% 17 9 23 % 35-7=28 :-include('../Text-to-Breasonings/text_to_breasonings.pl'). % ["Fundamentals of Meditation and Meditation Indicators","FUNDAMENTALS OF MEDITATION by Lucian Green Hours Prayer 2 of 4.txt",0,algorithms,"11. I prepared to take care of the ducklings. /* ?- keep_on_explaining_until_it_makes_sense. That's good. Are there any areas of the idea you still don't understand? (y/n) |: y That's good. Are there any areas of the idea you still don't understand? (y/n) |: n */ keep_on_explaining_until_it_makes_sense :- texttobr2_1(1), writeln("That's good. Are there any areas of the idea you still don't understand? (y/n)"), read_string(user_input,"\n\r","\n\r",_,S), (S="y"->keep_on_explaining_until_it_makes_sense;true),!. /* ?- cycle_text("Good. Are there any further areas to mind map? (y/n)"). Good. Are there any further areas to mind map? (y/n) |: y Good. Are there any further areas to mind map? (y/n) |: n ?- cycle_text("I see. Are there any other things you'd like to mention to me? (y/n)"). I see. Are there any other things you'd like to mention to me? (y/n) |: y I see. Are there any other things you'd like to mention to me? (y/n) |: n ?- cycle_text("Well done. Are there any parts of language you are interested in? (y/n)"). Well done. Are there any parts of language you are interested in? (y/n) |: y Well done. Are there any parts of language you are interested in? (y/n) |: n ?- cycle_text("Do you believe in duckling love? Do you love me too? (y/n)"). Do you believe in duckling love? Do you love me too? (y/n) |: y */ cycle_text(Text) :- texttobr2_1(1), writeln(Text), read_string(user_input,"\n\r","\n\r",_,S), (S="y"->cycle_text(Text);true),!. % 28-8=20 % ["Short Arguments","Professor Algorithm.txt",0,algorithms,"9. I prepared to say it encouragingly. I did this by performing the verb. First, I loved you. Second, I loved it. Third, I wanted it."] /* ?- verb(Object,Adjective,Verb,Adverb,Room,Part_of_room,Direction,Time_to_do,Time_to_finish). Object = book, Adjective = intelligent, Verb = read, Adverb = studiously, Room = library, Part_of_room = (table), Direction = n, Time_to_do = [30, minutes], Time_to_finish = [40, minutes] ; Object = computer, Adjective = amazing, Verb = read, Adverb = carefully, Room = bedroom, Part_of_room = (table), Direction = n, Time_to_do = [60, minutes], Time_to_finish = [120, minutes] ; Object = project, Adjective = interesting, Verb = complete, Adverb = intricately, Room = living_room, Part_of_room = (table), Direction = n, Time_to_do = [120, minutes], Time_to_finish = [5, minutes] ; Object = model, Adjective = well_designed, Verb = construct, Adverb = thoughtfully, Room = kitchen, Part_of_room = (table), Direction = e, Time_to_do = [40, minutes], Time_to_finish = [10, minutes] ; Object = chemistry_set, Adjective = thought_provoking, Verb = make_molecule, Adverb = methodically, Room = exam, Part_of_room = (table), Direction = n, Time_to_do = [15, minutes], Time_to_finish = [0, minutes]. */ verb(book,intelligent,read,studiously,library,table,n,[30,minutes],[40,minutes]). verb(computer,amazing,read,carefully,bedroom,table,n,[60,minutes],[120,minutes]). verb(project,interesting,complete,intricately,living_room,table,n,[120,minutes],[5,minutes]). verb(model,well_designed,construct,thoughtfully,kitchen,table,e,[40,minutes],[10,minutes]). verb(chemistry_set,thought_provoking,make_molecule,methodically,exam,table,n,[15,minutes],[0,minutes]). % 20 - 6 - 1 luciancicd = 13 % ["Medicine","MEDICINE by Lucian Green Less Depression 3 of 4.txt",0,algorithms,"22. I prepared to prevent bullying by teaching pedagogy, medicine and meditation to give skills to complete tasks with positive functionalism. I did this by providing Brass service as breasonings currency. First, I found the brass instrument. Second, I pressed my lips next against the mouthpiece. Third, I played a note. In this way, I prepared to prevent bullying by teaching pedagogy, medicine and meditation to give skills to complete tasks with positive functionalism by providing Brass service as breasonings currency."] /* ?- distance_greater(0,0,14,15,9). false. ?- distance_greater(0,0,14,15,200). true. */ distance_greater(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,D) :- D >= sqrt((Y2-Y1)^2 + (X2-X1)^2). /* ?- distance_greater3d(0,0,0,14,15,0,9). false. ?- distance_greater3d(0,0,0,14,15,0,200). true. */ distance_greater3d(X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,D) :- D >= sqrt((Y2-Y1)^2 + (X2-X1)^2 + (Z2-Z1)^2). % lettering_spacing(10,3,S). lettering_spacing(L,N,S) :- S is L/N. % print_heading("Happy World",30,S). % S = " H a p p y W o r l d ". % print_heading("EXCELLENT!",40,S). % S = " E X C E L L E N T !". % print_heading("Lucian Green",18,S). % S = "L uc ia n Gr ee n". % print_heading("1.. 2... 3...",15,S). % S = "1.. 2. .. 3... ". :-include('../listprologinterpreter/la_maths.pl'). :-include('../listprologinterpreter/la_strings_string.pl'). print_heading(String,L,S) :- string_length(String,SL1), lettering_spacing(L,SL1,S1), numbers(SL1,1,[],SLN), string_strings(String,Strings), findall([SLN1,S2],(member(SLN2,SLN), get_item_n(Strings,SLN2,S2), SLN1 is floor(SLN2*S1)),S3), numbers(L,1,[],LN), findall(S5,(member(LN1,LN), (member([LN1,S4],S3)->S5=S4;S5=" ")),S6), findall(S7,(member(S8,S6),atom_string(S7,S8)),S9), string_chars(S,S9),!.