# Music Composer
Music Composer can help automate writing pop songs in three modes. It outputs the lyrics text file, the asc2mid text file, a meta music file and a MIDI music file.
1. Manual entry of form, lyrics, melody, harmony, instruments, parts that the melody plays in and parts that the harmony plays in.
2. Random generation of the creative choices.
3. Mind reading mode.
# Getting Started
Please read the following instructions on how to install the project on your computer for writing music.
# Prerequisites
* Please download and install SWI-Prolog for your machine at `https://www.swi-prolog.org/build/`.
* Requires asc2mid (http://www.archduke.org/midi/, compile with a C compiler before running.
gcc asc2mid.c -o asc2mid
* Call application "asc2mid").
* Optional: Search for and download backdated version 6.0.5 of GarageBand and AlterEgo singing voice synthesis plug-in for old GarageBand for Mac or on Windows (https://www.plogue.com/downloads.html).
# 1. Install manually
Download this repository, the List Prolog Interpreter Repository and the Mind Reader Repository.
# 2. Or Install from List Prolog Package Manager (LPPM)
* Download the LPPM Repository:
mkdir GitHub
cd GitHub/
git clone https://github.com/luciangreen/List-Prolog-Package-Manager.git
cd List-Prolog-Package-Manager
# Running
* In Shell:
`cd Music-Composer`
* Enter the following to enter creative choices manually:
* Enter the following to enter creative choices with rhythm manually:
* Note: In Rhythm entry mode, enter a maximum of n notes per lyric line, up to n melody and harmony notes, and n rhythm notes. The melody is truncated to the length of the vocal lyric line and the maximum vocal lyric line in vocal-less lines.
* Enter the following to generate 3-note progressions randomly:
* Enter the following to generate 4-note progressions randomly:
* Before running texttobr-based mind reader, think of two radio buttons put on recordings, put through with prayer, nut and bolt, quantum box prayer 1, 1, 0.5 cm and 1, 1, 0.5 cm.
* Follow instructions in https://github.com/luciangreen/Text-to-Breasonings/blob/master/Instructions_for_Using_texttobr(2).pl.txt when using texttobr, texttobr2 or mind reader to avoid medical problems.
* Please follow instructions in init.txt to initialise any new mind-reading algorithms.
* Enter the following to mind-read songs with 4-note progressions:
* Enter the following to *detailedly* mind-read songs with 4-note progressions:
* Running the algorithm
To generate the song:
To output the possible chord progressions from one note to another:
# Data files to stems
* Separate `song***.txt` files into stem files for each instrument (saved in the `stems` folder) by placing the data files in the `data_files` folder, and entering `['data_to_stems.pl'].` and `data_to_stems.`.
# Stems/data files to mid files
- you have converted the data files to stem files and need `.mid` files, or
- the file `song***.txt` is produced but the `.mid` file is not:
* Place the data files or stems in the `stems` folder, enter `['data_to_stems.pl'].` and `stems_to_mid.` and the `.mid` files will be saved in the `mid` folder.
# Convert meta to mid files
* Place `*_meta.txt` files in the `meta` folder, enter `['meta2mid.pl'].` and `meta2mid.` and the `*lyrics.txt`, `*.mid` and `*.txt` files will be saved in the `Music-Composer` folder.
* Run `meta2mid_r.` instead of `meta2mid.` to ask for a song-wide rhythm.
# Note on Mind Reader
Mind Reader is currently not configured to display screens and accurately mind read decisions. It detects vague, not exact thoughts.
* If necessary, repeat the "arem" mantra all the time while the mind reading computation is running to ensure the best results.
# Versioning
We will use SemVer for versioning.
# Authors
Lucian Green - Initial programmer - Lucian Academy
# License
I licensed this project under the BSD3 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details