% 2 4 23.pl % 42 algs :-include('26 3 23.pl'). %:-include('1 4 23.pl'). % 31. I prepared to connect the students' thoughts together. I did this by writing 50 breasonings per connection between sentences in philosophy. First, I constructed the train track. Second, I placed the train on it. Third, I let the train drive on the track. In this way, I prepared to connect the students' thoughts together by writing 50 breasonings per connection between sentences in philosophy. % distribute thoughts, find jump lists person1(anita). person1(john). person1(peter). person1(susan). person1(susie). person1(aaron). person1(hamilton). person1(albert). person1(bei-en). person1(heshan). person1(manaia). % connect_thoughts(A),writeln(A). % [[3,heshan],[12,albert],[21,albert],[30,aaron],[39,bei-en],[48,albert],[57,albert],[66,susan],[75,manaia],[84,susie],[93,anita]] connect_thoughts(L2) :- distribute_thoughts(L), find_jump_lists(L,L2). distribute_thoughts(L) :- findall(N,person1(N),N1), numbers(100,1,[],Ns), findall([N2,P],(member(N2,Ns),random_member(P,N1)),L). find_jump_lists(L1,L2) :- random_member(Start,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]), random_member(Jump,[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]), jump(Start,Jump,100,L1,[],L2). jump(Start,_Jump,Limit,_L1,L2,L2) :- Start >= Limit,!. jump(Start,Jump,Limit,L1,L21,L22) :- member([Start,Name],L1), append(L21,[[Start,Name]],L23), Start2 is Start+Jump, jump(Start2,Jump,Limit,L1,L23,L22),!. % 17 % 1a. I prepared to reassure Hamlet. I did this by holding the skull. First, the clown entertained me. Second, I was at the deathbed of the clown. Third, I held the skull of the clown when digging the grave for the girl. In this way, I prepared to reassure Hamlet by holding the skull. /* closer(0,0,0,1,2,0). true. closer(0,0,0,1,0.2,0). false. */ closer(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3) :- D1 is sqrt((X2-X1)^2+(Y2-Y1)^2), D2 is sqrt((X3-X1)^2+(Y3-Y1)^2), D1 < D2. % 11. I prepared to experience the art forms of God (the master). I did this by trusting God (the master). First, I trusted the art of the master. Second, I trusted the music of the master. Third, I trusted the architecture of the master. In this way, I prepared to experience the art forms of God (the master) by trusting God (the master). /* ?- house_cross_section([r1,r2,r3],[1,1.5],A). A = [[r1, 1], [r2, 1], [r3, 1]]. ?- house_cross_section([r1,r2,r3],[1,1.5],A). A = [[r1, 1.5], [r2, 1], [r3, 1]]. */ house_cross_section(Rs,Ls,A) :- findall([R,L],(member(R,Rs),random_member(L,Ls)),A). % 23 % 21. I prepared to scroll the text down and add a new conclusion at the vanishing point on the horizon. I did this by concluding a new conclusion from two conclusions. First, I read the first conclusion. Second, I read the second conclusion. Third, I wrote a third conclusion formed from the first clause in the first conclusion and the second clause in the second conclusion. In this way, I prepared to scroll the text down and add a new conclusion at the vanishing point on the horizon by concluding a new conclusion from two conclusions. setting1([ "( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ()", "^ ^ ^ ^ ^", ". . .. . . ... . .. . .", "( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ()", "^ ^ ^ ^ ^", ". . .. . . ... . .. . .", "( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ()", "^ ^ ^ ^ ^", ". . .. . . ... . .. . ."]). window_x(7). window_y(7). inkey_pic :- window_x(R), window_y(C), setting1(S), verify(S,X1,Y1), convert_to_matrix(S,X1,Y1,Matrix), tty_size(R1,_C), X is 1,%round(C/2), Y is R-2,%round(R/2), move(R1,C,R,1,X1,1,Y1,X,Y,Matrix). verify(Plane,X1,Y1) :- %length(Grid,Z1), %member(Plane,Grid), length(Plane,Y1), %forall(member(Plane1,Grid), %length(Plane1,Y1)), member(Line,Plane), string_length(Line,X1), forall(member(Line1,Plane), string_length(Line1,X1)). convert_to_matrix(Grid,X1,Y1,Matrix) :- %numbers(Z1,1,[],Zs), findall([X,Y,Char],(%member(Z,Zs), %get_item_n(Grid,Z,Plane), numbers(Y1,1,[],Ys), %findall(*,( member(Y,Ys), get_item_n(Grid,Y,Line), string_chars(Line,Chars), numbers(X1,1,[],Xs), %findall(*,( member(X,Xs), get_item_n(Chars,X,Char)),Matrix). move(R,Win_X,Win_Y,X_min,X_max,Y_min,Y_max,X,Y,Matrix) :- %tty_goto(X, Y), tty_put101(%'*', Win_X,Win_Y, R, X,Y,Matrix), %1 %write('*'),%, 1), read_key(Atom), (Atom=other->true; (move1(Win_X,Win_Y,X_min,X_max,Y_min,Y_max,Atom,X,Y,X1,Y1), move(R,Win_X,Win_Y,X_min,X_max,Y_min,Y_max,X1,Y1,Matrix))),!. move1(_Win_X,Win_Y,_X_min,_X_max,Y_min,_Y_max,up,X,Y,X,Y2) :- Y1 is Y-1, (Y1 is Y_min+3 ->Y2=Y;Y2=Y1). move1(_Win_X,_Win_Y,_X_min,_X_max,_Y_min,Y_max,down,X,Y,X,Y2) :-%trace, Y1 is Y+1, (Y1 is Y_max%+Win_Y%+1 ->Y2=Y;Y2=Y1). move1(_Win_X,_Win_Y,X_min,_X_max,_Y_min,_Y_max,left,X,Y,X2,Y) :- X1 is X-1, (X1 is X_min-1->X2=X;X2=X1). move1(Win_X,_Win_Y,_X_min,X_max,_Y_min,_Y_max,right,X,Y,X2,Y) :- X1 is X+1, (X1 is X_max-Win_X+1 ->X2=X;X2=X1). tty_put101(%C, Win_X,Win_Y, R,X,Y,Matrix) :- numbers(R,1,[],Rs), findall(_,(member(_,Rs),nl),_), Y1 is Y+1,%+2*Win_Y, X1 is X+Win_X, numbers(Y1,1,[],Ys), numbers(X1,X,[],Xs), findall(_,(member(Y2,Ys), findall(_,(member(X2,Xs),member([X2,Y2,C],Matrix), write(C)),_),writeln("")),_), %findall(_,(member(_,Xs),write(' ')),_), %write(C), Y11 is R-Win_Y,%Y,%Y1+1, numbers(Y11,1,[],Y1s), findall(_,(member(_,Y1s),nl),_). % 35 % ["Green, L 2021, Exploring opposites in Hamlet 4 of 4, Lucian Academy Press, Melbourne.","Green, L 2021",1,"COMPUTATIONAL ENGLISH % 31. I prepared to declare Hamlet a success. I did this by agreeing with Hamlet. First, I observed Hamlet avoid all the action. Second, I observed Hamlet avoid suicide. Third, I observed Hamlet avoid becoming a murderer. In this way, I prepared to declare Hamlet a success by agreeing with Hamlet. /* ?- evader(5,N1),writeln(N1). N1 = [[6, 6], [1, 6], [5, 2], [4, 3], [2, 1]]. ?- evader(6,N1),writeln(N1). false. ?- evader(5,N1),writeln(N1). N1 = [[3, 1], [3, 6], [3, 3], [5, 6], [3, 3]]. ?- evader(6,N1),writeln(N1). N1 = [[7, 3], [4, 7], [1, 1], [5, 1], [8, 5], [1, 6]]. */ evader(N,N1) :- evader(N,[],N1). evader(0,N1,N1) :- !. evader(N,N0,N1) :- random_member(X,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]), random_member(Y,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]), XM is X-1, XP is X+1, YM is Y+1, YP is Y+1, not(member([XM,YM],N0)), not(member([XM,Y],N0)), not(member([XM,YP],N0)), not(member([X,YM],N0)), not(member([X,YP],N0)), not(member([XP,YM],N0)), not(member([XP,Y],N0)), not(member([XP,YP],N0)), append(N0,[[X,Y]],N01), NN is N-1, evader(NN,N01,N1).