyak warga desa yang masih menderita akibat luka yang diakibatkan oleh perang.,https://subscene.com/ +I know…,Aku tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +Y-You got—,Aku menyerah.,https://subscene.com/ +That's enough…,Sudah cukup.,https://subscene.com/ +Sh-Shizuma…! I…,"Kak Shizuma, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +He's the grandson ofthat mass murderer…,Dia cucu dari sang pembunuh berantai itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"When he wields a sword,he goes berserk.","Saat dia hunuskan pedang, dia pasti akan mengamuk.",https://subscene.com/ +I… I…,"Aku, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +Fighting to kill is the way ofthe Blood Mist shinobi.,Membunuh adalah jalan hidup seorang ninja dari Desa Kabut Berdarah.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Shizuma…,Kak Shizuma.,https://subscene.com/ +"Kagura, I will protect you.","Kagura, aku akan lindungimu.",https://subscene.com/ +But I cannot go alongwith you anymore.,"Tapi, aku tak bisa ikut bersamamu lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +Punish?,Menghukum?,https://subscene.com/ +Chojuro is using assassinsto get rid of insurgents.,Chojuro utus para pembunuh bayaran untuk singkirkan para pemberontak.,https://subscene.com/ +"It doesn't make sense, does it?","Aneh, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +in the Blood Mist Village.,di Desa Kabut Berdarah ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"but behind the scenes,he's ruthless.","tapi di balik itu, dia orang yang kejam.",https://subscene.com/ +is undeniable proof.,adalah buktinya.,https://subscene.com/ +every vestige of thosewho were a nuisance.,semua sisa-sisa pemberontak di desa.,https://subscene.com/ +We will fight,Kita akan bertarung,https://subscene.com/ +"Now come, Kagura!","Majulah, Kagura!",https://subscene.com/ +This is the scar you gave me.,Ini bekas luka darimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"No matter how you try to change,you belong with me.","Bagaimanapun caramu mengubahku, kau tetap milikku.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, mister!","Oi, Paman!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't go tempting my friendwith your nonsense!,Jangan hasut temanku dengan omong kosongmu itu!,https://subscene.com/ +You think it so only becauseyou've been pampered your whole life.,Kau berpikir begitu karena sepanjang hidup hanya bermanja-manja.,https://subscene.com/ +Shadow Clone Jutsu!,影分身の術,https://subscene.com/ +That's more like it.,Menarik.,https://subscene.com/ +Shizuma!,Shizuma!,https://subscene.com/ +Address these!,Terima ini!,https://subscene.com/ +This childish Lightning Style,"Elemen Petir yang hanya mainan anak-anak seperti itu,",https://subscene.com/ +Ichirota.,Ichirota.,https://subscene.com/ +Hassaku.,Hassaku.,https://subscene.com/ +Hebiichigo.,Hebiichigo.,https://subscene.com/ +Who the hell are these guys?,Apa-apaan mereka ini?,https://subscene.com/ +You didn't hafta summonso many guys!,Temanmu banyak sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +before he meets his death.,yang hendak menghadap maut.,https://subscene.com/ +I know more than Lightning Style.,Yang bisa kupakai tak sebatas Elemen Petir!,https://subscene.com/ +This is my lethal…Boruto Stream!,Inilah teknik pamungkasku: Boruto Stream!,https://subscene.com/ +Water Forge Jutsu.,水練の術,https://subscene.com/ +"He's so pitiful, it's not even funny.","Sama sekali tak lucu, justru menyedihkan!",https://subscene.com/ +He hasn't realized thathe's about to die.,"Dia tak sadar kalau sesaat lagi dia akan mati, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"A high price to learn it, eh?","Pelajaran yang mahal harganya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You should know…,"Selain itu, kamilah",https://subscene.com/ +There's only six of you!,Kalian saja hanya berenam!,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura… Kill the bastard.,"Kagura, bunuh dia.",https://subscene.com/ +"In the lands around the Middle Sea,times are tense.",Daerah sekitar Lautan Tengah dalam kondisi genting.,https://subscene.com/ +"it would be cause enoughnot only to sink the peace treaty,","tak hanya perjanjian perdamaian saja yang musnah,",https://subscene.com/ +"And in the chaos, we shall mete outHeaven's punishment.","Dan dalam kekacauan tersebut, kami akan turunkan hukuman surga.",https://subscene.com/ +War?,"Peperangan, katamu?",https://subscene.com/ +But your fatheris doing his best,"Tapi, ayah kalian berjuang keras",https://subscene.com/ +He wants there tonever be another war.,Dia tak ingin peperangan kembali terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +As if I'd let another war begin!,Takkan kubiarkan perang kembali terjadi!,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura…,Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +"Good… That's the way, Kagura.","Bagus, begitu yang benar, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +Why you—!,Kau-,https://subscene.com/ +You're saying you will forgea future that is more just?,"Harusnya kau lebih pilih masa depan yang benar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I don't intend my life to endin disgrace.,Aku tak berniat nistai kehidupan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura…,Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't…want to kill you.,Aku tak ingin membunuhmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's okay.",Biarkan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"And if we were to take him onwhen Kagura's of a mind,","Kalau kita coba melawan Kagura saat dia serius,",https://subscene.com/ +"Your life's been spared,Hokage's son.","Kali ini nyawamu terselamatkan, Putra Hokage.",https://subscene.com/ +The revolution has begun!,bahwa revolusi sudah dimulai!,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't go, Kagura!","Jangan pergi, Kagura!",https://subscene.com/ +Kagura!,Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto.,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank goodness, you're awake.",Syukurlah kau sudah sadar.,https://subscene.com/ +Oww!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, he came to tell me.","Ya, dialah yang memberitahuku.",https://subscene.com/ +You!,Kau!,https://subscene.com/ +Oww!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not anymore!,Aku sudah tak berurusan lagi dengannya!,https://subscene.com/ +"It seems this Shizuma used him,then kicked him out.",Kelihatannya Shizuma hanya memperalatnya dan mengusirnya saat dirasa sudah tak berguna.,https://subscene.com/ +I-I'm sorry! I didn't know!,"Ma-Maafkan aku, aku sama sekali tak tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +And not knowing clears youof guilt?,Kaupikir hanya karena itu perbuatanmu sudah bisa dimaafkan?,https://subscene.com/ +I…I wanted that…,A-Aku ingin...,https://subscene.com/ +Now what do we do?,Mau apa sih sebenarnya?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to save Kagura.,Aku akan selamatkan Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +Shizuma Hoshigaki?,Shizuma Hoshigaki?,https://subscene.com/ +but he was more famousfor his bad behavior.,tapi dia lebih dikenal karena perbuatan jahatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Slipped away, did you?","Kabur, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +No.,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey… ‘Fess up, Hachiya!","Hoi, beri tahu aku, Hachiya!",https://subscene.com/ +K-Kagura will never defy Mr. Shizuma…,Ka-Kagura takkan pernah bisa menentang kak Shizuma.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura once wounded Mr. Shizuma.,Kagura pernah lukai kak Shizuma.,https://subscene.com/ +"Kagura is, without a doubt,a powerful swordsman.",Kagura merupakan pendekar pedang yang sangat hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +That explains Kagura's dislike of swords.,"Jadi, itu alasan kenapa Kagura tak menyukai pedang.",https://subscene.com/ +Shizuma can use that against him.,Shizuma bisa memanfaatkannya untuk melawan Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +Taking advantage of people's feelings…,"Memanfaatkan perasaan orang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We have to notify all the sensei.,Kita harus beri tahu para guru.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, Sarada.","Maaf, Sarada.",https://subscene.com/ +Making sure it ends withoutincident is my job.,Memastikan semuanya lancar tanpa ada insiden merupakan tugasku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well then, I'm coming too.","Kalau begitu, aku juga akan ikut.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's my job to keep an eyeon you during the field trip.","Lagi pula, mengawasimu selama perjalanan ini adalah tugasku.",https://subscene.com/ +Not that I want to.,"Sebenarnya aku juga tak mau, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, then!",Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Even supposing we forgetyour actions,","Seandainya kita lupakan perbuatanmu,",https://subscene.com/ +You thinkthere'll really be a war?!,"Kau ingin bilang, akan terjadi peperangan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, this isn't a war.","Dengar, ini bukanlah perang.",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, time to start a war.","Baiklah, waktunya mulai peperangan.",https://subscene.com/ +The blades are heavy.,Pedangnya berat.,https://subscene.com/ +It's too late to turn back now.,Sudah terlambat untuk kembali.,https://subscene.com/ +Take what rights you want!,Ambillah apa yang jadi hakmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +The footprints…!,Jejak kakinya...,https://subscene.com/ +Was this a trap?,"Jangan-jangan, jebakan?",https://subscene.com/ +Where are they gonna come in from?,Mereka akan datang dari arah mana?,https://subscene.com/ +White Zetsu?,Zetsu Putih!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell is that monster?!,Monster apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… They were all supposed tohave been destroyed…,"Ya, mereka semua seharusnya sudah dikalahkan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, I've never seen onein this form!","Tapi, aku belum pernah lihat yang seperti ini!",https://subscene.com/ +They're coming!,Mereka datang.,https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Style?,Elemen Petir?,https://subscene.com/ +Even Wind Style?,Elemen Angin juga?,https://subscene.com/ +Whoa!,Wah!,https://subscene.com/ +N-No way!,"Ini bohong, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go back him up!,Ayo kita bantu!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah!,"Ah, benar!",https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing?,Apa yang kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +so please accept it…,jadi tolong bawalah benda ini.,https://subscene.com/ +He ran away?,Dia kabur?,https://subscene.com/ +B-Big Bro!,Kakak!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell isthat crazy monster?,Apa-apaan monster hebat itu?,https://subscene.com/ +A living weapon…,Senjata hidup,https://subscene.com/ +Then what's something like thatdoing here after all this time?,"Lalu, kenapa makhluk itu masih muncul?",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki?,Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +What is this?,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Long ago, Kaguya Otsutsukihad used the roots","Dulu, Kaguya Otsutsuki sudah gunakan akar Pohon Suci",https://subscene.com/ +But I've never seen anythingabout that form…,"Tapi, bentuknya itu",https://subscene.com/ +Its intellect seemed low.,Kecerdasannya sepertinya rendah.,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe it underwent a changewhile it was left alone?,Apa mungkin dia alami perubahan saat ditinggalkan?,https://subscene.com/ +Does that mean there arelots more like him under us?,"Kalau begitu, di bawah sini masih ada banyak makhluk lain seperti tadi?",https://subscene.com/ +That's really bad!,Bukankah itu sangat gawat?,https://subscene.com/ +"Why not, Mitsuki?","Kenapa, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +"That bud is dried up,and I don't think it's even active.",Tunas itu sudah kering dan sepertinya sudah tak aktif.,https://subscene.com/ +I hope that's the case…,Kuharap seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +I learned it from my parent.,Aku mempelajarinya dari orang tuaku.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +You talk like it's gonna bean easy task…,Kalau bicara saja sih mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +we have to destroy it completely.,"kita harus benar-benar menghancurkannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Big Bro Konohamaru!","Eh, Kak!",https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, that makes a lot of sense.","Boruto, usulanmu itu memang masuk akal.",https://subscene.com/ +W-Why?!,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"But if that's the case,why is that White Zetsu here?","Tapi kalau memang begitu, kenapa si Zetsu Putih bisa ada di sini?",https://subscene.com/ +"In other words,we should assume there are others.","Dengan kata lain, kita harus berasumsi bahwa masih ada Zetsu Putih lain.",https://subscene.com/ +Hold on a minute!,Tunggu dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +"To put it bluntly, yes.","Kalau harus jujur, jawabannya ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Then, are we going to retreat?","Kalau begitu, kita mundur saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +"If anyone is gonna deal with it,it has to be a jonin like myself.","Kalau keadaannya begini, harus seorang Jonin sepertiku yang mengurusnya.",https://subscene.com/ +in case I don't return.,kalau misal nanti aku tak kembali.,https://subscene.com/ +"We can't do that,Big Bro Konohamaru!","Mustahil kami tega lakukan itu, Kak!",https://subscene.com/ +We can all work togetherto beat a thing like that…!,Kita bisa bekerja sama untuk kalahkan makhluk itu.,https://subscene.com/ +or how terrifying the thingsconnected to Kaguya Otsutsuki are.,atau betapa mengerikannya hubungan makhluk itu dengan Kaguya Otsutsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +Her power is beyond measure.,Kekuatannya jauh di luar nalar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Without a doubt,you three have grown strong.",Kalian bertiga memang sudah bertambah kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +More strength is requiredfrom here on out.,Mulai sekarang kalian harus jadi lebih kuat lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Take your time andbuild up your strength.,Gunakan waktu sebaik-baiknya untuk jadi lebih kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +is for all of us to die here.,adalah kematian kita semua.,https://subscene.com/ +That's an order.,Itu perintah.,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada?,Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +But I also thinkwe should go in together.,tapi aku juga berpendapat kalau kita harus masuk bersama.,https://subscene.com/ +And why is that?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +so splitting up at this pointis too dangerous.,"jadi kalau sekarang kita berpencar, itu terlalu berbahaya.",https://subscene.com/ +"In fact, I think the chanceof that is stronger.","Malah, menurutku kemungkinan itu lebih besar.",https://subscene.com/ +"And if that's the case,the best strategy is","Kalau memang ternyata begitu, strategi terbaik adalah",https://subscene.com/ +"Don't you think so, Sensei?",Bukankah begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +Big Bro!,Kak!,https://subscene.com/ +I think we should avoid splitting upour battle power too.,menurutku jangan sampai kekuatan tempur kita terpecah belah.,https://subscene.com/ +"We'll prove it to you andmake ourselves useful, Big Bro…","Kami akan tunjukkan kalau kami bisa bantu, Kak.",https://subscene.com/ +I got it!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +Change of orders.,Perubahan perintah.,https://subscene.com/ +and we'll take down this White Zetsu.,dan kalahkan Zetsu Putih ini.,https://subscene.com/ +– Right!– Yeah!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Strategy?,Strategi?,https://subscene.com/ +Did we get him?!,Berhasil?,https://subscene.com/ +We'll proceed just as I explained!,Lanjutkan sesuai yang kita rencanakan tadi!,https://subscene.com/ +Right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Leave the Lightning Style to me.,Serahkan Elemen Petir padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bomb!,火遁・火龍弾,https://subscene.com/ +"Now, Boruto!","Sekarang, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, over here!","Hoi, aku di sini!",https://subscene.com/ +"As expected,Konohamaru Sensei's strategy is brilliant.",Strategi Guru Konohamaru memang luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's the way.Keep teasing it, Boruto!","Bagus, terus permainkan dia, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Listen up.,Dengar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't do anything reckless, got it?","Jangan sampai bertindak gegabah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It's weakened.,Dia melemah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, people will understand in time…","Lambat laun, orang-orang akan mengerti",https://subscene.com/ +And when that time comes…,Dan di saat waktunya tiba...,https://subscene.com/ +What's Boruto doing?!,Apa yang Boruto lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Now's my chance!,Sekarang kesempatanku!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"Try to get away, Boruto!","Cepat lari, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you have Boruto!,Aku takkan serahkan Boruto padamu!,https://subscene.com/ +I saved the best for last!,"Ini teknik andalanku, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +A-Amazing!,Hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +You absolutely must notoverestimate your strength.,"Tapi, jangan sampai anggap kekuatan kalian sudah cukup untuk menghadapinya, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +More strength is requiredfrom here on out.,"Mulai dari sini, kita memerlukan lebih banyak kekuatan.",https://subscene.com/ +What are those?!,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +These are like the cocoonsthat nurture White Zetsu.,Ini kepompong untuk kembangbiakkan Zetsu Putih.,https://subscene.com/ +are like that monster?!,adalah monster itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, they're decomposed.","Sudah kuduga, mereka membusuk.",https://subscene.com/ +What if there are moreWhite Zetsu lurking in there?,Bagaimana kalau masih ada banyak Zetsu Putih bersembunyi di dalam sana?,https://subscene.com/ +These are—!,Bukankah ini...,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on with this one?,Apa yang terjadi padanya?,https://subscene.com/ +What's with these black flames?,Api hitam apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +This is Amaterasu!,Ini Amaterasu!,https://subscene.com/ +It's Mr. Sasuke!,Ini apinya kak Sasuke!,https://subscene.com/ +that can burn anything completely!,yang bisa bakar apa pun dalam sekejap!,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like there wereseveral dozens of them in here.,Sepertinya jumlahnya ada banyak di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you saying he destroyedall of them by himself?,Maksud Guru dia hancurkan semua ini sendirian?,https://subscene.com/ +The Zetsu we encountered must'vemanaged to escape and survive.,Zetsu yang kita hadapi tadi pasti berhasil kabur dan selamat dari serangannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"I guess I have no choice,since you've seen this much…","Karena sudah ada di sini, tak ada gunanya menyembunyikannya.",https://subscene.com/ +tracking the movements ofany remnants of Kaguya Otsutsuki.,melacak pergerakan sisa-sisa peninggalan dari Kaguya Otsutsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +He said it's an important dutythat only he can fulfill.,Papa bilang ini adalah misi penting yang hanya dia yang bisa melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +He can travel through time and spacewith the power of his Rinnegan.,Dia bisa berjalan lintasi ruang dan waktu dengan gunakan kekuatan Rinnegan miliknya.,https://subscene.com/ +A-Awesome!,Hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Sasuke is the one and only rivalthat Lord Seventh considers his equal.,Kak Sasuke adalah satu-satunya orang yang bisa imbangi Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +I heard that from my parent too…,Aku juga pernah mendengarnya dari ayahku.,https://subscene.com/ +who watches over the Hidden Leaf Villagefrom the shadows.,yang jaga Desa Konoha dari balik layar.,https://subscene.com/ +"I guess Sasuke ended upsaving you, Konohamaru.","Sepertinya Sasuke sudah selamatkanmu, Konohamaru.",https://subscene.com/ +"I know you're a clone, but why did youcome all the way out here?",Kenapa Anda jauh-jauh datang ke sini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Still, I can't believeyou found a ruin here too.","Tapi, tak kusangka kau juga temukan reruntuhan ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"For her to get these guys ready,","Sudah kuduga, sepertinya Kaguya",https://subscene.com/ +with some formidable enemies…,melawan musuh yang sangat kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +by creating an armyof monsters like these?,dengan cara ciptakan pasukan monster seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Who knows?,Entahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, we're being left in the dark,after all?","Pada akhirnya, kontribusi kita tak dianggap, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +That's what it's supposedto be like for genin.,Hal itu memang wajar bagi Genin seperti kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Even though we…,Padahal kita sudah...,https://subscene.com/ +"But when it counted most,we didn't have enough strength.","Tapi kalau dipikir lebih jauh, kita tak punya kekuatan yang cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru Sensei said we're not tosay a word about this to anyone.,Guru Konohamaru bilang kita tak boleh beri tahu apa pun tentang hal ini kepada orang lain.,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Sasuke is the one and only rivalthat Lord Seventh considers his equal.,Kak Sasuke adalah satu-satunya orang yang bisa imbangi Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +and Dad will acknowledge…,bahkan oleh ayah sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +I finally caught up.,Akhirnya kutemukan.,https://subscene.com/ +I thought it would justbe a fool's errand…,Kukira ini hanyalah perbuatan orang bodoh.,https://subscene.com/ +If you insist…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +and make them see thatBoruto Uzumaki is finally here!,serta buat mereka tahu kalau Boruto Uzumaki sudah hadir di depan mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +Children?,Anak-anak?,https://subscene.com/ +That's—!,Dia...,https://subscene.com/ +The answers you seek are there.,"Jawaban yang kau cari ada di sana, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, there's no doubt about it.","Ya, tak salah lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +He brought down all these shinobi.,Dia sudah jatuhkan para ninja ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Also… What is that monster?,"Dan juga, monster apa itu?",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto.","Hoi, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh?,Oh?,https://subscene.com/ +"""Wilt thou""?",Melawan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Boruto!","Tunggu, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"So, what?",Memangnya kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll tell thee my name.,Kalau begitu kuberitahukan namaku.,https://subscene.com/ +I have superhuman powers.,Aku adalah makhluk yang melampaui manusia.,https://subscene.com/ +This is…,Dia adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +Akuta?,Akuta?,https://subscene.com/ +It's not a puppet.,Itu bukanlah boneka.,https://subscene.com/ +unnecessary!,...tak perlu kujawab!,https://subscene.com/ +It's fast!,Cepatnya!,https://subscene.com/ +Battling strong people like youmakes me evolve more…,Bertarung dengan orang yang lebih kuat akan buatmu berkembang jadi lebih kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Is what a non-humanlike myself, desires!",Itulah keinginanku!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell are you talking about?,Omong kosong apa yang kaubicarakan?,https://subscene.com/ +He hasn't seen my jutsu yet.,Dia masih belum tahu teknikku.,https://subscene.com/ +"aiming forsome clever scheme, however…",pastinya kalian berencana mengincar hal yang lain.,https://subscene.com/ +It's…!,Dia...,https://subscene.com/ +"However, to reachthe pinnacle of strength,","Tapi, untuk mencapai puncak kekuatan,",https://subscene.com/ +We finally made it here…,Akhirnya kami sudah tiba di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll tear through anyonewho gets in my way,",Akan kuhabisi siapa pun yang menghalangi.,https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style!,風遁,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +Shadow Paralysis Jutsu!,影縛りの術,https://subscene.com/ +You're aiming for—!,Yang diincar adalah...,https://subscene.com/ +Zombie!,Boneka tak berotak!,https://subscene.com/ +We've been fighting togetherfor a while now.,"Kita sudah cukup lama bertarung bersama, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Now it's three against one.,Sekarang tiga lawan satu.,https://subscene.com/ +Too slow!,Lambat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if you can follow with your eyes,your body can't keep up.","Meskipun matamu bisa mengimbangiku, tapi tubuhmu tidak.",https://subscene.com/ +What did you do to Sarada?!,Apa yang kaulakukan pada Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +Why are you—?!,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't forget that I'm here too, okay?","Jangan lupa kalau aku juga ada di sini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We were…,"Memang, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +We hesitated at first…,"Awalnya kami merasa ragu,",https://subscene.com/ +so we couldn't just go home.,kami pun tak tega kembali.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto! Sarada!,"Boruto, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +"You two, go on ahead andcatch up to Mitsuki!",Kalian pergi saja ke tempatnya Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +"If he manages to delay us,we won't be able to get to Mitsuki.","Kalau dia menghambat begini, kita tak bisa menyusul Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +I owe you!,Aku berutang budi padamu!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess they just decidedwhat we're gonna do.,Mereka pergi begitu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +C'mon…,Nah.,https://subscene.com/ +Fine…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +how weak humans are.,...betapa lemahnya manusia itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you worried?,Kau khawatir?,https://subscene.com/ +You must trust him a lot.,"Kau pasti sangat memercayainya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It's not that at all!,Bukan seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Getting stronger ishis reason for living.,Alasan hidupnya adalah jadi lebih kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +"After all, we're really closeto the border.","Soalnya kita sudah dekat dengan perbatasan, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +You understand them?,Kau bisa pahami ucapan mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +And? What did they say?,"Lalu, apa yang mereka katakan?",https://subscene.com/ +And they're ninja kids… Two of them.,"Ditambah lagi, mereka adalah dua ninja anak-anak.",https://subscene.com/ +Now I'm really curious aboutwhat they're like!,Aku jadi penasaran mereka seperti apa!,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, I can't let you do that.","Maaf, tak bisa.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't like doing stuff like this…,"Sebenarnya aku tak suka melakukan ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, Mitsuki.","Maaf ya, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I finally get to see you again!,"Akhirnya aku bisa bertemu denganmu lagi, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +I can't think straight.,aku jadi kebingungan sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +I know what you're thinking.,Aku tahu kok apa yang sedang kaupikirkan!,https://subscene.com/ +He's our fellow teammate.,Soalnya dia adalah teman setim kita.,https://subscene.com/ +But I'm going to tell hima thing or two.,"Tapi, untuk hari ini, aku akan memarahinya dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, we can hear allabout it from him…","Benar, kita harus dengar penjelasannya darinya langsung.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,"Eh, eh,",https://subscene.com/ +There's one more?!,"Ada satu musuh lagi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm really curious about you.,Aku sangat penasaran dengan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, he's one of the guyswho persuaded Mitsuki.","Ya, dia salah satu orang yang membujuk Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, so…","Eh, eh,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm really curious!,Aku sangat penasaran!,https://subscene.com/ +He's already betrayed youand he's one of us now.,"dia sudah khianati kalian dan jadi teman kami, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Quit joking around!,Jangan bicara konyol!,https://subscene.com/ +Okay.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's a bunch of lies.,Jangan berbohong pada kami!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh well, never mind.","Ya, terserah saja, lah!",https://subscene.com/ +Was that earlier explosioncaused by that too?,Apa ledakan yang barusan dari teknik ini juga?,https://subscene.com/ +I think this jutsu that was implantedinside me is called Detonating Clay…,"Teknik yang ditanamkan ke dalam tubuhku ini disebut teknik tanah liat ledakan, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Did you say…it was implanted?,Teknik itu ditanamkan ke tubuhmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Kokuyou and I were created withspecial powers and jutsu.,Kokuyou dan aku diciptakan dari teknik dan kekuatan istimewa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, damn it!","Aduh, keceplosan!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh well, who cares?","Ya, mau bagaimana lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, show me more ofhow interesting humans are!","Ayolah, tunjukkan lagi padaku betapa menariknya manusia itu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Fine, I'll show you!","Baiklah, akan kutunjukkan padamu!",https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Mustahil!,https://subscene.com/ +You can do stuff like this!,Kau bisa lakukan hal semacam itu juga!,https://subscene.com/ +I've got this now!,Sekarang kemenangan sudah berada di tanganku!,https://subscene.com/ +Garaga!,Garaga!,https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +I don't wanna.,Aku tak mau.,https://subscene.com/ +"I said, I don't wanna, you brat!","Aku bilang tak mau, Bocah Sialan!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't get the wrong idea.,Jangan salah paham dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +This fight doesn't involve me.,Pertarungan ini sama sekali tak ada hubungannya denganku.,https://subscene.com/ +This is so funny!,Lucu sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +But I can't do that.,"Tapi, tak boleh begitu juga, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"H-He's like, super strong!",Dia ini kuat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, guys!","Bertahanlah, Teman-teman!",https://subscene.com/ +But your strength is nothingcompared to mine.,tapi kekuatan kalian tak ada apa-apanya dibandingkan denganku.,https://subscene.com/ +All because you're too weak.,Itu gara-gara kau yang terlalu lemah.,https://subscene.com/ +Sealing Jutsu:Crouching Tiger Bullet!,封印術・虎視眈弾,https://subscene.com/ +Hurry!,Cepat!,https://subscene.com/ +"They're weak, but wise enough.","Mereka memang lemah, tapi tak bodoh.",https://subscene.com/ +Right now…,Tapi saat ini...,https://subscene.com/ +He's right…,Benar yang dia katakan.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +Serves you right!,Rasakan!,https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, you'll end up dead.","Kalau terus begini, kau akan mati di tengah jalan.",https://subscene.com/ +"If you're not going tohelp me fight, keep quiet!","Kalau tak mau bantu, lebih baik kau diam!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you really wanna seeMitsuki that much?","Eh, apa kau sebegitu inginnya bertemu dengan Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +He's… He's my friend.,Dia itu temanku.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that somethingyou decided arbitrarily on your own?,Bukankah itu hanya sesuatu yang kau putuskan seorang diri?,https://subscene.com/ +But…that's why…,"Tapi karena itulah,",https://subscene.com/ +I have to see him again…and really get to know him.,dan mengenalnya lebih jauh lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't lose to you right now!,Kali ini aku takkan kalah darimu!,https://subscene.com/ +Stop acting so proud…,Jangan terlalu percaya diri.,https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +Just get lost already!,Pergi saja sana!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, this is getting boring.",Situasinya jadi semakin membosankan.,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +But…no one tells me to get lost!,"Tapi, tak ada satu pun manusia di dunia ini yang boleh memerintahku!",https://subscene.com/ +D-Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +Take this!,Terima ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"However, I have other thingsup my sleeve!","Tapi, aku masih simpan senjata lain!",https://subscene.com/ +You're mine!,Kena kau!,https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing here?,Kenapa kau ada di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +I really wanted to see you!,Aku sangat ingin bertemu denganmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Why…?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"You know,we had a really rough time!","Kau ini, kami sangat kesulitan mencarimu!",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki?,Mitsuki?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah… I'll manage.,"Ya, begitulah.",https://subscene.com/ +Sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +What did you just—?,Bicara apa kau?,https://subscene.com/ +This is…my will.,Ini kehendakku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +You were spying on us?,Kau memata-matai kami?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, my suspicions have been cleared.","Dengan begini, kecurigaanku padamu sudah hilang sepenuhnya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, here!","Lihatlah, ini milikmu!",https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Style…,雷遁,https://subscene.com/ +No way!,Tak mungkin!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's go.,Ayo.,https://subscene.com/ +Humph…just a husk.,"Hem, dasar lemah.",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey Mitsuki,have you ever cried before?","Eh, Mitsuki, apa sebelumnya kau pernah menangis?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm really curious about it.,Aku penasaran.,https://subscene.com/ +Weren't you friends?,Bukankah kalian berteman baik?,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"Now, let's begin our final lesson.","Baiklah, mari kita mulai pelajaran terakhir kita.",https://subscene.com/ +"Sensei, are you madabout something?","Guru sepertinya sedang marah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Sensei's seriously lost it!,"Guru benar-benar marah, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Why should I?,Kenapa harus aku?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to kill all of you now…,...sekarang aku akan bunuh kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +Is this happening for real?,Ya-Yang benar saja?,https://subscene.com/ +Now's not the time to be impressed.,"Bukan waktunya terkesan, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +You have got to be kidding.,"Ini bohong, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I've had enough of everything!,Semua itu sudah sangat keterlaluan!,https://subscene.com/ +I've been liberated!,Aku benar-benar dikecewakan!,https://subscene.com/ +just like these insects!,sama seperti serangga-serangga ini!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Stop…me?,Menghentikanku?,https://subscene.com/ +It didn't work?,"Tak mempan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it,",Cih!,https://subscene.com/ +there's still too many!,jumlahnya terlalu banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +Troublemakers who constantlygive their teacher a hard time…,Pembuat onar yang selalu susahkan gurunya.,https://subscene.com/ +And disruptive outsiders…,Murid luar yang selalu merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Therefore…,Karena itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Wind Style: Immense Breakthrough.,風遁・突破,https://subscene.com/ +Where are we going?,Pergi ke mana kau?,https://subscene.com/ +My insects willfollow you everywhere.,"Tapi, seranggaku akan ikuti kalian ke mana pun.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, he's definitely not the same.","Tapi, dia tak seperti yang selama ini.",https://subscene.com/ +He's using the insectsto absorb chakra…,Dia gunakan serangga untuk serap chakra.,https://subscene.com/ +And Sensei is seriousabout killing us right now.,"Saat ini, guru benar-benar ingin bunuh kita.",https://subscene.com/ +we could try knockingsome sense into him.,kita harus mengalahkannya dan kembalikan kesadarannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"According to my Dad,","Menurut ayahku,",https://subscene.com/ +Even the three of us combinedare no match for him.,"Meski kita bertiga gabungkan kekuatan, kita takkan bisa menang.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't thinkthat will work either.,Kurasa itu pun tak ada gunanya.,https://subscene.com/ +have rapidly spreadthroughout the forest.,sudah menyebar ke seluruh hutan.,https://subscene.com/ +they'll probably find usbefore we even get out.,mungkin serangga-serangga itu akan temukan kita sebelum sempat keluar.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, we're basically blocked in?!","Kita sudah terjebak, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"for making Sensei flip outin the first place, Boruto!",semua ini salahmu karena sudah buat guru kehilangan kesabaran!,https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, I'm not the only onewho drove him to that point.","Ha, bukan hanya aku yang buatnya marah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"So, what's this shadowthat only you can see?",Sebenarnya bayangan apa yang kaulihat itu?,https://subscene.com/ +According to the schedule…,"Kalau dilihat dari jadwalnya,",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I hope he hasn't beenbrooding over it.,kuharap dia sudah kembali seperti biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +Running around with his students,Berlarian bersama murid-muridnya,https://subscene.com/ +I sure hope so…,Kuharap juga begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +W-What the hell…,A-Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Bugs!,Serangga!,https://subscene.com/ +That's not one of Sensei's insects.,Itu bukan serangga milik guru.,https://subscene.com/ +The fact that we don't seeSensei's insects,"Tapi, kalau serangga guru tak ada di sini",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!Don't let your guard down.,"Hoi, jangan lengah.",https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing?,Sedang apa kau itu?,https://subscene.com/ +You shouldn't have said that!,Harusnya tadi tak beri tanda begitu!,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Explosions don't work?,Bahkan ledakan pun tak mempan?,https://subscene.com/ +You don't stand a chanceagainst my Parasitic Insects!,Kalian takkan bisa lawan Serangga Parasit milikku!,https://subscene.com/ +Run until you understand thatit's all in vain.,Berlarilah sampai kalian sadar kalau usaha kalian sia-sia saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hurry, this way!","Cepat, lewat sini!",https://subscene.com/ +It's kind of a letdownwatching them…,Mereka terlihat menyedihkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd forgottenhow it feels to battle.,Sudah lama aku tak rasakan bagaimana rasanya bertarung.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, where were you all this time?","Hoi, dari mana saja kau?",https://subscene.com/ +It's no use.,Percuma saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto.","Eh, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"about Shino Sensei""getting like that too…""",kaubilang kalau Guru Shino alami gejala yang sama.,https://subscene.com/ +"Up to now,there's been a couple guys","Sampai saat ini, sudah ada beberapa orang",https://subscene.com/ +I could see a creepyshadow-like thing around them.,Aku bisa lihat bayangan menakutkan selimuti tubuh mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyways, we better get outta here.","Yang penting, kita harus segera keluar dari sini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Without a plan,he's gonna catch up with us again.","Kalau kita tak susun rencana, kita pasti akan tertangkap lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +You haven't recovered the chakrathat was taken from you yet.,"Chakra-mu masih belum pulih setelah diserap oleh guru, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +If you can't escape then…,"Kalau kita tak bisa melarikan diri,",https://subscene.com/ +"kill Sensei witheverything you've got, right?","hanyalah membunuh guru itu dengan seluruh kekuatan kita, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Then what's wrongwith doing the same?,Kenapa kita tak lakukan hal yang sama?,https://subscene.com/ +If you don't do anything…,"Kalau kita tak lakukan sesuatu,",https://subscene.com/ +"Nevertheless, there are some thingsthat you just don't do!","Tapi tetap saja, ada beberapa hal yang tak boleh kita lakukan!",https://subscene.com/ +"Killing aside,","Daripada bunuh guru,",https://subscene.com/ +Haven't you noticed?,Apa kalian sadar?,https://subscene.com/ +he just let the insects go wild.,dia hanya biarkan serangga miliknya mengamuk sesuka hati.,https://subscene.com/ +"In other words, Sensei's snapped,so he's lost his usual composure.","Dengan kata lain, saat ini guru tak bisa kendalikan kekuatannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"But if we can'tget rid of those insects,","Tapi, kalau kita tak bisa hentikan serangga-serangga itu,",https://subscene.com/ +I have a plan.,Aku punya ide.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll need someone to take ona dangerous role.,aku perlu seseorang yang berani ambil risiko.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Shouldn't the person whosuggests it be the decoy?,Bukankah lebih baik orang yang punya ide ini yang jadi umpan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Considering how youjust used Wind Style,","Dilihat dari bagaimana kau gunakan Elemen Angin,",https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +to send one of your comradesto their death.,untuk buat temanmu tewas.,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides,","Di samping itu,",https://subscene.com/ +I bet you still have somesecret weapons up your sleeve?,"kau masih sembunyikan beberapa teknik rahasia, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Unlike Boruto, I don't trust you.","Tak seperti Boruto, aku tak memercayaimu.",https://subscene.com/ +so show me what you're hiding!,cepat tunjukkan jati dirimu!,https://subscene.com/ +Let me be the decoy!,Biar aku yang jadi umpan!,https://subscene.com/ +You could really die!,"Kau bisa saja benar-benar mati, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +I'd better take responsibilityfor my actions.,Setidaknya biar aku yang selesaikan masalah yang kubuat.,https://subscene.com/ +I also want to help everyone.,aku juga mau selamatkan semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Everyone?,Semuanya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Because if push comes to shove,I can…","Kalau aku, di saat terdesak bisa...",https://subscene.com/ +"When I say everyone,I mean Shino Sensei",Yang kumaksud semuanya itu Guru Shino juga.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not giving up till the end.,"Sampai akhir, aku takkan menyerah.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll soon find out…,Aku akan segera mengetahuinya,https://subscene.com/ +I understand.,Aku mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +It seems you've finally given upand are prepared to meet your fate.,"Sepertinya kau mulai menyerah dan siap terima takdirmu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Just kidding!,Jangan bercanda!,https://subscene.com/ +"Instead of running,","Daripada lari,",https://subscene.com/ +That's the oldest trickin the book.,Ini trik lama yang ada di dalam buku.,https://subscene.com/ +And this one too.,Yang ini juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Same trick again!,Trik yang sama lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you get awayfrom this distance!,"Di jarak seperti ini, kau takkan bisa kabur!",https://subscene.com/ +You're keeping mequite entertained.,"Kalian bisa sedikit menghiburku, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"What's the matter,transfer student?","Ada apa, Murid Pindahan?",https://subscene.com/ +You were going to useyour Shadow Paralysis,Kau berniat gunakan Peniru Bayangan,https://subscene.com/ +You figured the insects could becontained in the water.,"Kau pasti berpikir kalau di dalam air, serangga pasti takkan bisa bergerak.",https://subscene.com/ +We'll see about that.,Kurasa itu tak benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Now, Mitsuki!","Sekarang, Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +Not a bad strategy…But…,"Strategi yang tak buruk, tapi...",https://subscene.com/ +"that could be usedunderwater, huh…?","yang bisa digunakan di dalam air, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Style…,雷遁,https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Style should be able topenetrate through his body,"Saat guru sedang persiapkan serangganya, seharusnya teknik Elemen Petir Mitsuki",https://subscene.com/ +Even if he is a jonin…,Ninja kelas Jonin sekalipun pasti...,https://subscene.com/ +without killing him…,"tanpa membunuhnya,",https://subscene.com/ +Oh?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +…way more than I expected.,...kekuatanku terlalu berlebihan.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't give up!,Jangan menyerah!,https://subscene.com/ +I…,Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! Stop showing off!,"Dasar, jangan bertingkah sok keren!",https://subscene.com/ +My chakra is—!,Chakra-ku...,https://subscene.com/ +Wait!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +Sensei!,Guru!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"HEALTH OFFICEEveryone, I'm very sorry.",Aku benar-benar minta maaf pada kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +"Clearly,I wasn't myself at that time.",Aku benar-benar tak sadar dengan apa yang sudah kulakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you really weren't yourself!","Jadi, Anda memang melakukannya tanpa sadar, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"I can only vaguely remember,but I had no sense of reality…","Aku tak terlalu mengingatnya, yang jelas aku tak sadar dengan apa yang kulakukan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Even still,what I did to you is unforgivable.","Meski begitu, apa yang sudah kulakukan terhadap kalian tak bisa dimaafkan.",https://subscene.com/ +I will take responsibilityand resign as a teacher.,aku akan bertanggung jawab dan mengundurkan diri sebagai guru kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +It's not like anyone got hurt.Don't be so dramatic.,"Tak ada seorang pun dari kami yang terluka, Anda tak perlu bertindak sejauh itu.",https://subscene.com/ +it's our fault for getting youmad in the first place…right?,"dari awal kami yang salah karena buat Anda marah, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't realize how muchit was weighing on your mind.,Aku tak sadar bahwa masalah itu akan sangat bebani pikiran Anda.,https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, I had no idea you werethat strong, Shino Sensei!","Omong-omong, aku tak sangka bahwa Anda sekuat itu, Guru Shino!",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +I get it…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"You say something, Mitsuki?","Apa kau bilang sesuatu barusan, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +Nothing.,"Tidak, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"You might not havegood people skills,","Kau mungkin tak punya bakat untuk jadi orang yang baik,",https://subscene.com/ +That's why you've been blessedwith good friends.,"Karena itulah, kau punya teman-teman yang baik.",https://subscene.com/ +That's the natural gift you haveas a teacher.,Itu merupakan bakat alami yang kaumiliki sebagai seorang guru.,https://subscene.com/ +but I have no self-awareness,tapi aku sama sekali tak tahu,https://subscene.com/ +"In a sense,","Ya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, if Shinohad really attacked them,","Ya, kalau Shino benar-benar serius serang mereka,",https://subscene.com/ +It must be tough witha bunch of bad kids like that.,Pasti sulit bagimu urus anak-anak nakal seperti mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I guess.","Tak juga, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +I've got nothing to counter that…,Aku tak bisa menyangkalnya.,https://subscene.com/ +this is some kind ofmysterious power,ini merupakan kekuatan misterius,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, looks like we havea situation brewing in our village","Ya, sepertinya sesuatu yang berbahaya sedang berkeliaran di desa kita",https://subscene.com/ +"I know you're busy,","Aku tahu kau sibuk dengan pekerjaanmu,",https://subscene.com/ +"Absolutely, Lord Seventh.","Tentu saja, Hokage Ketujuh.",https://subscene.com/ +I guess…so?,Sepertinya begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"He's been persistentlyfollowing us,","Dia terus ikuti kita,",https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +I haven't been able toeat properly…,sampai tak bisa makan dengan teratur.,https://subscene.com/ +Next time onBoruto: Naruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +You're here again?,"Kau ke sini lagi, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Even the pros gave up on it,didn't they?",Bukankah ahlinya saja sudah menyerah?,https://subscene.com/ +It's the only tree thatsurvived the battle,Ini adalah satu-satunya pohon,https://subscene.com/ +I want to take care of it myself.,Aku ingin merawatnya sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +but is everything all setfor the summit?,"tapi kau sudah persiapkan pertemuannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +FIREYeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Hokage is obviouslythe strongest!,Tentu saja Tn. Hokage-lah yang paling kuat!,https://subscene.com/ +What's with them?,Ada apa dengan mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't make such a big deal outof the Five Kage Summit.,Jangan terlalu lebih-lebihkan pertemuan para Kage itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Uncle Gaara always bringsquestionable presents.,Paman Gaara selalu bawa oleh-oleh yang aneh.,https://subscene.com/ +"Whoa, awesome!","Wah, hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +Seems like you're really motivated!,Kau terlihat sangat bersemangat!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Seriously?,"Eh, yang benar?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah! Lord Eighth!,"Yo, Hokage Kedelapan!",https://subscene.com/ +"Just recently,you were dissing ninjas…",Padahal dulunya kau sangat remehkan ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Unlike you,I'm done being a child.","Tak sepertimu, aku tak terus-menerus bersikap kekanak-kanakan.",https://subscene.com/ +What's not childish about you?!,Memangnya kau bukan anak-anak?,https://subscene.com/ +Aiming to become the Hokageis fine.,Bermimpi jadi Hokage itu memang bagus-bagus saja.,https://subscene.com/ +you'd better mastersome kind of special jutsu!,kau harus bisa kuasai teknik yang unik!,https://subscene.com/ +What a klutz!,Dasar payah!,https://subscene.com/ +That was just luck.,"Hanya beruntung saja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"What, Mitsuki?","Apa, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +– No way!– No way!,"Tak mungkin, lah!",https://subscene.com/ +Sarada has the Sha…rin…,Sarada punya Sha-,https://subscene.com/ +What was that about?,Apa yang dia katakan?,https://subscene.com/ +Forget them. Listen up.,"Hoi, daripada pikirkan mereka, dengarkanlah aku.",https://subscene.com/ +Shh! Not so loud!,"Hoi, jangan keras-keras!",https://subscene.com/ +"You're not very creative,are you?","Pikiranmu sempit sekali, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, that time,I lacked a little something.","Saat itu, ada sesuatu yang masih kurang.",https://subscene.com/ +"Art, huh?","Seni, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"No way, that's so childish.","Tak mau, kekanak-kanakan sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +"The Five Kage Summit is today,","Hari ini adalah Pertemuan Lima Kage,",https://subscene.com/ +That's the whole point!,Justru karena itu kita melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"is what being a shinobiis all about, right?!","adalah hal yang harus bisa dilakukan ninja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Good luck, Boruto.","Semoga berhasil ya, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"Mom said I might gettargeted again,","Mama bilang aku mungkin bisa diincar lagi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Also, I'm thinking it will be more funif I master it first,","Selain itu, kupikir jauh lebih menyenangkan kalau aku menguasainya dulu",https://subscene.com/ +"There she is, Devil Saradareveals herself!","Duh, Devil Sarada-nya keluar!",https://subscene.com/ +so will you help me withtraining after school?,jadi maukah kau membantuku latihan setelah pulang sekolah?,https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you ask your mom?,Kenapa tak minta bantuan mamamu saja?,https://subscene.com/ +"We just moved to a new place,","Kami baru saja pindahan ke rumah baru,",https://subscene.com/ +I should've labelled the boxes!,Harusnya aku labeli apa isi kardusnya!,https://subscene.com/ +The air is filled with tension,Suasana di sekitar kantornya,https://subscene.com/ +ICHIRAKU– What you just said calls for an explanation!– The heads of the five shinobi villages,"Pimpinan dari kelima desa ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +"Will you guys please stop,we're in a restaurant!","Kita lagi di restoran, jangan berantem terus, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +LIGHTNINGTh-There he is!,Datang juga!,https://subscene.com/ +What a flashy entrance…,Datangnya mencolok sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +"he trusted Darui's abilities so much,he is known to have said,","dia sangat memercayai kemampuanya, sampai-sampai beliau bilang,",https://subscene.com/ +Right arm?!,Tangan kanan?,https://subscene.com/ +"One of the Seven Ninja Swords Menof the Mist from Hidden Mist Village,","Salah satu dari Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang dari Kirigakure,",https://subscene.com/ +A sword?,Pedang?,https://subscene.com/ +Th-There's the Fourth Tsuchikage.,"Datang juga, Tsuchikage Keempat.",https://subscene.com/ +EARTHI venture to say…,"Aku bahkan berani bilang,",https://subscene.com/ +I'll admit…,"Memang sih,",https://subscene.com/ +I think it would be a great match…,kurasa itu akan jadi pertarungan yang seimbang.,https://subscene.com/ +Also known asthe Prince of the Sand Gourd!,Dikenal juga sebagai Pangeran Padang Pasir!,https://subscene.com/ +WINDThe boy genius borne ofthe Hidden Sand!,Bocah genius yang terlahir di desa pasir!,https://subscene.com/ +I agree!,Aku setuju!,https://subscene.com/ +Not this one either.,Bukan yang ini juga.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't find the claim ticket forthe photo we took last time.,Aku tak bisa temukan tiket untuk ambil foto yang kemarin kita cetak.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I told you tolabel the boxes.,"Makanya, sudah kubilang untuk melabelinya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Tadah!,Jreng!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's something important,so I picked it up earlier.","Karena sangat penting, makanya tadi kuambil.",https://subscene.com/ +What a great photo!,Hasilnya bagus sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I have something to do.","Ya, aku ada sedikit keperluan.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll help when I get back.,"Pas pulang nanti, akan kubantu.",https://subscene.com/ +FIREIt's been fifteen yearssince the Fourth Great Ninja War…,Sudah lima belas tahun berlalu sejak Perang Dunia Ninja Keempat.,https://subscene.com/ +Not only in the Land of Fire…,"Tak hanya di negeri api,",https://subscene.com/ +thanks to everyone's perseveranceand hard work.,itu semua berkat kerja keras dan ketekunan semua orang.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm helping you, so don't whine!","Aku sedang membantumu, jadi jangan mengeluh!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm annoyed now!,Aku kesal sekarang!,https://subscene.com/ +Sharingan lets you copysomeone else's jutsu?,"Sharingan itu bisa buatmu tiru teknik milik orang lain, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +But I still have a ways to gobefore I master it…,"Tapi, aku masih belum bisa menguasainya.",https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +I was wonderingwho was training out here…,Kukira siapa tadi yang sedang berlatih di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +About Sharingan?,"Tentang Sharingan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You're a child of the Uchiha.,Kau adalah keturunan dari klan Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +Quit putting on airs. Just tell her.,"Jangan berbelit-belit dong, cepat katakan!",https://subscene.com/ +First is superb kinetic vision.,Pertama adalah kecepatan daya lihatnya yang luar biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +"copy it, and make it your own.","menirunya, dan membuatnya jadi teknik milikmu sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +And the third is powerful genjutsu…,Dan yang ketiga adalah Genjutsu yang sangat kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, average shinobican use genjutsu,","Tentu saja, ninja biasa bisa gunakan Genjutsu,",https://subscene.com/ +That's awesome!,Hebat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"you must be cautious and be surethat you can use it effectively, okay?","kau harus berhati-hati dan harus bisa menggunakannya dengan bijak, mengerti?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What do you mean?,"Ha, apa maksudmu?",https://subscene.com/ +"You've taken a step closerto becoming the Hokage, Sarada!","Kau sudah selangkah lebih dekat untuk jadi seorang Hokage, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh? You're aiming to becomethe Hokage, Sarada?","Oh, kau ingin jadi seorang Hokage ya, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +Yes!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +That makes us rivals.,Sekarang kita bersaing.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't it only natural?,"Tentu saja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I've idolized Big Brother Narutoand honed my skills!,aku sudah idolakan kak Naruto dan asah kemampuanku!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess becoming the Hokageisn't going to be easy.,Sepertinya jadi seorang Hokage akan jadi misi yang tak mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +That idiot said he has no interestin becoming the Hokage.,Si bodoh itu bilang dia tak tertarik untuk jadi seorang Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +He's just frustrated that,Dia hanya merasa frustrasi,https://subscene.com/ +"Since I grew up being the grandsonof the Third Hokage,","Karena aku tumbuh dan hidup sebagai cucu dari Hokage Ketiga,",https://subscene.com/ +Then…,Kalau begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +"As the daughter ofthe famous Ino-Shika-Cho trio,","Sebagai putri dari trio Ino-Shika-Cho,",https://subscene.com/ +Not at all.,Tak juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay… Thanks.,"Ya, terima kasih.",https://subscene.com/ +A friend you can compete with…is a very dependable friend to have.,Teman yang jadi saingan adalah teman yang sangat berharga.,https://subscene.com/ +HOKAGE'S OFFICEWe'll now have a closed session.,Sekarang kami akan adakan rapat tertutup.,https://subscene.com/ +Shall we get into the real agenda?,Kita akan langsung bicarakan agenda utama kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Wasn't there something urgent todiscuss regarding his mission?,Bukankah rapat ini tentang sesuatu yang mendesak dan berhubungan dengan misinya?,https://subscene.com/ +It's a situationwhich calls for quick action.,Situasi sekarang memerlukan gerak cepat dari kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Our shinobi world…,Dunia ninja kita,https://subscene.com/ +"You're going to fill us inon the details, aren't you?","Kau kumpulkan kami semua untuk ceritakan detailnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"and Shin Uchiha, whom I battled…","dan Shin Uchiha, yang kulawan tempo hari...",https://subscene.com/ +is the description ofa parallel dimension.,yaitu adanya dimensi paralel.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sasuke was investigating thaton his mission, wasn't he?","Jadi, Sasuke sedang selidiki dimensi paralel itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Kaguya, the one Sasukeand I sealed back then","Kaguya, orang yang sudah disegel olehku dan Sasuke dulu",https://subscene.com/ +You mean the White Zetsuthat Madara mobilized?,Maksudnya Zetsu Putih yang dikerahkan oleh Madara?,https://subscene.com/ +Kaguya herself waspowerful enough.,Kaguya sendiri juga sangat kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +We discovered that the White Zetsuwere created way before,"Sejak awal, Zetsu Putih itu",https://subscene.com/ +That's impossible!,Itu mustahil!,https://subscene.com/ +Intel we've gathered so far…,"Menurut info yang kita dapat sejauh ini,",https://subscene.com/ +an existence even more frighteningthan Kaguya will appear in this world.,Di dunia ini akan muncul makhluk yang lebih mengerikan daripada Kaguya.,https://subscene.com/ +"The Hokage, huh?","Hokage, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?!,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +And the White Zetsu armyis for that purpose?,Untuk itukah pasukan Zetsu Putih ada?,https://subscene.com/ +And you investigated somethingso important like this behind our backs?,Dan hal sepenting itu kau selidiki diam-diam.,https://subscene.com/ +It was my plan to keep this quietuntil we obtained concrete proof.,Akulah yang minta untuk merahasiakannya sampai ada bukti nyatanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"We may be at peace now,","Sedamai apa pun sekarang ini,",https://subscene.com/ +How do we explain thisto our people?,Bagaimana cara jelaskan hal ini pada penduduk desa?,https://subscene.com/ +"I can't believe thatthis could be false intel,","Tak mungkin rasanya ini informasi palsu,",https://subscene.com/ +The future ought to stay bright.,Lebih baik masa depan tetap cerah.,https://subscene.com/ +How much time do we have untilthis new enemy appears?,Berapa lama lagi hingga musuh baru ini muncul?,https://subscene.com/ +We haven't been ableto pin that down.,Kami belum bisa memastikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +If it occurs inthe next generation…,"Tapi, kalau kemungkinan terjadi di generasi setelah kita...",https://subscene.com/ +"It's hard to say it out loud,but I'll say it.","Berat rasanya mengatakannya, tapi aku terus terang saja.",https://subscene.com/ +The tension-filled past betweenthe Five Great Nations has changed.,Masa lalu penuh ketegangan di antara lima negara besar sudah usai.,https://subscene.com/ +is a deep concern forevery village.,adalah masalah di tiap-tiap desa.,https://subscene.com/ +Our generation united asthe Allied Shinobi Force.,Generasi kita bersatu sebagai Pasukan Aliansi Ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +But there's no guarantee thatthe next generation can win.,"Tapi, tak ada jaminan generasi berikutnya bisa menang.",https://subscene.com/ +"who will destroy this existencethat surpasses Kaguya,","hancurkan makhluk yang melebihi Kaguya,",https://subscene.com/ +Don't you have anythingbetter to do?,Dasar kurang kerjaan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Gaara, why don't yousay something?","Gaara, apa kau tak ingin bilang apa-apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Is there any generation thathasn't been compared like that?,Memangnya ada generasi yang tak dibanding-bandingkan begini?,https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you deface the Hokage!,Takkan kubiarkan kau mengotori Hokage!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hokage are old-fashioned,disgraceful and useless!","Hokage itu kuno, menjijikkan, dan omong kosong!",https://subscene.com/ +that everyone in the entire villageis like his family!,semua penduduk desa adalah keluarga bagi dirinya!,https://subscene.com/ +War isn't the only kindof conflict there is.,"Maksudku, permasalahannya bukan hanya perang saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"If you think hard on it,you can relate, can't you?","Kalau direnungkan lagi, kalian paham maksudku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I don't believethat those kids are weak.,aku tak anggap anak-anak itu lemah.,https://subscene.com/ +"But someday,they'll surpass us as shinobi…","tapi suatu saat, mereka akan jadi ninja yang melebihi kita.",https://subscene.com/ +I have faith in that.,Percayalah.,https://subscene.com/ +You want to continue?,Masih mau lanjut?,https://subscene.com/ +Let's continue this another time!,"Kita lanjut kapan-kapan saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Looks like I've won, Sarada!","Kayaknya aku yang menang ya, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +Bad news!,Ini gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +Th-That kid…,Dia itu...,https://subscene.com/ +He might just become a shinobithat surpasses us.,Mungkin benar juga mereka akan lebihi kita suatu hari nanti!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm okay with being a coward,totally fine with it!","Aku tak keberatan disebut pengecut, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +But you're okay with that…right?,"Katanya kau tak keberatan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What is that jutsu?!,Apa-apaan teknikmu itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"H-Hey, wait!","Ampun, ampun!",https://subscene.com/ +Give me a break! I'm gonna die.,"Jangan, aku bisa mati!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I want you allto be very careful.,aku ingin kalian sangat berhati-hati.,https://subscene.com/ +"If something does happen,","Kalau memang terjadi masalah,",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know what kinda place this is,but I'll stir things up, ya know?!","Aku tak tahu tempatnya seperti apa, tapi aku masih tetap bersemangat, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"""The Turbulent Field Trip""",Gejolak dalam Perjalanan Luar Desa!,https://subscene.com/ +just because we werea little late.,"jangan bersikap begitu padaku, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +We should've letSarada lead the way.,Memang seharusnya Sarada saja yang jadi penunjuk jalan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Stop ganging up on me,you guys!","Jangan salahkan aku terus, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm notthe class representative anymore.,"Aku sudah bukan ketua kelas lagi, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, are you heading overto Ms. Suika's?","Omong-omong, ini kau mau ke tempatnya Guru Suika?",https://subscene.com/ +We just finished our mission.,Kami baru saja selesaikan misi.,https://subscene.com/ +I already said sorry.,"Aku sudah minta maaf, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You two get along so well!,"Kalian ini akrab sekali, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"There, you see?","Nah, jawabnya saja kompak.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +That's the request we received.,Begitulah permintaan yang kami dapat.,https://subscene.com/ +That's a perfect missionfor our team.,Benar-benar misi yang cocok dengan tim kita.,https://subscene.com/ +I love animals!,"Aku suka binatang, sih!",https://subscene.com/ +"Right, Wasabi?","Ya 'kan, Wasabi?",https://subscene.com/ +Wow! It's been so long,"Wah, sudah lama sekali",https://subscene.com/ +Usually it's…,Biasanya...,https://subscene.com/ +But…you all just made my jobso worthwhile!,"Tapi, berkat kalian aku jadi bisa bersyukur ambil pekerjaan ini!",https://subscene.com/ +"Someone stole the keys,","Seseorang curi kuncinya,",https://subscene.com/ +is what it says.,Begitu yang tertulis.,https://subscene.com/ +That's still a mystery.,Mengenai itu masih belum diketahui.,https://subscene.com/ +All the animals that escaped wereborn and raised in the park.,Semua binatang yang lepas itu lahir dan dibesarkan di kebun binatang.,https://subscene.com/ +Then we have to find themas soon as possible!,Kalau begitu kita harus temukan mereka sesegera mungkin!,https://subscene.com/ +This is the list ofthe escaped animals?,"Jadi, ini daftar binatang yang lepas?",https://subscene.com/ +I don't see any dangerous animalson the list.,rasanya tak ada binatang buas di daftar ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"""Deal with this on your own""?",Urus sendiri?,https://subscene.com/ +I want you three tocomplete this mission.,Aku ingin kalian bertiga yang selesaikan misi ini.,https://subscene.com/ +– Huh?!– Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +– Right!– Right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +"Of course, skill and techniqueare important in a mission,","Memang, kemampuan dan teknik itu penting dalam misi,",https://subscene.com/ +– Understood!– Understood!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +How are things with Team 15?,Bagaimana Tim 15?,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Wasabi Izuno.,Wasabi Izuno.,https://subscene.com/ +Sumire Kakei.,Sumire Kakei.,https://subscene.com/ +Namida Suzumeno.,Namida Suzumeno.,https://subscene.com/ +You three are Team 15!,Kalian bertiga adalah Tim 15!,https://subscene.com/ +"If you're gonna cryover something like this,","Kalau begini saja kau sudah menangis,",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm Hanabi Hyuga,captain of Team 15.","Dan kapten Tim 15 adalah aku, Hanabi Hyuga.",https://subscene.com/ +– Yes!– Yes!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +and brought her backto the Academy.,dan membawanya kembali ke akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, but the Gozu Tennouhasn't been completely extinguished.","Ya, tapi Gozu Tennou masih belum sepenuhnya dilenyapkan.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +Do they know that it was Nuefrom the other incident?,Apa mereka tahu kalau penyebab dari insiden itu adalah Nue?,https://subscene.com/ +Do you think…,Apa menurutmu,https://subscene.com/ +They'll soon realizethe meaning,Mereka pasti akan segera sadari,https://subscene.com/ +"Maybe for a little while longer,",Sebaiknya kau awasi,https://subscene.com/ +All right…,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +Please continue to lookafter Team 15.,"Tolong terus amati Tim 15, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +There's somethingI haven't told them.,Masih ada yang belum kuberi tahu pada mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +No! I have to focus onthe mission right now.,"Tidak, saat ini aku harus fokus pada misinya,",https://subscene.com/ +to help.,untuk bisa bantu.,https://subscene.com/ +"So far, there've beenno animal sightings.","Sejauh ini, tak ada penduduk yang lihat seekor binatang.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +There were so manycute animals!,"Ada banyak sekali binatang yang lucu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +But who would releaseall the animals?,"Tapi, siapa yang lepaskan binatang-binatangnya?",https://subscene.com/ +Like Hanabi Sensei said…,"Seperti yang dibilang Guru Hanabi,",https://subscene.com/ +Umm…,Anu...,https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Ini...,https://subscene.com/ +If we wear this…,Kalau kita gunakan ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"Then, wouldn't transformationbe faster?","Kalau begitu, Teknik Transformasi sepertinya lebih cepat, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +It's cute though.,Padahal ini sangat lucu.,https://subscene.com/ +I…,Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +U-Uh-huh.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"so they didn't turn outtoo well, though.","hasilnya jadi kurang bagus, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, yeah!","Ya, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Okay! Let's go catchthose animals ASAP!,"Baiklah, ayo segera kita tangkap binatang-binatang itu!",https://subscene.com/ +"One, two, three, four, five, six…","Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam.",https://subscene.com/ +We caught a lot!,"Banyak sekali yang kita tangkap, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I think it's thanks to this.,Semuanya berkat kostum ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Shh!,Sut!,https://subscene.com/ +Found it. It's this one.,"ada, yang ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, there it is!","Oh, itu!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Dasar!,https://subscene.com/ +You go catch the female.,jadi kau tangkap yang betina.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not the way—!,Bukan begitu caranya!,https://subscene.com/ +Wasabi!,Wasabi!,https://subscene.com/ +Oww…,Aduh.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why you have tocatch the female first.,"Karena itulah, kita harus tangkap yang betina dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +I meant to…,"Tadinya mau kuberi tahu,",https://subscene.com/ +"H-Hey, why don't we takea break?","Eh, bagaimana kalau kita istirahat sebentar?",https://subscene.com/ +I-I made…a lot so…,"Anu, aku membuatnya lumayan banyak,",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you! I'd love some!,"Ya, aku makan, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Hey! All we have left to catchis the Miniature Monkey.,"Eh, sisanya kita tinggal tangkap monyet kecil saja.",https://subscene.com/ +We'll have to be coordinated and–,Kalau kita tak bekerja sama...,https://subscene.com/ +My omelet is gone!,Telur dadarku hilang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Namida, I bet you ate it!","Namida, kau yang memakannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Then why's it gone?!,"Lalu, kenapa bisa hilang?",https://subscene.com/ +The Miniature Monkey!,Monyet miniatur!,https://subscene.com/ +– Yeah!– Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +That thing is fast.,"Larinya cepat sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +SIAMESENinja Art…,忍法,https://subscene.com/ +The scent of the Miniature Monkey…,Bau monyet miniatur.,https://subscene.com/ +Wait!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +Found it!,Ketemu!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm…at my…limit.,Aku sudah tak kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you find it?,Ketemu?,https://subscene.com/ +I almost had it…,Padahal sedikit lagi tersusul.,https://subscene.com/ +TORTOISESHELLAll right!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's fine.Just stay quiet, Namida!","Tenang, kau diam saja, Namida!",https://subscene.com/ +Wait! Don't fight.,"Tunggu, jangan bertengkar!",https://subscene.com/ +"It's just Namida, having oneof her crying fits again.",Namida sendiri yang seenaknya menangis.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't care anymore!,Aku tak mau tahu lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Who knew there was another list!,Tak kusangka ada daftar lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +It's the Miniature Monkey…,Itu monyet miniatur.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes! I got you!,"Berhasil, kau tertangkap!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, um, Wasabi?","Begini, Wasabi...",https://subscene.com/ +"You're thinking we shouldn't fightover trivial things, right?","Kau berpikir kalau tak seharusnya kami permasalahkan hal sepele, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, Namida always chokes upat the most important times.","Tapi, Namida selalu takut dan tak bilang apa-apa di saat penting.",https://subscene.com/ +Namida!,Namida!,https://subscene.com/ +Wasabi?,Wasabi?,https://subscene.com/ +Sumire!,Sumire!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, but I think this is bad!","Ya, tapi situasi kita dalam bahaya!",https://subscene.com/ +Summoning!,口寄せ,https://subscene.com/ +Nue!,Nue!,https://subscene.com/ +It didn't hit!,Tak kena!,https://subscene.com/ +Wasabi?!,Wasabi?,https://subscene.com/ +"So, bring it down with your jutsu!",jadi kau tumbangkan dia dengan teknikmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I won't be able to hold himfor long, so do it quickly!","Aku tak kuat menahannya lama-lama, jadi akhiri dengan cepat, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Nue!,Nue!,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't Nue—?,Nue itu kan...,https://subscene.com/ +Here I go!,Aku mulai!,https://subscene.com/ +"Cry as hard as you can, Namida!","Menangislah sekeras-kerasnya, Namida!",https://subscene.com/ +Here I go!,Aku mulai!,https://subscene.com/ +– We did it!– We did it!,Berhasil!,https://subscene.com/ +I…,Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +Me too…,Aku juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"You saw earlier, didn't you?","Kalian tadi melihatnya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm the one…who summoned Nue just now.,Akulah yang gunakan Teknik Pemanggilan untuk panggil Nue tadi.,https://subscene.com/ +I made Nue attackthe village back then.,"Dulu, akulah yang perintahkan Nue untuk serang desa.",https://subscene.com/ +We figured you'd tell us in time…,Kami sadar kau pasti akan beritahukan hal itu pada kami.,https://subscene.com/ +You guys…!,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +"Because, Wasabi—!",Habisnya Wasabi...,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like the missionis accomplished.,Sepertinya misi kali ini berhasil diselesaikan.,https://subscene.com/ +When did you get here?,Sejak kapan Guru ada di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +"The Giant-Maned Wolfwas left off the list,","Serigala raksasa itu tak ada dalam daftar,",https://subscene.com/ +But I guess I worriedabout nothing!,"Tapi, sepertinya aku tak perlu khawatir lagi!",https://subscene.com/ +It was super dangerous!,Tadi itu sangat berbahaya!,https://subscene.com/ +"But there was no need for that, right?","Tapi, kalian tak memerlukan bantuanku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You're really getting into sync!,Kalian seperti tergabung dalam satu kesatuan!,https://subscene.com/ +Now then…,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Now then, I know it's sad,","Baiklah, aku tahu kau pasti sedih,",https://subscene.com/ +So cute!,Lucunya!,https://subscene.com/ +Sai.,Kak Sai.,https://subscene.com/ +But we can't relax just yet.,"Tapi, kita masih belum bisa bersantai-santai.",https://subscene.com/ +Yikes!,Waduh!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh well, it will all work out.","Ya, kita harus berjuang keras.",https://subscene.com/ +I hear becoming a chuninis really tough…,Kudengar sangat sulit untuk jadi seorang Chunin.,https://subscene.com/ +"U-Uh, yeah!","Ah, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +It was a piece of cake!,"Mudah sekali, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm thinking Big Sis Hanabiprobably handled it, right?","Pasti kak Hanabi yang mengatasinya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +and Wasabi's Cat Cloak Jutsu!,dan Teknik Jubah Kucing milik Wasabi!,https://subscene.com/ +A Giant-Maned Wolf's gotnothing on us!,Serigala raksasa bukanlah tandingan kami!,https://subscene.com/ +Nothing's more fearsome thana woman's tears…I guess.,Kurasa tak ada yang lebih menakutkan dibanding air mata seorang wanita.,https://subscene.com/ +You guys too!,Boruto juga!,https://subscene.com/ +Mine too!,Punyaku juga!,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +The Chunin Exams…,Ujian Chunin.,https://subscene.com/ +"We need to make surethey meet the qualifications,",Kita harus pastikan kalau mereka memenuhi syarat,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, this year's rookies arethe most problematic ones","Ya, murid-murid tahun ini adalah murid-murid yang paling bermasalah",https://subscene.com/ +"When there's an incident,","Saat terjadi sesuatu,",https://subscene.com/ +That's—!,Itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"""The Chunin Exams:The Recommendation Meeting""",Rapat Rekomendasi Ujian Chunin.,https://subscene.com/ +"AS THEY HOLD EACH OTHER TIGHT,THEY EXCHANGE A PASSIONATE KISSA-A-A…",A...,https://subscene.com/ +Here we go!,Ini dia!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Sarada!","Oh, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, you look likean actress!","Chocho, kau sudah seperti aktris!",https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay?,Kau yakin?,https://subscene.com/ +I heard you have a kissing scenewith Mr. Tomaru…,Kudengar ada adegan berciuman dengan Tn. Tomaru.,https://subscene.com/ +That's what I'd expect from you!,Kau memang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if she's nervous?,"Jangan-jangan, dia gugup, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Why am I getting nervous?,Kenapa aku gugup?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Mr. Tomaru, you're so kind!","Tn. Tomaru benar-benar baik, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +Could you reduce the shineon her lips?,Kurangi kilauan bibirnya.,https://subscene.com/ +What is it?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Tomaru always likes to stick ina kissing scene.,"Tomaru itu suka sekali masukkan adegan berciuman, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm ready to roll here!,"Aku sudah sangat siap, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm never going to let you go…,Aku takkan lepaskanmu lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Oh no!,Celaka!,https://subscene.com/ +"Doesn't seem like true love,does it?","Sama sekali tak terlihat seperti cinta sejati, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Cut!,Berhenti!,https://subscene.com/ +It was going so nicely…,Padahal lagi bagian bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +"Is that okay, Tomaru?","Tak apa 'kan, Tomaru?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, that's it then. Sorry.","Begitulah katanya, jadi maaf, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What the hell did you just do?!,Apa yang baru saja kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Despite his showy entrance,",Meskipun kemunculannya mencolok,https://subscene.com/ +What's the culprit's objective?,Apa yang diinginkan pelaku?,https://subscene.com/ +"If that's the case,",Kalau sudah begini,https://subscene.com/ +The hole is the shortest routeto the outside.,"Lubang ini adalah jalan terpendek untuk sampai di luar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Depending on the circumstances,",Tergantung situasinya,https://subscene.com/ +"I feel so safe whenyou're around, Cho-Cho...","Asal kau ada di sini, aku merasa aman, Chocho.",https://subscene.com/ +We don't know if another attackwill occur.,"Selain itu, kita tak tahu kapan lagi penyerangan akan terjadi.",https://subscene.com/ +I won't let some silly disturbanceinterrupt our work.,Pekerjaan kami tak bisa terhenti hanya karena gangguan konyol itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, action!","Baiklah, mulai!",https://subscene.com/ +Are you telling me those wordswere a lie?,Apa kata-kata itu hanyalah kebohongan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Even now, my love burns brightdeep in my heart.","Bahkan sekarang, cintaku masih terus berkobar.",https://subscene.com/ +Cut!,"Baik, Cut!",https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho?,Chocho?,https://subscene.com/ +The timing of your lines just now…,Kalimatmu yang barusan terlalu cepat.,https://subscene.com/ +You know what…,"Kau ini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +All right! Let's do a second take.,"Baiklah, mari mulai pengambilan kedua.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you telling methose words were a lie?,Apa kata-kata itu hanyalah kebohongan?,https://subscene.com/ +"I must say, you were perfectagain today, Tomaru!","Ya, hari ini penampilanmu juga sempurna, Tomaru!",https://subscene.com/ +so she can take her final bow.,"Soalnya, ini penampilan terakhirnya.",https://subscene.com/ +You can leave the show to me.,"Sisanya, serahkan saja padaku.",https://subscene.com/ +I think it's a good time to move on.,"Kupikir, ini peluang yang bagus untuk tinggalkan acara ini.",https://subscene.com/ +There's a weird vibe in the air.,Suasananya jadi terasa aneh.,https://subscene.com/ +but I guess she's very earnestin some ways.,tapi dia juga punya sisi yang serius.,https://subscene.com/ +My stomach wants food…,Perutku memang lagi lapar.,https://subscene.com/ +Is Tomaru—?,Sebegitu sukanya kau sama Tn. Tomaru?,https://subscene.com/ +How long is she gonnakeep that up?,"Sampai kapan dia mau seperti itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"She has a thing for Tomaru,and she thinks she's hiding it.",Dia suka pada Tn. Tomaru dan dia pikir bisa menyembunyikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, my hand just moved on its own…","Percuma, tanganku bergerak sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"You get so flustered, don't you?","Kau ini pemalu sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, this is good!","Ini enak sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What's the matter?,"Lo, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Mind your own business.,Bukan urusanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Humans are quite interesting,aren't they?","Manusia itu memang menarik, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +The same footprints.,Jejak kaki yang sama!,https://subscene.com/ +We were right.,Sepertinya,https://subscene.com/ +Either he really plannedthis attack carefully.,Dia memang sudah rencanakan penyerangannya secara cermat,https://subscene.com/ +Someone informed him in advanceabout the security positions.,Ada seseorang yang bocorkan informasi mengenai posisi penjaganya.,https://subscene.com/ +This is becoming pretty troublesome.,"Ini jadi merepotkan sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Tomaru!,Tn. Tomaru!,https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, leave this to us.","Chocho, serahkan yang di sini pada kami",https://subscene.com/ +Roger!,Siap!,https://subscene.com/ +"Really, it's such an imposition.",Ini memang sangat merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Why can't I be more honestabout my feelings?!,Kenapa aku tak bisa jujur pada perasaanku sendiri?,https://subscene.com/ +Where is he?!,Di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Tomaru!,Tn. Tomaru!,https://subscene.com/ +I think they're gone.,Sepertinya mereka sudah tak ada.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it… He's so close!,"Gawat, dia dekat sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +"You'll always stay close to me, right?","Kau akan selalu di dekatku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Here you are!,Ternyata di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +So close!,"Hampir saja, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +"Nothing, really…","Tak apa-apa, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you okay, Cho-Cho?","Chocho, kau baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Is it that you can't concentrate onthe mission because of Mr. Tomaru?,"Kau tak bisa berkonsentrasi pada misi karena Tn. Tomaru, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's not.",Memang seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +We can't afford a single slip.,"Kita tak boleh lengah sedikit pun, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +I can't afford to leaveMr. Tomaru by himself.,Aku pun tak boleh lama-lama tinggalkan Tn. Tomaru sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +All part of my mission.,"Itu bagian dari misiku, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +TOMARUGREEN ROOMCan you bring the ringI entrusted you with?,Apa kau bisa bawakan cincin yang kutitipkan padamu?,https://subscene.com/ +See you!,"Sampai nanti, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +You're beautiful!,Kau memang cantik sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +But this outfit is so beautiful…,"Tapi, kalau pakai pakaian sebagus ini...",https://subscene.com/ +This is how we end up.,Inilah akhir dari hubungan kita.,https://subscene.com/ +We can't see into a person's heart.,Kita tak bisa saling lihat ke dalam hati masing-masing.,https://subscene.com/ +How can I confirm your feelings?,Cara agar aku bisa tahuperasaanmu sebenarnya?,https://subscene.com/ +…with your eyes…,...dengan matamu...,https://subscene.com/ +Marry me!,Menikahlah denganku!,https://subscene.com/ +"The line's not ""yes.""","Di naskahnya bukan ""ya.""",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, never mind.","Ya, sudahlah.",https://subscene.com/ +and really test our love with a kiss.,dan benar-benar uji cinta kita dengan sebuah ciuman.,https://subscene.com/ +C-Calm down!,Tenanglah!,https://subscene.com/ +TOMARUGREEN ROOMAshina told me to come over herefor the dress…,Nn. Ashina menyuruhku ke sini untuk ambil pakaian.,https://subscene.com/ +Why you—!,Kau itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"In all sorts of ways, really.",Benar-benar tak bisa diprediksi.,https://subscene.com/ +It was my—!,Padahal tadi sedang...,https://subscene.com/ +That's my dress!,Itu pakaianku!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll explain inside, Ashina.","Ashina, aku akan menjelaskannya di dalam.",https://subscene.com/ +C'mon.,Sudahlah.,https://subscene.com/ +You can't go off anddo things on your own.,Kau tak boleh bertindak seenaknya.,https://subscene.com/ +"You discount, average-looking guy—!",Dasar pria murahan dan berwajah biasa saja!,https://subscene.com/ +This has nothing to do with you.,Ini tak ada hubungannya denganmu.,https://subscene.com/ +then please don't walk offwith my dress.,jangan seenaknya gunakan pakaianku.,https://subscene.com/ +you don't even havea shred of kindness.,Kau tak punya sikap murah hati sama sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I thought the only thingyour simple brain can do,Kupikir otakmu yang sempit itu hanya bisa,https://subscene.com/ +Unlike who you playon the show…,Berbeda sekali dengan peranmu di drama.,https://subscene.com/ +"You give pretty girls autographsright away,",Kau langsung beri tanda tangan kepada gadis-gadis cantik,https://subscene.com/ +"And then you totally blow them offwith a wave and a ""later!""","Lalu, kau langsung usir mereka dengan lambaian tangan dan ucapan ""sampai jumpa!""",https://subscene.com/ +I totally take into accounthow people are on the inside.,"Yang kuingat dari orang lain itu sikapnya padaku, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"That girl is head over heelsin love with me,",Gadis itu benar-benar jatuh cinta padaku,https://subscene.com/ +That's what makes her so cute.,Itulah yang membuatnya terlihat sangat imut.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, stop it, Chubs!","Hoi, hentikan, Gendut!",https://subscene.com/ +"We're supposed to beon a mission, right?","Kita seharusnya sedang jalankan sebuah misi, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't make any sense.,Aku sama sekali tak mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +Stop it!,Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +Just cut it out!,Sudah hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, in the show,you and I are going to get married…","Omong-omong, dalam drama ini, kau dan aku akan segera menikah.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't you dare lose the ring!,Kau tak boleh hilangkan cincin itu.,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It's just a prop.,"Hanya sekadar simbol, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Calm down, Cho-Cho!","Tenanglah, Chocho!",https://subscene.com/ +The power of my love willshatter all barriers!,"Tak peduli mau seperti apa dinding penghalangnya, akan kurobohkan dengan kekuatan cintaku!",https://subscene.com/ +And it's calledthe Partial Expansion Jutsu…,Namanya juga Peluru Bulat Manusia.,https://subscene.com/ +Why you—!,Dasar kau ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +Idiot! This is Ashina's dress!,"Dasar bodoh, ini bajunya Nn. Ashina!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh…oh, no!","Aduh, gawat!",https://subscene.com/ +What's the meaning of this?!,Bisa beri penjelasan soal ini?,https://subscene.com/ +What did you do?!,Apa yang sudah kaulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on!,Tunggu dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +What a drag…How do we explain this situation?,"Kalau harus dijelaskan, pasti bakal merepotkan sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +Can I ask you one question?,Apa aku boleh bertanya satu hal saja?,https://subscene.com/ +Where did she go?,"Kira-kira dia pergi ke mana, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What are you gonna doabout this?!,"Lalu, bagaimana dengan baju ini?",https://subscene.com/ +What? It's just a costume.,Padahal itu hanya baju.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, you see…","Ya, kalau soal itu...",https://subscene.com/ +Are you one of the guards too?,Apa kau termasuk dalam tim pengawal?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll give you an autograph later, okay?","Kalau soal tanda tangan, nanti saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Ah… No, that's not it.","Ah, bukan begitu.",https://subscene.com/ +Can I have it back?,Apa itu boleh kuminta kembali?,https://subscene.com/ +What's the matter?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +That's one thing…,Soal itu...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to be blunt.,Akan kukatakan apa adanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you!",Kau ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, what now?","Dasar, ada apa, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +How are you gonna fix this?,Ini penyelesaiannya bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +Because our mission isto protect him…,Karena misi kita adalah melindunginya.,https://subscene.com/ +We're sorry!,Kami minta maaf sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Being sorry doesn't cut it.,Minta maaf saja takkan selesaikan masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +"but to me,this is an important production!","tapi bagiku, drama ini sangatlah penting!",https://subscene.com/ +I see…You're okay with it then?,"Begitu, jadi tak masalah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Who is that shinobi inthe gas mask?,Siapa sebenarnya ninja yang pakai masker gas itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"If we mess up like last time,our mission will get more difficult!","Kalau ceroboh seperti yang terakhir kali, misi kita akan jadi tambah sulit!",https://subscene.com/ +"Now, now… Have some potato chipsto help you calm down.","Sudah, sudah, ini makan keripik kentang dulu supaya lebih tenang.",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,https://subscene.com/ +Super Cho-Cho Love Upheaval!How about her?!,Bagaimana kalau dia?,https://subscene.com/ +"Is she your type, Tomaru?","Tipemu itu seperti itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Um…,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +He's here!,Dia datang!,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you so much!,Terima kasih banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +"It's like the last sceneof our drama, isn't it?","Tempat ini mirip dengan adegan terakhir yang ada di drama kita, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"And here I am, saving you.","Dan sekarang, malah aku yang datang selamatkanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Here's the ransomyou demanded.,Ini uang tebusan yang kauminta.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Ashina!","Terima kasih, Ashina!",https://subscene.com/ +Go on ahead.,Kau pergi duluan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +But I can't leave you here…,"Tapi, mustahil aku bisa tinggalkanmu sendirian di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +I came here to rescue you.,Aku datang ke sini untuk selamatkanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +I-I understand!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +And his next movie is supposedto be an action flick…,Padahal tema film yang akan dia perankan itu film aksi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what are you doing?","Tunggu, apa maksudmu?",https://subscene.com/ +I have a press conferenceto do now…,Sekarang ada konferensi pers yang harus kulakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu rupanya.,https://subscene.com/ +You're—?!,Kau kan...,https://subscene.com/ +But he refused to namehis accomplice…,"Tapi, dia tetap tak mau sebutkan siapa nama rekannya.",https://subscene.com/ +Why that useless—!,Si tak berguna itu...,https://subscene.com/ +"I mean, you all were in on this?","Lo, jadi kalian semua sudah tahu?",https://subscene.com/ +"After that, we tracked the perpand got him.","Setelah itu, kami ikuti jejak pelakunya dan berhasil menangkapnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Staging a kidnapping torevive her popularity…,Merencanakan insiden penculikan untuk dongkrak popularitasnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"He can't even act,but just because of his good looks,","Laki-laki itu tak bisa berlakon, tapi hanya karena punya wajah tampan",https://subscene.com/ +I just couldn't stand it!,Aku benar-benar tak bisa terima!,https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Diamlah!,https://subscene.com/ +I have to continue to shine!,Aku harus tetap bersinar!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't afford to lose my shine…,Aku tak boleh sampai kehilangan sinarku.,https://subscene.com/ +Miss Ashina…,Nn. Ashina.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess I won't be able to standin the limelight anymore.,sepertinya aku takkan bisa jadi pusat perhatian lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you think I didn't considerwhat I'd do if I failed!,Apa kaupikir aku tak perhitungkan kemungkinan kalau aku akan gagal?,https://subscene.com/ +Even though it's not quitewhat I planned.,"Ya, meski harus berakhir sedikit berbeda dari yang kurencanakan!",https://subscene.com/ +M-My back!,Punggungku!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll stop that boulder!,Akan kuhentikan batu besar itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Tomaru!,Tn. Tomaru!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +Is it rotten? Or pure?,Apa sudah membusuk?Atau masih murni?,https://subscene.com/ +"he's the first one to lecture me,of all people, about potato chips.","di antara semua orang, justru dia orang pertama yang ceramahiku soal keripik kentang.",https://subscene.com/ +"Once you get a taste of me,you'll never settle for anything else!","Sekali kau terpesona olehku, kau takkan bisa berpindah ke lain hati!",https://subscene.com/ +Leave it to me.,Serahkan padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +This is impossible…for someone like you!,Mustahil orang sepertimu bisa mengatasinya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't ever lose it again,Mr. Tomaru.","Jangan sampai menghilangkannya lagi, Tn. Tomaru.",https://subscene.com/ +Partial Expansion Jutsu!,\h\h(Teknik Pembesar Tubuh Parsial)\h\h,https://subscene.com/ +Freshness itself!,Gadis yang ceria!,https://subscene.com/ +That's the Cho-Cho we know.,Inilah Chocho yang kita kenal.,https://subscene.com/ +"This is it for me, isn't it?","Sepertinya inilah akhir bagiku, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +it doesn't change who you are.,siapa dirimu takkan berubah.,https://subscene.com/ +Looks like everyone's okay.,Sepertinya semuanya baik-baik saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm talking about woundsof the heart.,Yang kumaksud adalah luka di hati.,https://subscene.com/ +Which is the real you?,Yang mana dirimu yang asli?,https://subscene.com/ +Could the real you be—?,"Jangan-jangan, dirimu yang sebenarnya...",https://subscene.com/ +"What's important iswhat's inside, isn't it?","Yang paling penting adalah hatinya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, you're more wonderfulthan any woman I've ever met!","Chocho, kau adalah wanita paling hebat yang pernah kutemui!",https://subscene.com/ +It's my policy to offerpotato chips to people I like.,Menawarkan keripik kentang kepada orang yang kusukai adalah sifatku.,https://subscene.com/ +How about you and me…,Bagaimana kalau kau dan aku...,https://subscene.com/ +"After all, I don't want a man orcalories to tie up my life.","Lagi pula, aku tak mau kalau pria ataupun lemak mengekang kehidupanku.",https://subscene.com/ +"For the first time in my life,someone has turned me down…","Untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidupku, ada orang yang menolak cintaku.",https://subscene.com/ +Stay on your toes…,Berjuanglah.,https://subscene.com/ +Her symptoms aregetting even worse.,Sepertinya penyakitnya kumat lagi dan makin parah.,https://subscene.com/ +What a real drag!,Benar-benar menyebalkan!,https://subscene.com/ +What made you starteating food?,Apa yang buatmu nafsu makan?,https://subscene.com/ +They're surprisinglyquite delicious…,Ternyata rasanya enak juga.,https://subscene.com/ +But still…it's not to my taste.,"Tapi, tetap saja ini bukan seleraku.",https://subscene.com/ +Your question about whetherI'm your mother or father…,Pertanyaanmu tentang apa aku ini ibumu atau ayahmu...,https://subscene.com/ +Because…,Karena...,https://subscene.com/ +it really doesn't mattereither way.,aku tak peduli lagi dengan hal lain.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll finally be learningthe ultimate technique?,Akhirnya aku bisa belajar teknik pamungkas?,https://subscene.com/ +about enduringthe harshest training…,mengenai bertahan dalam jalani latihan yang super keras...,https://subscene.com/ +Are you prepared?,Apa kau siap?,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,https://subscene.com/ +Before I start training…,Sebelum aku mulai berlatih...,https://subscene.com/ +"Great job today, trip leader.","Kerja bagus, Ketua Perjalanan Luar Desa.",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, getting involvedwith that weird guy…","Ya ampun, berurusan dengan pria aneh itu...",https://subscene.com/ +Sorry about that.,Aku minta maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +No worries.,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +Another guy who looked pretty strongstepped in and stopped him.,Ada orang lain yang terlihat kuat datang ke tempat itu dan menghentikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, hey…","Eh, eh.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, c'mon, Cho-Cho!","Ya ampun, Chocho!",https://subscene.com/ +"My, so many cute visitors.","Wah, banyak sekali pengunjung yang imut-imut.",https://subscene.com/ +"She was part of the war effort towardsthe end of the Great Ninja War,","Dia pernah terlibat langsung dalam Perang Dunia Ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +helped lay the foundation forthe village's growth and expansion.,membantu pinjamkan dana untuk pembangunan dan perluasan desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's now the era foryoung people like you, not us.","Saat ini adalah zaman untuk anak-anak muda seperti kalian, bukan kami.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, I…","Tidak, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +Excuse us.,Permisi.,https://subscene.com/ +Thank you very much.,Terima kasih banyak.,https://subscene.com/ +"I am Chojuro,the current Mizukage.","Namaku Chojuro, Mizukage periode saat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +to the Hidden Mist Village.,ke Kirigakure ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"The Mizukage's SuccessorAnd so, we agreed to host your field trip…","Dan begitulah, kami setuju terima kujungan luar desa kalian",https://subscene.com/ +and strengthen goodwill.,dan tingkatkan tali persaudaraan antardesa.,https://subscene.com/ +– Pay attention!– there are some shinobi who still look upon,masih ada ninja yang menganggap,https://subscene.com/ +"Basically,","Pada intinya,",https://subscene.com/ +– But he's rambling on and on…– we hope those feelings will change…,"Tapi, dia terus saja bicara basa-basi.",https://subscene.com/ +What I mean is…um…,"Maksudku, anu...",https://subscene.com/ +"It's quite tiresome, isn't it?","Agak membosankan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +He's right.,Dia benar.,https://subscene.com/ +"And yet, in order toexpress something so simple,","Tapi, agar bisa ekspresikan sesuatu secara sederhana,",https://subscene.com/ +for us adults.,terutama bagi kami orang dewasa.,https://subscene.com/ +And we once causedso much bloodshed that,Dan kami pernah alami banyak pertumpahan darah,https://subscene.com/ +"However, you are different.","Tapi, kalian berbeda.",https://subscene.com/ +and that a new futurecan be forged.,dan yakin bahwa masa depan yang baru bisa dicapai.,https://subscene.com/ +And…,"Dan juga,",https://subscene.com/ +– Yes!– Yes!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Come on!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +I know!,Aku tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, what is it?","Ada apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +My speech earlier wasaimed at you.,"Pembicaraan sebelumnya, yang kumaksud itu",https://subscene.com/ +"In time, I want to pass it on to you.","Suatu saat nanti, akan kuwariskan itu padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +"I must escort the students,so if you'll excuse me…","Aku harus pandu mereka, jadi aku permisi dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +Please wait here whileI check us in.,"Aku mau daftar dulu, tolong tunggu di sini sebentar.",https://subscene.com/ +He seems like a man whohas great prospects for the future.,"Dia cowok yang sepertinya punya masa depan cerah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +He's considerate towards othersand he's competent!,Dia orangnya sangat perhatian dan punya kemampuan juga.,https://subscene.com/ +He became a Hidden Mist Chunintwo years ago.,Dia jadi Chunin di Kirigakure dua tahun yang lalu.,https://subscene.com/ +You sure know a lot!,"Kau tahu banyak, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +And? Anything else?,"Lalu, yang lainnya lagi apa?",https://subscene.com/ +the new Seven Ninja Swordsmenof the Mist.,"dari Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang,",https://subscene.com/ +"You mean, the Seven NinjaSwordsmen of the Mist.",Apa yang kaumaksud Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang itu tujuh ninja itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"You really have no interestin history, don't you?","Kau benar-benar tak tertarik dengan sejarah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Listen up.,"Dengar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +passed down sincethe First Mizukage.,yang sudah diwariskan sejak Mizukage Pertama.,https://subscene.com/ +are known as the Seven NinjaSwordsmen of the Mist.,Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang.,https://subscene.com/ +"Together, they are ninja capableof bringing down an entire nation.","kalau ketujuhnya bekerja sama, mereka dapat runtuhkan sebuah negara.",https://subscene.com/ +we're talking about someone ofAdvisor Kakashi's class?,"dia itu setingkat dengan penasihat, Tn. Kakashi?",https://subscene.com/ +Then his future is picture perfect.,"Masa depannya berarti cerah sekali, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +"Judging by titles,Boruto's just like him.","Tapi kalau soal gelar, Boruto juga sama sepertinya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Potato chips are simply fried potatoes.,"Keripik kentang itu memang kentang yang digoreng,",https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for waiting!,Maaf lama!,https://subscene.com/ +One point!,Selesai!,https://subscene.com/ +"On top of that, they're sparringon the unstable water surface.","Selain itu, mereka latihan di atas air yang tak stabil, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll say.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +What did you think?,Bagaimana menurut kalian?,https://subscene.com/ +"We do taijutsu too,","Kami juga mempelajari Taijutsu,",https://subscene.com/ +Would you like totake part in a match?,"Kalau begitu, kau mau ikutan latihan bertarung?",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +B-But…,Ta-Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +"To become friends,","Agar bisa akrab,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, let's do it!","Benar, ayo kita lakukan!",https://subscene.com/ +Do you want the matchto be on land?,Apa kau mau bertarung di daratan saja?,https://subscene.com/ +I'll manage somehow.,Nanti juga bisa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Way to go, Boruto!",Boruto memang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Go, Boruto!","Ayo, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +I-I can't find a single opening.,Sa-Sama sekali tak ada celah.,https://subscene.com/ +Why doesn't he attack?,Kenapa dia tak menyerang?,https://subscene.com/ +"Over the generations,","Dari generasi ke generasi,",https://subscene.com/ +The Seven Ninja Swordsmen arethe ones closest to that rank.,Dan yang paling mendekati syarat tersebut adalah Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang.,https://subscene.com/ +So being chosen asa Seven Ninja Swordsmen means,"Jadi, terpilih jadi Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang itu",https://subscene.com/ +"Go for it, Boruto!","Semangat terus, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"At this point,it's sink or swim!","Kalau sudah begini sih, waktunya bertaruh!",https://subscene.com/ +Whoa… Damn it.,"Oh, sial!",https://subscene.com/ +"You're strong, Kagura!","Kau kuat ya, Kagura!",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you.,Terima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +Tsk…,Cih.,https://subscene.com/ +Not at all!,Aku tak berpikiran seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +He's so cool!,Hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, is the next Mizukagegoing to be you, Kagura?","Berarti, yang akan jadi Mizukage berikutnya adalah kau ya, Kagura?",https://subscene.com/ +Oh! Nothing!,"Ah, bukan apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +"Right now, my duty comes first.","Lagi pula, yang terpenting saat ini adalah misi.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, we'll be takingan afternoon break on the beach,","Baiklah, kita akan istirahat siang di pantai,",https://subscene.com/ +"Pops, I'd like one of these.","Paman, beli yang ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Just one is fine.,"Satu saja, cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +"You traveled herefrom far away, didn't you?","Kau datang dari tempat yang jauh, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Oh well…,"Terserah, lah.",https://subscene.com/ +Here.,Nih.,https://subscene.com/ +Squid. It's good.,"Cumi, enak, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +The guy at the shopgave it to me.,Paman kedai itu yang memberiku.,https://subscene.com/ +"This is a great place, isn't it?","Tempat yang hebat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Didn't your mom teach you that?,Memangnya ibumu tak mengajarimu?,https://subscene.com/ +I just said…,Sudah kubilang...,https://subscene.com/ +Oh! So good!,"Wah, enak!",https://subscene.com/ +I'm so glad.,Syukurlah.,https://subscene.com/ +I wasn't sure if somethingso simple would suit your tastes.,aku tak yakin makanan sesederhana itu sesuai seleramu.,https://subscene.com/ +So this is super delicious!,"Jadi, ini benar-benar enak!",https://subscene.com/ +I'd like to visit one day.,"Suatu saat, aku juga ingin ke sana.",https://subscene.com/ +Really?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +It was a poor fishing villagewith so little,Tempat ini hanya desa nelayan miskin,https://subscene.com/ +Not just here…,Dan tak hanya di sini saja.,https://subscene.com/ +But it all changed whenLord Chojuro took over.,"Tapi, itu berubah semenjak Tn. Chojuro mengambil alih.",https://subscene.com/ +"You must lovethe current village, Kagura.","Kau benar-benar sayangi desamu yang sekarang ya, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +And that's why…,"Karena itulah,",https://subscene.com/ +when we were known asthe Blood Mist Village.,tak boleh kembali lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +we were forced to kill each otherduring our graduation exam.,kami dipaksa saling bunuh untuk ujian kelulusan.,https://subscene.com/ +It's said that a day neverwent by without bloodshed.,"Dan menurut cerita, waktu itu tiada hari tanpa cucuran darah.",https://subscene.com/ +"But today, the Blood Mist hasbecome the Hidden Mist.","Tapi saat ini, Desa Kabut Berdarah itu sudah berubah jadi Kirigakure.",https://subscene.com/ +But…,"Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe…?,Iwabe?,https://subscene.com/ +and was killed…,dan mati.,https://subscene.com/ +Things like that happen.,Hal seperti itu sudah biasa terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +he'd never forgive the Hidden Mistfor killing my grandpa.,beliau takkan pernah maafkan Kirigakure karena sudah bunuh kakekku.,https://subscene.com/ +It's about peoplewho are alive today too.,Itu juga menyangkut orang-orang yang masih hidup saat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maafkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +That's what irritates meabout you.,Itulah yang buatku kesal padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +but why are you sorrywhen you weren't even there?,tapi kenapa kau malah minta maaf padahal kau belum lahir di masa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Same as that thug from earlier…,Sama seperti berandalan yang cari masalah dengan kami sebelumnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Iwabe!","Hoi, Iwabe!",https://subscene.com/ +Who do you guys think you are?,Kalian pikir kalian ini siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +Oh that's right.,"Oh, benar juga.",https://subscene.com/ +Hachiya?,Hachiya?,https://subscene.com/ +Are you in charge here?,Apa kau yang bertanggung jawab jaga mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +This is none of your business.,Itu bukan urusan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +Aren't you a candidate to becomeone of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen…,Bukankah kau salah satu calon Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang,https://subscene.com/ +What of it?,Memangnya kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"In fact, these outsiders gotsome nerve walking around","Kenyataannya, orang-orang luar ini tak sopan karena seenaknya berkeliaran",https://subscene.com/ +See?,Kubilang juga apa.,https://subscene.com/ +So what if we've got some nerve?,Memangnya kenapa kalau kami tak sopan?,https://subscene.com/ +Are you trying to ruin our field trip?,Apa kau ingin kacaukan acara perjalanan luar desa kita?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm the field trip leader.,Aku ini ketuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +the spoiled brat ofthe Uzumaki Clan.,"si bocah manja dari klan Uzumaki, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, but it does.",Tentu saja ada.,https://subscene.com/ +Just remember…you guys started this first!,"Ingat baik-baik, kalianlah yang mulai semua ini duluan!",https://subscene.com/ +Hold it!,Tahanlah!,https://subscene.com/ +"We have to teach 'em a lesson now,or they'll be trouble later.","Kita harus memberinya pelajaran sekarang, supaya mereka tak berani macam-macam lagi dengan kita.",https://subscene.com/ +We're the oneswho'll end up in trouble.,"Kalau kau lakukan itu, kitalah yang akan repot nanti.",https://subscene.com/ +W-We'll let you go this time!,Ka-Kali ini akan kubiarkan kau lolos!,https://subscene.com/ +"That's right, scram!","Benar, lari sana!",https://subscene.com/ +– He's a national treasure.– You jerks!,Dia seperti harta karun desa kita.,https://subscene.com/ +This is nothing.,"Ini hanya luka kecil, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"Everyone, I'm sorry I got youinvolved in something like this.","Teman-teman, maaf karena aku buat kalian terlibat masalah seperti ini.",https://subscene.com/ +What you said is absolutely right.,Apa yang kau katakan itu benar.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maafkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +You got your butts kicked,Kau dikalahkan,https://subscene.com/ +N-No…,Ti-Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't want any excuses.,Aku tak ingin dengar alasan apa pun.,https://subscene.com/ +Show them…,Tunjukkan pada mereka,https://subscene.com/ +Y-Yes!,Ba-Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder how Kagura willreact to this?,Aku penasaran bagaimana reaksi Kagura terhadap hal ini.,https://subscene.com/ +So heavy… Did I buy too much?,"Berat sekali, apa aku terlalu banyak belanja?",https://subscene.com/ +It's almost time for dinner.,Padahal sebentar lagi waktunya makan malam.,https://subscene.com/ +"You're right, he's a little too late.","Kau benar, dia sedikit terlambat.",https://subscene.com/ +Is it a Water Style Jutsu?,Apa ini teknik Elemen Air?,https://subscene.com/ +"""If you want him back,come to Pier number 4.""","""Kalau kau ingin dia kembali, datanglah ke dermaga nomor empat.""",https://subscene.com/ +Do you want to die?!,"Kau mau mati, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Shut up!,Berisik!,https://subscene.com/ +in order to salvage our reputation.,demi perbaiki reputasi kami.,https://subscene.com/ +Got that?!,Mengerti?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"No, we have to informLord Chojuro first.","Tidak, kita harus laporkan masalah ini terlebih dulu pada Tn. Chojuro.",https://subscene.com/ +"If this gets big, the field tripwill be cancelled!","Kalau masalah ini semakin membesar, perjalanan luar desa kita bisa dibatalkan!",https://subscene.com/ +"So help us, Kagura!","Jadi tolonglah kami, Kagura!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't think we needto rely on the adults.,"Menurutku, kita tak perlu bergantung pada orang dewasa.",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"This time, I'm not letting youget away!",Kali ini takkan kubiarkan kau kabur!,https://subscene.com/ +"Direction: 11 o'clock,30 meters ahead!","Arah jam 11, jarak 30 meter!",https://subscene.com/ +Gotcha!,Kena kau!,https://subscene.com/ +Leave it to me.,Serahkan padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Dasar!,https://subscene.com/ +"No problem,",Bukan masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +Listen…,"Kau ini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Like removing a hornet's nest…,Seperti hilangkan sarang ular.,https://subscene.com/ +Are those worthy missions for us?,Kaupikir itu misi penting buat kita?,https://subscene.com/ +"That's right,I forgot you're like that.","Kau itu memang orang seperti itu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Our next mission's gonna besomething more challenging!,Misi kita selanjutnya pasti misi yang lebih menantang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait up!","Hoi, tunggu!",https://subscene.com/ +Give us…,Beri kami,https://subscene.com/ +The request thatyou're making is…,Meski kau memintanya...,https://subscene.com/ +Let me go talk tomy stupid old man.,Biar aku bicara pada si ayah sialan itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Didn't I tell you thatLord Seventh is busy,","Tn. Hokage sedang sibuk,",https://subscene.com/ +"But at this rate,","Tapi kalau terus begini,",https://subscene.com/ +"In the past, they couldhappen at any time.","Kalau dulu, mungkin ada misi yang sulit.",https://subscene.com/ +in an age of peace?,cocok di zaman yang sudah damai?,https://subscene.com/ +But missions like thatare actually very rare.,Misi sulit sudah langka zaman sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't talk like that.,Jangan bicara seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +We serve the village andsupport its welfare.,Kita layani desa dan bantu para penduduk.,https://subscene.com/ +All your classmates areworking diligently,Semua teman-teman kalian juga bekerja dengan rajin,https://subscene.com/ +"So, it's not just us?","Jadi, bukan hanya kami?",https://subscene.com/ +is when you learn the realitiesof the village and the world,adalah saat di mana kau lihat realitas di desa dan dunia,https://subscene.com/ +"I bet you were fed that lineby my dad, weren't you?","Kata-kata itu pasti ajaran ayahku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +please take care of your missions!,silakan laksanakan misi kalian!,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe I shouldn't havebecome a ninja.,"Sepertinya tak perlu jadi ninja saja, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +We bring you breaking news.,Inilah berita yang ingin kami sampaikan.,https://subscene.com/ +that attacked the Hidden LeafCentral Department Store,yang menyerang pusat perbelanjaan Desa Konoha,https://subscene.com/ +"Actually, I could've easilyhandled this alone.","Ya, hal itu sebenarnya bisa kuatasi sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"Metal, are you watching?","Metal, apa kau menontonnya?",https://subscene.com/ +LEAF NEWS LIVE!ARMED ROBBERS ARRESTEDTrained muscles willnever let you down!,Latihan otot takkan pernah mengecewakanmu!,https://subscene.com/ +That concludes our live reportfrom the scene.,Sekian informasi dari TKP.,https://subscene.com/ +are settled by those guys right away.,sudah diselesaikan oleh orang yang tepat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Rather than beinga hostage situation,","Daripada kasus perampokan,",https://subscene.com/ +"That's why instead of a jonin,","Karena itulah, daripada Jonin,",https://subscene.com/ +Th-This is totally different!,Ini berbeda dari yang dibicarakan!,https://subscene.com/ +Where's my momentwhere I shine?!,Momen di mana aku bersinar bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, it's because of that possibility,","Ya, ada kemungkinan seperti itu,",https://subscene.com/ +And that's why you were called.,Karena itulah kalian dipanggil.,https://subscene.com/ +Want to try to talk himout of this? Or…,"Ingin meyakinkannya, atau...",https://subscene.com/ +"If you're not game,I don't mind doing this without you.","Kalau kau sudah tak niat lagi, aku bisa melakukannya tanpamu.",https://subscene.com/ +I'll be sure to report it to Sensei thatyou weren't any help this time.,aku akan lapor kepada guru kalau Boruto kali ini tak membantu sama sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll come up with somethingto settle this fast,Akan kuselesaikan masalah ini dengan cepat,https://subscene.com/ +Why did I end up doing this?,"Kenapa aku malah lakukan hal ini, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +"And if that's the case,I'll go out in a blaze of glory…","Kalau begitu, akan kurebut semua kejayaannya...",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, hold on!","Hoi, tunggu sebentar!",https://subscene.com/ +"Look, as it is, we don't knowwhat the hell you want.","Kalau terus begini, kami takkan tahu apa kemauanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +You see…,"Dengan kata lain,",https://subscene.com/ +You can call me your hostage.,Bisa dibilang aku ini sanderamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you gonna look fora chance to arrest me?,Apa kau sedang cari kesempatan untuk menangkapku?,https://subscene.com/ +"If you don't trust me,you can tie up my hands or feet.","Kalau kau tak percaya padaku, kau boleh ikat tangan atau kakiku.",https://subscene.com/ +He's simply too reckless.,"Mau bagaimana juga, dia itu terlalu ceroboh.",https://subscene.com/ +"If anything, I'm worried aboutthe suspect's safety…","Kalau disuruh memilih, aku jauh lebih khawatir dengan keselamatan pelakunya.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, want me to holdthat detonator for you?","Hoi, pemicunya mau kupegang?",https://subscene.com/ +Th-There.,Sip.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you serious aboutrobbing the bank?,Apa kau benar-benar serius mau merampok bank?,https://subscene.com/ +"Is it because the bank employeesgot away,","Mungkinkah, karena pegawai banknya sudah kabur,",https://subscene.com/ +For real?,"Betulan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +so why'd you do this?,melakukan hal seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +What's your name?,Namamu siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Listen, Mr. Haguruma…","Eh, Kak Haguruma,",https://subscene.com/ +It's stupid to ruin your whole lifebecause of this.,"Kalau setelah ini kau harus lari seumur hidup, akan kelihatan bodoh sekali, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +It's already ruined.,"Hidupku sudah hancur, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +I was…fired from my jobtwo months ago.,"Dua bulan yang lalu, aku dipecat dari pekerjaanku.",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudnya itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"My job was behind the scenesand the work was intense,","Pekerjaanku dari balik layar dan pekerjaannya sangat berat,",https://subscene.com/ +The problem occurred duringthe last project I was on.,Masalahnya terjadi di proyek akhir yang kukerjakan.,https://subscene.com/ +that normally would beimpossible to meet.,yang biasanya mustahil untuk diselesaikan.,https://subscene.com/ +And? Did you finish the game?,"Lalu, apa gimnya sudah kauselesaikan?",https://subscene.com/ +"But as a result of the workload,","Tapi, karena bekerja terlalu berlebihan,",https://subscene.com/ +"We just couldn't takethe team leader's abuse anymore,","Kami tak tahan lagi dengan perbuatan seenaknya pimpinan tim,",https://subscene.com/ +But…,"Tapi,",https://subscene.com/ +He accused me of sellingcompany secrets to a rival company,"menuduhku sudah jual rahasia perusahaan pada saingan perusahaan kami,",https://subscene.com/ +TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT NOTICEHAGURUMAand got me fired.,Dan aku dipecat!,https://subscene.com/ +How can something likethat be allowed?!,Apa boleh sesuatu yang seperti itu dibiarkan?,https://subscene.com/ +"Maybe it's hard for youto understand, but…","Aku rasa kau masih belum mengerti,",https://subscene.com/ +Especially in the times we live in.,Terutama di zaman sekarang ini.,https://subscene.com/ +that suspect might bea disgruntled employee?,"ada kemungkinan pelakunya adalah pegawai yang tak puas, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"After the Great Ninja War,","Seusai Perang Dunia Ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +"Overall, things improved,","Secara keseluruhan, semuanya meningkat,",https://subscene.com/ +And they turned out tobe unscrupulous loan sharks,"Tapi, ternyata mereka adalah rentenir,",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I understand whyyou got so desperate.","Baik, aku mengerti alasan kenapa kau sangat putus asa.",https://subscene.com/ +I want to beat upthat rotten boss of yours!,Aku serasa ingin hajar bos sialanmu itu!,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +or that I ended up like this.,ataupun nasibku yang seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"And so, I pretended thatI was a bank robber…","Jadi, aku berpura-pura jadi perampok bank.",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apanya yang cukup?,https://subscene.com/ +Mr. Haguruma?,Kak Haguruma?,https://subscene.com/ +I activated the bomb.,Aku aktifkan bomnya.,https://subscene.com/ +But I can't let you get hurt.,"Tapi, aku tak bisa libatkanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey?!,Oi!,https://subscene.com/ +It's perfect…today's the release dateof that game.,"Dan pas sekali, ini adalah hari pertama peluncuran gim itu.",https://subscene.com/ +The last game I worked on.,Gim terakhir yang kuselesaikan.,https://subscene.com/ +Super Ninja Hero Battle 2?!,"""Pertarungan Pahlawan Ninja Super 2""?",https://subscene.com/ +You're…a fan of my game?,Kau penggemar gimku?,https://subscene.com/ +and cleared every mission.,dan tuntaskan semua misinya.,https://subscene.com/ +It's the first time…,Baru kali ini,https://subscene.com/ +I'll tell you as many timesas you want!,Aku bisa katakan ini berkali-kali!,https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't want tomiss hearing about it.,Aku ingin sekali mendengarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I'm not gonna kill myself.","Ya, aku takkan bunuh diri.",https://subscene.com/ +"Now, all of a sudden…","Saat berpikir begitu, mendadak benda ini",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, so hurry and turn it off!","Benar, cepatlah matikan.",https://subscene.com/ +Is there a bug in the program?!,Mungkinkah terdapat galat dalam programnya?,https://subscene.com/ +I made it so it's hard to take off.,Aku membuatnya sulit dilepas.,https://subscene.com/ +I know! Mr. Haguruma!,"Benar juga, Kak Haguruma!",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +Okay.,Kalau begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry in advance!,Bertahanlah sedikit lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe he's having a hard timeconvincing the suspect.,Mungkin dia kesulitan yakinkan pelakunya.,https://subscene.com/ +That was…Lightning Style?,Itu Elemen Petir?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?!,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +Well done!,Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +"Look, Mr. Haguruma is…","Begini, Kak Haguruma...",https://subscene.com/ +It was just a worthless appliance,Benda itu hanyalah benda biasa,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?! What the hell—?!,"Eh, apa-apaan itu?",https://subscene.com/ +"Considering the circumstances,","Berdasarkan hal itu,",https://subscene.com/ +His punishment probablywon't be too severe.,Hukumannya mungkin takkan terlalu berat.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +What's he going to do from now?,"Setelah ini, apa yang akan dia lakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, hello?","Ya, halo?",https://subscene.com/ +"Sure, if there's anything I can do…","Tentu, kalau ada yang bisa kubantu...",https://subscene.com/ +The Kaminarimon Company isalways looking for exceptional people!,Perusahaan Kaminarimon selalu terima orang-orang yang berbakat!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna go home to relaxand play my game!,Aku ingin segera untuk bersantai dan main gim!,https://subscene.com/ +"I have to be ready to go tomorrow,","Apa pun misi yang akan diberikan besok,",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What causedthat change of heart?,"Eh, kenapa sikapmu berubah begitu?",https://subscene.com/ +"Even if there's no glory in a job,it still has value.","Meskipun tak ada ketegangan dalam sebuah misi, tetap saja itu misi yang berharga.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe it's gonna storm tomorrow.,"Mungkin besok akan ada badai, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +Is that what you're saying?,Begitukah yang dikatakan oleh tersangka?,https://subscene.com/ +It became clear duringquestioning earlier.,Semuanya jadi jelas setelah sesi interogasi kemarin.,https://subscene.com/ +would try something so bold.,bisa lakukan sesuatu yang nekat seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"But moments before I jumpedin front of a passing train,","Tapi, sebelum aku melompat ke depan kereta yang sedang berjalan,",https://subscene.com/ +And that person gave him the ideaof barricading himself?,Dan orang itu memberinya ide untuk lakukan hal itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"And they told himwhere security was lax,",Dia bahkan memberitahunya posisi,https://subscene.com/ +Just who would do such a thing?,Sebenarnya siapa dalang di balik semua ini?,https://subscene.com/ +What's up?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +The case that Borutoand his team solved,Kasus yang dipecahkan oleh Boruto dan timnya,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +The Byakuya Gang?,Kelompok Byakuya?,https://subscene.com/ +They're an anonymous group.,Mereka kelompok yang bekerja di balik layar.,https://subscene.com/ +It's time for revenge…,Waktunya balas dendam,https://subscene.com/ +Fighting back witha flavorful ninjutsu!,Lawan balik dengan Ninjutsu cita rasa!,https://subscene.com/ +she's bound to fall in lovewith you again!,kemarahan mama pasti reda!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll win back Mom's heartonce more!,Aku akan menangkan hati mama sekali lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +'Course!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"PARENT AND CHILD FESTIVALThis is gonna be impossible, isn't it?","Mustahil kita bisa menang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm so nervous,I'm beginning to feel nauseous.","Saking gugupnya, perutku jadi mual.",https://subscene.com/ +Throw up andempty your stomach!,Muntahlah dan kosongkan perutmu!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Why aren't youwith Lord Seventh?,Apa kau tak bersama Hokage Ketujuh?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hima's been looking forwardto this day, so…","Hima sangat menantikannya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you gonna participatein the Eating Contest?,Apa kau akan ikut lomba makan ini?,https://subscene.com/ +But it's such a drag.,"Merepotkan banget, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I've gotta go.","Kalau begitu, aku pergi dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +It's finally time for,Akhirnya dimulai juga,https://subscene.com/ +"This year, to commemorateParent and Child Day,","Tahun ini, sebagai perayaan Hari Orang Tua dan Anak",https://subscene.com/ +The event area is tremblingwith excitement!,Area perlombaan benar-benar meriah!,https://subscene.com/ +Choji Akimichi…,Choji Akimichi.,https://subscene.com/ +– B-Beautiful!– B-Beautiful!,Cantik!,https://subscene.com/ +– the entire village is watching.– T-The entire…,"jadi, semua penduduk desa menontonnya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Metal!","Oi, Metal!",https://subscene.com/ +W-What's wrong?!,Ada apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, he hasn't eaten anything yet.","Oi, padahal belum makan apa-apa, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Look away for his sake.,Demi kebaikanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, the top five teams move onto the next round.",Lima tim teratas akan melaju ke babak berikutnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Two teams tie!,dua tim yang selesai bersamaan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Father, I'm hungrier now.","Ayah, perutku justru semakin lapar.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm getting pumped up!,Aku mulai bersemangat!,https://subscene.com/ +Give me more!,Tambah lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Slow down…,Jangan buru-buru.,https://subscene.com/ +Sensei?,Guru?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh hey, Boruto!","Oh, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +"What are you doing,Shino Sensei?","Guru Shino, sebenarnya kau sedang apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"So, I'm here to support themas their former teacher.","Jadi, sebagai mantan gurunya, aku memberi dukungan.",https://subscene.com/ +"I mean, what's that?","Maksudku, itu lo...",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, but I can't sharethis meat bun with you.","Maaf ya, tapi aku tak bisa memberimu roti isi daging ini.",https://subscene.com/ +This is for me to eat.,Untuk kumakan sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +The reason is…I actually bought one more!,"Soalnya, aku masih punya satu lagi!",https://subscene.com/ +What are you two doing anyway?,Kalian berdua itu sedang apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Cool, huh?","Terkesan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"An eating contest is likea gathering of the reckless, right?","Kontes makan itu pesertanya hanya orang-orang rakus, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, don't make too muchof a fool of yourself.","Ya, yang penting jangan permalukan dirimu.",https://subscene.com/ +W-What's my redeeming quality?,"Jadi, kelebihanku apa, dong?",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +It's pretty unusual for him to be late.,Tumben banget Mitsuki terlambat begini.,https://subscene.com/ +Shall we go to his house to seewhat's keeping him?,Mau pergi ke rumahnya untuk pastikan apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +What's the matter?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +and I can't remember anything.,"meski aku tak begitu ingat mimpinya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Did he really attack Boruto?,Apa benar dia menyerang Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +And we were so close!,Padahal tinggal sedikit lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Those were Mitsuki's very words, right?","Mitsuki bilang begitu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +He said that clearly.,Dia mengatakannya dengan jelas.,https://subscene.com/ +As long as he's unconscious…,Kalau dia pingsan begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm having them search the areafor any remaining enemies.,Aku suruh mereka berdua untuk periksa TKP kalau ada jejak musuh.,https://subscene.com/ +You're being way too nervous!,Kau itu terlalu takut!,https://subscene.com/ +Those shinobi were seriously tough.,"Kekuatan ninja itu tak main-main, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +Will we be able to take them?,Apa mereka lawan yang bisa kita kalahkan?,https://subscene.com/ +Hey… What was that?,"Oi, suara yang tadi itu...",https://subscene.com/ +"Inojin, go check it out.","Inojin, coba periksa, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you gonna make a cute lady go?,Apa kau ingin gadis manis ini yang ke sana?,https://subscene.com/ +Should we keep going or turn back?,Apa kita akan mundur atau lanjutkan ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Based on the snake's thoughts…,Berdasarkan pesan yang ditinggalkan pada ular itu,https://subscene.com/ +That made me thinkMitsuki might be innocent.,"Waktu itu, aku juga mengira kalau Mitsuki tak bersalah.",https://subscene.com/ +It might be best ifwe return to the village.,Mungkin lebih baik kita kembali dulu ke desa.,https://subscene.com/ +And risk being punishedfor deserting the village?,Dan siap terima hukuman karena tinggalkan desa?,https://subscene.com/ +I suppose you're right…,"Benar juga, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +But you know…,Tapi,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +it's almost a given that thoseLand of Earth guys are up to something.,aku yakin sekali mereka rencanakan sesuatu di Negara Tanah.,https://subscene.com/ +Hidden Leaf jonin were taken down!,"tapi mereka sanggup kalahkan Jonin Konoha, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +They've used strong-arm tactics,Di zaman yang damai ini,https://subscene.com/ +"I don't know what they're up to,",Aku belum tahu tujuan mereka,https://subscene.com/ +Ouch!,Aduh!,https://subscene.com/ +Watch Boruto!,Tolong jaga Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Over there!,Di arah sana!,https://subscene.com/ +Hope we get there in time!,Semoga sempat!,https://subscene.com/ +Inojin is being attacked by…an Akuta!,Inojin diserang oleh Akuta!,https://subscene.com/ +He won't let go!,Dia tak mau lepaskanku!,https://subscene.com/ +Let go of me!,"Lepaskan, kataku!",https://subscene.com/ +This isn't quite howI remember Akuta being.,Memangnya Akuta itu seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Let's hurry up and get rid of it…,Ayo segera kita enyahkan dia!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm starting to feel like this little guyreally has a lovely face.,"wajah si kecil ini lumayan manis juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +There isn't anything lovablein that blank face!,Wajahnya sama sekali tak cerminkan rasa cinta!,https://subscene.com/ +"This guy is one of ""them""!","Dia ini anggota mereka, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"This one's small, but the oneswe saw before were bigger,","Yang ini kecil, tapi yang kami lihat sebelumnya jauh lebih besar",https://subscene.com/ +"You're right,they were formidable opponents.","Memang sih, mereka lawan yang berbahaya.",https://subscene.com/ +we're going to havea huge problem.,kita akan sangat kerepotan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even if it's not aggressive right now,","Tapi, meskipun saat ini dia tak menyerang",https://subscene.com/ +"In that case, what if one of uskept an eye on it for a while.","Kalau begitu, untuk sementara, salah satu dari kita harus mengawasinya",https://subscene.com/ +"If you say so, Shikadai.","Kalau Shikadai bilang begitu, ya sudah.",https://subscene.com/ +Me?!,Aku?,https://subscene.com/ +He kinda seems to like you.,selain itu kelihatannyadia menyukaimu.,https://subscene.com/ +Nice to meet you.,Salam kenal.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll turn you back into soil!,Akan kukembalikan kau jadi tanah!,https://subscene.com/ +"– Hey, that's enough.– It's an Akuta","Hoi, jangan berlebihan, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Hey! You guys just got done?,"Yo, apa kalian baru saja selesai?",https://subscene.com/ +That would've made more sense!,"Itu jauh lebih masuk akal, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +It's nothing.,Tak apa-apa.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't remember.,Aku tak bisa mengingatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you can't remember, who cares?","Kalau kau tak bisa mengingatnya, berarti itu tak penting, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +"So this is where you were, brat!","Jadi, kau di sini, Bocah Nakal!",https://subscene.com/ +You said you'd bring Mitsuki back!,Katamu kau akan bawa Mitsuki kembali!,https://subscene.com/ +And we agreed…,Lalu,https://subscene.com/ +You still don't get it?!,"Kau masih belum menyadarinya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +There's no point.,Apa boleh buat.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm hungry!,Aku lapar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Run, Boruto!","Larilah, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Such a stupid brat!,Benar-benar bocah yang bodoh!,https://subscene.com/ +Just go away!,Pergilah!,https://subscene.com/ +What did you do that for?!,Kenapa kau tiba-tiba lakukan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Here, go fetch.","Ini, ambillah!",https://subscene.com/ +It would be greatif it never came back.,"Kalau dia tak kembali, itu akan jauh lebih baik.",https://subscene.com/ +Stop copying me!,Jangan meniruku!,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!,忍法・超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +What's the matter?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Good job! Good job!,"Kerja bagus, kerja bagus!",https://subscene.com/ +Wait! Stop!,"Tunggu dulu, hentikan!",https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if it's all right?,"Dia baik-baik saja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Life is precious.,"tapi nyawa itu itu berharga, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki! Wait!,"Tunggu dulu, Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +I shouldn't be in pain.,Harusnya ini sudah tak sakit.,https://subscene.com/ +"The Five Kage Summit is over,","Pertemuan Lima Kage sudah selesai,",https://subscene.com/ +I sure hope so.,Semoga saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sekiei, don't let your guard down.","Sekiei, jangan lengah.",https://subscene.com/ +Good evening.,Selamat malam.,https://subscene.com/ +I read your letter.,Aku sudah baca suratmu.,https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't matter how he feels.,Tak perlu pedulikan niatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Several thousand of them havealready been born in our land,","Di negara kami, sudah ada ribuan dari mereka yang terlahir,",https://subscene.com/ +Are you planning to starta war or something?,Apa kalian berniat lakukan perang?,https://subscene.com/ +Come with us.,Ikutlah bersama kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"If I meet this person,will I really learn…","Setelah bertemu dengannya, apa aku akan mengetahui",https://subscene.com/ +The secret of one's will.,Rahasia dari kehendak manusia.,https://subscene.com/ +Did you hear that just now?,Apa kau mendengarnya?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't get too carried away!,"Jangan terlalu terbawa suasana, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Humans are so stupid.,"Manusia itu bodoh sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Who are you?!,Siapa kalian?,https://subscene.com/ +Want to come with usto the Land of Earth?,Apa kau ingin ikut dengan kami ke Negara Tanah?,https://subscene.com/ +Wait.,Tunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't be foolish as to mentionthe Land of Earth.,Jangan sembarangan sebutkan nama Negara Tanah.,https://subscene.com/ +Now go…,Pergilah.,https://subscene.com/ +Try turning your hand this way.,Coba beginikan tanganmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"and before you know it, you're asleep.",dan tanpa sadar kau akan tertidur.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sometimes, I dream.","Terkadang aku juga bermimpi, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Sekiei, don't get too friendly with him.","Sekiei, jangan terlalu dekat dengannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Kokuyou, you're gettingincreasingly suspicious of others…","Kokuyou, kau itu terlalu mencurigai orang lain.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't know about that.,Apa benar?,https://subscene.com/ +Me?,Aku?,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, as in we were ""made"" into people.",Kami semua adalah manusia buatan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you thinkKirara got back…safely?","Eh, apa Kirara berhasil kembali dengan selamat?",https://subscene.com/ +Get ahold of yourself!,Bertahanlah!,https://subscene.com/ +This is bad.Of all the times for this to happen…,"Gawat, terjadi di saat seperti ini, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You watch him until I return.,"Sampai aku kembali, jagalah dia.",https://subscene.com/ +Kokuyou…,Kokuyou.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll bring help right away.,Aku akan segera cari pertolongan.,https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for stopping by.I know you're busy.,"Terima kasih sudah ke sini, meskipun kau sedang sibuk.",https://subscene.com/ +He's stable for now.,Kondisinya sekarang sudah stabil.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not it!,Itu tak benar!,https://subscene.com/ +"Akatsuchi, you staying with himis a huge help.","Akatsuchi, keberadaanmu di sini benar-benar membantu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"There were a few thingsI wanted to check with him, but…","Ada beberapa hal yang perlu kupastikan,",https://subscene.com/ +I'm worried aboutwhat the Hokage said.,Ucapan Hokage menarik perhatianku.,https://subscene.com/ +Is there anyone we can trust?,Apa ada orang yang bisa kita percaya?,https://subscene.com/ +I have a nephew in the ANBU.,Aku punya keponakan yang berada di Anbu.,https://subscene.com/ +Kurotsuchi…,"Kurotsuchi,",https://subscene.com/ +Not even a shred of resistancefrom any of you!,"Benar-benar orang yang tak bisa beri hiburan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +He's…,Dia...,https://subscene.com/ +That face!,Wajah itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…Did I scare you?,"Mitsuki, apa kau terkejut?",https://subscene.com/ +"Unlike them,we can talk and think, but…","Tak seperti mereka, kami bisa bicara dan berpikir,",https://subscene.com/ +"It needs a lot of maintenance,or it fails.","Kalau tak dirawat, tubuh kami akan rapuh.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't give up.,Sebaiknya kau tak menyerah.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not good.,"Gawat juga, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +I thought you ran away.,kupikir kau melarikan diri.,https://subscene.com/ +Flowers.,Bunga.,https://subscene.com/ +You look at them andit makes you feel better.,"Kalau kau melihatnya, katanya sakitmu akan mendingan.",https://subscene.com/ +Feel better?,Apa sudah mendingan?,https://subscene.com/ +"But, I don't thinkI'm going to last long.","Tapi, kurasa takkan bertahan lama.",https://subscene.com/ +Well…People eat.,"Baiklah, manusia itu butuh makan.",https://subscene.com/ +"There's a girl that eats so much,I can hardly believe it.","Sulit dipercaya sih, tapi ada wanita yang makannya banyak sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh yeah?,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Parent, huh?","Orang tua, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"What about you, Mitsuki?",Mitsuki sendiri bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Ku?,Tn. Ku?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, is that what you call a sunset?","Eh, apa itu yang namanya matahari tenggelam?",https://subscene.com/ +"When humans see something like this,some even shed tears.","Saat manusia lihat hal seperti ini, ada beberapa yang teteskan air matanya.",https://subscene.com/ +I haven't.,Belum pernah.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder… I'm not sure.,"Entahlah, aku juga tak tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +Will you cry if Boruto dies?,"Kalau dia mati, apa kau akan menangis?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto is…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +What're you doing?,"Bicara apa kau itu, Mitsuki?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto is a being…who was like my sun.,"Bagiku, Boruto itu ibarat matahari.",https://subscene.com/ +"She's the one who eatsan unbelievable amount, right?","Chocho itu gadis yang makannya banyak, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +She talked about close friends…,Chocho pernah bilang kalau teman dekat itu,https://subscene.com/ +"Then I wish you'd tell me, Mitsuki…","Kalau begitu, aku juga berharap kau mau memberitahuku",https://subscene.com/ +My…secret?,Rahasiaku?,https://subscene.com/ +You're lying.,"Bohong, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Don't move.,Jangan bergerak.,https://subscene.com/ +and let a snake go whilewe weren't watching…didn't you?,"lalu lepaskan seekor ular saat kami tak lihat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Why did you leavethe snake behind?,Apa alasanmu tinggalkan ular itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"At the end,I just left Boruto a message.",Yang kulakukan hanya tinggalkan pesan untuk Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +And that there was no needto look for me.,Dan karena alasan itulah tak perlu mencariku.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm suspicious about you, you know.","Aku juga sudah curiga padamu, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe I'm just curious about you.,Mungkin karena aku lebih penasaran tentangmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Especially when we're stakingour lives on it.,Terlebih saat kami pertaruhkan nyawa untuk itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I mean, your body is…","Soalnya, tubuhmu itu...",https://subscene.com/ +Back then…,Saat itu,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe you still feel that way too?,Apa mungkin kau juga masih rasakan hal yang sama?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, tell me more…","Eh, coba ceritakan lebih banyak lagi",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm really, really curious.",Aku benar-benar penasaran.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto's always smiling…,Boruto itu selalu tersenyum,https://subscene.com/ +"But for some reason,he's always getting scolded.","Tapi entah kenapa, dia selalu dimarahi.",https://subscene.com/ +He never gives upif it's for a friend.,tapi dia tak pernah menyerah kalau berkaitan dengan hubungan pertemanannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes…he always hasfriends around him.,"Ya, dia selalu punya teman di mana-mana.",https://subscene.com/ +"He's my sun, so far away.","Dia adalah matahariku, yang jauh di sana.",https://subscene.com/ +might have been created.,juga hanya buatan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sekiei, don't move.","Sekiei, jangan bergerak.",https://subscene.com/ +he'll skewer you alive.,dia pasti akan menusukmu hidup-hidup.,https://subscene.com/ +"If I die, no one will ever know thatyou left behind a message.","Kalau aku mati, takkan ada yang tahu soal pesan yang kautinggalkan itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Is this what fallingasleep feels like?,Apa begini rasanya mengantuk itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Look…at that sunset…,Lihatlah matahari terbenam itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Go…,Pergilah.,https://subscene.com/ +Right?,'kan?,https://subscene.com/ +Almost there!,Hampir sampai!,https://subscene.com/ +Sekiei!,Sekiei!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Sekiei, can you hear me?!","Hoi, Sekiei, apa kau bisa mendengarku?",https://subscene.com/ +"Get back, or I won't be ableto give him the shot.","Mundurlah, kalau tidak, aku tak bisa menyuntiknya.",https://subscene.com/ +Probably.,Mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +"In any case, let's get him to Lord Kuas soon as possible.","Yang terpenting sekarang, ayo kita bawa dia ke tempat Tn. Ku secepat mungkin.",https://subscene.com/ +So this is Mitsuki?,"Jadi, dia Mitsuki, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +He said he'd come with us willingly.,Dia bilang dia datang ke tempat kita atas keinginannya sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +I came here of my own will.,Aku datang ke sini atas keinginanku sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"His eyes are clear,but they're not trustworthy.","Matanya jernih, tapi dia tak bisa dipercaya.",https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Well?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +Knock him unconscious.,Lukai dia,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, that's right.",Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"I said I'd go with you guys,",Aku sudah bilang kalau aku akan ikut dengan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +Wait…!,Tunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +Sekiei!,Sekiei!,https://subscene.com/ +I vouch for him.,Aku bisa jamin hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +He's just like us.,Dia sama seperti kita.,https://subscene.com/ +"But actually, he always felt alone.","Tapi sebenarnya, dia merasa kesepian.",https://subscene.com/ +So all you can do is watch itfrom a distance.,"Jadi, yang bisa kaulakukan hanyalah melihatnya dari kejauhan.",https://subscene.com/ +"Come with us, Lord Ku is waiting.","Ikutlah bersama kami, Tn. Ku sudah menunggumu.",https://subscene.com/ +So you trust me now?,"Jadi, sekarang kau percaya padaku?",https://subscene.com/ +Now we're friends.,Sekarang kita adalah teman.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't want to die here.,Aku tak mau mati di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +The one who will decide…,Orang yang berhak putuskan hal itu,https://subscene.com/ +I think it might be best if we returnto the village temporarily.,"Kurasa untuk sementara,lebih baik kita kembali ke desa dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +You know that we're going to getpunished for deserting the village!,"Kalau kita khianati desa, kita akan dihukum!",https://subscene.com/ +"In any event, the one whoencouraged us to go this far was Boruto.","Dalam banyak kesempatan, Boruto-lah yang selalu semangati kita hingga sampai sejauh ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +"WRITTEN TESTOkay, time's up!","Baiklah, waktu habis!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll be collecting your tests.,Guru akan ambil lembar ujian kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +You saved my butt!,"Berkat dirimu, aku terselamatkan!",https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't have been able to stealthe test questions so easily.,aku takkan bisa menyontek dengan mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +but there's always someonein the teachers' lounge.,tapi tetap saja selalu ada yang berjaga di ruang kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't that cheating?,Bukankah itu curang?,https://subscene.com/ +"A week ago, Shino Sensei…","Seminggu yang lalu, Guru Shino...",https://subscene.com/ +and figure out your strategy.,dan tentukan strategi kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +They're testing our skillsas ninja to collect intel.,Hal itu dilakukan untuk uji kemampuan kumpulkan informasi kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Is that what he meant?,"Jadi begitu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Are you gonna be okay, Boruto?","Boruto, apa ujianmu akan baik-baik saja?",https://subscene.com/ +It was easy!,"Ujiannya mudah, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +"You're awesome, Boruto!",Boruto memang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to go all out on,Waktu ujian praktik besok,https://subscene.com/ +Uh… I'm starting to getnervous right now.,"Ah, belum-belum aku sudah gugup.",https://subscene.com/ +It's probably gonna be tough.,Mungkin akan sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +A test isn't a big deal anyways.,"Lagi pula, ujian itu tak terlalu penting, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Let's wrap this up andbecome ninja already!,Ayo kita selesaikan semua ujiannya dan jadi ninja bersama-sama!,https://subscene.com/ +He's quite a kid.,"Boleh juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…what?,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, I was just testingmy Sealing Jutsu.","Ah, aku sedang uji teknik penyegelku.",https://subscene.com/ +I guess I can't use itduring a real battle.,"Sudah kuduga memang tak bisa kugunakan dalam pertarungan sesungguhnya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone looks pretty carefree…,"Kalian semua benar-benar santai, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to explain the rules forthe final practical application exam.,Akan kujelaskan aturan dari ujian praktik akhirnya.,https://subscene.com/ +It represents your life.,Ikat kepala itu mewakili nyawa kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +The exam will be conducted asan actual combat situation.,Ujian ini akan dikondisikan sesuai situasi pertarungan sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +You will be battling us.,Kalian akan lawan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, this target is justlike your bandana.","Dan, yang di dada kami ini fungsinya sama seperti ikat kepala kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +we will not be able to fight.,kami takkan bisa bertarung lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +We have to fight Shino Senseiand the others for the exam?,"Kita hanya perlu melawan Guru Shino dan yang lainnya dalam ujian ini, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +But don't we have to watch outfor Konohamaru Sensei?,"Tapi, kita harus lebih waspada pada Guru Konohamaru, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Oh really?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +And these bandanas andtargets are only in the way.,Ikat kepala dan target itu hanya mengganggu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Then we can't use discretion, can we?","Kalau dibuat seperti itu, kami tak bisa menahan diri, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Old Man Kakashi!,Paman Kakashi!,https://subscene.com/ +Call me Lord Sixth whenwe're with the others…,"Di depan semua orang, panggil aku Hokage Keenam.",https://subscene.com/ +S-Sure.,"Ah, baik.",https://subscene.com/ +What am I doing?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +"You're kidding, right?","Tak mungkin, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +This is awesome!,Ini hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +who became a jonin at age 12!,si ninja genius Desa Konoha!,https://subscene.com/ +And he's going to be our proctor?!,Beliau akan jadi pengawasnya?,https://subscene.com/ +"Calm down, guys!","Semuanya, tenanglah!",https://subscene.com/ +"Like I said, call me, Lord Sixth.","Sudah kubilang, panggil aku Hokage Keenam.",https://subscene.com/ +I know all about you guys too.,Aku juga sudah mengenali kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +I know that you're the groupof troublemakers.,Kelompok pembuat masalah.,https://subscene.com/ +We can't let troublemakersbecome shinobi.,Si pembuat masalah itu tak boleh jadi ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +we don't need troublemakers.,si pembuat masalah itu tak dibutuhkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Whether you have what it takes to becomea worthy shinobi or not.,Mari kita lihat apa kalian punya kriteria untuk jadi ninja atau tidak?,https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, headbands and targetsare only for clarifying decisions.","Omong-omong, ikat kepala dan target itu hanya untuk tentukan batasan.",https://subscene.com/ +Sounds like fun.,Sepertinya menarik.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd like to ask a question…,"Anu, aku ingin tanya untuk berjaga-jaga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Nope, there isn't.",Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +Wait a second!,Tunggu dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +You can quit if you don't like it.,"Kalau kau tak suka, kau boleh berhenti.",https://subscene.com/ +"In this day and age,we have enough personnel.","Di saat seperti ini, kami sudah punya cukup anggota.",https://subscene.com/ +How can you do somethingso messed up?,Bukankah itu terlalu berlebihan?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't forget…,Jangan sampai lupa.,https://subscene.com/ +one mistake can mean death.,satu kesalahan saja bisa timbulkan kematian.,https://subscene.com/ +The Sensei are being scary…,Para guru sangat menakutkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"To get to Lord Sixth,you must get through us.","Untuk bisa sentuh Hokage Keenam, pertama kalian harus lewati kami dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +And there you have it.,Seperti itulah.,https://subscene.com/ +"so, come at us withintent to kill.",jadi kalian bisa maju dengan niat membunuh kami.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you sure what about you said?,Apa Paman yakin berkata seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +who just pal around andrefuse to grow up.,dan tak mau tumbuh dewasa.,https://subscene.com/ +On your mark…,Kita akan memulainya setelah aba-aba dariku.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll settle this…right now!,Aku akan menyelesaikannya dengan cepat!,https://subscene.com/ +"Like father, like son.You're so impatient.","Ayah dan anak sama-sama tak sabaran, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What are we gonna do?,Ba-Bagaimana ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait!","Ah, tunggu!",https://subscene.com/ +I won't let you get away!,Aku takkan biarkanmu lari!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm determined too,and we're not gonna lose!",Aku juga takkan kalah kalau mengenai keteguhan hati!,https://subscene.com/ +I won't lose either!,Aku juga takkan kalah!,https://subscene.com/ +Aren't we going after them?,Apa kau tak kejar mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +"but you want to use Iwabe andthe others as a diversion,","kau ingin jadikan Iwabe dan yang lainnya sebagai pengalih perhatian,",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, that won't work. Houki!","Kau tak boleh begitu, Houki!",https://subscene.com/ +Like I'd pull a cheap tricklike that!,Aku takkan lakukan hal serendah itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's get after them!,Kita kejar mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Doshu!","Tunggu, Doshu!",https://subscene.com/ +We first have to figure outa strategy to get the bell first.,Pertama kita harus pikirkan bagaimana cara dapatkan loncengnya.,https://subscene.com/ +What do we do if someone getsto Lord Sixth first?,"kalau ada yang duluan menangkap Hokage Keenam, bagaimana?",https://subscene.com/ +That's…,Soal itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't be so serious.,Tak perlu terlalu serius.,https://subscene.com/ +we'll just have to practice moreor take a make-up exam. That's all.,kita cukup latihan lebih keras lagi untuk mengulangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki!,Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +everyone's gone off on their own.,kenyataannya memang semuanya bergerak masing-masing.,https://subscene.com/ +It just may be the case thatwe can't just do anything we choose.,Kita tak boleh bertindak egois.,https://subscene.com/ +"Good job, Shikadai!","Kau pintar sekali, Shikadai!",https://subscene.com/ +"I feel bad for Boruto, but this time,we've got to act on our own.","Aku tak enak dengan kelompok Boruto sih, tapi kali ini kita harus bertindak sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +That's why we just haveto go with what will work.,"Karena itulah, kita tak punya pilihan selain lakukan ini.",https://subscene.com/ +This is…,Tempat ini kan...,https://subscene.com/ +A bug!,Serangga!,https://subscene.com/ +This is bad.,"Gawat, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, something hasn't feltright since earlier, huh?","Eh, sejak tadi sepertinya ada yang aneh, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Such easy pickingswhen they're scattered.,"Kalau terpisah-pisah begini, jadi mudah, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Guys, this is an individual exam.","Kalian semua, ujian ini adalah ujian individu.",https://subscene.com/ +"because your aim is toseparate all of us, right?","tujuan Guru adalah memisah-misahkan kami, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +it's more effective if we worktogether to get rid of obstacles.,"akan jauh lebih mudah kalau kita bekerja sama singkirkan rintangan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Sweets have nothing to dowith the exam.,Makanan manis tak ada hubungannya dengan ujian ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"This isn't time to talkabout that, chubs!","Sekarang bukan saatnya untuk bicarakan itu, Gendut!",https://subscene.com/ +They really underestimated me.,"Mereka benar-benar remehkanku, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, we've gotta find Lord Sixthas soon as we can.","Selain itu, kita harus temukan Hokage Keenam terlebih dulu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +The early bird getsthe worm or not…,Ini bukan masalah siapa yang lebih cepat.,https://subscene.com/ +Anyway… Here comesthe second wave.,"Murid selanjutnya sudah datang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Call me Sensei, hey!",Panggil aku Guru!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll show you whata real battle is like.,Akan kutunjukkan padamu pertempuran yang sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Where are you going, hey?!","Kau mau ke mana, oi?",https://subscene.com/ +"I don't waste timeon low-scoring points,",Aku tak mau habiskan waktu untuk poin rendah,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you know the first thingabout exams?!,Apa kau tak tahu soal hal pertama dari ujian?,https://subscene.com/ +My target is only Old Man Kakashifor the passing score!,Incaranku hanyalah nilai lulus dari paman Kakashi!,https://subscene.com/ +Well? Don't you need to go with him?,"Lalu, apa kalian tak masalah tak mengikutinya?",https://subscene.com/ +you wouldn't have allowed Borutoto pass so easily.,"Anda takkan lepaskan Boruto semudah itu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Let's do this, Class Rep!","Ayo kita lakukan, Ketua!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, how are we gonnafind Lord Sixth?","Eh, bagaimana caranya kita temukan Tn. Hokage Keenam?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna search fromthe top of the highest tree.,aku akan mencarinya dari pohon yang paling tinggi dulu!,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Sixth is up ahead.,Tn. Hokage Keenam ada di depan sana.,https://subscene.com/ +But it will be impossibleto reach him.,"Tapi, mustahil untuk sampai ke sana.",https://subscene.com/ +Leave this to me.,Serahkan yang di sini padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +Yes. I want to battle Sensei.,"Ya, aku ingin bertarung dengan guru.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, so where is Lord Sixth?","Baiklah, Hokage Keenam di mana, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +but searching from up highisn't such a bad idea.,tapi mencari dari pohon yang paling tinggi itu bukan ide yang buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +Too easy!,Kau terlalu naif!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna pass the exam!,Aku pasti akan lulus ujian ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Just like a Special Jonin…,Seorang Jonin memang hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +You only realized that now?,Kau baru sadar sekarang?,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Gawat!,https://subscene.com/ +When did you all—?,Sejak kapan kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +There's nowhere to run.,Guru takkan bisa lari.,https://subscene.com/ +You kids are pretty tough…,"Ternyata kalian hebat juga, Anak-anak.",https://subscene.com/ +How unusual…,Tumben sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +I thought you weren't too interestedin exams like this.,Kupikir kau tak terlalu tertarik hadapi ujian kali ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"But now, through Boruto,I've started to see many things.","Tapi sekarang, bersama Boruto, aku mulai lihat banyak hal.",https://subscene.com/ +"I want to help Boruto,","Aku ingin bantu Boruto,",https://subscene.com/ +And one more thing.,Dan satu hal lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +I said there was nothing morethat I could learn from you.,"aku pernah bilang kalau tak ada lagi yang bisa aku pelajari dari Anda, Guru.",https://subscene.com/ +with everything I've got.,dengan seluruh kemampuanku.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll need to geta bit more serious here.,Sepertinya kali ini aku harus bertarung dengan lebih serius.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you'd already awakened it?","Kau sudah berhasil membangkitkannya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What is this thing?!,Apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Thanks.,Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +Konohamaru Sensei's true poweris nothing like this.,Guru Konohamaru masih belum kerahkan kekuatan yang sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's much smaller thanthe last time I saw it,","Meskipun bentuknya jauh lebih kecil dibandingkan terakhir kali aku melihatnya,",https://subscene.com/ +Whether it's the Sharingan or Nue…,Baik Sharingan maupun Nue.,https://subscene.com/ +Did Naruto teach youthe Shadow Clone?,Apa Naruto yang ajarimu Teknik Klona Bayangan?,https://subscene.com/ +You used Substitution toswitch places with my clone?!,Paman gunakan Teknik Pengganti Tubuh untuk bertukar tempat dengan klona milikku?,https://subscene.com/ +We are not!,Kami tak mirip!,https://subscene.com/ +I didn't think you'd get this far.,Tak kusangka kau bisa bertarung sejauh ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"You say that,","Guru memang bilang begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, it makes no difference to me.","Ya, bagiku itu sama saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, there's more to the exam.","Baiklah, masih ada ujian yang harus kaulalui.",https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Baik.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not possible.,Itu tak mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +To have come this far beforeeven graduating from the Academy…,Kau bisa sampai sejauh ini bahkan sebelum lulus dari akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +A real genius.,"Ya, kau itu memang genius.",https://subscene.com/ +You are not suitedto become a ninja.,Kau tak cocok untuk jadi seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +You lack one decisive element.,Kau tak punya satu elemen yang penting.,https://subscene.com/ +"If I take that bell from you,I pass, right?","Kalau aku bisa dapatkan lonceng itu, aku lulus, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Here we go!,Ayo!,https://subscene.com/ +It's mine!,Kena!,https://subscene.com/ +You almost got the bell.,Kau hampir berhasil dapatkan loncengnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"You excel all around,and are a cut above the rest.","Kau kuasai semuanya, dan kemampuanmu di atas rata-rata.",https://subscene.com/ +"And that's the reason why,this is the end of the line for you.","Karena itulah, petualanganmu berakhir sampai di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +You can't just become a ninja.,Kau takkan bisa jadi seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +How would you knowanything about me?!,Memangnya apa yang Paman tahu tentang diriku ini?,https://subscene.com/ +This year's Academy studentsare horrible.,Murid akademi tahun ini semuanya payah.,https://subscene.com/ +It must be your influence on them.,Itu pasti karena mereka dipengaruhi olehmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Me?,Aku?,https://subscene.com/ +I want you to analyze this guy.,Aku ingin kau periksa ular ini.,https://subscene.com/ +I got it.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +you better listen towhat I have to say…,"kau akan dengarkan penjelasanku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Of course!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"You know the old saying, right?","Kau tahu pepatah kuno, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +But do snakes have them too?,"Tapi, memangnya ular punya sisik semacam itu?",https://subscene.com/ +"That's right, during thatone class back at the Academy…","Oh ya, saat pelajaran di akademi waktu itu...",https://subscene.com/ +Maybe this is similar?,"Apa makhluk ini semacam itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You take down a monsterto acquire an item.,Kalahkan monsternya dan dapatkan barangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +You are so nonchalant!,"Kau itu santai banget, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, we'll find him real quickand get what we need in a snap…","Segera kita cari si Garaga itu, lalu dapatkan sisiknya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, wait!","Hoi, tunggu!",https://subscene.com/ +Was this track made bya crawling snake?,Apa ini jejak tubuh ular?,https://subscene.com/ +"If a snake did this,it'd have to be ridiculously big…","Kalau memang ini jejak tubuh ular, berarti ukurannya sangat besar.",https://subscene.com/ +W-What is this?,Apa-apaan ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Remember whatthe White Snake Sage said…,"Petapa Ular Putih sudah bilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Ever since then,he's been a real pest","Sejak saat itu, dia selalu mengobrak-abrik segala tempat.",https://subscene.com/ +"He needs to be taught a lesson,or it's hopeless.",Dia memang perlu diberi pelajaran.,https://subscene.com/ +Incurring WrathWhat? Stone stairs?,Tangga batu apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Are you okay?!,Kau baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +What are these?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +There are some here too!,Di sini juga ada!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…they scared me!,"Dasar, bikin kaget saja.",https://subscene.com/ +Wait a sec!,Tunggu sebentar!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +Hold on!,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +You're right.,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +What's going on here?,Sebenarnya apa ini?,https://subscene.com/ +No way…,"Ini bohong, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, he's gonna come for us…","Celaka, dia mau menyerang!",https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, get away!","Sarada, lari!",https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, over here!","Sarada, sini!",https://subscene.com/ +What do we do?,Bagaimana ini?,https://subscene.com/ +No objections here!,Setuju!,https://subscene.com/ +"Moegi… So, you're alone?","Moegi, kau kembali sendirian?",https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai and the othersended up going with Boruto.,Sepertinya Shikadai dan yang lainnya membantu Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"And after seeing Boruto,","Lalu, saat bertemu dengan Boruto,",https://subscene.com/ +That's probablywhy he went along.,Karena itulah dia mengikutinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, that I don't know…","Ya, mengenai itu aku belum tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"Judging by his condition,","Dilihat dari kondisinya,",https://subscene.com/ +Yurito.,Yurito.,https://subscene.com/ +Could you deliverthis report to Lord Seventh?,Bisa tolong antar laporan ini pada Hokage Ketujuh?,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Oke!,https://subscene.com/ +"We'd better getsome fresh intel soon,","Kalau kita tak segera dapat informasi baru,",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, Granny Tsunade.","Maaf ya, Nenek Tsunade.",https://subscene.com/ +we've avoided creatingunnecessary chaos for the village.,kita berhasil hindari kekacauan yang tak seharusnya terjadi di desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"try putting yourself in my place,listening to them complain…","bayangkan kalau jadi aku, harus dengarkan keluhan mereka",https://subscene.com/ +Excuse me!,Permisi!,https://subscene.com/ +Sakura asked me tobring this to you.,Nn. Sakura memintaku bawakan ini untuk Anda.,https://subscene.com/ +This is good news.,Ini berita bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +All right then.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Who knew it was gonnabe that huge?,Siapa sangka kalau tempatnya akan seluas ini?,https://subscene.com/ +how are we supposedto get the Reverse Scale?,"mustahil kita bisa dapatkan sisik terbaliknya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Well…,"Eh, begini...",https://subscene.com/ +It was like…it was trying to protect me…,Rasanya dia seperti berusaha lindungiku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you're right.","Benar juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +What's that?!,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +That's him!,Tak salah lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Sarada?!","Hoi, Sarada?",https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Hoi!,https://subscene.com/ +I wondered if the day wouldcome when I could meet you.,"Aku sering berpikir, kapan aku bisa bertemu dengan Anda.",https://subscene.com/ +You can talk?,Kau bisa bicara?,https://subscene.com/ +"Aoda, you trash!",Si Aoda itu memang kurang ajar!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll kill any human thatcomes near me…no matter who it is!,"Aku akan bunuh siapa pun manusia yang mendekatiku, siapa pun dia!",https://subscene.com/ +"So to track this person down,","Jadi, untuk melacak orang ini,",https://subscene.com/ +What's the matter?,Ada yang salah?,https://subscene.com/ +"I know! Could you help us, Aoda?","Oh ya, bagaimana kalau sekarang kau ikut bantu kami juga, Aoda?",https://subscene.com/ +he might just biteour heads off from behind.,bisa-bisa dia melahap kita dari belakang.,https://subscene.com/ +I have no interest ineating humans.,Aku tak punya keinginan untuk memakan manusia.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd like to ask you one thing.,Aku ingin tanyakan satu hal.,https://subscene.com/ +Is Garaga the only onewho has one?,Apa hanya Garaga yang punya sisik itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Usually snakes with a violenttemperament like Garaga have one.,"Tapi, biasanya ular yang temperamental seperti Garaga memang punya sisik tersebut.",https://subscene.com/ +I believe it's bestnot to engage Garaga.,"Menurutku, sebaiknya Anda tak berurusan dengan Garaga.",https://subscene.com/ +All the snakes who live herein Ryuchi Cave despise him.,Semua ular yang hidup di Gua Ryuchi ini membencinya.,https://subscene.com/ +They're nothing but trouble—!,Mereka itu merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +I shall escort you to the exit.,Akan kuantar kalian ke pintu keluar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Aoda.","Tunggu, Aoda!",https://subscene.com/ +"Please, help us.","Kumohon, tolong bantulah kami!",https://subscene.com/ +Lady Sarada…,Nn. Sarada.,https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai figured somethingout on his own.,Shikadai pasti sadari sesuatu dengan caranya sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"And yet, according tothe chunin's memory,","Meskipun begitu, berdasarkan ingatan Chunin yang terluka,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, that's why I'm working offof that assumption","Karena itulah, saat ini aku bertindak berdasarkan hal itu",https://subscene.com/ +But what if…,"Tapi, misalnya saja...",https://subscene.com/ +What are you saying will happen?,Menurutmu apa yang sedang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +"in this village,known only to us.",dan dianggap sebagai rahasia tingkat tinggi di desa kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Access to such sensitive data…,Yang bisa mengakses data penting itu,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder if Boruto and Saradawill make it back safely?,"Apa Boruto dan Sarada akan kembali dengan selamat, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"If we leave on our own,we'll be treated like rogue ninja.","Kalau kita seenaknya pergi, kita akan dianggap sebagai penjahat.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, they wouldn't go that far,no matter how serious it is.","Hoi, hoi, mau bagaimanapun, itu tak mungkin, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"They'll just be brought backand punished, right?","Mereka pasti hanya dibawa kembali lalu dihukum, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I was just wondering if therewas anything we can do…,Aku hanya kepikiran apa ada yang bisa kita lakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe…,Iwabe.,https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +"If someone attacked our shinobi,who knows what else might happen?","Kalau ada yang serang ninja desa kita, tak ada yang tahu apa yang akan terjadi.",https://subscene.com/ +"I guess we have to focuson our mission, right now.",Saat ini kita harus fokus pada misi kita.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto and the otherswill handle this somehow.,Boruto dan yang lainnya pasti akan temukan jalan keluarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes! You're right!,"Ya, kau benar!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll leave him in your hands.,"Tolong jaga dia, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Did you forget something?,Apa ada yang ketinggalan?,https://subscene.com/ +Where is Sakura?,Nn. Sakura mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Nope.,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, it's fine.","Oh, tak jadi saja.",https://subscene.com/ +It would be great if he canprovide new information.,Pasti akan bagus kalau dia bisa berikan informasi baru.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry to have bothered you.,"Maaf, aku sudah mengganggumu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hinata, did you need tosee Naruto?","Hinata, kau ingin temui Naruto?",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Seems like I'm gonna be herefor a while, so…",Sepertinya aku harus tinggal di sini untuk sementara waktu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm so sorry, Sakura…","Sakura, maafkan aku.",https://subscene.com/ +"When they're brought back,she'll be punished too.","Saat mereka kembali nanti, dia juga akan dihukum.",https://subscene.com/ +You don't have to agonizeover that.,Kau tak perlu terlalu memikirkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +They're full-fledged ninja now.,Saat ini kemampuan mereka sebagai ninja sudah berkembang pesat.,https://subscene.com/ +They went off knowing full wellwhat the consequences would be.,"Saat pergi, mereka pasti sudah tahu konsekuensi yang akan mereka terima.",https://subscene.com/ +Ugh!,Ya ampun!,https://subscene.com/ +I am in no way your ally.,Aku sama sekali bukan rekan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, I just hope you gotthe details of our plan down.","Omong-omong, kuharap kau bisa mengerti detail rencana kami.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry!,Maaf!,https://subscene.com/ +I just wonder what Master Sasukewill say if he finds out about this?,Aku hanya penasaran apa yang akan dikatakan Tn. Sasuke kalau dia mengetahui hal ini.,https://subscene.com/ +We're counting on you guys.,Kuserahkan pada kalian semua.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, let's go!","Baiklah, ayo!",https://subscene.com/ +Who are you?,Siapa kau?,https://subscene.com/ +So fast!,Cepat sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!,忍法・超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +I'll crush you!,Aku akan menghabisimu!,https://subscene.com/ +won't work on me!,takkan mempan terhadapku!,https://subscene.com/ +"If the three of us canhold him down somewhat,","Kalau kami bertiga bisa menahannya,",https://subscene.com/ +It's up to you two!,"Tolong ya, kalian berdua!",https://subscene.com/ +Okay!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +You…,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you…come near me!,Jangan coba-coba menantangku!,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna grind you all…into mincemeat!,Aku akan koyak tubuh kalian semua hingga jadi daging cincang!,https://subscene.com/ +You're not gonna get awaywith this!,Kau takkan kami maafkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't play dumb!,Jangan berlagak bodoh!,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +You guys!,Kalian...,https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing here?,Kenapa kalian di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +My Super Beast Scrollmade it easy to catch up to you.,"Dengan Teknik Rajah Plagiat Hewanku, kami bisa menyusul kalian.",https://subscene.com/ +Tsk! Don't make us waste time!,"Cih, jangan bikin kami repot, dong!",https://subscene.com/ +That's what I'd ask you guys.,Harusnya kamilah yang bertanya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Though, we don't like doing this!","Meskipun kami enggan melakukannya, sih!",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, but orders are orders.","Maaf, tapi itulah perintahnya.",https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +"but if you refuse,you'll be branded as Rogue Ninja.","Kalau kalian menolak, kalian akan dicap sebagai ninja pemberontak.",https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +I have to see Mitsuki one more timeand confirm things with him!,Apa pun yang terjadi aku harus temui Mitsuki dan pastikan sesuatu!,https://subscene.com/ +"But investigating the incidentisn't your mission, right?","Tapi, menyelidiki insiden itu bukan misi kalian, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That's not it!,Bukan begitu!,https://subscene.com/ +because you're rushing inwhile you're frantic!,justru nanti kalian yang berada dalam bahaya!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"After all, he's a friend.",Karena dia memang teman kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't do that.,Aku tak bisa melakukannya!,https://subscene.com/ +But I just have to go to Mitsuki!,"tapi meski begitu, aku tetap harus temui Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +"Sadly, I don't think we're going tobe able to convince them.","Sayang sekali, sepertinya tak ada gunanya lagi bujuk mereka, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +That's why we can't let this thingget any bigger than it is.,Karena itulah kita tak boleh memperparah keadaan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki is the reason forBoruto and Sarada's desertion,",Perginya Boruto dan Sarada tinggalkan desa,https://subscene.com/ +"That's why stopping them hereis not only for their sake,","Jadi, menghentikan mereka berdua di sini",https://subscene.com/ +"So unless they havea perfectly rational reason,",Tanpa adanya penjelasan yang masuk akal,https://subscene.com/ +Seems like youunderstand completely!,"Kau sangat mengerti, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +But what bothers me is that evenSarada who's always so level-headed,"Tapi, Sarada yang biasanya tenang juga ikuti Boruto",https://subscene.com/ +There must somethingdriving them to do this.,Mungkin ada sesuatu yang mendorong mereka lakukan ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Found them!,Sudah ketemu!,https://subscene.com/ +"There's are two sets ofBoruto and Sarada,",Ada dua pasang Boruto dan Sarada,https://subscene.com/ +Shadow Clones.,"Klona Bayangan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +It's classic strategy to split upour fighting power.,Itu taktik klasik yang berguna untuk bagi kekuatan tempur kita.,https://subscene.com/ +"Moegi Sensei,please go after the other one.","Guru Moegi, kejar yang satunya.",https://subscene.com/ +What's wrong?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It was Moegi Sensei.,Guru Moegi yang melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +They caught up already?!,"Sudah tersusul, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +I really think you shouldgive this up soon.,"Kupikir, sebaiknya kalian menyerah saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's hard for me too, but…",Aku juga tak mau.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna stop you right here!,Aku akan hentikan kalian di sini juga!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess neither of us are willingto bend for friendship.,"Sepertinya tak satu pun dari kita yang ingin rusak pertemanan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Let's do this, Sarada!","Ayo lakukan, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +Shadow Clone Jutsu!,\h\h(Teknik Klona Bayangan)\h\h,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna get you in one shot!,Akan kubereskan dengan satu serangan!,https://subscene.com/ +If I bring down the command post…,Kalau pemegang komandonya kukalahkan...,https://subscene.com/ +I've seen your strategyover and over again.,Aku sudah sering lihat taktikmu ini.,https://subscene.com/ +You think you won already?,"Sudah mengira kau sudah menang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +One more time!,Ayo lakukan sekali lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Like I'd let you!,Takkan kubiarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +– Boruto Stream!– Boruto Stream!,Boruto,https://subscene.com/ +You're done!,Berakhir sudah!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I figured you'd think a simple planlike this would work…,Aku sudah duga taktik sederhana seperti ini sudah cukup untuk hadapimu.,https://subscene.com/ +D-Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +Moegi Sensei will get here soon.,Sebentar lagi Guru Moegi akan tiba di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai…,Shikadai.,https://subscene.com/ +You idiot!,Dasar bodoh!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't leave you alone!,aku juga tak bisa biarkanmu begini!,https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +"To begin with,","Terlebih lagi,",https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?,Maksudmu apa?,https://subscene.com/ +he couldn't havepulled it off alone.,mustahil dia bisa melakukannya seorang diri.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't say that it isfor sure yet.,Aku masih belum bisa ambil kesimpulan ke situ.,https://subscene.com/ +"By any chance,the reason you sent Shikadai was…","Jadi, alasanmu kirimkan Shikadai jangan-jangan untuk...",https://subscene.com/ +"But if for some reason,he does uncover something…","Tapi, kalau karena suatu alasan, dia berhasil temukan fakta-fakta baru",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna get going.,Aku pergi dulu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Shikadai…","Eh, Shikadai.",https://subscene.com/ +"""The knight that jumps farfalls prey to a pawn?""","""Kesatria yang terlalu berada di garis depan akan kalah oleh bidak.""",https://subscene.com/ +he'll be brought downwithout expecting it.,dia akan kalah dengan cara yang tak terduga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well then, good.",Bagus kalau begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hopefully, it doesn't backfire.","Ya, semoga saja tak jadi bumerang.",https://subscene.com/ +Where did you find it?,Di mana kau menemukannya?,https://subscene.com/ +Tell me! What did he say to you?,Ceritakan padaku apa yang dia katakan padamu!,https://subscene.com/ +"It just said, ""This is my will.""","Dia hanya bilang, ""Ini kehendakku sendiri.""",https://subscene.com/ +and he left me this message!,dia berusaha tinggalkan pesan ini padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +I have to find out what it means!,Aku harus cari tahu apa sebenarnya yang dia maksud!,https://subscene.com/ +"All this time, I thought I knew him,but actually, I knew nothing.","Selama ini, kukira aku tahu banyak tentangnya, tapi sebenarnya aku tak tahu apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what's the matter, Shikadai?","Ada apa, Shikadai?",https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, Dad.","Maaf, Ayah.",https://subscene.com/ +They should be fightingthose two around now.,Saat ini mungkin mereka sedang bertarung melawan mereka berdua.,https://subscene.com/ +Who's there?,Siapa kau?,https://subscene.com/ +Where are you from?,Dari mana asalmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Then I'll beat you into confessing!,"Kalau begitu, aku yang akan buatmu buka mulut!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, what's going on?!","Eh, maksudmu apa?",https://subscene.com/ +Think about it…,Coba pikirkan baik-baik.,https://subscene.com/ +why did he feel the need to attackthe guards at the gate?,kenapa dia harus repot-repot serang para penjaga gerbang?,https://subscene.com/ +That's true.,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki took the timeto leave Boruto a message.,Mitsuki repot-repot tinggalkan pesan untuk Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"If he's really a spywho betrayed the village,",Kalau dia memang mata-mata yang sudah khianati desa,https://subscene.com/ +Would he actually leave behindsuch damaging evidence?,Untuk apa dia tinggalkan bukti yang sepenting ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"Breaking through security,leaving the message…",Menembus sistem keamanan dan tinggalkan sebuah pesan.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you saying that you believeMitsuki's innocent?,Apa itu berarti kau percaya bahwa Mitsuki tak bersalah?,https://subscene.com/ +add up to one big suspicion…,berubah jadi satu praduga besar,https://subscene.com/ +That's why in order toclear up this mystery…,"Karena itulah, demi pecahkan teka-teki ini...",https://subscene.com/ +Shikadai!,Shikadai!,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, you're too reckless.","Di samping itu, kau juga terlalu gegabah.",https://subscene.com/ +The incident with the guardshasn't been disproven yet.,Insiden terhadap para penjaga juga belum temui titik terang.,https://subscene.com/ +then that's it.,maka selesailah sudah.,https://subscene.com/ +"Shut up, I'm not like you.","Berisik, aku berbeda denganmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Anyway…,Omong-omong...,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, are you serious?","Hoi, kau serius?",https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, come on. Say something!","Ayolah, Chocho, katakan sesuatu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Well then…I'm gonna go with you, Sarada!","Kalau begitu, aku juga akan ikut denganmu, Sarada!",https://subscene.com/ +for not stopping you.,karena tak bisa hentikanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I don't like gettingthe short end of the stick either.","Ya, aku juga tak ingin jadi kambing hitam dari situasi seperti ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Look, all of us togethermake up Ino-Shika-Cho, right?","Lagi pula, kita bertiga ini tim Ino-Shika-Cho, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm just gonna sayyou two forced me into this.,aku hanya akan bilang kalau kalian berdua yang memaksaku untuk terlibat dalam hal ini.,https://subscene.com/ +You guys are so nosey!,"Kalian benar-benar keras kepala, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +We haven't been togetherall this time for nothing!,"Lagi pula, kita sudah lama bersama, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Did he retreat?,Apa dia mundur?,https://subscene.com/ +What was he doing?,Sebenarnya apa yang dia lakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +The kids!,Anak-anak itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn those kids!,"Sial, dasar anak-anak kurang ajar!",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, that's where we're headed.","Ya, kita akan pergi ke sana.",https://subscene.com/ +You know that we won't be able todeal with The White Snake Sage,Kita tak bisa hadapi Petapa Ular Putih,https://subscene.com/ +There's no point in wonderingif he's a friend or foe right now.,"Saat ini, tak ada gunanya kita mengira-ngira dia itu teman atau lawan.",https://subscene.com/ +"We were just fighting, and nowyou're coming with us, right?","Tadi kita bertarung, tapi sekarang kalian malah ikut bersama kami, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I just told you that it's not thatI believe you just yet.,"Sudah kubilang, aku masih belum bisa memercayaimu.",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I'm coming with you.,Karena itulah aku ikut denganmu.,https://subscene.com/ +The knight ended up falling preyto a pawn after all.,"Pada akhirnya, si kesatria justru jadi mangsa bagi si bidak.",https://subscene.com/ +…there's just no wayI can leave them alone.,Tak mungkin aku bisa abaikan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! What a drag!,"Sial, menyebalkan sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +It's tough slowing down a joninwithout showing your cards.,Memang sulit menahan seorang Jonin tanpa harus perlihatkan kemampuanku yang sesungguhnya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Or maybe,he's just being a doting parent?","Atau mungkin, dia itu memang orang tua yang kekanak-kanakan, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Ryuchi Cave's up ahead…,Gua Ryuchi ada di depan.,https://subscene.com/ +What's this Ryuchi Cave like?,"Seperti apa ya, Gua Ryuchi itu?",https://subscene.com/ +There's no tellingwhat we might stir up…,Takkan ada yang tahu apa yang menunggu di depan kita.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!New Seven Ninja Swordsmen!,"Baiklah, wahai Tujuh Ninja Ahli Pedang!",https://subscene.com/ +That's enough!,"Hentikan, dasar kurang ajar!",https://subscene.com/ +You ended up coming.,"Kau datang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, because I'm an idiot.","Ya, karena aku ini bodoh.",https://subscene.com/ +A fight?,Pertengkaran?,https://subscene.com/ +Mizukage!,Mizukage!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yes. As Boruto just said,","Seperti yang dikatakan Boruto,",https://subscene.com/ +And I happened to pass byin time to stop it.,Dan kebetulan aku sedang lewat sini untuk menghentikannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Red Mist Barrier.,紅霧結界術,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada?,Sarada?,https://subscene.com/ +No one can escape the curse of…,Takkan ada yang bisa lari dari kutukan,https://subscene.com/ +I'll smash your head in!,Aku akan hancurkan kepalamu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Shizuma, you're playing dirty!","Shizuma, itu licik, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +"If anything, I wanted to be the oneto skewer the Hokage's kid.","Kalau bisa, aku ingin pecundangi putra Hokage, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Thunder Funeral:Feast of Lightning!,雷葬・雷の宴,https://subscene.com/ +The Sharingan?,Sharingan?,https://subscene.com/ +"To think, I'd get to experiencethe real thing here!","Tapi, tak kusangka bisa berhadapan langsung di tempat seperti ini!",https://subscene.com/ +There!,Di sana!,https://subscene.com/ +You've got the luck of the devil.,Sepertinya kau beruntung.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, you're right.","Oh, begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"I, Hassaku Onomichi,will show you how to use a sword.","Aku, Hassaku Onomichi, akan tunjukkan bagaimana caranya gunakan pedang.",https://subscene.com/ +Striking a target that can't movecan be pretty difficult.,Menyerang musuh yang tak bisa bergerak itu cukup sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +from the top of his head!,dan belah dia jadi dua!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It's quite fineif this ends in a draw…,"Kalau hasilnya seri, maka tak masalah.",https://subscene.com/ +"…it will be the Explosive Blade,Shibuki the Spatter's turn.","maka Pedang Peledak, Shibuki, akan tunjukkan kehebatannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"with my Lightning Blade,Kiba the Fang!",aku akan hancurkan bola matamu!,https://subscene.com/ +I gotta watch out for the genjutsufrom that nasty Sharingan.,"Hampir saja, aku harus berhati-hati pada Genjutsu Sharingan.",https://subscene.com/ +Water?!,Air?,https://subscene.com/ +"However, it's over…","Tapi, sudah cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +You're at a real disadvantage now.,"Dengan begini, sekarang kau terpojok.",https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you show yourself?,Kenapa kau tak tunjukkan dirimu?,https://subscene.com/ +"is the ability to read the signsan opponent weaves, and copy them.",adalah menganalisis gerakan teknik lawan dan menirunya.,https://subscene.com/ +as long as you don't seethe signs I make.,kau takkan bisa meniruku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, good job!",Bagus juga!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll apologize with you!,Aku akan bantu meminta maaf!,https://subscene.com/ +I warned you…,Aku sudah peringatkanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +It's too late already.,Sudah terlambat.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll still make it in timefor roll call.,Kita masih sempat.,https://subscene.com/ +…I warned you…,memperingatkanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Like you can do anythingwith that pitiful-looking sword.,Apa yang bisa kau lakukan dengan pedang menyedihkan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +A sword is only as goodas its wielder.,Nilai dari sebuah pedang ditentukan dari kemampuan penggunanya.,https://subscene.com/ +Die!,Mati!,https://subscene.com/ +and use your blood spray,dan kami akan gunakan darahmu,https://subscene.com/ +Revive the Blood Mist Village?,"Kebangkitan desa kabut, katamu?",https://subscene.com/ +A revolution is just an excuse.,Revolusi itu hanya sekadar alasan.,https://subscene.com/ +"with my Lightning Blade,Kiba the Fang, I'll be happy!","dan mengamuk sepuas mungkin, itu tak masalah!",https://subscene.com/ +We've gotta take care of you guys,Kami akan segera kalahkan kalian,https://subscene.com/ +I'll take you down by nine o'clock.,Aku akan kalahkanmu pukul 9 tepat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Now, now…","Hoi, hoi.",https://subscene.com/ +A clone?,"Klona, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +But not being able to figure out,"Pokoknya, aku harus sadari",https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you just give up?,Kenapa kau tak menyerah saja?,https://subscene.com/ +You have nowhere to escape.,Kau takkan bisa lari.,https://subscene.com/ +"Before you die,I'll tell you about Kiba.","Sebelum kau mati, akan kuberi tahu sesuatu tentang Pedang Kiba ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Although, he never knew I existed…","Ya, meskipun ayah tak pernah tahu kalau aku terlahir ke dunia ini.",https://subscene.com/ +Found you!,Ketemu kau!,https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Style!,雷遁,https://subscene.com/ +"I found you, Ms. Shy Girl.","Akulah yang temukanmu, Nn. Pemalu.",https://subscene.com/ +– Lightning Ball!– Lightning Ball!,雷球,https://subscene.com/ +– Feast of Lightning!– Feast of Lightning!,雷の宴,https://subscene.com/ +You're so irritating!,Menyebalkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Getting carried away witha sword that you stole!,Berusaha kabur dengan pedang yang sudah kaucuri!,https://subscene.com/ +Not like your Sharingan,Tak seperti Sharingan milikmu,https://subscene.com/ +She's amplifying her chakra?!,Dia salurkan chakra miliknya?,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art: Thunder Armor!,忍法・雷の鎧,https://subscene.com/ +If you must hate…,"Kalau kau ingin benci sesuatu,",https://subscene.com/ +We can save Boruto with this?,Apa dengan gulungan ini kita bisa selamatkan Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +All I want is forthat brat Shizuma to lose.,Yang kuinginkan hanyalah bisa kalahkan si Shizuma sialan itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I'm going to use this intelin the most effective way possible.","Baiklah, aku akan manfaatkan informasi ini seefektif mungkin.",https://subscene.com/ +"He's your ""sun,"" isn't he?","Dia itu ""mataharimu"", 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Suigetsu!","Suigetsu, terima kasih!",https://subscene.com/ +"Kagura, that's it.","Kagura, sudah cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +Stop…Kagura…,"Hentikan, Kagura.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's just go home.,Ayo kita pulang!,https://subscene.com/ +Then…,Kalau begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +Fine.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +It's really too bad…,Sayang sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura!,Kagura!,https://subscene.com/ +Like you'd understand!,Kau sama sekali mengerti!,https://subscene.com/ +Then would you like a taste…of my childhood?!,"Kalau begitu, apa kau ingin rasakan betapa pahitnya masa laluku?",https://subscene.com/ +I caught the moon!,Aku berhasil menangkap bulan!,https://subscene.com/ +I've got nothing to lose!,Aku bahkan tak punya sesuatu yang berharga!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going to sew up your mouth!,Aku pasti akan jahit mulutmu itu!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you that afraid of being cut?,Apa kau takut tubuhmu dipotong?,https://subscene.com/ +"Without a doubt,getting cut is painful.",Ditebas memang sakit.,https://subscene.com/ +you will never sever bone.,kau takkan bisa potong tulangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +It's futile to continue fighting!,Percuma saja pertarungan ini dilanjutkan!,https://subscene.com/ +N-No way!,Tak mau!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll never part with it!,Aku takkan pernah melepaskannya!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Aku minta maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"This is all going accordingto the script, you see.",Pada akhirnya semua berjalan sesuai skenario.,https://subscene.com/ +Your life is mine.,Akan kuambil nyawamu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baiklah!,https://subscene.com/ +Like I'm gonna let him!,Takkan kubiarkan dia bertingkah sok keren!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't tell me there are more!,Mungkinkah masih ada yang lainnya?,https://subscene.com/ +A mere simpleton.,"Hanya orang bodoh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I shall expel you!,Langsung akan kuhabisi!,https://subscene.com/ +This is how you'resupposed to use a sword!,Begini cara gunakan pedang yang benar!,https://subscene.com/ +…to get in the way ofour impeccable plan!,halangi rencana kami yang sempurna.,https://subscene.com/ +What happened?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +You can't fool me.,Percuma saja kalau kau mau bodohiku.,https://subscene.com/ +Bubbles?,Gelembung?,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, so why don't webring this to a close?","Nah, bagaimana kalau segera kita akhiri saja?",https://subscene.com/ +Tick-tock…,"Tik, tok.",https://subscene.com/ +Tick-tock…,"Tik, tok.",https://subscene.com/ +Tick-tock…,"Tik, tok.",https://subscene.com/ +Tick-tock…,"Tik, tok.",https://subscene.com/ +Tick-tock…,"Tik, tok.",https://subscene.com/ +is mine!,akan kuambil.,https://subscene.com/ +should've just stayedat the Academy and studied.,harusnya belajar saja di akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +Since when?,Sejak kapan?,https://subscene.com/ +You mean…since then?,"Sejak saat itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Did you know that runningan electrical current,Apa kau tahu kalau gunakan arus listrik,https://subscene.com/ +W-What?,A-Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +oxygen and…,oksigen,https://subscene.com/ +"Good parent or bad,","Mau orang tuanya seperti apa pun,",https://subscene.com/ +That's what I believe…,Itulah yang kupercaya.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura…,Kagura.,https://subscene.com/ +Ow...,"Aduh, duh, duh.",https://subscene.com/ +It totally felt likehe was gonna make it.,Padahal kukira tadi dia bisa mendakinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey Denki,it's not just about focus.","Eh, Denki, tak hanya harus fokus.",https://subscene.com/ +"With chakra,you've gotta use","Dengan chakra,",https://subscene.com/ +You kinda infuse them togetherin way that feels good...,Kalau rasanya sudah enak...,https://subscene.com/ +And then it's all abouthow stable you can make it.,Sisanya tinggal bagaimana kau menstabilkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +and the Chakra Networkthat connects them all.,lalu perhatikan jaringan chakra yang hubungkan semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +But you're not stylish at all...,"Tapi, gayamu itu tak efektif.",https://subscene.com/ +"You'll infuse chakra smoothly,just like that.","""Syuut,"" kau bisa gabungkan chakra seperti bunyi itu.",https://subscene.com/ +Make it stable.,Stabilkan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Be stylish!,"Yang efektif, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah!,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, don't you thinkyou're kinda overreacting?","Oi, apa kau tak merasa kalau kau terlalu gugup?",https://subscene.com/ +I've always been goodat school work.,Aku selalu selesaikan tugas sekolah dengan baik.,https://subscene.com/ +"If I fail the ninjutsu test,","Ka-Kalau aku gagal dalam ujian ini,",https://subscene.com/ +I can't let that happen!,Aku tak boleh biarkan hal itu terjadi!,https://subscene.com/ +You keep harping about tests...,Dari tadi kalian ributkan masalah ujian.,https://subscene.com/ +Tests don't determinehow outstanding a person is.,Ujian memang tak menentukan seberapa hebat orang itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah. You shouldn't have saidthat about Iwabe.,"Benar, kalau kau tak berkata begitu tentang Iwabe, takkan jadi begini, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'd hate having to repeat a grade.,Aku tak mau kalau sampai tinggal kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +Right?,"Benar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Looks kind of dangerous.,"Tapi, sepertinya bahaya sekali, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Metal...,Metal.,https://subscene.com/ +Why does wall-climbing haveto be on the ninjutsu test?,Kenapa kita harus panjat tembok dalam ujian Ninjutsu?,https://subscene.com/ +but wall-climbinglooks pretty dicey...,"tapi kalau panjat tembok, sepertinya cukup bahaya.",https://subscene.com/ +"if I fail ninjutsu,I probably can't graduate.","kalau aku gagal dalam ujian Ninjutsu, aku pasti takkan bisa lulus.",https://subscene.com/ +Stop!,Jangan!,https://subscene.com/ +"At times like these,","Di saat seperti ini,",https://subscene.com/ +"All I can do is train as well,","Yang harus kulakukan adalah berlatih keras,",https://subscene.com/ +Do you always train like this?!,Apa kau selalu berlatih seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"I rock climb every morning,and then I go to the Academy!",Aku panjat tebing ini setiap pagi sebelum aku pergi ke akademi!,https://subscene.com/ +"No... Unless I put inthis much work,","Tidak, kalau aku tak berjuang keras,",https://subscene.com/ +Denki!,Denki!,https://subscene.com/ +Wh-Who is he?!,Siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +Dad!,Papa!,https://subscene.com/ +"Excuse me, what's going on?!","Tunggu, ada apa ini?",https://subscene.com/ +You are absolutelyin the throes of youth!,Kau benar-benar nikmati masa mudamu!,https://subscene.com/ +"If that's the situation,practice all you want!","Kalau seperti itu, berlatihlah sebanyak mungkin!",https://subscene.com/ +I'll watch over you!,Aku yang akan awasimu!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, are you ever goingto really try?","Oi, apa kau benar-benar serius melakukannya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, he's beyond our help.","Ya, kita takkan bisa membantunya.",https://subscene.com/ +– With a boom and swoop...– Boruto isn't the best teacher either.,"Boruto juga bukan guru yang baik, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Denki would be the best teacher.,"Masalah ajari belajar orang, Denki-lah yang paling jago.",https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe wouldn't want tolearn from Denki. Right?,"Iwabe pasti juga takkan mau bertemu Denki, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +That was a lot of falling.,"Kau masih sering gagal, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Please give memore tips and stuff,Tolong berikan aku saran,https://subscene.com/ +I just have to pass the test.,Aku harus lulus dalam ujian kali ini.,https://subscene.com/ +That's what youth is about.,"Bagus, itu baru namanya semangat masa muda.",https://subscene.com/ +Keep that in mind too.,Ingat itu baik-baik.,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +Wearing this will increaseyour rate of success!,"Kalau kau kenakan kostum ini, kemungkinan kau akan berhasil akan semakin besar!",https://subscene.com/ +and it's made fromthe latest Ninja Tool technology.,dan dibuat dengan teknologi ninja paling muktahir.,https://subscene.com/ +by special order!,hanya dengan pemesanan khusus!,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe!,Iwabe!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm able to climb a little higher now...,"Tapi, kali ini aku sudah bisa panjat lebih tinggi.",https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, I'll end up repeating—","Kalau terus begini, aku pasti akan tinggal kelas.",https://subscene.com/ +You'll never get far ifyou do it like that.,"Kalau kau terus begitu, kau takkan bisa berhasil.",https://subscene.com/ +That's the most important thing.,Itu hal yang paling penting.,https://subscene.com/ +I-I see...,"Be-Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"I did it, Iwabe!","Aku berhasil, Iwabe!",https://subscene.com/ +but it's good that you didn'texert unnecessary strength.,"Tapi baguslah, kau sudah tak keluarkan terlalu banyak tenaga lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +Amazing...,Hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +Of course.,Tentu saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to you, I got the knack!","Berkat dirimu, aku jadi lebih terampil!",https://subscene.com/ +But...why'd you decide to help meall of a sudden?,"Tapi, kenapa kau mau membantuku?",https://subscene.com/ +We did it!,Kita berhasil!,https://subscene.com/ +No one should haveto go through that.,Jangan sampai ada yang alami hal tersebut.,https://subscene.com/ +with your...school work?,dengan pelajaran sekolahmu?,https://subscene.com/ +D-Don't worry about me...,Ja-Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna be just fine!,"Aku baik-baik saja, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +"Uh, well, that happens sometimes.","Ya, tapi kadang-kadang nilaiku masih jelek, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Why lie about it?,Kenapa kau berbohong?,https://subscene.com/ +I guess you wouldn't want my help...,"Sudah kuduga, kau pasti tak inginkan bantuanku.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't want you to tutor meif it messes up your training.,Aku tak ingin kau ajariku kalau hal itu justru ganggu latihanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, don't worry!","Ya, jangan khawatir!",https://subscene.com/ +I can see this through on my own—,Aku bisa atasi semua ini sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"After meeting Boruto,I realized ninjutsu is amazing.","Setelah bertemu dengan Boruto, aku sadar kalau Ninjutsu itu sangat hebat.",https://subscene.com/ +from my dad or anything else.,dari ayahku ataupun dari yang lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I want to be a shinobiwith Boruto.,Aku ingin jadi seorang ninja bersama Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +But with everyone!,"Tapi, dengan semuanya!",https://subscene.com/ +Let me tutor you!,Izinkan aku mengajarimu!,https://subscene.com/ +Denki...,Denki.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's show them andpass our tests together!,Mari kita buktikan pada mereka dan lulus dari ujiannya bersama!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess...I have no choice.,Sepertinya aku tak punya pilihan lain.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll give it another shot...,Akan kucoba sekali lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +MECHANICSDamn it!,Sial.,https://subscene.com/ +I know!,Aku tahu!,https://subscene.com/ +It's working.,Berhasil!,https://subscene.com/ +Thirty minutes have passed already!,"Sudah lebih dari 30 menit kau membacanya, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"Your concentration is amazingwhen you infuse chakra,","Daya konsentrasimu sangat luar biasa saat gunakan chakra,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, amazing!","Ya, hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +Can I ask a question?,Boleh aku tanya?,https://subscene.com/ +Problems like that are solvedwith the simultaneous equations,Permasalahan itu bisa diselesaikan dengan sistem persamaan,https://subscene.com/ +I get it...,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't ask me...,Jangan tanya padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +You guys working hard?!,"Kalian sedang belajar, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +This is my treat!,Ini traktiran dariku!,https://subscene.com/ +D-Don't worry about that!,Ja-Jangan khawatir!,https://subscene.com/ +What's up with that?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto...,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for the food!,Selamat makan!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell did you buy us?,"Sialan, apa yang kaubeli, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +It's supposed to be hotter thantheir Habanero Burger I had before...,"Katanya, rasanya jauh lebih pedas dari Habanero Burger yang biasanya kubeli,",https://subscene.com/ +Spicy!,Pedas!,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Thank you, Iwabe!","Terima kasih, Iwabe!",https://subscene.com/ +Though the test hasn't even started.,"Tidak, ujiannya masih belum dimulai, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Kau benar.,https://subscene.com/ +Fire!,Kebakaran!,https://subscene.com/ +We have to do something.,Kita harus lakukan sesuatu.,https://subscene.com/ +We'll be late for the test!,Kita bisa terlambat ujian!,https://subscene.com/ +It'll be okay.,Jangan khawatir.,https://subscene.com/ +We should go to take the test.,Kita harus segera datang ke ujian.,https://subscene.com/ +M-My children are still inside!,Anak-anakku masih di dalam!,https://subscene.com/ +"– They're still inside!– Please, Ma'am!","Tenanglah, Bu!",https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe!,Iwabe!,https://subscene.com/ +W-Where are they?!,Di mana?,https://subscene.com/ +Uh-huh.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +that should have activated already...,pemadam kebakaran yang sudah aktif.,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe...,Iwabe.,https://subscene.com/ +You pass!,Kau lulus!,https://subscene.com/ +Maybe yesterday's Jolokia Burgersmade them sick.,Mungkin gara-gara Jolokia Burger kemarin perut mereka jadi sakit.,https://subscene.com/ +We're gonna be okay!,Kita akan baik-baik saja!,https://subscene.com/ +No way I can carry them all...,Mustahil aku mampu bawa mereka semua sekaligus.,https://subscene.com/ +There has to be...,Pasti ada jalan.,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe's not coming out.,Iwabe masih belum keluar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +I have to pass the test.,"Apa pun yang terjadi, aku harus lulus ujian.",https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe!,Iwabe!,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe!,Iwabe!,https://subscene.com/ +Want me to do it?,Apa kau butuh bantuan?,https://subscene.com/ +I just finished!,Sebentar lagi semua ini akan berakhir!,https://subscene.com/ +Got it!,Serahkan padaku!,https://subscene.com/ +My friend jumped into the flames!,Temanku masuk ke dalam kobaran api tanpa pikir panjang!,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it... You're so reckless.,"Ya ampun, kau itu sembrono sekali.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, uh...",Ka-Kalau begitu...,https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe...,Iwabe.,https://subscene.com/ +And you climbed up the wall!,Dan kau bisa berjalan di dinding!,https://subscene.com/ +"If...we're able to take it, that is.",Itu pun kalau kita bisa ikut ujiannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Hmm... So those two didn't show up.,"Jadi, mereka berdua tak datang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hold on a second, Shino Sensei!","Tunggu dulu, Guru Shino!",https://subscene.com/ +They're not here...because of me.,Mereka tak hadir karena aku.,https://subscene.com/ +What are you trying to say?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +They were dead set on doing this!,"Masalahnya, mereka sudah sangat persiapkan diri untuk ikut ujian ini!",https://subscene.com/ +Guess we didn't make it in time...,Sepertinya kita terlambat untuk ikut ujian.,https://subscene.com/ +You two...,Kalian berdua...,https://subscene.com/ +I understand the circumstances.,Aku memaklumi keadaan kalian.,https://subscene.com/ +"It's okay, I'll try hard next year!","Tak masalah, aku akan berusaha lagi tahun depan!",https://subscene.com/ +What are you two talking about?,Apa maksud kalian?,https://subscene.com/ +You won't be takingthe test anymore.,Kalian takkan bisa ikut ujian lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +– Huh?!– Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +Please let us stay next year!,"Kami mohon, biarkan kami tetap di sini sampai tahun depan!",https://subscene.com/ +We have tests to make sure,Kami berikan ujian untuk pastikan,https://subscene.com/ +You applied what you learnedin a real-life situation perfectly.,Dan kalian berhasil terapkan apa yang sudah kalian pelajari di kehidupan nyata dengan baik.,https://subscene.com/ +Your decision to put priorityon human life over a test,"Keputusan kalian yang lebih pikirkan nyawa seseorang daripada ujian kalian,",https://subscene.com/ +The choice you made issure to serve you well,Apa yang sudah kalian lakukan akan berguna nantinya,https://subscene.com/ +You both did well. You pass!,"Kalian sudah berusaha dengan baik, kululuskan kalian!",https://subscene.com/ +"We did it, Iwabe!","Kita berhasil, Iwabe!",https://subscene.com/ +– Thank you very much!– Thank you very much!,Terima kasih banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +Hey everyone!,Teman-teman!,https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, good job, guys!","Yang penting, syukurlah kalian berdua berhasil!",https://subscene.com/ +To celebrate...here's some potato chips.,"Untuk rayakan keberhasilan kalian, ini kuberikan kalian keripik kentang.",https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, you had us worried!",Kalian ini buat kami khawatir saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm so happy for you guys,ya know?",Aku benar-benar senang lihat kalian berhasil.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you're right!Everyone together!","Benar, kita semua pasti bisa!",https://subscene.com/ +"So, I just need to deliverthis doll","Jadi, aku hanya perlu antar boneka ini",https://subscene.com/ +"It's such a simple task.You're worrying too much, Mom.","Kalau semudah itu, Mama tak perlu sekhawatir itu.",https://subscene.com/ +What do I do? What do I do?What do I do?,Apa yang harus kulakukan?,https://subscene.com/ +"""Run, Sarada!""","Sarada, Larilah!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Old Man Ohnoki!","Hoi, Kakek Oonoki!",https://subscene.com/ +Oh yes…,"Benar, benar.",https://subscene.com/ +"Until we do something aboutthose Fabrications or whatever,","Sampai kita urus manusia buatan itu,",https://subscene.com/ +"There, the city has now come into view.","Nah, kotanya sudah terlihat.",https://subscene.com/ +Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!,火遁・豪火球の術,https://subscene.com/ +We're progressing every day!,Tiap hari kami selalu berkembang!,https://subscene.com/ +I give up.,Aku menyerah.,https://subscene.com/ +"If we had continued any further,it might inconvenience my parent.","Kalau pertarungan ini terus kulanjutkan, aku mungkin akan merepotkan orang tuaku.",https://subscene.com/ +"You definitely canwin this, Boruto!",Boruto pasti jadi pemenang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't lose to Shinki,or Sarada either!",Jangan sampai kalah dari si kurang ajar Shinki dan juga Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +"And if you don't, you'll be payingfor the pity party, okay?","Kalau kau sampai kalah, nanti kau yang traktir pesta bersedih kita, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah! Leave it to me!,"Ya, serahkan saja padaku!",https://subscene.com/ +I made it all the way here.,Aku sudah sampai sejauh ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada Uchiha of the Hidden Leaf.,"Dari Desa Konoha, Sarada Uchiha.",https://subscene.com/ +The final match will be heldin battle royale format.,Pertarungan final merupakan pertandingan sintas.,https://subscene.com/ +the last one standingshall be declared the winner!,yang mampu berdiri sampai akhir dialah yang jadi pemenangnya!,https://subscene.com/ +Begin!,Mulai!,https://subscene.com/ +"Or, it must meanhe's that confident about himself.","Kadang ada orang yang begitu percaya diri, benar begitu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'll easily take you two onat the same time!,Aku bisa jatuhkan kalian berdua sekaligus!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Boruto!","Eh, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +There's that too…,"Itu juga, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +It would be disgracefulfor two Leaf Shinobi to lose.,"Kalau dua ninja Konoha sampai kalah, akan sangat memalukan.",https://subscene.com/ +"I could care less about that, but…",Itu sih tak masalah bagiku.,https://subscene.com/ +I can't lose either!,...aku juga!,https://subscene.com/ +"If there's an opening,just take it.","Kalau memang ada celah, coba saja!",https://subscene.com/ +Fine with me.,Aku tak keberatan.,https://subscene.com/ +Shadow Clone Jutsu!,影分身の術,https://subscene.com/ +"But those two have teamed up,so I'm sure they'll manage!","Mereka saling bekerja sama, jadi pasti akan baik-baik saja.",https://subscene.com/ +What is that?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +My Iron Wall is impenetrable.,Dinding ini tak bisa ditembus.,https://subscene.com/ +The Black Iron Fist…,Tinju Besi Hitam.,https://subscene.com/ +Attack and defend?,Serangan dan pertahanan?,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Eject!,Lepaskan!,https://subscene.com/ +Is she okay?,Apa dia baik-baik saja?,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sialan!,https://subscene.com/ +E-Electro what…?,Medan listrik?,https://subscene.com/ +"About manipulating Iron Sandin a magnetic field,","Pasir besi itu dimanipulasi, dikendalikan,",https://subscene.com/ +Where did you findsuch a Magnet Style user?,Di mana kau temukan pengguna teknik magnet seperti itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Then if we hit it withthe Lightning Style,","Berarti, kalau kita hantam dengan Elemen Petir,",https://subscene.com/ +"You watched his matchwith Mitsuki, didn't you?","Kau melihatnya sendiri di pertandingan Mitsuki, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +A superficial Lightning Style…,Elemen Petir dalam jumlah kecil,https://subscene.com/ +But how about this?,"Tapi, bagaimana dengan ini?",https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Style!,雷遁,https://subscene.com/ +I get it…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm gonna call this…,"Aku menamainya,",https://subscene.com/ +Lightning Ball Shuriken Jutsu!,雷球手裏剣の術,https://subscene.com/ +The concept isn't bad.,Konsepnya tak buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +No way?!,Yang benar saja?,https://subscene.com/ +This is bad…,Ini buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +"I said nothing wouldsuit me better, didn't I?","Sudah kubilang tak ada yang lebih unggul dariku, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"and I am proving it tothe Five Villages, for all to see.",dan aku membuktikannya di depan kelima desa.,https://subscene.com/ +"Because of his respect forhis friend, the Seventh Hokage.",Karena rasa hormatnya sebagai teman terhadap Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm just proving it to him…,"Karena itu, aku akan membuktikannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"That I, whom my fatherpassed on all his knowledge to…",Kehebatanku yang berasal dari semua bimbingan ayahku,https://subscene.com/ +L-Like hell you are!,Omong kosong!,https://subscene.com/ +Now…,Ayo.,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +I see!,"Begitu, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +We're free…,Kita lolos!,https://subscene.com/ +My chakra's already…,Chakra-ku sudah...,https://subscene.com/ +He's in the same situationas us now.,"Dia juga mengalami hal yang sama, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Is he going to use that?!,Apa dia akan gunakan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +There won't be another time!,Tak ada kesempatan lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +I will prove that I am superiorto the Hidden Leaf.,aku akan buktikan kalau aku lebih hebat dari Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +daughter of Uchiha!,Putri Uchiha!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't underestimate me!,Jangan meremehkanku!,https://subscene.com/ +Sarada!,Sarada!,https://subscene.com/ +That can't be true…,"Tak mungkin, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +The Iron Sand I cemented to your bodyacts as a homing beacon.,Pasir besi yang kuletakkan di tubuhmu sudah lakukan perannya dengan baik.,https://subscene.com/ +there's no way you can dodge it.,kau takkan bisa menghindarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +Now it's one on one.,Sekarang satu lawan satu.,https://subscene.com/ +the Hidden Leaf are nothing more thanrabble without their Lord Seventh.,takkan bisa lakukan apa pun tanpa Hokage Ketujuh.,https://subscene.com/ +The ones I faced up to the semifinalswere the same.,Musuh yang kaulawan di babak semifinal juga begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess this is what happens.,inilah yang terjadi.,https://subscene.com/ +Is he gonna do his Boruto Stream?!,Apa dia akan gunakan Boruto Stream?,https://subscene.com/ +He's almost used up his chakra too…,Padahal dia juga hampir gunakan semua chakra-nya.,https://subscene.com/ +Fine with me.,Baiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Take this!,Terima ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Black Iron…,黒鉄,https://subscene.com/ +…Wings!,乃翼,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm not gonna let you look down…,Takkan kubiarkan kau merendahkan...,https://subscene.com/ +With the strength I have now…this guy is…,"Kalau dengan kekuatanku yang sekarang, dia takkan bisa...",https://subscene.com/ +Don't let this get you down.,Tak perlu sedih.,https://subscene.com/ +"In time, you'll be able touse powerful jutsu.","Kelak, kau pasti bisa gunakan teknik yang sangat kuat juga.",https://subscene.com/ +isn't gonna work…,menunggu lebih lama lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +I have to show my dad…right now!,Aku harus tunjukkan kemampuanku pada ayah!,https://subscene.com/ +can do this!,bisa melakukannya juga!,https://subscene.com/ +What?!,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +The match ends here!,Cukup sampai di situ!,https://subscene.com/ +the champion is Boruto Uzumaki!,juaranya adalah Boruto Uzumaki!,https://subscene.com/ +I had faith that he could do it!,Aku sudah yakin kalau Boruto bakal menang!,https://subscene.com/ +"Imagine that…He defeated him, instead of Sarada.","Tak hanya kalahkan Sarada, dia juga bisa mengalahkannya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +But when did he masterLord Sixth's technique?,"Tapi, sejak kapan dia kuasai teknik Hokage Keenam?",https://subscene.com/ +I won?,"Apa aku menang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Now there's a doting parent for you.,Orang tua yang suka manjakan anak itu memang seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +What's the meaning of this?,Apa maksudnya ini?,https://subscene.com/ +"He's used a Scientific Ninja Tool,","Dia gunakan Peralatan Sains Ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +Scientific…Ninja Tool?,Peralatan Sains Ninja?,https://subscene.com/ +Is it that thing from back then?,"Alat yang waktu itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +without using your own chakrain addition to other people's jutsu!,terlebih lagi bisa gunakan teknik orang lain!,https://subscene.com/ +"For that, Boruto Uzumaki is disqualified.","Untuk itu, Boruto Uzumaki didiskualifikasi.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +SHINKI BORUTOVSSARADABoruto Uzumaki has been disqualified,Boruto Uzumaki didiskualifikasi,https://subscene.com/ +I can't believehe'd do such a thing…,Tak kusangka dia lakukan hal itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +"You didn't…when we fought, did you?","Jangan-jangan, kau juga melakukannya saat petarungan kita.",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Trying to win by cheating?!,"Kau berusaha menang dengan cara curang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +So what will you do now?,"Sekarang, apa yang akan kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go. We'll talk later.,"Ayo pergi, kita bicarakan hal ini nanti.",https://subscene.com/ +"Do you really have time for that, Dad?",Memangnya Ayah punya waktu untuk itu?,https://subscene.com/ +I…,Aku...,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, this is truly unfortunate,Lord Seventh…","Ya, benar-benar sangat disayangkan, Hokage Ketujuh.",https://subscene.com/ +Old Man…,Paman.,https://subscene.com/ +To everyone gathered here!,Kepada semua orang di sini!,https://subscene.com/ +"And yes, he was disqualified,","Dia memang didiskualifikasi,",https://subscene.com/ +made it possible for himto reach this point!,membuatnya bisa sampai sejauh ini!,https://subscene.com/ +Please take this opportunity to considerimplementing this Scientific Ninja Tool…,Gunakanlah kesempatan ini untuk pertimbangkan penggunaan Peralatan Sains Ninja ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"What's the meaning of this, Old Man?","Apa maksud semua ini, Paman?",https://subscene.com/ +"Please don't take this too hard,Young Lord!","Tolong jangan terlalu diambil hati, Tuan Muda!",https://subscene.com/ +I've finally found you…,Akhirnya aku menemukanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"I am Momoshiki Otsutsuki,from the same clan as Kaguya.","Aku Momoshiki Otsutsuki, berasal dari klan yang sama dengan Kaguya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, our mission is to…","Ya, misi kami adalah...",https://subscene.com/ +"As you can see, Boruto,","Seperti yang Anda lihat,",https://subscene.com/ +"Although, I do notice that you sometimesdon't take the lessons seriously.","Hanya saja, kadang dia kurang memerhatikan saat jam pelajaran.",https://subscene.com/ +I can't believe this child!,Perkataan anak ini...,https://subscene.com/ +"So, Boruto, what kind of shinobido you want to become?","Baiklah, Boruto, kau ingin jadi ninja seperti apa?",https://subscene.com/ +What do you want to become?,Dan mau jadi apa?,https://subscene.com/ +and there isn't anything I want to doin particular as a ninja…,aku tak punya suatu keinginan yang pasti mengenai apa yang kulakukan sebagai seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +"He's right, Boruto.","Beliau benar, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"""In any case""?","""Yang jelas""?",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm ""exceptional,"" right?",Bukankah aku ini pengecualian?,https://subscene.com/ +Thanks for your hard workwith today's conferences!,Terima kasih atas kerja kerasnya dalam pertemuan wali murid hari ini!,https://subscene.com/ +You look kind of exhausted.,"Anda sepertinya kelelahan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Students these days…How do I put this…?,"Sudah kuduga anak zaman sekarang itu, bagaimana ya mengatakannya?",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto Uzumaki?,"Boruto Uzumaki, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +But there are barriers thatskill alone can't overcome.,tapi ada semacam penghalang yang buat bakat saja takkan cukup untuk membuatnya hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +"How was your conference, Denki?","Bagaimana dengan pertemuanmu, Denki?",https://subscene.com/ +"And I'm gonna cast off the titleof ""repeater,"" once and for all!",Sekarang aku sudah bisa buang julukan si Pengulang Kelas!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, you can do it, Iwabe.","Ya, Iwabe pasti bisa, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +Of course.,"Tentu saja, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You'd be in high demandfor commercials!,Akan ada banyak permintaan bisnis!,https://subscene.com/ +"You feel the same way too,don't you, Boruto?","Boruto pasti juga beranggapan begitu, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not really interested in that.,Aku sih tak begitu tertarik pada ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +You inspired me to enroll inthe Ninjutsu Department!,Padahal kaulah yang buatku masuk ke departmen Ninjutsu!,https://subscene.com/ +I don't know howto respond to that.,"Tak kusangka sampai sebegitunya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"GRADUATION EXAMSWell, talking aboutthe future is nice and all…","Ya, membicarakan masa depan memang bagus, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +The graduation exam…,Ujian kelulusan.,https://subscene.com/ +EMPLOYMENT- UPPER EDUCATION - GENINGRADUATIONWRITTEN EXAMACADEMYBut what's the practicalapplication exam about?,"Lalu, maksudnya ujian praktik?",https://subscene.com/ +"EMPLOYMENT- UPPER EDUCATION - GENINGRADUATIONWRITTEN EXAM (PASS)ACADEMYIf I didn't failthe written the exam,","Kalau aku tak gagal dalam ujian tulis,",https://subscene.com/ +"If that's all, it would be easy.","Kalau hanya itu sih, mudah banget.",https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, who are the proctors?","Oh ya, pengujinya siapa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Whoever they are,it's probably gonna be easy.","Siapa pun pengujinya, pasti mudah, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"Depending on the proctor,","Bergantung siapa pengujinya,",https://subscene.com/ +I've heard there wereprevious years like that.,Bertahun-tahun yang lalu katanya terus seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, does that meanwe're all gonna get scattered?","Itu artinya, bisa jadi kami semua akan terpisah-pisah, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDHey, you're a student here, aren't you?","Yo, kau murid di sini, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Old man? That's harsh.,"Kalau dipanggil paman jahat juga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, you mean like a journalist?","Oh, maksudnya orang jurnalis?",https://subscene.com/ +Oh!,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +I'll gather up some guyswho're still on campus.,Akan kukumpulkan teman-temanku yang masih belum pulang.,https://subscene.com/ +"But, that's okay…","Ya, sudahlah.",https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDNaturally, to becomea strong man like my dad!","Mengenai itu, tentu saja untuk jadi laki-laki kuat seperti papaku!",https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDHey, are you recording this?!","Ini direkam, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +RECORDING HDM-My dreams are—!,I-Impianku...,https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDAnd also, I really wouldn'tmind being a ninja.","Dan juga, aku tak keberatan untuk jadi seorang ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDSo first, I have to becomea worthy shinobi,","Jadi, pertama-tama aku harus jadi seorang ninja yang hebat",https://subscene.com/ +RECORDING HDIs that good?,Apa sudah cukup?,https://subscene.com/ +RECORDING HDI don't plan on becominga ninja.,Aku tak berencana untuk jadi seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDthe jobs other than ninja thatI tried seemed fun too, so…",pekerjaan yang kujalani juga cukup menyenangkan bagiku.,https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDYes, come closer!","Ya, lebih dekat!",https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDHey, what are you recording?!","Hoi, apa yang kaurekam?",https://subscene.com/ +this year's class is fullof strong personalities.,murid-murid tahun ini banyak yang punya kepribadian yang kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, nothing.","Ah, bukan apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +some pretty solid ideasabout their future.,punya rencana mengenai masa depan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +who've decided not tobecome ninja too.,yang memutuskan untuk tak jadi seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +I just assumed everyonewas gonna become a ninja.,Padahal kupikir semuanya ingin jadi seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +RECORDING HDI…I just wanted to get backat my stupid old man.,Aku hanya ingin buktikan sesuatu kepada ayah sialanku itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"If I followed the same pathas my dad,","Kalau aku ikuti jalan yang sama dengan yang dilalui ayahku,",https://subscene.com/ +I thought everyone would haveseen that I'm better than him.,Kupikir semua orang akan merasa kalau aku lebih hebat darinya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll help if you want to domore interviews tomorrow!,"Kalau besok Paman ingin lakukan wawancara lagi, aku pasti akan membantumu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, finish up your game.","Boruto, berhentilah main gim!",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey Mom, what made youdecide to become a ninja?","Anu, kenapa Ibu ingin jadi seorang ninja?",https://subscene.com/ +"When I was a child,","Saat Ibu masih anak-anak,",https://subscene.com/ +"Not just for me,but for your late Uncle Neji as well.","Tak hanya bagi Ibu, tapi juga bagi Alm. Paman Neji.",https://subscene.com/ +you were destined to be a shinobi.,kau ditakdirkan untuk jadi seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +Our grandpa?,Kakek?,https://subscene.com/ +I can't picture him being like that.,Aku tak bisa membayangkannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Today, becominga shinobi isn't everything.","Zaman sekarang, menjadi seorang ninja bukanlah segalanya.",https://subscene.com/ +"But if you decide notto become a shinobi,","Tapi, kalau kau tak ingin jadi seorang ninja,",https://subscene.com/ +Mom…,Ibu.,https://subscene.com/ +to choose your own pathin life.,agar kau bisa pilih jalan hidupmu sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +"You might feel that way,","Ibu mungkin tak keberatan,",https://subscene.com/ +He didn't come home againtoday either…,Hari ini juga ayah tak pulang ke rumah.,https://subscene.com/ +Weren't we going to becomeshinobi together?!,Bukankah kita sudah janji untuk jadi ninja bersama-sama?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, but…","Maafkan aku, tapi...",https://subscene.com/ +"You mean, she's giving upon becoming a ninja?","Maksudmu, dia tak ingin jadi seorang ninja?",https://subscene.com/ +she's going to tell Shino Senseiduring their conference today.,dia akan katakan hal itu kepada Guru Shino pada pertemuan hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hmm, I see.","Aku mengerti, begitu rupanya.",https://subscene.com/ +why did she even attendthe Academy?,kenapa dia masuk ke akademi?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it's notout of the ordinary.","Ya, ini bukanlah sesuatu yang mengejutkan.",https://subscene.com/ +when you're looking for a job.,saat kau cari pekerjaan nanti.,https://subscene.com/ +"You attend the Academy,but you don't know?","Kau ini, padahal kau belajar di akademi, tapi kau sama sekali tak tahu hal itu?",https://subscene.com/ +"And in this age of peace,","Dan di era kedamaian ini,",https://subscene.com/ +Utilizing skills gainedat the Academy in other fields,"Di sisi lain, kemampuan yang didapat di akademi",https://subscene.com/ +"And it's certainly less risky, right?","Dan tentu saja hal itu kurangi risiko kecelakaan, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I've seen former ninja workingin other jobs here and there.,Aku pernah lihat mantan ninja yang bekerja di tempat lain.,https://subscene.com/ +KAGEMASAI've seen former ninja workingin other jobs here and there.,Aku pernah lihat mantan ninja yang bekerja di tempat lain.,https://subscene.com/ +"on becoming a shinobi,no matter how small the chances.","jadi seorang ninja, meskipun kesempatannya sangat kecil.",https://subscene.com/ +My goal is to become the Hokage.,Tujuanku adalah jadi seorang Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki! Perfect timing!,"Mitsuki, kebetulan sekali!",https://subscene.com/ +"RECORDING HDSorry, but my conferenceis starting soon.","Maaf, tapi pertemuan guru dan orang tuaku akan dimulai sebentar lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +That's right…I've never seen his parents before.,"Benar juga, aku tak pernah lihat kedua orang tuanya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Mr. Sukea…","Eh, Paman Sukea.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, we'd better not do that.","Tidak, lebih baik tak perlu.",https://subscene.com/ +Call it a journalist's hunch.,Anggap saja itu semacam firasat seorang wartawan.,https://subscene.com/ +"who by all rights wouldnever be invited here,","yang tak pantas untuk diundang ke sini,",https://subscene.com/ +You're very trusting.,Sepertinya kau sangat percaya padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, many things happenedin the past…","Ya, banyak hal terjadi di masa lalu.",https://subscene.com/ +"That's true, and you did acceptmy dear child","Benar sekali, dan kau mau terima anakku",https://subscene.com/ +"Still, only a few includingourselves know about that.","Tapi tetap saja, hanya beberapa orang termasuk kita yang tahu mengenai hal itu.",https://subscene.com/ +has been a huge help.,sangat membantu kami.,https://subscene.com/ +"I sowed the seeds,","Aku yang tabur benih,",https://subscene.com/ +There's no need to thank me.,Tak perlu berterima kasih padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it seems it's almost time.","Oh, sepertinya sudah waktunya.",https://subscene.com/ +But of course.,"Ya, tentu saja.",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you should know this already,","Hoi, mungkin kau sudah tahu hal ini,",https://subscene.com/ +make sure you disguise your face.,"setidaknya, samarkan wajahmu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +A lot of people will bequite shocked if they see me.,Banyak orang yang akan terkejut saat lihat wajahku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, it's you.","Kukira siapa, ternyata kau, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You're the honor student.,"Kalau sampai kepikiran begitu,",https://subscene.com/ +That's easy for you to say…,Omong sih gampang.,https://subscene.com/ +and it's not my place to say anything.,dan tak seharusnya aku ikut campur.,https://subscene.com/ +"You want to becomethe Hokage, right?","Kau ingin jadi Hokage, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, some Hokage you'll be","Kalau ya, bakal kayak apa jadinya",https://subscene.com/ +"Otherwise, you'd never surpassmy stupid dad.","Maksudku, kalau begitu saja tak bisa, mana mungkin kau bisa lampaui si ayah sialan itu?",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you!,Terima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm so glad!,Syukurlah!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm so glad for both of you!,"Syukurlah ya, kalian berdua.",https://subscene.com/ +– Really? Sarada did that?– I think I really I think,"Eh, si Sarada itu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +They talked toAburame Sensei and,"Sepertinya, mereka konsultasi pada Guru Aburame",https://subscene.com/ +Thank you so much!,Terima kasih banyak!,https://subscene.com/ +Let's become awesome ninja!,Ayo jadi ninja yang hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +Sure! It was no problem!,"Ah, gampang saja, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone's stories?,"""Cerita mereka""?",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, are you gonna coverthe graduation exams too?","Oh ya, apa Paman juga akan urus ujian kelulusan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, by the way…","Ah, benar juga.",https://subscene.com/ +Having a grace periodlike that isn't so bad.,punya pesona yang tak begitu buruk.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't really get it…,"Aku tak begitu paham, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"but I've got this knack foralways managing somehow,","aku cukup jago atasi sesuatu,",https://subscene.com/ +See ya!,"Dah, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Make sure you write me up good!,"Buat artikel yang hebat, ya!",https://subscene.com/ +Why am I going tobecome a shinobi?,"Untuk apa aku jadi ninja, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Mitsuki…,Mitsuki.,https://subscene.com/ +"Your parent, huh…","Orang tuamu, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I could go back toHidden Sound Village…","Aku bisa saja kembali ke desa bunyi,",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah? And is there somespecial reason?,"Eh, apa ada alasan khusus?",https://subscene.com/ +I want to continue watching you.,Aku ingin terus memerhatikanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +but your actions have changedthe people around you.,tapi apa yang kaulakukan sudah ubah orang-orang di sekitarmu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Like Denki, Iwabe, and the Class Rep.","Denki, Iwabe, lalu Ketua Kelas.",https://subscene.com/ +about what I want to do either.,apa yang ingin kulakukan.,https://subscene.com/ +"I kinda don't get your point,","Aku tak begitu paham sih,",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Me?,"Eh, aku?",https://subscene.com/ +I'd be lying if I saidit didn't bother me…,Bohong kalau kubilang tak kepikiran.,https://subscene.com/ +I just want to be togetherwith everyone.,Aku hanya ingin terus bersama teman-teman.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'll become a shinobi,then think about it!","aku akan jadi ninja, dan memikirkannya.",https://subscene.com/ +I see…,Begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, right now…times are fun.","Selain itu, yang kulalui selama ini sangat menyenangkan.",https://subscene.com/ +so that I can keep having funwith everyone.,aku akan jadi ninja agar bisa bersenang-senang dengan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Now why did you have to goand do something like that?,"Dasar, kenapa kau sampai berbuat begini?",https://subscene.com/ +I wanted to meet and talkto the students,Aku ingin bertemu dan berbincang dengan murid,https://subscene.com/ +Gathering intel is a basic shinobi duty.,"Mengumpulkan informasi itu dasar ninja, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"You never change, Lord Sixth.","Kau tak berubah ya, Hokage Keenam.",https://subscene.com/ +"but please, don't betoo hard on them.",tapi jangan terlalu keras pada mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +"But even if these are peaceful times,","Tapi, sedamai apa pun zaman kini,",https://subscene.com/ +Since my exam can be…a little challenging.,"Ujianku agak ketat, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +Piece of cake!,Itu sih mudah.,https://subscene.com/ +The test isn't a big deal anyways…,"Lagian, ujian tak bakal susah, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not going to hold back.,"Aku takkan menahan diri, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +O-Old Man Kakashi?!,Pa-Paman Kakashi?,https://subscene.com/ +"""The Graduation Exam Begins!""",Ujian Kelulusan Dimulai.,https://subscene.com/ +I think we made it out safely.,"Sepertinya kita berhasil keluar, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Come to think of it,my shoulders feel sorta heavy…","Oh ya, rasanya bahuku berat banget.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, it might be better ifyou don't remember.","Ya, sebaiknya tak perlu diingat.",https://subscene.com/ +"Mitsuki isn't a traitor, after all.","Sudah kuduga, Mitsuki bukanlah pengkhianat.",https://subscene.com/ +"Otherwise, he wouldn't haveleft the snake behind.","Kalau tidak, mana mungkin dia tinggalkan ular itu.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not going back untilI see Mitsuki.,aku takkan kembali sebelum bertemu Mitsuki!,https://subscene.com/ +"In that case, I have a plan.","Kalau begitu, aku punya rencana.",https://subscene.com/ +"We've always gone throughtough times together, haven't we?",Bukankah selama ini kita selalu lewati masa-masa sulit bersama?,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +What's up?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +What are you doing?,Kau sedang apa?,https://subscene.com/ +"It's tiresome drawingevery time in battle, so…",Habisnya kalau harus menggambar dulu setiap bertarung itu merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +But…that's…,"Tidak, itu...",https://subscene.com/ +Drawing a picture is a drag…,Menggambar itu merepotkan juga.,https://subscene.com/ +"Don't you agree, Dad?","Ayah sependapat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Inojin… Dear… Dinnertime!,"Inojin, Ayah, waktunya makan!",https://subscene.com/ +We're starting practical skill sessionsto prepare for graduation exams.,Kami sudah memulai sesi latihan kemampuan untuk persiapan ujian kelulusan.,https://subscene.com/ +during our Ino-Shika-Cho triotraining tomorrow.,saat latihan trio Ino-Shika-Cho.,https://subscene.com/ +"They say there's more thanone way of doing things,","Ada banyak jalan menuju Roma,",https://subscene.com/ +"C'mon, we'd better go downstairsbefore we get it from Mom.","Ayolah, kita harus segera turun sebelum dimarahi ibu.",https://subscene.com/ +Partial Expansion Jutsu!,部分倍化の術,https://subscene.com/ +Gotcha!,Kena!,https://subscene.com/ +Hey?!,"Ah, waduh?",https://subscene.com/ +Oww…,Sakit.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, I have something goodup my sleeve.","Eh, aku punya senjata rahasia, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +Super Beast Scroll!,超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +That's weird…,Aneh sekali.,https://subscene.com/ +Pay attention!,Jangan lengah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, it really is a drag.","Dasar, ini memang merepotkan, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +W-What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Why couldn't I do the Super Beast Scroll?,Kenapa aku tak bisa lakukan Rajah Plagiat Hewan?,https://subscene.com/ +No.,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +I infused enough chakra too…,Padahal aku sudah masukkan chakra dengan benar.,https://subscene.com/ +it's weird that it doesn't workeven when I draw.,malah aneh karena aku tak bisa keluarkan tekniknya meski kugambar.,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +LEAF VILLAGE ART COMPETITIONACCEPTING ENTRIESWhy don't you try entering this?,Bagaimana kalau kau mengikutinya?,https://subscene.com/ +Why would I want to drawfor something like this at my age?,Aku tak mau gambar sesuatu seperti itu saat sudah sebesar ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"You have some idea, right?",Apa Ayah tahu sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +"The answer is somethingyou must find out yourself, Inojin.","Jawaban itu... Inojin, harus kau cari sendiri.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh well, I just have towin this thing, right?","Ya, pokoknya aku hanya harus memenangkannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Anyway, winning a kid's art contestwill be so easy.","Tapi, memenangkan kompetisi anak-anak ini pasti mudah.",https://subscene.com/ +FIRST PLACEHIMAWARI UZUMAKIHimawari Uzumaki?!,Himawari Uzumaki?,https://subscene.com/ +My drawing is obviously better…,Padahal sudah jelas kalau gambarku lebih baik darinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"But, Himawari is the winner.","Tapi, pemenangnya adalah Himawari.",https://subscene.com/ +She's the Hokage's daughter.,"Habisnya, dia adalah putrinya Hokage.",https://subscene.com/ +"just because he wants to bragabout his daughter, damn it.",hanya untuk banggakan putrinya saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"No, I guess it didn't have any meaning.","Ya, Ayah rasa ini tak berarti apa pun.",https://subscene.com/ +At this rate…,"Kalau begini terus,",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?!,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +I suggest you think about what'sdifferent between you and Himawari.,kau harus bisa cari tahu perbedaan antara kau dan Himawari.,https://subscene.com/ +What does he mean by different?,Apa maksudnya berbeda?,https://subscene.com/ +Yes?,Ya?,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, I know the timing's bad, but…",Maafkan Ayah karena waktunya kurang pas.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hello, everyone.",Mohon kerja samanya.,https://subscene.com/ +"When you are on tracking missions,","Saat kalian jalani misi,",https://subscene.com/ +"Unless the drawings are good,they'll be useless.","Saat itu terjadi, akan susah kalau gambar kalian jelek.",https://subscene.com/ +"Today, I want you to draw people.","Hari ini, aku ingin lihat kalian menggambar seseorang.",https://subscene.com/ +"He called Cho-Cho ""pretty.""Your dad's weird.","Ayahmu memanggil Chocho cantik, dia pasti sangat aneh.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, everyone!","Baiklah, semuanya!",https://subscene.com/ +to your…heart's…content!,sampai hati kalian terpuaskan!,https://subscene.com/ +I'm really sorry.,Ayah benar-benar kerepotan.,https://subscene.com/ +Shino had asked mequite some time ago.,"Beberapa hari yang lalu, Shino minta Ayah untuk lakukan ini.",https://subscene.com/ +But I think this might bea good opportunity for you.,"Tapi, mungkin ini akan jadi kesempatan yang bagus untukmu.",https://subscene.com/ +Yup… It turned outjust the way I wanted.,"Ya, sesuai yang kuharapkan.",https://subscene.com/ +"I gotta say, it's outrageous as usual.","Benar-benar hebat seperti biasa, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? Are you serious?,Be-Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +I could draw with my foot andit would be better than this.,Aku bisa menggambarnya dengan kakiku dan pasti hasilnya lebih bagus.,https://subscene.com/ +I like it.,Aku suka.,https://subscene.com/ +See?,"Lihat, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Really?!,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +The Super Beast Scroll witha terrible drawing like that?,Teknik Rajah Plagiat Hewan dengan lukisan jelek seperti ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +I suggest you think about what'sdifferent between you and Himawari.,...kau harus bisa cari tahu perbedaan antara kau dan Himawari.,https://subscene.com/ +Should I keep a stack ofBoruto's drawings?,Apa aku perlu kumpulkan lukisan-lukisan Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +As for why the copies didn't workfor the Super Beast Scroll…,Karena teknik Rajah Plagiat Hewan tak dilakukan dengan salinan lukisan saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Hmm… How unusual.,"Wah, tumben sekali, nih.",https://subscene.com/ +You're usually not the typeto get worked up like this.,Kau itu biasanya tak sesemangat ini.,https://subscene.com/ +So I know the feeling.,"Jadi, aku mengerti perasaanmu.",https://subscene.com/ +"No way!You couldn't be more wrong, chubs!","Sama sekali tidak, kau salah paham, Gendut!",https://subscene.com/ +and I could care lessif I can't do the Super Beast Scroll!,mungkin aku sedikit tak fokus sehingga tak bisa lakukan teknik Rajah Plagiat Hewan ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, you're forgettingall of your stuff!","Tunggu, barang-barangmu tertinggal, nih!",https://subscene.com/ +I don't need it.,Aku tak memerlukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll just practice my mom's jutsufrom now on.,"Mulai sekarang, aku akan berlatih teknik-teknik milik ibuku.",https://subscene.com/ +You are so obvious.,Sangat mudah ditebak!,https://subscene.com/ +It's possible that teamswith poor showings,Ada kemungkinan kalau tim dengan kerja sama yang jelek,https://subscene.com/ +"So, try not to lose focus.","Jadi, jangan sampai kehilangan fokus.",https://subscene.com/ +"I hope you're up to this, Inojin.","Kau baik-baik saja 'kan, Inojin?",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, let's start withyour Super Beast Scroll.","Baiklah, kita mulai dengan teknik Rajah Plagiat Hewan.",https://subscene.com/ +– H-Hey… What do you mean?– The team battle…,Ho-Hoi.,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art!,忍法,https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey?! Inojin?,"Ho-Hoi, Inojin?",https://subscene.com/ +Iwabe?,Iwabe?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, maybe we should've beenstarting with this all along.","Aduh, seharusnya dari dulu pakai saja teknik efisien seperti ini.",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, what shall I do from now?","Baiklah, selanjutnya apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Is this Aunty Ino's jutsu?,"Itu tadi tekniknya bibi Ino, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You haven't practiced that one as much.,Kau masih belum terbiasa dengan teknik itu.,https://subscene.com/ +You've really done it this time…,Berani juga kau melakukannya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, let's go!","Ya, ayo!",https://subscene.com/ +They're coming!,Mereka datang!,https://subscene.com/ +How's that?!,"Eh, bagaimana?",https://subscene.com/ +"Can you do it, Inojin?!","Kau bisa melakukannya, Inojin?",https://subscene.com/ +Inojin!,Inojin!,https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, hurry!","Ayo, cepat!",https://subscene.com/ +Team Iwabe wins!,Tim Iwabe menang!,https://subscene.com/ +"We did it, Denki!","Kita berhasil, Denki!",https://subscene.com/ +They've really improved.,Mereka benar-benar sudah berkembang.,https://subscene.com/ +What's gonna happen if someonewho loves potato chips,Kalau orang yang menyukai keripik kentang,https://subscene.com/ +How did Inojin do in class?,Bagaimana Inojin saat di kelas?,https://subscene.com/ +He asked me to teach himthe Mind Transfer Jutsu this morning.,"Tadi pagi dia minta padaku untuk diajari Teknik Bertukar Jiwa-Raga, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +C'mon!,"Tunggu, dasar kau ini!",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I love to draw.,Karena itulah aku suka menggambar.,https://subscene.com/ +You're as awkward as ever.,"Kau itu masih saja kaku, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +What's Himawari doing here?,Kenapa Himawari ada di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +I asked her to bethe teacher today.,Aku memintanya untuk jadi guru hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Big Brother? So you're…,"Kakak, itu artinya...",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, she's s-so cute!","Oh, dia imut banget!",https://subscene.com/ +Your dad's too weird.,"Ayahmu aneh banget, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"you must love to draw, Himawari.","Himawari pasti sangat suka menggambar, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"What's more, it was a drawing ofmy dad, so I had even more fun!","Ditambah lagi, aku gambar papaku, jadi itu tambah menyenangkan!",https://subscene.com/ +"Nah, I…","Tidak, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +"Inojin's jutsu has drawingsthat can move, and they're amazing!","Tekniknya Inojin itu buat gambar bisa bergerak dan luar biasa, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +"I wanna see, I wanna see!","Aku mau lihat, lihat!",https://subscene.com/ +Why?,Kenapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Himawari…","Nah, Himawari.",https://subscene.com/ +I understand.,Aku mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't need them anymore.,Itu karena aku tak membutuhkannya lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +She kept asking me to draw.,Dia terus memintaku untuk menggambar.,https://subscene.com/ +I don't really think so…,Ibu rasa tak seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +It's useless for me to draw.,Tak ada gunanya bagiku untuk menggambar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Nope, I was bad.","Tidak, gambarku itu jelek.",https://subscene.com/ +But do you remember?,"Tapi, kau ingat, tidak?",https://subscene.com/ +Was he?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +You drew it so well!,"Gambaranmu lumayan bagus, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +Metal said this…,"Lalu, si Metal bilang...",https://subscene.com/ +Do you have a minute?,Kau punya waktu sebentar?,https://subscene.com/ +He wants to learn about art.,Dia mau diajari menggambar.,https://subscene.com/ +So please…,"Karena itulah, kumohon",https://subscene.com/ +"Sure, but…","Boleh sih,",https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Hima…","Eh, Hima.",https://subscene.com/ +Well…,Sebentar.,https://subscene.com/ +"Sure. When I do my best and draw,Daddy always praises me.","Tiap kali aku menggambar dengan semangat, papa selalu memujiku.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't you…want to draw?,"Tak mau, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Come on, Himawari Senseiis asking you to draw!","Ayolah, Guru Himawari mengajakmu menggambar, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +This will be Sensei's model.,Inilah buku contohnya guru.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hmm…Very good, I say!","Hem, lumayan bagus.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh no!At this rate…,"Celaka, kalau dibiarkan...",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +Found it?,Ketemu?,https://subscene.com/ +Big Brother!,Kakak!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry!,Biar aku ambil!,https://subscene.com/ +the same as the drawingI made copies of?,sama dengan gambar yang kucetak?,https://subscene.com/ +the same as the one that I made?,sama dengan yang kubuat?,https://subscene.com/ +That drawing has…feelings and emotion in it!,Gambar itu mengandung perasaan!,https://subscene.com/ +No question about it!,Tak boleh!,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!,忍法・超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +The drawing's really moving!,Gambarnya betulan bergerak!,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, thank you!",Terima kasih!,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, will my drawing move too?","Eh, gambar ini bisa bergerak juga?",https://subscene.com/ +"Do it, do it!","Coba, coba!",https://subscene.com/ +Why not?,Apa salahnya dicoba?,https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!,超獣偽画,https://subscene.com/ +Amazing!,Hebat!,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?! What?,"Eh, maksudnya?",https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +"Thanks to you, I finally rememberedwhat's important.","Berkat kau, akhirnya aku teringat akan hal yang penting.",https://subscene.com/ +It seems I had it all wrong.,"Sepertinya, akunya yang salah pemahaman.",https://subscene.com/ +There's meaning behind the thingsyou feel like drawing.,"Tapi, terdapat perasaan yang berarti di baliknya.",https://subscene.com/ +I felt chakra passinginto the drawing.,aku rasakan chakra yang masuk ke dalam gambar.,https://subscene.com/ +This is my favorite drawing.,Ini gambar kesukaanku.,https://subscene.com/ +And that applies from now on too.,Dan itu berlaku untuk ke depannya.,https://subscene.com/ +It's because ofthe Super Beast Scroll that time…,Gara-gara Rajah Plagiat Hewan waktu itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Huh? It is?,"Eh, yakin?",https://subscene.com/ +And Daddy will be even happierwith the next one!,Dan akan kubuat papa lebih senang lagi melihatnya!,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, so let's draw some more!","Jadi, ayo kita menggambar lagi!",https://subscene.com/ +"All right, let's draw!","Sip, ayo menggambar!",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone's so seriousabout training now.,Yang lainnya pada serius latihan.,https://subscene.com/ +Who cares about graduation?,Siapa yang peduli dengan kelulusan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Everyone has their reasons,","Yang lainnya punya alasan masing-masing,",https://subscene.com/ +But didn't they sayfriendship is eternal?,"Tapi, persahabatan itu kekal, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"""The Night of the Shooting Stars""",Malam Hujan Bintang.,https://subscene.com/ +That was close!,Hampir saja!,https://subscene.com/ +I can't get caught here either.,"Yang jelas, aku tak boleh tertangkap!",https://subscene.com/ +Where am…I?,Di mana ini?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +I wasn't really trying to.,Sebenarnya aku tak berniat melakukannya.,https://subscene.com/ +Anyway…,Yang lebih penting,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell is going on?,"Apa maksudnya, coba?",https://subscene.com/ +"Because of them,a lot of Leaf shinobi died!","Karena ulah mereka, banyak ninja Konoha yang jadi korban, tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +"It's also to help protect you,as well.","Dan juga demi lindungimu, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +It's because you're weak.,Karena kau itu lemah.,https://subscene.com/ +I do.,Tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?!,Apa kaubilang?,https://subscene.com/ +Don't let it go to your head!,Jangan besar kepala!,https://subscene.com/ +"Though right now,you probably won't understand.",Kau yang sekarang takkan mengerti.,https://subscene.com/ +I've had enough of this!,Aku sudah lelah mendengarmu.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm going back to my friends.,Aku akan kembali ke tempat teman-temanku.,https://subscene.com/ +I never thoughtwe'd end up here…,Tak kusangka aku ragu di saat seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +This is the Sanzu Plains.,Tempat ini adalah Dataran Sanzu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Once inside,you can't get out easily.","Setelah memasukinya, siapa pun takkan bisa keluar dengan mudah.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not lying.,Aku tak berbohong.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll just go outthe way I came in.,Aku tinggal keluar lewati jalanku masuk tadi!,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell's happening?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +Then all I have to do is findthat heart stone?,"Jadi, aku hanya perlu cari batu hati itu?",https://subscene.com/ +this one.,ini.,https://subscene.com/ +It's not that simple.,Tak segampang itu ditemukan.,https://subscene.com/ +Nope.,Tak ada.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you serious?,"Serius, nih?",https://subscene.com/ +"In that case, I'll use my shadowclones to find a way out of here!","Kalau sudah begini, akan kugunakan Klona Bayangan untuk cari jalan keluar dari sini.",https://subscene.com/ +Hey…,Lo?,https://subscene.com/ +That depends on how you look at it.,Itu tergantung pemikiranmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Just a pebble? With no powers?,Hanya batu yang tak punya kekuatan apa-apa?,https://subscene.com/ +It's about how you found it.,Yang berharga dari batu itu adalah,https://subscene.com/ +The young people in the villagesay the same thing.,Anak-anak muda di desa juga mengatakan hal yang sama.,https://subscene.com/ +"Nowadays, nobody comes hereto search for their heart stone.","Saat ini, tak ada lagi yang datang ke sini untuk cari batu hati mereka.",https://subscene.com/ +You mean…?,itu artinya...,https://subscene.com/ +The two of us are doomed to rotin here without ever getting out.,Kita berdua takkan bisa keluar dari sini dan akan mati membusuk.,https://subscene.com/ +There's no way we can accept that!,"Mana mungkin aku bisa menerimanya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Rather than finding an exit,","Pertama, daripada temukan jalan keluar",https://subscene.com/ +Have you foundthe master yet?,Apa kalian masih belum temukan Master?,https://subscene.com/ +"I had the Akuta comb the area,but we still haven't found him.","Aku sudah kirim Akuta untuk menyisir wilayah, tapi kami masih belum menemukannya.",https://subscene.com/ +"But if we expandthe search too far,","Tapi, kalau kami perluas wilayah pencariannya",https://subscene.com/ +Have her keep things quiet.,Perintahkan dia lindungi rahasia kita.,https://subscene.com/ +It means you can't keep rumorsfrom spreading.,"Itu artinya, mau dirahasiakan seperti apa pun, rumornya akan tetap menyebar.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's simple, really.","Caranya sederhana, kok!",https://subscene.com/ +No. That would be againstthe master's wishes.,Itu akan bertentangan dengan keinginan Master.,https://subscene.com/ +Then we will lead the searchby the Akuta ourselves.,"Kalau begitu, kami akan pimpin langsung para Akuta untuk mencarinya.",https://subscene.com/ +I said no!,Tidak!,https://subscene.com/ +Your task is to increaseproduction of Akuta.,Tugas kalian adalah tingkatkan produksi Akuta.,https://subscene.com/ +—and do it secretly!,dan jangan sampai ada yang mengetahuinya!,https://subscene.com/ +What is all of this?,Ini apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Isn't it quite human?,"Manusiawi banget, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +No one I knew did anythinglike this.,Kenalanku tak ada yang lakukan hal seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not what the intelI gathered told me…,Itu sangat berbeda dengan informasi yang kudapatkan.,https://subscene.com/ +Kirara was showing me her things.,Kirara tunjukkan barang-barangnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Why don't you just dumpall this stuff?,Benda-benda seperti ini lebih baik dibuang saja!,https://subscene.com/ +Don't you see how wonderfulthese are?,Apa kau tak bisa pahami keindahan dari barang-barang ini?,https://subscene.com/ +I'll kill you.,Aku akan membunuhmu!,https://subscene.com/ +You'll never understand humans.,Kau takkan pernah pahami manusia.,https://subscene.com/ +Is there something going on?,Apa sudah terjadi sesuatu?,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Ku chased them away.,Dan sepertinya Tn. Ku berhasil singkirkan mereka.,https://subscene.com/ +Things are pretty busy today.,"Sekarang ini dia sedang sibuk, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +Shi-ka-da-i.,Shikadai.,https://subscene.com/ +Okay… How about this one?,"Baiklah, kalau ini?",https://subscene.com/ +"Too hard, huh?","Terlalu sulit, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Cho-Cho, the Chubs.",Si gendut Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +Chubs! Chubs!,"Gendut, gendut!",https://subscene.com/ +Who's there?!,Siapa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Are you being pursued?,Apa kalian dikejar?,https://subscene.com/ +Are you saying…they're not here yet?!,"Jadi, mereka berdua belum tiba, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Should we look for them?,Perlukah kita cari mereka?,https://subscene.com/ +We should wait and see first.,"Kupikir, lebih baik kita amati situasi dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +Chubs!,Gendut!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm so hungry, I can't move.",Aku lapar dan tak bisa bergerak.,https://subscene.com/ +"At this rate, I'll die.","Kalau begini terus, aku bisa mati.",https://subscene.com/ +Water…,Air.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, Old Man?!",Kakek?,https://subscene.com/ +Here's some water.,Ini air.,https://subscene.com/ +You sure?,Boleh?,https://subscene.com/ +I feel alive again!,Aku serasa hidup lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Wanna eat?,Mau makan?,https://subscene.com/ +Here.,Nih.,https://subscene.com/ +It's a valuable source of protein.,Serangga kaya akan sumber protein.,https://subscene.com/ +"If you don't want it,you can starve to death.","Kalau tak mau, silakan mati kelaparan.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm not gonna die here!,Aku takkan mati di tempat seperti ini!,https://subscene.com/ +What did I tell you?,"Ya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I figured I owe youfor saving my life.",Aku pernah berutang nyawa padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Old Man…,Kakek.,https://subscene.com/ +"Was I right, or what?","Aku benar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"For now, lend me a hand.","Untuk sekarang, bantulah aku.",https://subscene.com/ +"For now, let's call a truce.","Jadi, kita berdamai dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +Sourcing provisions off the landis a basic skill for shinobi.,Bisa manfaatkan alam sekitar adalah kemampuan dasar untuk seorang ninja.,https://subscene.com/ +"I read about it in a textbook,but we didn't actually do it…","Aku pernah membacanya di buku, tapi kalau praktik langsungnya sih belum.",https://subscene.com/ +"You found bamboo leaves andcicada shells, didn't you?","Kau temukan daun bambu dan cangkang jangkrik, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +You didn't realize that—and that's a problem.,Akan jadi masalah kalau kau sampai tak menyadarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Young people these daysare all about book learning,",Anak muda sekarang hanya belajar dari buku,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry about that.,"Maaf, deh.",https://subscene.com/ +This and that aretwo different things!,"Itu sih, dua hal yang berbeda!",https://subscene.com/ +Don't rush!,Tak perlu tergesa-gesa!,https://subscene.com/ +"Unlike the old days,you have everything now.","Berbeda dengan dulu, sekarang kau sudah punya semuanya.",https://subscene.com/ +"When we were young,it was a time of war.",Masa muda kami adalah masa-masa peperangan.,https://subscene.com/ +We were desperate just to survive.,Hanya untuk bertahan hidup saja sulit.,https://subscene.com/ +and became our strength.,dan jadikan kami lebih kuat.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not what I mean.,Bukan begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Especially in times like these,",Terlebih saat dalam keadaan seperti ini,https://subscene.com/ +you won't be ablefight enemies like Kaguya.,kau takkan mampu kalahkan musuh seperti Kaguya.,https://subscene.com/ +so you know whatI'm talking about.,"jadi, harusnya kau mengerti apa yang kumaksud.",https://subscene.com/ +That's why I created Kuand the others.,Karena itulah aku ciptakan Ku dan yang lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +We await your order.,Kami tunggu perintahmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Is it because—?,Apa jangan-jangan itu karena...,https://subscene.com/ +Ku was created from my cells.,Ku dibuat dari sel-selku.,https://subscene.com/ +A synthetic human.,Manusia buatan.,https://subscene.com/ +"There's one like him among you,as well.","Di antara rekanmu pun, ada yang seperti dia, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +is still in its infancy.,masih dalam perkembangan.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I invited him here.,Karena itulah aku mengundangnya ke sini.,https://subscene.com/ +Ku and those like himwill fight in your place.,Ku dan yang lainnya akan gantikan kalian bertarung.,https://subscene.com/ +But…,Tapi...,https://subscene.com/ +I'm confident Ku and the otherscan see it through,Aku yakin Ku dan yang lain akan mampu menyelesaikannya,https://subscene.com/ +I've finally come this far.Finally!,"Akhirnya aku sampai sejauh ini, akhirnya.",https://subscene.com/ +"With your help,",Dengan bantuanmu,https://subscene.com/ +We're grateful to you.,Kami sangat berterima kasih.,https://subscene.com/ +It's an older Curse Mark.,Itu Tanda Kutukan yang sudah tua.,https://subscene.com/ +but we'll eventually be ableto complete the analysis.,tapi kami pasti bisa selesaikan analisisnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I have one other reasonfor coming here.,Aku punya satu alasan lagi datang ke sini.,https://subscene.com/ +The secret behind a will?,"Rahasia di balik ""tekad""?",https://subscene.com/ +"Were our souls, as well?","Yang berarti, jiwa kita juga, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +is something given to me by humans?,merupakan sesuatu yang diberikan oleh manusia?,https://subscene.com/ +you should ask the humanwho created you.,sebaiknya kau bertanya kepada manusia yang sudah ciptakan dirimu.,https://subscene.com/ +Why do you think that is?,Kenapa kau berpikir begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +They say humans go througha rebellious stage as they mature.,"Saat lewati masa remaja, katanya manusia akan memberontak.",https://subscene.com/ +then your behavior isnot all that unusual.,maka sikapmu ini wajar-wajar saja.,https://subscene.com/ +But what difference does it make?,"Tapi, apa bedanya?",https://subscene.com/ +My master possessesa noble purpose.,Masterku punya rencana yang mulia.,https://subscene.com/ +That vessel is me.,Wadah itu adalah aku.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm told, once upon a time,vessels were called tsuki.","Dikatakan, zaman dulu, wadah disebut dengan Tsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +An empty vessel…,Sebuah wadah yang kosong.,https://subscene.com/ +"There's no need tolament being ""empty.""","Tak perlu resah karena jadi ""kosong.""",https://subscene.com/ +It becomes sora…the sky.,Dan jadi langit.,https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, they're fun.","Ya, isinya cukup menarik.",https://subscene.com/ +That stuff's not going to makea difference in strength.,Hal semacam itu takkan bisa buat perbedaan dalam hal kekuatan.,https://subscene.com/ +With Lord Ku.,Dia bersama Tn. Ku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Both of you, shut up.","Kalian berdua, sudah cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +Stop wasting your timeon things like that.,Jangan buang-buang waktu hanya untuk hal konyol seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, okay.That's enough.","Sudah, sudah, sudah cukup.",https://subscene.com/ +"When you're done,can I borrow that book?","Kalau kau sudah selesai baca buku itu, bolehkah aku meminjamnya?",https://subscene.com/ +Sure?,Benarkah?,https://subscene.com/ +Kakou?,Kakou?,https://subscene.com/ +Kirara!,Kirara!,https://subscene.com/ +Kirara?!,Kirara?,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +We really ended up ina bad location!,Kami benar-benar terjebak di tempat yang buruk!,https://subscene.com/ +"I just can't believe sucha special stone is around here, somewhere!",Aku tak percaya batu istimewa seperti itu ada di suatu tempat di wilayah ini!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, he's Tanuki Shigaraki?","Jadi, dia adalah Tanuki Shigaraki?",https://subscene.com/ +Seems he was a talented researcherand ardent follower of Danzo.,Dia adalah peneliti yang berbakat dan pengikut setia Danzo.,https://subscene.com/ +to develop a new weaponutilizing the Hashirama Cell.,pengembang senjata baru yang manfaatkan sel Hashirama.,https://subscene.com/ +"Even after Danzo's death,he didn't give up.","Setelah Danzo meninggal, dia masih belum menyerah.",https://subscene.com/ +these recent incidentseven began…,dia hilang cukup lama.,https://subscene.com/ +After we successfullyuncovered his hideout too...,Padahal kita sudah tahu markas persembunyiannya.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess we're back to square onewith our investigation…,Kita harus lanjutkan penyelidikan.,https://subscene.com/ +What's wrong?,Ada apa?,https://subscene.com/ +The incident startedat the Academy.,Insiden itu dimulai dari akademi.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean?!,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah…,Ya!,https://subscene.com/ +Who is it?!,Siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +How I can confirmif you're the sun or not.,Bagaimana cara untuk pastikan apa kau pantas jadi matahariku atau tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I've beenkeeping watch,"Karena itu, aku selalu awasi semuanya",https://subscene.com/ +I wanted to seehow you would react.,Aku ingin tahu bagaimana reaksimu.,https://subscene.com/ +and restored everyoneback to normal.,dan berusaha kembalikan semuanya jadi seperti biasa.,https://subscene.com/ +"That's only natural, ain't it?!",tapi bukankah itu sudah jelas?,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder about this time?,bagaimana kalau sekarang?,https://subscene.com/ +the Class Rep.,"...ketua kelas, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +The one who causedthis series of incidents,Pelaku dari semua kejadian ini,https://subscene.com/ +Sumire Kakei.,Sumire Kakei.,https://subscene.com/ +Her father's name wasTanuki Shigaraki.,Nama ayahnya adalah Tanuki Shigaraki.,https://subscene.com/ +"he entrusted her with the Gozu Tennou,which he had perfected.",dia sudah memercayakan Gozu Tennou yang sudah sempurna pada putrinya.,https://subscene.com/ +since she's disappearedfrom her hospital room.,tapi dia sudah hilang dari rumah sakit.,https://subscene.com/ +complaints are coming inthat these incidents continued,ada banyak keluhan kalau penyebab dari keberlanjutan kejadian ini,https://subscene.com/ +What do we do?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +to exposing the identities of everyoneconnected to the Foundation.,"sudah dihentikan olehku dan Hokage Kelima, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"That's totally not funny, Mitsuki.","Leluconmu itu tak lucu, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +But it's the truth.,"Tapi, itu benar.",https://subscene.com/ +Every victim had some contactwith her just before an incident.,Seluruh korban yang alami kejadian itu pernah berhubungan dengannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, the Class Rep isa victim in the first place!","Selain itu, ketua kelas juga jadi korbannya, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I'll tell you more ifyou're not convinced—,"Kalau kau belum bisa menerimanya, aku akan jelaskan...",https://subscene.com/ +"Even so, why?","Meski begitu, kenapa dia...",https://subscene.com/ +"You're not responsible.for this, Boruto.","Boruto, tak salah apa-apa, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +"If you don't want to believe me,do as you please.","Kalau kau tak percaya padaku, maka tak masalah.",https://subscene.com/ +"What do you mean by ""too late""?",Apa maksudmu terlambat?,https://subscene.com/ +"There's no doubt,she's already started moving.",Sepertinya dia sudah mulai bergerak.,https://subscene.com/ +wasn't the purpose ofThe Ghost Incidents.,bukanlah tujuan dari insiden itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Just a way?!,Sebuah cara?,https://subscene.com/ +It's coming from Senju Park!,Asalnya dari taman Senju!,https://subscene.com/ +Not seeing throughSumire Kakei's ruse,Memang benar kalau tak sadari Sumire Kakei ini,https://subscene.com/ +But wasn't a background checkon every villager ruled out,"Meski begitu, hentikan pemeriksaan latar belakang dari seluruh warga desa",https://subscene.com/ +"Back then, the villagewas in shambles","Saat itu, desa kita",https://subscene.com/ +Everyone lost someoneprecious to them.,Semua orang kehilangan seseorang yang berharga.,https://subscene.com/ +"that a family member or colleaguewas a survivor from the Foundation,","terhadap keluarga yang berasal dari organisasi Akar yang masih tersisa,",https://subscene.com/ +You made the right decision.,Keputusan itu memang benar.,https://subscene.com/ +would have been amongthe first to be suspected.,akan jadi orang yang pertama kali dicurigai.,https://subscene.com/ +Her late mother wasn't a ninjaor anything associated…,Mendiang ibunya tak punya keterkaitan dengan ninja atau sejenisnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Her father's background is unknown.,Latar belakang ayahnya tak diketahui.,https://subscene.com/ +There's no rule thatsomeone can't be accepted,Tak boleh masuk ke akademi hanya karena tak punya orang tua,https://subscene.com/ +"However, whatever her reasons,","Tapi, aku tak tahu apa alasannya,",https://subscene.com/ +You think we should punish heras a criminal?,Apa menurutmu kita harus menghukumnya seperti seorang penjahat?,https://subscene.com/ +We can't be soft on everyone.,Kita tak boleh bersikap baik pada semua orang.,https://subscene.com/ +Please don't make fun.,Jangan mengejekku.,https://subscene.com/ +Weren't you supposed to beat the hot springs?,Bukankah Anda seharusnya berada di pemandian air panas?,https://subscene.com/ +I wanted to take it easyin my retirement.,aku ingin bersantai saat masa pensiunku.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, I've been lookingfor traces of his research.","Jadi, aku harus cari jejak penelitiannya yang masih tersisa.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, something I wishI never found out…","Ya, kuharap aku tak pernah tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +"In all likelihood,","Sepertinya,",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, no wonder we couldn't find itno matter how hard we looked.",Tak heran kita tak pernah menemukannya meski kita sudah mencarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +It means Sumire Kakeiis the very gate,Sumire Kakei adalah sebuah gerbang,https://subscene.com/ +How could he—?!,Teganya dia.,https://subscene.com/ +What just happened?,Apa yang terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +The man who usedevery despicable means,Seseorang yang lakukan segala tindakan kotor,https://subscene.com/ +"However, his actions wereultimately based","Tapi, tindakannya itu selalu berdasar",https://subscene.com/ +To avenge him bydestroying the village,Menghancurkan desa hanya untuk balaskan dendamnya,https://subscene.com/ +people whose pasts are connectedto the Foundation,orang-orang yang terlibat dengan Akar di masa lalu,https://subscene.com/ +"So, if there are still othersliving under this curse,","Karena itu, kalau masih ada seseorang yang hidup di bawah kutukan itu,",https://subscene.com/ +"It's my duty, as someonewho was liberated in the past.","Itu sudah jadi tugas bagiku, seseorang yang pernah dibebaskan di masa lalu!",https://subscene.com/ +"- Avenge the Foundation in my place.- You understand, don't you, Sumire?",Gantikan aku untuk balaskan dendam Akar!,https://subscene.com/ +Well done.,"Kau bisa menghindarinya, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Stay on your guard.,Jangan lengah.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maaf.,https://subscene.com/ +"As long as I'm around,nothing bad will happen to you.","Selama ada aku, takkan ada hal buruk yang terjadi padamu.",https://subscene.com/ +Nu…e…,Nue.,https://subscene.com/ +Y-Yes…,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Nue…,Nue.,https://subscene.com/ +through chakra gatheredin an intermediary.,dengan gunakan chakra yang sudah dikumpulkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"the village will be wrecked, ya know!",desanya akan hancur!,https://subscene.com/ +"What can you do,if you go there?","Kalau kau pergi ke sana, apa yang bisa kaulakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +But I ain't believin' anything untilI talk to the Class Rep myself!,"Pokoknya, aku takkan memercayai semua ini sebelum berbicara dengan ketua kelas!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm a little occupied right now.,Sekarang aku sedang sibuk.,https://subscene.com/ +Why now?,Kenapa sekarang?,https://subscene.com/ +Mission accepted.,Misi diterima.,https://subscene.com/ +to eliminate Sumire Shigaraki.,adalah untuk lenyapkan Sumire Shigaraki.,https://subscene.com/ +It's all right.,Tidak.,https://subscene.com/ +It's coming!,Dia datang!,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Sixth?!,Hokage Keenam?,https://subscene.com/ +"First, create a diversion, please.","Pertama, alihkan perhatiannya terlebih dulu.",https://subscene.com/ +Ninja Art: Super Beast Scroll!,Ninpou:,https://subscene.com/ +– Multi Mud Wall!– Multi Mud Wall!,Tajuu,https://subscene.com/ +M-My strength is…,Ke-Kekuatanku...,https://subscene.com/ +This isn't good.,Ini gawat.,https://subscene.com/ +I wouldn't get any closerif I were you.,"Kalau aku jadi kau, aku takkan dekati monster itu.",https://subscene.com/ +It's just likeThe Ghost incidents.,Ini mirip seperti insiden hantu waktu itu.,https://subscene.com/ +the chakra of everyone inthe village will be extracted.,chakra semua orang yang ada di desa ini akan terserap.,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, what're we gonna do?!","Sial, apa yang harus kita lakukan?",https://subscene.com/ +"If the jutsu user dies,Nue will stop.","Kalau pengguna tekniknya mati, Nue tersebut akan berhenti mengamuk.",https://subscene.com/ +You don't mean—?!,Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +The lives of your family andthe village…or the Class Rep.,"Nyawa keluargamu dan seluruh warga desa, atau nyawa ketua kelas.",https://subscene.com/ +I don't even…,"Soal itu,",https://subscene.com/ +I'll save both sides!,Aku akan selamatkan semuanya!,https://subscene.com/ +That's an answeryou wouldn't hear from me.,Aku takkan bisa berikan jawaban seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +You show me choicesthat I wouldn't make.,Kau berikan jawaban yang takkan bisa kupilih.,https://subscene.com/ +I want you to show me moreabout our differences.,Aku ingin kau perlihatkan padaku perbedaan kita.,https://subscene.com/ +What have you been tryingto say since earlier?,"Kau itu dari tadi bicara apa, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +I'll control myself.,Aku akan menahan diri.,https://subscene.com/ +I must get rid of the source.,Aku harus singkirkan sumbernya.,https://subscene.com/ +What do you mean by ordered?,Apa maksudmu diperintahkan?,https://subscene.com/ +"At the very least, I feel this isthe best choice right now.","Setidaknya, kurasa itulah pilihan yang terbaik untuk saat ini.",https://subscene.com/ +W-Wait!,Tu-Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sorry, but untilmy real self finishes its task,","Maaf, tapi sampai diriku yang asli selesaikan misi ini,",https://subscene.com/ +L-Like I'd let you!,Takkan kubiarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +always has a shadow clone!,...tetaplah klona!,https://subscene.com/ +Oww…!,Aduh.,https://subscene.com/ +You said to do it.,Kau yang bilang jangan ragu-ragu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, I can't hang around here.","Sial, aku tak bisa terus berada di sini.",https://subscene.com/ +But where is she?!,"Tapi, di mana dia?",https://subscene.com/ +Could it be…?,Jangan-jangan...,https://subscene.com/ +Is it because it absorbed chakra?,Apa karena sudah serap chakra?,https://subscene.com/ +Let's give it one last push.,Kita tahan sekali lagi!,https://subscene.com/ +Barrier Team!,Tim Penghalang!,https://subscene.com/ +All right!,Sip!,https://subscene.com/ +I guess we're going to have totake this thing on ourselves.,Kurasa kita harus kalahkan monster ini sendiri.,https://subscene.com/ +I wish we could borrow some powerfrom Choji and the others…,kuharap aku bisa pinjam kekuatan Choji dan yang lainnya.,https://subscene.com/ +H-Hey!,Ka-Kau...,https://subscene.com/ +Shikamaru and the others are on it.,"Bagian itu, Shikamaru dan yang lainnya yang memimpin.",https://subscene.com/ +"Wait, Naruto!","Tunggu, Naruto!",https://subscene.com/ +SEVENTHThat thing absorbs chakra.,Monster itu serap chakra.,https://subscene.com/ +it'll be beyond our control.,monster itu takkan bisa dikendalikan lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +the chakra that's stored inside Nue.,chakra yang disimpan dalam tubuh Nue.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you saying Nue isa giant bomb?!,"Maksudmu, Nue ini adalah sebuah bom?",https://subscene.com/ +The user of the Gozu Tennouwould be sent,Pengguna Gozu Tennou akan dikirim,https://subscene.com/ +"and then, he would blow himself up alongwith everyone in the vicinity.",kemudian dia akan ledakkan diri bersama orang-orang di sekitarnya.,https://subscene.com/ +I want you to jointhe Barrier Team.,Aku ingin kau gabung dengan Tim Penghalang.,https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I get it.",Aku tahu.,https://subscene.com/ +"They put up a barrier, after all.","Sudah kuduga, mereka ciptakan penghalang.",https://subscene.com/ +Should I detonate?,Apa aku harus meledakkannya?,https://subscene.com/ +Just a little more…,Sedikit lagi...,https://subscene.com/ +Nue will be complete.,Nue akan siap diledakkan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Not really, Mitsuki.","Tak juga, Mitsuki.",https://subscene.com/ +Hiding is my specialty.,Bersembunyi adalah keahlianku.,https://subscene.com/ +I did a little prepping.,aku lakukan sedikit persiapan.,https://subscene.com/ +Are you going to kill me?,Apa kau ingin membunuhku?,https://subscene.com/ +"It's an order,so I have no choice.","Ini perintah, aku tak punya pilihan lain.",https://subscene.com/ +"So, who do you work under?",Kau bekerja pada siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +I'm sorry.,Maafkan aku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Stop it, Mitsuki!","Hentikan, Mitsuki!",https://subscene.com/ +Class Rep…,Ketua Kelas.,https://subscene.com/ +The Ghost that only I could see…,Hantu yang hanya bisa kulihat.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you really were the only onewho could see Nue, after all.","Sudah kuduga, ternyata hanya kau yang bisa lihat Nue.",https://subscene.com/ +It was all for the purposeof manifesting Nue,Tujuannya adalah untuk bangkitkan Nue,https://subscene.com/ +And what aboutWasabi and Namida?,"Lalu, bagaimana dengan Wasabi dan Namida?",https://subscene.com/ +It doesn't matter to me.,Aku tak peduli.,https://subscene.com/ +and why I've lived until now.,dan alasan aku hidup sampai sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +And this is the proof.,Dan inilah buktinya.,https://subscene.com/ +What your dad couldn't do…?,Yang tak bisa dilakukan ayahmu?,https://subscene.com/ +You guys are too extreme!,Kalian sudah keterlaluan!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I'm not gonna let you!",Takkan kubiarkan!,https://subscene.com/ +Are you going to stop meby killing me here?,Apa kau akan hentikanku dan membunuhku di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +I knew it would turn out like this.,Sudah kuduga pasti akan seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +That's why I told you…,"Sudah kubilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Stop…,Hentikan.,https://subscene.com/ +Stop!,Hentikan!,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto…,Boruto.,https://subscene.com/ +Do you really wantto kill each other?!,Apa kalian benar-benar ingin saling bunuh satu sama lain?,https://subscene.com/ +What?,Apa?,https://subscene.com/ +Transportation Ninjutsu?,Ninjutsu Ruang Waktu?,https://subscene.com/ +What the hell is going on?,Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi?,https://subscene.com/ +Take my chakra.,Terimalah chakra-ku.,https://subscene.com/ +Wait.,Tunggu!,https://subscene.com/ +I nurtured it especially for revenge.,Aku pelihara monster ini agar bisa lakukan balas dendam.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, Class Rep…","Eh, Ketua Kelas.",https://subscene.com/ +I attacked the Leaf Village.,Aku serang desa Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +Your parents thought that!,Itu pemikiran kedua orang tuamu!,https://subscene.com/ +Next time on BorutoNaruto Next Generations:,"Selanjutnya di Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,",https://subscene.com/ +Round Three consists ofindividual matches!,Ujian tahap ketiga adalah pertarungan individu!,https://subscene.com/ +No…way…,Tak mungkin.,https://subscene.com/ +"That didn't work either, huh?","Belum kena juga, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Are you nervous?,Apa kau gugup?,https://subscene.com/ +Shall we call it a match?,Apa bisa kuanggap kalau pertarungan kita sudah selesai?,https://subscene.com/ +Piece of cake!,Mudah sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"So, you've seen him?",Apa pertemuanmu dengannya sudah selesai?,https://subscene.com/ +"The power of Sasuke Uchiha'sSharingan, that is…",Kekuatan Sharingan Sasuke Uchiha jauh lebihi bayanganmu.,https://subscene.com/ +He killed Itachi…,Dia sudah bunuh Itachi.,https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke…the disgrace ofthe proud Uchiha.,Sasuke sudah permalukan kehormatan Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll contact you againif I learn anything new.,"Kalau ada kabar lagi, aku akan hubungimu.",https://subscene.com/ +"In any case,","Yang jelas,",https://subscene.com/ +"I'm leaving a Shadow Clone herein the village,","Aku akan tinggalkan Klona Bayangan di desa,",https://subscene.com/ +"For such a tiny ember,it's flared up too big now.",Api kecil itu sekarang jadi api besar.,https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Take care of thingsin the village for me.,Kuserahkan segala hal di desa padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Sorry to keep you waiting…,Maaf buatmu menunggu.,https://subscene.com/ +I…saw it too.,Aku juga melihatnya.,https://subscene.com/ +Bring me his daughter.,Bawalah putrinya ke sini.,https://subscene.com/ +"who's wearing the Uchiha crest,just like you.",dan yang punya lambang Uchiha sama sepertimu.,https://subscene.com/ +The food in the lunch box is gonnaget all mixed up,"Kalau kau lari seperti itu, bekalnya",https://subscene.com/ +Though the same thing's gonna happenonce you eat it…,Sama seperti setelah kau memakannya.,https://subscene.com/ +"Besides, what's the point of all thisif he doesn't get to eat it?!","Selain itu, apa gunanya kalau dia tak memakannya?",https://subscene.com/ +"If you can't run,I'll roll you if I have to!","Kalau kau tak bisa lari, aku akan gelindingkanmu, lo!",https://subscene.com/ +Those eyes…,Mata itu...,https://subscene.com/ +Shin Uchiha.,Shin Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +Come with me…,Ikutlah denganku!,https://subscene.com/ +My father said…to bring you.,Ayahku memerintahkanku untuk membawamu.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm taking you away.,Aku akan menculikmu.,https://subscene.com/ +Cho-Cho!,Chocho!,https://subscene.com/ +You aren't needed.,Kau tak dibutuhkan.,https://subscene.com/ +for a kid's fight?,"untuk pertengkaran anak-anak, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I think my village's kids arewell-behaved but…,"Anak-anak dari desaku adalah anak yang baik, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +He treated me so roughly…,Dia perlakukanku dengan lembut.,https://subscene.com/ +I have some questions for you.,Ada banyak hal yang ingin kutanyakan padamu.,https://subscene.com/ +Then I can't go easy on you.,"Kalau begitu, aku takkan segan.",https://subscene.com/ +So that's your power.,"Jadi, itu adalah kekuatanmu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Just a little.,Sedikit saja.,https://subscene.com/ +Is this what they say is insideLord Seventh's body?,Apa kita berada di dalam tubuh Hokage Ketujuh?,https://subscene.com/ +The Nine-Tails' power…,kekuatan Ekor-Sembilan.,https://subscene.com/ +What a real pain.,Benar-benar merepotkan.,https://subscene.com/ +And he controls it so accurately!,Dan dia bisa mengendalikannya dengan baik?,https://subscene.com/ +You're well trained.,Ternyata kau sudah dilatih dengan baik.,https://subscene.com/ +he's even more amazing whenyou see him in actual combat!,"tapi kalau melihatnya bertarung secara langsung, dia terlihat sangat hebat!",https://subscene.com/ +Could he be—?,Jangan-jangan...,https://subscene.com/ +"This is the power of the Nine Tailsof the Seventh Hokage,","Inikah kekuatan dari ninja terhebat dalam masanya,",https://subscene.com/ +To be able to see it with these eyesis an unexpected bonus.,Melihat hal sehebat ini adalah sebuah kehormatan.,https://subscene.com/ +You can't take him on yourself.,Kau takkan bisa mengalahkannya sendirian.,https://subscene.com/ +The Transportation Technique?,Ninjutsu Ruang Waktu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Could you be my real dad,Lord Seventh?","Jangan-jangan, Tn. Hokage Ketujuh adalah papaku yang sebenarnya?",https://subscene.com/ +What's going on?,"Jadi, sebenarnya ada apa, sih?",https://subscene.com/ +"This journey was all aboutfinding my dad, but…","Perjalanan ini kan tujuannya buat cari papaku, tapi...",https://subscene.com/ +No.,Bukan begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +It's probably Sarada they're after.,Kemungkinan besar Sarada-lah yang diincar.,https://subscene.com/ +They said they were Uchiha…,Mereka bilang mereka dari klan Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +I'll protect you.,Aku yang akan lindungimu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Both of you, come with me!","Kalian berdua, ikut saja denganku!",https://subscene.com/ +"Actually, I'm on my way to meetwith Sasuke","Sebenarnya, aku sedang dalam perjalanan untuk temui Sasuke",https://subscene.com/ +I know he'll probably be happyto see you too!,Aku yakin dia pasti akan bahagia saat melihatmu nanti!,https://subscene.com/ +Oh?,Oh?,https://subscene.com/ +That was delicious.,Makanannya enak.,https://subscene.com/ +"Oh no, please thank Boruto instead.","Ah tidak, Anda seharusnya berterima kasih pada Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada's dad, huh…","Papanya Sarada, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Did Choji go somewhere?,Apa Choji sedang pergi ke suatu tempat?,https://subscene.com/ +"I've never met him, even once.","Aku belum pernah sekali pun bertemu dengannya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +That's right…,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +Let's see here…,Benar juga.,https://subscene.com/ +He was always popular with the kunoichiat the Academy…just like me.,Selalu populer di kalangan ninja wanita di akademi sama sepertiku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Plus, he was always gotthe top grade in ninjutsu…just like me.","Ditambah, dia selalu dapat nilai paling tinggi kalau soal Ninjutsu, sama sepertiku.",https://subscene.com/ +Sounds suspect…,"Rasanya kok janggal, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +In other words…,"Dengan kata lain,",https://subscene.com/ +And that stands even now!,Sampai sekarang pun masih sama!,https://subscene.com/ +Watching you earlier…,"Melihatmu tadi,",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +But your presence is a lotlike Sakura.,"Tapi auramu sih, mirip Sakura banget.",https://subscene.com/ +Don't worry.,Jangan cemas.,https://subscene.com/ +it doesn't change the factthat you're his daughter.,"Fakta kalau kalian ayah dan anak, takkan berubah.",https://subscene.com/ +"Your face is mirror of Karui's,","Wajahmu itu persis Karui,",https://subscene.com/ +Makes me wanna eat meat buns.,Membuatku jadi ingin makan roti daging.,https://subscene.com/ +– When I'm with Lord Seventh…– Are you okay?,Saat bersama Hokage Ketujuh...,https://subscene.com/ +I was asked to attendthe Feudal Lord's banquet.,Ibu diundang menghadiri perjamuan Daimyo.,https://subscene.com/ +What a drag!,"Merepotkan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I have to go and support Gaara.,Soalnya Ibu harus bantu Gaara.,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Enchu.,Tn. Enchu.,https://subscene.com/ +You are the Hokage's chief aide.,Kau itu juga asistennya Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +I'd be totally out of placeat a banquet.,"Aku itu tak pantas hadiri acara semacam itu, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +when you two were to be married?,waktu pernikahan kalian?,https://subscene.com/ +that you were an unworthy upstartwho stole their princess!,menganggap kalau dirimu tak pantas mempersunting putri mereka!,https://subscene.com/ +Please don't get offendedover such a thing.,"Jangan termakan berita hoaks begitu, dong.",https://subscene.com/ +"If I knew thingswould be like this,","Kalau tahu akan jadi seperti ini,",https://subscene.com/ +It's because of that attitude thatyour son's been adversely affected!,"Karena tingkah lakumu itu, anakmu juga jadi ikut-ikutan!",https://subscene.com/ +"After the last Great War, many ofour clansmen retired from active service.","Setelah Perang Dunia Ninja, banyak anggota klan kita yang pensiun dari pemerintahan.",https://subscene.com/ +But I will take on that burden.,Tapi aku akan emban semua itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Sir.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +Don't become like your father.,"Jangan jadi laki-laki seperti ayahmu, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +I didn't know you were home.,"Kau sudah pulang, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Dad, I…","Ayah, aku...",https://subscene.com/ +Just do things at your own pace.,Lakukan saja semuanya sesuai kemampuanmu.,https://subscene.com/ +We messed up again because ofhis Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.,Lagi-lagi Teknik Pengikat Bayangan membuat misi gagal.,https://subscene.com/ +That's four mess-ups in a row.,"Sudah keempat kalinya, dong?",https://subscene.com/ +You've been oddly obsessedwith that jutsu lately.,"Akhir-akhir ini kau begitu terobsesi menggunakan Teknik Pengikat Bayangan, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +You used to leave most ofthis stuff to me and Cho-Cho.,Bisanya kau serahkan hal semacam itu padaku atau Chocho.,https://subscene.com/ +That's not true.,"Itu tak benar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +"Your mom's Lord Kazekage'solder sister, right?","Karena ibunya Shikadai itu kakaknya Kazekage, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +What's that mean?,Apa-apaan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Right now, I havethe Shadow Paralysis Jutsu.",Saat ini aku hanya punya Teknik Pengikat Bayangan.,https://subscene.com/ +"Man, I'm jealous","Bikin iri, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +My family doesn't haveanything like that.,Keluargaku tak punya teknik semacam itu.,https://subscene.com/ +There's just too much emphasison obligation.,Ada unsur paksaannya.,https://subscene.com/ +My family's no fun either.,"Keluargaku pun juga bikin repot, kok.",https://subscene.com/ +so there's a lot of pressure on me.,tekanan yang diberikan padaku sangat besar!,https://subscene.com/ +"In other words,we're in the same position.","Pada akhirnya kalau sudah begini,",https://subscene.com/ +Observers from the Land of Windwill be here soon.,"Para pengamat dari Negara Angin sebentar lagi akan tiba, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +To examine the Hidden Leaf Village'selectric power technology.,"Katanya, mereka mau mempelajari teknologi tenaga listrik milik Desa Konoha.",https://subscene.com/ +A power plant?,Pembangkit listrik?,https://subscene.com/ +Things are going tobe pretty hectic for a while.,"Jadi, untuk sementara waktu tempat itu akan lumayan ramai.",https://subscene.com/ +We'll be on standby.,Bersiaga.,https://subscene.com/ +"If anything happens,we have to be ready to jump into action.","Yang jelas, kita siap bertindak kalau terjadi sesuatu.",https://subscene.com/ +I see.,Begitu rupanya.,https://subscene.com/ +How come you're all looking at me?,Kenapa malah lihat ke arahku?,https://subscene.com/ +Our team is the only oneon standby.,"Sepertinya, hanya tim kita yang ditugaskan bersiaga.",https://subscene.com/ +"Well, we just have to keepdoing our best to win back their trust.","Ya, untuk sekarang, kita perlu berusaha agar bisa dipercaya lagi.",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it!,Sial!,https://subscene.com/ +Lord Enchu?,Tn. Enchu?,https://subscene.com/ +Why did you do that?,Kenapa Anda lakukan itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"You seem to be trying your best,but at this rate,","Sepertinya kau sudah berusaha keras,",https://subscene.com/ +"In fact, you'll makeyour father lose face.","Dan itu juga akan permalukan Shikamaru, lo.",https://subscene.com/ +"Shikadai, go into politics.","Shikadai, jadilah politikus.",https://subscene.com/ +Study to become a politician?,Belajar untuk jadi politikus?,https://subscene.com/ +"Currently, Shikamaru is carryingthe weight of the entire Nara Clan alone…","Dalam situasi sekarang ini, hanya Shikamaru seorang yang memikul beban klan Nara.",https://subscene.com/ +"It seems you're making an effort,","Sepertinya kau sudah berusaha keras,",https://subscene.com/ +It's just like shogi.,Ini sama seperti shogi.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hence, you must use your pieceswisely to topple an opponent.",Bidak harus digunakan secara bijak untuk taklukkan lawan.,https://subscene.com/ +I will make the arrangements.,Akan kuurus semuanya.,https://subscene.com/ +It's all so sudden…,Kalau tiba-tiba begini...,https://subscene.com/ +You can continue being one.,Silakan diteruskan.,https://subscene.com/ +"For now, go and studyfor two years.","Untuk sekarang, belajarlah selama dua tahun.",https://subscene.com/ +What do you say?,Bagaimana?,https://subscene.com/ +will you stop meddlingwith my father from now on?,bisakah Anda berhenti campuri urusan ayahku?,https://subscene.com/ +"But, what are you doing here?",Tapi sedang apa Papa di sini?,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto did?,Boruto yang bilang?,https://subscene.com/ +"Uh… Well, um…","Ah, eh, itu...",https://subscene.com/ +"I really wasn't expecting youto come home today, Dad!",Aku tak sangka Papa akan pulang hari ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"After all, today is—","Habisnya, hari ini...",https://subscene.com/ +so I stopped by.,"Jadi, aku singgah sebentar.",https://subscene.com/ +Daddy! Please!,"Papa, eh...",https://subscene.com/ +"Yay! Thanks, Daddy!","Hore, terima kasih, Papa!",https://subscene.com/ +Do you want one?,Mau kubelikan?,https://subscene.com/ +It's the same color asyour glasses and outfit.,Warnanya sama dengan kacamata dan bajumu.,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, I don't hate it, but…","Aku tak membencinya, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +There was a stall that wasselling chilled tomatoes—,Di sana ada kedai yang jual tomat pedas...,https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +I coulda sworn this place is…,"Kalau tak salah, tempat ini...",https://subscene.com/ +Get on.,Naiklah.,https://subscene.com/ +Something bothering you?,Kau kesusahan?,https://subscene.com/ +"It's probably from traveling aloneall the time,","Gara-gara berkelana sendirian sepanjang waktu,",https://subscene.com/ +"But, your Visual Prowess stillhas a ways to go.",Tapi Teknik Matamu juga perlu ikut diasah lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +"You possess the Mangekyo Sharingan,","Meskipun kau punya Mangekyo Sharingan,",https://subscene.com/ +What's that?,Apa itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"MAKE-OUT TACTICSFor me these days, this is likea guidebook to life.","Hingga sekarang, buku ini sudah seperti panduan hidup bagiku.",https://subscene.com/ +Sasuke Uchiha.,Sasuke Uchiha.,https://subscene.com/ +By the way…,Omong-omong...,https://subscene.com/ +She's exceptionally talented.,Dia anak yang berbakat.,https://subscene.com/ +"I'm sure she'll face many hardships,","Pastinya dia akan hadapi banyak cobaan,",https://subscene.com/ +"As her father, huh?","Sebagai ayahnya, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +What did you say?,Apa maksudmu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Did you say bad ""parasites""?!","Serangga jahat, katamu?",https://subscene.com/ +no such thing as a bad insect!,tak ada yang jahat!,https://subscene.com/ +Hey!,Oi!,https://subscene.com/ +About earlier…,Mengenai yang tadi...,https://subscene.com/ +In order to close the distancebetween you…,Untuk mendekatkan diri,https://subscene.com/ +"Do your best, Big Brother!","Berjuanglah ya, Kakak!",https://subscene.com/ +"If you haven't forgotten the thingsyou've learned until today,","Kalau kau masih ingat dengan apa yang kau pelajari sampai sekarang,",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, I know!","Ya, aku tahu!",https://subscene.com/ +"Okay, I'll be going, ya know!","Baiklah, aku berangkat!",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, here they come!","Oh, mereka datang.",https://subscene.com/ +Right?,"Benar, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +I told you!,"Sudah kubilang, 'kan?",https://subscene.com/ +Looks like everyone elseis here too.,"Sepertinya yang lain pun sudah datang, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Let's all do our best!,Mari berjuang!,https://subscene.com/ +None of them seem likethey're too eager.,"Sepertinya mereka terlalu bersemangat, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"Oh, all three of themhave the same face!","Ah, wajah ketiganya mirip!",https://subscene.com/ +Their names are…,Nama mereka...,https://subscene.com/ +Triplets?,"Kembar tiga, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Which team looksstrong to you, Iwabe?","Bagi Iwabe, tim mana yang kelihatannya kuat?",https://subscene.com/ +They look like they've gotsome hidden strengths.,Sepertinya mereka simpan suatu kekuatan yang hebat.,https://subscene.com/ +The Genbu Shinobi Triorepresenting the Hidden Stone!,"Perwakilan dari Desa Batu, ninja trio Genbu!",https://subscene.com/ +Calm down!,Tenanglah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Damn it, he alwaysgets so carried away!","Dasar, dia selalu saja terbawa suasana!",https://subscene.com/ +"What's going on, Shinki?","Ada apa, Shinki?",https://subscene.com/ +Let's go.,Ayo pergi.,https://subscene.com/ +Quiet!,Tolong tenang!,https://subscene.com/ +We will now begin,Dengan ini,https://subscene.com/ +The Hidden Leaf.,Desa Konoha.,https://subscene.com/ +The Hidden Mist.,Desa Kiri.,https://subscene.com/ +And the Hidden Sand.,Dan Desa Suna.,https://subscene.com/ +Good grief…,Ya ampun.,https://subscene.com/ +Exam One will begin promptlyat noon in Exam Venue A.,Ujian tahap pertama akan dimulai saat siang hari di Tempat Ujian A.,https://subscene.com/ +"Two Chunin ExamCheer burger combos, correct?","Dua hamburger besar penyemangat Ujian Chunin, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Burgers again? On a day like this?,Di saat seperti ini masih mau makan hamburger juga?,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, there's still timeuntil the first exam.","Ya, memang masih ada waktu sebelum ujian tahap pertama, sih.",https://subscene.com/ +"Yeah, but Mitsuki is late…","Tapi, Mitsuki lama banget, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +These guys were atthe opening ceremony…,"Kalau tak salah, mereka ikut upacara pembukaannya tadi.",https://subscene.com/ +It's only natural,Bukankah wajar,https://subscene.com/ +We have three too.,"Kami juga bertiga, tahu.",https://subscene.com/ +That's none of our concern.,Itu bukan urusan kami.,https://subscene.com/ +You can't be ninjaif you're slow like that.,"Kalau hal seperti ini saja kau telat berpikir, kau takkan bisa jadi ninja.",https://subscene.com/ +"No, Boruto!","Hentikan, Boruto!",https://subscene.com/ +Boruto?,Boruto?,https://subscene.com/ +You're the son ofthe Seventh Hokage…,"Kau putranya Hokage Ketujuh, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Who woulda thoughthe'd be such a weakling?,Siapa sangka kalau ternyata kelihatan lemah begini?,https://subscene.com/ +Huh?,Eh?,https://subscene.com/ +Who the hell are you?!,Kau ini siapa?,https://subscene.com/ +"Boruto, how are these guys—?","Boruto, menurutmu mereka ini seperti...",https://subscene.com/ +My body's…,Tubuhku...,https://subscene.com/ +That's enough.,Cukup sampai di situ.,https://subscene.com/ +What's with that cape?,Apa-apaan jubahnya itu?,https://subscene.com/ +"Sorry, our third member's here now.","Maaf, anggota ketiga kami sudah datang.",https://subscene.com/ +Whatever.,"Ya, sudahlah.",https://subscene.com/ +Um… Thank you!You were a big help.,"Anu, terima kasih sudah menolong.",https://subscene.com/ +Shinki's like that.,Shinki orangnya memang seperti itu.,https://subscene.com/ +Right!,Baik!,https://subscene.com/ +Who is he anyway?,Siapa dia itu?,https://subscene.com/ +Shinki…representingthe Hidden Sand Village.,"Shinki, perwakilan dari Desa Suna.",https://subscene.com/ +Seems he's the adopted sonof the Fifth Kazekage.,Sepertinya dia itu putra angkatnya Kazekage Kelima.,https://subscene.com/ +"He's just like you, Boruto.","Sama sepertimu dong, Boruto.",https://subscene.com/ +"It's him, huh—?","Dia, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Oh…,Oh!,https://subscene.com/ +It's been a long time.,"Sudah lama, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"I wanted to bring Kagura along,","Sebenarnya aku ingin ajak Kagura juga,",https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +"He's looking forward to seeingyou again, as a fellow chunin.",Dia ingin bertemu lagi denganmu sebagai sesama Chunin.,https://subscene.com/ +Kagura said that?,Kagura bilang begitu?,https://subscene.com/ +I see…,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Do your best too!,Kau juga berusahalah yang keras!,https://subscene.com/ +The Senka Tripletsfrom the Hidden Mist…,Tiga bersaudara Senka dari Desa Kiri.,https://subscene.com/ +Fine by me.,Bukan masalah buatku.,https://subscene.com/ +"Hey, there Tsuchikage!","Yo, Tsuchikage!",https://subscene.com/ +Same to you guys.,Kalian juga.,https://subscene.com/ +I wonder how many geninwill be worth watching this time.,"Kira-kira ada berapa Genin yang pantas jadi perhatian, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"but as a result, the numberof chunin has decreased.","tapi akibatnya, jumlah Chunin yang ada jadi berkurang.",https://subscene.com/ +"By the way, is Gaara,the Kazekage not coming?","Oh ya, apa Kazegake Gaara takkan datang?",https://subscene.com/ +He should be on his way now.,Seharusnya dia sedang menuju ke sini sekarang.,https://subscene.com/ +It's about to start.,Langsung kita mulai saja.,https://subscene.com/ +I will now announce the outlineof the first round.,Aku yang akan jelaskan ujian di tahap pertama ini.,https://subscene.com/ +a true or false quiz.,...kuis benar atau salah.,https://subscene.com/ +The question will be givenin Exam Venue B,Pertanyaannya akan diberikan di Tempat Ujian B,https://subscene.com/ +Any genin who does notarrive to the venue,Siapa pun Genin yang tak berhasil sampai di lokasi dalam waktu dua jam,https://subscene.com/ +"Furthermore, along the way,various traps have been laid.","Ditambah lagi, ada berbagai jebakan yang sudah disiapkan di sepanjang perjalanannya.",https://subscene.com/ +– you're disqualified as well.– Boruto! Look!,"Boruto, lihat!",https://subscene.com/ +"Any team who is late,even by a second, will be—","Tim mana pun yang terlambat meski hanya sedetik saja, akan...",https://subscene.com/ +Your explanation itself is a trap.,Penjelasanmu itu juga merupakan jebakan.,https://subscene.com/ +At least they canfigure out that much.,Setidaknya mereka harus menyadarinya.,https://subscene.com/ +I would hope so.,Memang harus begitu.,https://subscene.com/ +It's our first joint exams ever…,"Padahal ini ujian pertama anaknya,",https://subscene.com/ +"This is an exam,and it's also a serious battle.",Ujian ini juga termasuk pertarungan serius.,https://subscene.com/ +Traps have been laid!,Sudah ada jebakan di sini.,https://subscene.com/ +Seems the time's cometo show them what we're made of.,"Sepertinya ini saatnya untuk tunjukkan kemampuan kita pada mereka, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Number 108 – Release!,第百八式・改,https://subscene.com/ +Jet black—!,Sayap...,https://subscene.com/ +What was he saying at the end?,"Yang terakhir tadi dia mau bicara apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +Nothing much we can say to losers…,Kita tak perlu pikirkan ucapan pecundang.,https://subscene.com/ +Those three!,Mereka bertiga...,https://subscene.com/ +These trapsaren't worth using this…,Aku tak perlu gunakan ini untuk jebakan seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +Then how about this?,Bagaimana dengan ini?,https://subscene.com/ +No need to showthe enemy our skills.,Kita tak perlu bongkar kemampuan kita pada musuh.,https://subscene.com/ +Easy!,Mudah!,https://subscene.com/ +"Let's go, Sazanami, Makinami.","Ayo, Sazanami, Makinami.",https://subscene.com/ +I'm ready anytime.,"Kapan pun, aku siap.",https://subscene.com/ +We made it withfive minutes to spare.,Kita berhasil sampai di lima menit terakhir.,https://subscene.com/ +Look at them withtheir unconcerned expressions!,Wajah mereka santai sekali!,https://subscene.com/ +"Well, the real exam starts now.","Ya, ujian sebenarnya baru dimulai sekarang.",https://subscene.com/ +will stand on the side they believeis the correct answer.,silakan berdiri di pilihan yang kalian anggap benar.,https://subscene.com/ +They sure preparedsome elaborate steps to this…,Mereka sampai siapkan acara yang merepotkan seperti ini.,https://subscene.com/ +"those who turn black, will fail.",yang gagal akan berubah jadi hitam.,https://subscene.com/ +"All right, here's the question.","Baiklah, ini pertanyaannya.",https://subscene.com/ +the following passwords appear:,"kata sandinya adalah,",https://subscene.com/ +True or false?,Benar atau salah?,https://subscene.com/ +Umm…What was it?!,"Anu, jawabannya apa, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +"Sarada, are you familiarwith that book?","Sarada, apa kau tahu tentang buku itu?",https://subscene.com/ +But the library only had up to,"Tapi, perpustakaan hanya punya",https://subscene.com/ +Who knew there was a fifth scroll…!,Tak kusangka ternyata ada jilid kelima.,https://subscene.com/ +I guess we'll just have togo by instinct.,Kurasa kali ini kita hanya akan gunakan insting kita masing-masing.,https://subscene.com/ +Damn it! We have to hurry upand decide or we'll fail!,"Sial, kita harus segera memutuskan, kalau tidak kita akan gagal!",https://subscene.com/ +Huh? What's up with that question?,"Ha, kenapa kau bertanya begitu?",https://subscene.com/ +"False, I think.",Kurasa dia akan menjawab salah.,https://subscene.com/ +I'm choosing a different path thanDad and I'll become the Hokage.,Aku pilih jalan yang berbeda dari papa dan akan jadi seorang Hokage.,https://subscene.com/ +Yes.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +This is fun!Thinking will get us nowhere.,"Ini menarik, kalau terus berpikir kita takkan bisa terus maju.",https://subscene.com/ +Time's up.,Waktu habis.,https://subscene.com/ +It's ink! A pool of ink!,"Tinta, itu kolam tinta!",https://subscene.com/ +Damn it…here?!,"Sial, kami gagal di sini?",https://subscene.com/ +"Those who turn black, will fail.",...yang gagal akan berubah jadi hitam.,https://subscene.com/ +Boruto!,Boruto!,https://subscene.com/ +We barely made it.,Hampir saja.,https://subscene.com/ +It didn't matterif we chose true or false.,Tak peduli kami pilih benar atau salah.,https://subscene.com/ +There was never reallya fifth volume at all.,Sudah kuduga buku jilid kelima itu memang tak pernah ada.,https://subscene.com/ +That's what he said.,Itulah yang guru katakan.,https://subscene.com/ +You pass if you didn't fall intothe pool of ink.,"Kalau kita tak jatuh ke dalam kolam tinta, kita akan lulus.",https://subscene.com/ +Man… It's exactly the kindacrappy test my dad would think up.,"Ya ampun, ujian dari ayah ternyata cukup menakutkan.",https://subscene.com/ +Some looked atthe approaching pool of ink,Beberapa orang lihat ke kolam tinta yang semakin dekat,https://subscene.com/ +and just chose to letthe ink stain them.,lalu biarkan tubuh mereka basah oleh tinta.,https://subscene.com/ +The real purpose of the first test…,Tujuan sebenarnya dari ujian pertama ini,https://subscene.com/ +Those who did not fall into the inkmade the right choice.,Murid yang tak jatuh ke dalam kolam tinta sudah memilih pilihan yang tepat.,https://subscene.com/ +Round Two is in three days.,Tahap kedua akan berlangsung tiga hari lagi.,https://subscene.com/ +Of course!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +"Right, Boruto?","Ya 'kan, Boruto?",https://subscene.com/ +For sure!,Tentu saja!,https://subscene.com/ +You were helplesswithout the other two.,"Tanpa mereka berdua, kau tak bisa apa-apa.",https://subscene.com/ +Shinki? What's the matter?,"Shinki, ada apa?",https://subscene.com/ +"Yes, it seems he didn't havean opportunity to use it this time.","Ya, sepertinya kali ini dia tak punya kesempatan untuk gunakan alat itu.",https://subscene.com/ +I see.,"Begitu, ya.",https://subscene.com/ +Yeah.,Ya.,https://subscene.com/ +He's exhausted.Let's let him sleep.,"Dia kelelahan, biarkan saja dia tidur.",https://subscene.com/ +Congratulations on passingthe First Round!,Selamat karena sudah berhasil lewati ujian tahap pertama!,https://subscene.com/ +An email?,"Surel, ya?",https://subscene.com/ +You just watch…,Lihat saja.,https://subscene.com/ +"And I'll make you acknowledge me,no matter what!","Apa pun yang terjadi, akan kubuat kau akui diriku ini!",https://subscene.com/ +we just have to make it throughthe Second Round!,kita hanya perlu lewati ujian tahap kedua ini!,https://subscene.com/ +and proceed on the pathto becoming the Hokage!,dan buka jalan untuk jadi seorang Hokage!,https://subscene.com/ +You don't have to remind me.,Kau tak perlu ingatkan hal itu padaku.,https://subscene.com/ +"""The Reason I Can't Lose""",Alasan untuk Tak Boleh Kalah!,https://subscene.com/