%%use_module(library(pio)). :- use_module(library(date)). :- include('mindreadtestshared'). :- include('../Text-to-Breasonings/texttobr2qb.pl'). %%sectest0 :- %%repeat,sectest,sectest0. sectest(S) :- sectest(7,0,S). sectest(0,S,S):-!. sectest(N,S1,S2):- writeln(["The computer will think of one of the following thoughts when I let you know."]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), writeln(["characterbreasoner"]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), writeln(["1451"]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), writeln(["texttobr2"]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), writeln(["daily_regimen_meditation"]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), writeln(["list_prolog_interpreter"]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), /** writeln(["adrian"]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), **/ writeln(["The computer will think of one of the following thoughts in 5 seconds.", "characterbreasoner","1451","texttobr2","daily_regimen_meditation","list_prolog_interpreter"/**,"adrian" **/ ]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), writeln(["Now"]), sleep(1), random_member(A,["characterbreasoner","1451","texttobr2","daily_regimen_meditation","list_prolog_interpreter" /**,"adrian" **/ ]), %%texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display black border texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(5), writeln(["Think of the object the computer thought of in 1 second.", "characterbreasoner","1451","texttobr2","daily_regimen_meditation","list_prolog_interpreter"/**,"adrian" **/ ]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(1), %% Test thought here. %%writeln(["Now"]), %%get_time(TS),stamp_date_time(TS,T,local),writeln([dateandtime,T]), trialy2_15("characterbreasoner",R1), trialy2_15("1451",R2), trialy2_15("texttobr2",R3), trialy2_15("daily_regimen_meditation",R4), trialy2_15("list_prolog_interpreter",R5), R=[R1,R2,R3,R4,R5],%%,R6,R7,R8,R9,R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15,R16,R17,R18,R19,R20,R21,R22,R23,R24,R25,R26,R27], sort(R,RA), reverse(RA,RB), RB=[[_,Item]|_Rest],writeln(["Computer thought",A,"You thought",Item]), texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display white background texttobr2(2), %% for 100 As for screen to display A sleep(15), N1 is N-1,(A=Item->S3 is S1+1;S3=S1), sectest(N1,S3,S2). %%read_string(user_input,1,_).