% ["Short Arguments","God Algorithm.txt",0,algorithms,"5. I prepared to ask why why was. I did this by stating that I knew the result of the God algorithm was why. First, I noticed the occurrence of the event. Second, I read the result of the God algorithm. Third, I worked out that the result explained the occurrence."] % * Third, I worked out that the result explained the occurrence. :-include('../listprologinterpreter/listprolog.pl'). % as [A,B] is to [[B],A], [c,d] is to X % test1(off,1,A). % data_to_alg([a,b],[[b],a],[c,d],A2). % A2=[[d],c] data_to_alg(Data1,Data2,Alg1,Alg2) :- % finds A=a, etc. and [A,B] data_to_alg1(Data1,[],_Vars1,[],Alg3), data_to_alg1(Data2,[],_Vars3,[],Alg4), % finds [[B],A] from A=a etc. and [[b],a] % [A,B],[c,d] interpretpart(match4,Alg3,Alg1,[],Vars2,_), % [[B],A] interpretpart(match4,Alg4,[v,sys1],Vars2,Vars4,_), % finds [[d],c] from [A,B], [[B],A] and [c,d] getvalue([v,sys1],Alg2,Vars4). data_to_alg1([],Vars,Vars,Alg,Alg) :- !. data_to_alg1(Data1,Vars1,Vars2,Alg1,Alg2) :- Data1=[Data2|Data3], (is_list(Data2)->%List=true;List=false), (data_to_alg1(Data2,Vars1,Vars3,[],Alg4), Alg5=Alg4,append(Alg1,[Alg5],Alg3)); (append(Vars1,[[[v,Data2],Data2]],Vars3), append(Alg1,[[v,Data2]],Alg3))), data_to_alg1(Data3,Vars3,Vars2,Alg3,Alg2),!. % if data2 is list, wrap its alg in []